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Fast Solver for J2-Pertu rbed Lambert Problem Using Deep Neu ral Network |
Article in Journal of Guidanc e, Contr ol, and Dynamics · Dec ember 2021 |
DOI: 10.2514/1.G006091 |
160 |
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Fast solver for J2-perturbed Lambert problem using deep |
neural network |
Bin Yang1 and Shuang Li2* |
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China |
Jinglang Feng3 and Massimiliano Vasile4 |
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland G1 1XJ, United Kingdom |
This paper presents a novel and fast solver for the J2-perturbe d Lambert problem. The |
solver consists of an intelligent initial guess generator combi ned with a differential |
correction procedure. The intelligent initial guess generator i s a deep neural network that is |
trained to correct the initial velocity vector coming from the solution of the unperturbed |
Lambert problem. The differential correction module takes the i nitial guess and uses a |
forward shooting procedure to further update the initial veloci ty and exactly meet the |
terminal conditions. Eight sample forms are analyzed and compar e d t o f i n d t h e o p t i m u m |
form to train the neural network on the J2-perturbed Lambert pr oblem. The accuracy and |
performance of this novel approach will be demonstrated on a re presentative test case: the |
solution of a multi-revolution J2-perturbed Lambert problem in the Jupiter system. We will |
compare the performance of the proposed approach against a clas sical standard shooting |
1 Ph.D. candidate, Advanced Space Technology Laboratory, No. 29 Yudao Str., Nanjing 211106, China. |
2 Professor, Advanced Space Technology Laboratory, Email: lishua [email protected], Corresponding Author. |
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace En gineering, University of Strathclyde, 75 |
Montrose Street, Glasgow, UK. |
4 Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 75 Montrose Street, |
Glasgow, UK. 2 |
method and a homotopy-based perturbed Lambert algorithm. It wil l be s ho w n t h a t, f o r a |
comparable level of accuracy, th e proposed method is significan tly faster than the other two. |
I. Introduction |
The effect of orbital perturbations, such as those coming from a non-spherical, inhomogeneous gravity field, |
leads a spacecraft to depart from the trajectory prescribed by t h e s o l u t i o n o f t h e L a m b e r t p r o b l e m i n a s i m p l e |
two-body model [1], [2]. Since the perturbation due to the J2 z onal harmonics has the most significant effect around |
all planets in the solar system, a body of research exists that addressed the problem of solving the perturbed Lambert |
problem accounting for the J2 effect [3], [4]. This body of res earch can be classified into two categories: indirect |
methods and shooting methods [5]. Indirect methods transform th e perturbed Lambert problem into the solution of a |
system of parametric nonlinear algebraic equations. For instanc e, Engles and Junkins [1] proposed an indirect |
method that uses the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel (KS) transformation t o derive a system of two nonlinear algebraic |
equations. Der [6] presented a superior Lambert algorithm by us ing the modified iterative method of Laguerre that |
h a s g o o d c o m p u t a t i o n a l p e r f o r m a n c e i f g i v e n a g o o d i n i t i a l g u e s s. Armellin et al. [7] proposed two algorithms, |
based on Differential Algebra, for the multi-revolution perturb ed Lambert problems (MRPLP). One uses homotopy |
over the value of the perturbati on and the solution of the unpe rturbed, or Keplerian, Lambert problem as initial guess. |
The other uses a high-order Taylor polynomial expansion to map the dependency of the terminal position on the |
initial velocity, and solves a system of three nonlinear equati ons. A refinement step is th en added to obtain a solution |
with the required accuracy. A common problem of indirect method s is the need for a good initial guess to solve the |
system of nonlinear algebraic equations. A bad initial guess in creases the time to solve the algebraic system or can |
lead to a failure of the solution procedure, especially when th e transfer time is long. 3 |
Shooting methods transcribe the perturbed Lambert problem into the search for the initial velocity vector that |
provides the desired terminal conditions at a given time. Kraig e et al. [8] investigated the efficiency of different |
shooting approaches and found that a straightforward differenti al correction algorithm combined with the |
Rectangular Encke’s motion predictor is more efficient than the analytical KS approach. Junkins and Schaub [9] |
transformed the problem into a two-point boundary value problem and applied Newton iteration method to solve it. |
The main problem with shooting methods is that, with the increa se of the transfer time, the terminal conditions |
become more sensitive to the variations of the initial velocity and the derivatives of the final states with respect to |
the initial velocity are more affected by the propagation of nu merical errors. In order to mitigate this problem, Arora |
et al. [10] proposed to compute the derivatives of the initial and final velocity vectors with respect to the initial and |
final position vectors, and the time of flight, with the state transition matrix. Woollands et al. [11] applied the KS |
transformation and the modified Chebyshev–Picard iteration to o btain the perturbed solution starting from the |
solution of the Keplerian Lambert problem, which is to solve th e initial velocity vector corresponding to the transfer |
between two given points with a given time of free flight in a two-body gravitational field [12]. For the |
multi-revolution perturbed Lambert problem with long flight tim e, Woollands et al. [13] also utilized the modified |
Chebyshev-Picard iteration and the method of particular solutio ns based on the local-linearity, to improve the |
computational efficiency, but its solution relies on the soluti on of the Keplerian Lambert problem as the initial |
guesses. Alhulayil et al. [14] proposed a high-order perturbati on expansion method that accelerates convergence, |
compared to conventional first-order Newton’s methods, but requ ires a good initial guess to guarantee convergence. |
Yang et al. [15] developed a targeting technique using homotopy to reduce the sensitivity of the terminal position |
errors on the variation of the initial velocity. However, often techniques that improve robustness of convergence by |
reducing the sensitivity of the terminal conditions on the init ial velocity vector, incur in a higher computational cost. 4 |
The major problem of both classes of methods can be identified in the need for a judicious initial guess, often |
better than the simple solution of the Keplerian Lambert proble m. To this end, this paper proposes a novel method |
combining the generation of a first guess with machine learning and a shooting method based on finite-differences. |
We propose to train a deep neural network (DNN) to generate ini tial guesses for the solution of the J2-perturbed |
Lambert problem and which has been a growing interest in the ap plication of machine learning (ML) to space |
