What Does TERRA-REF’s High Resolution, Multi Sensor Plant Sensing Public |
Domain Data Offer the Computer Vision Community? |
David LeBauer |
University of Arizona |
[email protected] Burnette |
University of Illinois |
[email protected] Fahlgren |
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center |
[email protected] |
Rob Kooper |
University of Illinois |
[email protected] McHenry |
University of Illinois |
[email protected] Stylianou |
St. Louis University |
[email protected] |
Abstract |
A core objective of the TERRA-REF project was to gen- |
erate an open-access reference dataset for the evaluation |
of sensing technologies to study plants under field condi- |
tions. The TERRA-REF program deployed a suite of high- |
resolution, cutting edge technology sensors on a gantry sys- |
tem with the aim of scanning 1 hectare (104m) at around 1 |
mm2spatial resolution multiple times per week. The system |
contains co-located sensors including a stereo-pair RGB |
camera, a thermal imager, a laser scanner to capture 3D |
structure, and two hyperspectral cameras covering wave- |
lengths of 300-2500nm. This sensor data is provided along- |
side over sixty types of traditional plant phenotype measure- |
ments that can be used to train new machine learning mod- |
els. Associated weather and environmental measurements, |
information about agronomic management and experimen- |
tal design, and the genomic sequences of hundreds of plant |
varieties have been collected and are available alongside |
the sensor and plant phenotype data. |
Over the course of four years and ten growing seasons, |
the TERRA-REF system generated over 1 PB of sensor data |
and almost 45 million files. The subset that has been re- |
leased to the public domain accounts for two seasons and |
about half of the total data volume. This provides an un- |
precedented opportunity for investigations far beyond the |
core biological scope of the project. |
The focus of this paper is to provide the Computer Vi- |
sion and Machine Learning communities an overview of the |
available data and some potential applications of this one |
of a kind data.1. Introduction |
In 2015, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for En- |
ergy (ARPA-E) funded the TERRA-REF Phenotyping Plat- |
form (Figure 1). The scientific aim was to transform plant |
breeding by providing a reference dataset generated by de- |
ploying a suite of co-located high-resolution sensors un- |
der field conditions. The goal of these sensors was to use |
proximate sensing from approximately 2m above the plant |
canopy to quantify plant characteristics. |
The study has evaluated diverse populations of sorghum, |
wheat, and lettuce over the course of four years and ten |
cropping cycles. Future releases of additional data will be |
informed by user interests. |
Figure 1. TERRA-REF field scanner at the University of Arizona’s |
Maricopa Agricultural Center. |
The TERRA-REF reference dataset can be used to char- |
acterize phenotype-to-genotype associations, on a genomic |
scale, that will enable knowledge-driven breeding and the |
development of higher-yielding cultivars of sorghum and |
wheat. The data is also being used to develop new algo- |
rithms for machine learning, image analysis, genomics, and |
optical sensor engineering. Beyond applications in plantbreeding, the resulting dataset provides opportunities for the |
study and integration of diverse remote sensing modalities. |
1.1. Types of Data |
The TERRA-REF field scanner platform utilizes a sensor |
suite of co-located instruments (Figure 2 and Table 1). The |
TERRA-REF reference dataset includes several data types |
(Figures 3 and 4, Table 2) including raw and processed |
outputs from sensors, environmental sensor measurements, |
manually measured and computationally derived pheno- |
types, and raw and processed genomics datasets [16]. Ex- |
tensive contextual measurements and metadata include sen- |
sor information and extensive documentation for each of the |
sensors, the field scanner, calibration targets, and the results |
of sensor validation tests [16]. |
In addition to raw sensor data, the first release of |
TERRA-REF data includes derived sensor data products in |
enhanced formats including calibrated and georeferenced |
images and point clouds (Table 2). Many of the data prod- |
ucts are provided in formats that follow Open Geospatial |
Consortium (OGC) standards and work with GIS software. |
Figure 2. TERRA-REF field scanner sensor suite. |
1.2. Sensors |
Sensors available on the TERRA-REF field scanner in- |
clude snapshot and line-scan imaging, multi-spectral radio- |
metric, and environmental sensors. Table 1 and Figure 2) |
provide a high level overview of the sensors deployed on |
this system. Full documentation and metadata for each sen- |
sor as well as the configuration and geometry of the sensor |
box are provided as metadata alongside the TERRA-REF |
data release. |
