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K. López de Ipiña et al., "Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of the Archimedes' spiral applied to
essential tremor," 2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI ), 2015, pp. 157 -
162, doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160160 .
Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of
the Archimedes’ spiral applied to essential tremor
K. López de Ipiña, M. Iturrate, P. Calvo, B. Beitia, J.
Garcia -Melero
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
{karmele.ipina, mikel.iturrate, itziar.gurruchaga,
mariablanca.beitia, joseba.garcia}
A. Bergareche, P. De la Riva, J.F. Marti -Masso,
BioDonostia Health Institute, Donostia, Spain
{jesusalberto.bergarecheyarza, patricia.delarivajuez,
josefelix.martimasso} M. Faundez -Zanuy, E. Sesa -Nogueras, J.Roure
Escola Universitaria Politècnica de Mataró (UPF),
{faundez, sesa, roure }
J. Solé-Casals
Data and Signal Processing Group. University of Vic –
Central University of Catalonia
[email protected]
Abstract—: Biomedical systems are regulated by interacting
mechanisms that operate across multiple spatial and temporal
scales and produce biosignals with linear and non-linear
information inside. In this sense entropy could provide a useful
measure about disorder in the system, lack of information in
time -series and/or irregularity of the signals. Essential tremor
(ET) is t he most common movement disorder, being 20 times
more common than Parkinson’s disease, and 50-70% of this
disease cases are estimated to be genetic in origin. Archimedes
spiral drawing is one of the most used standard tests for clinical
diagnosis. This work, on selection of nonlinear biomarkers from
drawings and handwriting, is part of a wide -ranging cross study
for the diagnosis of essential tremor in BioDonostia Health
Institute. Several entropy algorithms are used to generate non -
linear feayures. The automatic analysis system consists of several
Machine Learning paradigms.
Keywords — Permutation entropy; Essential tremor; Automatic
drawing analysis; Archimedes’ spiral; Non-linear features;
automatic selection of features
Biomedical systems are regulated by interacting
mechanisms that operate across multiple spatial and temporal
scales and produce biosignals with linear and non-linear
information inside. Output variables of real systems often have
complex fluctuations that are not only due to noise but also
contain information about the intrinsic dynamics and the
underlying system. In all cases the dynamics’ global aspects
can be somehow captured by classic linear methods, but the
different approaches are not equivalent to discern all the
relevant physical details [1,2]. In this sense the measurement
of non -linear features such as the system entropy are essential
and useful tools to analyse the system stage. The analysis of
system entropy provides not only the probability distributions
of the possible state of a system but also the information
encoded in it [1]. However the applicability of entropy based
methodologies depends on particular characteristics of the
data, such as stationarity, time series length, variation of the parameters, level of noise contamination, etc., and important
information may be codified also in the temporal dynamics, an
aspect which is not usually taken into account [1,3]. Time
series generated by biological and biomedical systems most
likely contain deterministic and stochastic components [4].
Classical methods of signal and noise analysis can quantify the
degree of regularity of a time series by evaluating the
appearance of repetitive patterns, but most such methods only
model linear components without introducing any information
about non -linearity, irregularities or stochastic components.
This complex information could be essential when subtle
changes are anal ysed. Massimiliano Zanin et al [1] present a
review based on biomedical applications which includes
analysis about EEG, anesthesia, cognitive neuroscience or
heart rhythms. Among biomedical applications, the related to
neurological diseases are a challenge due to their variability
and impact in society. Essential tremor is one of the most
Essential tremor is a condition that affects individuals
worldwide, being 20 times more common than Parkinson’s
disease. The prevalence of essential tremor (ET) in the
western world is of about 0.3 -4.0%, 40 years of old males and
females are affected more or less equally with an incidence of
23.7 per 100,000 people per year. Studies in the elderly
suggest that prevalence in these patients ranges between 3.9%
and 14.0%. 50 -70% of essential tremor cases are estimated to
be genetic in origin [5]. Essential tremor presents itself as a
rhythmic tremor (4 –12 Hz) that occurs only when the affected
muscle is exerting effort. The amplitude of the tremor
increases its variability with regard to age but there is no
gender predilection. Physical or mental stress could make the
tremor worse and the prevalence of Parkinson's disease, in
people with essential tremor is greater than in the general
population. Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism can also
occur simultaneously with essential tremor. With regard to
symptoms hand tremor predominates (as it does in Parkinson’s
disease), and occurs in nearly all cases, followed by head
tremor, voice tremor, neck, face, leg, tongue and trunk tremor. K. López de Ipiña et al., "Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of the Archimedes' spiral applied to
essential tremor," 2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI ), 2015, pp. 157 -
162, doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160160 .
