Visualizing Adapted Knowledge in Domain Transfer |
Yunzhong Hou Liang Zheng |
Australian National University |
ffirstname.lastname [email protected] |
Abstract |
A source model trained on source data and a target |
model learned through unsupervised domain adaptation |
(UDA) usually encode different knowledge. To understand |
the adaptation process, we portray their knowledge dif- |
ference with image translation. Specifically, we feed a |
translated image and its original version to the two mod- |
els respectively, formulating two branches. Through up- |
dating the translated image, we force similar outputs from |
the two branches. When such requirements are met, dif- |
ferences between the two images can compensate for and |
hence represent the knowledge difference between models. |
To enforce similar outputs from the two branches and de- |
pict the adapted knowledge, we propose a source-free im- |
age translation method that generates source-style images |
using only target images and the two models. We visual- |
ize the adapted knowledge on several datasets with differ- |
ent UDA methods and find that generated images success- |
fully capture the style difference between the two domains. |
For application, we show that generated images enable fur- |
ther tuning of the target model without accessing source |
data. Code available at https://github.com/hou- |
yz/DA_visualization . |
1. Introduction |
Domain transfer or domain adaptation aims to bridge |
the distribution gap between source and target domains. |
Many existing works study the unsupervised domain adap- |
tation (UDA) problem, where the target domain is unla- |
beled [27, 6, 46, 1, 11]. In this process, we are interested |
in what knowledge neural networks learn and adapt. |
Essentially, we should visualize the knowledge differ- |
ence between models: a source model trained on the source |
domain, and a target model learned through UDA for the |
target domain. We aim to portray the knowledge difference |
with image generation. Given a translated image and its |
original version, we feed the two images to the source and |
the target model, respectively. It is desired that differences |
between image pairs can compensate for the knowledge dif- |
(a) Target images (real-world) |
(b) Generated source-style images |
(c) Unseen source images (synthetic) |
Figure 1: Visualization of adapted knowledge in unsuper- |
vised domain adaptation (UDA) on the VisDA dataset [38]. |
To depict the knowledge difference, in our source-free im- |
age translation (SFIT) approach, we generate source-style |
images (b) from target images (a). Instead of accessing |
source images (c), the training process is guided entirely |
by the source and target models, so as to faithfully portray |
the knowledge difference between them. |
ference between models, leading to similar outputs from |
the two branches (two images fed to two different models). |
Achieving this, we could also say that the image pair repre- |
sent the knowledge difference. |
This visualization problem is very challenging and |
heretofore yet to be studied in the literature. It focuses on a |
relatively understudied field in transfer learning, where we |
distill knowledge differences from models and embed it in |
generated images . A related line of works, traditional image |
translation, generates images in the desired style utilizing |
content images and style images [7, 13, 48], and is applied |
1arXiv:2104.10602v2 [cs.CV] 1 May 2021in pixel-level alignment methods for UDA [26, 2, 44, 11]. |
However, relying on images from both domains to indicate |
the style difference, such works cannot faithfully portray |
the knowledge difference between source and target models , |
and are unable to help us understand the adaptation process. |
In this paper, we propose a source-free image translation |
(SFIT) approach, where we translate target images to the |
source style without using source images. The exclusion of |
source images prevents the system from relying on image |
pairs for style difference indication, and ensures that the |
system only learns from the two models . Specifically, we |
feed translated source-style images to the source model and |
original target images to the target model, and force similar |
outputs from these two branches by updating the generator |
