This paper has been accepted for publication at the |
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Nashville, 2021. ©IEEE |
Time Lens: Event-based Video Frame Interpolation |
Stepan Tulyakov*;1Daniel Gehrig;2Stamatios Georgoulis1Julius Erbach1 |
Mathias Gehrig2Yuanyou Li1Davide Scaramuzza2 |
1Huawei Technologies, Zurich Research Center |
2Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Zurich and Dept. of Neuroinformatics, Univ. of Zurich and ETH Zurich |
Figure 1: Qualitative results comparing our proposed method, Time Lens, with DAIN [3] and BMBC [29]. Our method can |
interpolate frames in highly-dynamic scenes, such as while spinning an umbrella (top row) and bursting a balloon (bottom |
row). It does this by combining events (b) and frames (a). |
Abstract |
State-of-the-art frame interpolation methods generate |
intermediate frames by inferring object motions in the |
image from consecutive key-frames. In the absence of |
additional information, first-order approximations, i.e. |
optical flow, must be used, but this choice restricts the |
types of motions that can be modeled, leading to errors |
in highly dynamic scenarios. Event cameras are novel |
sensors that address this limitation by providing auxiliary |
visual information in the blind-time between frames. They |
asynchronously measure per-pixel brightness changes and |
do this with high temporal resolution and low latency. |
Event-based frame interpolation methods typically adopt a |
synthesis-based approach, where predicted frame residuals |
are directly applied to the key-frames. However, while these |
approaches can capture non-linear motions they suffer |
from ghosting and perform poorly in low-texture regions |
with few events. Thus, synthesis-based and flow-based |
approaches are complementary. In this work, we introduce |
*indicates equal contributionTime Lens , a novel method that leverages the advantages of |
both. We extensively evaluate our method on three synthetic |
and two real benchmarks where we show an up to 5.21 |
dB improvement in terms of PSNR over state-of-the-art |
frame-based and event-based methods. Finally, we release |
a new large-scale dataset in highly dynamic scenarios, |
aimed at pushing the limits of existing methods. |
Multimedia Material |
The High-Speed Event and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset |
and evaluation code can be found at: http://rpg.ifi. |
uzh.ch/timelens |
1. Introduction |
Many things in real life can happen in the blink of an |
eye. A hummingbird flapping its wings, a cheetah accel- |
erating towards its prey, a tricky stunt with the skateboard, |
or even a baby taking its first steps. Capturing these mo- |
ments as high-resolution videos with high frame rates typi-arXiv:2106.07286v1 [cs.CV] 14 Jun 2021cally requires professional high-speed cameras, that are in- |
accessible to casual users. Modern mobile device producers |
have tried to incorporate more affordable sensors with sim- |
ilar functionalities into their systems, but they still suffer |
from the large memory requirements and high power con- |
sumption associated with these sensors. |
Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) addresses this problem, |
by converting videos with moderate frame rates high frame |
rate videos in post-processing. In theory, any number of |
new frames can be generated between two keyframes of |
the input video. Therefore, VFI is an important problem |
in video processing with many applications, ranging from |
super slow motion [10] to video compression [42]. |
Frame-based interpolation approaches relying solely |
on input from a conventional frame-based camera that |
records frames synchronously and at a fixed rate. There are |
several classes of such methods that we describe below. |
Warping-based approaches [20, 10, 44, 21, 29] combine |
optical flow estimation [8, 16, 36] with image warping [9], |
to generate intermediate frames in-between two consecutive |
key frames. More specifically, under the assumptions of lin- |
ear motion and brightness constancy between frames, these |
works compute optical flow and warp the input keyframe(s) |
to the target frame, while leveraging concepts, like contex- |
tual information [20], visibility maps [10], spatial trans- |
former networks [44], forward warping [21], or dynamic |
blending filters [29], to improve the results. While most of |
these approaches assume linear motion, some recent works |
assume quadratic [43] or cubic [5] motions. Although these |
methods can address non-linear motions, they are still lim- |
ited by their order, failing to capture arbitrary motion. |
Kernel-based approaches [22, 23] avoid the explicit mo- |
tion estimation and warping stages of warping-based ap- |
proaches. Instead, they model VFI as local convolution over |
the input keyframes, where the convolutional kernel is esti- |
mated from the keyframes. This approach is more robust to |
motion blur and light changes. Alternatively, phase-based |
approaches [18] pose VFI as a phase shift estimation prob- |
lem, where a neural network decoder directly estimates the |
phase decomposition of the intermediate frame. However, |
while these methods can in theory model arbitrary motion, |
in practice they do not scale to large motions due to the lo- |
cality of the convolution kernels. |
In general, all frame-based approaches assume simplis- |
tic motion models (e.g. linear) due to the absence of vi- |
sual information in the blind-time between frames, which |
poses a fundamental limitation of purely frame-based VFI |
approaches. In particular, the simplifying assumptions rely |
on brightness and appearance constancy between frames, |
which limits their applicability in highly dynamic scenar- |
ios such as ( i) for non-linear motions between the input |
keyframes, ( ii) when there are changes in illumination or |
motion blur, and ( iii) non-rigid motions and new objects ap-pearing in the scene between keyframes. |
Multi-camera approaches. To overcome this limita- |
tion, some works seek to combine inputs from several |
