Keep it Simple: Unsupervised Simplification of Multi-Paragraph Text |
Philippe Laban |
UC BerkeleyTobias Schnabel |
MicrosoftPaul N. Bennett |
MicrosoftMarti A. Hearst |
UC Berkeley |
Abstract |
This work presents Keep it Simple (KiS), a |
new approach to unsupervised text simplifica- |
tion which learns to balance a reward across |
three properties: fluency, salience and simplic- |
ity. We train the model with a novel algorithm |
to optimize the reward ( k-SCST), in which |
the model proposes several candidate simpli- |
fications, computes each candidate’s reward, |
and encourages candidates that outperform the |
mean reward. Finally, we propose a realis- |
tic text comprehension task as an evaluation |
method for text simplification. When tested on |
the English news domain, the KiS model out- |
performs strong supervised baselines by more |
than 4 SARI points, and can help people com- |
plete a comprehension task an average of 18% |
faster while retaining accuracy, when com- |
pared to the original text. |
1 Introduction |
The main objective of text simplification is to make |
a complex text accessible to a wide audience by |
increasing its readability. In contrast with text sum- |
marization – in which key content is selected to |
remain in the summary and other content is elided |
– in text simplification, ideally all relevant content |
is preserved. |
We propose that text simplification algorithms |
need to balance three properties: (1) fluency : the |
simplified text should use well-formed English sen- |
tences, (2) salience : the simplified text should relay |
the same information as the original, and (3) sim- |
plicity : the simplified text should be syntactically |
and lexically simpler than the original. |
Figure 1 provides intuition for the necessity of |
each of the three properties. It shows the origi- |
nal text and the output of the full proposed model |
compared to three reduced versions: |
Author emails: fphillab,hearst [email protected], |
fTobias.Schnabel,Paul.N.Bennett [email protected] |
Original: NASA's Curiosity rover just celebrated a major |
milestone — 3,000 days on the surface of Mars. T o mark the |
occasion, the space agency has released a stunning new |
panorama of the red planet, captured by the rover . |
Model Full: NASA's Curiosity rover has now passed 3,000 |
days of travel on the surface of Mars. T o mark the milestone, |
the space agency released a huge panorama of Mars, as |
seen by the rover . |
Model No Fluency: NASA's Curiosity rover . celebrated. A |
major milestone — 3,000 days on. The of.. T o mark. The |
space agency has. a stunning new panorama.. red planet. |
captured by . The rover . However |
Model No Salience: NASA's Curiosity rover just celebrated a |
major milestone. The space agency has released a stunning |
new panoramic of the red planet, captured by the team. It |
was by the rover's panoramic camera. |
Model No Simplicity: NASA's Curiosity rover has celebrated |
a major milestone, 3,000 days on the ground of Mars. T o |
mark the occasion, the space agency has unveiled a stunning |
new panoramic view of the red planet, captured by the rover .Figure 1: Motivating example for the KiS method, |
based on a CBS article (Lewis, 2021). We optimize a |
three-component reward: fluency, salience and simplic- |
ity. We show model outputs when trained with all three |
components, and with a missing component. |
Without Fluency , the generator has no incen- |
tive to generate full sentences, and learns it can |
boost the simplicity score by generating short |
phrases with excessive punctuation. |
Without Salience , the generator does not gain |
by covering facts in the original text, and can im- |
prove the simplicity score by learning to remove |
facts (e.g., not mentioning planet Mars by name). |
Without Simplicity , the generator is not guided |
to favor syntactically and lexically simpler re- |
writes. In Figure 1, Model No Simplicity is in fact |
more complex than the original according to read- |
ability measures. |
As we show in the related work section (Sec- |
tion 2), there are no high-quality, large datasets |
publicly released for text simplification. In this |
work, we build on recent progress of reinforcement |
learning (RL)-based training of text generators: wearXiv:2107.03444v1 [cs.CL] 7 Jul 2021formulate a reference-free reward for text simplifi- |
cation and directly optimize it, circumventing the |
need for aligned data. |
Our main contribution is the Keep it Simple |
(KiS) procedure, a novel unsupervised method for |
text simplification. Applied to the English news do- |
main, KiS outperforms several supervised models |
on common simplification metrics such as SARI |
(Xu et al., 2016) and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade |
Level (Kincaid et al., 1975). |
A second contribution is a new algorithm for RL- |
based training of text generators, k-SCST, which |
is an extension of Self-Critical Sequence Training |
(Rennie et al., 2017). For each input, we generate |
ksampled outputs (vs. 2 in SCST), and use the |
mean population reward as a baseline. We show in |
Section 4 that in our domain, k-SCST outperforms |
models trained with SCST. |
A third contribution is a novel evaluation method |
for text simplification. Based on the assumption |
that simplified text should enable faster reading |
with better understanding, we propose a realistic |
Text Comprehension task. We show that people |
reading texts simplified by KiS are able to complete |
comprehension tasks faster than comparison texts. |
Another departure from previous work is that we |
work with paragraphs as units of text. Most work |
in text simplification is done at the sentence level, |
despite work such as Zhong et al. (2020) showing |
that common simplification phenomena occur at |
the level of the paragraph, (e.g., the deletion, inser- |
tion or re-ordering of full sentences). Specifically, |
we train our models to simplify full paragraphs, |
and evaluate our models in a human evaluation on |
short documents (i.e., 3-4 paragraphs). |
Through rigorous empirical evaluation, we |
demonstrate the strong performance of our ap- |
proach; automated results show that this unsuper- |
vised approach is able to outperform strong su- |
pervised models by 4 SARI points or more. We |
publicly released the code and model checkpoints1. |
2 Related Work |
Simplification Datasets. Early datasets were first |
based on Simple Wikipedia2: WikiSmall (Zhu |
et al., 2010), later expanded into WikiLarge (Zhang |