network. To this end, we use the traditional knowledge dis- |
tillation loss and a novel relationship preserving loss, which |
maintains relative channel-wise relationships between fea- |
ture maps. We show that the proposed relationship preserv- |
ing loss also helps to bridge the domain gap while chang- |
ing the image style, further explaining the proposed method |
from a domain adaptation point of view. Some results of |
our method are shown in Fig. 1. We observe that even un- |
der the source-free setting, knowledge from the two models |
can still power the style transfer from the target style to the |
source style (SFIT decreases color saturation and whitens |
background to mimic the unseen source style). |
On several benchmarks [19, 36, 39, 38], we show that |
generated images from the proposed SFIT approach signifi- |
cantly decrease the performance gap between the two mod- |
els, suggesting a successful distillation of adapted knowl- |
edge. Moreover, we find SFIT transfers the image style |
at varying degrees, when we use different UDA methods |
on the same dataset. This further verifies that the SFIT |
visualizations are faithful to the models and that different |
UDA methods can address varying degrees of style differ- |
ences. For applications, we show that generated images can |
serve as an additional cue and enable further tuning of target |
models. This also falls into a demanding setting of UDA, |
source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) [17, 20, 24], where |
the system has no access to source images. |
2. Related Work |
Domain adaptation aims to reduce the domain gap be- |
tween source and target domains. Feature-level distribution |
alignment is a popular strategy [27, 6, 46, 40]. Long et |
al. [27] use the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) loss |
for this purpose. Tzeng et al. [46] propose an adversarial |
method, ADDA, with a loss function based on the gen- |
erative adversarial network (GAN). Pixel-level alignment |
with image translation is another popular choice in UDA |
[26, 2, 44, 42, 1, 11]. Hoffman et al . propose the Cy- |
CADA [11] method based on CycleGAN [48] image trans- |
lation. Other options are also investigated. Saito et al. [40]align the task-specific decision boundaries of two classi- |
fiers. Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) does notuse |
the source data and therefore greatly alleviates the privacy |
concerns in releasing the source dataset. As an early at- |
tempt, AdaBN [22] adapts the statistics of the batch normal- |
ization layers in the source CNN to the target domain. Li et |
al. [20] generate images with the same distribution of the |
target images and use them to fine-tune the classifier. Liang |
et al. [24] fine-tune a label smoothed [34] source model on |
the target images. To the authors’ knowledge, there is still |
yet to be any visualization that can indicate what models |
learn during adaptation. |
Knowledge distillation transfers knowledge from a pre- |
trained teacher model to a student model [10], by maxi- |
mizing the mutual information between teacher outputs and |
student outputs. Some existing works consider the relation- |
ship between instance or pixels for better distillation per- |
formance [45, 23, 37]. Instead of distilling teacher knowl- |
edge on a given training dataset, data-free knowledge dis- |
tillation (DFKD) [30, 35, 3, 33, 8, 47] first generates train- |
ing data and then learns a student network on this gener- |
ated dataset. Training data can be generated by aligning |
feature statistics [30, 8, 47], enforcing high teacher confi- |
dence [30, 35, 3, 8, 47], and adversarial generation of hard |
examples for the student [33, 47]. In [8, 47], batch normal- |
ization statistics are matched as regularization. Our work, |
while also assuming no access to source images, differs sig- |
nificantly from these works in that our image translation |
has to portray the transferred knowledge, whereas data-free |
knowledge distillation just generates whatever images that |
satisfy the teacher networks. |
Image translation renders the same content in a differ- |
ent artistic style. Some existing works adopt a GAN-based |
system for this task [26, 44, 14, 48, 11], while others use a |
pre-trained feature extractor for style transfer [7, 15, 32, 13]. |
Zhuet al. adopt a cycle consistency loss in the image trans- |
