{"eng": "merchandise of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, all expensive wood, every vessel of ivory, every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble;", "aon": "Ta mare enesh arpesh shutor ahudokmori jah. Gol iri siliwa, shuni yopubori utabor, buni yopubi abom weiyoub douk shatarub debeibori utabor iri. Shuni yopihi abom shigorihwihi rupeh huni eneh biyag yomogih owishiborihi rupeh, huni eneh yopihi abom wogeruhihi rupeh. Huni ihigosmorim rowos douk seisik yopuri unar wosik iri, suni ihishmorim eshudok douk shenekesh enen mahin douk shahwaren um elefan iri enyenyiruh naruh iri. Shuni eshudok douk shenekesh agusudok rowos douk shatoragos debeibori utabor iri, shuni eshudok douk shenekesh enen akitohinyi kapa nyeigurinum bras iri. Shuni eshudok douk shenekesh ainab iri, shuni eshudok yopishi abom douk shenekesh anabor yopubori utabor iri."} {"eng": "and cinnamon, incense, perfume, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, sheep, horses, chariots, and people’s bodies and souls.", "aon": "Eshudok shuni ahudokmori jah shopunek. Enyudok shanyoh iri rowog sinamon, nyuni enesh eshudok kabi douk yabro um, shuni enesh eshudok douk shesheh sheisik wosik iri. Shuni enyudok yopinyi sanda douk shahwaren um mer iri, shuni anas gris douk shahwaras um frankinsens iri. Eshudok shuni wain iri arudok sharah iri wel, shuni sabainyi abom plaua, shuni wit douk kabi douk rais um. Shuni bulmakauhos iri sipsip iri hwosahos shuni wilkarahos, shuni arpesh douk wata shape sharahaen iri. Eshudok douk shape shakamum kupaishi shenekumesh mour meyoh iri. Eshudok ihishmorim shuni arpesh ta mare wata shutorish atin, uwok."} {"eng": "“Behold, I come like a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his clothes, so that he doesn’t walk naked, and they see his shame.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas Krais nakri, “Ipak mnek, eik ta wata inaku itogrumep kabi douk nakwuaruh iri nanakumogu. Douk namudok aria eshudok arpesh douk mare shishuh aria shugabe shunabuk esheshih rupeh wosik iri, eshesh ta shunadudareh shupe wosik. Um maresh? Eshesh ta mare shugar shupe shurahaen shunak yopugunum aria abraen nyesh, uwok!”"} {"eng": "He gathered them together into the place which is called in Hebrew, “Harmagedon”.", "aon": "Aria eshudok yoweishi sagabehos sharauri amudok debeimi king hanaki hape agundok douk baraen Hibru shahwaragun um Amagedon iri."} {"eng": "he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared unmixed in the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.", "aon": "Aria enyudok binyatin iri ensel douk nyagipesh eshudok biyesh sharik iri enselahos iri nyahwar debeg nyakri, “Ihishmorim arpesh douk shenek lotu um enyudok debeinyi mahin nyani enyenyir aborir aria sharao enyenyin kak nyape esheshish domaesh o esheshish roguhw iri ta shuwok anan kupaini wain. Anudok wain douk nakri wobuwobren baraen um agundok Iruhin anan juwehosin um douk ta nunekesh shumnek debeiri eriger iri. Aria anan ta mare nukri nenek gihaumesh, uwok. Anan ta juwehosin-umesh abom aria nunekesh shumnek debeiri eriger um nuwanamesh eneshenesh yoweishi inahos eshesh shape shenekesh iri. Aria Iruhin ananish enselahos shuni Nugaen Sipsip ta shiyotu shutrish aria eshesh ta debeihi nyih hunish. Ehudok nyih douk hanuwi anab akitohibi amnab nyeigurib um salfa iri."} {"eng": "The dragon grew angry with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep God’s commandments and hold Jesus’ testimony.", "aon": "Aria arar juwehosir abom um okwudok armatok aria ranak um rakri runi ihishmorim okwokwish batowish aria barheshish shurpak. Eshesh douk eshudok ihishmorim arpesh douk shagipesh Iruhin ananin lo aria shakripesh Jisas ananin adurin atinyi baraen aria shagipeshen iri."} {"eng": "“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, the Holy One, to receive the glory, the honor, and the power, for you created all things, and because of your desire they existed and were created!”", "aon": "Eshesh shape shatuk Iruhin douk nape enyudok debeinyi wagitur iri ananin nyeigur nyato iruhw. Anan douk nape ihih nyumneh iri. Eshesh shanadudareh-uman shenek tenkyuman shakri anan yopuni. Aria abudok nyutob eshudok nubatish dodogowishi douk mishish shoreshi shenekesh namudok um, amudok 24-poreim debeimi habuh hoduk ohrubus hurukatin um Iruhin douk nape wosik abom ihih nyumneh iri douk nape enyudok debeinyi wagitur iri aria hape henek lotuman. Amam honik amamig yopugwi hatog douk king-omi atum hogwem iri hawashog hurukatin um enyudok debeinyi wagitur aria hakri, “Apakin debeini Iruhin, nyak douk dodogowinyi yopunyi abom. Aria ihishmorim arpesh ta shutuk nyakin atin nyeigur nyuto iruhw. Um maresh? Nyak nyagipesh nyakim atum urkum aria nyenek ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok shatogur shape aria nyorukesh yapis. Eshesh douk nyakim urkum atum morumesh nyakriyesh aria eshesh shatogur shape.”"} {"eng": "The first creature was like a lion, the second creature like a calf, the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle.", "aon": "Aria nyarik iri dodogowinyi douk mishin nyoren iri douk nyape kabi enen debeinyi wanohwinyi mahin nyeigurinum laion iri. Aria nyagiguk iri nyape kabi enen abonin bulmakau um. Aria binyatin iri enyenyig yamag gape kabi arpenyig yamag um. Aria nubatin-enyi nyape kabi anan debeini kumun nehuru nanak iruhw iri um."} {"eng": "The four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within. They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!”", "aon": "Aria eshudok nubatish, eshesh atin atin douk anawipish kapraigiyohos shapenyesh. Aria numuniruh um hani adukiruh um esheshiruh yegeshiweruh ihiruhmorim douk shukniruh abom um nabes atus. Aria nyumneh weibus eshesh shapeum shakri, “Debeini Iruhin douk dodogowini abom. Anan douk yopuni abom, anan douk yopuni abom, anan douk yopuni abom. Seiwok nape, aria douk shopunek nape, aria kweipon shopunek ta nunaki.” Eshesh madae shupe um shurao uhwin atin um shakri enyudok baraen um uwe."} {"eng": "He will rule them with a rod of iron, shattering them like clay pots, as I also have received of my Father;", "aon": "Aria eshudok arpesh douk shugipesh eikim urkum aria shiyotu dodogowish atish shunek wanohw shubo yoweishi inahos shubuhuk arigaha esheshib nyutob um shugok um butogur um, eik ta inekesh namudok. Eik ta ikesh debeishi dodogowishi nyeiguhw um shupe debeishi um sabaishi arpesh douk shape ihigos nahobigos iri. Aria eshesh ta shupe debeishi shusuhw merikw-umesh namudok atin kabi douk seiwok eikin Yain neke debeinyi nyeigur aria yape debeiwe iri yasuhw merik um sabaishi arpesh um. Enyudok ta nyutogur kabi Iruhin ananin baraen douk nyetem ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Iruhin nakri namudok, “Anan ta nupe dodogowin atun abom aria ta nusuhw anam ainim butum aria nupe nusuhw merikw-umesh. Anan ta nunekesh kabi anan arman douk nawor marus shenekas amnab iri pupuwaros shokugun atugun um.”"} {"eng": "Repent therefore, or else I am coming to you quickly and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth.", "aon": "Aria douk shopunek namudok atin. Ipak anep douk pasuhw ehudok yoweihi aih ehudok apudok awiropish arpesh shahwaresh um Nikolas iri esheshih. Douk namudok aria ipak ta pukeshuk agabus yoweishi inahos ipak pape penekesh iri aria watak putanam pukon aparuh Iruhin. Uwok um, eik ta hurukatin um inaku aria ini eshudok douk shagipesh ehudok eshesh Nikolas esheshih aih iri murpak. Aria ta ikumesh atudok bainat douk tatograri eikit nokwat iri."} {"eng": "“I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. You hold firmly to my name, and didn’t deny my faith in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripe shopunek nakri, “Jon, nyak wem enyudok baraen anap shup nyunak um enyudok ensel douk nyape nyeyoh Iruhin ananish arpesh shape Pergamum iri. Eik Jisas eikin baraen douk enyudok. ‘Eik douk yasuhw atudok wanohwiti bainat douk wanohwit wobuwobur iri yenekumep-ogu enyudok baraen ipak. Eik douk yadukemesh um ipakibur wabur. Satan douk nape debeini um ipakibur wabur. Aria eik yadukemep um ipak pasuhw eikin baraen dodog pagipesh eik atuwe. Aria eshesh shabo anudok yopuni arman Antipas douk nasuhw eikin baraen dodog abom nakripeshen iri nagok ipakibur wabur douk Satan napenyabur. Aria abudok nyutob eshesh shan nagok um, ipak shopunek peyotu dodogowip aria madae pukri punyukur-ukuk eikin baraen uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”", "aon": "Adam ananip awirop sharik shape aria awiros sakitak sanaki aria sakri um namba 7-ip um shabuki anudok arman Inok. Aria seiwok Inok nakripesh enen baraen um eshudok douk ta kweipon shugiguk shutograri iri. Anan nakriyen um amudokmori henek rohwumesh iri armam nakri namudok, “Ipak mnek! Kweipon Debeini ta nini ananish sabaishi tausenish enselahos shunaki. Eshesh ta shunaki um anan nusuhw ihishmorim arpesh esheshig kwotog. Aria nuwanamesh yoweishi inahos yoweishi arpesh nunekesh shumnek debeiri eriger um nuyabigesh shudukemesh um eshesh douk shenek yoweishi inahos aria eshesh douk shemnek debeiri eriger. Aria anan ta nuwanamesh esheshih yoweihi aih um shakon agabus Iruhin um aria sheyagwreh-uman enenyenen yoweinyi baraen um.”"} {"eng": "the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and the three agree as one.", "aon": "Biyesh atin eshudok douk shawereh abom baugenyum um enyudok adurin atinyi baraen um Krais. Eshesh douk eshudok. Iruhin ananin Mishin nyani abar iri owishibor. Eshesh douk shakri abom atin baraen."} {"eng": "I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake.", "aon": "Ipak eikish arpesh douk pape kabi eikish batowish-umori, Iruhin anan douk urkum morum agundok Krais nagok nator apak um aria anan madae nusuhwesh nupe um yoweishi inahos apak menekesh iri uwe, uwok. Nakwreyeshuk. Douk namudok aria eik yenekumepogu baraen um apudok shup."} {"eng": "I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, little children, because you know the Father.", "aon": "Ipak douk kabi eikim arhim-umori, ipak padukeman wosik anudok arman douk seiwok wata sagomatin baugosum nape aria douk watak nape iri. Ipak weroroimi armam, ipak douk pabouk Satan nabuhuk. Namudok aria eik douk yenekumepogu baraen um apudok shup."} {"eng": "he who says he remains in him ought himself also to walk just like he walked.", "aon": "Aria arpen douk nyugipesh Iruhin ananin baraen iri, enyudok arpen douk urkum manawasham Iruhin abom nyeshagrakuk riguk nyarik urkum manawashaman um. Aria enen arpen nyukri enyen nyani Iruhin nyape um, aria enyen ta nyunek eneheneh yopihi aih kabi Jisas Krais nenekeh iri um. Douk munekesh namudok aria ta mudukemesh mukri apak adur matukur Iruhin mape."} {"eng": "looking for and earnestly desiring the coming of the day of God, which will cause the burning heavens to be dissolved, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ipak ta punek mareh aih? Ipak pupe putrugun um ahudok Iruhin ananih debeihi nyumnah um hutogur obi nyutob, ipak ta pupe wosik abom pupe Iruhin ananip atip. Aria ipak pupe wosik pugipesh Iruhin ananih atih aih um punek ahudok nyumnah hutogur arigas. Hahudok nyumnah, debeihi nyih ta hunu utag gunak guwishuk. Aria ihishmorim eshudok shape iruhw utag iri ta nyih hukiyokesh hunish huyatesh aria shunenem um abar."} {"eng": "Forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing;", "aon": "Amam hakutukuk yopuhi yah aria douk hagugak atin. Amam hagipesh Beor ananin nuganin Balam um ananih yoweihi aih. Balam ananim urkum mor abom um utabor aria nakri nunek yoweishi inahos um nurao sabaibori utabor."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "aon": "Adur, donkihos madae shiyagwreh atin uwe. Aria enen donki nyeyagwreh aria enyenyih mah nyeyagwreh kabi arpenyih mah um. Enyen nyaho anudok profet Balam nyatap-uman yah um ehudok rohwih aih anan nakri nunekeh iri. Ehudok aih douk eshesh shagugak iri atish shenekeh."} {"eng": "For he received from God the Father honor and glory when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”", "aon": "Apak douk mani Krais mape aria matrun abom um agundok Yain Iruhin natuk ananin nyeigur nyato iruhw aria natauruman nenekan dodogowin natrugun abom um. Aria abudok nyutob anah mah hatograri gani dodogowini natrugun iri Iruhin napeum hanakumori Krais aria Iruhin nakri, “Anudok eikin Nuganin abom douk eik urkum manawashaman abom iri. Aria eikihw apahw shopunek douk hwanawashaman abom.”"} {"eng": "We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob apak kanak mani Krais mape ahwudok yopuhwi yoduhw douk Iruhin ananihw aria memnek ahudok mah hanaki gani iruhw heven."} {"eng": "and in knowledge, self-control; and in self-control, perseverance; and in perseverance, godliness;", "aon": "Aria enyudok um pusuhw merik um ipak kanak um pinyanuh um yopinyi saki. Aria enyudok um piyotu dodogowip pusah enenyenen dodog um pinyanuh um enyudok um pusuhw merik um ipak kanak um. Aria enyudok um pugipesh Iruhin ananih aih um pihanuh um enyudok um piyotu dodogowip um."} {"eng": "and in godliness, brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.", "aon": "Aria enyudok um punek urkwip um kupaishi Kristen putaurumesh um pinyanuh um enyudok um pugipesh Iruhin ananih aih um. Aria enyudok um ipak urkwip punawasham ihishmorim arpesh um pinyanuh um enyudok um punek urkwip um kupaishi Kristen putaurumesh um."} {"eng": "Let your beauty come not from the outward adorning of braiding your hair, and of wearing gold ornaments or of putting on fine clothing,", "aon": "Aria ipak pakri putogur yopuwori armago um, ipak urkwip mare purum pakri puginohw adukiruh um ipakiruh yegeshiweruh, uwok. Ipak urkwip mare purum pakri puginohw ipakigos baragos aria purao ahwudok suruhw kabi douk yopubi weiyoub um buni yopihi atihi rupeh, uwok."} {"eng": "but from the hidden person of the heart, in the incorruptible adornment of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in God’s sight.", "aon": "Aria ipak ta urkwip purum punoginohw numun ipakiruh aparuh huni ipakip urkwip. Aria ipakiruh aparuh ta hur wosik aria pupe anahaehiyu yopuwori armago. Douk ehudokmori aih ta mare hutuh, uwok. Eheh ta hupe ihih nyumneh. Aria ehudok aih Iruhin nutrih ananis nabes um, eheh douk yopihi abom heshagrakuk agundok paginohw adukiruh um yegeshiweruh um."} {"eng": "Servants, be in subjection to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the wicked.", "aon": "Ipak douk pape shakamum kupaishi penekumesh mour meyoh iri ta pupe shakamum ipakish debeishi aria putuk esheshish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw. Ipak mare punekesh namudok um eshudok douk shenek yopinyi um ipak iri atish, uwok. Ipak ta punek ehudok aih um eshudok douk shenek yoweishi inahos um ipak iri shopunek."} {"eng": "For it is commendable if someone endures pain, suffering unjustly, because of conscience toward God.", "aon": "Aria ipak piyotu dodogowip pugipesh Iruhin ananin baraen aria kupaishi shukep amaen meyoh um, Iruhin ta nunadudareh-umep nukripep nukri ipak yopipari."} {"eng": "knowing that you were redeemed, not with corruptible things like silver or gold, from the useless way of life handed down from your fathers,", "aon": "Um maresh? Ipak padukemesh, seiwok ipak pape pagipesh eneheneh yoweihi rohwih aih douk panarao-wehuk ipakim yamehem babukenyim iri. Aria douk Iruhin nanatorip aria nakweshihep pape wosik atin um ehudokmori aih. Anan douk madae nutorip enesh eshudok douk ta kweipon yowesh shunak shuwishuk iri uwe, kabi douk abrudok utabor gol rani siliwa um uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "but with precious blood, as of a lamb without blemish or spot, the blood of Christ,", "aon": "Anan nakwu Krais ananibor owishibor natorip aria nakweshihep nenekep pape wosik atin. Aburdok owishibor douk beshagrakuk abom eneshenesh eshudok douk shatorish debeibori utabor iri. Krais anan douk kabi enen yopunyi abom nugaen sipsip douk seiwok eshesh shaen shenek ofamen shako Iruhin iri um. Enyen arab uwok anab bupenyen uwe aria madae nyunenek nyubrusug uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Concerning this salvation, the prophets sought and searched diligently. They prophesied of the grace that would come to you,", "aon": "Amam seiwokimi profet henek urkwip dodogowim atum abom henek debeinyi mour um hakri hudukemesh um agundok um kweipon Iruhin nutaurumap nurap mupe wosik um. Amam hakripesh enyudok baraen um Iruhin nutogrumep nutaurumep meyoh nunarep pupe wosik um."} {"eng": "searching for who or what kind of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them pointed to when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow them.", "aon": "Krais ananin Mishin douk nyape numun amamiruh aparuh iri nyakri enen baraen um kweipon ta anaranar yoweiri eriger rurik rutogur um Krais runegon numnek debeiri eriger aria ta wata shutuk ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw um. Namudok aria amam atun atun hape hanasorim um hakri, “Enyudok ta nyutogur meibi nyutob?”"} {"eng": "whom, not having known, you love. In him, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy that is unspeakable and full of glory,", "aon": "Riguk ipak madae putik Jisas uwe aria ipak urkwip panawashaman. Aria douk shopunek ipak madae putrun uwe aria ipak pemnek ananin baraen atin aria penek bilipman. Douk namudok aria douk ipak panadudareh. Aria agundok ipak panadudareh um douk nanaki iruhw heven. Aria apak baraen douk madae enen abom uwe um wosik mukripesh aria shudukemesh um agundok ipak panadudareh um uwe. Adur atin, uwok."} {"eng": "receiving the result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.", "aon": "Ipak panadudareh abom namudok um maresh? Ipak penek bilip um Jisas Krais aria kweipon Iruhin ta wata nutaurumep nuraep putanamori pupe wosik abom."} {"eng": "let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.", "aon": "O ipak eikish arpesh. Aria ipak enen nyukutukuk Iruhin ananin adurin baraen aria mare nyusuwen dodog nyugipeshen, aria kupainyi arpen wata nyutaurumen nyunyanam-ari um, apak urkwip purum enyudok baraen. Baraen enyudok. Meinyi arpen nyutaurum kupainyi arpen nyukutukuk yoweishi inahos aria wata nyutanam nyunek yopunyi um, enyen douk nyataurumen um mare nyugok nyunak nyuwishuk, uwok. Aria Iruhin ta nukweshih yoweishi inahos enyen nyenekesh iri."} {"eng": "Be patient therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receives the early and late rain.", "aon": "O ipak eikish arpesh. Ipak ta piyotu dodogowip, aparuh hur wosik aria pupe putrugun um ahudok nyumnah Debeini nutanamori ahi. Ipak urkwip purum anan arman nagrem anag nubarig iri. Anan apahw hwor wosik aria nape natrugun um ananigun yopuguni worigun douk nawogun ananig nubarig iri um arigaha yopugun. Anan apahw hwor wosik aria nape natrugun um harik iri huni hugiguk iri eshah hurauri. Ahah hutuhuk aria wah hutao hesh shus suhwesh aria anan kadak nunak nutukagun."} {"eng": "You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.", "aon": "Aria ipakiruh aparuh shopunek ta hur wosik aria piyotu dodogowip pupe putrugun um ahudok nyumnah hutogur. Umum maresh? Ahudok nyumnah Debeini nutanamori ahi ta hutogur."} {"eng": "You have lived in luxury on the earth, and taken your pleasure. You have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob ipak pape agundok atap um, ipak pape wosik aria ponogrem yopishi atish eshudok eneshenesh. Aria ipak pawok sabaiguni worigun patogur takweipari. Ipak douk pape penekesh namudok aria pudukemesh um ahudok nyumnah Debeini nunek skelimep aria nukri ipak baraen nyapenyep um."} {"eng": "You have condemned and you have murdered the righteous one. He doesn’t resist you.", "aon": "Aria ipak penekumesh kwotog yopishi arpesh aria paesh shagok aria eshesh madae shatanam shukripep enen baraen uwe o shini ipak purpak uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that.”", "aon": "Aria ipak ta pakri namudok, “Ta Debeini urkum mukri wosik um, apak ta mupe aria munek enyudok mour o kupainyi.” Ipak pakri namudok um, enyen douk wosik."} {"eng": "But now you glory in your boasting. All such boasting is evil.", "aon": "Aria douk ipak pakri ipak atip dodogowipari padukemesh um eneshenesh iri aria patuk ipakish nyeiguhw shato iruhw. Enyudok ipak douk penek yoweishi inahos abom."} {"eng": "Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ipak ta pupe shakamum Iruhin pugipesh ananin baraen. Aria mare pumnek Satan, uwok abom. Ipak pukanaguk agabus abom aria anan ta nukutipukuk nuruwok."} {"eng": "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners. Purify your hearts, you double-minded.", "aon": "Aria ipak punak hurukatin abom um Iruhin aria anan ta nunaki hurukatin um ipak. Ipak douk pape penek yoweishi inahos iri, ipak pukutishuk aria putanam putogur yopishi arpesh. Aria ipak peyagwreh biyog nokwatog iri ta pukutukuk eshudok yoweishi inahos aria punek ipakip urkwip putogur yopip."} {"eng": "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don’t boast and don’t lie against the truth.", "aon": "Aria ta ipak punek nyigiya abom um kupaishi esheshish eshudok eneshenesh, aria ipak urkwip porum pakri ipak atip purao sabaibori utabor buni jah aria kupaishi shutuk ipakish atish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw um, ipak mare putuk ipakish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw aria punek rohw pukri ipak pagipesh Iruhin ananin adurin atinyi baraen, uwok."} {"eng": "This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic.", "aon": "Aria enyudok saki douk madae nyunaki iruhw heven iri uwe, uwok. Enyen douk agundok atapinyi. Enyen douk nyatograri harik hapenyep iri yoweihi aih douk henekep pape penek yoweishi inahos iri. Enyudok saki douk eshudok Satan ananish enselahos esheshin."} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "aon": "O ipak Kristen, eik yakri ikripep enyudok binyatin wobuwobren baraen. Baraen enyudok. Ta mare anabar yopubari abar buni anabar nubutibari bukih bur atug waiyag, uwok. Aria shopunek, ta mare anep shuruwep nyeigurip um oliv iri pir enen rowog nyeigur-inyum fik iri. Aria shopunek, ta mare anep shuruwep fik iri ta pir enen rowog nyeigur-inyum wain iri, uwok. Aria douk namudok atin, ta mare anabar yougibar nubutibari abar butanam bunenek um yopubari uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Indeed, we put bits into the horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we guide their whole body.", "aon": "Ipak padukemesh, apak apa menyigur shokubi ainab bawish hwosahos esheshig nokwatog um munekesh shugipesh apakin baraen shunak agundok apak makri munak um."} {"eng": "Behold, the ships also, though they are so big and are driven by fierce winds, are yet guided by a very small rudder, wherever the pilot desires.", "aon": "Aria shopunek, ipak punek urkwip um debeiwori kroruhiyor. Kroruhiyor owo douk debeiwori, aria debeinyi uhwin apa nyahur aria nyeneko wahur wanak youg. Aria owowin badaeg douk shokwinyi meyoh. Aria ta nasuhw korohuk iri nukri nunak anagun um, anan ta nuwanam um agudok shokugi badaeg aria okwok ta kwunak agundok anan nakri nunak um."} {"eng": "So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!", "aon": "Aria apakig nokwatog douk namudok atin kabi hwosahos shani kroruhiyor um. Ogwog douk shokugi aria gwape orokohun um apakiruh yegeshiweruh. Aria ogwog apa gwanagunukuk gwariguk gweyagwreh enenyenen yopinyi mour nyani aih ogwog gwakri gwunekesh iri. Ipak padukemesh, enen shokwinyi nyabahasin ta nyukwarum debeihi nyih. Aria eheh ta hunu sabaisi debeishi rowos satao urah iri hiyatagos."} {"eng": "Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment.", "aon": "O ipak Kristen! Ipak gamo pudukemesh um ipak mare sabaipari pukri putogur tisa omi um punek skulum kupaishi, uwok. Um maresh? Ipak padukemesh, kweipon Iruhin ta nunek skelimap um, apak tisa douk makripesh Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen iri ta miyotu um debeiti kwot. Aria eshudok douk shape Kristen meyoh iri ta shiyotu um shokwuti kwot."} {"eng": "For we all stumble in many things. Anyone who doesn’t stumble in word is a perfect person, able to bridle the whole body also.", "aon": "Ihih nyumneh apak ihipmorim apa matu munek enesh yoweishi inahos. Aria ta enen arpen nyiyagwreh yopunyi atin baraen um, enyen douk yopunyi abom arpen. Douk namudok aria enyen wosik ta nyusuhw merik um enyen kanak nyuni enyenyim urkum shopunek."} {"eng": "and one of you tells them, “Go in peace. Be warmed and filled;” yet you didn’t give them the things the body needs, what good is it?", "aon": "Aria enesh ipakish ashukenyish owashish shunare tutukarehi rupeh, aria shopunek eshesh worigun wokesh aria ipak enen nyunak nyukripesh nyukri, “Eik yakri Debeini nunekumep yopihi aih aria ipak punak punare rupeh aria puwok yopuguni worigun!” Douk ipak ta pukripesh namudok aria mare putaurumesh uwe, aria enyudok ipakin baraen ta nyutaurumep mumam?"} {"eng": "and you pay special attention to him who wears the fine clothing and say, “Sit here in a good place;” and you tell the poor man, “Stand there,” or “Sit by my footstool”", "aon": "Ipak ta pukrip anudok nor yopihi rupeh iri pukri, “Nyak nyunak nyupe nyanyi yopunyi wagitur.” Aria anudok nor tutukareh iri pukripan pukri, “Nyak nyunak nyiyotu gani o nyunaki nyupe atap hurukatin um eikiruh yeriweruh,” aka uwok? Ipak mare punekesh namudok, uwok."} {"eng": "haven’t you shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?", "aon": "Aria ipak punekesh namudok um, ipak ta baraen nyupenyep. Um maresh? Ipak pagipesh ipakip yoweipi urkwip aria madae punek skelimum kupaishi Kristen shopunek atin uwe."} {"eng": "For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror;", "aon": "Eshudok arpesh douk shemneken meyoh aria madae shugipeshen iri uwe, eshesh douk kabi arpen douk nyanatik enyenyig yamag wenyir iri um."} {"eng": "for he sees himself, and goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.", "aon": "Enyen nyanatik jurug aria nyanak. Aria ahudok atuh enyen urkum mekenyuk um enyenyig yamag gape um."} {"eng": "Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.", "aon": "Aria meibi nyutob enen kwiraeh nyutogur nyukwiraeh enen arpen um nyunek yoweishi inahos um, enyen mare nyukri, “Iruhin nenekesh aria douk yenek yoweishi inahos.” Uwok. Um maresh? Iruhin douk mishin madae nyukitak atin um nunek yoweishi inahos uwe. Aria shopunek, anan douk madae nukri um nukwiraeh enen arpen um nuneken nyunek yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob kwiraeh nyutogrumep aria nyukwiraehep um punek yoweishi inahos um, abab douk apakip yoweipi urkwip atip penekap aria apakiruh aparuh hapuhur aria henekap munek yoweishi inahos."} {"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "aon": "Aria apak urkwip porum yoweishi inahos aria penekap abom um munek yoweishi inahos. Aria arigaha eshudok yoweishi inahos ta shutogur debesh aria ta shop abom mugok munak muwishuk."} {"eng": "But let him ask in faith, without any doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob enyen nyunek beten nyirig Iruhin um, enyen ta nyunek bilip abom nyukri adur aria nyunek beten nyirigan. Enyen mare nyusuhw biyep urkwip aria nyukri, “Iruhin ta numnek eikin beten aria nuke eshudok eik yarigan-umesh iri aka, uwok?” Enyen urkum mare mur namudok, uwok. Um maresh? Enyudok arpen douk enyenyim urkum mur namudok iri, enyenyim urkum douk mape kabi youg morub batuk um. Uhwin nyahuri aria nyenek youg gwokitak gwahur gwagipesh uhwin nyahur nyanak um."} {"eng": "For that man shouldn’t think that he will receive anything from the Lord.", "aon": "Aria enyudok arpen mare nyukri Debeini ta nuken enesh eshudok eneshenesh, uwok."} {"eng": "He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.", "aon": "Um maresh? Enyen nyere biyep urkwip aria ihinyumorim mour enyen nyeneken iri, enyen madae nyusuhw atum urkum aria nyuneken wosik uwe."} {"eng": "make you complete in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.", "aon": "Iruhin douk nohur apakini Debeini Jisas wata nakitaki wanugwehw. Jisas anan douk debeini abom neyoh apak iri apa neyoh Iruhin ananish arpesh iri. Anan douk nagok aria ananibor owishibor benek enyudok namunyi adurin atinyi baraen kontrak nyatogur dodogowin atin. Enyudok kontrak douk ta nyupe ihih nyumneh. Anudok Iruhin douk baugos abom um agundok apakiruh aparuh hur wosik munadudareh um. Aria eik yakri anan wosik ta nunek ihihmori yopihi aih hutogur dodogowih atih um ipak. Um yakri ipak pugipesh abom ananim atum urkum. Aria douk yakri anan nukri aria Jisas Krais nutaurum ipakigun numun um ipak punek eneheneh anan nanadudareh-umeh iri aih. Ihih nyumneh apak ihishmorim ta mutuk ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw. Adur atin."} {"eng": "and make straight paths for your feet, so what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ta ipakish roguhw shagok sheir meyoh um, ipak wata pishuhur punek Iruhin ananin mour. O ta ipakigas aiyas sagok seir meyoh um, nyenekesh. Ipak ta pikitak punek Iruhin ananin mour piyotu pugapesh ahudok durdurih yopuhi yah. Penekesh namudok aria ipakigas aiyas ta mare sugok abom, uwok. Ta wata shopunek dodogowigas."} {"eng": "Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us,", "aon": "Eshudok sabaishi shenek bilip iri seiwokishi arpesh douk sheyotu shersharihap kabi onog debeigwi orug aria sheyabigap agundok munek bilip um. Namudok aria apak ta mukutukuk ihishmori amaenyishi eshudok eneshenesh douk ta shenekap mare mahur dodogowip muni ihishumori showeshikap iri yoweishi inahos. Apakish mishish mare yowesh, aria apak ta dodogowip mahur asudok resis douk Iruhin nakri um apak mahuras iri um."} {"eng": "looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.", "aon": "Apakis nabes ta sutak supe Jisas. Anan douk baugos um apakin bilip, aria ta nutaurumap musuhw Iruhin ananin baraen wosik mutogur dodogowip. Jisas douk nadukemesh. Nakri ta nugipesh Iruhin ananin baraen um, kweipon anan ta nupe wosik nunadudareh nuriguk. Urkum morum enyudok aria nape dodogowin atun nemnek debeiri eriger aria shan nagok neir kruse. Narao abraen um maresh? Arpesh shakri arpen nyugok nyir abom enen rowog kruse iri, enyen douk yoweinyi arpen abom aria nyarao takweinyi abraen. Aria Jisas douk madae urkum yowem um ta nurao enyudok abraen um uwe, aria shan nagok. Aria douk nape yopunyi rogur ehahum enyudok Iruhin ananin debeinyi wagitur king ananin."} {"eng": "to whom it was said, “Your offspring will be accounted as from Isaac,”", "aon": "Iruhin nakripan adurin atinyi baraen Abraham namudok nakri, “Sabaishi nyakish barheshish ta shukitak um anudok nyakin nuganin Aisak atun.” Aria abudok nyutob Iruhin nakwiraeh Abraham aria nakripan um nubo anudok ananin atun nuganin nenek ofa nukon um, anan Abraham douk nasuhw Iruhin ananin baraen nakri adurin aria nakri wosik um nukon Aisak."} {"eng": "where as a forerunner Jesus entered for us, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.", "aon": "Douk apak dodogowip atup madukemesh um Iruhin ananin adurin atinyi baraen ta nyutogur adurin atin. Apak douk matukur Jisas kabi douk shakwutu enen anka nyasuhw anat bot teir dodog anagun yopugunum. Apak douk matukur Jisas aria narikumap narik nanak nawish numun ahudok debeihi rupah douk hataur numun Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat gani iruhw heven iri. Anan nenekesh namudok um nutaurumap. Aria douk natogur debeini pris abom jurug nape namudok ihih nyumneh kabi Melkisedek um."} {"eng": "and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance; seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.", "aon": "Enesh arpesh douk shemnek Iruhin ananin baraen aria shadukemen wosik kabi shape bogaragun abom um. Shadukemesh um enyudok yopinyi douk nyanaki iruhw heven iri, sharao Iruhin ananin Mishin. Shopunek shadukemesh um agundok Iruhin ananin baraen adur yopinyi abom um, Iruhin nenek enenyenen shatik ananin gobi nyatogur yopugunum abudok yopibi nyutob riguk shakri um ta butograri iri. Namudok aria eshudokmori arpesh shukri shukutukuk bilip aria shukon agabus Iruhin abom um, eshesh douk yah wokesh um watak shutanamori shukon aparuh um. Shakanaguk agabus namudok aria enyudok douk kabi eshesh watak shopunek showeshik Iruhin ananin Nuganin rowog kruse aria shenek arpesh shape shenekan enenyenen um."} {"eng": "of the teaching of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.", "aon": "Apak ta mugipesh Krais ananin baraen mishagrakuk kabi riguk marik masuhwen magipeshen um. Apak mare watak mupe um munak um nyarik iri baraen um agundok mugipesh Krais um, uwok. Enyen douk enyudokmori. Mukeshuk agabus eneshenesh yoweishi inahos douk ta munekesh aria Iruhin nop mugok um, musuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog mugipeshen abom um, munek anas baptaisum, muwemesh wis arpesh aria morig Iruhin um nukesh ananin Mishin um, shagok iri ta watak shukitakumori, Iruhin nunekumesh kwotog aria neshopokesh shunak shupe yopuburi o yoweiburi wabur um ihih nyumneh um. Apak mare mupe um enyudokmori atin, uwok. Douk ta munak um dodogowip um bilip iri esheshin baraen. Mare mupe munekesh kabi arpesh douk shapeum shenek tuk hwao uroruh, aria shabirak madae shuwem urupat iri um uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "where your fathers tested me and tried me, and saw my deeds for forty years.", "aon": "ipak mare pukenyuk agabus kabi seiwok ipakish popehesh yamehesh shenekesh um, uwok. Eik douk yakri um itaurumesh, aria eshesh shakri uwok um shumneke. Namudok aria sheneke juwehosiwe atuwe. Abudok nyutob shape wehigunum arpesh iri urah uwok enesh um uwe obi nyutob, eshesh douk shape shokwiraeh eik um eneshenesh shenekesh iri yoweishi inahos. Shape agundok wehigunum aria shatik sabainyi dodogowinyi mour douk yape yeneken um 40-poreish kwarahos iri. Eik douk yakri um itaurumesh, aria shakri uwok um shumneke. Shape shokwiraeh eik um eneshenesh shenekesh iri yoweishi inahos."} {"eng": "For he has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who built the house has more honor than the house.", "aon": "Jisas anan douk nyeigur nyato iruhw abom neshagrakuk Moses kabi arpesh shatik anat urupat aria shatuk naruk urupat iri ananin nyeigur nyato iruhw um."} {"eng": "For every house is built by someone; but he who built all things is God.", "aon": "Ihig urusag douk adur arpesh sharukog. Aria nenek ihishmori eshudok iri douk Iruhin."} {"eng": "not by works of righteousness which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit,", "aon": "Aria Iruhin nataurumap narap matanamori mape wosik. Aria ananih yopihi aih douk ehudok. Anan urkum manawashamap abom aria nakri giha-umap. Aria douk abudok nyutob ehudok aih hatogur yopugunum aria anan narap matanamori mape wosik. Anan douk madae urkum mur um eneh yopihi aih apak menekeh iri aria douk narap mutanamori uwe, uwok. Anan nakri giha-umap abom aria nataurumap meyoh matanamori mape wosik aria neshrokuhap. Anan neshrokuhap namudok. Ananin Mishin nyenekap matogur ananish namishi arpesh."} {"eng": "not stealing, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior, in all things.", "aon": "Aria nyak nyukrip eshudok douk shape shakamum kupaishi shenekumesh mour meyoh iri um shunek mour wosik. Aria shopunek, shumnek esheshim debeimi douk hekesh mour sheneken iri amamin baraen shugipeshen. Eshesh ta shunek yopinyi mour um shunek esheshim debeimi hunadudareh. Eshesh mare shukri uwok um shumnek amamin baraen, aria mare shutrum shukwumesh aruh enesh eshudok eneshenesh, uwok. Eshesh ta shuneken wosik abom enyudok mour douk debeimi hekeshen iri um amam hutrish aria hukri Iruhin ananin baraen douk yopinyi. Anudok Iruhin, anan douk nataurumap narap matanamori um anan iri."} {"eng": "that they may train the young wives to love their husbands, to love their children,", "aon": "Aria shopunek, nyak nyukrip owo ruwehew iri armago namudok atin um owo upe Iruhin ananiyu atuw. Owo mare unakripesh agabusin kupaishi. Aria shopunek, mare uwok sabaibari abar aria ugugak, uwok. Owo ta uyabigo yopihi aih aria yopinyi baraen oudok weroroiwi um owo urkwip punawasham owowim armam huni owowish batowish."} {"eng": "for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia.", "aon": "Um maresh? Demas mishin nyakitak abom um nakri nurao yopishi eshudok eneshenesh um nupe wosik agundok atap. Douk namudok aria anan nakutukuk eik nanak um Tesalonaika. Aria Kresens nanak um shokugi nahobig Galesia, aria Taitus nanak um shokugi nahobig Dalmesia."} {"eng": "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.", "aon": "Aria eik yani Luk atun wapeik agundok. Douk namudok aria nyak nyurauri Mak niren punaki. Um maresh? Anan douk wosik um nutaurume um unek Iruhin ananin mour agundok."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "aon": "Aria Tikikus, eik yeshopokan nanak um Efesus."} {"eng": "that each person who belongs to God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.", "aon": "Enyudok ihinyumorim baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri douk Iruhin ananin abom. Seiwok anan nohur armam henyemaguk. Aria enyen douk yopinyi abom um nyunek skulumap um mudukemen wosik aria nyiyabigap apakish yoweishi inahos mukeshuk agabus. Aria shopunek um nyukrip eshudok douk shakutukuk Iruhin ananin baraen shanak shagipeshuk kupainyi iri um shutanamori shugipesh ananin adurin baraen. Aria shopunek um nyunek skulumap um mugipesh yopihi atih aih um apak Iruhin ananip miyotu dodogowip aria wosik abom um munek ihinyumorim yopinyi mour."} {"eng": "persecutions, and sufferings—those things that happened to me at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions. The Lord delivered me out of them all.", "aon": "Riguk ohwak wape atugun um, nyak nyadukemesh abom um eikih aih. Aria shopunek nyadukeme um agundok yenek skulumesh um Iruhin ananin baraen aria yape yenek yopinyi atin mour um. Aria eik yakripen ihinyumorim baraen eik yenek urkum-umen iri. Eik yakripen um agundok yenek Iruhin ananin mour atin um, aria yasuhw ananin baraen dodog yagipeshen um. Aria eik yape shakamum ihishmorim arpesh. Aria meyagwreh baraen um, eik apa yeyagwreh yakripesh shokubur. Aria shopunek, eik urkum manawasham arpesh yataurumesh. Aria arpesh sheneke yemnek eriger um, eik yeyotu dodog yenek Iruhin ananin mour. Aria nyak nyadukemesh um agundok eshesh arbudok biarub atin debeirubi warub Antiok bani Aikoniam aria Listra sheneke yemnek debeiri eriger um. Aria Debeini nataurume um enenyenen amaen douk nyatogrume iri aria nanarae yape wosik."