arXiv:2106.12269v1 [cs.AI] 23 Jun 2021Improved Acyclicity Reasoning for Bayesian Network Struct ure Learning with |
Constraint Programming |
Fulya Tr ¨osser1∗,Simon de Givry1and George Katsirelos2 |
1Universit´ e de Toulouse, INRAE, UR MIAT, F-31320, Castanet -Tolosan, France |
2UMR MIA-Paris, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 75005 Paris, France |
{fulya.ural, simon.de-givry }@inrae.fr, [email protected] |
Abstract |
Bayesian networks are probabilistic graphical mod- |
els with a wide range of application areas includ- |
ing gene regulatory networks inference, risk anal- |
ysis and image processing. Learning the structure |
of a Bayesian network (BNSL) from discrete data |
is known to be an NP-hard task with a superexpo- |
nential search space of directed acyclic graphs. In |
this work, we propose a new polynomial time algo- |
rithm for discovering a subset of all possible cluster |
cuts, a greedy algorithm for approximately solving |
the resulting linear program, and a generalised arc |
consistency algorithm for the acyclicity constraint. |
We embed these in the constraint programming- |
based branch-and-bound solver CPBayes and show |
that, despite being suboptimal, they improve per- |
formance by orders of magnitude. The resulting |
solver also compares favourably with GOBNILP, a |
state-of-the-art solver for the BNSL problem which |
solves an NP-hard problem to discover each cut and |
solves the linear program exactly. |
1 Introduction |
Towards the goal of explainable AI, Bayesian networks offer |
a rich framework for probabilistic reasoning. Bayesian Net - |
work Structure Learning (BNSL) from discrete observations |
corresponds to finding a compact model which best explains |
the data. It defines an NP-hard problem with a superexponen- |
tial search space of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG). Several |
constraint-based (exploiting local conditional independ ence |
tests) and score-based (exploiting a global objective form ula- |
tion) BNSL methods have been developed in the past. |
Complete methods for score-based BNSL include dynamic |
programming [Silander and Myllym¨ aki, 2006 ], heuristic |
search [Yuan and Malone, 2013; Fan and Yuan, 2015 ], |
maximum satisfiability [Berg et al. , 2014 ], branch-and- |
cut [Bartlett and Cussens, 2017 ]and constraint program- |
ming [van Beek and Hoffmann, 2015 ]. Here, we focus on |
the latter two. |
GOBNILP [Bartlett and Cussens, 2017 ]is a state-of-the- |
art solver for BNSL. It implements branch-and-cut in an in- |
∗Contact Authorteger linear programming (ILP) solver. At each node of the |
branch-and-bound tree, it generates cuts that improve the l in- |
ear relaxation. A major class of cuts generated by GOBNILP |
arecluster cuts , which identify sets of parent sets that cannot |
be used together in an acyclic graph. In order to find cluster |
cuts, GOBNILP solves an NP-hard subproblem created from |
the current optimal solution of the linear relaxation. |
CPBayes [van Beek and Hoffmann, 2015 ]is a constraint |
programming-based (CP) method for BNSL. It uses a CP |
model that exploits symmetry and dominance relations |
present in the problem, subproblem caching, and a pattern |
database to compute lower bounds, adapted from heuris- |
tic search [Fan and Yuan, 2015 ]. van Beek and Hoffmann |
showed that CPBayes is competitive with GOBNILP in many |
instances. In contrast to GOBNILP, the inference mech- |
anisms of CPBayes are very lightweight, which allows it |
to explore many orders of magnitude more nodes per time |
unit, even accounting for the fact that computing the patter n |
databases before search can sometimes consume considerabl e |
time. On the other hand, the lightweight pattern-based boun d- |
ing mechanism can take into consideration only limited in- |
formation about the current state of the search. Specificall y, |
it can take into account the current total ordering implied b y |
the DAG under construction, but no information that has been |
derived about the potential parent sets of each vertex, i.e. , the |
current domains of parent set variables. |
In this work, we derive a lower bound that is computation- |
ally cheaper than that computed by GOBNILP. We give in |
Section 3 a polynomial-time algorithm that discovers a clas s |
of cluster cuts that provably improve the linear relaxation . In |
Section 4, we give a greedy algorithm for solving the linear |
relaxation, inspired by similar algorithms for MaxSAT and |
Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems (WCSP). Finall y, |
in Section 5 we give an algorithm that enforces generalised |
arc consistency on the acyclicity constraint, based on pre- |
vious work by van Beek and Hoffmann, but with improved |
complexity and practical performance. In Section 6, we show |
that our implementation of these techniques in CPBayes lead s |
to significantly improved performance, both in the size of th e |
search tree explored and in runtime. |