lation loop to train the CycleGAN system [48]. Gatys |
et al . consider a content loss on high-level feature maps, |
and a style loss on feature map statistics for style transfer |
[7]. Huang and Belongie [13] propose a real-time AdaIN |
style transfer method by changing the statistics in instance |
normalization layers. Based on AdaIN, Karras et al. pro- |
pose StyleGAN for state-of-the-art image generation [16]. |
Our work differs from traditional image translations in that |
rather than images from the two domains, only models from |
two domains are used to guide the image update. |
3. Problem Formulation |
To achieve our goal, i.e.,visualizing adapted knowledge |
in UDA, we translate a image xfrom a certain domain to |
a new imageex. It is hoped that feeding the original image |
to its corresponding model (trained for that certain domain) |
and the generated image to the other model can minimize |
2target image 𝒙𝒙 generated image �𝒙𝒙generatorsource |
target |
CNNrelationship |
preserving loss |
classifier classifierknowledge |
distillation lossFigure 2: The proposed source-free image translation (SFIT) method for visualizing the adapted knowledge in UDA. The |
system includes two branches: original target images are fed to the target CNN, whereas generated source-style images are |
fed to the source CNN. We minimize the knowledge distillation loss and the relationship preserving loss, and update the |
generator network accordingly. If the two branches get similar results while adopting different models, then the difference |
between the original target image xand the generated source-style image exshould be able to mitigate and therefore exhibit |
the knowledge difference between models. Dashed lines indicate fixed network parameters. |
the output difference between these two branches. The up- |
date process is directed only by the source model fS()and |
the target model fT(), and we prevent access to the images |
from the other domain to avoid distractions. We formulate |
the task of visualizing adapted knowledge as a function of |
the source model, the target model, and the image from a |
certain domain, |
G(fS; fT;x)!ex: (1) |
In contrast, traditional image translation needs access to im- |
ages from both domains for content and style specification. |
In addition to the source image xSand the target image xT, |
traditional image translation also relies on certain neural |
network d()as the criterion. Instead of the source and tar- |
get models, ImageNet [4] pre-trained VGG [43] and adver- |
sarially trained discriminator networks are used for this task |
in style transfer [7, 13] and GAN-based methods [48, 11], |
respectively. Traditional image translation task can thus be |
formulated as, |
G(d;xS;xT)!ex: (2) |
Comparing our goal in Eq. 1 and traditional image transla- |
tion in Eq. 2, we can see a clear gap between them. Tradi- |
tional image translation learns the style difference indicated |
byimages from both domains, whereas our goal is to learn |
to visualize the knowledge difference between the source |
and target models fS(); fT(). |
4. Method |
To investigate what neural networks learn in do- |
main adaptation, we propose source-free image translation |
(SFIT), a novel method that generates source-style images |
from original target images, so as to mitigate and represent |
the knowledge difference between models.4.1. Overview |
Following many previous UDA works [6, 27, 46, 24], we |
assume that only the feature extractor CNN in the source |
model is adapted to the target domain. Given a source CNN |
fS()and a target CNN fT()sharing the same classifier |
p(), we train a generator g()for the SFIT task. We discuss |
why we choose this translation direction in Section 4.3. As |
the training process is source-free, for simplicity, we refer |
to the target image as xinstead of xTin what follows. |
As shown in Fig. 2, given a generated image ex=g(x), |
the source model outputs a feature map fS(ex)and a prob- |
ability distribution p(fS(ex))over all Cclasses. To depict |
the adapted knowledge in the generated image, in addition |
to the traditional knowledge distillation loss, we introduce a |
novel relationship preserving loss, which maintains relative |
channel-wise relationships between the target-image-target- |
model feature map fT(x)and the generated-image-source- |