frame-based cameras with different spatio-temporal trade- |
offs. For example, [1] combined low-resolution video with |
high resolution still images, whereas [25] fused a low- |
resolution high frame rate video with a high resolution low |
frame rate video. Both approaches can recover the miss- |
ing visual information necessary to reconstruct true object |
motions, but this comes at the cost of a bulkier form factor, |
higher power consumption, and a larger memory footprint. |
Event-based approaches. Compared to standard frame- |
based cameras, event cameras [14, 4] do not incur the afore- |
mentioned costs. They are novel sensors that only report the |
per-pixel intensity changes, as opposed to the full intensity |
images and do this with high temporal resolution and low |
latency on the order of microseconds. The resulting output |
is an asynchronous stream of binary “events” which can be |
considered a compressed representation of the true visual |
signal. These properties render them useful for VFI under |
highly dynamic scenarios (e.g. high-speed non-linear mo- |
tion, or challenging illumination). |
Events-only approaches reconstruct high frame rate |
videos directly from the stream of incoming events using |
GANs [38], RNNs [32, 33, 34], or even self-supervised |
CNNs [28], and can be thought of as a proxy to the VFI |
task. However, since the integration of intensity gradients |
into an intensity frame is an ill-posed problem, the global |
contrast of the interpolated frames is usually miscalculated. |
Moreover, as in event cameras intensity edges are only ex- |
posed when they move, the interpolation results are also de- |
pendent on the motion. |
Events-plus-frames approaches. As certain event cam- |
eras such as the Dynamic and Active VIsion Sensor |
(DA VIS) [4] can simultaneously output the event stream and |
intensity images – the latter at low frame rates and prone |
to the same issues as frame-based cameras (e.g. motion |
blur) – several works [26, 41, 11, 37] use both streams of |
information. Typically, these works tackle VFI in conjunc- |
tion with de-blurring, de-noising, super-resolution, or other |
relevant tasks. They synthesize intermediate frames by |
accumulating temporal brightness changes, represented by |
events, from the input keyframes and applying them to the |
key frames. While these methods can handle illumination |
changes and non-linear motion they still perform poorly |
compared to the frame-based methods (please see § 3.2), |
as due to the inherent instability of the contrast threshold |
and sensor noise, not all brightness changes are accurately |
registered as events. |
Our contributions are as follows |
1. We address the limitations of all aforementioned |
methods by introducing a CNN framework, named |
Time Lens , that marries the advantages of warping-Figure 2: Proposed event-based VFI approach. |
and synthesis-based interpolation approaches. In our |
framework, we use a synthesis-based approach to |
ground and refine results of high-quality warping- |
based approach and provide the ability to handle illu- |
mination changes and new objects appearing between |
keyframes (refer Fig. 7), |
2. We introduce a new warping-based interpolation ap- |
proach that estimates motion from events, rather than |
frames and thus has several advantages: it is more ro- |
bust to motion blur and can estimate non-linear mo- |
tion between frames. Moreover, the proposed method |
provides a higher quality interpolation compared to |
synthesis-based methods that use events when event |
information is not sufficient or noisy. |
3. We empirically show that the proposed Time Lens |
greatly outperforms state-of-the-art frame-based and |
event-based methods, published over recent months, |
on three synthetic and two real benchmarks where we |
show an up to 5.21 dB improvement in terms of PSNR. |
2. Method |
Problem formulation. Let us assume an event-based |
VFI setting, where we are given as input the left I0and |
rightI1RGB key frames, as well as the left E0!and right |
E!1event sequences , and we aim to interpolate (one or |
more) new frames ^Iat random timesteps in-between the |
key frames. Note that, the event sequences ( E0!,E!1) |
contain all asynchronous events that are triggered from the |
moment the respective (left I0or rightI1) key RGB frame |
is synchronously sampled, till the timestep at which we |
want to interpolate a new frame ^I. Fig. 2 illustrates the |
proposed event-based VFI setting. |
System overview. To tackle the problem under consid- |
eration we propose a learning-based framework, namely |
Time Lens , that consists of four dedicated modules that |
serve complementary interpolation schemes, i.e. warping- |
based and synthesis-based interpolation. In particular, (1) |
thewarping-based interpolation module estimates a new |
frame by warping the boundary RGB keyframes using op- |
tical flow estimated from the respective event sequence; (2) |
thewarping refinement module aims to improve this esti- |
mate by computing residual flow; (3) the interpolation by |
synthesis module estimates a new frame by directly fusing |
the input information from the boundary keyframes and the |
event sequences; finally (4) the attention-based averaging |
module aims to optimally combine the warping-based andsynthesis-based results. In doing so, Time Lens marries |
the advantages of warping- and synthesis-based interpola- |
tion techniques, allowing us to generate new frames with |
color and high textural details while handling non-linear |
motion, light changes, and motion blur. The workflow of |
our method is shown in Fig. 3a. |
All modules of the proposed method use the same back- |
bone architecture, which is an hourglass network with skip |
connections between the contracting and expanding parts, |
similar to [10]. The backbone architecture is described |
in more detail in the supplementary materials. Regarding |
the learning representation [7] used to encode the event |
sequences, all modules use the voxel grid representation. |
Specifically, for event sequence E0!endwe compute a |
