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{"eng": "When the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives forever and ever,", "ame": "Ñam̃a ñeñt̃ berrmaʼt̃tetsa allpaʼ cohuentateññañet Yompor ñeñt̃ anets all poʼconaño, atarr am̃chaʼnaʼtpoʼ enteñet, ñam̃a c̈hocma puemaʼyocheñot̃et parasyosoʼteñet Parets ñeñt̃ ama arromñat̃eshayaye amaʼt ahuat̃a."}
{"eng": "the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever, and throw their crowns before the throne, saying,", "ame": "Ñetpaʼ ñerraʼm esempo ayeʼchoc̈htateñet Parets, añña ñeñt̃ epoch c̈harrasheña ñeñt̃ puechetsa paʼtats ñeñt̃ sherbeneʼ Yompor allpaʼ ñetpaʼc̈hoʼña oʼchc̈hoʼ concorpaʼrrtenet eʼñe all ñesho, oʼchc̈hoʼ maʼyocheñet ñamet Yompor ñeñt̃ ama arromñat̃eshayaye amaʼt errponaña. Allot̃paʼ oʼch aʼmeyet poʼchoyoʼm̃ oʼchc̈hoʼ net eʼñe Yomporeshonet̃ ñeñt̃ anets all poʼconaño. Oʼchc̈hoʼ ayeʼchoc̈htateñet Yompor ñamet, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ otenet:"}
{"eng": "I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.", "ame": "Nechemerneshachaʼ sa soʼchñarpaʼ oʼ ap̃retnaʼhuaret̃terra Cristeshot̃, ñeñt̃oʼmarña t̃eʼpaʼ atet̃ nequellquënnas."}
{"eng": "I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, little children, because you know the Father.", "ame": "Ñam̃a t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch notas sam̃a allohuenes ñeñt̃es eʼñe pomporneshaʼ penset. Sa t̃eʼpaʼ oʼ señoter Cristo ñeñt̃ eʼñe ahuat̃ot̃eñ eñall amaʼt eʼñe allempot̃eñ ama ayec̈hcataret̃tenaʼ pats; ñeñt̃oʼmarña t̃eʼpaʼ atet̃ nequellquënnas sam̃a. Ñam̃a t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch notas sam̃a allohuenes ñeñt̃es huepueshares, sapaʼ oʼ eʼñe sat̃pareʼter oneñet̃; ñeñt̃oʼmarña socop t̃eʼpaʼ atet̃ nequellquënnas sam̃a. Ñam̃a sa nechemerneshachaʼ t̃eʼ sapaʼ oʼ eʼñe señoter atet̃ penaña Yompor Parets; ñeñt̃oʼmarña t̃eʼpaʼ atet̃ nequellquënnas eʼñe socop."}
{"eng": "But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love toward mankind appeared,", "ame": "T̃arraña allempoña Yomporpaʼ eñotatey eʼñe ña puemuereñot̃paʼ mueneñ oʼch yenpaʼy, eʼñe allempocma yapaʼ att̃ot̃ña aʼqueshp̃aterrey, ñeñt̃oʼmarña Yomporpaʼ ñeñt̃ Yaʼqueshp̃atañer yepen."}
{"eng": "not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,", "ame": "Ñeñt̃paʼ ama añot̃eyaye att̃o eʼñe cohuen es yep̃aʼyen, añña eʼñe puemuereñot̃eya ñapaʼ aʼqueshp̃aterrey. Att̃oña eʼshohuerrnayña yoʼchñar att̃ochña ellopaʼ oʼch yoct̃apeʼcherr eʼñe cohuen etserra ñocop, ñam̃a Puecamquëñot̃paʼ oʼ eʼñe etserrataterrnay yoct̃ap̃ña."}
{"eng": "If anyone therefore purges himself from these, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, and suitable for the master’s use, prepared for every good work.", "ame": "Poʼñoc̈hpaʼ c̈hoch yesuanom allohuen sosyaʼtsañ, allochñapaʼ att̃och añach yemaʼyoc̈hra att̃och yesherbeʼ eʼñe cohuen Yompor. T̃arroʼmar allohueney ñeñt̃ey ameʼñetsapaʼ ama eʼñe att̃ecmayeʼ yesherbeñe Yompor. Ñatoʼ puesheñaʼtetspaʼ nanacchaʼ cohuen sherbeñet Yompor, ñatoʼ poʼpotantaññapaʼ amach. Ñatoʼ oʼch netmaʼntacha ñeñt̃ atet̃ pena pocoll. Ñeñt̃ acheñ ec̃llayoret̃paʼ arrña paʼpacllopaʼ shonteʼch eñall paʼnamen coymec̈hno. Ñatoʼ patantarrpaʼ ororroʼch ñatoʼ poʼpotantañpaʼ asrerroʼch, ñatoʼ poʼpotantaññapaʼ tsachrroʼch, ñatoʼ poʼpotantaññapaʼ patsrroʼch. T̃arraña allohuenpaʼ amach eʼñe att̃ecmayeʼ sherbenano pamoʼmteʼ. Atet̃ ñerraʼm ñeñt̃ ororroʼpaʼ nanacchaʼ coc̈hneshot̃ sherbenan pamoʼmteʼ, t̃arraña atet̃ ñerraʼm patsrroʼpaʼ amach tama coc̈hneshot̃eyeʼ sherbenano pamoʼmteʼ. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña yapaʼc̈hoʼña ñerraʼm yemneñ oʼch yesherbeʼ eʼñe coc̈hneshot̃ Yamoʼmteʼ Cristopaʼ añ palltetsa c̈hoch ñanom yesuanom allohuen sosyaʼtsañ att̃och añach yemaʼyoc̈hrena ñeñt̃ cohuentetsa Yamoʼmtayecop. Allochñapaʼ amaʼt erraʼtsena es yep̃aʼyenpaʼ eʼñech cohuenacma yocshateñ Yamoʼmteʼ Cristo."}