model feature map fS(ex). |
4.2. Loss Functions |
With a knowledge distillation loss LKDand a relationship |
preserving lossLRP, we have the overall loss function, |
L=LKD+LRP: (3) |
In the following sections, we detail the loss terms. |
Knowledge distillation loss. In the proposed source- |
free image translation method, portraying the adapted |
knowledge in the target model fT()with source model |
and generator combined fS(g())can be regarded as a spe- |
cial case of knowledge distillation, where we aim to distill |
the adapted knowledge to the generator. In this case, we |
include a knowledge distillation loss between generated- |
image-source-model output p(fS(ex))and target-image- |
3target-model output p(fT(x)), |
LKD=DKL(p(fT(x)); p(fS(ex))); (4) |
whereDKL(;)denotes the Kullback-Leibler divergence. |
Relationship preserving loss. Similar classification |
outputs indicate a successful depiction of the target model |
knowledge on the generated images. As we assume a fixed |
classifier for UDA, the global feature vectors from the tar- |
get image target CNN and the generated image source CNN |
should be similar after a successful knowledge distillation. |
Promoting similar channel-wise relationships between fea- |
ture maps fT(x)andfS(ex)helps to achieve this goal. |
Previous knowledge distillation works preserve relative |
batch-wise or pixel-wise relationships [45, 23]. However, |
they are not suitable here for the following reasons. Relative |
batch-wise relationships can not effectively supervise the |
per-image generation task. Besides, the efficacy of pixel- |
wise relationship preservation can be overshadowed by the |
global pooling before the classifier. By contrast, channel- |
wise relationships are computed on a per-image basis, and |
are effective even after global pooling. As such, we choose |
the channel-wise relationship preserving loss that is com- |
puted in the following manner. |
Given feature maps fT(x); fS(ex), we first reshape them |
into feature vectors FSandFT, |
fS(ex)2RDHW!F S2RDHW; |
fT(x)2RDHW!F T2RDHW;(5) |
where D; H , and Ware the feature map depth (number of |
channels), height, and width, respectively. Next, we calcu- |
late their channel-wise self correlations, or Gram matrices, |
T; (6) |
where GS; GT2RDD. Like other similarity preserving |
losses for knowledge distillation [45, 23], we then apply the |
row-wiseL2normalization, |
2; (7) |
where [i;:]indicates the i-th row in a matrix. At last, we |
define the relationship preserving loss as mean square error |
(MSE) between the normalized Gram matrices, |
LRP=1 |
2 |
F; (8) |
wherekkFdenotes the Frobenius norm (entry-wise L2 |
norm for matrix). In Section 4.3, we further discuss the rela- |
tionship preserving loss from the viewpoint of style transfer |
and domain adaptation, and show it can align feature map |
distributions in a similar way as style loss [7] for style trans- |
fer and MMD loss [27] for UDA, forcing the generator to |
portray the knowledge difference between the two models. |
(a) Relationship preserving loss |
(b) Traditional style loss |
Figure 3: Comparison between the proposed relationship |
preserving loss and the traditional style loss. In (a) and (b), |
given 256-dimensional feature maps, we show differences |
of row-wise normalized Gram matrix (Eq. 8) and original |
Gram matrix (Eq. 9). Deeper colors indicate larger dif- |
ferences and therefore stronger supervision. The proposed |
relationship preserving loss provides evenly distributed su- |
pervision for all channels, whereas the traditional style loss |
focuses primarily on several channels. |
4.3. Discussions |
Why transfer target images to the source style. Ac- |
cording to the problem formulation in Eq. 1, we should be |
able to visualize the adapted knowledge by generating ei- |
ther source-style images from target images, or target-style |
images from source images. In this paper, we select the for- |
mer direction as it might be further applied in fine-tuning |
the target model (see Section 5.4 for application). |
Style transfer with the relationship preserving loss. |
The proposed relationship preserving loss can be regarded |
as a normalized version of the traditional style loss intro- |
duced by Gatys et al. [7], |
Lstyle=1 |
D2kGS GTk2 |
F; (9) |
which computes MSE between Gram matrices. |
In the proposed relationship preserving loss (Eq. 8), in- |
