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Evaluation of Thermal Imaging on Embedded GPU
Platforms for Application in Vehicular Assistance
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Waseem Shariff, Peter C orcoran, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—This study is focused on evaluating the real-time
performance of thermal object detection for smart and safe
vehicular systems by deploying the trained networks on GPU &
single -board EDGE -GPU computing platforms for onboard
automotive sensor suite testing. A novel large -scale thermal
dataset comprising of > 35,000 distinct frames is acquired,
processed, and open -sourced in challenging weather and
environmental scenarios . The dataset is a recorded from lost -cost
yet effective uncooled LWIR thermal camera , mounted stand -
alone and on an electric vehicle to minimize mechanical vibrations .
State -of-the-art YOLO -V5 networks variants are trained using
four different public datasets as well newly acquired local dataset
for optimal generalization of DNN by employing SGD optimizer.
The effectiveness of trained networks is validated on extensive test
data u sing various quantitative metrics which include precision,
recall curve, mean average precision, and frames per second. T he
smaller network variant of YOLO is further optimized using
TensorRT inference accelerator to explicitly boost the frames per
second rate. Optimized network engine increases the frames per
second rate by 3.5 times when testing on low power edge devices
thus achieving 11 fps on Nvidia Jetson Nano and 60 fps on Nvidia
Xavier NX development boards .
Index Terms — ADAS, Object detection, Thermal imaging,
LWIR, CNN, Edge computing
hermal imaging is the digital interpretation of the
infrared radiations emitted from the object. Thermal
imaging cameras with microbolometer focal plane
arrays (FPA) is a type of uncooled detector that provides low -
cost solutions for acquiring thermal images in different weather
and environmental conditions. These cameras when integrated
with AI -based imaging pipelines can be used for various real-
world applications. In this work, the core focus is to design an
intelligent thermal object detection -based video analysis system
for automotive sensor suite application that should be effective
in all light conditions thus enabling safe and more reli able road
journeys. Unlike other video solutions such as visible imaging
which mainly relies on reflected light thus having the greater
chances of being blocked by visual impediments, thermal
imaging does not require any external lighting conditions to
capture quality images and it can see through visual obscurants
October 25th, 2021 , “This research work is funded by the ECSEL Joint
Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826131 (Heliaus project ). The JU receives support from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and National funders from
France, Germany, Ireland (Enterprise Ireland , International Research Fund),
and Italy ”. such as dust, light fog, smoke, or other such occlusions.
Moreover, the integration of AI-based thermal imaging systems
can provide us with a multitude of advantages from better
analytics with fe wer false alarms to increased coverage , provide
redundancy and, higher return on investment.
In th is research work , we have focused on utilizing thermal
data for designing efficient AI -based object detection and
classification pipeline for Advance Driver -Assistance Systems.
Such type of thermal imaging -based forward sensing (F -sense)
system is useful in providing enhance d safety and security
feature s thus enabling the driver to better scrutinize the
complete road -side environment. For this purpose, we ha ve
used a state-of-the-art (SoA) end-to-end deep learning
framework YOLO -V5 on thermal data. In the first phase , a
novel thermal data set is acquired for training and validation
purposes of different network variants of YOLO -V5. The data
is captured using a prototype low -cost uncooled LWIR thermal
camera specifically designed under the ECSEL Heliaus
research project [ 32]. The raw thermal data is processed using
shutterless camera calibration, automatic gain control, bad -
pixel removal , and temporal denoising methods.
Furthermore, the trained network variants are deployed and
tested on two state-of-the-art embedded GPU platforms, which
include NVIDIA Jetson nano [23] and Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX
[25]. Thus, studying the extensive real -time and on -board
feasibility in terms of various quantitative metrics, inference
time, FPS, and hardware sensor temperatures.
The core contributions of the proposed research work are
summarized below :
• Preparation and annotation of a large o pen-access dataset of
thermal images captured in different weather and
environmental conditions.
• A detailed comparative evaluation of SoA object detection
based on a modified YOLO -V5 network , fine-tuned for
thermal images using this newly acquired dataset .
• Model optimization using TensorRT inference accelerator
to implement a fast inference network on SoA embedded
GPU boards (Jetson, Xavier) with comparative evaluations .
Muhammad Ali Farooq, Peter Corcoran, and Waseem Shariff are with the
National University of Ireland Galway, (NUIG), Coll ege of Science &
Engineering Galway, H91TK33, Ireland (e -mail: [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] ).
Thermal Dataset Link:
GitHub Link : https://git -Farooq/Thermal -YOLO T 2
• A determination of realistic frame rates that can be achieved
for the rmal object detection on SoA embedded GPU
platforms .
ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are classified
as AI -based intelligent systems integrated with core vehicular
systems to assist the driver by providing a wide range of digital
features for safe and reliable road journeys. Such type of system
is designed by employing an array of electronic sensors and
optical mixtures such as different types of cameras to identify
surrounding impediments, driver faults, and reacts
The second part of this section will mainly summarize the
existing/ p ublished thermal datasets along with their respective
attributes. These datasets can be effectively used for training
and testing the machine learning algorithms for object detection
in thermal spectrum for ADAS. The complete dataset details are
provided i n Table I .
A. Related Literature
We can find numerous studies regarding the implementation
of object detection algorithms using AI based conventional
machine learning as well as deep learning algorithms. Such type
of optical imaging -based systems system can be deployed and
effectively used as forward sensing methods for ADAS.
Advanced Driver -Assistance Systems (ADAS) is an active area
of research that seeks to make road trips more safe and secure.
Real time object detection pl ays a critical role to warn the driver
thus allowing them to make timely decisions [ 8]. Ziyatdinov et
al [8] proposed an automated system to detect road signs. This method uses the GTSRB dataset [ 20] to train on conventional
machine learning algorithms whi ch include SVM, KNN , and
Decision Trees classifier. The results proved that SVM and K –
nearest neighbour ( k-NN) outperforms all other classifiers.
