{"eng": "For, uttering great swelling words of emptiness, they entice in the lusts of the flesh, by licentiousness, those who are indeed escaping from those who live in error;", "ake": "Iyawon pʉra rɨ to' mʉta usaurokʉ esi, utapurɨn nɨken, ekumapai rɨken te'to' kon pori'ma pɨ' i'naino ka'pon eseru yawon, ka'pon amʉ' musunpa to' uya, serɨ pe kuru rɨ ainʉn nɨ pɨ' rɨ te'san ɨri yau tʉuko'mansan piyapai."} |
{"eng": "promising them liberty, while they themselves are bondservants of corruption; for a man is brought into bondage by whoever overcomes him.", "ake": "Inonkasa' pe e'nɨto' pɨ' to' auro'kasa' to' uya, te'tane'nokon nɨ ano'manin nan poitorʉ pe—apʉne pʉra ka'pon esi mɨrɨ tentai iyenasa' rʉ'pʉ poitorʉ pe rɨ."} |
{"eng": "I command you before God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate testified the good confession,", "ake": "Papa enu yau, uko'man nɨto' tʉnin tanporon ena' rɨ, mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ Kʉrai Sises, Ponsiyas Paire' rau tʉusekama a'tai wakʉ pe isekama'pʉ, ayapiyontɨ uya"} |
{"eng": "that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,", "ake": "serɨ apiyontɨn nɨto' kupʉ pa ipara'paai pʉra mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ ipokonomato' ipɨkɨrɨ pʉra uyepuru kon Sises Kʉrai usenpoika pʉ'kʉ pona rɨ."} |
{"eng": "But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth,", "ake": "Ina tonpa ton, Itepuru ni'nʉnkanʉ ton, tɨwɨrɨ rɨ tenki tato' ina uya pe kuru rɨ iyesi Papa pɨ' ɨpɨ'nokon, apʉne pʉra itɨpiya si'kɨrɨ rɨ ayanʉnsa' iya 'nokon pɨ' ɨpika'tɨto' kon pe tʉuya wakʉ a'kwarʉ e'tʉrawasoma winɨ ɨyena kon pa wakʉ pe, anapurɨnʉ kon i'napairon poro nɨrɨ."} |
{"eng": "to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "ake": "Ɨkɨ'masa' iya 'nokon serɨ pona ina nekamanʉ itekare poro, uyepuru kon Sises Kʉrai a'kwarii yau ipokon pe ɨwesi kon pa."} |
{"eng": "Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,", "ake": "I'tu auya'nokon pʉra pe' iyesi ɨri ton uya Papa e'to' esa' wannɨ pe eporo pʉra iye'to' oton? Kɨsenku'tɨtʉu: Tekumasan, mɨrɨ pe pʉra Papa tato' ipɨ' pe ika'sa' pɨ' tʉwɨpʉremasan, iyemari'masa' pe esii'ma tekumasan, warawoti'si amʉ', warawo' ku'nin nan tʉtaan'pʉ kon pe, tʉwaraino kon nɨ ku'nin nan tʉno'pʉ kon pe,"} |
{"eng": "nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortionists, will inherit God’s Kingdom.", "ake": "ama' amʉ' rɨ, mentaino kon nɨ, te'taripasan nɨ, ɨri pe tʉtonpa kon pa'nʉ'nin nan, tʉtonpa kon a'kwarʉkanin nan itimamin pɨ', uya Papa e'to' esa' wannɨ pe eporo pʉra iye'to' oton."} |
{"eng": "Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.", "ake": "Mɨrɨ ye' pe ɨtonpa kon amʉ' esi'pʉ. E'tane si ɨkorʉkasa' kon, wakʉ pe ɨkonekasa' kon Papa iwano' pe, Papa pokon pe iyekonekasa' pe ipokena' pe, Itepuru Sises Kʉrai ese' yau, Papa, itese' pɨ' e'nɨto' A'kwarʉ ke."} |
{"eng": "They ought to have been here before you and to make accusation if they had anything against me.", "ake": "Ɨ'rɨ pʉra rɨ iyekorʉkasa' pe esii'ma unkupʉnʉ kupʉ uya koro'tau Esuwerʉ amʉ' Eisa nono winon kon uya uyeporo'pʉ. To' uya uyeporo'pʉ Esuwerʉ amʉ' use'mato', ɨpʉremato' iwʉ' tau, anpisin pʉra rɨ uya'kɨrɨ, ɨri pe rɨ e'nɨto' ku'sa' uya pʉra rɨ iyesi. To' uye'sa' nin si ɨpiya' nesii'no urɨ nʉkupʉ'pʉ ekamase'na ɨpɨ'."} |