stead of original Gram matrices, we use a row-wise normal- |
ized version. It focuses on relative relationships between |
channels, rather than absolute values of self correlations as |
in the traditional style loss. Preserving relative relation- |
ships provides more evenly-distributed supervision for all |
channels, instead of prioritizing several channels as in the |
traditional style loss (Fig. 3). Experiments find this evenly- |
distributed supervision better preserves the foreground ob- |
ject and allows for easier training and higher performance, |
while also changing the image style (see Section 5.5). |
Distribution alignment with the relationship preserv- |
ing loss. As proved by Li et al. [21], the traditional style |
4lossLstyleis equivalent to the MMD loss [27] for UDA. We |
can also see the relationship preserving loss as a modified |
version of the MMD loss, which aligns the distribution of |
the generated image source CNN feature map fS(ex)to the |
target image target CNN feature map fT(x). |
5. Experiments |
5.1. Datasets |
We visualize the knowledge difference between source |
and target models on the following datasets. |
Digits is a standard UDA benchmark that focuses on |
10-class digit recognition. Specifically, we experiment on |
MNIST [19], USPS, and SVHN [36] datasets. |
Office-31 [39] is a standard benchmark for UDA that |
contains 31 classes from three distinct domains: Amazon |
(A), Webcam (W), and DSLR (D). |
VisDA [38] is a challenging large-scale UDA benchmark |
for domain adaptation from 12 classes of synthetic CAD |
model images to real-world images in COCO [25]. |
5.2. Implementation Details |
Source and target models. We adopt source and tar- |
get models from a recent SFDA work SHOT-IM [24] if not |
specified. SFDA is a special case of UDA, and it is even |
more interesting to see what machines learn in the absence |
of source data. We also include UDA methods DAN [27] |
and ADDA [46] for SFIT result comparisons. For network |
architectures, on digits dataset, following Long et al. [28], |
we choose a LeNet [18] classifier. On Office-31 and VisDA, |
we choose ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 [9], respectively. |
Generator for SFIT. We use a modified CycleGAN [48] |
architecture with 3 residue blocks due to memory concerns. |
Training schemes. During training, we first initialize |
the generator as a transparent filter, which generates im- |
ages same as the original input. To this end, we use the |
ID lossLID=kex xk1and the content loss Lcontent = |
kfS(ex) fS(x)k2to train the generator for initialization. |
The initialization performance is shown in Table 4, where |
we can see a mild 1.9% accuracy drop from original tar- |
get images. Then, we train the generator with the overall |
loss function in Eq. 3 for visualizing the adapted knowl- |
edge. Specifically, we use an Adam optimizer with a cosine |
decaying [31] learning rate starting from 310 4and a |
batch size of 16. All experiments are finished using one |
RTX-2080Ti GPU. |
5.3. Evaluation |
Recognition accuracy on generated images. To ex- |
amine whether the proposed SFIT method can depict the |
knowledge difference, in Table 1-3, we report recogni- |
tion results using the generated-image-source-model branch |
(referred as “generated images”). On the digits dataset,Method SVHN!MNIST USPS!MNIST MNIST!USPS |
Source only [11] 67.10.6 69.63.8 82.20.8 |
DAN [27] 71.1 - 81.1 |
DANN [6] 73.8 73 85.1 |
CDAN+E [28] 89.2 98.0 95.6 |
CyCADA [11] 90.40.4 96.50.1 95.60.4 |
MCD [40] 96.20.4 94.10.3 94.20.7 |
GTA [41] 92.40.9 90.81.3 95.30.7 |
3C-GAN [20] 99.40.1 99.30.1 97.30.2 |
Source model [24] 72.30.5 90.51.6 72.72.3 |
Target model [24] 98.80.1 98.10.5 97.90.2 |
Generated images 98.60.1 97.40.3 97.60.3 |
Table 1: Classification accuracy (%) on digits datasets. In |
Table 1-3, “Generated images” refers to feeding images |
generated by SFIT to the source model. |
Method A!W D!W W!D A!D D!A W!A Avg. |
ResNet-50 [9] 68.4 96.7 99.3 68.9 62.5 60.7 76.1 |
DAN [27] 80.5 97.1 99.6 78.6 63.6 62.8 80.4 |
DANN [6] 82.6 96.9 99.3 81.5 68.4 67.5 82.7 |
ADDA [46] 86.2 96.2 98.4 77.8 69.5 68.9 82.9 |
JAN [29] 86.0 96.7 99.7 85.1 69.2 70.7 84.6 |
CDAN+E [28] 94.1 98.6 100.0 92.9 71.0 69.3 87.7 |
GTA [41] 89.5 97.9 99.8 87.7 72.8 71.4 86.5 |
3C-GAN [20] 93.7 98.5 99.8 92.7 75.3 77.8 89.6 |