Autonomous cars on the road require the abilities to
consistently perceive and comprehend their surroundings [9].
Oliver et al [ 9] presented a procedure to use Bernoulli particle
filter, which is suitable for object identification because it can
handle a wide range of sensor measurements as well as object
appearance -disappearance . Gang Yan et al [ 10] proposed a
novel method to use HOG to extract features and AdaBoost and
SVM classifiers to detect vehicles in real -time. The histogram
of oriented gradients (HOG) is a feature extraction technique
used for object detection in the domai n of computer vision and
machine learning . The study concluded that the AdaBoost
classification technique performed slightly better than SVM
since it uses the ensemble method. Authors in [ 11], proposed
another approach to detect vehicles on road using HOG filters
to again extract features from the frames and then classify them
using support vector machines and decision tree classification
algorithms. Furthermore, SVM achieved 93.75% accuracy,
which outperformed decision tree accuracy on classifying the
vehicles. These are some of the conventional machine learning
object detection techniques used for driver assistance system till
date. The main drawback of traditional machine learning
technique s is that the features are extracted and predefined prior
to training and tes ting of the algorithms . When dealing with
high-dimensional data, and with many classes conventional
machine learning techniques are often ineffective [ 21].
Deep learning approaches have emerged as more reliable and
effective solutions than these classic approaches. There are
many state -of-the-art pre -trained deep learning classifiers and
object detection models which can be retrain ed and rapidly
deployed for designing efficient forward sensing algorithms
[22]. YOLO (you only look once) object classifier provides
sufficient performance to operate at real -time speeds on
conventional video data without compromising the overall
detector precision [ 15]. Veta et al [12] presented a technique for
detecting objects at a distance by employing YOLO on low -
quality thermal images . Another research [ 13] focused on
pedestrian detection in thermal images using the histogram of
gradient (HOG) and YOLO methods on FLIR [ 7] datas et and
computed performance with a 70 % accuracy on test data using
the intersection over union technique. Further, Rumi et al [ 14]
proposed a real -time human detection technique using YOLO -
v3 on KAIST [ 5] thermal dataset, achieving 95.5% average
precision on test data. Authors in [ 16] proposed a human
detection system using YOLO object detector. The authors used
their custom dataset recorded in different weather conditions
using FLIR Therma -CAM P10 thermal camera.
Focusing on road-side objects, authors in [ 17] used YOLO -v2
object detection model to enhance the recognition of tiny
vehicle objects by combining low -level and high -level features
of the image . In [18], the authors proposed a deep learning -
based vehicle occupancy detection system in a parking lot using
a thermal camera . In this study authors had establis hed that
YOLO, Yolo -Conv, GoogleNet , and ResNet18 are
computationally more efficient, take less processing time, and
are suitable for real -time object detection. In one of the most
recent studies [ 24], the efficacy of typical state -of-the-art object Datasets Condition
Day Night Annotations Objects Total
no. of
frames Image
[2] ✓ ✓ - Person,
Poles 284 360 X 240
[19] ✓ ✓ - Person,
Bikes 11K 640 X 480
[3] - - - Person 6K 320 X 240
TIV [ 4] - - - Person,
Bat 63K 1024 X
[6] - ✓ ✓ Person 211K 384 X 288
[7] ✓ ✓ ✓ Person,
Dog 14K 640 X 512
[5] ✓ ✓ ✓ Person,
Bus 95K 640 X 480 3
detectors which includes Faster R -CNN, SSD, Cascade R -
CNN, and YOLO -v3 was assessed by retrain ing them on a
thermal dataset. The results demonstrated that Yolo -v3
outclassed other object SoA object detect ors.
B. Object Detection on Edge Devices
AI on edge devices benefit s us in various methods such that
it speeds up decision -making, makes data processing more
reliable, enhan ces user experience with hyper -personalization,
and cuts down the costs . While machine learning models ha ve
shown immense strength in diversified consumer electronic
applications , the increased prevalence of AI on edge has
contributed to the growth of spec ial-purpose embedded boards
for various applications. Such type of embedded boards can
achieve AI inference at higher frames per second (fps) and low
power usage . Some of these board includes Nvidia Jetson Nano,
Nvidia Xavier, Google Coral, AWS DeepLens , and Intel AI-
Stick . Authors in [ 26-27] proposed a r aspberry pi-based edge
computing system to detect thermal objects. Sen Cao et al [ 28]
developed a roadside object detector using KITTI dataset [ 29]
by training an efficient and lightweight neural network on
Nvidia Jetson TX2 embedded GPU [28].
In another study [ 30] authors proposed deep learning -based
smart task scheduling for self -driving vehicles. This task
management module was implemented on multicore SoCs
(Odroid Xu4 and Nvidia Jetson).
The overall goal of this study is to analy se the real -time
performance feasibility of Thermal -YOLO object detector by
deploying on edge devices. Different network variants of yolo -
v5 framework are trained and fine -tuned on thermal image data
and implemented on the Nvidia Jetson Nano [ 23] and Nvidia
Jetson Xavier NX [ 25]. These two platforms, although from the
same manufacturer provide very differe nt levels of performance
and may be regarded as close to current SoA in terms of
performance for embedded neural inference algorithms.
This section will mainly cover the thermal data collection
process using the LWIR pr ototype thermal imaging camera.
The overall data is consisting of more than 35K distinct thermal
frames acquired in different weather and environmental
conditions . The data collection process includes shutterless
camera calibration and thermal data processing [36], using the
Lynred Display Kit (LDK) [ 1], data collection methods , and
overall dataset attributes with different weather and
environmental conditions for comprehensive data formation.
