arXiv:2101.07621v2 [cs.GT] 29 May 2021Trading Transforms of Non-weighted Simple Games |
and Integer Weights of Weighted Simple Games∗ |
Akihiro Kawana†Tomomi Matsui‡ |
June 1, 2021 |
Abstract |
This study investigates simple games. A fundamental research |
question in this field is to determine necessaryand sufficient condition s |
for a simple game to be a weighted majority game. Taylor and Zwicker |
(1992) showed that a simple game is non-weighted if and only if there |
exists a trading transform of finite size. They also provided an uppe r |
bound on the size of such a trading transform, if it exists. Gvozdev a |
and Slinko (2011) improved that upper bound; their proof employed a |
property of linear inequalities demonstrated by Muroga (1971). In this |
study, we provide a new proof of the existence of a trading transf orm |
when a given simple game is non-weighted. Our proof employs Farkas’ |
lemma (1894), and yields an improved upper bound on the size of a |
trading transform. |
We also discuss an integer-weight representation of a weighted sim- |
ple game, improving the bounds obtained by Muroga (1971). We show |
that our bound on the quota is tight when the number of players is |
less than or equal to five, based on the computational results obt ained |
by Kurz (2012). |
Furthermore, we discuss the problem of finding an integer-weight |
representation under the assumption that we have minimal winning |
coalitions and maximal losing coalitions. In particular, we show a |
performance of a rounding method. |
Lastly, we address roughly weighted simple games. Gvozdeva and |
Slinko (2011) showed that a given simple game is not roughly weighted |
if and only if there exists a potent certificate of non-weightedness . |
∗preliminary version of this paper was presented at Seventh I nternational Workshop |
on Computational Social Choice (COMSOC-2018), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, |
NY, USA, 25-27 June, 2018. |
†Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technol ogy |
‡Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technol ogy |
1We give an upper bound on the length of a potent certificate of non- |
weightedness. We also discuss an integer-weight representation o f a |
roughly weighted simple game. |
1 Introduction |
A simple game consists of a pair G= (N,W),whereNis a finite set of |
players, and W ⊆2Nis an arbitrary collection of subsets of N. Throughout |
this paper, we denote |N|byn. Usually, the property |
(monotonicity): if S′⊇S∈ W,thenS′∈ W, (1) |
is assumed. Subsets in Ware called winning coalitions . We denote 2N\W |
byL, and subsets in Lare called losing coalitions . A simple game ( N,W) |
is said to be weighted if there exists a weight vector w∈RNandq∈R |
satisfying the following property: |
(weightedness): for any S⊆N,S∈ Wif and only if/summationdisplay |
i∈Swi≥q.(2) |
Previous research established thenecessary andsufficient c onditions that |
guarantee the weightedness of a simple. [Elgot, 1961] and [C how, 1961] in- |
vestigated the theory of threshold logic and showed the cond ition of the |
weightedness in terms of asummability . [Muroga, 1971] proved the suffi- |
ciency of asummability based on the theory of linear inequal ity systems |
and discussed some variations of their results in cases of a f ew variables. |
[Taylor and Zwicker, 1992,Taylor and Zwicker, 1999]obtain ednecessaryand |
sufficient conditions independently in terms of a trading transform . Atrad- |
ing transform ofsizejisacoalition sequence( X1,X2,...,X j;Y1,Y2,...,Y j), |
which may contain repetitions of coalitions, satisfying th e condition ∀p∈N, |
|{i|p∈Xi}|=|{i|p∈Yi}|. A simple game is called k-trade robust if there |
is no trading transform of size jsatisfying 1 ≤j≤k,X1,X2,...,X j∈ W, |
andY1,Y2,...,Y j∈ L. A simple game is called trade robust if it isk-trade |
robust for all positive integers k. |
Taylor and Zwicker showed that a given simple game Gwithnplayers is |
weightedifandonlyif Gis22n-traderobust. In2011, [Gvozdeva and Slinko, 2011] |
showed that agiven simplegame Gis weighted ifandonly if Gis (n+1)nn/2- |
trade robust. [Freixas and Molinero, 2009b] proposed a vari ant of trade ro- |
bustness, called invariant-trade robustness, whichdeter mineswhetherasim- |
ple game is weighted. The relations between the results in th reshold logic |
and simple games are clarified in [Freixas et al., 2016, Freix as et al., 2017]. |
2In Section 2, we show that a given simple game Gis weighted if and |
only ifGisαn+1-trade robust, where αn+1denotes the maximal value of |
determinants of ( n+1)×(n+1) 0–1 matrices. It is well-known that αn+1≤ |
(n+2)n+2 |
2(1/2)(n+1). |
Our definition of a weighted simple game allows for an arbitra ry real |
number of weights. However, any weighted simple game can be r epresented |
by integer weights (e.g., see [Freixas and Molinero, 2009a] ). Aninteger- |
weight representation of a weighted simple game consists of an integer vec- |
torw∈ZNand some q∈Zsatisfying the weightedness property (2). |
[Isbell, 1956] found an example of a weighted simple game wit h 12 players |
withoutauniqueminimum-suminteger-weight representati on. Examplesfor |