2 Preliminaries |
We give here only minimal background on (inte- |
ger) linear programming and constraint program-ming, and refer the reader to existing literature |
[Papadimitriou and Steiglitz, 1998; Rossi et al. , 2006 ] |
for more. |
Constraint Programming |
A constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is a tuple /a\}bracketle{tV,D,C/a\}bracketri}ht, |
whereVis a set of variables, Dis a function mapping vari- |
ables to domains and C is a set of constraints. An assignment |
AtoV′⊆Vis a mapping from each v∈V′toD(v). A |
complete assignment is an assignment to V. If an assignment |
mapsvtoa, we say it assigns v=a. A constraint is a pair |
/a\}bracketle{tS,P/a\}bracketri}ht, whereS⊆Vis the scope of the constraint and Pis |
a predicate over/producttext |
V∈SD(V)which accepts assignments to |
Sthatsatisfy the constraint. For an assignment AtoS′⊇S, |
letA′|Sbe the restriction of AtoS. We say that Asatisfies |
c=/a\}bracketle{tS,P/a\}bracketri}htifA|Ssatisfiesc. A problem is satisfied by Aif |
Asatisfies all constraints. |
For a constraint c=/a\}bracketle{tS,P/a\}bracketri}htand forv∈S,a∈D(v), |
v=ais generalized arc consistent (GAC) for cif there exists |
an assignment Athat assigns v=aand satisfies c. If for all |
v∈S,a∈D(v),v=ais GAC for c, thencis GAC. If |
all constraints are GAC, the problem is GAC. A constraint is |
associated with an algorithm fc, called the propagator for c, |
that removes (or prunes ) values from the domains of variables |
inSthat are not GAC. |
CSPs are typically solved by backtracking search, using |
propagators to reduce domains at each node and avoid parts |
of the search tree that are proved to not contain any solution s. |
Although CSPs are decision problems, the technology can be |
used to solve optimization problems like BNSL by, for ex- |
ample, using branch-and-bound and embedding the bounding |
part in a propagator. This is the approach used by CPBayes. |
Integer Linear Programming |
A linear program (LP) is the problem of finding |
min{cTx|x∈Rn∧Ax≥b∧x≥0} |
wherecandbare vectors, Ais a matrix, and xis a vector |
of variables. A feasible solution of this problem is one that |
satisfiesx∈Rn∧Ax≥b∧x≥0and an optimal solution is a |
feasible one that minimizes the objective function cTx. This |
can be found in polynomial time. A row Aicorresponds to |
an individual linear constraint and a column AT |
jto a variable. |
The dual of a linear program Pin the above form is another |
linear program D: |
max{bTy|y∈Rm∧ATy≤c∧y≥0} |
whereA,b,c are as before and yis the vector of dual vari- |
ables. Rows of the dual correspond to variables of the primal |
and vice versa. The objective value of any dual feasible so- |
lution is a lower bound on the optimum of P. WhenPis |
satisfiable, its dual is also satisfiable and the values of the ir |
optima meet. For a given feasible solution ˆxofP, the slack |
of constraint iisslackˆx(i) =AT |
ix−bi. Given a dual feasible |
solutionˆy,slackD |
ˆy(i)is the reduced cost of primal variable |
i,rcˆy(i). The reduced cost rcˆy(i)is interpreted as a lower |
bound on the amount that the dual objective would increase |
overbTˆyifxiis forced to be non-zero in the primal.An integer linear program (ILP) is a linear program in |
which we replace the constraint x∈Rnbyx∈Znand it |
is an NP-hard optimization problem. |
Bayesian Networks |
A Bayesian network is a directed graphical model B= |
/a\}bracketle{tG,P/a\}bracketri}htwhereG=/a\}bracketle{tV,E/a\}bracketri}htis a directed acyclic graph (DAG) |
called the structure of BandPare its parameters. A BN |
describes a normalised joint probability distribution. Ea ch |
vertex of the graph corresponds to a random variable and |
presence of an edge between two vertices denotes direct con- |
ditional dependence. Each vertex viis also associated with |
a Conditional Probability Distribution P(vi|parents(vi)). |
The CPDs are the parameters of B. |
The approach which we use here for learning a BN from |
data is the score-and-search method. Given a set of mul- |
tivariate discrete data I={I1,...,I N}, a scoring func- |
tionσ(G|I)measures the quality of the BN with un- |
derlying structure G. The BNSL problem asks to find a |
structure Gthat minimises σ(G|I)for some scoring |
function σand it is NP-hard [Chickering, 1995 ]. Several |
scoring functions have been proposed for this purpose, in- |
cluding BDeu [Buntine, 1991; Heckerman et al. , 1995 ]and |
BIC [Schwarz, 1978; Lam and Bacchus, 1994 ]. These func- |
tions are decomposable and can be expressed as the sum |
of local scores which only depend on the set of parents |
(from now on, parent set ) of each vertex: σF(G|I) =/summationtext |
v∈Vσv |
F(parents(v)|I)forF∈ {BDeu,BIC}. In |
this setting, we first compute local scores and then com- |
pute the structure of minimal score. Although there are |
potentially an exponential number of local scores that have |
to be computed, the number of parent sets actually con- |
