{"eng": "He who spoke with me had for a measure a golden reed to measure the city, its gates, and its walls.", "sus": "مَنِيَسٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ نُ نَ نَ مَلٍكّ يِ رَ، نَشَن نُ وْيّنمَ ٱ بّ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ نْ تَا، عَ نَادّيٍ، نُن عَ تّتّ مَنِيَدٍ."} {"eng": "He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” He said, “Write, for these words of God are faithful and true.”", "sus": "نَشَن مَفٌرٌشِ كِبَنيِ كُي عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «يَكْسِ، ٱ بَرَ قٍ بِرِن مَسَرَ.» عَ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «عَ سّبّ، بَرِ مَ مَسٍنيِ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن قِندِشِ نْندِ رَ، عَ مُ كَنَمَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. There was found no place for them.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ٱ نَشَ كِبَنيِ شُنفبٍ قِيشّ تٌ، عَلَ مَفٌرٌشِ عَ كُي. بْشِ نُن كٌورٍ نَشَ عٍ فِ عَ يَ رَ، عٍ لْي."} {"eng": "and he will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to the war, whose number is as the sand of the sea.", "sus": "عَ سِفَ دُنِحَ بِرِن سِيٍ مَدَشُدٍ، عَلْ فٌفٌ نُن مَفٌفٌ، عَ عٍ مَلَن فٍرٍ شِلِ مَ. عٍ شَسَبِ لُمَ نّ عَلْ مّيّنيِ نَشَن نَ بَا دّ رَ."} {"eng": "For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her sexual immorality, the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from the abundance of her luxury.”", "sus": "عَ كَنَشِ نّ بَرِ مَ سِ بِرِن بَرَ بِرَ عَ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ قْشْ رَ. دُنِحَ مَنفّيٍ بَرَ لُ عَ سّيتِ مَ عَ شَ وَلِ كٌبِ كُي. دُنِحَ يُلّيٍ قَن بَرَ بَننَ عَ وَشْنقٍ سَابُي رَ. عٍ بِرِن لُشِ نّ عَلْ سِيسِلَيٍ.»"} {"eng": "These have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast.", "sus": "عٍ وَشْنقٍ بِرِن لَن. عٍ عٍ شَ سّنبّ نُن عٍ شَ مَنفّيَ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ نَ سُبٍ مَ."} {"eng": "and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores. They still didn’t repent of their works.", "sus": "عٍ قَ عَلَ شِلِ رَ سْتْ، نَشَن نَ كٌورٍ مَ، عٍ شَ تْورّ نُن عٍ شَ قِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ. عٍ تٌندِ فبِلٍندٍ عٍ شَ وَلِ كٌبِيٍ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "They sang the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, “Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God, the Almighty! Righteous and true are your ways, you King of the nations.", "sus": "عٍ نُ عَلَ شَ كٌنيِ مُنسَ شَ بّيتِ نَن بَمَ، عَ نُن يّشّييْرّ شَ بّيتِ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَ سّنبّ كَنيِ، عِ شَ وَلِيٍ سّنبّ فبٌ! عٍ مَكَابَ! دُنِحَ مَنفّ، عِ شَ كِرَ نْندِ نَ عَ رَ، عَ مَن تِنشِن."} {"eng": "He performs great signs, even making fire come down out of the sky to the earth in the sight of people.", "sus": "عَ نُ لُمَ كَابَنَكٌي بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَبَ رَ، هَن عَ تّ رَفٌرٌ بْشِ مَ كٍلِقٍ كٌورٍ مَ مِشِيٍ يَ شْرِ."} {"eng": "If anyone has an ear, let him hear.", "sus": "تُلِ نَ نَشَن بّ، عَ شَ عَ تُلِ مَتِ يِ مَسٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "The dragon grew angry with the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep God’s commandments and hold Jesus’ testimony.", "sus": "سُبٍ مَفَاشُشِ تٌ شْنْ نَ فِنّ مَ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ نَ فِنّ بْنسْي دْنشْييٍ فٍرٍدٍ، نَشٍيٍ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُمَ، عٍ مَن لَ عِسَ شَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ رَ."} {"eng": "The rest of mankind, who were not killed with these plagues, didn’t repent of the works of their hands, that they wouldn’t worship demons, and the idols of gold, and of silver, and of brass, and of stone, and of wood, which can’t see, hear, or walk.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ مُ قَشَ نَ فبَلٌي سَابُي رَ، عٍ مُ فبِلٍن عٍ شَ وَلِ كٌبِيٍ قْشْ رَ. عٍ نُ حِننّيٍ نَن بَتُمَ، عَ نُن كُيٍيٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ، فبٍتِ دَاشِ، وُرٍ فبٍيلِ دَاشِ، فّمّ دَاشِ، نُن وُرِ دَاشِ، نَشٍيٍ مُ نْمَ سٍ تٌدٍ، نَشٍيٍ مُ نْمَ قٍ مّدٍ، نَشٍيٍ مُ نْمَ حّرّدٍ."} {"eng": "By these three plagues, one third of mankind was killed: by the fire, the smoke, and the sulfur, which proceeded out of their mouths.", "sus": "دُنِحَ مِشِ عِتَشُنشِ سَشَن نَ، نَ دْشْدٍ سَشَن ندٍ نَشَ قَشَ نَ فبَلٌي سَشَنيِ مْولِ رَ؛ تّ، تُورِ، نُن سٌدَ نَشَن نُ مِنِمَ عٍ دّ كُي."} {"eng": "The four angels were freed who had been prepared for that hour and day and month and year, so that they might kill one third of mankind.", "sus": "نَ مَلٍكّ نَانِيٍ نُ نَ وَشَتِ يَتِ نَن مَمّمَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عَدَ مَدِ ندٍيٍ قَشَ. عَدَ مَدِيٍ عِتَشُنشِ سَشَن نَ، عٍ شَ نَ دْشْدٍ سَشَن ندٍ قَشَ. عٍ نَشَ قُلُن نَ وَلِ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "They were told that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those people who don’t have God’s seal on their foreheads.", "sus": "عٍ نُ بَرَ يَامَرِ سْتْ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ عٍ نَشَ دِن بْشِ حٌوفٍ رَ، نُن سٍ شِندٍ، عَ نُن وُرِ بِلِ يٌ رَ. عَ نُ لَنمَ عٍ شَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ فبَنسَن نَن تْورْ عَلَ شَ تْنشُمَ مُ سَشِ نَشٍيٍ تِفِ مَ."} {"eng": "for the Lamb who is in the middle of the throne shepherds them and leads them to springs of life-giving waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ يّشّييْرّ نَشَن نَ كِبَنيِ سّيتِ مَ، نَ نَن قَمَ عٍ دّفٍدٍ، عَ عٍ شُن تِ كِسِ يٍ يِرٍ رَ. عَلَ قَمَ نّ عٍ يَيٍ بِرِن نَقُرُكُدٍ.»"} {"eng": "I will kill her children with Death, and all the assemblies will know that I am he who searches the minds and hearts. I will give to each one of you according to your deeds.", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ نّ عَ شَ دِيٍ قَن قَشَدٍ. نَ كُي، دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ بِرِن عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن مِشِ بْحّ نُن عَ سٌندٌنيِ مَتٌمَ، ٱ تَن نَن عٍ شَ قٍ رَبَشِ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ عٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies. To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows but he who receives it.", "sus": "«تُلِ نَ نَشَن بّ، عَ شَ عَ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَيٍ بّ. ٱ ‹مَنَ› دٌنسٍ نْشُنشِ قِمَ نّ فٍينِ مِشِ مَ، عَ نُن فّمّ قِيشّ، شِلِ نّينّ سّبّشِ نَشَن مَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ شِلِ كٌلٌن، بَقٍ نَ فّمّ كَنيِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "But I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to throw a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit sexual immorality.", "sus": "«كْنْ قٍ ندٍيٍ نَ نَ نَشٍيٍ مُ رَقَنشِ ٱ مَ وٌ شَ قٍ رَ. وٌ شَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ بِرَ مَ بَلَمِ شَ مِسَالِ نَن قْشْ رَ، نَشَن نُ بَرَ بَلَكِ رَ سِ عَ شَ فَنتَنيِ تٍ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، عٍ شَ سُبٍيٍ دٌن نَشٍيٍ بَشِ سّرّشّ رَ كُيٍيٍ بّ، عٍ شَ يّنّ قَن نَبَ."} {"eng": "and he made us to be a Kingdom, priests to his God and Father—to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ وٌن نَسٌ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ، عَ بَرَ وٌن قِندِ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ رَ عَ بَبَ عَلَ بّ. نْرّ نُن سّنبّ نَ عَ بّ عَبَدَن! عَمِنَ."} {"eng": "to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.", "sus": "عَلَ تَنتُ، نَشَن قِرِن ندٍ مُ نَ، نَشَن بَرَ وٌن نَكِسِ عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ سَابُي رَ. نْرّ، شُننَكٍلِ، سّنبّ، نُن نْي نَ عَ بّ بٍينُن دُنِحَ شَ قْلْ، يَكْسِ، نُن وَشَتِ نَشَن سَ قَمَ عَبَدَن. عَمِنَ."} {"eng": "They said to you, “In the last time there will be mockers, walking after their own ungodly lusts.”", "sus": "عٍ نُ بَرَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، «وَشَتِ دْنشْي، مِشِيٍ قَمَ نّ يٌدٍ عَلَ مَ، عٍ بِرَ عٍ وَشْنقٍ تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ قْشْ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Whoever transgresses and doesn’t remain in the teaching of Christ doesn’t have God. He who remains in the teaching has both the Father and the Son.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن قٍ فبّتّ سُشُمَ، عَ مُ بِرَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ شَرَنيِ قْشْ رَ، نَ كَنيِ مُ عَلَ كٌلٌن. نَشَن بِرَ مَ عَ قْشْ رَ، عَ بَرَ بَبَ عَلَ نُن عَ شَ دِ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "The elder, to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not I only, but also all those who know the truth,", "sus": "ٱ تَن وٌ شَ كُنتِفِ بَرَ وٌ شّيبُ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ قِندِشِ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ سُفَندِشِ رَ، عَ نُن وٌ بٌورٍ نَشٍيٍ بَرَ نْندِ كٌلٌن. وٌ رَقَن ٱ تَن نُن نْندِ كٌلٌنيِ بِرِن مَ،"} {"eng": "Beloved, if God loved us in this way, we also ought to love one another.", "sus": "ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، عَلَ تٌ بَرَ وٌن شَنُ نَ كِ، وٌن قَن لَن نّ وٌن شَ وٌن بٌرٍ شَنُ."} {"eng": "We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brothers. He who doesn’t love his brother remains in death.", "sus": "شَنُنتٍيَ نَشَن لُمَ وٌن بْحّ كُي وٌن بٌورٍ عَدَ مَدِيٍ بّ، عَ عَ مَسٍنمَ عَ وٌن بَرَ قَشّ كِرَ لُ نَ، وٌن تِ كِسِ كِرَ شْن مَ. شَنُنتٍيَتَرٍ تَن تِشِ قَشّ كِرَ نَن شْن مَ."} {"eng": "unlike Cain, who was of the evil one and killed his brother. Why did he kill him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother’s righteous.", "sus": "وٌن نَشَ لُ عَلْ كَبِلَ، نَشَن قَتَن سٍنتَنّ رَ، عَ قَ عَ شُنيَ يَتِ قَشَ. عَ نَ رَبَ مُنقٍ رَ؟ عَ نَ رَبَ نّ بَرِ مَ عَ حّرّ كِ مُ نُ فّشِ تِنشِندٍ عَلْ عَ شُنيَ حّرّ كِ."} {"eng": "He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To this end the Son of God was revealed: that he might destroy the works of the devil.", "sus": "يُنُبِتْي تَن قَتَنشِ عِبُلِسَ نَن نَ، بَرِ مَ عِبُلِسَ نَن يُنُبِ رَبَ كَبِ دُنِحَ قْلّ. عَلَ شَ دِ قَ نّ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عِبُلِسَ شَ وَلِ كَنَ."} {"eng": "I have written to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God remains in you, and you have overcome the evil one.", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِيٍ، ٱ بَرَ نَ مَسٍن وٌ بّ يِ سّبّلِ رَ، بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَ بَبَ عَلَ كٌلٌن. قٌرِيٍ، ٱ بَرَ نَ مَسٍن وٌ بّ يِ سّبّلِ رَ، بَرِ مَ وٌ عَ كٌلٌن نَشَن نَ نَ كَبِ عَ قْلّ. قٌنِكٍيٍ، ٱ بَرَ نَ مَسٍن وٌ بّ يِ سّبّلِ رَ؛ بَرِ مَ وٌ سّنبّ فبٌ. عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ سَبَتِشِ وٌ بْحّ كُي. وٌ بَرَ نْي سْتْ سٍنتَنّ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "But don’t forget this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.", "sus": "كْنْ، ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، وٌ نَشَ نّيمُ قٍ كٍرٍن مَ؛ وٌن مَرِفِ تَن بّ، لْشْي كٍرٍن لُشِ نّ عَلْ حّ وُلُ كٍرٍن، حّ وُلُ كٍرٍن قَن لُشِ نّ عَلْ لْشْي كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "This is now, beloved, the second letter that I have written to you; and in both of them I stir up your sincere mind by reminding you", "sus": "ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، ٱ مَ بَتَاشّ قِرِن ندٍ نَن يِ كِ، ٱ نَشَن سّبّ وٌ مَ. ٱ بَرَ وَ شَشِلِ قَنيِ قِقٍ وٌ مَ يِ بَتَاشّيٍ سَابُي رَ، نَشٍيٍ وٌ رَتُمَ نَ شَرَنيِ رَ وٌ نَشَن سْتْشِ تّمُي دَنفِشِ."} {"eng": "For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after knowing it, to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them.", "sus": "عٍ لُقٍ عٍ مُ تِنشِنيِ كِرَ كٌلٌن، نَ قِسَ عٍ بّ، دِنّ عٍ شَ نَ كِرَ كٌلٌن، عٍ قَ عٍ كٌبٍ سٌ سّرِيّ سّنِيّنشِ رَ، نَشَن نُ بَرَ قِ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Through Silvanus, our faithful brother, as I consider him, I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God in which you stand.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ يِ بَتَاشّ سّبّ وٌ مَ، ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ دُلُشْتْشِ سِلَسِ سَابُي رَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ وٌ رَلِمَنِيَ، ٱ شَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ بَ عَ وٌ نَ عَلَ شَ هِننّ يَتِ نَن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "For you who believe therefore is the honor, but for those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,”", "sus": "وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ دَنشَنِيَشِ، نَشٍيٍ لَمَ عَ رَ عَ نَ فّمّ سُفَندِشِ تِدٍ فبٌ، شُننَكٍلِ نَ وٌ بّ. كْنْ يِ مَسٍنيِ سّبّشِ دَنشَنِيَتَرٍيٍ نَن بّ، «بَنشِتِيٍ مّي فّمّ نَشَن نَ، نَ نَن قِندِشِ فّمّ كّندّ رَ بَنشِ تُشُي مَ.»"} {"eng": "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The insistent prayer of a righteous person is powerfully effective.", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ شَ وٌ شَ يُنُبِيٍ قَلَ وٌ بٌرٍ بّ، وٌ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ وٌ بٌرٍ بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ يَلَن. تِنشِنتْي عَلَ مَشَندِ نَشَن تِمَ، نَ عَلَ مَشَندِ شَ وَلِ سّنبّ فبٌ."} {"eng": "Behold, we call them blessed who endured. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and have seen the Lord in the outcome, and how the Lord is full of compassion and mercy.", "sus": "وٌن عَ كٌلٌن بَرَكّ نَ مِشِ بّ نَشَن عَ تُننَبّشِمَ تْورّ كُي. وٌ بَرَ عَ مّ عَيُبَ عَ تُننَبّشِ كِ نَشّ. وٌ مَن بَرَ عَ تٌ مَرِفِ نَشَن نَبَشِ عَ بّ عَ شَ تْورّ دَنفِ شَنبِ. مَرِفِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ نُن عَ شَ كِنِكِنِ فبٌ."} {"eng": "Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?", "sus": "Ye xɔnɛ nun ye bɛxi nɔma minide dulonyi keren na?"} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، شْرّ بِلِ نْمَ تُفِ بٌفِ رَ مِنِدٍ؟ مَنفٌي بِلِ نْمَ شْرّ بٌفِ رَ مِنِدٍ؟ قْشّ يٍ مِنِمَ دُلٌنيِ نَشَن نَ، يٍ بّشِ مُ مِنِمَ مّننِ رَ."} {"eng": "Can a fig tree, my brothers, yield olives, or a vine figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh water.", "sus": "N ngaxakerenyie, xɔrɛ bili nɔma tugi bogi raminide? Mangoe bili nɔma xɔrɛ bogi raminide? Fɔxɛ ye minima dulonyi naxan na, ye bɛxi mu minima mɛnni ra."} {"eng": "but nobody can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ عَدَ مَدِ نّنيِ شُرُدٍ. شْنّ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن مَ لِنتَنيِ مُ دَنمَ، نَشَن شَ كَسَرّ مُ حْنمَ."} {"eng": "So, then, my beloved brothers, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger;", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ شَنُشِيٍ، وٌ شَ يِ وْيّنيِ مّ؛ وٌ بِرِن شَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ وٌ بٌرٍ رَ، وٌ نَشَ فبَتَ وْيّنيِ رَ، وٌ بْحّ نَشَ تٍ مَقُرٍن نَ،"} {"eng": "Let no man say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God,” for God can’t be tempted by evil, and he himself tempts no one.", "sus": "Mixi nɛ wama tantanfe, a naxa a fala a Ala nan a ratantanfe, barima Ala mu birama fe ɲaaxi fɔxɔ ra, a man mu adama yo ratantanma fe ɲaaxi ra."} {"eng": "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed.", "sus": "Adama yɛtɛ waxɔnfe ɲaaxi nan a ratantanma. Na nan a mabɛndunma han a a rabira."} {"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "sus": "عَدَ مَ وَشْنقٍ حَاشِ شَ دِ قِندِشِ يُنُبِ نَن نَ. يُنُبِ قَن نَ رَبَ، عَ شَ دِ قِندِ مَ قَشّ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "Then the lust, when it has conceived, bears sin. The sin, when it is full grown, produces death.", "sus": "Adama waxɔnfe ɲaaxi xa di findixi yunubi nan na. Yunubi fan na raba, a xa di findima faxɛ nan na."} {"eng": "Let endurance have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.", "sus": "وٌ شَ دُلُشْتْ هَن عَ رَحْنيِ عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ شَ تِلِن، وٌ شَ قِندِ مِشِ كَمَلِشِيٍ رَ، قٍقٍ مُ لُشِ نَشٍيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are in the Dispersion: Greetings.", "sus": "ٱ تَن يَكِ نَن يِ كِ، عَلَ نُن عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ مَرِفِ عِسَ شَ كٌنيِ. ٱ بَرَ وٌ شّيبُ، وٌ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي قُ نُن قِرِنيِ نَشٍيٍ يٍنسٍنشِ حَمَنّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "I strongly urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you sooner.", "sus": "وٌ مَن شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ مُشُ بّ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ نْ فبِلٍندٍ وٌ يِرٍ مَقُرٍن مَقُرٍن."} {"eng": "Pray for us, for we are persuaded that we have a good conscience, desiring to live honorably in all things.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ مُشُ بّ، بَرِ مَ مُشُ عَ كٌلٌن مُشُ شَشِلِ قِيشّ، مُشُ وَ مَ حّرّقٍ قٍ قَنيِ مْولِ بِرِن نَن كُي."} {"eng": "Therefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood, suffered outside of the gate.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ، عِسَ قَن تٌ وَ حَمَ رَ سّنِيّنقٍ عَ يّتّ وُلِ سَابُي رَ، عَ نَشَ حَشَنكَتَ تَا قَرِ مَ."} {"eng": "for our God is a consuming fire.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ تّ نَشَن سٍ بِرِن فَنمَ."} {"eng": "For you have not come to a mountain that might be touched and that burned with fire, and to blackness, darkness, storm,", "sus": "وٌ مُ وٌ مَكْرّ نَ يِرٍ رَ وٌ شَ وٌ بّلّشّ دِن عَ رَ عَلْ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قٍ نَشَن تٌ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ. تّ نُن نُشُي قْورّ نُ نَ فٍيَ قَرِ دّننَشّ، قٌيٍ شُنفبٍ نُ بْنبْ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter,", "sus": "دَنشَنِيَ سَابُي رَ، مُنسَ تٌ مْ، عَ نَشَ تٌندِ قِندِدٍ قِرَوُنَ شَ دِ فِنّ شَ دِ رَ."} {"eng": "The Holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying,", "sus": "عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ نَ تَفِ رَبَمَ وٌن بّ يِ مَسٍنيِ رَ. عَ سِنفٍ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن،"} {"eng": "It was necessary therefore that the copies of the things in the heavens should be cleansed with these, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.", "sus": "عَ نُ لَنمَ سٍ نَشٍيٍ مِسَالِشِ قٍيٍ رَ عَرِيَننَ كُي، عٍ شَ رَ سّنِيّن سّرّشّيٍ رَ. عَرِيَننَ شَ مَرَ سّنِيّنيِ رَبَمَ سّرّشّيٍ نَن نَ نَشٍيٍ قَن بٌورٍيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, sanctify to the cleanness of the flesh,", "sus": "شَ سِ كٌنتٌنيِ نُن تُرَ وُلِ، عَ نُن تّ شُبٍ نَشَن قَتَنشِ نِنفٍ سّرّشّ رَ عَ سَ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍيٍ مَ، شَ نَ قٍ مْولِ نْمَ مِشِ رَ سّنِيّندٍ نُ،"} {"eng": "but into the second the high priest alone, once in the year, not without blood, which he offers for himself and for the errors of the people.", "sus": "كْنْ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ نَن فبَنسَن نُ نْمَ سٌدٍ نَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ قِرِن ندٍ كُي. حّ يٌ حّ عَ نُ سٌمَ نَا سَنمَيَ كٍرٍن، عَ وُلِ شَنِن عَ شَ يُنُبِيٍ نُن حَمَ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ عٍ نَشَن نَبَ عَ كٌلٌنتَرٍيَ مَ."} {"eng": "a servant of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched, not man.", "sus": "عَ وَلِمَ عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ يَتِ يَتِ نَن كُي، مَرِفِ نَشَن تِشِ، عَدَ مَدِيٍ بّلّشّ قْشِ مُ نَشَن نَ."} {"eng": "They indeed of the sons of Levi who receive the priest’s office have a commandment to take tithes from the people according to the law, that is, of their brothers, though these have come out of the body of Abraham,", "sus": "عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ عَ قَلَمَ حَمَ شَ قَرِلّ سٌ لٍوِ بْنسْي يِ رَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ رَ. نَ حَمَ قَن كٍلِشِ عِبُرَهِمَ بْنسْي نّ، عٍ قِندِ لٍوِ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "But, beloved, we are persuaded of better things for you, and things that accompany salvation, even though we speak like this.", "sus": "مُشُ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، هَلِ مُشُ شَ وْيّنيِ شْرْشْ، مُشُ بَرَ لَ عَ رَ وٌ نَ كِرَ قَنيِ نَن شْن، نَشَن قِندِ كِسِ كِرَ رَ."} {"eng": "and then fell away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance; seeing they crucify the Son of God for themselves again, and put him to open shame.", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ لِ نَ مِشِ مْولِ بَرَ دَنشَنِيَ بّحِن، عَ مُ نْمَ تُوبِدٍ سْنْن. عَ لُشِ عَلْ عَ مَن بَرَ عَلَ شَ دِ مَبَنبَن وُرِ مَفَلَنبُشِ مَ، عَ قَ عَ رَيَافِ حَمَ يَ شْرِ."} {"eng": "This will we do, if God permits.", "sus": "شَ عَلَ تِن، وٌن شَ سِفَ يَرٍ مَ وٌن مَ شَرَنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "For everyone who lives on milk is not experienced in the word of righteousness, for he is a baby.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن هَيِ نَ عَلَ شَ نَ مَسٍنيِ سِنفٍيٍ مَ، عَ مُ فّشِ تِنشِنيِ كٌلٌندٍ، عَ مُ مْشِ عَ شَ دَنشَنِيَ كُي. عَ لُشِ عَلْ دِيْرّ نَشَن شِحّ فبَنسَن مِنمَ."} {"eng": "About him we have many words to say, and hard to interpret, seeing you have become dull of hearing.", "sus": "قٍ فبٍفبٍ نَ نَ كُي مُشُ وَ مَ نَشَن مَسٍنقٍ وٌ بّ، كْنْ نَ تَفِ رَبَقٍ شْرْشْ، بَرِ مَ وٌ مُ سٌمَ قٍيٍ كُي مَقُرٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "To whom did he swear that they wouldn’t enter into his rest, but to those who were disobedient?", "sus": "عَلَ عَ كَلِ ندٍ بّ عَ عٍ مُ سٌمَ عَ شَ مَلَبُي يِرٍ؟ مِشِيٍ شَ مُ عَ رَ نَشٍيٍ عَ مَتَندِشِ؟"} {"eng": "You have put all things in subjection under his feet.” For in that he subjected all things to him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we don’t yet see all things subjected to him.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ سٍ بِرِن لُ عَ سَنيِ بُن مَ.» نَ كُي، عَلَ تٌ سٍ بِرِن سَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ بُن مَ، سٍسٍ مُ نَ عَ مُ نَشَن يَمَرِ مَ. كْنْ وٌن مُ سٍ بِرِن تٌمَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ بُن مَ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation—which at the first having been spoken through the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard,", "sus": "وٌن تَن فٌ؟ شَ وٌن كِسِ شُنفبٍ رَبٌلٌ، وٌن مَ قٍ قَ لُمَ دِ؟ وٌن مَرِفِ يَتِ نَن سِنفٍ عَ مَسٍنشِ وٌن بّ، مِشِ نَشٍيٍ عَ شُي مّشِ عٍ قَن بَرَ قِندِ نَ سٍيدٍيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "They will perish, but you continue. They all will grow old like a garment does.", "sus": "كٌورٍ نُن بْشِ قَمَ كَنَدٍ، كْنْ عِ تَن بُمَ نّ عَبَدَن. عٍ قٌرِ مَ نّ عَلْ دُفِ."} {"eng": "Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, greets you,", "sus": "عٍثَقِرَ سِ عِ شّيبُ، مُشُ نُن نَشَن بَرَ قِندِ فٍيلِمَنِ رَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ ٱ مَ فٍرٍ قَنيِ سٌ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ مَ حّرّ رَحْن، ٱ بَرَ لُ دَنشَنِيَ كُي."} {"eng": "But you be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن، عِ شَ عِ يّتّ مَتَشَسِ قٍ بِرِن كُي، عِ شَ عِ تُننَبّشِ تْورّ كُي، عِ شَ عَلَ شَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ رَيٍنسٍن، عِ شَ عِ شَ وَلِ رَكَمَلِ."} {"eng": "Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things.", "sus": "عِ حْشْ سَ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن شْن مَ، مَرِفِ قَهَامُي قِمَ نّ عِ مَ نَ قٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "He alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen nor can see, to whom be honor and eternal power. Amen.", "sus": "نَشَن كٍرٍن مُ قَشّ كٌلٌن، نَشَن شْنيِ نَ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ، عَدَ مَدِيٍ مُ نَشَن تٌشِ، عَدَ مَ مُ نْمَ نَشَن تٌدٍ. بِنيّ نُن سّنبّ نَ عَ بّ عَبَدَن. عَمِنَ."} {"eng": "Their wives in the same way must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, and faithful in all things.", "sus": "فِنّيٍ قَن شَ قِندِ شِلِ قَنيِ كَنيِيٍ رَ. عٍ نَشَ قِندِ نَاقِشِيٍ رَ، عٍ شَ قِندِ تَشَسِ مِشِ رَ، عٍ شَ تِنشِن قٍ بِرِن كُي."} {"eng": "But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَ نَ عَ شُي شَنبِ رَ. عَ سّنبّ قِمَ نّ وٌ مَ، عَ وٌ رَتَنفَ سٍنتَنّ مَ."} {"eng": "Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace,", "sus": "وٌن مَرِفِ عِسَ يّتّ يَتِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ رَ، نُن وٌن بَبَ عَلَ، نَشَن بَرَ وٌن شَنُ، نَشَن هِننّمَ وٌن نَ عَلَكٌ لِمَنِيَ نُن شَشِلِ تِدٍ نَشَ بَ وٌن يِ رَ عَبَدَن،"} {"eng": "Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the manifestation of his coming;", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، سّرِيّتَرٍ شُنفبٍ مَكّنّنمَ نّ. مَرِفِ نَ قَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ يِ شّمّ هَلَكِمَ نّ عَ دّ قٌيٍ رَ، عَ شَ قَ نْرّ عَ سْنتْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "But we don’t want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you don’t grieve like the rest, who have no hope.", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، مُشُ مُ وَ مَ وٌ شَ لُ قَهَامُتَرٍحَ كُي مِشِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ بَرَ لَاشِرَ. عَ مُ لَن وٌ شَ سُننُن عَلْ مِشِ نَشٍيٍ مُ عٍ شَشِلِ تِشِ عَلَ رَ."} {"eng": "But concerning brotherly love, you have no need that one write to you. For you yourselves are taught by God to love one another,", "sus": "هَلِ مُشُ مُ وٌ رَ سِ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ شَنُقٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ نَن بَرَ وٌ تِنكَن وٌ شَ وٌ بٌرٍ شَنُ."} {"eng": "For our exhortation is not of error, nor of uncleanness, nor in deception.", "sus": "مُشُ شَ كَوَندِ مُ قَتَنشِ وُلٍ شَ رَ، عَ مُ قَتَنشِ حَنِفٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ شَ رَ، عَ مُ قَتَنشِ يَنقَنتٍيَ شَ رَ."} {"eng": "We know, brothers loved by God, that you are chosen,", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، وٌ تَن عَلَ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، مُشُ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عَلَ بَرَ وٌ سُفَندِ."} {"eng": "For I desire to have you know how greatly I struggle for you and for those at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ نَ فٍرٍ مَسٌقٍ وٌ بّ، ٱ نَ فٍرٍ مَسٌقٍ لَيٌدِ سٍيَكَيٍ نُن دَنشَنِيَتْي بِرِن بّ، نَشٍيٍ ٱ كٌلٌن كْنْ عٍ مُ ٱ تٌشِ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "We proclaim him, admonishing every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus;", "sus": "مُشُ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَن مَ قٍ مَسٍنمَ عَدَ مَدِ بِرِن بّ. مُشُ عٍ بِرِن شَرَنمَ نّ لْننِ رَ، عَلَكٌ مِشِ بِرِن شَ كَمَلِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Do the things which you learned, received, heard, and saw in me, and the God of peace will be with you.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بّ، وٌ نَشَن تٌشِ ٱ مَ مِسَالِ كُي، وٌ بِرَ نَ قْشْ رَ. نَ كُي، بْحّسَ مَنفّ لُمَ نّ وٌ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "This I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment,", "sus": "ٱ عَلَ مَشَندِ مَ نّ وٌ بّ عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ شُن شَ مَسَ قٍ كٌلٌنيِ نُن قَهَامُي تِلِنشِ رَ،"} {"eng": "always in every request of mine on behalf of you all, making my requests with joy,", "sus": "ٱ عَلَ مَشَندِ مَ وٌ بّ سّيوّ رَ تّمُي بِرِن،"} {"eng": "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَلَ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍ بِرِن تٌنفٌ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ نْ تِدٍ عِبُلِسَ شَ كْوتَ بِرِن كَنكٍ."} {"eng": "You fathers, don’t provoke your children to wrath, but nurture them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.", "sus": "بَبَيٍ، وٌ قَن نَشَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ رَشْنْ. وٌ شَ عٍ شُرُ، وٌ عٍ رَ سِ عَلْ مَرِفِ وَ مَ عَ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“For this cause a man will leave his father and mother and will be joined to his wife. Then the two will become one flesh.”", "sus": "«نَ كُي، شّمّ قَمَ نّ كٍلِدٍ عَ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ شُن مَ، عَ عَ مَسٌ عَ شَ فِنّ رَ، عٍ قِندِ قَتٍ كٍرٍن نَ.»"} {"eng": "proving what is well pleasing to the Lord.", "sus": "وٌ شَ كَتَ وٌ شَ كٌلٌن سْتْ قٍيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ عَلَ كّنّنشِ."} {"eng": "As many as walk by this rule, peace and mercy be on them, and on God’s Israel.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ بْحّسَ نُن هِننّ قِ مِشِ بِرِن مَ نَشٍيٍ بِرَ مَ نَ سّرِيّ قْشْ رَ، عَ نُن عَ شَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ."} {"eng": "So then, have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?", "sus": "ٱ نْندِ قَلَقٍ وٌ بّ، نَ بَرَ عَ نِيَ ٱ شَ قِندِ وٌ يَشُي رَ؟"} {"eng": "You observe days, months, seasons, and years.", "sus": "وٌ مَن بَرَ بِرَ يَامَرِيٍ قْشْ رَ، نَشٍيٍ عَ قَلَمَ لْشْي ندٍيٍ نُن كِكٍ ندٍيٍ تِدٍ فبٌ عٍ بٌورٍ بّ. وٌ وَشَتِ ندٍيٍ نُن حّ ندٍيٍ رَقِسَ عٍ بٌورٍ بّ."} {"eng": "If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring and heirs according to promise.", "sus": "شَ وٌ بَرَ قِندِ عِسَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ فبٍ رَ، وٌ بَرَ قِندِ عِبُرَهِمَ شَ دِيٍ نُن كّتٌنفٌي رَ عَلْ عَلَ عَ لَايِدِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his offspring. He doesn’t say, “To descendants”, as of many, but as of one, “To your offspring”, which is Christ.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ لَايِدِ ندٍيٍ تٌنفٌ عِبُرَهِمَ نُن عَ شَ دِ بّ. كِتَابُي مُ عَ قَلَمَ «دِيٍ،» وْيّنيِ نَشَن وَ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ «مِشِ وُيَشِ.» كِتَابُي عَ قَلَمَ «عَ نُن عَ شَ دِ.» وْيّنيِ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن وَ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ «مِشِ كٍرٍن.» نَ مِشِ كٍرٍن قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that concern my weakness.", "sus": "عِيٌ، شَ عَ لَنمَ ٱ شَ ٱ يّتّ مَتْشْ قٍ ندٍ رَ، ٱ نَن ٱ يّتّ مَتْشْمَ ٱ مَ سّنبّتَرٍيَ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "As the truth of Christ is in me, no one will stop me from this boasting in the regions of Achaia.", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شِلِ رَ، ٱ وَلِشِ وٌ بّ سَرٍ شَنبِ كِ نَشّ، ٱ مَن وَلِمَ نَ كِ نّ عَكَيِ بْشِ بِرِن مَ، بَرِ مَ نَ قِندِشِ شُننَكٍلِ نَن نَ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "Now I Paul, myself, entreat you by the humility and gentleness of Christ, I who in your presence am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you.", "sus": "ٱ تَن ثْلُ، ٱ وَ مَ وٌ رَ سِقٍ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ دِحّ نُن عَ شَ قَنيِ نَن سَابُي رَ. وٌ نَشّ عَ ٱ سّنبّ مُ فبٌ ٱ نَ وٌ يَ مَ تّمُي نَشّ، قٌ ٱ نَ مَكُيَ وٌ رَ، ٱ قَ وْيّن شْرْشْي قَلَ وٌ بّ."} {"eng": "Remember this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.", "sus": "وٌ شَ رَتُ عَ مَ، عَ نَشَن سَنسِ شْرِ شُرِ رَوَلِمَ، عَ قَن سَنسِ شُرِ دِ نَن سْتْمَ. نَشَن سَنسِ شْرِ فبٍفبٍ رَوَلِمَ، عَ قَن سَنسِ فبٍفبٍ سْتْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "We are avoiding this, that any man should blame us concerning this abundance which is administered by us.", "sus": "مُشُ مُ وَ مَ مِشِ يٌ شَ قٍ حَاشِ تٌ مُشُ وَلِ كِ مَ، مُشُ نَ كْبِرِ يَ رَقَنيِ رَوَلِمَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "For even when we had come into Macedonia, our flesh had no relief, but we were afflicted on every side. Fightings were outside. Fear was inside.", "sus": "مُشُ تٌ قَ مَسٍدٌن، مُشُ مُ مَلَبُي سْتْ، مُشُ تْورّ مْولِ بِرِن نَن لِ نَا؛ فٍرٍ نَ مُشُ رَبِلِنيِ، فَاشُي قَن نَ مُشُ بْحّ مَ."} {"eng": "For the love of Christ compels us; because we judge thus: that one died for all, therefore all died.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ نَن مُشُ تُتُنمَ. مُشُ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن مِشِ كٍرٍن بَرَ قَشَ عَدَ مَ بِرِن بّ. نَ كُي، مِشِ بِرِن بَرَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "For all things are for your sakes, that the grace, being multiplied through the many, may cause the thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God.", "sus": "مُشُ تِنشِ نَ تْورّ بِرِن نَ وٌ شَ قٍ رَ. مُشُ تْورْ مَ نّ عَلَكٌ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ شَ عَلَ شَ هِننّ كٌلٌن، عٍ قَ تَنتُي نُن مَتْشْي رَ سِفَ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "We are pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed, yet not to despair;", "sus": "كْنتْقِلِ بَرَ مُشُ شّتّن، كْنْ مُشُ مُ بُتُشُنشِ. عَ بَرَ مُشُ شَشِلِ عِقُ، كْنْ لِمَنِيَ مُ بَشِ مُشُ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "Now concerning Apollos the brother, I strongly urged him to come to you with the brothers, but it was not at all his desire to come now; but he will come when he has an opportunity.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ بَرَ وٌن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ عَثٌلٌسِ كَرَشَن عَ شَ سِفَ وٌ يِرٍ عَ نُن دَنشَنِيَتْي ندٍيٍ. عَ سِنفٍ عَ مُ نُ تِنشِ، كْنْ يَكْسِ عَ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ عَ شَ سِفَ عَ نَ قّيرّ سْتْ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "But with you it may be that I will stay with you, or even winter with you, that you may send me on my journey wherever I go.", "sus": "تّمُندٍ ٱ سَشَنيِ رَبَ وٌ شْنيِ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ ٱ حّمّ رَدَنفِ نَا، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ نْ ٱ مَلِدٍ ٱ مَ بِيَاسِ كُي."} {"eng": "As is the one made of dust, such are those who are also made of dust; and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِيٍ مَنِيَشِ وٌن بٍنبَ عَدَ مَ نَن نَ، نَشَن دَاشِ بّندّ رَ. مِشِ نَشٍيٍ تٍمَ كٌورٍ، عٍ مَسَرَ مَ نّ، عٍ قَ لُ عَلْ نَ عَدَ مَ نَشَن كٍلِشِ كٌورٍ."} {"eng": "It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body and there is also a spiritual body.", "sus": "مِشِ نَ رَفَتَ عَ قَتٍ نَ دُنِحَ كِ نَن مَ، كْنْ عَ كٍلِمَ عَ لَاشِرَ كِ نَن مَ. دُنِحَ قَتٍ نَ نَ، لَاشِرَ قَتٍ قَن نَ."} {"eng": "But now Christ has been raised from the dead. He became the first fruit of those who are asleep.", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَن كٍلِشِ قَشّ مَ. عَ بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سِنفٍ رَ نَشَن كٍلِشِ قَشَمِشِيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "Now I declare to you, brothers, the Good News which I preached to you, which also you received, in which you also stand,", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، ٱ بَرَ وٌ رَتُ عَلَ شَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ رَ، ٱ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بّ، وٌ دَنشَنِيَشِ نَشَن مَ، وٌ بِرَشِ نَشَن قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all miracle workers?", "sus": "نٍيٍ بِرِن قِندِشِ شّيرَيٍ نَن نَ؟ نٍيٍ بِرِن قِندِشِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ نَن نَ؟ نٍيٍ بِرِن قِندِشِ كَرَ مْشْيٍ نَن نَ؟ نٍيٍ بِرِن نْمَ كَابَنَكٌ رَبَدٍ؟"} {"eng": "For as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ.", "sus": "مِشِ سَلٌنسٍيٍ وُيَ، كْنْ عٍ قِندِشِ قَتٍ فُندِ كٍرٍن نَن نَ. عٍ بِرِن نَدْشْشِ عٍ بٌرٍ رَ، عٍ قِندِ كٍرٍن نَ. وٌن نُن عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَ نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "What, don’t you have houses to eat and to drink in? Or do you despise God’s assembly and put them to shame who don’t have enough? What shall I tell you? Shall I praise you? In this I don’t praise you.", "sus": "بَنشِيٍ مُ نَ وٌ يِ رَ وٌ وٌ دّفٍمَ عَ نُن وٌ وٌ مِنمَ دّننَشّ؟ مُنقٍ رَ وٌ يٌمَ عَلَ شَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ مَ، وٌ قَ سٍتَرٍيٍ رَيَافِ؟ ٱ شَ مُنسٍ قَلَ وٌ بّ؟ ٱ شَ وٌ مَتْشْ؟ ٱ مُ وٌ مَتْشْمَ نَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her for a covering.", "sus": "كْنْ فِنّ تَن شُنسّشّ نَ كُيَ، نَ قِندِشِ عَ بّ نْرّ نَن نَ. شُنسّشّ كُيٍ قِشِ فِنّ مَ عَ شُنيِ مَكٌتٌسٍ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "for man wasn’t created for the woman, but woman for the man.", "sus": "شّمّ شَ مُ دَاشِ فِنّ شَ قٍ رَ. فِنّ نَن دَاشِ شّمّ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The cup of blessing which we bless, isn’t it a sharing of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, isn’t it a sharing of the body of Christ?", "sus": "وٌن عَلَ تَنتُمَ مِنسٍ نَشَن مَ، نَ مِنسٍ مُ عَ مَسٍنمَ شّ وٌن نُن عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ وُلِ نَ عَ رَ؟ وٌن تَامِ نَشَن عِتَشُنمَ وٌن بٌرٍ مَ، نَ تَامِ مُ عَ مَسٍنمَ شّ وٌن نُن عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ قَتٍ نَ عَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Thus, sinning against the brothers, and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ.", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ قَهَامُتَرٍيٍ رَ، وٌ مَن بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ رَ."} {"eng": "Let the husband give his wife the affection owed her, and likewise also the wife her husband.", "sus": "شّمّ لَنمَ عَ شَ فِنّ وَشْنقٍ رَبَ قُتِ كِ مَ. فِنّ قَن لَنمَ عَ شَ عَ شَ مْرِ وَشْنقٍ رَبَ قُتِ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are expedient. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be brought under the power of anything.", "sus": "قٍ بِرِن نَدَشَشِ ٱ بّ، كْنْ عَ بِرِن شَ مُ قَن ٱ بّ. قٍ بِرِن نَدَشَشِ ٱ بّ، كْنْ ٱ مُ تِنمَ نَ قٍ مْولِ ندٍ شَ نْ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You have honor, but we have dishonor.", "sus": "عَ لُشِ عَلْ مُشُ بَرَ دَشُ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ قٍ رَ، كْنْ وٌ تَن بَرَ قِندِ شَشِلِمَيٍ رَ عَ شَ قٍ رَ. مُشُ سّنبّ بَرَ حْن، كْنْ وٌ تَن فبٍ شُن بَرَ مَسَ. مُشُ بَرَ مَيٍلٍ سْتْ، كْنْ وٌ تَن بَرَ بِنيّ سْتْ."} {"eng": "But we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, the wisdom that has been hidden, which God foreordained before the worlds for our glory,", "sus": "مُشُ عَلَ شَ لْننِ نَن مَسٍنمَ، عَلَ لْننِ نَشَن نْشُنشِ كَبِ دُنِحَ قْلّ، نَشَن قِندِ مَ وٌن بّ نْرّ رَ."} {"eng": "For Jews ask for signs, Greeks seek after wisdom,", "sus": "يُوِقِيٍ وَ مَ تْنشُمَيٍ تٌقٍ، فِرّكِكَيٍ نَ لْننِ قٍنقٍ،"} {"eng": "Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Hasn’t God made foolish the wisdom of this world?", "sus": "لْننِلَ فٌ؟ سّرِيّ كَرَ مْشْ فٌ؟ تٌ شَشِلِمَ فٌ؟ عَلَ بَرَ يِ دُنِحَ شَ لْننِ مَقِندِ شَشِلِتَرٍحَ رَ."} {"eng": "whenever I travel to Spain, I will come to you. For I hope to see you on my journey, and to be helped on my way there by you, if first I may enjoy your company for a while.", "sus": "عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ ٱ شَ دَنفِ وٌ يِرٍ ٱ نَ كِرَ سُشُ سِفَقٍ رَ سِثَنيِ بْشِ مَ. وٌن شَ لُ يِرٍ كٍرٍن وَشَتِ ندٍ مَ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ حّلّشِن وٌ تٌقٍ رَ، عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ وٌ شَ ٱ مَلِ سِفَقٍ رَ سِثَنيِ."} {"eng": "But about Israel he says, “All day long I stretched out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.”", "sus": "كْنْ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشّ، «كٍلِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ مَ هَن سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ، ٱ بّلّشّيٍ عِتَلَشِ يِ حَمَ بّ، نَشَن ٱ شُي مَتَندِ مَ، نَشَن تٌندِ مَ ٱ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Brothers, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God is for Israel, that they may be saved.", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، ٱ بْحّ وَشْنقٍ بِرِن نَ نَشَن نَ، يُوِقِيٍ شَ كِسِ سْتْ. ٱ مَ عَلَ مَشَندِ نَن نَ كِ عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.", "sus": "كْنْ دَالِ فبَنسَن شَ مُ عَ رَ. هَلِ وٌن تَن نَشٍيٍ بَرَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سْتْ عَ شَ كِ سِنفٍ رَ، وٌن تَن يَتِ نَ وٌن كُي عِوَقٍ، هَن عَلَ وٌن قِندِ مَ عَ شَ دِيٍ رَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ وٌن قَتٍ نْرْ."} {"eng": "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.", "sus": "وٌن عَ كٌلٌن، عَ كَبِ عَ قْلّ هَن تٌ، دَالِ بِرِن نَ عَ كُي عِوَقٍ نّ تْورّ كُي، عَلْ فِنّ دِ قُرِ نَ كٍلِ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "For what the law couldn’t do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,", "sus": "دِينّ سّرِيّ مُ نْ نَشَن نَ، بَرِ مَ مِشِ وَشْنقٍ كٌبِ نُ بَرَ عَ رَهَلَكِ، عَلَ تَن نَ نَن نَبَشِ. عَ نَشَ مِشِ شَ يُنُبِ سّنبّ شُن نَكَنَ عَ تٌ عَ شَ دِ شّي يُنُبِتْي قَتٍ بّندّ مَنِيّ رَ عَ شَ قِندِ يُنُبِ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "Did then that which is good become death to me? May it never be! But sin, that it might be shown to be sin, was producing death in me through that which is good; that through the commandment sin might become exceedingly sinful.", "sus": "وٌن شَ عَ قَلَ قَ، عَ قٍ قَنيِ بَرَ قِندِ قَشّ رَ ٱ بّ؟ عَستْقُلَهِ! يُنُبِ نَن قِندِشِ قَشّ رَ ٱ بّ قٍ قَنيِ سَابُي رَ، عَلَكٌ يُنُبِ شَ مَكّنّن يُنُبِ رَ، عَ شَ مِنِ عَ يُنُبِ كِ يَتِ مَ يَامَرِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that in which we were held; so that we serve in newness of the spirit, and not in oldness of the letter.", "sus": "كْنْ يَكْسِ قَ، وٌن بَرَ شْرّيَ سْتْ سّرِيّ شَ كٌنيِيَ مَ، وٌن لُ عَلْ قَشَمِشِيٍ سّرِيّ تَن مَبِرِ. نَ كُي، وٌن مُ قَ وَلِمَ عَلَ بّ عَ كّحَ قٌرِ شَ مَ سْنْن، عَلْ وٌن تٌ نُ نَ سّرِيّ سّبّشِ شَ نْي بُن مَ تّمُي نَشّ. وٌن قَ وَلِمَ عَلَ بّ عَ كّحَ نّينّ نَن نَ، عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "But thanks be to God that, whereas you were bondservants of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were delivered.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَ تَنتُ! وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ نُ قِندِشِ يُنُبِ شَ كٌنيِيٍ رَ، نْندِ تٌ كَوَندِ وٌ بّ، وٌ نَ نَن نَبَتُقٍ قَ وٌ بْحّ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "The gift is not as through one who sinned; for the judgment came by one to condemnation, but the free gift followed many trespasses to justification.", "sus": "عَدَ مَ شَ يُنُبِ نُن عَلَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ كِشِ نَشَن نَ، عٍ قْشِ تَفِ عِكُيَ. مِشِ كٍرٍن شَ يُنُبِ تٌ مَكِيتِ، فبَلٌي نَن قَ. كْنْ عَلَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ كِشِ نَشَن نَ، عَ قَ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ شَ يُنُبِ رَبَ شَنبِ نّ، عَ قَ قّيرّ رَ مِشِ مَتِنشِنمَ كِ نَشّ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "who was delivered up for our trespasses, and was raised for our justification.", "sus": "وٌن مَرِفِ قَشَ وٌن مَ يُنُبِيٍ نَن مَ قٍ رَ، عَ مَن نَشَ كٍلِ قَشّ مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌن شَ قِندِ تِنشِنتْييٍ رَ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "“Their throat is an open tomb. With their tongues they have used deceit.” “The poison of vipers is under their lips.”", "sus": "عٍ دّ قِندِشِ فَبُرِ دّ عِبِشِ نَن نَ، عٍ نّنيِ قِندِشِ مِشِ مَيٍندٍن سٍ نَن نَ. بْشِمَسٍ شْنّ نَن مِنِمَ عٍ دّ كِرِ رَ،"} {"eng": "know his will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law,", "sus": "عِ عَلَ سَفٌ كٌلٌن. عِ قَتَ قٍ قَنيِ سُفَندِدٍ بَرِ مَ عِ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ شَرَنشِ."} {"eng": "For it isn’t the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ عٍ تُلِ مَتِمَ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَ، نٍيٍ شَ مُ قِندِشِ تِنشِنتْييٍ رَ عَلَ يَ عِ. نَشٍيٍ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُمَ، نٍيٍ نَن قِندِ مَ تِنشِنتْييٍ رَ."} {"eng": "being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil habits, secret slanderers,", "sus": "عٍ بْحّ رَقٍشِ تِنشِنتَرٍيَ مْولِ بِرِن نَ؛ وَلِ كٌبِ رَبَقٍ، وَ سَتَرٍيَ، حَاشُحَ. مِلَنتٍيَ، مِشِ قَشَقٍ، مِشِ تَفِ عِسٌقٍ، مِشِ مَيٍندٍنقٍ، نُن يَ عِشَرٍيَ مُ حْنمَ عٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "But when the Jews spoke against it, I was constrained to appeal to Caesar, not that I had anything about which to accuse my nation.", "sus": "كْنْ يُوِقِيٍ مُ تِن. نَ مَ، ٱ نَشَ مَنفّ شُنفبٍ شَ كِيتِ مَشَندِ، كْنْ ٱ مُ وَ ٱ بْنسْي نَن كَلَمُقٍ."} {"eng": "But the centurion, desiring to save Paul, stopped them from their purpose, and commanded that those who could swim should throw themselves overboard first to go toward the land;", "sus": "كْنْ سْورِيٍ كّمّ شُنمَتِ، نَشَن نُ وَ مَ ثْلُ رَكِسِقٍ، عَ نَشَ عٍ رَتْن. عَ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عٍ مَ عَ نَشٍيٍ قَتَ يٍ مَسَدٍ، عٍ سِنفٍ شَ بَفَن يٍ مَ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ شَرٍ مَسْتْ."} {"eng": "As he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are crazy! Your great learning is driving you insane!”", "sus": "عَ تٌ نُ وْيّنقٍ عَ يّتّ رَقِيشّقٍ رَ، قّسِتُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، «ثْلُ، عِ دَشُ! عِ شَ قٍ فبٍفبٍ كٌلٌنيِ بَرَ عِ قِندِ دَشُي رَ.»"} {"eng": "For this reason the Jews seized me in the temple and tried to kill me.", "sus": "«يُوِقِيٍ نَشَ ٱ سُشُ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عٍ وَشِ ٱ قَشَقٍ نَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "So on the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice had come with great pomp, and they had entered into the place of hearing with the commanding officers and the principal men of the city, at the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.", "sus": "عَوَ، نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، عَفِرِثَ نُن بٍرِنِسِ نَشَ سٌ مَلَن يِرٍ عٍ نُن تَا كُنتِفِيٍ. عٍ نُ مَشِرِشِ عَ قَنيِ رَ. قّسِتُ شَ يَامَرِ مَ، عٍ نَشَ قَ ثْلُ رَ."} {"eng": "Or else let these men themselves say what injustice they found in me when I stood before the council,", "sus": "شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ نَشٍيٍ نَ بٍ، عٍ شَ عَ مَسٍن عِ بّ عٍ ٱ تٌشِ قٍ حَاشِ نَشَن شُن، ٱ تٌ سِفَ يُوِقِ كِيتِسَيٍ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "seeing that you can verify that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship at Jerusalem.", "sus": "شِ قُ نُن قِرِن مُ دَنفِ كَبِ ٱ نَشَ سِفَ دَرِ سَلَمُ سَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "I found him to be accused about questions of their law, but not to be charged with anything worthy of death or of imprisonment.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ لِ عٍ عَ كَلَمُشِ عٍ شَ سّرِيّ شَ قٍ نَن مَ، كْنْ عَ مُ قٍ كٌبِ يٌ رَبَشِ عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ قَشَ نَشَن مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ شَ سَ فٍيلِ كُي."} {"eng": "So he took him and brought him to the commanding officer and said, “Paul, the prisoner, summoned me and asked me to bring this young man to you. He has something to tell you.”", "sus": "سْورِ كّمّ شُنمَتِ نَشَ سّفّتَلَ تٌنفٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَنِن سْورِ مَنفّ شْن مَ. عَ نَشّ، «ثْلُ، فٍيلِمَنِ نَن ٱ شِلِشِ، عَ نَشَ ٱ مَيَندِ عَ ٱ شَ قَ يِ سّفّتَلَ رَ عِ شْن مَ، عَ شَ قٍ ندٍ مَسٍن عِ بّ.»"} {"eng": "When the blood of Stephen, your witness, was shed, I also was standing by, consenting to his death, and guarding the cloaks of those who killed him.’", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نُ عِ شَ سٍيدٍ عٍتِيّن قَشَمَ، ٱ تَن يَتِ نُ نَ، ٱ نُ حّلّشِنشِ نَ رَ. ٱ تَن نَن مَن نُ بٌورٍيٍ شَ دُفِيٍ سُشُشِ.›"} {"eng": "For you will be a witness for him to all men of what you have seen and heard.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عِ قِندِ مَ عَ شَ سٍيدٍ نَن نَ مِشِ بِرِن يَ عِ، عِ قٍيٍ نَشٍيٍ تٌشِ نُن عِ نَشٍيٍ مّشِ."} {"eng": "Seeing then that these things can’t be denied, you ought to be quiet and to do nothing rash.", "sus": "مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ مَتَندِ مَ. عَ لَنمَ وٌ شَ دُندُ. وٌ نَشَ فبَتَ قٍقٍ رَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "The Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, “Don’t be afraid, but speak and don’t be silent;", "sus": "مَرِفِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ثْلُ بّ لَامَتُنيِ رَ كْي كُي، «عِ نَشَ فَاشُ مُكُ! وْيّن! عِ نَشَ دُندُ،"} {"eng": "that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عَلَ قٍن، عٍ شَ كَتَ عَ كٌلٌندٍ، هَلِ عَ تٌ مُ مَكُيَ وٌن نَ."} {"eng": "But those who escorted Paul brought him as far as Athens. Receiving a commandment to Silas and Timothy that they should come to him very quickly, they departed.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ ثْلُ مَتِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ عَ رَ هَن عَتّن. نَ شَنبِ عٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن عٍ حُنفُي رَ سِلَسِ نُن تِمٌتٍ شْن مَ، عٍ شَ ثْلُ لِ سِننَنيِ مَ عَتّن."} {"eng": "The multitude rose up together against them and the magistrates tore their clothes from them, then commanded them to be beaten with rods.", "sus": "حَمَ قَن نَشَ كٍلِ عٍ رَ، نُن كِيتِسَيٍ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ مَكٌيّن، عٍ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عٍ شَ عٍ بْنبْ لُشُسِنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "This agrees with the words of the prophets. As it is written,", "sus": "نَمِحْنمّيٍ بِرِن شَ مَسٍنيِ لَنشِ نَ نَن مَ. عَ سّبّشِ،"} {"eng": "Simeon has reported how God first visited the nations to take out of them a people for his name.", "sus": "«ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ. سِمْن بَرَ عَ يَبَ عَلَ مِشِيٍ سُفَندِ مَ كِ نَشّ سِيٍ يَ مَ، عَ شِلِ سَمَ نَشٍيٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "When they had arrived and had gathered the assembly together, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith to the nations.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ سٌ، عٍ نَشَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ مَلَن. عٍ نَشَ قٍ بِرِن دّنتّفّ سَ عٍ بّ عَلَ نَشَن نَبَشِ عٍ سَابُي رَ، نُن عَلَ دَنشَنِيَ نَادّ رَبِشِ سِ فبّتّيٍ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "For so has the Lord commanded us, saying, ‘I have set you as a light for the Gentiles, that you should bring salvation to the uttermost parts of the earth.’”", "sus": "عَلْ مَرِفِ مُشُ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ. عَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ بَرَ عِ تِ عِ شَ قِندِ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ سِيٍ بّ، كِسِ شَنِنقٍ رَ هَن دُنِحَ دَنيِ.›»"} {"eng": "Now Paul and his company set sail from Paphos and came to Perga in Pamphylia. John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.", "sus": "ثْلُ نُن عَ بٌورٍيٍ تٌ بَكِ كُنكُي كُي ثَقٌسِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ ثّرِفَ نَشَن نَ ثَنقِلِيَ بْشِ مَ. يَيَ نَشَ عَ بَ عٍ مَ، عَ نَشَ فبِلٍن دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "Now while Peter was very perplexed in himself what the vision which he had seen might mean, behold, the men who were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon’s house, stood before the gate,", "sus": "ثِيّرِ تٌ نُ عَ مَحْشُنقٍ نَ لَامَتُنيِ مَ، عَ وَ مَ نَشَن مَسٍنقٍ، كٌرٌنٍلِيٌ شَ شّيرَيٍ نُ بَرَ سِمْن شْنيِ مَشْرِن. عٍ نَشَ تِ نَادّ رَ."} {"eng": "So the assemblies throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had peace and were built up. They were multiplied, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.", "sus": "دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ نَشَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي يُدَيَ، فَلِلٍ، نُن سَمَرِ بْشِ بِرِن مَ. عٍ نُ لُمَ عٍ بٌرٍ رَلِمَنِيَ رَ، عٍ نُ عٍ حّرّ مَرِفِ شَ يَرَفَاشُي كُي. عٍ شُن نُ مَسَمَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "When Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.", "sus": "سْلُ تٌ سِفَ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عَ نَشَ وَ بٌنِقٍ عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ رَ، كْنْ عٍ بِرِن نُ فَاشُشِ عَ يَ رَ. عٍ مُ نُ لَشِ عَ رَ شَ عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّ نَن يَتِ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "The men who traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the sound, but seeing no one.", "sus": "شّمّيٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ عَ قْشْ رَ، نٍيٍ دّ نَشَ بٌبٌ عَ رَ فَاشُي بّ. عٍ نُ شُي مّمَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ نُ مِشِ يٌ تٌمَ."} {"eng": "Simon himself also believed. Being baptized, he continued with Philip. Seeing signs and great miracles occurring, he was amazed.", "sus": "سِمْن يَتِ نَشَ دَنشَنِيَ، عَ قَن نَشَ عَ شُنشَ يٍ شْورَ. عَ نَشَ بِرَ قِلِثُ قْشْ رَ. عَ نَشَ كَابَ عَ شَ تْنشُمَيٍ نُن كَابَنَكٌ شُنفبٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "They stoned Stephen as he called out, saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!”", "sus": "عٍ نُ نَ عَ مَفْنْقٍ تّمُي نَشّ، عٍتِيّن نَشَ عَلَ مَشَندِ، «ٱ مَرِفِ عِسَ، ٱ نِي رَ سّنّ.»"} {"eng": "You received the law as it was ordained by angels, and didn’t keep it!”", "sus": "وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ بَرَ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ سْتْ مَلٍكّيٍ سَابُي رَ، وٌ مُ عَ رَبَتُشِ!»"} {"eng": "I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their groaning. I have come down to deliver them. Now come, I will send you into Egypt.’", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ ٱ مَ حَمَ شَ تْورّ تٌ مِسِرَ، ٱ بَرَ عٍ كُتُن شُي مّ. ٱ بَرَ فٌرٌ ٱ شَ شْرّيَ قِ عٍ مَ. يَكْسِ، ٱ شَ عِ شّي مِسِرَ.›"} {"eng": "When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight. As he came close to see, the voice of the Lord came to him,", "sus": "عَننَبِ مُنسَ تٌ نَ قٍ تٌ، عَ نَشَ كَابَ. عَ تٌ عَ مَسٌ عَ رَ، عَ شَ عَ عِفبّ، عَ نَشَ مَرِفِ شُي مّ."} {"eng": "and they were brought back to Shechem and laid in the tomb that Abraham bought for a price in silver from the children of Hamor of Shechem.", "sus": "عٍ قُرٍيٍ نَشَ رَفبِلٍن سِكٍمِ، عٍ عٍ رَفَتَ فَبُرِ نَن كُي، عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَن سَرَ كْبِرِ رَ شَمٌرِ شَ دِيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "He gave him no inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on. He promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his offspring after him, when he still had no child.", "sus": "عَ مُ لِنفِرَ يٌ قِ عَ مَ يِ بْشِ كُي هَلِ سَنتِدٍ. كْنْ عَ نَشَ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌ عَ بّ، عَ قَمَ يِ بْشِ قِدٍ عَ تَن نُن عَ بْنسْي نَن مَ، هَلِ عَ قَشَ شَنبِ. نَ وَشَتِ دِ يٌ مُ نُ نَ عَ بّ سِندٍن.»"} {"eng": "They agreed with him. Summoning the apostles, they beat them and commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ لَن قٍ كٍرٍن مَ، عٍ نَشَ شّيرَيٍ شِلِ، عٍ عٍ بْنبْ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ رَتْن وْيّنقٍ رَ عِسَ شِلِ رَ، عٍ قَ عٍ رَبّحِن."} {"eng": "For before these days Theudas rose up, making himself out to be somebody; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves. He was slain; and all, as many as obeyed him, were dispersed and came to nothing.", "sus": "وَشَتِ دَنفِشِ شّمّ ندٍ نَشَن شِلِ تُدَ سِ نَشَ عَ يّتّ عِفبٌ. مِشِ كّمّ نَانِ نَن نُ بِرَشِ عَ قْشْ رَ، كْنْ عَ تٌ قَشَ عٍ بِرِن نَشَ يٍنسٍن يّ. عَ شَ قٍ مُ قِندِ قٍقٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "She fell down immediately at his feet and died. The young men came in and found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her by her husband.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ بِرَ شّيرَ بُن مَ كٍرٍن نَ، عَ قَشَ. سّفّتَلَيٍ تٌ سٌ، عٍ نَشَ عَ لِ عَ قَن بَرَ قَشَ. عٍ نَشَ عَ شَنِن، عٍ سَ عَ قَن نَفَتَ عَ شَ مْرِ قّ مَ."} {"eng": "Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “You rulers of the people and elders of Israel,", "sus": "ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ مُشُ عَ رَيَلَنشِ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ نَن سَابُي رَ،"} {"eng": "Annas the high priest was there, with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and as many as were relatives of the high priest.", "sus": "عَ نُن عَنَنِ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ، نُن كَيَقَ، يَيَ، عَلٍسَندِرٍ، عَ نُن نَشٍيٍ بِرِن نَ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ بْنسْي."} {"eng": "By faith in his name, his name has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which is through him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.", "sus": "يِ شّمّ نَشَن يِ كِ، وٌ نَشَن كٌلٌن، وٌ نَشَن تٌشِ، عَ بَرَ سّنبّ سْتْ دَنشَنِيَ كُي عِسَ شِلِ سَابُي رَ. عَ شَ دَنشَنِيَ عِسَ مَ، نَ نَن عَ يَلَنشِ وٌ بِرِن يَ شْرِ.»"} {"eng": "whom God raised up, having freed him from the agony of death, because it was not possible that he should be held by it.", "sus": "كْنْ نَ شَنبِ، عَلَ بَرَ عَ رَكٍلِ، عَ قَشّ لُوتِ بَ عَ مَ، بَرِ مَ قَشّ مُ نُ نْمَ كَنكَندٍ عَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "“Men of Israel, hear these words! Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him among you, even as you yourselves know,", "sus": "«Isirayilakae, wo wo tuli mati yi masenyi ra. Isa Nasarɛtika Ala xa Mixi Sugandixi nan nu a ra. Ala naxa na masen kaabanakoee, fe magaaxuxie, nun tɔnxumae ra, Isa naxan nabaxi wo tagi. Wo birin na fee kolon."} {"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "sus": "عَلَ بَرَ عَ رَفِرِ كَاقِرِيٍ شَ كَقُ وٌ مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ يِ شّمّ قَشَ، وٌ عَ بَنبَن وُرِ مَفَلَنبُشِ مَ، عَلْ عَلَ نُ عَ حَنِفٍشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "him, being delivered up by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by the hand of lawless men, crucified and killed;", "sus": "Ala bara a ragiri kaafirie xa kafu wo ma, alako wo xa yi xɛmɛ faxa, wo a banban wuri magalanbuxi ma, alɔ Ala nu a ɲanigexi ki naxɛ."} {"eng": "Suddenly there came from the sky a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.", "sus": "شُي ندٍ نَشَ مِنِ كٌورٍ مَ كٍرٍن نَ عَلْ قٌيٍ شُنفبٍ شُي. عَ نَشَ بَنشِ كُي بِرِن نَقٍ عٍ نُ دْشْشِ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Therefore, when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, are you now restoring the kingdom to Israel?”", "sus": "عَوَ، شّيرَيٍ تٌ عٍ مَلَن، عٍ نَشَ عِسَ مَشْرِن، «مَرِفِ، عِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيَ رَفبِلٍنمَ عَ رَ يِ تّمُي نّ؟»"} {"eng": "Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?”", "sus": "ثِيّرِ تٌ عَ تٌ، عَ نَشَ عِسَ مَشْرِن، «مَرِفِ، نَ تَن فٌ؟»"} {"eng": "After eight days, again his disciples were inside and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, the doors being locked, and stood in the middle, and said, “Peace be to you.”", "sus": "شِ سٌلٌمَسَشَن دَنفِ شَنبِ، عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ مَن تٌ نُ مَلَنشِ بَنشِ كُي، تٌمَسِ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ. هَلِ نَادّ بِرِن تٌ نُ مَبَلَنشِ، عِسَ نَشَ مِنِ عٍ مَ مّننِ، عَ تِ عٍ تَفِ، عَ عٍ شّيبُ، «بْحّسَ شَ لُ وٌ بّ.»"} {"eng": "and the cloth that had been on his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but rolled up in a place by itself.", "sus": "عَ نُن دُفِ نَشَن نُ مَكُنقُكُنقُشِ عِسَ يَتَفِ مَ. نَ دُفِ نُ سَشِ عَ شَتِ مَ، عَ سَ كِ يَءِلَنشِ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "After these things, Joseph of Arimathaea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly for fear of the Jews, asked of Pilate that he might take away Jesus’ body. Pilate gave him permission. He came therefore and took away his body.", "sus": "نَ قٍ بِرِن شَنبِ، يُسُقُ عَرِ مَتٍكَ نَشَ سَ عِسَ قُرٍ مَشَندِ ثِلَتِ مَ. عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّ ندٍ نَن نُ عَ رَ، كْنْ عَ مُ نُ عَ مَسٍنمَ كّنّ مَ، عَ تٌ نُ فَاشُشِ يُوِقِ كُنتِفِيٍ يَ رَ. ثِلَتِ تٌ تِن، يُسُقُ نَشَ سَ عِسَ قُرٍ تٌنفٌ."} {"eng": "Simon Peter therefore, having a sword, drew it, struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.", "sus": "سِمْن ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ مِنِ، عَ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ شَ كٌنيِ مَلِكُ يِرٍقَنيِ تُلِ بٌلٌن."} {"eng": "“I have spoken these things to you in figures of speech. But the time is coming when I will no more speak to you in figures of speech, but will tell you plainly about the Father.", "sus": "«ٱ يِ قٍ بِرِن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بّ تَالِ وْيّنيِ نَن نَ، كْنْ وَشَتِ نَ قَقٍ، ٱ مُ وْيّنمَ وٌ بّ تَالِ وْيّنيِ رَ سْنْن، ٱ بَبَ عَلَ شَ قٍ مَسٍن وٌ بّ عَ قِيشّ رَ."} {"eng": "“I have said these things to you so that you wouldn’t be caused to stumble.", "sus": "«ٱ يِ قٍ بِرِن مَسٍنشِ نّ وٌ بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌ نَشَ قَ بِرَ تَنتَنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "But they will do all these things to you for my name’s sake, because they don’t know him who sent me.", "sus": "عٍ يِ قٍ بِرِن نِيَمَ نّ وٌ رَ ٱ تَن شِلِ شَ قٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ مُ ٱ شّيمَ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "“I command these things to you, that you may love one another.", "sus": "ٱ وٌ يَمَرِشِ نّ يِ قٍيٍ مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ وٌ بٌرٍ شَنُ.»"} {"eng": "You heard how I told you, ‘I am going away, and I will come back to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced because I said ‘I am going to my Father;’ for the Father is greater than I.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ ٱ شُي مّ، ‹ٱ نَ سِفَقٍ، كْنْ ٱ مَن قَمَ وٌ يِرٍ›. شَ وٌ ٱ شَنُ، عَ لَنمَ وٌ شَ سّيوَ ٱ مَ سِفّ رَ بَبَ عَلَ يِرٍ، بَرِ مَ عَ دَنفِ ٱ تَن نَ."} {"eng": "Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.", "sus": "ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ عَ نْندِ كِ مَ، شَ مَالٍ شْرِ مُ سِ، عَ مُ دِحّ عَ يّتّ مَ بْشِ بُن، عَ لُمَ نَ كِ، عَ كٍرٍن فبَنسَن. كْنْ شَ عَ سَ دِحّ عَ يّتّ مَ بْشِ بُن، عَ عَ بٌفِ فبٍفبٍ نَن نَمِنِمَ."} {"eng": "But the chief priests conspired to put Lazarus to death also,", "sus": "Na kui, sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigie naxa natɛ tongo e xa Lasaru fan faxa,"} {"eng": "because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ يُوِقِ فبٍفبٍ نُ فبِلٍنقٍ عٍ قْشْ رَ عَ تَن نَن مَ قٍ رَ، عٍ نُ قَ دَنشَنِيَ عِسَ مَ."} {"eng": "because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus.", "sus": "barima Yuwifi gbegbe nu gbilenfe e fɔxɔ ra a tan nan ma fe ra, e nu fa danxaniya Isa ma."} {"eng": "I know that you always listen to me, but because of the multitude standing around I said this, that they may believe that you sent me.”", "sus": "ٱ تَن حَن عَ كٌلٌن، عِ ٱ شُي رَ مّمَ تّمُي بِرِن، كْنْ ٱ نَ قَلَشِ حَمَ نَن مَ قٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ تِشِ بٍ، عٍ شَ لَ عَ رَ عَ عِ تَن نَن ٱ شّيشِ.»"