End-to-end optimized image compression with competition of prior distributions |
Benoit Brummer |
intoPIX |
Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium |
[email protected] De Vleeschouwer |
Universit ´e catholique de Louvain |
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |
[email protected] |
Abstract |
Convolutional autoencoders are now at the forefront of |
image compression research. To improve their entropy cod- |
ing, encoder output is typically analyzed with a second |
autoencoder to generate per-variable parametrized prior |
probability distributions. We instead propose a compression |
scheme that uses a single convolutional autoencoder and |
multiple learned prior distributions working as a competition |
of experts. Trained prior distributions are stored in a static |
table of cumulative distribution functions. During inference, |
this table is used by an entropy coder as a look-up-table |
to determine the best prior for each spatial location. Our |
method offers rate-distortion performance comparable to |
that obtained with a predicted parametrized prior with only |
a fraction of its entropy coding and decoding complexity. |
1. Introduction |
Image compression typically consists of a transforma- |
tion step (including quantization) and an entropy coding |
step that attempts to capture the probability distribution of |
a transformed context to generate a smaller compressed bit- |
stream. Entropy coding ranges in complexity from simple |
non-adaptive encoders [ 26,24] to complex arithmetic coders |
with adaptive context models [ 15,23]. The entropy cod- |
ing strategy has been revised to address the specificities of |
learned compression. More specifically, for recent works |
that make use of a convolutional autoencoder [ 12] (AE) as |
the all-inclusive transformation and quantization step, the en- |
tropy coder relies on a cumulative probability model (CPM) |
trained alongside the AE [ 5]. This model estimates the cumu- |
lative distribution function (CDF) of each channel coming |
out of the AE and passes these learned CDFs to an entropy |
coder such as range encoding [16]. |
Such a simple method outperforms traditional codecs |
like JPEG2000 but work is still needed to surpass complex |
codecs like BPG. Johannes Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6] proposed |
analyzing the output of the convolutional encoder with an- |
other AE to generate a floating-point scale parameter thatdiffers for every variable that needs to be encoded by the |
entropy coder, thus for every location in every channel. This |
method has been widely used in subsequent works but in- |
troduces substantial complexity in the entropy coding step |
because a different CDF is needed to encode every variable |
in the latent representation of the image, whereas the single |
AE method by Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5] reused the same CDF |
table for every latent spatial location. |
Our work uses the principle of competition of experts |
[22,14] to get the best out of both worlds. Multiple prior |
distributions compete for the lowest bit cost on every spatial |
location in the quantized latent representation. During train- |
ing, only the best prior distribution is updated in each spatial |
location, further improving the prior distributions special- |
ization. CDF tables are fixed at the end of training. Hence, |
at testing, the CDF table resulting in the lowest bitcost is |
assigned to each spatial location of the latent representation. |
The rate-distortion (RD) performance obtained is compa- |
rable to that obtained with a parametrized distribution [ 6], |
yet the entropy coding process is greatly simplified since it |
does not require a per-variable CDF and can build on look- |
up-tables (LUT) rather than the computation of analytical |
distributions. |
2. Background |
Entropy coders such as range encoding [ 16] require cdfs |
where, for each variable to be encoded, the probability that a |
smaller or equal value appears is defined for every allowable |
value in the latent representation space. Johannes Ball ´e et |
al.’s seminal work (2017) [ 5] consists of an AE, computing a |
latent image representation consisting in CLchannels of size |
HLWL, and a CPM, consisting of one CDF per latent out- |
put channel, which are trained conjointly. The latent repre- |
sentation coming out of the encoder is quantized then passed |
through the CPM. The CPM defines, in a parametrized and |