} {"eng": "Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind, who concerning the faith are rejected.", "aon": "Aria amudok armam hakri uwok abom um Iruhin ananin adurin atinyi baraen. Douk namudok aria amam douk hakri hen nyubuhuk kabi seiwok amudok biom Janes iri Jambres hakri hubo Moses ananin baraen nyubuhuk um. Aria amam madae hudukemesh um Iruhin ananin baraen uwe, uwok. Amam henek rohw iri abom aria madae husuwen dodog hugipeshen uwe."} {"eng": "But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.", "aon": "Aria sabaishi arpesh ta shudukemesh um shukri amam douk rohwimi kabi seiwok sabaishi shadukemesh um Janes iri Jambres shakri amam rohwimi um. Namudok aria sabaishi arpesh ta shumnek amamin baraen aria enyen ta mare nyuhur esheshiruh aparuh um shumneken shugipeshen uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For some of these are people who creep into houses and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,", "aon": "Eshudokmori arpesh shape shenekesh namudok aria eshesh anam armam apa hape harahe hakripesh amamin baraen. Aria hanabeshuk hanak hawish ono armago owowig urusag aria hape hasumo merik. Aria oudok armago douk madae dodogowiyu um usuhw merik um owowip urkwip uwe. Owo wape um wenek yoweishi inahos atish aria wenek eneheneh yoweihi aih douk owo mishish shakitakumeh um unekeh iri aih."} {"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "aon": "Aria kupaishi arpesh shakripo baraen aria ihih nyumneh owo wape um umneken um urao saki aria owo madae udukemesh um Iruhin ananin adurin atinyi baraen uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "in gentleness correcting those who oppose him. Perhaps God may give them repentance leading to a full knowledge of the truth,", "aon": "Aria amam ta hupe shakamum eshudok douk shakri uwok um Iruhin ananin baraen iri aria hukripesh shokubur. Amam hukripesh namudok um Iruhin nutaurumesh aria shukeshuk agabus yoweishi inahos aria shatanam shukon aparuh shudukemesh um ananin adurin baraen aka, uwok?"} {"eng": "and they may recover themselves out of the devil’s snare, having been taken captive by him to do his will.", "aon": "Aria shopunek, hukripesh shokubur um shurao yopipi urkwip um shudukem Iruhin aria anan ta nukweshihesh um agundok Satan noweshikesh dodog aria shape shagipesh ananim urkum um."} {"eng": "May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain,", "aon": "Aria Onesiforus atun nataurume. Sabaihi nyumneh anan nanaki nataurume aria nenek eikihw apahw hwor wosik. Eik showeshike senab yape aria anan madae nunenek abraen um agundok eik yonoweshik yape um uwe, uwok. Sabaihi nyumneh anan nanaki nataurume aria neneke yatogur dodogoiwe. Namudok aria eik yakri apakin Debeini nukri gihaum Onesiforus nini ananip awirop aria nutaurumesh."} {"eng": "but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently and found me", "aon": "Aria nubokadae sagomatin anan nanaki abrudok debeiburi wabur Rom um, anan nenek urkum um eik aria naurime nanak arigaha nanaki naparuge."} {"eng": "(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.", "aon": "Aria nyak nyadukemesh um anan nenek sabainyi Iruhin ananin yopinyi mour gani Efesus um nataurum sabaishi arpesh aria nataurum eik shopunek. Douk namudok aria eik yakri enyudok. Hahudok nyumnah apakin Debeini Jisas nunaki ahi, anan ta nenek gihauman aria natauruman."} {"eng": "Hold the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "aon": "Enyudok yopinyi baraen douk riguk eik yakripenyen iri nyak ta nyusuwen nyugipeshen aria nyukripesh enyudok atin kupaishi arpesh. Aria nyak nyukripesh Iruhin ananin baraen obi nyutob, nyak ta nyugipesh ehudok aih um nyusuhw ananin baraen dodog nyugipeshen um, nyuni ehudok um nyak urkum munawasham anan nini ihishmorim arpesh um. Ehudok biyeh aih, eheh douk Iruhin nako apak douk matukur Krais Jisas iri."} {"eng": "That good thing which was committed to you, guard through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.", "aon": "Aria nyak ta nyutaurumen wosik Iruhin ananin baraen douk anan nakri nyak wosik um nyukripeshen iri. Aria Iruhin ananin Mishin douk nyape apak iri ta nyutaurumen um nyunek nyak nyutaurumen wosik Iruhin ananin baraen."} {"eng": "to Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aon": "O Timoti, eik kanak Pol yenek-umenyugu apudok shup um nyak. Eik douk urkum manawashamen abom. Aria nyak nyasuhw Iruhin ananin baraen nyagipeshen aria eik douk yahwaren nuganin. Eik douk Iruhin nagipesh ananim atum urkum aria Krais Jisas nagraehe um ipe ananin aposel aria inak ikripesh Iruhin ananin adurin baraen. Enyudok baraen um apak matukur Jisas aria morao agundok um mupe wosik abom ihih nyumneh um. Aria eik yakri Yain Iruhin nini apakin Debeini Krais Jisas hutaurumen meyoh aria nyakihw apahw hwur wosik."} {"eng": "that you keep the commandment without spot, blameless until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,", "aon": "Seiwok baugos um, Iruhin nakwarum ihishmorim eneshenesh shape iruhw atap iri aria eshesh douk shape. Aria riguk Krais Jisas douk nakripesh yopinyi baraen yopugunum aria anudok debeini um gavman iri Pontius Pailat nemneken aria nenek kwotuman. Aria douk anudok Iruhin nani Krais Jisas hatruhw amamis nabes aria eik yakri ikripen enyudok baraen um nyumneken aria nyugipeshen abom. Nyak ta nyupe wosik um mare enesh arpesh shukri nyak yoweinyi, uwok. Aria mare enen baraen nyupenyen. Nyak nyusuwen dodog abom Iruhin ananin baraen nyugipeshen aria nyunekesh namudok atin arigaha nyunak nyutogur um ahudok nyumnah apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nutanamori ahi."} {"eng": "But godliness with contentment is great gain.", "aon": "Aria ta apak dodogowip atup um mugipesh Iruhin ananih aih aria mukri eneshenesh apakish eshudok shani utabor douk jurugishumap um, apak ta munadudareh abom aria mupe wosik."} {"eng": "For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out.", "aon": "Seiwok apakiyu amakenyiyu wopubuki-umori, apak madae musuhwi enesh eshudok eneshenesh uwe, uwok. Aria ta wata namudok atin. Kweipon apak mukutukuk agundok atap um shopunek, apak ta mare munasuhw enesh eshudok munak, uwok."} {"eng": "But having food and clothing, we will be content with that.", "aon": "Namudok aria ta apak murao anagun worigun nini rupeh shukusumap um, apak ta mukri eshesh douk wosik-umap."} {"eng": "constant friction of people of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. Withdraw yourself from such.", "aon": "Eshesh madae shudukemesh abom, shagugak aria shapeum shakri shunitok atin. Eshesh shakutukuk adurin atinyi baraen aria shenek rohw shakri ta eshesh shugipesh Iruhin ananih aih um, eshesh ta shurao sabaibori utabor buni eneshenesh eshudok. Aria esheshin baraen douk madae adurin uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Some men’s sins are evident, preceding them to judgment, and some also follow later.", "aon": "Anam armam douk henek yoweishi inahos yopugunum iri, apak douk madukemam um amam douk yoweimi. Aria Iruhin ta nunek skelumam nukri amam douk henek yoweishi inahos. Aria kweipon ta nuwanumam yoweishi inahos amam henekesh iri. Aria anam hanabeshuk henek yoweishi inahos iri, apak madae mudukemam uwe. Aria kweipon amamish yoweishi inahos ta shutogur yopugunum aria Iruhin ta nuwanam yoweishi inahos amam henekesh iri."} {"eng": "In the same way also there are good works that are obvious, and those that are otherwise can’t be hidden.", "aon": "Aria douk namudok atin. Anam armam henek yopihi aih iri mour yopugunum aria sabaishi shatrum aria shadukemam. Aria anam henek yopihi aih iri mour habeshukesh aria apak madae mudukemesh uwe. Aria kweipon amam ta hunowereh hutogur yopugunum aria sabaishi shutrum. Aria apak shopunek ta mudukemam."} {"eng": "Also command these things, that they may be without reproach.", "aon": "Eik yakripen enyudok baraen um nyukrip ihiyumorim armago douk owowim rahaem hagokuk iri. Um maresh, ta kupaishi shutru aria shukri owo yoweiwori armago."} {"eng": "But if anyone doesn’t provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.", "aon": "Ipak ihishmorim ta putaurum eshudok ipak atup awirop um pukesh eshudok eneshenesh. Aria enesh arpesh mare shutaurum eshesh atup awirop um, eshesh douk shakutukuk Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen douk shasuhwen shagipeshen iri. Aria eshesh douk shatogur yoweishi arpesh abom sheshagrakuk eshudok douk madae shusuhw Iruhin ananin baraen iri uwe."} {"eng": "For bodily exercise has some value, but godliness has value in all things, having the promise of the life which is now and of that which is to come.", "aon": "Nyak nyadukemesh, ta apak mukri munek baunag um munek apakiruh yegeshiweruh hutogur dodogowiruh um, enyudok apa nyataurumap. Aria ta mudukemesh um mutogur dodogowip um munek yopihi atih aih Iruhin nakriyeh iri um, enyen ta nyutaurumap wosik abom. Enyen ta nyutaurumap douk apak mape agundok atap um aria kweipon iruhw heven shopunek."} {"eng": "This saying is faithful and worthy of all acceptance.", "aon": "Enyudok baraen douk adurin atin abom. Douk namudok aria apak ihishmorim ta musuwen dodog abom mugipeshen. Baraen enyudok."} {"eng": "forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.", "aon": "Eshesh ta shunek rohwumesh shukripesh um mare shurao armago, aria enesh mahish aria worigun eshesh shanowishesh. Aria apak masuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog magipeshen iri douk madukemesh um adurin baraen. Apak madukemesh um Iruhin nenek eshudok worigun iri mahish douk eshesh shakri apak mare mishoh iri. Iruhin nenek eshudok mahish iri worigun um apak munek beten munek tenkyuman aria mishoh."} {"eng": "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.", "aon": "Apak madukemesh, ihigunmorim worigun iri mahish Iruhin nenekesh iri douk yopishi. Aria apak mare mukri wokumesh, uwok. Iruhin nakri apak mishoh. Apak ta munek urkum um ananin baraen aria munek beten munek tenkyuman um eshudok aria mishoh."} {"eng": "For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.", "aon": "Um maresh? Ananin baraen nyani apakin beten douk shenekesh shatogur yopish."} {"eng": "one who rules his own house well, having children in subjection with all reverence;", "aon": "Anan ta nutaurumok wosik ananik armatok kwuni ananish batowish aria nunekesh shumnek ananin baraen. Aria batowish ta shumnek ananin baraen aria mare shagogonigan atin, uwok."} {"eng": "(for how could someone who doesn’t know how to rule his own house take care of God’s assembly?)", "aon": "Aria ta anan mare nutaurum um ananik armatok kwuni batowish wosik um, anan ta mare wosik um nunek mour um nutaurum Iruhin ananish arpesh."} {"eng": "not a drinker, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous;", "aon": "Aria nunek enyudok mour iri, anan ta nenek yopihi atih aih iri. Anan ta nunek yopinyi atin aria mare enesh arpesh shukri anan yoweini. Anan ta nurao atuk armatok. Aria anan ta nubo yoweipi urkwip pubuhuk aria anan mare urkum mur um nunek yoweishi inahos, uwok. Anan mare nuwok abar nugugak atin. Anan ta nutaurumesh nukesh eshudok eneshenesh um kupaishi arpesh. Anan ta nunek skulumesh nukripesh baraen wosik um shumneken aria shudukemesh. Anan mare juwehosin arigas atin um nini kupaishi shunitok, uwok. Anan nini eshesh shupe atugun. Anan mare nuhesh nukripesh debeg atin, uwok. Aria anan mare nunek urkum um nurao sabaibori utabor buni eneshenesh eshudok, uwok. Aria anan nunek yopinyi namudok um, anan wosik ta nunek enyudok mour."} {"eng": "who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth.", "aon": "Aria ipak punek beten namudok um, ipak ta punek Iruhin douk narap matanamori mape wosik atin aria anan nunadudareh. Aria anan shopunek douk nakri nurao ihishmorim arpesh shatanam shupe wosik aria shudukemesh um adurin atinyi baraen aria shusuhwen shugipeshen iri."} {"eng": "although I used to be a blasphemer, a persecutor, and insolent. However, I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.", "aon": "Aria seiwok sagomatin eik wata imnek Jisas ananin baraen um uwe, eik yabubunim ananin nyeigur aria yakri uwok um anan. Aria yakri uwok um ananish arpesh douk shasuhw ananin baraen iri aria yasuwesh yoweshikesh yenekesh shemnek debeiri eriger. Aria abudok nyutob eik yenekesh namudok um, eik madae idukemesh ikri eik yenek yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok. Eik madae isuhw ananin baraen igipeshen uwe. Namudok aria Iruhin nakri gihaum eik aria madae nuwaname yoweishi inahos eik yape yenekesh iri uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord abounded exceedingly with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.", "aon": "Aria apakin Debeini Krais Jisas nataurume meyoh abom nogabeye yatukur anan aria yape wosik. Namudok aria eik yasuhw ananin baraen dodog yagipeshen. Aria shopunek, eik urkum manawasham kupaishi arpesh aria yataurumesh."} {"eng": "for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and for any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine,", "aon": "Aria apak madukemesh um enyudok lo Iruhin douk madae nuneken nukriyen um yopishi arpesh uwe, uwok. Anan neneken um eshudok douk shenek yoweishi inahos iri um shukutishukuk aria shupe wosik. Iruhin nenek enyudok lo um eshudok douk shakri uwok um ananin lo shakenyuk agabus iri, shani eshudok douk madae shumnek baraen iri uwe, shani eshudok douk shakri uwok um ananin baraen aria shenek ihishumori yoweishi inahos iri. Eshesh shani eshudok douk shakri uwok um shunek lotu um Iruhin aria shenek yoweishi inahos iri, shani eshudok douk shabo esheshish amakenyish shagok iri. Eshesh shani eshudok douk shabo kupaishi arpesh shagok iri, shani eshudok douk shenek wehrur iri, shani amudok douk henek wehrur hani kupaimi armam iri. Anan neneken um eshudok douk shakwumesh aruh kupaishi arpesh sharaesh shanak um kupaishi shutorish iri, shani eshudok douk shenek rohwumesh iri. Eshesh shani eshudok douk shenek kwot obi nyutob eshesh shenek rohwumesh um baraen um kwot. Aria anan neneken um ihishmorim arpesh shopunek douk shakri uwok um Iruhin ananin adurin atinyi baraen shakenyuk agabus aria shenek eneshenesh yoweishi inahos iri."} {"eng": "As I urged you when I was going into Macedonia, stay at Ephesus that you might command certain men not to teach a different doctrine,", "aon": "Nubokuhi eik yakri ikutinyukuk inak agudok shokugi nahobig Masedonia um, eik yakripeny-umaguk um nyupe Efesus. Aria douk yakri ikripen shopunek um nyupe abom Efesus aria nyukrip amudok armam dodogowinyi baraen um amam mare wata hunek skulumesh um enen rohwinyi baraen shopunek, uwok. Amam ta hukripesh Iruhin ananin baraen atin."} {"eng": "and not to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than God’s stewardship, which is in faith.", "aon": "Nyak nyukripam dodogowinyi baraen nyukri, “Ipak mare pukripesh enyudok rohwin sakihasin baraen, uwok. Aria mare pukripesh enyudok seiwokin baraen um seiwokish nyeiguhw douk arpesh shanahwar um. Ipak piyagwreh enyudokmori baraen um, ipak ta pupe um punitok atin aria ta mare pugipesh Iruhin ananim urkum, uwok. Enyen douk um apakin bilip atin, Iruhin neyabigap ananim urkum.”"} {"eng": "to Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aon": "O Timoti, eik Pol yenek apudok shup panakumagu nyak. Nyak douk nyatogur kabi eikin nuganin um. Nyak douk nyasuhw enyudok eik yenek skulumen-umen iri Iruhin ananin baraen nyagipeshen aria yohwaren nuganin. Eik douk anudok Iruhin douk narap matanamori mape wosik abom iri nani Krais Jisas hagraehe. Amam hagraehe aria hakripe dodogowinyi baraen um itogur Krais Jisas ananin aposel aria yakripesh ananin yopinyi baraen. Aria anan douk baugos abom um apak madukemesh um anan ta wata nunaki nurap iri. Eik yakri apakin Yain Iruhin nini apakin Debeini aria Krais Jisas hunek gihaumen aria hutaurumen meyoh. Aria shopunek, yakri amam hunek nyakihw apahw hwur wosik."} {"eng": "Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother who walks in rebellion and not after the tradition which they received from us.", "aon": "O ipak apakish arpesh! Apak douk Debeini Jisas Krais nakop big um munek ananin mour. Douk namudok aria apak makripep dodogowinyi baraen um pugipeshen. Baraen enyudok. Aria ipak enesh shasuhw Krais ananin baraen aria eshesh shape meyoh madae shunek mour iri uwe, ipak mare puni eshesh ponoprom, uwok. Eshesh douk madae shugipesh enyudok baraen riguk apak makripepen iri uwe."} {"eng": "neither did we eat bread from anyone’s hand without paying for it, but in labor and travail worked night and day, that we might not burden any of you.", "aon": "Ipak kanak douk padukemesh um agundok riguk apak manaku mani ipak mape um. Apak madae mupe meyoh uwe, uwok. Apak munek mour nyumnah wab aria madae murao ipakigun worigun meyoh uwe, uwok. Apak matorish aria ipak douk pakapesh. Aria apak munek debeinyi mour nyumneh weibus um makri uwok um mukep amaen um pukop worigun iri utabor, uwok. Douk namudok aria ipak ta pugipesh apakih aih um punek mour dodogowip atip."} {"eng": "comfort your hearts and establish you in every good work and word.", "aon": "Aria apak makri apakin Debeini Jisas Krais anan kanak nini Yain Iruhin hutaurumep. Anan douk urkum manawashamap nataurumap meyoh aria nenekap apakiruh aparuh hur wosik ihih nyumneh. Aria mape urkwip porum agundok douk madukemesh abom um kweipon anan ta nunaraep punak pupe wosik um. Aria apak makri Jisas Krais nini Iruhin hunek ipakiruh aparuh hur wosik. Aria hunekep dodogowip um punek eneheneh yopihi atih aih huni mour. Aria shopunek um piyagwreh yopinyi atin baraen."} {"eng": "not to be quickly shaken in your mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us, saying that the day of Christ has already come.", "aon": "Ipak apakish arpesh! Eik yakri ikripep enen baraen um hahudok nyumnah apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nutanamori aria apak munak muni anan mupe atugun ahi. Ipak pumnek! Aria enesh arpesh douk shenek rohwumep shakri ahudok nyumnah apakin Debeini nunaki ahi douk hatogur jurug. Aria eik madae idukemesh uwe, meishi arpesh shenek rohwumep shakripep namudok? Enesh shakripesh Iruhin ananin baraen iri shakripep, o enesh kupaishi shakripep? O enesh shenek rohwumep shakripep shakri apak menyemagu anap shup panakumogu ipak? Ipak mare pikitak yowiyokuk aria aparuh mare yoweruh, uwok."} {"eng": "Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.", "aon": "Aria ipak ta punek skelimum ihinyumorim baraen nyuni aih aria pudukemesh um enyen douk yopinyi o yoweinyi. Aria yopinyi um, ipak ta pusuwen dodog. O ta yoweinyi um, ipak ta pukutinyukuk."} {"eng": "Abstain from every form of evil.", "aon": "Aria pukutukuk ihihmori yoweihi aih."} {"eng": "Don’t quench the Spirit.", "aon": "Iruhin ananin Mishin douk nyenek sabaihi yopihi atih aih iri mour. Douk namudok aria ipak mare putapok enyenyih yah um nyunek enyenyin mour um, uwok."} {"eng": "Don’t despise prophecies.", "aon": "Aria enyen douk nyohur enesh arpesh aria shakripep Iruhin ananin baraen. Douk namudok aria ipak mare pukenyuk agabus enyudok baraen, uwok."} {"eng": "Pray without ceasing.", "aon": "Aria ipak ta pupe um punadudareh namudok atin aria pupe punek beten nyumnah wab."} {"eng": "and to respect and honor them in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves.", "aon": "O ipak apakish arpesh, apak makri ipak pumnek enyudok apakin baraen pugipeshen. Baraen enyudok. Ipak ta pupe shakamum ipakim debeimi douk henek debeinyi mour um hataurumep hakripep Iruhin ananin baraen iri. Amam douk Iruhin nagraeham um hutaurumep aria hunabreshep um punek yopihi atih aih. Amam douk hataurumep wosik. Douk namudok aria ipak ta putuk amamish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw aria ipak urkwip punawashamam aria putaurumam. Aria ipak ta piyagwreh atin baraen aria punagabe um pupe atugun."} {"eng": "For God didn’t appoint us to wrath, but to the obtaining of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,", "aon": "Iruhin douk madae nugraehap um nuwanamap apakish yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok. Anan douk nagraehap um apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nunarap mutanamori mupe wosik atin."} {"eng": "who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.", "aon": "Anan douk nagok um nurao apak ihishmorim munak muni anan mupe wosik atin. Aria ta apak mugok o wata mupe um, anan ta wata nunarap."} {"eng": "But you, brothers, aren’t in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief.", "aon": "Aria ipak Kristen douk madae pupe kabi eshesh shape arukwutigun iri shape shenek urkum um uwe. Douk namudok aria ahudok nyumnah ta hutogrumesh ahudok atuh kabi douk nakwuaruh iri nanaki um. Aria eshesh shikitak yowiyokuk. Aria ipak ta uwok."} {"eng": "You are all children of light and children of the day. We don’t belong to the night, nor to darkness,", "aon": "Ipak ihishmorim pani apak douk Iruhin ananish batowish douk mape bogaragun-umori. Apak douk madae mupe kabi eshudok douk shape arukwutigun iri shapeum um uwe, uwok. Aria apak madae munek yoweishi inahos kabi eshesh shape arukwutigun iri shenekesh um uwe."} {"eng": "For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep.", "aon": "Aria enyudok baraen apakin Debeini nakripapen iri douk enyudok ta mukripepen. Baraen enyudok. Kweipon hahudok nyumnah anan nutanamori ahi, eshudok douk wata shupe agundok atap iri ta mare shurik shunak aria shagok iri shugiguk shunak, uwok."} {"eng": "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first,", "aon": "Eshudok douk shape agundok atap iri ta shumnek Debeini nuhwar debeg. Aria enselahos esheshin debeinyi ensel ta nyuhwar debeg aria Iruhin ananihw oruhw ta hwiyagwreh. Aria apakin Debeini Jisas ta nukutukuk iruhw heven nunaki. Aria eshudok arpesh douk shenek bilip aria shatukur Krais iri douk riguk shagok iri ta shurik shukitak shupe."} {"eng": "not in the passion of lust, even as the Gentiles who don’t know God,", "aon": "Aria shopunek nakri ipak armam ta pusuhw merik um ipak kanak um mishish mare shikitak puni kupaiwari armago penek wehrur um kabi douk amam haiden douk madae hudukemesh um Iruhin iri uwe hape heneken um, uwok. Ipak ta pupe Iruhin ananip atip aria punek yopinyi atin."} {"eng": "Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.", "aon": "Ipak Kristen ta pumnek enyudok eikin nyatuh iri baraen! Um maresh? Apak douk morao Debeini ananit nokwat aria makripep. Eikin baraen douk enyudok. Riguk apak manakumogu ipak aria menek skulumep um ihihmorim yopihi aih um pugipesheh aria punek Iruhin nunadudareh. Aria douk ehudok aih ipak douk pape penekeh. Douk namudok aria apak dodogowip-umeh abom um punekeh wosik pishagrakuk riguk parik pape penekeh um."} {"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "aon": "Ipak douk mare urkwip pukepukuk um Debeini Jisas ananin baraen douk apak biom atun makripepen iri uwe, uwok. Apak douk anan nakop big um mukripesh ananin baraen aria apak douk makripepen."} {"eng": "For this cause, brothers, we were comforted over you in all our distress and affliction through your faith.", "aon": "Ipak apakish arpesh. Sabaishi arpesh shape agundok iri shap aria shakop enenyenen amaen aria apak memnek debeiri eriger. Aria apakiruh aparuh madae yoweruh uwe, uwok. Apak memnek um agundok ipak pasuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog pagipeshen um aria apak douk meyotu dodogowip atup."} {"eng": "For now we live, if you stand fast in the Lord.", "aon": "Apak manadudareh um maresh? Ipak pape dodogowip um Debeini aria pasuhw ananin baraen dodog pagipeshen."} {"eng": "that no one would be moved by these afflictions. For you know that we are appointed to this task.", "aon": "Um maresh? Ta enesh arpesh shunekep purao debeinyi amaen aria pukutukuk Iruhin ananin baraen. Ipak padukemesh, enyudok amaen douk Iruhin kanak nakri wosik aria enyen douk nyatogrumep."} {"eng": "For most certainly, when we were with you, we told you beforehand that we are to suffer affliction, even as it happened, and you know.", "aon": "Riguk apak manaku mani ipak mape um, abudok nyutob arpesh douk madae shunekap murao enen amaen uwe. Aria apak makripep makri ta mare roubi aria enesh arpesh ta shunek apak muni ipak murao enen amaen. Aria douk ipak padukemesh um apakin baraen douk nyatogur adurin. Eshudok arpesh shenek ipak pani apak morao amaen abom kabi douk riguk apak makripep um."} {"eng": "and sent Timothy, our brother and God’s servant in the Good News of Christ, to establish you and to comfort you concerning your faith,", "aon": "Apak biom atun munek urkwip um ipak aria manakripam makri ipak ta pupe wosik aka, uwok? Apak makri uwok um mupe mutrugun anah shopunek nyumneh um ipakin baraen nyunakumori apak um, uwok. Douk namudok aria ohwak biohw wapeik agundok Atens aria weshopoku ohwakin wanin Timoti atun nanakumogu nutaurumep. Anan nani ohwak apa manoprom munek Iruhin ananin mour um makripesh Krais ananin yopinyi baraen. Ohwak douk weshopokan nanakumogu nutaurumep um pupe dodogowip um Iruhin aria pusuhw ananin baraen dodog pugipeshen."} {"eng": "For you are our glory and our joy.", "aon": "Apak douk mape munek urkwip um ahudok nyumnah apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nunaki aria apak muni ipak mupe wosik ahi. Ahudok nyumnah, apak ta muni anan mupe atugun aria mupe wosik. Aria douk apak biom atun douk munek urkwip um ipak penek bilip um Krais aria meyotu dodog mape matrugun um Krais nutanamori nunarap um. Aria ahudok nyumnah ta shutik ipak aria ta shudukemesh um apak douk makripep Iruhin ananin baraen aria mabouk yoweishi inahos shabuhuk. Aria apak ta munadudareh um ipak atip aria punekap mutuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw."} {"eng": "But we, brothers, being bereaved of you for a short season in presence, not in heart, tried even harder to see your face with great desire,", "aon": "O ipak apakish arpesh! Enesh arpesh shahiyahapari aria apak biom atun douk makutipukuk banab nyutob manaki mapeik agundok. Apak manaki mape agundok aria apak urkwip porum ipak aria makri abom um munaku mutrip. Aria apak mabirak matik uwok."} {"eng": "because we wanted to come to you—indeed, I, Paul, once and again—but Satan hindered us.", "aon": "Sabaihi nyumneh eik Pol yabirak um yakri apak munaku aria uwok. Yoweini Satan natapokumap yah."} {"eng": "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always. But wrath has come on them to the uttermost.", "aon": "Seiwok eshesh Juda shabo sabaimi profet hagok. Arigaha aria nubokuhiyen kwar shabo apakin Debeini Jisas nagok. Aria apak biom atun shopunek shakri uwok-umap aria douk shenekap enenyenen aria shahiyahap maruwok manak um kupaigunum. Apak manak makripesh Iruhin ananin baraen kupaishi arpesh douk madae Juda iri uwe. Apak makri mukripesh um shumneken shugipeshen aria anan nunaraesh shutanamori shupe wosik. Aria eshesh Juda shakri uwok aria shakri shutapok apakih yah um mare munak mukripesh. Namudok aria eshesh shutapok Iruhin ananim urkum aria shatogur ihishmorim arpesh esheshish horim. Riguk eshesh shape shenek sabaishi yoweishi inahos. Aria douk eshesh shatogur sabaishi abom. Aria anan douk juwehosin-umesh aria nakri jurugish. Aria kweipon anan ta nesh."} {"eng": "As you know, we exhorted, comforted, and implored every one of you, as a father does his own children,", "aon": "Aria ipak padukemesh, apak douk mataurum ipak atin atin kabi douk anan yaken nataurum ananish batowish um."} {"eng": "to the end that you should walk worthily of God, who calls you into his own Kingdom and glory.", "aon": "Apak mataurumep um putogur dodogowip um ipakin bilip aria ipakiruh aparuh hur wosik. Aria shopunek, mape um makripep um pupe wosik aria punek yopihi atih aih Iruhin nakriyehi. Anan douk nahwarep um punak puwish agundok anan nape Debeini um ananish arpesh um aria putik agundok anan dodogowin abom atun aria natrugun nyeigur nyato iruh-uman um."} {"eng": "nor seeking glory from men (neither from you nor from others), when we might have claimed authority as apostles of Christ.", "aon": "Apak douk madae munek mour um mukri ipak o enesh kupaishi arpesh shutuk apakish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother cherishes her own children.", "aon": "Apak douk Krais ananim aposel maraogu ananin baraen manaku makripepen. Douk namudok aria apak ta dodogowip um ipak putuk apakish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw. Aria apak manaku mani ipak mapeum, apak makripep shokubur kabi douk onok yopukwi amakek kwataurum okwokwish batowish wosik um."} {"eng": "For you yourselves know, brothers, our visit to you wasn’t in vain,", "aon": "O ipak apakish arpesh! Ipak kanak padukemesh um apak manaku makripep Iruhin ananin baraen um, apak madae mukripep aria nyunakuk atap meyoh uwe, uwok. Apak makripep aria pasuhwen dodog pagipeshen."} {"eng": "but having suffered before and been shamefully treated, as you know, at Philippi, we grew bold in our God to tell you the Good News of God in much conflict.", "aon": "Aria ipak padukemesh, sagomatin apak marik manak makripesh Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen eshesh Filipai aria eshesh shap shawarugap apa shanumogesh apak aria shenekap memnek debeiri eriger. Aria wata manakumagu ipak um, Iruhin nataurumap nenekap dodogowip aria makripep ananin baraen. Sabaishi arpesh shakri uwok um apak mukripep enyudok baraen um aria eshesh shakri shutapokumap yah. Aria apak madae munogugur uwe."} {"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "aon": "Apakin wanin Tikikus douk apak urkwip panawashaman iri anan apa neneken wosik Debeini ananin mour. Anan douk nani eik wanoprom wenek enyudok atin mour iri. Aria anan ta nunaku nagundok aria nukripep agundok douk eik yape yanak um."} {"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "aon": "Eik douk yeshopokan nanakumagu ipak um nukripep aria pudukemesh um agundok apak mape manak um. Aria shopunek um nutaurumep pupe dodogowip."} {"eng": "If then you were raised together with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated on the right hand of God.", "aon": "Iruhin douk nepuhur pani Krais pakitak pape. Douk namudok aria ipak urkwip ta purum eneheneh aih douk hanaki iruhw heven iri atih. Agundok iruhw heven douk Krais nape debeini aria nape yopunyi rogur ehahum Iruhin napeum."} {"eng": "Set your mind on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth.", "aon": "Aria ihih nyumneh ipak urkwip ta purum eneheneh aih douk hanaki iruhw heven iri. Ipak urkwip mare purum agundok atapih aih, uwok."} {"eng": "For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.", "aon": "Um maresh? Ipak douk pagok jurug pani Krais. Douk namudok aria agundok douk ta ipak pupe wosik ihih nyumneh um douk paragun aria nanabeshuk nani Krais nape iruhw heven Iruhin napeum."} {"eng": "“Don’t handle, nor taste, nor touch”", "aon": "Aria ipak douk pani Krais pagok aria pakutukuk agundok um pape shakamum agundok ipak pagipesh enyudok baraen douk nyakrium amudok king-omi hani eshudok dodogowishi sagabehos shani yoweishi enselahos douk shasuhw merik um iruhw atap iri um. Aria douk ipak wata patanam panak pape shakamum eshudok um maresh? Aria shopunek, ipak pape shakamum enyudok lo douk nyakri, “Nyak mare nyusuhwesh o mare nyishoh o mare nyututoruhwesh nyakis wis iri um maresh?”"} {"eng": "You were dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses,", "aon": "Douk riguk ipak pape pagipesh harik hapenyep iri aih um penek yoweishi inahos um. Aria shopunek, ipak douk madae Juda uwe, aria ipak madae pudukemesh um Iruhin nini ananin lo douk seiwok nakoguk Moses enyi uwe, uwok. Douk namudok aria ehudok harik iri yoweihi aih haep pagok. Aria Iruhin nepuhur pakitak pape aria nenekep patukur Krais. Aria Iruhin nakweshih eneshenesh yoweishi inahos apak menekesh iri."} {"eng": "wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us. He has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross.", "aon": "Aria enyudok lo seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi douk nyape Iruhin ananik Buk iri douk nyape kabi apakim horim um. Enyen nyakrium arudok debeiri eriger douk ta apak mumnegor um eshudok apakish yoweishi inahos douk apak menekesh iri shuni enen baraen douk apak madae dodogowip um mugipeshen iri uwe. Aria Iruhin nenek nyilim enyudok ihinyumorim lo iruhw rowog kruse abom aria naen nyabuhuk wouwokuk."} {"eng": "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.", "aon": "Krais douk nadukemesh abom um anudok Iruhin douk apak madae mutrun atin iri uwe. Anan douk nape Debeini aria baugos abom um ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok shani arpesh douk shape iruhw atap iri."} {"eng": "For by him all things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things have been created through him and for him.", "aon": "Um maresh? Iruhin nakripan nenek ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok shape iruhw atap iri shani arpesh shatogur shape. Anan nenek ihishmorim eshudok eneshenesh douk apak matrish iri shani eshudok douk madae mutrish apakis nabes iri uwe. Eshesh shani ihim-morim debeimi, hani ihishmorim dodogowishi enselahos douk shasuhw merik um iruhw atap iri. Aria Iruhin nakrip Krais nenek ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok shape iruhw atap iri shani ihishmorim arpesh. Anan nenekesh um shupe ananish atish aria shutuk ananin atin nyeigur nyuto iruhw."} {"eng": "who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of his love,", "aon": "Iruhin douk nakweshihap makutukuk enyudok debeinyi dodog douk nyape arukwut-igunum um eshesh Satan ananish arpesh shapeum. Aria narap mape wosik manak mawish um ananin nuganin douk anan urkum manawashaman abom iri um ananip awirop."} {"eng": "in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.", "aon": "Aria douk apak mape matukur Krais aria anan nakweshihap mape wosik atin um agundok anan madae nusuhwesh uwe um apakish yoweishi inahos aria nakwreyeshuk um."} {"eng": "giving thanks to the Father, who made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light,", "aon": "Aria ohwak wenek betenumep namudok shopunek um wakri Iruhin nukep ananin yopiyopinyi abom debeinyi dodog. Anan nukepen um nunekep putogur dodogowip um piyotu dodog abudok nyutob enenyenen amaen nyutogrumep um. Aria um ipakiruh aparuh mare yoweruh aria hur wosik. Aria ipak ta punadudareh punek tenkyu um apakin Yain um nenekep patogur yopip aria wosik um purao eneshenesh ipakish yopishi eshudok douk Iruhin neshubukumep lait-igunum iri. Ipak ta puraesh puni ihishmorim ananish arpesh agundok douk shape yopugunum shenek yopihi atih aih iri shapeum."} {"eng": "We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,", "aon": "Ihih nyumneh ohwak wonek beten um ipak um, ohwak apa wenek tenkyu um apakin Debeini Jisas Krais ananin Yain Iruhin um ipak."} {"eng": "having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have toward all the saints,", "aon": "Um maresh? Ohwak womnek baraen um agundok ipak pasuhw Krais Jisas ananin baraen pagipeshen aria ipak urkwip panawasham ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh um."} {"eng": "because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the Good News", "aon": "Riguk enyudok adurin atinyi baraen nyanaki nyatogrumep aria ipak pemneken. Aria ipak pakri adur atin um kweipon ipak ta pupe wosik abom ihih nyumneh gani iruhw heven um. Aria ipak douk pape patrugun um agundok ta kweipon punak pupe wosik um. Douk namudok aria ipak pakri Krais Jisas ananin baraen douk adurin aria pagipeshen aria ipak urkwip panawasham Iruhin nani kupaishi arpesh shopunek."} {"eng": "to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.", "aon": "O ipak pagipesh patukur Krais iri douk pape wabur Kolosi iri aria pasuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog pagipeshen iri. Eik Pol, Krais Jisas ananin aposel douk Iruhin kanak nagraehe um inek ananin mour um inak ikripesh ananin baraen aria yenekumepogu apudok shup um ipak. Eik yenekapumagu ipak Iruhin ananish atish arpesh douk dodogowip atip um pasuhw Jisas Krais ananin baraen pagipeshen iri. Aria apakin wanin Timoti shopunek douk nani eik wape agundok. Aria ohwak wakri apakin Yain Iruhin nutaurumep meyoh aria ipakiruh aparuh hur wosik."} {"eng": "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.", "aon": "Eikish arpesh, eik atin yakri eik watak iraeh iyateh uwe ehudok aih, watak. Eik yasuhw amudok atum urkum. Amudok. Eik yakri uwok um ihishmorim eneshenesh rigukishi eshudok aria yeshubukuk aria urkum makeshukuk. Aria yape um yenek mour dodogoiwe atuwe yosahur yanak um itogur mak aria irao debeinyi nyeigur. Irao debeinyi nyeigur um douk namudok. Yatukur Krais Jisas, anan nataurume aria Iruhin nahware um ito um iruhw heven ikih ini anan upe wosik abom ihih nyumneh."} {"eng": "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all joy, and hold such people in honor,", "aon": "Namudok aria douk nunak nutogragu aria ipak pukri anan douk Debeini ananin arpen. Aria punadudareh-uman abom puran nunak nini ipak pupe. Aria ihim-mori kabi ananumori armam, ipak ta putuk amamish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw."} {"eng": "because for the work of Christ he came near to death, risking his life to supply that which was lacking in your service toward me.", "aon": "Um maresh? Anan douk madae urkum murum anan kanak aria nukri um nupe agundok atap uwe, uwok. Anan douk urkum morum nunek Krais ananin mour atin aria douk hurukatin um nugok um agundok nataurume um. Ipak douk papeik rougun, aria anan douk narao ipakiyu outumeb nataurume kabi ipak pupe putaurume um."