} {"eng": "So when Jesus came, he found that he had been in the tomb four days already.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ سٌ نَا، عَ نَشَ عَ لِ لَسَرُ قُرٍ بَرَ شِ نَانِ رَبَ فَبُرِ كُي."} {"eng": "Jesus answered, “Aren’t there twelve hours of daylight? If a man walks in the day, he doesn’t stumble, because he sees the light of this world.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وَشَتِ قُ نُن قِرِن شَ مُ نَ قّيحّن كٍرٍن كُي؟ شَ نَشَن يٌ عَ حّرّ مَ يَنيِ رَ، عَ مُ عَ سَنيِ رَدِنمَ بَرِ مَ يِ دُنِحَ نَءِيَلَنيِ يَنبَمَ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "He went away again beyond the Jordan into the place where John was baptizing at first, and he stayed there.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ فبِلٍن يُرُدّن نَاكِرِ مَ، عَ لُ مّننِ، يَيَ مِشِيٍ شُنشَ يٍ شْورَ قْلْ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "My Father who has given them to me is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of my Father’s hand.", "sus": "ٱ بَبَ، عَ تَن نَشَن عٍ سٌ ٱ يِ رَ، عَ دَنفِ بِرِن نَ. سٍسٍ مُ نْمَ عٍ بَدٍ عَ تَن بَبَ عَلَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.", "sus": "Naxee singe fa n bɛ, muɲɛtie nun suutee nan na e birin na. Yɛxɛɛe mu e tan xui ramɛ."} {"eng": "I am the door. If anyone enters in by me, he will be saved, and will go in and go out and will find pasture.", "sus": "N tan nan na gɔɔrɛ naadɛ ra. Naxan yo na so n saabui ra, a kanyi kisima nɛ, a nu so, a nu mini, a nu baloe sɔtɔ."} {"eng": "The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.", "sus": "Muɲɛti tan mu fama fefe ma bafe muɲɛ tide, faxɛ tide, nun kasarɛ sade. N tan faxi nɛ, alako mixie xa kisi sɔtɔ, e xa duniɲɛigiri xa fan a fanyi ra.»"} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "sus": "«ٱ مِسَالِشِ شُرُ سٍ كَنتَمَ قَنيِ نَن نَ، نَشَن مُ تٌندِ مَ قَشَدٍ عَ شَ شُرُ سٍ كَنتّ كُي."} {"eng": "“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.", "sus": "«N misaalixi xuruse kantama fanyi nan na, naxan mu tondima faxade a xa xuruse kantɛ kui."} {"eng": "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and doesn’t stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks on his own; for he is a liar, and the father of lies.", "sus": "وٌ تَن بَبَ قِندِشِ عِبُلِسَ نَن نَ، عَ شْلِ مَن وٌ مَ وٌ شَ عَ تَن نَن سَفٌ رَبَ. كَبِ عَ قْلّ، قَشّتِ نَن عَ رَ. عَ مُ تِنمَ نْندِ رَ، بَرِ مَ نْندِ يٌ مُ نَ عَ شَ قٍ كُي. عَ تٌ وُلٍ قَلَمَ، عَ عَ يّتّ شُي نَن يَتِ قَلَقٍ، بَرِ مَ وُلٍ قَلّ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن قِندِشِ وُلٍ بِرِن بَبَ رَ."} {"eng": "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”", "sus": "وٌ نَ نْندِ كٌلٌن، عَ وٌ شْرّيَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Now very early in the morning, he came again into the temple, and all the people came to him. He sat down and taught them.", "sus": "كُيٍ تٌ عِبَ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ. حَمَ تٌ قَ عَ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ دْشْ، عَ سٌ عٍ كَوَندِقٍ."} {"eng": "If anyone desires to do his will, he will know about the teaching, whether it is from God or if I am speaking from myself.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن وَ مَ عَلَ وَشْنقٍ رَبَقٍ، عَ نْمَ نّ عَ كٌلٌندٍ شَ يِ شَرَنيِ قَتَنشِ عَلَ نَن نَ. شَ ٱ فبٍ فبَنسَن نَ عَ رَ، مِشِيٍ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ نُ."} {"eng": "The Jews therefore marveled, saying, “How does this man know letters, having never been educated?”", "sus": "يُوِقِ كُنتِفِيٍ نَشَ كَابَ، عٍ نُ عَ قَلَ، «يِ شّمّ لْننِشِ يِ مْولِ رَ دِ، عَ تٌ مُ شَرَنشِ؟»"} {"eng": "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day.", "sus": "مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ قَدٍ ٱ مَ، شَ بَبَ عَلَ، نَشَن ٱ شّيشِ، مُ عَ كَنيِ مَبّندُن ٱ مَ. ٱ قَن قَمَ عَ كَنيِ رَكٍلِدٍ قَشّ مَ لْشْ دْنشْي."} {"eng": "When they found him on the other side of the sea, they asked him, “Rabbi, when did you come here?”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ عِسَ لِ بَا نَاكِرِ مَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «كَرَ مْشْ، عِ قَشِ بٍ مُن تّمُي؟»"} {"eng": "How can you believe, who receive glory from one another, and you don’t seek the glory that comes from the only God?", "sus": "وٌ تٌ وَ مَ وٌ شَ مَتْشْي سْتْ وٌ بٌرٍ رَ، كْنْ وٌ مُ مَتْشْي قٍنمَ نَشَن قَتَنشِ عَلَ كٍرٍنيِ تَن نَ، وٌ قَ دَنشَنِيَمَ دِ؟»"} {"eng": "But the testimony which I have is greater than that of John; for the works which the Father gave me to accomplish, the very works that I do, testify about me, that the Father has sent me.", "sus": "«كْنْ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ ندٍ نَ ٱ بّ نَشَن دَنفِ يَيَ فبٍ رَ. ٱ قٍيٍ نَشٍيٍ رَبَمَ، بَبَ عَلَ بَرَ نَشٍيٍ سٌ ٱ يِ ٱ شَ عٍ رَبَ، نٍيٍ نَن قِندِشِ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ رَ ٱ مَ قٍ رَ، عَ بَبَ عَلَ نَن ٱ شّيشِ."} {"eng": "Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, “Behold, you are made well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you.”", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عِسَ مَن نَشَ نَ شّمّ لِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «يَكْسِ عِ بَرَ يَلَن، كْنْ عَ لَنمَ عِ شَ فبِلٍن يُنُبِ قْشْ رَ عَلَكٌ قٍ فبّتّ نَشَ عِ سْتْ نَشَن دَنفِ نَ قُرٍ سِنفٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "After the two days he went out from there and went into Galilee.", "sus": "Na xi firin dangi xanbi, Isa naxa keli naa, a siga Galile,"} {"eng": "For Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his own country.", "sus": "barima a tan yati a a masen nɛ a namiɲɔnmɛ sese yo mu binyama a xɔnyi."} {"eng": "So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.", "sus": "عَ تٌ سٌ فَلِلٍ، نَاكَيٍ نَشَ عَ رَ سّنّ عَ قَنيِ رَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ قَن نُ بَرَ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ رَبَ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عٍ عَ شَ كَابَنَكٌي تٌ، عَ نَشٍيٍ رَبَ نَا."} {"eng": "So when he came into Galilee, the Galileans received him, having seen all the things that he did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went to the feast.", "sus": "A to so Galile, naakae naxa a rasɛnɛ a fanyi ra, barima e fan nu bara Sayamalekɛ Dangi Sali raba Darisalamu, e a xa kaabanakoe to, a naxee raba naa."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مَ دِ، عِ شَ لَ ٱ نَ، وَشَتِ نَ قَقٍ بَبَ عَلَ مُ بَتُمَ يِ فٍيَ مَ، عَ مُ بَتُمَ دَرِ سَلَمُ قَن."} {"eng": "One who believes in the Son has eternal life, but one who disobeys the Son won’t see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”", "sus": "نَشَن نَ دَنشَنِيَ عَلَ شَ دِ مَ، عَ بَرَ عَبَدَن كِسِ سْتْ. كْنْ نَشَن نَ عَلَ شَ دِ شُي مَتَندِ، نَ كَنيِ تَن مُ كِسِمَ. عَلَ شَ شْنّ نَن بِرَ مَ عَ قْشْ رَ.»"} {"eng": "His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will eat me up.”", "sus": "عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ رَتُ نَ كِتَابُي سّبّلِ مَ نَشَن عَ قَلَمَ، «شَنُنتٍيَ بَرَ فبٌ يّ ٱ بْحّ كُي عِ شَ بَنشِ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "The ones who had been sent were from the Pharisees.", "sus": "Farisɛni nde naxee nu bara xɛɛ Yaya xɔn,"} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «شَ عِ مُ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ رَ، عِ مُ قِندِشِ عٍلِيَ رَ، عِ مُ قِندِشِ نَمِحْنمّ رَ مُشُ نَشَن مَمّقٍ، عِ قَ مِشِيٍ شُنشَمَ يٍ شْورَ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "They asked him, “Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”", "sus": "e naxa a maxɔrin, «Xa i mu findixi Ala xa Mixi Sugandixi ra, i mu findixi Eliya ra, i mu findixi namiɲɔnmɛ ra muxu naxan mamɛfe, i fa mixie xunxama ye xɔɔra munfe ra?»"} {"eng": "For the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ.", "sus": "عَلَ سّرِيّ كِتَابُي قِ وٌن مَ عَننَبِ مُنسَ نَن سَابُي رَ. عَ شَ هِننّ نُن نْندِ تَن قَشِ وٌن مَ عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ نَن سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "He was in the world, and the world was made through him, and the world didn’t recognize him.", "sus": "عَلَ شُي نَشَ سَبَتِ دُنِحَ مَ. دُنِحَ دَا عَ تَن نَن سَابُي رَ، كْنْ دُنِحَ تٌندِ نّ عَ كٌلٌندٍ."} {"eng": "Becoming terrified, they bowed their faces down to the earth. The men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?", "sus": "فِنّيٍ نَشَ فَاشُ، عٍ عٍ شُن سِن بْشِ. نَ شّمّ قِرِن نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «مُنقٍ رَ وٌ مِشِ حِحّ قٍنمَ قَشَمِشِيٍ يَ مَ؟"} {"eng": "The sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was torn in two.", "sus": "سٌفٍ نَشَ عِقْورْ. دُفِ شُنفبٍ نَشَن سِنفَنشِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عَ نَشَ عِبْو قِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "There were also others, two criminals, led with him to be put to death.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سُوتٍ قِرِن قَن شَنِن، عٍ شَ عٍ قَشَ عٍ نُن عِسَ."} {"eng": "For if they do these things in the green tree, what will be done in the dry?”", "sus": "«شَ يِ قٍ مْولِ نَن نَبَمَ وُرِ شِندٍ رَ، وُرِ شَرٍ تَن قَ لُمَ دِ؟»"} {"eng": "They all said, “Are you then the Son of God?” He said to them, “You say it, because I am.”", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن نَشَ قَ عَ مَشْرِن، «نَ كُي، عِ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ دِ نَن نَ؟» عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ تَن نَن يَتِ عَ قَلَشِ نَ كِ، عَ ٱ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ دِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "After about one hour passed, another confidently affirmed, saying, “Truly this man also was with him, for he is a Galilean!”", "sus": "وَشَتِ كٍرٍن تٌ دَنفِ، مِشِ فبّتّ نَشَ عَ مَشْرْشْ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «يِ مِشِ نُن عِسَ نَن نُ عَ رَ، بَرِ مَ فَلِلٍكَ نَن عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "After a little while someone else saw him and said, “You also are one of them!” But Peter answered, “Man, I am not!”", "sus": "عَ مُ بُ، مِشِ فبّتّ قَن نَشَ ثِيّرِ تٌ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ قَن قِندِشِ عَ شَ مِشِ ندٍ نَن نَ.» ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَدٍ، ٱ تَن مُ نَ كِ!»"} {"eng": "He said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer,", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «كَبِ تّمُي دَنفِشِ، عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ كِ قَنيِ وٌن شَ يِ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ دٌنيِ دٌن يِرٍ كٍرٍن بٍينُن ٱ شَ حَشَنكَتّ سْتْ."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Behold, when you have entered into the city, a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you. Follow him into the house which he enters.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «وٌ نُ سٌ تَا كُي، وٌ نُن شّمّ ندٍ نَرَلَنمَ، يٍ قّحّ دْشْشِ عَ شُن مَ. وٌ شَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ هَن عَ سَ سٌمَ بَنشِ نَشَن كُي."} {"eng": "For it will come like a snare on all those who dwell on the surface of all the earth.", "sus": "عَلْ فَنتَنيِ شْنِ سُشُمَ كِ نَشّ. بَرِ مَ نَ لْشْي تَن قَمَ دُنِحَ مِشِ بِرِن لِدٍ."} {"eng": "Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let those who are in the middle of her depart. Let those who are in the country not enter therein.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، مِشِ نَشٍيٍ نَ يُدَيَ، عٍ شَ عٍ فِ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ. نَشٍيٍ نَ دَرِ سَلَمُ تَا كُي، عٍ شَ كٍلِ نَا. نَشٍيٍ قَن نَ دَاشَيٍ، عٍ نَشَ سٌ تَا كُي،"} {"eng": "Settle it therefore in your hearts not to meditate beforehand how to answer,", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ وٌ يّتّ شُنمَقَلَقٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "As some were talking about the temple and how it was decorated with beautiful stones and gifts, he said,", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍيٍ نُ وْيّنقٍ هْرْ مْبَنشِ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ تٌ نُ رَتٌقَنشِ فّمّ سَرٍ شْرْشْييٍ رَ، عَ نُن سٍ فبّتّيٍ، مِشِ نَشٍيٍ بَشِ سّرّشّ رَ. نَ كُي، عِسَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن،"} {"eng": "“The second came, saying, ‘Your mina, Lord, has made five minas.’", "sus": "«كٌنيِ قِرِن ندٍ نَشَ قَ، عَ دّنتّفّ سَ، عَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ مَرِفِ، عِ عِ شَ فبٍتِ كْبِرِ كٌلٍ كّمّ نَشَن سٌ نّ ٱ يِ، عَ حْشْي دْشْ سُولِ بَرَ سَ عَ شُن فٍينِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "He was trying to see who Jesus was, and couldn’t because of the crowd, because he was short.", "sus": "عَ نُ كَتَقٍ نّ عَ شَ عِسَ كٌلٌن، كْنْ عَ مُ نُ نْمَ عَ تٌدٍ حَمَ شَ قٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ مِشِ دُنكٍ نَن نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "For it is easier for a camel to enter in through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into God’s Kingdom.”", "sus": "حْشْمّ سٌ حْشُن سّنبّ يَلٍ رَ، دِنّ بَننَمِشِ سٌقٍ رَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "Jesus, seeing that he became very sad, said, “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ عَ سُننُنشِ تٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «سٌقٍ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ، عَ شْرْشْ نَاقُلِ كَنيِيٍ بّ كِ قَنيِ!"} {"eng": "Most certainly, I tell you, whoever doesn’t receive God’s Kingdom like a little child, he will in no way enter into it.”", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، مِشِ نَشَن مُ تِنمَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ رَ عَلْ دِ مّدِ، نَ كَنيِ مُ سٌمَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ قٍوٌ!»"} {"eng": "Besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, that those who want to pass from here to you are not able, and that no one may cross over from there to us.’", "sus": "سَ نَ بِرِن شُن، فُلُنبَ بٍلٍبٍلٍ نَن سَشِ وٌن تَفِ، عَلَكٌ مِشِ نَشَ نْ كٍلِدٍ بٍ سِفَقٍ رَ عِ يِرٍ، مِشِ مَن نَشَ نْ كٍلِدٍ مّننِ فِرِقٍ رَ مُشُ قَن يِرٍ.›»"} {"eng": "In Hades, he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus at his bosom.", "sus": "عَ سِفَ يَهَننَمَ. عَ شَ حَشَنكَتّ كُي مّننِ، عَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَتٍ عَ سَ عَننَبِ عِبُرَهِمَ تٌ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ، عٍ نُن لَسَرُ."} {"eng": "“His lord commended the dishonest manager because he had done wisely, for the children of this world are, in their own generation, wiser than the children of the light.", "sus": "نَ كُي، نَ وَلِكّ شُنمَتِ تِنشِنتَرٍ شَ مَنفّ نَشَ عَ مَتْشْ، عَ تٌ كْوتَ رَبَشِ.» «يِ دُنِحَ مِشِ نَشٍيٍ حّرّ مَ دِ مِ كُي، عٍ كْوتَ عٍ بٌورٍيٍ مَبِرِ، دَنفِقٍ مِشِيٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ حّرّ مَ نَءِيَلَنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "He said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he has received him back safe and healthy.’", "sus": "نَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، ‹عِ شُنيَ نَن قَشِ. عِ بَبَ بَرَ نِنفٍ تُرَشِ قَشَ، بَرِ مَ عَ مَن بَرَ عَ شَ دِ مَسْتْ عَ يَلَنشِ.›"} {"eng": "“Salt is good, but if the salt becomes flat and tasteless, with what do you season it?", "sus": "«قْشّ قَن، كْنْ شَ قْشّ مّشّمّشّنيِ بَرَ بَ، عَ قَ مّشّمّشّنمَ دِ؟"} {"eng": "saying, ‘This man began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’", "sus": "عٍ عَ قَلَ، ‹يِ شّمّ بَرَ بَنشِ تِ قْلْ، كْنْ عَ مُ نْشِ عَ رَحْندٍ.›»"} {"eng": "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, doesn’t first sit down and count the cost, to see if he has enough to complete it?", "sus": "«شَ مِشِ ندٍ سَ وَ كٌورٍ بَنشِ شُنفبٍ تِقٍ وٌ يَ مَ، قٌ عَ شَ دْشْ نّ سِندٍن، عَ عَ مَتٌ كْبِرِ شَسَبِ نَشَن نْمَ نَ بَنشِ تِدٍ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ كٌلٌن شَ عَ شَ قّيرّ نْمَ نَ وَلِ رَحْندٍ."} {"eng": "Now great multitudes were going with him. He turned and said to them,", "sus": "عِسَ مَن تٌ نُ كِرَ رَ، حَمَ فبٍفبٍ نُ عَ قْشْ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَقِندِ عٍ مَ، عَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ،"} {"eng": "“Another said, ‘I have married a wife, and therefore I can’t come.’", "sus": "فبّتّ قَن نَشّ، ‹ٱ بَشِ فِنّ نَن دْشْدٍ. ٱ مُ نْمَ قَدٍ.›»"} {"eng": "Jesus, answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?”", "sus": "نَ كُي، عِسَ نَشَ قَرِ سّنِيٍ نُن سّرِيّ لْننِلَيٍ مَشْرِن، «عَ دَشَ كَ عَ مُ دَشَ قُرٍ مَ شَ رَيَلَن مَلَبُ لْشْي مَ؟»"} {"eng": "Now there were some present at the same time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، مِشِ ندٍيٍ نَشَ دّنتّفّ سَ عِسَ بّ عَ مَنفّ ثِلَتِ بَرَ فَلِلٍكَ ندٍيٍ قَشَ، عَ عٍ وُلِ مَسُنبُ عٍ شَ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.", "sus": "وٌ شَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ تِدٍ فبٌ دٌنسٍ بّ، وٌ قَتٍ تِدٍ فبٌ دُفِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, but you bypass justice and God’s love. You ought to have done these, and not to have left the other undone.", "sus": "«فبَلٌي نَ وٌ بّ، وٌ تَن قَرِ سّنِيٍ! وٌ سَنسِ شُنشُرِيٍ بِرِن قَرِلّ بَمَ، عَلْ سَلَشُي نُن فبّنفبّ، كْنْ وٌ فبِلٍنشِ تِنشِنيِ نُن عَلَ شَنُقٍ قْشْ رَ. عَ لَنمَ نّ نُ وٌ شَ نَ سّرِيّ هَفِفّيٍ رَبَتُ، وٌ مَن مُ نّيمُ بٌورٍ سّرِيّ شُنشُرِيٍ قَن مَ."} {"eng": "If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? For you say that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.", "sus": "سٍنتَنّ شَ مَنفّيَ نْمَ بُدٍ شَ لَنتَرٍيَ نَ عَ كُي؟ وٌ نَشّ عَ ٱ حِننّ كٍرِ مَ بّلّسّبُلُ سَابُي نَن نَ."} {"eng": "But some of them said, “He casts out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of the demons.”", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ ندٍيٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ، نٍيٍ عَ قَلَ، «عَ حِننّيٍ كٍرِ مَ حِننّ مَنفّ بّلّسّبُلُ نَن سَابُي رَ.»"} {"eng": "Or if he asks for an egg, he won’t give him a scorpion, will he?", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ تْشّلّ نَن مَشْرِن وٌ مَ، وٌ نْمَ تَلِ سٌدٍ عَ يِ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Be careful therefore how you hear. For whoever has, to him will be given; and whoever doesn’t have, from him will be taken away even that which he thinks he has.”", "sus": "نَ نَ عَ رَ، وٌ لَن وٌ شَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَ قَنيِ رَ. قَهَامُي كَنيِ شَ قَهَامُي شُن مَسَمَ، كْنْ قَهَامُتَرٍ، هَلِ عَ نَشَن دِ مَحْشُنشِ عَ فبٍ رَ، نَ قَمَ بَدٍ عَ يِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "You gave me no kiss, but she, since the time I came in, has not ceased to kiss my feet.", "sus": "عِ تَن مُ ٱ سُنبُ، كْنْ عَ تَن، كَبِ ٱ سٌشِ عِ شْنيِ، عَ مُ بَشِ ٱ سَنيِيٍ مَسُنبُقٍ."} {"eng": "When they came to Jesus, they begged him earnestly, saying, “He is worthy for you to do this for him,", "sus": "يُوِقِ كُنتِفِيٍ تٌ عِسَ يِرٍ لِ، عٍ نَشَ عَ مَيَندِ كِ قَنيِ، عٍ عَ قَلَ، «مِشِ نَ عَ رَ، عَ لَن نّ عِ شَ يِ قٍ رَبَ عَ بّ،"} {"eng": "Why do you see the speck of chaff that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye?", "sus": "«مُنقٍ رَ عِ وُرِ قُحِ تٌمَ عِ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ يَ مَ، عَ قَ لِ عِ مُ شٍبٍنيِ تٌشِ نَشَن نَ عِ تَن يّتّ يَ مَ؟"} {"eng": "“But I tell you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,", "sus": "«ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ نَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِقٍ ٱ نَ، وٌ شَ وٌ يَشُييٍ شَنُ، وٌ قٍ قَنيِ نَن نَبَ وٌ شْنمَيٍ بّ،"} {"eng": "He came down with them and stood on a level place, with a crowd of his disciples and a great number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases,", "sus": "عِسَ نُن نَ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِنيِيٍ تٌ فٌرٌ، عَ نَشَ تِ كّنّ ندٍ مَ. عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ فَلِ نُ نَ نَا، عَ نُن حَمَ فبٍفبٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ كٍلِشِ يُدَيَ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ، عَ نُن بَا دّ رَ، تِرٍ نُن سِدْن نَبِلِنيِ."} {"eng": "Which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise and walk?’", "sus": "وْيّنيِ مُندُن سْونّيَ، عَ قَلَقٍ ‹عِ شَ يُنُبِيٍ بَرَ شَقَرِ،› كَ عَ قَلَقٍ ‹كٍلِ، عِ حّرّ›؟"} {"eng": "Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي، ‹مِشِ مُ بَلٌمَ تَامِ فبَنسَن شَ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan,", "sus": "لٍمٍكِ قِندِشِ مٍتُسٍلَ شَ دِ نَن نَ، مٍتُسٍلَ قِندِشِ عٍنٌكِ شَ دِ نَن نَ، عٍنٌكِ قِندِشِ يٍرٍدِ شَ دِ نَن نَ، يٍرٍدِ قِندِشِ مَهَلَلٍلِ شَ دِ نَن نَ، مَهَلَلٍلِ قِندِشِ كٍنَن شَ دِ نَن نَ،"} {"eng": "added this also to them all, that he shut up John in prison.", "sus": "هٍرٌدٍ مَن نَشَ يِ قٍ كٌبِ كٍرٍن سَ نَ بِرِن شُن؛ عَ نَشَ يَيَ سَ فٍيلِ."} {"eng": "As the people were in expectation, and all men reasoned in their hearts concerning John, whether perhaps he was the Christ,", "sus": "مِشِيٍ نَشَ عٍ شَشِلِ تِ يَيَ رَ، عٍ نُ عٍ مَحْشُن، عَ تّمُندٍ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "He answered them, “He who has two coats, let him give to him who has none. He who has food, let him do likewise.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «دٌنمَ قِرِن نَ نَشَن يِ رَ، عَ كَنيِ شَ كٍرٍن قِ بٌورٍ مَ، سٍ مُ نَ نَشَن يِ. دٌنسٍ نَ نَشَن يِ رَ، عَ كَنيِ قَن شَ عَ رَبَ نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.", "sus": "نَشَن بِرِن نُ نَ عِسَ شُي مّقٍ، عٍ نُ كَابَمَ عَ شَ شَشِلِ قَنيِ نُن عَ شَ يَابِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "“Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.”", "sus": "«مَتْشْي نَ عَلَ بّ هَن كٌورٍ مَ! بْحّسَ نَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ بّ دُنِحَ مَ، عَ هِننّشِ نَشٍيٍ رَ!»"} {"eng": "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to David’s city, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,", "sus": "Yusufu fan naxa keli Nasarɛti, taa naxan na Galile bɔxi ma, sigafe ra Bɛtɛlɛɛmu, mangɛ Dawuda baride naxan na Yudaya bɔxi ma. Yusufu siga naa nɛ, barima a nu kelixi Dawuda bɔnsɔɛ nun a xabilɛ nan kui,"} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "sus": "عَ سِفَ عَ شَ سَ عَ شِلِ سّبّ، عٍ نُن مَرِيَمَ، عَ نُ بَرَ نَشَن شَ كٌتٍ دْشْ. مَرِيَمَ تّيفّشِ نَن نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "to enroll himself with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him as wife, being pregnant.", "sus": "a siga a xa sa a xili sɛbɛ, e nun Mariyama, a nu bara naxan xa kote dɔxɔ. Mariyama tɛɛgɛxi nan nu a ra."} {"eng": "Now in those days, a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be enrolled.", "sus": "Na tɛmui, Rɔma mangɛ xungbe Ogusutu naxa yaamari fi duniɲa birin xa xili sɛbɛ raba."} {"eng": "This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.", "sus": "Yi xili sɛbɛ singe raba tɛmui naxɛ, Kirinyusi nan nu findixi Siriya gomina ra."} {"eng": "All went to enroll themselves, everyone to his own city.", "sus": "بِرِن نَشَ سِفَ عَ بَرِ تَا عَ شِلِ سّبّدٍ."} {"eng": "All went to enroll themselves, everyone to his own city.", "sus": "Birin naxa siga a bari taa a xili sɛbɛde."} {"eng": "the oath which he swore to Abraham our father,", "sus": "عَ لَايِدِ نَن تٌنفٌ وٌن بٍنبَ عِبُرَهِمَ بّ،"} {"eng": "Now the time that Elizabeth should give birth was fulfilled, and she gave birth to a son.", "sus": "عٍلِسَبّتِ شَ دِ بَرِ تّمُي تٌ عَ لِ، عَ نَشَ دِ شّمّ سْتْ."} {"eng": "for he has looked at the humble state of his servant. For behold, from now on, all generations will call me blessed.", "sus": "عَ تٌ عَ يَ رَفٌرٌشِ عَ شَ كٌنيِ مَفٌرٌشِ مَ. كٍلِ يِ وَشَتِ مَ هَن وَشَتِ نَشَن بِرِن سَ قَمَ، مِشِيٍ ٱ شِلِ قَلَمَ نّ ‹سّيوَتْي›،"} {"eng": "The people were waiting for Zacharias, and they marveled that he delayed in the temple.", "sus": "حَمَ تٌ نُ نَ سَكَرِ مَمّقٍ تَندٍ، عٍ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ سَكَرِ بُقٍ مَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "Pilate again asked him, “Have you no answer? See how many things they testify against you!”", "sus": "ثِلَتِ مَن نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ مُ عٍ يَابِمَ؟ عِ مُ عَ مّشِ عٍ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن سَقٍ عِ شُن مَ؟»"} {"eng": "As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,", "sus": "Piyɛri nu na tɛtɛ kui tɛmui naxɛ lanbanyi, sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigie xunyi xa konyi ginɛ keren naxa fa."} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "sus": "عَ تٌ ثِيّرِ تٌ، عَ عَ مَشَرَقٍ تّ رَ، عَ نَشَ عَ عِفبّ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «عِ تَن، وٌ نُن عِسَ نَسَرّتِكَ بِرِن نَن نُ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”", "sus": "A to Piyɛri to, a a maxarafe tɛ ra, a naxa a igbɛ, a a fala, «I tan, wo nun Isa Nasarɛtika birin nan nu a ra.»"} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?", "sus": "Isa naxa a masen e bɛ, «Wo to minixi n xili ma santidɛgɛma nun gbengbeta suxuxi wo yi ra, suute nan na n na?"} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "sus": "لْشْ يٌ لْشْ، ٱ نُ نَ وٌ يَ مَ، ٱ نُ كَوَندِ تِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، وٌ مُ ٱ سُشُ. كْنْ نَشَن سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي، قٌ عَ شَ كَمَلِ.»"} {"eng": "I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”", "sus": "Lɔxɔ yo lɔxɔ, n nu na wo ya ma, n nu kawandi ti hɔrɔmɔbanxi kui, wo mu n suxu. Kɔnɔ naxan sɛbɛxi Kitaabui kui, fo a xa kamali.»"} {"eng": "Most certainly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen.", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، تٌ مِشِيٍ مُ دَنفِمَ قٌ نَ قٍ بِرِن نَبَ."} {"eng": "the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.", "sus": "تُنبُييٍ بِرَ مَ نّ بْشِ، سٍ نَشَن بِرِن نَ كٌورٍ مَ عَ سّرّنمَ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "But you watch. “Behold, I have told you all things beforehand.", "sus": "وٌ مّينِ وٌ يّتّ مَ. ٱ بَرَ قٍ بِرِن مَسٍن وٌ بّ بٍينُن عَ وَشَتِ شَ عَ لِ.»"} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone on another, which will not be thrown down.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ يِ بَنشِ بٍلٍبٍلٍيٍ تٌشِ؟ يِ فّمّ كٍرٍن مُ لُمَ عَ بٌورٍ قَرِ بٍ، عَ بِرِن نَبِرَ مَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Jesus told it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” and his disciples heard it.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ شْرّ بِلِ بّ، «مِشِ يٌ نَشَ عِ تَن بٌفِ دٌن سْنْن!» عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ قَن نَشَ عَ شُي مّ."} {"eng": "Jesus summoned them and said to them, “You know that they who are recognized as rulers over the nations lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ شِلِ عَ يِرٍ، عَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «وٌ عَ كٌلٌن، نَشٍيٍ كٌلٌنشِ حَمَنّ مَنفّيٍ رَ، عٍ مِشِيٍ يَمَرِ مَ عَ شْرْشْي رَ، عٍ عٍ سّنبّ رَ مِنِمَ عٍ مَ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ مَنفّيَ شَ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "For this cause a man will leave his father and mother, and will join to his wife,", "sus": "‹نَ كُي، شّمّ كٍلِمَ عَ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ شُن مَ، عَ عَ شَ فِنّ شَ قُتِ شِرِ،"} {"eng": "He arose from there and came into the borders of Judea and beyond the Jordan. Multitudes came together to him again. As he usually did, he was again teaching them.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ كٍلِ مّننِ، عَ سِفَ يُدَيَ بْشِ عَ نُن يُرُدّن نَاكِرِ مَ. حَمَ فبٍفبٍ مَن نَشَ عٍ مَلَن عَ يِرٍ، عَ قَن نَشَ عٍ كَوَندِ قْلْ، عَلْ عَ نُ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "sus": "كُلِ مُ قَشَمَ دّننَشّ، تّ قَن مُ شُبٍنمَ.»"} {"eng": "One of the multitude answered, “Teacher, I brought to you my son, who has a mute spirit;", "sus": "شّمّ ندٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ حَمَ تَفِ، «كَرَ مْشْ، ٱ قَشِ ٱ مَ دِ شّمّ نَن نَ عِ شْن، بَرِ مَ حِننّ نَ عَ قْشْ رَ نَشَن بَرَ عَ دّ بٌبٌ."} {"eng": "His clothing became glistening, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them.", "sus": "عَ شَ سٌسٍيٍ نَشَ قِيشّ عَ مْولِ ندٍ رَ نَشَن مُ تٌمَ دُنِحَ مَ."} {"eng": "Again he departed from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the sea of Galilee through the middle of the region of Decapolis.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ كٍلِ تِرٍ بْشِ، عَ دَنفِ سِدْن، عَ فبِلٍن فَلِلٍ بَا مَبِرِ، تَا قُ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "When he had entered into a house away from the multitude, his disciples asked him about the parable.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ بَرَ كٍلِ حَمَ شُن، عَ سٌ بَنشِ، عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن يِ تَالِ وْيّنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "making void the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down. You do many things like this.”", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ مَتَندِ مَ وٌ شَ نَامُنيِيٍ سَابُي رَ، وٌ مَن قَ نٍيٍ نَن مَسٍنمَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ بّ. وٌ نَ قٍ مْولِ فبٍفبٍ نَن نَبَمَ، بَقٍ يِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "But he answered them, “You give them something to eat.” They asked him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eat?”", "sus": "كْنْ عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ تَن شَ دٌنسٍ سٌ عٍ يِ.» عٍ تَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «شَ مُشُ سَ تَامِ سَرَ يِ حَمَ بِرِن بّ، نَ كْبِرِ سِفَمَ هَن وَلِكّ شَ كِكٍ سٌلٌمَسَشَن سَرٍ!»"} {"eng": "They cast out many demons, and anointed many with oil who were sick and healed them.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ حِننّيٍ كٍرِ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ قْشْ رَ. عٍ نَشَ تُرٍ سَ قُرٍ مَ فبٍفبٍ مَ، عٍ عٍ رَيَلَن."} {"eng": "They began to beg him to depart from their region.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ، نَاكَيٍ نَشَ سٌ عِسَ مَيَندِقٍ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ كٍلِ عٍ شَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "As he sowed, some seed fell by the road, and the birds came and devoured it.", "sus": "عَ تٌ نُ سَنسِ شْرِ فَرَنسَنمَ، شْرِ ندٍيٍ نَشَ بِرَ سَنكِرَ شْن، شْنِيٍ نَشَ قَ، عٍ عٍ دٌن فبِكِ."} {"eng": "John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting, and they came and asked him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples don’t fast?”", "sus": "عَننَبِ يَيَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نُن قَرِ سّنِيٍ تٌ نُ نَ سُنيِ، مِشِيٍ نَشَ قَ عِسَ مَشْرِندٍ، «مُنقٍ رَ يَيَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نُن قَرِ سّنِيٍ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ سُنيِ سُشُمَ، كْنْ عِ فبٍيٍ تَن مُ سُنمَ؟»"} {"eng": "As he passed by, he saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he arose and followed him.", "sus": "عَ تٌ نُ دَنفِقٍ، عَ نَشَ عَلِقَ شَ دِ لٍوِ تٌ، عَ دْشْشِ دُوتِ مَشِلِدٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «بِرَ ٱ قْشْ رَ.» لٍوِ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "He strictly warned him and immediately sent him out,", "sus": "Isa to a ragbilen, a naxa a matintin a ra"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "sus": "يِ مَسٍنيِ رَ، «عِ نَشَ يِ قٍ قَلَ مِشِ يٌ بّ. سِفَ عِ سَ عِ يّتّ دّنتّفّ سّرّشّدُبّ بّ، عِ سّرّشّ بَ عِ شَ سّنِيّنيِ شَ قٍ رَ، عَلْ عَننَبِ مُنسَ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ. نَ قِندِ مَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ نَن نَ عٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "and said to him, “See that you say nothing to anybody, but go show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing the things which Moses commanded, for a testimony to them.”", "sus": "yi masenyi ra, «I naxa yi fe fala mixi yo bɛ. Siga i sa i yɛtɛ dɛntɛgɛ sɛrɛxɛdubɛ bɛ, i sɛrɛxɛ ba i xa sɛniyɛnyi xa fe ra, alɔ Annabi Munsa a yamarixi ki naxɛ. Na findima seedeɲɔxɔya nan na e bɛ.»"} {"eng": "When he had said this, immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was made clean.", "sus": "كُنّ قُرٍ نَشَ بَ شّمّ مَ كٍرٍن نَ، عَ نَشَ سّنِيّن."} {"eng": "John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for forgiveness of sins.", "sus": "Na kui, Yaya Xunxa naxa to gbengberenyi ma. A nu kawandi tima mixie bɛ, e xa e xunxa ye xɔɔra tuubi ra, alako Ala xa e xa yunubie xafari."} {"eng": "All the country of Judea and all those of Jerusalem went out to him. They were baptized by him in the Jordan river, confessing their sins.", "sus": "Yudayakae nun Darisalamuka birin nu sigama a yire. E nu e xa yunubie masenma kɛnɛ ma, Yaya fan nu e xunxama Yurudɛn xure xɔɔra."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "sus": "حْشْمّ شَبٍ دٌنمَ نَن نُ رَفٌرٌشِ يَيَ مَ، بّلّتِ كِرِ دَاشِ نُ شِرِشِ عَ تَفِ. عَ نُ بَلٌمَ كَتٌي نُن وُلَ كُمِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "John was clothed with camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist. He ate locusts and wild honey.", "sus": "Ɲɔxɔmɛ xabe donma nan nu ragoroxi Yaya ma, bɛlɛti kiri daaxi nu xirixi a tagi. A nu baloma katoe nun wula kumi nan na."} {"eng": "If this comes to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him and make you free of worry.”", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ لِ فٌمِنَ نَشَ يِ قٍ مّ، مُشُ سَ وْيّنمَ عَ بّ عَلَكٌ سٍسٍ نَشَ وٌ تٌ.»"} {"eng": "The angel answered the women, “Don’t be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus, who has been crucified.", "sus": "كْنْ مَلٍكّ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن فِنّيٍ بّ، «وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ، بَرِ مَ ٱ عَ كٌلٌن وٌ نَ عِسَ نَن قٍنقٍ، عٍ نَشَن بَنبَن وُرِ مَفَلَنبُشِ مَ."} {"eng": "So they went with the guard and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سِفَ، عٍ سَ تْنشُمَ سَ فّمّ مَ نَشَن نُ نَ فَبُرِ دّ مَ، عَلَكٌ شَ فَبُرِ قَ سَ رَبِ، عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ. عٍ نَشَ سْورِيٍ لُ نَا، نَ كَنتَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He trusts in God. Let God deliver him now, if he wants him; for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”", "sus": "عَ بَرَ عَ شَشِلِ تِ عَلَ رَ، عَ مَن قَ عَ قَلَ، ‹ٱ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ دِ نَن نَ.› يَكْسِ، شَ عَ رَقَنشِ عَلَ مَ، عَ شَ عَ رَكِسِ!»"} {"eng": "When they had crucified him, they divided his clothing among them, casting lots,", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فّ عَ مَبَنبَندٍ وُرِ مَ، عٍ نَشَ كَندَ بُن عَ شَ دُفِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عَ كٌلٌن كَنكَن نَشَن سْتْمَ."} {"eng": "They braided a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and a reed in his right hand; and they kneeled down before him and mocked him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ تُنبٍيٍ مَقِلِن، عٍ عٍ يَءِلَن مَنفّ كَتَنيِ مَنِيّ رَ، عٍ عَ سَ عَ شُن مَ. عٍ نَشَ وُرِ رَ سٌ عَ يِرٍقَنيِ بّلّشّ كُي، عٍ عَ مَيٍلٍ، عٍ نُ عٍ شِنبِ سِن عَ بُن مَ، عٍ نُ عَ قَلَ، «عِ كّنَ، يُوِقِيٍ شَ مَنفّ.»"} {"eng": "Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do to Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Let him be crucified!”", "sus": "ثِلَتِ قَن نَشَ عٍ مَشْرِن، «ٱ شَ مُنسٍ رَبَ عِسَ رَ، نَشَن شِلِ قَلَمَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ؟» حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَ بَنبَن وُرِ مَفَلَنبُشِ مَ!»"} {"eng": "Then the high priest tore his clothing, saying, “He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Behold, now you have heard his blasphemy.", "sus": "نَ كُي، سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ نَشَ عَ يّتّ شَ دٌنمَ سُشُ، عَ عِبْو شْنّ رَ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «عَ بَرَ عَلَ رَ سْتْ! وٌن هَيِ نَ سٍيدٍ فبّتّيٍ مَ يِرٍ؟ وٌ بَرَ عَ مّ عَ عَلَ رَ سْتْشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Watch and pray, that you don’t enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ شِ. وٌ عَلَ مَشَندِ نّ عَلَكٌ وٌ نَشَ بِرَ تَنتَنيِ كُي. مَحْشُن قَنيِ نَ عَدَ مَ بّ، كْنْ عَ قَتٍ بّندّ تَن سّنبّ مُ نَ.»"} {"eng": "He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “What, couldn’t you watch with me for one hour?", "sus": "عَ تٌ فبِلٍن عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ عٍ لِ عٍ نَ شِقٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ثِيّرِ بّ، «عِ مُ نْشِ وَشَتِ كٍرٍن شِ شْلِ كَنَدٍ ٱ مَ قٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "for I was hungry, and you didn’t give me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink;", "sus": "بَرِ مَ كَامّ تٌ نُ ٱ مَ، وٌ مُ ٱ كِ دٌنسٍ. يٍ شْلِ تٌ نُ ٱ مَ، وٌ مُ ٱ كِ يٍ."} {"eng": "“Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink?", "sus": "«نَ تّمُي، تِنشِنتْييٍ عَ مَشْرِنمَ نّ، ‹مَرِفِ، مُشُ عِ تٌ كَامّ كُي مُن تّمُي، مُشُ قَ عِ كِ دٌنسٍ، شَ نَ مُ يٍ شْلِ رَ، مُشُ قَ عِ كِ يٍ؟"} {"eng": "He who received the five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents. Behold, I have gained another five talents in addition to them.’", "sus": "شّيمَ كِلٌ سُولِ تَشُ كٌنيِ نَشَن نَ، عَ نَشَ قَ عَ مَرِفِ هَرِفٍ رَ، عَ عَ قَلَ، ‹ٱ مَرِفِ، عِ شّيمَ كِلٌ سُولِ نَن تَشُ ٱ نَ. عَ مَتٌ، ٱ بَرَ كِلٌ سُولِ مَن سَ عَ شُن فٍينِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "While they went away to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.", "sus": "نٍيٍ تٌ سِفَ تُرٍ سَرَدٍ، فِنّدْشْي نَشَ قَ. فِنّدِ مّدِ نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ تُرٍ سَ عٍ شَ لَنثُييٍ كُي، نٍيٍ تَن نَشَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ، عٍ سٌ قُتِشِرِ شُلُنيِ، نَادّ قَ بَلَن عٍ شَنبِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "“But immediately after the suffering of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken;", "sus": "«نَ حَشَنكَتّ وَشَتِ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ‹سٌفٍ عِقْورْ مَ نّ، كِكٍ يَنبّ بَمَ نّ، تُنبُييٍ بِرَ مَ نّ بْشِ، سٍ نَشَن بِرِن نَ كٌورٍ مَ عٍ سّرّنمَ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "saying, “What do you think of the Christ? Whose son is he?” They said to him, “Of David.”", "sus": "«وٌ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ قٍ تٌشِ دِ؟ ندٍ شَ دِ عَ رَ؟» عٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «دَوُدَ نَن شَ دِ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’", "sus": "عَ قِرِن ندٍ مَنِيَ نَ سِنفٍ رَ، ‹عِ شَ عِ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ شَنُ عَلْ عِ عِ يّتّ شَنُشِ كِ نَشّ.›"} {"eng": "They sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are honest, and teach the way of God in truth, no matter whom you teach; for you aren’t partial to anyone.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عٍ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نُن هٍرٌدٍ شَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ شّي عِسَ شْن. نٍيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِسَ بّ، «كَرَ مْشْ، مُشُ عَ كٌلٌن نْندِ قَلّ نَن عِ رَ. عِ مِشِيٍ شَرَنمَ عَلَ شَ كِرَ رَ عَ نْندِ كِ مَ. عِ مُ فَاشُمَ مِشِ يٌ شْن، بَرِ مَ عِ مُ مِشِ رَقِسَمَ عٍ بٌورٍيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here not wearing wedding clothing?’ He was speechless.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، ‹ٱ مَ دِ، عِ سٌشِ بٍ دِ، عِ تٌ مُ مَشِرِشِ عَ شُلُنيِ كِ مَ؟› كْنْ شّمّ مُ نْ يَابِ يٌ قِدٍ."} {"eng": "Go therefore to the intersections of the highways, and as many as you may find, invite to the wedding feast.’", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ شَ سِفَ تَا كُي، وٌ سَ مِشِيٍ شِلِ وٌ نَشٍيٍ يٌ تٌمَ نَا، عٍ شَ قَ ٱ مَ دِ شَ قُتِشِرِ شُلُنيِ.›"} {"eng": "He answered, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he changed his mind, and went.", "sus": "دِ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، ‹ٱ تٌندِ.› كْنْ نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عَ شَشِلِ نَشَ مَسَرَ، عَ سِفَ وَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "A very great multitude spread their clothes on the road. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.", "sus": "حَمَ فبٍفبٍ نَشَن نُ نَ، عٍ قَن نَشَ عٍ شَ دٌنمَيٍ عِتَلَ كِرَ شْن مَ، ندٍيٍ قَن نَشَ قّنسّ سّفّ، عٍ نٍيٍ قَن سَ كِرَ شْن مَ عِسَ بِنيَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“When those who were hired at about the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ وَلِ قْلْشِ لّيرِ ندٍيٍ بٍينُ كْي شَ سٌ، كَنكَن نَشَ فبٍتِ كْبِرِ كٌلٍ كٍرٍن سْتْ."} {"eng": "Looking at them, Jesus said, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ مَتٌ، عَ قَ عَ مَسٍن، «عَدَ مَ مُ نْمَ عَ يّتّ رَكِسِدٍ، كْنْ عَلَ تَن نْمَ قٍ بِرِن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Jesus said to his disciples, “Most certainly I say to you, a rich man will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with difficulty.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ بّ، «ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، نَاقُلِ كَنيِ سٌقٍ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ عَ شْرْشْ."} {"eng": "But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he was one who had great possessions.", "sus": "سّفّتَلَ تٌ نَ مّ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ سُننُنيِ كُي، بَرِ مَ هَرِفٍ فبٍفبٍ نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "Behold, one came to him and said, “Good teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?”", "sus": "سّفّتَلَ ندٍ نَشَ قَ عِسَ شْن، عَ عَ مَشْرِن، «كَرَ مْشْ، عَ لَن ٱ شَ قٍ قَنيِ مُندُن نَبَ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ عَبَدَن كِسِ سْتْ؟»"} {"eng": "For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven’s sake. He who is able to receive it, let him receive it.”", "sus": "وٌ عَ كٌلٌن، شّمّ ندٍيٍ بَرِ كِ نَن عَ نِيَشِ عٍ مُ نْمَ فِنّ دْشْدٍ. ندٍيٍ نَ نَ عٍ عٍ بَنَشِ نّ. ندٍيٍ قَن نَ، عٍ نَتّ نَن تٌنفٌشِ عٍ نَشَ فِنّ دْشْ عَلَ شَ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ. مِشِ نَشَن نْمَ يِ مَسٍنيِ سُشُدٍ، عَ شَ عَ سُشُ.»"} {"eng": "and said, ‘For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?’", "sus": "عَ قَ عَ مَسٍن، ‹نَ كُي، شّمّ كٍلِمَ عَ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ شُن مَ، عَ عَ شَ فِنّ شَ قُتِ شِرِ، عٍ قِرِن قِندِ كٍرٍن نَ.›"} {"eng": "He answered, “Haven’t you read that he who made them from the beginning made them male and female,", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «كِتَابُي نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ مُ نُ عَ شَرَن؟ قٍ قْلْ قْلّ رَ، دَالِ مَنفّ نَشَ شّمّ نُن فِنّ دَا،"} {"eng": "Shouldn’t you also have had mercy on your fellow servant, even as I had mercy on you?’", "sus": "عَ دِ، عَ مُ لَنمَ شّ نُ عِ قَن شَ كِنِكِنِ عِ بٌورٍ مَ، عَلْ ٱ كِنِكِنِشِ عِ تَن مَ كِ نَشّ؟›"} {"eng": "He would not, but went and cast him into prison until he should pay back that which was due.", "sus": "كْنْ عَ نَشَ تٌندِ. عَ نَشَ عَ رَ سٌ فٍيلِ كُي، عَ شَ لُ مّننِ هَن عَ شَ فّ دٌنِ قِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me,", "sus": "مِشِ يٌ نَشَن يِ دِ مّدِ مْولِ رَ سّنّمَ ٱ شِلِ رَ، نَ كَنيِ بَرَ ٱ تَن يّتّ يَتِ رَ سّنّ.»"} {"eng": "Whoever therefore humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِ يٌ نَشَن عَ يّتّ مَفٌرٌ مَ عَلْ دِ مّدِ، نَ نَن قِندِشِ مِشِ شُنفبٍ رَ دَنفِ بِرِن نَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "He said, “Yes.” When he came into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth receive toll or tribute? From their children, or from strangers?”", "sus": "ثِيّرِ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «عِيٌ، عَ عَ قِمَ.» ثِيّرِ تٌ سٌ بَنشِ، عِسَ نَن سِنفٍ وْيّن عَ بّ، «ثِيّرِ، عِ عَ تٌشِ دِ؟ دُنِحَ مَنفّيٍ دُوتِ مَشِلِمَ ندٍ مَ، عٍ شَ دِيٍ كَ مِشِ فبّتّيٍ؟»"} {"eng": "When they had come to Capernaum, those who collected the didrachma coins came to Peter, and said, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the didrachma?”", "sus": "عِسَ نُن عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ تٌ سٌ كَثّرّنَمُ، هْرْ مْبَنشِ دُوتِ مَشِلِيٍ نَشَ ثِيّرِ مَشْرِن، «ثٍ، عِ كَرَ مْشْ مُ هْرْ مْبَنشِ دُوتِ قِمَ؟»"} {"eng": "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life?", "sus": "دُنِحَ بِرِن سْتْي مُنسٍ قَنمَ مِشِ مَ، شَ عَ سِفَمَ يَهَننَمَ؟ قٍ مُندُن نَ، مِشِ نْمَ عَ شَ عَرِيَننَ مَسَرَدٍ نَشَن نَ؟"} {"eng": "But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of men.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَقِندِ ثِيّرِ مَ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «كٍلِ ٱ يَ عِ، عِ تَن سٍنتَنّ! عِ كَتَقٍ نّ عِ شَ ٱ نَتَنتَن، بَرِ مَ عِ شَشِلِ مُ تِشِ عَلَ قٍيٍ شَ رَ، عَ تِشِ عَدَ مَ قٍيٍ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Don’t you yet perceive or remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you took up,", "sus": "هَن يَ وٌ مُ شَشِلِ سْتْ؟ كَ وٌ نّيمُشِ نّ تَامِ فُندِ سُولِ تٌ شّمّ وُلُ سُولِ وَ سَ؟ وٌ تٌ نَ تَامِ دْنشْي مَتٌنفٌ، وٌ دٍبٍيٍ يٍرِ رَقٍ؟"} {"eng": "When the people of that place recognized him, they sent into all that surrounding region and brought to him all who were sick;", "sus": "نَاكَيٍ تٌ عَ كٌلٌن عِسَ نَن عَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ نَ رَبِلِنيِ مِشِ بِرِن نَكٌلٌن. مِشِيٍ نَشَ قَ قُرٍ مَيٍ بِرِن نَ عِسَ شْن."} {"eng": "But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Cheer up! It is I! Don’t be afraid.”", "sus": "كْنْ عِسَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ كٍرٍن نَ، «وٌ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ، ٱ تَن نَن عَ رَ. وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ.»"} {"eng": "After he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain by himself to pray. When evening had come, he was there alone.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ فّ حَمَ رَفبِلٍندٍ، عَ نَشَ تٍ فٍيَ قَرِ عَ كٍرٍنيِ مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ. كْي نَشَ عَ لِ نَا، عَ كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled. They took up twelve baskets full of that which remained left over from the broken pieces.", "sus": "حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ دّفٍ هَن عٍ وَ سَ. دٌنسٍ دْنشْي شُنتُنيِيٍ تٌ مَتٌنفٌ، دٍبٍ قُ نُن قِرِن نَن نَقٍ."} {"eng": "“But he said, ‘No, lest perhaps while you gather up the darnel weeds, you root up the wheat with them.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، ‹عَدٍ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ سَنسِ قَنيِ قَن تَلَمَ نّ حٌوفٍ حَاشِ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while. When oppression or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles.", "sus": "كْنْ سَنكٍ تٌ مُ نَ عَ بّ، عَ شَ دَنشَنِيَ مُ بُمَ. تْورّ نُن حَشَنكَتّ نَ عَ لِ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ فبِلٍنمَ عَلَ شَ قٍ قْشْ رَ كٍرٍن نَ."} {"eng": "In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says, ‘By hearing you will hear, and will in no way understand; Seeing you will see, and will in no way perceive;", "sus": "نَ كُي، عَننَبِ عٍسَيِ شَ مَسٍنيِ بَرَ رَكَمَلِ عٍ شَ قٍ رَ، نَشَن عَ مَسٍنشِ، ‹وٌ قٍ مّمَ، كْنْ وٌ مُ عَ قَهَامُمَ. وٌ قٍ تٌمَ، كْنْ وٌ مُ عَ عِفبّمَ."} {"eng": "Therefore I speak to them in parables, because seeing they don’t see, and hearing, they don’t hear, neither do they understand.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ ٱ وْيّنمَ مِشِيٍ بّ تَالِ وْيّنيِ رَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ يَ سٍ تٌمَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ عَ عِفبّمَ، عٍ تُلِ قٍ مّمَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ عَ قَهَامُمَ."} {"eng": "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in that which is to come.", "sus": "مِشِ نَ عَدَ مَ شَ دِ رَ سْتْ، نَ يُنُبِ نْمَ نّ شَقَرِدٍ عَ كَنيِ بّ. كْنْ مِشِ نَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ رَ سْتْ، نَ يُنُبِ مُ نْمَ شَقَرِدٍ نَ كَنيِ بّ دُنِحَ، عَ مُ نْمَ شَقَرِدٍ عَلِفِيَمَ.»"} {"eng": "Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath day.”", "sus": "عَدَ مَ تِدٍ فبٌ دَنفِ يّشّي رَ ثٌن! نَ نَن عَ رَ، قٍ قَنيِ رَبَقٍ دَشَ مَلَبُ لْشْي مَ.»"} {"eng": "For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”", "sus": "عَدَ مَ شَ دِ نَن نَ مَلَبُ لْشْي مَرِفِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "But he said to them, “Haven’t you read what David did when he was hungry, and those who were with him:", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ مُ نُ عَ شَرَن دَوُدَ نَشَن نَبَ كَامّ تٌ عَ سُشُ، عَ تَن نُن نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عَ قْشْ رَ؟"} {"eng": "But I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، كِيتِ سَ لْشْي شْرْشْمَ وٌ تَن مَ دَنفِ تِرٍكَيٍ نُن سِدْنكَيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Most certainly I tell you, among those who are born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptizer; yet he who is least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he.", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، فِنّ يٌ مُ دِ بَرِ نَشَن دَنفِ يَيَ شُنشَ رَ. كْنْ ٱ مَن شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، مِشِ نَشَن نَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ، عَ شُرُن كِيٌكِ، عَ قَن دَنفِ يَيَ رَ."} {"eng": "As these went their way, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John, “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?", "sus": "عَننَبِ يَيَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ تٌ سِفَ، عِسَ نَشَ حَمَ مَشْرِن يَيَ شَ قٍ مَ، «وٌ سِفَ مُنسٍ مَتٌدٍ وُلَ عِ؟ كَلٍ، قٌيٍ نَشَن نَمَشَمَ؟"} {"eng": "Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest indeed is plentiful, but the laborers are few.", "sus": "نَ كُي، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ بّ، «شّ شَبَ وَلِ بٍلٍبٍلٍ نَن نَ، كْنْ وَلِكّيٍ تَن شُرُن."} {"eng": "he said to them, “Make room, because the girl isn’t dead, but sleeping.” They were ridiculing him.", "sus": "«وٌ سِفَ، بَرِ مَ يِ فِنّدِ مّدِ مُ قَشَشِ. عَ نَ شِقٍ نّ.» عٍ نَشَ يٌ عَ مَ، عٍ عَ مَيٍلٍ."} {"eng": "When Jesus came into the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd in noisy disorder,", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ سٌ مَنفّ شْنيِ، عَ نَشَ حَمَ لِ نَا، عٍ سْنشْقٍ، شُلٍ قٍمَيٍ قَن بَرَ قَ حْن يِرٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ،"} {"eng": "Neither do people put new wine into old wine skins, or else the skins would burst, and the wine be spilled, and the skins ruined. No, they put new wine into fresh wine skins, and both are preserved.”", "sus": "مِشِ مَن مُ وّنِ نّينّ سَمَ لّبّ قٌرِ كُي، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ نَ وّنِ نّينّ نَ قُنتُ، وّنِ لّبّ قٌرِ بُلَمَ نّ، وّنِ قِلِ، عَ سَسٍ قَن كَنَ. وّنِ نّينّ سَمَ لّبّ نّينّ نَن كُي، عَلَكٌ وّنِ يٌ، وّنِ سَسٍ يٌ، عٍ بِرِن شَ رَفَتَ عَ قَنيِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man blasphemes.”", "sus": "نَ كُي، سّرِيّ كَرَ مْشْ ندٍيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بْحّ مَ، «يِ شّمّ نَ عَلَ رَ سْتْقٍ نّ يِ كِ.»"} {"eng": "Behold, they brought to him a man who was paralyzed, lying on a bed. Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, “Son, cheer up! Your sins are forgiven you.”", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍيٍ نَشَ قَ نَمَتّ ندٍ رَ عِسَ شْن مَ، عَ سَشِ دَفِ مَ. عِسَ تٌ عٍ شَ دَنشَنِيَ تٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ نَمَتّ بّ، «ٱ مَ دِ، لِمَنِيَ تٌنفٌ، عِ شَ يُنُبِيٍ بَرَ شَقَرِ.»"} {"eng": "He entered into a boat and crossed over, and came into his own city.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ بَكِ كُنكُي كُي، عَ نَشَ بَا عِفِرِ، عَ سٌ عَ شْنيِ تَا كُي."} {"eng": "The men marveled, saying, “What kind of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”", "sus": "عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ كَابَ، عٍ عٍ بٌرٍ مَشْرِن، «مِشِ مْولِ مُندُن لَنشِ يِ مَ؟ هَلِ قٌيٍ نُن بَا، عٍ عَ شُي رَبَتُمَ.»"} {"eng": "When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عِسَ نَشَ سِفَ ثِيّرِ شْنيِ. عَ نَشَ ثِيّرِ بِتَنيِ فِنّمَ تٌ، عَ سَشِ، عَ قَتٍ وٌلٍنشِ كِ قَنيِ."} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “See that you tell nobody; but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”", "sus": "عِسَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عِ نَشَ يِ قٍ قَلَ مِشِ يٌ بّ. سِفَ عِ سَ عِ يّتّ دّنتّفّ سّرّشّدُبّ بّ، عِ سّرّشّ بَ عَلْ عَننَبِ مُنسَ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ. نَ قِندِ مَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ نَن نَ عٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Behold, a leper came to him and worshiped him, saying, “Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean.”", "sus": "كُنّ كَنيِ ندٍ نَشَ عَ مَسٌ عِسَ رَ، عَ سُيِدِ عَ بّ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مَرِفِ، شَ عِ تِن، عِ نْمَ ٱ نَسّنِيّندٍ.»"} {"eng": "See the birds of the sky, that they don’t sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you of much more value than they?", "sus": "وٌ شْنِيٍ مَتٌ كٌورٍ مَ. عٍ مُ سَنسِ سِمَ، عٍ مُ شّ شَبَمَ، عٍ مُ دٌنسٍ رَفَتَمَ بِلِيٍ كُي، كْنْ وٌ بَبَ نَشَن نَ عَرِيَننَ، عَ عٍ بَلٌمَ. وٌ تَن مُ دَنفِ نَ شْنِيٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Therefore don’t be like them, for your Father knows what things you need before you ask him.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ لُ عَلْ عٍ تَن، بَرِ مَ وٌ بَبَ عَلَ وٌ هَيِ كٌلٌن بٍينُن وٌ شَ عَ مَشَندِ.»"} {"eng": "Give to him who asks you, and don’t turn away him who desires to borrow from you.", "sus": "نَشَن نَ عِ مَكُلَ، عِ شَ عَ كِ. نَشَن وَ مَ سٍ ندٍ يٌقُقٍ عِ مَ، عِ نَشَ تٌندِ عَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.", "sus": "شَ عِ يِرٍقَن يَ قِندِ مَ عِ رَتَنتَنسٍ رَ، عَ بَ نَ، عَ وْلّ. قَتٍ يِرٍ ندٍ بَقٍ نَ، نَ قِسَ دِنّ عِ قَتٍ فُندِ بِرِن وٌلِقٍ يَهَننَمَ."} {"eng": "“You have heard that it was said to the ancient ones, ‘You shall not murder;’ and ‘Whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.’", "sus": "«وٌ عَ كٌلٌن وٌ بٍنبَيٍ يَمَرِ نَشَن نَ، ‹وٌ نَشَ قَشّ تِ. قَشّتِ مَكِيتِمَ نّ.›"} {"eng": "Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For that is how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.", "sus": "وٌ شَ حّلّشِن، وٌ شَ سّيوَ، بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَايِ فبٌمَ نّ عَرِيَننَ. بٍينُن وٌ شَ بَرِ، عٍ نَمِحْنمّيٍ قَن حَشَنكَتَ نَ كِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.", "sus": "سّيوّ نَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ وَ مَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ قَمَ نّ مَدُندُدٍ."} {"eng": "From that time, Jesus began to preach, and to say, “Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”", "sus": "كٍلِ نَ تّمُي مَ، عِسَ نَشَ كَوَندِ تِ قْلْ، عَ نُ عَ قَلَ، «وٌ تُوبِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بَرَ مَكْرّ.»"} {"eng": "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this,” says Yahweh of Armies, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there will not be enough room for.", "sus": "وٌ شَ قَ قَرِلّ بِرِن نَ عَلَ شَ بَنشِ، قَرِلّ رَفَتَدٍ، عَلَكٌ بَلٌي شَ لُ ٱ مَ بَنشِ كُي. وٌ شَ ٱ تَن مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ مَتٌ، شَ ٱ مُ قَمَ بَرَكّ فبٍفبٍ رَفٌرٌدٍ وٌ مَ كٍلِقٍ كٌورٍ نَشَن دَنفِ وٌ شَ سٍ رَفَتَدٍيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that don’t go up to keep the feast of booths.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ مِسِرَ نُن سِ بِرِن حَشَنكَتَمَ نَ كِ نّ، نَشٍيٍ تٌندِ سِفَدٍ بَفٍ تِ سَلِ رَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "A plague like this will fall on the horse, on the mule, on the camel, on the donkey, and on all the animals that will be in those camps.", "sus": "نَ قُرٍ حَاشِ مْولِ ندٍ قَن سِنمَ نّ شُرُ سٍ بِرِن مَ؛ سٌييٍ، سٌقَلٍيٍ، حْشْمّيٍ."} {"eng": "Then I cut apart my other staff, Union, that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ٱ نَشَ ٱ مَ يِسُشُوُرِ عِفِرَ نَشَن نُ شِلِ «لَنيِ،» بَرِ مَ لَنيِ مُ نَ يُدَيَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ تَفِ سْنْن."} {"eng": "I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria. I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and there won’t be room enough for them.", "sus": "ٱ عٍ رَقَمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ، ٱ عٍ مَلَن كٍلِقٍ عَسِرِيَ بْشِ مَ. ٱ مَن فَلَدِ نُن لِبَن بْشِ قِمَ نّ عٍ مَ، كْنْ عٍ كْنتِ دَنفِمَ نّ نَ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh of Armies will defend them. They will destroy and overcome with sling stones. They will drink, and roar as through wine. They will be filled like bowls, like the corners of the altar.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ عٍ مَكَنتَمَ نّ. عٍ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍيٍ كَنَرِ رَبَمَ نّ، عٍ وُلِ عِقِلِ عَلْ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نَشَن شُرُ سٍ كْن نَشَبَمَ، عٍ قَ نَ وُلِ كَسَن سّرّشّبَدٍ مَ."} {"eng": "It shall come to pass that, as you were a curse among the nations, house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you, and you shall be a blessing. Don’t be afraid. Let your hands be strong.”", "sus": "سِنفٍ يُدَيَ بْنسْي نُن عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي قِندِ نّ دَنكّ رَ سِيٍ تَفِ، كْنْ يَكْسِ، ٱ تٌ وٌ رَكِسِ، وٌ قِندِ مَ نّ عٍ بّ سَابُي رَ عٍ بَرَكّ سْتْ. وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ، وٌ وٌ سّنبّ سٌ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh of Armies says: “Old men and old women will again dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, every man with his staff in his hand because of their old age.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «شّمْشِيٍ نُن حّلّشّقٌرِيٍ مَن لُمَ نّ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَلَن يِرٍ، يِسُشُوُرِ سُشُ عٍ يِ عٍ شَ سِمَيَ شْننَكُيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The people of Bethel sent Sharezer and Regem Melech and their men to entreat Yahweh’s favor,", "sus": "بٍتٍلِكَيٍ نُ بَرَ سَرٍ سٍرِ نُن رٍفٍمِ مٍلٍكِ نُن عٍ شَ مِشِيٍ شّي عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِدٍ."} {"eng": "Be silent, all flesh, before Yahweh; for he has roused himself from his holy habitation!”", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِ بِرِن شَ عَ سَبَرِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، عَ نَ كٍلِقٍ عَ شَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh showed me four craftsmen.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ شَبُي نَانِ مَسٍن ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word came the second time to Haggai in the twenty-fourth day of the month, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ مَن نَشَ مَسٍنيِ قِرِن ندٍ تِ عَننَبِ هَفٍ بّ، شِ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ ندٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Through all that time, when one came to a heap of twenty measures, there were only ten. When one came to the wine vat to draw out fifty, there were only twenty.", "sus": "وٌ تٌ نُ بُسَلِ مْشْحّن قٍنمَ، وٌ نُ قُ فبَنسَن نَن سْتْمَ. وٌ تٌ نُ تُرٍ لِتِرِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ قٍنمَ، وٌ نُ لِتِرِ مْشْحّن فبَنسَن نَن سْتْمَ."} {"eng": "Then Haggai said, “If one who is unclean by reason of a dead body touch any of these, will it be unclean?” The priests answered, “It will be unclean.”", "sus": "عَننَبِ هَفٍ نَشَ عٍ مَشْرِن، «شَ مِشِ ندٍ دِن قُرٍ رَ، عَ قَ قِندِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ، عَ دِن سٍسٍ رَ، نَ قَن قِندِ مَ نّ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ؟» سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِيٌ، نَ قَن قِندِ مَ نّ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says Yahweh of Armies; ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ says Yahweh of Armies.”", "sus": "«نْرّ نَشَن قَمَ لُدٍ ٱ مَ بَنشِ مَ، نَ دَنفِمَ نّ عَ سِنفٍ رَ.» مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ. «ٱ يِ بَنشِ قِندِ مَ بْحّسَ يِرٍ نَن نَ مِشِيٍ بّ.» مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "In the seventh month, in the twenty-first day of the month, Yahweh’s word came by Haggai the prophet, saying,", "sus": "عَ كِكٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ، شِ مْشْحّن نُن كٍرٍن ندٍ رَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَننَبِ هَفٍ سَابُي رَ،"} {"eng": "Seek Yahweh, all you humble of the land, who have kept his ordinances. Seek righteousness. Seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of Yahweh’s anger.", "sus": "وٌ تَن مِشِ مَفٌرٌشِ نَشٍيٍ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ، وٌ شَ عَلَتَلَ قٍن، وٌ شَ عَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُ، وٌ شَ تِنشِنيِ، نُن يّتّ مَفٌرٍ قٍن. تّمُندٍ نَ كُي وٌ نْمَ نّ رَتَنفَدٍ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ لْشْي مَ.»"} {"eng": "Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Yahweh’s wrath, but the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his jealousy; for he will make an end, yes, a terrible end, of all those who dwell in the land.", "sus": "عٍ شَ شّيمَ نُن فبٍتِ مُ نْمَ عٍ رَتَنفَدٍ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ لْشْي مَ. دُنِحَ بِرِن فَنمَ نّ نَ لْشْي عَ حَاشِ رَ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ شَ قٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ شَ حَمَ بَرَ بِرَ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ قْشْ رَ. نَ كُي دُنِحَ مِشِ بِرِن سْنتْمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "In that day, I will punish all those who leap over the threshold, who fill their master’s house with violence and deceit.", "sus": "ٱ مِشِيٍ هَلَكِمَ نّ نَشٍيٍ تُفَنمَ سٌدٍ دّ رَ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ مَرِفِ شَ بَنشِ رَقٍمَ فٍرٍ نُن يَنقَنتٍيَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction. The dwellings of the land of Midian trembled.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ كُسَنكَيٍ تٌ حَشَنكَتَ رَ، ٱ نَشَ مَدِيَنكَيٍ تٌ سّرّن نَ."} {"eng": "He stood, and shook the earth. He looked, and made the nations tremble. The ancient mountains were crumbled. The age-old hills collapsed. His ways are eternal.