Root cause prediction based on bug reports |
Thomas Hirsch |
Institute of Software Technology |
Graz University of Technology |
Graz, Austria |
[email protected] Hofer |
Institute of Software Technology |
Graz University of Technology |
Graz, Austria |
[email protected] |
Abstract —This paper proposes a supervised machine learning |
approach for predicting the root cause of a given bug report. |
Knowing the root cause of a bug can help developers in the de- |
bugging process—either directly or indirectly by choosing proper |
tool support for the debugging task. We mined 54 755 closed |
bug reports from the issue trackers of 103 GitHub projects and |
applied a set of heuristics to create a benchmark consisting of |
10 459 reports. A subset was manually classified into three groups |
(semantic, memory, and concurrency) based on the bugs’ root |
causes. Since the types of root cause are not equally distributed, a |
combination of keyword search and random selection was applied. |
Our data set for the machine learning approach consists of 369 bug |
reports (122 concurrency, 121 memory, and 126 semantic bugs). |
The bug reports are used as input to a natural language processing |
algorithm. We evaluated the performance of several classifiers |
for predicting the root causes for the given bug reports. Linear |
Support Vector machines achieved the highest mean precision |
(0.74) and recall (0.72) scores. The created bug data set and |
classification are publicly available. |
Index Terms —bug report, bug benchmark, root cause prediction |
Debugging is one of the most time-consuming parts in the |
software development process. While there exist numerous |
fault localization [1] and repair [2] techniques to support |
programmers in the debugging process, it is often unclear which |
techniques work best for a given bug. For this reason, Sobreira et |
al.[3] investigated the structure of Defects4J [4] bugs. For each |
bug, they determined the size of the patch, the repair action, |
and the change pattern. They have invited other researchers to |
investigate which types of bugs1can be handled by their repair |
tools. |
In this paper, we change the perspective of this research topic: |
instead of only providing root cause information for a bench- |
mark to help researchers in evaluating their tools, we predict |
the root cause for a given bug description so that programmers |
can choose a proper tool for their debugging problem. There |
are tools that focus on concurrency (e.g. ConcBugAssist [5]) |
or memory (e.g. Valgrind) bugs, while others are better suited |
for semantic bugs (e.g. Jaguar [6]). While some root causes |
can easily be determined when reading a bug report, other |
0©2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from |
IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, |
including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional |
purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers |
or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. |
1http://program-repair.org/defects4j-dissection/root causes are not that obvious. Consider for example issue |
ticket #514 from TwelveMonkeys project2: |
TIFF: Invalid StripByteCounts when writing large resolution |
files (9800x8000) |
Hello, when writing a high resolution tiff file the stripByteCounts |
appears to be corrupt. An approx 300 mb output file has a single |
image strip with the byte count of: 4071696385 which is larger than |
the file itself. However when working with lower (more common) |
resolutions the meta for the image strips is created properly. [. . . ] |
This code creates the file with the incorrect meta data: |
// Input high resolution 48 bit depth final |
InputStream inStream = [. . . ] |
Attaching zipped image: 9800x8000 resolution 48bit depth.zip |
I’ve tested and reproduced the issue with the following versions: |
3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3 |
Thanks in advance, |
-Jesse |
Our goal is to provide information to the programmer about |
the root cause of this bug. For instance, the incorrect byte |
count mentioned in this bug report together with the information |
about high resolution can raise suspicion of an integer overflow |
occurring. |
We propose a supervised machine learning (ML) approach |
that uses the bug description from issue tickets to predict the |
root cause of the bug. For processing the text from the issue |
tickets, we make use of natural language processing (NLP). For |
creating the training set, we have mined bug reports from 103 |
GitHub projects and manually examined a subset, classifying |
them as memory, concurrency or semantic bugs based on the |
actual fix. Since the number of concurrency and memory bugs |
is usually very low [7], we have performed a keyword search in |
the commit messages of fixes to find more instances with these |
root causes. |
While the primary goal of this paper is the root cause |
