Investigating Text Simplification Evaluation |
Laura V ´asquez-Rodr ´ıguez1,Matthew Shardlow2,Piotr Przybyła3,Sophia Ananiadou1 |
1National Centre for Text Mining, |
The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom |
2Department of Computing and Mathematics, |
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom |
3Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland |
flaura.vasquezrodriguez, sophia.ananiadou [email protected] |
[email protected] [email protected] |
Abstract |
Modern text simplification (TS) heavily relies |
on the availability of gold standard data to |
build machine learning models. However, ex- |
isting studies show that parallel TS corpora |
contain inaccurate simplifications and incor- |
rect alignments. Additionally, evaluation is |
usually performed by using metrics such as |
BLEU or SARI to compare system output to |
the gold standard. A major limitation is that |
these metrics do not match human judgements |
and the performance on different datasets and |
linguistic phenomena vary greatly. Further- |
more, our research shows that the test and |
training subsets of parallel datasets differ sig- |
nificantly. In this work, we investigate existing |
TS corpora, providing new insights that will |
motivate the improvement of existing state-of- |
the-art TS evaluation methods. Our contribu- |
tions include the analysis of TS corpora based |
on existing modifications used for simplifica- |
tion and an empirical study on TS models per- |
formance by using better-distributed datasets. |
We demonstrate that by improving the distribu- |
tion of TS datasets, we can build more robust |
TS models. |
1 Introduction |
Text Simplification transforms natural language |
from a complex to a simple format, with the aim to |
not only reach wider audiences (Rello et al., 2013; |
De Belder and Moens, 2010; Aluisio et al., 2010; |
Inui et al., 2003) but also as a preprocessing step in |
related tasks (Shardlow, 2014; Silveira and Branco, |
2012). |
Simplifications are achieved by using parallel |
datasets to train sequence-to-sequence text gen- |
eration algorithms (Nisioi et al., 2017) to make |
complex sentences easier to understand. They are |
typically produced by crowdsourcing (Xu et al., |
2016; Alva-Manchego et al., 2020a) or by align- |
ment (Cao et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020). They areinfamously noisy and models trained on these give |
poor results when evaluated by humans (Cooper |
and Shardlow, 2020). In this paper we add to the |
growing narrative around the evaluation of natu- |
ral language generation (van der Lee et al., 2019; |
Caglayan et al., 2020; Pang, 2019), focusing on |
parallel text simplification datasets and how they |
can be improved. |
Why do we need to re-evaluate TS resources? |
In the last decade, TS research has relied on |
Wikipedia-based datasets (Zhang and Lapata, 2017; |
Xu et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2020), despite their |
known limitations (Xu et al., 2015; Alva-Manchego |
et al., 2020a) such as questionable sentence pairs |
alignments, inaccurate simplifications and a limited |
variety of simplification modifications. Apart from |
affecting the reliability of models trained on these |
datasets, their low quality influences the evaluation |
relying on automatic metrics that requires gold- |
standard simplifications, such as SARI (Xu et al., |
2016) and BLEU (Papineni et al., 2001). |
Hence, evaluation data resources must be further |
explored and improved to achieve reliable evalu- |
ation scenarios. There is a growing body of ev- |
idence (Xu et al., 2015) (including this work) to |
show that existing datasets do not contain accurate |
and well-constructed simplifications, significantly |
impeding the progress of the TS field. |
Furthermore, well-known evaluation metrics |
such as BLEU are not suitable for simplification |
evaluation. According to previous research (Sulem |
et al., 2018) BLEU does not significantly correlate |
with simplicity (Xu et al., 2016), making it inap- |
propriate for TS evaluation. Moreover, it does not |
correlate (or the correlation is low) with grammati- |
cality and meaning preservation when performing |
syntactic simplification such as sentence splitting. |
Therefore in most recent TS research BLEU has |
not been considered as a reliable evaluation metric. |
We use SARI as the preferred method for TS eval-arXiv:2107.13662v1 [cs.CL] 28 Jul 2021uation, which has also been used as the standard |
evaluation metric in all the corpora analysed in this |
research. |
Our contributions include 1) the analysis of the |
most common TS corpora based on quantifying |
modifications used for simplification, evidencing |
their limitations and 2) an empirical study on TS |
models performance by using better-distributed |
datasets. We demonstrate that by improving the |
distribution of TS datasets, we can build TS mod- |
els that gain a higher SARI score in our evaluation |
setting. |
2 Related Work |
The exploration of neural networks in TS started |
with the work of Nisioi et al. (2017), using |
the largest parallel simplification resource avail- |