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ تِ، عَ دُنِحَ رَ سّرّن. عَ نّقّ عَ مَتٌ، بْنسْييٍ بَرَ هَلَكِ. فٍيَ نَشٍيٍ تِ دُنِحَ قْلّ رَ، نٍيٍ نَشَ سّرّن، عٍ عٍ عِفٌرٌ عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ. قْلّ مُ نَ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "For the violence done to Lebanon will overwhelm you, and the destruction of the animals will terrify you, because of men’s blood and for the violence done to the land, to every city and to those who dwell in them.", "sus": "عِ قٍ كٌبِ نَشَن نَبَشِ لِبَن، نَ سَرٍ قَمَ نّ فبِلٍندٍ عِ مَ. عِ بَرَ شُرُ سٍيٍ كَسَرَ، عِ بَرَ مِشِيٍ قَشَ، عِ بَرَ بْشِ نُن تَايٍ كَنَ، عَ نُن عٍ شَ مِشِيٍ. نَ حَشَنكَتّ بِرِن قَمَ نّ فبِلٍندٍ عِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "It will happen that all those who look at you will flee from you, and say, ‘Nineveh is laid waste! Who will mourn for her?’ Where will I seek comforters for you?”", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِ يٌ نَ وٌ تٌ، عَ عَ فِمَ نّ وٌ مَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، ‹نِنٍوٍ بَرَ كَنَ. ندٍ كِنِكِنِمَ عَ مَ؟ ندٍ عَ مَدُندُ مَ؟›»"} {"eng": "Their hands are on that which is evil to do it diligently. The ruler and judge ask for a bribe. The powerful man dictates the evil desire of his soul. Thus they conspire together.", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن قَتَ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَدٍ. مَنفّيٍ، نٍيٍ وَ مَ بُحَ تِنشِنتَرٍ شْن مَ. كِيتِسَيٍ، نٍيٍ كِيتِ سَمَ كْبِرِ نَن تُن مَ قٍ رَ. كُنتِفِيٍ، نٍيٍ قَن عٍ شَ وَ سَبَلِيَ مَسٍنمَ. عٍ بِرِن نَ قٍ كٍرٍن نّ."} {"eng": "Listen now to what Yahweh says: “Arise, plead your case before the mountains, and let the hills hear what you have to say.", "sus": "وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ؛ «كٍلِ، وٌ شَ وٌ شَ كَلَمُي تِ فٍيَيٍ يَ شْرِ، دُنِحَ بِرِن شَ عِ شُي مّ."} {"eng": "“It will happen in that day”, says Yahweh, “that I will cut off your horses from among you and will destroy your chariots.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «لْشْ ندٍ قَمَ عَ لِدٍ، ٱ وٌ شَ سٌييٍ نُن وٌ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ شَ قٍ كَنَمَ نّ."} {"eng": "who build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.", "sus": "وٌ نَ مِشِيٍ نِي بَقٍ سِيٌنِ تِقٍ رَ، وٌ نَ دَرِ سَلَمُ تِقٍ تِنشِنتَرٍيَ كُي."} {"eng": "The seers shall be disappointed, and the diviners confounded. Yes, they shall all cover their lips, for there is no answer from God.”", "sus": "سٍ مَتٌي يَافِمَ نّ، نَشٍيٍ يَرٍ تٌمَ، عٍ شُن سِنمَ نّ، عٍ عٍ يَتَفِ نْشُن، بَرِ مَ ٱ تَن عَلَ مُ عٍ يَابِمَ.»"} {"eng": "Therefore you will give a parting gift to Moresheth Gath. The houses of Achzib will be a deceitful thing to the kings of Israel.", "sus": "عِ تَن نُن مٌرٍ سٍتِ فَتِكَيٍ قَتَنمَ نَ نَن مَ، عَكِسِبُكَيٍ قَمَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيٍ يَنقَدٍ."} {"eng": "For her wounds are incurable; for it has come even to Judah. It reaches to the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.", "sus": "سَمَرِ شَ قُرٍ حَاشِ مُ نْمَ دَندَندٍ، عَ مَن بَرَ دِن يُدَيَ بْشِ رَ، هَن عَ بَرَ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَسْتْ ٱ مَ حَمَ سَبَتِشِ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "The house of Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. They will burn among them and devour them. There will not be any remaining to the house of Esau.” Indeed, Yahweh has spoken.", "sus": "يَشُبَ بْنسْي نُن يُسُقُ بْنسْي لُمَ نّ عَلْ تّ، نَشَن عٍسَيُ بْنسْي فَنمَ عَلْ سّشّ. مِشِ يٌ مُ كِسِمَ عٍسَيُ بْنسْي يَ مَ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "Those who swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, ‘As your god, Dan, lives,’ and, ‘As the way of Beersheba lives,’ they will fall, and never rise up again.”", "sus": "سِنفٍ، عٍ نُ عٍ كَلِمَ سَمَرِ شَ عَلَ وُلٍ دَاشِ نَن نَ. عٍ نُ عَ قَلَ، ‹ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ دَنَ شَ عَلَ رَ.› ‹ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ بٍرِ سٍيبَ شَ عَلَ رَ.› كْنْ عٍ قَمَ نّ بِرَدٍ، عٍ مُ كٍلِمَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "you who rejoice in a thing of nothing, who say, ‘Haven’t we taken for ourselves horns by our own strength?’", "sus": "وٌ سّيوَ مَ قٍ قُقَقُ رَ. وٌ نَشّ عَ وٌ شَ قٍ بَرَ سْونّيَ وٌ يّتّ سّنبّ رَ."} {"eng": "Won’t the day of Yahweh be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it?", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ كِيتِ لْشْي مُ قِندِشِ دِ مِ شَ رَ؟ نَءِيَلَنيِ يٌ مُ نَ وٌ بّ نَ لْشْي."} {"eng": "Seek good, and not evil, that you may live; and so Yahweh, the God of Armies, will be with you, as you say.", "sus": "وٌ قٍ قَنيِ قٍن، وٌ وٌ يِ بَ قٍ حَاشِ رَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ كِسِ، مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ لُ وٌ سّيتِ مَ، عَلْ وٌ عَ قَلَمَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "The lion has roared. Who will not fear? The Lord Yahweh has spoken. Who can but prophesy?", "sus": "يّتّ نَ عَ شُي رَ مِنِ، ندٍ مُ فَاشُمَ؟ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَ وْيّن، ندٍ تٌندِ مَ نَ مَسٍندٍ؟"} {"eng": "Yet I destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his fruit from above, and his roots from beneath.", "sus": "«عٍ نَ قِنسِرِوَلِيَ بِرِن نَبَمَ ٱ يَ عِ، ٱ تَن نَشَن عَمٌرِكَيٍ هَلَكِ عٍ بّ، عَمٌرِكَيٍ نَشٍيٍ شُنفبٌ عٍ سّنبّ فبٌ عَلْ كٌندٍ بِلِ. ٱ نَشَ عَمٌرِكَيٍ قْشِ بِرِن بَ نَا، عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ نْ سّنبّ سْتْدٍ سْنْن."} {"eng": "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of Yahweh comes.", "sus": "سٌفٍ دِ مِمَ نّ، كِكٍ مَسَرَ مَ نّ عَ قِندِ وُلِ رَ، بٍينُن مَرِفِ شَ لْشْي شُنفبٍ مَفَاشُشِ شَ عَ لِ."} {"eng": "And also on the servants and on the handmaids in those days, I will pour out my Spirit.", "sus": "ٱ نَ ٱ شَشِلِ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ كٌنيِ شّمّيٍ نُن كٌنيِ فِنّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "If Gilead is wicked, surely they are worthless. In Gilgal they sacrifice bulls. Indeed, their altars are like heaps in the furrows of the field.", "sus": "فَلَدِكَيٍ لُمَ نّ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَ رَ. نَ قٍ نَ عَ نِيَمَ ٱ قَمَ عٍ شُن نَكَنَدٍ. عٍ نِنفٍيٍ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ فِلِفَلِ، كْنْ ٱ قَمَ نّ عٍ شَ سّرّشّبَدٍيٍ كَنَدٍ، عٍ شَ لُ عَلْ فّمّ مَلَنشِيٍ شّيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh also has a controversy with Judah, and will punish Jacob according to his ways; according to his deeds he will repay him.", "sus": "عَلَ يُدَيَكَيٍ مَكِيتِمَ نّ، عَ يَشُبَ بْنسْي حَشَنكَتَمَ نّ، عَ قَ عَ شَ كّوَلِ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍن عَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "“Ephraim is like an easily deceived dove, without understanding. They call to Egypt. They go to Assyria.", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِ لُشِ نّ عَلْ فَنبّ شَشِلِتَرٍ. عَ مِسِرَكَيٍ شِلِمَ، عَ سَاتّ تٌنفٌمَ عَسِرِيَكَيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Therefore the land will mourn, and everyone who dwells in it will waste away, with all living things in her, even the animals of the field and the birds of the sky; yes, the fish of the sea also die.", "sus": "وٌ شَ بْشِ قَمَ لُدٍ سُننُنيِ كُي نَ نَن مَ. نَشٍيٍ بِرِن سَبَتِشِ عَ مَ، عٍ قَشَمَ نّ عٍ نُن سُبٍيٍ، شْنِيٍ، نُن يّشّيٍ رَ. عٍ بِرِن قَشَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to me, “Go again, love a woman loved by another, and an adulteress, even as Yahweh loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods, and love cakes of raisins.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، «عِ مَن شَ عِ شَ فِنّ شَنُ، هَلِ عَ تٌ يّنّ رَبَمَ عَ نُن عَ حّنفّيٍ رَ. نَ لُمَ نّ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، عٍ تَن نَشٍيٍ بِرَ مَ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ قْشْ رَ، عٍ نُ سّرّشّ بَ عٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "lest I strip her naked, and make her bare as in the day that she was born, and make her like a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and kill her with thirst.", "sus": "شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ، ٱ عِسِرَيِلَ لُمَ عَ رَفٍلِ نَن نَ، عَلْ عَ نُ كِ نَشّ عَ بَرِ لْشْي. ٱ عٍ شَ بْشِ مَقِندِ مَ نّ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ رَ،"} {"eng": "Contend with your mother! Contend, for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband; and let her put away her prostitution from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts;", "sus": "وٌ شَ وٌ نفَ عِسِرَيِلَ كَلَمُ، بَرِ مَ ٱ مَ فِنّ مُ عَ رَ، عَ شَ مْرِ مُ ٱ قَن نَ! عَ شَ عَ شَ لَنفٌيحَ مَشِرِ سٍيٍ بَ عَ يَتَفِ مَ، عَ عَ شَ حّنفّيَ مَشِرِ سٍيٍ بَ عَ شِحّيٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim; and she conceived, and bore him a son.", "sus": "هٌسٍ نَشَ سِفَ، عَ سَ فٌمٍرِ تٌنفٌ، دِبِلَيِمِ شَ دِ فِنّ. نَ نَشَ تّيفّ، عَ دِ بَرِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "“At that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who stands for the children of your people; and there will be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time. At that time your people will be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book.", "sus": "«نَ وَشَتِ، مَلٍكّ مَنفّ مِكَيٍلِ كٍلِمَ نّ، مَلٍكّ نَشَن عِ شَ حَمَ مَكَنتَمَ. نَ قِندِ مَ وَشَتِ شْرْشْي نَن نَ، نَشَن مَنِيّ سِنفٍ مُ نُ تٌ، كَبِ حَمَنّيٍ قْلّ هَن يَكْسِ. نَ وَشَتِ، نَشٍيٍ شِلِيٍ سّبّشِ بُكِ كُي، عٍ كِسِ سْتْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "He won’t regard the gods of his fathers, or the desire of women, or regard any god; for he will magnify himself above all.", "sus": "عَ مُ عَلَ يٌ بِنيَمَ، هَلِ عَ بَبَيٍ فبٍيٍ نُن عَ شَ فِنّيٍ فبٍيٍ. عَ مُ عَلَ يٌ بِنيَمَ بَرِ مَ عَ عَ يّتّ عِفبٌمَ نّ دَنفِقٍ عٍ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "In time of security he will come even on the fattest places of the province. He will do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers. He will scatter among them prey, plunder, and wealth. Yes, he will devise his plans against the strongholds, but only for a time.", "sus": "عَ مَن سٌمَ نّ بْشِ قَنيِيٍ كُي، عَ نَاقُلِ بِرِن بَ بَننَيٍ يِ رَ، عَ عَ سٌ عَ شَ مِشِيٍ يِ رَ. عَ قٍ رَبَمَ نّ عَ بَبَيٍ نُن عَ بٍنبَيٍ سِنفٍ مُ نُ نَشَن نَبَ. عَ نَ بِرِن نَبَمَ يَنقَنتٍيَ نَن نَ وَشَتِ ندٍ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "When he stands up, his kingdom will be broken and will be divided toward the four winds of the sky, but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion with which he ruled; for his kingdom will be plucked up, even for others besides these.", "sus": "كْنْ نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عَ شَ مَنفّيَ قَمَ نّ كَنَدٍ، عَ رَيٍنسٍن دُنِحَ بِرِن مَ. عَ مُ لُمَ عَ بْنسْي بّ، عَ مُ قِندِ مَ مَنفّيَ سّنبّمَ رَ عَلْ عَ سِنفٍ. عَ شَ مَنفّيَ بَمَ نّ عَ يِ رَ، عَ لُ مِشِ فبّتّيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "So I was left alone and saw this great vision. No strength remained in me; for my face grew deathly pale, and I retained no strength.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ لُ نَا ٱ كٍرٍن. ٱ تٌ نَ لَامَتُنيِ قَنيِ تٌ، ٱ نَشَ مَتُ عَ رَ، ٱ يَتَفِ قَن نَشَ مَسَرَ."} {"eng": "Lord, to us belongs confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، مُشُ بِرِن يَافِشِ، مُشُ شَ مَنفّيٍ، مُشُ شَ مَنفّدِيٍ، نُن مُشُ بَبَيٍ. مُشُ يَافِشِ بَرِ مَ مُشُ بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عِ رَ."} {"eng": "So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was frightened, and fell on my face; but he said to me, “Understand, son of man, for the vision belongs to the time of the end.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٌ ٱ نَ. ٱ نَشَ فَاشُ عَ يَ رَ كِ قَنيِ، ٱ نَن ٱ قٍلٍن بْشِ مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، «عَدَ مَدِ، عِ شَ عَ كٌلٌن يِ لَامَتُنيِ وَشَتِ دْنشْي نَن مَ قٍ مَسٍنمَ.»"} {"eng": "Then the king, when he heard these words, was very displeased, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him; and he labored until the going down of the sun to rescue him.", "sus": "نَ وْيّنيِ نَشَ مَنفّ تْورْ كِ قَنيِ رَ. عَ نُ وَ مَ دَنِيّلِ رَتَنفَقٍ سّرِيّ مَ. عَ نَشَ قٍ بِرِن نَبَ بٍينُن كْي شَ سٌ عَلَكٌ دَنِيّلِ شَ كِسِ."} {"eng": "Now the wise men, the enchanters, have been brought in before me, that they should read this writing, and make known to me its interpretation; but they could not show the interpretation of the thing.", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ قَ لْننِلَيٍ نُن كَرَ مْشْييٍ رَ، عٍ شَ يِ سّبّلِ شَرَن، عٍ شَ عَ قَسَرِ ٱ بّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ نْ نَ رَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "Therefore at that time, when all the peoples heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds of music, all the peoples, the nations, and the languages fell down and worshiped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌ، سِ نُن بْنسْي بِرِن تٌ سَرَيٍ، شُلٍيٍ، كْرَيٍ، نُن مَشَسٍ مْولِ بِرِن شُي مّ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ قٍلٍن كُيٍ بّ، عٍ عَ بَتُ، مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نَشَن يَءِلَنشِ شّيمَ رَ، عَ عَ تِ نَا."} {"eng": "Now as for these four youths, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ قٍ كٌلٌنيِ، لْننِ، نُن قَهَامُي قِ يِ قٌنِكٍ نَانِ مَ. دَنِيّلِ نَشَ نْ لَامَتُنيِيٍ نُن شِيٍيٍ قَسَرِدٍ."} {"eng": "Then let our faces be examined before you, and the face of the youths who eat of the king’s delicacies; and as you see, deal with your servants.”", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عِ شَ مُشُ لَهَلّ نُن بٌورٍيٍ لَهَلّ مَتٌ، نَشٍيٍ مَنفّ شَ دٌنسٍ دٌنمَ. نَ تّمُي، عِ شَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ عِ رَبَقٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "The king appointed for them a daily portion of the king’s delicacies and of the wine which he drank, and that they should be nourished three years, that at its end they should stand before the king.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ دٌنسٍ نُن وّنِ عِتَشُن عٍ مَ، عٍ بَلٌمَ نَشَن نَ حّ سَشَن بُن مَ. نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عٍ شَ سٌ وَلِقٍ مَنفّ بّ."} {"eng": "In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.", "sus": "يُدَيَ مَنفّ يٍهٌيَكِمِ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ سَشَن ندٍ رَ، بَبِلْن مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نَشَ سِفَ دَرِ سَلَمُ فٍرٍدٍ، عَ شَ سْورِيٍ قَ مّننِ رَبِلِن فٍرٍ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "These shall be its measurements: the north side four thousand and five hundred, and the south side four thousand and five hundred, and on the east side four thousand and five hundred, and the west side four thousand and five hundred.", "sus": "نَ بْشِ سّيتِ نَانِيٍ بِرِن لَن نْنفْن يَ وُلُ نَانِ يَ كّمّ سُولِ نَن مَ، عَ كْولَ سّيتِ، عَ يِرٍقَنيِ سّيتِ، عَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ سّيتِ، نُن عَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ سّيتِ."} {"eng": "It shall be to them an offering from the offering of the land, a most holy thing, by the border of the Levites.", "sus": "نَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ سَشِ عَ شَتِ مَ عٍ تَن نَن بّ لٍوِ بْنسْي شَ يِرٍ سّيتِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "It will happen that fishermen will stand by it. From En Gedi even to En Eglaim will be a place for the spreading of nets. Their fish will be after their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceedingly many.", "sus": "كٍلِ عٍن فٍدِ مَ، هَن عَ سَ دْشْ عٍفٍلَيِمِ رَ، يّشّسُشُييٍ دِنمَ نّ مّننِ بِرِن نَ، عٍ عٍ شَ يّلّيٍ سَ. يّشّ مْولِ بِرِن نَن سُشُمَ نَا، عَلْ نَشٍيٍ تٌمَ بَا شُنفبٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Then he said to me, “These waters flow out toward the eastern region and will go down into the Arabah. Then they will go toward the sea and flow into the sea which will be made to flow out; and the waters will be healed.", "sus": "نَ شّمّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، «يِ شُرٍ شُن تِشِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ نَن نَ، عَ سَ فٌرٌ يُرُدّن قَرّ مَ، عَ سَ سِن بَا مَ، نَشَن يٍ مُ قَنشِ. شُرٍ يٍ نَ بَا لِ دّننَشّ، بَا يٍ قَنمَ نّ عَ قَنيِ رَ،"} {"eng": "and one lamb of the flock out of two hundred, from the well-watered pastures of Israel—for a meal offering, for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make atonement for them,” says the Lord Yahweh.", "sus": "يّشّي كّمّ قِرِن يَ مَ، وٌ شَ يّشّي كٍرٍن بَ عَ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ قَنيِ بِرِن مَ. يِيٍ نَن بَمَ سَنسِ شْرِ سّرّشّيٍ رَ، سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِيٍ رَ، شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّيٍ رَ حَمَ شُنسَرٍ شَ قٍ رَ. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "The ephah and the bath shall be of one measure, that the bath may contain one tenth of a homer, and the ephah one tenth of a homer. Its measure shall be the same as the homer.", "sus": "نَ قِرِنيِيٍ شَ لَن، هَلِ كٍرٍن تٌ رَوَلِمَ سَنسِ شْرِ مَنِيَقٍ نَن نَ، بٌورٍ رَوَلِ تُرٍ مَنِيَقٍ رَ. نَ بُسَلِ نُن نَ قِقَ، عٍ بِرِن شَ مَنِيَسٍ ندٍ يَ قُ لِ عَ سّرِيّ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh said to me, “This gate shall be shut. It shall not be opened, no man shall enter in by it; for Yahweh, the God of Israel, has entered in by it. Therefore it shall be shut.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، «نَ نَادّ بَلَنشِ، عَ مُ رَبِمَ. عِبُنَدَ مَ يٌ مُ سٌمَ نَا، بَرِ مَ، ٱ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَن سٌشِ مّننِ رَ."} {"eng": "The ledge shall be fourteen cubits long by fourteen wide in its four sides; and the border about it shall be half a cubit; and its bottom shall be a cubit around; and its steps shall look toward the east.”", "sus": "عَ دّ رَبِلِنيِ شَ كُيّ لَنشِ نْنفْن يَ قُ نُن نَانِ نَن مَ، عَ عِفبٌي قَن لَنشِ نْنفْن يَ قُ نُن نَانِ نَن مَ. نَ دّ رَبِلِنيِ دّ كِرِ لَنشِ نْنفْن تَفِ نَن مَ، عَ دّننَشّ كُي عِفٍشِ عَ لَنشِ نْنفْن يَ كٍرٍن نَن مَ. سّرّشّبَدٍ سَنتِدٍيٍ يَ نُ رَقِندِشِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ نَن مَ.»"} {"eng": "The altar hearth shall be twelve cubits long by twelve wide, square in its four sides.", "sus": "نَ تّ سَدٍ شَ كُيّ لَنشِ نْنفْن يَ قُ نُن قِرِن نَن مَ. عَ عِفبٌي قَن لَنشِ نْنفْن يَ قُ نُن قِرِن نَن مَ."} {"eng": "He measured the court, one hundred cubits long and one hundred cubits wide, square. The altar was before the house.", "sus": "نَ شّمّ نَشَ تّتّ مَنِيَ. عَ شَ كُيّ لَن نْنفْن يَ كّمّ نَن مَ، عَ شَ فبٌي قَن لَن نْنفْن يَ كّمّ نَن مَ. سّرّشّبَدٍ نُ تِشِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَن يَتَفِ."} {"eng": "Then he measured the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and its posts, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was toward the house.", "sus": "نَشَن شَ كُيّ لَن نْنفْن يَ سٌلٌمَسَشَن مَ، عَ كِنكِيٍ لَن نْنفْن يَ قِرِن مَ. نَ بُنتُنيِ يَ نُ رَقِندِشِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَن مَ تّتّ كُي."} {"eng": "They will forget their shame and all their trespasses by which they have trespassed against me, when they dwell securely in their land. No one will make them afraid", "sus": "عٍ نَ سَبَتِ عٍ شْنيِ شَشِلِسَ كُي، مِشِ يٌ مُ عٍ تْورْ، يَافِ مَن لُمَ نّ عٍ مَ عٍ شَ يَنقَنتٍيَ شَ قٍ رَ ٱ تَن مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "You shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bulls, all of them fatlings of Bashan.", "sus": "وٌ سّنبّمَيٍ سُبٍ دٌنمَ نّ، وٌ بْشِ مَنفّيٍ وُلِ مِن عَلْ شُرُ سٍ نَشٍيٍ رَتُرَشِ بَسَن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "and say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I am against you, Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.", "sus": "عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، ‹مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ رٌ سِ، تُبَلِ نُن مٍسٍكِ شَ مَنفّ فٌفٌ، ٱ قَقٍ عِ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "My tent also will be with them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.", "sus": "عٍ قِندِ مَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَ، ٱ قَن قِندِ عٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ، ٱ مَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ قَ لُ عٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "They will say, ‘This land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden. The waste, desolate, and ruined cities are fortified and inhabited.’", "sus": "عٍ مَن عَ قَلَمَ نّ، ‹يِ بْشِ نَشَن نُ شَرَشِ، نَ مَن بَرَ لُ عَلْ عٍدٍن سَنسِ يِرٍ. عَ تَا كَنَشِيٍ مَن بَرَ تِ سّنبّ رَ، مِشِيٍ بَرَ سَبَتِ عٍ كُي.›"} {"eng": "“‘The Lord Yahweh says: “In the day that I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited and the waste places will be built.", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ، عَ نَشّ؛ ٱ نَ وٌ رَ سّنِيّن وٌ شَ يُنُبِيٍ مَ لْشْي نَشّ، ٱ وٌ شَ تَايٍ رَقٍمَ نّ حَمَ رَ، ٱ وٌ شَ يِرٍ كَنَشِيٍ يَءِلَن."} {"eng": "I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.", "sus": "ٱ يٍ سّنِيّنشِ كَسَنمَ نّ وٌ مَ وٌ رَ سّنِيّنقٍ رَ. ٱ وٌ شَ سّنِيّنتَرٍحَ بِرِن بَمَ نّ وٌ مَ نَشٍيٍ قَتَنشِ وٌ شَ وَلِ كٌبِيٍ نُن وٌ شَ كُيٍ بَتُقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But I had respect for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations where they went.", "sus": "ٱ نُ وَ مَ نّ ٱ شِلِ سّنِيّنشِ مَتَنفَقٍ، عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي نُ نَشَن مَبٍرٍقٍ حَمَنّيٍ تَفِ.»"} {"eng": "“I won’t let you hear the shame of the nations any more. You won’t bear the reproach of the peoples any more, and you won’t cause your nation to stumble any more,” says the Lord Yahweh.’”", "sus": "ٱ سِ فبّتّيٍ شَ مَرَ سْتْي دَنمَ نّ وٌ مَبِرِ، عٍ مُ يٌ وٌ مَ سْنْن، وٌ مُ وٌ سَبَتِ بٌورٍ رَبِرَ سْنْن. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ.›»"} {"eng": "therefore you shall devour men no more, and not bereave your nation any more,” says the Lord Yahweh.", "sus": "ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ نَ مِشِ دٌنقٍ مُ قَلَ وٌ شُن سْنْن، نٍيٍ بِرِن قَشَ. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "“‘“But you, mountains of Israel, you shall shoot out your branches and yield your fruit to my people Israel; for they are at hand to come.", "sus": "«وٌ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ فٍيَيٍ، وٌ قَمَ نّ وُرِ بِلِيٍ رَ مِنِدٍ، نَشٍيٍ سَلٌنيِيٍ بٌفِ قَنيِيٍ قِمَ ٱ مَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَ، بَرِ مَ عَ فبٍ مُ لُشِ عٍ شَ فبِلٍن عٍ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "You have magnified yourselves against me with your mouth, and have multiplied your words against me. I have heard it.”", "sus": "وٌ شَ يّتّ عِفبٌيَ كُي، وٌ بَرَ ٱ مَبٍرٍ ٱ مَ يَرَفَاشُيتَرٍحَ كُي. ٱ نَ بِرِن مّ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "therefore, as I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “I will prepare you for blood, and blood will pursue you. Since you have not hated blood, therefore blood will pursue you.", "sus": "ٱ تَن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ يّتّ رَ، ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ وٌ شَ بُ فٍرٍ كُي. وٌ تٌ فبَتَ وُلِ رَ مِنِدٍ، ٱ عَ رَفِرِ مَ نّ نَ قٍ مْولِ شَ بِرَ وٌ قْشْ رَ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "I, Yahweh, will be their God, and my servant David prince among them. I, Yahweh, have spoken it.", "sus": "ٱ تَن قِندِ مَ نّ عٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ، ٱ مَ كٌنيِ دَوُدَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ عٍ تَفِ. ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "In the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day of the month, one who had escaped out of Jerusalem came to me, saying, “The city has been defeated!”", "sus": "عَ حّ قُ نُن قِرِن ندٍ رَ، كِكٍ قُ، شِ قُ نُن سُولِ ندٍ رَ مُشُ شَ كٌنيِيَ كُي، مِشِ ندٍ كٍلِقٍ فٍرٍ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ قَ، عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، عَ عٍ بَرَ دَرِ سَلَمُ سُشُ."} {"eng": "When I tell the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you don’t speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at your hand.", "sus": "ٱ نَ عَ قَلَ مِشِ كٌبِ بّ عَ قَشَمَ نّ، شَ عِ مُ عَ رَكٌلٌن عَ شَ فبِلٍن عَ شَ كِرَ كٌبِ قْشْ رَ، نَ مِشِ حَاشِ قَشَمَ نّ عَ شَ يُنُبِ شَ قٍ رَ، كْنْ ٱ نَ نِي كٌتٍ سَمَ عِ تَن شُن مَ."} {"eng": "“So you, son of man, I have set you a watchman to the house of Israel. Therefore hear the word from my mouth, and give them warnings from me.", "sus": "«عَدَ مَدِ، ٱ بَرَ عِ سُفَندِ تَا مَكَنتَمَ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي بّ. عِ شَ عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، عِ قَ عٍ رَكٌلٌن عَ رَ ٱ تَن شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and doesn’t heed the warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.", "sus": "شَ عَ نَ رَبَ، كْنْ مِشِ ندٍ قَ عَ بْتّ رَبَ نَ مَرَكٌلٌنيِ شُي مَ، عَ قَ قَشَ فٍرٍ كُي، عَ بَرَ نَ قَشّ رَفِرِ عَ يّتّ مَ."} {"eng": "“I will also trouble the hearts of many peoples, when I bring your destruction among the nations, into the countries which you have not known.", "sus": "«ٱ نَ عِ شَ كَنَرِ مَسٍن حَمَنّيٍ مَ، ٱ حَمَ فبٍفبٍ رَشْنْمَ نّ عِ شِلِ مَ، عِ مُ نَشٍيٍ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "“‘For the Lord Yahweh says: “At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples where they were scattered.", "sus": "كْنْ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَن يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ «حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ٱ مَن مِسِرَكَيٍ مَلَنمَ نّ، كٍلِقٍ حَمَنّيٍ مَ ٱ عٍ رَيٍنسٍن دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "The land of Egypt will be a desolation and a waste. Then they will know that I am Yahweh. “‘“Because he has said, ‘The river is mine, and I have made it,’", "sus": "مِسِرَ بْشِ نَ قِندِ يِرٍ مَشَرَشِ رَ نَشَن نَبّحِنشِ، عٍ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ.» «وٌ تٌ عَ قَلَ، ‹ٱ بَرَ نِلِ شُرٍ دَا ٱ يّتّ بّ،›"} {"eng": "By your great wisdom and by your trading you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches—”", "sus": "عِ قَتَ يُلّيَ رَبَدٍ. نَ بَرَ قِندِ بَننَيَ رَ عِ بّ، كْنْ عَ مَن بَرَ عَ نِيَ عِ شَ قِندِ يّتّ عِفبٌي رَ.›»"} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word came again to me, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، عَ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "Then all the princes of the sea will come down from their thrones, and lay aside their robes, and strip off their embroidered garments. They will clothe themselves with trembling. They will sit on the ground, and will tremble every moment, and be astonished at you.", "sus": "عٍ شَ مَنفّيٍ فٌرٌ مَ نّ عٍ شَ كِبَنيِيٍ كُي، عٍ عٍ شَ دُفِ قَنيِيٍ بَ عٍ مَ، عٍ قَ سُننُن دُفِ رَفٌرٌ عٍ مَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ دْشْ وٌ سّيتِ مَ بْشِ مَ يَرَفَاشُي كُي."} {"eng": "“The Lord Yahweh says to Tyre: ‘Won’t the islands shake at the sound of your fall, when the wounded groan, when the slaughter is made within you?", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ تِرٍ بّ، عَ نَشّ، ‹سِ فبّتّ نَشٍيٍ سَبَتِشِ بَا دّ رَ، عٍ قَمَ نّ وٌ وَ شُي مّدٍ يِ فبَلٌي شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He will kill your daughters in the field with the sword. He will make forts against you, cast up a mound against you, and raise up the buckler against you.", "sus": "عَ وٌ شَ مِشِيٍ سْنتْمَ نّ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ. عَ يِرٍيٍ مَتٍ وٌ شَ تّتّيٍ سّيتِ مَ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ نَا كَنَ. وٌ مُ نْمَ عَ تْورْدٍ عَ شَ وُرٍ لٍقَيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Your turbans will be on your heads, and your sandals on your feet. You won’t mourn or weep; but you will pine away in your iniquities, and moan one toward another.", "sus": "وٌ مُ وٌ شُنيِ مَفٍلِ تِمَ، وٌ مُ سَنكِرِ بَمَ وٌ سَنيِ. وٌ مُ حْن قٍ رَبَمَ وَ شُي رَ. وٌ شَ يُنُبِيٍ نَن تُن وٌ شُن نَكَنَمَ."} {"eng": "Gather its pieces into it, even every good piece: the thigh and the shoulder. Fill it with the choice bones.", "sus": "سُبٍ شُتِ قَنيِيٍ سَ عَ كُي، شُتِيٍ نَشٍيٍ قَن عَ بِرِن بّ عَلْ تَبٍ نُن تُنكِ سُبٍ،"} {"eng": "“For the Lord Yahweh says: ‘I will bring up a mob against them, and will give them to be tossed back and forth and robbed.", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ ‹فَلِ ندٍ شَ تٍ عٍ شِلِ مَ، عٍ شَ عٍ شُن نَكَنَ، عٍ هَرِفٍ بِرِن شَنِن."} {"eng": "They went in to her, as they go in to a prostitute. So they went in to Oholah and to Oholibah, the lewd women.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سَ نَ فِنّ قّ مَ لَنفٌي كِ مَ. عٍ عٍ سَ عٌهٌلَ نُن عٌهٌلِبَ قّ مَ نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "They will come against you with weapons, chariots, and wagons, and with a company of peoples. They will set themselves against you with buckler, shield, and helmet all around. I will commit the judgment to them, and they will judge you according to their judgments.", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن قَمَ نّ عِ شِلِ مَ نُن عٍ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍيٍ رَ، عٍ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ رَ، عٍ شَ كٌتٍ شَنِن سٍيٍ رَ، نُن عٍ شَ سْورِ فَالِ رَ. عٍ عِ رَبِلِنمَ نّ، وُرٍ لٍقَيٍ نَ عٍ بّلّشّيٍ، مَكَنتَسٍيٍ نَ عٍ شُنيِ مَ. ٱ عِ سٌمَ نّ عٍ يِ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عِ حَشَنكَتَ عٍ فبٍ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "As silver is melted in the middle of the furnace, so you will be melted in the middle of it; and you will know that I, Yahweh, have poured out my wrath on you.’”", "sus": "وٌ نَ رَشُنُ نَا، وٌ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ، نَشَن عَ شَ شْنّ رَدِنشِ وٌ مَ.›»"} {"eng": "the Lord Yahweh says: “Remove the turban, and take off the crown. This will not be as it was. Exalt that which is low, and humble that which is high.", "sus": "عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ، عَ نَشّ، ‹مَنفّ تْنشُمَ بَ عِ شُنيِ مَ! مَنفّيَ بَرَ بَ عِ يِ رَ. مِشِ مَفٌرٌشِ شَ قٍ عِتٍمَ نّ، مِشِ مَتٍشِ شَ قٍ مَفٌرٌ."} {"eng": "For the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of the two ways, to use divination. He shook the arrows back and forth. He consulted the teraphim. He looked in the liver.", "sus": "بَبِلْن مَنفّ تِمَ نّ نَ كِرَ قِرِن شُنيِ رَ، عَ شَ سٍمَتٌي وَلِ رَبَ عَلْ شَلِيٍ مَوٌلِقٍ، كُيٍيٍ مَشْرِنقٍ، نُن سُبٍ بْحّ مَتٌقٍ."} {"eng": "“Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and preach toward the sanctuaries, and prophesy against the land of Israel.", "sus": "«عَدَ مَدِ، عِ يَ رَقِندِ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَ، عِ شَ كَوَندِ تِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شَ قٍ رَ. عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ ٱ شِلِ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "When you offer your gifts, when you make your sons pass through the fire, do you pollute yourselves with all your idols to this day? Should I be inquired of by you, house of Israel? As I live, says the Lord Yahweh, I will not be inquired of by you!", "sus": "وٌ نَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ بَ سّرّشّ رَ تّ شْورَ، وٌ نَ وٌ شَ سّنِيّنيِ نَن كَنَقٍ نَ كِ. عَ لَنمَ ٱ شَ تِن وٌ شَ ٱ مَشَندِ؟ ٱ تَن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ مُ وٌ لُمَ وٌ شَ ٱ مَشَندِ.›»"} {"eng": "I gave them my statutes and showed them my ordinances, which if a man does, he will live in them.", "sus": "مّننِ ٱ نَشَ ٱ مَ يَامَرِيٍ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ، ٱ عٍ رَكٌلٌن ٱ مَ سّرِيّ رَ. مِشِ نَشٍيٍ بِرَ مَ نٍيٍ قْشْ رَ، عٍ كِسِمَ نّ."} {"eng": "It was planted in a good soil by many waters, that it might produce branches and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a good vine.”’", "sus": "عَ نُ سِشِ بْشِ قَنيِ نَن مَ، يٍ فبٍفبٍ نُ نَ دّننَشّ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ قِندِ عَ رَ، عَ وّنِ بٌفِ قَنيِ رَ مِنِ.»"} {"eng": "Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ تَن مُ نّيمُمَ وٌن مَ سَاتّ مَ، وٌن نَشَن تٌنفٌ عِ قٌنِكٍ تّمُي. ٱ قَمَ نّ سَاتّ تٌنفٌدٍ عِ بّ نَشَن مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "before your wickedness was uncovered, as at the time of the reproach of the daughters of Syria, and of all who are around her, the daughters of the Philistines, who despise you all around.", "sus": "بٍينُن عِ شَ حَاشُحَ شَ سَ كّنّ مَ. يَكْسِ عٍدٌن نُن عَ شَ تَايٍ نُن قِلِسِتَ نُن عَ شَ تَايٍ، عٍ بِرِن عِ مَبٍرٍ مَ."} {"eng": "therefore see, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you have taken pleasure, and all those whom you have loved, with all those whom you have hated. I will even gather them against you on every side, and will uncover your nakedness to them, that they may see all your nakedness.", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ نّ عِ حّنفّيٍ بِرِن مَلَندٍ، نَشٍيٍ نُ رَقَن عِ مَ نُن نَشٍيٍ مُ نُ رَقَن عِ مَ، ٱ عِ حَءِبْي مَسٍن عٍ بّ عَ كّنّ مَ، عِ شَ يَافِ."} {"eng": "“that you have built for yourselves a vaulted place, and have made yourselves a lofty place in every street.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ يِرٍيٍ تِ تَا تَفِ كِرَ دّ رَ،"} {"eng": "that you have slain my children and delivered them up, in causing them to pass through the fire to them?", "sus": "عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ دِيٍ كْن نَشَبَ، عِ عٍ بَ سّرّشّ رَ كُيٍيٍ بّ!"} {"eng": "Behold, when the wall has fallen, won’t it be said to you, “Where is the plaster with which you have plastered it?”", "sus": "نَ تّتّ نَ بِرَ، عَ مُ قَلَمَ شّ وٌ بّ، ‹وٌ مُ عَ ثّنتِشِ شّ؟ مُنسٍ قَ نِيَشِ؟›»"} {"eng": "They have seen falsehood and lying divination, who say, ‘Yahweh says;’ but Yahweh has not sent them. They have made men to hope that the word would be confirmed.", "sus": "عٍ شَ لَامَتُنيِيٍ قِندِشِ وُلٍ نَن نَ. عٍ شَ مَسٍنيِ مُ قِندِشِ نْندِ رَ قٍقٍ مَ. عٍ نَشّ، عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ، عَ قَ لِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مُ عٍ شّيشِ. عٍ وَ مَ نَ شَ كَمَلِ تُن."} {"eng": "Tell the people of the land, ‘The Lord Yahweh says concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the land of Israel: “They will eat their bread with fearfulness and drink their water in dismay, that her land may be desolate, and all that is therein, because of the violence of all those who dwell therein.", "sus": "عَ قَلَ حَمَ بّ، ‹وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ دَرِ سَلَمُكَيٍ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ قٍ رَ. عَ نَشّ عٍ عٍ دّفٍمَ فَاشُي نَن كُي، عٍ يٍ مِن كْنتْقِلِ رَ، بَرِ مَ فبَلٌي حَاشِ عَ نِيَمَ نّ هَرِفٍ بِرِن بَ عٍ شَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s glory went up from the middle of the city, and stood on the mountain which is on the east side of the city.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ نْرّ نَشَ كٍلِ تَا كُي، عَ سَ عَ مَفٌرٌ فٍيَ قَرِ نَشَن نُ نَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ."} {"eng": "“Therefore say, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Whereas I have removed them far off among the nations, and whereas I have scattered them among the countries, yet I will be to them a sanctuary for a little while in the countries where they have come.”’", "sus": "نَ كُي عِ شَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، ‹عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ. هَلِ ٱ عٍ مَكُيَ، ٱ عٍ شَنِن حَمَنّيٍ مَ، ٱ لُمَ نّ عٍ سّيتِ مَ مّننِ قَن.›»"} {"eng": "You will know that I am Yahweh, for you have not walked in my statutes. You have not executed my ordinances, but have done after the ordinances of the nations that are around you.”’”", "sus": "وٌ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ، وٌ تٌندِ بِرَدٍ نَشَن شَ يَامَرِيٍ قْشْ رَ. وٌ بَرَ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ رَبٌلٌ، وٌ بِرَ سِ فبّتّيٍ شَ سّرِيّ قْشْ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I looked, and behold, there were four wheels beside the cherubim, one wheel beside one cherub, and another wheel beside another cherub. The appearance of the wheels was like a beryl stone.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ سَنيِ رَدِفِلِنشِ نَانِ تٌ مَلٍكّيٍ قّ مَ، كٍرٍن كٍرٍن نُ نَ كَنكَن بُن مَ. عٍ نُ مَيَنبَمَ عَلْ دِيَمَن مَنِيّ."} {"eng": "I will also turn my face from them, and they will profane my secret place. Robbers will enter into it, and profane it.", "sus": "ٱ نَ ٱ كٌبٍ سٌمَ نّ عٍ رَ. عٍ قَمَ نّ سٌدٍ ٱ مَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عٍ قٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَبَ نَا، عٍ ٱ مَ سٍيٍ مُحَ.»"} {"eng": "Now I will shortly pour out my wrath on you, and accomplish my anger against you, and will judge you according to your ways. I will bring on you all your abominations.", "sus": "عَ فبٍ مُ لُشِ ٱ شَ ٱ مَ شْنّ رَدِن وٌ مَ عَ حَاشِ رَ. ٱ وٌ مَكِيتِمَ نّ وٌ شَ وَلِ حَاشِ شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ وٌ شَ يُنُبِيٍ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍن وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "The slain will fall among you, and you will know that I am Yahweh.", "sus": "مِشِ فبٍفبٍ نَ قَشَ وٌ يَ مَ، وٌ قَمَ عَ كٌلٌندٍ عَ عَلَتَلَ نَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ.›»"} {"eng": "“‘Moreover I will make you a desolation and a reproach among the nations that are around you, in the sight of all that pass by.", "sus": "ٱ عِ قِندِ مَ يِرٍ كَنَشِ نَن نَ، سِ فبّتّيٍ نَ نَا تٌ، عٍ قَ وٌ مَبٍرٍ."} {"eng": "Therefore the fathers will eat the sons within you, and the sons will eat their fathers. I will execute judgments on you; and I will scatter the whole remnant of you to all the winds.", "sus": "وٌ بَبَيٍ قَمَ نّ عٍ شَ دِيٍ دٌندٍ، وٌ شَ دِيٍ قَمَ نّ عٍ بَبَيٍ دٌندٍ. ٱ وٌ حَشَنكَتَمَ نَ كِ نّ، نَشٍيٍ لُشِ ٱ قَ عٍ رَيٍنسٍن حَمَنّيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said, “Even thus will the children of Israel eat their bread unclean, among the nations where I will drive them.”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «نَ كُي عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَمَ نّ تَامِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ دٌندٍ حَمَنّ فبّتّيٍ تَفِ، ٱ عٍ رَيٍنسٍنمَ دّننَشّ.»"} {"eng": "But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall tell them, ‘This is what the Lord Yahweh says.’ He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house.”", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ نّ وْيّنمَ عِ بّ، ٱ عِ نّنيِ قُلُنمَ نّ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، ‹وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بّ.› شَ عَ نَشَن كّنّن، عَ شَ نَ رَ مّ. شَ عَ مُ نَشَن كّنّن، عَ شَ نَ لُ نَ. بْنسْي مُرُتَشِ نَن عٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I have made your forehead as a diamond, harder than flint. Don’t be afraid of them, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.”", "sus": "ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ عِ شَ عِ تُننَبّشِ عَلْ قَنيٍ، عِ شَ سّنبّ سْتْ نَشَن شْرْشْ عَلْ فّمّ. عِ نَشَ فَاشُ عٍ يَ رَ، عِ نَشَ عِقُ عٍ يَ عِ دٍ، هَلِ عٍ تٌ قِندِشِ بْنسْي مُرُتَشِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "They hunt our steps, so that we can’t go in our streets. Our end is near. Our days are fulfilled, for our end has come.", "sus": "مُشُ يَشُييٍ نُ مُشُ حّرّ كِ بِرِن تٌشِ، عَلَكٌ مُشُ نَشَ قَ مِنِ تَا كُي. مُشُ شَ قٍ دَنيِ نُ بَرَ مَكْرّ، لْشْي فبٍفبٍ مُ نُ لُشِ مُشُ بّ سْنْن، بَرِ مَ مُشُ شَ قٍ دَنيِ نُ بَرَ فّ عَ لِدٍ."} {"eng": "The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how they are esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!", "sus": "سِيٌن دِيٍ تِدٍ نُ فبٌ عَلْ شّيمَ، كْنْ يَكْسِ عٍ تِدٍ بَرَ شُرُن عَلْ قّحّيٍ نَشٍيٍ يَءِلَنشِ بّندّ رَ."} {"eng": "the lips of those that rose up against me, and their plots against me all day long.", "sus": "ٱ فٍرٍقَيٍ شَ وْيّنيِ نُن عٍ شَ مَحْشُنيِ نَ ٱ تَن نَن قْشْ رَ لْشْي بِرِن."} {"eng": "For the Lord will not cast off forever.", "sus": "مَرِفِ مُ مِشِ رَتُتُنمَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "He has bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ عَ شَ شَلِ عِتَلَ عَ عَ شَ تَنبّيٍ تِ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "“For these things I weep. My eye, my eye runs down with water, because the comforter who should refresh my soul is far from me. My children are desolate, because the enemy has prevailed.”", "sus": "ٱ نَ وَقٍ يِ تْورّ نَن مَ، ٱ يَيٍ رَ مِنِمَ عٍ بّ. نَشَن ٱ مَدُندُ مَ، عَ فبِلٍن لِمَنِيَ قِ رَ ٱ مَ. نَ بَرَ مَكُيَ ٱ نَ. ٱ مَ دِيٍ بَرَ هَلَكِ، بَرِ مَ يَشُي سّنبّ نُ فبٌ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "Jerusalem remembers in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that were from the days of old; when her people fell into the hand of the adversary, and no one helped her. The adversaries saw her. They mocked at her desolations.", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُ شَ يَافِ نُن عَ شَ كُي عِقُي كُي، عَ بَرَ عَ مَحْشُن عَ شَ سٍ قَنيِيٍ بِرِن شَ قٍ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ تّمُي دَنفِشِ. عَ شَ حَمَ تٌ سَ عَ فٍرٍقَيٍ بّلّشّ، عَ مَلِمَ يٌ مُ نُ نَ. عَ يَشُييٍ نَشَ يٍلٍ عَ شَ كَسَرّ مَ."} {"eng": "in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty-five people. All the people numbered four thousand six hundred.", "sus": "عَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ مْشْحّن نُن سَشَن ندٍ، يُدَيَكَ مِشِ كّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ، مِشِ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن سُولِ. نَ بِرِن لَنشِ مِشِ وُلُ نَانِ، مِشِ كّمّ سٍننِ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "A capital of bronze was on it; and the height of the one capital was five cubits, with network and pomegranates on the capital all around, all of bronze. The second pillar also had the same, with pomegranates.", "sus": "نَ كِنكِ شُنيِيٍ نُ يَءِلَنشِ وُرٍ فبٍيلِ نَن نَ، عٍ مَسٌلِ كْوبّ بٌفِ مَنِيّيٍ رَ. نٍيٍ شَ مَءِتٍيَ نُ نْنفْن يَ سُولِ لِمَ."} {"eng": "In the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem, and encamped against it; and they built forts against it round about.", "sus": "نَ كُي عَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ سٌلٌمَنَانِ ندٍ، كِكٍ قُ، شِ قُ ندٍ رَ، بَبِلْن مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نَشَ قَ عَ نُن عَ شَ سْورِ فَلِ رَ دَرِ سَلَمُ فٍرٍ شِلِ مَ. عٍ نَشَ يٌنكِن تَا رَبِلِنيِ رَ، عٍ سٍ ندٍ تِ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ نْ تٍدٍ تّتّ قَرِ."} {"eng": "and say, ‘Yahweh, you have spoken concerning this place, to cut it off, that no one will dwell in it, neither man nor animal, but that it will be desolate forever.’", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، عِ شَ عَ قَلَ، ‹عَلَتَلَ، عِ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن عَ يِ يِرٍ بِرِن قَمَ نّ كَنَدٍ، مِشِيٍ نُن شُرُ سٍ مُ تٌمَ بٍ سْنْن، يِ بْشِ قَ قِندِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come on Babylon, even all these words that are written concerning Babylon.", "sus": "عَ نُ بَرَ بَبِلْن شَ فبَلٌي شَ قٍ بِرِن سّبّ كّيدِ ندٍ مَ، عَ نُ لَنمَ عٍ شَ نَشٍيٍ سْتْ."} {"eng": "“I will render to Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "ٱ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ بَبِلْن بْشِ نُن بَبِلْنكَيٍ مَ، عٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ عٍ نَشَن نَبَشِ سِيٌن نَ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "With you I will break in pieces the horse and his rider.", "sus": "ٱ سٌي نُن عَ رَفِمَ شَ قٍ دَنمَ نَشَن نَ، ٱ سْورِ رَفِسٍ كَنَمَ نَشَن سَابُي رَ،"} {"eng": "The king of Babylon has heard the news of them, and his hands become feeble. Anguish has taken hold of him, pains as of a woman in labor.", "sus": "بَبِلْن مَنفّ تٌ نَ مّ، عَ سّنبّ نَشَ كَنَ، عَ بْحّ نَشَ فَاشُ، عَلْ فِنّ نَشَن نَ دِ بَرِقٍ."} {"eng": "‘But it will happen in the latter days that I will reverse the captivity of Elam,’ says Yahweh.”", "sus": "كْنْ وَشَتِ دْنشْي رَ، ٱ مَن عٍدٌنكَيٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ كٌنيِيَ كُي. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "“Behold, he will come up like a lion from the pride of the Jordan against the strong habitation; for I will suddenly make them run away from it, and whoever is chosen, I will appoint him over it. For who is like me? Who will appoint me a time? Who is the shepherd who will stand before me?”", "sus": "ٱ لُمَ نّ عَلْ يّتّ نَشَن كٍلِمَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ قّ مَ، عَ سِفَ سُبٍ قٍندٍ يِرٍ فبّتّ. ٱ عٍدٌن كٍرِ مَ نّ عَ شْنيِ، ٱ قَ مَنفّ سُفَندِشِ تِ نَا. ندٍ مَنِيَ ٱ نَ؟ ندٍ ٱ نَسِمَ؟"} {"eng": "“Yet I will reverse the captivity of Moab in the latter days,” says Yahweh. Thus far is the judgment of Moab.", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ مٌوَبَكَيٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ وَشَتِ رَحْنيِ. ٱ بَرَ نَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ مٌوَبَ شَ قٍ رَ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "For every head is bald, and every beard clipped. There are cuttings on all the hands, and sackcloth on the waist.", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ عٍ شُنيِ بِ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ دّ شَبٍ مَشَبَ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ قَتٍ يَتِ مَشَبَ، عٍ بَرَ سُننُن دٌنمَ رَفٌرٌ عٍ مَ سُننُنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, their confidence.", "sus": "مٌوَبَ يَافِمَ نّ كٍمٌسِ شْن مَ، عَلْ عِسِرَيِلَ يَافِشِ بٍتٍلِ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ. سِنفٍ عِسِرَيِلَ شَشِلِ نُ تِشِ بٍتٍلِ رَ."} {"eng": "“Therefore hear Yahweh’s word, all Judah who dwell in the land of Egypt: ‘Behold, I have sworn by my great name,’ says Yahweh, ‘that my name will no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah in all the land of Egypt, saying, “As the Lord Yahweh lives.”", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ شَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، وٌ تَن يُدَيَكَ نَشٍيٍ سَبَتِشِ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ. ‹ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ شِلِ بِنيّ رَ، ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ، يُدَيَكَ يٌ نَشَن سَبَتِشِ مِسِرَ، عَ مُ ٱ شِلِ قَلَمَ سْنْن، عَ مُ عَ قَلَمَ عَلَتَلَ حِحّ."} {"eng": "“Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘You have seen all the evil that I have brought on Jerusalem, and on all the cities of Judah. Behold, today they are a desolation, and no man dwells in them,", "sus": "«عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ وٌ بَرَ عَ تٌ ٱ حَشَنكَتّ نَشَن دْشْ دَرِ سَلَمُ نُن يُدَيَ تَا بِرِن مَ. تٌ مّننِ بِرِن كَنَشِ، مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "Then Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ تَثَنشّسِ،"} {"eng": "They came into the land of Egypt, for they didn’t obey Yahweh’s voice; and they came to Tahpanhes.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ تٌندِ عٍ تُلِ مَتِدٍ عَلَتَلَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ حَمَ بِرِن شَنِن مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ تَثَنشّسِ."} {"eng": "But Johanan the son of Kareah and all the captains of the forces took all the remnant of Judah, who had returned from all the nations where they had been driven, to live in the land of Judah—", "sus": "كَرٍيَ شَ دِ يٌشَنَن نُن سْورِيٍ يَرٍرَتِيٍ نَشَ يُدَيَ حَمَ دْنشْي شَنِن مِسِرَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ فبِلٍن يُدَيَ كٍلِقٍ حَمَنّيٍ مَ عٍ نُ يٍنسٍنشِ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Then all the captains of the forces, and Johanan the son of Kareah, and Jezaniah the son of Hoshaiah, and all the people from the least even to the greatest, came near,", "sus": "سْورِ يَرٍرَتِيٍ، كَرٍيَ شَ دِ يٌشَنَن، هٌسَيَ شَ دِ يٍسَنِيَ، نُن حَمَ بِرِن كٍلِ دِ مّدِيٍ مَ، سَ دْشْ قٌرِيٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ"} {"eng": "Ishmael the son of Nethaniah went out from Mizpah to meet them, weeping all along as he went, and as he met them, he said to them, “Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam.”", "sus": "نٍتَنِيَ شَ دِ سُمَيِلَ نَشَ مِنِ مِسِثَ عٍ رَلَندٍ. عٍ نُ نَ وَقٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ قَ عَشِكَمَ شَ دِ فّدَلَيَ يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "Then Johanan the son of Kareah spoke to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, “Please let me go, and I will kill Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and no man will know it. Why should he take your life, that all the Jews who are gathered to you should be scattered, and the remnant of Judah perish?”", "sus": "كَرٍيَ شَ دِيٍ يٌشَنَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ فّدَلَيَ بّ فُندٌ رَ مِسِثَ، «عِ شَ تِن ٱ شَ نٍتَنِيَ شَ دِ سُمَيِلَ قَشَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ عَ كٌلٌنمَ. مُنقٍ رَ عِ عَ لُمَ عَ شَ عِ قَشَ؟ مُنقٍ رَ عَ عَ لُشِ يُدَيَكَيٍ نَشٍيٍ نَ عِ سّيتِ مَ عٍ شَ يٍنسٍن يّ؟»"} {"eng": "So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, Nebushazban, Rabsaris, and Nergal Sharezer, Rabmag, and all the chief officers of the king of Babylon", "sus": "سْورِ مَنفّ نٍبُسَرَدَن، كُنتِفِ نٍبُسَسِبَن، مَندُرُلَيٍ شَ مَنفّ نٍرِفَلِ سَرٍ سٍرِ، نُن بَبِلْن مَنفّ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ،"} {"eng": "Then the king of Babylon killed Zedekiah’s sons in Riblah before his eyes. The king of Babylon also killed all the nobles of Judah.", "sus": "بَبِلْن مَنفّ نَشَ سٍدٍكِيَ شَ دِيٍ نُن يُدَيَ كُنتِفِ بِرِن كْن نَشَبَ رِبِلَ، سٍدٍكِيَ يَ شْرِ."} {"eng": "In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah, in the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem, and besieged it.", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُ سُشُ يِ كِ نّ؛ سٍدٍكِيَ يُدَيَ مَنفّ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ سٌلٌمَنَانِ ندٍ كِكٍ قُ ندٍ كُي، بَبِلْن مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نُن عَ شَ سْورِ فَلِ نَشَ دَرِ سَلَمُ رَبِلِن."} {"eng": "Then Zedekiah the king sent and took Jeremiah the prophet to himself into the third entry that is in Yahweh’s house. Then the king said to Jeremiah, “I will ask you something. Hide nothing from me.”", "sus": "مَنفّ سٍدٍكِيَ نَشَ شّيرَ تِ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ مَ، عٍ شَ نَرَلَن عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ نَادّ سَشَن ندٍ. مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ، «ٱ وَ مَ عِ مَشْرِنقٍ قٍ ندٍ مَ، كْنْ عِ نَشَ سٍسٍ نْشُن ٱ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Moreover Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the scroll; but he would not listen to them.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍلِنَتَن، دّلَيَ، نُن فّمَرَيَ نُ بَرَ مَنفّ مَيَندِ عَلَكٌ عَ نَشَ نَ كِتَابُي فَن، كْنْ عَ مُ عٍ شُي رَ مّ."} {"eng": "then my covenant could also be broken with David my servant, that he won’t have a son to reign on his throne; and with the Levitical priests, my ministers.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي ٱ مَ سَاتّ ٱ نَشَن تٌنفٌ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ دَوُدَ بّ، نَ قَن كَنَمَ نّ، عَ لِمَ دَوُدَ شَ دِ ندٍ مُ لُمَ عَ شَ كِبَنيِ كُي، لٍوِكَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ قَن مُ لُمَ ٱ مَ وَلِ رَبَ رَ."} {"eng": "Men will buy fields for money, sign the deeds, seal them, and call witnesses, in the land of Benjamin, and in the places around Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, in the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the lowland, and in the cities of the South; for I will cause their captivity to be reversed,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «وٌ مَن قَمَ نّ شّيٍ سَرَدٍ فبٍتِ رَ يِ بْشِ مَ. شّ سَرَ كّيدِ مَن يَءِلَنمَ، تْنشُمَ دْشْ عٍ مَ سٍيدٍ يَ شْرِ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي شَ بْشِ مَ، دَرِ سَلَمُ رَبِلِنيِ، يُدَيَ شَ تَايٍ كُي، فٍيَ تَايٍ كُي، سٍقٍلَ بْشِ كُي، نُن نٍفٍوِ فبٍنفبٍرٍن يِرٍ. ٱ عٍ شَ مِشِ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ كٌنيِيَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "who performed signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day, both in Israel and among other men; and made yourself a name, as it is today;", "sus": "عِ بَرَ لَامَتُنيِيٍ رَ مِنِ، عِ بَرَ كَابَنَكٌي رَبَ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ هَن تٌ. عِ مَن بَرَ نَ رَبَ عِسِرَيِلَ نُن دُنِحَ بِرِن مَ، هَن عِ بَرَ شِلِ شُنفبٍ سْتْ يِ وَشَتِ."} {"eng": "The measuring line will go out further straight onward to the hill Gareb, and will turn toward Goah.", "sus": "لُوتِ مَن عِتَلَمَ نّ عَ تِنشِنشِ رَ هَن فَرٍبٍ فٍيَ قَرِ، هَن فٌوَ مَبِرِ رَ."} {"eng": "“Behold, the days come,” says Yahweh, “that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of animal.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «لْشْي قَمَ قَدٍ ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَ نُن يُدَيَ بْنسْي شَ وُيَ، عٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ شَ فبٌ."} {"eng": "Then the virgin will rejoice in the dance, the young men and the old together; for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow.", "sus": "فِنّ دِ مّدِيٍ لُمَ نّ قَرٍ بٌرٌن نَ، سّفّتَلَيٍ نُن شّمْشِيٍ قَن شُلُنيِ رَبَ. عٍ شَ سُننُنيِ قِندِ مَ نّ حّلّشِنيِ رَ. ٱ عٍ مَدُندُ مَ نّ عٍ شَ تْورّ كُي، عٍ شَ سّيوَ."} {"eng": "Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the uttermost parts of the earth, along with the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her who travails with child together. They will return as a great company.", "sus": "ٱ عٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ كْولَ مَ، كٍلِقٍ دُنِحَ يِرٍ بِرِن. دْنشُييٍ نُن مَبٌلٌنيِيٍ نَ عٍ تَفِ. قُرِ فِنّيٍ نُن فِنّ نَشٍيٍ نَ دِ بَرِقٍ نَ عٍ يَ مَ. حَمَ فبٍفبٍ فبِلٍنمَ نّ بٍ."} {"eng": "Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to Yahweh for it; for in its peace you will have peace.”", "sus": "وٌ شَ شُننَقَنيِ قٍن نَ تَا بّ ٱ وٌ شَنِنشِ دّننَشّ. وٌ مَن شَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ عٍ بّ، بَرِ مَ وٌ شَ هّيرِ قَتَنشِ عٍ شَ هّيرِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Then Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, after Hananiah the prophet had broken the bar from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying,", "sus": "عَننَبِ شَنَنِيَ تٌ فّ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ شَ كَرَقٌي عِفِرَدٍ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ،"} {"eng": "for they prophesy a lie to you, to remove you far from your land, so that I would drive you out, and you would perish.", "sus": "عٍ نَ وُلٍ نَن قَلَقٍ وٌ بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ مَكُيَ وٌ شَ بْشِ رَ، وٌ شَ لُ كٌنيِيَ كُي، هَن وٌ شَ حْن."} {"eng": "‘I have made the earth, the men, and the animals that are on the surface of the earth by my great power and by my outstretched arm. I give it to whom it seems right to me.", "sus": "ٱ تَن نَن بْشِ، عَدَ مَدِيٍ، نُن دَالِسٍ بِرِن دَاشِ نَشَن نَ دُنِحَ بّندّ قُحِ قَرِ. ٱ عٍ دَاشِ ٱ سّنبّ مَفَاشُشِ نَن نَ. ٱ عَ بِرِن قِمَ مِشِ نَن مَ ٱ وَ مَ نَشَن شْن.›»"} {"eng": "Why have you prophesied in Yahweh’s name, saying, ‘This house will be like Shiloh, and this city will be desolate, without inhabitant?’” All the people were crowded around Jeremiah in Yahweh’s house.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «مُنقٍ رَ عِ عَ مَسٍنشِ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ رَ عَ قَلَقٍ، يِ بَنشِ قَمَ نّ لُدٍ عَلْ بَنشِ نَشَن نَ سِلٌ، يِ تَا قَن قَ كَنَ، مِشِ يٌ مُ لُ عَ كُي؟» فَلِ بِرِن نُ بَرَ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ رَبِلِن عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "The peaceful folds are brought to silence because of the fierce anger of Yahweh.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ مَفَاشُشِ بَرَ عَ نِيَ شُي يٌ مُ مِنِمَ سْنْن عٍ شَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "“You shall tell them, ‘Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel says: “Drink, and be drunk, vomit, fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you.”’", "sus": "«عِ شَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، ‹عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، وٌ شَ عَ شَ شْنّ كٌلٌن، وٌ شَ لُ نَ شْنّ كُي هَن سَنتِدّفّمَ شَ فّ وٌ سْنتْدٍ ٱ نَشَن شّيمَ وٌ تَفِ.›"} {"eng": "and all the kings of Zimri, all the kings of Elam, and all the kings of the Medes;", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن سَبِدِ، عٍلَمَ، نُن مٍدِيَ مَنفّيٍ بّ،"} {"eng": "and all the mixed people, and all the kings of the land of Uz, all the kings of the Philistines, Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod;", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن سِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ نَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ مَبِرِ. ٱ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن عُسِ مَنفّيٍ بّ، عَ نُن قِلِسِتَ مَنفّيٍ بّ، نَشٍيٍ نَ عَسِكَلْن، فَسَ، عٍكِرٌن، نُن عَسِدٌدِ."} {"eng": "“Yet you have not listened to me,” says Yahweh, “that you may provoke me to anger with the work of your hands to your own hurt.”", "sus": "كْنْ وٌ مُ ٱ شُي سُشُشِ. وٌ حّرّ كِ بَرَ ٱ نَشْنْ، ٱ شَ وٌ حَشَنكَتَ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh has sent to you all his servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them (but you have not listened or inclined your ear to hear),", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ شَ كٌنيِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ شّي وٌ مَ وَشَتِ بِرِن، كْنْ وٌ مُ عٍ شُي رَ مّشِ، وٌ مُ عٍ شَ مَسٍنيِ سُشُشِ."} {"eng": "I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence among them, until they are consumed from off the land that I gave to them and to their fathers.’”", "sus": "ٱ عٍ رَحْنمَ نّ سَنتِدّفّمَ، كَامّ، نُن قُرٍ حَاشِ رَ. عٍ مُ لُمَ يِ بْشِ مَ، ٱ دّننَشّ قِشِ عٍ نُن عٍ بَبَيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "You will say everyone to his neighbor, and everyone to his brother, ‘What has Yahweh answered?’ and, ‘What has Yahweh said?’", "sus": "وٌ وٌ بٌورٍ مَشْرِنمَ، ‹عَلَتَلَ مُنسٍ يَابِشِ؟ عَلَتَلَ مُنسٍ مَسٍنشِ؟›"} {"eng": "I didn’t send these prophets, yet they ran. I didn’t speak to them, yet they prophesied.", "sus": "ٱ تَن شَ مُ يِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ شّيشِ، عٍ عٍ يّتّ شَشِلِ نَن نَوَلِقٍ. ٱ مُ مَسٍنيِ تِشِ عٍ بّ، عٍ مَسٍنيِ تِشِ عٍ يّتّ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely. This is his name by which he will be called: Yahweh our righteousness.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ يُدَيَ كِسِمَ نّ، عِسِرَيِلَ بْحّسَ سْتْ، مِشِيٍ عَ قَلَ، ‹عَلَتَلَ قِندِشِ وٌن مَ تِنشِنيِ نَن نَ.›»"} {"eng": "For Yahweh says concerning the house of the king of Judah: “You are Gilead to me, the head of Lebanon. Yet surely I will make you a wilderness, cities which are not inhabited.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن يُدَيَ مَنفّ بّ عَ بْنسْي شَ قٍ رَ، «عِ بَرَ لُ عَلْ فَلَدِ ٱ بّ، عِ بَرَ لُ عَلْ لِبَن فٍيَ، كْنْ ٱ بٍكَيٍ كٍرِ مَ نّ، ٱ بٍ قِندِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Sing to Yahweh! Praise Yahweh, for he has delivered the soul of the needy from the hand of evildoers.", "sus": "وٌ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْ، وٌ بّيتِ بَ عَ بّ، بَرِ مَ عَ سٍتَرٍيٍ رَكِسِمَ نّ عٍ يَشُييٍ بّلّشّ."} {"eng": "The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah, which are defiled, will be as the place of Topheth, even all the houses on whose roofs they have burned incense to all the army of the sky and have poured out drink offerings to other gods.”’”", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُ بَنشِيٍ نُن يُدَيَ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِيٍ، عٍ بِرِن قِندِ مَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ نَن نَ عَلْ تٌقٍتِ. سِنفٍ رَ، مِشِيٍ بَرَ سُرَيِ فَن سّرّشّ رَ بَنشِيٍ قَرِ، عٍ بَرَ تُنبُييٍ بَتُ، عٍ بَرَ مِنسٍ بَ سّرّشّ رَ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Should evil be recompensed for good? For they have dug a pit for my soul. Remember how I stood before you to speak good for them, to turn away your wrath from them.", "sus": "عٍ لَنمَ عٍ شَ قٍ قَنيِ مَسَرَ قٍ حَاشِ رَ؟ عٍ وَ مَ ٱ قَشَقٍ نّ. عِ شَ رَتُ عَ مَ ٱ قِندِشِ عِ شَ شّيرَ نَن نَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ رَتَنفَ عِ شَ شْنّ مَ."} {"eng": "Then they said, “Come! Let’s devise plans against Jeremiah; for the law won’t perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let’s strike him with the tongue, and let’s not give heed to any of his words.”", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍيٍ بَرَ عَ قَلَ، «وٌن شَ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ شَ قٍ مَبٍرٍ بَرِ مَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ مُ حْنمَ نَشٍيٍ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ مَسٍنمَ، لْننِلَيٍ مُ حْنمَ نَشٍيٍ مِشِ رَ سِمَ، نَمِحْنمّيٍ مُ حْنمَ نَشٍيٍ مَسٍنيِ تِمَ. وٌن شَ وُلٍ سَ عَ شُن مَ، وٌن تٌندِ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "“Now therefore, speak to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Yahweh says: “Behold, I frame evil against you, and devise a plan against you. Everyone return from his evil way now, and amend your ways and your doings.”’", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ يُدَيَكَيٍ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُكَيٍ بّ، عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، ‹ٱ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ وٌ شِلِ مَ، ٱ شَ وٌ حَشَنكَتَ. وٌ شَ فبِلٍن وٌ شَ كِرَ حَاشِ قْشْ رَ، وٌ شَ وٌ حّرّ كِ مَسَرَ.