AMU-EURANOV A at CASE 2021 Task 1: Assessing the stability of |
multilingual BERT |
L´eo Bouscarrat1;2, Antoine Bonnefoy1, C´ecile Capponi2, Carlos Ramisch2 |
1EURA NOV A, Marseille, France |
2Aix Marseille Univ, Universit ´e de Toulon, CNRS, LIS, Marseille, France |
fleo.bouscarrat, antoine.bonnefoy [email protected] |
fleo.bouscarrat, cecile.capponi, carlos.ramisch [email protected] |
Abstract |
This paper explains our participation in task 1 |
of the CASE 2021 shared task. This task is |
about multilingual event extraction from news. |
We focused on sub-task 4, event information |
extraction. This sub-task has a small training |
dataset and we fine-tuned a multilingual BERT |
to solve this sub-task. We studied the instabil- |
ity problem on the dataset and tried to mitigate |
it. |
1 Introduction |
Event extraction is becoming more and more impor- |
tant as the number of online news increases. This |
task consists of extracting events from documents, |
especially news. An event is defined by a group of |
entities that give some information about the event. |
Therefore, the goal of this task is to extract, for |
each event, a group of entities that define the event, |
such as the place and time of the event. |
This task is related but still different from named |
entity recognition (NER) as the issue is to group |
the entities that are related to the same event, and |
differentiate those related to different events. This |
difference makes the task harder and also compli- |
cates the annotation. |
In the case of this shared task, the type of events |
to extract is protests (H ¨urriyeto ˘glu et al., 2021a,b). |
This shared task is in the continuation of two previ- |
ous shared tasks at CLEF 2019 (H ¨urriyeto ˘glu et al., |
2019) and AESPEN (H ¨urriyeto ˘glu et al., 2020). |
The first one deals with English event extraction |
with three sub-tasks: document classification, sen- |
tence classification, and event information extrac- |
tion. The second focuses on event sentence co- |
reference identification, whose goal is to group |
sentences related to the same events. |
This year, task 1 is composed of the four afore- |
mentioned tasks and adds another difficulty: multi- |
linguality. This year’s data is available in English,Spanish, and Portuguese. Thus, it is important to |
note that there is much more data in English than |
in the other languages. For the document classi- |
fication sub-task, to test multilingual capabilities, |
Hindi is available on the testing set only. |
We have mainly focused on the last sub-task |
(event information extraction), but we have also |
submitted results for the first and second sub-tasks |
(document and sentence classification). We used |
multilingual BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), hence- |
forth M-BERT, which is a model known to obtain |
near state-of-the-art results on many tasks. It is also |
supposed to work well for zero-or-few-shot learn- |
ing on different languages (Pires et al., 2019). We |
will see the results on these sub-tasks, especially |
for sub-task 4 where the training set available for |
Spanish and Portuguese is small. |
Thus, one of the issues with transformer-based |
models such as M-BERT is the instability on small |
datasets (Dodge et al., 2020; Ruder, 2021). The |
instability issue is the fact that by changing some |
random seeds before the learning phase but using |
the same architecture, data and hyper-parameters |
the results can have a great variance. We will look |
at some solutions to mitigate this issue, and how |
this issue is impacting our results for sub-task 4.1 |
2 Tasks and data |
Sub-tasks 1 and 2 can be seen as binary sequence |
classification, where the goal is to say if a given |
sequence is part of a specific class. In our case, a |
classifier must predict whether a document contains |
information about an event for sub-task 1 or if a |
sentence contains information about an event for |
sub-task 2. |
Document and sentence classification tasks, sub- |
tasks 1 and 2, are not our main research interest. |
1Our code is available here: https://github.com/ |
euranova/AMU-EURANOVA-CASE-2021arXiv:2106.14625v2 [cs.CL] 4 Aug 2021Figure 1: Example of a snippet from sub-task 4. |
Moreover, the datasets provided for these tasks |
are less interesting (reasonable amount of training |
data). |
On the other hand, sub-task 4 not only has less |
training data available but also requires more fine- |
grained token-based prediction. The goal of sub- |
task 4 is to extract event information from snippets |
that contain sentences speaking about the same |
event. H ¨urriyeto ˘glu et al. (2019) have defined that |
an event has the following information classes (ex- |
ample in Figure 1): |
•Time, which indicates when the protest took |
place, |
•Facility name, which indicates in which facil- |
ity the protest took place, |
