Kseniya Cherenkova?yDjamila Aouada?Gleb Gusevy |
?SnT, University of LuxembourgyArtec3D |
We propose a Point-V oxel DeConvolution ( PVDeConv ) mod- |
ule for 3D data autoencoder. To demonstrate its efficiency we |
learn to synthesize high-resolution point clouds of 10k points |
that densely describe the underlying geometry of Computer |
Aided Design (CAD) models. Scanning artifacts, such as pro- |
trusions, missing parts, smoothed edges and holes, inevitably |
appear in real 3D scans of fabricated CAD objects. Learning |
the original CAD model construction from a 3D scan requires |
a ground truth to be available together with the corresponding |
3D scan of an object. To solve the gap, we introduce a new |
dedicated dataset, the CC3D, containing 50k+ pairs of CAD |
models and their corresponding 3D meshes. This dataset is |
used to learn a convolutional autoencoder for point clouds |
sampled from the pairs of 3D scans - CAD models. The chal- |
lenges of this new dataset are demonstrated in comparison |
with other generative point cloud sampling models trained on |
ShapeNet. The CC3D autoencoder is efficient with respect to |
memory consumption and training time as compared to state- |
of-the-art models for 3D data generation. |
Index Terms —CC3D, point cloud autoencoder, CAD |
models generation, Scan2CAD. |
Recently, deep learning (DL) for 3D data analysis has seen |
a boost in successful and competitive solutions for segmen- |
tation, detection and classification [1], and real-life applica- |
tions, such as self-driving, robotics, medicine, and augmented |
reality. In industrial manufacturing, 3D scanning of fabricated |
parts is an essential step of product quality control, when the |
3D scans of real objects are compared to the original Com- |
puter Aided Design (CAD) models. While most consumer |
solutions for 3D scanning are good enough for capturing |
the general shape of an object, artifacts can be introduced |
in the parts of the object that are physically inaccessible for |
3D scanning, resulting in the loss of sharp features and fine |
details. |
This paper focuses on recovering scanning artifacts in an |
autoencoding data-driven manner. In addition to presenting a |
new point cloud autoencoder, we introduce a new 3D dataset, |
referred to as CC3D , which stands for CAD Construction |
Fig. 1 . Examples of CC3D data: From left to right, CAD |
models, corresponding 3D scans, 10k input point clouds and |
results of the proposed autoencoder. |
in 3D . We further provide an analysis focused on real 3D |
scanned data, keeping in mind real-world constraints, i.e., |
variability, complexity, artifacts, memory and speed require- |
ments. The first two columns in Fig. 1 give some examples |
from CC3D data; the CAD model and its 3D scanned version |
in triangular mesh format. While the most recent existing |
solutions [2, 3, 4, 5] on 3D data autoencoders mostly focus |
on low-resolution data configuration (approximately 2500 |
points), we see it more beneficial for real data to experiment |
in higher-dimension. It is what brings the important 3D object |
details into the big data learning perspective. |
Several publicly available datasets related to CAD mod- |
elling, such as ModelNet [6], ShapeNet [7], and ABC [8], |
have been released in the last years. The summary of the fea- |
tures they offer can be found in Table 1. These datasets have |
boosted the research on deep learning on 3D point clouds |
mainly. |
Similarly, our CC3D dataset should support research ef- |
forts in addressing real-world challenges. Indeed, this dataset |
provides various 3D scanned objects, with their ground-truth |
CAD models. The models collected in CC3D dataset are |
not restricted to any object’s category and/or complexity. 3D |
scans offer challenging cases of missing data, smoothed ge-arXiv:2101.04493v1 [cs.CV] 12 Jan 2021ometry and fusion artefacts in the form of varying protrusions |
and swept holes. Moreover, the resolution of 3D scans is typ- |
ically high with more than 100k faces in the mesh. |
In summary, the contributions of this paper include: (1) |
A 3D dataset, CC3D, a collection of 50k+ aligned pairs of |
meshes, a CAD model and its virtually 3D scanned coun- |
terpart with corresponding scanning artifacts; (2) A CC3D |
autoencoder architecture on 10k point clouds learned from |