differentiable manner, a CDF per channel. At the end of |
training, the CPM is evaluated at every possible value1to |
generate the static CDF table. The CDF table is not differen- |
tiable, but going from a differentiable CPM to a static CDF |
table speeds up the encoding and decoding process. The |
1arXiv:2111.09172v1 [eess.IV] 17 Nov 2021CDF table is used to compress latent representations with an |
entropy coder, the approximate bit cost of a symbol is the |
binary logarithm of its probability. |
Ball´e et al. (2018) improved the RD efficiency by re- |
placing the unique CDF table with a Gaussian distribution |
parametrized with a hyperprior (HP) sub-network [ 6]. The |
HP generates a scale parameter, and in turn a different CDF, |
for every variable to be encoded. Thus, complexity is added |
by exploiting the parametrized Gaussian prior during the |
entropy coding process, since a different CDF is required for |
each variable in the channel and spatial dimensions. |
Minnen et al. proposed a scheme where one of multi- |
ple probability distributions is chosen to adapt the entropy |
model locally [ 21]. However, these distributions are defined |
a posteriori, given the encoder trained with a global entropy |
model. Thus [ 21] does not perform as well as the HP scheme |
[6] per [ 19, Fig. 2a]. In contrast, the present method jointly |
optimizes the local entropy models and the AE in an end-to- |
end fashion that results in greater performance. Minnen et al. |
[19] later proposed to improve RD with the use of an autore- |
gressive sequential context model. However, as highlighted |
in [13], this is obtained at the cost of increased runtime |
by several orders of magnitude. Subsequent works have |
attempted to reduce complexity of the neural network archi- |
tecture [ 10] and to bridge the RD gap with Minnen’s work |
[13], but entropy coding complexity has remained largely |
unaddressed and has instead evolved towards increased com- |
plexity [ 19,7,20] compared to [ 6]. The present work builds |
on Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5] and achieves the performance of |
Ball´e et al. (2018) [ 6] without the complexity introduced |
by a per-variable parametrized probability distribution. We |
chose Ball ´e et al. (2017) as a baseline because it corresponds |
to the basic unit adopted as a common reference and starting |
point for most models proposed in the recent literature to im- |
prove compression quality [ 6,19,13,20]. Due to its generic |
nature, our contribution remains relevant for the newer, often |
computationally more complex, incremental improvements |
on Ball ´e et al. (2017). |
3. Competition of prior distributions |
Our proposed method introduces competitions of expert |
[22,14] prior distributions: a single AE transforms the image |
and a set of prior distributions are trained to model the CDF |
of the latent representation in each spatial location. For each |
latent spatial dimension the CDF table which minimizes |
bit cost is selected; that prior is either further optimized |
on the features it won in the training mode, or its index is |
stored for decoding in the inference mode. This scheme is |
illustrated in Figure 1, a set of 16 optimized CDF tables is |
shown in Figure 2, and three sample images are segmented |
by “winning” CDF table in Figure 3. |
All prior distributions are estimated in parallel by consid- |
ering NCDFCDF tables, and selecting, as a function of the |
CDF0... |
CDFNCDF...Cumulative probability model |
Input image |
Encoder |
Decoder |
Reconstruction |
Distortion |
(eg: MSE, MS-SSIM, discriminator)x̂ |
bitstream[ ŷk,l]ik,lbitstream |
bitCost( ŷk,l, )BackpropagateBackpropagate |
Entropy coder |
ik,l=argmin p |
[bitCost( ŷk,l, CDF p)]...y x |
ŷ |
CDFik,l |
Quantizer |
Noise (train), |
round (test) ŷk,lFor all k,l |
CDFik,l |
CDFik,lFigure 1. AE compression scheme with competition of prior distri- |
butions. The AE architecture is detailed in [ 6, Fig. 4]. The indices |
idenote the indices of CDF tables that minimizes the bitcount for |
each latent spatial dimension. Loss = Distortion + bitCost. |
| |
| |
| |
100 |
0 1000.00.51.0 |
100 |
0 100 100 |
0 100 100 |
0 100 |
Figure 2. We observe some diversity among the 16 cumulative |
distribution functions learned by a network trained with MSE loss |
and= 4096 . Each box presents a CDF table and each colored |
line corresponds to the cdfof one of 256 latent channels. The best |
fitting CDF table is selected for each latent spatial location. |
