4 values
Title: 1BR Apt. Tags: innocent, smart, funny, romantic Derek was glad that he'd thought of this apartment remodel. It was a project he and his son Luke could work on together. He hoped that it would get Luke to come out of his shell. Ever since his mother passed away a few years ago he'd been closed off and anti-social. Luke gets his handiness from his dad. He loved to work with his hands, and it was not boasting to say that he was pretty good at it too. Fortunately the push, from Derek's dad, to be more took him to state college to study engineering and into a lucrative career afterward. Derek met his wife of 20 years at that college, Theresa was the world to him, and he would have done anything to lay the world at her feet. Fate had a different idea though. Her loss had left a deep scar on their family. It was hard at first, friends and relatives did their best to keep them upbeat and one or two even mentioned that Derek wasn't too old to start again. Those ideas were brushed aside. He would never love anybody like he loved Terri. Luke took it hard, he was only 14 when Terri found out she had cancer. The doctors did everything they could. Throughout her treatment he would give up being a normal teenager to be home for her when his father couldn't be. She'd get upset with him and tell him to try out for sports at school or join a club, and especially ask a girl that he like out on a date. He'd just brush it off and come home as soon as he could to take care of her. She wasted away before their eyes and in less than a year she was gone. It was a crushing blow to both of them, and as hard as Derek had it, he could tell Luke felt like he was set adrift, and had no guidance. Derek worked, he worked a lot, to keep his mind busy, to keep from thinking about her. Luke just hung around, and kept to himself mostly. He had a few friends but they, for the most part, had moved on after graduation. Luke was accepted to the college where his folks went to and was looking at a similar career to his fathers, no matter how much Derek urged him to do something he wanted. He insisted that he wanted to do what his father does, and build things. He was going to start as a freshman this fall. Derek, in the interest of keeping Luke from hiding in his room until fall, figured he'd give him a project. They lived in a big house with an large 2 car garage. Above the garage was a space that was large enough to turn into an in-law apartment. He presented Luke with the project to clean it out, and design an apartment. As soon as he had a plan they would build it and rent it out. Thanks to the college there's never any shortage of students looking for off campus apartments. They weren't really close, a few miles, but these days all the kids had cars anyway. Like anything he put his mind to, Luke had a plan in place pretty quickly. We worked out details for the major demolition and installing plumbing, and electrical etc. He really did his homework, even shopping for materials for finishing like the flooring and appliances. He got it in his head to fully decorate it with the help of some ideas from magazines. What they ended up with was a very nice small 1 bedroom apartment with a nice view over the backyard. Luke had already started school and they didn't think it likely that they'd get a lot of offers right away but they listed the apartment in the paper anyway. They interviewed a couple students and even a visiting professor who was teaching here for a year, but nobody fit what they had in mind and too many wanted them to come down on the price. There was no way Derek was going to let anybody devalue the work that he and Luke had put into it, the only one who was going to budge on price was going to be Luke. It was his baby. It was a warm Saturday afternoon when Derek heard a woman's voice call out. He was in the back yard puttering around with a rake. He leaned it against the house and walked around to the front where he saw a lovely blonde haired girl walking towards the other corner of the house heading to the yard. He called out to her and she jumped slightly startled. In only a few moments Derek took in the sight of her. She was very pretty, her blond hair fell around her shoulders. She smiled and held out her hand to shake. "Hi, I'm Ellie. I was wondering if you've rented the apartment yet?" He let her know that they hadn't yet, and that his son Luke was in charge of that. He went in and got the keys and let her see it, and she ooh'ed and ahh'ed at it. "Who decorated it? They did an awesome job." He let her know that the whole place was done by Luke, from design to decoration. He smiled at her shock, when he told her he was starting school at the local university this year. "This was done by a teenager?" "He should be home any minute if you want to hang around. A few of the ground rules that we've placed are that guests please park on the street so as to not block the garage downstairs. Use of the yard and pool are a given so long as you keep it down to a dull roar." He said chuckling. "There's a washer and dryer downstairs in the garage that you can use rather than go to a laundromat. As you probably saw in the ad, utilities are provided including cable and Internet. We can get you telephone if you need it but it's not wired for it up here. We figured most students use cellphones anyway." "It's perfect. Now I see why you're asking so much for it. Any chance we can haggle on the price?" She cocked her head smiling, her eyes sparkling. Derek chuckled. "That's up to Luke. This is his baby, start to finish." He heard the garage door opener beneath them start up. "You can ask him yourself in a minute. I'll let him know you're here." He stepped out onto the landing and looked at the door as he closed it. He thought for a moment that they may have found the right person for the apartment. He smiled as he trotted down the stairs and ducked into the garage where Luke was getting out of the car. His hair was mussed from driving with the window down, his shirt was tight over his well formed chest and arms. The work had leaned him out and toned him up. "Hey Luke, you have someone upstairs looking at the apartment." "I'll guess by the grin on your face it's a girl." "Is there anything wrong with a girl renting your place?" "No... I just want somebody normal and quiet." He passed me on his way to the stairs and his father put his hand on his shoulder. "I have a good feeling about this one. Trust your instincts." He nodded and made for the stairs taking them two at a time. I heard him open the door and close it behind him, and I went back to the yard whistling a little tune. She could be just the thing. A short while later, Luke popped around the corner of the garage and slowly wandered through the yard. "Well?" "She tried to get me to come down on the price." "Really?" He smiled trying not to laugh. "How did that go?" "I asked her how much she could reasonably afford, and I halved the difference. She took it." He smirked. "How much lower did you go?" "A hundred bucks. Non-smoker, no boyfriend and she says she not a partier. She's a senior in culinary arts and nutrition. She offered to cook for us occasionally if we don't mind being her test subjects. Her name is Ellie Love." Luke grinned, but didn't say that he'd thought about dropping two for the pretty coed. "No shit?" He laughed. Luke just shrugged. "She's calling her folks to let them know she's found a place." Ellie started moving in the next day. Luke was out in the driveway washing his car, the sound of music filtered down from Ellie's open window as she unpacked. Derek watched Luke from the window for a moment and caught him looking up at the window off and on. He would bet anything she was intentionally wandering back and forth to get a look at him too. "Hey Luke?" Ellie called down. "Yea?" He replied. "Any chance you could take me shopping for some kitchen stuff? There isn't much up here in the way of plates, glasses, silverware, you know." "Sure, let me know when you're ready." "Give me 10 minutes and I'll be down." Ellie went and changed. She knew she was older than him by a couple years. His father mentioned he'd turned 19 last month. Luke was hot with his dark hair and dark brown eyes, but he seemed so quiet and shy. After the wild roommates and crazy party atmosphere of the apartment she shared last year, this was going to be a nice change. She worked in a small café, after high school and found she loved it and thought it might be a cool idea to start her own. So she'd decided that getting it right was going to require some learning and went back to school. Now at 23 she was close to finishing her degree and moving on to realizing the dream. She threw on a striped tee and pushed her sweats off and found a pair of jeans in one of her bags and went to the bathroom to check herself in the mirror. She knew she wasn't a knockout but she was pretty cute. She knew that from the double-takes she got from guys at school. She was short, in her opinion, at five foot three, her sandy blonde hair hung past her shoulders, and her dark brown eyes were always sparkling. Her dad said they were full of mischief. If he only knew. She pulled the door shut behind her checking that it had locked and bounced down the stairs like she was on springs. She watched Luke for a moment as he wiped down the car, and got a tingling sensation as he leaned forward, his jeans tightened around his cute ass. 'Get a hold of yourself girl' she thought. She reached her hands behind her causing her shirt to tighten across her small breasts, and cleared her throat. Luke looked over his shoulder at Ellie. Damn she was cute, but she didn't act like she knew it. He gave her a small smirk. "Sorry about the kitchen. I didn't stop to think that someone moving in wouldn't have dishes of their own." "Oh, no problem." Ellie countered quickly. "It's just that my last place, everything belonged to my room mates, and as long as I kept them fed they didn't care what I used." She smiled. "I could use a couple towels too. I'm on a budget so let's hit up that little French boutique, Tar-jay."Luke laughed at her joke and reached for the passenger side door opening it for her. He bowed with a flourish. "After you milady." Luke was already winning points as she climbed into the car. He hopped in and started the car backing out of the driveway. On the way to the to the store Ellie drew him out asking what he was going to school for, and what he planned for after. He didn't do sports or really anything with friends. She could tell he was one of those quiet loner types, and he had a lot going on in there that nobody ever saw. She decided then and there that she'd make it her goal to draw him out of his shell. "Maybe you can build my swanky café for me when you graduate." She winked at him. Luke looked over at her for a moment and smiled. "Yea I'll get right on that." "Seriously, that apartment is awesome. I bet it wouldn't be much of a stretch. Your dad said you planned it nearly free hand. You don't do something like that without real talent." Luke just shrugged and said thanks. They pulled into a parking space and Ellie grabbed a cart and hopped up on the rail, riding it a few feet towards the store like a kid. This gave Luke a great view of her backside and she knew he was looking by the expression she saw when she looked over her shoulder. He looked slightly shocked then looked down and away. She bit her lower lip and grinned. This was going to be fun, she thought. They made their way into the store and Ellie took the long way around to housewares and chose a cheap set of dinnerware, then some glasses and flatware. She went over the cooking stuff with a fine tooth comb looking at labels and chose a few items. The cart filled up fast with the large items. She decided that she'd done enough damage there and wandered around a corner and started up the aisle. Luke just pushed the cart along behind her watching her walk. He was pretty sure she hadn't wiggled her butt like that on the way in. She reached out to a blouse hanging next to the aisle and felt the fabric and held it out and let it go and she walked past a rack of lingerie. Ellie let out a little ooh when she saw a little yellow bra and panty set hanging up and took it off the rack. "What do you think?" She asked holding the cups up to her chest, grinning devilishly at Luke. His face turned red and he looked around. "It's definitely your color." He said and mumbled something after. "What?" She asked, making him repeat it. He breathed deep and replied. "Did you want to pick up some food while we're here? The basics at least?" Ellie gave him a sly smile. "Chicken." "I don't know if they have chicken, but they've got groceries. You know, canned, boxed and frozen food, stuff like that." She walked right up close to him and reached over and set the lingerie right in the top of the basket where he was sure to keep it at the forefront of his mind. "Sure, let's go stock the cupboards." She chose some basic dry goods, a couple cans here and there. "If I'm going to be a chef, I can't be relying on packaged goods too much, but sometimes a girl needs a night off." She grabbed a couple cans of soup and found some microwave popcorn piling it all on top of the cart. They made their way to the check out and the lady behind the counter was scanning away and looked up at the two of them noting what they were buying. "You kids setting up home for the first time?" The lady smiled. Ellie wrapped an arm around Luke pulling them together and laid her head on his shoulder. "Yes, we're going to be so happy." She peeked out of the corner of her eye and noticed Luke had gone red again. She pursed her lips and slid her hand across his lower back taking her time letting it drop and grazing his butt. The feeling sent a shock through Luke and he wasn't sure how to react so he did his best to forget it happened. They brought their cart out to the car and packed it away. On the trip home they didn't speak, and just listened to the radio. Luke turned off the car and reached for the door when he felt Ellie put her hand on his and give it a squeeze. "Sorry, I was just..." She said softly, biting her lower lip. Luke looked at her and nodded, and got out and began unloading the car. The little table was piled with boxes and bags were strewn around the floor. Luke was about to turn and leave when Ellie stopped him. "I was just having a little fun. I didn't mean to embarrass you." "I know, it's okay." "Are you busy this afternoon? I could use a hand unpacking all this stuff and washing the dishes." "Sure, I can help." He took the first box and opened it up and brought it into the kitchen and started loading the dishwasher with the plates and bowls. "We forgot cleaning supplies. I'll run downstairs I'm sure we've got plenty. He headed for the door and trotted down the stairs, and his own kitchen. Ellie decided to get more comfortable and wandered into the bedroom and lost the shirt and jeans. She had just pulled on her sweat pants when the door opened and Luke walked in. She hadn't bothered to close the bedroom door and he got a full on look at her standing there in her sweat pants and a lacy pink bra. His eyes locked on hers and he froze. Ellie just smiled and reached for her hoodie putting it on and zipping it up to mid chest just barely concealing the bra. She walked out of the bedroom. "Relax it's the Internet age, I'm sure you've seen a girl in lingerie before." "Uh yea, sorry I should have knocked. It's just that I've been up here so much while decorating that I forgot someone lives here now." Ellie shrugged , "Mi casa es su casa. You're welcome up any time. I don't make it a habit to walk around like a lingerie model, don't worry. I don't have the body for it." Luke mumbled something, and Ellie was sure it was a denial of that claim but she just bit her lip to keep from smiling. Luke started running water to clean the larger items in the sink and Ellie started putting things into cupboards. The tight space meant they were brushing against each other often. Luke noticed Ellie used him as a balance whenever he was in reach, a hand on his shoulder when she leaned into a cabinet. She placed a hand on the small of his back again to see what he was cleaning. "No abrasives, just soapy water on that one. That's a pro quality non-stick sauté pan right there." She winked. "It said so on the label." As she leaned back Luke got a light scent of her perfume. He hadn't noticed it before but it was sweet and flowery. Had she put it on after he'd gone downstairs he wondered. It was having an intoxicating effect, along with her touch. He was glad he was facing the sink to hide the bulge that was forming in his jeans. "I'm going to go throw these towels in the wash real quick." "Okay I'll just stay here and slave away in your kitchen like a drudge." Luke's response was surprising causing Ellie to bust out laughing. "Yes! I have my own kitchen drudge!" She did a little fist pump in triumph. Luke peeked over his shoulder as she made for the door watching her cute little butt with the store name plastered across the seat of her sweats. He'd better get out of here fast or he wasn't going to make a safe exit with the tent in the front of his jeans. He wiped down the last dish and headed down the stairs and poked his head into the garage telling her that he was done, and if she needed anything else to just let him know. She thanked him and he rushed into the house. Ellie went back up to find the dishes all cleaned and laid out waiting for her to decide where they'd be put. She worked efficiently putting things in their logical places and had just enough room to fit everything she'd bought. She saw the yellow lingerie she'd bought and smiled. She hadn't intended to buy it, but wanted to tease Luke. They were cute though so she put them in with her wash. The weekly grind began, everybody leaving the house and heading off in their respective directions. Ellie got home late from her job at the little café, and hit the books for an hour or so before taking a shower. She wandered into the bedroom and looked out the window hearing something moving around. She spied Luke hauling a trash can and recycling to the curb. Luke turned and looked up at the light in the window and saw her outlined in soft yellow light. She stood there in a long sleeve shirt, unbuttoned part way down the front. She lifted a hand and gave him a little