text,label Περιμένω ακόμα την κάρτα μου;,11 Τι μπορώ να κάνω αν η κάρτα μου δεν έχει φτάσει ακόμα μετά από 2 εβδομάδες;,11 Περιμένω πάνω από μια εβδομάδα.Έρχεται ακόμα η κάρτα;,11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα μου ενώ βρίσκεται στη διαδικασία παράδοσης;,11 Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω αν θα πάρω την κάρτα μου ή αν χάσει;,11 Πότε μου στείλατε τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Έχετε πληροφορίες σχετικά με την κάρτα κατά την παράδοση;,11 Τι να κάνω αν δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Έχει το πακέτο με την κάρτα μου;,11 "Παραγγείλαμε την κάρτα μου, αλλά δεν είναι ακόμα εδώ",11 Γιατί η νέα μου κάρτα δεν έρχεται ακόμα;,11 "Δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα την κάρτα μου μετά από δύο εβδομάδες, χάθηκε;",11 Μπορείτε να παρακολουθείτε την κάρτα μου για μένα;,11 Υπάρχει τρόπος να παρακολουθείτε την παράδοση της κάρτας μου;,11 Έχει περάσει μια εβδομάδα από τότε που διέταξα την κάρτα μου και δεν είναι εδώ.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε?,11 Θα μπορέσω να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Δεν έχω την κάρτα μου σε 1 εβδομάδα.Πρέπει να ανησυχώ;,11 Πώς ξέρω πότε θα φτάσει η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Η νέα μου κάρτα δεν έχει παραδοθεί ακόμα στο σπίτι μου.Τι συμβαίνει?,11 Έχει περάσει μια εβδομάδα από τότε που μου δόθηκε μια κάρτα και δεν το κατάλαβα ακόμα.Πρέπει να περιμένω;,11 "Στην κάρτα που έρχεται, ποιες είναι οι πληροφορίες παρακολούθησης;",11 Ποια είναι η κατάσταση της παράδοσης της κάρτας μου;,11 Έχετε στείλει ακόμα την κάρτα μου;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν είναι ακόμα εδώ.,11 Πού είναι η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Έχει περάσει μια εβδομάδα από τότε που στείλατε την κάρτα μου και ακόμα δεν το έχω.,11 Πώς μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Πότε θα λάβω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Πότε θα λάβω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Ποια είναι η αναμενόμενη ημερομηνία παράδοσης για την κάρτα μου;,11 Υπάρχει αριθμός παρακολούθησης για την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Θα ήθελα να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου στείλατε.,11 Έχει χαθεί η κάρτα μου κατά την παράδοση;,11 Η νέα μου κάρτα δεν μπήκε.,11 Πού είναι η κάρτα που διέταξα πριν από 2 εβδομάδες;,11 Μπορώ να λάβω μια ενημέρωση στην κάρτα αντικατάστασης;,11 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να αποσταλεί μια νέα κάρτα;,11 Ποια είναι η παρακολούθηση στην κάρτα που στείλατε;,11 Δεν έχω λάβει την κάρτα μου και ανησυχώ ότι έχει χαθεί.,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει παραδοθεί ακόμα,11 Πρέπει να μάθω πού είναι η κάρτα που διέταξα.,11 Πού επρόκειτο να ταχυδρομηθεί η πιστωτική μου κάρτα;,11 "Παραγγείλαμε την κάρτα μου, αλλά δεν έχει παραδοθεί ακόμα",11 Είμαι σε θέση να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί δεν έχω λάβει τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Περιμένω ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα.,11 Η κάρτα μου έχει χαθεί;Περιμένω ακόμα να παραδοθεί.,11 Πρέπει να περιμένω να παραδοθεί η κάρτα μου;,11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω όταν η κάρτα μου θα παραδοθεί;,11 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω την κατάσταση της νέας μου κάρτας;,11 "Μια κάρτα μου έχει σταλεί, πώς μπορώ να την παρακολουθήσω;",11 Υπάρχει τρόπος να μπορέσω να επιταχύνω την κάρτα μου;,11 Τι μπορώ να κάνω για να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Γιατί δεν έχει έρθει η κάρτα μου ακόμα;,11 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω περιοδικά την παράδοση της κάρτας που στείλατε;,11 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος που η νέα μου κάρτα δεν έχει έρθει;,11 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να πάρω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Δεν έχω την κάρτα μου μετά από 1 εβδομάδα.Ποια είναι τα επόμενα βήματα μου;,11 "Ξέρω ότι παίρνω μια νέα κάρτα, αλλά θα ήθελα να μάθω πότε μπορώ να περιμένω να την λάβω.",11 Θέλω να μάθω τι συνέβη στη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Υπήρχε ένας τρόπος για μένα να παρακολουθείται για αυτό;,11 Περιμένω ακόμα την κάρτα μου.,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έφτασε.,11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Δεν έχω πάρει τη νέα μου κάρτα.,11 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να χρειαστεί για να φτάσει η νέα μου κάρτα στο ταχυδρομείο;Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν δεν το έλαβα ποτέ;,11 Θα πρέπει να περιμένω πολύ περισσότερο για να φτάσει η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Πώς να παρακολουθείτε την κάρτα που στείλατε,11 Πριν από 2 εβδομάδες διέταξα τη νέα μου κάρτα.Δεν είναι εδώ.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,11 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω την κατάσταση παράδοσης της κάρτας μου;,11 "Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει παραδοθεί ακόμα και ήταν μια εβδομάδα από τότε που το διέταξα, παρακαλώ βοηθήστε",11 Ποιος είναι ο αναμενόμενος χρόνος αναμονής για να λάβετε τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Πώς μπορώ να δω την πρόοδο της παράδοσης της κάρτας που στάλθηκε;,11 "Η κάρτα μου έπρεπε να φτάσει, αλλά δεν έχει;",11 Έχω παραγγείλει μια κάρτα και θα ήθελα να μάθω πώς να παρακολουθώ την πρόοδο της παράδοσης.,11 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να πάρω την κάρτα μου;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει εμφανιστεί ακόμα.,11 Η κάρτα που στείλατε έχει αριθμό παρακολούθησης;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έφτασε ακόμα στο ταχυδρομείο.Το διέταξα πριν από δύο εβδομάδες.Τι μπορώ να κάνω?,11 μέγιστο πόσες ημέρες παίρνουν το courier;,11 Υπάρχει λόγος που η νέα μου κάρτα δεν έχει φτάσει ακόμα;,11 "Περιμένω λίγο για την κάρτα μου, υπάρχει ένας τρόπος να μάθω πότε θα φτάσει;",11 Πώς μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την παράδοση της κάρτας μου;,11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε μόλις μου;,11 "Εάν παραγγείλαμε τη νέα μου κάρτα την περασμένη εβδομάδα, πόσο περισσότερο πρέπει να περιμένω να την λάβω;",11 "Τι συμβαίνει, πού είναι η νέα μου κάρτα;",11 Πού είναι η νέα μου κάρτα αν δεν την έχω λάβει ακόμα;,11 Πού είναι η κάρτα μου;,11 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Υπάρχει τρόπος να παρακολουθείτε την κάρτα μου;,11 Υπάρχει τρόπος να παρακολουθείτε τη νέα κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Περιμένω ακόμα την κάρτα μου.,11 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να λάβω τη νέα μου κάρτα που έχω ζητήσει πριν από 2 εβδομάδες;,11 Ποια είναι η λύση αυτού του προβλήματος,11 Θα μπορούσα να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα;,11 Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να παρακολουθώ την κάρτα μου;,11 Δεν πρέπει να είναι εδώ η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Υπάρχει λόγος που η νέα μου κάρτα δεν έχει φτάσει;,11 "Θα ήθελα να παρακολουθήσω μια κάρτα που μου έστειλε, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",11 Υπάρχει αριθμός παρακολούθησης για την κάρτα;,11 Μπορείτε να μοιραστείτε τον αριθμό παρακολούθησης καρτών;,11 "Δεν έχω λάβει την κάρτα μου και ήταν μια εβδομάδα, τι πρέπει να κάνω;",11 Υπάρχει τρόπος να ελέγξω την κάρτα στη διαδρομή προς μένα;,11 Πότε θα φτάσει η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Γιατί δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Ποια είναι η αναμενόμενη ημερομηνία παράδοσης της κάρτας μου;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει έρθει ακόμα στο ταχυδρομείο;,11 Δεν έχω λάβει την κάρτα μου.,11 Είναι δυνατόν για μένα να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα μου ταχυδρομήθηκε;,11 Πότε θα παραδοθεί η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Μου δόθηκε μια κάρτα πριν από περίπου μία εβδομάδα.Γιατί δεν έχει έρθει ακόμα;,11 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πού είναι η κάρτα μου;Το διέταξα πριν από 2 εβδομάδες!,11 Δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα την κάρτα μου στο ταχυδρομείο,11 Περιμένω ακόμα την κάρτα μου που εκδόθηκε πριν από μία εβδομάδα.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,11 Δεν έχω πάρει ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα.Πότε θα φτάσει εδώ;,11 Έχετε έναν αριθμό παρακολούθησης για την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Πώς μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε;,11 Είναι η νέα μου τραπεζική κάρτα στο δρόμο και υπάρχει τρόπος να την παρακολουθείτε;,11 Θα μπορούσατε να μου στείλετε και να περάσετε την ημερομηνία κατά την άφιξη της κάρτας μου;,11 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να λάβετε τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει έρθει ακόμα στο ταχυδρομείο.,11 Ποια είναι η κάρτα που μου έστειλε ο αριθμός παρακολούθησης;,11 Δεν έχω πάρει την κάρτα μου,11 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν έφτασε ακόμα;,11 Νόμιζα ότι θα έλαβα τη νέα μου κάρτα σε αυτό το σημείο.,11 Πόσο καιρό μέχρι να φτάσει η νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Πόσο περισσότερο μέχρι να λάβω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω μια κάρτα που έχει ήδη σταλεί;,11 Είναι δυνατόν να παρακολουθείτε την κάρτα που μου στείλατε;,11 Πόσο καιρό θα είναι να πάρετε αυτή τη νέα κάρτα;,11 Πώς μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που στείλατε,11 Μπορεί να παρακολουθείται η κάρτα;,11 Γιατί δεν έχω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Πρέπει να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλε.,11 "Έχουν περάσει δύο εβδομάδες και δεν έχω πάρει την κάρτα μου, τι να κάνω;",11 Περίμενα μέχρι τώρα τη νέα μου κάρτα.,11 Πού είναι ο αριθμός παρακολούθησης για την κάρτα;,11 "Μου δόθηκε μια νέα κάρτα πριν από μία εβδομάδα, αλλά δεν την έλαβα ακόμα.Πόσο καιρό θα είναι μέχρι να το λάβω;",11 Μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου έστειλα στο ταχυδρομείο;,11 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε αν μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω την κάρτα που μου στείλατε;,11 Γιατί δεν έχω πάρει τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Περιμένω ακόμα τη νέα μου κάρτα να παραδοθεί!,11 Η νέα μου κάρτα δεν είναι εδώ και εκδόθηκε πριν από μία εβδομάδα.,11 "Υποτίθεται ότι έλαβα τη νέα μου κάρτα μέχρι τώρα, αλλά δεν έχει εισέλθει.",11 Είναι διαθέσιμος ένας αριθμός παρακολούθησης για την κάρτα που μόλις στάλθηκε;,11 Γιατί δεν έχω πάρει τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Υπήρχε ένας αριθμός για να παρακολουθείτε ότι θα μπορούσα να πάρω;,11 Πόσο περισσότερο θα πάρει για να πάρει τη νέα μου κάρτα;,11 Δεν έχω πάρει την πιστωτική μου κάρτα στο ταχυδρομείο.,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει φτάσει ακόμα.Τι να κάνω?,11 "Η κάρτα μου δεν έχει φτάσει ακόμα μετά από δύο εβδομάδες, τώρα τι;",11 Η κάρτα μου φαίνεται να μην έφτασε ποτέ;,11 Η κάρτα μου δεν έφτασε ποτέ.,11 Η κάρτα μου έχει βρεθεί.Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος για να το επαναφέρω στην εφαρμογή;,13 Ήμουν σε θέση να βρω την κάρτα μου.Πώς να το βάλω στην εφαρμογή μου;,13 Πώς μπορώ να εμφανίσω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 Μόλις πήρα την κάρτα μου.Δεν είναι συνδεδεμένο ακόμα-πώς το κάνω αυτό;,13 "Η χαμένη κάρτα που βρέθηκε, θέλω να το επαναφέρω στην εφαρμογή",13 "Μόλις πήρα μια κάρτα, πώς μπορώ να την προσθέσω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να δείτε την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Αν βρω μια κάρτα που έχασα, πρέπει να το απορρίψω;Ή μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω ξανά την κάρτα και να συνεχίσω να τη χρησιμοποιώ;",13 Βρήκα την κάρτα μου.Πώς μπορώ να το βάλω στην εφαρμογή μου;,13 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω την κάρτα μου να εμφανίζεται στην εφαρμογή;,13 Μπορείτε να μου δείξετε πού να συνδέσετε τη νέα κάρτα;,13 Βρήκα την παλιά μου κάρτα.Μπορώ να το συνδέσω ξανά στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Δείξε μου πώς να συνδέσω τη νέα κάρτα,",13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω μια υπάρχουσα κάρτα στην εφαρμογή;,13 Πήρα τελικά την κάρτα μου.Τώρα θέλω να το συνδέσω.Είναι κάτι που πρέπει να κάνετε ή μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;,13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μία από τις κάρτες σας που έχω ήδη;,13 "Εάν έχω μια φυσική κάρτα, μπορώ να τη συνδέσετε;",13 "Βρήκα την χαμένη μου κάρτα στην τσέπη μου σήμερα το πρωί, γι 'αυτό θα ήθελα να την ενεργοποιήσω ξανά.",13 Can I add a card that I just found (again) to the app?,13 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω την κάρτα μου να εμφανιστεί στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Θα ήθελα να ενεργοποιήσω ξανά την κάρτα μου, είχε αναφερθεί στο παρελθόν, αλλά το βρήκα σήμερα το πρωί.",13 "Εντάξει, βρήκα την κάρτα μου, μπορώ να το βάλω πίσω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Μπορώ να επανενεργοποιήσω μια κάρτα;,13 Θα ήθελα να επανενεργοποιήσω μια κάρτα και αναρωτήθηκα αν αυτό θα μπορούσε να γίνει;,13 "Πήρα την κάρτα μου τώρα, πώς μπορώ να εμφανιστεί στην εφαρμογή;",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μια υπάρχουσα κάρτα;,13 How do I link a new card in the app?,13 "Η κάρτα που νόμιζα ότι χάθηκε ήταν ακριβώς στο σακάκι μου, οπότε μπορώ να την ενεργοποιήσω ξανά από τότε που το βρήκα σήμερα το πρωί;",13 Έχω ήδη μια κάρτα και θέλω να τη συνδέσετε,13 Μπορείτε να ενεργοποιήσετε ξανά την κάρτα μου;,13 Πού πηγαίνω για να προσθέσω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 Θέλω την κάρτα μου που μόλις έλαβα για να εμφανιστεί στην εφαρμογή.Πως το κάνω αυτό?,13 "Έλαβα την κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να δείξω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Εάν έχω μια πιστωτική κάρτα μαζί σας πώς έχω ρυθμίσει για να συνδεθείτε με αυτό;,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,13 "I want to reactivate my card, I thought I had lost it but found it again this morning.",13 "Χρειάζομαι μια επανενεργοποίηση καρτών, είχα αναφέρει την κάρτα μου που έχασε, αλλά έτρεξα σε αυτό στο σακάκι μου.",13 Η κάρτα μου δεν χάνεται πλέον.Πώς μπορώ να το εισαγάγω πίσω στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Θέλω να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου, σκέφτηκα ότι το είχα χάσει, αλλά το βρήκα ξανά στο σακάκι μου.",13 "Μπορώ να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;Προηγουμένως ανέφερα ότι έχασε, αλλά τώρα το βρήκε ασφαλές και υγιές.",13 Πώς μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω μια κάρτα που σκέφτηκα ότι έχασα;,13 Βοηθήστε με να καταλάβω πώς να συνδέσετε τη νέα κάρτα.,13 I found my lost card. Am I still able to use it?,13 Θα χρειαστώ μια νέα κάρτα ή μπορώ να βάλω την παλιά μου κάρτα πίσω στην εφαρμογή;,13 Is there a way to link the card i just got?,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 "Θέλω να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου, το βρήκα αφού σκέφτηκα ότι χάθηκε.",13 Μπορώ να βάλω την παλιά μου κάρτα πίσω στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Έχω μια νέα κάρτα, πώς μπορώ να τη συνδέσω;",13 Βρήκα την κάρτα που σκέφτηκα ότι έχασα σήμερα το πρωί.Μπορώ να επανενεργοποιήσω αυτήν την κάρτα;,13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδεθώ με την κάρτα,13 "Έχω μία από τις κάρτες σας, αλλά δεν ξέρω πώς να το συνδέσω.",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μια παλιά κάρτα;,13 Έλαβα την κάρτα μου.Πώς μπορώ να το συνδέσω με την εφαρμογή;,13 "Τώρα που έχω την κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να την συνδέσω με την εφαρμογή;",13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω την κάρτα που μόλις έλαβα για να εμφανιστεί στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Θέλω να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου, σκέφτηκα ότι το είχα χάσει, αλλά το βρήκα.",13 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να συνδέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα για τον λογαριασμό μου;,13 Can I add a card to back into the app?,13 Θέλω να συνδέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα.Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,13 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία για τη σύνδεση της νέας κάρτας;,13 "Βρήκα την κάρτα μου, μπορώ να το επαναφέρω στην εφαρμογή;",13 "I have found my lost or stolen card, would I still have to activate the new card that was sent to me through the mail in order to access my account?",13 Πού μπορώ να συνδέσω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω μια κάρτα στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Βρήκα την κάρτα μου στο σακάκι μου σήμερα το πρωί, οπότε μπορώ να την ενεργοποιήσω;",13 "I've obtained the card, how do I enable it on the app?",13 Πρέπει να βρω την κάρτα που έλαβα στην εφαρμογή.,13 Πώς μπορώ να λάβω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Στην εφαρμογή, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω να δείξει τη νέα κάρτα που έφτασε;",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,13 Μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω μια κάρτα στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Θέλω να συνδεθώ με την κάρτα μου μαζί σας, πώς;",13 I would like to link my card to my account.,13 "Νόμιζα ότι έχασα την κάρτα μου, έτσι την ακύρωσα, αλλά πρόσφατα το βρήκα στο σακάκι μου και θα ήθελα να αποκαταστήσω την κάρτα.",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω τη νέα κάρτα;,13 Πήρα μια νέα κάρτα και δεν μπορώ να βρω πού να τη συνδέσετε.,13 "Γεια σου, έχω την κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να το δείξω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Πού στην εφαρμογή πηγαίνω για να εμφανιστεί η νέα μου κάρτα;,13 Πού μπορώ να σαρώσω την κάρτα μου;,13 Μπορώ να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;Ανέφερα ότι έχασε και το βρήκα σήμερα το πρωί στο σακάκι μου.,13 Μπορώ να συνδέσω την κάρτα μου που έλαβα στο παρελθόν;,13 "Θέλω να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου, σκέφτηκα ότι το είχα χάσει, αλλά το βρήκα ξανά στο σακάκι μου σήμερα το πρωί.",13 "Θα ήθελα να επανενεργοποιηθεί η κάρτα μου, σκέφτηκα ότι ήταν άστοχη, αλλά ανακάλυψα όταν ξύπνησα ότι το είχα αφήσει στο παλτό μου.",13 Μου έστειλα μια κάρτα και τώρα θέλω να τη συνδέσουμε.,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα στην εφαρμογή;,13 Μπορώ να προσθέσω μια κάρτα πίσω στην εφαρμογή;,13 Τι γίνεται αν θέλω να προσθέσω μια κάρτα που έχω ήδη στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Πρόσφατα ανέφερα την κάρτα μου ως λείπει/έχασα, και μόλις το βρήκα.Μπορώ να το χρησιμοποιήσω ακόμα;",13 "Θα μπορούσα να ενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου παρακαλώ, δεν μπορούσα να το βρω, αλλά αποδεικνύεται ότι ήταν στην τσέπη μου.",13 Υπάρχει τρόπος να συνδέσετε κάρτες εάν έχω ένα από τα δικά σας;,13 "Εάν η κάρτα μου χάθηκε ή κλαπεί, μπορώ να την ξαναζήσω;",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μια νέα κάρτα με ένα υπάρχον;,13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω μια νέα κάρτα πληρωμής;,13 Θα ήθελα να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου που προηγουμένως ανέφερα το Lost.Βρήκα την κάρτα σήμερα το πρωί.,13 "Έχει ληφθεί κάρτα, πώς θα εμφανιστεί στην εφαρμογή;",13 Μπορώ να ξαναζήσω μια χαμένη κάρτα με την εφαρμογή;,13 What do I do to link my new card?,13 Είναι δυνατόν να συνδέσετε μια νέα κάρτα;,13 "Απενεργοποίησα την κάρτα μου, αλλά θα ήθελα να την ενεργοποιήσω.",13 "Βρήκα την κάρτα μου που σκέφτηκα ότι είχα χάσει, πρέπει να την αντιδράσω, παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.",13 Μπορώ να συνδέσω μια κάρτα σας που έχω ήδη;,13 Μπορώ να βάλω την κάρτα μου πίσω στην εφαρμογή στο τηλέφωνό μου;,13 "Η κάρτα μου έφτασε, αλλά πρέπει να το κάνω να λειτουργεί στην εφαρμογή, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",13 Βρήκα την κάρτα που σκέφτηκα ότι έχασα και θα ήθελα να την επανενεργοποιήσω.,13 Βρήκα ξανά την κάρτα μου.Μπορώ να το επαναφέρω στην εφαρμογή;,13 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για τη σύνδεση της νέας μου κάρτας.,13 Βοηθήστε με να συνδέσω την κάρτα μου,13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή.,13 Πώς μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 Βρήκα την κάρτα μου!Μπορώ να το συνδέσω ξανά στην εφαρμογή;,13 Πώς μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;,13 Πού θα πάω για να συνδεθώ με τη νέα μου κάρτα;,13 "Νόμιζα ότι έχασα την κάρτα μου, αλλά το βρήκα σήμερα, οπότε θα ήθελα να την ενεργοποιήσω ξανά.",13 Πώς μπορώ να συνδέσω τη νέα κάρτα που μόλις πήρα από εσάς;,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πώς να πάρετε την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Είναι δυνατόν να επανενεργοποιήσω την κάρτα που σκέφτηκα ότι έχασα, αλλά βρήκα σήμερα το πρωί στο σακάκι μου;",13 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω την κάρτα μου να εμφανίζεται στην εφαρμογή;,13 How do I link the new card?,13 Πού στην εφαρμογή συνδέω μια νέα κάρτα;,13 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή μόλις το καταλάβω;,13 Can I link your physical card,13 Πώς μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω και να συνδέσω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,13 "Πήρα μια κάρτα, πώς μπορώ να την αποκτήσω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Έλαβα τη νέα μου κάρτα.Πού είναι στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Βρήκα την κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να την χρησιμοποιήσω ξανά;",13 "Μόλις έλαβα μια νέα κάρτα, πού πηγαίνω να την συνδέσω με τον λογαριασμό μου;",13 "Βρέθηκε κάρτα, πώς να το επαναφέρει στην εφαρμογή",13 Πώς βλέπω την κάρτα μου στην εφαρμογή;,13 "Η κάρτα που σκέφτηκα ότι έχασα ήταν στην τσέπη του σακάκι μου σήμερα το πρωί, οπότε μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω αυτό;",13 I don't see my card anywhere in the app.,13 "Έλαβα την κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να δουλέψω στην εφαρμογή;",13 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν είχα ήδη μια κάρτα μαζί σας;,13 if i found a lost card can i put it back in app,13 Έχω μια κάρτα που απενεργοποιήθηκε μπορώ να την ενεργοποιήσω;,13 "Η νέα μου κάρτα δεν είναι στην εφαρμογή μου, πώς μπορώ να την φτάσω εκεί;",13 "Βοηθήστε με να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση στην κάρτα που έχω ήδη πάρει, ώστε να μπορώ να κάνω πληροφορίες από αυτήν.",13 Τι αξίζει τα χρήματά μου σε άλλες χώρες;,32 Τα χρήματά μου θα έχουν ίση αξία όταν ταξιδεύω στο εξωτερικό;,32 Do you know the rate of exchange?,32 Ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα φτάσω τις καθημερινές και τα σαββατοκύριακα;,32 Πώς μοιάζει η ανταλλαγή;,32 Πώς κάνει η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Θα ήθελα να μάθω πώς υπολογίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες κατά τη μεταφορά κεφαλαίων.,32 Θα ήθελα να μάθω ποιες συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες χρησιμοποιείτε;,32 "Εάν χρειάζομαι μεταφορές ξένων μεταφορών, πώς λειτουργεί αυτό;",32 Ξέρετε ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα πάρω;,32 Τι είστε συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Έχετε την καλύτερη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πού μπορώ να βρω τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες προέρχονται από πού;,32 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες.,32 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία για τις ανταλλαγές;,32 Τι πιστεύετε για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς υπολογίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες σε αυτήν την τράπεζα;,32 Τι χρησιμοποιείτε για να υπολογίσετε τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την κάρτα;,32 Ποια είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που θα λάβω;,32 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία μπορώ να πάρω.,32 Ποιες είναι οι τρέχουσες συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα λάβω;,32 Ποια είναι η βάση των συναλλαγματικών σας ισοτιμιών;,32 Πώς είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς καθορίζετε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς λειτουργούν οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Από πού παίρνετε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς υπολογίζεται η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ενδιαφέρομαι για το τι βασίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες σας.,32 Πώς αποφασίζετε ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Ποια είναι η τρέχουσα συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποιος είναι ο τύπος για τη συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία;,32 Ποια μέθοδος χρησιμοποιείτε για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Τι είναι οι διατραπεζικές συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Από πού έρχονται οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς υπολογίζετε τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία είναι διαφορετική σε διαφορετικές ημέρες;,32 Πού μπορώ να βρω τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για τη μεταφορά μου;,32 Από πού μπορώ να προωθήσω τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες σας;,32 Πώς βρίσκετε τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς καθορίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Ποια αξία μπορώ να βρω για το νόμισμά μου;,32 Εξηγήστε την πολιτική συναλλαγματικών ισοτιμιών σας.,32 Από ποιες συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες υπολογίζονται;,32 Τι είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποια είναι η γνώμη σας σχετικά με τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες που αναθέτετε;,32 Πώς καθορίζετε τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς υπολογίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς υπολογίζεται μια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 "Κατά την ανταλλαγή, πόσα είναι τα ποσοστά;",32 Ποια είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για το EUR;,32 Πώς μπορώ να βρω τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Υπάρχει συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς λειτουργεί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποια είναι η παρούσα κατάσταση της συναλλαγματικής ισοτιμίας;,32 Πώς καθορίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς φαίνεται η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία αυτή τη στιγμή;,32 Εξηγήστε τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες.,32 Ποια είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που θα υποβάλετε αίτηση;,32 Εξηγήστε τη διατραπεζική συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία,32 Ποια θα είναι η συναλλαγματική μου ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς λαμβάνετε τιμές συναλλαγών,32 Τι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες χρησιμοποιείτε;,32 Πώς θα ξέρω ποια είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποιοι παράγοντες επηρεάζουν τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πού βρίσκεται η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία αυτή τη στιγμή;,32 Θα ήθελα να μάθω ποια θα είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,32 Αλλάζει η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς παράγουν οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Θα ξέρω ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα πάρω;,32 How do I know what the exchange rate will be when I make an exchange.,32 Είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία το ίδιο τα σαββατοκύριακα με τις καθημερινές;,32 Πώς κάνετε ανταλλαγές;,32 Σε τι βασίζετε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς καταλήγετε στην συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία,32 Ποιοι παράγοντες καθορίζουν την συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία;,32 Πώς καθορίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Θα ήθελα να μάθω ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες.,32 Είναι το ρεύμα της συναλλαγματικής ισοτιμίας;,32 Ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Πόσα είναι τα ποσοστά ανταλλαγής;,32 Πώς αποφασίζετε ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες σας προέρχονται από πού;,32 Υπάρχει συγκεκριμένη πηγή από την οποία η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για τη μεταφορά που σχεδιάζω να δημιουργήσω;,32 Πώς υπολογίζονται οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες για μεταφορές;,32 Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω πόσα χρήματα θα έχω όταν ταξιδεύω στο εξωτερικό;,32 Πώς κάνετε ανταλλαγές νομισμάτων;,32 Can you explain your exchange rates basis?,32 Πώς πήρατε την συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία;,32 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Η εφαρμογή αυτή έχει την ίδια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία με τους τρίτους;,32 Ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς είναι η τρέχουσα συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 What is the system for determining the exchange rate?,32 Ταξιδεύω και αναρωτιόμουν ποιες είναι οι συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες,32 Πώς μπορώ να πω ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα πάρω;,32 Πες μου τη γνώμη σου για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,32 Θα ήθελα να μάθω τι βλέπετε για να αποφασίσετε μια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία,32 Πώς λειτουργεί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία σε αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,32 Πού βρίσκετε τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες;,32 Θέλω να μάθω τις συναλλαγματικές σας ισοτιμίες.,32 What exchange rate is it?,32 Ποια είναι η πηγή των συναλλαγματικών σας ισοτιμιών;,32 Πρέπει να ξέρω για τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες,32 Πού παίρνετε αυτές τις συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες;,32 Πώς καθορίζετε τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,32 Ποια συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία θα πάρω;,32 "Το περασμένο Σάββατο, χρεώθηκε επιπλέον για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην πληρωμή μου.Πάει κάτι στραβά?",17 "Γεια, είμαι απογοητευμένος που βλέπω μια τόσο κακή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία και ελπίζω να με βοηθήσετε.Θα μπορούσατε να επιβεβαιώσετε την επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για μένα;",17 Νομίζω ότι η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων που έχει εφαρμοστεί είναι λάθος.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρεώθηκε για μια αγορά δεν ήταν σωστή.,17 Μπορείτε να εξηγήσετε γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για το στοιχείο που αγόρασα είναι λάθος;,17 I think something went wrong with my exchange between Russian Ruble and UK pounds. I was overcharged during the swap.,17 Η πληρωμή μου έχει εσφαλμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 my exchange rate looks wrong for my last payment,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι κακή. Αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι η επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Μου χρεώθηκε το ποσό πτέρυγας για ένα στοιχείο.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου ήταν λάθος,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι τρομερή;Αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι κοντά στην πραγματική διατραπεζική επιτόκιο.,17 An incorrect exchange rate was applied to an item I bought.,17 The exchange rate was incorrect for an item I bought.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου δεν φαίνεται σωστή,17 "I just saw the exchange rate you use, but it's so bad that I can't believe that it's the official interbank exchange rate! Is this truly the official interbank exchange rate?",17 Αυτή η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι απαίσια!Παρακαλώ πείτε μου ότι αυτό είναι ένα λάθος και όχι η επίσημη ισοτιμία μεταξύ των διατραπεζικών συναλλαγών!,17 Μετά την αγορά ενός αντικειμένου παρατήρησα ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λανθασμένη.,17 Το ποσό της ανταλλαγής δεν ήταν σωστό για το στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία από την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου δεν είναι σωστή.,17 Η συναλλαγματική μου ισοτιμία δεν είναι σωστή.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν τόσο λάθος όταν αγόρασα κάτι!,17 My exchange rate was wrong for an Item I bought!,17 Χρησιμοποίησα ένα ξένο νόμισμα για να πραγματοποιήσω μια πληρωμή και να εφαρμοστεί το λάθος επιτόκιο.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λανθασμένη για αυτό το στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό και εφαρμόστηκε η λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λανθασμένη για την πληρωμή μου.,17 The item i bought exchanged rate was incorrect.,17 Είμαι σε διακοπές και παρατήρησα διαφορετικό ποσό για συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.Μπορείς να εξηγήσεις?,17 I bought something in another country but the exchange rate is wrong,17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι λάθος,17 η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην οποία η πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι λάθος,17 Υπήρχε πρόβλημα με τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία σε μια αγορά.,17 Πρόσφατα αγόρασα κάτι και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.,17 Τι γίνεται αν υπάρχει σφάλμα στη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική μου ισοτιμία είναι λάθος;,17 "Ελέγξτε την πληρωμή μου από το περασμένο Σάββατο, καθώς πιστεύω ότι έχω υπερφορτωθεί στη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.Ευχαριστώ.",17 Χρησιμοποίησα ξένο νόμισμα για να αγοράσω κάτι και νομίζω ότι το ποσοστό που εφαρμόζεται είναι λανθασμένο.,17 Αυτή η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την αγορά μου είναι λάθος.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία είναι τόσο κακή;,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία φαίνεται λάθος σε μια αγορά διακοπών,17 Αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που εφαρμόστηκε ήταν λάθος.,17 Αγόρασα κάτι και έχω πρόβλημα με την συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που εφαρμόζεται.,17 Νομίζω ότι υπήρξε λάθος στη συναλλαγματική μου ισοτιμία για αυτήν την αγορά.,17 Δεν μου έδωσες τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Ελέγξαμε στο Google και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι πραγματικά κακή.Μπορείτε να το ενημερώσετε;,17 "Φαίνεται ότι χρεώθηκε πολύ για τις αγορές διακοπών μου, η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λάθος.",17 "Όσον αφορά την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου, η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λανθασμένη.",17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λανθασμένη.,17 Γιατί με χρεώσατε περισσότερο για την αγορά μου;Ήταν ένα ξένο νόμισμα και δεν προσφέρατε επιτόκιο αγοράς,17 Αναρωτιέμαι τη σημερινή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ρούβλια σε λίρες.Ήλπιζα για καλύτερη επιστροφή.,17 Αισθάνομαι σαν να έχω χρεωθεί για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο.,17 Το ποσοστό νομισμάτων μου είναι ανακριβές.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος για μια αγορά που έκανα.,17 Αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό και εφαρμόστηκε η λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Η συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία ήταν απενεργοποιημένη.Μου χρεώθηκε επιπλέον για την πληρωμή μου που έκανα το περασμένο Σάββατο.,17 Χρεώθηκε η λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για μια αγορά,17 "Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το ποσοστό για το στοιχείο που αγόρασα σε διαφορετικό νόμισμα, όπως είναι λάθος;",17 Η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων για την αγορά μου σε ξένο νόμισμα είναι λανθασμένη.,17 Παρατήρησα ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λανθασμένη μετά την πληρωμή για κάτι σε μια ξένη χώρα.,17 Η ανταλλαγή συναλλάγματος μου έχει εφαρμοστεί εσφαλμένα.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική μου ισοτιμία δεν είναι σωστή;,17 Παρατήρησα ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που εφαρμόστηκε σε μια πρόσφατη αγορά που έκανα στο εξωτερικό ήταν λανθασμένη.,17 Αγόρασα κάτι ενώ ταξίδευα και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι διαφορετική στην πρόσφατη αγορά μου;,17 Το τέλος που χρεώθηκε όταν άλλαξα τα ρούβλια σε βρετανικές λίρες ήταν πάρα πολύ.,17 Δεν χρεώθηκα τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Η αμοιβή για αλλαγή ανταλλαγής;,17 Το ποσοστό που εφαρμόστηκε στην αγορά μου σε ένα ξένο νόμισμα ήταν λάθος.,17 Αγόρασα κάτι ενώ ταξίδευα και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.,17 Κάτι δεν πάει καλά με τη χρέωση της συναλλαγματικής μου ισορροπίας,17 Φαίνεται ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο ήταν λάθος.Χορηγήθηκα επιπλέον.,17 "Φαίνεται ότι κάτι πήγε στραβά με την ανταλλαγή μου.Αλλάξα το ρωσικό ρούβλι σε λίρες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, αλλά χρεώθηκε εντελώς πάρα πολύ!",17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο και στη συνέχεια παρατήρησα ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λάθος για τη διεθνή μου αγορά.,17 Η πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είχε λάθος συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία,17 Χρησιμοποίησαν το λάθος ποσοστό όταν έκανα μια αγορά με ξένο νόμισμα.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία αλλάζει κάθε μέρα για αγορές;Υπάρχει διαφορετικός ρυθμός στην αγορά μου.,17 Φαίνεται ότι το ποσοστό που πήρα είναι λανθασμένο.,17 "Αντάλλαξα ρωσικά ρούβλια για βρετανικές λίρες σήμερα και πήρα λιγότερο από ό, τι περίμενα.Ήταν σωστή η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;",17 "Χρεώθηκα περισσότερο από ό, τι έπρεπε να είμαι για ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;",17 Τι να κάνω αν η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος για το στοιχείο που αγόρασα στο εξωτερικό;,17 My client was converting their Russian ruble into UK pound currency when they noticed their bill was much too high for the exchange. What happened?,17 Έχω υπερφορτωθεί.Μόλις άλλαξα πάνω από το ρωσικό ρούβλι σε λίρες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου και ήταν πάρα πολύ.Φαίνεται ότι κάτι ήταν λάθος με την ανταλλαγή μου.,17 Ποια είναι η συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία μεταξύ των κιλών του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου και των ρωσικών ρούβλων για την τελευταία μου συναλλαγή,17 I think there was an error in your exchange rate.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία δεν ήταν σωστή για το στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Παρατήρησα μια επιπλέον χρέωση για την αγορά που έκανα το περασμένο Σάββατο στο λογαριασμό μου.Μπορείτε να δείτε αν έλαβα τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,17 My exchange seems to have something wrong with it. I changed over Russian Ruble to UK pounds and it appears I was charged way more than I was supposed to be.,17 Η σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία δεν μου δόθηκε για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 "Αγόρασα κάτι σε άλλο νόμισμα, αλλά η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λανθασμένη.",17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λάθος από κάτι που πήρα σε άλλη χώρα,17 "The exchange rate given to me after a purchase, was incorrect",17 Η πληρωμή της κάρτας μου έχει λάθος συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία,17 "Έχω χρεωθεί πολύ, ώστε κάτι να είναι προφανώς λάθος με την ανταλλαγή μου.Αλλάξα το ρωσικό ρούβλι σε λίρες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου.",17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία διαφέρει από αυτό που περίμενα;,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι πραγματικά κακή. Αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι η επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Ελέγξτε τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο.Πιστεύω ότι έχω υπερφορτωθεί.,17 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον στην τελευταία μου λίβρα του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου στο ρώσικο ρουμπί ανταλλαγής;,17 Χρησιμοποιήθηκε η λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία όταν αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο.,17 Γιατί εφαρμόστηκε το λάθος ποσοστό όταν αγόρασα κάτι σε διαφορετικό νόμισμα;,17 Αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λάθος,17 Ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα είχε εφαρμοστεί η λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Νομίζω ότι το ποσοστό που εφαρμόστηκε στην αγορά μου χρησιμοποιώντας ξένο νόμισμα είναι λάθος.Βοήθεια!,17 Why was my exchange rate a different amount than usual?,17 Θέλω να αλλάξω τη λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 I recently bought something abroad but the exchange rate is incorrect. Why?,17 "Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι τρομερή - αυτή δεν μπορεί να είναι η επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία, έτσι;",17 Δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 "Υποθέτω ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου δεν ήταν σωστή, καθώς χρεώσαμε επιπλέον το τελευταίο Σάββατο.",17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο πρέπει να είναι λάθος επειδή χρεώθηκε επιπλέον.,17 Είστε βέβαιοι ότι αυτή είναι η διατραπεζική συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;Αυτό το ποσοστό είναι πραγματικά κακό.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που χρησιμοποιείτε είναι πραγματικά κακή.Αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι η επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία μεταξύ των διατραπεζικών.,17 Πιστεύω ότι με χρεώσατε πάρα πολύ για να ανταλλάξω τα χρήματά μου,17 "Αλλάξα το νόμισμα, αλλά γιατί κοστίζει περισσότερο;",17 Γιατί ήταν λάθος η ανταλλαγή για το αντικείμενο που αγόρασα;,17 "Έκανα μια διεθνή αγορά, αλλά η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος",17 Η αγορά μου χρησιμοποίησε τη λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία,17 "Έχω χρεωθεί πολύ για το αντικείμενο που αγόρασα όταν στο εξωτερικό, η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία φαίνεται να είναι λάθος.",17 Έκανα μια αγορά και χρεώθηκε με λάθος συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Νομίζω ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος για την πληρωμή που έγινε το περασμένο Σάββατο - χρεώθηκε επιπλέον.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου είναι εσφαλμένη;,17 Η συναλλαγματική σας ισοτιμία είναι λάθος.,17 Φαίνεται ότι οι συναλλαγματικές ισοτιμίες για την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι λάθος,17 There's an error with the rate that is charged.,17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο σε λάθος συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Νομίζω ότι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι λανθασμένη.,17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο για το οποίο χρεώθηκε μια διαφορετική συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Δεν λαμβάνω τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην κάρτα μου.,17 "Όταν αγόρασα ένα προϊόν σε άλλη χώρα, η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων ήταν λανθασμένη.",17 The exchange rate used on your app is really bad. I'm considering closing my account because of it.,17 Νομίζω ότι χρεώθηκα επιπλέον για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο.Ίσως η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος;Θα ήθελα επιστροφή χρημάτων.,17 Έλαβα τη λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Διαχωρίζετε τους ανθρώπους με τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;Δεν μπορεί να είναι τόσο άθλια μεταξύ των τραπεζών.,17 Δεν νομίζω ότι οι χρεώσεις που έγιναν όταν είχα ανταλλάξει νόμισμα έχουν δίκιο.,17 Γιατί χρεώνεται η λανθασμένη ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων όταν αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό;,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου δεν φαίνεται σωστή.,17 "Όταν αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό, η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.",17 Δεν έλαβα τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην κάρτα μου είναι λάθος;,17 Χρεώνεται το λάθος ποσό στην κάρτα μου.,17 The exchange rate is incorrect on an item I recently purchased in a foreign country.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λανθασμένη για κάτι που αγόρασα,17 Η πληρωμή μου είχε λανθασμένη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την ηλεκτρονική μου πληρωμή είναι λανθασμένη.,17 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια υψηλότερη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία όταν αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό;,17 Γιατί δεν έλαβα τη σωστή συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα;,17 "Γιατί η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία στην πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι διαφορετική από ό, τι περίμενα;",17 Η τιμή μου ήταν λάθος.,17 Πρόσφατα αγόρασα κάτι σε ξένο νόμισμα και δεν είμαι σίγουρος για τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.Αυτό το ποσοστό εφαρμόζεται σωστά;,17 "Αγόρασα κάτι στο εξωτερικό, αλλά η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λανθασμένη.",17 Μια ξένη αγορά που έκανα έχει το λανθασμένο επιτόκιο που εφαρμόζεται σε αυτό.,17 "Όταν ταξίδευα στο εξωτερικό, η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία εφαρμόστηκε λάθος.",17 Υπάρχει ένα σφάλμα σε σχέση με τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για ένα στοιχείο που αγόρασα.,17 "Το περασμένο Σάββατο, έκανα μια πληρωμή και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος.Μου χρεώθηκε πάρα πολύ.",17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι κακή.Είστε βέβαιοι ότι αυτή είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;,17 Αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο και η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία ήταν λάθος,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για μια αγορά ήταν λανθασμένη,17 "Πάω ένα ταξίδι σύντομα και έπρεπε να μετατρέψω το ρωσικό ρούβλι μου σε λίρες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, αλλά όταν το έκανα, η εταιρεία σας με χρέωσε πάνω από τη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.Μήπως χάλια τη συναλλαγή μου;",17 Χορηγήθηκα επιπλέον.Ήταν η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την πληρωμή μου το περασμένο Σάββατο λάθος;,17 Η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία που εφαρμόστηκε για μια διεθνή αγορά ήταν λάθος.,17 "Γεια σας, πιστεύω ότι υπήρξε ένα λάθος στη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για την κάρτα μου.Θα μπορούσατε να ελέγξετε την επίσημη συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία για μένα;",17 Γιατί χρεώνεται περισσότερο για την ανταλλαγή με πράγματα που αγόρασα στο εξωτερικό;,17 "Έχω χρεωθεί περισσότερο από ό, τι θα έπρεπε για τα δώρα που αγόρασα όταν στο εξωτερικό, το πρόβλημα φαίνεται να είναι η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία.",17 "Έκανα μια αγορά, αλλά η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία είναι λάθος;",17 Γιατί στη Γη είναι τόσο κακή η συναλλαγματική ισοτιμία;Μπορώ να πάρω ένα ποσοστό πιο κοντά στην πραγματική διατραπεζική επιτόκιο;,17 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Γιατί μου χρεώνουν επιπλέον $ 1;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει ένα τέλος ευρώ στη δήλωση μου;,34 Γιατί βλέπω μια επιπλέον χρέωση £ 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Ερωτηθώ για μια χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου.,34 Ποια είναι η συναλλαγή $ 1 στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Για ποια είναι αυτή η φόρμα επιπλέον λίβρας;,34 Χορηγήθηκα $ 1 σε συναλλαγή.,34 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος για την επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Υπάρχει μια εκκρεμούσα χρέωση 1 £ στη δήλωσή μου.Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα για 1 £.Γιατί είναι στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Έχω μια μικρή χρέωση στο λογαριασμό μου από κάποιον με τον οποίο αγόρασα, αλλά δεν είμαι σίγουρος για το τι σχετίζεται.",34 "Έχω μια παράξενη συναλλαγή για £ 1 στη δήλωσή μου, τι είναι αυτό;",34 Δεν έχω ιδέα γιατί υπάρχει ένα δολάριο που έχει χρεωθεί στο λογαριασμό μου.,34 Έχω χρεωθεί μια λίβρα για κάτι που εμφανίζεται στη δήλωσή μου,34 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Από πού προέρχεται αυτό το επιπλέον € 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Υπάρχει λόγος για τον οποίο υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση £ 1 στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι είναι αυτή η αμοιβή στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Γιατί έχει τοποθετηθεί μια άλλη αμοιβή στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Υπήρξε μια χρέωση που εκκρεμεί στη δήλωση του λογαριασμού μου ότι δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω ότι είναι για ένα δολάριο.,34 € 1 ήταν στη δήλωσή μου ως επιπλέον χρέωση.,34 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου.,34 "Γεια σου, χρεώθηκα επιπλέον για κάποιο λόγο όταν αγόρασα μια εφαρμογή.Είναι ένα κρυμμένο τέλος ή κάτι τέτοιο;Δεν νομίζω ότι είναι πολύ δροσερό.",34 Βλέπω μια χρέωση $ 1 σε μια συναλλαγή.,34 "Έπρεπε να πληρώσω μια λίβρα περισσότερο από ό, τι περίμενα!",34 Υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση € 1 στη δήλωσή μου,34 Η δήλωσή μου περιείχε μια επιπλέον χρέωση μιας λίβρας,34 Ελέγξαμε τον λογαριασμό μου σήμερα και είδα ότι χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον λίβρα που δεν πέρασα.,34 What is the extra €1 on my statement for?,34 Βλέπω ότι χρεώθηκε $ 1 για μια συναλλαγή.,34 $ 1 χρέωση στη συναλλαγή.,34 "Απλώς κοίταξα την εφαρμογή μου και φαίνεται ότι χρεώθηκε επιπλέον, γιατί είναι αυτό;",34 Γιατί υπάρχει μια επιπλέον χρέωση λιβρών που εκκρεμεί;,34 Ήμουν λανθασμένα χρεώθηκε μια λίβρα.,34 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση;,34 "Μόλις έλεγξα τη δήλωσή μου και είδα μια χρέωση $ 1, γιατί υπάρχει;",34 Υπάρχει μια περίεργη χρέωση 1 που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στη δήλωσή μου.Ποιος είναι ο λόγος για αυτό;Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα για μια λίβρα.,34 Γιατί έχω χρεωθεί μια επιπλέον λίβρα;,34 Νομίζω ότι μπορεί να χρεώθηκα $ 1 επιπλέον στην εφαρμογή μου.Θα μπορούσατε να δώσετε κάποια εικόνα για το γιατί αυτό μπορεί να έχει συμβεί;,34 Γιατί βλέπω μια επιπλέον χρέωση € 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Είναι η χρέωση 1 λιβρών που μπορώ να δω ένα σφάλμα ή μια λανθασμένη καταχώρηση;,34 Γιατί έλαβα μια επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωση;,34 Γιατί χρεώθηκα $ 1 σε συναλλαγή;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει τέλος υπηρεσίας στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Η δήλωσή μου δείχνει μια αγορά 1 £ που εκκρεμεί.Δεν θυμάμαι να κάνω αυτήν την αγορά, παρακαλώ επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω τι είναι αυτό.",34 Βλέπω και επιπλέον 1 $ χρεώνεται στον λογαριασμό μου και ήθελα να το μάθω.,34 Γιατί με χρεώσατε επιπλέον;,34 Μια επιπλέον λίβρα χρεώθηκε!,34 Χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον λίβρα!,34 Γιατί βλέπω μια επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Πρέπει να υπήρχε ένα λάθος, γιατί χρεώσαμε μια επιπλέον λίβρα;",34 "When I look at my statement there is an extra fee, that is for what?",34 Υπάρχει μια επιπλέον μικρή χρέωση στην κάρτα μου!Τι να κάνω?,34 Κοίταξα τη δήλωσή μου και υπάρχει χρέωση για 1 £ που δεν αναγνωρίζω.Γιατί είναι εκεί;,34 Πήρα επιπλέον τέλος € 1 στη δήλωσή μου,34 Ποια είναι η επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Γιατί μου χρεώθηκε επιπλέον £ 1;,34 "Στη δήλωσή μου, πήρα επιπλέον χρέωση € 1.",34 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση για $ 1 στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 "Στη δήλωσή μου, υπάρχει μια παράξενη χρέωση 1 που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς.Τι προκαλεί αυτό;Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα που είναι μόνο μια λίβρα.",34 Ποια ήταν η αμοιβή $ που πήρα,34 Βλέπω μια χρέωση 1L που δεν αναγνωρίζω στη δήλωσή μου,34 Ήμουν υπερφορτίσαμε μία επιπλέον λίβρα!,34 Παρατήρησα μια επιπλέον χρέωση λίβρας;,34 Έχω χρεωθεί μια επιπλέον λίβρα!,34 Γιατί η δήλωσή μου δείχνει χρέωση $ 1 στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Γιατί η κάρτα μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον λίβρα;,34 Γιατί η δήλωσή μου έχει επιπλέον χρέωση;,34 Υπάρχει τέλος € 1 στο λογαριασμό μου που δεν εξουσιοδότησα,34 Ήμουν φτιαγμένος για να πληρώσω μια επιπλέον λίβρα!,34 Μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον λίβρα για κανένα λόγο.Γιατί αυτό?,34 Φαίνεται ότι έχω μια αμοιβή στη δήλωσή μου.,34 Πότε έλαβα μια επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Τι είναι αυτή η χρέωση για τον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Μου χρεώθηκε ένα επιπλέον δολάριο στο λογαριασμό μου και θα ήθελα να μάθω τον λόγο.,34 Τι είναι αυτό το επιπλέον € 1 τέλος;,34 Ήμουν υπερφορτίσαμε μια λίβρα.,34 Γιατί έχω επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Ποια ήταν η χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Είχα ένα δολάριο που χρεώθηκε στο λογαριασμό μου που εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί και ήθελε να μάθει για ποια είναι η χρέωση;,34 Μου χρεώθηκε επιπλέον ή κρυμμένο τέλος όταν αγόρασα κάτι από εσάς.Ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα?Δεν εξουσιοδότησα αυτήν την χρέωση.,34 Τι χρεώνεται μια επιπλέον λίβρα όταν δεν αγόρασα κάτι που αξίζει τόσο πολύ;,34 Γιατί χρεώθηκα ένα μικρό ποσό,34 Έχετε επίσης αυτό το επιπλέον τέλος στη δήλωσή σας;,34 Γιατί έλαβα μια λίβρα φαινομενικά τυχαία;,34 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον λίβρα;,34 Είμαι φορτωμένος μια λίβρα από το πουθενά.Τι είναι αυτό?,34 Εμφανίζεται μια εκκρεμούσα χρέωση 1L στη δήλωσή μου.Εξηγήστε καθώς δεν έχω κάνει αγορά για αυτό το ποσό,34 Γιατί μου χρεώσατε ένα επιπλέον € 1;,34 "Γιατί χρεώθηκα περισσότερο από ό, τι έπρεπε να ήμουν;",34 Για ποια είναι η χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Γεια σας, φαίνεται να υπάρχει λάθος χρέωσης που σχετίζεται με τον λογαριασμό μου.Η εφαρμογή μου χρεώθηκε $ 1 περισσότερο από ό, τι θα έπρεπε να έχει.Θα μπορούσατε να εξηγήσετε γιατί αυτό μπορεί να συνέβη;",34 Γιατί υπάρχει μια εκκρεμότητα σε μια λίβρα στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Χρειάζομαι κάποια βοήθεια για να υπολογίσω τι είναι αυτή η παράξενη πληρωμή στον λογαριασμό μου.ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΝΑΝΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΔΕΝ ΠΑΡΕΧΟΝΤΑΙ.,34 Ποια είναι αυτή η χρέωση $ 1 στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Υπάρχει χρέωση 1 £ που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στη δήλωσή μου.Τι ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΥΤΟ?Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα για μια λίβρα εκεί.,34 Γιατί μια συναλλαγή μου έδωσα $ 1;,34 "Φαίνεται να υπάρχει πρόσθετη χρέωση £ 1 στη δήλωσή μου, ποιος είναι ο λόγος για αυτό;",34 "Δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα μια απάντηση για το γιατί χρεώθηκα 1,00 δολάρια σε συναλλαγή;",34 Γιατί η δήλωσή μου δείχνει επιπλέον χρέωση;,34 "Υπάρχει μια επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου, γιατί είναι αυτό;",34 Υπάρχει κάποια περίεργη χρέωση 1 που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμότητα στη δήλωσή μου.Τι είναι αυτό;Αρκετά σίγουρος ότι δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα για μια λίβρα εκεί.,34 Υπάρχει μια εκκρεμούσα πληρωμή στο λογαριασμό μου που είναι πολύ περίεργη.Δεν θυμάμαι να το κάνω αυτό και δεν θα πάει μακριά.Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το καταλάβω;,34 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί ο λογαριασμός που έχω χρεώθηκε επιπλέον 1 $,34 Γιατί η δήλωσή μου περιέχει επιπλέον χρέωση;,34 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί χρεώθηκε $ 1 για μια συναλλαγή;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον αμοιβή € 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Υπάρχει μια επιπλέον χρέωση στο λογαριασμό μου που δεν εξουσιοδότησα, είναι μόνο £ 1, τι είναι αυτό;",34 Ποιο είναι το δολάριο που εκκρεμεί στη δήλωσή μου εκεί;,34 "Βλέπω μια επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου, γιατί είναι αυτό;",34 Μπορείτε να μου εξηγήσετε γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον αμοιβή € 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Υπάρχει μια ανεξήγητη χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου, μπορείτε να μου εξηγήσετε αυτό;",34 Πώς μπορώ να μάθω για μια επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Γεια σας, βλέπω ότι έχω χρεωθεί ένα επιπλέον $ 1 στην εφαρμογή μου.Θα μπορούσατε να μου δώσετε έναν λόγο για αυτήν την χρέωση;",34 "Στη δήλωσή μου, υπήρχε επιπλέον αμοιβή € 1",34 Υπάρχει λόγος να υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Τι είναι αυτό το επιπλέον τέλος στη δήλωσή μου.,34 Τι σημαίνει το τέλος € 1;,34 "Υπάρχει μια αμοιβή € 1 στη δήλωσή μου, γιατί;",34 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον $ 1;,34 Ελέγξαμε τη δήλωσή μου και χρεώνεται μία λίβρα.Από πού προήλθε αυτή η χρέωση;,34 Δεν ξέρω γιατί χρεώθηκε για τη συναλλαγή $ 1.,34 Ήθελα να μάθω για ένα εκκρεμή δολάριο που βρίσκεται στη δήλωσή μου.,34 "Είμαι πολύ απογοητευμένος για μια χρέωση λίβρας που συνεχίζει να εμφανίζεται στη δήλωση λογαριασμού μου.Αναφέρεται στην εφαρμογή ως ""εκκρεμείς"", δεν αλλάζει ποτέ, και τώρα σκέφτομαι ότι κάποιος έχει χάσει το λογαριασμό μου!",34 Πώς υπάρχει μια επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον λίβρα.,34 Υπάρχει χρέωση για μια επιπλέον λίβρα.,34 Υπάρχει μια παράξενη χρέωση 1 που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμότητα στη δήλωσή μου.Ποια είναι η αιτία για αυτό;Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα για μια λίβρα.,34 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποιες είναι αυτές οι επιπλέον χρεώσεις στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Πώς υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση 1 δολαρίου στη δήλωσή μου;,34 "Ελέγξαμε τη δήλωσή μου και είδα μια χρέωση μιας λίβρας, από πού προέρχεται αυτή η χρέωση;",34 Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον αμοιβή € 1 στη δήλωσή μου.,34 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον στην εφαρμογή μου;,34 Γιατί ο λογαριασμός μου αξιολογήθηκε ένα τέλος;,34 Υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση 1 £ στην εφαρμογή μου.Γιατί με χρεώσατε επιπλέον;,34 Γιατί είμαι χρεώνεται μια επιπλέον λίβρα,34 "Τα 1,00 δολάρια δεν έχουν ακόμη επανέλθει όπως υποδεικνύεται στο προηγούμενο μήνυμα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου.",34 Η δήλωσή μου δείχνει και επιπλέον 1 $ που χρεώθηκε σε αυτήν και θα ήθελα να μάθω γιατί.,34 "Υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωσή μου, γιατί είναι αυτό;",34 Θα επιστραφεί η χρέωση 1 λιβρών στην κάρτα μου;,34 Βλέπω μια επιπλέον χρέωση 1 £ στην εφαρμογή μου.Γιατί με χρέωσε επιπλέον;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει μια αμοιβή που προστίθεται στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Γιατί θα υπήρχε επιπλέον χρέωση στην εφαρμογή μου;,34 Υπάρχει χρέωση για 1 £ στη δήλωσή μου.Δεν νομίζω ότι αγόρασα τίποτα που κοστίζει 1 £.Τι συμβαίνει?,34 Γιατί η συναλλαγή μου έχει πρόσθετη αμοιβή;,34 Υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση 1 £ στην εφαρμογή μου.Γιατί με χρέωσε επιπλέον;,34 Γιατί υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση στη δήλωση που έλαβα;,34 Πώς μου χρεώθηκε μια συναλλαγή $ 1;,34 Εξηγήστε τη χρέωση του 1L κατά λάθος.Δεν έχω αγοράσει τίποτα σε αυτό το ποσό.,34 Από πού προέρχεται η αμοιβή € 1 στη δήλωσή μου,34 Τι κάνει αυτή η τυχαία χρέωση μιας λίβρας που κάνει στον λογαριασμό μου;,34 Έπρεπε να πληρώσω ένα λίβρα περισσότερο από την καθορισμένη τιμή!,34 Η δήλωσή μου δείχνει επιπλέον χρέωση £ 1 και δεν είμαι σίγουρος γιατί.Υπάρχει εξήγηση για αυτό;,34 Έχω μια επιπλέον χρέωση $ 1 στη δήλωση;,34 Γιατί δείχνει ότι ο λογαριασμός μου έχει χρεωθεί ένα δολάριο που εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς;,34 "Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί υπάρχει μια εκκρεμούσα χρέωση 1 £ στη δήλωσή μου, δεν θυμάμαι να φτιάξω αυτή τη συναλλαγή.Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι είναι αυτό;",34 Η δήλωσή μου δείχνει μια επιπλέον χρέωση - τι είναι αυτό;,34 Τι είναι αυτή η χρέωση € 1;,34 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί η εκκρεμότητα $ 1 χρέωση;,34 Έχω χρεωθεί ένα επιπλέον £ 1 και δεν ξέρω τι είναι για,34 Ήμουν υπερφορτίσαμε μια επιπλέον λίβρα.,34 Έχω χρεωθεί επιπλέον £ 1 και δεν ξέρω γιατί,34 Η δήλωσή μου δείχνει ότι χρεώθηκε ένα δολάριο και δεν είμαι σίγουρος γιατί.,34 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση € 1 στη δήλωσή μου;,34 Ένα επιπλέον τέλος € 1 ήταν στη δήλωσή μου,34 Θα ήθελα να μάθω γιατί μια απόσυρση που έκανα για κάποια μετρητά εμφανίζονται ως εκκρεμείς.,46 Γιατί η απόσυρση των μετρητών μου εμφανίζεται εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,46 "Έχω ήδη τα μετρητά, ο λογαριασμός μου εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς.Πώς μπορεί ο λογαριασμός μου να εκκρεμεί;",46 "Προσπάθησα να βγάλω μετρητά από το ΑΤΜ, αλλά παίρνει πολύ καιρό",46 Γιατί εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Τι σημαίνει αν η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δεν εμφανίζεται σωστά;,46 "Γεια σας, έχω μια εκκρεμούσα συναλλαγή στον λογαριασμό μου λόγω μιας μηχανής ATM που δεν λειτούργησε.Σε κάθε περίπτωση αν η συναλλαγή περάσει, μετά από πόσο καιρό μπορώ να πάρω τα χρήματά μου πίσω;",46 Γιατί η απόσυρση της ατμόσφαιρας μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,46 Θα εμφανιστεί η απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Η απόσυρση μετρητών εκκρεμεί, γιατί είναι έτσι;",46 Ο λογαριασμός μου εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς αφού έλαβα μετρητά από το ATM νωρίτερα.Πώς μπορεί αυτό να εκκρεμεί αυτό;Έχω ήδη τα μετρητά.,46 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να επαληθευτεί η απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Η συναλλαγή για τα μετρητά που έβγαλα από το ΑΤΜ νωρίτερα εκκρεμεί στην εφαρμογή, αλλά πώς αν έχω ήδη τα μετρητά;",46 Γιατί η απόσυρσή μου δεν δημοσιεύτηκε;,46 "Όταν χρησιμοποίησα ένα από τα ΑΤΜ στο κέντρο της πόλης σήμερα, προσπάθησα να βγάλω κάποια χρήματα, αλλά για οποιονδήποτε λόγο, το μηχάνημα απέρριψε την κάρτα μου.Μόλις το έλεγξα στο λογαριασμό μου και αυτό το ποσό εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς!Υπάρχει τρόπος να ακυρώσετε αυτήν τη συναλλαγή, επειδή δεν έλαβα χρήματα από το ATM",46 Γιατί η απόσυρση μετρητών που εμφανίστηκε ως εκκρεμούσα;,46 "Γειά σου.Κοίταξα τον λογαριασμό μου και έβλεπα ότι μια συναλλαγή που προσπάθησα να κάνω είναι να εκκρεμεί, αλλά δεν ολοκλήρωσα αυτή τη συναλλαγή.Όταν ήμουν στο ATM, το μηχάνημα απέρριψε την κάρτα μου.Μπορείτε να βεβαιωθείτε ότι η συναλλαγή δεν περνάει επειδή σίγουρα δεν έλαβα τα χρήματα.",46 Πρέπει η απόσυρση μετρητών να εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,46 "Γεια σου, προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ κάποια μετρητά νωρίτερα και λέει ότι εκκρεμεί;Θα χρεωθεί για αυτό;",46 Θα πρέπει να υπάρξει απόσυρση μετρητών που δεν έχω δει ακόμα.,46 Γιατί η εφαρμογή εμφανίζει ένα ακόμα εκκρεμό μήνυμα σε μια απόσυρση που έχει ήδη γίνει;,46 Γιατί εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 "Εάν η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δεν εμφανίζεται ακόμα, είναι κάτι λάθος;",46 Παρατήρησα στην ηλεκτρονική μου δήλωση ότι μια απόσυρση ATM που έκανα νωρίς εκκρεμεί εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.Είναι ακριβές αυτό;,46 "Έκανα απόσυρση μετρητών σε ένα ΑΤΜ, αλλά εξακολουθεί να λέει εκκρεμείς στο λογαριασμό μου.",46 "Προσπάθησα να πάρω μετρητά σε κάποια ATM στο κέντρο της πόλης νωρίτερα, αλλά το μηχάνημα αρνήθηκε την κάρτα μου.Έχω δει ότι εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στο λογαριασμό μου.Ακύρωση αμέσως, καθώς σίγουρα δεν έχω λάβει αυτά τα χρήματα!",46 Γιατί η απόσυρσή μου δεν εμφανίζεται στη δήλωσή μου;,46 "Έχω αποσυρθεί μετρητά από το ATM, αλλά εμφανίζεται στο λογαριασμό μου ως εκκρεμούσα μετάβαση.Γιατί είναι αυτό?",46 Έκανα μια απόσυρση μετρητών νωρίτερα και εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς.Τι σημαίνει αυτό?,46 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ μετρητά σε ένα ATM στο κέντρο της πόλης, αλλά η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε.Η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς - ακυρώστε την!",46 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για την εμφάνιση της απόσυρσης μετρητών;,46 "Προσπάθησα να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση σε χρήματα νωρίτερα, αλλά το μηχάνημα φαίνεται να μην λειτουργεί.Μετά την εξέταση, η συναλλαγή δείχνει πραγματικά ότι εξακολουθεί να είναι διαδικασία.Μπορείτε να μάθετε τι συμβαίνει εδώ;Δεν θέλω να χρεωθώ για κάποια χρήματα που δεν πήρα ποτέ.",46 Γιατί εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 "Αποσύρθηκα μετρητά, αλλά εξακολουθεί να δείχνει ως εκκρεμείς;",46 "Γεια σου, νωρίτερα σήμερα προσπάθησα να βγάλω χρήματα από μια μηχανή ATM και κάτι δεν λειτούργησε.Δεν έλαβα πραγματικά τα χρήματα, αλλά μόλις έλεγξα και λέει ότι η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι συμβαίνει εδώ;Είμαι ακόμα χρεωμένος για την απόσυρση, παρόλο που δεν κατέληξα να παίρνω χρήματα;",46 "Έχω κάποια μετρητά στο ΑΤΜ, αλλά εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί",46 "Έχει περάσει τόσο πολύς χρόνος, η εκκρεμούσα κατάσταση δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει ακόμα εκεί;",46 Ξέρετε πότε θα εμφανιστεί η απόσυρση;,46 Πόσο καιρό θα πάρει η απόσυρση μετρητών μου,46 Γιατί εξακολουθώ να έχω εκκρεμούσα απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Έχω μια απόσυρση που περιμένει να περάσει.,46 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για μια εκκρεμούσα απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Έβγαλα κάποια μετρητά από το ATM, αλλά εξακολουθεί να δείχνει ότι η συναλλαγή εκκρεμεί.",46 Πώς εκκρεμούν οι αναλήψεις μετρητών;,46 "Πήγα σε ένα ΑΤΜ για να πάρω μετρητά, αλλά η εφαρμογή λέει ότι η απόσυρση εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.Πώς είναι δυνατόν όταν έχω ήδη τα μετρητά μαζί μου;",46 Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δεν εμφανίζεται στον λογαριασμό μου,46 Τι σημαίνει εκκρεμείς για την απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Περιμένω να δω μια απόσυρση μετρητών, αλλά περιμένω ακόμα.",46 "Τόσο νωρίτερα πήγα σε ένα ΑΤΜ και πήρα μετρητά.Αλλά όταν έλεγξα την εφαρμογή, δηλώνει ότι εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση.Πώς μπορεί να είναι αυτό όταν έχω τα μετρητά για μένα;",46 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για τις αναλήψεις μετρητών για να χτυπήσουν τον λογαριασμό μου;,46 Μπορείτε να μου εξηγήσετε γιατί η απόσυρση μετρητών εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμούσα;,46 Το μηχάνημα δεν λειτούργησε νωρίτερα όταν πήγα να βγάλω χρήματα και τώρα ο λογαριασμός μου λέει ότι η συναλλαγή σε εξέλιξη. Γιατί;,46 "Πήρα μετρητά από ένα ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στην εφαρμογή.Πώς μπορεί αυτό να εκκρεμεί αυτό, έλαβα ήδη τα μετρητά;",46 Έκανα μια κατάθεση στο ΑΤΜ και δεν έχει καθαρίσει,46 απόσυρση εν αναμονή της έννοιας;,46 Τι σημαίνει να έχετε εκκρεμείς απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Προσπάθησα να πάρω κάποια χρήματα, αλλά το μηχάνημα δεν λειτούργησε. Η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να φαίνεται σε εξέλιξη!Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε τι συμβαίνει. Δεν θέλω να χρεωθείτε για χρήματα που δεν έλαβα.",46 "Ο λογαριασμός μου λέει ότι υπάρχουν εκκρεμείς κεφάλαια αυτή τη στιγμή από την απόσυρση από ένα ΑΤΜ, αλλά η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε και ποτέ δεν έβγαλα χρήματα.Πότε θα κατατεθούν αυτά τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου;",46 Πόσο καιρό πριν μπορώ να δω ότι η απόσυρση μετρητών μου έχει γίνει;,46 "Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου εκκρεμεί, γιατί;",46 "Ο λογαριασμός μου λέει ότι έχω χρήματα, αλλά το απέσυα σε μετρητά.",46 Πώς μπορώ να εμφανίσω την απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Δεν έλαβα τα χρήματά μου νωρίτερα και λέει ότι η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη.Μπορείς να το φτιάξεις?,46 "Γειά σου.Έχω μια συναλλαγή στον λογαριασμό μου που αναφέρεται ως εκκρεμείς.Προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω ένα ATM στο κέντρο της πόλης, αλλά το μηχάνημα απέρριψε την κάρτα μου και δεν έλαβα τα χρήματα.Γιατί η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί εάν δεν έλαβα τα χρήματα.",46 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται συνήθως για να ξεκαθαρίσει μια εκκρεμούσα απόσυρση ΑΤΜ;,46 Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δείχνει ότι εκκρεμεί ακόμα.,46 Αποσύρθηκα μετρητά και δεν το βλέπω να αντικατοπτρίζεται στο υπόλοιπο,46 Πότε θα εμφανιστεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου/,46 "Γεια σας, έχω πρόβλημα με την κάρτα μου, δεν καταλαβαίνω τι συμβαίνει, προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω το μηχάνημα ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά δεν λειτούργησε, αλλά φαίνεται ότι οι συναλλαγές είναι ακόμα σε εξέλιξη, μπορείτε να το ακυρώσετε για μένα;",46 "Κοιτάζοντας τον λογαριασμό μου έχω παρατηρήσει μια χρέωση που φαίνεται να βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη.Είχα προσπαθήσει να βγάλω χρήματα από το μηχάνημα νωρίτερα, αλλά το μηχάνημα φαινόταν να έχει σπάσει.Δεν έλαβα ποτέ τα χρήματά μου, οπότε θα το κοιτάξεις αυτό για μένα;Δεν θέλω να χρεωθώ για χρήματα που δεν έλαβα ποτέ.",46 Τι είναι μια εκκρεμούσα απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Πότε θα εμφανιστεί μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Γεια, προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ κάποια χρήματα από ένα ΑΤΜ και το μηχάνημα ήταν σπασμένο.Λέει ότι η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη.Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε διπλά για να δείτε τι συμβαίνει;Δεν θέλω να χρεωθώ αφού δεν ήμουν σε θέση να αποσύρουν τα χρήματα.",46 Η απόσυρση της ατμόσφαιρας μου παίρνει για πάντα,46 Τι σημαίνει όταν εκκρεμεί μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Γιατί η απόσυρσή μου σε μετρητά εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,46 Γιατί η εκκρεμούσα κατάσταση στην απόσυρση μετρητών μου διαρκεί τόσο πολύ;,46 Υπάρχει μια εκκρεμούσα συναλλαγή στον λογαριασμό μου όταν προσπάθησα να πάρω χρήματα από το ATM νωρίτερα και δεν λειτούργησε.Μπορείτε να το διορθώσετε;,46 Τα μετρητά που πήρα στο ATM είναι ακόμα στο λογαριασμό μου.,46 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να σταματήσω η απόσυρση μετρητών μου,46 Με ανησυχεί γιατί εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου.,46 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για την απόσυρση μετρητών μου να μην εμφανίζονται πλέον ως εκκρεμείς;,46 Πόσο καιρό μέχρι να δω μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 εκκρεμεί εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί,46 "Γιατί με χρεώνει ακόμα, παρόλο που δεν μπόρεσα να αποσυρθώ χρήματα από το ΑΤΜ;",46 Τι σημαίνει αν εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Γιατί μια συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,46 Δεν βλέπω την πρόσφατη απόσυρση μετρητών στον λογαριασμό μου.,46 Τι σημαίνει μια εκκρεμούσα απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Προσπάθησα να πάρω μερικές με τις υπαινιγμούς, αλλά το μηχάνημα δεν λειτούργησε.Η συναλλαγή εξακολουθεί να φαίνεται σε εξέλιξη. Φαίνεται ότι κάτι είναι λάθος, δεν θέλω να χρεωθεί για συναλλαγή που δεν έκανα.",46 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 "Εάν έχω ήδη ολοκληρώσει μια απόσυρση μετρητών σε ATM, είναι φυσιολογικό να εμφανιστεί ως μια εκκρεμούσα συναλλαγή στην εφαρμογή;",46 Γιατί η απόσυρση μετρητών δείχνει ως εκκρεμείς;,46 Γιατί να εκκρεμεί μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Εξηγήστε εκκρεμείς συναλλαγές.,46 Πώς δεν είναι διαθέσιμη η κατάθεση ATM μου;,46 "Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμούσα, γιατί;",46 "Αποσύρθηκα κάποια μετρητά, πότε θα δείξει;",46 Μπορείτε να με ενημερώσετε γιατί εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Έκανα απόσυρση μετρητών και εξακολουθεί να είναι εισηγμένη ως εκκρεμούσα συναλλαγή.,46 "Η απόσυρση μετρητών εκκρεμεί, γιατί;",46 "Hae εκεί, έχω μια συναλλαγή που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη παρά το γεγονός ότι το ΑΤΜ δεν δούλευε, τι πρέπει να κάνω για να αποφύγω να χρεωθεί;",46 "Περιμένω 3 ημέρες, γιατί η απόσυρσή μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;",46 "Αφαιρέθηκα τα μετρητά από ένα ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στην εφαρμογή.Πώς μπορεί αυτό να εκκρεμεί αυτό, έλαβα ήδη τα μετρητά;",46 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση της ΑΤΜ;,46 Υπάρχει κάποιος λόγος που η απόσυρση μετρητών εξακολουθεί να δείχνει ως εκκρεμείς;,46 Ήταν αρκετές ημέρες και η απόσυρση μετρητών μου εκκρεμεί.Γιατί;,46 Ο λογαριασμός μου λέει ότι εκκρεμεί απόσυρση - γιατί δεν μπορώ να βγάλω μετρητά από το ΑΤΜ;,46 "Προσπάθησα να βγάλω κάποια χρήματα από ένα ATM νωρίτερα σήμερα και απορρίφθηκε.Κοιτάζοντας στην οθόνη μου τώρα, εξακολουθώ να βλέπω ότι εκκρεμεί για αυτό το ποσό.Δεν πήρα πραγματικά αυτά τα χρήματα, οπότε δεν θέλω να επεξεργαστεί το λογαριασμό μου.",46 "Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου λέει εκκρεμούσε, γιατί;",46 Γιατί τα μετρητά μου εξακολουθούν να εκκρεμούν ότι έβαλα το ATM;,46 Στον λογαριασμό μου παρατήρησα ότι η απόσυρση της ατμόσφαιρας μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί,46 Ακυρώστε την τελευταία χρέωση ATM στην κάρτα μου καθώς η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε νωρίτερα σήμερα και δεν έλαβα αυτά τα μετρητά.,46 "Η απόσυρση μου εκκρεμεί, γιατί;",46 Γιατί ο λογαριασμός μου εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμότητα απόσυρσης μετρητών από το ΑΤΜ που έχω ήδη κάνει;,46 "Έχω μια απόσυρση μετρητών που λέει ότι εκκρεμεί, γιατί;",46 Έβγαλα χρήματα από το ΑΤΜ και εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς;,46 Γιατί να εκκρεμεί μια απόσυρση μετρητών;,46 Γιατί η συναλλαγή μετρητών εμφανίζεται ότι δεν ολοκληρώνεται;,46 Γιατί η απόσυρσή μου από το ΑΤΜ εμφανίζεται ακόμα ως εκκρεμείς;,46 Τα μετρητά που κατέθεσα χρησιμοποιώντας το ΑΤΜ εκκρεμούν ακόμα,46 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ χρήματα, αλλά δεν μπόρεσα.Ακόμα λέει ότι η συναλλαγή εκκρεμεί;Θα εξαφανιστούν αυτά τα χρήματα;",46 Υπάρχει αναμονή απόσυρσης.,46 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί εκκρεμεί η απόσυρση μετρητών μου;,46 Η αποσύνδεση του ATM μου είναι η StillPending,46 "Αποσύρθηκα μετρητά από ένα ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς στην εφαρμογή.Πώς μπορεί αυτό να εκκρεμεί αυτό, έλαβα ήδη τα μετρητά;",46 "Γεια σας, προσπάθησα να πάρω κάποια μετρητά από το ΑΤΜ, αλλά κοίταξα τη δήλωσή μου και εξακολουθεί να δείχνει ότι εκκρεμεί.Είναι σπασμένο το μηχάνημα;Θα λάβω τα χρήματά μου πίσω ή θα χρεωθώ για αυτό;",46 Έκανα μια απόσυρση μετρητών και εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς γιατί είναι αυτό;,46 Το τελευταίο μου αίτημα ATM δεν πέρασε λόγω μιας μειωμένης κάρτας.Ακυρώστε το αίτημα στον λογαριασμό μου.,46 Τι πρέπει να κάνω εάν βλέπω μια απόσυρση εκκρεμεί;,46 Η ισορροπία μου δεν είναι αυτό που σκέφτηκα ότι ακολούθησε μια απόσυρση ATM,46 "Πήγα στον πειρασμό να βγάλω κάποια χρήματα από το μηχάνημα νωρίτερα και δεν λειτούργησε. Κοιτάζοντας τώρα, η συναλλαγή δείχνει στην πραγματικότητα να είναι ακόμα σε εξέλιξη.Σίγουρα θα εκτιμούσα κάποιον να το κοιτάξει και να με ενημερώσει τι συμβαίνει.Σίγουρα δεν θέλω να χρεωθώ για χρήματα που δεν έλαβα ποτέ.",46 "Γεια σας, προσπάθησα να βγάλω κάποια χρήματα από το ΑΤΜ, αλλά εξακολουθεί να δείχνει ότι εκκρεμεί;Πραγματικά δεν θέλω να χρεωθεί για αυτό.",46 Πόσο καιρό μέχρι να εμφανιστεί η απόσυρση μετρητών στον λογαριασμό μου,46 Πότε θα εκκαθαριστούν τα μετρητά που έβαλα στο ΑΤΜ από την εκκρεμότητα κατάστασης;,46 "Η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε και δεν έλαβα χρήματα από το ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά δείχνει στο λογαριασμό μου ότι εκκρεμεί.",46 Τράβηξα μετρητά από το ATM νωρίτερα.Γιατί εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί εάν έχω ήδη τα μετρητά;,46 Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δεν έχει βγει ακόμα από τον λογαριασμό μου.,46 "Χρειαζόμουν μετρητά σήμερα, γι 'αυτό χρησιμοποίησα το ATM άλλου παροχέα και όταν προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ, αρνήθηκε.Μόλις το έλεγξα και εξακολουθώ να δείχνω τον λογαριασμό μου με αυτό το ποσό που εκκρεμεί!Δεν έβγαλα χρήματα, απορρίφθηκε, οπότε δεν θέλω να υποβληθεί σε επεξεργασία ως απόσυρση.",46 Γιατί η κατάθεσή μου στο ΑΤΜ δεν έχει καθαριστεί ακόμα;,46 Γιατί δεν εμφανίζεται η απόσυρση μετρητών μου,46 Πόσα διαφορετικά νομίσματα μπορώ να κρατήσω χρήματα;,36 Επιτρέπεται η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,36 Πόσα νομίσματα μπορώ να έχω χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου;,36 Είναι αποδεκτό το EUR για ανταλλαγές;,36 Είναι εντάξει να κρατάτε χρήματα σε πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Μπορώ να έχω χρήματα σε περισσότερα από ένα νόμισμα στον λογαριασμό μου;,36 Ποια νομίσματα μπορώ να έχω;,36 Σε ποια νομίσματα μπορεί να είναι ο λογαριασμός μου;,36 Πόσα νομίσματα μπορώ να έχω;,36 Επιτρέπονται οι ανταλλαγές EUR;,36 "Θέλω να έχω πολλαπλά νομίσματα στο λογαριασμό μου, αν είναι δυνατόν.",36 Μετατρέπετε σε ευρώ;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Μπορεί να γίνει ανταλλαγή σε EUR;,36 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποια επίπεδα νομίσματα υποστηρίζετε για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή.,36 Υποστηρίζετε άλλα νομίσματα;,36 Μπορείτε να μετατρέψετε σε ευρώ;,36 Ποια είναι τα νομίσματα fiat που χρησιμοποιούνται;,36 "Ποια νομίσματα δεν μπορώ να κρατήσω πολλούς, αν ναι, τι είναι;",36 Πόσα διαφορετικά νομίσματα μπορώ να έχω τα χρήματά μου;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζονται από εσάς;,36 Τι νομίσματα προσφέρετε;,36 Are there any fiat currencies that you will not work with?,36 Αναρωτήθηκα αν πολλά νομίσματα είναι εντάξει;,36 Υποστηρίζονται όλα τα νομίσματα Fiat;,36 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τα ονόματα των νομισμάτων Fiat που μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω στο ίδρυμά σας;,36 Μπορώ να αλλάξω ή να διατηρήσω διαφορετικό νόμισμα;,36 Ποια επίπεδη νομίσματα υποστηρίζονται για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Ποια άλλα νομίσματα fiat μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω;,36 Με ποια νομίσματα Fiat επιτρέπετε την ανταλλαγή;,36 Είναι διαθέσιμα όλα τα ευρωπαϊκά νομίσματα για τη συμμετοχή και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πόσα νομίσματα μπορώ να κρατήσω;,36 Ποιοι τύποι ξένων χρημάτων μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν με αυτήν την υπηρεσία.,36 Μου επιτρέπεται να κρατήσω χρήματα σε πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζετε;,36 "Πρέπει να κρατήσω χρήματα, ποια νομίσματα μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω;",36 Μπορείτε να κάνετε ανταλλαγές ευρώ;,36 Ποια είναι όλα τα νομίσματα fiat που υποστηρίζονται τόσο για την ανταλλαγή όσο και για τη συγκράτηση;,36 Ποια νομίσματα μπορώ να κρατήσω;,36 Τι νομίσματα αποδέχεστε;,36 Υπάρχουν περιορισμοί σε ποιο νόμισμα μπορώ να κρατήσω;,36 Ποιοι τύποι καταπιστευματικών νομισμάτων υποστηρίζονται για τη θητεία και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Μπορώ να κρατήσω περισσότερα από ένα νόμισμα;,36 Ποια νομίσματα Fiat χρησιμοποιούνται με εκμεταλλεύσεις και ανταλλαγές;,36 Είναι δυνατόν να κρατάτε χρήματα σε πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Μπορώ να έχω πολλαπλά νομίσματα στον λογαριασμό μου;,36 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποια νομίσματα fiat μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω μαζί σας.,36 Πώς μπορώ να λύσω το πρόβλημά μου με την κατοχή πολλαπλών νομισμάτων;,36 Τι νομίσματα υποστηρίζετε;,36 Υποστηρίζετε νομίσματα fiat;,36 Μπορεί ο λογαριασμός μου να έχει διαφορετικούς τύπους νομίσματος σε αυτό.,36 Τι είδους χρήματα μπορώ να κρατήσω;,36 Θα μπορείτε να ανταλλάξετε σε ευρώ;,36 Υποστηρίζεται το νόμισμα της χώρας μου από το σύστημά σας;,36 Ποια επίπεδη νομίσματα υποστηρίζετε για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Τι είδους νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζονται για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Μπορείτε να κάνετε ανταλλαγές με το ευρώ;,36 Είναι το EUR ένα από τα νομίσματα που αντιμετωπίζετε;,36 Είναι αποδεκτές οι ανταλλαγές EUR;,36 Ποια νομίσματα μπορώ να ανταλλάξω;,36 Ποια αξιόπιστα νομίσματα υποστηρίζονται για τη θητεία και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Θα προσθέσετε περισσότερα νομίσματα στο μέλλον;,36 Πώς μπορώ να κρατήσω και να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα fiat;,36 Ποια νομίσματα είναι διαθέσιμα για τη χρήση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Θα ήθελα για κάποιον να μου πει ποια νομίσματα fiat που υποστηρίζει η εταιρεία σας.,36 Ποια νομίσματα επιτρέπονται;,36 "Ενδιαφέρομαι να χρησιμοποιήσω νομίσματα fiat, τα οποία υποστηρίζετε;",36 Πώς μπορώ να προχωρήσω στη συγκράτηση χρημάτων σε πολλά νομίσματα;,36 Ποια νομίσματα θα ανταλλάξετε;,36 Χρειάζομαι μια λίστα με νομίσματα που αποδέχεστε για ανταλλαγή.,36 Τι είδους νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζετε;,36 Ποια νομίσματα υποστηρίζονται;,36 Παρακαλώ πείτε μου ποια νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζετε.,36 Προσφέρετε υπηρεσίες που κατέχουν χρήματα σε διαφορετικούς τύπους νομίσματος;,36 Ποιο νόμισμα υποστηρίζεται για ανταλλαγές και κατέχει;,36 Ποια χρήματα fiat μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω στην ανταλλαγή και να κρατήσω;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat χρησιμοποιούνται για ανταλλαγή;,36 Παρέχετε ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων σε ευρώ;,36 Σε ποια χώρα μπορώ να κρατήσω το νόμισμα;,36 Σε ποια άλλα νομίσματα μπορώ να κρεμάσω;,36 "Ενδιαφέρομαι να κρατήσω και να ανταλλάξω επίπεδη νομίσματα, τι υποστηρίζετε;",36 Αντιμετωπίζετε πρόβλημα με τις ανταλλαγές EUR;,36 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νόμισμα στην Ευρώπη;,36 Τι είναι τα επιλέξιμα νομίσματα εκμετάλλευσης και ανταλλαγής;,36 "Στην ανταλλαγή και τη συγκράτηση, τι επιτρέπεται η Fiat;",36 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω σε ευρώ;,36 Επιτρέπετε ανταλλαγές ευρώ;,36 Είστε σε θέση να κάνετε ανταλλαγές σε EUR;,36 Ο λογαριασμός μου έχει τη δυνατότητα να κατέχει πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω μέσω αυτής της εφαρμογής;,36 "Κρατάτε χρήματα και αν ναι, ποια νομίσματα αποδέχεστε;",36 Πείτε μου τους τύπους νομίσματος που μπορώ να κρατήσω.,36 Μπορώ να έχω πολλά νομίσματα;,36 Θα συνεργαστείτε με οποιαδήποτε νομίσματα fiat;,36 Ποια επίπεδη νομίσματα μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω από εσάς;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat χρησιμοποιούνται για συμμετοχές;,36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat υποστηρίζετε αυτήν τη στιγμή;Θα αλλάξει αυτή η αλλαγή σε αυτό το μέλλον;,36 Μπορείτε να κάνετε ανταλλαγές χρησιμοποιώντας το EUR;,36 Είναι δυνατόν να κρατάτε χρήματα σε διαφορετικά νομίσματα;,36 Πείτε μου τα νομίσματα που υποστηρίζετε.,36 Είναι αποδεκτά πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Αντιμετωπίζετε το Eur;,36 "Άκουσα ότι υποστηρίζετε περισσότερους από έναν τύπους νόμισμα fiat, θα μου πείτε ποιες παρακαλώ;",36 Ποια νομίσματα Fiat υποστηρίζονται για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Ποια νομίσματα Fiat υποστηρίζονται;,36 Ποιες είναι οι επιλογές μου για τη διατήρηση χρημάτων σε πολλαπλά νομίσματα;,36 Ποια επίπεδη νομίσματα χρησιμοποιείτε για τη συγκράτηση και τις ανταλλαγές.,36 "Θέλω να κρατήσω και να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα fiat, τι μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω για να το κάνω;",36 Έχετε διαθέσιμο νόμισμα EUR για μένα;,36 "Αν ταξίδευα στο εξωτερικό, θα μπορούσα να κρατήσω νομίσματα σε ευρώ;",36 Ποια νομίσματα fiat είναι συμβατά για ανταλλαγή και συγκράτηση;,36 Υποστηρίζεται το νόμισμα Fiat που υποστηρίζεται και για την ανταλλαγή και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Πρέπει να ξέρω ποια επίπεδα νομίσματα υποστηρίζονται από εσάς.,36 Παρακαλούμε να αναφέρετε ποια νομίσματα Fiat υποστηρίζονται τόσο για την κατοχή όσο και για την ανταλλαγή.,36 Έχετε υποστήριξη για επίπεδη νομίσματα;,36 Θα ήθελα να μάθω ποια νομίσματα Fiat αναγνωρίζονται από τον οργανισμό σας.,36 Μπορείτε να αλλάξετε το νόμισμά μου σε ευρώ;,36 Είστε εντάξει με τις ανταλλαγές σε EUR;,36 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω τα χρήματά μου για το Eur;,36 Μπορώ να έχω χρήματα διαφορετικής χώρας προέλευσης.,36 Ποιοι είναι οι τύποι νομισμάτων που μπορώ να κρατήσω τα χρήματα.,36 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για την κατανόηση των νομισμάτων Fiat που υποστηρίζετε.,36 Θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε τα νομίσματα fiat με τα οποία εργάζεστε;,36 Ποια νομίσματα Fiat υποστηρίζονται;,36 Ποια επίπεδη νομίσματα υποστηρίζετε για τη συγκράτηση και την ανταλλαγή;,36 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε αν μπορώ να κρατήσω χρήματα σε διάφορα νομίσματα;,36 Μπορεί να παραδοθεί συγκεκριμένα σε μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία;,12 Πρέπει να πάρω γρήγορα την κάρτα μου,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω την κάρτα μου;Ζω στις ΗΠΑ.,12 Βοήθεια!