A. Prototype Thermal Camera
For the proposed research work we have utilized micro -
bolometer technology based uncooled thermal imaging camera
developed under the HELIAUS project [ 32]. The main
characteristic of this camera includes low -cost, lightweight and
its sleek compact design thus allowing to easily integrate it with
artificially intelligent imaging pipelines for building effective
in-cabin driver -passenger monitoring and road mon itoring
systems for ADAS. It enables us to capture high -quality thermal
frames with low -power consumption thus proving the agility of
configurations and data processing algorithms in real -time.
Fig. 1 shows the prototype thermal camera. The technical
specifications of the camera are as follows, the camera type is a QVGA long-wave infrared (LWIR) with a spectral range from
8-14 µm and a camera resolution of 640 X 480 pixels. The focal
length (f) of the camera is 7.5 mm, F -number is 1.2, the pixel
pitch is 17 µm, and the power consumption is less than 950mW.
The camera relates to a high-speed USB 3.0 (micro -USB) port
for the interface.
Fig. 1 . LWIR thermal imaging module images from different
view angles.
The data is recorded using a specifically designed toolbox. The
complete camera calibration process along with the data
processing pipeline is explained in the next section.
B. Shutterless Calibration and Real -time Data Processing
This section will highlight the thermal camera calibration
process for shutterless camera configuration along with real -
time data processing methods for converting the raw thermal
data to refined output s. Shutterless technology allows uncooled
IR engines and thermal imaging sensors to continuously operate
without the need for a mechanical shutter for Non -Uniformity
Correction (NUC) operations. Such type of technology
provides proven and effective results in poor visibility
conditions ensuring good quality thermal frames in real -time
testing situations. For this, we have used a low -cost blackbody
source to provide three different constant reference temperature
values referred to as T -ambient1 -BB1 (hot unif orm scene with
temperature value of 40 degree centigrade), T -ambient1 -BB2
(cold uniform scene with the temperature value of 20 degree
centigrade), and T -ambient2 -BB1 (either hot or cold uniform
scene but with different temperature value). The imager can
store up to 50 snapshots and select the best uniform temperature
scenes for calibration purposes. Fig. 2 shows the blackbody
used for the thermal camera calibration .
Fig. 2. Thermal camera calibration a) blackbody source used
for LWIR thermal camera calibration, b) uniform scene:
temperature set to 40.01 degree centigrade.
Once the uniform temperature images are recorded the images
are loaded in camera SDK as shown in Fig. 3 to finally calibrate
the shutterless camera stream. Fig. 4 shows the results before
applying shutterless calibration and processed results using
shutterless algorithms on thermal frame capture through the
prototype thermal IR camera . (a) (b) 4
Fig. 3. Prototype thermal camera SDK for loading constant
reference temperatures values for shutterless camera
Fig. 4. Shutterless algorithm results on sample thermal frame
captured from 640x480 LWIR thermal camera designed by
Lynred France [ 1].
In the next phase, various real -time image processing -based
correction methods are applied to convert the original thermal
data to produce good -quality thermal frames. Fig. 5 shows the
complete image processing pipeline.
Fig. 5. Thermal image correction pipeline
As shown in Fig. 5 image processing pipeline consist of three
different image correction methods which include gain
correction, bad -pixel replacement, and temporal denoising. The
further details of these methods are provided as follows.
1) Gain Correction Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
Thermal image detectors, based on flat panels, suff er
from irregular gains due to the non -uniform amplifiers.
To correct the irregular gains, a common yet effective
technique referred to as automatic gain control is
applied. It is usually based on the gain map. By
averaging uniformly illuminated images wit hout any
objects, the gain map is designed. By increasing the
number of images for averaging provides a good gain -correction performance since the remained quantum
noise in the gain map is reduced [ 1].
2) Bad Pixel Replacement (BPR)
This is used to list bad pixels estimated at the calibration
stage. It works by tracking potential new bad pixels by
looking at pixel neighbourhood also known as the
nearest neighbour method. Once it traces the bad pixels
in the nearest neighbour it replaces them with good
pixels. Fig. 6 demonstrates one such example.
Fig. 6. Bad pixel replacement algorithm output on
sample thermal frame, left side frame with some bad
pixels and the right side is processed frame.
3) Temporal Denoising (TD)
The consistent reduction of image noise poses a
frequently recurring problem in digitized thermal
imaging systems and especially when it comes to un -
cooled thermal imagers [ 34]. To mitigate these
limitations for better outputs different methods are used
which include hardware as well software -based image
processing methods such as temporal and spatial
denoising algorithms. The temporal denoising method is
used to decrease the temporal noise between different
frames of the video. In commercial solutions, it usually
works by gathering m ultiple frames and averaging those
frames to cancel out the random noise among the frames.
In our data acquisition process, this method is used after
applying the shutterless algorithm. Fig. 7 shows the
sample thermal images in the form of outcomes after
applying shutterless algorithms and all the image
processing -based corrections methods as shown in Fig.
Fig. 7. High -quality thermal frames after applying the
shutterless calibration algorithm and image correction
Before After
Image processing
Input Output
C. Data Collection Methods and Overall Dataset Attributes
This section will highlight different data collection
approaches adopted in this research work. The data is collected
in two different approaches. In, the first approach (M -1) the data
is gathered in an imm obile method by placing the camera at a
fixed place. The camera is mounted on the tripod stand at a
fixed height of nearly 30 inches such that the roadsides objects
are covered in the video stream. The thermal video stream is
recorded at 30 frames per seco nd (FPS). The data is recorded in
different weather and environmental conditions. Fig. 8 shows
the M -1 data acquisition setup. In the second method (M -2) the
thermal imaging system is mounted over the car and data is
acquired in the mobile method. The prime reason for collecting
the data in two different methods is to bring variations and
collect distinctive local data in different environmental and
weather conditions. For this, a specialized waterproof camera
housing case was designe d to hold the thermal camera in the
correct position and angle to cover the entire roadside scene.