} {"eng": "holding up the word of life, that I may have something to boast in the day of Christ that I didn’t run in vain nor labor in vain.", "aon": "Punekesh namudok abom um, ta pupe wosik abom aria mare enen baraen nyupenyep, uwok. Um ta pupe Iruhin ananip abom yopiyopishi batowish aria mare punek yoweishi inahos. Aria ipak ta piyabig arpesh um shupe wosik. Aria punekesh namudok um, ipak ta pupe kabi lait um pubuh agundok atapishi arpesh shapeum. Ehudok nyumneh ipak pupe kabi lait um obi nyutob, ipak douk pukripesh enyudok Iruhin ananin baraen um shumneken aria shugipeshen. Aria shugipeshen um, enyen ta nyutaurumesh um shupe wosik agundok atap aria kweipon shopunek ta shupe ihih nyumneh. Agundok atapish arpesh douk shakri uwok um yopihi aih aria shapeum madae shenek yopihi aih iri uwe. Ipak punekesh namudok um, ahudok nyumnah Krais nutanamori ahi hunak hutograri aria eik ta inadudareh-umep. Aria ta idukemesh namudok. Eik douk yenek enyudok debeinyi mour um yataurumep aria madae nyunak nyuwishuk meyoh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself;", "aon": "Ipakip urkwip mare purum putaurum ipakiruh yegeshiweruh aturuh aria punek mour um putuk ipakish nyeiguhw shuto iruhw, namudok uwok. Aria punih ipak kanak abom aria mare pukri pupe iruhw um kupaishi, uwok."} {"eng": "each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others.", "aon": "Ipak atin atin ipakip urkwip mare purum punagapesh ipakish atish eshudok wanaruh, uwok. Aria punagapesh um kupaishi kabi agundok punagapesh ipakish eshudok wanaruh um."} {"eng": "Some indeed preach Christ even out of envy and strife, and some also out of good will.", "aon": "Adur, anam douk hakripesh Krais ananin baraen um maresh? Amam henek nyigiya um eik um agundok yenek Iruhin ananin mour um aria hakri hishagrakuk eik hurao debeishi nyeiguhw um enyudok mour. Aria anam douk yopipi urkwipim hakri hutaurume aria douk hakripeshen."} {"eng": "The former insincerely preach Christ from selfish ambition, thinking that they add affliction to my chains;", "aon": "Amudok armam, amam douk urkwip panawasham eik aria douk hakripeshen. Um maresh? Amam douk hadukemesh hakri eik adur yape agundok um ikripesh Iruhin ananin baraen sabaishi shumneken aria shukri adurin atin abom."} {"eng": "but the latter out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the Good News.", "aon": "Aria anam henek nyigiya um eik iri amamip urkwip douk madae pur wosik aria douk hukripesh Krais ananin baraen uwe, uwok. Aria hakripeshen um hakri hutuk amamish nyeiguhw atish shuto iruhw. Henek rohw um hakri huneke gamo irao debeiri eriger abudok nyutob douk watak yape agundok shunuweshik-ati urupat obi nyutob."} {"eng": "so that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ,", "aon": "Um yakri ipak pudukemesh abom um meihi aih eheh yopihi abom heshagrakuk ihihmori iri yopihi aih um pugipesheh iri. Namudok aria ta pupe wosik abom urkwip purum yopihi atih aih aria Iruhin nutrip mare nutik enesh yoweishi inahos shupenyep ahudok nyumnah Krais nutanamori-ahi."} {"eng": "being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.", "aon": "Aria yakri ipak punek yopihi atih aih abom douk Jisas Krais atun ta nunekep punekeh iri. Ipak punekesh namudok um sabaishi shutrip aria shini ipak putuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw pukri anan debeini abom."} {"eng": "But that you also may know my affairs, how I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will make known to you all things.", "aon": "Anudok apakin arpenyin Tikikus douk apak urkwip panawashaman iri ta nunaku nagundok aria nukripep um agundok eik yape yanak um. Aria anan shopunek douk apa nenek Debeini ananin mour wosik abom iri."} {"eng": "I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know our state and that he may comfort your hearts.", "aon": "Eik yakri ishopokan nunakumagu nukripep um apak mape agundok iri mape manak um. Aria um putrun pumnek ananin baraen aria nyutaurumep piyotu dodogowip um pugipesh Krais ananin baraen um."} {"eng": "“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with a promise:", "aon": "Enyen douk kabi enen baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Enyen nyakri namudok nyakri, “Ipak ta punek urkum um ipakish amakenyish pakri eshesh douk debeishi um ipak aria pumnek esheshin baraen.” Aria enyudok baraen douk nyetem nyarik abom um ihinyumorim Iruhin ananin lo douk adurin atinyi baraen nyapenyen iri."} {"eng": "“that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.”", "aon": "Aria enyudok adurin baraen douk nyakri namudok nyakri, “Ipak pumnek ipakish amakenyish esheshin baraen um, eneshenesh eshudok ipak punekesh iri ta shutogur wosik aria ta pupe roubi nyutob agundok atap.”"} {"eng": "This mystery is great, but I speak concerning Christ and the assembly.", "aon": "Aria enen debeinyi baraen douk seiwok nyape aria arpesh madae shudukemesh um baugenyum uwe, uwok. Aria douk nyatogur yopugunum kabi douk enen baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Enyen nyakri namudok, “Namudok aria arman ta nukutukuk ananish amakenyish aria nunak nini ananik irohukwik shupe sik. Aria eshesh biyesh ta shutogur atin arpen.” Adur enyudok yopinyi baraen douk nyanabeshuk iri abom. Aria apak douk madae mudukemesh abom um baugenyum um uwe. Aria eik kanak yakri enyudok baraen douk nyakrium Krais nani Iruhin ananish arpesh douk shatukur Krais iri."} {"eng": "For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord also does the assembly,", "aon": "Apak madukemesh um douk madae enen atin arpen apa nyukri uwok um enyenyihw yegenyihw uwe, uwok. Enyen apa nyokohw worigun aria nyanagabeohw yopuhw abom kabi douk Krais nanagabe Iruhin ananish arpesh um."} {"eng": "because we are members of his body, of his flesh and bones.", "aon": "Um maresh? Apak douk mape kabi tokwonihw um Krais ananihw yegenyihw um."} {"eng": "Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.", "aon": "Ipak irorihiyeu ta pupe shakamum ipakim rahaem aria pumnek amamin baraen kabi douk pasuhw Debeini ananin baraen pagipeshen um."} {"eng": "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the assembly, being himself the savior of the body.", "aon": "Um maresh? Rahaem douk hape debeimium irorihiyeu kabi douk Krais nape Debeini um Iruhin ananish arpesh um. Aria eshesh ihishmorim shape kabi ananihw shuknihw yegenyihw um. Eshesh douk anan kanak nataurumesh naraesh shatanamori shape wosik abom iri."} {"eng": "He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers;", "aon": "Aria enyen douk anan atun nakopen meyoh abom yopinyi sisigin presen. Anan nakopen namudok. Anan nagraeh anam um hutogur aposel. Aria enesh douk profet, aria enesh um shunek enyudok mour um shurahaen shunak shukrip arpesh um Krais ananin yopinyi baraen um shumneken shusuhwen shugipeshen iri. Aria anam douk pasto iri tisa, um hunek skulum eshesh Kristen um shutogur dodogowish aria shunek yopihi atih aih."} {"eng": "for the perfecting of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ,", "aon": "Krais nakop enyudok yopinyi presen apak Iruhin ananishi arpesh um munek redi um apak kanak um mupe munek ananin yopinyi mour. Apak munek mour um apak douk mape kabi Krais ananihw shuknihw yegenyihw aria mutogur dodogowip."} {"eng": "But to each one of us, the grace was given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.", "aon": "Krais douk nataurumap nakopen meyoh yopinyi presen apak ihishmorim atin atin. Anan nakopen kabi douk anan nagraehen um nakri nukopen um."} {"eng": "Therefore he says, “When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to people.”", "aon": "Enyen douk kabi Iruhin ananin baraen nyetem ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Baraen enyudok, “Abudok nyutob anan nato iruhw um, anan nenek uhwinyum ananim horim aria nanaweshik um sabaishi arpesh. Aria nekeshen meyoh sabainyi yopinyi presen ananish arpesh.”"} {"eng": "Now this, “He ascended”, what is it but that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?", "aon": "Douk baugenyum baraen um enyudok baraen um “Nato iruhw” um douk nyakri namudok. Sagomatin anan nabuhukuk gani atap um agundok atap amnab."} {"eng": "He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.", "aon": "Aria anudok douk nabuhukuk gani atap iri wata anan kanak abom natanam nato. Anan nato nakih neshagrakuk iruhw utag aria nape Debeini abom um nupe ihigunum iruhw atap."} {"eng": "may be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth,", "aon": "Eik yenek beten namudok um yakri ipak puni ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh purao ananin dodog um pudukemesh um agundok anan urkum manawasham ipak abom um. Pudukemesh um debegun abom nato iruhw um, debegun nabuhukuk atap um, aria agumigun nanak wobuwobur um."} {"eng": "and to know Christ’s love which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.", "aon": "Aria yenek beten yarigan um nutaurumep abom pudukemesh um agundok Krais urkum manawasham ipak abom um douk neshagrakuk abom ihishmorim arpeshin saki. Eik douk yenek betenumep namudok um yakri ipak putukur Krais aria puraeh piyateh abom Iruhin ananih aih. Aria anan nupe abom numun ipakiruh aparuh aria ipak pudukem anan."} {"eng": "being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone;", "aon": "Aria ipak pape kabi douk anat urupat Iruhin narokat iri um. Anan narokat tatem iruhw um apak aposel mani amam profet. Apak aposel aria profet douk mape kabi utabor bosah urupat iri. Aria Jisas Krais anan douk amudok sagomatinyim dodogowimi utom douk apa mosah wobrat um urupat iri."} {"eng": "in whom the whole building, fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord;", "aon": "Aria unokiwog-itum atudok urupat douk tanotukur dodog um Krais. Aria douk Iruhin wata apa nape narokat atin. Aria atat ta tutogur yopuyoputi abom aria tupe Debeini ananit atut. Aria apak matukur anan atun."} {"eng": "in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.", "aon": "Aria ipak shopunek douk patukur Krais aria Iruhin naraep pani sabaishi kupaishi ananish arpesh aria nape nenekep patogur kabi douk urupat um anan nuwish nupe um. Baugenyum enyudok baraen douk nyakrium Iruhin ananin Mishin."} {"eng": "having abolished in his flesh the hostility, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man of the two, making peace,", "aon": "Krais nabrig arbudok narub namudok. Anan nagok aria nabo enyudok lo douk seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi nyani enen baraen shopunek douk nyape numun enyudok lo iri nyagokuk. Anan nenekesh namudok um nunek apak asudok biyos awiros um arpesh mutogur kabi atin namunyi arpen um."} {"eng": "and might reconcile them both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility through it.", "aon": "Aria Krais nenek apakiruh aparuh hur wosik aria mape atugun hurukatin um Iruhin. Krais nagok rowog kruse aria nabouk ehudok aih um apak munenem um horim hagokuk. Aria narao apak Juda mani ipak douk madae Juda iri uwe nenekap masuhw atum urkum aria narap matanamori um Iruhin."} {"eng": "Therefore remember that once you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “uncircumcision” by that which is called “circumcision” (in the flesh, made by hands),", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ipak ta pudukemesh um enyudok. Amam Juda amam kanak hakwu amamis wis hatah amamiruh yegeshiweruh. Douk namudok aria eshesh Juda eshesh kanak shanahwar shakri, “Eshesh shatah yegeshiweruh iri.” Aria ipak douk madae Juda iri uwe, eshesh Juda shahwarep shakri, “Ipak madae putah yegeshiweruh iri uwe.”"} {"eng": "that you were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.", "aon": "Aria ipak ta punek urkwip um riguk abudok nyutob ipak papeik rougun um Krais obi nyutob. Ipak pape kupairubi warubish arpesh aria papeik aduk um Iruhin ananip awirop um eshesh Israel. Aria shopunek, ipak madae pudukemesh um Iruhin uwe aria papeik aduk um enyudok ananin dodogowinyi baraen kontrak douk anan nakrip eshesh Israel enyi. Enyudok baraen anan douk nakri adurin atin um ta nutaurumesh um. Aria ipak madae pupe putrugun um agundok kweipon anan watak nuraep putanamori pupe wosik um uwe. Aria ipak madae pudukemesh um Iruhin uwe."} {"eng": "for by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,", "aon": "Enyen douk Iruhin nataurumep meyoh um agundok ipak pasuhw Krais ananin baraen dodog pagipeshen um aria anan naraep patanamori pape wosik. Enyudok enyen douk madae ipak kanak pakri um putanam pupe wosik uwe, uwok. Enyen douk Iruhin kanak nataurumep meyoh naraep patanamori pape wosik."} {"eng": "not of works, that no one would boast.", "aon": "Enyen douk madae ipak punek mour aria douk naraep putanamori pupe wosik uwe, uwok. Douk namudok aria ta mare enen atin arpen nyukri nyutuk enyenyin nyeigur nyuto iruhw, uwok."} {"eng": "But God, being rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us,", "aon": "Aria Iruhin douk apa nenek gihaum arpesh iri nakri gihaumap aria anan urkum manawashamap abom."} {"eng": "even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—", "aon": "Douk namudok aria abudok nyutob apak watak mape munek eneshenesh yoweishi inahos shabo apakish mishish shagok obi nyutob, anan nataurumap meyoh nenekap matukur Krais aria napuhur makitak mape. Aria anan watak narap matanamori mape wosik."} {"eng": "which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places,", "aon": "Aria eik yenek beten yarigan um nutaurumep nunekep pudukemesh um ananin debeinyi dodog abom douk apa nyenek mour nyataurum apak munek bilip um Krais iri. Enyudok dodog enyen douk enyudok atin dodog douk Iruhin nakwin um nohuri Jisas watak nakitaki wonugwehw napeum. Aria douk um enyudok atin dodog, Iruhin nanasap nape nunak um ananin yopunyi rogur ehah um gani iruhw heven."} {"eng": "We were also assigned an inheritance in him, having been foreordained according to the purpose of him who does all things after the counsel of his will,", "aon": "Iruhin douk nenek ihishmorim eshudok shatogur kabi douk seiwok sagomatin anan nakri ta nunekesh shutograri iri. Aria seiwok anan nagraeh apak Juda um matukur Krais. Um maresh? Anan nagipesh ananim urkum kabi douk seiwok sagomatin anan urkum morumen um."} {"eng": "to the end that we should be to the praise of his glory, we who had before hoped in Christ.", "aon": "Iruhin douk nagraeh apak Juda abom matogur sagomatinyip marik madukem um Krais douk ta kweipon nunaki iri aria mape matrugun-uman. Aria Iruhin douk nagraehap um mupe namudok um mutuk ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw aria miyabigesh ananih sabaihi yopihi aih."} {"eng": "making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him", "aon": "Iruhin douk nenek enyudok douk anan kanak nakri ta nuneken iri. Aria ananim manabeshuk iri urkum douk anan urkum morum nuneken iri mour, anan nakri nutaurumap aria neyabigapen um enyudok mour Krais neneken iri."} {"eng": "to an administration of the fullness of the times, to sum up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in him.", "aon": "Aria sagomatin Iruhin ananim manabeshuk iri urkum mape um muneken abudok yopubi nyutob iri douk amudok. Anan nakri nurao ihishmorim ananish arpesh shuni ihishmorim shape iruhw atap iri shunak shupe atugun. Aria Krais atun nupe esheshin Debeini."} {"eng": "having predestined us for adoption as children through Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his desire,", "aon": "Seiwok Iruhin watak nunek agundok atap uwe aria nagraehap um matukur Krais aria mupe ananip atup. Um anan nutrup um, anan mare nutik enesh yoweishi inahos shupenyap, uwok. Aria ananim urkum douk manawasham apak. Douk namudok aria seiwok sagomatin anan urkum morum nakri nugraehap um mupe kabi ananish batowish um enyudok mour Krais neneken iri. Iruhin douk nagipesh ananim urkum aria nataurumep meyoh."} {"eng": "But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, confined for the faith which should afterwards be revealed.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob ahudok yah shenek bilip um watak hutogur obi nyutob um uwe, enyudok lo douk nyoweshikap abom mape arigah arigaha ahudok yah shenek bilip um hatogur hanowereh."} {"eng": "So that the law has become our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.", "aon": "Lo douk nyape nyeyabigap yah meyoh nyarap arigah arigaha Krais natogur munek bilipuman um Iruhin nuhwarap yopishi arpesh."} {"eng": "But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.", "aon": "Douk bilip nyatogur aria lo madae nyupe nyiyabigap yah uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God.", "aon": "Aria douk eik urkum morum enyudok lo um, eik douk madae inek debeinyi mour um igipeshen uwe, uwok. Yagipesh Iruhin ananim urkum um."} {"eng": "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. That life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.", "aon": "Eik yatukur Krais aria kabi douk yani anan wagok weir kruse um. Namudok aria douk yape um douk madae eik meyoh ipe uwe, uwok. Krais anan napenye. Agundok douk yape agundok atap um douk yakri Iruhin ananin Nuganin ananin baraen adurin yagipeshen aria douk neneke dodogoiwe yape. Yape kabi douk Iruhin nakri um eik ipeum. Krais anan douk urkum manawasham eik abom aria nagok nataurume."} {"eng": "For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.", "aon": "Amudok Jems neshopokam hanaki iri douk watak hunak hutograri uwe, aria abudok nyutob Pita apa nanak nani enesh Iruhin ananish arpesh douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe shape atugun shape shawok worigun. Aria amam hanak hatograri aria anan nenek yoweishi inahos um wata neyotukuk rougun aria madae nunak nini eshesh shugnoh atugun uwe, uwok. Um maresh? Anan nanogugur um amam shenek bilip iri Juda douk dodogowim atum abom um agundok yegeshiweruh hunatah iri um."} {"eng": "And the rest of the Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.", "aon": "Amudok anam henek bilip iri Juda douk hatik Pita namudok, aria amam shopunek heiran henek rohw hape henek ehudok madae yopihi aih iri uwe. Henekesh namudok aria hohuran mishin Barnabas shopunek nenekesh kabi amam henekesh um."} {"eng": "But not even Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised.", "aon": "Taitus anudok neiri eik wanak iri, anan douk anan um eshesh Grik. Aria amam debeimi douk madae hiyagwreh um apak ta mutah ananihw yegenyihw uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "This was because of the false brothers secretly brought in, who stole in to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage,", "aon": "Adur, anam armam douk henek rohw hakri amam hasuhw Krais ananin baraen aria hanaki hawishumapari. Amudok armam douk henek rohw hanabeshuk hawisham um hakri hudukemesh um okwudok outuk apak matukur Krais Jisas aria mape wosik atin um. Krais nakweshihapuk jurug um agundok enyudok lo seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi nyoweshikap um aria mape fri abom. Aria amudok armam wata hakri hunekap mupe kabi shonoweshik iri arpesh um agundok mugipesh enyudok lo um."} {"eng": "Then after a period of fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.", "aon": "Eik yape arigaha 14-poreish kwarahos shanak shadiguk, aria yani Barnabas watanam wanak um Jerusalem. Taitus shopunek yaruman nani eik wanak."} {"eng": "I went up by revelation, and I laid before them the Good News which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately before those who were respected, for fear that I might be running, or had run, in vain.", "aon": "Eik douk yanak um maresh? Iruhin neyabige nakri eik ta inak. Yanak yani amam debeimi um Iruhin ananish arpesh iri atum mape aria yape yakripam baraen. Yakripam um enyudok Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen douk riguk yape yakrip kupaishi douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe. Yakripam namudok um yakri hudukemesh. Uwok um, ta enyudok douk yeneken iri o riguk yarig yeneken iri mour ta nyunak nyubuhuk meyoh."} {"eng": "But I make known to you, brothers, concerning the Good News which was preached by me, that it is not according to man.", "aon": "Ipak Kristen, wata ikripep. Enyudok Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen eik yakripepen iri douk madae enen arpen meyoh nyunyuhur uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For I didn’t receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ.", "aon": "Madae enen arpen nyukripeyen o enen arpen nyunebreshe-umen uwe, uwok. Jisas Krais anan meyoh neyabigeyen."} {"eng": "I marvel that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ to a different “good news”,", "aon": "Eik douk yakitak yowiyokuk meyoh abom um ehudok ipak penekeh iri aih. Iruhin douk nahwarep panakumori anan um enyudok mour douk Krais neneken um nataurumep meyoh um. Aria madae roubi nyutob uwe aria wata pakri pukutunukuk pugipesh enen kupainyi baraen douk shakripep um Krais um."} {"eng": "but there isn’t another “good news.” Only there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the Good News of Christ.", "aon": "Aria Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen douk madae enen shopunek nyupe abom uwe, uwok. Eik douk yakri enyudok maren baraen, enesh arpesh douk shape shuwaribok um ipakip urkwip shukwiraeh um shububodig um Krais ananin yopinyi baraen."} {"eng": "how he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.", "aon": "Aria agundok yato um yopuburi abom wabur heven um, enyen douk adur yato. Aria douk madae idukemesh abom uwe. Yato um yegenyihw aka, mishin meyoh nyato. Iruhin atun nadukemesh. Yakih iruhw aria yemnek enen baraen douk Iruhin nakripe um mare ikrip enesh arpesh um. Enyudok enen kupainyi baraen, apak arpesh douk madae wosik um mukwu apakin baraen mupe mukripesh-umen uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "and by you to pass into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and to be sent forward by you on my journey to Judea.", "aon": "Eik douk yadukemesh abom um abudok nyutob eik inaku itrip obi nyutob, ipak ta punadudareh um eik. Douk namudok aria yakri um inaku itiguk ipak purik aria wata ikutip pupeik aria inak um agudok anag shokugi nahobig Masedonia. Aria abudok nyutob ikutukuk Masedonia obi nyutob, eik douk yakri um wata inaki itripuk. Yakri inekesh namudok um itaurumep aria Iruhin nunekep punadudareh biyeh. Aria shopunek yakri inaku itrip um ipak ta putaurume um inak um agudok shokugi nahobig Judia."} {"eng": "as also you acknowledged us in part—that we are your boasting, even as you also are ours, in the day of our Lord Jesus.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob yenekumep-ugu parik iri shup pani apudok doukip obi nyutob, eik apa yowemagu baraen douk wosik putarihen aria pudukem baugenyum iri atin. Adur, douk abudok nyutob, ipak douk madae pudukemen wosik uwe um ihin yenyem iri baraen, uwok. Aria eik yadukemesh um anob nyutob, ipak ta pudukemesh abom um baugenyum ihenyumori eikin baraen. Pudukemesh aria ahudok nyumnah Jisas apakin Debeini nutanamori ahi hutogrum, ipak ta putuk eikin nyeigur punadudareh kabi eik ta ituk ipakish nyeiguhw inadudareh um ipak um."} {"eng": "that you also be in subjection to such, and to everyone who helps in the work and labors.", "aon": "Aria ipak padukemesh um Stefanas nani ananip awirop douk shape shokugi nahobig Akaia iri. Eshesh douk sagomatin um shatogur Kristen iri. Aria kupaishi arpesh shape shokugi nahobig Akaia iri shagiguk shatogur Kristen. Ihih nyumneh Stefanas nani ananish shapeum shenek enyudok mour um shutaurum Iruhin ananish arpesh. Aria ipak eikishi arpesh, eik yakri ikripep dodogoiwe atuwe um ipak pupe shakamum amudokmori armam huni ihishmorim arpesh douk shataurumam shape shenek enyudok mour iri."} {"eng": "But when this perishable body will have become imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then what is written will happen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob apak ta mutogur anahaeh. Aria enyudok ta nyunek enyudok baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyutogur adurin atin. Baraen douk nyakri namudok, “Iruhin nabouk agundok arpesh shagok abom um nyabuhuk aria nenek uhwinyum gok.”"} {"eng": "“Death, where is your sting? Hades, where is your victory?”", "aon": "“Gok, nyakin dodog aria burawog um nyubo arpesh shugok um douk enyum?”"} {"eng": "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.", "aon": "Nyakig burawog douk eneshenesh yoweishi inahos. Aria Iruhin ananin lo douk nyeken dodog eneshenesh yoweishi inahos."} {"eng": "For since death came by man, the resurrection of the dead also came by man.", "aon": "Atun arag arman meyoh nakwarmori gok. Aria wata namudok atin, atun arag meyoh kupaini arman nakwarmori ehudok aih um shagok iri watak shukitaki shupe um."} {"eng": "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.", "aon": "Enyudok douk namudok. Ihishmorim arpesh douk shakitak Adam ananip awirop iri apa shagok. Aria namudok atin, ihishmorim arpesh douk shantoruh Krais iri, kweipon Iruhin ta wata nishuhur shukitak shupe aria mare wata shugok atin."} {"eng": "Let the wives be quiet in the assemblies, for it has not been permitted for them to be talking except in submission, as the law also says,", "aon": "Um maresh? Iruhin douk nakri uwok um apak muneken hwaroh enyudok mour um munek lotu um uwe, uwok. Anan nakri apak muneken wosik aria apakiruh aparuh hur wosik. Aria ihirub warub, ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh shuntorum shupe um, armago mare ukitak wiyagwreh enen baraen uwe, uwok. Owo ta upe wehigun. Owo mare upe iruhw um armam kabi douk Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi lo nyakrium. Owo ta upe shakamum amam."} {"eng": "Therefore other languages are for a sign, not to those who believe, but to the unbelieving; but prophesying is for a sign, not to the unbelieving, but to those who believe.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria apak madukemesh, enyudok presen um piyagwreh sabainyi kupainyi baraen um, enyen douk Iruhin madae nukepen um niyabigep ananin dodog ipak douk pasuhw Krais ananin baraen pagipeshen iri uwe, uwok. Anan douk nekep enyudok presen um nakri niyabigesh ananin dodog eshudok douk madae shunek bilip-uman iri uwe. Aria enyudok presen douk Iruhin ananin Mishin nyekepen um nyupuhur um pukripesh Iruhin ananin baraen um, enyudok Iruhin douk madae nuko eshudok madae shunek bilip-uman iri uwe, uwok. Anan douk nekesh enyudok presen um putaurum eshudok douk shenek bilip um anan iri."} {"eng": "If therefore the whole assembly is assembled together and all speak with other languages, and unlearned or unbelieving people come in, won’t they say that you are crazy?", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ta ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh punak pupe atugun aria ihishmorim pupe piyagwreh sabainyi kupainyi baraen, aria enesh douk madae shusuhw Krais ananin baraen iri uwe shini ipak shupe um, eshesh ta shumnekep aria shukri ipak pogugak iri."} {"eng": "But if all prophesy, and someone unbelieving or unlearned comes in, he is reproved by all, and he is judged by all.", "aon": "Aria ta Iruhin ananin Mishin nyupuhur aria pukripesh Iruhin ananin baraen ipakin baraen, aria ta enen arpen douk madae nyunek bilip iri uwe o enen douk madae gamo nyudukem Iruhin ananin baraen iri uwe nyuni ipak nyupe um, ipak ihishmorim ipakin baraen ta nyiyabigen aria enyen ta nyudukemesh um enyen douk nyenek yoweishi inahos iri. Aria ipakin baraen enyen nyumneken aria ta nyunek kwot-umen."} {"eng": "For you most certainly give thanks well, but the other person is not built up.", "aon": "Aria ta ipak puni ipakish mishish atish putuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur punek tenkyu uman, aria enen arpen douk madae nyurao enyudok presen um nyudukem enyudok baraen ipak peyagwrehen iri nyuni ipak nyupe um, enyen ta nyumnek ipakin beten aria nyukri adur mumam? Adur, ipak ta punek yopini beten punek tenkyu um Iruhin, aria ipak ta mare putaurum enyudok arpen douk nyani ipak nyape iri uwe, uwok. Um maresh? Enyen douk madae nyudukem enyudok baraen ipak penek beten peyagwreh-enyi uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For he who speaks in another language speaks not to men, but to God, for no one understands, but in the Spirit he speaks mysteries.", "aon": "Apak madukemesh, enyudok arpen douk nyeyagwreh kupainyi baraen douk arpesh madae shudukemen iri uwe, enyen douk madae nyukripesh baraen enesh arpesh uwe, uwok. Enyen douk nyakrip Iruhin atun. Um maresh? Madae enen arpen nyudukem enyudok baraen enyen nyeyagwrehen iri uwe. Enyen douk Iruhin ananin Mishin nyenyuhur nyeken dodog aria nyeyagwreh enyudok baraen douk seiwok nyanabeshuk nyape iri."} {"eng": "But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation.", "aon": "Aria enyudok arpen douk Iruhin ananin Mishin nyenyuhur aria nyeyagwreh ipakin baraen nyakripesh Iruhin ananin baraen iri, enyen nyakripeshen iri baraen douk nyutaurum arpesh nyenekesh shasuhw Krais ananin baraen dodog aria nyogabeimesh esheshiruh aparuh hur wosik aria shenek yopihi aih."} {"eng": "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired.", "aon": "Aria arpenyihw yegenyihw douk madae ohohw kanak hwupe namudok uwe, uwok. Ohohw douk seiwok Iruhin nagipesh ananim urkum aria nenek ihigunmorim shokushokugun um ahwudok yegenyihw nape ahwudok shuknihw yegenyihw."} {"eng": "If they were all one member, where would the body be?", "aon": "Aria ta ihihwumorim shuknihw yegenyihw douk barag atug o aiyas atugas akure, ahwudok yegenyihw ta hwupe mumam?"} {"eng": "Nevertheless, neither is the woman independent of the man, nor the man independent of the woman, in the Lord.", "aon": "Apak douk manokrop-umum apakin Debeini aria mape shakamum anan. Aria armatok okwok otuk ta mare kwupe okwok otuk. Aria arman atun um, anan shopunek ta mare nupe anan atun, uwok. Eshesh biyesh arman nutaurum okwok aria armatok kwutaurum anan aria douk shape."} {"eng": "For as woman came from man, so a man also comes through a woman; but all things are from God.", "aon": "Iruhin douk narao anagun um arman ananihw yegenyihw aria nenek armatok. Aria douk namudok atin, anan nenek armam aria armago aria armago wobuki armam. Aria Iruhin douk baugos um arpesh shani ihishmorim eneshenesh."} {"eng": "To the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain those who are under the law;", "aon": "Douk namudok aria eik yani eshesh Juda mape um, eik yatogur kabi anan Juda um. Eik yenekesh namudok um yakri iraouri enesh Juda shutanamori shunak um Iruhin. Aria yani eshudok douk shape shakamum Iruhin ananin lo shagipeshen iri mape um, eik yape kabi douk yape shakamum enyudok lo iri um yakri irao enesh eshudok arpesh shagipesh enyudok lo iri shutanamori shunakum Iruhin."} {"eng": "to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law.", "aon": "Aria yani eshudok douk madae shudukem Iruhin iri uwe mape um, eik madae igipesh enyudok lo kabi douk eshesh um uwe. Eik yenekesh namudok um yakri irao enesh eshudok arpesh shutanamori shunak um Iruhin. Aria eik yenekesh namudok um, eik douk madae ikenyuk agab enyudok lo inek yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok. Eik douk yape shakamum Krais ananin lo yagipeshen."} {"eng": "yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we live through him.", "aon": "Adur, sabaishi eshudok douk arpesh shahwaresh shakri, “god” iri o shakri, “debeimi” iri. Aria ta adur sabaimi amudokmori “godomi” o sabaimi “debeimi” hupe iruhw heven o agundok atap akure, amudokmori bukomuk. Apak douk atun meyoh Iruhin abom nape. Anan douk apak mahwaran makri Yain iri. Anan douk baugos um ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok. Aria apak douk mape um mutuk ananin atin nyeigur abom nyuto iruhw. Aria anan atun douk Debeini. Anan douk Jisas Krais. Aria um Jisas ananin nyeigur atin, Iruhin nenek ihishmorim eneshenesh eshudok shani arpesh. Aria um Jisas atun Iruhin norukap yapis aria mape."} {"eng": "But I say this, brothers: the time is short. From now on, both those who have wives may be as though they had none;", "aon": "O ipak Kristen, baugenyum baraen eik yakriyen iri douk enyudok. Douk nyutob douk banab. Douk namudok aria ipak armam douk pasuhw armago iri ta pupe kabi douk armago wokepari um."} {"eng": "and those who weep, as though they didn’t weep; and those who rejoice, as though they didn’t rejoice; and those who buy, as though they didn’t possess;", "aon": "Aria shoreh iri ta shupe kabi douk eshesh madae shureh um uwe. Aria shanadudareh iri ta shupe kabi douk eshesh madae shunadudareh um uwe. Aria eshudok douk shanator eshudok eneshenesh iri ta shupe kabi douk eshudok eneshenesh wokesh douk madae esheshish iri uwe."} {"eng": "and those who use the world, as not using it to the fullest. For the mode of this world passes away.", "aon": "Aria eshudok douk shakwu agundok atapishi eshudok shenek mour iri ta shupe kabi douk esheship urkwip madae pur abom um agundok atapishi eshudok eneshenesh um uwe. Um maresh? Apak madukemesh, agundok atap nani eneshenesh eshudok douk shanaki hurukatin abom um shunak shuwishuk."} {"eng": "Some of you were such, but you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.", "aon": "Riguk ipak enep douk pape penek ehudokmori yoweihi aih. Aria Iruhin nakrup ipakiruh aparuh aria nenekep patogur ananip atip aria nahwarep yopishi arpesh. Anan douk nenekep namudok um agundok ipak patukur Debeini Jisas Krais aria nataurumep um. Aria Iruhin douk nako ananin Mishin atin aria nenekep patogur namudok."} {"eng": "But those who are outside, God judges. “Put away the wicked man from among yourselves.”", "aon": "Enyudok mour um shunek skelimum eshudok arpesh douk shapeik aduk um Iruhin ananish arpesh iri, enyen douk madae eikin mour uwe, uwok. Iruhin atun ta nunek skelimesh. Aria enyudok mour um shunek skelimum Iruhin ananish arpesh um douk ipakin. Namudok aria ipak ta punek skelimesh. “Aria ipak punak puntorum pupe um, ipak ta pukrip anudok yoweini arman um nukutipuk ba nunak.”"} {"eng": "each man’s work will be revealed. For the Day will declare it, because it is revealed in fire; and the fire itself will test what sort of work each man’s work is.", "aon": "Aria ta enen arpen nyukwu gol o siliwa o yopubori utabor douk shatorubor debeibori utabor iri o rowos o worur um nyurok atudok urupat um, ahudok nyumnah Krais nutanamori ahi, eshesh atin atin esheshin mour ta nyutogur yopugunum. Aria eshesh ta shutrin aria shudukemesh um enyen douk yopinyi aka yoweinyi. Aria hahudok nyumnah Krais nutanamori ahi, ta huni nyih hunaki. Ehudok nyih ta hunuwi mour ihishmorim arpesh atin atin sheneken um hukwiraehen iri um huwerehen-umesh. Aria eshesh shudukemesh um esheshin mour douk yopinyi aka yoweinyi."} {"eng": "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another builds on it. But let each man be careful how he builds on it.", "aon": "Eik Pol douk Iruhin nataurume meyoh aria neke enyudok saki um itogur kabi anan nadukemesh abom um narok urusag iri arman. Eik douk yabuk sagomatinyim utom douk apa mosah wabrat um urupat iri. Aria kupaishi shape sharok urupat tetem amudok utom. Aria eshesh atin atin shupe shurok atudok urupat um, eshesh ta gamo shunadukemesh wosik aria shupe shurokat."} {"eng": "For no one can lay any other foundation than that which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ.", "aon": "Um maresh? Ipak padukemesh, Iruhin douk nosap Jisas Krais nape narik kabi douk amudok sagomatinyim utom douk mosah wobrat urupat iri. Douk namudok aria ta mare enen arpen dodogowin um nyubuk anam kupaimi utom shopunek um musah urupat um uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Who then is Apollos, and who is Paul, but servants through whom you believed, and each as the Lord gave to him?", "aon": "Ipak urkwip purum enyudok. Apolos douk meini aria eik Pol amiapen? Ohwak douk wenek Debeini ananin mour iri otuhw. Aria enyudok mour riguk ohwak wanaku weneken iri nyataurumep pasuhw Krais ananin baraen pagipeshen. Aria Debeini nakohw sisigin mour."} {"eng": "I planted. Apollos watered. But God gave the increase.", "aon": "Eik yau shurkwip-igun worigun yarig aria Apolos nakrupesh abar um mare ta yarish. Aria Iruhin atun nenekesh shatogur."} {"eng": "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria enyudok nyau worigun iri nyani enyudok douk nyakrupesh abar iri eshesh biyesh douk nyeiguhw wokesh. Aria Iruhin atun douk nenekesh shatogur iri anan atun douk debeini aria nyeigur nyato iruhw iri."} {"eng": "Now he who plants and he who waters are the same, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.", "aon": "Enyudok arpen douk nyau worigun iri nyani enyudok douk nyakrupesh abar iri eshesh biyesh douk shasuhw atum urkum aria shenek atin mour iri. Aria eshesh biyesh, atin atin ta shurao esheshibor utabor atatahibor um enyudok mour eshesh sheneken iri."} {"eng": "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,", "aon": "Eik douk yenek baptaisum Krispus nani Gaius atum. Aria eik yenek tenkyu um Iruhin um agundok eik madae inek baptaisum enep shopunek um uwe."} {"eng": "so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria douk ta mare enesh arpesh shukripep shukri eshesh sharao baptaisum eikin nyeigur, uwok."} {"eng": "to the assembly of God which is at Corinth—those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with all who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, both theirs and ours:", "aon": "Eik Pol douk Iruhin kanak anan urkum mor aria nahware um itogur aposel um neshopoke inak inek Jisas Krais ananin mour aria yenekumep-ogu apudok shup ipak. Eik yani apakin wanin Sostenes wape aria wenekumep-ogu apudok shup ipak Iruhin ananish arpesh pape Korin iri. Ipak douk panak punatukur Krais Jisas aria Iruhin nenekep putogur ananish yopishi arpesh. Aria nahwarep um pupe ananip atip abom. Ohwak wonekap-umagu ipak pani ihishmorim arpesh shape ihirubmorim warub iri. Eshudok douk shahwar apakin Debeini Jisas Krais ananin nyeigur iri. Anan douk apak mani eshesh apakin atun Debeini."