{"eng": "For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña t̃eʼ sapaʼ oʼch neñotatas ñeñt̃ atet̃ eñotaterrey Yepartseshar Jesucristo, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ yec̈hatey: Allohueney ñeñt̃eychaʼ orameñ corretsa allempoch huerra ña ñeñt̃eychaʼ ama rromhuetsaʼ allempo, yañapaʼ amach yotam̃pesyoña yanom ñeñt̃ oʼ rromhua, añchaʼ ñanom oterrtsa ñeñt̃ oʼ rromhua allot̃ñapaʼ yam̃a ñeñt̃ey orameñ corretsa, t̃arroʼmar allempopaʼ atet̃chaʼ perra."}
{"eng": "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,", "ame": "Partseshaʼpaʼ ñachña eñerrets huomenc ñam̃a ñeñt̃ paʼm̃chaʼtaret̃er pen allohuen mellañot̃eñnaneshaʼ ñachña rranaʼnerrtsa, eʼñech allempocma eʼmorrterra ñam̃a Yompor poʼpoctor. Att̃ochña ñapaʼ sohuaʼnerra pueʼntañot̃. Ñeñt̃ña rromuets ñeñt̃ ameñaʼnmaya Cristo ñetña allempopaʼ ñanmuetchaʼ tantrraʼtuerret."}
{"eng": "Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.", "ame": "T̃eʼña masheñneshachaʼ ñam̃a noc̈haneshachaʼ napaʼ oʼch notas, eʼñe yameʼñeñot̃ Yepartseshar Jesús, sapaʼ alloʼnepaʼchña cohuen sesen orrtatyesneneʼ ñeñt̃ atet̃ eʼñe pocteʼ enten Yompor ñeñt̃ yeyc̈hatuas ahuañmoʼchot̃eñ."}
{"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "ame": "Sapaʼ poʼñoc̈hpaʼ oʼ señoter ñeñt̃ atet̃ yeyc̈hatuas eʼñe yameʼñeñot̃ Yepartseshar Jesús att̃ochña sapaʼc̈hoʼña oʼch sorrtatyen ñeñt̃ cohuen enten ña."}
{"eng": "For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña masheñneshachaʼ ñam̃a noc̈haneshachaʼ yapaʼ amaʼt allohuen es yehuenoya ñam̃a amaʼtchaʼ atarr yemueroc̈hetuanena, t̃eʼñapaʼ oʼ alla socshaterrey. Att̃o yeñoterres sapaʼ att̃era cohuen sameʼñena ñeñt̃ña atarr yocshaterreʼ."}
{"eng": "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.", "ame": "Att̃o sapaʼ eʼñe cohuen huomenc sepen seyoc̈her Yepartsesharecop, napaʼ ñeñt̃ña eʼñe cohuen nocshateneʼ att̃o nocrrena arr patsro."}
{"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "ame": "Ñam̃a t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch notas, masheñ Tíquico ñach señotatenayaʼ allohuen ñeñt̃ atet̃ nepena na arr. Ñapaʼ atarr yemuerannena, ñapaʼ c̈hocma eʼñe cohuen yenpuenen att̃o yet̃orrena Yepartsesharecop."}
{"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña napaʼ ñeñt̃ecopña nemñeñña sesho ñach señotatenayaʼ ñeñt̃ atet̃ yepena ya arr. Ñam̃a ñach socshatoseʼ eʼñe seyoc̈hrohuen."}
{"eng": "You were dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,", "ame": "Ahuat̃ sapaʼ soʼchñarot̃ña ama es soct̃apeʼchperraʼ seyoc̈hro amaʼt eʼñe mamesha ñeñt̃ cohuentetsa Yomporecop. Eʼñe atet̃ sepeʼt̃ ñerraʼm poʼpoñ acheñ ñeñt̃ ama Yomporenaʼtareyaye. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña sapaʼ c̈ha sotteʼt̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ secamquëñpaʼ c̈ha rromuen. T̃arraña t̃eʼña Yomporpaʼ oʼ apuerres att̃och sapaʼc̈hoʼña corretsasach eʼñe atet̃ pena Cristo, t̃arroʼmar ñapaʼ oʼ peretnaʼhuerrnas allohuen soʼchñar."}
{"eng": "wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us. He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.", "ame": "T̃arroʼmar ñapaʼ oʼ eʼñe eʼshohuerrnay ñoñets ñeñt̃ oʼ quellcaʼhuetañ alloch yotteñeʼcharet̃terrañ ya, atet̃ oten ñoñets ñeñt̃ atet̃ anaret̃ ahuat̃ot̃eñ. Ñeñt̃ ñoñets Paretsñapaʼ alla aʼhuañatam̃perrey atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ ñeñt̃ apataret̃tetsa corsocho."}