Source model [24] 76.9 95.6 98.5 80.3 60.6 63.4 79.2 |
Target model [24] 90.8 98.4 99.9 88.8 73.6 71.7 87.2 |
Generated images 89.1 98.1 99.9 87.3 69.8 68.7 85.5 |
Fine-tuning 91.8 98.7 99.9 89.9 73.9 72.0 87.7 |
Table 2: Classification accuracy (%) on the Office-31 |
dataset. In Table 2 and Table 3, “Fine-tuning” refers to tar- |
get model fine-tuning result with both generated images and |
target images (see Section 5.4 for more details). |
Method plane bcycl bus car horse knife mcycl person plant sktbrd train truck per-class |
ResNet-101 [9] 55.1 53.3 61.9 59.1 80.6 17.9 79.7 31.2 81.0 26.5 73.5 8.5 52.4 |
DAN [27] 87.1 63.0 76.5 42.0 90.3 42.9 85.9 53.1 49.7 36.3 85.8 20.7 61.1 |
DANN [6] 81.9 77.7 82.8 44.3 81.2 29.5 65.1 28.6 51.9 54.6 82.8 7.8 57.4 |
JAN [29] 75.7 18.7 82.3 86.3 70.2 56.9 80.5 53.8 92.5 32.2 84.5 54.5 65.7 |
ADDA [46] 88.8 65.7 85.6 53.1 74.9 96.2 83.3 70.7 75.9 26.4 83.9 32.4 69.7 |
MCD [40] 87.0 60.9 83.7 64.0 88.9 79.6 84.7 76.9 88.6 40.3 83.0 25.8 71.9 |
CDAN+E [28] 85.2 66.9 83.0 50.8 84.2 74.9 88.1 74.5 83.4 76.0 81.9 38.0 73.9 |
SE [5] 95.9 87.4 85.2 58.6 96.2 95.7 90.6 80.0 94.8 90.8 88.4 47.9 84.3 |
3C-GAN [20] 94.8 73.4 68.8 74.8 93.1 95.4 88.6 84.7 89.1 84.7 83.5 48.1 81.6 |
Source model [24] 58.3 17.6 54.2 69.9 64.4 5.5 82.2 30.7 62.2 24.6 86.2 6.0 46.8 |
Target model [24] 92.5 84.7 81.3 54.6 90.5 94.7 80.9 79.1 90.8 81.5 87.9 50.1 80.7 |
Generated images 88.9 65.8 83.0 61.7 88.5 76.8 89.5 69.6 91.4 51.9 84.3 34.3 73.8 |
Fine-tuning 94.3 79.0 84.9 63.6 92.6 92.0 88.4 79.1 92.2 79.8 87.6 43.0 81.4 |
Table 3: Classification accuracy (%) on the VisDA dataset. |
in terms of performance gaps, the knowledge differ- |
ences between source and target models are 26.5% on |
SVHN!MNIST, 7.6% on USPS !MNIST, and 25.2% |
on MNIST!USPS. Generated images from SFIT bridges |
these differences to 0.2%, 0.7%, and 0.3%, respectively. |
On the Office-31 dataset, the performance gap between the |
two models is 8.0% on average, and the generated images |
shrink this down to 1.7%. Notably, the performance drops |
from the target-image-target-model branch to the generated- |
image-source-model branch are especially pronounced on |
D!A and W!A, two settings that transfer Amazon im- |
ages with white or no background to real-world background |
5(a) Target images (MNIST) |
(b) Generated source-style images |
(c) Unseen source images (SVHN) |
Figure 4: Results from the SFIT method on digits datasets |
SVHN!MNIST. In Fig. 1 and Fig. 4-6, we show in (a): |
target images, (b): generated source-style images, each of |
which corresponds to the target image above it, and (c): |
the unseen source images. For gray-scale target images |
from MNIST, our SFIT approach adds random RGB colors |
to mimic the full-color style in the unseen source (SVHN) |
without changing the content. |
(a) Target images (Webcam) |
(b) Generated source-style images |
(c) Unseen source images (Amazon) |
Figure 5: Results from the SFIT method on the Office- |
31 dataset Amazon !Webcam. Our translation method |
whitens backgrounds while increasing contrast ratios of the |
object (Webcam) for more appealing appearances as in the |
online shopping images (Amazon). |
in Webcam or DSLR. In fact, in experiments we find gen- |
erating an overall consistent colored background is very de- |
manding, and the system usually generates a colored back- |
ground around the outline of the object. On the VisDAdataset, generated images bridge the performance gap from |
33.9% to 6.9%, even under a more demanding setting and |
a larger domain gap going from real-world images to syn- |
thetic CAD model images. Overall, on all three datasets, |
generated images significantly mitigate the knowledge dif- |
ference in terms of performance gaps, indicating that the |
proposed SFIT method can successfully distill the adapted |
knowledge from the target model to the generated images. |
Visualization of source-free image translation results. |
For digits datasets SVHN !MNIST (Fig. 4), the generator |
learns to add RGB colors to the gray-scale MNIST (target) |
images, which mimics the full-color SVHN (source) im- |
ages. For Office-31 dataset Amazon !Webcam (Fig. 5), the |
generated images whiten the background, while having a |
white or no background rather than real-world background |
is one of the main characteristics of the Amazon (source) |
