{"eng": "He who testifies these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen! Yes, come, Lord Jesus!", "sus": "يِ سٍيدٍ نَشَن سٍيدٍحْشْيَ بَشِ، عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، عَ نَشّ، «عِيٌ، عَ فبٍ مُ لُشِ ٱ شَ قَ.» عَمِنَ. مَرِفِ عِسَ، عِ شَ قَ!"} {"eng": "He said to me, “Don’t seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ نَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، «عِ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ بَلَن تْنشُمَ رَ سِندٍن، نَشَن سّبّشِ يِ كِتَابُي كُي عَلَ شِلِ رَ، بَرِ مَ وَشَتِ بَرَ مَكْرّ."} {"eng": "The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them twelve names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.", "sus": "تَا تّتّ نُ تِشِ نَ فّمّ سَقّ قُ نُن قِرِن نَن قَرِ، يّشّييْرّ شَ شّيرَ قُ نُن قِرِن شِلِيٍ نُ سّبّشِ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "The sea gave up the dead who were in it. Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them. They were judged, each one according to his works.", "sus": "مِشِ قَشَشِيٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ بَا مَ، نٍيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ. مِشِ قَشَشِيٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ عَلِفِيَمَ، نٍيٍ قَن نَشَ كٍلِ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ مَكِيتِ عٍ كّوَلِ مَ."} {"eng": "Out of his mouth proceeds a sharp, double-edged sword that with it he should strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He treads the wine press of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty.", "sus": "سَنتِدّفّمَ شّحّنشِ نُ مِنِشِ عَ دّ عِ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ حَمَنّيٍ فٍرٍ، عَ شَ عٍ يَمَرِ سَوُرِ سّنبّمَ رَ، عَلَ سّنبّ كَنيِ شَ شْنّ شَ كَمَلِ."} {"eng": "For they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. They deserve this.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ بَرَ سّنِيّنتْييٍ نُن نَمِحْنمّيٍ وُلِ رَ مِنِ. عِ قَن بَرَ وُلِ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ، عٍ نَشَن مِنمَ. عَ لَنشِ نَ كِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "I heard the angel of the waters saying, “You are righteous, who are and who were, O Holy One, because you have judged these things.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ مَلٍكّ شُي مّ، نَشَن نُ يٍ يَمَرِ مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «عِ تَن نَشَن نَ تٌ، عِ تَن نَشَن نَ شٌرٌ، عِ تَن نَشَن سّنِيّن، عِ بَرَ كِيتِ تِنشِنشِ سَ،"} {"eng": "The angel thrust his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vintage of the earth and threw it into the great wine press of the wrath of God.", "sus": "نَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ وَرَتّ رَوَلِ، عَ قَ دُنِحَ وّنِ بٌفِ بِرِن بَ، عَ عٍ سَ عَ سَسٍ كُي عَلَ شَ شْنّ عٍ مَبٌرٌنمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Leave out the court which is outside of the temple, and don’t measure it, for it has been given to the nations. They will tread the holy city under foot for forty-two months.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ يِرٍ مَنِيَ نَشَن نَ تَندٍ، بَرِ مَ سِ فبّتّيٍ قَمَ مّننِ نَن تٌنفٌدٍ، عٍ قَ تَا سّنِيّنشِ كَنَ كِكٍ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن قِرِن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails. For their tails are like serpents, and have heads; and with them they harm.", "sus": "نَ سٌييٍ سّنبّ نُ نَ عٍ دّ نُن عٍ شُلِ نَن كُي. عٍ شُلِ نُ مَنِيَشِ بْشِمَسٍ نَن نَ، شُنيِ نُ نَ عَ بّ نَشَن مِشِ تْورْ مَ."} {"eng": "The sixth angel sounded. I heard a voice from the horns of the golden altar which is before God,", "sus": "مَلٍكّ سٍننِ ندٍ تٌ سَرَ قٍ، ٱ نَشَ شُي ندٍ مّ كٍلِقٍ سّرّشّبَدٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ قٍرِ تُنشُن نَانِيٍ مَ، نَشَن نَ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "The first woe is past. Behold, there are still two woes coming after this.", "sus": "حَشَنكَتّ سِنفٍ بَرَ دَنفِ، قِرِن نَن لُشِ."} {"eng": "The fourth angel sounded, and one third of the sun was struck, and one third of the moon, and one third of the stars, so that one third of them would be darkened; and the day wouldn’t shine for one third of it, and the night in the same way.", "sus": "مَلٍكّ نَانِ ندٍ تٌ سَرَ قٍ، سٌفٍ، كِكٍ، نُن تُنبُي عِتَشُنشِ سَشَن نَ، نَ دْشْدٍ سَشَن ندٍ نَشَ قِندِ دِ مِ رَ. ندٍ نَشَ بَ يَنيِ نُن كْي شَ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Then a white horse appeared, and he who sat on it had a bow. A crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ٱ نَشَ سٌي قِيشّ ندٍ تٌ، شَلِ سُشُشِ عَ رَفِمَ يِ، مَنفّ كَتَنيِ سَشِ عَ شُن مَ، عَ قَ سِفَ شُننَكٍلِ كُي، عَ مَن شَ سَ فٍينِ."} {"eng": "Now when he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.", "sus": "عَ تٌ بُكِ مَسْتْ، نَ نِمَسٍ نَانِ نُن نَ قٌرِ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ، عٍ نَشَ سُيِدِ يّشّييْرّ بّ. كْرَ نُ نَ عٍ بِرِن يِ رَ، عَ نُن سُرَيِ سَسٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ نَشٍيٍ رَقٍشِ سُرَيِ رَ، نَشَن مِسَالِشِ سّنِيّنتْييٍ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Before the throne was something like a sea of glass, similar to crystal. In the middle of the throne, and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind.", "sus": "بَا تِنسٍ قَن نُ نَ كِبَنيِ يَ عِ. نِمَسٍ نَانِ نُ نَ عَلَ شَ كِبَنيِ رَبِلِنيِ، يَيٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَتَفِ نُن عٍ كٌبٍ مَ."} {"eng": "So also you likewise have some who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.", "sus": "وٌ شَ مِشِ ندٍيٍ قَن بِرَشِ نِكٌلَسِ شَ حَمَ شَ شَرَنيِ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "saying, “What you see, write in a book and send to the seven assemblies: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، «عِ نَشَن تٌشِ، عَ سّبّ كِتَابُي كُي، عِ شَ عَ رَ سَنبَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ دْشْ سٌلٌقٍرٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ نَ عٍقّسّ، سِمِرِنَ، ثٍرٍفَمٌ، تِيَتِرٍ، سَرَدٍ سِ، قِلَدٍلِقِيَ، نُن لَيٌدِ سٍيَ.»"