2. Computer Vision and Machine Learning |
Problems |
There are a variety of questions that the TERRA-REF |
dataset could be used to answer that are of high importance |
to the agricultural and plant science communities, while |
also posing extremely interesting and challenging computer |
vision and machine learning problems. In this section, weconsider example research areas or topics within computer |
vision and discuss the relevant agricultural and plant sci- |
ence questions those research communities could help ad- |
dress using the TERRA-REF data. |
Measurement, Prediction and Causal Inference. The |
TERRA-REF sensor data can be used to drive development |
of vision-based algorithms for fundamental problems in |
plant phenotyping, such as making measurements of plant |
height, leaf length, flower counting, or estimating environ- |
mental stress. Additional challenges include attempting to |
predict end of season phenotypes, such as end of season |
yield, from early season sensor data – an accurate predic- |
tor of end of season yield from early season visual data, for |
example, could help growers and breeders invest resources |
only in the most promising of candidate crops. There are |
additional opportunities to investigate the causal relation- |
ship between genotypes or environmental conditions and |
their expressed phenotypes, as the TERRA-REF dataset in- |
cludes both comprehensive genetic information, as well as |
high temporal resolution environmental information. The |
TERRA-REF data contain over sixty hand measurements |
that could be used to train models from one or more sensors. |
In addition, there are opportunities to train models that pre- |
dict plot-level phenotypes measured by an expensive sensor |
with a less expensive sensor. Further, many events includ- |
ing insect damage, heat stress, and plant lodging (falling) |
could be labeled in new images. |
Fine Grained Visual Categorization. The TERRA-REF |
data is a rich source of visual sensor data collected from |
crop species that are visually similar. Differentiating be- |
tween data with low inter-class variance is an interesting |
categorization challenge, requiring visual models that learn |
the fine-grained differences between varieties of the same |
crop. |
Transfer Learning. There are a variety of interesting |
transfer learning challenges of utmost importance to the |
agricultural and plant science communities, including dis- |
covering approaches that generalize across sensors, across |
crops, or across environmental conditions. The TERRA- |
REF data additionally presents an opportunity to help solve |
the greenhouse-to-field gap, where models that perform |
well in greenhouse conditions tend to not generalize to field |
conditions; because the TERRA-REF data includes both |
greenhouse and field data for the exact same varieties, re- |
searchers in transfer learning could help build models that |
bridge this gap. |
Multi-sensor Integration. The TERRA-REF data in- |
cludes data captured from a variety of visual sensors (de- |
scribed in Section 1.2). These sensors have similar, but notTable 1. Summary of TERRA-REF sensor instruments. |
Sensor Name Model Technical Specifications |
Imaging Sensors |
Stereo RGB Camera Allied Vision Prosilica GT3300C |
Laser Scanner Custom Fraunhofer 3D Spatial Resolution: 0.3 to 0.9 mm |
Thermal Infrared FLIR A615 Thermal Sensitivity: ≤50mK @ 30◦C |
PS II Camera LemnaTec PS II Fluorescence Prototype Illumination 635nm x 4000 µmol/m2/s, Camera 50 fps |
Multi-spectral Radiometers |
Dedicated NDVI Multispectral Radiometer Skye Instruments SKR 1860D/A 650 nm, 800 nm ±5 nm; 1 down, 1 up |
Dedicated PRI Multispectral Radiometer Skye Instruments SKR 1860ND/A 531nm +/- 3nm; PRI = Photochemical Reflectance Index |
Active Reflectance Holland Scientific Crop Circle ACS-430 670 nm, 730 nm, 780 nm |
Hyper-spectral Cameras |
VNIR Hyperspectral Imager Headwall Inspector VNIR 380-1000 nm @ 2/3 nm resolution |
SWIR Hyperspectral Imager Headwall Inspector SWIR 900-2500 nm @ 12 nm resolution |
Environmental Sensors |
Climate Sensors Thies Clima 4.9200.00.000 |
VNIR Spectroradiometer Ocean Optics STS-Vis Range: 337-824 nm @ 1/2 nm |
VNIR+SWIR Spectroradiometer Spectral Evolution PSR+3500 Range 800-2500nm @3-8 nm; Installed 2018 |
PAR Sensor Quantum SQ–300 Spectral Range 410 to 655 nm |
Table 2. Summary of the sensor data products included in the first release of TERRA-REF data. |
Data Product Sensor Algorithm File Format Plot Clip Full Field |
Environment Thies Clima envlog2netcdf netcdf NA NA |
Thermal Image FLIR ir geotiff geotiff + |
Point Cloud Fraunhofer Laser 3D laser3d las las + |
Point Cloud Fraunhofer Laser 3D scanner3DTop ply |
Images Time-Series PSII Camera ps2png png |
Color Images RGB Stereo bin2tiff geotiff + + |
Plant Mask RGB Stereo rgb mask geotiff x |
identical, viewpoints from within the gantry box, may not |
have captured data at the exact same time, and may have |