trajectory design [16], [17]. In Ref. [18] one can find a recen t survey of the application of ML to spacecraft guidance |
dynamics and control. Deep neural network is a technology in th e field of ML, which has at least one hidden layer |
and can be trained using a back-propagation algorithm [18]. Sán chez-Sánchez and Izzo [19] used DNNs to achieve |
online real-time optimal control for precise landing. Li et al. [16] used DNN to estimate the parameters of low-thrust |
and multi-impulse trajectories in multi-target missions. Zhu an d Luo [20] proposed a rapid assessment approach of |
low-thrust transfer trajectory using a classification multilaye r perception and a regression multilayer perception. |
Song and Gong [21] utilized a DNN to approximate the flight tim e of the transfer trajectory with solar sail. Cheng et |
al. [22] adopted the multi-scale deep neural network to achieve real-time on-board trajectory optimization with |
guaranteed convergence for optimal transfers. However, to the b est of our knowledge ML has not yet been applied |
to improve the solution of the perturbed Lambert problem. |
The DNN-based solver proposed in this paper was applied to the design of trajectories in the Jovian system. The |
strong perturbation induced by the J2 harmonics of the gravity field of Jupiter creates significant differences |
between the J2-perturbed and Keplerian Lambert solutions, even for a small number of revolutions. Hence Jupiter |
was chosen to put the proposed DNN-based solver to the test. Th e performance of the combination of the DNN first |
guess generation and shooting will be compared against two solv ers: one implementing the homotopy method of |
Yang et al. [15], the other implementing a direct application o f Newton method starting from a first guess generated 5 |
with the solution of the Keplerian Lambert problem. The homotop y method in Ref. [15] was chosen for its |
simplicity of implementation and robustness also in the case of long transfer times. |
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the J2-perturbed Lambert problem and the shooting |
method are presented. Sec. III investigates eight sample forms and their learning features for the DNN. With |
comparative analysis of the different sample forms and standard ization technologies, the optimal sample form for |
the J2-perturbed Lambert problem is found. The algorithm using the deep neural network and the finite |
difference-based shooting method is proposed and implemented to solve the J2-perturbed Lambert problem in Sec. |
IV. Considering Jupiter’s J2 perturbation, Sec. V compares the numerical simulation results of the proposed |
algorithm, the traditional shooting method and the method with homotopy technique. Finally, the conclusions are |
made in Sec. VI. |
II. J2-perturbed Lambert Problem |
This section presents the dynamical model we used to study the J2-perturbed Lambert problem and the shooting |
method we implemented to solve it. |
A. Dynamical modeling with J2 perturbation |
The J2 non-spherical term of the gravity field of planets and m oons in the solar system induces a significant |
variation of the orbital parameters of an object orbiting those celestial bodies. Thus, the accurate solution of the |
Lambert problem [12] needs to account for the J2 perturbation, especially in the case of a multi-revolution transfer. |
The dynamic equations of an object subject to the effect of J2 can be written, in Cartesian coordinates, in the |
following form: 6 |
2 2 |
2 32 |
2 2 |
2 32 |
2 2 |
2 32311 52 |
311 52 |
313 52x |
y |
z |
x |
y |
zxv |
yv |
zv |
xR zvJr rr |
yR zvJr rr |
zR zvJr rr |
(1) |
where |
, R ,and J2 represent the gravitational constant, mean equator radius and oblateness of the celestial body, |
respectively. ( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz) is the Cartesian coordinates of the state of the spacecraft, and 22 2rx y z i s |
the distance from the spacecraft to the center of the celestial body. |
B. Shooting Method for the J2-perturbed Lambert Problem |
The classical Lambert problem (or Keplerian Lambert problem in the following) considers only an unperturbed |
two-body dynamics [12]. However, perturbations can induce a sig nificant deviation of the actual trajectory from the |
solution of the Keplerian Lambert problem. One way to take pert urbations into account is to propagate the dynamics |
in Eqs. (1) and use a standard shooting method for the solution of two-point boundary value problems. |
Fig. 1 depicts the problem introduced by orbit perturbations. T he solution of the Keplerian Lambert problem, |
dashed line, provides an initial velocity v0. Because of the dynamics in Eq.(1), the velocity v0 corresponds to a |
difference f0 f f0rr r between the desired terminal position fr and the propagated one f0r, when the dynamics |
is integrated forward in time, for a period tof, from the initial conditions [ r0, v0]. In order to eliminate this error, one |
can use a shooting method to calculate a velocity v that corrects v0. Fig. 1 shows an example with two subsequent |
varied velocity vectors vi and the corresponding terminal conditions. 7 |
0rfr |
0r |
ir0viv0v |
iv |
nvf0r |
fir |
Fig. 1 Illustration of the shooti ng method based on Newton’s it eration algorithm for the J2-perturbed |
Lambert problem |
As mentioned in the introduction, shooting methods have been ex tensively applied to solve the perturbed |
Lambert problem. Different algorithms have been proposed in the literature to improve both computational |
efficiency and convergence, e.g. the Picard iteration [11] and the Newton’s iteration [23]. In this section, the |
standard shooting method based on Newton’s algorithm is present ed [23]. Given the terminal position rfi = [xi, yi, zi]T |
and the initial velocity vi = [vxi, vyi, vzi]T at the i-th iteration, the shooting method requires the Jacobian matrix : |
=iii |
xiy iz i |
iii |
i |
xiy iz i |
iii |
xiy iz ix xx |
vvv |
y yy |
vvv |
zzz |
vvv |
H , (2) |
to compute the correction term: |
1 |
f iivHr r , (3) |
where J-1 is the inverse of the Jacobian matrix Hi, and rf is the desired terminal position, as shown in Fig. 1. The |
corrected initial velocity then becomes 1ii i vvv . 8 |
Here the partial derivatives in the Jacobian matrix are approxi mated with forward differences. Finite differences |
are computed by introducing a variation 610v in the three components of the initial velocity and computing t he |
corresponding variation of the three components of the terminal conditions ixr, iyr, and izr. Consequently, the |
Jacobian matrix can be written as follows. |
=iy ix iz |
ivvv |
r rrH (4) |
Because of the need to compute the Jacobian matrix in Eq. (2), finite-difference-based shooting methods need to |
perform at least three integrations for each iteration. Further more, if the accuracy of the calculation of the Jacobian |
matrix in Eq.(2) is limited, this algorithm could fail to conve rge to the specified accuracy or diverge, which is a |
common situation if the time of flight is long (e.g., tens of r evolutions). Homotopy techniques are an effective way |
to improve the convergence of standard shooting methods for MRP LP but still require an initial guess to initiate the |
homotopy process and can require the solution of multiple two-p oint boundary value problems over a number of |