} {"eng": "And honour and glory be to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of (the) mystery held still, in times everlasting; [Forsooth to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, after the revelation of (the) mystery holden still, that is, not showed, in times everlasting;]", "aon": "Apak mutuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw. Anan atun wosik atin um nunekep piyotu dodogowip um pusuhw ananin yopinyi baraen dodog pugipeshen. Kabi douk yakripep Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen um Jisas Krais um. Anan ta nunekumep namudok atin kabi douk enyudok baraen seiwok nyanabeshuk nyape arigaha roubi nyutob abom"} {"eng": "(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith)", "aon": "douk Iruhin nowerehen nyatogur yopugunum iri nyakrium. Anan nape ihih nyumneh iri douk dodogowin atun nakripap aria apak makrip ihib um debeibi amnabish arpesh um enyudok ananin baraen. Enyudok baraen douk seiwok amam profet henyemaguk iri. Namudok aria ihishmorim arpesh douk shadukem enyudok nyanabeshuk iri baraen. Iruhin nenekesh namudok um eshesh kupaishi ta shusuhw ananin baraen dodog shugipeshen aria shugipesh ananih aih."} {"eng": "God is really great and powerful, so everybody has to tell him that he is good. He can make you strong. This is his message. It is the good news about Jesus Christ. A long time ago, God planned to get both the Jewish people, and the people that are not Jews, to believe in him. But at first he kept it a secret, and he just got the Jewish people to follow him. After that, he got his men to write about it ahead of time, and their words are in his book. Now his message about Jesus is for every nation. It is not just for the Jewish people, but everybody everywhere can trust him, and they can listen to him and do what he wants. God is the only one that can think good enough to make it all work out like that. So everybody has to tell God and Jesus Christ, “You are great.” They have always got to do that for ever. From Paul", "aon": "Iruhin douk anan atun nadukem enenyenen abom iri. Namudok aria eik yakri apak ta mutuk ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw ihih nyumneh. Jisas Krais atun ta nutaurumap aria mutuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur namudok. Adur atin."} {"eng": "Gaius, my host and host of the whole assembly, greets you. Erastus, the treasurer of the city, greets you, as does Quartus, the brother.", "aon": "Gaius neshopokugu yopuhi nyumnah. Eik Pol apa yape ananit urupat aria apa neyohe wosik atin. Eshesh Iruhin ananish arpesh apa shanaki shantorum shenek lotu ananit urupat iri shopunek apa nenekumesh yopinyi atin. Erastus, anudok neyoh gavmanin mani aburdok debeiburi wabur iri, anan shopunek neshopokugu yopuhi nyumnah um ipak. Apakin ashuken Kwartus shopunek neshopokugu yopuhi nyumnah um ipak."} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! Amen.", "aon": "[Eik yakri apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nutaurumep meyoh ipak ihishmorim.]"} {"eng": "For I will not dare to speak of any things except those which Christ worked through me for the obedience of the Gentiles, by word and deed,", "aon": "Eik ta mare ikripesh kupainyi baraen uwe, uwok. Ta ikripesh baraen um enyudok mour atin douk Krais neyohur yeneken iri. Neyohur yeneken um itaurum eshesh madae Juda iri uwe irigumesh um shumnek baraen o shutik aih yenekeh iri aria shugipesh Iruhin ananin baraen."} {"eng": "in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of God’s Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around as far as to Illyricum, I have fully preached the Good News of Christ;", "aon": "Iruhin ananin Mishin enyenyin dodog nyenek sabainyi Iruhin atun neneken iri mour. Aria shopunek enyenyin dodog nyataurume yenek enenyenen Iruhin atun neneken iri mour. Namudok aria yarik yakitak um mour Jerusalem yape yakripesh enyudok yopinyi baraen um Jisas Krais arigaha yanak yatogur agudok shokugi nahobig nyeigurig um Ilirikum. Yakripeshen aria ihishmorim arpesh shemnek."} {"eng": "I myself am also persuaded about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish others.", "aon": "Ipak eikish ashukenyish owashish, eik yadukemesh abom um ipak kanak adur penek yopihi atih abom iri. Shopunek ipak parao ihinyumori yopinyi saki abom aria panodukem um panagapesh um Iruhin ananih aih."} {"eng": "But I write the more boldly to you in part as reminding you, because of the grace that was given to me by God,", "aon": "Enen baraen yenyemuk um apudok shup iri douk dodogowinyi aria eik madae inogugur uwe. Yenyemagu yakri ihur ipakish urkum apahw um pugipeshen. Um maresh? Eik douk Iruhin nutaurume meyoh"} {"eng": "Now the God of perseverance and of encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus,", "aon": "Apak apa morao dodog um Iruhin atun. Anan atun apa nenekap meyotu dodogowip um bilip. Aria eik yakri anan wosik ta nataurum ipak um pugipesh Krais ananih aih aria pupe atugun aparuh hur wosik atin."} {"eng": "that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "aon": "Yakri punekesh namudok um ipak sabaishi ta pupe atin arpen meyoh pupe putuk Iruhin, apakini Debeini Jisas Krais ananin Yakenin nyeigur nyuto iruhw."} {"eng": "for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.", "aon": "Agundok shawok worigun abar um, agagun douk madae baugos um agundok arpesh shuwish um agundok Iruhin nape Debeini um ananish arpesh um uwe, uwok. Aria arpesh shuwish agundok um douk mugipesh yopihi aih, aparuh hur wosik aria munadudareh um. Ehudokmori aih douk Iruhin ananin Mishin nyakwarumeh iri."} {"eng": "For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.", "aon": "Um maresh? Meinyi arpen nyugipesh ehudok aih aria nyunekuman mour Krais iri, Iruhin ta nutrin aria nunadudareh-umen. Arpesh shopunek ta shukri enyen douk yopunyi arpen."} {"eng": "Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died.", "aon": "Namudok aria ta nyak nyuwok enesh eshudok aria enen um ipak Iruhin ananip um nyatrin um nyawok enesh eshudok aria douk enyenyihw apahw yowehw aria nyatu um, aria nyak douk nyakutukuk ehudok yopihi aih um urkum manaiwah kupaishi um. Namudok aria nyak mare nyunek enen Iruhin ananin arpen nyutu um nyak nyashoh iri eshudok eneshenesh uwe, uwok. Enyudok arpen douk shopunek Krais nagok um wata nuraen um ananin iri."} {"eng": "Then don’t let your good be slandered,", "aon": "Aria ipak pakri enesh eshudok eneshenesh eshesh douk yopishi um, aria ipak ta gamo pudukemesh. Ta ipakihi aih hunekesh aria kupaishi shukri nyak douk yoweinyi um eshudok eneshenesh eshesh douk yoweishi."} {"eng": "For none of us lives to himself, and none dies to himself.", "aon": "Apak douk madae enen arpen nyupe um enyen kanak atin uwe, uwok. Mugok um shopunek. Madae enen arpen nyugok um enyen kanak atin uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For if we live, we live to the Lord. Or if we die, we die to the Lord. If therefore we live or die, we are the Lord’s.", "aon": "Aria apak mupe um, apak douk mape um Debeini atun. O ta mugok um, namudok douk magok um anan atun. Namudok aria mugok um o mupem, apak douk Debeini ananip atup."} {"eng": "Do this, knowing the time, that it is already time for you to awaken out of sleep, for salvation is now nearer to us than when we first believed.", "aon": "Eik douk yakri ipak punek enyudok um urkwip punawasham kupaishi. Um maresh? Douk mapenyobi nyutob douk padukemob. Nyutob douk batogrum pukutukuk yobus aria pikitak. Um maresh? Seiwok wata sagomatin menek bilip um Krais um, abudok nyutob um Iruhin nutogur nurap mutanam mupe wosik um douk watak roubi. Aria douk banob nyutob banaki hurukatin meyoh."} {"eng": "The night is far gone, and the day is near. Let’s therefore throw off the deeds of darkness, and let’s put on the armor of light.", "aon": "Wab douk hurukatin um butuh aria hurukatin um nyumnah hakri hutogur. Namudok aria apak mukutukuk ihihmori shenekeh weibus iri yoweihi aih. Mukutihukuk aria marao sabaihi yopihi aih douk shenekeh nyumnegwih iri. Musuhweh hupenyap aria kabi munek wanohwihw suruhw hwapenyap um."} {"eng": "For being not yet born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him who calls,", "aon": "Aria Iruhin douk nagipesh ananim atum urkum um agundok nagraeh arpesh um. Anan madae urkum murum mour aria aih henekeh iri aria kadak nugraeham uwe, uwok. Anan nagraeham meyoh. Namudok aria Iso nani Jekop amamik amakek douk madae kwumubuki um hunek yoweishi inahos o yopishi uwe,"} {"eng": "it was said to her, “The elder will serve the younger.”", "aon": "aria Iruhin nakrip amamik amakek nakri, “Ashuken ta nupe shakamum wanin.” Iruhin nakripok namudok um apak mudukem ehudok Iruhin ananih aih. Mudukemesh um agundok nagipesh ananim atum urkum aria nagraeh arpesh um. Anan douk madae nurik nutik esheshih aih aria douk nagraehesh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,", "aon": "Adur, eik douk yadukemesh abom. Ta mare enesh eshudok shurapakuk um enyudok Iruhin urkum manawashamap abom um, uwok meyoh. Namudok aria mugok um o mupe um, eshesh enselahos o eneshenesh shape debeishi shasuhw agudok nahobig iri yoweishi sagabehos o eshudok shatogur doukib nyutob o kweiponibi o eneshenesh dodogowish atishi yoweishi douk madae mutrish iri uwe,"} {"eng": "nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.", "aon": "o eshudok enesh dodogowishi shape iruhw atap iri o enesh Iruhin nenekesh iri, eshudok eneshenesh ta mare shurapakuk um enyudok anan urkum manawasham apak abom uwe, uwok meyoh. Enyudok anan urkum manawasham apak abom douk Jisas Krais apakin Debeini neyabigap."} {"eng": "For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?", "aon": "Apak makri adur Iruhin ta nutaurumap namudok. Anan narap matanamori mape wosik. Aria douk mape matrugun um. Madukemesh um anan adur ta nutogur nunekap murao arhudok namuruhi yegeshiweruh. Aria enyudok yopinyi apak mape matrugun-umen iri, apak ta mupe shokubur mutrugun-umen arigaha kweipon ta nyutogur um apak. Um maresh? Eshudok matrish apakis nabes iri douk wata mupe mutrugun-umesh atin uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.", "aon": "Aria ta apak mupe mutrugun um enesh eshudok douk wata mutrish iri uwe aria mukri adur um eshesh ta muraesh um, apakip urkwip douk por dodogowip um eshudok aria mape matrugun-umesh."} {"eng": "because the mind of the flesh is hostile toward God, for it is not subject to God’s law, neither indeed can it be.", "aon": "Eshudok arpesh douk urkwip porum shakri shugipesh sharik shapenyesh iri yoweishi inahos atish iri, eshesh douk Iruhin ananish horik horin. Um maresh? Eshesh douk madae shugipesh Iruhin ananin lo uwe, uwok. Aria eshesh ta mare dodogowish um shugipeshen uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Those who are in the flesh can’t please God.", "aon": "Eshudok arpesh douk shupe um shugipesh harik hapenyesh iri yoweihi aih atin iri, eshesh ta mare shugipesh Iruhin ananim urkum aria shunekan nunadudareh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.", "aon": "Ipak mare purauri yoweishi inahos um shiyoh-umep aruhudok ipakiruh yegeshiweruh douk adur apa hagok hatar iri uwe, uwok. Punekesh namudok um kadak yoweishi inahos shenekep um aria pugipeshuk ehudok ipak mishish shakitakumeh iri yoweihi aih."} {"eng": "Also, do not present your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.", "aon": "Aria mare wata shopunek purauri yoweishi inahos um tukwaniruh um ipakiruh yegeshiweruh hunamaguk um punek enesh yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok. Aria ipak ta pukon ipak kanak um Iruhin aria pupe kabi arpesh douk shagok iri aria wata shopunek shakitak shape iri um. Aria ipak shopunek ta pukon ihigunum um ipakiruh yegeshiweruh um Iruhin um nenek mourum-aruh um hugipesh um yopihi aih atih."} {"eng": "For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.", "aon": "Namudok aria yoweishi inahos mare wata shiyohep uwe, uwok. Umum maresh, ipak douk awom ta pupe shakamum lo pugipeshen aka, uwok. Umum maresh? Ipak douk pape shakamum agundok Iruhin nataurumap meyoh um."} {"eng": "May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?", "aon": "Adur atin ta uwok. Apak douk kabi magok iri um. Aria ehudok aih shenek yoweishi inahos um douk makutuhukuk. Aria namudok ta mumam, um douk wata mupe munek yoweishi inahos namudok atin um? Namudok uwok."} {"eng": "Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", "aon": "Ipak douk padukemesh aka, uwok? Apak ihipmorim douk menek baptaisum agundok manak matukur Krais Jisas um. Aria shopunek mani anan magok um agundok manak matukur anan um."} {"eng": "We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.", "aon": "Namudok aria agundok apak menek baptaisum douk mani Krais magok shopunek aria Iruhin naromap atugun. Nenekesh namudok um apak shopunek um ta mugipesh namuhi yopihi aih kabi apakin Yaken nakwu ananin dodogowinyi aria debeinyi dodog abom ba nohuri Krais nakitak um."} {"eng": "For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.", "aon": "Lo seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi douk wata nyutogur uwe, aria ehudok aih um shenek yoweishi inahos um shatogur shape agundok atap. Aria Iruhin madae nukop lo uwe uwok aria Iruhin ta mare urkum murum ihishmori atin atin yoweishi inahos douk arpesh shenekesh iri uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those whose sins weren’t like Adam’s disobedience, who is a foreshadowing of him who was to come.", "aon": "Namudok aria abudok nyutob Adam natogur napenyobi arigaha banak batogrumori abudok nyutob Moses natogur napenyobi, ihishmorim arpesh douk shagok. Enesh shenekesh iri yoweishi inahos douk madae shubrig Iruhin ananin dodogowinyi lo kabi enyudok Adam neneken iri um uwe namudok, aria eshesh shopunek shagok. Namudok aria Adam anan douk natogur kabi enen kak meyoh um anudok arman kweipon ta nutogur iri. Umum maresh? Adam nokwarum gok aria Jisas nokwarum agundok mape wosik abom um."} {"eng": "Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;", "aon": "Apak douk masuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog magipeshen aria anan natrup nahwarap yopishi arpesh. Namudok aria douk apakin Debeini Jisas Krais nenekap apakiruh aparuh hor wosik aria mani Iruhin mape atugun."} {"eng": "through whom we also have our access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.", "aon": "Apak douk monek bilip um Jisas. Namudok aria anan meyoh narapari manaki mawish agundok Iruhin nataurumap meyoh um. Aria douk manadudareh abom. Umum maresh? Apak douk adur madukemesh um kweipon apak ta munak iruhw heven murao debeishi nyeiguhw aria muni Iruhin mupe."} {"eng": "For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void, and the promise is made of no effect.", "aon": "Namudok aria ta eshudok shagipesh enyudok lo iri atish shunarao eshudok douk Iruhin nakripesh adurin atin baraen um nukepesh iri aria shunagremesh um, aria ehudok aih um pusuhw ananin baraen dodog pugipeshen um ta mare nyutaurumap uwe, uwok. Enyudok Iruhin nakripep-enyi adurin atin baraen shopunek ta mare nyutaurumap nyunekumap enen yopinyi uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For the law produces wrath; for where there is no law, neither is there disobedience.", "aon": "Umum maresh? Enyudok lo Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi douk nyeyabigap um Iruhin ta nyibur juwehosibur aria nuwanamesh yoweinyi poe eshudok arpesh douk shabrig lo iri. Aria ta enyudok lo mare enen akure, Iruhin ta mare nukri arpesh shabrig lo aria shenek yoweishi inahos uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But now apart from the law, a righteousness of God has been revealed, being testified by the law and the prophets;", "aon": "Aria douk, Iruhin neyabigesh ananih adurih yopihi yah um nuhwar arpesh um yopishi arpesh. Aria adur um bilip atin apak douk maparug ahudok yopuhi yah. Ahudok yah douk madae mugipesh enyudok lo um uwe, uwok. Adur sabainyi baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri douk nyakrium ahudok yopuhi yah."} {"eng": "for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;", "aon": "Ahudok yah douk namudok. Ihishmorim arpesh shusuhw Jisas Krais ananin baraen dodog ba shigipeshen iri, Iruhin apa nahwaresh yopishi arpesh. Anan nenekesh namudok um ihishmorim agundok atapishi arpesh shopunek ta shenek bilip um Krais atin aria shugim ahudok atuh yah. Umum maresh? Anan nenekesh namudok atin um ihishmorim arpesh. Apak ihipmorim douk monek yoweishi inahos iri aria adur atin mapeik rougun um Iruhin aria madae murao ananih yopihi aih uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "oppression, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "aon": "Ihish shenek yoweinyi iri arpesh ta shupe yowesh abom aria shurao debeinyi amaen nyuni debeiri eriger. Ta nyurik nyutogur um eshesh Juda aria eshesh madae Juda iri uwe shopunek ta nyutogrumesh."} {"eng": "But glory, honor, and peace go to every man who does good, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.", "aon": "Aria ihishmorim arpesh shenek yopishi iri, Iruhin ta nenekeshumesh namudok. Ta wata nuraesh nuhwaresh yopishi arpesh aria nutuk esheshish nyeiguhw shuto aria aparuh hur wosik shupe wosik atin. Ta nurik nenekesh um eshesh Juda shurik aria kupaishi shopunek ta namudok atin."} {"eng": "For there is no partiality with God.", "aon": "Um maresh, Iruhin douk madae nutik agundok nyeiguhw shato um o nyeiguhw wokesh um aria douk nunek skelumesh uwe, uwok. Nagipesh atuh yopihi adurih aih meyoh aria nenek skelumesh."} {"eng": "concerning his Son, who was born of the offspring of David according to the flesh,", "aon": "Enyudok baraen douk nyakrium Iruhin ananin nuganin, apakin Debeini Jisas Krais. Anan douk narao arpenyihw yegenyihw natogur arpen aria nakitak king Devit ananip awirop."} {"eng": "who was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,", "aon": "Aria douk Iruhin nowerehan um ananin dodog. Yaken ananin Mishin nyowerehan nyeyabigap um anan douk Iruhin ananin Nuganin. Enyen nyowerehan abudok nyutob eshesh shan nagok aria Iruhin wata nonohur nakitak napeum."} {"eng": "“Be it known therefore to you that the salvation of God is sent to the nations, and they will listen.”", "aon": "“Namudok aria ipak ta pudukemesh. Eshudok arpesh douk shakripesh baraen um enyudok yopinyi mour Iruhin neneken um nutaurum apak aria wata nurap mutanam mupe wosik abom um, eshesh douk shanak shakrip kupaishi douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe. Eshudok kupaishi ta shumneken aria shusuhwen dodog abom shugipeshen.”"} {"eng": "When he had said these words, the Jews departed, having a great dispute among themselves.", "aon": "[Douk Pol nakri enyudok baraen um jurug aria eshesh Juda shakitak shanak. Shape shanak yah aria eshesh kanak shape shanitok debeinyi baraen shanak um enyudok Pol nakripesh-enyi baraen.]"} {"eng": "saying, ‘Go to this people and say, in hearing, you will hear, but will in no way understand. In seeing, you will see, but will in no way perceive.", "aon": "‘Kare um eshudok arpesh aria pukripesh namudok. Pukri, “Baraen ipak ta pupeum pumneken, aria baugenyum ta mare pudukemen, uwok. Putrugun um ta pupe um putrugun, aria eshudok ta putrish aria mare pudukemesh."} {"eng": "For this people’s heart has grown callous. Their ears are dull of hearing. Their eyes they have closed. Lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and would turn again, then I would heal them.’", "aon": "Um maresh? Eshudok armam armago esheshigos baragos douk seshuk, shogah esheshigos arigos aria showeshik esheshis nabes. Uwok um, esheshis nabes ta sutrugun aria shutik eshudok, arigos seshuk sunakuk um shumnek baraen shudukemen, baragos sugor aria shudukem baugenyum baraen esheship urkwip purumen wosik aria ta wata shutanamori eik igabeyesh um shupe wosik.” ’"} {"eng": "After they had hoisted it up, they used cables to help reinforce the ship. Fearing that they would run aground on the Syrtis sand bars, they lowered the sea anchor, and so were driven along.", "aon": "Hatuk bot hutem iruhw aria horeyok anaruh madururuh korohuk um korohuk dodogowik. Hanogugur um hakri ta uhwin nyuraok nyunak nyishopok kuto kwupe anat arukot douk takih orokohunig um youg hurukatin um agudok nahobig Afrika. Namudok aria haunih selahos shabuhi habreyeshuk aria uhwin nyape nyaraok nyanak."} {"eng": "As we labored exceedingly with the storm, the next day they began to throw things overboard.", "aon": "Uhwin nyape namudok nyahur dedeben atin youg yoweg aria korohuk madae kwahur wosik uwe, uwok. Ruwahepih aria hape honik jah howashah habuhukuk youg."} {"eng": "Now I stand here to be judged for the hope of the promise made by God to our fathers,", "aon": "Aria douk yeyotu agundok henekume kwot. Baugenyum baraen um agundok henekume kwot um douk namudok. Eik yakri adur yape yatrugun um Iruhin nunek enyudok nyutogur kabi seiwok nakripamuk adurin atinyi baraen apakim yamehem um ta nuneken nyutogrum."} {"eng": "which our twelve tribes, earnestly serving night and day, hope to attain. Concerning this hope I am accused by the Jews, King Agrippa!", "aon": "Asudok apakis 12-poreis awiros shenek lotu um Iruhin nyumnah wab aria shakri adur shape shatrugun um enyudok baraen nyutogur adurin. Aria debeini king, eik yakri nyumnek. Eik douk shopunek yenek bilip yape yatrugun um eshudok. Aria baugenyum baraen um amam Juda henek kwot-ume um enyudok baraen um douk namudok atin."} {"eng": "“I think myself happy, King Agrippa, that I am to make my defense before you today concerning all the things that I am accused by the Jews,", "aon": "Nakri, “King Agripa, doukih eik yanadudareh um iwanamam baraen amam Juda douk henekenyume iri. Ibeyenyumam aria yakri nyak nyupe nyumneken um ihishmorim eshudok amam Juda henekume baraenyumesh iri."} {"eng": "especially because you are expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.", "aon": "Eik yanadudareh abom. Um maresh? Nyak nyadukemesh abom um ihihmori apak Juda apakih aih hani ihinyumori douk apa manitok baraen um mugipeshen sisigin atin um. Namudok aria yakri nyumnek eikin baraen aria mare nyukri arigehin arigas, uwok."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "aon": "Shopunek anan douk nakri um nunek atudok Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat tunabosusih, aria apak manak masuhwan. [Aria douk makri munekuman kwot um enen apakin lo."} {"eng": "He even tried to profane the temple, and we arrested him.", "aon": "Aria Lisias douk debeini um amam soldia iri nanaku dodogowin atun aria natrupanari."} {"eng": "When he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that prosperity is coming to this nation by your foresight,", "aon": "Feliks nahwar Pol nanaki aria Tertulus nape nenek-uman baraen. Nakri namudok. “Debeini gavman Feliks, nyak yopuni arman aria apak douk mape wosik roubi nyutob abom wanogwiruh madae anaruh uwe. Nyak nyataurum apakish arpesh nyagapesh eneshenesh eshudok shape wosik ihirub warub. Aria apak douk mape wosik abom meshagrakuk kabi riguk marik mape um."} {"eng": "we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thankfulness.", "aon": "Namudok aria apak manadudareh um enyudok aria menek tenkyumen."} {"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "aon": "Aria anudok debeini soldia abom nahwar biom debeimi um 100-poreim soldia iri hanaki aria nakripam nakri, “Punak purao 200-poreim soldia, purao 70-poreim amudok anam soldia douk hahur hwosahos iri, purao 200-poreim soldia hasuhw burawos iri aria pukutukuk agundok kwehigib wab atub punak um Sisaria."} {"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "aon": "Punek redim enesh hwosahos um Pol nahuresh iri. Aria puran wosik mare enesh yoweishi inahos shutogruman arigaha nunak nutogurum Feliks douk debeini um gavman iri.”"} {"eng": "When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the multitude and laid hands on him,", "aon": "Douk ahudok 7-poreih nyumneh henek enyudok um hurukatin um hutuh aria enesh Juda douk shape iri agudok shokugi nahobig Esia iri shatik Pol nawish nape numun Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat. Namudok aria shakripesh enen rohwin baraen sabaishi arpesh sheshuhuri juwehosish um aria shanak shasuhw Pol."} {"eng": "crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. Moreover, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place!”", "aon": "Shasuwan aria shahwar shakri, “Ipak Israel, arigah yowi taurumap! Arman anudok douk nanak ihirub warub nakrip ihish arpesh um shukri uwok um apak Israel um atudok Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat shukri yowetari tabo susih iri. Aria shopunek nakripesh um nununu Iruhin ananin lo seiwok nakoguk Moses enyi. Aria madae nunek enyudok atin uwe, uwok. Aria shopunek narauri anam kupaimi armam douk amam madae Juda iri uwe hanaki hanak hawish numun narub atudok Iruhin ananit urupat tataoum. Hawish aria henek Iruhin ananit urupat goutukwit.”"} {"eng": "For they had seen Trophimus the Ephesian, with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.", "aon": "Shakri namudok um maresh, anob nyutob douk shatik Trofimus nape iri Efesus iri nani Pol hape Jerusalem aria shakri Pol naran hawish narub numun atudok Iruhin ananit urupat tataoum."} {"eng": "I coveted no one’s silver, gold, or clothing.", "aon": "Eik madae inek nyigiya um kupaishieh rupeh o esheshibor utabor kabi siliwa iri gol um uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "You yourselves know that these hands served my necessities, and those who were with me.", "aon": "Ipak kanak padukemesh. Yakwu asudok eikis wis yenek mour yakwaram eshudok douk eik yani eikim henek mour hani eik mashoh iri."} {"eng": "For I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock.", "aon": "Eik yadukemesh. Ta eik inakuk aria henek rohwumesh iri armam ta hunaki um ipak aria hunek rohwum Iruhin ananish arpesh kabi wanarig nubag um."} {"eng": "Men will arise from among your own selves, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.", "aon": "Nyutob ta bunaki, um anam armam ipak kanak ta hukripesh enen rohwin baraen eshesh shagipesh Jisas iri um hunukesh shukitak shugipesham um."} {"eng": "These accompanied him as far as Asia: Sopater of Beroea, Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia.", "aon": "Pirus ananin nuganin shahwaran um Sopater iri douk nanaman hanak. Anan douk nanaki wabur nyeigur-iburum Beria. Amudok anam shopunek heiran. Amamish nyeiguhw eshudok. Aristarkus nani Sekundus. Amam biom douk hanaki wabur Tesalonaika. Anan Gaius. Anan nanaki wabur nyeigur-iburum Derbe. Anan Timoti aria amudok anam biom hanaki agudok shokugi nahobig Esia iri shopunek heiran. Amam douk Trofimus nani Tikikus."} {"eng": "But these had gone ahead, and were waiting for us at Troas.", "aon": "Amudok armam harik aria hatogur hape heyotumap Troas."} {"eng": "Many also of those who had believed came, confessing and declaring their deeds.", "aon": "Sabaishi arpesh douk shenek bilip iri shanaki agundok sabaishi arpesh shantorum shapeum aria shawereh eneshenesh yoweishi inahos riguk shape shenekesh iri."} {"eng": "Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted their price, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.", "aon": "Sabaishi arpesh douk shapeum shenek ouruh hani sabagwiruh iri sharauri esheshiyu bumeb douk baraen nyakrium enyudokmori nyetemo iri. Sharao shanaki aria shashaiweh agundok ihishmorim arpesh shapeum. Shadareh utabor shukri shutor oudok bumeb akure, douk butogur debeibori abom um 50,000 kina."} {"eng": "But some of the itinerant Jews, exorcists, took on themselves to invoke over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, “We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.”", "aon": "Aria enesh Juda douk sharahaen shanak shagabe sagabehos shapenyesh iri douk shopunek shakwiraeh um shugabeyesh um Debeini Jisas ananin nyeigur. Shakripesh namudok sagabehos. Shakri, “Apak makripep dodog um Pol nakripesh-uman iri Jisas ananin nyeigur um pukutukuk eshudok arpesh putogur punakuk.”"} {"eng": "There were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who did this.", "aon": "Aria anan eshesh Juda esheshin debeini pris shahwaran um Skeva iri douk nabuki 7-poreim nugamim. Aria ananim nugamim douk hape henek enyudok."} {"eng": "Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.", "aon": "Aria anan arman um eshesh Juda douk shahwaran um Apolos iri nanakumori Efesus. Anan douk shanabuki wabur Aleksandria. Nadukem enenyenen abom aria neyagwreh nakripesh baraen wosik. Baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri douk nadukemen wosik."} {"eng": "This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, although he knew only the baptism of John.", "aon": "Riguk enesh shenek skuluman um Debeini ananih yah aria douk anan dodogowin atun abom nakripesh wosik um Jisas nenekesh iri. Aria anan madae gamo nudukemen uwe Jisas ananin baraen uwe, uwok. Nadukem enyudok wosik, douk Jon nenek baptaisumesh iri nakripesh-enyi atin."} {"eng": "He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside, and explained to him the way of God more accurately.", "aon": "Nanak nawish eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-atari urupat aria dodogowin atun nape nakripesh baraen. Madae nunogugur um eshesh armam armago uwe, uwok. Arigaha Prisila kwani Akwila shemnekan aria sharan shanak um esheshit urupat. Shanak aria gamo shakripan wosik um ahudok yah douk Iruhin nakri um arpesh shugipeshah iri."} {"eng": "He came to Ephesus, and he left them there; but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.", "aon": "Shanak arigaha shanak shatogur Efesus aria Pol nakutukuk Prisila kwani Akwila agundok. Anan nanak nawish eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen atari urupat aria nani eshesh Juda shape shanogogonim um baraen um nakri nishuhur um shunek bilip um Jisas."} {"eng": "When they asked him to stay with them a longer time, he declined;", "aon": "Aria eshesh douk shariganum nini eshesh nupe eneh nyumneh shopunek. Aria anan nakripesh um uwok."} {"eng": "but taking his leave of them, he said, “I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, but I will return again to you if God wills.” Then he set sail from Ephesus.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob nakri nukutishukuk nunak obi nyutob, anan douk nakripeshuk namudok. Nakri, “Aria Iruhin nukri wosik um, eik ta wata itanamori itrip.” Nakripeshuk aria nanak nato korohuk kwakutukuk Efesus kwanak."} {"eng": "But when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If indeed it were a matter of wrong or of wicked crime, you Jews, it would be reasonable that I should bear with you;", "aon": "Pol nakri um nuwanam baraen aria Galio nakrip eshesh Juda nakri, “Anudok arman nunek enen shokwinyi o debeinyi ina um, eik ta ikri wosik um imnekat ipak Juda ipakit kwot."} {"eng": "but if they are questions about words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves. For I don’t want to be a judge of these matters.”", "aon": "Aria enyudok douk panatutukem um baraen nyani enesh nyeiguhw iri um enen ipakin lo. Aria eik ta mare imnek ipakig kwotog um enyudokmori, uwok. Ipak kanak punak punagabeyen.”"} {"eng": "Paul, as was his custom, went in to them; and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures,", "aon": "Aria Pol nagipesh ananih aih, bihatih sisigih nyumneh Sabatih douk madae shunek mour ehi uwe, anan douk nanak nawish atudok urupat shape sheneyagwreh baraen-atari. Nawish aria nani eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh um Iruhin ananin baraen nyetem ananik Buk iri."} {"eng": "explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus, whom I proclaim to you, is the Christ.”", "aon": "Aria gamo nakripesh baugenyum Iruhin ananin baraen. Nakripesh um agundok Iruhin nagraeh Krais um shan nemnek debeiri eriger nagok aria wata shopunek nakitak napeum. Nakripesh namudok nakri, “Anudok Jisas eik apa yakripepuman iri anan douk Krais, douk Iruhin nagraehan aria neshopokan nanakumori nurao arpesh iri.”"} {"eng": "but Paul chose Silas and went out, being commended by the brothers to the grace of God.", "aon": "Aria Pol nagraeh Sailas nani anan hanak. Hanak aria eshesh Kristen shakripam shakri, “Wosik, Iruhin ta nupe um nutaurumep meyoh.”"} {"eng": "He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the assemblies.", "aon": "Hawish hanak agusudok shokugosi nahobigos Siria aria Silisia aria Pol nape nakripaguk Iruhin ananish arpesh anan Iruhin ananin baraen um shupe dodogowish um bilip."} {"eng": "After they had spent some time there, they were dismissed in peace from the brothers to the apostles.", "aon": "Douk hape anob nyutob Antiok um jurug aria eshesh Kristen shenekumam yopihi nyumneh aria wata sheshopokam hatanam hanak um eshudok douk sheshopokam hanaki iri."} {"eng": "But it was seen to Silas, to dwell there; and Judas went alone to Jeru-salem.", "aon": "[Aria Sailas wata shopunek nakri nupeik Antiok.]"} {"eng": "But Paul and Barnabas stayed in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, with many others also.", "aon": "Aria Barnabas iri Pol douk hape Antiok. Hani sabaishi shape shenek mour um shakrip eshesh shape Antiok iri Kristen um Iruhin ananin baraen shakripesh aria shenek skulumesh um shudukemen wosik."} {"eng": "that the rest of men may seek after the Lord: all the Gentiles who are called by my name, says the Lord, who does all these things.’", "aon": "Eik inekesh namudok um ihishmorim arpesh douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe ta shupe shurim Debeini. Ihishmorim douk eik yanagraehesh um shupe eikish iri.’"} {"eng": "“All of God’s works are known to him from eternity.", "aon": "Seiwok Debeini nakriyuk enyudok baraen aria douk shopunek douk nakriyen.”"} {"eng": "In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.", "aon": "Hanak hatogur Aikoniam aria henekesh namudok atin kabi hanak kupairubi warub um. Hanak hawish eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-atari urupat aria hape hakripesh Debeini ananin baraen. Hakripesh baraen wosik douk sabaishi Juda shani eshesh Grik shemneken aria shenek bilip um Jisas."} {"eng": "But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.", "aon": "Aria eshesh Juda douk shakri uwok um shunek bilip iri juwehosish um eshesh Kristen aria sheshuhuri shenekesh juwehosish um kupaishi douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe. Aria esheshiruh aparuh douk madae hur wosik um eshesh shugipesh Jisas iri uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.", "aon": "Aria Pol nani Barnabas hape roubi nyutob abrudok wabur Aikoniam. Hape aria dodogowim atum hakripesh Debeini ananin baraen. Aria Debeini nomuhur henek enenyenen Iruhin atun neneken iri mour. Heneken namudok aria Debeini neyabig arpesh aria shadukemesh shakri baraen hakripesh-enyi um agundok Iruhin nutaurumesh meyoh um douk adurin atin."} {"eng": "But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.", "aon": "Aria eshudok sabaishi arpesh shape abrudok wabur iri shakitak shanosiyam. Wobresh shaniguk amam aposel aria wobresh shaniguk eshesh Juda sik."} {"eng": "Be it known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man is proclaimed to you remission of sins;", "aon": "Namudok aria ashukenyim owarhim, ohwak wakri ipak ihishmorim gamo pudukemesh. Ohwak wakripep baraen namudok. Wakri anudok arman Jisas ta wosik nutaurumep nuneguk ipakish debeishi shokwish penekesh iri yoweishi inahos."} {"eng": "and by him everyone who believes is justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.", "aon": "Lo seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi ta mare nyuneguk ipakish yoweishi aria Iruhin nutrip nuhwarep yopishi arpesh, uwok. Aria ihishmorim arpesh shenek bilip um anudok arman Jisas iri, Iruhin douk nahwaresh yopishi arpesh."} {"eng": "When they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar Jesus,", "aon": "Hakitak hawish hanak ihirub warub enyudok unai aria hanak hatogur Pafos. Hatogur Pafos aria haparug anan arman shahwaran um Barjisas iri. Anan douk anan eshesh Juda esheshin nenek rohwumesh iri profet. Aria anan napeum nenek ouruh hani sabagwiruh iri."} {"eng": "who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of understanding. This man summoned Barnabas and Saul, and sought to hear the word of God.", "aon": "Anudok arman Barjisas douk nani anan debeini um gavman um enyudok unai iri hape. Ananin nyeigur Sergius Paulus. Anan douk nadukem enenyenen iri. Aria narig Barnabas iri Sol um hunaki hutrun. Um maresh? Anan nakri numnek Iruhin ananin baraen."} {"eng": "But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith.", "aon": "Aria anudok arman Elimas nape natupok baraen. Anan douk anudok arman douk napeum nenek ouruh hani sabagwiruh iri. Aria shawanam ananin nyeigur um eshesh Grik esheshin baraen aria shahwaran Elimas. Elimas nakwiraeh um nakri nuwanamaguk Sergius Paulus um anan mare nusuhw Debeini ananin baraen nugipeshen, uwok."} {"eng": "But Saul, who is also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, fastened his eyes on him", "aon": "Aria Sol, enyudok enen nyeigur shahwaran um Pol iri narao Iruhin ananin Mishin nyapenyan wosik abom aria natrun duk Elimas."} {"eng": "Now Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus, the king’s personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king’s country for food.", "aon": "Herot nabuh nape Sisaria aria juwehosin um arpesh douk shape arbudok warub shahwarorub-um Taia aria Saidon iri. Namudok aria arbudok biarub warubish shanak shantorum atugun aria shanaki shatrun. Sagomatin sharik shani Blastus douk debeini um anan king neshuhom iri rum aria shabo baraen nyape atugun. Douk nakri wosik um nutaurumesh aria kadak shanaki shutik king Herot. Aria shakripanum shupe atugun, wanogwiruh uwok. Um maresh? Arpesh shape abudok amnab nahobig iri, esheshigun worigun douk apa shanak shape shanatorgun king Herot ananig nahobig."