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{"eng": "Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind, who concerning the faith are rejected.", "anv": "Ne ndɛre Jens ɛbwɔ́ ne Jambras átɛne nya ukpene ne Mosis wyɛmbɔ ntó ne bɔɔ́ bina ála kámege ne genó ɛyi gelú wáwálé. Ɛbwɔ́ alú bɔɔ́ abi matɔɔ́ bwɔ́ álá fɛrege sé depɔ cháŋéné, ábyɔ gebyɔ nnó áfyɛ́ matɔɔ́ ne Ɛsɔwɔ."}
{"eng": "But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.", "anv": "Yɛ́mbɔ ájyɛ nyɛ yɛ tɛtɛ́ ne unó bwɔ́ ɛbimbɔ nénde, ɛla gachyɛ bɔɔ́ ákaá nnó ɛbwɔ́ álu uŋkeŋkene bɔɔ́. Ndɛre ɛbɔ ɛpyɛ nya ne Jannɛs ɛbwɔ́ ne mejeé wuú Jambrɛs."}
{"eng": "For some of these are people who creep into houses and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,", "anv": "Né geluage bwɔ́, abifɔ ákpɛne né úpu bɔ álá ajeé mbaá andée abi apwa ɛbwɔ́ mmyɛ. Andée bimbɔ álu abi gabo ayi ɛbwɔ́ ápyɛ ne ákwɔlege, áchyɛge ɛbwɔ́ ɛfwyale né metɔɔ́."}
{"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "anv": "Andée bina áwya gejeé mangi yɛ́ndé gefɔgé genó ɛyi matɔɔ́ bwɔ́ ágarege, yɛ́mbɔ akágé, kwɔne fɔ́ mbaá ayi ákaáge genó ɛyi gelu wáwálé."}
{"eng": "May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain,", "anv": "Nnɛnemmyɛ nnó mejé Ɛsɔwɔ ɛbɛ ne ula gepú Ɔnɛsiforus, nénde afyɛɛ́ me ɛshyɛ metɔɔ́ yɛndegébé, mmyɛ ɛgbo fɔ́ ji nnó me nlu né gepúge denɔɔ́."}
{"eng": "but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently and found me", "anv": "Gébége ji akwɔne né melɔ Rom akɛle me ne ɛfofoge kpaá tɛ agɛne me."}
{"eng": "(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.", "anv": "Nnɛnemmyɛ nnó Ɛsɔwɔ alɛre ji galɔ́gálɔ́ bií unɔɔ́ mpa. Ne wɔ mbɔɔ́ ɔkaá mɛ nkane ji apoó me né melɔ Ɛfɛsɔs."}
{"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "anv": "Meŋmɛ se Tikikɔs achwɔ́ge, agárégé nyɛ ɛnyú genó ɛyi gepyɛɛ́ ne me. Ɛsé débɔ́ gejeé ne ji dɔɔ́, ne alú ntɛ meŋmɛ ayi apyɛɛ́ utɔɔ́ ne ɛsé chóncho ne apyɛɛ́ utɔɔ́ Ata ne metɔɔ́ wuú ɛma."}
{"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "anv": "Ula bi me ntɔme ji ɛta nyú úlú nnó achwɔge, agáré ɛnyú ndɛré depɔ dekɛne wena ne ɛsé nnó afyɛ ɛnyú ɛshyɛ."}
{"eng": "Beware of the dogs; beware of the evil workers; beware of the false circumcision.", "anv": "Sɛ́gé gébé ne bɔɔ́ abi ápyɛ utɔɔ́ unómé, álú ɛké bɔ mamyɛ, néndé ɛbwɔ́ átome wyɛ ɛshyɛ nnó ásɔ́ unó ande ne ábɛ́ aŋkwɔlé Jisɔs."}
