Local Explanations via Necessity and Sufficiency: |
Unifying Theory and Practice |
David S. Watson*1Limor Gultchin*2,3Ankur Taly4Luciano Floridi5,3 |
*Equal contribution1Department of Statistical Science, University College London, London, UK |
2Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK |
3The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK4Google Inc., Mountain View, USA |
5Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK |
Abstract |
Necessity and sufficiency are the building blocks |
of all successful explanations. Yet despite their im- |
portance, these notions have been conceptually un- |
derdeveloped and inconsistently applied in explain- |
able artificial intelligence (XAI), a fast-growing re- |
search area that is so far lacking in firm theoretical |
foundations. Building on work in logic, probabil- |
ity, and causality, we establish the central role of |
necessity and sufficiency in XAI, unifying seem- |
ingly disparate methods in a single formal frame- |
work. We provide a sound and complete algorithm |
for computing explanatory factors with respect to |
a given context, and demonstrate its flexibility and |
competitive performance against state of the art al- |
ternatives on various tasks. |
Machine learning algorithms are increasingly used in a va- |
riety of high-stakes domains, from credit scoring to medi- |
cal diagnosis. However, many such methods are opaque , in |
that humans cannot understand the reasoning behind partic- |
ular predictions. Post-hoc, model-agnostic local explanation |
tools (e.g., feature attributions, rule lists, and counterfactu- |
als) are at the forefront of a fast-growing area of research |
variously referred to as interpretable machine learning or |
explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). |
Many authors have pointed out the inconsistencies between |
popular XAI tools, raising questions as to which method |
is more reliable in particular cases [Mothilal et al., 2020a; |
Ramon et al., 2020; Fernández-Loría et al., 2020]. Theoret- |
ical foundations have proven elusive in this area, perhaps |
due to the perceived subjectivity inherent to notions such |
as “intelligible” and “relevant” [Watson and Floridi, 2020]. |
Practitioners often seek refuge in the axiomatic guarantees |
of Shapley values, which have become the de facto stan- |
Figure 1: We describe minimal sufficient factors (here, sets |
of features) for a given input (top row), with the aim of |
preserving or flipping the original prediction. We report a |
sufficiency score for each set and a cumulative necessity |
score for all sets, indicating the proportion of paths towards |
the outcome that are covered by the explanation. Feature |
colors indicate source of feature values (input or reference). |
dard in many XAI applications, due in no small part to their |
attractive theoretical properties [Bhatt et al., 2020]. How- |
ever, ambiguities regarding the underlying assumptions of |
the method [Kumar et al., 2020] and the recent prolifera- |
tion of mutually incompatible implementations [Sundarara- |
jan and Najmi, 2019; Merrick and Taly, 2020] have com- |
plicated this picture. Despite the abundance of alternative |
XAI tools [Molnar, 2021], a dearth of theory persists. This |
has led some to conclude that the goals of XAI are under- |
specified [Lipton, 2018], and even that post-hoc methods do |
more harm than good [Rudin, 2019]. |
We argue that this lacuna at the heart of XAI should be filled |
by a return to fundamentals – specifically, to necessity and |
sufficiency . As the building blocks of all successful expla- |
nations, these dual concepts deserve a privileged position |
in the theory and practice of XAI. Following a review of re- |
lated work (Sect. 2), we operationalize this insight with a |
unified framework (Sect. 3) that reveals unexpected affinities |
Accepted for the 37thConference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021).arXiv:2103.14651v2 [cs.LG] 10 Jun 2021between various XAI tools and probabilities of causation |
(Sect. 4). We proceed to implement a novel procedure for |
computing model explanations that improves upon the state |
of the art in various quantitative and qualitative comparisons |
(Sect. 5). Following a brief discussion (Sect. 6), we conclude |
with a summary and directions for future work (Sect. 7). |
We make three main contributions. (1) We present a formal |
framework for XAI that unifies several popular approaches, |
including feature attributions, rule lists, and counterfactu- |
als. (2) We introduce novel measures of necessity and suf- |
ficiency that can be computed for any feature subset. The |
method enables users to incorporate domain knowledge, |
search various subspaces, and select a utility-maximizing |
explanation. (3) We present a sound and complete algorithm |
for identifying explanatory factors, and illustrate its perfor- |
mance on a range of tasks. |
Necessity and sufficiency have a long philosophical tradi- |
tion [Mackie, 1965; Lewis, 1973; Halpern and Pearl, 2005b], |
spanning logical, probabilistic, and causal variants. In propo- |
sitional logic, we say that xis a sufficient condition for y |
iffx!y, andxis a necessary condition for yiffy!x. |
So stated, necessity and sufficiency are logically converse . |
However, by the law of contraposition, both definitions ad- |
mit alternative formulations, whereby sufficiency may be |
rewritten as:y!:xand necessity as:x!:y. By pair- |
ing the original definition of sufficiency with the latter def- |
inition of necessity (and vice versa), we find that the two |
concepts are also logically inverse . |
These formulae suggest probabilistic relaxations, measur- |
ingx’s sufficiency for ybyP(yjx)andx’s necessity for y |
byP(xjy). Because there is no probabilistic law of contra- |
position, these quantities are generally uninformative w.r.t. |
P(:xj:y)andP(:yj:x), which may be of independent |
interest. Thus, while necessity is both the converse and in- |
verse of sufficiency in propositional logic, the two formula- |
tions come apart in probability calculus. We revisit the dis- |
tinction between probabilistic conversion and inversion in |
Rmk. 1 and Sect. 4. |
These definitions struggle to track our intuitions when we |
consider causal explanations [Pearl, 2000; Tian and Pearl, |
2000]. It may make sense to say in logic that if xis a neces- |
sary condition for y, thenyis a sufficient condition for x; |
it does not follow that if xis a necessary cause ofy, theny |
is a sufficient cause ofx. We may amend both concepts us- |
ingcounterfactual probabilities – e.g., the probability that |
Alice would still have a headache if she had not taken an as- |
pirin, given that she does not have a headache and did take |
an aspirin. Let P(yxjx0;y0)denote such a quantity, to be |
read as “the probability that Ywould equal yunder an in- |
tervention that sets Xtox, given that we observe X=x0andY=y0.” Then, according to Pearl [2000, Ch. 9], the |
probability that xis a sufficient cause of yis given by |
suf(x;y) :=P(yxjx0;y0), and the probability that xis a |
necessary cause of yis given by nec(x;y) :=P(y0 |
x0jx;y): |
Analysis becomes more difficult in higher dimensions, |
where variables may interact to block or unblock causal path- |
ways. VanderWeele and Robins [2008] analyze sufficient |
causal interactions in the potential outcomes framework, |
refining notions of synergism without monotonicity con- |
straints. In a subsequent paper, VanderWeele and Richard- |
son [2012] study the irreducibility and singularity of interac- |
tions in sufficient-component cause models. Halpern [2016] |
devotes an entire monograph to the subject, providing vari- |
ous criteria to distinguish between subtly different notions |
of “actual causality”, as well as “but-for” (similar to nec- |