} {"eng": "On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and gave a speech to them.", "aon": "Aria anan king Herot nagraeh anah nyumnah. Arigaha douk ahudok nyumnah hanak hatograri aria nakitak nor eneh rupeh amam king atum hehur iri rupeh. Nenekeh douk aria nakih netem ananin debeinyi wagitur aria nape nakripesh enen baraen."} {"eng": "As any of the disciples had plenty, each determined to send relief to the brothers who lived in Judea;", "aon": "Namudok aria eshesh shagipesh Jisas iri shabo baraen um shutorum utabor aria shunak shushopok-abor bunak um esheshishi arpesh douk shape Judia iri. Eshesh ihishmorim atin atin shanaborubuk iri utabor douk shasiyabor um biyeh kabi shanaborubuk um aria wabrabor shaborubuk um enyudok mour."} {"eng": "which they also did, sending it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.", "aon": "Douk shatorum-abor aria shanak sheshopokabor um eshesh Iruhin ananish arpesh esheshim debeimi gani Jerusalem. Shako Barnabas aria Sol harabor hanak."} {"eng": "He told us how he had seen the angel standing in his house and saying to him, ‘Send to Joppa and get Simon, who is called Peter,", "aon": "Mawish aria nakripe agundok natik enen ensel nyawish nyeyotu numun ananit urupat um. Natrin aria nyakripan namudok. Nyakri, ‘Nyishopok anam armam hunak um Jopa aria hurmori anan arman shahwaran um Pita iri. Kupainyi nyeigur douk shahwaran Saimon."} {"eng": "who will speak to you words by which you will be saved, you and all your house.’", "aon": "Puruman punaki aria nukripep baraen um nyak nyuni ihishmorim shape nyakit urupat iri pumneken aria Iruhin ta wata nuraep putanam aria pupe wosik abom.’"} {"eng": "He saw heaven opened and a certain container descending to him, like a great sheet let down by four corners on the earth,", "aon": "Aria natik um utag ganupok aria natik enen enyudok kabi anah debeihi rupah um. Shasukuk nubatibus apubus sisiguk aria shape shakutuh habuhumori atap."} {"eng": "in which were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild animals, reptiles, and birds of the sky.", "aon": "Aria natigu eneshenesh mahish sharari ahudok kabi rupahmori. Natik ihiguhwmori yuguhw aria armiguhw hwani ihishmorim eneshenesh mahish sharari."} {"eng": "When many days were fulfilled, the Jews conspired together to kill him,", "aon": "Douk sabaihi nyumneh hanak hadiguk aria amam Juda hanak hantorum hape habo baraen um hubo Sol nugok."} {"eng": "but their plot became known to Saul. They watched the gates both day and night that they might kill him,", "aon": "Aria enesh shakripan enyudok amam hakri huneken-uman iri. Nyumnah wab amam hape hatrugun-uman abrudok debeiburi wabur Damaskusig witog um hakri hutrun nukri um nunak nutogur aria hon nugok."} {"eng": "But Saul, still breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob Sol wata apa dodogowin atun um nakri nubo Debeini ananish arpesh shugok. Namudok aria nanak um anudok debeini pris abom"} {"eng": "and asked for letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.", "aon": "aria narigan um nenekuman sabaisi shus um amam debeimi um eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-ogwi urusag gani Damaskus aria nakonas nasuwas nanak. Baraen nyetem asudok shus iri douk nyakri wosik um Sol nuwish Damaskus aria nukri nuparug enesh armam o armago douk shagipesh ahudok yah Jisas ananih shupe agundok um, anan wosik nusuhwesh nuweshikesh aria wata nuraesh um Jerusalem."} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "aon": "Douk hape heyagwreh hanak aria hanak hatogur anabik abar borum. Aria anudok debeini arman nakrip Filip nakri, “Tik, abar abrudok bor agundok. Ikri inek baptais akure, ta mare enen arpen nyunaki nyukripe um uwok?”"} {"eng": "As they went on the way, they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized?”", "aon": "[Namudok aria Filip nakripan nakri, “Ta nyakigun numun abom nukri adur nyunek bilip um Jisas um, aria nyak wosik ta nyunek baptais.” Aria nakri, “Adur, yenek bilip abom yakri adur abom um Jisas Krais anan douk Iruhin ananin nuganin.”]"} {"eng": "But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!", "aon": "Aria Pita nakripan nakri, “Nyak nyakri ta nyutor enyudok presen douk Iruhin apa nakopen meyoh iri um aka? Eik yakri nyak nyuni nyakibor utabor punak um yoweiburi wabur aria nyih hunin!"} {"eng": "You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart isn’t right before God.", "aon": "Nyak mare nyunaki nyuni apak mupe um nyukri nyutaurum-apum enyudok Iruhin ananin mour, uwok. Um maresh? Iruhin natrinyum, nyor yoweimi urkum abom aria goutukim atum."} {"eng": "Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,", "aon": "Amam aposel hape Jerusalem iri douk hape aria hemnek um eshesh Samaria douk sharao Iruhin ananin baraen aria shenek bilip. Namudok aria heshopok Pita nani Jon hanakum hutaurumesh."} {"eng": "who, when they had come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit;", "aon": "Douk hanak habuh aria henek beten um eshudok shenek bilip iri um shurao Iruhin ananin Mishin."} {"eng": "for as yet he had fallen on none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of Christ Jesus.", "aon": "Um maresh? Iruhin ananin Mishin douk watak nyubihi nyuwish enesh uwe, uwok. Watak apa shenek baptais abar atubar um agundok shenek bilip shakri shugipesh Debeini Jisas ananin nyeigur um."} {"eng": "Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.", "aon": "Namudok aria Pita nani Jon howemesh wis aria douk sharao Iruhin ananin Mishin."} {"eng": "Saul was consenting to his death. A great persecution arose against the assembly which was in Jerusalem in that day. They were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except for the apostles.", "aon": "Aria Sol douk nakri wosik um agundok habo Stiven nagok um. Ahudok atuh nyumnah habo Stiven nagok ahi, amam debeimi hape henekesh enenyenen ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh shape Jerusalem iri. Aria ihishmorim sharuwok shanam ihirub warub um agusudok biagos shokugosi nahobigos Judia iri Samaria. Shanak aria ihim-morim amam aposel atum hapeik Jerusalem."} {"eng": "Devout men buried Stephen and lamented greatly over him.", "aon": "Aria anam armam douk hagipesh Iruhin ananih aih wosik abom iri hanak harom Stiven aria herepan hariguk abom."} {"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "aon": "Aria Sol nape nenekesh enenyenen ihishmorim Iruhin ananish arpesh nakri nesh aria nakwiraeh um nununish. Nanak um ihig urusag nasuhw armam armago aria naraesh nanak naweshikesh shape shunuweshik-ati urupat."} {"eng": "Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things.", "aon": "Douk nemnek Pita ananin baraen aria natu nabuh nakus abom aria nagok. Aria ihishmorim shemnek um Ananaias nagok um aria shanogugur abom."} {"eng": "The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him.", "aon": "Aria anam weroroimi hanaki hashapoman anah rupah haran hatogur aria hanak haruman."} {"eng": "and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.", "aon": "Namudok aria eshesh shenek bilip iri madae enen arpen eneshenesh woken um enesh eshudok uwe. Ihishmorim shape wosik iri atish. Eshudok douk shogrem anab amnab o urusag iri ta shekeshesh shatorish sharao utabor. Aria abrudok utabor douk sharabor shanaki shako amam aposel. Shako amam aria hosiyabor um eshudok yaruhish iri."} {"eng": "“For truly, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed,", "aon": "Aria adur atin, nubokuhi amudok biom debeimi um gavman iri, Pontius Pailat nani Herot douk hanaki hantorum hape atugun. Hani eshesh Israel shani enesh arpesh douk eshesh madae Juda iri uwe shopunek. Shantorum shape abrudok wabur Jerusalem aria shabo baraen um shunumogesh Jisas. Anudok yopini arman douk seiwok nyagraehan aria nasuhw nyakin mour iri."} {"eng": "to do whatever your hand and your counsel foreordained to happen.", "aon": "Shanaki shantorum shapeum shunek ihinyumorim mour douk seiwok nyak kanak dodogowin atin aria nyakrium douk ta shuneken iri."} {"eng": "if we are examined today concerning a good deed done to a crippled man, by what means this man has been healed,", "aon": "Iruhin ananin Mishin douk nyawish Pita abom nyapenyan wosik aria nakripam nakri, “Ipak Israel esheship debeipari pani ipakim takwiyem, doukih atin ipak pakri porik ohwak um wenek yopuhi aih um wagapesh anan aiyas yowegasini um aka? Pakri pudukemesh um agundok nenekesh mumam aria douk yopunum?"} {"eng": "and that he may send Christ Jesus, who was ordained for you before,", "aon": "Punekesh namudok um, Debeini ta nunek yopubi nyutob butogrumep putogur dodogowip aria ipakish mishish shur wosik punadudareh. Aria ta nishopoki Krais anudok douk nagraehan um nurao arpesh iri nunakumori ipak. Anudok arman douk Iruhin nagraehan um nurao ipak iri douk Jisas."} {"eng": "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.", "aon": "Douk, anan ta nupe iruhw heven arigaha abudok nyutob Iruhin nagraehab um nunek eneshenesh eshudok shutogur namushi obi nyutob, aria anan ta kweipon nunaki. Kabi douk seiwok amam Iruhin ananim profet hakriyenyukuk iri ananin adurin atinyi baraen nyakrium."} {"eng": "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.", "aon": "Apakim yamehem Abraham nani Aisak aria Jekop amamin Iruhin nagapeshan yopun aria douk narahaen. Iruhin nenek enyudok aria natuk ananin nuganin Jisas douk nenekuman mour iri ananin nyeigur nyato iruhw. Aria douk anudok Jisas douk pasuhwan pako amam horim um hunak hon nugok abom um. Pailat anudok debeini um gavman iri douk nakri nukweshihan nunak fri, aria uwok. Aria pakonaguk agabus pakri uwok-umen abom."} {"eng": "But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you,", "aon": "Anan douk Iruhin ananin yopuni nagipesh lo atin iri arman, aria ipak pakri wok-uman. Pahwar Pailat um nukweshihi anudok anan arman douk nabo arpesh shagok iri nanakumepari."} {"eng": "Peter and John were going up into the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.", "aon": "Anah nyumnah 3 kilok wabigep, Pita nani Jon hakitak aria hanak um atudok Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat. Abudok nyutob douk apa shape shenek beten um."} {"eng": "A certain man who was lame from his mother’s womb was being carried, whom they laid daily at the door of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask gifts for the needy of those who entered into the temple.", "aon": "Wit douk shawishat aria shawish numun agundok Iruhin ananit urupat tataoum iri douk shahwarat yoputi wit. Aria shanaki shasap anan arman nape atudok wit. Shanasap napeum meishi arpesh shukri shunaki shuwish numun narub atudok debeiti urupat tataoum aria anan nahwaresh um shukonaguk utabor."} {"eng": "Seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked to receive gifts for the needy.", "aon": "Douk natik Pita nani Jon hanakum huwish aria nahwaram um hukonaguk enesh eshudok eneshenesh."} {"eng": "Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.", "aon": "Aria Pita nakripesh nakri, “Ipak ihishmorim pukeshuguk agabus yoweishi inahos aria putanam pukon aparuh Iruhin. Punekesh namudok aria punek baptaisum Jisas Krais ananin nyeigur. Namudok aria ipakish penekesh iri yowesh inahos, Iruhin ta mare wata nusuhwesh nupe, uwok. Ta nukwreyeshukuk. Namudok aria ta nukep meyoh ananin Mishin."} {"eng": "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”", "aon": "Seiwok Iruhin douk nakri enen adurin atinyi baraen um ta nukep ananin Mishin. Nuko ipak puni ipakish batowish aria ihishmorim arpesh douk shape rougun-irub warub iri. Eshudok douk Iruhin apakin Debeini nahwaresh um shunakumori anan iri.”"} {"eng": "For David says concerning him, ‘I saw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.", "aon": "Seiwok king Devit douk nakriyuk enyudok baraen um Jisas. Nakri, ‘Eik yatik Debeini nani eik nape hurukatin ihih nyumneh. Neyotu nagime agundok hurukatin aria ta mare inogugur ikri inehikesh um enesh eshudok eneshenesh, uwok."} {"eng": "Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced. Moreover my flesh also will dwell in hope,", "aon": "Namudok aria eikihw apahw adur hwor wosik aria yanadudareh yeyagwreh yopunyi atin baraen. Eik yape yatrugun um Iruhin aria adur yadukemesh um anan ta nutaurume."} {"eng": "because you will not leave my soul in Hades, neither will you allow your Holy One to see decay.", "aon": "Um maresh? Nyak ta mare nyukutukuk eikin mishin nyupeik abrudok wabur douk yoweishi shagok shanak-aburi, uwok. Ta mare nyukutukuk anudok nyakin yopuyopuni nuganin nagok aria adur nutarukuk uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "You made known to me the ways of life. You will make me full of gladness with your presence.’", "aon": "Ahudok yah um adur shupe ihih nyumneh um douk nyeyabigesh. Nyak ta nyuni eik upe huruk aria ta nyuni eik unadudareh uriguk.’”"} {"eng": "“Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him among you, even as you yourselves know,", "aon": "Pita apa neyagwreh aria nakripesh nakri, “Ipak Israel, ipak pumnek enyudok eikin baraen. Anudok Jisas nanaki wabur Nasaret iri, Iruhin douk nenekan dodogowin aria nenek enenyenen anan Iruhin atun neneken iri mour. Nenekan agundok aria ipak douk patrin padukemen. Anan douk nenek enyudok um ipak pudukemesh pukri Jisas anan douk Iruhin meyoh neshopokan nanaki iri."} {"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "aon": "Nubokuhi Iruhin douk nekep anudok arman ipakis wis aria poko henek yoweishi inahos iri armam henek nyiluman rowog kruse aria pan nagok. Iruhin douk nekepan penekesh-uman namudok kabi seiwok anan kanak urkum moromen aria nadukemesh um ta nuneken um."} {"eng": "They prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all men, show which one of these two you have chosen", "aon": "Shagraeham hape aria henek beten harig Iruhin namudok. Hakri, “Debeini, nyak douk nyadukem ihishmorim arpesh esheship urkwip. Aria amudok biom armam, apak douk makri nyiyabigap anudok douk nyak nyagraehan iri."} {"eng": "to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas fell away, that he might go to his own place.”", "aon": "Nyiyabigap um nurao enyudok mour aposel douk Judas nakutinyuk nanak um ananibur yoweiburi wabur iri.”"} {"eng": "“Of the men therefore who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us,", "aon": "“Namudok aria douk apak mugraeh anan arman um nurao Judas ananin mour. Mugraeh anan um amudok douk hani apak mape marahaen atugun atin ihih nyumneh mani Debeini Jisas nani apak marahaen-ehi."} {"eng": "beginning from the baptism of John to the day that he was received up from us, of these one must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”", "aon": "Mugraeh anan arman douk nani apak mape marahaen abudok nyutob Jon nenek baptaisumesh iri nape nakripesh baraen obi nyutob arigaha abudok nyutob Iruhin narao Debeini Jisas nakutupukuk nato iruhw heven obi nyutob. Aria anudok mugraehan iri arman, anan ta nirap mukripesh baraen um Debeini Jisas douk nagok aria wata shopunek nakitak nape.”"} {"eng": "“Brothers, it was necessary that this Scripture should be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was guide to those who took Jesus.", "aon": "“Eikish ashukenyish owashish, seiwok Iruhin ananin Mishin douk nyohur Devit aria neyagwrehuk enen baraen douk nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri. Enyen douk nyakrium anudok Judas douk narikum Jisas ananim horim hanaku hasuhw Jisas hanak han iri. Aria douk enyudok baraen douk nyatogur adurin kabi seiwok Devit nakrimaguk um."} {"eng": "For he was counted with us, and received his portion in this ministry.", "aon": "Riguk anudok Judas douk neir apak Jisas ananip mape marahaen atugun. Douk nani apak menek enyudok atin mour iri.”"} {"eng": "When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.", "aon": "Douk Jisas nakripamuk enyudok baraen um jurug, amam heyotu hatrun aria Iruhin naran natoum iruhw heven. Nato douk onog orug gwanaki gwabeshukan-ukuk aria amam madae hutrun uwe."} {"eng": "While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,", "aon": "Anan nanakuk aria amam watak heyotu hape hatrugun duk iruhw um utag. Aria ahudok atuh biom armam heneki shigorihwihi atih rupeh iri hanaki hani amam heyotu."} {"eng": "Therefore Peter and the other disciple went out, and they went toward the tomb.", "aon": "Douk okwok kwakripam namudok aria Pita nani anudok anan disaipel hakitak hahur hanak gani douk wonugwehw hwape um."} {"eng": "They both ran together. The other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first.", "aon": "Hahur hanak, aria anudok anan disaipel neshagrakuk Pita aria anan narik nanak natogur agundok wonugwehw hwape um."} {"eng": "For these things happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “A bone of him will not be broken.”", "aon": "Aria enyudok douk nyatogur namudok um enyudok baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyutogur adurin atin. Baraen enyudok. “Eshesh ta mare shushubur enen bripigur uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.”", "aon": "Aria enen shopunek baraen douk nyakri, “Arpesh ta shutik anudok arman douk shakwuman burawog iri.”"} {"eng": "After this, Jesus, seeing that all things were now finished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I am thirsty!”", "aon": "Aria Jisas douk nadukemesh um ananin mour douk nyatuh. Aria nakri, “Eik abar bae.” Anan douk nakri namudok um nunek enen baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyutogur adurin."} {"eng": "Now a vessel full of vinegar was set there; so they put a sponge full of the vinegar on hyssop, and held it at his mouth.", "aon": "Aria agundok, anap marup shukunip um nubutibari abar douk pakus. Douk amam soldia hemnek namudok aria hanak hohur enen spans hesegwurin abrudok abar arigaha shuknin. Aria hatuken henyak anag shokugi akodiwok um hisop aria hatuken nyato um Jisas ananit nokwatum nuwok abrudok abar."} {"eng": "Simon Peter followed Jesus, as did another disciple. Now that disciple was known to the high priest, and entered in with Jesus into the court of the high priest;", "aon": "Douk hasuhw Jisas haran hanak aria Pita nani anudok anan disaipel hagipeshan hanak. Anudok anan disaipel, douk adur debeini pris nadukeman wosik. Douk nadukeman namudok aria anan adur neirum Jisas hawish numun anudok debeini pris ananig ahwog."} {"eng": "but Peter was standing at the door outside. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out and spoke to her who kept the door, and brought in Peter.", "aon": "Amam hawish aria Pita neyotukuk aduk wit. Aria anudok disaipel douk adur debeini pris nadukeman wosik iri watak natanam nakrip okwudok armatok kweyoh wit iri, aria narao Pita hawish."} {"eng": "They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas also, who betrayed him, was standing with them.", "aon": "Aria amam hakri, “Apak maurim Jisas douk nanaki wabur Nasaret iri.” Aria Jisas nakri, “Eik douk enyudok wo.” Anudok Judas douk nuwereh Jisas um husuwan hunak hon nugok iri douk nanamam heyotu."} {"eng": "When therefore he said to them, “I am he,” they went backward and fell to the ground.", "aon": "Douk hemnek um Jisas nakri, “Eik douk enyudok wo” aria wata hatatigos hanak um agabus aria hanak hatu habuh hakus atap."} {"eng": "Some of his disciples therefore said to one another, “What is this that he says to us, ‘A little while, and you won’t see me, and again a little while, and you will see me;’ and, ‘Because I go to the Father’?”", "aon": "Namudok aria anam ananim um disaipel hatanam hanasorim um hakri, “Baugenyum enyudok baraen um nakri banab nyutob meyoh apak ta mare watak mutrun aria mare roubi um ta watak nutanamori mutrun um douk nyakri maresh? Aria shopunek nakri apak ta mare mutrun. Um maresh? Anan douk ta nunak nutik ananin Yaken.”"} {"eng": "They said therefore, “What is this that he says, ‘A little while’? We don’t know what he is saying.”", "aon": "Amam hape hanasorim hakri, “Baugenyum enyudok baraen um nakri banab nyutob meyoh um douk adur nyakri maresh? Apak madae mudukemen uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.", "aon": "“Eik douk enyudok rowog wain aria ipak douk nyeiguhw. Namudok aria arpen douk nyutogur nyunasusuhw eik aria eik itogur inasusuhw enyen iri, enyen douk ta nyunek sabaihi yopihi aih aria yopuguni worigun. Aria douk ipak mare putogur punasusuhw eik um, aria ipak douk ta mare dodogowip um punek enen yopunyi mugu uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.", "aon": "Enyudok arpen douk madae nyutogur nyunasusuhw eik aria madae nyusuhw eikin baraen dodog nyugipeshen iri uwe, eikin Yain ta nenekeshumen kabi douk natupok enen nyeigur enyudok rowog wain aria nunyubukuk ba yarin um. Aria enyudokmori nyeigur douk ta shutorumen shunyubukuk atugun aria shuwashen nyubuhuk nyih hanu um."} {"eng": "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.", "aon": "Aria ipak patogur panasusuhw eik aria eikin baraen nyupe ipak um, aria abudok nyutob ipak punek beten porige um eneshenesh eshudok ipak pakripe-umesh iri, aria adur atin, eshudok ta shutogur-umep kabi douk ipak penek beten porige um."} {"eng": "“In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.", "aon": "Aria douk ipak punek sabaihi yopihi aih um, aria namudok arpesh ta shutrip aria ta shutuk eikin Yain ananin nyeigur nyuto iruhw. Punekesh namudok aria arpesh ta shutrip shukri ipak douk adur pagipesh eik iri."} {"eng": "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that his time had come that he would depart from this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.", "aon": "Ahudok nyumnah um shunek agundok debeiguni worigun Pasova um douk hanaki hurukatin. Aria Jisas douk nadukemesh um abudok nyutob ta nukutukuk agundok atap nunak nini Yain hupeum douk banaki. Aria abudok nyutob anan napeum, ananim urkum douk adur manawasham ihishmorim ananishi arpesh douk mape agundok atap iri arigaha ta nugok um. Aria douk shopunek anan watak neyabigap um anan urkum manawasham apak abom um."} {"eng": "During supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him,", "aon": "Satan douk iga nawish Saimon ananin nuganin Judas Iskariot. Nawishan aria nako yoweimi urkum um anan ta nuwereh Jisas um ananim horim aria amam husuwan hunak hon nugok. Douk arigaha wabigep aria amam hape hawok worigun."} {"eng": "Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out.", "aon": "Aria douk, Iruhin ta nunekumesh kwot eshudok douk shukon agabus iri. Aria shopunek anan ta nubo Satan nubuhuk. Anan douk nape debeini um agundok atap iri."} {"eng": "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”", "aon": "Aria eik ta shutuke shiyaur iruh aria ta iyonuki ihishmorim arpesh shunakmori eik.”"} {"eng": "But he said this, signifying by what kind of death he should die.", "aon": "Anan douk nakri namudok um eshesh shumnek aria shudukem ahudok yah douk ta anan nugok um."} {"eng": "Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat on it. As it is written,", "aon": "Jisas naparug enen nugaen donki douk nakih netem aria nanak kabi douk enyudok baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Baraen enyudok"} {"eng": "“Don’t be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes, sitting on a donkey’s colt.”", "aon": "nyakri, “O ipak arpesh pape abrudok debeiburi wabur Saion iri, ipak mare punogugur. Tik, ipakin King anudok apa nanaki. Anan netemori enen nugaen donki aria nape nanaki.”"} {"eng": "But the chief priests conspired to put Lazarus to death also,", "aon": "Douk namudok aria amam debeimi pris habo baraen um hakri hubo Lasarus nugok shopunek."} {"eng": "because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.", "aon": "Um maresh? Sabaishi Juda douk shatik um agundok Jisas nonohur nakitak napeum, aria eshesh shakutukuk esheshim debeimi Juda shanak shasuhw Jisas ananin baraen shagipeshen."} {"eng": "Then they sought for Jesus and spoke with one another as they stood in the temple, “What do you think—that he isn’t coming to the feast at all?”", "aon": "Douk sabaishi arpesh shanaki aria shape shaurim Jisas. Eshesh sheyotu numun narub Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat tataoum aria eshesh kanak shape sheneyagwreh shakri, “Ipak pakri mumam? Anan ta nunaki um agundok worigun aka, uwok?”"} {"eng": "Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had commanded that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it, that they might seize him.", "aon": "Aria amam debeimi pris hani amam Farisi douk hakripesh um douk enen arpen nyudukemesh um agundok Jisas nanak napeum, aria ta enyen nyunaki nyukripam um amam hunak husuwan huweshikan."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will still live, even if he dies.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripok nakri, “Douk eik atuwe debeiwe iri aria dodogoiwe um ihur shagok iri watak shukitak shupe wosik um. Aria eshudok douk shasuhw eikin baraen shagipeshen aria shagok iri, eshesh douk ta watak shukitak aria adur shupe wosik atin."} {"eng": "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”", "aon": "Aria eshudok douk watak shape aria shusuhw eikin baraen shugipeshen iri, eshesh ta mare shugok uwe, uwok.” Aria anan narig nakri, “Nyak nyenek bilip nyakri enyudok baraen douk adur atin aka, uwok?”"} {"eng": "Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus from Bethany, of the village of Mary and her sister, Martha.", "aon": "Anan arman shahwaran um Lasarus iri douk arugeh hapeyan. Anan nani ananiyu bio mohwiyariyu, Maria kwani okwokwik awik Mata douk wape abrudok wabur Betani."} {"eng": "It was that Mary who had anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.", "aon": "Aria Maria douk okwudok armatok riguk kwourak sanda Jisas ananiruh yeriweruh aria watak kwakwu okwokwig barag kwubatiguman yeriweruh iri. Aria douk okwokwin mohunin Lasarus arugeh hapeyan."} {"eng": "If I don’t do the works of my Father, don’t believe me.", "aon": "Aria eik mare inek eikin Yain Iruhin ananin mour um, aria ipak douk wosik mare pusuhw eikin baraen pukri adur uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But if I do them, though you don’t believe me, believe the works, that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”", "aon": "Aria eik douk adur yenek ananin mour. Aria douk ipak pakri uwok um punek bilip um eik um agundok yakri eik douk Iruhin neshopoke yanakmori. Aria ipak douk patiwe yenek sabainyi Iruhin atun neneken iri mour nyatogur aria douk ta punek bilipume. Punekesh namudok um ipak ta adur pudukemesh abom um Yain nape eik aria eik yape anan.”"} {"eng": "I am the good shepherd. I know my own, and I’m known by my own;", "aon": "“Eik douk adur yopunari arman yeyoh sipsipahos iri. Eik douk yadukemesh wosik um eikishi sipsipahos aria eshesh shopunek shadukem eik."} {"eng": "even as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. I lay down my life for the sheep.", "aon": "Aria kabi douk Yain nadukem eik aria eik yadukem anan um. Aria eik douk yakri wosik um igok um itaurum eikish sipsipahos shupe wosik."} {"eng": "He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who doesn’t own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, leaves the sheep, and flees. The wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.", "aon": "Arman douk shatorun um nupe niyoh sipsipahos iri, anudok armam douk madae adur nunogrem eshudok sipsipahos iri uwe, uwok. Anan douk nenek mour um nupe niyohesh meyoh. Aria abudok nyutob nukri nutik anat wanarit nubat tunakumori, anan ta nukutish shiyotuguk aria nuruwok. Aria atudok nubat ta tunaki tihiyahesh arigaha tusuh enen aria enesh ta shuruwok shunak atin atinyuk."} {"eng": "The hired hand flees because he is a hired hand and doesn’t care for the sheep.", "aon": "Anudok arman naruwok um maresh? Anan douk nenek mourum utabor atubor iri. Ananim urkum madae adur murum nukri nutaurum eshudok sipsipahos uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.", "aon": "Ihim-morim armam douk riguk harik hanaki aria eik douk atin yanaki iri, amudok armam douk hakwuaruh atuh iri. Aria sipsipahos douk madae shumnek amamin baraen aria shugipesham atin uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out and will find pasture.", "aon": "Eik douk adur atudok wit. Enyudok arpen douk nyuwish atudok wit aria nyuwish numun narub iri, enyen ta nyuwish Iruhin nuraen aria ta watak nyutanamori nyupe wosik atin. Aria ta nyunek witogur arbudok narub nyunak nyurim worigun um nyishoh iri."} {"eng": "The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.", "aon": "Hakwuaruh iri douk hanakumori hukwumesh aruh, hesh aria hununish. Aria eik douk yanakmori itaurumesh shurao eikin dodog abom shupe wosik aria shunadudareh shupe wosik abom ihih nyumneh."} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "aon": "“Eik douk adur yopunari arman douk yape yeyoh sipsipahos iri. Aria eik douk yakri wosik um igok um itaurum eshudok sipsipahos shupe wosik."} {"eng": "“Most certainly, I tell you, one who doesn’t enter by the door into the sheep fold, but climbs up some other way, is a thief and a robber.", "aon": "Jisas nakripesh nakri, “Adur atin yakripep, arman douk madae nuwishi wit arbudok sipsipahos sheyotu arub iri narub, aria naproki nubi nuwishi iri douk madae yopini arman uwe, uwok. Anan douk nakwuaruh atuh iri."} {"eng": "But one who enters in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.", "aon": "Aria arman douk nuwish wit um arbudok narub meyoh um arbudok sipsipirub narub iri, anan douk adur nape neyoh eshudok sipsipahos iri."} {"eng": "The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob neyoh sipsipahos iri nukri nunaki obi nyutob, aria anan nape neyoh wit um arbudok narub iri ta nukitak nijikuman wit. Nijikuman aria ta nuwish norig eshesh atin atin sipsipahos um esheshish nyeiguhw. Norigesh douk shumnek ananih mah aria ta nurikumesh nuraesh nutogur aduk."} {"eng": "Whenever he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.", "aon": "Douk narao ihishmorim ananish sipsipahos shutogur adukirub um narub iyoh, nurikumesh aria eshesh ta shugiman shanak. Um maresh? Eshesh douk shadukem ananih mah."} {"eng": "I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.", "aon": "Aria douk abudok nyutob douk kabi nyumnah um, aria apak ta mupe munek Iruhin douk neshopok eik yanaki iri um ananin mour. Aria anab ta bunaki iri nyutob ta kabi douk wab um. Aria abudok nyutob ta mare enesh arpesh shupe shunek Iruhin ananin mour uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”", "aon": "Douk abudok nyutob eik yape agundok atap um, eik yape kabi douk lait um. Aria eik yenek sabainyi yopinyi mour yopugunum atugun um sabaishi shutiwe aria ta shugipeshe munek enyudokmori atin yopinyi mour.”"} {"eng": "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman taken in adultery. Having set her in the middle,", "aon": "Aria amam douk henek skulumesh um lo iri hani amam Farisi harauri onok armatok douk shaparugok kwonek wehrur kwani kupaini arman iri. Harakwi aria hakripok kweyotu agundok douk ihishmorim shantorum shapeum."} {"eng": "they told him, “Teacher, we found this woman in adultery, in the very act.", "aon": "Aria harig Jisas hakri, “Debeini Tisa, okwudok kworao arman iri armatok douk shaparugok kwonek yoweishi inahos um kwonek wehrur kwani kupaini arman."} {"eng": "Now in our law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. What then do you say about her?”", "aon": "Enen apakin lo seiwok Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi douk nyakri, armatok kwunek enyudokmori iri douk shukwumok utabor arigaha kwugok. Aria nyak douk nyakri mumam?”"} {"eng": "They said this testing him, that they might have something to accuse him of. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger.", "aon": "Harigan namudok um hakri hukwiraehan um ta nukri mare shubo okwudok armatok aria ta hukri anan douk nabrig enyudok lo aria ta hunekuman kwot. Aria baraen douk madae nukripam enen aria nabuh natao meyoh nakwu ananih hah nape nowem enen baraen atap."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “I did one work and you all marvel because of it.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nawanamesh baraen nakri, “Eik yenek atin Iruhin atun neneken iri mour um sabatih nyumnah gani abarig waiyag aria ipak ihipmorim patrin pakitak yowiyokuk."} {"eng": "Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a boy.", "aon": "Aria Moses douk nekepaguk ehudok aih um putah nugamimiruh yegeshiweruh um. Aria ehudok madae punek mour ahi iri uwe nyumnah Sabat, ipak douk shopunek patah nugamimiruh yegeshiweruh. Adur, ehudok aih douk madae Moses nuhuhur nukepehuk uwe, uwok. Ihih douk ipakim popehem yamehem meyoh hehuhur hekepehuk."} {"eng": "If a boy receives circumcision on the Sabbath, that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?", "aon": "Ipak apa pagipesheh kabi enyudok lo douk Iruhin nakoguk Moses um enyudok patah nugamimiruh yegeshiweruh um. Aria ahudok nyumnah Sabat douk madae punek mour um uwe, ipak ta penek mour um patah nugamimiruh yegeshiweruh. Aria nubokuhi eik yagabe anan arugeh han iri arman yopun abom ahudok nyumnah Sabat um, ipak douk patiwe aria juwehosip abom um maresh?"} {"eng": "Don’t judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.”", "aon": "Mare putik enenyenen nabes meyoh aria pukri enyudok yopunyi o yoweinyi, namudok uwok. Aria enenyenen ipak ta pudukemen wosik aria douk punek adurih atih aih abom aria punek skelumen.”"} {"eng": "There was much murmuring among the multitudes concerning him. Some said, “He is a good man.” Others said, “Not so, but he leads the multitude astray.”", "aon": "Sabaishi arpesh douk shanaki shantorum um shunek agundok debeiguni worigun. Aria shape shanaboum shokwin baraen sheneyagwreh shokubur atin um Jisas. Enesh shakri anan yopuni arman. Aria enesh shakri anan yoweini arman douk nenek rohw um arpesh meyoh."} {"eng": "Yet no one spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews.", "aon": "Aria yopugunum douk madae enesh arpesh shupe shiyagwreh-uman enen baraen uwe, uwok. Um maresh? Eshesh douk shanogugur um Juda esheshim debeimi."} {"eng": "His brothers therefore said to him, “Depart from here and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works which you do.", "aon": "Aria Jisas ananim warhim hakripan hakri, “Nyukutukuk agundok aria nyunak um Judia. Nyunak um nyakishi arpesh shagipesh nyak iri shutik enyudok Iruhin atun neneken iri mour douk nyak nyape nyeneken iri."} {"eng": "For no one does anything in secret while he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world.”", "aon": "Aria enen arpen nyukri um ihishmorim shumnek enyen um, enyen douk mare nyunabeshuk nyunek enyenyin mour atin uwe, uwok. Aria douk nyak nyenek enyudok aria ta nyeneken yopugunum, um ihishmorim ta shutrin atin.”"} {"eng": "For even his brothers didn’t believe in him.", "aon": "Ananim baugem warhim heyagwreh enyudok. Um maresh? Amam shopunek madae hunek bilipuman uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "They said therefore to him, “What then do you do for a sign, that we may see and believe you? What work do you do?", "aon": "Namudok aria eshesh watak sharigan shakri, “Ta nyunek maren Iruhin atun neneken iri mour um apak mutrin aria munek bilip um nyakin baraen?"} {"eng": "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness. As it is written, ‘He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.’”", "aon": "Apakish yamehesh douk shawok atudok bret mana gani wehigunum arpesh uwok um. Shatoh kabi douk Iruhin ananin baraen nyetem ananik Buk iri nyakrium. Nyakri namudok. ‘Anan nekesh bret tabuhi iruhw heven iri shatoh.’”"} {"eng": "However, boats from Tiberias came near to the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob, onog botog gworari wabur Taiberias iri douk gwanak gwatograri. Gwatograri hurukatin um agundok douk Jisas nenek tenkyu um Iruhin um bret aria nako eshudok arpesh shatoh um."} {"eng": "When the multitude therefore saw that Jesus wasn’t there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.", "aon": "Douk eshudok arpesh shatik um Jisas nani apak ananim disaipel madae mupe agundok uwe, aria shabuh shato agwudok botog shanam Kaperneam um shurim Jisas nagundok."} {"eng": "When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea.", "aon": "Douk arigaha wabigep aria apak ananim disaipel makitak mabuh um agudok debeigi waiyag."} {"eng": "They entered into the boat, and were going over the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not come to them.", "aon": "Apak mapeum Jisas aria anan madae nanaki aria mabuh mato anat bot aria mabimawish manak um wabur Kaperneam. Abudok nyutob douk iganigadae wab, aria Jisas douk watak nunaki nutogrumap uwe, watak."} {"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "aon": "Jisas natrugun neyatagun aria natik um sabaishi arpesh abom shape shanamanari. Aria narig Filip nakri, “Filip, ta munak mutor anat bret agnum, um eshudok sabaishi arpesh ta shutoh iri?”"} {"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "aon": "Jisas narigan enyudok baraen um nakri nukwiraehan. Anan douk nadukemesh um enyudok mugu douk ta nuneken iri."} {"eng": "A great multitude followed him, because they saw his signs which he did on those who were sick.", "aon": "Aria sabaishi arpesh abom shagipeshan. Um maresh? Eshesh douk shatik enyudok Iruhin atun neneken iri mour douk anan neneken um nagabe eshudok arugeh henekeshi arpesh yopish um."} {"eng": "Jesus went up into the mountain, and he sat there with his disciples.", "aon": "Jisas nanak nato anag mihig aria nakih nani ananim disaipel hape nagundok."