9, 10, or11playersaregivenin[Freixas and Molinero, 2009a ,Freixas and Molinero, 2010]. |
Inthefieldofthresholdlogic, examples of thresholdfuncti onsrequiringlarge |
weightsarediscussedby[Myhill and Kautz, 1961,Muroga, 19 71,H˚ astad, 1994]. |
Some previous studies enumerate (minimal) integer-weight representations |
of simple games with a small number of players (e.g., [Muroga et al., 1962, |
Winder, 1965,Muroga et al., 1970,Krohn and Sudh¨ olter, 199 5]). Inthecase |
ofn= 9 players, refer to [Kurz, 2012]. In general, [Muroga, 1971 ] (Proof of |
Theorem showed that (under the monotonicity prope rty (1) and |
∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) every weighted simple game has an integer-weight repre- |
sentation satisfying 0 ≤wi≤αn≤(n+ 1)n+1 |
2(1/2)n(∀i∈N) and |
0≤q≤nαn≤n(n+1)n+1 |
2(1/2)nsimultaneously. Here, αndenotesthemax- |
imal valueof determinantsof n×n0–1matrices. [Wang and Williams, 1991] |
discussed Boolean functions that require more general surf aces to sepa- |
rate their true vectors from false vectors. [Hansen and Podo lskii, 2015] in- |
vestigates the complexity of computing Boolean functions b y polynomial |
threshold functions. [Freixas, 2021] discusses a point-se t-additive pseudo- |
weighting for a simple game, which assigns weights directly to coalitions. |
In Section 3, we slightly improve Muroga’s result and show th at ev- |
ery weighted simple game (satisfying ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) has an integer-weight |
representation ( q;w⊤) satisfying |wi| ≤αn(∀i∈N),|q| ≤αn+1, and |
1≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn+1−1 simultaneously. Based on the computational |
results of [Kurz, 2012], we also demonstrate the tightness o f our bound on |
the quota when n≤5. |
For a family of minimal winning coalitions, [Peled and Simeo ne, 1985] |
proposed a polynomial-time algorithm for checking the weig htedness of a |
given simple game. They also showed that for weighted simple games repre- |
sented by minimal winning coalitions, all maximal losing co alitions can be |
computed in polynomial time. When we have minimal winning co alitions |
3and maximal losing coalitions, there exists a linear inequa lity system whose |
solution gives a weight vector w∈RNandq∈Rsatisfying property (2). |
However, it isless straightforward tofindaninteger-weigh t representation as |
the problem transforms from linear programming to integer p rogramming. |
In Section 4, we address the problem of finding an integer-wei ght rep- |
resentation under the assumption that we have minimal winni ng coalitions |
and maximal losing coalitions. We show that an integer-weig ht represen- |
tation is obtained by carefully rounding a solution of the li near inequality |
system multiplied by at most (2 −√ |
2)n+(√ |
2−1). |
A simple game G= (N,W) is called roughly weighted if there exist a |
non-negative vector w∈RN |
+and a real number q∈R, not all equal to |
zero ((q;w⊤)/\e}atio\slash=0⊤), such that for any S⊆Ncondition/summationtext |
i∈Swi< qim- |
pliesS/\e}atio\slash∈ W, and/summationtext |
i∈Swi> qimpliesS∈ W. We say that ( q;w⊤) is a |
rough voting representation forG. Roughly weighted simple games were ini- |
tially introduced by [Baugh, 1970]. [Muroga, 1971] (p. 208) studied them |
under the name of pseudothreshold functions. [Taylor and Zw icker, 1999] |
discussed roughly weighted simple games and constructed se veral examples. |
[Gvozdeva and Slinko, 2011] developed a theory of roughly we ighted simple |
games. A trading transform ( X1,X2,...,X j;Y1,Y2,...,Y j) with all coali- |
tionsX1,X2,...,X jwinningand Y1,Y2,...,Y jlosingiscalled a certificate of |
non-weightedness . This certificate is said to be potentif the grand coalition |
Nis among X1,X2,...,X jand the empty coalition is among Y1,Y2,...,Y j. |
[Gvozdeva and Slinko, 2011] showed that under the the monoto nicity prop- |
erty (1) and ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N, a given simple game Gis not roughly weighted if |
and only if thereexists a potent certificate of non-weighted ness whose length |
islessthanorequalto( n+1)nn/2. Furtherresearchonroughlyweightedsim- |
plegamesappearsin[Gvozdeva et al., 2013,Freixas and Kurz , 2014,Hameed and Slinko, 2015]. |
In Section 5, we show that (under the the monotonicity proper ty (1) and |
∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) the length of a potent certificate of non-weightedness is le ss |
than or equal to 2 αn+1, if it exists. We also show that a roughly weighted |
simple game (satisfying ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) has an integer vector ( q;w⊤) of rough |
voting representation satisfying 0 ≤wi≤αn−1(∀i∈N), 0≤q≤αnand |
0≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn. |
2 TradingTransformsof Non-weighted Simple Games |
In this section, we discuss the size of a trading transform th at guarantees |
the non-weightedness of a given simple game. Throughout thi s section, we |
do not need to assume the monotonicity property (1). First, w e introduce a |
4linear inequality system for determining the weightedness of a given simple |
