1 |
A multi-stream convolutional neural network for |
classification of progressive MCI in Alzheimer’s |
disease using structural MRI images |
Mona Ashtari-Majlan, Abbas Seifi, Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi |
Abstract — Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and |
its prodromal stage, also known as mild cognitive impair- |
ment (MCI), is critical since some patients with progressive |
MCI will develop the disease. We propose a multi-stream |
deep convolutional neural network fed with patch-based |
imaging data to classify stable MCI and progressive MCI. |
First, we compare MRI images of Alzheimer’s disease with |
cognitively normal subjects to identify distinct anatomical |
landmarks using a multivariate statistical test. These land- |
marks are then used to extract patches that are fed into |
the proposed multi-stream convolutional neural network to |
classify MRI images. Next, we train the architecture in a |
separate scenario using samples from Alzheimer’s disease |
images, which are anatomically similar to the progressive |
MCI ones and cognitively normal images to compensate for |
the lack of progressive MCI training data. Finally, we trans- |
fer the trained model weights to the proposed architecture |
in order to fine-tune the model using progressive MCI and |
stable MCI data. Experimental results on the ADNI-1 dataset |
indicate that our method outperforms existing methods for |
MCI classification, with an F1-score of 85.96%. |
Index Terms — Alzheimer’s disease, Brain-shaped map, |
Convolutional Neural Network, Multivariate statistical test, |
Transfer learning. |
ALZHEIMER’S disease (AD) is a progressive neurode- |
generative disorder that is one of the leading causes |
of dementia in the elderly. According to [1], this disorder |
affects over 30 million people worldwide. Early diagnosis |
of this disease and its prodromal stage, also known as mild |
cognitive impairment (MCI), is crucial since 10% to 15% of |
MCI patients progress to AD, which is classified as progressive |
MCI (pMCI) [2]. |
As AD advances, several brain regions develop structural |
deformation and atrophy [3]. Structural Magnetic Resonance |
Imaging (sMRI) is one of the most widely employed neu- |
roimaging tools for predicting this disorder through identifying |
brain atrophy [4] (see Fig. 1). In addition to sMRI (referred |
to as MRI in this paper), non-invasive biomarkers such as (1) |
M. Ashtri-Majlan is with the Department of Computer Sci- |
ence, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: |
[email protected]). |
A. Seifi is with the Department of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir |
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: aseifi@aut.ac.ir). |
M. M. Dehshibi is with the Department of Computer Science, |
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: moham- |
[email protected]).demographic information ( e.g., age and education) [5], and (2) |
cognitive test scores [4] can also be used to provide possible |
discriminative information for diagnosing AD in the early |
stages. Several studies [4], [6], [7], [8], [9] have addressed |
the MCI-to-AD conversion issue using neuroimaging methods |
in conjunction with the biomarkers. |
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 1. MRI samples of (a) Cognitively Normal (CN) and (b) AD |
classes from Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative database |
(ADNI-1) [10]. In order to demonstrate the subtle brain atrophy, we |
highlighted the affected regions. |
Conventional methods in medical image processing typ- |
ically use prior knowledge to segment brain images into |
Regions of Interest (ROI) [11] or V oxel-Based Morphometry |
(VBM) [12] to predict AD. While these methods can classify |
stable MCI (sMCI) and pMCI, the focus was mainly on |
Alzheimer’s disease. Deep learning algorithms, on the other |
hand, have made it possible for researchers to combine feature |
extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification in an |
end-to-end way. These algorithms also outperform conven- |
tional methods in identifying AD patterns because they can |
discover hidden representations among multiple regions of |
neuroimages. Hence, these models have gained prominence |
in analysing Alzheimer’s disease. |
In this paper, we propose a multi-stream convolutional |
neural network (CNN) for classifying sMCI and pMCI, which |
is fed with patch-based imaging data extracted using a novel |
data-driven technique. To accomplish so, we first use the |
multivariate T2 Hotelling test to compare MRI images of AD |
and cognitively normal (CN) individuals in order to identify |
distinct anatomical landmarks. Following that, the statistical |
test is performed on textural and statistical features extractedarXiv:2203.01944v1 [eess.IV] 3 Mar 20222 |
from MRI images. These landmarks are then used to generate |
191919patches, with each landmark serving as the |
centre of the patch. Finally, the extracted patches are fed |
into the proposed multi-stream CNN to classify MRI images. |
To compensate for the lack of pMCI training data, we first |
train the proposed architecture using AD/CN images that are |
anatomically similar to the pMCI ones. Then, we transfer the |