Πότε θα φτάσει η κάρτα στο σπίτι μου;,12 Μπορώ να παρακολουθείται γρήγορα η κάρτα μου;,12 Πόσο καιρό είναι η αναμονή για την κάρτα μου;,12 Πρέπει να επιταχύνω την κάρτα μου,12 Πότε πρέπει να περιμένω να λάβω την κάρτα μου;,12 Πόσο καιρό μέχρι να φτάσει η κάρτα μου εδώ;,12 Πόσο καιρό είναι ο χρόνος παράδοσης στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Μπορώ να το παραδώσει σε μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία;,12 "εκφράζω την παραγωγή της κάρτας μου στις ΗΠΑ, πόσο καιρό θα πάρει αυτό",12 Χρειάζομαι σύντομα την κάρτα μου.,12 Μπορώ να επιλέξω όταν παραδοθεί η κάρτα μου;,12 Πότε θα είναι η κάρτα μου εδώ;,12 Πόσο καιρό θα λάβει η παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω την παράδοση;,12 Μπορώ να καθορίσω μια μέρα για να παραδοθεί η κάρτα μου;,12 Ανησυχώ ότι η κάρτα μου μπορεί να χαθεί στο ταχυδρομείο;Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται συνήθως για να φτάσει;,12 Πότε θα παραδοθεί η κάρτα μου;,12 Μπορεί η παράδοση να είναι συγκεκριμένη για τις ανάγκες μου;,12 Πόσο καιρό παίρνει η παράδοση;,12 "Για να παραδώσει στις ΗΠΑ, πόσο καιρό θα διαρκέσει;",12 Πόσο γρήγορα μπορείτε να μου πάρετε την κάρτα μου;,12 Μπορώ να επιλέξω τους χρόνους παράδοσης για να μου ταιριάζει;,12 Μπορώ να επιλέξω την ημέρα που παραδίδεται;,12 Πόσο καιρό θα πάρει αυτό για να φτάσετε σε μένα;,12 Όταν αποστέλλονται στις ΗΠΑ πόσο καιρό είναι ο χρόνος παράδοσης;,12 "Δώσε μου την κάρτα μου, το χρειάζομαι τώρα!",12 Θα ήθελα να το παραδώσει το Σάββατο.Είναι αυτό εφικτό?,12 Πόσο καιρό θα πρέπει να περιμένω τη νέα μου κάρτα;,12 Πόσο καιρό είναι μια παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Ποιος είναι ο χρόνος παράδοσης στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Εάν παραγγείλω μια κάρτα πότε φτάνει;,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω την κάρτα μου;,12 Πόσο διαρκεί η παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Ποιες είναι οι πολιτικές αποστολής σας για κάρτες;,12 Παραγγείλαλα την κάρτα μου και δεν είναι ακόμα εδώ.Το χρειάζομαι το συντομότερο δυνατό.Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω να το πάρω;,12 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να περιμένω να περιμένω να φτάσει η κάρτα μου;,12 Πότε θα έρθει η κάρτα μου;Το χρειάζομαι το συντομότερο δυνατό!,12 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να περιμένω να φτάσει η κάρτα;,12 Ποιος είναι ο χρόνος αναμονής για παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πότε θα φτάσει η κάρτα μου;,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω να φτάσει η κάρτα μου;,12 Μπορώ να το παραδώσει την ημερομηνία που το χρειάζομαι;,12 Ποιο είναι το χρονικό διάστημα για ένα από αυτά τα στοιχεία να έρθουν στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο;,12 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να μου στείλει η κάρτα μου;,12 Μπορούν να αποσταλούν κάρτες σε συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία;,12 Μπορώ να το έχω μέχρι μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία;,12 Χρειάζομαι την κάρτα μου όσο το δυνατόν πιο γρήγορα,12 Πόσο καιρό θα πάρει η κάρτα μου για να έρθει εδώ;,12 Υπάρχει συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία που μπορεί να παραδοθεί;,12 Χρειάζομαι την κάρτα μου να παραδοθεί γρήγορα,12 Υπάρχει συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία που μπορώ να το παραδώσει;,12 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να παραδοθεί στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Χρειάζομαι την κάρτα μου το συντομότερο δυνατόν!,12 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να φτάσετε στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Πόσο σύντομα θα πάρω την κάρτα μου;,12 Ποια είναι η εκτιμώμενη ημερομηνία για την παράδοση σε εμάς;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να έρθει η κάρτα;,12 Πότε θα λάβω την κάρτα;,12 Πότε πρέπει να περιμένω την κάρτα μου να φτάσει;,12 Μπορώ να πληρώσω περισσότερα για να το παραδώσω πιο γρήγορα;,12 Πόσο καιρό είναι η παράδοση στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Στείλτε μου την κάρτα μου τώρα!αμέσως,12 "Δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα την κάρτα μου, πόσο καιρό παίρνει κανονικά;",12 Πόσο καιρό είναι η παράδοση των ΗΠΑ;,12 Μπορείτε να μου εκφράσετε την κάρτα μου;,12 Πότε θα παραδοθεί;,12 Πόσο σύντομα θα φτάσει η κάρτα μου;,12 Παραγγείλαλα την κάρτα μου πριν από μερικές εβδομάδες και δεν την έλαβα ακόμα.Πότε μπορώ να το περιμένω;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να παραδοθούν οι κάρτες μετά την παραγγελία τους;,12 "Εάν χρειάζομαι παράδοση σε μια συγκεκριμένη ημέρα, είναι κάτι που θα μπορούσε να φιλοξενηθεί;",12 Πόσο να πάρω την κάρτα μου σε 2 ημέρες;,12 Πότε αποστέλλονται κάρτες;,12 Η κάρτα μου απαιτείται σύντομα,12 Ποιος είναι ο χρόνος παράδοσης για εμάς;,12 Έβαλα την παραγγελία μου πριν από μία εβδομάδα.Είναι εντάξει ότι η κάρτα μου δεν είναι ακόμα εδώ;,12 Πόσο σύντομα φτάνουν οι κάρτες μετά την παραγγελία τους;,12 Πώς θα πάρω την κάρτα μου;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να λάβω την κάρτα μου;,12 Πόσο καιρό μέχρι να φτάσει η κάρτα;,12 Μπορώ να παραδώσει την κάρτα μου την Τρίτη;,12 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πόσο καιρό χρειάζεται για μια νέα κάρτα;,12 Πρέπει να προσθέσω ρητή παράδοση εάν αυτή είναι μια επιλογή,12 Χρειάζομαι αμέσως την κάρτα μου.,12 Μπορώ να επιλέξω μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία παράδοσης;,12 Πότε θα μου αποσταλεί η κάρτα μου;,12 Έχω λόγο όταν παραδίδεται;,12 Χρειάζομαι την κάρτα μου το συντομότερο δυνατό.,12 Θα ήθελα να βεβαιωθώ ότι παραδίδεται σε μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία.,12 Πότε θα λάβω την κάρτα μου;,12 Θα μπορούσα να επιλέξω την ημερομηνία για να το παραδώσει;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να φτάσει μια κάρτα;,12 Η κάρτα μου θα είναι εδώ σύντομα;,12 Στείλτε την κάρτα μου το συντομότερο δυνατό.,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να βγάλω την κάρτα μου σε βιασύνη,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω να λάβω την κάρτα μου;,12 Είναι ευέλικτες οι ημέρες παράδοσης;Το πρόγραμμά μου μου επιτρέπει μόνο να είμαι διαθέσιμος σε συγκεκριμένες ημερομηνίες.,12 Πόσες ημέρες θα παραδώσει σε έναν πελάτη των ΗΠΑ;,12 Πότε μπορώ να περιμένω ότι η νέα μου κάρτα θα έρθει εδώ;,12 Πόσο καιρό είναι οι παραδόσεις στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Μπορεί να παραδοθεί σε μια συγκεκριμένη ημερομηνία;,12 Τι είναι η ταχύτητα παράδοσης στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να παραδοθεί κάτι στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο;,12 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να παραδοθεί η φυσική μου κάρτα.,12 Ποιος είναι ο χρόνος παράδοσης για να εμφανιστεί μια νέα κάρτα στο ταχυδρομείο;,12 Ποιος είναι ο πρώτος χρόνος για να λάβω την κάρτα μου;,12 Μου στέλνετε την κάρτα μου;,12 Χρειάζομαι αμέσως την κάρτα μου.,12 Πότε θα παραδοθεί στις ΗΠΑ;,12 Μπορώ να προσθέσω χρήματα αυτόματα στον λογαριασμό μου ενώ ταξιδεύω;,4 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για την εξεύρεση της επιλογής Auto Fund Up.,4 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο ποσό που μπορείτε να κάνετε για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Δεν μπορώ να βρω την επιλογή αυτόματης κορυφής.,4 Έχει η αυτόματη συμπλήρωση όρων;,4 Πότε ενεργοποιώ την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Μπορώ να μεταφερθώ χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου σε διαφορετικά χρονικά διαστήματα κατά μήκος του ταξιδιού μου;,4 "Θα ταξιδέψω, μπορώ να δημιουργήσω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση αν τρέχω χαμηλά χρήματα;",4 Υπάρχει μια αυτόματη λειτουργία συμπλήρωσης;,4 Μπορώ να έχω τον λογαριασμό μου να προσθέσω αυτόματα χρήματα σε ορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα;,4 Υπάρχει καθημερινό όριο αυτόματης συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,4 Πώς μπορώ να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση στην επιλογή για να συμπληρώσετε;,4 Θα ταξιδέψω.Μπορώ να προσθέσω χρήματα αυτόματα;,4 Πόσο χαμηλό πρέπει να είναι το υπόλοιπο πριν από τις ενημερώσεις του συστήματος;,4 Υπάρχει κάποια επιλογή auto top-up;,4 Πώς μπορώ να ρυθμίσω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 "Εάν δεν έχουν απομείνει πολλά χρήματα, θα συμπληρωθεί αυτόματα;",4 Χρειάζεται να ορίσω ένα όριο στην αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Μπορείτε να συμπληρώσετε αυτόματα τον λογαριασμό σας,4 Μπορώ να προσθέσω χρήματα στην κάρτα μου αυτόματα κατά τη διάρκεια ενός ταξιδιού;,4 Είναι διαθέσιμη μια επιλογή auto top-up;,4 Μπορώ να κάνω αυτόματη κορυφή αν είμαι χαμηλός σε κεφάλαια;,4 Πες μου πού μπορώ να βρω τη λειτουργία Auto Funply και λίγο για αυτό παρακαλώ.,4 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκινήσω την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Ερωτηθώ για τη λειτουργία σας για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση.,4 Μπορώ να δημιουργήσω μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Υπάρχει κάποιο όριο στην αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Είναι δυνατόν να κάνετε αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Υπάρχει τρόπος να κάνετε αυτόματη συμπλήρωση,4 Θα ήθελα να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα τον λογαριασμό μου.Πως το κάνω αυτό?,4 Θέλω να δημιουργήσω μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση,4 "Εάν δεν έχω πολλά χρήματα στον λογαριασμό, μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;",4 Μπορώ να προγραμματίσω τις μελλοντικές συναυλίες;,4 Μπορώ να ορίσω αυτόματες ups;,4 Πρέπει να γνωρίζω το αν υπάρχει ένα όριο στο ποσό για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση.,4 Μπορώ να ρυθμίσω στον λογαριασμό μου για να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 Η εφαρμογή αυξάνεται αυτόματα;,4 "Εάν δεν έχουν απομείνει πολλά χρήματα, θα συμπληρώσει αυτόματα τα χρήματα;",4 Σε ποιες προσαυξήσεις μπορώ να συμπληρώσω την κάρτα μου;,4 Το Auto Funp-up έχει ένα όριο;,4 "Εάν τρέχω χαμηλά με πίστωση, μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;",4 Υπάρχει αυτόματη λειτουργία συμπέρασης;,4 Υπάρχει κάτι τέτοιο όπως μια επιλογή auto top-up;,4 Πώς μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την επιλογή;,4 Όταν ταξιδεύω μπορεί να συμπληρώσει αυτόματα,4 Υπάρχει μια επιλογή Auto Fund Up;,4 Πού μπορώ να βρω το αυτόματο κορυφαίο;,4 Πώς μπορώ να προσθέσω αυτόματα χρήματα;,4 Πού μπορώ να εντοπίσω την επιλογή αυτόματης κορυφής;,4 "Θα ταξιδέψω, μπορώ να το προσθέσω αυτόματα χρήματα σε ορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα;",4 Θα ταξιδέψω και θα θέλω να προστεθούν χρήματα αυτόματα σε ορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα.Είναι δυνατόν;,4 Πρέπει να συμπληρώσω με μη αυτόματο τρόπο μια φορά που είμαι πολύ χαμηλός;,4 Πώς θα ξέρω πότε μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω τη λειτουργία Auto Funp-up;,4 Ποιες είναι οι αυτόματες πολιτικές;,4 Μπορώ να κάνω αυτόματη κορυφή;Πως το κάνω?,4 Πώς μπορώ να ξαναπαιρεθώ στην κάρτα μου όταν ταξιδεύω;,4 Ποιο είναι το όριο στην Auto Top;,4 Πώς μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 Μπορεί να προσθέσει χρήματα αυτόματα κατά τη διάρκεια του ταξιδιού,4 Είναι η αυτόματη συμπληρωματική υπηρεσία;,4 "Όταν ο χρόνος είναι σωστός, αυτό θα αναπληρώσει αυτόματα την ισορροπία μου;",4 Τα χρήματα θα προστεθούν αυτόματα όταν είναι απαραίτητο;,4 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα όταν ταξιδεύω;,4 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Υπάρχει τρόπος να συμπληρωθεί όταν φτάσει σε μια ορισμένη ισορροπία;,4 Μπορώ να ορίσω τον λογαριασμό στην αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Υπάρχει κάποιο κρυφό όριο στην αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 "Ταξιδεύω, τι μπορώ να κάνω για να δημιουργήσω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;",4 "Ποιες είναι οι επιλογές μου για την ολοκλήρωση, αυτόματη και/ή χειροκίνητη;",4 "Όταν ταξιδεύω, μπορεί να προσθέσει αυτόματα χρήματα σε ορισμένα χρονικά διαστήματα;",4 Διατίθεται αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Θέλω να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα.,4 Όταν ταξιδεύω είναι δυνατόν να προσθέσετε τα χρήματα αυτόματα σε συγκεκριμένα χρονικά σημεία;,4 Προσφέρετε αυτόματες ups;,4 Υπάρχει όριο για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Προσπαθώ να ενεργοποιήσω τη λειτουργία αυτόματης κορυφής.Που είναι?,4 Ποιο είναι το όριο για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Πώς μπορώ να συμπληρωθώ αυτόματα;,4 Πώς μπορώ να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση στην επιλογή Auto Top-up;,4 Πού μπορώ να βρω τη λειτουργία αυτόματης κορυφής;,4 "Εάν τα κεφάλαιά μου λειτουργούν χαμηλά, η εφαρμογή θα ολοκληρωθεί αυτόματα;",4 Μπορώ να το ρυθμίσω για να προσθέσω χρήματα κάθε λίγες μέρες αυτόματα ενώ ταξιδεύω;,4 Θέλω να προσθέσω αυτόματα χρήματα όταν ταξιδεύω.,4 Υπάρχει κάποια λειτουργία όπου μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω μια επιλογή auto top-up;,4 Μπορεί η συμπλήρωση να είναι αυτόματη;,4 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα πολλές φορές;,4 Θέλω να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση.Υπάρχει όριο;,4 Έχετε μια επιλογή για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Πώς μπορώ να ενεργοποιήσω την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση όταν ταξιδεύω;,4 Πού μπορώ να βρω την επιλογή αυτόματης κορυφής;,4 Ποιες είναι οι μέγιστες φορές που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 Πόσες φορές μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 Ποιες είναι οι αυτόματες πολιτικές συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,4 "Τι, αν υπάρχει, είναι το όριο για την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;",4 "Εάν ο λογαριασμός μου είναι χαμηλός σε κεφάλαια, μπορώ να ορίσω μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;",4 Το σύστημα θα συμπληρωθεί αυτόματα;,4 Μπορώ να λάβω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Πού μπορώ να βρω την επιλογή Auto Fund Up;,4 Ποιοι είναι οι περιορισμοί στην αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Πώς μπορώ να ρυθμίσω αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Μπορεί να συμπληρώσει αυτόματα τον λογαριασμό μου;,4 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;,4 "Άκουσα ότι έχετε μια επιλογή auto-top up, πού το βρίσκω;",4 Πού μπορώ να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση στη λειτουργία αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης;,4 Τι γίνεται με την αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Πώς μπορώ να το πάρω για να προσθέσω τα χρήματα αυτόματα κατά το ταξίδι,4 "Τι γίνεται με μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση, είναι μια επιλογή;",4 Μπορώ να ρυθμίσω τα συμπεράσματα εκ των προτέρων;,4 Πού μπορώ να εντοπίσω τη λειτουργία Auto Fund Up;,4 Υπάρχει τρόπος να δημιουργήσετε μια αυτόματη συμπλήρωση;,4 Έχω ένα ταξίδι που έρχεται και θέλω να προσθέσω χρήματα αυτόματα.,4 Πού μπορώ να βρω την επιλογή αυτόματης κορυφής;,4 Μπορεί να προσθέσει χρήματα κάθε τόσο συχνά αυτόματα ενώ ταξιδεύω;,4 Το σύστημα θα ενημερωθεί αυτόματα όταν δεν υπάρχουν περισσότερα χρήματα;,4 "Όταν ταξιδεύετε, είναι δυνατόν να προσθέσετε χρήματα σε συγκεκριμένα χρονικά διαστήματα;",4 Πώς μπορώ να συμπληρώσω ενώ ταξιδεύω;,4 Η επιλογή Auto-Top Up μπορεί να βρεθεί πού;,4 Πρέπει να συμπληρώσω με μη αυτόματο τρόπο τον λογαριασμό μου κάθε φορά ή θα το κάνει μόνη της;,4 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα όσο θέλω;,4 Μπορώ να προσθέσω χρήματα σε διαστήματα στον λογαριασμό μου;Θα ταξιδέψω.,4 Υπάρχει όριο στην auto top;,4 "Τα κεφάλαιά μου είναι χαμηλά, μπορώ να συμπληρώσω αυτόματα;",4 "Ξέρω ότι υπάρχει μια επιλογή αυτόματης κορυφής, αλλά δεν μπορώ να το εντοπίσω όταν κοιτάω;",4 Είναι δυνατόν να συμπληρωθεί αυτόματα η συμπλήρωση;,4 Ποιο είναι το όριο auto funp-up;,4 Έχετε μια λειτουργία αυτόματης κορυφής και πώς το χρησιμοποιώ αν ναι;,4 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου επειδή δεν λειτουργεί.,14 Δεν φαίνεται να μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου,14 "Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί καθόλου, χρειάζομαι βοήθεια.Είναι πραγματικά απογοητευτικό.",14 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα με την κάρτα μου;Απορρίφθηκε σε εστιατόριο σήμερα.,14 Πώς μπορώ να διορθώσω μια σπασμένη κάρτα;,14 "Η κάρτα μου δούλευε, αλλά τώρα δεν το κάνει.",14 Δεν φαίνεται να χρησιμοποιώ την κάρτα μου.,14 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου έχει σπάσει ότι δεν λειτουργεί πια,14 Δεν μπόρεσα να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την κάρτα.,14 Τι να κάνω αν έσπασε κατά λάθος την κάρτα μου;,14 Πώς η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί πια;,14 "Για μια εβδομάδα τώρα, προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου και δεν λειτουργεί ακόμα.",14 Η πραγματική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί.,14 Δεν μπορώ να κάνω την ίδια την κάρτα να δουλέψει.,14 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί;,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει.,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί.,14 Πόσο καιρό η εγκυρότητα της κάρτας,14 Η κάρτα μου φαίνεται να μην λειτουργεί καθόλου.,14 Η κάρτα μου απορρίπτεται όταν προσπαθώ να την χρησιμοποιήσω,14 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου για κάποιο λόγο.,14 Γιατί δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;,14 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου έχει σπάσει;,14 Τι να κάνω?Η κάρτα μου είναι σπασμένη.,14 "Η συνδρομή μου Netflix λέει ότι υπάρχει ένα πρόβλημα με τα στοιχεία της κάρτας μου, αλλά σκέφτηκα ότι όλα ήταν καλά.Γιατί θα μειωθεί;",14 Η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε σε ένα εστιατόριο σήμερα και δεν ξέρω ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα.,14 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος για αυτό,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί όταν προσπαθώ να την χρησιμοποιήσω.,14 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω τις ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας στην κάρτα μου;,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί καθόλου.Τι συνέβη?,14 Σήμερα έβγαλα το φαγητό και η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε.Γιατί είναι αυτό;,14 Ποιοι είναι οι τρόποι να δοκιμάσετε γιατί η κάρτα μου μπορεί να μην λειτουργεί;,14 Αυτήν τη στιγμή η κάρτα μου είναι σπασμένη.,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει καθόλου για τίποτα.,14 Πώς μπορώ να διορθώσω την κάρτα μου εάν έχει σπάσει;,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί για οποιεσδήποτε συναλλαγές;,14 "Προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου, αλλά δεν λειτουργεί.",14 Η κάρτα μου δεν εργάζεται για ακόμη και μικρές συναλλαγές σήμερα.,14 Τι να κάνω εάν το μηχάνημα απορρίψει την κάρτα μου;,14 Κάτι δεν πάει καλά η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει.,14 "Προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου σήμερα στο εστιατόριο, αλλά δεν λειτούργησε και μόλις απορρίφθηκε.Τι τρέχει?",14 "Ξαφνικά, η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει.",14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί όταν προσπαθώ να την χρησιμοποιήσω.,14 Η φυσική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί,14 Δεν φαίνεται να μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου,14 Γιατί η φυσική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί;,14 Βοήθεια.Η κάρτα μου είναι σπασμένη.,14 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου.,14 "Δεν γίνονται αποδεκτές συναλλαγές, τι συμβαίνει με την κάρτα μου;",14 Είναι η κάρτα μου κατεψυγμένη;,14 Η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε σε ένα εστιατόριο σήμερα και δεν είμαι σίγουρος γιατί.,14 Τι να κάνω τώρα που δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την κάρτα;,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν φαίνεται να λειτουργεί πια,14 "Από το μπλε, η κάρτα μου σταμάτησε να λειτουργεί.",14 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου.Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,14 Πώς μπορώ να παραγγείλω μια κατεστραμμένη κάρτα;,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί πια;,14 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου για οτιδήποτε,14 Τι συμβαίνει με την κάρτα μου;Ο υπάλληλος στο παντοπωλείο δήλωσε ότι απορρίφθηκε.,14 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;,14 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την εφαρμογή για να επαναφέρω τις προσπάθειες PIN;,14 Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.Η κάρτα δεν θα λειτουργήσει.,14 Δεν ήμουν σε θέση να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου σήμερα όταν βγήκα για μεσημεριανό γεύμα.Αναρωτιέστε γιατί είναι αυτό;,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν φαίνεται να λειτουργεί.,14 Αυτήν τη στιγμή δεν μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου να δουλέψει.,14 Ποιος είναι ο κύριος λόγος αυτού του προβλήματος,14 Πώς μπορώ να λειτουργήσω η κάρτα μου;,14 Τι μπορώ να κάνω για να κάνω τη φυσική μου κάρτα;,14 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί δεν μπορώ να κάνω συναλλαγές;,14 "Υπάρχει κάτι λάθος με την κάρτα μου.Προσπάθησε να το χρησιμοποιήσει μερικές φορές σήμερα σε διαφορετικά μέρη και απλά δεν λειτούργησε.Οι συναλλαγές που προσπάθησα να κάνω ήταν πραγματικά μικρές, οπότε δεν είμαι σίγουρος τι συμβαίνει",14 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι συμβαίνει με την κάρτα μου φαίνεται να μην λειτουργεί;,14 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω τις ρυθμίσεις ασφαλείας χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή;,14 Προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου σε πολλούς προμηθευτές και τώρα δεν λειτουργεί.,14 "Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε με την κάρτα μου, νομίζω ότι είναι έσπασε.",14 Η κάρτα είναι μη λειτουργική.,14 Δεν ήμουν σε θέση να ολοκληρώσω τις συναλλαγές στην κάρτα μου σήμερα.Ξέρετε τι συμβαίνει;,14 Σήμερα χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου σε ένα εστιατόριο και απορρίφθηκε.Γιατί;,14 "Απενεργοποιήσατε την κάρτα μου, δεν λειτουργεί πια",14 Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια για να λειτουργήσει η κάρτα μου.,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί πια;,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει πια;,14 Γιατί το μηχάνημα δεν θα δεχτεί πια την κάρτα μου;,14 Όταν ήμουν σε ένα εστιατόριο σήμερα η κάρτα μου απορρίφθηκε και η πληρωμή δεν θα περάσει και χρειάζομαι βοήθεια.Μπορείτε να το διορθώσετε;,14 Τι να κάνω εάν η φυσική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί;,14 Η κάρτα μου σταμάτησε να λειτουργεί μετά από πολλαπλές συναλλαγές.Γιατί;,14 Γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν θα δεχτεί συναλλαγές;,14 "Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου είναι σπασμένη ή κάτι τέτοιο.Προσπάθησα να το χρησιμοποιήσω και δεν θα περάσει, παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.",14 Η κάρτα μου είναι σπασμένη,14 Προσπάθησα να αγοράσω αεροπορικά εισιτήρια online σήμερα το πρωί και τα στοιχεία της κάρτας μου δεν λειτουργούν.Υπάρχει κάτι που συμβαίνει με τον λογαριασμό μου;,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί πλέον.,14 Φαίνεται ότι δεν μπορώ να κάνω συναλλαγές.,14 Δεν μπορώ να βρω την πραγματική μου κάρτα για να δουλέψω,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί όταν το χρησιμοποιώ.,14 Τι να κάνω αν η κάρτα μου σπάσει;,14 Αντιμετωπίζω προβλήματα με τη φυσική μου κάρτα.,14 Πώς μπορώ να λειτουργήσω η κάρτα μου;,14 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για την κατανόηση γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί.,14 Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με!Η φυσική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί σωστά.,14 Η κάρτα μου σταμάτησε να λειτουργεί.Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω αν υπάρχει ένα πάγωμα σε αυτό;,14 "Δεν ξέρω τι συμβαίνει με την κάρτα μου, αλλά δεν έχει εργαστεί σε πολλά μέρη σήμερα.",14 Χρειάζομαι σαφήνεια για το γιατί η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί.,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει φυσικά.,14 Τι συμβαίνει?Η κάρτα μου δεν θα δεχτεί τυχόν συναλλαγές.,14 Η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί.,14 My card won't work right now.,14 Πώς μπορεί να λειτουργεί πλέον η κάρτα μου;,14 Τι συμβαίνει με την κάρτα μου;Έχω δοκιμάσει πολλές φορές και δεν περνά ποτέ.,14 Πόσο καιρό να αφιερώσετε χρόνο για να λύσετε,14 Τι να κάνω αν η κάρτα μου δεν λειτουργεί;,14 Τι πρέπει να κάνω εάν η φυσική μου κάρτα δεν λειτουργεί;,14 Η κάρτα που έχω δεν λειτουργεί.Αυτή είναι η φυσική κάρτα.,14 Μπορώ να αλλάξω από AUD σε GBP;,33 "Πρέπει να ανταλλάξω μεταξύ διαφορετικών νομισμάτων, όπως το GBP και το USD.Μπορώ να το κάνω με την εφαρμογή σας;",33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω σε άλλο νόμισμα;,33 Η εφαρμογή επιτρέπει ανταλλαγές μεταξύ USD και GBP,33 Τι γίνεται αν χρειαστεί να χρησιμοποιήσω το GBP αντί του USD;,33 Είμαι από το x αλλά ταξιδεύω στο y - πώς μπορώ να αποκτήσω νόμισμα για y;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να αλλάξετε από AUD σε GBP;,33 Μπορούν να ανταλλαγούν χρήματα από το ένα νόμισμα σε άλλο;,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω USD σε GBP;,33 Ποια νομίσματα μπορούν να ανταλλαγούν στην εφαρμογή;,33 Μπορώ να προσθέσω ένα νέο νόμισμα στον λογαριασμό μου;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω AUD για το GBP;,33 Μπορώ να αλλάξω το νόμισμά μου σε άλλο;,33 Θα ήθελα να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα στην εφαρμογή.Πώς το κάνω αυτό?,33 Τι να κάνω για να ανταλλάξω νόμισμα;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να ανταλλάξουν νομίσματα;,33 Μπορεί να μετατρέψει τα χρήματά μου σε άλλο νόμισμα;,33 Θα ήθελα να αλλάξω σε διαφορετικό νόμισμα.,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω τον τύπο νομίσματος;,33 "Δεν χρειάζομαι GBP, χρειάζομαι AUD, πώς μπορώ να το μετατρέψω;",33 "Αντί για το GBP, πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω για AUD;",33 Είναι δυνατή η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,33 "Χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή σας, θα μπορούσα να ανταλλάξω μεταξύ USD και GBP;",33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την εφαρμογή τόσο για USD όσο και για GBP;,33 Προσπαθώ να μάθω πώς να ανταλλάξω το νόμισμα x με το νόμισμα Y.,33 Η εφαρμογή σας επιτρέπει ανταλλαγές νομισμάτων μεταξύ USD και GBP;,33 "Με αυτήν την εφαρμογή, θα μπορέσω να ανταλλάξω νόμισμα;",33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω το νόμισμά μου σε άλλο;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή;,33 Η εφαρμογή αυτή επιτρέπει την ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω USD για το GBP στην εφαρμογή σας;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να ανταλλάξουμε νομίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Θέλω να ανταλλάξω USD και GBP με την εφαρμογή,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω το AUD μου στο GBP;,33 Πώς μπορώ να μετατρέψω τα νομίσματα;,33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την εφαρμογή σας για ανταλλαγή μεταξύ USD και GBP,33 Πρέπει να πάρω μερικά ευρώ για τις διακοπές μου.Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω μερικά από τα χρήματά μου;,33 Μπορούν να ανταλλαγούν νομίσματα σε αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω σε διαφορετικό νόμισμα;,33 Η ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων είναι χαρακτηριστικό της εφαρμογής;,33 Πού μπορώ να ανταλλάξω τα νομίσματά μου;,33 Ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων Μία από τις υπηρεσίες εφαρμογών σας;,33 Μπορώ να μετατρέψω το νόμισμα με την εφαρμογή;,33 "Ίσως χρειαστεί να ανταλλάξω μεταξύ USD και GBP, είναι δυνατόν με την εφαρμογή σας;",33 "Πρέπει να ανταλλάξω το GBP μου για να ακούσω, πώς θα το κάνω αυτό;",33 Υποστηρίζετε την αλλαγή του νομίσματος που χρησιμοποιώ;,33 Μπορώ να μετατρέψω τα χρήματα σε διαφορετικά νομίσματα;,33 Πού μπορώ να ανταλλάξω μεταξύ GBP και USD,33 Πώς να ανταλλάξω το νόμισμά μου,33 Πώς μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την εφαρμογή για να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα;,33 "Δεν χρειάζομαι πλέον AUD, χρειάζομαι GBP αντ 'αυτού, πώς μπορώ να κάνω αυτό να συμβεί;",33 "Προσπαθώ να ανταλλάξω AUD για το GBP, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω USD στο GBP;,33 Υπάρχει τρόπος να φτιάξω τα χρήματά μου σε άλλη χώρα;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω AUD για το GBP;,33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την εφαρμογή για να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή σας;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα με αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω από USD σε GBP;,33 Η εφαρμογή σας επιτρέπει την ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων από USD σε GBP;,33 Ποια νομίσματα είναι διαθέσιμα για ανταλλαγή;,33 Είναι αυτή η εφαρμογή ικανή να ανταλλάσσει νομίσματα;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να αλλάξετε από το USD σε GBP με την εφαρμογή σας;,33 "Αν χρειαστεί να κάνω ανταλλαγή από USD σε GBP, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω στην εφαρμογή;",33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την εφαρμογή για ανταλλαγή μεταξύ δολαρίων και κιλών;,33 Θα μου επιτρέψει αυτή η εφαρμογή να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να ανταλλάξουμε USD και GBP στην εφαρμογή;,33 "Μπορεί να χρειαστεί να ανταλλάξω το USD για το GBP, μπορεί η εφαρμογή σας να το κάνει αυτό;",33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα με αυτό,33 Χρειάζομαι δολάρια Αυστραλίας αντί για νόμισμα του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου.,33 Δυσκολεύομαι να αλλάξω το AUD για το GBP.Πώς το κάνω αυτό?,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα με την εφαρμογή;,33 Θα μου πείτε πώς να ανταλλάξετε USD για το GBP στην εφαρμογή;,33 Πώς ανταλλάσσετε νομίσματα,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα με αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω GBP για AUD;,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νόμισμα για διαφορετικούς τύπους;,33 Μήπως αυτή η εφαρμογή ανταλλάσσει νομίσματα;,33 Είναι δυνατόν να ανταλλάξουν νομίσματα στην εφαρμογή;,33 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία αλλαγής από το GBP σε AUD;,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω σε διαφορετικό νόμισμα;,33 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία με την ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,33 Πώς να αλλάξω τα χρήματά μου για τα χρήματα που χρησιμοποιούνται σε άλλη χώρα;,33 Θα είναι δυνατόν να αλλάξετε από το USD σε GBP με αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Θα ήθελα να αλλάξω το νόμισμα,33 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,33 "Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πώς να αλλάξω το GBP σε AUD, τι πρέπει να κάνω;",33 "Κατά λάθος επέλεξα να ανταλλάξω GBP, αλλά πρέπει να διαλέξω AUD.Πώς μπορώ να το αλλάξω;",33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω USD και GBP στην εφαρμογή;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα στην εφαρμογή;,33 Πρέπει να ανταλλάξω ένα νόμισμα - μπορώ να το κάνω εδώ;,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω το νόμισμα σε αντάλλαγμα από AUD σε GBP;,33 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να ανταλλάξω τα χρήματά μου;,33 "Θα ήθελα να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα, πώς μπορώ να το πάω;",33 Τι διαφορετικά νομίσματα μπορώ να βρω;,33 Θα ήθελα να ανταλλάξω νόμισμα Τι τύποι υπάρχουν;,33 Πώς να ανταλλάξετε νομίσματα,33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την εφαρμογή σας για ανταλλαγή USD για GBP;,33 Μπορεί αυτό να μετατρέψει τα χρήματα;,33 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε πώς να πάρετε το AUD όχι το GBP;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα με αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα χρησιμοποιώντας αυτήν την εφαρμογή;,33 Μπορεί αυτή η εφαρμογή να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων;,33 πρέπει να ανταλλάξουμε νομίσματα,33 Πώς μπορώ να αλλάξω στο AUD από το GBP;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκινήσω μια ανταλλαγή μεταξύ GBP και AUD;,33 Τι είδους νομίσματα μπορώ να ανταλλάξω;,33 Πώς μπορώ να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα,33 Μπορώ να ανταλλάξω USD και GBP από την εφαρμογή;,33 Τι μέτρα πρέπει να κάνω για να ανταλλάξω νομίσματα;,33 Σε ποια άλλα νομίσματα είναι διαθέσιμα για να αλλάξετε;,33 Ποια νομίσματα μπορώ να ανταλλάξω μεταξύ της εφαρμογής σας;,33 Μπορεί αυτή η εφαρμογή να ανταλλάξει αμερικανικό και αγγλικό νόμισμα;,33 "Τα σχέδιά μου μπορεί να αλλάξουν, ώστε να χρειαστεί να αλλάξω από το GBP σε AUD.",33 Η εφαρμογή επιτρέπει ανταλλαγές μεταξύ νομισμάτων;,33 "Μπορεί να μην χρειάζομαι πλέον το GBP, αλλά θα χρειαστώ AUD, πώς μπορώ να κάνω αυτή την αλλαγή;",33 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω αυτήν την εφαρμογή για να αλλάξω χρήματα;,33 Υπήρξε κάποια δραστηριότητα στην κάρτα μου σήμερα;,41 Έχασα το πορτοφόλι μου και όλες οι κάρτες μου ήταν σε αυτό.,41 Παγιδεύω!Έχασα την κάρτα μου!Βοήθεια!,41 Πρέπει να αναφέρω μια κλεμμένη κάρτα,41 Πώς μπορώ να αντικαταστήσω μια κλεμμένη κάρτα;,41 Μπορείτε να δώσετε πληροφορίες για την κατάψυξη της κάρτας μου αμέσως;,41 Ποιος είναι ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου για να παγώσετε μια κάρτα;,41 Δεν μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου!Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,41 "Γεια, είμαι σε διακοπές στην Ισπανία και κάποιος έκλεψε την τσάντα μου με το τηλέφωνό μου και το πορτοφόλι με κάρτες και όλα.Μπορείτε να το αποκλείσετε το συντομότερο δυνατόν και στη συνέχεια θέλω να παραγγείλω ένα νέο και το ASAP.",41 Βοήθεια!Έχασα την κάρτα μου!,41 Η κάρτα μου λείπει.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.,41 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου έχει κλαπεί!,41 Η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε,41 Ένα τέλος δεν πρέπει να ισχύει για μένα εάν η κάρτα μου κλέψει.,41 "Η κάρτα μου έχει κλαπεί.Το ανέφερα με την αστυνομία, αλλά πρέπει να το αναφέρω μαζί σας επίσης.",41 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε την κατάσταση της νέας μου κάρτας;,41 Η κάρτα μου έχει κλαπεί τι κάνω;,41 "Δεν μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου, χάνεται.",41 Η κάρτα μου χάνεται!Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με!,41 Πιστεύω ότι η κάρτα μου έχει κλαπεί!,41 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε;,41 Μπορείτε να μου στείλετε μια νέα κάρτα και να μπλοκάρει την τρέχουσα.Είμαι στην Ισπανία και το πορτοφόλι μου κλέφθηκε.,41 "Νόμιζα ότι άφησα την κάρτα μου σε ένα εστιατόριο, αλλά ισχυρίζονται ότι δεν το έχουν και τώρα δεν έχω ιδέα πού είναι.Ανησυχώ τόσο πολύ που κάποιος μπορεί να το χρησιμοποιεί με δόλο.Υπάρχει τρόπος να εξετάσουμε αυτό;",41 Η τσάντα μου κλέφθηκε με όλες τις κάρτες μου.Μπορείτε να ακυρώσετε την κάρτα μου και να στείλετε ένα νέο;,41 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου κλέβεται!,41 "Βοήθεια!Φοβάμαι ότι η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε,",41 Κάποιος έκλεψε την κάρτα μου!,41 Είστε σε θέση να με καθοδηγήσετε στην τοποθεσία της κάρτας μου;,41 Πώς μπορώ να αναφέρω ότι η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε;Έκανα πρώτα μια αστυνομική αναφορά.,41 Η κάρτα μου λείπει!Βοήθεια!,41 "Το πορτοφόλι μου κλέφθηκε, μαζί με τις κάρτες μου.Πώς μπορώ να βάλω ένα πάγωμα στις κάρτες μου και να παραγγείλω ένα νέο;",41 Θα μπορούσατε να παγώσετε την κάρτα μου αμέσως;,41 "Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια, έχασα την κάρτα μου",41 Τι μπορώ να κάνω αν χάσω την κάρτα μου;,41 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα κλέβεται.Ποια είναι τα επόμενα βήματα μου;,41 Τι να κάνω αν κλαπεί η κάρτα μου;,41 Η κάρτα μου κλαπεί.Βοήθεια!,41 Έχασα το κομμάτι της κάρτας μου,41 Αναφορά κλεμμένη κάρτα,41 Βοήθεια!Η κάρτα μου κλαπεί.,41 "Η κάρτα μου χάθηκε στις διακοπές, δεν ξέρω πού είναι.Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το φροντίσω αμέσως;",41 Έχω χάσει την κάρτα μου!Ποιο είναι το επόμενο βήμα μου;,41 Η κάρτα μου έχει χαθεί!βοήθεια!,41 Τι πρέπει να κάνω εάν η κάρτα μου έχει χαθεί ή κλαπεί;,41 Βοήθησέ με!Έχασα την κάρτα μου.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,41 Κάποιος έκλεψε το πορτοφόλι μου με την κάρτα μου σε αυτό ενώ ήταν διακοπές στην Ισπανία.Χρειάζομαι πραγματικά την κάρτα μου μπλοκαρισμένη και ένα νέο διέταξε.,41 Με ποιον μπορώ να μιλήσω σχετικά με μια χαμένη κάρτα;,41 Η κάρτα μου έχει λείψει.,41 Ω Θεέ μου έχασα την κάρτα μου!τι πρέπει να κάνω?,41 Δεν μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου!Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,41 Ποιο είναι το πρώτο βήμα που πρέπει να κάνω μετά την κλέφτη της κάρτας μου;,41 Φαίνεται ότι έχω χάσει την κάρτα μου.,41 Η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,41 Κάποιος πήρε την κάρτα μου χωρίς άδεια,41 Έχασα την κάρτα μου και χρειάζομαι ένα νέο.,41 Η κάρτα μου έχει χαθεί / κλαπεί,41 Έχω θέσει άσχημα την κάρτα μου και δεν ξέρω πού το τελευταίο μέρος είναι εκεί που χρησιμοποίησα την τελευταία κάρτα.Μπορείτε να δείτε τον λογαριασμό μου και να μου πείτε το τελευταίο μέρος που χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα;,41 Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με.Η κάρτα μου λείπει.,41 "Έχασα την κάρτα μου, τι να κάνω τώρα;",41 "Πρέπει να παραγγείλω μια νέα κάρτα, καθώς το άλλο μου κλέφθηκε.",41 Νομίζω ότι κάποιος έκλεψε την κάρτα μου γιατί δεν μπορώ να το βρω.,41 Ποια είναι τα βήματα που πρέπει να κάνω αν έχω κλεμμένη κάρτα;,41 Δεν μπορώ να βρω την κάρτα μου.,41 Νομίζω ότι η κάρτα μου έχει χαθεί.Τι να κάνω?,41 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν κλαπεί η κάρτα μου;,41 Πώς απενεργοποιώ μια κλεμμένη κάρτα;,41 "Θέλω να μπλοκάρει την κάρτα μου ή να την απενεργοποιήσω ή κάτι τέτοιο, έχει κλαπεί και δεν θέλω να χρησιμοποιηθεί κατά λάθος.Θέλω αυτό το χειρισμό αμέσως.",41 Κάποιος πήρε την κάρτα μου χωρίς την άδειά μου.,41 Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια με μια κλεμμένη κάρτα.,41 "βοήθεια, έχασα την κάρτα μου",41 Τι να κάνω αν κλαπεί η κάρτα μου.,41 Νομίζω ότι το πορτοφόλι μου έπεσε στο σωλήνα σήμερα!Συνειδητοποίησα μόλις έφτασα στο γραφείο μου.Πώς μπορώ να κόψω την κάρτα;,41 Η κάρτα μου λείπει.,41 Πώς μπορώ να αναφέρω την κάρτα μου ως χαμένη ή κλεμμένη;,41 Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να βρείτε την κάρτα μου;,41 Έχω χάσει την κάρτα μου.Τι μπορώ να κάνω γι 'αυτό;,41 Άφησα την κάρτα μου σε ένα εστιατόριο και τώρα λείπει.,41 Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να ανακτήσω την κάρτα μου;,41 Έχασα την κάρτα μου.Μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις?,41 Τι πρέπει να κάνω?Η κάρτα μου έχει κλαπεί!,41 Η κάρτα μου κλέφθηκε χθες το βράδυ.,41 Θα μπορούσατε να με βοηθήσετε να βρω την χαμένη μου κάρτα;,41 Θέλω να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είστε για να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις υπηρεσίες των τραπεζών;,1 Ποια είναι η ελάχιστη ηλικία για να έχετε λογαριασμό,1 Μπορούν τα παιδιά μου να ανοίξουν λογαριασμό;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είμαι;,1 Ποιες είναι οι απαιτήσεις ηλικίας για το άνοιγμα λογαριασμού;,1 Υπάρχει κάποιο όριο ηλικίας;,1 Θέλουμε να ξεκινήσουμε ένα ταμείο κολλεγίων για την κόρη μου.,1 Κρατήστε παλιά τα παιδιά μου πρέπει να είναι να χρησιμοποιούν την υπηρεσία;,1 Μπορώ να ξεκινήσω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είναι η κόρη μου να ανοίξει έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Ποια είναι η ελάχιστη ηλικία για λογαριασμό;,1 Τι χρειάζεται για την κόρη μου να ανοίξει λογαριασμό;,1 Τι γίνεται με τα παιδιά μου;,1 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία για τη ρύθμιση και τη λήψη του παιδιού μου;,1 Υπάρχει ένα όριο ηλικίας για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθούν τα παιδιά μου;,1 Μπορώ να κάνω λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Θα ήθελα να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;,1 Θα ήταν δυνατόν να ανοίξει ένας λογαριασμός για παιδιά;,1 Έχετε κάποιο όριο ηλικίας;,1 Αν θέλω ο γιος μου να έχει το δικό του λογαριασμό είναι δυνατόν;,1 Θα μπορούσα να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για παιδιά;,1 Τι χρειάζεται η κόρη μου για να ανοίξει έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Μπορούν τα παιδιά μου να λάβουν λογαριασμό;,1 Ποιο είναι το όριο ηλικίας για έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Ποια ηλικία πρέπει να είσαι;,1 Ποια είναι η κατάλληλη ηλικία για το παιδί μου να είναι σε θέση να ανοίξει λογαριασμό;,1 Πώς μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Ποιες είναι οι απαιτήσεις για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό για έναν ανήλικα;,1 Υπάρχουν απαιτήσεις ηλικίας,1 Υπάρχει όριο ηλικίας για το άνοιγμα λογαριασμού;,1 Μπορεί ο 8χρονος εγγονός μου να ανοίξει λογαριασμό στην τράπεζα;,1 Ποια είναι η ελάχιστη ηλικία που απαιτείται για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό με την υπηρεσία σας;,1 "Αν θέλω να λάβω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου, μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είστε για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Έχω μικρά παιδιά.Μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτήν την υπηρεσία;,1 Έχετε όριο ηλικίας;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είστε;,1 Θα μπορούσε η κόρη μου να ανοίξει λογαριασμό;,1 Μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Ποιο θα ήταν το όριο ηλικίας;,1 Ποιες είναι οι απαιτήσεις ηλικίας για υπηρεσία;,1 Είμαι 16 και μόλις άρχισα να εργάζομαι στο McDonalds μπορώ να καταθέσω τους ελέγχους μου στην τράπεζά σας;,1 Υπάρχει η δυνατότητα να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό για τους γιους και τις κόρες μου;,1 Υπάρχει όριο ηλικίας για να λάβετε λογαριασμό;,1 Ποιο είναι το όριο ηλικίας για το άνοιγμα ενός νέου λογαριασμού,1 Είναι η κόρη μου επιλέξιμη για να ανοίξει λογαριασμό;,1 Πώς μπορώ να δημιουργήσω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Μπορώ να λάβω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Ποιο είναι το ελάχιστο όριο ηλικίας;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είμαι για να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Ποιο είναι το όριο ηλικίας;,1 Μπορούν τα παιδιά μου να έχουν λογαριασμό;,1 Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Μπορώ να λάβω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είστε για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Προσφέρετε υπηρεσίες λογαριασμού για παιδιά και εφήβους;,1 Από ποια ηλικία μπορούν τα παιδιά μου να χρησιμοποιήσουν την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Ποια είναι η νεώτερη ηλικία για λογαριασμό;,1 Έχω παιδιά και είμαι περίεργος σε ποια ηλικία θα μπορούσαν να αρχίσουν να χρησιμοποιούν την υπηρεσία σας.,1 Σε ποια ηλικία μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Θα ήθελα να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου.Πως μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό?,1 Μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για το παιδί μου;,1 Υπάρχει όριο για την ηλικία;,1 Πώς μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Έχετε διαθέσιμο λογαριασμό παιδιών;,1 Σε ποια ηλικία μπορούν τα παιδιά μου να χρησιμοποιήσουν την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Θέλω να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για το παιδί μου.,1 Σε ποια ηλικία μπορεί ένα άτομο να ανοίξει λογαριασμό;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είναι τα παιδιά για να ανοίξουν έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Ποιο είναι το όριο ηλικίας σας;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είναι τα παιδιά μου για να χρησιμοποιήσουν την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Θα ήθελα να πάρω έναν λογαριασμό για το παιδί μου.,1 Θα μπορούσα να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Μπορεί ο έφηβος μου να έχει λογαριασμό;,1 Ποια ηλικία πρέπει να είστε για να ανοίξετε έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είναι τα παιδιά μου για να ανοίξουν έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Καθώς τα παιδιά μου μεγαλώνουν είναι σε θέση να εγκατασταθούν με τους δικούς τους λογαριασμούς;,1 Υπάρχει όριο ηλικίας όταν το παιδί μου μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει αυτές τις υπηρεσίες;,1 Πόσα χρόνια πρέπει να είμαι;,1 Έχετε όριο για την ηλικία κάποιου;,1 Έχετε λογαριασμούς για παιδιά;,1 Μπορεί η κόρη μου να κάνει λογαριασμό;,1 "Πρέπει να δημιουργήσω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου, πώς θα το έκανα αυτό;",1 Πόσο χρονών μπορεί κάποιος να χρησιμοποιήσει την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Πρέπει να είστε 18 για να δημιουργήσετε λογαριασμό;,1 Θα μπορούσα να λάβω λογαριασμό για το παιδί μου;,1 Μπορώ να λάβω έναν λογαριασμό για το γιο μου;,1 Πρέπει να είμαι 18 για να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Επιτρέπεται να λάβω λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Η κόρη μου πρέπει να ανοίξει λογαριασμό.,1 Μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τους απογόνους μου;,1 Προσφέρετε λογαριασμούς για ανηλίκους;,1 Ποια είναι τα όρια ηλικίας για την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είστε λογαριασμός;,1 Πόσο χρονών πρέπει να είναι η κόρη μου για να έχει δικό της λογαριασμό;,1 "Ο γιος μου μόλις γύρισε 13, είναι αρκετά μεγάλος για λογαριασμό;",1 Έχετε περιορισμούς ηλικίας;,1 Υπάρχει ελάχιστη ηλικία για να έχετε λογαριασμό;,1 Πόσο χρονών χρειάζεται να είναι;,1 Η κόρη μου χρειάζεται λογαριασμό.,1 Ποια είναι η απαίτηση ηλικίας;,1 Υπάρχει κάποια ηλικία που πρέπει να είμαι;,1 Είναι το παιδί μου πολύ μικρό για να εγγραφεί;,1 Μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Μπορώ να κάνω έναν λογαριασμό για την κόρη μου;,1 Ποιο είναι το νεότερο που μπορώ να ανοίξω έναν λογαριασμό;,1 Έχετε απαίτηση ηλικίας κατά το άνοιγμα λογαριασμού με την υπηρεσία σας;,1 Είναι δυνατόν για μένα να δημιουργήσω ξεχωριστούς λογαριασμούς για τα παιδιά μου;,1 Έχω ξεπεράσει τον αριθμό των προσπαθειών PIN,49 Έλαβα την καρφίτσα μου και τώρα είμαι κλειδωμένος.Μπορείτε να με ξεκλειδώσετε;,49 Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με να ξεμπλοκάρετε την καρφίτσα μου που έβαλα το λάθος πάρα πολλές φορές.,49 Βοηθήστε με να ξεμπλοκάρουν τον λογαριασμό μου.Μπήκα στο PIN λάθος πάρα πολλές φορές.,49 "Κλειδώθηκα τον εαυτό μου από τον λογαριασμό μου, πώς μπορώ να αποκλείσω την καρφίτσα μου;",49 Ο PIN μου προσπαθεί να εξαντληθεί.Και τώρα τι?,49 Μπορώ να επαναφέρω την καρφίτσα μου εάν είναι αποκλεισμένο;,49 "Αφού εισάγω πάρα πολλές φορές το λάθος πείρο, μπορείτε τώρα να με βοηθήσετε να ξεμπλοκάρετε το pin μου;",49 Πού βρίσκω PIN για την κάρτα μου;,49 Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει να ξεμπλοκάρισμα το pin μου;,49 Προσπάθησα να εισαγάγω τον PIN μου πολλές φορές.,49 Ξέχασα την καρφίτσα μου και τώρα είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.,49 Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει να εξηγήσω πώς μπορώ να ξεμπλοκάρω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 "Η καρφίτσα μου χρειάζεται να ξεμπλοκάρει, να το ξεμπλοκάρει;",49 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να απεμπλακεί ο καρφίτσας μου;,49 Δοκίμασα την καρφίτσα μου πάρα πολλές φορές και τώρα η κάρτα μου δεν θα λειτουργήσει!,49 Μπήκα σε λάθος πείρο πάρα πολλές φορές.Πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσω;,49 Πώς μπορώ να ξεμπλοκάρω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 "Όταν ήμουν μεθυσμένος, πήρα την κάρτα μου κολλημένη στο μηχάνημά σας επειδή μου λείπει η καρφίτσα μου.Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να το αποκαταστήσω;",49 Δεν μπορώ πλέον να δοκιμάσω το pin μου.,49 Ποια είναι η διεύθυνση ιστού για να ξεμπλοκάρετε τον PIN μου;,49 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω τη δουλειά μου ξανά;,49 Τι βήματα κάνω για να ξεμπλοκάρουν την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Η καρφίτσα μου εισήχθη λάθος και τώρα είμαι μπλοκαρισμένος.Παρακαλώ ξεμπλοκάρισμα.,49 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω την εφαρμογή για να απεμπλακεί η κάρτα μου;,49 Δοκίμασα πάρα πολλές φορές το λάθος πείρο.,49 Βοήθησέ με να ξεμπλοκάρει την καρφίτσα μου.,49 Μπορώ να ξεμπλοκάρω την PIN μου στην εφαρμογή;,49 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκλειδωθώ τον καρφίτσα μου;,49 Ξέχασα τον αριθμό PIN μου.,49 Προσπάθησα να εισέλθω στην καρφίτσα μου αρκετές φορές λανθασμένα.Γιατί δεν λειτουργεί η καρφίτσα μου;,49 Χρειάζομαι ξεκλειδωμένο το πείρο μου.,49 Δεν μπορώ να εισαγάγω ξανά τον πείρο μου.,49 Πώς μπορώ να βγάλω ένα τετράγωνο από την κάρτα μου;,49 Θα με βοηθήσεις να ξεμπλοκάρουν το pin μου μετά από να βάλω σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές;,49 Τι να κάνω αν ξέχασα την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία για το ξεκλείδωμα του PIN;,49 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκλειδώσω μια καρφίτσα;,49 "Εισήγαγα λάθος πληροφορίες, χρειάζομαι τον λογαριασμό μου ξεκλειδωμένο πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",49 "Η καρφίτσα μου είναι κλειδωμένη, πώς μπορώ να το ξεκλειδώσω;",49 Μπήκα σε λάθος πείρο.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με να ξεκλειδώσω τον λογαριασμό μου.,49 "Εάν απορριφθεί ο αριθμός PIN μου, πώς μπορώ να το λύσω;",49 Γιατί μπλοκάρεται η καρφίτσα μου;,49 Έβαλα πάρα πολλές φορές το λάθος πείρο και τώρα είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.Μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις να το ξεμπλοκάρει;,49 Πού μπορώ να πάω για να απεμπλακεί ο καρφίτσας μου;,49 Ποια είναι η διαδικασία της απεμπλοκής του πείρου μου;,49 Κατά λάθος ξεπέρασα την πείρα μου.Παρακαλώ συμβουλευτείτε.,49 "Έχω συνδεθεί λάθος και μπλοκάρει, πώς μπορώ να συνδεθώ;",49 "Ενώ ήμουν μεθυσμένος, έβαλα τον αριθμό PIN μου και το μηχάνημά σας έφαγε την κάρτα μου.Πώς μπορώ να το επαναφέρω;",49 Μπορείτε να απεμπλέξετε την μπλοκαρισμένη καρφίτσα;,49 Πώς μπορώ να επαναφέρω τον αριθμό PIN μου;,49 "Η καρφίτσα μου είναι ξεκλειδωμένη, τι να κάνω;",49 Ο λογαριασμός μου είναι κλειδωμένος επειδή χρησιμοποίησα λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.p,49 "Η καρφίτσα μου δεν μπορεί να έχει πρόσβαση στην κάρτα μου, μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε;.",49 "Αφού έβαλα σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές, μπλοκαρίσαμε.Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε στην αλλαγή;",49 Πώς μπορώ να αποκλείσω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Τι συμβαίνει αν ξεχάσω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Έβαλα πάρα πολλές φορές το λάθος πείρο και τώρα είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.Μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις να το ξεμπλοκάρει;,49 Κατάφερα να μπλοκάρει την κάρτα μου: ((βοήθεια!,49 Γιατί μπλοκάρεται η καρφίτσα μου;,49 Χρησιμοποίησα την καρφίτσα μου πάρα πολλές φορές.,49 Η καρφίτσα μου έχει μπλοκαριστεί.,49 "Η κάρτα μου μπλοκάρει, πώς μπορώ να επαναφέρω;",49 Ο αριθμός PIN μου ήταν λανθασμένος και δεν μπορώ να έχω πρόσβαση.,49 Υπάρχει τρόπος να επαναφέρετε την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν έχω ξεπεράσει όλες τις προσπαθείς PIN μου;,49 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκλειδωθώ;,49 "Μπλοκάρισα την κάρτα μου κατά λάθος, πώς μπορώ να την ξεμπλοκάρω;",49 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν υπερβαίνω το pin μου προσπαθεί;,49 Πώς μπλοκαρίστηκα για την είσοδο σε λάθος καρφίτσες;,49 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν έχω χρησιμοποιήσει όλες τις προσπαθείς PIN μου;,49 Η καρφίτσα μου δεν λειτουργεί.,49 "Ξέχασα ποιος είναι ο αριθμός PIN μου και τώρα είμαι μπλοκαρισμένος, μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις να μπω;",49 Πού μπορώ να ξεκλειδωθώ τον καρφίτσα μου;,49 Ξέχασα την καρφίτσα μου και είμαι μπλοκαρισμένος τώρα.Μπορώ να το επαναφέρω κάπου;,49 Πρέπει να έχω εισέλθει στο PIN μου λάθος.,49 Είμαι κλειδωμένος από την είσοδο στην καρφίτσα μου.,49 Τι να κάνω για να ξεμπλοκάρω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Μπήκα στο PIN μου λάθος πάρα πολλές φορές.,49 "Έχω χρησιμοποιήσει όλα τα pin μου προσπαθεί, τι τώρα;",49 Πού πηγαίνω να ξεμπλοκάρισμα το pin μου;,49 Τι γίνεται αν πληκτρολογήσω σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές;,49 Τι πρέπει να κάνω αν μπλοκαριστεί η καρφίτσα μου;,49 Μπορώ να ξεμπλοκάρσω τον PIN μου χρησιμοποιώντας την εφαρμογή;,49 Πόσες φορές μπορώ να εισέλθω σε λάθος πείρο πριν μπλοκαριστεί;,49 Η καρφίτσα μου ήταν μπλοκαρισμένη.,49 Έβαλα τυχαία σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές και τώρα πρέπει να το ξεμπλοκάρετε.Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε με αυτό;,49 Έχω ξεπεράσει όλα τα pin μου προσπαθεί,49 Πώς να ξεμπλοκάρετε την καρφίτσα μου;,49 Πόσες λανθασμένες προσπάθειες προκαλούν την αποκλειστική κάρτα;,49 Καθοδηγήστε με πώς να απεμπλακεί η καρφίτσα μου,49 "Μπορείτε παρακαλώ να ξεμπλοκάρετε το pin μου;Δεν ξέρω γιατί, αλλά είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.",49 Έχω χρησιμοποιήσει όλες τις προσπάθειές μου.Τι να κάνω τώρα?,49 Υπάρχει αριθμός για να καλέσετε το pin μου ξεκλειδωμένο;,49 "Η καρφίτσα μου φαίνεται να είναι μπλοκαρισμένη, βοηθήστε με να την αποκτήσω πρόσβαση;",49 Πώς μπορώ να αποκλείσω την κάρτα μου;,49 Μπορεί να έχω εισέλθει στο PIN λάθος και ο λογαριασμός είναι αποκλεισμένος.Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να το ξεκλειδώσετε.,49 Δεν μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω το pin μου.,49 "Η καρφίτσα μου μπλοκάρει, βοήθεια.",49 Πού μπορώ να αποκλείσω την καρφίτσα μου;,49 "Είμαι μπλοκαρισμένος τώρα επειδή μπήκα σε λάθος πείρο, χρειάζομαι βοήθεια.",49 "Η καρφίτσα μου έχει μπλοκαριστεί, τι πρέπει να κάνω;",49 Πάρα πολλές φορές μπήκα στον εσφαλμένο πείρο.Πώς μπορώ να απεμπλαθώ ο λογαριασμός μου;,49 Ο λογαριασμός μου είναι αποκλεισμένος επειδή μπήκα σε λάθος πείρο πάρα πολλές φορές.Βοηθήστε με να ξεμπλοκάρετε.,49 Μπήκα σε λάθος πείρο πάρα πολλές φορές και τώρα νομίζω ότι είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.Τι να κάνω?,49 "Με μπλοκάρει χρησιμοποιώντας πάρα πολλές φορές το λάθος πείρο, μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε;",49 "Η καρφίτσα μου δεν λειτουργεί, μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε;",49 Πώς μπορώ να ξεκλειδώσω τον λογαριασμό μου μετά από πληκτρολόγηση σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές;,49 Εισήγαγα στον πείρο εσφαλμένα πάρα πολλές φορές και τώρα είναι μπλοκαρισμένο.Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,49 Μπορείτε να απεμπλέξετε την καρφίτσα μου επειδή έβαλα το λάθος πάρα πολλές φορές.,49 Χρειάζομαι έναν νέο αριθμό PIN.,49 Μπορείτε να απεμπλέξετε τον λογαριασμό μου;Μπήκα στο PIN λάθος.,49 Δοκίμασα την καρφίτσα μου πάρα πολλές φορές,49 Έχω χτυπήσει σε λάθος καρφίτσα πάρα πολλές φορές και είμαι κλειδωμένος.,49 Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πώς να ξεμπλοκάρω τον αριθμό PIN μου.Μπορείς να με βοηθήσεις?,49 Πρέπει να απεγκαταστήσω την εφαρμογή πριν το δοκιμάσω ξανά;,23 Πώς συνέβη όταν προσπάθησα να πληρώσω χωρίς επαφή στο λεωφορείο δεν λειτούργησε;,23 Γιατί δεν λειτουργεί η επαφή μου;,23 Οι πληρωμές χωρίς επαφή δεν λειτουργούν.,23 Πόσες ημέρες επεξεργάζεστε νέα κάρτα;,23 Είμαι μπερδεμένος.Η χωρίς επαφή μου ξαφνικά δεν λειτουργεί οπουδήποτε προσπαθώ να το χρησιμοποιήσω.Πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσω;,23 Η επανεγκατάσταση της εφαρμογής θα λύσει το πρόβλημα;,23 Προσπάθησα να χρησιμοποιήσω το χωρίς επαφή σε διάφορες τοποθεσίες σήμερα και δεν λειτουργεί πουθενά.Φάνηκε καλά πριν.Πώς μπορώ να δουλέψω ξανά;,23 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να κάνω την επαφή για να δουλέψω;,23 Ο τερματικός σταθμός που πλήρωσα δεν θα πήρε την κάρτα μου.Πάει κάτι στραβά?,23 Γιατί δεν ήταν αποδεκτή η απλή επαφή μου στο μετρό;,23 Μπορώ να κάνω πληρωμές χωρίς επαφή;,23 Δεν μπορώ να πάρω μια πληρωμή χωρίς επαφή για να δουλέψω.,23 Οι πληρωμές χωρίς επαφή πρέπει να είναι ενεργοποιημένα για την κάρτα μου.,23 Βοηθήστε με να δημιουργήσω πληρωμές χωρίς επαφή.,23 Ο χωρίς επαφή σταμάτησε να λειτουργεί σήμερα για κανέναν καλό λόγο.Δεν λειτουργεί ανεξάρτητα από το πού προσπαθώ να το χρησιμοποιήσω.Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να το διορθώσω;,23 Είμαι μπερδεμένος κώλο για το γιατί η απλή επαφή μου δεν λειτουργεί.,23 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια για τον καθορισμό του χωρίς επαφή μου.Δεν λειτουργεί πουθενά πηγαίνω σήμερα.,23 Οι πληρωμές χωρίς επαφή δεν λειτουργούν.,23 Πώς να αποκτήσετε νέα κάρτα;,23 Πώς μπορώ να αντιμετωπίσω την επαφή μου;,23 Πώς μπορώ να διορθώσω το χωρίς επαφή μου;,23 Οποιεσδήποτε χρεώσεις ισχύουν για νέα κάρτα;,23 Έχω ένα χωρίς επαφή που έχει σπάσει.,23 Η χωρίς επαφή μου είναι μη λειτουργική.,23 Πώς μπορώ να λάβω νέα κάρτα;,23 "Η απλή επαφή μου σταμάτησε να λειτουργεί σήμερα, ανεξάρτητα από το πού προσπαθώ να το χρησιμοποιήσω.Πώς μπορώ να αρχίσω να δουλεύω ξανά;",23 Πώς μπορώ να αντιμετωπίσω την αντιμετώπιση του χρόνου όταν δεν λειτουργεί η επαφή;,23 Πώς μπορώ να διορθώσω την κάρτα μου εάν η λειτουργία χωρίς επαφή δεν λειτούργησε σήμερα το πρωί;,23 "Προσπαθούσα να χρησιμοποιήσω νωρίτερα χωρίς επαφή, αλλά δεν λειτούργησε.",23 Γιατί η δουλειά μου χωρίς επαφή για το μετρό;,23 "Οι ρυθμίσεις χωρίς επαφή είναι σωστές;Προσπάθησα να το χρησιμοποιήσω σήμερα, αλλά δεν λειτούργησε.",23 Αντιμετωπίζω προβλήματα με το χωρίς επαφή μου.,23 "Έχω προβλήματα με τη χρήση πληρωμών χωρίς επαφή, θα μπορούσε να καταστραφεί η κάρτα μου;",23 "Ποιος είναι ο λόγος που προσπάθησα να πληρώσω χωρίς επαφή στο λεωφορείο, δεν λειτούργησε;",23 Υπάρχει κάποια αμοιβή για μεταφορά;,56 Θα υπάρξει χρέωση για την συμπλήρωση του λογαριασμού με μεταφορά SEPA;,56 Ποιες είναι οι χρεώσεις για τη λήψη μεταφοράς sepa;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για μεταφορές SEPA;,56 Θα χρεωθεί ένα τέλος για μεταφορά sepa;,56 Ποιο είναι το τέλος για την συμπλήρωση του λογαριασμού μου,56 Θα με χρεώσετε για να συμπληρώσετε με μεταφορά;,56 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε το κόστος μιας μεταφοράς;,56 Λαμβάνετε ταχείες μεταφορές;,56 Ποια είναι η χρέωση για τη λήψη μεταφοράς sepa;,56 Θα λάβω όλα τα χρήματα που αποστέλλονται στον λογαριασμό μου με μεταφορά sepa;,56 Θα δω μια χρέωση για μεταφορά sepa;,56 Μπορώ να κάνω μια γρήγορη μεταφορά;,56 Τι θα χρεώθηκα να λάβω μεταφορά sepa;,56 Πόσο είναι να λαμβάνετε χρήματα;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για τη χρήση μεταβιβάσεων για τα συμπεράσματα;,56 "Αν κάποιος μου στείλει χρήματα, θα χρεωθεί;",56 Αποδέχεστε τις μεταφορές STIG;,56 Χρεώθηκα για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για συμπλήρωση με μεταφορά;,56 Θα χρεωθεί οποιαδήποτε αμοιβή για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Υπάρχουν τέλη για τη λήψη μεταφοράς sepa;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για τη συμπλήρωση των τραπεζών;,56 Προσφέρετε γρήγορες μεταφορές;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για μια κορυφαία μεταφορά;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Για να λάβετε χρήματα υπάρχουν χρεώσεις;,56 Θα υπάρξει χρέωση όταν προστίθενται χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου;,56 Ποιες είναι οι αμοιβές που σχετίζονται με τη συμπλήρωση μέσω μεταφοράς;,56 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω τις μεταφορές γρήγορου;,56 Πόσο κοστίζει η μεταφορά;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για μεταφορά sepa,56 Γιατί χρεώνετε για μεταφορές;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για μεταφορά;,56 Ποια είναι η χρέωση για μεταφορά,56 "Αν έπρεπε να μεταφέρω, ποιο θα ήταν το κόστος;",56 Κοστίζει τίποτα για να μεταφέρει χρήματα για μια συμπληρωματική ουσία;,56 Θα μου επιβληθεί πρόστιμο για συμπλήρωση με μεταφορά;,56 Ποια είναι η τιμή μιας μεταφοράς;,56 Εάν συμπληρώσω χρησιμοποιώντας μια μεταφορά υπάρχουν χρεώσεις που εφαρμόζονται;,56 Υποστηρίζω αν παίρνω χρήματα;,56 Θα μπορούσα να χρησιμοποιήσω ταχείες μεταφορές;,56 Υπάρχουν χρεώσεις για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Πόσο θα χρεωθείτε για τη μεταφορά;,56 Για το topping-up υπάρχει χρέωση;,56 Μπορώ να μεταφέρω χρήματα χρησιμοποιώντας την υπηρεσία SWIFT;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για μεταφορές;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για γρήγορη μεταφορά,56 Πόσο κοστίζει η συμπλήρωση με μεταφορά;,56 Ποιες είναι οι αμοιβές για τη χρήση της μεταφοράς στην κορυφή του λογαριασμού μου;,56 Χρεώνετε τίποτα για την συμπλήρωση;,56 Διατίθενται σε αυτή την τράπεζα τα Swift Transfers σε αυτήν την τράπεζα;,56 "Αν έπρεπε να κάνω μια μεταφορά, ποιο είναι το ποσοστό για αυτό;",56 Πόσο πρέπει να πληρώσω για μεταφορά;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για τη λήψη των χρημάτων μου;,56 Μήπως αυτό το πρόγραμμα λαμβάνει ταχείες μεταφορές;,56 Τι κοστίζει η λήψη μεταφοράς sepa;,56 Πόσο θα είναι για να πληρώσετε με τραπεζική μεταφορά χρησιμοποιώντας SEPA;,56 Θα υπάρξει τέλος εάν λάβω μεταφορά sepa,56 Χρεώθηκα αν κάνω συμπεράσματα;,56 Έχετε χρέωση για τη λήψη μεταφοράς sepa;,56 Τι κόστος μεταφοράς;,56 Μπορώ να κάνω μια γρήγορη μεταφορά μαζί σας;,56 Είναι αποδεκτή μια γρήγορη μεταφορά;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για την προσθήκη χρημάτων με μεταφορά;,56 Πόσο θα μου κοστίσει για μεταφορά sepa;,56 Πόσο θα με κοστίσει αν μεταφέρω;,56 Τι πρέπει να περιμένω να χρεωθεί σε μεταφορά sepa;,56 Ποιο είναι το κόστος μιας μεταφοράς;,56 "Θέλω να συμπληρώσω τον λογαριασμό μου με τραπεζική μεταφορά, αλλά θα χρεωθεί;",56 Μπορώ να κάνω μια γρήγορη μεταφορά;,56 Γνωρίζετε τυχόν χρεώσεις για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Υποστηρίζονται τα Swift Transfers;,56 Υπάρχει χρέωση για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Μπορώ να μεταφέρω χρησιμοποιώντας το Swift;,56 Θα χρεωθώ για τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Ποιες είναι οι πρόσθετες χρεώσεις για μια γρήγορη μεταφορά;,56 Μου κοστίζει τίποτα για να συμπληρώσω τον λογαριασμό μου μέσω τραπεζικής μεταφοράς;,56 Πόσο κοστίζει η μεταφορά;,56 Πόσο θα μου κοστίσει για μια τραπεζική μεταφορά για να συμπληρώσω τον λογαριασμό μου;,56 Λαμβάνετε γρήγορες μεταφορές;,56 Υπάρχει τέλος για την ολοκλήρωση της μεταφοράς;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για τη λήψη των χρημάτων;,56 "Για τις μεταφορές SEPA, τι είδους χρέωση θα εφαρμοστεί;",56 Υπάρχουν αμοιβές αν πρέπει να μεταφέρω;,56 Θα χρεωθώ για συμπλήρωση με μεταφορά;,56 Ποιο είναι το τέλος χειρισμού για μεταφορά;,56 Μου κοστίζει να προσθέσω μετρητά;,56 Υποστηρίζω αν λαμβάνω χρήματα;,56 Θα με χρεώσετε για να συλλέξω τα χρήματα;,56 Μπορώ να μεταφέρω από το SWIFT;,56 Ποιο είναι το τέλος για μεταφορά στον λογαριασμό μου,56 Πληρώνω ένα τέλος για μεταφορές sepa;,56 Υπάρχει κόστος για λήψη χρημάτων;,56 "Θα ήθελα να κάνω μια μεταφορά sepa στο λογαριασμό μου, αλλά θα χρεωθεί;",56 Μπορούν τα τέλη τρίτων να επηρεάσουν μια μεταφορά;,56 Χρεώνετε για μεταφορές;,56 Θα χρεωθείτε για την συμπλήρωση του λογαριασμού μου χρησιμοποιώντας μια τραπεζική μεταφορά;,56 Πόσο θα χρεώθηκα για μεταφορά;,56 Υπάρχει κάποια αμοιβή;,56 Οι Swift μεταφέρουν μια επιλογή;,56 Πόσο κοστίζει η μεταφορά;,56 "Εάν συμπληρώσω με μεταφορά, θα χρεωθώ;",56 Ποιες είναι οι χρεώσεις για τη λήψη μεταφορών SEPA;,56 Υπάρχουν αμοιβές που σχετίζονται με τη λήψη χρημάτων;,56 Πόσο κοστίζει κάθε μεταφορά;,56 Υπάρχουν αμοιβές που σχετίζονται με τη λήψη χρημάτων με αυτόν τον λογαριασμό;,56 Θα χρεωθεί να ξεπεράσω τον λογαριασμό μου;,56 Τι είδους αμοιβή υπάρχει για να συμπληρώσετε τον λογαριασμό μου;,56 Επεξεργαστείτε τις μεταφορές Swift;,56 Θέλω να κάνω μια γρήγορη μεταφορά,56 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να περάσει μια συμπληρωματική;,47 Είμαι κάτω από την εντύπωση ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί,47 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστούν τα χρήματά μου να κατατεθούν;,47 Έβαλα χρήματα στην κάρτα μου και δεν το βλέπω στο υπόλοιπο,47 Έχω μια συμπληρωματική που εκκρεμεί ακόμα και ήθελε να το μάθει.,47 "Εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί, περιμένω ακόμα.Το σύστημά σας δείχνει απλώς την συμπλήρωσή μου ως εκκρεμείς.Τι συμβαίνει?",47 Γιατί η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν ολοκληρώνεται;,47 Τι γίνεται αν η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν περάσει;,47 "Ταξινόμηση της συμπλήρωσής σας παρακαλώ!Εκκρεμεί ήδη από μια ώρα, μπορείτε να το κάνετε αυτό να περάσει το συντομότερο δυνατό, χρειάζομαι πραγματικά τα χρήματα",47 Λέει ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου είναι ελλιπής;,47 Φαίνεται ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν πέρασε ακόμα.,47 Φαίνεται ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει,47 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί η συμπληρωματική μου παραμονή;,47 Νομίζω ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα;,47 "Κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την συμπλήρωση!Είμαι τακτικός πελάτης και χρησιμοποιώ την υπηρεσία σας όλη την ώρα, συνήθως αυτό λειτουργεί, αλλά τώρα εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς",47 Γιατί δεν περνάει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 "Συμπλήθηκα, αλλά δεν είναι στον λογαριασμό μου",47 Πότε θα συμβεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί για μια ώρα ήδη και πραγματικά χρειάζομαι αυτό για να περάσω το συντομότερο δυνατό.Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,47 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα;,47 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να προβληματιστούμε στην ισορροπία μου,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου παίρνει λίγο χρόνο για να επεξεργαστεί!,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου είναι ελλιπής.,47 Τα κεφάλαιά μου δεν είναι ακόμη διαθέσιμα.,47 Γιατί δεν έχει τελειώσει ακόμα η συμπληρωματική μου;,47 "Πού είναι τα κεφάλαιά μου;Έπεσα από το αυτοκίνητό μου, αλλά δεν φαινόταν να ολοκληρώθηκε.",47 "Προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω, αλλά τα κεφάλαια εμφανίζονται ως εκκρεμείς.Νόμιζα ότι ήταν στιγμιαία;",47 "Προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω, αλλά δεν τελείωσε.",47 Πρέπει να ολοκληρωθεί η συμπλήρωσή μου μέχρι τώρα;,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν ολοκληρώθηκε.,47 Γιατί δεν έχει περάσει ακόμα η συμπλήρωσή μου;Νόμιζα ότι έπρεπε να είναι στιγμιαία;Κάνω λάθος?Γιατί εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί;,47 "Συμπλήρωσα και πήγα να αγοράσω κάτι, αλλά λέει ότι εκκρεμούν τα κεφάλαιά μου.Υπάρχει τρόπος να επιταχυνθεί αυτή η διαδικασία;",47 Πότε θα εγκριθεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν πέρασε.εξακολουθεί να λέει εκκρεμείς.Τι συμβαίνει με αυτό?,47 Δεν μπορώ να βρω τα χρήματα που μόλις πρόσθεσα στο λογαριασμό μου.,47 Τι σημαίνει αν η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει;,47 "Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει ακόμα, γιατί;",47 Περιμένω να περάσει για πάνω από μία ώρα και χρειάζομαι τα χρήματα τώρα.,47 "Γεια σας, είμαι νέος πελάτης και απλά προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω για πρώτη φορά.Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία σας, η συναλλαγή πρέπει να είναι άμεση - γιατί εξακολουθεί να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς;",47 "Προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω τον λογαριασμό μου, αλλά έχει παγώσει σε μια εκκρεμούσα κατάσταση για πάνω από μία ώρα τώρα!Είναι φυσιολογικό;Είμαι νέος πελάτης και αυτή είναι η πρώτη μου φορά που το κάνω αυτό.Υποθέτω ότι θα γίνει πιο γρήγορα από αυτό.",47 Ο λογαριασμός μου είναι νέος γιατί δεν μπορώ να συμπληρώσω,47 "Βοήθεια, δεν βλέπω τα χρήματά μου που μόλις πρόσθεσα.",47 Τι συνέβη με την συμπλήρωσή μου;Δεν αντικατοπτρίζεται.,47 "Περιμένω μια συμπληρωματική, εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί",47 Είμαι νέος πελάτης και προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω σήμερα για πρώτη φορά.Εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί και δεν φαίνεται να λειτουργεί.Πρέπει να το διορθώσω.,47 "Το απαιτούμενο αέριο, καθυστέρησε για μισή ώρα. Επιδιορθώστε το!",47 Χθες ολοκλήρωσα την κάρτα μου.Γιατί δεν ολοκληρώθηκε καθώς εκκρεμεί;,47 Πες μου γιατί εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου.,47 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να περιμένω να περάσω το συμπέρασμα;,47 Το συμπέρασμα είναι φορτωμένο στην κάρτα και δεν υπάρχει ενημέρωση.,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου φαίνεται να εκκρεμεί για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα;,47 "Έχω ήδη πληρώσει για να συμπληρώσει, αλλά τα κεφάλαια δεν είναι διαθέσιμα ακόμα, πού είναι;",47 Τι να κάνω αν η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει;,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει,47 Λειτουργεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακίνητο,47 Γιατί η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει ακόμα;,47 "Γεια, προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω για πρώτη φορά σήμερα (είμαι νέος πελάτης) και η συναλλαγή έχει δείξει ως εκκρεμείς για την τελευταία μισή ώρα.Μπορείς να το φτιάξεις?",47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου λέει ότι εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί,47 Πέρασα περίπου μισή ώρα πριν και η χρέωση εκκρεμεί.Είμαι νέος πελάτης και σήμερα είναι η πρώτη μου φορά που το κάνω.Μπορείς να το φτιάξεις?Δεν φαίνεται να λειτουργεί.,47 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να ξεκαθαρίσετε η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να περιμένω να περιμένω όταν προσθέσω χρήματα,47 Περιμένω ακόμα την συμπλήρωση!,47 Υπάρχει κάποιο πρόβλημα με το σύστημα συμπληρωματικής λειτουργίας;Η συναλλαγή μου δεν έχει περάσει σωστά,47 Πόσο καιρό θα εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Πιστεύω ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί,47 Γιατί δεν έχει περάσει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Γιατί δεν είναι άμεση η συμπλήρωσή μου για το νέο μου λογαριασμό,47 Τα χρήματά μου δεν έχουν κατατεθεί ακόμα.Ποτε θα ειναι?,47 Περιμένω ακόμα να περάσω το συμπέρασμα μου,47 Πόσο καιρό μετά την αποτυχημένη συμπλήρωση των κεφαλαίων θα επιστρέψουν στον λογαριασμό,47 Η κορυφή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα.,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει συμβεί ακόμα.,47 Έχει περάσει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για μια συμπλήρωση;,47 "Χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου για να συμπληρώσω, αλλά λέει ότι εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.Τι σημαίνει αυτό?",47 Πότε θα περάσει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να περάσει η συμπλήρωση,47 Έχω μια εκκρεμούσα συμπληρωματική,47 Γιατί η συμπλήρωση που έκανα ακόμα εκκρεμείς.,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου παίρνει πολύ καιρό για να ολοκληρωθεί.,47 Δεν νομίζω ότι το pop up πέρασε ακόμα.,47 Πόσο καιρό εκκρεμούν οι κορυφαίες μου ups,47 Έκανα κάτι λανθασμένα;Πού είναι η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Γιατί δεν έχει περάσει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Πρέπει να εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Η συμπλήρωση εκκρεμεί ακόμα,47 Περιμένω να ολοκληρωθεί η συμπλήρωσή μου και δεν έχει περάσει ακόμα.,47 "Προσπαθώ να συμπληρώσω την κάρτα μου, αλλά εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί και έχει περάσει μια ώρα.Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να το περάσετε πιο γρήγορα;Δεν έχω αρκετό;",47 Εξηγήστε γιατί η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει ακόμη υποβληθεί σε επεξεργασία;,47 Γιατί δεν μπορώ να δω τα χρήματά μου μετά την ολοκλήρωση;,47 My top up hasn't gone through,47 Είμαι πολύ σίγουρος ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα.,47 Πότε θα ολοκληρωθεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 "Η συμπλήρωσή μου συνεχίζει να εκκρεμεί εκκρεμείς;Πόσο καιρό θα είναι τα πράγματα έτσι;Ημέρες, εβδομάδες, μήνες;Χρειάζομαι τα χρήματα αρκετά επειγόντως για μια σημαντική αγορά καφέ, μπορείτε να με ενημερώσετε πότε θα λειτουργήσει η συμπλήρωση;",47 "Νομίζω ότι κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την συμπλήρωσή σας.Περιμένω λίγο πάνω από μία ώρα για να περάσει αυτό, μπορείτε να το στείλετε για μένα;",47 Πόσο καιρό χρειάζονται οι συμπεράσματα για να περάσουν,47 Προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω για πρώτη φορά σήμερα από τότε που είμαι νέος πελάτης.Δεν φαίνεται ότι λειτουργεί.Εκκρεμεί για τουλάχιστον μισή ώρα.Φροντίστε αυτό.,47 "Πόσο καιρό υποτίθεται ότι εκκρεμεί, επειδή μια ώρα είναι πολύ μεγάλη!Μπορείτε να το διορθώσετε για να περάσετε;",47 Υπάρχει μια συμπλήρωση που εκκρεμεί για μια ώρα και δεν ξέρω γιατί.Το περίμενα αμέσως και το χρειάζομαι τώρα!,47 "Μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι είναι λάθος;Συμπληρώνομαι μαζί σας όλη την ώρα, αλλά αυτή τη φορά δείχνει απλώς την συμπλήρωσή μου ως εκκρεμείς.Τι συμβαίνει?",47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου φαίνεται να εκκρεμεί.,47 Υπάρχει λόγος να εκκρεμεί ακόμα η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Γιατί εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωση,47 "Έχω ολοκληρώσει τον λογαριασμό μου, αλλά δεν νομίζω ότι πέρασε.",47 Η συμπλήρωση είναι σπασμένη.,47 "Υπάρχει κάτι λάθος με την συμπλήρωσή μου που έκανα πριν από μια ώρα;Εκκρεμεί ακόμα.Χρειάζομαι αυτά τα χρήματα, δεν μπορώ να περιμένω ή να το επιστρέψω.",47 Γιατί εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 "Πώς η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν πέρασε αμέσως, όπως συνήθως;",47 Έχει περάσει κάποια στιγμή από τότε που ξαναγεμίσαμε την συμπλήρωση.,47 "Πρόσθεσα χρήματα στην κάρτα, αλλά η συναλλαγή δεν πέρασε",47 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να περιμένω μέχρι να μην εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Η ολοκλήρωση δεν ολοκληρώθηκε,47 Φαίνεται ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει.,47 "Παρόλο που πρόσθεσα χρήματα στην κάρτα, δεν μπορούσα να τα χρησιμοποιήσω",47 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για να εγκριθεί μια συμπλήρωση;,47 Πώς μπορώ να ολοκληρώσω την ολοκλήρωση μου;,47 Τι παίρνει τόσο πολύ με το συμπέρασμα μου;,47 Πότε θα εφαρμοστεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Μπορείτε να εξετάσετε γιατί η πιο πρόσφατη συμπλήρωσή μου εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμούσα;Νόμιζα ότι έπρεπε να είναι στιγμιαία.,47 "Απλά έκανα μια συμπλήρωση, αλλά δείχνει ως εκκρεμείς!Χρησιμοποιώ την υπηρεσία σας όλη την ώρα και δεν είχα ποτέ πρόβλημα πριν.Γιατί συνεχίζει να εμφανίζεται ως εκκρεμείς;",47 Πόσο καιρό εκκρεμεί η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 "Συμπλήρωσα χθες το βράδυ, αλλά δεν έχω χρήματα, γιατί όχι;",47 Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να χρειαστεί για να τελειώσω η συμπλήρωσή μου;Περιμένω λίγο.,47 Υπάρχει λόγος που η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει περάσει;,47 Πρόβλημα με τη συμπλήρωσή μου,47 Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω αν πέρασε η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Μπορείτε να λύσετε το συμπέρασμα σας;Χρειάζομαι αυτό για να περάσω το συντομότερο δυνατόν γιατί χρειάζομαι πραγματικά τα χρήματα.Έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει για μια ώρα.,47 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε γιατί εκκρεμεί το pop-up μου;,47 "Νέος πελάτης και αέριο για πρώτη φορά σήμερα, δεν λειτουργεί,",47 Τι παίρνει το συμπλήρωμά μου τόσο πολύ;,47 Τι συμβαίνει με το συμπέρασμα μου;,47 Πότε θα ολοκληρωθεί η διαδικασία μου;,47 Μπορείτε να μου εξηγήσετε γιατί θα εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί μια συμπλήρωση;,47 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί για να δουλέψω η συμπλήρωσή μου;Εκκρεμεί ακόμα,47 Δεν είναι η συμπλήρωσή μου να σημαίνει ότι είναι πλήρης;,47 Ποιος είναι ο λόγος που η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ακόμα;,47 Πότε θα περάσει η συμπλήρωσή μου;,47 Παρακαλώ ταξινομήστε το συμπέρασμα σας!Η συμπλήρωσή μου εκκρεμεί ήδη για μια ώρα.Μπορείτε να το περάσετε το συντομότερο δυνατό.Χρειάζομαι πραγματικά τα χρήματα.,47 Η συμπλήρωσή μου δεν έχει δημοσιεύσει.,47 "Έκανα μια συμπληρωματική χθες, αλλά εκκρεμεί ακόμα.",47 "Γεια σας, είμαι ένας ολοκαίνουργιος πελάτης και προσπάθησα να συμπληρώσω για πρώτη φορά σήμερα.Εκκρεμεί για μισή ώρα και δεν φαίνεται να λειτουργεί.Παρακαλώ επιλύστε αυτό.",47 Έχω μια νέα κάρτα και δεν μπορώ να προσθέσω χρήματα σε αυτό.Δοκίμασα πριν από περίπου 30 λεπτά και εξακολουθεί να εκκρεμεί.Τι να κάνω?,47 Δεν είμαι βέβαιος ότι η συμπλήρωσή μου πέρασε ακόμα.,47 Περιμένω πάνω από μία ώρα για να περάσει η κορυφή.Πόσο καιρό πρέπει να πάρει αυτό;Χρειάζομαι πραγματικά αυτά τα χρήματα.,47 Πού να ελέγξετε τα συμπεράσματα που εκκρεμούν;,47 Ακύρωση συναλλαγής,8 Μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά που έκανα μόλις,8 "Χρειάστηκα να κάνω μια πληρωμή στον λογαριασμό μου, αλλά πληκτρολογήσαμε τον εσφαλμένο αριθμό.Η εφαρμογή δεν θα μου επιτρέψει να ακυρώσω αυτήν τη συναλλαγή.Χρειάζομαι να ακυρώσει το συντομότερο δυνατό!",8 Έκανα λάθος σήμερα το πρωί όταν έκανα μεταφορά.Πώς το αντιστρέψω;,8 Μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 "Γεια, έστειλα μια πληρωμή σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού - μπορείτε να την ακυρώσετε το συντομότερο δυνατό;",8 Πώς μπορώ να επαναφέρω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι έκανα λάθος συναλλαγή χθες.Μπορείτε παρακαλώ να το κάνετε σωστό; Το χρειάζομαι αύριο παρακαλώ.,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια χρέωση;,8 "Δεν ήθελα να κάνω μια συναλλαγή, θέλω να την επαναφέρω",8 Υπάρχει τρόπος να ανατρέψετε μια συναλλαγή;,8 "Έκανα κατά λάθος μια πληρωμή από λάθος λογαριασμό χθες.Είναι η πληρωμή ενοικίου μου και είναι πολύ μεγάλη, οπότε ο λογαριασμός που πλήρωσα δεν θα μπορέσει να καλύψει το ποσό.Είναι πραγματικά σημαντικό να γίνει η πληρωμή από το σωστό λογαριασμό;",8 Θα ήθελα να βοηθήσω να επανέλθω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα σήμερα το πρωί,8 Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε να επαναφέρετε τη συναλλαγή μου από σήμερα το πρωί.,8 Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να ακυρώσω τη μεταφορά μου,8 Έφτιαξα μια μεταφορά και πρέπει να το αντιστρέψω.,8 "Ακύρωση της πιο πρόσφατης μεταφοράς μου, ήταν λάθος.Αυτό είναι έκτακτη ανάγκη.Πρέπει να ακυρωθεί πριν περάσει.",8 Έκανα ένα λάθος και πραγματοποίησα μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό!,8 Θέλω να επιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα σήμερα το πρωί,8 Πρέπει να αλλάξω μια μεταφορά.,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή παρακαλώ!,8 Θέλω να επιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα,8 "Θα μπορούσα να ακυρώσω τη μεταφορά μου, το πλήρωσα σε λάθος λογαριασμό.Πρέπει να το πληρώσω στο σωστό λογαριασμό μέχρι αύριο.",8 Χρειάζομαι ακυρωμένη μεταφορά.,8 Έκανα μια συναλλαγή σήμερα το πρωί και τώρα θέλω να την ακυρώσω.,8 Μια μεταφορά πρέπει να ακυρωθεί.,8 Είναι δυνατόν να ακυρώσετε μια συναλλαγή;,8 Έκανα μπέρδεμα και έκανα μια συναλλαγή χρησιμοποιώντας λάθος λογαριασμό.,8 Μία από τις συναλλαγές μου πρέπει να ακυρωθεί.,8 Πρέπει να σταματήσω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα.,8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά που έκανα.,8 "Η μεταφορά μου ήταν λάθος, είστε σε θέση να το σταματήσετε πριν περάσει παρακαλώ;",8 Χρησιμοποίησα τον λάθος λογαριασμό.,8 Έχω κάνει ένα φρικτό λάθος!Μεταφέρθηκα χρήματα σε λάθος λογαριασμό τυχαία!Εισήγαγα ένα από τα ψηφία λάθος.Χρειάζομαι αυτό το ακυρωμένο αμέσως παρακαλώ.,8 Ποια είναι τα βήματα που πρέπει να κάνω για να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Θα ήθελα να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά ... είναι δυνατόν;,8 Θέλω να ακυρώσω τη συναλλαγή που έκανα νωρίτερα,8 "Υποβλήθηκα μια συναλλαγή, αλλά ήταν για τον εσφαλμένο λογαριασμό.",8 "Ξεκίνησα ανόητα μια πληρωμή ενοικίου από λάθος λογαριασμό χθες.Δεν μπορεί να πληρωθεί από αυτόν τον λογαριασμό, αλλά πραγματικά πρέπει να πληρώνεται εγκαίρως.Μπορώ να μεταφέρω την πληρωμή στον σωστό λογαριασμό;",8 Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να ακυρώσω γρήγορα μια συναλλαγή που κατά λάθος έκανα σε λάθος λογαριασμό;,8 "Δεν νομίζω ότι η συναλλαγή έχει περάσει, οπότε μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά;",8 Θέλω να επιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα σήμερα το πρωί.,8 Έκανα μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό!,8 Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή.,8 Εισήγαγα ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος όταν μεταφέρω χρήματα και τώρα το έστειλα σε έναν λανθασμένο λογαριασμό.Αυτό είναι τόσο κακό!Το χρειάζομαι τώρα.,8 Πόσο γρήγορα μπορείτε να διορθώσετε ένα σφάλμα στην πληρωμή;Έκανα μια πληρωμή σε λάθος λογαριασμό χθες και πρέπει να προσαρμοστεί αύριο για το ενοίκιο μου.,8 Ακυρώστε την τελευταία μου συναλλαγή.,8 Πώς να ακυρώσετε μια συναλλαγή,8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά,8 Βοηθήστε με να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά.,8 "Με ποιον μιλάω, να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά;",8 Βοήθεια!Πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή.,8 Έκανα ένα λάθος και πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά.,8 "Εάν κάνω λάθος, μπορώ να ακυρώσω τη συναλλαγή;",8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή.,8 Δεν χρειάζεται να μεταφέρω πια και θέλω να το ακυρώσω.,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά;,8 "Έκανα λάθος για την τελευταία μεταφορά που έκανα, με ποιον πρέπει να μιλήσω για να ακυρώσω;",8 Ποιος καλώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά;,8 Είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό να ακυρώσω τη μεταφορά που έκανα χθες και να βάλω τα χρήματα σε διαφορετικό λογαριασμό.Είναι δυνατόν;,8 Έκανα μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό!,8 Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να ακυρώσετε μια πρόσφατη μεταφορά;Δεν ήθελα να το κάνω και να σιγουρευτώ ότι δεν περνάει.,8 Υπάρχει τρόπος να επιστρέψετε μια συναλλαγή;,8 Έχω μια συναλλαγή και θα ήθελα να μάθω αν είναι ακυρώσιμο;,8 Έκανα κατά λάθος μια πληρωμή σε λάθος λογαριασμό.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω τη μεταφορά μου;,8 Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι έκανα λάθος συναλλαγή χθες.Μπορείτε παρακαλώ να το κάνετε σωστό; Το χρειάζομαι αύριο.,8 Μπορώ να σταματήσω μια μεταφορά;,8 "Έκανα μια συναλλαγή, αλλά το έκανα σε λογαριασμό που δεν ήθελα να το καταφέρω.",8 Σταματήστε τη συναλλαγή,8 Πρέπει να αντιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή,8 Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι έκανα λάθος πληρωμή χθες.Μπορείτε να το αλλάξετε στον σωστό λογαριασμό;Είναι η πληρωμή ενοικίου μου και πραγματικά πρέπει πραγματικά να είναι στο σωστό λογαριασμό μέχρι αύριο,8 "Μόλις έκανα μια μεταφορά χρημάτων σε λάθος λογαριασμό, πρέπει να σταματήσω τα χρήματα από το να μετακινηθούν καθώς μπορεί να πηγαίνει σε κάποιον που δεν ξέρω.Παρακαλώ μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε;",8 Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε!Η εφαρμογή δεν θα με επιτρέψει να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά χρημάτων.Έστειλα τυχαία χρήματα σε λογαριασμό που δεν ήταν δικό μου.Χρειάζομαι αυτό το ακυρωμένο αμέσως.,8 Βοηθήστε με να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή.,8 "Έκανα ήδη μεταφορά και θέλω να το ακυρώσω, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",8 "Γεια, μόλις ήξερα ότι έκανα λάθος συναλλαγή χθες.Μπορείτε παρακαλώ να το κάνετε σωστό; Το χρειάζομαι αύριο.",8 Έστειλα μια πληρωμή σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού - μπορεί να αντιστραφεί αυτή η συναλλαγή;Ανησυχώ για το τυχαίο να δώσω τα χρήματά μου μακριά.,8 Θέλω να αντιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα σήμερα το πρωί,8 "Χρειάζομαι να σταματήσετε τη μεταφορά που μόλις ξεκίνησα το συντομότερο δυνατό, μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι δεν είναι σωστό!",8 Θα ήθελα να ακυρώσω την προηγούμενη συναλλαγή μου,8 Χρειάζομαι επείγουσα βοήθεια.Συνειδητοποιώ ότι έστειλα την πληρωμή μου σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού.Έκανα ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος.Ακυρώστε τη μεταφορά τώρα.Δεν υπάρχει επιλογή από την εφαρμογή.,8 "Έκανα λάθος και έκανα μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό, μπορώ να ακυρώσω;",8 "Γεια, έκανα μια μεταφορά χθες που πρέπει να αντιστρέψω.Πρέπει να βάλω τα χρήματα σε διαφορετικό λογαριασμό.",8 Χρειάζομαι επείγουσα βοήθεια.Συνειδητοποιώ ότι έστειλα την πληρωμή μου σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού.Έκανα ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος.Ακυρώστε αμέσως τη μεταφορά.Δεν μπορώ να κάνω τίποτα από την εφαρμογή.,8 Θέλω να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή.,8 "Έκανα μια πληρωμή ενοικίου από λάθος λογαριασμό χθες.Πρέπει απολύτως να περάσει αύριο, οπότε μπορείτε να επαναλάβετε την πληρωμή στον σωστό λογαριασμό;",8 "Δεν θέλω πλέον να μεταφέρω κεφάλαια, μπορούμε να ακυρώσουμε αυτήν τη συναλλαγή;",8 "Έκανα λάθος κατά την αποστολή πληρωμής, στέλνοντας τον σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού (με τυπογραφικό λάθος) - μπορείτε να ακυρώσετε τη συναλλαγή;",8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω την πρόσφατη μεταφορά μου το συντομότερο δυνατό.Έκανα ένα λάθος εκεί.