game. For any nonempty family of player subsets ∅ /\e}atio\slash=N ⊆2N, we introduce |
a 0–1 matrix A(N) = (a(N)Si) whose rows are indexed by subsets in Nand |
columns are indexed by players in Ndefined by |
a(N)Si=/braceleftbigg1 (ifi∈S∈ N), |
0 (otherwise) . |
A given simple game G= (N,W) is weighted if and only if the following |
linear inequality system is feasible: |
P1:/parenleftbiggA(W)1 0 |
−A(L)−1−1/parenrightbigg |
w |
−q |
ε |
≥0, |
ε >0, |
where0(1) denotes a zero vector (all-one vector) of an appropriate di men- |
sion. |
Farkas’ Lemma [Farkas, 1902] states that P1 is infeasible if and only if |
the following system is feasible: |
D1: |
A(W)⊤−A(L)⊤ |
1⊤−1⊤ |
0⊤−1⊤ |
/parenleftbiggx |
y/parenrightbigg |
= |
0 |
0 |
−1 |
, |
x≥0,y≥0. |
For simplicity, we denote D1 by A1z=c,z≥0,where |
A1= |
A(W)⊤−A(L)⊤ |
1⊤−1⊤ |
0⊤−1⊤ |
,z=/parenleftbiggx |
y/parenrightbigg |
,andc= |
0 |
0 |
−1 |
. |
Subsequently, we assume that D1 is feasible. Let /tildewiderA1z=/tildewidecbe a linear |
equality system obtained from A1z=cby repeatedly removing redundant |
equalities. A column submatrix /hatwideBof/tildewiderA1is called a basis matrix if/hatwideBis a |
square invertible matrix. Variables corresponding to the c olumns of/hatwideBare |
calledbasic variables , andJ/hatwideBdenotes an index set of basic variables. A |
basic solution with respect to /hatwideBis a vector zdefined by |
zi=/braceleftbigg/hatwidezi(i∈J/hatwideB), |
0 (i/\e}atio\slash∈J/hatwideB), |
5where/hatwidezis a vector of basic variables satisfying /hatwidez=/hatwideB−1/tildewidec. It is well-known |
that if a linear inequality system D1 is feasible, then it has a basic feasible |
solution. |
Letz′be a basic feasible solution of D1 with respect to a basis matr ixB. |
By Cramer’s rule, z′ |
i= det(Bi)/det(B) for each i∈JB,whereBiis a matrix |
formed by replacing i-th column of Bby/tildewidec. Because Biis an integer matrix, |
det(B)z′ |
i= det(Bi) is an integer for any i∈JB. Let (x′⊤,y′⊤)⊤be a vector |
corresponding to z′,and (x∗⊤,y∗⊤) =|det(B)|(x′⊤,y′⊤). Cramer’s rule |
states that both x∗andy∗are integer vectors. The pair of vectors x∗and |
y∗satisfies the following conditions: |
A(W)⊤x∗−A(L)⊤y∗=|det(B)|(A(W)⊤x′−A(L)⊤y′) =|det(B)|0=0,/summationdisplay |
S∈Wx∗ |
S−/summationdisplay |
S∈Ly∗ |
S=|det(B)|(1⊤x′−1⊤y′) =|det(B)|0 = 0, |
/summationdisplay |
S∈Ly∗ |
S=|det(B)|1⊤y′=|det(B)|, |
x∗=|det(B)|x′≥0,andy∗=|det(B)|y′≥0. |
Next, we construct a trading transform corresponding to the pair ofx∗and |
y∗. LetX= (X1,X2,...,X|det(B)|) be a sequence of winning coalitions, |
where each winning coalition S∈ Wappears in Xx∗ |
S-times. Similarly, we |
introduce a sequence Y= (Y1,Y2,...,Y|det(B)|),where each losing coalition |
S∈ Lappears in Yy∗ |
S-times. The above equalities imply that ( X;Y) is a |
trading transform of size |det(B)|. Therefore, we have shown that if D1 is |
feasible, then a given simple game G= (N,W) is not|det(B)|-trade robust. |
Finally, weprovidean upperboundon |det(B)|. Letαnbethemaximum |
of the determinants of n×n0–1 matrices. For any n×n0–1 matrix M,it is |
easy to show that det( M)≥ −αnby swapping two rows of M(whenn≥2). |
If a column of Bis indexed by a component of x(i.e., indexed by a winning |
coalition), then each component of the column is either 0 or 1 . Otherwise, |
a column (of B) is indexed by a component of y(i.e., indexed by a losing |
coalition) whose components are either 0 or −1. Now, we apply elementary |
matrix operations to B(see Figure 1). For each column of Bindexed by |
a component of y, we multiply the column by ( −1). The resulting matrix, |
denoted by B′, is a 0–1 matrix satisfying |det(B)|=|det(B′)|. |
AsBis a submatrix of A1, the number of rows (columns) of B, denoted |
byn′, is less than or equal to n+ 2. When n′< n+ 2, we obtain the |
desired result: |det(B)|=|det(B′)| ≤αn′≤αn+1. Ifn′=n+ 2, then B |
has a row vector corresponding to equality 1⊤x−1⊤y= 0, which satisfies |
the condition that each component is either 1 or −1, and thus B′has an |
60 0 1 1 0−1 |
0 1 0 1 0 0 |
1 0 0 1 0−1 |
1 1 1 0 −1−1 |
1 1 1 1 −1−1 |
0 0 0 0 −1−1 |
B0 0 1 1 0 1 |
0 1 0 1 0 0 |
1 0 0 1 0 1 |
1 1 1 0 1 1 |
1 1 1 1 1 1 |
0 0 0 0 1 1 |
B′ |
Figure 1: Example of elementary matrix operations for D1. |
all-one row vector. Lemma 2.1 (c1) appearing below states th at|det(B)|= |
|det(B′)| ≤αn′−1≤αn+1. |
Lemma 2.1. LetMbe ann×n0–1 matrix, where n≥2. |
(c1)If a row (column) vector of Mis the all-one vector, then |det(M)| ≤αn−1. |
(c2)If a row (column) vector of Mis a 0–1 vector consisting of a unique |
0-component and n−11-components, then |det(M)| ≤2αn−1. |
Proof of (c1). Assume that the first column of Mis the all-one vector. We |
apply the following elementary matrix operations to M(see Figure 2). For |
each column of Mexcept the first column, if the first component is equal to |
1, then we multiply the column by ( −1) and add the all-one column vector. |
The obtained matrix, denoted by M′, is ann×n0–1 matrix satisfying |
|det(M)|=|det(M′)|,and the first row is a unit vector. Thus, it is obvious |
that|det(M′)| ≤αn−1. |
11 0 1 0 |
11 1 1 0 |
10 1 0 0 |
