arXiv:2105.12205v1 [cs.AI] 25 May 2021A New Score for Adaptive Tests |
in Bayesian and Credal Networks |
Alessandro Antonucci, Francesca Mangili, |
Claudio Bonesana, and Giorgia Adorni |
Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificial e, Lugano, Switzerland |
{alessandro,francesca,claudio.bonesana,giorgia.adorn i}@idsia.ch |
Abstract. Atest is adaptive when its sequence andnumber of questions |
is dynamically tuned on the basis of the estimated skills of t he taker. |
Graphical models, such as Bayesian networks, are used for ad aptive tests |
as they allow to model the uncertainty about the questions an d the skills |
in an explainable fashion, especially when coping with mult iple skills. |
A better elicitation of the uncertainty in the question/ski lls relations |
can be achieved by interval probabilities. This turns the mo del into a |
credalnetwork, thus making more challenging the inferential comp lexity |
of the queries required to select questions. This is especia lly the case for |
the information theoretic quantities used as scoresto drive the adaptive |
mechanism. We present an alternative family of scores, base d on the |
mode of the posterior probabilities, and hence easier to exp lain. This |
makes considerably simpler the evaluation in the credal cas e, without |
significantly affectingthe qualityofthe adaptive process. Numerical tests |
on synthetic and real-world data are used to support this cla im. |
Keywords: computer adaptive tests ·information theory ·credal net- |
works ·Bayesian networks ·index of qualitative variation |
1 Introduction |
A test or an exam can be naturally intended as a measurement proce ss, with the |
questions acting as sensors measuring the skills of the test taker in a particular |
discipline. Such measurement is typically imperfect with the skills modelle d as |
latent variables whose actual values cannot be revealed in a perfec tly reliable |
way. The role of the questions, whose answers are regarded inste ad as mani- |
fest variables, is to reduce the uncertainty about the latent skills. Following this |
perspective, probabilistic models are an obvious framework to desc ribe tests. |
Consider for instance the example in Figure 1, where a Bayesian netw ork evalu- |
ates the probability that the test taker knows how to multiply intege rs. In such |
framework making the test adaptive, i.e., picking a next question on the basis of |
the currentknowledgelevelofthe testtakerisalsoverynatural. The information |
gain for the available questions might be used to select the question le ading to |
the more informative results (e.g., according to Table 1, Q1is more informative |
thanQ2no matter what the answer is). This might also be done before the |
answer on the basis of expectations over the possible alternatives .2 Antonucci et al. |
A critical point when coping with such approaches is to provide a realis tic |
assessment for the probabilistic parameters associated with the m odelling of the |
relationsbetweenthe questionsand the skills.Havingto providesha rpnumerical |
values for these probabilities might be difficult. As the skill is a latent qu antity, |
complete data are not available for a statistical learning and a direct elicitation |
should be typically demanded to experts (e.g., a teacher). Yet, it mig ht be not |
obvious to express such a domain knowledge by single numbers and a m ore |
robust elicitation, such as a probability interval (e.g., P(Q1= 1|S1= 1)∈ |
[0.85,0.95]), might add realism and robustness to the modelling process [13]. |
With such generalized assessments of the parameters a Bayesian n etwork simply |
becomes a credalnetwork [20]. The counterpart of such increased realism is |
the higher computational complexity characterizing inference in cr edal networks |
[19]. This is an issue especially when coping with information theoretic me asures |
such an information gain, whose computation in credal networks mig ht lead to |
complex non-linear optimization tasks [17]. |
The goal of this paper is to investigate the potential of alternative s to the |
information-theoreticscoresdrivingthequestionselectioninadap tivetestsbased |
on directed graphical models, no matter whether these are Bayes ian or credal |
networks. In particular, we consider a family of scores based on th e (expected) |
mode of the posterior distributions over the skills. We show that, wh en coping |
