{"eng": "and one third of the living creatures which were in the sea died. One third of the ships were destroyed.", "amp": "Yo tfit husyuk mounmotrhu fumrr fumrmorr. Rorhu fumrrpno be tu yonmari kaht nda yuht kminysoft kur funewa kanjohot bro kaht yak-momt wom maromb nmbuhat watu-momt. Watumotmt nhaf nd maromb nmbuhathu bupam kkupata bugamomn nd maromb nmbuhat hirhato yewussoh htfasmo yirat nd yiro marombt hutraf-mo tamoh tamoht noh witamot yo nd yura marombt wutone atonemo sifm ndm htimoyanm rpat bafinat yimom."} {"eng": "You also as living stones are built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.", "amp": "Nikmoh dukefm Nungothet Jisasrpno htamoatko Bro Nkifrar inji htihato rorhu yufat rhuyuk yon kunys fak htamorko. Yak htahato rorhu rmont kanjo kasinyamorko. Womm rom nhai. Jisasr yakmomr rifak htafmomr. Tu Bro Nkifrarhu yima yuhur ror Jisasrpar htamour. Ndnatn Jisasr yak-morr rmonthu dany rahur kasinyamorr. Niko rorhu yon kunys, niko wohnfa rahu nd ndeko. Niko Bro Nkifrarhu priseko. Turhu rmonthu hingrneft hingrna yimako fak htamorko. Niko lotuhato windoh nd nd nefm newam Jisasr yekwarm Bro Nkifrar wuyahukr ofakfot yahuka kanjo. Bro Nkifrar inji htihato yindhorwor."} {"eng": "Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind, who concerning the faith are rejected.", "amp": "Bingot Janes Jambresrof to inji namofm Mosesr kfoyuk mrokfom. Rof buha mtohhato tfit rofn kfo wok bawokmofm. Nd giaman tisam to inji newumt Bro Nkifrarhu tu yafothet mrokfot. Nd yimam nhai tu dborioh yima yuhur rhukahrm. Fasoh yima yuhu bebrpno yorhwamn nhai Bro Nkifrarhu tu yafothet mrokfot yakitohkahmt."} {"eng": "But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.", "amp": "Yimam afo mhikaknirahmm nd giaman tisam. Kto nd rroh mmo nmbuhat mhti dukaruhamtn myafho-nirahmm. Janes Jambresrof mhti dukahato myafhonimo kanjo inji mhti dukahato yafhorahmm."} {"eng": "But godliness with contentment is great gain.", "amp": "Be Bro Nkifrarhu kfo yirmoh mrokfom hikhato nhai be mfro dukakahnom bok maruti wusshu harhuneft, nmoh rhu nmbuhat rhu marnyarfonomt. Nhai tamoh tamohr yak kkopenrfotnom."} {"eng": "For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly can’t carry anything out.", "amp": "Nom nurmohat nhai wom tamohr yakitohakhato niarmonom. Tfit nom ndar bbinysoft htanyhato yi shoft nhai tfit wom tamohr yakitohakniruhatnom."} {"eng": "But having food and clothing, we will be content with that.", "amp": "Dfik yeshriyenm korhmnom o dfik hmbresham harhuwonom, to be ndrpampno rhukfot. Hti tmany juha."} {"eng": "But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth,", "amp": "To bar yinouroko, Nungothet Jisasr tu hti yindhor mifworko. Bingot nd nikmoh nrfa htiyakneft Bro Nkifrar bi duka htangotmort. Bi duka hta memor, “Tukanhu Yafothaye thu hmbrihato bi nanhu yufatn rhurahm. Yo nanhu mrokfot bi yakruhamtn hikrahmt.” Nd nmbuhatpno nom niko dukahato Bro Nkifrar kfo yindhorkfot."} {"eng": "to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.", "amp": "Nd gutnius mrokfot nom hany pthamot, nd yuhatn fakmorko. Bro Nkifrarhu dukeft memor, yakrhoyanmn nanpno tohhato nmoh Nungothet Jisas Kraisr bro yufat yakhato kfo yindhor thombat, niko rpat nd bro yufat yakrahko."} {"eng": "We always give thanks to God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers,", "amp": "Niko Bro Nkifrar yakitohwa nmbuhat dukahato yiha yiha Bro Nkifrar kfo yindhorhato kfo bruttne-wunomko."