essary) and sufficient causes. These authors generally limit |
their analyses to Boolean systems with convenient structural |
properties, e.g. conditional ignorability and the stable unit |
treatment value assumption [Imbens and Rubin, 2015]. Op- |
erationalizing their theories in a practical method without |
such restrictions is one of our primary contributions. |
Necessity and sufficiency have begun to receive explicit at- |
tention in the XAI literature. Ribeiro et al. [2018a] propose |
a bandit procedure for identifying a minimal set of Boolean |
conditions that entails a predictive outcome (more on this in |
Sect. 4). Dhurandhar et al. [2018] propose an autoencoder |
for learning pertinent negatives and positives, i.e. features |
whose presence or absence is decisive for a given label, |
while Zhang et al. [2018] develop a technique for generat- |
ing symbolic corrections to alter model outputs. Both meth- |
ods are optimized for neural networks, unlike the model- |
agnostic approach we develop here. |
Another strand of research in this area is rooted in logic pro- |
gramming. Several authors have sought to reframe XAI as |
either a SAT [Ignatiev et al., 2019; Narodytska et al., 2019] |
or a set cover problem [Lakkaraju et al., 2019; Grover et al., |
2019], typically deriving approximate solutions on a pre- |
specified subspace to ensure computability in polynomial |
time. We adopt a different strategy that prioritizes complete- |
ness over efficiency, an approach we show to be feasible in |
moderate dimensions (see Sect. 6 for a discussion). |
Mothilal et al. [2020a] build on Halpern [2016]’s definitions |
of necessity and sufficiency to critique popular XAI tools, |
proposing a new feature attribution measure with some pur- |
ported advantages. Their method relies on the strong as- |
sumption that predictors are mutually independent. Galho- |
tra et al. [2021] adapt Pearl [2000]’s probabilities of cau- |
sation for XAI under a more inclusive range of data gen- |
erating processes. They derive analytic bounds on multidi- |
mensional extensions of nec andsuf, as well as an algo- |
rithm for point identification when graphical structure per- |
mits. Oddly, they claim that non-causal applications of ne- |
cessity and sufficiency are somehow “incorrect and mislead-ing” (p. 2), a normative judgment that is inconsistent with |
many common uses of these concepts. |
Rather than insisting on any particular interpretation of ne- |
cessity and sufficiency, we propose a general framework that |
admits logical, probabilistic, and causal interpretations as |
special cases. Whereas previous works evaluate individual |
predictors, we focus on feature subsets , allowing us to detect |
and quantify interaction effects. Our formal results clarify |
the relationship between existing XAI methods and proba- |
bilities of causation, while our empirical results demonstrate |
their applicability to a wide array of tasks and datasets. |
We propose a unifying framework that highlights the role of |
necessity and sufficiency in XAI. Its constituent elements |
are described below. |
Target function. Post-hoc explainability methods assume |
access to a target function f:X7!Y , i.e. the model whose |
prediction(s) we seek to explain. For simplicity, we restrict |
attention to the binary setting, with Y2f0;1g. Multi-class |
extensions are straightforward, while continuous outcomes |
may be accommodated via discretization. Though this in- |
evitably involves some information loss, we follow authors |
in the contrastivist tradition in arguing that, even for con- |
tinuous outcomes, explanations always involve a juxtapo- |
sition (perhaps implicit) of “fact and foil” [Lipton, 1990]. |
For instance, a loan applicant is probably less interested in |
knowing why her credit score is precisely ythan she is in |
discovering why it is below some threshold (say, 700). Of |
course, binary outcomes can approximate continuous values |
with arbitrary precision over repeated trials. |
Context. The contextDis a probability distribution over |
which we quantify sufficiency and necessity. Contexts may |
be constructed in various ways but always consist of at least |
some input (point or space) and reference (point or space). |
For instance, we may want to compare xiwith all other |
samples, or else just those perturbed along one or two axes, |
perhaps based on some conditioning event(s). |
In addition to predictors and outcomes, we optionally in- |
clude information exogenous to f. For instance, if any |
events were conditioned upon to generate a given refer- |
ence sample, this information may be recorded among a |
set of auxiliary variables W. Other examples of potential |
auxiliaries include metadata or engineered features such as |
those learned via neural embeddings. This augmentation al- |
lows us to evaluate the necessity and sufficiency of factors |
beyond those found in X. Contextual data take the form |
Z= (X;W)D . The distribution may or may not en- |
code dependencies between (elements of) Xand (elements |
of)W. We extend the target function to augmented inputs |
by definingf(z) :=f(x).Factors. Factors pick out the properties whose necessity |
and sufficiency we wish to quantify. Formally, a factor |
c:Z 7!f 0;1gindicates whether its argument satisfies |
some criteria with respect to predictors or auxiliaries. For |
instance, if xis an input to a credit lending model, and w |
contains information about the subspace from which data |
were sampled, then a factor could be c(z) =1[x[gender = |
“female” ]^w[do(income>$50k)]], i.e. checking if zis |
female and drawn from a context in which an intervention |
fixes income at greater than $50k. We use the term “factor” |
as opposed to “condition” or “cause” to suggest an inclusive |
set of criteria that may apply to predictors xand/or auxil- |
iaries w. Such criteria are always observational w.r.t. zbut |
may be interventional or counterfactual w.r.t. x. We assume |
a finite space of factors C. |
Partial order. When multiple factors pass a given neces- |
sity or sufficiency threshold, users will tend to prefer some |
over others. For instance, factors with fewer conditions are |
often preferable to those with more, all else being equal; |
factors that change a variable by one unit as opposed to two |
are preferable, and so on. Rather than formalize this pref- |
erence in terms of a distance metric, which unnecessarily |
constrains the solution space, we treat the partial ordering |
as primitive and require only that it be complete and transi- |
tive. This covers not just distance-based measures but also |
more idiosyncratic orderings that are unique to individual |
agents. Ordinal preferences may be represented by cardi- |
nal utility functions under reasonable assumptions (see, e.g., |
[von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944]). |
We are now ready to formally specify our framework. |
Definition 1 (Basis) .Abasis for computing necessary and |
sufficient factors for model predictions is a tuple B= |
hf;D;C;i, wherefis a target function, Dis a context,C |
is a set of factors, and is a partial ordering on C. |
For some fixed basis B=hf;D;C;i, we define the fol- |
lowing measures of sufficiency and necessity, with probabil- |
ity taken overD. |
Definition 2 (Probability of Sufficiency) .The probability |
thatcis a sufficient factor for outcome yis given by: |
PS(c;y) :=P(f(z) =yjc(z) = 1): |
The probability that factor set C=fc1;:::;ckgis sufficient |
foryis given by: |
PS(C;y) :=P(f(z) =yjkX |
i=1ci(z)1): |
Definition 3 (Probability of Necessity) .The probability |
thatcis a necessary factor for outcome yis given by: |
PN(c;y) :=P(c(z) = 1jf(z) =y):The probability that factor set C=fc1;:::;ckgis neces- |
sary foryis given by: |
PN(C;y) :=P(kX |
i=1ci(z)1jf(z) =y): |
Remark 1. These probabilities can be likened to the “pre- |