weights of the trained model to the proposed architecture in |
order to fine-tune the model using pMCI and sMCI data. The |
contribution of this study is two-fold: |
1) Rather than utilising non-rigid registration to identify |
anatomical landmarks in the brain, we propose employ- |
ing rigid registration to reduce computational complexity |
and eliminate morphological structure deformations that |
could cause inherent errors in the classification step. |
Therefore, we partition each MRI image during the |
anatomical landmark detection phase and perform the |
T2 Hotelling test on these partitions to capture subtle |
anatomical differences, to account for more information, |
and to reduce the impact of potential errors caused by |
inter-subject brain shape variations. Finally, the identi- |
fied statistically significant landmarks centres from the |
partitions are used as anchoring forces for selecting the |
patches fed into the proposed multi-stream CNN. |
2) We propose using transfer learning to classify |
pMCI/sMCI classes in training the proposed architecture |
to overcome the complexity of learning caused by the |
subtle structural changes in MCI brains compared to AD |
and CN. In the Ablation study, we also demonstrate the |
importance of employing transfer learning. Furthermore, |
we address intrinsic errors caused by inter-subject brain |
shape differences by conducting experiments to deter- |
mine an ideal image patch size in order to feed to the |
proposed CNN model. |
The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section II |
surveys the previous studies. Section III describes the proposed |
method. Experimental results are given in Section IV. Finally, |
the paper is concluded in Section V. |
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a stage of cognitive |
decline that occurs between the predicted cognitive loss as- |
sociated with normal ageing and the more severe decline |
associated with dementia. MCI may result in a higher level |
of developing dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease if the |
anatomical changes in the brain are proactive. Progressive |
MCI differs from stable MCI in the progression of functional |
connectivity values over time. However, classifying pMCI and |
sMCI patients is challenging due to the subtle anatomical |
differences in the brain [13]. The four conventional feature |
extraction approaches usually mentioned in the literature for |
classifying pMCI and sMCI are voxel-based, slice-based, ROI- |
based, and patch-based [14], although they are not entirely |
mutually exclusive. In this section, before surveying recent |
advances in deep learning-based methods for classifying pMCI |
and sMCI, we will briefly review these four approaches by |
discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each group.The voxel-based techniques [15], [16], [17] use the voxel |
intensity values from all neuroimaging modalities. Although |
voxel-based techniques are simple to implement, they typically |
require spatial co-alignment of the input image to standard 3D |
space and suffer from high dimension feature space compared |
to available sample numbers. Ortiz et al. [18] used the t- |
test algorithm to partition the brain area into 3D patches |
in order to address the mentioned drawbacks and eliminate |
non-significant voxels. The patches were then used to train |
an ensemble of deep belief networks, and a voting scheme |
was used to make the final prediction. However, as mentioned |
by [19], there is an inherent over-fitting challenge with voxel- |
based techniques. |
The sliced-based techniques [20], [21] extract slices from |
the 3D neuroimaging brain scan by projecting the sagittal, |
coronal, and axial to the 2D image slices. Indeed, because |
non-affected regions and normal slices must be chosen as the |
reference distribution, they cannot account for the disease and |
may be considered an anomaly [22]. Furthermore, choosing |
separate 2D slices may neglect the spatial dependencies of |
voxels in adjacent slices due to inter/intra anatomical variances |
in the brain images [14]. However, sliced-based techniques |
allow for the usage of a broader range of conventional and |
deep learning-based approaches. For instance, different pre- |
trained deep learning models on ImageNet, such as DenseNet, |
VGG16, GoogLeNet, and ResNet, can be fine-tuned by 2D |
slices to classify AD from CN [19]. In [21], researchers |
extracted features from MRI image slices using a pre-trained |
2D CNN and fed the extracted feature sequence to a recurrent |
neural network (RNN). The RNN was in charge of determining |
the relationship between the sequence of extracted features |
corresponding to MRI image slices. However, sliced-based |
techniques are computationally expensive due to the use of |
additional learnable parameters which cannot directly benefit |
from transfer learning. |
ROI-based techniques consider brain regions that have |
been predefined physically or functionally [23], [8], [24]. |
These methods use spatial information such as automated |
anatomical labelling [25] and diffusion-weighted imaging in |
MRI to extract features. The prominent regions that have |
been considered by almost all ROI-based feature extraction |
studies on AD prediction are the hippocampus, amygdala, |
