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End-to-end optimized image compression with competition of prior distributions
Benoit Brummer
Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium
[email protected] De Vleeschouwer
Universit ´e catholique de Louvain
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
[email protected]
Convolutional autoencoders are now at the forefront of
image compression research. To improve their entropy cod-
ing, encoder output is typically analyzed with a second
autoencoder to generate per-variable parametrized prior
probability distributions. We instead propose a compression
scheme that uses a single convolutional autoencoder and
multiple learned prior distributions working as a competition
of experts. Trained prior distributions are stored in a static
table of cumulative distribution functions. During inference,
this table is used by an entropy coder as a look-up-table
to determine the best prior for each spatial location. Our
method offers rate-distortion performance comparable to
that obtained with a predicted parametrized prior with only
a fraction of its entropy coding and decoding complexity.
1. Introduction
Image compression typically consists of a transforma-
tion step (including quantization) and an entropy coding
step that attempts to capture the probability distribution of
a transformed context to generate a smaller compressed bit-
stream. Entropy coding ranges in complexity from simple
non-adaptive encoders [ 26,24] to complex arithmetic coders
with adaptive context models [ 15,23]. The entropy cod-
ing strategy has been revised to address the specificities of
learned compression. More specifically, for recent works
that make use of a convolutional autoencoder [ 12] (AE) as
the all-inclusive transformation and quantization step, the en-
tropy coder relies on a cumulative probability model (CPM)
trained alongside the AE [ 5]. This model estimates the cumu-
lative distribution function (CDF) of each channel coming
out of the AE and passes these learned CDFs to an entropy
coder such as range encoding [16].
Such a simple method outperforms traditional codecs
like JPEG2000 but work is still needed to surpass complex
codecs like BPG. Johannes Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6] proposed
analyzing the output of the convolutional encoder with an-
other AE to generate a floating-point scale parameter thatdiffers for every variable that needs to be encoded by the
entropy coder, thus for every location in every channel. This
method has been widely used in subsequent works but in-
troduces substantial complexity in the entropy coding step
because a different CDF is needed to encode every variable
in the latent representation of the image, whereas the single
AE method by Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5] reused the same CDF
table for every latent spatial location.
Our work uses the principle of competition of experts
[22,14] to get the best out of both worlds. Multiple prior
distributions compete for the lowest bit cost on every spatial
location in the quantized latent representation. During train-
ing, only the best prior distribution is updated in each spatial
location, further improving the prior distributions special-
ization. CDF tables are fixed at the end of training. Hence,
at testing, the CDF table resulting in the lowest bitcost is
assigned to each spatial location of the latent representation.
The rate-distortion (RD) performance obtained is compa-
rable to that obtained with a parametrized distribution [ 6],
yet the entropy coding process is greatly simplified since it
does not require a per-variable CDF and can build on look-
up-tables (LUT) rather than the computation of analytical
2. Background
Entropy coders such as range encoding [ 16] require cdfs
where, for each variable to be encoded, the probability that a
smaller or equal value appears is defined for every allowable
value in the latent representation space. Johannes Ball ´e et
al.’s seminal work (2017) [ 5] consists of an AE, computing a
latent image representation consisting in CLchannels of size
HLWL, and a CPM, consisting of one CDF per latent out-
put channel, which are trained conjointly. The latent repre-
sentation coming out of the encoder is quantized then passed
through the CPM. The CPM defines, in a parametrized and
differentiable manner, a CDF per channel. At the end of
training, the CPM is evaluated at every possible value1to
generate the static CDF table. The CDF table is not differen-
tiable, but going from a differentiable CPM to a static CDF
table speeds up the encoding and decoding process. The
1arXiv:2111.09172v1 [eess.IV] 17 Nov 2021CDF table is used to compress latent representations with an
entropy coder, the approximate bit cost of a symbol is the
binary logarithm of its probability.
Ball´e et al. (2018) improved the RD efficiency by re-
placing the unique CDF table with a Gaussian distribution
parametrized with a hyperprior (HP) sub-network [ 6]. The
HP generates a scale parameter, and in turn a different CDF,
for every variable to be encoded. Thus, complexity is added
by exploiting the parametrized Gaussian prior during the
entropy coding process, since a different CDF is required for
each variable in the channel and spatial dimensions.
Minnen et al. proposed a scheme where one of multi-
ple probability distributions is chosen to adapt the entropy
model locally [ 21]. However, these distributions are defined
a posteriori, given the encoder trained with a global entropy
model. Thus [ 21] does not perform as well as the HP scheme
[6] per [ 19, Fig. 2a]. In contrast, the present method jointly
optimizes the local entropy models and the AE in an end-to-
end fashion that results in greater performance. Minnen et al.