sidered is often much smaller, for example because we re- |
strict the maximum cardinality of parent sets considered or |
we exploit dedicated pruning rules [de Campos and Ji, 2010; |
de Campos et al. , 2018 ]. We denote PS(v)the set of candi- |
date parent sets of vandPS−C(v)those parent sets that do |
not intersect C. In the following, we assume that local scores |
are precomputed and given as input, as is common in similar |
works. We also omit explicitly mentioning IorF, as they are |
constant for solving any given instance. |
LetCbe a set of vertices of a graph G.Cis a violated |
cluster if the parent set of each vertex v∈Cintersects C. |
Then, we can prove the following property: |
Property 1. A directed graph G=/a\}bracketle{tV,E/a\}bracketri}htis acyclic if and |
only if it contains no violated clusters, i.e., for all C⊆V, |
there exists v∈C, such that parents(v)∩C=∅. |
The GOBNILP solver [Bartlett and Cussens, 2017 ]formu- |
lates the problem as the following 0/1 ILP: |
min/summationdisplay |
v∈V,S⊆V\{v}σv(S)xv,S (1) |
s.t./summationdisplay |
S∈PS(v)xv,S= 1 ∀v∈V (2) |
/summationdisplay |
v∈C,S∈PS−C(v)xv,S≥1∀C⊆V (3) |
xv,S∈{0,1} ∀ v∈V,S∈PS(v)(4)Algorithm 1: Acyclicity Checker |
acycChecker (V, D) |
order←{} |
changes←true |
whilechanges do |
changes←false |
foreachv∈V\order do |
if∃S∈D(v)s.t.(S∩V)⊆order then |
1 order←order+v |
changes←true |
returnorder |
This ILP has a 0/1 variable xv,Sfor each candidate parent |
setSof each vertex vwherexv,S= 1means that Sis the par- |
ent set of v. The objective (1) directly encodes the decompo- |
sition of the scoring function. The constraint (2) asserts t hat |
exactly one parent set is selected for each random variable. |
Finally, the cluster inequalities (3) are violated when Cis a |
violated cluster. We denote the cluster inequality for clus ter |
Cascons(C)and the 0/1 variables involved as varsof(C). |
As there is an exponential number of these, GOBNILP gen- |
erates only those that improve the current linear relaxatio n |
and they are referred to as cluster cuts . This itself is an NP- |
hard problem [Cussens et al. , 2017 ], which GOBNILP also |
encodes and solves as an ILP. Interestingly, these inequali - |
ties are facets of the BNSL polytope [Cussens et al. , 2017 ], |
so stand to improve the relaxation significantly. |
The CPBayes solver [van Beek and Hoffmann, 2015 ] |
models BNSL as a constraint program. The CP model has a |
parent set variable for each random variable, whose domain |
is the set of possible parent sets, as well as order variables , |
which give a total order of the variables that agrees with |
the partial order implied by the DAG. The objective is the |
same as (1). It includes channelling constraints between |
the set of variables and various symmetry breaking and |
dominance constraints. It computes a lower bound using |
two separate mechanisms: a component caching scheme |
and a pattern database that is computed before search and |
holds the optimal graphs for all orderings of partitions |
of the variables. Acyclicity is enforced using a global |
constraint with a bespoke propagator. The main routine |
of the propagator is acycChecker (Algorithm 1), which |
returns an order of all variables if the current set of domain s |
of the parent set variables may produce an acyclic graph, or |
a partially completed order if the constraint is unsatisfiab le. |
This algorithm is based on Property 1. |
Briefly, the algorithm takes the domains of the parent set |
variables as input and greedily constructs an ordering of th e |
variables, such that if variable vis later in the order than v′, |
thenv /∈parents(v′)1. It does so by trying to pick a parent |
setSfor an as yet unordered vertex such that Sis entirely |
contained in the set of previously ordered vertices2. If all |
assignments yield cyclic graphs, it will reach a point where |
1We treatorder as both a sequence and a set, as appropriate. |
2When propagating the acyclicity constraint it always holds that |
a∩V=a, so this statement is true. In section 3.1, we use the |
algorithm in a setting where this is not always the case.all remaining vertices are in a violated cluster in all possi ble |
graphs, and it will return a partially constructed order. If there |
exists an assignment that gives an acyclic graph, it will be |
possible by property 1 to select from a variable in V\order |
a parent set which does not intersect V\order , hence is a |
subset of order . The value Schosen for each variable in |
line 1 also gives a witness of such an acyclic graph. |
An immediate connection between the GOBNILP and CP- |
Bayes models is that the ILP variables xv,S,∀S∈PS(v)are |
the direct encoding [Walsh, 2000 ]of the parent set variables |
of the CP model. Therefore, we use them interchangeably, |
i.e., we can refer to the value SinD(v)asxv,S. |
3 Restricted Cluster Detection |
One of the issues hampering the performance of CPBayes is |
that it computes relatively poor lower bounds at deeper leve ls |