prediction approach, the generated training data can be used |
as a benchmark for specific types of faults. Often, researchers |
focus on certain bug types when developing a fault localization |
or repair method. While these approaches have a high potential, |
their evaluation is often limited to a few real-world bugs or |
artificially seeded bugs, as mentioned in [8]. The training data |
set created in this paper can be used as a bug benchmark by |
researchers who are interested in certain types of bugs. It can |
be seen as a Java pendant to the C/C++ benchmark BugBench |
that also distinguishes memory, concurrency, and semantic bugs. |
Furthermore, it can be used to evaluate information retrieval |
based bug localization approaches [9]. |
2https://github.com/haraldk/TwelveMonkeys/issues/514 |
©2020 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.000671arXiv:2103.02372v1 [cs.SE] 3 Mar 2021The contributions of this work can be summarized as: |
a machine learning approach for predicting the root cause |
for a given bug report with a mean precision of 0.74 and |
a mean recall of 0.72, |
a data set consisting of 10 459 bug reports and fixes from |
103 GitHub repositories, |
a data set of 122 concurrency, 121 memory, and 269 |
semantic bugs with detailed sub-categories, and |
a framework for building such data sets. |
The created data sets, all scripts, and the categorization are |
publicly available.3The structure of this paper is as follows: |
Section II introduces the main root cause categories and their |
sub-categories. Section III explains how we have collected |
closed bug reports and their corresponding fixes. Section IV |
presents the machine learning approach. We discuss the results |
and threats to validity in Section V. Section VI discusses the |
related work and Section VII concludes the paper. |
We use three main categories and 18 detailed root causes as |
described in Table I. The semantic and memory sub-categories |
are based on Tan et al. [7]; the concurrency sub-categories are |
based on Zhou et al. [10]. |
A problem with post mortem bug classification arises through |
often unclear separation of the actual fix from other code |
changes, e.g., commits that include more than one bug fix, |
commits that include the bug fix aside of some refactoring |
or new extension, or bug fixes that are scattered over multiple |
commits. Additionally, it is difficult to distinguish a workaround |
from a fix [11]. All of the above make it hard to correctly |
identify the fix and to properly categorize the root cause. To deal |
with these issues, we have added a confidence value ranging |
from 1-10 that reflects our confidence on the correctness of |
our classification: A confidence level of 10 indicates showcase |
quality; 9 indicates that we are very confident about the main |
category and the subcategory; 8 indicates that we are very |
confident about main category and subcategory assigned, but a |
different subcategory cannot be ruled out with 100 % certainty. |
For example, differentiating “processing” and “missing case” |
is often not possible without having the knowledge of the |
programmer who wrote the code. A confidence level of 7 or be- |
low indicates doubts about the chosen subcategory. Confidence |
levels between 3 and 5 indicate a strong confidence about the |
main category, but the subcategories were not identifiable. A |
confidence level of 2 indicates doubts about the main category |
while a level of 1 indicates that it was not possible to determine |
the main root cause category for the bug. |
In this section, we provide details on the collection of the |
bug data set that builds the basis for creating the training set |
for the machine learning approach. |
Purpose of the data set. The data set should provide a realistic |
distribution of different bug types, and should serve as basis for |
3https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3973048TABLE I |
Semantic Description |
Exception handl. Missing or improper exception handling. |
Missing case Faults due to unawareness of a certain case or simply |
a forgotten implementation. |
Processing Incorrect implementation (e.g. miscalculations, in- |
correct method output, wrong method/library usage). |
Typo Ambiguous naming, typos in SQL calls/URLs/paths. |
Dependency The code can be built but behaves unexpected be- |
cause of changes in a foreign system (e.g. update of |
utilized library or underlying OS). |
Other All other semantic faults. |
Memory |
Buffer overflow Buffer overflows, not overflowing numeric types. |
Null pointer deref. All null pointer dereferences. |
Uninit. mem. read All uninitialized memory reads except null pointer |
dereference. |
Memory leak Memory leak. |
Dangling pointer Dangling pointer. |
Double free Double free. |
Other All other memory bugs. |
Concurrency |
Order violation Missing or incorrect synchronization, e.g. object is |
dereferenced by thread B before it is initialized by |