[19] later proposed to improve RD with the use of an autore-
gressive sequential context model. However, as highlighted
in [13], this is obtained at the cost of increased runtime
by several orders of magnitude. Subsequent works have
attempted to reduce complexity of the neural network archi-
tecture [ 10] and to bridge the RD gap with Minnen’s work
[13], but entropy coding complexity has remained largely
unaddressed and has instead evolved towards increased com-
plexity [ 19,7,20] compared to [ 6]. The present work builds
on Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5] and achieves the performance of
Ball´e et al. (2018) [ 6] without the complexity introduced
by a per-variable parametrized probability distribution. We
chose Ball ´e et al. (2017) as a baseline because it corresponds
to the basic unit adopted as a common reference and starting
point for most models proposed in the recent literature to im-
prove compression quality [ 6,19,13,20]. Due to its generic
nature, our contribution remains relevant for the newer, often
computationally more complex, incremental improvements
on Ball ´e et al. (2017).
3. Competition of prior distributions
Our proposed method introduces competitions of expert
[22,14] prior distributions: a single AE transforms the image
and a set of prior distributions are trained to model the CDF
of the latent representation in each spatial location. For each
latent spatial dimension the CDF table which minimizes
bit cost is selected; that prior is either further optimized
on the features it won in the training mode, or its index is
stored for decoding in the inference mode. This scheme is
illustrated in Figure 1, a set of 16 optimized CDF tables is
shown in Figure 2, and three sample images are segmented
by “winning” CDF table in Figure 3.
All prior distributions are estimated in parallel by consid-
ering NCDFCDF tables, and selecting, as a function of the
CDFNCDF...Cumulative probability model
Input image
(eg: MSE, MS-SSIM, discriminator)x̂
bitstream[ ŷk,l]ik,lbitstream
bitCost( ŷk,l, )BackpropagateBackpropagate
Entropy coder
ik,l=argmin p
[bitCost( ŷk,l, CDF p)]...y x
Noise (train),
round (test) ŷk,lFor all k,l
CDFik,lFigure 1. AE compression scheme with competition of prior distri-
butions. The AE architecture is detailed in [ 6, Fig. 4]. The indices
idenote the indices of CDF tables that minimizes the bitcount for
each latent spatial dimension. Loss = Distortion + bitCost.
0 1000.00.51.0
0 100 100
0 100 100
0 100
Figure 2. We observe some diversity among the 16 cumulative
distribution functions learned by a network trained with MSE loss
and= 4096 . Each box presents a CDF table and each colored
line corresponds to the cdfof one of 256 latent channels. The best
fitting CDF table is selected for each latent spatial location.
encoded latent spatial location, the one that minimizes the
entropy coder bitcount. The CDF table index is determined
for each spatial location by evaluating each CDF table in
inference. This can be done in a vectorized operation given
sufficient memory. During training the CPM is evaluated
instead of CDF tables such that the probabilities are up to
date and the model is differentiable, and the bit cost is re-
turned as it contributes to the loss function. The cost of CDF
table indices has been shown to be neglectable due to the
reasonably small number of priors, which in turns results
from the fact that little gain in latent code entropy has been
obtained by increasing the number of priors.
In all our experiments , the AE architecture follows the
one in Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6], without the HP, since we found
that the AE from [ 6] offers better RD than the one describedFigure 3. Segmentation of three test images [ 1]: each distinct color
represents one of 64 CDF tables used to encode a latent spatial
location ( 1616pixels patch)
in Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5], even with a single CDF table. A
functional training loop is described in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1 Training loop
y model.Encoder( x)
ˆy quantize( y)
ˆx clip(model.Decoder( ˆy), 0, 1)
distortion visualLossFunction( ˆx,x)
for0k< HLand0l<WLdo
bitCost [k;l] min i<NCDF log2
CPM i(ˆy[k;l] + 0:5)CPM i(ˆy[k;l]0:5)
end for .CPM is the differentiable version of CDF
Loss distortion+jbitCostj
4. Experiments
4.1. Method
These experiments are based on the PyTorch implemen-
tation of Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6] published by Liu Jia-
heng [ 9,13]. To implement our proposed method, the
HP is omitted in favor of competition of expert prior dis-
tributions. The CPM is that defined in [ 9] with an addi-
tional NCDFdimension to compute all CDF tables in par-
allel. Theoretical results are verified using the torchac
range coder [ 18,17,16]. A functional training loop is de-
scribed in Algorithm 1, and source code is provided on .