} {"eng": "Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob um eshesh Juda shenek agundok debeiguni worigun Pasova um douk hurukatinyum ta butogur."} {"eng": "In these lay a great multitude of those who were sick, blind, lame, or paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water;", "aon": "Aria sabaishi arugeh haesh iri arpesh shanaki shape sheshuh eshudok womagahos. Enesh nabes seshukesh iri, enesh aiyas senekesh aria sharahaen yowiyokuk iri shani eshudok douk roguhw aiyas shagokesh iri shanaki shape. [Eshesh shape shatrugunum abar bunagwugwi um."} {"eng": "for an angel went down at certain times into the pool and stirred up the water. Whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was healed of whatever disease he had.", "aon": "Um maresh? Anob nyutob Debeini ananin ensel apa nyabuh abar aria nyenek abar banagwugwi. Aria douk abar bunagwugwi aria meinyi arugeh hen iri arpen nyurik nyukitak nyubuh agudok waiyag iri, enyen douk ta yopin.]"} {"eng": "After the two days he went out from there and went into Galilee.", "aon": "Jisas nape abrudok wabur biyeh nyumneh um jurug aria nakutukuk agundok aria nanam shokugi nahobig Galili."} {"eng": "For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.", "aon": "Riguk Jisas anan kanak nakri enyudok baraen namudok, “Anan profet, ananibur wabur douk madae shumneken uwe um ananin baraen aria shukri anan douk debeini uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.", "aon": "Namudok aria abudok nyutob nanak natogur agudok shokugi nahobig Galili obi nyutob, eshesh Galili shanadudareh abom um agundok anan nanak um. Umum maresh? Abudok nyutob riguk shenek agundok debeiguni worigun Pasova obi nyutob, eshesh douk shanak aria shatik ihinyumori anan neneken iri debeinyi Iruhin atun neneken iri mour."} {"eng": "So he came to a city of Samaria called Sychar, near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.", "aon": "Nanak arigaha nanak natogur anabur wabur shohwarabur um Sikar. Ababur douk bape agudok shokugi nahobig Samaria iri aria bape hurukatin um abudok shokubi amnab seiwok Jekop nako ananin nuganin Josep obi."} {"eng": "Jacob’s well was there. Jesus therefore, being tired from his journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour.", "aon": "Anag abar bakihogi nuwag seiwok Jekop narukogi, gape noburudok wabur. Jisas nagim rouhi yah nanaki abom aria nakana nupe nurao uhwin. Namudok aria anan nahagi nape anagasum abarig nuwag."} {"eng": "A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”", "aon": "Nape aria douk onok um eshesh Samaria kwanaki um kwure abar aria nakripok namudok, “Shuke anabar abar ba ibroh.”"} {"eng": "For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.", "aon": "Aria apak ananim disaipel douk manak mawish aburdok wabur Sikar um mutori anagun mugnoh iri worigun."} {"eng": "Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John", "aon": "Arigaha aria amam Farisi hemnek um shakri “Jisas neshagrakuk Jon nenek baptaisum sabaishi arpesh aria nanukesh shagipesh anan.”"} {"eng": "(although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but his disciples),", "aon": "Aria Jisas anan kanak douk madae nunek baptaisum enesh arpesh uwe, uwok. Aria apak ananim disaipel atup menek baptaisumesh."} {"eng": "he left Judea and departed into Galilee.", "aon": "Douk Jisas nemnek um amam Farisi hemnek enyudok aria ta shopunek nakutukuk Judia aria natanam nanam agudok anag shokugi nahobig Galili."} {"eng": "Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.", "aon": "Anan arman shahwaran um Nikodemus iri douk nape. Anan douk anan Farisi aria anan debeini um Juda esheshin kaunsol."} {"eng": "He came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him.”", "aon": "Anab wab, anudok arman Nikodemus nanak natik Jisas aria nakripan nakri namudok, “Debeini Tisa, apak madukemesh um nyak douk anan tisa douk Iruhin nakripen um nyanaki nyenek skulum apak um ananin baraen iri. Aria enyudok Iruhin atun neneken iri mour douk nyak nyape nyeneken iri, apak madae enen arpen ta wosik nyeneken uwe, uwok. Umum maresh? Iruhin douk nini enen arpen shupe um, aria enyudok arpen ko nyenek enyudoki mour.”"} {"eng": "But Jesus didn’t entrust himself to them, because he knew everyone,", "aon": "Douk Jisas natrish namudok um agundok shasuhw ananin baraen dodog um aria madae nubo urkum nenek bilip um eshesh douk shenek bilip aria shasuhw ananin baraen um uwe, uwok. Umum maresh? Anan douk nadukemesh um ihish arpesh esheship urkwip por ahi aih."} {"eng": "and because he didn’t need for anyone to testify concerning man; for he himself knew what was in man.", "aon": "Douk madae enen arpen ta nyukuna nyukrip Jisas um arpesh shape shenek ahi aih uwe, uwok. Anan nadukemesh um ihish arpesh esheshish urkum apahw shape ahi aih."} {"eng": "The third day, there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there.", "aon": "Biyeh nyumneh hanak hatuhuk aria hakri biyeh atuh um, aria biyesh arpesh shunaraum abrudok wabur Kana. Abrudok wabur Kana douk bape agudok shokugi nahobig Galili. Aria Jisas ananik amakek douk shopunek kwanak kwatrish."} {"eng": "Jesus also was invited, with his disciples, to the wedding.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nani apak ananim disaipel douk shopunek shohwarop aria monak matrish um agundok eshudok biyesh arpesh shunaraumoguni worigun."} {"eng": "One of the two who heard John and followed him was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.", "aon": "Amudok biom douk hemnek Jon aria hagipesh Jisas hanak iri, anan douk Andru. Anan douk Saimon Pita ananin wanin."} {"eng": "He first found his own brother, Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which is, being interpreted, Christ).", "aon": "Aria Andru nanak arigas atin naurim ananin ashuken Saimon. Nanak naparugan natrun aria nakripan nakri, “Apak iganigadae maparug aria matik Mesaia.” Muwanam enyudok baraen um, douk nyakri Krais anudok douk Iruhin nagraehan aria neshopokan nanamori nunarao arpesh iri."} {"eng": "I didn’t know him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water, that he would be revealed to Israel.”", "aon": "Eik kanak douk madae idukemesh um anan adur atin douk anudok Iruhin nagraehan iri meinari arman um uwe, uwok. Aria eik douk yanaki yenek baptaisumesh um abar aria natogur yopugunum aria ipak Israel ta ko putrun pudukeman.’”"} {"eng": "John testified, saying, “I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven, and it remained on him.", "aon": "Aria Jon nakripesh enyudok baraen um shudukem Jisas um. Nakripesh nakri, “Eik yatik Iruhin ananin Mishin nyabuhi iruhw heven kabi arudok armir manyun um nyabuhi nyape Jisas."} {"eng": "I didn’t recognize him, but he who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘On whomever you will see the Spirit descending and remaining on him is he who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’", "aon": "Eik kanak douk madae idukemesh um arman douk Iruhin nagraehan aria neshopokan nanaki iri douk anan um uwe, uwok. Aria Iruhin douk neshopok eik yanamori inek baptaisumesh aria nakripe nakri, ‘Ko nyutik eikin Mishin nyubuhi nyupe anan arman aria nyuwishan. Aria anudok arman douk ko nekesh eikin Mishin nyuwish sabaishi arpesh aria nyupeyesh.’"} {"eng": "I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”", "aon": "Eik douk yatik enyudok mugu nyatogur aria douk yakripep. Anan douk adur atin abom um Iruhin ananin nuganin.”"} {"eng": "John answered them, “I baptize in water, but among you stands one whom you don’t know.", "aon": "Aria Jon ta nakripam nakri, “Eik yenek baptaisumesh abar meyoh. Aria agundok douk atin anan arman douk nani ipak peyotu. Aria ipak madae pudukeman uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "He is the one who comes after me, who is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I’m not worthy to loosen.”", "aon": "Anan douk nagimori eik iri. Aria eik douk madae yopuwe iri um ikweshihuman madururuh um ananiyu su uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "aon": "Amudok armam douk hanaki harig Jon enyudok baraen iri douk amam Farisi heshopokam hanaki harigan."} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "aon": "Aria harigan hakri, “Nyak douk nyakri nyak madae Krais uwe uwok aka, Ilaija aka, anudok debeini profet uwe, uwok. Namudok aria amiapen nyakripen ba nyenek baptaisum arpesh?”"} {"eng": "He was not the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light.", "aon": "Anan Jon douk madae atudok lait uwe, uwok. Aria Jon douk nanamori nukripesh baraen um anudok arman nape kabi lait morim um."} {"eng": "The true light that enlightens everyone was coming into the world.", "aon": "Anudok arman douk nape kabi adur atin tagruk iri lait morim douk nanamorim atap agudok nahobig um nutaurum ihish arpesh ta shudukem Iruhin iri."} {"eng": "and when they didn’t find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.", "aon": "Aria iganigadae ono armago douk wani apak masuhw ananin baraen magipeshen iri wenekop makitak yowiyokuk agundok ruhur atin wanak um wonugwehw hwape um aria madae utrun nukus numun wonugwehw um uwe. Aria owo wata watanamori aria wakripap wakri owo adur watik enesh enselahos aria shakripo iri shakri Jisas ta nakitak nape."} {"eng": "While they talked and questioned together, Jesus himself came near, and went with them.", "aon": "Amam haneyagwreh aria shopunek henek urkum hape hanarigum hanak. Aria Jisas anan kanak nanaki hurukatin aria nani amam hanak atin."} {"eng": "But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.", "aon": "Aria amam hatrun aria amam madae hudukeman hukri anan douk Jisas uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.", "aon": "Aria owo wakutukuk wonugwehw hwape um aria wanak wakripuk ananim 11-poreim disaipel hani ihishmorim shapeik iri um enyudok ihinyumorim owo watrin iri."} {"eng": "Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.", "aon": "Aria armago douk wanak wakripuk amam aposel um enyudok owo watrin iri douk oudok. Maria, douk kwanaki wabur Makdala iri kwani Joana iri Jems ananik amakek douk shopunek kwonahwaram Maria iri. Oudok biwotuk wani ono armago shopunek."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a man named Joseph, who was a member of the council, a good and righteous man", "aon": "Aria anan arman douk shahwaran um Josep iri nape. Anan douk yopini arman. Anan douk nanaki eshesh Juda esheshibur wabur shahwarabur um Arimatea iri. Aria anan douk anan kansol douk neir eshesh Juda esheshim debeimi iri."} {"eng": "(he had not consented to their counsel and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was also waiting for God’s Kingdom.", "aon": "Aria enyudok baraen amudok debeimi heyagwrehen um hakri hubo Jisas nugok um, anan douk madae nini amam nusuwen uwe. Anan nakri uwok. Aria anan apa nape natrugun um abudok nyutob um arpesh shuwish um agundok Iruhin nupe Debeini um ananish arpesh um."} {"eng": "But they were urgent with loud voices, asking that he might be crucified. Their voices and the voices of the chief priests prevailed.", "aon": "Aria eshesh shape shahwar debeg abom um shakri shunek nyilim Jisas um rowog kruse aria shon nugok. Eshesh shahwar arigaha aria esheshin baraen nyabouk Pailat ananin nyabuhuk."} {"eng": "Pilate decreed that what they asked for should be done.", "aon": "Namudok aria Pailat nakri wosik um shubo Jisas nugok kabi douk eshesh shakri um."} {"eng": "I will therefore chastise him and release him.”", "aon": "Douk namudok aria eik ta ikripam huprukan hukwu enesh eshudok meyoh aria wata ikweshihan nunak fri.”"} {"eng": "Now he had to release one prisoner to them at the feast.", "aon": "[Abudok nyutob eshesh douk shagipesh ahudok aih. Ihish kwarahos ahudok nyumnah hutogrum shunek Pasovaigun worigun um, Pailat ta nukweshih-umesh anan nonoweshik iri nutogrumeshi nupe fri.]"} {"eng": "Jesus said to the chief priests, captains of the temple, and elders, who had come against him, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?", "aon": "Aria Jisas narig amam debeimi pris hani amam heyoh Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat iri um amamim debeimi hani eshesh Juda esheshim debeimi douk hanakumori husuwan huran hunak iri. Anan narigam nakri, “Ipak pakri eik anan yoweini arman douk yenek onohw wanohw iri o, yakwuaruh iri um pasuhwi bainatog aria rowos um punaki purae um?"} {"eng": "When I was with you in the temple daily, you didn’t stretch out your hands against me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”", "aon": "Ihih nyumneh eik yani ipak mape numun narub Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat tataoum aria ipak madae pukri um puweme ipakis wis ba pusuwe uwe. Aria abudok nyutob douk ipakib nyutob abom um Satan nape arukwutigun atin aria dodogowin atun um nubo eik ibuhuk um.”"} {"eng": "The Lord said, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan asked to have all of you, that he might sift you as wheat,", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakri, “Saimon, Saimon! Nyak mnek! Iruhin nakripan wosik Satan um nukwiraeh ipak ihishmorim um punosiam um pukutukuk bilip kabi douk sheyogomuk ouguhit wit um."} {"eng": "but I prayed for you, that your faith wouldn’t fail. You, when once you have turned again, establish your brothers.”", "aon": "Aria Saimon, eik yenek beten yarig Iruhin um nataurumen um mare nyukutukuk nyakin bilip um eik, uwok. Aria abudok nyutob nyutanam nyugipesh eik obi, nyak wata nyutaurum nyakim ashukenyim owarhim douk hagipesh eik iri um hiyotu dodog.”"} {"eng": "They were glad, and agreed to give him money.", "aon": "Aria douk hemnek namudok aria amam hanadudareh hariguk abom. Aria amam habo baraen um hakri ta hukon anabor utabor."} {"eng": "He consented and sought an opportunity to deliver him to them in the absence of the multitude.", "aon": "Aria Judas nakri wosik um hukon anabor utabor um aria anan nape natrugun um anab yopubi nyutob um niyabigam Jisas hunak husuwan um. Anan nape natrugun um nakri nutik mare enesh arpesh shuni anan shupe aria anan nunak nukripam hunaki husuwan huran hunak."} {"eng": "Satan entered into Judas, who was also called Iscariot, who was counted with the twelve.", "aon": "Aria Satan nawish Judas Iskariot. Anan douk anan um amudok Jisas ananim 12-poreim disaipel."} {"eng": "He went away and talked with the chief priests and captains about how he might deliver him to them.", "aon": "Douk Satan nawishan aria nanak nani amam debeimi pris hani amam heyoh Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat iri amamim debeimi heyagwreh um huweshik Jisas um. Aria anan nakripam nakri wosik um niyabigam um Jisas nanak napeum aria amam hunak husuwan."} {"eng": "He said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them,", "aon": "Aria Jisas natruk namudok aria nakri, “Adur atin, eik yakripep. Okwudok anan nagok nakusopuk iri douk utabor wokok abom. Aria okwok kwanaki kwakwutu sabaibori utabor kweshagrakuk eshudok ihishmorim."} {"eng": "for all these put in gifts for God from their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had to live on.”", "aon": "Eshudok ihishmorim arpesh, douk sabaibori utabor bakusumeshuk aria sharauri karowibor meyoh shanaki shenek ofa. Aria okwudok armatok utabor wokok abom. Aria karowibor okwok kwaborabuk um kunator eshudok um douk kwanaki kwonek ofa kweyatabor kwoko Iruhin.”"} {"eng": "But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage.", "aon": "Aria eshudok arpesh douk Iruhin nakri wosik um wata shukitak iri wonugwegwiruh aria shunak shupe iruhw heven abom iri ta mare shunaraum atin uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For they can’t die any more, for they are like the angels and are children of God, being children of the resurrection.", "aon": "Eshesh ta shupe kabi douk ananish enselahos um aria ta mare shugok uwe, uwok. Eshesh shape Iruhin ananish batowish. Um maresh? Anan douk wata neshuhur shakitak iri."} {"eng": "They asked him, “Teacher, Moses wrote to us that if a man’s brother dies having a wife, and he is childless, his brother should take the wife and raise up children for his brother.", "aon": "Amam Sadyusi apa hakri shagok iri ta mare wata shukitaki uwok. Aria anam amudok Sadyusi hanaki Jisas napeum aria harigan hakri, “Debeini tisa, seiwok Moses nawem-mopuk enen baraen. Aria baraen douk nyakri namudok, ‘Aria anan arman nurao onok armatok aria okwok mare kwubuki enesh batowish, aria anan nugokuk um, ananin wanin ta nukwaur. Anan nukwaur um wata shubuki batowish um shubuh ashuken-umanig nuwag.’"} {"eng": "He began to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard and rented it out to some farmers, and went into another country for a long time.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripesh enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri, “Anan arman narib anag nubarig aria nawu wain. Douk nawon neyatagun aria nakrip kupaimi armam hanaki henek kontrak heyohog. Aria shuruwep wainip pukri burep obi nyutob, amam hunadi anabigipum aria anan hudiman anabigipum. Aria anan nakomaguk nubarig aria nanak um anabur rougunibur wabur nanak nape roubum nyutob."} {"eng": "At the proper season, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect his share of the fruit of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him away empty.", "aon": "Douk nape arigaha abudok nyutob um wainip shuruwep burep aria ta shudiyep um butogur. Aria anan neshopok anan arman douk nenekuman mour iri nanak um nukripam hudi iri enep shuruwep huko anan nusuwepamani. Douk nanak natogur aria amudok henek mour nubarig iri hakitak han aria wata heshopokan nanak wis wohis."} {"eng": "“What do you want me to do?” He said, “Lord, that I may see again.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nemnek namudok aria neyotu aria nakripesh nakri, “Arigah harokanari punaki agundok.” Aria douk sharani aria Jisas narigan nakri, “Nyak nyakri inekumen maresh?” Aria Anan nakrip Jisas nakri, “Debeini, eik yakri um ta inatrugun.”"} {"eng": "They will scourge and kill him. On the third day, he will rise again.”", "aon": "Eshesh ta shukam eik amudok douk madae hudukem Iruhin iri uwe. Aria amam ta hurae hububunime, hukwusehe aria ta huneke enenyenen. Aria amam ta hureye madururuh aria he igok. Aria douk hukri um biyeh atih nyumneh um, eik ta wata ikitaki ipe.”"} {"eng": "who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the world to come, eternal life.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripam nakri, “Adur atin eik yakripep amudok armam douk amamip urkwip porum hukri Iruhin nupe debeini um amam um abrudok wabur arpesh shuwish um Iruhin nupe Debeini um aria douk hukutukuk amamirub warub o amamiyu armago o ashukenyish owashish o amakenyish o batowish iri, Iruhin ta nunekumam enyudok. Douk abudok amnab Iruhin ta nukom sabaishi eshudok shishagrakuk eshudok douk amam hakutishukuk iri. Aria kweipon shopunek, amam ta hupe wosik abom ihih nyumneh.”"} {"eng": "“Two men went up into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector.", "aon": "Enesh arpesh douk shakri eshesh atish douk shugipesh lo atin iri arpesh shapeum shenek yopihi aih atih iri aria shakri ihishmorim kupaishi douk yoweishi. Douk namudok aria Jisas nakripesh enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri, “Biom armam hato um Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat um hunek beten. Anan Farisi aria anan narao takis iri."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "aon": "Aria bio armago ta upe unek plaua um uweh bret um. Aria onok ta inaraok aria onok ta kwupeik."} {"eng": "There will be two grinding grain together. One will be taken and the other will be left.”", "aon": "[Aria biom armam ta hiyotu nubarig. Aria anan ta inaran, aria anan ta niyotuguk.]”"} {"eng": "Likewise, even as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;", "aon": "“Aria shopunek, abudok nyutob seiwok Lot nape obi nyutob douk shenekesh namudok atin. Shapeum shawok worigun, shawok abar, shator eshudok eneshenesh, shenek salim um eshudok eneshenesh, shau eneshenesh nubarig, aria shanarok urusag."} {"eng": "but in the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the sky and destroyed them all.", "aon": "Aria douk arigaha ahudok nyumnah Lot nakutukuk wabur Sodom nanakuk aria Iruhin nenek nyih iri juwehosibori utabor salfa shagruk iri iruhw utag. Eshesh shagruki kabi douk eshah hormori aria shabuhi shabo ihishmorim arpesh shagok shatuh."} {"eng": "As it was in the days of Noah, even so it will also be in the days of the Son of Man.", "aon": "“Eneheneh aih douk shenekeh abudok nyutob seiwok Noa nape obi nyutob, ehudokmori atin ta shenekeh abudok nyutob hurukatin um eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri ta itanamori obi nyutob."} {"eng": "They ate, they drank, they married, and they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ship, and the flood came and destroyed them all.", "aon": "Ihishmorim arpesh shapeum shawok worigun aria abar iri, aria armam armago shanaraum. Eshesh shape shenekesh namudok arigaha ahudok nyumnah Noa nawish korohuk aria abar babo ihishmorim arpesh beyateshuk."} {"eng": "One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying God with a loud voice.", "aon": "Aria anan natik um anan wata yopun aria anan wata natanam nanak aria nahawar debeg atin nape natuk Iruhin ananin nyeigur nyato iruhw."} {"eng": "He fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks; and he was a Samaritan.", "aon": "Aria nanak nabuh noduk yomag nakus atap hurukatin um Jisas neyotu um aria nenek tenkyuman. Anudok arman, anan douk anan um eshesh Samaria."} {"eng": "They lifted up their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”", "aon": "Aria douk nanak arigas um nunak nuwish anabur wabur aria 10-poreim armam arugeh lepra hapenyam iri hanaki haparugan. Aria amam wata heyoturi rougun aria hahwarari debeg hakri, “Jisas, Debeini, nyak nyukri nyenek gihaum apak!”"} {"eng": "I will get up and go to my father, and will tell him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria nyunekesh, eik wata itanam inak um eikin yain. Aria eik ta ikripan ikri, “Yain, eik yenek yoweishi inahos um Iruhin nani nyak."} {"eng": "I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.”’", "aon": "Aria douk eik madae yopuwe iri abom um nyak nyuhware nyakin nuganin um, uwe. Aria nyak nyusap eik ipe shakamum nyak inekumen mour meyoh.” ’"} {"eng": "“Which of you men, if you had one hundred sheep and lost one of them, wouldn’t leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one that was lost, until he found it?", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripesh enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri “Aria ipak anan nagrem 100-poreish sipsipahos aria enen nyunak nyuwishuk akure, anan ta nunek maresh? Anan ta nukutukuk eshudok 99-poreish shiyotuguk shupe shuwokuk utoruh anagun aria anan ta nunak nupe nurium enyudok atin sipsip arigaha nunak nuparugen."} {"eng": "“If anyone comes to me, and doesn’t disregard his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he can’t be my disciple.", "aon": "Douk sabaishi arpesh shani Jisas shanak aria anan natanam natrish aria nakripesh nakri, “Aria enen arpen nyukri nyunaki nyugipesh eik, aria enyen urkum munawasham abom um enyenyin yaken nini amakek, shuni enyenyik irohukwik kwuni enyenyish batowish, shuni enyenyish ashukenyish owashish shuni enyen kanak, aria eik enyen urkum munawasham karoiwe atuwe um eik iri, enyen ta mare wosik nyugipesh eik uwe, uwok. Enyen nyukri nyugipesh eik um, enyen urkum ta munawashame abom."} {"eng": "“When you are invited by anyone to a wedding feast, don’t sit in the best seat, since perhaps someone more honorable than you might be invited by him,", "aon": "Douk Jisas natik amudok armam douk hanakum agundok worigun iri hanaki, aria amam hakri hupe shakus sharik iri atish wagiturahos. Aria anan nakripesh enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri, “Aria enen arpen nyuhwarenyum nyunak um anagun worigun douk shenekagun um biyesh shanaraum, um nyak nyunak aria mare nyunak nyupe nyurik uwe, uwok. Um maresh? Ta anudok douk nahwarenyum nyunak um agundok worigun iri nuhwari anan douk ananin nyeigur nyatouman-uguk um nyak iri shopunek."} {"eng": "Behold, a certain man who had dropsy was in front of him.", "aon": "Anah nyumnah Sabat eshesh Juda mour uwok shape meyoh ahi, Jisas nanak um nuwok worigun anan debeini um amam Farisi iri ananit urupat. Aria agundok anan yegenyihw hwanugokan-ari nape hurukatin um Jisas. Douk namudok aria amam hape hatrun duk um hakri kadak nukri nugabe anudok arman um."} {"eng": "“Strive to enter in by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter in and will not be able.", "aon": "Aria agundok enen arpen nyarigan nyakri, “Debeini, Iruhin ta nunarao atin atin arpesh shutanamori shupe wosik abom aka, uwok?” Aria Jisas nakripesh nakri, “Ipak ta dodogowip atip aria puwish atudok shokwuti wit. Eik yakripep namudok um maresh, sabaishi arpesh ta shukri shuwish atudok shokwuti wit aria eshesh ta shubirak shutik uwok."} {"eng": "He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath day.", "aon": "Anah nyumnah Sabat, Jisas nanak nawish nape nakripesh Iruhin ananin baraen anat eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-atari urupat."} {"eng": "Behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years. She was bent over and could in no way straighten herself up.", "aon": "Aria agundok onok armatok douk enen sagab nyapenyok 18-poreish kwarahos iri kwani eshesh kwape. Okwok douk enyudok yoweinyi sagab nyapenyok aria nyenegok bukaruk atin. Okwok kwabirak aria madae kwukitak kwiyotu iruhw uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "“Let your waist be dressed and your lamps burning.", "aon": "“Ipak punadaresh rupeh pihunug baneh aria punotug letog um pupe punek redi um punek mour. Aria pishir ipakish lamhos aria punek redi pupe putrugun um punek mour."} {"eng": "Be like men watching for their lord when he returns from the wedding feast, that when he comes and knocks, they may immediately open to him.", "aon": "Ipak pupe putrugun kabi douk eshudok shenek mour iri shenek gibegabe shape shatrugun um esheshin debeini um. Anan douk nanak natrish um anagun worigun douk shenekagun um biyesh douk ta shanaraum um iri aria anan ta wata nutanamori. Eshesh shape shatrugun um kadak anan nukri nunaki nubo wit, aria ahudok atuh eshesh shikitak shijikagun-uman."} {"eng": "from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zachariah, who perished between the altar and the sanctuary.’ Yes, I tell you, it will be required of this generation.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ipak doukipari aria douk baraen nyapenyep um eshudok yoweishi inahos seiwok ipakim popehem yamehem hape henekesh hanaki iri. Seiwok baugos um Iruhin nenek agundok atap, amam habo ihim morim profet hanaki arigaha hatograri douk. Enyudok douk seiwok ipakin yamenen Ken neneken um nabo ananin wanin Abel nagok um nyanaki arigaha abudok nyutob amam habo Sekaraia nagiguk um. Sekaraia neyotu orokohun um alta nyani Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat aria amam han. Aria ipak penekeh iri aih douk heyabig arpesh um ipak douk panadudareh um enyudok ipakim popehem yamehem heneken iri. Aria Iruhin nakri ipak ta pusah ihibusmorim abusdok bugabus ipakim popehem yamehem amamibus."} {"eng": "When the multitudes were gathering together to him, he began to say, “This is an evil generation. It seeks after a sign. No sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet.", "aon": "Douk enesh sabaishi arpesh shopunek shanaki shantorum shape aria Jisas nakripesh nakri, “Ipak doukish arpesh douk yoweishi arpesh! Ipak pakri putik enen mour Iruhin atun neneken iri, aria eik ta mare iyabigep enen uwe, uwok. Eik ta iyabigep enyudok Jona ananin atin."} {"eng": "For even as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so the Son of Man will also be to this generation.", "aon": "Seiwok Iruhin neshopok Jona nanak Ninive nakripesh Iruhin ananin baraen aria shape Ninive iri shakeshuk agabus yoweishi inahos aria shatanam shakon aparuh Iruhin. Aria eik shopunek ta ikripep namudok atin. Douk namudok aria eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri ta ipe kabi douk enen kak um ipak doukipari."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Which of you, if you go to a friend at midnight and tell him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakrip ananim disaipel enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri, “Douk ipak anan nunam ananin arpenyin ananit urupat orokohunib um wab aria nukri, ‘Arpenyin, eik yakri nyuke 3-poreit bret."} {"eng": "for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing to set before him,’", "aon": "Um maresh? Anan eikin arpenyin douk atin nanaki natogurum eik aria eik worigun uwok um ibiroman!’"} {"eng": "‘Even the dust from your city that clings to us, we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that God’s Kingdom has come near to you.’", "aon": "“Aria ta punak anabur wabur aria arpesh shape abrudok iri shukepaguk agabus um, ipak punak piyotu yah aria pukri, ‘Okwudok nyupruk apak meshishok ipakibur wabur iri okwudok wata magudupeshuk kwakusumep-ukuk. Apak menekesh namudok um ipak putrup aria ipak urkwip purum enyudok. Nyutob douk banaki hurukatin um arpesh shuwish agundok Iruhin nupe Debeini um ananish arpesh shupe um.’"} {"eng": "For the Son of Man didn’t come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” They went to another village.", "aon": "Aria Jisas natanam naham aria amam wata hanam kupaiburi wabur."} {"eng": "As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became white and dazzling.", "aon": "Aria douk anan nape nenek beten aria ananig yomag gatogur anahaeh abom. Aria ananih rupeh hatogur shigorihwih abom aria hatrugun kabi douk utag brereyarog ba gatrugun um."} {"eng": "Behold, two men were talking with him, who were Moses and Elijah,", "aon": "Aria ahudok atuh biom armam hatogur heyotu hani anan hape heyagwreh. Amam douk Moses nani Elaija."} {"eng": "who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.", "aon": "Amam shopunek douk hatrugun abom aria heyotu hani Jisas hape heyagwreh um agundok ta anan niyatok enyudok mour Iruhin neshopokan nanakumori nuneken iri um nugok Jerusalem um."} {"eng": "Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, but when they were fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men who stood with him.", "aon": "Aria Pita nani amudok anam biom arpeshim hape yobus sam dodog amaenyim atum aria heshuh hagok. Aria amam wata hakitak hatik agundok Jisas dodogowin aria natrugun abom um nani amudok biom douk hani anan heyotu iri."} {"eng": "For Jesus was commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For the unclean spirit had often seized the man. He was kept under guard and bound with chains and fetters. Breaking the bonds apart, he was driven by the demon into the desert.", "aon": "Agundok anan abrudok waburin douk yoweishi sagabehos shapenyan aria shenekan nagugak iri nape. Sabaihi nyumneh eshudok sagabehos shasuwan dodog anudok arman. Aria roubum nyutob anan madae nuwah rupeh uwe, uwok aria urupat madae nupeyat uwe. Aria arpesh apa shatrun ihih nyumneh aria shasuwan shape shakwu senab shaweshik ananish roguhw aiyas. Eshesh shaweshikan aria anan naprukesh abudok senab aria eshudok sagabehos sharan sharuwok shanak wehigunum arpesh uwok um. Anan nanak nape ganik wonugwegwiruh-igunum arpesh wokum. Douk amam hanak hatogur aria Jisas nabuh nakih neyotu anagas aria anudok sagabehos shapenyanari nanaki natogruman. Aria natik Jisas aria nohwar debeg aria nanak nabuh nakus atap hurukatin um Jisas ananiruh yeriweruh. Aria nahwar debeg nakri, “Jisas, Debeini Iruhin ananin Nuganin! Nyak nyakri nyuneke mumam eik? Eik dodogoiwe yakripenyum yakri nyak mare nyuneke irao debeiri eriger.” Anan nakripan namudok Jisas um maresh, Jisas douk madae roubi naho eshudok sagabehos um shukutun-ukuk shutogur shuruwok."} {"eng": "“The farmer went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell along the road, and it was trampled under foot, and the birds of the sky devoured it.", "aon": "Douk eshesh shanak aria sabaishi arpesh abom shanaki sabairubi warub iri shape shanaki um shakri shutik Jisas. Douk arigaha sabaishi shanaki sheyotu aria Jisas nakripesh enyudok wobuwobren baraen nakri, “Anan arman nanak nawashak wit ananig um nubarig. Anan nawashat aria anat tabuh takus yah, aria arpesh sharahaen shoshishat aria armiguhw hwabuh hwatuhur hwatoh."} {"eng": "and certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary who was called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;", "aon": "Amam hani ono armago shopunek douk riguk Jisas nahiyah-umokuk yoweishi sagabehos shani arugeh douk hapenyo iri shanaman shanak. Oudok armago onok douk Maria douk kwanaki wabur Makdala iri. Okwok douk seiwok Jisas nahiyah-umokuk eshudok 7-poresh yoweishi sagabehos shapenyok iri shatogur sharuwokuk iri."} {"eng": "and Joanna, the wife of Chuzas, Herod’s steward; Susanna; and many others who served them from their possessions.", "aon": "Aria onok douk Joana douk okwokwin raminen nanahwaram Susa iri. Anan douk nenek mour Herot ananit urupat. Owo wani Susana kwani sabaiwari armago shopunek wagipeshan. Aria owo apa wataurumam nani ananim disaipel um wokam anabor owowibor utabor bani anagun worigun."} {"eng": "John, calling to himself two of his disciples, sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for another?”", "aon": "Douk Jon ananim disaipel hakrip Jon um enyudok Jisas nape neneken iri aria anan nahwar biom hanaki aria neshopokam hanak. Amam hanakum horik Debeini hukri, “Douk Iruhin ta nishopokan nunaki iri douk nyak aka, uwok. Ta mupe mutrugun um kupaini?”"} {"eng": "for he loves our nation, and he built our synagogue for us.”", "aon": "Douk neshopokam hanak hatogur um Jisas aria harigan debeg abom hakri, “Anudok debeini soldia douk yopuyopuni abom. Douk namudok aria nyak nyunak nyutauruman. Anan douk urkum makri apak ihishmorim Juda abom aria anan kanak nakop utabor aria marok apakit urupat mape meyagwreh baraen-atari.”"} {"eng": "and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be catching people alive.”", "aon": "Aria Saimon douk kupainyi nyeigur um nanahwar Pita nani anam ananim biom douk Jems aria Jon amudok Sebedi ananim nugamim, hatik ogwuhwudok sabaiguhwi eiguhw amam hatukoguhw iri aria amam hakitak yowiyokuk aria hanogugur. Aria Saimon natik namudok aria nabuh noduk ohrubus hurukatin um Jisas aria nakripan nakri, “Debeini, nyak nyukutukuk eik aria nyunak! Um maresh? Eik yenek eneshenesh yoweishi inahos iri!” Aria Jisas nakripan nakri, “Saimon, nyak mare nyunogugur. Um maresh? Douk arigaha kweipon, nyak ta nyupe nyurao arpesh shunaki shugipesh eik.”"} {"eng": "saying, “Ah! what have we to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God!”", "aon": "Aria numun eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-ati urupat, anan arman enen yoweinyi sagab nyapenyan iri arman nape. Aria anan nakitak nahwar debeg nakri, “A! Jisas douk nyanaki wabur Nasaret iri, nyak nyanamori nyunekap mumam apak? Nyak nyakrium nyop nyununup, aka? Eik douk yadukem nyak. Nyak douk Iruhin ananin yopuyopunari arman nyarauri ananin baraen iri.”"} {"eng": "But truly I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land.", "aon": "Adur atin eik yakripep. Seiwok abudok nyutob Ilaija nape profet obi, sabaiwari armago douk armam hagok aria howosopuk iri wape Israel. Aria abudok nyutob eshah madae anah hurauri um 3-poreish kwarahos aria 6-poreib aub shopunek. Aria debeirubi nyurub baesh um ihirub warub."} {"eng": "Elijah was sent to none of them, except to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.", "aon": "Aria Iruhin madae neshopok Elaija nunak nutaurum onok Israel douk armam hagok ba hokusapukuk iri uwe, uwok. Iruhin douk neshopok anan nanak nataurum onok armatok douk anan nagok nakusopukuk iri douk kwape kupaiburi wabur shahwarabur um Sarefat iri. Abrudok wabur Sarefat douk bape shokugi nahobig Saidon."} {"eng": "“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim release to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, to deliver those who are crushed,", "aon": "Aria habuk onok buk douk shadareshok aria shaweshigok iri. Okwok douk profet Aisaia nenyemok iri. Aria anan napukok aria naparug enen baraen nyakri namudok, “Debeini ananin Mishin nyawishe aria nyapenye. Um maresh? Anan nagraehe neshopoke yanaki um ikripesh yopinyi baraen um yaruhish arpesh iri. Aria douk neshopoke yanamori ikripesh enyudok baraen, ‘Ipak douk horim howeshikep pape shunuweshik-ati urupat iri wata putogur pupe wosik atin. Ipak nabes seshukepi wata putrugun. Aria ikripesh um eshudok arpesh douk kupaishi shekesh amaen iri wata shupe wosik ba shunadudareh."} {"eng": "and when they had fulfilled the days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. Joseph and his mother didn’t know it,", "aon": "Aria douk arigaha nyumneh shenek agundok worigun um hatuh aria eshesh wata shatanam um wabur. Douk eshesh shanak, aria nuganin Jisas napeik Jerusalem. Ananish amakenyish shopunek madae shudukemesh um agundok anan napemaguk uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day’s journey; and they looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances.", "aon": "Eshesh shakri anan ta nani eshudok enesh arpesh shanak. Namudok aria eshesh shanak anah nyumnah shuknih aria eshesh wata shape shauriman. Eshesh sharig esheshis wanaruh eshudok douk shape atugunum iri."} {"eng": "There was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (she was of a great age, having lived with a husband seven years from her virginity,", "aon": "Aria agundok onok armatok kwenenem profet iri shopunek kwape. Okwokwin nyeigur Ana, aria okwokwin yaken douk shahwaranum Fanuel. Eshesh douk apudok awiropish douk shahwarop um Asa iri. Aria okwok douk ruwogik abom. Okwok douk kwani anan shanaraum shape 7-poreish kwarahos meyoh."