{"eng": "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all joy, and hold such people in honor,", "ame": "Eʼñech separasyosoʼteñeshaʼ Yepartseshar Cristo oʼch sagapapuer ñam̃a eʼñe socsheñeshocmañen. Ñam̃a oʼch notas, c̈hocmuepaʼch semorrenteña amaʼt erraʼtsena acheñer ñeñt̃ eʼñe atet̃ senten ñerraʼm ña."}
{"eng": "because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.", "ame": "Att̃o ñapaʼ eʼñe puemneññot̃ oʼch t̃orra Cristocop c̈ha atsnaʼt amaʼt c̈ha mueneʼ rromañ. Atarr yoreretsot̃ correrra arr, t̃arraña ñapaʼ ama ñeñt̃ayaya mechaʼto att̃och ñapaʼ oʼch yenposen, ñeñt̃ sapaʼ amat̃eʼ errot̃ sepe att̃och sehuac̈haʼta b̃ac̈hayot̃ eʼñe puesheñaʼttsos att̃och seyenpuennaʼ arr."}
{"eng": "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,", "ame": "Att̃ochña señoch erraʼtsent̃eʼña nanac cohuen sherbets Yomporecop. Allochñapaʼ eʼñe señoteñot̃paʼ añepaʼchña atet̃ sep̃aʼyen ñeñt̃ eʼñe cohuenareʼ. Allochñapaʼ amach c̈ha saʼyohuaret̃terro ñerraʼm esempohuañenchaʼ huerra Cristo."}
{"eng": "being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.", "ame": "Ora atet̃ nenamuennas Yompor socoppaʼ atet̃ noten, eʼñe sameʼñeñot̃ Jesucristo poctacmapaʼ añepaʼchña cohuen atet̃ sep̃aʼyen ñeñt̃ nanac sherbets Yomporecop. Ñerraʼm atet̃ yepenapaʼ att̃ochña eʼñe cohuen yaʼcshapretaret̃tena Yompor poʼcohuenña."}
{"eng": "Therefore remember that once you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by that which is called “circumcision” (in the flesh, made by hands),", "ame": "Ñehua, t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch alla seyerpuerra ñeñt̃ atet̃ sepeʼt̃ ahuat̃. Allempopaʼ atarr allap̃aroʼtsaʼyenes Yomporeshot̃. Ñehua, sapaʼ atet̃ eñalletñas ama judioneshayayso. Añña ñeñt̃ atet̃ eñalletena judioneshaʼ ñetpaʼ aña yec̈henet oʼch tsorrannenet. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña ñetpaʼ otaret̃tenet atsorraret̃neshaʼ. Ñeñt̃oʼmar ñet sañapaʼ att̃a sochatseʼtenset sapaʼ añoʼ atsorrataret̃neshayayso añoʼ puechemereyayso Yompor."}
{"eng": "that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.", "ame": "Poʼñoc̈h allempo sapaʼ atarr allap̃aroʼtsaʼyenes Cristeshot̃ t̃arroʼmar ama separrocmaterraʼ epas. Ñam̃a amaʼt israelenaʼtarneshaʼ ñeñt̃ otenet Yompor pueyochreshaʼ, sañapaʼ ama parroʼmarneshayayso. Ñam̃a att̃o Yompor aʼpoctatan israelenaʼtar allempo otaneteʼt̃ ñeñt̃chaʼ atet̃ yenpuerranet esempo, saña allempopaʼ amaʼt mameshapaʼ ama seʼmareʼtperaʼ. Ama es secueno amaʼt mamesha ñeñt̃chaʼ saʼqueshp̃aterreʼ t̃arroʼmar allempo sapaʼ ama eñalle Seyomporer ñeñt̃chaʼ poʼñoc̈h seyemtena sam̃a arr patsrot̃."}
{"eng": "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him.", "ame": "Yapaʼ yeñoteñ Yomporpaʼ atarr morrentenya t̃arroʼmar ña t̃eʼpaʼ oʼ eñotatuerrey eʼñe ora ñeñt̃ atet̃ cot̃apeʼchen ña amaʼt ñeñt̃ ama eñotpahuo ahuat̃ot̃eñ. Ñapaʼ oʼ eʼñe eñotaterrey yeyoc̈hro ñeñt̃ atet̃ muenen ña. Ñeñt̃paʼ añña atet̃ muenen ña: Ñerraʼm esempoch c̈hap allempoch etsoterra allempo onañcheʼ ahuat̃ Yomporpaʼ, allempoña Cristo ñach etsotatuerreʼ allohuen ñeñt̃ allpon eñall, amaʼt ora allpon ñeñt̃ pueʼntañoʼtsaʼyen amaʼt ñam̃a ora allpon ñeñt̃ añe patsroʼtsaʼyen. Eʼñech Cristesho aʼyapac̈haʼhuerret allchaʼña eʼñe yeparrocmatuerr allohueney."}
{"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "ame": "T̃arroʼmar ñeñt̃ ñoñets ñeñt̃ atet̃ anaret̃ judioneshacop ahuat̃paʼ t̃eʼ napaʼ neñoteñ ñeñt̃paʼ ama añecpayaye att̃och oʼch yaʼqueshp̃aterra yañeña. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña ya ñeñt̃ey oʼ yameʼñera Cristo yapaʼ oʼ yaʼypoʼñam̃per att̃ochña t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch yocrrerra cohuen Yomporecop eʼñe yeyoc̈hrohuen."}