thread A. |
Race condition Two or more threads access the same resource with |
at least one being a write access and the access is |
not ordered properly. |
Atomic violation Constraints on the interleaving of operations are |
missing. This happens when atomicity of a certain |
code region was assumed but failed to guarantee |
atomicity in the implementation. |
Deadlock Two or more threads wait for the other one to release |
a resource. |
Other All other concurrency bugs. |
experiments with various fault localization and ML experiments. |
The bugs should be real world Java bugs. |
Project selection. We chose 103 GitHub Java projects to |
source our data set. Primary selection criteria were a well known |
organization driving the project, or the project having a high |
star rating on GitHub. However, the list also contains lesser |
known projects that were already used in other research [4], |
[12], [13]. The selection process was performed manually. All of |
the projects utilize GitHub’s built-in issue tracker together with |
its labeling system, and have at least 100 closed issues identified |
as bugs. The project sizes range from 13k Java LOC (Lines Of |
Code) for HikariCP4to 1.7M Java LOC for Elasticsearch5. The |
full list of mined projects can be found in the online appendix3. |
Bug ticket identification. We identified bugs via the labels |
used in the issue tickets and we only considered closed issue |
tickets. In order to omit feature requests, maintenance tickets |
and other non-bug issues, we only considered issues whose |
labels contain “bug”, “defect”, or “regression”. |
Filtering criteria. GitHub automatically links commits to |
issue tickets based on issue ids and provides this data together |
with issue tickets. We only consider issues for which at least |
4https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP |
5https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch |
©2020 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.000672one commit is linked to the issue, and all linked commits are |
still available in the Git repository. If any of the commits are |
linked to multiple issues, or the commit message suggests that |
the fix is done aside of other changes, the issue is discarded. As |
of writing this, we omit issues whose commits do not contain |
changes in production Java code. We plan to lift this limitation |
to incorporate other root causes, e.g. in the documentation or |
build system in the future. |
We use Gumtree Spoon AST Diff6[14] to create Java |
aware diffs. To manage overwhelming runtime and memory |
requirements arising from the size of the data set, we limit the |
size and number of the commits per issue. We only consider |
issues where the number of commits linked to the issue is |
smaller than 10, the number of files changed per commit is |
smaller than 20, and the number of lines changed per commit |
is smaller than 250. Our analysis shows that these limitations |
only remove less than 3 % of the issues. |
The data set. In total, 54 755 issues have been mined from |
GitHub. Following the filtering criteria described above leaves |
us with 10 459 issues that form the basis for our further |
investigations. This bug data set consists of: |
textual bug report including metadata in form of time- |
stamps and user names, |
all commits associated to each bug report including meta- |
data as commit message and git stats, and |
Java aware diff statistics and location of the changes in |
terms of file, class, and method. |
We employ an NLP approach, vectorizing the textual bug |
reports into unigrams and bigrams, to train a model for auto- |
mated classification along our fault classification schema. This |
approach calculates a frequency vector from words and word |
pairs occurring in the input text that is used as feature vector |
for the classifier. |
Input preprocessing. To increase performance of the classifier, |
we applied the following preprocessing steps: |
Stop word removal (i.e. removing common words that are |
not adding any value) |
Case folding (i.e. converting all characters to lower case) |
Stemming (i.e. reducing each word to its word stem) |
The bug reports often include stack traces, exceptions, and log |
outputs. Currently, we process them in the same way as the |
rest of the input text. In future work, we will investigate the |
usefulness of domain specific preprocessing of these artifacts. |
Training set creation. Figure 1 provides an overview of the |
training set creation. We manually classified 160 randomly |
selected issues and identified 119 semantic, 2 memory, and 4 |
concurrency bugs. 35 issues were not classified because the bug |
reports were non-English, feature requests, deemed not a bug, or |
issues for which we were not confident about the sub-category |
(confidence level <8). |
Concurrency and memory bugs are usually rare, accounting |
for 2 % respectively 6 % of all bugs [7], [15], [16], which poses |