11 1 0 1 |
10 0 1 1 |
M10 0 0 0 |
10 1 0 0 |
11 1 1 0 |
10 1 1 1 |
11 0 0 1 |
M′ |
Figure 2: Example of elementary matrix operations for (c1). |
Proof of (c2). Assume that the first column vector of M, denoted by a, |
contains exactly one 0-component. Obviously, e=1−ais a unit vector. |
LetM1andMebe a pair of matrices obtained from Mwith the first column |
7replaced by 1ande, respectively. Then, it is easy to prove that |
|det(M)|=|det(M1)−det(Me)| ≤ |det(M1)|+|det(Me)| ≤2αn−1. |
From the above discussion, we obtain the following theorem ( without |
the assumption of the monotonicity property (1)). |
Theorem 2.2. A given simple game G= (N,W)withnplayers is weighted |
if and only if Gisαn+1-trade robust, where αn+1is the maximum of deter- |
minants of (n+1)×(n+1)0–1 matrices. |
Proof. If a given simple game is not αn+1-trade robust, then it is not trade |
robust and, thus, not weighted, as shown by [Taylor and Zwick er, 1992, |
Taylor and Zwicker, 1999]. We have discussed the inverse imp lication: if |
a given simple game Gis not weighted, then the linear inequality system P1 |
is infeasible. Farkas’ lemma [Farkas, 1902] implies that D1 is feasible. From |
the above discussion, we have a trading transform ( X1,...,X j;Y1,...Yj) |
satisfying j≤αn+1,X1,...,X j∈ W, andY1,...,Y j∈ L. QED |
Applying the Hadamard’s evaluation [Hadamard, 1893] of the determi- |
nant, we obtain Theorem 2.3. |
Theorem 2.3. For any positive integer n,αn≤(n+1)n+1 |
2(1/2)n. |
The exact values of αnfor small positive integers nappear in “The On- |
LineEncyclopediaof Integer Sequences (A003432)” [Sloane et al., 2018] and |
Table 1. |
3 Integer Weights of Weighted Simple Games |
This section reviews the integer-weight representations o f weighted simple |
games. Throughoutthis section, we donot need to assume the m onotonicity |
property (1), except in Table 1. |
Theorem 3.1. Assume that a given simple game G= (N,W)satisfies |
∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N. If a given simple game Gis weighted, then there exists an |
integer-weight representation (q;w⊤)ofGsatisfying |wi| ≤αn(∀i∈N), |
|q| ≤αn+1, and1≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn+1−1. |
8Proof. It is easy to show that a given simple game G= (N,W) is weighted |
if and only if the following linear inequality system is feas ible: |
P2:A(W)w≥q1, |
A(L)w≤q1−1, |
1⊤w≤u−1. |
We define |
A2= |
A(W)10 |
−A(L)−10 |
−1⊤0 1 |
,v= |
w |
−q |
u |
,d= |
0 |
1 |
1 |
, |
and denote the inequality system P2 by A2v≥d. |
Subsequently, we assume that P2 is feasible. A non-singular submatrix |
/hatwideBofA2is called a basis matrix . Variables corresponding to columns of /hatwideB |
are called basic variables , andJ/hatwideBdenotes an index set of basic variables. |
Letd/hatwideBbe a subvector of dcorresponding to rows of /hatwideB. Abasic solution |
with respect to /hatwideBis a vector vdefined by |
vi=/braceleftbigg/hatwidevi(i∈J/hatwideB), |
0 (i/\e}atio\slash∈J/hatwideB), |
where/hatwidevis a vector of basic variables satisfying /hatwidev=/hatwideB−1d/hatwideB. It is well-known |
that if a linear inequality system P2 is feasible, there exis ts a basic feasible |
solution. |
Let (w′⊤,−q′,u′)⊤be a basic feasible solution of P2 with respect to a |
basis matrix B. Assumption ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ Wimplies that 0 ≤q′−1 and, thus, |
−q′/\e}atio\slash= 0. As N∈ W, we have inequalities u′−1≥1⊤w′≥q′≥1,which |
imply that u′/\e}atio\slash= 0. The definition of a basic solution implies that −qand |
uare basic variables with respect to the basis matrix B. Thus, Bhas |
columns corresponding to basic variables −qandu. A column of Bindexed |
byuis called the last column. As Bis invertible, the last column of Bis |
not the zero vector, and thus Bincludes a row corresponding to inequality |
1⊤w≤u−1, which is called the last row (see Figure 3). Here, the numbe r |
of rows (columns) of B, denoted by n′, is less than or equal to n+2. |
For simplicity, we denote the basic feasible solution ( w′⊤,−q′,u′)⊤by |
v′. By Cramer’s rule, v′ |
i= det(Bi)/det(B) for each i∈JB,whereBiis |
obtained from Bwith a column correspondingto variable vireplaced by dB. |
Because Biis an integer matrix, det( B)v′ |
i= det(Bi) is an integer for any |
9i∈JB. Cramer’s rule states that ( w∗⊤,−q∗,u∗) =|det(B)|(w′⊤,−q′,u′) is |
an integer vector satisfying the following conditions: |
A(W)w∗=|det(B)|A(W)w′≥ |det(B)|q′1=q∗1, |
A(L)w∗=|det(B)|A(L)w′≤ |det(B)|(q′1−1)≤q∗1−1,and |
1⊤w∗=|det(B)|1⊤w′≤ |det(B)|(u′−1)≤u∗−1. |
From the above, ( q∗;w∗⊤) is an integer-weight representation of G. As |
N∈ W, we obtain 1⊤w∗≥q∗=|det(B)|q′≥1. |
w1w2w3w4−q u |
1 1 1 0 10 |
0 1 1 1 10 |
0−1−1 0 −10 |
−1 0 0 −1−10 |
0−1 0 −1−10 |
−1−1−1−101 |
B |
w1w2w3w4−q u |
1 1 1 0 00 |
0 1 1 1 00 |
0−1−1 0 10 |
−1 0 0 −110 |
0−1 0 −110 |
−1−1−1−111 |
Bqw1w2w3w4−q |
1 1 1 0 0 |
0 1 1 1 0 |
0−1−1 0 1 |
−1 0 0 −11 |
0−1 0 −11 |
B′ |
qw1w2w3w4−q |
1 1 1 0 0 |
0 1 1 1 0 |
0 1 1 0 1 |
1 0 0 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 1 |
B′′ |
q |
w1w2w3w4−q u |
101 0 10 |
001 1 10 |
01−1 0 −10 |
−110−1−10 |
010−1−10 |
−11−1−101 |
B2w1w2w3w4−q |
101 0 1 |