{"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña yapaʼ oʼ yequec̈hpaʼhuerr atet̃ muenatseʼtatyesyeʼt̃ yechets. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña oʼ eʼñe atet̃ yeperra ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ oʼ corsoʼtam̃perryet epay Cristo. T̃eʼpaʼ amaʼt ora yocrrenañpaʼ t̃arraña ama yayeʼ corretso, añña Cristo ñeñt̃ yechorrenayapaʼ ñeñt̃ña corretsa t̃eʼ yechtso. T̃eʼpaʼ eʼñe yeyemteñot̃ Yompor Puechemerpaʼ yocrrena eʼñe cohuen arr patsro, t̃arroʼmar ña yemorrenterraya, ñam̃a ña rromats yocop."}
{"eng": "It is no great thing therefore if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.", "ame": "Ñehua, yapaʼ yeñoteñ oneñet̃paʼ c̈hocma atet̃ pena ñam̃a oʼch poʼpoñet att̃ot̃chaʼ shequëney. Oneñet̃paʼ c̈hocma orrtatennay ñeñt̃chaʼ cohuen yenten ya, oʼch orrtatennay atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ ñapaʼ Yompor poʼpuetarenñot̃ amñaret̃ ñeñt̃ atarr cohuen. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña yeñoteñ oneñet̃ pueyochreshaʼ ñeñt̃ t̃orretsa ñocoppaʼ ñetpaʼc̈hoʼña atarrchaʼ ashcañareret, mueneñet oʼch poʼpoñetet att̃ot̃chaʼ orrtenet atet̃ ñerraʼm añ acheñer ñeñt̃ eʼñe poʼñoc̈h t̃orretsa Yomporecop. T̃arraña ñeñt̃ atet̃ petsapaʼ añ oʼpatenahuet coñcheñets ñeñt̃ poctetsa añecop ñeñt̃ atet̃ p̃atseʼtyetsa."}
{"eng": "He died for all, that those who live should no longer live to themselves, but to him who for their sakes died and rose again.", "ame": "Ñam̃a att̃o Cristopaʼ atarr morrentenya ñeñt̃ña ama yemnatenaye oʼch alloʼna yesen corratsa eʼñe yocpa. Ñam̃a att̃o t̃eʼpaʼ yeñoteñ Cristo ahuoʼt rroma allohuenacpay, allochñapaʼ att̃o yocrrena yapaʼ oʼhuañchaʼ yocrra eʼñe yocpa. Ñeñt̃paʼ ñeñt̃ara yoten oʼ yerromaprecha Cristo, allohueney ñeñt̃ey ameʼñenaya. Añchaʼña atet̃ yocrrena eʼñe ñocop, ñeñt̃ rromats yocop, elloñapaʼ alla tanterra yocop."}
{"eng": "For I do not wish to see you now in passing, but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits.", "ame": "Añ atarr nemnen ñerraʼm Yompor muenatspaʼ allat̃eʼ naʼllponmat sesho, ñatoʼ allat̃eʼ necharaʼpena. T̃arroʼmar napaʼ ama nemno oʼch att̃a nepomuetnom sesho, añña napaʼ nemneñ ñerraʼm Yompor muenatspaʼ allat̃eʼ natomat. Ñam̃a ñatoʼ eʼñe allot̃paʼ oʼt̃eʼ sanemyesen errachc̈hoʼ neshecha allempo."}
{"eng": "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired.", "ame": "T̃arraña poʼñoc̈hpaʼ ama att̃eyeʼ yec̈hcatye Yompor. Ñapaʼ ahuoʼt neʼ att̃och yec̈hcaʼyesa allemeñ yechets ñeñt̃ atet̃ pocteʼ ent ña. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña yeñoteñ amaʼt errot̃enc̈hoʼ yet̃orraʼyesa Yomporecop puesheñaʼttsoypaʼ ñeñt̃paʼ c̈hocma sherb̃aʼyen."}
{"eng": "If they were all one member, where would the body be?", "ame": "Poʼñoc̈hpaʼ ñerraʼm yechetspaʼ aña yec̈hcatsa pat̃err atet̃ ñerraʼm eʼñe yeclloyochayapaʼ amat̃eʼ errot̃enot̃ orrtoña eʼñe cohuen ora yechets."}
{"eng": "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.", "ame": "Atet̃ ñerraʼm na, Yompor puemuereñot̃paʼ oʼ yec̈haten na oʼch neñoch eʼñe huomenc, att̃och nanomchaʼ ameʼñaterraya acheñeneshaʼ Jesucristo. Ñehua, oʼch netmaʼntacha atet̃ ñerraʼm Yomporpaʼ oʼ yec̈hatenen att̃och oʼch neñoch t̃omateʼ pocoll eʼñe huomenc. Eʼñe neñoteñot̃ oʼch nat̃omat ñanom quellpach eʼñe echarr. Allot̃ñapaʼ oʼch huapa poʼpsheñeñ ñeñt̃chaʼ alloʼna yec̈hcatnomueʼ. T̃arraña ñeñt̃chaʼ alloʼna yec̈hcatnomueʼpaʼ cot̃apeʼchepaʼ ñanom, pocteʼt̃eʼ atet̃ peñ, ñatoʼ amat̃eʼ."}