able (Hwang et al., 2015). Neural-based work |
focused on state-of-the-art deep learning and |
MT-based methods, such as reinforcement learn- |
ing (Zhang and Lapata, 2017), adversarial train- |
ing (Surya et al., 2019), pointer-copy mecha- |
nism (Guo et al., 2018), neural semantic en- |
coders (Vu et al., 2018) and transformers supported |
by paraphrasing rules (Zhao et al., 2018). |
Other successful approaches include the usage |
of control tokens to tune the level of simplification |
expected (Alva-Manchego et al., 2020a; Scarton |
and Specia, 2018) and the prediction of operations |
using parallel corpora (Alva-Manchego et al., 2017; |
Dong et al., 2020). The neural methods are trained |
mostly on Wikipedia-based sets, varying in size |
and improvements in the quality of the alignments. |
Xu et al. (2015) carried out a systematic study on |
Wikipedia-based simplification resources, claim- |
ing Wikipedia is not a quality resource, based on |
the observed alignments and the type of simplifi- |
cations. Alva-Manchego et al. (2020a) proposed |
a new dataset, performing a detailed analysis in- |
cluding edit distance and proportion of words that |
are deleted, inserted and reordered, and evaluation |
metrics performance for their proposed corpus. |
Chasing the state-of-the-art is rife in NLP (Hou |
et al., 2019), and no less so in TS, where a SARI |
score is too often considered the main quality indi- |
cator. However, recent work has shown that these |
metrics are unreliable (Caglayan et al., 2020) and |
gains in performance according to them may not de- |
liver improvements in simplification performance |
when the text is presented to an end user.3 Simplification Datasets: Exploration |
3.1 Data and Methods |
In the initial exploration of TS datasets, we investi- |
gated the training, test and validation subsets (when |
available) of the following: WikiSmall and Wiki- |
Large (Zhang and Lapata, 2017), TurkCorpus (Xu |
et al., 2015), MSD dataset (Cao et al., 2020), AS- |
SET (Alva-Manchego et al., 2020a) and WikiMan- |
ual (Jiang et al., 2020). For the WikiManual dataset, |
we only considered sentences labelled as “aligned”. |
We computed the number of changes between |
the original and simplified sentences through the |
token edit distance . Traditionally, edit distance |
quantifies character-level changes from one char- |
acter string to another (additions, deletions and re- |
placements). In this work, we calculated the token- |
based edit distance by adapting the Wagner–Fischer |
algorithm (Wagner and Fischer, 1974) to determine |
changes at a token level. We preprocessed our |
sentences by changing them into lowercase prior |
to this analysis. To make the results comparable |
across sentences, we divide the number of changes |
by the length of the original sentence and obtain |
values between 0% (no changes) to 100% (com- |
pletely different sentence). |
In addition to toked-based edit operation exper- |
iments, we analysed the difference of sentence |
length between complex and simple variants, the |
quantity of edit operations type (INSERT, DELETE |
and REPLACE) and an analysis of redundant oper- |
ations such as deletions and insertions in the same |
sentence over the same text piece (we define this as |
the MOVE operation). Based on our objective to |
show how different split configurations affect TS |
model performance, we have presented the percent- |
age of edit operations as the more informative anal- |
ysis performed on the most representative datasets. |
3.2 Edit Distance Distribution |
Except for the recent work of Alva-Manchego et al. |
(2020b), there has been little work on new TS |
datasets. Most prior datasets are derived by align- |
ing English and Simple English Wikipedia, for ex- |
ample WikiSmall andWikiLarge (Zhang and La- |
pata, 2017). |
In Figure 1 we can see that the edit distance |
distribution of the splits in the selected datasets is |
not even. By comparing the test and development |
subsets in WikiSmall (Figure 1a) we can see dif- |
ferences in the number of modifications involved |
in simplification. Moreover, the WikiLarge dataset(a) WikiSmall Test/Dev/Train |
(b) WikiLarge Test/Dev/Train |
(c) TurkCorpus Test |
(d) MSD Test |
(e) ASSET Test |
(f) WikiManual Test/Dev/Train |
Figure 1: Comparison of TS datasets with respect to the number of edit operations between the original and |
simplified sentences. X-axis: token edit distance normalised by sentence length, Y-axis: probability density for the |
change percentage between complex and simple sentence pairs. |
(Figure 1b) shows a complete divergence of the test |
subset. Additionally, it is possible to notice a signif- |
icant number of unaligned or noisy cases, between |
the 80% and 100% of change in the WikiLarge |
training and validation subsets (Figure 1b). |
We manually checked a sample of these cases |
and confirmed they were poor-quality simplifica- |
tions, including incorrect alignments. The simplifi- |
cation outputs (complex/simple pairs) were sorted |
by their edit distances and then manually checked |
to determine an approximate heuristic for noisy sen- |
tences detection. Since many of these alignments |