001 1 1 |
01−1 0 −1 |
−110−1−1 |
010−1−1 |
B′ |
2w1w2w3w4−q |
101 0 1 |
001 1 1 |
011 0 1 |
110 1 1 |
010 1 1 |
B′′ |
2 |
w1w2w3w4−q u |
1 1 1 0 10 |
0 1 1 1 10 |
0−1−1 0 −11 |
−1 0 0 −1−11 |
0−1 0 −1−11 |
−1−1−1−101 |
Buw1w2w3w4−q u |
1 1 1 0 10 |
0 1 1 1 10 |
0 1 1 0 11 |
1 0 0 1 11 |
0 1 0 1 11 |
1 1 1 1 01 |
B′ |
u |
Figure 3: Examples of elementary matrix operations for P2. |
Now, we discuss the magnitude of |q∗|=|det(Bq)|,whereBqis obtained |
10fromBwith a column corresponding to variable −qreplaced by dB. As the |
last column of Bqis a unit vector, we delete the last column and the last row |
fromBqand obtain a matrix B′ |
qsatisfying det( Bq) = det(B′ |
q). We apply |
the following elementary matrix operations to B′ |
q. First, we multiply the |
column corresponding to variable −q(which is equal to dB) by (−1). Next, |
we multiply the rows indexed by losing coalitions by ( −1). The resulting |
matrix, denoted by B′′ |
q, is 0–1 valued and satisfies the following condition: |
|q∗|=|det(Bq)|=|det(B′ |
q)|=|det(B′′ |
q)| ≤αn′−1≤αn+1. |
Next, we show that |w∗ |
i| ≤αn(i∈N). Ifw∗ |
i/\e}atio\slash= 0, then wiis a basic |
variable that satisfies |w∗ |
i|=|det(Bi)|,whereBiis obtained from Bbut |
the column corresponding to variable wiis replaced by dB. In a manner |
similar to that above, we delete the last column and the last r ow from Bi |
and obtain a matrix B′ |
isatisfying det( Bi) = det(B′ |
i). Next, we multiply a |
column corresponding to variable wiby (−1). We multiply rows indexed by |
losing coalitions by ( −1) and obtain a 0–1 matrix B′′ |
i. Matrix Bicontains |
a column corresponding to the original variable −q, which contains values 1 |
or−1. Thus, matrix B′′ |
icontains a column vector that is equal to an all-one |
vector. Lemma 2.1 (c1) implies that |
|w∗ |
i|=|det(Bi)|=|det(B′ |
i)|=|det(B′′ |
i)| ≤αn′−2≤αn. |
Lastly, we discuss the value of |u∗|=|det(Bu)|,whereBuis obtained |
fromBbut the last column (column indexed by variable u) is replaced by |
dB. In a manner similar to that above, we multiply the last colum n by |
(−1), multiply the rows indexed by losing coalitions by ( −1), and multiply |
the last row by ( −1). The resulting matrix, denoted by B′ |
u, is a 0–1 matrix |
in which the last row contains exactly one 0-component (inde xed by variable |
−q). Lemma 2.1 (c2) implies that |
|u∗|=|det(Bu)|=|det(B′ |
u)| ≤2αn′−1≤2αn+1, |
and thus 1⊤w∗≤u∗−1≤ |u∗|−1≤2αn+1−1. QED |
[Kurz, 2012] exhaustively generated all weighted voting ga mes satisfying |
the monotonicity property (1) for up to nine voters. Table 1 s hows max- |
ima of the exact values of minimal integer-weight represent ations obtained |
by [Kurz, 2012], Muroga’s boundsin [Muroga, 1971], and our u pperbounds. |
The table shows that our bound on the quota is tight when n≤5. |
11Table 1: Exact values of integer weights representations. |
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
αn† 1 1 2 3 5 9 32 56 144 320 1458 |
max |
(N,W)min |
[q;w]max |
iwi‡1 1 2 3 5 9 18 42 110 |
Muroga’s bound (αn)•1 1 2 3 5 9 32 56 144 320 1458 |
max |
(N,W)min |
[q;w]q‡1 2 3 5 9 18 40 105 295 |
Our bound (αn+1)1 2 3 5 9 32 56 144 320 1458 |
Muroga’s bound (nαn)•1 2 6 12 25 54 224 448 1296 3200 16038 |
max |
(N,W)min |
[q;w]/summationtext |
iwi‡1 2 4 8 15 33 77 202 568 |
Our bound (2αn+1−1)1 3 5 9 17 63 111 287 639 2915 |
†[Sloane et al., 2018], ‡[Kurz, 2012], •[Muroga, 1971]. |
4 Rounding Method |
This section addresses the problem of findinginteger-weigh t representations. |
In this section, we assume the monotonicity property (1). In addition, a |
weighted simple game is given by a triplet ( N,Wm,LM),whereWmand |
LMdenote the set of minimal winning coalitions and the set of ma ximal |
losing coalitions, respectively. We also assume that the em pty set is a losing |
coalition, Nis a winning coalition, and every player in Nis not a null |
player. Thus, there exists an integer-weight representati on in which q≥1 |
andwi≥1 (∀i∈N). |
We discuss a problem for findingan integer-weight represent ation, which |
is formulated by the following integer programming problem : |
Q: find a vector ( q;w) |
satisfying/summationdisplay |
i∈Swi≥q(∀S∈ Wm), (3) |
/summationdisplay |
i∈Swi≤q−1 (∀S∈ LM), (4) |
q≥1, wi≥1 (∀i∈N), (5) |
q∈Z, wi∈Z(∀i∈N). (6) |
A linear relaxation problem Q is obtained from Q by dropping the integer |
constraints (6). |
Let (q∗;w∗⊤) be a basic feasible solution of the linear inequality sys- |
temQ. Our proof in the previous section showed that |det(B∗)|(q∗;w∗⊤) |
12gives a solution of Q (i.e., an integer-weight representati on), where B∗de- |
notes a corresponding basis matrix of Q. When |det(B∗)|> n, there ex- |
ists a simple method for generating a smaller integer-weigh t representation. |
For any weight vector w= (w1,w2,...,w n)⊤, we denote the integer vector |
(⌊w1⌋,⌊w2⌋,...,⌊wn⌋)⊤by⌊w⌋. Given a solution ( q∗;w∗⊤) ofQ, we intro- |
duce an integer vector w′=⌊nw∗⌋and an integer q′=⌊n(q∗−1)⌋+1. For |
any minimal winning coalition S∈ Wm, we have that |
/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw′ |
i>/summationdisplay |
i∈S(nw∗ |
i−1)≥n/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw∗ |