} {"eng": "to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَدَ مَدِ بِرِن مَكِيتِ. كَاقِرِيٍ شَ مَكِيتِ عٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَشِيٍ مَ. كَاقِرِيٍ شَ مَكِيتِ عٍ شَ كٌنبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَن قَلَمَ مَرِفِ شُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "About these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones,", "sus": "عٍنٌكِ، عَدَ مَ تٌلٌبِتّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ، نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ قَلَ عَلَ شِلِ رَ عٍ شَ قٍ رَ، «مَرِفِ نَ قَقٍ، عَ نُن عَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي وُلُ وُلُ،"} {"eng": "The children of your chosen sister greet you. Amen.", "sus": "وٌ بٌورٍ دَنشَنِيَتْييٍ بَرَ وٌ شّيبُ."} {"eng": "Watch yourselves, that we don’t lose the things which we have accomplished, but that we receive a full reward.", "sus": "وٌ شَ قٍ بِرِن نَبَ عَلَكٌ وٌ نَشَ فَن وٌ شَ وَلِ مُنَقَنيِ رَ. وٌ شَ كَتَ وٌ شَ سَرٍ كَمَلِشِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "The testimony is this: that God gave to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.", "sus": "نَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ عَ مَسٍنمَ عَ عَلَ كِسِ قِشِ وٌن مَ عَ شَ دِ نَن سَابُي رَ. نَ كِسِ مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "This is he who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not with the water only, but with the water and the blood. It is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ نَن قَ يٍ نُن وُلِ رَ. عَ مُ قَشِ يٍ فبَنسَن شَ رَ، عَ قَشِ يٍ نُن وُلِ نَن نَ. عَلَ شَشِلِ نَن نَ سٍيدٍ بَشِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ شَشِلِ نْندِ نَن عَ رَ."} {"eng": "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عَلَ شَ دِيٍ نْمَ دُنِحَ بِرِن نَ عٍ شَ دَنشَنِيَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "This commandment we have from him, that he who loves God should also love his brother.", "sus": "عَلَ وٌن يَمَرِشِ يِ نَن نَ؛ نَشَن عَلَ شَنُشِ، عَ شَ نُ عَ بٌورٍ عَدَ مَدِ قَن شَنُ."} {"eng": "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment. He who fears is not made perfect in love.", "sus": "فَاشُي مُ لُمَ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ تَفِ شَ عٍ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ بَرَ كَمَلِ. مِشِ فَاشُمَ حَشَنكَتّ نَن شَ قٍ رَ، كْنْ شَنُنتٍيَ كَمَلِشِ كَنيِ مُ فَاشُمَ."} {"eng": "He who doesn’t love doesn’t know God, for God is love.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن مُ عَ بٌورٍ عَدَ مَدِ شَنُمَ، نَ كَنيِ مُ عَلَ كٌلٌن، بَرِ مَ عَلَ، شَنُنتٍيَ نَن عَ رَ."} {"eng": "so whatever we ask, we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do the things that are pleasing in his sight.", "sus": "عَلَ وٌن مَ دُبَ بِرِن سُشُمَ نّ، بَرِ مَ وٌن بِرَ مَ عَ شَ سّرِيّيٍ نُن عَ وَشْنقٍ نَن قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Beloved, if our hearts don’t condemn us, we have boldness toward God;", "sus": "ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، شَ وٌن بْحّ مُ وٌن مَكِيتِ، وٌن بَرَ شَشِلِسَ سْتْ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Beloved, now we are children of God. It is not yet revealed what we will be; but we know that when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him just as he is.", "sus": "ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ، يَكْسِ عَلَ شَ دِيٍ نَن وٌن نَ. عَ مُ مَسٍنشِ سِندٍن وٌن لُمَ كِ نَشّ، كْنْ وٌن عَ كٌلٌن، عَ عِسَ نَ قَ، وٌن مَسَرَ مَ نّ، وٌن قَ لُ عَلْ عَ تَن، بَرِ مَ وٌن عَ تٌمَ نّ عَ نَ كِ نَشّ يَتِ."} {"eng": "As for you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you don’t need for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, you will remain in him.", "sus": "عَلَ بَرَ عَ شَشِلِ قِ وٌ مَ، عَ نَ وٌ بْحّ عِ. وٌ هَيِ مُ نَ كَرَ مْشْ فبّتّ مَ. عَلَ شَشِلِ نَن وٌ مَتِنكَنمَ نْندِ بِرِن نَ. وُلٍ يٌ مُ نَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ كُي. وٌ شَ بِرَ عَ قْشْ رَ تُن."} {"eng": "Little children, these are the end times, and as you heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen. By this we know that it is the final hour.", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِيٍ، وٌن نَ وَشَتِ دْنشْي نّ يِ كِ. وٌ بَرَ عَ مّ، عَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ يَشُي ندٍ نَ قَقٍ. وٌ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ يَشُي فبٍفبٍ بَرَ قَ. وٌن عَ كٌلٌن نَ نَن مَ عَ وٌن نَ وَشَتِ دْنشْي نّ يِ كِ."} {"eng": "The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God’s will remains forever.", "sus": "دُنِحَ نُن عَ وَشْنقٍ حْنمَ نّ، كْنْ نَشٍيٍ عَلَ وَشْنقٍ رَبَمَ، عٍ كِسِمَ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "Again, I write a new commandment to you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light already shines.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ مَن نَ مَتٌ ٱ يَامَرِ نّينّ نَن سّبّقٍ وٌ مَ. نْندِ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن مَكّنّنشِ عِسَ حّرّ كِ كُي عَ نُن وٌ تَن قَن حّرّ كِ كُي، بَرِ مَ دِ مِ نَ حْنقٍ، عَلَ شَ نَءِيَلَنيِ لَشِشّ بَرَ مِنِ قْلْ."} {"eng": "Forsaking the right way, they went astray, having followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing;", "sus": "E bara kira tinxinxi bɛɲin, e fa bira Beyori xa di Balami xa kira fɔxɔ ra, naxan nu wama wali tinxintare sare xɔn ma."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ عَ شَ يُنُبِ مَسٍن عَ بّ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ سَابُي رَ نَشَن وْيّن عَدَ مَدِ شُي رَ، عَ قَ عَننَبِ بَلَمِ شَ دَشُحَ عِتِ."} {"eng": "but he was rebuked for his own disobedience. A speechless donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the madness of the prophet.", "sus": "Ala naxa a xa yunubi masen a bɛ a xa sofale saabui ra naxan wɔyɛn adamadi xui ra, a fa Annabi Balami xa daxuɲa iti."} {"eng": "You husbands, in the same way, live with your wives according to knowledge, giving honor to the woman as to the weaker vessel, as also being joint heirs of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.", "sus": "وٌ تَن قَن، شّمّيٍ، وٌ نُن وٌ شَ فِنّيٍ، وٌ شَ لُ لَنيِ كُي. وٌ شَ وٌ بٌرٍ قَهَامُ. شّمّ شَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عَ سّنبّ فبٌ عَ شَ فِنّ بّ. شّمّيٍ شَ فِنّيٍ بِنيَ بَرِ مَ وٌ بِرِن نَن كّ كٍرٍن تٌنفٌمَ، نَشَن قِندِ كِسِ رَ، عَلَ نَشَن قِمَ عَ شَ قٌنِسِرٍيَ كُي. وٌ شَ وٌ شَ فِنّيٍ بِنيَ، عَلَكٌ عَلَ شَ وٌ شَ مَشَندِ سُشُ."