} {"eng": "remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love and perseverance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father.", "amp": "Nom htitwonom nikmoh dukefm Jisasrn yihato dborioh nefm hikwoko. Dborioh nefm yakitohetkomn womm htineft kak marnyewukomm. Yo tamoh krhopam nianeft nhai yakrmekahko. Tohhato titewukomm. Krhopam titahato nikmoh dukefm kitm Nungothet Jisas Kraisr hneruha dborioh rhu nmbuhatn. Nom inji htitanomn Bro Nkifrar kfo yindhor-wonomr."} {"eng": "We give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,", "amp": "No kfo bruttnahato nikmoh yufam yuta thombat, nmoh Nungothet Jisas Kraisrhu Yifemrpno kfo yindhorwo-nonko."} {"eng": "having heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have toward all the saints,", "amp": "Nhai be sfno Bro Nkifrarpno kfo yindhor furakahnonko. Mrokfot wanyakmono kfo memomno, “Kolosi thofm Jisas Kraisr hikwamn Bro Nkifrarhu tuhan yindarim hifa hifa kak marnyewumm.” No inji wanyak-hato Bro Nkifrarpno kfo yindhorwo-nonko."} {"eng": "because of the hope which is laid up for you in the heavens, of which you heard before in the word of the truth of the Good News", "amp": "Niko nhai bi nd nefm riyakitohakrmokomm. Hefenr yimam muhhato Bro Nkifrar hiruha wusshu mrokfot riwanyakhato Jisas Kraisrhu yafothet gutnius mrokfot riwany yakiowakhato nd nefm rifakitohak-mokomm."} {"eng": "And honour and glory be to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, by the revelation of (the) mystery held still, in times everlasting; [Forsooth to him, that is mighty to confirm you by my gospel, and (the) preaching of Jesus Christ, after the revelation of (the) mystery holden still, that is, not showed, in times everlasting;]", "amp": "Nom Bro Nkifrarhu yufat yuta hagrha yindhorkfot. Jisas Kraisrhu gutniuskfot, na kfo nuhaswat, thu bmtarahtko. Nd gutniuskfot bingot bi nkifra nkiframpno afo Bro Nkifrar kafroh hnamourt."} {"eng": "(But nowe is opened, and published among all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophetes, at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith)", "amp": "Tfit arihatn tafont htamotrt nomn kfo nuhaswonomm. Nd toh nkifraniyet Bro Nkifrar rorn kfo htewatrnom nom yihato bingot tohmo profetm htayuk mrokfom kmi kmim kfo ptha nuhaswonomt. Kfo pthiwatnomm kmi kmim bi wanuk-womt. Memor, “Inji anakahta yima tangim wany yakioruhamn hikrahm.”"} {"eng": "God is really great and powerful, so everybody has to tell him that he is good. He can make you strong. This is his message. It is the good news about Jesus Christ. A long time ago, God planned to get both the Jewish people, and the people that are not Jews, to believe in him. But at first he kept it a secret, and he just got the Jewish people to follow him. After that, he got his men to write about it ahead of time, and their words are in his book. Now his message about Jesus is for every nation. It is not just for the Jewish people, but everybody everywhere can trust him, and they can listen to him and do what he wants. God is the only one that can think good enough to make it all work out like that. So everybody has to tell God and Jesus Christ, “You are great.” They have always got to do that for ever. From Paul", "amp": "Nd nom kfiwa Bro Nkifrar ror tu be bro dukefeter. Ror kfomotr, Jisas Kraisr fawihnamor. Nom ndt dukahato rorhu yufat yiha yiha yuta hagrha yindhorkfot. To be inji."