voxel gridV0!endfollowing the procedure described |
in [46]. In the following paragraphs, we analyze each mod- |
ule and its scope within the overall framework. |
Interpolation by synthesis , as shown in Fig. 3b, directly |
regresses a new frame ^Isyngiven the left I0and rightI1 |
RGB keyframes and events sequences E0!andE!1re- |
spectively. The merits of this interpolation scheme lie in |
its ability to handle changes in lighting, such as water re- |
flections in Fig. 6 and a sudden appearance of new objects |
in the scene, because unlike warping-based method, it does |
not rely on the brightness constancy assumption. Its main |
drawback is the distortion of image edges and textures when |
event information is noisy or insufficient because of high |
contrast thresholds, e.g. triggered by the book in Fig. 6. |
Warping-based interpolation , shown in Fig. 3d, first |
estimates the optical flow F!0andF!1between a la- |
tent new frame ^Iand boundary keyframes I0andI1using |
eventsE!0andE!1respectively. We compute E!0, |
by reversing the event sequence E0!, as shown in Fig. 4. |
Then our method uses computed optical flow to warp the |
boundary keyframes in timestep using differentiable in- |
terpolation [9], which in turn produces two new frame esti- |
mates ^Iwarp |
0!and^Iwarp |
1!. |
The major difference of our approach from the tradi- |
tional warping-based interpolation methods [20, 10, 21, 43], |
is that the latter compute optical flow between keyframes |
using the frames themselves and then approximate opti- |
cal flow between the latent middle frame and boundary |
by using a linear motion assumption. This approach does |
not work when motion between frames is non-linear and |
keyframes suffer from motion blur. By contrast, our ap- |
proach computes the optical flow from the events, and thus |
can naturally handle blur and non-linear motion. Although |
events are sparse, the resulting flow is sufficiently dense as |
shown in Fig. 3d, especially in textured areas with dominant |
mostion, which is most important for interpolation. |
Moreover, the warping-based interpolation approach re- |
lying on events also works better than synthesis-based |
method in the scenarios when event data is noisy or not(a) Overview of the proposed method. |
(b) Interpolation by synthesis module. |
(c) Attention-based averaging module. |
(d) Warping-based interpolation module. |
(e) Warping refinement module. |
Figure 3: Structure of the proposed method. The overall workflow of the method is shown in Fig. 3a and individual modules |
are shown in Fig. 3d, 3b, 3e and 3c. In the figures we also show loss function that we use to train each module. We show |
similar modules in the same color across the figures. |
Figure 4: Example of an event sequence reversal. |
sufficient due to high contrast thresholds, e.g. the book in |
Fig. 6. On the down side, this method still relies on the |
brightness constancy assumption for optical flow estimation |
and thus can not handle brightness changes and new ob- |
jects appearing between keyframes, e.g. water reflections |
in Fig. 6. |
Warping refinement module computes refined interpo- |
lated frames, ^Irefine |
0!and^Irefine |
1!, by estimating residual op- |
tical flow, F!0andF!1respectively, between the |
warping-based interpolation results, ^Iwarp |
0!and^Iwarp |
1!, and |
the synthesis result ^Isyn |
. It then proceeds by warping ^Iwarp |
0! |
and^Iwarp |
1!for a second time using the estimated residual |
optical flow, as shown in Fig. 3e. The refinement module |
draws inspiration from the success of optical flow and dis- |
parity refinement modules in [8, 27], and also by our ob- |
servation that the synthesis interpolation results are usually |
perfectly aligned with the ground-truth new frame. Besides |
computing residual flow, the warping refinement module |
also performs inpainting of the occluded areas, by fillingthem with values from nearby regions. |
Finally, the attention averaging module, shown in |
Fig. 3c, blends in a pixel-wise manner the results of synthe- |
sis^Isyn |
and warping-based interpolation ^Irefine |
0!and^Irefine |
1!to |
achieve final interpolation result ^I. This module leverages |
the complementarity of the warping- and synthesis-based |
interpolation methods and produces a final result, which is |
better than the results of both methods by 1.73 dB in PSNR |
as shown in Tab. 1 and illustrated in Fig. 6. |
A similar strategy was used in [21, 10], however these |
works only blended the warping-based interpolation results |
to fill the occluded regions, while we blend both warping |
and synthesis-based results, and thus can also handle light |
changes. We estimate the blending coefficients using an at- |
tention network that takes as an input the interpolation re- |
sults, ^Irefine |
0!,^Irefine |
1!and^Isyn, the optical flow results F!0 |
andF!1and bi-linear coefficient , that depends on the |
position of the new frame as a channel with constant value. |
2.1. High Speed Events-RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset |
Due to the lack of available datasets that combine |
synchronized, high-resolution event cameras and standard |
RGB cameras, we build a hardware synchronized hybrid |
sensor which combines a high-resolution event camera withEvent Camera |
Prophesee Gen4M 720p |
Resolution 1280 720 |
RGB Camera |
FLIR BlackFly S |
Resolution: 1440 1080 |
2.5 cm baselineFigure 5: Illustration of the dual camera setup. It comprises |
a Prophesee Gen4 720p monochrome event camera (top) |
and a FLIR BlackFly S RGB camera (bottom). Both cam- |
eras are hardware synchronized with a baseline of 2:5 cm |
. |
a high resolution and high-speed color camera. We use this |
hybrid sensor to record a new large-scale dataset which we |
term the High-Speed Events and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset |
which we use to validate our video frame interpolation ap- |
proach. The hybrid camera setup is illustrated in Fig. 5. |
It features a Prophesee Gen4 (1280 720) event camera |