{"eng": "‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord. ‘Or what is the place of my rest?", "ake": "“‘Epʉn esi uyapon pe, non esi u'ta apon pe. Ɨ'rɨ warai ɨutɨ amɨ auya'nokon uiwʉ' pe? ta Itepuru uya. Mɨrɨ pe pʉra nai yau umoronka'to' pata'se' esi?"} |
{"eng": "Didn’t my hand make all these things?’", "ake": "Unkoneka'pʉ ton pen pe' se ton tanporon nɨ?’"} |
{"eng": "They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen", "ake": "Mɨrɨpan tanporo mɨrɨ yau te'san ɨpʉrema'pʉ, “Ina epuru, tanporon kon usenuminkato' i'tu auya. Apʉne ekamakɨ nai kʉrɨ rupɨ anʉnsa' auya pʉsamoro asa'ron kon ka'pon amʉ' apai"} |
{"eng": "to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place.”", "ake": "enno'sa' pe iye'to' pe, Isutas pata'pʉ iyakan pe. Isutas uya ina nonkasa' man tʉpata'se' ya' tʉutɨ pɨ',” tukai' to' ɨpʉrema'pʉ."} |
{"eng": "Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb.", "ake": "Mɨrɨ pɨ' si Pi'ta mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ tʉron nɨ ipoitorʉ ton e'sara'tɨ'pʉ tɨ' akasa' uruwai' pe pona utɨn pɨ'."} |
{"eng": "They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first.", "ake": "Asa'rɨ rɨ to' eka'tumʉ esi'pʉ, e'tane isakon uya Pi'ta entaka'pʉ, mɨrɨpan uya tɨ' akasa' uruwai' pe eporo'pʉ iwapiya."} |
{"eng": "They were glad, and agreed to give him money.", "ake": "To' epori'ma'pʉ, mɨrɨpan pʉrata ke irepa pɨ' to' e'kama'pʉ."} |
{"eng": "He consented and sought an opportunity to deliver him to them in the absence of the multitude.", "ake": "Mɨrɨpan uya, “Ewai',” ta'pʉ, mɨrɨpan esi'pʉ Sises tʉto' tʉuya weyu eporo i'se, anpisin pe ka'pon amʉ' esi a'tai pʉra."} |
{"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "ake": "Itosorʉwano ite'kwa tenna'poi', ta'pʉ iya to' pɨ', “Mɨrɨ si e'nʉn nɨ pɨ' rɨ mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ umoronka' nɨ pɨ' rɨ ɨwesi kon? Eke pe man! Iweyu si e'seposa' man. Ka'pon, Papa winon eparankasa' man tʉmakooikena' nan ena'."} |
{"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "ake": "E'mʉ'sa'katɨ'. Utɨnpai'nokon! Uyeparankanin si uye'ka'nɨ pɨ' man!” ta'pʉ iya."} |
{"eng": "Pray that your flight won’t be in the winter.", "ake": "Ɨpʉrematɨ' serɨ e'kupʉ namai' komi' pe pata e'to' weyu a'tai,"} |
{"eng": "For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.", "ake": "apʉne pʉra mɨrɨ waraino ewankamanin e'ku'sa' pʉra rɨ iyesi iyepiya'tɨ'pʉ si'kɨrɨ, Papa uya non kaa'pʉ si'kɨrɨ serɨ pʉ'kʉ pona, mɨrɨ waraino kanan e'ku'to' oton pen nɨ."} |
{"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "ake": "Mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ a'ta uya ɨye'makoima emapu'tɨ pe iyesi yau, a'tɨkɨ. Wakʉ iwa pe rɨ iyesi i'ta pʉra esii'ma tɨwɨrɨ rɨ uko'man nɨto' ya' ɨyepa'ka a'tai, ti'ta ke ɨyeno'ma entai ya'mu pʉn ekota'man nɨto' ya'."} |