cision” (positive predictive value) and “recall” (true posi- |
tive rate) of a (hypothetical) classifier that predicts whether |
f(z) =ybased on whether c(z) = 1 . By examining the |
confusion matrix of this classifier, one can define other |
related quantities, e.g. the true negative rate P(c(z) = |
0jf(z)6=y)and the negative predictive value P(f(z)6= |
yjc(z) = 0) , which are contrapositive transformations of |
our proposed measures. We can recover these values exactly |
viaPS(1 c;1 y)andPN(1 c;1 y), respectively. |
When necessity and sufficiency are defined as probabilistic |
inversions (rather than conversions), such transformations |
are impossible. |
We introduce Local Explanations via Necessity and Suffi- |
ciency (LENS), a procedure for computing explanatory fac- |
tors with respect to a given basis Band threshold parame- |
ter(see Alg. 1). First, we calculate a factor’s probability |
of sufficiency (see probSuff ) by drawing nsamples from |
Dand taking the maximum likelihood estimate ^PS(c;y). |
Next, we sort the space of factors w.r.t. in search of those |
that are-minimal. |
Definition 4 (-minimality) .We say thatcis-minimal iff |
(i)PS(c;y)and (ii) there exists no factor c0such that |
PS(c0;y)andc0c. |
Since a factor is necessary to the extent that it covers all |
possible pathways towards a given outcome, our next step is |
to span the-minimal factors and compute their cumulative |
PN (seeprobNec ). As a minimal factor cstands for all c0 |
such thatcc0, in reporting probability of necessity, we |
expandCto its upward closure. |
Thms. 1 and 2 state that this procedure is optimal in a sense |
that depends on whether we assume access to oracle or |
sample estimates of PS(see Appendix A for all proofs). |
Theorem 1. With oracle estimates PS(c;y)for allc2C, |
Alg. 1 is sound and complete. That is, for any Creturned |
by Alg. 1 and all c2C,cis-minimal iff c2C. |
Population proportions may be obtained if data fully saturate |
the spaceD, a plausible prospect for categorical variables |
of low to moderate dimensionality. Otherwise, proportions |
will need to be estimated. |
Theorem 2. With sample estimates ^PS(c;y)for allc2C, |
Alg. 1 is uniformly most powerful. That is, Alg. 1 identifiesthe most-minimal factors of any method with fixed type I |
error. |
Multiple testing adjustments can easily be accommodated, |
in which case modified optimality criteria apply [Storey, |
2007]. |
Remark 2. We take it that the main quantity of interest |
in most applications is sufficiency, be it for the original or |
alternative outcome, and therefore define -minimality w.r.t. |
sufficient (rather than necessary) factors. However, necessity |
serves an important role in tuning , as there is an inherent |
trade-off between the parameters. More factors are excluded |
at higher values of , thereby inducing lower cumulative |
PN; more factors are included at lower values of , thereby |
inducing higher cumulative PN. See Appendix B. |
Algorithm 1 LENS |
1:Input:B=hf;D;C;i; |
2:Output: Factor setC,(8c2C)PS(c;y);PN (C;y) |
3:Sample ^D=fzign |
i=1D |
4:function probSuff (c,y) |
5: n(c&y) =Pn |
i=11[c(zi) = 1^f(zi) =y] |
6: n(c) =Pn |
i=1c(zi) |
7: return n(c&y) / n(c) |
8:function probNec (C,y, upward_closure_flag) |
9: ifupward_closure_flag then |
10:C=fcjc2C^9c02C:c0cg |
11: end if |
12: n(C&y) =Pn |
i=11[Pk |
j=1cj(zi)1^f(zi) =y] |
13: n(y) =Pn |
i=11[f(zi) =y] |
14: return n(C&y) / n(y) |
15:function minimalSuffFactors (y,, sample_flag, ) |
16: sorted_factors = topological _sort(C;) |
17: cands = [] |
18: forcin sorted_factors do |
19: if9(c0;_)2cands :c0cthen |
20: continue |
21: end if |
22: ps =probSuff (c,y) |
23: ifsample_flag then |
24: p =binom.test (n(c&y), n(c), , alt =>) |
25: ifpthen |
26: cands.append( c, ps) |
27: end if |
28: else if psthen |
29: cands.append( c, ps) |
30: end if |
31: end for |
32: cum_pn = probNec (fcj(c;_)2candsg;y, TRUE) |
33: return cands, cum_pn4 ENCODING EXISTING MEASURES |
Explanatory measures can be shown to play a central role in |
many seemingly unrelated XAI tools, albeit under different |
assumptions about the basis tuple B. In this section, we |
relate our framework to a number of existing methods. |
Feature attributions. Several popular feature attribution |
algorithms are based on Shapley values [Shapley, 1953], |
which decompose the predictions of any target function as a |
sum of weights over dinput features: |
f(xi) =0+dX |
j=1j; (1) |
where0represents a baseline expectation and jthe |
weight assigned to Xjat point xi. Letv: 2d7!Rbe a |
value function such that v(S)is the payoff associated with |
feature subset S[d]andv(f;g) = 0 . Define the comple- |
mentR= [d]nSsuch that we may rewrite any xias a pair |
of subvectors, (xS |
i;xR |
i). Payoffs are given by: |
v(S) =E[f(xS |
i;XR)]; (2) |
although this introduces some ambiguity regarding the ref- |
erence distribution for XR(more on this below). The Shap- |
ley valuejis thenj’s average marginal contribution to all |
subsets that exclude it: |
j=X |
S[d]nfjgjSj!(d jSj 1)! |
d!v(S[fjg) v(S):(3) |
It can be shown that this is the unique solution to the attri- |
bution problem that satisfies certain desirable properties, in- |
cluding efficiency, linearity, sensitivity, and symmetry. |
Reformulating this in our framework, we find that the value |
functionvis a sufficiency measure. To see this, let each |
zD be a sample in which a random subset of variables |
Sare held at their original values, while remaining features |
Rare drawn from a fixed distribution D(jS).1 |
Proposition 1. LetcS(z) = 1 iffxzwas constructed |
by holding xSfixed and sampling XRaccording toD(jS). |
Thenv(S) =PS(cS;y). |
Thus, the Shapley value jmeasuresXj’s average marginal |
increase to the sufficiency of a random feature subset. The |
advantage of our method is that, by focusing on particular |
subsets instead of weighting them all equally, we disregard |
irrelevant permutations and home in on just those that meet |
a-minimality criterion. Kumar et al. [2020] observe that, |
1The diversity of Shapley value algorithms is largely due to |
variation in how this distribution is defined. Popular choices in- |
clude the marginal P(XR)[Lundberg and Lee, 2017]; conditional |
P(XRjxS)[Aas et al., 2019]; and interventional P(XRjdo(xS)) |
[Heskes et al., 2020] distributions.“since there is no standard procedure for converting Shapley |
values into a statement about a model’s behavior, developers |
rely on their own mental model of what the values represent” |
(p. 8). By contrast, necessary and sufficient factors are more |
transparent and informative, offering a direct path to what |
Shapley values indirectly summarize. |
Rule lists. Rule lists are sequences of if-then statements |
that describe a hyperrectangle in feature space, creating par- |
titions that can be visualized as decision or regression trees. |
Rule lists have long been popular in XAI. While early work |
in this area tended to focus on global methods [Friedman |
and Popescu, 2008; Letham et al., 2015], more recent efforts |
have prioritized local explanation tasks [Lakkaraju et al., |
2019; Sokol and Flach, 2020]. |
We focus in particular on the Anchors algorithm [Ribeiro |
et al., 2018a], which learns a set of Boolean conditions A |
(the eponymous “anchors”) such that A(xi) = 1 and |
PD(xjA)(f(xi) =f(x)): (4) |
The lhs of Eq. 4 is termed the precision , prec(A), and proba- |
bility is taken over a synthetic distribution in which the con- |
ditions inAhold while other features are perturbed. Once |
is fixed, the goal is to maximize coverage , formally defined |
asE[A(x) = 1] , i.e. the proportion of datapoints to which |
the anchor applies. |
The formal similarities between Eq. 4 and Def. 2 are imme- |
diately apparent, and the authors themselves acknowledge |
that Anchors are intended to provide “sufficient conditions” |