} {"eng": "Live as free people, yet not using your freedom for a cloak of wickedness, but as bondservants of God.", "sus": "وٌ شَ حّرّ عَلْ مِشِ نَشٍيٍ بَرَ شْرّيَ سْتْ، كْنْ نَ شْرّيَ نَشَ عَ نِيَ وٌ شَ لُ قٍ حَاشِ كُي. وٌ شَ قِندِ عَلَ شَ كٌنيِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore subject yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether to the king, as supreme,", "sus": "وٌ وٌ يّتّ مَفٌرٌ دُنِحَ مَنفّ بِرِن بّ مَرِفِ شَ قٍ رَ. يَامَرِ سٌشِ عٍ تَن نَن يِ، عَ قِندِ مَنفّ شُنفبٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "that the proof of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes, even though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ—", "sus": "نَ قٍ شْرْشْييٍ عَ نِيَمَ نّ قٍ حَاشِ بِرِن شَ بَ وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ كُي، عَ شَ قِندِ دَنشَنِيَ سَبَتِشِ رَ. عَ مَنِيَشِ شّيمَ نَن نَ نَشَن فبِ بَمَ تّ رَ. وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ تِدٍ فبٌ شّيمَ بّ. عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ نَ قَ، عَ وٌ مَتْشْمَ نّ، عَ وٌ شُن نَكٍلِمَ نّ، عَ وٌ بِنيَمَ نّ وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;", "sus": "مِشِ نَ وٌ يَ مَ نَشَن قُرَشِ؟ عَ كَنيِ شَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ كُنتِفِيٍ شِلِ، عٍ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ عَ بّ، عٍ شَ تُرٍ ندٍ مَسٌ عَ مَ مَرِفِ شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "Through him, then, let’s offer up a sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips which proclaim allegiance to his name.", "sus": "وٌن شَ تَنتُي قِ عَلَ مَ سّرّشّ رَ تّمُي بِرِن عِسَ سَابُي رَ. نَ سّرّشّ قِندِ مَ وٌن مَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ نَشَن عَ شِلِ مَتْشْمَ."} {"eng": "All chastening seems for the present to be not joyous but grievous; yet afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.", "sus": "نَ شُرُي شْرْشْ، عَ مُ مِشِ رَ سّيوَ مَ عَ قْلّ، كْنْ عَ دْنشْي رَ، عَ قْشِ تِنشِنشِ رَ مِنِمَ نّ يَرٍ بْحّسَ كُي."} {"eng": "It is for discipline that you endure. God deals with you as with children, for what son is there whom his father doesn’t discipline?", "sus": "وٌ شَ تِن نَ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ نَ وٌ شُرُقٍ نّ عَلْ عَ شَ دِيٍ. دِ مُندُن نَ، نَشَن بَبَ مُ عَ شُرُ مَ؟"} {"eng": "so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.", "sus": "عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ قَن بَرَ قَشَ سَنمَيَ كٍرٍن، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ يُنُبِ بَ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ مَ. عَ مَن قَمَ نّ عَ قِرِن ندٍ، كْنْ نَ وَشَتِ عَ مُ قَمَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ شَ رَ، عَ قَمَ مِشِيٍ نَن بّ نَشٍيٍ شَشِلِ تِشِ كِسِ رَ."} {"eng": "without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God), remains a priest continually.", "sus": "عَ بَبَ مُ كٌلٌن، عَ نفَ مُ كٌلٌن، عَ شَ تَرُشُي مُ كٌلٌن. عَ شَ سِمَيَ قْلْشِ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ نُن عَ حْن تّمُي، نَ قَن مُ كٌلٌن. نَ كُي، عَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ عَلَ شَ دِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "For God is not unrighteous, so as to forget your work and the labor of love which you showed toward his name, in that you served the saints, and still do serve them.", "sus": "عَلَ تِنشِن، عَ مُ نّيمُمَ وٌ شَ وَلِ مَ. عَ وٌ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ كٌلٌن، وٌ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ شَ وَلِ كُي عَ شِلِ رَ، عَ نُن وٌ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ سّنِيّنتْييٍ بّ. هَن يَ وٌ نَ نَ وَلِ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "For although by this time you should be teachers, you again need to have someone teach you the rudiments of the first principles of the revelations of God. You have come to need milk, and not solid food.", "sus": "عَ نُ لَنمَ وٌ شَ قِندِ كَرَ مْشْ رَ يِ وَشَتِ، كْنْ هَن يَكْسِ وٌ هَيِ نَ كَرَ مْشْ ندٍ مَ نَشَن وٌ شَرَنمَ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ سِنفٍيٍ رَ. وٌ مُ قَتَ قٍ تِلِنشِ قَهَامُدٍ سِندٍن، عَلْ دِيْرّ نَشَن مُ قَتَ سُبٍ دٌندٍ، قٌ عَ شَ شِحّ مِن سِندٍن."} {"eng": "For who, when they heard, rebelled? Wasn’t it all those who came out of Egypt led by Moses?", "sus": "ندٍ عَلَ مَتَندِ، عٍ تٌ فّ عَ شُي رَ مّدٍ؟ مِشِيٍ شَ مُ عَ رَ نَشٍيٍ مِنِ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ عَننَبِ مُنسَ سَابُي رَ؟"} {"eng": "where your fathers tested me and tried me, and saw my deeds for forty years.", "sus": "مّننِ وٌ بٍنبَيٍ بَرَ كَتَ عٍ شَ ٱ مَتٌ. عٍ نَشَ ٱ مَ وَلِ تٌ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Again, “I will put my trust in him.” Again, “Behold, here I am with the children whom God has given me.”", "sus": "عَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «ٱ نَن ٱ مَ لَنلَنتٍيَ سَمَ عَلَ نَن مَ.» عَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «ٱ نَ بٍ، مُشُ نُن دِيٍ عَلَ نَشٍيٍ قِشِ ٱ مَ.»"} {"eng": "But which of the angels has he told at any time, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies the footstool of your feet?”", "sus": "عَلَ مُ عَ مَسٍنشِ مَلٍكّ يٌ بّ، «عِ شَ دْشْ ٱ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، هَن ٱ شَ فّ عِ يَشُييٍ رَفٌرٌدٍ عِ سَنيِ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.", "sus": "مَرِفِ عِسَ، عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ، شَ هِننّ وٌ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "Also, prepare a guest room for me, for I hope that through your prayers I will be restored to you.", "sus": "قٍ كٍرٍن لُشِ؛ عِ شَ نُ ٱ يِفِيَدٍ يَءِلَن، بَرِ مَ ٱ لَشِ عَ رَ، ٱ قَمَ نّ فبِلٍندٍ وٌ يِرٍ وٌ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "I thank my God always, making mention of you in my prayers,", "sus": "Tɛmui birin, n nɛ n Marigi Ala maxandima i bɛ, n a tantuma nɛ i xa fe ra,"} {"eng": "hearing of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,", "sus": "بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ عَ مّ عِ دَنشَنِيَشِ مَرِفِ عِسَ مَ كِ نَشّ، عِ مَن سّنِيّنتْييٍ بِرِن شَنُشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "hearing of your love and of the faith which you have toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints,", "sus": "barima n bara a mɛ i danxaniyaxi Marigi Isa ma ki naxɛ, i man sɛniyɛntɔɛe birin xanuxi ki naxɛ."