{"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "ake": "Inke pʉra rɨ etasa' tʉuya a'tai, aiko rʉ'kwɨ makoi a'kwarʉ yen imʉre uri'san uyee'pʉ i'ta piya' ata'mo'kai'."} |
{"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "ake": "Pʉse rɨ uri'san esi'pʉ ka'kʉran pe, tʉron nɨ pata winon, iyentusa' Poni'siya, Siriya yawon yau, mɨrɨpan uya Sises pawana'tɨ'pʉ ɨri a'kwarʉ enpa'kato' pe iya tʉmʉre yapai."} |
{"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "ake": "Sapa' e'seposa' a'tai, to' enupa pɨ' iye'sara'tɨ'pʉ Esuwerʉ amʉ' usenupato' iwʉ' tau. Tu'ke rɨ ka'pon amʉ' esi'pʉ mɨrɨ yau, mɨrɨpan eta tʉuya'nokon a'tai, tanporon kon nɨ usewansiuka'pʉ. “Nai yau serɨ ton eporo'pʉ pʉse rɨ ka'pon uya?” tukai' to' usekama'popɨtʉ'pʉ. “Ɨ'rɨ rɨ pu'ketʉ ke irepasa' pe iyesi? Ɨ'rɨ kasa rɨ eke rɨ Papa tʉrawasooi kupʉ iya?"} |
{"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "ake": "Kiya'pinta pen pe' pʉse rɨ? Meri mʉre; Isens, Isoses, Isutas mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ Saiman pokon rui? Serɨ yau pe' upiyau'nokon iparusi ton pʉra nai?” ta'pʉ to' uya. Mɨrɨpan kon ɨkɨnʉmʉ'pʉ ipɨ'."} |
{"eng": "He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”", "ake": "Sises uya to' ekama'po'pʉ, “Ɨnʉ' si usan? Ɨnʉ' yan si uyakon non?” ta'pʉ iya."} |
{"eng": "Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!", "ake": "To' si ene'pʉ iya, ka'pon amʉ' ereutapɨ'sa' tʉwoi, mɨrɨpan uya ta'pʉ, “Pʉsamoro usanon mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ uyakon non."} |
{"eng": "Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts?", "ake": "Mɨrɨ a'tai rɨ, Sises uya ta'kwarʉ yau i'tu'pʉ to' usenuminka tewan kon yau, mɨrɨpan uya ta'pʉ to' pɨ', “Ɨ'rɨ pe iyesi pɨ' mɨrɨ kasa ɨusenuminka kon?"} |
{"eng": "Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’", "ake": "Nai esi sa'man pe pʉra iwa pʉse rɨ ipu'tɨka'sa' pɨ' tato'; ‘Amakooi pɨ' usentu'masa' man,’ ta, mɨrɨ pe pʉra, ‘Te'mʉ'sa'kai' ayapon tanʉnse enta,’ ta?"} |
{"eng": "“Then if any man tells you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There!’ don’t believe it.", "ake": "Mɨrɨ a'tai ɨnʉ' uya rɨ ta pe iyesi yau ɨpɨ'nokon, ‘Kʉrai man serɨ yau,’ mɨrɨ pe pʉra, ‘Mɨrɨ yau man,’ ta a'tai ɨpɨ'nokon, kʉsapurɨtʉu."} |
{"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "ake": "Apʉne pʉra enku'tɨnin nan kʉrai amʉ' mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ enku'tɨnin nan pu'kena' amʉ' usenpoikato' oton, eke ton nɨ i'tuto' ipɨ' ton mɨrɨ awonsi'kɨ eke Papa tʉrawasooi ton ku'to' oton to' uya, Papa nanʉmʉ'san enku'tɨnin pe—ikupʉ tʉuya'nokon pe iyesi yau."} |
{"eng": "When they came near to Jerusalem and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,", "ake": "To' uya Surusiran eporo koro'tau, Pe'pake ya' si to' uye'kaa'pʉ Are' Wʉpʉ pon. Sises uya asa'ron kon tʉpoitorʉ ton ennoko'pʉ,"} |
{"eng": "saying to them, “Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me.", "ake": "tai'ma to' pɨ', “Entantɨ' ɨyentau'nokon na'ne' eke iwa pata ya'. Mɨrɨ yau, inke pʉra rɨ isa'ka'si ewa'tɨsa' eporo auya'nokon mɨrɨ, imʉre ipiyau, mɨrɨpan kon teukai', to' mʉne'tʉi' upiya'."} |