withcredalnetworks,thecomputationofthesescorescanbere ducedtoasimpler |
sequenceoflinearprogrammingtask.Moreover,weshowthatthe sescoresbenefit |
of better explainability properties, thus allowing for a more transpa rent process |
in the question selection. |
P(Q1= 1|S= 1) = 0 .9 |
P(Q1= 1|S= 0) = 0 .3 |
P(Q2= 1|S= 1) = 0 .6 |
P(Q2= 1|S= 0) = 0 .4Knows multiplication ( S) |
10×5? (Q1) 13×14?(Q2) |
Fig.1.A Bayesian network over Boolean variables modelling a simpl e test to evaluate |
integer multiplication skill with two questions. |
The paper is organized as follows. A critical discussion about the exis ting |
work in this area is in Section 2. The necessary background material is reviewed |
in Section 3. The adaptive testing concepts are introduced in Sectio n 4 and |
specialized to graphical models in 5. The technical part of the paper is in Section |
6, where the new scores are discussed and specialized to the creda l case, while |
the experiments are in Section 7. Conclusions and outlooks are in Sec tion 8.A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 3 |
Table 1. Posterior probabilities of the skill after one or two questi ons in the test based |
on the Bayesian network in Figure 1. A uniform prior over the s kill is considered. |
Probabilities are regarded as grades and sorted from the low est one. Bounds obtained |
with a perturbation ǫ=±0.05 of all the input parameters are also reported. |
Q1Q2P(S= 1|q1,q2)P(S= 1|q1,q2)P(S= 1|q1,q2) |
0 0 0 .087 0 .028 0 .187 |
0− 0.125 0 .052 0 .220 |
0 1 0 .176 0 .092 0 .256 |
−0 0 .400 0 .306 0 .506 |
−1 0 .600 0 .599 0 .603 |
1 0 0 .667 0 .626 0 .708 |
1− 0.750 0 .748 0 .757 |
1 1 0 .818 0 .784 0 .852 |
2 Related Work |
Modelling atest asa processrelatinglatent and manifest variablessin ce the clas- |
sicalitem response theory (IRT), that has been widely used even to implement |
adaptive sequences [12]. Despite its success related to the easeof implementation |
and inference, IRT might be inadequate when coping with multiple laten t skills, |
especially when these are dependent. This moved researcherstow ards the area of |
probabilistic graphical models [15], as practical tools to implement IR T in more |
complex setups [2]. Eventually, Bayesian networks have been even tually iden- |
tified as a suitable formalism to models tests, even behind the IRT fra mework |
[23], this being especially the case for adaptive models [24] and coach ed solving |
[10]. In order to cope with latent skills, some authors successfully ad opted EM |
approaches to these models [21], this also involving the extreme situa tion of no |
ground truth information about the answers [5]. As an alternative a pproach to |
the same issue, some authors considered relaxations of the Bayes ian formalism, |
such as fuzzy models [6] and imprecise probabilities [17]. The latter is the di- |
rection we consider here, but trying to overcome the computation al limitations |
of that approach when coping with information-theoretic scores. This has some |
analogy with the approach in [9], that is focused on the Bayesian case only, but |
whose score, based on the same-decision problem, appears hard to be extended |
to the imprecise framework without affecting the computational co mplexity. |
3 Background on Bayesian and Credal Networks |
We denote variables by Latin uppercase letters, while using lowercas e for their |
generic values, and calligraphic for the set of their possible values. T hus,v∈ V |
is a possible value of V. Here we only consider discrete variables.1 |
1IRT uses instead with continuous skills. Yet, when coping pr obabilistic models, hav- |
ing discrete skill does no prevent evaluations to range over a continuous domain. |
E.g., see Table 1, where the grade corresponds to a (continuo us) probability.4 Antonucci et al. |
3.1 Bayesian Networks |
A probability mass function (PMF) over Vis denoted as P(V), whileP(v) is |
the probability assigned to state v. Given a function fofV, its expectation with |
respect to P(V) isEP(f) :=/summationtext |
v∈VP(v)f(v). The expectation of −logb[P(V)] is |
calledentropyand denoted also as H(X).2We setb:=|V|to have the maximum |
of the entropy, achieved for uniform PMFs, equal to one. |
Given joint PMF P(U,V), the marginal PMF P(V) is obtained by sum- |
ming out the other variable, i.e., P(v) =/summationtext |
u∈UP(u,v). Conditional PMFs such |
asP(U|v) are similarly obtained by Bayes’s rule, i.e., P(u|v) =P(u,v)/P(v) |