and Lapata, 2017). Xu et al. (2015) show there are |
quality concerns with Simple Wikipedia datasets, |
1https://github.com/tingofurro/keep_ |
it_simple |
2https://simple.wikipedia.org/and propose Newsela3as a replacement. Newsela |
is a project led by educators re-writing news ar- |
ticles targeting different school grade levels. We |
view Newsela as the gold-standard for our work, |
and use the public Newsela release of 1,911 groups |
of articles to design and evaluate our work. Us- |
ing a coarse paragraph alignment algorithm, we |
extract 40,000 paired simple/complex paragraphs |
targeting a separation of 4 grade levels. We call |
this dataset the paired Newsela dataset , which we |
use for analysis and baseline training. |
Seq2Seq for Simplification . Text simplifica- |
tion is most commonly framed as a sequence-to- |
sequence (seq2seq) task, leveraging model archi- |
tectures of other seq2seq tasks, such as natural ma- |
chine translation (Zhu et al., 2010; Wubben et al., |
2012). Martin et al. (2020) introduce ACCESS, a |
finetuned Transformer model that achieves state- |
of-the-art performance on WikiLarge. ACCESS |
can customize simplifications on parameters such |
as compression rate and paraphrase amount. We |
directly compare our approach to ACCESS. |
Data availability remains one of the main lim- |
itations to seq2seq-based text simplification. We |
side-step this issue entirely by working with unsu- |
pervised data, only requiring a small dataset with |
coarse-level alignments for calibration. |
Lexical Simplification focuses on the substi- |
tution of single words or phrases with simpler |
equivalents, with diverse approaches using lexical |
databases such as WordNet (Thomas and Anderson, |
2012), to using contextualized word vectors (Qiang |
et al., 2020). These methods tend to be limited, as |
they do not consider syntactic complexity, and have |
no direct way of modeling deletions and insertions. |
We incorporate a lexical score ( LScore ) as one of |
the rewards in our simplicity component. |
Text-edit for Simplification . Recent work |
(Dong et al., 2019; Stahlberg and Kumar, 2020) |
has modeled text simplification as a text-edit task, |
learning sequences of word-edits that transform the |
input into the output. Text editing offers explain- |
ability, at the cost of added model complexity. We |
find that without explicitly representing edits, the |
KiS model easily learns to copy (using attention |
heads) and deviate from the original text. Outputs |
can be post-processed into edits, if desired. |
Unsupervised Simplification has mostly been |
limited to lexical simplification. Recently Surya |
et al. (2019) (Unsup NTS) proposed a system that |
3https://newsela.com/can perform both lexical and syntactic simplifica- |
tion, with a joint encoder, and two decoders (simple |
and complex). We directly compare our unsuper- |
vised approach to Unsup NTS. |
RL for Simplification . Prior work (Zhang and |
Lapata, 2017; Guo et al., 2018) used Reinforce- |
ment Learning (RL)-based simplification. How- |
ever, in both cases, components of the reward or |
training procedure involved reference simplifica- |
tions, requiring an aligned dataset. By designing |
a reference-free reward, we are able to train our |
model with RL without supervision. |
Evaluation of Simplification . This usually falls |
into two categories: automatic offline evaluation, |
and human evaluation. Automatic evaluations usu- |
ally involve using n-gram overlap calculations such |
as BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and SARI (Xu |
et al., 2016)). SARI was shown to correlate better |
with human judgements of simplicity than BLEU, |
and it has since become a standard (Zhang and Lap- |
ata, 2017; Surya et al., 2019; Martin et al., 2020). In |
our experiments, we report both SARI and BLEU. |
Human evaluation is typically done in an intrin- |
sicway – e.g., by directly rating factors like fluency, |
simplicity and relevance of model outputs (Surya |
et al., 2019; Wubben et al., 2012). In this work, |
we propose an extrinsic, task-based protocol. In |
our comprehension study, we directly measure how |
much simplified texts can help a human reader an- |
swer questions more efficiently. The closest to our |
evaluation design is that of Angrosh et al. (2014) |
with the important difference that we require par- |
ticipants to resubmit after erroneous answers. In |
pilot studies, we found this step to be crucial for |
high-quality responses. |
3 KiS Components |
In KiS, we approach unsupervised simplification as |
a (non-differentiable) reward maximization prob- |
lem. As shown in Figure 2, there are four compo- |
nents to the reward: simplicity, fluency, salience |
and guardrails which are jointly optimized. This |
is essential to avoid trivial solutions that only con- |
sider subsets. We therefore use the product of all |
components as the total reward, because the prod- |
uct is sensitive to the sharp decrease of a single |
component. For example, the triggering of a single |
guardrail leads to the zeroing of the total reward. |
Each component is normalized to the [0;1]range. |
Generator |
SalienceOriginal |
Text |
Simplicity |
ScoreOptimization |
Fluency |
Guardrails |
Simplified |
TextFigure 2: Keep it Simple is an unsupervised training |
procedure for text simplification. The text generator |
(GPT-2) produces candidate simplifications, scored ac- |
cording to fluency ,simplicity ,salience .Guardrails en- |
force the model does not learn high-scoring shortcuts. |
def S_Score(original,simple): |
Fstart = fkgl(original) |
tgt = target_delta(Fstart) |
Fend = fkgl(simple) |
D = Fend-Fstart |
return clip(1-((D-tgt)/tgt),0,1) |
def target_delta(Fstart): |
# Line-fitted from analysis |
ifFstart < 4.0: |
return 0.1 |
ifFstart < 12: |
return 0.5*Fstart-1.9 |
return 0.8*Fstart-5.6 |
Figure 3: SScore algorithm. fkgl computes the |
Flesch-Kincaid grade level. |
3.1 Simplicity |
The simplicity score should establish whether the |
generator’s output uses simpler language than the |
original text. We follow prior work (Ferr ´es et al., |
2016) and organize our score into a syntactic score |
SScore , and a lexical score LScore . Syntactic sim- |
plification focuses on reducing the complexity of a |
sentence, for example by reducing the number of |
words in a clause, or reducing distant dependencies. |
In lexical simplification, the objective is to replace |
complex phrases with simpler synonyms. To pro- |
duce a single simplicity score, we take the product |
