Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1:
Well , I have the day off from work .
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0:
That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ?
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0: That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Speaker 1:
Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy .
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0: That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Speaker 1: Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Speaker 0:
Sounds nice .
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0: That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Speaker 1: Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Speaker 0: Sounds nice . Speaker 1:
Yeah , I ’ ll probably just stay in and relax . Maybe watch a few movies .
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0: That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Speaker 1: Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Speaker 0: Sounds nice . Speaker 1: Yeah , I ’ ll probably just stay in and relax . Maybe watch a few movies . Speaker 0:
Can I stop by ?
Speaker 0: Hey , Ted . What are you up to this Friday ? Speaker 1: Well , I have the day off from work . Speaker 0: That ’ s great ! Do you have any plans ? Speaker 1: Well , I ’ Ve been working so hard lately , so I ’ ll probably just take it easy . Speaker 0: Sounds nice . Speaker 1: Yeah , I ’ ll probably just stay in and relax . Maybe watch a few movies . Speaker 0: Can I stop by ? Speaker 1:
Sure . Any time .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1:
Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ?
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0:
I don ’ t think you ’ re right there .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1:
I believe industry is making us wealthier .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1: I believe industry is making us wealthier . Speaker 0:
I don ’ t believe that .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1: I believe industry is making us wealthier . Speaker 0: I don ’ t believe that . Speaker 1:
And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1: I believe industry is making us wealthier . Speaker 0: I don ’ t believe that . Speaker 1: And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . Speaker 0:
I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ?
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1: I believe industry is making us wealthier . Speaker 0: I don ’ t believe that . Speaker 1: And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . Speaker 0: I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ? Speaker 1:
I don ’ t agree with you . I maintain that we ’ re healthier , wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago .
Speaker 0: You honestly believe the world ’ s improving every year ? Speaker 1: Yes , I do . I think that science is making us wiser . What do you think ? Speaker 0: I don ’ t think you ’ re right there . Speaker 1: I believe industry is making us wealthier . Speaker 0: I don ’ t believe that . Speaker 1: And in my opinion , medicine is making us healthier . Speaker 0: I agree with you in the sense . But we ’ re all more miserable than ever , aren ’ t we ? Speaker 1: I don ’ t agree with you . I maintain that we ’ re healthier , wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago . Speaker 0:
That ’ s your opinion not mine .
Speaker 0: What do you plan to do for your birthday ? Speaker 1:
I want to have a picnic with my friends , Mum .
Speaker 0: What do you plan to do for your birthday ? Speaker 1: I want to have a picnic with my friends , Mum . Speaker 0:
How about a party at home ? That way we can get together and celebrate it .
Speaker 0: What do you plan to do for your birthday ? Speaker 1: I want to have a picnic with my friends , Mum . Speaker 0: How about a party at home ? That way we can get together and celebrate it . Speaker 1:
OK , Mum . I'll invite my friends home .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1:
I would like to return this book .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0:
Is that all you need ?
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1:
I also want to check out this video .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0:
Is that all you would like to check out ?
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1:
That ’ s all I need .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0:
Do you have your library card ?
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0: Do you have your library card ? Speaker 1:
Here it is .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0: Do you have your library card ? Speaker 1: Here it is . Speaker 0:
Make sure to take proper care of this video .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0: Do you have your library card ? Speaker 1: Here it is . Speaker 0: Make sure to take proper care of this video . Speaker 1:
That won ’ t be a problem .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0: Do you have your library card ? Speaker 1: Here it is . Speaker 0: Make sure to take proper care of this video . Speaker 1: That won ’ t be a problem . Speaker 0:
If you damage the video , you will be fined .
Speaker 0: How may I help you ? Speaker 1: I would like to return this book . Speaker 0: Is that all you need ? Speaker 1: I also want to check out this video . Speaker 0: Is that all you would like to check out ? Speaker 1: That ’ s all I need . Speaker 0: Do you have your library card ? Speaker 1: Here it is . Speaker 0: Make sure to take proper care of this video . Speaker 1: That won ’ t be a problem . Speaker 0: If you damage the video , you will be fined . Speaker 1:
I won ’ t damage it .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1:
It's us .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0:
What do you mean by us .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1:
Well , you always say you're busy .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0:
That's right .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0: That's right . Speaker 1:
And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0: That's right . Speaker 1: And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . Speaker 0:
I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0: That's right . Speaker 1: And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . Speaker 0: I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me . Speaker 1:
Oh I remember , I cut terrible calls , and you didn't say anything about it .
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0: That's right . Speaker 1: And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . Speaker 0: I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me . Speaker 1: Oh I remember , I cut terrible calls , and you didn't say anything about it . Speaker 0:
You mean I am groaned a few words ?