{"eng": "For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.", "ame": "Ñehua, añ quellpach ñeñt̃ anaret̃ ñanompaʼ ñeñt̃ tomaʼntenaya atet̃ ñerraʼm ya ñanompaʼ oʼch yameʼñera Jesucristo. Ñapt̃ach Cristo yameʼñerra. Ama eñalle poʼpoñ ñeñt̃chaʼ yameʼñerra, t̃arroʼmar amach errot̃enot̃ yameʼñyo poʼpoñ ñeñt̃ ama Cristoyaye, añchaʼña ñeñt̃ara Cristo ñeñt̃ oʼ yotuanmas."}
{"eng": "Even as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”", "ame": "Elloña t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch alla neyerpaterrserr att̃o yatañ Isaacpaʼ ahuoʼt yoran Rebeca ñeñt̃chaʼ puet̃apor p̃aʼ. Ñam̃a allempo Rebecapaʼ t̃otana Isaac puechemer ñeñt̃ epueshaʼ Yomporñapaʼ otan Rebeca, atet̃ och: “Ñeñt̃chaʼ eñalletatsa ñanom pechoyorpaʼ añchaʼ pomnaren peneʼ ñeñt̃chaʼ eñalletatsa chentaʼ.” Arrpaʼ allohua ñeñt̃ atet̃ Yomporpaʼ otan Rebeca. Ñam̃a allempo ama eñalletenaʼ puechoyoreshaʼ Yomporñapaʼ ahuoʼt yeʼchoña pat̃err puechoyor ñeñt̃ muenen ña, amaʼt allempopaʼ ama es yec̈hcatenetaʼ amaʼt ñeñt̃ cohuen enten Yompor amapaʼ ñeñt̃ ama cohuenayaye. Eʼñe att̃a ahuoʼt yeʼchana puesheñarr ñeñt̃ muenen ña; cheshat̃ollpaʼ ama pueyec̈hcateñot̃eyeʼ cohuen yeʼchyoña Yompor, t̃arroʼmar cheshat̃olleshaʼpaʼ ama es yec̈hcatenetaʼ amaʼt coñeʼt̃a. Att̃oña ahuoʼt etsota Yompor poʼñoñ ñeñt̃ atet̃ aquellcaʼhuaret̃ ahuat̃ot̃eñ, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ oten Yompor: “Jacobpaʼ atarr nemorrenteña, paʼmoʼnasheñña Esaúpaʼ ama tama nemorrenteño.” Atet̃ p̃a att̃och yeñoch Paretspaʼ ña acrañtetsa ñapuet̃ añecop ñeñt̃ eʼñe yeʼchena ña."}
{"eng": "For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brothers’ sake, my relatives according to the flesh", "ame": "Napaʼ atarr nanac nellquëña nemoʼnasheñneshaʼ ñeñt̃ara judioneshaʼ t̃arroʼmar ñetpaʼ shontetañpaʼ ama ameʼñeñeto Cristo. Ñeñt̃a nenen neyoc̈hro att̃o atarr nellquënanet. Ñerraʼm errot̃enot̃ naʼqueshp̃atanet oʼt̃eʼ naʼqueshp̃aterranetañ. Amaʼt pocteʼ nenteñeñ oʼch naʼcmaret̃tañ nañeña att̃och nechenquërra allochñapaʼ amach nentere Cristo, ñerraʼm atet̃ nep̃apaʼ ñetpaʼ ñatoʼ oʼt̃eʼ naʼqueshp̃aterranetañ. T̃arraña amaʼt atet̃ nep̃atstañpaʼ amach errot̃enot̃ naʼqueshp̃aterraneto."}
{"eng": "For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.", "ame": "Ñam̃a allempot̃eñ correʼt̃ Adán, acheñeneshaʼ arr patsropaʼ ñeñt̃a eñotet ñeñt̃ atet̃ at̃pareʼtan Adán Yompor. T̃arraña allempopaʼ ama eñalletenaʼ ñoñets ñeñt̃ atet̃ anaret̃ alloch aʼcoñchataret̃terret."}
{"eng": "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.", "ame": "T̃arraña att̃era oʼpatenanet rromueñets eʼñe allempot̃eñ correʼt̃ Adán ñeñt̃a att̃era ñam̃a t̃arrempohua allempo correʼt̃ ñam̃a Moisés ñeñt̃ nahuet ñoñets. Amaʼt ama at̃pareʼteññañeto Yompor poʼñoñ eʼñe atet̃ at̃pareʼteʼt̃ Adán, t̃arraña att̃era oʼpatenanet rromueñets. (Ñeñt̃oʼmar yeñoteñ Adán poʼchñarot̃paʼ ahuoʼt anaret̃ta att̃och oʼpatuaya allohueney rromueñets.) Ñeñt̃ña yamoʼmteʼ Adánpaʼ aña oʼpatatuaya ñeñt̃ ama cohuenayaye, t̃arraña Yamoʼmteʼña Cristopaʼ allempo huapapaʼ ñapaʼ añña oʼpatatosya ñeñt̃ eʼñe cohuenareʼ."}
{"eng": "Without being weakened in faith, he didn’t consider his own body, already having been worn out, (he being about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb.", "ame": "Allempo Yomporpaʼ atet̃ otan Abraham “peshot̃paʼ merenach shonteʼ paʼnamen acheñ ñeñt̃chaʼ p̃omporterraya” allempo Abrahampaʼ oʼ nanac poʼnmeʼten—c̈harroch c̈harraʼ chart̃eʼ echen. T̃arraña Abrahampaʼ amaʼt eñotena oʼ nanac poʼnmeʼten, oʼ meten allempo att̃och chemereʼten, ñam̃a puet̃apor Sarapaʼc̈hoʼña oʼ nanac poʼnmeʼten, amat̃eʼ errot̃enot̃ cheyoreʼterro, t̃arraña Abrahampaʼ ama quec̈hpuenano att̃o yemtenana ñeñt̃ atet̃ otue Yompor. Eʼñe pueyemteñot̃ Yomporpaʼ alloʼna sen cohueneʼ Yompor oʼch ap̃ amaʼt pat̃rra puechemer."}