ET is characterized by postural and kinetic tremor which often
maximally affects the hands. PD and ET can appear in
individuals of the same family [5].
The clinical hallmark and earliest manifestation of the
disorder is essential to manage and palliate the symptoms. All
these symptoms lead to impaired performance in everyday
activities. Approaches to the early diagnosis of ET have in the
past few years made significant advances in the deve lopment
of reliable clinical biomarkers. Despite the usefulness of
biomarkers, the cost and technology requirements involved
make it impossible to apply such tests to all patients with
motor troubles. Given these problems, non-invasive intelligent
techniques of diagnosis may become valuable tools for early
detection of disorders. Non-technical staff in the habitual
environments of the patient could use these methodologies,
without altering or blocking the patients' abilities, as speech
analysis, han dwriting or drawing analysis involved in these
techniques is not perceived as a stressful test by the patient.
Moreover, these techniques are very low -cost and do not
require extensive infrastructure or the availability of medical
equipment. They are thus capable of yielding information
easily, quickly, and inexpensively [6 -8]. It is well established
that handwritten tasks can be used for diagnosis of essential
tremor. In this sense Archimedes’s spiral is one of the most
used standard tests in clinical diagnosis [14].
In the past, the analysis of handwriting had to be
performed in an offline manner. Only the writing itself
(strokes on a paper) were available for analysis. Nowadays,
modern capturing devices, such as digitizing tablets and pens
(with or without ink) can gather data without losing its
temporal dimension. When spatiotemporal information is
available, its analysis is referred as online. Modern digitizing
tablets not only gather the x and y coordinates that describe the
movement of the writing device as it changes its position, but
it can also collect other data, such as the pressure exerted by
the writing device on the writing surface, to the azimuth, the
angle of the pen in the horizontal plane, the altitude, the angle
of the pen with respect the vertical axis [9]. This gives the
possibility to analyze not only static (“off -line”.) but also
dynamic (“on-line”) features [10]. Figure 1. . The Archimedes’ spiral drawing performed by an
individual with essential tremor.
This work is part of a wide -ranging cross study for the
diagnosis of essential tremor. The general transversal study is
focused to characterize ET (Biodonostia Health Institute) in a
study based on families with identified genetics loci.
Archimedes’s spiral h as been selected for the evaluation of
nonlinear biomarkers from drawings and handwriting. The
presence of integrated features of other diseases such as stress
is also analyzed. In the next sections not only classical linear
features static and dynamics but also non-linear features based
on several entropy algorithms will be analyzed. In that
biomarker selection, automatic methodologies will be used.
Finally an automatic analysis system based on Machine
Learning paradigms measures the quality of the selec ted
The acquisition is carried out using an Intuos Wacom 4
digitizing tablet. The pen tablet USB [11] captures the
following information. The tablet acquired 100 samples per
second including the spatial coordinates ( x, y), the pressure,
and azimuth and altitude angles. Using this set of dynamic
data, further information can be inferred, such as acceleration,
velocity, instantaneous trajectory angle, instantaneous
displacement, tangential acceleration, curvature radius,
centripetal accele ration, etc [12]. The database BIODARW
consists of 21 control people (CR) and 29 ET people with
identified genetics loci and register of electrophysiological test
(EPT) and fMRI. The test consists of a line, the Archimedes’
spiral drawing and handwriting w ith dominant hand and non -
dominant hand. Table 1 summarizes the features of the group
with ET with regard to EPT, diagnosis and demography [13].
In this work Archimedes’ spiral is used (Figure 1). The
database presents variability with regard to: tremor frequency,
amplitude and pattern, diagnosis scale and demography data
(age and gender). From the original database, a subset of the
samples of Archimedes’s spiral is selected. Moreover from the
group wit h ET, only the samples of the hand with essential
tremor are selected. Thus this sub-database BIODARWO
consists of 51 samples: 27 samples of the control group and
24 samples of the group with ET.
A. Feature extraction
The research presented here is in the nature of a
preliminary experiment; its aim is to define thresholds for a
number of biomarkers related to handwriting. It forms part of
a broader study focused on early ET detection. Feature search
in this work aims at pre clinical evaluation so as to formulate
useful tests for ET diagnosis [5,13,14].