6https://github.com/SpoonLabs/gumtree-spoon-ast-diff |
Random sample of 471 issuesFilter criteria: |
•Commits linked |
•Commits only address |
one issue |
•Change of production |
Java code |
•Reasonable size for fix |
11954 755 issues labeled as bug |
from 103 GitHub projects |
10 459 complete issues |
Random |
sample |
of 160 |
issues756 potential memory or |
concurrency bugsRandom |
selectionKeyword |
search |
150 semantic |
bugs |
keyword |
biased121 |
memory |
bugs122 |
concurrency |
bugs118 |
2 4150 119 |
Filter criteria: |
•Classification |
confidence > 7 |
•English issue text |
•Bug, not hidden |
feature request |
119 |
semantic |
Bugs |
369 issues for machine learning approachAll All All5 % |
(7)Random |
selection |
119Fig. 1. Training set creation |
a challenge for the creation of reasonably sized training sets. |
For this reason, we have performed a keyword search on the |
commit messages linked to the issues to identify candidates of |
memory and concurrency bugs analog to Ray et al. ’s approach |
[15], resulting in a total of 756 issues. As of writing this, 471 |
randomly selected issues from this set have been examined and |
classified. 150 semantic, 119 memory, and 118 concurrency |
bugs have been identified in this sample. 84 issues could not be |
classified due to the reasons mentioned above. |
Training set composition. To avoid a bias towards the se- |
mantic bugs that were “accidentally found” during the manual |
classification of the keyword search results and to have approx- |
imately equally large training sets, we reduced their volume |
to 5 % of all semantic bugs. This is a rather high estimate |
given the fact, that only 7.2 % of all bugs have been reported |
in the keyword search and only one third of these bugs are |
actually semantic bugs. Further, using separate data bases for |
the keyword search (commit messages) and training set for our |
ML classifier (bug reports) makes us confident that the bias |
introduced by the keywords is limited. As of writing this, our |
training set consists of 122 concurrency bugs, 121 memory |
bugs, and 126 semantic bugs. The complete training set consists |
of 369 textual bug reports. |
Classifiers. We applied various supervised ML classifier |
algorithms on our data set, namely Multinomial Naive Bayes |
(MNB), Linear Support Vector (LSVC), Linear Support Vector |
with Stochastic Gradient Descent learning (SGDC), Random |
Forrest (RFC), and Logistic Regression (LRC). The selection |
of classifiers is based on their suitability for multi-class clas- |
sification problems based textual inputs, and their application |
in similar research. Support vector machines have been used in |
©2020 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.000673comparable endeavors [7], [15]–[18]; the same applies to naive |
Bayes [7], [16], [17], [19]–[21], logistic regression [20], [21], |
and decision tree based algorithms [7], [20], [21]. |
Experiment. The 369 bug reports were split into a training |
set (80 %) and a test set (20 %). We performed 5-fold cross |
validation on the training set for each classifier, using grid |
search for hyperparameter tuning. Mean accuracy was used as |
scoring metric in the grid search. The highest scoring model for |
each classifier was then evaluated on the test set yielding the |
final score for this classifier. This experiment was performed |
10 times, followed by manual examination of its results and |
corresponding hyperparameters to reduce the grid search space. |
Finally, to enable comparison of the classifiers given the small |
input data set, the above described experiment with the reduced |
hyperparameter set was performed 100 times with randomized |
test and training splits. The employed set of hyperparameters, |
and grid search results for each experiment, can be found in the |
online appendix. |
A. Classification results |
We graphically compare the classifiers’ performance by |
means of the weighted averages of F1, precision, and recall |
in Figure 2 and we report mean, median, standard deviation, |
min, and max of each classifier in Table II based on the scores |
of 100 runs. Please note that the F1 scores are computed for |
the individual test runs and then the mean, median, standard |
deviation, min, and max values of these F1 scores are computed. |
Thus, they cannot be computed from the precision and recall |
given in the table. |
We observed a tight clustering of classifiers, which is also |
evident in individual runs, although individual runs exhibit |
varying performances. We attribute this behavior to the small |
data set size and high variance in data quality. The best overall |
performance was achieved with LSVC, with mean F1 (0.72), |
precision (0.74), and recall (0.72). LSVC also produced the |
highest observed scores in an individual run, yielding F1 (0.85), |
precision (0.88), and recall (0.85). |
B. Discussion |
The biggest challenge lies in the creation of a reasonably |