(Fig. 5 top) and a FLIR BlackFly S global shutter RGB cam- |
era (1440 1080) (Fig. 5 bottom), separated by a baseline |
of2:5 cm . Both cameras are hardware synchronized and |
share a similar field of view (FoV). We provide a detailed |
comparison of our setup against the commercially available |
DA VIS 346 [4] and the recently introduced setup [40] in |
the appendix.Compared to both [4] and [40] our setup is |
able to record events at much higher resolution (1280 720 |
vs. 240 180 or 346 260) and standard frames at much |
higher framerate (225 FPS vs. 40 FPS or 35 FPS) and with |
a higher dynamic range (71.45 dB vs. 55 dB or 60 dB). |
Moreover, standard frames have a higher resolution com- |
pared to the DA VIS sensor (1440 1080 vs. 240 180) and |
provide color. The higher dynamic range and frame rate, |
enable us to more accurately compare event cameras with |
standard cameras in highly dynamic scenarios and high dy- |
namic range. Both cameras are hardware synchronized and |
aligned via rectification and global alignment. For more |
synchronization and alignment details see the appendix. |
We record data in a variety of conditions, both indoors |
and outdoors. Sequences were recorded outdoors with ex- |
posure times as low as 100µsor indoors with exposure |
times up to 1000 µs. The dataset features frame rates of |
160 FPS, which is much higher than previous datasets, en- |
abling larger frame skips with ground truth color frames. |
The dataset includes highly dynamic close scenes with non- |
linear motions and far-away scenes featuring mainly cam- |
era ego-motion. For far-away scenes, stereo rectification is |
sufficient for good per-pixel alignment. For each sequence, |
alignment is performed depending on the depth either by |
stereo rectification or using feature-based homography esti- |
mation.To this end, we perform standard stereo calibration |
between RGB images and E2VID [32] reconstructions and |
rectify the images and events accordingly. For the dynamic |
close scenes, we additionally estimate a global homogra- |
phy by matching SIFT features [17] between these two im-ages. Note that for feature-based alignment to work well, |
the camera must be static and objects of interest should only |
move in a fronto-parallel plane at a predetermined depth. |
While recording we made sure to follow these constraints. |
For a more detailed dataset overview we refer to the sup- |
plementary material. |
3. Experiments |
All experiments in this work are done using the Py- |
Torch framework [30]. For training, we use the Adam |
optimizer[12] with standard settings, batches of size 4 and |
learning rate 104, which we decrease by a factor of 10ev- |
ery 12 epoch. We train each module for 27 epoch. For the |
training, we use large dataset with synthetic events gener- |
ated from Vimeo90k septuplet dataset [44] using the video to |
events method [6], based on the event simulator from [31]. |
We train the network by adding and training modules |
one by one, while freezing the weights of all previously |
trained modules. We train modules in the following or- |
der: synthesis-based interpolation, warping-based interpo- |
lation, warping refinement, and attention averaging mod- |
ules. We adopted this training because end-to-end training |
from scratch does not converge, and fine-tuning of the en- |
tire network after pretraining only marginally improved the |
results. We supervise our network with perceptual [45] and |
L1losses as shown in Fig. 3b, 3d, 3e and 3c. We fine-tune |
our network on real data module-by-module in the order |
of training. To measure the quality of interpolated images |
we use structural similarity (SSIM) [39] and peak signal to |
noise ratio (PSNR) metrics. |
Note, that the computational complexity of our interpo- |
lation method is among the best: on our machine for image |
resolutions of 640480, a single interpolation on the GPU |
takes 878 ms for DAIN [3], 404 ms for BMBC [29], 138 ms |
for ours, 84 ms for RRIN [13], 73 ms for Super SloMo [10] |
and 33 ms for LEDVDI [15] methods. |
3.1. Ablation study |
To study the contribution of every module of the pro- |
posed method to the final interpolation, we investigate the |
interpolation quality after each module in Fig. 3a, and re- |
port their results in Tab. 1. The table shows two notable re- |
sults. First, it shows that adding a warping refinement block |
after the simple warping block significantly improves the |
interpolation result. Second, it shows that by attention aver- |
aging synthesis-based and warping-based results, the inter- |
polations are improved by 1.7 dB in terms of PSNR. This |
is because the attention averaging module combines the ad- |
vantages of both methods. To highlight this further, we il- |
lustrate example reconstructions from these two modules in |
Fig. 6. As can be seen, the warping-based module excels at |
reconstructing textures in non-occluded areas (fourth col- |
umn) while the synthesis module performs better in regionswith difficult lighting conditions (fifth column). The atten- |
tion module successfully combines the best parts of both |
modules (first column). |
Figure 6: Complementarity of warping- and synthesis- |
based interpolation. |
Table 1: Quality of interpolation after each module on |
Vimeo90k (denoising) validation set. For SSIM and PSNR |
we show mean and one standard deviation. The best result |
is highlighted. |
Module PSNR SSIM |
Warping interpolation 26.68 3.68 0.926 0.041 |
Interpolation by synthesis 34.10 3.98 0.964 0.029 |
Warping refinement 33.02 3.76 0.963 0.026 |
Attention averaging (ours) 35.83 3.70 0.976 0.019 |
3.2. Benchmarking |
Synthetic datasets. We compare the proposed |
method, which we call Time Lens , to four state-of-the-art |
frame-based interpolation methods DAIN [3],RRIN [13], |
BMBC [29], SuperSloMo [10], event-based video recon- |
struction method E2VID [33] and two event and frame- |
based methods EDI [26] and LEDVDI [15] on pop- |
ular video interpolation benchmark datasets, such as |
Vimeo90k (interpolation) [44], Middlebury [2]. During |