Speaker 0: What's the matter with you then ? You look miserable . Speaker 1: It's us . Speaker 0: What do you mean by us . Speaker 1: Well , you always say you're busy . Speaker 0: That's right . Speaker 1: And you often go back to live with your parents and leave our son in the room by himself . Speaker 0: I ... I ... I miss my parents , also they miss me . Speaker 1: Oh I remember , I cut terrible calls , and you didn't say anything about it . Speaker 0: You mean I am groaned a few words ? Speaker 1:
Totally not . Perhaps it's about our marriage .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mary . You look pale today . What's the matter with you ? Speaker 1:
I think I've caught a cold . Now I'm aching all over .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mary . You look pale today . What's the matter with you ? Speaker 1: I think I've caught a cold . Now I'm aching all over . Speaker 0:
You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest . I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mary . You look pale today . What's the matter with you ? Speaker 1: I think I've caught a cold . Now I'm aching all over . Speaker 0: You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest . I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon . Speaker 1:
Thank you . I suppose I should go to see a doctor .
Speaker 0: I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Speaker 1:
Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink .
Speaker 0: I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Speaker 1: Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . Speaker 0:
How about the new bar across road ?
Speaker 0: I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Speaker 1: Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . Speaker 0: How about the new bar across road ? Speaker 1:
Sounds good . The food there is fantastic , too .
Speaker 0: I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Speaker 1: Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . Speaker 0: How about the new bar across road ? Speaker 1: Sounds good . The food there is fantastic , too . Speaker 0:
I agree , I had lunch there last week .
Speaker 0: I feel like going for a drink , it's been a long day . Speaker 1: Great idea ! Peter , I could use the drink . Speaker 0: How about the new bar across road ? Speaker 1: Sounds good . The food there is fantastic , too . Speaker 0: I agree , I had lunch there last week . Speaker 1:
excellent ! That sounds like a plan .
Speaker 0: Could you tell me the right time , please ? Speaker 1:
Well . My watch says five past two . But it ’ s no use rely on it because it has been gaining and losing these last a few days .
Speaker 0: Could you tell me the right time , please ? Speaker 1: Well . My watch says five past two . But it ’ s no use rely on it because it has been gaining and losing these last a few days . Speaker 0:
You have to go and fix it .
Speaker 0: Could you tell me the right time , please ? Speaker 1: Well . My watch says five past two . But it ’ s no use rely on it because it has been gaining and losing these last a few days . Speaker 0: You have to go and fix it . Speaker 1:
Yes . I will .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1:
sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0:
do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1:
I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0:
that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ?
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1:
I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0:
are you very close to your first-cousins ?
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1:
the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1: the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Speaker 0:
I see . who ’ s the head of your household ?
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1: the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Speaker 0: I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? Speaker 1:
it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1: the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Speaker 0: I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? Speaker 1: it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family . Speaker 0:
that ’ s interesting . What does your grandfather think of your step-mother ?
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1: the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Speaker 0: I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? Speaker 1: it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family . Speaker 0: that ’ s interesting . What does your grandfather think of your step-mother ? Speaker 1:
at first , she was quite critical of her , but now that they ’ Ve been married for a few years , she ’ s starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother .
Speaker 0: does your family have a record of your ancestors ? Speaker 1: sure . My mom has been working on our family tree for years . She ’ s always updating it . Speaker 0: do you have a copy of your family tree in your house ? I ’ d love to see it . Speaker 1: I can show it to you now , if you like . I think it goes back about 8 generations so far . Speaker 0: that ’ s amazing . Do you have a large extended family ? Speaker 1: I ’ Ve got 30 cousins on my mom ’ s side and 10 cousins on my dad ’ s side . Speaker 0: are you very close to your first-cousins ? Speaker 1: the ones that are my age are close relatives . Now that I ’ m older , I don ’ t spend as much time with them as I used to , so I don ’ t know my younger cousins as well as the older ones . Speaker 0: I see . who ’ s the head of your household ? Speaker 1: it ’ s definitely my mother . And , her mother is definitely the matriarch of the bigger family . Speaker 0: that ’ s interesting . What does your grandfather think of your step-mother ? Speaker 1: at first , she was quite critical of her , but now that they ’ Ve been married for a few years , she ’ s starting to accept the fact that my father divorced my mother . Speaker 0:
that ’ s pretty much how you feel about your step-mother . Like grandmother , like grandson .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1:
Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ?
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0:
How about tomorrow afternoon ?
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Speaker 1:
Sure . Where shall I meet you ?
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Speaker 1: Sure . Where shall I meet you ? Speaker 0:
At the gate of the park .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Speaker 1: Sure . Where shall I meet you ? Speaker 0: At the gate of the park . Speaker 1:
Great . I look forward to meeting you .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Speaker 1: Sure . Where shall I meet you ? Speaker 0: At the gate of the park . Speaker 1: Great . I look forward to meeting you . Speaker 0:
See you then .