•Organizer, which indicates who organized the |
protest, |
• Participant, which indicates who participated |
in the protest, |
•Place, which indicates where the protest took |
place in a more general area than the facility |
(city, region, ...), |
•Target, which indicates against whom or what |
the protest took place, |
•Trigger, which is a specific word or group of |
words that indicate that a protest took place |
(examples: protested, attack, ...), |
Thus, not all the snippets contain all the classes, |
and they can contain several times the same classes. |
Each information can be composed of one or sev- |
eral adjacent words. Each snippet contains infor- |
mation related to one and only one event. |
As the data is already separated into groups |
of sentences related to the same event, our ap- |
proach consists of considering a task of named |
entity recognition with the aforementioned classes. |
Multilingual BERT has already been used for multi- |
lingual named entity recognition and showed great |
results compared to state-of-the-art models (Hakala |
and Pyysalo, 2019).The data is in BIO format (Ramshaw and Mar- |
cus, 1995), where each word has a B tag or an I tag |
of a specific class or an O tag. The B tag means |
beginning and marks the beginning of a new entity. |
The tag I means inside, which has to be preceded |
by another I tag or a B tag, and marks that the word |
is inside an entity but not the first word of the entity. |
Finally, the O-tag means outside, which means the |
word is not part of an entity. |
3 System overview |
Our model is based on pre-trained multilingual |
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). This model has been |
pretrained on multilingual Wikipedia texts. To bal- |
ance the fact that the data is not equally distributed |
between all the languages the authors used expo- |
nential smoothed weighting to under-sample the |
most present languages and over-sample the rarest |
ones. This does not perfectly balance all the lan- |
guages but it reduces the impact of low-resourced |
languages. |
The authors of the M-BERT paper shared the |
weights of a pretrained model that we use to do fine- |
tuning. Fine-tuning a model consists of taking an |
already trained model on a specific task and using |
this model as a starting point of the training for the |
task of interest. This approach has reached state- |
of-the-arts in numerous tasks. In the case of M- |
BERT, the pre-training tasks are Masked Language |
Modeling (MLM) and Next Sentence Prediction |
(NSP). |
To be able to learn our task, we add a dense layer |
on top of the outputs of M-BERT and learn it during |
the fine-tuning. All our models are fine-tuning all |
the layers of M-BERT. |
The implementation is the one from Hugging- |
Face’s ‘transformers’ library (Wolf et al., 2020). To |
train it on our data, the model is fine-tuned on each |
sub-task. |
3.1 Sub task 1 and 2 |
For sub-tasks 1 and 2, we approach these tasks |
as binary sequence classification, as the goal is to |
predict whether or not a document (sub-task 1) orsentence (sub-task 2) contains relevant information |
about a protest event. Thus the size of the output |
of the dense layer is 2. We then perform an argmax |
on these values to predict a class. We use the base |
parameters in HuggingFace’s ’transformers’ library. |
The loss is a cross-entropy, the learning rate is |
handled by an AdamW optimizer (Loshchilov and |
Hutter, 2019) and the activation function is a gelu |
(Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2016). We use a dropout |
of 10% for the fully connected layers inside M- |
BERT and the attention probabilities. |
One of the issues with M-BERT is the limited |
length of the input, as it can only take 512 tokens, |
which are tokenized words. M-BERT uses the |
wordpiece tokenizer (Wu et al., 2016). A token is |
either a word if the tokenizer knows it, if it does not |
it will separate it into several sub-tokens which are |
known. For sub-task 1, as we are working with en- |
tire documents, it can be frequent that a document |
is longer than this limit and has to be broken down |
into several sub-documents. To retain contexts in |
each sub-documents we use an overlap of 150 to- |
kens, which means between two sub-documents, |
they will have 150 tokens in common. Our method |
to output a class, in this case, is as follows: |
• tokenize a document, |
•if the tokenized document is longer than |
the 512-tokens limit, create different sub- |
documents with 150-tokens overlaps between |
each sub-document, |
• generate a prediction for each sub-document, |
•average all the predictions from sub- |
documents originated from the same docu- |
ment, |
• take the argmax of the final prediction. |
3.2 Sub-task 4 |
For sub-task 4, our approach is based on word |
classification where we predict a class for each |
word of the documents. |