of the search tree. Intuitively, as the parent set variable d o- |
mains get reduced by removing values that are inconsistent |
with the current ordering, the lower bound computation dis- |
cards more information about the current state of the proble m. |
We address this by adapting the branch-and-cut approach of |
GOBNILP. However, instead of finding all violated cluster |
inequalities that may improve the LP lower bound, we only |
identify a subset of them. |
Consider the linear relaxation of the ILP (1)– (4), restrict ed |
to a subsetCof all valid cluster inequalities, i.e., with equa- |
tion (4) replaced by 0≤xv,S≤1∀v∈V,S∈PS(v)and |
with equation (3) restricted only to clusters in C. We denote |
thisLPC. We exploit the following property of this LP. |
Theorem 1. Letˆybe a dual feasible solution of LPCwith |
dual objective o. Then, if Cis a cluster such that C /∈C |
and the reduced cost rcof all variables varsof(C)is greater |
than 0, there exists a dual feasible solution ˆyofLPC∪Cwith |
dual objective o′≥o+minrc(C)whereminrc(C) = |
minx∈varsof(C)rcˆy(x). |
Proof. The only difference from LPCtoLPC∪Cis the ex- |
tra constraint cons(C)in the primal and corresponding dual |
variableyC. In the dual, yConly appears in the dual con- |
straints of the variables varsof(C)and in the objective, al- |
ways with coefficient 1. Under the feasible dual solution |
ˆy∪{yC= 0}, these constraints have slack at least minrc(C), |
by the definition of reduced cost. Therefore, we can set |
ˆy= ˆy∪{yC=minrc(C)}, which remains feasible and |
has objective o′=o+minrc(C), as required. |
Theorem 1 gives a class of cluster cuts, which we call RC- |
clusters, for reduced-cost clusters, guaranteed to improv e the |
lower bound. Importantly, this requires only a feasible, pe r- |
haps sub-optimal, solution. |
Example 1 (Running example) .Consider a BNSL instance |
with domains as shown in Table 1 and let C=∅. Then,ˆy= 0 |
leaves the reduced cost of every variable to exactly its prim al |
objective coefficient. The corresponding ˆxassigns 1 to vari- |
ables with reduced cost 0 and 0 to everything else. These are |
both optimal solutions, with cost 0 and ˆxis integral, so it is |
also a solution of the corresponding ILP . However, it is not a |
solution of the BNSL, as it contains several cycles, includi ngVariable Domain Value Cost |
0{2} 0 |
1{2,4} 0 |
{} 6 |
2{1,3} 0 |
{} 10 |
3{0} 0 |
{} 5 |
4{2,3} 0 |
{3} 1 |
{2} 2 |
{} 3 |
Table 1: BNSL instance used as running example. |
Algorithm 2: Lower bound computation with RC- |
clusters |
lowerBoundRC (V, D,C) |
ˆy←DualSolve (LPC(D)) |
while True do |
2C←V\acycChecker (V,Drc |
C,ˆy) |
3 ifC=∅then |
return/a\}bracketle{tcost(ˆy),C/a\}bracketri}ht |
C←minimise (C) |
C←C∪{ C} |
ˆy←DualImprove (ˆy,LPC(D),C) |
C={0,2,3}. The cluster inequality cons(C)is violated in |
the primal and allows the dual bound to be increased. |
We consider the problem of discovering RC-clusters within |
the CP model of CPBayes. First, we introduce the nota- |
tionLPC(D)which is LPCwith the additional constraint |
xv,S= 0 for eachS /∈D(v). Conversely, Drc |
C,ˆyis the set |
of domains minus values whose corresponding variable in |
LPC(D)has non-zero reduced cost under ˆy, i.e.,Drc |
C,ˆy=D′ |
whereD′(v) ={S|S∈D(v)∧rcˆy(xv,S) = 0}. With |
this notation, for values S /∈D(v),xv,S= 1 is infeasible in |
LPC(D), hence effectively rcˆy(xv,S) =∞. |
Theorem 2. Given a collection of clusters C, a set of domains |
Dandˆy, a feasible dual solution of LPC(D), there exists |
an RC-cluster C /∈C if and only if Drc |
C,ˆydoes not admit an |
acyclic assignment. |
Proof.(⇒)LetCbe such a cluster. Since for all xv,S∈ |
varsof(C), none of these are in Drc |
C,ˆy, socons(C)is violated |
and hence there is no acyclic assignment. |
(⇐)Consider once again acycChecker , in Algorithm 1. |
When it fails to find a witness of acyclicity, it has reached |
a point where order/subsetnoteqlVand for the remaining variables |
C=V\order , all allowed parent sets intersect C. So if |
acycChecker is called with Drc |
C,ˆy, all values in varsof(C) |
have reduced cost greater than 0, so Cis an RC-cluster. |
Theorem 2 shows that detecting unsatisfiability of Drc |
C,ˆyis |
enough to find an RC-cluster. Its proof also gives a way to |
extract such a cluster from acycChecker . |
Algorithm 2 shows how theorems 1 and 2 can be used |
to compute a lower bound. It is given the current set ofdomains and a set of clusters as input. It first solves the |
dual ofLPC(D), potentially suboptimally. Then, it uses |
acycChecker iteratively to determine whether there exists |
an RC-cluster Cunder the current dual solution ˆy. If that |
cluster is empty, there are no more RC-clusters, and it termi - |
nates and returns a lower bound equal to the cost of ˆyunder |
LPC(D)and an updated pool of clusters. Otherwise, it min- |
imisesC(see section 3.1), adds it to the pool of clusters and |
solves the updated LP. It does this by calling DualImprove , |
