{"eng": "make you complete in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.", "ame": "T̃eʼñapaʼ Yomporepaʼchña eʼñe ahuamencat̃ sepeneʼ amaʼt allohuen paʼnamenacop ñeñt̃ atarr sherbets ñocop. Eʼñe yameʼñeñot̃ Puechemer ñeñt̃ Jesucristo ñachña yaʼcohuentateneʼña ora yoct̃ap̃ña ñeñt̃ atet̃ yoct̃apeʼchyen yeyoc̈hro allochñapaʼ att̃ochña eʼñe cohuen yoct̃apeʼcherr ora allohuen ñeñt̃ cohuen enten ña. Att̃ochña eʼñech cohuenareʼ sorrtatyen ñeñt̃ eʼñe atet̃ muenen ña. Ñeñt̃paʼ ñeñt̃ara Yompor ñeñt̃ eʼñe yocshateneʼ yeyoc̈hro ñam̃a ñeñt̃ara ñeñt̃ tantaterreʼ Puechemer rromot̃ ñeñt̃ Yepartseshar yepen, Jesucristo ñeñt̃ña atarr cohuen yecuam̃peneʼ atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ ñeñt̃ atarr cohuen cohuam̃peneʼ poʼcarrneror. Eʼñe poʼrrasoña alloña aʼpoctatonay ñeñt̃ eʼñe etserra ñeñt̃ña aʼpoctateñetspaʼ amaʼt errponañapaʼ amach huañerro. T̃eʼña eʼñe t̃ayot̃eñpaʼ yecohuentatoñepaʼch Cristo amaʼt errponohuañen. Ñeñt̃paʼ att̃etepaʼch Nompore yocop."} {"eng": "For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,", "ame": "T̃arroʼmar Yompor poʼñoc̈hpaʼ ama añeyeʼ oʼpatatenyo att̃och coñchatuerrey; yapaʼ añña oʼpatatenya att̃och eʼñe cohuen aʼqueshp̃atuerrey allohueney eʼñe yameʼñeñot̃a Yepartseshar Jesucristo"} {"eng": "who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.", "ame": "ñeñt̃ rromats yocop, att̃ochña amaʼtchaʼ oʼ yocllaʼhuenañ allempoch huerra amapaʼ ñatoʼ orameñ yocrrenmeñ allempoch huerra att̃erayach yañapaʼ corretsayach epay ña eʼñe parro."} {"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "ame": "Ñam̃a Cristopaʼ apaʼyeney allohueney eʼñe poʼpoñeʼttsocma att̃och yet̃orraʼyesa Yomporecop eʼñe paʼnamenot̃. Puesheñaʼttsoypaʼ oʼch apaʼyesey errpont̃eʼ pocteʼ enten ña."} {"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "ame": "Ñehua, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ oteney Yompor poʼñoñ ñeñt̃ aquellcaʼhuaret̃ ahuat̃ot̃eñ, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ oten Cristocop: Allempo aʼterr pueʼntañopaʼ ahuanerran allohuen ñeñt̃ eʼmoñeʼteneʼ att̃ot̃ña aʼmchechuahuerranet. Allempoñapaʼ eʼñe pocsheñeshot̃ shonteʼ es apaʼyesnerran acheñeneshaʼ."} {"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "ame": "Ñehua, all oten “aʼterr pueʼntaño.” Ñeñt̃oʼmarña yeñoteñ allempo ama aʼterraʼpaʼ ñapaʼ entot̃ asuaña, c̈hap amaʼt allohuanen patso oʼpono."} {"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃ara ñeñt̃ sohuatsa entot̃ ñeñt̃paʼ ñeñt̃ara ñeñt̃ aʼterrets amaʼt eʼñe allohuanen ento. Att̃ot̃ña eʼñe erracmañen epaʼhuena Cristo."} {"eng": "But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.", "ame": "Napaʼ nemneñ masheñneshachaʼ ñam̃a noc̈haneshachaʼ oʼch señoch ñeñt̃ atet̃ neserrpareʼtatas ahuañapaʼ ñeñt̃paʼ ama acheñoyaye poct̃ap̃ña alloch yequeshperra."