›"} {"eng": "Tell them, ‘Hear Yahweh’s word, you kings of Judah, all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, that enter in by these gates:", "sus": "عَ قَلَ حَمَ بّ، ‹يُدَيَ مَنفّ، يُدَيَكَيٍ، نُن دَرِ سَلَمُكَيٍ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ بِرِن سٌمَ يِ نَادّيٍ رَ، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "Behold, they ask me, “Where is Yahweh’s word? Let it be fulfilled now.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عَ قَلَمَ ٱ بّ، ‹عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ مُ كَمَلِمَ شّ؟ عَ شَ كَمَلِ.›"} {"eng": "Heal me, O Yahweh, and I will be healed. Save me, and I will be saved; for you are my praise.", "sus": "«عَلَتَلَ، ٱ نَيَلَن، ٱ نَكِسِ. ٱ لَمَ نّ عِ رَ، تَنتُي نَ عِ بّ."} {"eng": "For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from my face. Their iniquity isn’t concealed from my eyes.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ عٍ حّرّ كِ تٌ. عٍ رَبَقٍ مُ نْشُنشِ ٱ مَ، ٱ عٍ شَ يُنُبِيٍ بِرِن تٌمَ."} {"eng": "Therefore I will cast you out of this land into the land that you have not known, neither you nor your fathers. There you will serve other gods day and night, for I will show you no favor.’", "sus": "ٱ شَ وٌ كٍرِ يِ بْشِ مَ، وٌ شَ سِفَ يِرٍ ندٍ وٌ نُن وٌ بَبَيٍ مُ دّننَشّ كٌلٌن. مّننِ وٌ نْمَ نّ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ بَتُدٍ كْي نُن يَنيِ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ مُ كِنِكِنِمَ وٌ مَ سْنْن.›»"} {"eng": "Their widows are increased more than the sand of the seas. I have brought on them against the mother of the young men a destroyer at noonday. I have caused anguish and terrors to fall on her suddenly.", "sus": "عٍ شَ كَاحّ فِنّيٍ وُيَمَ نّ عَلْ مّيّنيِ نَشَن نَ بَا دّ رَ. كَسَرَ تِ قَمَ نّ دِنفّيٍ مَ يَنيِ رَ، عَ قَ قٍ مَفَاشُشِ رَبَ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore Yahweh says concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name, but I didn’t send them, yet they say, ‘Sword and famine will not be in this land.’ Those prophets will be consumed by sword and famine.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ، عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، ‹نَمِحْنمّ نَشَن مَسٍنيِ تِمَ ٱ شِلِ رَ ٱ مُ نَشَن قِشِ عَ مَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ «سَنتِدّفّمَ نُن كَامّ مُ يِ بْشِ لِمَ،» نَ نَمِحْنمّ مْولِ سْنتْمَ نّ سَنتِدّفّمَ نُن كَامّ رَ."} {"eng": "“Therefore I will scatter them as the stubble that passes away by the wind of the wilderness.", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ نّ وٌ رَيٍنسٍندٍ عَلْ مَالٍ لَفِ نَشَن لْيمَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ قٌيٍ كُي.»"} {"eng": "They have sown wheat, and have reaped thorns. They have exhausted themselves, and profit nothing. You will be ashamed of your fruits, because of Yahweh’s fierce anger.”", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ سَنسِ شْرِ سِ، كْنْ عٍ تُنبٍ فبَنسَن نَن سْتْمَ. عٍ عٍ يّتّ رَتَفَنمَ نّ قُقَقُ. عَلَتَلَ بَرَ شْنْ وٌ مَ، نَ بِرِن شَ قِندِ يَافِ رَ وٌ بّ.»"} {"eng": "My heritage has become to me as a lion in the forest. She has uttered her voice against me. Therefore I have hated her.", "sus": "ٱ نَ رَبَمَ نّ بَرِ مَ ٱ مَ حَمَ بَرَ لُ عَلْ يّتّ شَاحّ وُلَءِ. ٱ بَرَ عٍ شْن."} {"eng": "But you, Yahweh, know me. You see me, and test my heart toward you. Pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ ٱ سٌندٌنيِ مَ قٍ كٌلٌن. عِ شَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ قَشَقٍ رَ، عَلْ يّشّي نَشٍيٍ شَنِنمَ عٍ كْن نَشَبَ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace,’ saying, ‘Obey my voice and do them, according to all which I command you; so you shall be my people, and I will be your God;", "sus": "سَاتّ ٱ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بَبَيٍ بّ عٍ مِنِ لْشْي كٍلِقٍ رَ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ. عٍ تٌ كٍلِ نَا قٍ شْرْشْي كُي، ٱ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، وٌ شَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ، وٌ شَ ٱ مَ يَامَرِ رَبَتُ. نَ كُي وٌ قِندِ مَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَ، ٱ قَن قِندِ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ."} {"eng": "For Yahweh says, “Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this time, and will distress them, that they may feel it.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، «ٱ بٍكَيٍ كٍرِ مَ نّ عَلْ مِشِ نَشَن فّمّ وٌلِمَ لَاتِ رَ. ٱ عٍ هَلَكِمَ نّ، عٍ مُ كِسِمَ.»"} {"eng": "There is no one like you, Yahweh. You are great, and your name is great in might.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ مَنِيّ مُ نَ. عِ سّنبّ فبٌ، عِ شِلِ مَفَاشُ."} {"eng": "They are like a palm tree, of turned work, and don’t speak. They must be carried, because they can’t move. Don’t be afraid of them; for they can’t do evil, neither is it in them to do good.”", "sus": "نَ كُيٍيٍ مُ نْمَ وْيّندٍ. عَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ وُرِ نَشَن تِشِ لَاكْي يِرٍ شْنِيٍ مَفَاشُ سٍ. عَ مُ نْمَ حّرّدٍ، قٌ مِشِ عَ شَنِن. وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ نَ كُيٍ مْولِ يَ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ مُ نْمَ قٍ حَاشِ شَ نَ مُ عَ قَنيِ رَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "Hear the word which Yahweh speaks to you, house of Israel!", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "I listened and heard, but they didn’t say what is right. No one repents of his wickedness, saying, “What have I done?” Everyone turns to his course, as a horse that rushes headlong in the battle.", "sus": "ٱ نَن ٱ تُلِ مَتِمَ نّ عٍ شُي رَ، كْنْ عٍ شَ وْيّنيِ مُ لَنمَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ فبِلٍنمَ عَ شَ كٌبِحَ قْشْ رَ. عَ مُ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹ٱ نَ مُنسٍ رَبَقٍ؟› كَنكَن بِرَ مَ عَ يّتّ وَشْنقٍ نَن قْشْ رَ، عَلْ سٌي نَشَن فبَتَشِ سِفَقٍ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ."} {"eng": "Then I will cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride; for the land will become a waste.”", "sus": "شُلُنيِ حْنمَ نّ يُدَيَ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ بْشِ كُي. سِفِ مُ سَمَ، يٍلِبَ مُ وْيّنمَ. قُوتِ مُ شِرِ مَ نَ فبَلٌي شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Do they provoke me to anger?” says Yahweh. “Don’t they provoke themselves, to the confusion of their own faces?”", "sus": "ٱ تَن قَن قَمَ نّ عٍ تْورْدٍ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «عٍ بَرَ عٍ يّتّ تْورْ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ يّتّ كَن نَيَافِ."} {"eng": "They are all grievous rebels, going around to slander. They are bronze and iron. All of them deal corruptly.", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن قِندِشِ مَتَندِلَيٍ نَن نَ نَشٍيٍ يٌمَ عَلَ مَ. عٍ لُشِ عَلْ وُرٍ نُن يْشُي، نَشَن فبِ مُ بَشِ. عٍ مُ قَن."} {"eng": "As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit. Therefore they have become great, and grew rich.", "sus": "عٍ عٍ شَ بَنشِ رَقٍمَ سٍ مُحَشِيٍ رَ، عَلْ تْشْي كُلّ نَشَن نَقٍشِ تْشْييٍ رَ. عٍ بَننَشِ نَ نَاقُلِ مْولِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "“Tell the nations, behold, publish against Jerusalem, ‘Watchers come from a far country, and raise their voice against the cities of Judah.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سِيٍ رَ سِ، وٌ شَ دَرِ سَلَمُ قَن نَسِ، يَشُييٍ نَ كٍلِقٍ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ نّ، عٍ نَ قَقٍ يُدَيَ تَايٍ كُي."} {"eng": "A full wind from these will come for me. Now I will also utter judgments against them.”", "sus": "عَ قِندِشِ قٌيٍ مَفَاشُشِ نَن نَ، نَشَن كٍلِشِ ٱ يِرٍ. يَكْسِ ٱ عٍ حَشَنكَتَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "“If you will return, Israel,” says Yahweh, “if you will return to me, and if you will put away your abominations out of my sight; then you will not be removed;", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، «عِسِرَيِلَ، شَ وٌ وٌ يّتّ رَفبِلٍن ٱ مَ، شَ وٌ قٍ رَتْنشِ بَ ٱ يَ تٌدٍ رَ، شَ وٌ مُ لِنتَن وٌ شَ كّوَلِ رَ،"} {"eng": "How well you prepare your way to seek love! Therefore you have even taught the wicked women your ways.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ وٌ مَشِرِ عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ شَنُنتٍنيِ ندٍ قٍن. وٌ بَرَ دَنفِ مِشِ بِرِن نَ نَ وَلِ كٌبِ مْولِ كُي."} {"eng": "The priests didn’t say, ‘Where is Yahweh?’ and those who handle the law didn’t know me. The rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and followed things that do not profit.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّيٍ مُ عَلَتَلَ قٍنشِ. كَرَ مْشْي مُ ٱ كٌلٌن. يَرٍرَتِيٍ بَرَ ٱ يَنقَ. نَمِحْنمّيٍ بَرَ بَلَ كُيٍ مَسٍنيِ تِ. عٍ بَرَ بِرَ سٍ قْشْ رَ نَشَن مُ نْمَ عٍ مَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "They will fight against you, but they will not prevail against you; for I am with you”, says Yahweh, “to rescue you.”", "sus": "عٍ عِ فٍرٍ مَ نّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ شُتُ سْتْمَ عِ مَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ نَ عِ قْشْ رَ عِ مَكَنتَقٍ نَن نَ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ."} {"eng": "Moreover Yahweh’s word came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِ وْيّنيِ مَسٍن ٱ بّ يِ كِ، «عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ، عِ مُنسٍ تٌشِ؟» ٱ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ وُرِ نَن تٌشِ نَشَن بٌفِمَ سِننَنيِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "It shall happen that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, all flesh will come to worship before me,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "كٍلِ كِكٍ نّينّ سّرّشّ مَ هَن كِكٍ نّينّ سّرّشّ فبّتّ، كٍلِ مَلَبُ لْشْي مَ هَن مَلَبُ لْشْي فبّتّ، عِبُنَدَ مَ بِرِن قَمَ نّ سُيِدِدٍ ٱ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "“For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me,” says Yahweh, “so your offspring and your name shall remain.", "sus": "«ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ، ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، عَ ٱ قَمَ نّ كٌورٍ نّينّ نُن بْشِ نّينّ يَءِلَندٍ وٌ بّ. نَ بُمَ كِ نَشّ، وٌ شِلِ نُن وٌ بْنسْي بُمَ نَ كِ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "who say, ‘Stay by yourself, don’t come near to me, for I am holier than you.’ These are smoke in my nose, a fire that burns all day.", "sus": "عٍ عَ قَلَمَ مِشِيٍ بّ، ‹وٌ نَشَ وٌ مَسٌ ٱ نَ دٍ، بَرِ مَ ٱ سّنِيّنشِ دَنفِقٍ وٌ رَ.› نَ مِشِ مْولِ شَ قٍ شْرْشْ عَلْ تُورِ نَشَن تٍمَ تّ يِرٍ، عَ سِفَ مِشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "For we have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteousness is like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.", "sus": "مُشُ بِرِن بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ. مُشُ نَشَن نَبَمَ عِ بّ عَ نْشْشِ عَلْ دُنكٌبِ. مُشُ شَ قٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ بُرّشّ لِسِشِ. مُشُ شَ يُنُبِيٍ نَ مُشُ شَنِنقٍ عَلْ قٌيٍ بُرّشّ شَنِنمَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Look down from heaven, and see from the habitation of your holiness and of your glory. Where are your zeal and your mighty acts? The yearning of your heart and your compassion is restrained toward me.", "sus": "عِ شَ عِ يَ رَفٌرٌ كٍلِ كٌورٍ مَ، كٍلِقٍ عِ شَ كِبَنيِ سّنِيّنشِ كُي، نَشَن عِتٍشِ، نَشَن لُمَ نْرّ كُي، عِ قَ عَ مَتٌ عِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ نُن سّنبّ نَ عٍ يّتّ مَسٍنقٍ دِ؟ عِ شَ هِننّ نُن كِنِكِنِ مَكُيَ مُشُ رَ."} {"eng": "Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying, “Where is he who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he who put his Holy Spirit among them?”", "sus": "حَمَ بَرَ عَ مَحْشُن قٍ سِنفٍيٍ مَ، نَشَن نَبَشِ عَننَبِ مُنسَ شَ وَشَتِ. عٍ بَرَ عٍ يّتّ مَشْرِن، «عَلَ نَشَن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ رَفِرِ شُلُنيُمِ بَا مَ، نَ نَ مِندٍن؟ عَلَ نَشَن عَ شَ حَمَ تٌنفٌ عَلْ شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌنيِ، نَ نَ مِندٍن؟ عَلَ نَشَن عَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ رَفٌرٌ عَ شَ حَمَ مَ، نَ نَ مِندٍن؟"} {"eng": "But they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. Therefore he turned and became their enemy, and he himself fought against them.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍ نَشَ مُرُتَ عَ مَ، عٍ قَ عَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ تْورْ. نَ كُي عَ نَشَ عٍ بّحِن، عَ قِندِ عٍ يَشُي رَ عٍ فٍرٍقَ."} {"eng": "Why is your clothing red, and your garments like him who treads in the wine vat?", "sus": "«مُنقٍ رَ عِ شَ دُفِ فبٍيلِشِ عَلْ مِشِ نَشَن وّنِ بٌفِ بُندُ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor. Therefore his own arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness sustained him.", "sus": "عَ عَ تٌشِ نّ مِشِ يٌ مُ نِمِسَشِ، عَ عَ دّ رَوَ عَلَتَلَ شْن مَ نَ قٍ مَ. نَ كُي عَ بَرَ نَ كِسِ وَلِ سُشُ عَ يّتّ رَ عَ شَ تِنشِنيِ شَ قٍ مَ."} {"eng": "His watchmen are blind. They are all without knowledge. They are all mute dogs. They can’t bark— dreaming, lying down, loving to slumber.", "sus": "عٍ كَنتَمَيٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ دْنشُييٍ، عٍ مُ فّشِ قَهَامُي سْتْدٍ. عٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ بَرٍ نَشٍيٍ مُ نْمَ وٌنوٌندٍ، عٍ سَشِ تّمُي بِرِن، شِ شْلِ نَن تُن حْشُن عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Yahweh says: “Maintain justice and do what is right, for my salvation is near and my righteousness will soon be revealed.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «وٌ بِرَ نْندِ نُن تِنشِنيِ قْشْ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ مَ كِسِ نَ قَقٍ، عَ فبٍ مُ لُشِ ٱ مَ تِنشِنيِ شَ تٌ."} {"eng": "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, and he will have mercy on him, to our God, for he will freely pardon.", "sus": "مِشِ حَاشِ شَ فبِلٍن عَ شَ كِرَ كٌبِ قْشْ رَ، يُنُبِتْي شَ عَ شَ نَتّ لُ نَا. عَ شَ فبِلٍن وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ كِنِكِنِ عَ مَ، عَ شَ عَ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَقَرِ."} {"eng": "“Hey! Come, everyone who thirsts, to the waters! Come, he who has no money, buy, and eat! Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.", "sus": "«يٍ شْلِ نَ وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ مَ، وٌ قَ يٍ يِرٍ، وٌ شَ قَ يٍ مِن. هَلِ كْبِرِ مُ نَ وٌ يِ رَ، وٌ قَ، وٌ شَ قَ دٌنسٍ سْتْ، وٌ شَ وٌ دّفٍ. وٌ قَ، وٌ شَ وّنِ نُن شِحّ مِن هَلِ وٌ مُ عَ سَرٍ قِ."} {"eng": "For your Maker is your husband; Yahweh of Armies is his name. The Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer. He will be called the God of the whole earth.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ وٌ دَالِ مَنفّ مّينِمَ وٌ مَ عَلْ شّمّ مّينِمَ عَ شَ فِنّ مَ كِ نَشّ، نَشَن شِلِ قَلَمَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي رَ، نَشَن وٌ رَكِسِمَ، نَشَن شِلِ عَلَ دُنِحَ كَنيِ."} {"eng": "For he grew up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. He has no good looks or majesty. When we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.", "sus": "عَ شَ كٌنيِ لُ نّ عَلْ سَنسِ شُرِ، نَشَن تِشِ بْشِ شَرٍ مَ. عَ تٌ كِ مُ نُ رَيَبُ، عَ شَ تٌقَنيِ مُ فبٌ."} {"eng": "Just as many were astonished at you— his appearance was marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men—", "sus": "عَ شَ قٍ مَفٌرٍ قِندِ مَ تّرّننَ نَن نَ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ بّ، عَ لَهَلّ مَقِندِ، عَ مُ لُ عَدَ مَ كِ مَ سْنْن،"} {"eng": "Shake yourself from the dust! Arise, sit up, Jerusalem! Release yourself from the bonds of your neck, captive daughter of Zion!", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُكَيٍ، وٌ شَ كٍلِ، وٌ شُبٍ بَ وٌ مَ، وٌ دْشْ كِبَنيِ كُي. يْلْنشْنيِ شَ بَ وٌ كْنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh says, “Where is the bill of your mother’s divorce, with which I have put her away? Or to which of my creditors have I sold you? Behold, you were sold for your iniquities, and your mother was put away for your transgressions.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «ٱ كّيدِ مُندُن سّبّشِ ٱ شَ مّي وٌ نفَ رَ؟ ٱ سَرٍ مُندُن سْتْشِ وٌ مَتِقٍ رَ؟ وٌ مَتِشِ وٌ يّتّ شَ يُنُبِيٍ نَن مَ قٍ رَ. ٱ مّيشِ وٌ نفَ رَ عَ شَ مَتَندِ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Shall the plunder be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives be delivered?", "sus": "سْورِ شَ سٍ تٌنفٌشِ نْمَ رَ سُشُدٍ عَ يِ رَ؟ سّنبّمَ شَ مِشِ سُشُشِ نْمَ بَدٍ عَ يِ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am Yahweh; and those who wait for me won’t be disappointed.”", "sus": "مَنفّيٍ مّينِمَ نّ وٌ شَ دِيٍ مَ، مَنفّ فِنّيٍ عٍ رَ مْ. نَ مِشِ شُنفبٍيٍ عٍ شِنبِ سِنمَ نّ وٌ بُن مَ، عٍ وٌ سَنيِيٍ مَسُنبُمَ نّ. نَ كُي وٌ قَمَ نّ عَ كٌلٌندٍ عَ عَلَتَلَ نَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ. مِشِ نَشٍيٍ عٍ شَشِلِ تِمَ ٱ نَ، نَ كَنيِ مُ يَافِمَ.»"} {"eng": "I, even I, have spoken. Yes, I have called him. I have brought him and he shall make his way prosperous.", "sus": "عِيٌ، ٱ تَن يَتِ بَرَ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ تِ، ٱ بَرَ عَ شِلِ، عَ شَ نَ وَلِ رَكَمَلِ.»"} {"eng": "The things that you labored in will be like this: those who have trafficked with you from your youth will each wander in his own way. There will be no one to save you.", "sus": "عٍ مُ نْمَ قٍقٍ رَبَدٍ وٌ بّ، هَلِ وٌ تٌ بَرَ وٌ شَشِلِ تِ عٍ رَ كَبِ وٌ دِ مّدِ تّمُي. عٍ سِفَمَ نّ يَرٍ عٍ شَ كِرَ حَاشِ شْن مَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ وٌ رَكِسِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "I declare the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done. I say: My counsel will stand, and I will do all that I please.", "sus": "عَلَ فبّتّ مُ نَ نَشَن قٍ مَسٍنمَ بٍينُن عَ شَ رَبَ، نَشَن نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ، ‹ٱ وَشْنقٍ قَمَ نّ رَكَمَلِدٍ. ٱ تَن نَن عَ رَفِرِ مَ.›"} {"eng": "I have sworn by myself. The word has gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and will not be revoked, that to me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall take an oath.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ يّتّ رَ نْندِ كِ مَ، ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ مُ كَنَمَ قٍقٍ مَ. شِنبِ بِرِن سِنمَ نّ ٱ بُن مَ، كَلِ بِرِن نَبَمَ ٱ تَن نَن شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh says: “The labor of Egypt, and the merchandise of Ethiopia, and the Sabeans, men of stature, will come over to you, and they will be yours. They will go after you. They shall come over in chains. They will bow down to you. They will make supplication to you: ‘Surely God is in you; and there is no one else. There is no other god.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، «مِسِرَ نُن عٍتِيٌثِ شَ نَاقُلِ لُمَ نّ عِ يِ رَ، سٍبَكَيٍ قِندِ مَ نّ عِ شَ كٌنيِيٍ رَ، عٍ بِرَ عِ قْشْ رَ يْلْنشْنيِ كُي، عٍ سُيِدِ عِ بّ، عٍ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ، ‹عَلَ نَ عِ قْشْ رَ، عَ مَنِيّ مُ نَ، عَلَ فبّتّ مُ نَ.›»"} {"eng": "I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create calamity. I am Yahweh, who does all these things.", "sus": "ٱ تَن نَن كٌورٍ عِيَلَنمَ، ٱ دِ مِ رَ سِن، ٱ تَن نَن هّرِ رَ مِنِمَ، ٱ فبَلٌي رَبَ. ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ نَ ٱ نَ قٍيٍ بِرِن نَبَمَ.»"} {"eng": "Since you have been precious and honored in my sight, and I have loved you, therefore I will give people in your place, and nations instead of your life.", "sus": "وٌ تِدٍ تٌ فبٌ ٱ بّ ٱ مَ شَنُنتٍيَ شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ مِشِيٍ نَن بَمَ وٌ حْشْي رَ، ٱ حَمَ قِ وٌ نِي رَكِسِقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Haven’t you known? Haven’t you heard? The everlasting God, Yahweh, the Creator of the ends of the earth, doesn’t faint. He isn’t weary. His understanding is unsearchable.", "sus": "وٌ مُ عَ كٌلٌن؟ وٌ مُ نَ قٍ مّشِ؟ عَلَتَلَ قِندِشِ عَلَ نَن نَ كَبِ عَبَدَن، عَ دُنِحَ يَتِ نَن دَاشِ عَ قْلّ رَ. عَ مُ تَفَنمَ، دَنيِ مُ نَ عَ شَشِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "Therefore their inhabitants had little power. They were dismayed and confounded. They were like the grass of the field, and like the green herb, like the grass on the housetops, and like a field before its crop has grown.", "sus": "نَ تَا مِشِيٍ سّنبّ مُ نَ عٍ شَ تِ وٌ كَنكٍ. فَاشُي نُن يَافِ نَن تُن عٍ سْتْمَ. عٍ لُمَ نّ عَلْ حٌوفٍ شَرٍ، عَلْ سّشّ نَشَن نَ بَنشِ كْن نَ، عَلْ مّنفِ بِلِ نَشَن شَرَ مَ بٍينُن عَ شَ بٌفِ."} {"eng": "A highway will be there, a road, and it will be called “The Holy Way”. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it will be for those who walk in the Way. Wicked fools shall not go there.", "sus": "كِرَ مَبَمَ نَا نَشَن شِلِ قَلَمَ، «كِرَ سّنِيّنشِ.» مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ مُ دَنفِمَ مّننِ، قٌ نَشَن لَنمَ عَ شَ دَنفِ نَ. شَشِلِتَرٍيٍ مُ تِمَ نَ كِرَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "For Yahweh is our judge. Yahweh is our lawgiver. Yahweh is our king. He will save us.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ وٌن مَ كِيتِسَ رَ، عَ سّرِيّ يَتِ نَن قِمَ وٌن مَ. عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ وٌن مَ مَنفّ رَ، عَ وٌن نَتَنفَمَ قٍ حَاشِ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Look at Zion, the city of our appointed festivals. Your eyes will see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tent that won’t be removed. Its stakes will never be plucked up, nor will any of its cords be broken.", "sus": "سِيٌنِ مَتٌ، وٌن مَ سَلِ رَبَمَ دّننَشّ. مّننِ وٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ تٌمَ نّ، تَا نَشَن نَشَرَشِ، حَمَ نَشَن مُ تَلَمَ عٍ شْنيِ سْنْن."} {"eng": "Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine.", "sus": "وٌ شَ وَ وٌ شَ وّنِ بٌفِ نُن شّ كَنَشِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But the noble devises noble things, and he will continue in noble things.", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ قَنيِ تَن عَ مَتٌمَ نّ عَ قٍ قَنيِ رَبَمَ كِ نَشّ، عَ شُن نَكٍلِ عَ شَ وَلِ قَنيِ سَابُي رَ،"} {"eng": "Moreover the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, in the day that Yahweh binds up the fracture of his people, and heals the wound they were struck with.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ قَمَ نّ عَ شَ حَمَ شَ مَشْنّيٍ نُن قِيٍ رَيَلَندٍ. نَ لْشْي كِكٍ يَنبَمَ نّ عَلْ سٌفٍ، سٌفٍ شَ يَنبّ قَن شُن مَسَمَ نّ دْشْ سٌلٌقٍرٍ."} {"eng": "You will be brought down, and will speak out of the ground. Your speech will mumble out of the dust. Your voice will be as of one who has a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and your speech will whisper out of the dust.", "sus": "وٌ شَ قٍ قَمَ نّ مَفٌرٌدٍ هَن عَ لُ عَلْ وٌ شُي نَ مِنِقٍ بْشِ نَن بُن مَ. وٌ شَ وْيّنيِ مَكْلِكْلِمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ فَبُرِ كُي."} {"eng": "Bread flour must be ground; so he will not always be threshing it. Although he drives the wheel of his threshing cart over it, his horses don’t grind it.", "sus": "سَنسِ مْولِ فبّتّ نْمَ بْنبْدٍ وُرٍ رَ، كْنْ عَ مُ رَدَنفِمَ عَ عِ."} {"eng": "Therefore the Lord Yahweh says, “Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. He who believes shall not act hastily.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عٍ يَابِمَ نّ، «ٱ بَرَ فّمّ هَفِفّ دْشْ سِيٌنِ، فّمّ قَنيِ نَشَن مُ كَنَمَ. لِمَنِيَ مُ بَمَ مِشِ يِ رَ نَشَن عَ تَشُمَ نَ فّمّ رَ."} {"eng": "He will spread out his hands in the middle of it, like one who swims spreads out hands to swim, but his pride will be humbled together with the craft of his hands.", "sus": "عٍ كَتَمَ نّ عٍ شَ عٍ بَ عَ يِ رَ، كْنْ عَلَتَلَ عٍ شَ يّتّ عِفبٌيَ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ، عَ عٍ سّنبّ بِرِن حْن."} {"eng": "because Yahweh of Armies has blessed them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ دُبَمَ نّ عٍ بّ، عَ عَ مَسٍن، «بَرَكّ شَ لُ ٱ مَ حَمَ مِسِرَ مَ، بَرَكّ شَ لُ ٱ مَ دَالِسٍ عَسِرِيَ بّ، بَرَكّ شَ لُ ٱ كّ تٌنفٌمَ عِسِرَيِلَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel lord. A fierce king will rule over them,” says the Lord, Yahweh of Armies.", "sus": "ٱ مِسِرَكَيٍ سٌمَ نّ مَنفّيٍ يِ رَ نَشٍيٍ شَ قٍ مَشْرْشْ، نَشٍيٍ شَ يَامَرِ قِندِ تْورّ رَ حَمَ بّ. عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ."} {"eng": "In that day, people will look to their Maker, and their eyes will have respect for the Holy One of Israel.", "sus": "نَ لْشْي مِشِيٍ قَمَ نّ دَالِ مَرِفِ تٌدٍ، نَشَن قِندِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي رَ."} {"eng": "But now Yahweh has spoken, saying, “Within three years, as a worker bound by contract would count them, the glory of Moab shall be brought into contempt, with all his great multitude; and the remnant will be very small and feeble.”", "sus": "كْنْ يَكْسِ عَلَتَلَ نَشّ، «بٍينُن حّ سَشَن شَ كَمَلِ، عَلْ عَ كَمَلِمَ وَلِكّ بّ عَ شَ لَنيِ كُي كِ نَشّ، مٌوَبَكَيٍ شَ شُننَكٍلِ حْنمَ نّ، عَ شَ حَمَ مَبٍرٍ. مِشِ دٌندٌرٌنتِ نَن نَتَنفَمَ فبَلٌي مَ.»"} {"eng": "Don’t rejoice, O Philistia, all of you, because the rod that struck you is broken; for out of the serpent’s root an adder will emerge, and his fruit will be a fiery flying serpent.", "sus": "«قِلِسِتَكَيٍ، وٌ نَشَ سّيوَ وٌ يَشُييٍ بِرَقٍ رَ. كٍلِقٍ بْشِمَسٍ ندٍ مَ، بْشِمَسٍ فبّتّ نَن بَرِ مَ، نَشَن شُلُن، عَ شْنْ نَ سِنفٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Prepare for slaughter of his children because of the iniquity of their fathers, that they not rise up and possess the earth, and fill the surface of the world with cities.", "sus": "عٍ شَ دِيٍ كْن شَ رَشَبَ عٍ بَبَيٍ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ عِكٍلِ قَ، عٍ بْشِ سْتْ عٍ تَايٍ تِمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Those who see you will stare at you. They will ponder you, saying, “Is this the man who made the earth to tremble, who shook kingdoms,", "sus": "قَشَ مِشِ نَشٍيٍ عِ تٌمَ نَا، نٍيٍ عٍ يَ بَنبَنمَ نّ عِ رَ، عٍ قَ عَ مَحْشُن، ‹يِ نَن قِندِشِ نَ مِشِ رَ نَشَن نُ دُنِحَ عِمَشَمَ، نَشَن نُ مَنفّيَ كَنَمَ،"} {"eng": "Their infants also will be dashed in pieces before their eyes. Their houses will be ransacked, and their wives raped.", "sus": "عٍ شَ دِيٍ سْنتْمَ نّ عَ حَاشِ رَ عٍ يَ شْرِ، عٍ شَ بَنشِيٍ كَسَرَ، عٍ شَ فِنّيٍ مَسَ عٍ يَ شْرِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s Spirit will rest on him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَشِلِ فٌرٌ مَ نّ عَ مَ، عَ قِندِ قَهَامُي، كٌلٌنيِ، مَرَ سِ، سّنبّ، نُن عَلَ يَرَفَاشُي رَ."} {"eng": "For the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, will make a full end, and that determined, throughout all the earth.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ قَمَ نّ نَ نَتّ رَكَمَلِدٍ بْشِ بِرِن كَنَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "One will devour on the right hand, and be hungry; and he will eat on the left hand, and they will not be satisfied. Everyone will eat the flesh of his own arm:", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ عٍ بٌورٍ مُحَ نَشَن نُ نَ عٍ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، كْنْ عٍ نَشَ لُ كَامّ كُي. عٍ بَرَ ندٍ مُحَ نَشَن نُ نَ عٍ كْولَ مَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ وَ سَ، كَنكَن نَشَ دِن عَ بٌورٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Through Yahweh of Armies’ wrath, the land is burned up; and the people are the fuel for the fire. No one spares his brother.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ بَرَ دُنِحَ رَ سّرّن، عَدَ مَدِيٍ بَرَ لُ عَلْ تّ نَشٍيٍ عٍ بٌورٍ فَن، مِشِ يٌ مُ كِسِ."} {"eng": "Therefore the Lord will not rejoice over their young men, neither will he have compassion on their fatherless and widows; for everyone is profane and an evildoer, and every mouth speaks folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ، عَلَتَلَ مُ حّلّشِنمَ عٍ شَ قٌنِكٍيٍ رَ، عَ مُ كِنِكِنِمَ عٍ شَ كِرِدِيٍ نُن كَاحّ فِنّيٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ بِرِن يُنُبِ حَاشِيٍ رَبَمَ، وْيّن كٌبِيٍ نَن تُن مِنِمَ عٍ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "You have multiplied the nation. You have increased their joy. They rejoice before you according to the joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the plunder.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ بَرَ نَ حَمَ شُن نَكٍلِ، عِ بَرَ سّيوّ شُنفبٍ قِ عٍ مَ. عٍ سّيوَشِ عِ يَ رَ عَلْ مِشِيٍ سّيوَ مَ سَنسِ شَبَ تّمُي كِ نَشّ، عَلْ مِشِيٍ سّيوَ مَ هَرِفٍ سْتْقٍ رَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "It shall happen in that day that a man shall keep alive a young cow, and two sheep.", "sus": "نَ لْشْي، مِشِ قَمَ نِنفٍ كٍرٍن نُن سِ قِرِن نَن فبَنسَن سْتْدٍ،"} {"eng": "“Ask a sign of Yahweh your God; ask it either in the depth, or in the height above.”", "sus": "«عِ شَ ٱ تَن عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ تْنشُمَ مَ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I will lay it a wasteland. It won’t be pruned or hoed, but it will grow briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain on it.”", "sus": "ٱ عَ رَبٌلٌمَ نّ عَلَكٌ تُنبٍ نُن حٌوفٍ شَ بُلَ سَنسِ قَنيِ حْشْ رَ. ٱ نُشُييٍ يَمَرِ مَ، عٍ نَشَ تُنّ يٌ رَيٌلٌن عَ مَ."} {"eng": "Her gates shall lament and mourn. She shall be desolate and sit on the ground.", "sus": "سِيٌنِ حَمَ وَ شُي مِنِمَ نّ سُننُنيِ كُي، عَلْ كَاحّ فِنّ نَشَن دْشْ بْشِ مَ، عَ وَ."} {"eng": "Moreover Yahweh said, “Because the daughters of Zion are arrogant, and walk with outstretched necks and flirting eyes, walking daintily as they go, jingling ornaments on their feet;", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشّ، «سِيٌنِ فِنّيٍ قِندِشِ يّتّ عِفبٌي نَن نَ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ حّرّ مَ عٍ شُنيِ رَكٍلِشِ، عٍ عٍ حّرّ مّرّ مّرّ رَ عٍ سَنكْنيِ شُنمَسٍيٍ نُ عٍ شُي رَ مِنِ."} {"eng": "Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm; for love is strong as death. Jealousy is as cruel as Sheol. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a very flame of Yah.", "sus": "ٱ شَ قِندِ عِ كٍرٍن فبٍ رَ، عَلْ عِ شَ تْنشُمَ نَشَن فبَكُشِ عِ كْن مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ نَشَن نَسٌشِ عِ بّلّشّسٌلٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّنبّ فبٌ دَنفِقٍ قَشّ رَ. ٱ وَ مَ عِ شْن ٱ يّتّ بّ، عَلْ عَلِفِيَمَ وَ مَ مِشِيٍ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ. شَنُنتٍيَ سّنبّ فبٌ عَلْ تّ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَن نَدّشّشِ، عَ مُ شُبٍنمَ."} {"eng": "Awake, north wind, and come, you south! Blow on my garden, that its spices may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and taste his precious fruits.", "sus": "«قٌيٍ قَنيِ شَ قَ كٍلِقٍ كْولَ مَ، كٍلِقٍ يِرٍ قَنيِ مَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ مَ سَنسِ شِرِ شَ تٍ. ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ شَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ، عَ شَ سَنسِ بٌفِ قَنيِ دٌن نَشٍيٍ قِندِشِ عَ فبٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Your neck is like David’s tower built for an armory, on which a thousand shields hang, all the shields of the mighty men.", "sus": "عِ كْنيِ قِلِنشِ، عَ لُشِ عَلْ دَوُدَ شَ يِرٍ مَكَنتَشِ عِتٍشِ. عِ شَ كْنمَفٌرٍ مَنِيَشِ سْورِيٍ شَ مَكَنتَسٍيٍ نَن نَ، نَشٍيٍ فبَكُشِ سْورِ بَنشِ كَنكٍ."} {"eng": "Your teeth are like a newly shorn flock, which have come up from the washing, where every one of them has twins. None is bereaved among them.", "sus": "عِ حِنيِ قِيشّ عَلْ يّشّي فْورّ نَشَن شَبٍ مَشَبَشِ، عٍ كٍلِشِ مَشَدٍ. عِ حِنيِ كٍرٍن مُ بَشِ، عٍ بِرِن نَ عٍ بٌورٍ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, you are beautiful, my love. Behold, you are beautiful. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair is as a flock of goats, that descend from Mount Gilead.", "sus": "«ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ، عِ تٌقَن، عِ تٌقَن. عِ يَيٍ رَيَبُ عَلْ فَنبّ، عٍ نْشُنشِ مَقٍلٍنيِ كُي. عِ شُنسّشّ فبٌ. عٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ سِ فْورّ نَشَن فٌرٌ مَ فَلَدِ فٍيَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "They all handle the sword, and are expert in war. Every man has his sword on his thigh, because of fear in the night.", "sus": "سَنتِدّفّمَ نَ عٍ بِرِن يِ رَ، عٍ قَتَ فٍرٍ رَ، عٍ قَتَ مِشِ مَكَنتَدٍ كْي رَ."} {"eng": "The watchmen who go about the city found me; “Have you seen him whom my soul loves?”", "sus": "ٱ تٌ تَا كَنتَمَيٍ لِ، ٱ نَشَ عٍ مَشْرِن، ‹وٌ بَرَ ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ تٌ؟›"} {"eng": "The fig tree ripens her green figs. The vines are in blossom. They give out their fragrance. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away.”", "sus": "شْرّ بِلِ نَ بٌفِقٍ، وّنِ بِلِ نَ قُفَقٍ، عَ شِرِ قَن. ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ، كٍلِ، عِ شَ قَ."} {"eng": "In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening don’t withhold your hand; for you don’t know which will prosper, whether this or that, or whether they both will be equally good.", "sus": "عِ شَ وَكِلِ كٍلِقٍ فّيسّفّ هَن نُنمَرٍ سَنسِ سِقٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ عِ مُ عَ كٌلٌن عِ شَ وَلِ مُندُن قَمَ سْونّيَدٍ."} {"eng": "He who digs a pit may fall into it; and whoever breaks through a wall may be bitten by a snake.", "sus": "يِلِ فٍ نْمَ بِرَدٍ عَ شَ يِلِ فٍشِ كُي، مِشِ نَشَن يَلٍ تِمَ تّتّ مَ، بْشِمَسٍ نْمَ نَ قَن شِندٍ."} {"eng": "Now a poor wise man was found in it, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.", "sus": "نَ تَاكَ ندٍ نُ نَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ سٍتَرٍ شَشِلِمَ رَ. عَ نَشَ نَ تَا رَكِسِ عَ شَ شَشِلِمَيَ سَابُي رَ، كْنْ نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ مِشِ يٌ مُ رَتُ عَ شَ قٍ مَ."} {"eng": "then I saw all the work of God, that man can’t find out the work that is done under the sun, because however much a man labors to seek it out, yet he won’t find it. Yes even though a wise man thinks he can comprehend it, he won’t be able to find it.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَلَ شَ وَلِ مَتٌ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ سٌدٍ قٍ بِرِن كُي نَشَن نَبَمَ دُنِحَ مَ. هَلِ عَ كَتَ هَن، عَ مُ عَ كٌلٌنمَ قٍوٌ. هَلِ شَشِلِمَ نَشَن عَ قَلَمَ عَ بَرَ فّ نَ كٌلٌندٍ، عَ مُ نْمَ نَ كٌلٌندٍ يَتِ يَتِ."} {"eng": "for the king’s word is supreme. Who can say to him, “What are you doing?”", "sus": "عَ لُ كِ يٌ كِ، نْي نَ مَنفّ نَن يِ. ندٍ نْمَ عَ مَتَندِدٍ؟"} {"eng": "The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.", "sus": "شَشِلِمَ عَ حْشْ رَ سِفَمَ نّ قَشّ مَ، شَشِلِتَرٍ تَن نَ يٍلٍقٍ نَن تُي."} {"eng": "Yes, though he live a thousand years twice told, and yet fails to enjoy good, don’t all go to one place?", "sus": "هَلِ نَاقُلِ كَنيِ قَ لُ دُنِحَ مَ حّ وُلُ قِرِن سّيوّتَرٍحَ كُي. عٍ بِرِن مُ سِفَمَ عَلِفِيَمَ شّ؟"} {"eng": "Those riches perish by misfortune, and if he has fathered a son, there is nothing in his hand.", "sus": "شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ، بَننَيَ لْيقٍ تْورّ ندٍ سَابُي رَ، عَ قَ لِ بَننَ شَ دِ مُ كّ سْتْ."} {"eng": "Then I returned and saw all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold, the tears of those who were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.", "sus": "ٱ مَن بَرَ ٱ شَشِلِ رَ سِفَ حَشَنكَتّ بِرِن مَ، نَشَن نَ رَبَقٍ يِ دُنِحَ مَ. مِشِ حَشَنكَتَشِ نَ وَقٍ، عٍ مَدُندُ مَ يٌ مُ نَ. نْي نَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ نَ عٍ حَشَنكَتَقٍ. عٍ مَدُندُ مَ يٌ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;", "sus": "وَشَتِ ندٍ نَ فّمّيٍ رَيٍنسٍنقٍ مَ، وَشَتِ ندٍ نَ فّمّيٍ مَلَنقٍ مَ. وَشَتِ ندٍ نَ سُنبُ تِقٍ مَ، وَشَتِ ندٍ نَ عَ تِتَرٍيَ مَ."} {"eng": "For all his days are sorrows, and his travail is grief; yes, even in the night his heart takes no rest. This also is vanity.", "sus": "عَ شَ وَلِ قِندِشِ تْورّ شْرْشْي نَن نَ عَ بّ. هَلِ كْي رَ عَ بْحّ مُ مَلَبُمَ. قٍ قُقَقُ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "I said in my heart, “Come now, I will test you with mirth; therefore enjoy pleasure;” and behold, this also was vanity.", "sus": "ٱ عَ قَلَ نّ ٱ يّتّ بّ، «ٱ شَ حّلّشِنيِ مَتٌ، ٱ شَ عَ كٌلٌن نَشَن قَن.» ٱ نَشَ عَ تٌ عَ حّلّشِنيِ قَن مُ بُمَ."} {"eng": "There is a generation that curses their father, and doesn’t bless their mother.", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍيٍ عٍ بَبَ دَنكَمَ، عٍ عٍ نفَ قِنسِرِوَلِ."} {"eng": "“Don’t slander a servant to his master, lest he curse you, and you be held guilty.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ كٌنيِ شِلِ كَنَ عَ كَنيِ بّ، عَلَكٌ عَ نَشَ عِ دَنكَ، نَ هَاكّ لُ عِ مَ."} {"eng": "One who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than one who flatters with the tongue.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن مَرَ سِ شْرْشْي قِمَ مِشِ ندٍ مَ، نَ هِننّ نَن سْتْمَ دَنفِقٍ مِشِ رَ نَشَن لُمَ وْيّن حْشُنمّ فبَنسَن قَلَ رَ مِشِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "The sluggard says, “There is a lion in the road! A fierce lion roams the streets!”", "sus": "مِشِ تُننَشْنْشِ نَن عَ قَلَمَ، «يّتّ نَ كِرَ رَ، يّتّ نَ تَا كُي.»"} {"eng": "Like the legs of the lame that hang loose, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.", "sus": "تَالِ وْيّنيِ نَشَن مِنِمَ شَشِلِتَرٍ دّ عِ، نَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ مَبّنيِ سَنيِ نَشَن سّنبّ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than to share a house with a contentious woman.", "sus": "لُقٍ رَ بَنشِ قَرِ مَ، نَ قِسَ لُقٍ رَ فِنّ قِتِنّتْي سّيتِ مَ بَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "As the cold of snow in the time of harvest, so is a faithful messenger to those who send him; for he refreshes the soul of his masters.", "sus": "دُفُتّفّ شّيرَ حْشُن عَ شّيمَ بّ، عَلْ قٌيٍ قَنيِ نَشَن قَمَ وَلِكّيٍ مَ شّ شَبَ تّمُي."} {"eng": "Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old.", "sus": "عِ عِ تُلِ مَتِ عِ بَبَ رَ نَشَن عِ بَرِشِ، عِ نَشَ يٌ عِ نفَ مَ عَ نَ قٌرِ."} {"eng": "for their Defender is strong. He will plead their case against you.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عٍ شُنمَقَلَمَ سّنبّ فبٌ، عَ عٍ فبٍحْشْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Why do you set your eyes on that which is not? For it certainly sprouts wings like an eagle and flies in the sky.", "sus": "شَ عِ عِ يَ تِ بَننَيَ رَ، عَ لْيمَ عِ مَ عَلْ سّفّ نَشَن تٍمَ كُيٍ مَ كِ نَشّ، عَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "Don’t move the ancient boundary stone which your fathers have set up.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ عِ بَبَيٍ شَ نَانِنيِ مَتْنشُمَ سَشِ بَ عٍ يِرٍ دٍ."} {"eng": "Folly is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline drives it far from him.", "sus": "شَشِلِتَرٍحَ نَشَن نَ دِ مّدِ بْحّ كُي، عَ بَمَ شُرُ لُشُسِنيِ نَن سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "A high look and a proud heart, the lamp of the wicked, is sin.", "sus": "يّتّ عِفبٌحَ نُن قٍ حَاشِ رَبَقٍ، نَ بِرِن قِندِشِ يُنُبِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "Whoever curses his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in blackness of darkness.", "sus": "مِشِ نَ يٌ عَ نفَ نُن عَ بَبَ مَ، عَ دُنِحَ عِفِرِ مَ دِ مِ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "“It’s no good, it’s no good,” says the buyer; but when he is gone his way, then he boasts.", "sus": "سَرٍ سٌ نَن عَ قَلَمَ يُلّ بّ، «نَ سَرٍ مُ قَن ٱ بّ قٍوٌ،» كْنْ عَ قَ كٍلِ نَ شُن مَ عَ يّتّ مَتْشْقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "A righteous man walks in integrity. Blessed are his children after him.", "sus": "تِنشِنتْي حّرّ مَ تِنشِنيِ نَن نَ، سّيوّ نَ عَ شَ دِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Excellent speech isn’t fitting for a fool, much less do lying lips fit a prince.", "sus": "مَنفّ شَ وْيّنيِ مُ لَن شَشِلِتَرٍ دّ عِ، وُلٍ مُ لَن مَنفّ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.", "sus": "وْيّن قَنيِ قِندِشِ كُمِ نَن نَ، نَشَن شَشِلِ نُن قَتٍ رَيَلَنمَ."} {"eng": "He who heeds the Word finds prosperity. Whoever trusts in Yahweh is blessed.", "sus": "هّيرِ نَ مِشِ بّ نَشَن عَ حّنفِ سَمَ قٍ رَبَ كِيٍ شْن مَ. سّيوّ نَ مِشِ بّ نَشَن عَ شَشِلِ تِمَ عَلَتَلَ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ مَكُيَ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ رَ، كْنْ عَ عَ تُلِ مَتِمَ تِنشِنتْييٍ شَ مَشَندِ رَ."} {"eng": "Better is a dinner of herbs, where love is, than a fattened calf with hatred.", "sus": "بَندٍ حِحّ دٌنقٍ شَنُنتٍيَ كُي، نَ قَن سُبٍ دٌنقٍ بّ فبّسّنشْننّيَ كُي."} {"eng": "Even in laughter the heart may be sorrowful, and mirth may end in heaviness.", "sus": "مِشِ نْمَ يٍلٍدٍ عَ دّ رَ، عَ تْورْشِ عَ بْحّ كُي. سّيوّ نْمَ مَقِندِدٍ تْورّ رَ."} {"eng": "Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful is hard.", "sus": "قَهَامُي قِندِ مَ هِننّ نَن نَ مِشِ بّ، كْنْ مِشِ حَاشِ تَن شَ كِرَ شْرْشْ."} {"eng": "In the multitude of words there is no lack of disobedience, but he who restrains his lips does wisely.", "sus": "وْيّنيِ رَوُيَقٍ نْمَ مِشِ قِندِدٍ يُنُبِتْي رَ، كْنْ شَشِلِمَ تَن عَ دّ سُشُمَ نّ."} {"eng": "The mouth of the righteous is a spring of life, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.", "sus": "وْيّنيِ تِنشِنشِ تِنشِنتْي شَ سِمَيَ شْن كُيَمَ نّ، كْنْ مِشِ حَاشِ تَن دّ فبَلٌي رَ مِنِمَ نّ."} {"eng": "“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here.” As for him who is void of understanding, she says to him,", "sus": "عَ عَ قَلَمَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ مُ قَهَامُي سْتْشِ، «وٌ تَن شَشِلِتَرٍيٍ، وٌ قَ بٍ."} {"eng": "“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!” As for him who is void of understanding, she says to him,", "sus": "«وٌ تَن شَشِلِتَرٍيٍ نُن قَهَامُتَرٍ، وٌ قَ بٍ."} {"eng": "The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil. I hate pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the perverse mouth.", "sus": "شَ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَرَفَاشُي نَ عِ بّ، عِ قٍ حَاشِ نَن شْنمَ. يّتّ عِفبٌحَ، قٍ حَاشِيٍ، نُن وْيّن كٌبِيٍ، ٱ نٍيٍ نَن شْنمَ."} {"eng": "Until an arrow strikes through his liver, as a bird hurries to the snare, and doesn’t know that it will cost his life.", "sus": "Xɛmɛ naxa bira a fɔxɔ ra keren na, alɔ ninge naxan sigafe ninge faxade, alɔ xeli naxan a sanyi rasofe yɛlɛ kui, alɔ xɔni naxan tife gantanyi ma, han tanbɛ fa a bɔɲɛ sɔxɔ, a faxa, a mu a kolon a xa simaya danma mɛnni nɛ."} {"eng": "I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.", "sus": "عَ نُن لَبُندّ شِرِ قَنيِ مْولِ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "For the commandment is a lamp, and the law is light. Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,", "sus": "نَ سّرِيّ قِندِشِ لَنثُي نَن نَ، نَ شَرَنيِ كِرَ مَسٍنمَ نّ عِ بّ، نَ مَرَ سِ عِ شُن تِمَ سِمَيَ كِرَ نَن شْن مَ."} {"eng": "in whose heart is perverseness, who devises evil continually, who always sows discord.", "sus": "قٍ حَاشِ نَ عَ شَشِلِ كُي، عَ فٍرٍ مَسٌمَ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "provides her bread in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.", "sus": "كْنْ عَ وَلِمَ سٌفٌقُرٍ تّمُي، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ بَلٌي سْتْ عَ نَشَن دٌنمَ حّمّ رَ."} {"eng": "Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself, since you have come into the hand of your neighbor. Go, humble yourself. Press your plea with your neighbor.", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ، عِ شَ قٍ بِرِن نَبَ عِ يّتّ رَ مِنِدٍ عَ كُي، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عِ لُمَ نّ عِ بٌورٍ سَفٌي. سِفَ، عِ عِ قٍلٍن عِ بٌورٍ بّ، عِ شَ عَ مَيَندِ."} {"eng": "Let them not depart from your eyes. Keep them in the center of your heart.", "sus": "عٍ مَتٌ تّمُي بِرِن، عِ عٍ رَفَتَ عِ سٌندٌنيِ كُي،"} {"eng": "Don’t envy the man of violence. Choose none of his ways.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ فٍرٍ سٌي تْونّ، عِ نَشَ بِرَ عَ حّرّ كِ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "He has lifted up the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints, even of the children of Israel, a people near to him. Praise Yah!", "sus": "عَ بَرَ مَنفّ سّنبّمَ رَكٍلِ عَ شَ حَمَ شُن نَ، عَ شَ سّنِيّنتْييٍ نَشَن مَتْشْمَ، سّنِيّنتْييٍ نَشَن قِندِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ عَ شَ حَمَ شَنُشِ رَ. وٌ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْ!"} {"eng": "Yahweh will reign forever; your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise Yah!", "sus": "سِيٌنِ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن. وٌ شَ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْ!"} {"eng": "I will meditate on the glorious majesty of your honor, on your wondrous works.", "sus": "عٍ قَمَ نّ عِ شَ نْرّ تٌقَنيِ مَسٍندٍ. ٱ لُمَ نّ عِ شَ كَابَنَكٌي مَحْشُن نَ."} {"eng": "Great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised! His greatness is unsearchable.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ سّنبّ فبٌ، مَتْشْي بِرِن نَ عَ تَن نَن بّ، عَدَ مَدِ مُ نْمَ سٌدٍ نَ بِرِن كُي."} {"eng": "Revive me, Yahweh, for your name’s sake. In your righteousness, bring my soul out of trouble.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ ٱ نَكِسِ عِ شِلِ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ شَ ٱ بَ تْورّ كُي عِ شَ تِنشِنيِ شَ قٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "Deliver me, Yahweh, from my enemies. I flee to you to hide me.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، ٱ نَتَنفَ ٱ يَشُييٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ كَنتَرِ سْتْمَ عِ نِينِ نَن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will be good to me.", "sus": "ٱ نَمِنِ فٍيلِ كُي، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ عِ شِلِ مَتْشْ. نَ كُي تِنشِنتْييٍ قَمَ نّ عٍ مَلَندٍ ٱ يِرٍ عِ شَ هِننّ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "even a heritage to Israel his servant, for his loving kindness endures forever;", "sus": "a tan naxan e xa bɔxi fi a xa konyi Isirayila ma kɛ ra, barima dan mu na a xa xanunteya ma."} {"eng": "He struck many nations, and killed mighty kings—", "sus": "عَ نَشَ سِيٍ وُيَشِ بْنبْ، عَ مَنفّ سّنبّمَ فبٍفبٍ قَشَ."} {"eng": "For Yah has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel for his own possession.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ يَشُبَ سُفَندِ عَ يّتّ بّ، عَلَكٌ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ قِندِ عَ شَ حَمَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "If your children will keep my covenant, my testimony that I will teach them, their children also will sit on your throne forever more.”", "sus": "شَ عِ شَ دِيٍ سَ ٱ مَ سَاتّ بِنيَ، عٍ ٱ مَ يَامَرِيٍ رَبَتُ، عٍ شَ دِيٍ قَن لُمَ نّ عِ شَ كِبَنيِ مَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of youth.", "sus": "دِيٍ نَشٍيٍ سْتْشِ قٌنِكٍ تّمُي، نٍيٍ تِدٍ لُمَ نّ عَلْ سْورِيٍ شَ شَلِيٍ."} {"eng": "Jerusalem is built as a city that is compact together,", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُ تَا نَ عَ رَ نَشَن تِشِ لَنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "I will lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from?", "sus": "بِيَاسِلَيٍ شَ بّيتِ ندٍ ٱ نَ ٱ يَ رَتٍمَ فٍيَيٍ مَبِرِ. ٱ مَ دّ مّرِ كٍلِمَ مِندٍن؟"} {"eng": "Consider how I love your precepts. Revive me, Yahweh, according to your loving kindness.", "sus": "عَ مَتٌ، عِ شَ يَامَرِيٍ رَقَن ٱ مَ. عَلَتَلَ، ٱ نَكِسِ عِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Of old I have known from your testimonies, that you have founded them forever. RESH", "sus": "ٱ عَ كٌلٌن كَبِ عَ رَكُيَ، عِ بَرَ عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ مَبَنبَن عَلَكٌ عَ شَ بُ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "They draw near who follow after wickedness. They are far from your law.", "sus": "مِشِيٍ بَرَ مَسٌ ٱ نَ، نَشٍيٍ وَ مَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ شْن. عٍ مَكُيَ عِ شَ سّرِيّ رَ."} {"eng": "My zeal wears me out, because my enemies ignore your words.", "sus": "ٱ بْحّ رَحَاشُمَ نّ ٱ مَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ يَشُييٍ مُ عٍ تُلِ مَتِمَ عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh, your word is settled in heaven forever.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَ كٌورٍ مَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "The earth is full of your loving kindness, Yahweh. Teach me your statutes. TETH", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ نَ دُنِحَ بِرِن مَ، ٱ شَرَن عِ شَ يَامَرِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh is gracious and righteous. Yes, our God is merciful.", "sus": "هِننّنتٍ نَن عَلَتَلَ رَ، عَ تِنشِن. وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَ كِنِكِنِمَ وٌن مَ."} {"eng": "You who fear Yahweh, trust in Yahweh! He is their help and their shield.", "sus": "وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ قِندِشِ عَلَ يَرَفَاشُييٍ رَ، وٌ وٌ شَشِلِ تِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، نَشَن قِندِ عِ شَ دّ مّرِ نُن عِ كَنتَمَ رَ."} {"eng": "But our God is in the heavens. He does whatever he pleases.", "sus": "مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَ نَ كٌورٍ مَ، عَ عَ وَشْنقٍ بِرِن نَبَمَ."} {"eng": "Tremble, you earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob,", "sus": "دُنِحَ بِرِن شَ سّرّن مَرِفِ يَ رَ، نَشَن قِندِ يَشُبَ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ،"} {"eng": "You mountains, that you skipped like rams? You little hills, like lambs?", "sus": "مُنسٍ عَ نِيَشِ عِسِرَيِلَ فٍيَيٍ شَ حّلّشِن عَلْ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِيٍ نُن يّشّيٍ يْرّيٍ؟"} {"eng": "He will drink of the brook on the way; therefore he will lift up his head.", "sus": "مَنفّ شُرٍ يٍ مِنمَ كِرَ عِ. عَ شُن نَكٍلِمَ نَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Let his posterity be cut off. In the generation following let their name be blotted out.", "sus": "عَ بْنسْي شَ سْنتْ، عٍ شِلِيٍ شَ نّيمُ مِشِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Through God, we will do valiantly, for it is he who will tread down our enemies.", "sus": "وٌن قَمَ وٌن سّنبّ رَ مِنِدٍ عَلَ شَ مَلِ سَابُي رَ. عَ تَن نَن قَمَ وٌن يَشُييٍ عِوُرُدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Thus they provoked him to anger with their deeds. The plague broke in on them.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَلَ رَشْنْ عٍ شَ قٍ كٌبِيٍ رَ، هَن عَ نَشَ قُرٍ حَاشِ ندٍ رَفٌرٌ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "A fire was kindled in their company. The flame burned up the wicked.", "sus": "تّ نَشَ عٍ قْشِرَبِرّ حَاشِيٍ فَن."} {"eng": "The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram.", "sus": "بْشِ نَشَ عَ رَبِ، عَ دَتَن نُن عَبِرَ مِ شَ مِشِيٍ رَفٌرٌ عَ كُي."} {"eng": "Their land swarmed with frogs, even in the rooms of their kings.", "sus": "عٍ شَ بْشِ نَشَ رَقٍ لَنشَنسَرِ مَيٍ رَ، عٍ سٌ هَن مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "He turned their waters into blood, and killed their fish.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ مّننِ يٍ مَقِندِ وُلِ رَ، يّشّيٍ قَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "He turned their heart to hate his people, to conspire against his servants.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ مِسِرَكَيٍ بْحّ مَسَرَ، هَن عٍ قَ عَ شَ حَمَ شْن، عٍ نَتّ حَاشِ تٌنفٌ عٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He called for a famine on the land. He destroyed the food supplies.", "sus": "بٍينُ عَلَ شَ كَامّ رَفٌرٌ دُنِحَ مَ، عَ بَلٌي بَ دُنِحَ يِ رَ،"} {"eng": "But Yahweh’s loving kindness is from everlasting to everlasting with those who fear him, his righteousness to children’s children,", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَرَفَاشُييٍ شَنُمَ نّ عَبَدَن، عَ شَ تِنشِنيِ بِرَ مَ نّ عٍ بْنسْييٍ قْشْ رَ،"} {"eng": "For my days consume away like smoke. My bones are burned as a torch.", "sus": "ٱ مَ سِمَيَ نَ لْيقٍ عَلْ تُورِ لْيمَ كُيٍ مَ كِ نَشّ، ٱ شْرِيٍ نَ حْنقٍ عَلْ يٍفٍ فَنمَ تّ رَ كِ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "Hear my prayer, Yahweh! Let my cry come to you.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ ٱ مَ مَشَندِ سُشُ، عِ شَ عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ وَ شُي رَ."} {"eng": "For you, Yahweh, are most high above all the earth. You are exalted far above all gods.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عِ تَن مَرِفِ شُن نَكٍلِشِ سّنبّمَيٍ بِرِن بّ."} {"eng": "Zion heard and was glad. The daughters of Judah rejoiced because of your judgments, Yahweh.", "sus": "سِيٌنِكَيٍ نَ عَ شُي مّ، عٍ سّيوَ مَ نّ، يُدَيَكَيٍ حّلّشِنمَ نّ عِ تَن عَلَتَلَ شَ كِيتِ رَ،"} {"eng": "His lightning lights up the world. The earth sees, and trembles.", "sus": "عَ دُنِحَ عِيَلَنمَ عَ شَ سٍيَمَكْنيِيٍ رَ، دُنِحَ مِشِيٍ نَ عَ تٌ، عٍ سّرّنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "that you may give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit is dug for the wicked.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عَ شَشِلِ شَ سَ تْورّ لْشْييٍ، هَن مِشِ حَاشِيٍ عٍ فبٍ حَشَنكَتّ سْتْمَ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "They are planted in Yahweh’s house. They will flourish in our God’s courts.", "sus": "عٍ سَبَتِشِ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تّتّ كُي، عٍ شَ قٍ قَنمَ نّ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "“Because he has set his love on me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high, because he has known my name.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «عَ تٌ لَشِ ٱ نَ، ٱ عَ رَكِسِمَ نّ. ٱ عَ مَكَنتَمَ نّ بَرِ مَ عَ ٱ شِلِ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "I will not break my covenant, nor alter what my lips have uttered.", "sus": "ٱ مُ ٱ مَ سَاتّ كَنَمَ، ٱ مَن مُ ٱ شُي مَسَرَ مَ."} {"eng": "with whom my hand shall be established. My arm will also strengthen him.", "sus": "ٱ نَ ٱ بّلّشّ رَ سٌمَ عَ بُن مَ، ٱ سّنبّ قِمَ نّ عَ مَ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "You have broken Rahab in pieces, like one of the slain. You have scattered your enemies with your mighty arm.", "sus": "عِ تَن نَن نْ مِسِرَ رَ، عِ عَ سْنتْ. عِ عِ يَشُييٍ رَيٍنسٍن عِ سّنبّ رَ."} {"eng": "You have put lover and friend far from me, and my friends into darkness.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ بِرِن مَكُيَ ٱ نَ، ٱ دْشْبٌورٍ بَرَ كٍلِ ٱ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Glorious things are spoken about you, city of God. Selah.", "sus": "مِشِيٍ عَلَ شَ تَا مَتْشْمَ عَ قَنيِ رَ حّنفِ رَتٍ."} {"eng": "I will hear what God, Yahweh, will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, his saints; but let them not turn again to folly.", "sus": "ٱ نَن ٱ تُلِ مَتِمَ نّ ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ بْحّسَ نَن قِمَ عَ شَ حَمَ تِنشِنشِ مَ. عَلَ شَ عٍ مَلِ فبِلٍنقٍ رَ عٍ شَ دَشُحَ مَ."} {"eng": "Won’t you revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?", "sus": "عِ مُ نْمَ دِحّدٍ مُ مَ، عِ شَ حَمَ شَ كِسِ، عٍ شَ سّيوَ؟"} {"eng": "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on a pilgrimage.", "sus": "سّيوّ نَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ سّنبّ لَنشِ عِ تَن عَلَ مَ، نَشٍيٍ كِرَ سُشُشِ سِفَقٍ رَ سَلِدٍ شُنفبٍ."} {"eng": "My God, make them like tumbleweed, like chaff before the wind.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، عِ شَ نَ مِشِيٍ لُ عَلْ سّشّ، قٌيٍ نَشَن شَنِنمَ."} {"eng": "I would soon subdue their enemies, and turn my hand against their adversaries.", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ نّ عَ يَشُي بِرِن نَيَافِدٍ كٍرٍن نَ، ٱ عٍ رَفٌرٌ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "Why have you broken down its walls, so that all those who pass by the way pluck it?", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن بَرَ عَ شَ تّتّ كَنَ، دَنفِ مِشِيٍ قَ عَ بٌفِ بَ."} {"eng": "You brought a vine out of Egypt. You drove out the nations, and planted it.", "sus": "عِ وّنِ بِلِ ندٍ تَلَ نّ مِسِرَ نَشَن قِندِشِ عِ شَ حَمَ رَ. عِ نَشَ سِيٍ ندٍيٍ كٍرِ يِرٍ ندٍ، عِ قَ عَ تَن سِ نَا."} {"eng": "Moreover he rejected the tent of Joseph, and didn’t choose the tribe of Ephraim,", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يُسُقُ بْنسْي رَبّحِن، عَ تٌندِ عٍقِرَ مِ بْنسْي سُفَندِدٍ."} {"eng": "but turned back, and dealt treacherously like their fathers. They were twisted like a deceitful bow.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عٍ مَكُيَ عَلَ رَ، عٍ قِندِ يَنقَنتٍ رَ عَلْ عٍ بٍنبَيٍ عَ رَبَشِ كِ نَشّ، عٍ لُ عَلْ شَلِ كَنَشِ."} {"eng": "He destroyed their vines with hail, their sycamore fig trees with frost.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ شَ وّنِ سَنسِيٍ كَنَ بَلَبَلَنيِ رَ، عَ نَشَ عٍ شَ سِكٌمٌرٌ بِلِيٍ تُشُنسَن تُنّ شِنبٍلِ رَ."} {"eng": "He also rained meat on them as the dust, winged birds as the sand of the seas.", "sus": "نَشَن عَ نِيَ شْنِيٍ شَ فٌرٌ عٍ مَ عَ فبٍفبٍ رَ عَلْ شُبٍ نُن بَا دّ مّيّنيِ."} {"eng": "The day is yours, the night is also yours. You have prepared the light and the sun.", "sus": "يَنيِ نُن كْي قِندِشِ عِ فبٍ نَن نَ، كِكٍ نُن سٌفٍ، عِ تَن نَن عٍ دَاشِ."} {"eng": "If I had said, “I will speak thus”, behold, I would have betrayed the generation of your children.", "sus": "شَ ٱ سَ نَ مْولِ قَلَ نُ، ٱ بَرَ يَنقَنتٍيَ رَبَ عِ شَ دِيٍ رَ نُ."} {"eng": "Behold, these are the wicked. Being always at ease, they increase in riches.", "sus": "مِشِ حَاشِيٍ نَ نَ كِ نّ. عٍ بْحّ سَشِ نَاقُلِ يِرِوَقٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Yes, all kings shall fall down before him. All nations shall serve him.", "sus": "مَنفّ بِرِن عٍ شِنبِ سِنمَ نّ عَ بُن مَ، سِيٍ بِرِن لُ عَ شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Those who dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him. His enemies shall lick the dust.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ نَ وُلَ عِ، عٍ شِنبِ سِنمَ نّ عَ بُن مَ، عَ يَشُييٍ لُ عَ سَنيِ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.", "sus": "عَ شَ مَنفّيَ فبٌمَ نّ، سَ قْلْ سٌفٍتٍدٍ هَن عَ سَ دْشْ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ رَ، عَ قْلْ عٍقِرَتِ شُرٍ مَ هَن سَ دْشْ بْشِ دَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "saying, “God has forsaken him. Pursue and take him, for no one will rescue him.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشّ، «عَلَ بَرَ عَ رَبٌلٌ، وٌن شَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ، وٌن شَ عَ سُشُ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ عَ رَتَنفَدٍ.»"} {"eng": "They have seen your processions, God, even the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.", "sus": "عَلَ، مُشُ بَرَ عِ تٌ قَ رَ حَمَ يَ مَ. عَلَ نُن عَ شَ مَنفّ سُفَندِشِ نَ سٌقٍ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي."} {"eng": "That your way may be known on earth, and your salvation among all nations,", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عَ شَ كِرَيٍ شَ كٌلٌن دُنِحَ مَ، عَلَكٌ سِ بِرِن شَ عَ شَ مَرَكِسِ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "But most certainly, God has listened. He has heard the voice of my prayer.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَ بَرَ ٱ شُي رَ مّ، عَ ٱ مَ دُبّ سُشُ."} {"eng": "You brought us into prison. You laid a burden on our backs.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ مُشُ شُن تِ يّلّ كُي رَ، عِ مَن بَرَ كٌتٍ دْشْ مُشُ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Praise our God, you peoples! Make the sound of his praise heard,", "sus": "سِيٍ، وٌ شَ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَ تَنتُ، وٌ شَ وٌ شُي رَ مِنِ عَ مَتْشْقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The righteous shall be glad in Yahweh, and shall take refuge in him. All the upright in heart shall praise him!", "sus": "تِنشِنتْي سّيوَ مَ نّ عَلَتَلَ رَ، عَ قَ لُ عَ نِينِ بُن مَ. سٌندٌن قَنيِ كَنيِ حّلّشِنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "But those who seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ كَتَمَ ٱ قَشَدٍ، عٍ تَن نَن قَشَمَ."} {"eng": "God, you are my God. I will earnestly seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh longs for you, in a dry and weary land, where there is no water.", "sus": "عَلَ نَن ٱ مَرِفِ رَ. عَلَ ٱ عِ قٍنمَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ هَيِ نَ عِ مَ، عَلْ قَتٍ هَيِ تٌ نَ يٍ مَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "They fully intend to throw him down from his lofty place. They delight in lies. They bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.", "sus": "عٍ وُلٍ قَلَمَ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ مِشِيٍ بَ يِرٍ قَنيِ عٍ نُ دّننَشّ. عٍ دُبّ تِمَ عٍ دّ رَ، كْنْ عٍ دَنكّ تَن تِمَ عٍ بْحّ رَ. حّنفِ رَتٍ."} {"eng": "Hear my cry, God. Listen to my prayer.", "sus": "عَلَ، عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ مَشَندِ رَ. ٱ مَ مَشَندِ رَ مّ."} {"eng": "Don’t kill them, or my people may forget. Scatter them by your power, and bring them down, Lord our shield.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ، ٱ مَ كَنتَمَ، عِ نَشَ عٍ قَشَ كٍرٍن نَ. عِ شَ عٍ رَبِرَ عَلَكٌ ٱ مَ حَمَ نَشَ نّيمُ عِ سّنبّ مَ."} {"eng": "You count my wanderings. You put my tears into your container. Aren’t they in your book?", "sus": "عِ ٱ مَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ كٌلٌن، عِ ٱ يَيٍ تٌشِ. ٱ مَ تْورّ بِرِن سّبّشِ عِ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "But it was you, a man like me, my companion, and my familiar friend.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن ٱ لَنقَنمَ نَن عِ رَ، ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ، ٱ دّقَنبٌورٍ."} {"eng": "Destructive forces are within her. Threats and lies don’t depart from her streets.", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ قٍ بِرِن كَنَ. فبّسّنشْننّيَ نُن مَءِقُي بَرَ فبٌ تَا كُي."