wave and he waved back. Ellie noticed that after he waved he didn't go back inside right away and she pointed to the door and beckoned him. She smiled when he knocked on the door this time. "Come on in. You already know I'm dressed this time." "Well I couldn't tell if you were wearing pants. What's up?" "Nothing, I was bored and wondered if you wanted to hang out and watch TV or something." "Sure, I guess." "I'm in a junk food mood. Would you like some cookies and ice cream?" "Yes, please." He replied with a little more gusto. "I baked the cookies myself. The ice cream is store bought." She chuckled. "Go ahead and turn on the TV, find us something to watch." "What do you feel like?" "Anything really, nothing to cerebral I get enough of that from school books." She scooped up a couple bowls of the ice cream, adding a couple cookies to each, and added spoons. She walked into the living room handing him a bowl and sat next to him curling her legs under her. The fact that her nipples were rock hard from standing in front of the open freezer wasn't lost on Luke, but he didn't stare. They sat watching the last few minutes of a sitcom, only the sounds of spoons tapping bowls and an occasional chuckle interrupted the silence. When the show ended Luke took the bowls into the kitchen and rinsed them out. When he came back Ellie noticed he had a little ice cream on his lower lip and did her best not to laugh. "What?" She shook her head and patted the cushion next to her. When he sat she lifted his arm wrapping around her shoulders. "It's just that you missed a spot." She leaned in and licked the drying ice cream from his lower lip and smiled. It was make or break time, what would he do she wondered. The answer was only a moment away when the shock left his eyes it was replaced by hunger. Luke leaned into her and kissed her, she responded quickly returning it in kind. He was slow and a little clumsy, but he made up for it in ardor. "Mmm, you taste like cookies and cream." "You do to." Luke said breathing in deeply. "I uh..." "Stop thinking so much." She leaned in and kissed him again, this time her tongue slipped past his lips looking to play. Luke parted his lips and was quickly assaulted, Ellie grabbed the front of his shirt for leverage as her tongue delved deeper luring him out. She felt bold and went with it, and threw a leg over his lap and settled down wrapping her arms around the back of his head and took the upper hand. A few minutes of oral assault and she stopped and smiled, their foreheads touched. "You know you can touch me." She whispered. "I don't bite." He looked back at her wide-eyed, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. She reached down and took his hands and placed them on her hips as she began again. She nudged his hands imploring him to explore and he began by lowering them around her flannel covered rear, massaging it with his strong hands. She responded with a soft moan, hoping to encourage him. It worked as he gripped her harder pulling her hips down against his. She could feel how hard he was through his jeans and was making her wet to know only a few layers of clothing kept this from getting out of hand. "I uhh..." Luke started. "What?" Ellie asked softly kissing the tip of his nose. "I uhh, I've never really done this before." He said his cheeks coloring even more. "You've never made out with a girl before?" She sat back on his knees, genuinely surprised. Luke was hot and he didn't even realize it. "No." He said looking downward embarrassment apparent on his face. She lifted his chin and kissed him softly. "Well you're doing just fine for a first-timer, just relax." His hands slid upward lifting the hem of her shirt and his hands wrapped around her waist, his touch was hot on her skin kindling the fire burning inside. She wasn't sure if it was luck or instinct that made him break their kiss and graze her neck with his lips kissing softly down then back up to her ear but his lips were eager and she gasped as he nibbled her neck. His hands began exploring upward, her shirt rising with them when he suddenly stopped right at the base of her breasts. Her body was screaming to have him continue as her lips latched back on to his, their tongues dueling. "Please?" She whispered softly. His thumbs were so painfully close but not completing the journey up her torso. He took a moment to realize what she was asking, and he lifted his thumbs brushing the bottom of her breasts. She gasped, she was nearly ready to rip her shirt off and bury his face into her chest but the build up he was creating was so intense she didn't want it to end. His hands found her nipples, applying pressure and rolling them around. Ellie leaned her head back and whimpered as Luke just stared at his hands working underneath her shirt. In a swift movement Ellie had crossed her arms over her chest and whipped the shirt over her head, her hair falling wildly over her face. Luke's mouth dropped open as he saw what he was doing. Ellie noted that he'd stopped to stare, and reached up with her hands taking his and massaging her breasts with his large rough hands. She let out a delighted hum from deep in her throat as he began taking the initiative. He began to lean forward, then looked up into her eyes and sat back. Ellie wasn't going to let him off the hook and shook her head slowly, before reaching for the back of his head and pulling it to her breast. "Don't shy away, follow your instincts." Ellie said softly. "They're beautiful." He said before planting a kiss in the center of her chest. He kissed his way over and nibbled on the nipple with his lips before gently stroking it with his tongue. Ellie's breathing was getting more ragged and shallow. She grabbed him by the cheeks and tilted his head back and dove into his mouth tongue first. "We should stop, before things get out of hand." She gasped between kisses. His hands were roaming up and down her back pulling her hard against him. "Do we have to?" He gasped. "Yes." She said rolling off of his lap, her bare chest shone with a flush of pink, her nipples were bright pink as well. She tugged her shirt out from behind her and held it to her chest as she got her breath back. "I don't want to be known as the kind of girl who puts out before the first date." She giggled. Luke just stared at her confused, longing to have her back in his arms. "Yea, I guess." After a few more minutes he spoke up again. "What are you doing Friday night?" Ellie's eyebrows went up and a smile spread across her face. "Working, but I'm off Saturday night." "Would you like to go out, with me I mean?" Luke said sheepishly. "On one condition." "What's that?" "That this isn't why you're asking." She said lifting the shirt and flashing her breasts at him. He stared at her chest for a moment and she covered back up. When their eyes met his expression softened and he shook his head. "You're beautiful, but that's not the only reason I'd like to go out with you." "Why then?" Her curiosity peaked. He shrugged. "You're fun, smart, you make me laugh, and you're beautiful, even fully dressed." She beamed up at him. "So what are we doing on Saturday?" Luke shrugged. "I'll think of something, trust me." "I'd better get some sleep... class in the morning." Ellie suppressed a giggle when he stood, the front of his jeans was prison for the raging monster that she'd whipped into a frenzy. "Sorry." She said softly, and bit her lip. "Don't worry, I'll take matters into my own hands." He sighed and she chuckled. She walked him to the door. As he turned to say goodnight she wrapped her arms around his neck dragging him down to her kiss while crushing her breasts against his chest. His hands instinctively went to her waist pulling her to him while their mouths locked. She brought her hand down between them and stroked him through his jeans. "Don't beat him too bad, he's been a good boy tonight." Luke chuckled and left, taking the steps slowly. Ellie leaned back against the cool door, her eyes closed thinking about how the little things in life change when you least expect them. She hadn't had a steady boyfriend since last school year, and even then that wasn't very involved, they were more like friends with benefits. Luke on the other hand gave her a tingle that she hadn't felt since she was a teenager. She fret for a minute at the fact that she was older than him, but brushed that aside. Besides, Luke was a lot more mature than any 19 year old she'd met before. She stopped and grabbed a towel from the bathroom before heading to bed. She was going to need it after the evening she'd just had. She tossed her shirt onto the bed and spread out the towel and pushed off her flannel bottoms, her panties were soaked. She lay back on the towel rubbing herself slowly through the damp lace as she recalled the feel of his rough hands on her skin and the fire from his lips. She circled her clit through the fabric, with a sharp intake of breath she dragged her fingers over it. She reached over into her nightstand drawer, reaching for a small pink vibrator. She couldn't get out of the panties fast enough, pushing them down and kicking them onto the floor. She flipped the switch and it came to life and found the mark quickly. She didn't hesitate, she went right for the quick release while she imagined Luke between her legs performing the act she now performed upon herself. Her orgasm hit her like a rogue wave, ripping through her as she arched her back and moaned loudly. After a long moment of tension she relaxed back to the mattress, the vibrator slipping free onto the towel as she panted. She felt electrified a slight tremble overtook her. Eventually she wiped up the considerable mess she'd made, and sheepishly wondered how well sound proofed the walls were. There was a good ten or twelve foot breezeway between the main house and the garage so she didn't worry that she was overheard. Luke leaned back against the wall, his hard cock finally beginning to soften. He had quietly stepped into the garage when he got downstairs and leaned against the hood of his car to think about what had happened. He was also hoping that his erection would relax a bit before he went into the house, just in case he bumped into his father. He heard Ellie moving around upstairs and mentally followed her footsteps as she walked. He heard the creek of her getting into bed just above his left shoulder. He stood there for a moment longer and started hearing her making noises like she had only a little while before, but louder. It took him a moment to realize what she must be doing and the thought took him by surprise. She was upstairs getting herself off. He had a major ego boost from that, and her sounds were doing just the opposite for his jeans than he'd hoped. He decided to release the tension. He reached over for a couple of the heavy paper towels that were on a shelf there in the garage. He opened his fly releasing his engorged cock and began stroking it, while listening to her muffled moans. The feel of her strong, lithe body in his hands, the feel of her spread across his lap from only a few minutes earlier, the smell of her, so sweet and flowery. It wasn't long before he was hitting the point of no return. He heard her moan, and call out his name, the shock nearly made him stop mid stroke as his eyes opened instantly. A few sharp moans came from over his left shoulder and then silence. The realization hit just as his orgasm did, he hurried to catch his load with the paper towels. He leaned his head back catching his breath, then quickly cleaned up, ditching the evidence into one of the trash cans. He silently made his way into the house. Friday morning came and Ellie hopped into her car and after several attempts, it didn't start. She pounded on the steering wheel a few times, and thankfully the windows were up or the entire neighborhood would have heard a lovely young lady swearing like a sailor. She got out and peeked into the garage door window. Great, Luke's car was still there. She knocked on the door and he opened the door wearing only jeans. She was caught by surprise staring into his chest, a few dark wispy hairs curled against the lightly tanned skin. She looked up slowly seeing he was standing there with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. "Hi, my car shit the bed, are you headed into school soon?" She asked smiling. Damn he looked this good rolling out of bed in the morning? "I don't have class for another hour, but I can give you a ride. C'mon in while I grab a shirt." "Not on my account, I hope, you look just fine without one." Ellie thought. Luke grabbed his books and laptop and they headed to school. "Listen, I can get a ride to work after classes. What I was wondering was... would you be a sweetheart and pick me up after my shift? Nobody at work lives on this end of town." "Sure, no problem." He smiled. She gave him the address and time, and told him to come early if he wanted and she'd buy him dinner too. School went quickly, with nobody lingering on a Friday and Ellie got a ride to work. She thought about what the specials had been today and decided to whip up something special for Luke. It wasn't easy on a Friday night, it was pretty busy, but the regular clientèle dropped off quickly after dinner, knowing that the café closed at 8. A couple tables sported coffee sipping hipsters but for the most part the place had cleared out by then. Ellie had whipped up a little dish for them to share while she cleaned up the kitchen. "Damn." Came a voice through the little window. Jody, one of the servers had whispered loud enough to be heard. "He's hot." Ellie popped her head up and scanned where Jody was looking and saw look scanning back and forth. She grinned ear to ear. "Back off, he's already taken." She said softly, but with a little edge of threat in her voice. He may not be taken yet, but she didn't need any competition from the bubbly little server. "Can you sit him over at the chef's table. Jody chuckled. "Some chef's table, it's just the table nearest the kitchen door. What's his name?" "His name is Luke, and be nice, I have a large selection of cutlery at hand, and I know how to use it." Jody walked over and introduced herself. Saying that Ellie had told her she had a friend stopping by. "She said a dark eyed handsome stranger was coming to pick her up. I told her to snap out of it, Prince Charming isn't real. Then you have to go and prove me wrong." She smiled, and steered him over to the table against the wall near the kitchen, and fawned over him for a moment and got him a drink. Ellie made sure nothing was burning and wiped her hands on her apron and snuck out of the kitchen. A smile spread across Luke's face when he saw her, which warmed her heart. She walked over and he stood up, such a gentleman she thought. She couldn't help herself and walked right up to him and kissed him softly. At first he seemed surprised but he didn't take long to return it. "Hi." She said drawing it out. "Are you hungry?" "You mentioned dinner, so I haven't eaten since lunch." He grinned. "Good, park it, and I'll go whip it up." She winked at him and turned and wiggled back into the kitchen. Her ponytail danced back and forth as she peeked over her shoulder to make sure he was watching. She put herself into work mode and started pulling ingredients together. When in work mode Ellie was a sight to behold, like a kitchen ninja she got more done with fewer moves than anybody else in the café. What seemed like only a few minutes later she walked out of the kitchen with two plates of seared scallops and linguine, setting one down in front of Luke and the other across from him. "One second." She said as she reached down and pulled the apron string sliding it off her waist. She unbuttoned the chef's coat she wore and dodged back into the kitchen to hang them up. She sat down and they began. Ellie peeking up to see if Luke was enjoying it. The speed with which he was eating told her what she wanted to know. "I should have asked you if there was anything you didn't like. I didn't even think of that before hand. Seafood can be touchy for some people. Hell I didn't even think to ask if you were allergic." She said getting frustrated with herself. "No, it's delicious!" He was being completely genuine. He saw her getting upset and reached across the table to take her hand and rubbed the back of it with is thumb. "I love seafood. My family used to go out to the beach in the summer..." He trailed off, his expression softened. It was Ellie's turn to comfort, and she took his hand firmly in hers. "Tell me about it. I bet you had a blast." Luke went on to tell her about a trip to the beach they'd taken years earlier and he and his dad had gone fishing and he caught a striper that nearly hauled him overboard. He went from excited to wistful. She knew he was thinking about his mother, his dad had told her the previous week, and sympathized with him. "I baked a small batch of cookies when I got here. Want to try one? They're sort of an experiment, but I think they came out pretty good." Never one to pass up a cookie he smiled and nodded. "That's what I love about working here. I get indulge my creativity, and if things work out sometimes it makes it on the specials board." She said setting down the frosted lemon sugar cookies. They talked for a while longer and a loud scrape of a chair pulled them out of their reverie. Jody had been sweeping and Ellie noticed the time. They had closed nearly half an hour before. "Oh my god. I'm sorry Jody. I lost track of time." Ellie hopped up and started clearing the table. "No worries hon. I can see why. You just need to clean up that and we're out of here. I'd ask if you need a ride home, but I think I already know the answer to that." She chuckled. Ellie wiped down the table and Luke helped out by flipping the last few chairs up onto the tables so Jodie could finish sweeping. He waited in the front while the girls finished up in the back. He looked out the window at the darkened street, the old style street lamps lending small town charm to the night. They came out of the kitchen whispering between themselves. "You're sure you don't need a ride? This one looks a little dangerous." Jodi said laughing. "I'm fine, besides he knows where I live, he's my landlord." Ellie grinned. "I wasn't talking to you, I'm worried for him." They all got a chuckle out of that as they locked up and made their way to their