} {"eng": "Be diligent to come before winter. Eubulus salutes you, as do Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and all the brothers.", "sus": "عِ شَ كَتَ قَقٍ رَ بٍينُن حّمّ شَ سٌ. عٍوُبُلٌ، ثُدّن، لِنٌسِ، كٍلٌدِيَ، نُن وٌن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ بِرِن بَرَ عِ شّيبُ."} {"eng": "for Demas left me, having loved this present world, and went to Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia; and Titus to Dalmatia.", "sus": "barima Demasi bara n nabɛɲin duniɲa fe xa fe ra, a siga Tɛsaloniki. Kiresen bara siga Galati, Tito bara siga Dalamatiya."} {"eng": "Only Luke is with me. Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.", "sus": "Luki gbansan nan na n sɛɛti ma. I xa fa Maraki ra, barima a nɔma n malide n ma wali kui a fanyi ra."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ تِكِكٍ شّي عٍقّسّ."} {"eng": "But I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.", "sus": "N bara Tikike xɛɛ Efɛsɛ."} {"eng": "persecutions, and sufferings—those things that happened to me at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions. The Lord delivered me out of them all.", "sus": "ٱ مَ حَشَنكَتّ، عَ نُن ٱ مَ تْورّ. تْورّ مْولِ مُندُن نَ، ٱ مُ نَشَن سْتْ عَنتِيْكِ، عِكٌنِيٌن، نُن لِسِتِرٍ؟ حَشَنكَتّ مُندُن مُ ٱ لِشِ نَا؟ مَرِفِ بَرَ ٱ نَكِسِ نَ بِرِن كُي."} {"eng": "But you followed my teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, steadfastness,", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن، عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ شَرَنيِ كٌلٌن، ٱ حّرّ كِ، ٱ حَنِفٍ، ٱ مَ دَنشَنِيَ، ٱ مَ دِحّ، ٱ مَ شَنُنتٍيَ، ٱ مَ تُننَبّشِ،"} {"eng": "If anyone therefore purges himself from these, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, and suitable for the master’s use, prepared for every good work.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن عَ يّتّ رَ سّنِيّنمَ، عَ لُمَ نّ عَلْ وَلِ بِنيّ رَبَمَ سٍ سَسٍ نَشَن كُي. عَ تٌ سّنِيّن، عَ مَرِفِ نْمَ عَ رَوَلِدٍ وَلِ قَنيِ بِرِن كُي."} {"eng": "Therefore I endure all things for the chosen ones’ sake, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ ٱ تْورّ مْولِ بِرِن شَنِنمَ، عَلَكٌ مِشِ سُفَندِشِيٍ شَ كِسِ سْتْ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ سَابُي رَ، عٍ لُ عَ شَ نْرّ كُي عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "The things which you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit the same things to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.", "sus": "عِ نَشَن مّشِ ٱ نَ سٍيدٍ فبٍفبٍ يَ شْرِ، عِ شَ نَ مَسٍنيِ تَشُ عِ دُفُتّفّيٍ رَ، نَشٍيٍ قَن نْمَ مِشِ فبّتّيٍ رَشَرَندٍ نَ رَ."} {"eng": "For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.", "sus": "عَلَ مُ فَاشُ شَشِلِ شَ سٌشِ وٌن يِ رَ. عَ بَرَ شَشِلِ قِ وٌن مَ نَشَن قِندِشِ سّنبّ، شَنُنتٍيَ، نُن يّتّ سُشُي رَ."} {"eng": "But she who gives herself to pleasure is dead while she lives.", "sus": "كْنْ كَاحّ فِنّ نَشَن بِرَ مَ عَ يّتّ وَشْنقٍ قْشْ رَ، عَ تَن بَرَ قَشَ هَلِ عَ حِحّ تٌ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks be made for all men,", "sus": "ٱ مَ مَرَ سِ سِنفٍ نَ يِ نَن نَ؛ وٌ شَ عَلَ مَكُلَ، وٌ شَ عَلَ مَشَندِ، وٌ شَ مِشِيٍ شَ كْنتْقِلِ مَسٍن عَلَ بّ، وٌ شَ عَلَ تَنتُ مِشِ بِرِن شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "according to the Good News of the glory of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust.", "sus": "عَلَ شِلِ شُنفبٍ كَنيِ شَ سّرِيّ لَنشِ عَ شَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ نْرْشِ نَن مَ، عَ نَشَن تَشُشِ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and for any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine,", "sus": "يّنّلَيٍ، شّمّ نَشٍيٍ نُن شّمّيٍ كَقُمَ، مِشِ سُشُييٍ، وُلٍ قَلّيٍ، مِشِ نَشٍيٍ كَلِ تِمَ وُلٍ شُن، عَ نُن مِشِ بِرِن نَشٍيٍ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ مَتَندِ مَ، عَ عَ قِشِ نٍيٍ نَن مَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Now those who are that way, we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they work with quietness and eat their own bread.", "sus": "مُشُ بَرَ نَ مِشِيٍ يَمَرِ، مُشُ عٍ رَ سِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ وٌن مَرِفِ عِسَ شِلِ رَ، عٍ شَ وَلِ بْحّسَ كُي عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ نْ عٍ يّتّ بَلٌدٍ."} {"eng": "Don’t you remember that when I was still with you, I told you these things?", "sus": "ٱ تٌ يِ قٍيٍ قَلَ وٌ بّ ٱ نُ نَ وٌ يِرٍ تّمُي نَشّ، وٌ نّيمُشِ نّ؟"} {"eng": "This is an obvious sign of the righteous judgment of God, to the end that you may be counted worthy of God’s Kingdom, for which you also suffer.", "sus": "نَ بَرَ عَلَ شَ كِيتِ تِنشِنشِ مَسٍن، بَرِ مَ وٌ نَ نَشَن عِمِنِقٍ، نَ نَن عَ مَسٍنمَ عَ وٌ دَشَ وٌ شَ لُ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ بُن مَ، وٌ تْورْقٍ نَشَن شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "I solemnly command you by the Lord that this letter be read to all the holy brothers.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ وٌ يَمَرِ مَرِفِ شِلِ رَ وٌ شَ يِ بَتَاشّ شَرَن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ بِرِن بّ."} {"eng": "For this is the will of God: your sanctification, that you abstain from sexual immorality,", "sus": "عَلَ سَفٌ نَ عَ رَ وٌ شَ سّنِيّن. وٌ نَشَ لَنفٌيحَ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.", "sus": "N ngaxakerenyie, muxu bara wo tinkan wo lan wo xa wo ɲɛrɛ ki naxɛ Ala waxɔnyi ma. Han ya wo na na nan xun ma. Yakɔsi, muxu wo maxandima, muxu wo mayandi Marigi Isa xili ra, wo xa nu na xun masa."} {"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "sus": "وٌ عَ كٌلٌن يَتِ مُشُ وٌ شَرَنشِ نَشَن نَ مَرِفِ عِسَ شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "For you know what instructions we gave you through the Lord Jesus.", "sus": "Wo a kolon yati muxu wo xaranxi naxan na Marigi Isa xili ra."