which solves LPC(D)exploiting the fact that only the cluster |
inequality cons(C)has been added. |
Example 2. Continuing our example, consider the behav- |
ior ofacycChecker with domains Drc |
∅,ˆyafter the initial dual |
solutionˆy= 0. Since the empty set has non-zero reduced |
cost for all variables, acycChecker fails with order={}, |
henceC=V. We postpone discussion of minimization for |
now, other than to observe that Ccan be minimized to C1= |
{1,2}. We add cons(C1)to the primal LP and set the dual |
variable of C1to 6 in the new dual solution ˆy1. The reduced |
costs ofx1,{}andx2,{}are decreased by 6 and, importantly, |
rcˆy1(x1,{}) = 0 . In the next iteration of lowerBoundRC , |
acycChecker is invoked on Drc |
{C1},ˆy1and returns the clus- |
ter{0,2,3,4}. This is minimized to C2={0,2,3}. The |
parent sets in the domains of these variables that do not in- |
tersectC2arex2,{}andx3,{}, sominrc(C2) = 4 , so we add |
cons(C2)to the primal and we set the dual variable of C2 |
to 4 inˆy2. This brings the dual objective to 10. The reduced |
cost ofx2,{}is 0, so in the next iteration acycChecker runs |
onDrc |
{C1,C2},ˆy2and succeeds with the order {2,0,3,4,1}, so |
the lower bound cannot be improved further. This also hap- |
pens to be the cost of the optimal structure. |
Theorem 3. Algorithm 2 terminates but is not confluent. |
Proof. It terminates because there is a finite number of cluster |
inequalities and each iteration generates one. In the extre me, |
all cluster inequalities are in Cand the test at line 3 succeeds, |
terminating the algorithm. |
To see that it is not confluent, consider an example with 3 |
clustersC1={v1,v2},C2={v2,v3}andC3={v3,v4} |
and assume that the minimum reduced cost for each cluster is |
unit and comes from x2,{4}andx3,{1}, i.e., the former value |
has minimum reduced cost for C1andC2and the latter for C2 |
andC3. Then, if minimisation generates first C1, the reduced |
cost ofx3,{1}is unaffected by DualImprove , so it can then |
discoverC3, to get a lower bound of 2. On the other hand, |
if minimisation generates first C2, the reduced costs of both |
x2,{4}andx3,{1}are decreased to 0 by DualImprove , so |
neitherC1norC3are RC-clusters under the new dual solution |
and the algorithm terminates with a lower bound of 1. |
Related Work. The idea of performing propagation on the |
subset of domains that have reduced cost 0 has been used |
in the V AC algorithm for WCSPs [Cooper et al. , 2010 ]. Our |
method is more light weight, as it only performs propagation |
on the acyclicity constraint, but may give worse bounds. The |
bound update mechanism in the proof of theorem 1 is also |
simpler than V AC and more akin to the “disjoint core phase” |
in core-guided MaxSAT solvers [Morgado et al. , 2013 ].3.1 Cluster Minimisation |
It is crucial for the quality of the lower bound produced by Al - |
gorithm 2 that the RC-clusters discovered by acycChecker |
are minimised, as the following example shows. Empirically , |
omitting minimisation rendered the lower bound ineffectiv e. |
Example 3. Suppose that we attempt to use lowerBoundRC |
without cluster minimization. Then, we use the cluster |
given byacycChecker ,C1={0,1,2,3,4}. We have |
minrc(C1) = 3 , given from the empty parent set value of |
all variables. This brings the reduced cost of x4,{}to 0. |
It then proceeds to find the cluster C2={0,1,2,3}with |
minrc(C2) = 2 and decrease the reduced cost of x3,{}to |
0, thenC3={0,1,2}withminrc(C3) = 1 , which brings |
the reduced cost of x1,{}to 0. At this point, acycChecker |
succeeds with the order {4,3,1,2,0}andlowerBoundRC re- |
turns a lower bound of 6, compared to 10 with minimization. |
The order produced by acycChecker also disagrees with the |
optimum structure. |
Therefore, when we get an RC-cluster Cat line 2 of algo- |
rithm 2, we want to extract a minimal RC-cluster (with re- |
spect to set inclusion) from C, i.e., a cluster C′⊆C, such |
that for all∅⊂C′′⊂C′,C′′is not a cluster. |
Minimisation problems like this are handled with an ap- |
propriate instantiation of QuickXPlain [Junker, 2004 ]. These |
algorithms find a minimal subset of constraints, not variabl es. |
We can pose this as a constraint set minimisation problem by |
implicitly treating a variable as the constraint “this vari able is |
assigned a value” and treating acyclicity as a hard constrai nt. |
However, the property of being an RC-cluster is not mono- |
tone. For example, consider the variables {v1,v2,v3,v4} |
andˆysuch that the domains restricted to values with 0 re- |
duced cost are{{v2}},{{v1}},{{v4}},{{v3}}, respectively. |
Then{v1,v2,v3,v4},{v1,v2}and{v3,v4}are RC-clusters. |
but{v1,v2,v3}is not because the sole value in the do- |
main ofv3does not intersect{v1,v2,v3}. We instead min- |
imise the set of variables that does not admit an acyclic so- |
lution and hence contains an RC-cluster. A minimal un- |
satisfiable set that contains a cluster is an RC-cluster, so |