and entorhinal. However, one of the advantages of employing |
ROI-based approaches is like a double-edged sword which can |
be a disadvantage because ROI identification requires expert |
human expertise. Furthermore, these techniques are considered |
time-consuming due to the need for non-linear registration |
and brain tissue segmentation. There is also the possibility |
of information loss because the abnormal region may spread |
from a single ROI to multiple ROIs. |
Patched-based approaches [26], [27] partition the entire |
brain into multiple patches from which numerous feature |
vectors are extracted. The extracted patches include shapes, |
texture, and volume features generated from distinct brain |
regions or specific patterns. This computational approach |
eliminates the need for manual ROI identification, and makes |
it possible to use landmark-based patch extraction or other |
discriminative patch-based biomarkers [8]. However, selecting3 |
useful patches from a complete image is problematic, mainly |
due to increasing computational complexity when a non- |
rigid registration approach is used. Researchers have used |
rigid registration or embedded the registration step into deep |
learning-based methods to address this challenge [28]. There |
is another issue with patched-based approaches related to |
multiple instance learning. Although this challenge is almost |
addressed in classifying AD and CN by leveraging patch |
relationships [29], [30], the difficulty in classifying pMCI |
in Alzheimer’s disease is not still resolved. This issue is |
linked to the bag’s labelling in classifying pMCI from sMCI, |
where a bag can get a negative label even though it contains |
informative anatomical landmark(s), but it cannot meet the |
majority rule. |
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a popular deep |
learning approach for classifying Alzheimer’s disease. Islam |
and Zhang [31] proposed three 2D CNNs to generate three |
distinct MRI views. Each CNN in their architecture comprised |
three convolutional layers and four dense blocks, where the |
final decision was made by majority vote. Oh et al. [32] pro- |
posed a convolutional autoencoder-based approach for the AD |
and CN classification task, addressing the pMCI data limitation |
with transfer learning. Liu et al. [8] suggested a coarse-to- |
fine hierarchical ensemble learning method for simultaneous |
hippocampus segmentation and Alzheimer’s disease classi- |
fication that employed a multi-task deep CNN architecture |
and 3D densely connected CNNs. In this method, an MRI |
image is first divided into multiple slices, and then a pre- |
trained deep neural network is used to extract features from |
the slices. The coarse predictions were then used in ensemble |
learning to obtain refined results for all slices. Ebrahimi et |
al. [21] extracted a sequence of features from 2D MRI slices |
using a pre-trained ResNet18 [33], which they subsequently |
trained a temporal convolutional network and several types |
of RNNs to classify AD/CN. Zhao et al. [24] introduced aregion ensemble model with three sequential sub-networks |
to account for a global feature map derived from the entire |
brain and regional feature maps extracted using a segmentation |
model. The feature representations were fused in their method, |
and the classification was performed using an attention-based |
technique. Researchers employed a data-driven technique to |
select informative patches in [34], which resulted in specific |
landmark localisation in brain MRI images. Each landmark |
patch was then fed into the CNN models, which produced the |
final classification result using the maximum voting strategy. |
P¨olsterl et al. [35] proposed the dynamic affine feature map |
transform, an auxiliary module for CNNs that dynamically |
incites or represses each feature map of a convolutional layer |
based on both image and tabular biomarkers. A more detailed |
overview of deep learning algorithms for Alzheimer’s disease |
classification can be found in [36], [14], [37]. |
Given a dataset of NsamplesD=f(xi; yi)gN |
i=1, with xi2 |
Rdxandyi2Rdy, our goal is to train a multi-stream deep |
convolutional neural network H(x) =E[YjX=x]to classify |
sMCI and pMCI by minimising the cross-entropy between the |
class labels and the softmax output as in Eq. 1 |
p(yijx;w; b) =exp(xTwi+bi)P |
j2dyexp(xTwj+bj): (1) |
where wandbare the network’s weights and bias terms, re- |
spectively. In this study, we use the baseline 1.5T T1-weighted |
MRI images of subjects from the ADNI-1 dataset [10], where |
the input image Xhas a size of dx= 185155150and is |
labelled by dy=f0;1g. The output label Yconsists of two |
probability values in the [0;1]range withH(xi) = 0 if the i-th |
sample belongs to the sMCI class and H(xi) = 1 otherwise. |
It has been shown [38] that in the early stages of |
Alzheimer’s disease, only certain brain regions are subject |
(a) |
Fig. 2. The schematic of the proposed multi-stream convolutional neural network.4 |
to morphological changes caused by the disease. Therefore, |
we conduct a statistical test to identify these informative |
landmarks in the MRI images and extract Lpatches from |
each MRI image xi=fsi;jgL |
j=1, with si;j2R191919. |