} {"eng": "May the Lord make you to increase and abound in love toward one another and toward all men, even as we also do toward you,", "sus": "شَنُنتٍيَ نَشَن نَ وٌ بّ وٌ دٌرٌ تَفِ، عَ نُن وٌ نُن مِشِ بِرِن تَفِ، عَلَ شَ نَ شُن مَسَ كِ قَنيِ رَ، عَلْ مُشُ قَن وٌ شَنُشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "For this cause we also thank God without ceasing that when you received from us the word of the message of God, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, God’s word, which also works in you who believe.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ مُشُ عَلَ نُوَلِ سَمَ تّمُي بِرِن بَرِ مَ مُشُ تٌ وٌ كَوَندِ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، وٌ مُ عَ سُشُشِ شّ عَلْ مِشِ وْيّن شُي. وٌ عَ كٌلٌن نّ عَ عَ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَتِ رَ نَشَن سّنبّ نَ وَلِقٍ وٌ تَن دَنشَنِيَتْييٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, salutes you, always striving for you in his prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.", "sus": "عٍثَقِرَ سِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ وٌ شْنيِكَ رَ، عَ وٌ شّيبُ. عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ شَ وَلِكّ نَن عَ رَ. عَ عَلَ مَشَندِ مَ وٌ بّ تّمُي بِرِن عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ شَ سَبَتِ، وٌ شَ عَلَ وَشْنقٍ كٌلٌن، وٌ مَن شَ عَ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Aristarchus, my fellow prisoner, greets you, and Mark the cousin of Barnabas (concerning whom you received instructions, “if he comes to you, receive him”),", "sus": "عَرِ سِتَرَكِ، مُشُ نُن نَشَن نَ فٍيلِ، عَ وٌ شّيبُ. بَرَنَبَسِ دّيشْ مَرَكِ قَن وٌ شّيبُ. وٌ بَرَ مَرَ سِ سْتْ مَرَكِ شَ قٍ مَ. شَ عَ قَ وٌ شْنيِ، وٌ شَ عَ رَ سّنّ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Be careful that you don’t let anyone rob you through his philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the elemental spirits of the world, and not after Christ.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ عَ لُ مِشِ يٌ شَ وٌ مَدَشُ وْيّنيِ حْشُنمّ رَ. نَ وُلٍيٍ قِندِشِ عَدَ مَدِ شَ مَحْشُنيِ نَن نَ. نَ قَتَنشِ دُنِحَ قٍ نَن نَ. عَ مُ كٍلِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ مَ قٍوٌ!"} {"eng": "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God, and Timothy our brother,", "sus": "ٱ تَن ثْلُ نَن يِ كِ، عَلَ عَ رَفِرِشِ نَشَن شَ قِندِ عِسَ شَ شّيرَ رَ. مُشُ نُن تِمٌتٍ نَن يِ بَتَاشّ سّبّقٍ"} {"eng": "But I have all things and abound. I am filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things that came from you, a sweet-smelling fragrance, an acceptable and well-pleasing sacrifice to God.", "sus": "ٱ هَيِ نَ نَشَن بِرِن مَ، ٱ بَرَ عَ سْتْ. وٌ نَشَن نَسَنبَشِ ٱ مَ عٍثَقٌرٌدِتٍ سَابُي رَ، عَ بَرَ ٱ وَ سَ هَن عَ بَرَ دَنفِ عَ عِ. نَ سّرّشّ بَرَ رَقَن عَلَ مَ، عَ عَ كّنّن."} {"eng": "circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee;", "sus": "ٱ سُننَشِ عَ شِ سٌلٌمَسَشَن لْشْي نّ، عِسِرَيِلَكَ نَن ٱ نَ، نَشَن كٍلِشِ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي، عٍبُرُ يَتِ يَتِ نَن لَنشِ ٱ مَ ٱ بَرِ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "since he longed for you all, and was very troubled because you had heard that he was sick.", "sus": "وٌ تٌ شْلِ بَرَ عَ سُشُ كِ قَنيِ. عَ بَرَ كْنتْقِلِ بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَ عَ شَ قُرٍ قٍ مّ."} {"eng": "having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.", "sus": "عَلْ وٌ ٱ قَن تٌ تْورْ رَ كِ نَشّ. عَلْ وٌ مَن بَرَ عَ مّ كِ نَشّ، هَن يَ ٱ نَ نَ تْورّ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "But I am hard pressed between the two, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.", "sus": "نَ قٍ نَ ٱ بّندُنقٍ يِرٍ قِرِن. عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ ٱ شَ كٍلِ بٍ، ٱ شَ سِفَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ يِرٍ. نَ قَن دَنفِ قٍ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "for your partnership in furtherance of the Good News from the first day until now;", "sus": "بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَ ٱ مَلِ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ كَوَندِقٍ رَ كَبِ عَ قْلّ هَن يَكْسِ."} {"eng": "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.", "sus": "دِيٍ، وٌ شَ وٌ نفَ نُن وٌ بَبَ بِنيَ مَرِفِ شَ قٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ نَ نَن قِندِ قٍ تِنشِنشِ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore watch carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise,", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ مّينِ وٌ حّرّ كِ مَ. وٌ نَشَ وٌ حّرّ عَلْ شَشِلِتَرٍيٍ. وٌ شَ وٌ حّرّ نّ عَلْ شَشِلِمَيٍ."} {"eng": "Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ تْورْ، عَلَ وٌ مَتْنشُمَشِ نَشَن نَ هَن عَ قَمَ وٌن قْشْ رَ لْشْ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Let him who stole steal no more; but rather let him labor, producing with his hands something that is good, that he may have something to give to him who has need.", "sus": "مُحّتِ شَ مُحّ لُ. عَ شَ وَلِ تِنشِنيِ كُي عَلَكٌ عَ شَ مُنَقَنيِ سْتْ عَ نَشَن قِمَ سٍتَرٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a full grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,", "sus": "وٌن شَ بِرَ نَ قْشْ رَ هَن وٌن بِرِن شَ لُ لَنيِ كُي نَشَن كٍلِمَ دَنشَنِيَ نُن عَلَ شَ دِ كٌلٌنقٍ مَ، هَن وٌن بِرِن شَ كَمَلِ عَلْ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ كَمَلِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in us all.", "sus": "عَلَ كٍرٍن نَن نَ وٌن بّ نَشَن قِندِشِ بِرِن بَبَ رَ، نَشَن نَ بِرِن شُن مَ، نَشَن وَلِمَ بِرِن سَابُي رَ، نَشَن نَ بِرِن عِ."} {"eng": "that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, that you may be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner person,", "sus": "ٱ عَ مَشَندِ مَ عَ شَ وٌ مَلِ عَ شَ نْرّ مَكَابَشِ سَابُي رَ، عَ شَ وٌ بْحّ سّنبّ سٌ عَ شَشِلِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,", "sus": "عَلَ تٌ بَرَ وٌن نَكٍلِ قَشّ مَ وٌن نُن عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ رَ، عَ بَرَ وٌن نَسٌ عَرِيَننَ، عَ وٌن دْشْ عَ قّ مَ."} {"eng": "We also all once lived among them in the lusts of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.", "sus": "سِنفٍ، وٌن بِرِن نُ حّرّ مَ نَ مْولِ نَن نَ، وٌن بِرَ وٌن قَتٍ وَشْنقٍ نُن وٌن يّتّ شَشِلِ قْشْ رَ. نَ كُي، عَ نُ لَنمَ وٌن شَ عَلَ شَ شْنّ نَن تُن سْتْ عَلْ بٌورٍيٍ."