the evaluation, we take original video sequence, skip 1 |
or 3 frames respectively, reconstruct them using interpola- |
tion method and compare to ground truth skipped frames. |
Events for event-based methods we simulate using [6] from |
the skipped frames. We do not fine-tune the methods for |
each dataset but simply use pre-trained models provided by |
the authors. We summarise the results in Tab. 2. |
As we can see, the proposed method outperforms other |
method across datasets in terms of average PSNR (up to |
8.82 dB improvement) and SSIM scores (up to 0.192 im- |
provement). As before these improvements stem from the |
use of auxiliary events during the prediction stage which |
allow our method to perform accurate frame interpolation, |
event for very large non-linear motions. Also, it has signif- |
icantly lower standard deviation of the PSNR (2.53 dB vs. |
4.96 dB) and SSIM (0.025 vs. 0.112) scores, which sug- |
gests more consistent performance across examples. Also,we can see that PSNR and SSIM scores of the proposed |
method degrades to much lesser degree than scores of the |
frame-based methods (up to 1.6 dB vs. up to 5.4 dB), as we |
skip and attempt to reconstruct more frames. This suggests |
that our method is more robust to non-linear motion than |
frame-based methods. |
High Quality Frames (HQF) dataset. We also evalu- |
ate our method on High Quality Frames (HQF) dataset [35] |
collected using DA VIS240 event camera that consists of |
video sequences without blur and saturation. During eval- |
uation, we use the same methodology as for the synthetic |
datasets, with the only difference that in this case we use |
real events. In the evaluation, we consider two versions of |
our method: Time Lens-syn , which we trained only on syn- |
thetic data, and Time Lens-real , which we trained on syn- |
thetic data and fine-tuned on real event data from our own |
DA VIS346 camera. We summarise our results in Tab. 3. |
The results on the dataset are consistent with the re- |
sults on the synthetic datasets: the proposed method outper- |
forms state-of-the-art frame-based methods and produces |
more consistent results over examples. As we increase the |
number of frames that we skip, the performance gap be- |
tween the proposed method and the other methods widens |
from 2.53 dB to 4.25 dB, also the results of other methods |
become less consistent which is reflected in higher devia- |
tion of PSNR and SSIM scores. For a more detailed dis- |
cussion about the impact of frame skip length and perfor- |
mance, see the appendix. Interestingly, fine-tuning of the |
proposed method on real event data, captured by another |
camera, greatly boosts the performance of our method by |
an average of 1.94 dB. This suggest that existence of large |
domain gap between synthetic and real event data. |
High Speed Event-RGB dataset. Finally, we evaluate |
our method on our dataset introduced in § 2.1. As clear from |
Tab. 4, our method, again significantly outperforms frame- |
based and frame-plus-event-based competitors. In Fig. 7 we |
show several examples from the HS-ERGB test set which |
show that, compared to competing frame-based method, |
our method can interpolate frames in the case of nonlin- |
ear (“Umbrella” sequence) and non-rigid motion (“Water |
Bomb”), and also handle illumination changes (“Fountain |
Schaffhauserplatz” and “Fountain Bellevue”). |
4. Conclusion |
In this work, we introduce Time Lens, a method that |
can show us what happens in the blind-time between |
two intensity frames using high temporal resolution in- |
formation from an event camera. It works by leveraging |
the advantages of synthesis-based approaches, which can |
handle changing illumination conditions and non-rigid |
motions, and flow-based approach, relying on motion |
estimation from events. It is therefore robust to motion blur |
and non-linear motions. The proposed method achievesTable 2: Results on standard video interpolation benchmarks such as Middlebury [2],Vimeo90k (interpolation) [44] and |
GoPro [19]. In all cases, we use a test subset of the datasets. To compute SSIM and PSNR, we downsample the original |
video and reconstruct the skipped frames. For Middlebury and Vimeo90k (interpolation), we skip 1 and 3 frames, and for |
GoPro we skip 7 and 15 frames due its its high frame rate of 240 FPS. Uses frames andUses events indicate if a method uses |
frames and events for interpolation. For event-based methods we generate events from the skipped frames using the event |
simulator [6]. Color indicates if a method works with color frames. For SSIM and PSNR we show mean and one standard |
deviation. Note, that we can not produce results with 3 skips on the Vimeo90k dataset, since it consists of frame triplet. We |
show the best result in each column in bold and the second-best using underscore text. |
Method Uses frames Uses events Color PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM |
Middlebury [2] 1 frame skip 3 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 30.875.38 0.899 0.110 26.674.53 0.838 0.130 |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 29.755.35 0.880 0.112 26.43 5.30 0.823 0.141 |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 31.085.55 0.8960.112 27.18 5.57 0.8370.142 |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 30.836.01 0.897 0.111 26.86 5.82 0.834 0.144 |
E2VID [32] 8 4 8 11.262.82 0.427 0.184 26.86 5.82 0.834 0.144 |
EDI [26] 4 4 8 19.722.95 0.725 0.155 18.44 2.52 0.669 0.173 |
Time Lens (ours) 4 4 4 33.273.11 0.929 0.027 32.13 2.81 0.908 0.039 |
Vimeo90k (interpolation) [44] 1 frame skip 3 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 34.204.43 0.962 0.023 - - |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 32.934.23 0.948 0.035 - - |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 34.724.40 0.9620.029 - - |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 34.564.40 0.962 0.024 - - |
E2VID [32] 8 4 8 10.082.89 0.395 0.141 - - |
EDI [26] 4 4 8 20.743.31 0.748 0.140 - - |
Time Lens (ours) 4 4 4 36.313.11 0.962 0.024 - - |