} {"eng": "and she had been a widow for about eighty-four years), who didn’t depart from the temple, worshiping with fastings and petitions night and day.", "aon": "Aria eshesh shape aria anan nagokuk aria okwok kwape meyoh um, okwok kwape 84-poreish kwarahos. Aria okwok madae kukutukuk atin Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat uwe, uwok. Nyumnah wab kwape um kwenek lotu um Iruhin aria kwenek beten atin. Anabik um, okwok kwoshakwur um worigun aria kwape um kwenek beten atin."} {"eng": "Coming up at that very hour, she gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to all those who were looking for redemption in Jerusalem.", "aon": "Aria abudok banab atub nyutob, okwok shopunek kwanaki hurukatin aria kwenek tenkyu um Iruhin. Aria kwape kwakripesh baraen um anudok nuganin Jisas ihishmorim arpesh douk shape shatrugun-uman Iruhin wata nunaki nukweshih arpesh shape Jerusalem iri douk shape shakamum kupaishi iri shutogur wosik atin um."} {"eng": "for my eyes have seen your salvation,", "aon": "Um maresh? Eik yatrun eikis nabes anudok nyakin arman douk nyagraehan nanakumori nunek enyudok mour um nunarao arpesh shupe wosik um."} {"eng": "which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;", "aon": "Nyak douk nyeneken ihishmorim arpesh shapeum aria shatrin."} {"eng": "a light for revelation to the nations, and the glory of your people Israel.”", "aon": "Aria anan douk kabi anat lait um tiyabigesh yah eshudok douk madae shudukem Iruhin iri uwe um shugipeshah. Aria ta nunek nyakish arpesh eshesh Israel shurao debeinyi nyeigur.”"} {"eng": "For there is born to you today, in David’s city, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.", "aon": "Ahudok nyumnah onok armatok kwabuki anan armanin batowin. Okwok kwanabuki Devit ananibur wabur Betlehem. Anan douk Debeini arman Krais douk Iruhin nagraehan neshopokan nanakumori nunarao arpesh iri."} {"eng": "This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough.”", "aon": "Aria ipak ta putrun aria pudukeman namudok. Ipak ta putik enen armanin batowin amakek kweshrehen rupeh aria kwonyor nyor anas bokis douk sheremesh worigun bulmakauhos shagnohasi.”"} {"eng": "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David’s city, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob, Josep nape wabur Nasaret douk bape shokugi nahobig Galili iri aria nakitak nanak um Betlehem douk bape shokugi nahobig Judia iri. Naburdok douk seiwok shobuki King Devit aburi. Aria Josep douk nanak um Betlehem um maresh? Anan douk nakitak agundok King Devit ananip awirop."} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "aon": "Anan nani ananik irohukwik Maria shanak um shuwem esheshish nyeiguhw. Aria abudok nyutob, Maria douk kwanarahaen."} {"eng": "Now in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob Maria kwanarahaen obi nyutob, Sisar Ogastas nenek enen lo nyanak um ihirubmorim warub. Anan nakri ihishmorim arpesh shape abudok debeibi amnab Rom esheshib iri ta shunaki shurao esheshish nyeiguhw shushem bumeb."} {"eng": "This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob douk sagomatinyib nyutob um shurao nyeiguhw um. Aria Kwirinius douk nape debeini um gavman um shokugi nahobig Siria."} {"eng": "All went to enroll themselves, everyone to his own city.", "aon": "Namudok aria ihishmorim arpesh shanak um esheshirub debeirubi warub sisiguk atin um shuwem esheshish nyeiguhw. Eshesh shanak um debeirubi warub douk seiwok esheshish popehesh yamehesh shapenyarubi."} {"eng": "because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the dawn from on high will visit us,", "aon": "Apakin Iruhin ta nunek enyudok um maresh, anan douk yopuyopunum apak abom aria nenek gihaumap. Aria anan ta nuneki lait douk tabuhi kabi aun nakihumori gani iruhw heven tubuhi tuwishap."} {"eng": "to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”", "aon": "Atat ta tubuhmori eshudok arpesh douk shape arukwutigun aria hurukatin um shugok iri aria eshesh ta wata shunatrugun. Anan ta nutaurumap mugipesh ahudok yopuhi yah um mupe wosik aria aparuh hur wosik um.”"} {"eng": "He has given help to Israel, his servant, that he might remember mercy,", "aon": "Ananim urkum douk wata morum enyudok adurin atinyi baraen douk seiwok nakripaguk apakish yamehesh-enyi. Aria nanaki um nutaurum ananish arpesh eshesh Israel douk shasuhw ananin mour iri."} {"eng": "as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever.”", "aon": "Aria anan urkum morum nunek yopunyi um Abraham nini ananish batowish iri popehesh yamehesh douk shugiguk shutograri iri aria nenek gihaumesh namudok atin ihih nyumneh.”"} {"eng": "Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah,", "aon": "Enyudok ensel nyanak nyeyagwrehuk um jurug, aria kwape arigaha douk anah nyumneh hanak hadiguk, aria Maria kwanagabe eshudok aria arigas kwaikitak kwatoum yadururuh kwanak. Okwok kwanak um anabur wabur douk bape shokugi nahobig Judia iri."} {"eng": "and entered into the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.", "aon": "Okwok kwanak kwatogur kwawish Sekaraia ananit urupat aria kwonekumok yopuhi nyumnah Elisabet."} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "aon": "Aria anan ta nutogur debeini arman. Aria ta shuhwaran Debeini Iruhin abom douk nariguk ihish arpesh shani eneshenesh eshudok shabuhuk iri um ananin Nuganin. Debeini Iruhin ta nunekan nutogur king kabi douk ananin babuken Devit um."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "aon": "Aria ihih nyumneh anan ta nupe deben um Jekop ananish popehesh yamehesh. Anan ta nupe Debeini um ananish arpesh namudok atin ihih nyumneh.”"} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "aon": "Arigaha aria anah nyumnah douk Sekaraia nani ananip awirop amam pris amamih nyumneh um hunek mour numun Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat um hatogur. Aria amam henek enesh eshudok hagipesh ehudok amamih aih um hudukemesh um ta meini pris nurik nuwish nunek ofa um eshudok nuko Iruhin. Aria ahudok nyumnah, Sekaraia nenek uhwin um nuwish Debeini ananit debeiti urupat um nuweh eshudok sheisik wosik iri um nunek ofa nuko Iruhin um enyudok alta. Amam henekesh namudok aria anan nawish numun Debeini ananit debeiti urupat. Aria Sekaraia neyotu numun nape nuweh eshudok nenek ofamesh nako Iruhin aria Iruhin nape natrun."} {"eng": "She went and told those who had been with him, as they mourned and wept.", "aon": "Douk kwatrun-uguk aria okwok kwanak kwatogur um ananim disaipel aria kwatrum um amamiruh aparuh douk yoweruh aria hape hereh. Aria okwok kwakripam um okwok kwatik Jisas wata nakitak napeum."} {"eng": "When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they disbelieved.", "aon": "Aria amam hemnegok aria madae hunek bilip uwe. Amam hakri okwok kwenek rohw."} {"eng": "They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”", "aon": "Aria owo wata wape wanak yah aria wanayagwreh wakri, “Ta omi nyutotigasuk utom douk magah wonugwehw iri?”"} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "aon": "Aria owo wanak hurukatin aria wakri utrugunu aria watiku amudok takweimi utom douk magah wonugwehw iri douk madae anam mutao uwe. Amam douk matatigos manak makusuk anagas."} {"eng": "Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead; and summoning the centurion, he asked him whether he had been dead long.", "aon": "Aria douk Pailat nemnek namudok aria anan nakitak yowiyokuk abom um agundok Jisas nagok arigas abom um. Aria anan nahwar amam soldia amamin debeini nanaki aria narigan nakri, “Adur, Jisas nagok aka, watak?”"} {"eng": "When he found out from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.", "aon": "Aria anan nakrip Pailat um Jisas douk adur nagok. Douk namudok aria Pailat nakrip Josep um nubreyan nunak aria nuruman."} {"eng": "Joseph of Arimathaea, a prominent council member who also himself was looking for God’s Kingdom, came. He boldly went in to Pilate, and asked for Jesus’ body.", "aon": "Aria ahudok nyumnah shabo Jisas ahi, eshesh shape shenek esheshigun worigun aria mahish um ruwahepih Sabat shishoh iri. Aria ahudok atuh nyumnah arigaha wabigep, aria Josep douk nanaki wabur Arimatea iri nanaki. Anan douk anan um eshesh Juda esheshin debeini kaunsol douk nyeigur nyato-uman iri. Aria anan shopunek apa nape natrugun um abudok nyutob arpesh shuwish um agundok Iruhin nupe Debeini um ananish arpesh um. Aria Josep madae nunogugur uwe, uwok. Anan nanak um Pailat napeum aria narigan um anan nunak nubre Jisas nunak nuruman."} {"eng": "When the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.", "aon": "Douk aun nakihi arigaha 12 kilok aria wab babuhi. Aria ihirub-morim eshesh Juda esheshirub warub betem arukwutigun um atin. Agagun arukwutigun nape namudok arigaha wabigep 3 kilok aria wah wata hatao aria arisigun."} {"eng": "At the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”", "aon": "Aria wabigep 3 kilok, Jisas nahwar debeg um esheshin baraen nakri, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabaktani?” Baugenyum um enyudok baraen douk nyakri, “Eikin Iruhin, eikin Iruhin, nyak nyakutukuk eik um maresh?”"} {"eng": "With him they crucified two robbers, one on his right hand, and one on his left.", "aon": "Aria agundok amam henek nyilim Jisas neir orokohun aria biom hakwuaruh iri heir wobuwobur hurukatin um anan."} {"eng": "The Scripture was fulfilled which says, “He was counted with transgressors.”", "aon": "[Amam douk henek nyiluman nani amudok hakwuaruh iri aria henek enyudok baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyatogur adurin. Baraen douk enyudok, “Eshesh shatrun kabi douk nabrig lo iri um.”]"} {"eng": "Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”", "aon": "Aria douk eshesh sharigan namudok aria Pailat narigesh nakri, “Ipak pakri ikweshih eshesh Juda esheshin king nunak fri o pakri meini?”"} {"eng": "For he perceived that for envy the chief priests had delivered him up.", "aon": "Pailat douk nakri namudok um maresh, anan douk nadukemesh abom um amam pris amamim debeimi douk henek nyigiya um Jisas. Amam hatik sabaishi arpesh shagipesh anan atun aria amam nyirub juwehosirub aturub aria douk harawan hanak henekuman kwot um Pailat."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "aon": "Aria amam debeimi pris hohur sabaishi arpesh esheshiruh aparuh aria eshesh nyirub juwehos-irub abom um Jisas. Aria eshesh sharig Pailat um nukweshih Barabas nunak fri."} {"eng": "As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,", "aon": "Aria onok armatok kwonekuman mour anudok debeini pris abom iri kwanaki aria kwatik Pita nape atap narub um anudok debeini pris ananit urupat."} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "aon": "Okwok kwatrun um napeum nyih. Aria okwok kwatrun duk aria kwarigan kwakri, “Nubokuhi eik yatrin nyani Jisas douk nanaki wabur Nasaret iri pape.”"} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "aon": "Aria anudok debeini pris abom nemnek namudok aria anan nyibur juwehosibur abom aria nabrig ananih rupeh. Aria nakripam nakri, “Apak mare wata muhwar enesh shopunek arpesh um shunaki shukripap um enesh yoweishi inahos anan nenekesh iri uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "aon": "Apak douk iganigadae memnek ananin baraen. Anan douk nabubunim um Iruhin aria ipak pakri mumam?” Aria amam ihim-morim hakri anan nenek yoweishi inahos aria amam ta hon nugok."} {"eng": "They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.", "aon": "Aria amam howeshik Jisas haran hanakum debeini pris ananit urupat. Aria amam ihim-morim debeimi pris hani amudok douk henek skulumesh um lo iri hani amam debeimi Juda shopunek hanak hape atudok urupat."} {"eng": "Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.", "aon": "Aria Pita nagipesh Jisas nanak aria anan nagiguk atin. Douk nanak natogur aria nawish narub um anudok debeini pris ananit urupat aria natik amudok douk heyoh Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat iri hautig nyih aria hapeimeh. Aria Pita shopunek nanak nanamam napeum nyih um hiyakan."} {"eng": "but he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked.", "aon": "Douk amam howeshik Jisas haran harik hanak aria anan weroroini nanawashok shigorihwihi rupah atuh iri nagim Jisas nanak. Anan nagiman nanak aria amam hakri husuwan huweshikan aria ananih rupah hatukweshih hakusuk aria anan naruwok nanak meyoh."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?", "aon": "Aria Jisas narigam nakri, “Ipak pasuhwi bainatog aria rowos um punaki pusuwe puweshike kabi douk eik yakwuaruh iri, aka?"} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "aon": "Ihih nyumneh eik yani ipak mape atugun aria yape yakripesh baraen numun narub um Iruhin ananit debeiti urupat tataoum aria ipak madae pusuwe puweshike uwe. Aria douk ipak ta punek enyudok baraen douk nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyutogur adurin.”"} {"eng": "Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.”", "aon": "Aria amam hakitak hanak yah aria Judas nakrip Jisas ananim horim nakri, “Anudok douk kadak putik um eik inak isuwan inapuprikan iri, anudok douk Jisas. Aria ipak punak pusuwan puweshikan dodog aria puran punak.”"} {"eng": "When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.", "aon": "Aria Judas nanak natogurum Jisas atin aria nakri, “Debeini tisa!” Aria nanak nanapuprikan."} {"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "aon": "Aria Jisas wata shopunek natanam nanak nenek biyeh atih um nanak nenek beten narig Iruhin. Douk anan nenek beten jurug aria watak natanam nanak natogrumam aria nakripam nakri, “Ipak peshuh pape meyoh um douk jurug! Ipak kitak! Nyutob douk banaki, aria douk anan ta niyabig yowemi douk henek yoweishi inahos atin iri um Eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri. Aria amam ta hunaki husuwe huweshike."} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "aon": "Aria kitak munak. Tik anudok douk ta niyabig eikim horim um eik iri anudok nanaki.”"} {"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "aon": "Aria natanam nanak madae rougun abom uwe aria nabuh nakus ananin domaen nyatik atap aria nenek beten narig Iruhin. Anan narigan um nukri kadak mumam um aria Iruhin wosik nukutukuk enyudok amaen um mare nyutogur-uman."} {"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nenek beten nakri, “O Aba eikin Yain nyak douk dodogowini abom iri nyasuhw iruhw atap iri. Eik yakri nyak mare nyukutukuk enyudok amaen ta nyutogrome iri uwe, uwok. Aria nyak mare nyugipesh eikim urkum uwe, uwok. Nyak nyugipesh nyakim atum urkum.”"} {"eng": "It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by deception and kill him.", "aon": "Eheh douk biyeh shopunek nyumneh watak hapeum shunek agundok debeiguni Pasovaigun worigun aria shuwok bret douk shushaiteh aria madae tukitak debeiti iri uwe. Aria amam debeimi pris hani amam henek skulumesh um lo iri henek rohw um rihirahaen hanak hape haurim Jisas. Amam hauriman hanakum hakri anan atun nunak nupe anagun um, amam husuwan aria hunak hon nugok."} {"eng": "For they said, “Not during the feast, because there might be a riot among the people.”", "aon": "Aria amam wata hakri, “Uwok, apak mare muweshikan abudok nyutob shunek worigun obi nyutob. Um maresh? Ta armam armago shutik namudok aria shuhuri wanohw aria shop.”"} {"eng": "Watch therefore, for you don’t know when the lord of the house is coming—whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;", "aon": "“Douk namudok aria ipak ta gamo pudukemesh aria pupe putrugun. Um maresh? Ipak madae pudukem abudok nyutob douk ta urupatinari nutanamori obi nyutob uwe. Anan ta nunaki wabigun o orokohunib um wab o nunaki owotog gwakitak um o nunaki ruwahep. Ipak madae pudukemesh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "lest, coming suddenly, he might find you sleeping.", "aon": "Ta wosik atin anan nunaki ahudok atuh aria nutrip um ipak pishuh. Aria uwok, ipak ta pupe putrugun-uman."} {"eng": "Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ don’t believe it.", "aon": "Aria ta abudok nyutob enesh arpesh shunaki aria shukripep shukri, ‘Ipak tik, Krais douk Iruhin nagraehan neshopokan nanaki iri anudok nape agundok o nani nape ganik um, ipak mare punek bilipumesh uwe, uwok.’"} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "aon": "Sabaimi armam atun atun ta hunaki hunek rohwumep hukri, ‘Eik Krais.’ Aria anam ta hunaki hunek rohwumep aria amam atun atun ta hukri, ‘Eik anan profet.’ Aria amam ta hunek enenyenen Iruhin atun neneken iri mour. Amam ta hunekesh namudok um hukri hunek rohw um Iruhin nanagraehesh iri arpesh um shukri adur amam Iruhin nataurumam iri. Aria ta amam dodogowim akure, amam ta hunek rohwumesh. Aria ta uwok."} {"eng": "He called his disciples to himself and said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, this poor widow gave more than all those who are giving into the treasury,", "aon": "Aria Jisas nahwar ananim disaipel hanaki aria nakripam nakri, “Adur atin, eik yakripep, okwudok arman nagok nakwusopuk iri armatok okwokwibor karowibor biobor utabor, douk kwanaki kwakwutubor bokis iri douk sabaibori abom. Ababor douk beshagrakuk abom abrudok sabaibori utabor douk ihishmorim shanaki shakwutubor iri."} {"eng": "for they all gave out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, gave all that she had to live on.”", "aon": "Eshudok ihishmorim shanaki shakwutu tukwanibor um esheshibor utabor babuhuk bokis aria tukwanibor debeibori bakwusumeshuk urusag. Aria okwok kwakwutu sabaibori okwokwibor utabor. Aria okwok douk nyaruk armatok iri, madae anabor utabor bukusamokuk urupat um kwunotor worigun um uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "aon": "Aria ipak ta patarihen iri Iruhin nakripepen iri baraen um agundok ta shagok iri wata shukitaki um aka, uwok? Aria shopunek, ipak patarihen enyudok baraen douk nyetem okwudok buk Moses nenyemok iri aka, uwok? Moses douk natik nyih hanu enen shokwinyi rowog aria Iruhin nakripan enyudok baraen nakri, ‘Eik douk Abraham nani Aisak aria Jekop amamin Iruhin.’"} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "aon": "Namudok aria Iruhin douk madae shagok iri esheshin uwe, uwok. Anan douk shape iri esheshin Iruhin. Aria ipakin baraen madae adurin abom uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "“Teacher, Moses wrote to us, ‘If a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife behind him, and leaves no children, that his brother should take his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.’", "aon": "Aria amam Sadyusi, douk hakri shagok iri ta mare wata shukitaki iri hanaki Jisas napeum aria harigan hakri, “Debeini tisa, seiwok Moses nuwemaguk enyudok Iruhin ananin lo um apak nakri namudok, ‘Aria anan arman ananik irohukwik madae kubuki enesh batowish aria anan nugokuk um, ananin wanin ta nukwaur. Anan ta nukwaur um shubuki batowish um aria ta shubuh ashukenyik nuwag.’”"} {"eng": "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob ipak punek beten aria ipak urkwip purum enesh yoweishi inahos kupaishi shenekesh um ipak iri um, ipak mare pusuwesh aria pukwreyeshuguk. Ipak ta punekesh namudok um ipakin Yaken nape iruhw heven iri shopunek ta mare nusuhwesh um ipakish yoweishi inahos aria nukwreyeshuguk."} {"eng": "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.”", "aon": "[Aria ta ipak pusuwesh um yoweishi douk kupaishi shenekesh um ipak iri aria mare pukwreyeshuguk um, ipakin Yaken nape iruhw heven iri shopunek ta nusuhwesh um ipakish yoweishi inahos aria mare nukwreyeshuguk uwe, uwok.]”"} {"eng": "For most certainly I tell you, whoever may tell this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and doesn’t doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is happening, he shall have whatever he says.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripam nakri, “Ipak ta punek bilip um Iruhin. Adur atin eik yakripep, aria enen arpen madae nyur biyep urkwip um, aria nyunek bilip abom nyukri adur atinyum eshudok enyen nyakriyesh iri ta shutogur abom, aria nyukrip ahwudok yoduhw um hwunatuk hwugrukuk yous um, enyen ta nyutogur kabi douk enyen nyakrium."} {"eng": "The next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry.", "aon": "Aria ruwahepih amam wata hakutukuk Betani hatanam hape hanaki yah aria Jisas nyurub ban."} {"eng": "Seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came to see if perhaps he might find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs.", "aon": "Aria amam wata hape hanaku rougun aria Jisas natigu enen rowog fik nyeyotu. Anan natrin um nyunareh nyenek sabaisi shus aria nakri enep shurkwip ta pir. Douk namudok aria anan nanak um nakri nudi enep nupah. Aria anan madae nutik enep uwe. Shus atus sape. Um maresh? Enyenyib nyutob um shurkwip pir um douk watak."} {"eng": "Some of those who stood there asked them, “What are you doing, untying the young donkey?”", "aon": "Aria amam hanak aria hatik enen nugaen donki showeshiken nyeyotu adukehah um witum anat urupat. Aria amam hanak hape hakweshihen aria enesh arpesh douk sheyotuwi hurukatin iri sharigam shakri, “Ipak pakweshihen um maresh enyudok nugaen donki?”"} {"eng": "But it shall not be so among you, but whoever wants to become great among you shall be your servant.", "aon": "Aria ipak ta mare punekesh namudok uwe, uwok. Aria ipak anan nukri nupe debeini um ipak enep um, sagomatin anan ta nenek-umep mour meyoh ipak ihim-morim ba iyoh, aria anan ta kadak nupe debeini um ipak."} {"eng": "Whoever of you wants to become first among you shall be bondservant of all.", "aon": "Aria shopunek, ta ipak anan nukri nyeigur nyuto iruhw iri, sagomatin anan ta nyeigur uwok meyoh um nupe shakamum ipak ihim-morim aria nunek-umep mour meyoh aria anan ta kadak nyeigur nyuto iruh-uman."} {"eng": "but he will receive one hundred times more now in this time: houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land, with persecutions; and in the age to come eternal life.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripam nakri, “Adur atin eik yakripep! Eshudok arpesh douk shukutukuk esheshig urusag, gwuni esheshish ashukenyish owashish, shuni esheshiyu mohwiyariyu, uni esheshiyu amakenyiyu, uni esheshim arhim, huni esheshish batowish, shuni esheshigos nubarigos um shugipesh eik aria shukripesh eikin yopinyi baraen iri, abudok nyutob eshesh wata shupe agundok atap um, Iruhin ta nukesh sabaishi eshudok eneshenesh shopunek abom shishagrakuk riguk sharik sharaesh iri. Iruhin ta nukesh urusag gwuni ashukenyish owashish, aria mohwiyariyu uni amakenyiyu, uni batowish aria nubarigos. Aria shopunek, kupaishi ta shukesh agabus aria shunekesh shurao amaen shumnek eriger. Aria eshesh ta wata shunak shupe wosik abom ihih nyumneh."} {"eng": "The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "aon": "Aria ananim disaipel hemnek ananin baraen aria hakitak yowiyokuk. Aria Jisas wata shopunek nakri, “O ipak eikish arpesh! Eshudok arpesh douk shakri eneshenesh eshudok ta shutaurumesh um shuwishi abrudok wabur Iruhin nape Debeini um ananish arpesh um ta shunek debeinyi mour ba iyoh aria kadak shuwishi."} {"eng": "It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "aon": "Aria enen debeinyi mahin shahwaren um kamel iri nyukri nyuwishi nyil, agundok nagor um tret tananyigur um rupeh hanatape um, enyen ta nyunek shokwinyi mour meyoh aria nyuwishi. Aria eshudok arpesh douk shanagrem sabaishi eshudok eneshenesh iri ta shunek debeinyi mour abom aria kadak shuwishi.”"} {"eng": "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into Gehenna, into the fire that will never be quenched—", "aon": "Aria ta onohw nyakihw yerihw hwuneken nyunek yoweishi inahos nyukanaguk agab Iruhin um, nyutupohw hwunakuk aria atuhw hwupeik. Douk atuhw yerihw hwupeimenyum, nyak ta nyunak nyupe wosik ihih nyumneh. Ta bioruh yeriweruh hupeimen aria huraen nyunak um abrudok yoweiburi wabur hel, douk nyih hanu hape namudok ihih nyumneh aburi."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "aon": "[Aria abrudok yoweiburi wabur douk nyih hanu ihih nyumneh iri hanu um, eheh ta mare hugok atin uwe, uwok. Aria eshudok kabi douk eshuguh um ta shunatuken. Aria shopunek, eshesh ta mare shugok atin uwe, uwok. Eshesh ta shupe ihih nyumneh.]"} {"eng": "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having your two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire,", "aon": "Douk namudok aria ta enen nyakin rogur nyuneken nyunek yoweishi inahos um, nyak nyutupen nyunakuk aria atin meyoh nyupeik. Douk atin rogur nyupemenyum, nyak ta nyunak nyupe wosik ihih nyumneh. Ta biyesh roguhw shupe aria shuneken nyunak um abrudok yoweiburi wabur hel, douk nyih hanu hape namudok ihih nyumneh aburi."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "aon": "[Aria abrudok yoweiburi wabur hel douk nyih hanu ihih nyumneh iri hanu um, eheh ta mare hugok atin uwe, uwok. Aria eshudok kabi douk eshuguh um ta shunatuken. Aria shopunek, eshesh ta mare shugok uwe, uwok. Eshesh ta shupe ihih nyumneh.]"} {"eng": "“Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, doesn’t receive me, but him who sent me.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nahwari enen batowin nyanaki nenyusap nyeyotu amam hapeum hutrin aria anan natuken nasuwen aria nakripam nakri, “Eshudok arpesh douk urkwip purum eik aria shutaurum enen batowin kabi douk enyudok um, eshesh douk shutaurum eik. Aria eshudok douk shutaurum eik iri douk madae shutaurum eik atuwe uwe, uwok. Eshesh douk shutaurum anudok douk neshopok eik yanaki iri shopunek.”"} {"eng": "He came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing among yourselves on the way?”", "aon": "Douk amam hanak hatogur Kaperneam, aria hanak hawish hape anat urupat aria Jisas narig ananim disaipel nakri, “Iganigadae manaki yah um, ipak pape peyagwreh pakri maresh?”"} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "aon": "Aria amam madae hukripan enen baraen uwe. Um maresh? Iganigadae amam hanak yah um, amam kanak hape hanatutukem um meini ta nupe debeini um amam ihim-morim."} {"eng": "They went out from there and passed through Galilee. He didn’t want anyone to know it,", "aon": "Aria amam hakutukuk abrudok wabur aria hawish hanak shokugi nahobig Galili aria hanak. Douk hanak aria Jisas nakri uwok um enesh arpesh shudukemesh um agundok amam hanak hapeum."} {"eng": "for he was teaching his disciples, and said to them, “The Son of Man is being handed over to the hands of men, and they will kill him; and when he is killed, on the third day he will rise again.”", "aon": "Um maresh? Anan nape nakripam sabainyi ananin yopinyi baraen ananim disaipel. Anan nakripam nakri, “Arpesh ta shiyabig eikim horim um Eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri aria ta husuwe hunak he igok. Aria wata hukri um biyeh atih nyumneh um, eik ta wata ikitak ipe.”"} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripan nakri, “Adur, ta nyak nyukri um! Um maresh? Eshudok arpesh douk shunek bilip um eik iri, eshesh ta dodogowish um shunek ihinyumorim enenyenen mour.”"} {"eng": "Immediately the father of the child cried out with tears, “I believe. Help my unbelief!”", "aon": "Aria ahudok atuh, anudok sagab nyanaur iri ananin yaken nakrip Jisas nakri, “Eik yenek bilip um nyak aria eikin bilip madae dodogowin abom uwe. Aria eik yakri nyak nyutaurume aria eikin bilip nyutogur dodogowin abom.”"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Elijah indeed comes first, and restores all things. How is it written about the Son of Man, that he should suffer many things and be despised?", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripam nakri, “O enyen adur! Ilaija douk narik nanaki um nugabe eneshenesh eshudok. Aria ipak urkwip purum enyudok baraen douk nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri. Baraen douk nyakri, ‘Eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri ta imnek debeiri eriger aria arpesh ta shukri uwok aria shuke agabus.’ Aria enyen douk nyetem namudok um maresh?"} {"eng": "But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they have also done to him whatever they wanted to, even as it is written about him.”", "aon": "Aria adur atin eik yakripep! Kupaini Ilaija douk nanaki aria arpesh shagipesh esheship urkwip aria shenek eneshenesh yoweishi inahos um anan. Eshesh shenekesh-uman kabi douk baraen nyetem Iruhin ananik Buk iri nyakrium.”"} {"eng": "Peter answered Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”", "aon": "Aria Pita nakrip Jisas nakri, “Tisa, enyen douk wosik um apak mape agundok um. Aria apak muwem 3-poreiyu shomeguhwiyu. Nyak onok aria bio um Moses nini Ilaija.”"} {"eng": "For he didn’t know what to say, for they were very afraid.", "aon": "Pita douk nakripan namudok Jisas um maresh, amam hanogugur abom aria Pita madae nudukemesh um maren baraen anan ta nukriyen iri uwe."} {"eng": "When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Twelve.”", "aon": "Ipak douk nabes sapenyep, aria ipak madae putik eshudok uwe? Aria ipak douk arigos sapenyep, aria ipak madae gamo pumnek uwe? Ipak douk urkwip wokepuguk um agundok nubokuhi yawor 5-poreit bret yabirom sabaishi 5,000-poreish arpesh abom um? Eik yabiromesh shashoh dugaresh aria shakusuk iri ipak patrishesh peshurukwi makwuniruh suraruh shishukniruh aria poruhubuk hakus?” Aria amam hakripan hakri, “Apak meshurukwi 12-poreiruh sararuh.”"} {"eng": "Those who had eaten were about four thousand. Then he sent them away.", "aon": "Aria eshesh shashoh dugaresh aria shakusuk iri, ananim disaipel hatrishesh aria heshurukwi 7-poreiruh sararuh shishukniruh. Aria armam armago shawok eshudok worigun iri douk sabaishi abom um 4,000-poreish. Aria eshesh dugaresh aria Jisas neshopokesh shanak um esheshirub warub."} {"eng": "“I have compassion on the multitude, because they have stayed with me now three days and have nothing to eat.", "aon": "Anah nyumnah, kupaishi sabaishi armam armago shantorum shanak shape Jisas napeum. Eshesh shape arigaha 3-poreih nyumneh aria worigun natuh. Aria Jisas nahwar ananim disaipel hanaki aria nakripam nakri, “Eik yakri gihaum eshudok arpesh. Um maresh? Eshesh shanaki shani apak mape 3-poreih nyumneh agundok aria eshesh worigun wokesh aria nyurub baesh."} {"eng": "For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having heard of him, came and fell down at his feet.", "aon": "Aria onok armatok douk okwokwik shokukwi nugawik enen yoweinyi sagab nyapenyok iri kwomnek um Jisas nanak napeum, aria okwok kwanak kwatrun. Okwok kwanak aria kwabuh kwoduk ohrubus kwakus hurukatin um Jisas ananiruh yeriweruh."} {"eng": "Now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by race. She begged him that he would cast the demon out of her daughter.", "aon": "Okwudok armatok okwok douk kupaiburi waburik, okwok madae Juda uwe. Okwok kwanaki abrudok wabur Fonisia, douk bape shokugi nahobig Siria iri. Aria okwok douk kweyagwreh Grikin baraen. Douk okwok kwanak aria kwakrip Jisas abom um nihiyahuk enyudok yoweinyi sagab douk nyape okwokwik nugawik iri nyutogur nyuruwok."} {"eng": "He said, “That which proceeds out of the man, that defiles the man.", "aon": "Aria Jisas wata shopunek nakripam nakri, “Eneshenesh yoweishi inahos esheship urkwip porumesh aria eshesh mishish shakitakumesh shenekesh iri atish ta shunekesh shubosusih."} {"eng": "All these evil things come from within and defile the man.”", "aon": "Ihishmorim eshudok eneshenesh yoweishi inahos douk esheship urkwip porumesh aria shenekesh iri douk shenekesh shabosusih.”"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Don’t you perceive that whatever goes into the man from outside can’t defile him,", "aon": "Aria anan nakripam nakri, “Ipak shopunek douk madae pudukemesh uwe? Worigun nani ihishmorim eshudok shape aduk, aria arpesh shashoh shabuh esheshiruh aparuh iri ta mare shubuh shunekesh shubosusih uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "because it doesn’t go into his heart, but into his stomach, then into the latrine, making all foods clean?”", "aon": "Um maresh? Worigun eshudok douk shashoh aria madae shunak shubuh shur esheship urkwip uwe. Eshesh douk shabuh shor aparuh aria wata shanak sharkegeshuk.” Jisas douk nakri namudok um nakri ihishmorim mahish aria worigun douk yopishi atish iri."} {"eng": "There is nothing from outside of the man that going into him can defile him; but the things which proceed out of the man are those that defile the man.", "aon": "Shape aduk iri eshudok shuni worigun douk arpen nyishoh shuwish numun enyenyihw apahw iri ta mare shuneken nyubosusih uwe, uwok. Eshudok douk shape numun enyudok arpen enyenyihw apahw aria shutograri aduk iri, douk ta eshudok shuneken nyubosusih."} {"eng": "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!”", "aon": "[Aria douk ipak arigos sapenyepi ta pumnek enyudok baraen aria pusuwen dodog pugipeshen.]”"} {"eng": "But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban,”’” that is to say, given to God,", "aon": "Aria ipak Farisi pani ipak penek skulumesh um lo iri pakripesh enen sikin baraen. Ipak pakri, ta enen arpen nyunobuk enesh eshudok eneshenesh, o anabor utabor douk ta nyuko enyenyin yaken o amakek um nyutaurumesh um, aria enyen nyukripesh nyukri, ‘Eikibor utabor aria eshudok eneshenesh douk mare ta iko ipak um itaurumep um aria douk yagraehesh um iko Iruhin. Eik yakri eshudok korban.’ Baugenyum um enyudok baraen korban douk shakri, ‘Eshudok douk shagraehesh um shuko Iruhin iri.’"} {"eng": "“then you no longer allow him to do anything for his father or his mother,", "aon": "Douk namudok aria enyen madae nyutaurumesh nyukesh eshudok enyenyish amakenyish uwe. Aria ipak pakri, ‘Enyudok arpen nyunekesh namudok um, enyen wosik douk nyenek yopuhi aih.’"} {"eng": "Then the Pharisees and some of the scribes gathered together to him, having come from Jerusalem.", "aon": "Anah nyumnah amam Farisi hani anam henek skulumesh um lo iri, douk hape iri Jerusalem iri hanaki aria hanak hape agundok Jisas napeum."} {"eng": "Now when they saw some of his disciples eating bread with defiled, that is unwashed, hands, they found fault.", "aon": "Amam hape aria hatik um Jisas ananim disaipel madae hukwurupuguk wis kabi douk amam Farisi hakri um ba iyoh, aria kadak hunosuhw worigun hugnoh uwe. Douk namudok aria amam Farisi douk hakri Jisas ananim disaipel amamis wis goutukis atus iri."} {"eng": "(For the Pharisees and all the Jews don’t eat unless they wash their hands and forearms, holding to the tradition of the elders.", "aon": "Amam Farisi hani ihishmorim Juda esheshin lo douk shagipesh seiwok esheshim babenomi henekenyuguk iri. Aria enen esheshin lo douk namudok. Eshesh madae shukwurupuguk wis ba iyoh um, eshesh ta mare shuwok anagun worigun uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "They don’t eat when they come from the marketplace unless they bathe themselves, and there are many other things which they have received to hold to: washings of cups, pitchers, bronze vessels, and couches.)", "aon": "Aria worigun shatorugun maket iri shopunek, douk shanaki shakwurupeshuk ba iyoh aria kadak shugnoh. Eshesh mare shukwurupesh um, eshesh ta mare shishoh. Aria eshesh shagipesh sabainyi lo shopunek douk seiwok esheshim babenomi heneken henyemaguk iri. Aria enen douk enyudok um shukwurup kas suni marus iri yaureruh hani betog um."} {"eng": "for they all saw him and were troubled. But he immediately spoke with them and said to them, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”", "aon": "Um maresh? Amam hatrun aria hanogugur abom. Aria Jisas arigas nakripam nakri, “Ipak mare punogugur, uwok! Ipak ta dodogowip. Enyudok douk eik.”"} {"eng": "King Herod heard this, for his name had become known, and he said, “John the Baptizer has risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.”", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob, King Herot douk nape debeini um gavman iri nemnek baraen um enenyenen douk nyape nyatograri. Um maresh? Jisas ananin nyeigur douk nyarahaen sabairubi warub. Aria enesh shakri, “Jon douk nenek baptaisumesh iri wata nakitaki nape. Aria anan douk dodogowin aria nape nenek enyudokmori mour.”"} {"eng": "But others said, “He is Elijah.” Others said, “He is a prophet, or like one of the prophets.”", "aon": "Aria enesh shakri, “Anan douk profet Ilaija.” Aria enesh shakri, “Anan douk anan profet kabi douk seiwokimi profet um.”"} {"eng": "But Herod, when he heard this, said, “This is John, whom I beheaded. He has risen from the dead.”", "aon": "Douk namudok aria anudok debeini um gavman iri Herot nemnek baraen um enyudok mour Jisas ananim disaipel heneken iri aria nakri, “Jon douk nenek baptaisumesh iri douk seiwok yatupok ananin aruhwigur! Aria douk anan wata nakitak nape aria nape nenek enyudok mour!”"} {"eng": "Herodias set herself against him and desired to kill him, but she couldn’t,", "aon": "Aria Herodias okwokwih apahw juwehosihw abom um kwakri kwubo Jon nugok aria okwok kwabirak kwatik uwok."} {"eng": "for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe. When he heard him, he did many things, and he heard him gladly.", "aon": "Um maresh, Herot nanogugur um Jon aria nape natauruman. Anan nadukemesh um Jon douk yopuyopuni aria ananih apahw douk yopuhw aria hwanawasham Iruhin. Aria shopunek Herot nakri wosik um numnek Jon ananin baraen aria anan urkum morum sabaishi eshudok eneshenesh aria anan nenek wari abom."} {"eng": "Then a convenient day came when Herod on his birthday made a supper for his nobles, the high officers, and the chief men of Galilee.", "aon": "Douk arigaha aria Herodias kwaparug anah yah um kwubo Jon nugok um. Aria douk Jon wata nonoweshik nape, aria ahudok nyumnah douk amakek kwabuki Herot ahi iri hatogur. Aria Herot nenek debeiguni worigun um urkum murum ahudok nyumnah amakek kwanabuki um. Anan nenek worigun aria nahwar debeimi douk hatauruman henek gavmanin mour iri, hani amam debeimi um ami iri, hani ihim-morim debeimi um shokugi nahobig Galili iri um hunak huni anan huwok worigun."