encoded latent spatial location, the one that minimizes the |
entropy coder bitcount. The CDF table index is determined |
for each spatial location by evaluating each CDF table in |
inference. This can be done in a vectorized operation given |
sufficient memory. During training the CPM is evaluated |
instead of CDF tables such that the probabilities are up to |
date and the model is differentiable, and the bit cost is re- |
turned as it contributes to the loss function. The cost of CDF |
table indices has been shown to be neglectable due to the |
reasonably small number of priors, which in turns results |
from the fact that little gain in latent code entropy has been |
obtained by increasing the number of priors. |
In all our experiments , the AE architecture follows the |
one in Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6], without the HP, since we found |
that the AE from [ 6] offers better RD than the one describedFigure 3. Segmentation of three test images [ 1]: each distinct color |
represents one of 64 CDF tables used to encode a latent spatial |
location ( 1616pixels patch) |
in Ball ´e et al. (2017) [ 5], even with a single CDF table. A |
functional training loop is described in Algorithm 1. |
Algorithm 1 Training loop |
y model.Encoder( x) |
ˆy quantize( y) |
ˆx clip(model.Decoder( ˆy), 0, 1) |
distortion visualLossFunction( ˆx,x) |
for0k< HLand0l<WLdo |
bitCost [k;l] min i<NCDF log2 |
CPM i(ˆy[k;l] + 0:5) CPM i(ˆy[k;l] 0:5) |
end for .CPM is the differentiable version of CDF |
Loss distortion+jbitCostj |
Loss.backward() |
4. Experiments |
4.1. Method |
These experiments are based on the PyTorch implemen- |
tation of Ball ´e et al. (2018) [ 6] published by Liu Jia- |
heng [ 9,13]. To implement our proposed method, the |
HP is omitted in favor of competition of expert prior dis- |
tributions. The CPM is that defined in [ 9] with an addi- |
tional NCDFdimension to compute all CDF tables in par- |
allel. Theoretical results are verified using the torchac |
range coder [ 18,17,16]. A functional training loop is de- |
scribed in Algorithm 1, and source code is provided on |
https://github.com/trougnouf/Manypriors . |
To ensure that all priors get an opportunity to train, the prior |
distributions that have not been used for at least fifty stepsare randomly assigned to spatial locations with largest bit- |
counts, to be forced to train. The Adam optimizer [ 11] is |
used with a starting learning rate (LR) of 0.0001 for the AE |
and 0.001 for the CPM. Performance is tested every 2500 |
steps in inference mode on the validation set, and the LR |
is decayed by a factor of 0.99 if the performance have not |
improved for two tests. Reported performance is the one of |
the model taht minimizes (visualLoss+bitCost )on the |
validation set at the end of training. Base models are trained |
for six million steps at = 4096 with the mean squared er- |
ror (MSE) loss. Smaller values and MS-SSIM models are |
trained for four million steps starting from the base model |
with their LR and optimizer reset. All models use CH= 192 |
(hidden layers channels) and CL= 256 (output channels) |
such that a single base model is needed for each prior con- |
figuration. The training and validation dataset is made of |
free-license images from Wikimedia Commons [ 3]; mainly |
“Category:Featured pictures on Wikimedia Common” which |
consists of 13928 images of the highest quality. The images |
are cropped into 10242pixels patches on disk to speed up |
further resizing, then they are resized on-the-fly by a random |
factor down to 2562pixels during training. A batch size of 4 |
patches is used. The kodak set [ 2] is used as a validation set |
and the CLIC professional test dataset [ 4] is used for testing. |
The RD curve of our “multiprior” model is compared |
with that of the HP model [ 6], which is trained from scratch |
using Liu Jiaheng’s PyTorch implementation [ 9,13]. Liu |
Jiaheng’s code differs slightly from the paper’s definition [ 6] |
in that a Laplace distribution is used in place of the normal |
distribution to stabilize training. Complexity is measured as |
the number of GMac (billion multiply-accumulate operation) |
using the ptflops counter [ 25] and the number of memory |
lookup operations is calculated manually. |
4.2. Results |
The PSNR RD curve measured on the CLIC professional |
test set [ 4] is shown on top of Figure 4. The performance |
of a 64-priors model is in line with that of the HP model |
: they both perform slightly better than BPG at high bpp, |