ofSScore andLScore (both in [0;1]). |
3.1.1 Syntactic Simplicity: SScore |
We measure syntactic complexity via the Flesch- |
Kincaid grade level (FKGL) as it is easy to compute |
and maps to a grade-level which also corresponds |
to the scale used by Newsela. Other readability met- |
rics such as Dale-Chall formula (Dale and Chall, |
1948), or the Gunning-Fog index (Gunning, 1969) |
could be used, and future work could examine the |
effect of choosing one readability metric over the5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 |
FKGL of original paragraph5 |
0510FKGL in Newsela rewrite |
Linear approximationFigure 4: Analysis (Kernel Density Estimate plot) |
of change in Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level in the |
paired Newsela dataset. Most simple paragraphs have |
lower FKGL than the original paragraphs (positive |
FKGL ). When the original paragraph’s FKGL is |
higher (x-axis), the change in FKGL tends to be larger |
(y-axis). We fit a linear approximation, which we use |
to compute the Sscore . |
other. Another viable option is the Lexile score |
(Smith et al., 2016), however, because its imple- |
mentation is not publicly released, we cannot use it |
during training and we report it only for evaluation |
(done manually on the Lexile Hub4). |
Figure 3 shows the SScore algorithm. We com- |
pute the original paragraph’s FKGL ( FStart ), |
used to compute a target FKGL ( tgt). The score |
is a linear ramp measuring how close the achieved |
FKGL ( Fend ) is to the target, clipped to [0;1]. |
In the initial design, the target drop was a con- |
stant: 4 grade levels, independent of FStart . |
However, analysis on the paired Newsela corpus |
revealed that the target FKGL should depend on |
the initial FKGL. This makes sense intuitively: an |
already syntactically simple paragraph should not |
require further simplification, while more complex |
paragraphs require more simplification. Figure 4 |
shows the positive correlation between the original |
paragraph’s FKGL and the drop of FKGL in the |
simplified text. We fit a piece-wise linear function |
to calculate the target FKGL drop from the initial |
paragraph. |
3.1.2 Lexical Simplicity: LScore |
Lexical simplicity focuses on whether words in |
the input paragraph ( W1) are more complex than |
ones in the output paragraph ( W2). We rely on the |
observation that word frequency and difficulty are |
correlated (Breland, 1996), and use word frequency |
in a large corpus of text (Brysbaert and New, 2009) |
to determine simplicity. |
4https://hub.lexile.comBecause word frequency follows a Zipf power |
law, we use Speer et al. (2018)’s log normaliza- |
tion, adjusting the frequency on a [0;8]range, with |
words at 0 being non-existent in the corpus, and 8 |
for most common words. As an example, the word |
vigorous has a frequency of 3:54, while its more |
common synonym strong obtains 5:23. |
We compute the average Zipf frequency of the |
set of inserted words ( Z(W2 W1)), and the set |
of deleted words ( Z(W1 W2)). The difference |
Z(W1;W2) =Z(W2 W1) Z(W1 W2)(1) |
should be positive. Analysis of the paired Newsela |
corpus reveals that 91% of pairs have a positive |
Z(W1;W2), with a median value of 0:4. We use |
this median as the target Zipf shift in the LScore , |
and use a ramp shape similar to the SScore , clipped |
between 0 and 1 (denoted as []+): |
LScore(W1;W2) =" |
1 jZ(W1;W2) 0:4j |
0:4#+ |
(2) |
3.2 Fluency |
We use two sub-components for the fluency com- |
ponent: a pre-trained language-model, and a dis- |
criminator trained dynamically with the generator. |
3.2.1 Language-Model Fluency |
Language models assign a probability to a sequence |
of words. This probability is often used to measure |
fluency of generated text (Kann et al., 2018; Salazar |
et al., 2020). The KiS fluency score is based on |
a language model in a way similar way to Laban |
et al. (2020). The language model is used to ob- |
tain a likelihood of the original paragraph ( LM(p)) |
and of the generated output LM(q). We use av- |
erage log-likelihood, for numerical stability. The |
language model fluency score is then: |
LMScore(p;q) =h |
1 LM(p) LM(q) |
i+ |
(3) |
is a tunable hyper-parameter. If the LM(q)is |
lower thanLM(p)byor more,LMScore(p;q) = |
0. IfLM(q)is above or equal to LM(p), then |
LMScore(p;q) = 1 , and otherwise, it is a linear |
interpolation. |
We set= 1:3as it is the value for which |
thepaired Newsela dataset achieves an average |
LMScore of Discriminator Fluency |
TheLMScore is static and deterministic, which can |
be limiting, as the generator can learn during train- |
ing how to adapt and exploit flaws in the language- |
model (e.g., learning to alter capitalization). |
Inspired from the Generative Adversarial Net- |
work (GAN) framework (Goodfellow et al., 2014), |
we create a dynamic discriminator, trained in con- |
junction with the generator, dynamically adapting |
the fluency score during training. |
Specifically, we use a RoBERTa model (Liu |
et al., 2019) as the basis for the discriminator, a clas- |
sifier with two labels: 1 for authentic paragraphs, |
and 0 for generator outputs. |
As the generator produces outputs, they are as- |
signed a label of 0 and added to a training buffer , |
while the original paragraphs are assigned a label |
of 1 and added to the training buffer as well. |
Once the training buffer reaches a size of 2,000 |
samples, the discriminator is trained, using 90% of |
the training buffer. We train the discriminator for |
5 epochs (details of training are in Appendix A.1). |
At the end of each epoch, we checkpoint the dis- |
criminator model. We compare the 5 checkpoints |
in terms of F-1 performance on the remaining 10% |
of the training buffer, and keep the best checkpoint |
as the new discriminator. |
The discriminator’s probability that a paragraph |
(q) is authentic is the discriminator score: |
DScore(q) =pdisc(Y= 1jX=q) (4) |
As with GANs, there is an equilibrium between |
the generator attempting to maximize the proba- |
bility of generating real outputs (“fooling” the dis- |
criminator), and the discriminator succeeding at |
distinguishing generated and authentic texts. |
3.3 Salience |
For the salience component, we use the coverage |
model introduced in the summary loop (Laban |
et al., 2020) for the domain of text summarization, |
and adapt it to the simplification domain. |
The coverage model is a Transformer-based |
model trained to look at generated text and answer |
fill-in-the-blank questions about the original text. |