captured different perspectives of the same part of the field |
on different days. This presents interesting challenges in |
terms of how to incorporate information across the various |
sensors, and how to work with time-series data that is not |
necessarily well-aligned or continuously captured. |
Explainable Models. All too often in machine learning |
research, datasets and models are built solely to drive the |
development of machine learning algorithms. When build- |
ing models to answer questions like “should I cut this plant |
down because it won’t produce sufficient yield?” or “is this |
plant under environmental stress?,” it is important not just |
to have maximally accurate models but to also understand |
why the models make the determinations that they make. |
This makes the TERRA-REF data, and the biologically rel- |
evant questions it supports, an excellent opportunity to drive |
development of new approaches for explainable machine |
learning, conveying the decisions made by algorithms to |
non-machine learning experts. |
Information Content. The TERRA-REF field scanner |
and sensors represent a substantial investment, and it is still |
not clear which sensors, sensor configurations, and spatialand temporal resolutions are useful to answer a particular |
question. Presently, much less expensive sensors and sens- |
ing platforms are available [11, 1]. What do we gain from |
the 1mm spatial resolution on this platform relative to unoc- |
cupied aerial systems (UAS) that are quickly approaching |
1cm spatial resolution? Or, which subset of hyperspectral |
wavelengths provide the most useful information? Can we |
predict the useful parts of a hyperspectral image from RGB |
images? Or get most of the information from a multispec- |
tral camera with a half-dozen bands? At the outset, the team |
recognized that this configuration would be oversampling |
the plant subjects, but it wasn’t clear what the appropriate |
resolutions or most useful sensors would be. |
Overall Challenges. Within all of these topic areas in |
computer vision and machine learning, the challenges that |
must be addressed require addressing interesting questions |
such as determining the most appropriate sensors and data |
processing choices for specific questions, addressing dif- |
ficult domain transfer issues, considering how to integrate |
noisy side channels of information, such as genetic infor- |
mation that may conflict or conflate with each other, or deal- |
ing with nuisance parameters like environmental or weather |
variations that simultaneously influence plant subjects and |
the sensor data content.Figure 3. Example data from the TERRA-REF gantry system. (top left) RGB data (center top) RGB data with soil masked (top right) |
close up of RGB data. 3D-scanner data (center row, right to left) depth, reflectance, surface normals, and point cloud data produced by |
the 3D scanner. (bottom row, right to left) FLIR thermal image with transpiring leaves shown as cooler than soil; F v/Fmderived from |
active fluorescence PSII sensor providing a measure of photosynthetic efficiency; the reflectance of light at 543nm wavelength measured |
by the VNIR hyperspectral camera. Because these are two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional systems, all scale bars are |
approximate. |
3. Algorithm Development. |
The process of converting raw sensor outputs into usable |
data products required geometric, radiometric, and geospa- |
tial calibration. In this regard, each sensor presented its own |
challenges. Combining these steps into an automated com- |
puting pipeline also represented a substantial effort that is |
described by Burnette et al. [3]. |
Radiometric calibration was particularly challenging, |
owing that many images contain both sunlit and shaded ar- |
eas. In the case of hyperspectral images, the white sensor |
box and scans spread out over multiple days confounded |
an already challenging problem. Radiometric calibration |
of images taken by the two hyperspectral cameras exempli- |
fies these challenges, and a robust solution is described by |
Sagan et al. [21] and implemented in [19]. Even process- |
ing images from an RGB camera was challenging due to |
fixed settings resulting in high variability in quality and ex- |
posure, requiring the novel approach described by Li et al. |
[18]. Herritt et al. [14, 13] demonstrate and provide soft- |
ware used in analysis of a sequence of images that capture |
plant fluorescence response to a pulse of light.Most of the algorithms used to generate data products |
have not been published as papers but are made available |
on GitHub ( https://github.com/terraref ); code |
used to release the data publication in 2020 is available on |
Zenodo [25, 15, 10, 6, 4, 19, 8, 7, 5, 9, 17]. |
Pipeline development continues to support ongoing use |
of the field scanner as well as more general applica- |
tions in plant sensing pipelines. Recent advances have |
