SAFL: A Self-Attention Scene Text Recognizer |
with Focal Loss |
Bao Hieu Tran, Thanh Le-Cong, Huu Manh Nguyen, Duc Anh Le, Thanh Hung Nguyeny, Phi Le Nguyeny |
School of Information and Communication Technology |
Hanoi University of Science and Technology |
Hanoi, Vietnam |
fhieu.tb167182, thanh.ld164834, manh.nh166428, anh.nd160126 [email protected],flenp, [email protected] |
Abstract —In the last decades, scene text recognition has gained |
worldwide attention from both the academic community and |
actual users due to its importance in a wide range of applications. |
Despite achievements in optical character recognition, scene |
text recognition remains challenging due to inherent problems |
such as distortions or irregular layout. Most of the existing |
approaches mainly leverage recurrence or convolution-based |
neural networks. However, while recurrent neural networks |
(RNNs) usually suffer from slow training speed due to sequential |
computation and encounter problems as vanishing gradient or |
bottleneck, CNN endures a trade-off between complexity and |
performance. In this paper, we introduce SAFL, a self-attention- |
based neural network model with the focal loss for scene text |
recognition, to overcome the limitation of the existing approaches. |
The use of focal loss instead of negative log-likelihood helps the |
model focus more on low-frequency samples training. Moreover, |
to deal with the distortions and irregular texts, we exploit Spatial |
TransformerNetwork (STN) to rectify text before passing to the |
recognition network. We perform experiments to compare the |
performance of the proposed model with seven benchmarks. |
The numerical results show that our model achieves the best |
performance. |
Index Terms —Scene Text Recognition, Self-attention, Focal |
loss, |
In recent years, text recognition has attracted the attention |
of both academia and actual users due to its application |
on various domains such as translation in mixed reality, |
autonomous driving, or assistive technology for the blind. |
Text recognition can be classified into two main categories: |
scanned document recognition and scene text recognition. |
While the former has achieved significant advancements, the |
latter remains challenging due to scene texts’ inherent char- |
acteristics such as the distortion and irregular shapes of the |
texts. Recent methods in scene text recognition are inspired |
by the success of deep learning-based recognition models. |
Generally, these methods can be classified in two approaches: |
recurrent neural networks (RNN) based and convolutional |
neural networks (CNN) based. RNN-based models have shown |
their effectiveness, thanks to capturing contextual information |
and dependencies between different patches. However, RNNs |
typically compute along with the symbol positions of the |
input and output sequences, which cannot be performed in |
Authors contribute equallyyCorresponding authorparallel fashion, thus leads to high training time. Furthermore, |
RNNs also encounter problems such as vanishing gradient |
[1] or bottleneck [2]. CNN-based approach, which allows |
computing the hidden representation parallelly, have been |
proposed to speed up the training procedure. However, to |
capture the dependencies between distant patches in long input |
sequences, CNN models require stacking more convolutional |
layers, which significantly increases the network’s complexity. |
Therefore, CNN-based methods suffer the trade-off between |
complexity and accuracy. To remedy these limitations, in nat- |
ural language processing (NLP) fields, a self-attention based |
mechanism named transformer [3] has been proposed. In the |
transformer, dependencies between different input and output |
positions are captured using a self-attention mechanism instead |
of sequential procedures in RNN. This mechanism allows |
more computation parallelization with higher performance. In |
the computer vision domain, some research have leveraged the |
transformer architecture and showed the effectiveness of some |
problems [4] [5] |
Inspired by the transformer network, in this paper, we |
propose a self-attention based scene text recognizer with focal |
loss, namely as SAFL. Moreover, to tackle irregular shapes of |
scene texts, we also exploit a text rectification named Spatial |
Transformer Network (STN) to enhance the quality of text |
before passing to the recognition network. SAFL, as depicted |
in Figure 1, contains three components: rectification, feature |
extraction, and recognition. First, given an input image, the |
rectification network, built based on the Spatial Transformer |
Network (STN) [6], transforms the image to rectify its text. |
Then, the features of the rectified image are extracted using |