The housing case is fixed on a suction -based tripod stand thus
allowing us to easily fix and remove the complete structure
from the car bonnet. The housing c ase also contains a visible
camera to get initial visible images as reference data thus
allowing us to adjust both the camera positions in proper angle
and field of view .
Fig. 8. Data Acquisition setup by placing the camera at a fixed
place a) camera mounted on a tripod stand, b) complete daytime
roadside view, c) video recording setup at 30fps, d) evening
time alleyway view.
Fig. 9 shows the camera housing case along with the initial
data acquisition setup whereas
Fig. 9. Data acquisition setup through car a) camera housing
case holding thermal and visible camera, b) initial data
acquisition testing phase.
Fig. 10 shows the housing case fixed on tripod structure and
complete M -2 acquisition setup mounted on the car. The overall
dataset is acquired from Galway County Ireland. The data is
collected in form of short video clips and more th an> 35,000
unique thermal frames have been extracted from the recorde d
video clips. The data is recorded in the daytime, evening time ,
and night -time which is distributed in the ratio of 44. 61%, 31.78%, and 23. 61% respectively of overall data. The complete
dataset attributes are summarized in Table II. The acquired data
comprises distinct stationary classes , such as road signs and
poles, as well as moving object classes such as pedestrians, cars,
buses, bikes, and bicycles.
Fig. 10. Complete data acquisition setup mounted on the car a)
camera housing fixed on a suction tripod stand, b) data
acquisition kit from the front view, c) data acquisition kit from
the side view.
Locally acquired dataset attributes
method with
properties Total
frames Processing
Method Environment Time and
mounted at a
fixed place
96 dpi
and vertical
dimension 8,140
Roadside Daytime
with cloudy
680 Alleyway Evening
time cloudy
4,790 Roadside Night -time
with light
cloudy and
mounted on
the car
96 dpi
and vertical
9,600 Shutterless,
Park Daytime
with clear
and light
11,960 Downtown Evening
time with
cloudy and
4,600 Shutterless,
& TD Downtown Night -time
with clear
frames Daytime:
(44.61%) Evening
(31.78%) Night -time:
(23.61%) Total:
Fig. 11 shows the six distinct sample of thermal frames captured
in different environmental and weather conditions using M1
and M2 methods. These samples show different class object s
such as buses, bicycles , poles, person, and cars. Most of these
objects are found commonly on the roadside thus providing the
driver a comprehensive video analysis of car surroundings .
(b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) Suction Tripod
640x480 LWIR
thermal camera 6
Fig. 11. Six different thermal samples acquired using LWIR
640x480 prototype thermal camera showing various class
This section will detail the proposed methodology and
training outcomes from the various network variants tested in
this study.
A. Network Training and Learning Perspectives
The overall training data comprises both locally and publicly
available datasets. The complete training data is divided in the
ratio of 50% - 50% where 50% of data is selected from locally
acquired t hermal frames whereas the rest 50% of the training
data leverages from public datasets. Six distinct types of
roadside objects for driving assistance are included in training
and validations sets . These include b icycles, motor cycles ,
buses, cars, pedestrians or people, and static roadside objects
such as poles or road signs , as shown in Fig 1 2.
Fig. 12. Block diagram depicts the steps taken to evaluate the
performance of Yolo v5 on local and public datasets.
Fig. 13 shows the class -wise data distribution. In the training
phase of the YOLO -V5 framework, a total of 59,150 class -wise
data samples wer e utilized, along with their corresponding class
Fig. 13. Depicts the respective class -wise training samples
distributions .
B. Data Annotation and Augmentation
The overall data annotations were performed manually using
an open -source bounding box -based annotations tool LabelImg
[31] for all the thermal classes in our study. Annotations are
stored in YOLO format as text files. During the training phase
all the YoloV5 network variations which include small,
medium, large, and x -large networks have been trained to detect
and classify six different classes in different environmental
Large -scale datasets are considered a vital requirement for
achieving optimal training results using deep learning
architectures. Without the need of gathering new data, data
augmentation allows us to significantly improve the diversity
of data available that c an be effectively used for training the
DNN models. In the proposed study we have incorporated a
variety of data augmentation techniques which involve
cropping, flipping, rotation, shearing, translation, mosaic
transformation for an optimum training of all the network
variants of the YOLO -V5 framework .
A. C. Training Results
As discussed in subsection A of section IV all the networks
are trained using the combination of public as well as the locally
gathered dataset. Training data from public datasets are
included from four different datasets which include FLIR [ 7],
OST [ 2], CVC [ 19], and KAIST [ 5] datasets. Secondly, we have
used thermal frames acquired from the locally gathered video
sets using both M1 and M2 methods. The training process is
performed on a server -grade machine with XEON E5 -1650 v4
3.60 GHz processor, 64 GB of ram, and equipped with
GEFORCE RTX 2080 Ti graphical processing unit. It comes
with 12 GB of dedicated graphical memory, memory bandwidth
of 616 GB/second, and 4352 cuda cores . During the training
phase the batch size is fixed to 32 and as an optimizer, both
stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and ADAM optimizer were
used. However, we were unable to achieve satisfactory training
results using ADAM optimizer as compared to SGD thus
select ed SGD optimizer for training purposes. Table III shows
the performance evaluation of all the trained models in the form
Training Data
Locally Acquired + Public
Car, Pole, Bike, Bicycle, Person, Bus
Data Annotation
Data Augmentation Techniques
Flipping, Cropping, Shearing, Rotation, Translation, Mosaic
YOLO v5 Network Variants
(7.3 million
parameters )
(21 million
parameters )
(47 million
parameters )
(87.7m illio
parameters )
Inference Testing (On both public and local dataset)
GPU, Nvidia -Jetson, Nvidia -Xavier
of mean average precision (mAP), recall rate, precision, and
Optimizer: SGD (best model *)
Network P % R% mAP
% Box
Loss Object
Loss Classific
Small 75.5
8 65.75 70.71 0.03
2 0.034 0.0017
Medium 71.0
6 64.74 65.34 0.02
7 0.030 0.0013
Large * 82.2
9 68.67 71.8 0.02
5 0.0287 0.0011
X-Large 74.2
3 65.03 64.94 0.02
5 0.0270 0.0010
By analy sing Table III, it can be observed that the large model
performed significantly better when compared to other models
with an overall precision of 82.29%, recall rate of 68.67%, and
mean average precision of 71.8% mAP . Fig. 14 shows the
graph result s of yolo-v5 large model. The figure visualizes
obtained PR -curve, box loss, object loss, and classification loss.