i−n≥nq∗−n=n(q∗−1)≥ ⌊n(q∗−1)⌋, |
/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw′ |
i≥ ⌊n(q∗−1)⌋+1 =q′. |
Each maximal losing coalition S∈ LMsatisfies |
/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw′ |
i≤/summationdisplay |
i∈Snw∗ |
i≤n(q∗−1), |
/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw′ |
i≤ ⌊n(q∗−1)⌋=q′−1. |
Thus, the pair of w′andq′gives an integer-weight representation satisfying |
(q′;w′⊤)≤n(q∗;w∗⊤). In the remainder of this section, we show that there |
exists an integer-weight representation (vector) that is l ess than or equal |
to ((2−√ |
2)n+(√ |
2−1))(q∗;w∗⊤)<(0.5858n+0.4143)(q∗;w∗⊤) for any |
solution ( q∗;w∗⊤) ofQ. |
Theorem 4.1. Let(q∗;w∗⊤)be a solution of Q. We define ℓ1= (2−√ |
2)n− |
(√ |
2−1)andu1= (2−√ |
2)n+(√ |
2−1). Then, there exists a real number |
λ•∈[ℓ1,u1]so that the pair Q=⌊λ•(q∗−1)⌋+1andW=⌊λ•w∗⌋gives a |
feasible solution of Q (i.e., an integer-weight representa tion). |
Proof. For any positive real λ, it is easy to see that each maximal losing |
coalition S∈ LMsatisfies |
/summationdisplay |
i∈S⌊λw∗ |
i⌋ ≤/summationdisplay |
i∈Sλw∗ |
i≤λ(q∗−1), |
/summationdisplay |
i∈S⌊λw∗ |
i⌋ ≤ ⌊λ(q∗−1)⌋. |
To discuss the weights of minimal winning coalitions, we int roduce a |
function g(λ) =λ−/summationtext |
i∈N(λw∗ |
i−⌊λw∗ |
i⌋). In thesecond part of this proof, we |
show that if we choose Λ ∈[ℓ1,u1] uniformly at random, then E[ g(Λ)]≥0. |
13This implies that ∃λ•∈[ℓ1,u1] satisfying g(λ•)>0, because g(λ) is right- |
continuous, piecewise linear, and not a constant function. Wheng(λ•)>0, |
each minimal winning coalition S∈ Wmsatisfies |
λ•>/summationdisplay |
i∈N(λ•w∗ |
i−⌊λ•w∗ |
i⌋)≥/summationdisplay |
i∈S(λ•w∗ |
i−⌊λ•w∗ |
i⌋) =/summationdisplay |
i∈Sλ•w∗ |
i−/summationdisplay |
i∈S⌊λ•w∗ |
i⌋, |
(7) |
which implies |
/summationdisplay |
i∈S⌊λ•w∗ |
i⌋>/summationdisplay |
i∈Sλ•w∗ |
i−λ•=λ•/parenleftBigg/summationdisplay |
i∈Sw∗ |
i−1/parenrightBigg |
≥λ•(q∗−1)≥ ⌊λ•(q∗−1)⌋, |
and thus /summationdisplay |
i∈S⌊λ•w∗ |
i⌋ ≥ ⌊λ•(q∗−1)⌋+1. |
Finally, we show that E[ g(Λ)]≥0 if we choose Λ ∈[ℓ1,u1] uniformly at |
random. It is obvious that |
E[g(Λ)] = E[Λ] −/summationdisplay |
i∈NE[(Λw∗ |
i−⌊Λw∗ |
i⌋)] =ℓ1+u1 |
2−/summationdisplay |
i∈N/integraldisplayu1 |
ℓ1(λw∗ |
i−⌊λw∗ |
i⌋)dλ |
u1−ℓ1 |
= (2−√ |
2)n−/summationdisplay |
i∈N/integraldisplayu1 |
ℓ1(λw∗ |
i−⌊λw∗ |
i⌋)dλ |
u1−ℓ1. |
Let us discuss the last term appearing above. By substitutin gµforλw∗ |
i, we |
obtain |
/integraldisplayu1 |
ℓ1(λw∗ |
i−⌊λw∗ |
i⌋)dλ |
u1−ℓ1=/integraldisplayu1w∗ |
i |
ℓ1w∗ |
i(µ−⌊µ⌋)dµ |
w∗ |
i(u1−ℓ1) |
≤/integraldisplay0 |
−w∗ |
i(u1−ℓ1)(µ−⌊µ⌋)dµ |
w∗ |
i(u1−ℓ1)=/integraldisplay0 |
−x(µ−⌊µ⌋)dµ |
x, |
where the last equality is obtained by setting x=w∗ |
i(u1−ℓ1). Asu1−ℓ1= |
2(√ |
2−1) andw∗ |
i≥1, it is clear that x=w∗ |
i(u1−ℓ1)≥2(√ |
2−1). Here, |
we introduce a function f(x) =/integraldisplay0 |
−x(µ−⌊µ⌋)dµ |
x. According to numerical |
14calculations (see Figure 4), inequality x≥2(√ |
2−1) implies that f(x)≤ |
2−√ |
2. |
0 1 2 3 4 5 |
x0.450.50.550.60.650.70.750.8f(x) |
Figure 4: Plot of function f(x) =/integraldisplay0 |
−x(µ−⌊µ⌋)dµ |
x. |
From the above, we obtain the desired result |
E[g(Λ)]≥(2−√ |
2)n−/summationdisplay |
i∈N(2−√ |
2) = (2−√ |
2)n−(2−√ |
2)n= 0. |
5 Roughly Weighted Simple Games |
In this section, we discuss roughly weighted simple games. F irst, we show |
an upper bound of the length of a potent certificate of non-wei ghtedness. |
Theorem 5.1. Assume that a given simple game G= (N,W)satisfies ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ |
W ∋Nand the monotonicity property (1). If a given simple game Gis not |
roughly weighted, then there exists a potent certificate of n on-weightedness |
whose length is less than or equal to 2αn+1. |
Proof. Let us introduce a linear inequality system: |
P3:/parenleftbiggA(W)1 |
−A(L)−1/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggw |
−q/parenrightbigg |
≥0, |
1⊤w>0. |
15First, we show that if P3 is feasible, then a given simple game is roughly |
weighted. Let ( q′;w′⊤) be a feasible solution of P3. We introduce a new |
voting weight w′′ |
i= max{w′ |
i,0}for each i∈N. We show that ( q′;w′′⊤) is a |
rough voting representation. As 1⊤w′>0, vector w′includes at least one |
positivecomponent,andthus w′′/\e}atio\slash=0. Ifacoalition Ssatisfies/summationtext |
i∈Sw′′ |
i< q′, |
thenq′>/summationtext |
i∈Sw′′ |
i≥/summationtext |
i∈Sw′ |
i,and thus Sis losing. Consider the case in |
which a coalition Ssatisfies/summationtext |
i∈Sw′′ |
i> q′. LetS′={i∈S|w′ |
i>0}. It is |
obvious that q′</summationtext |
i∈Sw′′ |
i=/summationtext |
i∈S′w′′ |
i=/summationtext |
i∈S′w′ |
iand thus S′is winning. |
The monotonicity property (1) and S′⊆Simply that Sis winning. |
From the above discussion, it is obvious that if a given simpl e game is |
not roughly weighted, then P3 is infeasible. Farkas’ Lemma [ Farkas, 1902] |
states that |
D3:/parenleftbiggA(W)⊤−A(L)⊤ |
1⊤−1⊤/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggx |
y/parenrightbigg |
=/parenleftbigg−1 |
0/parenrightbigg |
, |
x≥0,y≥0, |
is feasible if and only if P3 is infeasible. By introducing an artificial non- |