} {"eng": "For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?", "amp": "Bro Nkifrar gari haso memounom, “Rorn nrfa htiyakhato yak marnya-rahrnom.” Nom inji duka duka tohneft nhai be sfno. Yimam duka darwon yukatoh hasiwam, tafi hti duha o yakitoh duha be dukahato kukatoh hasiwum. Yimam bi nd ror duka darwon hasoyuk tamohm bi fekmm o htitawomm, nhai wom dukahato yukatoh hasokahm."} {"eng": "But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.", "amp": "Nom be mrokforpat wanyhato rhu darwon hasiwohat kto be yak mifrahnom. Nd dukeftpno rhuhato gari hasiwunom."} {"eng": "Therefore don’t let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.", "amp": "Kraisrpno bi noh mifetnomn ndnettn mirahm tfit nikmoh tirm, wuram, tngm, nyingam, yuhut yimanysof bugat tfit fasoh yima rifhurn ayak hta bohtarm."} {"eng": "Also, do not present your members to sin as instruments of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.", "amp": "Mirahm nikmoh tirm, wuram o yuhut thatipt be fasoh fasoh nefmn arhunim. Nd niko hatohmo fasoh yima rifhur bi nohnimorn tfit Bro Nkifrar nfri yima rifhur hemorko. Ndnettn nikmoh tohefm to be Bro Nkifrar tohwa toheftn toh hikkfot. Nikmoh thatip bugam Bro Nkifrarpar hehato rorn yak htarahrko."} {"eng": "For sin will not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.", "amp": "Niko nhai duka mekahko, boririfhut yakitohhato nd boririfhutn yak hta bohtakahttm nikmoh wiyauyau nmbuham Bro Nkifrar yakmiyakrahrko. Nhai. Kraisr yakitohwatko Bro Nkifrar hti yuhuwafhato kakmiyekworko. Ndnettn nhai tfit nd fasoh nefroh yafothat rim kuny singohato yak hta bohtaruhattko."} {"eng": "May it never be! We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?", "amp": "Nhai mif. Nd fasoh fasoh nefroh yafothar bi minohnimor. To finji tfit nd yafothar sinyahato hatoneruharnom? Nhai."} {"eng": "We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life.", "amp": "Nmoh baftaisneft wadukako. Nom bi Jisas Kraisrpno rpat ritohakhato baftaismonom. To be nd baftais yuhatn Kraisrpno nom rpat nohhato fop hmbremomnom. Bi yopt tohetnom tfit tu Nanyjaret Yifemr Kraisr yak kasinyamo kanjo inji yak kasinyar-fornom. Yak kasinyahato nfri rhu nmbuhat herfornom."} {"eng": "He called to himself two of the centurions, and said, “Prepare two hundred soldiers to go as far as Caesarea, with seventy horsemen and two hundred men armed with spears, at the third hour of the night.”", "amp": "Nd krnungothetr nakuyakmorf hus soldiaroh tohak yimaf. Yimotf kfo memorf, “Wayak htatafnm 200 soldiam yo hos hatoneyuk 70 soldiam yo kfra inyarut hatoneyuk 200 soldiam. Wayak htatakahfnm hrek 9 kilok yifung wahasinyakahfnm Sisariako wahanyswafnm."} {"eng": "He asked them to provide mounts, that they might set Paul on one, and bring him safely to Felix the governor.", "amp": "Porrhu hatonayuk hosm rpat wayak hta bohtatwafnm. Rpat wahany marnyakahfnr aiswar Feliksrpno. Feliksr nambawan gaf-maner.”"} {"eng": "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.", "amp": "Niko tawisaf-woko Nasaret thof Jisasrhu wiyauyau nmbuhat. Jonr Jisasr baftaisim-nimotrr tfit Bro Nkifrarhu bbukayet Yafothar yaknihato fau habrimor distrik Galilit. Distrik Galilit yau habri bugamortn tfit kantri Judiathu kmi kmim inji buga. Yi htfasetrn Satanr yakitohmoa yima bugam fak marnya htfasmorm."