iterations. Here a DNN is employed to globally map the change i n the initial velocity to the variation of the terminal |
position for a variety of initial state vectors and transfer ti mes. This mapping allows one to generate a first guess for |
the initial velocity change ivby simply passing the required initial state, transfer time and terminal condition as |
input to the DNN. |
In the following, we will present how we trained the DNN to gen erate good first guesses to initiate a standard |
shooting method. We will show that an appropriately trained DNN can generate initial guesses that provide |
improved convergence of the shooting method even for multi-revo lution trajectories. It will be shown that the use of |
this initial guess improves the robustness of convergence of a standard shooting method and makes it significantly |
faster than the homotopy method in [15]. 9 |
III. Sample Learning Feature Analysis |
DNN consists of multiple layers of neurons with a specific arch itecture, which is an analytical mapping from |
inputs to outputs once its parameters are given. The typical st ructure of DNN and its neuron computation is |
illustrated in Fig. 2. The output of each neuron is generated f rom the input vector x, the weights of each component |
w, the offset value b, and the activation function y=f(x). The inputs are provided according to the specific problem or |
the outputs of the neurons of the previous layer. The weight an d offset values are obtained through the sample |
training. The activation function is fixed once the network is built. The training process includes two steps: the |
forward propagation of the input from the input layer to the ou tput layer; and then the back propagation of the output |
error from the output layer to the input layer. During this pro cess, the weight and the offset between adjacent layers |
are adjusted or trained to reduce the error of the outputs. |
ii sbw x |
yf s |
Fig. 2 The diagram of the DNN s tructure and neuron computation |
The ability of a DNN to return a good initial guess depends hig hly on the representation and quality of samples |
used to train the network. High-quality samples cannot only imp rove the output accuracy of the network, but also 10 |
reduce the training cost. Therefore, in the following, we prese nt the procedure used to generate samples with the |
appropriate features. |
A. Definition of Sample Form and Features |
In this work two groups of sample forms have been considered: o ne has the initial velocity v0 solving the |
J2-perturbed Lambert problem as output, the other has the veloc ity correction 0v to an initial guess of v0 a s |
output. |
For the first group of sample forms, the input to the neural ne twork includes the known initial and terminal |
positions 0f,rr and the time of flight tof. The output is only the initial velocity v0 as the terminal velocity can be |
obtained through orbital propagation once the initial velocity is solved. This type of sample form is defined as |
0f 0,, ,vSt o frr v (5) |
where the subscript 0 and f denotes the start and end of the tr ansfer trajectory, respectively. Thus, when trained with |
sample form in Eq. (5), the DNN is used to build a functional r elationship between 0f,,tof rr and 0v. |
The second group of sample forms was further divided in two sub groups. One that uses the initial state of the |
spacecraft 0r, the time of flight tofand the terminal error fras input and the other that uses the initial state 0r, |
the time of flight tof, the terminal position error frand the initial velocity vector from the Keplerian solution |
dvas inputs. These two sample forms are defined as follows: |
d1 0 f 0 |
d2 0 d f 0,, , |
,, , ,v |
vSt o f |
St o f |
rr v |
rv r v (6) |
In Eq. (6) the output 0v is always the initial velocity correction 00 dvv v , in which 0v is the initial |
velocity that solves the J2-perturbed Lambert problem. Thus, wh en trained with sample forms Sdv1 and Sdv2, the DNN 11 |
realizes a mapping between 0v a n d 0f,,tof rr or 0d f,, ,tof rv r respectively. The difference between Sdv1 |
and Sdv2 is whether the input includes the initial velocity vd t h a t i s n e c e s s a r y f o r s o l v i n g t h e J a c o b i a n m a t r i x . |
Therefore, it is theoretically easier to obtain the desired map ping with the input including the initial velocity, i.e. Sdv2. |
However, this increases the dimensionality of the sample and mi ght increase the difficulty of training. |
For each group of sample forms there are three main ways of par ameterizing the state of the spacecraft: Cartesian |
coordinates, spherical coordinates and the mean orbital element s. Cartesian coordinates provide a general and |
straightforward way to describe the motion of a spacecraft but state variables change significantly over time even for |
circular orbits with no orbital perturbations. Spherical coordi nates can provide a more contained and simpler |
variation of the state variables but are singular at the poles. Double averaged mean orbital elements present no |
variation of semimajor axis, eccentric and inclination due to J 2 and a constant variation of argument of the perigee |
and right ascension of the ascending node [24]. Which parameter ization to choose for the training of the DNN will |
be established in the remainder of this section. The structures of Eqs. (5) and (6) expressed in terms of these three |
coordinate systems are as follows: |
Car 0 0 0 f f f 0 0 0 |
S p h 0 0 0 fff 0 0 0 |
OEm 0 f 0 0 0 |
d1 C a r 0 0 0 f f f 0 0 0d1 S p h 0 0 0 f f f,,,,,, , , |
,,, ,,, , , |
,, ,, |
,,, , , , , , , |
,,, , , ,vx y z |
vv v |
vv v |
vx y zvSx y z x y z t o f v v v |
Srrt o f v |
So e o e t o f v |
Sx y z x y z t o f v v v |
Srr t o f v |
, |
, |
, |
, |
00 0 |
d2 C a r 0 0 0 d d d f f f 0 0 0 |
d2S p h 0 0 0 d d d f f f 0 0 0 |
d2 O E m d f f f 0 0 0,, |
,,, , , , , , , , , , |
,,, ,,, , , , , , |
,, , , , ,vv |
vx y z x y z |
v vv |
vv vSx y z v v v x y z t o f v v v |
Sr vr t o f v |
So e r t o f v |
, |
, (7) |
where the subscript Car, Sph and OEm denote the Cartesian coordinate, the spherical coordinate and mean orbital |
elements, respectively. And x, y, and z are the Cartesian coordinates of the position vector. And r, , and a r e 12 |
the distance, azimuth, and elevation angle of position vector i n the spherical coordinate system. |
,, , , ,Toe a e i w M represents the mean orbital elements. |
B. Performance Analysis of Different Sample Forms |
In this section the performance of the eight sample forms defin ed in Eq.(7) is assessed in order to identify the |
best one to train the DNN. We always generate a value for the i nitial conditions starting from an initial set of orbital |
elements. Values of the orbital parameters for each sample are randomly generated with the rand function in |
MATLAB using a uniform distribution over the intervals defined in Table 1. Note that semimajor axis and |
eccentricity are derived from the radii of the perijove and apo jove. Considering the strong radiation environment of |
Jupiter and the distribution of Galilean moons, we want to limi t the radius of the pericentre rp of the initial orbit of |
each sample to be in the interval [5 RJ, 30RJ], where RJ = 71492 km is the Jovian mean radius. The value of the |
inclination is set to range in the interval [0, 1] radians. The time of flight does not exceed one orbital period T, which |