During the tra ining process, the X -large model consumes the
maximum amount of hardware resources with the largest
training time as compared to other network variants with overall
GPU usage of 9.78 GB and a total training time of 14 hours .
Fig. 15 shows the overall GPU m emory usage, GPU power
required in percentages, and GPU temperature in centigrade
scale while training the largest x -large network variant of yolo -
v5 model.
Fig. 14. Training results of YOLO -v5 large model using SGD
optimizer .
This section will demonstrate the object detection validation
results on GPU as well as on two different embedded boards.
A. Testing Methodology and Overall Test Data
In this research study , we have used three different testing
approaches which include the conventional test -time method
with no augmentation (NA), test -time augmentation (TTA), and
test-time with model ensembling (ME). TTA is an extensive
application of data augmentation applied to the test dataset. It
performs by creating multiple augmented copies of each image
in the test set, having the model make a prediction for each, then
returning an ensemble of those predictions. However, since the
test dataset is enlarged with a new set of augmented images the
Fig. 15. GPU resource utilization during the training process of
x-large network, a) 85% (9.78 GB) of GPU memory utilized,
(b) 90% (585 watts) of GPU power required and, (c) 68 C of
GPU temperature with the maximum rating of 89 C.
overall inference time also increases as compared to NA which
is one of the downsides of this approach . TTME or ensemble
learning refers to as using multiple trained networks at the same
time in a parallel manner to produce one optimal predictive
inference model [35]. In this study, we have tested the
performance of individually trained variants of the Yolo -V5
framework and selected the best combination of models which
in turn helps in achieving better validation results.
After training all the networks variants of yolo -v5, the
performance of each model is cross -validated on a
comprehensive set of test data selected from the public as well
as locally gathered thermal data. Table IV provides the numeric
data distribution of the overall validation set.
Test Dataset Attributes
Frames Used
dataset OST CVC -09 KAIS
R Total No
50 5360
(day +
night -
time) 149 130 5,689
dataset Method (M1) Method (M2) Total No
c 100
60 120 20 minutes GPU Memory Usage
GPU Power Usage
GPU Temperature 20 60 120 minutes 20 40 60 80 100
minutes 20 60 120 10 20 30 40 50 60 8
8,820 16,560 25,380
Total: 31,069
B. Inference Results Using YOLO Network Variants
In the first phase, we have run the rigorous inference test on
GPU as well as Edge -GPU platforms on our test data using the
newly trained networks variants of yolo framework. The overall
test data is consisting of nearly ≈ 31,000 thermal frames. Fig. 1 6
shows the inference results on 9 diffe rent thermal frames
selected from both public as well as locally acquired data. These
frames have data complications such as multiple class objects,
occlusion, overlapping classes, scale variation, and varying
environmental conditions . The complete inference results are
available on our local repos itory ( ).
In the second phase , we have run t he combination of different
models in a parallel manner using the model ensembling
approach to output one optimal predictive engine which can be
further used to run the inference test on the validation set. The
different combination of these models is show n in Table V
respectively where 1 indicates that model is in active state and
0 means model is in a non -active state.
Model Combinations
o Small Medium Large X-Large Combination
State 1 (active) or 0 (not active)
1 1 1 0 0 A0
2 1 0 1 0 A1
3 1 0 0 1 A2
4 0 1 1 0 A3
5 0 0 1 1 A4
Fig. 16 . Inference results on nine different frames selected
from test data.
With the model ensembling method small and large models
(A1) turn out to best model combination in terms of achieving
the best mAP, recall, and relatively less amount of inference
time per frame thus producing optimal validation results. These
results are examined in further parts of this section. Fig. 1 7
shows the inference results using A1 model ensembling engine
on three different thermal frames s elected from the test data.
Fig. 17. Inference results on three different frames using
model ensembling.
C. Quantitative Validation Results on GPU
The third part of the testing phase shows the quantitative
numerical results of all the trained models on GPU. To better
analy se and validate the overall performance for all the trained
models on test data, relatively a smaller set of test images has
been selected from the overall test set. For this purpose, a subset
of 402 thermal frames is selected to compute all the evaluation
metrics. The selected images consist of different roadside
objects such as pedestrians, cars and buses under different
illum ination and environmental conditions, time of day, and
distance from the camera. The objects are either far -field
(between 11 -18 meters) , mid -field (between 7 -10 meters) or
near-field (between 3 -6 meters) from the camera. Fig. 18 shows
selected views from the test data for quick reference of the
Fig. 18. Test data samples with the object at varying distances
from the camera, (a) near -field distance, (b) mid -field distance,
(c) far -field distance.
The performance evaluation of each model is computed
using four different metrics which include recall, preci sion,
mean average precision (mAP), and frames per second rate
(FPS). Table VI shows all the quantitative validation results on
GPU. During the testing phase batch size is fixed to 8. Also,
three different testing configuration is selected thus having
separate confidence threshold values and the intersection of
union values at each validation phase. Confidence threshold
defines the minimum threshold value, or in other words, it is the
minimum confidence score above which we consider a
prediction as true. If it’s below the threshold value, we consider
the prediction as “no”. The last row of Table VI shows the best
ME results using A1 configuration from Table V with a selected
confidence threshold of 0.2 and IoU threshold of 0.4.