cars. Luke opened up the door and held it for Ellie, these small gestures went over much bigger than he realized. On the ride neither spoke when Luke felt Ellie's hand lay on the back of his giving it a squeeze. "Thank you for saving my butt today." He just looked over and shrugged. "You would have done the same for me I'm sure." He smiled at her for a moment and turned back to the road. He was honestly elated that her car hadn't started. Ellie sighed. "I hope it's nothing major. My dad had the car gone over before I came back to school. I can't afford anything big." She looked out the window, the lights of town faded behind them as they entered the suburbs. "Tomorrow's Saturday, I can take a look at it if you want, if it's something simple I can probably fix it." "Oh, would you?" She squeezed his hand harder. They got back to the house and Ellie reached over the seat to grab her bag. Luke watched her lean frame twist, and her rear end stick up, her jeans stretched over it nicely. He remembered just how nice it felt too and longed to hold it again. Ellie was no fool, she knew full well Luke was staring at her butt while she pretended to be looking for something in her bag. It didn't hurt to pique his interest though. She sat back in the seat dragging the bag over with her. "You coming up?" She asked smiling. "I don't know, you probably have stuff to do. You know school work or something?" "I do have some reading to do, but I can do that later. I'm feeling a little restless and I can't sit still and read when I'm like this." Luke's eyebrows went up a bit. "You don't have to. I mean if you want to come up and grab the car keys in the morning that's fine too." Her smile began to fade. "Oh, I can get them now, that way you can sleep in if you want to." "Have something planned for tomorrow yet?" Ellie asked sweetly. Luke just grinned. "You're not going to give me a hint? A girl needs to know how to prepare for a date you know." "Jeans will be fine, and bring a sweater or sweatshirt in case it gets cold. Oh, and walking shoes." "So something outdoors? Okay then." He wouldn't give her any more information than that. He enjoyed keeping her guessing. "Would you like to play a game? I found a box with my bucket of Jenga blocks while I was unpacking some stuff last night." Luke nodded smiling and Ellie went and got the game. They sat on the couch and Ellie started stacking blocks and handed the bucket to Luke and directed him to keep stacking and she went to the bedroom and slipped off her jeans putting on lounge pants with some mall store logo down the leg and came back. "That feels better. Do you want something to drink? I've got a bottle of wine, or something else maybe?" He agreed to what ever she wanted. She opened the bottle of wine and poured a couple glasses and brought it over to the table putting them out of the way of game. "Have you ever had wine before?" "I'm nineteen, I haven't been under a rock." He chuckled. "My mother liked wine so I've tried several different types and I like it." He took a sip and swirled around his mouth taking in a little breath of air. "Stone fruit, oak, I'd say a California Chardonnay." He added. It was Ellie's turn to raise eyebrows. "Very good! Napa Valley to be exact." She looked at the blocks and noted he hadn't put the last one on the top yet. She took it and put both hands behind her back. Luke noted just how nicely her top stretched across her chest as she did this. "Pick a hand." He picked the one with the block winning the starting move. "What are we playing for?" He asked, sounding crafty. "I don't know. What do you have in mind?" She smirked, wondering if he had the same thing in mind that she did. He shrugged. "Loser has to perform a strip tease for the winner." She grinned ear to ear hearing this. "Okay hot shot. I'll have you know I'm a master at this game. I hope you're wearing cute briefs." "Maybe, you'll have to win to find out." They both concentrated on the game intently for a few moves, and then the smack talk began. They taunted one another as the blocks started to wobble. "I don't know, maybe you should stay in the kitchen and let us real men handle the engineering." Luke said. Ellie reached over and flicked his ear sharply causing him to yelp in pain while he giggled. The game progressed more slowly as the tower got more shaky. Eventually the tower fell to Ellie placing a block on top. "Shit." She said, but she didn't really mind it. She was actually excited about this idea. She had hoped to see him perform for her but the exhibitionist streak in her wanted to show off to him too. "Put the blocks away and find some music you like. I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" He asked picking up the blocks watching her stand. She leaned over and turned the lights down. "Well if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right." She winked and went into the bedroom again. He had toted up the game and set it aside and grinned to himself that he'd pulled off the coup. After the other night all he'd been able to think about is her body. Her pert breasts, and smooth skin, now he was going to see her strip for him. He was flipping through music until he found some dance music. He started tapping his foot and realized she didn't have much room, so he slid the coffee table aside toward the window. The window! He drew the curtains so nobody would see her. The song he was listening to finished and she still hadn't come back. He wondered momentarily if he'd gone to far when he heard her open the bedroom door. She must have turned off the lights before opening it because he didn't get a peek until she walked out into the room. She had put her hair up in a lazy twist on top of her head, and changed into a red satin top and gray skirt. She had even gone so far as to put on heels. She looked absolutely stunning as she walked out and noted that he'd made room for her. A small smirk touched her now red lips as she noted the look on his face. She was happy with the reaction but didn't want to let on that she was enjoying his prize as much as he was. She looked off into the distance and listened, then nodded. "Are you ready for me, Luke?" She asked, her voice husky. He knew the line she quoted was from a movie, but he just sat there, his mouth hanging open. She quirked her lips in a wry smile. She began to move with the music stepping carefully, heels on a carpet weren't conducive to graceful movement. She reached down and slipped the heels off tossing them aside and continued. Her sensual movements were already having an effect on Luke and for the first time he didn't care if he hid it or not. Ellie was beautiful, and he was totally captivated by her. She had turned sideways and began unbuttoning the cuffs of her blouse, she turned her back to him, her hips swayed to the music as she got into the music. She reached up and pulled the hair clip out and shook her head, letting her hair cascade down around her shoulders. She looked over her shoulder shooting him a sensual gaze, her hands worked the buttons of her blouse open. She spun around holding the front of her blouse closed and stepped towards him letting her hands fall as the blouse opened giving him a peek of the red and black bra she was wearing beneath it. He swallowed audibly and his jaw dropped open again. "Thirsty?" She reached over and handed him the half empty wine glass. He took the glass and practically gulped the remaining wine. "Now we hadn't spoken of limits before this all started. Am I on my own with regards to how far I let this go?" She quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing full well she was going all the way, but let him wonder just what he was going to see. She reached up and lifted the blouse from her shoulders and let it slide down her arms slowly. She flipped the blouse over the back of the couch next to him. He could smell her perfume, it was a stronger than before. He swallowed audibly. "Yes, as far as you comfortable with." "Is it how you imagined it would be?" He just nodded at her open mouthed. She tapped his ankles wider and danced between his spread legs swaying to the music and lifting her skirt giving him a peek of her smooth thighs. She noted that his jeans were straining to contain him. She couldn't wait to get a look at him either. She turned with the music and reached behind her making a come hither motion with her finger and pointed at the zipper on the back of her skirt. He didn't move for a moment and she looked over her shoulder at him and he was staring at her shimmy back and forth. He didn't move, and she directed his attention back to the zipper. As he reached forward she swayed to the side then back again avoiding his grip. He managed to catch the zipper and slide it down slowly exposing the back of her black satin panties. He reached up and pushed the fabric together releasing the hook. She took his hands and laid them flat on her hips as she swayed with the music. She gave them a small nudge downward and he understood she wanted him to remove the skirt. The skirt gave way as it slipped past her hips, and he gasped at seeing her beautiful behind swaying in front of his face. She stepped free of the skirt and he bent to pick it up and laid it next to her blouse on the back of the couch as she turned. "How am I doing?" She asked softly. He just nodded excitedly. Ellie was pretty sure that if she asked him to, he'd rob a bank for her right now. It was an exhilarating feeling for her to have him in this state of excitement. "Good." She smiled. She danced slowly to Wonderful Tonight. How appropriate he thought. As he stared in wide eyed wonder at this beautiful girl. She ran her hands up and down her body slowly, her head swayed from side to side, her hair partly covered her face as she did. She peeked up at him as the song ended. She nudged his legs together again, and reached down and pulled his knees together. She turned and sat on the very edge of his lap, her butt just barely on his knees. She reached behind her and fanned out her hair and gathered it up over her head. The next song began and she waited for him to take the cue. "Undo me." Luke wasn't sure who's undoing it was when he reached up and unhooked her bra, his hands shaking. She let her hair fall as soon as he did and took the shoulder straps down one at a time before standing again. She held it in place as she released first one then the other shoulder straps. She turned her back to him and tossed the bra to him over her shoulder. He put it with the rest of her clothing. She was standing there swaying in only her black lace panties. He noticed they had a tiny red bow on the front when she had walked over to him a minute before. She spun around with the music, her hands cupping her breasts as she took a step towards him, her nipples stood out hard and pink. She swayed to the music losing herself in the beat. She leaned forward placing her hands on his shoulders. "We're done, right? I mean, you didn't want me to take everything off did you?" She was clearly taunting him. Luke closed his mouth, swallowing hard and opened again to speak and nothing came out. "No? Okay, I guess we're done then." She said standing again. "No! I mean please... I..." Luke stammered. "Please what, Luke?" She asked innocently. "Please take them off." He whispered desperately. "No Luke, if you'd like them off, then you take them off." She replied turning her body in a few circular sways. She banged her hips side to side with the beat of the music, and looked over her shoulder to see what he was doing. His eyes were following her butt as she swung it back and forth. She stopped moving. "Well?" She asked over her shoulder. Luke raised shaky hands from his lap wondering if this was real or if he was going to get slapped away at the last minute. His hands were like fire on her skin sending butterflies to her core as he ran his thumbs down, pulling the lacy fabric with them. He was going slowly, the fabric peeling off like the skin from a fruit. They slipped over her beautiful behind and the fabric stuck between her legs for a moment, but he kept pulling, down her smooth thighs past her knees. He let go and saw the slightest peek of her lips, they were pink and very wet. She stepped out of the panties and took a step away from him and turned covering herself with her hand. The scent that bloomed now that her panties were off made his breathing even more shallow and fast. He honestly wasn't sure why his jeans hadn't exploded yet. "Are you sure you want to see?" She said, her voice low and husky as she swayed with the music again. He only nodded slowly as he stared at the hand she was covering herself with. She drew her hand lightly against her body and slowly ran it up over to her hip uncovering herself for him. She was shaved and pink, moisture shone on her slight lips. She danced for another song, winked at Luke and disappeared into the bedroom. Luke started panting, not believing what had just happened. Ellie was so turned on she had to force herself to keep her hands off herself or she'd explode. There would be no telling what Luke would do if he heard her moaning in the throes of an orgasm. Though part of her hoped he wouldn't contain himself and burst in the door throwing her on the bed and having his way with her. She took several deep breaths as she grabbed her bathrobe pulling it on, the soft fabric grazing her taut nipples. She walked back out into the living room and Luke swiveled to see her. A momentary crest-fallen look came to his eyes. Until she sat next to him and nestled against him giving him a long deep kiss. "You'd better brush up on your dance moves buddy, next time I'm going to beat the pants off you, literally." She said as she softly bit his lower lip. They made out for a while longer, Ellie slowing him down when he got excited. "We should probably get to bed." She said, and Luke's eyes went wide. Ellie stood and went and got her keys pulling the car key free of the chain and brought it back to him. "Thanks for the ride today. You really saved my ass." "Any time." He said reaching for the key, realizing tonight was done he seemed to get puppy eyes and Ellie just wanted to wrap him up and bundle him off to bed herself but she made herself a promise that she wasn't going to jump him on the first date. Little did Luke realize that tonight was, in her mind, their first date. No matter what he planned for tomorrow, she was done teasing him, she was going to have him. She walked him to the door. "I can't wait for tomorrow. I bet it will be fun." She smiled and kissed him and grabbed his butt giving it a squeeze through the jeans. "I can't wait to get you out of these." She thought before she reached for the door. Luke made his way down the steps and went into the house putting his hands into his pockets to hopefully disguise the bulge if his Dad was still up. He walked in and heard the TV and poked his head in to let him know he was home and going to bed. "Did you two have fun?" He asked. Luke said yes, not entering the little den, but speaking from the dark of the doorway. He turned to go to his room and his dad burst out laughing. He looked over his shoulder and wondered what was so funny, and figured it was just something on TV. He had a distinct problem and figured a shower would help him out with it. He hadn't closed his door for more than a minute when there was a soft rap on it. "Yea?" He said. The door opened and dad peeked in. "Hey, I'm glad you two are getting along so well, just be careful Luke." "What do you mean?" Dad took a deep breath and started. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. She's a pretty girl, but this is her last year, right? I just don't want you to fall head over heels and have her leave you high and dry." "I won't, we're just friends." "Mmm hmm." His dad stepped forward and reached behind him and tugged the black lace panties from the back pocket of his jeans and held them up. "Just make sure you protect yourself." He grinned, handing them to Luke, his face was beet red. Dad smirked and left the room closing the door behind him. He went to take his shower shaking his head. The next morning he had the hood up on Ellie's car and had tried turning it over a couple times, and the starter took, but it didn't want to fire. He looked into the possible problems and everything looked in good shape, so he figured he'd look up the symptoms online and most pointed to the fuel filter, so he made a quick run down the parts store and picked up a new one. That seemed to do the trick, once it was installed he was able to start her car several times without any problem. Ellie came trotting down the stairs with a plate and mug. She walked up to Luke and leaned in fast and gave him a kiss. "Thank you! What was wrong?" "Fuel filter, I replaced it and now it's turning over first try." "Hungry? I got up earlier than I thought so I baked banana bread." He smiled. "Absolutely, let me go wash the gas off my hands." "Here, this will make sure you come back." She broke off a piece and fed it to him. As he hummed his appreciation. "You think that's all that will have me coming back? Remind me to fix the mirror in your bathroom." He leaned in and kissed her again. "That is awesome banana bread though." He grinned as he jogged into the house. He came back out to find her sitting on the hood of her car, half the slice she'd brought out was gone. "Do you drink coffee?" She asked, and he nodded. "Guess I should refill this then, huh?" She chuckled. "If you hadn't taken so long to wash up you might have gotten this cup. Come on up, and I'll slice some more of this awesome bread." "Isn't this how the spider lures the fly into it's web?" He chuckled. "Can spiders even make banana bread? I can assure you that I'll never trap you, but as my dad used to say, 'If you want the honey, you gotta deal with the bees.' I think he meant that you have to take a chance on the bad stuff to get to the really good stuff." "Sounds like a good philosophy. I'm kind of scared though. What's the bad stuff?" He paused for a moment. "Have you always been such a deep thinker?" She asked. "I used to get called out by my mom for being introverted and quiet. She was always trying to get me out of my shell." He shrugged and smiled. "But quiet doesn't mean stupid." "I never thought it did." She refilled the mug with coffee and added sugar and milk, and sliced off a fresh slice for him and brought