provided that P(v)>0. Notation P(U|V) :={P(U|v)}v∈Vis used for such con- |
ditional probability table (CPT). The entropy of a conditional PMF is d efined |
as in the unconditional case and denoted as H(U|v). The conditional entropy |
is a weighted average of entropies of the conditional PMFs, i.e., H(U|V) :=/summationtext |
v∈VH(U|v)P(v). IfP(u,v) =P(u)P(v) for each u∈ Uandv∈ V, variables |
UandVare independent. Conditional formulations are also considered. |
We assume the set of variables V:= (V1,...,V r) to be in one-to-one corre- |
spondence with a directed acyclic graph G. For each V∈V, the parents of V, |
i.e., the predecessors of VinG, are denoted as Pa V. GraphGtogether with the |
collection of CPTs {P(V|PaV)}V∈Vprovides a Bayesian network (BN) specifi- |
cation [15]. Under the Markov condition, i.e., every variable is condition ally in- |
dependent of its non-descendants non-parents given its parent s, a BN compactly |
defines a joint PMF P(V) that factorizes as P(v) =/producttext |
V∈VP(v|paV). Inference, |
intended as the computation of the posterior PMF of a single (querie d) variables |
given some evidence about other variables, is in general NP-hard, b ut exact and |
approximate schemes are available (see [15] for details). |
3.2 Credal Sets and Credal Networks |
A set of PMFs over Vis denoted as K(V) and called credal set (CS). Expec- |
tations based on CSs are the bounds of the PMF expectations with r espect to |
the CS. Thus E[f] := inf P(V)∈K(V)E[f] and similarly for the supremum E. Ex- |
pectations of events are in particular called lower and upper probab ilities and |
denoted as PandP. Notation K(U|v) is used for a set of conditional CSs, while |
K(U|V) :={K(U|v)}v∈Vis a credal CPT (CCPT). |
Analogously to a BN, a credal network (CN) is specified by graph Gtogether |
with a family of CCPTs {K(V|PaV)}V∈V[11]. A CN defines a joint CS K(V) |
corresponding to all the joint PMFs induced by BNs whose CPTs are c onsis- |
tent with the CN CCPTs. For CNs, we intend inference as the comput ation of |
the lower and upper posterior probabilities. The task generalizes BN inference |
being therefore NP-hard, see [19] for a deeper characterization . Yet, exact and |
approximate schemes are also available to practically compute infere nces [4]. |
2We set 0·logb0 = 0 to cope with zero probabilities.A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 5 |
4 Testing Algorithms |
Atypicaltestaimsatevaluatingthe knowledgelevelofatesttaker σonthe basis |
of her answers to a number of questions. Let Qdenote a repository of questions |
availabletothe instructor.The orderand the number ofquestions pickedfrom Q |
to be asked to σmight not be defined in advance. We call testing algorithm (TA) |
a procedure taking care of the selection of the sequence of quest ions asked to the |
test taker, and to decide when the test stops. Algorithm 1 depicts a general TA |
scheme, with edenoting the array of the answers collected from test taker σ. |
Algorithm 1 General TA: given the profile σand repository Q, an evaluation |
based on answers eis returned. |
1:e←∅ |
2:while not Stopping (e)do |
3:Q∗←Pick(Q,e) |
4:q∗←Answer(Q∗,σ) |
5:e←e∪{Q∗=q∗} |
6:Q←Q\{Q∗} |
7:end while |
8:returnEvaluate (e) |
Boolean function Stopping decides whether the test should end, this choice |
being possibly based on the previous answers in e. Trivial stopping rules might |
be based on the number of questions asked to the test takes ( Stopping (e) = 1 |
if and only if |e|> n) or on the number of correct answers provided that a |
maximum number of questions is not exceeded. Function Pickselects instead |
the question to be asked to the student from the repository Q. A TA is called |
adaptive when this function takes into account the previous answers e. Trivial |
non-adaptive strategies might consist in randomly picking an element ofQor |
following a fixed order. Function Answeris simply collecting (or simulating) the |
answeroftest taker σtoaparticularquestion Q. In ourassumptions,this answer |
is not affected by the previous answers to other questions.3 |
Finally,Evaluate is a function returning the overall judgement of the test |
(e.g., a numerical grade or a pass/fail Boolean) on the basis of all th e answers |
collected after the test termination. Trivial examples of such func tions are the |
percentage of correct answers or a Boolean that is true when a su fficient number |