had really poor quality, it was easy to determine the |
number that removed a significant number of cases |
without actually reducing dramatically the size of |
the dataset. |
Datasets such as Turk Corpus (Xu et al., 2015) |
are widely used for evaluation and their opera- |
tions mostly consist of lexical simplification (Alva- |
Manchego et al., 2020a). We can see this behaviour |
in Figure 1c, where most edits involve a small per- |
centage of the tokens. This can be noticed when a |
large proportion of the sample cases are between |
0% (no change) to 40%. |
In the search of better evaluation resources, Turk- |
Corpus was improved with the development of |
ASSET (Alva-Manchego et al., 2020a) including |
more heterogeneous modification measures. As |
we can see in Figure 1e, the data are more evenly |
distributed than in Figure 1c.Recently proposed datasets, such as WikiMan- |
ual(Jiang et al., 2020), as shown in Figure 1f, have |
an approximately consistent distribution, and their |
simplifications are less conservative. Based on a |
visual inspection on the uppermost values of the |
distribution (80%), we can tell that often most |
of the information in the original sentence is re- |
moved or the target simplification does not express |
accurately the original meaning. |
MSD dataset (Cao et al., 2020) is a domain- |
specific dataset, developed for style transfer in the |
health domain. In the style transfer setting, the |
simplifications are aggressive (i.e., not limited to |
individual words), to promote the detection of a |
difference between one style (expert language) and |
another (lay language). Figure 1d shows how their |
change-percentage distribution differs dramatically |
in comparison to the other datasets, placing most |
of the results at the right-side of the distribution. |
Among TS datasets, it is important to mention |
that the raw text of the Newsela (Xu et al., 2015) |
dataset was produced by professional writers and is |
likely of higher quality than other TS datasets. Un- |
fortunately, it is not aligned at the sentence level by |
default and its usage and distribution are limited by |
a restrictive data agreement. We have not included |
this dataset in our analysis due to the restrictive |
licence under which it is distributed.Dataset Split KL-div p-value |
WikiSmallTest/Dev 0.0696 0.51292 |
Test/Tr 0.0580 0.83186 |
WikiLargeTest/Dev 0.4623 <0.00001 |
Test/Tr 0.4639 <0.00001 |
WikiManualTest/Dev 0.1020 0.00003 |
Test/Tr 0.0176 0.04184 |
TurkCorpus Test/Dev 0.0071 0.00026 |
ASSET Test/Dev 0.0491 <0.00001 |
Table 1: KL-divergence between testing (Test) and de- |
velopment (Dev) or training (Tr) subsets. |
3.3 KL Divergence |
In addition to edit distance measurements presented |
in Figure 1, we further analysed KL divergence |
(Kullback and Leibler, 1951) of those distributions |
to understand how much dataset subsets diverge. |
Specifically, we compared the distribution of the |
test set to the development and training sets for |
WikiSmall, WikiLarge, WikiManual, TurkCorpus |
and ASSET Corpus (when available). We did not |
include MSD dataset since it only has a testing set. |
We performed randomised permutation |
tests (Morgan, 2006) to confirm the statistical |
significance of our results. Each dataset was |
joined together and split randomly for 100,000 |
iterations. We then computed the p-value as a |
percentage of random splits that result in the KL |
value equal to or higher than the one observed in |
the data. Based on the p-value, we can decide |
whether the null hypothesis (i.e. that the original |
splits are truly random) can be accepted. We reject |
the hypothesis for p-value lower than 0.05. In |
Table 1 we show the computed KL-divergence and |
p-values. The p-values below 0.05 for WikiManual |
and WikiLarge confirm that these datasets do not |
follow a truly random distribution. |
4 Simplification Datasets: Experiments |
We carried out the following experiments to eval- |
uate the variability in performance of TS models |
caused by the issues described in Wiki-based data. |
4.1 Data and Methods |
For the proposed experiments, we used the |
EditNTS model, a Programmer-Interpreter |
Model (Dong et al., 2020). Although the original |
code was published, its implementation required |
minor modifications to run in our setting. The |
modifications performed, the experimental subsetsas well as the source code are documented via |
GitHub1. We selected EditNTS model due to its |
competitive performance in both WikiSmall and |
WikiLarge datasets2. Hence, we consider this |
model as a suitable candidate for evaluating the |
different limitations of TS datasets. In future work, |
we will definitely consider testing our assumptions |
under additional metrics and models. |
In relation to TS datasets, we trained our mod- |
els on the training and development subsets from |
WikiLarge and WikiSmall, widely used in most |
of TS research. In addition, these datasets have |
a train, development and test set, which is essen- |
tial for retraining and testing the model with new |
split configurations. The model was first trained |
with the original splits, and then with the following |
variations: |
