arXiv:2110.12687v1 [cs.CL] 25 Oct 2021Fine-tuning of Pre-trained Transformers for Hate, Offensi ve, and Profane Content Detection in English and Marathi Anna Glazkova1,*, Michael Kadantsev2, Maksim Glazkov3, 1 University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia 2 Thales Canada, Transportation Solutions, Toronto, Canad a 3, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia * Abstract This paper describes neural models developed for the Hate Speech and Offensive Content Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages Shared Task 20 21. Our team called neuro-utmn-thales participated in two tasks on binary and fine-grained classification of English tweets that contain hate, offensive, and profane conten t (English Subtasks A & B) and one task on identification of problematic content in Marathi ( Marathi Subtask A). For English subtasks, we investigate the impact of additional co rpora for hate speech detection to fine-tune transformer models. We also apply a one-vs -rest approach based on Twitter-RoBERTa to discrimination between hate, profane and o ffensive posts. Our models ranked third in English Subtask A with the F1-score of 81.99% a nd ranked second in English Subtask B with the F1-score of 65.77%. For the Mar athi tasks, we propose a system based on the Language-Agnostic BERT Sentenc e Embedding (LaBSE). This model achieved the second result in Marathi Subtask A obtainin g an F1 of 88.08%. Introduction Social media has a greater impact on our society. Social networks g ive us almost limitless freedom of speech and contribute to the rapid dissemination of info rmation. However, these positive properties often lead to unhealthy usage of social m edia. Thus, hate speech spreading affects users’ psychological state, promote s violence, and reinforces hateful sentiments [4, 5]. This problem attracts many scholars to a pply modern tech- nologies in order to make social media safer. The Hate Speech and Of fensive Content Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages Shared Task (H ASOC) 2021 [27] aims to compare and analyze existing approaches to identifying hate speech not only for English, but also for other languages. It focused on detecting hate, offensive, and profane content in tweets, and offering six subtasks. We particip ated in three of them: •English Subtask A: identifying hate, offensive, and profane content from the post in English [24]. •English Subtask B: discrimination between hate, profane, and offensive posts in English. •Marathi Subtask A: identifying hate, offensive, and profane content from the post in Marathi [14]. 1/10The source code for our models is freely available1. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains a brief review of related works. Next, we describe our experiments on the binary and fine-grained c lassification of En- glish tweets in Section 3. In Section 4, we present our model for hat e, offensive, and profane language identification in Marathi. We conclude this paper in S ection 5. Finally, Section 6 contains acknowledgments. 1 Related Works We briefly discuss works done related to harmful content detectio n in the past few years. Shared tasks related to hate speech and offensive langua ge detection from tweets was organized as a part of some workshops and conferences, suc h as FIRE [22, 23], Se- mEval, [3, 10], GermEval [40, 43], IberLEF [42], and OSACT [29]. The pa rticipants proposed a broad range of approaches from traditional machine le arning techniques (for example, Support Vector Machines [15, 38], Random Forest [34 ]) to various neural architectures (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN [35]; Long Sh ort Term Memory, LSTM [26, 28]; Embeddings from Language Models, ELMo [6]; and Bidirec tional En- coder Representations from Transformers, BERT [19,36]). In mo st cases, BERT-based systems outperformed other approaches. Most research on hate speech detection continues to be based on English corpora. Despite this, the harmful content is distributed in different langua ges. Therefore, there have been previous attempts at creating corpora and developing m odels for hate speech detection in common non-English languages, such as Arabic [1, 29], G erman [22, 23, 40, 43], Italian [7, 37], Spanish [3, 42], Hindi [22, 23], Tamil and Malayalam [22]. Several studies have focused on collecting hate speech corpora for Chines e [41], Portuguese [11], Polish [33], Turkish [8] and Russian [16] languages. 2 English Subtasks A & B: Identification and Fine- grained Classification of Hate, Offensive, and Pro- fane Tweets The objective of English Subtasks A & B is to identify whether a tweet in English contains harmful content (Subtask A) and perform a fine-graine d classification of posts into three categories, including: hate, offensive, or profane (Su btask B). 