a convolutional neural network. Finally, a self-attention based |
recognition network is applied to predict the output character |
sequence. Specifically, the recognition network is an encoder- |
decoder model, where the encoder utilizes multi-head self- |
attention to transform input sequence to hidden feature rep- |
resentation, then the decoder applies another multi-head self- |
attention to output character sequence. To balance the training |
data for improving the prediction accuracy, we exploit focal |
loss instead of negative log-likelihood as in most recent works |
[7] [8]. |
To evaluate our proposed model’s performance, we train |
SAFL with two synthetic datasets: Synth90k [9] and SynthText |
[10], and compare its accuracy with standard benchmarks,arXiv:2201.00132v1 [cs.CV] 1 Jan 2022Fig. 1. Overview of SAFL |
on both regular and irregular datasets. The experiment results |
show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art on all |
datasets. Furthermore, we also perform experiments to study |
the effectiveness of focal loss. The numerical results show the |
superiority of focal loss over the negative log-likelihood loss |
on all datasets. |
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section |
II introduces related works. We describe the details of the |
proposed model in Section III and present the evaluation |
results in Section IV. Finally, we conclude the paper and |
discuss the future works in Section V. |
Scene text recognition has attracted great interest over |
the past few years. Comprehensive surveys for scene text |
recognition may be found in [11] [12] [13]. As categorized |
by previous works [8] [14] [15], scene text may be divided |
into two categories: regular and irregular text. The regular text |
usually has a nearly horizontal shape, while the irregular text |
has an arbitrary shape, which may be distorted. |
A. Regular text recognition |
Early work mainly focused on regular text and used a |
bottom-up scheme, which first detects individual characters |
using a sliding window, then recognizing the characters us- |
ing dynamic programming or lexicon search [16] [17] [18]. |
However, these methods have an inherent limitation, which is |
ignoring contextual dependencies between characters. Shi et al. |
[19] and He et al. [20] typically regard text recognition as a |
sequence-to-sequence problem. Input images and output texts |
are typically represented as patch sequences and character |
sequences, respectively. This technique allows leveraging deep |
learning techniques such as RNNs or CNNs to capture con- |
textual dependencies between characters [7] [19] [20], lead to |
significant improvements in accuracy on standard benchmarks. |
Therefore, recent work has shifted focus to the irregular text, |
a more challenging problem of scene text recognition. |
B. Irregular text recognition |
Irregular text is a recent challenging problem of scene text |
recognition, which refers to texts with perspective distortionsand arbitrary shape. The early works correct perspective distor- |
tions by using hand-craft features. However, these approaches |
require correct tunning by expert knowledge for achieving |
the best results because of a large variety of hyperparame- |
ters. Recently, Yang et al. [21] proposed an auxiliary dense |
character detection model and an alignment loss to effectively |
solve irregular text problems. Liu et al. [22] introduced a |
Character-Aware Neural Network (Char-Net) to detect and rec- |
tify individual characters. Shi et al. [7] [8] addressed irregular |
text problems with a rectification network based on Spatial |
Transformer Network (STN), which transform input image for |
better recognition. Zhan et al. [23] proposed a rectification |
network employing a novel line-fitting transformation and an |
iterative rectification pipeline for correction of perspective and |
curvature distortions of irregular texts. |
Figure 1 shows the structure of SAFL, which is comprised |
of three main components: rectification, feature extraction, and |
recognition. The rectification module is a Spatial Transformer |
Network (STN) [6], which receives the original image and |
rectifies the text to enhance the quality. The feature extraction |
module is a convolution neural network that extracts the |
information of the rectified image and represents it into a |
vector sequence. The final module, i.e., recognition, is based |
on the self-attention mechanism and the transformer network |
architecture [3], to predict character sequence from the feature |
sequence. In the following, we first present the details of the |
three components in Section III-A, III-B and III-C, respec- |
tively. Then, we describe the training strategy using focal loss |
in Section III-D. |
A. Rectification |