for model predictions. |
Proposition 2. LetcA(z) = 1 iffA(x) = 1 . Then |
prec(A) =PS(cA;y). |
While Anchors outputs just a single explanation, our method |
generates a ranked list of candidates, thereby offering a |
more comprehensive view of model behavior. Moreover, our |
necessity measure adds a mode of explanatory information |
entirely lacking in Anchors. |
Counterfactuals. Counterfactual explanations identify |
one or several nearest neighbors with different outcomes, e.g. |
all datapoints xwithin an-ball of xisuch that labels f(x) |
andf(xi)differ (for classification) or f(x)> f(xi) + |
(for regression).2The optimization problem is: |
x= argmin |
x2CF(xi)cost(xi;x); (5) |
where CF(xi)denotes a counterfactual space such that |
f(xi)6=f(x)andcost is a user-supplied cost function, typ- |
ically equated with some distance measure. [Wachter et al., |
2Confusingly, the term “counterfactual” in XAI refers to any |
point with an alternative outcome, which is distinct from the causal |
sense of the term (see Sect. 2). We use the word in both senses |
here, but strive to make our intended meaning explicit in each case.2018] recommend using generative adversarial networks |
to solve Eq. 5, while others have proposed alternatives de- |
signed to ensure that counterfactuals are coherent and ac- |
tionable [Ustun et al., 2019; Karimi et al., 2020a; Wexler |
et al., 2020]. As with Shapley values, the variation in these |
proposals is reducible to the choice of context D. |
For counterfactuals, we rewrite the objective as a search for |
minimal perturbations sufficient to flip an outcome. |
Proposition 3. Letcost be a function representing , and |
letcbe some factor spanning reference values. Then the |
counterfactual recourse objective is: |
c= argmin |
c2Ccost(c)s.t.PS(c;1 y); (6) |
wheredenotes a decision threshold. Counterfactual out- |
puts will then be any zD such thatc(z) = 1 . |
Probabilities of causation. Our framework can describe |
Pearl [2000]’s aforementioned probabilities of causation, |
however in this case Dmust be constructed with care. |
Proposition 4. Consider the bivariate Boolean setting, as |
in Sect. 2. We have two counterfactual distributions: an in- |
put spaceI, in which we observe x;ybut intervene to set |
X=x0; and a reference space R, in which we observe x0;y0 |
but intervene to set X=x. LetDdenote a uniform mixture |
over both spaces, and let auxiliary variable Wtag each sam- |
ple with a label indicating whether it comes from the origi- |
nal (W= 1) or contrastive ( W= 0) counterfactual space. |
Definec(z) =w. Then we have suf(x;y) =PS(c;y)and |
nec(x;y) =PS(1 c;y0). |
In other words, we regard Pearl’s notion of necessity as suf- |
ficiency of the negated factor for the alternative outcome . |
By contrast, Pearl [2000] has no analogue for our proba- |
bility of necessity. This is true of any measure that defines |
sufficiency and necessity via inverse, rather than converse |
probabilities. While conditioning on the same variable(s) |
for both measures may have some intuitive appeal, it comes |
at a cost to expressive power. Whereas our framework can |
recover all four explanatory measures, corresponding to the |
classical definitions and their contrapositive forms, defini- |
tions that merely negate instead of transpose the antecedent |
and consequent are limited to just two. |
Remark 3. We have assumed that factors and outcomes |
are Boolean throughout. Our results can be extended to |
continuous versions of either or both variables, so long as |
c(Z) |
j=YjZ. This conditional independence holds when- |
everW |
j=YjX, which is true by construction since |
f(z) :=f(x). However, we defend the Boolean assump- |
tion on the grounds that it is well motivated by contrastivist |
epistemologies [Kahneman and Miller, 1986; Lipton, 1990; |
Blaauw, 2013] and not especially restrictive, given that parti- |
tions of arbitrary complexity may be defined over ZandY. |
Figure 2: Comparison of top kfeatures ranked by SHAP |
against the best performing LENS subset of size kin |
terms ofPS(c;y).German results are over 50 inputs; |
SpamAssassins results are over 25 inputs. |
In this section, we demonstrate the use of LENS on a va- |
riety of tasks and compare results with popular XAI tools, |
using the basis configurations detailed in Table 1. A com- |
prehensive discussion of experimental design, including |
datasets and pre-processing pipelines, is left to Appendix |
C. Code for reproducing all results is available at https: |
//github.com/limorigu/LENS . |
Contexts. We consider a range of contexts Din our exper- |
iments. For the input-to-reference (I2R) setting, we replace |
input values with reference values for feature subsets S; for |
the reference-to-input (R2I) setting, we replace reference |
values with input values. We use R2I for examining suffi- |
ciency/necessity of the original model prediction, and I2R |
for examining sufficiency/necessity of a contrastive model |
prediction. We sample from the empirical data in all exper- |
iments, except in Sect. 5.3, where we assume access to a |
structural causal model (SCM). |
Partial Orderings. We consider two types of partial or- |
derings in our experiments. The first, subset , evaluates |
subset relationships. For instance, if c(z) =1[x[gender = |
“female” ]]andc0(z) = 1[x[gender =“female”^ |
age40]], then we say that csubsetc0. The second, |
ccostc0:=csubsetc0^cost(c)cost(c0), adds the |
additional constraint that chas cost no greater than c0. The |
cost function could be arbitrary. Here, we consider distance |
measures over either the entire state space or just the inter- |
vention targets corresponding to c. |
Feature attributions are often used to identify the top- kmost |
important features for a given model outcome [Barocas et al., |
2020]. However, we argue that these feature sets may not |
be explanatory with respect to a given prediction. To show |
this, we compute R2I and I2R sufficiency – i.e., PS(c;y) |
andPS(1 c;1 y), respectively – for the top- kmost in- |
fluential features ( k2[1;9]) as identified by SHAP [Lund- |
berg and Lee, 2017] and LENS. Fig. 2 shows results from |
the R2I setting for German credit [Dua and Graff, 2017] |
andSpamAssassin datasets [SpamAssassin, 2006]. OurTable 1: Overview of experimental settings by basis configuration. |
Experiment Datasets f DC |
Attribution comparison German ,SpamAssassins Extra-Trees R2I, I2R Intervention targets - |
Anchors comparison: Brittle predictions IMDB LSTM R2I, I2R Intervention targets subset |
Anchors comparison: PS and Prec German Extra-Trees R2I Intervention targets subset |
Counterfactuals: Adverserial SpamAssassins MLP R2I Intervention targets subset |
Counterfactuals: Recourse, DiCE comparison Adult MLP I2R Full interventions cost |
Counterfactuals: Recourse, causal vs. non-causal German Extra-Trees I2Rcausal Full interventions cost |
method attains higher PSfor all cardinalities. We repeat |
the experiment over 50 inputs, plotting means and 95% con- |
fidence intervals for all k. Results indicate that our rank- |
ing procedure delivers more informative explanations than |
SHAP at any fixed degree of sparsity. Results from the I2R |
setting are in Appendix C. |
Sentiment sensitivity analysis. Next, we use LENS to |
study model weaknesses by considering minimal factors |
with high R2I and I2R sufficiency in text models. Our |
goal is to answer questions of the form, “What are words |
with/without which our model would output the origi- |
nal/opposite prediction for an input sentence?” For this ex- |
periment, we train an LSTM network on the IMDB dataset |
for sentiment analysis [Maas et al., 2011]. If the model mis- |
labels a sample, we investigate further; if it does not, we |
inspect the most explanatory factors to learn more about |
model behavior. For the purpose of this example, we only |