of correct answers has been provided. Note also that in our assum ptions the TA |
isexchangeable , i.e., the stopping rule, the question finder and the evaluation |
function are invariant with respect to permutations in e[22]. In other words, |
3Generalized setupswhere thequalityofthestudentanswer i s affectedbytheprevious |
answers will be discussed at the end of the paper. This might i nclude a fatigue |
model negatively affecting the quality of the answers when ma ny questions have |
been already answered as well as the presence of revealing questions that might |
improve the quality of other answers [16].6 Antonucci et al. |
the same next question, the same evaluation and the same stopping decision is |
produced for any two students, who provided the same list of answ ers in two |
different orders. |
A TA is supposed to achieve reliable evaluation of taker σfrom the answers |
e. As each answer is individually assumed to improve such quality, asking all the |
questions, no matter the order because of the exchangeability as sumption, is an |
obvious choice. Yet, this might be impractical (e.g., because of time lim itations) |
or just provide an unnecessary burden to the test taker. The go al of a good TA |
is therefore to trade off the evaluation accuracy and the number o f questions.4 |
5 Adaptive Testing in Bayesian and Credal Networks |
The general TA setup in Algorithm 1 can be easily specialized to BNs as f ollows. |
First, we identify the profile σof the test taker with the actual states of a |
number of latent discrete variables, called skills. LetS={Si}n |
j=1denote these |
skill variables, and sσthe actual values of the skills for the taker. Skills are |
typically ordinal variables, whose states corresponds to increasin g knowledge |
levels. Questions in Qare still described as manifest variables whose actual |
values are returned by the answerfunction. This is achieved by a (possibly |
stochastic) function of the actual profile sσ. This reflects the taker perspective, |
while the teacher has clearly no access to sσ. As a remark, note that we might |
often coarsenthe set ofpossible values Qfor eachQ∈Q: for instance, amultiple |
choicequestionwiththreeoptionsmighthaveasinglerightanswer,t hetwoother |
answers being indistinguishable from the evaluation point of view.5 |
A joint PMF over the skills Sand the questions Qis supposed to be avail- |
able. In particular we assume this to correspond to a BN whose grap h has the |
questions as leaf nodes. Thus, for each Q∈Q,PaQ⊆Sand we call PaQ |
thescopeof question Q. Note that this assumption about the graph is simply |
reflecting a statement about the conditional independence betwe en (the answer |
to) a question and all the other skills and questions given scope of th e ques- |
tion. This basically means that the answers to other questions are n ot directly |
affecting the answer to a particular question, and this naturally follo ws from the |
exchangeability assumption.6 |
As the available data are typically incomplete because of the latent na ture |
of the skills, dedicated learning strategies, such as various form of constrained |
EM should be considered to train a BN from data. We refer the reade r to the |
variouscontributionsofPlajnerand Vomlel in this field (e.g.,[21]) for acomplete |
discussion of that approach. Here we assume the BN quantification available. |
4In some generalized setups, other elements such as a serendipity in choice in order |
to avoid tedious sequences of questions might be also consid ered [7]. |
5The case of abstention to an answer and the consequent problem of modelling the |
incompleteness is a topic we do not consider here for the sake of conciseness. Yet, |
general approaches based on the ideas in [18] could be easily adopted. |
6Moving to other setups would not be really critical because o f the separation prop- |
erties of observed nodes in Bayesian and credal networks, se e for instance [3,8].A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 7 |
In such a BN framework, Stopping (e) might be naturally based on an eval- |
uation of the posterior PMF P(S|e), this being also the case for Evaluate . Re- |
garding the question selection, Pickmight be similarly based on the (posterior) |
CPTP(S|Q,e), whose values for the different answers to Qmight be weighted |
by the marginal P(Q|e). More specifically, entropies and conditional entropies |
are considered by Algorithm 2, while the evaluation is based on a condit ional |