{"eng": "“Be it known therefore to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will listen.”", "ame": "Allempopaʼ alla oterraneterr Pablo: —T̃eʼpaʼ oʼch neñotatas añ, t̃ayot̃eñ Yompor poʼñoñpaʼ oʼch yeserrpareʼtach poʼpoñ acheñ ñeñt̃ ama judioneshayaye. T̃arroʼmar ñetpaʼ ñerraʼm eʼmoñet Yompor poʼñoñpaʼ oʼch ameʼñet. Eʼñe pameʼñeñot̃etpaʼ queshperretchaʼ."}
{"eng": "When he had said these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃a otuanet Pablopaʼ añña judioneshaʼpaʼ eʼñe pachm̃areʼtannaʼteñot̃etpaʼ oʼ ahuanerret."}
{"eng": "When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that prosperity is coming to this nation by your foresight,", "ame": "Allempoñapaʼ huapachet ñam̃a Pablopaʼ oʼ c̈horeʼchet ñanom Tértulo att̃och eños ñanom. Ñañapaʼ añecpa eños att̃och otteñeʼchet Pablo. Ñanompaʼ oʼ eños eʼñe cohuen gobernadorocop ñeñt̃ Félix, atet̃ ot:"}
{"eng": "we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.", "ame": "—P̃a gobernadoro, nanac cohuen yentenep̃ t̃arroʼmar eʼñe p̃ot̃ot̃ yocrrena eʼne cohuen ama eñalle att̃och yec̃llarannaʼta. Ñam̃a p̃apaʼ oʼ p̃aʼpoctatonay eʼñe cohuen ñeñt̃ yepalltena arr yenyo. Ñeñt̃oʼmar ya t̃eʼpaʼ yemneñ oʼch yeparasyosoʼt p̃ocop att̃och c̈hocma peyenpueney cohuen."}
{"eng": "When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,", "ame": "T̃arraña oʼ t̃aya c̈hapmoch canc̈herrmat allempoch oʼch aʼcohuentatuetpaʼ añña judioneshaʼ ñeñt̃ huetsa Asiot̃paʼ oʼ eñchet Pablo all Parets paʼpacllo. Ñetñapaʼ oʼ atsrreʼmatachet acheñeneshaʼ att̃och oʼch eʼmoñeʼchet Pablo. Allempoñapaʼ oʼch rromuet Pablo."}
{"eng": "crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!”", "ame": "Paʼtsrreʼmueñot̃etpaʼ oʼ rranareʼtyeset, otyeset: —Masheñnesha judioneshachaʼ oʼch seyenpaʼy. T̃eʼpaʼ oʼ yenter añ acheñ ñeñt̃ yeʼmoñeʼteneʼ ñeñt̃ey judioneshay ñeñt̃ara ñeñt̃ oʼ puesuerran Moisés poʼñoñ ñam̃a ñeñt̃ oʼ aʼsosyatuan Parets paʼpaquëll. T̃eʼpaʼ oʼ erracmañen atet̃ oʼ yec̈hatyesuan acheñeneshaʼ. Elloña t̃eʼpaʼ oʼ abeʼt̃atan ñam̃a acheñ ñeñt̃ ama judioneshayaye arr Parets paʼpacllo. Allochñapaʼ ahuoʼch aʼsosyatuan Parets paʼpaquëll."}
{"eng": "For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.", "ame": "T̃arroʼmar atet̃ otet oʼ eñchet Pablo epuet Trófimo all chopeñeʼchen epuet Jerusaléño. Trófimo ñeñt̃paʼ efesoʼmarneshaʼ, ama judioneshayaye. Ñetpaʼ c̈hoʼ otenapuetañ ñatoʼ Pablopaʼ oʼt̃eʼ abeʼt̃atan Trófimo all Parets paʼpacllo ñeñt̃ ama pocteyeʼ enteno judioneshaʼ."}
{"eng": "Now Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus, the king’s personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king’s country for food.", "ame": "Allempoña Herodesñapaʼ nanac eʼmoñeʼtenan tiroʼmarneshaʼ ñam̃a sidónoʼmarneshaʼ. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña oʼhuañ apanet rreñets ñeñt̃ nanac palltenet paʼnyeto. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña ñetpaʼ mueneñet oʼch alla amoʼtsteret Herodes att̃och oʼch alla apuerranet ñeñt̃ palltenet. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña huac̈haʼta shonteʼ tiroʼmarneshaʼ ñam̃a sidónoʼmarneshaʼ oʼch enteñetaʼ Herodes. Añña Herodes paʼtaruasañer añ paʼsoʼcheñ Blastopaʼ eʼñe cohuen entapanet. Ñañapaʼ oʼ aʼpoctatanet att̃och ñetpaʼ serrpareʼtet epuet am̃chaʼtaret̃."}
{"eng": "On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and gave a speech to them.", "ame": "C̈hap allempoʼch serrpareʼtet epuet am̃chaʼtaret̃paʼ Herodesñapaʼ oʼ chorrana nanac coc̈hneshaʼ paʼshtampaʼ anorros poʼconañopaʼ eñosos. Oʼ eños atet̃ ñerraʼm ñeñt̃ am̃chaʼtaret̃ nanac."}