To ensure that all priors get an opportunity to train, the prior
distributions that have not been used for at least fifty stepsare randomly assigned to spatial locations with largest bit-
counts, to be forced to train. The Adam optimizer [ 11] is
used with a starting learning rate (LR) of 0.0001 for the AE
and 0.001 for the CPM. Performance is tested every 2500
steps in inference mode on the validation set, and the LR
is decayed by a factor of 0.99 if the performance have not
improved for two tests. Reported performance is the one of
the model taht minimizes (visualLoss+bitCost )on the
validation set at the end of training. Base models are trained
for six million steps at = 4096 with the mean squared er-
ror (MSE) loss. Smaller values and MS-SSIM models are
trained for four million steps starting from the base model
with their LR and optimizer reset. All models use CH= 192
(hidden layers channels) and CL= 256 (output channels)
such that a single base model is needed for each prior con-
figuration. The training and validation dataset is made of
free-license images from Wikimedia Commons [ 3]; mainly
“Category:Featured pictures on Wikimedia Common” which
consists of 13928 images of the highest quality. The images
are cropped into 10242pixels patches on disk to speed up
further resizing, then they are resized on-the-fly by a random
factor down to 2562pixels during training. A batch size of 4
patches is used. The kodak set [ 2] is used as a validation set
and the CLIC professional test dataset [ 4] is used for testing.
The RD curve of our “multiprior” model is compared
with that of the HP model [ 6], which is trained from scratch
using Liu Jiaheng’s PyTorch implementation [ 9,13]. Liu
Jiaheng’s code differs slightly from the paper’s definition [ 6]
in that a Laplace distribution is used in place of the normal
distribution to stabilize training. Complexity is measured as
the number of GMac (billion multiply-accumulate operation)
using the ptflops counter [ 25] and the number of memory
lookup operations is calculated manually.
4.2. Results
The PSNR RD curve measured on the CLIC professional
test set [ 4] is shown on top of Figure 4. The performance
of a 64-priors model is in line with that of the HP model
: they both perform slightly better than BPG at high bpp,
and achieve significantly better RD than the single-prior
model. In the middle, the RD value at = 4096 , the highest
bitrate, is shown for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 prior
distributions. 128-priors offer marginal gains and costs an
increased training time (1.5) and encoding time. MS-SSIM
performance of fine-tuned models is shown in the bottom
of Figure 4; the 64-priors model still performs similarly to
[6], and both learned compression models benefit from this
more perceptual metric compared with traditional codecs. A
visual comparison of images compressed with the MSE loss
(= 512 ) and the equivalent bitrate settings in conventional
codecs is shown in Figure 5.
Computational complexity of our Manypriors has been
compared to the one of the HP model [ 6]). This complex-0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0323334353637383940PSNR
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.8538.538.638.738.838.939.039.139.2PSNR
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
JPEGFigure 4. Top: PSNR RD curve of a 64-priors model on the CLIC
pro. test set, compared with the HP model [ 6], and the BPG and
JPEG codecs. Middle : Zoom in on models with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
and 64 priors. Bottom: MS-SSIM RD curve.
Table 1. Complexity of the HP model [ 6]) compared to Manypriors
(ours), expressed in GMac for the neural network parts and number
of memory lookup operations (* or parametrized Laplace CDF
generations in full-precision) for the CDF tables generation, to
process a 4K image.
(#) Hyperprior Manypriors ratio MPHP
EncodingGMacmain encoder 769.82 769.82
hyper encoder 23.75
hyper decoder 23.86
total 817.43 769.82 0.942
Lookupsindices 530.84 M
CDF 829.44 K * 32.400 K
total 829.44 K* 530.87 M N CDF= 64
DecodingGMachyper decoder 23.154
main decoder 769.60 769.60
total 792.75 769.60 0.971
Lookups CDF (total) 829.44 K* 32.400 K1
CL= 0:004
ity is expressed in GMac for the neural network parts and
number of memory lookup operations. It is summarized in
Table 1. The lack of a HP AE saves 3 % to 6 % GMac, de-
pending on whether only the HP decoder (image decoding)
Figure 5. Visual comparison of Larry the cat [ 1] compressed with
learned (= 512 ) and conventional methods. Top-left: uncom-
pressed, top-middle: JPEG (PSNR: 29.3, 0.224 bpp), top-right:
BPG (PSNR: 32.9, 0.217 bpp), bottom-left: 1-prior (PSNR: 32.4,
0.252 bpp), bottom-middle: hyperprior (PSNR: 32.8, 0.217 bpp),
bottom-right: 64-priors/ours (PSNR: 32.9, 0.218 bpp)
or the whole HP codec (image encoding) is used. Decoding
with the Manypriors scheme is greatly simplified compared
to [6] because the CDF tables generation process takes the
optimal indices stored as side-information and looks up one
static CDF table per latent spatial dimension, that is CL(typ-
ically 256) fewer lookups than with a HP. During encoding,
the Manypriors scheme must lookup every latent variable
with every CDF table in order to determine the most cost
effective CDF tables. This results in NCDF(typically 64)
times more lookup operations than the HP scheme overall,
although these lookup operations are relatively cheap be-
cause only two values are needed (variable 0.5), whereas
each CDF table lookup in [ 6] returns Lprobabilities. More-
over, it is challenging to make an accurate CDF LUT for the
HP scheme, because quantizing the distribution scale param-
eter reduces the accuracy of the resulting CDFs, negatively
impacting the bitrate. This challenge is exacerbated when
the distribution has multiple parameters [ 19] or a mixture
of distributions [ 7] is used. In Figure 4, LUT are replaced
by accurate but complex Laplace distribution computation
for the HP scheme in order to maximize the reported RD
Time complexity is measured for every step on CPU,
where it can be reliably profiled due to synchroneous execu-
tion. It is summarized in Table 2 with the following distinct
sub-categories: NN (neural network) is the time spent in
the AE, CDF generation is the time spent building the CDF
tables for a specific image, and entropy is the bitstream gener-
ation. All operations are done using the PyTorch framework
in python, except for entropy encoding which makes use of
the torchac range coding library [ 18,17], written in C++, andTable 2. Breaking down the image encoding and decoding time, in
seconds. Image: 4.5 MP snail [ 1]. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X.