inspect sentences of length 10 or shorter. We provide two |
examples below and compare with Anchors (see Table 2). |
Consider our first example: READ BOOK FORGET MOVIE is |
a sentence we would expect to receive a negative prediction, |
but our model classifies it as positive. Since we are inves- |
tigating a positive prediction, our reference space is condi- |
tioned on a negative label. For this model, the classic UNK |
token receives a positive prediction. Thus we opt for an al- |
ternative, PLATE . Performing interventions on all possible |
combinations of words with our token, we find the conjunc- |
tion of READ ,FORGET , and MOVIE is a sufficient factor for |
a positive prediction (R2I). We also find that changing any |
ofREAD ,FORGET , or MOVIE to PLATE would result in a |
negative prediction (I2R). Anchors, on the other hand, per- |
turbs the data stochastically (see Appendix C), suggesting |
the conjunction READ AND BOOK . Next, we investigate |
EVEN WATCHED . Since the label here is negative, we use |
theUNK token. We find that this prediction is brittle – a |
change of almost any word would be sufficient to flip the |
outcome. Anchors, on the other hand, reports a conjunction |
including most words in the sentence. Taking the R2I view, |
we still find a more concise explanation: CHOOSE orEVEN |
would be enough to attain a negative prediction. These brief |
examples illustrate how LENS may be used to find brittle |
predictions across samples, search for similarities between |
Figure 3: We compare PS(c;y)against precision scores at- |
tained by the output of LENS and Anchors for examples |
from German . We repeat the experiment for 100 inputs, |
and each time consider the single example generated by An- |
chors against the mean PS(c;y)among LENS’s candidates. |
Dotted line indicates = 0:9. |
errors, or test for model reliance on sensitive attributes (e.g., |
gender pronouns). |
Anchors comparison. Anchors also includes a tabular |
variant, against which we compare LENS’s performance |
in terms of R2I sufficiency. We present the results of this |
comparison in Fig. 3, and include additional comparisons |
in Appendix C. We sample 100 inputs from the German |
dataset, and query both methods with = 0:9using the |
classifier from Sect. 5.1. Anchors satisfies a PAC bound |
controlled by parameter . At the default value = 0:1, |
Anchors fails to meet the threshold on 14% of samples; |
LENS meets it on 100% of samples. This result accords |
with Thm. 1, and vividly demonstrates the benefits of our |
optimality guarantee. Note that we also go beyond Anchors |
in providing multiple explanations instead of just a single |
output, as well as a cumulative probability measure with no |
analogue in their algorithm. |
Adversarial examples: spam emails. R2I sufficiency an- |
swers questions of the form, “What would be sufficient |
for the model to predict y?”. This is particularly valuable |
in cases with unfavorable outcomes y0. Inspired by adver- |
sarial interpretability approaches [Ribeiro et al., 2018b; |
Lakkaraju and Bastani, 2020], we train an MLP classifier |
on the SpamAssassins dataset and search for minimal |
factors sufficient to relabel a sample of spam emails as non- |
spam. Our examples follow some patterns common to spam |
emails: received from unusual email addresses, includes sus-Table 2: Example prediction given by an LSTM model trained on the IMDB dataset. We compare -minimal factors identified |
by LENS (as individual words), based on PS(c;y)andPS(1 c;1 y), and compare to output by Anchors. |
Inputs Anchors LENS |
Text Original model prediction Suggested anchors Precision Sufficient R2I factors Sufficient I2R factors |
’read book forget movie’ wrongly predicted positive [read, movie] 0.94 [read, forget, movie] read, forget, movie |
’you better choose paul verhoeven even watched’ correctly predicted negative [choose, better, even, you, paul, verhoeven] 0.95 choose, even better, choose, paul, even |
Table 3: (Top) A selection of emails from SpamAssassins , correctly identified as spam by an MLP. The goal is to find |
minimal perturbations that result in non-spam predictions. (Bottom) Minimal subsets of feature-value assignments that |
achieve non-spam predictions with respect to the emails above. |
From To Subject First Sentence Last Sentence |
resumevalet info resumevalet com yyyy cv spamassassin taint org adv put resume back work dear candidate professionals online network inc |
jacqui devito goodroughy ananzi co za picone linux midrange com enlargement breakthrough zibdrzpay recent survey conducted increase size enter detailsto come open |
rose xu email com yyyyac idt net adv harvest lots target email address quickly want advertisement persons 18yrs old |
Gaming options Feature subsets for value changes |
From To |
1crispin cown crispin wirex com example com mailing... list secprog securityfocus... moderator |
From First Sentence |
2crispin cowan crispin wirex com scott mackenzie wrote |
From First Sentence |
3tim one comcast net tim peters tim |
picious keywords such as ENLARGEMENT orADVERTISE - |
MENT in the subject line, etc. We identify minimal changes |
that will flip labels to non-spam with high probability. Op- |
tions include altering the incoming email address to more |
common domains, and changing the subject or first sen- |
tences (see Table 3). These results can improve understand- |
ing of both a model’s behavior and a dataset’s properties. |
Diverse counterfactuals. Our explanatory measures can |
also be used to secure algorithmic recourse. For this experi- |
ment, we benchmark against DiCE [Mothilal et al., 2020b], |
which aims to provide diverse recourse options for any |
underlying prediction model. We illustrate the differences |
between our respective approaches on the Adult dataset |
[Kochavi and Becker, 1996], using an MLP and following |
the procedure from the original DiCE paper. |
According to DiCE, a diverse set of counterfactuals is |
one that differs in values assigned to features, and can |
thus produce a counterfactual set that includes different |
interventions on the same variables (e.g., CF1: age= |
91;occupation = “retired”; CF2: age= 44;occupation = |
“teacher”). Instead, we look at diversity of counterfactuals |
in terms of intervention targets , i.e. features changed (in |
this case, from input to reference values) and their effects. |
We present minimal cost interventions that would lead to re- |
course for each feature set but we summarize the set of paths |
to recourse via subsets of features changed. Thus, DiCE pro- |
vides answers of the form “Because you are not 91 and re- |
tired” or “Because you are not 44 and a teacher”; we answer |
“Because of your age and occupation”, and present the low- |
est cost intervention on these features sufficient to flip the |
prediction. |
With this intuition in mind, we compare outputs given by |
DiCE and LENS for various inputs. For simplicity, we let |
all features vary independently. We consider two metrics for |
comparison: (a) the mean cost of proposed factors, and (b) |
the number of minimally valid candidates proposed, where a |
Figure 4: A comparison of mean cost of outputs by LENS |
and DiCE for 50 inputs sampled from the Adult dataset. |
factorcfrom a method Misminimally valid iff for allc0pro- |
posed byM0,:(c0costc)(i.e.,M0does not report a fac- |
tor preferable to c). We report results based on 50 randomly |
sampled inputs from the Adult dataset, where references |
are fixed by conditioning on the opposite prediction. The |
cost comparison results are shown in Fig. 4, where we find |
that LENS identifies lower cost factors for the vast majority |
of inputs. Furthermore, DiCE finds no minimally valid can- |
didates that LENS did not already account for. Thus LENS |
emphasizes minimality anddiversity of intervention targets, |