The proposed data-driven approach for extracting patches from |
the MRI image, on which a preprocessing step has been |
performed, is described in the following subsections, followed |
by the details of the multi-stream CNN. Figure 2 shows the |
schematic of the proposed multi-stream architecture. |
A. Preprocessing |
We pre-process the MRI images to use them in the proposed |
method. There are four steps in the preprocessing phase: (1) |
anterior commissure-posterior commissure correction using |
the 3D Slicer software1; (2) intensity inhomogeneity correction |
using N4ITK [39], an enhanced version of nonparametric |
nonuniform normalisation; (3) skull stripping using a pre- |
trained U-Net2to remove both the skull and the dura; and |
(4) rigid registration, which involves linearly aligning MRI |
images to the Colin27 template and resampling them to a size |
of155185150with a resolution of 111 mm3. Figure 3 |
shows a sample of MRI image from ADNI-1 dataset on which |
the preprocessing is performed. |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
Fig. 3. The visual representation of the preprocessing steps for an |
MRI sample. (a) A raw MRI image, (b) the MRI image with anterior |
commissure-posterior commissure correction (c) the MRI image with |
intensity inhomogeneity correction, and (4) skull stripped MRI image. |
The yellow line in (a) and (b) depicts the anterior commissure-posterior |
commissure line. |
B. Anatomical landmark detection |
We must first identify the anatomical locations in the brain |
that are most influenced by the disease before we can classify |
sMCI and pMCI patients. As a result, we randomly divide |
samples from AD and CN individuals into the train, validation, |
and test sets with sizes of 0:7N,0:1N, and 0:2N, |
respectively, where Nis the total number of samples. Then, |
we select M= 0:7N(i.e., the training set) and propose a |
novel data-driven landmark detection method in which MRI |
images are partitioned into 555patches. As mentioned |
in [40], [41], when a patient is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s |
disease, several regions in the brain are subject to anatomical |
degeneration. At the pMCI stage, the same regions undergo |
anatomical changes, but the degeneration is not as severe as |
those seen at the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. With respect to |
this fact, we use identical anatomical locations for classifying |
sMCI and pMCI patients. |
1http://www.slicer.org/ |
2https://github.com/iitzco/deepbrainEach partition is then represented by a 29-dimensional |
feature vector. This feature vector includes the Gray-Level Co- |
Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) [42], Structural Similarity Index |
Measure (SSIM) [43], Mean Square Error (MSE), entropy, and |
the mean and standard deviation of the partition voxels. To |
extract the GLCM elements of the feature vector, we generate |
six GLCM matrices with three adjacency directions, namely |
horizontal, vertical, and in-depth, each of which is associated |
with two distance values. Then, we extract contrast, corre- |
lation, homogeneity, and entropy, from each GLCM matrix |
resulting in a total of 24 elements. The Colin27 template [44] |
is used as the reference image for measuring SSIM and MSE |
at each patch location. Finally, we apply the multivariate T2 |
Hotelling statistical test [45] to generate a brain-shaped p- |
value map (see Fig. 4). Algorithm 1 details the steps of |
generating the brain-shaped p-value map. |
Fig. 4. A brain-shaped p-value map in which top 50 landmark locations |
are represented by spheres in a gradient colour from red to blue, with p- |
values ranging from 0 to 0.001. Each p-value is paired with a landmark |
(lx; ly; lz). |
After obtainingPset, we exclude landmarks with a spatial |
Euclidean distance of less than 15 to reduce the redundancy of |
overlapped adjacent patches to identify the most discriminative |
anatomical landmarks in the brain. The top 50 landmarks with |
the lowest p-values are then chosen (see Fig. 4). |
The registration and landmark detection steps in Algo- |
rithm 1 are affected by the MRI image partitioning size, i.e., |
555. In the case of selecting a smaller partition size, |
the lack of adequate morphological variations could lead to |
discarding informative landmarks. In contrast, larger partition |
sizes cause intrinsic physiological differences to eclipse subtle |
disease-related changes. |
Therefore, after obtaining the top 50 landmarks, we sample |
27 3D image patches with a 333displacement around |
the centre of each landmark to increase the size of patches |
to191919with two intentions: (i) compensating for |
regions that may unintentionally be discarded in anatomical |
landmark detection, and (ii) providing sufficient morphological |
structures for each stream of the proposed CNN to construct |
a discriminative latent space.5 |
Algorithm 1: Generating brain-shaped p-value map. |
Input : AD=fxAD |
1; xAD |
2;; xAD |
Mg |
CN=fxCN |
1; xCN |
2;; xCN |
Mg |
K= 34;410, which is the total number of |
patches with a size of 555. |
Output:P: A set of p-value , forming the brain-shaped |
p-value map. |
Step 1: Partitioning |
1VAD Partition( AD); |
//VAD=fp1;1;; p1;K;; pM;1;; pM;Kg. |
2VCN Partition( CN); |