sized data set. Further, varying data quality constitutes a sig- |
nificant problem. The textual bug reports in our data set range |
from only 5 words to 60kB of text per report. However, our |
examination of those bug tickets shows that the length is not |
necessarily correlating with the quality in terms of usefulness |
for the developer. Issue #4960 from Elasticsearch7is an example |
of a bug report that requires context and knowledge about the |
project for understanding: |
Filtered query parses name incorrectly |
There are bug reports that merely describe the impact, e.g. |
issue #338 from the Redisson project8: |
7https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/4960 |
8https://github.com/redisson/redisson/issues/338 |
Fig. 2. Mean weighted average precision, recall and F1 score |
Classifier Precision Recall F1 |
MeanLRC 0.73 0.71 0.71 |
RFC 0.72 0.62 0.62 |
SGDC 0.74 0.71 0.71 |
LSVC 0.74 0.72 0.72 |
MNB 0.72 0.70 0.70 |
MedianLRC 0.73 0.70 0.70 |
RFC 0.72 0.62 0.62 |
SGDC 0.74 0.70 0.71 |
LSVC 0.74 0.72 0.72 |
MNB 0.73 0.70 0.70 |
Std. dev.LRC 0.046 0.048 0.048 |
RFC 0.053 0.076 0.082 |
SGDC 0.045 0.049 0.049 |
LSVC 0.046 0.046 0.046 |
MNB 0.045 0.049 0.049 |
MinLRC 0.63 0.62 0.62 |
RFC 0.53 0.39 0.38 |
SGDC 0.64 0.62 0.63 |
LSVC 0.65 0.64 0.63 |
MNB 0.60 0.57 0.57 |
MaxLRC 0.84 0.82 0.82 |
RFC 0.85 0.77 0.77 |
SGDC 0.86 0.84 0.84 |
LSVC 0.88 0.85 0.85 |
MNB 0.83 0.82 0.82 |
©2020 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.000674New version 2.1.4 or greater performance is low. |
When I use redisson 2.1.3 the ubuntu’s load average is 1.8 2.3; but |
I use 2.1.4 or greater, the load average is often greater than 3.00, |
my java application often overload. |
In some cases, the bug reports point right away at the fault, |
e.g. Netty issue #18789: |
WebSocket08FrameDecoder leaks ByteBuf when payload is |
masked |
Further research is required to determine metrics to mea- |
sure bug report quality for our purpose. On the other end of |
the spectrum, for very long bug reports, additional text pre- |
processing is required. Heuristics for reduction or removal of |
artifacts have to be implemented. Such artifacts are stack traces, |
code snippets, log outputs, or similar text portions, whose size |
is disproportionate to the added information. |
C. Threats to validity |
The selection of bugs from the issue tickets by searching for |
certain labels is a threat to the internal validity. While we have |
considered a wide range of bug labels, we cannot rule out to |
miss bugs with special labels or wrongly labeled bugs. A study |
on 7000 issue reports from five open-source projects showed |
that up to 40 % of the issues were wrongly labeled [22]. |
Manually categorizing the root cause might be error-prone |
and the true root cause of the bug can only be determined |
by the original programmer. For this reason, we indicated the |
confidence level for each bug we categorized and excluded bugs |
with a low confidence level. Furthermore, the fix might be a |
workaround instead of a fix of the true fault. |
The keyword search might only reveal certain types of |
memory and concurrency bugs. We have tried to avoid a bias in |
the classification towards the words used in the keyword search |
by performing the keyword search on the commit messages and |
NLP for classification on the bug description. |
The small sample size is the biggest threat to external validity. |
In future work, we will therefore enlarge the training set. The |
performance of this approach may vary based on the software |
domain of the examined project. We tried to counteract this |
by including software projects to source our data set. However, |
data mining was exclusively performed on open source projects. |
Further, most of the examined projects are libraries. In contrast |
to end-user software, bug reports for libraries are almost ex- |
clusively written by other developers. Such bug reports often |
already contain insights into the underlying problem. Further, |
our approach may not work as good for bug descriptions of |
software written in a different programming language. |
Ray et al. [15] analyzed more 560 000 bug fixes from |
729 GitHub projects written in 17 languages. They classified |
the root causes and impacts for 10 % of the bugs by searching |
for keywords in the commit messages and trained a supervised |
ML approach to classify the remaining 90 % of the bugs. They |
9https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/1878validated their approach by manual classifying 180 bug fixes |
(83.7 % precision, 84.3 % recall). While we also rely on a |
keyword search, we did not perform the keyword search on |
the same text that was used in NLP to avoid biasing. |
Li and colleagues [16] classified the root cause, impact, |
and software component of nearly 30 000 Bugzilla entries |
using NLP with SVM, Winnow, Perceptron and Naive Bayes |