} {"eng": "When the daughter of Herodias herself came in and danced, she pleased Herod and those sitting with him. The king said to the young lady, “Ask me whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”", "aon": "Douk amam hape hawok worigun aria Herodias nugawik kwanaki kwawish kwenek danis. Aria Herot nani amudok douk nahwaram hanaki hani anan hawok worigun iri hatruk aria hanadudareh um okwok abom. Aria Herot narigok nakri, “Nyak nyakri eik iken maresh? Eshudok nyak nyukriyesh iri, eik ta ikenyesh.”"} {"eng": "He swore to her, “Whatever you ask of me, I will give you, up to half of my kingdom.”", "aon": "Aria Herot nakri um iruhw nakripok nakri, “Eik yakripen adurin atin baraen um eik ta iken ihishmorim eshudok nyak nyorigeimesh iri. Aria nyukri isiyamohw eikib amnab buni ihishmorim eikih jah huni utabor, aria iken enesh nyak, aria ohwak unasuwesh shopunek atin um, eik ta ikenyesh!”"} {"eng": "She went out and said to her mother, “What shall I ask?” She said, “The head of John the Baptizer.”", "aon": "Douk anan nakripok namudok aria okwok kwanak kwarig okwokwik amakek kwakri, “Eik ta ikripan um nuke maresh?” Aria amakek kwakripok kwakri, “Nyukripan nuken Jon douk nenek baptaisumesh iri um ananig barag.”"} {"eng": "She came in immediately with haste to the king and requested, “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.”", "aon": "Aria okwok kwanak arigas kwahur kwanak kwawish aria kwakrip Herot kwakri, “Eik yakri douk atin, nyureme Jon douk nenek baptaisumesh iri ananig barag onohw yaurehw aria nyukeyog!”"} {"eng": "The king was exceedingly sorry, but for the sake of his oaths and of his dinner guests, he didn’t wish to refuse her.", "aon": "Douk okwok kwakripan namudok aria anan nenek wari um Jon. Aria anan ta mare wata nukri uwok. Um maresh? Iganigadae anan nakripok um anan ta nukok ihishmorim eshudok eneshenesh okwok ta kworiganumesh iri. Aria shopunek, amudok douk nahwaram hanaki hani anan hawok worigun iri douk hemnek."} {"eng": "Immediately the king sent out a soldier of his guard and commanded to bring John’s head; and he went and beheaded him in the prison,", "aon": "Douk namudok aria arigas anan neshopok anan soldia aria nakripan nakri, “Nyak nyunak shunuweshik-ati urupat nyutupok Jon ananin aruhwigur aria nyiraouri ananig barag.” Aria anudok soldia nemnek namudok aria nanak natupok Jon ananin aruhwigur."} {"eng": "and brought his head on a platter, and gave it to the young lady; and the young lady gave it to her mother.", "aon": "Anan natupenyuk aria nereiri barag onohw yaurehw aria nanaki nako Herodias okwokwik nugawik aria okwok wata kwanak kwako amakek."} {"eng": "When his disciples heard this, they came and took up his corpse and laid it in a tomb.", "aon": "Aria Jon ananim disaipel hemnek namudok aria hanaki hohur tukwanin atun hanak haruman."} {"eng": "He called to himself the twelve, and began to send them out two by two; and he gave them authority over the unclean spirits.", "aon": "Aria anan nahwar ananim 12-poreim disaipel hanaki heyotu atugun, aria nakom gobi um huhiyahuk yoweishi sagabehos."} {"eng": "He commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a staff only: no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse,", "aon": "Aria nakripam nakri, “Aria ta punak ahudok yah um, ipak mare punasuhw anagun worigun nini esharuh. Aria mare punaruk anabor utabor, uwok. Ipak punak meyoh, punasuhw butip atip um punakusim um."} {"eng": "but to wear sandals, and not put on two tunics.", "aon": "Aria ipak punare sandelahos, aria mare punasuhw anah rupah, uwok."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Wherever you enter into a house, stay there until you depart from there.", "aon": "Aria ta punak putogur anabur wabur aria abrudok waburish arpesh shukri wosik um shukep anat urupat um pishuh um, ipak punak pupe atudok atut urupat. Ipak pupe arigaha meihi nyumnah pakri pukutukuk aburdok wabur punak ahi, aria ipak kadak pukutuburuk punak."} {"eng": "Whoever will not receive you nor hear you, as you depart from there, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony against them. Assuredly, I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!”", "aon": "Aria ta punak anabur wabur, aria arpesh shape aburdok wabur iri mare shunadudareh-umep, aria mare shumnek ipakin baraen um, ipak pukutukuk abrudok wabur aria pugudupeshuk nyupruk ipakiruh yeriweruh kwukusuk aria punak. Ipak punekesh namudok um eshesh shutrip aria ta shudukemesh shukri eshesh douk shenek yoweishi inahos.”"} {"eng": "He could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them.", "aon": "Douk namudok aria Jisas madae nunek enen Iruhin atun neneken iri mour ananibur wabur uwe, uwok. Aria anan nawemesh wis karowish arugeh henekeshi aria nagabeyesh yopish."} {"eng": "He marveled because of their unbelief. He went around the villages teaching.", "aon": "Aria shopunek, Jisas natik um agundok eshesh madae shunek bilip um uwe aria anan nakitak yowiyokuk abom. Aria Jisas nanak anarub warub douk bape hurukatinyum ananibur wabur iri aria nape nenek skulumesh nakripesh yopinyi baraen."} {"eng": "When the Sabbath had come, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many hearing him were astonished, saying, “Where did this man get these things?” and, “What is the wisdom that is given to this man, that such mighty works come about by his hands?", "aon": "Aria ahudok nyumnah Sabat eshesh Juda mour uwok shape meyohahi iri, Jisas nanak nawish eshesh Juda shape sheneyagwreh baraen-atari urupat aria nape nenek skulumesh nakripesh yopinyi baraen. Aria sabaishi arpesh shape shemnek ananin baraen iri shemnekan aria shakitak yowiyokuk abom shakri, “Enyudok baraen nanak naraenyi meiguni? Omi nyutauruman aria anan douk nadukem enyudokmori yopinyi baraen? Aria shopunek, omi nyutauruman nyenekan dodogowin aria nape nenek enyudok Iruhin atun neneken iri mour?"} {"eng": "Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” So they were offended at him.", "aon": "Anan douk nenek mour um narak urusag iri. Aria anan douk Maria okwokwin nuganin. Aria ananiyu mohwiyariyu wani ananim warhim Jems iri Josis, hani Judas iri Saimon douk eshudok shani apak mape agundok.” Eshesh shakri namudok aria shakonuguk agabus."} {"eng": "He allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.", "aon": "Aria anan nakri uwok um ihishmorim arpesh shapeik aria Jems nani ananin wanin Jon iri Pita amam hanaman hanak."} {"eng": "He came to the synagogue ruler’s house, and he saw an uproar, weeping, and great wailing.", "aon": "Amam hanak hatogur Jairus ananit urupat aria Jisas nemnek um eshesh shape shoreh shanaruwor debeg."} {"eng": "having heard the things concerning Jesus, came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothes.", "aon": "Aria douk okwok kwomnek um agundok Jisas nagabe sabaishi ehudok arugeh henekesh um, aria okwok kwani eshudok sabaishi arpesh shanaki. Aria okwok kwanaki agabehah-inum Jisas aria kwasuhw ananih rupah."} {"eng": "For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be made well.”", "aon": "Umum maresh, okwok kwaneyagwreh kwakri, “Douk eik isusuhw ananih rupeh meyoh um, anan ta wata nugabeye.”"} {"eng": "and crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What have I to do with you, Jesus, you Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, don’t torment me.”", "aon": "Aria nahwar debeg nakri, “Jisas, Debeini Iruhin abom ananin Nuganin! Nyak nyakri nyuneke mumam eik? Nyak nyukri adurin baraen um gani iruhw um nyak mare nye nyuneke imnek debeiri eriger!”"} {"eng": "For he said to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”", "aon": "Anan nakri namudok um maresh, Jisas nakrip enyudok yoweinyi sagab douk nyapenyan iri nakri, “Yoweinyi sagab, nyak nyukutukuk anudok arman aria nyutogur nyunak!”"} {"eng": "A big wind storm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so much that the boat was already filled.", "aon": "Aria douk amam hanak aria debeinyi uhwin abom nyahur aria nyenek debeibi morub bakitak. Aria abar bakih baprok bot aria atat hurukatin um shuknitum abar."} {"eng": "He himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and asked him, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are dying?”", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob Jisas nanak nanahem korukwu aria neshuh gani tagigukum bot. Aria douk ananim disaipel hatik namudok aria hanak henyubarun hakri, “Debeini Tisa, apak hurukatin um mugok wo. Nyak madae urkum murum agundok douk ta apak mugok um uwe?”"} {"eng": "He said, “God’s Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed on the earth,", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripesh enyudok baraen shopunek nakri, “Arpesh shawish um agundok Iruhin nape Debeini um ananish arpesh shapeum ta kabi enyudok wobuwobren baraen um. Baraen enyudok. Anan arman nanak nawashak shurukwip-igun worigun ananig nubarig."} {"eng": "and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, though he doesn’t know how.", "aon": "Anan nawashep jurug aria nanak. Aria ihibus weibus anan neshuh, aria nyumneh nakitak narahaen. Aria abudok nyutob epudok shurkwip pape pupuwarep pakih. Aria anan douk madae nudukemesh um agundok epep pupuwarep pakih um uwe."} {"eng": "For the earth bears fruit by itself: first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear.", "aon": "Abab amnab kanak benekep pupuwarep pakih debeipi aria shurkwip peir. Aria sagomatin pupuwarep pakih aria parik penek shus, aria pakih rowipi penek urub aria sabaipi shurkwip peir."} {"eng": "But when the fruit is ripe, immediately he puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”", "aon": "Douk peir arigaha pauh, aria anudok arman nasuhw ananip ponodaresh iri nogwotep nanak natupok epudok shurkwip. Um maresh? Epep douk pauh aria abudok nyutob um shurim worigun obi nyutob douk batogur.”"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you; and more will be given to you who hear.", "aon": "Aria anan nakripesh enen baraen shopunek nakri, “Ipak urkwip gamo purum enyudok baraen douk ipak pamneken iri aria pugipeshen! Um maresh? Ta ipak gamo pumneken pugipeshen um, Iruhin ta nutaurumep pudukem enen yopinyi baraen shopunek."} {"eng": "For whoever has, to him more will be given; and he who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.”", "aon": "Aria eshudok douk shurao Iruhin ananin baraen shudukemesh wosik iri, Iruhin ta wata gamo nukripesh enen shopunek. Aria eshudok douk madae shudukem ananin baraen iri uwe, enyudok karowinyi eshesh shasuhwen iri ta wata nutrishenyuguk.”"} {"eng": "and the cares of this age, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.", "aon": "Aria atudok douk tabuh tagrukuk segegoiruh madururuh hakih um, douk kabi eshudok arpesh douk shemnek Iruhin ananin baraen, aria eshesh shenek wari um shakri shupe wosik agundok atap iri. Eshesh mishish shakitak um shugrem sabaishi eneshenesh eshudok aria shanadudareh um agundok atapishi eneshenesh atish. Douk namudok aria eshudok eneshenesh showeshik esheship urkwip aria eshesh madae shusuhw Iruhin ananin baraen dodog uwe. Eshesh urkwip pekeshuk abom um enyudok Iruhin ananin yopinyi baraen eshesh shemneken iri. Aria eshesh shakwutinyukuk aria madae shunek ehudok yopihi aih douk Iruhin nakri eshesh shunekeh iri uwe."} {"eng": "Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil.", "aon": "Aria anat tabuh takus utabor um. Aria douk amnab madae sabaibi uwe aria atat pupuwarat takih arigas."} {"eng": "When the sun had risen, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away.", "aon": "Aria nukwaruh madae hubuh atap uwe. Namudok aria araruh habuh hetemaguk utabor aria wah hatao hat aria yarit."} {"eng": "He taught them many things in parables, and told them in his teaching,", "aon": "Aria Jisas wata shopunek nanak nape nenek skulumesh nakripesh yopinyi baraen gani anagas um debeigi waiyag Galili. Aria sabaishi arpesh abom shanaki shape Jisas napeum. Douk namudok aria anan nakitak nato netem anat bot douk tor waiyag iri. Aria eshesh sheyotu anagas aria anan netemori bot nape nenek skulumesh nakripesh sabainyi yopinyi baraen nakripesh wobuwobren atin."} {"eng": "He answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripesh nakri, “Meishi eikish amakek aruhim?”"} {"eng": "Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Behold, my mother and my brothers!", "aon": "Aria anan nushakam eshudok nernarih douk shape iri aria nakripesh nakri, “Eikish amakek aruhim douk eshudok!"} {"eng": "—because they said, “He has an unclean spirit.”", "aon": "Aria douk amam henek skulumesh um lo iri hakri enen sagab nyataurum Jisas um nenek mour um. Douk namudok aria Jisas nakripam nakri, “Adurigom atin eik yakripep, Iruhin ta ko nukweshihuk um eneshenesh yoweishi inahos arpesh shenekesh iri shuni enyudok ihinyumorim yoweinyi baraen douk eshesh shakriyen um anan iri, aria nukweshiheshuk. Aria enyudok enenyenen douk shububunim um Iruhin ananin Mishin iri, Iruhin ta nusuhw enyudok esheshin yoweinyi douk eshesh shakriyen iri aria ta mare nukweshiheshukuk uwe, uwok. Esheshish yoweishi inahos ta shupe um douk arigaha kweipon amnab butuh ahi nyumneh.”"} {"eng": "Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot;", "aon": "Amam hani Andru, Filip, Bartolomyu, Matyu iri Tomas. Hani Alfius nuganin Jems iri Tadius iri Saimon douk natogur anap awirop shohwaresh um Selot iri."} {"eng": "and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him. Then he came into a house.", "aon": "Amam hani Judas Iskariot. Anan douk nowereh Jisas um ananim horim iri."} {"eng": "He appointed twelve, that they might be with him, and that he might send them out to preach", "aon": "Aria anan nagraeh 12-poreim armam aria nakom enyudok nyeigur aposel. Aria nakripam um huni anan hupe hurahaen aria neshopokam um hunak hukripesh ananin baraen sabaishi arpesh."} {"eng": "and to have authority to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:", "aon": "Aria shopunek um nukom dodog um huhiyahuk yoweishi sagabehos shutogur shuruwokuk."} {"eng": "The unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him and cried, “You are the Son of God!”", "aon": "Aria abudok nyutob douk yoweishi sagabehos shapenyesh iri shanaki shatik Jisas aria shabuh shatu shakus hurukatin um anan aria shohwar debeg shakri, “Nyak douk Iruhin ananin Nuganin.”"} {"eng": "He sternly warned them that they should not make him known.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripesh dodogowinyi baraen nakri eshesh mare shukripesh um anan douk Iruhin ananin Nuganin."} {"eng": "He spoke to his disciples that a little boat should stay near him because of the crowd, so that they wouldn’t press on him.", "aon": "Aria agundok sabaishi arpesh shanaki shape shuknigun. Douk namudok aria Jisas nakrip ananim disaipel um harauri anat shokwuti bot tunaki tukusuman hurukatin um kadak sabaishi arpesh shukri shunaki hurukatin um anan um aria anan ta nuto nutemaguk bot. Ta neyotu atap um, eshesh ta shishiwokan."} {"eng": "For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him.", "aon": "Um maresh, nubokuhieb nyutob anan nagabe sabaishi ehudok arugeh hapeyeshi. Douk namudok aria eshudok arugeh hapeyeshi shape shatatigas um shunak shususuhw Jisas meyoh aria eshesh ta yopish."} {"eng": "Jesus withdrew to the sea with his disciples; and a great multitude followed him from Galilee, from Judea,", "aon": "Aria Jisas nani ananim disaipel hakutukuk abrudok wabur hakitak hanam debeigi waiyag Galili. Amam hanak aria sabaishi arpesh shagipesham shanak."} {"eng": "from Jerusalem, from Idumaea, beyond the Jordan, and those from around Tyre and Sidon. A great multitude, hearing what great things he did, came to him.", "aon": "Eshudok arpesh enesh shanaki shokugi nahobig Galili iri. Aria enesh shanaki shokugi nahobig Judia iri. Aria enesh shanaki debeigi nahobig Idumia, aria enesh shanaki Jerusalem iri. Aria enesh shapeiri gani wobrehah um worub Jordan iri shanaki, aria enesh shape iri hurukatinyum arbudok biarub warub Taia bani Saidon iri shanaki. Eshesh ihishmorim shemnek um Jisas nape nagabe ehudok arugeh hapeyeshi aria eshesh shanaki um nugabeyesh."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath day to do good or to do harm? To save a life or to kill?” But they were silent.", "aon": "Aria anan nakitak nanak neyotu aria Jisas narigesh nakri, “Apakin lo douk Iruhin nakoguk Moses enyi nyakri munek maren mour ahudok nyumnah Sabat? Mugamoh arpesh mugabeyesh aka, mukri uwok umesh? Mugamohesh shupe wosik aka, ba mesh shugok?” Aria eshesh madae shiyagwreh shukripan enen baraen uwe."} {"eng": "When he had looked around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardening of their hearts, he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored as healthy as the other.", "aon": "Aria anan neyotu natrish aria nyibur juwehosibur. Um maresh? Anan natrish um eshesh showeshik esheshiruh aparuh dodog aria shakri uwok um shumnek Iruhin ananin baraen shugipeshen. Aria anan nakrip anudok rogur yowenyan iri nakri, “Kwanu nyakin rogur.” Aria anan nonu rogur aria enyen yopin abom."} {"eng": "Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you reason these things in your hearts?", "aon": "Aria Jisas nadukem amamip urkwip aria nakripam nakri, “Ipak urkwip mare pur namudok, uwok."} {"eng": "Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?’", "aon": "Um maresh? Enyudok mour douk shopunek atin um eik ikrip anudok roguhw aiyas shagokanari ikri, ‘Eik ta ko ikweshihuk nyakish yoweishi inahos aria iyateshuk’ aka, ikripan ikri, ‘Kitak hur nyakis aras nyusuwos aria nyunak’ aria anan ta nikitak nunak?"} {"eng": "“Why does this man speak blasphemies like that? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”", "aon": "Aria douk Jisas nakri namudok aria anam henek skulumesh um lo iri, douk hani eshesh hape agundok iri amamiruh aparuh aturuh heneyagwreh hakri, “Anudok arman neyagwreh namudok um maresh? Anan douk nape nabubunim um Iruhin. Apak madukemesh um Iruhin atun ta wosik nukweshih-esh um arpeshish yoweishi inahos.”"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakripan dodogowinyi baraen nakri, “Nyak nyunak aria mare nyukrip enesh arpesh um agundok eik yagabeyen um, uwok. Nyak nyunek atin nyunam pris nutrin, aria nyunak nyunek enyudok ofa um agundok nyak yopinyum um maresh douk Iruhin ananin lo douk nakoguk Moses enyi nyakrium. Nyak nyunekesh namudok aria sabaishi arpesh ta shutrin aria shudukemesh shukri nyak douk iga yopin.”"} {"eng": "saying, “Ha! What do we have to do with you, Jesus, you Nazarene? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God!”", "aon": "Aria douk Jisas nape nenek skulumesh aria anan yoweishi sagabehos shapenyan iri nanak nawish atudok urupat aria nahwar debeg nakri, “Jisas, nyanaki wabur Nasaret iri. Nyak nyanamori nyunekap mumam apak sagabehos? Nyak nyanamori nyop mugok aka? Apak madukemen abom nyak. Nyak douk Iruhin ananin abom nuganin.”"} {"eng": "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.", "aon": "Aria Jon douk nenek baptaisumesh iri natogur nape anagun wehigunum arpesh uwok um aria nape nakripesh nakri, “Ipak pukehuk agabus yoweihi aih aria putanam pukon aparuh Iruhin. Ipak punekesh namudok aria eik inek baptaisumep aria Iruhin ta mare nusuhwesh-umep eneshenesh yoweishi inahos ipak pape penekesh iri aria nukweshihesh niyateshuguk.”"} {"eng": "All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.", "aon": "Aria ihishmorim shape sabairubi warub bape shokugi nahobig Judia iri shani ihishmorim shape Jerusalem iri shanak um shumnek Jon ananin baraen. Eshesh shanak aria shawereh esheshish yoweishi inahos shakrip Jon aria anan nenek baptaisumesh worub Jordan."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "aon": "Aria Jon nenekah iri rupah douk shenekah enen mahin shohwaren um kamel iri enyenyirub ehirub. Aria nawashot iri let douk shenekat anap mahinyip yegenyihwip. Aria worigun anan nagnoh iri douk napeum nawok gormish shani wanarin hani."} {"eng": "The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.", "aon": "Enyudok douk yopinyi baraen um Jisas Krais, Iruhin ananin Nuganin. Nyarik iri enyudok yopinyi baraen nyakitak nyanak um douk namudok."} {"eng": "As it is written in the prophets, “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you:", "aon": "Seiwok Iruhin ananin Mishin nyohur anudok profet Aisaia aria nuwem enen Iruhin ananin baraen namudok. Iruhin nakri, “Eik ta ishopok anan arman nurao eikin baraen nyirik nyunak aria nyak ta nyugiman. Anan ta nugabemen yah nirik."} {"eng": "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord! Make his paths straight!’”", "aon": "Anan ta nunak nupe wehigunum arpesh uwok um aria nupe nuhwar debeg nukri, ‘Gabeiman yah Debeini. Pugabeyoh hupe wosik um anan nugimah nunaki um.’”"} {"eng": "Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.", "aon": "Anas wisiyu um oudok wagugaki armago, aria anas wisiyu wosik wadukemesh iri."} {"eng": "Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them,", "aon": "Oudok wagugaki warauri owowish lamhos wanaki aria madae usuwi wel unaki shopunek uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.", "aon": "Aria oudok wadukemesh iri, woshar kupairi wel owowish atin atin koutukwihos aria waraesh wanaki shopunek shani owowish lamhos."} {"eng": "As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "aon": "Namudokehi aih eshesh seiwok shenekehi um Noa ananib nyutobum, eshesh ko shenek ahudok atatahih aih atih shupe abudok nyutob aria Eik Anudok Arman yatogur adurinyi arpen iri ko itanamori."} {"eng": "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ship,", "aon": "Seiwok abudok nyutob douk debeibusi worubus madae sutogurum uwe, eshesh apa shenek irugis worigun shashoh, shawok abar, aria arpesh apa shanaraum, arigaha ahudok nyumnah Noa nawish korohukahi hatogur."} {"eng": "and they didn’t know until the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.", "aon": "Eshesh madae shudukemesh um enyudok amain ko nyutogur-umeshum uwe, uwok. Aria eshesh shape namudok atin arigaha abusdok debeibusi worubus satogur sabo ihishmorim arpesh shagok shatuh. Aria douk ko atatahih atih aih ko hutogrum abudok nyutob Eik Anudok Arman yatogur adurinyi arpen iri ko itanamorium."} {"eng": "“Then if any man tells you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘There!’ don’t believe it.", "aon": "“Um abudok nyutob, meishi arpesh ko shukrip ipak, ‘Ipak putik. Anudok arman Krais,’ douk Iruhin nagraehan aria neshopokan nanaki iri douk anudok aka, shukripep shukri, ‘Nani nape ganik,’ aria ipak mare penek bilipumesh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For false christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.", "aon": "Umum maresh? Aria anam henek rohw hagiyagigi iri armam ko hunaki hukri namudok, ‘Eik anudok arman Iruhin nagraehe iri aria neshopoke yanakium iri’ aka, ‘Eik shopunek douk anan profet.’ Aria amam ko henek debeinyi Iruhin atun neneken iri mour aria henek enen kak nyutogur. Eshesh shakana shenek rohw shigiyagim ihish arpesh, aria eshesh ta wosik um aria eshesh shakana shenek rohw shigiyagimum arpesh Iruhin douk nagraeheshum ananish iri. Aria namudok ta uwok."} {"eng": "“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men; for you don’t enter in yourselves, neither do you allow those who are entering in to enter.", "aon": "Aria Jisas ta shopunek nakri namudok, “Eik yakri giha abom um ipak penek skulumesh um lo iri aria ipak Farisi. Aria ipak ko pupe yoweihi aihum. Umum maresh, ipak peyagwreh biyog nukwatog iri. Umum maresh? Ipak padukemesh um putapok witogum arpesh shakana shuwish aburdok wabur um Iruhin nape Debeini um ananish arpesh shapeum heven. Umum maresh? Ipak kanak shopunek ta mare puwish uwe, uwok. Aria kadak ba arpesh shakana shuwishum aria ipak punak putapumesh yah eshesh kabi da putapok witog um esheshis nabes yomogos um."} {"eng": "All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying,", "aon": "Eshudok eneshenesh shenenek um shuwereh profet ananin baraen nyatogur adurin atin. Aria baraen enyudok."} {"eng": "“Tell the daughter of Zion, behold, your King comes to you, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”", "aon": "“Krip Saionibur debeiburi wabur, ‘Tik, ipakin king nanaki um ipak! Anan samokwiyain arpen nanaki netemori enen mahin donki aria enen nugaen donki nyaran nyanaku.’”"} {"eng": "When they came near to Jerusalem and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,", "aon": "Jisas nani ananim disaipel hanak huruhuruk um Jerusalem aria amam hanak hatogur wabur Betfage hurukum gani Olivig mihig. Nagundok aria Jisas neshopok biom disaipel harik hanak."} {"eng": "saying to them, “Go into the village that is opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to me.", "aon": "Anan nakripam namudok, “Punak nabrudok wabur bape barigiri. Aria nagundok ipak biom ta ko putik enen mahin donki shanatogen nyeir maduhw nyani enen nugaen aria pukweshihesh madururuh aria puraesh punam-morim eik."} {"eng": "Therefore the Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.", "aon": "“Nyak nyumnek. Arpesh shuwish agundok Iruhin nape Debeini um ananish arpesh shapeum heven douk kabi anan king nenekesh um. Anan nakri um ananim heneman mour iri ta hanaki aria hubeiman tukwanibor utabor huni anan."} {"eng": "When he had begun to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents.", "aon": "Aria anan douk napeum nenek mour um norig amudok, aria amam harawi anan arman nanaki um king, anan nubokadae rig nurao sabaibori utabor um king batogur um 10 milionibor utabor."} {"eng": "See that you don’t despise one of these little ones, for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.", "aon": "“Ipak ko gamo pudukemesh namudok. Ipak ta mare pukuna enen batowin orokohun um eshudok batowish da yoweishigom uwe, uwok. Eik yakrip ipak um gani heven esheshish enselahos, ihib nyutob ta sheyatu um eikin Yaken ananig yomag da nape gani heven iri. ["} {"eng": "For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost.", "aon": "Umum maresh? Eik douk Anudok Arman yatogur adurinyi arpen iri yanamori yataurum eshudok arpesh douk shanak shawishukuk iri.]”"} {"eng": "and they will kill him, and the third day he will be raised up.” They were exceedingly sorry.", "aon": "Abudok nyutob Jisas nani ananim disaipel hantorum gani anab debeibi amnab Galili aria Jisas nakripam namudok, “Eshesh ko shuko Eik Anudok Arman douk yatogur adurinyi arpen iri um anam armam amamis wis. Aria amam ko he igok. Aria bihatuh nyumneh hutuh aria eik ta ikitak.” Amam disaipel hemnek enyudok baraen aria amamish urkum apahw yowesh abom."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.", "aon": "Aria anan nakripam namudok, “Ipakin bilip douk shokwin abom, namudok aria ipak ta mare penekesh namudok uwe, uwok. Eik yakripep adurin baraen, ipak douk pene bilip kabi da anam shokumi rowogim mastetim shurkum, aria ipak ta wosik pukrip ahwudok yoduhw, ‘Nyak kitak ba kare ganudok, aria ohwohw ta hwukitak hwunak. Aria adur atin eshudok ihish ipak ta penekesh.’ ["} {"eng": "But this kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and fasting.”", "aon": "Ipak pukuna penekesh namudok um, aria ipak ta penek beten pushakur um worigun aria ipak ta wosik ko puhiyah eshudoki eneshenesh.]”"} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.", "aon": "Aria ihishmorim shawok worigun ba dugaresh. Ihish tutukwanishi worigun shakuk iri douk amam ta hatorumesh ba heshuruk 7-poreiruh suraruh."} {"eng": "Those who ate were four thousand men, in addition to women and children.", "aon": "Amudok armam douk hawok worigun iri shadareham hatogur 4,000-poreim. Aria armago wani batowish madae shudarehesh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "For John said to him, “It is not lawful for you to have her.”", "aon": "Seiwok Herot narao Herodias, okwok da Filip ananik irohukwik, aria Filip douk watak nape. Filip da Herot ananin wanin. Aria Jon nubo nakrip Herot namudok, “Nyak nyabrig Iruhin ananin lo um nyatrun ananik armatok. Namudok ta mare nyenekesh uwe, uwok.” Namudok aria Herot nasuhw Jon aria napiyakan nakwu senab aria nanur nape shunuweshik-ati urupat."} {"eng": "So it will be in the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked from among the righteous,", "aon": "Kweipon hahi hagiguki nyumnah hutogur agudok nahobigum ta shubirak namudok atin. Eshesh enselahos ko shunaki shurao yoweishi arpesh da shape orokohun um yopishi arpesh shapeum,"} {"eng": "and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”", "aon": "aria eshesh ta shuwashak eshudok yoweishi arpesh shuwish ehudok debeihi nyih. Gani numun um ehudok nyih eshesh ko shureh yowiyokuk aria shurpak naruh shuwatoruh.”"} {"eng": "“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.", "aon": "“Ipak arpesh douk penek debeinyi mour abom iri aria purao debeinyi amain, ipak ihipmorim punamori um eik aria eik ta ikep uhwin um ipak."} {"eng": "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls.", "aon": "Ipak ko purao saki um eik aria pupe shakamum eikin baraen. Namudok aria puhur aidap da shopemum um bulmakauin aruhwigur iri um da shanuk eneshenesh enyi. Ipak purao eikin saki. Umum maresh? Eik da samokwiyain arpen aria eik yenekesh shokubur um ipak arpesh. Aria eik yape shokubur atin kabi da enen batowin um. Aria ta eneshenesh mare shukep amaenyibi bagab ipak aria ipak ta purao uhwin um ipakish urkum apahw."} {"eng": "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”", "aon": "Apudok aidap eik douk yopemum ipakish aruhwiguhw iri apap douk horihorip aria ipak ta wosik pupusah. Aria eneshenesh eik yako ipakeshi um pushusah eshesh da madae amaenyish atish uwe, uwok.”"} {"eng": "A man’s foes will be those of his own household.", "aon": "aria raminen ananish wanaruh ko shutogur ananish horik horin.’"} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.", "aon": "Aria Jisas nakri namudok, “Ipak mare punogugur um arpesh da shakana shununu ipak iri. Ihish eneshenesh da shunushapom shakus iri ko shutogur yopugunum. Aria ihin baraen da nyunabeshuk iri ko arpesh shudukemen."} {"eng": "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.", "aon": "Baraen eik yakrip ipaken wab iri, ipak ko piyagwrehen nyumnah. Aria baraen ipak ta shokubur pumneken iri, aria ipak pukih putem iruhw modukwigum urusag aria pukrip ihish armam armago."} {"eng": "Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.", "aon": "Aria ipak mare punogugur um arpesh da shabo abudok amnabihw yegenyihw hwagok iri, aria eshesh ta mare shubo enyudok mishin nyor numun ipak iri. Uwok. Ipak ta punogugur Iruhin atun. Anan atun ko nununu abudok amnabihw yegenyihw aria mishin shopunek gani ehudok yoweihi nyihiburi wabur hel."} {"eng": "“Aren’t two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.", "aon": "“Ipak padukemesh, arpesh da shator bioguhw shokuguhwi armiguhw um 10-poreibor utabor. Aria ipakin Yaken da gamo apa neyoh ipak um agwuhwudok armiguhw. Aria da anan nunoiwos akure, aria ta mare anar um agwuhwdok armiguhw ta rugruki rubuh amnab uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.", "aon": "Aria shopunek, Iruhin da iganigadae nadareh ihirub ehirub betem ipakigos baragos iri, aria anan gamo nadukemesh um ipak."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.", "aon": "Namudok aria ipak mare punogugur. Ipak penek uhwin um sabaigwuhwi shokwugwuhwi armiguhw.”"} {"eng": "“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.", "aon": "Eshudok batowish shenek skul iri madae shenek uhwin um esheshin tisa uwe, uwok. Aria eshudok shenek mour um kupaishi iri madae shupe iruhw shenek uhwin um esheshin debeini uwe."} {"eng": "It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household!", "aon": "Eshudok batowish shenek skul iri ta shutogur kabi da esheshin tisa um, aria wosik. Aria ta eshudok shenek mour um kupaishi iri shutogur kabi da esheshin debeini um, aria namudok shopunek wosik. Eshesh nubo shakon nyeigur Belsebul um urupatin yaken, namudok aria apak madukemesh, eshesh ko shukri sabaishi yoweishi nyeiguhw um eshudok ananishi shape urupat iri.”"} {"eng": "Into whatever city or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy, and stay there until you go on.", "aon": "“Aria punak puwish anabur debeiburi wabur aka anabur shokuburi wabur, aria putrugun ba gamo pudukemesh, meimeishi da shape abrudok wabur iri da yopishi arpesh. Aria ipak puni enyudok arpen atin pupe arigaha nyumnah ipak pakana ta punak ahi."} {"eng": "As you enter into the household, greet it.", "aon": "Ipak punak puwish anat urupat, aria ipak ta pukrip arpesh shape atudok urupat iri namudok, ‘Iruhin ko gamo nutaurum ipak.’"} {"eng": "Don’t take any gold, silver, or brass in your money belts.", "aon": "“Aria ipak ta mare puruk gol, utabor, siliwa aka kapaibor utabor banagos uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "Take no bag for your journey, neither two coats, nor sandals, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food.", "aon": "Ipak ta purahaen um mare pusuhw banagos uwe, uwok. Aria mare pusuhw biobiog siotog, su aka butip, uwok. Arman nenek mour iri, eshesh ko shubiroman um worigun nini enesh eneshenesh."} {"eng": "Behold, a woman who had a discharge of blood for twelve years came behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment;", "aon": "Aria onok armatok okwok seiwok arugeh hapeyok 12-poreish kwarahos um owishibor banakok. Aria okwok kwanaki agabinum Jisas aria kwasusuhw anagas um ahudok rouhi rupah anan nenekah iri."} {"eng": "for she said within herself, “If I just touch his garment, I will be made well.”", "aon": "Okwok da apa kwaneyagwreh kwakri, “Ikri isusuhw ananih rupah atuh um, aria eik ta yopuwe.”"} {"eng": "“Enter in by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it.", "aon": "Jisas nakri namudok, “Ipak punak puwish atudok shokwuti wit. Aria wit douk tunam yoweihi yah ta punak puwishukuk ahi ahudok debeihi yah, douk sabaishi arpesh shatik shokubur um shakana shigimoh."} {"eng": "How narrow is the gate and the way is restricted that leads to life! There are few who find it.", "aon": "Aria wit tunam abrudok yopuburi wabur iri um arpesh shunak shupe wosik yopinyi poe iri, atudok wit shokukutet abom iri, aria yah hunam abrudok wabur iri shopunek sabaishi arpesh madae shigimoh uwe, uwok. Aria douk atin atin arman armatok wosik shatik shadukemesh aria shagim ahudok yah.”"} {"eng": "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?", "aon": "“Umum maresh, ba ipak patik mehimainyi nyubuhasin nyor ipakin anokwinen ananip nabep iri, aria ipak da madae urkwip purum debeipi rowogip aidap da por ipakis nabes iri?"} {"eng": "Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye,’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye?", "aon": "Aria douk aidap por ipakis nabes, aria umum maresh ba ipak ta pukrip ipakin anokwinen, ‘Anokwin, eik yakana itukuk nyubuhas da shor nyakip nabep iri?’"} {"eng": "You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.", "aon": "Ipak douk penek rohw iri aria pagiyagigi. Riguk ipak ta putukuk debeipi rowogip aidap por ipak kanak ipakis nabes iri ba jurug. Aria kwehig ba gamo putik aria ko putukuk shokushi nyubuhas da shor ipakin anokwinen ananip nabep iri."} {"eng": "Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don’t toil, neither do they spin,", "aon": "Aria umum maresh ba ipakish urkum apahw yowesh um rupeh? Ipak ko putik kabi da eshudok wanorish aruruhish shatogur um. Eshesh douk shatogur mumam? Eshesh madae shunek enen debeinyi mour uwe, uwok. Eshesh madae shenek rupeh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.", "aon": "Aria douk eik yakrip ipak, seiwok King Solomon nere sabaihwi yopuyopuhwi ananihw suruhw ba uwok, eshudok aruruhish shenek uhwin um Solomon ananihw suruhw."} {"eng": "“Don’t lay up treasures for yourselves on the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal;", "aon": "Jisas nakri namudok, “Ipak mare putorum yopiyopishi eneshenesh ipakish aria pushubuk atugun agundok um agudok nahobig, uwok. Puneshubuk agundok um yomiyamish aria ros ko shununish, aria eshudok shakwaruhi ko shubrig narub urusag ba shukwumesh aruh."} {"eng": "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves don’t break through and steal;", "aon": "Namudok aria ipak ko putorum yopiyopishi eneshenesh aria pushubuk atugun gani iruhw heven. Umum maresh, gani iruhw heven yomiyamish aria ros ko mare shununish aria eshudok shakwuaruhi ko mare shubrig narub urusag ba shukwumesh aruh uwe, uwok."} {"eng": "They, having heard the king, went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them until it came and stood over where the young child was.", "aon": "Douk hemnek king ananin baraen aria amam hanak. Amam hanak yah aria ta hatik okwudok apunik unuk douk harik hatrukwi gani aun nakihumori iri. Okwok kwarig atin aria amam hagipeshok arigaha kwanak kwotem iruhw anudok nuganin neshuh atari urupat."} {"eng": "When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.", "aon": "Amam hatik okwudok unuk aria amam hanadudareh hanaboum mishish."} {"eng": "Now all this has happened that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,", "aon": "Eshudok eneshenesh shenenek shagipesh baraen seiwok anan profet noko Iruhinin baraen iri anan nakri namudok,"} {"eng": "“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall give birth to a son. They shall call his name Immanuel,” which is, being interpreted, “God with us.”", "aon": "“Onok madae kuti armam iri ta kweyetueguk, kwubanuh aria kubuki anan nuganin, aria shuhwaran Emanuel. Enyudok baraen nyakri namudok, Iruhin nani apak nape.”"}