CC3D data; (3) A Point-V oxel DeConvolution ( PVDeConv ) |
block for the decoder part of our model, combining point fea- |
tures on coarse and fine levels of the data. |
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Sec- |
tion 2 reviews relevant state-of-the-art works in 3D data au- |
toencoding. In Section 3 we give a brief overview of the |
core components our work is built upon. Section 4 describes |
the main contributions of this paper in more details. In Sec- |
tion 5 the results and comparison with related methods are |
presented. Section 6 gives the conclusions. |
The choice of DL architecture and 3D data representation is |
usually defined by existing practices and available datasets |
for learning [9]. V oxel-based representations have pioneered |
3D data analysis, applying 3D Convolution Neural Network |
(CNN) directly on a regular voxel grid [10]. Despite the im- |
proved models in terms of memory consumption, e.g., [11], |
their inability to resolve fine object details remains the main |
limiting factor in practical use. |
Other works introduce convolutions directly on graph |
structures, e.g., [12]. They attempt to generalize DL models |
to non-Euclidean domains such as graphs and manifolds [13], |
and offer the analogs of pooling/unpooling operations as |
well [14]. However, they are not applicable for learning on |
real unconstrained data as they require either meshes to be |
registered to a common template, or inefficiently deal with |
meshes of up to several thousand faces, or are specific to |
segmentation or classification tasks only. |
Recent advances in developing efficient architectures for |
3D data analysis are mainly related to point cloud based meth- |
ods [15, 16]. Decoders [17, 2, 18, 3, 19] have made point |
clouds a highly promising representation for 3D object gen- |
eration and completion using neural networks. Successful |
works in generative adversarial network (GAN) (e.g.,[20]), |
show the applicability of different GAN models operating on |
the raw point clouds. |
In this paper, we comply with the common autoencoder |
approach, i.e., we use a point cloud encoder to embed the |
point cloud input, and design a decoder to generate a complete |
point cloud from the embedding of the encoder.3. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION |
We herein present the fundamental building blocks that com- |
prise the core of this paper, namely, the point cloud, metric on |
it, and the DL backbone. All together, these elements make |
the CC3D autoencoder perform efficiently on high-resolution |
3D data. |
A point cloud Scan be represented as S=f(pk; fk)g, |
where each pkis the 3D coordinates of the kthinput point, |
andfkis the feature corresponding to it, and the size of fk |
defines the dimensionality of the points feature space. Note |
that while it is straightforward to include auxiliary informa- |
tion (such as points’ normals) to our architecture, in this paper |
we exclusively employ the xyzcoordinates of pkas the input |
data. |
We base on Point-V oxel Convolution (PVConv), a mem- |
ory efficient architecture for learning on 3D point cloud pre- |
sented in [21]. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first de- |
velopment of autoencoder based on PVCNN as the encoder. |
Briefly, PVConv combines the fine-grained feature transfor- |
mation on points with the coarse-grained neighboring feature |
aggregation in the voxel space of point cloud. Three basic op- |
erations are performed in the coarse branch, namely, voxeliza- |
tion, followed by voxel-based 3D convolution, and the devox- |
elization. The point-based branch aggregates the features for |
each individual with multilayer perceptron (MLP), providing |
high resolution details. The features from both branches are |
aggregated into a hidden feature representation. |
The formulation of convolution in both voxel-based and |
point-based cases is the following: |
yk=X |
xi2N(xk)K(xk; xi)F(xi); (1) |
where for each center xk, and its neighborhood N(xk), the |
neighboring features F(xi)are convolved with the kernel |
K(xk; xi). The choice of PVCNN is due to its efficiency |
in training on high-resolution 3D data. Indeed, it makes it |
a good candidate for working with real-life data. As it is |
stated in [21], PVConv combines advantages of point-based |
methods, reducing memory consumption, and voxel-based, |