The score is based on model accuracy at filling in |
the blanks: the more is filled in, the more relevant |
the generated content is, and the higher the score. |
A key element of the coverage model is its mask- |
ing procedure, which decides which words to mask. |
In the summary loop, a limited number of extractedkeywords (up to 15 words) are masked. By contrast, |
for simplification, we mask all non-stop words, |
amounting to a masking rate of about 40%. |
This change reflects a difference in expectation |
between summarization and simplification: in sum- |
marization, only key components are expected to |
be recovered from a summary, whereas in simpli- |
fication most of the original paragraph should be |
recoverable. Coverage ranges in [0;1], and refer- |
ence simplifications in the paired Newsela corpus |
obtain an average score of 0.76, confirming that |
manual simplification can achieve high coverage. |
3.4 Guardrails |
We use guardrails as simple pattern-based scores to |
avoid common pathological generation problems |
that we observed. Unlike the main components, |
guardrails are binary, giving a score of 1 (pass) un- |
less they trigger (score of 0). We use two guardrails: |
brevity and inaccuracy. |
3.4.1 Brevity guardrail |
The brevity guardrail ensures the length of gen- |
erated paragraph ( L2) falls in a range around the |
original paragraph’s length ( L1). We compute a |
compression ratio: C=L2=L1. IfCminC |
Cmax, the guardrail passes, otherwise it triggers. |
We set [Cmin;Cmax] = [0:6;1:5], because these |
values ensure the guardrail is not triggered on 98% |
of the paired Newsela dataset; this can be adapted |
depending on the application. |
3.4.2 Inaccuracy guardrail |
Modern text generation models are known to hallu- |
cinate facts (Huang et al., 2020), which has led the |
community to create models to detect and correct |
hallucinations (Cao et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; |
Wang et al., 2020). |
We propose a light-weight inaccuracy detector |
as a guardrail. We use a Named Entity Recognition |
(NER) model (Honnibal et al., 2020) to extract |
entities present in the original paragraph ( E1) and |
the model’s output ( E2). We trigger the guardrail |
if an entity present in E2is not inE1. |
Even though human writers can successfully in- |
troduce new entities without creating inaccuracies |
(e.g., replacing the city La Paz with the country Bo- |
livia), we find that text generators predominantly |
introduce inaccuracies with novel entities. This |
simple heuristic can eventually be replaced once |
inaccuracy detection technology matures.2 4 6 8 10 12 |
Hours of Training105 |
104 |
103 |
102 |
Total Score8-SCST |
6-SCST |
4-SCST |
SCSTFigure 5: Training KiS models comparing SCST |
withk-SCST. We try 4, 6 and 8 as values for k. In- |
creasing k improves performance and stability. |
4 KiS Training |
Rennie et al. (2017) introduced Self-Critical Se- |
quence Training (SCST) as an effective algorithm |
for reward-based training of text generators, suc- |
cessfully applying it to image captioning. The effi- |
cacy of SCST was later confirmed on other text gen- |
eration tasks such as question generation (Zhang |
and Bansal, 2019), and summarization (Celikyil- |
maz et al., 2018; Laban et al., 2020). In SCST, a |
probabilistic model is used to generate two distinct |
candidates: CS, a candidate constructed by sam- |
pling the word distribution at each step, and ^C, by |
taking the argmax of the word distribution at each |
step. Each candidate is scored, obtaining rewards |
ofRSand^R, respectively, and the loss is: |
L= (^R RS)NX |
i=0logp(wS |
ijwS |
1:::wS |
i 1;P)(5) |
wherep(wS |
ij:::)represents the probability of the |
i-th word conditioned on previously generated sam- |
pled sequence according to the model, P is the input |
paragraph, and N the number of words in the gen- |
erated sequence. Intuitively, minimizing this loss |
increases the likelihood of the sampled sequence if |
RS>^R, and decreases it otherwise, both increas- |
ing the expected total reward. |
One limitation in SCST occurs when the two |
sequences achieve comparable rewards ( RS'^R): |
the loss nears zero, and the model has little to learn, |
wasting a training sample. In our experiments with |
SCST, this can occur with 30% of samples. |
We propose an extension of SCST, which we |
callk-SCST. We generate ksampled candidates |
(k > 2), compute the rewards of each candidate |
RS1;:::;RSk, as well as the mean reward achievedby this sampled population:RS= (RS1+:::+ |
RSk)=k, which we use as the baseline, instead of |
^R. The lossLbecomes: |
L=kX |
j=1(RS RSj)NX |
i=0logp(wSj |
ijwSj |
1:::wSj |
i 1;P) |
(6) |
We use a GPT2-medium for the generator, ini- |
tialized with the released pre-trained checkpoint. |
Experimental details such as data and optimizer |
used are provided in Appendix A.1. |
In Figure 5, we show results of a direct compar- |
ison of SCST ( k= 2) withk-SCST varying kin |
f4;6;8g, while keeping other components of the |
training fixed. Because of the variance involved in |
RL training, we recorded six independent training |
runs for each setting (for a total of 24 runs), and |
plot the average reward across runs of a setting, as |
well as the standard error of the mean (SEM). |
We observe that increasing kleads to higher |
average reward, and less variation in the reward. |
In our setting, k-SCST boosts performance and |
stabilizes training. We use k= 8in all final models, |
as increasing kfurther is impractical due to GPU |
memory limitations. |
We believek-SCST’s advantage stems from two |
factors: first, obtaining a better estimate of the |
distribution of rewards by sampling more outputs, |
second, by using the mean reward as the baseline, |
saving on computation of a separate baseline gener- |
ation. We believe k-SCST can also improve learn- |
ing in other text generation applications and plan |
to pursue this in future work. |
5 Experiments |
We present results experimentally validating the |
KiS procedure for text simplification. We give re- |
sults based on automatic metrics, on a novel human |
comprehension task, and from an ablation study. |
5.1 Models Compared |
We compare the KiS Model to three strong super- |
vised models, and an unsupervised approach. |
ACCESS from (Martin et al., 2020), is a state- |
of-the-art Transformer model trained on WikiLarge |
(300,000 pairs of complex/simple sentences). This |
model uses default parameters ( NBChar =0.95, |
LevSim =0.75). |
ACCESS90 is identical to ACCESS , with dif- |