GoPro [19] 7 frames skip 15 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 28.814.20 0.876 0.117 24.39 4.69 0.7360.173 |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 28.984.30 0.875 0.118 24.38 4.78 0.747 0.177 |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 28.964.38 0.876 0.119 24.324.80 0.749 0.175 |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 29.084.58 0.8750.120 23.68 4.69 0.736 0.174 |
E2VID [32] 8 4 8 9.742.11 0.549 0.094 9.75 2.11 0.549 0.094 |
EDI [26] 4 4 8 18.792.03 0.670 0.144 17.45 2.23 0.603 0.149 |
Time Lens (ours) 4 4 4 34.811.63 0.959 0.012 33.21 2.00 0.942 0.023 |
Table 3: Benchmarking on the High Quality Frames (HQF) DA VIS240 dataset. We do not fine-tune our method and other |
methods and use models provided by the authors. We evaluate methods on all sequences of the dataset. To compute SSIM |
and PSNR, we downsample the original video by skip 1 and 3 frames, reconstruct these frames and compare them to the |
skipped frames. In Uses frames andUses events columns we specify if a method uses frames and events for interpolation. |
In the Color column, we indicate if a method works with color frames. In the table, we present two versions of our method: |
Time Lens-syn , which we trained only on synthetic data, and Time Lens-real , which we trained on synthetic data and fine- |
tuned on real event data from our own DA VIS346 camera. For SSIM and PSNR, we show mean and one standard deviation. |
We show the best result in each column in bold and the second-best using underscore text. |
Method Uses frames Uses events Color PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM |
1 frame skip 3 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 29.826.91 0.875 0.124 26.10 7.52 0.782 0.185 |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 28.766.13 0.861 0.132 25.54 7.13 0.761 0.204 |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 29.767.15 0.874 0.132 26.11 7.84 0.778 0.200 |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 29.967.00 0.8750.126 26.327.78 0.7810.193 |
E2VID [32] 8 4 8 6.702.19 0.315 0.124 6.70 2.20 0.315 0.124 |
EDI [26] 4 4 8 18.76.53 0.574 0.244 18.8 6.88 0.579 0.274 |
Time Lens-syn (our) 4 4 4 30.575.01 0.903 0.067 28.98 5.09 0.873 0.086 |
Time Lens-real (ours) 4 4 4 32.494.60 0.927 0.048 30.57 5.08 0.900 0.069Figure 7: Qualitative results for the proposed method and its closes competitor DAIN [3] on our Dual Event and Color Camera |
Dataset test sequences: “Fountain Schaffhauserplatz” (top-left), “Fountain Bellevue” (bottom-left) “Water bomb” (top-right) |
and “Umbrella” (bottom-right). For each sequence, the figure shows interpolation results on the left (the animation can be |
viewed in Acrobat Reader) and close-up interpolation results on the right. The close-ups, show input left and right frame and |
intermediate interpolated frames. |
Table 4: Benchmarking on the test set of the High Speed Event and RGB camera (HS-ERGB) dataset. We report PSNR and |
SSIM for all sequences by skipping 5 and 7 frames respectively, and reconstructing the missing frames with each method. By |
design LEDVDI [15] can interpolate only 5 frames. Uses frames andUses events indicate if a method uses frames or events |
respectively. Color indicates whether a method works with color frames. For SSIM and PSNR the scores are averaged over |
the sequences. Best results are shown in bold and the second best are underlined. |
Method Uses frames Uses events Color PSNR SSIM PSNR SSIM |
Far-away sequences 5 frame skip 7 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 27.921.55 0.7800.141 27.131.75 0.7480.151 |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 25.666.24 0.727 0.221 24.16 5.20 0.692 0.199 |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 25.265.81 0.738 0.196 23.73 4.74 0.703 0.170 |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 25.626.13 0.742 0.202 24.13 4.99 0.710 0.175 |
LEDVDI [15] 4 4 8 12.501.74 0.393 0.174 n/a n/a |
Time Lens (ours) 4 4 4 33.132.10 0.877 0.092 32.31 2.27 0.869 0.110 |
Close planar sequences 5 frame skip 7 frames skips |
DAIN [3] 4 8 4 29.034.47 0.807 0.093 28.50 4.54 0:8010:096 |
SuperSloMo [10] 4 8 4 28.354.26 0.788 0.098 27.27 4.26 0:7750:099 |
RRIN [13] 4 8 4 28.694.17 0.813 0.083 27.46 4.24 0.800 0.084 |
BMBC [29] 4 8 4 29.224.45 0.8200.085 27.994.55 0.808 0.084 |
LEDVDI [15] 4 4 8 19.464.09 0.602 0.164 n/a n/a |
Time Lens (ours) 4 4 4 32.194.19 0.839 0.090 31.68 4.18 0.835 0.091 |
an up to 5.21 dB improvement over state-of-the-art |
frame-based and event-plus-frames-based methods on both |
synthetic and real datasets. In addition, we release the |
first High Speed Event and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset, |
which aims at pushing the limits of existing interpola- |
tion approaches by establishing a new benchmark for both |
event- and frame-based video frame interpolation methods.5. Acknowledgement |
This work was supported by Huawei Zurich Research |
Center; by the National Centre of Competence in Re- |
search (NCCR) Robotics through the Swiss National Sci- |
ence Foundation (SNSF); the European Research Coun- |
cil (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re- |
search and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. |
864042).6. Video Demonstration |
This PDF is accompanied with a video showing advan- |
tages of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art |
frame-based methods published over recent months, as well |
as potential practical applications of the method. |
7. Backbone network architecture |
Figure 8: Backbone hourglass network that we use in all |
modules of the proposed method. |
For all modules in the proposed method, we use the same |
backbone architecture which is an hourglass network with |
shortcut connections between the contracting and the ex- |
panding parts similar to [10] which we show in Fig. 8. |
8. Additional Ablation Experiments |
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 |
Percentage of locationsSynthesisWarped successiveWarp preceeding |
Figure 9: Percentage of pixels each interpolation method |