{"eng": "They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen", "ame": "Allempoñapaʼ oʼ maʼyochet. Puemaʼyocheñot̃etpaʼ atet̃ otet: —Yompore, ñeñt̃ep̃ enteneʼ allohueney yeyoc̈her. T̃eʼpaʼ oʼch peñotatey erraʼtsent̃eʼ pemnen p̃a ñeñt̃chaʼ ello alla sherberrets p̃ocop atet̃ ñerraʼm pellsensar."}
{"eng": "to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place.”", "ame": "Judasoñpaʼ oʼ saʼnmuey oʼ ahuoʼ all ñeñt̃ oʼpatataret̃tena ña eʼñe ña poʼchñarot̃."}
{"eng": "I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.", "ame": "’Napaʼ na att̃en ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ uvachrec̈hmoʼr pueʼchor, sapaʼ sa puetacres. Eseshaʼ neparrocmaterreʼ ñam̃a napaʼ eʼñech neparrocmatenanet, ñeñt̃chaʼña nanac meʼtats. Ñerraʼm aʼyoʼtsensa neshot̃ amat̃eʼ errot̃enot̃ sorrtatyesoña ñeñt̃ cohuen enten Yompor."}
{"eng": "If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.", "ame": "Eseshaʼch ama neparrocmaterraye ahuaporeʼtaret̃chaʼ atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ tsachtaquër ñeñt̃ ama meʼtetso c̈hochña pechaʼtam̃p̃setña puetaquër oʼch eʼñe porrarrqueʼchua allempochña aʼyapac̈hetpaʼ oʼch chamuet tso allchaʼ poyua."}
{"eng": "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.", "ame": "’Ñerraʼm separrocmaterrna ñerraʼm c̈hocma soct̃apeʼchennan neñoñ eschaʼ senamuen napaʼ napaschaʼ."}
{"eng": "“In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.", "ame": "Att̃o nanac cohuen semeʼtenpaʼ ñeñt̃paʼ allochña secohuentateññañ Nompor t̃arroʼmar sapaʼ añchaʼ sorrtatyen ñeñt̃ cohuen enten ña. Ñam̃a sapaʼ att̃ochña eñoterres acheñeneshaʼ poʼñoc̈h ñeñt̃es neyochreshas."}
{"eng": "The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two.", "ame": "Allempoña c̈hap pocto atsneʼpaʼ oʼhuañ atsnom, oʼ eʼñe checmetua errap̃aren añe patsro. Oʼña ellerrotnenmochapaʼ oʼ alla puetarerr. Allempoña ñeñt̃ besom allo yottam̃peññañet Parets paʼpaquëll poʼponro ahuepaʼt rrarraʼnom eʼñe poctacma, oʼ eʼñe ellopaʼtetsta."}
{"eng": "He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them,", "ame": "Jesúsñapaʼ atet̃ ot: —T̃eʼpaʼ oʼch notas, añ rret̃orrnaneshaʼ amaʼt atarr huocchañ ñapaʼ poʼñoc̈hcaʼye atarr aton nosan quelle, ello metanaʼtuosan allohuen poʼpotantañec̈hno allpon quelle ñeñt̃ naʼyenet ñet."}
{"eng": "for all these put in gifts for God from their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had to live on.”", "ame": "T̃arroʼmar allohuenet ñeñt̃ naʼyenet quelle, añacaʼye naʼyenet ñeñt̃ aʼpchatyenet, ñañapaʼ amaʼt atarr huocchañpaʼ eʼñe pomhuahuospan allohuen ñeñt̃ echyen ñeñt̃ muenatenaneñ alloʼch yoran att̃och correna arr patsro."}
{"eng": "They were ridiculing him, knowing that she was dead.", "ame": "Allempoñapaʼ ahuanmuet Jairopahuo. C̈hapuet pocollo allñapaʼ alloʼtsaʼyen shonteʼ acheñeneshaʼ all yahuanrrortenet, yaʼnaʼteñet arromñat̃. Jesúsñapaʼ otosanet: —Amach atarr seyahuatsto. Añ shopsheshaʼpaʼ amacaʼye c̈hoyeʼ rromueno c̈hacaʼye muen. Ñetña pachm̃areʼteñot̃etpaʼ att̃a cheʼtatsetyesapet t̃arroʼmar ñetpaʼ eʼñecaʼye eñoteñet c̈hocaʼye rromuen. Allempoña Jesúsñapaʼ ama muenatano allohuen acheñeneshaʼ oʼch beʼt̃oset alloʼtsen arromñat̃. Ñapaʼ aña muenat Pedro ñam̃a Juan, ñam̃a Jacobo ñam̃a arromñat̃ puepapar ñam̃a pachor ñeñt̃aña epuet beʼt̃osc̈haʼtoset alloʼtsen arromñat̃."}