ferent parameters ( NBChar =0.90, LevSim =0.75), |
reducing target compression from 95% to 90%, |
matching the average compression rate in Newsela.Model SARI BLEU %FKGL %Lexile Comp. Cov. |
Newsela - - 87 79 .918 .754 |
Finetune Baseline .470 .719 68 52 .903 .894 |
ACCESS Default .666 .649 86 63 .958 .805 |
ACCESS 90 .674 .644 93 64 .921 .789 |
Unsup NTS .677 .535 48 57 .753 .618 |
KiS Model .709 .526 100 72 .852 .640 |
Table 1: Automatic results on Newsela test-set. SARI |
andBLEU are reference-based metrics. %FKGL and |
%Lexile are percentages of model outputs lowering the |
grade level. Comp. is the average compression ratio (# |
words), and Cov. the output’s average coverage score. |
Finetune Baseline is a GPT2-medium model |
finetuned on the paired Newsela dataset . Large |
pre-trained models often perform competitively in |
low-resource environments, making this a strong |
point of comparison. |
Unsup NTS from (Surya et al., 2019) is an unsu- |
pervised approach based on successively encoding |
and denoising text using a GRU architecture. |
Training details for the KiS Model and Finetune |
Baseline are in Appendix A.1. |
5.2 Automatic Results |
We put aside 500 samples from the paired Newsela |
dataset as a test set to compare models on auto- |
matic metrics. We compare models on SARI and |
BLEU, report the percentage when readability mea- |
sures see an improvement in readability: %FKGL, |
and %Lexile and compute the average compres- |
sion rate (Comp.), and coverage (Cov.). Results are |
summarized in Table 1. |
The KiS model achieves the highest SARI score |
by a margin of 0.04, even though it is an unsuper- |
vised approach. |
Finetune Baseline achieves the highest BLEU |
and salience scores, but lowest SARI score. We |
interpret this as showing the model takes the least |
risk: high salience, with little simplification. |
We observe that all models are able to increase |
readability in terms of FKGL and Lexile compared |
to original paragraphs. We note that for almost all |
models, the percentage is lower for the Lexile mea- |
sure than for FKGL, showing that an improvement |
in Lexile score is more difficult to achieve than |
FKGL. The KiS model achieves an increase in Lex- |
ile readability 72% of the time, the closest figure |
to 79% of the Newsela human-written reference. |
We note that the perfect performance of KiS on |
%FKGL could be explained by the fact that FKGL |
is a part of a component being optimized ( SScore ), |
however Lexile was not.In terms of compression, the KiS model com- |
presses the second most, most likely hurting its |
coverage. Adjusting the Brevity guardrail could |
encourage the model to compress less. ACCESS90 |
has the compression rate closest to Newsela refer- |
ences, but this only leads to a modest improvement |
in SARI when compared to ACCESS. |
Overall, the Newsela references achieve the |
best percentage of Lexile readability improvement, |
while outperforming the KiS model at coverage: |
there is still a gap between human-written simplifi- |
cations and model-generated ones. |
5.3 Human Comprehension Study |
We propose a human comprehension study to evalu- |
ate the usefulness of simplification results. Simpli- |
fied text should be easier to read than the original |
text, while retaining accuracy and understanding. |
We design a task to evaluate how well both manual |
and automated simplifications achieve this objec- |
tive. The main idea is to show readers a text and |
ask them to answer multiple-choice questions, eval- |
uating the texts based on time and retries needed to |
select the correct answer. |
5.3.1 Study Design |
Five different versions of each document were |
generated as stimuli: the original document, the |
Newsela reference, and versions from the three |
best-performing methods from the last section: |
KiS, Finetune Baseline, and ACCESS. We did not |
include Unsup NTS in our analysis, because of its |
low performance on %FKGL and %Lexile metrics. |
Associated with each document are five manually |
generated multiple-choice questions, each with one |
or more correct answers and one to four distractors. |
The original and the Newsela texts were checked |
manually by experimenters to ensure that all allow |
for questions to be answered correctly. Crowd- |
workers were shown four documents in succession, |
in a between-participants design. Order of docu- |
ment and stimuli type were randomized. Figure 6 |
shows two stimuli of a document (original and KiS) |
along with the comprehension questions. (The en- |
tire set of five stimuli can be found in Figure A2 in |
the Appendix.) |
After several rounds of pilot testing, we arrived |
at the following design choices: |
Document theme. We chose recent news arti- |
cles involving complex themes (e.g., trajectory of |
iceberg) as the source of documents. For news ar- |
ticles, recency seems to engage participants, andORIGINAL [Lexile Grade 1 1] Each summer , libraries in St. Louis, |
Missouri, host many types of free camps — yoga, chess and even a |
Harry Pot ter “Sorting Hat Camp.” In 2020, camp dreams seemed far- |
fetched given the global coronavirus pandemic. That didn’t stop St. |
Louis libraries, though. |
Instead of canceling, they brought camp into kids’ homes. So children |
who signed up for ukulele camp got a beginner ’s guidebook, |
instructional DVD and an actual ukulele in the mail. It was all free. In |
addition, camp sessions still occurred. Advisers met with kids using |
virtual formats. |
Joe Monahan, manager of youth services for the St. Louis library |
system, says that of the 70 camps originally scheduled, 54 were held |
virtually . |
Paula Langsam, a youth services manager at the soon-to- reopen |
Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Library in W ashington, D.C., says, |
“In a way , our work has changed a lot. W e didn’t used to do videos a |
lot.”KIS MODEL [Lexile Grade 9] In the summer months, St. Louis |
has many free classes for kids, including yoga, chess and a Harry |
Potter “Sorting Hat Camp.” In 2020, camp dreams again seemed |
far-fetched given the crisis. That didn’t stop St. Louis libraries, |
though. |
They brought camp in. So kids who signed up for ukulele camp got |
a beginner ’s guidebook, a lesson DVD and a real ukulele in the |
mailbox. It was all free. In addition, camp sessions continued. |
Advisers tried out a virtual format. |
Joe Monahan, the manager of youth services for the St. Louis |
library system, says that of the 70 camps originally scheduled, 54 |
were held mostly . |