} {"eng": "“I would hurry to a shelter from the stormy wind and storm.”", "sus": "ٱ شَ ٱ فِ مَقُرٍن، عَلْ قٌيٍ شُنفبٍ."} {"eng": "Behold, God is my helper. The Lord is the one who sustains my soul.", "sus": "عَلَ ٱ مَلِمَ، ٱ مَرِفِ تِمَ ٱ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in God’s house. I trust in God’s loving kindness forever and ever.", "sus": "كْنْ، ٱ تَن نَشَن لَشِ عَلَ شَ هِننّ رَ، ٱ مَ قٍ بِرِن نَ سْونّيَقٍ عَلْ عٌلِوِ وُرِ تٌقَنيِ نَشَن نَ عَلَ شْنيِ.»"} {"eng": "Wash me throughly from mine iniquitie, and clense me from my sinne.", "sus": "مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ دٌوٍفٍ عٍدٌنكَ شَ قٍ رَ، نَشَن عَ قَلَ سْلُ بّ عَ دَوُدَ نَ عَشِمٍلٍكِ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.", "sus": "ٱ سّنِيّن هِسٌثِ بُرّشّ رَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ قِيشّ. ٱ سّنِيّن، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ قِيشّ قْين عَلْ شِحّ."} {"eng": "Call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”", "sus": "وٌ شَ ٱ شِلِ وٌ شَ تْورّ كُي. ٱ قَمَ وٌ رَتَنفَدٍ، وٌ قَن قَمَ ٱ مَتْشْدٍ.»"} {"eng": "I know all the birds of the mountains. The wild animals of the field are mine.", "sus": "ٱ فبٍ نَن نَ شْنِ بِرِن نَ كٌورٍ مَ. ٱ فبٍ نَن نَ سُبٍ بِرِن نَ قِيلِ مَ."} {"eng": "A man who has riches without understanding, is like the animals that perish.", "sus": "شَ بَننَ مِشِ شَشِلِ مُ نَ، عَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ سُبٍ نَشٍيٍ قَشَمَ."} {"eng": "Trembling took hold of them there, pain, as of a woman in travail.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فَاشُ نَ يَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ سّرّن عَلْ فِنّ نَشَن نَ دِ بَرِقٍ،"} {"eng": "The nations raged. The kingdoms were moved. He lifted his voice and the earth melted.", "sus": "سِيٍ سْنشْي رَتٍمَ، مَنفّيَيٍ بِرَ مَ نّ. عَلَ نّقّ عَ شُي رَ مِنِ، دُنِحَ بِرِن شُنُنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "You are the most excellent of the sons of men. Grace has anointed your lips, therefore God has blessed you forever.", "sus": "عِ تٌقَن عَدَ مَدِ بِرِن بّ، عِ قَتَ وْيّن حْشُنمّ تِدٍ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ بَرَكّ سَمَ عِ شَ قٍ مَ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "Why do you hide your face, and forget our affliction and our oppression?", "sus": "عِ يَتَفِ نْشُنمَ مُشُ مَ مُنقٍ رَ؟ عِ نّيمُشِ مُشُ شَ تْورّ نُن يَافِ مَ مُنقٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "“An evil disease”, they say, “has afflicted him. Now that he lies he shall rise up no more.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشّ، «قُرٍ حَاشِ بَرَ عَ سُشُ، عَ بَرَ تَفَن، عَ مُ كٍلِمَ سْنْن.»"} {"eng": "They who render evil for good are also adversaries to me, because I follow what is good.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ قٍ قَنيِ مَسَرَ مَ قٍ حَاشِ رَ، عٍ ٱ تْورْ مَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ تَن بِرَ مَ قٍ قَنيِ نَن قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Wait for Yahweh, and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land. When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.", "sus": "عِ شَشِلِ تِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، عَ شَ كِرَ سُشُ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عِ رَكٍلِ، عِ شَ يِ بْشِ سْتْ كّ رَ. نَ تّمُي عِ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ تٌمَ نّ عٍ هَلَكِشِ."} {"eng": "For such as are blessed by him shall inherit the land. Those who are cursed by him shall be cut off.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ بَرَكَتْييٍ يِ بْشِ سْتْمَ نّ كّ رَ، كْنْ عَلَ نَشَن دَنكَمَ، نَ كَنيِ قَمَ هَلَكِدٍ."} {"eng": "They shall not be disappointed in the time of evil. In the days of famine they shall be satisfied.", "sus": "عٍ مُ يَافِمَ تْورّ تّمُي، عٍ لُفَمَ نّ كَامّ وَشَتِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh knows the days of the perfect. Their inheritance shall be forever.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ حّنفِ سَشِ مِشِ قَنيِ شْن. عٍ كّ بُمَ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth.", "sus": "تِنشِنتَرٍ تِنشِنتْي يَنقَمَ، عَ شْنْ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "I will give you thanks in the great assembly. I will praise you among many people.", "sus": "نَ كُي ٱ عِ تَنتُمَ نّ مَلَنيِ شُنفبٍ كُي، ٱ عِ مَتْشْمَ حَمَ فبٍفبٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "All my bones shall say, “Yahweh, who is like you, who delivers the poor from him who is too strong for him; yes, the poor and the needy from him who robs him?”", "sus": "ٱ بْحّ عَ قَلَمَ نّ، «عَلَتَلَ، عِ مَنِيّ مُ نَ. ندٍ نْمَ تْورْ مِشِ رَتَنفَدٍ سّنبّمَ مَ؟ ندٍ نْمَ سٍتَرٍ رَتَنفَدٍ مُحّتِيٍ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "Let those who seek after my soul be disappointed and brought to dishonor. Let those who plot my ruin be turned back and confounded.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ ٱ يَشُييٍ رَيَافِ، عَ شَ عٍ شَشِلِ عِقُ، نَشٍيٍ وَ مَ ٱ قَشَقٍ. نَشٍيٍ قٍ حَاشِيٍ مَشِرِ مَ ٱ شُن مَ، عَلَ شَ عٍ رَيَافِ، عَ شَ عٍ كٍرِ."} {"eng": "Evil shall kill the wicked. Those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.", "sus": "قٍ حَاشِ نَن مِشِ حَاشِ قَشَمَ. تِنشِنتْي يَشُييٍ قَمَ حَشَنكَتَدٍ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s angel encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ عَلَ يَرَفَاشُييٍ رَبِلِنمَ نّ، عَ عٍ كَنتَ."} {"eng": "The counsel of Yahweh stands fast forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ شَ قٍ رَفِرِشِيٍ بُمَ عَبَدَن. عَ وَشْنقٍ سْونّيَمَ نّ وَشَتِ بِرِن."} {"eng": "For he spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood firm.", "sus": "عَ نَ وْيّن، عَ قٍ رَفِرِ مَ نّ. عَ نَ يَامَرِ قِ، عَ رَبَمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Many sorrows come to the wicked, but loving kindness shall surround him who trusts in Yahweh.", "sus": "قٍ شْنّ فبٍفبٍ رَفَتَشِ مِشِ حَاشِ بّ، كْنْ نَشَن عَ شَشِلِ تِشِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، عَلَ شَ قٌنِسِرٍيَ نَ كَنيِ رَبِلِنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "You have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy. You have set my feet in a large place.", "sus": "عِ مُ ٱ سٌشِ ٱ يَشُييٍ يِ رَ، عِ بَرَ ٱ شْرّيَ."} {"eng": "You have turned my mourning into dancing for me. You have removed my sackcloth, and clothed me with gladness,", "sus": "عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ نِمِسّ مَسَرَ سّيوّ رَ. عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ سُننُن دٌنمَ مَسَرَ حّلّشِن دٌنمَ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ ٱ سّنبّ نُن ٱ كَنتَمَ رَ. ٱ شَشِلِ تِشِ عَ تَن نَن نَ نَشَن ٱ مَلِمَ. ٱ بْحّ سّيوَ مَ نّ، ٱ قَ بّيتِ بَ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "Hear, Yahweh, when I cry with my voice. Have mercy also on me, and answer me.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ شُي رَ، ٱ نَ عِ مَشَندِقٍ. هِننّ ٱ نَ، عِ مَن شَ ٱ يَابِ."} {"eng": "Don’t gather my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloodthirsty men", "sus": "عِ نَشَ ٱ نِي بَ عَلْ يُنُبِتْييٍ نُن قَشَتِيٍ."} {"eng": "I will wash my hands in innocence, so I will go about your altar, Yahweh,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، ٱ نَن ٱ حّرّ كِ رَ سّنِيّن، ٱ مَن لُمَ نّ عِ شَ سّرّشّبَدٍ."} {"eng": "Judge me, Yahweh, for I have walked in my integrity. I have trusted also in Yahweh without wavering.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ ٱ مَ كِيتِ سَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ حّرّ كِ تِنشِن. ٱ بَرَ ٱ يّتّ تَشُ عِ رَ، ٱ مُ بِرَ مَ."} {"eng": "Consider my enemies, for they are many. They hate me with cruel hatred.", "sus": "عِ شَ عَ مَتٌ ٱ يَشُييٍ وُيَشِ كِ نَشّ. عٍ ٱ شْنشِ عَ حَاشِ رَ."} {"eng": "Deliver my soul from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dog.", "sus": "عِ شَ ٱ نِي رَكِسِ سَنتِدّفّمَ مَ. عِ شَ ٱ نَتَنفَ نَ بَرٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "He asked life of you and you gave it to him, even length of days forever and ever.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ عِ مَشَندِ عَ شَ سِمَيَ شَ قٍ رَ. عِ بَرَ نَ مَشَندِ سُشُ، عَ شَ سِمَيَ شْن نَشَ كُيَ هَن."} {"eng": "As soon as they hear of me they shall obey me. The foreigners shall submit themselves to me.", "sus": "عٍ ٱ شُي رَبَتُمَ، شْحّيٍ وْيّن حْشُنمّ قَلَمَ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "They cried, but there was no one to save; even to Yahweh, but he didn’t answer them.", "sus": "عٍ مِشِيٍ شِلِمَ عٍ شَ قَ عٍ مَلِ، كْنْ مِشِ يٌ مُ عٍ رَكِسِمَ. عٍ عَلَتَلَ شِلِمَ، كْنْ عَ قَن مُ عٍ يَابِمَ."} {"eng": "in whose eyes a vile man is despised, but who honors those who fear Yahweh; he who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and doesn’t change;", "sus": "عَ عَ مَكُيَمَ مِشِ رَ نَشَن مُ رَقَن عَلَ مَ، كْنْ عَ مِشِ بِنيَمَ نَشَن فَاشُمَ عَلَ يَ رَ. هَلِ عَ تْورْ مَ، عَ مُ عَ شَ مَرَكَلِ مَسَرَ مَ."} {"eng": "Why does the wicked person condemn God, and say in his heart, “God won’t call me into account?”", "sus": "مُنقٍ رَ مِشِ حَاشِ يٌمَ عَلَ مَ؟ مُنقٍ رَ عَ عَ قَلَمَ عَ يّتّ بّ، «عَلَ مُ ٱ حَشَنكَتَمَ»؟"} {"eng": "For the wicked boasts of his heart’s cravings. He blesses the greedy and condemns Yahweh.", "sus": "عَ عَ يّتّ عِفبٌمَ عَ شَ وَلِ حَاشِ شَ قٍ رَ. عَلَتَلَ شْنْمَ عَ شَ نَاقُلِ سْتْ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "In arrogance, the wicked hunt down the weak. They are caught in the schemes that they devise.", "sus": "يّتّ عِفبٌي سٍتَرٍيٍ تْورْ مَ، عَ شَ مَحْشُنيِ كٌبِ نْمَ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "My soul is also in great anguish. But you, Yahweh—how long?", "sus": "ٱ نِي بِرِن نَ سّرّنقٍ تْورّ رَ. عَلَتَلَ، هَن تّمُي مُندُن قَ؟"} {"eng": "You sons of men, how long shall my glory be turned into dishonor? Will you love vanity and seek after falsehood? Selah.", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِيٍ، وٌ ٱ مَ بِنيّ مَسَرَ مَ يَافِ رَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟ وٌ بِرَ مَ قٍ قُقَقُ نُن وُلٍ قْشْ رَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟"} {"eng": "I cry to Yahweh with my voice, and he answers me out of his holy hill. Selah.", "sus": "ٱ نَن ٱ شُي رَتٍ عَلَ مَ، عَ ٱ يَابِمَ كٍلِ عَ شَ فٍيَ سّنِيّنشِ قَرِ. حّنفِ رَتٍ."} {"eng": "“Let’s break their bonds apart, and cast their cords from us.”", "sus": "نَ دُنِحَ مَنفّيٍ نَشّ، «وٌن شَ وٌن بَ عٍ يِ رَ، وٌن شَ مِنِ عٍ شَ نْي بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "He had also seven sons and three daughters.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ دِ شّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نُن دِ فِنّ سَشَن سْتْ."} {"eng": "Out of his nostrils a smoke goes, as of a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.", "sus": "تُورِ ندٍ مِنِمَ عَ حْي، نَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ قِقَ نَشَن دْشْشِ تّ مَ، عَ سَتُنقٍ."} {"eng": "Who can strip off his outer garment? Who will come within his jaws?", "sus": "عَ بُرَ قّيرّ نَ ندٍ بّ؟ ندٍ مُ فَاشُمَ عَ حِنيِيٍ يَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Who has first given to me, that I should repay him? Everything under the heavens is mine.", "sus": "ندٍ ٱ دٌنِشِ سٍ ندٍ رَ ٱ نَشَن نَفبِلٍنمَ عَ مَ؟ دُنِحَ بِرِن قِندِشِ ٱ فبٍ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "“See now behemoth, which I made as well as you. He eats grass as an ox.", "sus": "«مَلِ مَتٌ بَ عَ قَنيِ رَ، نَ سُبٍ مَفَاشُشِ ٱ نَشَن دَاشِ عَلْ ٱ عِ قَن دَاشِ كِ نَشّ. عَ حٌوفٍ دٌنمَ عَلْ نِنفٍ."} {"eng": "Or do you have an arm like God? Can you thunder with a voice like him?", "sus": "عِ سّنبّ فبٌ عَلَ فبٍ بّ؟ عِ شُي مَفَاشُ عَلْ عَ فبٍ؟"} {"eng": "“Now brace yourself like a man. I will question you, and you will answer me.", "sus": "«عِ عِ تَفِ شِرِ فبٍن عَلْ فبَنفبَلَنيِ، ٱ شَ مَشْرِنيِ ندٍيٍ تِ عِ مَ، عِ شَ ٱ يَابِ."} {"eng": "“Have you given the horse might? Have you clothed his neck with a quivering mane?", "sus": "«عِ تَن نَن سٌي سّنبّ قِمَ عَ مَ؟ عِ تَن نَن عَ كْنيِ شَبٍيٍ رَكُيَمَ؟"} {"eng": "They bow themselves. They bear their young. They end their labor pains.", "sus": "عٍ نَ عٍ سَ، عٍ دِ بَرِ مَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ قُلُن عٍ قُرِ شَ شْنّ مَ."} {"eng": "Surely you know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!", "sus": "شَ عِ نَ بِرِن كٌلٌن، عَوَ عِ حَن نُ بَرَ بَرِ، عِ شَ سِمَيَ فبٌ."} {"eng": "“Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke out of the womb,", "sus": "«ندٍ بَا نَادّيٍ بَلَن، ٱ تٌ عَ رَ مِنِ بْشِ مَ؟"} {"eng": "He sends it out under the whole sky, and his lightning to the ends of the earth.", "sus": "عَ شَ سٍيَمَكْنيِ كٌورٍ بِرِن نَقٍمَ نّ، عَ دُنِحَ نَانِنيِ بِرِن لِ."} {"eng": "“Behold, God is mighty, and doesn’t despise anyone. He is mighty in strength of understanding.", "sus": "«عَلَ سّنبّ فبٌ، عَ مُ يٌمَ مِشِ يٌ مَ. عَ سّنبّ فبٌ، عَ حَنِفٍ قَن."} {"eng": "“For has any said to God, ‘I am guilty, but I will not offend any more.", "sus": "نَ مِشِ مْولِ مُ عَ قَلَمَ عَلَ بّ، ‹ٱ بَرَ فبِلٍن قٍ حَاشِ قْشْ رَ ٱ مَ حَشَنكَتّ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Should even one who hates justice govern? Will you condemn him who is righteous and mighty,", "sus": "تِنشِنتَرٍ نْمَ دُنِحَ يَمَرِدٍ؟ عِ تِنشِنتْي سّنبّمَ نَن كَلَمُمَ؟"} {"eng": "Let us choose for us that which is right. Let us know among ourselves what is good.", "sus": "وٌن شَ تِنشِنيِ سُفَندِ، وٌن شَ بِرَ قٍ قَنيِ قْشْ رَ.»"} {"eng": "In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumbering on the bed,", "sus": "عَ نْمَ وْيّندٍ شِيٍ رَ كْي رَ، مِشِ شِمَ تّمُي نَشّ عٍ شَ سَدٍ مَ."} {"eng": "My words will utter the uprightness of my heart. That which my lips know they will speak sincerely.", "sus": "ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ كٍلِشِ ٱ بْحّ قِيشّ نَن كُي، نْندِ نَن مِنِمَ ٱ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "“Behold, I waited for your words, and I listened for your reasoning, while you searched out what to say.", "sus": "«ٱ بَرَ وٌ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَحْنيِ مَمّ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ تُلِ مَتِ وٌ شَ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن نَ، وٌ نَشَن قَلَشِ عَيُبَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "I said, ‘Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom.’", "sus": "ٱ نَشّ، ‹قٌرِ نَن قَتَ وْيّندٍ، عَ شَ سِمَيَ شْنكُيٍ شَ قٍ رَ.›"} {"eng": "for it is a fire that consumes to destruction, and would root out all my increase.", "sus": "يّنّ، تّ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن سِفَمَ فَنيِ تِ رَ هَن يَهَننَمَ، عَ مِشِ هَرِفٍ بِرِن شُن نَكَنَ.»"} {"eng": "then let my wife grind for another, and let others sleep with her.", "sus": "ٱ مَ فِنّ شَ بَندٍ حِن شّمّ فبّتّ بّ، عَ تَن نُن نَ شَ كَقُ،"} {"eng": "They pluck salt herbs by the bushes. The roots of the broom tree are their food.", "sus": "عٍ نُ حٌوفٍيٍ مَتَلَمَ قْتْنيِيٍ كُي، وُرِ سَنكٍيٍ فبَنسَن نَن نُ قِندِ مَ عٍ شَ دٌنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "My root is spread out to the waters. The dew lies all night on my branch.", "sus": "ٱ نُ عَ مَحْشُنمَ ٱ مَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ سْونّيَمَ نّ، عَلْ سَنسِ نَشَن سَنكٍ بَرَ يٍ لِ، عَ سَلٌنيِ شِنِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "He establishes the force of the wind. Yes, he measures out the waters by measure.", "sus": "عَ تٌ فّ قٌيٍ نُن يٍ عِتَشُندٍ،"} {"eng": "Seeing it is hidden from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the birds of the sky.", "sus": "عَ نْشُنشِ نِمَسٍيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ نَ بْشِ مَ، عَ نْشُنشِ شْنِيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ نَ كٌورٍ مَ."} {"eng": "He puts his hand on the flinty rock, and he overturns the mountains by the roots.", "sus": "كْنْ عَدَ مَ تَن فّمّ شْرْشْي فٍمَ، هَن عَ فٍيَ بُنيِ لِ."} {"eng": "Terrors overtake him like waters. A storm steals him away in the night.", "sus": "فَاشُي عَ سُشُمَ تّرّننَ رَ، عَلْ بَنبَرَنيِ، عَلْ تُرُننَادّ كْي كُي."} {"eng": "If his children are multiplied, it is for the sword. His offspring will not be satisfied with bread.", "sus": "عَ شَ دِيٍ نَ وُيَ، عٍ قَشَمَ سَنتِدّفّمَ نَن نَ، عَ شَ مَمَدِيٍ قَشَ كَامّ رَ."} {"eng": "There are those who pluck the fatherless from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor,", "sus": "كِرِدِ نفَ شِحّيٍ بَمَ عٍ دّ عِ، سّيكّ رَ سُشُمَ سٍتَرٍيٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "that the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity, that they are led out to the day of wrath?", "sus": "مِشِ حَاشِ مُ فبَلٌي سْتْمَ فبَلٌي لْشْي، عَ رَتَنفَمَ نّ نَ شْنّ مَ."} {"eng": "if I have said to corruption, ‘You are my father,’ and to the worm, ‘My mother,’ and ‘My sister,’", "sus": "فَبُرِ شَ قِندِ ٱ بَبَ رَ، كُلِ شَ قِندِ نفَ نُن ٱ مَافِنّ رَ."} {"eng": "But now, God, you have surely worn me out. You have made all my company desolate.", "sus": "يَكْسِ قَ، ٱ بَرَ تَفَن. عَلَ، عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ دٍنبَيَ بِرِن هَلَكِ."} {"eng": "As the waters fail from the sea, and the river wastes and dries up,", "sus": "بَا نُن شُرٍ نْمَ شْرِدٍ،"} {"eng": "Look away from him, that he may rest, until he accomplishes, as a hireling, his day.", "sus": "عِ شَ فبِلٍن عَ قْشْ رَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ مَلَبُ عَلْ وَلِكّ عَ مَلَبُمَ كِ نَشّ وَلِ رَحْنيِ.»"} {"eng": "Why do you hide your face, and consider me your enemy?", "sus": "عِ مّيشِ ٱ نَ مُنقٍ رَ؟ عِ ٱ قِندِشِ عِ يَشُي رَ مُنقٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Behold, he will kill me. I have no hope. Nevertheless, I will maintain my ways before him.", "sus": "هَلِ عَلَ ٱ قَشَ، ٱ نَن ٱ شَشِلِ تِمَ عَ تَن نَن نَ. ٱ نَن ٱ يّتّ شُن مَقَلَمَ عَ تَن نَن يَ عِ."} {"eng": "He increases the nations, and he destroys them. He enlarges the nations, and he leads them captive.", "sus": "عَ حَمَنّيٍ شُن نَكٍلِمَ، عَ مَن عٍ شُن نَكَنَ. عَ عٍ رَ سِفَ، عَ مَن عٍ رَقَ."} {"eng": "If he passes by, or confines, or convenes a court, then who can oppose him?", "sus": "شَ عَلَ سَ مِشِ سُشُ، عَ قَ عَ مَكِيتِ، نْندِ لُمَ نَ كَنيِ بّ؟"} {"eng": "Its measure is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.", "sus": "عَ كُيَ بْشِ بّ، عَ شَ فبٌي دَنفِ بَا رَ."} {"eng": "“Can you fathom the mystery of God? Or can you probe the limits of the Almighty?", "sus": "عِ نْمَ عَلَ شَ تِلِنيِ كٌلٌندٍ؟ عِ نْمَ عَلَ سّنبّ كَنيِ شَشِلِ بِرِن قَهَامُدٍ؟"} {"eng": "the land dark as midnight, of the shadow of death, without any order, where the light is as midnight.’”", "sus": "دِ مِ شُنفبٍ نَ عَلِفِيَمَ. عَدَ مَ شَشِلِ عِقُمَ نَا. مّننِ نَءِيَلَنيِ يَتِ نَن قِندِ مَ دِ مِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I should have been as though I had not been. I should have been carried from the womb to the grave.", "sus": "ٱ مُ بَلٌمَ نُ، ٱ نُ تٌنفٌمَ نّ ٱ نفَ تّيفّ، ٱ نَفٌرٌ فَبُرِ كُي كٍرٍن نَ."} {"eng": "that you inquire after my iniquity, and search after my sin?", "sus": "عِ ٱ تْورْقٍ مُنقٍ رَ؟ عِ نَ ٱ مَ يُنُبِيٍ قٍنقٍ مُنقٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Is it good to you that you should oppress, that you should despise the work of your hands, and smile on the counsel of the wicked?", "sus": "ٱ تْورْقٍ رَقَن عِ مَ، ٱ تَن نَشَن قِندِشِ عِ شَ دَالِسٍ رَ؟ تِنشِنتَرٍ وَشْنقٍ رَقَن عِ مَ؟"} {"eng": "I will be condemned. Why then do I labor in vain?", "sus": "ٱ تٌ بَرَ يُنُبِ سْتْ، ٱ نْندِ قٍنمَ ٱ يّتّ بّ مُنقٍ رَ؟"} {"eng": "If the scourge kills suddenly, he will mock at the trial of the innocent.", "sus": "فبَلٌي نَ تِنشِنتْي لِ، عَلَ مُ نَ تْورّ تٌمَ."} {"eng": "“It is all the same. Therefore I say he destroys the blameless and the wicked.", "sus": "ٱ تَن بّ، عَ بِرِن كٍرٍن، بَرِ مَ عَلَ تِنشِنتْي نُن تِنشِنتَرٍ بِرِن حَشَنكَتَمَ."} {"eng": "He will not allow me to catch my breath, but fills me with bitterness.", "sus": "عَ مُ ٱ لُمَ ٱ شَ مَلَبُ، عَ بَرَ ٱ مَ شْنّ شُن مَسَ عَ حَاشِ رَ"} {"eng": "“Truly I know that it is so, but how can man be just with God?", "sus": "«ٱ نَ بِرِن كٌلٌنشِ نْندِ رَ. عَلَ نْمَ نْندِ قِدٍ عَدَ مَ مَ دِ؟"} {"eng": "“Please inquire of past generations. Find out about the learning of their fathers.", "sus": "«قَهَامُي قٍن وٌن بَبَيٍ رَ، عِ شَ شَشِلِ سْتْ نٍيٍ بٍنبَيٍ قَن نَ."} {"eng": "My soul refuses to touch them. They are as loathsome food to me.", "sus": "ٱ مُ نُ وَ مَ نَشَن شْن، نَ بَرَ قِندِ ٱ بَلٌي رَ هَلِ نَ قَ كَنَشِ."} {"eng": "Between morning and evening they are destroyed. They perish forever without any regarding it.", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِيٍ قَشَمَ لْشْ يٌ لْشْ، سٍسٍ مُ نَ كَنَمَ."} {"eng": "Behold, he puts no trust in his servants. He charges his angels with error.", "sus": "شَ عَلَ مُ لَ عَ شَ مَلٍكّيٍ رَ عَ شَ وَلِكّيٍ، شَ عَ تَنتَنيِ تٌمَ نٍيٍ مَ،"} {"eng": "“Why didn’t I die from the womb? Why didn’t I give up the spirit when my mother bore me?", "sus": "مُنقٍ رَ ٱ نفَ قُرِ مُ بِرَ نُ؟ مُنقٍ رَ ٱ مُ قَشَ نُ بٍينُ ٱ شَ بَرِ؟"} {"eng": "While he was still speaking, there came also another, and said, “Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house,", "sus": "نَ قَن مُ فّ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، شّيرَ فبّتّ نَشَ قَ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَيُبَ بّ، «عِ شَ دِيٍ تٌ نُ نَ شُلُنيِ تِقٍ عٍ تَارَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "It fell on a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house,", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ عَيُبَ شَ دِيٍ نُ نَ شُلُنيِ تِقٍ عٍ تَارَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "The king said again to Esther on the second day at the banquet of wine, “What is your petition, queen Esther? It shall be granted you. What is your request? Even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed.”", "sus": "نَ سِفّ قِرِن ندٍ كُي، مَنفّ نُ وّنِ مِنمَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ مَن نَشَ فبِلٍن عٍسِتَ مَشْرِن نَ، «عٍسِتَ، عِ وَ مَ نَشَن شْن مَ، عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ نَ رَبَ. مُنسٍ شْلِ عِ مَ؟ هَلِ عِ وَ مَ ٱ مَ مَنفّيَ تَفِ نَن شْن مَ، ٱ عَ قِمَ نّ عِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Let the clothing and the horse be delivered to the hand of one of the king’s most noble princes, that they may array the man whom the king delights to honor with them, and have him ride on horseback through the city square, and proclaim before him, ‘Thus it shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor!’”", "sus": "عِ شَ مِشِ شُنفبٍ ندٍ شَ نَ دُفِ رَفٌرٌ نَ مِشِ مَ، عِ وَ مَ نَشَن بِنيَقٍ. عَ نَ تٍ سٌي قَرِ، بٌورٍ شَ عَ رَحّرّ تَا كُي، عَ شَ سِفَ مَسٍنيِ تِ رَ، ‹وٌ عَ مَتٌ مَنفّ نَشَن نَبَمَ مِشِ بّ، عَ وَ مَ نَشَن بِنيَقٍ.›»"} {"eng": "Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, came to go in to the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the keeper of the women, advised. Esther obtained favor in the sight of all those who looked at her.", "sus": "Abixayili xa di Esita, Morodekayi naxan xuruxi, na xa tɛmui to a li sigafe ra mangɛ xɔnyi, a mu sese xanin a xun ma fo mangɛ xa walikɛ Hege naxan fala a bɛ. Esita nu rafan mixi birin ma."} {"eng": "So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal house in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عٍسِتَ رَ سٌ مَنفّ عَسُيٍرُ سُ شُن مَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ رَ، تٍبٍتِ كِكٍ قُ ندٍ رَ."} {"eng": "So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal house in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.", "sus": "E naxa Esita raso mangɛ Asuyerusu xun ma a xa mangɛya ɲɛ solofere nde ra, Tebeti kike fu nde ra."} {"eng": "He displayed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty many days, even one hundred eighty days.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَسُيٍرُ سُ نَشَ عَ شَ نَاقُلِ، نُن عَ شَ دَرِيّ مَسٍن عٍ بّ شِ كّمّ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌمَسَشَن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "I contended with them, cursed them, struck certain of them, plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, “You shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for your sons, or for yourselves.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ نَ قَن تْنيِ دْشْ عٍ مَ، ٱ قَ عٍ دَنكَ. ٱ نَشَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ بْنبْ، ٱ عٍ شُنسّشّ مَتَلَ. ٱ نَشَ قَ عٍ رَكَلِ عَلَ شِلِ رَ، «وٌ نَشَ وٌ شَ دِ فِنّيٍ قِ عٍ شَ دِ شّمّيٍ مَ، وٌ قَن نَشَ عٍ شَ دِ فِنّيٍ دْشْ وٌ يّتّ بّ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "I commanded the Levites that they should purify themselves, and that they should come and keep the gates, to sanctify the Sabbath day. Remember me for this also, my God, and spare me according to the greatness of your loving kindness.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ قَلَ لٍوِكَيٍ بّ، عٍ شَ عٍ يّتّ رَ سّنِيّن، عٍ شَ قَ نَادّيٍ مَكَنتَدٍ، عَلَكٌ مِشِيٍ شَ مَلَبُي لْشْي بِنيَ. ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، عِ شَ رَتُ ٱ مَ وَلِ مَ، عِ مَن شَ ٱ كَنتَ عِ شَ قٌنِسِرٍيَ كُي."} {"eng": "Remember me, my God, concerning this, and don’t wipe out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for its observances.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، عِ نَشَ نّيمُ ٱ مَ نَ شَ قٍ رَ. عِ شَ رَتُ ٱ مَ، ٱ وَلِ تِنشِنشِ نَشَن نَبَ عِ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نُن سَلِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But in all this, I was not at Jerusalem; for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I went to the king; and after some days I asked leave of the king,", "sus": "نَ بِرِن نَبَ تّمُي نَشّ، ٱ مُ نُ نَ دَرِ سَلَمُ، بَرِ مَ ٱ نُ بَرَ فبِلٍن بَبِلْن مَنفّ عَتَسَكَسِ يِرٍ، عَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن قِرِن ندٍ رَ. نَ حّ تٌ حْن، مَنفّ نَشَ تِن"} {"eng": "In the days of Joiakim were priests, heads of fathers’ households: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah, Hananiah;", "sus": "يٌيَكِمَ شَ وَشَتِ، سّرّشّدُبّ شَبِلّيٍ نُن عٍ شُنيِيٍ نَن يَ؛ مٍرَيَ نَن قِندِ سٍرَيَ شَبِلّ شُنيِ رَ. شَنَنِيَ نَن قِندِ يٍرٍ مِ شَبِلّ شُنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah,", "sus": "رٍشُمِ، شَسَبَنَ، مَاسٍيَ،"} {"eng": "“Yes, forty years you sustained them in the wilderness. They lacked nothing. Their clothes didn’t grow old, and their feet didn’t swell.", "sus": "حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ بُن مَ، عِ حّنفِ سَشِ عٍ شَ قٍ شْن مَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ. عٍ هَيِ نُ نَ سٍ نَشَن بِرِن مَ، عِ نَشَ نَ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ. عٍ شَ دُفِيٍ مُ كَنَ، عٍ سَنيِيٍ مُ قُنتُ.»"} {"eng": "Now in the twenty-fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, with sackcloth, and dirt on them.", "sus": "نَ كِكٍ شِ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ لْشْي، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ عٍ مَلَن عٍ شَ سُنيِ سُشُ. عٍ نَشَ سُننُن دٌنمَ رَفٌرٌ عٍ مَ، عٍ بّندّ مَسٌ عٍ قَتٍ مَ."} {"eng": "All the assembly of those who had come back out of the captivity made temporary shelters and lived in the temporary shelters, for since the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day the children of Israel had not done so. There was very great gladness.", "sus": "حَمَ، نَشٍيٍ بِرِن كٍلِ كٌنيِيَ كُي، عٍ نَشَ بَفٍيٍ تِ عٍ لُمَ نَشٍيٍ كُي. نَ نَشَ قِندِ سّيوّ بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَ. كَبِ نُنُ شَ دِ يٌسُوٍ تّمُي، عٍ مُ نُ نَ مْولِ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people (for he was above all the people), and when he opened it, all the people stood up.", "sus": "عٍسِدِرَ سِ نَشَ كِتَابُي رَبِ حَمَ يَ شْرِ. عَ نُ نَ دّننَشّ حَمَ بِرِن عَ تٌشِ. عَ تٌ كِتَابُي رَبِ، بِرِن نَشَ تِ."} {"eng": "The children of Pashhur: one thousand two hundred forty-seven.", "sus": "ثَسُرَ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ وُلُ كٍرٍن، مِشِ كّمّ قِرِن، مِشِ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن سٌلٌقٍرٍ."} {"eng": "in which was written, “It is reported among the nations, and Gashmu says it, that you and the Jews intend to rebel. Because of that, you are building the wall. You would be their king, according to these words.", "sus": "يِ نَن نُ سّبّشِ، «سِ بِرِن بَرَ قٍ ندٍ مّ وٌ شَ قٍ رَ. فٍسٍمِ قَن نَشّ عَ نْندِ نَ عَ رَ. عٍ نَشّ عَ عِ تَن نُن يُوِقِيٍ وَ مَ مَنفَسَنيِ مَتَندِقٍ، نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ وٌ نَ تّتّ يَءِلَنقٍ. عٍ مَن نَشّ عَ عِ تَن يَتِ وَ مَ قِندِقٍ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ."} {"eng": "Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come! Let’s meet together in the villages in the plain of Ono.” But they intended to harm me.", "sus": "سَنبَلَتِ نُن فٍسٍمِ نَشَ شّيرَ شّي ٱ شْن مَ، عَ قَلَقٍ، «قَ، وٌن شَ وٌن بٌرٍ تٌ كٍقِرِ مِ دَاشَ، عٌنٌ فُلُنبَ كُي.» عٍ نُ وَ مَ قٍ حَاشِ نَن نَبَقٍ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "Then I consulted with myself, and contended with the nobles and the rulers, and said to them, “You exact usury, everyone of his brother.” I held a great assembly against them.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ ٱ شَ كَلَمُي سَ كُنتِفِيٍ نُن كِيتِسَيٍ مَ. ٱ نَشَ عٍ مَشْرِن، «مُنقٍ رَ وٌ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ دٌنِمَ كْبِرِ عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ فٍينِ سْتْ؟» ٱ نَشَ مَلَنيِ بٍلٍبٍلٍ شِلِ نَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The king said to me (the queen was also sitting by him), “How long will your journey be? When will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me, and I set a time for him.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ ٱ مَشْرِن، عَ شَ فِنّ نُ دْشْشِ عَ سّيتِ مَ، عَ نَشّ، «عِ شَ بِيَاسِ بُمَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟» ٱ تٌ شِ كْنتِ قَلَ عَ بّ ٱ فبِلٍنمَ نَشَن مَ، مَنفّ نَشَ تِن ٱ شَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "Of the sons of Bani: Maadai, Amram, Uel,", "sus": "قَتَنقٍ بَنِ شَبِلّ رَ؛ مَادَيِ، عَمَرَ مَ، يُوّلِ،"} {"eng": "Ezra the priest stood up and said to them, “You have trespassed, and have married foreign women, increasing the guilt of Israel.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ عٍسِدِرَ سِ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «وٌ بَرَ وَلِ حَاشِ رَبَ سِ فبّتّ فِنّيٍ دْشْقٍ رَ. نَ بَرَ قِندِ يُنُبِ شُنفبٍ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بّ."} {"eng": "For I was ashamed to ask of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy on the way, because we had spoken to the king, saying, “The hand of our God is on all those who seek him, for good; but his power and his wrath is against all those who forsake him.”", "sus": "ٱ يَافِشِ مَنفّ مَشْرِندٍ عَ شَ سْورِيٍ شَ سَ مُشُ مَتِ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ مُشُ رَتَنفَ مُشُ يَشُييٍ مَ كِرَ شْن مَ. ٱ نُ بَرَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ بّ، «مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَ مّينِمَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ مَ، كْنْ عَ شْنْمَ سّنبّ رَ مِشِ بِرِن مَ نَشَن عَ رَبٌلٌمَ.»"} {"eng": "Of the sons of Joab, Obadiah the son of Jehiel; and with him two hundred eighteen males.", "sus": "عَبَدِيَسِ، نَشَن كٍلِ يٌوَبَ شَبِلّ. يّشِيّلِ شَ دِ نُن مِشِ كّمّ قِرِن مِشِ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَن."} {"eng": "Of the sons of Phinehas, Gershom. Of the sons of Ithamar, Daniel. Of the sons of David, Hattush.", "sus": "فٍرِ سٌمِ، نَشَن كٍلِ قِنٍشَسِ شَبِلّ. دَنِيّلِ، نَشَن كٍلِ عِتَمَرِ شَبِلّ. شَتُسِ، نَشَن كٍلِ دَوُدَ شَبِلّ."} {"eng": "May the God who has caused his name to dwell there overthrow all kings and peoples who stretch out their hand to alter this, to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree. Let it be done with all diligence.", "sus": "مَنفّ نُن مِشِ نَشَن بِرِن كَتَمَ عٍ شَ عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ رَبِرَ، نَشَن تِشِ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عَلَ شَ نَ كَنيِيٍ قَن نَبِرَ. ٱ تَن دَرِيُسِ، ٱ مَ يَمَرِ نَن نَ كِ. قٌ وٌ شَ نَ رَبَ نّ تٍكُ.»"} {"eng": "That which they have need of, including young bulls, rams, and lambs, for burnt offerings to the God of heaven; also wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests who are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail,", "sus": "عٍ هَيِ نَ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن مَ، عَ شَ قِندِ كٌورٍ عَلَ شَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ، وٌ شَ نَ قِ عٍ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ مَ، عَلْ تُورَ يْرّ، يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ، يّشّي، مّنفِ، قْشْي، وّنِ، نُن تُرٍ. وٌ شَ نَ قِ عٍ مَ لْشْ يٌ لْشْ عَلْ عٍ وَ مَ عَ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ. وٌ نَشَ نَ وَلِ لُ نَ دٍ،"} {"eng": "Thus they returned us answer, saying, “We are the servants of the God of heaven and earth and are building the house that was built these many years ago, which a great king of Israel built and finished.", "sus": "«كْنْ عٍ مُشُ يَابِشِ يِ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ؛ ‹عَلَ شَ كٌنيِيٍ نَن مُشُ رَ، نَشَن كٌورٍ نُن بْشِ دَاشِ. مُشُ وَ مَ عَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَن تِقٍ، عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ شُنفبٍ ندٍ نُ بَرَ نَشَن سِنفٍ تِ تّمُي شْنكُيٍ."} {"eng": "When the seventh month had come, and the children of Israel were in the cities, the people gathered themselves together as one man to Jerusalem.", "sus": "كِكٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ تٌ كَمَلِ، عِسِرَيِلَكَ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ نَ تَايٍ كُي، نٍيٍ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَلَن دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono, seven hundred twenty-five.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ كٍلِ لٌدِ نُن شَدِدِ، مِشِ كّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ، مِشِ مْشْحّن نُن سُولِ."} {"eng": "The children of Harim, three hundred twenty.", "sus": "شَرِ مَ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ سَشَن، مِشِ مْشْحّن."} {"eng": "The children of Gibbar, ninety-five.", "sus": "فِبَرِ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌمَنَانِ نُن سُولِ."} {"eng": "He carried those who had escaped from the sword away to Babylon, and they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia,", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ مُ قَشَ فٍرٍ كُي، نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نَشَ نٍيٍ شَنِن بَبِلْن كٌنيِيَ كُي عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ بّ، نٍيٍ لُ نَا نّ هَن ثٍرِ سٍ مَنفّيَ وَشَتِ."} {"eng": "So the service was prepared, and the priests stood in their place, and the Levites by their divisions, according to the king’s commandment.", "sus": "وَلِ رَبَ يِ كِ نّ؛ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نُن لٍوِكَيٍ نَشَ تِ عٍ سَنيِ رَ عٍ شُندّيٍ كِ مَ عَلْ مَنفّ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "The king went up to Yahweh’s house with all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem—the priests, the Levites, and all the people, both great and small—and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in Yahweh’s house.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ تٍ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ يِرٍ، يُدَيَكَيٍ، دَرِ سَلَمُكَيٍ، سّرّشّدُبّيٍ، لٍوِكَيٍ، نُن حَمَ بِرِن، كٍلِقٍ مِشِ مْشِيٍ مَ سَ دْشْ دِ مّيٍ رَ، بِرِن نَشَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ. مَنفّ نَشَ كِتَابُي شَرَن عٍ بّ عَلَ شَ سَاتّ قٍ سّبّشِ نَشَن كُي، عٍ نُ بَرَ نَشَن تٌ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "“Behold, I will gather you to your fathers, and you will be gathered to your grave in peace. Your eyes won’t see all the evil that I will bring on this place and on its inhabitants.”’” They brought back this message to the king.", "sus": "ٱ عِ شَنِنمَ نّ عِ بٍنبَيٍ يِرٍ بْحّسَ كُي. عٍ قَمَ عِ رَفَتَدٍ، عِ يَيٍ مُ يِ تَا نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ شَ حَشَنكَتّ تٌمَ.›» عٍ نَشَ نَ دّنتّفّ مَنفّ بّ."} {"eng": "“Go inquire of Yahweh for me, and for those who are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found; for great is Yahweh’s wrath that is poured out on us, because our fathers have not kept Yahweh’s word, to do according to all that is written in this book.”", "sus": "«وٌ سِفَ، وٌ سَ عَلَتَلَ مَشْرِن ٱ بّ، عَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نُن يُدَيَكَيٍ بّ، يِ مَسٍنيِ شَ قٍ رَ نَشَن سّبّشِ يِ كِتَابُي كُي وٌ نَشَن تٌشِ. عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ فبٌ وٌن شِلِ مَ، بَرِ مَ وٌن بَبَيٍ مُ عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُ عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ يِ كِتَابُي كُي كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "Now in the eighteenth year of his reign, when he had purged the land and the house, he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah the son of Joahaz the recorder to repair the house of Yahweh his God.", "sus": "يٌسِيَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَن ندٍ رَ، عَ نَشَ عَسَلِيَ شَ دِ سَقَن، نُن تَا فٌمِنَ مَاسٍيَ، نُن يٌوَشَسَ شَ دِ يٌوَ سّبّلِتِ شّي عَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ يَءِلَندٍ. عَ نُ وَ مَ بْشِ نُن هْرْ مْبَنشِ رَ سّنِيّنقٍ."} {"eng": "He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, after the abominations of the nations whom Yahweh cast out before the children of Israel.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ بِرَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ قْشْ رَ عَلْ سِيٍ عَلَتَلَ نَشٍيٍ كٍرِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "They spoke of the God of Jerusalem as of the gods of the peoples of the earth, which are the work of men’s hands.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَرِفِ عَلَ مَنِيَ سِ فبّتّيٍ شَ عَلَيٍ رَ، نَشٍيٍ قِندِشِ كُيٍ يَءِلَنشِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The whole assembly took counsel to keep another seven days, and they kept another seven days with gladness.", "sus": "حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ لَن عَ مَ، عٍ شَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ فبّتّ سَ نَ سَلِ شُن مَ. عٍ نَشَ نَ رَبَ سّيوّ كُي."} {"eng": "Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had good understanding in the service of Yahweh. So they ate throughout the feast for the seven days, offering sacrifices of peace offerings and making confession to Yahweh, the God of their fathers.", "sus": "شٍسٍكِيَ نَشَ لٍوِكَيٍ رَلِمَنِيَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ بَرَ عَلَتَلَ شَ وَلِ رَبَ عَ رَبَ كِ مَ. عٍ نَشَ سّرّشّيٍ دٌن شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ. عٍ مَن نَشَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّيٍ بَ عٍ بَبَيٍ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "For if you turn again to Yahweh, your brothers and your children will find compassion with those who led them captive, and will come again into this land, because Yahweh your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn away his face from you if you return to him.”", "sus": "شَ وٌ فبِلٍن عَلَتَلَ مَ، وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ نُن وٌ شَ دِيٍ هِننّ سْتْمَ نّ مِشِيٍ رَ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ شَنِن كٌنيِيَ كُي. شَ وٌ فبِلٍن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَ قَمَ نّ هِننّدٍ وٌ رَ، عَ مُ نّيمُمَ وٌ مَ.»"} {"eng": "The thing was right in the eyes of the king and of all the assembly.", "sus": "مَنفّ نُن حَمَ نَشَ تِن نَ نَتّ رَ."} {"eng": "At that time King Ahaz sent to the kings of Assyria to help him.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ، مَنفّ عَشَسِ نَشَ سِرِيَ مَنفّ مَشَندِ عَ شَ عَ مَلِ."} {"eng": "Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, first and last, behold, aren’t they written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel?", "sus": "عَمَسِيَ شَ تَرُشُي، عَ قْلّ نُن عَ رَحْنيِ بِرِن سّبّشِ يُدَيَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيٍ شَ تَرُشُي كُي."} {"eng": "Joash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth Shemesh and brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, four hundred cubits.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ يٌوَ سِ نَشَ يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَمَسِيَ قِندِ فٍيلِمَنِ رَ بٍتِ سٍمٍسِ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَنِن دَرِ سَلَمُ، عَ مّننِ تّتّ كَنكٍ يَ كّمّ رَبِرَ كٍلِقٍ عٍقِرَ مِ نَادّ مَ، سَ دْشْ تُشُي نَادّ رَ."} {"eng": "So Joash king of Israel went up, and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one another in the face at Beth Shemesh, which belongs to Judah.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ يٌوَ سِ نَشَ تٍ يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَمَسِيَ فٍرٍدٍ. نَ فٍرٍ نَشَ رَبَ بٍتِ سٍمٍسِ يُدَيَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "So the workmen worked, and the work of repairing went forward in their hands. They set up God’s house as it was designed, and strengthened it.", "sus": "وَلِ نَشَ سْونّيَ وَلِكّيٍ وَكِلِ سَابُي رَ. عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ شَ تٌقَنيِ سِنفٍ مَ، ندٍ نَشَ سَ عَ سّنبّ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "So all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was quiet. They had slain Athaliah with the sword.", "sus": "حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ سّيوَ، تَا نَشَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي، عَتَلَيَ قَشَ شَنبِ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ."} {"eng": "The Levites shall surround the king, every man with his weapons in his hand. Whoever comes into the house, let him be slain. Be with the king when he comes in and when he goes out.”", "sus": "لٍوِكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ بِلِن، سَنتِدّفّمَ سُشُشِ عٍ يِ رَ. مِشِ يٌ نَشَن كَتَمَ عَ شَ سٌ نَ بَنشِ كُي، وٌ عَ قَشَ. وٌ شَ لُ مَنفّ سّيتِ مَ عَ سٌ تّمُي نُن عَ مِنِ تّمُي.»"} {"eng": "So Edom has been in revolt from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time from under his hand, because he had forsaken Yahweh, the God of his fathers.", "sus": "هَن تٌ عٍدٌن مُ تِنشِ لُدٍ يُدَيَ شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ. لِبِنَ قَن نَشَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ مَتَندِ. نَ بِرِن يٌرَ مِ لِشِ نّ بَرِ مَ عَ نُ بَرَ عَ بَبَيٍ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَبٌلٌ."} {"eng": "Now when Jehoram had risen up over the kingdom of his father, and had strengthened himself, he killed all his brothers with the sword, and also some of the princes of Israel.", "sus": "يٍهٌرَ مِ تٌ تِ عَ بَبَ حْشْي رَ، عَ قَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ مَبَنبَن، عَ نَشَ عَ شُنيَيٍ بِرِن نُن عِسِرَيِلَ كُنتِفِ ندٍيٍ قَشَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ."} {"eng": "After this, Jehoshaphat king of Judah joined himself with Ahaziah king of Israel. The same did very wickedly.", "sus": "نَ تٌ دَنفِ يُدَيَ مَنفّ يٍهٌسَقَتِ نَشَ سَاتّ شِرِ عَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ عَشَسِيَ تَفِ، نَشَن حّرّ كِ حَاشُ."} {"eng": "For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. When they had finished the inhabitants of Seir, everyone helped to destroy each other.", "sus": "عَمٌنِكَيٍ نُن مٌوَبَكَيٍ نَشَ دِن سٍيِرِ فٍيَ مِشِيٍ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عٍ رَتْن، عٍ شَ عٍ سْنتْ. عٍ تٌ فّ نَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ بٌورٍ قَن قَشَ قْلْ."} {"eng": "These were those who waited on the king, in addition to those whom the king put in the fortified cities throughout all Judah.", "sus": "سْورِيٍ نَن نَ كِ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ مَنفّ بُن مَ، بَقٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ يُدَيَ تَا مَكَنتَشِيٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Jehoshaphat grew great exceedingly; and he built fortresses and store cities in Judah.", "sus": "يٍهٌسَقَتِ شَ قٍ نُ تٍمَ عَ قَنيِ رَ. عَ نَشَ يِرٍ مَكَنتَشِيٍ تِ يُدَيَ، عَ نُن تَا فبّتّيٍ بَلٌي رَفَتَمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "The fear of Yahweh fell on all the kingdoms of the lands that were around Judah, so that they made no war against Jehoshaphat.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ يَرَفَاشُي نَشَ لُ سِ فبّتّيٍ يِ رَ يُدَيَ رَبِلِنيِ، عٍ مُ يٍهٌسَقَتِ فٍرٍ سْنْن."} {"eng": "but sought the God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not in the ways of Israel.", "sus": "عَ نُ عَ بَبَ مَرِفِ عَلَ نَن بَتُمَ، عَ بِرَ عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ قْشْ رَ، عِسِرَيِلَ مُ نُ تِنمَ نَشٍيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“Let there be a treaty between me and you, as there was between my father and your father. Behold, I have sent you silver and gold. Go, break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel, that he may depart from me.”", "sus": "«وٌن شَ سَاتّ شِرِ وٌن تَفِ عَلْ ٱ بَبَ نُن عِ بَبَ عَ رَبَ كِ نَشّ. سَنبَ سٍ نَن يَ، شّيمَ نُن فبٍتِ، سَاتّ كَنَ نَشَن مَ عِ نُن بَاسَ تَفِ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ مَكُيَ ٱ نَ.»"} {"eng": "Also Maacah, the mother of Asa the king, he removed from being queen mother, because she had made an abominable image for an Asherah; so Asa cut down her image, ground it into dust, and burned it at the brook Kidron.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَسَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَمَ مَاكَ تِدٍ مَفٌرٌ، بَرِ مَ عَ نُ بَرَ عَسٍرَ كُيٍ يَءِلَن. عَسَ نَشَ عَ شَ كُيٍ يٍنسٍن، عَ قَ عَ فَن سٍدِرٌن فُلُنبَ كُي."} {"eng": "They struck all the cities around Gerar, for the fear of Yahweh came on them. They plundered all the cities, for there was much plunder in them.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ تَايٍ بِرِن كَنَ فٍرَرَ رَبِلِنيِيٍ، بَرِ مَ مّننِكَيٍ مُ سُو سَ عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ. عٍ نَشَ هَرِفٍ فبٍفبٍ بَ عٍ يِ رَ بَرِ مَ بَننَيَ نُ نَ مّننِ كِ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "He built fortified cities in Judah; for the land was quiet, and he had no war in those years, because Yahweh had given him rest.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ تَا مَكَنتَشِيٍ تِ يُدَيَ، بْحّسَ نُ نَ بْشِ بِرِن مَ. فٍرٍ يٌ مُ نُ نَ نَا نَ حّيٍ بُن مَ عَلَتَلَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Behold, God is with us at our head, and his priests with the trumpets of alarm to sound an alarm against you. Children of Israel, don’t fight against Yahweh, the God of your fathers; for you will not prosper.”", "sus": "عَلَ نُن عَ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نَن نَ مُشُ شُنيِيٍ رَ. سَرَيٍ نَ مُشُ يِ رَ نَشٍيٍ نْمَ شُي شُنفبٍ رَ مِنِدٍ عَلَكٌ فٍرٍ شَ رَ مَشَ وٌ شِلِ مَ. عِسِرَيِلَ شَ دِيٍ، وٌ نَشَ وٌ بَبَيٍ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ فٍرٍ. وٌ مُ شُننَكٍلِ سْتْمَ نَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had trespassed against Yahweh,", "sus": "نَ بَرَ عَ نِيَ مِسِرَ مَنفّ سِسَكِ شَ دَرِ سَلَمُ فٍرٍ رٌبٌوَ مِ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ سُولِ ندٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The priests and the Levites who were in all Israel stood with him out of all their territory.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نُن لٍوِكَيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ عٍ شْنيِ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ بِرِن مَ، عٍ شَ قَ يُدَيَ، عٍ كَقُ رٌبٌوَ مِ مَ."} {"eng": "But Yahweh’s word came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ شَ مِشِ سٍمَيَ بّ،"} {"eng": "Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ شَ مَنفّيَ نَشَ بُ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ دَرِ سَلَمُ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps. There was nothing like it made in any other kingdom.", "sus": "يّتّ قُ نُن قِرِن قَن مَسٌلِشِ نُ نَ تٍ سٍيٍ سّيتِيٍ مَ، سٍننِ نَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، سٍننِيٍ نَ كْولَ مَ. نَ كِبَنيِ مَنِيّ مُ نُ نَ مَنفَتَا يٌ كُي سِندٍن."} {"eng": "Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ كِبَنيِ شُنفبٍ يَءِلَن سِلِ حِنيِ رَ، عَ قَ عَ مَسٌ شّيمَ تِنسٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“Yahweh God, don’t turn away the face of your anointed. Remember your loving kindnesses to David your servant.”", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ عِ نَشَ عِ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ رَبّحِن، عِ شَ رَتُ عِ شَ كٌنيِ دَوُدَ شَ دُفُتّفّحَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "“Now therefore arise, Yahweh God, into your resting place, you, and the ark of your strength. Let your priests, Yahweh God, be clothed with salvation, and let your saints rejoice in goodness.", "sus": "«يَكْسِ ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، كٍلِ، عِ قَ عِ شَ مَلَبُدٍ، عِ تَن نُن عِ سّنبّ شَ لُ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ قْشْ رَ، عَلَكٌ كِسِ شَ لُ عِ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ بّ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ دَنشَنِيَتْييٍ شَ لُ هّيرِ كُي، ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ."} {"eng": "“Now therefore, Yahweh, the God of Israel, keep with your servant David my father that which you have promised him, saying, ‘There shall not fail you a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your children take heed to their way, to walk in my law as you have walked before me.’", "sus": "يَكْسِ، عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، عِ لَايِدِ نَشَن تٌنفٌشِ عِ شَ كٌنيِ ٱ بَبَ دَوُدَ بّ، عِ شَ نَ رَكَمَلِ. عِ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، ‹شَ عِ بْنسْي قّنتّن عٍ حّرّ كِ مَ عَلْ عِ عَ رَبَشِ كِ نَشّ، عٍ نَشَ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ بِنيَ، مِشِ ندٍ لُمَ نّ عٍ يَ مَ نَشَن لُمَ عِسِرَيِلَ كِبَنيِ كُي عَبَدَن.›"} {"eng": "He said, “Blessed be Yahweh, the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth to David my father, and has with his hands fulfilled it, saying,", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «تَنتُي نَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، نَشَن وْيّن ٱ بَبَ دَوُدَ بّ عَ كّرّ رَ. عَ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن قَلَ عَ بّ، عَ نَ بِرِن نَكَمَلِشِ نّ."} {"eng": "He also overlaid the house, the beams, the thresholds, its walls, and its doors with gold, and engraved cherubim on the walls.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ بَنشِ بِرِن مَسٌ شّيمَ رَ، عَ عَ مَسٌ بَنشِ كِنكِيٍ مَ، نَادّيٍ مَ، نَادّ فبَنيِيٍ مَ، نُن عَ سّيتِيٍ مَ. عَ مَن نَشَ مَلٍكّ مِسَالِ يَءِلَن بَنشِ كَنكٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Solomon counted all the foreigners who were in the land of Israel, after the census with which David his father had counted them; and they found one hundred fifty-three thousand six hundred.", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ مِشِيٍ كْنتِ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ قِندِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ رَ. عَ بَبَ دَوُدَ قَن نُ بَرَ نَ مْولِ رَبَ. نَ مِشِ شَسَبِ نُ لَنشِ مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ تٌنفٌ سُولِ نُن سَشَن كّمّ سٍننِ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all! In your hand is power and might! It is in your hand to make great, and to give strength to all!", "sus": "بَننَيَ نُن شُننَكٍلِ قَتَنشِ عِ تَن نَن نَ. عِ سٍ بِرِن يَمَرِ مَ، سّنبّ بِرِن نَ عِ يِ رَ. عِ كٍرٍن نَن نْمَ مِشِ فبٌدٍ، عِ كٍرٍن نَن نْمَ عَ رَ سَبَتِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Also Jonathan, David’s uncle, was a counselor, a man of understanding, and a scribe. Jehiel the son of Hachmoni was with the king’s sons.", "sus": "مَنفّ دَوُدَ بَبَ شُنيَ يٌنَتَن قِندِ مِشِ رَ سِ، لْننِلَ، نُن سّبّلِتِ نَن نَ. شَكِمٌنِ شَ دِ يّشِيّلِ نَن نُ مّينِمَ مَنفّ شَ دِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shitrai the Sharonite. Over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai.", "sus": "سِتِرَيِ سَرْنكَ نَن نُ مّينِمَ مَنفّ شَ شُرُ سٍ شُنفبٍيٍ مَ سَرْن بْشِ مَ. عَدَلَيِ شَ دِ سَقَتِ نَن قَن نُ مّينِمَ مَنفّ شَ شُرُ سٍ شُنفبٍيٍ مَ فُلُنبَ كُي."} {"eng": "of Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah; of Naphtali, Jeremoth the son of Azriel;", "sus": "سَبُلٌن بْنسْي شُن مَ، عَبَدِيَسِ شَ دِ يِسٍمَيَ. نَقَتَلِ بْنسْي شُن مَ، عَسِرِيّلِ شَ دِ يٍرِ مٌتِ."} {"eng": "He was of the children of Perez, the chief of all the captains of the army for the first month.", "sus": "سَبَدِيّلِ قِندِ ثٍرٍ سِ شَ دِ ندٍ نَن نَ. عَ قِندِ سْورِ بِرِن شَ مَنفّ نَن نَ حّ كِكٍ سِنفٍ."} {"eng": "for the fifteenth to Jeremoth, his sons and his brothers, twelve;", "sus": "عَ قُ نُن سُولِ ندٍ، يٍرِ مٌتِ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ، عٍ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "the eighth to Jeshaiah, his sons and his brothers, twelve;", "sus": "عَ سٌلٌمَسَشَن ندٍ، يّسَيَ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ، عٍ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "the seventeenth to Hezir, the eighteenth to Happizzez,", "sus": "عَ قُ نُن سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ شٍسِرِ، عَ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَن ندٍ هَثِسّسِ،"} {"eng": "David, with Zadok of the sons of Eleazar and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, divided them according to their ordering in their service.", "sus": "سَدْكِ، عٍلٍيَسَرِ شَ دِ، نُن عَشِمٍلٍكِ، عِتَمَرِ شَ دِيٍ، نَشَ دَوُدَ مَلِ هَرُنَ شَ دِيٍ عِتَشُنقٍ رَ عٍ وَلِ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "The sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. The sons of Mahli: Eleazar and Kish.", "sus": "مٍرَرِ شَ دِيٍ؛ مَشَلِ نُن مُسِ. مَشَلِ شَ دِيٍ؛ عٍلٍيَسَرِ نُن كِسِ."} {"eng": "David said to Solomon his son, “As for me, it was in my heart to build a house to the name of Yahweh my God.", "sus": "عَ نَشّ، «ٱ مَ دِ، نَتّ نُ نَ ٱ بّ ٱ شَ بَنشِ تِ ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ،"} {"eng": "When the servants of Hadadezer saw that they were defeated by Israel, they made peace with David and served him. The Syrians would not help the children of Ammon any more.", "sus": "هَدَدٍ سٍرِ مَلِمَيٍ تٌ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بَرَ عٍ بْنبْ، عٍ نَشَ لَنيِ شِرِ عٍ نُن دَوُدَ تَفِ، عٍ نَشَ لُ عَ شَ يَامَرِ بُن. كَبِ نَ وَشَتِ، سِرِيَكَيٍ مُ تِنمَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ مَلِدٍ سْنْن."} {"eng": "He will build me a house, and I will establish his throne forever.", "sus": "نَ كَنيِ نَن قَمَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تِدٍ ٱ بّ. ٱ عَ رَ سَبَتِمَ مَنفّيَ كُي، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ بُ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "when you were but a few men in number, yes, very few, and foreigners in it.", "sus": "وٌ مُ نُ فبٌ، شْحّ نَن نُ وٌ رَ نَ بْشِ كُي."} {"eng": "They left their gods there; and David gave a command, and they were burned with fire.", "sus": "قِلِسِتَكَيٍ نُ بَرَ عٍ شَ كُيٍيٍ لُ فٍرٍ يِرٍ. دَوُدَ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عٍ شَ فَن."} {"eng": "On the other side of the Jordan, of the Reubenites, the Gadites, and of the half-tribe of Manasseh, with all kinds of instruments of war for the battle: one hundred twenty thousand.", "sus": "سْورِ نَشٍيٍ كٍلِ يُرُدّن نَاكِرِ مَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ بِرِ، نٍيٍ قِندِ رُبٍنكَيٍ، فَدِكَيٍ، نُن مَنَسِكَيٍ نَن نَ، عٍ لَن مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ مْشْحّن نَن مَ. فٍرٍ سٌسٍيٍ نَ عٍ بِرِن يِ رَ."} {"eng": "As he went to Ziklag, some from Manasseh joined him: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, captains of thousands who were of Manasseh.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نَ قَلَ، دَوُدَ نَشَ فبِلٍن سِكِلَفَ. مَنَسِكَ نَشٍيٍ نُ بِرَشِ عَ قْشْ رَ، عٍ شِلِيٍ نَن يَ؛ عَدٍنَ، يٌسَبَدِ، يٍدِيَيٍلِ، مِكَيٍلِ، يٌسَبَدِ، عٍلِهُ، نُن سِلٍتَيِ. سْورِ وُلُ كٍرٍن مَنفّ نَن نُ نَ عٍ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "These are those who went over the Jordan in the first month, when it had overflowed all its banks; and they put to flight all who lived in the valleys, both toward the east and toward the west.", "sus": "نٍيٍ نَشَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ فِرِ عَ رَقٍشِ تّمُي نَشّ، كِكٍ سِنفٍ، عٍ قَ فٍيَ لَنبَنيِ مِشِيٍ كٍرِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ نُن سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "Ezer the chief, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third,", "sus": "عٍ شِلِيٍ نَن يَ؛ عٍسٍرِ، عٍ شُنيِ، عَبَدِيَسِ، عَ قِرِن ندٍ، عٍلِيَبِ، عَ سَشَن ندٍ،"} {"eng": "Benaiah the son of Jehoiada did these things and had a name among the three mighty men.", "sus": "يٍهٌيَدَ شَ دِ بّنَيَ شَ قٍ شُنفبٍ نَن نَ كِ. عَ شِلِ فبٌ نَ سّنبّمَ سَشَنيِ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, “You will not come in here!” Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion. The same is David’s city.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ دَوُدَ بّ، «عِ مُ سٌمَ بٍ قٍوٌ.» كْنْ دَوُدَ نَشَ نْ سِيٌن يِرٍ مَكَنتَشِ مَسْتْدٍ. نَ كُي عٍ مّننِ شِلِ قَلَ دَوُدَ شَ تَا."} {"eng": "Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain on Mount Gilboa.", "sus": "قِلِسِتَكَيٍ نَشَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ فٍرٍ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ عٍ فِ، عَ فبٍفبٍ نَشَ قَشَ فِلِبٌوَ فٍيَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "On the four sides were the gatekeepers, toward the east, west, north, and south.", "sus": "نَادّ مَكَنتّ ندٍيٍ نُ تِشِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ، سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ، كْولَ، نُن يِرٍقَنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "and Bakbakkar, Heresh, Galal, and Mattaniah the son of Mica, the son of Zichri, the son of Asaph,", "sus": "عَ نُن بَكِبَكَرِ، شٍرٍ سِ، فَلَلِ، مَتَنِيَ، مِكَ شَ دِ، سِكِرِ شَ دِ، عَسَقِ شَ دِ،"} {"eng": "Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who carried them captive; and he became the father of Uzza and Ahihud.", "sus": "نَامَن، عَهِيَ، نُن فٍرَ. سِنفٍ عٍ نُ نَ فٍبَ، كْنْ فٍرَ نَشَ عٍ شَنِن مَنَشَتِ. فٍرَ نَشَ عُسَ نُن عَشِشُدِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "Zabad his son, Shuthelah his son, Ezer, and Elead, whom the men of Gath who were born in the land killed, because they came down to take away their livestock.", "sus": "تَشَتِ نَشَ سَبَدِ سْتْ. سَبَدِ نَشَ سُتٍلَ سْتْ. فَتِكَيٍ نَشَ عٍسٍرِ نُن عٍلٍيَدِ قَشَ نٍيٍ تٌ سِفَ عٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ مُحَدٍ. عٍسٍرِ نُن عٍلٍيَدِ بَرِ مّننِ نّ."} {"eng": "Maacah the wife of Machir bore a son, and she named him Peresh. The name of his brother was Sheresh; and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.", "sus": "مَكِرِ شَ فِنّ مَاكَ نَشَ دِ بَرِ، عَ شِلِ سَ ثٍرٍ سِ شُن مَ. عَ شُنيَ شِلِ سٍرٍ سِ. ثٍرٍ سِ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ عُلَمِ نُن رَكٍمِ."} {"eng": "the son of Ethni, the son of Zerah, the son of Adaiah,", "sus": "عٍتِنِ شَ دِ، سٍرَ شَ دِ، عَدَيَ شَ دِ،"} {"eng": "They ministered with song before the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting until Solomon had built Yahweh’s house in Jerusalem. They performed the duties of their office according to their order.", "sus": "سِنفٍ عٍ نُ بّيتِ بَمَ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ نَن يَ رَ، كِرِ بَنشِ نَرَلَندٍ. عٍ نَشَ نَ وَلِ رَبَ مّننِ هَن مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تِشِ دَرِ سَلَمُ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "As for Elkanah, the sons of Elkanah: Zophai his son, Nahath his son,", "sus": "عٍلٍكَنَ نَشَ سٌقَيِ سْتْ. سٌقَيِ نَشَ نَشَتِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "The sons of Reuben, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, of valiant men, men able to bear buckler and sword, able to shoot with bow, and skillful in war, were forty-four thousand seven hundred sixty that were able to go out to war.", "sus": "رُبٍن بْنسْي، فَدِ بْنسْي، نُن مَنَسِ بْنسْي سّيتِ كٍرٍن، عٍ شَ سْورِ شَسَبِ سِفَمَ هَن مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن نَانِ، مِشِ كّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ تٌنفٌ سٍننِ. عٍ بِرِن قَتَ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ. مَكَنتَسٍ، سَنتِدّفّمَ، نُن شَلِ نُ نَ عٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "They lived in Gilead in Bashan and in its towns, and in all the pasture lands of Sharon as far as their borders.", "sus": "عٍ سَبَتِشِ فَلَدِ، بَسَن، نَ رَبِلِنيِ، هَن سَرْن نَانِنيِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "and Beerah his son, whom Tilgath Pilneser king of Assyria carried away captive. He was prince of the Reubenites.", "sus": "بَلِ نَشَ بّيرَ سْتْ. عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ تِفِلَتِ ثِلٍسٍرِ نَشَ رُبٍن بْنسْي مَنفّدِ بّيرَ شَنِن كٌنيِيَ كُي."} {"eng": "Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni, and Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah.", "sus": "نَيَرَ نَشَ عَشُسَمِ، شٍقٍرِ، تٍمٍنِ، نُن عَشَسٍتَرِ بَرِ عَسٍشُرِ بّ."} {"eng": "Amon his son, and Josiah his son.", "sus": "مَنَسِ نَشَ عَمٌن سْتْ. عَمٌن نَشَ يٌسِيَ سْتْ."} {"eng": "She bore also Shaaph the father of Madmannah, Sheva the father of Machbena and the father of Gibea; and the daughter of Caleb was Achsah.", "sus": "عَ مَن نَشَ مَدَ مَننَ بَبَ سَاقِ نُن مَكَبٍنَ نُن فِبِيَ بَبَ سٍوَ بَرِ. كَلٍبِ شَ دِ فِنّ شِلِ عَكَسَ."