improving the data locality and regularity. |
For the loss function, Chamfer distance [22] is used to |
measure the quality of the autoencoder. It is a differentiable |
metric, invariant to permutation of points in both ground-truth |
and target point clouds, SGandS, respectively. It is defined |
as follows: |
dCD(S; SG) =X |
x2Smin |
y2SGkx yk2+X |
y2SGmin |
x2Skx yk2: |
(2) |
As it follows from its definition, no correspondence or equal |
number of points in SandSGis required for the computation |
ofdCD, making it possible to work within different resolu- |
tions for the encoder and decoder.4. PROPOSED AUTOENCODING OF 3D SCANS TO |
This paper studies the problem of 3D point cloud autoencod- |
ing in a deep learning setup, and in particular, the choice |
of the architecture of a 3D point cloud decoder for efficient |
reconstruction of point clouds sampled from corresponding |
pairs of 3D scans and CAD models. |
4.1. CC3D dataset |
The CC3D dataset of 3D CAD models was collected from a |
free online service for sharing CAD designs [23]. In total, |
the collected dataset contains 50k+ models in STEP format, |
unrestricted to any category, with varying complexity from |
simple to highly detailed designs (see examples in Fig. 1). |
These CAD models are converted to meshes, and each mesh |
was virtually scanned using proprietary 3D scanning pipeline |
developed by Artec3D [24]. The typical size of the result- |
ing scans is in the order of 100K points and faces, while the |
meshes converted from CAD models are usually more than |
an order of magnitude lighter. |
In order to illustrate the uniqueness of our dataset, Ta- |
ble 1 summarizes the available CAD-like datasets and se- |
mantic information they provide. Unlike ShapeNet [7] and |
ModelNet [6], the CC3D dataset is a collection of 3D ob- |
jects unrestricted to any category, with the complexity vary- |
ing from very basic to highly detailed models. One of the |
most recent datasets, the ABC dataset [8] would have been a |
valuable collection due to its size for our task if it had con- |
tained 3D scanned models alongside with ground-truth CAD |
objects. The availability of CAD-3D scan pairings, the high- |
resolution of meshes and variability of the models make the |
CC3D dataset stand out among other alternatives. The CC3D |
dataset will be shared with the research community. |
4.2. CC3D Autoencoder |
Our decoder is a modified version of PVCNN, where we |
cut the final classification/segmentation layer. The proposed |
Dataset #Models |
Curves |
Patches |
Semantics |
Categories |
3D scan |
CC3D (ours) 50k+ 3 7 7 7 7 3 |
ABC [8] 1M+ 3 3 3 7 7 7 |
ShapeNet [7] 3M+ 7 7 7 3 3 7 |
ShapeNetCore [7] 51k+ 7 7 7 3 3 7 |
ShapeNetSem [7] 12k 7 7 7 3 3 7 |
ModelNet [6] 151k+ 7 7 7 3 3 7 |
Table 1 . Summary of datasets with CAD-like data. Note that |
only ABC and CC3D offer CAD models in b-rep (boundary |
representation) format in addition to triangular meshes. |
Fig. 2 . Overview of CC3D autoencoder architecture and |
PVDeConv module. The features from coarse voxel-based |
and fine point-based branches are fused to be unwrapped to |
the output point cloud. |
PVDeConv structure is depicted in Fig. 2. The fine point- |
based branch is implemented as shared transposed MLP, al- |
lowing to maintain the same number of points throughout the |
autoencoder, while the coarse branch allows the features to be |
aggregated at different voxel grid resolutions, thus modelling |
the neighborhood information at different scales. |
The PVDeConv block consists of 3D volumetric deconvo- |
lutions to aggregate the features, dropout, the batch normal- |
ization and the nonlinear activation function after each 3D |
deconvolution. Features from both branches are fused at the |
final level and MLP to produce the output points. |
The transposed 3D convolution operator, used in PVDe- |
Conv, multiplies each input value element-wise by a learnable |
kernel, and sums over the outputs from all input feature chan- |
nels. This operation can be seen as the gradient of 3D convo- |
lution, although it is not an actual deconvolution operation. |
We evaluate the proposed autoencoder by training first on our |
CC3D dataset, and then on the ShapeNetCore [7] dataset. |
5.1. Training on CC3D |
Dataset. CC3D dataset is randomly split into three non- |