this allows us to use the variants of QuickXPlain. We fo- |
cus on RobustXPlain, which is called the deletion-based al- |
gorithm in SAT literature for minimising unsatisfiable sub- |
sets[Marques-Silva and Menc´ ıa, 2020 ]. The main idea of the |
algorithm is to iteratively pick a variable and categorise i t as |
either appearing in all minimal subsets of C, in which case |
we mark it as necessary, or not, in which case we discard |
it. To detect if a variable appears in all minimal unsatisfi- |
able subsets, we only have to test if omitting this variable |
yields a set with no unsatisfiable subsets, i.e., with no vio- |
lated clusters. This is given in pseudocode in Algorithm 3. |
This exploits a subtle feature of acycChecker as described |
in Algorithm 1: if it is called with a subset of V, it does not |
try to place the missing variables in the order and allows par - |
ent sets to use these missing variables. Omitting variables |
from the set given to acycChecker acts as omitting the con- |
straint that these variables be assigned a value. The com- |
plexity ofMinimiseCluster isO(n3d), wheren=|V|and |
d= max v∈V|D(v)|, a convention we adopt throughout.Algorithm 3: Find a minimal RC-cluster subset of C |
MinimiseCluster (V, D, C) |
N=∅ |
whileC/\e}atio\slash=∅do |
Pickc∈C |
C←C\{c} |
C′←V\acycChecker (N∪C,D) |
ifC′=∅then |
N←N∪{c} |
else |
C←C′\N |
returnN |
4 Solving the Cluster LP |
Solving a linear program is in polynomial time, so in princip le |
DualSolve can be implemented using any of the commercial |
or free software libraries available for this. However, sol ving |
this LP using a general LP solver is too expensive in this set- |
ting. As a data point, solving the instance steelBIC with |
our modified solver took 25,016 search nodes and 45 sec- |
onds of search, and generated 5,869RC-clusters. Approx- |
imately 20% of search time was spent solving the LP using |
the greedy algorithm that we describe in this section. CPLEX |
took around 70 seconds to solve LPCwith these cluster in- |
equalities once. While this data point is not proof that solv ing |
the LP exactly is too expensive, it is a pretty strong indicat or. |
We have also not explored nearly linear time algorithms for |
solving positive LPs [Allen-Zhu and Orecchia, 2015 ]. |
Our greedy algorithm is derived from theorem 1. Observe |
first thatLPCwithC=∅, i.e., only with constraints (2) has |
optimal dual solution ˆy0that assigns the dual variable yvof/summationtext |
S∈PS(v)xv,S= 1 tominS∈PS(v)σv(S). That leaves at |
least one of xv,S,S∈PS(v)with reduced cost 0 for each |
v∈V.DualSolve starts with ˆy0and then iterates over C. |
Givenˆyi−1and a cluster C, it setsˆyi= ˆyi−1ifCis not |
an RC-cluster. Otherwise, it increases the lower bound by |
c=minrc(C)and setsˆyi= ˆyi−1∪{yC=c}. It remains to |
specify the order in which we traverse C. |
We sort clusters by increasing size |C|, breaking ties by |
decreasing minimum cost of all original parent set values |
invarsof(C). This favours finding non-overlapping cluster |
cuts with high minimum cost. In section 6, we give experi- |
mental evidence that this computes better lower bounds. |
DualImprove can be implemented by discarding previ- |
ous information and calling DualSolve (LPC(D)). Instead, |
it uses the RC-cluster Cto update the solution without revis- |
iting previous clusters. |
In terms of implementation, we store varsof(C)for each |
cluster, not cons(C). During DualSolve , we maintain the |
reduced costs of variables rather than the dual solution, ot h- |
erwise computing each reduced cost would require iterating |
over all cluster inequalities that contain a variable. Spec ifi- |
cally, we maintain ∆v,S=σv(S)−rcˆy(xv,S). In order to |
test whether a cluster Cis an RC-cluster, we need to com- |
puteminrc(C). To speed this up, we associate with each |
stored cluster a support pair (v,S)corresponding to the lastminimum cost found. If rcˆy(v,S) = 0 , the cluster is not an |
RC-cluster and is skipped. Moreover, parent set domains are |
sorted by increasing score σv(S), soS≻S′⇐⇒σv(S)> |
σv(S′). We also maintain the maximum amount of cost |
transferred to the lower bound, ∆max |
v= max S∈D(v)∆v,S |
for every v∈V. We stop iterating over D(v)as soon as |
σv(S)−∆max |
v is greater than or equal to the current mini- |
mum because∀S′≻S,σv(S′)−∆v,b≥σv(S)−∆max |
v. |
In practice, on very large instances 97.6%of unproductive |
clusters are detected by support pairs and 8.6%of the current |
domains are visited for the rest3. |
To keep a bounded-memory cluster pool, we discard fre- |
quently unproductive clusters. We throw away large cluster s |
with a productive ratio#productive |
#productive +#unproductivesmaller |
than1 |
1,000. Clusters of size 10 or less are always kept because |
they are often more productive and their number is bounded. |
5 GAC for the Acyclicity Constraint |
Previously, van Beek and |
Hoffmann [van Beek and Hoffmann, 2015 ]showed that |