while still identifying low cost intervention values. |
Causal vs. non-causal recourse. When a user relies on |
XAI methods to plan interventions on real-world systems, |
causal relationships between predictors cannot be ignored. |
In the following example, we consider the DAG in Fig. 5, |
intended to represent dependencies in the German credit |
dataset. For illustrative purposes, we assume access to the |
structural equations of this data generating process. (There |
are various ways to extend our approach using only partial |
causal knowledge as input [Karimi et al., 2020b; Heskes |
et al., 2020].) We construct Dby sampling from the SCM |
under a series of different possible interventions. Table 4 |
describes an example of how using our framework with |
augmented causal knowledge can lead to different recourse |
options. Computing explanations under the assumption of |
feature independence results in factors that span a large |
part of the DAG depicted in Fig. 5. However, encoding |
structural relationships in D, we find that LENS assigns |
high explanatory value to nodes that appear early in the |
topological ordering. This is because intervening on a single |
root factor may result in various downstream changes once |
effects are fully propagated.Table 4: Recourse example comparing causal and non-causal (i.e., feature independent) D. We sample a single input |
example with a negative prediction, and 100 references with the opposite outcome. For I2R causal we propagate the effects |
of interventions through a user-provided SCM. |
input I2R I2Rcausal |
Age Sex Job Housing Savings Checking Credit Duration Purpose -minimal factors ( = 0)Cost-minimal factors ( = 0)Cost |
Job: Highly skilled 1 Age: 24 0.07 |
Checking: NA 1 Sex: Female 1 |
Duration: 30 1.25 Job: Highly skilled 1 |
Age: 65, Housing: Own 4.23 Housing: Rent 123 Male Skilled Free Little Little 1845 45 Radio/TV |
Age: 34, Savings: N/A 1.84 Savings: N/A 1 |
AgeSex |
JobSavingsHousingChecking |
CreditDuration |
Purpose |
Figure 5: Example DAG for German dataset. |
Our results, both theoretical and empirical, rely on access to |
the relevant context Dand the complete enumeration of all |
feature subsets. Neither may be feasible in practice. When |
elements of Zare estimated, as is the case with the genera- |
tive methods sometimes used in XAI, modeling errors could |
lead to suboptimal explanations. For high-dimensional set- |
tings such as image classification, LENS cannot be naïvely |
applied without substantial data pre-processing. The first is- |
sue is extremely general. No method is immune to model |
misspecification, and attempts to recreate a data generat- |
ing process must always be handled with care. Empirical |
sampling, which we rely on above, is a reasonable choice |
when data are fairly abundant and representative. However, |
generative models may be necessary to correct for known |
biases or sample from low-density regions of the feature |
space. This comes with a host of challenges that no XAI al- |
gorithm alone can easily resolve. The second issue – that |
a complete enumeration of all variable subsets is often im- |
practical – we consider to be a feature, not a bug. Complex |
explanations that cite many contributing factors pose cog- |
nitive as well as computational challenges. In an influen- |
tial review of XAI, Miller [2019] finds near unanimous con- |
sensus among philosophers and social scientists that, “all |
things being equal, simpler explanations – those that cite |
fewer causes... are better explanations” (p. 25). Even if we |
could list all -minimal factors for some very large value of |
d, it is not clear that such explanations would be helpful to |
humans, who famously struggle to hold more than seven ob- |
jects in short-term memory at any given time [Miller, 1955]. |
That is why many popular XAI tools include some sparsity |
constraint to encourage simpler outputs. |
Rather than throw out some or most of our low-level fea- |
tures, we prefer to consider a higher level of abstraction,where explanations are more meaningful to end users. For |
instance, in our SpamAssassins experiments, we started |
with a pure text example, which can be represented via |
high-dimensional vectors (e.g., word embeddings). How- |
ever, we represent the data with just a few intelligible com- |
ponents: From andToemail addresses, Subject , etc. In |
other words, we create a more abstract object and consider |
each segment as a potential intervention target, i.e. a candi- |
date factor. This effectively compresses a high-dimensional |
dataset into a 10-dimensional abstraction. Similar strategies |
could be used in many cases, either through domain knowl- |
edge or data-driven clustering and dimensionality reduction |
techniques [Chalupka et al., 2017; Beckers et al., 2019; Lo- |
catello et al., 2019]. In general, if data cannot be represented |
by a reasonably low-dimensional, intelligible abstraction, |
then post-hoc XAI methods are unlikely to be of much help. |
We have presented a unified framework for XAI that fore- |
grounds necessity and sufficiency, which we argue are the |
fundamental building blocks of all successful explanations. |
We defined simple measures of both, and showed how they |
undergird various XAI methods. Our formulation, which re- |
lies on converse rather than inverse probabilities, is uniquely |
flexible and expressive. It covers all four basic explanatory |
measures – i.e., the classical definitions and their contra- |
positive transformations – and unambiguously accommo- |
dates logical, probabilistic, and/or causal interpretations, de- |
pending on how one constructs the basis tuple B. We illus- |
trated illuminating connections between our measures and |
existing proposals in XAI, as well as Pearl [2000]’s proba- |
bilities of causation. We introduced a sound and complete |
algorithm for identifying minimally sufficient factors, and |
demonstrated our method on a range of tasks and datasets. |
Our approach prioritizes completeness over efficiency, suit- |
able for settings of moderate dimensionality. Future research |
will explore more scalable approximations, model-specific |
variants optimized for, e.g., convolutional neural networks, |
and developing a graphical user interface. |
Acknowledgements |
DSW was supported by ONR grant N62909-19-1-2096.References |
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A.1.1 Proof of Theorem 1 |
Theorem. With oracle estimates PS(c;y)for allc2C, |
Alg. 1 is sound and complete. |
Proof. Soundness and completeness follow directly from the |
specification of (P1) Cand (P2)in the algorithm’s input |
B, along with (P3) access to oracle estimates PS(c;y)for |
allc2C. Recall that the partial ordering must be complete |
and transitive, as noted in Sect. 3. |
Assume that Alg. 1 generates a false positive, i.e. outputs |
somecthat is not-minimal. Then by Def. 4, either the algo- |
rithm failed to properly evaluate PS(c;y), thereby violating |
(P3); or failed to identify some c0such that (i) PS(c0;y) |
and (ii)c0c. (i) is impossible by (P3), and (ii) is impos- |
sible by (P2). Thus there can be no false positives. |
Assume that Alg. 1 generates a false negative, i.e. fails to |
output some cthat is in fact -minimal. By (P1), this ccan- |
not exist outside the finite set C. Therefore there must besomec2Cfor which either the algorithm failed to properly |
evaluatePS(c;y), thereby violating (P3); or wrongly iden- |
tified somec0such that (i) PS(c0;y)and (ii)c0c. |
Once again, (i) is impossible by (P3), and (ii) is impossible |
by (P2). Thus there can be no false negatives. |
A.1.2 Proof of Theorem 2 |
Theorem. With sample estimates ^PS(c;y)for allc2C, |
Alg. 1 is uniformly most powerful. |
Proof. A testing procedure is uniformly most powerful |
(UMP) if it attains the lowest type II error of all tests with |