expectation for a given utility function. |
Algorithm 2 Information Theoretic TA in BN over the questions Qand the |
skillsS: given the student profile sσ, the algorithms returns an evaluation cor- |
responding to the expectation of an evaluation function fwith respect to the |
posterior for the skills given the answers e. |
1:e=∅ |
2:whileH(S|e)> H∗do |
3:Q∗←argmax Q∈Q[H(S|e)−H(S|Q,e)] |
4:q∗←Answer(Q∗,sσ) |
5:e←e∪{Q∗=q∗} |
6:Q←Q\{Q∗} |
7:end while |
8:returnEP(S|e)[f(S)] |
When no data are available for the BN training, elicitation techniques s hould |
beconsideredinstead.AsalreadydiscussedCNsmightofferabette rformalismto |
capture domain knowledge, especially by providing interval-valued pr obabilities |
instead of sharp values. If this is the case, a CN version of Algorithm 2 can be |
equivalentlyconsidered.MovingtoCNsisalmostthesame,providedt hatbounds |
on the entropy are used instead for decisions. Yet, the price of su ch increased |
realism in the elicitation is the higher complexity characterizinginferen ces based |
on CNs. The work in [17] offers a critical discussion of those issues, that are |
only partially addressed by heuristic techniques used there to appr oximate such |
bounds. In the next section we consider an alternative approach t o cope with |
CNs and adaptive TAs based on different scores used to select the q uestions. |
6 Coping with the Mode |
Following[25], we can regardthe PMF entropy(and its conditionalver sion)used |
by Algorithm 2 as an example of index of qualitative variation (IQV). An IQV |
is just a normalized number that takes value zero for degenerate P MFs, one on |
uniform ones, being independent on the number of possible states ( and samples |
for empirical models). The closer to uniform is the PMF, the higher is t he index |
and vice versa. |
In order to bypass the computational issues related to its applicat ion with |
CNs and the explainability limits with both BNs and CNs, we want to consid er8 Antonucci et al. |
alternative IQVs to replace entropy in Algorithm 2. Wilkox deviation from the |
mode(DM) appears a sensible option. Given PMF P(V), this corresponds to: |
M(V) := 1−/summationdisplay |
v∈Vmaxv′∈VP(v′)−P(v) |
|V|−1. (1) |
It is a trivial exercise to check that this is a proper IQV, with the sam e unimodal |
behaviour of the entropy. In terms of explainability, being a linear fu nction of |
the modal probability, the numerical value of the DM offers a more tr ansparent |
interpretation than the entropy. From a computational point of v iew, for both |
marginaland unconditional PMFs, both the entropy and the DM can be directly |
obtained from the probabilities of the singletons. |
The situation is different when computing the bounds of these quant ities |
with respect to a CS. The bounds of M(V) are obtained from the upper and |
lower probabilities of the singletons by simple algebra, i.e, |
M(V) := max |
P(V)∈K(V)M(V) :=|V|−maxv′∈VP(v′) |
|V|−1, (2) |
and analogously with the lower probabilities for M(V). Maximizing entropy |
requires instead a non-trivial, but convex, optimization. See for ins tance [1] for |
an iterative procedure to find such maximum when coping with CSs defi ned by |
probability intervals. The situation is even more critical for the minimiz ation, |
that has been proved to be NP-hard in [26]. |
The optimization becomes even more challenging for conditional entr opies, |
there basically are mixtures of conditional entropies based on impre cise weights. |
Consequently, in [17], only inner approximation for the upper bound h ave been |
derived.ThesituationisdifferentforconditionalDMs.Thefollowingr esultoffers |
a feasible approachin a simplified setup, to be later extended to the g eneralcase. |
Theorem 1. Under the setup of Section 5, consider a CN with a single skill |
Sand a single question Q, that is a child of S. LetK(S)andK(Q|S)be the |
CCPTs of such CN. Let also Q={q1,...,qn}andS={s1,...,sm}. The upper |
conditional DM, i.e., |
M(S|Q) :=|S|− max |
P(S)∈K(S) |
P(Q|S)∈K(Q|S)/summationdisplay |
i=1,...,n/bracketleftbigg |
max |
j=1,...,mP(sj|qi)/bracketrightbigg |
P(qi),(3) |
whose normalizing denominator was omitted for the sake of br evity, is such that: |
M(S|Q) :=m−max |
ˆji=1,...,m |
i=1,...,nΩ(ˆj1,...,ˆjn), (4)A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 9 |
whereΩ(ˆj1,...,ˆjn)is the solution of the following linear programming task her e |
below. |
max/summationdisplay |