} {"eng": "For I didn’t receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.", "ame": "Napaʼ ama acheña neñotatenaye atet̃, ñam̃a napaʼ ama eseshaʼ neyc̈hatenaye. Añña eʼñe Jesucristo ñaña eʼñe neñotateneʼ atet̃."} {"eng": "In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together with my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,", "ame": "Amaʼt napaʼ ama alloʼtsenno parro, t̃arraña eʼñe neyerpueñot̃espaʼ alloʼtseney parro. Amaʼt ama alloʼtsennopaʼ napaʼ oʼch notas necartot̃ ñeñt̃ pocteʼ nenten na, att̃ecma ñerraʼm alloʼtseney parro. Napaʼ oʼ neñoch ñeñt̃chaʼ atet̃ sepeʼ ñeñt̃ ochñaʼtets atet̃. Oʼch notas ñeñt̃chaʼ atet̃ sepeʼ: Oʼch sapc̈ha allohuenes eʼñe sameʼñeñot̃ Yepartseshar Jesús; napaʼc̈hoʼña eʼñe neyerpueñot̃espaʼ alloʼtseneychaʼ parro. Allochñapaʼ eʼñe Yepartseshar Jesús poʼhuamencot̃paʼ"} {"eng": "Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died.", "ame": "Amaʼt eʼñe pocteñ oʼch yerraʼyes, t̃arraña ñerraʼm yemoʼnasheñpaʼ ama arrapahuoyeʼ enteñe, yapaʼ eʼñe ya yerreñot̃paʼ ñatoʼ oʼch yeyeʼchateña allempoñapaʼ oʼch rreʼ ñam̃a, ñañapaʼ c̈hach enteñ ñeñt̃paʼ ochñaʼteñets Yomporecop. Att̃eñapaʼ ñatoʼ oʼch alla puesuerran Yompor. Ñatoʼ yerreñot̃ amaʼt eʼñe cohueneñpaʼ oʼt̃eʼ yequec̈hpatater yemoʼnasheñ Yompor. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña notenes, amach yerratsto allempo, t̃eʼt ñeñt̃oʼmara yequec̈hpatater yemoʼnasheñ Yompor. Ñam̃a ñerraʼm atet̃ yepeñ yemoʼnasheñpaʼ poʼñoc̈hpaʼ ama yemorrenteño, ñeñt̃ara yemoʼnasheñer amaʼt Cristopaʼ ñocpaʼna rroma."} {"eng": "Then don’t let your good be slandered,", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña notenes, amaʼt pocteñ ñeñt̃ atet̃ pep̃aʼyena, t̃arraña ñerraʼm yemoʼnasheñpaʼ ama pocteyeʼ enteñe, ñañapaʼ ñeñt̃ot̃ach sasareʼteney. Ñehua, amaʼt eʼñe pocteñ oʼch atet̃ yepenañ, t̃arraña amach atet̃ yep̃atsche."} {"eng": "‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord. ‘Or what is the place of my rest?", "ame": "Napaʼ nanac Partson. Napaʼ nenten enet atet̃ ñerraʼm neconañ, patsñapaʼ nenteñ atet̃ ñerraʼm allchaʼ nenen netac. Errot̃enohuachñacaʼ seyec̈hcatonña pocoll allchaʼ neyc̈ha. Ama nepallteno allchaʼ neyc̈ha, atet̃ oten Yompor."} {"eng": "Didn’t my hand make all these things?’", "ame": "Napaʼ nehuamencot̃ neyec̈hcatua ora allohuen ñeñt̃ sentyen. Añpaʼ allohua atet̃ ot Yompor."} {"eng": "Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "ame": "Pedroñapaʼ atet̃ otanet: —T̃eʼpaʼ aña poctetsa ñeñt̃chaʼ seperra allohuenes. T̃eʼ sellquëñot̃ oʼch soct̃apeʼcherr ello cohuen Yomporecop. Allochñapaʼ Yomporpaʼ peretnaʼhuerrnaschaʼ soʼchñar. Eʼñe sameʼñeñot̃ Jesucristo añ pocteʼ t̃eʼ oʼch sapataret̃terra Partsocop. Allochñapaʼ Paretspaʼ chorraterrsach Puecamquëñ."