Paula Langsam, a youth services manager at the Martin Luther |
King Junior library , says, “In a way , our work changed a lot. W e |
didn’t do videos a lot.” |
Who manages the St Louis library kids programs? |
Joe Monahan , Paula Langsam, St. Louis Camp Leaders |
Were any camps in St. Louis cancelled? |
Yes, NoHow many camps were scheduled, how many were run? |
54 and 70, 70 and 54 , 70 and 0, 54 and 0 |
How did the Ukulele camp meet? |
In the park, Virtually , Did not meetWhat camps did the libraries host? |
Yoga, Chess , Pottery , Ukulele |
Figure 6: Example Task (from a Washington Post article (Kelati, 2020)) for the Comprehension Study. Shown |
are two of five stimuli: original document (left), and KiS model output (right). Participants read a text and answered |
comprehension questions (bottom). Average completion time was 160 seconds (original) and 136 seconds (KiS |
model output). |
technical terms increase the impact of simplifica- |
tion. |
Section length. We chose document length of |
3-4 paragraphs (or 200 words), and five compre- |
hension questions. Document length should not be |
too W (makes some questions trivial), or too long |
(adds a retrieval component to the task). |
Selection of questions. Questions were gener- |
ated via a GPT2 question generation model fine- |
tuned on the NewsQA dataset (Trischler et al., |
2017). We select questions answerable by both |
the original and Newsela references, attempting to |
have both factoid (answer is entity) and reasoning |
questions. |
Re-submission until correct. When submitting |
answers, participants received feedback on which |
were incorrect, and were required to re-submit un- |
til all answers were correct. This aligns the ob- |
jective of the participant (i.e., finishing the task |
rapidly), with the task’s objective (i.e., measuring |
participant’s efficiency at understanding). This also |
gives a way to discourage participants from “brute- |
forcing” the task, re-submitting many combinations |
until one works. |
We note that some components of the study such |
as the choice of document themes and the selection |
of comprehension questions are elements that cre- |
ate variability in the results. We release the models |
used in the study, as well all generated texts that |
were evaluated to enable follow-up research and to |
aid reproducibility.Model Time (sec) # Subs. Comp. CASpeed |
[Original 174.0 4.23 1.0 1.00 |
\Newsela 163.3 5.10 1.08 1.15 |
8ACCESS 188.5 6.69 0.96 0.88 |
9Finetune Baseline 161.0 8 4.70 0.97 1.04 |
rKiS Model 142.6[\84.108 0.87 1.06 |
Table 2: Results of the Human Comprehension |
Study. We measure average completion time (Time), |
number of submissions (#Subs.), compression ra- |
tio (Comp.) and a compression-accounted speed-up |
(CASpeed). Each text version is assigned a symbol |
used to indicate statistical significance ( p<0:05). |
5.3.2 Study Results |
We ran the study on Mechanical Turk, accepting |
crowd-workers with 1700+ completed tasks, and |
an acceptance rate of 97%+. The study was active |
for two weeks in December 2020, and remunerated |
participants completing all four sections at a rate of |
$10/hour. (Appendix A.2 shows crowd-worker in- |
structions and the document/version distributions.) |
When removing “brute-forced” submissions (10+ |
re-submissions), we are left with 244 submissions, |
used for result analysis reported in Table 2, (A more |
detailed results table is included in Appendix A.4.) |
We measure two outcomes: question comple- |
tion time (in seconds), and number of submissions |
to correctness. We performed a Kruskal-Wallis |
test (Kruskal and Wallis, 1952) with a Dunn post- |
hoc test (Dunn, 1964) for statistical significance |
between pairs of conditions. |
In line with study objectives, simplified textshelp participants complete the task faster than read- |
ing original texts, with three of the four simplified |
versions leading to improvements in completion |
times. Participants were fastest with KiS simpli- |
fications (18% faster). The KiS model led to a |
statistically significant speed-up compared to the |
originals, Newsela references, and ACCESS sim- |
plifications. ACCESS simplifications surprisingly |
led to a non-significant slow-down, which we at- |
tribute to a potential loss in fluency that might have |
confused participants. |
One important factor we consider is that shorter |
passages (i.e., smaller compression) might lead to a |
speed-up regardless of simplicity. We confirm this |
by finding a small positive correlation between pas- |
sage length and completion time of 0.09. We com- |
pute a compression-adjusted speed-up (CASpeed ) |
ratio by: (1) computing the passage length of each |
simplified version, (2) linearly extrapolating the ex- |
pected completion time for this passage length for |
original paragraphs, and (3) computing the ratio of |
the extrapolation to the observed completion time. |
IfCASpeed> 1, participants were faster than ex- |
pected for the passage length. Newsela reference |
paragraphs achieve the best CASpeed , followed by |
the KiS model. This suggests that good simplifica- |
tion can involve making texts longer. |
5.4 Ablation Study |
We train three ablated models, each missing a re- |
ward component to gain understanding in the value |
of each component of the KiS procedure. |
Figure 1 gives a qualitative perspective on each |
ablation. Without fluency, the generator learns to |
generate incomplete sentences, without salience, it |
omits important information, and without simplic- |
ity, it can sometimes “complexify”. |
We computed complete automatic results for the |
ablated models, and find that each ablation leads to |
a decrease on an evaluation metric, confirming that |
all three components are necessary to generate high- |
quality simplifications (details in Appendix A.5). |
6 Limitations and Future Work |
Improved Accuracy Scoring . The current |
guardrail for inaccuracy is rudimentary; trained |
models still generate non-factual simplifications. |
Recent work in fact-checking for the summariza- |
tion domain (Kryscinski et al., 2020; Li et al., 2018) |
could be adapted to the simplification domain to |
improve this.Inclusion of Supervised Signal . In this work, |
we establish that text simplification can be ap- |
proached in an unsupervised manner. In future |
work, Keep it Simple could be used as a pre- |
training strategy, or used jointly with supervised |
training. |
Reproducibility of Human Evaluation . Even |
though we release the models, stimuli and compre- |