{"eng": "Or how can you tell your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck of chaff that is in your eye,’ when you yourself don’t see the beam that is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck of chaff that is in your brother’s eye.", "ame": "Amach atet̃ sentatsche poʼpotantañ ñerraʼm ñetpaʼ ama cohuenayeʼ es peneto amaʼt sapaʼ ama sentenoña ñeñt̃ atet̃ sep̃aʼyena sa; ñeñt̃paʼ ello sem̃taneñña poʼpotantañ ñeñt̃ atet̃ es p̃aʼyenet ñet. Ñerraʼm ama cohuenayeʼ es sepeno sam̃apaʼ amach sotatscheña poʼpotantañ: “Masheñchaʼ napaʼ oʼch noct̃apeʼchaterrep̃ eʼñe cohuen.” T̃arroʼmar ñerraʼm atet̃ sepenapaʼ c̈ha sommoʼchena. Ñanomchaʼña añ sehuaporeʼterr ñeñt̃ ama cohuenayeʼ sepeno sa, allochñapaʼ att̃och señoch cot̃apeʼchateʼ samoʼts eʼñe cohuen. Ñeñt̃paʼ añ tomaʼntena oʼch senten poʼpsheñeñ paʼclloyoʼtsen puepachña amaʼt sa seclloyopaʼ alloʼtsen tsach; ñeñt̃ñapaʼ ama senteñe. Ñerraʼm atet̃paʼ amach errot̃enot̃ socheña poʼpsheñeñ: “Masheñchaʼ napaʼ oʼch nechterrnap̃ peclloyot̃ pepachña.” T̃arroʼmar añ tsach ñeñt̃ seclloyoʼtsenpaʼ c̈ha aʼnpuennasña att̃och eʼñe cohuen es sentyen. Ñanomchaʼña añ sehuaporeʼterr tsach seclloyot̃ allochñapaʼ att̃och eʼñe cohuen es sentyen. Att̃ochña eʼñe cohuen sechterrñañ poʼpsheñeñ puepachña paʼclloyot̃."}
{"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "ame": "Ñam̃a oʼch noterrserr: Ñerraʼm sechets p̃atyenes ñeñt̃ ama pocteyeʼ enteno Yompor atet̃ ñerraʼm sot, setac, seclleʼ, añ poctetsa oʼch sequec̈hpuerr ñeñt̃ c̈hocma atet̃ p̃atseʼtatyenes sechets. Ñeñt̃paʼ eʼñe atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ eʼñe allorocma oʼ sepecherr sot, setac, oʼ serrot̃err seclleʼ, oʼch sehuaporeʼter. Añ cohuen socop amaʼt eʼñe sepoʼyotateñot̃ corretsasach t̃ayot̃eñ errponohuañen. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar sotpaʼ oʼch sec̈herr coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ ñeñt̃ ama emayaʼpahuoyaye. Allpaʼ amaʼt pueñmochapaʼ ama rromueno; tsoʼpaʼc̈hoʼña ñeñt̃ alloʼtsenpaʼ ama amayaño amaʼt errponaña. Ñam̃a añ cohuen socop amaʼt eʼñe setcot̃paʼ sepshem̃tatquëñot̃ corretsasach t̃ayot̃eñ errponohuañen. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar setacpaʼ oʼch huaporeʼterrset coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ ñeñt̃ ama emayaʼpahuoyaye. Allpaʼ amaʼt pueñmochapaʼ ama rromueno; tsoʼpaʼc̈hoʼña ñeñt̃ alloʼtsenpaʼ ama amayaño amaʼt errponaña. Ñam̃a añ cohuen socop amaʼt seclloyot̃ sepshem̃taclloʼyeñot̃ oʼch sec̈herr all am̃chaʼtaret̃tena Yompor. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar seclleʼpaʼ oʼch huaporeʼterrset coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ. Allpaʼ amaʼt pueñmochapaʼ ama rromueno; tsoʼpaʼc̈hoʼña ñeñt̃ alloʼtsenpaʼ ama amayaño amaʼt errponaña."}
{"eng": "He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.", "ame": "Ama ameʼñeñeto ñeñt̃oʼmarña allpaʼ ama atonocheyeʼ orrtataneto poʼpartsoña. Allpaʼ aña orrtatyen att̃och aʼp̃llaʼyenan puesheñaʼtets atsnañet̃ allpaʼ att̃ocaʼyeña aʼcrratenanet."}
{"eng": "He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña Jesús atarr cot̃apeʼchateñ pamoʼtseshaʼ att̃o ñetpaʼ ama acuaʼpenayeʼ enteñeto, ñapaʼ c̈ha mueneʼ llecateñet. Allempoña Jesúspaʼ alla chopeñeʼchyerrerr yec̈hatyerrtserr allemeñ anetsoʼmar."}
{"eng": "and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and God’s Kingdom is at hand! Repent, and believe in the Good News.”", "ame": "Allempoña yottam̃p̃set Juan allchaʼ mueroc̈htachet, Jesúsñapaʼ allent̃a ahuerr Galileo. Oʼña c̈herr all ñañapaʼ serrpareʼtatuerranet ñeñt̃ eʼñe cohuen ñoñets ñeñt̃ huetsa Yomporeshot̃ alloch yequeshperra. Ñeñt̃ñapaʼ atet̃ otuerranet: —T̃eʼñapaʼ oʼ etsoterra yet̃ñats, oʼ c̈herrmoch allempoch atarr ayochreshat̃terra Yompor. Socoppaʼ añ poctetsa oʼch soct̃apeʼcherr ello cohuen Yomporecop ñam̃a oʼch sameʼñerra ñeñt̃ eʼñe cohuen ñoñets allochcaʼyeña sequeshperra."}