contributes on average to the final interpolation result for |
Vimeo90k (denoising) validation set. Note, that all meth- |
ods contribute almost equally to the final result and thus are |
equally important. |
Table 5: Importance of inter-frame events on Middlebury |
test set. To compute SSIM and PSNR, we skip one frame |
of the original video, reconstruct it and compare to the |
skipped frame. One version of the proposed method has |
access to the events synthesized from the skipped frame |
and another version does not have inter-frame information. |
We also show performance of frame-based SuperSloMo |
method [10], that is used in event simulator for reference. |
We highlight the best performing method. |
Method PSNR SSIM |
With inter-frame events (ours) 33.27 3.11 0.929 0.027 |
Without inter-frame events 29.03 4.85 0.866 0.111 |
SuperSloMo [10] 29.75 5.35 0.880 0.112 |
Importance of inter-frame events . To study the im- |
portance of additional information provided by events, we |
skip every second frame of the original video and attempt |
to reconstruct it using two versions of the proposed method.One version has access to the events synthesized from the |
skipped frame and another version does not have inter- |
frame information. As we can see from the Tab. 5, the |
former significantly outperforms the later by a margin of |
4.24dB. Indeed this large improvements can be explained |
by the fact that the method with inter-frame events has im- |
plicit access to the ground truth image it tries to recon- |
struct, albeit in the form of asynchronous events. This high- |
lights that our network is able to efficiently decode the asyn- |
chronous intermediate events to recover the missing frame. |
Moreover, this shows that the addition of events has a sig- |
nificant impact on the final task performance, proving the |
usefulness of an event camera as an auxiliary sensor. |
Importance of each interpolation method. To study |
relative importance of synthesis-based andwarping-based |
interpolation methods, we compute the percentage of pixels |
that each method contribute on average to the final interpo- |
lation result for the Vimeo90k (denoising) validation dataset |
and show the result in Fig. 9. As it is clear from the figure, |
all the methods contribute almost equally to the final result |
and thus are all equally important. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Frame Index2224262830PSNR [dB] |
SuperSlowMoOurs |
Figure 10: “Rope plot” showing interpolation quality as a |
function of distance from input boundary frames on High |
Quality Frames dataset. We skip all but every 7th frame and |
restore them using events and remaining frames. For each |
skip position, we compute average PSNR of the restored |
frame over entire dataset. We do not fine-tune the proposed |
and competing methods on the HQF dataset and simply use |
pre-trained models provided by the authors. Note, that the |
proposed method have the highest PSNR. Also, its PSNR |
decreases much slower than PSNR of other methods we |
move away from the input boundary frames. |
“Rope” plot. To study how the interpolation quality de- |
creases with the distance to the input frames, we skip all but |
every 7th frame in the input videos from the High Quality |
Frames dataset, restore them using our method and compare |
to the original frames. For each skipped frame position, we |
compute average PSNR of the restored frame over entire |
dataset and show results in Fig. 10. As clear from the fig-ure, the proposed method has the highest PSNR. Also, its |
PSNR decreases much slower than PSNR of the competing |
methods as we move away from the boundary frames. |
9. Additional Benchmarking Results |
To makes sure that the fine-tuning does not af- |
fect our general conclusions, we fine-tuned the pro- |
posed method and RRIN method [13] on subset of |
High Quality Frames dataset and test them on the |
remaining part (“poster pillar 1”, “slow andfastdesk”, |
“bike bayhdr” and “desk” sequences). We choose RRIN |
method for this experiment, because it showed good perfor- |
mance across synthetic and real datasets and it is fairly sim- |
ple. As clear from the Tab. 6, after the fine-tuning, perfor- |
mance of the proposed method remained very strong com- |
pared to the RRIN method. |
10. High Speed Events and RGB Dataset |
In this section we describe the sequences in the High- |
Speed Event and RGB (HS-ERGB) dataset. The commer- |
cially available DA VIS 346 [4] already allows the simul- |
taneous recording of events and grayscale frames, which |
are temporally and spatially synchronized. However, it has |
some shortcomings as the relatively low resolution of only |
346260 pixels of both frames and events. This is far |
below the resolution of typical frame based consumer cam- |
eras. Additionally, the DA VIS 346 has a very limited dy- |
namic range of 55 db and a maximum frame of 40 FPS. |
Those properties render it not ideal for many event based |
methods, which aim to outperform traditional frame based |
cameras in certain applications. The setup described in [40] |
shows improvements in the resolution of frames and dy- |
namic range, but has a reduced event resolution instead. The |
lack of publicly available high resolution event and color |
frame datasets and of the shelf hardware motivated the de- |
velopment of our dual camera setup. It features high reso- |
lution, high frame rate, high dynamic range color frames |
combined with high resolution events. A comparison of |
our setup with the DA VIS346[4] and the setup with beam |
splitter in [40] is shown in 7. With this new setup we col- |
lect new High Speed Events and RGB (HS-ERGB) Dataset |
that we summarize in Tab. 8. We show several fragments |
from the dataset in Fig. 12. In the following paragraphs we |
describe temporal synchronization and spatial alignment of |
frame and event data that we performed for our dataset. |
Synchronization In our setup, two cameras are hard- |
ware synchronized through the use of external triggers. |
Each time the standard camera starts and ends exposure, a |