is approximately calculated using the following formula |
3 |
J=2aT (8) |
where a is the semi-major axis, a = ( ra + rp ) / 2. |
Table 1 Parameters’ ranges of the sample |
Parameters Range |
Apojove radius ra (×RJ) [ rp, 30] |
Perijove radius rp (×RJ) [5, 30] |
inclination (rad) [0, 1] |
RAAN (rad) [0, 2) |
Argument of perigee (rad) [0, 2) |
Mean anomaly (rad) [0, 2) |
tof (T) (0, 1) 13 |
The following procedure is proposed to efficiently generate a l arge number of samples without solving the |
J2-perturbed Lambert problem: |
Step 1: The initial state [ r0, v0] and time of flight tof are randomly generated. |
Step 2: The terminal state [ rf, vf] is obtained by propagating the initial state [ r0, v0] under the J2 perturbation |
dynamics model, for the propagation period tof. |
Step 3: The Keplerian solution vd is solved from the classical Lambert problem with the initial and terminal |
position r0, rf and flight time tof. |
Step 4: The end state [ rfd, vfd] is obtained by propagating the initial Keplerian state [ r0, vd] under the J2 |
perturbation dynamics model, and for the propagation period tof. |
Step 5: The initial velocity correction 0v and the end state error fr are computed with00 dvv v and |
ff f drr r . |
Using these five steps, we generated 100000 samples and then gr ouped them in the eight sample forms given in |
Eq.(7). Before training, a preliminary learning feature analysi s is performed on the distribution of sample data and |
the correlation between the inputs and the output. Specifically , the mean, standard deviation, and magnitude |
difference coefficients are used to describe the distribution o f the data, and the Pearson correlation coefficient is |
chosen to evaluate the correlation of the data. Their mathemati cal definitions are given as follows |
1 |
2 |
1= |
1 |
max |
log |
min 0n |
j |
j |
n |
j |
jX |
Xn |
XXn |
X |
X |
(9) 14 |
where X and are the mean and standard deviation of the data, respectively. And n is the total number of data. |
denotes the magnitude difference coefficients that assesses th e internal diversity of the data. |
The statistical characteristics of the variables in the sample are given in Table 2. For the variables described in |
Cartesian coordinate, the mean values are close to 0 but the st andard deviations are generally large. Furthermore, |
their magnitude difference coefficients are all more than 5, wh ich indicate a large difference in the absolute values |
of the variables. For the variables described in spherical coor dinate, the most of their standard deviations are less |
than these described in the Cartesian coordinate. In addition, the magnitude difference coefficients of the magnitude |
of the position and velocity vectors are less than 1. The varia bles with smaller standard deviation have better |
performance in the training process. Therefore, the samples wit h the variables represented in spherical coordinate |
are easier to learn than those described in Cartesian coordinat es. |
Table 2 The statistical distributi ons of the variables in the s amples |
Parameters |
of sample Mean Standard deviations Magnitude difference |
coefficients |
r0-Car [-0.014; 0.087; 0.001] [11.424; 11.424; 1.145] [5.125; 5.949; 7.077] |
r0-Sph [14.954; 0.007229; 0.000193] [6.221; 1.815; 0.070] [0.777; 4.9 26; 6.607] |
rf-Car [0.001; -0.031; -0.005] [12.438; 12.469; 1.246] [5.094; 4.371; 6.442] |
rf-Sph [16.503; -0.005966; -0.000386] [6.275; 1.813; 0.070] [0.777; 4 .454; 6.321] |
v0-Car [-0.088351; -0.032116; |
-0.006130] [8.916; 8.887; 0.895] [5.450; 5.185; 6.338] |
v0-Sph [12.082577; -0.002034; |
-0.000529] [3.647; 1.821; 0.071] [0.773; 5.257; 5.851] |
oe0 [15.771; 0.257895; 0.087045; |
3.148016; 3.137227; 3.138286] [5.225; 0.177; 0.050; |
1.813;1.812;1.816] [0.774; 5.273; 4.145; |
4.653; 5.422; 4.634] |
oef [15.771; 0.257850; 0.087045; |
3.147935; 3.137600; 3.151625] [5.225; 0.177; 0.050; |
1.813; 1.812; 1.528] [0.774; 4.721; 4.145; |
5.917; 5.228; 5.163] |
vd-Car [-0.087568; -0.031006; |
-0.006340] [8.915; 8.886; 0.895] [5.654; 5.578; 6.673] |
vd-Sph [12.081729; -0.001599; |
-0.000538] [3.647; 1.821; 0.071] [0.774; 5.651; 6.658] |
f-Carr [-3.162; -11.384; -0.075] [1369.838; 1395.080; |
187.322] [10.495; 10.828; 11.371]15 |
f-Sphr [1154.249; -0.004; -0.001] [1589.222; 1.817; 0.135] [10.283; 4. 831; 8.576] |
oed [15.769; 0.258264; 0.087096; |
3.147709; 3.136805; 3.139263] [5.226179; 0.177; 0.051; |
1.813; 1.812; 1.814] [9.556; 4.800; 5.049; |
5.240; 5.927; 4.639] |
tof 4.023 3.220 5.481 |
0-Carv [-0.000782; -0.001109; 0.000210] [0.326; 0.283; 0.063] [9.917; 1 0.432; 10.471] |
0-Sphv [0.013321; 0.003913; 0.002884] [0.436; 1.818; 0.503] [8.948; 4. 672; 5.924] |
It is also known that the learning process is easier if the cor relation between the input and output of the sample is |
stronger. Here the Pearson correlation coefficient is used to d escribe this correlation and is defined as follows |
1n |
jj |
j |
R |
( 1 0 ) |
where n is the total number of sample data. Y and Yrepresent the mean and standard deviation of the data Y. |
X a n d Xdenote the mean and standard deviation of the data X. |
The matrix of the Pearson correlation coefficients of the propo sed sample’s inputs and outputs are given in Table |
3. The elements of Pearson correlation coefficients matrix are the correlation coefficient between the corresponding |
input and output variables. The signs of the elements indicate positive and negative correlations, respectively. The |
absolute values of elements represent the strength of correlati on. The greater the absolute value is, the stronger the |
correlation is. |
Table 3 The matrix of the Pearson correlation coefficients of t he input and output for different sample forms |
Sample |
Forms Pearson correlation coefficients matrix |
Sv-Car 0.003 0.004 0.000 0.002 0.002 |
0.002 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.003 |
0.005 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.002 |
-0.764 0.126 |
0.764 -0.122 |
Sv-Sph 0.005 0.001 0.003 0.000 |
0.002 0.000 0.004 0.000 0.001 0.003 |
0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.003 |
-0.898 -0.459 -0.344 |
-0.116 |
Sv-OEm 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 |
0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.007 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.0 03 |
0.002 0.001 0.007 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.007 0.004 0.000 |
-0.587 0.291 -0.587 0.291 -0.344 |
0.008 0.003 |
16 |
Sdv1-Car 0.006 0.002 0.002 |
0.004 0.000 0.002 |
0.003 0.006 0.003 0.004 0.004 |
-0.011 -0.049 -0.053 -0.046 |
0.010 0.037 -0.041 -0.013 |
0.011 -0.090 |
Sdv1-Sph 0.003 0.005 0.004 0.002 |
0.002 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.001 |
0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.004 |
-0.025 0.081 0.010 |
0.377 0.254 |
0.512 0.045 |
Sdv2-Car 0.006 0.002 0.000 0.002 |
0.004 0.000 0.002 0.002 |
0.003 0.006 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.004 |
-0.011 -0.017 -0.014 -0.049 -0.053 -0.046 |
0.010 0.011 -0.012 0.037 -0.041 -0.013 |
0.010 -0.040 0.011 -0.090 |
Sdv2-Sph - . 0.003 -0.005 . 0.004 -0.005 . 0.004 -0.002 . |
-0.002 . 0.000 0.005 . -0.001 0.002 . 0.000 -0.001 |
-0.001 -0.002 . 0.003 0.004 . 0.001 -0.001 . 0.004 |
0 025 0 032 0 081 0 010 |