} {"eng": "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”", "ame": "Ñeñt̃paʼ pocteʼ atet̃chaʼ sep̃a, t̃arroʼmar atet̃ otnerrey Jesús oʼch chorratuerrya eʼñe puesheñaʼttsoy Puecamquëñ, allohueney ñeñt̃ey oʼ huaʼñerrey Yeyomporer Parets oʼch yameʼñera. Ñam̃a oʼch chorratuonasa amaʼt sa sechemereshaʼ Puecamquëñ, ñam̃a allohuen amaʼt ñeñt̃ ellap̃aroʼtsaʼyenet."} {"eng": "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “A bone of him will not be broken.”", "ame": "Ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ p̃a att̃och etsoterra Yompor poʼñoñ ñeñt̃ anuaret̃ ahuat̃ot̃eñ, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ oten: “Ña amaʼt pat̃rra pueneppaʼ amach chenam̃pereto.”"} {"eng": "Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.”", "ame": "Amaʼt ñam̃a Yompor poʼñoñ ellonet̃paʼ atet̃ oteʼt̃ ahuat̃: “Ñetpaʼ enteretchaʼ ñeñt̃chaʼ enerret.”"} {"eng": "Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.", "ame": "T̃eʼpaʼ oʼ anaret̃ta allohuen acheñeneshaʼ arr patsro ñeñt̃ ama nameʼñenaye ñetpaʼ amñaret̃terretchaʼ coñcheñtso. Ñam̃a oneñet̃ ñeñt̃ paʼm̃chaʼtaret̃er pen acheñeneshaʼ arr patsro, t̃eʼ ñocoppaʼ oʼ anaret̃ta ahuaporeʼtaret̃terrach esempohuañen."} {"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "ame": "Na ñerraʼm esempoch echantam̃perrnet corsocho allempoña napaʼ nec̈horeʼterchaʼ allohuen paʼnamen acheñ att̃och ameʼñerrnet."} {"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "ame": "Ñapaʼ añecopña eñoranaʼtenanet att̃och eñotatanet ñapaʼ corsochoch rromuerr."} {"eng": "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who doesn’t own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and flees. The wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.", "ame": "T̃arraña poʼpsheñeñ ñeñt̃ atsaʼtaret̃tatsa att̃och cohuam̃penan carrnero ñeñt̃paʼ ama pamoʼmtayeyaye; ñañapaʼ ñerraʼm entapan maʼyarrpaʼ c̈hach mata oʼch saʼnmanña carrnero. Maʼyarrñapaʼ oʼch rromaʼyesosan carrnero, patantarrña carrneropaʼ oʼch att̃a aʼparratseʼtach."} {"eng": "The hired hand flees because he is a hired hand and doesn’t care for the sheep.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃ att̃a atsaʼtaret̃tetsapaʼ poʼñoc̈hpaʼ ama llecaʼpenanoña carrnero amaʼt mamesha. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña c̈hach saʼnmanña carrnero."} {"eng": "But they were urgent with loud voices, asking that he might be crucified. Their voices and the voices of the chief priests prevailed.", "ame": "T̃arraña ñetpaʼ ama cac̈hpueñeto otareʼtet. Elloña ñetpaʼ eʼñe puerrannarteñot̃et atarr enamueñet att̃och corsoʼtam̃p̃sach."} {"eng": "Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.", "ame": "Ñeñt̃oʼmarña Pilatopaʼ ameʼñachet. Att̃oña ñapaʼ atet̃ eñora: —T̃eʼpaʼ oʼch atet̃ nep̃onas ñeñt̃ atet̃ atarr semnen sa."} {"eng": "They were glad, and agreed to give him money.", "ame": "Allempoña ñeñt̃ atarr am̃chaʼtaret̃neshaʼpaʼ atarr coshenet, ñetñapaʼ aʼpoctachet c̈hochcaʼye tsaʼchetña Judas allpon quelle."