//VCN=fq1;1;; q1;K;; qM;1;; qM;Kg. |
Step 2: Feature extraction & T2 Hotelling test |
3forj 1toKdo |
4 fori 1toMdo |
5 fAD |
i;j Feature-Extraction( pi;j); |
6 fCN |
i;j Feature-Extraction( qi;j); |
7 end |
8 p value j Hotelling-Test( fAD |
M;j; fCN |
M;j); |
//fM;jis a M29matrix, |
representing extracted features |
form the jthpatch. |
9end |
10P Sort( p value; asc); |
// Each p value is paired with a |
landmark (lx; ly; lz). |
11returnP |
C. Multi-stream classifier architecture |
We propose a multi-stream CNN architecture with L |
streams, each fed with the patch si;jextracted from the input |
image xiand centred on the identified landmark location |
(lx;j; ly;j; lz;j). We construct the patch si;jwith a size of |
191919, surrounding the corresponding landmark location, |
in order to better represent morphological variations in the |
MRI images. The local spectral-spatial feature is extracted |
from each 3D image patch by each stream of the proposed |
CNN architecture. |
As depicted in Fig. 2, the proposed multi-stream CNN has |
L= 50 streams, with an identical structure. Each stream has |
five convolutional layers (Conv), followed by a rectified linear |
unit (ReLU) activation function. The convolutional layers have |
32, 64, 64, 128, and 128 333convolution filters, |
respectively. After Conv2, Conv4, and Conv5, we consider |
batch normalisation and 222max-pooling layers. There |
are three fully connected layers with 128, 64, and 8 units at the |
end of each stream, which are followed by a dropout layer with |
a ratio of 0.4 to prevent overfitting. Although the architecture |
of all 50 streams is the same, their weights are tuned and |
updated separately, where the input patches for each stream |
are randomly selected to avoid the unintentional bias towards |
ordering streams. We concatenate the outputs of 50 streams |
and add a dropout layer with a ratio of 0.6 to fuse the locally |
extracted spectral-spatial features. Before passing the featurevector into the softmax function for the final classification, |
we add three fully connected layers with 64, 64, and 32 units, |
respectively. |
A. ADNI-1 dataset |
In this study, we use the baseline 1.5T T1-weighted MRI |
images of subjects from the ADNI-1 dataset [10]. The vol- |
umetric 3D MPRAGE protocol is used to acquire sagittal |
T1-weighted MRI images with an in-plane spatial resolution |
of1:251:25 mm2and 1.2 mm thick sagittal slices. The |
imaging dataset contains baseline images from 695 partic- |
ipants including 200 Alzheimer’s disease, 231 cognitively |
normal, 164 progressive MCI, and 100 stable MCI. Figure 5 |
shows four samples from this dataset, and Table I presents the |
demographic and clinical information of subjects in ADNI-1. |
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
Fig. 5. Four samples from ADNI-1 dataset [10] (a) AD, (b) CN, (c) pMCI, |
and (d) sMCI |
B. Architecture details and Evaluation metrics |
The proposed architecture is implemented using Python |
based on the Keras package3, on a computer with Intel(R) |
Core(TM) i7-4790K @4.00 GHz CPU and 16G RAM. We |
trained the network using Adam optimiser [46] with the first |
momentum of 0.9 and the second momentum of 0.999. The |
initial learning rate and the constant for numerical stability |
are set to 10 3and10 6, respectively. We set the maximum |
number of training epochs to 40 and used a mini-batch-size of |
5 at each iteration, where the training data was shuffled before |
each training epoch. There are two other hyper-parameters |
which are the number of streams Land the patch size. |
We evaluate the performance of the proposed ar- |
chitecture with the number of streams in the range |
f10;20;30;40;50;60gand the size of patches in the range |
f9;11;15;19;23gusing the validation set from the AD and |
CN classes.It is worth noting that because there are two |
hyperparameters, one must be fixed in order to generate the |
other. Figure 6 shows the accuracy of the proposed multi- |
stream CNN as a function of these two hyper-parameters. |
While increasing the number of streams improves classifi- |
cation accuracy (see Fig. 6a), it also increases computational |
complexity. We can also observe in Fig. 6b that a larger patch |
size ( i.e.,232323) shows a performance drop when |
compared with the 191919patch size. This is owing |
to the fact that enlarging the patch size includes tissues in that |
3https://github.com/fchollet/keras6 |
Class Male/Female Age ADAS CDR-sb FAQ MMSE NPI-Q |
AD 103/97 75.64 7.71 13.02 5.23 4.39 1.6 13.16 6.71 23.31 2.03 3.44 3.27 |
CN 119/112 76.155 4.99 28.51 4.89 0.03 0.12 0.13 0.59 29.09 0.98 0.36 0.95 |
sMCI 66/34 75.44 7.27 22.93 5.78 1.24 0.62 1.65 3.00 27.65 1.70 1.45 2.40 |
pMCI 97/67 74.54 7.05 17.67 5.14 1.87 0.96 5.64 5.15 26.62 1.71 2.30 3.11 |
ADAS: Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale |
CDR-sb: Clinical Dementia Rating ‘sum of boxes’ |
FAQ: Functional Activities QuestionnaireMMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination |
NPI-Q: Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire |
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 6. The accuracy of the proposed multi-stream CNN classifier as a |
function of (a) the number of streams, and (b) the patch size. |