it to him. "What about you Luke? Are you willing to brave the bees to get the honey?" She asked. "I've only been called a coward once, by you." "I called you a chicken, not the same thing." She grinned. "So... what are we doing today?" Luke just smiled and drank his coffee. "Jeans, comfortable shoes for walking, and a sweatshirt. That's all you get for now. We should head out early, maybe 2:30 or 3. Is that okay with you?" "Are we... becoming a 'thing'?" He asked her. The genuine innocence was so sweet. "Well we've only been hanging out a few weeks, but so far so good." She smiled, and noted that she'd been smiling a lot around him. That was a good sign too. She was excited and curious. She'd gladly go where ever he wanted right now. She had a quick realization, that her little seduction of Luke was backfiring and without him even trying she was being seduced by him as well. "Do I need to bring anything? Water, snacks?" She asked pushing for a hint. "No we'll stop at the store on the way." He smirked popping the last bit of bread into his mouth, washing it down with the rest of the coffee. "Oh, I have something of yours too. I'll bring it up when I come to pick you up." She gave him a questioning look. "Don't look so innocent. I turned redder than your satin top when my dad pulled your panties out of my back pocket last night." Ellie bust out laughing. "I was wondering where they'd gone to. I thought you'd pocketed them you pervert." "Oh no! I know now that when you grabbed my ass last night you stuffed them in my pocket! You were hoping I'd get caught weren't you?" Ellie had tears in her eyes she was laughing so hard. She didn't have a clue but Luke was hooked now. He had never seen her look more beautiful. "No, oh my god no. I did sneak them in there, but not for that reason. I figured they'd be a nice little memento of our first date." "I thought tonight was going to be our first date?" He asked curiously. "Well I couldn't wait. I invited you to dinner last night, as far as I'm concerned that was our first date." She leaned on her fist smiling at him. "How was it?" He looked at her wide-eyed, slack jawed. She leaned forward and slipped her tongue between his parted lips and they kissed deeply. "It was fun wasn't it?" She asked hoping for a little reassurance. "It was fantastic." He whispered urgently and kissed her again. "I'll see you in a couple hours." He gave her another kiss then stood and left looking over his shoulder at her beaming back at him. He smiled as he headed down into the house to spend a little time knocking off schoolwork before going out for the night. He knocked on her door at 2:30 sharp. She called out for him to come in. He heard close the closet door, and she popped out of the bedroom in jeans and a black turtleneck. She held her arms out. "Is this okay?" She asked. "Perfect." He smiled. They headed down to his car and once again he opened the door for her letting her settle in before he closed it. He hopped into the drivers seat and they were on their way. He drove out to the shopping center and pulled into a space at the grocery store. "When you were a kid, what were the things you remember most about holiday meals. What was that one thing you couldn't wait for?" He asked, he tilted his head indicating they were going inside. "This is a first, a date at the supermarket." She chuckled. "Seriously. Was there something special that you only had at that time of the year but not usually any other." "Mashed potatoes with a lot of butter and pepper. Oh and my mom only used to make that string bean casserole at holidays. I love that too. Pie is a given, pumpkin and pecan, I'd have both." She smiled. "Good, good to know. He grabbed a basket and they started wandering around the store and he picked up the makings of the casserole. A couple boxes of instant mashed potatoes, and some canned gravy. He found canned pumpkin and put some of that in the basket. "What else?" Ellie gave him a curious look trying to figure out what he was doing. "Well, she used to make glazed carrots too. If we were lucky, relatives from up north would send her a bottle of real maple syrup, otherwise she would make it from butter and brown sugar. That was awesome." He found carrots and put several cans in the basket as well. "Anything else?" "Scrabble, well that's what we called it. The rest of the world knows it as party mix with the cereal and pretzels baked with seasoned salt and our secret weapon, Worcestershire sauce." Luke found the cereal aisle and grabbed the ingredients, and made his way to the chip aisle and found pretzels to go with it stating that they always had pretzels and mixed nuts in theirs. He looked down and seemed to be counting. "Okay, first thing that comes to your mind when I say, comfort food." "Mac and cheese." She said, and he grinned. "Good choice." He stocked up on the blue boxes. "Are we stocking a fallout shelter?" She said nervously. He chuckled. "You didn't see the big hole we've dug in the back yard?" Ellie just rolled her eyes and grinned, she knew this had to be going somewhere and she was getting more curious. They made their way to the front and got in line at the check out filling a couple of the re-usable shopping bags with their groceries. He stowed all the groceries in the trunk and held the door open for Ellie once again. They were on the road again heading out of town. "Okay, you've got me. I haven't got a clue what we're doing." She giggled. Nearly twenty minutes later Luke turned down a side road following a sign pointing out a fairground entrance. A few miles down the tree lined road the area opened up to fields filled with cars and signs for the county fall harvest festival. He made his way carefully up the dirt path and finding someone directing the parking. "But why the store?" She smiled as he handed her the lightest of the grocery bags. They walked towards the gate and she saw the truck and tables. A sign indicating donations for the holiday food pantry in lieu of admission to the park could be made there. Ellie grinned at Luke, finally realizing his plan. They brought the bags up to one of the tables and the older couple behind thanked them and asked how many items they had brought. Luke told them twenty-seven, ten per ticket had been requested. "We went a little crazy remembering what we loved about holiday dinners and lost count." The lady fawned over them while her husband took the bags back to a sorting area near the truck, and thanked them. They took their tickets and went into the fair. They wandered through the attractions. Luke showed off his prowess for carnival games and won Ellie a stuffed tiger. They wandered through the exhibits, marveling at the giant pumpkins and petting the cute animals. They found the food vendors and ate everything that was bad for them, but you only go to the fair once a year, so they indulged. There was even a concert that night and they sat in the grandstand listening to the band. Ellie was glad he told her to bring a sweatshirt because it had turned cooler as the sun went down. She hardly noticed as they sat there with their arms around one another. He rubbed her back as she held him tight. "Why didn't you just tell me about the food drive?" She asked. "I didn't want you to think I was trying to impress you." He paused. "My folks were pretty lucky. They both had good jobs and made a good living. We've never wanted for anything. Well there was this one time I wanted a dirt bike and they said no, but that wasn't because of the money. I think they just wanted me to live to be twelve at the very least. They never let me get jaded, you know, they always wanted me to know there were people who didn't have. They were much more subtle than the usual, 'Eat your broccoli, kids are starving in Africa' parents. Hell, I never realized that some of those less fortunate families were kids I went to school with until years later. Giving back is just something they taught me to do. Besides it seemed more fun that way." Luke smiled down at her. "I got to tease you for a change." "Well, it didn't work." "Huh?" "I'm impressed anyway." She smiled. "You spent almost twice the cost of those tickets filling those bags." After the last song finished a loud whistle screamed out followed by a loud boom. Fireworks had started behind the stage and they sat and watched them arm in arm. Ellie laid her head on his shoulder as they watched, both occasionally jumping at the explosions. Ellie had taken hold of Luke's hand as they made their way home down the dark winding roads. She massaged it with her thumb rubbing in slow circles. "Thanks, I had a great time." She said softly. She could make out his grin by the dash lights. "Me too." He gave her hand a squeeze. "Luke? When I asked the other night if you've ever made out before, you said you hadn't. Have you ever had a girlfriend? I mean, have you ever had sex?" Her voice was soft but with an inquisitive edge to it. His hand flexed a few times in hers. "No." He replied with a nearly silent sigh. "Any reason?" She pressed. "It can't be that you've never had a chance. You must have had to beat the girls away with a stick in high school." A soft giggle followed the comment. "I was pretty quiet, I didn't have a lot of friends." He shrugged. Neither spoke the rest of the way home. Ellie had laid his hand on her lap and continued to rub it gently, and he rubbed her leg through her jeans. They pulled into the drive and parked. With all the lights off in the car Ellie slid his hand further up her thigh, and leaned over to kiss him. She was eager and let it be known in her kiss and he responded in kind gripping her thigh tightly. "Would you walk me up?" She asked pulling away from his lips reluctantly. He got out and walked around to her door opening it. She stood, looked into his eyes and took his hand and led him up the stairs. "Would you like to come in?" She wasn't sure if she needed to coax him but he was already in the doorway closing it behind him. A faint smile came to her lips and she tried to hide it. He returned the little smirk in kind. "There's a bottle of wine in the fridge. Why don't you open it up, and I'll be right back." She bit her lip and smiled backing her way to the bedroom. She was giddy because she knew she would have him tonight. She undressed and replaced her every day underthings with the yellow lingerie she bought the day they went shopping together, and dressed again. She wanted to see his face as he peeled her out of her clothes. She entered the room and Luke stood up. "Who taught him this stuff?" Ellie wondered. She turned off the overhead light and put on a small table lamp. They sat down on the sofa, Ellie leaned into him pulling her legs up beneath her. "Did you really you have a good time tonight?" He asked. Ellie chuckled and looked him in the eyes. Her smile slipped away as she leaned in to kiss him deeply. "The night's not over yet." She whispered. Luke's nervousness was slipping away as he and Ellie began kissing in earnest. He leaned back pulling her on top of him as their hands began to roam over each other. His hand slid up her back slowly lifting the hem of her shirt, he sent shivers up her spine as he caressed her skin. She joined in and reached between them and unbuttoned his shirt pulling it free of his jeans and ran her hand up his t-shirt playing with his nipple. Ellie broke free of his warm lips and came up to a kneel between his legs, and looked down at him as she crossed her arms lifting her turtleneck up and over her head. She shook her hair out as she tossed the shirt onto a side chair and smiled down at him. She grinned showing off the little yellow lace bra, which made him smile. Luke reached up and grasped the front of her jeans pulling her off balance and back onto his chest in a flurry of giggles. His hands not only roamed her back, but now slid between them as he ran his palm up her bra eliciting a soft moan as he massage her breasts through the fabric. "The clasp is in back." She said in a clear invitation. Using his other hand he reached down between her legs and dragged her higher up his body, placing her breast within easy reach of him. Rather than unsnap the band he slipped the strap off her shoulder and pulled the cup down revealing smooth white skin and puckered pink nipple to his hungry mouth. He kissed it gently, causing Ellie to gasp as his tongue ran lazy circles around the tip causing it get even harder. Her breathing was short and quick. She pulled away from his agonizing teasing, placing her forehead against his, and closed her eyes. "I don't know if you want this, but I do. Would you take me to bed and make love to me Luke?" He looked her in the eyes for a moment thinking it would be his pleasure. Her eyes closed for a moment, when she opened them, he felt himself fall into their depths, and he was gone. He kissed her deeply. She stood shakily, Luke reached for her steadying her. She smiled as she took his hand and pulled him up too. He wrapped his arms around her taking her mouth with his again. He fumbled a few times with the hook of her bra. She smiled. "Don't worry, practice makes perfect." "I hope I get a lot of practice then." She walked backwards pulling him with her into the bedroom. She reached down and unbuttoned her jeans turning and giving her butt a little wiggle as she pushed them off showing her yellow lace panties, which thanks to the heavy petting on the couch were now quite damp. She kicked them aside and turned back to Luke who just stood there staring, his mouth hanging open. She smiled and pushed his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. He reached to take off the tee, and she stopped him. "Allow me." She lifted the hem of the shirt and ran her hands up his chest and sides lifting the shirt with it. "You don't know how much I wanted to do this yesterday morning when you answered the door." She smiled as she stroked his nipples with her thumbs. "I want you to know how good this feels." She said leaning forward and taking one into her mouth swirling her tongue and flicking it. Luke's breathing got shallow a fast. She took it between her teeth, giving just a light tug before letting it free. Luke gasped at the sensation. She pushed the shirt up and he raised his arms letting her pull it off completely. "Damn do you look good without a shirt on." She said. "You look pretty fantastic without one too." He replied smiling. They kissed again, their bare chests touching for the first time sent shocks through them both. The heat they were building was intense and made the room feel cool in comparison. He felt hands on his belt fiddling with it to get it loose, soon his jeans were unbuttoned and the zipper slid down. Her hand slid down inside massaging the length of him through his boxers. "Mmm, that feels nice." She mumbled into his kiss. "It's not very..." She halted him with a firmly planted kiss. "Enough of that, you've been watching too much porn." She giggled. "Remember, the pyramids were built with hand tools, it's not the size of your tool, it's how you use it." That made Luke chuckle. She began kissing her way down his chest and stomach and eventually knelt in front of him. She reached up and tugged the jeans down to his knees seeing his boxers strain to contain his hardness. She peered up at Luke from under a fallen lock of hair as she reached slowly for the waistband. She pulled down slowly, revealing it finally. Slowly a grin crept across her face as she looked up again. "It's perfect." She said biting her lip. She looked down at it, he wasn't huge, but he was above average. She couldn't wait to have him inside her. She peeked up again. "Mind if I take the edge off for you?" Luke just tilted his head wondering what she meant just as she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. Luke let out a gasp as her lips engulfed him. It's a wonder his knees didn't buckle and land him on the floor. She started slowly taking a little more in with each stroke. She let him free and licked the length of him. He was gasping for air, she knew he wouldn't last decided to bring him some relief. She began bobbing her head while stroking him bringing him to the brink. "Ellie! I'm.." He didn't get the words out by the time she felt the rush hit the back of her throat. She swallowed quickly hoping she could keep up. "I'm sorry! Oh, shit." Luke said looking down at her. As she continued to lick and suck him. "Well I'm not. Now that the edge is off we can take our time." She gave him a last lick to clean the tip. "I'm torn between wanting to instruct you and letting you discover on your own. Is there anything you've seen that you've wanted to try?" Luke's expression changed from horror to astonishment. Was this beautiful girl kneeling in front of him gave free reign to his sexual fantasies? He reached down taking her elbow and lifted her up so she was standing again, and quickly kicked the rest of his clothing free. Ellie turned and went to the bed pulled back the covers and laid down and looked at him expectantly. "Why am I naked and you've still got those on?" He said nodding at her lacy yellow panties. She grinned. "It's because you haven't taken them off yet." She snickered. "Though maybe I should do that myself before you pilfer all of my panties." Luke grinned and walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed, and reached for the waistband, he gave a quick peek up at her, she just straightened out and lifted her hips off the mattress giving him the go ahead to slip them off. They released from her hips and as he pulled them from between her thighs the moisture held them in place for a moment as he pulled them free, sliding them down her legs. "They're soaking." He said surprised. Ellie rolled her eyes a bit and smirked. "You have a, uh, certain effect on me. What can I say?" She sat up leaning into his kiss. "Have you thought about it, or shall I take the lead?" "I want to taste you." He said in a whisper. She kissed him deeply. "Well you know what I taste like up here. Why not explore a little." She said in a deep voice he'd never heard her use before. He did just that, working his way down her neck leaving a trail of kisses that caused her to sigh deeply. Then laid a trail to her breasts taking an excruciatingly long time to take her nipple into his mouth. She moaned a little deeper and ran a hand through his hair while her other found his still hard cock and massaged it slowly not wanting him to go off in her hand. He lavished attention on her breasts for a while, and Ellie began to wonder if he'd go any further so she gently pulled herself up causing his mouth to land on her rib cage, hoping that would be incentive to continue south. It worked, he made his way down her stomach giving her belly button a little lick causing her to giggle. She gave his hair a tug to get him to stop. He hesitated as he made his way down over her smooth skin kissing his way around, dragging his tongue slowly nearly torturing her her. He slipped around pushing her legs apart and lay between her raised knees. He leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue teasing it's way up her swollen pink lips causing Ellie to gasp and grip his hair a little tighter. It took all of her reserve to not pull him down into her, as she relaxed her grip he began to explore and he took the cues she gave him very well, as she leaned in and lifted. He was very attentive and gentle, almost too gentle as her climax neared she moaned a little louder, a little quicker. Luke surprised her by slipping a finger into her molten core and taking her clit between his lips causing her to cry out and arch up as she peaked quickly. After a couple minutes of panting she lifted Luke's head by his hair from the task of cleaning up the mess he'd made of her. "You've never done that before?" She asked, an edge in her voice. He just looked at her in wide-eyed innocence and shook his head back and forth. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, suddenly worried. She just fell back and laughed. "No, you did everything right, that's why I wondered." Luke crawled up beside her and she looked over at his sweet face lacquered in her own honey. She leaned over and kissed him, tasting herself on his tongue. "Listen. I'm on the pill, but I want you to wear a condom anyway. A girl can never be too safe." Luke's eyes went wide. "Shit, I don't have any. I mean... I never." Ellie giggled and reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a little foil packet. "It's a good thing I was hoping this would happen and prepared for it." Luke's eyes went wide. "Oh seriously. Guys can be as thick as bricks sometimes. I've been practically throwing myself at you since I moved in Luke. Hasn't it been obvious?" "Well I just thought you were being friendly, and well a bit of a flirt. I didn't think any more of it until last night." He shrugged. "You surprised me with the stakes of that Jenga game." She smiled. "I'm glad I lost." "I'm glad you did too." He grinned. "Lay back." She put the packet to her teeth and tore it open. "See how it's rolled. Place it at the tip, and unroll it like this, and voila. Mr. Happy is now properly dressed for the ball." Ellie looked down at it, and her smile faded into a look of need as she looked up at Luke. "Let me." She placed a hand on his chest as she rose up and threw a leg over his body and straddled his hips. She took his length and ran it against her before settling gently down on it. She let out a gasp as he entered her slowly. Luke lay back taking short quick breaths wanting badly to raise his hips and drive himself into her. Ellie was in control of the moment, a hand firmly on his chest as she lowered herself further, as she took him in she sped up burying him into her completely causing them both to cry out. "Oh that feels nice!" She said as she clenched down on him causing him to gasp again. She rose up slowly causing her own deep moan. She rode him for several strokes as he took hold of her hips getting into the rhythm of her body. She pressed herself down on him and leaned forward and kissed him. "Luke?" "Mmm?" "Roll me onto my back and fuck me good and hard." She said biting his lip. He smiled as he wrapped an arm around her and rolled over taking her with him. She adjusted quickly and her legs went around him rocking her hips to get him to start. He was a quick study, and he began thrusting into her in long deep strokes as he attacked her mouth and neck. "Harder!" She urged. "Don't stop!" He had no intention of stopping if anything he was scared he was hurting her as the sound of their flesh meeting repeatedly rang throughout the room. "Yes!" Ellie cried repeatedly. He felt his climax approaching again. Ellie began to shudder under him as she let out a series of high pitched moans, he knew then he couldn't hold out any longer and pushed hard into her releasing as she gripped down on him. He collapsed unable to hold himself up any longer. They lay there gasping for breath for a long while when Ellie leaned over and whispered into Luke's ear, in a little sing-song way. "Guess who's not a virgin now?" She kissed his cheek as she heard him laughing into her shoulder. "What now?" He asked. "Well, first thing you may want to do is go and tie off your little goody bag and trash it." She said. She looked deeply into his eyes. "Will you stay with me tonight?" She asked. He didn't know why but Luke's throat tightened. He looked into her dark eyes, a feeling of falling into them washed over him. "Yes." He whispered. "I hope you don't snore though, I'm a light sleeper." He grinned. They both busted out laughing as he rose to go clean up. When he came back the bed had been remade, Ellie lay there wearing his t-shirt which was enticingly short, her long supple legs leading up to the hem, it was obvious that she hadn't bothered with putting her panties back on. He turned off the light and crawled in beside her, they kissed, and explored as the fell asleep. Deep in the night they stirred, this time Luke took her slowly. She looked up, the faint light of a streetlight limned his body. Soft moans and whispers broke the peace as they concluded their lovemaking. The quiet enveloped them as they drifted off again. The rumble of the door opener in the garage woke Luke. His head popped up realizing he wasn't in his room. He looked down quickly and found shining brown eyes smiling up at him. "Good morning." The blanket had pulled down and Ellie's breasts were in full view. "Pardon the morning breath." He said as he kissed her. "You lost your shirt." She giggled. "More like you peeled it off in the middle of the night." "Oh shit!" He grimaced, looking at her neck. "What?" "I'm sorry. I had no idea." A panicked look settled on his face. "What?!" She started to panic, and she noticed he was looking at her neck. She bolted out of bed and ran to the bathroom. A moment later she busted out laughing. "I look like I was attacked by a gang of vampires." She came back out smiling. "Good thing I like turtlenecks." Luke was somewhat relieved but still worried. "I'm sorry!" He said again concerned that she'd be mad at him for looking like she'd been beaten. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about." She leaned forward kissing him quickly. "Except maybe waking me up with this a couple times over the last few hours." She said reaching under the blanket and grasping his hard cock. "Let me check I may have a spare toothbrush, unless you want to run down and grab yours." She grinned. "Sounds like your dad just left." "Yea I'm guessing he went to breakfast without me." He smirked. "We like this place in town, it has a large glassed in dining room like a greenhouse. On Sundays they do a jazz brunch." He looked over at the clock noting it was much later than he usually woke. Ellie smirked. "Well we did have quite a workout last night. It's to be expected." "Let me text him. If we hurry we can join him." Luke said. "If you'd like to, I mean." "I'm torn between having my way with you yet again, but we'll have plenty of time later. I'd love breakfast. Let me go clean up and find a way to hide the damage. You brute!" "I should probably grab a clean shirt clean up myself. Jeans are fine." Luke grabbed his jeans pulling them on and pulling on his shirt and made a beeline for the door. He paused at the bottom of the steps to text his dad then made his way into the house to wash up and change. He bolted out of the house to find Ellie leaning against the garage. "Guys, always taking forever to get ready." She shook her head. She looked absolutely radiant in the morning sunshine. "What can I say. I don't just roll out of bed looking this good, it takes work you know." Ellie chuckled as she said. "Seeing first hand evidence to the contrary, I'm calling bullshit." "He said he'd just have coffee and wait for us." They walked into the restaurant and were directed to the table where he sat. Derek stood as they approached. "Now I see where he gets it. Hi Mr. Page." "Please, call me Derek. What do you mean?" Ellie grinned as she sat down. "I've never seen a guy stand when I walk in the room, or hold the door for me like Luke does. It's nice." "Well chivalry never goes out of style." He smiled. "I ordered us the sticky buns, they should be out soon. They make their own here, and they're endless. Thankfully, after seeing how many of them Luke can eat." They all got a chuckle at that. Luke rolled his eyes. "Did you kids have fun at the fair?" "We had a blast." Ellie said beaming. "Hercules here won me a stuffed tiger, and everything." They chatted amiably about school, work and the jazz band group playing at the other end of the dining room. "What are you doing for the holiday next week?" Derek asked her. "I'm going back home for the weekend. My mother and my aunt own a bed & breakfast up on a lake. It's a huge old house which makes it perfect for everybody." Ellie said. "What about you boys?" "Not much, we'll probably have dinner out and catch some football." Derek replied. "No way! You don't have any family around here?" "None nearby." Ellie gave them a shrewd look. "Do you work Friday?" Derek shook his head. She already knew Luke was free. She paused for a moment and excused herself to go find the ladies room. "Those are some pretty nice shiners." Derek commented. "When she moves a few of them peek up above the turtleneck." He grinned. Luke turned red. "Uh, yea. Well we went up to her place after we got home." Derek grinned held up his hand, and gave a little shake to his head. "No need to explain, you're both adults." They both stopped speaking and stood as Ellie walked back to the table putting her cellphone in her pocket. She smiled at both of them as she sat down again. "You are both now busy for the Thanksgiving holiday. It would be my pleasure if you would join me next week at the B&B. They have satellite so you won't miss any football." She grinned. "Thank you, but we couldn't impose." Derek said. "It's no imposition, there will be guests there as well. I just called my aunt and asked if there was room and she said there are still plenty of rooms available for you to stay over. It's about an hour away up near the state park on the west side." She smiled at him then looked at Luke. "Besides, I was going to try and drag him away with me. It doesn't seem fair to leave you all alone. I've already told her you would accept. No backing out now." "You're a regular fireball aren't you?" Derek grinned. "I guess I have no leave but to accept on my behalf. What about you Luke. Think you can be persuaded to spend an entire weekend in country with a lovely lady?" Luke looked at Ellie grinning. "It'll be tough, but I think I'll manage." She raised an eyebrow slightly and nudged him in the shin with her toe. "Ow!" Derek chuckled deeply. Yes Ellie was definitely the right choice, there was no doubt in his mind now.
Title: Down Old Mexico Way Tags: lora, mexico, anal, maid, shower scene, masturbation, photographs, latina I vacationed in a small fishing village on the gulf coast of Mexico a few times a year, back in my younger days. I was introduced to the place by a friend of mine and I won't say what village or exactly where because I don't want a flood of tourists there. That place was fifty years in the past or so it seems. Life was slow and having fun was as much of a way of life as making a living. There are a lot of stories I could tell about that place and I might in the future but right now I'm thinking about Lora. She was a maid at the small hotel where I always stayed. She was tall with long dark hair and even darker eyes. Super model thin she wasn't but she wasn't fat either. She was what a woman should look like, soft curves, and a full figure. I always stayed in the corner room on the third floor. That put me high enough to be above the noise of the street and gave me two sets of French doors for light. It was also as high as you could go in the tallest building in town. The room had two balconies, one overlooking the beach, and one overlooking the small market. I'd spend my mornings and evenings watching the girls on the beach and midday watching the local ladies shop in the market. Lora always cleaned my room around ten every day, which was my time to switch balconies, as the sun was getting hot. It also allowed me to watch Lora from behind as she made the bed. The short skirt of her maids uniform was tight and rode high up on the backs of her thighs as she bent to tuck the sheets in. With the heels she always wore, the muscles in the backs of her thighs and calves were tight, and the bottom of her gorgeous ass would peek at me from under the hem of the skirt. She didn't wear panties so her long narrow smoothly shaven sex peeked at me from between the tops of her thighs. Needless to say I got very little writing done while she was in the room. Sometimes she would catch me looking at her and she would smile shyly and blush. The blush was hard to detect with her dark skin but it would take on a more reddish color. When she moved to the other side of the bed, the front of her loose uniform blouse would open and close as she worked the sheets. With no bra on and four buttons undone her breasts would flash in and out of view tantalizingly. Her breasts were full but not overly large. They actually looked small on her. I wasn't complaining in any way, mind you, I enjoyed the show. I never was sure if she realized how much of a show she was putting on for me, or if she was doing it on purpose to tease me. Her English was very bad and my Spanish not much better, so our conversations were very limited. I also never figured out how old she was. At times she seemed in her early twenties and at other times her mid forties. She was beautiful to me, and a mystery that I love to remember. My camera and binoculars were kept in a chair just inside the French doors on the beach side. It was also the chair that Lora used to dust the tops of the tall wardrobe and the freestanding clothes closet. She also dusted the blades on the ceiling fans. In that chair I was treated to an excellent view of her legs, sex, and ass. If I didn't have a hard on by the time she finished the bed, I definitely would by the time she finished dusting. I always thought about asking her out or at least making a pass at her, but with the language barrier and the fact that I didn't want to screw up a good thing, I never did. \*\*\*\*\* Normally, she would move the camera and binoculars to the bed and go about her business but one day she picked up the binoculars and scanned the beach with them. After a moment, she giggled and said something in Spanish looking at me with a grin. I had the idea that she was calling me a dirty old man for watching the girls sunning topless and nude on the beach. She picked up the camera, looked at it, and then back at the beach. She giggled again, pointed it at the beach, and made a clicking sound. With a grin, I nodded to her. She laughed and put the camera down, once again speaking to me in Spanish. I shook my head and told her I didn't understand. She frowned and then sighed as she moved my equipment to the bed and went about her dusting. I smiled as I watched her, a plan for the next day forming in my dirty old man's brain. Maybe I could break the ice a little and not make it seem so forward. \*\*\*\*\* The next day as I moved to the market side balcony, I took my camera with me. Lora went about her daily routine and I happily snapped pictures of her with the digital camera. She only realized what I was doing when she moved to the far side of the bed and bent over to tuck in the sheet. I watched her through the lens of the camera as she looked at me, with her mouth open and her eyes wide. I lowered the camera and smiled at her as I said, "It's alright, go ahead like I'm not here." She looked at me quizzically for a second and then grinned as she went back to work on the bed. I went back to taking pictures but I noticed that she was now moving slower and pausing ever so often when she was stretched out one way or the other. She also wore a big smile the whole time. When she got up on the chair to dust, I noted that she had her legs wider apart than normal and her ass stuck out more. I grinned as I realized that she was enjoying this as much as I was. I wondered what she would do and think when I showed her the pictures. By the time she finished and left the room, I had a hundred pictures and a raging hard on. The hard on stayed for most of the afternoon as I downloaded the pictures, cropped, and sized them. I ended up setting the pictures up in a slideshow and then sat there and watched it run completely through several times. Fantastic was the word that kept floating through my mind. \*\*\*\*\* Later that afternoon, I moved to the beach balcony and scanned it with my binoculars. There was the usual group of young people scattered out along the beach in various states of undress and/or completely nude. I had pictures of most all of them. The ones I wanted pictures of anyway. I was about to put the binoculars away when a tall woman in a short beach robe came walking off the narrow boardwalk and headed out across the sand right in front of my balcony. Her long dark hair and long shapely legs made me put down the binoculars and pick up my camera. I zoomed in on her and took several pictures as she spread her towel and slipped off the robe. I groaned softly, she was completely nude. I quickly snapped off several more shots of her breathtaking ass as she lay down with her feet toward me and her head toward the ocean. My hands were shaking, so I lowered the camera and took several deep breaths. When she had gone to her knees lying down, her ass had been high in the air for a moment. To say it was spectacular would be and understatement. Her pussy was displayed to perfection; even the darker brown ring of her anus was clearly visible. My