} {"eng": "The sons of Jahdai: Regem, Jothan, Geshan, Pelet, Ephah, and Shaaph.", "sus": "يَدَيِ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ رٍفٍمِ، يٌتَمِ، فٍسَنَ، ثّلّتِ، عٍقَ، نُن سَاقِ."} {"eng": "The son of Anah: Dishon. The sons of Dishon: Hamran, Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran.", "sus": "عَنَ شَ دِ شِلِ دِ سٌن. دِ سٌن شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ شٍمٍدَن، عٍسٍبَن، يِتِرَن، نُن كٍرَن."} {"eng": "Serug, Nahor, Terah,", "sus": "رٍوُ نَشَ سٍرُفُ سْتْ. سٍرُفُ نَشَ نَشٌرِ سْتْ. نَشٌرِ نَشَ تٍرَ سْتْ."} {"eng": "The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.", "sus": "هَمِ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ كُسِ، مِسِرَيِمِ، ثُتِ، نُن كَنَان."} {"eng": "Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took them, and brought them to the king of Babylon to Riblah.", "sus": "بَبِلْن سْورِ مَنفّ نٍبُسَرَدَن نَشَ نَ مِشِ بِرِن شَنِن بَبِلْن مَنفّ شْن مَ رِبِلَ."} {"eng": "Now in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard, a servant of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem.", "sus": "كِكٍ سُولِ ندٍ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ رَ، نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَنَانِ ندٍ نَن نُ عَ رَ بَبِلْن شُن مَ، نٍبُسَرَدَن بَبِلْن مَنفّ شَ سْورِ شُنيِ نَشَ سِفَ دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. His mother’s name was Nehushta the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.", "sus": "يٍهٌيَكِنِ حّ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَن نَن نُ عَ رَ، عَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ تّمُي نَشّ. عَ نَشَ مَنفّيَ كِكٍ سَشَن نَبَ دَرِ سَلَمُ. عَ نفَ نُ شِلِ نٍشُسٍتَ، عٍلِنَتَن شَ دِ، نَشَن كٍلِ دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "He defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech.", "sus": "مَنفّ يٌسِيَ نَشَ سّرّشّبَدٍ ندٍ كَنَ نَشَن نُ شِلِ تٌقٍتِ، عَلَكٌ مِشِ يٌ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ بَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ مْلْكْ كُيٍ بّ سْنْن. نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ نُ نَ بٍن هِنٌمَ شَ فُلُنبَ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "The king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before Yahweh to walk after Yahweh and to keep his commandments, his testimonies, and his statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to confirm the words of this covenant that were written in this book; and all the people agreed to the covenant.", "sus": "مَنفّ نُ تِشِ بُنتُنيِ نَن نَ، عَ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌ بِرَقٍ رَ عَلَتَلَ قْشْ رَ، عَ شَ عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ، عَ شَ سّرِيّ، نُن عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن نَبَتُ عَ بْحّ نُن عَ نِي بِرِن نَ، عَلَكٌ نَ سَاتّ كِتَابُي شَ مَسٍنيِ شَ كَمَلِ. حَمَ قَن نَشَ نَ سَاتّ تٌنفٌ."} {"eng": "When the king had heard the words of the book of the law, he tore his clothes.", "sus": "مَنفّ تٌ سّرِيّ كِتَابُي شَ مَسٍنيِ مّ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ سٌسٍيٍ عِبْو سُننُنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and all that he did, and his sin that he sinned, aren’t they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?", "sus": "مَنَسِ شَ تَرُشُي دْنشْي، عَ قٍ حَاشِ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن نَبَ، نَ سّبّشِ يُدَيَ مَنفّيٍ شَ تَرُشُي كُي."} {"eng": "because they have done that which is evil in my sight, and have provoked me to anger since the day their fathers came out of Egypt, even to this day.’”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عٍ بَرَ قٍ رَبَ نَشَن مُ رَقَن ٱ مَ، عٍ تِ ٱ كَنكٍ كَبِ ٱ عٍ بٍنبَيٍ رَ مِنِشِ تّمُي نَشّ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hephzibah.", "sus": "مَنَسِ حّ قُ نُن قِرِن نَن نُ عَ رَ عَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ تّمُي نَشّ. عَ نَشَ لُ كِبَنيِ كُي حّ تٌنفٌ سُولِ بُن مَ دَرِ سَلَمُ. عَ نفَ نُ شِلِ نّ شٍقٍسِبَ."} {"eng": "‘They will take away some of your sons who will issue from you, whom you will father; and they will be eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.’”", "sus": "عٍ قَمَ عِ شَ دِيٍ سُشُدٍ، عِ نَشٍيٍ بَرِشِ، عٍ عٍ بَنَ بَبِلْن مَنفّ بّ.›»"} {"eng": "Isaiah said, “Take a cake of figs.” They took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.", "sus": "عَننَبِ عٍسَيِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ شٍسٍكِيَ شَ مِشِيٍ بّ، «وٌ شْرّ بٌفِ شَرَشِ ندٍ مْندْ، وٌ شَ عَ سَ عَ شَ قِ يَ عِ.» عٍ نَشَ نَ رَبَ، شٍسٍكِيَ نَشَ يَلَن."} {"eng": "As he was worshiping in the house of Nisroch his god, Adrammelech and Sharezer struck him with the sword; and they escaped into the land of Ararat. Esar Haddon his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ، عَ تٌ نُ نَ سَلِقٍ عَ شَ عَلَ نِسِرِ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عَدَرَ مٍلٍكِ نُن سَرٍ سٍرِ نَشَ عَ قَشَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ، عٍ عٍ فِ عَرَرَتِ بْشِ مَ. عٍسَرِشَدٌنِ نَشَ تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ بَبَ سٍنَشٍرِبِ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "For out of Jerusalem a remnant will go out, and out of Mount Zion those who shall escape. Yahweh’s zeal will perform this.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ رَتَنفَمَ نّ قَشّ مَ دَرِ سَلَمُ، سِيٌنِ مِشِ ندٍيٍ كِسِمَ نّ. عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ عَ مَقُرَ مَ نّ نَ بِرِن نَبَدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Have the gods of the nations delivered them, which my fathers have destroyed—Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, and the children of Eden who were in Telassar?", "sus": "ٱ بٍنبَيٍ سِ نَشٍيٍ بْنبْ، عٍ شَ عَلَيٍ عٍ رَتَنفَ نّ، عَلْ فٌسَن، شَرَنِ، رٍ سٍقَ، نُن عٍدٍن بْنسْي نَشٍيٍ نَ تٍلِ عَسَرِ؟"} {"eng": "The children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; they didn’t depart from them", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ بِرَ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ شَ يُنُبِيٍ بِرِن قْشْ رَ. عٍ مُ عٍ مَكُيَ نٍيٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "and there they burned incense in all the high places, as the nations whom Yahweh carried away before them did; and they did wicked things to provoke Yahweh to anger;", "sus": "مّننِ، عٍ نَشَ سُرَيِ فَن سّرّشّ رَ نَ كُيٍيٍ بّ، عَلْ سِيٍ نُ عَ رَبَمَ كِ نَشّ، عَلَتَلَ نَشٍيٍ كٍرِ عٍ يَ رَ. عٍ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَتَندِ عٍ شَ نَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Urijah the priest built an altar. According to all that King Ahaz had sent from Damascus, so Urijah the priest made it for the coming of King Ahaz from Damascus.", "sus": "عُرِ نَشَ نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ مْولِ تِ دَرِ سَلَمُ، بٍينُن مَنفّ عَشَسِ شَ فبِلٍن كٍلِقٍ دَ مَسِ."} {"eng": "King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath Pileser king of Assyria, and saw the altar that was at Damascus; and King Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest a drawing of the altar and plans to build it.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَشَسِ تٌ سِفَ دَ مَسِ، عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ تِفِلَتِ ثِلٍسٍرِ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ سّرّشّبَدٍ تٌ نَا. عَ نَشَ نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ ثِرِنتِ نُن عَ يَءِلَن كِ رَ سَنبَ عُرِ سّرّشّدُبّ مَ دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "In the fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah, Pekahiah the son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria for two years.", "sus": "يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَسَرَيَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ تٌنفٌ سُولِ ندٍ رَ، مٍنَشٍمِ شَ دِ ثٍكَشَيَ نَشَ تِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ سَمَرِ. عَ نَشَ مَنفّيَ حّ قِرِن نَبَ."} {"eng": "He took all the gold and silver and all the vessels that were found in Yahweh’s house and in the treasures of the king’s house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ شّيمَ نُن فبٍتِ بِرِن تٌنفٌ نَشَن نُ نَ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ نُن مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ كُي. عَ نَشَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ قَن سُشُ، عَ فبِلٍن سَمَرِ."} {"eng": "Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz took again out of the hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by war. Joash struck him three times, and recovered the cities of Israel.", "sus": "يٍهٌوَشَسِ شَ دِ يٍهٌوَ سَ نَشَ تَايٍ بَ بٍن هَدَدَ يِ رَ، نَ بَبَ شَسَيٍلِ نَشٍيٍ بَ عَ بَبَ يٍهٌوَشَسِ يِ رَ فٍرٍ كُي. يٌوَ سِ نَشَ عَ بْنبْ سَنيَ سَشَن، عَ نَ تَايٍ مَسْتْ."} {"eng": "Hazael king of Syria died; and Benhadad his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "عَرَ مِ مَنفّ شَسَيٍلِ نَشَ قَشَ، عَ شَ دِ بٍن هَدَدَ نَشَ تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "But Yahweh was gracious to them, and had compassion on them, and favored them because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and would not destroy them and he didn’t cast them from his presence as yet.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ كِنِكِنِ عٍ مَ. عَ نَشَ هِننّ عٍ رَ عَ شَ سَاتّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشَن شِرِ عِبُرَهِمَ، عِسِيَفَ، نُن يَشُبَ تَفِ. هَن يَكْسِ عَلَتَلَ مّينِمَ عٍ مَ نَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Hazael king of Syria oppressed Israel all the days of Jehoahaz.", "sus": "عَرَ مِ مَنفّ شَسَيٍلِ نُ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تْورْ مَ يٍهٌوَشَسِ شَ مَنفّيَ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Now when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal offspring.", "sus": "عَشَسِيَ نفَ عَتَلَيَ تٌ عَ تٌ عَ شَ دِ بَرَ قَشَ، عَ نَشَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ عَ شَ مَنفّ بْنسْي بِرِن قَشَ."} {"eng": "As soon as he had finished offering the burnt offering, Jehu said to the guard and to the captains, “Go in and kill them! Let no one escape.” So they struck them with the edge of the sword. The guard and the captains threw the bodies out, and went to the inner shrine of the house of Baal.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فّ سّرّشّ بَدٍ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شَ سْورِ فبَنفبَلَنيِيٍ بّ، «وٌ سٌ، وٌ عٍ بِرِن قَشَ، مِشِ يٌ نَشَ كِسِ.» سْورِيٍ نَشَ عٍ قَشَ عٍ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَيٍ رَ، عٍ عٍ قُرٍ لُ نَا. نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عٍ نَشَ سٌ يِرٍ بَلِ كُيٍ نُ رَفَتَشِ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Now therefore call to me all the prophets of Baal, all of his worshipers, and all of his priests. Let no one be absent, for I have a great sacrifice to Baal. Whoever is absent, he shall not live.” But Jehu did deceptively, intending to destroy the worshipers of Baal.", "sus": "يَكْسِ قَ وٌ بَلِ كُيٍ شَ نَمِحْنمّيٍ بِرِن مَشِلِ، عَ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ بِرِن نُن عَ بَتُمَ بِرِن، كٍرٍن نَشَ لُ. عٍ بِرِن شَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ، بَرِ مَ ٱ وَ مَ سّرّشّ فبٍفبٍ بَقٍ بَلِ كُيٍ بّ. شَ نَشَن يٌ مُ لَن نَ سّرّشّ، ٱ نَ كَنيِ قَشَمَ نّ.» كْنْ نَ مَسٍنيِ كُي، يٍهُ نُ وَ مَ عٍ مَدَشُقٍ نّ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ بَلِ كُيٍ بَتُي بِرِن سْنتْ."} {"eng": "You must strike your master Ahab’s house, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of Yahweh, at the hand of Jezebel.", "sus": "عِ قَمَ عِ شَ مَنفّ عَكَبُ بْنسْي سْنتْدٍ، عَلَكٌ ٱ مَ نَمِحْنمّيٍ نُن ٱ مَ كٌنيِيٍ فبٍ شَ حْشْ."} {"eng": "He walked in the way of Ahab’s house and did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight, as did Ahab’s house, for he was the son-in-law of Ahab’s house.", "sus": "عَ تٌ كٍلِشِ عَكَبُ بْنسْي نّ، عَ نَشَ عَ حّرّ نَ كِرَ شْن، عَ قٍ رَبَ نَشَن مُ رَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ."} {"eng": "Then he departed from Elisha, and came to his master, who said to him, “What did Elisha say to you?” He answered, “He told me that you would surely recover.”", "sus": "شَسَيٍلِ نَشَ كٍلِ عٍلِسٍ شُن مَ، عَ فبِلٍن عَ شَ مَنفّ يِرٍ. نَ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عٍلِسٍ مُنسٍ قَلَشِ عِ بّ؟» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَ عَ قَلَشِ نّ عَ عِ يَلَنمَ.»"} {"eng": "The king had appointed the captain on whose hand he leaned to be in charge of the gate; and the people trampled over him in the gate, and he died as the man of God had said, who spoke when the king came down to him.", "sus": "مَنفّ نُ بَرَ عَ مَتِمَ لُ تَا سٌدٍ دّ رَ. حَمَ تٌ مِنِ تَا كُي عٍ شَ فبَتَ فبَتَ كُي، عٍ نَشَ نَ مَنفّ شَ مِشِ مَبٌرٌن، عَ قَشَ. نَمِحْنمّ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَشَ كَمَلِ، عَ نَشَن قَلَ مَنفّ بّ عَ تٌ سِفَ عَ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "Therefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, their horses, and their donkeys, even the camp as it was, and fled for their life.", "sus": "نَ نَشَ عَ نِيَ عٍ شَ عٍ فِ، عٍ عٍ شَ سٍ بِرِن لُ نَا. عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ عٍ شَ كِرِ بَنشِيٍ، عٍ شَ سٌي، نُن عٍ شَ سٌقَلٍيٍ شُن مَ، عٍ عٍ يٌنكِندٍ لُ نَ كِ، عٍ عٍ فِ عٍ نِي رَتَنفَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "As the king of Israel was passing by on the wall, a woman cried to him, saying, “Help, my lord, O king!”", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ نُ نَ عَ مَحّرّقٍ تَا تّتّ قَرِ تّمُي نَشّ، فِنّ ندٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، «مَنفّ، مُشُ رَكِسِ، ٱ مَرِفِ.»"} {"eng": "The sons of the prophets said to Elisha, “See now, the place where we live and meet with you is too small for us.", "sus": "نَمِحْنمّ ندٍيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَننَبِ عٍلِسٍ بّ، «يِ لُدٍ شُرُن وٌن بّ."} {"eng": "He said to him, “Go in peace.” So he departed from him a little way.", "sus": "عٍلِسٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «سِفَ بْحّسَ كُي.» نَ تّمُي نَامَن نَشَ كٍلِ عَ شُن عَ سِفَ. عَ تٌ عَ مَكُيَ دٌندٌرٌنتِ،"} {"eng": "So they poured out for the men to eat. As they were eating some of the stew, they cried out and said, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” And they could not eat it.", "sus": "دٌنسٍ تٌ فّ رَقَلَدٍ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ عَ دٌن قْلْ، كْنْ عٍ قّقّ عَ رَ سٌ عٍ دّ عِ، عٍ نَشَ فبٍلٍفبٍلٍ، عٍ نَشّ، «عَلَ شَ مِشِ، شْنّ ندٍ نَ يِ دٌنسٍ مَ تُندٍ كُي.» عٍ مُ نْ عَ دٌندٍ."} {"eng": "Elisha came again to Gilgal. There was a famine in the land; and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him; and he said to his servant, “Get the large pot, and boil stew for the sons of the prophets.”", "sus": "عٍلِسٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن فِلِفَلِ. نَ تّمُي كَامّ نُ دِنشِ بْشِ رَ. نَمِحْنمّيٍ تٌ نُ دْشْشِ عَننَبِ عٍلِسٍ سَن نَ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّ بّ، «تُندٍ دْشْ تّ مَ، عِ شَ دٌنسٍ ندٍ يَءِلَن يِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "The child’s mother said, “As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So he arose, and followed her.", "sus": "دِدِ نفَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ عَلَتَلَ نُن عِ تَن شِلِ رَ، ٱ مُ سِفَمَ عِ شَنبِ.» نَ كُي عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "He said, “Why would you want to go to him today? It is not a new moon or a Sabbath.” She said, “It’s all right.”", "sus": "عَ شَ مْرِ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «تٌ، عِ سِفَقٍ عَ تٌدٍ مُنقٍ رَ؟ كِكٍ نّينّ سَلِ مُ عَ رَ، مَلَبُي لْشْي قَن مُ عَ رَ.» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ.»"} {"eng": "One day he came there, and he went to the room and lay there.", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ عٍلِسٍ نَشَ سِفَ نَا، عَ سَ عَ مَلَبُ نَ كٌنكٌي كُي."} {"eng": "They said, “This is blood. The kings are surely destroyed, and they have struck each other. Now therefore, Moab, to the plunder!”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «وُلِ نَن عَ رَ. مَنفّيٍ بَرَ سَنتِدّفّمَ تٌنفٌ عٍ بٌورٍ شِلِ مَ، عٍ عٍ بٌورٍ قَشَ. يَكْسِ، مٌوَبَكَيٍ وٌن شّي، وٌن سَ عٍ شَ سٍيٍ تٌنفٌ.»"} {"eng": "You shall strike every fortified city and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all springs of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.’”", "sus": "وٌ عٍ شَ تَا كَنتَشِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ تَا شُنفبٍيٍ بِرِن كَنَمَ نّ. وٌ عٍ شَ وُرِ بٌفِلَيٍ بِرِن نَبِرَ مَ نّ. وٌ عٍ شَ يٍ دُلٌنيِيٍ بِرِن دّ سّمَ نّ. وٌ فّمّيٍ رَيٍنسٍنمَ نّ عٍ شَ شّ قَنيِيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "As they continued on and talked, behold, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.", "sus": "عٍ سِفَمَ وْيّن نَ تّمُي نَشّ، سٌي نُن فِسٍ تّ دَاشِ نَشَ عٍ رَقَتَن، عٍلِيَ نَشَ تٍ كٌورٍ مَ قٌيٍ شُنفبٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Elijah said to him, “Please wait here, for Yahweh has sent me to the Jordan.” He said, “As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” Then they both went on.", "sus": "عٍلِيَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ شَ لُ بٍ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ وَ مَ ٱ شّيقٍ يُرُدّن مَبِرِ.» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ يّتّ نِي رَ، ٱ مُ فبِلٍنمَ عِ قْشْ رَ قٍوٌ!» نَ كُي عٍ قِرِن بِرِن نَشَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "Elijah said to him, “Elisha, please wait here, for Yahweh has sent me to Jericho.” He said, “As Yahweh lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So they came to Jericho.", "sus": "عٍلِيَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عٍلِسٍ، عِ شَ لُ بٍ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ وَ مَ ٱ شّيقٍ يٍرِكٌ.» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ ٱ يّتّ نِي رَ، ٱ مُ فبِلٍنمَ عِ قْشْ رَ قٍوٌ!» نَ كُي عٍ قِرِن بِرِن نَشَ فٌرٌ يٍرِكٌ."} {"eng": "Again he sent the captain of a third fifty with his fifty. The third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and begged him, and said to him, “Man of God, please let my life and the life of these fifty of your servants be precious in your sight.", "sus": "عَشَسِيَ مَن نَشَ سْورِ مَنفّ سَشَن ندٍ شّي، نَ قَن نُن عَ شَ سْورِ مِشِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ رَ. نَ سْورِ مَنفّ سَشَن ندٍ نَشَ تٍ فٍيَ كْن نَ. عَ تٌ عٍلِيَ يِرٍ لِ، عَ نَشَ عَ شِنبِ سِن عَ بُن مَ، عَ عَ مَيَندِ، «عَلَ شَ مِشِ، ٱ بَرَ عِ مَشَندِ، عِ شَ كِنِكِنِ ٱ تَن نُن ٱ مَ مِشِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ مَ."} {"eng": "They said to him, “A man came up to meet us, and said to us, ‘Go, return to the king who sent you, and tell him, “Yahweh says, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you send to inquire of Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore you will not come down from the bed where you have gone up, but you will surely die.’”’”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «مِشِ ندٍ نَن مُشُ رَلَنشِ، عَ عَ قَلَ مُشُ بّ ‹وٌ فبِلٍن مَنفّ يِرٍ، نَشَن وٌ شّيشِ، وٌ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، عَلَ مُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ تَن مَ، عِ تٌ قَ شّيرَيٍ شّيمَ عٍكِرٌنكَيٍ شَ عَلَ بَلِ سٍبُبُ مَشْرِندٍ؟ نَ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ مُ فٌرٌ مَ سَدٍ مَ عِ سَشِ نَشَن مَ. عِ قَشَمَ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "Ahaziah fell down through the lattice in his upper room that was in Samaria, and was sick. So he sent messengers, and said to them, “Go, inquire of Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I will recover of this sickness.”", "sus": "عَشَسِيَ نَشَ بِرَ كٍلِقٍ عَ شَ كٌورٍ بَنشِ كْن نَ سَمَرِ، عَ مَشْنْ عَ بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَ. عَ نَشَ شّيرَيٍ رَ سِفَ عٍكِرٌنكَيٍ شَ عَلَ بَلِ سٍبُبُ مَشْرِندٍ شَ عَ نْمَ يَلَندٍ."} {"eng": "The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “I will disguise myself and go into the battle, but you put on your robes.” The king of Israel disguised himself and went into the battle.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٍهٌسَقَتِ بّ، «عِ شَ سٌ فٍرٍ كُي مَنفّ دٌنمَ رَفٌرٌشِ عِ مَ.» عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ تَن نَشَ مَنفّ دُفِ بَ عَ مَ، عَ سْورِ دٌنمَ فبَنسَن نَفٌرٌ عَ مَ، عَ سِفَ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ."} {"eng": "He said, “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd. Yahweh said, ‘These have no master. Let them each return to his house in peace.’”", "sus": "مِكٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ بَرَ عِسِرَيِلَ بِرِن تٌ، عٍ يٍنسٍنشِ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ، عَلْ شُرُ سٍ رَبّحِنشِيٍ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ مَرِفِ مُ نَ يِ حَمَ بّ. كَنكَن شَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ بْحّسَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "A man of God came near and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, “Yahweh says, ‘Because the Syrians have said, “Yahweh is a god of the hills, but he is not a god of the valleys,” therefore I will deliver all this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am Yahweh.’”", "sus": "عَلَ شَ مِشِ نَشَ عَ مَسٌ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ، عَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن يِ كِ؛ عَرَ مِكَيٍ تٌ عَ قَلَ عَ عَلَتَلَ سّنبّ فبٌ فٍيَ نَن قَرِ عَ مُ قِندِشِ عَلَ رَ قِلِ تَن مَ، ٱ عٍ سَمَ نّ عِ سَفٌي، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ تَن نَن عَلَتَلَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Muster an army like the army that you have lost, horse for horse and chariot for chariot. We will fight against them in the plain, and surely we will be stronger than they are.” He listened to their voice and did so.", "sus": "عِ شَ سْورِ فبّتّيٍ قٍن سْورِ قَشَشِيٍ حْشْي رَ، عِ شَ سٌي نُن سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ قٍن عَ كَنَشِيٍ حْشْي رَ. نَ تّمُي، وٌن مَن سِفَمَ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ قِلِ نَن مَ، وٌن قَمَ نّ نْدٍ عٍ رَ عَ قَنيِ رَ.» مَنفّ نَشَ نَ بِرِن نَبَ، عَلْ عٍ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Ahab said, “By whom?” He said, “Yahweh says, ‘By the young men of the princes of the provinces.’” Then he said, “Who shall begin the battle?” He answered, “You.”", "sus": "عَكَبُ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عَ قَمَ نَ رَبَدٍ ندٍ سَابُي رَ؟» نَمِحْنمّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عَلَتَلَ نَشّ عِ قَمَ نَ رَبَدٍ فٌمِنَيٍ شَ سّفّتَلَيٍ نَن سَابُي رَ.» عَكَبُ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «ندٍ قِندِ مَ عٍ شَ يَرٍرَتِ رَ نَ فٍرٍ كُي؟» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ تَن.»"} {"eng": "So he departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and put his mantle on him.", "sus": "عٍلِيَ نَشَ كٍلِ مّننِ، عَ سَ سَقَتِ شَ دِ عٍلِسٍ لِ، عَ نَ بْشِ بُشَقٍ. نِنفٍ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ نَن نُ حّرّقٍ عَ يَ رَ، عَ نُ قِرِنيِ نَن نَوَلِقٍ عٍ شَنبِ رَ. عٍلِيَ نَشَ دَنفِ عَ قّ مَ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دٌنمَ وٌلِ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "In a little while, the sky grew black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel.", "sus": "نُشُييٍ نَشَ كٌورٍ بِرِن عِقْورْ، قٌيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ، تُنّ بٍلٍبٍلٍ نَشَ سِن بْشِ مَ. عَكَبُ نَشَ تٍ عَ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍ كُي، عَ سِفَ يِسِرٍيلِ."} {"eng": "You call on the name of your god, and I will call on Yahweh’s name. The God who answers by fire, let him be God.” All the people answered, “What you say is good.”", "sus": "مُشُ نَ فّ نَ رَبَدٍ، بَلِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ شَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ مَشَندِ. ٱ تَن قَن شَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ. عَلَ نَشَن نَ تّ رَفٌرٌ سّرّشّ مَ، نَ نَن قِندِ مَ حَمَ بِرِن مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ.» حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ تِن نَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go through the land, to all the springs of water, and to all the brooks. Perhaps we may find grass and save the horses and mules alive, that we not lose all the animals.”", "sus": "عَكَبُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَبَدِيَسِ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «عِ شَ بْشِ بِرِن عِسَ مّرّ قٍندٍ وٌن مَ سٌييٍ نُن وٌن مَ سٌقَلٍيٍ نْمَ حٌوفٍ سْتْدٍ دّننَشّ، عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ قَشَ.»"} {"eng": "So he arose and went to Zarephath; and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and said, “Please get me a little water in a jar, that I may drink.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ سِفَ سَرٍثٍتَ. عَ تٌ سٌ نَ تَا كُي، عَ نَشَ كَاحّ فِنّ ندٍ تٌ، عَ يٍفٍ مَتٌنفٌقٍ. عَ نَشَ نَ فِنّ شِلِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «يَندِ، ٱ كِ يٍ رَ ٱ شَ عَ مِن.»"} {"eng": "In the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, Zimri reigned seven days in Tirzah. Now the people were encamped against Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines.", "sus": "يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَسَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ مْشْحّن نُن سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ رَ، سِمِرِ نَشَ مَنفّيَ رَبَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ تِرِ سَ. عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ نُ نَ فِبّتْن قِلِسِتَكَيٍ فٍرٍدٍ."} {"eng": "Then King Asa made a proclamation to all Judah. No one was exempted. They carried away the stones of Ramah, and its timber, with which Baasha had built; and King Asa used it to build Geba of Benjamin, and Mizpah.", "sus": "نَ وَلِ تٌ تِ، مَنفّ عَسَ نَشَ يُدَيَكَيٍ بِرِن شِلِ، عٍ شَ قَ تٍكُ فّمّيٍ نُن وُرِيٍ تٌنفٌدٍ بَاسَ نُ نَشٍيٍ رَوَلِمَ رَ مَ. عٍ نَشَ نَ بِرِن شَنِن، عٍ عَ رَوَلِ فٍبَ نُن مِسِثَ تِقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "When Baasha heard of it, he stopped building Ramah, and lived in Tirzah.", "sus": "بَاسَ تٌ نَ قٍ مّ، عَ نَشَ رَ مَ تِقٍ وَلِ رَتِ، عَ لُ تِرِ سَ تَا كُي."} {"eng": "Nevertheless for David’s sake, Yahweh his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his son after him and to establish Jerusalem;", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ تِ مَنفّ رَ دَرِ سَلَمُ عَ بَبَ دَوُدَ شَ قٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "Arise therefore, and go to your house. When your feet enter into the city, the child will die.", "sus": "عَهِيَ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ نَ فِنّ بّ، «يَكْسِ عِ شَ فبِلٍن عِ شْنيِ. عِ نّقّ عِ سَنيِ تِ تَا كُي، وٌ شَ دِ قَشَمَ نّ."} {"eng": "After he had eaten bread and after he drank, he saddled the donkey for the prophet whom he had brought back.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ نَمِحْنمّ تٌ فّ عَ دّفٍدٍ، نَ شّمْشِ نَشَ قَ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ رَ عَلَكٌ بٌورٍ شَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "When the king heard the saying of the man of God, which he cried against the altar in Bethel, Jeroboam put out his hand from the altar, saying, “Seize him!” His hand, which he put out against him, dried up, so that he could not draw it back again to himself.", "sus": "مَنفّ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ تٌ عَلَ شَ شّيرَ شَ مَسٍنيِ مّ، عَ نَشَن قَلَ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ بٍتٍلِ سّرّشّبَدٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشَ عَ بّلّشّ عِتَلَ نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ قَرِ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «نَ شّمّ سُشُ.» عَ تٌ نَ رَبَ، عَ بّلّشّ نَشَ شْرْشْ عَ رَ، عَ مُ نْ عَ رَ مَشَدٍ سْنْن."} {"eng": "He cried against the altar by Yahweh’s word, and said, “Altar! Altar! Yahweh says: ‘Behold, a son will be born to David’s house, Josiah by name. On you he will sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, and they will burn men’s bones on you.’”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ شّيرَ نَشَ عَ شُي عِتٍ سّرّشّبَدٍ عَ شْرْشْ رَ عَ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ قَلَ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ. عَ نَشّ، «سّرّشّبَدٍ، سّرّشّبَدٍ! عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ ‹دِ شّمّ ندٍ بَرِ مَ نّ مَنفّ دَوُدَ بْنسْي يَ مَ، عَ شِلِ يٌسِيَ. عَ عِ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ قِندِ سّرّشّ رَ عِ قَرِ، نَشٍيٍ سُرَيِ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ سَلِدٍ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ. مِشِ شْرِيٍ نَن يَتِ فَنمَ عِ قَرِ!›»"} {"eng": "The young men who had grown up with him said to him, “Tell these people who spoke to you, saying, ‘Your father made our yoke heavy, but make it lighter to us’— tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist.", "sus": "عَ لَنقَنمَيٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ شَ يِ حَمَ يَابِ يِ كِ، نَشٍيٍ عِ مَيَندِشِ عِ شَ ندٍ بَ عٍ شَ كٌتٍ رَ عِ بَبَ نَشَن سَشِ عٍ قَرِ. عِ شَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، ‹ٱ بّلّشّ سٌلٍ لَنمَدِ شُنفبٌ ٱ بَبَ تَفِ بّ."} {"eng": "Then Pharaoh said to him, “But what have you lacked with me, that behold, you seek to go to your own country?” He answered, “Nothing, however only let me depart.”", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «مُنقٍ رَ عِ وَ مَ فبِلٍنقٍ عِ شْنيِ؟ عِ وَشْنقٍ بِرِن نَ بٍ.» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ نْندِ، كْنْ دِحّ ٱ شَ فبِلٍن.»"} {"eng": "King Solomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten gold; six hundred shekels of gold went to one buckler.", "sus": "مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ سْورِ مَكَنتَسٍ كّمّ قِرِن يَءِلَن شّيمَ رَ، كَنكَن يَءِلَنشِ شّيمَ كِلٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold,", "sus": "حّ يٌ حّ سُلٍمَنِ نُ شّيمَ كِلٌ وُلُ مْشْحّن نُن قِرِن، كِلٌ كّمّ سٍننِ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن نَانِ سْتْمَ،"} {"eng": "(now Hiram the king of Tyre had furnished Solomon with cedar trees and cypress trees, and with gold, according to all his desire), King Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.", "sus": "تِرٍ مَنفّ شِرَ مِ تٌ بَرَ نُ سّدِرِ نُن سِثِرّ وُرِيٍ، نُن شّيمَ سٌ سُلٍمَنِ يِ رَ، عَ نُ وَ مَ نَشَن شَسَبِ شْن، عَ نَشَ تَا مْشْحّن قِ شِرَ مِ مَ فَلِلٍ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "“Let your heart therefore be perfect with Yahweh our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as it is today.”", "sus": "وٌ بْحّ بِرِن شَ لُ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَن بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌن شَ عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ رَتِنمّ، وٌن شَ وٌن حّرّ عَ شَ سّرِيّ مَ عَلْ وٌ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "“Moreover, concerning the foreigner, who is not of your people Israel, when he comes out of a far country for your name’s sake", "sus": "«Xa xɔɲɛ nde sa fa kelife ɲamanɛ ma, naxan mu findi i xa ɲama Isirayila mixi nde ra,"} {"eng": "(for they shall hear of your great name and of your mighty hand and of your outstretched arm), when he comes and prays toward this house,", "sus": "عَ قَ عِ شِلِ شُنفبٍ نُن عِ سّنبّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ عِ مَشَندِ يِ بَنشِ كُي،"} {"eng": "(for they shall hear of your great name and of your mighty hand and of your outstretched arm), when he comes and prays toward this house,", "sus": "a fa i xili xungbe nun i sɛnbɛ xa fe ra, a i maxandi yi banxi kui,"} {"eng": "There I have set a place for the ark, in which is Yahweh’s covenant, which he made with our fathers when he brought them out of the land of Egypt.”", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ دْشْ نَا، عَ شَ سَاتّ وَلَشّ نَ نَ كُي. عَ نَ سَاتّ شِرِ عَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَن تَفِ.»"} {"eng": "There was nothing in the ark except the two stone tablets which Moses put there at Horeb, when Yahweh made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt.", "sus": "سٍسٍ مُ نُ نَ نَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ كُي، قٌ نَ وَلَشّ قِرِنيِ عَننَبِ مُنسَ نَشٍيٍ سَ عَ كُي. عَ نَ رَبَ شٌرٍبٍ فٍيَ يِرٍ نّ، عَلَتَلَ سَاتّ شِرِ لْشْي عٍ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تَفِ، عٍ مِنِ تّمُي مِسِرَ."} {"eng": "For the cherubim spread their wings out over the place of the ark, and the cherubim covered the ark and its poles above.", "sus": "مَلٍكّيٍ فَبُتٍنيِيٍ نُ عِتَلَشِ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ نُن عَ مَشَنِن سٍيٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Under its brim around there were buds which encircled it for ten cubits, encircling the sea. The buds were in two rows, cast when it was cast.", "sus": "نَ يٍ سَسٍ دّ رَبِلِنيِ بُنيِ، نِنفٍ مَنِيّ نُ مَسٌلِشِ عَ مَ عٍ رَدْشْشِ عٍ بٌورٍ رَ عَ رَبِلِنيِ بِرِن مَ. نِنفٍ قُ نَ حْنفْن يَ كٍرٍن مَ، سُولِ عَ قَرِ، سُولِ عَ بُن. نِنفٍيٍ يٌ، يٍ سَسٍ يٌ، نَ بِرِن يَءِلَنشِ كٍرٍنيِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "The foundation was of costly stones, even great stones, stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits.", "sus": "بَنشِ سَنبُنيِ دْشْ فّمّ تٌقَنيِ شُنفبٍيٍ نَن نَ، نَشٍيٍ شَبَشِ حْنفْن يَ قُ شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ حْنفْن يَ سٌلٌمَسَشَن مَ."} {"eng": "The house which King Solomon built for Yahweh had a length of sixty cubits, and its width twenty, and its height thirty cubits.", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ عَلَ شَ بَنشِ تِ يِ مَنِيّ شَسَبِ نَن نَ؛ عَ كُيّ حْنفْن يَ تٌنفٌ سٍننِ، عَ فبٌي حْنفْن يَ مْشْحّن، عَ عِتٍ حْنفْن يَ تٌنفٌ سَشَن."} {"eng": "Geber the son of Uri, in the land of Gilead, the country of Sihon king of the Amorites and of Og king of Bashan; and he was the only officer who was in the land.", "sus": "عُرِ شَ دِ فٍبٍرِ نَن نُ فٌمِنَ رَ فَلَدِ بْشِ شُن مَ، عَ عَمٌرِكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ سِشْن شَ بْشِ، نُن بَسَنكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ عٌفٌ شَ بْشِ. فٍبٍرِ كٍرٍن نَن نُ نَ بْشِ بِرِن فٌمِنَ رَ."} {"eng": "King Solomon was king over all Israel.", "sus": "مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ نُ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ بِرِن يَمَرِ مَ."} {"eng": "This request pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ شَ مَشَندِ نَشَ رَقَن مَرِفِ مَ."} {"eng": "Shimei said to the king, “What you say is good. As my lord the king has said, so will your servant do.” Shimei lived in Jerusalem many days.", "sus": "سِمٍيِ نَشَ مَنفّ يَابِ، عَ نَشّ، «عَوَ يِرٍ، عِ تَن ٱ مَرِفِ نَشَن قَلَشِ، ٱ نَ نَن نَبَمَ.» سِمٍيِ نَشَ بُ دَرِ سَلَمُ كِ قَنيِ،"} {"eng": "He said moreover, I have something to tell you.” She said, “Say on.”", "sus": "عَدٌنِيَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ وَ مَ وْيّن كٍرٍن نَن قَلَقٍ عِ بّ.» بَتِسٍبَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «نَ قَلَ ٱ بّ.»"} {"eng": "“I am going the way of all the earth. You be strong therefore, and show yourself a man;", "sus": "«ٱ نَ سَيَ كِرَ نَن شْن مَ يِ كِ عَلْ عِبُنَدَ مَ بِرِن. عِ شَ عِ سّنبّ سٌ، عِ شَ تِ فبٍن."} {"eng": "Solomon was told, “Behold, Adonijah fears King Solomon; for, behold, he is hanging onto the horns of the altar, saying, ‘Let King Solomon swear to me first that he will not kill his servant with the sword.’”", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ سُلٍمَنِ بّ عَ عَدٌنِيَ تٌ فَاشُشِ سُلٍمَنِ يَ رَ، عَ سٌشِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ نَن كُي، عَ سّرّشّبَدٍ قٍرِيٍ سُشُ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «قٌ مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ شَ عَ كَلِ ٱ بّ تٌ، عَ مُ ٱ تَن عَ شَ كٌنيِ قَشَمَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "The king vowed and said, “As Yahweh lives, who has redeemed my soul out of all adversity,", "sus": "mangɛ naxa a kali a bɛ, «N bara n kali Alatala ra, naxan n natangaxi n ma tɔɔrɛ birin kui,"} {"eng": "most certainly as I swore to you by Yahweh, the God of Israel, saying, ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place;’ I will most certainly do this today.”", "sus": "عَلْ ٱ نَن ٱ كَلِ عَلَتَلَ رَ كِ نَشّ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، ‹عِ شَ دِ سُلٍمَنِ نَن قِندِ مَ مَنفّ رَ ٱ حْشْي رَ، عَ تَن نَن دْشْمَ ٱ مَ كِبَنيِ كُي،› تٌ يَتِ ٱ قَمَ نّ نَ لَايِدِ رَكَمَلِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "most certainly as I swore to you by Yahweh, the God of Israel, saying, ‘Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place;’ I will most certainly do this today.”", "sus": "alɔ n nan n kali Alatala ra ki naxɛ a falafe ra, ‹I xa di Sulemani nan findima mangɛ ra n ɲɔxɔɛ ra, a tan nan dɔxɔma n ma kibanyi kui,› to yati n fama nɛ na laayidi rakamalide.»"} {"eng": "Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,", "sus": "عِرَ نُن فَرٍبٍ يَتِرِكَيٍ، عَ نُن"} {"eng": "Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,", "sus": "نَتَن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ يِفَلِ سٌبَكَ، بَنِ فَدِكَ،"} {"eng": "Shammah the Harodite, Elika the Harodite,", "sus": "سَمٌتِ هَرٌرِكَ، عٍلِكَ شَرٌدِكَ،"} {"eng": "Benaiah the son of Jehoiada did these things, and had a name among the three mighty men.", "sus": "يٍهٌيَدَ شَ دِ بّنَيَ شَ قٍ شُنفبٍ نَن نَ كِ. عَ شِلِ فبٌ نَ سّنبّمَ سَشَنيِ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "He gives great deliverance to his king, and shows loving kindness to his anointed, to David and to his offspring, forever more.”", "sus": "عَ بَرَ عَ شَ مَنفّ سُفَندِشِ رَكِسِ، عَ مُ فبِلٍن نَ مَنفّ قْشْ رَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ دَوُدَ نُن عَ بْنسْي رَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "In my distress, I called on Yahweh. Yes, I called to my God. He heard my voice out of his temple. My cry came into his ears.", "sus": "ٱ مَ تْورّ كُي، ٱ بَرَ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ، ٱ بَرَ ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ مَشَندِ. عَ بَرَ ٱ شُي مّ عَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي، ٱ وَ شُي بَرَ عَ تُلِ لِ."} {"eng": "Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water poured on them from the sky. She allowed neither the birds of the sky to rest on them by day, nor the animals of the field by night.", "sus": "عَيَ شَ دِ فِنّ رِ سِثَ نَشَ عَ شَ كَاحّ دُفِ عِتَلَ قَنيٍ قَرِ قُرٍيٍ نُ نَ دّننَشّ، عَ دْشْ عَ مَ كٍلِقٍ شّ شَبّ هَن تُنّ بِرّ. عَ مُ تِن شْنِيٍ شَ فٌرٌ قُرٍيٍ مَ يَنيِ رَ، عَ مُ تِن بُرُن سُبٍيٍ شَ عٍ دٌن كْي رَ."} {"eng": "There happened to be there a wicked fellow, whose name was Sheba the son of Bichri, a Benjamite; and he blew the trumpet, and said, “We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel!”", "sus": "مِشِ سّرِيّتَرٍ ندٍ نُ نَ، نَشَن نُ شِلِ سٍبَ، بِكِرِ شَ دِ، قَتَنقٍ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي رَ. سٍبَ نَشَ قٍرِ قٍ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ مَ، عَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌن مُ بِرَ مَ دَوُدَ قْشْ رَ. وٌن نُن يِسَيِ شَ دِ مُ نَ كّ كٍرٍن. عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ شَ فبِلٍن عٍ شْنيِ!»"} {"eng": "Barzillai said to the king, “How many are the days of the years of my life, that I should go up with the king to Jerusalem?", "sus": "بَرَ سِلَيِ نَشَ مَنفّ يَابِ، «عَ لَنمَ ٱ شَ تٍ دَرِ سَلَمُ؟ حّ يٍرِ لُشِ ٱ مَ سِمَيَ رَ قَ؟"} {"eng": "So the king returned, and came to the Jordan. Judah came to Gilgal, to go to meet the king, to bring the king over the Jordan.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ فبِلٍن قْلْ، عَ قَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ لِ. يُدَيَكَيٍ نَشَ سِفَ فِلِفَلِ، عٍ شَ عَ رَ سّنّ."} {"eng": "Then the king arose and sat in the gate. The people were all told, “Behold, the king is sitting in the gate.” All the people came before the king. Now Israel had fled every man to his tent.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي مَنفّ نَشَ مِنِ، عَ عَ مَفٌرٌ تَا نَادّ رَ. حَمَ تٌ نَ كٌلٌن، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ عَ يِرٍ. عِسِرَيِلَكَ نَشٍيٍ نُ بِرَشِ عَبِسَلٌمِ قْشْ رَ، نٍيٍ نُ بَرَ عٍ فِ نَ تّمُي عٍ سِفَ عٍ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "Joab came into the house to the king, and said, “Today you have shamed the faces of all your servants who today have saved your life, and the lives of your sons and of your daughters, and the lives of your wives, and the lives of your concubines;", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ سٌ مَنفّ يِرٍ، عَ عَ قَلَ ءَ بّ، «تٌ عِ بَرَ عِ شَ سْورِيٍ رَيَافِ، نَشٍيٍ عِ نِي رَتَنفَشِ، عَ نُن عِ شَ دِيٍ، عِ شَ فِنّيٍ، نُن عِ شَ كٌنيِ فِنّيٍ."} {"eng": "The watchman saw another man running; and the watchman called to the gatekeeper and said, “Behold, a man running alone!” The king said, “He also brings news.”", "sus": "تَا كَنتَمَ نَشَ مِشِ فبّتّ تٌ، نَشَن نَ قَقٍ عَ فِ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، «مِشِ فبّتّ نَ قَقٍ عَ فِ رَ.» مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «نَ قَن قَقٍ شِبَارُ ندٍ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Absalom happened to meet David’s servants. Absalom was riding on his mule, and the mule went under the thick boughs of a great oak; and his head caught hold of the oak, and he was hanging between the sky and earth; and the mule that was under him went on.", "sus": "دَوُدَ شَ سْورِيٍ نَشَ عَبِسَلٌمِ لِ قْتْنيِ كُي. عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ تِشِ وُرِ شُنفبٍ ندٍ بُن مَ، عَبِسَلٌمِ شُنسّشّ كُيٍ كَنكَنشِ وُرِ سَلٌنيِيٍ مَ، عَ قَ سِنفَن كُيٍ مَ. عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ نَشَ عَ فِ."} {"eng": "The people of Israel were struck there before David’s servants, and there was a great slaughter there that day of twenty thousand men.", "sus": "Dawuda xa sɔɔrie naxa xunnakeli fanyi sɔtɔ, e Isirayilaka wulu mɔxɔɲɛn faxa na lɔxɔɛ kerenyi."} {"eng": "For the battle was there spread over the surface of all the country, and the forest devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.", "sus": "فٍرٍ نَشَ دِن بْشِ بِرِن نَ. سْورِ فبٍفبٍ نَشَ لْي قْتْنيِ كُي دَنفِ عَ قَشَشِيٍ رَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ."} {"eng": "For the battle was there spread over the surface of all the country, and the forest devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.", "sus": "Gere naxa din bɔxi birin na. Sɔɔri gbegbe naxa lɔɛ fɔtɔnyi kui dangi a faxaxie ra santidɛgɛma ra."} {"eng": "Moreover, if he has gone into a city, then all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there isn’t one small stone found there.”", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ عَ نْشُن تَا ندٍ كُي، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَمَ نَ تَا تّتّ فّمّيٍ بّندُندٍ لُوتِيٍ رَ هَن تّتّ بِرِن بَ نَا.»"} {"eng": "Then Abishai the son of Zeruiah said to the king, “Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? Please let me go over and take off his head.”", "sus": "سٍرُيَ شَ دِ عَبِسَيِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ بّ، «ٱ مَرِفِ، مُنقٍ رَ وٌن عَ لُمَ يِ شّمّ شُرُتَرٍ شَ مَنفّ كٌنبِ؟ سَفٌ قِ ٱ مَ ٱ شَ عَ شُنيِ بٌلٌن عَ دّ عِ.»"} {"eng": "The king said also to Zadok the priest, “Aren’t you a seer? Return into the city in peace, and your two sons with you, Ahimaaz your son and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.", "sus": "مَنفّ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ سّرّشّدُبّ سَدْكِ بّ، «وٌ شَ فبِلٍن بْحّسَ كُي، عِ تَن نُن عِ شَ دِ عَشِمَاسِ، عَ نُن عَبِيَتَرِ نُن عَ شَ دِ يٌنَتَن."} {"eng": "All the country wept with a loud voice, and all the people passed over. The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over toward the way of the wilderness.", "sus": "حَمَ بِرِن نُ نَ وَقٍ عٍ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، عٍ دَنفِ تّمُي. مَنفّ نُن عَ شَ حَمَ نَشَ سٍدِرٌن شُرٍ دِ عِفِرِ، عٍ كِرَ سُشُ نَشَن سِفَمَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "Two hundred men went with Absalom out of Jerusalem, who were invited, and went in their simplicity; and they didn’t know anything.", "sus": "A naxa mixi kɛmɛ firin tongo Darisalamu, naxee a mati Hebiron, kɔnɔ e mu a kolon Abisalomi nu wama naxan nabafe naa."} {"eng": "Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he was offering the sacrifices. The conspiracy was strong, for the people increased continually with Absalom.", "sus": "عَبِسَلٌمِ تٌ نُ سّرّشّ بَمَ عَلَتَلَ بّ هٍبِرٌن، عَ نَشَ عَشِتٌقٍلِ شِلِ فِلٌ تَا كُي. عَشِتٌقٍلِ نُ قِندِشِ دَوُدَ رَ سِمَ ندٍ نَن نَ. نَ وَشَتِ عَبِسَلٌمِ نُ سّنبّ سْتْمَ، مِشِ فبٍفبٍ نُ لُمَ عَ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he was offering the sacrifices. The conspiracy was strong, for the people increased continually with Absalom.", "sus": "Abisalomi to nu sɛrɛxɛ bama Alatala bɛ Hebiron, a naxa Axitofeli xili Gilo taa kui. Axitofeli nu findixi Dawuda rasima nde nan na. Na waxati Abisalomi nu sɛnbɛ sɔtɔma, mixi gbegbe nu luma a sɛɛti ma."} {"eng": "The king said, “Let him return to his own house, but let him not see my face.” So Absalom returned to his own house, and didn’t see the king’s face.", "sus": "كْنْ عَبِسَلٌمِ تٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ لِ، مَنفّ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عَ عَ نَشَ قَ مَنفّ يِرٍ، عَ شَ لُ عَ شْنيِ. نَ كُي عَبِسَلٌمِ نَشَ سِفَ عَ شْنيِ، عَ مُ مَنفّ يِرٍ لِ."} {"eng": "King David longed to go out to Absalom, for he was comforted concerning Amnon, since he was dead.", "sus": "مَنفّ دَوُدَ بْحّ فٌرٌ نّ عَمِنٌن شَ قَشّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ عَبِسَلٌمِ لُ نَ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "Jonadab said to the king, “Behold, the king’s sons are coming! It is as your servant said.”", "sus": "يٌنَدَبٌ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ بّ، «عِ شَ دِيٍ نَن قَقٍ يِ كِ، عَلْ ٱ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "Amnon said to Tamar, “Bring the food into the room, that I may eat from your hand.” Tamar took the cakes which she had made, and brought them into the room to Amnon her brother.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ تَمَرِ بّ، «قَ دٌنسٍ رَ ٱ مَ كٌنكٌي كُي. عِ شَ عَ قِ ٱ مَ عِ بّلّشّ رَ.» تَمَرِ نَشَ دٌنسٍ تٌنفٌ عَ نَشَن يَءِلَنشِ، عَ سِفَ عَ رَ عَ تَارَ شَ كٌنكٌي كُي."} {"eng": "Then Nathan departed to his house. Yahweh struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and he was very sick.", "sus": "نَتَن نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ. عَلَتَلَ نَشَ قُرٍ رَدِن دِيْرّ مَ، عُرِ شَ فِنّ نَشَن بَرِ دَوُدَ بّ."} {"eng": "When the mourning was past, David sent and took her home to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased Yahweh.", "sus": "عَ شَ كَاحّ قٍ تٌ بَ عَ رَ، دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ شِلِ، عَ عَ قِندِ عَ شَ فِنّ رَ. نَ تّمُي عَ نَشَ دِ شّمّ كٍرٍن بَرِ عَ بّ. كْنْ دَوُدَ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَ مُ رَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ."} {"eng": "and he commanded the messenger, saying, “When you have finished telling all the things concerning the war to the king,", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ نَ شّيرَ بّ، «عِ نَ فّ نَ دّنتّفّ سَدٍ،"} {"eng": "He said, “If the Syrians are too strong for me, then you shall help me; but if the children of Ammon are too strong for you, then I will come and help you.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شُنيَ بّ، «وٌن شَ وٌن بٌورٍ سّنبّ سٌ. عَرَ مِكَيٍ سّنبّ نَ فبٌ ٱ بّ، عِ قَ ٱ مَلِ، كْنْ ٱ قَن شَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ سّنبّ سَ فبٌ عِ بّ، ٱ سِفَمَ نّ عِ مَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "When David heard of it, he sent Joab and all the army of the mighty men.", "sus": "دَوُدَ تٌ نَ قٍ مّ، عَ نَشَ يٌوَبَ نُن عَ شَ سْورِيٍ رَ سِفَ نَ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ."} {"eng": "There was of Saul’s house a servant whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David; and the king said to him, “Are you Ziba?” He said, “I am your servant.”", "sus": "سْلُ شَ كٌنيِ ندٍ نُ نَ نَشَن شِلِ سِبَ. عٍ تٌ قَ عَ رَ دَوُدَ يِرٍ، مَنفّ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ تَن نَن شِلِ سِبَ؟» عَ نَشّ، «عِيٌ مَنفّ، ٱ تَن نَن عَ رَ، عِ شَ كٌنيِ دِ.»"} {"eng": "David reigned over all Israel; and David executed justice and righteousness for all his people.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ شَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ يَمَرِ تِنشِنيِ نُن نْندِ رَ."} {"eng": "David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadadezer, and brought them to Jerusalem.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ كَنكٍ مَكَنتَسٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ فبٍفبٍ بَ هَدَدٍ سٍرِ شَ مِشِيٍ يِ رَ، عَ عٍ شَنِن دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "Your house and your kingdom will be made sure forever before you. Your throne will be established forever.”’”", "sus": "عِ بْنسْي نُن عِ شَ مَنفّيَ مَبَنبَنمَ نّ عَبَدَن، عِ شَ كِبَنيِ دْشْمَ نّ تّمُي بِرِن.›»"} {"eng": "He will build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.", "sus": "عَ قَمَ ٱ مَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تِدٍ، ٱ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ مَبَنبَنمَ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "When your days are fulfilled and you sleep with your fathers, I will set up your offspring after you, who will proceed out of your body, and I will establish his kingdom.", "sus": "عِ شَ سِمَيَ نَ كَمَلِ، عِ قَ عِ بٍنبَيٍ لِ عَلِفِيَمَ، ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ عِ شَ دِ شَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ عِ حْشْي رَ، ٱ قَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ مَبَنبَن."} {"eng": "David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years.", "sus": "دَوُدَ شَ سِمَيَ نُ بَرَ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن لِ نَ تّمُي. عَ شَ مَنفّيَ بُ نّ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ."} {"eng": "Now when they came into the house as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, they struck him, killed him, beheaded him, and took his head, and went by the way of the Arabah all night.", "sus": "عٍ نُ بَرَ سٌ عِسِبٌسٍتِ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عٍ قَ عَ لِ عَ سَشِ عَ شَ سَدٍ مَ عَ شَ كٌنكٌي كُي. عٍ تٌ فّ عَ سْشْدٍ، عٍ عَ قَشَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ شُنيِ بٌلٌن، عٍ عَ شَنِن عٍ شُن مَ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ حّرّ كْي بِرِن نَ عَرَبَ كِرَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "The king lamented for Abner, and said, “Should Abner die as a fool dies?", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ يِ سُوكِ بَ عَ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «عَبٍنٍرِ لَن نّ نُ عَ شَ قَشَ عَلْ مَتَندِلَ ندٍ؟"} {"eng": "David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, “Tear your clothes, and clothe yourselves with sackcloth, and mourn in front of Abner.” King David followed the bier.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٌوَبَ نُن عَ شَ سْورِيٍ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «وٌ شَ وٌ شَ دٌنمَيٍ عِبْو سُننُنيِ كُي، وٌ شَ حْنقٍ دُفِ رَفٌرٌ وٌ مَ عَبٍنٍرِ شَ قَشّ شَ قٍ رَ.» مَنفّ دَوُدَ نَشَ عَبٍنٍرِ قُرٍ مَتِ فَبُرِ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "Behold, David’s servants and Joab came from a raid and brought in a great plunder with them; but Abner was not with David in Hebron, for he had sent him away, and he had gone in peace.", "sus": "عَ مُ بُ، يٌوَبَ نُن دَوُدَ شَ سْورِيٍ نَشَ قَ سٍيٍ رَ عٍ نَشٍيٍ سْتْ فٍرٍ ندٍ كُي. عَبٍنٍرِ مُ نُ نَ دَوُدَ يِرٍ هٍبِرٌن، بَرِ مَ دَوُدَ نُ بَرَ عَ بّحِن بْحّسَ كُي."} {"eng": "David said, “Good. I will make a treaty with you, but one thing I require of you. That is, you will not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul’s daughter, when you come to see my face.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَوَ، وٌن شَ سَاتّ شِرِ، كْنْ ٱ مُ وَ مَ عِ شَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ ٱ مَ فِنّ مِكَلِ شَنبِ، سْلُ شَ دِ فِنّ.»"} {"eng": "Joab said, “As God lives, if you had not spoken, surely then in the morning the people would have gone away, and not each followed his brother.”", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ عَلَ يَ شْرِ. شَ عِ تَن شَ مُ وْيّن نُ، مُشُ بِرَ مَ نّ وٌ قْشْ رَ هَن فّيسّفّ.»"} {"eng": "You mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew or rain on you, and no fields of offerings; for there the shield of the mighty was defiled and cast away, the shield of Saul was not anointed with oil.", "sus": "فِلِبٌوَ فٍيَيٍ، تُنّ نُن شِنِ نَشَ بِرَ وٌ مَ، وٌ شَ شّيٍ نَشَ قَن، بَرِ مَ مَنفّ سْلُ شَ كَنكٍ مَكَنتَسٍ بَرَ يَافِ سْتْ نَا، تُرٍ يٌ مُ سٌمَ عَ مَ سْنْن!»"} {"eng": "The young man who told him said, “As I happened by chance on Mount Gilboa, behold, Saul was leaning on his spear; and behold, the chariots and the horsemen followed close behind him.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ سْلُ لِ فِلِبٌوَ فٍيَ نَن قَرِ عَ مَشْنْشِ عَ حَاشِ رَ. عَ نُ وَ مَ عَ يّتّ قَشَقٍ تَنبّ رَ، بَرِ مَ قِلِسِتَ سْورِ سٌي رَفِيٍ نُ بَرَ عَ رَشّتّن."} {"eng": "They put his armor in the house of the Ashtaroth, and they fastened his body to the wall of Beth Shan.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سْلُ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍ رَ سٌ عَسِتَرَتٍ كُيٍ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عٍ نَشَ عَ قُرٍ فبَكُ بٍتِ سَن تّتّ رَ."} {"eng": "to those who were in Aroer, to those who were in Siphmoth, to those who were in Eshtemoa,", "sus": "عَرٌوٍرِكَيٍ، سِقِمٌتِكَيٍ، عٍسِتٍمٌوَكَيٍ،"} {"eng": "Therefore now rise up early in the morning with the servants of your lord who have come with you; and as soon as you are up early in the morning and have light, depart.”", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ، تِنَ سُبَشّ عِ تَن نُن عِ شَ مَنفّ شَ سْورِيٍ، نَشٍيٍ قَشِ عِ قْشْ رَ، وٌ شَ فبِلٍن.»"} {"eng": "Therefore now return, and go in peace, that you not displease the lords of the Philistines.”", "sus": "عِ نَشَن نَبَمَ، عِ شَ فبِلٍن مُشُ قْشْ رَ بْحّسَ كُي، عَلَكٌ قِلِسِتَ سْورِ مَنفّيٍ بْحّ نَشَ رَحَاشُ عٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "David said in his heart, “I will now perish one day by the hand of Saul. There is nothing better for me than that I should escape into the land of the Philistines; and Saul will despair of me, to seek me any more in all the borders of Israel. So I will escape out of his hand.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ يّتّ مَ، عَ نَشّ، «لْشْي ندٍ سْلُ مَن كَتَمَ نّ ٱ قَشَدٍ. ٱ شَ ٱ فِ عَ يَ رَ قِلِسِتَ بْشِ مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ فبِلٍن ٱ قْشْ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ. نَ نَن نْمَ ٱ بَدٍ عَ بّلّشّ.»"} {"eng": "Now therefore, don’t let my blood fall to the earth away from the presence of Yahweh; for the king of Israel has come out to seek a flea, as when one hunts a partridge in the mountains.”", "sus": "ٱ مُ وَ مَ قَشَقٍ يِرٍ نَشَن مَكُيَ عَلَتَلَ يَ تٌدٍ رَ. عَ لُشِ عَلْ عِ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ نَ دٌندٌلِ دِ ندٍ نَن فٍرٍقٍ، عَلْ عِ نَ شْنِ شُنشُرِ دِ ندٍ نَن قٍنقٍ فٍيَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "So David took the spear and the jar of water from Saul’s head, and they went away. No man saw it, or knew it, nor did any awake; for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from Yahweh had fallen on them.", "sus": "نَ كِ دَوُدَ نَشَ سْلُ شَ تَنبّ نُن عَ شَ يٍ كُندِ شَنِن، مِشِ يٌ مُ عٍ تٌ، مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ قٍ كٌلٌن، مِشِ يٌ مُ شُنُ. عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ شِ شْلِ تِلِنشِ رَدَنفِ عٍ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "David swore to Saul. Saul went home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold.", "sus": "دَوُدَ تٌ عَ كَلِ سْلُ بّ، سْلُ نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ، دَوُدَ نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ نَشَ سِفَ كَنتَرِ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "Saul went on this side of the mountain, and David and his men on that side of the mountain; and David hurried to get away for fear of Saul, for Saul and his men surrounded David and his men to take them.", "sus": "سْلُ نُ حّرّ مَ فٍيَ سّيتِ مَ، دَوُدَ قَن نُ حّرّ مَ فٍيَ بٌورٍ سّيتِ مَ، فُلُنبَ نُ نَ عٍ تَفِ. دَوُدَ نُ عَ فِقٍ عَ سّنبّ رَ، كْنْ سْلُ شَ مِشِيٍ نُ نَ عَ رَشّتّنقٍ."} {"eng": "David stayed in the wilderness in the strongholds, and remained in the hill country in the wilderness of Ziph. Saul sought him every day, but God didn’t deliver him into his hand.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ لُ سِقِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ فٍيَيٍ يِرٍ. سْلُ نُ عَ قٍنمَ، كْنْ عَلَ مُ عَ سَ عَ بّلّشّ عِ."} {"eng": "Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, because we have both sworn in Yahweh’s name, saying, ‘Yahweh is between me and you, and between my offspring and your offspring, forever.’” He arose and departed; and Jonathan went into the city.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، دَوُدَ نَشَ سِفَ نٌبٌ، يٌنَتَن نَشَ فبِلٍن تَا كُي."} {"eng": "For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, you will not be established, nor will your kingdom. Therefore now send and bring him to me, for he shall surely die!”", "sus": "عِ مُ عَ كٌلٌن عَ قَننِ يِسَيِ شَ دِ نَ دُنِحَ، شَشِلِ سَ يٌ مُ نَ عِ بّ عِ شَ مَنفّيَ شَ قٍ رَ؟ عِ شَ مِشِ ندٍ شّي عَ سُشُدٍ. عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ قَشَ.»"} {"eng": "He said, ‘Please let me go, for our family has a sacrifice in the city. My brother has commanded me to be there. Now, if I have found favor in your eyes, please let me go away and see my brothers.’ Therefore he has not come to the king’s table.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، ‹يَندِ، عَ لُ، ٱ شَ سِفَ لَندٍ ٱ شَبِلّ شَ سّرّشّ مَ. ٱ تَارَ بَرَ ٱ شِلِ. عِ شَ تِن ٱ شَ سِفَ ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ يِرٍ.› نَ نَن عَ رَ، دَوُدَ مُ نَ بٍ تٌ مَنفّ شَ تٍيبِلِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "So Jonathan made a covenant with David’s house, saying, “Yahweh will require it at the hand of David’s enemies.”", "sus": "يٌنَتَن نَشَ سَاتّ تٌنفٌ دَوُدَ بْنسْي بّ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «عَلَتَلَ شَ دَوُدَ فبٍ حْشْ عَ يَشُييٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "but you shall also not cut off your kindness from my house forever, no, not when Yahweh has cut off every one of the enemies of David from the surface of the earth.”", "sus": "عِ نَشَ بَ هِننّقٍ ٱ مَ دٍنبَيَ رَ، هَلِ عَلَتَلَ عِ يَشُي بِرِن بَ نّ يِ دُنِحَ بّندّ قُحِ قَرِ.»"} {"eng": "Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David. But Jonathan, Saul’s son, greatly delighted in David.", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شَ دِ يٌنَتَن نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ بّ، عَ عٍ شَ دَوُدَ قَشَ. كْنْ دَوُدَ نُ رَقَن يٌنَتَن مَ كِ قَنيِ."} {"eng": "Saul said, I will give her to him, that she may be a snare to him and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him. Therefore Saul said to David a second time, “You shall today be my son-in-law.”", "sus": "سْلُ نُ عَ قَلَمَ عَ يّتّ مَ، «ٱ شَ عَ قِ عَ مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ قِندِ فَنتَنيِ رَ عَ بّ، قِلِسِتَكَيٍ شَ عَ قَشَ.» نَ كُي سْلُ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ دَوُدَ بّ، «تٌ عِ شَ قِندِ ٱ بِتَنيِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "David said to Saul, “Who am I, and what is my life, or my father’s family in Israel, that I should be son-in-law to the king?”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ سْلُ يَابِ، «ندٍ نَ ٱ تَن نَ؟ ٱ بَبَ شَبِلّ شُرُن عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي يَ مَ، ٱ تَن شَ قِندِ مَنفّ بِتَنيِ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "On the next day, an evil spirit from God came mightily on Saul, and he prophesied in the middle of the house. David played with his hand, as he did day by day. Saul had his spear in his hand;", "sus": "نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، عَلَ نَشَ عَ نِيَ حِننّ شَ بِرَ سْلُ قْشْ رَ، عَ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَلْ نَمِحْنمّ. عَ شَ تَنبّ نُ سُشُشِ عَ يِ رَ. دَوُدَ نُ نَ كْرَ رَبٍرٍقٍ عَ بّ، عَلْ عَ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "The women sang to one another as they played, and said, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.”", "sus": "نَ سِفِيٍ كُي فِنّيٍ نُ عَ قَلَمَ، «سْلُ بَرَ مِشِ وُلُ وُلُ بْنبْ، كْنْ دَوُدَ تَن مِشِ وُلُ وُلُ دْشْ قُ نَن بْنبْشِ.»"} {"eng": "So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him; but there was no sword in David’s hand.", "sus": "Dawuda sɛnbɛ gbo Filisitaka bɛ na ki nɛ, a a faxa laati nun gɛmɛ keren peti ra santidɛgɛma xanbi."} {"eng": "Then David ran, stood over the Philistine, took his sword, drew it out of its sheath, killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ فِ عَ سِفَ نَ قِلِسِتَكَ سَشِ دّننَشّ، عَ قِلِسِتَكَ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَ بَ عَ تّي عِ، عَ عَ قَشَ عَ رَ، عَ عَ شُنيِ بٌلٌن عَ دّ عِ. قِلِسِتَكَيٍ تٌ عَ تٌ عٍ شَ سّنبّمَ بَرَ قَشَ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ فِ."