Platform: GPU
Inference image size: 800 x 800
Confidence Threshold: 0.4, IoU Threshold: 0.6
No Augmentation (NA) Test-time Augmentation
Network P
% R
% mA
% R
% mA
a b c camera camera camera person person car 9
Small 72 46 43 79 76 48 50 45
Medium 73 54 49 53 76 58 57 26
Large 75 56 52 34 77 63 60 16
X-Large 74 53 49 20 71 59 55 10
Confidence Threshold: 0.2, IoU Threshold: 0.4
Small 66 50 47 82 64 55 52 45
Medium 66 57 51 53 77 58 59 27
Large 71 61 56 35 78 63 63 16
X-Large 70 54 50 21 68 62 56 10
Confidence Threshold: 0.1, IoU Threshold: 0.2
Small 65 52 48 81 65 53 53 45
Medium 69 54 51 53 77 58 59 26
Large 73 61 57 34 79 63 63 16
X-Large 71 54 52 21 69 62 57 10
Confidence Threshold: 0.2, IoU Threshold: 0.4
Model Ensembling (ME)
A = Small
B = Large
Comb: A1
--- --- --- --- 77 66 65 25
D. Quantitative Validation Results on Edge -GPU Devices
This section will review the quantitative validation results on
two different Edge -GPU platforms (Jetson Nano & Jetson
Xavier NX). It is pertinent to mention that Jetson Xavier NX
development kit embeds more computational power in terms of
GPU, CPU, and memory as compared to Nvidia Jetson Nano.
Table VII shows the specification comparison of both boards.
Hardware specification comparison o f Nvidia Jetson Nano and
Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX
Board Jetson Nano [23] Jetson Xavier N X [25]
CPU Quad -Core ARM®
Cortex® -A57 MPCore,
2 MB L2, Maximum
Frequency: 1.43 GHz 6-core NVIDIA Carmel
ARM®v8.2 64 -bit
CPU, 6 MB L2 + 4 MB
L3, Maximum
Frequency: 1.9 GHz
GPU 128-
core Maxwell GPU,
512 GFLOPS (FP16),
Maximum Operating
Frequency: 921 MHz 384 CUDA® cores +
48 Tensor
cores Volta GPU, 21
TOPS, Maximum
Operating Frequency:
1100 MHz
RAM 4 GB 64-bit LPDDR4
@ 1600MHz | 25.6
GB/s 8 GB 128-bit
1600MHz | 51.2GB/s
On module
Storage 16 GB eMMC 5.1 Flash Storage, Bus Width: 8 -bit,
Maximum Bus Frequency: 200 MHz (HS400)
Power 5W – 10W 10W – 15W
Performance 0.5 TFLOPS (FP16) 6 TFLOPS (FP16)
21 TOPS (INT8)
On Jetson Nano we have validated the performance of the
small version only whereas on Jetson Xavier NX we have
evaluated the performance of smaller and medium versions of
models due to the memory limitations and constrained
hardware resources on these boar ds. During the testing phase,
we have selected the highest power modes on both boards to
provide the utmost efficiency thus utilizing maximum hardware
resources. For instance, on Nvidia Xavier board NX we have selected ‘Mode Id: 2’ which means the board is operating in 15 -
watt power mode with all the six cores active with a maximal
CPU frequency of 1.4 gigahertz and GPU frequency of 1.1
gigahertz. Similarly, on Nvidia Jetson Nano all the four CPU
cores were utilized with overall power utilization of 5 watts .
Table VIII shows the quantitative validation results on ARM
processor based embedded boards
Platform: N vidia Jetson Nano
Inference image size: 128 x 128
Confidence Threshold: 0.4, IoU Threshold: 0.6
% R
% mA
% R
% mA
Small 75 44 45 3 77 47 49 1
Confidence Threshold: 0.2, IoU Threshold: 0.4
Small 75 44 47 3 71 51 51 1
Confidence Threshold: 0.1, IoU Threshold: 0.2
Small 66 47 48 2 73 50 52 1
Platform: N vidia Jetson Xavier NX
Inference image size: 128 x 128
Confidence Threshold: 0.4, IoU Threshold: 0.6
Small 75 44 45 18 77 47 49 10
Med 76 53 50 12 79 50 52 6
Confidence Threshold: 0.2, IoU Threshold: 0.4
Small 75 44 47 19 71 51 51 10
Med 76 52 53 12 73 54 53 6
Confidence Threshold: 0.1, IoU Threshold: 0.2
Small 66 47 48 18 73 50 52 10
Med 76 51 52 12 81 49 53 6
E. Real-time Hardware Feasibility Testing
While running these tests we closely monitor the temperature
ratings of different hardware peripherals on both Edge -GPU
platforms. It is done to prevent the overheating effect which can
damage the onboard processor or effect the overall operational
capabil ity of the system. In the case of Nvidia Jetson Nano, a
cooling fan was mounted on top of the processor heatsink to
reduce the overheating effect as shown in Fig. 1 9.
Fig. 19. External 5 -volt fan unit mounted on Nvidia Jetson
Nano processor heatsink to avoid onboard overheating effect
while running the inference testing.
The temperature ratings of various hardware peripherals are
monitored using eight different on -die thermal s ensors and one
on-die thermal diode. These temperature monitors are referred
to as CPU -Thermal, GPU -Thermal, Memory -Thermal, and
PLL-Thermal (part thermal zone). External fans help us in
External fan 10
reducing the temperature rating of various hardware peripherals
drast ically as compared to without mounting the fan. Fig. 20
shows the temperature rating difference of onboard thermal
sensors while running the smaller version of the model on
Nvidia Jetson Nano without and with mounting the external
cooling fan.
Fig. 20. Temperature rating difference of different onboard
hardware peripherals on Jetson Nano (a) without fan: A0
thermal zone = 65.50 C, CPU = 55 C, GPU = 52 C, PLL: 53.50,
overall thermal temperature = 53.50 C, (b) with external fan:
A0 therm al zone = 45.50 C, CPU = 33 C, GPU = 33 C, PLL:
33, overall thermal temperature = 32.75 C.