One issue is that as words are tokenized and can |
be transformed into several sub-tokens we have to |
choose how to choose the prediction of a multi- |
token word. Our approach is to take the prediction |
of the first token composing a word as in Hakala |
and Pyysalo (2019). |
We also have to deal with the input size as some |
documents are longer than the limit. In this case,we separate them into sub-documents with an over- |
lap of 150. Our approach is: |
• tokenize a document, |
•if the tokenized document is longer than |
the 512-tokens limit, create different sub- |
documents with 150-tokens overlaps between |
each sub-document, |
• generate a prediction for each sub-document, |
•reconstruct the entire document: take the first |
and second sub-documents, average the pre- |
diction for the same tokens (from the overlap), |
keep the prediction for the others, then use |
the same process with the obtained document |
and the next sub-document. As the size of |
each sequence is 512 and the overlap is only |
150, no tokens can be in more than 2 different |
sequences, |
•take the argmax of the final prediction for each |
word. |
3.2.1 Soft macro-F1 loss |
We used a soft macro-F1 loss (Lipton et al., 2014). |
This loss is closer than categorical cross-entropy on |
BIO labels to the metric used to evaluate systems |
in the shared task. The main issue with F1 is its |
non-differentiability, so it cannot be used as is but |
must be modified to become differentiable. The F1 |
score is based on precision and recall, which in turn |
are functions of the number of true positives, false |
positives, and false negatives. These quantities are |
usually defined as follows: |
tp=X |
i2tokens(pred (i)true (i)) |
fp=X |
i2tokens(pred (i)(1 true (i))) |
fn=X |
i2tokens((1 pred (i))true (i)) |
With: |
•tokens , the list of tokens in a document, |
•true(i) , 0 if the true label of the token i is of |
the negative class, 1 if the true label is of the |
positive class |
•pred(i) , 0 if the predicted label of the token i |
is of the negative class, 1 if the predicted label |
is of the positive classAs we use macro-F1 loss, we compute the F1 |
score for each class where the positive class is the |
current class and negative any other class, e.g. if |
the reference class is B-trigger, then true(i)=1 for |
B-trigger and true(i)=0 for all other classes when |
macro-averaging the F1. |
We replace the binary function pred(i) by a func- |
tion outputting the predicted probability of the to- |
ken i to be of the positive class: |
soft tp=X |
i2tokens(proba (i)true (i)) |
soft fp=X |
i2tokens(proba (i)(1 true (i))) |
soft fn=X |
i2tokens((1 proba (i))true (i)) |
With proba(i) outputting the probability of the |
token i to be of the positive class, this probability is |
the predicted probability resulting from the softmax |
activation of the fine-tuning network. |
Then we compute, in a similar fashion as a nor- |
mal F1, the precision and recall using the soft defi- |
nitions of the true positive, false positive, and false |
negative. And finally we compute the F1 score with |
the given precision and recall. As a loss function is |
a criterion to be minimized whereas F1 is a score |
that we would like to maximize, the final loss is |
1 F1. |
3.2.2 Recommendation for improved stability |
A known problem of Transformers-based models |
is the training instability, especially with small |
datasets (Dodge et al., 2020; Ruder, 2021). Dodge |
et al. (2020) explain that two elements that have |
much influence on the stability are the data order |
and the initialization of the prediction layer, both |
controlled by pseudo-random numbers generated |
from a seed. To study the impact of these two el- |
ements on the models’ stability, we freeze all the |
randomness on the other parts of the models and |
change only two different random seeds: |
•the data order, i.e. the different batches and |
their order. Between two runs the model will |
see the same data during each epoch but the |
batches will be different, as the batches are |
built beforehand and do not change between |
epochs, |
•the initialization of the linear layer used to |
predict the output of the model.Another recommendation to work with |
Transformers-based models and small data made |
by Mosbach et al. (2021) is to use smaller learning |
rates but compensating with more epochs. We have |
taken this into account during the hyper-parameter |
search. |
Ruder (2021) recommend using behavioral fine- |
tuning to reduce fine-tuning instabilities. It is sup- |
posed to be especially helpful to have a better ini- |
tialization of the final prediction layer. It has also al- |
ready been used on named entity recognition tasks |
(Broscheit, 2019) and has shown that it has im- |
proved results for a task with a very small training |
dataset. Thus, to do so, we need a task with the |