as classifiers. Their training set consists of 709 bugs (51 % |
randomly sampled, 36 % security-related, and 13 % concurrency |
bugs). |
Tan et al. [7] manually classified 339 bugs from randomly |
selected fixed issues of three open-source projects into the |
dimensions root cause, impact, and component. Because of |
the low number of concurrency bugs in the sample, they |
performed a keyword search to identify additional concurrency |
bugs. Semantic bugs are the dominant root cause with 70- |
87 %. The Linux kernel has nearly 13.6 % concurrency bugs; |
the other projects (Mozilla and Apache) have a lower number |
of concurrency bugs with 1.2 % and 5.2 %. Furthermore, the |
authors automatically classified more than 100 000 bugs using |
a supervised ML (precision: 67 % for memory and 93 % for |
semantic bugs, recall: 57 % resp. 95 %). |
Ortu et al. [17] investigated whether there are differences |
in the characteristics of high and low priority defects in more |
than 1200 open-source software projects. Therefore, they trained |
different supervised machine learning classifiers to predict the |
root cause, impact, and software component. |
Thung et al. [18] used machine learning to classify bugs ac- |
cording to the Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) scheme. |
They distinguished three defect groups: data and control flow, |
structural, and non-functional. They manually classified 500 |
bugs that serve as training set. They use the description of the |
bug as well as the fixes to train a model. The SVM multi- |
class classification algorithm performed best (69 % precision, |
70 % recall). Lopes and colleagues [23] applied different ML |
algorithms on bug descriptions to classify bugs according to |
different ODC dimensions. They manually categorized more |
than 4000 fixed bugs from three NoSQL databases. Recurrent |
Neural Networks have the highest accuracy when predicting |
the activity (47.6 %) and impact (33.3 %). Linear support vector |
machines are suited best to predict the target (accuracy 85.5 %) |
and the defect type (34.7 %). |
Hern ´andez-Gonz ´alez and colleagues [19] proposed a learning |
from crowds ML approach. The training data consists of bug |
reports and labels for OCD’s impact dimension. Each bug report |
was labeled by five annotators. In the majority of the cases, the |
annotators disagree on the labels. In the learning from crowds |
paradigm, the individual labels are taken in the machine learning |
training instead of the label that was assigned by the majority |
of the annotators. |
Antoniol et al. [20] use decision trees, naive Bayes and |
logistic regression to classify issue reports as bug or feature |
request. Their approach was able to correctly classify 77-82 % |
of the issues. Chawla and Singh [21] also classify issue reports |
as bug or other request. They receive an accuracy of 84-91 %. |
©2020 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW51248.2020.000675VII. C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK |
The presented approach automatically predicts the root cause |
for a given bug report. This information can be used by the |
developer to choose a proper debugging tool. It can also be |
used by a meta-debugging approach to recommend a debugging |
tool. The data set created in this work can be used to evaluate |
which debugging tools are particularly well-suited to support |
programmers in the debugging process of a particular bug |
instance. In addition, the proposed approach can be utilized |
for building benchmarks of specific bug types. This benchmark |
is especially suitable for evaluating IR-based fault localization |
techniques since it includes textual data in form of bug reports |
and commit messages, as well as detailed information on the |
fix location. |
During the manual classification, we have noticed recurring |
fault patterns. We will investigate if we can establish links be- |
tween these fault patterns and code-smells detected by existing |
code analysis tools such as SonarQube10. If so, knowledge about |
the bug type combined with reports from code analysis tools can |
be utilized to aid fault localization. |
Besides that, we will improve the approach by pre-processing |
stack trace information and other artifacts (if available in the bug |
report). Currently, stack trace information is treated the same |
way as human written text. |
Since a detailed predicted root cause is even more helpful, |
we will refine the prediction to the sub-categories. To do so, we |
have to enlarge the training set. Since certain subcategories will |
be underrepresented in the training set, we will up-sample those |
categories by means of the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling |
TEchnique (SMOTE) [24]. |
The work described in this paper has been funded by the |
Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 32653 (Automated Debugging |
in Use). |
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