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε πριν περάσει.,8 Προσπαθώ να επιστρέψω μια συναλλαγή που έκανα σήμερα το πρωί,8 Μια πληρωμή που έκανα είναι για λάθος ποσό μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε να διορθώσω το λάθος.,8 Συμπλήρωσα ακούσια μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό.,8 Χρησιμοποίησα τον λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού!,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά που έκανα,8 "Έκανα ένα λάθος να μεταφέρω, μπορώ να ακυρώσω την προηγούμενη μεταφορά μου;",8 "Έκανα λάθος όταν έκανα την τελευταία μου μεταφορά, ακυρώστε πριν πάει μέσω.",8 Μπορώ να σταματήσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Θέλω να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά,8 Θέλω να πάρω πίσω τη συναλλαγή μου,8 Είναι δυνατόν να ακυρωθεί μια συναλλαγή;,8 "Γεια, χρειάζομαι επειγόντως βοήθεια.Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι έστειλα την πληρωμή μου σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού, υπάρχει ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος!Ακυρώστε το αμέσως, δεν μπορώ να το κάνω πια από την εφαρμογή",8 Είναι δυνατόν να ακυρώσετε τις συναλλαγές;,8 Βοήθεια!Έκανα μια μεταφορά σε λάθος και πρέπει να το ακυρώσω πριν ολοκληρωθεί!,8 Έκανα ένα τρομερό λάθος κατά την πληκτρολόγηση στον αριθμό του λογαριασμού μου.Έστειλα τυχαία χρήματα σε λάθος λογαριασμό.Παρατήρησα ότι η εφαρμογή δεν θα μου επιτρέψει να ακυρώσω τη συναλλαγή.Μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει αμέσως;,8 Είναι δυνατόν να ακυρώσω τη μεταφορά μου;,8 Πώς μπορώ να διορθώσω μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό;,8 Έφτασα και χρησιμοποίησα τον λάθος λογαριασμό.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε.,8 Θέλω να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά που μόλις έκανα.,8 Ακύρωση συναλλαγής,8 "Θα μπορούσατε να επιστρέψετε τη συναλλαγή μου, την πλήρωσα σε λάθος λογαριασμό.Πρέπει να μπορώ να το πληρώσω στο σωστό λογαριασμό μέχρι αύριο.",8 Η συναλλαγή μου είναι σε λάθος λογαριασμό.,8 "Πληρώσαμε το ενοίκιο μου σε λάθος λογαριασμό, θα μπορούσατε να το πληρώσετε στο σωστό λογαριασμό, πρέπει να γίνει αύριο.",8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 "Έχω κανονίσει μια μεταφορά, αλλά δεν χρειάζεται πλέον να το στείλω.Πώς μπορώ να σταματήσω τη μεταφορά;",8 Θα ήθελα να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά,8 "Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με, υπάρχει μια συναλλαγή στον εσφαλμένο λογαριασμό.",8 Πώς μπορώ να επανέλθω μια συναλλαγή από σήμερα το πρωί;,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια πρόσφατη μεταφορά;,8 "Παρακαλώ μπορείτε να αποκλείσετε τη συναλλαγή που μόλις έστειλα από τον λογαριασμό μου;Ήταν μια πληρωμή, αλλά κατά λάθος πληκτρολογήσαμε σε λάθος λεπτομέρειες και πιστεύω ότι θα μπορούσε να έχει πάει σε λάθος μέρος.",8 "Έκανα μια συναλλαγή σήμερα το πρωί, αλλά πρέπει να την επαναφέρω τώρα.",8 Έκανα τη λανθασμένη πληρωμή για το ενοίκιο μου χθες και αυτό πρέπει να καθοριστεί το αργότερο από αύριο.Πως μπορείς να βοηθήσεις?,8 "Πρόσφατα έκανα μεταφορά, αλλά πρέπει να την ακυρώσω το συντομότερο δυνατό.Ενημερώστε με πότε συμβαίνει αυτό.",8 Έκανα μεταφορά στο λογαριασμό μου και τώρα πρέπει να το ακυρώσω,8 "Ακύρωση της μεταφοράς μου, παρακαλώ.",8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω αμέσως μια συναλλαγή.,8 Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με!Μια πληρωμή που έκανα είχε σφάλμα στον αριθμό λογαριασμού και δεν μπορώ να ακυρώσω από την πλευρά μου.Μπορείτε να το ακυρώσετε;,8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω την πρόσφατη μεταφορά μου γρήγορα από τότε που έκανα λάθος.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε πριν περάσει.,8 Μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά που έκανα,8 Πού πηγαίνω να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό;,8 Υπήρξε συναλλαγή σε λάθος λογαριασμό.,8 Ακυρώστε τη μεταφορά που μόλις έκανα.Έβαλα τον λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού και δεν μπορώ να τον σταματήσω στην εφαρμογή.,8 Θέλω να επανέλθω σε αυτό το πρωί συναλλαγή.,8 "Δεν ήθελα να κάνω τη μεταφορά, υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να την ακυρώσω;",8 "Χρειάζομαι άμεση βοήθεια για την ακύρωση μιας μεταφοράς που ήταν λάθος.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με γρήγορα, ώστε να μην περάσει.",8 Ακύρωση συναλλαγής,8 Ο λανθασμένος λογαριασμός χρησιμοποιήθηκε κατά τη διάρκεια μιας συναλλαγής.,8 "Μόλις ξεκίνησα μια μεταφορά, αλλά θα ήθελα να την ακυρώσω.",8 Η πρωινή μου συναλλαγή πρέπει να ακυρωθεί.,8 Η συναλλαγή μου από προηγούμενα πρέπει να αντιστραφεί.,8 Πρόσφατα έκανα μεταφορά που θα ήθελα να ακυρώσω,8 "Χθες, έκανα μια λανθασμένη πληρωμή σε λάθος λογαριασμό για την πληρωμή ενοικίου μου.Χρειάζομαι αυτό που απευθύνεται το συντομότερο δυνατό και τα κεφάλαια που μεταφέρθηκαν στον σωστό λογαριασμό το αργότερο αύριο.",8 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή;,8 Πώς μπορώ να ακυρώσω αυτήν τη συναλλαγή;,8 Βοήθεια παρακαλώ!Η πληρωμή ενοικίου μου βγαίνει αύριο και έκανα λάθος πληρωμής χθες!Μπορείτε να τοποθετήσετε στο σωστό λογαριασμό;,8 "Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια αυτή τη στιγμή.Συνειδητοποιώ ότι έστειλα την πληρωμή μου σε λάθος αριθμό λογαριασμού μετά από ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος.Ακυρώστε τη μεταφορά τώρα, αφού δεν μπορώ να το κάνω από την εφαρμογή.",8 Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια όσο το δυνατόν γρηγορότερα!Έκανα λάθος στην πιο πρόσφατη μεταφορά μου.Μπορείτε να το σταματήσετε πριν περάσει;,8 Θέλω να ακυρώσω μια συναλλαγή από σήμερα το πρωί.,8 Έχει γίνει μεταφορά στο λογαριασμό μου που πρέπει να ακυρώσω.Αυτό ήταν ένα λάθος από την πλευρά μου και ελπίζω να μπορέσουμε να το επιλύσουμε γρήγορα.,8 Πρέπει να ακυρώσω την πρόσφατη μεταφορά μου.Εκανα ένα λάθος.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε γρήγορα πριν περάσει η μεταφορά.,8 Είμαι πραγματικά αναστατωμένος γιατί έκανα ένα τυπογραφικό λάθος κατά τη διάρκεια μιας μεταφοράς και τώρα έστειλα χρήματα σε λάθος λογαριασμό.Δεν μπορώ να το διορθώσω με την εφαρμογή.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με αμέσως!,8 Υπήρξε μια συναλλαγή σήμερα το πρωί που θα ήθελα να αντιστρέψω.,8 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να ακυρώσω μια μεταφορά;,8 "Ήθελα να μεταφέρω χρήματα σε άλλο λογαριασμό, αλλά τώρα δεν χρειάζεται να το κάνω, έτσι θα ήθελα να ακυρώσω την εν λόγω μεταφορά.Πως μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό?",8 Ακύρωση της συναλλαγής,8 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο ποσό των συμπερασμάτων;,60 Είναι απεριόριστες οι συμπιέσεις;,60 Μπορώ να αυξήσω το ανώτατο μέγιστο μου;,60 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω οποιοδήποτε ποσό;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο για το πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Θα μπορούσα να συμπληρώσω όσο μπορώ;,60 Έχω ένα όριο στον αριθμό των συμπερασμάτων ανά ημέρα;,60 πρέπει να μάθω αν υπάρχει μέγιστο που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω,60 Πόσα συμπεράσματα επιτρέπεται να κάνω;,60 Πόσο είναι εντάξει για μένα να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποια είναι τα περισσότερα χρήματα που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχουν οριοθετημένα όρια;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για τις συμπεράσματα που μπορεί να κάνει κάποιος;,60 Ποιες είναι οι μεγαλύτερες φορές που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Πες μου αν υπάρχει ένα όριο για την συμπλήρωση.,60 Υπάρχει ένα όριο συμπληρωματικής λειτουργίας που πρέπει να μείνω κάτω κατά τη διάρκεια μιας δεδομένης χρονικής περιόδου;,60 Πόσο επιτρέπεται να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχει ένα όριο για το πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για το πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για το ποσό που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο για τα συμπεράσματα;,60 Πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω μια μέρα;,60 Οι συμπεράσματα έχουν όρια;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για το πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Παρακαλώ πείτε μου το όριο για την εποπτεία.,60 Υπάρχουν όρια συμπληρωματικών όρων;,60 Θα ήθελα να μάθω πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω.,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο στην συμπλήρωσή μου,60 Υπάρχουν όρια συμπληρωματικών όρων που πρέπει να ακολουθήσω;,60 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω οποιοδήποτε ποσό θα ήθελα σε οποιαδήποτε δεδομένη ημέρα;,60 Είναι η συμπλήρωση απεριόριστου;,60 Ποιο είναι το υψηλότερο ποσό των κορυφών που μου επιτρέπεται;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για την συμπλήρωση;,60 Μπορώ να ορίσω το δικό μου όριο συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,60 Ποιοι είναι οι κανόνες για μια συμπλήρωση;,60 Πόσο συχνά μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποιο είναι το υψηλότερο ποσό που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποιο είναι το περισσότερο που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω σε μια κάρτα;,60 Ποια όρια είναι τα συμπεράσματα;,60 Πόσες φορές μπορώ να κάνω μια συμπληρωματική;,60 Τι μπορώ να συμπληρώσω το μέγιστο,60 Ποια είναι η μέγιστη συμπλήρωση;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο συμπληρωματικής κάρτας για την κάρτα μου;,60 Πες μου αν υπάρχει ένα όριο συμπληρωματικής σύνδεσης.,60 Τι φορές μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για την συμπλήρωση,60 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο ποσό που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω την κάρτα μου με παρακαλώ;,60 Πώς μπορώ να κάνω πληροφορίες σχετικά με το όριο μου για συμπληρωματικές ουσίες;,60 Φαίνεται ότι πρέπει να λάβω πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα όρια για συμπληρωματικά στοιχεία.,60 Υπάρχουν όρια συμπληρωματικών ορίων;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο συμπλήρωσης;,60 Υπάρχουν όρια με την ολοκλήρωση;,60 Ποια είναι η μέγιστη συμπλήρωση;,60 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο όριο συμπλήρωσης ανά ημέρα;,60 "Πρέπει να προσθέσω ένα σοβαρό ποσό μετρητών στην κάρτα μου, πώς μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό;",60 Πες μου για το όριο για τα συμπεράσματα.,60 Υπάρχει όριο στην συμπλήρωσή μου;,60 Υπάρχει ένα όριο συμπλήρωσης;,60 Μπορώ να δημιουργήσω το δικό μου όριο συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,60 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Πόσο θα μπορούσα να συμπληρώσω;,60 Πόσες συμπεράσματα μπορούν να εγκριθούν;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,60 Περιορίσετε τα κορυφαία μου;,60 Είναι απεριόριστο το ποσό συμπληρωματικής ποσότητας;,60 Πόσες συμπεράσματα μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω;,60 Υπάρχει μέγιστο για τις συμπερίληψη;,60 Θα ορίσετε ένα όριο στην συμπλήρωσή μου;,60 Υπάρχει ένα όριο συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,60 Πόσο συχνά μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο για τις συμπερασμάτων;,60 Έχετε κάποια όρια συμπληρωματικών επιπέδων;,60 Έχουν ένα όριο;,60 Μπορώ να συμπληρώσω οποιοδήποτε ποσό;,60 Μπορώ να χρησιμοποιήσω όσες συμπερασμάτων θέλω;,60 Χρειάζεται να χρησιμοποιήσω ένα όριο σε συμπεράσματα;,60 Τι ποσό μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Μπορείτε να μου πείτε το όριο για τα συμπεράσματα;,60 Χρειάζομαι κάποιον για να με βοηθήσει να εξηγήσω πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω.,60 Ποιο είναι το περισσότερο που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Υπάρχει όριο για τα συμπεράσματα;,60 Ποιο είναι το μέγιστο που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Πόσο συχνά μπορώ να συμπληρώσω τον λογαριασμό μου;,60 Ποιο είναι το ποσό που μπορώ να συμπληρώσω;,60 Περιορίσετε τα συμπεράσματα μου;,60 Υπάρχει ένα όριο στα συμπεράσματα,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο συμπληρωματικής κατάστασης στις κάρτες μου;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο μου για την ολοκλήρωση;,60 Τι είναι τα όρια για να συμπληρώσετε,60 Υπάρχει κάποιο ποσό στο οποίο θα αποκοπήθηκα από την συμπλήρωση;,60 Πόσο κοστίζει το όριο για τις συμπεράσματα;,60 Πόσο μπορώ να συμπληρώσω την κάρτα μου;,60 όρια στα συμπεράσματα,60 Ποιο είναι το ημερήσιο όριο στην κάρτα μου;,60 Ποιο είναι το όριο συμπληρωματικής ουσίας;,60 Γιατί έλαβα μόνο ένα μερικό ποσό από αυτό που προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ;,75 Η συναλλαγή μου ATM ήταν λάθος,75 Γιατί πήρα μόνο 20.00,75 Why is my cash request and the amount I received different?,75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσύρουμε $ 100, το μόνο που μου έδωσε ήταν $ 20.",75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε αρκετά χρήματα.,75 "Όταν πήγα να αποσυρθώ μετρητά σήμερα, το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό μετρητών.Η εφαρμογή εμφανίζει μεγαλύτερο ποσό.",75 Δεν πήρα όλα τα μετρητά που ήθελα από το ΑΤΜ,75 "Έλαβα 20 $, αλλά μπήκα 100 $",75 "Γεια, χρησιμοποίησα ένα ΑΤΜ σήμερα για να βγάλω χρήματα από το λογαριασμό μου, αλλά το ποσό που μου έδωσε δεν είναι το ποσό που ζήτησα.Τι πρέπει να κάνω?",75 "Έκανε ένα WD νωρίτερα σε ATM.Το ποσό που εμφανίζεται στην εφαρμογή είναι περισσότερο από ό, τι πήρα.",75 Δεν πήρα το σωστό χρηματικό ποσό από το μηχάνημα ATM,75 Μερικά μετρητά έλειπαν στο ATM.,75 Δεν πήρα όλα τα μετρητά που ζήτησα,75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσύρσω $ 100, αλλά πήρα μόνο $ 20.Τι συνέβη?",75 "πώς έρχονται όταν ζήτησα 100, μου έδωσε μόνο 20.00 στην εφαρμογή",75 Asked for $100 but only got $20. Why would this happen?,75 "Ήθελα να αποσύρσω 100 $ από το ATM, αλλά πήρα μόνο 20 $",75 "Έχω λιγότερα χρήματα από ό, τι ζήτησα.",75 "Γεια, παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με να ζητήσω μετρητά πίσω.Καθώς έχω αποσυρθεί χρήματα από το ATM, αλλά έκανα λάθος ποσό.Στην εφαρμογή της δείχνει το ποσό που έχω κατηγορήσει.",75 Τα μετρητά που ήθελα δεν ήταν εκεί.,75 Ζήτησα υψηλότερο ποσό για την απόσυρση μετρητών μου,75 Το ποσό των μετρητών που έλαβα δεν ταιριάζει με το ποσό που ζήτησα,75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε το πλήρες ποσό που ζητήθηκε,75 Το ποσό των μετρητών που έλαβα δεν ήταν το πλήρες ποσό,75 Πώς μπορώ να ζητήσω μετρητά πίσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό που έχω χρεωθεί όμως ...,75 Μου δόθηκε μόνο 20 $ μετά από να προσπαθήσω να αποσύρουμε 100 $,75 Έλαβα λιγότερα μετρητά από το ποσό που καθορίσαμε στο ATM.,75 "Πήγα στο ATM νωρίτερα σήμερα και δεν το συνειδητοποίησα μέχρι τώρα, αλλά δεν πήρα όλα τα χρήματα που ζήτησα.Πιστεύω ότι ο λογαριασμός μου χρεώθηκε για 100, αλλά πήρα μόνο 80. Υπάρχει κάποιος τρόπος να λύσουμε αυτό το πρόβλημα;",75 "Έχω λιγότερα μετρητά από ό, τι καθορίζω στο ATM.",75 Why did I not get the amount of money I requested?,75 Είμαι στο ΑΤΜ αυτή τη στιγμή και μου επέτρεψε μόνο να αποσυρθώ 10 κιλά αντί για το ζήτημά μου 30. Τι συμβαίνει;Πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσω;,75 Πήρα 20 $ όταν έπρεπε να έχω πάρει $ 100,75 Πώς μπορώ να ζητήσω μετρητά πίσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό που μου χρεώθηκε όμως ...,75 Δεν έλαβα το ποσό των μετρητών που ζήτησα για το ATM.,75 το υπόλοιπο μετρητών μου λιγότερο από αυτό που σκέφτηκα,75 Δεν μου έδωσε τα μετρητά μου,75 Κράτησε τα μετρητά μου,75 Πήρα μόνο $ 20 από τα $ 100 που προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ.,75 "Γεια, αντλούμε κάποια χρήματα από το ATM σήμερα.Το ATM μου έδωσε λάθος ποσό και η εφαρμογή εμφανίζει περισσότερο ποσό από ό, τι αποσύρομαι.",75 Προσπάθησα να βγάλω 30 κιλά από το ΑΤΜ μόλις τώρα και μου έδωσε μόνο 10. Γιατί θα το έκανε αυτό;Χρειάζομαι τα 30 κιλά τώρα!,75 "ΒΟΗΘΕΙΑ!Προσπάθησα να πάρω μετρητά και μου έδωσε μερικά, αλλά όχι το σωστό ποσό!",75 "Καλώ επειδή το ΑΤΜ δεν μου έδωσε το σωστό ποσό μετρητών, αλλά η εφαρμογή μου δείχνει το πραγματικό ποσό που ήθελα να αποσυρθώ.Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να επιστρέψω τα χρήματά μου;",75 Γιατί δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών;,75 Γιατί δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών στο ATM;,75 Έλαβα το λάθος ποσό μετρητών,75 Γιατί πήρα μόνο 20 $ τώρα το πλήρες ποσό που ήθελα;,75 Το ποσό των μετρητών που επέλεξα να αποσυρθώ είναι διαφορετικό από αυτό που έλαβα.,75 "Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να πάρω μετρητά πίσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό που ζήτησα, αλλά η εφαρμογή δείχνει ότι το ποσό είναι σωστό.",75 Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να ζητήσω μετρητά;Το ATM μου έδωσε πραγματικά λάθος ποσό.Η εφαρμογή που πραγματικά επέλεξα το σωστό ποσό.,75 "Έδωσα ακριβώς το λάθος ποσό από το ATM.Πώς μπορώ να ζητήσω μετρητά σε αυτό το σημείο;Η εφαρμογή δείχνει το ποσό που πραγματικά ζήτησα, παρόλο που αυτό δεν είναι αυτό που έχω.",75 "Συνήθως δεν χρησιμοποιώ ATMs, αλλά ήμουν σε μια βιασύνη σήμερα και έπρεπε να αποσυρθώ κάποια μετρητά.Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος χρηματικό ποσό και τώρα η εφαρμογή μου δεν δείχνει το ίδιο ποσό όπως θα έπρεπε.Τι να κάνω?",75 "Έλαβα λανθασμένο ποσό μετρητών από ένα ATM σήμερα.Ήταν περισσότερο από ό, τι ήθελα.Τι κάνω τώρα?",75 Το ATM είναι σπασμένο.Δεν μου έδωσε το πλήρες ποσό (30 κιλά.) Στέκομαι εδώ με μόνο 10 κιλά και μου λέει ότι μου έδωσε 30 κιλά.Χρειάζομαι βοήθεια τώρα!,75 Γιατί το ATM δεν μου έδωσε όλα τα χρήματά μου,75 Δεν πήρα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών από το ATM.,75 Γιατί πήρα λιγότερο από το ΑΤΜ;,75 Το ATM μου έδωσε μόνο 10 κιλά όταν αποσύρθηκα 30. Τι να κάνω;,75 Τα μηχανήματα κάνουν επίσης λάθη!Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος χρηματικό ποσό.Πάρα πολύ!,75 Θα μπορούσα να πάρω μόνο το χρηματικό ποσό που ήταν διαθέσιμο σε μένα που ήταν λιγότερο από τότε περίμενα.,75 "Μου δόθηκαν λιγότερα μετρητά, τότε ήθελα.",75 "Γεια σας, δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό στη συναλλαγή μου ATM, η εφαρμογή εμφανίζει το σωστό ποσό Πώς μπορούμε να το διορθώσουμε",75 Δεν έλαβα το πλήρες ποσό απόσυρσης,75 "Έλαβα ένα διαφορετικό ποσό μετρητών από ό, τι μπήκα.",75 "Έλαβα μόνο 20 δολάρια, αλλά ζήτησα $ 100.",75 "Βοήθεια, η εφαρμογή σας εμφανίζει ένα μεγαλύτερο WD από ό, τι έκανα νωρίτερα σε ATM.",75 "Νομίζω ότι κάτι πήγε στραβά, δεν πήρα το σωστό ποσό.",75 Τι να κάνω αν έχω λάθος ποσό στο ATM;,75 Δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών που ζήτησα,75 Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ κάποια χρήματα από ένα ATM σήμερα το πρωί και έλαβα το λάθος ποσό.Η εφαρμογή σας λέει ότι έχω αρκετά διαθέσιμα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό.Μπορεί κάποιος να μου πει τι συμβαίνει;,75 Τι συμβαίνει εάν το ΑΤΜ δεν δίνει το σωστό χρηματικό ποσό;,75 "Ζήτησα περισσότερα μετρητά από ό, τι έλαβε",75 Γιατί δεν μπορώ να πάρω 100 $,75 "Ζήτησα 100 $, αλλά πήρα μόνο 20 $",75 "Έβγαλα μετρητά από το ΑΤΜ, αλλά κάτι πρέπει να έχει πάει στραβά, ο λογαριασμός μου δείχνει το σωστό ποσό μετρητών που έβγαλα, αλλά το ΑΤΜ δεν μου έδωσε αυτό το ποσό.Πώς μπορώ να επιστρέψω τα χρήματά μου;",75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ, αλλά τα μετρητά μου δεν εμφανίζονται;",75 Δεν ήμουν σε θέση να λάβω το σωστό ποσό μετρητών.,75 Δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών,75 Δεν πήρα αρκετά μετρητά,75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ κάποια χρήματα από ένα ATM σήμερα το πρωί, αλλά δεν μπόρεσα να πάρω το ποσό των μετρητών που χρειάζομαι.Το ποσό στην εφαρμογή λέει αυτό που προσπαθούσα να αποσυρθώ αφαιρέθηκε, αλλά δεν έχω χρήματα.Τι να κάνω γι 'αυτό;",75 "Το ATM δείχνει ότι μου έδωσε τα χρήματα που ζήτησα, αλλά δεν πήρα αυτό το ποσό.",75 Το σωστό ποσό μετρητών δεν ελήφθη.,75 Είμαι τόσο θυμωμένος τώρα!Πήγα στο ΑΤΜ και δεν έλαβα το σωστό χρηματικό ποσό που επέλεξα να αποσυρθώ.Πώς θα μπορούσε να συμβεί αυτό;Χρειάζομαι τα χρήματά μου και θέλω να μάθω πώς μπορώ να το πάρω το συντομότερο δυνατόν!,75 Μου δόθηκε το λάθος ποσό μετρητών,75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε όλα τα μετρητά μου,75 "Γιατί δεν πήρα όλα τα χρήματα που ζήτησα;Ζήτησα όλα τα μετρητά στον λογαριασμό μου, αλλά πήρα μόνο περίπου το μισό.Γιατί αυτό??",75 Δεν ζήτησα το ποσό των μετρητών που έλαβα.,75 Πήρα μόνο $ 20 όταν προσπάθησα να αποσύρουμε $ 100.,75 "Η εφαρμογή δείχνει ότι έλαβα πολλά περισσότερα χρήματα από ό, τι έλαβα από το ΑΤΜ.Αυτό συνέβη νωρίτερα σήμερα.",75 "Το ATM μου έδωσε λιγότερα μετρητά από ό, τι ζητήθηκε",75 Γιατί δεν έλαβα όλα τα μετρητά που ζήτησα;,75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ 40 κιλά, αλλά μόνο 20 βγήκαν.Κλέψατε τα χρήματά μου;",75 Ναι!Δεν έλαβα το χρηματικό ποσό που ζήτησα.Τι κάνω τώρα?,75 Πώς μπορώ να ζητήσω μετρητά πίσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε ένα διαφορετικό ποσό από αυτό που μου χρεώθηκε ...,75 "Επιλέξαμε για απόσυρση 30 κιλά, αλλά έλαβα μόνο 10. Στέκεται ακόμα μπροστά από το ΑΤΜ.Η εφαρμογή δείχνει ότι έβγαλα 30 κιλά επίσης.Πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσω;",75 Τα μετρητά μου δεν ταιριάζουν με αυτό που έχει ζητηθεί,75 Δεν μου δόθηκε το ποσό των μετρητών που αποσύρθηκα,75 Δεν είχα διανεμηθεί όλα τα μετρητά που ζήτησα,75 Το μηχάνημα μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό μετρητών.,75 "Ζήτησα ένα συγκεκριμένο χρηματικό ποσό από το ΑΤΜ, αλλά μου έδωσε ένα διαφορετικό ποσό.Λιγότερο από ό, τι ζήτησα.",75 "Ζήτησα για $ 40 και έλαβα μόνο 20 δολάρια, τι συνέβη;",75 Γιατί δεν έλαβα το ποσό που ζήτησα στο ATM;,75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε αρκετά χρήματα!Ζήτησα περισσότερα από όσα έδωσε.Τι να κάνω?,75 Έλαβα το λάθος ποσό μετρητών.,75 Δεν έχω λάβει ακόμα τα μετρητά μου.,75 Δεν πήρα όλα τα μετρητά στο ATM.,75 "Εάν το ΑΤΜ μου έδωσε μόνο 10 κιλά αντί για τα 30 που ζήτησα, τι να κάνω;",75 "Νωρίτερα σήμερα πήρα χρήματα από το ATM.Μετά τον έλεγχο της εφαρμογής, το ποσό είναι πολύ υψηλότερο από το ποσό που έλαβα.",75 "Γιατί έλαβα λιγότερα μετρητά από ό, τι ρώτησα στο ΑΤΜ;",75 Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου ήταν σύντομη.,75 Δεν είχα διανεμηθεί το σωστό ποσό μετρητών που ζήτησα,75 "Το ATM δείχνει την απόσυρση του ποσού των χρημάτων που ζήτησα, αλλά δεν επανεφεύρουμε αυτό το ποσό σε μετρητά.",75 "Όταν πήγα στα $ 100, όλα τα μηχάνημα θα μου έδιναν $ 20.",75 Τι συμβαίνει εάν το ATM μου δίνει το λάθος χρηματικό ποσό;,75 "Δεν έλαβα χρήματα, αλλά εξακολουθούσα να χρεώθηκε",75 Με χάλια χρήματα όταν προσπάθησα να κάνω μια απόσυρση.,75 Ζήτησα μόνο 100 πήρα 80,75 "Πήρα κάποια μετρητά σε ένα ATM νωρίτερα, αλλά τώρα η εφαρμογή δείχνει ότι αποσύρθηκα περισσότερο από ό, τι έκανα.Βοήθεια!",75 Η απόσυρση μετρητών ήταν λανθασμένη στο ATM.,75 "Αποσύρθηκα χρήματα από ένα ATM σήμερα, και τώρα ο λογαριασμός μου δείχνει διαφορετικό ποσό από αυτό που αποσύρθηκα.Ελέγξαμε το ποσό που μου έδωσε το ΑΤΜ και μοιάζει να μου έδωσε το λάθος χρηματικό ποσό.Ποιο είναι το καλύτερο λεπτό για μένα για να το διορθώσω;",75 "Γιατί το ATM μου έδωσε λιγότερα χρήματα από ό, τι ζήτησα;",75 Δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών.,75 Πώς μπορούμε να διορθώσουμε ένα λάθος σε μια συναλλαγή ATM;Η εφαρμογή δείχνει τι θα έπρεπε να έχω πάρει.,75 Γιατί δεν έλαβα το ποσό που καθορίσαμε στο ATM;,75 "Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε αυτό που ζήτησα, αλλά η ισορροπία μου λέει ότι το έκανε",75 "Πήρα λιγότερα μετρητά από ό, τι έχω καθορίσει μέσω του ATM.",75 Τι συνέβη!Ζήτησα 30 κιλά στο ATM σας και μόνο πηγαίνετε 10. Το μηχάνημα ψέματα γι 'αυτό.Είπε ότι έλαβα τα 30 κιλά.Κάποιος με βοήθησε καλύτερα σε αυτό.,75 Ένα λάθος ποσό μετρητών που μου έστειλα.,75 Έβγαλα χρήματα και δεν το πήρα όλα.,75 Πώς μπορώ να πάρω μετρητά πίσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε το λάθος ποσό που πραγματικά χρεώθηκα όμως ...,75 "Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με το ποσό που έχω αποσυρθεί από το ΑΤΜ σήμερα, το ΑΤΜ μου έδωσε λάθος ποσό και μπορούσα να δω ότι η εφαρμογή εμφανίζει το μεγαλύτερο ποσό από ό, τι αφαιρείται.",75 "Αποσύρθηκα 100 $, αλλά έλαβα μόνο 20 $",75 Ζήτησα χρήματα από το ΑΤΜ και δεν μου έδωσε τόσο πολύ όσο ζήτησα.,75 "Γεια σου στέκομαι μπροστά σε ένα ΑΤΜ εδώ, μου έδωσε μόνο 10 κιλά, παρόλο που ήθελα να αποσυρθώ 30!Φαίνεται ότι η εφαρμογή έχει 30 κιλά, τι να κάνω;",75 Βγήκε 20 $ αντί για $ 100,75 "Πώς μπορώ να το διορθώσω;Το ATM μου έδωσε περισσότερα μετρητά από ό, τι είχα ζητήσει.",75 Δεν μπορούσα να πάρω τα μετρητά που ήθελα,75 "Ήθελα να βγάλω $ 100, αλλά πήρα μόνο $ 20.",75 "Βοήθεια, το ATM δεν μου έδωσε όλα τα χρήματα που ζήτησα",75 Τα μετρητά που ζήτησα ακόμα δεν έχουν ληφθεί,75 "Ήθελα 100 $, αλλά πήρα μόνο 20 $",75 Το ΑΤΜ δεν μου έδωσε το ποσό που ζήτησα,75 Πού πήγαν τα υπόλοιπα μετρητά μου από το ATM,75 "Έχω λιγότερα μετρητά στο ΑΤΜ από ό, τι ζήτησα.Γιατί;",75 Υπήρχε ένα περιορισμένο χρηματικό ποσό διαθέσιμο κατά τη στιγμή της συναλλαγής μου.,75 Η απόσυρση μετρητών μου δεν ήταν πλήρως πλήρης,75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε όλα τα μετρητά,75 "Το ATM είναι μπερδεμένο.Μου έδωσε λιγότερα από ό, τι ήθελα.",75 Έλαβα το λάθος ποσό μετρητών από το ATM.Μπορεις να βοηθησεις?,75 Το ATM μου έδωσε μόνο 20 $ αντί για $ 100,75 Μου δόθηκε μόνο 20 $ όταν προσπάθησα να πάρω $ 100,75 "Χρειαζόμουν $ 100, αλλά το μόνο που μου έδωσε ήταν $ 20.",75 Προσπάθησα να τραβήξω χρήματα στο ATM και μου έδωσε ένα λανθασμένο ποσό πίσω.,75 Γιατί πήρα μόνο 20 $ όταν ζήτησα $ 100;,75 Το ποσό των μετρητών που έλαβα δεν είναι σωστό.,75 Πώς μπορώ να πάρω τα χρήματά μου που δεν πήρα από το ΑΤΜ;,75 "Γεια σου, σήμερα έχω αποσύρει μετρητά από το ATM, αλλά πήρα λάθος ποσό και στην εφαρμογή δείχνει πολύ περισσότερο ποσό από αυτό.",75 I didn't get all the money I asked for,75 Το ATM δεν μου έδωσε τόσο πολύ μετρητά όσο ζήτησα.,75 How can I request cash back? The ATM just gave me a different amount than what I've been actually charged though...,75 Γιατί η απόσυρσή μου είναι λάθος;Έβγαλα $ 100 αλλά έλαβα μόνο $ 20.,75 "Ζήτησα μετρητά, αλλά δεν έλαβα όλα τα κεφάλαια",75 Το ATM που στέκομαι μπροστά μου έδωσε μόνο 10 κιλά και όχι τα 30 κιλά που ήθελα.Η εφαρμογή δείχνει ότι έβγαλα 30 κιλά επίσης.Τι πρέπει να κάνω για να το διορθώσω;,75 Πήρα μόνο μερικά από τα μετρητά που ζήτησα από το ATM,75 "Είμαι στο ΑΤΜ και προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ 30 κιλά και μου έδωσε μόνο 10 κιλά, τι να κάνω;",75 Πήρα το λανθασμένο ποσό που μου δόθηκε από τον λογαριασμό μου,75 Δεν έλαβα το σωστό ποσό μετρητών.,75 Δεν έλαβα όλα τα μετρητά μου,75 "Έχω κάποια μετρητά, αλλά δεν ήταν το σωστό ποσό.",75 "Μπορείτε να εξηγήσετε γιατί το ΑΤΜ μου δίνει λιγότερα χρήματα από ό, τι ζήτησα;",75 "Προσπάθησα να αποσυρθώ 50 λίβρες, αλλά μου έδωσε μόνο 30. Πού είναι τα υπόλοιπα χρήματά μου;",75 "Επισκέφθηκα το ΑΤΜ αλλά πήρα λιγότερα χρήματα από ό, τι ζήτησα.Γιατί;",75 Δεν μπορούσα να πάρω τα χρήματα που χρειαζόμουν.,75 Ποιος πρέπει να επικοινωνήσω αν το ποσό της απόσυρσης μου δεν αντιστοιχεί στο ποσό που προσπάθησα να βγάλω από τον λογαριασμό μου;,75 "Έκανα ένα ATM απόσυρση δεν μου έδωσε το ποσό που ζήτησα, αλλά δείχνει μια απόσυρση για αυτό το ποσό.",75 "Έτσι πήγα ακριβώς στο ΑΤΜ για να πάρω κάποια μετρητά.Εισάγω ότι χρειάζομαι 100 κιλά, αλλά πήρα μόνο 80. Έχω την απόδειξη και χρειάζομαι τα επιπλέον χρήματα.Πώς μπορώ να αποκτήσω το ποσό που λείπει;",75 Το ποσό των χρημάτων που έσπρωξα στο μηχάνημα ATM δεν βγήκε από το μηχάνημα.,75 "Πήρα λιγότερο από αυτό που ζήτησα στο ΑΤΜ, γιατί;",75 "Έχω κολλήσει εδώ στο σπασμένο ATM σας και δεν ξέρω τι να κάνω στη συνέχεια.Ερωτηθείς για 30 κιλά, πήρα 10. ATM είπε ότι πήρα 30. Κάτι πολύ λάθος εδώ και θέλω τα χρήματά μου τώρα!",75 Το μηχάνημα μου πλήρωσε μόνο εκατό όταν ήθελα 20,75 Υπήρχε μια χρέωση που χρεώθηκε όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου.,15 Έλαβα ένα τέλος που δεν έπρεπε να έχω.,15 Γιατί είμαι χρεωμένος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Πες μου γιατί υπάρχει αμοιβή για πληρωμή με κάρτα.,15 Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί χρεώνεται για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου.,15 "Πληρώσαμε με την κάρτα μου, οπότε γιατί χρεώσαμε ένα τέλος συναλλαγής;",15 "Δεν θα έπρεπε να κατηγορηθώ, αλλά βλέπω ένα τέλος, γιατί;",15 "Έκανα μια πληρωμή με την κάρτα μου και χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος, γιατί θα το κάνατε αυτό",15 Ένα τέλος ήρθε μαζί μου πληρώνοντας με κάρτα,15 Έπρεπε να πληρώσω ένα τέλος κατά την αγορά αντικειμένων με την κάρτα μου.,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση όταν σκέφτηκα ότι δεν θα υπήρχαν τέλη;,15 Γιατί υπάρχουν τέλη για τη χρήση κάρτας;,15 Έπρεπε να πληρώσω χρήματα για να πληρώσω με την κάρτα μου.,15 "Πάω διακοπές στη Γαλλία για 6 εβδομάδες με την οικογένειά μου και τη γάτα, Fluffy.Μόλις αγόρασα € 10.000 από μια ανταλλαγή νομισμάτων για να διασφαλίσουμε ότι δεν τρέχουμε σύντομα, αλλά φαίνεται να υπάρχει ένα τέλος.Για ποιο λόγο είναι αυτό;",15 Ποιοι είναι οι λόγοι που πρέπει να χρεωθείτε για πληρωμές με κάρτες;,15 Πληρώσαμε με κάρτα και χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος που δεν πρέπει να είναι εκεί!,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πληρώνομαι με κάρτα;,15 Παρατήρησα μια νέα αμοιβή στο λογαριασμό μου.Δεν ήξερα ότι υπήρχαν τέλη για αυτές τις πληρωμές.Ποια είναι η πολιτική;,15 Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον χρέωση για αυτήν την υπηρεσία.Μπορείτε να διευκρινίσετε;,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Γιατί η συναλλαγή μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πληρώνω με την κάρτα μου;,15 "Πού μπορώ να μάθω τη δομή των τελών για τον λογαριασμό μου;Έχω χρεωθεί αμοιβές για ορισμένες συναλλαγές, αλλά όχι για άλλες.Δεν μπορώ να βρω ένα μοτίβο σε αυτά τα τέλη.",15 "Σε μια πληρωμή με κάρτα, γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση;",15 Γιατί χρεώσαμε μια αμοιβή για την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου;,15 Γιατί μου χρεώνετε αμοιβές για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Ποια είναι η επιπλέον χρέωση που εμφανίστηκε στην κάρτα μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώσαμε ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου,15 Επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω πότε χρεώθηκα επιπλέον για πληρωμές.Είδα στην εφαρμογή ένα τέλος που δεν προειδοποίησα.,15 Μου χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου.Μπορώ να το ελέγξω με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο;Φαίνεται ότι υπάρχουν περιπτώσεις ότι είμαι χρέωση για τέλη.Μπορείτε να το επεξεργαστείτε;,15 Χρεώσαμε ένα τέλος υπηρεσίας στο λογαριασμό μου.Μπορεί να παραιτηθεί από τότε που δεν το ήξερα πριν;,15 Νομίζω ότι εφαρμόστηκε ένα τέλος για την πληρωμή με μια κάρτα.,15 Είμαι χρεώνεται για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου!,15 Αγόρασα κάτι με την κάρτα μου και χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος,15 Έλαβα μια επιπλέον χρέωση για τη χρήση της κάρτας.Γιατί;,15 Μπορείτε να εξηγήσετε γιατί η πληρωμή μου χρεώθηκε αμοιβή;,15 Υπάρχει χρέωση για την πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Ποιος μου χρέωσε ένα τέλος για την πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Έχω μια αμοιβή από την τελευταία φορά που χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου.,15 Γιατί χρεώνεται αυτό το τέλος μετά τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 "Γιατί δεν ήταν προφανές ότι χρεώνετε για πληρωμές;Εάν τοποθετήσετε τα τέλη σε μια εύκολο στη μορφή ανάγνωσης, αυτό θα μπορούσε να αποφευχθεί.",15 Γιατί είμαι χρεώνεται αμοιβές σε ορισμένες συναλλαγές αλλά όχι σε άλλους;Τι μου λείπει εδώ;Δεν μπορώ να βρω πού να δω τη δομή των τελών στο λογαριασμό μου.Βοήθεια!,15 Πληρώσαμε με την κάρτα και υπήρχε επιπλέον χρέωση;,15 Είναι φυσιολογικό να χρεωθείτε με επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πληρώνετε με την κάρτα μου;,15 Γιατί υπήρχε τέλος για την πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Πώς τέθηκε σε ισχύ η επιπλέον χρέωση στην κάρτα μου;,15 Παρακαλώ πείτε μου γιατί χρεώθηκε επιπλέον όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα.,15 Έκανα μια αγορά με την κάρτα μου και χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της,15 Ήμουν φτιαγμένος για να πληρώσω ένα τέλος για να κάνω μια συναλλαγή με κάρτα.,15 "Γιατί, όταν πληρώσαμε με την κάρτα, χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον χρέωση;",15 Ποτέ δεν χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος πληρωμής καρτών πριν.Γιατί αυτό άλλαξε;,15 Τι μπορώ να πληρώσω χωρίς τέλη,15 Γιατί και χρεώνομαι αυτό το τέλος;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα αμοιβή;Νόμιζα ότι τα ψώνια ήταν δωρεάν;,15 Υπήρχε μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου,15 Τι είναι αυτή η αμοιβή για πληρωμή καρτών;,15 Είδα ένα τέλος στην εφαρμογή μου από μία από τις πληρωμές μου και δεν ήμουν σίγουρος από πού προήλθε.Υπάρχει τρόπος να μου πείτε πότε υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση για τις πληρωμές μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα για πληρωμές;Δεν με προειδοποιήσατε για επιπλέον αμοιβές.,15 "Έχω χρησιμοποιήσει την κάρτα μου στο διαδίκτυο πριν και δεν χρεώθηκε, γιατί είμαι χρεώνεται τώρα",15 "Πληρώσαμε με την κάρτα μου και χρεώσαμε μια επιπλέον χρέωση, τι συμβαίνει με αυτό;",15 Χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου και υπήρχε μια αμοιβή,15 "Έχω κουραστεί να χρεωθείτε αμοιβές και δεν έχω ιδέα γιατί, παρακαλώ επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω τι/όταν χρεώνετε τα τέλη για.",15 Γιατί παίρνω μια αμοιβή για μια πληρωμή κάρτας;,15 "Γεια, είμαι νέος σε αυτό.Υπάρχουν πρόσθετες αμοιβές ή χρεώσεις που πρέπει να γνωρίζω;Κοίταξα μέσα από την εφαρμογή και σκέφτηκα ότι είδα κάτι σχετικά με τα αποζημιώσεις χωρίς αμοιβή.",15 Παρατήρησα ότι χρεώθηκα επιπλέον για τη χρήση της κάρτας.,15 Πληρώσαμε με μια κάρτα και υπάρχει επιπλέον χρέωση.Γιατί;,15 Μπορείτε να εξηγήσετε γιατί τώρα χρεώνω ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 "Υπάρχουν πολλές περιπτώσεις όπου προσθέσατε ένα τέλος στην πληρωμή, καθώς και κάποια όπου δεν το κάνατε.Έχετε ένα περίγραμμα για το πότε θα προστεθεί ένα τέλος;",15 Έχω χρεωθεί ένα τέλος για το οποίο δεν ήξερα.Γιατί με χρεώσατε επιπλέον για πληρωμές καρτών;,15 Έχω μια αμοιβή όταν πληρώνω με την κάρτα μου,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση για πληρωμή στην κάρτα μου;,15 "Όταν χρησιμοποιούσα την κάρτα μου, χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος για να το κάνω, γιατί;",15 Τι χρεώσαμε μια αμοιβή για πληρωμή καρτών;,15 Τι είναι αυτό το επιπλέον τέλος;,15 Γιατί έπρεπε να πληρώσω επιπλέον γιατί πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου;,15 Θέλω να δω τι είναι αυτή η αμοιβή στην πληρωμή της κάρτας μου.,15 Επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω πότε χρεώνετε επιπλέον για πληρωμές παρακαλώ.Μόλις έλεγξα την εφαρμογή νωρίτερα όταν είδα ότι υπήρχε πρόσθετη αμοιβή σε μία από τις πληρωμές που δεν προειδοποίησα πριν.,15 Πώς μπορώ να αποφύγω τις χρεώσεις στο μέλλον,15 Έχει προστεθεί επιπλέον χρέωση στην πληρωμή της κάρτας μου είναι σωστό;,15 Γιατί υπήρχε επιπλέον χρέωση επειδή χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου για να πληρώσω;,15 Γιατί πρέπει να πληρώσω επιπλέον για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 "Μη γνωστή σε μένα, υπήρξε πρόσθετη χρέωση στην προηγούμενη συναλλαγή μου.Πρέπει να απαιτείται και να εξηγείται μια ειδοποίηση και να εξηγείται πριν από την πραγματοποίηση μελλοντικών πληρωμών.",15 Πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου και χρεώθηκε επιπλέον,15 Ο λογαριασμός μου χρεώθηκε αμοιβή.Πότε ξεκινήσατε να χρεώνετε επιπλέον για πληρωμές καρτών;,15 Εξηγήστε την επιπλέον χρέωση στην κάρτα μου όταν πληρώνετε.,15 Χορηγήθηκα και δεν έπρεπε να χρεώθηκε όταν χρησιμοποιούσα την κάρτα μου!,15 Έχω αμοιβή και δεν ξέρω γιατί,15 Ήμουν λανθασμένα χρεώνοντας μια αμοιβή για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου.,15 Πες μου γιατί χρεώθηκα περισσότερο με την κάρτα μου;,15 "Η κάρτα μου δείχνει ένα τέλος από όταν το χρησιμοποίησα, αλλά σκέφτηκα ότι αυτή η κάρτα έπρεπε να είναι δωρεάν;",15 Υπήρχε μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα.,15 Νομίζω ότι ήμουν λανθασμένα χρεώθηκε σε μια πρόσφατη συναλλαγή όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου.,15 "Έχω χρεωθεί ένα τέλος, δεν ήξερα για αυτό το τέλος πριν!Πότε χρεώνετε επιπλέον για πληρωμές καρτών;",15 Έκανα μετρητά με την κάρτα μου και πήρα ένα τέλος.,15 Ποιες είναι αυτές οι αμοιβές που πληρώνω;,15 Γιατί μου χρεώθηκε αμοιβή για πληρωμή καρτών;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πληρώνομαι με την κάρτα;,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση για χρεωστική ή πιστωτική πληρωμή;,15 Παίρνω χρεώνεται για την πραγματοποίηση πληρωμής;,15 Γιατί μερικές από τις πληρωμές μου έχουν αμοιβές;Δεν καταλαβαίνω.,15 Γιατί έπρεπε να πληρώσω ένα επιπλέον ποσό όταν χρησιμοποιούσα την κάρτα μου για να πληρώσω;,15 Πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου και χρεώθηκα ένα τέλος,15 Υπήρχε μια φόρτιση που εφαρμόστηκε όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου.,15 Μου χρεώθηκε μια κρυφή αμοιβή όταν πλήρωσα με κάρτα.,15 Γιατί κοστίζει περισσότερο για να πληρώσει με την κάρτα μου;,15 Υπάρχει μέρος για έλεγχο για αμοιβή για πληρωμές;Νιώθω σαν να χρεώνομαι πάρα πολύ κατά καιρούς.,15 Πρέπει να γνωρίζω όταν χρεώνεται ένα επιπλέον ποσό για πληρωμές παρακαλώ.Κοίταξα την εφαρμογή νωρίτερα και παρατήρησα μια επιπλέον αίσθηση που σχετίζεται με μία από τις πληρωμές.Δεν ήμουν προειδοποιημένος για αυτό πριν.,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον όταν πληρώνω με κάρτα;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα ένα τέλος όταν χρησιμοποιώ τη χρεωστική ή πιστωτική μου κάρτα;,15 "Παίρνω χρεώσεις σε ορισμένες πληρωμές.Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με να καταλάβω, πού αποκαλύπτονται αυτά τα τέλη;",15 Γιατί η τιμή ήταν υψηλότερη όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου;,15 Μόλις έκανα μια παραγγελία και παρατήρησα μια επιπλέον χρέωση.Γιατί με χρεώσατε αυτό χωρίς να με ενημερώσετε;,15 Δεν ήξερα ότι επρόκειτο να χρεωθεί να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου.,15 Έχω χρεωθεί μια επιπλέον χρέωση κατά την αγορά από το κατάστημά σας.Γιατί είναι αυτό?,15 Τι είναι αυτό το επιπλέον τέλος που πήρα όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου για να πληρώσω;,15 Χρεώθηκα επιπλέον για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω κατά την εφαρμογή επιπλέον χρεώσεων για πληρωμές.Μόλις έλεγξα την εφαρμογή και είδα ένα τέλος για το οποίο δεν προειδοποίησα.,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον χρέωση κατά την πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον;,15 Πλήρωσα με κάρτα και χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος,15 "Έκανα μια αγορά, αλλά ποτέ δεν περίμενα να δω ένα τέλος που χρεώνεται για τη συναλλαγή.",15 Χορηγήθηκα για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Η κάρτα μου χρεώθηκε περισσότερο από το αναμενόμενο.,15 Πού μπορώ να ελέγξω αν θα υπάρξει μια αμοιβή που θα προστεθεί στην πληρωμή μου;Υπάρχουν συγκεκριμένες περιπτώσεις που θα έχουν ως αποτέλεσμα μια χρέωση;,15 Γιατί μου χρεώθηκε μια αμοιβή για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον χρησιμοποιώντας την κάρτα μου;,15 Πώς χρεώθηκα επιπλέον όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου για να πληρώσω;,15 Πότε χρεώνω ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας;,15 "Βλέπω ότι χρεώθηκα επιπλέον όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα.Δεν είμαι σίγουρος γιατί, πείτε μου γιατί.",15 Γιατί χρεώσαμε μια αμοιβή για την πληρωμή της κάρτας μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν χρησιμοποιούσα την κάρτα;,15 Επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω πότε χρεώνετε για πληρωμές.Μόλις έλεγξα την εφαρμογή και είδα ένα τέλος για το οποίο δεν προειδοποίησα.,15 Ποια είναι η χρέωση για την πληρωμή με την κάρτα μου;,15 Πληρώσαμε με την κάρτα μου και κατέληξα να χρεώσαμε ένα τέλος.,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση για πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Δεν γνώριζα την πρόσθετη χρέωση που προστέθηκε στην προηγούμενη πληρωμή μου.Μια ειδοποίηση για επιπλέον χρεώσεις θα εκτιμηθεί στο μέλλον.,15 Δεν νομίζω ότι θα έπρεπε να είχα χρεωθεί ένα τέλος για να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου.,15 Ένα τέλος που δεν πρέπει να υπάρχει εκεί μετά τη χρήση της κάρτας μου!,15 "Πώς μπορώ να δω ποιες αμοιβές πρέπει να χρεωθείτε για τον λογαριασμό μου;Έχω παρατηρήσει τις αμοιβές σε ορισμένες συναλλαγές, αλλά όχι σε άλλους.Αυτό είναι πολύ συγκεχυμένο και δεν μπορώ να βρω ένα μοτίβο σε αυτό που χρεώνεται;",15 Γιατί παίρνω χρεώνεται περισσότερο για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Βλέπω ένα τέλος που νομίζω ότι χρεώθηκε επειδή πλήρωσα από την κάρτα.,15 Ποια είναι τα τέλη που επιβάλλονται όταν πραγματοποιώ συναλλαγή;,15 Ποια ήταν η επιπλέον χρέωση για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Γιατί ένα τέλος προστέθηκε στο λογαριασμό μου όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου;,15 Παρακαλώ πείτε μου γιατί χρεώθηκα ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Πώς μπορώ να ελέγξω πόσα δωρεάν δαπάνες έχω αφήσει;Έχω κάποιες μεγάλες αγορές και θέλω να μάθω πού μπορώ να αναζητήσω πληροφορίες.,15 Μου χρεώθηκε μια αμοιβή κατά την αγορά με την κάρτα μου.,15 Χρεώθηκε ένα πρόσθετο χρηματικό ποσό για να πραγματοποιήσω μια αγορά με την κάρτα μου,15 Ποιο είναι το τέλος που χρεώνεται για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Μόλις είδα μια αμοιβή στο λογαριασμό μου.Πότε χρεώνονται αυτά;,15 Είναι φυσιολογικό να χρεωθείτε επιπλέον όταν χρησιμοποιώ την κάρτα μου;,15 Αυτή η αμοιβή δεν πρέπει να είναι εκεί αφού πλήρωσα με μια κάρτα.,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα μια επιπλέον χρέωση στην κάρτα μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα περισσότερο για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;,15 Πρόσφατα αγόρασα ένα στοιχείο χρησιμοποιώντας την κάρτα μου και μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον χρέωση γιατί είναι αυτό;,15 Είμαι θυμωμένος που χρεώθηκα για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου.,15 Ήθελα να μάθω γιατί έλαβα μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν χρησιμοποιώ την κάρτα μου.,15 "Υπάρχει τέλος για την πραγματοποίηση πληρωμής;Εάν ναι, επιτρέψτε μου να ξέρω γιατί.",15 Παρακαλώ πείτε μου γιατί θα έπρεπε να πληρώσω ένα τέλος για μια πρόσφατη πληρωμή.Ευχαριστώ.,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα αμοιβή για πληρωμή χρεωστικής ή πιστωτικής κάρτας;,15 Γιατί προστέθηκε επιπλέον χρέωση όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα ένα μικρό τέλος για να χρησιμοποιήσω την κάρτα μου;,15 Μου χρεώθηκε μια επιπλέον χρέωση για πληρωμή με κάρτα.Δεν γνώριζα εκ των προτέρων αυτές τις αμοιβές.,15 Γιατί υπάρχει χρέωση που σχετίζεται με τη χρήση καρτών;,15 Για ποια είναι αυτή η αμοιβή στον λογαριασμό μου;,15 Έχω χρεωθεί με ένα τέλος για την πληρωμή με την κάρτα μου.,15 Γιατί χρεώνεται μια αμοιβή για πληρωμή με κάρτα;,15 Υπάρχει τρόπος να περάσετε τα τέλη,15 Παρατήρησα μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου.,15 Δεν διαφημίζετε καμία αμοιβή όταν πληρώνετε με μια κάρτα τότε η δήλωσή μου δείχνει ένα τέλος.,15 "Υπήρχε μια επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα μου, γιατί χρεώσαμε αυτό το επιπλέον τέλος;",15 Γιατί υπήρξε επιπλέον χρέωση για την πληρωμή που μόλις έκανα;Δεν έχω συνήθως επιπλέον τέλη που εφαρμόζονται στις πληρωμές μου.,15 Ποια είναι αυτή η επιπλέον χρέωση με την αγορά μου;,15 "Γειά σου!Έχω κατηγορηθεί τυχαία μια επιπλέον χρέωση σήμερα, καθώς ψωνίζω στο διαδίκτυο και δεν έχω ιδέα γιατί!Υπάρχουν επιπλέον αμοιβές για πληρωμές καρτών;Ή μου λείπει κάτι εδώ;",15 Εξηγήστε την επιπλέον χρέωση όταν πλήρωσα με την κάρτα.,15 Πότε χρεώνετε αμοιβές σε λογαριασμούς;Μόλις είδα μια χρέωση στη δήλωσή μου.,15 "Αφού χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα μου, είδα ότι χρεώθηκε ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της",15 Υπάρχει αποζημίωση στις κάρτες;,15 Γιατί χρεώνεται μια κρυφή αμοιβή;,15 Μπορείτε να εξηγήσετε γιατί χρεώθηκα επιπλέον όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα;,15 Γιατί έλαβα χρέωση στην κάρτα μου;,15 Έχετε χρεώσεις τώρα όταν πληρώνετε με μια κάρτα;,15 Ποια είναι η επιπλέον χρέωση που προστέθηκε όταν χρησιμοποίησα την κάρτα;,15 Γιατί χρεώθηκα ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου σε μερικές αγορές;,15 "Γιατί χρεώνεται ένα τέλος για τη χρήση της κάρτας μου;Εάν υπάρχει κάποια εκτύπωση από μέρη που με χρεώνουν, μπορείτε να μου στείλετε αυτό;",15 Πώς μπορώ να πω εάν θα προστεθεί μια αμοιβή στην πληρωμή μου ή όχι;,15 "Δεν υποσχεθήκατε αμοιβές, αλλά τώρα έχω ένα.Τι διάολο!?",15 Πώς μπορώ να ξέρω ποιες πληρωμές πραγματοποιώ θα έχουν επιπλέον αμοιβές;Πού μπορώ να βρω αυτές τις πληροφορίες online;,15 Ανησυχώ ότι έχει περάσει πάρα πολύς χρόνος για να ολοκληρωθεί μια μεταφορά.,66 "Ποιο είναι το χρονικό πλαίσιο που συνήθως χρειάζεται για να περάσει μια μεταφορά;Έχω έναν φίλο που το χρειάζεται αμέσως, αλλά δεν έχει ακόμη περάσει.",66 Η συναλλαγή μου δεν μπορεί να δει από το άτομο που το έστειλα,66 "Πόσο καιρό συνήθως παίρνει μια μεταφορά για να περάσει;Έστειλα κάποια χρήματα σε έναν φίλο νωρίτερα σήμερα, και πραγματικά το χρειάζεται.Εξακολουθεί να είναι μια εκκρεμούσα μεταφορά, παρόλο που το έστειλα πριν από λίγες ώρες.",66 "Έχω κάνει μεταφορά στη χώρα την προηγούμενη μέρα, αλλά δεν είναι ακόμα εκεί.Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε τι συμβαίνει με αυτό, ο αριθμός λογαριασμού είναι σίγουρα ο σωστός, το έχω ελέγξει ήδη.",66 "Έχω κάνει μεταφορά στη χώρα την προηγούμενη μέρα, αλλά δεν είναι ακόμα εκεί.Μπορείτε να ελέγξετε τι συμβαίνει με αυτό, ο αριθμός λογαριασμού είναι ο σωστός, το έχω ελέγξει αρκετές φορές ήδη.",66 Η συναλλαγή μου δεν έφτασε.,66 Έστειλα χρήματα σε ένα άτομο και δεν έχουν λάβει ακόμη την πληρωμή.,66 Δεν ξέρω πού είναι η συναλλαγή.,66 "Μεταφέρθηκα χρήματα, αλλά ο παραλήπτης δεν βλέπει τα κεφάλαια στο λογαριασμό τους;",66 Γιατί δεν έχει ξεκαθαριστεί μια συναλλαγή σε έναν φίλο;,66 Η εφαρμογή δεν εμφανίζει τις συναλλαγές μου,66 Γιατί ο παραλήπτης δεν βλέπει τη συναλλαγή;Μόλις έστειλα τα χρήματα.,66 Μετέφερα χρήματα και δεν έφτασα εκεί.,66 Υπάρχει λόγος για τον οποίο ένας παραλήπτης μπορεί να μην δει τη συναλλαγή χρημάτων μου,66 Δεν βλέπω τη συναλλαγή που έκανα σε έναν φίλο στο λογαριασμό μου.,66 Γιατί καθυστέρησε μια συναλλαγή σε έναν φίλο;,66 "Μια συναλλαγή που έκανα στον φίλο μου δεν έχει φτάσει ακόμα, γιατί;",66 Πού είναι η τελευταία μου συναλλαγή χρημάτων,66 Έχω ένα πρόβλημα με μια μεταφορά σε χώρα που έκανα πριν από λίγες ημέρες.Δεν έχει ακόμη εμφανιστεί στον λογαριασμό μου.Έχω ελέγξει για να είμαι σίγουρος ότι όλες οι πληροφορίες λογαριασμού είναι σωστές πολλές φορές.Τι παίρνει η μεταφορά τόσο πολύ;,66 Έκανα μεταφορά την προηγούμενη μέρα σε αυτήν τη χώρα.Δεν εμφανίζεται καθόλου.Έχω διπλό έλεγχο και ο αριθμός λογαριασμού είναι σίγουρα σωστός.Έχω πραγματικά πληκτρολογήσει αυτό πολλές φορές.Μπορείτε να εξετάσετε τι συμβαίνει εδώ;,66 Πόσος χρόνος λαμβάνει συνήθως οι μεταφορές;Έστειλα χρήματα σε έναν φίλο που το χρειάζεται επειγόντως.Έχουν περάσει ώρες και δεν έχει περάσει.,66 Μια συναλλαγή σε έναν φίλο δεν έχει ακόμη εμφανιστεί.,66 Έστειλα χρήματα και ο παραλήπτης δεν έλαβε τα χρήματά του μετά από δύο εβδομάδες.,66 Πόσο καιρό θα χρειαστεί να φτάσει η μεταφορά μου;,66 Γιατί τα κεφάλαια δεν μεταφέρθηκαν σε άλλο παραλήπτη;,66 "Έστειλα πληρωμή, αλλά δεν εμφανίζεται στην εφαρμογή",66 Προσπάθησα να μεταφέρω κάποια χρήματα και δεν το έχει κάνει ακόμα - τι συμβαίνει;,66 Έκανα μεταφορά και δεν έλαβαν τα χρήματα που τους έστειλα.,66 "Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για τη μεταφορά χρημάτων, ο λιανοπωλητής μου περιμένει",66 "Έστειλα χρήματα σε κάποιον, αλλά δεν το έχουν πάρει, τι συμβαίνει;",66 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για επεξεργασία των μεταφορών;Έστειλα χρήματα σε έναν φίλο και λέει ότι δεν έχει λάβει ακόμα τίποτα.,66 Γιατί η συναλλαγή που έκανα στον φίλο μου έφτασε ακόμα;,66 Έστειλα χρήματα πριν από περίπου 5 ημέρες και ο παραλήπτης δεν έχει λάβει ακόμα τα χρήματα.,66 Περιμένω απλώς την ολοκλήρωση της συναλλαγής.,66 Η συναλλαγή μου δεν εμφανίζεται στον λογαριασμό μου,66 Γιατί δεν έφτασε η συναλλαγή μου;,66 Πότε θα μεταφέρετε τα χρήματα;,66 "Έχω μετακομίσει σε ένα νέο σπίτι και δημιούργησα μια πληρωμή ενοικίου στον ιδιοκτήτη μου, έπρεπε να είναι στο λογαριασμό της πριν από λίγες ημέρες, αλλά δεν έφτασε.Σίγουρα το έστειλα στο σωστό μέρος, μπορείτε να επιβεβαιώσετε πού είναι τα χρήματα;",66 Πρέπει να ελέγξω την κατάσταση καθώς ο φίλος μου δεν έχει χρήματα που έστειλα.,66 Πόσο καιρό λαμβάνουν οι μεταφορές;Υπάρχει τρόπος επιτάχυνσης της διαδικασίας;Ο φίλος μου χρειάζεται τα χρήματα που την έστειλα απεγνωσμένα.,66 από την απόδειξη των χρημάτων μου,66 Τα χρήματα δεν βρίσκονται σε λογαριασμό παραλήπτη.,66 Πόσος χρόνος χρειάζεται για τη μεταφορά χρημάτων;Έστειλα μερικούς σε έναν φίλο και δεν έχει περάσει ακόμα.,66 Γιατί δεν έφτασε η συναλλαγή που έκανα στον φίλο μου;,66 Πόσος χρόνος λαμβάνουν οι μεταφορές;Έστειλα χρήματα σε έναν φίλο που το χρειάζεται γρήγορα.Έχουν περάσει ώρες και τα χρήματα δεν έχουν περάσει.,66 "Πόσος χρόνος πρέπει να παίρνει μια μεταφορά κανονικά για να επεξεργαστεί πλήρως;Έχω έναν φίλο που το χρειάζεται αμέσως, αλλά έχει ήδη περάσει 2 ώρες και δεν το έχει λάβει.",66 My friend says he hasn't received my transaction,66 What is the length of a transaction completion?,66 I transferred some cash and it has not arrived yet.,66 I need to transfer some money to a friend who is in urgent need of some fast cash. How long will it take before she can use that money?,66 Two days ago I did a transfer to another account within the country. It doesn't appear the transfer went through. I have verified the account number several times. Could you please check on this for me?,66 Where did the money transfer go?,66 When will the transaction be done?,66 I transferred some money to my mom 2 days ago and she has not received it. I double checked the information and it looks right. Can you help me?,66 Why is it taking so long for a transfer to complete!,66 Why is my transfer taking so long to complete?,66 I am just waiting for the transaction to be completed.,66 How long do I have to wait for my transaction to be completed?,66 I did a money transaction and the recipient doesn't see it,66 Why hasn't my friend received the money i sent them yet?,66 I sent money for my rent to my landlord but she is claiming it hasn't arrived in her account Can you trace the transfer I made to make sure it arrived so I can provide proof I sent it and that it has been deposited?,66 Why didn't my friend's transaction arrive yet?,66 Still waiting for transfer to be completed.,66 I transferred some money but it is not here yet,66 What do I do if I completed a money transfer but the recipient hasn't received it?,66 "I have done a transfer within the country a couple days ago, but it's still not there yet. Can you please check what's going on with that, the account number definitely is the right one, I've checked that several times already.",66 I'm still waiting for my transaction.,66 Why hasn't a transaction I did to my friend arrived yet?,66 I set up a payment to a new payee and sent some money but the person I'm sending it to has not received it. Can you check where the money is?,66 My new landlord says he hasn't received the rent payment that I transferred a couple days ago. I've already checked the account numbers and they are correct. Can you tell me what's going on with this transaction that the transfer isn't showing up on my landlord's end?,66 "I can't see if the transfer I did a couple days ago is in my account yet. I double checked my info before sending, too. Can you check this?",66 My transfer has not arrived.,66 How long does it take for the transfer to go through?,66 What happens when I money transaction doesn't show up on the receiving side?,66 "I'm trying to make a payment to my new landlord. Even though the payment was sent a few days ago, it isn't clearing on their side. Can you verify that payment has been made?",66 "i've waited 2 days for a transfer to reach a retailers account, am i going to have to wait longer.",66 my friend has not got the money I sent last week.,66 Why can't the person I sent the money transfer to see it?,66 The money has not yet been placed in recipients account.,66 I'm getting concerned here. I sent a friend some money and she isn't seeing it. What's going on?,66 I completed I transfer the day before yesterday in this country. The transfer still is not complete. I've checked on the account number multiple times to make sure that it is the right one. Can you check to see what's going on with this?,66 "I made a transfer for my rent payment about 2 days ago, but my landlord hasn't received it yet. It shows as done on my side, and I've double check all account numbers and they are correct. Can you verify that the transaction was actually made?",66 Why hasn't arrived yet a transaction I did to my friend?,66 I'm waiting for my transaction to complete.,66 Why hasn't my friend received the transaction?,66 I transferred money and it hasn't come yet,66 Why hasn't my son received the transfer I sent to him earlier?,66 How long do money transfers take? My friend really needs the money i sent a couple of hours ago but it's not there yet.,66 Why hasn't the money transfer arrived yet?,66 I have not received the completed transaction.,66 how long does it take for a transfer to arrive,66 How come my money hasn't shown up yet?,66 "Hello, a few days ago I transferred my rent check to my landlord, however, he is saying that it has not gone though. On my end everything looks fine and I double checked the account number. Is there anything else that could be holding up the check?",66 Why can't the recepient of my money transaction see it?,66 The recipient doesn't see the money transaction I made,66 How long will my transaction take?,66 How long should it take for a transfer to go through? I have been waiting a while.,66 "i accidentally entered in my retailers information, what should i do next",66 I transferred some cash and it didn't arrive,66 where has my transferred money gone?,66 I tried doing an in country transfer earlier this week. I thought it would be there by now but I still don't see the money. Can you check the status on my transfer?,66 Is there a reason a payment is showing complete on my side but the person who is receiving it has not gotten it?,66 I've checked multiple times to make sure the account number listed is the right one after attempting to make a transfer within the country the day before yesterday. The transfer is still not available so can you please find out what is going on?,66 I transferred some money but it hasn't arrived.,66 Why is my transaction taking so long to complete?,66 My transfer isn't in,66 I sent money to my family last Friday but they don't have it.,66 When will I get my money? It's been too long.,66 Why didn't my transfer get to the recipient?,66 I haven't received money from a transfer?,66 "I transferred a payment a couple days ago and it shows done, but it has not been received. Could you please help me?",66 I payed my rent to my landlord a few days ago and he is saying the it never went though. Everything looks good to me and I even double checked the account number. I don't know what could be causing the confusion. Can you help me please?,66 My transaction has not been received. When are you going to process it?,66 "Hi, I sent my landlord my rent money a few days ago and while everything seems good on my end he says that he never got the money. I double checked the account number and it's correct. Can you help me figure this out?",66 My cash transaction isn't showing on my receipt,66 My transfer hasn't arrived,66 I did a money transaction and dont have a receipt,66 I have a friend who needs money as soon as possibly. If I were to transfer it how long will it take to get to her?,66 Why hasn't my friend's transaction arrive yet?,66 Hi - I have made a transaction to my new landlord but unfortunately it shows on my end but not on the landlord's end. The numbers are correct. Can you confirm when that will go through?,66 I sent money to someone but they haven't gotten it yet,66 How long will it take to receive my money from my transfer transaction?,66 My transfer didn't arrive to the recipient,66 Recipient has not received the money,66 The recipient can not locate funds.,66 Why has my transfer not arrived yet?,66 My new landlord is a lier and is trying to rip me off by saying I've not paid my rent when I have paid my rent. What is going on? They say the money hasn't got to them but I see it going out of my account. Can you check that the money went to the right place?,66 I made a transfer to my friend earlier and she hasn't received it yet. What's the hold up?,66 "|I moved out of my old house two weeks ago and cancelled my direct debit to my old landlord, this direct debit was working fine. Now I've moved in to a new place and set up a transfer to a new landlord but it's not reached her yet, can you check it please?",66 Why is the transaction to my friend still pending?,66 "The day before yesterday, I performed a transfer within the country. It still has not completed. Can you check on that? The account number is definitely correct, as I've checked.",66 "I have checked the account information several times to be sure that it is correct, but the in country transfer I did a few days ago still has not appeared! What is the hold up?",66 "I performed a transfer within the country the day before yesterday, but it has not gone through? Can you check on that? The account number is definitely correct, as I've checked.",66 The day before yesterday I transferred funds to another account within the country. The funds have not yet arrived. I double and triple checked the account number and it was correct. Why hasn't the transfer been completed yet?,66 Why doesn't the person I sent money to see that transfer yet?,66 "How long does it take for transfers to be approved? I sent funds to my girlfriend, and she says that she has not seen any approved funds in her account.",66 How long will it be before the person I sent money to is able to see it?,66 I'm still awaiting for the completion of the transaction.,66 What is the time for a transfer?,66 I dont see my reciept,66 Why hasn't my transaction been completed?,66 I sent some money and the account hasn't recived the transfer I made.,66 I'm still expecting the transaction to be finished,66 I transferred some money to a friend of mine who urgently needs some money right now. How long will it take to get to her?,66 "I sent a payment, but the person I sent it to says they don't have it",66 "I have done a transfer within the country the day before yesterday, but it's still not there yet. Can you please check what's going on with that, the account number definitely is the right one, I've checked that several times already.",66 "I need to verify a payment to my new landlord. I transferred the first rent payment a few days ago. While it shows on my side, the landlord is saying he hasn't received it yet. Can you verify that it has processed?",66 "I've been waiting since Friday, where is my money?",66 I sent some money but the intended recipient says it hasn't arrived,66 Could you please help me? I made my rent payment and have double checked that I sent it to the right account. The person receiving it says he has not received it but it shows complete on my side.,66 I just did a money transaction but its not showing they received it,66 Why hasn't my transaction arrived to my friend yet?,66 "I just transferred my friend money, but she hasn't received it yet, and it's been a few hours. Can you tell me when to expect it to go through?",66 How long will my most recent transfer take to go through? The recipient needs the money urgently.,66 My recipient hasn't received the money,66 when will my transfer arrive,66 I just sent money but the person I sent it to doesn't see it. What happened?,66 Why hasn't my transaction completed?,66 Why hasn't the transaction I did arrive yet?,66 Why isn't the transfer I made to a friend showing?,66 Why is my friend not getting a transaction arrival yet?,66 How long will a transaction to a friend take?,66 Why hasn't my in country transfer gone through yet? I confirmed the account info a couple days ago but the payment hasn't been posted yet.,66 "I completed a transfer within the UK two days ago, but it is still not showing received. I have verified the account number is correct already. Is there anything else I need to do or is there a problem?",66 How can I the person see my money transaction?,66 I sent a transfer to a friend that needs it urgently. It has already been 2 hours and still hasn't come through to her. How long does it normally take?,66 the money i transferred didnt arrive,66 Why is my transfer taking so long. I thought it was supposed to only take 1 day if I made a transfer to someone. Can you wee what went wrong?,66 "I sent some money to somebody a couple of hours ago, and they still have yet to receive it. They really need the money, how much longer are they going to have to wait?",66 How long do transfers take? I sent money to a friend who needs it urgently. It's been hours and has not gone through.,66 How do I use American express to top up my account?,54 Which currencies do you accept for adding money?,54 Is my credit card supported for top-ups?,54 Am I able to add money into my account using my American Express?,54 Can I use my American Express card to add money into my account?,54 Can you tell me what currencies I can use to add money?,54 I want to use my American Express for adding money into my account.,54 With what currencies can I add money?,54 What are the acceptable currencies for adding funds?,54 how can i transfer money from american express card,54 what cards and currencies are accepted?,54 How can I top up my card with another card?,54 use my credit to add money,54 What types of currencies do you accept?,54 Do you accept any card and currency?,54 can i use my mastercard to add money to my account,54 What types of cards and money do you accept?,54 How can I fund another account with my American Express?,54 What currencies do you accept to add money?,54 How can I top up my account and which currency can I use?,54 Will my other US credit card be accepted?,54 can i top up from a usa credit card,54 How can I get funds into my account from my American Express?,54 Which cards and currencies are supported?,54 What are the currencies and cards that are supported with my account?,54 What currency can I use to add money?,54 Can I use a credit card from the US to top up?,54 why don't you accept american express for adding money to my account,54 Can you tell me what cards and currencies you support?,54 Which foreign currencies do you accept for adding money?,54 I only have one other credit card from the US. Do you accept that?,54 What currencies are approved to add money?,54 I wish to use my American Express to put funds into my account.,54 I have another card from the U.S. Will you be able to accept that one?,54 I want to use a payment card to top up my account. How can I do this?,54 Can I use American Express?,54 I'd prefer to use my American Express when putting funds into my account.,54 What currencies can I use?,54 what cards can i use to add money to my account,54 What currencies and methods can i use to top up my account?,54 Is American Express supported for adding funds?,54 Do you accept credit cards from the US,54 Can you accept my other card from the U.S.? It is the only other one I have.,54 Do you accept Mastercard?,54 "I am adding money, what currencies do you accept to do this?",54 Which currencies do you handle?,54 what currencies can i use to add money to my account,54 Are there certain cards and currencies you support?,54 why wont my american express work to add money,54 Which currencies can I use to add money?,54 Can I use any card and currency?,54 What kind of cards are supported? What currency?,54 What US cards do you accept? I only have 1 other.,54 I have a second credit card from the US. Will you take it?,54 What cards do you accept to top up my account?,54 What currencies do you accept for adding money?,54 Can I top off with a debit card?,54 "I want to deposit funds, what payments are accepted?",54 Are cards from the US accepted?,54 I'd like to use my American Express to place money into my account.,54 Please let me know what currency I can use to top up my account?,54 Do you accept all cards and currencies?,54 I have one other credit card from the US. Do you take that?,54 Which credit card top-ups do you accept?,54 "If I top up by card, what options do I have re: currency and card type?",54 What currencies are accepted to add money?,54 "I want to add money to my card, what payments do you accept?",54 What are my payment options?,54 Can I electronically transfer funds into my account from my American Express?,54 Can I top up my card with other cards?,54 I have one other credit card from the US. Do you take it?,54 Am I able to use my American Express to add money to my account balance?,54 What are the cards and currencies that you support?,54 What US credit cards do you accept?,54 What currencies do you accept for adding money to my account?,54 I have an American Express that I'd like to add money to my account with.,54 What forms of payment do you accept?,54 What type of card can I use to top up?,54 Do you have a list of cards and currencies you support?,54 "I want to top up by using a credit card, which ones do you support?",54 "I have a US credit card, will you accept it?",54 What currencies and cards do you support?,54 how do i add money from my amex card to top up,54 What cards and currencies can I use to top up my account?,54 Will you accept my credit card?,54 "Will you accept my credit card, it my only one.",54 "If I want to add funds to the account using American Express, how do I do that?",54 I just have one additional card from the USA. Do you support that?,54 Why doesn't it work when I use American Express to try to add money to my account?,54 Which cards are accepted for topping up?,54 What kinds of cards can I use to top up?,54 Help me use American Express to add money to the account.,54 What cards and currencies can I use?,54 What currency is acceptable for a top up?,54 What other credit cards can I use?,54 What payment methods are used to top up?,54 how can i add money from my amex card,54 I only have a card from the US is that okay?,54 Is American Express accepted?,54 Which currencies do you work with?,54 Can I use this app for any currency?,54 "For adding money, which currencies do you accept?",54 How can I pay for top-ups?,54 Is American Express supported for adding money into my account?,54 Can you tell me which cards and currencies are supported?,54 "I would like to top up via credit card, which credit cards do you support?",54 "I only have one more US credit card, is it accepted?",54 "If I want to topup by card, how do I do it?",54 "I want to know which currencies and cards are supported, can you provide a list?",54 "I want to top up by card, what do you support?",54 can i add funds with a card from the united states,54 I want to top up my account. What payment methods are supported?,54 How can I use my American Express to add money into my account?,54 What card or currency can I use to pay?,54 My card wants to be topped what do you guys support?,54 do you accept from usa credit card?,54 What currency can I use to pay for a top up?,54 Do you have a list of the cards and currencies supported?,54 What are the various currencies and cards that you offer support for?,54 What currencies can be used for top up?,54 "Do I have to top up in euros if I use a card, or can I use a different currency?",54 What cards do you support,54 What are the currencies that are accepted to add money?,54 What kind of cards an currency do you support?,54 Which cards do you support for top up?,54 "Top up my card please, which y'all support?",54 Do you accept US credit cards?,54 I need to know if you will accept my credit card.,54 I want to add funds to my account. What payment methods are accepted?,54 "I would like to order a virtual card, where can I get one?",40 "I need to order a new virtual card, how do I do that?",40 How can I sign up for a virtual card?,40 I haven't received my virtual card yet!!,40 Can you give me a virtual card?,40 I want to get my hands on one of those virtual cards!,40 i need a virtual card,40 How do I get to the virtual cards?,40 want to know how to get virtual card,40 Where is my virtual card?,40 Where are the virtual cards?,40 Is it possible to order a virtual card?,40 how to i go about getting my virtual card,40 I don't have a virtual card - how do I get one?,40 How to receive virtual card?,40 Why haven't I gotten a virtual card yet?,40 Where do I order a virtual card?,40 Can i have a virtual card?,40 Please explain to me the process of getting a virtual card.,40 my virtual card has not came yet!,40 Which part of the app do I order virtual cards from?,40 Where do I have access to a virtual card?,40 How to order a virtual card,40 Where do I get a virtual card?,40 Why haven't I been given a virtual card yet?,40 Can you help me find the virtual card?,40 How do I go about getting hold of a virtual card?,40 Where's my virtual card,40 How can I go about ordering a virtual card?,40 Where can i find the virtual card?,40 "I'd rather not use my physical card, how can I get a virtual card?",40 What do I have to do to get my virtual card?,40 can i use my app to get a virtual card,40 How can I obtain a virtual card?,40 I'm interested in getting a virtual card. How do I get one?,40 What is the way to go about getting a virtual card?,40 How can I receive a virtual card?,40 When will my virtual card arrive?,40 How do I get my virtual card?,40 how to get virtual card,40 What is the best way to get my virtual card?,40 "I need to make a purchase online, where is my virtual card?",40 I look but I see no virtual card. Why is that?,40 "Hello, what is a virtual card and how do I get one?",40 How come I did not get a virtual card yet?,40 "how many virtual cards can i have, i want 8",40 How do I get a virtual card on my device?,40 How do I access the virtual card?,40 I'd like more info on getting a virtual card.,40 Do I get to have one of those virtual cards I've heard about?,40 where can i have a virtual card,40 I would love one of the virtual cards!,40 I would like to order a virtual card.,40 I have yet to receive my virtual card,40 How long will it take to receive a virtual card?,40 Why have I not received a virtual card yet?,40 I can't find the virtual card,40 Can you assist me in acquiring a virtual card?,40 I want one of the virtual cards!,40 How come I didn't get a virtual card yet?,40 And do you have virtual cards instead of physical ones?,40 How do I go about getting a virtual card?,40 When will I get a virtual card? I haven't gotten one yet,40 Where can I order my virtual card?,40 Where can virtual cards be ordered?,40 How can I locate the virtual card?,40 How long do you have to wait to see your virtual card your ordered?,40 I want to get a virtual card!,40 How to access my virtual card,40 Where can I sign up for a virtual card?,40 Where do i go to receive a virtual card,40 Are there virtual cards,40 Please let me know how to place an order for a virtual card,40 I ordered a virtual card but it hasn't come through yet,40 Is there a way to get a virtual card?,40 "I haven't received my virtual card yet, do yo know why?",40 why hasn't my virtual card arrived?,40 What is the virtual card and how can i get one?,40 "I have lost my card, but need to place an online order! How do I get a virtual card instantly?",40 I've got to have one of those virtual cards.,40 Where is my virtual card located?,40 Why have I not yet received my virtual card?,40 Where would I order a virtual card?,40 "I need to order a new card, can you please direct me to the virtual cards?",40 I need my virtual card,40 I haven't received my virtual card.,40 How do I receive a virtual card?,40 I heard you have virtual cards. How do I get one?,40 I would like a virtual card...how do I get one?,40 explain the virtual card,40 I'd like like to know where I can order a virtual card?,40 what is a virtual and how do i get one,40 why hasn't my virtual card come yet?,40 Is there a way to order a virtual card on the website?,40 Is there an alternative to a physical card?,40 Please tell me how I can get a virtual card.,40 "I did not get my virtual card yet, Why?",40 Where do I find a virtual card?,40 Is there anywhere I can't use my card?,10 In which stores can I shop with this card?,10 How do I know where I can use my card?,10 Can I tell what business will take this card?,10 Are there businesses that don't accept this card?,10 Is the card welcomed by everybody?,10 Do you have a list of businesses that accept this card?,10 What businesses accept this card?,10 What retailers accept my card?,10 This card is accepted by what businesses?,10 Will this card work all over the world?,10 WHAT IS THE ATMOSPHERE OF IT,10 What kind of businesses will take my card?,10 Where do I pay with my debit or credit card?,10 Can I pay online with my card?,10 Do you know which businesses will accept my card?,10 Who accepts the card?,10 You accepts my card?,10 Is my card accepted anywhere?,10 Is my card denied anywhere?,10 " Where can I use my card?",10 Where can I use my Mastercard?,10 where is card accepted,10 Where can I pay with my card?,10 Where can my card be used?,10 Is my card valid everywhere?,10 Which establishments will accept my card?,10 Are there limits to businesses that will accept this card?,10 Any place that takes Mastercard would be fine.,10 Is there a list of where I can use my card?,10 What are the limits to where my card will be accepted?,10 Can I use my card wherever I want?,10 Where can I use my card to pay?,10 Are there any limits to were my card is accepted?,10 Can I use my card while on vacation overseas?,10 Are there any places that won't take my card?,10 Which merchants accept my card?,10 You can use it anywhere that accepts Mastercard.,10 Is there restrictions on where I can use my card?,10 Can I use my card for online payments?,10 Are there limits as to where my card will be accepted?,10 Where do I pay with my card?,10 Which merchants accept this card?,10 Are there any restrictions to where I can use my card?,10 At what places accept my card?,10 In what places can I use my card?,10 What places accept my card?,10 Can I use my card no matter where I go?,10 Will my card work at all merchant locations?,10 How can I know where my card will be accepted?,10 Can I pay with my card anywhere?,10 Can I use my card anywhere?,10 Where can I use this card?,10 What businesses can I use this card with?,10 Do all businesses take this card?,10 Where is this card accepted?,10 What businesses accept my card?,10 Can i use this card at any store?,10 Are there any restrictions on where I use this card?,10 "My top up did not show up as shown and my money has disappeared, can you help me fix this glitch problem?",61 Has my top-up been cancelled?,61 "I topped up recently and saw the money go through, but now it's just gone? What's going on",61 For what reason did my top-up get cancelled?,61 I think my top up has been reverted,61 Has my top-up gone through?,61 I went to top up my card and it was cancelled.,61 I didn't cancel my top-up.,61 I have a reverted top up I made and wanted to know why it didn't go through.,61 I believe my top up was reverted.,61 "My money is gone. I had topped up recently and saw it was there and went through, but now it's disappeared, what's going on?",61 "Hello, I have tried using crypto top up but it is not working. I had some money in my account but I'm not sure what happened",61 Why did my top up get reverted?,61 What caused my top-up to be returned?,61 What happened to my top-up? It was all done and now it's gone! Are you having problems with your system?,61 Why was my top up reverted?,61 Seems like my top-up has been cancelled,61 Seems like my top up has been cancelled,61 "My money has disappeared. I had recently added money in, and saw it was there and went through. Now it's gone. What is happening?",61 "Something is wrong, my top-up is gone and I don't know what happened to my money.",61 My money is nowhere to be found? I talked up earlier and seen it. Now it has vanished. What is going on?,61 My top-up was cancelled and I am writing to ask if I need to complete the 3D Secure authentication section before I submit it.,61 How come I can't put money in my top up account?,61 Why has my top-up been reverted?,61 My top up was reverted. Can you help?,61 "My top-up was supposed to be done, but now the money is gone! Is there a glitch in your system?",61 Why would my top up be reverted?,61 "I tried to make a top-up and it was canceled, why is that?",61 Did you revert my top up?,61 The app declined my top up. What did I do wrong?,61 Is there a reason my top-up has been cancelled?,61 I think you reverted my top up.,61 I need someone to find out where my money has gone to? It has disappeared. I completed a top up earlier and seen it had went through. Since it has now disappeared I need to know what's going on.,61 "For some reason, the money I added was returned.",61 Why didn't my top up work?,61 "I went to look at my top-up and it was canceled, can you tell me why this happend?",61 How does my top-up got cancelled?,61 "Did you lose my money? I had added funds through top-up not long ago and I know they were in my account, but they seem to have disappeared. What happened?",61 What happened to my top-up? I think it was cancelled.,61 Why did my top-up get reverted?,61 Why won't my top up go through?,61 Please explain why the funds I added were returned to my account.,61 Why isn't top-up working? My top-up money disappeared after I saw that it was successfully transferred. Is it gone? Where did it go?,61 "My money is gone. I had topped up recently and saw it was there and went through, but now it's disappeared, what is happening?",61 I did a topup successfully but its not showing in balance. I think there is some problem in system.,61 I put some money in my account the other day but now its gone? Why is this?,61 My thoughts were that you offered crypto top up which does not seem to be working. The money has now been taken from my account. What is the problem here?,61 "My money is gone :( I had topped up recently and saw it was there and went through, but now it's disappeared, what's going on?",61 "I think my top up may have been reverted, what do I do?",61 What is the status of my top up?,61 "When I top-up, the app reverts it.",61 Why has my top up been cancelled,61 What's the problem? I thought you offered crypto top up. This doesn't appear to be working at all. My money has now vanished from my account.,61 "I thought you offer crypto top up but it doesn't seem to be right ? Money just disappeared from my account, How it would work ?",61 Why is my top-up showing as cancelled?,61 Why does my top-up get cancelled?,61 What I topped up was reverted by the app.,61 I was checking my statement and my top-up has been reverted,61 "My money is gone. I had topped up recently and saw it was there, but now it's disappeared, what's going on?",61 My top up was rejected. Why?,61 I wanted to know why a top-up I made has been reverted.,61 What should I do? I topped off but the app reversed it.,61 I thought crypto top up with something you offer. This is not working. The money has been deducted from my account. Can you find out what's going on?,61 "Hi, I have done a topup, but my money was reverted. Please look into this issue.",61 My top-up has been reverted and I would like to know why.,61 How can I tell if my top-up has been cancelled?,61 When I topped up the app has seemed to reverted it.,61 I think my top up was reversed.,61 I refilled my account balance but got an error message.,61 "My money's disappeared from my account! I topped up the other day and it was there, but now it's not. Help?",61 Why is my top-up showing as reverted?,61 "My top-up was cancelled, could my bank be the problem?",61 "HI,Accordingly you offer crypto top up but it doesn't seem to be working? Money just disappeared from my account.What should be done now?",61 Why did you revert my top-up?,61 My topup got reverted. Please let me know if there is any issue in system.,61 My top-up was reverted by the app.,61 Why was my top up cancelled?,61 How do I tell if my top up was reverted?,61 top up cancellation,61 "I was under the impression that you offer crypto top up; however, it doesn't appear to be working. The money has now disappeared from my account so I need to know what the deal is?",61 I topped up and now my money is not there anymore! What happened to it?,61 Explain why my top up has been reverted please.,61 "If my top-up didn't transfer, what went wrong?",61 Why has my money disappeared? I topped up earlier and seen it was there and had went through. What seems to be the problem?,61 My top up may have been reverted,61 "Hi there, I came across a problem with my top up and my money is missing, was there a system error?",61 What caused my top up to be reverted?,61 I got an cancellation error when I was topping up.,61 Why didnt my top up go through,61 When I topped up the app reverted it.,61 Why was my top-up declined?,61 Why wasn't my top-up accepted and where did that money go? At first it said it was confirmed but now I can't find it.,61 The app reverted my top up,61 Why has my top-up been returned to my account?,61 I topped up but the app declined it,61 The app reverted after I topped-up,61 "I'm having an issue with transaction. I topped up my account and saw it went through, but that was a few days ago and the money isn't in my account any more. What's up with that?",61 Why did my money disappear when I topped up??,61 I have a canceled top-up and wanted to know about it.,61 What reasons could cause my top up to be reverted,61 Why isn't my top up showing? Was the money reversed?,61 What if my top up is reverted?,61 I need to know what's going on. I was under the impression you offered cryto top up which doesn't seem to be working and money has just vanished from my account.,61 I got notified that my top up has been reverted. Why?,61 "I need some help, I thought you guys accepted crypto top ups?? It won't seem to let me do it. I put money in my account and now it's gone and I didn't spend it. Where did it go??",61 My top-up was just cancelled.,61 Can you explain to me why a top up would be reverted?,61 I topped up but my money is not showing. Why is that?,61 My automatic top-up was unsuccessful,61 It looks like my top-up was cancelled,61 "Hello. I tried doing a topup and I thought it worked, but now the money is no longer in my account. Can you explain?",61 Reasons for top up cancellation.,61 "Please help me, as my topup amount has been reverted, i did it correctly. I think there is some defect in system.",61 Do you support top ups?,61 Why did my top-up not go through?,61 Explain why my top up would be reverted.,61 Why did you revert my top up?,61 I thought crypto top up with something you offered and it does not appear that it's working even though the money has disappeared out of my account. Can you tell me what's going on?,61 Is there a reason for my top up to be cancelled?,61 The app reversed a top off I had. What should I do?,61 What happened to the money that I deposited?,61 What's the deal? Money has just disappeared out of my account. I thought you offered crypto top up and it doesn't seem to working.,61 Tell me how a top up would be reverted.,61 i noticed that the funds were returned to my bank account. What happened?,61 Why have my top ups been canceled?,61 "What did you do with my money??? I just topped up, I saw the money was there, but now it's gone!! What did you do with it?",61 I want to know why my top-up was reverted,61 I am unable to use my top-up on the app. Could you explain this to me?,61 "So, I was under the impression that you have an offer for crypto top up. This doesn't seem to be working. Now, the money has just disappeared from my account. What is the deal?",61 My money disappeared! Please help??,61 "Hello there, I tried using crypto top up today but it's not working for me, might it be due to the kind of bank I'm using or the country that I'm from?Money is also missing from my account",61 It appears my top-ups have been canceled.,61 "Do you not accept crypto transfers from certain places? Because when I tried to do a top up the money just disappeared. Im not sure what to do or what I'm doing wrong, please help.",61 "I attempted to complete a topup, and I thought all was well, but now the money is gone again. Has there been a glitch?",61 "My money has gone missing. I had recently added money in, and saw it was there and went through. Now it's missing. What is happening?",61 "I tried to add a topup to my account but the money isn't there, anymore. Did I do something wrong?",61 It's only been a few weeks my my top-up got cancelled,61 "Hi, i just topped up my phone and the money was deducted but it seems to have deducted the same amount again! please help!",61 Explain top-up cancellation,61 Why did my top up get pulled back out?,61 Why has my top up been returned?,61 "Hello, I have recharged topup but account is not credited. Please help me in this, i guess there is some defect in system.",61 Reverted top up,61 "Hae, I already completed my 3D secure authentication when I tried the crypto top up but it's still not working for me. I also don't understand what happened to the money in my account",61 Can you tell me why my top-up was canceled?,61 Why did my top-up not get approved this time?,61 Why is my last cheque deposit taking so long?,6 I am still waiting for a the cash I deposited this morning,6 "I tried using a check to update my balance, but it isn't work? Is something wrong?",6 I deposited cash but it isn't showing up in my account,6 I put some cash into my account but it's not displaying that on