{"eng": "For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh;", "anv": "Ɛsé ne délú bɔɔ́ Ɛsɔwɔ. Wáwálé ɛsé ne asɔɔ́ ɛsé nsɔ́ ayi wáwálé ɛpɔ́fɔ́ ɛbwɔ́, néndé ɛsé denoge ji né ɛshyɛ ɛwé Mendoó Ukpya ɛchyɛgé ɛsé. Ɛsé dewya gempɔ́ge gétúgé genó ɛyigé Kras Jisɔs apyɛ ɛta sé. Ne dépɛ́lé fɔ́ lé unó bi akwaá apyɛ né gepɔge akwaá, ndɛre mansɔ́ nsɔ́."}
{"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "anv": "Yɛ́mbɔ Kras achyɛɛ́ yɛ́ndémuú sé ɛwuú ɛchyɛ ndɛre ji amɛ nnó ɛkwane ne yɛ́ndémuú."}
{"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "anv": "Ɛlú wyɛ ndɛre asame né mmu ŋwɛ Ɛsɔwɔ nnó, “Gébégé Kras akwɔme ajyɛɛ́ né melu ɛwé mfaá, aja gejamégé bɔɔ́ denɔ ákwɔle ji, ne achyɛɛ́ akwaá ufɔɔ́ ufɔɔ ɛchyɛ.”"}
{"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "anv": "Ása wyɛ aké, “Akwɔ afɛ né mfaá”, ɛwéna ɛtɛne nnó gemɛge nnó Kras akwɔ né mfaá abɔ mɛ mbɛ ashulé achwɔ́ fa mme."}
{"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "anv": "Wyɛ lé ji awú muú ashulé achwɔɔ́ fa mme ne akwɔme ajyɛɛ́ né malu ayi álú tɛ mfaá mfaá. Ji apyɛmbɔ nnó ji apyɛ yɛ́ndégenó né yɛ́ndé mbaá gébɛ gelɔgélɔ́ ndɛre ji akɛlege nnó gebɛ."}
{"eng": "I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,", "anv": "Unó bi ɛnyú dépyɛɛ́, upyɛ me nlá meno mekpo fuú. Ɛsɔwɔ akú ɛnyú nnó debɛ́ bɔɔ́ bii gétúgé galɔ́gálɔ́ ayi Jisɔs Kras alɛ́régé ɛnyú. Yɛ́mbɔ wyɛ né maá mboó gébé gachyɛ dekwɔré metɔɔ́ nyú délyage muú ayi akuú ɛnyú, déwuú abya melɔ́mélɔ́ ayi mekɛ."}
{"eng": "but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.", "anv": "Wáwálé alú nnó, yɛ́ abya melɔ́mélɔ́ ayicha apɔ́ sé, ɛkosé ayi ɛnyú débɔ déwuú mɛ. Yɛ́mbɔ, bɔɔ́ alú abi apyɛɛ́ nnó ɛnyú dékwe tametame, ne ammyɛɛ́ mámbúlé abya melɔ́mélɔ́ Kras."}
{"eng": "For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.", "anv": "Néndé muú ayi ajɔ́gé mejɔɔ́ ɛwé ji álá kágé, ajɔ́gé lé ne Ɛsɔwɔ ajɔ́gé fɔ́ ne akwaá, yɛ́ muú fɔ́ ákágé yɛ́ genó ɛyigé ji ajɔ́gé, néndé ajɔ́gé lé unó Ɛsɔwɔ ɛbi úlú bibií ndɛre Mendoó Ukpea ɛchyɛge ji ɛshyɛɛ́."}
{"eng": "But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.", "anv": "Ne yɛ́ndémuú ayi agarege mekomejɔɔ́ ayi atanege mbaá Mendoó Ɛsɔwɔ, ajɔ́gé genó ɛyigé akwaá áwú, ne mejɔɔ́ wuú ɛpóge bɔɔ́ ɛfyɛɛ́ ɛbwɔ́ ɛshyɛ ne ɛkwenege ɛbwɔ́ matɔɔ́."}
{"eng": "Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,", "anv": "Nnɛnemmyɛ nnó Ɛsɔwɔ muú apyɛɛ́ ɛnyú dékógé metɔɔ́ ne détɛnege ne ɛshyɛ né depɔ ɛtií, apoó ɛnyú débɛ meko ama ne ate ndɛre dékwɔlege gekáge nekɛ Kras Jisɔs,"}
{"eng": "that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "anv": "nnó ɛnyú ako chóncho né meko ama défɛge nyɛ Ɛsɔwɔ muú alu ntɛ Ata sé Jisɔs Kras."}