hension questions used in the human evaluation, |
some elements of the procedure introduce random- |
ness. Participating crowd-workers differ in literacy |
level which may have an effect on their perfor- |
mance at the task (Alonzo et al., 2021). |
New Settings, Domains and Languages . We |
limited our experiments to the simplification of En- |
glish news articles following prior work, but plan |
to pursue other languages in the future. Similarly, |
because Keep it Simple does not require labeled |
data, it can be applied to new settings (e.g., rewrit- |
ing to inverse the effects of simplification), or to |
new domains (e.g., legal texts). |
7 Conclusion |
We have shown that text simplification can be ap- |
proached in an unsupervised manner via KiS. By |
optimizing a reward comprised of simplicity, flu- |
ency and salience components, KiS is able to out- |
perform strong supervised models on automatic |
metrics (+0.04 in SARI). We propose a human |
comprehension task to evaluate the usefulness of |
simplification and show that simplifications tend to |
lead to a measurable speed-up in task completion, |
with KiS texts producing the best speed-up of 18% |
on average. These are first steps for unsupervised |
text simplification, and we suggest that future work |
should focus on adapting the methodology to new |
domains (i.e., legal), non-English languages, and |
refining optimized rewards to take factuality into |
account. |
Acknowledgments |
We would like to thank Katie Stasaski, Dongyeop |
Kang, and the ACL reviewers for their helpful com- |
ments, as well as Newsela for providing a version |
of their simplified news corpus. This work was |
supported by a Microsoft BAIR Commons grant as |
well as a Microsoft Azure Sponsorship.References |
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We present a method for text simplification and ver- |
ify its performance on text from the news domain |
in the English language. Even though we expect |
the method to be adaptable to other domains and |
languages, we have not verified this assumption |
experimentally and limit our claims to the English |
news domain. |
When comparing to prior work (e.g., ACCESS |
model), we obtained implementations directly from |
the authors (through Github repositories) and pro- |
duced results following the recommended setting, |
with an objective to present prior work as a strong |
comparison point. |
For the human evaluation, we paid the annota- |
tors above the minimum wage, and did not collect |
any personal identifiable information. We selected |
topics to avoid sensitive or political subjects and |
had our protocols reviewed by the university’s IRB |
committee (Protocol ID: 2018-07-11230). We re- |
lied on a third party (Amazon Mechanical Turk) to |
remunerate the crowd-workers. |
A Appendices |
A.1 Training Details |
We detail the model architecture size, data, opti- |
mizer of the models we train in the paper. All |
models were trained using Pytorch and Hugging- |
Face’s Transformers library5. We use the Apex6 |
library to enable half-precision training. |
The KiS procedure was trained on a single |
GPU, either an Nvidia V-100 (16Gb memory) or |
a Quadro RTX 8000 (48 Gb memory). We ran a |
total of around 200 experiments, with an average |
run-time of one week. |
Because the procedure is unsupervised, the |
model was trained using a large unreleased cor- |
pus of news articles, containing 7 million news |
articles in English. |
KiS Model is initialized with a GPT2-medium |
model. We used the Adam optimizer, with a learn- |
ing rate of 10 6, a batch-size of 1, using k-SCST |
withk= 8. |
Finetune Baseline is initialized with a GPT2- |
medium model. We train using using standard |
teacher forcing on the 40,000 samples in the paired |
Newsela dataset , reserving 2,000 samples for val- |
idation. We use the Adam optimizer, and use the |
5https://github.com/huggingface/transformers |
6https://github.com/nvidia/apexvalidation set to choose a learning rate of 10 5, |
and a batch-size of 8, and run for 3 epochs before |
seeing a plateau in the validation loss. |
Discriminator Model is initialized with a |
Roberta-base , and retrained every time the train- |
ing buffer reaches 2,000 samples. The discrim- |
inator is reset to the original Roberta-base each |
time the training buffer is full. We use a standard |
cross-entropy loss, the ADAM optimizer with a |
learning rate of 10 5and a batch size of 8. Each |
time we retrain, we run for 5 epochs, and check- |
point one model after each epoch. The checkpoint |
that achieves the highest performance on a valida- |
tion set becomes the new discriminator for the next |
round. |
A.2 Human Evaluation Instructions |
Figure A1 shows the instructions given to crowd- |
worker participants for the manual evaluation. |
•The entire HIT should take no more than 15 |
minutes: |
(1) You will answer a pre-questionnaire. |
(2) Read 4 short news stories and answer |
comprehension questions about each. |
•If you believe the answer is not in the |
document, you can select the option “Answer |
not in document”. |
•There is no time limit for each individual |
document or question. |
•You can leave at any point but will not |
complete the HIT. |
• You can complete this task at most once. |
•If you have a question/problem, contact us at |
email . |
Figure A1: Instructions given to participants of the |
comprehension evaluation. Participants were recruited |
on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), on which jobs |
are named “HIT”. |
A.3 Full Example of Generated Texts |
Figure A2 is a complement to Figure 6, with the |
five stimuli that were shown for the Covid Libraries |
document. |
A.4 Detailed of Human Evaluation Results |
Table A1 details the timing and number of par- |
ticipants for each combination of document and |
stimuli.ORIGINAL [Lexile Grade 1 1] Each summer , libraries in St. Louis, Missouri, host many types of free camps — yoga, chess and even a |
Harry Pot ter “Sorting Hat Camp.” In 2020, camp dreams seemed far- fetched given the global coronavirus pandemic. That didn’t stop |
St. Louis libraries, though. |
Instead of canceling, they brought camp into kids’ homes. So children who signed up for ukulele camp got a beginner ’s guidebook, |
instructional DVD and an actual ukulele in the mail. It was all free. In addition, camp sessions still occurred. Advisers met with kids |
using virtual formats. |
Joe Monahan, manager of youth services for the St. Louis library system, says that of the 70 camps originally scheduled, 54 were held |