Speaker 0: Hi , Mr . Wang . Do you feel like going boating with me ? Speaker 1: Sounds interesting , I haven't gone boating for some time now , and what time ? Speaker 0: How about tomorrow afternoon ? Speaker 1: Sure . Where shall I meet you ? Speaker 0: At the gate of the park . Speaker 1: Great . I look forward to meeting you . Speaker 0: See you then . Speaker 1:
See you .
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1:
Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team .
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0:
Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ?
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1:
Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration .
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1: Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Speaker 0:
Could you move smoothly ?
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1: Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Speaker 0: Could you move smoothly ? Speaker 1:
Yes.My face even ached in the icy wind .
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1: Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Speaker 0: Could you move smoothly ? Speaker 1: Yes.My face even ached in the icy wind . Speaker 0:
What happened afterwards ?
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1: Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Speaker 0: Could you move smoothly ? Speaker 1: Yes.My face even ached in the icy wind . Speaker 0: What happened afterwards ? Speaker 1:
I was skiing on and on excitedly until I realized one thing-I could not stop ! You can just imagine how terrified I was .
Speaker 0: I hear that you've been to the Saikei Ski Resort for the weekend . Did you enjoy it ? Speaker 1: Yes , it's so exciting , though I had the most falls in our skiing team . Speaker 0: Isn't there any coach to teach you how to ski ? Speaker 1: Of course there is . The top-level coaches there are from the State Sports General Administration . Speaker 0: Could you move smoothly ? Speaker 1: Yes.My face even ached in the icy wind . Speaker 0: What happened afterwards ? Speaker 1: I was skiing on and on excitedly until I realized one thing-I could not stop ! You can just imagine how terrified I was . Speaker 0:
Poor girl !
Speaker 0: You look pale recently . Speaker 1:
Yeah . I have got much pressure in the company . I have tobe wrapped upon my work .
Speaker 0: You look pale recently . Speaker 1: Yeah . I have got much pressure in the company . I have tobe wrapped upon my work . Speaker 0:
Take good care of yourself .
Speaker 0: You look pale recently . Speaker 1: Yeah . I have got much pressure in the company . I have tobe wrapped upon my work . Speaker 0: Take good care of yourself . Speaker 1:
Thank you . I will .
Speaker 0: Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? Speaker 1:
About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything .
Speaker 0: Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? Speaker 1: About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything . Speaker 0:
You know , about David and his new boss .
Speaker 0: Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? Speaker 1: About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything . Speaker 0: You know , about David and his new boss . Speaker 1:
Sorry , I don ’ t quite follow you .
Speaker 0: Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? Speaker 1: About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything . Speaker 0: You know , about David and his new boss . Speaker 1: Sorry , I don ’ t quite follow you . Speaker 0:
Well , I heard David has been fired .
Speaker 0: Hey , Maggy , Did you hear about David ? Speaker 1: About David ? No , I didn ’ t hear anything . Speaker 0: You know , about David and his new boss . Speaker 1: Sorry , I don ’ t quite follow you . Speaker 0: Well , I heard David has been fired . Speaker 1:
Oh , that is a shame . He is really hard working .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1:
I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ?
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0:
I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1:
I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution !
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0:
I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1:
cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0:
do you have a car ?
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1:
no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0:
maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1:
you could try . It would save you a lot of money .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1: you could try . It would save you a lot of money . Speaker 0:
that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1: you could try . It would save you a lot of money . Speaker 0: that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . Speaker 1:
if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too !
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1: you could try . It would save you a lot of money . Speaker 0: that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . Speaker 1: if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! Speaker 0:
I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere !
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1: you could try . It would save you a lot of money . Speaker 0: that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . Speaker 1: if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! Speaker 0: I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere ! Speaker 1:
let's go to a car dealership . I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price .
Speaker 0: how do you usually get to school ? Speaker 1: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? Speaker 0: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . Speaker 1: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! Speaker 0: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It's just so convenient . Speaker 1: cars might be convenient , but they're so bad for the environment . Speaker 0: do you have a car ? Speaker 1: no . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I didn't really need it . Speaker 0: maybe if I sold my car now , I wouldn't be so tempted to use it . Speaker 1: you could try . It would save you a lot of money . Speaker 0: that's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . Speaker 1: if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! Speaker 0: I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere ! Speaker 1: let's go to a car dealership . I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price . Speaker 0:
sounds good ! Let's go !
Speaker 0: What's wrong with him ? Speaker 1:
His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party .
Speaker 0: What are you going to do for one year abroad , Tom ? Speaker 1:
Study , study , study . I want to learn a lot .