0 377 0 259 0 254 |
05 1 2 02 9 7 00 4 5 |
Sdv2-OEm 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.002 |
0.002 -0.003 0.002 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.001 |
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.004 |
-0.019 0.082 0.076 0.081 0.010 |
0.254 |
0.010 0.045 |
First, it is seen that most elements of the matrix are less tha n 0.01, indicating the correlations between the inputs |
and the outputs are generally weak. Second, for the first three sample forms of Table 3, the absolute values of all |
elements for some rows are less than 0.01. This means that some components of the output variable are in |
weak-correlation with all input variables, and hence the mappin g from these output components to the input |
variables is very difficult to capture. Therefore, samples with the initial velocity as output, i.e. Sv-Car, Sv-Sph, and |
Sv-OEm, are not deemed to be ideal for the training of the neural net work. Third, by comparing the matrix listed in |
rows 4 to 7 of Table 3, the absolute values of the elements for the samples described in Cartesian coordinates are |
smaller than those for the samples described in spherical coord inates. Furthermore, for the samples in spherical |
coordinates, it is seen that the submatrix of each input variab le in the Pearson correlation coefficients matrix is a |
diagonally dominant matrix, where the elements with large absol ute values for each input variable are distributed in |
different rows and columns, and are independent. Therefore, the samples described in the spherical coordinate have |
better learning features and performance due to the strong corr elations. Additionally, for Sdv2-Sph that includes the |
Keplerian solution vd as one of the inputs, the correlation with the initial velocit y correction 0v i s [0.032 , 0.004, 17 |
-0.005; 0.005, 0.259 , -0.001; 0.003, 0.004, 0.297 ], which is diagonally dominant with large diagonal values, whi ch |
demonstrates that the Keplerian solution is an important input. Finally, for the sample in the mean orbital elements |
in the last row of Table 3, the matrix only contains a few elem ents whose absolute values are greater than 0.01, and |
most of them are distributed in the first row. The mean variati ons of semimajor axis, eccentricity and inclination are |
not affected by the J2 perturbation but only by the variation o f the initial velocity. Therefore, only the first row in the |
matrix displays larger values. In addition, the elements in the first six columns of the Pearson correlation matrix of |
Sdv2-OEm are generally smaller than others in Table 3, because the outp uts of the sample is the initial velocity |
correction, which is calculated using the osculating orbital el ements that contain both the long and the short term |
effects of the J2 perturbation. Thus the correlation using the mean orbital elements is moderate. This would suggest |
that the sample Sdv2-Sph is the best option for the training of the DNN among the eight tested sample forms. We will |
now quantify the training performance for each of the eight sam ple forms by comparing the training convergence of |
a given DNN. It has to be noted that the structure of the DNN p lays a role as well. For example, a high dimensional |
sample with more variables needs a larger size DNN with more la yers and neurons. However, we argue that, since |
the sample form selection mainly depends on the problem and the dynamics, a better sample form will have better |
training performance than other sample forms given the same DNN structure. For this reason, it is reasonable to |
compare sample forms even on DNN structures that are not optima l. The effect of the structure of DNN on the |
training performance will be discussed in section V. |
Some data pretreatment is necessary to facilitate the training process and improve the prediction accuracy. |
Standardization, normalization and logarithms are used to pre-p rocess data with large ranges or magnitude |
differences. Tests in this section were performed using a four- layer fully connected DNN with 50 neurons per |
hidden layer. The activation functions of the hidden layers and the output layer are all Tanh. The Adaptive moment estimatio n |
algorith m |
The con s |
training p |
output o f |
where n i |
Here MS E |
From |
significa n |
has a lar gn (Adam) [25 ] |
m works throu g |
struction and |
process, the va |
fthe sample f o |
s the number o |
E has no unit s |
Fig. 3 one c a |
ntly smaller t h |
ger range of v] was employ e |
gh the entire t |
training of t h |
ariations of t h |
or different sa m |
of samples, a n |
s because data |
Fig. 3 The tr |
an see that th e |
han that with t h |
values and the r |
ed for the opt i |
training datas e |
he DNN are b |
he mean squa r |
mple forms ar e |
ndˆiyand y i are |
has been nor m |
ainin g conve r |
e MSE of the n |
he initial velo c |
refore has a m |
imization. Th e |
et) was set to |
based on the |
re error (MS E |
e given in Fig |
11ˆn |
i |
iE y |
n |
the output pr e |
malized befor e |
rgence histor y |
neural netwo r |
city as the ou t |
more scattere d |
e maximum e p |
10000 and t h |
Python impl e |
E) between th e |
. 3. The math e |
2 |
iy |
edicted by the |
e training. |
y for differe n |
rk with the in i |
tput. This is b e |
d distribution. |
poch (or num b |
he initial lear n |
ementation o f |
e output of t h |
ematical expr e |
DNN and th e |
nt sample for m |
itial velocity c |
ecause the ini t |
Also, the M S |
ber times that |
ning rate was s |
fTensorFlow. |
he neural net w |
ession of the M |
e true output r e |
ms |
correction as t |
tial velocity i n |
SE of sample S |
18the learning |
set to 0.001. |
During the |
work and the |
MSE is: |
(11) |
espectively . |
the output is |
n the sample |
Sdv1-Sph is an 19 |
order of magnitude higher than that of sample Sdv2-Sph. Therefore, the accuracy of predicting the initial velocity |
correction is effectively improved by including the Keplerian v elocity in the input of the sample. The blue line in |
Fig. 3 has obvious fluctuations due to the weak correlations be tween the output and the input of Sv-OEm, as shown in |
Table 3. Finally, the training results of the samples in spheri cal coordinate are better than those in Cartesian |
coordinates, which is consistent with the conclusions drawn in previous sections. |
In summary, for the J2-perturbed Lambert problem, the samples d escribed in spherical coordinate appear to be |
more suitable for the training of a DNN. In fact, among all eig ht sample forms, the sample form Sdv2-Sph yielded the |
best learning converge, given the initial position, Keplerian v elocity, the terminal position error of the Keplerian |
solution and time of flight as inputs and the initial velocity correction as output. Therefore, in the remainder of this |
paper, the Sdv2-Sph sample form is selected for the training of the DNN. |
IV. Solution of the J2-perturbed La mbert Problem Using DNN |
The proposed solution algorithm (see the flow diagram in Fig. 4 ) is made of an Intelligent initial Guess |
Generator (IGG) and a Shooting Correction Module (SCM). The DNN is used in the IGG to estimate the correction |
of the Keplerian solution and provide an initial guess to the s hooting module. The shooting method discussed in part |