usingacycChecker as a subroutine, one can construct a |
GAC propagator for the acyclicity constraint by probing, |
i.e., detecting unsatisfiability after assigning each indi vidual |
value and pruning those values that lead to unsatisfiability . |
acycChecker is inO(n2d), so this gives a GAC propagator |
inO(n3d2). We show here that we can enforce GAC in time |
O(n3d), a significant improvement given that dis usually |
much larger than n. |
SupposeacycChecker finds a witness of acyclicity and |
returns the order O={v1,...,v n}. Every parent set Sof |
a variable vthat is a subset of {v′|v′≺Ov}is supported |
byO. We call such values consistent with O. Consider now |
S∈D(vi)which is inconsistent with O, therefore we have to |
probe to see if it is supported. We know that during the probe, |
nothing forcesacycChecker to deviate from{v1,...,v i−1}. |
So in a successful probe, acycChecker constructs a new or- |
derO′which is identical to Oin the first i−1positions and |
in which it moves vifurther down. Then all values consistent |
withO′are supported. This suggests that instead of probing |
each value, we can probe different orders. |
Acyclicity-GAC , shown in Algorithm 4, exploits this in- |
sight. It ensures first that acycChecker can produce a valid |
orderO. For each variable v, it constructs a new order O′ |
fromOso thatvis as late as possible. It then prunes all par- |
ent set values of vthat are inconsistent with O′. |
Theorem 4. Algorithm 4 enforces GAC on the Acyclicity con- |
straint in O(n3d). |
Proof. Letv∈VandS∈D(v). LetO={O1,...,O n} |
andQ={Q1,...,Q n}be two valid orders such that O |
does not support SwhereasQdoes. It is enough to show |
that we can compute from Oa new order O′that supports |
Sby pushing vtowards the end. Let Oi=Qj=vand |
letOp={O1,...,O (i−1)},Qp={Q1,...,Q (j−1)}and |
Os={Oi+1,...,O n}. |
3See the supplementary material for more.Algorithm 4: GAC propagator for acyclicity |
Acyclicity-GAC (V , D) |
O←acycChecker (V,D) |
ifO/subsetnoteqlVthen |
return Failure |
foreachv∈Vdo |
changes←true |
i←O−1(v) |
prefix←{O1,...,O i−1} |
4 whilechanges do |
changes←false |
foreachw∈O\(prefix∪{v})do |
if∃S∈D(w)s.t.S⊆prefix then |
prefix←prefix∪{w} |
changes←true |
Prune{S|S∈D(v)∧S/notsubseteqlprefix} |
return Success |
LetO′be the order Opfollowed by Qp, followed by v, |
followed by Os, keeping only the first occurrence of each |
variable when there are duplicates. O′is a valid order: Op |
is witnessed by the assignment that witnesses O,Qpby the |
assignment that witnesses Q,vbyS(as inQ) andOsby the |
assignment that witnesses O. It also supports S, as required. |
Complexity is dominated by repeating O(n)times the loop |
at line 4, which is a version of acycChecker so has complex- |
ityO(n2d)for a total O(n3d). |
6 Experimental Results |
6.1 Benchmark Description and Settings |
The datasets come from the UCI Machine Learning Reposi- |
tory4, the Bayesian Network Repository5, and the Bayesian |
Network Learning and Inference Package6. Local scores |
were computed from the datasets using B. Malone’s code7. |
BDeu and BIC scores were used for medium size instances |
(less than 64 variables) and only BIC score for large instanc es |
(above 64 variables). The maximum number of parents was |
limited to 5 for large instances (except for accidents.test |
with maximum of 8), a high value that allows even learning |
complex structures [Scanagatta et al. , 2015 ]. For example, |
jester.test has 100 random variables, a sample size of |
4,116and770,950parent set values. For medium instances, |
no restriction was applied except for some BDeu scores (limi t |
sets to 6 or 8 to complete the computation of the local scores |
within 24 hours of CPU-time [Lee and van Beek, 2017 ]). |
We have modified the C++ source of CPBayes v1.1 by |
adding our lower bound mechanism and GAC propagator. |
We call the resulting solver ELSA and have made it publicly |
available. For the evaluation, we compare with GOBNILP |
v1.6.3 using SCIP v3.2.1 with cplex v12.7.0. All compu- |
tations were performed on a single core of Intel Xeon E5- |
2680 v3 at 2.50 GHz and 256 GB of RAM with a 1-hour |
4http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml |
5http://www.bnlearn.com/bnrepository |
6https://ipg.idsia.ch/software.php?id=132 |
7http://urlearning.orgInstance |V|/summationtext|ps(v)|GOBNILP CPBayes ELSA ELSA\GAC ELSAchrono |
carpo100 BIC 60 424 0.6 78.5 (29.7) 40.6 (0.0) 40.7 (0.0) 40.6 (0.0) |
alarm1000 BIC 37 1003 1.2 204.2 (172.9) 27.8 (0.7) 28.8 (1.5) 29.9 (2.7) |
flagBDe 29 1325 4.4 19.0 (18.1) 0.9(0.1) 0.9 (0.1) 1.3 (0.5) |
wdbc BIC 31 14614 99.8 629.8 (576.6) 48.9 (1.6) 49.1 (1.7) 50.3 (3.1) |
kdd.ts 64 43584 327.6 † 1314.5 (158.2) 1405.4 (239.5) 1663.2 (512.4) |
steel BIC 28 93027 †1270.9 (1218.9) 98.0 (49.2) 99.2 (50.1) 130.0 (81.2) |
kdd.test 64 152873 1521.7 † 1475.3 (120.6) 1515.9 (128.5) 1492.4 (109.5) |
mushroom BDe 23 438186 † 176.4 (56.0) 135.4 (33.7) 137.0 (35.0) 133.7 (31.9) |