domain when compared to Webcam (target). Moreover, |
Amazon online shopping images also have higher contrast |
ratios for more appealing appearances, and our translated |
images also capture these characteristics, e.g., keys in the |
calculator, case of the desktop computer. For VisDA dataset |
SYN!REAL (Fig. 1 and Fig. 6), the generator learns to |
decrease the overall saturation of the real-world (target) |
objects which makes them more similar to the synthetic |
(source) scenario, while at the same time whitens the back- |
ground, e.g., horse, truck, and plane in Fig. 1, car and skate- |
board in Fig. 6, and brings out the green color in the plants. |
Overall, image generation results exhibit minimal content |
changes from target images, while successfully capturing |
theunseen source style. |
In terms of visual quality, it is noteworthy that generation |
results for digits datasets SVHN !MNIST contain colors |
and patterns that are not from the source domain, whereas |
our results on the Office-31 dataset and VisDA dataset are |
more consistent with the unseen source. Due to the lack |
of source images, rather than traditional image translation |
approaches [7, 13, 11, 44], SFIT only relies on source and |
target models, and portrays adapted knowledge according |
to the two models. Since a weaker LeNet classifier is used |
for the digits dataset, it is easier to generate images that sat- |
isfy the proposed loss terms without requiring the generated |
images to perfectly mimic the source style. On Office-31 |
and VisDA datasets, given stronger models like ResNet, it |
is harder to generate images that can satisfy the loss terms. |
Stricter restrictions and longer training time lead to gener- |
ation results more coherent with unseen source images that |
also have better visual quality. |
Visualization for different UDA methods. In Fig. 7, |
we show SFIT visualization results using different UDA |
methods. Given source and target domain, a traditional im- |
age translation method generates a certain type of images |
regardless of the UDA methods, indicating its incapabil- |
ity of presenting the knowledge difference between mod- |
6(a) Target images (real-world) |
(b) Generated source-style images |
(c) Unseen source images (synthetic) |
Figure 6: Results from the SFIT method on the VisDA dataset SYN !REAL. Our translation method decreases the target |
(real-world) image saturation and whitens the background while keeping the semantics unchanged. |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
Figure 7: SFIT results on VisDA dataset with different UDA |
methods. (a) Target images; (b) DAN [27]; (c) ADDA [46]; |
(d) SHOT-IM [24]. |
els. In contrast, the proposed SFIT method generates differ- |
ent images for different UDA methods. Specifically, when |
comparing visualization results of the adapted knowledge |
in DAN [27], ADDA [46], and SHOT-IM [24], we find |
stronger UDA methods can better transfer the target style |
to the unseen source style. As shown in Fig. 7, in terms |
of whitening the background for style transfer, SFIT re-sults on ADDA are less coherent than SHOT-IM but better |
than DAN. This further verifies that our SFIT method in- |
deed visualizes the knowledge difference between models, |
and stronger adaptation methods can better endure the style |
difference (leading to larger knowledge difference and thus |
stronger style transfer results). |
5.4. Application |
The generated images from SFIT allows for further tun- |
ing of the target model in SFDA systems, where no source |
image is available. We include a diversity loss on all train- |
ing samples to promote even class-wise distributions, |
Ldiv= H |
ExPtarget(x)[p(fT(x))] |
; (10) |
whereH()denotes the information entropy function. We |
also incluse a pseudo-label fine-tuning loss, if pseudo |
label ^yS= arg max p(fS(ex))from the generated- |
image-source-model branch equals to the pseudo label |
^yT= arg max p(fT(x))from the target-image-target- |
model branch. We then use this pseudo label ^y= ^yS= ^yT |
to fine-tune the target model, |
Lpseudo =( |
H(p(fT(x));^y); if^y= ^yS= ^yT; |
0; else;(11) |
whereH(;)denotes the cross entropy function. We com- |
bine these two loss terms in Eq. 10 and Eq. 11 to give an |
overall fine-tuning loss LFT=Ldiv+Lpseudo . |
7(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