} {"eng": "Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them,", "amp": "Jerusalemt toh hasomo aposerm wanyak memom, “O, Sameria thofm Bro Nkifrarhu mrokfot wanyhato kak hikwomt.” Be inji wanyakhato Pita Jonrof kfo tkrur memomf, “Wamhti marnya tanyfnm.”"} {"eng": "Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.", "amp": "Kfo tatonihato tir htamotfm Yafotha fakmom."} {"eng": "All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.", "amp": "Ndwom womt nanhu nyinga yuhat tohak hanyukm, rom rikoh yimayem, wuska teh hbotfayet yimayem. To ndnatn sifsifm nhai rroh tngm wany tone-rmoamm."} {"eng": "I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out and will find pasture.", "amp": "Na, na tu yihota rim fnahni yuhaya. Yimar nanpno nierahr, Bro Nkifrarhu tirmn rhurahr. Nhai wom tamohm finjina finjinaruhatmr. Yarim fnahna rim fnahnihato ye wussoh htfas hakurahr."} {"eng": "The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.", "amp": "Rikoh yimar nianeft ror nhai wom tamoh dukefrpno niakahr. Nhai. Ror be nd sifsifroh yak rikohhato was yenyeftn niewur. To na niamohat, nhai nd dukefr niarmoya. Na yimaroh toh marnyaneft dukahato niamoya. Yimam nanpno tohhato be nhai tfit wom tamohm yak hambroruhatm o dukaruhatm."} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "amp": "Na, na sifsifroh dborioh tohukatoha. Dborioh tohuka-tohr inji niewur, ror turn rorhu sifsifroh tamoh nefm mfha htewurm."} {"eng": "Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes and seeing that a great multitude was coming to him, said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?”", "amp": "Jisasr memor, “Ayukatohafoya,” asha htiyakmorm yonmari rifuhetr. Be ror nd yonmari met yindari rifhur htiyakhato tfit Filifr ttiwon rhti memor, “Nda yonmari rifinyr niwarne, to yeshrim fitha wiknahato yahukanomm?”"} {"eng": "He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.", "amp": "Nd ttiwon mrokfot Jisasr kfomot, be yuwi Filifrhu yima yuhurhu was tiwonneftn inji ttiwon rhtimor. Tu Jisasr ror tor rhumor rorhu yima yuhur nd yimaroh finji nayukr."} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "amp": "Farisimn nd yimam kfo tkrurmotmm niamomn,"} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "amp": "Jonr kfo ttiwon memomr, “To ni Kraisn rhu duha yi shoft, o Iraijan rhu duha yi shoft, o nd profetn rhu duha yi shoft, to tamohmpno yimam baftaiswanm?”"} {"eng": "returned from the tomb, and told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.", "amp": "Be tfit yimom. Yihato nd Jisasr hik habrimoa 11-pela yimam yo wom met yindarim kfo nuhas hanymomm."} {"eng": "Now they were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. The other women with them told these things to the apostles.", "amp": "Makdala efkot Mariat, Joanat, Jemsrhu mmem Mariat yo wom wom metm rompno tohyukm, romn yi hti tanyhato kfo nuhas bonuhasmomm nd Jisasrhu disaiperm."} {"eng": "Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” Having said this, he breathed his last.", "amp": "Be inji yarmbon tiftn rhu hanymotn marr tri kilok yihom toh hanymor Jisasr mfaknimor. Wuroh myakni yibonruha turhu yifem Bro Nkifrarko naku tau ttinimorr, “Bro Yifeme, na bi toya bi niewa wamiyakna.” Nd Bro Nkifrarhu temperrhu tu Nngrajoh Hnaru Gnanhehr gna rafomoa rmonthat yimar mfakni hanymor, nd rmonthat rpat buha foh tnehmot. Buha yoh tnehhato nmbuhaf mano mano rim rhu mrhumof."