jxij |
s.t./summationdisplay |
ijxij= 1 (5) |
xij≥0 ∀i,j (6) |
/summationdisplay |
ixij≥P(sj)∀j (7) |
/summationdisplay |
ixij≤P(sj)∀j (8) |
P(qi|sj)/summationdisplay |
ixij≤xij ∀i,j (9) |
P(qi|sj)/summationdisplay |
ixij≥xij ∀i,j (10) |
xiˆji≥xij ∀i,j (11) |
Note that the bounds on the sums over the indexes and on the uni versal quanti- |
fiers are also omitted for the sake of brevity. |
Proof. Equation (3)rewrites as: |
M(S|Q) =m−max |
P(S)∈K(S) |
P(Q|S)∈K(Q|S)n/summationdisplay |
i=1/bracketleftbigg |
max |
j=1,...,mP(sj)P(qi|sj)/bracketrightbigg |
.(12) |
Let us define the variables of such constrained optimization task as: |
xij:=P(sj)·P(qi|sj). (13) |
for each i= 1,...,nandj= 1,...,m. Let us show how the CCPT constraints |
can be easily reformulated with respect to such new variable s by simply noticing |
thatxij=P(sj,qi), and hence P(si) =/summationtext |
ixijandP(qj|si) =xij/(/summationtext |
kxkj). |
Consequently, the interval constraints on P(S)corresponds to the linear con- |
straints in Equations (7)and(8). Similarly, for P(Q|S), we obtain: |
P(qi|sj)≤xij/summationtext |
kxkj≤P(qi|sj), (14) |
that easily gives the linear constraints in Equations (9)and(10). The non- |
negativity of the probabilities corresponds to Equation (6), while Equation (5) |
gives the normalization of P(S)and the normalization of P(Q|S)is by con- |
struction. Equation (12)rewrites therefore as: |
M(S|Q) =m−max |
{vij}ij∈Γ/summationdisplay |
imax |
jxij, (15)10 Antonucci et al. |
whereΓdenotes the linear constraints in Equations (5)-(10). If we set |
ˆji:= argmax |
jxij, (16) |
Equation (15)rewrites as |
M(S|Q) = max |
{vij}ij∈Γ′/summationdisplay |
ixiˆji, (17) |
whereΓ′are the constraints in Γwith the additional (linear) constraints in |
Equation (11), that are implementing Equation (16). |
The optimization on the right-hand side of Equation (17)is not a linear |
programming task, as the values of the indexes ˆjicannot be decided in advance |
being potentially different for different assignments of the optimization variables |
consistent with the constraints in Γ. Yet,we might address such optimization as a |
brute-force task with respect to all the possible assignati on of the indexes ˆji. This |
is exactly what is done by Equation (4)where all the mnpossible assignations |
are considered. This proves the thesis. ⊓ ⊔ |
An analogous result with the linear programming tasks minimizing the sa me |
objectivefunctionswithexactlythesameconstraintsallowstocom puteM(S|Q). |
The overall complexity is clearly O(mn) withn:=|Q|. This means quadratic |
complexity for any test where only the difference between a wrong a nd a right |
answer is considered from an elicitation perspective, and tractable computations |
providedthatthenumberofpossibleanswerstothesamequestion wedistinguish |
is bounded by a small constant. Coping with multiple answers becomes trivial |
by means of the results in [3], that allows to merge multiple observed c hildren |
into a single one. Finally, the case of multiple skills might be similarly conside red |
by using the marginal bounds of the single skills in Equations (7) and (8 ). |
7 Experiments |
In this section we validate the ideas outlined in the previous section in o rder to |
check whether or not the DM can be used for TAs as a sensible altern ative to |
information-theoreticscoressuchastheentropy.IntheBNcon text,thisissimply |
achieved by computing the necessary updated probabilities, while Th eorem 1 is |
used instead for CNs. |
7.1 Single-Skill Experiments on Synthetic Data |
For a very first validation of our approach, we consider a simple setu p made of a |
single Boolean skill Sand a repository with 18 Boolean questions based on nine |
different parametrizations (two questions for parametrization). In such BN, the |
CPT of a question can be parametrized by two numbers. E.g., in the ex ample |
in Figure 1, we used the probabilities of correctly answering the ques tion givenA New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 11 |
that the skill is present or not, i.e., P(Q= 1|S= 1) and P(Q= 1|S= 0). A |
more interpretable parametrization can be obtained as follows: |
δ:= 1−1 |
2[P(Q= 1|S= 1)+P(Q= 1|S= 0)], (18) |
κ:=P(Q= 1|S= 1)−P(Q= 1|S= 0). (19) |
Note that P(Q= 1|S= 1)> P(Q= 1|S= 0) is an obvious rationality con- |
straint for questions, otherwise having the skill would make less likely to answer |