same number of classes, but much larger training |
datasets. As we did not find such a task, we de- |
cided to fine-tune our model on at least the different |
languages we are working with, English, Spanish |
and Portuguese. We used named entity recognition |
datasets and kept only three classes in common in |
all the datasets: person, organization, and location. |
These three types of entities can be found in the |
shared task. |
To perform this test, the training has been done |
like that: |
•the first fine-tuning is done on the concatena- |
tion of NER datasets in different languages, |
once the training is finished we save all the |
weights of the model, |
•we load the weights of the previous model, |
except for the weights of the final prediction |
layer which are randomized with a given seed, |
•we train the model on the dataset of the shared |
task. |
4 Experimental setup |
4.1 Data |
The dataset of the shared task is based on articles |
from different newspapers in different languages. |
More information about this dataset can be found |
in (H ¨urriyeto ˘glu et al., 2021a) |
For the final submissions of sub-tasks 1, 2, and 4 |
we divided the dataset given for training purposes |
into two parts with 80% for training and 20% for |
evaluation during the system training phase. We |
then predicted the data given for testing purposes |
during the shared task evaluation phase. The quan- |
tity of data for each sub-task and language can be |
found in Table 1. We can note that the majority ofSub-task English Spanish Portuguese |
Sub-task 1 9,324 1,000 1,487 |
Sub-task 2 22,825 2,741 1,182 |
Sub-task 4 808 33 30 |
Table 1: Number of elements for each sub-task for each |
language in the data given for training purposes. Docu- |
ments for sub-task 1, sentences for sub-task 2, snippet |
(group of sentences about one event) for sub-task 4. |
Dataset Train Eval Test |
CoNLL 2003 14,041 3,250 3,453 |
CoNLL 2002 8,324 1,916 1,518 |
HAREM 121 8 128 |
Table 2: Number of elements for each dataset used in |
the behavioral fine-tuning in each split. |
the data is in English. Spanish and Portuguese are |
only a small part of the dataset. |
For all the experiments made on sub-task 4, we |
divided the dataset given for training purposes into |
three parts with 60% for training, 20% for evaluat- |
ing and 20% for testing. |
To be able to do our approach of behavioral fine- |
tuning, we needed some Named Entity Recognition |
datasets in English, Spanish and Portuguese. For |
English we used the CoNLL 2003 dataset (Tjong |
Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003), for Spanish the |
Spanish part of the CoNLL 2002 dataset (Tjong |
Kim Sang, 2002) and for Portuguese the HAREM |
dataset (Santos et al., 2006). Each of these datasets |
had already three different splits for training, devel- |
opment and test. Information about their size can |
be found in Table 2. |
The dataset for Portuguese is pretty small com- |
pared to the two others, but the impact of the size |
can be interesting to study. |
4.2 Hyper-parameter search |
For sub-task 4, we did a hyper-parameter search |
to optimize the results. We used Ray Tune (Liaw |
et al., 2018) and the HyperOpt algorithm Bergstra |
et al. (2013). We launched 30 different trainings, |
all the information about the search space and the |
hyper-parameters can be found in A.1. The goal is |
to optimize the macro-F1 on the evaluation set. |
Our goal was to find a set of hyper-parameters |
that performs well to use always the same in the |
following experiments. We also wanted to evaluate |
the impacts of the hyper-parameters on the training.4.3 Behavioral fine-tuning |
For the first part of the behavioral fine-tuning, |
we trained an M-BERT model on the three NER |
datasets for one epoch. We only learn for one epoch |
for timing issues, as the learning on this datasets |
takes several hours. We then fine-tune the resulting |
models with the best set of hyper-parameters found |
with the hyper-parameter search. |
4.4 Stability |
To study the stability of the model and the impact |
of behavioral fine-tuning we made 6 sets of experi- |
ments with 20 experiments in each set: |
•normal fine-tuning with random data order |
and frozen initialization of final layer, |
•normal fine-tuning with frozen data order and |
random initialization of final layer, |
•normal fine-tuning with random data order |
and random initialization of final layer, |
•behavioral fine-tuning with random data order |
and frozen initialization of final layer, |
•behavioral fine-tuning with frozen data order |
and random initialization of final layer, |
•behavioral fine-tuning with random data order |
and random initialization of final layer, |
Once again it is important to note that what we |
called behavioral fine-tuning is different from be- |
havioral fine-tuning as proposed by Ruder (2021), |