my balance.,6 Why hasn't my cash been deposited yet?,6 "Hi, I want to inquire about my balance. Some cash was deposited and it hasn't updated yet.",6 I deposited a check yesterday and im not seeing it posted yet in my account. why is that? can you look into it?,6 "I made a deposit a couple of days back it's, as of yet, not gone in! It would be ideal if you assist me with this",6 "The cheque I sent a few days ago has not been deposited yet, what is the hold up?",6 cash and check deposit has not gone thru,6 "my balance has not changed, despite depositing a cheque",6 Why did my cash deposit not show up?,6 Why is my money not in my account. I have already sent it out.,6 I placed a cash deposit in my account but I can't see it yet.,6 I'm not seeing my cash deposit showing up in my account.,6 Last week I put a cash deposit into my account and it is still isn't there.,6 I checked the app and my balance has not been updated for the cash or cheque deposit.,6 "I put some money in my account the other day and it's not gone in yet, can you help with this?",6 I did a cash deposit to my account but it doesn't show up,6 I can't see my cash deposit in my account.,6 "I deposited money in the form of a cheque, but my balance has not increased.",6 Where is the cash deposit I made?,6 "I can't figure out why I haven't gotten my cash, when I already put the check in the bank.",6 Why is my deposit still pending?,6 I made a cash deposit and the balance wasn't updated.,6 I did a cash deposit to my account but my balance is still the same. What happened?,6 I just deposited cash to my account and can't find it!,6 Online banking is not showing my cheque or cash deposit so the balance is incorrect.,6 i need help. I updated my balance with a check yesterday and Im not seeing it. Can you look at my account to see what went wrong?,6 When will my cheque be processed?,6 What happens if I deposit a cheque accidentally?,6 Why isn't my cheque deposit showing on my account? I though it would be faster and would like to to look into it and help.,6 When will my deposit from this morning show up?,6 I tried updating my balance by cheque yesterday but it doesn't seem to be working. Shouldn't that be faster? Please check my account something has gone wrong there.,6 Where is my missing cheque I deposited?,6 My balance doesn't show my deposit.,6 My account balance doesn't reflect an update I made by cheque yesterday. Is something wrong or is the system slow?,6 I made a deposit and the balance hasn't been updated.,6 I have yet to receive the cash I added to my account this morning.,6 Why isn't my cash deposit showing up in my account?,6 "I deposited some cash but it hasn't shown up in my account yet, what's going on?",6 I deposited a cheque but the cash hasn't arrived yet,6 I've already sent the money out and still have not received money in my account.,6 I have made a recent check and cash deposit that isn't reflected in my balance.,6 I placed a cheque but the funds aren't there,6 The cheque I sent to you to have deposited a couple days ago has not cleared in my account yet. What is the issue?,6 "the balance has not changed, but I have deposited some money",6 "I am worried about the amount of my cheque, which should be credited to my account few days before. As i have already sent you the cheque.",6 I need my account checked because it appears there is a problem. I attempted to update my balance yesterday using cheque but it doesn't seem to have worked. Should this not be faster than this?,6 I've deposited a check but the cash isn't showing that it's there yet.,6 Waiting for the cash I deposited this morning still,6 "I put cash in my account, but I don't see it.",6 Where did the money I deposit go??,6 "I Submitted a cheque couple of days ago, nothing happened to my account yet.What could be the possible issue?",6 I made a cash deposit a few days ago and it's still not reflected in my account. Do you know what might have happened?,6 Why is the cash not showing in my account for the check I deposited?,6 When will the check I deposited post to my account?,6 How do I see my updated balance after I make a cheque or cash deposit?,6 Why isn't my deposit in my account?,6 Where is my cash deposit in my balance?,6 Dude I put money in the ATM last week but it ain't there! I need the money now figure this out!,6 "I deposited cash this morning, but it's not showing up in my account. Can you tell me where's my money?",6 How long does it take for a cheque to post to your account?,6 Why has my account balance not changed after depositing a cheque?,6 Where is the cash I deposited?,6 Why is my balance still the same after a cheque deposit?,6 Why is my check still not showing up on my account? It's been a week already,6 Why isn't my balance updating after depositing cheques and cash.,6 My cash deposit isn't in my account. What happened?,6 I updated by balance with a cheque yesterday but it isn't showing on my account. Did something go wrong?,6 I sent you a cheque a few days ago and I noticed that nothing has happened yet. Can you tell me the status of my cheque please?,6 Why isn't my deposit showing up?,6 My balance was not updated with my checque or cash deposit.,6 "Help! I'm missing money, I deposited a cheque but its not showing on my balance.",6 My cash deposit from a week ago is still not in my account. Can you help me please?,6 I made a deposit but it is not showing up in my balance.,6 I sent a cheque a few days ago and i noticed that no money has been put on my account. Can you please tell me the situation of my account?,6 The cheque I deposited isn't showing in my account,6 my check or cash deposit has not shown up,6 Why isn't my cash deposit showing up in my account? I deposited it this morning.,6 "I deposited a cheque, why isn't my balance showing that I did?",6 Why hasn't my cash arrived from a deposited check?,6 "I put money in my account a week ago but its still not there, what is happening?",6 "I made a cash deposit, but it hasn't shown up in my balance yet.",6 "When will I see my cash, since I already deposited my check?",6 "Hi, My money has not been credited to my account for which i have sent you cheque few days before. I am worried about the money please let me know the status.",6 I haven't seen the cash yet from the cheque I deposited.,6 I've deposited a check in my account but the cash isn't showing as available.,6 "I sent a cheque to you a few days ago and the deposit has yet to appear in my account. I need this money, what is the problem?",6 What's going on with my balance? Shouldn't it be a bit higher since I deposited a cheque a day ago?,6 Why am I not seeing the check I deposited this morning in my account?,6 Do you guys accept cash? Because i deposited some this morning and I can't see it in my account.,6 My cash deposit hasn't posted to my account.,6 "I had a cheque deposited, but I don't see my money yet?",6 My balance is not right. It has not been updated for the cash or cheque deposit.,6 "After I deposited my cash, I still don't see it in my account.",6 I made a cash deposit going to my account but it is not there,6 "I deposited a check yesterday and Im not seeing it in my account. i need the money, is there something wrong with my account? check it out please",6 My cheque deposit didn't seem to work.,6 I still do not see the cash deposit in my account from last week. Why?,6 When will my cheque process?,6 "I deposited a check, but haven't received the funds for it.",6 After depositing a cheque my balance did not change.,6 Cash has been deposited this morning but it hasn't came through.,6 I deposited a cheque a week ago but have yet to receive the cash.,6 "I put money into my account in the form of a cheque, but my balance did not change.",6 "I deposited cash into my account a week ago and it is still not available, please tell me why? I need the cash back now.",6 "My mother deposited a cheque into my account last week, why is it still not showing up?",6 Why hasn't my balance been updated from the check deposit I made?,6 Where is the money I put in the bank?,6 I haven't received the cash from the check I deposited.,6 After trying to update my account balance yesterday by cheque it doesn't seem to working. Shouldn't the process be quicker? I need my account looked at because there appears to be a problem.,6 Is there an issue with my account? I don't see a cheque deposit that I made yesterday. Please assist.,6 "Even though I made a cash deposit, I am not seeing it in my account.",6 I put money in my account a week ago but its still not there?? What happened to my money?,6 Why did the cash deposit not show up in my account?,6 What is going on? My balance still hasn't updated and it has been two weeks since I deposited my money!,6 "I deposited cash into my account, why do I not see it?",6 Can you tell me why a cheque deposit isn't showing in my balance?,6 Why is my cash deposit not in my account?,6 Why isn't my money from a check deposit showing?,6 "I put my check in the bank, but I haven't gotten my cash yet?",6 How long should a cheque deposit take to show? My account hasn't updated and I want to make sure everything is okay.,6 i used a check check yesterday to balance my account and it isn't showing up?,6 "I recently deposited some money into my account, but it still isn't showing up. What's going on?",6 "My friend deposited $100 into my account, but it is not showing up!",6 The cash deposit I made this morning has not been credited to my account,6 "I did a cash deposit to my account, but I am not seeing it on my statement.",6 I deposited a cheque but I don't see the funds in my account.,6 When will my deposit post to my account?,6 I am still waiting for the cash to be returned from a cheque I deposited!,6 How long does it take to show a deposit I made to my balance?,6 I deposited cash into my account and I'm having trouble seeing it on my account.,6 "I wrote a check to the account yesterday to add to my balance, but I don't see the amount of the check reflected anywhere. Is it being held up for some reason? I should have seen a new balance by now!",6 How long do cheques take to post to your account?,6 I deposited money but my balance hasn't been updated yet.,6 "I deposited cash this morning, but it is not yet available.",6 I have cash deposit to my account but it is experiencing a problem,6 How long will it take for the cash I deposited this morning to show up?,6 The cast deposit from a week ago still is not in my account. Why?,6 Why is the check I deposited this morning not showing up?,6 How long do deposits take to appear? I've been waiting for more than a week and need the money!,6 When will my deposit be processed?,6 I am still awaiting the money I put into my account this morning.,6 Why am I still not able to see the money I deposited a week ago? This is urgent!!,6 I deposited a check a few days ago and it's still not gone in! Please help me with this,6 I made a check and cash deposit that wasn't credited to my account.,6 "I deposited a check yesterday to up my account balance, but that deposit hasn't shown up yet. It's been a day already!",6 Why hasn't my cheque processed?,6 I am still currently waiting for the cash that has been deposited into the account this morning.,6 I sent a check into the system but still haven't received the cash yet,6 I recently deposited a cheque and cannot find the cash from it.,6 When will I receive the cash payment from the check I deposited?,6 My cheque is slow to cash,6 I attempted to deposit a cheque yesterday but the balance isn't showing today. Is it still pending?,6 Why haven't I seen the cash from the cheque I deposited yet?,6 My cheque is taking a while,6 I made a cash deposit to my account but i don't see it,6 The check I deposited yesterday isn't listed yet. Isn't that pretty slow? I need to see the balance increased by that check.,6 where is my money from this morning,6 Why is it taking so long for my money to appear in my account? I have been waiting a week!,6 "I deposited a cheque, but the balance hasn't changed yet.",6 My account balance has not updated since I deposited a cheque recently.,6 How long does a check take to show up in the account balance?,6 What is going on with my cash deposit. I'm looking at my account balance and it is not there. It has been almost a week. Someone better get back to me asap.,6 Why hasn't my account updated?,6 I haven't received the money from the check I deposited.,6 "I deposited a cheque with some money, but the balance hasn't changed.",6 "I deposited a cheque, but my account balance stayed the same.",6 Why hasn't my balance been updated? I've deposited a few cheques some days ago!,6 why hasn't my cash arrived yet from my cheque?!,6 I made a check deposit but the cash hasn't arrived in my account yet.,6 The balance hasn't changed yet after depositing a cheque with some money.,6 What happened to my cash deposit?,6 "Please, tell me why I can't have the funds I deposited a week ago? I need the money now.",6 "After my checque or cash deposit, my balance didn't update.",6 When will my balance reflect a deposit?,6 I made a cash deposit to my account but it is not there,6 I deposited a cheque and its been days and I still haven't received the cash!!,6 "I deposited some money, but the balance has not changed.",6 There's a payment with my card that I didn't perform. I don't know that name shown.,16 My statement indicates I made a payment to an unfamiliar merchant.,16 "There's a payment with my card that I definitely didn't do myself, never seen that name before.",16 Help! In the app there is a payment that I don't remember.,16 I don't understand where this charge came from.,16 there is a charge i dont recognize,16 "I need to figure out what these charges are on my account. They've been coming out for a couple of days. Can i get all of this money back? Also, I need to freeze my card.",16 Someone might have access to my card! There are some strange payments showing up on my account. What do I do?,16 "There are a couple payments with my card shown in the app that i really didn't make myself. What's going on with this, does someone has access to my card?!",16 I'm using the app and I noticed a payment that I didn't make.,16 "A strange card payment, I do not recognize it.",16 They is a payment I don't recognize on my statement.,16 I have an unusual payment in my statement,16 I do not recognize the card payment.,16 Hi something is going on with the app. I see some payments I didn't make?,16 "If I see a payment in the app that I don't recognize, what should I do?",16 I do not recognise the card payment.,16 "There are a couple payments with my card shown in the app that i really didn't make myself. What's happenning with this, does someone has access to my card?!",16 Just today there was a purchase on my card that wasn't done by me. Can this be reversed and my card be frozen? I can't have this continue!,16 I need some help now please! There are some transactions on my account that I do not remember purchasing. Can they be reversed? Can you please cancel or freeze my card so I don't keep getting charged?!,16 my statement contains an unknown payment,16 I don't recognize what this payment on my statement would be for.,16 There has been a payment in the App that has not be done by me.,16 I don't recognize a purchase that was made with my card.,16 I'm checking the app and I see a payment that's not mine.,16 I have a charge for something I didn't buy.,16 A payment on my statement is wrong.,16 There's a payment that isn't mine on my app,16 What is this strange payment in my account?,16 I'm not sure where this charge came from.,16 I looked at my statement and found a payment I and found a mistake.,16 A payment in my account was made by someone I don't know,16 "I don't recognize this payment on my app, I am sure I didn't spend any money there.",16 There are a couple of payments with my card shown in the app that in reality I didn't make. Maybe someone has access to my card?Can you check whats the issue ?,16 There is payment showing that I didn't do.,16 Payment I didn't do.,16 Why is there a random payment in my statement?,16 "Hi, there is a suspicious payment from my card. I definitely do not know who this is or who could have made this payment.",16 A payment I didn't do shows in my app,16 There is a charge I don't recognize.,16 I'm noticing a payment/purchase at a company that I don't recognise.,16 There seems to be a couple of payments listed in the app I know weren't made by me. Is there a possibility someone has access to my card? Can you find out what's going on?,16 I need to freeze my card as soon as possible. I just checked my account and saw that there have been several payments that I don't recognize over the course of a few days. Can we investigate and get my money back?,16 There are some charges that I don't recognize. It happened days ago. Can I get these charges back? Should I cancel my card?,16 Please help. There is a payment in the app that isn't mine.,16 I am seeing in the App a payment that its not mine,16 There's a payment in the app I don't recognize.,16 "Hello, i just checked my statement and there seems to be a payment from my card that I have never seen before.",16 There is a card payment I'm not familiar with.,16 There is a strange payment on my card and I don't know what to do.,16 Is it possible someone has access to my card? I noticed that there are a couple of payments in the app I'm sure I did not make. Can you find out what's going on here?,16 There are some card payments that I haven't done myself. What is going on with my card and does somebody else have access to my card?,16 I have a payment in my statement that is off,16 I did not do this payment,16 I've never been to that store. That's a fraudulent charge.,16 "There are charges on my card from the past few day I am pretty sure I didnt make, can you please freeze it for me? How do I get my money returned since it wasnt me?",16 I have a payment I didnt make on my account,16 There were a couple of payments that I have noticed on my account with my card that I didn't make. Is it possible that somebody else has my card information?,16 There is an unauthorized payment in my statement.,16 "There are a couple payments with my card shown in the app that i really make myself. What's going on with this, maybe someone has access to my card?!",16 I don't recognize this payment at all! Help!,16 There is a record of payment I never submitted on the app.,16 I just looked over my statement and I don't recognize the name of a card payment.,16 I didn't make a payment at this business.,16 There is a payment on my card that I do not recognize. I've never seen the name on the transaction before.,16 Why do I have a strange payment on my statement?,16 i didnt do this charge,16 I did not charge my account for that transaction. That's an error.,16 There is a payment that is not mine in the App.,16 I see an unfamiliar payment on my statement.,16 Why is this payment on my app,16 There is a payment I don't recognize,16 This card payment isn't is recognition.,16 why do I have an unknown payment?,16 Payment I did not make.,16 "I just saw some charges on my card from the past days that I dont recognize, I need to freeze the card asap! Will I be able to get my money back?",16 There are a couple of payments with my card shown in the app that I really didn't make myself. What's going on with this?,16 Why is there a payment I didn't do in my app?,16 I have a payment that I didn't make.,16 The app is showing a payment I never made.,16 I checked the app and there is a payment that I don't recognize.,16 How do I find out how or where this transaction on my account came from?,16 I need to figure out who has access to my card there are some payments I didn't make that are showing on the app. Could you please help?,16 There is a strange payment on my card.,16 I've got charges on my account I did not authorize. Can I get this money back from the last couple of days that it's been coming out? I also need to freeze my card.,16 There is a payment made with my card that I don't recognize at all.,16 I saw a payment come out of my account for a merchant I don't remember.,16 There's a payment with my card that I definitely didn't create. I don't know anyone by that name.,16 The App shows a fraudulent payment made on my account.,16 There's a payment in my history I don't recognize,16 There is a payment on my card that I do not recognize.,16 My app shows a payment I didn't make,16 I don't know if I made this payment on my card.,16 After looking at the app I noticed a couple of payments I know I did not make. Is it possible someone has accessed my card? What is actually going on?,16 I do not recongize a payment in my account.,16 A payment shows up on the app that I never made.,16 I swear that there are 2 payments on the app that I didn't make. Could my card me stolen? Please advise what I should do.,16 Is there any way to know how the transaction got on my account?,16 I did not make this payment that I see in the App.,16 I have a card payment I didn't make,16 i disagree with a charge,16 I didn't make this payment!,16 There is a payment in the app I did not make,16 There is a vendor name I don't recognize on a payment from my account. I don't think I made this payment.,16 I don't think I made this payment that is showing up,16 I think there's a purchase at a store that I didn't go to.,16 Have a payment that I haven't done.,16 There was a purchase on my card recently to a name that I don't recognize at all. What can be done about this? I need my money back.,16 "One of my card payments, I don't recognise the name of the merchant.",16 "Hello, I noticed there is a payment from my card to a business that I am not familiar with. I definitely did not make this payment.",16 I do not recognise this card payment.,16 I have a card payment that I don't recognize. What should I do?,16 There are a couple payments with my card shown that I'm not responsible for. What is going on? Maybe someone has access to my account.,16 There is a payment with my card which i definitely did not do.,16 My app is displaying a payment I didn't make,16 I just checked my account on the App and there is a payment on there that I did not make.,16 Could you please put a freeze on my card? There are some payments on it that I don't know where they came from.,16 In the App I see a payment that is not mine.,16 There is a payment with my card which i definitely did not make by me .Never seen that it before.,16 I didn't make this payment and it's on my app,16 Why is there an uknown charge showing on my account?,16 I think that there is a payment on my card that I did not authorize. I don't recognize the name attached to the transaction.,16 I don't think I made this transaction on my statement,16 There is a weird payment in my statement.,16 A random charge got added to my card,16 I need to freeze my card. There are charges on there that i did not authorize. They've been coming out for a couple of days. Can i get this money back?,16 I see a strange payment in my account.,16 where is my unknown payment from?,16 I have just read my statement and there is a payment I don't recognise.,16 There's a card payment I didn't make,16 There are a couple payments with my card displayed in the app which I didn't make. What is happening? Maybe someone has access to my card.,16 I'm worried that my card has been compromised because I see a payment that I didn't make.,16 I didn't do a payment and I have it now.,16 how do i dispute a payment I didnt make,16 There is a payment in the app that I did not approve,16 I don't recognize a charge on my statement.,16 There is a strange card payment I don't recognise.,16 I believe there is a mistake because a payment I didn't make shows in my app.,16 There are a couple payments with my card in the app I see that I didn't create. What is happening? Maybe someone gained access to my account.,16 I'm not recognizing the card payment.,16 There's a card payment with a name I don't recognize,16 There is a payment done with my card which i definitely did not do.Never seen that name before.,16 Why is there a payment I didn't do?,16 Someone else accessed my account and made a payment.,16 I have an odd payment in my statement,16 There is a fraudulent payment!,16 Why is there an unknown card payment?,16 I don't recognize this payment,16 I need to know where this charge is coming from?,16 I see a payment on my statement for a place I didn't make a purchase at.,16 There is an odd payment in my statement,16 There are a few payments in the app that I didn't make! Does someone else have my card? What should I do?,16 I need help with some transactions in my account that I dont recognize or remember purchasing. Im not sure if the name is just different or what. Should my card be put on hold while the issue gets figured out to be safe or is it ok?,16 I have a confusing payment appear on my statement and I don't recognise it!,16 My statement has a payment that I do not recall making,16 I think my card is being used by someone else to make purchases that I didn't authorize! I checked my account and see that there have been quite a few purchases over the last two days that I have no idea where they came from. We need to freeze my card now! And I need to find a way to get my money back.,16 "What is this card payment, I do not recognize it.",16 I didn't make a payment that shows in my app.,16 What do I do if I see a transaction on my card that I don't recall making?,16 There's a payment in the app that I didn't authorize.,16 I have a charge I did not make.,16 on my statement there is a payment that I don't recognise,16 I need to cancel my card. There are a few charges from a couple days ago that I didn't make. Can I get credit for these charges?,16 It is listed in my app that I made a payment which I did not actually make,16 i dont recognize a charge on my card,16 There are a couple of payments with my card shown in the app that I really didn't make myself. Why is it happened?,16 A payment that I didn't make appears in my app.,16 There is a card payment that I'm not recognizing.,16 I am interested in changing my personal details.,30 I am here to change my adress.,30 I'd like to make some changes to my personal information.,30 I would like to change my name after marriage.,30 I would like to change my adress,30 My address is incorrect on my file.,30 My address details have changed and I want to update them,30 Where do I go to edit my personal details on my account?,30 "I need to change my name, since i just got married",30 I moved to a new city and need to change my address,30 How can I change my address?,30 My last name has changed and I need to update my account details.,30 where can I change my address?,30 How do I edit the personal details on my account?,30 details need to be modified,30 Am I able to modify my account details?,30 How can I change my name because I just got married?,30 Where can I find how to change my name?,30 I just moved. How do I give you my new address?,30 I need to change my address in the personal details.,30 Why can't I edit my personal details?,30 I need to change details about my personal account.,30 I need to change my phone number.,30 How can I change my name in my profile?,30 I have a new phone number and need to edit my contact information.,30 How do I go about changing my address?,30 I need to change my personal details in my account.,30 My billing address changed and I need to update my information.,30 Tell me how to change my details.,30 How do I change my account details?,30 How do I change the details in my account?,30 I would like to change my address.,30 I just had a wedding and I want to take my spouses name.,30 I got married and need to change my name.,30 need my details changed,30 I've just got married and want to change my name.,30 How do I edit my details?,30 I am looking to change my adress.,30 I need to change my last name on my account because I just got married.,30 after i got married i need to change my name,30 Since I just got married I need to change my name.,30 I want to change my account details.,30 should i contact customer support if i can't edit details,30 Need to report a change of address.,30 "Changed details is essential, what steps do I take to do so?",30 Please tell me how to edit my personal details.,30 How would I change my details?,30 How can I change my information?,30 I need to add my new address now that I've moved.,30 "I moved, can I edit my personal details?",30 How do I change my details?,30 "my identity hasn't been verified and i can't edit my details, what's next",30 I need to change my home address.,30 I would like to alter my personal details.,30 Can I change my details because I moved?,30 How to edit personal details?,30 Please tell me where I can update my details since I moved.,30 how to change name on account,30 I need to update my demographics.,30 "Change of location, need to change details",30 How can I edit my personal details in the app?,30 I would like to change my personal details.,30 Can you walk me through how I can edit some of my personal information?,30 How do I change my address ?,30 Can I change my name? I am not married.,30 "Since I got married, I need to change my name.",30 Is it possible to change my address?,30 I need to modify my details.,30 Is there a way to modify my details?,30 Where can I modify my details?,30 I got a new address and need to change my old one.,30 How to modify my details.,30 "My marital status has change, I got to correct my name to reflect that.",30 Can I change my address?,30 I moved so I need to change my address. How do I do that?,30 I've just moved and I need to change my details,30 I've just been married and need to update my name,30 How do I change my name after marriage,30 I moved and would like to change my address.,30 Talk me through modifying my details.,30 I just got married and need to change my name on the account,30 How do I update my address?,30 I just got married and I need to change my name,30 Can I update my details?,30 I need to update my address.,30 is there a way to change name?,30 I must change my address.,30 How do I modify my details?,30 My address needs to be changed.,30 How do I input a new address?,30 Can someone assist me with updating my account details with changing my last name?,30 How would I be able to make changes to my personal details?,30 How do I edit my personal details?,30 "Not living in same place, need to change details",30 How can I update my personal information after moving?,30 I moved and need to change my address.,30 I moved and need to change my personal information.,30 Where do I go to change my account details?,30 "went somewhere else, need to change details",30 "My details need to be changed, how can I do so?",30 How can I change to my married name?,30 how do i get into my account and edit my details,30 I would like to edit my personal information .,30 How do I modify my account details?,30 How do I change my name?,30 Can I edit my personal details?,30 I need to change my contact information.,30 I need to update my phone number.,30 Can I edit my details?,30 I got a new address and need to change my information.,30 I need to change my data.,30 What should I do after I've moved and need to update my personal details?,30 Editing my personal details,30 Where can I edit personal details?,30 How can I change my account details?,30 Where do I go to update details?,30 I need to change my address,30 Where can I modify my information?,30 How do I change my last name?,30 I have a new email.,30 How can I update my details since I moved?,30 Why do you have an identity check?,74 I do not feel comfortable verifying my identity.,74 Why on earth do you need so much personal id info from me?,74 DO you know the reason for the identity check?,74 I answered so many questions about my identity. Why do you need this info?,74 Why do you have the identity check,74 Is getting my identity verified required before I can use my account?,74 why are all my identity details required,74 I would like to know why so much identity information is required?,74 Why do you need verification for my identity?,74 Is the identity check part of bank policy?,74 Why is identity verification required?,74 Why is my identification required?,74 Why are you asking so many questions about who I am,74 which identity details are required,74 Can I use my account before the identity verification is complete?,74 Should I complete my security verification before I can use my account?,74 Why do you require identification documents,74 I already have an account. Why can't I use it unless my identity is verified?,74 Why does my identity need to be verified?,74 Can I still use my account without verifying my identity?,74 What is the reason for the identity check,74 Can I use my account although my identity verification has yet to pass?,74 I am not comfortable verifying my indentity.,74 what I need to verify my account,74 What if I don't verify my identity?,74 what are the reasons I have to proof my identity to you?,74 What's the reason for needing to verify my identity?,74 Why does it matter that I prove my identity?,74 Why should I have to prove my identity?,74 Can I use my account before my Identity verification has passed?,74 Why do I need to verify my account?,74 Why do you guys need to verify my identity?,74 Why do I need to verify my identity?,74 If my identy verifacation hasn't gone through can I use my account?,74 Is it really necessary to verify my Identity?,74 Why do you need so much information about me,74 "Can I use my account now, even though my identity verification has not gone through yet?",74 What is the function of the identity check,74 Why is the identity check involved?,74 What is the purpose of requiring my identification?,74 "My ID verification hasn't gone through yet, but can I use my account anyway?",74 What is the first step I need to make for being able to access my account?,74 I want to use my account before identity verification,74 It's requiring me to verify my identity?,74 I don't want to use this method to identify myself.,74 Why do you need my name and ID,74 do I need to verify my identity before I can use my card?,74 Can I go ahead and use my account even though my identify hasn't been verified yet?,74 Do you think you're asking for too much information about me?,74 Is identity verification required for me to use my account?,74 Can I use my account although the identity verification has not been accepted yet?,74 I still want to use my account but haven't verified is that OK?,74 Is my account accessible even though my verification of my identity has not passed yet?,74 Why are you asking so many questions about me?,74 Why do you need to know so much about me for my account?,74 How does identity check work?,74 Why is it required to verify my identity?,74 What happens if I use my account and my identity verification hasn't finished?,74 Can I make transfers before my identity verification?,74 What do you need my identity details for?,74 Why do I need to have my identity verified?,74 Can I use my account even though the identity verification has not passed yet?,74 What is with the need to have all my ID information?,74 Why is there an identify check?,74 Why is there a verification to identity,74 Why do you need me to verify who I am?,74 Why check my identity?,74 I don't understand why you want so much of my personal info.,74 I am still waiting for verification. Can I use my account before I am verified?,74 I refuse to verify my identity.,74 Why do you need me to do an identity check?,74 I can't do the verification.,74 Am I able to use my account if the identity verification is not complete?,74 "Is it possible to go ahead and log in, although I have not been confirmed yet?",74 Can you explain more about why should I verify my identity?,74 can I use my card before identity verification?,74 Why is there an identity check?,74 Why do I have to give you my drivers license,74 I don't want to give you all my identify details.,74 Am I supposed to verify my identity?,74 What is the purpose for verifying my identity?,74 what are you going to use my identification details for?,74 Can I use my account without verifying identity?,74 Why is checking my identity important?,74 Must I verify my identity?,74 how do I speed up identity verification?,74 Do i have to verify who I am?,74 Why do you need to perform identity verification?,74 Why am I being asked to verify my identity?,74 Why is verifaction required for my Identity?,74 Do you need to know my first and last name?,74 I don't want to verify my identity,74 How to verify my identity,74 Why does my identity need verification?,74 Can I already use my account although the identity verification has not passed yet?,74 What is my identification used for?,74 Is there anyway to bypass identity verification?,74 Why do you need so much information about my identity?,74 What if I don't want to disclose all of my identity details?,74 My identity hasn't been verified. Can I use my account?,74 My Identity verification hasn't passed yet is it possible to use my account?,74 Can we skip verifying?,74 Why do you need to check my identity?,74 Why do you need to verify my identity?,74 "I'm waiting for the ID verification to go through still, so is it too soon to use my account?",74 What is the identity check for?,74 I keep being asked to verify my identity. Is this normal?,74 Why do you need so much id info from me?,74 What do you do with all the identity information you're collecting from me?,74 Why is verification for my identity needed?,74 I'm not verifying my identity.,74 Do you need my birthdate?,74 Why is it important to verify my identity?,74 i need to proof my identity to you why and how?,74 Is verifying my identify important?,74 why and how soon do I have to have proof of identity to you?,74 Why do you need all these details about my identity?,74 What is identity check?,74 Can i make transactions before identity verification?,74 I am afraid to give you all my identify details.,74 Can you help me with proving my identity?,68 What proof do you need for my identification?,68 Are there any reasons that my identity wouldn't be accepted even though everything I've provided is factual?,68 I am having some difficulty verifying my id.,68 I am not able to verify my id. Why?,68 Help me verify my identify?,68 I can't verify identity through the app.,68 I need help verifying my identity.,68 I'm having trouble proving my identity,68 Why isn't my id verified?,68 This stupid system is not letting me prove my identity.,68 The app is having trouble verifying my identity.,68 Why is my identity not being verified?,68 "You will hear back from us about your verification results in 10 minutes to a one hour timeframe. If these verification results do fail, please double-check to make sure your images are clear and have no glare or blur; your photos need to be fully readable. You need to be 18 years of age or older and a resident of Switzerland or the European Economic Area to create an account.",68 The app does not know it is me.,68 My identity wasn't verified,68 Help me verify my identification.,68 Unsure how to provide my identity.,68 It can take between 10 minutes to an hour before you hear back from us about the verification result. Please try again if your verification fails. Make sure you double check that images are clear and all document photos are readable without blur or glare. You have to be 18 or older and live in the European Economic area or live in Switzerland to be able to open an account.,68 I can't upload my identification.,68 Why isn't my id verifying?,68 How long does it take to prove my identity?,68 Why am I not allowed to verify my id?,68 I am not able to prove my identity,68 The app failed to verify my id.,68 "Hearing back from us regarding your important verification results may take 10 minutes to one hour time. If verification results do fail, double-check to make sure all of your images are clear -- make sure your photos have no glare or blurring. Note: These photos need to be readable as well. You also need to be 18 years of age or older. You must be a resident of Switzerland or the European Economic Area to open a new account.",68 I'm unable to verify my identity,68 My identity verification didn't work,68 I'm not able to verify my identity.,68 The app is not able to realize that it is me.,68 The app does not believe that I am myself,68 It won't let me verify my identity.,68 I am unable to prove my identity,68 I dont have identification,68 Why isn't this accepting my identity?,68 The app won't identify me.,68 My identity can't be verified for some reason,68 My identity is unable to be verified.,68 I have no way to prove my identity.,68 The app does not recognize who I am.,68 "If you are waiting for verification, it can take 10 minutes to 60 minutes to get results.You will hear from us once we have it. Please make sure your images are clear and photos of documents are readable. you have to be at least 18 years old and live withing the Economic Area of Europe or in Switzerland in order to open an account.",68 Why am I unable to verify my id?,68 "Hearing about your verification results from us may take anywhere from 10 minutes to approximately one hour. If this verification has in fact, failed, double-check to make sure that your images are clear. Also make sure that your document photos have no blur or glare. They need to be readable. You must also be 18 years of age or older and be a resident of Switzerland or the European Economic Area to open an account.",68 I'm having a hard time proving my identity.,68 I'm having problems with ID verification,68 I am having a problem with verifying my identity.,68 I cant prove who I am,68 I am not recognized by the app.,68 The app doesn't think that I am myself,68 What do I have to do to prove my identity?,68 What am i missing to verify my id?,68 I do not have the information to verify my identify.,68 There is no way for me to prove my identity.,68 I will not be able to verify my identity.,68 How long does it take for my id to verify?,68 The app is telling me that I am not me.,68 What do I do if I can't prove my identity?,68 The app can't verify my information for identity proofing purposes.,68 What should I do if I can't prove my identity.,68 What's wrong with my ID? I can't verify it.,68 Problem verifying my account,68 The app doesn't believe its me.,68 "app malfunctioning, does not know its me",68 I can get my identification verified.,68 I am having trouble with the app recognizing me.,68 How long will it take to verify my account?,68 How come I can't seem to verify my id?,68 I don't have the means to prove my identity.,68 My app says that I'm not verified.,68 I don't have a way to prove my identity.,68 Why hasn't my ID been verified?,68 The app doesn't think it's me.,68 How long does it take to verify a person's identity?,68 I'm not sure how to provide my identity.,68 Why is my identity not verified?,68 Why is my identity verification process not working?,68 My identity verification is not working.,68 I'm having trouble with proving my identity.,68 I am having a problem proving who I am,68 It won't let me prove my identity.,68 I am having trouble verifying my id.,68 Why am I unable verify my id?,68 My identity can't be verified.,68 I have trouble proving my identity.,68 I can't verify my ID. Why?,68 "My identity isn't being accepted, what should I do?",68 The app failed to verify me.,68 Why hasn't the app verified my identity?,68 The app doesn't believe that I am myself,68 "The app isn't letting me log in, but my info is correct.",68 I need help proving that this is really me and to verify my identity.,68 why does it take so long to verify my id,68 My identity verification isn't working,68 I am having trouble to verify my identity,68 Everytime I try to prove my identity it won't let me.,68 I'm having difficulty verifying my identity.,68 Help me verify my identity.,68 I'm still waiting on my identity verification.,68 Why can't my ID be verified?,68 Help my prove my identity.,68 i am under 18 and i am trying to verify my id. why wont it work?,68 What do I need to bring for identification?,68 "I'm not sure what to do about the PIN, because I don't have one yet.",38 Is my PIN sent separably?,38 Where can I get my card PIN?,38 my pin hasn't arrived in the post! How do I cancel it or get a new one?,38 Where is the card PIN located?,38 "I have my card, when whill my PIN be available?",38 I dont have a pin,38 i have yet to get my pin,38 Where is my card PIN?,38 The card PIN?,38 I do not see the card PIN anywhere?,38 My pin isn't here yet,38 Is my PIN recorded anywhere?,38 How will I know my pin number?,38 "I need my PIN, where is it?",38 I haven't received my pin,38 I am not able to see the card PIN anywhere?,38 "I don't know my PIN, how can I find that out?",38 Where can the pin be located?,38 How do I find my PIN?,38 Why have I not received my PIN,38 When do I get my PIN?,38 Where can I locate my card PIN?,38 Tell me about the card PIN?,38 "In the app, where do I find my card PIN?",38 do i have to wait for a physical card before i get my pin,38 The card PIN is not visible anywhere?,38 I cannot see the card PIN anywhere?,38 How will I receive my PIN?,38 My card arrived but I don't know how to get my PIN.,38 Where should I look for my PIN number at?,38 Where can I locate my PIN at?,38 Where is the PIN for my card located?,38 I do not have my pin yet,38 Do I have a card PIN?,38 Where is my PIN located?,38 I can't find the PIN.,38 What can you tell me about the card PIN?,38 Where can I find my card PIN?,38 How do I find my PIN number?,38 I am yet to receive my pin.,38 i cannot find my card PIN,38 How do I set up my card PIN?,38 I cannot find my PIN.,38 How do I request the PIN?,38 I haven't received the PIN yet.,38 "I signed up, but don't have a PIN. Where can I find it?",38 How is the PIN delivered?,38 "Help, I don't know what the PIN is to my card?",38 I didn't get a PIN yet. What gives?,38 Where's my card PIN?,38 How do I set my physical card PIN?,38 wheres my pin,38 When will I have access to my pin number?,38 What's my pin number?,38 Where do i find my PIN?,38 When do I set up my card PIN?,38 Can you tell me how to locate my PIN?,38 Do i have to wait to get the pin or can i set up a pin,38 How do I locate my PIN now that I have my card?,38 Where is my PIN?,38 Explain the card PIN to me.,38 How do I find the PIN?,38 Will the PIN come separately?,38 Where can I find my PIN? I haven't gotten it yet.,38 Where is my pin? I don't have it yet,38 How do I know what my PIN is?,38 How long does it take for me to get my pin,38 How long do I wait for my PIN,38 still need to get card pin,38 I have not received my pin yet,38 How do I get my card PIN?,38 I havn't received my PIN yet.,38 I haven't received my PIN yet. Do I need to get it from you?,38 In regards to the PIN of the card?,38 Does the PIN come under separate cover?,38 do i need to wait to get my card before getting a pin,38 Will my pin number be sent with my card?,38 I can't find my PIN anywhere.,38 I have a question regarding the PIN of the card?,38 How do I get a PIN?,38 I haven't been sent my new pin!,38 "So, the card PIN?",38 can i go into my app to find my pin,38 Is the PIN separately delivered?,38 I don't have a PIN at this point.,38 do i need to wait for my card before i get pin,38 Where do I find my card PIN?,38 I can't find the card PIN.,38 Where is the PIN number found?,38 When do I get my card PIN?,38 How is my PIN sent?,38 Is the PIN sent in another message?,38 Do you deliver the PIN separately?,38 Is my PIN the same thing as my passcode?,38 "I'm looking in the App and can't find my PIN, where should I look?",38 I've been waiting ages and my PIN hasn't gotten here.,38 How do I get started when I get my card?,38 Show me where I can see the PIN?,38 How do I find my new pin?,38 can i create my own pin right away,38 how to get card pin?,38 Where do I find my PIN for my new card?,38 Can you deliver the PIN separately?,38 is my pin the same as my passcode,38 how do i get a pin for my card,38 Is there a way I can have a mastercard?,73 is it just visa or can i also use mastercard?,73 I do not want a VISA card.,73 "I prefer using Mastercard, can I substitute?",73 I prefer Mastecard.,73 may I have a Visa and a Mastercard from you.,73 I'd prefer Mastercard.,73 Will my card be a MasterCard or a Visa?,73 I want a mastercard,73 I prefer mastercard.,73 Please give me both a visa and a mastercard.,73 Is it possible to get a Visa and Mastercard from you?,73 If I can't choose my card type will I be able to use it everywhere?,73 Do I get a mastercard and visa?,73 Why can I not choose the card i want?,73 "Can you send me a Mastercard, instead of a Visa?",73 Can I pick between Visa and Mastercard?,73 "I have a Visa and Mastercard, can I use these?",73 I want to apply for a Visa card.,73 Can you issue both a Visa and a Mastercard to me?,73 I would like a Visa card.,73 "I am looking to get a Visa credit card, what must I do to achieve this?",73 Is there a way I can get a Visa card?,73 Can I get the Mastercard?,73 Do I have a Visa card as an option?,73 Are visa and mastercard accepted,73 What credit cards do you carry,73 would a visa or mastercard be more suited to me?,73 I am interested in a Visa or Mastercard. Do you offer them?,73 is it ok if i use both visa and mastercard,73 Do I have a choice for a Mastercard?,73 Can I use visa or mastercard with your service,73 Can I choose from either Visa or Mastercard?,73 Can I have a Visa card?,73 Would I get a Visa or Mastercard?,73 Am I able to get both a Visa and MasterCard from you?,73 Is it possible to get both a Visa and a Mastercard?,73 Can I choose my Visa or Mastercard?,73 My preference is Mastercard.,73 What card types can I choose from?,73 I want to get a Visa,73 Can I choose whether I receive a Visa or a Mastercard card?,73 Which type of card will I receive?,73 I would like to have a Mastercard.,73 Can I get a Visa or Mastercard?,73 Do you give out Visa or Mastercards?,73 Do I have to pick a creditcard brand?,73 Please give me a Mastercard instead.,73 Visa or Mastercard?,73 Can both Visa and Mastercard be chosen?,73 Do you let me choose between Visa and Mastercard?,73 What cards do you offer?,73 Does it matter if I use Visa or Mastercard?,73 How can I choose between Visa and Mastercard?,73 I'm happy with Mastercard and want to stick with just that credit card.,73 Can both a Visa and Mastercard be received from you?,73 I prefer to get a Mastercard.,73 I'm wanting to get a Visa card today.,73 What do I have to do to get a Visa card?,73 I would like to get both a Visa and MasterCard?,73 Would you give me a mastercard and visa?,73 I'd like to apply for a Visa Card.,73 My first choice would be Mastercard.,73 "I want to get a Visa and Mastercard, is it possible to get both from you?",73 Are you Visa or Mastercard?,73 Please help me get a Visa card.,73 I won't be pleased unless I get a Mastercard.,73 Can I select my card scheme or do you choose it for me?,73 No Visa please. I want to continue with Mastercard.,73 Will the card be a Mastercard or a Visa?,73 Can I choose my card scheme?,73 Does it matter which card I use,73 What type of card will I receive?,73 Can I get a Visa or does it have to be something else.,73 "I'd like to get a Visa card, please.",73 Visa and Mastercard can both be received from you?,73 Can I choose between Mastercard and Visa?,73 "I prefer Visa, can I get that instead?",73 Will I be able to get both a visa and a mastercard?,73 I anticipate getting a Visa card,73 What type of card can I get?,73 Will I get Visa or MasterCard?,73 "Visa and MasterCard, can I get them both?",73 Can I choose between Visa or MasterCard?,73 I need a Visa card,73 Do you take both Visa and Mastercard?,73 "Which card would I get, Visa or Mastercard?",73 Could I get a MasterCard and Visa from you?,73 I want to get a Visa card,73 Is it possible to get both Visa and Mastercard from you?,73 Can I get both a Visa and a Mastercard from you?,73 Do you accept Visa or Mastercard?,73 "Given a choice, I'd rather have Mastercard.",73 can i use both visa and mastercard,73 Is it possible to obtain both a Visa and a Mastercard from you?,73 "If I can, I would like to get both Mastercard and Visa from you.",73 Mastercard is preferred to me.,73 I need a Visa and a Mastercard from you.,73 This transaction needs both a Visa and a Mastercard.,73 "I want a Mastercard, instead.",73 I need to get visa and mastercard,73 Could I get a mastercard if that's reasonable?,73 I need mastercard as well as visa,73 Will I get a Visa card or Mastercard?,73 I would like to get a Visa card,73 How can I get a Visa and Mastercard?,73 Can I get a Visa instead of a MasterCard?,73 Can I obtained a Visa Card,73 "Please give me both Visa and MasterCard, is it possible?",73 Do I get Visa or Mastercard?,73 Why did I get a different card then requested?,73 Can I use a Visa or Mastercard?,73 Can I choose between Visa and Mastercard?,73 Mastercard is my preferred company.,73 Is it possible to get both Mastercard and Visa card from you?,73 I'd prefer a Mastercard.,73 Can I have a mastercard?,73 How do I get selected for a visa card?,73 Do I have an option between Visa and MasterCard?,73 Can I get a Visa from you?,73 I hope to get a Visa card,73 Which one are you? Visa or Mastercard?,73 How can get a Visa card?,73 Can you make sure I get a MasterCard and not a Visa?,73 I would prefer a Mastercard.,73 I would like to get both Mastercard and Visa card from you if that's possible.,73 Will I get a visa or Mastercard?,73 Will you guys do Visa or Mastercard?,73 Do you only use Visa or do you have Mastercard too?,73 Can I get a Visa card?,73 I would like to know if you use Visa or Mastercard.,73 Is it acceptable to use either Visa or Mastercard?,73 "Please tell me, do you use Visa or Mastercard?",73 Can I choose what card I can use,73 Do you supply both Visa and Mastercard?,73 My money I had was gone and I could not get gas!,62 i can not see my top up,62 I can't see my top up in my wallet!,62 I want to transfer money using my credit card.,62 "I tried topping up using my card, but the money is gone?",62 How can my friends top up my account?,62 "I used my card to top up, but the money is not there!",62 My card needs to be topped up.,62 Can my friends top up my account?,62 What's the process for topping up by card?,62 Is my account able to be topped up by my friends?,62 Can anyone else top-up for me?,62 I tried to top up and suddenly my money disappeared,62 My wallet doesn't show my recent top up.,62 Can I get my friends to add money to my account?,62 I used my card top-up but all of the money is missing.,62 Could you tell me why my top up isn't showing in my wallet?,62 What do I do to Top up my card?,62 "I tried topping off my account with a card, but the money is not in my account despite the charge going through",62 Is it possible to top up by card?,62 I want to know how to transfer money with my credit card,62 Hoe do i use my credit card to transfer money?,62 "I attempted to top up using my card, but now the money just disappeared?",62 My top up isn't in my wallet.,62 Can I let other people have access to my account in order to top up?,62 How do I to up by card?,62 How do I add money to my card?,62 "When I tried to top up using my card, all of the money disappeared.",62 "I used my card to top up, but now I don't see the money in my account.",62 Can i top up by card?,62 With my credit card i would like to transfer money.,62 I want to top up by card,62 I don't understanfd how to top up,62 Why was my card charged when topping off my balance but it's not showing up in my wallet balance?,62 Why can't I see my top up?,62 Is it simple to transfer money using my credit card?,62 Why can't I see the top up I made?,62 Can a credit card be used to transfer money?,62 Is it possible to transfer money to my credit card?,62 "My wallet isn't showing my top-up, did I do something wrong?",62 How can I transfer money using my credit card?,62 The money disappeared after I topped up my account.,62 The money disappeared when I tried to use my card to top up.,62 I wasn't able to use my top up card because the money I put on there wasn't there anymore,62 Top up not available in my wallet.,62 How do I transfer funds directly from my credit card?,62 i need to top up by card.,62 How do I top up on my card?,62 top up by my card is that possible?,62 I tried to get gas but my money was gone!,62 How do I use a card to top up?,62 Can my account be topped-up by friends of mine.,62 Is it possible for friends to top up my account?,62 How do I top up by card?,62 My top up is not showing up in my wallet!,62 Transferring money using credit card,62 Will my friends be able to top up my account?,62 I was attempting to top up with my card but the money has vanished!,62 Can I allow other people to top up my account?,62 can other people use the app to add money to my account,62 "I tried to top off using the card, but the money just disappeared?",62 Show me how can my friends top up my account.,62 How do i set up my credit card to send transfers?,62 I don't see me 'top up' in my wallet,62 What do I need to do to transfer money with my credit card?,62 I used my card to top-up but the money is gone!,62 what happened to the money after i put in the wrong info and it got declined,62 "Can I add other people to my account, so they can top up?",62 show me how to top up,62 My friends would like to add to my account. What is the procedure?,62 I want to transfer money with my credit card.,62 Something is wrong with my top up and I can't see it. How do I find it?,62 Can my account be topped up by my friends?,62 Am I the only one who can top-up my account?,62 How do I top up using my card?,62 Can a friend top up my account,62 What information am I going to have to have in order to do a transfer with my card?,62 top up with credit card,62 What's the process for topping up my card?,62 I don't see my top up in my wallet.,62 Can friends I have top-up my account?,62 I cannot tell what my top up currently is.,62 How do I go about transferring money using my credit card?,62 Can you tell me how to top up on my card?,62 my top up isnt there yet where do i find it,62 "If I want a friend to top off my account, can they?",62 My wallet is empty even though I topped it up an hour ago.,62 Can somebody else top up my account?,62 I'd like to transfer funds using my credit card.,62 Where did my top-up go? I can't find it in my wallet,62 My money disappeared right when I tried to top up,62 How does someone else top up my account,62 Who can have access to top up my account?,62 I have a new card. How do i top it up?,62 Do i have to top-up with my credit card before I can transfer?,62 "I need my card topped up,",62 What steps do I do to transfer money using my credit card?,62 I topped up my account but the money isn't there now.,62 How can I use my credit card to transfer money?,62 How do I use my card to top up?,62 "I need to transfer some money, can I use my credit card?",62 Why is my 'top up' not showing up in my wallet?,62 Can other people top up my account?,62 Do the disposable cards have any restrictions on them?,29 How many times can I use a virtual card?,29 A friend was telling me about her disposable cards. What would I have to do to be able to get that feature?,29 Can I have more disposable cards?,29 "i tried using a virtual card for a hotel but it didn't work, why not",29 What are the guidelines for the disposable cards?,29 Do the disposable cards have a transaction limit?,29 Can you give me the restrictions of the disposable cards?,29 Is there a limit on the number of times I can use a disposable card?,29 How many disposable cards am I allowed to have?,29 What are the restrictions of the disposable cards?,29 What is the most amount of disposable cards allowable?,29 Can I get a disposable card? How many can I have? How often can I use them?,29 What number of transactions can i do with one disposable card?,29 Whats the maximum disposable virtual cards?,29 How limited is a virtual card?,29 What are the disposable cards restrictions?,29 "I need multiple cards per day, and they all have to be disposable.",29 Is there a limit to the number of disposable cards I can have?,29 Can I have more than 2 disposable cards?,29 What sort of restrictions are there for the disposable cards?,29 What is the limit on disposable cards?,29 Help me create several temp cards every day.,29 Are there any limits to using disposable virtual cards?,29 Are there a certain amount of transactions i can do with one disposable card?,29 What are the limitations on the disposable cards?,29 "I have a disposable card, how many transactions can I make?",29 What are the policies of disposable cards?,29 Is there a limit on how many times I can use a disposable card?,29 I need to make several disposable cards per day.,29 What is the number of transactions I get with a disposable card?,29 How many disposable virtual cards can you have?,29 Can you tell me the restrictions for the disposable cards?,29 How can many disposable cards can I have per day?,29 Could you tell me about the restrictions that are on the disposable cards?,29 Do the disposable cards have any restrictions?,29 I need several cards per day. And I need to be able to throw away all of the cards I make.,29 How many times can I use my disposable card?,29 With one disposable card how many transactions can i do?,29 Is there any limits I should know about if I'm going to use a disposable virtual card?,29 I need a number of disposable cards everyday.,29 Are there restrictions on disposable virtual cards?,29 Please provide me with the restrictions of the disposable cards.,29 I have to make several disposable cards per day.,29 Am I limited on the amount of disposable cards I can possess?,29 how many uses are the disposable cards good for?,29 Whats the maximum number of disposable cards that I can get?,29 What are some of the restrictions that the disposable cards have?,29 What are the restrictions on the virtual cards?,29 How many purchases can I make with one disposable card?,29 Is it possible to have more than one disposable card?,29 Can i make several disposable cardsper day?,29 What is limit of disposable cards I can make per day?,29 What are the details of disposable card limitations?,29 I need to make multiple disposable cards in a day.,29 How many transactions can I do with my disposable card?,29 Show me the amount of transactions I can do with a disposable card.,29 What is the maximum transactions I can use on a disposable card?,29 Are there any limits if I use these virtual cards?,29 Are there any restrictions for the disposable cards that I need to be aware of?,29 Where can I find a list of descriptions the disposable cards have?,29 What limits are there on the virtual cards?,29 What is the max amount of disposable cards I'm allowed.,29 What stipulations do disposable cards entail?,29 How many disposable cards per person?,29 Is there a limit to a disposable virtual card?,29 Why can't I use a disposable card?,29 How many transactions can I make on my disposable card?,29 What's the limit for disposable virtual cards?,29 How many active transactions can I make with a disposable card?,29 Please specify any limitations that come along with disposable cards.,29 Are there downsides to using a disposable virtual cards?,29 how many transactions can go on a disposable card?,29 Is there a transaction limit for a disposable card?,29 I need more than one disposable card,29 What is the maximum number of transactions that I can put on a disposable card?,29 I am required to make several disposable cards every day.,29 I must make several disposable cards every day.,29 Where can I use a disposable card?,29 Are there limits on the virtual cards?,29 How many disposable cards can you own?,29 Can you tell me more about limits to disposable virtual cards?,29 How many transactions can I do with a disposable card?,29 How many payments can I make using a virtual card?,29 What is the maximum number of transactions I can do with a disposable card?,29 Can you tell me if there are limits to disposable virtual cards?,29 What are the rules for using disposable virtual cards?,29 What are the disposable virtual card limits?,29 How many disposable cards can I have at one time?,29 How many transactions can be made with a disposable card?,29 "i am not a premium customer but i want a virtual card, how do i get it",29 I need several disposable cards made per day.,29 What is the maximum transactions for one disposable card?,29 "For the disposable cards, what are the restrictions?",29 Are there any restrictions for the disposable cards?,29 Is there a limit on making disposable cards?,29 Do the disposable cards have restrictions?,29 Can I do more than 10 transactions with a disposable card?,29 What are the disposable card limits?,29 Is there a limit to using a disposable virtual card?,29 I have a disposable virtual card. Is there a limit to how many times I can use it?,29 Are there any places that I can't use the disposable cards at?,29 Is there a limit to the number of disposable cards per day?,29 How many disposable cards can I make in a day?,29 let me know how many disposable cards I can have?,29 I must make several disposable cards per day.,29 Can you please inform me of the restrictions for the disposable cards.,29 Is there a limit on disposable cards?,29 I have to make more then a few disposable cards per day.,29 Are there any restrictions on the disposable cards?,29 What are my limits on disposable cards?,29 I would like to know what the restrictions are for the disposable cards.,29 What is the limits on the number of disposable cards I can have?,29 what is the amount of disposable cards I can have?,29 "On my disposable card, is there a transaction limit?",29 Who can request disposable cards?,29 How much transactions do I get with a disposable card?,29 What can I and can't do with the disposable cards?,29 Is there a transaction limit on a disposable card?,29 How many disposable cards are available per account?,29 What is the number of transactions for one disposable card?,29 I think someone is using my card without my permission!,22 What do I do if I detect fraudulent use on my car?,22 I think my account has been hacked there are charges on there I don't recognize.,22 I don't recognize some transactions. Is someone else using it?,22 I just got an email in confirming my purchase with my card. I login to the mobile app on the card and found out there are several purchase were made without me aware of it. Evidently someone had stole my card information and made these fraudulent purchase. I need the transaction to be reverse and have my card suspended.,22 How do I stop fraud to my account?,22 card is being used by someone else,22 I think someone else is using my card.,22 Someone might be using my card that is not me.,22 There are strange transactions on my account. What should I do if I think someone stole my details?,22 I sees some suspicious spending on my credit card that I don't recall I had made. What should I do?,22 "It looks like someone besides me ordered something with my card, what should I do?",22 There are charges on my card that I haven't purchased.,22 Someone might be using my card. What should I do?,22 I suspect someone used my card.,22 Please tell me how you can stop unauthorized payments from being made on my card since on this bill I see that this has happened. There are transactions that I never made from a place I've never been to.,22 I think that somebody is utilizing my card without my authorization!,22 "There are a few transaction that I don't recognize, I think someone managed to get my card details and use it. ",22 Someone has been using my card. There are unfamiliar transactions on there. Can you freeze the card to keep this from happening?,22 What can I do if my card details where stolen from my car? I think they used my card to buy gas.,22 I want to cancel my card. I think someone else is using it.,22 "I can't be sure, but I think that someone may be using my card.",22 What should I do if I think someone is using my card without my permission?,22 I believe that someone is using my card without my knowledge!,22 There is unusual activity on my account and I believe someone took my card.,22 Someone must have found my card details as I don't recognize these transactions.,22 Should I order a new card before I freeze my original one?,22 "I think that someone may be using my card, but I'm not sure,.",22 I think someone has hacked my card!,22 My card has been compromised. I see a bunch of online shopping charges that I didn't make. I need to freeze it immediately.,22 I think my card has been used by somebody else since I was never in the little town where some transactions on this bill have come from. Please stop this right away.,22 am suspicious of my card's security,22 "Someone is making transactions on my account, I think they took my card information.",22 I think someone stole my card number and brought stuff in different places that I have never been to. I need to suspend any further purchase on my credit card.,22 There's a possibility that my card was compromised.,22 What should I do if I think there are unauthorized transactions?,22 How do I stop fraud to my card?,22 am afraid someone may have gained access to the info on my card.,22 My statement shows charges for things I never purchased. Were my account details stolen?,22 What should I do if someone else used my card?,22 What steps can I take if someone else is using my card?,22 Someone might have had access to my card.,22 What should I do if I think someone stole my details and used my information to make some transactions?,22 I am not sure but someone else might be using my card,22 What to do if my card has been used without my permission?,22 Someone used my card without my permission.,22 think someone is using my card with permission,22 I see some transactions that I don't recognize. I think someone stole my details.,22 How can I tell if someone else is using my card?,22 What do I do if I believe to be a victim of credit card fraud?,22 "My card info was stolen, what do I do?",22 "i didnt make these transactions, i think my card details might be stolen",22 I have transactions that I don't recognize - I think someone is using my card.,22 "my card details could be stolen, as i didnt make these transactions",22 What do I do if someone used my card without my permission?,22 There are transactions that I don't recognize. What do I do if I think someone is using my card?,22 "Can you check about unauthorized use of my card, I think someone is using mine without my knowledge?",22 I noticed my card was used in a small town that I have never been to. Can you stop the card from being used more?,22 "I froze my account, but how do I order a replacement card?",22 What do I do if I think someone has used my card?,22 My card was stolen and used to make several purchases. Please freeze my card so no one can use it.,22 "There are transactions that I don't remember making, i think someone might have gotten my card details and is now using it.",22 My card information seems to have been stolen! I don't know where these transactions came from and I've never even been to the city where they were made. I need my card blocked ASAP so this person can't keep using my card.,22 "My card was used without my permission, what do I do?",22 What do I do if I think someone has used my card without permission? I can see a few transactions I don't recognize.,22 Questionable transactions on my account.,22 I have some transactions on my account I did not make. Can you cancel my card and prevent further use.,22 Someone besides me might be using my card.,22 Someone hacked into my cards account.,22 How do I report fraud on my card?,22 How do I report possible fraudulent activity on my account?,22 Someone else might be using my card without my permission.,22 My card must have used my card as there are some transactions that I haven't done myself..,22 How do I order a replacement for stolen card?,22 "i dont recognise some of these transactions, i think someone has my card details",22 Somebody used my card without my knowledge!,22 I think my card has been compromised in some way.,22 What should I do if I think that someone might be using me card?,22 "I might be paranoid, but someone may be using my card.",22 My wallet was stolen and all my credit cards were in there. HELP?!!?,22 There are fraudulent charges that I didn't make on my card. Can you please put in the safeguards necessary to stop this from happening anymore?,22 The card has suffered a security breach.,22 My card data has been exposed.,22 "There are transactions that I did not make on my account, I think someone has my information.",22 I think someone may be using my card.,22 I didn't make these transactions. Is someone else using my card?,22 I can use this card at which ATMs?,3 Can I use the card at any cash machine?,3 What locations can I get money from?,3 What ATMs take this card?,3 Which ATM's can I use to make a withdrawal?,3 Do all ATMs accept this card?,3 Will this card work at any ATM?,3 Which ATMs am I allowed to get money from?,3 Where is the closest ATM to me?,3 Which ATMs accept this bill of fare ?,3 Do I have to use a bank approved ATM to withdraw money?,3 How do I withdraw money?,3 Can I use this card at any ATM?,3 What locations allow me to withdraw money?,3 What ATMs accept my card?,3 Can I use my card to withdraw from my account?,3 Can you tell me where I can withdraw money?,3 What kind of ATMs would this card be accepted at?,3 Are there specific ATM's that I can draw money from?,3 Where can money withdrawals be made?,3 Do I have to use bank approved ATM's,3 Where can I find Mastercard ATMs?,3 What ATMs can I use my card at?,3 What ATM machines allow this card?,3 Where can I do a cash withdrawal?,3 Where should I withdraw money from?,3 Where are the ATMs that accept this card?,3 Is there a way to find an ATM around me?,3 Will any ATM's decline my card?,3 What ATMs can I use my card?,3 What cash stations take this card?,3 " At which ATMs can I use this card?",3 Please provide me a list of ATMs that accept my card.,3 Can I use my card at an ATM?,3 Where is the closest ATM I can use?,3 Where is the nearest Mastercard ATM?,3 Where can I get money from my card?,3 How can I find an ATM that accepts this card?,3 I need an ATM right now!,3 Which ATMs accept Mastercard?,3 What is the closest ATM?,3 What ATMs use this card?,3 What ATMs can I use this card?,3 Can I get money out of any machine?,3 Is the closest ATM to me within 2 miles?,3 I need to withdraw money. Where can I do that?,3 Can I use my card in another institutions ATM?,3 Where is a ATM that accepts Mastercard?,3 Where are the Mastercard ATMs?,3 Where can I withdraw money from?,3 " Where can I withdraw money from?",3 Can I use a different bank ATM than my own?,3 need to know places i can withdraw money,3 The card can be used at which ATMs?,3 What's the closest place to withdraw money?,3 Is there a list of ATMs that take this card?,3 Is there a Mastercard ATM nearby?,3 Am I limited to what ATM I can use my card?,3 how do I know where I can get money withdrawn?,3 Tell me what ATMs take this card.,3 Where are the ATMs that I can use Mastercard?,3 Where is an ATM?,3 Which locations can I withdraw money from?,3 Can this card be used at all ATMs?,3 Are there any ATM's near me that accept this card?,3 I need help from someone in your department with finding my nearest ATM.,3 what are the locations i can withdraw money,3 Which ATMs accept this circuit board ?,3 How many ATMs will take this card?,3 What ATMs can I use this card at?,3 Is this card accepted by ATMs?,3 Are there only certain ATM machines where I can use this card?,3 Where can I find a Mastercard ATM?,3 Tell me what ATMs use this card.,3 Which ATMs take the card?,3 How far is the closest ATM from me?,3 Can you tell me the ATMs I can use with my card?,3 Where is a Mastercard ATM?,3 I need to know where I can withdraw money.,3 Are there specific ATM's I can use with this card?,3 Where can I find an ATM?,3 How can I tell if an AMT will take this card?,3 How do I know it is a Mastercard ATM?,3 "ATMs, which ones will accept this card?",3 What ATM locations are near me?,3 What ATM accepts Mastercard?,3 Can I withdraw from any ATM?,3 "Hi, i found a large amount payment in my old statements which i am sure was not made by me. I am aware that the time has passed but is there a way to raise a dispute for this payment now?",28 what is the word?,28 Please help my find out why there is an odd direct debit in my records.,28 I am seeing in the App a diret debit that its not mine,28 There is a direct debit payment that I did not make.,28 There is a strange charge on my debit statement,28 There is a Direct Debit that looks suspicious.,28 Is there a way for you to find out why my account was deducted from a seller when I didn't approve of it?,28 Why is there a direct debit payment on my statement that I didn't do?,28 A direct debit payment that I didn't authorise shows up in my app.,28 My app is showing a payment that I know I did not do. Can you please cancel that transaction and credit my account please?,28 i would like to dispute a direct debit payment,28 Is it possible to dispute a debit payment from a couple of months ago.,28 A direct debit payment I didn't do shows in my app,28 I see a direct debit transaction in my history that I did not set up.,28 A false direct debit payment is showing in my app,28 I do not understand what this particular direct debit is ?,28 There was some money taken from my account that I don't remember paying for. Am I able to look up this transaction which was a few weeks ago to see who took out the money? Im not sure I need a refund just want to check to make sure it's legit.,28 Please tell me what this direct debit in my statement is,28 what is this charge on my card?,28 "A few weeks ago, a strange transaction was made on my account by a seller I don't know. I am quite sure I didn't do it and will like for you to check it for me.",28 Is there a strict timeline regarding disputing transactions made on my account? I just noticed a fraudulent charge on a statement from a couple months ago.,28 There is a mysterious debit transaction on my statement,28 what is the matter?,28 My account shows I made a debit payment to someone that I can't recall and would like to find out who the payment was made to.,28 I don't recognize the direct debit payment from the app.,28 I need a refund on a direct debit that shows in the app because I did not make it.,28 "hey, I think someone stole my card numbers. There is a purchase showing up on my app from a store pretty far away from me.. I really need that money back to pay my rent.",28 I was just going over my transactions for the past couple of months and noticed a large type charge that I know I did not make. Even though it's been a while can I please still dispute this?,28 There was a charge made on my card from a couple weeks ago and I don't remember making the purchase. Nor do I remember the company itself. Can we trace this at all to confirm if I did it or not?,28 There is a direct debit payment I don't recognize.,28 What is this direct debit in my statement?,28 This debit is not my transcation. How do I get my money out back?,28 How can I get my money back for a payment i didnt make,28 I don't recognize the direct debit payment on my account.,28 A direct debit appears in the app but I didn't authorize it.,28 I'm seeing a direct debit payment that is not me.,28 I see a direct debit transaction that I didn't make.,28 Could I raise a dispute for a large payment that i found out was not done by me in my couple of last statements? I am aware its delayed now. Please help me out.,28 I don't know where a direct debit payment came from,28 Who do I contact if there is a direct debit that I did not create.,28 There was a direct debit from my account and I didn't authorise it,28 "I'm checking my statements and I saw a purchase from a couple weeks ago that I don't recall at all. Not only that, but I don't even know the business that charged it. I'm not sure if I did it or not, but can we check it and see if we can trace it back to make certain?",28 I don't recognise a Direct Debit payment,28 There is a direct debit transaction on my statement that I think is not mine. How do I remove?,28 there is a debit i dont recognize,28 There are automatic debits on my account that I did not make.,28 I may need to dispute a Direct Debit payment.,28 "There's a weird payment showing in my app that I definitely haven't made myself, as I haven't used the card at all that day. Please cancel that and return my money.",28 There is a direct debit fee in the App that I didn't do.,28 What do I do about a debit on my account that I didn't make?,28 I did not set up a direct debit I have,28 "If I found an error in my account for a transaction I didn't make, how long to I have to dispute it?",28 There is a direct debit transaction that I did not authorize,28 Can you help me figure out what is going on with a debit payment that is showing up on my account I am not sure is suppose to be there.,28 I am seeing a direct debit I wasn't aware of.,28 I found a charge on my debit that I did not make.,28 How can I dispute a direct debit transaction?,28 How can I dispute a debit transaction?,28 My statement shows a strange direct debit.,28 "I have an unknown debit charge in my statement, why?",28 "I just noticed that I supposedly made a payment to a seller a while back. The problem is, I don't recognize the seller. There must be a way to see who it is or track the payment. Can you do that, because I don't remember this transaction?",28 "In my app, a direct debit payment that I didn't do shows up.",28 There's an unauthorized direct debit in my app.,28 I see a direct debit that isn't mine? How can I get my money back?,28 My account statements show a debit payment that I didn't make it's from some time ago I need to know if it is disputable.,28 There is a debit transaction on my statement that I did not make,28 There is a direct debit payment on my account that I didn't authorize.,28 I didn't set up the direct debit I have,28 What do I do if I find a debit charge that I know I didn't do in my billing statement?,28 i do not know what this charge is for,28 What do I do if there is a direct debit on my account that shouldn't be there?,28 I think I am a victim of fraud. I noticed there was a charge on my account that I didn't do because I haven't touched my card today. Can you please reverse the charge and refund my money?,28 There is a direct debit charge on my account that I don't recognize.,28 "Recently, a few weeks ago there was a transaction made on my account by some seller that I don't recognize. I am very certain that didn't happen and will like for you to trace back to make sure.",28 Someone else charged my card!,28 "Am I able to look back at a transaction to see who with drawled some money from my account? I don't remember authorizing this a few weeks ago, but wanted to double check who took the money.",28 How do I dispute a direct debit on my account?,28 I did not make a direct debit payment as listed on my app,28 There's a direct debit payment that I don't recognize.,28 How do I dispute a debit that I didn't make?,28 I don't know where this debit transaction on my statement came from.,28 The app is showing a direct debit transaction that I did not perform,28 The app is showing a direct debit payment that I never made,28 "I was checking the app for my account and I noticed there is an authorized charge on it. I haven't used my card today, so I know I didn't do it. I would like the transaction reversed and the money replaced.",28 I want a refund on a direct debit.,28 "Hi, i was checking my old statements and found a discrepancy with a large amount transaction. I am sure it was not done by me. Please let me know if i could raise a dispute as its very late.",28 There is a debit paymet that I don't recognize.,28 What can I do about a direct debit transaction on my card that I didn't make?,28 I need assistance addressing a direct debit that I did not do myself.,28 I see a direct debit transaction in my app that I didn't make.,28 I see a direct debit payment on my statement that wasn't me,28 How long after I receive my statement can I dispute payments on it?,28 How do I dispute a direct debit transaction?,28 "I notice a transaction a couple of weeks ago in my account, from a seller that I don't recognize. Is there a way we can trace back the information to make sure it was truly something I did?",28 what is this charge i didnt do it what can i do,28 I have a direct debit on my records that is strange and I need help.,28 I would like to dispute a payment I didnt make,28 I found a direct debit I would like to dispute,28 "I saw money was taken out of my account by a seller a while back. I do not recognize the seller, but I'm pretty certain I didn't make that payment. Can you track who the seller is?",28 There is a direct debit patentp that I haven't authorized.,28 I can't recognise this Direct Debit payment.,28 I would like to dispute a direct debit transaction,28 "Please help! I was looking at my account and saw a transaction with a seller I don't remember. Is it possible for you to track the sale, because I really don't think I made a payment to them.",28 Why is there a direct debit set up in my name?,28 I don't recognize this debit transaction in my billing statement?,28 I didn't set up a direct debit payment on my account.,28 I need to dispute a direct debit.,28 My account shows a direct debit charge that I have never seen before,28 I might have been charged on my debit statement by fraud.,28 "I just went through a old statement and noticed that a very large payment went through and i did not make it. It was from a few months ago, can I still dispute the payment?",28 I am not recognizing a debit payment from my account.,28 I have a direct debit that I did