fixed type I error . Let0;1denote a partition of the pa- |
rameter space into null and alternative regions, respectively. |
The goal in frequentist inference is to test the null hypoth- |
esisH0:20against the alternative H1:21for |
some parameter . Let (X)be a testing procedure of the |
form1[T(X)c], whereXis a finite sample, T(X)is a |
test statistic, and cis the critical value. This latter param- |
eter defines a rejection region such that test statistics inte- |
grate tounderH0. We say that (X)is UMP iff, for any |
other test 0(X)such that |
sup |
20E[ 0(X)]; |
we have |
(821)E[ 0(X)]E[ (X)]; |
where E21[ (X)]denotes the power of the test to de- |
tect the true ,1 (). The UMP-optimality of Alg. 1 |
follows from the UMP-optimality of the binomial test (see |
[Lehmann and Romano, 2005, Ch. 3]), which is used to de- |
cide between H0:PS(c;y)< andH1:PS(c;y) |
on the basis of observed proportions ^PS(c;y), estimated |
fromnsamples for all c2C. The proof now takes the same |
structure as that of Thm. 1, with (P3) replaced by (P 30): ac- |
cess to UMP estimates of PS(c;y). False positives are no |
longer impossible but bounded at level ; false negatives |
are no longer impossible but occur with frequency . Be- |
cause no procedure can find more -minimal factors for any |
fixed, Alg. 1 is UMP. |
A.2.1 Proof of Proposition 1 |
Proposition. LetcS(z) = 1 iffxzwas constructed by |
holding xSfixed and sampling XRaccording toD(jS). |
Thenv(S) =PS(cS;y). |
As noted in the text, D(xjS)may be defined in a variety of |
ways (e.g., via marginal, conditional, or interventional dis- |
tributions). For any given choice, let cS(z) = 1 iffxis con- |
structed by holding xS |
ifixed and sampling XRaccordingtoD(xjS). Since we assume binary Y(or binarized, as dis- |
cussed in Sect. 3), we can rewrite Eq. 2 as a probability: |
v(S) =PD(xjS)(f(xi) =f(x)); |
where xidenotes the input point. Since conditional sam- |
pling is equivalent to conditioning after sampling, this value |
function is equivalent to PS(cS;y)by Def. 2. |
A.2.2 Proof of Proposition 2 |
Proposition. LetcA(z) = 1 iffA(x) = 1 . Then |
prec(A) =PS(cA;y). |
The proof for this proposition is essentially identical, except |
in this case our conditioning event is A(x) = 1 . LetcA= |
1iffA(x) = 1 . Precision prec( A), given by the lhs of |
Eq. 3, is defined over a conditional distribution D(xjA). |
Since conditional sampling is equivalent to conditioning |
after sampling, this probability reduces to PS(cA;y). |
A.2.3 Proof of Proposition 3 |
Proposition. Letcost be a function representing , and |
letcbe some factor spanning reference values. Then the |
counterfactual recourse objective is: |
c= argmin |
c2Ccost(c)s.t.PS(c;1 y); (7) |
wheredenotes a decision threshold. Counterfactual out- |
puts will then be any zD such thatc(z) = 1 . |
There are two closely related ways of expressing the counter- |
factual objective: as a search for optimal points , or optimal |
actions . We start with the latter interpretation, reframing ac- |
tions as factors. We are only interested in solutions that flip |
the original outcome, and so we constrain the search to fac- |
tors that meet an I2R sufficiency threshold, PS(c;1 y) |
. Then the optimal action is attained by whatever factor |
(i) meets the sufficiency criterion and (ii) minimizes cost. |
Call this factor c. The optimal point is then any zsuch that |
c(z) = 1 . |
A.2.4 Proof of Proposition 4 |
Proposition. Consider the bivariate Boolean setting, as in |
Sect. 2. We have two counterfactual distributions: an input |
spaceI, in which we observe x;ybut intervene to set X= |
x0; and a reference space R, in which we observe x0;y0but |
intervene to set X=x. LetDdenote a uniform mixture |
over both spaces, and let auxiliary variable Wtag each sam- |
ple with a label indicating whether it comes from the origi- |
nal (W= 1) or contrastive ( W= 0) counterfactual space. |
Definec(z) =w. Then we have suf(x;y) =PS(c;y)and |
nec(x;y) =PS(1 c;y0).Recall from Sect. 2 that Pearl [2000, Ch. 9] defines |
suf(x;y) :=P(yxjx0;y0)andnec(x;y) :=P(y0 |
x0jx;y): |
We may rewrite the former as PR(y), where the reference |
spaceRdenotes a counterfactual distribution conditioned on |
x0;y0;do(x). Similarly, we may rewrite the latter as PI(y0), |
where the input space Idenotes a counterfactual distribu- |
tion conditioned on x;y;do (x0). Our contextDis a uniform |
mixture over both spaces. |
The key point here is that the auxiliary variable Windicates |
whether samples are drawn from IorR. Thus condition- |
ing on different values of Wallows us to toggle between |
probabilities over the two spaces. Therefore, for c(z) =w, |
we have suf(x;y) =PS(c;y)andnec(x;y) =PS(1 |
c;y0). |
As a follow up to Remark 2 in Sect. 3.2, we expand here |
upon the relationship between and cumulative probabili- |
ties of necessity, which is similar to a precision-recall curve |
quantifying and qualifying errors in classification tasks. In |
this case, as we lower , we allow more factors to be taken |
into account, thus covering more pathways towards a desired |
outcome in a cumulative sense. We provide an example of |
such a precision-recall curve in Fig. 6, using an R2I view of |
theGerman credit dataset. Different levels of cumulative |
necessity may be warranted for different tasks, depending on |
how important it is to survey multiple paths towards an out- |
come. Users can therefore adjust to accommodate desired |
levels of cumulative PN over successive calls to LENS. |
Figure 6: An example curve exemplifying the relationship |
betweenand cumulative probability necessity attained by |
selected-minimal factors.C ADDITIONAL DISCUSSIONS OF |
German Credit Risk. We first download the dataset from |
Kaggle,3which is a slight modification of the UCI version |
[Dua and Graff, 2017]. We follow the pre-processing steps |
from a Kaggle tutorial.4In particular, we map the categori- |
cal string variables in the dataset ( Savings ,Checking , |
Sex,Housing ,Purpose and the outcome Risk ) to nu- |
meric encodings, and mean-impute values missing values |
forSavings andChecking . We then train an Extra-Tree |
classifier [Geurts et al., 2006] using scikit-learn, with ran- |
dom state 0 and max depth 15. All other hyperparameters |
are left to their default values. The model achieves a 71% |
accuracy. |
German Credit Risk - Causal. We assume a partial order- |
ing over the features in the dataset, as described in Fig. 5. |
We use this DAG to fit a structural causal model (SCM) |
based on the original data. In particular, we fit linear regres- |
sions for every continuous variable and a random forest clas- |
sifier for every categorical variable. When sampling from |
D, we let variables remain at their original values unless ei- |
ther (a) they are directly intervened on, or (b) one of their |
ancestors was intervened on. In the latter case, changes are |
propagated via the structural equations. We add stochastic- |
ity via Gaussian noise for continuous outcomes, with vari- |
ance given by each model’s residual mean squared error. |
For categorical variables, we perform multinomial sampling |
over predicted class probabilities. We use the same fmodel |
as for the non-causal German credit risk description above. |
SpamAssassins. The original spam assassins dataset comes |
in the form of raw, multi-sentence emails captured on |
the Apache SpamAssassins project, 2003-2015.5We seg- |
mented the emails to the following “features”: From |
is the sender; Tois the recipient; Subject is the |
email’s subject line; Urls records any URLs found in |
the body; Emails denotes any email addresses found |
in the body; First Sentence ,Second Sentence , |
Penult Sentence , andLast Sentence refer to the |
first, second, penultimate, and final sentences of the email, |
respectively. We use the original outcome label from the |