and achieve significantly better RD than the single-prior |
model. In the middle, the RD value at = 4096 , the highest |
bitrate, is shown for 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 prior |
distributions. 128-priors offer marginal gains and costs an |
increased training time (1.5) and encoding time. MS-SSIM |
performance of fine-tuned models is shown in the bottom |
of Figure 4; the 64-priors model still performs similarly to |
[6], and both learned compression models benefit from this |
more perceptual metric compared with traditional codecs. A |
visual comparison of images compressed with the MSE loss |
(= 512 ) and the equivalent bitrate settings in conventional |
codecs is shown in Figure 5. |
Computational complexity of our Manypriors has been |
compared to the one of the HP model [ 6]). This complex-0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0323334353637383940PSNR |
1-prior |
2-priors |
4-priors |
8-priors |
16-priors |
32-priors |
64-priors |
128-priors |
hyperprior |
0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.8538.538.638.738.838.939.039.139.2PSNR |
1-prior |
2-priors |
4-priors |
8-priors |
16-priors |
32-priors |
64-priors |
128-priors |
hyperprior |
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 |
bpp |
0.960.970.980.991.00MS-SSIM |
1-prior |
64-priors |
hyperprior |
JPEGFigure 4. Top: PSNR RD curve of a 64-priors model on the CLIC |
pro. test set, compared with the HP model [ 6], and the BPG and |
JPEG codecs. Middle : Zoom in on models with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, |
and 64 priors. Bottom: MS-SSIM RD curve. |
Table 1. Complexity of the HP model [ 6]) compared to Manypriors |
(ours), expressed in GMac for the neural network parts and number |
of memory lookup operations (* or parametrized Laplace CDF |
generations in full-precision) for the CDF tables generation, to |
process a 4K image. |
(#) Hyperprior Manypriors ratio MPHP |
EncodingGMacmain encoder 769.82 769.82 |
hyper encoder 23.75 |
hyper decoder 23.86 |
total 817.43 769.82 0.942 |
Lookupsindices 530.84 M |
CDF 829.44 K * 32.400 K |
total 829.44 K* 530.87 M N CDF= 64 |
DecodingGMachyper decoder 23.154 |
main decoder 769.60 769.60 |
total 792.75 769.60 0.971 |
Lookups CDF (total) 829.44 K* 32.400 K1 |
CL= 0:004 |
ity is expressed in GMac for the neural network parts and |
number of memory lookup operations. It is summarized in |
Table 1. The lack of a HP AE saves 3 % to 6 % GMac, de- |
pending on whether only the HP decoder (image decoding) |
Figure 5. Visual comparison of Larry the cat [ 1] compressed with |
learned (= 512 ) and conventional methods. Top-left: uncom- |
pressed, top-middle: JPEG (PSNR: 29.3, 0.224 bpp), top-right: |
BPG (PSNR: 32.9, 0.217 bpp), bottom-left: 1-prior (PSNR: 32.4, |
0.252 bpp), bottom-middle: hyperprior (PSNR: 32.8, 0.217 bpp), |
bottom-right: 64-priors/ours (PSNR: 32.9, 0.218 bpp) |
or the whole HP codec (image encoding) is used. Decoding |
with the Manypriors scheme is greatly simplified compared |
to [6] because the CDF tables generation process takes the |
optimal indices stored as side-information and looks up one |
static CDF table per latent spatial dimension, that is CL(typ- |
ically 256) fewer lookups than with a HP. During encoding, |
the Manypriors scheme must lookup every latent variable |
with every CDF table in order to determine the most cost |
effective CDF tables. This results in NCDF(typically 64) |
times more lookup operations than the HP scheme overall, |
although these lookup operations are relatively cheap be- |
cause only two values are needed (variable 0.5), whereas |
each CDF table lookup in [ 6] returns Lprobabilities. More- |
over, it is challenging to make an accurate CDF LUT for the |
HP scheme, because quantizing the distribution scale param- |
eter reduces the accuracy of the resulting CDFs, negatively |
impacting the bitrate. This challenge is exacerbated when |
the distribution has multiple parameters [ 19] or a mixture |
of distributions [ 7] is used. In Figure 4, LUT are replaced |
by accurate but complex Laplace distribution computation |
for the HP scheme in order to maximize the reported RD |
performance. |
Time complexity is measured for every step on CPU, |
where it can be reliably profiled due to synchroneous execu- |
tion. It is summarized in Table 2 with the following distinct |
sub-categories: NN (neural network) is the time spent in |
the AE, CDF generation is the time spent building the CDF |
tables for a specific image, and entropy is the bitstream gener- |