intersecting folds: 80% for training, 10% for testing and 10% |
for validation. Ground-truth point clouds are generated by |
uniformly sampling N= 10 k points on the CAD models sur- |
faces, while the input point clouds are sampled in the same |
manner from corresponding 3D scans of the models. The data |
is normalized to (0, 1). |
Implementation Details. The encoder follows the struc- |
ture in [21], the coarse blocks are ((64, 1, 32), (64, 2, 16), |
(128, 1, 16), 1024), where triplets describe voxel-based con- |
volutional PVConv block in terms of number of channels, |
number of blocks, and voxel resolution. The last number de- |
scribes the resulting embedding size for the coarse part, and |
being combined with shared MLP cloud blocks = (256, 128), |
gives the feature embedding size of 1472. The decoder coarse |
blocks are ((128, 1, 16), (64, 2, 16), (64, 1, 32), 128), whereFig. 3 . Results of our autoencoder on CC3D data with 10k |
points for input and output. The left of each pair of results |
is the input point cloud of 10k, the right is the autoencoder |
reconstruction of 10k points. |
the triplets are PVDeConv concatenated with decoder point- |
based fine blocks of size (256, 128). |
Training setup. The autoencoder is trained with Chamfer |
loss for 50 epochs on two Quadro P6000 with batch size 80 in |
data parallel mode. The overall training takes approximately |
15 hours. The best model is chosen based on the validation |
set. |
Evaluation. The qualitative results of our autoencoder on |
the CC3D data are presented in Fig. 3. We notice that the fine |
details are captured in these challenging cases. |
Method Chamfer distance, 10 3 |
AtlasNet [2] 1.769 |
FoldingNet [17] 1.648 |
PCN [19] 1.472 |
TopNet [3] 0.972 |
Ours 0.804 |
Table 2 . CC3D autoencoder results on ShapeNetCore |
dataset: comparison against previous works ( N= 2:5k). |
5.2. Training on ShapeNetCore |
To demonstrate the competitive performance of our CC3D |
autoencoder, we train it on the ShapeNetCore dataset follow- |
ing the train/test/val split of [3], with the number of sampled |
point N= 2500 for a fair comparison. Since we do not have |
scanned models for the ShapeNet data, we add a 3% Gaussian |
noise to each point’s location. The rest of the training setup |
is replicated from the CC3D configuration. The final met- |
ric is the mean Chamfer distance averaged per model across |
all classes. The numbers for other methods are reported |
from [3]. The results of the evaluation of our method against |
state-of-the-art methods are shown in Table 2. We note that |
Fig. 4 . Chamfer distance distribution for our autoencoder. On |
test set of CC3D for point clouds of size N= 10 k, mean |
Chamfer distance is 1:2610 3with standard deviation of |
0:79410 3. ShapeNetCore test set with N= 2:5k, it is |
0:80410 3with standard deviation 0:76610 3. |
Fig. 5 . Results of our autoencoder on ShapeNetCore data. |
The top row is the input 2.5k point clouds, the bottom is the |
reconstruction of our autoencoder. |
our result surpasses the previous works by a significant mar- |
gin. Qualitative examples on ShapeNetCore data are given in |
Fig. 5. The distribution of distances given in Fig. 4 implies |
that CC3D dataset presents advanced challenges for our au- |
toencoder, where it performs at 1:2610 3average Chamfer |
distance, while it reaches 0:80410 3on ShapeNetCore. |
In this work, we proposed a Point-V oxel Deconvolution |
(PVDeConv ) block for a fast and efficient deconvolution |
on 3D point clouds. It was used in combination with a new |
dataset, CC3D, for autoencoding 3D Scans to their corre- |
sponding synthetic CAD models. The CC3D dataset offers |
pairs of CAD models and 3D scans, totaling to 50k+ objects. |
Our CC3D autoencoder on point clouds is memory and time |
efficient. Furthermore, it demonstrates superior results com- |
pared to existing methods on ShapeNet data. As future work, |
different types of losses will be investigated to improve the |
sharpness on edges, such as quadric [5]. Testing the variants |
of CC3D autoencoder with different configurations of stacked |
PVConv and PVDeConv layers will also be considered. Fi- |
nally, we believe that the CC3D dataset itself could assist in |
real 3D scanned data analysis with deep learning methods.7. REFERENCES |
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