improved pipeline scalability and modularity by adopt- |
ing workflow tools and making use of heterogeneous |
computing environments. The TERRA-REF computing |
pipeline has been adapted and extended for continuing |
use with the Field Scanner with the new name ”Phy- |
toOracle” and is available at https://github.com/ |
LyonsLab/PhytoOracle . Related work generalizing |
the pipeline for other phenomics applications has been re- |
leased under the name ”AgPipeline” https://github. |
com/agpipeline with applications to aerial imaging de- |
scribed by Schnaufer et al . [22]. All of these software |
are made available with permissive open source licenses on |
GitHub to enable access and community development.Figure 4. Summary of public sensor datasets from Seasons 4 and 6. Each dot represents the dates for which a particular data product is |
available, and the size of the dot indicates the number of files available. |
4. Uses to date. |
TERRA-REF is being used in a variety of ways. For ex- |
ample, hyperspectral images have been used to measure soil |
moisture [2], but the potential to predict leaf chemical com- |
position and biophysical traits related to photosynthesis and |
water use are particularly promising based on prior work |
[23, 24]. |
Plant Science and Computer Vision Research. A few |
projects are developing curated datasets for specific ma- |
chine learning challenges related to classification, objectrecognition, and prediction. |
We currently know of at least three datasets curated |
for CVPPA 2021. The Sorghum-100 dataset was cre- |
ated to support development of algorithms that can clas- |
sify sorghum varieties from RGB images from Ren et al. |
[20]. Another set of RGB images curated for the Sorghum |
Biomass Prediction Challenge on Kaggle was developed |
with the goal of developing methods to predict end of sea- |
son biomass from images taken of different sorghum geno- |
types over the course of the growing season. Finally, RGB |
images from the TERRA-REF field scanner in Maricopa |
accounted for 250 of the 6000 1024x1024 pixel images inthe Global Wheat Head Dataset 2021 [12]. The goal of the |
Global Wheat Challenge 2021 on AIcrowd is to develop an |
algorithm that can identify wheat heads from a collection of |
images from around the world that represent diverse fields |
conditions, sensors, settings, varieties, and growth stages. |
Most of the research applications to date have focused on |
analysis of plot-level phenotypes and genomic data rather |
than the full resolution sensor data. |
5. Data Access |
Public Domain Data. A curated subset of the TERRA- |
REF data was released to the public domain in 2020 (Figure |
4) [16]. These data are intended to be re-used and are acces- |
sible as a combination of files and databases linked by spa- |
tial, temporal, and genomic information. In addition to pro- |
viding open access data, the entire computational pipeline is |
open source, and we can assist academic users with access |
to high-performance computing environments. |
The total size of raw (Level 0) data generated by these |
sensors is 60 TB. Combined, the Level 1 and Level 2 sen- |
sor data products are 490 TB. This size could be substan- |
tially reduced through compression and removal of dupli- |
cate data. For example, the same images at the same resolu- |
tion appear in the georeferenced Level 1 files, the full field |
mosaics, and the plot-level clip. |
Other Data Available. The complete TERRA-REF |
dataset is not publicly available because of the effort and |
cost of processing, reviewing, curating, describing, and |
hosting the data. Instead, we focused on an initial public |
release and plan to make new datasets available based on |
need. Access to unpublished data can be requested from |
the authors, and as data are curated they will be added to |
subsequent versions of the public domain release ( https: |
//terraref.org/data/access-data ). |
In addition to hosting an archival copy of data on Dryad |
[16], the documentation includes instructions for browsing |
and accessing these data through a variety of online portals. |
These portals provide access to web user interfaces as well |
as databases, APIs, and R and Python clients. In some cases |
it will be easier to access data through these portals using |
web interfaces and software libraries. |
The public domain data is archived on Dryad, with the |
exception of the large sensor data files. The Dryad archive |
provides a catalog of these files that can be accessed via |
Globus or directly on the host computer at the National Cen- |
ter for Supercomputing Applications. |
6. Acknowledgements |
The work presented herein was funded in part by the |
Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E),U.S. Department of Energy, under Award Numbers DE- |
AR0000598 and DE-AR0001101, and the National Science |
Foundation, under Award Numbers 1835834 and 1835543. |
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