negative variable u≥0 and equality 1⊤x=u−1, we obtain a linear |
inequality system: |
D3+: |
A(W)⊤−A(L)⊤0 |
1⊤−1⊤0 |
1⊤0⊤−1 |
x |
y |
u |
= |
−1 |
0 |
−1 |
, |
x≥0,y≥0, u≥0. |
It is obvious that D3 is feasible if and only if D3+is feasible. |
Next, we construct a trading transform from a basic feasible solution |
of D3+. Let/tildewiderA3z=/tildewidec′be a linear equality system obtained from D3+by |
repeatedly removing redundant equalities. As D3+is feasible, there exists a |
basic feasible solution, denoted by z′, and a corresponding basis matrix B |
of/tildewiderA3. From Cramer’s rule, z′ |
S/\e}atio\slash= 0 implies that z′ |
S= det(BS)/det(B) for |
eachS⊆N,whereBSis obtained from Bwith a column corresponding to |
variable zSreplaced by/tildewidec′. Obviously, |det(B)|z′is a non-negative integer |
vector. We denote by ( x′⊤,y′⊤,u′)⊤the basic feasible solution z′. We recall |
that∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ Nandintroduceapairofnon-negative integer vectors ( x∗,y∗) |
defined as follows: |
x∗ |
S=/braceleftbigg|det(B)|x′ |
S (ifS∈ W \{N}), |
|det(B)|(x′ |
N+1) (if S=N), |
y∗ |
S=/braceleftbigg|det(B)|y′ |
S (ifS∈ N \{∅} ), |
|det(B)|(y′ |
∅+1) (if S=∅). |
16Subsequently, χ(S) denotes the characteristic vector of a coalition S. It is |
easy to see that pair ( x∗,y∗) satisfies |
A(W)⊤x∗−A(L)⊤y∗=/summationdisplay |
S∈Wχ(S)x∗ |
S−/summationdisplay |
S∈Lχ(S)y∗ |
S |
=/summationdisplay |
S∈Wχ(S)|det(B)|x′ |
S+χ(N)|det(B)|−/summationdisplay |
S∈Lχ(S)|det(B)|y′ |
S−χ(∅)|det(B)| |
=|det(B)|/parenleftBigg/parenleftBigg/summationdisplay |
S∈Wχ(S)x′ |
S−/summationdisplay |
S∈Lχ(S)y′ |
S/parenrightBigg |
+χ(N)−χ(∅)/parenrightBigg |
=|det(B)|/parenleftBig/parenleftBig |
A(W)⊤x′−A(L)⊤y′/parenrightBig |
+1−0/parenrightBig |
=|det(B)|(−1+1−0) =0 |
and |
/summationdisplay |
S∈Wx∗ |
S−/summationdisplay |
S∈Ly∗ |
S=/summationdisplay |
S∈W|detB|x′ |
S+|det(B)|−/summationdisplay |
S∈L|det(B)|y′ |
S−|det(B)| |
=|det(B)|/parenleftBigg/parenleftBigg/summationdisplay |
S∈Wx′ |
S−/summationdisplay |
S∈Ly′ |
S/parenrightBigg |
+1−1/parenrightBigg |
=|det(B)|(0+1−1) = 0. |
Next, we can construct a trading transform ( X;Y) corresponding to the |
pair ofx∗andy∗by analogy with the proof of Theorem 2.2. Both x∗ |
Nand |
y∗ |
∅are positive and ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N; therefore ( X;Y) is a potent certificate of |
non-weightedness. |
Lastly, we discuss the length of ( X;Y). The number of rows (columns) |
ofB, denoted by n′, is less than or equal to n+2. The basic feasible solution |
z′satisfies that u′= 1+1⊤x′≥1>0, and thus Cramer’s rule states that |
det(B)u′= det(Bu) (Figure 5 shows an example). We multiply columns |
ofBucorresponding to components in ( y⊤,u) by (−1) and obtain a 0–1 |
matrixB′ |
usatisfying |det(Bu)|=|det(B′ |
u)|. As/tildewidec′includes at most one 0- |
component, Lemma 2.1 implies that |det(B′ |
u)| ≤2αn′−1≤2αn+1. Thus, the |
length of ( X;Y) satisfies |
/summationdisplay |
S∈Wx∗ |
S=/summationdisplay |
S∈W|det(B)|x′ |
S+|det(B)|=|det(B)|(1⊤x′+1) |
=|det(B)|(u′−1+1) = |det(B)|u′=|det(B)u′| |
=|det(Bu)|=|det(B′ |
u)| ≤2αn+1. |
In the rest of this section, we discuss integer voting weight s and a quota |
of a rough voting representation. We say that a player i∈Nis apasserif |
and only if every coalition S∋iis winning. |
17u |
0 0 1 1 0−10 |
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 |
1 0 0 1 0−10 |
1 1 1 0 −1−10 |
1 1 1 1 −1−10 |
1 1 1 1 0 0−1 |
B |
/tildewidec′ |
0 0 1 1 0−1−1 |
0 1 0 1 0 0−1 |
1 0 0 1 0−1−1 |
1 1 1 0 −1−1−1 |
1 1 1 1 −1−10 |
1 1 1 1 0 0−1 |
Bu0 0 1 1 0 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 |
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 |
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 |
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 |
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 |
B′ |
u |
Figure 5: Example of elementary matrix operations for D3+. |
Theorem 5.2. Assume that a given simple game G= (N,W)satisfies |
∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N.If a given simple game Gis roughly weighted, then there exists |
an integer vector (q;w⊤)of the rough voting representation satisfying 0≤ |
wi≤αn−1(∀i∈N),0≤q≤αn, and1≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn. |
Proof. First, we show that if a given game is roughly weighted , then either |
P4: |
A(W)0 |
−A(L)0 |
−1⊤1 |
/parenleftbiggw |
u/parenrightbigg |
≥ |
1 |
−1 |
0 |
,w≥0,u≥0, |
is feasible or there exists at least one passer. Suppose that a given simple |
game has a rough voting representation ( q;w⊤). Ifq >0, then (1 /q)w |
becomes a feasible solution of P4 by setting uto a sufficiently large positive |
number. Consider the case q≤0. Assumption ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ Wimplies that 0 ≤q, |
and thus we obtain q= 0. Properties ( q,w⊤)/\e}atio\slash=0⊤andw≥0imply that |
∃i◦∈N,wi◦>0, i.e., a given game Ghas a passer i◦. |
When a given game Ghas a passer i◦∈N, then there exists a rough |
18voting representation ( q◦;w◦⊤) defined by |
w◦ |
i=/braceleftbigg1 (i=i◦), |
0 (i/\e}atio\slash=i◦),q◦= 0, |