} {"eng": "and desiring to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. Yes, even the dogs came and licked his sores.", "amp": "Yo tor tohmor wom yima bebr. Rorhu yufat Lasarusr. Nd maru kunyet yimarhu kuny yifhatikt ndha rhutamour. Duka memour, ‘Nd maru kunyet yimar ye bruraf hanyuk dborioh dborioh yeshrthu krpupenm tebor rfashit misuhyukm nann ye tuthatak hanyruhanm.’ Inji dukahato rim rhuta hasomour. Lasarusenr nd yonmari, yonmari fhutpno kku bebt harhutamoahat memoum, ‘Nndo yau kuteter.’ Nd fhu tikroh kku bunyangrt tonemoatt tfit yaum yimoamn tepen dbrorhamoumr."} {"eng": "for he loves our nation, and he built our synagogue for us.”", "amp": "Nd yimam yimomn, Jisasr mkfo naku memomr, “Nd yimar tu dborioh yimayer. Nom Judanom hifa kak marnyewurnom. Rorn nd nmoh rhu rifinyuk rmont hingrnamort. Ndnatn waniakahnn, rorhu hingrna yimar wayak marnyatwanr.”"} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "amp": "Nd yonr sinya thombat be tu bro yufet yonr tohrahr. Yimam yuta hakurahmr ‘Tu yura myorhekwa Nkifrarhu Yonr.’ Turhu nkidom Defitr hatohmo bro yufat kindo tfit nd yonr Bro Nkifrar nd bro yufat hirahr."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "amp": "Nd Jekof frikeft yutiwa Isrerm, rorn tohukatohrahrm. Rorn toh yukatoh hanyrahrm yiha yiham.”"} {"eng": "There was one called Barabbas, bound with his fellow insurgents, men who in the insurrection had committed murder.", "amp": "Nd kalabus htamo yimam gafmanrpno wom yahrt rhumott wom yimam nambur tonehato yima wasmom. To nd yimam kalabus htamomm. Nd yimaroh wom yimarhu yufat Barabasr."} {"eng": "The multitude, crying aloud, began to ask him to do as he always did for them.", "amp": "Nd Pasofakfot yi rifinyuk yimam yi rifiny bugahato Pailatr kfo memomr, “Ni tu Pasofa yiha na hakuta kanjo hrek inji wana.”"} {"eng": "They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.", "amp": "Nd Jisasr yakniyuk yimam hanymomrn tu nd prisroh bro tohak yimarhu kunysn hanymomr. Nd kunysn prisroh bro yimam yo Judaroh bro yimam yo nkifra boririfhuthu tisam rifinymom."} {"eng": "Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.", "amp": "Pitar, ror be nhowi mongkongotn fau ss hik hanymourm. Bi prisroh bro tohak yimarhu kuny kmifarn bi hanitwomre, ror be nhowi yimorn Bro Nkifrarhu temperr tohukatohyuk yimampno brbo kahtpno haunyomour."} {"eng": "When he had come out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit met him out of the tombs.", "amp": "Rim dbkafnihato Jisasr yuhre witani hanymor asha wom kmi yarh fknayet yimar yima yopko toh tany niamorn Jisasr mhtimor."} {"eng": "He lived in the tombs. Nobody could bind him any more, not even with chains,", "amp": "Nd kmi yarh fknayet yimar be inji yima gum htamoa tahi bakuny mkumn hweta htfasmour. Yimam nhombratitamoum yakitohtaneft o sene kibokisaneft."} {"eng": "because he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him, and the fetters broken in pieces. Nobody had the strength to tame him.", "amp": "Bok yiham hankafe, yo sene, tir wuram kisi, tu be nhai mif. Kimoumr, tfit tur wabbuka sinyahato frdbombhonimourm. Nhai rorhu yimaroh yakkfot."} {"eng": "Always, night and day, in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out, and cutting himself with stones.", "amp": "Yifung marm to be yima gum htamoa tahi bakuny mkumn yo yura kmi yihofmn toh hasomour. Btn tur mumakhato tau hifa bohifamour yo tahim yakhato nde tur puk finy bofinymour."}