2.1 Data The dataset provided to the participants of the shared task cont ains 4355 manually annotated social media posts divided into training (3074) and test ( 1281) sets. Table 1 presents the data description. Further, we tested several data sampling techniques using differ ent hate speech cor- pora as additional training data. Firstly, we evaluated the joint use of multilingual data provided by the organizers of HASOC 2021, including the English, the Hindi, and the Marathi training sets. Secondly, as the training sets were highly imb alanced, we applied the positive class random oversampling technique so that each train ing batch contained approximately the same number of samples. Besides, we experiment ed with the seq2seq- based data augmentation technique [17]. For this purpose, we fine- tuned the BART-base model for the denoising reconstruction task where 40% of tokens are masked and the goal of the decoder is to reconstruct the original sequence. Sinc e the BART model [18] 1 2/10Table 1. Data description. Label DescriptionNumber of examples (training set) Subtask A NOTNon Hate-Offensive: the post does not contain hate speech, profane, offensive content1102 HOFHate and Offensive: the post contains hate, offensive, or profane content.1972 Subtask B NONEThe post does not contain hate speech, profane, offensive content1102 HATE Hate speech: the post contains hate speech content. 542 OFFN Offensive: the post contains offensive content. 482 PRFN Profane: the post contains profane words. 948 Table 2. Hate-related dataset characteristics. Dataset Size Labels HASOC 2020 4522HOF - 50.4% NOT - 49.6% HatebaseTwitter 24783hate speech - 20.15% offensive language - 85.98% neither - 23.77% HatEval 130001 (hate speech) - 42.08% 0 (not hate speech) - 57.92% OLID 14100OFF - 32.91% NOT - 67.09% already contains the ¡mask¿ token, we use it to replace mask tokens . We generated one synthetic example for every tweet in the training set. Thus, th e augmented data size is the same size as the size of the original training set. Finally, we e valuated the impact of additional training data, including: (a) the English dataset , used at HASOC 2020 [22]; (b) HatebaseTwitter, based on the hate speech lexicon f rom Hatebase2[10]; (c) HatEval, a dataset presented at Semeval-2019 Task 5 [3] ; (d) Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID), used in the SemEval-2019 Task 6 (O ffensEval) [45]. All corpora except the HatebaseTwitter dataset contain non-inter sective classes. Besides, all listed datasets are collected from Twitter. A representative sa mpling of additional data is shown in Table 2. We preprocessed the datasets for Subtasks A & B in a similar manner . Inspired by [2], we used the following text preprocessing technique3: (a) removed all URLs; (b) replaced all user mentions with the $MENTION $placeholder. 2.2 Models We conduct our experiments with neural models based on BERT [12] a s they have achieved state-of-the-art results in harmful content detectio n. For example, BERT- based models proved efficient at previous HASOC shared tasks [22 , 23] and SemEval [32,45]. We used the following models: 2 3 3/10Table 3. Model validation results for English Subtask A, %. Model F1 P R BERT 79.24 79.74 78.82 BERTweet 78.65 79.36 78.08 Twitter-RoBERTa 81.1 80.01 82.65 LaBSE (English dataset) 78.83 79.5 78.29 LaBSE (English + Hindi) 79.32 79.95 78.8 LaBSE (English, Hindi, and Marathi) 79.27 81.74 77.79 Adding extra data to Twitter-RoBERTa + random oversampling 79.97 79.9 80.04 + BART data augmentation 79.24 78.44 80.31 + HASOC 2020 78.79 77.66 80.47 + HatabaseTwitter 81.19 79.99 82.93 + HatEval 74.31 75.53 73.64 + OLID 79.29 78.17 80.93 •BERT base[12], a pre-trained model on BookCorpus [46] and English Wikipedia using a masked language modeling objective. •BERTweet base[30], a pre-trained language model for English tweets. The corpus used to pre-train BERTweet consists of 850M English Tweets includin g 845M Tweets streamed from 01/2012 to 08/2019 and 5M Tweets related to the COVID- 19 pandemic. •Twitter-RoBERTa basefor Hate Speech Detection [2], a RoBERTa base[20] model trained on 58M tweets and fine-tuned for hate speech detection w ith the Tweet- Eval benchmark. •LaBSE [13], a language-agnostic BERT sentence embedding model su pporting 109 languages. 2.3 Experiments For both Subtask A and Subtask B, we adopted pre-trained models from HuggingFace [44] and fine-tuned them using PyTorch [31]. We fine-tuned each pre -trained language model for 3 epochs with the learning rate of 2e-5 using the AdamW op timizer [21]. We set batch size to 32 and maximum sequence size to 64. To validate our models during the development phase, we divided labelled data using the train and va lidation split in the ratio 80:20. Table 3 shows the performance of our models on the validation subse t for Subtask A in terms of macro-averaging F1-score (F1), precision (P), and re call (R). As can be seen from the table, BERT, BERTweet, and LaBSE show very close result s during validation. Despite this, LaBSE jointly fine-tuned on three mixed multilingual dat asets shows the highest precision score. The use of Twitter-RoBERTa increases th e F1-score by 1.5-2.5% compared to other classification models. Based on this, we chose Tw itter-RoBERTa for further experiments. We found out that neither the random over sampling technique nor the use of the augmented and additional data shows a perform ance improvement, except the joint use of the original dataset and the HatebaseTwit ter dataset that gives an F1-score growth of 0.09% and a precision growth of 0.28% compar ed to basic Twitter- RoBERTa. For our official submission for Subtask A, we designed a soft-votin g ensemble of five Twitter-RoBERTa jointly fine-tuned on the original training set and the HatebaseTwit- 4/10Table 4. Performance of our final models for English Subtasks