{"eng": "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,", "anv": "Nkaá chaŋéné nnó yɛ́ genó gekage kare fɔ ɛsé ne Kras, yɛ́ ɛbɛlé negbo, yɛ́ geŋwá, yɛ́ makiɛ́nné Ɛsɔwɔ, yɛ́ álo nchyɛ, yɛ́ unó bi upyɛ mbɔ nana, yɛ́ ɛbi upyɛ nyɛ meso gébé, yɛ́ álo áto áto,"}
{"eng": "nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.", "anv": "yɛ́ ɛbɛle unó bi úlú tɛ mfaánebuú, yɛ́ ɛbi úlú melɔ áwú bɔɔ́, yɛ́ genó gefɔ né unó bi Ɛsɔwɔ ákwyɛɛ́ ɛyi gekágé kare ɛsé né gejeege Ata se Kras Jisɔs nnó Ɛsɔwɔ abɔgé fɔ́ gejeé ne ɛsé gétúgé Ata se Jisɔs gepɔ."}
{"eng": "“Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him among you, even as you yourselves know,", "anv": "Pita amajɔɔ́ aké, “Bɔɔ́ Isrɛli wuúge, Jisɔs ayi Nasarɛt alu muú yi Ɛsɔwɔ alɛre ɛnyú cháŋéné nnó, ji ne atɔme ji getuge ɛnyú degɛ ndɛrɛ abɔ́ apyɛ́ɛ ukpɛkpɛ uno bi ulɛre nnó Ɛsɔwɔ ne achyɛge ji uto. Ɛnyú dekaá nénde uno bina ubɔ́ upyɛ metɔɔ́ metɔɔ́ ɛnyú."}
{"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "anv": "Jisɔs yina, ɛle ayi ɛnyú dechyɛ ɛta bɔɔ́ nchyɛ nnó áwɔ́ né gekwa. Yɛ́mbɔ ɛle Ɛsɔwɔ ne abɔ́ ámɛɛ́ mɛ ábelé ne akaá nnó mbɔ ne ɛpyɛ nyɛ."}
{"eng": "When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.", "anv": "Ndɛre Jisɔs ajɔ́gé depɔ tire na, Ɛsɔwɔ alɔ mansɛ́ ji ajyɛ né mfaánebuú, ne baá utɔɔ́ bií ála ápɛlé amɛ mfaa. Akwɔ́ afɛ kpaá gekó gekweré ji."}
{"eng": "While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,", "anv": "Ndɛre ɛbwɔ́ álu áfyɛ́ amɛ mangɛ ji, ɛké ɛwyage ágɛ ande fɔ apéa ne mandeé pópó mmyɛ, átɛné kwɔ́kwɔ́lé ne ɛbwɔ́."}
{"eng": "Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John", "anv": "Ɛkwɔ́ bɔɔ́ Farasi áwú nnó bɔɔ́ abi ajyɛɛ mbaa Jisɔs, ji awyage ɛbwɔ́ manaá Ɛsɔwɔ aja apwɔ abi ajyɛɛ mbaá Jɔn."}
{"eng": "(although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but his disciples),", "anv": "Yembɔ wáwálé alú nnó Jisɔs jimbɔ awyáge fɔ́ bɔɔ́ manaá Ɛsɔwɔ, ɛlé baá utɔɔ́ bií ne áwyáge."}
{"eng": "he left Judea and departed into Galilee.", "anv": "Ne Jisɔs awúgé nnó bɔɔ́ Farasi áwu nnó bɔɔ́ abi áchwɔɔ́ ɛta wuú aja apwɔ abi Jɔn, alyaá Judiya akeré meso né Galilií,"}
{"eng": "Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,", "anv": "Átá Tyɔ́filɔs, gejamégé bɔɔ́ ámua mɛ́ mansá abya unó bí úpyɛ́ né metɔɔ́ metɔɔ́ ɛsé."}
{"eng": "even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,", "anv": "Ɛbwɔ́ ásá wyɛ́ ndɛre ɛbwɔ́ ábɔ́ áwuú mbaá bɔɔ́ bí ákpané amɛ ɛbwɔ́ ágɛné ndɛre unó biná ulɔɔ́ mampyɛ ne ukwyá, ne ɛké ɛ́wyage álɔɔ́ mangare abya yi."}