It can be examined from Fig. 20 that by mounting an external
cooling fan the temperature rating of various onboard
peripheral on Jetson Nano was reduced by nearly 30% thus
allowing us to operate the board at its maximum capacity for
rigorous model testing. Fig. 21 shows the Nvidia Jetson running
at its full pace (with an external fan) such that all the four cores
running at their maximum limit (100% capacity) while ru nning
the quantitative and inference test by deploying the smaller
network variant of the yolo -v5 framework.
Fig. 21. Nvidia Jetson Nano running at MAXN power mode
with all the cores running at their maximum capacity while
running t he inference test and quantitative validation test.
Fig. 22 shows the temperature rating difference of onboard
thermal sensors while running the smaller version of the model
on Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX board. Whereas Fig. 23 shows the
CPU and GPU usage while running the smaller variant of YOLO -V5 framework for quantitative validation and inference
test on Nvidia Xavier NX development kit.
Fig. 22. Temperature rating of different onboard hardware
peripherals on Jetson Xavier NX (a) A0 thermal zone = 41.50
C, AUX: 42.5 C, CPU = 44 C, GPU = 42 C, overall thermal
temperature = 42.80 C,
Fig. 23. Nvidia Jetson Xavier running at 15 -watt 6 core power
mode, (a) all the CPU cores running at its maximum capacity
while running the quantitative validation test, (b) 69% GPU
utilization while running the inference test with an image size
of 128 x 128.
This section will mainly aim at further model optimization
using TensorRT [ 33] inference accelerator tool. The prime
reason for this is to further increase the FPS rate for real -time
evaluation and on -board feasibility te sting on edge devices.
Secondly, it helps in saving onboard memory footprints on the
target device by performing various optimization methods.
TensorRT [33] works by performing five modes of
optimization methods for increasing the throughput of deep
neural networks . In the first step, it maximizes throughput by
quantizing models to 8 -bit integer data type or FP16 precision
while preserving the model accuracy. This method significantly
(b) 11
reduces the model size since it is transformed from originally
FP32 to FP16 version. In the next step, it uses layer and tensor
fusion techniques to further optimize the usage of onboard GPU
memory. The third step includes perform ing kernel auto -tuning.
It is the most important step where the TensorRT engine
shortlists the best network layers, and optimal batch size based
on the target GPU hardware. In the second last step, it
minimizes memory footprint s and re -uses memory by
distributing memory to tensor only for the period of its usage.
In the last steps, it processes m ultiple input streams in parallel
and finally optimizes neural networks periodically with
dynamically generated kernels [ 33].
In the proposed research work we have deployed a smaller
variant of yolo -v5 using TensorRT inference accelerator on
both edge plat forms Nvidia Jetson Nano and Nvidia Jetson
Xavier NX development boards to further excel the
performance of the trained model. It produces faster inference
time thus increasing the FPS on thermal data which in turn helps
us in building an effective real -time forward sensing system for
ADAS embedded applications. Fig. 24 depicts the block
diagram representation of deployment phase TensorRT
inference accelerator on embedded platforms.
Fig. 24. Overall block diagram representation of deployment
and running TensorRT inference accelerator on two different
embedded platforms.
Table IX shows the overall inference time along with FPS
rate on thermal test data using TensorRT run-time engine. By
analyzing the results from Table. IX we can deduce that
TensorRT API supports in boosting the overall FPS rate on
ARM -based embedded platforms by nearly 3.5 times as
compared to the FPS rate achieved by running the non -
optimized smaller variant on Nvidia Jetson Nano and Nvidia
Jetson Xavier boards. The same is demonstrated via graphical
chart results in Fig. 2 5.
FPS on Nvidia Jetson Nano and Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX
Board Nvidia Jetson Nano Nvidia Jetson Xavier
NX Test Data 402 images with the resolution of 128x128
inference time 35,090 milliseconds
≈ 35.1 seconds 6,675 milliseconds ≈
6.7 seconds
PS 35.1 sec / 402 frame s
= 0.087 sec/frame
FPS: 1 sec / 0.087 =
11.49 ≈ 11 fps 6.7 sec / 402 frames =
0.0166 sec/frame
FPS: 1 sec / 0.0166 =
60.24 ≈ 60 fps
Fig. 25. FPS increment rate of nearly 3.5 times on Jetson Nano
and Jetson Xavier NX embedded boards using the TensorRT
built optimized inference engine.
Fig. 2 6 shows the thermal object detection inference results on
six different thermal frames from the public as well as locally
acquired test data produced through the neural accelerator.
Fig. 2 6. Inference results using TensorRT neural accelerator,
(a) Object detection results on public data, (b) Object Detection
results on locally acquired thermal frames.
This section will review the training and testing performance
of all YO LO-V5 framework model variants.
• During the training phase, the large YOLO v5 network
outperforms other network variants scoring the highest
precision of 82.29 % and a mean average precision (mAP)
score of 71.8 %.
• Although the large network variant performed significantly
better during the training phase , the small network variant 020406080
Non-optimized version TensorRT optimized version
Smal ler variant
training on
thermal data
TensorRT Inference Engine
1. Nvidia Jetson Nano
2. Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX
Jetson optimized
runtime engine
Xavier optimized
runtime engine
Test data
b 12
also performed well with an overall precision of 75.58 % and
mAP of 70.71%. Also, it gains a higher FPS rate on GPU
during the testing phase as compared to the large model.
Fig. 2 7 summarizes the quantitative performance
comparison of small and large network variants of yolo
Fig. 2 7. Quantitative metrics comparison of small and large
network variants
• Due to the smaller number of model parameters as
compared to larger network variant ( 7.3M Vs 47M model
parameters) and faster FPS rate on GPU during the testing
phase as shown in Fig. 26 this model is shortlisted for
validation and deployment purposes on both the edge
embedded platforms Nvidia Jetson Nano and Nvidia Jetson
Xavier NX kits.