bnetflix.ts 100 446406 † 629.0 (431.4) 1065.1 (878.4) 1111.4 (931.0) 1132.4 (936.3) |
plants.test 69 520148 † †18981.9 (17224.0) 30791.2 (29073.0) † |
jester.ts 100 531961 † † 10166.0 (9697.9) 14915.9 (14470.1) 23877.6 (23325.7) |
accidents.ts 111 568160 1274.0 † 2238.7 (904.5) 2260.3 (986.1) 2221.1 (904.8) |
plants.valid 69 684141 † † 12347.6 (8509.7) 19853.1 (15963.1) † |
jester.test 100 770950 † †17637.8 (16979.2) 21284.0 (20661.9) † |
bnetflix.test 100 1103968 †3525.2 (3283.8) 8197.7 (7975.6) 8057.3 (7841.4) 7915.0 (7686.3) |
bnetflix.valid 100 1325818 †1456.6 (1097.0) 9282.0 (8950.3) 10220.5 (9898.4) 9619.7 (9257.4) |
accidents.test 111 1425966 4975.6 † 3661.7 (641.5) 4170.1 (1213.6) 3805.2 (687.6) |
Table 2: Comparison of ELSA against GOBNILP and CPBayes. Tim e limit for instances above the line is 1h, for the rest 10h. In stances are |
sorted by increasing total domain size. For variants of CPBa yes we report in parentheses time spent in search, after prep rocessing finishes. † |
indicates a timeout. |
(resp. 10-hour) CPU time limit for medium (resp. large) |
size instances. We used default settings for GOBNILP with |
no approximation in branch-and-cut ( limits/gap= 0 ). We |
used the same settings in CPBayes and ELSA for their pre- |
processing phase (partition lower bound sizes lmin,lmax and |
local search number of restarts rmin,rmax). We used two |
different settings depending on problem size |V|:lmin= |
20,lmax= 26,rmin= 50,rmax= 500 if|V|≤64, else |
lmin= 20,lmax= 20,rmin= 15,rmax= 30 . |
6.2 Evaluation |
In Table 2 we present the runtime to solve each instance to |
optimality with GOBNILP, CPBayes, and ELSA with default |
settings, without the GAC algorithm and without sorting the |
cluster pool (leaving clusters in chronological order, rat her |
than the heuristic ordering presented in Section 4). For the in- |
stances with/bardblV/bardbl≤64(resp.>64), we had a time limit of 1 |
hour (resp. 10 hours). We exclude instances that were solved |
within the time limit by GOBNILP and have a search time of |
less than 10 seconds for CPBayes and all variants of ELSA. |
We also exclude 8 instances that were not solved to optimalit y |
by any method. This leaves us 17 instances to analyse here |
out of 69 total. More details are given in the supplemental |
material, available from the authors’ web pages. |
Comparison to GOBNILP. CPBayes was al- |
ready proven to be competitive to GOBNILP |
[van Beek and Hoffmann, 2015 ]. Our results in Table 2 |
confirm this while showing that neither is clearly better. |
When it comes to our solver ELSA, for all the variants, all |
instances solved within the time limit by GOBNILP are |
solved, unlike CPBayes. On top of that, ELSA solves 9 more |
instances optimally. |
Comparison to CPBayes. We have made some low-level |
performance improvements in preprocessing of CPBayes, so |
for a more fair comparison, we should compare only thesearch time, shown in parentheses. ELSA takes several or- |
ders of magnitude less search time to optimally solve most |
instances, the only exception being the bnetflix instances. |
ELSA also proved optimality for 8 more instances within the |
time limit. |
Gain from GAC. The overhead of GAC pays off as the in- |
stances get larger. While we do not see either a clear im- |
provement nor a downgrade for the smaller instances, search |
time for ELSA improves by up to 47% for larger instances |
compared to ELSA \GAC. |
Gain from Cluster Ordering. We see that the ordering |
heuristic improves the bounds computed by our greedy dual |
LP algorithm significantly. Compared to not ordering the |
clusters, we see improved runtime throughout and 3 more in- |
stances solved to optimality. |
7 Conclusion |
We have presented a new set of inference techniques for |
BNSL using constraint programming, centered around the ex- |
pression of the acyclicity constraint. These new technique s |
exploit and improve on previous work on linear relaxations o f |
the acyclicity constraint and the associated propagator. T he |
resulting solver explores a different trade-off on the axis of |
strength of inference versus speed, with GOBNILP on one |
extreme and CPBayes on the other. We showed experimen- |
tally that the trade-off we achieve is a better fit than either ex- |
treme, as our solver ELSA outperforms both GOBNILP and |
CPBayes. The major obstacle towards better scalability to |
larger instances is the fact that domain sizes grow exponen- |
tially with the number of variables. This is to some degree |
unavoidable, so our future work will focus on exploiting the |
structure of these domains to improve performance.Acknowledgements |
We thank the GenoToul (Toulouse, France) Bioinformatics |
platform for its support. This work has been partly funded |
by the “Agence nationale de la Recherche” (ANR-16-CE40- |
0028 Demograph project and ANR-19-PIA3-0004 ANTI- |
DIL chair of Thomas Schiex). |
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