} {"eng": "to the praise of the glory of his grace, by which he freely gave us favor in the Beloved.", "sus": "نَ بِرِن نَبَشِ نّ عَلَكٌ وٌن شَ عَ شَ هِننّ شُنفبٍ مَتْشْ، عَ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌن بّ عَ شَنُنتٍنيِ عِسَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.", "sus": "بْحّ بّشِيَ، نُن يّتّ سُشُي. تْنيِ يٌ مُ نَ نَ قٍ مْولِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "This persuasion is not from him who calls you.", "sus": "نَشَن وٌ بّندُنشِ نَ كِ، نَ مُ قِندِشِ عَلَ رَ نَشَن وٌ شِلِ."} {"eng": "For it is written, “Rejoice, you barren who don’t bear. Break out and shout, you who don’t travail. For the desolate women have more children than her who has a husband.”", "sus": "عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي، «عِ تَن نَشَن مُ دِ بَرِ مَ، عِ شَ حّلّشِن. عِ تَن نَشَن مُ دِ بَرِ تْورّ كٌلٌن، عِ شُي رَ مِنِ، عَ عِتٍ حّلّشِنيِ كُي، بَرِ مَ فِنّ نَشَن شَ شّمّ بَرَ مّي عَ رَ، عَ شَ دِ وُيَمَ نّ، دَنفِ شّمّ تَا عِدْشْي رَ.»"} {"eng": "These things contain an allegory, for these are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar.", "sus": "نَ فِنّ قِرِنيِ مِسَالِشِ سَاتّ قِرِن نَن نَ. سَاتّ نَشَن شِرِشِ سِنَيِ فٍيَ قَرِ نَن عَ نِيَمَ مِشِ شَ لُ كٌنيِيَ كُي. هَفَرَ مِسَالِشِ نَ سَاتّ نَن نَ،"} {"eng": "Now I say this: A covenant confirmed beforehand by God in Christ, the law, which came four hundred thirty years after, does not annul, so as to make the promise of no effect.", "sus": "ٱ وَ مَ نَشَن قَلَقٍ وٌ بّ، عَ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ، نَشَن سّبّشِ حّ كّمّ نَانِ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن دَنفِ شَنبِ عَلَ شَ سَاتّتٌنفٌي عِبُرَهِمَ بّ، نَ سّرِيّ مُ نْمَ نَ لَايِدِ سِنفٍ كَنَدٍ."} {"eng": "But when Peter came to Antioch, I resisted him to his face, because he stood condemned.", "sus": "ثِيّرِ تٌ قَ عَنتِيْكِ، ٱ نَشَ عَ مَتَندِ، بَرِ مَ عَ نُ بَرَ تَنتَن."} {"eng": "to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I didn’t immediately confer with flesh and blood,", "sus": "عَ قَ عَ شَ دِ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ عَ شَ قٍ كَوَندِ تِ سِ فبّتّيٍ تَفِ. عَ تٌ ٱ شِلِ نَ مَ، ٱ مُ مَرَ سِ قٍن مِشِ يٌ رَ،"} {"eng": "As we have said before, so I now say again: if any man preaches to you any “good news” other than that which you received, let him be cursed.", "sus": "ٱ شَ فبِلٍن نَ مَ عَ قِرِن ندٍ. شَ مِشِ يٌ قَ مَسٍنيِ ندٍ تِدٍ وٌ بّ، نَشَن مُ لَنشِ نَ مَسٍنيِ قَنيِ مَ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ وٌ بّ عَ سِنفٍ رَ، دَنكَرِ نَ نَ كَنيِ بّ."} {"eng": "The God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, he who is blessed forever more, knows that I don’t lie.", "sus": "عَلَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ مَرِفِ عِسَ بَبَ رَ، نَشَن مَتْشْمَ عَبَدَن، عَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ مُ وُلٍ قَلَمَ."} {"eng": "Do you look at things only as they appear in front of your face? If anyone trusts in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again with himself, that even as he is Christ’s, so we also are Christ’s.", "sus": "وٌ شَ نَ قٍ مَتٌ عَ قَنيِ رَ. شَ مِشِ لَ عَ رَ عَ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَن فبٍ رَ، عَ شَ عَ كٌلٌن مُشُ تَن قَن نَ نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "We have sent with them our brother whom we have many times proved earnest in many things, but now much more earnest, by reason of the great confidence which he has in you.", "sus": "مُشُ نَ وٌن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ فبّتّ قَن شّيقٍ بٌورٍيٍ مَتِدٍ. مُشُ بَرَ عَ تٌ سَنيَ وُيَشِ، مُشُ شَ قٍ نَ عَ بْحّ مَ سّنبّ رَ. يَكْسِ، ندٍ بَرَ سَ نَ سّنبّ قَرِ، بَرِ مَ عَ مَن بَرَ لَ وٌ تَن نَ."} {"eng": "As it is written, “He who gathered much had nothing left over, and he who gathered little had no lack.”", "sus": "عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي كِ نَشّ، «نَشَن عَ فبٍفبٍ مَلَنشِ، عَ مُ دَنفِ عَ عِ. نَشَن دٌندٌرٌنتِ مَلَنشِ، عَ عَ هَيِ لِشِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might become rich.", "sus": "وٌ عَ كٌلٌن وٌن مَرِفِ عِسَ، عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ، عَ هِننّشِ وٌن نَ كِ نَشّ. قٍ بِرِن نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ، كْنْ عَ نَشَ دِحّ نَ بِرِن مَ وٌ تَن بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ بَننَ عَ شَ سٍتَرٍحَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not reckoning to them their trespasses, and having committed to us the word of reconciliation.", "sus": "عَلَ بَرَ دُنِحَ رَفبِلٍن عَ مَ عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ سَابُي رَ، عَ دِحّ عَدَ مَدِيٍ شَ يُنُبِيٍ مَ. عَ مَن بَرَ نَ مَسٍنيِ سٌ وٌن يِ رَ نَشَن عَ نِيَمَ مِشِيٍ شَ فبِلٍن عَ مَ."} {"eng": "Therefore we are always confident and know that while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord;", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ وٌن لِمَنِيَشِ. وٌن عَ كٌلٌن، دَنمِ وٌن نِي سَبَتِشِ يِ قَتٍ عِ، وٌن مَكُيَ مَرِفِ رَ."} {"eng": "seeing it is God who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَن عَ مَسٍنشِ، «نَءِيَلَنيِ شَ يَنبَ دِ مِ كُي،» عَ تَن بَرَ عَ شَ نْرّ مَسٍن مُشُ بّ عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "For if that which passes away was with glory, much more that which remains is in glory.", "sus": "نَ قٍ سِنفٍ نُ نْرْشِ، كْنْ عَ مُ بُ. عَلَ شَشِلِ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَ بُمَ نّ عَبَدَن. نَ نْرّ فبٌ نَ نْرّ سِنفٍ بّ ثٌن!"} {"eng": "For if the service of condemnation has glory, the service of righteousness exceeds much more in glory.", "sus": "نَ يَامَرِيٍ سّبّشِ فّمّ وَلَشّيٍ نَن مَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نْرْشِ، كْنْ عٍ قِندِ قَشّ نَن نَ مِشِيٍ بّ. عَلَ شَشِلِ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَشَن عَ نِيَمَ مِشِيٍ شَ تِنشِنيِ سْتْ، نَ نْرّ فبٌ نَ نْرّ سِنفٍ بّ."} {"eng": "For we don’t desire to have you uninformed, brothers, concerning our affliction which happened to us in Asia: that we were weighed down exceedingly, beyond our power, so much that we despaired even of life.", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، مُشُ وَ مَ وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن مُشُ حَشَنكَتّ نَشَن سْتْ عَسِ. عَ نُ فبٌ دَنفِ مُشُ سّنبّ رَ، مُشُ قَ عَ مَحْشُن مُشُ نَ قَشَقٍ نّ."