} {"eng": "He consented and sought an opportunity to deliver him to them in the absence of the multitude.", "ame": "Ñapaʼ eʼñe pocteʼ eñch. Allempoña ñapaʼ aña atarr eʼnen errot̃enot̃chaʼ pomanña Jesús eʼñe aʼnahua att̃och amach eñche allohuen acheñeneshaʼ."} {"eng": "As he said these things to them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to be terribly angry, and to draw many things out of him,", "ame": "Allempoña ñetpaʼ eʼñe paʼtsrreʼmueñot̃ atarr es aʼp̃t̃oʼtareʼtyeset Jesús."} {"eng": "lying in wait for him, and seeking to catch him in something he might say, that they might accuse him.", "ame": "Ñetpaʼ añ atarr eʼnenet att̃och otatseʼtachet allochñapaʼ ñatoʼ poʼtatseʼtateñot̃etpaʼ att̃och otteñeʼcheñet."} {"eng": "As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.", "ame": "Allña maʼyochosapaʼ machayot̃epaʼtchaʼ poʼpoñetam̃p̃sosanet. Paʼclloyot̃paʼ c̈ha poʼpoñ orrtosanet. Paʼshtamohuen atarr huallamaʼt̃o poptosa."} {"eng": "Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.", "ame": "Ñehua, Pedro ñam̃a ñeñt̃ epuet alloʼtsen, ñetñapaʼ amaʼt atarr moñeʼtenetañpaʼ alla eʼñe achñesuerret, att̃oña entoñet Jesús poʼcohuenña amaʼt ñeñt̃ parro t̃omc̈hen."} {"eng": "who, when he was in Galilee, followed him and served him; and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem.", "ame": "Alloʼtsaʼyen ñam̃a shonteʼ coyaneshac̈hno, ñetñapaʼ aʼyot̃a cohuanrrortenet. Ñetpaʼ ñetcaʼyeña cot̃aʼhuanmueʼña Jesús Galileot̃eñ ñeñt̃ sherb̃aʼyesayeʼt̃. Ñeñt̃paʼ María Magdalena ñam̃a poʼpsheñeñ María ñeñt̃ Jacobo pachor ñam̃a José. Ñehua, ñeñt̃ Jacobopaʼ puechoyomer peñ José. Alloʼtsaʼyen ñam̃a shonteʼ poʼpotantañ coyaneshac̈hno ñeñt̃ cot̃aʼyesayeʼt̃ Jesús Jerusaléño."} {"eng": "Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”", "ame": "Pilatoñapaʼ atet̃ otapanet: —Sapaʼ ¿añeʼtña semnen oʼch naʼrroyerrnas ñeñt̃ am̃chaʼtaret̃tetsa judioneshacop?"} {"eng": "For he perceived that for envy the chief priests had delivered him up.", "ame": "Ñehua, Pilatopaʼ atet̃ otapan acheñeneshaʼ t̃arroʼmar ñapaʼ eñotenan cornaneshac̈hno paʼm̃chaʼtaret̃erneshaʼpaʼ ñetpaʼ eʼñecaʼye pueʼmoñeʼtateñmeʼchatsa pomueñetña Jesús."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "ame": "T̃arraña ñeñt̃ paʼm̃chaʼtaret̃erneshaʼ pen judioneshaʼ poʼcornaneshar ñetñapaʼ aña atarr cot̃apeʼchatenet acheñeneshaʼ att̃och ñetpaʼ allohuenetpaʼ oʼch ochet Pilato: “Añchaʼ p̃aʼrroyerrnay Barrabás.”"} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "ame": "Corneshaʼñapaʼ ñeñt̃a eʼmpaʼ allent̃a rrarreʼtan paʼshtam eʼñe patsrreʼmueñot̃, ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ ot: —T̃eʼpaʼ amachcaʼye yeʼnatsche poʼpsheñeñ ñeñt̃chaʼ aʼmet̃am̃p̃soseʼ."} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "ame": "T̃eʼ amaʼt sapaʼ oʼcaʼye seʼm̃ atet̃ achm̃areʼtenan Yompor. ¿Errot̃enaʼt senteñña sa? Ñetña allohuenetpaʼ atet̃ otyeset: —Ña poʼñoc̈hpaʼ atarrcaʼye nanac achm̃areʼtenan Yompor, pocteʼñac̈hoʼ t̃eʼpaʼ oʼch semtsatach."} {"eng": "There is nothing from outside of the man that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.", "ame": "Ama añeyeʼ yaʼsosyatenaye Partsocop ñeñt̃ yerraʼyen. Añcaʼyeña yaʼsosyateneʼ eʼñe ya yoct̃apeʼchatseʼteñot̃ ñeñt̃paʼ yeyoc̈hrot̃caʼye huena."} {"eng": "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!”", "ame": "Ñeñt̃es poʼñoc̈h neʼm̃ñoteneʼ c̈haponasepaʼch seyoc̈hro ñeñt̃ atet̃ netmaʼntatensa añ ñoñets."} {"eng": "He called to himself the twelve, and began to send them out two by two; and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.", "ame": "Allempo c̈hapaʼmuen allempo Jesús agotaʼmuenan pueyochreshaʼ c̈harrasheña ñeñt̃ puechetsa epsheña. Eʼñe apc̈haʼhuet ñeshopaʼ ñañapaʼ apanet llesens att̃och quec̈hpatyeset oneñet̃ec̈hno att̃o chorraʼyenana acheñeneshac̈hno. Att̃oña llesensanet ñetpaʼ oʼch ahuanemyeset eʼñe epsheñaʼttsocmuet."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.", "ame": "Alla oterraneterr: —Amaʼt errach pocollro sec̈hap allach sommosa allponmat esempohuach ahuerrserr poʼpoñ anetso."} {"eng": "Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”", "ame": "Ñerraʼm erra anetsro ñeñt̃ alloʼmarneshaʼña ama cohuenayeʼ agapaseto ñerraʼm amach mueneto oʼch eʼm̃ñotapasetpaʼ oʼch sem̃terrerr ñam̃a allot̃. Ñerraʼm allempo sem̃terrerr ñam̃a allot̃, ñeñt̃ña setcoʼtsaʼyen pañeʼteʼ patspaʼ c̈hoch sepaʼshetcaʼtyesnomña setac. Att̃ochña alloʼmarneshaʼpaʼ oʼch señotatnomanet ñetpaʼ amacaʼye pocteyeʼ entenanetoña Yompor. Poʼñoc̈h oʼch notas: Esempohuañen allempoch acraret̃etuerra allohuen acheñeneshaʼ, añña anetsoʼmarneshaʼ ñeñt̃ ama sagapaye ñetñapaʼ atarrchaʼ aʼcoñchataret̃terret. Elloch metanaʼtueret ñeñt̃ att̃o aʼcoñchataret̃terra sodomoʼmarneshaʼ ñam̃a gomorroʼmarneshaʼ."} {"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "ame": "Allñapaʼ allempo c̈herr yet̃ allempocma amesenet, ñañapaʼ arr yec̈hatuerraneterr judioneshaʼ poʼprahuo. Shonteʼ acheñeneshaʼ ñeñt̃ eʼm̃ñotapuerreʼ atet̃ serrpareʼtatuerranet all, ñetñapaʼ nanac cohuanrrortapueret, allempoñapaʼ atet̃ otyeset ñocop: —Ñapaʼ errahuañacaʼyeña eñotanña ora allohuen ñeñt̃ atet̃ p̃aʼyena. Eseshaʼhuañacaʼyeña eñotateneʼña att̃ot̃ orrtatenan partsoteñets. Errot̃uacaʼyeña huenaña ñeñt̃ eñoteñtsor ñeñt̃ orrtatyen ña."} {"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "ame": "Ñapaʼ añacaʼye ñeñt̃ poʼtaruas peneʼ oʼch t̃orrenana tsach att̃och es yec̈hcatyen paʼnamen. Ñapaʼ añacaʼye María puechoyor. Paʼmoʼnasheñpaʼc̈hoʼña añacaʼye Jacobo, José, Judas, ñam̃a Simón. Ñam̃a poʼc̈haneshaʼpaʼ eʼñecaʼye yechmeʼtenanet, parroʼmarneshayarramcheʼ. Ñeñt̃oʼmarña all eʼñe ña paʼnyopaʼ ama eseshayeʼ acuaʼpenaye entenaye."