{"eng": "it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus;", "anv": "Ndɛre me ntó mbɔ́ nkwɔlege unó bina uko cháŋéné tɛ gachií, mbɔ́ ngɛ́ nnó ɛ́lú galɔ́gálɔ́ nnó nsá wɔ unó bi ndɛre nsámé nkwyɛ ubi nkane úpyɛ́ géma géma."}
{"eng": "Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead long.", "anv": "Ágigé mbɔ, Palɛt alaá meno fuú mánwu nnó Jisɔs agbó mɛ. Akú muú kpaá bɔɔ́ bee agií ji wá Jisɔs agbóo mɛ́."}
{"eng": "When he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.", "anv": "Muú kpaa bɔɔ́ bee yimbɔ akamé nnó agbo, ɛfɛɛ́ ne Pálɛt akamé nnó Josɛf akáge jyɛ feré geŋkwɔ́gé Jisɔs né gekwa."}
{"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "anv": "Atégé yɛɛ́ mmyɛ mbɛ gachyɛɛ́ ató mano mme, amo ushuú mme, anɛmmyɛ nnó mbɔgé meti ɛ́lú, Ɛsɔwɔ apyɛ ɛfwyale ɛwémbɔ ɛkoó ji koóge."}
{"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "anv": "Anɛnemmyɛ aké, “Ntɛ, Ntɛ yɛɛ́ genó ɛyi gepwɔ́ɔ wɔ gepɔ́. Nnɛne wɔ mmyɛ féré amó ɛfwyale yina átáné me mmyɛ. Yɛ́mbɔ pyɛ genó ɛyigé wɔ ɔkɛlege ɛ́pɔ́ fɔ́ ɛyigé me nkɛ́lege.”"}
{"eng": "The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "anv": "Baá utɔɔ́ bií áwúgé mbɔ álá mano makpo fuú, yɛ́mbɔ Jisɔs ama jɔɔ́ ne ɛbwɔ́ aké, baá ba ɛjwéré mankpɛ né gefwagé Ɛsɔwɔ!"}
{"eng": "It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "anv": "Ɛ́lú wáwá nnó mpɔ mashwɔne áshwá né ɛmbú ábyamé ɛpwɔ nnó muú ŋka akpɛ né gefwagé Ɛsɔwɔ ágbárege."}
{"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "anv": "Ama jyɛ mbɛ aké, mbɔgé ɛbwɔ wyɛ ɛpyɛ́ wɔ nnó ɔkwéné mabɛ́ Ɛsɔwɔ, sɔ́ ɛwu ɔfómé, ɛ́lú galɔ́gálɔ́ nnó ɔkpɛ né geŋwá gechúchúle ne nnó ɔkpɛ né ntoné mewɛ ɛwé ɛ́lá nómégé ne amu apea."}
{"eng": "Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.", "anv": "Me ngarege ɛnyú mechɔ́ ɛwé gétúgé gefwa ɛyigé Ɛsɔwɔ ágbárege gélú ɛké abya yina. Mfwa fɔ́ abɔɔ́ mankwɔ́lé bɔɔ́ utɔɔ́ bií abifɔ áchwɔ́ ne bɔɔ́ utɔɔ́ bií ányɛɛ́ ji."}
{"eng": "When he had begun to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.", "anv": "Ndɛre alɔ ula mankwɔ́légé, bɔɔ́ utɔɔ́ bií abifɔ áchwɔ́ ne muú utɔɔ́ wuú ayifɔ ama ayi agbaré ji gejamégé ŋka ɛyi ɛpwɔ amu."}
{"eng": "For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.", "anv": "Nchwɔ́ pyɛ́ nnó maá ayi mende ámmyɛ́ ne ntɛ wuú, ayi mendée ámmyɛ ne mmá wuú. Mendée menɔ ammyɛ ne ŋmogétá wuú."}
{"eng": "A man’s foes will be those of his own household.", "anv": "Ne bɔɔ́ mawámé muú átanégé ɛlé né ula gepú bií."}