} {"eng": "For this perishable body must become imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.", "sus": "نَشَن لَن عَ شَ بْرْ، نَ مُ بْرْ مَ سْنْن. نَشَن لَن عَ شَ قَشَ، نَ مُ قَشَمَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial differs from that of the terrestrial.", "sus": "سٍ نَشٍيٍ نَ بْشِ مَ، عَ نُن سٍ فبّتّ نَشٍيٍ نَ كٌورٍ مَ، عٍ تَفِ رَ سَ. عٍ بِرِن دَاشِ عٍ فبٍ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "For I am the least of the apostles, who is not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the assembly of God.", "sus": "ٱ تِدٍ مُ نُ فبٌ عَلْ شّيرَ بٌورٍيٍ. شّيرَ شِلِ مُ لَنمَ عَ شَ قَلَ ٱ شُن، بَرِ مَ ٱ نُ بَرَ عَلَ شَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ حَشَنكَتَ."} {"eng": "Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who fills the place of the unlearned say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, seeing he doesn’t know what you say?", "sus": "شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ، عِ نَ عَلَ تَنتُ عِ بْحّ رَ، مِشِ نَشَن دْشْشِ عِ سّيتِ مَ، عَ مُ نْمَ «عَمِنَ» رَتِندٍ، بَرِ مَ عَ مُ عِ شَ شُي قَهَامُمَ."} {"eng": "He who speaks in another language edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the assembly.", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ نَشَن وْيّنمَ شُي فبّتّيٍ رَ، عَ عَ يّتّ فبَنسَن نَن مَلِمَ. نَشَن وْيّنمَ عَلَ شِلِ رَ، عَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ نَن مَلِمَ."} {"eng": "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body, just as he desired.", "sus": "Ala bara salonse birin dɔxɔ mixi fate ma, alɔ a wama a xɔn ma ki naxɛ."} {"eng": "If they were all one member, where would the body be?", "sus": "شَ نَ بِرِن قِندِ سَلٌنسٍ كٍرٍن نَ، قَتٍ قَ قِندِ مَ عَ رَ دِ؟"} {"eng": "If they were all one member, where would the body be?", "sus": "Xa na birin findi salonse keren na, fate fa findima a ra di?"} {"eng": "But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the profit of all.", "sus": "عَلَ شَشِلِ عَ يّتّ مَسٍنمَ كَنكَن بّ حَمَ شَ مُنَقَنيِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "For if I preach the Good News, I have nothing to boast about, for necessity is laid on me; but woe is to me if I don’t preach the Good News.", "sus": "ٱ مُ نْمَ ٱ يّتّ عِفبٌدٍ ٱ مَ كَوَندِ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ. كَوَندِ تِقٍ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ يَامَرِ نَن نَ ٱ بّ. حَشَنكَتّ نَ ٱ بّ، شَ ٱ مُ عَلَ شَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ كَوَندِ."} {"eng": "For it is written in the law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain.” Is it for the oxen that God cares,", "sus": "عَ سّبّشِ تَوُرٍتَ مُنسَ كُي، «نِنفٍ نّ مّنفِ لُشُتَمَ، وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ عَ دّ شِرِ.» نَ كُي، عَلَ وَ مَ مّينِقٍ نِنفٍيٍ نَن فبَنسَن مَ،"} {"eng": "For if a man sees you who have knowledge sitting in an idol’s temple, won’t his conscience, if he is weak, be emboldened to eat things sacrificed to idols?", "sus": "شَ قَهَامُتَرٍ ندٍ بَرَ وٌ تَن قَهَامُي كَنيِ تٌ، وٌ دْشْشِ تٍيبِلِ رَ كُيٍيٍ بَنشِ كُي، نَ نْمَ عَ نِيَدٍ قَهَامُتَرٍ قَن شَ كُيٍ سّرّشّ سُبٍ دٌن."} {"eng": "For though there are things that are called “gods”, whether in the heavens or on earth—as there are many “gods” and many “lords”—", "sus": "دُنِحَ مِشِيٍ قٍ فبٍفبٍ قِندِ مَ عَلَيٍ رَ كٌورٍ نُن بْشِ مَ. عٍ عٍ شِلِمَ «عَلَيٍ،» عٍ عٍ شِلِمَ «مَرِفِيٍ.»"} {"eng": "But anyone who loves God is known by him.", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ نَشَن عَلَ شَنُمَ، عَلَ بَرَ نَ كَنيِ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "Brothers, let each man, in whatever condition he was called, stay in that condition with God.", "sus": "ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، كَنكَن شَ لُ عَ كّحَ، عَلْ عَلَ عَ شِلِشِ تّمُي نَشّ."} {"eng": "Yet if the unbeliever departs, let there be separation. The brother or the sister is not under bondage in such cases, but God has called us in peace.", "sus": "شَ دَنشَنِيَتَرٍ بَرَ مّي عَ شَ فِنّ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ شَ مْرِ رَ، عَ شَ سِفَ. شّمّ دَنشَنِيَتْي، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ فِنّ دَنشَنِيَتْي، عَ مُ شِرِشِ مِشِ دَنشَنِيَتَرٍ مَ. عَلَ وَ مَ نّ وٌن شَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي."} {"eng": "The wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise also the husband doesn’t have authority over his own body, but the wife does.", "sus": "فِنّ قَتٍ لُمَ عَ شَ مْرِ شَ يَامَرِ نَن بُن مَ، شّمّ قَن قَتٍ لُمَ عَ شَ فِنّ شَ يَامَرِ نَن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Therefore it is already altogether a defect in you that you have lawsuits one with another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?", "sus": "فٍرٍ تٌ نَ وٌ تَفِ، نَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن عَ وٌ شُن بَرَ رَكَنَ. مُنقٍ رَ وٌ مُ دِحّمَ وٌ بٌرٍ هَاكّ مَ، هَلِ نَ قِندِشِ كَسَرّ نَن نَ وٌ بّ؟"} {"eng": "Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole lump?", "sus": "يّتّ عِفبٌقٍ مُ قَن. وٌ مُ عَ كٌلٌن لّبِنِ سِيَدِ قَرِن فبٍفبٍ رَتٍمَ نّ؟"} {"eng": "It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles, that one has his father’s wife.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَ مّ عَ قٍ حَاشِ مْولِ ندٍ نَ وٌ يَ مَ، نَشَن مُ تٌمَ هَلِ كَاقِرِيٍ يَ مَ. عَ شّمّ ندٍ لُمَ عَ بَبَ شَ فِنّ كٌلٌن نَ فِنّ رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours,", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ وٌ شَشِلِ تِ مِشِ يٌ رَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ قِندِشِ وٌ مَلِمَ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He has taken the wise in their craftiness.”", "sus": "يِ دُنِحَ مِشِيٍ شَ لْننِ قِندِشِ دَشُحَ نَن نَ عَلَ بّ. عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي، «عَلَ فَنتَنيِ تٍمَ نّ لْننِلَيٍ بّ عٍ يّتّ شَ لْننِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "that your faith wouldn’t stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ وٌ نَشَ دَنشَنِيَ عَدَ مَدِ شَ لْننِ سَابُي رَ، وٌ شَ دَنشَنِيَ عَلَ سّنبّ نَن سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius,", "sus": "N bara Ala tantu n mu mixi yo xunxaxi ye xɔɔra wo ya ma, bafe Kirisipu nun Gayu ra."