} {"eng": "Then David ran, stood over the Philistine, took his sword, drew it out of its sheath, killed him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.", "sus": "Dawuda naxa a gi a siga na Filisitaka saxi dɛnnaxɛ, a Filisitaka xa santidɛgɛma ba a tɛɛ i, a a faxa a ra, a a xunyi bolon a dɛ i. Filisitakae to a to e xa sɛnbɛma bara faxa, e naxa e gi."} {"eng": "The Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” The Philistine cursed David by his gods.", "sus": "Filisitaka naxa a fala Dawuda bɛ, «Pe, bare nan n na, i to fama n gerede wuri ra?» A naxa Dawuda danka a xa alae xili ra,"} {"eng": "The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the sky and to the animals of the field.”", "sus": "عَ قَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «قَ بٍ، ٱ عِ سُبٍ سٌمَ شْنِيٍ يِ رَ نَشٍيٍ حّرّ مَ كٌورٍ مَ، عَ نُن سُبٍيٍ نَشٍيٍ نَ وُلَ عِ.»"} {"eng": "The Philistine said to David, “Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the sky and to the animals of the field.”", "sus": "a fa a fala a bɛ, «Fa be, n i sube soma xɔnie yi ra naxee ɲɛrɛma koore ma, a nun subee naxee na wula i.»"} {"eng": "David said to Saul, “Your servant was keeping his father’s sheep; and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock,", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ سْلُ بّ، «ٱ تَن عِ شَ كٌنيِ، ٱ تَن نَن ٱ بَبَ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ دّ مَدٌنمَ رَ. وُلَ سُبٍ عَلْ يّتّ نَ قَ ٱ مَ شُرُ سٍ ندٍ سُشُدٍ،"} {"eng": "Now Saul, and they, and all the men of Israel were in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistines.", "sus": "عٍ نَ سْلُ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سْورِ بِرِن قْشْ رَ تٍرٍبِنتِ فُلُنبَ كُي، قِلِسِتَكَيٍ فٍرٍقٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehem Judah, whose name was Jesse; and he had eight sons. The man was an elderly old man in the days of Saul.", "sus": "دَوُدَ بَبَ قِندِشِ يِسَيِ عٍقِرَ مِكَ نَن نَ، نَشَن نُ نَ بّتّلّيمُ يُدَ بْنسْي شَ بْشِ مَ. دِ شّمّ سٌلٌمَسَشَن نَن نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ. سْلُ شَ وَشَتِ، عَ نُ بَرَ قٌرِ."} {"eng": "Saul said, “God do so and more also; for you shall surely die, Jonathan.”", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «عِ نْندِ. يٌنَتَن، عِ شَ قَشَ. شَ ٱ مُ عِ قَشَ، عَلَ شَ ٱ حَشَنكَتَ عَ حَاشِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "For as Yahweh lives, who saves Israel, though it is in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die.” But there was not a man among all the people who answered him.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ عِسِرَيِلَ رَكِسِمَ عَلَتَلَ رَ، هَلِ ٱ مَ دِ يٌنَتَن نَن عَ رَبَشِ، ٱ نَ عَ قَشَمَ نّ.» حَمَ بِرِن يَ مَ، مِشِ يٌ مُ عَ يَابِ."} {"eng": "Then Jonathan said, “My father has troubled the land. Please look how my eyes have brightened because I tasted a little of this honey.", "sus": "يٌنَتَن نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ بَبَ نَ حَمَ تْورْقٍ نّ نَ كِ. وٌ عَ مَتٌ ٱ يَ عِيَلَنشِ كِ نَشّ، ٱ تٌ يِ كُمِ كْنشِ."} {"eng": "Jonathan climbed up on his hands and on his feet, and his armor bearer after him, and they fell before Jonathan; and his armor bearer killed them after him.", "sus": "يٌنَتَن نَشَ تٍ عَ وُلُمٍن نَ، عَ شَ كٌنيِ نَ عَ شَنبِ رَ. يٌنَتَن نُن عَ شَ كٌنيِ نَشَ نَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ قَشَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh sent Jerubbaal, Bedan, Jephthah, and Samuel, and delivered you out of the hand of your enemies on every side; and you lived in safety.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ نِيَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يٍرُبَالِ، بٍدَن، يٍقِتٍ، نُن سَمُوٍلِ شّي وٌ بَدٍ وٌ يَشُييٍ يِ رَ نَشٍيٍ نُ وٌ رَبِلِنشِ. نَ كُي وٌ نَشَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "Then Nahash the Ammonite came up and encamped against Jabesh Gilead; and all the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, “Make a covenant with us, and we will serve you.”", "sus": "عَمٌنِ مَنفّ نَشَسَ نَشَ يٌنكِن يَبّسِ تَا يَ رَ فَلَدِ بْشِ مَ. يَبّسِكَيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «وٌن شَ سَاتّ شِرِ، مُشُ شَ لُ عِ سَفٌي.»"} {"eng": "Saul also went to his house in Gibeah; and the army went with him, whose hearts God had touched.", "sus": "سْلُ قَن نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ فِبٍيَ. كُنتِفِ ندٍيٍ نَشَ عَ مَتِ، عَلَتَلَ نَشٍيٍ بْحّ يَ رَقِندِ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "As soon as you have come into the city, you will immediately find him before he goes up to the high place to eat; for the people will not eat until he comes, because he blesses the sacrifice. Afterwards those who are invited eat. Now therefore go up; for at this time you will find him.”", "sus": "شَ وٌ سٌمَ تَا كُي يَكْسِ، وٌ عَ لِمَ نّ نَا بٍينُن عَ شَ تٍ فٍيَ قَرِ سّرّشّ شْلِدٍ. حَمَ مُ عَ دّفٍمَ عَ شَنبِ، قٌ عَ شَ سّرّشّ دُبَ بٍينُن مِشِيٍ شَ عَ شْلِ. وٌ تٍ يَكْسِ. وٌ عَ لِمَ نَا.»"} {"eng": "He passed through the hill country of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalishah, but they didn’t find them. Then they passed through the land of Shaalim, and they weren’t there. Then he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they didn’t find them.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ مِنِ عٍقِرَ مِ فٍيَيٍ رَ، عٍ سَلِسَ بْشِ عِحّرّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ سٌقَلٍيٍ تٌ. عٍ نَشَ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي شَ بْشِ قَن عِحّرّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ عٍ تٌ."} {"eng": "He went from year to year in a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah; and he judged Israel in all those places.", "sus": "حّ يٌ حّ، عَ نُ بِيَاسِ ندٍ رَبَمَ سِفَقٍ رَ بٍتٍلِ، فِلِفَلِ، نُن مِسِثَ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ رَحّرّ."} {"eng": "Then the children of Israel removed the Baals and the Ashtaroth, and served Yahweh only.", "sus": "نَ كُي، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ بَلِ كُيٍيٍ نُن عَسَتَرٌتِ كُيٍيٍ بَ عٍ تَفِ، عٍ قَ عَلَتَلَ كٍرٍن بَتُ."} {"eng": "Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down. It shall be, if he calls you, that you shall say, ‘Speak, Yahweh; for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.", "sus": "عٍلِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ سَمُوٍلِ بّ، «فبِلٍن عِ سَ عِ سَ. عِ نَ نَ شُي مّ سْنْن، عِ شَ عَ رَتِن، ‹عَلَتَلَ، وْيّن. عِ شَ كٌنيِ دِ عَ تُلِ مَتِمَ عِ رَ.›» سَمُوٍلِ نَشَ فبِلٍن، عَ سَ عَ سَ عَ سَدٍ."} {"eng": "Yahweh called Samuel. He said, “Here I am.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ سَمُوٍلِ شِلِ. سَمُوٍلِ نَشَ عَ رَتِن، «ٱ تَن نَن يَ.»"} {"eng": "“Don’t keep talking so exceedingly proudly. Don’t let arrogance come out of your mouth, for Yahweh is a God of knowledge. By him actions are weighed.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ وٌ يّتّ عِفبٌ، نَ وْيّنيِ مْولِ نَشَ مِنِ وٌ دّ عِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ، عَلَ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن قٍ بِرِن كٌلٌن، نَشَن مِشِ شَ وَلِ بِرِن مَنِيَمَ سِكٍيلِ رَ."} {"eng": "She said, “Oh, my lord, as your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to Yahweh.", "sus": "عَنِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مَرِفِ، عِ هَاكّ تٌ ٱ بّ. فِنّ نَشَن قَ بٍ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِدٍ عِ يَ شْرِ، ٱ تَن نَن نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "So year by year, when she went up to Yahweh’s house, her rival provoked her. Therefore she wept, and didn’t eat.", "sus": "حّ يٌ حّ، عَنِ نّ تٍمَ عَلَتَلَ بَتُ بَنشِ، عَ سِينَ ثٍنِننَ نُ عَ مَيٍلٍمَ هَن عَ نُ تٌندِ عَ دّفٍدٍ، عَ بْنبْ وَ تُن نَ."} {"eng": "Then Boaz said, “On the day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi, you must buy it also from Ruth the Moabitess, the wife of the dead, to raise up the name of the dead on his inheritance.”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي بٌو سُ نَشَ يِ وْيّنيِ سَ نَ قَرِ، عَ نَشّ، «عِ نّ يِ بْشِ سَرَ مَ لْشْي نَشّ نٌوٍ مِ نُن رُتِ مٌوَبَكَ مَ، عِ مَن شَ نَ كَاحّ فِنّ قَن دْشْ، عَلَكٌ قَشَمِشِ شِلِ نَشَ لْي نَ بْشِ شُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "Boaz took ten men of the elders of the city, and said, “Sit down here,” and they sat down.", "sus": "بٌو سُ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ تَا كُنتِفِ قُ بّ، «وٌ قَ، وٌ وٌ مَفٌرٌ بٍ.» عٍ تٌ دْشْ،"} {"eng": "When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, “How did it go, my daughter?” She told her all that the man had done for her.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ مَمَ نٌوٍ مِ شْنيِ. نٌوٍ مِ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «ٱ مَ مَمَدِ، قٍ بَرَ دَنفِ عَ قَنيِ رَ؟» رُتِ نَشَ عَ يَ مَشَرَن بٌو سُ نَشَن بِرِن نَبَشِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "She said, ‘Please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.’ So she came, and has continued even from the morning until now, except that she rested a little in the house.”", "sus": "عَ مَيَندِ نَن تِ عَ شَ قُندٍن مَنِيّ دْنشْييٍ مَتٌنفٌ وَلِكّيٍ شَنبِ رَ. كَقِ عَ قَ فّيسّفّ، هَن يَكْسِ عَ نَ وَلِقٍ، قٌ عَ تٌ عَ مَلَبُقٍ يِ كِ بَفٍ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "She went, and came and gleaned in the field after the reapers; and she happened to come to the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech.", "sus": "رُتِ نَشَ سِفَ قُندٍن مَنِيّ دْنشْييٍ مَتٌنفٌدٍ شّ وَلِكّيٍ شَنبِ رَ. عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ رَفِرِ، عَ شَ عَ شُن تِ بٌو سُ، عٍلِمٍلٍكِ شَبِلّ مِشِ ندٍ شَ شّ رَ."} {"eng": "So they both went until they came to Bethlehem. When they had come to Bethlehem, all the city was excited about them, and they asked, “Is this Naomi?”", "sus": "عٍ قِرِن نَشَ تِ كِرَ شْن مَ هَن بّتّلّيمُ. عٍ تٌ سٌ تَا كُي، حَمَ نَشَ تّرّننَ عٍ تٌقٍ رَ. فِنّيٍ نُ قَ مَشْرِنيِ تِ، «نٌوٍ مِ نَن يَ؟»"} {"eng": "The children of Benjamin did so, and took wives for themselves according to their number, of those who danced, whom they carried off. They went and returned to their inheritance, built the cities, and lived in them.", "sus": "بُنيَمِن شَ دِيٍ نَشَ نَ بِرِن نَبَ. عٍ نَشَ فِنّ تٌنفٌ عٍ شَ كْنتِ مَ فِنّيٍ يَ مَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ قَرٍ بٌرٌنقٍ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ شَنِن عٍ شَ بْشِ مَ، عٍ مَن نَشَ عٍ شَ تَايٍ تِ، عٍ سَبَتِ نَا."} {"eng": "Eighteen thousand men of Benjamin fell; all these were men of valor.", "sus": "بُنيَمِن سْورِ قَنيِ وُلُ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَن نَشَ قَشَ نَ فٍرٍ كُي."} {"eng": "It was so, that all who saw it said, “Such a deed has not been done or seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt to this day! Consider it, take counsel, and speak.”", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ بِرِن نَ تٌ، عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «كَقِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ، هَن تٌ، يِ قٍ حَاشِ مْولِ مُ نُ رَبَ سِندٍن. وٌن شَ لُ يِرٍ كٍرٍن، وٌ شَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ يِ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "When he had come into his house, he took a knife and cut up his concubine, and divided her, limb by limb, into twelve pieces, and sent her throughout all the borders of Israel.", "sus": "عَ تٌ سٌ عَ شْنيِ، عَ نَشَ قِنّ تٌنفٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ فِنّ عِبٌلٌن عَ سَلٌنسٍيٍ مَ دْشْ قُ نُن قِرِن. عَ نَشَ نَ شُنتُنيِيٍ رَ سَنبَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي قُ نُن قِرِنيِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "He said to her, “Get up, and let’s get going!” but no one answered. Then he took her up on the donkey; and the man rose up, and went to his place.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شَ فِنّ بّ، «وٌن شّي،» كْنْ عَ مُ عَ يَابِ. عَ نُ بَرَ قَشَ. نَ كُي عَ نَشَ عَ سَ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ قَرِ، عَ سِفَ عَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "So they set up for themselves Micah’s engraved image which he made, and it remained all the time that God’s house was in Shiloh.", "sus": "عٍ نُ مِكٍ شَ كُيٍ نَن بَتُمَ، عَلَ شَ بَنشِ نُ نَ سِلٌ وَشَتِ نَشَن مَ."} {"eng": "The children of Dan set up for themselves the engraved image; and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons were priests to the tribe of the Danites until the day of the captivity of the land.", "sus": "دَنَ شَ دِيٍ نَشَ مِكٍ شَ كُيٍ تِ نَا. فٍرِ سٌمِ شَ دِ يٌنَتَن، مُنسَ شَ مَمَدِ، نَشَ قِندِ دَنَ بْنسْي شَ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ، هَن عٍ يَشُييٍ عٍ شَنِن حَمَنّ مَ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "They passed from there to the hill country of Ephraim, and came to the house of Micah.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ مّننِ، عٍ سِفَ عٍقِرَ مِ فٍيَيٍ يِرٍ، هَن مِكٍ شَ بَنشِ نُ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "The man Micah had a house of gods, and he made an ephod, and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest.", "sus": "مِكٍ كُيٍ بَتُدٍ ندٍ سْتْ نَ كِ نّ. عَ نَشَ سّرّشّدُبّ شَ دُفِ نُن كُيٍ فبّتّيٍ يَءِلَن. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ ندٍ قِندِ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ."} {"eng": "It came to pass afterward that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، سَمِسٌن نَشَ فِنّ ندٍ كٌلٌن سٌرٍكِ فُلُنبَ نَشَن شِلِ دَلِلَ. سَمِسٌن نَشَ نَ فِنّ شَنُ."} {"eng": "He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, put out his hand, took it, and struck a thousand men with it.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ سٌقَلٍ بَنفَنيِ شْرِ ندٍ تٌنفٌ بْشِ مَ، عَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ مِشِ وُلُ كٍرٍن قَشَ نَ رَ."} {"eng": "Then the Philistines said, “Who has done this?” They said, “Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because he has taken his wife and given her to his companion.” The Philistines came up, and burned her and her father with fire.", "sus": "قِلِسِتَكَيٍ نَشَ عٍ بٌورٍيٍ مَشْرِن، «ندٍ يِ وَلِ رَبَشِ؟» مِشِ ندٍيٍ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «سَمِسٌن قْشِ نَن عَ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ بِتَنيِ تِمِنَكَ بَرَ عَ شَ فِنّ قِ شّمّ مَ، عَ تَن سَمِسٌن شَ شُلُنيِ بِنيّ قِ نَشَن مَ.» نَ كُي قِلِسِتَكَيٍ نَشَ سِفَ نَ فِنّ نُن عَ بَبَ فَندٍ."} {"eng": "After a while he returned to take her, and he went over to see the carcass of the lion; and behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey.", "sus": "نَ بِيَاسِ دَنفِ شَنبِ، سَمِسٌن نَشَ فبِلٍن تِمِنَ نَ سُنفبُتُنيِ يِرٍ، عَ شَ عَ قِندِ عَ شَ فِنّ رَ. بٍينُن عَ شَ عَ لِ، عَ نَشَ مِنِ كِرَ رَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ نَ يّتّ بِنبِنيِ مَتٌ. عَ نَشَ كُمِ تّي لِ نَا، عٍ تُرٍ نَ يّتّ شْرِيٍ لٌنفٌرِ رَ."} {"eng": "Then Samson went down to Timnah with his father and his mother, and came to the vineyards of Timnah; and behold, a young lion roared at him.", "sus": "سَمِسٌن نُن عَ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ نَشَ فٌرٌ تِمِنَ. عٍ تٌ وّنِ بِلِيٍ يِرٍ لِ، يّتّ ندٍ نَشَ مِنِ سَمِسٌن مَ، عَ شَ عَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "So Manoah took the young goat with the meal offering, and offered it on the rock to Yahweh. Then the angel did an amazing thing as Manoah and his wife watched.", "sus": "مَنٌوَ نَشَ نَ سِ نُن قَرِن ندٍ بَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ قَنيٍ ندٍ قَرِ عَلَتَلَ بّ. نَ تّمُي كَابَنَكٌ ندٍ نَشَ رَبَ عٍ يَ شْرِ."} {"eng": "Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim. The men of Gilead struck Ephraim, because they said, “You are fugitives of Ephraim, you Gileadites, in the middle of Ephraim, and in the middle of Manasseh.”", "sus": "يٍقِتٍ نَشَ فَلَدِ شّمّيٍ بِرِن مَلَن، عٍ شَ عٍقِرَ مِكَيٍ فٍرٍ. فَلَدِ شّمّيٍ نَشَ عٍقِرَ مِكَيٍ بْنبْ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ بَرَ عَ قَلَ، «وٌ تَن فَلَدِكَيٍ، وٌ وٌ فِشِ نّ كٍلِقٍ عٍقِرَ مِ، وٌ سِفَ مَنَسِ بْشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "He struck them from Aroer until you come to Minnith, even twenty cities, and to Abelcheramim, with a very great slaughter. So the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ بْنبْ عَ شْرْشْي رَ قْلْ عَرٌوٍرِ مَ، سَ دْشْ مِنِتِ بِرِ رَ، تَا مْشْحّن، هَن هَبِلَ كٍرَ مِمِ. عَمٌنِكَيٍ نَشَ لُ يَافِ كُي عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "So Jephthah passed over to the children of Ammon to fight against them; and Yahweh delivered them into his hand.", "sus": "يٍقِتٍ نَشَ سِفَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ شَ بْشِ مَ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ. عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عٍ سَ عَ سَفٌ."} {"eng": "But Sihon didn’t trust Israel to pass through his border; but Sihon gathered all his people together, and encamped in Jahaz, and fought against Israel.", "sus": "كْنْ سِشْن مُ تِن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ مِنِ عَ شَ بْشِ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ حَمَ بِرِن مَلَن، عٍ نَشَ كُرُ يَهَسِ، عٍ عِسِرَيِلَ فٍرٍ."} {"eng": "The children of Israel cried to Yahweh, saying, “We have sinned against you, even because we have forsaken our God, and have served the Baals.”", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ عٍ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، عٍ نُ قَ عَ قَلَ، «مُشُ بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عِ رَ، بَرِ مَ مُشُ بَرَ فبِلٍن مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَ قْشْ رَ، مُشُ مَن بَرَ بَلِ كُيٍيٍ بَتُ.»"} {"eng": "He came to the men of Succoth, and said, “See Zebah and Zalmunna, concerning whom you taunted me, saying, ‘Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are weary?’”", "sus": "فٍدٍيٌن نَشَ سِفَ سُكْتِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «سّبَ نُن سَلَمُنَ نَن يِ كِ، وٌ ٱ كٌنبِ نَشٍيٍ شَ قٍ رَ. وٌ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، ‹وٌ حَن بَرَ فّ سّبَ نُن سَلَمُنَ سُشُدٍ؟ عَ لَنمَ مُشُ شَ تَامِ سٌ عِ شَ سْورِيٍ يِ رَ مُنقٍ رَ؟›»"} {"eng": "Gideon the son of Joash returned from the battle from the ascent of Heres.", "sus": "يٌوَ سِ شَ دِ فٍدٍيٌن تٌ قَ كٍلِقٍ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ شّرّ سّ فٍيَ قَرِ،"} {"eng": "But Yahweh’s Spirit came on Gideon, and he blew a trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered together to follow him.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَشِلِ نَشَ لُ فٍدٍيٌن بّ. عَ نَشَ قٍرِ قٍ، عَ شَ عَبِيٍسٍرِ بْنسْي مَشِلِ عَلَكٌ عٍ بِرِن شَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Then the men of the city said to Joash, “Bring out your son, that he may die, because he has broken down the altar of Baal, and because he has cut down the Asherah that was by it.”", "sus": "نَ كُي تَاكَيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٌوَ سِ بّ، «عِ شَ دِ رَ مِنِ، عَ شَ قَشَ، بَرِ مَ عَ بَرَ بَلِ كُيٍ سّرّشّبَدٍ كَنَ، عَ مَن بَرَ عَسٍرِ وُرِ مَسٌلِشِ رَبِرَ، نَشَن نُ تِشِ عَ شُن.»"} {"eng": "Behold, as Barak pursued Sisera, Jael came out to meet him, and said to him, “Come, and I will show you the man whom you seek.” He came to her; and behold, Sisera lay dead, and the tent peg was in his temples.", "sus": "يَيٍلِ نَشَ مِنِ بَرَكِ يَ رَ، نَشَن نُ نَ بِرَقٍ سِسٍرَ قْشْ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «قَ بٍ، عِ شّمّ نَشَن قٍنقٍ، ٱ شَ عَ مَسٍن عِ بّ.» بَرَكِ نَشَ سٌ يَيٍلِ شْنيِ، عَ قَ سِسٍرَ قَشَشِ تٌ، وُرِ بَنبَنشِ عَ فبّفبّ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Follow me; for Yahweh has delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand.” They followed him, and took the fords of the Jordan against the Moabites, and didn’t allow any man to pass over.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ بِرَ ٱ قْشْ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ وٌ يَشُي مٌوَبَكَيٍ سَ وٌ سَفٌي.» عٍ نَشَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ، عٍ سِفَ، عٍ سَ تِ يُرُدّن شُرٍ دّ مٌوَبَ بِرِ رَ. عٍ مُ تِن مِشِ فبّتّ شَ شُرٍ عِفِرِ مّننِ."} {"eng": "He gathered the children of Ammon and Amalek to himself; and he went and struck Israel, and they possessed the city of palm trees.", "sus": "عٍفِلٌن نَشَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ نُن عَمَلّكِكَيٍ شِلِ، عٍ بِرِن شَ عِسِرَيِلَ فٍرٍ. نَ كُي عٍ نَشَ تُفِ تَا مَسْتْ."} {"eng": "The house of Joseph sent to spy out Bethel. (The name of the city before that was Luz.)", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ مِشِ شّي بٍتٍلِ، عٍ شَ مّننِ مَتٌ. يِ تَا شِلِ نُ قَلَمَ نّ سِنفٍ رَ نُ لُسِ."} {"eng": "“‘I brought you into the land of the Amorites, that lived beyond the Jordan. They fought with you, and I gave them into your hand. You possessed their land, and I destroyed them from before you.", "sus": "«ٱ نَشَ وٌ شَنِن عَمٌرِكَيٍ شَ بْشِ مَ دّننَشّ نَ يُرُدّن كِرِ مَ. عٍ نَشَ وٌ فٍرٍ، كْنْ ٱ نَشَ عٍ سَ وٌ بّلّشّ عِ، ٱ عٍ كٍرِ وٌ يَ رَ، وٌ قَ عٍ شَ بْشِ مَسْتْ."} {"eng": "When the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up against them to war.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تٌ نَ قٍ كٌلٌن، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَلَن سِلٌ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ تٍ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ."} {"eng": "Now Yahweh your God has given rest to your brothers, as he spoke to them. Therefore now return and go to your tents, to the land of your possession, which Moses the servant of Yahweh gave you beyond the Jordan.", "sus": "يَكْسِ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ مَلَبُي قِ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ مَ، عَلْ عَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ كِ نَشّ. يَكْسِ وٌ سِفَ وٌ شْنيِ. وٌ شَ فبِلٍن نَ بْشِ مَ عَلَتَلَ شَ كٌنيِ مُنسَ دّننَشّ سٌشِ وٌ يِ رَ يُرُدّن كِرِ مَ."} {"eng": "If the avenger of blood pursues him, then they shall not deliver up the man slayer into his hand; because he struck his neighbor unintentionally, and didn’t hate him before.", "sus": "شَ فبٍحْشْي تِ سَ سِفَ نَا، عٍ نَشَ نَ قَشّتِ سٌ عَ يِ رَ دٍ، بَرِ مَ نَ قَشّ مُ كٍلِشِ حَنِفٍ شَ مَ."} {"eng": "Elon, Timnah, Ekron,", "sus": "عٍلٌن، تِمِنَ، عٍكِرٌن،"} {"eng": "The border turned around it on the north to Hannathon; and it ended at the valley of Iphtah El;", "sus": "كْولَ مَ، نَ نَانِنيِ نَن سِفَشِ شَنَتْن هَن عَ يِقِتَ عٍلِ فُلُنبَ لِ."} {"eng": "Now the cities of the tribe of the children of Benjamin according to their families were Jericho, Beth Hoglah, Emek Keziz,", "sus": "تَا نَشٍيٍ قِ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي شَبِلّيٍ مَ، نٍيٍ نَن يَ؛ يٍرِكٌ، بٍتِ شٌفَلَ، عٍمٍكِ كٍسِسِ،"} {"eng": "Joshua said to them, “If you are a numerous people, go up to the forest, and clear land for yourself there in the land of the Perizzites and of the Rephaim, since the hill country of Ephraim is too narrow for you.”", "sus": "يٌسُوٍ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «شَ وٌ وُيَ عٍقِرَ مِ فٍيَ يِرٍ بّ، وٌ شَ سِفَ ثٍرِ سِكَيٍ نُن رٍقَكَيٍ شَ وٌندِ يِرٍ، وٌ مّننِ مَسّفّ عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ بْشِ سْتْ.»"} {"eng": "From Tappuah the border went along westward to the brook of Kanah; and ended at the sea. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Ephraim according to their families;", "sus": "عَ كٍلِ تَثُوَ، عَ سِفَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ بِرِ هَن كَننَ شُرٍ، هَن بَا دّ رَ. عٍقِرَ مِ بْنسْي كّ نَن نَ كِ عٍ شَبِلّ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "Humtah, Kiriath Arba (also called Hebron), and Zior; nine cities with their villages.", "sus": "شُمٍتَ، كِرِيَتِ عَرَبَ نَشَن قِندِ شٍبِرٌن نَ، عٍ نُن سِيٌرٌ. عٍ بِرِن نَلَنشِ تَا سٌلٌمَنَانِ، نُن عٍ دَاشَيٍ."} {"eng": "The border went up by the valley of the son of Hinnom to the side of the Jebusite (also called Jerusalem) southward; and the border went up to the top of the mountain that lies before the valley of Hinnom westward, which is at the farthest part of the valley of Rephaim northward.", "sus": "عَ كٍلِ مّننِ، عَ فٌرٌ هِنٌمَ شَ فُلُنبَ كُي، يٍبُسُكَيٍ شَ تَا يِرٍقَنيِ مَ. نَ تَا قِندِشِ دَرِ سَلَمُ نَن نَ. عَ سِفَ هَن فٍيَ قَرِ مَ هِنٌمَ شَ فُلُنبَ يَ رَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ بِرِ نُن رٍقَ بْنسْي شَ فُلُنبَ رَحْنيِ رَ كْولَ بِرِ رَ."} {"eng": "The border went up to Beth Hoglah, and passed along by the north of Beth Arabah; and the border went up to the stone of Bohan the son of Reuben.", "sus": "عَ تٍ بٍتِ شٌفَلَ بِرِ رَ، عَ سِفَ بٍتِ عَرَبَ، هَن رُبٍن شَ دِ بٌهَن شَ فّمّ يِرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Jahaz, Kedemoth, Mephaath,", "sus": "يَهَسِ، كٍدٍ مٌتِ، مٍقَاتِ،"} {"eng": "Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and the half-tribe of Manasseh.”", "sus": "عِ شَ يِ بْشِ عِتَشُن عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي سٌلٌمَنَانِ مَ، عَ نُن مَنَسِ بْنسْي سّيتِ بٌورٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "There was no day like that before it or after it, that Yahweh listened to the voice of a man; for Yahweh fought for Israel.", "sus": "Han to na fe mɔɔli mu toxi duniɲa. Alatala nu bara Yosuwe xa maxandi suxu, a nu na gere sofe Isirayila bɛ."} {"eng": "Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp to Gilgal.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي يٌسُوٍ نُن عَ شَ سْورِيٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن عٍ شَ يٌنكِندٍ فِلِفَلِ."} {"eng": "Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to the camp to Gilgal.", "sus": "Na tɛmui Yosuwe nun a xa sɔɔrie naxa gbilen e xa yonkinde Giligali."} {"eng": "These wine skins, which we filled, were new; and behold, they are torn. These our garments and our sandals have become old because of the very long journey.”", "sus": "مُشُ شَ وّنِ سَسٍ نّينّيٍ نُ رَقٍشِ وّنِ قَنيِ رَ، كْنْ يَكْسِ نَ بِرِن بَرَ حْن، وّنِ سَسٍيٍ بَرَ بْو. وٌ مُشُ شَ دٌنمَيٍ مَتٌ، عَ نُن مُشُ شَ سَنكِرِيٍ. عٍ بِرِن بَرَ كَنَ يِ كِرَ شَ مَكُيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "There was not a word of all that Moses commanded which Joshua didn’t read before all the assembly of Israel, with the women, the little ones, and the foreigners who were among them.", "sus": "عَننَبِ مُنسَ شَ مَسٍنيِ سّبّشِ كٍرٍن مُ لُ، يٌسُوٍ مُ نَشَن تَفِ رَبَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن بّ، هَلِ فِنّيٍ، دِ مّيٍ، نُن شْحّ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "All Israel, with their elders, officers, and judges, stood on both sides of the ark before the Levitical priests, who carried the ark of Yahweh’s covenant, the foreigner as well as the native; half of them in front of Mount Gerizim, and half of them in front of Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of Yahweh had commanded at the first, that they should bless the people of Israel.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ، عٍ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ، عٍ شَ سْورِ مَنفّيٍ، عٍ شَ كِيتِسَيٍ، نُن شْحّ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ سِفَ تِ رَ لٍوِ بْنسْي سّرّشّدُبّيٍ يَ عِ، نَشٍيٍ نُ عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ شَنِنمَ. حَمَ سّيتِ كٍرٍن نَشَ تِ فَرِ سِمِ فٍيَ بِرِ، حَمَ سّيتِ بٌورٍ نَشَ تِ عٍبَلِ فٍيَ بِرِ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ شَ كٌنيِ مُنسَ عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ سِنفٍ بّ كِ نَشّ، عَ دُبَ عٍ بّ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "The others came out of the city against them, so they were in the middle of Israel, some on this side, and some on that side. They struck them, so that they let none of them remain or escape.", "sus": "نَ مّلّنتِيٍ قَن نَشَ قَ كٍلِقٍ تَا كُي، عٍ شَ عَيِكَيٍ فٍرٍ. نَ كُي عَيِكَيٍ نَشَ رَشّتّن، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَ عٍ بِرِن قَشَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْ عَ فِدٍ، مِشِ يٌ مُ لُ عَ حِحّ رَ،"} {"eng": "All the people who were in the city were called together to pursue after them. They pursued Joshua, and were drawn away from the city.", "sus": "عَيِكَيٍ نَشَ بِرَ عٍ قْشْ رَ كٍرٍن نَ. يٌسُوٍ نُن عَ شَ سْورِيٍ نَشَ عٍ فِ هَن عٍ فّ عَيِ حَمَ بِرِن نَمِنِدٍ تَا قَرِ مَ."} {"eng": "You shall do to Ai and her king as you did to Jericho and her king, except you shall take its goods and its livestock for yourselves. Set an ambush for the city behind it.”", "sus": "عِ عَيِ بْشِ نُن عَ مَنفّ شَ قٍ رَبَمَ نّ عَلْ عِ يٍرِكٌ بْشِ نُن عَ مَنفّ شَ قٍ رَبَ كِ نَشّ، كْنْ يِ بِيَاسِ عٍ شَ سٍ قَنيِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ قِندِ مَ وٌ هَرِفٍ نَن نَ. عِ قَمَ تَا مّلّندٍ عَ شَنبِ شَنبِ نَن مَ.»"} {"eng": "They raised over him a great heap of stones that remains to this day. Yahweh turned from the fierceness of his anger. Therefore the name of that place was called “The valley of Achor” to this day.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ فّمّ فبٍفبٍ كٌتٌ عَ قَرِ. هَن تٌ نَ كٌتٌشِ نَا. نَ كُي عَلَتَلَ بْحّ نَشَ فٌرٌ. نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ هَن تٌ، عَكٌرِ فُلُنبَ شِلِ قَلَمَ نَ يِرٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "The manna ceased on the next day, after they had eaten of the produce of the land. The children of Israel didn’t have manna any more, but they ate of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ بْشِ دَشَمُي دٌن، نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، مَنَ مُ فٌرٌ سْنْن. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَ كَنَان بْشِ دَشَمُي فبَنسَن نَن دٌن نَ حّ رَ."} {"eng": "For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness until all the nation, even the men of war who came out of Egypt, were consumed, because they didn’t listen to Yahweh’s voice. Yahweh swore to them that he wouldn’t let them see the land which Yahweh swore to their fathers that he would give us, a land flowing with milk and honey.", "sus": "نَ كُي، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نُ بَرَ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ حّرّ رَبَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، هَن شّمّ فٍرٍ سٌي بِرِن نَشَ فّ قَشَدٍ نَشٍيٍ تٌندِ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِ رَبَتُدٍ. عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ عَ كَلِ، عَ عٍ مُ قَمَ بْشِ تٌدٍ عَلَتَلَ عَ كَلِ عٍ بَبَيٍ بّ نَشَن شَ قٍ رَ عَ سٌقٍ رَ عٍ يِ، شِحّ نُن كُمِ شّلّمَ بْشِ نَشَن مَ."} {"eng": "When all the kings of the Amorites, who were beyond the Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, who were by the sea, heard how Yahweh had dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children of Israel until we had crossed over, their heart melted, and there was no more spirit in them, because of the children of Israel.", "sus": "عَمٌرِكَيٍ شَ مَنفّيٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ يُرُدّن كِرِ مَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ، عَ نُن كَنَان مَنفّيٍ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن نُ نَ بَا دّ رَ، عٍ تٌ عَ مّ، عَلَتَلَ بَرَ يُرُدّن شَرَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يَ رَ، هَن عٍ بِرِن نَشَ فّ فِرِدٍ، عٍ بْحّيٍ نَشَ بٌلٌن، لِمَنِيَ قَن نَشَ بَ عٍ يِ رَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall command the priests who bear the ark of the covenant, saying, ‘When you come to the brink of the waters of the Jordan, you shall stand still in the Jordan.’”", "sus": "عِ تَن قَن شَ يِ يَامَرِ سٌ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ يِ نَشٍيٍ يِ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ شَنِنمَ، ‹وٌ نَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ دّ لِ، نَ تّمُي وٌ شَ فٌرٌ يُرُدّن يٍ شْورَ.›»"} {"eng": "Yet there shall be a space between you and it of about two thousand cubits by measure—don’t come closer to it—that you may know the way by which you must go; for you have not passed this way before.”", "sus": "كْنْ عَ لَنمَ يَامِلّ كٍرٍن شَسَبِ شَ لُ وٌ تَن نُن عٍ تَن تَفِ. وٌ نَشَ وٌ مَكْرّ عٍ رَ دٍ. وٌ قَمَ كِرَ تٌدٍ نَ كِ نّ وٌ وٌ حّرّ مَ نَشَن شْن، بَرِ مَ وٌ سِنفٍ مُ نُ مِنِ نَ كِرَ رَ سِندٍن.»"} {"eng": "and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of Yahweh your God’s covenant, and the Levitical priests bearing it, then leave your place and follow it.", "sus": "عٍ قَ حَمَ يَامَرِ يِ رَ، «وٌ نَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ تٌ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ دْشْشِ لٍوِ دِيٍ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ شُن مَ، وٌ شَ بِرَ عٍ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Jericho’s king sent to Rahab, saying, “Bring out the men who have come to you, who have entered into your house; for they have come to spy out all the land.”", "sus": "نَ كُي، يٍرِكٌ مَنفّ نَشَ شّيرَيٍ شّي رَشَبِ مَ، عٍ شَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «شّمّ نَشٍيٍ سٌشِ عِ شْنيِ، عٍ رَ مِنِ، بَرِ مَ عٍ قَشِ يِ بْشِ عِقٍ نَن بِرِن نَبّندٍ.»"} {"eng": "About Zebulun he said, “Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out; and Issachar, in your tents.", "sus": "عَننَبِ مُنسَ يِ مَسٍنيِ نَن تِ سَبُلٌن بْنسْي شَ قٍ رَ، «سَبُلٌن بْنسْي، وٌ شَ سّيوَ يُلّيَ نَن كُي. عِسَكَرِ بْنسْي، وٌ شَ سّيوَ وٌ شَ كِرِ بَنشِ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "“See now that I myself am he. There is no god with me. I kill and I make alive. I wound and I heal. There is no one who can deliver out of my hand.", "sus": "يَكْسِ وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن، ٱ تَن نَن كٍرٍن ثٍتِ نْمَ مِشِ رَكِسِدٍ. عَلَ فبّتّ مُ نَ قٌ ٱ كٍرٍن. ٱ تَن نَن مِشِ قَشَمَ، ٱ عَ رَكٍلِ. ٱ تَن نَن مِشِ مَشْنْمَ، ٱ عَ رَيَلَن. ندٍ فبّتّ نْمَ مِشِ ندٍ بَدٍ ٱ بّلّشّ؟"} {"eng": "“Isn’t this laid up in store with me, sealed up among my treasures?", "sus": "نَ بِرِن نَفَتَشِ فُندٌ نَن نَ ٱ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves concede.", "sus": "يَشُييٍ يَتِ عَ كٌلٌن، عٍ شَ عَلَ عٍ كَنتَمَ مُ دَنفِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ."} {"eng": "For I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves, and turn away from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will happen to you in the latter days, because you will do that which is evil in Yahweh’s sight, to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands.”", "sus": "ٱ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ قَشَ شَنبِ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يُنُبِ قٍ رَبَمَ نّ، عٍ فبِلٍن كِرَ قْشْ رَ ٱ نَشَن قَلَشِ عٍ بّ. عٍ نَ قٍ كٌبِ رَبَ نَشَن مُ رَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ، نَ رَحْنيِ قَ قِندِ عٍ بّ نِمِسّ رَ بَرِ مَ عَ بْحّ تٍمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "and you have seen their abominations and their idols of wood, stone, silver, and gold, which were among them);", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ يِ كُيٍ شْنشِيٍ تٌ يِ سِيٍ نُ نَشٍيٍ بَتُمَ، كُيٍ نَشٍيٍ يَءِلَنشِ وُرِ، فّمّ، فبٍتِ، نُن شّيمَ رَ."} {"eng": "therefore you will serve your enemies whom Yahweh sends against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in lack of all things. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you.", "sus": "وٌ قَمَ نّ تْورْدٍ وٌ يَشُييٍ يِ رَ. كَامّ نُن يٍ شْلِ وٌ سُشُمَ نّ. وٌ تِمَ نّ وٌ مَفٍلِ رَ، وٌ لُمَ سٍتَرٍحَ نَن كُي. نَ كُي عَلَتَلَ قَمَ يْلْنشْنيِ سَدٍ وٌ كْنيِ مَ، هَن وٌ فّ هَلَكِدٍ."} {"eng": "You shall be blessed when you come in, and you shall be blessed when you go out.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سِمَيَ كُي، عَ بَرَكّ سَمَ نّ وٌ شَ قٍ بِرِن."} {"eng": "Therefore it shall be, when Yahweh your God has given you rest from all your enemies all around, in the land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance to possess it, that you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under the sky. You shall not forget.", "sus": "يَكْسِ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ قَمَ نّ وٌ رَتَنفَدٍ وٌ يَشُييٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ نَ وٌ رَبِلِنيِ بْشِ مَ عَ قَمَ دّننَشّ سٌدٍ وٌ يِ رَ. وٌ قَمَ عَمَلّكِكَيٍ رَهَلَكِدٍ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شِلِ شَ لْي دُنِحَ مَ. وٌ نَشَ نّيمُ عٍ شَ قٍ رَبَشِ مَ."} {"eng": "how he met you by the way, and struck the rearmost of you, all who were feeble behind you, when you were faint and weary; and he didn’t fear God.", "sus": "عٍ مُ فَاشُ عَلَ يَ رَ. عٍ مِنِ نّ وٌ مَ كِرَ شْن، عٍ شَنبِرَتِ تَفَنشِيٍ بْنبْ."} {"eng": "All the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall remove the evil from among you. All Israel shall hear, and fear.", "sus": "نَ كُي، عَ شَ تَا شّمّ بِرِن شَ عَ مَفْنْ فّمّ رَ، هَن عَ قَشَ. وٌ قٍ حَاشِ حْنمَ وٌ تَفِ نَ كِ نّ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَ نَ قٍ مّ، فَاشُي لُمَ نّ عٍ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city and to the gate of his place.", "sus": "عَ لَنمَ نَ دِ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ شَ عَ سُشُ، عٍ شَ عَ شَنِن قٌرِيٍ شْن مَ تَا سٌدٍ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "but he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the hated, by giving him a double portion of all that he has; for he is the beginning of his strength. The right of the firstborn is his.", "sus": "عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ عَ كٌلٌن فِنّ نَشَن نَحَاشُشِ عَ مَ نَ كِ، نَ نَن مَ دِ قِندِشِ دِ سِنفٍ رَ. عَ هَرِفٍ دْشْ قِرِن نَن سٌمَ دِ قٌرِ يِ رَ، بَرِ مَ نَ نَن قِندِشِ عَ شَ قٌنِكٍ دِ رَ. عَ تَن نَن لَنمَ عَ شَ دِ قٌرِحَ تِدٍ سْتْ."} {"eng": "Those who remain shall hear, and fear, and will never again commit any such evil among you.", "sus": "مِشِ فبّتّيٍ نَ نَ قٍ مّ، فَاشُي نَن لُمَ عٍ مَ، عٍ مُ سُو سَمَ نَ قٍ كٌبِ مْولِ رَبَدٍ قَ."} {"eng": "then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before Yahweh, before the priests and the judges who shall be in those days;", "sus": "يِ فٍرٍ مِشِ قِرِنيِيٍ لَن نّ عٍ شَ سِفَ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عٍ سَ عٍ شَ فَلَنبُي يَشَرَن سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نُن كِيتِسَيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ نَ نَ وَشَتِ."} {"eng": "then the elders of his city shall send and bring him there, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die.", "sus": "نَ تَا قٌرِيٍ لَن نّ عٍ شَ عَ سُشُ، عٍ عَ شَنِن مِشِ شْن مَ نَشَن وَ مَ نَ قُرٍ فبٍحْشْقٍ، عَلَكٌ قَشّتِ شَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "It shall happen, that whoever will not listen to my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍ نَ لُ، عَ مُ عَ تُلِ مَتِ نَ نَمِحْنمّ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ عَ نَشَن تِمَ ٱ شِلِ رَ، ٱ تَن يّتّ يَتِ نَن نَ كَنيِ مَكِيتِمَ.»"} {"eng": "They shall have no inheritance among their brothers. Yahweh is their inheritance, as he has spoken to them.", "sus": "عٍ مُ قَمَ كّ سْتْدٍ عٍ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ تَفِ. عَلَتَلَ نَن قِندِ مَ عٍ كّ رَ عَلْ عَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Only he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt, to the end that he may multiply horses; because Yahweh has said to you, “You shall not go back that way again.”", "sus": "عَ مُ لَن سٌي فبٍفبٍ شَ لُ وٌ شَ مَنفّ يِ رَ. عَ مُ لَن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ رَ سَنبَ مِسِرَ عٍ سَرَدٍ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ عَ قَلَشِ نّ وٌ بّ، عَ وٌ نَشَ سِفَ نَ بْشِ مَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "You shall keep a feast to Yahweh your God seven days in the place which Yahweh chooses, because Yahweh your God will bless you in all your increase and in all the work of your hands, and you shall be altogether joyful.", "sus": "وٌ يِ سَلِ رَبَمَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَن بُن مَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ عَ نَ دّننَشّ سُفَندِ، بَرِ مَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَكّ سَمَ نّ وٌ شَ شّ وَلِ نُن وٌ شَ وَلِ بِرِن مَ، وٌ قَ سّيوَ كِ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall eat no leavened bread with it. You shall eat unleavened bread with it seven days, even the bread of affliction (for you came out of the land of Egypt in haste) that you may remember the day when you came out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ تَامِ لّبِنِ دَاشِ دٌن نَ سَلِ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ. وٌ لَن وٌ شَ تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ نَن دٌن نَشَن قِندِ كِنِكِنِ تَامِ رَ. نَ نَن وٌ رَتُمَ لْشْي مَ وٌ فبَتَشِ مِنِ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ لْشْي نَشّ. نَ عَ نِيَمَ نّ وٌ مُ نّيمُ وٌ مِنِ لْشْي مَ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ."} {"eng": "If the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry it because the place which Yahweh your God shall choose to set his name there is too far from you, when Yahweh your God blesses you,", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ لِ وٌ سَبَتِدٍ مَكُيَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ مَتْشْدٍ رَ، نَ كٌتٍ شَنِنقٍ شْرْشْمَ نّ وٌ بّ، بَرِ مَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ بَرَكّ فبٍفبٍ قِ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "Of all clean birds you may eat.", "sus": "وٌ لَن وٌ شَ نِمَسٍيٍ نَن دٌن نَشٍيٍ سّنِيّنشِ."} {"eng": "But these are they of which you shall not eat: the eagle, the vulture, the osprey,", "sus": "كْنْ شْنِيٍ شِلِيٍ نَن يِ كِ وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ نَشٍيٍ دٌن؛ يُبّ، سّفّ، شَرُ مَ فبْنتْي،"} {"eng": "You shall gather all its plunder into the middle of its street, and shall burn with fire the city, with all of its plunder, to Yahweh your God. It shall be a heap forever. It shall not be built again.", "sus": "وٌ عٍ هَرِفٍ بِرِن مَلَنمَ تَا تَفِ نّ، وٌ تّ سَ عَ مَ، وٌ تَا بِرِن فَن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ. نَا قَمَ قِندِدٍ بْشِ رَبّحِنشِ نَن نَ. مّننِ تَن مُ قِندِ مَ تَا رَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "If you hear about one of your cities, which Yahweh your God gives you to dwell there, that", "sus": "شَ وٌ عَ مّ تَا ندٍ شَ قٍ رَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ وٌ رَ سَبَتِمَ دّننَشّ،"} {"eng": "of the gods of the peoples who are around you, near to you, or far off from you, from the one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth—", "sus": "سِ فبّتّيٍ نَشٍيٍ بَتُشِ وٌ رَبِلِنيِ نُن نَشٍيٍ مَكُيَ وٌ رَ، كٍلِ بْشِ تُشُي مَ سَ دْشْ بٌورٍ تُشُي رَ،"} {"eng": "Only be sure that you don’t eat the blood; for the blood is the life. You shall not eat the life with the meat.", "sus": "كْنْ وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ سُبٍ وُلِ مِن، بَرِ مَ وُلِ قِندِشِ نِي نَن نَ. عَ مُ لَن وٌ شَ سُبٍ نُن عَ وُلِ دٌن."} {"eng": "You may not eat within your gates the tithe of your grain, or of your new wine, or of your oil, or the firstborn of your herd or of your flock, nor any of your vows which you vow, nor your free will offerings, nor the wave offering of your hand;", "sus": "وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ مّنفِ، وّنِ نّينّ، نُن تُرٍ دٌن وٌ شْنيِ، نَشٍيٍ قِندِ مَ وٌ شَ قَرِلّ رَ عَلَتَلَ بّ. وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ وٌ شَ شُرُ سٍ دِ سِنفٍيٍ قَن دٌن وٌ شْنيِ، وٌ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ عَلَتَلَ بّ، سّرّشّ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ عَلَكٌ وٌ وَشْنقٍ شَ رَبَ وٌ بّ، نُن وٌ شَ حَنِفٍ سّرّشّيٍ. وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ وٌ شَ بٌفِ سِنفٍيٍ قَن دٌن وٌ شْنيِ، وٌ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "Yet you may kill and eat meat within all your gates, after all the desire of your soul, according to Yahweh your God’s blessing which he has given you. The unclean and the clean may eat of it, as of the gazelle and the deer.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ نْمَ سُبٍ دٌن دَاشِ قَشَدٍ، عَلَ نَشَن قِشِ عِ مَ، يِرٍ بِرِن عِ نَ سَبَتِ دّننَشّ. مِشِ سّنِيّنشِ نُن مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ نْمَ عَ دٌندٍ، عَلْ شٍلِ نُن تْوكّ."} {"eng": "You shall rejoice before Yahweh your God—you, and your sons, your daughters, your male servants, your female servants, and the Levite who is within your gates, because he has no portion nor inheritance with you.", "sus": "وٌ حّلّشِنمَ نّ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، وٌ تَن، وٌ شَ دِيٍ، وٌ شَ كٌنيِيٍ نُن لٍوِ شَ دِيٍ نَشٍيٍ نَ وٌ يَ مَ بَرِ مَ بْشِ مُ نَ عٍ تَن بّ نَشَن قِندِ عٍ كّ رَ."} {"eng": "a land which Yahweh your God cares for. Yahweh your God’s eyes are always on it, from the beginning of the year even to the end of the year.", "sus": "بْشِ نَ عَ رَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ حّنفِ سَشِ نَشَن شْن. عَ مَن قَ مّينِ عَ مَ، كٍلِ حّ قْلّ هَن حّ حْنيِ."} {"eng": "He wrote on the tablets, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which Yahweh spoke to you on the mountain out of the middle of the fire in the day of the assembly; and Yahweh gave them to me.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ سّبّلِ تِ يِ وَلَشّ نّينّيٍ مَ، عَلْ نَشَن سِنفٍ نُ سّبّشِ بٌورٍيٍ مَ. يِ يَامَرِ قُ، عَ نَشٍيٍ يَشَرَن وٌ بّ فٍيَ قَرِ تّ تَفِ وٌ نُ مَلَنشِ تّمُي نَشّ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عٍ سٌ ٱ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "So I made an ark of acacia wood, and cut two stone tablets like the first, and went up onto the mountain, having the two tablets in my hand.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ كَنكِرَ يَءِلَن وُرِ مْولِ ندٍ رَ نَشَن شْرْشْ. ٱ نَشَ وَلَشّ فّمّ دَاشِ قِرِن قَن يَءِلَن نَشَن مَنِيَ بٌورٍيٍ رَ. ٱ نَشَ تٍ عٍ رَ فٍيَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure with which Yahweh was angry against you to destroy you. But Yahweh listened to me that time also.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ فَاشُ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ رَ عَ شْنْشِ وٌ مَ نَشَن مَ هَن عَ وَ وٌ هَلَكِقٍ. كْنْ عَلَتَلَ مَن نَشَ ٱ مَ مَشَندِ سُشُ."} {"eng": "But you shall remember Yahweh your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore to your fathers, as it is today.", "sus": "وٌ شَ وٌ رَتُ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَ تَن نَن يِ سّنبّ قِمَ وٌ مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ نَ هَرِفٍ بِرِن سْتْ. عَ مَن بَرَ سَاتّ مَسٍن وٌ بّ تٌ لْشْي عَ نَشَن تٌنفٌ عَ نُن وٌ بَبَيٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "and houses full of all good things which you didn’t fill, and cisterns dug out which you didn’t dig, vineyards and olive trees which you didn’t plant, and you shall eat and be full;", "sus": "بَنشِ رَقٍشِيٍ هَرِفٍ مْولِ بِرِن نَ وٌ مُ نَشٍيٍ قٍنشِ، كْلْنيِيٍ وٌ مُ نَشٍيٍ فٍشِ، وّنِ بِلِيٍ نُن عٌلِوِ بِلِيٍ وٌ مُ نَشٍيٍ سِشِ."} {"eng": "and you said, “Behold, Yahweh our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the middle of the fire. We have seen today that God does speak with man, and he lives.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، ‹مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ شَ نْرّ نُن عَ شَ فبٌي مَسٍن مُشُ بّ. مُشُ بَرَ عَ شُي مّ وْيّن نَ تّ تَفِ. مُشُ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن تٌ عَ عَلَ نْمَ وْيّندٍ مِشِ بّ، نَ كَنيِ مَن قَ لُ عَ مُ قَشَ."} {"eng": "“You shall not commit adultery.", "sus": "«وٌ نَشَ يّنّ رَبَ.»"} {"eng": "But commission Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him; for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you shall see.”", "sus": "عِ شَ يَامَرِ سٌ يٌسُوٍ يِ رَ، عِ شَ لِمَنِيَ نُن سّنبّ قِ عَ مَ، بَرِ مَ عَ تَن نَن قَمَ تِدٍ حَمَ يَ رَ يُرُدّن عِفِرِقٍ رَ. عِ بْشِ نَشَن تٌمَ، يٌسُوٍ قَمَ نّ نَ بْشِ سٌدٍ عِسِرَيِلَ يِ رَ، عَ قِندِ عٍ كّ بْشِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "I commanded you at that time, saying, “Yahweh your God has given you this land to possess it. All of you men of valor shall pass over armed before your brothers, the children of Israel.", "sus": "«نَ تّمُي ٱ نَشَ يِ يَامَرِ قِ وٌ مَ، ‹وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ يِ بْشِ قِ وٌ مَ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ قِندِ وٌ فبٍ رَ. وٌ تَن شّمّ كّندّيٍ، وٌ قِندِ مَ نّ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ سْورِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "To the Reubenites and to the Gadites I gave from Gilead even to the valley of the Arnon, the middle of the valley, and its border, even to the river Jabbok, which is the border of the children of Ammon;", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ فَلَدٍ سّيتِ سٌ رُبٍن بْنسْي عَ نُن فَدِ بْنسْي يِ رَ، هَن عَ سَ دْشْ عَرِنٌن شُرٍ رَ. شُرٍ نَن نَ نَانِنيِ رَ، هَن عَ سَ دْشْ يَبٌكٌ شُرٍ رَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ نَانِنيِ رَ،"} {"eng": "I gave Gilead to Machir.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ فَلَدٍ سٌ مَكِرِ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "Jair the son of Manasseh took all the region of Argob, to the border of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and called them, even Bashan, after his own name, Havvoth Jair, to this day.)", "sus": "مَنَسِ شَ دِ يَيِرِ نَشَ عَرَفٌبٌ بْشِ قِندِ عَ فبٍ رَ، هَن فٍسُرِكَيٍ نُن مَاكَكَيٍ نَانِنيِ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ شِلِ سَ بَسَن شُن مَ، نَشَن شِلِ قَلَمَ هَن يَكْسِ يَيِرِ تَا."} {"eng": "(For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron. Isn’t it in Rabbah of the children of Ammon? Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its width, after the cubit of a man.)", "sus": "بَسَن مَنفّ عٌفٌ نَن كٍرٍن مُ قَشَ رٍقَكَيٍ يَ مَ. عَ شَ وُرٍ سَدٍ نُ نَ رَابَ نّ، عَمٌنِكَيٍ شَ مَنفَتَا. عَ كُيّ نُ سِفَشِ نْنفْن سٌلٌمَنَانِ، عَ عِفبٌي نْنفْن نَانِ.»"} {"eng": "and in the wilderness where you have seen how that Yahweh your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went, until you came to this place.”", "sus": "وٌ مَن بَرَ عَ تٌ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ قَشِ نّ وٌ رَ عَلْ شّمّ عَ شَ دِ شَنِنمَ كِ نَشّ، وٌ حّرّشِ كِرَ نَشَن بِرِن نَ هَن وٌ نَشَ قَ بٍ لِ."} {"eng": "You shall give three cities beyond the Jordan, and you shall give three cities in the land of Canaan. They shall be cities of refuge.", "sus": "سَشَن يُرُدّن نَاكِرِ مَ، سَشَن كَنَان بْشِ مَ. نَ تَايٍ نَن قِندِ مَ وٌ مَكَنتَدٍيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, destroy all their stone idols, destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places.", "sus": "وٌ مّننِكَيٍ بِرِن قَشَ. وٌ شَ عٍ شَ كُيٍ بِرِن كَنَ، نَشٍيٍ مَسٌلِشِ فّمّ رَ، نَشٍيٍ يَءِلَنشِ وُرٍ رَشُنُشِ رَ. وٌ شَ عٍ شَ بَتُدٍيٍ قَن كَنَ."} {"eng": "They traveled from Almon Diblathaim, and encamped in the mountains of Abarim, before Nebo.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ كٍلِ مّننِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ عَبَرِ مِ فٍيَيٍ يِرٍ، نٍبٌ فٍيَ يَتَفِ."} {"eng": "They traveled from Moseroth, and encamped in Bene Jaakan.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ كٍلِ مّننِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ بٍنٍيَاكَن."} {"eng": "Nobah went and took Kenath and its villages, and called it Nobah, after his own name.", "sus": "نٌبَ قَن نَشَ كٍنَتَ تَا نُن عَ رَبِلِنيِ سُشُ، عَ يّتّ شِلِ سَ عٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "The children of Gad built Dibon, Ataroth, Aroer,", "sus": "فَدِ شَ دِيٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن دِبٌن تِ رَ، عَ نُن عَتَرٌتِ، عَرٌوٍرِ،"} {"eng": "Moses gave to them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and to the half-tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan; the land, according to its cities and borders, even the cities of the surrounding land.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ عَمٌرِكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ سِشْن نُن بَسَن مَنفّ عٌفٌ شَ بْشِ نُن نَ رَبِلِنيِ قِ فَدِ بْنسْي، رُبٍن بْنسْي، نُن يُسُقُ شَ دِ شّمّ مَنَسِ بْنسْي سّيتِ كٍرٍن مَ."} {"eng": "“‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no regular work. You shall keep a feast to Yahweh seven days.", "sus": "«كِكٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ، شِ قُ نُن سُولِ، وٌ شَ وٌ مَلَن ٱ بَتُدٍ. وٌ نَشَ وَلِ يٌ رَبَ نَ لْشْي. وٌ شَ سَلِ ندٍ رَبَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "and their meal offering, fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths for each bull, two tenths for the one ram,", "sus": "سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ سّرّشّ كِلٌ سٌلٌمَنَانِ نَشَن نَمُلَنشِ تُرٍ رَ، عَ شَ سَ تُورَ كٍرٍن يٌ تُورَ كٍرٍن سّيتِ مَ. سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ سّرّشّ كِلٌ سٍننِ نَشَن نَمُلَنشِ تُرٍ رَ، عَ شَ سَ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن يٌ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "and three tenths of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering mixed with oil, for each bull; and two tenth parts of fine flour for a meal offering mixed with oil, for the one ram;", "sus": "سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ سّرّشّ كِلٌ سٌلٌمَنَانِ نَشَن نَمُلَنشِ تُرٍ رَ، عَ شَ سَ تُورَ كٍرٍن يٌ تُورَ كٍرٍن سّيتِ مَ. سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ سّرّشّ كِلٌ سٍننِ نَشَن نَمُلَنشِ تُرٍ رَ، عَ شَ سَ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن يٌ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "The sons of Asher after their families: of Imnah, the family of the Imnites; of Ishvi, the family of the Ishvites; of Beriah, the family of the Berites.", "sus": "Aseri xa die nan yi ki e xabilɛ ki ma: Yimena, Yisiwi, Beriya, nun e xabilɛe."} {"eng": "Of the sons of Beriah: of Heber, the family of the Heberites; of Malchiel, the family of the Malchielites.", "sus": "Beriya xa die nan yi ki: Xeberi, Malakiyeli, nun e xabilɛe."} {"eng": "The name of the daughter of Asher was Serah.", "sus": "Aseri xa di ginɛ nu xili nɛ Sera."} {"eng": "These are the families of the sons of Asher according to those who were counted of them, fifty-three thousand four hundred.", "sus": "عَسٍرِكَيٍ نَن نَ كِ عٍ شَبِلّ كِ مَ. عٍ شَسَبِ لَن مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ سُولِ نُن سَشَن، مِشِ كّمّ نَانِ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "These are the families of the sons of Asher according to those who were counted of them, fifty-three thousand four hundred.", "sus": "Aserikae nan na ki e xabilɛ ki ma. E xasabi lan mixi wulu tongo suuli nun saxan, mixi kɛmɛ naani nan ma."} {"eng": "Notwithstanding, the sons of Korah didn’t die.", "sus": "كْنْ كٌرَ شَ دِيٍ تَن مُ قَشَ نَ قٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace.", "sus": "عَ قَلَ قِنٍشَسِ بّ، ٱ بَرَ بْحّسَ سَاتّ شِرِ عَ تَن نُن ٱ تَن تَفِ."} {"eng": "He went after the man of Israel into the pavilion, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her body. So the plague was stopped among the children of Israel.", "sus": "عَ بِرَ نَ شّمّ قْشْ رَ كِرِ بَنشِ كُي، عَ سَ عَ تَن نُن نَ فِنّ سْشْ عَ شَ تَنبّ رَ عٍ قُرِ مَ كٍرٍن نَ. نَ تّمُي عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ نَشَ دَن."} {"eng": "Balak did as Balaam had said, and offered up a bull and a ram on every altar.", "sus": "بَلَمِ نَشَن مَشْرِن، بَلَكِ نَشَ عَ بِرِن نَبَ. عَ نَشَ تُورَ كٍرٍن نُن يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن بَ سّرّشّ رَ نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ كٍرٍن كٍرٍن مَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "God met Balaam, and he said to him, “I have prepared the seven altars, and I have offered up a bull and a ram on every altar.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ مِنِ عَ مَ. بَلَمِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ بَرَ سّرّشّبَدٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ يَءِلَن، ٱ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن نُن تُورَ كٍرٍن نَن بَشِ عَ بِرِن كٍرٍن كٍرٍن قَرِ.»"} {"eng": "Now therefore please stay here tonight as well, that I may know what else Yahweh will speak to me.”", "sus": "وٌ نَشَن نَبَمَ، وٌ قَن شَ لُ بٍ هَن تِنَ فّيسّفّ. ٱ مَن شَ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ مّ.»"} {"eng": "The children of Israel traveled, and encamped in the plains of Moab beyond the Jordan at Jericho.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ سِفَ عٍ سَ يٌنكِن مٌوَبَ قِيلِ مَ، يُرُدّن شُرٍ دّ، يٍرِكٌ يَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "Moses sent to spy out Jazer. They took its villages, and drove out the Amorites who were there.", "sus": "مُنسَ تٌ فّ يَاسّرِ تَا رَبّندٍ، عِسِرَيِلَ نَشَ عَمٌرِكَيٍ كٍرِ نَ لٌنفٌرِ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "Israel struck him with the edge of the sword, and possessed his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, even to the children of Ammon; for the border of the children of Ammon was fortified.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ فٍينِ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ شَ بْشِ بِرِن تٌنفٌ كٍلِ عَرِنٌن شُرٍ مَ هَن يَبٌكٌ شُرٍ، هَن عَمٌنِكَيٍ شَ بْشِ نَانِنيِ رَ. عٍ مُ نْ دَنفِدٍ نَ رَ بَرِ مَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ سّنبّ نُ فبٌ."} {"eng": "These are the waters of Meribah; because the children of Israel strove with Yahweh, and he was sanctified in them.", "sus": "عٍ مّننِ نَن شِلِ مٍرِبَ يٍ، بَرِ مَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ سْنشْ عَلَتَلَ مَ مّننِ نّ، عَ قَ عَ شَ سّنِيّنيِ مَسٍن عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "“To the children of Levi, behold, I have given all the tithe in Israel for an inheritance, in return for their service which they serve, even the service of the Tent of Meeting.", "sus": "«ٱ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ قَرِلّ قِمَ لٍوِ بْنسْي نَن مَ سَرٍ رَ عٍ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“You shall perform the duty of the sanctuary and the duty of the altar, that there be no more wrath on the children of Israel.", "sus": "وٌ تَن فبَنسَن شَ سّنِيّن لِنفِرَ نُن سّرّشّبَدٍ وَلِ رَبَ، عَلَكٌ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ قَ عَ شَ شْنّ رَ مِنِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "Aaron returned to Moses to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and the plague was stopped.", "sus": "مِشِ قَشَقٍ تٌ دَن، هَرُنَ نَشَ فبِلٍن مُنسَ يِرٍ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "“‘When you err, and don’t observe all these commandments which Yahweh has spoken to Moses—", "sus": "«شَ عَ سَ لِ وٌ تَنتَنشِ نّ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ سُشُقٍ كُي، عَ نَشٍيٍ مَسٍنشِ مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "I, Yahweh, have spoken. I will surely do this to all this evil congregation who are gathered together against me. In this wilderness they shall be consumed, and there they shall die.”", "sus": "ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ، ٱ بَرَ فّ وْيّندٍ. ٱ بَرَ نَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ يِ حَمَ كٌبِ شَ قٍ رَ، نَشَن تِ ٱ كَنكٍ. عٍ بِرِن قَشَمَ نّ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ.›»"} {"eng": "Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married; for he had married a Cushite woman.", "sus": "Munsa to nu bara Kusi ginɛ dɔxɔ, Mariyama nun Haruna naxa Munsa mafala,"} {"eng": "They said, “Has Yahweh indeed spoken only with Moses? Hasn’t he spoken also with us?” And Yahweh heard it.", "sus": "عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «عَلَتَلَ وْيّنمَ مُنسَ نَن فبَنسَن سَابُي رَ؟ عَ مُ وْيّنمَ مُشُ قَن سَابُي رَ؟» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ نَ مَسٍنيِ مّ."} {"eng": "They said, “Has Yahweh indeed spoken only with Moses? Hasn’t he spoken also with us?” And Yahweh heard it.", "sus": "a falafe ra, «Alatala wɔyɛnma Munsa nan gbansan saabui ra? A mu wɔyɛnma muxu fan saabui ra?» Alatala naxa na masenyi mɛ."} {"eng": "In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle of the covenant.", "sus": "حّ قِرِن ندٍ كِكٍ قِرِن ندٍ شِ مْشْحّن لْشْي، نُشُي نَشَن نُ دْشْشِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شُن مَ، عَلَ شَ سٍيدٍ نُ نَ دّننَشّ، عَ نَشَ حّرّ قْلْ."} {"eng": "“Also in the day of your gladness, and in your set feasts, and in the beginnings of your months, you shall blow the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God. I am Yahweh your God.”", "sus": "وٌ شَ سَلِ لْشْي شُنفبٍيٍ نُن وٌ شَ كِكٍ نّينّ سَلِ لْشْييٍ، وٌ مَن شَ نَ سَرَيٍ قٍ وٌ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِيٍ نُن شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّيٍ بَمَ تّمُي نَشّ. نَ نَن عَ نِيَمَ، ٱ نَن ٱ حْشْ سَمَ وٌ شْن مَ. ٱ تَن نَن نَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "When you blow an alarm, the camps that lie on the east side shall go forward.", "sus": "«وٌ كٍلِمَ بِيَاسِدٍ تّمُي نَشّ، سَرَيٍ شَ قٍ كٍرٍن. نَ كُي نَشٍيٍ دْشْشِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ، عٍ شَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "If they blow just one, then the princes, the heads of the thousands of Israel, shall gather themselves to you.", "sus": "شَ سَرَ كٍرٍن نَن قٍ، عِسِرَيِلَ يَرٍرَتِيٍ نُن كُنتِفِيٍ فبَنسَن شَ مَلَن عِ يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "Sometimes the cloud was from evening until morning; and when the cloud was taken up in the morning, they traveled; or by day and by night, when the cloud was taken up, they traveled.", "sus": "تّمُي ندٍيٍ نُشُي بَرَ لُ يِرٍ شِ كٍرٍن، كٍلِ كْي رَ هَن كُيٍ عِبَ، عَ قَ سِفَ. عَ نّقّ كٍلِ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَن بَرَ كٍلِ، عٍ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "then the priest shall cause the woman to swear with the oath of cursing, and the priest shall tell the woman, “May Yahweh make you a curse and an oath among your people, when Yahweh allows your thigh to fall away, and your body to swell;", "sus": "Alatala xa a ragiri i furi xa kana. Na kui i ngaxakerenyie i dankama nɛ, e i konbi."