In this module, we leverage a Thin Plate Spline (TPS) trans- |
formation [8], a variant of STN, to construct a rectification |
network. Given the input image Iwith an arbitrary size, the |
rectification module first resizes Iinto a predefined fixed size. |
Then the module detects several control points along the top |
and bottom of the text’s bounding. Finally, TPS applies asmooth spline interpolation between a set of control points |
to rectify the predicted region to obtain a fixed-size image. |
B. Feature Extraction |
We exploit the convolution neural network (CNN) to extract |
the features of the rectified image (obtained from a rectification |
network) into a sequence of vectors. Specifically, the input |
image is passed through convolution layers (ConvNet) to |
produce a feature map. Then, the model separates the feature |
map by rows. The output received after separating the feature |
map are feature vectors arranged in sequences. The scene |
text recognition problem then becomes a sequence-to-sequence |
problem whose input is a sequence of characteristic vectors, |
and whose output is a sequence of characters predicted. Based |
on the proposal in [3], we further improve information about |
the position of the text in the input image by using positional |
encoding. Each position posis represented by a vector whose |
value of the ithdimension, i.e., PE (pos;i ), is defined as |
PE (pos;i )=8 |
< |
:sinpos |
100002i |
dmodel;if0idmodel |
2 |
cospos |
100002i |
dmodel;ifdmodel |
2idmodel; |
(1) |
wheredmodel is the vector size. The position information is |
added into the encoding vectors. |
C. Self-attention based recognition network |
The architecture of the recognition network follows the |
encoder-decoder model. Both encoder blocks and decoder |
blocks are built based on the self-attention mechanism. We |
will briefly review this mechanism before describing each |
network’s details. |
1) Self-attention mechanism: Self-attention is a mechanism |
that extracts the correlation between different positions of a |
single sequence to compute a representation of the sequence. |
In this paper, we utilize the scaled dot-product attention |
proposed in [3]. This mechanism consists of queries and keys |
of dimension dk, and values of dimension dv. Each query |
performs the dot product of all keys to obtain their correlation. |
Then, we obtain the weights on the values by using the softmax |
function. In practice, the keys, values, and queries are also |
packed together into matrices K,VandQ. The matrix of the |
outputs is computed as follow: |
Attention (Q;K;V ) =softmaxQKT |
pdk |
V (2) |
The dot product is scaled by1pdkto alleviate the small softmax |
values which lead to extremely small gradients with large |
values ofdk. [3]. |
2) Encoder: Encoder is a stack of Neblocks. Each block |
consists of two main layers. The first layer is a multi-head |
attention layer, and the second layer is a fully-connected feed- |
forward layer. The multi-head attention layer is the combi- |
nation of multiple outputs of the scale dot product attention. |
Each scale-dot product attention returns a matrix representing |
the feature sequences, which is called head attention. The |
combination of multiple head attentions to the multi-head |
Fig. 2. Frenquency of characters in training lexicon |
attention allows our model to learn more representations of |
feature sequences, thereby increasing the diversity of the |
extracted information, and thereby enhance the performance. |
Multi-head attention can be formulated as follows: |
MultiHead (Q;K;V ) =Concat (head 1;:::;head h)WO |
(3) |
whereheadi=Attention |
i;KWK |
i;VWV |
i |
,his the |
number of heads, WQ |
i2Rdmodeldk;WK |
i2Rdmodeldk;WV |
i2 |
Rdmodeldv,WO2Rhdvdmodel are weight matrices. dk;dv |
anddmodel are set to the same value. Layer normalization |
[24] and residual connection [25] are added into each main |
layer (i.e., multi-head attention layer and fully-connected |
layer) to improve the training effect. Specifically, the residual |
connections helps to decrease the loss of information in the |
backpropagation process, while the normalization makes the |
training process more stable. Consequently, the output of |
each main layer with the input xcan be represented as |
LayerNorm (x+Layer (x)), whereLayer (x)is the function |
implemented by the layer itself, and LayerNorm ()represents |
the normalization operation. The blocks of the encoder are |
stacked sequentially, i.e., the output of the previous block is |
the input of the following block. |
3) Decoder: The decoding process predicts the words in |
a sentence from left to right, starting with the hstartitag |
until encountering the henditag. The decoder is comprised of |
Nddecoder blocks. Each block is also built based on multi- |