patch of the brain whose intrinsic morphological similarity |
is dominant to subtle changes that aid in the early diagnosis |
of the disease. Therefore, instead of discriminating the subtle |
changes induced by the disease’s development in the early |
stages, the network discriminates irrelevant tissues.As a result, |
to establish a trade-off between computational complexity and |
accuracy, we set the number of streams Lto 50 and the patch |
size to 191919and preserve these values in the rest of |
the experiments. |
To evaluate the performance of the proposed architecture, |
we use the metrics as in Eq. 2. |
TP+FN; |
TN+FP; |
F1 score =2SENSPE |
SEN + SPE:(2) |
where TP,TN,FP, and FN denote true positive, true |
negative, false positive, and false negative, respectively. We |
also report area under receiver operating characteristic curve |
(AUC). |
C. Experimental results |
To assess the performance of the proposed architecture, |
we performed three steps: (1) training the proposed multi- |
stream CNN with MRI images of AD and CN subjects, (2) |
transferring weights from the trained model in Step 1 to the |
identical architecture and fine-tuning it with the data related |
to sMCI and pMCI patients, and (3) adding biomarkers asan auxiliary modality to examine the reciprocal influence of |
spectral-spatial features and biomarkers. |
(1) Classification of AD and CN subjects : To train the pro- |
posed multi-stream CNN, we randomly select 70% of the MRI |
patches from the two classes of AD and CN as the training |
set, 20% as the test set, and 10% as the validation set. We |
also compare the trained model in this step with 10 additional |
approaches, including regions of interest (ROI) [47], V oxel- |
Based Morphometry (VBM) [12], and five deep learning-based |
methods. We used the FAST algorithm [48] to segment brain |
MRI images into three different tissues for the ROI and VBM |
comparison: White Matter (WM), Gray Matter (GM), and |
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). We followed the implementations |
described by the researchers for the deep learning-based |
approaches. |
For the RIO-based method, we align the anatomical auto- |
mated labelling template [25] with the native space of each |
MRI image. This template contains 116 predefined regions |
in which the extracted GM tissue volumes are normalised |
using the summation of GM, WM, and CSF volumes. This |
normalised tissue volume is used as the representative feature |
for the MRI images. For the VBM method, we use affine reg- |
istration with 12 degrees of freedom to align MRI images with |
the Colin27 template [44] in order to extract the GM density |
as the representative feature. To reduce the dimensionality of |
this feature vector, we perform the t-student statistical test on |
the extracted features from AD and CN subjects and chose |
GM densities with p-values less than 0.001. |
Finally, we classify AD and CN using these two feature |
representations using a linear support vector machine |
(SVM) [50] with soft-margin and a multilayer perceptron |
(MLP). The MLP comprises two hidden layers, with 13 |
and 15 neurons, and a binary output layer with a logistic |
activation function. We train these classifiers using the 5-fold |
cross-validation strategy. To ensure a fair comparison for |
MCI conversion prediction, we train the VBM and ROI |
models on AD/CN and test them on an independent test set |
of pMCI/sMCI. |
(2) Classifying sMCI and pMCI using transfer learning : |
The availability of MRI images for sMCI and pMCI patients |
is less than that of AD because the symptoms of Alzheimer’s |
disease are not as severe at these stages. As a result, many |
patients may not be asked to get an MRI test. Furthermore, |
structural changes in MCI brains caused by dementia may be7 |
MethodAD vs. CN (%) pMCI vs. sMCI (%) |
ROI + SVM 70.30 68.51 67.50 67.83 79.39 59.47 66.86 68.90 67.87 60.99 |
VBM + SVM 82.84 82.54 80.50 81.34 90.39 70.08 81.48 67.07 73.58 74.38 |
ROI + MLP 73.08 70.00 71.19 70.59 77.52 58.75 70.00 66.04 67.96 53.93 |
VBM + MLP 83.85 78.33 85.45 81.74 89.92 70.00 72.00 78.26 75.00 73.93 |
Shmulev et al. [49] - - - - - 76.00 70.00 88.00 77.97 86.00 |
DM2L[5] 91.09 93.50 88.05 90.69 95.86 76.90 82.43 42.11 55.74 77.64 |
H-FCN [6] 90.30 96.50 82.40 85.08 95.10 80.90 85.40 52.60 65.10 78.10 |
HybNet [28] 91.90 82.40 94.50 91.50 96.50 82.70 57.90 86.60 69.39 79.30 |
Zhao et al. [24] - - - - - 85.90 50.00 91.60 64.68 85.40 |
Proposed architectureLbiomarkers 97.54 95.54 99.40 97.43 99.38 69.21 68.56 93.15 78.98 77.35 |
Proposed architecture 97.78 95.59 99.82 97.66 99.97 79.90 75.55 99.70 85.96 94.39 |
very subtle compared to CN and AD, making the convergence |
of the proposed multi-stream CNN challenging. To overcome |
these limitations, we first trained our model using data from |
CN and AD MRI images and fine-tune the model with data |
gathered from sMCI and pMCI patients. |
Since the pre-trained streams of the proposed architecture |
are designed to extract structural features that correspond to |
AD, we freeze the initial layers and only re-train the last |
three fully connected layers. To fine-tune the model, we used |
70% of the pMCI and sMCI MRI patches and tested the |
fine-tuned model with the remaining data. |
(3) Unleashing the impact of biomarkers : In addition to |