} {"eng": "and this water that brings a curse will go into your bowels, and make your body swell, and your thigh fall away.” The woman shall say, “Amen, Amen.”", "sus": "يِ يٍ نَشَن قَمَ دَنكّ رَ، عَ شَ عِ قُرِ مَقُنتُ، عَ عِ شْرّ مَبَ.› فِنّ شَ عَ رَتِن عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، ‹عَمِنَ، عَمِنَ.›»"} {"eng": "and this water that brings a curse will go into your bowels, and make your body swell, and your thigh fall away.” The woman shall say, “Amen, Amen.”", "sus": "Yi ye naxan fama dankɛ ra, a xa i furi mafuntu, a i xɔrɛ maba.› Ginɛ xa a ratin a falafe ra, ‹Amina, amina.›»"} {"eng": "The priest shall set the woman before Yahweh, and let the hair of the woman’s head go loose, and put the meal offering of memorial in her hands, which is the meal offering of jealousy. The priest shall have in his hand the water of bitterness that brings a curse.", "sus": "فِنّ نَ تِ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ، سّرّشّدُبّ شَ عَ شُنسّشّ قُلُن، عَ قَ تْونّ سّرّشّ سَ فِنّ بّلّشّ مَرَتُسٍ رَ. سّرّشّدُبّ تَن شَ نَ يٍ تٌنفٌ نَشَن قِندِ مَ دَنكَ رَ، عَ عَ لِنتَن فِنّ يَ عِ.»"} {"eng": "Those who were counted of the families of the sons of Merari, by their families, by their fathers’ houses,", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ مٍرَرِ شَ مِشِيٍ تّنفّ عٍ شَبِلّ نُن عٍ شَ دٍنبَيَ كِ مَ،"} {"eng": "“Don’t cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites from among the Levites;", "sus": "«Wo naxa lu Kehati bɔnsɔɛ xabilɛe xa ba Lewi bɔnsɔɛ ya ma."} {"eng": "but do this to them, that they may live, and not die, when they approach the most holy things: Aaron and his sons shall go in and appoint everyone to his service and to his burden;", "sus": "Haruna nun a xa di xɛmɛe xa e mati hɔrɔmɔlingira kui, e fa e xa wali masen kankan bɛ alako e naxa e makɔrɛ se sɛniyɛnxie ra, e fa faxa."} {"eng": "but they shall not go in to see the sanctuary even for a moment, lest they die.”", "sus": "عٍ مُ لَن عٍ شَ عٍ يَ مَسَ سٍ سّنِيّنشِيٍ مَ، هَلِ دٌندٌرٌنتِ، شَ نَ مُ عٍ قَشَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "but they shall not go in to see the sanctuary even for a moment, lest they die.”", "sus": "E mu lan e xa e ya masa se sɛniyɛnxie ma, hali dondoronti, xa na mu e faxama nɛ.»"} {"eng": "from the firstborn of the children of Israel he took the money, one thousand three hundred sixty-five shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary;", "sus": "عَ نَشَ نَ فبٍتِ كِلٌ قُ نُن سُولِ نُن عَ تَفِ رَ سُشُ عِسِرَيِلَ دِ سِنفٍيٍ يِ رَ. فبٍتِ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن نُ رَوَلِمَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي."} {"eng": "You shall take the Levites for me—I am Yahweh—instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel; and the livestock of the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the livestock of the children of Israel.”", "sus": "لٍوِ بْنسْي شَ قِندِ عِسِرَيِلَ دِ شّمّ سِنفٍ بِرِن حْشْي رَ. لٍوِ بْنسْي شَ فْورّ شَ قِندِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ دِ سِنفٍيٍ حْشْي رَ. ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Moses, “Count all the firstborn males of the children of Israel from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ، «دِ شّمّ سِنفٍ بِرِن تّنفّ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يَ مَ، نَشٍيٍ سِمَيَ بَرَ كِكٍ كٍرٍن لِ، عِ شَ عٍ شِلِيٍ سّبّ."} {"eng": "The prince of the fathers’ house of the families of the Kohathites shall be Elizaphan the son of Uzziel.", "sus": "يُسِيّلِ شَ دِ شّمّ عٍلِسَقَن نَن نُ نَ عٍ شُنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "The duty of the sons of Gershon in the Tent of Meeting shall be the tabernacle, the tent, its covering, the screen for the door of the Tent of Meeting,", "sus": "فٍرِ سٌن شَ مِشِيٍ نُ عٍ حْشْي سَشِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ نَن شْن مَ، نُن مَقٍلٍنيِ نَشَن قٍلٍنمَ عَ شُن مَ، عَ نُن عَ سٌدٍ دّ رَ،"} {"eng": "Of Gershon was the family of the Libnites, and the family of the Shimeites. These are the families of the Gershonites.", "sus": "فٍرِ سٌن بْنسْي نُ نَ لِبِنِ سِمٍيِ شَبِلّ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "“Next to him shall be the tribe of Manasseh. The prince of the children of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.", "sus": "Manasi bɔnsɔɛ nan yonkinma Efirami bɔnsɔɛ sɛɛti ma e xa tɔnxuma bun ma. Pedasuru xa di Gamaliyɛli nan e xa yarerati ra."} {"eng": "His division, and those who were counted of them, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.", "sus": "عَ شَ سْورِيٍ شَسَبِ لَن مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن قِرِن، مِشِ كّمّ قِرِن نَن مَ."} {"eng": "His division, and those who were counted of them, were thirty-two thousand two hundred.", "sus": "A xa sɔɔrie xasabi lan mixi wulu tongo saxan nun firin, mixi kɛmɛ firin nan ma."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ نُن هَرُنَ بّ،"} {"eng": "These are those who were counted, whom Moses and Aaron counted, and the twelve men who were princes of Israel, each one for his fathers’ house.", "sus": "Isirayila bɔnsɔɛ xunyi fu nun firinyi nan kafu Munsa nun Haruna ma na tɛngɛ tife ra."} {"eng": "So all those who were counted of the children of Israel by their fathers’ houses, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go out to war in Israel—", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ شّمّ نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ حّ مْشْحّن لِ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نْمَ سْورِحَ رَبَدٍ،"} {"eng": "So all those who were counted of the children of Israel by their fathers’ houses, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go out to war in Israel—", "sus": "Isirayila xɛmɛ naxee nu bara ɲɛ mɔxɔɲɛn li, naxee nu nɔma sɔɔriɲa rabade,"} {"eng": "As Yahweh commanded Moses, so he counted them in the wilderness of Sinai.", "sus": "عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ. مُنسَ نَشَ عٍ تّنفّ تُرُ سِنِنَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "But if he is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall assign a value to him. The priest shall assign a value according to his ability to pay.", "sus": "شَ سٍتَرٍ بَرَ نَ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌ، نَشَن مُ نْمَ نَ شُنسَرٍ شَسَبِ قِدٍ، عَ لَن عَ شَ عَ يّتّ مَسٍن سّرّشّدُبّ بّ نَشَن قَمَ شُنسَرٍ شَسَبِ قَلَدٍ عَ بّ عَ نْمَ نَشَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "But the houses of the villages which have no wall around them shall be accounted for with the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall be released in the Jubilee.", "sus": "كْنْ بَنشِ نَشٍيٍ تِشِ تَا شُنشُرِيٍ كُي، نَشٍيٍ مُ رَبِلِنشِ تّتّ رَ، نٍيٍ لُمَ عَلْ بْشِ. عٍ نْمَ شُن سَرَدٍ. نَشَن نَ مْولِ سَرَ مَ، عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ مِنِ نَ بَنشِ شْرّيَ حّ رَ.»"} {"eng": "You shall sow the eighth year, and eat of the fruits from the old store until the ninth year. Until its fruits come in, you shall eat the old store.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سَنسِ شْرِ سِ حّ سٌلٌمَسَشَن ندٍ كُي، كْنْ وٌ دٌنسٍ رَفَتَشِ نَن دٌنمَ هَن حّ سٌلٌمَنَانِ ندٍ. دٌنسٍ نَشَن نَفَتَشِ، نَ وٌ رَلِمَ نّ هَن بَلٌي نّينّ سَ مِنِمَ تّمُي نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "then I will command my blessing on you in the sixth year, and it shall bear fruit for the three years.", "sus": "ٱ تَن نَن بَرَكَ رَفٌرٌ مَ وٌ مَ حّ سٍننِ ندٍ كُي، نَشَن قِندِ مَ بَلٌي رَ وٌ بّ حّ سَشَن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "On the first day shall be a holy convocation. You shall do no regular work.", "sus": "سَلِ شِ سِنفٍ مَلَنيِ سّنِيّنشِ رَبَمَ نّ. وٌ نَشَ وَلِ يٌ رَبَ نَ لْشْي."} {"eng": "“Speak to Aaron, and to his sons, and to all the children of Israel, and say to them, ‘Whoever is of the house of Israel, or of the foreigners in Israel, who offers his offering, whether it is any of their vows or any of their free will offerings, which they offer to Yahweh for a burnt offering:", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ هَرُنَ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بِرِن بّ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بِرِن، عَ نُن شْحّ نَشٍيٍ سَبَتِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ، مِشِ نَشَن سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ بَمَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ لَايِدِ ندٍ رَكَمَلِقٍ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ يّتّ حَنِفٍ رَبَقٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy.", "sus": "عَ نْمَ ٱ تَن عَلَ شَ دٌنسٍ سّنِيّنشِ مْولِ بِرِن دٌندٍ،"} {"eng": "“Say to Aaron, ‘None of your offspring throughout their generations who has a defect may approach to offer the bread of his God.", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ هَرُنَ بّ، مِشِ مَبّنشِ يٌ نَشَ سّرّشّدُبّ وَلِ رَبَ، عَ سّرّشّ سَ سّرّشّبَدٍ مَ ٱ تَن عَلَ بّ. نَ مُ لَنمَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin. I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سِكٍيلِ شَ كَمَلِ. وٌ سٍ مَنِيَسٍ كَمَلِشِيٍ رَوَلِ. عَلَتَلَ نَن ٱ نَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ، نَشَن وٌ رَ مِنِشِ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "They shall no more sacrifice their sacrifices to the goat idols, after which they play the prostitute. This shall be a statute forever to them throughout their generations.’", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ سِكْتّ سّرّشّ بَ كُيٍ بّ سْنْن دٍ. نَ قِندِ مَ يَنقَنتٍيَ نَن نَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ مَبِرِ. يِ يَامَرِ مُ كَنَمَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "He shall take from the congregation of the children of Israel two male goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ شَ سِكْتّ قِرِن سٌ عَ يِ رَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ، عَ نُن يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron, when they came near before Yahweh, and died;", "sus": "هَرُنَ شَ دِ قِرِنيِ تٌ قَشَ عٍ يّتّ مَسٍنقٍ رَ عَلَتَلَ بّ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "This is the law of him who has a discharge, and of him who has an emission of semen, so that he is unclean by it;", "sus": "«سّرِيّ نَن نَ كِ كْرْ سِلَ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نُن شّمّ نَشَن عَ شَ وَنتَنيِ نْشْمَ،"} {"eng": "Every bed she lies on all the days of her discharge shall be to her as the bed of her period. Everything she sits on shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her period.", "sus": "عَ نَ عَ سَ سَدٍ نَشَن مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ دْشْ فٌنيِ نَشَن مَ، نَ بِرِن قِندِ مَ نّ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ عَلْ عَ شَ كِكٍ وَلِ تّمُي."} {"eng": "He who lies down in the house shall wash his clothes; and he who eats in the house shall wash his clothes.", "sus": "نَشَن نَ عَ سَ نَ بَنشِ كُي، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ عَ دّفٍ نَا، نَ لَنمَ عَ شَ عَ شَ دُفِيٍ شَ.»"} {"eng": "He shall sprinkle on him who is to be cleansed from the leprosy seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living bird go into the open field.", "sus": "عَ شَ نَ كَسَن سَنمَيَ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَ قُرٍ مَ مَ، نَشَن لَنمَ عَ شَ سّنِيّن. سّرّشّدُبّ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ، نَ مِشِ بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سّنِيّنشِ رَ. نَ تّمُي عَ شَ شْنِ حِحّ بّحِن وُلَ عِ.»"} {"eng": "he is a leprous man. He is unclean. The priest shall surely pronounce him unclean. His plague is on his head.", "sus": "قُرٍ مَ نَ عَ رَ، عَ مُ سّنِيّنشِ. سّرّشّدُبّ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ، نَ كَنيِ بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ. قُرٍ نَ عَ شُنيِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "then the priest shall examine them. Behold, if the bright spots on the skin of their body are a dull white, it is a harmless rash. It has broken out in the skin. He is clean.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شَ نَ مَتٌ. شَ نَ مُ قِيشّ عَ فبٍ رَ، كَسِ مْولِ ندٍ فبَنسَن نَ عَ رَ. عَ سّنِيّن.»"} {"eng": "then the priest shall examine him; and behold, if the itch has spread in the skin, the priest shall not look for the yellow hair; he is unclean.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ مَن شَ عَ مَتٌ. شَ قُرٍ بَرَ لَنتَن يّ، هَلِ سّرّشّدُبّ مُ قَتٍ شَبٍ قِيشّ قٍن. نَ كَنيِ بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But if the itch spreads in the skin after his cleansing,", "sus": "كْنْ سّرّشّدُبّ شَ مَسٍنيِ دَنفِ شَنبِ، شَ قُرٍ بَرَ لَنتَن يّ قُرٍ مَ قَتٍ مَ،"} {"eng": "then the priest shall examine it; and behold, if the hair in the bright spot has turned white, and its appearance is deeper than the skin, it is leprosy. It has broken out in the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the plague of leprosy.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شَ نَ مَتٌ. شَ قُرٍ مَ قَتٍ شَبٍ بَرَ قِيشّ نَ قْشِ، قُرٍ بَرَ تِلِن، عَ سُبٍ لِ، قُرٍ حَاشِ نَ عَ رَ، نَشَن بَرَ مِنِ قَتٍ مَ كِرِ دّننَشّ نُ فَنشِ. نَ سّرّشّدُبّ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ، نَ كَنيِ بَرَ قِندِ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ قُرٍ حَاشِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "“When the body has a boil on its skin, and it has healed,", "sus": "شَ سُورِ مِنِ مِشِ مَ، عَ قَ يَلَن،"} {"eng": "All food which may be eaten which is soaked in water shall be unclean. All drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.", "sus": "يٍ نَشَن نُ نَ نَ قّحّ كُي، عَ نَ سَ دٌنسٍ ندٍ مَ، نَ دٌنسٍ قَن قِندِ مَ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ. مِنسٍ يٌ نَشَن نُ نَ نَ قّحّ كُي، عَ قَن قِندِ مَ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "These are they which are unclean to you among all that creep. Whoever touches them when they are dead shall be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "نَ نِمَسٍ شُنشُرِ مْولِيٍ رَهَرَ مُشِ وٌ مَ. نَشَن دِنمَ عٍ بِنبِيٍ رَ عَ قِندِ مَ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ هَن نُنمَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“‘All flying insects that walk on all fours are an abomination to you.", "sus": "«نِمَسٍ فَبُتٍنيِ نُن سَنيِ نَ نَشٍيٍ مَ، عٍ رَهَرَ مُشِ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "any kind of raven,", "sus": "شَاشَ قَن، وٌ نَشَ نَ دٌن عَ نُن عَ مَنِيّ بِرِن."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying to them,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ نُن هَرُنَ بّ،"} {"eng": "He presented the people’s offering, and took the goat of the sin offering which was for the people, and killed it, and offered it for sin, like the first.", "sus": "هَرُنَ فّ شَنبِ نَ رَ، عَ نَشَ حَمَ شَ سِكْتّ كْن نَشَبَ، عَ شَ قِندِ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ حَمَ بّ. عَ نَ رَبَ نّ عَلْ عَ عَ سِنفٍ رَبَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "What remains of the meat and of the bread you shall burn with fire.", "sus": "تَامِ نُن سُبٍ نَشَن لُشِ، وٌ شَ نَ دْنشْي فَن."} {"eng": "Moses brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water.", "sus": "عَننَبِ مُنسَ نَشَ هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ مَسٌ، عَ نَشَ عٍ مَشَ يٍ رَ."} {"eng": "This is the law of the burnt offering, the meal offering, the sin offering, the trespass offering, the consecration, and the sacrifice of peace offerings", "sus": "سّرِيّ نَن نَ كِ سّرّشّيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ، سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ سّرّشّ، يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ، يّتّ رَفبِلٍن سّرّشّ، سّرّشّدُبّ تِ سّرّشّ، نُن شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ."} {"eng": "but what remains of the meat of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burned with fire.", "sus": "شَ عَ دْنشْي سَ لُ هَن نَ قَن كُيٍ عِبَ، نَ سُبٍ شَ فَن فبِكِ نَ شِ سَشَن ندٍ لْشْي مَ."} {"eng": "“‘But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow, or a free will offering, it shall be eaten on the day that he offers his sacrifice. On the next day what remains of it shall be eaten,", "sus": "«شَ لَايِدِ سّرّشّ بَمَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ سّرّشّ حَنِفٍشِ، نَ سُبٍ شَ دٌن عَ بَ لْشْي نّ، كْنْ شَ ندٍ سَ لُ عَ نْمَ دٌندٍ فّيسّفّ قَن."} {"eng": "The flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving shall be eaten on the day of his offering. He shall not leave any of it until the morning.", "sus": "نَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ سُبٍ دٌنمَ عَ بَ لْشْي نّ، سٍسٍ نَشَ لُ هَن فّيسّفّ.»"} {"eng": "Every male among the priests may eat of it. It shall be eaten in a holy place. It is most holy.", "sus": "شّمّ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نَن نَ دٌنمَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ كُي، بَرِ مَ سّرّشّ سّنِيّنشِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "“This is the offering of Aaron and of his sons, which they shall offer to Yahweh in the day when he is anointed: one tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a meal offering perpetually, half of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening.", "sus": "«هَرُنَ تِمَ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ رَ لْشْي نَشّ، عَ لَنمَ عَ تَن هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ شَ سَنسِ شْرِ قَنيِ دِنشِ كٌنبٌ يَ كٍرٍن بَ سّرّشّ رَ. نَ سّرّشّ تَفِ بَمَ فّيسّفّ، بٌورٍ تَفِ بَمَ نُنمَرٍ. نَ مْولِ شَ رَبَ مِشِ تِمَ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ رَ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "“Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the law of the burnt offering: the burnt offering shall be on the hearth on the altar all night until the morning; and the fire of the altar shall be kept burning on it.", "sus": "«يِ يَامَرِ سٌ هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ يِ رَ؛ سّرِيّ نَن يَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ شَ قٍ رَ. سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ شَ لُ سّرّشّبَدٍ قَرِ كْي رَ، عَ شَ فَن هَن فّيسّفّ."} {"eng": "“‘Or if anyone swears rashly with his lips to do evil or to do good—whatever it is that a man might utter rashly with an oath, and it is hidden from him—when he knows of it, then he will be guilty of one of these.", "sus": "شَ مِشِ ندٍ سَ عَ كَلِ قُقَقُ، قٍ قَنيِ شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ قٍ حَاشِ رَ، عَ قَ نّيمُ نَ مَ، عَ نَ رَتُ نَ قٍ مَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ قِندِ مَ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ، عَ يُنُبِ سْتْ نَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "“‘When a ruler sins, and unwittingly does any one of all the things which Yahweh his God has commanded not to be done, and is guilty,", "sus": "«شَ مَنفّ ندٍ عَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِ ندٍ مَتَندِ، كْنْ نَ مُ كٍلِ عَ حَنِفٍ مَ، نَ قِندِ مَ يُنُبِ رَ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "“‘If the whole congregation of Israel sins, and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done any of the things which Yahweh has commanded not to be done, and are guilty;", "sus": "«شَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن نَن سَ ٱ تَن عَلَ شَ يَامَرِ ندٍ مَتَندِشِ، كْنْ نَ مُ كٍلِ عٍ حَنِفٍ مَ، نَ قِندِ مَ يُنُبِ رَ عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the cover on the liver, with the kidneys, he shall remove,", "sus": "عَ فُنفُي قِرِنيِ، عٍ تُرٍ، نُن لَارٍ نَشَن نَ عَ بْحّ مَ."} {"eng": "The priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle some of the blood seven times before Yahweh, before the veil of the sanctuary.", "sus": "عَ عَ بّلّشّسٌلٍ رَفٌرٌ نَ وُلِ شْورَ، عَ عَ كَسَن سَنيَ سٌلٌقٍرٍ دُفِ يَ رَ نَشَن فبَكُشِ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ مَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "“‘If his offering is from the flock, from the sheep or from the goats, for a burnt offering, he shall offer a male without defect.", "sus": "«شَ مِشِ وَ مَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ بَقٍ شُرُ سٍ لَنمَ رَ، عَ شَ قِندِ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ سِكْتّ، لَنيُرُ مُ نَ نَشَن مَ."} {"eng": "They tied to it a lace of blue, to fasten it on the turban above, as Yahweh commanded Moses.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ شِرِ فّسّ فّرّ دَاشِ نُن فّسّ بُلُ دَاشِ رَ شُنمَسٍ مَ عَ تِفِ رَ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ مُنسَ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "They put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings at the ends of the breastplate.", "sus": "عٍ نَ لُوتِ شّيمَ دَاشِيٍ شِرِ نَ شُرُندّ قِرِنيِيٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ دّفّشِ دٌنمَ كَنكٍ رَشُنمَسٍ دّ كِرِ مَ."} {"eng": "The silver of those who were counted of the congregation was one hundred talents and one thousand seven hundred seventy-five shekels, according to the shekel of the sanctuary:", "sus": "فبٍتِ شَسَبِ نَشَن سْتْ مِشِ كْنتِشِيٍ رَ، نَ لَن نّ كِلٌ وُلُ سَشَن كِلٌ كّمّ سٌلٌمَسَشَن نُن تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نُن سُولِ نَن مَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ مَنِيَسٍ سّرِيّ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "He made a mercy seat of pure gold. Its length was two and a half cubits, and a cubit and a half its width.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ نَ كَنكِرَ دّرَكٌتٍ يَءِلَن شّيمَ قَنيِ رَ، عَ قِندِ شُنسَرٍ يِرٍ رَ. عَ كُيَ نْنفْن قِرِن نُن عَ تَفِ، عَ عِفبٌ نْنفْن كٍرٍن نُن عَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood. Its length was two and a half cubits, and its width a cubit and a half, and a cubit and a half its height.", "sus": "بٍسَلٍلِ نَشَ كَنكِرَ يَءِلَن كَسِيَ وُرِ رَ. عَ كُيَ نْنفْن قِرِن نُن عَ تَفِ، عَ عِفبٌ نْنفْن كٍرٍن نُن عَ تَفِ، عَ عِتٍ نْنفْن كٍرٍن نُن عَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "He made the boards for the tabernacle, twenty boards for the south side southward.", "sus": "شٍبٍنيِ مْشْحّن نَن تِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "Moses spoke to all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, “This is the thing which Yahweh commanded, saying,", "sus": "مُنسَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن بّ، «عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ نَن يَ؛"} {"eng": "Three times in the year all your males shall appear before the Lord Yahweh, the God of Israel.", "sus": "حّ كٍرٍن كُي، شّمّ بِرِن شَ قَ سَلِ رَبَ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يَ شْرِ سَنيَ سَشَن."} {"eng": "for you shall worship no other god; for Yahweh, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ وٌ مَفٌرٌ عَلَ فبّتّ بُن مَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ تَن نَشَن شِلِ عَلَتَلَ، ٱ مُ وَ مَ ٱ قِرِن ندٍ شْن."} {"eng": "then I will take away my hand, and you will see my back; but my face shall not be seen.”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي ٱ قَمَ ٱ بّلّشّ بَدٍ عِ يَ مَ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ نْ ٱ كٌبٍ تٌدٍ قَ، كْنْ عِ مُ نْمَ ٱ يَتَفِ تَن تٌدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, to whom you swore by your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your offspring as the stars of the sky, and all this land that I have spoken of I will give to your offspring, and they shall inherit it forever.’”", "sus": "عِ رَتُ عِ شَ كٌنيِيٍ عِبُرَهِمَ، عِسِيَفَ، نُن عِسِرَيِلَ مَ، عِ كَلِشِ نَشٍيٍ رَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، ‹ٱ وٌ بْنسْي رَوُيَمَ نّ عَلْ تُنبُي نَشٍيٍ نَ كٌورٍ مَ. ٱ بْشِ قِمَ وٌ بْنسْي مَ كّ رَ نَشَن مُ بَمَ وٌ يِ رَ عَبَدَن.›»"} {"eng": "When he finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, he gave Moses the two tablets of the covenant, stone tablets, written with God’s finger.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ تٌ فّ مَسٍنيِ تِدٍ مُنسَ بّ تُرُ سِنِنَ فٍيَ قَرِ، عَ نَشَ فّمّ وَلَشّ قِرِن سٌ عَ يِ رَ سٍيدٍ رَ، عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ نُ سّبّشِ نَشٍيٍ مَ عَ بّلّشّ سٌلٍ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall make it into a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer: it shall be a holy anointing oil.", "sus": "عِ شَ نَ بِرِن يَءِلَن تُرٍ سّنِيّنشِ رَ نَشَن نَوَلِمَ سّرّشّدُبّ تِقٍ رَ. نَ وَلِ شَ رَبَ عَ قَنيِ رَ عَ رَبَ كِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "You shall take of the blood that is on the altar, and of the anointing oil, and sprinkle it on Aaron, and on his garments, and on his sons, and on the garments of his sons with him: and he shall be made holy, and his garments, and his sons, and his sons’ garments with him.", "sus": "عِ شَ وُلِ ندٍ تٌنفٌ سّرّشّبَدٍ قَرِ، عَ نُن تُرٍ ندٍ نَشَن نَوَلِشِ مِشِ تِقٍ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ، عِ شَ نٍيٍ كَسَن هَرُنَ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عٍ شَ دُفِيٍ مَ. نَ كُي هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ بَرَ تِ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ رَ، عٍ شَ دُفِيٍ قَن بَرَ قِندِ سّرّشّدُبّ دُفِيٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "You shall take all the fat that covers the innards, the cover of the liver, the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.", "sus": "عِ نَ فّ نَ رَ، عِ شَ نَ تُورَ تُرٍ تٌنفٌ نَشَن نَ عَ قُرِنفّ مَ، عَ لَارٍ نَشَن عَ بْحّ مَكٌتٌشِ، عَ فُنفُييٍ نُن تُرٍ نَشَن نَ عٍ مَ، عِ شَ نَ بِرِن فَن سّرّشّ رَ سّرّشّبَدٍ قَرِ."} {"eng": "They shall bind the breastplate by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it may be on the skillfully woven band of the ephod, and that the breastplate may not swing out from the ephod.", "sus": "دٌنمَ كَنكٍ رَشُنمَسٍ شَ شِرِ دٌنمَ كُيٍ مَ لُوتِ فّرّ دَاشِ رَ نَشَن نَسٌمَ شُرُندّيٍ كُي نَشٍيٍ دّفّشِ دٌنمَ كَنكٍ رَشُنمَسٍ نُن دٌنمَ كُيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "“You shall make a breastplate of judgment, the work of the skillful workman; like the work of the ephod you shall make it; of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, you shall make it.", "sus": "«عِ شَ سّرّشّدُبّ دٌنمَ كَنكٍ رَشُنمَسٍ يَءِلَن عَ تٌقَنيِ كِ مَ. عَ قِندِ مَ كِيتِ سٍ نَن نَ. عِ شَ عَ يَءِلَن فّسّ فّرّ دَاشِ، فّسّ بُلُ دَاشِ، فّسّ فبٍيلِ، نُن سُوَ دُفِ رَ عَلْ دٌنمَ كُيٍ يَءِلَنشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“You shall make bars of acacia wood: five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle,", "sus": "«عِ شَ وُرِ سُولِ يَءِلَن كَسِيَ وُرِ رَ، هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شٍبٍنيِيٍ تِمَ نَشٍيٍ مَ. سُولِ رَوَلِ سّيتِ كٍرٍن مَ،"} {"eng": "You shall make twenty boards for the tabernacle, for the south side southward.", "sus": "شٍبٍنيِ مْشْحّن نَن تِمَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "You shall couple five curtains by themselves, and six curtains by themselves, and shall double over the sixth curtain in the forefront of the tent.", "sus": "عِ شَ دُفِ سُولِ دّفّ عٍ بٌورٍ رَ، عٍ شَ قِندِ دُفِ كٍرٍن نَ. نَ دُفِ سٍننِ نَشٍيٍ لُشِ، عِ شَ عٍ قَن دّفّ عٍ بٌورٍ رَ. نَ دُفِ سٍننِ ندٍ سِنفَنمَ بَنشِ يَتَفِ نَن شُن مَ."} {"eng": "You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the covenant that I will give you.", "sus": "«عِ شَ نَ كَنكِرَ دّرَكٌتٍ سَ عَ مَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ شُنسَرٍ يِرٍ رَ. ٱ نَ سَاتّ تْنشُمَ سٌ عِ يِ رَ، عِ شَ عَ سَ نَ كَنكِرَ كُي."} {"eng": "You shall make two cherubim of hammered gold. You shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat.", "sus": "مَلٍكّ سَوُرّ قِرِن شَ يَءِلَن شّيمَ شَبُشِ رَ كَنكِرَ دّرَكٌتٍ قَرِ."} {"eng": "Moses wrote all Yahweh’s words, then rose up early in the morning and built an altar at the base of the mountain, with twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن سّبّ. نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، مُنسَ نَشَ سّرّشّبَدٍ تِ فٍيَ بُنيِ، عَ نَشَ فّمّ تُندٍنيِ قُ نُن قِرِن تِ مّننِ، نَشٍيٍ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي قُ نُن قِرِنيِ مِسَالِشِ."} {"eng": "I will set your border from the Red Sea even to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the River; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you.", "sus": "ٱ وٌ شَ نَانِنيِ عِفبٌمَ نّ كٍلِ شُلُنيُمِ بَا مَ هَن بَا شُنفبٍ، كٍلِقٍ تُرُ سِنِنَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ هَن عَ سَ دْشْ عٍقِرَتِ شُرٍ شُنفبٍ رَ. ٱ مّننِكَيٍ سَمَ نّ وٌ سَفٌ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ عٍ كٍرِ."} {"eng": "No one will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will fulfill the number of your days.", "sus": "فِنّ قُرِ مُ كَنَمَ وٌ شَ بْشِ مَ، فِنّ دِ بَرِتَرٍ قَن مُ تٌمَ وٌ يَ مَ. ٱ سِمَيَ كَمَلِشِ قِمَ نّ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "You shall bring the first of the first fruits of your ground into the house of Yahweh your God. “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سَنسِ بٌفِ قِسَمَنتٍ بَ وٌ شَ سَنسِ بٌفِ سِنفٍيٍ يَ مَ ٱ تَن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، وٌ عٍ شَنِن ٱ مَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي. وٌ نَشَ سِ حِن عَ نفَ شِحّ يٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“You shall observe a feast to me three times a year.", "sus": "حّ يٌ حّ وٌ شَ سَلِ سَشَن نَبَ ٱ مَ بِنيّ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "“If you meet your enemy’s ox or his donkey going astray, you shall surely bring it back to him again.", "sus": "وٌ نَ وٌ يَشُي شَ نِنفٍ لْيشِ تٌ، شَ نَ مُ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ، وٌ شَ عَ شَنِن عَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "The people stayed at a distance, and Moses came near to the thick darkness where God was.", "sus": "حَمَ نَشَ لُ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ، كْنْ مُنسَ تَن نَشَ سِفَ نَ نُشُي قْورْشِ يِرٍ عَلَتَلَ نُ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”", "sus": "«وٌ نَشَ مِلَ وٌ بٌورٍ شَ هَرِفٍ مَ، عَلْ عَ شَ بَنشِ، عَ شَ فِنّ، عَ شَ كٌنيِيٍ، عَ شَ نِنفٍ، شَ نَ مُ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ.»"} {"eng": "No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether it is animal or man, he shall not live.’ When the trumpet sounds long, they shall come up to the mountain.”", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ وٌ بّلّشّ دِن نَ كَنيِ رَ، وٌ عَ مَفْنْ فّمّ رَ هَن عَ قَشَ. شَ نَ مُ، وٌ شَ عَ مَسْشْ شَلِيٍ رَ. عَ قِندِ دَالِسٍ رَ، عَ قِندِ مِشِ رَ، عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ قَشَ. مِشِ مُ لَنمَ عَ شَ تٍ فٍيَ قَرِ، قٌ سَرَ شُي نَ مِنِ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ ندٍيٍ قَ تٍ.»"} {"eng": "On the next day, Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from the morning to the evening.", "sus": "نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، مُنسَ نَشَ عَ مَفٌرٌ، عَ شَ كِيتِ سَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تَفِ. حَمَ نَشَ لُ عَ يِرٍ كٍلِقٍ فّيسّفّ هَن نُنمَرٍ."} {"eng": "and her two sons. The name of one son was Gershom, for Moses said, “I have lived as a foreigner in a foreign land”.", "sus": "مُنسَ شَ دِ سِنفٍ نُ شِلِ فٍرِ سٌمِ، بَرِ مَ نَ شِلِ نُ وَ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ عٍ فبٍ شُي، «شْحّ نَن ٱ نَ يِ بْشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Now the time that the children of Israel lived in Egypt was four hundred thirty years.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نُ بَرَ حّ كّمّ نَانِ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نَبَ مِسِرَ."} {"eng": "For Yahweh will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood on the lintel, and on the two door posts, Yahweh will pass over the door, and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to strike you.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَ مِسِرَ بْشِ عِسَ دِ سِنفٍ قَشَقٍ رَ، عَ دَنفِمَ نّ بَنشِيٍ شُن مَ، وُلِ نَ نَشٍيٍ نَادّ فبَنيِ نُن عَ سّيتِيٍ مَ. عَ مُ تِنمَ كَنَرِ يٌ شَ سٌ وٌ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, until the twenty first day of the month at evening.", "sus": "Kike singe, xi fu nun naani, nunmare fɔlɔ tɛmui, wo naxa taami yo don bafe taami lɛbinitare ra han a xi mɔxɔɲɛn nun keren, a nunmare tɛmui."} {"eng": "There shall be no yeast found in your houses for seven days, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a foreigner, or one who is born in the land.", "sus": "نَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ، لّبِنِ يٌ نَشَ تٌ وٌ شْنيِ، بَرِ مَ شْحّ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَ بِرِن نَشَن لّبِنِ دٌنمَ نَ وَشَتِ بُن مَ، عَ رَ مِنِمَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "There shall be no yeast found in your houses for seven days, for whoever eats that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a foreigner, or one who is born in the land.", "sus": "Na xi solofere bun ma, lɛbini yo naxa to wo xɔnyi, barima xɔɲɛ nun Isirayilaka birin naxan lɛbini donma na waxati bun ma, a raminima nɛ Isirayila ɲama ya ma."} {"eng": "“‘Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even the first day you shall put away yeast out of your houses, for whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.", "sus": "نَ سَلِ وَشَتِ وٌ شَ تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ دٌن شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ. سَلِ قْلّ لْشْي، وٌ شَ لّبِنِ بِرِن نَمِنِ وٌ شَ بَنشِيٍ كُي. مِشِ يٌ نَشَن تَامِ لّبِنِ دَاشِ دٌنمَ نَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ، نَ كَنيِ شَ رَ مِنِ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "But Yahweh hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he wouldn’t let them go.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ قِرَوُنَ شَشِلِ رَشْرْشْ، عَ مُ تِن عٍ بّحِندٍ."} {"eng": "Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh, and spread out his hands to Yahweh; and the thunders and hail ceased, and the rain was not poured on the earth.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ مِنِ قِرَوُنَ شْنيِ، عَ سِفَ تَا قَرِ مَ. عَ تٌ عَ بّلّشّ عِتَلَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِدٍ، فَلَنيِ، بَلَبَلَنيِ، نُن تُنّ نَشَ دَن."} {"eng": "We will go three days’ journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to Yahweh our God, as he shall command us.”", "sus": "عَ لَنمَ مُشُ شَ شِ سَشَن بِيَاسِ رَبَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، مُشُ قَ سّرّشّيٍ بَ مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، عَلْ عَ مُشُ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh did so; and there came grievous swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh, and into his servants’ houses. In all the land of Egypt the land was corrupted by reason of the swarms of flies.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عَ رَبَ نَ كِ نّ. شّيرِيٍ نَشَ دِن قِرَوُنَ، نُن عَ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ رَ. مِسِرَ بْشِ بِرِن شُن نَشَ رَكَنَ شّيرِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Moses and Aaron did so. As Yahweh commanded them, so they did.", "sus": "مُنسَ نُن هَرُنَ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِ سُشُ عَلْ عَ مَسٍنشِ عٍ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Aaron took Elisheba, the daughter of Amminadab, the sister of Nahshon, as his wife; and she bore him Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.", "sus": "هَرُنَ نَشَ عَمِنَدَبٌ شَ دِ عٍلِسٍيبَ دْشْ، نَشَن قِندِشِ نَشَسٌن مَافِنّ رَ. عَ نَشَ نَدَبٌ، عَبِهُ، عٍلٍيَسَرِ، نُن عِتَمَرِ بَرِ هَرُنَ بّ."} {"eng": "“You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick, as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves.", "sus": "«وٌ نَشَ سّشّ سٌ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ يِ رَ سْنْن، عٍ نَشَن مَلَنمَ بٌورَ رَ عٍ بِرِكِ بْنبْمَ تّمُي نَشّ. يَكْسِ عٍ شَ نَ سّشّ قٍن عٍ يّتّ رَ."} {"eng": "Now therefore don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your little ones.” He comforted them, and spoke kindly to them.", "sus": "يَكْسِ هَلِ وٌ مُ فَاشُ. ٱ وٌ هَيِ بِرِن قَنمَ نّ نُن وٌ شَ دِيٍ.» عَ شَ وْيّنيِ نَشَ عٍ بْحّ سَ."} {"eng": "Israel said to Joseph, “Now let me die, since I have seen your face, that you are still alive.”", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يُسُقُ بّ، «هَلِ ٱ قَشَ قَ، ٱ بْحّ بَرَ سَ بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ عِ يَتَفِ تٌ، عِ مَن نَ حّنفِقٍ.»"} {"eng": "I will go down with you into Egypt. I will also surely bring you up again. Joseph’s hand will close your eyes.”", "sus": "وٌن بِرِن نَن سِفَمَ مِسِرَ، ٱ تَن نَن مَن قَمَ عِ رَفبِلٍندٍ بٍ. يُسُقُ يَتِ نَن قَمَ عِ يَيٍ رَفَلِدٍ عِ حْن تّمُي.»"} {"eng": "You shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen. You shall hurry and bring my father down here.”", "sus": "وٌ شَ ٱ مَ مَنفّيَ سّنبّ تَفِ رَبَ ٱ بَبَ بّ، ٱ نَ نَشَن كُي مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ، عَ نُن وٌ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن تٌشِ. وٌ وٌ شُلُن، وٌ شَ قَ ٱ بَبَ رَ هَن بٍ.»"} {"eng": "For your servant became collateral for the boy to my father, saying, ‘If I don’t bring him to you, then I will bear the blame to my father forever.’", "sus": "ٱ تَن عِ شَ كٌنيِ، ٱ دْشْشِ نّ سّيكّ رَ يِ دِ مّدِ شَ قٍ رَ. ٱ نُ بَرَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بَبَ بّ، ‹شَ ٱ مُ فبِلٍن عَ رَ عِ يِرٍ، نَ بَرَ قِندِ ٱ مَ كٌتٍ رَ ٱ مَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ بِرِن كُي.›»"} {"eng": "Judah and his brothers came to Joseph’s house, and he was still there. They fell on the ground before him.", "sus": "يُدَ نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ تٌ يُسُقُ شْنيِ لِ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ قٍلٍن عَ بُن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, the money, which we found in our sacks’ mouths, we brought again to you out of the land of Canaan. How then should we steal silver or gold out of your lord’s house?", "sus": "مُشُ كْبِرِ نَشَن تٌ بّكِيٍ كُي كَنَان، مُشُ بَرَ قَ عَ رَ. مُنقٍ رَ مُشُ فبٍتِ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ شّيمَ، مُحَمَ عِ شَ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ كُي؟"} {"eng": "When we came to the lodging place, we opened our sacks, and behold, each man’s money was in the mouth of his sack, our money in full weight. We have brought it back in our hand.", "sus": "Kɔnɔ muxu to muxu xide li gbilenfe ra muxu xɔnyi, muxu naxa muxu xa bɛkie rafulun, kankan naxa a xa kɔbiri to a xa bɛki kui na donse saraxi naxan na. Yakɔsi muxu man bara fa na kɔbiri ragbilende i ma."} {"eng": "We have brought down other money in our hand to buy food. We don’t know who put our money in our sacks.”", "sus": "مُشُ بَرَ قَ كْبِرِ فبّتّ قَن نَ، عَلَكٌ مُشُ مَن شَ دٌنسٍ فبّتّ سَرَ. مُشُ مُ عَ كٌلٌن مِشِ يٌ نَشَن نَ كْبِرِ سَشِ مُشُ شَ بّكِيٍ كُي.»"} {"eng": "We have brought down other money in our hand to buy food. We don’t know who put our money in our sacks.”", "sus": "Muxu bara fa kɔbiri gbɛtɛ fan na, alako muxu man xa donse gbɛtɛ sara. Muxu mu a kolon mixi yo naxan na kɔbiri saxi muxu xa bɛkie kui.»"} {"eng": "Reuben spoke to his father, saying, “Kill my two sons, if I don’t bring him to you. Entrust him to my care, and I will bring him to you again.”", "sus": "رُبٍن نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بَبَ بّ، «شَ ٱ مُ بُنيَمِن نَفبِلٍن عِ مَ، عِ شَ ٱ مَ دِ قِرِنيِيٍ قَشَ. بُنيَمِن سٌ ٱ يِ رَ، ٱ مَن قَمَ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Joseph said to them the third day, “Do this, and live, for I fear God.", "sus": "شِ سَشَن لْشْي، يُسُقُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «شَ وٌ بَرَ ٱ شُي سُشُ، وٌ مُ قَشَمَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ فَاشُمَ عَلَ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "and behold, seven other cattle came up after them, poor and very ugly and thin, such as I never saw in all the land of Egypt for ugliness.", "sus": "نَ نَن لَن، نِنفٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ فبّتّ نَشَ تٍ عٍ شَنبِ رَ، عٍ شْسِشِ هَن. عٍ فَنيَنشْرِ بِرِن سَشِ كّنّ مَ. هَن تٌ ٱ مُ نَ نِنفٍ شْسِشِ مْولِ تٌ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Joseph came in to them in the morning, and saw them, and saw that they were sad.", "sus": "نَ كُيٍ عِبَ يُسُقُ نَشَ قَ عٍ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ عٍ لِ سُننُنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "About this time, he went into the house to do his work, and there were none of the men of the house inside.", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ يُسُقُ نَشَ سٌ بَنشِ كُي عَ شَ وَلِ رَبَدٍ. كٌنيِ فبّتّ يٌ مُ نُ نَ بَنشِ كُي نَ تّمُي."} {"eng": "Judah sent the young goat by the hand of his friend, the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman’s hand, but he didn’t find her.", "sus": "يُدَ نَشَ عَ بٌورٍ عَدُلَمَكَ شّي سِ تِدٍ نَ فِنّ مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ قَ سٍيٍ رَ عَ نَشَن سٌ فِنّ يِ رَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ رَ. كْنْ عَ بٌورٍ مُ نَ فِنّ تٌ."} {"eng": "These are the children of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah. This is Anah who found the hot springs in the wilderness, as he fed the donkeys of Zibeon his father.", "sus": "سِبٍيٌن شَ دِ شّمّيٍ نَن يَ؛ عَيَ نُن عَنَ، نَشَن دُلٌنيِ قُرَشِيٍ تٌشِ فبٍنفبٍرٍن يِرٍ، عَ تٌ نُ سِبٍيٌن شَ سٌقَلٍيٍ دّ مَدٌنقٍ."} {"eng": "The sons of Leah: Reuben (Jacob’s firstborn), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.", "sus": "لٍيَ نَشَ رُبٍن بَرِ دِ سِنفٍ، نَ شَنبِ رَ سِمٍيْن، لٍوِ، يُدَ، عِسَكَرِ، نُن سَبُلٌن."} {"eng": "Israel traveled, and spread his tent beyond the tower of Eder.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ نَشَ سِفَ عَ سَ يٌنكِن مِفِدَلِ عٍدٍرِ شَنبِ رَ."} {"eng": "As her soul was departing (for she died), she named him Benoni, but his father named him Benjamin.", "sus": "رَشٍلٍ نُ بَرَ لُ عَلْ مِشِ قَشَشِ. عَ نُ عَ نِي مَفَفَمَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ شِلِ سَ بٍن عٌنِ، «نِمِسَ دِ.» كْنْ عَ بَبَ تَن نَشَ عَ شِلِ سَ بُنيَمِن، «دِ بَرَكَشِ.»"} {"eng": "“These men are peaceful with us. Therefore let them live in the land and trade in it. For behold, the land is large enough for them. Let’s take their daughters to us for wives, and let’s give them our daughters.", "sus": "«يِ مِشِيٍ وٌن مَ قٍ قَنيِ نَ عٍ بّ. عٍ شَ لُ يِ بْشِ مَ، عٍ شَ يُلّيَ رَبَ، بَرِ مَ وٌن مَ بْشِ فبٌ. وٌن نْمَ عٍ شَ دِ فِنّيٍ دْشْدٍ، وٌن قَن وٌن مَ دِ فِنّيٍ قِمَ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "The young man didn’t wait to do this thing, because he had delight in Jacob’s daughter, and he was honored above all the house of his father.", "sus": "نَ سّفّتَلَ مُ بُ نَ قٍ رَبَقٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ يَشُبَ شَ دِ فِنّ بَرَ رَقَن عَ مَ. عَ تَن نَن نُ وُرُفٍنتٍ رَ عَ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "Esau said, “Let me now leave with you some of the people who are with me.” He said, “Why? Let me find favor in the sight of my lord.”", "sus": "عٍسَيُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ شَ ٱ مَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ لُ عِ يِ رَ بٍ.» يَشُبَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «مُنقٍ رَ؟ ٱ مَرِفِ، ٱ تَن وَ مَ نَشَن شْن، ٱ شَ رَقَن عِ مَ فبَنسَن.»"} {"eng": "Esau ran to meet him, embraced him, fell on his neck, kissed him, and they wept.", "sus": "نَ نَن لَن عٍسَيُ نَشَ عَ فِ عَ سَ يَشُبَ رَلَن. عَ نَشَ قِندِفِلِن عَ مَ، عَ قَ عَ مَسُنبُ. عٍ بِرِن نُ قَ وَ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore the children of Israel don’t eat the sinew of the hip, which is on the hollow of the thigh, to this day, because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew of the hip.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ هَن يَكْسِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مُ لَارٍ دٌنمَ نَشَن نَ تْنشْنيِ مَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ يَشُبَ مَسْتْشِ عَ تْنشْن لَارٍ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "The sun rose on him as he passed over Peniel, and he limped because of his thigh.", "sus": "سٌفٍ تٍمَ تّمُي نَشّ، يَشُبَ نُ بَرَ دَنفِ ثٍنِيٍلِ رَ، عَ فٌرٌ مَ عَ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "When Rachel had borne Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, “Send me away, that I may go to my own place, and to my country.", "sus": "رَشٍلٍ تٌ يُسُقُ بَرِ، يَشُبَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ لَبَن بّ، «عَ لُ ٱ شَ فبِلٍن ٱ مَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her, and opened her womb.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَلَ نَشَ عَ حّنفِ رَ سِفَ رَشٍلٍ شَ قٍ شْن. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ كْنتْقِلِ مّ، عَ عَ قِندِ دِ بَرِ رَ."} {"eng": "Isaac trembled violently, and said, “Who, then, is he who has taken venison, and brought it to me, and I have eaten of all before you came, and have blessed him? Yes, he will be blessed.”", "sus": "نَ قٍ نَشَ عِسِيَفَ عِقُ عَ قَنيِ رَ. عَ قَتٍ بِرِن نَشَ سّرّن عَ مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «كْنْ ندٍ تَن قَشِ سُبٍ يَءِلَنشِ رَ ٱ بّ، ٱ نَشَن دٌنشِ يَكْسِ بٍينُن عِ تَن شَ سٌ بٍ يِ كِ؟ ٱ بَرَ دُبَ نَ كَنيِ بّ. عَ تَن نَن قَمَ بَرَكّ سْتْدٍ.»"} {"eng": "He came to his father, and said, “My father?” He said, “Here I am. Who are you, my son?”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي يَشُبَ نَشَ سِفَ عَ بَبَ يِرٍ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ بَبَ، ٱ تَن نَن يَ.» عَ بَبَ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «ٱ مَ دِ مُندُن لَنشِ عِ تَن مَ؟»"} {"eng": "He built an altar there, and called on Yahweh’s name, and pitched his tent there. There Isaac’s servants dug a well.", "sus": "عِسِيَفَ نَشَ سّرّشّبَدٍ يَءِلَن نَ يِرٍ، عَ نُ قَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ عَ شِلِ رَ. عَ نَشَ سَبَتِ نَا، عَ شَ كٌنيِيٍ مَن نَشَ كْلْنيِ فبّتّ فٍ."} {"eng": "Yahweh appeared to him the same night, and said, “I am the God of Abraham your father. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you, and will bless you, and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ مِنِ عَ مَ كْي رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عِ بَبَ عِبُرَهِمَ مَرِفِ عَلَ لَنشِ ٱ تَن نَن مَ. عِ نَشَ فَاشُ قٍقٍ رَ، وٌن تَن نَن عَ رَ يِرٍ بِرِن. ٱ مَن بَرَكّ سَمَ نّ عِ شَ قٍ. ٱ عِ بْنسْي رَوُيَمَ نّ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ عِبُرَهِمَ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Isaac dug again the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Abraham. He called their names after the names by which his father had called them.", "sus": "عِسِيَفَ نَشَ كْلْنيِيٍ عِبَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ فٍشِ عَ بَبَ وَشَتِ، قِلِسِتَكَيٍ نَشٍيٍ دّ سّ عِبُرَهِمَ قَشَ شَنبِ. عَ بَبَ نُ نَ كْلْنيِيٍ شِلِ قَلَمَ كِ نَشّ، عِسِيَفَ مَن نَشَ نَ شِلِيٍ قَلَ عٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Paddan Aram, the sister of Laban the Syrian, to be his wife.", "sus": "عَ تٌ بَرَ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ سْتْ سِمَيَ رَ، عَ نَشَ رٍبٍكَ دْشْ، لَبَن شُنيَ فِنّمَ، بٍتُوٍلِ شَ دِ فِنّ. عَرَ مِكَيٍ نَن نَ عٍ رَ، كٍلِقٍ ثَدَن عَرَ مِ."} {"eng": "She bore him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.", "sus": "Na ginɛ naxa die bari a bɛ. Na die nu xili: Simiran, Yokosan, Medan, Madiyan, Yisebaki, nun Suwa."} {"eng": "Jokshan became the father of Sheba, and Dedan. The sons of Dedan were Asshurim, Letushim, and Leummim.", "sus": "Yokosan naxa Seeba nun Dedan bari. Dedan bɔnsɔɛ findi Asurikae, Letusikae, nun Leyumikae nan na."} {"eng": "The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. All these were the children of Keturah.", "sus": "Madiyan xa die lanxi Efa, Efere, Hanoki, Abida, nun Elidaa nan ma. Ketura xa die nan lanxi e ma."} {"eng": "Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac,", "sus": "Iburahima naxa a harige birin fi Isiyaga ma."} {"eng": "but Abraham gave gifts to the sons of Abraham’s concubines. While he still lived, he sent them away from Isaac his son, eastward, to the east country.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ سٍ فبٍفبٍ قَن قِ عَ شَ فِنّ بٌورٍيٍ شَ دِيٍ مَ، عَ قَ عٍ مَكُيَ عَ شَ دِ عِسِيَفَ رَ، عَ عٍ رَ سِفَ بْشِ ندٍ مَ نَشَن نَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "but Abraham gave gifts to the sons of Abraham’s concubines. While he still lived, he sent them away from Isaac his son, eastward, to the east country.", "sus": "A naxa se gbegbe fan fi a xa ginɛ booree xa die ma, a fa e makuya a xa di Isiyaga ra, a e rasiga bɔxi nde ma naxan na sogetede mabiri."} {"eng": "Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife. He loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ، عِسِيَفَ نَشَ رٍبٍكَ شَنِن عَ نفَ شَ كِرِ بَنشِ كُي، عَ عَ قِندِ عَ شَ فِنّ رَ. عِسِيَفَ نَشَ عَ شَنُ عَ بْحّ بِرِن نَ، هَن عَ نفَ شَ قَشّ سُننُنيِ نَشَ بَ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Don’t hinder me, since Yahweh has prospered my way. Send me away that I may go to my master.”", "sus": "عِبُرَهِمَ شَ وَلِكّ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ نَشَ ٱ مَكَنكَن بٍ. عَلَتَلَ بَرَ ٱ مَ بِيَاسِ سْونّيَ. وٌ عَ لُ قَ ٱ شَ فبِلٍن ٱ مَرِفِ شْنيِ.»"} {"eng": "Her brother and her mother said, “Let the young lady stay with us a few days, at least ten. After that she will go.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «رٍبٍكَ شَ شِ قُ حْندْن نَبَ بٍ سِندٍن، نَ تّمُي وٌ قَ سِفَ.»"} {"eng": "Abraham rose early in the morning, and saddled his donkey; and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son. He split the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went to the place of which God had told him.", "sus": "سُبَشّ مَ عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ نَشَ دْشْسٍ يَءِلَن عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ قَرِ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ وَلِكّ قِرِن تٌنفٌ عَ نُن عَ شَ دِ عِسِيَفَ. عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَ يٍفٍ عِبْو نَشَن قِندِ مَ تّ شُرُ سٍ رَ سّرّشّ بَدٍ. عَ نَشَ بِيَاسِ قْلْ سِفَقٍ رَ يِرٍ عَلَ دّننَشّ مَسٍنشِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "When God caused me to wander from my father’s house, I said to her, ‘This is your kindness which you shall show to me. Everywhere that we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’”", "sus": "عَلَ تٌ بَرَ ٱ تٌنفٌ ٱ بَبَ شْنيِ، ٱ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ مَ فِنّ بّ، ‹وٌن نَ سِفَ دّدّ، يَندِ ٱ بَرَ عِ مَشَندِ عِ شَ عَ قَلَ، ٱ شُنيَ نَن لَنشِ عِ مَ.›»"} {"eng": "Abraham took Ishmael his son, all who were born in his house, and all who were bought with his money: every male among the men of Abraham’s house, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the same day, as God had said to him.", "sus": "Iburahima naxa a xa di Sumayila tongo, a nun a xa konyi naxee barixi a xɔnyi, a nun a naxee saraxi. Xɛmɛ naxan birin na a xa banxi kui, a naxa e birin sunna na lɔxɔɛ alɔ Ala a yamari ki naxɛ."} {"eng": "Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.", "sus": "Iburahima fan naxa sunna. Iburahima sunna tɛmui naxɛ, a ɲɛ tongo solomanaani a nun solomanaani nan nu na a ra."} {"eng": "Ishmael, his son, was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.", "sus": "Sumayila sunnama tɛmui naxɛ, a ɲɛ fu nun saxan."} {"eng": "In the same day both Abraham and Ishmael, his son, were circumcised.", "sus": "E naxa e birin sunna lɔxɔɛ keren,"} {"eng": "All the men of his house, those born in the house, and those bought with money from a foreigner, were circumcised with him.", "sus": "عَ نُن شّمّ نَشَن بِرِن نُ نَ عِبُرَهِمَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، كٌنيِ نَشٍيٍ بَرِشِ عَ شْنيِ، عَ نُن عَ نَشٍيٍ قَن سَرَشِ كٍلِقٍ سِ فبّتّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "All the men of his house, those born in the house, and those bought with money from a foreigner, were circumcised with him.", "sus": "a nun xɛmɛ naxan birin nu na Iburahima xa banxi kui, konyi naxee barixi a xɔnyi, a nun a naxee fan saraxi kelife si gbɛtɛe ma."} {"eng": "God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but her name shall be Sarah.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ، عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عِبُرَهِمَ بّ، «عِ نَشَ سَرَيِ شِلِ قَلَ عِ شَ فِنّ شُن مَ سْنْن دٍ، عَ قَ شِلِ نّ كْرّ سَرَ."} {"eng": "He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where did you come from? Where are you going?” She said, “I am fleeing from the face of my mistress Sarai.”", "sus": "مَلٍكّ نَشَ هَفَرَ مَشْرِن، «سَرَيِ شَ كٌنيِ فِنّ هَفَرَ، عِ كٍلِشِ مِندٍن؟ عِ سِفَقٍ مِندٍن؟» هَفَرَ نَشَ مَلٍكّ يَابِ، «ٱ نَن ٱ فِشِ ٱ كَنيِ نَن مَ.»"} {"eng": "Sarai said to Abram, “This wrong is your fault. I gave my servant into your bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, she despised me. May Yahweh judge between me and you.”", "sus": "سَرَيِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِبُرَ مَ بّ، «عِ تَن نَن عَ نِيَشِ يِ بْتّ رَبَ شَ عِلَن ٱ نَ! ٱ تَن نَن ٱ مَ كٌنيِ فِنّ قِشِ عِ مَ عَ شَ قِندِ عِ شَ فِنّ رَ. كَبِ عَ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ قُرُشِ، عَ قَ قٍ كٌبِ نَن تُن عِلَنمَ ٱ نَ. عَلَتَلَ شَ وٌن تَن قِرِنيِ مَكِيتِ.»"} {"eng": "After these things Yahweh’s word came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ مِنِ عِبُرَ مَ مَ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عِبُرَ مَ عِ نَشَ فَاشُ، ٱ تَن نَن نَ عِ كَنتَمَ رَ. عِ سَرٍ شُنفبٍ سْتْمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "The king of Sodom said to Abram, “Give me the people, and take the goods for yourself.”", "sus": "سٌدٌ مَ مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِبُرَ مَ بّ، «ٱ مَ مِشِيٍ رَفبِلٍن ٱ مَ، كْنْ نَاقُلِ تَن شَ لُ عِ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well-watered everywhere, before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the garden of Yahweh, like the land of Egypt, as you go to Zoar.", "sus": "Loti naxa a ya rasiga, a naxa sa Yurudɛn mɛrɛ to. Ye nu na na a fanyi ra. Beenu Alatala xa Sodoma nun Gomora kana, na bɔxie nu fan han Sowari biri. Na nu luxi alɔ Misira bɔxi, alɔ Alatala xa yire yailanxi."} {"eng": "So Lot chose the Plain of the Jordan for himself. Lot traveled east, and they separated themselves from one other.", "sus": "Na kui Loti naxa Yurudɛn mɛrɛ sugandi a yɛtɛ bɛ. A naxa siga sogetede mabiri. Iburama nun Loti fatan na ki nɛ."} {"eng": "Abram lived in the land of Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, and moved his tent as far as Sodom.", "sus": "Iburama naxa lu Kanaan bɔxi ma, Loti naxa lu Yurudɛn mɛrɛ taae tagi. Loti naxa a xa kiri banxie ti Sodoma fɛ ma."} {"eng": "Now the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinners against Yahweh.", "sus": "سٌدٌ مَكَيٍ نُ بَرَ كٌبِ عَ فبٍ رَ، عٍ نُ بَرَ قِندِ يُنُبِتْي بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "Now the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinners against Yahweh.", "sus": "Sodomakae nu bara kobi a gbe ra, e nu bara findi yunubitɔɛ belebele ra Alatala bɛ."} {"eng": "He dealt well with Abram for her sake. He had sheep, cattle, male donkeys, male servants, female servants, female donkeys, and camels.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ مّينِ عِبُرَ مَ مَ سَرَيِ سَابُي رَ. عَ نَشَ شُرُ سٍ لَنمَيٍ، شُرُ سٍ شُنفبٍيٍ، سٌقَلٍيٍ، كٌنيِيٍ، نُن حْشْمّيٍ قِ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "Shelah lived thirty years, and became the father of Eber.", "sus": "سٍلَهَ تٌ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن سْتْ، عَ نَشَ قِندِ عٍبٍرِ بَبَ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore its name was called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language of all the earth. From there, Yahweh scattered them abroad on the surface of all the earth.", "sus": "نَ يِرٍ شِلِ نَشَ سَ بَبٍلِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ دُنِحَ مِشِيٍ شُييٍ رَوُيَ مّننِ نّ، عَ قَ عٍ رَيٍنسٍن يّ دُنِحَ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "Come, let’s go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”", "sus": "وٌن شّي، وٌن شَ فٌرٌ عٍ شَ شُي مَسُنبُدٍ عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ عٍ بٌورٍ وْيّن شُي قَهَامُ.»"} {"eng": "Ophir, Havilah, and Jobab. All these were the sons of Joktan.", "sus": "عٌقِرِ، هَوِلَ، نُن يٌبَبٌ. يٌكَتَن نَشَ نَ دِيٍ بِرِن سْتْ."} {"eng": "Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his youngest son had done to him.", "sus": "نُهَ شُن تٌ مَبْو عَ رَ، عَ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن قَ عَ شَ دِ دْنشْي نَشَن نَبَشِ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "When I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud,", "sus": "Xa n bara kunda sa koore ma, na senkui minima nɛ."} {"eng": "I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh, and the waters will no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.", "sus": "Na tɛmui n natuma nɛ saatɛ xa fe ma, n saatɛ naxan tongoxi wo nun nimase birin bɛ. N mu nii birin bama duniɲa ma banbaranyi ra sɔnɔn."} {"eng": "The rainbow will be in the cloud. I will look at it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”", "sus": "Senkui na mini koore ma, n na toma, n natuma saatɛ xa fe ma, saatɛ naxan mu kanama abadan, n saatɛ naxan tongoxi wo nun nimase birin bɛ naxee na duniɲa ma.»"} {"eng": "God said to Noah, “This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن نُهَ بّ، «سَاتّ تْنشُمَ نَن يَ، ٱ نَ سَاتّ نَشَن تٌنفٌشِ نِمَسٍ بِرِن بّ.»"} {"eng": "God said to Noah, “This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”", "sus": "Ala naxa a masen Nuha bɛ, «Saatɛ tɔnxuma nan ya, n na saatɛ naxan tongoxi nimase birin bɛ.»"} {"eng": "God spoke to Noah, saying,", "sus": "Ala naxa a masen Nuha bɛ,"} {"eng": "“Go out of the ship, you, your wife, your sons, and your sons’ wives with you.", "sus": "«Wo mini kunkui kui, i tan nun i xa ginɛ, i xa die nun e xa ginɛe."} {"eng": "Bring out with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh, including birds, livestock, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on the earth.”", "sus": "عِ شَ نِمَسٍ بِرِن نَمِنِ كُنكُي كُي؛ شْنِيٍ، سُبٍيٍ، بُبُسٍيٍ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ يِرِوَ، عٍ شَ وُيَ دُنِحَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Bring out with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh, including birds, livestock, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on the earth.”", "sus": "I xa nimase birin namini kunkui kui: xɔnie, subee, bubusee, alako e xa yiriwa, e xa wuya duniɲa ma.»"} {"eng": "In seven days, I will cause it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights. I will destroy every living thing that I have made from the surface of the ground.”", "sus": "«شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَ دَنفِ، ٱ تُنّ رَفٌرٌ مَ بْشِ مَ. شِ تٌنفٌ نَانِ تُنّ قَمَ كْي نُن يَنيِ. نِمَسٍ بِرِن ٱ نَشَن دَاشِ، نَ بِرِن سْنتْمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "If you do well, won’t it be lifted up? If you don’t do well, sin crouches at the door. Its desire is for you, but you are to rule over it.”", "sus": "شَ عِ قٍ قَنيِ رَبَ، ٱ نَ تٌنفٌمَ نّ، كْنْ شَ عِ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَ، سٍنتَنّ عِ رَتَنتَنمَ نّ. عِ كَتَ، عِ شَ عِ يّتّ بَ عَ يِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand, and also take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever—”", "sus": "مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «عَدَ مَ بَرَ قٍ قَنيِ نُن قٍ حَاشِ تَفِ رَبَ كٌلٌن عَلْ وٌن تَن. عَ مُ دَشَ عَ شَ سِمَيَ وُرِ بٌفِ دٌن، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ مُ قَشَمَ.»"} {"eng": "The name of the second river is Gihon. It is the same river that flows through the whole land of Cush.", "sus": "نَ شُرٍ قِرِن ندٍ شِلِ فِشٌن. نَ نَن دَنفِمَ كُسِ بْشِ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "The name of the first is Pishon: it flows through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;", "sus": "نَ سِنفٍ شِلِ ثِسٌن. نَ نَن دَنفِمَ هَوِلَ بْشِ بِرِن مَ، شّيمَ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Yahweh God planted a garden eastward, in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had formed.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِرٍ قَنيِ يَءِلَن سٌفٍتٍدٍ مَبِرِ. نَ يِرٍ شِلِ «عٍدٍن.» عَ نَشَ عَدَ مَ لُ مّننِ."} {"eng": "This is the history of the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that Yahweh God made the earth and the heavens.", "sus": "تَرُشُي نَن يَ، دُنِحَ دَاشِ كِ نَشّ. مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بْشِ نُن كٌورٍ دَا تّمُي نَشّ،"} {"eng": "God made the animals of the earth after their kind, and the livestock after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind. God saw that it was good.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ بُورُنيِ سُبٍيٍ مْولِ بِرِن دَا، عَ نَشَ شُرُ سٍيٍ مْولِ بِرِن دَا، عَ نَشَ بُبُسٍيٍ مْولِ بِرِن دَا. عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَتٌ قَ، عَ بِرِن قَنشِ."} {"eng": "God created the large sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. God saw that it was good.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ يّشّ شُنفبٍ مْولِ بِرِن دَا عَ نُن نِمَسٍ نَشَن بِرِن نَ يٍ شْورَ. عَ نَشَ شْنِ مْولِ بِرِن قَن دَا. عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَتٌ قَ، عَ بِرِن قَنشِ."} {"eng": "God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear;” and it was so.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «بْشِ يٍ شَ مَلَن يِرٍ كٍرٍن. شَرٍ شَ مَبَ.» عَ رَبَشِ نَ كِ نّ."}