1) Linear features
In this study, we aim at automatically distinguishing of
handwriting between an ET patient and a healthy subject by
analyzing different linear features (LF) and their variants
(max, min, mean and median) in handwriting: time, spatial
components, pressure, speed, acceleration, zero crossing rate,
and spectral components for on-surface and in-air signals.
K. López de Ipiña et al., "Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of the Archimedes' spiral applied to
essential tremor," 2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI ), 2015, pp. 157 -
162, doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160160 .
i 2) Non-linear feature: entropy
Entropy is a measure of disorder in physical systems, and n−m
Am(r) = (n − m)−1 ∑ Am(r), (5)
also a basic quantity with multiple field-specific
interpretations. It has been associated with disorder, state -
space volume, or lack of information [1,2,15,16]. When try to
analyze information content, the Shannon entropy is often
considered as the classic, foundational and most natural one
[3,4,17]. Richman et al., analyze that entropy, as it relates to
dynamical systems, is the rate of information production [18].
On the one hand some authors points that the calculation of
entropy usually requires very long data sets that can be
difficult or impossible to obtain mainly for biomedical signal.
On the other hand methods for estimation of the entropy of a
system represented by a time series are not well suited to
analysis of the short and noisy data sets encountered in
biomedical studies [1,18]. Several proposals for calculating
entropy used in this work are presented.
The entropy H(X) of a single discrete random variable is
a measure of its average uncertainty. Shannon entropy [17] is
calculated by the equation:
H(X) = − ∑ p(xi) logp (xi) = − E[log p(xi)] (1)
Where X represents a random variable with a set of values
and probability mass function
p(xi) = P r {X = x i}, xi ∈ Θ, and E represents the expectation
operator. Note that p logp = 0 if p = 0.
The Approximate Entropy (ApEn) is a statistical measure
that smooth transient interference and can suppress the
influence of noise by properly setting of the algorithms
parameters. It can be employed in the analysis of both
stochastic and deterministic signals [19,20]. This is crucial in
the case of biological signals, which are outputs of complex
biological networks and may be deterministic or stochastic, or
both. ApEn provides a model -independent measure of the
irregularity of the signals. The algorithm summarizes a time
series into a non-negative number, with higher values
representing more irregular systems [19,20]. The method
examines time series for similar epochs [21]: more frequent
and more similar epochs lead to lower values of ApEn.
ApEn (m, r, n ) measures for n points, sequences that are
similar for m points remain similar, within a tolerance r, at the
next point. Thus a low value of ApEn reflects a high degree of
regularity. ApEn algorithm counts each sequence as matching
itself. In order to reduce this bias, Sample Entropy
SampEn (m, r, n ) was developed, which does not count self-
The sample entropy statistic SampEn (m, r, n)is defined as:
SampEn (m, r, n) = lim{−ln(Am(r)/Bm(r))} i=1
The scalar is the tolerance for accepting matches. In the
present investigation, we used the parameters recommended in
[22], with m = 2 and r = 0.2 (standard deviation of the
sources is normalized to 1). SampEn is a robust quantifier of
complexity as for instance EEG signals [23], and can be used
to detect of artifacts in EEG recordings [24].
Permutation entropy directly accounts for the temporal
information contained in the time series; furthermore, it has
the quality of simplicity, robustness and very low
computational cost [1,3,4]. Bandt and Pompe [25] introduce a
simple and robust method based on the Shannon entropy
measurement that takes into account time causality by
comparing neighboring values in a time series. The
appropriate symbol sequence arises naturally from the time
series, with no prior knowledge assumed [1]. The Permutation
entropy is calculated for a given time series {x1, x2, … , x n} as a
function of the scale factor . In order to be able to compute
the permutation of a new time vector Xj,
St = [Xt, X t+1, … , X t+m−1 ] is generated with the embedding
dimension and then arranged in an increasing order:
[Xt+j1−1 ≤ X t+j2−1 ≤ ⋯ ≤ X t+jn−1]. Given different values,
there will be m! possible patterns , also known as
permutations. If f(π) denotes its frequency in the time series,
its relative frequency is p(π) = f(π)⁄(L⁄s − m + 1 ). The
permutation entropy is then defined as:
PE = − ∑ p(πi) ln p(πi) (6)
B. Automatic classification
The main goal of the present work is feature search in
handwriting aiming at preclinical evaluation in order to define
tests for ET diagnosis. These features will define the control
group (CR) and the essential tremor group (ET). A secondary
goal is the optimization of computational cost with the aim of
making these techniques useful for real -time applications in
real environments. Thus, automatic classification will be
modeled with this in mind. We used five different classifiers:
 A Support Vector Machine (SVM) with polynomial
 A multi layer perceptron (MLP) with neuron number
in hidden layer (NNHL) =
max(Attribute/Number+Classes/Number) and training
step (TS) = NNHL*10
 k-NN Algorithm.
The WEKA software suite [26] has been used to carry out
with n→∞
= −ln(A/B ), (2) the experiments. The results were evaluated using
Classification Error Rate (CER, %). For training and
validation steps we used k-fold cross -validation with k=10.
A = [(n − m − 1)(n − m)/2]Am(r), (3)
B = [(n − m − 1)(n − m)/2]Bm(r). (4)
Bm(r) is the probability that two sequences match for
points. Similarly, Am(r) is the probability that two
sequences match for m + 1 points: Cross -validation is a robust validation method for variable
selection [27]. Repeated cross -validation (as calculated by the
WEKA environment) allows robust statistical tests. We also
use the measurement provided automatically by WEKA
“Coverage of cases” (0.95 level) that is the confidence interval
at 95% level.
K. López de Ipiña et al., "Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of the Archimedes' spiral applied to
essential tremor," 2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI ), 2015, pp. 157 -
162, doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160160 .
Figure 2. CER (%) for paradigms with linear and non -linear
features sets based on entropy: Shannon, ApEn, SmEn and
Permutation Entropy.
The experimentation has been carried out with the
balanced subset BIODARWO. The goal of these experiments
was to examine the potential of entropy algorithms and
selected features for automatic measurement of the
degradation of Archimedes’s spiral drawing with ET. Thus,
previously defined feature sets have been evaluated in order to
properly define control and ET groups. In a first stage linear
and non-linear features have been extracted by several
methods described in section III: Shannon entropy, ApEn and
SmEn. Automatic classification by described (section III)
paradigms was performed over the database. The results of
CER (%) for paradigms with linear and non -linear features
sets are summarized in Figure 2. For both algorithms m=2,3
and tolerance r=0.2.
 Non Linear Features (NLF) sets increase about 7%
the features number
 Non-linear features sets improve the results for all the
 Shannon entropy outperforms LF (LFSE) for MLP
and k-NN
 ApEn improve system performance for m=3 with
MLP and SVM. k-NN has better performance for
 SmEn with m=3 appears as the best option for all
 The best option is SmEn with m=3 and MLP with a
CER of 15.69%.
In a second stage permutation entropy is evaluated for
different orders m and time delay. In our particular case and
due the signals are composed from 5000 -1000 samples, and
parameter was fixed until m=7. The results are also compared
with SmEn with m=3 and tolerance of r=0.2. The results are
shown in Figure 3.  PE improves the results in most of the cases
 The best results are obtained with PE and m=7, t=7.
 MLP obtains the best results for this last option
 The best option is PE-m7t7 with MLP and CER of
 Good results are achieved even with k-NN with less
computational cost.
This work, on selection of nonlinear biomarkers from
drawings and handwriting, is part of a wide -ranging cross
study for the diagnosis of essential tremor which is developed
in Biodonostia Health Institute. Specifically the main goal of
the present work is the analysis of features in Archimed es’s
spiral drawing, one of the most used standard tests for clinical
diagnosis of ET. In this sense entropy based features have
been add to a set of classical linear features (static and
dynamics). Several entropy algorithms have been evaluated by
an automatic analysis system consists of several Machine
Learning. The best option is MLP with permutation entropy
and good results are obtained even with k-NN. Then these
new biomarkers will be integrated in future works with those
obtained in the Biodonosti a study. It should be highlighted
that the use of this technology could provide undoubted
benefits towards the development of more sustainable, low
cost, high quality, non -invasive technologies. These systems
are easily adaptable to the user and environment, and from a
social and economic point of view can be very useful in real
complex environments. In future works new non-linear
features, entropy algorithms and automatic selection
methodologies will be used.
Figure 3. CER (%) for the paradigms with the references
Linear Features (LF) and Shannon Entropy (SE) and other
entropy paradigms
K. López de Ipiña et al., "Selection of entropy based features for the analysis of the Archimedes' spiral applied to
essential tremor," 2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI ), 2015, pp. 157 -
162, doi: 10.1109/IWOBI.2015.7160160 .
This work has been partially supported by the University
of the Basque Country by UPV/EHU —58/14 project,
SAIOTEK from the Basque Government, University of Vic -
Central University of Catalonia under the research grant
R0904, and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
TEC2012 -38630 -C04-03.
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