dick had sprung to life and hurt, as it was so hard. In my mind I was behind her in that position with my tongue exploring every inch of her ass and sex. I gave a shiver and a jerk as I pulled my mind off the fantasy and back to reality. The woman lay like that for a long time as I closely watched her. I was beginning to wonder if she was ever gong to move, when she pushed up and came back up on her knees. I grabbed the camera and took pictures as she got up and then moved around to sit facing the water. Her fabulous ass had been displayed just as well this time as the last and my hands were once again shaking as I lowered the camera. I blew out a long slow breath and then sighed. I had to have a picture of the front of her to make everything complete. I didn't get it. Room service delivered my supper and when I returned to the balcony, she was gone. I cussed as I went back inside to eat. \*\*\*\*\* The next morning when Lora arrived to clean the room I motioned her over to where I was sitting. I turned the laptop toward her and hit the key to start the slideshow I had made of her. She gasped loudly and blushed deep enough that I could definitely see the red under her brown skin. She watched the ones from behind as she made the bed and the ones from the front and didn't say a word. When the ones from the chair started to scroll past, she rattled off something in Spanish and blushed again as she turned and ran to my bathroom. I didn't know what she said and hoped I hadn't offended her. Then again, I hadn't known what to expect, so her turning shy and running away shouldn't have surprised me. I sighed and shut the slideshow down. Oh well, nothing venture, nothing gained. The sound of the bathroom door opening drew my attention. As my eyes took in Lora, my mouth dropped open. Talk about surprises, she was standing there with nothing on but her high heeled sandals. I was stunned by her beauty and frozen in place. She smiled shyly and said a few sentences in Spanish. This broke the spell as I shook my head and told her I didn't understand. She pointed at something, speaking again. When I looked confused, she brought her hands up and mimed someone taking pictures. I grinned as I picked up the camera. I took several hundred pictures of her as she did her work naked. She was smiling broadly and made sure I got a good view of her in any and all positions. The ones from the rear reminded me of the woman on the beach and my dick got even harder than it had been. When she went around the bed, she paused and caressed her breasts. With a soft moan she pinched and twisted her long hard nipples. She gave a long drawn out shivering shake and sighed as she went back to making the bed. She got the chair and moved it to the center of the room. Taking a seat facing me, she spread her legs and leaned back. She spoke softly in Spanish for a moment and then grinned as she caressed her breasts again. I took pictures of her as she played with her breasts and nipples. She was breathing hard by the time one hand dropped to her lap. She used two fingers to part the outer lips and give me a view of her bright pink wet slit. Speaking in Spanish again she rubbed a finger up and down in her slit and then arched her back as the finger circled her pink clit. She slipped down in the chair and spread her legs wider. I felt my tongue on my lips and she giggled softly, with a nervous overtone. She sighed deeply and crooked a finger at me, the same finger that had been in her pussy. Extremely aware of the tent in the front of my shorts, I got up and walked toward her. Her eyes were on the tent as a big grin spread across her face. When I was about three feet away, she held up her hand and then pointed at the floor. I knelt down. She smiled at me as the finger returned to rolling her clit around. She shivered and then moaned loudly as I took a picture of her finger and sex. Between moans, she was muttering softly in Spanish. I snapped picture after picture. Suddenly her other hand left her breast and dropped to her lap to stab a finger in her wet vagina. She gasped loudly and arched her hips up as she came. I could see the juices from her pussy seeping around her finger and running down the crack of her lovely ass. I took pictures of her face as she slowly lowered her hips back to the chair. She had such a serine look, a well-satisfied look. When her eyes fluttered open, she smiled shyly and took several deep breaths before whispering to me in Spanish. I didn't understand a word but I smiled back and nodded. With a giggle she took her hands away from her sex and brought the wet shiny one from her pussy up to her lips. I almost forgot the camera as she licked and sucked on it. I did get a couple of shots though. Then I took a shot of her open wet sex, which made her giggle again for some reason. When I looked at her face she grinned and motioned me forward. I knee walked forward. As I got closer to her, she sat up, took the camera from me, and sat it one the floor. Then her hands went to the back of my head and she pulled my face down towards her sex. I didn't need much more of a hint as I buried my face in her sex and planted my tongue deep in her wetness. Lora's hips jerked and then bridged up as my tongue worked in her sopping wet sweet pussy. My hands went under her and cupped her ass cheeks, holding her up as I licked her slit and teased her clit. She was moaning softly and jerked as my tongue touched her clit. She flexed her hips as my tongue circled it. It wouldn't take much more of that to set her off again, I realized. I dropped lower and licked from her anus up to her clit. I repeated the motion, pausing to dip in her vagina and to circle her clit. She was jerking and moaning loudly each time I touched her asshole, her vagina, and her clit. I could tell that her building orgasm was growing higher and higher. Wanting to prolong the experience and build her orgasm, I dropped to her asshole and tongued it. Her hips jerked up and she arched her back rolling her ass toward me. I spread her cheeks wider with my hands and feasted on her, stabbing my tongue into the tight ring of muscles repeatedly. It only took a moment for her to come and come hard. I raised my head and stabbed my tongue into her pulsing sex. She yelled and grabbed a double handful of my hair, pulling me tighter to her. Her hips flexed and I tongue fucked her in rhythm with her hips. She was yelling again as her hips flexed faster and harder. I held on and kept my tongue moving until she shivered and started to slow. As weight came onto my hands as her ass started to settle back toward the chair, I lifted my head and sucked in her clit. She jerked and went strangely silent as her hips bucked and jerked to a new rhythm. My tongue danced over and around her clit as her orgasm shot back up like a rocket. Sucking on her clit and flicking it back and forth with my tongue brought a gurgling gasp and then a howl of pleasure. A moment or so later her hands were pulling at my head trying to get me away from her overly sensitive clit. I reluctantly let her move my head away from it. I sat back on my heels and licked my lips. I could feel wetness on my face from cheek to cheek and from my chin to my nose. I was a mess but I was grinning like an idiot. Lora was lolled back in the chair, her head thrown back, her arms hanging down by her sides, her legs spread open wide. She was totally out of it except for her heavy breathing and small tremors that ran up and down her body from time to time. I picked up the camera and took pictures of her. I took overall shots and close-ups. I even stood up and took even more as I walked around her. After a while, she sighed and slowly lifted her head with a deep groan. She mumbled in Spanish and then opened her eyes. I was sitting on the end of the bed smiling at her. She grinned and shook her head, saying more that I didn't understand, but I had an idea that she was talking about how wrung out she was and how much of mess she had made. I grinned as I pointed to her and then the bathroom. She chuckled dryly and then nodded. I got off the bed, went to my little icebox, and got her a bottle of water. She looked at it, thanked me, and drank deeply. After she had drunk most of it, she smiled shyly and sat up, closing her legs. I had to help her to her feet. At one point as I helped her to the bathroom, her hand brushed against the raging hard on in the front of my shorts. She paused for a second and then wrapped her fingers around it. She muttered in Spanish and then sighed as she let me go. \*\*\*\*\* In the bathroom, she sat on the commode as I got the water turned on in the glass fronted shower stall. I heard water behind me and turned to look at Lora, she giggled softly and sighed. I chuckled and went to get my camera. When I returned Lora was in the shower and soaping her body up. The white lather contrasted highly with her dark brown skin tone. I took pictures of her as she had left the shower door open. She even turned and put her foot up on the shower seat as she washed her sex and the crack of her ass. She gave a shiver at one point and moved her hands to her breasts. I continued to take pictures as she rinsed the soap off and more as she dried herself with a big fluffy white towel. By the time she was finished I had to go unload the camera as I had filled up the big chip I had in it. \*\*\*\*\* I dumped the pictures to my laptop hurriedly and turned to find Lora lying on my bed. I looked at her questioningly. She smiled and patted the bed next to her. I moved over to the side of the bed and leaned over to kiss her. She shook her head and turned so her sex was visible. She pointed to the tent in the front of my shorts and then at her pussy, shaking her head. With a nod that I understood, I leaned over to kiss her. She kissed me passionately and murmured softly as my tongue slipped into her mouth to duel with hers. My hand rested lightly on her belly and slowly moved up to cup and caress her firm breasts. She arched her back, pressing her tits tighter to my hand. She moaned softly as I teased her nipples, pinching and rolling them between my thumb and forefinger. She was breathing hard enough that we had to break the kiss by the time my hand slipped down to cup her sex. She rolled her hips up and gasped as my finger slipped between the folds of her sex. She shivered as my finger ran up and down from her slippery opening to her fully exposed clit. She jerked and grabbed my hand as I rolled her clit around. I looked up at her face and she shook her head, saying something quickly that I figured meant her clit was sensitive, to sensitive. I leaned over to kiss her again but she stopped me with her hands on my chest. She talked and then pulled on my shirt. I grinned as I stood up to undress. I'm in my mid forties and not in bad shape. I'm not muscle bound or pumped but my stomach is flat and my chest and arms are filled out. Lora's eyes wandered over my upper body, a smile on her face. When my hands went to the waistband of my shorts, her eyes followed. I grinned at her and turned around. She whispered something to me and giggled. I pulled the shorts down and the dropped them to the floor. I always considered my legs as my strongest point but there's nothing wrong with my ass. It's as hard as a rock. Lora murmured behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see her grinning. When I turned around, her eyes were locked onto my manhood. Her eyes got wide and her mouth dropped open slightly. My dick isn't much bigger than normal but it's well formed and my balls are on the large size. My dick was standing up tightly against my belly. I've shaved my balls and around the base of my shaft ever since I spent some time in Japan in my early twenties but that's a whole other story. Lora nodded slowly to herself and licked her lips. I chuckled as she scooted over to the edge of the bed and sat up with her feet on the floor. Her face was only a foot or so from my dick. She licked her lips again and my dick twitched in response. This made Lora giggle nervously. Her hand moved slowly out toward me and paused an inch or so from my shaft. She looked up at me and smiled. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and pulled my dick down. Her eyes were locked with mine as she licked the clear drop of pre-cum off the tip. She licked her lips and then sucked the head of my dick into her warm mouth. I gasped loudly as her tongue swirled around the head. My knees were shaking by the time she released me and flexed her jaw. She grinned and said something before she scooted forward, and started to lick the whole length of my shaft with broad firm strokes. Her warm slippery tongue made me groan softly. When I did, she sucked the head back into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down. I groaned even louder as half of my dick disappeared. Lora was whimpering softly and rocking back and forth as she sucked my dick. I was getting close to a climax and wanted to warn her but there was the language barrier. As I got even closer, I tried to push her head away. She shook her head and redoubled her efforts. With a long drawn out groan, I came in her mouth with jet after fiery jet. Lora's lower body was jerking right along with my hips as she moaned loudly around my shaft and sucked even harder. She was coming right along with me; I had no doubt. \*\*\*\*\* Somehow I got on the bed and cuddled up behind Lora with my knees shaking all the way. She had her head on my left arm and her ass was pressed tightly to my semi soft manhood. My right hand cupped and caressed her left breast. She sighed and wiggled her ass up and down against me. I could feel my shaft settling between the two warm firm cushions of her ass cheeks. She sighed again and became still. As we rested and relaxed, I could feel my manhood moving ever so slightly between her cheeks as we breathed. The heat of the early afternoon was somewhat offset by the ceiling fans and the sea breeze through the open French doors. Even so, the crack of Lora's ass was getting slippery with her sweat and my shaft moved easier. Lora would shiver and sigh ever so often. When she did, my manhood would twitch, moving even more between those satiny cheeks. The teasing feel of her ass had me back to being fully hard in short order. It wasn't long after that that Lora shifted and then flexed her ass, moving me deeper between her cheeks and up and down between then. She made a soft murmuring sound and then rolled away from me. I groaned as my dick pulled out of its nice cozy nook. Lora looked down at my hard dick and grinned as she pushed me over flat on my back. She said something; the only word of which I caught was siesta. She swung her leg over my hips and sat down across my thighs, her hot slipper slit center on my manhood. She flexed her hips and rubbed herself against me. I could feel her clit bump against the spongy head as her hips moved forward. I shivered and reached up to caress her breasts. She moaned softly, her hands coming up to cover mine. She rode me with long slow movements of her hips. Her soft whimpers and moans were her way of saying how much she liked what she was doing. The growing wetness and slipperiness of my shaft was another indication. I could literally feel her juices flowing around me, coating me all over. With a trembling sigh, Lora lifted her hips and reached between us. I remembered what she had said about not fucking her pussy and I was slightly confused. When she brushed the head of my dick over her sopping wet opening, I had the urge to lift my hips but I held still. I'm glad I did because what came next was out of this world. Lora moved the head of my dick back and rubbed it against her asshole for a second before returning it to her opening. She rubbed it there for a moment and then moved it back to her anus. I was getting the feeling that I knew what was going to happen next. I wasn't disappointed believe me. As she rubbed the head on her neither opening, I tensed up in anticipation. Maybe that was what she was waiting for, maybe she figured she was lubed enough. In either case, she lowered her hips and applied her weight to the head of my dick. It held fast for a second and then popped through the tight ring of her ass and slipped inside several inches. Lora gave out with a gasping yell that mixed with my loud long drawn out groan. She froze in place except for a shivering shake in her hips. The muscles in her ass were grabbing and releasing me in a jerky fashion. It had been a long time since I had felt anything so tight around my dick as her ass was. I wanted to lift my hips and plunge even deeper into that hot tightness but I knew better. I steeled myself to wait for her. This had to be her show and at her speed. Lora had her eyes closed and her mouth was open in a grimace but not one of pain. The way her belly rolled and her hips quivered, I knew she was coming big time. When she relaxed a little her weight came back on me and I slipped in deeper. She gave a sharp yelp and lifted her hips slightly as her stomach jerked even harder. Half of my dick had been in her ass before she lifted up and I was fighting to keep from coming myself. If not for the blowjob earlier, I would have been a geyser in her ass. When I gave a little shivering shake, her eyes flew open and she looked down at me with a loud groan. She had had one hand on my chest as she fitted my dick to her ass. Now that hand left me and came up to rest on my chest. Between raged breaths Lora spoke to me in faltering English, the first I had ever heard her use. If I understood right, this was the first time anyone had ever been in her ass. I caressed her quivering hips and reassured her that everything was fine. She probably didn't understand but she did smile weakly. She held her position as her breathing became more normal and her stomach slowed its jerking and shaking. I reached down between us and felt of her wetness. She gave a jerk and shook her head. I nodded as I smeared her slippery juices on my fingers and then over the part of my dick outside her ass. She trembled as I did and nodded as she figured out what I was doing. I gently lubed my dick and she whimpered and moaned softly. Her inner muscles were twitching and grabbing at the head of my dick. I wasn't sure if she had intended to go on or not but I did. Once I had my shaft as slippery as I could get it in this position, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her down to lie on my chest. She sighed and then straightened her legs once she was down. She gasped loudly, gave a soft yell, and then moaned softly as I quickly rolled us over until I was on top with my dick still in her ass. I pushed up on my hands and pulled first one leg and then the other up almost to her chest. I hooked my arms under her legs to hold them in position and slowly flexed my hips and inch or so each way. Lora gasped loudly and flexed her hips up, driving a couple more inches of me inside her ass. She gave a growling groan and worked her hips wildly, fucking herself on my dick. I was slowly going deeper and deeper as she did. About the time my hips touched her ass cheeks, Lora gave a yell as her ass tried to crush me one minute and push me out the next. I held on for dear life and tried to keep my rising orgasm in check as she came her brains out. Her hips bucked and jerked, slapping her ass against my hips while she tried to do sit ups under me. I held still and waited her out. As she calmed down and just lay there breathing in deep gasping breaths through her mouth, I lifted my hips and pulled almost all the way out of her ass. As she tried to yell, I dropped my hips until they slapped her ass sharply. The yell never made it out of her mouth as her eyes got wide and she lost her breath. When she finally took a long shivery shuddering breath, I made another full stroke in her tight slippery hot ass. Her next breath held a sobbing sound and I pounded her ass again. This time she took a deep breath and rolled her hips up to meet me. I fucked her with long full strokes at a moderated pace. She was fucking me back equally as hard, her ass slapping my hips loudly and solidly. Her ass felt like it was getting more slippery. I pushed up and looked down between us as I made the next stroke in her ass. Her pussy gave a little gush as my hips slap her ass. I smiled as I leaned back forward and fucked her even harder. Now there was a grunting yell from her on each stroke and my orgasm was rising fast. I tried to hold it off but there was no way. At the bottom of that last thrust, I held still and empted my balls deep in her clinching throbbing ass. Lora yelled loud enough that I thought I had hurt her until she flexed her hips frantically, working my dick deeper inside her ass as she came and came some more. \*\*\*\*\* I woke up at sunset, alone in my bed. The room smelled heavily of sex and anal sex at that. I rolled over on my back and groaned at the protests of several different muscles. My dick was semi hard and hot against my thigh. Memories of Lora flooded my mind and I felt my dick twitch and get a little firmer as it slipped up along my thigh. How the hell could that thing even think about getting hard after the workout it had just had, I wondered. With a deep sigh and several soft groans, I sat up and made my way off the bed. I stumbled and staggered into the bathroom and then into the shower. A long hot shower should help things I thought as I started to soap up my body. Memories of Lora in this same shower made my dick stand up completely and twitch. It was sensitive to the point of almost being painful when I soaped it up. By the end of the shower, I was almost feeling human except for the hard on that wouldn't go away. It was dark by now and I left the bathroom light on as I went to the icebox for a beer and then out onto the beach balcony. I sat out there naked, sipping my beer and wandering down memory lane. I was surprised at how many memories could be packed into one day. My dick was still hard as an iron bar when I finally gave up and went to bed. My dreams were filled with Lora. \*\*\*\*\* The next morning I was antsy and nervous as I waited for ten o'clock and Lora. I was dressed in just my shorts and sitting on the market balcony when there was a knock on the door. I yelled for Lora to come on in. It wasn't Lora. A young girl in her early twenties came in. "I'll be cleaning your room, senor." She said as she set about changing the sheets on the bed, taking out the trash, and dusting the furniture. She didn't do the tops of the cabinets or the ceiling fan blades. Her maid's uniform skirt was well below her knees and the top buttoned to her chin. I wanted to ask her where Lora was but I held my tongue. I didn't want to cause any questions to be asked or to get Lora in any kind of trouble. \*\*\*\*\* The same young girl cleaned my room for the next two days. That second afternoon I had to make a run to the market for some things and I stopped by the front desk. The owner was behind the counter. He spoke fair English so I asked him why the maids had been changed that cleaned my room. "Lora is no longer with us senor, she has gone to Mexico City for her upcoming wedding." He told me. "My youngest daughter will be filling in until I can find someone new. "Her wedding?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes senor, she is getting married in a couple of weeks. It's one of those arranged things." He said shaking his head. "I thought those were behind us." He added. "What do you mean by arranged? Do you mean like arranged since childhood?" "Uh, no senor. A friend of her fathers lost his first wife last year. He is an older man and wealthy. He wants a young wife but they are hard to find when you are older, I know this from experience. Anyway, he paid Lora's father for her hand in marriage." "Lora agreed to this?" I asked sharply. It didn't sound right to me. "I guess she did, she left day before yesterday for home. She is a nice girl; I hope the old man is nice to her. I know I sure would, if I ever had the chance." "Me too." I whispered as I walked out the front door of the hotel. \*\*\*\*\* I left a few days later and I've never been back. I've thought about it several times but memories of lost love keep me away. I know I was in love or something very close to it, I'll never know what she felt. I hope she has been happy and safe.
Shattered Shards: Perilous Plunder Lights coming on, alarms blaring, the sounds of heavy boots upon the concrete as security officials rushed to the scene of the crime. It all mattered little to Aden, who slowly and quietly made his way through the thick foliage that covered most of the mansion grounds. Rather nice of his 'patron' to provide him with such an easy way in and out. There had been no security cameras, no motion detectors, no guard dogs, not even broken glass or barbed wire atop the walls. It was like the mansion's owner wanted Aden to break into his home and abscond with several items of no small worth. It would be more than enough to keep the thief in the lap of luxury for the next year; though he most certainly was not going to remain idle for twelve long months. Oh no. Life wasn't worth living unless there was a challenge involved, and the most grand challenges to Aden were his heists. Utilizing a wonderful little broach that he had pilfered from the home of an absentminded herbalist, the plant life shifted and moved away. Not a bit of it touched the thief as he strolled leisurely through thick, thorny rose bushes, through prickly pine trees, through the tall grass and brambles that grew on the outskirts of the property. The displaced plants moved right back to their previous positions, camouflaging his passage, assuring that no one would even think in the slightest that someone had come this way. Not five minutes after his thefts had been discovered, Aden was over the outer wall and out into the communal park that was nestled in between the walled lands of dozens of prime 'patrons,' several of which had already 'sponsored' Aden's particular art. He made his way to the center of the park, resting in a sheltered spot in a thick stand of birch trees that would be impossible to pierce without magical aid. He sat upon a rock and opened his bag of ill-gotten goods, eager to examine the items he had collected before accidentally triggering an unseen alarm. As he went to open the bag Aden discovered that while the trees and plants moved to avoid him, it seemed his bag was a different story. Several long, bristly stalks clung to the fabric, having become stuck to the bag as he passed them. Nothing to worry about, just a few easily removed foxtails. He chuckled and plucked them off, tossing them aside. They shimmered and sparkled as they flew through the air, landing nearby, tiny motes of metallic light remaining in the air in a thick cloud. Aden scowled at the cloud, the union of the two worlds had altered a few plants in magically heavy areas, granting them an occasional odd property, like glow in the dark pollen. The thief sighed and went back to his bag, sneezing several times as the sweet-smelling pollen worked its way into his nose. He sneezed several more times, deep breaths followed by powerful expulsions of the very same breath. Thankfully the sneezes shooed away the remainder of the pollen, leaving Aden's nose thankfully clear of irritants. But now he felt strange, feverish, too warm in the cool night. Warmth seemed to blossom within him, making his entire body flush, blood moving closer to the skin to allow for more effective dispersal of heat. It wasn't any surprise that the increase in blood flow caused some other areas to stir. Aden moaned softly as he felt himself grow erect. He began to unbutton his shirt, it wasn't like anyone would see him out in the middle of the park, in the middle of the night, well hidden from any prying eyes. He unzipped his pants and grinned as he began to stroke himself, casting his shirt aside. This wasn't particularly unusual, as he tended to focus on a heist to the point where he forsook pleasures of the flesh in order to concentrate. This wasn't the first victory erection Aden had found himself with, but it was the most needful. In a few moments he was on all fours, working his way out of his pants, as he still felt too warm. He kicked off his shoes, tugging off his socks, his pants and underwear down around his ankles, he felt much better as he stripped fully naked, leaning back against the smooth rock behind him, eyes closed in blissful pleasure. He did not notice that his body looked a bit different than before, a narrowing in the midsection, a thinning of the build, a slight alteration of the angles in his face. Nor did he notice the slight swelling upon his chest, for he was far more concerned with the swelling in his loins. With each stroke of his shaft his body seemed to feminize, his hair growing out, his hips swelling, hands and feet becoming more dainty, his skin growing softer. But none of this was noticed, not even as something slithered outward from the base of his spine. The new limb tickled dreadfully, making Aden giggle, the tickling spreading to his rump as he found himself sitting on the new addition. He giggled some more and went to all fours, solving the problem of his sitting upon his new tail. And quite a splendid tail it was, bristling with red-orange and white fur along its three foot length, bushy and thick, swaying gently as Aden thrust against his hand as he pawed off. He no longer felt quite so warm, in fact, he felt somewhat cooled. He gasped softly as he felt his nipples harden, leaning downward, planting his shoulder against the ground so that he could both stroke and grope. He clenched his teeth as a pleasurable sensation shot through him as he caressed his pectoral area, rubbing his new A-cup breasts. Oh how wonderful and soft they felt, how very perfect, if only they were bigger; if only there were more to caress, more to adore, and if only he had more limbs to caress them. With his body suitably feminized, for now, the changes seemed content to alter him in a different way, sharpening his teeth, transforming his ears from whorled flaps to proud triangles atop his head. They twitched softly, detecting the sounds in the darkness that Aden had never before had the acuity to hear. None of them bothered him, for his predatory instincts told him there was nothing out there to fear and that as he was not interested in hunting prey and thus the other sounds were beneath his notice as well. The shemale vixen giggled as the tickle of growing fur spread over her ears, pausing for a moment in her self-love to flex her fingers, which felt rather funny and cramped for a few moments as her nails darkened. Growing thin upon one axis, they thickened upon two others, extending from her fingertips as small, black claws, a matching set upon her toes. Having transformed a portion of her toes, the change lingered there for a few moments, enlarging a few of them, shrinking another and moving it further back on the foot. Realignment of the legs came next, bone, ligament, and muscle all warping, stretching, popping and creaking softly as Aden was gifted with a pair of digitigrade legs, far better suited for fleeing thieving endeavors than what she had before. The tickling sensation returned once more, spreading rusty red and gleaming white wherever it went, making her entire body tingle with vulpine glee as her gorgeous fur coat grew in to its fullest. Her caresses were quickly enhanced by the addition of black leather upon her finger pads and palms, the black leather soon joined by equally black fur, marking her complete alteration into a vixen. But Aden craved more, and more she would receive; for not only had she stolen, but she had done so sloppily and arrogantly, her curse not merely one enchanted foxtail, but three. Her tail tingled, the sensation spreading to her spine, not merely being robbed of species and gender, the magical essence of the foxtails would assure that she would never steal from their master again. As Aden's tail split in two, her breasts began to grow, making the lusty vixen moan with delight, enjoying the sensations of the expanding flesh against her padded palm. Accompanying the alteration were similar changes to her hips, rump, and lips. Her fur color altered subtly upon her face, placing upon her eyelids a bright green. The vixen felt a presence upon her shoulders, and upon opening her eyes saw that it was her own hair, now a lush green, slithering out from her head, making her look all the more like the stunning beauty that she had become. Aden wanted a lover so badly, her cock ached, longing for the warmth and tightness that it would only find nestled within the loving anatomy of another creature. The vixen found herself entering a state of heat, longing for the touch of another. She continued to stroke, continued to jerk, with each thrust she let out a soft, pleading bark, seeking to call a potential lover to her locale, to aid her in slaking this growing lust that filled her increasingly sexualized body. To be transformed into a lusty harlot, that was the curse of the second foxtail. To have not merely the body, but also in part the mind of a wanton slut. Left to her own devices, Aden would likely be carousing bars and standing upon street corners within the week, eager to share her sleek, sexy, shapely form with anyone who would have her. The second curse was not particularly a punishment, but as Aden had made her presence known, thieving was most certainly not the career for her in this new day and age. So one would be provided, one that still flaunted the law and required a specialized set of skills, one didn't want to make the new apples fall too far from the tree, after all. A proper thief would've been left with species and gender warped a bit, but the rest of her faculties intact. An incompetent thief would find herself with the natural ability and instinctual talents to pursue a new career. But Aden had not only been a thief, not only been a clumsy thief, but he has also been an arrogant thief, and thus her alterations were not yet through. The vixen quivered as her belly filled with strange warmth. From the innermost depths to the edge of each fiber of fur, the vixen felt change stirring within her once more. Rather than split, a third tail emerged from her spine in the manner of her first. While generous before, her bust now boarder upon the unnatural, the realm of porn starlets and strippers. But added to this was an additional asset, one that made Aden moan with delight as she felt it. Her cock began to swell, elongating and thickening, her sexual characteristics enhanced by her third curse. The first two would have left her manhood as it naturally was, but with the third nothing would remain of her original form. Amber eyes clenched tightly shut as Aden's thick shaft darkened, swelling in places, retracting in others. She shivered as her sheath properly formed. The vixen ran her clawtips over her swollen knot, delighting in the intense sensation. Her belly still churned, flesh and bone once more altering within her. Tears of joy filled her eyes as she felt a swelling upon her middle, a second pair of breasts blossoming into existence. It was exactly what she had wanted, more of her wonderful tits to love and... She recalled the second part of her earlier musing and gasped softly as it too was gifted to her as a reward. Rolling onto her back, removing her hand from her cock, she was now easily equipped to pleasure herself. Using her two new hands she sandwiched her lowermost breasts, trapping her generous cock between them, thrusting against her soft, creamy furred tits. She couldn't imagine how life could be any better. She panted, her tongue lolling out of her slight muzzle. She arched her back, bucking into the air, pressing upwards with her legs, thrusting as deeply as she could into her breasts. He pleasure peaked, a dam burst inside of her, allowing thick rivulets of seed to pour from her member, damping the fur of her belly and breasts with its hot, sticky warmth. But that was not all. Upon her second ejaculation, something else seemed to give way inside of her, another river breaking free within her altered body, sending liquid warmth erupting from her body in a different fashion. Her new femsex climaxed explosively, dousing her thighs and tails with the pleasantly scented fragrance of vixen climax. Aden rolled onto her side, coaxing a few more jets of seed from her cock, letting them ooze onto the ground, rather than onto her already sodden fur. Already she would need a bath, and there was no need to make herself even dirtier. Her lust partially sated, Aden stood and gathered up her discarded clothes, stuffing them into the bag of recovered loot. She smiled as she walked through the dense brush, the plants parting eagerly before her. Her mistress would be so thrilled with her, proud of her newest vixen who went out all on her own and chased down the horrible thief that had made off with a few of her showpieces. While pretty and valuable, Mistress did not leave her true treasures out in plain sight for any thief to snatch. Aden knew that, of course. Everything in the mansion's main rooms was for show and for decoration, and for sneak thieves to snatch, thinking themselves newly rich and clever. Aden wondered what surprises thieves would discover upon trying to flee from her owner's property. She desperately wished to know what interesting fates awaited those who would dare steal from the wonderful woman that gave her and other sorts of gorgeous, sexual creatures a home. A soft sound like wind chimes drew Aden's attention and she turned her head, seeing a few golden grains of pollen settling upon her glowing, silvery seed. She grinned as she saw small, green shoots sprout up from the soil. She watched the plants grow and blossom, tall green grasses mixed in with tall plants with cascades of beautiful flowers. Foxtails and foxgloves. They always marked the places where a nature-kissed kitsune like herself found enjoyment. Enjoyment that would, on occasion, be gifted to a passerby when the plants were ready to reproduce. Aden moaned softly, rubbing her belly with her two lower hands. As soon as she returned home, she too would be ready and eager to reproduce as well. With anyone she could get her four hands on. Aden's three tails swayed happily behind her as the kitsune wondered which of her mistress's many pets she'd snuggle up with first.