B of Section II is employed in th e SCM to converge to the requi red accuracy. As s h |
vectors. T |
terminal p |
form an d |
shooting |
rendezvo u |
approxi m |
The m |
terminal s |
one call t o |
method mFig. 4 |
hown in Fig. 4 |
Then the init i |
position error |
d the generat i |
method in S e |
us constraint . |
mated with the |
method propo s |
state, where i |
o the DNN ar e |
mainly depend4 The flow c h |
4, first the K e |
ial conditions |
rfd. With th i |
ion method o |
ection II is a |
. The Jacobi a |
difference qu o |
sed here perfo r |
is the numbe r |
e necessary t o |
s on the SC M |
hart of the pr o |
eplerian Lam b |
[r0, vd] are p |
is erro r, the i n |
of the sample s |
applied to co r |
an matrix is |
otient to redu c |
rms a total of |
r of iterations. |
o obtain the in i |
M. As it will be |
oposed J2-pe |
bert problem |
propagated f o |
nitial velocity |
s a r e d e s c r i b e |
rrect the initi a |
calculated a c |
ce the comput a |
4i+2 numeric |
Additionally , |
itial velocity g |
shown in the |
rturbed La m |
is solved wit |
orward in tim e |
correction is |
ed in Sectio n |
al velocity to |
ccording to E |
ational load. |
al propagatio n |
, one solution |
guess. Theref o |
next section, |
mbert proble m |
th the desired |
e u n d e r t h e e |
calculated us i |
n I I I . T h e n t h |
make the te r |
Eq.(4), where |
ns to obtain t h |
of the Keple r |
ore, the calcul a |
the initial gu e |
m solver |
initial and f i |
ef f e c t o f J 2 t o |
ing the traine d |
he finite diff e |
rminal positi o |
the partial d |
he Jacobian ma |
rian Lambert p |
ation time of t |
ess provided b y |
20inal position |
o obtain the |
d DNN. The |
erence-based |
on meet the |
derivative is |
atrix and the |
problem and |
the proposed |
y the IGG is 21 |
close enough to the final solution that the number of iteration s required to the SCM to converge to the required |
accuracy is significantly reduced. |
V. Case Study of Jupiter Scenario |
In this section, taking the Jovian system as an example, some n umerical simulations are performed to |
demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed J2 -perturbed Lambert solver. Firstly, different network |
structures and training parameters are tested to find the optim al ones for this application. Then, we simulate the |
typical use of the proposed solver with a Monte Carlo simulatio n whereby a series of transfer trajectories are |
computed starting from a random set of boundary conditions and transfer times. To be noted that although the tests |
in this section use the J2, μ and R, of Jupiter the proposed method can be generalized to other ce lestial bodies by |
training the corresponding DNNs with a different triplet of val ues J2, μ and R, but using the same sample form. |
A. DNN Structure Selection and Training |
With reference to the results in Section III, the samples used to train the DNN include the initial position, the |
initial velocity, coming from the solution of the Keplerian Lam bert problem, the terminal position error of the |
Keplerian solution, and the time of flight. The output is the i nitial velocity correction of the Keplerian solution and |
all vectors in a sample are expressed in spherical coordinates. In order to generalize the applicability of this method, |
the ranges of the parameters of the sample given in Table 1 hav e been appropriately expanded. The range of orbital |
inclinations is [0, ] in radian. The range of times of flight is now in the open in terval (0, 10 T), where T is calculated |
using Eq. (8) from the initial state ( r0, v0). The ranges of other parameters are consistent with Table 1. In total, |
200000 training samples are obtained using the rapid sample gen eration algorithm given in part B of Section III. Since |
results, i n |
one woul |
sample f o |
We s t |
learning w |
and ReL U |
The sphe[-0.5 |
, 0 |
of the th r |
chosen a s |
Also i |
other trai n |
in Table 4the structure |
n this section |
d need to loo p |
orm remains r e |
tart by defini n |
while Sigmoi d |
U will be use d |
rical coordin a |
0.5]. Becau s |
ree compone n |
s the activatio n |
in this case t h |
ning paramet e |
4. and training p |
we analyze d |
p back and ch e |
easonably go o |
ng the activa t |
d functions ar e |
d. The output r |
ates (magnitu d |
se the range o |
nts of the sph e |
n function of t |
Fig |
he Adaptive m |
ers are the sa m |
parameters o f |
different DNN |
eck the optim a |
od even once t h |
tion functions |
e less used bec |
ranges of Tan h |
de, azimuth, a |
f elevation a n |
erical coordin |
the output lay e |
g. 5 The t ypica |
moment estim a |
me as in Secti o |
fthe neural ne |
structures a n |
ality of the sa m |
he DNN stru c |
. Tanh and R |
cause the gra d |
h and ReLU a |
and elevation) |
ngle can be tr a |
ates can all m |
er. |
al activation |
ation is used a |
on III. The tr a |
twork also pl a |
nd settings. N o |
mple form, ho |
cture is chang e |
ReLU are the |
dient tends to |
are [-1, 1] and |
of the outpu t |
ansformed fro m |
meet the requi |
functions for |
as optimizer. T |
aining results |
ays a signific a |
ote that once t |
wever, in this |
ed. |
common acti v |
vanish [26], t h |
[0, ∞] respec t |
t of the samp l |
m [-0.5, 0.5 |
rements of R e |
The maximu m |
of DNNs wit h |
ant impact on |
the structure i |
paper we ass u |
vation functi o |
hus in the fol l |
tively, as sho w |
le are [0, ∞], |
5] to [0, ] |
eLU. Therefo |
m epoch is 5 0 |
h different si z |
22the training |
is optimized |
ume that the |
on s f o r d e e p |
lowing Tanh |
wn in Fig. 5. |
[0, 2] and |
], the ranges |
re, ReLU is |
0000 and the |
zes are listed 23 |
Table 4 Training results of DNNs with different sizes |
Hidden |
Layers Neurons per |
hidden layer activation |
function MSE Training |
time (s) |
2 20 ReLU 9.423e-05 762 |
Tanh 3.286e-05 839 |
50 ReLU 1.435e-05 951 |
Tanh 1.226e-05 1084 |
100 ReLU 9.423e-06 1210 |
Tanh 9.163e-06 1425 |
3 20 ReLU 2.423e-06 1198 |
Tanh 2.154e-06 1267 |
50 ReLU 1.315e-06 1347 |
Tanh 1.258e-06 1523 |
100 ReLU 5.631e-06 1746 |
Tanh 1.226e-06 1935 |
4 20 ReLU 9.423e-06 1648 |
Tanh 3.286e-06 1864 |
50 ReLU 7.522e-07 1977 |
Tanh 4.816e-07 2186 |
100 ReLU 6.395e-05 2361 |
Tanh 2.861e-05 2643 |
The neural network with the minimum MSE has 4 hidden layers, ea ch with 50 neurons. The activation function |
of its hidden layers is Tanh. Additionally, some conclusions ca n be made from Table 4. Firstly, the networks with |
ReLU as the activation function take less time for training. Se condly, the networks with Tanh as the activation |
function achieve smaller MSEs. Thirdly, the network with 4 hidd en layers and 100 neurons in each hidden layer has |
overfitted during the training process. |
The variation of MSE of the neural network with 4 hidden layers and with 50 neurons for each layer is shown in |
Fig. 6. MSE finally converges to 4.816e-07, which transforms in to the mean absolute error (MAE) of the DNN’s |
output: [0.004241 km/s; 0.000232 rad; 0.000152 rad]. In or d |
trained s a |
of the tr a |
terminal p |
of the tra i |
Fig. 7 |
DNN. [Δ v |
Kepleria n |
the termi n |
points in |
also redu c |
After the der to verify t |
amples were r |
ained DNN. T |
position rf are |
ined DNN ( vc, |
7 and Fig. 8 s |
v0dx; Δv0dy; Δv |
n solutions, re s |
nal position a |
Fig. 7 and Fi g |
ced significa n |
correction b yFig. 6 M S |