virtually . |
Paula Langsam, a youth services manager at the soon-to- reopen Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Library in W ashington, D.C., |
says, “In a way , our work has changed a lot. W e didn’t used to do videos a lot.” |
Who manages the St Louis library kids programs? |
Joe Monahan , Paula Langsam, St. Louis Camp Leaders |
Were any camps in St. Louis cancelled? |
Yes, NoHow many camps were scheduled, how many were run? |
54 and 70, 70 and 54 , 70 and 0, 54 and 0 |
How did the Ukulele camp meet? |
In the park, Virtually , Did not meetWhat camps did the libraries host? |
Yoga, Chess , Pottery , UkuleleKIS MODEL [Lexile Grade 9] In the summer months, St. Louis has many free classes for kids, including yoga, chess and a Harry |
Potter “Sorting Hat Camp.” In 2020, camp dreams again seemed far-fetched given the crisis. That didn’t stop St. Louis libraries, though. |
They brought camp in. So kids who signed up for ukulele camp got a beginner ’s guidebook, a lesson DVD and a real ukulele in the |
mailbox. It was all free. In addition, camp sessions continued. Advisers tried out a virtual format. |
Joe Monahan, the manager of youth services for the St. Louis library system, says that of the 70 camps originally scheduled, 54 were |
held mostly . |
Paula Langsam, a youth services manager at the Martin Luther King Junior library , says, “In a way , our work changed a lot. W e didn’t |
do videos a lot.”NEWSELA [Lexile Grade 7] In St. Louis, Missouri, libraries hold many types of free camps in the summer . They have yoga, chess and |
even a Harry Potter camp. In 2020, camp ideas seemed unlikely due to the spread of COVID-19. That did not stop St. Louis libraries, |
though. They did not cancel their programs. They brought camp into kids' homes. |
Children who signed up for ukulele camp got a beginner's book, instructional video and a ukulele in the mail. It was all free. In addition, |
camp sessions still went on. Camp leaders met with kids over video calls. |
Joe Monahan runs the kids programs for the St. Louis libraries. He said 70 camps were scheduled at first. Some were dropped but 54 |
were still held online. |
Paula Langsam works at the Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Library in W ashington, D.C. It reopened on September 24. She said, |
"Our work has changed a lot. W e didn't used to do videos a lot." |
FINETUNE BASELINE [Lexile Grade 9] Each summer , St. Louis libraries host many types of free camps — yoga, chess and even a |
Harry Potter "Sorting Hat Camp." In 2020, camp dreams seemed far-fetched given the global cough . However , the future looked |
bright for libraries in St. Louis. |
Instead of canceling, they brought camp into kids' homes. This is called ukulele camp. Kids signed up for it in the mail. They got a |
beginner's guidebook, video and an actual ukulele to play . It was all free. Advisers met with kids using virtual formats. |
Joe Monahan, manager of youth services for the St. Louis library system, says that 70 camps were originally planned. Of those, 54 |
were held mostly . |
Paula Langsam is a youth services manager who works at the Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Library in W ashington, D.C. She |
says, "In a way , our work has changed a lot. W e didn't used to do videos a lot." |
ACCESS [Lexile Grade 1 1] Each summer , libraries in St. Louis, Missouri, has many dif ferent types of free camps that are yoga, chess |
and even a Harry Potter gang Sorting Hat Camp. In 2020, camp dreams seemed far-fetched that there was the global coronavirus |
pandemic. That did not stop St. Louis libraries, though. |
Instead of being canceled, they brought camp into children's homes. So children who signed up for ukulele camp got a guidebook. |
They also had an actual ukulelele in the mail. It was all free. In addition, camp meetings still happened. Advisers met with new children |
using virtual formats. |
Joe Monahan, also known as Joe Monahan, has youth services for the St. Louis library system says that of the 70 camps first started, |
54 were held. |
Paula Langsam, also known as Paula Langsam, is a youth services manager at the soon-to-reopen Martin Luther King Junior Library in |
Washington, D. W e did not use to do many videos a lot.Figure A2: Complement to Figure 6. Example Task for the Comprehension Study. Participants were assigned |
to one of five settings: original, Newsela, KiS, Finetune Baseline, and ACCESS. Participants were instructed to |
answer the five comprehension questions. |
Simplification Model |
Document Id Original Newsela Sup. Base. ACCESS KiS |
Marvel Show 152 (12) 209 (11) 140 (11) 209 (14) 126 (13) |
Covid Libraries 167 (14) 180 (12) 182 (10) 190 (13) 171 (12) |
Sustainable Food 163 (13) 144 (10) 181 (13) 242 (13) 154 (12) |
Iceberg Collision 208 (14) 116 (11) 139 (12) 104 (12) 119 (12) |
Version Aggregate 174 (53) 163 (44) 161 (46) 188 (52) 143 (49) |
Table A1: Average time taken and number of participants in each of the document/stimuli combinations. |
Also shown are aggregates (mean time taken and total number of participants).Model SARI BLEU %FKGL %Lexile Comp. Cov. |
KiS Full 0.709 0.526 100 72 0.85 0.636 |
KiS No Fluency 0.718 0.611 99 95 1.02 0.901 |
KiS No Salience 0.695 0.591 100 65 1.01 0.701 |
KiS No Simplicity 0.672 0.617 51 23 0.92 0.809 |
Table A2: Automatic results of the three ablation models. SARI andBLEU are reference-based metrics. % |
FKGL and% Lexile are the percentage of simplified paragraphs with a lower FKGL and Lexile score than the |
original paragraph. Comp. is the average compression ratio (# of words), and Cov. is the average coverage score |
of the simplifications. |
A.5 Detail of Ablation Study Results |
Table A2 details the metric results of the three ab- |
lated models, an extension to Table 1. An example |
output of each ablated model, illustrating the limi- |
tation when a score component is missing, is given |
in Figure 1. |
One surprising element is that the model trained |
without fluency achieves higher scores on almost |
all metrics, compared to the full model. This sur- |
prising fact is due to the fact that without fluency, |
the model does not learn to generate full sentences |
(see the example in Figure 1). Instead, the model |
learns to concatenate high-scoring phrases together, |
which can boost automatic metrics artificially. In |
fact, the strong performance of a model generating |
incomplete sentences reveals a limitation of current |
automatic metrics, such as BLEU and SARI. |