A & B, official results, %. SubtaskF1 (our model)F1 (winning solution)P (our model)P (winning solution)Avg F1Number of submitted teamsRank A 81.99 83.05 84.68 84.14 75.7 56 3 B 65.77 66.57 66.32 66.88 57.07 37 2 ter dataset (see Table 4). For Subtask B, we used the following one -vs-rest approach to discrimination between hate, profane, and offensive posts. •First, we applied our Subtask A binary models to identify non hate-of fensive examples. •Second, we fine-tuned three Twitter-RoBERTa binary models to de limit exam- ples of hate-vs-profane, hate-vs-offensive, and offensive-v s-profane classes. The training dataset was extended with the HatebaseTwitter dataset . •Finally, we compared the results of binary models. If the result was d efined uniquely, we used it as a predicted label. Otherwise, we chose the labe l in propor- tion to the number of examples in the training set. This can be illustrated briefly by the following examples. –Let the models show the following results: ∗hate-vs-profane →hate; ∗hate-vs-offensive →hate; ∗offensive-vs-profane →offensive. Thus, classes have the following votes: hate – 2, offensive - 1, pro fane – 0. Then we predict the HATE label. –If the results are: ∗hate-vs-profane →profane; ∗hate-vs-offensive →hate; ∗offensive-vs-profane →offensive, we have the class votes, such as hate – 1, offensive - 1, profane – 1. Then we choose the PRFN label as the most common label in the training set. 3 Marathi Subtask A: Identifying Hate, Offensive, and Profane Content from the Post 3.1 Data For the Marathi task, we used the original training and test sets p rovided by the orga- nizers of the HASOC 2021. The whole dataset contains 2499 tweets , including: 1874 training and 625 test examples. The training set consists of 1205 te xts of the NOT class and 669 texts of the HOF class. We used raw data as an input fo r our models. Following [25,39], we experimented with the combination of the English, the Hindi, and the Marathi training sets provided by the organizers. 5/10Table 5. Model validation results for Marathi Subtask A, %. Model F1 P R XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi dataset) 83.87 85.39 83.39 XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + Hindi) 83.23 83.82 82.76 XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + English) 84.83 85.03 84.64 XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + Hindi + English) 84.35 84.82 83.95 LaBSE (Marathi) 87.76 87.82 87.68 LaBSE (Marathi + Hindi) 87.62 88.21 87.13 LaBSE (Marathi + English) 87.62 88.21 87.13 LaBSE (Marathi + Hindi + English) 86.34 86.63 86.08 Table 6. Performance of our final model for the Marathi Subtask A, offic ial results, %. F1 (our model)F1 (winning solution)P (our model)P (winning solution)Avg F1Number of submitted teamsRank 88.08 91.44 87.58 91.82 82.55 25 2 3.2 Models We evaluated the following models: •XLM-RoBERTa base[9], a transformer-based multilingual masked language model supporting 100 languages. •LaBSE [13], a language-agnostic BERT sentence embedding model pr e-trained on texts in 109 languages. 3.3 Experiments We experimented with the above-mentioned language models fine-tu ned on monolingual and multilingual data. For model evaluation during the development p hase, we used the random train and validation split in the ratio 80:20 with a fixed seed. We set the same model parameters as for English tasks. Table 5 illustrates the results. It can be seen that LaBSE outperfo rms XLM- RoBERTa in all cases. Moreover, the F1-score of LaBSE fine-tune d only on the Marathi dataset are higher than the results of LaBSE fine-tuned on multiling ual data. XLM- RoBERTa, on the other hand, mostly benefits from multilingual fine- tuning. For our final submission, we used a soft-voting ensemble of five LaB SE fine-tuned on the official Marathi dataset provided by the organizers of the co mpetition. The results of this model on the test set are shown in Table 6. Conclusion In this paper, we have presented the details about our participatio n in the HASOC Shared Task 2021. We have explored an application of domain-specif ic monolingual and multilingual BERT-based models to the tasks of binary and fine-grain ed classification of Twitter posts. We also proposed a one-vs-rest approach to discr imination between hate, offensive, and profane tweets. Further research can focus on analyzing the effectiveness of various text preprocessing techniques for harmful content d etection and exploring how different transfer learning approaches can affect classifica tion performance. 6/10Acknowledgments The work on multi-label text classification was carried out by Anna Gla zkova and sup- ported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation no . MK-637.2020.9. References 1. N. Albadi, M. Kurdi, and S. Mishra. Are they our brothers? analys is and de- tection of religious hate speech in the Arabic twittersphere. In 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks An alysis and Mining (ASONAM) , pages 69–76. IEEE, 2018. 2. F. Barbieri, J. Camacho-Collados, L. E. Anke, and L. Neves. Twe etEval: Unified benchmark and comparative evaluation for tweet classification. In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Langu age Processing: Findings , pages 1644–1650, 2020. 3. V. Basile, C. Bosco, E. 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