--- language: - nl tags: - text-classification - sentiment-analysis datasets: - train - test - validation --- ## Dataset overview This is a dataset that contains restaurant reviews gathered in 2019 using a webscraping tool in Python. Reviews on restaurant visits and restaurant features were collected for Dutch restaurants. The dataset is formatted using the 🤗[DatasetDict](https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/index) format and contains the following indices: - train, 116693 records - test, 14587 records - validation, 14587 records The dataset holds both information of the restaurant level as well as the review level and contains the following features: - [restaurant_ID] > unique restaurant ID - [restaurant_review_ID] > unique review ID - [michelin_label] > indicator whether this restaurant was awarded one (or more) Michelin stars prior to 2020 - [score_total] > restaurant level total score - [score_food] > restaurant level food score - [score_service] > restaurant level service score - [score_decor] > restaurant level decor score - [fame_reviewer] > label for how often a reviewer has posted a restaurant review - [reviewscore_food] > review level food score - [reviewscore_service] > review level service score - [reviewscore_ambiance] > review level ambiance score - [reviewscore_waiting] > review level waiting score - [reviewscore_value] > review level value for money score - [reviewscore_noise] > review level noise score - [review_text] > the full review that was written by the reviewer for this restaurant - [review_length] > total length of the review (tokens) ## Purpose The restaurant reviews submitted by visitor can be used to model the restaurant scores (food, ambiance etc) or used to model Michelin star holders. In [this blog series](https://medium.com/broadhorizon-cmotions/natural-language-processing-for-predictive-purposes-with-r-cb65f009c12b) we used the review texts to predict next Michelin star restaurants, using R.