as we reset the final layer. Only the weights of all |
the layers of M-BERT are modified. |
For each set of experiments we will look at |
the average of the macro-F1, as implemented in |
Nakayama (2018), and the standard deviation of |
the macro-F1 on the training dataset, on the evalua- |
tion dataset, and on three different test datasets, one |
for each language. Thus we will be able to assess |
the importance of the instability, if our approach to |
behavioral fine-tuning helps to mitigate it and if it |
has similar results across the languages. |
We can also note that in our implementation |
the batches are not randomized. They are built |
once before the learning phase and do not change, |
neither in content nor order of passage, between |
each epoch.Figure 2: (Top) Parallel coordinates plot of the 30 experiments on sub-task 4 during the hyper-parameter search in |
function of the value of the hyper-parameters and the value of the F1 on the evaluation set. Each line represents an |
experiment, and each column a specific hyper-parameter, except the last which is the value of the metric. (Bottom) |
Same plot with the worst results removed to have a better view of the best results. |
5 Results |
5.1 Hyper-parameter search |
The results of the hyper-parameter search can be |
seen in Figure 2. On the top pictures which repre- |
sent the 30 experiments, we can see that a specific |
hyper-parameter seems to impact the worst results |
(in blue). This parameter is the learning rate, we |
can see it in the red box on the top image, all the |
blue lines are at the bottom, which means these |
experiments had a small learning rate. It seems |
that we obtain the best results with a learning rate |
around 5e-05 (0.00005), lower than 1e-06 seems to |
give bad results. |
We can then focus on the bottom picture, with |
the same type of plot but with the worst results |
removed. Another hyper-parameter that seems to |
have an impact is the number of training epochs, |
40 seems better than 20. We use a high number of |
epochs as recommended by Mosbach et al. (2021) |
to limit the instability. Beyond the learning rate and |
number of epochs, it is then hard to find impactful |
hyper-parameters. |
Finally, the set of hyper-parameters that has been |
selected is:• Adafactor: True |
• Number of training epochs: 40 |
• Adam beta 2: 0.99 |
• Adam beta 1: 0.74 |
• Maximum gradient norm: 0.17 |
• Adam epsilon: 3e-08 |
• Learning rate: 5e-05 |
• Weight decay: 0.36 |
For the stability experiments, the number of |
training epochs have been reduced to 20 for speed |
purposes. For the first part of the behavioral fine- |
tuning, the learning rate has been set to 1e-05 as |
more data were available. |
5.2 Behavioral fine-tuning |
The results on the test dataset of each model after |
one epoch of training can be found in Table 5. |
We could not compare to state-of-the-art NER |
models on these three datasets as we do not take all |
the classes (classes such as MISC were removedData Init layer Train Eval Test EN Test ES Test PT |
NRand Fix 86.11 (1.08) 69.34 (1.01) 71.80 (.85) 54.33 (3.43) 73.14 ( 1.96) |
Fix Rand 86.88 (.53) 70.03 (.63) 71.68 ( .53)55.02 (3.28) 74.51 (2.41) |
Rand Rand 86.63 (1.08) 69.56 (.97) 71.94 (.72) 54.73 (3.44) 74.08 (3.37) |
BRand Fix 85.79 (.97) 69.32 (1.00) 71.60 (.54) 54.69 (2.99) 74.01 (2.92) |
Fix Rand 86.20 (.55) 69.57 ( .51)71.80 (.58) 53.97 (3.90) 74.50 (2.67) |
Rand Rand 86.11 (.87) 69.40 (.80) 71.85 (.73) 55.51 (2.82)74.97 (2.66) |
Table 3: Average macro-F1 score, higher is better (standard deviation, lower is better) of the 20 experiments with |
the specified setup. N means normal fine-tuning and B behavioral fine-tuning. Data means data order and Init layer |
means initialization of the final layer. Rand means random, and fix refers to frozen. |
English Spanish Portuguese Hindi |
Sub-task 1 53.46 (84.55) 46.47 (77.27) 46.47 (84.00) 29.66 (78.77) |
Sub-task 2 75.64 (85.32) 76.39 (88.61) 81.61 (88.47) / |
Sub-task 4 69.96 (78.11) 56.64 (66.20) 61.87 (73.24) / |
Table 4: Score of our final submissions for each sub-task, in parenthesis the score achieved by the best scoring |
team on each sub-task. |
Dataset Test macro-F1 |
CoNLL 2003 89.8 |
CoNLL 2002 86.1 |
HAREM 76.1 |
Table 5: Macro-F1 score of the NER task on the test |
split of each dataset used in behavioral fine-tuning after |
training the base M-BERT for 1 epoch. |
before the learning phase). The metrics used on |
these datasets are not by classes, so the comparison |
cannot be made. However, the results are already |
much better than what a random classifier would |
output, thus the weights of the models should al- |
ready be better than the weights of the base model. |
5.3 Stability |
The results of the different sets of experiments can |
be found in Table 3. First, we can see that the dif- |
ference between behavioral fine-tuning and normal |