not set up,28 I have gone through my statements and noticed there is a large payment that I did not make. Can i still dispute the payment? its been a while,28 I see a charge for a direct debit that was not me.,28 There was a strange transaction made on my account a couple weeks ago by a seller I don't recognize. May you please check on this transaction for me.,28 There is a potentially fraudulent direct debit on my account.,28 I have a direct debit I didn't set up,28 Help! In the app there is a direct debit that I don't remember.,28 Please help me regarding a direct debit in the app that I don't recognize.,28 how do i get a refund for a direct debit payment i didn't make,28 I need to cancel a transaction on my debit card.,28 I think I was charged by mistake on my debit statement.,28 Purchases I did not make are appearing in my bank statement?,28 "On my app I can see that a direct debit payment that I didn't do, appears.",28 There's a payment showing in the app today even though I have not used my card at all. I want a refund.,28 Unusual direct deposit,28 I didn't make the direct debit payment on my account.,28 People are using my debit card - help!,28 I have an unfamiliar direct debit in my statement.,28 How do I dispute a direct debit that I didn't do?,28 Weird Direct Debit payment,28 I have an unauthorized direct debit on my account,28 I have an unknown charge.,28 What do I do if there is an electronic debit that is not correct?,28 There is a payment showing that I know I didn't make. I didn't use my card that day and I'm sure of it. Can you please cancel that transaction and return my money? Thankyou,28 after going over my transactions for the last couple of months I noticed a pretty large charge that I know I did not make. I know it's been a while but can I still dispute this charge?,28 Someone else made a Direct Debit transaction on my account,28 How can I dispute a direct debit charge on my account?,28 I have a direct debit I didn't make,28 I have an unauthorized charge.,28 A debit came through that I need to dispute.,28 There is a payment in my app that I did not make. I have not used that card all day Please reimburse my money.,28 I don't know what this Direct Debit payment is.,28 I see a direct debit payment on my app that I did not do,28 How do I get a refund for an unauthorized direct debit payment?,28 There was a direct debit I don't recognize.,28 I see an unfamiliar Direct Debit payment.,28 In the app I see a direct debit that I don't recognize.,28 Why am I seeing a direct debit thats not mine?,28 Can I dispute a debit payment that I am seeing that I didn't make from a couple of months ago?,28 There is a direct debit set up that I didn't create.,28 "There is a direct debit charge that I don't recognize, what can I do?",28 "I have not used my card all day, however, there is an unusual payment showing in my app. I would like to have that amount reimbursed.",28 I don't know what this Direct Debit payment on my account is for.,28 There is a direct debit charge on my account that is not mine.,28 I see a direct debit transaction in the app that is not mine,28 There is a direct debit set up that was not authorized by me.,28 I didn't initiate a direct debit that I see on my account,28 Why is there a direct debit fee in the App when I didn't do it?,28 There is a payment I don't recognise!,28 A couple weeks ago there was a debit taken from my account from a transaction I don't recall. Is it possible to trace this transaction to make sure I'm not being scammed?,28 What should I do about a direct debit that I did not set up?,28 There was a direct debit transaction I have don't think should be there.,28 I just found a payment from a while back in my account that I didn't make. Can I still dispute it even though it was a couple of months ago?,28 I do not recognize a direct debit payment that I see on my app,28 My account was charged a debit payment I don't recognize.,28 "In my app, a direct debit payment I didn't do shows in my app",28 My accounts been charged a payment for something I didn't make.,28 looking back on my transactions from a couple of months ago I have noticed a charge that is fairly large that I'm certain was not completed by me. I know it has been a while but can I please dispute this charge?,28 I see a direct debit charge that I did not approve,28 The app shows Direct Debit payments that I didn't make,28 I have an unknown direct debit payment on my account,28 "There is a direct debit that I didn't set up, what should I do?",28 I see a direct debit that I didn't authorize,28 "I know this very late, but I just went through my statements from the last couple months and there's one quite large-ish payment that I definitely haven't made. Is it still possible to dispute it?",28 I checked my account and see that funds were deducted from a seller I didn't approve of. Can you help me understand?,28 There is a transaction showing in my app that I did not make as I have not used that card all day. Please reimburse this amount to my account.,28 My app shows a direct debit that isn't mine.,28 I haven't used my card all day but there is a payment showing in the app. Please cancel it!,28 There is a payment showing on my app that I didn't do. Will you please cancel this payment and refund my money ?,28 Why is there a direct debit to my account? I didn't do that.,28 Help me! I don't know what my password is.,44 "I thought I knew my password but I guess I was wrong, what can I do now?",44 I am unable to access my app due to forgetting my passcode.,44 I can't recall my password.,44 What should I do if I don't know my password?,44 Need a new passcode.,44 I can't log in with this passocde,44 I forgot my passcode. Now what?,44 What are the steps to reset my passcode?,44 Where do I go to reset the passcode?,44 I am unaware of what my password is.,44 I can't remember my passcode.,44 I forgot my code,44 Help me. The passcode doesn't work.,44 The passcode isn't working for me.,44 Is there a way to recover my password?,44 Can you lookup my password?,44 What is my password?,44 I forgot my password to get into the app!,44 Why doesn't my passcode work?,44 I happened to forget my password,44 I forgot the passcode on my app.,44 I seem to of forgotten my passcode.,44 I do not understand why my pass-code is not working.,44 My passcode won't work.,44 How do I reset my passcode?,44 Not sure what my password is.,44 how to recover my passcode,44 I don't remember my login code,44 I need a new login code,44 Help! I forgot my password.,44 I happened to forget my passcode,44 "what is going on, i have entered my passcode and its not working",44 passcode retrieval,44 My passcode is not being accepted,44 I would like to better understand why my pass-code is not working.,44 I can't find my code,44 My password doesn't work.,44 My passcode was denied.,44 I don't know the code for the app.,44 I can't remember my password.,44 Please help me. I don't know my code to get into the app.,44 "I used to know my password, but not anymore.",44 I've forgotten my passcode. Can I reset?,44 I am entering my passcode but getting an error.,44 I don't remember my password,44 Where can I get a new passcode?,44 What are the steps for changing my passcode?,44 I lost the code and can not get into the app. Help!,44 I think my passcode was changed,44 How can I reset the passcode if I need to do that?,44 I can't log into my account because I lost my password,44 What do I do if I can't access my passcode?,44 The app passcode has completely slipped my mind.,44 Can you help me reset my passcode? I forgot it.,44 How do I change my passcode?,44 I cannot remember my passcode.,44 I don't have a password.,44 Where do I go to reset my passcode?,44 What do I do if I forgot my passcode?,44 I've completely forgot the code to get into the app.,44 How can I go about resetting my passcode?,44 How can I change my password?,44 Is there a way to reset the passcode?,44 I can't log in,44 Help! I've forgot my app passcode!,44 "I need to reset my passcode, this one isn't working",44 I don't remember my passcode?,44 What do I do if I have forgotten my passcode?,44 Can you tell me my code to get into the app?,44 "I cannot remember my passcode, is there a way to retrieve it?",44 What should I do if my passcode won't work?,44 I have forgotten my passcode,44 Can my password be reset if I do not have it?,44 I can't access my account.,44 Lost password,44 "I'm locked out of my account as I can't remember my code, what do I do now?",44 "Disaster, I've totally forgotten my passcode, can you help me?",44 "I want to reset my passcode, how can I do that?",44 I tried entering my passcode and it isn't working. Can you help?,44 I can't get into the app with the passcode.,44 For some reason I forgot the passcode I have.,44 I've forgotten my app passcode completely.,44 How do I reset my password?,44 I lost my passcode.,44 I don't know my password anymore.,44 Instruct me how to reset the passcode.,44 I can't remember what my password is,44 I need to reset my passcode. Where do I go to do that?,44 How can I reset my passcode?,44 How do I get the passcode reset?,44 Can someone please help assist me by explaining to me why my pass-code is not working?,44 I don't have my passcode to access the app.,44 Can I reset the passcode?,44 Are there directions to get a new passcode if I forgot mine?,44 I need to reset the passcode.,44 I can't enter my passcode.,44 I think I forgot my passcode,44 I don't know my password,44 I forgot the code I need to get into the app.,44 "I don't know what my passcode is, can you help?",44 How can i reset my passcode ?,44 What can I do if my passcode won't work?,44 "I can't remember my app code, can you reset it?",44 Can someone help with my passcode?,44 "I tried to withdraw cash and got declined, why is that?",26 Why was I declined when I tried to get my money?,26 I could not access my money at the ATM,26 "i needed money for a night out with the girls but i was declined, why?",26 Why was I blocked from withdrawing from the ATM?,26 I tried to get funds in hard cash but it was rejected!,26 Why won't cash come out of the ATM?,26 My withdrawals were going smooth until I got declined today. What is going on?,26 I tried to use my card to withdrawal money from the ATM in Notting Hill but it didn't work. This is the first time I've tried using it. Is my card working?,26 Why was my request for cash declined?,26 Where did my money go? I'm not able to withdraw it from my ATM.,26 Why was my withdrawal declined,26 How come I can't get money at the ATM,26 Why was my ATM withdrawal cancelled?,26 I couldnt get cash in an ATM,26 Why can't I get cash out?,26 Why can't I take cash out of the ATM?,26 Every ATM I visit is rejecting my card and I don't know why. There should be money on it. Can you check it to see if something is wrong or if I'm doing something wrong?,26 I can't get money out of the ATM. Is my card actually working? It's the first time I tried using it,26 The ATM keeps declining my Transaction . I tried two different ATMs already Would you please check if everything is okay with my account?,26 Is there a reason my cash withdrawal was declined?,26 My card won't let me withdraw money.,26 I can't withdraw money,26 Could you tell me why my cash withdrawal was declined?,26 "The ATM would not give me cash,why?",26 My ATM transaction was cancelled.,26 I was denied cash at an ATM,26 I was not able to use the ATM to get cash,26 Why did I get declined when trying to get cash?,26 The ATM keeps declining my card! I tried two different ATMs already can you please check if everything is alright with my account??,26 Why wouldn't the ATM give me my money?,26 Why are my withdrawals suddenly being declined?,26 Can you tell me why I was declined from getting cash?,26 Why couldn't I make a withdrawal from the ATM?,26 Why is my ATM cash withdrawal not working?,26 Is my card broken? I can't get cash out of the ATM,26 I went to the Notting Hill ATM to use my card the first time for a cash withdrawal but it didn't work. Does this mean that my card isn't working yet?,26 i tried to withdraw money but was told i didn't have funds,26 The ATM keeps declining my Transaction . I tried two different ATMs already can you please check if everything is okay with my account?,26 "Please double check my card - withdrawal was working fine so far, but this morning on the way to work it suddenly got declined!",26 I was declined when trying to withdrawal cash!,26 I needed cash from the ATM but I couldn't get it.,26 My ATM withdrawal was declined.,26 "When I went to get cash, it was declined!",26 "Is my card working? It's the first time I tried using it I tried to get money out of an ATM, but got nothing.",26 The ATM machines keep declining my card and I don't know why. I thought I had money in my account. Why is this happening?,26 Why was my withdrawal requested cancelled by the ATM?,26 I have tried using my card for the first time at the ATM of Notting Hill to withdrawal cash but it didn't work. Does this mean my card isn't working?,26 A withdraw I tried to make at the ATM was declined I don't know why.,26 Tried using my ATM card earlier at one of your locations for the first time. It didn't work. What is going on?,26 Why can't I take money from my account?,26 "This morning I wanted to make a withdrawal before work, but my card was declined! Please double check it for me as this is the first time it was declined.",26 Why was I declined from getting cash?,26 "I tried to get money out of the Notting Hill ATM earlier, but wasn't able to. Is my card working okay? It's the first time I tried using it.",26 My ATM card isn't working for a withdrawl,26 Is my card actually working? It's the first time I tried using it,26 Is there a reason why my card was declined when I attempted to withdraw money?,26 Is the ATM broken? I can't get cash from it.,26 what is my monthly spending limit because i was refused my money at an atm,26 I can't get cash from the ATM!,26 "When I tried to access my cash, I wasn't allowed!",26 "My card has been declined by two separate ATM, and I'm worried something is wrong with my account. Would you please see if my account is okay?",26 Has my account been frozen? I tried to use my card but the ATM would not dispense cash.,26 I tried to withdraw cash from the ATM machine and it did not work. Can you tell me why?,26 ATM withdrawal not working.,26 I tried using my ATM card at your Notting Hill location today. It did not work. Am I doing something wrong?,26 "I tried to get money out of an ATM in Notting Hill earlier, but it didn't work. Is my card actually working? It's the first time I tried using it",26 I cannot withdraw money from the ATM,26 My withdrawal from the ATM was cancelled.,26 I'm trying to take money from my account but its not letting me. Help!,26 Why won't the ATM let me withdraw money?,26 My cash withdrawal was declined. Why?,26 Why couldn't I get cash from an ATM?,26 I attempted to get cash in the ATM but it was not authorized,26 Is there something wrong with my ATM Card? Tried using it earlier and it did not work.,26 The ATM keeps rejecting my Payment. I tried two different ATMs but did not work .Can you please check if everything is okay with my account?,26 Why can't I withdraw cash from this ATM?,26 I was getting some cash out of the ATM but it cancelled on me without warning.,26 I wasn't able to withdraw money at an ATM,26 Why can't I withdraw funds from my account?,26 I tried to get cash in the ATM but it was not approved,26 My card rejected a cash withdrawal. Why?,26 Why was my cash withdrawal declined by the ATM?,26 I could not get the ATM to work,26 totally unacceptable. I'm stranded with no cash because the ATM wouldn't give me any money!,26 Help! My card isn't working at the ATM and I know I used the right PIN. Trying to get my money.,26 I tried to pull cash from an ATM but it wouldn't let me.,26 "I tried to get money out of the Notting Hill ATM earlier, but I wasn't able to get it to work. Is my card with issue? It's the first time I tried using it.",26 Can you please tell me why I cant get money from the ATM?,26 "How do I get money from an ATM using my card? I can't seem to get it to work? I used the pin I had, but maybe it's wrong? What do I need to do to fix this?",26 "Hello, is there any way to double check my card? I have never had issues with withdraws in the past, but this morning on the way to work it was unexpectedly declined.",26 My card didn't work at the ATM in Notting Hill. Is my card working?,26 Why am I not able to get cash from the ATM?,26 my card was frozen due to putting in the wrong pin too much. how many tries do i have,26 I cant get money out of the ATM with my card. I just put my card in the ATM but it will not allow me to take any money out. What do I need to do to fix this?,26 Why was I not able to take cash from the ATM?,26 "Would you please check my Card. As Withdrawal was working fine so far, but this morning suddenly got declined. Can you please check the problem?",26 Why would the ATM machine fail to give me the cash withdrawal I requested?,26 I am having trouble withdrawing cash.,26 Why is the ATM not allowing me to get cash?,26 Why can I not take out cash?,26 I tried to get cash but it was declined!,26 "Hi, I am unable to use my card in ATM. I had tried my card in two ATMs but both ATMs declined it. Could you please check my account?",26 The ATM won't let me take out cash,26 I'm not able to withdraw money from the ATM but I'm not sure why.,26 why wouldnt the atm give me money,26 "My cash withdrawal was declined, why?",26 "I think there may be something wrong with my card. I have never had issues with withdraws before, but this morning on the way to work it was suddenly declined.",26 Why can I not get cash from the ATM?,26 Why was I not able to get cash from the ATM?,26 My card doesn't work. I can't get cash out at an ATM,26 Why am I not able to withdraw cash from this ATM?,26 Why can't I withdraw money?,26 The atm wouldn't give out cash,26 What caused my cash withdrawal to be declined?,26 Why wont the ATM give me cash?,26 Why do I get declined when I try to withdraw cash?,26 What was the cause for my card to be declined?,26 The ATM cancelled a transaction on me when I was trying to get some cash out.,26 Why can't I get cash from the ATM?,26 atm refused to give me money,26 I was declined when I tried to withdraw cash!,26 I couldn't get money from the ATM,26 I tried to use the ATM today but it would not accept my card.,26 The ATM wouldn't let me withdraw cash.,26 "I tried to get money out of the Notting Hill ATM earlier, but I wasn't able to get anything out. Is there a problem with my card? It's the first time I tried using it.",26 Please help me with my card. As i have tried to use my card in two different ATMs but repeatedly it was declining by ATM.,26 The ATM wouldn't allow me to withdraw money,26 Why am I unable to withdraw my money through this card?,26 Is there a problem with my account? When I tried to withdraw cash at an ATM I was denied.,26 ATM apparently not working? Couldn't access funds in my account?,26 Why is my card being declined at the ATM? I have tried multiple ATMs and i keep running into the same problem. Could you verify that everything is okay with my account?,26 The ATM wouldn't let me have my money.,26 I tired to get cash in the ATM but it was cancelled,26 Is there something wrong with the ATM? It would not let me pull cash out of my account.,26 "Hi, In morning, i was trying to withdraw money from my card, but it got declined. So far it was working fine. Could you please check my card.",26 When going to the ATM to take out some cash today my withdrawal was declined. I need to fix this problem as soon as possible. whats going on?,26 I can't get any money from my account.,26 "I tried to withdraw cash, but got declined!",26 "The ATM will not let me get cash, WHY?",26 I can't withdraw any money from my account. Ive tried a couple different ATM machines and both of them wouldn't give me my money. What's going on? Is my account frozen or something?,26 Why was my atm withdrawl declined,26 why would i be declined if i had money iin my account,26 Why was my cash withdrawal cancelled at the ATM?,26 Why can't I withdraw cash?,26 Why am I unable to withdrawal cash?,26 I just had my card get declined at the ATM! I need to get money out but I am unable to. Why has this happened?,26 I entered the correct pin but I still couldnt get funds.,26 My card wont work at an ATM,26 "Why does the ATM continually decline my card? I've tried multiple times on different machines with the same results. I thought I had enough funds for this, so please help me understand why this is happening.",26 i entered my pin in wrong and got it frozen. how many tries do i have,26 This is the first time I've tried to get my money out of an ATM and it didn't work. Please give me my money,26 Why am I having trouble withdrawing cash?,26 "I tried to make a withdrawal from the ATM, but it was cancelled.",26 I could not get money from an ATM,26 I think I am having an issue with withdraws on my card. It was declined on the way to work this morning. This hasn't happened in the past.,26 I attempted to get money in cash but it was refused!,26 My ATM withdrawal was cancelled,26 I might need a new card because it's not working at any of the ATMs. I don't think ive used all my money. Why is it doing this?,26 "Please check my Card. As Withdrawal was working fine so far, but this morning suddenly got declined. Can you please check the problem?",26 "I tried to withdraw some funds from my card, but was declined. How can I get my money?",26 I can't get the ATM to give me any cash,26 I am unable to get cash from the ATM,26 How come the ATM won't give me my money?,26 I tried to withdraw cash from your ATM but my transaction was cancelled.,26 Why did the ATM cancel my transaction,26 Why wouldn't the ATM give me cash?,26 Why wouldn't my withdrawal go through?,26 I attempted to get cash in the ATM but I was denied,26 The ATM didnt let me get cash,26 Why am I unable to withdraw money even though in the past I've done it just fine?,26 I was declined when I tried to take out cash!,26 how come i was declined,26 What does it mean when a payment is pending?,45 Could you please tell me why my purchases from this morning say payment is pending?,45 The purchase I made is still pending.,45 Is there a problem with the payment that I see is still pending?,45 There is a payment that I made that hasn't gone through yet.,45 How long does it actually take for a card payment to go through? There's one stuck since a couple days already that doesn't seem to move,45 Why does my payment appear as pending?,45 How long does a payment usually show as pending? Is it normal that mine is still pending?,45 Why is my payment in pending status?,45 I have a card payment which shows as pending,45 I made a payment with my card and it hasn't changed. How long do you think this will take?,45 Why is the payment showing as pending from things I bought this morning?,45 I made a card payment which is showing me pending.,45 Why are my payments not working and show pending?,45 "I put in a payment a while ago and it has still not cleared and is showing up as ""pending"", how long does it take to clear?",45 Why are the things I bought earlier today still showing as pending?,45 Card payment still pending.,45 "My card payment is just showing up as pending since forever, what's going on with that, it should be going through at some point?",45 I have a payment that has not gone through yet,45 "I initiated a payment a while ago and it is still showing as ""pending"", how long will it take to clear?",45 Why is my purchase showing as pending?,45 How long will it take for my payment to go through?,45 After making a payment with my card it doesn't seem to have worked. It's just showing to be pending. When will this actually be going through?,45 "It says ""pending payment?"" Why is it saying this?",45 Is there a reason my payments are pending?,45 Why is my card payment still a pending transaction?,45 "Card payment is still pending, why is that the case?",45 I have been waiting for my card payment to be moved from pending status for an unusually long time. What is going on here and do you have an idea of when I can expect it to go through?,45 How come my card payment is still pending?,45 I notice there's a pending payment on my card.,45 How is my card payment still pending?,45 Why is my card payment still pending?,45 What does pending payment mean?,45 Why is my payment still pending?,45 What does it mean when it says that I have a payment that is pending?,45 My card payment is showing pending however this transaction was a couple of days ago. Is there a reason why it it still pending?,45 A card payment on my account is shown as pending.,45 Why is their a charge pending on my card still?,45 My card payment says pending and it hasn't changed,45 Card payment is showing as pending,45 What is the longest that a payment will show pending? There is one showing that has been sitting there a few days.,45 I tried to pay through my account but the payment is not going through. What's going on?,45 Why is the payment on my card still pending?,45 What's taking so long for this payment to go through?,45 Why haven't I gotten my payment yet?,45 It looks like a payment I've made hasn't made it through yet.,45 My card payment has had the status of pending forever. What is the issue? It should have gone through at some point.,45 A payment is pending,45 Why hasn't my card payment cleared yet?,45 I've made a card payment a couple of days ago now but it looks like the money is stuck. How long does it typically take for the payment to go through?,45 My payment is taking a long time to go through.,45 What does it mean if my payment is pending?,45 When will my payment go through?,45 My card payment still pending,45 How long does a payment show as pending before i should worry about it?,45 Why is my card payment pending?,45 I made a card payment by my card but it failed. Please let me know when the payment will get completed as its still pending.,45 "Hi, status of one of my card payment is still pending from a while. Please let e know how much time it will take to complete.",45 "After I make a payment, how long will it be before it transitions from ""pending"" to complete?",45 "My card payment is showing up as pending for a very long time, what's going on with that, it should be going through at some point?",45 My purchases from this morning are showing up as payment pending. Can you tell me why?,45 There is a payment that has not processed.,45 I'm still waiting on a payment,45 I need to find out why my pending payment hasn't gone through.,45 I am waiting for a payment to be processed,45 I don't understand why my card payment is pending. It has been pending for too long. Why is this and when might it go through?,45 "I did a payment with my card but seem that didn't work, it's still listed as pending since a while ago. When does this actually go through?",45 I need to know when a payment will actually go through. I completed a payment using my card but it is just showing as pending at this point and it has been a while ago.,45 When will the transaction go through?,45 My card payment has been stuck on pending. What is the problem? It should have gone through by now.,45 Why is the purchase I made this morning still pending?,45 A transaction on my card shows as pending.,45 I have a pending payment on my card. Why?,45 I have a card payment that has been pending for some time and would like to know when it is going to go through.,45 "I made a payment a while ago and it is still showing as ""pending"" in the account. How long will this payment take to complete?",45 What does a 'pending payment' mean?,45 "Hello, I made a payment with my card and it's not working. It's been a while and still says its pending. Can you tell when this will go through?",45 "Hi, One of payment is still coming as pending for which i have already paid by card. I guess it did not processed, could you please check and update me.",45 My purchase from this morning still is pending.,45 Why is my card payment still listed as pending?,45 One of my card payments looks like it's stuck but I have made the payment days ago. How long until the payment will be applied to my account?,45 I don't know what pending transaction means.,45 "My card payment is just showing up as pending since forever, what's going on with that, when should it be going through?",45 It says pending status for my payment. Why?,45 pending transaction?,45 I noticed that there's a payment on my card that's pending.,45 When is a payment I made with my card going to clear>,45 My card payment has been pending for a long time now. Why is it taking so long to take. It should have already made it through.,45 What does it mean if it says that my payment is pending?,45 Why are my purchases from this morning still pending?,45 "I was wondering why my payment hasn't gone through yet, its been a while.",45 My card payment has been on pending forever. What is the problem? It should have gone through at some time by now.,45 I did a card payment but its status is still coming as pending. Please check and inform when it would complete.,45 I have made a card payment but it did not completed still showing as pending. Please tell me when it will be completed.,45 Why hasn't my payment gone through?,45 Why is my card payment still pending? It should have gone through already.,45 "I made a purchase this morning, and it is showing as pending.",45 There is a single payment on my card which shows as pending.,45 How long does it actually take my card payment to make it to the account? I've made a payment a couple of days ago but it hasn't moved since.,45 How long does it take for my payment to process?,45 Why would my payment for my card show as pending?,45 Why aren't my payment funds available to me?,45 I got some items this morning but the payment says pending,45 Why is the payment I made still pending?,45 Is there a problem that makes my payments show pending?,45 I made a purchase earlier today but it is still listed as pending- when will it go through?,45 Why didn't my payment process,45 I have a payment that hasn't went through yet.,45 I made a payment but it's still pending,45 How long does it take for a new purchase to stop being considered pending?,45 I was wondering how long does it take for a payment to go thru? It seems my last payment is stuck and hasn't moved.,45 What is the cause of the delay in applying my card payment to my account?,45 Why would my payment still show as pending?,45 I have a payment which has not been approved.,45 What does it mean when it says I have a payment pending?,45 "There is a pending payment on my account, what does this mean?",45 Why has my card payment not yet been applied to my account?,45 I bought some things in the morning but the payment shows as pending,45 I don't know what a pending payment is.,45 why do I have a pending payment?,45 How long does it actually take for a card payment to go through? There's one stuck since a couple of days already that doesn't seem to move,45 I purchases several items today. Why are they still showing pending?,45 There is a payment showing as pending and hasn't posted for a few days. When will it post?,45 "I have made a payment by my card, and its still pending since a long time. Could you please tell me when it will process.",45 I completed a payment with my card a while ago. It's still showing up as pending. What time frame does this normally take? It doesn't appear to have worked.,45 The payment on my card shows as pending.,45 I have a payment that is still pending,45 I bought something this morning and the payment is still pending,45 "There is a pending transaction on my account, what does this mean?",45 I made a payment that's pending. Will it go through?,45 It's been a few days since I've tried to pay a seller but the funds aren't going through. What is happening?,45 I made a payment that seems to be stuck. It's been a couple of days already. Can you tell me how long it will take?,45 I made a payment that is not yet complete.,45 Why hasn't my payment shown up yet?,45 What is the meaning of a pending payment?,45 My payment is in the app but hasn't gone through yet,45 How many days does a regular transaction take to complete? I see a pending payment that hasn't changed in the last several days.,45 Why hasn't my payment gone through yet?,45 My payment's stuck on pending.,45 Is there a reason my payment is still pending?,45 What's the pending length for credit transactions? I've had one in my pending category now for days and it won't move to processed.,45 How long does it take for a payment to change from pending?,45 My credit card payment has been in pending status for a super long time. I don't get it. Why is it like this? When will it go through?,45 Why hasn't payment gone through yet?,45 Why is this payment pending?,45 Why is the payment from my card still pending?,45 What is the pending payment on my card about?,45 "It says that my payment is pending, what does that mean?",45 I tried to make a payment with my card and it was declined. Why is it pending?,45 Why is it saying I have a pending payment?,45 "Is there something wrong with my card payment? It's been pending a really, really long time.",45 My purchases from this morning still have pending payments.,45 When will my pending payment finish?,45 "I used my card to make a payment a while ago and its still pending, Why is it taking so long?",45 How long does it take for a purchase to go from pending to authorised?,45 "My card has been pending for a while, what should I do?",45 There is a payment that i made that i noticed has not gone thru yet. Can i ask why?,45 "My card payment is just showing up as pending and it has been a while , what's going on with that, it should be going through at some point?",45 How long will my payment be pending?,45 "My phone was stolen, what should I do first?",42 "My phone was stolen, what should I do?",42 "I lost my phone, what should I do?",42 "Someone has stolen my phone, what should I do?",42 I think I lost my phone. Is there a way to prevent anyone from getting into my account on it?,42 My phone was stolen! What do I need to do?,42 Can I use the app without my phone?,42 "My bag was stolen from me yesterday, so I can't use any apps or anything. I need some help.",42 "Someone stole my phone, what is my next step?",42 "I forgot my phone at the hotel, so I can't access the app.",42 "Help, my phone was stolen, please advise!",42 my phone was lost,42 I need help- I got mugged yesterday and they took everything so I can't use the app.,42 I can't find my phone and I'm worried someone is going to use it,42 I lost my phone! Will my card still work?,42 I can not find my phone or it has been stolen.,42 I can't use the app because I got mugged yesterday and they took everything. Please help.,42 Can you tell me what i steps i should take since my card was stolen?,42 What do I do if my phone was stolen?,42 What do I do if I can't access the app?,42 What do I do if my phone is stolen?,42 I left my phone somewhere and can't use the app.,42 Someone mugged my and stole everything. I can't use the app. What should I do?,42 "I got mugged yesterday and they took everything. I can't use the app, so I need some help.",42 I am not sure where my phone is.,42 "If my phone was stolen, do I need to do anything?",42 Please help! I was mugged and everything stolen. What do I do to stop them from accessing my account?,42 I have an emergency and lost my phone. I need help accessing my account.,42 "stolen phone, what should i do",42 Help me. My phone has been lost or stolen!,42 My app was on the phone and I was mugged. What do I do?,42 I don't have the device I used to log onto the platform so I can't access it.,42 I lost my phone. Can I use my card without the app?,42 What should I do if my smart phone is lost or stolen?,42 "If I lost my phone, what steps do I need to take to stop someone from using my account?",42 Can someone else use my account if they have my phone? I lost mine.,42 "My phone was stolen, help!",42 "phone is gone, what should i do",42 "I'm currently not in possession of my phone, is it still possible to go about things normally without access to the app?",42 I lost my phone. Can I disable to app?,42 "phone is gone, dont want others to access account information",42 Is there something that I can do since my phone was stolen yesterday?,42 I think my phone was stolen. What can I do?,42 Is it possible to access my phone from the hotel/,42 I lost my phone. What do I need to do?,42 Someone has taken my phone from my hotel room!,42 Can my account me accessed by a thief? I was mugged.,42 My phone is missing or stolen.,42 I misplaced my phone so I can't use the app! Does this mean I can't use my card?,42 I left my phone at the hotel I was staying at so I can't use the app!,42 "My phone was stolen yesterday, can you help me with this?",42 I was recently mugged and would like to know if I have to have access to the app to use your services and how I would go about setting up your services on a new device belonging to a current user?,42 My phone is at the hotel. How can I use the app?,42 My cards were stolen,42 My phone has been lost or stolen,42 my phone has been stolen by someone,42 What should I do if someone stole my phone?,42 My phone has been stolen. How can I make sure no one uses my account from it?,42 Can I use your services without access to the app?,42 I was mugged. They took everything. I can't use the app. What do I do?,42 How do I protect my phone from someone using it after I lost it.,42 My phone was left behind. Can I still use my card?,42 phone is gone,42 I just replaced my phone so do I have to make a new account?,42 "Everything I have was stolen yesterday making it so I don't have access to the app, what should I do?",42 I don't have my mobile device and am unable to make the payment because I forgot my details.,42 What do I do if I lost my phone?,42 I don't have my cell phone with me so I cannot access the system to complete the transaction.,42 "I no longer have my phone, what should I do?",42 I lost my phone and need help so someone doesn't access my account.,42 Yesterday I had my phone stolen. Please advise what I should do.,42 I lost my phone and need help protecting it.,42 I don't know where my phone is.,42 I can't use the app because I got mugged yesterday and they took everything. I need some help.,42 What should I do if my phone is lost or stolen?,42 What do I do if I cannot access the app?,42 I have lost my phone.,42 what to do about stolen phone,42 "I have lost my phone, what steps can I take to prevent someone using my account?",42 Is there anything to do because my phone was stolen?,42 Help! I think my phone may be stolen or lost!,42 "I no longer have my phone with the app, what should I do?",42 Can I still access the app even though my phone was stolen?,42 What do I do to lock my phone after losing it so my account isn't accessed,42 I no longer have my phone.,42 "I cannot get to my app, what should I do?",42 Yesterday my phone was stolen from me :( What do i need to do about it?,42 "My phone got stolen, how can I use the app?",42 "My phone was stolen, what can I do?",42 I accidentally left my phone at the hotel so now I'm not able to use the app.,42 How can I access my account when I have lost my phone?,42 I have lost my phone or it has been stolen.,42 I can't find my phone; what can I do to prevent someone from accessing my account on it?,42 What should I do if I lost my phone?,42 My phone was left at a hotel and I can't access the app.,42 "Hi, I lost my phone yesterday, what can I do to stop someone using my account on it?",42 "I cannot find my phone, what should I do?",42 My phone is missing.,42 Do I need my phone to use the app?,42 "left my phone at hotel, cant use app",42 How do I use my card if I lost my phone?,42 hello I have lost my phone and I'm worried someone's going to steal money from me,42 "If I lost my phone, how can I stop someone from accessing my account through the app?",42 "My phone was taken yesterday, is there something that I need to do?",42 I can't use the app. My phone is lost at the hotel.,42 "If I lost my phone at the hotel, can I still use the app?",42 I'm not sure where my phone is. Can someone else use the app?,42 "my phone was taken yesterday, what should I do about my account?",42 "My phone is lost I don't want someone to use my account, what can I do?",42 My phone has been stolen.,42 I just replaced my phone but how do I use my card information?,42 What do I do if my smart phone was stolen?,42 How can I stop someone from using my card after I lost it yesterday.,42 Do I need to do anything? My phone was stolen yesterday.,42 Help! What should I do? My phone was stolen yesterday.,42 I left my phone at the hotel.,42 Everything was stolen from me. I can't use the app. Please advise.,42 My things were stolen and I need to know if I can still use this app.,42 "lost my phone, what is account security?",42 I lost my phone. What do I do to block someone else from using my account?,42 "phone is at a hotel, can i still use app",42 How long does it take to get a refund on something I bought?,52 Please tell me how to get a refund for something I bought.,52 Can i cancel this purchase?,52 I want to return an item for a refund can I do that?,52 Can I request a refund,52 "I am not sure how this will work, but I have not received a product I ordered. I want a refund, but should I just cancel the payment?",52 Where do I go for a refund?,52 I'm interested in learning more about product refunds.,52 do you offer refunds? i would like to return purchase.,52 What's the procedure for canceling a purchase?,52 I need to cancel a purchase that I made the other day.,52 Hello. How do i go about getting a refund of an item i bought ? I want to cancel the payment since i have not received the item yet.,52 "I need a refund and cancel a transaction on an item I purchased and i need it as soon as possible, please!",52 i bought the wrong size and would like a refund,52 I want to know about your refund policy.,52 Can I cancel an order if I haven't received the item yet? And how can I get my money back? Please help. Thanks.,52 "Hey I want to get a refund on something I bought, but not sure how to go about it. Can you please just cancel the payment, I have not received the item yet.",52 I am quite aggravated that I ordered online almost a month ago and I never got my package and I paid for it. I would really appreciate it if I could get a full refund back now.,52 My statement has a charge that shouldn't have been made.,52 My product hasn't arrived even though I ordered it a while ago. I want a refund!,52 Is there a way you can have money from a purchase I made refunded to my account.,52 I've changed my mind on an item. How do I get a refund?,52 "I decided I no long want something that I ordered, and want a refund. How do I go about doing that?",52 How do I get a refund for something I bought?,52 I made a purchase recently but I have decided that I'm not buying it and I need to receive my money back. Can you please give me a refund ASAP. It's extremely urgent.,52 Please help me get a refund?,52 What is the refund policy?,52 I just bought an item and changed my mind. I have not received it yet how can I get refunded. Thank you.,52 Are refunds allowed for certain items.,52 I need to cancel a purchase?,52 I have an incorrect charge and would like a refund.,52 I want a refund on the things i bought,52 I would like my money back for an item I purchased,52 Please could you give me a refund,52 "If I bought something I didn't like, can I get a refund?",52 I bought something that I need a refund for.,52 I want to cancel a purchase,52 Am I able to get a refund for something I bought?,52 "My order hasn't shown up yet, what can I do?",52 My package is taking too long to arrive and I don't want it anymore. Can I get a refund?,52 I would like to cancel my order.,52 I want this fee reversed from my account.,52 I want a refund,52 I'd like to discuss an order I placed quite a long time ago. I have yet to receive it and am growing upset. I want a refund as I now refuse to pay for the product.,52 I ordered something online a while ago and I haven't gotten it. I would like a refund.,52 "I received the wrong color and size, can I return it?",52 Is it possible to get a refund?,52 What's your refund policy if I bought an item from you?,52 I want to cancel my purchase,52 Can I get an item refunded?,52 Please help! I need a refund on a transaction on something I bought and I need the refund right away!,52 I purchased this item and would like a refund,52 Hello I changed my mind and really need a refund on one of things I bought recently. Can you please cancel the transaction and get me my money back. Pls it's urgent,52 How can I get a refund for an item I purchased but has not yet arrived?,52 Can you please assist on my item that needs to be refunded?,52 I didn't enjoy my tutor session and want a refund back. How do I go about doing this?,52 I would like to cancel my previous purchase.,52 Can you please refund my item?,52 I made a purchase and would like to get a refund for what I bought can you have the money put back in my account?,52 "Hey, I ordered a thing but changed my mind and want a refund on it. Since I haven't received the thing, would you just go ahead and cancel the payment for me?",52 Can I have my money refunded for an item,52 What do I need to do for a refund?,52 I am interested in cancelling a purchase,52 "It's been over a month and i still haven't received my goods! I ordered a pencil for crying out loud, it's not that hard to deliver that! I'm done with these people, give me a refund immediately! I'll search for my Japanese exclusive pencil elsewhere!",52 How do I get my money back for something I bought?,52 "Hi need your help for getting the refund or cancel the payment of an item, i have ordered but still have not received it.",52 "I need your help to get a refund for an item I just bought, can you cancel the payment since what I bought hasn't arrived yet.",52 How do I reverse a transaction on my account?,52 Am I able to get a refund for a purchase?,52 I need a refund for something I bought.,52 I want a refund for my item,52 Can I receive a refund for an item I purchased?,52 Give me a refund,52 I want a refund on this.,52 Is it possible to have an item refunded?,52 I made an online purchase and the order has not shown up. Give me my money back.,52 What is the refund procedure?,52 Hello I changed my mind and really need a refund on something I bought recently. Can you please cancel the transaction and get me my money back. Please it's urgent.,52 How do I begin the process of a refund?,52 I bought something and want the money refunded can I get some help with that?,52 What is your refund policy for products I have purchased?,52 I would like to receive a refund for something I bought.,52 My product was faulty.,52 I need a refund. This is not what i wanted.,52 I bought something online a week ago and i never got it in the mail.Can I just get my money back now I don't want to keep waiting on something that isn't going to show up.,52 Can I get a refund on an item?,52 I think I deserve a refunded on a certain item.,52 "I bought a product a week ago, but may need to return it.",52 I would like to cancel my purchase.,52 "Hello, I recently ordered an item and I need help with cancelling and processing a refund as soon as possible. It's very important that I get my refund quickly.",52 I would like to cancel a purchase.,52 I ordered online weeks ago and I never received my package in the mail and I don't want to wait any more. So if I could get my money back now that would be great.,52 Can i have the item refunded?,52 I did not get the item I ordered. How should I go about this? Should I just cancel my order or my payment? Please help me.,52 It has been forever ago that I made an order online. The product simply is not coming. Just give me back my money because I'm not paying these people.,52 "I want a refund, but I haven't received the item yet. Can I cancel it and get my funds back? How do I do that.",52 I'm going to cancel a purchase.,52 Am I able to return an item for a refund?,52 How do I go about getting a refund?,52 How can i get a refund for something i just bought?,52 Do you give refunds?,52 tell me how to get a refund for something I bought.,52 "I don't want to buy this car anymore, can I cancel the transaction and get a quick refund back?",52 "I'd like to get a refund for something I bought, is that possible?",52 I changed my mind on something I purchased through you and I need the transaction canceled and a refund as soon as possible. Can you help me please?,52 is it possible to get a refund for something I purchased?,52 I want to get a refund.,52 How do I request a refund?,52 How do I get my refund back?,52 Would I be able to refund an item?,52 I want my purchases cancelled.,52 How can I get a refund for a purchase?,52 "I need to refund my item, can you please help?",52 How do I get a refund for an item I bought?,52 "How can I get my money back on an order. I haven't gotten the item yet, so I want to cancel the order. How?",52 Do you have a return policy?,52 I am unhappy with an item I bought. How do I get a refund?,52 I would like to report an issue with my product and want to get it refunded,52 "I've been waiting for something that i've ordered for months now and it still hasn't arrived. I genuinely don't know what this company is doing, but put plainly, i've had enough. Please issue a refund immediately, i would not like to waste anymore of my time on these people.",52 How can I go about getting a refund?,52 "the product is not working, can I get a refund?",52 My order needs to be canceled.,52 "Give me back my money, I'm not paying the sellers. It has been a long time ago that I made an order and it just isn't coming.",52 "I ordered something, and now I have buyer's remorse. Since what I ordered hasn't come yet, can you just cancel the payment since I already know I want a refund for it?",52 Can I return an item?,52 I need my purchase cancelled.,52 How do I cancel a purchase?,52 I would like it if I could get an item refunded,52 I bought an item and now I want a refund.,52 I need to cancel a payment. Something i purchased a while ago still has not arrived and i'm not going to pay them if they won't send me what I purchased.,52 I would like to return my purchases,52 What is the refund process?,52 Can you please help me in canceling my order.,52 Can you refund my purchase?,52 "I just bought an item and would like to stop payment, is this possible? The item has not been received yet.",52 "Hello, I have recently made a purchase and have decided to cancel my purchase. Is there any way that you can cancel that transaction for me so I can get the money back? It's very important.",52 I have not received an item i ordered yet so i want to cancel it and get a refund. Can you please guide me on how to go about it?,52 I bought something and now I want a refund.,52 Canceling my order is what I need to do right now.,52 Are purchases returnable for full refund?,52 I want to talk about an order that I placed a long time ago and have yet to receive. I demand a refund due to lack of delivery of the product! I refuse to pay for something I never got.,52 I need this item refunded,52 It's been some time ago that I placed an order and it just isn't coming. At this point just give me back my money because I'm not paying them.,52 "Hello-Can you please help me get a refund from this merchant? I ordered a product and would like to return it. I have been unsuccessful in getting the merchant to return my request for the past several days. I understand it can take up to 45 days to process the dispute and issue a refund, however, if this can be expedited faster it would be very helpful to me.",52 I need to have an item refunded.,52 I want a refund for an item,52 How do I return something for a full refund?,52 "I did not receive my purchase, how do I cancel it?",52 How does on apply fora refund on an item he ordered? I ordere an item and have not received it yet so i want to cancel it and get a refund,52 Is it possible to get a refund for the item?,52 Can you help me process a refund?,52 Is it possible to refund an item?,52 I just bought an item and would like to stop payment can you tell me if the item has been sent yet?,52 i haven't received my order and want a refund,52 Hello I changed my mind and want a refund on one of things I bought recently. Can you please cancel the transaction and get me my money back. Please it's urgent.,52 I would like my refund for this item I bought.,52 Can I get my money back on an item?,52 I would like to retract my purchase.,52 I would like to get an item refunded,52 "Hello, i'd like to inform you of an issue i'm currently experiencing. The goods i have ordered from your website have still not arrived yet; it has been over 3 weeks. I would like to be issued a refund swiftly and be redirected to more competent people. Thank you for your assistance.",52 What is the return policy?,52 I'm cancelling this charge. I still have not received what I bought from these people a while ago.,52 Can I get a refund?,52 Can I have a refund for one of your products?,52 Can I exchange an item for a refund?,52 I want to have an item refunded can I do that?,52 "Can you explain your refund policy, please?",52 How do I receive a refund for my item?,52 I no longer want this can i cancel my purchase?,52 "Transfer unable to be completed, states 'declined'",27 Why was my transfer request decline?,27 My transfer was rejected,27 I tried to buy something online yesterday and got a message saying declined. I tried again today and got the same message. What's the problem?,27 "I am having trouble doing a transfer. A ""Decline "" message appears after making the transfer.",27 the bank transfer was declined,27 "Why do you keep declining my transfers? It's been working well so far, but when I just tried to buy something, the card got declined. I tried it a few times, but same thing happened every try.",27 why was a transfer declined,27 "While doing a transfer, it says declined.",27 I have transfered to my account before but it is being declined now?,27 Transfer was declined.,27 Please check and let me know why my transfers are getting declined.,27 Tell me why my transfer is declined.,27 I see my transfer was declined.,27 Explain to me why a transfer would be declined.,27 Why has my transfer been declined?,27 Why would my transfer be declined?,27 Why did you decline my transfer?,27 Why do you keep declining my transfers? it's always been working really well so far but when I tried to buy something just now the card got declined . I tried couple of times already but same thing is happening .,27 I have a problem with a transfer. It didn't work. Can you tell me why?,27 Transfer declined.,27 I am trying to make a transfer to a different account but they keep getting declined. I have double checked all the details and the information is correct.,27 "Why did my transfer not work, it says it was declined?",27 I have no idea why but my transfers keep getting declined. I have double checked all the recipient details several times already and they're definitely correct.,27 I tried to buy something over the Internet yesterday and got a declined error. I tried again today and got the same message. What is the issue?,27 "I was doing a transfer and received a ""decline"" message.",27 How do I make my transfer go through,27 My transfer was not approved,27 I noticed my transfer was declined.,27 I tried to buy something online yesterday but it kept saying declined. Tried another time today but same thing happened. What's Broken?,27 Why would I get a decline message in a transfer?,27 Why was one of my transfers declined?,27 Why am I getting declines when trying to make a purchase online?,27 I have been trying to make transfers to another account but I keep getting a declined notice. I have checked all of my information more than once and my information is accurate.,27 "I tried to buy something and it was declined and my transfers keep getting declined, Why?",27 "I have been doing some online shopping, but when checking out, it keeps getting declined. I tried a few times and it wouldn't work. What could be wrong?",27 "It seems you keep declining my transfers. Before, it's always worked very well.Just now when I tried to buy something the card was declined. I tried more than once and it was the same thing each time.",27 I need to make a transfer but it keeps getting declined I need Help!,27 Can you tell me why my transfer declined?,27 "On my transfer there was a ""decline"" message",27 "Hello, my transfers are getting failed continuously, in spite of the fact that all the recipient details are correct. Please advise.",27 "I get a ""decline"" message when doing a transfer",27 It declined my transfer.,27 My recent transfer didn't go through - why not?,27 How do I make sure my transfer isn't goin to an unsupported merchant?,27 What went wrong with my transfer?,27 "I'm having issues with my card. You guys keep declining it for some reason. I haven't had any issues up until this point. What is going on? I've tried a handful of times with the same, unfortunate, result!",27 How can I check for an unsupported merchant for my transfer request?,27 Why are my transfers getting declined?,27 I couldn't make a transfer because it was declined,27 Shopping on line I was declined when trying to buy something.,27 How come my transfer got declined,27 What does the decline message mean,27 "I can't make any transfers, they won't go through, the details are correct as I checked them. Can you look in to this please?",27 How do I contact customer support about my declined transfer?,27 "Transfer was declined, could not complete request.",27 It appears my transfer was declined.,27 "Hello. My credit keeps being declined, last night and again today, as I try to buy something. What is the status of my card?",27 I have a transfer that was declined.,27 I don't have any idea what's going on but all of my transfers keep getting declined. I have double-checked over all of my recipient names and they are correct.,27 What would be a reason my transfer got declined?,27 I was declined a transfer,27 Why did my transfer get declined?,27 I am unable to transfer money. I believe it is not working because it states it was declined.,27 I was making a purchase and it was declined and I wanted to know why.,27 Why do transfers get declined?,27 "Hi, during online shopping payment is getting declined yesterday and today as well. Please check the issue.",27 Please help me as my online payment is getting declined since yesterday while i am trying to purchase something online.,27 "It's declining my transfers. Normally this works, but my card is being declined now and I've tried more than once.",27 I tried to transfer but it was declined,27 Seems like my transfer was declined how come?,27 Help me figure out why my transfer was declined,27 I didn't see any reason why my transfer was declined. What gives?,27 Tell me why my transfer was declined.,27 I got a message that my transfer was declined.,27 My transfer was declined. What might the reason be?,27 I tried to do a transfer but I got a message that it was declined.,27 "I had everything lined up to make a transfer, and then it rejected it.",27 Why are my transfers and purchases keep getting declined?,27 how come my transfer declined,27 "What do I do with my ""decline"" message on a transfer?",27 I tried to buy something online yesterday and was told declined. I got the same error today after trying again. What is the problem?,27 Why did my payment get declined?,27 "My transfer was declined, why is that?",27 I've made more than one attempt to make a purchase and the card keeps getting declined. Why do you keep denying my transfers?,27 "Could not complete transfer, states 'declined'",27 I'm having problems making a transfer to another account. I keep getting a declined message. I know that the information I'm putting in is accurate because I have checked it more than once.,27 My transfer has been declined.,27 I wanted to know why my transaction didn't go through.,27 "Unable to complete transfer, states 'declined'",27 I received a decline message on a transfer,27 "I wanted to buy something online yesterday, but I could not because the card got declined on the day of and the following day. What is wrong with the card?",27 why did i get declined transfer,27 I am sure I have plenty of money to transfer but my transfer is being declined.,27 Why are my transfers being declined? It normally works but now it's declining my card. I've tried it a few times but it's still not working.,27 Is there a reason my transfer would have been declined?,27 "I received a ""declined"" message when doing a transfer",27 Why did I get declined during a transfer?,27 It says the transfer wasn't accepted.,27 I can't seem to figure out why my transfers are getting declined.,27 I tried to do a transfer and it's saying it declined.,27 I tried to buy something online yesterday but it kept saying declined. Tried again today but same thing happened. What's wrong?,27 "I'm trying to move money from my account to elsewhere, but it's giving me an error message.",27 I have tried a couple of times to make a purchase and my card keeps getting declined. Why do you keep denying my transfers? I have already tried a couple of times and it's not working.,27 unsupported transfer declined,27 Why would my transfer result in a decline message?,27 The transfer that I was trying to complete was declined. What was the cause?,27 I got declined when attempting a transfer,27 What are the reasons for a declined transfer?,27 Why would you cancel my transfer?,27 My transfer was declined. Why did this happen?,27 Why does my card continually get declined? I thought I had enough money in there but I've tried several times now and it still isn't working.,27 "please help me with this transfer, for some reason i can't transfer to a cryptocurency account",27 Transfer could not be completed due to being declined.,27 I just noticed my transfer was declined and I don't know why. Can you help me?,27 I have been trying to make a transfer and it won't go through. I have checked all the receipts and its all correct but still won't let me do it.,27 I got a declining message during a transfer? please tell me why,27 I think there has been a mistake with my transfer,27 I have double-checked all of my recipient details but for some reason all of my transfers keep getting declined. I have no clue as to why.,27 Why are my transfers getting declined? I havent had a problem in the past.,27 Help me. My transfer was declined. How could this happen?,27 "i have tried everything to complete a transfer but can't, what should i do next",27 I don't know what's going on but all of my transfers keep getting declined. I have checked over the recipient details twice. These details are all correct.,27 "Hi, Yesterdays i was unable to do online shopping as it was getting declined. Today I am facing the same issue. Please help me in this respect.",27 "My transfers keep on getting declined. My card was working fine up until now, however it has suddenly stopped working. Why is this?",27 I went to do a transfer and it was declined.,27 "Why are all my transfers failing? I have the details right and they won't complete. I've been trying all day and they still won't go through, this is URGENT, please help.",27 "Declined, transfer not completed.",27 I saw that my transfer was declined.,27 "Why do you keep declining my transfers? it's always been working really well so far but when I tried to buy something just now the card got declined, I tried couple of times already but same thing is happening.",27 How can I find a way to transfer money without it being rejected?,27 I have a problem with my account. I tried to transfer some funds and the message came back declined. Can you help me?,27 Please explain why my transfer attempt was declined. Thank you.,27 "I don't see my refund money yet in my account. I asked the merchant a while ago for a refund, so I don't know what's taking so long. Can you look into it and see if the money is there, just not in my account yet?",51 Why am I missing my refund,51 Please help me. I am still waiting on a refund.,51 I requested a refund but am unable to see it in my account. Why is that?,51 When will my refund come through,51 Why is my refund not showing up on the statement?,51 I need my refund,51 why cant you just refund me instead of a merchant,51 Why haven't I received a refund yet?,51 when will I get my refund?,51 They said I would get a refund but I don't see it on my statement.,51 A refund is taking too long.,51 "I requested a refund from a merchant a while ago, and upon repeatedly checking my statement, the merchant has yet to refund me my money. I don't know what's going on, or why the money is getting into my account--could you please help?",51 Why isn't my refund showing up in my statement?,51 I can't see a refund for a return I completed recently.,51 How come my refund hasn't appeared on my statement?,51 Why am I still waiting for my refund,51 I keep checking my statements but nothing shows up. I requested a refund a long time ago but seems it's not reaching my account for some reason. Would you please help me get the money back from the seller.,51 Why is my refund not visible on my statement?,51 The refund doesn't show in my account,51 I have not received a refund.,51 Where is my recent refund in the my statement?,51 I am missing a refund amount on my account.,51 I asked for a refund but its not here yet,51 I have a missing refund,51 i need a refund right away but the funds aren't available in my account,51 When will my returned transaction show up on my account?,51 There is a refund missing.,51 "My refund has not arrived, and I am unsure why. Who do I contact?",51 I need my refund as soon as possible. What else do I have to do?,51 I can't see my refund in my history.,51 The refund isn't appearing in my account,51 How can I check if I have received a refund if it is not yet on my statement?,51 Why isn't a refund showing on my statement?,51 I can not find my refund.,51 "I requested a refund from a merchant several days ago, but don't see anything showing up in my account yet. Can you check on your end to see if the money has reached you guys?",51 I am waiting on the refund,51 How can I investigate a missing refund?,51 "Hi, Last week I have contacted the seller for a refund as directed by you, but i have not received the money yet. Please look into this issue with seller and help me in getting the refund.",51 I still don't have a refund.,51 Transaction refund missing from my statement.,51 I am suppose to be getting a refund from something I purchased but it hasn't showed up in my account.,51 I've been waiting for a refund where is it?,51 I was supposed to get a refund but it is not showing up on my card,51 I've been waiting for a refund to show up and I don't see it on my statement yet.,51 I cannot see a refund in my account,51 Give me a refund now!! I am still waiting.,51 I made a purchase a few weeks ago but wasn't happy with it so recently requested a refund from the supplier. Can you check where the money is?,51 my refund has not hit my account yet,51 Why hasn't my refund been appiled to my account?,51 My refund has not yet been credited on my statement,51 My refund is not showing.,51 When do I see my recent refund in my statement,51 Why isn't my refund shown on my statement?,51 "Hello. I bought an item a while ago, and have since requested a refund. However, upon checking my online statements, it seems that I haven't been issued a refund yet. How can this be remedied?",51 "Hurry and refund me, I am waiting",51 "I received a refund, however I cannot see it in my account",51 I was supposed to get a refund but I do not see it on my statement. When is it going to be updated?,51 I did all that was asked of me and I am rather frustrated. I don't understand why you just won't credit me my money back. I have contacted the seller and nothing has been done. It's been a week!,51 How will I know when I get my refund?,51 "It's been more than a week since I had a return charged to my card, why hasn't it showed up?",51 My refund isn't going fast enough.,51 My account isn't showing the refund,51 I requested a refund from a merchant but don't see the money in my account. Are you able to check with the merchant or process the refund manually?,51 The refund I asked for isn't showing up,51 The refund on my account hasn't shown up,51 I'm supposed to have a refund but it isn't there,51 My statement has not shown my refund.,51 No refund showing in my statement.,51 I can't see all the refunds in my statement,51 "I'm expecting a large refund from a store I returned merchandise to recently. They say they have sent the money but I don't see it in my account, can you help.",51 A while ago i requested a refund from a seller. I keep checking my statement but I have not been refunded yet. I'm confused why i haven't gotten my money back yet but I need your help getting it please.,51 Please update me on whether you have received the funds for the refund of the large purchase I made recently. I have requested this from the merchant days ago but still haven't got anything.,51 I cannot find my refund on my statement.,51 "I have received my statement but I do not see my refund, why is that?",51 What is taking so long with my refund?,51 Can you tell me why a refund I'm owed is not showing on my statement?,51 I requested a refund directly from the seller but I still don't have it. I just want you to send me my money back. I did what you said to do and I still don't have it.,51 when should I receive my refund,51 Card refund is not showing up in my statement.,51 Why is my refund missing in my statement?,51 Please send my refund now.,51 "Hi! A seller that I requested a refund from a long time ago has yet to send the money into my account, even though I keep checking it. Can the seller be contacted by you guys to see what's going on?",51 Why is the refund not on my statement?,51 My refund is still pending,51 I requested a refund from Next because the dress I purchased had three arm holes. They said they sent the refund last Wednesday which is nearly a week ago and I still don't have it. Why not?,51 Where is my refund? it appears to be missing.,51 who should i contact if my refund doesn't go through?,51 "Please, I need your help as to whether or not you have money for a large refunded purchase I made. I requested it some time ago from the seller, but nothing is showing up.",51 I requested a refund for a large order the other day and don't think I received the funds. Can you tell me if you see them or not?,51 Why isn't my refund showing up?,51 I contacted the seller and he won't respond. Please just refund me my money.,51 I am still waiting for a refund,51 "I requested a refund from a seller a while ago, but when I check my statements it doesn't show up. Can you help me get my refund.",51 I was supposed to get a refund but I do not see it.,51 I contacted a seller about a refund last week but he still hasn't returned my money. I am frustrated and need these funds. Please help me get my money back.,51 I am noticing that a refund of a large purchase still has not been credited to my account. I contacted the merchant a few days ago and he assured me that he would submit it right away. Is there a status update?,51 Hi I'm waiting for a refund for an item I bought. I have contacted the merchant directly but had nothing back. Can you tell me whether or not you are able to refund me for the item?,51 "Would you please tell me the status of my refund request for a large purchase I made not long ago? I contacted the merchant nearly a week ago, but haven't received it.",51 I can't find my refund. Please help.,51 I requested a refund but can't see it.,51 "I keep checking to see if I've received a refund that I requested from a seller, but I'm not seeing the refund. I need you to help me get the refund.",51 how does my statement get updated so i know when a refund will reflect on my balance,51 Can I check my recent refund in my statement?,51 "I was suppose to be getting a refund for something I purchased a while ago, but It still hasnt been applied to my account. When will I get my money back?",51 My refund has not shown up on my statement.,51 what is the status of my refund,51 "Hello. Please, would you tell me if you have or have not received funds for a refund that I recently requested for a big purchase? I've contacted the merchant, but I can't tell that they have taken any action on it.",51 Did I not get my refund? I don't see it.,51 I am still waiting to find out the status of my refund. I have made previous attempts to find out what the status is to no avail. Will you please look into this for me?,51 I keep checking my statements but nothing shows up! I requested a refund a long time ago but seems it's not reaching my account for some reason. Can you please help me get the money back from the seller for me,51 I contacted the seller for a direct refund last week but he still hasn't give me my money. What should I do?,51 I cannot view the refunded amount in my account.,51 Why hasn't my refund appeared on my statement?,51 My refund is not showing up in my account. Where is it?,51 My refund has not shown up in my account. Where is it?,51 When can I expect my refund?,51 How long will it take to refund me,51 I keep checking my statements but no progress.I requested a refund but seems it's not reaching my account for some reason. Can you please help me get the money back from the seller for me,51 "Can you let me know where my refund money is? I requested a refund a few days back, but it's not showing up yet. Do you guys have the money yet? Maybe it's just not in my account. Let me know when it will become available, please.",51 My statement does not reflect that a refund has been issued,51 Why isn't my refund on my statement?,51 When will I be able to see the refund,51 My refund isn't showing up on my statement.,51 A refund for a recent return has not arrived on my card.,51 I am missing my refund.,51 I keep checking my statements but nothing shows up.I requested a refund a long time ago but seems like it's not submitting my account for some reason. Can you please help me get the money back from the seller for me,51 "Three months ago I bought a new house for my cat, fluffy. Unfortunately Fluffy was not a fan of the house and it had to be returned to Pet Smart last week. They said they have sent a refund but it's not there, can you tell me where it is?",51 How do I find the refund on my statement?,51 "i need a refund from you because the merchant is refusing, can you do that?",51 I returned an item but don't see it on my account?,51 "As advised by you, i requested seller to refund my money. A week has passed but i haven't got any update from seller. Please track the refund with the seller.",51 Why isn't my refund showing in my statement?,51 "I'm looking at my statement, and my refund is not on there.",51 I'm due a refund and it is not on my statement.,51 Why did I not get my refund yet?,51 Why hasn't my return cleared my account?,51 I was told I would be getting a refund but I have yet to see it,51 My refund isn't showing up,51 Is there a reason my refund isn't showing on my statement?,51 Are the funds I requested from a merchant a few days ago in my account? I do not see them.,51 "I'm supposed to be getting a refund but it hasn't shown up, now what?",51 My refund for a purchase hasn't cone through yet.,51 How long does it take for a refund to appear?,51 I don't see a refund in my account.,51 My refund is not here yet,51 "I am waiting on this refund, hurry up.",51 I returned something to a store but can't see my refund.,51 Can you tell me if a credit/refund is coming from a seller? I asked for refund directly from them and am still waiting. It's been a week now and i still havn't seen my refund yet.,51 Why can't I see my refund in my statement?,51 Where is the refund on my statement?,51 I should have a refund in my statement but I can't see it,51 I'm expecting a refund but it's no where to be seen,51 There is not a refund in my statement.,51 "I have checked my statements multiple times, but my refund that I requested a while back is not showing on my account. Is there a reason for this? Can I get some help getting my money back from this transaction?",51 Im not sure if a seller is giving me my money back! I asked them to refund my money for the item but It's been a week now and still nothing has been given back to me. Can you resolve this for me?,51 When will a refund post to my account?,51 When will I be able to see my refund?,51 "I made a big purchase that I regretted and cancelled, the merchant said that my refund was submitted. Can you confirm to me that all of my money was truly returned to me?",51 I've been checking my statement to see if I've received a refund I requested from a seller a while ago has arrived. But it has not. This should have come back to me already. Can you help me figure out why it's not here and get my money back?,51 Still waiting on my refund...,51 I can't see my refund on my account,51 I'm not sure why my card didn't work,25 My card is not working at stores.,25 Do you know why my card payment has been declined?,25 Why isn't my card working? I was pumped to use my new card but it keeps getting declined. Help please.,25 I could not use my card in a store.,25 If my card payment isn't working what do I do?,25 I'm not sure why the card payment didn't work.,25 Tell me why my card payment has been declined.,25 I was just shopping online for some tickets and the payment was declined by you. Why has this happened? I am certain I have the right amount of funds in my account.,25 I am very upset that i went to use my new card today and it kept getting declined. Why is this happening and what do I do to not have it declined?,25 What are the reasons why a card payment would be declined?,25 The card payment I attempted to make failed.,25 Why has my card been declined?,25 I went to use my new card today and the card was repeatedly declined. I would really like to use this card and need to know what to do about it.,25 "I was out today looking forward to paying with my new card, but the payment just kept getting declined. This is really sad, what's going on?",25 What is the reason my payment was not accepted?,25 "May monthly payment to Apple has been declined but I don't know why, they are going to re-try the payment and it must go through, can you tell me what is going on please?",25 You have declined my payment.,25 Can you tell me why my card keeps getting declined every time I try to use it?,25 Can you tell me why my card is not working? I keep trying to use it but it keeps rejecting my payment. I am being careful and entering the info correctly but it still happens.,25 "Apparently, I went out today to use my new card and was informed my payment was decline. This is really embarrassing, what happen?",25 I NEED HELP WITH MY CARD!!!!! please. It keeps getting declined when I try to use it. I have tried a few times to use it and it keeps getting rejected. I have no idea why.,25 How do I check to see why my card payment was declined?,25 Why was my card declined in a shop?,25 The payment for the card did not go through,25 My card was rejected,25 I use this card all the time so why did it get declined at the store today?,25 I couldn't pay with my card,25 Why are all my card payments being declined?,25 I couldn't pay with card in a shop,25 Why is my payment declined? It looked like everything worked ok and my account was fine.,25 My card payment failed.,25 "My payment has been declined!! What's going on, I thought everything was alright and working well?",25 My latest payment was declined! What happened! I was told everything had been resolved and was back to working order again.,25 My card wasn't working in a shop,25 I'm sure I have enough money so why didn't the store accept my card?,25 Why has my payment been declined? I paid by card.,25 can you tell me why my card was declined?,25 My card didn't go through. It doesn't make sense. You told me that everything was ok.,25 Please explain why my payment was declined? I thought everything was good.,25 "When I use my card, it says decline?",25 My card payment didn't work,25 "I was just shopping and my payment was declined in a store! It was very embarrassing, what is going on and when will it be fixed?",25 Why was my card declined?,25 I tried to make a purchase in the store but my card was declined.,25 My card payment wasn't accepted.,25 is there a reason that my payment didnt go through,25 My card payment did not go through.,25 Explain the payment that was declined!,25 Explain why my card payment wouldn't go through.,25 Why didn;t my payment work,25 My card couldn't pay in a shop.,25 My payment card was declined - could you tell me why?,25 "Hi, is everything in good standing with my card? I am receiving multiple ""decline"" messages.",25 Why didn't my card payment work?,25 My card payment didn't go through.,25 How can a payment be declined,25 The store card reader would not accept my card.,25 Why was my payment declined? I keep trying my card but it's not working.,25 My card was declined,25 my payment was rejected,25 I was wondering why my card was declined,25 "Please help me in this, as i was unable to make any payment by my new card, it was getting declined repeatedly. I am not very happy with this incident.",25 Why did my card payment not work?,25 "my card payment has been declined, do you know why?",25 My credit card has been declined.,25 Why did my card payment get declined?,25 Why won't you accept my payment? I keep trying with this card and it's not working.,25 My card payment is being declined and I've tried several times.,25 For some reason my card payment didn't work,25 Why has my card declined,25 A shop I go to didn't let me pay.,25 Why did my payment fail?,25 Can you tell me why my card payment did not work?,25 My card would not work at a shop.,25 I could not get my card to work at a shop.,25 My card payment has been declined,25 I've tried using my card multiple times and it keeps getting declined.,25 My card was refused,25 Why is it saying my card payment is declined when I made it?,25 My card failed to work when I was shopping in a store,25 why couldn't I use my card at a store?,25 My card did not work at store.,25 Why does is payment not going through? Did my account get frozen or some other issue I don't know about. What can I do to fix this problem?,25 Why was my new card declined?,25 Why do you keep declining my payment?I tried several times with this card and it is just not working.,25 Why do you keep declining my payment? I tried several times already with this card and it is just not working.,25 Why am I being declined?,25 Could you explain why my card payment did not work?,25 "Hi, Today i have tried to make payment by my new card, but payment got declined many times. I am very disappointed, please look into this.",25 I don't know why my card payment did not work,25 "my card was refused, why?",25 I don't understand why my payment was declined. I thought everything was ok.,25 I tried to pay with my card and it didn't work,25 Why do you keep declining my payment?I tried several times already with this card and it is just not working.,25 The card payment is declined. Please inform me why.,25 "My card payment has been declined, why?",25 Why would you decline my card?,25 My payment for my card is not working,25 Why would a card payment be declined?,25 I was so embarrassed. Why didn't my payment clear?,25 It seems like my card payment didn't work.,25 "I've tried many times to make a payment, but it's not going through. What's wrong?",25 Why has my card been declined? whats the deal?,25 For some reason my card payment hasn't worked. what can I do to look into that?,25 Could you please tell me why my card payment didn't work?,25 "my payment was rejected, do you know why?",25 My card payment doesn't work.,25 "I made a card payment, but it has been declined?",25 "Everything seems fine with my account, so why did it decline my payment?",25 "I'm not sure why my payment has been declined? Please tell me why, I thought it was all good.",25 My payment has been declined several times. Can you help me?,25 I had a decline on my card. Why?,25 When I tried to pay in a store my card din't work,25 I was just needing to know why my card got declined,25 My payment was declined,25 Why was the payment on my card declined?,25 I made a card payment but it didn't work. Why not?,25 "I was out today looking forward to paying with my brand new card, turns out the payment just kept getting declined. This is pretty sad, what's going on?",25 Do you know the reason why my card payment was declined?,25 What is going on with it saying my card payment was declined?,25 "I keep trying to make a payment, but it doesn't work.",25 What could the reason be that my payment card was declined?,25 My card did not go through in a shop,25 Is there an issue with my card payment as it has not gone through.,25 Why wasn't my card payment accepted?,25 I keep trying to use my card to buy some things and you keep declining it. Why? I've tried multiple times to make it go through but it won't.,25 The card payment I made didn't work.,25 "I received my new card and tried using it today, just to have it show declined over and over again. Why is this happening?",25 My card payment won't work.,25 My card payment has failed.,25 Whats the reason for my payment being declined? It looked like everything went through ok and my account was good.,25 I just got my new card and tried using it and it was declined?,25 "I know there's money in my account, why did my account decline me?",25 Why