head attention and a fully connected layer. The multi-head |
attention in the decoder does not consider words that have |
not been predicted by weighting these positions with 1. |
Furthermore, the decoder uses additional multi-head attention |
that receives keys and values from the encoder and queries |
from the decoder. Finally, the decoder’s output is converted |
into a probability distribution through a linear transformation |
and softmax function. |
D. Training |
Figure 2 shows that the lexicon of training datasets suffers |
from an unbalanced sample distribution. The unbalance may |
lead to severe overfitting for high-frequency samples and un- |
derfitting for low-frequency samples. To this end, we propose |
to use focal loss [26] instead of negative log-likelihood as in |
most of recent methods [7] [8]. By exploiting focal loss, themodel will not encounter the phenomenon of ignoring to train |
low-frequency samples. |
Focal loss is known as an effective loss function to address |
the unbalance of datasets. By reshaping the standard cross- |
entropy loss, focal loss reduces the impacts of high-frequency |
samples and thus focus training on low-frequency ones [26]. |
The focal loss is defined as follows: |
FL(pt) = t(1 pt)
log (pt); (4) |
where,ptis the probability of the predicted value, computed |
using softmax function, and
are tunable hyperparameters |
used to balance the loss. Intuitively, focal loss is obtained |
by multiplying cross entropy by t(1 pt)
. Note that the |
weightt(1 pt)
is inversely proportional with pt, thus |
the focal loss helps to reduce the impact of high-frequency |
samples (whose value of ptis usually high) and focus more |
on low-frequency ones (which usually have low value of pt). |
Based on focal loss, we define our training objective as |
follows: |
L= TX |
t=1(t(1 p(ytjI))
logp(ytjI)))) (5) |
whereytare the predicted characters, Tis the length of the |
predicted sequence, and Iis the input image. |
In this section, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the |
effectiveness of our proposed model. We first briefly introduce |
datasets used for training and testing, then we describe our |
implementation details. Next, we analyze the effect of focal |
loss on our model. Finally, we compare our model against |
state-of-the-art techniques on seven public benchmark datasets, |
including regular and irregular text. |
A. Datasets |
The training datasets contains two datasets: Synth90k and |
SynthText . Synth90k is a synthetic dataset introduced in [9]. |
This dataset contains 9 million images created by combining |
90.000 common English words and random variations and |
effects. SynthText is a synthetic dataset introduced in [10], |
which contains 7 million samples by the same generation |
process as Synth90k [9]. However, SynthText is targeted for |
text detection so that an image may contain several words. All |
experiments are evaluated on seven well-known public bench- |
marks described, which can be divided into two categories: |
regular text and irregular text. Regular text datasets include |
IIIT5K [27] contains 3000 test images collected from |
Google image searches. |
ICDAR03 [28] contains 860 word-box cropped images. |
ICDAR13 [29] contains 1015 word-box cropped images. |
SVT contains 647 testing word-box collected from |
Google Street View. |
Irregular text datasets include ICDAR15, SVT-P, CUTE.ICDAR15 [30] contains 1811 testing word-box cropped |
images collected from Google Glass without careful |
positioning and focusing. |
SVT-P [31] contains 645 testing word-box cropped im- |
ages collected from Google Street View. Most of them |
are heavily distorted by the non-frontal view angle. |
CUTE [32] contains 288 word-box cropped images, |
which are curved text images. |
B. Configurations |
1) Implementation Detail: We implement the proposed |
model by Pytorch library and Python programming language. |
The model is trained and tested on an NDIVIA RTX 2080 Ti |
GPU with 12GB memory. We train the model from scratch |
using Adam optimizer with the learning rate of 0:00002 . |
To evaluate the trained model, we use dataset III5K. The |
pretrained model and code are available at [33] |
2) Rectification Network: All input images are resized |
to64256 before applying the rectification network. The |
rectification network consists of three components: a localiza- |
tion network, a thin plate spline (TPS) transformation, and a |
sampler. The localization network consists of 6 convolutional |
layers with the kernel size of 33and two fully-connected |
(FCN) layers. Each FCN is followed by a 22max-pooling |
layer. The number of the output filters is 32, 64, 128, 256, |
and 256. The number of output units of FCN is 512 and 2K, |
respectively, where Kis the number of the control points. In |