fine-tuning is not important enough to say one is |
better than the other. We can also note that the |
standard deviation is small for English, but not |
negligible for Spanish and Portuguese. |
5.4 Final submission |
The results of the final submissions can be found |
in Table 4. We can see that our results are lower |
than the best results, especially for sub-task 1 with |
a difference of between 30 to 50 macro-F1 score |
depending on the language, whereas for sub-tasks2 and 4 the difference is close to 10 macro-F1 score |
for all the languages. |
6 Conclusion |
6.1 Sub-task 1 and 2 |
As we can see in Table 4, our final results for sub- |
task 1 are much lower than the best results, but for |
sub-task 2 the difference is smaller. This is interest- |
ing as the tasks are pretty similar, thus expected the |
difference between our results and the best results |
to be of the same magnitude. |
One explanation could be our approach to han- |
dle documents longer than the input of M-BERT. |
We have chosen to take the average of the sub- |
documents, but if one part of a document contains |
an event the entire document does too. We may |
have better results looking if one sub-document at |
least is considered as having an event. |
It is then hard to compare to other models as we |
have chosen to use one model for all the languages |
and we do not know the other approaches. |
6.2 Sub-task 4 |
For sub-task 4 we have interesting results for all |
the languages, even for Spanish and Portuguese, |
as we were not sure that we could learn this task |
in a supervised fashion with the amount of data |
available. In a further study, we could compare our |
results with results obtained by fine-tuning mono- |
lingual models, where we fine-tune one model for |
each language with only the data of one language.This could show the impact of having data if using |
a multilingual model instead of several monolin- |
gual models improves or not the results. We do not |
expect good results for Spanish and Portuguese as |
the training dataset is pretty limited. The results |
seem to comfort the claim of (Pires et al., 2019) |
that M-BERT works well for few-shot learning on |
other languages. |
The other question for sub-task 4 was about in- |
stability. In Table 3 we can see that the instability is |
way more pronounced for Spanish and Portuguese. |
It seems logical as we have fewer data available |
in Spanish and Portuguese than in English. The |
standard deviation for Spanish and Portuguese is |
large and can have a real impact on the final re- |
sults. Finding good seeds could help to improve |
the results for Spanish and Portuguese. |
Furthermore, our approach of behavioral fine- |
tuning did not help to reduce the instabilities. It |
was expected that one of the sources of the insta- |
bility is the initialization of the prediction, and in |
our approach, the initialization of this layer is still |
random. In our approach, we only fine-tune the |
weights of M-BERT. This does not seem to work |
and reinforces the advice of Ruder (2021) that us- |
ing behavioral fine-tuning is more useful for having |
a good initialization of the final prediction layer. |
On the two sources of randomness we studied, |
data order seems the most impactful for English, |
where we have more data. Nonetheless, for Span- |
ish and Portuguese, the two sources have a large |
impact. In a further study, we could see how the |
quantity of data helps to decrease the impact of |
these sources of instabilities. |
For the final submissions, the macro-F1 score |
for English and Portuguese is beneath the average |
macro-F1 score we found during our development |
phases. This could be due to bad seeds for random- |
ness or because the splits are different. We did not |
try to find the best-performing seeds for the final |
submissions. |
Acknowledgments |
We thank Damien Fourrure, Arnaud Jacques, Guil- |
laume Stempfel and our anonymous reviewers for |
their helpful comments. |
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A Appendix |
A.1 Hyper-parameter search |
The space search for our hyper-parameter search |
was: |
•Number of training epochs: value in [20, 25, |
30, 40], |
•Weight decay: uniform distribution between |
0.001 and 1, |
•Learning rate: value in [1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5, 4e-5, |
5e-5, 6e-5, 2e-7, 1e-7, 3e-7, 2e-8], |
• Adafactor: value in ”True”, ”False”, |
•Adam beta 1: uniform distribution between 0 |
and 1, |
•Adam beta 2: uniform distribution between 0 |
and 1, |
•Epsilon: value in [1e-8, 2e-8, 3e-8, 1e-9, 2e-9, |
3e-10], |
•Maximum gradient norm: uniform distribu- |
tion between 0 and 1.For the HyperOpt algorithm we used two set |
of hyper-parameters to help finding a good sub- |
space. We maximized the macro-F1 on the evalu- |
ation dataset, and set the number of initial points |
before starting the algorithm to 5. |