MRI images, non-invasive biomarkers such as demographic |
information and cognitive test scores [4] can also be used to |
provide potentially discriminatory information for diagnosing |
Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages. We propose adding |
biomarkers as an auxiliary modality to the architecture in order |
to evaluate the reciprocal influence of spectral-spatial features |
and biomarkers. Therefore, we introduce an additional input |
stream to the proposed architecture to incorporate numerical |
values offAge, ADAS, CDR-sb, FAQ, MMSE, NPI-Q g(see |
Table I). However, a subset of the MRI images in the ADNI- |
1 dataset does not include biomarkers, resulting in missing |
values when incorporating them into the proposed CNN archi- |
tecture. We use k-Nearest Neighbour (kNN) as a preprocessing |
step to handle missing values. First, we execute the kNN |
with k= 6 (analogous to 6 biomarkers) on the available |
data. Then, for those entries that do not have a biomarker, |
we fill in the value with the average values of the knearest |
neighbours. Finally, we incorporate these biomarkers into the |
architecture at the ‘Concatenate’ layer while preserving the |
learning parameters as described in Section IV-B. |
Table II shows the performance of the proposed architec- |
tures compared with 10 other approaches. As shown in Ta- |
ble II, the proposed multi-stream CNNs achieve considerably |
better F1-scores than both conventional and deep learning- |
based approaches. While the biomarkers can improve the |
classification performance, the lack of large-scale data is |
a barrier to incorporating them into the proposed method. |
Furthermore, as previously stated, the cognitive test scores |
of individuals suffering from various types of MCI differ |
slightly. This subtle difference could explain why the multi-stream architecture combined with biomarkers performs poorly |
in distinguishing pMCI and sMCI when compared with the AD |
and CN classification. We also plot the ROC curves in Fig. 7 |
for classifying both AD vs. CN and pMCI vs. sMCI. |
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 7. ROC curves of the proposed multi-stream architecture, the |
proposed architecture integrated with biomarkers, ROI, and VBM-based |
methods for (a) AD/CN classification, and (b) pMCI/sMCI classification. |
In the case of classifying AD and CN, Fig. 7a shows that |
the proposed architecture achieves an AUC of 99.97%, outper- |
forming ROI, VBM, and multi-stream architecture integrated |
with biomarkers, which achieve AUCs of 79.39%, 90.39%, |
and 99.38%, respectively. Furthermore, as demonstrated in |
Fig. 7b, when we use transfer learning, the fine-tuned model |
can provide appropriate discriminative information to classify |
pMCI and sMCI subjects. This evidence can also convey that |
AD and pMCI have structural deformations similar to the |
extracted features from various landmarks in different streams |
of the proposed architecture. |
The results in Table II show that the proposed multi-stream |
architecture combined with biomarkers is slightly less efficient |
than the multi-stream CNN in distinguishing pMCI from |
sMCI when compared with the AD and CN classification. To |
highlight these subtle differences and better comprehend the |
reciprocal influence of spectral-spatial features and biomark- |
ers, we have visualised the class-discriminative localisation |
map and the latent space in Fig. 8 using Grad-CAM [51] and |
t-SNE [52], respectively. Figure 8a shows an example of a |
class-discriminative localisation map for the last convolutional |
layers in the proposed multi-stream CNN in which the salient |
regions of each brain patch have been identified so that the |
classifier could distinguish between AD/CN and pMCI/sMCI8 |
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 8. (a) An example of a class-discriminative localisation map for the last convolutional layers in the proposed multi-stream CNN using Grad- |
CAM [51]. Each stream has 128 filters. However, in order to keep the publication page limits, we only illustrate five out of 50 patches, each |
representing five filters. The colourbar represents the relevance of each pixel in the Grad-CAM, where the red colour has the highest importance |
in the trained network’s final decision and the blue colour has the least importance. (b) Visualisation of the feature space using t-SNE [52] for the |
classification of AD/CN and pMCI/sMCI with and without biomarkers. |
with high potential. Furthermore, we have observed in Fig. 8b |
that introducing biomarkers as an auxiliary modality causes the |
clusters ( i.e., AD/CN and pMCI/sMCI) to become tighter with |
a degree of overlap than without the biomarkers. This evidence |
can explain why the proposed multi-stream CNN without |
biomarkers performs marginally better, where the latent space |
provides for clean cluster separation. |
D. Ablation study |
In the ablation study, we conduct two sets of experiments |
to better understand the efficacy of the proposed multi-stream |
CNN for the classification of pMCI in Alzheimer’s disease. |
We therefore examine: |
— Contribution of transfer learning : In this experiment, |
instead of using transfer learning, we test the baseline perfor- |