are the payments being declined on my new card? I tried several times to use my new card to pay for my gas at the Shell station in my neighborhood. I am very distressed about my new card not working.,25 Why would my card payment not work?,25 My card payment wasn't declined,25 Reason for my card to decline,25 Why have you declined my card payment?,25 My card was not accepted in a shop,25 I had a card payment that was declined. Why?,25 How come my card payment has been declined?,25 "I have enough money in my account, so why is my card being declined?",25 Can you please advise if there is something wrong with my card? I have had multiple rejections and do not know the reason. Thanks!,25 "Card payment was declined, do you know why?",25 I've tried several times to make a payment and every time my card is declined? Could my card be locked? I don't know what to do.,25 "I had a problem with my card payment, can you help?",25 I tried to used my card in a shop and the transaction was declined.,25 "I was out today looking forward to paying with my new card, turns out the payment kept getting declined. This is really sad, what's going on?",25 Card payment didn't go through.,25 Please help to explain to me why my new card was declined when I tried to use it at my grocery store this morning to pay for the items I needed. I tried three times to use it and it kept being declined. I was very embarrassed standing there trying to buy my groceries.,25 My card payment was not successful.,25 Tell me why my card payment was declined.,25 "i put in money for vacation and its not showing. i need that money today, how long will it take",48 I can't figure out why a transfer is still pending?,48 "Transfers can take up to one day to process before departing for the beneficiary accounts. Please confirm that you've entered your account details correctly. SEPA transfers can take up to two working days, while SWIFT transfers can take up to five working days.",48 When will my transfer finish pending?,48 "How long do transfers take, mine just says pending?",48 How long does it take for a transfer to finish pending?,48 How long does it take for a money transfer to show up?,48 Why is a transfer I have still pending?,48 "Transfers may show up as pending for up to one day while they are processed by one of our payment processors. Then, they will depart for the beneficiary accounts. Please also double-check that you have entered the correct account details. SEPA transfers can take up to two business days, and SWIFT transfers can take up to five business days.",48 What's the time frame on EU transfers? I purchased something a couple of days ago but the seller hasn't received my payment.,48 When will the transaction post to my account?,48 I sent a transfer and it has been pending for awhile. How long will it stay pending?,48 "I transferred money to another country several days ago, but my transaction is still pending. i have checked that the accounts are keyed in correctly. what sees to be the problem?",48 What is the reason a transfer shows as pending?,48 Why is the transfer showing pending?,48 Hi I am trying to transfer money to another country but it is showing pending and it has been a long time. I have checked numbers and they are correct. Could you please help?,48 Why does my transfer say it is pending?,48 What am I supposed to do if the funds haven't show up from a transfer completed this morning?,48 How long do I have to wait for the transfer to be finalized?,48 My payment shows that it is pending will I be charged more money?,48 Why is my transfer still pending?,48 Tell me why my transfer is pending.,48 How long will my transfer be pending for?,48 "I'm hoping you can answer my question about a pending transfer that I've had for a while now. I know that all of the account details are correct, so why is it taking so long to go through?",48 How long is a transfer in the pending status?,48 Why is it taking so long for my pending transaction to post as cleared?,48 "I haven't received my transfer funds yet, where are they?",48 I'm confused as to why my transfer is still listed as pending on the website.,48 "How long do EU transfers actually take? I recently bought something online a few days ago, sent the money immediately online but the seller says it's still not there yet.",48 Why is my transfer pending?,48 I sent payment with EU transfer and they still haven't received it. How long does it take?,48 I bought something on line a and the seller hasn't received the money I sent could you please tell me how long an EU transfer takes?,48 How long is the wait for a money transfer to show up?,48 What is going on? I have checked over and over and the details of my account are right. Why is my transfer still pending? It's 2018 not 1818. Transfering money to another country can't be that hard.,48 "As I double checked that I have the correct account details that i submitted , they're right for sure. Transfer is still pending so far.",48 How long until transfers complete?,48 My money transfer has not yet occurred,48 My transfer is still pending,48 Will my transfer be done soon?,48 "How long do you expect me to wait for the transfer? It finally worked out, but has been pending for a long time and it's quite urgent.",48 "My transfer is quite urgent, and finally worked out, but I've been waiting for it for quite some time. Can you tell me how long to expect to wait for it?",48 My transfer still says pending,48 "I bought something online a couple days ago, sent the money immediately online but the seller says it's still not there yet. How long do EU transfers actually take?",48 The transfer was accepted but now it's stuck on pending. When will it go through?,48 I have not seen any changes in my account balance(s) after making a transfer.,48 I have an outgoing transaction,48 "How long does a transfer to another country normally take? I check over and over again and see that my transfer is still pending. It's 2018, nothing should take this long. I have confirmed my account information, so there is no error. What is the hold up?",48 I have a pending transaction,48 How long is the wait for a money transfer to post?,48 My money transfer hasn't appeared yet.,48 Why is my transfer still pending after all this time?,48 why have I got a pending transfer? I'm confused!!,48 It seems like a transfer is pending.,48 How long will my transfer stay pending?,48 How long will the transfer take?,48 How long does it take for pending to go through,48 the transfer went through but now it has been pending for quite a while. i need this to go through already,48 "I've been waiting for a pending transfer to go through for a while now, and don't see any reason why I've been waiting this long. I know that I have the correct account details, so that isn't the problem.",48 I am still waiting for a transfer to show up,48 "My transfer is still pending, why?",48 "Hey I double checked that I have the correct account details already, they're right for sure. Transfer is still pending since forever. It's not that difficult to transfer money to another country in 2018 is it?",48 A transfer is pending.,48 Why isn't my pending transfer finished?,48 A transfer to my account shows as still pending and I wanted to know how long it is suppose to take to clear.,48 Is my transfer pending?,48 I did a transfer but its still pending,48 How come I have pending transfers?,48 I recently purchased something and the seller says my money has not arrived yet. It was in EU's. How long does this take?,48 Could you please help me figure out why the seller has not received their money after I sent it.,48 "How long do EU transfers actually take? I bought something online a couple days ago, sent the money immediately online but the seller says it's still not there yet.",48 "How long do EU transfers take? I bought something online a couple days ago , sent the money immediately online but the seller says it is still not there yet",48 "I didn't think my country-to-country money transfer would take so long. It still says that it's pending so I re-checked all of the account information--everything seems right, so what's the deal?",48 My transfer hasn't appeared yet,48 i transfered and yet it is still pending,48 My transfer is stuck pending? How do we fix it to it goes through?,48 What is the reason why the transfer shows as pending?,48 I am still waiting for a transfer to show,48 When will my transfer move from pending to confirmed?,48 How long does a transfer take?,48 I have a transfer that is still pending.,48 I have a transfer that is pending.,48 My transfer has been pending for a long time now. I already double checked my account info and it is correct. Why is it taking so long in 2018 to transfer money?,48 My account says I have a pending transfer.,48 How long would does it take for a seller to receive an EU transfer if I bought something from them and sent them the money immediately?,48 Money was transferred to me and I am unable to see it,48 How long does it take for pending transfer transactions to post?,48 I finished my transfer. I am having an issue with it still pending. It has been a long time and i'm growing impatient,48 Why is there a pending time on my transfer?,48 Why does it show that my transfer is still pending?,48 Can you tell me when my money transfer will go through,48 How long will my transfer be pending?,48 How long will a transfer be pending for?,48 Why is a transfer I did recently still processing?,48 I have a trasnger that is pending and wondered about it.,48 I wanted to know why there is a transfer of mine pending.,48 "I'm waiting for a money transfer to show, still.",48 I am still waiting for a money transfer to appear.,48 There has been a transfer pending in my account and I wanted to know how long it is going to take to go through.,48 What is the average pending time for a transaction?,48 Can you explain why my payment is still pending?,48 I did a transfer but it is still pending.,48 Why is the transfer still pending? Can I do something?,48 I am having to wait for my transfer to be fully processed. It seems to be taking a very long time in the pending phase. What is the normal turn around time that I can expect to see it completed?,48 when will my transfer clear,48 "The transfer finally worked, but how long does it stay pending?",48 "How long do EU transfers take? I bought something online a couple of days ago , sent the money immediately online but the seller says it is still not there yet.",48 Why does my transfer still say it is pending?,48 My money transfer has not happened yet,48 I don't see a money transfer yet,48 I have a transfer waiting.,48 how long will it take for my transfer to stop pending,48 "I double checked that I have the correct account details already, they're right for sure. Transfer is still pending since forever. It should not have been done so.",48 How long do I wait for a transfer to take?,48 "Hello. How long does it usually take to transfer money to another country? I've made sure all the information is correct, but the transfer still says that it's ""pending.""",48 Why is my last transfer pending?,48 I have an outgoing transfer,48 "Transfers may show up as pending for up to one business day while they are processed, and then they'll depart for the beneficiary accounts. Please confirm that you have correctly entered your account details. SEPA transfers typically take up to two working days, while SWIFT transfers can take up to five working days.",48 "How long does EU transfer take? I bought something online a couple days ago , sent the money immediately online but the seller says it is still not there yet",48 My transfer's stuck on pending.,48 "Hello, I went ahead and checked my account details to be sure, and they are definitely correct. I've had a transfer pending for a while, and I can't understand why it hasn't gone through yet.",48 "So, my transfer is showing as pending, when will it actually go through?",48 Why is the transaction not posting?,48 I made a transfer recently but it has not changed on my dashboard.,48 When will my transfer move out of pending stage?,48 Why is my transfer stuck on pending?,48 there is a transfer pending.,48 The wait for this transfer seems to be taking a very long time. It is very important that it goes through quickly. Can you please tell me how long it may take?,48 How much longer do I have to wait until my transaction is complete? I transferred money to another country many hours ago and the transaction is still pending.,48 "Why is my transfer appearing as ""pending""?",48 Do EU transfers happen quickly? I purchased something a few days ago and the seller hasn't received my money yet.,48 "It seems like I have been waiting forever for this international transfer. Why is it taking so long? C'mon, it's 2018, things happen at a click of a button. All of the account information is correct, so how long will this take?",48 "Hi, I'm trying to transfer money from one country to another, but it's taking a long time! All the account information is right, so why is it taking so long?",48 Why is my transfer pending when I already made it?,48 I have a pending money transfer,48 "What does it mean when a transfer is ""pending""?",48 For what reason is my transfer still pending now?,48 The seller of the items I bought online the other day hasn't received the EU transfer yet. How long do these usually take?,48 "My transfer is pending, why?",48 Can you tell me why my transfer is pending still?,48 I am still waiting for a money transfer to process.,48 I have a transfer that was approved that I'm urgently waiting for. How long am I supposed to wait for it?,48 "How long does the ""pending"" period of a transfer take?",48 "My transfer went through, but it seems to be caught up in a pending status. This was very important that it got done quickly, can you give me a status update on how long it will take?",48 My transfer says pending. What does that mean?,48 Can you tell me when the transfer will be completed?,48 I need to know why a money transfer is available.,48 I'm still waiting for a money transfer to show.,48 "Pending still shows on this transfer, why?",48 How do I deactivate my account?,55 Remove my account immediately.,55 Are you able to delete my account?,55 How do I discontinue my account?,55 please delete account,55 I need you to delete my account now.,55 "I would like to delete my account now, please.",55 I would like to invalidate my account. I am very disappointed with your services.,55 I need to delete my account.,55 Can you delete the account?,55 "for god sake, just delete my account i am sick of this",55 "I need to delete my account, please.",55 unhappy with service need to delete account,55 "This company is bad, delete my account now.",55 How do I shut down my account and get out of this company?,55 How do I close my account?,55 I want to shut down my account as soon as possible.,55 cancel my account,55 Help me close my account.,55 I want to close my account due to poor customer service.,55 "I would like to close my account, as I'm not happy.",55 What's the process for terminating an account?,55 What steps do I need to do to delete my account?,55 How do I delete my account now,55 I want to cancel my account.,55 "I want to get rid of the account, and delete personal information .",55 if im not using my account should i close it or just let it sit,55 i'm not satisfied with the services and no longer want to be a customer,55 I am not satisfied with your company and wish to delete all accounts immediately.,55 I want to delete my account.,55 I am not happy with your company. Please delete my account asap.,55 "How can I close my account, I don't want it.",55 I am upset with your service. Please delete my account.,55 I would like to cancel my account.,55 "I don't like the services, please close my account",55 I'd like to delete my account.,55 I want to stop my account,55 Please delete my account immediately.,55 How do I delete my account? I am dissatisfied with the service.,55 This place has been too much work so I'd just like to close out my account & be done.,55 do i have to talk to someone to close an account or can i in the app,55 I want to close my account now.,55 "your company is awful, i would like to delete my account please",55 I hate this company! Can you delete my account?,55 I am asking to end my account.,55 I want to delete my account. How do I do this?,55 I am not happy with your service and request that my account be terminated!,55 I want to terminate my account,55 How can I delete my account?,55 I want to end my account,55 Delete my account now please.,55 Help me terminate and close my account.,55 Your company is lame. Shut down all my account services right now.,55 I am not satisfied with your company. Close my account.,55 How do I terminate my account.,55 How to I close my account?,55 I need to terminate my account.,55 I'm not happy with the services I'm getting with this company. Can you please delete my account?,55 I want to close my account. The service you provide is unsatisfactory to me.,55 Delete all of my account information and my account right now.,55 I want to close my account & I will never do business with you again.,55 What are the steps to finishing up with this account?,55 Help me delete my account. I am not satisfied with the service.,55 Can you close my account please?,55 What do I do to close my account?,55 I need to terminate my account immediately.,55 How can I close my account?,55 "I don't want this account anymore, how do I delete it?",55 Please delete this account.,55 I want to inactivate my account.,55 I no longer want to keep this account.,55 I am trying to delete my account.,55 Where do I go to terminate my account?,55 I'm not happy with service and would like to delete this account.,55 Please delete my account now.,55 I would like to terminate my account.,55 how do i cancel my account,55 "how to delete account, not happy",55 "How do I close my account, since I'm dissatisfied?",55 make my account go away,55 Please help me delete this account.,55 I would like to delete my account. I'm not happy with the service you're providing,55 terminate my account please,55 Your service is bad. Close my account.,55 I'm dissatisfied with the service and would like to terminate the account.,55 I am looking to delete my account. I'm not happy with the service provided by you.,55 I wish to remove my account.,55 Close down my account. I don't like your service.,55 I am very dissatisfied with the services that you are providing. I want to cancel my account.,55 I need you to delete my account right now.,55 I want to deactivate my account.,55 "This is terrible, i want to delete my account",55 I'd like my account to be deleted. I'm not satisfied with the service you provide.,55 Is it possible to delete the account?,55 I need to close my account. Your company is terrible!,55 Tell me how to delete my account.,55 Please delete my account and personal information.,55 "I'm not happy, I want to close my account.",55 Delete my account please. Now!,55 "The service here is horrible, I want to delete my account.",55 How do I delete an account?,55 Can you please disable my current account.,55 "The company is no good, please terminate my account.",55 "I am dissatisfied, I would like to close my account.",55 I'm not satisfied with the services that you are providing. I would like to end my services and delete my account.,55 I need to close my account as soon as possible.,55 I am not satisfied with your service. Close my account.,55 "I no longer want this account, what should I do?",55 What do I do if the ATM took my card?,18 What do I do now my credit card has been swallowed by the ATM?,18 An ATM machine didn't give me back my card.,18 "My card got trapped inside an ATM, what should I do?",18 What do I do if I can't get my card out of the ATM?,18 My card got stuck in an ATM.,18 Your machine took my card. How do I get it back?,18 "I can't get my card out of the ATM, what should I do now?",18 My card is stuck in the ATM?,18 I didn't get my card back from the ATM.,18 "The ATM at Metro bank on High St. Kensington didn't return my card, and the bank is now closed. How do I get back a card swallowed by an ATM?",18 I need a new card because the ATM took mine.,18 The ATM stole my card!,18 How can I get my card out of the stupid ATM that ate it?,18 The ATM took my card.,18 The ATM won't give me my card back. I need it back now!,18 How do I get my card back quickly from a bank machine that it?,18 The ATM sucked my card in.,18 The ATM did not give me my card back?,18 I was getting cash and the card got stuck inside,18 What should I do since my card is trapped in the ATM?,18 what do I need to do if the ATM kept my card?,18 The ATM machine would not give my card back,18 I can't get my card out of the ATM,18 Why did the ATM take my card and keep it?,18 What are the steps to get my card back that was kept by the ATM?,18 How do I get my card out of the ATM?,18 Why did the ATM eat my card?,18 Please send a new card; the ATM ate mine.,18 The ATM didnt return my card!,18 I was removing a dollar amount from my account and now don't have access to my card.,18 A Bank ATM did not give my card back. What do I do now?,18 Why did the ATM swallow my card?,18 lost my card in atm,18 I cannot get my card out of the ATM.,18 An ATM machine didn't return my card.,18 My card is stuck inside the ATM.,18 The bank machine didn't give my card back how do I get a new one fast?,18 What should I do if the atm eats my card?,18 What do I do? The ATM took my card!,18 The ATM kept my card?,18 Who do I talk to about the ATM swallowing my card?,18 An ATM swallowed my credit card!,18 What do I do if the ATM swallowed my card?,18 "Please help, the atm swallowed my card, what do I do?",18 I have lost my credit card in the ATM!,18 how can the money machine keep my card what do i need to do?,18 How do I get a new card as your machine swallowed mine!,18 The ATM machine ate my card.,18 how to get new card after atm eats it,18 My card was eaten by the cash machine what do I do?,18 What do I do after the ATM takes my card.,18 How can I get my card out of the ATM?,18 Will you please help me get my card back?,18 The ATM ate my card; how do I get a new one?,18 How do I get my card back after the ATM swallowed it.,18 "My card is stuck in an ATM machine, how do I get it back quickly?",18 atm ate my card,18 What are the steps I should take to recover my swallowed card?,18 "My card is stuck inside the ATM, what am I supposed to do?",18 What should I do with my stuck ATM?,18 A transaction shows duplicate times.,63 There is a repeat charge for the same item,63 How can I fix this? There is a double charge on my account.,63 My card got charged twice for the same thing!,63 "My husband and I went out for our weekly ""dinner and a movie,"" and it was my turn to pick up the check. Now I see that my card was charged twice. Who should I contact about negating the second charge and getting my card credited?",63 How do I query a payment on my card? It looks like I have paid for the same thing twice.,63 I have duplicated transactions on my statement,63 "I only made one transaction at this place, but it's appearing multiple times.",63 "One of my charges was declined, but the second one went through. But I notice on my App that one of them has gone through, and the other one is still pending. Please ensure that only one charge is processed. Thanks",63 What do I do if I've been charged twice for the same transaction?,63 "I think I was charged twice, please help!",63 I think there is a mistake. I am being charged twice.,63 "My transaction history is looking a little off. I have been charged twice for multiple different purchases, and would like to have those duplicate charges refunded.",63 I was charged for the same thing twice,63 My account was charged twice for one purchase,63 "I was charged twice for a restaurant, can you take the second charge off?",63 I have a transaction that shows multiple times.,63 What happens when I am charged twice?,63 I have been charged twice for the same transaction.,63 How do I get my money back for a duplicated charge?,63 I have a duplicate payment on my card.,63 Several items I have charged this week are appearing twice. Please review my statement and remove any duplicate charges.,63 I have a transaction showing multiple times.,63 "Hi, I just looked at my card transactions and saw that I've been charged twice for a restaurant I went to this week. Can you remove the double charge, please?",63 I have been double charged,63 I was double charged at a restaurant can you take the second charge off?,63 I have a duplicate charge,63 I got charged two times for a transaction,63 What happens with the duplicate charge in my account?,63 Why have I been charged twice?,63 I have two of the same charges on my account!,63 Why am I being charged for the same thing twice?,63 Who do I talk to for transactions debited twice?,63 There is a duplicate charge on my account.,63 I have been charged twice this week for a couple of things on my card. Can you please check this out for me and return the double charged items back?,63 I got charged twice for the same payment. Please removed the pending payment. Thank you.,63 I think I got charged twice for the same thing,63 It looks like I was charged twice for a single transaction,63 "I had a duplicate card and bought something and it showed up twice. I canceled my card, how do I get my money back?",63 There is a transaction showing up several times.,63 Transaction showing up many times.,63 "Looks like my card payment was made twice by mistake. I went to pay at the store earlier which rejected once, second time it worked. App is on pending for one of the payments. Can you please remove one of them as it's wrong and clearly was declined?",63 Please tell me why the same transaction is showing up on my account more than once.,63 I have duplicate charges for the same transaction,63 I got double charged!,63 "Looks like my card payment was duplicated after all. I went to pay at the store earlier, got declined once, second time it works. App still stays pending for one of the payments. Can you please remove one of them as it's wrong and clearly was declined?",63 There are two of the same charges on my account.,63 "Hello, I just checked my card transactions and saw that I was charged twice for a restaurant visit I did earlier this week. Is it possible to remove one of them and get my false paid money pack?",63 "I'm really concerned because I only made one transaction, but it's appearing multiple times.",63 "Hello, I am a college student who I recently attended my high school reunion at a local restaurant. I paid with my credit card and now my transaction history reflects a second charge of the seemingly same payment. What could be the reason for this? Is there any way to have the fraudulent payment credited back onto my card?",63 I was charged twice for an in-store purchase that I thought was declined. My App says that it's still pending for one of the payments. Please make sure one of the charges is removed.,63 "Good day, in reviewing my credit card activity over the last several days, I see a repeated charge for a restaurant that I went to. The charge was put through twice, so I would like one of the charges corrected and the amount that was withdrawn to be reinstated please.",63 Why do I have duplicate transactions for one purchase?,63 I have a payment that shows twice,63 I have been overcharged.,63 I have noticed that my account was double charged for a couple of items this week. Please review and refund the double charged items back.,63 Why was I double charged?,63 There's a duplicate charge on my account?,63 Why does the same transaction appear multiple times?,63 Why did I get charged twice for the same thing,63 I have been charged two times for one transaction.,63 Duplicate transactions appear on my account,63 I made a payment and it is showing up twice,63 I was charged several times for something,63 My card is showing the same transaction over and over again.,63 A transaction is showing more than once.,63 I was charged multiple times at the same location at the same time,63 Hello. I checked my transactions and saw I was double charged for a restaurant visit. Can I get my money back?,63 "Hi, I was at a restaurant later the week and when I went to look at my account I noticed that I got charged twice. I would like to get my money back from one of those transactions.",63 I was charged twice.,63 I was charged twice for the same purchase!,63 I was charged multiple times for one transaction.,63 I got charged twice with a duplicate card. How do I resolve this?,63 I was charged more than once for a card payment I made.,63 there were two of the same charge to my account,63 I was charged more than once in a single transaction,63 You charged me more than once for the same transaction!,63 Why do I have a transaction showing up more than once?,63 Why was I charged twice for my item!,63 My account is showing a double charge.,63 Why did my card get charged twice for a transaction?,63 Why am I being charged again?,63 "I was charged twice, when I didn't purchase anything twice.",63 One of my payments was doubled,63 I think I was double charged,63 "I should only have one charge, but it shows two.",63 "My account shows I have been charged twice for the same meal. How do I get the second payment voided and returned to me? I do not eat out much and my family is living paycheck to paycheck, mostly. I cannot afford to spend more money than necessary, as is, so I must see to it that the cost be promptly credited back onto my card.",63 What do I do if I have been charged twice?,63 I was charged two times for the same thing.,63 "Hi, I was looking over my card receipts for the past week and I realize I had a charge put through two times for the same single restaurant visit. Can one of the charges be removed so that I can get the money back that was mistakenly taken from my account?",63 Can you help me? I have a duplicate transaction on my account and I don't understand why.,63 Why does a payment show up twice?,63 There is the same transaction showing more than once.,63 Why am i being double charged for something?,63 I see a duplicate payment.,63 Will the duplicated payment be refunded?,63 I have been charged twice on my statement.,63 I am concerned that I am being doubled charged for several items purchased in the past week. Please review my statement and correct.,63 "I went to the store and tried to make a purchase. The first time, it was declined, but the second one went through. But my App shows me that I've already been charged once and the second charge is still pending. Can you make sure that I'm not charged twice?",63 Why was I charged twice?,63 I was charged multiple times for one purchase,63 Why have I been charged more than once for the same transaction?,63 "Hi, I was just checking over my card transactions and notice I was charged twice for a restaurant visit this week. Can you please remove one of these false charges from my account?",63 Please delete the duplicate payment that was made to my account. One payment is still pending and I do not want to pay twice.,63 A payment is showing twice. Why is that?,63 "Hello, I was just went through my recent transaction on my bank account and I just noticed that I was charged twice at a place that ate at this past week. Can I get that second transaction removed from my account?",63 I received duplicate charges.,63 Why am I getting double charged for multiple transactions?,63 After taking over my card transactions I noticed that was charged twice for a restaurant purchased from earlier this week. Can you please remove one of these transactions from my account since it is not accurate?,63 I made a payment and it appears it is showing twice,63 "Looks like my card payment was duplicated after all. I went to pay at the store earlier, got declined once,second time it works. App still stays pending for one of the payments. Can you remove one of them as it's wrong and clearly was declined?",63 I noticed that my card was charged more than once for one thing.,63 "I got double charged from something, what can I do?",63 "Hi, I checked my transactions and saw that I was charged twice during a restaurant visit. I would like to get my money back.",63 Why did I get charged more than once?,63 Why do I have a transaction showing multiple times?,63 "Help, I was charged twice!",63 Hi. Please can you help me fix a double charge on my card? I'm looking at my transactions and this restaurant I went to earlier in the week has charged me twice! Please remove the additional charge for me.,63 There is a duplicate payment on my card. Why?,63 To many charges on my card how do I go about fixing that?,63 There are two of the same charge on my statement.,63 My statement shows different transaction times.,63 I have a transaction showing up multiple times.,63 My card is showing multiple charges for the same items on my recent statement. I was wondering what actions of needed to take to fix this issue,63 My card was declined but it shows as multiple charges?,63 It appears as though my card payment was duplicated. I paid at the store earlier today. The first time it was declined and the second time it worked. The app is still showing one of the payments to be pending. Please take one of these off because clearly the first was declined and is not correct.,63 What do I do if a transaction shows up twice?,63 Hi. I noticed I have a duplicate charge which I have not made twice. Who should I talk to take care of this?,63 There is a payment that I was charged two times for.,63 I got charged in double and want a refund,63 I have multiple of the same transaction,63 There is more than one charge on my account for a transaction.,63 I need a transaction reversed from my account.,63 "It seems my card payment was completed twice. I paid at the store previously and the first one did not seem to go through. After a second attempt, it did go through. I now see within the app that I have been charged twice with one of them pending. Can you please remove the pending amount because it is clearly something that was declined?",63 I have been charged for one thing two times.,63 How come there is a duplicate charge on my card?,63 Why was I charged twice for the same thing?,63 I have a duplicate payment on my account,63 Why does my statement show various transaction times?,63 Why are there multiple transactions showing for one purchase?,63 I was double-charged for a transaction,63 Why do I have two charges It should only be one charge?,63 My bill shows the same charge more than once,63 "I went for a meal in Seattle and paid the bill but I think they charged me twice, the first time they swiped the card I got a notification to say the money had gone out the account but then I added a tip and I think they swiped it all again. Can you refund one of the charges?",63 A transaction posted twice to my account.,63 I noticed a duplicate charge on my statement.,63 "Hey there, I just went through my most recent credit card payments and I notice the same charge for a restaurant was processed twice. There was only one meal at this place, so I would like one of the charges to be reversed and my money to be put back in the account.",63 I was charged twice for the same thing.,63 Is there a reason to why I was charged twice for a transaction?,63 There are duplicate transactions on my account,63 My transaction is showing several times.,63 "Looks like my card payment was made two time by mistake. I went to pay at the store earlier which rejected once, second time it worked. App is on pending for one of the payments. Can you please remove one of them as it's wrong and clearly was declined?",63 "In reviewing my statement, I show I have two charges for the same purchase at the same time, which I have not made in duplicate? How do I get this solved?",63 "Looks like my card payment was made twice by mistake. I paid at the store earlier which rejected once, second time it worked. App stays at pending for one of the payments. Can you please remove one of them as it's wrong and clearly was declined?",63 "Looks like my card payment was duplicated after all. I went to pay at the store earlier, got declined once,second time it works. App still stays pending for one of the payments. Can you please remove one of them as it's wrong and was declined?",63 I was charged twice for a few things this week when I only bought one. What do I do?,63 "I have been double charged for a couple of things this week, and would appreciate a refund for the duplicate charges.",63 How do a reverse a duplicated charge?,63 The first payment I attempted for my card at the store earlier did not process so I had to make a second attempt. The second time it worked. It now appears I was charged twice. After looking at the app I see a pending charge. Please remove the pending amount because it is clearly not accurate and was declined.,63 I've got a repeated tranasaction on my card.,63 I got charged twice,63 I have a transaction showing up more than once.,63 Can you explain the various transaction times shown on my statement?,63 I was charged too many times for one transaction.,63 Who should I talk to or go to resolve a duplicate charge on my statement?,63 Why was I charged twice for the same transaction?,63 Looking at my statement I see that I was double charged for a payment I made.,63 I have been charged twice for the same thing!,63 I think I was charged double for something I bought - how long should I wait before reporting this?,63 Why is there a payment showing twice?,63 A duplicated payment was made for something.,63 Why is there are there two of the same transaction?,63 My account seems a bit off and getting weird charges.,63 I have have multiple charges for one transaction.,63 Hello. I just noticed I was charged two times for a restaurant I visited this week. Can you reverse the additional charge?,63 where exactly does money come from,70 Where did my money come from?,70 Can I check to see where the funds came from?,70 What are the sources for the funds in my account?,70 need to know where money comes from,70 Show me how to look at the source of my current funds?,70 Can I trace where my funds came from?,70 I have to verify my source of funds.,70 who can put money in my account?,70 Can I see where my money came from?,70 My source of funds need verification.,70 What source do my fund come from?,70 Can you tell me where my readily available cash has come from?,70 I would like to know where my source of funds came from.,70 What is my source of funds?,70 where to i get my funds from?,70 "I need to know this, where do my funds come from?",70 What information do I need to see my source of money?,70 How will I know where my funds are coming from?,70 How can I tell where the money came from?,70 Is there a way to view the history on where my funds came from?,70 Can I see the source of my available money?,70 I require verification for my source of funds.,70 what is source of my money,70 How can I look at where my available cash is coming from?,70 Where can I find information about where my money came from?,70 Where can I see where funds came from?,70 Who is giving me my money?,70 Where do I go to see the source of my available money?,70 Is there a way for me to check my balance?,70 I need to know where do my funds come from,70 Where do my available funds come from?,70 What kind of security protects my money?,70 Can you tell me how I would go about learning where my funds came from?,70 Can I track history on funds?,70 where can I see who sent me funds,70 What do I need to do to verify my funds?,70 My source of funds require verification.,70 "my money, where is it coming from?",70 I need to know where my funds come from.,70 I would like to know where the funds are at.,70 help me find where this money came from,70 What do I need to see my source of money?,70 Is there a way to see where my money originally came from?,70 where are the transfers originating,70 How do I verify my source of funds?,70 I want to know where my money comes from.,70 I need to verify the source of funds.,70 How do I verify the source of my funds?,70 How can I lookup the source for my available money?,70 I need to see where my money came from.,70 Are there steps to see where my funds come from?,70 I would like to verify my source of funds.,70 How do I find out where my funds came from?,70 Can I see where my money is being transferred from?,70 I would like to know how to work out where my funds came from?,70 Where can I see where my funds came from?,70 Is there a way to tell where the money came from?,70 need to verify source of funds,70 How do I know where my money comes from?,70 How can I find the source for my available funds and money?,70 Why do I need to verify my funds?,70 My funds must be verified,70 how do i track the moeney,70 What is the source of funds for my money?,70 How do I know where my funds come from?,70 Can you tell me how to tell where my funds come from?,70 Can I see my available money?,70 is there a way to see where funds come from,70 Is there a way to see my money's source?,70 Please verify my source of funds.,70 I must verify the source of my funds,70 where can I get the info for my funds,70 Can you tell me where my funds come from?,70 Is there a way to lookup where funds came from?,70 Verify my source of funds?,70 How can I prove the source of my funds?,70 How can I know where did my funds come from?,70 How can I receive verification for the source of my funds?,70 where is this money from,70 How can I tell the source for my available funds?,70 I need to verify my funds.,70 How do I see my source of funds?,70 I require verification of my source of funds.,70 Where do my fund come from?,70 I want to know the source of my funds.,70 where can i see money source?,70 where did my funds come from?,70 i need to trace a deposit,70 How can I find out the source of my available cash?,70 can i see money source?,70 Where can I find out where my funds came from?,70 Show me the source of my money.,70 Where can I find my fund information?,70 How do I find out my source of funds?,70 How do I know where the funds come from?,70 Please explain to me how to know where my funds are from.,70 Where is my top-up generated from?,70 Where did my deposit for my source of funds come from?,70 Can I see where my funds come from?,70 Where can I check out the source of available funds in my account?,70 Can someone please explain to me where my source of funds came from?,70 want to know where funds come from,70 Where can I check to see where the money in my account came from?,70 How can I find out where the funds are flow?,70 What do I do to verify my source of funds?,70 I'd like to know where my funds come from.,70 How can I check to see where my funds come from?,70 is there a way i can see source of money?,70 How can I verify my source of funds?,70 Where do my funds originate from?,70 What is the source of the money in my account?,70 How do I see the source of my money?,70 How long am I to wait before the transfer gets to my account?,67 Will the transfer show up in my account soon?,67 What time will a transfer from the US take?,67 When will the money reach my account?,67 How long does it take to get my money,67 When does my transfer from the US arrive in my account?,67 "I desperately need to transfer something from China, Please give me the wait time.",67 I am yet to receive the money in my account how long will this take?,67 Does a US transfer take long,67 How long will this transfer from europe take?,67 Will I see the transfer in my account within the week?,67 How long should I have to wait before I see the transfer in my account?,67 When will my transfer post to my account?,67 How long does a European transfer take?,67 How many days do I have to wait for the transfer to reach my account?,67 I am waiting for the money to enter my account. How long does it take?,67 How long will an urgent transfer from China take?,67 How long do transfers from Europe take?,67 I have to quickly transfer something to China. How long will it take to arrive there?,67 How long will I have to wait for my money to be in my account?,67 "In the US, how long is the wait for a transfer?",67 Where is my money transfer?,67 How long does a transfer take to reach one's account.,67 Where's the money from my transfer from Europe?,67 How long will a transfer from Europe take?,67 There is an urgent thing that I need to transfer from China. Approximately how long will it take?,67 I need to transfer funds from China and quick expedition is crucial. Approximately how long does it take for a transfer from China to go through?,67 How long will a transfer from the US take?,67 How long do I wait for a transfer from the United States?,67 What is the timeframe for a transfer in Europe?,67 How long do I have to wait for a US transfer?,67 "I have been waiting for my transfer, shouldn't it be here already?",67 How fast can I transfer something from China?,67 "My Bank is in Europe, how long will the transfer take?",67 I urgently need to transfer something from China. How long can I expect it to take?,67 How many days does it take for a transfer to go through?,67 When will the money show in my account?,67 what is the average wait for transfers,67 How long until the transfer is reflected on my account balance?,67 How long do I have to wait for Europe transfers?,67 When can I use money sent to my account?,67 How long does a transfer from the US take?,67 How long is the transfer?,67 "I've made a transfer, how long until the money reaches my account?",67 "I'm waiting for a transfer from the US, how much longer?",67 What is the estimated time on an urgent transfer from China?,67 Can you please tell me how long it takes for the transfer to be available.,67 Can I quickly send a transfer from China? How long will it take?,67 What is the wait time until money reaches my account?,67 How long does it take for a transfer to show up in my account?,67 When will my transfer be in my account?,67 How long does it take in Europe to do a transfer?,67 What's the wait time for European transfers?,67 What is the time period for money to be transferred?,67 When can I expect money to be transferred to my account?,67 "How long does it take to transfer from china? Is there a way to transfer it quickly, I need it urgently?",67 I need to transfer something to China. It is urgent. How many days will it take to get there?,67 I need quickly transfer something from China. About how long will it take?,67 I need a quick transfer from China. How long would that take?,67 How long until transfers from Europe go through?,67 "I have a transfer from the US, How long is the wait?",67 How do i transfer something faster than normal?,67 "I need to transfer something from China, How long will it take?",67 It's been a couple days how much longer do I have to wait for my transfer?,67 When can I expect the transfer to be complete?,67 How long do European transfers take?,67 Why hasn't the transfer shown up in my account yet?,67 When will the money from a transfer be made available on my account?,67 How long does it take for a transfer to be in my account?,67 "If I need to transfer something quick from China, how long does that take?",67 "I just did a transfer, but don't see the money in my account. What's up?",67 How quickly can I transfer something to China?,67 How long will it take the money to appear in my account?,67 How fast are transfers from Europe?,67 "I need to make a transfer from Europe, how many days does this take?",67 What is the longest a US transfer should take to appear in my account?,67 I need to urgently transfer something from China. How long will it approximately take?,67 "I need to transfer something ASAP from China, how long will it take to post to my account?",67 How long will it take for the money to reach my account?,67 When will my transfer from the US get here?,67 "I transferred money from the US, How long does it take?",67 "I need some money transferred ASAP, how long does the process take?",67 How long will a transfer take from Europe?,67 When can I expect my transfer to reach my account?,67 What is the estimated wait time on a US transfer into my account?,67 How long will it take to transfer something to China urgently?,67 How long does it take transfers from Europe to complete?,67 I must make a transfer from China and it is urgent. How long before the transfer is complete?,67 When will my account receive the money?,67 There is an urgent transfer I need to make from China. How long will it take to get it processed?,67 How long will a transfer from China take? I need to transfer something from there.,67 Help! I need to transfer something to China.,67 "Its been 3 days, How long will my transfer take to get to my wallet?",67 How many days until my US transfer arrives?,67 How long will it take to transfer something from China?,67 "I must quickly transfer something from China, and I need to know how long it will take.",67 how long does a US transfer take,67 How long will it take to transfer from europe?,67 how long does it take for a transfer from Europe to go through?,67 When can I expect the transfer to arrive in my account?,67 When will a transfer from the US post?,67 "I'm having money transferred from Europe, how long will this take?",67 When will my money be in my account?,67 Will it take more than 3 days for my transfer to reach my account?,67 What is the time frame for european transfers?,67 When will I receive a transfer from europe?,67 How long will it take to urgently transfer something to China?,67 Can I transfer something urgently from China? How long does it take?,67 How long does it take to get money from Europe?,67 What's the transfer time from Europe?,67 When will my transfer arrive from Europe?,67 Estimated time arrival for transfers?,67 What are the time frames for the money to be available in my account?,67 How long does it take for the money to show up in my account?,67 what is the time frame for transfers,67 "If I get a transfer from Europe, how long until it is in my account?",67 When will the money be made available in my account?,67 How long does it take for a transfer to reach my account?,67 What is the estimated wait time for transfers from the US?,67 What is the length of time for money to reach the account?,67 When can I expect a transfer from Europe to go through?,67 Why hasn't my transfer from Europe gone through?,67 Transfers from the US how long will the wait be?,67 What is taking so long on my transfer from the US?,67 How long does transfer from the US take?,67 How long does a transfer transaction take?,67 How long does it take to make an urgent transfer from China?,67 Money transfer help? How long?,67 I wanted to purchase something online but the payment was returned back to me. This has been going on for a couple of weeks. Please tell me what is going on here?,53 "I tried to use my debit card, but the payment did not work.",53 "Hi, I had an issue with my card payment and It shows on my account that my payment went through. Then I got contacted from the seller saying ""they did not receive my payment"" then the payment was returned to my account. so I would like to see why it did that please.",53 I think my card payment has been reverted,53 Tell me why my card payment would be reverted.,53 Why has my card payment been reversed?,53 I didn't cancel my card payment.,53 Can you tell me why the card payment came back?,53 How come the money from the merchant appeared back into my account?,53 My payment was terminated,53 I think my card payment has been refunded,53 I made a payment and it was reverted and wanted to know why?,53 Is it on purpose that my payment has been returned to my account?,53 The app reverted the payment I made.,53 Why would my payment have been returned to my account?,53 I bought something and already paid for it but now I don't see it.,53 "I really wanted to buy something online but seems the card is not working as the payment suddenly came back! What's going on here, I've been trying for a good week or two.",53 My payment has been cancelled,53 I made a payment but it was returned.,53 My card payment has been cancelled,53 I made a payment with my card that was cancelled?,53 "Hey a seller just contacted me that my money didn't come through. It was definitely deducted from my account, but now it appears it's back with me! Sort this out asap please.",53 My payment didn't work and the money is in back in my account.,53 The payment I made with my card is not showing up.,53 "Hello, I noticed the money for an item I purchased online and have already received has been returned to my checking account. Was there an issue with the merchant accepting my payment? Or, possibly, with the bank sending it?",53 My payment came back for something i'm trying to buy online? it's been doing it for two weeks. do you know what the issue is?,53 It looks like my card payment might have been reverted.,53 Why has my payment been reversed?,53 I was refunded the money for something I bought already.,53 I already got my item but just got my money back,53 I believe that a card payment I made was cancelled.,53 Why would my card payment be cancelled?,53 "I dont know what happened, but my payment was cancelled",53 The card payment didn't work,53 why did my payment revert,53 "I would like to make a purchase, however my card has been declined. I would like to ask the reason for this. The past two weeks, the card has been working fine.",53 I made a payment but the app cancelled it.,53 The app reverted my recent payment,53 Why would my card payment get reverted?,53 I believe my card payment were reverted,53 "My card has an issue, the payment has been deferred.",53 Under what condition will my payment revert?,53 "My card payment was reverted, why?",53 What should I do if my card payment was cancelled?,53 What reasons would cause my card payment to be cancelled?,53 Is my card payment reverted?,53 I had a payment reverted and would like to figure out why.,53 "I just checked and my payment was cancelled, why?",53 My money is back in my account after a seller contacted me stating they never received payment. I am positive it was deducted out of my account. Please get this sorted out right away.,53 HELP. My account has been deducted already and the Seller says they haven't received the money yet? When can they expect it?,53 Seems like my card payment has been cancelled,53 Can you please tell me why my card payments are not going through when I try to buy something online? When I put in my card payment it takes it but it comes back a while later.,53 I was checking my statement and I think one of my card payments has reverted,53 Why isn't my payment showing?,53 What happens when a payment is reverted?,53 I received a message from a seller stating they hadn't received my money even though it definitely came out of my account. The money has now been deposited back into my account. Please get this resolved as soon as possible.,53 I cancelled my card payment,53 "Ive been trying to use my card for two weeks now to purchase somethings online but nothing is going through. It keeps returning my payment to my account. There shouldn't be anything wrong with my account, is it the card?",53 I used my card to make a payment and wondered why the payment was reverted?,53 "I bought something and received it, but the payment went back to my account. Is the seller okay?",53 Looks like my card payment was cancelled.,53 why would a merchant refuse a payment,53 How do I fix a payment that was reverted,53 I just found out from the seller that my money didn't go through. I checked my account and it was deducted at first but now it's back in my account. Can you please fix this for me quickly?,53 The seller just told me he didn't get paid. After reviewing my account it did subtract the balance but now it has added it back to my account. I need you to please take care of this promptly.,53 My card payments have stopped.,53 My card payment was cancelled it seems.,53 Why was a payment I made reverted?,53 "I need help to resolve mix up on my card payment. My account shows the money was taken out and then put back in the account. Then I received a message from the seller, It said that they did not get my payment.",53 Was my transaction reverted with my card?,53 "My payment was put back, I think.",53 "I've got a problem - I purchased an item maybe a week or two ago, but to the payment came back to my account! I've already got what I ordered, so why are the payment funds showing up in my account?",53 I think my card payment was cancelled. What happened?,53 "I had a seller reach out to me saying my money didn't come through to them, but I'm sure it was removed from my account. Can you figure out what the deal is here?",53 What does it mean if it says my card payment has been cancelled?,53 Why was a payment cancelled on my account?,53 Card payment has be declined.,53 Why is a payment I made reverted back to my account?,53 My payment has been returned.,53 What does it mean if my payment has been reverted?,53 I made a payment but the app gave the money back.,53 I purchased something about one to two weeks ago but for some reason the payment was returned to my account today even though I've already received one of the items. Can you tell me what's going on?,53 "I've got a problem - I bought something with my card one or two weeks ago, but now exact same amount of the purchase is showing up in my account. I like more money in my account, but this is too good to be true. Can you tell me what's happening?",53 I think a card payment I made was cancelled.,53 "I have an issue. I bought something within the past one to two weeks and have received one of the products; however, today the total was returned to my account. What's going on here?",53 Why did you cancel my card payment?,53 I did a payment but it was reverted by the app,53 My payment has not been accepted.,53 Unknowingly to me the payment sent to seller has been redeposied back in my account. I do not know why it would take out the payment and then put it back in my account. Can you resolve this as soon as possible?,53 Can you tell me why my card isn't letting me make purchases online? It's been 2 weeks I've been trying.,53 Why did my payment not go through why did it cancel?,53 "Hi, I am trying to buy something online, but i think there is some issue in my card. As payment is reverted. Please help me in this as i am facing the same issue from last two weeks.",53 What is the reason for my card payment to be reverted?,53 My card payment's cancelled,53 What does it mean if my payment was reverted?,53 Please help me with my card payments which keeps getting reverted whenever i do online shopping. I am having this problem since last two weeks.,53 Why did my payment go back to my account when I bought something?,53 Why is my card payment cancelled?,53 "Hello, I was contacted by a seller who let me know my money didn't come through on their side. It most certainly came out of my account so I need this looked at immediately because now it has been returned to me!",53 has my card payment been reverted?,53 I have cancelled payments to this card.,53 "There's a problem - I bought something about a week or two ago but just today the payment somehow came back into my account! I already received the item though, what's going on here?",53 I see a reverted payment on my account. Why has this happened?,53 I think the payment from my card was revereted,53 I think my card payment was reverted,53 How come I can't find my payment?,53 I tried to buy something online but my funds were transferred back to my account. What is happening?,53 I received a returned payment that I made.,53 Why did the funds for one of my purchase come back to my account?,53 Why would the app revert my payment?,53 It looks like my card payment was sent back.,53 Can you tell me why my card payment was cancelled?,53 "I purchased something and already received it, why hasn't the money taken out?",53 One of my card payments has reverted,53 I was just contacted by a seller that let me know they didn't get my money even though I'm very sure it was removed from my account. Now it's back in my account. Get this resolved quickly.,53 My card payment has not been withdrawn from my account,53 My card payment was reverted,53 I just got refunded for my purchase over two weeks ago,53 Please tell me why the purchase I made online returned payment. I really wanted this item and I've been trying for 2 weeks.,53 I paid two weeks ago and just got refunded,53 My card payment was cancelled. Why?,53 "I seem to have a problem here, I bought something about a 2 weeks ago and just now received the payment back into my account and I've already received the item. Can you tell me what is going on here?",53 Why has my money been returned back to my card.,53 Why would my card payment be reverted?,53 "I've got a weird problem: I purchased something a week or maybe it was two weeks ago, and the funds have come back into my account! Can you explain this?",53 "I purchased something and the seller hasn't received the money yet, but it has been deducted from my account.",53 I think a payment I made with a card was cancelled.,53 I notice that I have a card payment that's been cancelled.,53 why was my payment reverted on the app,53 I did a payment but the app cancelled it.,53 I am not able to make a purchase because there is an issue with my card,53 Explain why a card payment would be cancelled?,53 What happens if my card payment is cancelled?,53 Why would a merchant revert my payment?,53 What happens if a merchant doesn't accept you payment?,53 "My card payment reverted back, I think.",53 I sent a payment but now it's not showing up.,53 How can I tell if my card payment is reverted?,53 "I'm not sure what is going on here. I've received payment back into my account for an item I've already received, from about 2 weeks ago.",53 Why was my card payment reversed?,53 Why have I received a rebate for my payment after a week?,53 "Around one or two weeks ago I purchased something but there's seems to be an issue. I have already received one of the items, but today the money was placed back into my account. What is happening?",53 Why wasn't my payment accepted by the app,53 Why would a merchant revert a card payment?,53 "Hi, I am facing issue with my card payment while shopping online as payment is getting reverted. I am struggling with this issue around two weeks. Please advise.",53 "I cannot seem to buy something online with my card? the payment comes back, what's going on?",53 Did a card payment that I made get cancelled?,53 "I think a card payment I made was cancelled, can you check?",53 A seller is stating that they haven't received money yet when the money has already deducted from my account.,53 I an not sure but it looks as if a card payment I made was cancelled.,53 The money is still in my account even though I already paid -- I don't understand what happened.,53 My card payment might have been reverted.,53 "I noticed my card payment was cancelled, can you tell me why?",53 I am not able to purchase anything online! I have been using my card on multiple sites over a period of two weeks and none of the payments have gone through. Why is this happening?,53 I believe my card payment has reverted,53 What do I do if my payment was reverted?,53 My payment was stopped,53 My payment was cancelled,53 My payment did not go through because the app reverted it,53 Was my card payment reverted?,53 Is it possible that my card payment was reverted?,53 Is it possible for me to change my PIN number?,21 What are the steps to change my PIN to something else?,21 In what way can I change my PIN and where do I need to be?,21 Can I change my PIN at any cash machines?,21 I need to make my card PIN a different number,21 Can I change my PIN abroad?,21 Do I have to go to the bank to change my PIN?,21 If I want to can I set up a new PIN?,21 Do I have to go into the bank to change my PIN?,21 Can I change my PIN at my local bank?,21 "If I wanted to change my PIN, how would I do that?",21 If I want to select a new PIN what do I do?,21 How can I change my PIN without going to the bank?,21 Do I need to speak to a representative to change my pin?,21 Can I pick a new PIN?,21 Where can I update my pin number?,21 Can I change my PIN remotely?,21 I need to change my card PIN.,21 If i want to change my pin number can I directly from an ATM?,21 Are there any specific cash machines that I have to go to in order to change my PIN?,21 Can I change my PIN at any ATM?,21 Can I change my pin at an atm?,21 Can I change my PIN without being physically present?,21 Can you tell me how to change my PIN?,21 I want to choose a new PIN.,21 Is there a way yo change my PIN?,21 Can I change my PIN?,21 Do I need to go to a physical bank to change my PIN?,21 What cash machines will let me change my PIN?,21 Do I need to go to an office to change my pin?,21 Which ATM's am i able to change my PIN?,21 Can I change my PIN without going to a bank?,21 Can my PIN changed remotely without visiting a bank?,21 Which countries can I change my PIN in?,21 Can I change my pin through the app?,21 I want a new PIN please.,21 Can I change my PIN at a nearby ATM when in Spain? I think someone saw my PIN and I need to change it but am on vacation.,21 Please help me set up a new PIN.,21 I have been travelling overseas and I need to change my PIN. Can you tell me how this is done?,21 Is there a location where I can change my PIN?,21 I am on vacation in Spain and need to change my pin.,21 How can I change my PIN even though I'm out of the country in Austria at the moment?,21 Can I change my PIN in Austria?,21 Can I change my in at all ATM's?,21 I'm travelling abroad but I've run into a situation where I need to change my PIN immediately. Can I do this from here?,21 I must change my PIN as soon as possible.,21 "I think my pin has been compromised, what do I do?",21 Where do I need to go to change my PIN?,21 Do I have to change my PIN at a bank?,21 Can I change my PIN on my phone?,21 Help me with a PIN change.,21 I want to change my PIN - do I need to be in a bank?,21 How do I change the PIN?,21 Where can I change my PIN?,21 Change my pin?,21 Can you tell me where can change my PIN?,21 Can I change my pin at a cash machine?,21 Is it possible to change my PIN?,21 I really need to know how to change my pin.,21 Is going to a bank only way to change my PIN?,21 How can I reset my PIN?,21 Is it possible to change my pin if i am out of the country?,21 How can I set a new pin.,21 "I think someone saw my PIN and I am on vacation in Spain, can I change it locally at an ATM?",21 Are there cash machines where I can change my PIN?,21 "I can't freeze my account as I need the card as I am traveling, how do I change my pin?",21 How do I change my card PIN?,21 "While on vacation in Spain I think someone saw my PIN and I now need to change it, can I do this at an ATM in Spain?",21 How do I go about changing my PIN?,21 Am I able to change my PIN at certain cash machines?,21 Your ATM pin can be changed at any VISA or MasterCard ATM with PIN services. Certain countries don't support ATM pin changes.,21 I am on vacation in Spain and think someone saw my pin when… Can I change it at a local ATM?,21 I'm on vacation in Europe but I desperately need to change my PIN. Can I do this from abroad?,21 Can I reset my PIN?,21 At what cash machines can I change my PIN?,21 I want to change my PIN.,21 What steps do I have to take to change my PIN?,21 I want to change my pin number from an ATM. Is this possible?,21 I would like to change the the PIN on my card.,21 "I'm in Austria right now, but I really need to change my PIN right now. Can I do this even though I'm in another country?",21 How can I alteration my PIN?,21 I want to create a new pin.,21 " Do I need to go to a physical bank to change my PIN?",21 May I change my PIN?,21 Please help me change my PIN.,21 Set a new PIN please.,21 Can I change my PIN online?,21 How do I change my PIN abroad?,21 How can I change my Rowlock ?,21 How can I change my old pin to a new one?,21 Changing my PIN,21 Can I get a new pin number at any ATM using my card?,21 Please let me know how to change my PIN?,21 Can I change my PIN without going to a bank branch?,21 Tell me how to setup a new PIN.,21 Can my PIN be changed in any cash machine?,21 Can you tell me what I need to do to have my pin changed?,21 Am I allowed to change my PIN anywhere?,21 I want to replace my current PIN.,21 Help me change my PIN.,21 Are their certain cash machines where I can change my pin?,21 " Which cash machines will allow me to change my PIN?",21 How can I change my PIN? Help.,21 Do you know how to change my card PIN?,21 Where do I go to change my PIN?,21 How do I change my pin while traveling?,21 Can I change my PIN if I want to?,21 What ATMs will allow me to change my PIN?,21 "Your card pin can be changed at any Visa or MasterCard ATM with Pin services, excluding countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Spain, and France.",21 Do I have to go to an actual bank to change my PIN?,21 "Can I change my pin at ATMs? If so, what ones?",21 Can I change my card PIN?,21 Which atms allow me to change my pin?,21 Is there a way to change my PIN without having to go to the bank?,21 Tell me what ATMs allow me to change my PIN.,21 Can I change my PIN on holiday?,21 What is the process to change my PIN?,21 Please tell me how to change my pin.,21 At what ATM can I change my PIN?,21 "If I am not in the country and I need to change my PIN, how can this be done?",21 What do I have to do to change my pin?,21 Can I change my pin number at a cash machine?,21 is there something blocking me from making transfers,7 What are the reasons for my beneficiary not being allowed?,7 Is there something wrong with the transferring functions? I keep trying to transfer funds and only get an error message.,7 What are the reasons a beneficiary would be denied?,7 A transfer to my account was denied.,7 Why was I not allowed to do a transfer to a beneficiary?,7 I got a message that my transfer is not possible. What is happening? I need this to go through please.,7 What is the reason for my beneficiary to be disallowed?,7 Can someone explain why I'm getting a message on my screen saying my transfer isn't possible? I've done several in the past and haven't had a single problem until now. What's going on?,7 I tried transferring to an account but it won't let me.,7 It's not letting me transfer money to my beneficiery.,7 My transfer to an account failed.,7 Why is my beneficiary not allowed?,7 For some reason I am unable to preform a transfer to a beneficiary.,7 My beneficiary is not allowed? Why?,7 I tried to transfer funds to a beneficiary and was denied. Can you tell me why?,7 What is the reason I couldn't do a transfer to a beneficiary?,7 I got a message that I cannot name X as a beneficiary.,7 Why am I not allowed to add a certain beneficiary?,7 Why can't my beneficiary access my account?,7 I'm trying to purchase crypto via the app. I haven't been able to get it to go through. Am I doing something wrong?,7 Hello - I'm on the app and trying to purchase crypto. It's not going through. What am I doing wrong?,7 My beneficiary didn't receive my transfer,7 why didnt a transfer to my account process,7 Why can I not do a transfer,7 Why didn't my transfer to a beneficiary go through?,7 "For some reason, I'm unable to transfer funds.",7 Why has my beneficiary been denied?,7 I need to transfer to my account and cant.,7 Why am I not allowed to transfer money to my cryptocurrency exchange?,7 what are the reasons why you would not be able to process a payment,7 Why can't I transfer to another account?,7 Are there restrictions to transfers to certain accounts?,7 Please tell me why I am having problems transferring to a beneficiary.,7 I wanted to purchase some crypto. The app will not let me. What's going on here? I really want to make this exchange.,7 My attempted transfer keeps kicking back with an error message. Could you please help me to resolve this?,7 i tried to do a transfer to an account but it didn't work,7 I just got an error message saying my transfer is not possible? Why is that? I've transferred money before and it worked without problem,7 Why is my beneficiary being denies?,7 Why does my transfer keep generating an error message?,7 I want a reason as to why my beneficiary is not allowed?,7 "Hi, I am interested buying crypto currency but unable to purchase it through the application. I do want to do the exchange, Could you please let me know what is the problem?",7 Why can't a beneficiary receive a money transfer from me?,7 Why won't my transfer to another account work?,7 My account transfer was not cleared.,7 "I am getting an error stating my transfer is not possible while transferring money. Let me know the issue as its the first time i am getting error, earlier it used to work.",7 I wasn't able to do a transfer to an account,7 Why would a transfer to an account not be allowed?,7 why is a transfer to beneficiary not possible?,7 Why did my transfer to a beneficiary fail?,7 Explain why I can't do a transfer to an account.,7 Why can't my beneficiary get access?,7 I'm suddenly getting an error while attempting a transfer that it isn't possible. Why? I've done it before.,7 I cannot make a transfer to another account.,7 Why can't I transfer money to a beneficiary,7 why didnt my account allow a transfer,7 are transfers to a beneficiary possible,7 Why are you not accepting my transfer!! I've tried a couple times already now and it just keeps showing an error message,7 Will a beneficiary not accept a transfer?,7 Why would a transfer to a beneficiary not go through?,7 For what reason can I not transfer money to a beneficiary?,7 What happens when a beneficiary can't receive my transfer?,7 i tried to transfer cryptocurrency into my account but was denied,7 Why wasn't my payment to beneficiary X approved?,7 My transfer to a beneficiary did not go through. Why?,7 I really was trying to complete this exhange. I was trying to purchase some crypto but the app won't allow me to do it. Can you tell me what's going on here?,7 Why won't you let me name X as a beneficiary?,7 Why couldn't I transfer funds to my beneficiary?,7 Why can't I transfer money to a beneficiery?,7 Am I allowed to transfer money to a beneficiary?,7 Why didn't my transfer to a beneficiary happen?,7 A transfer was not allowed to an account.,7 Why can't I use this beneficiary?,7 "I want to transfer money to a beneficiary, but I couldn't.",7 My funds are not transferring to my bank. Why is this not working?,7 Just received a message that my transfer is not possible?? What is going on. I have done this before with no issues.,7 I am trying to transfer and it has been stopped why is that,7 "This is frustrating, I'm at work and my transfers are not going through. I keep getting an error message, I do not have time for this.",7 I am trying to complete a transfer but I keep getting an error message.,7 "I normally have no issues making transfers, so why am I suddenly being told it is not possible?",7 My account did not allow the transfer.,7 "Why is my transfer not working? I tried multiple times to transfer money, and all that happens is an error message pops up.",7 Why was my transfer stopped ?,7 Why is allowance not being given to my beneficiary?,7 I have been trying to exchange this for crypto but the app won't work could you please help me?,7 The transfer to my account was not allowed.,7 My beneficiary is unable to transact,7 I need to move money to another beneficiary. Why is it not working?,7 I don't understand why you aren't accepting my transfer. After a couple times trying I'm still getting an error message.,7 the transfer to an account wasn't allowed is there any other way for me to do it,7 I was unable to transfer money to a beneficiary.,7 Why can't I use my beneficiary?,7 Why is this beneficiary being rejected?,7 "I have to transfer money over to my mother, and I have tried numerous times and all that keeps happening is error messages.",7 why did my account decline a incoming transfer,7 Why will my transfer not go through?! Keep getting an error message.,7 My transfer to a beneficiary was rejected.,7 The transfer to my beneficiary has not gone through,7 I wasn't allowed to transfer to my account,7 I was trying to purchase some crypto and the app won't allow me to do it. What's the deal with this? I really wanted to complete the exchange.,7 I have made several unsuccessful attempts to make a transfer. I'm getting frustrated at getting error messages and it not going through.,7 My money didnt go through after I transferred.,7 I tried transferring to an account but it didn't go through. What happened?,7 I cant transfer money into my account,7 why can't my beneficiary make transactions?,7 Why can't I add any beneficiary I choose?,7 Why am I unable to transfer money when I was able to before?,7 "Hello I am unable to exchange the crypto currency through the app, i am very keen to buy. Please let me know the issue. interested buying crypto currency but i am unable to purchase it through the application,i do want to do the exchange, Could you please let me know what is the problem?",7 Why is a transfer to a beneficiary not possible?,7 Can you please explain why my beneficiary is not allowed?,7 "I tried transferring money to a beneficiary, however, I was unsuccessful.",7 The app won't let me transfer money to a beneficiary,7 Why can I not do a transfer to a beneficiary?,7 why wasn't a transfer to account approved,7 "I was trying to make a transfer and got an error message telling me it was not possible to make the transfer. This has never happened before, what happened?",7 Why is my beneficiary not being allowed to get payment services?,7 "I have tried to submit a transfer a couple of times now, and for some reason, it continues to be unsuccessful. Do you know why this may be?",7 Why can't I transfer to an account?,7 I could not transfer funds to a beneficiary; is there a problem with your software?,7 Why is my beneficiary not working?,7 Why can't you allow my beneficiary?,7 My transfer to another account was not allowed. Why is that?,7 Why couldn't I transfer to a beneficiairy?,7 I couldn't transfer to an account.,7 My transfer failed to a beneficiary,7 I was unable to transfer to another account.,7 Why was I denied the option to transfer money to a selected beneficiary?,7 I keep getting an error message when I'm trying to transfer funds! Why aren't you accepting that?,7 Why is this not letting me exchange crypto? I need help making this transaction go through.,7 I could not transfer to a beneficiary,7 Why cant I transfer to my account?,7 Why am I being told this transfer will not go thru,7 I couldn't transfer money to a beneficiery,7 "While transferring money, its getting error out as my transfer is not possible. Please help me in this as earlier i was able to do it successfully.",7 "Hi, Is there any problem with app? As i am facing some issues with the exchange of crypto currency. I am extremely interested in buying.",7 "Hi, I'm trying to by some crypto and the app isn't allowing it. I really want to exchange this, what am I doing wrong?",7 My account transfer was blocked.,7 What is preventing me from adding a specific beneficiary?,7 "I couldn't transfer money to my bank, why not?",7 Why cant I send money to a beneficiary?,7 How can I transfer money to a beneficiary?,7 It shows that the transfer on my account wasn't allowed.,7 Could you please explain why I received a message that my transfer is not possible? I've never had any problems making a transfer in the past.,7 Hi i received an error message informing me about the transaction failure. I have done the money transfer before and it never failed. Please let me know what is the issue this time.,7 Why would I receive an error that my transfer isn't possible when I've done it before?,7 My card isn't letting me purchase something and I wanted to know why.,7 Why isn't my beneficiary allowed?,7 is a transfer to a beneficiary allowed?,7 What are then rules on beneficiaries?,7 Why can't I buy cryptocurrency on the app?,7 Payment did not process,7 I've been trying to make a transfer and it hasn't gone through. Now I am receiving an error message. What is the problem?,7 I am having trouble transferring money to a beneficiery.,7 "Why won't you take my transfer, I keep getting an error message.",7 beneficiary transfer problems?,7 Why would my beneficiary not be allowed?,7 "I was transferring some money to a friend, which I thought would be free, but I see there is a charge. What's up with that?",64 "There is a fee for a transfer, please explain that to me.",64 I didn't know there was a charge for tranferring. What is the charge?,64 "I transferred money, why was charged for an extra fee?",64 When I made a transfer I was charged extra.,64 Is there a fee that comes with transfers?,64 I shouldn't be charged any fee for transferring .,64 I've been using my account while abroad for a while but only recently I've been charged a fee. Why am I only being charged a fee now.,64 why am I being charged a fee for transferring money ?,64 I transferred money from one account to another account and I charged a fee for it. Why is that?,64 Why was I charged extra when transferring?,64 During the last month I used this account to make payments for my place abroad. I noticed the fees have increased and I wonder why. Shouldn't frequent users have less fees as incentive to keep using instead of increasing them out of nowhere?,64 Why did it cost money to transfer funds?,64 What kind of fees will I pay when I transfer?,64 My transaction went through but I was charged a fee. Why?,64 "A transfer I sent was received in less than the full amount I originally sent, and now I have to send additional funds to cover the full amount. What happened?",64 Should I be seeing a fee applied for my money transfer?,64 Can you please tell me why I was charged an extra fee on my transfer?,64 "I made a transfer and the receiver said an amount was received, but not exactly the same as the right amount. I now have to transfer more to get the remainder to the receiver. Can you alert me about this. What's been happening?",64 "I made a transfer and the receiver said an amount was received, but less than the right amount. I now have to transfer more to get the remainder to the receiver. Can you tell me about this. What's been going on?",64 Why is my transfer more expensive than I thought?,64 Why am I being charged to transfer funds?,64 I noticed additional charges when transferring?,64 Why is there a charge for my transfer?,64 I got charged a fee for transferring money.,64 "I see a transfer fee, but to my understand, that should have been free, what happened?",64 Why was I charged for transferring money?,64 I found a transfer fee - is that correct?,64 I did a transfer. What is the extra fee?,64 I got an unexpected charge on my transfers. How can I correct this?,64 Why am I seeing a transfer fee on my bank statement?,64 "I transferred money, but I think I've been charged a fee for it?",64 Please explain the fee on a transfer I made.,64 Why was I charged an extra fee when doing a transfer?,64 "I was charged a fee for the transfer, but can you tell me why?",64 "So I've been using my account frequently to manage payments for my vacation house in a different country, and now I'm getting hit with ridiculously high fees! What's with that? Ought not I be rewarded as a frequent user?",64 I bought something online and it says there was a fee to transfer money. Isn't that free?,64 There's something wrong on my bill. A transfer fee should never have been added.,64 I did a transfer and was charged a fee that I shouldn't have been!,64 Why are you charging me a transfer fee?,64 Why was a fee changed for my transfer?,64 "I made a transfer and the receiver did not get the right amount its lesser than what it should be,Now I have to transfer more money to make up for the missing amount . Can you please help me about this, what should be done",64 Does transferring money have a fee?,64 "Why did the person I transferred money to not receive the correct amount? What should I do to get them the right amount, do I have to transfer more money to them?",64 Why is there a fee for my transfer?,64 why is there a fee for the transfer I made?,64 Why has transferring money resulted in a charge?,64 Where did my extra fee for the transfer come from?,64 How much do I have to pay if I want to transfer money?,64 I thought transfers were free. Why was I charged to transfer?,64 I made a transfer and was charged extra. Why?,64 "I thought I can make transfers for free, this is not fair. I bought something online from abroad and there was some weird additional fee that I've never seen before?",64 "I transferred some money recently and saw a fee on my account, what's that for?",64 Is it normal to see a fee for transferring money?,64 Transfers are supposed to be free. I just got a fee tacked on to something I bought abroad. Not cool. Figure out how to remove it.,64 Why am I being charged for transfers? Are they not free?,64 Why was I charged this extra fee while doing a transfer?,64 why was i chargged,64 Is there a money transfer fee?,64 I was under the impression that transfers were going to be free and here I was charged for something I bought overseas! I don't think this fee is right,64 "I thought transfers were free, why was I charged?",64 Why were there additional charges when I transferred funds?,64 Are money transfers free?,64 My transfer seems to be too expensive.,64 who charged my card,64 A receiver let me know that they didn't receive the full transfer I completed and that it was actually a bit less than what I sent. At this point I have to make another transfer to make up for the amount missing. Can you please follow up with what's going on here?,64 Could you inform me as to why I have been charged a higher fee for doing banking abroad.,64 Someone that I had to send