• During the testing phase, it was noticed that by reducing the
confidence threshold from 0.4 to 0.1 and the IoU threshold
from 0.6 to 0.2 in three stepwise intervals, the model's mAP
and recall rates increased significantly, but the precision
level decreas es. However, the FPS rate remains effectively
constant in most of the trained model cases.
• TTA methods achieved improved testing results when
compared to the NA method however the main drawback of
this method is that the FPS rate dro ps substantially which is
not suitable for real -time deployments. To overcome this
problem a model ensembling (ME) based inference engine
is proposed. Table IV shows the ME results by running
large -small model in parallel configuration with a
confidence threshold of 0.2, and an IoU Threshold of 0.4.
The ensembling engine attains an overall mAP of 66% with
25 frames per second.
• When comparing the individual hardware resources of both
the edge platforms (NVidia Jetson Nano and Jetson Xavier),
Xavier is computationally more powerful than the Jetson
Nano. Note that d ue to memory limitations and the lower
computational power of the Jetson only the small network
variant was evaluated on the Jetson Nano, whereas both the
smaller and medium network variants we re evaluated on the
Jetson Xavier NX.
• It was observed that t hroughout the testing phase , it was
important to keep a close eye on the operational temperature
ratings of different onboard thermal sensors to avoid
overheating, which might damage the onboard components or affect the system's typical operational performance.
Active cooling fans were used on both boards during testing,
and both ran at close to their rated temperature limits.
• This study also included model optimization using
TensorRT [33] inference accelerator tool. It was determine d
that TensorRT leads to an approximate increase of FPS rate
by a factor of 3.5 when compared to the non-optimized
smaller variant of yolo -v5 on Nvi dia Jetson Nano and
Nvidia Jetson Xavier devices.
• After performing model optimization, the Nvidia Jetson
produced 11 FPS and Nvidia Jetson Xavier achieved 60 FPS
on test data .
Thermal imaging provides superior and effective results in
challeng ing environments such that in low lighting scenarios
and has aggregate immunity to visual limitations thus making it
an optimal solution for intelligent and safer vehicular systems .
In this study, we presented a new benchmark thermal dataset
that comprises over 35K distinct frames recorded, analyzed,
and open -sourced in challenging weather and environmental
conditions utilizing a low -cost yet reliable uncooled LWIR
thermal camera. All the YOLO v5 network variants were
trained using locally gathered data as well as four different
publicly available datasets. The performance of trained
networks is analysed on both GPU as well as ARM processor -
based edge devices for onboard automotive sensor suite
feasibility testing . On edge devices , the small and medium
network edition of YOLO is deployed and tested due to certain
memory limitations and less computational power of these
boards . Lastly, we further optimized the smaller network
variant using TensorRT inference accelerator to explicitly
increase the FPS on edge devices. This allowed the system to
achieve 11 frames per second on jetson nano , while the Nvidia
Jetson Xavier delivered a significantly higher performance of
60 frames per second . These results validate the potentia l for
thermal imaging as a core component of ADAS systems for
intelligent vehicles .
As the future directions, the system's performance can be
further enhanced by porting the trained networks on more
advanced and powerful edge devices thus tailoring it for real -
time onboard deployments. Moreover, the current system
focuses on object recognition, but it can be enhanced to
incorporate image segmentation, road and lane detection, traffic
signal and road signs classification, and object tracking for
providing comprehensive driver assistanc e.
The authors would like to acknowledge Cosmin Rotariu from
Xperi -Ireland and the rest of the team members for providing
the support in preparing the data accusation setup and helping
throughout in data collection and Quentin Noir from Lynred
France for giving their feedback. Moreover, the authors would
like to acknowledge the contributors of all the public datasets
for providing the image resources to carry out this research
work and ultralytics for sharing the YOLO -V5 Pytorch version. 020406080100
Small LargePerformance Comparsion of Small vs Large Model
Model Parameters mAP Recall Precision FPS13
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Muhammad Ali Farooq received his BE
degree in electronic engineering from
IQRA University in 2012 and his MS
degree in electrical control engineering
from the National University of Sciences
and Technology (NUST) in 2017. He is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree at the
National University of Ireland Galway
(NUIG) . His research interests include
machine vision , computer vision, video analytics, and sensor
fusion. He has won the prestigious H2020 European Union
(EU) scholarship and currently working at NUIG as one of the
consortium partners in the H eliaus (thermal v ision augmented
awarenes s) project funded by EU.
Waseem Shariff received his B.E degree
in computer science from Nagarjuna
College of Engineering and Technology
(NCET) in 2019 and his M.S. degree in
computer science, specializing in artificial
intelligence from National University of
Ireland Galway (NUIG) in 2020. He is
working as research assistant at National
University of Ireland Galway (NUIG). He
is associated with Heliaus (thermal v ision augmented
awarenes s) project. He is also allied with FotoNation/Xperi
research team. His research interests include machine learning
utilizing deep neural networks for computer vision applications,
including working with synthetic data, thermal data, and RGB .
Peter Corcoran (Fellow, IEEE) holds a
Personal Chair in Electronic Engineering at
the College of Science and Engineering,
National University of Ireland Galway
(NUIG) . He was the Co -Founder in several
start-up companies, notably FotoNation,
now the Imaging Division of Xperi
Corporation. He has more th an 600 cited
technical publications and patents, more than 120 peer -
reviewed journal articles, 160 international conference papers,
and a co -inventor on more than 300 granted U.S. patents. He is
an IEEE Fellow recognized for his contributions to digital
camera technologies, notably in -camera red -eye correction and
facial detection. He is a member of the IEEE Consumer
Technology Society for more than 25 years and the Founding
Editor of IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine.