Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review M. Di Mauroa,<, G. Galatrob, G. Fortinocand A. Liottad aDepartment of Information and Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM), University of Salerno, 84084, Fisciano, Italy bAmazon AWS, Belgard Retail Park, Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland cDepartment of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and Systems, University of Calabria, Italy dFaculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy ARTICLE INFO Keywords : Feature Selection Machine Learning Network Intrusion Detection Network PerformanceABSTRACT Machine Learning (ML) techniques are becoming an invaluable support for network intrusion de- tection, especially in revealing anomalous flows, which often hide cyber-threats. Typically, ML al- gorithms are exploited to classify/recognize data traffic on the basis of statistical features such as inter-arrival times, packets length distribution, mean number of flows, etc. Dealing with the vast diversity and number of features that typically characterize data traffic is a hard problem. This re- sults in the following issues: i)the presence of so many features leads to lengthy training processes (particularly when features are highly correlated), while prediction accuracy does not proportionally improve; ii)some of the features may introduce bias during the classification process, particularly those that have scarce relation with the data traffic to be classified. To this end, by reducing the fea- ture space and retaining only the most significant features, Feature Selection (FS) becomes a crucial pre-processing step in network management and, specifically, for the purposes of network intrusion detection. In this review paper, we complement other surveys in multiple ways: i)evaluating more recentdatasets(updatedw.r.t. obsoleteKDD 99)bymeansofadesigned-from-scratchPython-based procedure; ii)providingasynopsisofmostcreditedFSapproachesinthefieldofintrusiondetection, includingMulti-ObjectiveEvolutionarytechniques; iii)assessingvariousexperimentalanalysessuch as feature correlation, time complexity, and performance. Our comparisons offer useful guidelines to network/security managers who are considering the incorporation of ML concepts into network intrusion detection, where trade-offs between performance and resource consumption are crucial. 1. Introduction With the rapid growth of digital technology and com- munications, we are overwhelmed by network data traffic, whicharediverseformediatype(e.g. video,voice,text,sen- sory,etc.),andoriginatefrom(andaretransportedthrough) abroadrangeofsources(e.g. mobilenetworks,cloudinfras- tructures,InternetofThings,etc.). Consequently,wehandle high-dimensionality data, calling for increasingly more so- phisticated classification methods [1, 2]. Typically,werefertohighdimensionalitywhenwedeal with data whereby a large number of features may be ex- tracted, to the point that the features may even exceed the numberofobservations. Thisleadstomajorissues,particu- larly the massive increase in training times. To this end, Feature Selection (FS) is a promising re- searchdirection,lookingatwaystoreducethefeaturespace in order to pinpoint only the most significant features. As a fundamental pre-processing step in machine learning, FS is gaining prominence in network management and, specif- ically, for the purposes of network intrusion detection and network traffic classification problems [3, 4, 5, 6]. Moregenerally,FSfindsanevenmuchbroaderapplica- bilityinfieldasdiverseasbioinformatics[7,8,9,10],image recognition/retrieval [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], fault diag- 0is a scale factor, the product ärefers to en- trywise multiplications, whereas Lis the Lévy distribution with ( 1<f3). Cuckoo search method has been exploited in network trafficanalysispairedwithvarioustechniquesandtechnolo- gies. In [124], authors propose an algorithm that uses PCA and Cuckoo Search to reduce the feature space and to op- timize the clustering center selection. A Cuckoo-based FS algorithm is proposed in [125] to preprocess network data Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 6 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review aimedatimprovingtheIDSdetectionaccuracyinclouden- vironments. A Cuckoo search strategy has been also used in [126] to optimize Artificial Neural Networks when deal- ing with traffic anomaly detection issues. Again, coupled with SVM, Cuckoo search has been adopted in FS to deal with problem of phishing mail detection [127]. Recently, extended versions of Cuckoo Search algorithm have been advanced to cope with classification of tweetsin sentiment analysis[128],ortodefeatattacksinSoftwareDefinedNet- work infrastructures [129]. 4.4. Evolutionary Feature Selection Suchfamilyofalgorithmsisinspiredbynaturalselection theory, claiming that living organisms survived across mil- lions of years thanks to an adaptation process. In a similar way,thisaptitudecanbetranslatedinsearchforoptimalso- lutions to a problem. Two exemplary tested algorithms are: Genetic search and Multi Objective Evolutionary search. 4.4.1. Genetic Search Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been designed around themid-1950s,whenbiologistsstartedtoperformcomputer- based simulations aimed at analyzing more in deep the evolution of genetic processes [130]. Then, GAs have been extended to face problems ranging from neural net- works weight estimation [131] to inequalities-based prob- lems[132]. Apioneeringworkinthisfieldhasbeencarried outbyHolland[133,134],and,today,manyvariantsofGAs exist [135] and are applied in economy, computer science, sociology. The basic skeleton of a GA includes three operators [136]:Reproduction, Crossover andMutation. Reproduction refers to a process in charge of evaluating theabilityofanindividualtobeselected(amongothers)for reproduction, on the basis of a fitnessscore. Crossover concerns the capability of a genetic operator in recombining information to create new offspring. Typi- cally, offspring is generated by exchanging genes of parents until acrossover point is reached. Mutation pertains to the probability that some offspring genes could be modified or altered. Genetic-based feature selection in network traffic analy- sishasbeenusedinconjunctionwithmanyML-basedmeth- ods. Authors in [137] exploit a GA-based FS approach to optimize network traffic data before applying an artificial neuralnetworktoperformattacksdetectionacrosscloudin- frastructures. A combination of a genetic FS method and a supervised classifier based on J48 algorithm is proposed in [138]. More frequent across the scientific literature is the couplingbetweengeneticFSandSVMclassifiersappliedto networktrafficclassificationproblems(see[139,140,141]). When dealing with FS problems, GAs allow to explore the solution space by selecting the most promising regions, thus,avoidingacostlyexhaustivesearch. Inourdomain,the initial population is represented by the whole feature space and the fitness function relies on the correlation among fea-tures and expressed by means of a meritindicator defined further ahead in eq. (12). Once entered the cycle represented in Fig. 1, the algo- rithm calculates the fitness of each candidate solution per iteration, selects individuals to reproduce, and generates a newpopulationbytakingintoaccountcrossover(featurere- combination with a certain probability), and mutation (one featurecanbeturnedintoanotherfeaturewithacertainprob- ability). !"#$#%&'()*&%$#(" !"#"$%&"'%#'(#(&(%) *+*,)%&(+#+-'(#.(/(.,%)0 +,%&*%$#(" 1/%),%&"&2"'-(&#"00' -,#3&(+#4+567'-,#3&78 -#$".//01%&*./ 900(:#&2"'%**$+*$(%&"' -(&#"00'/%),"0 2.&.3$#(" ;(#:)"'+,&'&2"'(#.(/(.,%)0 -+$'$"*$+.,3&(+# 4.)5(6*3$#(" !"#"$%&"'#"<'(#.(/(.,%)0 43$+00+/"$='>,&%&(+#8' Figure 1: Genetic Algorithms life cycle. 4.4.2. Multi-Objective Evolutionary Search The family of solutions concerning a multiobjective op- timization problem (MO) includes all the elements of the search space whose objective vectors cannot be simultane- ously improved (Pareto optimality concept) [142]. The set of such objective vectors is said non-dominated. Moreformally,aMOproblemcanbeformulatedasfol- lows: given a vector of nobjective functions fof a vector variable xin a domain Ddefined as f.x/ = .f1.x/;f2.x/;§;fn.x/; (9) a decision vector xhËDis Pareto-optimal iffthere is no xkËDsuch that: h n n l n njÅiË ^1;§;n`;kifhi á ÇiË ^1;§;n` :ki0such that p.Y=yðXi=xi/‘p.Y=y/: (11) Namely,Xiis relevant if Yis conditionally dependent on Xi. Thus, CFS is a filter algorithm that can rank feature subsets according to a correlation-based heuristic function. Precisely,givenasubset Sincludingkfeatures,theheuristic meritMS;kis defined as: MS;k=krfct k+k.k* 1/rff; (12) whererfcis the average value of feature/class correlations, andrffis the average value of feature/feature correlations. The numerator of (12) may be seen as an indicator of how far a set of features is predictive of a class; whereas, the denominator contains information about how much redun- dancy there is among features. Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 8 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review (a) Ant (21 fts) (b) Scatter (4 fts) (c) MO-EA (5 fts) (d) Ranking (10 fts) (e) Cuckoo (7 fts) (f) Tabu/LFS (6 fts) (g) Genetic (27 fts) (h) PSO (18 fts) Figure 2: Correlation maps for different algorithms - DDoS dataset. In parenthesis is reported the number of features surviving after the FS process. Our assessment is split into two parts: the first one con- cernsasingleclass analysis,whereweevaluatedatasetsex- hibitingdichotomous information (malign/benign); the sec- ond one is focused on multi class problems, where we eval- uate the effectiveness of FS in the presence of multiple classes. 6.1. Single Class Analysis Let us consider the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which, recently, is also affecting modern SDN-basednetworks[154,155]. DDoSattacksaredesignedto overwhelm the target network resources by means of a botnet, namely, a network composed of a large number of malicious nodes sending tiny packets towards the target, ul- timately coordinated by a botmaster . Let us now analyze the results obtained by pre- processing the DDoS dataset through the set of FS algo- rithms introduced above. In Fig. 2 we report, for each al- gorithm, the correlation map corresponding to a graphical representation of covariance matrices. This representation embedsthreeimportantpiecesofinformation: i)thenumber offeaturessurvivingaftertheFSprocessingstep; ii)thetype Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 9 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review 0 1 2 3 4 5 Training Size ×104100101102Feat. Sel. Time (sec)MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic Particle Swarm Cuckoo Lin.Fwd.Sel. Scatter 0 1 2 3 4 5 Training Size ×104100101102Training Time (sec)NO Feat. Sel. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic Particle Swarm Cuckoo Lin.Fwd.Sel. Scatter Figure 3: FS times - DDoS dataset (a); Training times - DDoS dataset (b). offeatures;and iii)therelationshipexistingamongsurviving features. Thelatteristakenintoaccountbymeansofagray scale, in which darker shades indicate higher levels of cor- relation. Thus, each .i;j/“pixel" gives the correlation level between feature iand featurej. Accordingly, the pixels on the main diagonal are always black (maximum correlation, corr= 1), due to the self-correlation. As was to be expected, highercorrelationarefoundamongthosefeaturesbelonging to the same family (Time-based, Flow-based, etc.). Some interesting considerations about the various cor- relation maps arise. First, the number of features retained by different algorithms may significantly diverge, which is due to the specific approaches adopted by each algorithm. TheGeneticalgorithmistheoneretainingthemostfeatures. This is to be ascribed to the particular strategy of this al- gorithm, which strives to escape local optima by applying themutationoperator,thusallowingtoconsidermorepaths, namely, more features. Second, some common features re- tained by all the algorithms can be recognized. For in- stance,thedestinationportfeatureisalwayspresentsince,in aDDoSattack, atargetvictimis typicallyreachedonapar- ticular exposed TCP/UDP port. Moreover, since DDoS at- tacksarecharacterizedbyalargeamountofsmall-sizepack- ets, features embodying information about packet lengths are retained. The difference is that, some algorithms (e.g. Scatter, MO-EA, Cuckoo, Tabu, LFS) just keep the essen- tialfeaturesrelatedtopacketlength(e.g. totalpacketlength, total number of bytes sent in initial window); whereas, other algorithms (e.g. Ranking, Genetic, PSO, Ant) pre- fer to retain more features belonging to the same family. DDoSisalsocharacterizedbysomekindofsynchronization amongthebots,whicharecoordinatedtolaunchanalmost- simultaneous attack. This means that time-related features willoftenprovideusefulinformationtodetectDDoS.Inter- estingly, the Genetic algorithm retains 5features relating to the inter-arrival flow times, resulting in a dark gray cluster at the center of the correlation map (Fig. 2(g)).ItisalsopossibleforDDoSattackstobeevenmoreeffec- tivethroughthemodificationoftheIPflags(e.g. SYN/RST flooding). Accordingly, features embodying information aboutIPflags(e.g. RST-SYN-URGflagcount)areretained by algorithms such as Ant (Fig. 2(a)), MO-EA (Fig. 2(c)), Cuckoo (Fig. 2(e)), Genetic (Fig. 2(g)), and PSO (Fig. 2(h)). Let us note that many algorithms opt for selecting featuresthatareuncorrelatedamongthem(fewdarkgrayor blackclustersarepresent)sincetheyconveymorevariegated information. Let us now analyze some findings obtained from the time-complexity evaluation. To this aim, we use a PC equipped with Intel CoreTMi5-7200U CPU@ 2.50GHz CPUand16GBofRAM.InFig. 3(a),weshowhowtheFS timevarieswithtrainingsize,fortheDDoSdataset. Nodra- maticdifferencesareobservedacrossthevariousalgorithms, even more significantly as the training size grows. Consid- ering a relatively large training size (with 5 104training instances), FS times range from about 10seconds (Scatter algorithm) to almost 26seconds (MO-EA algorithm). Sur- prisingly, the FS times are rather uniform, in spite of the broadvariationinnumberofretainedfeatures(byeachofthe algorithms). For instance, remaining in the case of 5 104 training instances, Scatter retains the minimum number of features (4), while Genetic retains the maximum number of features(27);yetFStimesarecomparable( 16:19and10:18 seconds, respectively). Although it is legitimate to expect that higher FS time could be justified to produce a more re- ducedfeaturespace,thescarcecorrelationbetweensuchob- servables is due to the particular logic implemented in each FS algorithm. On the other hand, Fig. 3(b) provides the training times obtained by applying the J48 benchmark algorithm, down- stream of the FS processing step. Here, the black line (with emptycircles)givesthetrainingtimesobtainedwhennoFS processing is employed. We can observe how FS leads to significantimprovements,intermsofbothtimesandtrends. Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 10 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.0051.01DDoS Dataset Accuracy (DDoS) F-Measure (DDoS) Accuracy (Benign) F-Measure (Benign) (a) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.0051.01Portscan Dataset Accuracy (Portscan) F-Measure (Portscan) Accuracy (Benign) F-Measure (Benign) (b) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.005WebAttack Dataset Accuracy (WebAttack) F-Measure (WebAttack) Accuracy (Benign) F-Measure (Benign) (c) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.970.9750.980.9850.990.99511.005TOR Dataset Accuracy (TOR) F-Measure (TOR) Accuracy (Non TOR) F-Measure (Non TOR) (d) Figure 4: Performance in terms of Accuracy/F-Measures for different single class datasets: DDoS (a), Portscan (b), WebAttack (c), TOR (d). The black (benchmark) line grows rapidly to almost 80 sec- onds,whilemostalgorithmspeaktoalmost5seconds,with theexceptionoftheGeneticalgorithm(yellowline)andthe Particle Swarm algorithm (light blue line) that take over 10 seconds to complete. This indicates that the FS process, on the whole, brings gains in the range of about one order of magnitude,whichmaybecomeevenmoresignificantasthe dataset grows. Let us now analyze the performance of the proposed FS algorithmsintermsofAccuracyandF-Measure. Thesetwo metrics,widelyusedinthefieldoftrafficclassification[156, 157], are defined as follows: •Accuracy : the ratio of the correctly predicted obser- vations to the total observations. This is the most in- tuitive indicator. •F-Measure : the weighted average of precision (ratio ofcorrectlyclassifiedflowsoverallpredictedflowsina class) and recall (ratio of correctly classified flows overallgroundtruthflowsinaclass). Thisisanindi- cator of a per-class performance. To verify that the effectiveness of the FS algorithms is notlinkedtospecificdatasets,wehaveconsideredthe 4dif- ferent datasets introduced in Sect. 5(DDoS, Portscan, We- bAttack, and TOR), reporting our findings in Fig. 4. Just like for the previous experiments, we have used the tree- based J 48algorithm as a benchmark. We have adopted a 10-foldcross-validationwhichistypicalinappliedML,and offersagoodtrade-offbetweentrainingtimeandrobustness. Noticeably,allFSalgorithmsperformsatisfactorily(bothin accuracy and F-measure) in comparison to the benchmark (firstbarsinallthehistograms,labeledas“NOF.S.”)forthe four datasets. InsomeinstancestheFSalgorithmsperformedevenbet- ter than the benchmark (e.g., Rank and Genetic algorithms in the WebAttack dataset). This can be explained by a phe- Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 11 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review (a) Ant (22 fts) (b) Scatter/Tabu (9 fts) Tot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdBwdPktLenMeanInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow Pkt/sTot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdBwdPktLenMeanInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow Pkt/s (c) MO-EA (6 fts) (d) Ranking (28 fts) (e) Cuckoo (17 fts) Tot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStdAvgBwdSegmentSizeInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow IAT MaxFwdPktLenMaxBwdPktLenStdFlow IAT MinTot Lenof BwdPktsFwdPktLenStd AvgBwdSegmentSizeInit_Win_bytes_FwdInit_Win_bytes_BwdFlow IAT MaxFwdPktLenMaxBwdPktLenStdFlow IAT Min (f) LFS (9 fts) (g) Genetic (31 fts) (h) PSO (23 fts) Figure 5: Correlation maps - MultiAndroid dataset. In parenthesis is reported the number of features surviving after the FS process. nomenon that is well-known in ML, whereby models based on too many features may lead to biased classification. On theotherhand,whenFSmanagestoretainasufficientlyhigh number of meaningful features, there is a positive effect on accuracy. This is the case of the Genetic algorithm applied to the TOR dataset (Fig. 4(d)) that performs better than the other methods.6.2. Multi Class Analysis Another fruitful analysis is aimed at evaluating FS al- gorithms when multi-instance datasets are considered. This turns out to be particularly useful when it is not possible to discerndifferenttypesofdatatrafficviasomepre-processing filter (e.g. IP/Port-based filtering). To assess this case, we consider two datasets: the MultiAndroid dataset, containing benigntrafficmixedupwithfivedifferenttypesofAndroid- based threats; and the DDoS/Portscan dataset, including a Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 12 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review 0 1 2 3 4 5 Training Size ×104100101102Feat. Sel. Time (sec)MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic Particle Swarm Cuckoo Lin.Fwd.Sel. Scatter (a) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Training Size ×104100101102103Training Time (sec)NO Feat. Sel. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic Particle Swarm Cuckoo Lin.Fwd.Sel. Scatter (b) Figure 6: FS times - MultiAndroid dataset (a); Training times - MultiAndroid dataset (b). mix of DDoS, Portscan, and benign traffic. The MultiAn- droiddataset,includesthefollowingtypesofmaligntraffic: •FakeApp.AL : a scareware hidden inside a fake Minecraft application, one of the most popular game applications; •Android Defender : a malware which, once acci- dentally downloaded and installed, raises some fake alerts; •Gooligam : an insidious malware that has already in- fected more than 1million Android-based devices, aimed at stealing Google accounts for Drive, Docs, Gmail, etc.; •Feiwo: belonging to the adware family, it acts by showingadvertisementsinthesystemnotificationbar, and by sending device GPS coordinates to a remote server; •Charger: a ransomware hidden in some Google Play applications, which gains root privileges and steals contacts before asking for a ransom. Let us analyze how FS algorithms impact on the Mul- tiAndroid dataset in terms of feature correlation referring first to the panels of Fig. 5. Comparing these results with the ones of Fig. 2, an interesting difference emerges: all FS algorithms retain more features w.r.t. the single-class case. Thisbehavioriscoherentwiththefactthat,todealwithdif- ferent types of threats (ransomware, adware, malware) we need more features, to be able to capture this higher vari- ability. This effect is even more evident in time-based fea- tures (mainly inter-arrival times) and in size-based features (mainly packet lengths). Looking at DDoS, we observe a difference between single- and multi-class analysis. In the latter, the destina-tion port is not retained as a crucial feature. This is possi- blybecausemalwaresexploitdifferentmechanismstocreate damage: rather than directly overwhelming a particular tar- getport,theyfirstactinthebackground(e.g. bystealingpri- vacy data) and then produce malicious traffic in egress. On the other hand, DDoS attacks generate ingress traffic from the infected device. It is worth noticing that, when applied to multi-class problems,allalgorithmshavepreservedtheiroriginallogic. For instance, with 31 surviving features, the Genetic algo- rithm is still the algorithm that saves more features, thanks totheroleplayedbythemutationoperator. Anotherexample istheMO-EAalgorithmthat,justlikeinthesingle-classex- periment,retainsthesmallestnumberoffeatures( 6). Thisis mainly due to the diversity-preservation mechanism, which forces the selection of a representative subset of the whole Pareto front. It optimizes conflicting objective functions, thus few solutions survive. The time-complexity evaluation is reported in Fig. 6, which evaluates the usual FS algorithms onto the MultiAn- droid dataset. FS times exhibit the same order of magni- tude as in single-class analysis (Figs.3(a)). For a training size amounting to 5 104instances, the fastest algorithm is Scatter (FS time amounting to 9:541seconds); whereas the slowest one is MO-EA (FS time amounting to 24:827sec- onds). The situation changes dramatically when we consider training times for the J 48benchmark algorithm (Fig. 6(b)). Notably, multi-class algorithms are roughly one order of magnitudeslowerthantheirsingle-classcounterpart. Forin- stance,letusconsidertheGeneticalgorithm(yellowcurve). Fora 103trainingsize,GeneticFSreducesthetrainingtime to1:861seconds, growing to the following (X;Y) points: (104;10:731); (2 < 104;56:748); (3 < 104;133:346); (5 < 104;301:997). Thelongertrainingtimesarisefromthe process of training multiple classes. Nevertheless, signifi- Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 13 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS/Scat Dataset (Android threats) - Accuracy FakeAppal Andr.Defender Gooligan Feiwo Charger Benign (a) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS/Scat Dataset (Android threats) - F-Measure FakeAppal Andr.Defender Gooligan Feiwo Charger Benign (b) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.980.9850.990.99511.005Multi-Class Dataset (DDoS/Portscan) - Accuracy DDoS Portscan Benign (c) NO F.S. MO-EA Rank Ant Tabu Genetic PSO Cuckoo LFS Scatter 0.980.9850.990.99511.005Multi-Class Dataset (DDoS/Portscan) - F-Measure DDoS Portscan Benign (d) Figure 7: MultiAndroid dataset: Accuracy (a), F-Measure (b); DDoS/Portscan dataset: Accuracy (c), F-Measure (d); cant gains are still obtained by all FS algorithms compared to the “NO F.S.” benchmark, which peaks at 446:329secs. Turning now to the performance analysis, in Fig. 7 wecomparethetwomulti-classdatasets,MultiAndroidand DDoS/Portscan,drawingsomeinterestingconsiderations. It is comparably more difficult to detect Android threats than DDoS/Portscan attacks - MultiAndroid accuracy is below 0:7and F-Measure is below 0:5. However, this issue is not generated by the FS processes, since the “NO F.S.” per- formance is poor too, particularly with the “Benign” class. This issue arises from two facts. First, mobile network at- tacks are often accompanied by activities that do not di- rectly/immediately generate network anomalies. Examples are ransomware and malware, whereby the anomalies arise after the user has downloaded the malicious application. There is typically a lag between infection and anomalies, as the malicious program initially establishes a secret/silent communication with a remote server, and then graduallysteals/sends private user data. Another example is adware, wherethoseannoyingbannersactuallyincurverylittledata, thusmakingithardtodetectfromtheregulartraffic. Asec- ond reason for the poor MultiAndroid performance is the strongsimilarityamongdifferentmalignclasses(e.g.,scare- ware, adware, ransomware). Similar considerations hold trueinthecaseinwhichweconsideradatasetincludingWe- battackandTORtraffic(notreportedforspaceconstraints), whereby the high similarity between the two classes re- sulted in poor classification performance. We should how- ever stress that FS algorithms are still very beneficial, since thetime-complexitybenefitsidentifiedareachievedwithno dramatic loss in accuracy. By contrast, the DDoS/Portscan multi-class case achieves outstanding performance (Figs.7(c) and (d)). This is because these types of attacks are radically distinct in the way they exploit network vulnerabilities: DDoS falls under the umbrella of volumetric attacks; whereas Portscan Di Mauro et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 14 of 19Supervised Feature Selection Techniques in Network Intrusion Detection: a Critical Review attacks employ monitoring strategies to unveil possible open ports. In other words, a peculiar symptom of a DDoS attack is the presence of an exceptionally large number of connections coming from different nodes and heading towards one network target’s port. Conversely, a symptom of Portscan attacks is the presence of just a single node (or a few nodes in case of simultaneous Portscans) opening a considerably large number of connections towards multiple ports of a certain network target. Thus it is relatively easier to differentiate between these two attacks. 6.3. General Remarks Overall, we can observe that FS algorithms do lead to an effective reduction in feature space, ranging from 65~ (Single Class, Genetic) to 95~(Single Class, Scatter) and from 60~(Multi Class, Genetic) to 92~(Multi Class, MO- EA). Such feature-space reduction translates into signifi- cantcomputational-timeimprovements,whichbecomeeven more remarked as the training size grows. For instance, with a training set of 50ksamples (single-class DDoS) the MO-EA algorithm takes 24:8secs to perform FS, while the trainingtimecomparedtothebenchmarkdropsfrom 72:2to 5:13secs. Atthesametime,performanceisnotsignificantly degraded by the feature reduction process - accuracy drops from 0:9993to0:9971. Similar considerations hold for all other algorithms. The performed assessment provides invaluable guide- linesfornetwork/securitymanagementpractitionersdealing with traffic classification problems. Our evaluation frame- work aims at weighing the practical benefits of the vari- ous FS techniques in terms of time-complexity reduction and performance guarantees. For instance, if we aimed at minimizing the overall processing time (i.e., FS plus train- ing times), the Scatter algorithm would be the best choice. Thisincursatotalprocessingtimeamountingto 14:338sec- onds for the single-class case (FS= 10:178secs plus train- ing= 4:16secs),andto 219:963secondsformulti-class(FS= 9:541secsplustraining= 210:422secs). Conversely,theGe- neticmethodwouldbepreferabletomaximizeperformance. 7. Conclusion and Future Direction Aprominentresearchdirectionfornetworkintrusionde- tectionistheadoptionofmachinelearningmethods,partic- ularly for the detection of anomalous (and often malicious) network-traffic flows. Looking at the literature, we find am- ple examples of network classification problems. Yet, little attention has been turned towards feature selection, which is an essential classification pre-processing step. We argue that the main reason for this overlook is that most studies have been based on the obsolete KDD 99dataset, which in- cludesfewfeatures,thusmakingFSirrelevant. Ontheother hand, we consider that modern network engines generate much richer features (in fact, hundreds of features), which allowmorefineandgranularnetworktrafficanalyses. How- ever, this extra capability results into impractical ML train- ingtimes,makingitnecessarytounderstandhowFSmaybe realized effectively.To this end, herein we have carried out an experimental comparativeevaluationofprominentmethods,withtheview to provide insights as to how the different FS algorithms perform in the peculiar context of network-traffic classifica- tion. Our assessment shows how few, relevant features are retained, but also that the FS reduction process is virtually lossless, with a significant acceleration of the overall train- ing process. To sum up, the novelties of our work are: i)we carry out an experimental-based review, consider- ingrecentdatasets(includingDDoS,Portscan,WebAttacks, and Android threats), as opposed to the obsolete KDD 99 dataset adopted in most literature; ii)we compare and contrast a representative number of alternative FS algorithm types, including classic rank- guided methods (LFS, Ranking), meta-heuristic methods (Particle Swarm, Tabu, Scatter), nature-inspired methods (Ant, Cuckoo), and evolutionary methods (Genetic, MO- EA); iii)we provide actual experimental results, unveiling trade-offs between performance (Accuracy/F-Measure) and computational time, at different scales (training set size). Ultimately,ouranalysisshowsthebenefitslinkedtoem- bedding the FS process into network analysis, providing a valuable tool for identifying the most useful features out of hundreds of possibilities. This will prove invaluable to the fieldsofnetworkmanagement,securitymanagement,intru- sion detection and incident response. We should note that, the purpose of our comparative evaluation was not to claim the predominance of some FS algorithms over others but, rather, to suggest a methodical framework to work with FS. As a byproduct of our investigation, some interesting open research directions emerge: i)extending the present analysisto unsupervised FStechniques,whichwouldbeuse- ful to deal with datasets lacking class labels, or with new types of (unknown) malicious traffic - this is the case of so called zero-day attacks that have no prior information; ii) consideringthecaseofstreameddataanalysis,whichisnec- essary when dealing with extremely time-variant streams, wherebytheFSprocessshouldberepeatedacrosstime(e.g. byusingamobiletimewindow),soastoperiodicallyupdate theresultingdatasetwiththefreshestfeatures; iii)designing routines to automatically manage the best FS strategies to be applied in accordance to specific criteria (e.g. accuracy target, latency needs, etc.). Our investigation goes into the direction of the 6G paradigm that, according to most net- workscientists,willbecharacterizedbyintelligentresource management,smartadjustments,andautomaticservicepro- visioning. References [1] F. 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