Time avg. of 50 runs.
(Ball ´e2018)64-priors
EncodingNN encode: main + hyperprior 3.81 + 0.41 3.79 + 0.00 0.90
entropy encode, main + hyperprior 0.15 + 0.02 0.15 + 0.00
CDF : select indices + gather tables 0.00 +FP: 15.95
LUT: 5.661.90 + 0.81FP: 0.17
LUT: 0.48
encode (total)FP: 20.33
LUT: 10.046.65FP: 0.32
LUT: 0.66
DecodingNN decode : main + hyperprior 10.66 + 0.34 10.50 0.95
CDF : gather tablesFP: 15.95
LUT: 5.660.81FP: 0.05
LUT: 0.14
entropy decode : main + hyperprior 0.24 + 0.02 0.24 0.92
decode (total)FP: 27.21
LUT: 16.9211.54FP: 0.42
LUT: 0.68
the prior indices are compressed using the LZMA library [ 8].
The total encoding time of the 64-priors model is 0.32 time
that of the HP model and the decoding time is 0.42 times that
of the HP model. The timing is more significant when it is
broken down by sub-category because each component has
a different response time depending on the hardware (and
software) architecture in place. The AE (“NN”) encoding
time is 0.90 that of the HP scheme and decoding time is
0.95 time as much as the HP. Both the hyper-encoder and
hyper-decoder are called during encoding, thus it appears
that each part of the HP sub-network costs 5 % of the AE
time. The time taken to build the CDF tables for the HP
model was measured both by estimating the per-variable
Laplace distributions (“full-precision”) and with a quantized
scale parameter LUT. In any case, finding the best indices of
a 64-priors model appears to be relatively inexpensive and
the total CDF tables generation time is only 0.17 to 0.48 that
of the HP model (depending on whether the HP model uses
full-precision or LUT) for encoding. During decoding, the
64-priors model spends 0.05 to 0.14 as much time building
the CDF tables as the HP model, because the optimal CDF
table indices have already been determined during encoding
and they are included in the bitstream.
5. Conclusion
Convolutional autoencoders trained for compression are
optimized for both rate and distortion. Rate is estimated with
a cumulative probability model, which in turns generates a
CDF for every latent variable to be encoded. A single CDF
per latent channel is not sufficient to capture the statistics at
the output of the encoder, nor to allow the encoder to express
a wide variety of features. To support multiple statistics, the
hyperprior [ 6] parametrizes a standard distribution, but this
introduces a great deal of complexity in the entropy coding
stage because the CDF differs for every latent variable to be
encoded. The proposed method uses multiple prior distri-
butions working as a competition of experts to capture the
relevant features which they specialize on. This approach is
advantageous because the learned CDF tables are stored in
a static LUT once training is finished, and a model trainedwith 64 prior distributions performs with a similar RD as
one trained with a HP sub-network. Moreover, a learned
CDF table includes the CDF for all channels in the latent
code. Hence, accessing the CDF table for a spatial location
provides the CDF for each of its channels and the number of
lookups is reduced to the number of latent spatial locations.
In our experiments, CDF tables generation in the encoding
step takes 0.17 to 0.48 as much time with a 64-priors model
as it does with the HP model (depending on the precision
of the HP model). This ratio is lowered to 0.05 to 0.14 dur-
ing decoding because the prior indices have already been
determined during the encoding.
6. Acknowledgements
This research has been funded by the Walloon Region.
Computational resources have been provided by the super-
computing facilities of the Universit ´e catholique de Lou-
vain (CISM/UCL) and the Consortium des ´Equipements de
Calcul Intensif en F ´ed´eration Wallonie Bruxelles (C ´ECI)
funded by the Fond de la Recherche Scientifique de Bel-
gique (F.R.S.-FNRS) under convention 2.5020.11 and by the
Walloon Region.
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