mance when the model is directly trained on pMCI/sMCI data. |
We have 100 and 164 sMCI and pMCI samples, respectively, |
and use the same data split as in the transfer learning (70/30) |
for a fair comparison. The other learning parameters are |
preserved as described in Section IV-B. The evaluation metrics |
(i.e., ACC: 63.53%, SEN: 100%, SPE: 0.0%, and F1-score: |
77.70%) reveal that the model cannot converge to classify |
pMCI/sMCI classes without using transfer learning. In fact, |
the trained model predicts the same optimal output regardless |
of the input, with the average answer minimising loss. |
— Contribution of multi-stream architecture : In this ex- |
periment, instead of the proposed multi-stream CNN, we use |
a single stream CNN to which 3D patches are fed. The |
model is trained on the AD/CN dataset and fine-tuned using |
pMCI/sMCI data with the same data split used in the previous |
experiments. The evaluation metrics ( i.e., ACC: 56.96%, SEN: |
67.35%, SPE: 40.00%, and F1-score: 66.00%) show that the |
model is unable to converge to classify pMCI/sMCI classes, |
and the trained model is predicting random class for all the |
data points regardless of the input. These metrics highlighttwo main facts: (1) with the multi-stream architecture, the |
model can build a more discriminative latent space as a result |
of focusing on the landmarks identified in the anatomical |
landmark detection phase, which are more likely to be signs |
of Alzheimer’s disease. However, with a single-stream ar- |
chitecture, the model cannot distinguish between anatomical |
abnormalities caused by the disease and those caused by the |
morphology of the brain. Indeed, the model’s sensitivity and |
specificity are inadvertently changed due to the morphological |
similarity of the inputs; (2) input patches to the single-stream |
architecture predominantly capture local information of the |
image, and the global relationship between different landmark |
locations is no longer taken into account. |
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, |
resulting in memory impairment and cognitive decline. Mild |
cognitive impairment is a prodromal stage of AD, also known |
as the transition stage. MCI patients either progress to AD or |
remain at the same stage over time. Therefore, it is critical to |
distinguish between progressive MCI and stable MCI in early |
stages to prevent rapid progression of the disease. |
In this study, we have proposed a method for classifying |
pMCI and sMCI patients using MRI images. The proposed |
method consists of two main steps. (1) We have developed |
a novel data-driven approach based on the multivariate T2 |
Hotelling statistical test to identify anatomical landmarks in |
MRI images and generate a brain-shaped p-value map. Each |
landmark is paired with a 3D coordinate, allowing us to extract |
patches of 191919. (2) We have proposed a multi-stream |
deep convolutional neural network in which each stream is |
fed by one of the patches. This multi-stream CNN employed |
transfer learning to classify pMCI and sMCI patients using the |
ADNI-1 dataset. We assessed the proposed method in three |
experimental steps and demonstrated the significance of our |
contributions to transfer learning and multi-stream architecture9 |
in the Ablation study. We have performed several experiments |
to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed architecture based |
on the best practices. Experimental results have shown that |
our method outperformed existing approaches, particularly in |
the classification of MCI patients. Thus, this method can |
assist practitioners to expand investigating on various diseases |
associated with structural atrophy. |
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Mona Ashtari-Majlan received her Master’s de- |
gree in Health Systems Engineering from Amirk- |
abir University of Technology, Tehran, in 2021. |
She is a PhD candidate in computer science |
at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. Her |
area of interest includes Biomedical Image Pro- |
cessing, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning. |
Abbas Seifi is a professor of Industrial Engi- |
neering and Management Systems at Amirkabir |
University of Technology in Iran. He did his |
BASc and MASc in Industrial Engineering at |
Sharif University of Technology. He received his |
PhD in Systems Design Engineering from the |
University of Waterloo in Canada and worked |
there as a postdoctoral research associate for |
over 2 years. His teaching and research interests |
include optimisation and simulation of various |
operational research problems, data driven op- |
timisation, data science, machine learning and system dynamics. |
Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi received his PhD |
in Computer Science in 2017 from IAU, Iran. He |
is currently a research scientist at Universitat |
Oberta de Catalunya, Spain. He was also a |
visiting researcher at Unconventional Computing |
Lab, UWE, Bristol, UK. He has contributed to |
more than 60 papers published in scientific jour- |
nals and international conferences. His research |
interests include Affective Computing, Medical |
data processing, Deep Learning, and Unconven- |
tional Computing. |