all experiments, we set Kto 20, as suggested by [8]. The |
sampler generates the rectified image with a size of 32100. |
The size of the rectified image is also the input size of the |
feature extraction module. |
3) Feature Extraction: We construct the feature extraction |
module based on Resnet architecture [25]. The configurations |
of the feature extraction network are listed in Table I. Our |
feature extraction network contains five blocks of 45 residual |
layers. Each residual unit consists of a 11convolutional |
layer, followed by a 33convolution layer. In the first |
two blocks, we use 22stride to reduce the feature map |
dimension. In the next blocks, we use 21stride to down- |
sampled feature maps. The 21stride also allows us to |
retain more information horizontally to distinguish neighbor |
characters effectively. |
Layer Feature map size Configuration |
EncoderBlock 0 32100 33conv, s( 11) |
Block 1 1650 |
11 conv ;32 |
33 conv ;32 |
3, s(22) |
Block 2 825 |
11 conv ;64 |
33 conv ;32 |
3, s(22) |
Block 3 425 |
11 conv ;128 |
33 conv ;32 |
3, s(21) |
Block 4 225 |
11 conv ;256 |
33 conv ;32 |
3, s(21) |
Block 5 125 |
11 conv ;512 |
33 conv ;32 |
3, s(21)4) Recognition: The number of blocks in the encoder and |
the decoder are set both to 4. In each block of the encoder and |
the decoder, the dimension of the feed forward vector and the |
ouput vector are set to 2048 and512, respectively. The number |
of head attention layers is set to 8. The decoder recognizes 94 |
different characters, including numbers, alphabet characters, |
uppercase, lowercase, and 32 punctuation in ASCII. |
C. Result and Discussion |
1) Impact of focal loss: To analyze the effect of focal loss, |
we study two variants of the proposed model. The first variant |
uses negative log-likelihood, and the second one leverages |
focal loss. |
Variant Negative log-likelihood Focal Loss |
IIIT5K 92.6 93.9 |
SVT 85.8 88.6 |
ICDAR03 94.1 95 |
ICDAR13 92 92.8 |
ICDAR15 76.1 77.5 |
SVT-P 79.4 81.7 |
CUTE 80.6 85.4 |
Avarage 86.9 88.2 |
As shown in Table II, the model with focal loss outperforms |
the one with log-likelihood on all datasets. Notably, on aver- |
age, focal loss improves the accuracy by 2.3 % compared to |
log-likelihood. For the best case, i.e., CUTE, the performance |
gap between the two variants is 4.8 % |
2) Impact of rectification network: In this section, we study |
the effect of text rectification by comparing SAFL and a |
variant which does not include the rectification module. |
Variant SAFL w/o text rectification SAFL |
IIIT5K 90.7 93.9 |
SVT 83.3 88.6 |
ICDAR03 93 95 |
ICDAR13 90.7 92.8 |
ICDAR15 72.9 77.5 |
SVT-P 71.6 81.7 |
CUTE 77.4 85.4 |
Avarage 84.1 88.2 |
Table III depicts the recognition accuracies of the two mod- |
els over seven datasets. It can be observed that the rectification |
module increases the accuracy significantly. Specifically, the |
performance gap between SAFL and the one without the |
rectification module is 4:1%on average. In the best cases, |
SAFL improves the accuracy by 10:1%and7%compared |
to the other on the datasets SVT-P and CUTE, respectively. |
The reason is that both SVT-P and CUTE contains many both |
irregular texts such as perspective texts or curved texts. |
3) Comparison with State-of-the-art: In this section, we |
compare the performance of SAFL with the latest approaches |
in scene text recognition. The evaluation results are shownin Table IV. In each column, the best value is bolded. |
the ”Avarage” column is the weighted average over all the |
data sets. Concerning the irregular text, it can be observed |
that SAFL achieves the best performance on 3data sets. |
Particularly, SAFL outperforms the current state-of-the-art, |
ESIR [23], by a margin of 1:2% on average, particulary |
on CUTE ( +2:1%) and SVT-P ( +2:1%). Concerning the |
regular datasets, SAFL outperforms the other methods on two |
datasets IIIT5K and ICDAR03. Moreover, SAFL also shows |
the highest average accuracy over all the regular text datasets. |
To summarize, SAFL achieves the best performance on 5 of |
7 datasets and the highest average accuracy on both irregular |
and regular texts. |
In this paper, we proposed SAFL, a deep learning model |
for scene text recognition, which exploits self-attention mecha- |
nism and focal loss. The experiment results showed that SAFL |
achieves the highest average accuracy on both the regular |
datasets and irregular datasets. Moreover, SAFL outperforms |
the state-of-the-art on CUTE dataset by a margin of 2:1%. |
Summary, SAFL shows superior performance on 5 out of 7 |
benchmarks, including IIIT5k, ICDAR 2003, ICDAR 2015, |
SVT-P and CUTE. |
We would like to thank AIMENEXT Co., Ltd. for support- |
ing our research. |
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