Title: The Dream of a Lonely Dragon by trek Tags: Dragon, Feline, First Time, Handjob, M/F, Oral, Short, Vaginal The Dream of a Lonely Dragon By Trek Warning, this story contains sexual material and should not be read by people under 18. Thanks and enjoy! First I suppose I should tell you about myself. I am a 20 year old, 6 foot, sky blue dragon. Well built, but with a little extra weight around the midsection. I am a bit of a nerd and very much a redneck. That is about all the basics. You should also know some history I think. Several years ago, I had some one that I loved dearly, I wanted to be her mate. Yet her parents would not allow anything to go on between us until she was older, which I understood and was willing to be patient. We would meet every so often and we would chat on the internet almost every day. I had such feelings for her that I could not describe them in words. Anyway, after a few months of this routine, she began to feel distant, and after a week or so I found out why. Apparently one of my friends that also knew her had confessed his love to her and she decided that she felt the same toward him. She told me all of this over the internet, same as we always talked. At this I didn't know what to think. I quickly replied back asking if there was any place for me with her, desperately hoping for anything positive. All I got from her was an "I don't think so." My heart was broken. I kept talking to her for a few weeks, but then slowly broke contact. There was a dagger sticking in my back that no one could see but me. I have carried that dagger with me for many years, not daring to take it out, making a promise to myself, that I would never be the one to put someone through that kind of pain. Since that time I have not sought another potential mate, reasoning to myself that the right one would come along when I was ready and that I would recognize her at first glance. Though I know that it was only from the fear of being hurt again, I didn't think I could take another dagger like that. Well, that is about all the history you need to know. Now for the rest of the story. She was a beautiful yellowish gold feline that had a wonderful figure and a lovely face. She was extremely graceful and kinder than anyone I had ever met. Her name was Crystal. I worked with her for many years at a fast food joint, rarely getting the chance to work next to her but savoring the time when I did. She always smelled nice and never seemed to be mad or unhappy. She always had a smile on her face and it always made my day to see it, because I could not help but smile too. I quickly knew that she was the one I had been waiting for, the one that could pull that painful dagger out. I started spending as much time with her as possible, going on break at the same time, talking after work was over, and even going in to work on my days off just to see her. I learned all I could about her. Told her what ever was on my mind and she did the same. After some time I decided that I wanted to take our friendship to the next level, but I realized that I had forgotten to ask a very important question. Was she already with some one? To my sadness and dismay she said that there was and that she loved him greatly. I just smiled at this but my heart sank. I continued spending as much time with her as I could, her being one of the only female friends I had. But now every time I saw her it hurt. Knowing that I was not the one for her (knowing that that could change but still in pain). I also knew that the only way for me to get her would be for her to loose him, which would put her in terrible pain. The kind of pain that I promised my self that I would never be responsible for inflicting on someone else. So I was torn between the two possibilities, one being that she stayed with him and I would never get a chance with her, and the other being that she would loose him giving me a chance but putting her through great pain in the process. I decided that I would rather be the one to deal with the pain and stayed out of the way of her relationship with him. I still remained a close friend to her and kept our relationship the same though this was not easy in the least. Some days it was harder than others, such as the times when I was feeling depressed because she was not mine. She would know that something was wrong and would ask about it and try to make me feel better, not realizing that she was the reason I was so sad. It was not long before I began to dream of her, of the relationship I wanted to have with her. At first I shunned it, thinking it not fair to her. But as the days, weeks, and months went by, I slowly started to accept and even anticipate these dreams. I dremt of holder her close to me just to feel her warmth. Of caressing her back and nuzzling her soft cheeks. I knew it had to be love and not lust because very few of the dreams were sexual, not to say I didn't enjoy those too. But the dreams usually just involved us being close to one another and talking about whatever was on our mind. I can't count the number of times I had whole conversations with her and figured things out that were bothering me in my sleep. Nearly every night I would go to sleep hugging and snuggling a feather pillow, thinking of her, and hoping for another dream of her. Though on my not so good nights, these thoughts only tended to make me feel worse. I know that there was little I could do in the present situation with out breaking my promise, and that I was doing the right thing (or so I thought) by leaving things be as they were. The one question that constantly haunted me but I could not answer was: Was it wrong to want something that may put someone else through some pain. The quick answer I always gave out was yes, and considering my soft and kind personality it was mainly true for me. I could not bring myself to hurt another. But I still could not justify my choices. I was putting my self through great pain, and sparing her, and she didn't even know it. I know it wasn't fair to me, but I didn't think I had any other choice. I would not go back on my promise. But as usual, even with my mind busy with trying to answer an unanswerable question, sleep would find me. And visions of her always seemed to come when I needed them most. As I said before, sexually related dreams of Crystal rarely took place, but they did occur. Some of these were as simple as me pleasuring her with my fingers and mouth, but others as kinky and sexual as my wildest dream. But there was one constant, in these dreams I was always more concerned over her pleasure than mine. The one I loved the most I don't think I will ever forget. We were enjoying a home made meal (her being the master chef of course) strangely enough made up of my mothers wonderful stew, moist corn bread, and a glass of southern sweet tea. (By this point my redneck side is starting to show through.) It was a wonderful meal and I almost remember tasting the food. Afterwords I thanked her for the wonderful meal and helped her clean up. She was being very affectionate during washing the dishes. Nudging up against me while passing when there was plenty of room to go around or rubbing across my paw under the soapy water. I just shrugged it off, not wanting to get the wrong idea and then be seen as a pervert. When all the dishes were clean and put away, we went to her living room to watch some romantic movie. Continuing her affection, she snuggled close to me and cuddled with me. I am not even sure if she was paying any attention to the movie. I started to rub behind her feline ears, which she loved. She started to purr under the attention I was giving her. I proceeded to begin massaging her back, which was kind of awkward in a sitting position, but did the best I could. She leaned up against my chest and put her paws on mine, pulling them around her waist. I could tell that she was getting warmer. I was starting to get warm my self, wanting to open a window but not daring to break away from her. We snuggled there for want seemed like hours and only moments at the same time. And I cherished every second of it. Her wonderful aroma that softly surrounded me and exited my nostrils. Her velvet like fur that felt like heaven on my smooth scales. Her slow breathing that slowly raised and lowered her chest along with my paws wrapped around her. And the soft sound of her content purring which was like music to my ears. I began to murr softly myself, showing my contentment and pleasure in the situation. I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately, nature had other plans. I started feeling a second kind of heat build up in me, but not physical heat. I knew that burning feeling all to well; my body was becoming exited and was reacting accordingly. My thoughts started to race trying to find a way to get out of this situation without Crystal seeing what was going on. I tried to suppress the feeling, desperately trying to do the impossible. After all I can't really blame myself, she was very beautiful and we were getting very close and rubbing up against each other. I could not contain myself any longer and my dragonhood slowly started to push out of my sheath. I could feel the tip of it come into contact with her wonderful fur and released a small shudder, which I tried my best to hide, yet failing miserably. And then the part that I had been dreading came. She moved a bit in my lap and quickly noticed something pocking her in the small of her back. She hopped up in surprise and spun around to find my dragonhood fully erect in front of her. I quickly looked down and my cheeks turned a brighter red than I though possible. I quickly tried to apologize and started to get up thinking it best that I leave. I suddenly felt a strong hand push me back down into the couch. I looked up to find Crystal staring me in the eyes intently. I gave her a confused look and she simply said, "Where do you think you are going?" I didn't know what to say to this and my thoughts started to race again. But all my thoughts were put to an immediate halt when I felt a soft paw touch the end of my dragonhood. I nearly jumped off the couch from the sensation that pulsed through my body. I was in shock, not knowing how to respond, wanting more but not wanting to push her in any way. She saw the need in my eyes and slowly started to rub my shaft with her paw. She looked me right in the eyes again and said, "I have been waiting a long time for you, and I know you feel the same." I could not deny this but could not get my self to say anything; my breath had been taken away. All I could do was nod. She leaned in closer to me and slowly kissed my lips, her whiskers tickling my mussel some. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her. She felt so warm and the feeling from her paw still rubbing my shaft was intoxicating. I started to loose control of my actions, as if someone else had taken control over my body. I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth and wrapped it around hers. She began to purr again very loudly. I could tell she was enjoying the affection. She then pulled away from the kiss and continued to look me straight in the eyes. Her free paw grabbed one of mine and guided it down her body and down her abdomen. Not stopping till my paw was directly on top of her now dripping sex. It was then that I caught a whiff of her intoxicating smell, not her perfume, which I was used to, but her smell. It started to fill me with excitement and energy. I could feel her swelling clit under my paw and slowly started to rub the area. She moaned in pleasure. By this time I was starting to get my courage up. I used my free paw and started caressing her back, slowly working my way up to her shoulders and around to her chest. I started to massage her beautiful breasts, feeling the nipples harden under the attention. She continued her purring and moaning as she worked her paw up and down my shaft. My poor shaft could not take much more of this. I could feel the pressure of release building inside of me. Thinking quickly and a little clearer now, I put both paws on her hips and lifted her up and onto the couch, laying her down next to me. There was a bit of shock visible in her eyes since she had no idea that I was going to do that. I leaned over and started to nuzzle the moist folds of her sex. I flicked my tongue across her clit every now and then sending shocks of pleasure through her body. I looked into her eyes while doing this, asking a silent question. She knew what I was asking and quickly nodded. I slowly started to slip my tongue into her hot sex, my saliva and her fluids lubricating its way. She gasped in pleasure. As I continued I felt her barrier, indicating she was still a virgin. I was extremely happy with this since I was also a virgin, but worried at the same time, knowing that I would be the one to take her virginity from her forever. I continued to move my tongue in as far as I could. Pushing my lips up against her folds and sucking slightly. I move my tongue in and out of her slowly at first, savoring the wonderful taste of her sex and catching any juices I could in my mouth. She arched her back as I continued my motions, moving faster and faster. I could hear her breathing becoming faster and more labored. Suddenly she screamed, startling me at first, but I quickly realized what had happened. I felt her inner walls clamp down on my tongue, not allowing it to move. Juices flooded my maw and I hastily drank down all I could, not letting any go to waist. When her orgasm subsided I pulled my tongue out and licked my lips. She looked at me and gave me a seductive wink and then sat up and crawled over to me, pushing me back into a lounging position. She crawled up and kissed the tip of my shaft and it twitched at the sensation. She giggled at this and all I could do was smile. She then began to take my entire dragonhood into her soft mouth. Sucking slightly and rubbing her rough tongue across the tip of my sensitive shaft. More pulses of joy and pleasure rushed through me. She then started to bob her head on my shaft, taking as much in as she could, which was nearly all of it. I writhed in pleasure as she started to play with my balls with one of her soft, delicate paws. I could not describe the wonderful feeling. I never wanted her to stop. Suddenly, she pulled off and looked at me. I gave her a pleading look and whimpered. She gave me another seductive wink and crawled forward more and locked my muzzle in a passionate kiss, while at the same time, she lined up her sex with my throbbing shaft. As she lowered herself down onto my shaft I felt her warmth engulf my member. We both broke our kiss and arched our backs in pleasure as she slowly slid down till she was sitting in my lap. She cried in pain momentarily as my member broke through her fragile barrier, taking her virginity from her, but that cry was quickly replaced my purrs of pleasure. She started to bounce on my shaft using her weight to force herself back down onto me. I could not believe the feeling I was getting and wanted more. She started to bounce higher and faster. I placed my hands gently, but firmly on her hips to help. I watched as her beautiful breasts started to bounce with her movements. I felt that pressure building inside of me again and knew I was not going to be able to stop it this time. I gave her a quick look that told her I was close and she gave me an exited nod that told me it was OK. I could not hold back much longer when I heard her cry out in pleasure again and felt her walls lock down on my shaft. The sensation was too much for me and my orgasm hit at the same time. We shuddered in pleasure as her fluids mixed with my seed and flowed around my shaft and down across my balls. We held each other closely in a passionate hug as we allowed the orgasms to pass. She slowly got up off of my shaft and it retreated into its sheath. She lay down next to me and snuggled up against me as we basked in our afterglow. We nuzzled each other softly, never wanting to separate. I heard her breathing slow and become extremely quite. I knew that she had fallen asleep, and I laid my head down next to hers and quickly fallowed suit in exhaustion. Sleep washed over me. I awoke with a start in my own bed at my own house. Saddened that it was all just a dream, but enjoying the memory of what went on in that dream. The rest of the day I felt extremely happy and was full of energy. Knowing that there was still some hope that one lovely day, my dream might become a reality. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Thank you for reading this story. Tell me what you think; honestly, though go easy on me since this is my first story.
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