money to told me that they didn't receive the full amount I sent them - can you look into this?,64 "I transferred 7,000 to a receiver outside the EU and they received a lesser amount than what I sent, Unfortunately, now I must send an additional transfer to the receiver so that they can receive the full amount I initially sent. I'm not sure why they received a lesser amount than what I initially sen, but can you please look into this and let me know what happened?",64 Extra charge during transfer,64 I use my card internationally to manage payments and I just noticed that you are adding additional fees. Why? I am a good customer and this has me thinking about leaving.,64 "I made a transfer and the receiver said they haven't actually received the right amount, but it's a bit less. Now I have to transfer more money to make up for the missing bit. Can you please alert me about this, what has been going on?",64 I was informed that transfers were free. I noticed I have a fee but why?,64 Will I be charged for transfers?,64 what is this fee for transfering,64 This isn't fair! I thought transfers could be made for free. I just made a purchase online from abroad and now see some strange fee that I've never seen before.,64 I had an unexpected fee,64 I was charged a fee for a transfer.,64 I thought you guys offered free transfers. Why was I charged?,64 Why would I be charged an extra fee while doing a transfer?,64 "I do not like this, I made a simple transfer but I have an additional charge for doing so.",64 What is the reason for the fee charge on my transfer?,64 I tried to transfer money to a receiver and they didn't get the right amount. What is going on and who do I contact to help me?,64 There is a fee from a transfer that is not supposed to be here!,64 I was under the impression I can make transfers for free. I made an online purchase for something that was obroad and there's some additional strange fee. I've never seen this before and this isn't fair.,64 why was a extra fee added to my account for transfer ?,64 Why did you charge me a fee when I made a transfer?,64 Why have I been charged a fee for transferring money?,64 Are transfers not free? I didn't know I would be charged for transfers.,64 Why was I charged a fee for transferring money,64 Am I charged a fee to transfer funds?,64 Can you please explain why I was charged an extra fee for my transfer?,64 Someone made a mistake on my money transfer because I was charged extra fees.,64 "I've use my accounts all the time to manage my payments for my place abroad that I just got. I now see that I suddenly have new fees.I'm a frequent customer, so why are you charging me new fees instead of rewarding me?",64 I did a transfer and I was charged a fee that shouldn't be there!,64 Why was I charged a random fee for a transfer I made?,64 Why am I seeing a fee for transferring money?,64 "I've used my account frequently over the last month to manage my payments from abroad for my new place. I noticed that my fees have suddenly increased. As a frequent customer, shouldn't I be rewarded rather than suddenly being subject to a new fee?",64 I used this account a lot during the last month to manage my payments for my new place abroad. Seems that suddenly fees have increased? Shouldn't you instead reward your frequent customers instead of putting an additional fee suddenly?!,64 I thought that transfers are free. Why was I charged an extra fee?,64 I am confused about your fee structure and was disappointed to see a fee for my transfer.,64 I thought transfers were free of charge. I bought something abroad and got charged a ridiculous fee. How do I get this problem fixed.,64 Why was there an extra charge when I transferred money?,64 Why is there a fee on my money transfer?,64 "I made a transfer and according to the receiver ""they haven't received the right amount"" Its lesser than it should be.Now I have to transfer more money to make up for the missing amount . Can you please help me about this,what should be done",64 What is this fee for transferring money?,64 I have used this account overseas recently. Has there been an increase in fees that I am unaware of?,64 why was i charged a fee to transfer,64 I need to know how much it costs to transfer funds.,64 I made a transfer and the person I transferred the money to didn't receive the right amount? Why did this happen and how do I get the rest of the money to them?,64 Why did I get charged a fee for transferring money?,64 Why did I get charged for a transfer?,64 "I have used my account abroad for a while without any fees, why am I being charged additional fees all of a sudden?",64 Can you elaborate on why I have an extra charge just for transferring?,64 Why was I charged a fee to transfer money?,64 Is it free to transfer money or is there a fee?,64 "I was charged a fee when I transferred my funds, why?",64 "I've use this account all the time, including over this past month, to pay for things from my new place abroad. I'm a really good customer, so why do I suddenly have new fees? I should be rewarded instead of charged more fees.",64 "So, I see a strange fee that I've never seen before after making an online purchase from abroad. I was under the impression transfers could be made for free. I don't think this seems fair.",64 Is there a fee for transferring money,64 Why was money taken for a transfer?,64 "I made a transfer and according to the receiver ""they haven't received the right amount"" Its lesser than it should be.Now I have to transfer more money to make up for the missing amount . Can you please help me about this, what should be done ?",64 I don't appreciate the extra fees being siphoned from my account. I was helping some friends move to Japan and we were buying home decorations at the local stores. The receipts differed greatly from what showed up in my bank account and my statement. When can I expect the extra fees to be back in my account?,64 Why is there an extra fee on a transfer?,64 "Hi, I have transferred money but beneficiary's account is credited with less amount. Now i have transfer the difference of the amount. I think there is some issue, could you please look into this.",64 A receiver made me aware that they did not receive the full transfer that I made. The amount was showing to be a bit less. I now have to make a second transfer just to make up the difference. Can you reach out and let me know what's going on?,64 Can you explain the transfer fee that I was charged?,64 Why am I being charged for transferring money?,64 "After reviewing my charges, I see I was charged a fee for a transfer I did, why?",64 Why do I see a fee when I do a transfer?,64 How come I can see an extra charge for my transfer?,64 I don't think I was supposed to be charged so much.,64 I have a service fee that I've never seen before. It showed up after I bought something from an international seller online.,64 When I was transferring money I was charged extra why?,64 "I was charged a transfer fee, why is that?",64 I have a fee listed for a transfer.,64 I noticed that there was an extra charge fee on my account. Could You explain to me why?,64 Hey there's a fee for a transfer on my account. Why?!,64 Does it cost anything to buy something from another country? Like is there going to be hidden transfer fees or currency conversion fees?,64 Why do I have an unexpected fee on my bill?,64 I just transferred some money. Why was I charged a fee?,64 Why is there a fee for doing a transfer?,64 Why are there additional fees for transfers?,64 "After a transfer, I see an extra fee. Why?",64 Hey I thought transfers were free. Why are you charging me?,64 "I transferred money to a receiver within the EU and they received a lesser amount than expected. Now I will have to send additional money to the receiver in order to make up the difference. I'm not sure what went wrong, can you please advise?",64 I made a transfer and was charged an extra fee!,64 What is this extra fee while I was doing a transfer?,64 Next time maybe let people know that buying things from another country costs extra. I used my card to purchase an item from another country and I was charged for the item and also an extra fee it looks like. I wasnt aware of this and I think I should get a refund.,64 "Hi! I'm a university student studying abroad and I noticed that when I was trying to cross-reference my budget for this month that there were extra fees I was not expecting. Why is that? I've had this account for years and I haven't had any trouble so far, it might not even be on your all's end since I'm still new to international travel and finance, but I wanted to double check in case a mistake was made!",64 Will I get extra charges?,64 "I noticed a fee, while banking abroad, that seems different than any I have been charged before. What does this fee mean?",64 I think I have an extra transfer charge.,64 "I usually don't get charged for transfers, why was I this month?",64 Why was my transfer charged a fee?,64 I should not have been charged a fee for my transfer.,64 I did a transfer and was charged a fee that should not have been charged!,64 I was charged a fee for a transfer. Where did it come from?,64 Why did I get charged a fee for my transfer?,64 How come a fee was charged when I tranferred money,64 Why was a fee charged to me for transferring money?,64 Why do I get a fee every time I transfer?,64 I was charge a fee that I wasn't told about,64 I noticed a charge for a transfer. Why is this? Is it because I did an international transfer?,64 Is it right that I've been charged for transferring money?,64 This transfer incurred a fee that I don't think is right.,64 "I just recently got a new beach condo in Bora Bora, and to furnish it I used this account a lot from overseas. It's upsetting, being a long-time customer of yours, that I saw extra fees on my account from my currency transfer. Is this what I should expect from you in the future?",64 Why was I charged a fee when making this transfer when I shouldn't have been?,64 "I just moved overseas and I noticed that you are charging me more fees. I am a loyal customer, is this how you expect to keep customers?",64 Im not sure why Im being charged an extra fee just for purchasing an item from another country? I paid for the item and the shipping why am I getting charged extra?,64 I make payments for my place abroad using this account and since i use it so frequently I was wondering why did the fees increase suddenly rather than decreasing? I would think customers like me should receive incentives for using your service,64 Why was there a transfer fee on my account?,64 Can my salary be received here?,50 How can my boss pay me directly to the card?,50 Salary in GBP has been received. Does it need to be configured into another place?,50 I am paid by my employer in GBP; do I need to do anything in the app to indicate this?,50 How can my friend give me money?,50 I would like to know how my friend would be able to send me money,50 How can I receive money?,50 I received a transfer in GBP how do I change it to a different currency?,50 How can my friend send money to me?,50 Can I receive my salary with this in another currency?,50 Can i receive transfers from my employer to this account?,50 Will my GPB update my salary,50 How do I transfer funds if I am paid in GBP?,50 am i able to receive my salary this way?,50 What are the steps for getting money from a friend?,50 Can I directly deposit my salary to this account?,50 How can I receive my salary with a different currency?,50 My salary is in GBP - what should I do?,50 I would like to receive my salary in a different currency. How does that work?,50 How can people transfer money to me?,50 i want to get my salary deposited as pesos?,50 My salary is deposited in GBP. Do I need to choose the currency?,50 What do I need to do to get my salary through this?,50 How can you transfer my salary to my correct currency?,50 I need my payment in another currency,50 how do i find out about transfers,50 I received my salary in the wrong currency. How do I change this?,50 Can I transfer my payroll to the bank?,50 Can i receive transfers from my employer this way?,50 Can my friend send me money if it is not in US dollars?,50 "Do I need to select a preference to receive my salary payments in GBP and, if so, where?",50 How do I get money from friends?,50 Is it possible for a friend to personally send me a payment?,50 What are the steps for my friend to send me money?,50 Can I receive payments in another currency?,50 What do I need to do to receive my payroll in the account?,50 Please show me how my friend can send me money.,50 "How do I know what my account is set to, I am paid in GBP?",50 Can I receive money in a different countries money?,50 Can I transfer my salary if its in GBP?,50 Can my friend send me money?,50 "My salary is in GBP, do I need to exchange it before putting it into my account?",50 Do I need to convert my currency from GBP before transferring?,50 Is it ok for a friend to send me money?,50 can my husband open an account and transfer money,50 How can I receive money from someone?,50 What can I use to receive my salary?,50 "My friend wants to send me money, can she?",50 How can I receive money from my friend?,50 Can I get paid for this in another currency?,50 Can I use my salary for this?,50 Can I transfer money using a different currency?,50 Can I have a friend send money directly to me?,50 Can I transfer my salary onto here?,50 Can this app take my salary?,50 "My salary is received in the form of GBP. Is it necessary to configure this? If so, where is this done?",50 May I get my salary paid out in a different currency?,50 I use GBP for my salary deposits. Must I set this up somewhere?,50 "I was wondering, Can I get my pay in another currency?",50 What will I need to configure if my salary is in GBP?,50 what currencies can I receive my salary in with this?,50 Who can send me money?,50 "My salary is in GBP, is this something I need to configure?",50 Can my salary be received and transferred to my current currency in my country?,50 Can I transfer my paycheck to the account?,50 How does one send me money?,50 My salary comes in GBP can I change my options somewhere?,50 How do I receive money from someone?,50 How can I receive my salary in another currency?,50 Are there ways for other people to send me money?,50 What if I need my salary in another currency?,50 How would my friend be able to send me money?,50 Will my employer be able to pay me with this service,50 Which foreign currencies can I get transferred into my account?,50 Is there any way to get my salary in a different currency?,50 What methods are available for my friend to send me money?,50 How to receive transfers from my employer when I get paid in GBP?,50 Am I allowed to use different currencies?,50 Can I receive payment in another currency?,50 Can friends send me money?,50 How can my friend pay me?,50 "I have obtained the salary in GBP, will it need to be configured?",50 Can I use a transfer to receive my transfer?,50 Can friends transfer money to each other?,50 Can my job deposit my wages directly into the account.,50 Do I need to do anything special for my friend to send money to my account?,50 My friend would like to send me money. What are the options available to them?,50 Do I need to add my salary?,50 Will you accept my salary if it's in another currency?,50 "If my salary is in GBP, do I need to do something?",50 Can I use a different currency with my salary?,50 My salary is in GBP. Do I need to configure this somewhere?,50 How can I configure what currency my salary is in if it's in GBP?,50 Do you support direct deposits from my employer?,50 Can i get payed through this system?,50 What is happening? I have tried to transfer money 5x already. Is the system down? This shouldnt be happening as this is a basic transfer.,35 Is there a reason that my transfer failed?,35 Why didn't my transfer complete?,35 Why was I unable to finish this transfer?,35 "I have made 5 attempts to make a very standard survey, yet I can't get it to work. What is the problem? Is there an issue related to your system?",35 "Your system is broken. My transfers keep failing, 5 times now.",35 I tried to make a transfer like five different times. Why won't your system let me? Is it broke?,35 Can you tell me why I wasn't able to complete my transfer?,35 Why wont the other bank take my money?? Is it not good enough?? There's sufficient funds but I keep getting denied a standard transfer. Ive tried 5 times!,35 Is there a problem with your system being down or something? I have already tried 5 times to issue a standard transfer but I'm getting nowhere.,35 A transfer could not be completed.,35 What would cause a transfer failure?,35 I believe that my transfer hasn't gone through.,35 Transfer isn't working?,35 Can you tell me why my transfer is failing and help resolve?,35 Transfer has failed.,35 Did my transfer fail?,35 I tried to make a transfer but it failed. will you tell me why?,35 I was unable to transfer money from my account.,35 Why hasn't my transfer gone through,35 I really need some help to understand why my transfer keeps failing. I'm trying to send money to a friend. Please help.,35 I have tried 5 times at this point to complete a transfer that's simply standard. What appears to be the problem? Is your system messed up?,35 "Hi, I am currently in the process of buying a flat and I am waiting for the mortgage to go through but it keeps showing up as an error. Do you know what could be causing this and can you help me get the money over.",35 "Hi, I'm in progress of purchasing a flat and am trying to make to make a payment. An error is appearing, and I need assistance.",35 Why did my transfer not work?,35 "The transfer keeps failing - I tried to transfer some money to friends this morning but it keeps getting rejected for some reason, I have no idea why",35 I've been trying to do a transfer multiple times and have failed? Is the system down?,35 I have tried sending a standard transfer five times and it hasn't gone through. What is the problem?,35 My transfer failed when I tried.,35 Can you explain why my transfer was unsuccessful?,35 Why did my transfer fail? What can I do?,35 My transfer failed. Help!,35 My transfer failed to process correctly. Is there a reason this would happen?,35 Can you help me transfer money into my friend's bank account? I tried to do it but it keeps rejecting me. I need to get the money in there asap. I have enough and all the account info is correct.,35 I tried to make a transfer and it didn't work.,35 please help my transfer go through,35 My transfer didn't work! Help!,35 What could possibly be the cause of my failed transfer?,35 Is there a reason behind why my transfer did not work?,35 Why won't my transfer go through?,35 Why can't I make a transfer?,35 "I got a transfer fail message, but no explanation of why-- what happened?",35 Why did the transfer fail when I attempted to do it earlier?,35 "Hello. I ran into a problem with a transfer this morning. I was trying to send money to some friends but when I tried to send it, the transfer failed. I don't know what is causing the transfer to be rejected. Please let me know what is causing the problem. Thanks.",35 "So, I am in the middle of purchasing a flat. I need the money for the first mortgage payment and it is not going through. I keep receiving an error. Can you find out what's going on and help me complete this transfer?",35 Can you tell my why my funds transfer did not work properly?,35 Why didn't my transfer work?,35 "Hi there, I've tried to make a transfer 5 different times and its not working. Is your system down or something?",35 Why can I not make a transfer?,35 "My transfer failed, why did that happen?",35 The app says my transfer failed,35 Is there a reason my transfer failed?,35 Why was my transaction not approved?,35 I attemped a transfer and it didn't go through.,35 is the a reason why my transfer has failed?,35 The transfer I tried to make failed.,35 Can you please assist me in completing a transfer? I'm trying and I keep getting an error. I'm trying to purchase a flat and pay the initial mortgage payment. All I keep getting is an error. Can you find out what's happening here?,35 "Why can't I transfer my money into someone else's account? I should be able to do so right? Why does it keep rejecting my transfer? There's no reason, all my info is correct and the money is there.",35 "Hello, I am buying a flat and need the inital payment for the mortgage to go through. It keeps showing up as error, what is going on? Can you please help me make this transfer?",35 Why can't I complete my transfer?,35 "My card couldn't complete a transfer, why?",35 "Hey, I'm buying a flat and I need my mortgage to go though. However, every time I check I get an error message. Is there any way you can help me with this transfer.",35 "Errors keep showing up every time I try to make this transfer and I am on a time crunch, could you please help.",35 Why do my transfers keep failing?,35 Why didn't this transfer work?,35 "Hi, I have been transferring money to my friends since morning, but all my transactions were getting failed. Can you please look into this issue.",35 "My transfer did not work, what was the reason?",35 What do I need to do to correct this failed transfer?,35 I tried to do a transfer and it hasn't worked!,35 What went wrong when I tried to do my transfer?,35 Why does it say my transfer failed?,35 I don't think my transfer wen through. Why?,35 How can I find out why my transfer didn't go through?,35 "I needed to send my friends some money urgently. I tried multiple times to transfer the money this morning, but the transfer keeps failing. Can you tell me why the transfer is getting rejected?",35 I tried to make a transfer and it failed.,35 "After I attempted a transfer, it failed.",35 I couldnt transfer money from my account.,35 "What stopped my transfer, from being accepted?",35 I've already tried 5 times to complete a transfer that's just standard. What's the deal? Is your system down at this time?,35 What caused my transfer to fail?,35 My transfer failed,35 "I tried to make a transfer, but it didn't work.",35 How is this transfer supposed to work? It's not working for me.,35 "This morning, I tried to send money to my friends several times but each time the transfer fails. Why does it keep failing? The transfer gets rejected but I do not know what is causing it to be rejected.",35 I'm trying to purchase a flat but i need my first payment for my mortgage to go through first. I keep getting an error. I'm not sure what is going on but i need help making this transfer.,35 "My transfer failed, why?",35 My transfer is failing when I try to do it.,35 I can't seem to make a standard bank transfer. I have tried at least five times already but none of them are going through. Please tell me what is wrong?,35 What may be the reason that my transfer did not go through?,35 I tried to transfer money but it didn't go through,35 My transfer didn't complete. Why can't I access funds?,35 Been trying to transfer money this morning but keep getting rejected. I don't understand why this is happening.,35 "Hi, I'm trying to purchase a flat and I'm needing the first payment for the mortgage to go through on the flat I'm trying to buy. For some reason I keep getting an error.can you assist in making this transfer? What is going on?",35 My transfer didn't work how come?,35 Hi I'm sending some money over to an investment bank I do business and the transaction is being rejected. I'm not sure why as I think I have the right details.,35 I think my transfer failed. What do I do now?,35 "I attempted a transfer, but it failed.",35 I couldn't make a transfer,35 Hello. I'm trying to transfer some money to a friend but it keeps getting rejected. can you help me?,35 "The transfer keeps rejected, I tried to transfer some money to friends but it keeps getting rejected for some reason, Would you please check the issue?",35 I've been trying to make a transfer and it doesn't seem to be working. (5 times) What is wrong with your system?,35 Why are my transfers not going through. I have tried over 4 times to get it to work. This is just a simple transfer. Is something else causing this in the system? Is it broken?,35 Why was I not able to complete my transfer?,35 "The transfer keeps failing , I tried to transfer some money to friends this morning but it keeps getting rejected for some reason, Would you please check the issue?",35 Why was my transaction declined?,35 Why wouldn't a transfer go through?,35 Can you please tell me why my transfer failed?,35 I did a transfer earlier but see that it failed to go through.,35 Why has my payment not transferred?,35 I tried to do a transfer but it didn't go through.,35 The attempted transfer failed.,35 I need help making this transfer. I keep getting an error. I'm trying to purchase a flat but i need my mortgage payment to go through first. Can you help?,35 Why does my transfer keep failing? I've tried 5 times and they all failed.,35 A mortgage payment I'm making is giving me an error message. This is the first time I'm making this payment and want to know what's wrong.,35 "Hi, can you tell me why my transfer keeps being rejected? I've been trying to send money to my friends this morning but failed every time and I have no idea why?",35 I need assistance completing a transfer. I'm trying to purchase a flat and need the money for the initial mortgage payment. I keep getting an error and the transfer is not going through. What is going on here?,35 What are the reasons that my mortgage payment won't go through? I'm getting an error and don't know how to correct to get this transfer to go through.,35 Why was I unable to complete my transfer?,35 "Hi, I'm buying my son Bertie a starter home in London. I'm just trying to send the 5% deposit over to the agent. It's only £200,000 but seems to be throwing an error. What is going on? If I wait any longer the house prices might rise, can you look in to it please?",35 I'm trying to make a bank transfer but It's not going through. Could there not be enough funds to transfer or something? Have I done it too many times?,35 I need to know what is going on. I'm attempting to purchase a flat and need the money to pay on my initial mortgage payment. I'm only getting an error. Can you find out what's going on and help in making the transfer?,35 Can you please explain why my transfer failed?,35 I think youre system may be broken because I have tried transfer money 5x and it isnt working! I'm not doing anything complicated it is what I usually do.,35 I am trying to transfer money and something is going wrong.,35 I am unsuccessfully trying to make a transfer can you help?,35 "I can't transfer any money from my account to my friend's account, it keeps rejecting it. Can you tell me why? I have enough funds in my account to transfer.",35 Why did the bank reject my transfer?,35 "I tried and tried, but I could not complete my transfer. Tell me what is wrong.",35 I'm getting an error when trying to make a payment. I want to purchase a flat but my mortgage payment needs to go through. Can you help me?,35 The transger I tried to make failed.,35 "When I tried to transfer funds to my friend today I was unable to do so, why?",35 "I've tried to send money to my friends and I keep getting rejected. Can you please tell me why, I don't understand.",35 why do i have a failed transfer,35 I've tried completing a very standard transfer and have already attempted it 5 times. What's going on here? Is there a problem with your system?,35 "When I attempted to make a transfer, it failed.",35 Why can't my transfer complete?,35 Why can't I complete the transfer?,35 I want to transfer money. How do I do that for my account?,65 How do I transfer money into my account?,65 How can I link my bank to my top up account?,65 I have an account that is empty of funds. Can I transfer some from another bank?,65 HOW DO I TRANSFER MONEY FROM MY BANK ACCOUNT?,65 Whats the transfer process,65 How can you assist me on topping up on bank transfers to my account?,65 Can I add money to my account via bank transfer?,65 I want to op up my account by using bank transfer. How do I go about it?,65 I have questions about how to transfer money to my account.,65 I need to add money to my account. Can I do so via bank transfer?,65 Can I use my bank account to send me more money?,65 I can't figure out how to transfer money into my account.,65 Can you please explain how to transfer money using the bank transfer process?,65 How simple is it to transfer money into my account?,65 How can my account have money transferred into it?,65 "I am in desperate need to transfer funds from another account that i have into this one, how do i do that?",65 How do I use bank transfer to top up my account?,65 How do I top up?,65 Why can I not transfer money into my account?,65 How can I move money from an account at another bank to this one?,65 What process should I use to transfer money into my account?,65 "I want to transfer money into my account, what do I do?",65 I need to deposit money to my account,65 Can you transfer money to your card by bank transfer?,65 What do you do to transfer money to my account?,65 How can I move money from my account at a different bank to the account I have at this bank.,65 Please provide details on how to top up my account using transfer option,65 Where can I find out how to transfer money into my account.,65 How does it work when I transfer money into my account?,65 I need assistance with transferring funds to another account.,65 How can I add money to my account from another account I have?,65 I have money in a foreign account that I want to send to this account.,65 How can I transfer money into my account?,65 I need to move money from another bank to this account.,65 I need to transfer money into this account from my other bank account.,65 How do I go forth with bank transfers for top up accounts?,65 "I have an account at another bank, but I want to transfer some of the money to my account here. .",65 "I want to do a bank transfer to this bank, from an account at another bank.",65 What are my bank details so I can do a transfer?,65 How would I use a bank transfer for topping my account?,65 I would like to know how to transfer money into my account.,65 My account is devoid of funds. Am I permitted to submit additional money via bank transfer?,65 How does a bank transfer for topping my account work?,65 I'd like to know how transferring my money into my account works.,65 How is my money transferred to the account,65 How do I top up my account with a bank transfer?,65 I need to transfer money to my account from another bank,65 I would like to transfer money into my account.,65 I would like to transfer money from my checking account to my savings account.,65 I want to transfer money into my account,65 What transfer methods do you accept?,65 "I need to transfer money into my account, and I don't know how to do that.",65 "I need to transfer money into my account, HOW?",65 Can I transfer money to my card via bank-transfer?,65 How can I transfer some money into a foreign account?,65 I need to know the process to transfer money into my account.,65 Can I add money to top up my account via a bank transfer?,65 What currencies can I use to top up my account?,65 How do I top up my account using transfer?,65 Account topping up bank transfers to my account assistance please?,65 I want to take some funds from my other bank account and add them to this one.,65 I need more money in my account. Can I add more by transferring?,65 How do I go about transferring money into my bank account?,65 How do I go forth on transferring a sum of money from one account to another?,65 How do I initiated a bank transfer to top up?,65 How can I transfer money between accounts?,65 Whats the process of tranfering money into an account?,65 "I would like to top up my account with a bank transfer, is that allowed?",65 How can I deposit money to my account?,65 I have zero dollars in my account. Can I submit additional funds via bank transfer?,65 What are the steps for making a transfer for topping up?,65 "For my account, how do I transfer money in?",65 How do I transfer money between two of my accounts?,65 What is the procedure to transfer money to my account?,65 Is a bank transfer acceptable for topping up my account?,65 I have no more money in my account. Is there a way to do a bank transfer to put money into my account?,65 I need to transfer funds from my other bank account into this bank account.,65 I want to transfer a sum of money from another bank account I have into this one,65 Can I transfer money to my account with the app?,65 Can you tell me how transferring money into my account works?,65 Help! My account doesn't show any funds. Is transferring funds an option I can use?,65 How do I transfer cash my into my account?,65 How can I top up my account by bank transfer?,65 I was wondering about transferring money into my account and how it works. Can you tell me about that?,65 My money is all gone. What ways are okay to add money to my account?,65 I need to move money from one of my other accounts to this one.,65 What is the process for transferring money into my account?,65 Tell me how to top up my account using bank transfer.,65 Can I top-up my card using a bank transfer.,65 Can I use a bank transfer to add money to my account?,65 "I want to top up by transfering accounts, What do I do?",65 show me how to transfer to my account,65 How does your app transfer the money,65 How do I deposit through bank transfer?,65 My account is depleted. Can I transfer funds from another bank?,65 Can you please explain the topping up transfer process?,65 What can I expect if I use bank transfer to top up my account?,65 I want to transfer some money from my other bank account into this one.,65 I want to transfer money from another account into this one.,65 I would like to move money from one account to another to top off my account. Can you explain how I can do that?,65 Can I withdraw money from another bank and transfer it into my empty account?,65 How can I go about transferring money to my account?,65 How can I transfer money to this account from another bank?,65 can i transfer money i the app,65 How do I transfer money from one bank account to another?,65 What steps are taken to transfer money into my account?,65 I am out of money in my account and I was wondering if I could do a bank transfer is put more in it?,65 Can you please explain how bank transfers work?,65 Can you help me transfer funds from another bank account to this account?,65 I am looking to transfer some money from my other bank account into this one.,65 where do i go to transfer money from one account to this one,65 I need money put into this account from another one.,65 Do you know how I can verify that I did a top-up to my card?,71 where is the code for verifying the top up card?,71 The top-up card is verified how?,71 Tell me about verifying top-up,71 What is the verification code for my top up card?,71 Explain to me how to verify the top-up card.,71 How can I verify my top-up card?,71 Can you show me how to verify the top-up card?,71 Can you explain to me the way to verify my top up has gone through?,71 I can't find the top-up card verification code.,71 I would like to receive instructions showing the verification process for top up cards..,71 Where is the top-up verification code located?,71 For what reason must I authenticate the top up?,71 what's my top-up verification code?,71 Why do the top-ups need to be verified?,71 Does the top-up need verified?,71 I am having trouble finding the top-up card verification code.,71 Why do you ask for top-up verification?,71 Where can I find the top up verification code?,71 How is top-up verified?,71 Do I need to verify my top-up card?,71 How do i verify my card?,71 What is the point of verifying a top up?,71 How do I verify my top up?,71 How do I find the top-up verification code?,71 Why does top-up need to be verified?,71 why do i have to verify top up?,71 "I'm trying to verify my top-up card, but I can't find the code...?",71 How can I verify the top-up card?,71 how do I find the code to verify the top up card?,71 I need to find the top up verification code,71 Please help me find my top-up verification code,71 Where can I find the verification code for the card top-up?,71 Do I need to verify my top-up?,71 Why do we need to verify a top-up card?,71 I have a top up card. Where is the verification code?,71 How do I find the code needed in order to verify my top-up card?,71 How do i find my top-up card's verification code?,71 How do I verify the top-up?,71 How many digits identify the top-up verification code?,71 What is the significance of verifying the top-up?,71 Why do we need to verify top-up?,71 Please verify my top-up card,71 Is there a reason why top-up needs verifying?,71 I don't know where the top-up verification code is.,71 Verifying the top-up seems like a hassle.,71 I can't see a verification code anywhere,71 Verify top-up card help?,71 What do I do to verify a top-up?,71 Is there a way to verify a card top-up?,71 How to verify top up card?,71 Why are top-ups being verified?,71 why verify the top up? it doesnt make sense,71 The top-up verification code is not visible.,71 "I just tried to top-up and now I'm getting an additional verification message, why?",71 Where do I find my code to verify my top-up card?,71 Why verify the top-ups?,71 can you tell me where to find the top-up verification code?,71 How do I verify the top-up card?,71 Help me verify the card used on a top-up.,71 "On a card top-up, where can I verify?",71 "I'm trying to verify my top up card, how do I do that?",71 What is the verification process used for?,71 Where is my top-up verification code?,71 Where can i find my top-up verification code?,71 Where is the top-up verification code?,71 I don't see a code anywhere on my top-up card? Where can I find it? I need to verify!,71 Why do i have to verify my top-up card?,71 Do I have to verify the top-up?,71 Why do I need to verify the top-up?,71 Where can I find the verification code for the top up card?,71 I can't see a top-up top-up verification code.,71 I don't see the verification code for my card transfer.,71 Why does top-up require verification?,71 is there a reason i need to verify top up,71 Is the verification number on the top up card,71 What is the verification process for a top up card?,71 Where is the top-up card verification code?,71 How do I verify the top up?,71 I am looking for my top-up verification code and cannot find it.,71 How do i authenticate a top-up card?,71 Do I need to verify the top-up?,71 What's the deal with verifying the top-up?,71 Can you tell me where to find my top-up verification code?,71 Where Is the top up verification code found?,71 Please tell me how to verify my top up card.,71 How do i secure a top-up card?,71 What's up with verifying top-ups?,71 Why do I need to verify a top-up?,71 Can I verify my top-up card?,71 Why is it necessary to verify the top up?,71 Why should I verify the top-up?,71 this verifying the top up is annoying,71 Why do we need to verify top-ups?,71 How are top-ups verified?,71 Tell me how I can verify a card top-up.,71 Do i need to verify my top up?,71 My top up card needs verification and I don't know how to do it,71 Where's my top up code?,71 Where do I find the verification code for the card I'm topping up?,71 Where can I find the verification code for a top-up?,71 Where do i verify a top-up card?,71 What is the top up code for?,71 why do you verify the top up,71 Tell me why I need top-up to be verified?,71 "I just want to top-up, why do I need to verify anything?",71 Verifying top-up cards necessary?,71 Where is the top-up verification code sent?,71 What's a verification code?,71 Tell me how to verify a top up.,71 Where is the verification code display?,71 What can I do to verify my card?,71 Why is top-up verified?,71 Why do I need top-up to be verified?,71 How do I authenticate my top-up?,71 What is the verification process for my card?,71 i don't see the top-up verification code anywhere,71 I'm being asked for a verification code. Where do I find it?,71 Why does a top- up need to be verify?,71 Help my find the verification code on a top-up.,71 How can I verify my top up?,71 I need help finding the verification code on the top up card.,71 What does top-up verification do?,71 I CAN NOT FIND THE TOP-UP VERIFICATION CODE.,71 How do I go about verifying the top-up card?,71 why do i need to verify the top up?,71 Are extra charges added for sending out additional cards?,39 I'd like to order an additional card,39 I want some extra physical cards.,39 "I would like open a second card for my daughter, how can you assist me?",39 Am I gonna be charged for sending out more cards?,39 Would I have to pay anything if I need an additional card?,39 Is it possible to get a second card for my daughter?,39 Can I get a few more physical cards?,39 What's the limit on total number of cards I can have?,39 Is there a charge for sending out more cards?,39 How much does it cost to get more cards?,39 How can I create another card linked to this account?,39 May I order another card?,39 Can I order another card?,39 Can I order a second card?,39 Can I have more physical cards?,39 How many physical cards am I allowed to have?,39 I want to get few more physical cards,39 Please tell me if I'm going to be charged for sending out more cards?,39 Can I get more cards just incase?,39 Would I be able to get a second card?,39 Do you charge for sending out more cards?,39 I need a second card on this account for my daughter.,39 How can I get another card?,39 Can I have a third card?,39 I have left my card at my parents house. Can you send me a spare one please to use in the meantime?,39 I'd like to provide my daughter with a card - could I get an additional card from my account to give her?,39 What is the price for an additional card?,39 Can I get a second card for free?,39 Will I be charged if I add more cards to the account?,39 How many cards am I allowed?,39 "Can my daughter also have a card issued in her name, but linked to my account?",39 I'd like to order another card,39 Can I have a supplementary card?,39 "I lost my card and need a new one, will it cost me?",39 My daughter need a card from this account. Is that possible?,39 My daughter would like a card from my account? Can I do this?,39 Are there any fees to get additional cards?,39 Can you send me more cards for my account?,39 "I would like some more physical cards, what is my limit?",39 Can I have a duplicate second card?,39 "I want to give a second card for this account to my daughter, would this be possible?",39 What is the procedure for me to get more cards on my account?,39 Am I permitted to have a spare card?,39 I was wondering if I could get a second card on this account? I would like my daughter to have one.,39 Do I have to pay for a second card?,39 I would like to purchase another card.,39 Is it possible to order another card?,39 I'd like to have extra cards. Will I have to pay for that?,39 How do I get a spare card?,39 How do i request more physical cards?,39 What steps do I need to get another card?,39 I would like more physical cards,39 Is there a charge for getting more cards?,39 Can I have a second card issued to another family member?,39 How do I obtain a second card?,39 How much is it to buy another card? I was hoping to buy another one.,39 Where do I order additional cards?,39 How much would an extra card cost?,39 I would like an extra card.,39 Do you send duplicate cards?,39 I would like to use one of my cards for a family member. Is that allowed?,39 Can another family member hold a card for this account in addition to mine?,39 I need another card,39 "If I need an additional card, is there a fee for that?",39 I want a new card,39 Will I get charged for sending out more cards?,39 How many different cards can I have for my account?,39 I need more physical cards.,39 Am I allowed to carry an additional card?,39 Does it cost extra to send out more than one card?,39 How do I get extra physical cards?,39 Can I get spare cards?,39 Is it possible to get another card?,39 I need more physical cards than I have right now!,39 Is a new debit card free?,39 How many cards can I have?,39 "If I want to send out more cards, do you charge extra for that?",39 Do you charge extra for duplicate cards?,39 I would like to get additional physical cards at this time,39 How do I receive more physical cards,39 "If I want to be able to give my daughter a card for my account, would I be allowed to get one for her?",39 Would it be possible for me to get a second card?,39 "I am interested in giving a second card to my daughter, how can I make this happen?",39 Is it possible for me to give my daughter a second card for this account?,39 "daughter needs card, how do i add her",39 Is there any way to get another card on the same account?,39 If I need more than cards will I have to pay a fee to receive them?,39 I need a new card.,39 I'd like to get another card,39 "If I get another card, what kind of fees am I looking at?",39 Will there be a charge for sending out more cards?,39 I would like to get a few more physical cards.,39 How many active cards can I have?,39 How much does it cost for additional cards?,39 What should I do if I want to get another card for someone in my family?,39 How do I order another card?,39 I'm looking to get an additional card.,39 Can I get another card?,39 I would like to get some extra cards?,39 Is it free to send out more cards?,39 Is it possible to purchase more physical cards with my account?,39 Is there a fee for sending out more cards?,39 How much is it to send out additional cards?,39 Will it cost me to get a second card?,39 How do I get another card,39 Is there a fee for sending additional cards?,39 Is it possible to have a second card?,39 I would like a second card.,39 What is the charge for sending out more cards?,39 "I would like to give another card to my daughter, how can I proceed?",39 What's the process to receive a second card?,39 how is it possible to add another card to account,39 How do I go about ordering another card?,39 How do I get extra cards?,39 Do you send more than one card?,39 Are extra cards free?,39 Do you charge for sending more cards?,39 Can I have another card in addition to my first one?,39 "I need a second card, can I have more than one?",39 I want a backup second card. Is this possible?,39 Physical cards are what I need more of,39 Can I have a spare card for this account please?,39 I need two cards. Is this possible?,39 Can I have more than one card?,39 I need another card for a member of my family. Is this possible? How soon can I get one?,39 Is there any way I can get more physical cards to use with my account?,39 Can I give a second card for this account to my daughter?,39 Is it possible to give a second card from my account to my daughter?,39 "Help me please, I need to top up cash.",58 Do you have any options to top up with a cheque on my account?,58 Is there somewhere I can send a check to add to my account?,58 Will a cheque suffice?,58 I can't find any option to top up with a cheque?,58 How do I top up with a cheque?,58 Can I use a check to get gas?,58 Can I deposit a check?,58 where can i deposit a check,58 How can I put more money into my account?,58 Is there anyway to use a cheque to top up?,58 How do I top up with cash?,58 Can I add money to my account with cash?,58 I want to top up by cheque,58 Can I top up using cash?,58 Can I mail in a check to top up?,58 How do I use a cheque to top up?,58 Where's the button to top up with a cheque?,58 I can't find how to top up my account with a check. Where is that?,58 Do you take checks?,58 Is there such thing as top up by cheque?,58 I got a cheque that I want to top up with?,58 What is not accepted in order for me to top up my account?,58 Can I only top-up digitally? Or could I use cash?,58 I want to top up my account with a cheque,58 How can I add physical money to my card?,58 I need to top up using a cheque,58 Can I top up with cash,58 How do I top up by cheque?,58 I want to do a cash deposit to top up. How do I do this?,58 Who do I make a check out to if I want to top off my account?,58 What types of top-up methods do you accept?,58 How can I top up with a cheque?,58 can i top up with check?,58 Can I cash deposit to top up my account,58 What apps can I use to top up my account?,58 How dp i top up with a cheque ?,58 I would like to use this cheque to top up. Can you tell me how to do that?,58 What are the steps for depositing cash into my account?,58 Can I top-up by cheque?,58 Can I use a cheque to top up my account,58 I'm trying to use a cheque to top up,58 How do you top up with a cheque?,58 "I need a hand here, I need to top up cash.",58 where do I go to top up with cash?,58 Will I be able to top up by cheque?,58 Can I top up using my cheque?,58 Why can't I top up by cheque?,58 Where do I find how to top off with a check?,58 Can I write a cheque to top up?,58 Can cash be used in physical locations to top up?,58 Is topping up with cash allowed?,58 What are my payment options for topping off my account?,58 I wish to top up using a cheque.,58 Where do I look for cash top up?,58 Where can I find top up by cash deposit?,58 how do i find top up for cash deposit,58 How do I deposit cash?,58 i would like to top up with check,58 can i deposit a check here?,58 Is it possible for me to top up with cash?,58 I would like to use cash to make a top-up?,58 I wish to be able to top up with cash.,58 Where do I top up?,58 Do you accept cheques for top-up?,58 How do I use a check to top up?,58 Is it possible to top up using a cheque?,58 Where is the option to top up with a cheque?,58 What is the procedure for topping up with a cheque?,58 Can I use check to deposit?,58 Where can I deposit cash to top up?,58 Is there an option to top up with a cheque?,58 "Help, I need to top up my account. Where do I send a check?",58 I'll send a check to top up my account,58 Is it possible for me to top up with a cheque?,58 If I need to top up with cash where should I look?,58 I want to deposit my check to top up my account,58 What physical locations can I use cash to top up?,58 Can you tell me where to find top up by cash deposit?,58 How do I use cash to top up my account?,58 How do I top-up my card with a cheque?,58 Am I able to top up with this cheque I received?,58 I would like to pay by cheque.,58 I want to use a cheque to pay.,58 Can I purchase with cash or cheque?,58 Where would I find top up by cash deposit?,58 Can I add to my account using a cheque?,58 Is there a way to use a cheque to top up my account?,58 how do i get top up with cash deposit,58 Do you accept cash?,58 May I transfer a cheque into my account?,58 Can I use a check to top up?,58 No option to top up with a cheque ?,58 How can I fill up my gas tank using a check?,58 how can i add money to my account if you don't accept cash,58 I want to use cash to top up.,58 What form of payments can I use for topping up?,58 i have been trying to top up my account with a check but it won't work,58 How do I add cash to my account?,58 Are cheques accepted for a top up?,58 can i use check to top up,58 How do you top-up using cash?,58 Can I top up my balance with a cheque?,58 I tried to deposit a cheque into my account and it is not letting me.,58 Can I top up online?,58 What's the best way to use a cheque to top up?,58 How would I top up with a cheque?,58 What is your check-cashing policy?,58 Can I use cash to top up,58 I can't find out how to top-up my account using cash.,58 How long before a check I send clears?,58 How can I top up my account with a cheque?,58 Can I top up my account with a check?,58 Do you accept cheques for top ups?,58 How much does it cost for a physical card?,43 Where can the cards be delivered?,43 What do i do to get a physical card?,43 Can I request a card?,43 Do I have to pay for a physical card?,43 "I need an actual card that I can hold in my hand, how do I do that?",43 what steps do i do to get a real card,43 Can you tell me exactly what fees I will expect to see in regards to your cards?,43 What do I do to get ahold of my own card?,43 Are cards delivered to my location?,43 Is it possible to get a physical card?,43 I would like to request a card.,43 I need to order a new card.,43 Can you send me the actual card?,43 "I would like to get a physical card, but I don't know how. Can you help me?",43 how do i get a new card,43 Where do you need to live to receive card,43 How do I get a real card?,43 How do I go about getting an actual card?,43 Please tell me how I can receive a physical card,43 I would like a physical card,43 Where are your cards delivered to?,43 Can I order a card please?,43 tell me how I can order my card.,43 Does it cost anyting to get my own card?,43 Is a physical card also available,43 Do physical cards cost money?,43 Are physical card available?,43 I want to request a physical card,43 Is there a charge for a physical card?,43 Do you ship your cards anywhere?,43 I want a real card,43 Where do you deliver cards to?,43 Where are the cards delivered to,43 What do I owe for a new card?,43 Is it possible to order a card?,43 What areas are cards delivered to?,43 Where can I order a card?,43 Is there a fee to get an actual card?,43 do i need to add money before i order a card,43 What does the bank charge for lost or stolen card replacements?,43 Is there a fee for physical cards?,43 How can receive a physical card,43 Can I have a tangible form of my virtual card.,43 Where will I get my card?,43 Help me order my card.,43 Where do I go to order my card?,43 "Can I get a physical card for free, or is there a charge?",43 How do I get my card?,43 Is a physical charge extra,43 Where do your cards get delivered to?,43 Do I receive the physical card for free,43 I really want a physical card. How do I get one?,43 can i get a physical card online,43 What do I need to do to get a card?,43 I would like a card please.,43 I need to get hold of a physical card?,43 Can I get a new card?,43 Can I get a card in person?,43 How can I order a card?,43 Can I order a card?,43 Where do you export the cards to?,43 Can I receive my card anywhere?,43 how do I ask for a physical card?,43 How to order my card?,43 Where can I get a physical card?,43 How much for an actual card?,43 Can you tell me how do I get a card?,43 How do I actually obtain a card myself?,43 Card delivery services? Where?,43 Can I get an actual card,43 I would like a physical card sent to me.,43 How can I order my card?,43 Do I get a card to keep in my wallet?,43 How do I order a card?,43 What is the process for getting an actual physical card?,43 What is the price for a physical card?,43 At which locations can I order a card?,43 Is it possible to get a real card?,43 I would really like a physical card.,43 Can I get a physical card,43 Where do we mail the card?,43 How to receive the actual card,43 What is the cost for physical cards?,43 Do I get an actual card?,43 how much does a card cost and why do you charge me,43 How do I order my card?,43 How do I receive a card?,43 Can cards be delivered? Where?,43 Is there a fee to order a physical card?,43 How do I go about ordering a card?,43 "I need to get a card, how do I do that?",43 What do I need to do in order to get a new card?,43 Show me where to order my card.,43 IS there anywhere that a card cannot be delivered?,43 How do i receive a physical card?,43 I need a physical card. What are the fees?,43 how much for a physical card?,43 Where do I order a card?,43 Where do you mail physical cards?,43 Is payment required to get a card of my own?,43 I still don't have a card. How do I get one?,43 Where do I find our how to get a physical card?,43 What are the places that you deliver cards to?,43 Where are cards available to order?,43 What locations are cards delivered to?,43 How much is a physical card?,43 Do I get a real card?,43 What fees do you charge for the standard card?,43 I want a physical card,43 Will you charge for a physical card?,43 I'm interested in getting a card. How does one go about doing that?,43 How would I go about getting a physical card to use in stores?,43 Will there be a fee to receive a physical card?,43 I would like to have a physical card to carry around and use. How can I get one?,43 What's the procedure for getting a card?,43 Where are the cards transported to?,43 What fees are charged for a physical card?,43 can i order cards on the app,43 Can I revive a physical card.,43 Why isn't my disposable virtual card working?,72 Can I use my virtual card to complete transactions for memberships?,72 Why won't my virtual card work?,72 My virtual card is just not going through.,72 My virtual card isn't working.,72 My disposable virtual card was rejected.,72 My disposable virtual card got rejected,72 Why was my virtual card rejected?,72 My throwaway virtual card won't work,72 My disposable virtual card wouldn't process my payment?,72 The virtual card won't work.,72 Is there a reason why my virtual card won't work?,72 Help me get the virtual card working.,72 I can't seem to get my virtual card to work.,72 My disposable virtual card isn't working.,72 I tried paying with my disposable virtual card earlier but it was rejected. What can I do to fix this?,72 I can't use my virtual disposable card,72 How do I get this damn virtual card to work?,72 I can't get the virtual card to work,72 This disposable virtual card is not working.,72 i cannot get virtual card to work,72 My virtual car is not working.,72 I cannot get my disposable virtual card to work,72 I cannot get my virtual card to function.,72 What is the reason I got rejected for using my disposable virtual card to pay a subscription to the gym?,72 I can't get my virtual card to work at all,72 I can't get my virtual card to work.,72 I can't do any business with this virtual card.,72 "I received my Virtual card information, but was unable to use it to make a purchase. Why did this happen and what can I do?",72 Why can't I make multiple payments with my virtual card?,72 Please help me. My disposable virtual card won't work right.,72 Can I use my virtual card for recurring monthly payments?,72 virtual card won't work for me,72 My disposable virtual card won't work.,72 I tried to use my disposable virtual card to pay a subscription to the gym and it got rejected. Any ideas why?,72 Why is my disposable card not working?,72 What do I have to do to get the virtual card to work?,72 What do I do if my disposable virtual card doesn't work?,72 I can't make purchases with my virtual card.,72 I have a disposable card but it does not work?,72 My Virtual card was rejected for a car rental. Why?,72 The wrong exchange rate was applied to me while pulling out cash.,76 I got less cash because of the exchange rate.,76 Why is the fee for taking money out so high? I feel I was overcharged and I would have never used this ATM if I would have known ahead of time.,76 I believe a wrong exchange rate was applied towards a cash transaction I made abroad.,76 "When I got my cash, the amount was not what it should have been, based on the exchange rate.",76 "I tried using a foreign currency at an ATM, but the ATM provided me an incorrect rate. Why is that?",76 "Over the holiday I withdrew cash from the ATM and it seems that I was severely overcharged. Had I known that I would be charged those fees, I would not have used the ATM!",76 I think when I withdrew money when out of country the exchange rate was wrong.,76 Why did my exchange rate change?,76 "Hello, in these holidays i have been overcharged on the amount i have withdrawn on one of your ATMs. I did not had any clue about the horrible charges otherwise i would not have withdrawn.",76 Can I make a withdraw in my home currency at an ATM? I'm on vacation and don't have cash with me. This is cause for a bit of concern. Is it possible to withdraw here without additional fees?,76 "I have made a withdraw from an ATM this last holiday, why is there such a high charge from this transaction?",76 The exchange rate is incorrect for my cash withdrawal transaction.,76 I think the exchange rate for my for my cash withdrawal is wrong,76 "When I got cash, the exchange rate applied was wrong.",76 "While abroad, I got cash, and the exchange rate applied is wrong.",76 I think I was charged a different exchange rate than what was posted at the time.,76 Foreign currency rates were put in wrong at an ATM i used.,76 "I was overcharged at an ATM while on vacation. I needed cash so I had to use it, but your charges are outregous and I wish I would have known beforehand.",76 The exchange rate for my withdrawal was wrong.,76 "Hi, I have withdrawn cash from the ATM on holiday and i guess withdrawal amount has been overcharged. I did it as i was not aware of these charges.",76 I withdrew money from the ATM and was overcharged. It said nothing about an extra fee.,76 I think the exchange rate was incorrect.,76 The exchange rate for the money I took out in a foreign country is wrong.,76 When I made a cash transfer abroad the wrong exchange rate was applied,76 what are weekend rates for getting cash,76 I believe I got a wrong exchange rate when I got cash.,76 The exchange rate was messed up from the ATM,76 "Do any of your machines provide cash from my home country? I don't have any money on me and I'm on holiday so I'm concerned. Also, will I be charged anything to do this?",76 "After I got my cash, I found out my exchange rate was wrong.",76 Can you check the exchange rate on a cash transaction I did overseas,76 "I was abroad and needed some cash, but I think the wrong exchange rate was applied to the transaction.",76 Why did you give me so little currency?,76 "I traded some of my money from my native country into an ATM to exchange for foreign currency, and the money I received was a different equating amount!",76 what are the exchange rates for getting cash,76 Someone may have made an error in figuring out the rate of exchange. I should have received more cash than I did on my most recent withdrawal.,76 Is there extra fees for making a withdraw in a different country at a cash machine.,76 I had trouble with an incorrect rate being applied when using the ATM with foreign currency.,76 I didnt get the correct exchange rate for getting cash,76 Do you offer free ATM withdrawals of ones hometown currency while on holiday?,76 Can i get money in my home currency at some ATM ? As I am on holiday and bit concerned because i do not have any cash with me . Is it possible to withdraw without any additional cost.,76 I used the ATM to get money out and did not realize I would be charged as much as I was or I would not have done that!,76 I didn't get the right amount of cash because of the exchange rate.,76 "Hello, In my most recent ATM transaction, I didn't receive nearly as much cash as I thought I would - what is your exchange rate policy?",76 Using international ATMs messes up the exchange rate.,76 You've incorrectly calculated the exchange rate for my cash withdrawal,76 I was needing you to see if the exchange rate is correct from when i got cash,76 I did not get the right exchange rate while getting my cash out.,76 Why is the exchange rate different than expected on my transaction?,76 I think the bank made a mistake on the exchange rates,76 Is there a fee associated with using foreign exchange ATMs?,76 When I exchanged currencies the value of my money changed.,76 Can i get money back in my home currency at ATM? As I am on holiday and bit concerned because i do not have any cash with me . Is it possible to withdraw without any additional cost.,76 The wrong exchange rate applied to my cash withdrawal.,76 I don't think the exchange rate was right.,76 I exchanged cash when traveling and the rate was incorrect.,76 what is the exchange rate when i get cash,76 I noticed my exchange rate was incorrect when I got cash.,76 Why is the exchange rate so high? This should have been a much higher amount of cash for that to apply.,76 Is it possible to use an ATM when I am not in the country and make a withdraw with out extra fees?,76 "This past holiday I made a withdraw at the ATM machine, and it seems I've been charged too much.",76 My exchange rate is wrong when I get cash.,76 Why did I only receive this much currency?,76 When I got cash the exchange rate was wrong,76 An overseas cash transfer did not work correctly,76 I didn't receive the correct amount of cash when I exchanged it overseas.,76 "I needed some cash while abroad, and I'm pretty sure the wrong exchange rate was applied.",76 I believe that the rate of exchange for my cash withdrawl is incorrect.,76 what is the correct exchange rate for getting cash,76 I'm unhappy with the exchange rate your cash transactions.,76 I think that the exchange rate for the withdrawal of my cash is not right.,76 The cash withdrawal I took seems to be off. The exchange rate is wrong.,76 I got cash abroad and the exchange rate applied is wrong,76 I wasn't applied the correct exchange rate when getting cash,76 "I need an accurate exchange rate, when I make my withdrawals.",76 Can I withdraw money in my hometown currency while on holiday without any additional fees?,76 Why is the exchange rate wrong for my cash withdrawal?,76 I noticed the exchange rate for cash withdrawal isn't right.,76 what is going on with my cash withdrawal? the exchange rate is wrong,76 When I was abroad the exchange rate for me was wrong.,76 What on earth is up with the exchange rate! This should have been a much higher amount of cash,76 Can the exchange rate change while I am in the process of making a withdrawal?,76 The exchange rate was wrong?,76 how come when i got cash the exchange rate was different than it should be,76 My rate is not right when I used my card in a different country's money.,76 How can I get money in my home currency while I'm traveling internationally? I wanted to take it out of a local ATM but am worried that I will get charged extra fees.,76 I got cash abroad and need to check the exchange rate,76 Can I get money in my home currency at an ATM? I'm on vacation and don't have cash with me. This is cause for a bit of concern. Is it possible to withdraw here without additional cost?,76 Can I make a withdraw in my home currency at an ATM? I'm on vacation and am a bit worried because I don't have cash with me. Is it possible to withdraw here without any additional costs or fees?,76 The amount of cash I requested to withdrawal did not match what I received when exchanged,76 I did not have the right exchange rate applied to my situation of pulling out cash,76 The exchange rate was different when I got cash,76 how come my withdrawal rate is wrong for my cash withdrawal,76 I had the wrong exchange rate applied to some cash I got abroad.,76 I believe my exchange rate is incorrect,76 I found the exchange rate for my cash withdrawal is wrong,76 The cash abroad exchange rate is applied wrong.,76 The ATM I used for foreign currency provided the wrong exchange rate.,76 what is the exchange rate for foreign ATMs,76 The exchange rate for me was wrong when I was abroad.,76 "Help me! When I was abroad, the exchange rate was wrong.",76 My cash withdrawl has the wrong rate of exchange.,76 "While abroad I got cash, and a wrong exchange rate was applied.",76 I got money overseas and the exchange rate was wrong,76 the exchange rate I got for cash was wrong,76 The exchange rate for case abroad is applied wrong.,76 "When I received my money, it was not in the correct amount. The exchange rate was not what it should have been.",76 I tried withdrawing money in another country and the exchange rate was wrong.,76 I withdrew some cash and the exchange rate seems to be wrong.,76 I withdraw money abroad but I didn't get the right amount.,76 The applied exchange rate is wrong for the cash I got abroad.,76 I am reluctant to use ATMs international because I don't get an accurate exchange rate,76 I didn't receive the correct exchange rate when I got cash.,76 How did you arrive at the rate of exchange? I thought that I would get more cash.,76 I think the exchange rate for the cash I withdrew was wrong.,76 Can i get money in my home currency at my ATM ?I am on holiday and bit concerned because i do not have any cash with me .Is it possible to withdraw without any additional cost.,76 When I received my cash; they had my exchange rate incorrect.,76 I was given the wrong exchange rate when getting cash,76 I thought I was going to receive more currency?,76 While on vacation I used an ATM to get cash and was overcharged. These charges are ridiculous and had I known about them I would have never used it.,76 What is wrong with the exchange rate? This should have been a much higher amount of cash for that to apply.,76 "When I got cash, my exchange rate was off.",76 Please tell me how the exchange rate is determined. I was expecting more money for the transaction.,76 the exchange rate was different than expected,76 I think that there was an error in calculating the exchange rate. I recently withdrew cash and received much less than expected.,76 what are the exchange rates for foreign currency ATMs,76 I'm upset because I got charged a ridiculous fee when making an ATM withdrawal over a holiday weekend. It didn't notify me beforehand either or I wouldn't have ever done it.,76 "When I received my cash, the exchange rate was wrong.",76 "I was using foreign currency at an ATM, but the rate was typed in wrong.",76 "On my last trip, I received the incorrect exchange rate.",76 the exchange rate for my withdrawal is wrong,76 The exchange rate applied was incorrect when I was traveling outside the country.,76 Whats wrong with my currency exchange?,76 Can you please check the exchange rate when I was getting cash?,76 The exchange rate for my cash withdrawal was incorrect,76 The wrong exchange rate was used for my cash withdrawal,76 I'm looking for a machine of yours that will provide me cash from my home country. I went on holiday and don't have any cash on me. Will your machine charge me extra to do this?,76 I withdrew cash and I think the exchange rate is wrong.,76 How do you figure out the exchange rate? Can you explain why I got less money than expected?,76 I got cash and the exchange rate should have been different than it ended up being.,76 Rates were applied wrong while using foreign currency at an ATM.,76 I was charged an incorrect exchange rate for a withdrawal.,76 "My ATM transaction shorted me on cash, and I think the exchange rate was wrong. Did I receive the correct rate?",76 "I draw out money from your ATM during holidays, and was charged insanely. I wouldn't have done it, if i had a little sense about the shocking charges.",76 In a recent withdrawal I received less cash than I expected to receive. Did someone make an error with the exchange rate?,76 When I got cash I believe that the exchange rate was wrong,76 The rate applied to my foreign currency at an ATM was incorrect.,76 I tried to use the ATM with foreign currency. The conversion rate applied was wrong.,76 I am perplexed. Why is it that I received an extremely wrong rate when I tried to use an ATM using a foreign currency?,76 I made an ATM withdrawal over the holiday and then later realized I was charged an exorbitant fee! I never would've made this withdrawal if I'd known I'd be charged so much.,76 I am travelling and I tried to withdraw cash but didn't get what I was supposed to get.,76 I got some cash out of the ATM over the holiday and it seems that I've been grossly overcharged. I wouldn't have done that if I knew of these outrageous charges!,76 The exchange rate was wrong in the foreign country I got cash in.,76 The exchange rate for foreign ATM currency is wrong.,76 "Can I get money in my home currency at some ATM? I'm on holiday and am a bit concerned because I don't have any cash with me, it is possible to withdraw here already without any additional cost?",76 I think the exchange rate for the cash I withdrew wasn't correct.,76 The rate of exchange for my cash withdrawal is wrong.,76 "I have a question about ATM transactions. Can I take money out of an ATM when I'm traveling abroad? And, can I get the money in my home currancy?",76 you got the exchange rate wrong for my cash withdrawal,76 I withdrew cash abroad and the exchange rate applied is wrong.,76 You applied the wrong exchange rate while I was traveling outside the country.,76 Why was my cash withdrawal given the wrong exchange rate?,76 I think the exchange rate is wrong for my ATM withdrawal,76 What do you use disposable cards on?,37 How do I get a disposable virtual card as well?,37 "I want a disposable virtual card, how do I do that?",37 What are the disposable cards for?,37 I need a disposable virtual card. Please tell me how to order one.,37 What systems do you have in place for my security when using my card for everyday purchases?,37 Why use a disposable card?,37 How can I get disposable virtual cards?,37 Can you tell me about these disposable virtual cards?,37 Do you offer disposable virtual cards too?,37 can i get a virtual card online,37 How do I request a disposable virtual card?,37 How can I create a disposable virtual card?,37 When will you be taking orders for disposable virtual cards?,37 Who can purchase a disposable virtual card?,37 How does a disposable virtual card work?,37 What is the function of the disposable cards?,37 Do I need a disposable card?,37 Is there a disposable virtual card?,37 Please tell me how disposable virtual cards work?,37 how do I get a disposable virtual card?,37 Can you please explain disposable virtual cards for me?,37 How do I create a disposable virtual card?,37 Why would I need a disposable card?,37 What are the disposable cards used for?,37 What are these disposable virtual cards all about?,37 What is the process to create a disposable virtual card?,37 Will you tell me how I am supposed to use the disposable cards?,37 How about disposable virtual cards?,37 Please send me a disposable virtual card.,37 I want to make an online purchase but I don't want to use my credit card. Can you tell me how a disposable virtual card works and where I can apply for one?,37 What can I do with a disposable virtual card?,37 Do you have the option for a disposable virtual card?,37 What are disposable virtual cards?,37 I want a virtual card that is disposable,37 "I would like a disposable virtual card, could I get one?",37 Please can i get a disposable virtual card as well?,37 disposable virtual card can be ordered where?,37 Where do I get a disposable card,37 In what way can I use the disposable cards?,37 How can I go about getting a disposable virtual card?,37 how do the cards work?,37 I need to get a disposable virtual card?,37 How can I get a disposable virtual card?,37 Can I get a disposable virtual card?,37 How can disposable cards be used?,37 Please explain how I use the disposable cards?,37 Can you tell me more info about virtual disposable cards?,37 I need a disposable virtual card.,37 "Can you point me in the right direction of where to go to roder a disposable virtual card, I can't seem to find it.",37 What is the procedure for depositing a virtual card,37 can i get a virtual card,37 I would like to know more about what a disposable virtual card is?,37 Are there any disposable virtual cards?,37 Please tell me about disposable cards.,37 How would I use a disposable card?,37 How do I order a disposable virtual card?,37 Where do I order a disposable virtual card?,37 Can you provide me a disposable virtual card?,37 "The disposable cards, what are they for?",37 Can you help me get a disposable virtual card?,37 Can I order a disposable virtual card?,37 Are there virtual disposable cards?,37 Is it possible to get a disposable virtual card as well?,37 Can you tell me what are disposable cards for?,37 Can I use a disposable virtual card for any purchase?,37 What can you use the disposable cards for?,37 Where do I get a disposable virtual card?,37 How do I use disposable cards?,37 Can you tell me what the disposable cards are used for?,37 Is there a way to use this app with a disposable virtual card?,37 What are the uses for disposable cards?,37 Tell me more about getting a virtual disposable card.,37 How can I get a virtual card for a one-time transaction?,37 Can you tell me where I can order a disposable virtual card?,37 "I don't understand what a disposable virtual card is, can you help?",37 What are these disposable cards meant for?,37 What do the disposable cards do?,37 How do I receive a disposable virtual card?,37 Is there a disposable virtual card option?,37 Please explain how disposable virtual card work.,37 I'm not sure how disposable virtual cards work. Please help.,37 How do I use the disposable cards?,37 How do I know if i need a disposable card?,37 Am I able to order a disposable virtual card?,37 Can you tell me how to get a disposable virtual card?,37 How can I obtain a disposable virtual card?,37 Can you tell me where to go to get a disposable virtual card?,37 Is there any way i get a disposable virtual card as well?,37 I'm interested in learning more about disposable virtual cards.,37 How to a go about ordering a disposable virtual card?,37 I need a single use card for shopping online,37 "I need to deposit my virtual card, how do i do that.",37 What are the benefits of a disposable card?,37 What is the disposable card for?,37 I have heard about these disposable virtual cards but don't understand how they work.,37 The disposable cards - what are they for?,37 I think my top-up has failed.,59 Top-up is not working,59 My top up is not working,59 "My top-up hasn't gone through, what happened?",59 My top-up was rejected by an app.,59 For what reason did my top-up fail?,59 I can't add any more money.,59 Why won't my top up work,59 I topped up but the app denied it,59 My money I added isn't on my card.,59 "Hi, My card is getting declined continuously when i am trying to top-up. Request you to look into this issue or tell me any other alternatives.",59 My credit card was declined for top-up. Can you see if there is enough funds in my account?,59 Why did my credit card get declined for top up?,59 "Hello, there was an error while attempting top-up with my card this morning. I was able to use the card two days ago with no issues. Could you please assist?",59 "I've been trying to transfer funds to top-up my card, but the transaction is not going through. Is there something I'm doing wrong?",59 Seems like my top-up has failed,59 I really need to top-up my card today urgently but my card keeps getting declined!! Can you please resolve this problem or try an alternative,59 "Hey, I attempted to top up my card today and for some reason it didn't work. When I did it the other way it worked just fine. Could you help me figure out why this is happening please?",59 I believe my top up has failed,59 I tried using my credit card with top up but it didn't work! I thought it was supposed to?,59 My credit card for was not approved for a top-up transaction. What happened?,59 Why isn't my topup working?,59 My credit card did not go through. Can you see if it has insufficient funds?,59 Can I tell if my top off didn't work? It doesn't seem to have.,59 "Hi, My card is getting declined during top-up. As it urgent, could you please resolve this issue, or guide me with other alternatives if any.",59 My top up is giving me problems. What is wrong with it?,59 I got my card a few days ago but am unable to top up. I'm thinking about closing my account because of this. What is going on?,59 Looks like my top up failed.,59 I urgently need to top-up my card but its getting declined. Please help me in this or advise with other options if any.,59 The top-up I ordered didn't process.,59 I don't think that my top-up worked.,59 Tell me why my topup wouldn't go through?,59 "I did a bank transfer to top up, but the money is not available.",59 What reasons would a topup fail?,59 "I tried topping up my account but it failed, can you help me?",59 Why has my top up failed?,59 "So my top-up failed, could you tell me why?",59 Why has my top-up failed?,59 I need to top-up my card today urgently but my card keeps getting declined!! Can you please resolve this problem or let me know if you have any alternatives,59 I tried to top up with my card but it was declined. I was able to a couple days ago and it worked. Is something wrong? Can you check it for me please?,59 Can you find out why my credit card didn't process payment? It was declined for top up so what's the deal?,59 How can correct Top up with the app to work correctly?,59 Is there any reason why my card didn't work when I tried to top up?,59 The app rejected my top up,59 My top-up didn't go through,59 Can you tell me why my top-up failed?,59 My credit card seems to have been declined for top up. Why is it not going through? Can you tell me what's going on?,59 My top-up didn't work.,59 My top-up never worked,59 It looks like my top up didn't work. Why?,59 I topped up my card but the app rejected it.,59 "I attempted to top-up with my card this morning, but the transaction was unsuccessful. I received the card two days ago and was successful using it previously. Could you please help me?",59 I tried to top-up but it got denied.,59 My top up was denied,59 I think the top up failed,59 My credit card was just denied for top up! Can you tell me why this happened and what's going on?,59 My top up didn't go through,59 My top up has failed,59 Why is it failing to top-up?,59 I can't get the top-up to work! What's going on here.,59 How do I know if my top up worked?,59 Why can't I topup my account?,59 My top-up was declined,59 Why is my card being declined when I try to do a top-up? How can this be immediately resolved?,59 The app has rejected my top up.,59 "I attempted to top up my car today, it failed! I just got it a couple of days before and it worked then. What is going on with it?",59 Why was my top-up rejected?,59 My credit card got declined for top up! What's going on? Can you check on why it didn't go through?,59 My top up isnt working,59 Trouble with my top up,59 I'm confused as to why my top-up did not go through.,59 I added money but my top-up wasn't processed by the app.,59 I really need to top-up my card today urgently but my card keeps getting declined!! Can you please resolve this problem or let me know if you have any alternatives,59 "I have the funds, why can I not use my top-up?",59 "Hello, I trying to top up with my card today but it didn't work. When I tried last time it worked but today it isn't. Could you take a look at it for me?",59 Why are you keeping my money from me by declining my card? What is going on?,59 "I desperately need to top-up my card, so why is it being declined? Can you solve this for me? I need to use my card immediately!",59 Why did the app deny my top-up?,59 My top-up was rejected,59 Fix my top up,59 My top up doesn't work,59 I am having problems with a top-up.,59 What's the problem? My card keeps getting declined for top up. I need to know what is going on.,59 I was trying to top up my account and it isn't working,59 I believe my top up did not work.,59 I need help reapplying my top-up. It seems it isn't working.,59 Could you please recommend what I should do if my card keeps getting declined? I planned to top-up today but I am unable to get it to work. I need a fast solution to this problem.,59 My credit card transaction was declined for a loan payment. Can you tell me why?,59 Why did the top-up fail?,59 I requested for a top-up but it has not reflected,59 "I tried to top-up, why didn't it work?",59 I tried to top up with my card but it's not working. I had just done this a couple days previously and it worked. Can you tell me what's going on here please?,59 I wanted to top up my account and it doesn't look like it worked,59 "My top-up does not seem to have worked, what went wrong?",59 I'm not sure if my pop-up went through.,59 Top up did not work on the app.,59 I tried to top up but the app rejected it.,59 It does not appear that my message went through.,59 What if my top up didn't work?,59 I didn't see the money I added to my card.,59 The top up failed,59 I have been trying unsuccessfully to top-up my card. Is the system down or not working properly?,59 I am having a huge problem with my card being declined and it's really important that I top-up today. Would you please look into this further and let me know how I can get this fixed?,59 "My card keeps getting declined when I try to use it. I would like to top-up, but it is not going though.",59 "I just topped up, and the app denied it.",59 Why did my top-up not work?,59 "Hi I've been trying to top up my card for the past day but it gets declined, I need it topped up urgently! Can somebody get back to me to resolve this or explain any different ways I can top up my card?",59 Please explain why my top-up didn't go through.,59 Can you tell me why my credit card was declined while trying to top-up?,59 I need information explaining why my top-up failed to go through,59 "Hi, I am experiencing problems while trying to top-up with my card. I have never experienced any problems doing this before. Could you please help me?",59 The top-up did not go through.,59 "I could not get a top-up to work, why?",59 I don't know why my credit card was declined while I was trying to top-up. Was it something on my end or was there something wrong with the top-up function?,59 Problems with my top up,59 why is my top up failing,59 "I tried again to top up my card after doing it a couple days ago when it had worked. Now, it doesn't seem to be working. Can you tell me what the deal is here please?",59 Top up keeps failing,59 "Hello, I tried to top up with my card, but it didn't work. I just got it a couple days before and it works fine. What's the deal? Can you check into this?",59 What was the issue with my topping up?,59 My topping up didn't go through.,59 Why would the app deny my top-up?,59 "I need to add more funds to my card today because it keeps being declined, and