trigger is sent to the event camera which records an exter- |
nal trigger event with precise timestamp information. This |
information allows us to assign accurate timestamps to the |
standard frames, as well as group events during exposure orbetween consecutive frames. |
Alignment In our setup event and RGB cameras are ar- |
ranged in stereo configuration, therefore event and frame |
data in addition to temporal, require spatial alignment. We |
perform the alignment in three steps: (i)stereo calibration, |
(ii)rectification and (iii) feature-based global alignment. |
We first calibrate the cameras using a standard checker- |
board pattern. The recorded asynchronous events are con- |
verted to temporally aligned video reconstructions using |
E2VID[32, 33]. Finally, we find the intrinsic and extrin- |
sics by applying the stereo calibration tool Kalibr[24] to the |
video reconstructions and the standard frames recorded by |
the color camera. We then use the found intrinsics and ex- |
trinsics to rectify the events and frames. |
Due to the small baseline and similar fields of view |
(FoV), stereo rectification is usually sufficient to align the |
output of both sensors for scenes with a large average depth |
(>40 m ). This is illustrated in Fig. 11 (a). |
For close scenes, however, events and frames are mis- |
aligned (Fig. 11 (b)). For this reason we perform the sec- |
ond step of global alignment using a homography which |
we estimate by matching SIFT features [17] extracted on |
the standard frames and video reconstructions. The homog- |
raphy estimation also utilizes RANSAC to eliminate false |
matches. When the cameras are static, and the objects of |
interest move within a plane, this yields accurate alignment |
between the two sensors (Fig.11 (c)). |
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Sequence Name Subset Camera Settings Description |
Close planar sequences |
Water bomb air (Fig. 12a) |
Train163 FPS, 1080 µsexposure, 1065 frames accelerating object, water splash |
Lighting match 150 FPS, 2972 µsexposure, 666 frames illumination change, fire |
Fountain Schaffhauserplatz 1 150 FPS, 977µsexposure, 1038 frames illumination change, fire |
Water bomb ETH 2 (Fig. 12c) 163 FPS, 323µsexposure, 3494 frames accelerating object, water splash |
Waving arms 163 FPS, 3476 µsexposure, 762 frames non-linear motion |
Popping air balloon |
Test150 FPS, 2972 µsexposure, 335 frames non-linear motion, object disappearance |
Confetti (Fig. 12e 150 FPS, 2972 µsexposure, 832 frames non-linear motion, periodic motion |
Spinning plate 150 FPS, 2971 µsexposure, 1789 frames non-linear motion, periodic motion |
Spinning umbrella 163 FPS, 3479 µsexposure, 763 frames non-linear motion |
Water bomb floor 1 (Fig. 12d) 160 FPS, 628µsexposure, 686 frames accelerating object, water splash |
Fountain Schaffhauserplatz 2 150 FPS, 977µsexposure, 1205 frames non-linear motion, water |
Fountain Bellevue 2 (Fig. 12b) 160 FPS, 480µsexposure, 1329 frames non-linear motion, water, periodic movement |
Water bomb ETH 1 163 FPS, 323µsexposure, 3700 frames accelerating object, water splash |
Candle (Fig. 12f) 160 FPS, 478µsexposure, 804 frames illumination change, non-linear motion |
Far-away sequences |
Kornhausbruecke letten x 1 |
Train163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 831 frames fast camera rotation around z-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot x 5 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 834 frames fast camera rotation around x-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot x 6 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 834 frames fast camera rotation around x-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot y 3 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 833 frames fast camera rotation around y-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot y 4 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 833 frames fast camera rotation around y-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot z 1 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 857 frames fast camera rotation around z-axis |
Kornhausbruecke rot z 2 163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 833 frames fast camera rotation around z-axis |
Sihl 4 163 FPS, 426µsexposure, 833 frames fast camera rotation around z-axis |
Tree 3 163 FPS, 978µsexposure, 832 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 4 163 FPS, 334µsexposure, 833 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 5 163 FPS, 275µsexposure, 833 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 7 163 FPS, 274µsexposure, 833 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 8 163 FPS, 274µsexposure, 832 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 9 163 FPS, 274µsexposure, 832 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 4 163 FPS, 236µsexposure, 836 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 5 163 FPS, 236µsexposure, 834 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 6 163 FPS, 235µsexposure, 832 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 7 163 FPS, 235µsexposure, 832 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 8 163 FPS, 235µsexposure, 834 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Kornhausbruecke letten random 4 |
Test163 FPS, 266µsexposure, 834 frames random camera movement |
Sihl 03 163 FPS, 426µsexposure, 834 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 01 163 FPS, 335µsexposure, 784 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Lake 03 163 FPS, 334µsexposure, 833 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 1 163 FPS, 237µsexposure, 833 frames camera rotation around z-axis |
Bridge lake 3 163 FPS, 236µsexposure, 834 frames camera rotation around z-axis(a) Water bomb air (b) Fountain Bellevue |
(c) Water bomb ETH 2 (d) Water bomb floor 1 |
(e) Confetti (f) Candle |
Figure 12: Example sequences of the HS-ERGB dataset. This figure contains animation that can be viewed in Acrobat |
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