Figure 8: Visualization results on VisDA dataset with dif- |
ferent distribution alignment methods. (a) Target images; |
(b) BN stats alignment [12]; (c) traditional style loss [7]; |
(d) relationship preserving loss. |
As an additional cue, supervision from generated-image- |
source-model further boosts target model SFDA perfor- |
mance. On Office-31, fine-tuning brings a performance |
improvement of 0.4% according to Table 2. On VisDA, |
fine-tuning improves the target model accuracy by 0.7% as |
shown in Table 3. These improvements are statistically very |
significant ( i.e.,p-value <0.001 over 5 runs), and introduce |
a real-world application for images generated by SFIT. |
5.5. Comparison and Variant Study |
Comparison with the BatchNorm statistics alignment |
method [12]. Hou et al. propose to match the batch-wise |
feature map statistics so as to directly generate images that |
mimic the source style. Specifically, they explore the Batch- |
Norm (BN) statistics stored in the BN layers in the source |
model for style indication, and match them against that of |
the generated images. Using their approach, we can mildly |
change the image to the unseen source style (see Fig. 8) and |
slightly reduce the performance difference between the two |
branches (see Table 4). With that said, their lack of output |
alignments between the two branches (only supervisions |
from the source branch ) results in much lower quantita- |
tive performance and under-performing style transfer qual- |
ity when compared to the proposed method. |
Effect of the knowledge distillation loss. The knowl- |
edge distillation loss transfers the adapted knowledge to the |
generated images, and the removal of it results in a 1.1% |
performance drop. |
Effect of the relationship preserving loss. As shown in |
Fig. 8, the traditional style loss can successfully transfer the |
target image to the source style on its own. However, usingVariantLKDLRP accuracy (%) |
Target image - - 46.8 |
Initialized g() 44.9 |
BN stats alignment [12] 51.7 |
w/oLKD 3 72.7 |
w/oLRP 3 71.2 |
LRP!L style 3Lstyle[7] 66.4 |
LRP!L batch 3Lbatch[45] 71.2 |
LRP!L pixel 3Lpixel[23] 70.9 |
SFIT 3 3 73.8 |
Table 4: Variant study on VisDA dataset. “Initialized g()” |
refers to our transparent filter initialization in Section 5.2. |
it causes a 4.8% performance drop compared to the “w/o |
LRP” variant (see Table 4), suggesting it being unsuitable |
for SFIT. On the other hand, the batch-wise or pixel-wise |
relationship preserving variants [45, 23] are found not use- |
ful, as they fail to improve over the “w/o LRP” variant. |
In contrast, the proposed channel-wise relationship pre- |
serving lossLRPcan effectively improve the recognition ac- |
curacy on the generated images, as the inclusion of it leads |
to a 2.6% performance increase. Moreover, as shown in |
Fig. 8, similar to the traditional style loss, using only the re- |
lationship preserving loss can also effectively transfer the |
target image to the unseen source style. Besides, focus- |
ing on the relative channel-wise relationship instead of the |
absolute correlation values, the proposed relationship pre- |
serving loss can better maintain the foreground object (less |
blurry and more prominent) while transferring the overall |
image style, leading to higher recognition accuracy. |
6. Conclusion |
In this paper, we study the scientific problem of visu- |
alizing the adapted knowledge in UDA. Specifically, we |
propose a source-free image translation (SFIT) approach, |
which generates source-style images from original target |
images under the guidance of source and target models. |
Translated images on the source model achieve similar re- |
sults as target images on the target model, indicating a suc- |
cessful depiction of the adapted knowledge. Such images |
also exhibit the source style, and the extent of style trans- |
fer follows the performance of UDA methods, which fur- |
ther verifies that stronger UDA methods can better address |
the distribution difference between domains. We show that |
the generated images can be applied to fine-tune the target |
model, and might help other tasks like incremental learning. |
Acknowledgement |
This work was supported by the ARC Discovery Early |
Career Researcher Award (DE200101283) and the ARC |
Discovery Project (DP210102801). |
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