I need to use it immediately. Can you fix this or tell me alternatives?",59 Why has my top-up been denied?,59 I tried to charge my card but it was declined. A couple days ago I was able to charge it and it was accepted. Is something wrong? Will you double check for me please?,59 I could not get the top-up to go through,59 I can't access my money. Is it because somethings wrong with the top-up? I set it up correctly.,59 I was trying to top-up and my credit card was declined. Can you tell me why?,59 I topped up my account but the app failed to process it.,59 Looks like my top-up has been cancelled,59 My top-up is not working. Why is that?,59 "Um, my top up didn't work",59 "I need assistance finding out why I am unable to top-up my card, it keeps getting refused. It is extremely imperative I get this resolved quickly.",59 I don't think my top up worked,59 I added funds to my account but the app didn't process it.,59 Why has my top-up not worked?,59 Why did my top-up fail?,59 is there a way to fix my top up,59 I tried to top up my account and it didn't work,59 Won't let me top my card up!! Who can get it sorted out for me? It's urgent! How do I find out what the problem is with my card and how else to top it up?,59 There has been a red flag on my top up.,59 Was there a problem with topping up?,59 "Hi, I tried to top up my card today and it did not work. I have tried it in the past and it worked just fine but it won't do it anymore. Can you help me out?",59 My top-up failed to go through.,59 I really need to top-up my card today urgently but my card keeps getting declined!! Can you please help me with this problem or let me know if you have any alternatives,59 help my money isnt showing up,5 how do i see what i transferred,5 Hello. Can you help figure out why the recent transfer from my UK bank account isn't showing up?,5 I've made a transfer from France two days ago but I was wondering if international transfers take longer to arrive because it hasn't made it yet.,5 After I transferred money the balance remained the same.,5 Where is the money that I transferred.,5 "About two days ago now, I made a transfer from France but it hasn't arrived yet. Is it possible that the international transfer just takes longer?",5 Why is my balance the same after a transfer?,5 How long will it take for a bank transfer to show up on my account? It's been a couple hours but I havnt seen anything yet. Also it's from a UK account if that makes any difference.,5 The transfer I made isn't reflected in my balance,5 Can you please check my UK Account to make sure everything went alright? I made the transfer a couple of hours ago.,5 "Hi, I am unable to see transaction in my account which i made couples of hours ago from my UK account. Please help me in this.",5 "Hello I made a bank account transfer from the UK. The transfer was a couple hours ago, nothing has shown up yet. Can you check to see if everything okay. Please.",5 My balance didn't change after I transferred some money.,5 I've transferred money into my account but the balance is the same,5 Money that I have transferred hasn't arrived yet,5 I made a transfer from France two days ago now but there hasn't made it there yet. Do international transfers take longer?,5 I transferred money but the balance did not update.,5 I am wondering about a transfer from a different country that doesn't show up yet?,5 I just made a transfer from a UK account. How long does that typically take to show up? I just want to make sure it worked alright.,5 I just made a transfer from France 2 days ago. It has not yet reached my bank. Is it possible it takes longer because it was an international transfer?,5 Im going to need to make a transfer from a UK account but I need it to go through ASAP. Is that going to be possible or will it take forever?? Im hoping it will be a couple hours and not a couple weeks.,5 How long before a bank transfer shows up in the account?,5 How soon will my balance be updated to reflect my transfer?,5 My transfer into my account isn't showing up.,5 How can I fix my bank transfer to show up on my bank account?,5 when does my balance update for a transfer,5 There is a transfer not showing on my account.,5 It is common for an international transfer to take 2 days or longer? I made a transfer from France 2 days ago and I have not seen it yet.,5 I did a money transfer to my account and it is not showing there.,5 I was wondering if international transfers take longer than normal because I made a transfer from France a couple of days ago and nothing has happened yet?,5 What's the time frame normally for a UK account transfer? I just made one and it's not showing up anywhere. I want to be sure that everything is good.,5 My latest transfer seems to be missing.,5 Is there a longer processing time for international bank transfers?,5 Balance hasn't been updated following a bank transfer,5 Why isn't the transfer to my account showing up?,5 Where is my money that I transfered?!,5 "The other bank confirmed a transfer I made, but this account is not reflecting it yet.",5 Why can't I see a transfer to my account?,5 "Hi, I made a transfer from France two days ago and thought it would be here by now. Can you give me an update please?",5 My balance doesn't include my latest transfer,5 How long do bank transfers take to clear,5 How long to UK transfers usually take? I made a transfer but it didn't pop up in my history yet. I just want to make sure it went through.,5 I had transferred some money but the balance hasn't changed.,5 My balance was not updated after transferring money.,5 "For you, how long do transfers normally take from a UK account? I completed one just now but nothing appears. I just need to be sure everything is okay.",5 Do international transfers take longer?? I made a transfer from France 2 days ago but it's still not there yet...,5 I am still waiting for a transfer I did,5 How long does it take for a bank transfer to show on my balance?,5 I transferred some funds but I don't see it,5 "How long do transfers to international banks take? I made one to france a couple of days ago, but it's still not there.",5 The money that I have transferred hasn't arrived yet.,5 How long do transfers take to show up in my account?,5 How long does it take for a transfer to post,5 My money hasn't been transferred yet.,5 What is the normal time to make an international transfer? I made one a few days ago that still hasn't arrived.,5 Tell me why my balance did not change when I tranferred cash.,5 I completed a transfer that isn't showing up on my account.,5 How long does transfers take?,5 I did a transfer but the balance is the same.,5 I made a transfer but my balance hasn't been updated,5 I transfered my balance a while back. Why doesn't my account reflect this?,5 When will I see an updated balance after a transfer?,5 I am still waiting on my bank transfer,5 There is a missing transfer on my account,5 After making a transfer from a UK account it's not showing up. How long do these transfers normally take for you? I want to be certain everything is all right.,5 Can you check if my money has reached my account since it is not showing up yet?,5 Why hasn't my money transfer shown up yet?,5 Please check to see if the band transfer I made a while ago from my UK account has safely arrived.,5 Where is the transfer to my account?,5 "I made a bank transfer earlier from my UK account. I don't see it yet, can you check the status?",5 Why isn't my balance reflecting a transfer I did?,5 "I made a bank transfer from my UK account today, but it's not showing. Can you check status?",5 How long do I need to wait to see an update after I make a bank transfer?,5 Why isn't my balance updating? I did a bank transfer and it isn't current.,5 "Hello, can you please inform me about international transfers? I am expecting a transfer I made from France two days ago and would like to know when it will arrive.",5 I added money through a bank transfer and it is not showing in my balance.,5 when will the balance on my account change form a transfer,5 What is the time frame that transfers normally take from a UK account? I just completed a transfer and nothing shows up. I need to know if everything is alright.,5 I have transferred some money but the balance hasn't changed,5 The balance does not appear to have updated.,5 Why hasn't my account updated to reflect my current balance?,5 Where is the transfer that I did?,5 After transfering some money my balance hasn't changed.,5 "How long does a transfer from a UK account take? I just made one and it doesn't seem to be working, wondering if everything is okay",5 The transfer on my account is not showing up.,5 When will my transfer come through?,5 I haven't yet received money that I transferred,5 "How long do transfers from a UK bank account usually take for you? I just made a transfer and I'm not seeing anything, wondering if it worked",5 How long does a bank transfer take to show up in available funds?,5 The balance has not been updated.,5 "Although I transferred some money, it has not as of yet, arrived.",5 I am wondering if International Transfers take longer. I a made a transfer from France two days ago and believed it would be here already. Please let me know when I will get it!,5 I don't see any change in my balance.,5 "I just transferred some money into my account and do not see it updated yet, can you assist?",5 I can still see money in my account after making a payment,5 I need to know if everything is okay here. After making a transfer from a UK account it doesn't show up. How long does this normally take to process?,5 I made a bank transfer but it doesn't seem to have gone through?,5 How long does it typically take to make a transfer from a UK bank? I just made one and it hasn't shown up in my account yet.,5 "Hi. A couple hours ago I make a transfer from my UK bank account, but it hasn't shown up. Please, would you see what the delay is?",5 Why hasn't my money transfer showed up yet?,5 My transfer to my account is missing.,5 MY transfer has still not appeared.,5 Why is my balance not updated?,5 I'm wondering how long it takes for my money to get to me after a bank transfer.,5 "Hi. About two hours ago I made a transfer from my bank which is in the UK, but I don't see it yet! Would you check what's going on with it, please?",5 When does a UK transfer show up?,5 I do not see the money I transferred into this account,5 How long before transferred money shows up?,5 How long do transfers take to go though,5 "Can you tell me how long it would take, to make a transfer from France? I made one 2 days ago and its not there yet.",5 I made a transfer from France a couple days ago and don't see the transaction yet. How long does an international transfer take?,5 "Transferred to account is not successful, help please?",5 My transfer is pending too long.,5 Why isn't the transferred money there?,5 "How long does an international transfer take? I made the transfer from France 2 days ago, but it is not showing up in my bank yet.",5 My account balance has not updated to reflect my recent transfer.,5 Why hasn't the money I transferred into my account shown up yet?,5 "Bank transfer to account did not show up, please help?",5 How long does it take for money to transfer?,5 Where's the money I transferred into my account?,5 Why am I still waiting for a transfer?,5 Why is it taking so long to update my balance transfer?,5 I transferred some money but it hasn't arrived yet,5 I made a transfer a couple hours ago but my balance has not been updated. Why is this? Shouldnt this be instant?,5 I made a transfer from my UK account a couple of hours ago. Could you please make sure everything went alright.,5 Where is the transfer to my account that I made?,5 I've made a bank transfer but the money doesn't seem to be in my account.,5 I can't see a transfer to my account I made.,5 what amount of time does it take for a transfer to reflect and be available,5 "When is my balance going to update, I just transferred some money",5 When will the money from my bank transfer be available?,5 I transferred some money but the balance stayed the same.,5 Good afternoon. I made a transfer from my UK bank account. I haven't seen anything on the account in the pass few hours. Please check the account to make sure everything is fine.,5 I did a bank transfer and my balance isn't current.,5 I want to be sure that everything is okay here. I just made a transfer from a UK account and it is still not showing up. How long does this typically take?,5 I recently transferred money to my account when will it show up?,5 I transferred money but the balance hasn't changed.,5 "How long do tranfers from a UK account usuallt take for you? I just made a transfer and nothing shows up, so just wondering if things went ok",5 Why is my transfer not showing,5 Why didn't the money I transferred into my account get added to my balance?,5 Help me find the transfer that I did.,5 "I recently transferred some cash, but the balance has not changed.",5 What's the normal time frame for a transfer from a UK account? After just making a transfer it doesn't appear at all. I need to know if things went okay.,5 Can you see my new balance yet?,5 How long does it take for money to transfer as my balance hasn't been updated,5 How long do I have to wait for my bank transfer to appear in my account?,5 How long does a transfer from the United Kingdom take? I haven't seen it show up yet in my bank account and want to make sure I get the transfer.,5 Are bank transfers immediate?,5 I transferred money to my account but it is not showing.,5 What happened to the transfer I did?,5 I transferred some money a couple days ago but haven't received it yet. How long should I expect to wait?,5 How long does it take for money to reach my account?,5 "I did a transfer to my account, but it hasn't shown up",5 My account isn't showing a transfer I made.,5 The funds I transferred are not in my account,5 How long do bank transfers usually take?,5 Hello I have a UK account. Can you please check if everything is alright with it? I made a transfer a couple hours ago but it doesn't show up yet.,5 How long does a transfer from the UK account usually take? After completing the transfer it is not showing up. I need to know that everything I actually went okay.,5 Can you tell me why the transfer isn't showing up on my account?,5 Balance is not up to date.,5 my transfer isn't there,5 I made a bank transfer and the balance hasn't updated yet.,5 Why wasn't my bank balance updated?,5 How long do I have to wait until the transferred money shows up?,5 A few hours ago I made a bank transfer from my UK account but I don't see that it has arrived. Can you check and see if all is ok please?,5 I can't see the transfer that I put in.,5 When will my transfer process?,5 "Is something wrong with my account, my balance didn't change after I transferred some money",5 "It has been a couple of hours but I do not see my balance updated, can you help?",5 What is the amount of time transfers usually take from the UK? I had just completed a transfer and nothing seems to be showing up so I need to be sure things are alright.,5 I looked on the app and it says I withdrew cash. I didn't!,20 I didn't withdraw the amount of cash that is showing up in the app.,20 "I saw on the app that a cash withdrawal was completed on my account; however, I did not complete it.",20 I got a notice from my app that I withdrew cash but I don't remember doing so. How do I fix this?,20 "Someone has a copy of my card !! I definitely still have it here but someone just made a 500£ cash withdrawal, HELP!",20 Why do I see a random withdrawal in my app?,20 "Hello, Please look into this matter urgently. As i have lost my wallet and i can see one withdrawal, now i do not want to loose more money.",20 "Someone has a copy of my card. I have my card with me, but someone just made a 500£ cash withdrawal. Help me.",20 There is a withdrawal on my account that I don't remember initiating.,20 "I got a message saying I made a withdrawal from the bank machine, but I did not.",20 "Someone has copied my card. I have my card with me, but someone just made a 500£ cash withdrawal. Please help now.",20 "help, I see money missing I didn't take out.",20 My wallet was taken and I see that someone is using my card! Please help me!,20 I see cash withdrawal activity in the app that is not mine.,20 There is a withdrawal on my account I didn't make.,20 "A 500 pound cash withdrawal was just made from my account, but I didn't make it. I am pretty sure my card has been compromised - can you help me?",20 I just lost my wallet and I think someone is using my card to withdraw my money. Can you please cancel or freeze my card?!!,20 The app is showing a cash withdrawal that I didn't make.,20 What is this witdrawal,20 There's a cash withdrawal I didn't make,20 I think someone stole money from my card,20 I have a cash withdrawal on my statement that I am unsure of.,20 The app says I got cash from an ATM but I didn't,20 I see money go out that I didn't withdraw.,20 I lost my wallet and I think someone is withdrawing cash with my card. Please help. It is urgent.,20 Somebody stole my wallet and is using my card! Can you do something so they can't keep taking my money?,20 "Help! I think someone has a copy of my card - I still have my card, but a five hundred pound cash withdrawal that I didn't authorize is shown on my account.",20 I believe my card has been compromised as there's a cash withdrawal I don't recognize.,20 I was checking my account when I saw a $500 cash withdraw that I know I didn't do. I have my card so I don't understand how this happened. Please help me.,20 "Hi, Could you please help me as someone has stolen my wallet few hours ago. And a withdrawal is made, please help immediately. As i don't want to suffer more.",20 What should I do if I see an unauthorized withdrawal on my statement?,20 "A WD was just made on my account, but it was not me and I still have my card. What to do?",20 Why is there extra cash in my account?,20 What is this cash withdrawal I don't recognize?,20 I believe my card has been compromised as there are funds showing that I did not receive.,20 THere is some cash that is showing up on my app.,20 My wallet was just stolen and I see my account already has a withdrawal. Can you please help me.,20 Somebody made a withdrawal from my account for 500. I have my card so how can this be? Does somebody have a duplicate card or something? Help please.,20 There is a cash withdrawal from an ATM listed but I don't remember making this withdrawal.,20 I saw there is a cash withdrawal from my account via the app which I did not complete.,20 The app says I made a cash withdrawal even though I didn't.,20 What is this cash withdrawal on my statement?,20 My app shows cash I didn't get.,20 I see non-received cash in my app.,20 The app is saying I made a withdrawl but I didn't.,20 I see cash in my app but I did not get it.,20 My app statement shows I took out cash from an ATM but I did not. What can I do?,20 I think someone may have cloned my card or something. My card isn't lost but I just saw a charge of $500 cash withdraw. Can you help me?,20 My card shows a cash withdrawal I don't recognize.,20 I got a strange cash withdrawal in my statement,20 Help! I just realised someone has apparently withdrawn money using my card! It's from some odd remote town where I definitely haven't been. Please freeze it immediately!,20 My app is showing a cash balance that I did not receive.,20 Help! The app has an ATM withdrawl that I didn't make.,20 "I am seeing in the app, some cash witdhrawals that I did not authorize.",20 Some cash shows up on my app.,20 "I am seeing unathorized transactions in the app, on my account.",20 I AM MISSING CASH FROM MY BANK ACCOUNT ACCORDING TO MY APP,20 There are funds in my app that I did not receive.,20 A cash withdrawal has been done that I didn't do.,20 I do not know what this cash withdrawal is,20 There is unexpected money in my account.,20 I see a cash withdrawal in the app that I did not do.,20 Someone stole my wallet a couple of hours ago now and they have taken money from my account. Is there any way that you can help so I won't lose any more of my money.,20 "Hi, It's urgent, please freeze my card. As someone has withdrawn money using my card in odd remote town. Since i have not done this withdrawal. Do it fast.",20 The app says that I got cash in an ATM and I didn't,20 Please help me figure out the reason for the odd withdrawal amount from my account?,20 What do I do if I do not recognise a cash withdrawal?,20 I hope you can help me. Someone has stolen my wallet and now I have noticed that they have been taking money from my account.,20 "There was money taken out of my account, and I'm pretty sure I didn't do it.",20 I was the victim of someone stealing my wallet. My card is being used and it isn't me. What should I do?,20 I think there's been an unauthorized cash withdrawal from my account.,20 What do I do if I see a cash withdrawal on my account that I don't remember making?,20 I am seeing inside the App a some cash withdrawal that is not mine,20 My app shows a money withdrawal that I did not do.,20 "I was trying to use my card and it was declined, when I tried to find out what happened I found cash withdraw for $500 that I didn't do. Can you please help figure this out?",20 I believe my card has been compromised because of a strange withdrawal,20 There is money missing from my account.,20 "According to the app, I got cash from an ATM but I haven't made any transactions.",20 It is urgency. Please freeze my card now. As someone in some odd remote town has withdrawn some money by using my card. As i did not withdraw any money.,20 I am confused why there is cash I did not accept in my account,20 I hope you can help me. My account has been compromised from a different town that I haven't been to. Can you please place a hold on my account until I can make it to the bank?,20 There is a cash withdrawal in my account that isn't mine.,20 There is a cash withdrawal on my statement that I did not make,20 I am seeing in the App a some cash withdrawal that does not belong to me,20 "My bank app said that I got cash from an ATM, but that's a mistake.",20 "In the app, I see a withdrawal I didn't make.",20 "There are incorrect charges on my account, there was a WD that was made by someone else. I still have my card though.",20 I did not get the cash that is showing up in my app.,20 "Someone withdrew money from my account, and it wasn't me.",20 there is money in my account that i didnt put there,20 Somebody is taking money out of my account without my approval in another town separate from me. Please place a freeze on my account until I can make it to the bank.,20 My app says I withdraw money from my account from an ATM.,20 Can you tell me what the cash withdrawal is in my statement?,20 My identity has been stolen. I still have my physical card but there are charges I didn't make on my account. How do I cancel this card or dispute the charges?,20 "There was just a withdrawal but it wasn't me, I've never even visited the town where the withdrawal happened.",20 "I am using the app, and I see cash withdrawals that I did not authorize.",20 I did not make a cash withdrawal that is on my statement,20 The app shows a withdrawal that I did not make or authorize.,20 "Money was taken out without my consent,",20 I don't recognize this withdrawal on my statement,20 How do I report a cash withdrawal that wasn't me?,20 Why is there some cash that I did not deposit in my account?,20 There's an unauthorized cash withdraw,20 Help! The app says I took out cash but I didn't!,20 "Hello, Just now i got to know withdrawal of money from of my account. As someone used my card to withdraw amount in any odd remote area. Since i have not been in that area, please freeze my card immediately.",20 There has a recent suspicious withdrawal on my bank account. Is it possible to freeze my card?,20 There's a cash withdrawal that didn't make that is showing up.,20 I see an unauthorized withdraw.,20 I am seeing in the App a some cash withdrawal that I did not do,20 I think somebody made an unauthorized copy of my card. My account has a cash withdrawal for 500£ that I did not make. Please help.,20 My account shows that I made a cash withdrawal but I cannot remember doing so!,20 "Someone is using my card to purchase flights to New York it's not me because I'm not going to New York, please can you cancel the card and refund the money?",20 I noticed that there is a withdrawal in the app that is not mine.,20 "Some cash was withdrawn in the app, but I did not do it.",20 My wallet got stolen a couple hours ago and now I've seen there already is a withdrawal. Help this is absolutely urgent I don't want to loose more money,20 A withdrawal is showing that I don't recognize,20 There's a cash withdrawal I am certain I did not make,20 What is this withdrawal as I do not remember making it.,20 I have my card here with me and someone has just made a withdrawal for 500. Please help!,20 I have a cash withdrawal that I do not recognise.,20 Someone else used my card to withdraw cash from an ATM,20 Some cash has been withdrawn but I didn't do it.,20 I want my card frozen right away. Money was taken out in an odd location I have never heard of.,20 I need my card frozen cause it was used without my consent to take money out. It was in an odd place.,20 There's a $200 withdrawal on my statement that seems fishy to me.,20 There's a cash withdrawal on my account that I didn't make,20 Why is there a cash withdrawal I didn't make?,20 The app says I made a cash withdrawal that I didn't make,20 Help! I think someone has made a cash withdrawal with my card!,20 What do I do when a charge has been made that I did not make?,20 I need your help immediately. There is a 500£ cash withdrawal that I know nothing about. I think my account has become compromised.,20 Can you tell me what this cash withdrawal is?,20 How can I verify if a cash withdrawal was made from my account? I still have my card with me but I did not authorize the withdrawal that just occurred.,20 "I think someone might have a copy of my card because a 500 dollar withdrawal was made, and it wasn't me. Can you please help?",20 "Someone has access to my card info. I still have the card, but someone just withdrew cash. How do I get this corrected/stopped?!",20 Why is my app showing me taking money that I did not take out?,20 "I see in the app some cash was withdrawn, but it's not mine.",20 There is a withdrawal in my account I didn't make.,20 What is the strange cash withdrawal on my statement?,20 Why would the app show a withdrawal that I did not make?,20 I have a cash withdrawal in my statement. Why is that?,20 i didnt put that money in my account,20 Some cash withdrawal that I didn't make showed up in the app.,20 There is a cash withdrawl I don't remember.,20 "Someone stole my account, there's a withdrawal but it wasn't me, can we put a stop to it please?",20 There are funds showing in my app that I did not receive.,20 I didn't withdraw cash but I see that transaction on my app,20 I have a cash withdrawal that I don't recognize.,20 "My wallet was just stolen, and they've already used my card! Please help, I can't afford to lose more money!",20 "Please help me, its urgent. Someone has withdrawn money from my account as few hours before my wallet has been. Now i want to stop withdrawal of more money.",20 Help! There is a cash withdrawl on the account that I didn't make!,20 There is a cash withdrawal on my statement that I don't recognize,20 The app is showing mt withdrawals that aren't mine.,20 "My app says I made a withdrawal, but I didn't.",20 There is random cash in my account.,20 A cash withdrawal that I didn't authorize is shown on my account - can you please cancel my card as soon as possible?,20 Cash I did not get showed up in my account,20 My app says I withdraw funds from my account through an ATM.,20 "There has been an unusual withdrawal from my account, can you help?",20 Some cash I didn't get shows in my app,20 How much is the exchange fee?,31 Are there any hidden extra fees for currency exchanges?,31 If I exchange currencies on a frequent basis can I receive a discount?,31 Is there any cost to change foreign money to local?,31 What are the currency exchange fees?,31 Do you charge a fee on currency exchange?,31 What is the current exchange fee?,31 Will I be charged an extra fee if I need to exchange currency?,31 Currency exchanges have any extra fees?,31 Does it cost extra to exchange foreign currencies?,31 Is there any type of fee for currency exchange?,31 How much more do you charge for currency exchange?,31 "When exchanging currencies, is there an extra fee?",31 Exchange fee help?,31 What's the exchange fee?,31 exchanging currencies costs what?,31 How much will I be charged for a cross-currency exchange?,31 How much extra will I be charged for exchanging foreign currency?,31 Do I pay extra for exchange?,31 Do I need to pay extra for exchanging currencies?,31 How much to exchange currencies?,31 Could you help my figure out the exchange fee?,31 IS there a fee to exchange currency?,31 Do I get a discount if I exchange currencies a lot?,31 What kind of costs are involved for exchanging currency?,31 Are there any discounts in exchanging currencies frequently?,31 Do you offer any discounts for someone who exchanges currencies frequently?,31 Is there a pay structure for currency exchanges?,31 would I need to pay extra for exchanging currencies?,31 What is the charge for exchanging currencies?,31 Are there any discounts for frequent currency exchanges?,31 how much do I have to pay for exchange of currency?,31 I need to exchange foreign currency will i be charged?,31 "Since I need to exchange currencies frequently, would you be able to offer me a discount?",31 "always exchanging currencies, do you offer a discount?",31 How much do I have to pay to accept an international transfer?,31 is there a foreign currencies charge?,31 I exchange my currency quite a bit. Do I get an exchange price break?,31 "If I exchange currencies on a regular basis, is there a discount?",31 Do you charge extra for exchanging currencies?,31 Will there be a charge for exchanging foreign currency?,31 What's the cost for exchanges?,31 How much does currency exchange cost?,31 My currencies needed to be exchanged often and I was wondering if there were any discounts available for this?,31 is there a frequent currency discount?,31 Would I need to pay extra for currency exchanges?,31 Are there any extras for exchanging currency?,31 Will I get charged on a foreign currencies exchange?,31 Fees for currency exchange,31 "I travel a lot, can I get a bulk currency exchange discount?",31 what is the cost for exchanging currencies?,31 Do exchanges cost more?,31 Do currency exchanges cost extra?,31 Is there an additional cost to exchange currencies?,31 "I've been to several different countries, can I exchange the cash with a discount for a large transaction?",31 What do you charge for an exchange fee?,31 I exchange currencies a lot. Can I get a discount?,31 Is there a charge for exchanging foreign currencies?,31 What is the fee for accepting money from a foreign country?,31 Is there a fee for currency exchange?,31 How much do you charge for exchange rates?,31 Will I have to pay extra to exchange money?,31 "If I exchange foreign currency, are there any other charges?",31 What is the cost for currency exchanges?,31 Do yo charge a fee for exchanging foreign currencies?,31 What is the exchange fee that is charged?,31 How much does it cost to exchange my balance into a foreign currency?,31 Are there discounts for frequent currency exchanges?,31 What is the currency exchange fee?,31 Do you offer a discount for those who perform frequent currency exchanges?,31 What kind of charges should I expect to exchange currencies?,31 What is your currency exchange fee?,31 I have foreign currency i would like to change how much will it cost me?,31 Is there a charge for exchanging foreign currency?,31 "If I exchange currency frequently, can I get a discounted rate?",31 Will there be a cost if I exchange currency?,31 What fee will be charged for exchanges?,31 Can I have a discount if I exchange currency often?,31 Will you charge me for exchanging foreign currencies?,31 What is the rate for exchange fees?,31 What is the charge for exchanging currency?,31 Is there a fee for exchanging currency?,31 Does a discount apply if I exchange currencies frequently?,31 How high is the exchange fee?,31 "If I exchange currencies frequently, is there a discount?",31 How much is the charge for a foreign currency exchange?,31 How much will I be charged for exchanging foreign currency,31 Will I be charged for exchanging foreign currencies?,31 Is there a few for exchanging foreign currencies?,31 Please tell me what the exchange fee is.,31 Please provide currency exchange rates,31 What are the charges if I exchange foreign currency?,31 Do I get any sort of discount on volume for a lot fo currency exchanges?,31 Any extra charges for exchanging currencies?,31 Are currency exchanges free?,31 Will there be any extra fees if I exchange currencies?,31 Does it cost anything to do currency exchanges?,31 Is it free to exchange currency?,31 "If someone in a different country sends me money, do I have to pay a fee?",31 how much is it to exchange currency,31 Do I have to pay more for exchanges?,31 Can I be charged for exchanging foreign currency?,31 "Would you be able to offer me a discount, since I need to exchange currencies frequently?",31 Is it possible to have a discount for exchanging currency frequently?,31 What's the fee for exchange of foreign currencies?,31 "My job requires me to do a lot of exchanging currency, and I was wondering about any possible discounts or lower prices.",31 I wanted to know what discounts were offered for current exchanges as it is something that occurs frequently.,31 Are there any fees when exchanging to foreign currencies?,31 are there any exchange fees,31 Is there an extra fee to exchange currencies?,31 What is the fee for a foreign currency exchange?,31 Do I need to pay more for exchanging currencies?,31 where do i find out about exchange fees,31 What exactly is the exchange fee?,31 I need to exchange some foreign currency. What's the charge for doing that?,31 Is there an additional charge to exchange currencies?,31 Is there an extra charge to exchange different currencies?,31 Is there a discount for multiple currency exchanges?,31 Can you tell me about the exchange fee?,31 Can you tell me what the exchange fee is?,31 What commission do you take for currency exchage?,31 What is the charge for using a Top up card in the US?,57 What is the fee for topping up a US card?,57 What fees are charged when I top up,57 Is there a charge for topping up by card?,57 Which US cards have top up charges?,57 Will you charge me if I top up by card?,57 how much does it cost to add money to my card,57 How much are the fees for adding funds using an international card?,57 Does it cost money to top up?,57 should i add money via bank transfer instead,57 Do I have to pay extra if I use an international card to top up my account?,57 What are the charges for topping up US card?,57 Do you charge if I use a European bank card for top up?,57 "I need to top up, but I have to use an international card. Is there a cost for that?",57 how much does it cost to add money,57 Will I be charged for topping up?,57 Do you have any fees if I want to add money using an international card.,57 "I am wanting to refill my card, is there a charge?",57 Is there a fee to add money to an international card?,57 Does it cost to add money to my card?,57 Do I get charged for a top up from a European bank?,57 Are their fee's for top ups?,57 Does it cost to top up my card?,57 how much is the fee for topping by card,57 What is the fee if I use a European bank for a top up?,57 Are there any charges for using a bank card to top up,57 I was wondering if you will take any fees in exchange for top ups?,57 Are there any charges for European bank card for top up?,57 Are there still fees for european top-ups?,57 How much are you going to charge me if I top up my US card?,57 Will I be charged a fee to top up using a debit or credit card?,57 If I top up using a European card is there a charge?,57 Will I see fees from adding money with an international card?,57 Do you charge extra for topping up with a debit or credit card?,57 Is there a fee for european bank cards?,57 What are the top up charges for all US cards?,57 When I add money to my international card do you charge a fee to do so?,57 Is there a top charge for US cards?,57 Are there going to be fees from adding money with an international card?,57 What is the charge for topping up a card?,57 Does it cost anything to top up?,57 Are there any charges for topping up a US-issued card?,57 What fees to you have for top ups?,57 Is there a fee to top up a US card using a debit or credit card?,57 Do I get charged if I top up with my European bank card?,57 How much is the charge to top up via credit card?,57 Are you going to charge me to top up my card?,57 What do you charge to top up US cards?,57 Are there top up charges for US cards?,57 How much does it cost to top up a US-issued card?,57 Will you charge me for topping up with a European card?,57 Do you charge a fee for adding money in USD?,57 Are there charges for using a bank card to top up,57 Are there fees for using an international card to top up?,57 I topped off my card is that something you will charge me for?,57 how should i add money to my card,57 is it free to add money to my card,57 Will I be charged any fees if I want to add money with an international card?,57 Can I top up for free using a European card?,57 Is topping up free?,57 Is USD free to top up with a US card?,57 how much do you charge to top up US cards?,57 Is it free for top ups?,57 what is the fee for topping up by card?,57 Is there a charge to use a Top up card in the US?,57 Will I get charged fees when I add money with an international card?,57 Are there any charges for topping up my card?,57 Is there a top-up fee if you add money in USD?,57 Will I get charged for topping up with an international card?,57 how much for topping up by card?,57 Is there a fee for topping off a US card?,57 Do you charge a fee for topping up a card?,57 Do you have any card fees if I want to add money using an international card?,57 What is the Top up rate charge for using a card in the US?,57 Is there a fee for topping up a card?,57 Will you charge me more if I use a European bank card for a top up?,57 Is there a fee when I add money to my international card?,57 Is there any fees for top ups?,57 Can I get information on topping up?,57 Is there a fee for topping up by charge card?,57 Are there any charges for top ups?,57 What are the top-up fees for my card?,57 Would I be charged any fees if I added money to my account using an international card?,57 Where can i top my card for free?,57 What top up charges are there for US cards?,57 Is there a charge for using an European bank card for top up?,57 Will you charge an extra fee for top ups?,57 What do I need to know about topping up?,57 Will it cost extra to add money to an international card?,57 What options do I have when topping up a US card?,57 Is there a charge for top-ups?,57 How much does it cost to us US cards?,57 I am worried about fees for top up cards?,57 Will I be charged a fee for topping up using a European card?,57 I need to know what charges I will incur for using a European card for top up.,57 "If I add money with an international card, are there any fees?",57 can I be charged for topping up by card,57 What fees are there for adding money using an international card,57 What are the top up fees for using an European bank card?,57 Are there fees for adding money with an International card?,57 European bank card for top up will come with any extra fees?,57 Are there any fees if I want to add money using an international card?,57 "If I were to use a European bank card for a top up, will I incur a charge?",57 Will you charge me more if I top up with an international card?,57 Will I be charged for adding money using an international card?,57 How much is it to use my US debit or credit card to top up?,57 Will there be extra charges regarding to adding money into my international card?,57 Will you assess me more fees if I top up with an international card?,57 Is there a fee for adding funds with a credit card?,57 Will there be any fees for top ups?,57 "If US cards have a top up charge, what is it?",57 What are the fees for using a European bank card?,57 How much does top up fees cost?,57 "I want to add money to my international card, so are there any fees charged to do this?",57 Please help me with my card. It won't activate.,0 I tired but an unable to activate my card.,0 I want to start using my card.,0 How do I verify my new card?,0 I tried activating my plug-in and it didn't piece of work,0 How do i activate my card,0 Can someone assist me with activating my card?,0 My card needs to be activated.,0 I was unable to activate my card.,0 Is my card ready for use or does it need activated and if so how?,0 Help me activate my new card.,0 Do I need a photo ID to activate a my new card?,0 "I just got my new card, how do I activate it?",0 Can I have my card activated?,0 i cant seem to activate card,0 It won't let me activate my card.,0 I tried activation my card and it didn't employment,0 I want to use my card. How do I activate it?,0 Activate my card,0 Can I get some help activating my new card?,0 Is my card activated?,0 I would like to activate my card.,0 Can I call to get my card activated?,0 How can I activate my new card? I didn't recieve any information with it about how to do so.,0 How do I activate my new card I just got?,0 will you be able to activate my card,0 Can I get some help to get me card activated?,0 I want to activate my new card.,0 What would II do if I wanted to activate my new card,0 What needs to be done to activate and use a card?,0 Can I activate my card?,0 I need assistance activating my card?,0 I need assistance with activating my new card.,0 How do I get my card active?,0 What do I have to do to activate my card?,0 What is needed to activate my card?,0 How can my new card be activated?,0 Can you activate my card pls,0 How do I turn on my new card?,0 Please assist me in activating the card.,0 Would you be so kind as to activate my card? Thanks,0 I tried activating my card and it doesn't work how do I solve this problem?,0 Can I activate my card with the app?,0 "I want to start using my card, how do I activate it?",0 What is the process to activate a card,0 "Hi, would you please activate my card?",0 What do I need for activation of my card?,0 "How do I activate my card, so that I can start using it?",0 I need my card activated.,0 I would like to be assisted with the activation of my card.,0 I just received my card and I'd like to activate it.,0 can you assist me in activating my card?,0 How do I activate my card to start using it?,0 Instructions for activating card,0 What do I need to do for the card activation?,0 "I am unable to activate my card, it won't let me.",0 When are you going to activate my card?,0 I need to activate my card.,0 How can I activate my new card?,0 What do I do to activate?,0 What steps do I have to take to activate my card?,0 "My new card just arrived, how can I activate it?",0 I am having trouble activating my card.,0 My card is not able to be activated how do I get it to work?,0 I'm not able to activate my card how do I fix this problem?,0 I cannot activate my card.,0 How can I activate the new card i got?,0 how long should i wait ti activate my card,0 How do I activate a card?,0 What is the procedure for activating this card?,0 My card needs to be activated asap,0 What is the most efficient way to activate my new card?,0 I couldn't complete card activation.,0 Who do I call to activate my new card?,0 "You can activate your card in a few seconds by going to account, hitting activate, and just following the directions.",0 Tell me what I need to do to activate my card.,0 What is the process for activating a new card.,0 My card activation is failing.,0 "I need to activate my card, how is that done?",0 I would like to activate my card what do I need to do?,0 I have my card now how do I activate it?,0 How long does it take to activate my card?,0 How do I activate my card so I can start using it?,0 Explain the activation method for this card,0 Can someone assist me with activating my new card?,0 What is the process for activating my new card?,0 I would like to have assistance with activating my card.,0 Tell me how to renew my new card?,0 My new card came in. How do I activate?,0 How do I active this card?,0 what are the steps to activate my card?,0 I have a new card and need to activate it,0 I would like to get help from someone in your customer service department with assisting me with activating my card.,0 What are the steps that I need to take to activate a new card?,0 I tried activating my card and it didn't work,0 I need my card to be activated right now.,0 What information do I need to gather in order to activate my card?,0 what do i need to have with me to activate card,0 What am I going to need in order to activate my card?,0 Show me how to activate my card,0 I need more assistance with how to activate my card.,0 Can you tell me how I go about activating a new card?,0 My new card needs activating.,0 Where do I activate my card?,0 Do you know the process how to activate my card?,0 How can i make my card active?,0 Please help me with the activation of the new card.,0 Can you help me activate my card,0 My card activation attempt failed.,0 "I just got a new card, and I want to know how to activate.",0 Would it be possible to activate my card?,0 Card activation steps,0 What is the process for activating my card and using it?,0 I have a new card and I need to activate it.,0 Do I have to go somewhere to activate my card?,0 What do I do to activate my new card?,0 I just got a new card how do I get it to start working?,0 I need assistance to activate the card on my account.,0 I can't activate my card?,0 "My new card is here, what's the process for activating it?",0 Where can I activate my card?,0 How can I switch on my new card?,0 "With my new card, how may I activate it?",0 Help me activate my card.,0 "How long does it take to activate the card, as it does not look like its working?",0 "You can do that in just a few seconds. Go to account, hit activate, and follow the directions from there.",0 Card activation is not working. What do i do?,0 What identification is required to activate my card?,0 I need to do a card activation.,0 "I want to activate my card, how do I do it?",0 I want to activate the card.,0 I am planning activating my card was it possible?,0 The activation process for my card isn't working.,0 Could you please tell me how to activate my new card?,0 I need to actuate my card.,0 I need info on activating my card?,0 I would like my card activated.,0 How can I make my card ready to use?,0 Can I use my new card?,0 What steps do I have to go through in order to activate my new card?,0 I have a new card. How do I activate it?,0 "The activation process did not work, please help?",0 I just got my card and cannot get it to work.,0 "Just received my replacement card, what steps do i need to take to activate it?",0 "I want to use my card, how would I activate it?",0 How do I activate my new card,0 "What are the steps to activate the card, as it does not seem to work?",0 I just got my new card. How can I activate it?,0 Please assist me with activation.,0 Where do I go to activate my card?,0 "If you to to account, hit activate, and follow the instructions, you can activate it in just a few seconds.",0 Is my new card activated?,0 Help my activate my card.,0 i cannot seem to activate card,0 What do I need to do in order to use my card I just got?,0 "My new card has arrived, what's the activation procedure?",0 How can my new card be renewed?,0 What is the proper way to activate a card?,0 How do I activate my card that just arrived?,0 Why is there a charge when I took out money?,19 Why have I been charged a fee for cash withdrawal?,19 I made a cash withdrawl and there is a charge. What is this?,19 I am inquiring about why there was an extra fee charged when I used an ATM.,19 Why am I being charged extra when I withdrew money?,19 Why am I charged to get money from the ATM?,19 I saw I was charged extra for money I withdrew?,19 Is there an extra fee for using an ATM?,19 Why did they take more money out then I withdrawed?,19 I withdrew cash and was charged,19 why has a cash withdrawal charged me?,19 I was charged for getting cash.,19 "Hello, I have a question concerning an unfamiliar fee that I notice on my account. I see that you guys charge for ATM withdrawal. Never notice this fee until now. Can you please explain?",19 Why am I charged a fee for withdrawing cash?,19 Why was there a fee for my cash withdrawal?,19 I don't understand why I was charged extra for withdrawing money?,19 I made a transaction at an atm and was charged extra for it.,19 "I was charged extra when I made a cash withdraw, why?",19 Why was I charged for cash withdrawal?,19 Why was there a fee on my cash withdrawal?,19 Why was I charged for a cash withdrawal at the ATM?,19 Since when do you charge to make a withdrawal? I've always done it for free. So how much is it now?,19 WHY IS THERE AN EXTRA FEE FOR USING THE ATM??!!!,19 Is the fee with my cash withdrawal a mistake?,19 Why did using an ATM cause me to have an extra fee charged?,19 "Why am I being charged for ATM cash withdrawals? The only reason I use it is because it's been free! Now you expect me to pay for them, and how much is that going to cost me?",19 Why was my account assessed a fee for an ATM transaction?,19 Why am I being charged for ATM fees?,19 Why have I been charged for pulling cash out of my own account?,19 Why was i charged for making a withdrawal? After i went grocery shopping i withdrew some money from my account and now there is another charge.,19 Do you charge for making a withdrawal? I took some money out of my account earlier and I was charged for this.,19 "So, I was just charged for my recent ATM withdrawal and any withdrawal prior to this has been free. What is the issue here?",19 Why was I charged an extra fee when using an ATM?,19 When I got cash I was charged an extra fee! Explain!,19 "I am not supposed to be charged a cash withdrawal fee, but I was.",19 I have a question about fee for cash withdraw.,19 Could you explain your rules for ATM fees?,19 How do I avoid a fee to use an ATM?,19 How much can I withdrawal in one month without incurring fees?,19 Am I charged more for using the ATM?,19 "I just pulled money out of the ATM and was charged a fee, WHy?",19 Why was I charged for withdrawing cash?,19 "When I withdrew my money, why was there an extra charge?",19 I took out money and there is a fee. Why?,19 Is there a cash withdrawal fee? Because I just got charged?,19 "Hello, I wanted to get some more information about ATM Withdraw Fee. I have been withdrawing money for years and notice this charge on my account. I always thought it was no fee since its you guys ATM company that I am withdrawing. Can you please explain?",19 How much money can I withdraw before fees? I noticed a fee on my card but I didn't think I had hit the limit of how much I could withdraw in a month.,19 "This is not right, I was told I could take out cash at the ATM for free?",19 How come I got to pay to get my money from the ATM?,19 "I just saw a charge for a cash withdrawal that I made! ATM withdrawals have always been free in the past, so why is there suddenly a charge? What is it going to cost me now?",19 "Why are you charging for cash withdrawals? I went to withdraw some money earlier today after getting my groceries, and it appears there is a fee that wasn't there before",19 What's up with the fee for getting cash?,19 "I was told that withdrawing cash from the ATM is free, but I'm charged a fee. Why is this?",19 Why are fees charged for cash withdrawals? I went to withdraw some money earlier today after shopping. There's a new fee that there.,19 "When I withdrew money from my account the other day, I noticed that there was a fee. I didn't think that there were any fees for withdrawals...? How much will I be charged?",19 I thought it was free to make a withdrawal. So how much does it cost now?,19 I just had a look at my statement. Why have I been changed for using the ATM?,19 Why are you charging me for ATM withdrawal? It has always been free before.,19 Is there a reason I was charged an extra fee for using the ATM?,19 There was an extra fee when I was at the ATM. Why?,19 "I hate this ATM, it charged me an extra fee, Why did it charge?",19 Why is it I am charged an extra fee when I use the ATM?,19 What's up with the extra fee I got?,19 Tell me why there is a charge on my cash withdrawl.,19 Why was I charged for getting cash?,19 Why am I being charged to make cash withdrawals? I thought they were supposed to be free!,19 I should not have been charged a fee for cash withdrawal.,19 I got charged a fee that shouldn't be there from my cash,19 I was charged a fee for withdrawing cash.,19 "I want to get some cash from the ATM using my card but I dont want to be charged any fees. Ive taken some money out before with no fees, but recently Ive been getting charged. Why?",19 "I got this stupid fee after taking cash out, why?",19 "I was charged for a cash withdrawal, why?",19 I got cash and was charged a fee that shouldn't be there!,19 Please help! There was an extra fee when I got cash.,19 Why have I all of a sudden been charged for my ATM withdrawal? I thought the withdrawals were free because this is the first time I've ever had this problem.,19 Can you tell me why I was charged to withdraw cash?,19 Why was I charged a fee when I withdrew money?,19 How come my cash withdrawal came with an unnecessary fee?!,19 A percentage fee was charged to my withdrawal.,19 Will I be charged for a cash withdrawal?,19 Explain the extra ATM fees.,19 "I just took some cash out of a cash machine in Heathrow airport because I wanted to buy some new sunglasses for my holiday but you've added a fee to the withdrawal, what is this?",19 The bank charged me fees for withdrawing cash!,19 Why am I charged a fee for getting cash?,19 I used an ATM and wanted to know why I was charged an extra fee.,19 Is there a fee for a cash withdrawal?,19 "I was charged a fee when withdrawing cash, can you explain why?",19 "I received a fee for obtaining cash, is this correct?",19 Today I noticed a charge for an ATM withdrawal on my account. Can you please fix this? It's supposed to be no charge.,19 Why are you charging fees on cash withdrawals? I went to withdraw some money earlier today after buying groceries. There's a fee that wasn't there before.,19 Is there a charge for cash withdrawals? I always thought it was free.,19 Tell me why there is an extra charge when I used an ATM?,19 Why did you charge me extra for withdrawing money?,19 Is there always a charge when withdrawing money?,19 I have a fee for cash withdrawal,19 Make me understand why I am charged an extra fee when I use the ATM.,19 Why am I being charge a fee when using an ATM?,19 I was under the impression ATM cash withdrawals were free. Why was I suddenly charged for my most recent ATM transaction?,19 I didn't realize that there were any fees for withdrawing money from my account--this has never happened to me before. What exactly are the fees?,19 Are there ATM fees?,19 "Do you charge for cash withdrawals? I want to get my hands on my own money and you appear to be charging me for the pleasure! Why is this, you'd never get this with my high street bank!",19 "Is there a fee when I get cash from an ATM? Is there a limit I can take out? If there is a fee, what is it?",19 Why was there a fee when I pulled cash?,19 "The ATM charged me an extra fee, Why?",19 Why am I being charged for withdrawing cash but haven't in the past?,19 Why did I get a fee for getting cash?,19 I have been charged a fee for getting cash,19 Why did I get charged when getting cash?,19 I made a cash withdrawal and was charged a fee incorrectly can you help with this?,19 I got charged fees for withdrawing cash!,19 Since when were there charges for taking out cash from my account? It's always been free for me to do this before. How much are the charges going to be?,19 There was an unexpected fee for my cash withdrawal!,19 There was an extra fee on my account when I got cash.,19 "While getting cash, I was charged a fee.",19 Why did I get charged for a withdrawal?,19 How come I got charged extra for withdrawing cash?,19 Why am I being charged for getting cash?,19 Why do I see extra charges for withdrawing my money?,19 Anytime I've made an ATM withdrawal before it has always been free. I now say that I have been charged for my most recent ATM withdrawal. What's going on here?,19 What's going on? I was just recently charged for an ATM withdrawal. I've never seen this charge before and before it's always been free.,19 I saw a fee on my receipt from withdrawing money while shopping earlier. Is there supposed to be a fee for this type of transaction?,19 Why was I charged an extra fee from the ATM?,19 "extra fees on a cash withdrawal, not cool.",19 Why am I being charged certain fees? I noticed a fee after I withdrew some money for groceries earlier today.,19 Have you started charging for cash withdrawals? I always thought it was free until I noticed this fee. How much is the fee?,19 Can you tell me why I was charged extra when I withdrew money?,19 "It seems I've suddenly been charged for my recent ATM cash withdrawal. What's up with that? I though withdrawals are free, you never charged me so far!",19 I believe i was charged for making a withdrawal after i went grocery shopping. Are you guys charging for this now?,19 Why was I charged when taking out money?,19 is there a charge on withdrawals?,19 Are there charges for cash withdrawals?,19 Do I get charged for withdrawals?,19 I was recently charged for withdrawing money from my bank ATM. How can that be possible when I haven't been charged for using it before?,19 Why did I get charged for withdrawing cash?,19 When did you start charging to make a withdrawal? How much is it now? I always thought it was free.,19 What was the extra charge for withdrawing money?,19 I was charged a fee with my cash withdrawal that I shouldn't have been charged.,19 Why is there a fee for cash withdrawal?,19 Why did using an ATM cause me to be charged an additional fee?,19 Why did I get a fee from the ATM?,19 to cash withdrawals charge me?,19 Why was I charged a fee on a cash withdrawal?,19 i withdraw cash from the ATM and was charged a fee,19 "Why did I get charged a fee, I thought it was free?",19 "I have never been charged for making an ATM cash withdrawal before, but I am now being charged a fee to withdraw cash. What happened?",19 I withdrew cash and was charged. Why?,19 Why do I have a charge for an ATM withdrawal? I thought these were free?,19 I got a strange fee when I used the ATM.,19 I used my card the other day to get cash from an ATM and was charged an extra fee. I don't understand why I am being charged a fee all of a sudden. I thought it was free to withdraw from an ATM?,19 Why was there a fee with my cash withdrawal?,19 what is this extra charge for a withdrawal?,19 Is there a charge for getting cash?,19 "Hello, I have noticed a problem on my recent withdrawal at the banks atm machine. I made a transaction and upon receiving my funds from the machine, a fee was assessed to my withdrawal. Are these types of transactions free of charge?",19 I have a strange transaction on my account which appears to pertain to a cash withdrawal I made outside Nandos in Leeds. What is that for? Is it fraud?,19 Why did you charge me for taking out cash?,19 "The past few times I've been to the ATM, I was charged a withdrawal fee. Have your policies changed regarding fees?",19 Why am i being charged for withdrawing cash funds?,19 What is your policy on withdrawing cash from an ATM? There is a fee on my account that wasn't there before I paid for my groceries.,19 What is the extra fee I was charged when using an ATM?,19 Why am I charged whenever I withdraw cash?,19 Why did you charge me extra when I withdrew cash?,19 I used an ATM and there was an extra charge.,19 "that fee should not be there, you charged my cash for an unnecessary thing.",19 Why was there an extra charge with the withdrawal of my money?,19 Why did you charge a fee when I withdrew from an ATM?,19 "Why is there now a charge for making cash withdrawals? I wanted some cash after I went to the grocery store, and there's a new fee!",19 Why am I being charged to withdrawal money?,19 Why was I charged a fee for my withdrawal?,19 Why did withdrawing money cost me extra?,19 Why was I charged a fee for withdrawing money off my card?,19 What is the fee for a cash withdrawal?,19 "I withdrew money and got a fee, please explain",19 I used my card to get cash then I was charged a fee that I shouldn't have been charged.,19 I noticed a different charge while I was taking my money out.,19 Why was I charged a fee for withdrawing money?,19 Do cash withdrawals cost anything?,19 Why is there a fee for getting cash?,19 Are there any express fees if i want my new card faster?,9 Do I need to do something to get a new card once it expires?,9 "I am overseas in China, can I get a replacement card?",9 Can I get a new card with new expiration date in China?,9 Are there restrictions on new cards in China?,9 "Need a new card, mine is expiring.",9 "I need a new card to replace an expired one. Will it cost anything, and how soon?",9 My card expires next week. How do I get a new one?,9 What is the cost and time frame of getting a new card?,9 Is it possible to get a new card in China?,9 Does it cost much or take long to get a new card? Mine is about to expire.,9 Are there steps I need to take before my card expires?,9 My card is about to expire. How do I get a new card?,9 Will I receive a new card when mine expires?,9 My card is due to expire,9 What do I do if my card expires soon?,9 "If I am in China, can I still order a new card and if so, how?",9 "In a month, my card will reach its expiration date, am I required to request the next card?",9 What happens if my card expires?,9 "My card's expiring a month from now, should I place an order for the new card?",9 Will I be sent a new card before mine expires?,9 The date my card expires is coming up,9 How can I replace an expired card?,9 How do I get a new card sent to China?,9 After my card expires what should I do?,9 My card is about to expire. What do I need to do to keep using my card?,9 "My card will expire soon, do I need to order a new one?",9 Where can I have a new bank card sent to China?,9 I'm in China and need a new card. Please help.,9 Tell me what I should do after my card expires.,9 How do I know when my card will expire?,9 What is the procedure for an expired card?,9 How do I order a new card when my old one is ready to expire?,9 What do I do if my card is about to expire?,9 What happens after my card expires?,9 Where can I order a card when I am in China?,9 How do I replace a card that's going to expire?,9 If my card becomes expired what can I do?,9 What steps should I take before my card expires?,9 I need a new card before it expires.,9 "When will I get a new card when I order it, and how much will it cost.",9 Can I wait for you to send me a new card when mine's about to expire?,9 "When my card expires soon, how fast is the replacement card sent and what are the costs?",9 How do I order a new card? The current one is about to expire.,9 Can I order a new card to China?,9 Is ordering a new card from China available?,9 What to do if my card is about to expire?,9 My card is about to expire. Are there any costs with a replacement card? How quick do you mail it to me?,9 Is there a way to order a new card while in China?,9 "The expiration date on my card is very soon, and I need to get a new one. What are the price and delivery options for my replacement card?",9 If my card is about to expire how long would it take to receive a new one and how much would that cost me?,9 My card is about to expire. How do I order another?,9 "My card is expiring soon, How do I order a new card?",9 I need to order a new card as my old one will expire soon. Can you tell me how to order a new one?,9 When my card expires what is the cost of a replacement and how fast?,9 I will need a new card because mine is almost expired. How fast do I get a replacement and what is the cost?,9 Do I need to order a new card if mine is expiring?,9 "My card will expire next month, will I need to order a new one?",9 Am I able to get this shipped to China?,9 My card expires very soon. What is the cost and delivery time to get a new one?,9 "The expiration date for my card is coming up, how do I get a new card?",9 Tell me how to replace my expired card.,9 Can I order a new card by phone?,9 My card is expiring soon.,9 My card is about to expired what will happen?,9 What should I do when my card reaches its expiry date?,9 Please inform me how to get a new card as mine is about to expire.,9 "My card expires soon, will you send me one automatically?",9 want a new card what are the fees,9 My card's expiration date is close.,9 What will happen after my card expires?,9 Can I get a new card in China?,9 "My card is about to expire, what do I do?",9 Can I order a new card with the app?,9 How do I replace my card before it expires next month?,9 My card is expiring so how fast can I get a new one and how much will it be?,9 "I need a new card, my old card is expiring.",9 How do I replace my card before it expires?,9 What can I expect at card expiration?,9 "If I order a new card, how much will it be and how long will it take me to get it?",9 How can I get a card sent to China?,9 What should I do once my card expires?,9 How do I order a new card if my current one is about to expire?,9 "I want to get a new card before my current one expires, how much will it cost me and how long will it take to get here.",9 "My card is going to expire, what do I do?",9 Do I need to order a new card before it expires?,9 Does it cost anything to get a new card? Mine's about to expire and I'd also like to know how long it takes to get the new one.,9 "My bank card has expired, how can I get a new physical card?",9 how to get a new card in china,9 How do I go about ordering a new bank card?,9 "I have a card that expires in the coming month, do I have to specifically ask for the updated card?",9 "If my card expires next month, will I need to order a new one?",9 "The expiration of my card is near, how do I order a new card?",9 What do I do after my card expires?,9 Do I need to re-apply to order a new card when my old one's about to expire?,9 I need to renew a card that's about to expire,9 "If my card is going to expire this month, do I need to order a new one?",9 "Soon my card will expire, how do I get a new one?",9 Can I order a new card? Mine is about to expire.,9 My card is due to expire soon.,9 Can I keep using my card after it expires?,9 How do I replace my card?,9 Are new cards available from China?,9 My card is almost going to expire.,9 I'm in China and really need a new card.,9 "My card will expire soon, When do I need to order a new one?",9 Does it cost anything and how long would it take to get a card if I need a new one? My card is about to expire.,9 My card is about to expire. Do I have to go to a branch to order a new card?,9 Will you send me a new card in China?,9 What do I do about my expired card?,9 Can I have a new card shipped to China?,9 Am I able to have a card sent to China?,9 "My card's expiration is approaching, how do I replace it.",9 How do I get a new card when my old one expires?,9 What happens when my card expires?,9 What is the process when my card is due to expire?,9 My card expires soon,9 My card is almost expired. How fast will I get a new one and what is the cost?,9 What is the process to get a new card when your old one expires?,9 Help me order a new card that's going to be expired soon.,9 What do I do when I get close to the expiration date of my card?,9 My card is about to expire. Where do I get a new one.,9 want to get a new card in china,9 Can you give me info about what to do when my card expires?,9 "My card has an expiration date, will you send a new one automatically?",9 Can I get a new card even though I am in China?,9 "My card is expiring, how do I get a new one?",9 "I think my card is expiring, what happens then?",9 How do I get a new expiration date?,9 "Hi, I have an apple watch. How do I use it to top up my card?",2 Can I use google pay to top up?,2 why top up is not working even if I got my American Express in Apple Bay?,2 Can I deposit money using Apple Pay?,2 Can I use google pay for topping -up,2 I do I top up from my Apple Watch?,2 "I need to top up, can I use google pay?",2 How do I go about topping up with Google Pay?,2 google pay top up did not work,2 Google play top up help?,2 What currencies does google pay top up accept?,2 Can I use my American Express card with Apple Pay?,2 Why can't I get my top up to work in Apple Pay?,2 Can I use my apple watch to top-up?,2 Is top-up possible with Apple Pay?,2 Why isn't my google top-up pay working?,2 What do I do if my Google pay top up isn't working?,2 Can I top up with Google Pay?,2 Am I able to use Apple Pay?,2 "I got my American Express in Apple Pay, why is top up not working in my country?",2 Can I add funds directly from my Apple Watch?,2 "Apple watch top up help, please?",2 "I am having a slight problem with my American express in apple play, can you help me fix the problem with top up?",2 "In regards to top-ups, can I do them via Google Pay?",2 How do you Top Up on the apple watch?,2 Am I able to top up with Apple Pay?,2 Can I use top-up with Apple pay?,2 "I want to top up from my Apple Watch, can I?",2 Can I use the apple watch to make a top-up?,2 "My American express works with my apple pay, why is top up not working?",2 I would like to know if I can top up with Google Pay.,2 Can I top-up via Apple Pay?,2 Can I top up using my apple watch?,2 Why is top up not working for my apple pay app,2 Can I use Apple Pay to top-up?,2 Why doesn't my Google pay top up work?,2 How can I set up Google Pay on my device?,2 Can you show me how to top up with Google play?,2 I seem to be having trouble with my Google Pay Top. Can you please help?,2 Does Google Pay offer a top up option?,2 "I got my American Express in Apple Pay, why is top up not working on my device?",2 How do I get Top Up to work in Apple Pay?,2 is apple pay a top up service?,2 How do I top up using my Apple Watch?,2 I want to top up my account. Can I do it with Google Pay?,2 Can I use my apple watch to top up?,2 "I received my American Express in Apple Pay, is there a reason why top up is not functioning properly?",2 Can I use my Apple Watch to pay for gas?,2 I would like to use top-up with my Apple Pay.,2 how do I get top up to work for my card,2 My google top-up pay is not going through,2 how do i set up my apple pay watch to connect to my account,2 need help with google pay top up,2 My Google pay top up isn't working.,2 "Help me please, My Apple Pay American Express top up does not work.",2 Are top-ups allowed using Apple Pay?,2 Is topping up with Apple Pay possible?,2 what can I do if I got my American Express in Apple Bay but top up is not working?,2 Top up is not working even though I have my AMEX in apple pay.,2 where do I top up my google pay?,2 "Using Google Pay, can I top up?",2 Why is top up not working if I use my American express with my apple pay?,2 Unable to use my American Express with Apple Pay to top up my account,2 Does my top up and apple pay work together?,2 I can't use top up on Google Pay.,2 "I have received my American express in apple play, looks like top up has an issue, please help?",2 Why isn't my google pay top up working?,2 Is it possible for me to top up with Google Pay?,2 Can apple pay handle top up exchanges?,2 Am I able to Top Up with Apply Pay?,2 How do i top up my google pay?,2 I want to top up with my Apple Watch.,2 Could google pay and top up be together?,2 I can't get google pay to work right.,2 Does google play offer the service to Top up?,2 Can I top-up my google pay?,2 Can I use American express with apple pay? Why does it make my top up not work?,2 Can I top up my account with Google Pay?,2 I cannot get my google pay to work.,2 Is there a way to top up using my Apple Watch?,2 I can't get my Google Pay Top to work. Are there any issues on your end?,2 can I top up an apple pay?,2 Can you explain why my Google Pay Top isn't working?,2 Am I able to do top-ups with Google Pay?,2 What are the steps needed to top up with Apple Pay?,2 "i received my American Express in Apple pay, is there a reason why top up is not working?",2 Google Pay Top up isn't working,2 Can you help me get Top Up to work in the Apple Pay function?,2 Will be Apple Watch be able to let me top up?,2 How can I top up with my apple watch?,2 What services can I use to top up?,2 Can an apple watch be used to tup-up?,2 Can I use my Apple watch to fill my gas tank?,2 Why isn't my Google Pay top up working for me? Did I do something wrong?,2 What should I do to top up using my Apple Watch?,2 my google pay seems to be acting up.,2 "top up google pay, is it possible?",2 is it possible to top-up with google pay.,2 how do i setup my apple pay,2 is there a way to do top up with apple pay,2 top up for my american express card is not working,2 How to activate Google Pay for top up?,2 My Google pay top up isn't working. Help.,2 I can't see my Google Pay top up. Is it not working correctly?,2 How can I get my Google pay top up to work?,2 Google pay top up not working.,2 My Apple Pay top up with my American Express card is not working? Please tell me why,2 Is it possible to top up with Google Pay?,2 Can top ups be done from an apple watch.,2 Can you assist on apple watch top ups?,2 "i received my American Express in Apple pay, why is top up not working?",2 How can I top up using google pay?,2 "i have been trying to add money with apple pay but it wont work, why?",2 Google Pay isn't working. What is wrong?,2 Google Pay won't let me top up.,2 "Apple pay is not accepting my American Express card, can you assist me with this problem?",2 "I got my American Express in Apple Pay, why is top up not working correctly?",2 "Can you please assist me in Apple Pay, in getting Top Up to work?",2 Can I use google play as my primary app to Top up?,2 Does Apple Watch support the topping-off of my account?,2 I'm trying to use my Apple Watch to top up my google pay. Do I need a special app?,2 Can I pay for my gas using my Apple watch?,2 "Can Google Pay be used for top up, please help?",2 How can I top up with Google play?,2 How can I top up with Apple Pay?,2 Is it possible to use my apple watch for topping up?,2 What do you require for identity verification?,69 How can I prove I am me?,69 I need to verify my identity. How do I do that?,69 How do I verify my identity?,69 How do I verify my identity online,69 I'm not sure how to complete the identity checks process.,69 why must I prove ID,69 What am I going to need in order to verify my identity?,69 How do I prove I am who I am?,69 How and where can I find the identity checks?,69 What are the requirements to verify my identity?,69 What do I need to do to perform identity checks?,69 Show me how to verify my identity?,69 How recent do my documents need to be for verification?,69 Can you tell me what I need to do for the identity check process?,69 What documents are required for proof of identity?,69 What documents do I need to validate my identity?,69 Hi! What documents can I use to verify my identity?,69 what steps do you take to check identity,69 What will I need to verify my identity,69 How can I verify my identity?,69 What proof of identification is needed?,69 How do I perform identity checks?,69 What do I need for the identity verification?,69 Can you tell me what I need for identity validation?,69 What do you need for the identity verification,69 What documents do I need to get together to verify my identity?,69 How do I go through the identity checks?,69 What steps do I need to take for the identity checking process?,69 What are the steps to verify identity?,69 What is the identity verification process?,69 What are all of the different steps for identity checks?,69 Where do I go to fill out the identity form?,69 Please tell me how I verify my identity.,69 How can I prove who I am?,69 What works for identity verification?,69 What do I need in regards to identification?,69 Please tell me the steps to verify my identity.,69 What forms of ID do you need for identity verification?,69 Where can I verify my identity?,69 I'm not sure what I need to verify my identity.,69 Can you tell me what i need for the identity check?,69 What do you require to verify someone's identity?,69 What are the steps for identity checks?,69 How do I verify my ID?,69 If I don't have all my documents can they still verify my identity?,69 why do I have to show my ID,69 I don't know how to verify my identity.,69 Do I need any kind of proof for the identity check?,69 Can I get a full list of instructions for identity checks?,69 Let me know what the steps for the identity checks are,69 What do I need for the verification check?,69 Where do I go to verify my identity?,69 What needs to be provided for identity verification?,69 "I was told to verify my identity, how do I do that?",69 Can I use my social security card as a form of identity?,69 with what can I verify my identity?,69 what documentation do I need for the identity check?,69 How do I fill out the identity check?,69 What documentation do you accept for the identity check?,69 can i verify my identity i the app,69 What has to be done to verify my identity?,69 I have to verify my identity. What do I need to do?,69 What type of ID do you accept?,69 What do I need for the identity check?,69 "If I'm getting my identity verified, what all do I need?",69 Explain how to verify my identity?,69 What forms of ID work for verification?,69 What are the steps of verifying an identity?,69 Can I verify my identity?,69 Where can I go to find out how to verify my identity?,69 How do I validate my identity.,69 im worried about fraud how do you protect my account,69 What do you demand for identity verification?,69 "I'm trying to verify my identity but can't figure out how, what do I do?",69 What documentation is needed for the identity check?,69 Which documents do I need for this identity check?,69 What can I use to verify my identity?,69 What all is needed for the identity verification?,69 "For the identity check, do I need any kind of documentation?",69 What is needed for identity verification?,69 Tell me what the steps for the identity checks are,69 What are acceptable documents to prove my identity?,69 "For the identity verification, what do you need?",69 What documents do you need to verify my identity?,69 How do i change my identity?,69 Can I get information on the identity checks?,69 Where in the app do I go to verify my identity?,69 How can you assist on verifying my identity?,69 How do I go about verifying my identity?,69 why do I need to show ID,69 What do you require for identification verification?,69 What forms of ID should I use for verification?,69 What are the steps for the identity checks?,69 What ID do I need to verify my identity?,69 How do I complete the ID check?,69 How do you check my identity?,69 What documents do I need for the identity check?,69 What do I use to verify my identity?,69 What is needed for the identity verification?,69 "For the identity check, what kind of documents do I need to have?",69 What form of identification is accepted?,69 What is necessary for the identity verification?,69 what documents do i need to verify who i am,69 Which countries are you available in?,24 Where are you cards supported?,24 How do I get a card if I live in the US?,24 Please list the countries you support.,24 Are these cards available in europe?,24 If I live outside of the UK am I still eligible for a card?,24 Can I get a card in the EU?,24 Can I use my card in Austria?,24 Do you have to be in the UK to get a card?,24 Can I use this all over the world?,24 Can I get a card even though I live in the US,24 Do you provide cards to people not in the UK?,24 What countries are you located in?,24 Which countries does your service work in?,24 Which countries do you operate in,24 From what countries can I use an account?,24 Can the card be mailed to Europe?,24 Who gets support?,24 i live in portugal. do you operate here?,24 I live in the EU - can I get a card?,24 What countries do your accounts send and receive to?,24 How do I get a card in the EU?,24 How does a US resident go about acquiring a new card?,24 Can you tell me the countries you operate in?,24 As far as courtries go which ones are supported?,24 May I get one of your cards? I live in the EU.,24 can i get a card if I live in the usa?,24 What countries do you operate in?,24 Where are you present globally?,24 What are the countries that you operate in?,24 Which countries are supported,24 Is this open to residents of all countries?,24 Is it possible to get one of your cards in the European Union?,24 Are you located in other countries?,24 "Although I am not located in the UK area, may i still receive a card?",24 can usa residents get a card?,24 What countries can I use my account in?,24 What countries are you available in?,24 Is it possible for a person who lives in the US to get a card?,24 Are your cards supported in the EU?,24 Are cards issued to people living in the US?,24 In which countries does your app work,24 Any chance of getting the card outside the UK?,24 Which countries do you work with?,24 I would like to know the countries you are offer services in?,24 Can I get a card in the US?,24 Can I get support?,24 I don't live in the UK. Can I still get a card?,24 Can you tell me what countries you offer support for?,24 Can I use it outside of Europe?,24 Can I apply for one of your cards if I live in the EU?,24 can i get a card if i live in the US?,24 What countries do your services support?,24 Are cards available to those outside of the UK?,24 Do you do business in the EU?,24 Is it possible to get a card outside the UK?,24 I live in Germany. Is that one of the countries you are in? What other countries are you in?,24 What are the countries you have offices in?,24 How do I sign up for a card if I'm in America?,24 Will my new card work outside of the EU?,24 Is it possible to get a card when i'm not in the UK?,24 Can I get a card if I don't reside in the UK?,24 "If I don't live in the UK, can I get a card?",24 can I use it in any country?,24 What countries are you issuing cards for?,24 Can I get a card? I live in the US.,24 I would like to get your card in EU. Is that possible?,24 Do you offer cards for those in other countries?,24 "I have my residency in the US, but I would love to get a card.",24 "I reside in the US, but I want a card.",24 are there any country restrictions?,24 How do I find out what countries you service and what countries you do not?,24 what countries can i use my card in,24 What countries can I use your services?,24 I live in the EU. Can I order one of your cards?,24 Where can I get a card in the EU?,24 Can I get a card that works in other countries like Africa and Indonesia?,24 Are you available in my country?,24 How many countries do you work in?,24 Are you only able to get a card if you're in the UK?,24 Which countries do you support?,24 How do I know which countries you provide service in?,24 Please tell me how to get a card if I reside in the US.,24 What countries have access to this service.,24 "I live in America, but I would like a card.",24 Do you issue cards for someone living in the US?,24 Is this card available to Americans?,24 Can I get a card although I'm not in the UK,24 "If I don't live in the UK, can I still get a card?",24 Is there anywhere In the Eu this card can not be delivered in,24 "I'm not in the UK, but can I still get a card?",24 In which countries can I get a card?,24 Can someone in the US have a card?,24 Can I have a card even if I am not living in the UK?,24 You operate in which countries?,24 i want to get a card but i live in the US,24 What are your supported countries?,24 where do you have locations at,24 Do you support countries other than mine?,24 Do you support all countries?,24 Can you tell me the countries you provide support for.,24 "I live in the EU, can I get one of your cards?",24 Can an American resident apply to get a card?,24 What countries can I use the card in?,24 I need a new card and I live in the United States.,24 Supported countries,24 What are the countries you support.,24 Which countries are you in?,24 Where in the European Union can I get a card?,24 I am in the EU. Can I get one of your cards?,24 I live in the UK. Can I get a card?,24 "I need to get a card, but I live in the US.",24 I am not in the UK can i get a card?,24 Which countries do you currently support?,24 Is it possible to get one the your cards in the EU?,24 "I want a card, but I'm not in the UK- can I get one still?",24 Are your cards available in the EU?,24 I'm in the EU. Can I get one of your cards?,24 Is this card available to United States Residents?,24 can I use it all over the world?,24 Do you work in Greece?,24 What countries do your accounts support?,24 I live in the US and I would like to get a card. How do I go about getting one?,24 I just moved to the US how do I get a card?,24 You provide support in what countries?,24 What countries are you supporting?,24 What countries are getting support?,24 Are cards available in the EU?,24 Which countries are represented?,24