Randomised split : as explained in Section 3.3, |
the original WikiLarge split does not have an even |
distribution of edit-distance pairs between subsets. |
For this experiment, we resampled two of our |
datasets (WikiSmall and WikiLarge). For each |
dataset, we joined all subsets together and per- |
formed a new random split. |
Refined and randomised split : we created sub- |
sets that minimise the impact of poor alignments. |
These alignments were selected by edit distance |
and then subsets were randomised as above. We |
presume that the high-distance cases correspond |
to noisy and misaligned sentences. For both Wik- |
iSmall and WikiLarge, we reran our experiments |
removing 5% and 2% of the worst alignments. |
Finally, we evaluated the models by using the |
test subsets of external datasets, including: Turk- |
Corpus, ASSET and WikiManual. |
5 Discussion |
Figure 2 shows the results for WikiSmall. We can |
see a minor decrease in SARI score with the ran- |
dom splits, which means that the noisy alignments |
were equivalently present in all the sets rather than |
using the best cases for training. On the other hand, |
when the noisy cases are removed from the datasets |
the increase in model performance is clear. |
Likewise, we show WikiLarge results in Figure |
3. When the data is randomly distributed, we obtain |
better performance than the original splits. This |
1https://github.com/lmvasque/ |
ts-explore |
2https://github.com/sebastianruder/ |
NLP-progress/blob/master/english/ |
simplification.mdFigure 2: SARI scores for evaluating WikiSmall-based |
models on external test sets. |
is consistent with WikiLarge having the largest |
discrepancy according to our KL-divergence mea- |
surements, as shown in Section 3.3. We also found |
that the 95% split gave a similar behaviour to Wiki- |
Large Random. Meanwhile, the 98% dataset, gave |
a similar performance to the original splits for AS- |
SET and TurkCorpus3. |
We can also note, that although there is a per- |
formance difference between WikiSmall Random |
and WikiSmall 95%, in WikiLarge the same splits |
have quite similar results. We believe these dis- |
crepancies are related to the size and distribution |
of the training sets. WikiLarge subset is three |
times bigger than WikiSmall in the number of sim- |
ple/complex pairs. Also, WikiLarge has a higher |
KL-divergence (0.46) than WikiSmall ( 0.06), |
which means that WikiLarge could benefit more |
from a random distribution experiment than Wik- |
iSmall, resulting in higher performance on Wiki- |
Large. Further differences may be caused by the |
procedures used to make the training/test splits in |
the original research, which were not described in |
the accompanying publications. |
Using randomised permutation testing, we have |
confirmed that the SARI differences between the |
models based on the original split and our best |
alternative (95% refined) is statistically significant |
(p <0:05) for each configuration discussed above. |
In this study, we have shown the limitations of |
TS datasets and the variations in performance in |
different splits configurations. In contrast, exist- |
ing evidence cannot determine which is the most |
suitable split, especially since this could depend |
on each specific scenario or target audience (e.g., |
model data similar to “real world” applications). |
3ASSET and Turk Corpus results are an average on their |
multiple references scores. |
Figure 3: SARI scores for evaluating WikiLarge-based |
models on external test sets. |
Also, we have measured our results using SARI, |
not only because it is the standard evaluation metric |
in TS but also because there is no better automatic |
alternatives to measure simplicity. We use SARI |
as a way to expose and quantify SOTA TS datasets |
limitations. The increase in SARI scores should be |
interpreted as the variability in the relative quality |
of the output simplifications. By relative we mean, |
that there is a change in simplicity gain but we |
cannot state the simplification is at its best quality |
since the metric itself has its own weaknesses. |
6 Conclusions |
In this paper, we have shown 1) the statistical limita- |
tions of TS datasets, and 2) the relevance of subset |
distribution for building more robust models. To |
our knowledge, distribution-based TS datasets anal- |
ysis has not been considered before. We hope that |
the exposure of these limitations kicks off a discus- |
sion in the TS community on whether we are in the |
correct direction regarding evaluation resources in |
TS and more widely in NLG. The creation of new |
resources is expensive and complex, however, we |
have shown that current resources can be refined, |
motivating future studies in the field of TS. |
Acknowledgments |
We would like to thank Nhung T.H. Nguyen and |
Jake Vasilakes for their valuable discussions and |
comments. Laura V ´asquez-Rodr ´ıguez’s work was |
funded by the Kilburn Scholarship from the Uni- |
versity of Manchester . Piotr Przybyła’s work was |
supported by the Polish National Agency for Aca- |
demic Exchange through a Polish Returns grant |
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