properly to a question. Both parameters are therefore non-neg ative. Parameter |
δ, corresponding to the (arithmetic) average of the probability for a wrong an- |
swer over the different skill values, can be regarded as a normalized index of |
the question difficulty . E.g., in Figure 1, Q1(δ= 0.4) is less difficult than Q2 |
(δ= 0.5). Parameter κcan be instead regarded as a descriptor of the differ- |
ence of the conditional PMFs associated with the different skill value s. In the |
most extreme case κ= 1, the CPT P(Q|S) is diagonal implementing an iden- |
tity mapping between the skill and the question. We therefore rega rdκas a |
indicator of the discriminative power of the question. In our tests, for the BN |
quantification, we consider the nine possible parametrizations corr esponding to |
(δ,γ)∈[0.4,0.5,0.6]2. ForP(S) we use instead a uniform quantification. For the |
CN approach we perturb all the BN parameters with ǫ=±0.05, thus obtaining |
a CN quantification. A group of 1024 simulated students, half of the m having |
S= 0 and half with S= 1 is used for simulations. The student answers are |
sampled from the CPT of the asked question on the basis of the stud ent profile. |
Figure 2 (left) depicts the accuracy of the BN and CN approaches b ased on |
both the entropy and the DM scores. For credal models, decisions are based on |
the mid-point between the lower and the upper probability, while lower entropy |
and conditional entropies are used. We notably see all the adaptive approaches |
outperforming a non-adaptive, random, choice of the questions. To better in- |
vestigate the strong overlap between these trajectories, in Figu re 2 (right) we |
compute the Brier score and we might observe the strong similarity b etween |
DM and entropy approaches in both the Bayesian and the credal ca se, with the |
credal approaches slightly outperforming the Bayesian ones. |
7.2 Multi-Skill Experiments on Real Data |
For a validation on real data, we consider an online German language p lacement |
test (see also [17]). Four different Booleanskills associated with differ ent abilities |
(vocabulary, communication, listening and reading) are considered and modeled |
by a chain-shaped graph, for which BN and CN quantification are alre ady avail- |
able. A repository of 64 Boolean questions, 16 for each skill, with fou r different |
levels of difficulty and discriminative power, have been used. |
Experiments have been achieved by means of the CREMA library for c redal |
networks [14].7The Java code used for the simulations is available together with |
the Python scripts used to analyze the results and the model spec ifications.8 |
7github.com/IDSIA/crema |
8github.com/IDSIA/adaptive-tests12 Antonucci et al. |
0 5 10 15 2000. |
Number of questionsAccuracy |
0 5 10 15 2000. |
Number of questionsBrier DistanceCredal Entropy |
Credal Mode |
Random |
Bayesian Entropy |
Bayesian Mode |
Fig.2.Accuracy (left) and Brier distance (right) of TAs for a singl e-skill BN/CN |
Performancesare evaluated as for the previous model, the only diff erence be- |
ing that here the accuracy is aggregated by average over the sep arate accuracies |
for the four skills. The observed behaviour, depicted in Figure 3, is a nalogous |
to that of the single skill case: entropy-based and mode-based sc ores are provid- |
ing similar results, with the credal approach typically leading to more a ccurate |
evaluations (or evaluations of the same quality with fewer questions ). |
0 10 20 30 40 50 6000. |
Number of questionsAggregated AccuracyCredal Entropy |
Credal Mode |
Random |
Bayesian Entropy |
Bayesian Mode |
Fig.3.Aggregated Accuracy for a multi-skill TA |
8 Outlooks and Conclusions |
A new score for adaptive testing in Bayesian and credal networks h as been |
proposed. Our proposal is based on indexes of qualitative variation , being in |
particular focused on the modal probability for their explainability fe atures. An |
algorithm to evaluate this quantity in the credal case is derived. Our experi- |
ments show that moving to these scores does not really affect the q uality of the |
selection process. Besides a deeper experimental validation, a nec essary future |
work consists in the derivation of simpler elicitation strategies for th ese model |
in order to promote their application to real-world testing environme nts.A New Score for Adaptive Tests in Bayesian and Credal Network s 13 |
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