the predictio n |
randomly reg e |
The initial vel o |
used as refer e |
, rfc) are calcu |
show the co m |
v0dz] and [Δ rfdx |
spectively. [ Δ |
after the DN N |
g. 8) is much c |
ntly after the c |
y the DNN, th |
SE of the sele c |
n accuracy of |
enerated with t |
ocity v0, whi c |
ence values. T |
lated as follo w |
0d |
0cv |
v |
mparison betw e |
x; Δrfdy; Δrfdz] |
Δv0cx; Δv0cy; Δv |
N’s correc tion |
closer to 0 aft e |
correction, wh |
e initial velo c |
cted DNN du r |
the trained D |
the algorithm |
ch is the exac t |
The errors of t h |
ws |
0df d |
0cf c, |
, |
vv r |
vvr |
een the Kepl e |
are the errors |
v0cz] and [Δ rfcx |
s, respectivel y |
er the DNN’s c |
ich is indicat e |
city error is li m |
ring the trai n |
DNN, 1000 n e |
in part B of S |
t solution of t |
he Keplerian s |
ff d |
ff c |
rr |
rr |
erian solution s |
of the initial v |
x; Δrfcy; Δrfcz] |
y. It can be s |
correction. T h |
ed by the len g |
mited to 10 m |
ning process. |
ew samples t h |
Section III to |
the J2-pertur b |
solutions ( vd, r |
s and the app r |
velocity and t h |
are the errors |
een that the m |
he standard de v |
gth of the blue |
m/s, and the te r |
hat are differ e |
examine the p |
bed Lambert p |
rfd) and the ap p |
roximation o f |
he terminal p o |
of the initial v |
mean of thes e |
viation of the s |
bars in Fig. 7 |
rminal positio n |
24ent fro m t h e |
performance |
proble m an d |
proximation |
(12) |
f t h e t r a i n e d |
osition of the |
velocity and |
e errors (red |
se errors has |
7 and Fig. 8. |
n error does not exce e |
initial va l |
Fig. 7 T |
Fig. |
B. Perfo |
In this s e |
method ued 100 km. T |
lue with respe c |
The statistica l |
. 8 The statis t |
ormance Ana l |
ection the pr o |
using NewtonThis proves th a |
ct to a simple |
l results of th e |
tical results o |
lysis for MR P |
oposed DNN- b |
’s iteration a l |
at the applic a |
Keplerian La m |
e initial velo c |
of the termin a |
based metho d |
lgorithm (SN ) |
ation of the D |
mbert solutio n |
city errors of t |
al position er r |
correctio n |
d is compare d |
) a n d t h e h o m |
DNN has sign i |
n. |
the Kepleria n |
rors of the K e |
n |
d a g a i n s t o t h e |
motopic pertu r |
ificantly imp r |
n solution an d |
eplerian solu t |
er two metho d |
rbed Lamber t |
roved the acc u |
d the DNN’s c |
tion and the D |
ds: a traditio n |
t algorith m (H |
25uracy of the |
correction |
DNN’s |
nal shooting |
HL) in [15]. 26 |
When applying the HL, the C++ version of Vinit6 algorithm in li terature [27] is employed to implement the HL |
method in Ref. [15] and to decrease the CPU computation time of HL. The HL is running in Matlab and the MEX |
function calls the Vinit6 algorithm that is running in visual s tudio 2015 C++ compiler to analytically propagate the |
perturbed trajectory. The accuracy tolerance of Vinit6 algorith m is set at 1 10-12. The homotopy parameter is |
defined as the deviation in the terminal position and other det ails of implementation and settings are the same as |
these given in Ref. [15]. For the SN and the proposed method, t heir dynamical models only include the J2 |
perturbation. For the Vinit6 algorithm, the dynamical model inc ludes the J2, J3 and partial J4 perturbations. |
However, the magnitudes of J3 and J4 of Jupiter are much smalle r than that of J2. Their perturbation effects are very |
weak compared with that of J2. Therefore, the slight difference in the dynamical model has very limited impact on |
the number of iterations and running time of the HL since the V init6 algorithm has high computational efficiency. |
Therefore, the comparison among the three methods is still vali d. |
The performance of the three methods is compared over 11 datase ts one per number of full revolutions from 0 |
to 10. Each dataset has 1000 samples, which are regenerated wit h the method described in Section III to validate the |
DNN. The maximum iterations and tolerances of the three methods are listed in Table 5. |
Table 5 The maximum iterations an d tolerance of three methods |
Algorithm Tolerance (km) Maximum iterations |
SN 0.001 2000 |
HL 0.001 10000 |
DNN-based method 0.001 2000 |
If the algorithm converges to a solution that meets the specifi ed tolerance within the set number of iterations, it is |
recorded as a valid convergence, otherwise, as a failed converg ence. The result is displayed in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, in |
terms of convergence ratio (number of converged solutions over number of samples) and average number of |
iterations to converge. Fig. |
Fig. 10 A |
Acco r |
the valid |
the num b |
the num b |
requires t |
revolutio n |
problem. mitigates . 9 The conv e |
Avera ge num |
rding to Fig. 9 |
convergence r |
ber of iteratio n |
ber of iteratio n |
the least nu m |
ns is due the |
For the sam e |
this problem ergence ratio |
mber of iterat i |
9, the HL and t |
ratio of the S N |
ns of HL appe a |
ns of SN and t |
mber of iterati |
growing dif f |
e r e a s o n t h e H |
by providing a |
of different a |
ions of differ e |
the proposed m |
N decreases a |
ars to increas e |
the proposed D |
o n s . T h e l a c k |
ference betwe e |
HL progressi v |
a good initial |
algorithms fo r |
ent al gorith m |
method coul d |
s the number |
e linearly in l o |
DNN-based m |
k of converg e |
en the exact s |
vely requires |
guess for eve r |
r the Jupiter J |
ms on the Jup i |
converge to t |
of revolution s |
og-scale as th e |
method remai n |
ence of the S N |
solution and t |
more iteratio n |
ry number of r |
J2-perturbe d |
iter J2-pertu r |
the required a c |
s increases. T h |
e number of r e |
n nearly const a |
N w i t h t h e i n |
the solution o |
ns to conver g |
revolutions. |
d Lambert pr |
rbed Lambe r |
ccuracy in all |
hen, accordin g |
evolutions inc r |
ant. The prop o |
ncrease in th e |
of the Kepler i |
ge . T h e p r o p o |
27roblem |
rt problem |
cases, while |
g to Fig. 10, |
reases while |
osed method |
e number of |
ian Lambert |
osed method The a |
only acc o |
DNN-Ba s |
CPU cal c |
of the re v |
the SCM |
the incre a |
time of t |
computatDNN eff |
e |
time wit h |
number o |
proposed shooting matrix. |
T |
HL takes |
Fig. 11 Aaverage CPU c |
ounts the ti m |
sed method a n |
culation time o |
volution incre a |
. In general, t |
ase in the nu m |
the SN and t h |
tional time of H |
ectively redu c |
h the number o |
of revolution s |
method are r |
algorith m, fo |
Their computa t |
less time, the |
Avera ge CPU computationa l |
me of the S C |
nd HL are 0. 0 |
of the propos e |
ases because t h |
the computati o |
mber of iterat i |
he proposed m |
HL appears t o |
ces the numb e |
of revolution s |
s tested in th |
respectively 0 |
or which eac h |
tional time pe r |
HL requires m |
computatio nl time of the t |
CM . F o r z e r o |
051 seconds, 0 |
ed method is t |
he accurate i n |
onal time inc r |
ions and the l |
method appe a |
o increase mo r |
er of iteration s |
s. The comput |
is pape r. The |
0.0082 s, 0.0 0 |
h iteration ne e |
r iteration is h |
much more it e |
nal time of di f |
three method s |
o-revolution c |
0.027 second s |
the shortest. T |
nitial guess ob t |
reases with th e |
longer propa g |
ar to increase |
re rapidly. Th e |
s and provide s |
ational time o |
e average co m |
018 s, and 0. 0 |
eds additional |