dataset (indicated by which folder the different emails were |
saved to). Once we obtain a dataset in the form above, we |
continue to pre-process by lower-casing all characters, only |
3See https://www.kaggle.com/kabure/ |
german-credit-data-with-risk?select=german_ |
credit_data.csv . |
4See https://www.kaggle.com/vigneshj6/ |
german-credit-data-analysis-python . |
5Seehttps: |
//spamassassin.apache.org/old/credits.html .keeping words or digits, clearing most punctuation (except |
for ‘-’ and ‘_’), and removing stopwords based on nltk’s pro- |
vided list [Bird et al., 2009]. Finally, we convert all clean |
strings to their mean 50-dim GloVe vector representation |
[Pennington et al., 2014]. We train a standard MLP classi- |
fier using scikit-learn, with random state 1, max iteration |
300, and all other hyperparameters set to their default val- |
ues.6This model attains an accuracy of 98.3%. |
IMDB. We follow the pre-processing and modeling steps |
taken in a standard tutorial on LSTM training for sentiment |
prediction with the IMDB dataset.7The CSV is included in |
the repository named above, and can be additionally down- |
loaded from Kaggle or ai.standford.8In particular, these |
include removal of HTML-tags, non-alphabetical charac- |
ters, and stopwords based on the the list provided in the ntlk |
package, as well as changing all alphabetical characters to |
lower-case. We then train a standard LSTM model, with 32 |
as the embedding dimension and 64 as the dimensionality |
of the output space of the LSTM layer, and an additional |
dense layer with output size 1. We use the sigmoid activa- |
tion function, binary cross-entropy loss, and optimize with |
Adam [Kingma and Ba, 2015]. All other hyperparameters |
are set to their default values as specified by Keras.9The |
model achieves an accuracy of 87.03%. |
Adult Income. We obtain the adult income dataset via |
DiCE’s implementation10and followed Haojun Zhu’s pre- |
processing steps.11For our recourse comparison, we use a |
pretrained MLP model provided by the authors of DiCE, |
which is a single layer, non-linear model trained with Ten- |
sorFlow and stored in their repository as ‘adult.h5’. |
Comparison with attributions. For completeness, we also |
include here comparison of cumulative attribution scores |
per cardinality with probabilities of sufficiency for the I2R |
view (see Fig. 7). |
Sentiment sensitivity analysis. We identify sentences in |
the original IMDB dataset that are up to 10 words long. Out |
of those, for the first example we only look at wrongly pre- |
dicted sentences to identify a suitable example. For the other |
6Seehttps://scikit-learn.org/stable/ |
modules/generated/sklearn.\neural_network. |
MLPClassifier.html . |
7Seehttps://github.com/hansmichaels/ |
sentiment-analysis-IMDB-Review-using-LSTM/ |
blob/master/sentiment_analysis.py.ipynb . |
8See |
https://www.kaggle.com/lakshmi25npathi/ |
imdb-dataset-of-50k-movie-reviews orhttp: |
//ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/ . |
9Seehttps://keras.io . |
10Seehttps://github.com/interpretml/DiCE . |
11Seehttps://rpubs.com/H_Zhu/235617 .Table 5: Recourse options for a single input given by DiCE and our method. We report targets of interventions as suggested |
options, but they could correspond to different values of interventions. Our method tends to propose more minimal and |
diverse intervention targets. Note that all of DiCE’s outputs are already subsets of LENS’s two top suggestions, and due to |
-minimality LENS is forced to pick the next factors to be non-supersets of the two top rows. This explains the higher cost |
of LENS’s bottom three rows. |
input DiCE output LENS output |
Age Wrkcls Edu. Marital Occp. Race Sex Hrs/week Targets of intervention Cost Targets of intervention Cost |
Age, Edu., Marital, Hrs/week 8.13 Edu. 1 |
Age, Edu., Marital, Occp., Sex, Hrs/week 5.866 Martial 1 |
Age, Wrkcls, Educ., Marital, Hrs/week 5.36 Occp., Hrs/week 19.3 |
Age, Edu., Occp., Hrs/week 3.2 Wrkcls, Occp., Hrs/week 12.642 Govt. HS-grad Single Service White Male 40 |
Edu., Hrs/week 11.6 Age, Wrkcls, Occp., Hrs/week 12.2 |
Figure 7: Comparison of degrees of sufficiency in I2R set- |
ting, for top kfeatures based on SHAP scores, against the |
best performing subset of cardinality kidentified by our |
method. Results for German are averaged over 50 inputs; |
results for SpamAssassins are averaged over 25 inputs. |
example, we simply consider a random example from the |
10-word maximum length examples. We noted that Anchors |
uses stochastic word-level perturbations for this setting. This |
leads them to identify explanations of higher cardinality for |
some sentences, which include elements that are not strictly |
necessary. In other words, their outputs are not minimal, as |
required for descriptions of “actual causes” [Halpern and |
Pearl, 2005a; Halpern, 2016]. |
Comparison with Anchors. To complete the picture of |
our comparison with Anchors on the German Credit Risk |
dataset, we provide here additional results. In the main text, |
we included a comparison of Anchors’s single output preci- |
sion against the mean degree of sufficiency attained by our |
multiple suggestions per input. We sample 100 different in- |
puts from the German Credit dataset and repeat this same |
comparison. Here we additionally consider the minimum |
and maximum PS(c;y)attained by LENS against Anchors. |
Note that even when considering minimum PSsuggestions |
by LENS, i.e. our worst output, the method shows more con- |
sistent performance. We qualify this discussion by noting |
that Anchors may generate results comparable to our own |
by setting the hyperparameter to a lower value. However, |
Ribeiro et al. [2018a] do not discuss this parameter in de- |
tail in either their original article or subsequent notebook |
guides. They use default settings in their own experiments, |
and we expect most practitioners will do the same. |
Recourse: DiCE comparison First, we provide a single |
Figure 8: We compare degree of sufficiency against preci- |
sion scores attained by the output of LENS and Anchors for |
examples from German . We repeat the experiment for 100 |
sampled inputs, and each time consider the single output |
by Anchors against the min (left) and max (right) PS(c;y) |
among LENS’s multiple candidates. Dotted line indicates |
= 0:9, the threshold we chose for this experiment. |
illustrative example of the lack of diversity in intervention |
targets we identify in DiCE’s output. Let us consider one |
example, shown in Table 5. While DiCE outputs are diverse |
in terms of values and target combinations, they tend to |
have great overlap in intervention targets. For instance, Age |
andEducation appear in almost all of them. Our method |
would focus on minimal paths to recourse that would involve |
different combinations of features. |
Figure 9: We show results over 50 input points sampled |
from the original dataset, and all possible references of the |
opposite class, across two metrics: the min cost (left) of |
counterfactuals suggested by our method vs. DiCE, and the |
max cost (right) of counterfactuals. |
Next, we also provide additional results from our cost com- |
parison with DiCE’s output in Fig. 8. While in the main text |
we include a comparison of our mean cost output against |
DiCE’s, here we additionally include a comparison of min |
and max cost of the methods’ respective outputs. We see thateven when considering minimum and maximum cost, our |
method tends to suggest lower cost recourse options. In par- |
ticular, note that all of DiCE’s outputs are already subsets of |
LENS’s two top suggestions. The higher costs incurred by |
LENS for the next two lines are a reflection of this fact: due |
to-minimality, LENS is forced to find other interventions |
that are no longer supersets of options already listed above. |