which produces the desired result. |
Lastly, we consider the case in which P4 is feasible. It is wel l-known that |
when P4 is feasible, there exists a basic feasible solution. Let (w′⊤,u′)⊤be |
a basic feasible solution of P4 and Bbe a corresponding basis matrix. It is |
easy to see that (1; w′⊤) is a rough voting representation of G. Assumption |
N∈ Wimplies the positivity of u′becauseu′≥1⊤w′≥1. Then, variable |
uis a basic variable, and thus Bincludes a column corresponding to u, |
which is called the last column. The non-singularity of Bimplies that a |
column corresponding to uis not the zero vector, and thus Bincludes a row |
corresponding to the inequality 1⊤w≤u, which is called the last row (see |
Figure 6). The number of rows (columns) of basis matrix B, denoted by n′, |
is less than or equal to n+1. |
Cramer’s rule states that ( q∗,w∗⊤,u∗) =|det(B)|(1,w′⊤,u′) is a non- |
negative integer vector. It is easy to see that ( q∗,w∗⊤,u∗) satisfies |
A(W)w∗=|det(B)|A(W)w′≥ |det(B)|1=q∗1, |
A(L)w∗=|det(B)|A(L)w′≤ |det(B)|1=q∗1,and |
1⊤w∗=|det(B)|1⊤w′≤ |det(B)|u′=u∗. |
From the above, ( q∗;w∗⊤) is an integer vector of a rough voting represen- |
tation. Assumption N∈ Wimplies that 1⊤w∗≥q∗=|det(B)| ≥1. |
Letd′ |
Bbe a subvector of the right-hand-side vector of an inequalit y sys- |
tem in P4 corresponding to rows of B. Cramer’s rule states that det( B)u′= |
det(Bu),whereBuis obtained from Bbut the column corresponding to a |
basic variable uis replaced by d′ |
B(see Figure 6). We multiply rows of Bu |
that correspond to losing coalitions by ( −1) and multiply the last row by |
(−1). The resulting matrix, denoted by B′ |
u, is a 0–1 matrix whose last row |
includes exactly one 0-component (indexed by u). Lemma 2.1 (c2) implies |
that|det(B′ |
u)| ≤2αn′−1≤2αn. Thus, we obtain that |
1⊤w∗≤u∗≤ |u∗|=|det(B)u′|=|det(Bu)|=|det(B′ |
u)| ≤2αn. |
By analogy with the proof of Theorem 3.1, we can prove the desi red inequal- |
ities:q∗=|det(B)| ≤αnandw∗ |
i≤αn−1(∀i∈N). QED |
19w1w2w3w4w5u |
1 1 1 0 1 0 |
0 1 0 1 1 0 |
0−1−1 0 0 0 |
−1 0 0 −1−10 |
0−1 0 −1 0 0 |
−1−1−1−1−11 |
Bw1w2w3w4w5u |
1 1 1 0 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 1 1 |
0−1−1 0 0 −1 |
−1 0 0 −1−1−1 |
0−1 0 −1 0 −1 |
−1−1−1−1−10 |
Buw1w2w3w4w5u |
1 1 1 0 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 1 1 |
0 1 1 0 0 1 |
1 0 0 1 1 1 |
0 1 0 1 0 1 |
1 1 1 1 1 0 |
B′ |
u |
Figure 6: Examples of elementary matrix operations for P4. |
6 Conclusion |
In this paper, we discussed the smallest value of k∗such that every k∗-trade |
robust simple game would be weighted. We provided a new proof of the |
existence of a trading transform when a given simple game is n on-weighted. |
Our proof yields an improved upper bound on the required leng th of a |
trading transform. We showed that a given simple game Gis weighted if |
and only if Gisαn+1-trade robust, where αn+1denotes the maximal value |
of determinants of ( n+1)×(n+1) 0–1 matrices. Applying the Hadamard’s |
evaluation [Hadamard, 1893] of the determinant, we obtain k∗≤αn+1≤ |
(n+2)n+2 |
2(1/2)(n+1), which improves the existing bound k∗≤(n+1)nn/2 |
obtained by [Gvozdeva and Slinko, 2011]. |
Next, we discussed upper bounds for the maximum possible int eger |
weights and the quota needed to represent any weighted simpl e game with n |
players. We show that every weighted simple game (satisfyin g∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) |
has an integer-weight representation ( q;w⊤)∈Z×ZNsuch that |wi| ≤αn |
(∀i∈N),|q| ≤αn+1, and 1≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn+1−1. We demonstrated the |
tightness of our bound on the quota when n≤5. |
We described a rounding method based on a linear relaxation o f an |
integer programming problem for finding an integer-weight r epresentation. |
We showed that an integer-weight representation is obtaine d by carefully |
rounding a solution of the linear inequality system multipl ied byλ•≤ |
(2−√ |
2)n+(√ |
2−1)<0.5858n+0.4143. Our proof of Theorem 4.1 indicates |
an existence of a randomized rounding algorithm for finding a n appropriate |
valueλ•. However, from theoretical point of view, Theorem 4.1 only s howed |
the existence of a real number λ•. Even if there exists an appropriate “ratio- |
nal” number λ•, we need to determine the size of the rational number (its |
numerator and denominator) to implement a naive randomized rounding |
algorithm. Thus, it remains open whether there exists an effic ient algo- |
20rithm for finding an integer-weight representation satisfy ing the properties |
in Theorem 4.1. |
Lastly, we showed that a roughly weighted simple game (satis fying∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ |
W ∋N) has an integer vector ( q;w⊤) of the rough voting representation |
satisfying 0 ≤wi≤αn−1(∀i∈N), 0≤q≤αn, and 1≤/summationtext |
i∈Nwi≤2αn. |
When a given simple game is not roughly weighted, we showed th at (under |
the the monotonicity property (1) and ∅ /\e}atio\slash∈ W ∋ N) there existed a potent |
certificate of non-weightedness whose length is less than or equal to 2 αn+1. |
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