ation. All operations are done using the PyTorch framework |
in python, except for entropy encoding which makes use of |
the torchac range coding library [ 18,17], written in C++, andTable 2. Breaking down the image encoding and decoding time, in |
seconds. Image: 4.5 MP snail [ 1]. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X. |
Time avg. of 50 runs. |
(#)Hyperprior |
(Ball ´e2018)64-priors |
(ours)ratio |
(oursHP) |
EncodingNN encode: main + hyperprior 3.81 + 0.41 3.79 + 0.00 0.90 |
entropy encode, main + hyperprior 0.15 + 0.02 0.15 + 0.00 |
CDF : select indices + gather tables 0.00 +FP: 15.95 |
LUT: 5.661.90 + 0.81FP: 0.17 |
LUT: 0.48 |
encode (total)FP: 20.33 |
LUT: 10.046.65FP: 0.32 |
LUT: 0.66 |
DecodingNN decode : main + hyperprior 10.66 + 0.34 10.50 0.95 |
CDF : gather tablesFP: 15.95 |
LUT: 5.660.81FP: 0.05 |
LUT: 0.14 |
entropy decode : main + hyperprior 0.24 + 0.02 0.24 0.92 |
decode (total)FP: 27.21 |
LUT: 16.9211.54FP: 0.42 |
LUT: 0.68 |
the prior indices are compressed using the LZMA library [ 8]. |
The total encoding time of the 64-priors model is 0.32 time |
that of the HP model and the decoding time is 0.42 times that |
of the HP model. The timing is more significant when it is |
broken down by sub-category because each component has |
a different response time depending on the hardware (and |
software) architecture in place. The AE (“NN”) encoding |
time is 0.90 that of the HP scheme and decoding time is |
0.95 time as much as the HP. Both the hyper-encoder and |
hyper-decoder are called during encoding, thus it appears |
that each part of the HP sub-network costs 5 % of the AE |
time. The time taken to build the CDF tables for the HP |
model was measured both by estimating the per-variable |
Laplace distributions (“full-precision”) and with a quantized |
scale parameter LUT. In any case, finding the best indices of |
a 64-priors model appears to be relatively inexpensive and |
the total CDF tables generation time is only 0.17 to 0.48 that |
of the HP model (depending on whether the HP model uses |
full-precision or LUT) for encoding. During decoding, the |
64-priors model spends 0.05 to 0.14 as much time building |
the CDF tables as the HP model, because the optimal CDF |
table indices have already been determined during encoding |
and they are included in the bitstream. |
5. Conclusion |
Convolutional autoencoders trained for compression are |
optimized for both rate and distortion. Rate is estimated with |
a cumulative probability model, which in turns generates a |
CDF for every latent variable to be encoded. A single CDF |
per latent channel is not sufficient to capture the statistics at |
the output of the encoder, nor to allow the encoder to express |
a wide variety of features. To support multiple statistics, the |
hyperprior [ 6] parametrizes a standard distribution, but this |
introduces a great deal of complexity in the entropy coding |
stage because the CDF differs for every latent variable to be |
encoded. The proposed method uses multiple prior distri- |
butions working as a competition of experts to capture the |
relevant features which they specialize on. This approach is |
advantageous because the learned CDF tables are stored in |
a static LUT once training is finished, and a model trainedwith 64 prior distributions performs with a similar RD as |
one trained with a HP sub-network. Moreover, a learned |
CDF table includes the CDF for all channels in the latent |
code. Hence, accessing the CDF table for a spatial location |
provides the CDF for each of its channels and the number of |
lookups is reduced to the number of latent spatial locations. |
In our experiments, CDF tables generation in the encoding |
step takes 0.17 to 0.48 as much time with a 64-priors model |
as it does with the HP model (depending on the precision |
of the HP model). This ratio is lowered to 0.05 to 0.14 dur- |
ing decoding because the prior indices have already been |
determined during the encoding. |
6. Acknowledgements |
This research has been funded by the Walloon Region. |
Computational resources have been provided by the super- |
computing facilities of the Universit ´e catholique de Lou- |
vain (CISM/UCL) and the Consortium des ´Equipements de |
Calcul Intensif en F ´ed´eration Wallonie Bruxelles (C ´ECI) |
funded by the Fond de la Recherche Scientifique de Bel- |
gique (F.R.S.-FNRS) under convention 2.5020.11 and by the |
Walloon Region. |
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