} {"eng": "When he had come out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him out of the tombs.", "ame": "Jesúsñapaʼ sehuosa all noñt̃ot̃, allñapaʼ huapoña puesheñarr yacma t̃arraña ñapaʼ añ chorrenaya oneñet̃. Ñeñt̃paʼ arrot̃ huapa allecma pampaʼyeñet arromñat̃ec̈hno."} {"eng": "Always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.", "ame": "Allñapaʼ ellapeneʼt̃chaʼ ñam̃a arepeneʼt̃chaʼ chopeñeʼchyesets apampañoʼmar ñam̃a aspent̃areroʼmar. Allñapaʼ allecma atarr amaʼtoc̈htena, tsotseʼtyena mapyo eʼñe ñañeña."} {"eng": "from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.", "ame": "Allempoña Jesúspaʼ ahuerr saʼpatop̃ñoʼmar pueyochreshaʼna. Shonte acheñ galileoʼmarneshaʼpaʼ cot̃aʼhuanmet ñamet. Ñam̃a shonteʼ poʼpotantañec̈hno acheñeneshaʼ ñetña allempo eʼmareʼteñet Jesús ñapaʼ atarr cohuen orrtatyen ñetpaʼc̈hoʼña allent̃a huac̈haʼtyesoñet ñamet. Allem̃at̃eñ anetsot̃ huac̈haʼtyeset Judeot̃, Jerusaléñot̃, Idumeot̃, Jordanas yom̃taʼnot̃, ñam̃a alloʼmarneshaʼ ñeñt̃ huetsa Tirot̃ ñam̃a Sidónot̃. Ñetpaʼ añ atarr muenenet oʼch enteñetaʼ Jesús."} {"eng": "If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the Gehenna of fire.", "ame": "’Ñam̃a oʼch noterrserr: Ñerraʼm sechets p̃atyenes ñeñt̃ ama pocteyeʼ enteno Yompor atet̃ ñerraʼm sot, setac, seclleʼ, añ poctetsa oʼch sequec̈hpuerr ñeñt̃ c̈hocma atet̃ p̃atseʼtatyenes sechets. Ñeñt̃paʼ eʼñe atet̃ ñerraʼmrrat̃eʼ eʼñe allorocma oʼ sepecherr sot, setac, oʼ serrot̃err seclleʼ, oʼch sehuaporeʼter. Añ cohuen socop amaʼt eʼñe sepoʼyotaʼteñot̃ corretsasach t̃ayot̃eñ errponohuañen. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar sotpaʼ oʼch huaporeʼterrset coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ ñeñt̃ ama ahuañaño amaʼt errponaña. Ñam̃a añ cohuen socop amaʼt eʼñe setcot̃paʼ sepshem̃tatquëñot̃ corretsasach t̃ayot̃eñ errponohuañen. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar setacpaʼ oʼch huaporeʼterrset coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ ñeñt̃ ama ahuañaño amaʼt errponaña. Ñam̃a añ cohuen socop amaʼt seclloyot̃ sepshem̃taclloʼyeñot̃ corretsasach t̃ayot̃eñ errponohuañen. Añña ama cohuenayaye socop esempohuañenpaʼ eʼñech ora epoʼmar seclleʼpaʼ oʼch huaporeʼterrset coñchaʼpuetso all parraren tsoʼ."} {"eng": "Then that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying,", "ame": "Att̃oña etsota ñeñt̃ atet̃ oteʼt̃ Jeremías ñeñt̃ aʼm̃tayeʼt̃ Yompor poʼñoñ ahuat̃; ñeñt̃paʼ atet̃ oteʼt̃:"} {"eng": "“A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; she wouldn’t be comforted, because they are no more.”", "ame": "Ñeñt̃ anetser Ramopaʼ atarrchaʼ eʼmorrterra yahueñets, atarr gogatstena; allpaʼ Raquelcaʼye yaʼnaʼteneʼ puechoyoreshaʼ; ama mueno oʼch eseshaʼ emyaʼteʼ t̃arroʼmar puechoyoreshaʼpaʼ ama eñallmeñe, oʼ eʼñe muetsanatuet."}