higher than th a |
erations than t h |
fferent metho |
s is given in F |
case, the av e |
s and 0.329 s e |
This advantag e |
tained using I |
e increase in t |
gation time. A |
linearly with |
e figure show s |
s, as a result, |
of the propose |
mputational t i |
0078 s. The p r |
t h r e e i n t e g r a |
at of the HL. H |
he other two m |
ds for the Ju p |
Fig. 11, in w h |
erage CPU c o |
econds, respe c |
e becomes m o |
GG reduces t h |
the number o f |
As shown in F |
the number |
s that the initi a |
a slower incr e |
d method is b |
ime per itera t |
ropose d m e t h |
al operations |
However, tho u |
methods, as s h |
piter J2-pert u |
hich the prop o |
omputation t i |
ctively. It is s |
ore obvious as |
he number of |
f revolutions, |
Fig. 11, the c o |
of revolution s |
al guess obtai n |
ease of the c o |
below 0.5 sec o |
tion of SN, H |
ho d a n d S N u |
to calculate t |
ugh the singl e |
hown in Fig. 1 |
urbed Lamb e |
28osed method |
ime of SN, |
seen that the |
the number |
iterations of |
due to both |
omputational |
s, while the |
ned with the |
omputational |
onds, for the |
HL , a n d t h e |
se the same |
the Jacobian |
e-iteration of |
1. |
ert problem C. Mon t |
In thi |
conditio n |
generate s |
time of s a |
methods, |
transfer t i |
DNN is t |
called o n |
while the computatfinal res |
u |
increase i |
or larger sample g |
ete Carlo Ana l |
s section we |
ns and transf e |
samples and t |
ample genera t |
four sets of M |
imes are per fo |
trained only o |
ne time per M |
solutions of t |
tions are perf o |
ults are given |
in the numbe r |
than 5000, t h |
eneration and |
Fig. 12 Tota llysis |
simulate the |
er times and |
train DNN be f |
tion, the traini n |
Monte Carlo s i |
formed. For e a |
once, using 2 0 |
MC simulation |
the J2-perturb |
ormed on the |
in Fig. 12. I |
r of Lambert s |
he proposed m |
the training o f |
l CPU time o f |
repeated use |
computing m |
fore using the |
ng of the DN N |
imulations wi t |
ach set, the n u |
00000 sample s |
to generate t h |
ed Lambert p r |
personal co mp |
It can be see n |
olutions to b e |
method outper f |
f the DNN. |
f different m e |
of the DNN- |
multiple J2-pe r |
proposed me t |
N and the SC M |
th 1000, 5000 , |
umber revolu t |
s and the par a |
he first guess |
roblem using |
mputer with In t |
n t h a t t h e e f fi |
e compute d. In |
forms the oth e |
ethods for th e |
-based metho d |
rturbed Lam b |
thod, the total |
M. To compa r |
, 10000, and 1 |
tions are equ a |
ameters settin g |
. The trainin g |
the proposed |
tel Core-i7 4. 2 |
ficiency of th e |
n particular, w |
er two metho d |
e Jupiter J2- p |
d b y t a k i n g a |
bert solutions . |
l computation a |
re the total C P |
100000 sets o f |
ally distribute d |
g presented i n |
g of DNN wa |
method, HL a |
2 GHz CPU a |
e p r o p o s e d m |
when the num b |
ds even when |
perturbed La |
random set o |
. Since it is |
al time shoul d |
PU time of the |
f boundary co n |
d between 0 a |
n previous se c |
s implemente |
and SN run in |
and 128GB o f |
method i m p r o v |
ber of simulat i |
including th e |
mbert probl e |
29of boundary |
essential to |
d include the |
above three |
nditions and |
and 10. The |
ction, and is |
d in Python |
Matlab. All |
f RAM. The |
ves with the |
ions is equal |
e cost of the |
em In ad |
have bee n |
converge |
Fig. 11. F |
0.024 se c |
due to its |
Fig. 13 A |
A fas t |
solve the |
neural ne t |
the nove l |
J2-pertur b |
the Kepl e |
applied t oddition, two s t |
n teste d with t |
successfully a |
For the zero r e |
conds and 0.0 2 |
longer time o |
Avera ge CP U |
t and novel m |
J2-perturbed |
tworks, whic h |
l method is t o |
bed Lambert p |
erian solutio n |
o t h e J u p i t e r tress cases, w |
the proposed m |
and their ave r |
evolution cas e |
29 seconds, r e |
of flight for ea c |
U computatio n |
method using D |
Lambert pro b |
h has an excel l |
o u s e a D N N |
proble m. We |
n and provide |
J2-pertur bed |
here the angl e |
method. For e a |
rage CPU co m |
e, the CPU co m |
espectively. T h |
ch revolution. |
nal time of t w |
VI. |
DNN and th e |
blem. DNN co |
lent performa n |
N to generate |
demonstrated |
good initial |
Lambert pro b |
e between the |
ach revolutio n |
mputational ti m |
mputation ti m |
he case of 36 0 |
wo stress cas e |
Conclus i |
e finite-differ e |
mposed of se v |
nce on appro x |
a first guess |
that the DN N |
values for t h |
bl e m , t h e e r r o |
initial and te r |
n, 100 MC tes t |
me is given in |
me of the 180 d |
0 deg costs a |
es for the Jup i |
ion |
ence-based sh o |
veral layers is |
ximating nonl i |
o f t h e c o r r e c |
N is capable o |
he subsequent |
ors in the ini t |
rminal positio |
ts are perfor m |
Fig. 13, whic h |
degree and th e |
bit more tim e |
iter J2-pertu r |
ooting algorit h |
the extensio n |
inear system. T |
ction of the i n |
f correcting t h |
differential c |
tial velocity a |
ns is 180 deg |
med for each c a |
h is similar to |
e 360 degree s |
e than the cas e |
rbed Lambe r |
hm has been |
n of conventio n |
The major co n |
nitial velocit y |
he initial velo c |
correction me |
and terminal p |
30or 360 deg, |
ase. All tests |
the trend in |
scenarios are |
e of 180 deg |
rt problem |
proposed to |
nal artificial |
ntribution of |
y t o s o l v e a |
city error of |
thod. When |
position are 31 |
limited to 5m/s and 100 km, respectively. In addition, when com pared to a direct application of a shooting method |
using Newton’s iterations and to a homotopy perturbed Lambert a lgorithm, the proposed method displayed a |
computational time that appears to increase linearly with a slo pe of 0.047 with the number of revolutions. In the |
application scenario presented in this paper the computational time is less than 0.5 seconds even for ten revolutions. |
It was also shown that compared to a direct application of a sh ooting method it provides convergence to the required |
accuracy in all the cases analyzed in this paper. Thus, we can conclude that the proposed DNN-based generation of a |
first guess is a promising method to increase robustness and re duce computational cost of shooting methods for the |
solution of the J2-pertubed Lambert problem. |
The method proposed in this paper can be used to solve the J2-p erturbed Lambert problem for other celestial |
bodies, by training the corresponding DNN with the correspondin g J2 a n d parameters. Thus a library of |
pre-trained DNN could be easily used to have a more general app lication to missions around any celestial body. On |
the other hand, adding these dynamical parameters as part of th e training set would allow a single more general |
DNN to be used with all celestial bodies. This latter option is the object of the current investigation. |
Acknowledgments |
The work described in this paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. |
11672126), sponsored by Qing Lan Project, Science and Technolog y on Space Intelligent Control Laboratory (Grant |
No. 6142208200203 and HTKJ2020KL502019), the Funding for Outsta nding Doctoral Dissertation in NUAA |
(Grant No. BCXJ19-12), State Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (Grant No. 201906830066). The authors |
fully appreciate their financial supports. |
32 |
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