} {"eng": "so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ عَ شُنشَ يٍ شْورَ ٱ شِلِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "so that no one should say that I had baptized you into my own name.", "sus": "Na kui, mixi yo mu nɔma a falade a xunxa ye xɔɔra n xili nan na."} {"eng": "Therefore also I was hindered these many times from coming to you,", "sus": "يِ وَلِ نَن عَ نِيَشِ ٱ مُ نْشِ سِفَدٍ وٌ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "and that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, “Therefore I will give praise to you among the Gentiles and sing to your name.”", "sus": "سِ فبّتّيٍ قَن عَلَ مَتْشْمَ عَ شَ هِننّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي كِ نَشّ، «نَ نَن عَ رَ ٱ عِ مَتْشْمَ سِ بِرِن تَفِ، ٱ بّيتِ بَمَ نّ عِ شِلِ شَ بِنيّ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "Therefore accept one another, even as Christ also accepted you, to the glory of God.", "sus": "نَ كُي، وٌ شَ وٌ بٌرٍ رَ سّنّ عَلْ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ وٌ رَ سّنّ كِ نَشّ، عَلَكٌ عَلَ شَ مَتْشْي سْتْ."} {"eng": "It is good to not eat meat, drink wine, nor do anything by which your brother stumbles, is offended, or is made weak.", "sus": "هَلِ مِشِ مُ سُبٍ يٌ دٌن، عَ مُ وّنِ يٌ مِن، عَ مُ قٍقٍ يٌ رَبَ نَشَن عَ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ رَتَنتَنمَ، نَ نَن قَن."} {"eng": "For even as we have many members in one body, and all the members don’t have the same function,", "sus": "قَتٍ كٍرٍن نَن نَ كَنكَن بّ، كْنْ نَ قَتٍ سَلٌنسٍيٍ وُيَ. قَتٍ سَلٌنسٍ بِرِن نُن عَ فبٍ وَلِ."} {"eng": "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out!", "sus": "عٍٍ! دَنيِ مُ نَ عَلَ شَ مُنَقَنيِ مَ! عَ شَشِلِ نُن عَ شَ قَهَامُي تِلِنيِ دَن مُ نَ! عَ شَ نَتّ تٌنفٌشِ كُي مُ كٌلٌنمَ، عَ حّرّ كِ مُ قَهَامُمَ!"} {"eng": "But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the root and of the richness of the olive tree,", "sus": "عَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ عٌلِوِ بِلِ سَلٌنيِ ندٍيٍ نَ شَبَ عَ بِلِ مَ عَلَكٌ وُلَ عٌلِوِ سَلٌنيِيٍ شَ دَقُ نَ شَبَدٍ رَ. عِ تَن مِسَالِشِ نَ وُلَ عٌلِوِ سَلٌنيِ نَن نَ، نَشَن بَلٌمَ نَ عٌلِوِ بِلِ سَابُي رَ، عِ دَقُشِ نَشَن نَ."} {"eng": "I ask then, did God reject his people? May it never be! For I also am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.", "sus": "نَ كُي، ٱ شَ مَشْرِنيِ تِ، عَلَ مّيشِ نّ عَ شَ حَمَ رَ؟ عَستْقُلَهِ! ٱ تَن يّتّ قِندِشِ عِسِرَيِلَكَ نَن نَ، عِبُرَهِمَ شَ مَمَدِ، كٍلِقٍ بُنيَمِن بْنسْي."} {"eng": "But I ask, didn’t Israel know? First Moses says, “I will provoke you to jealousy with that which is no nation. I will make you angry with a nation void of understanding.”", "sus": "ٱ مَن شَ مَشْرِنيِ تِ، عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ مُ مَسٍنيِ قَهَامُشِ شّ؟ يَابِ قْلّ رَ، عَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ سَابُي رَ، «ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ وٌ مِشِيٍ تْونّ نَشٍيٍ حَن مُ قِندِشِ سِ يَتِ رَ. ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ وٌ بْحّ شَ تٍ سِ قَهَامُتَرٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِيٍ دَنشَنِيَمَ نّ عٍ تٌ بَرَ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ مّ. عٍ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ مّمَ عَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "and that he might make known the riches of his glory on vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory—", "sus": "عَ يِ رَبَشِ نّ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ شَ نْرّ مَكَابَشِ مَسٍن عَ تٌ هِننّمَ مِشِيٍ رَ، عَ نُ بَرَ نَشٍيٍ سُفَندِ كَبِ عَ قْلّ، عٍ شَ نْرّ سْتْ."} {"eng": "of whom are the fathers, and from whom is Christ as concerning the flesh, who is over all, God, blessed forever. Amen.", "sus": "عٍ تَن نَن بْنسْي بٍنبَيٍ نَ كِتَابُييٍ كُي، عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ قَن كٍلِشِ عٍ تَن نَن بْنسْي تَفِ عَ قَتٍ بّندّ كِ مَ. تَنتُي نُن بَتُي شَ رَ سِفَ عَلَ مَ عَبَدَن، عَ تَن نَشَن نَ بِرِن شُن مَ. عَمِنَ."} {"eng": "I tell the truth in Christ. I am not lying, my conscience testifying with me in the Holy Spirit", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ. ٱ مُ وُلٍ قَلَمَ بَرِ مَ ٱ قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ فبٍ نَن نَ. ٱ سٌندٌنيِ نُن عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ قَن قِندِشِ سٍيدٍيٍ نَن نَ، عَ نْندِ نَن عَ رَ"} {"eng": "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.", "sus": "كْنْ نَ بِرِن كُي، وٌن بَرَ نْي سْتْ نَ قٍ بِرِن شُن مَ وٌن شَنُنتٍنيِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Even as it is written, “For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”", "sus": "عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ كِ نَشّ، «قّيحّن، عٍ مُشُ قَشَمَ عِ تَن نَن مَ قٍ رَ. عٍ مُشُ قِندِشِ يّشّييٍ نَن نَ عٍ نَشٍيٍ كْن نَشَبَمَ.»"} {"eng": "Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, yes rather, who was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.", "sus": "ندٍ قَ كِيتِ رَكَنَمَ عٍ رَ سْنْن؟ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ عِسَ نَشَن قَشَ، عَلَ نَشَن مَن نَكٍلِ قَشّ مَ، عَ مَفٌرٌشِ عَلَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، عَ نُ عَ مَشَندِ وٌن بّ."} {"eng": "He who searches the hearts knows what is on the Spirit’s mind, because he makes intercession for the saints according to God.", "sus": "عَنُن، عَلَ، نَشَن وٌن بْحّ مَ قٍ كٌلٌن، عَ عَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ شَ مَشَندِيٍ كٌلٌن، بَرِ مَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ مَشَندِ تِمَ سّنِيّنتْييٍ بّ عَلَ سَفٌي نَن مَ."} {"eng": "that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.", "sus": "وَشَتِ قَمَ قَدٍ دَالِ قُلُنمَ تّمُي نَشّ كَنَرِ شَ كٌنيِيَ بُن، عَ قَن شْرّيَ نُن شُننَكٍلِ سْتْ عَ نُن عَلَ شَ دِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "For the creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.", "sus": "دَالِ بِرِن مَمّ تِقٍ وَشَتِ رَ، عَلَ عَ شَ دِيٍ مَكّنّنمَ تّمُي نَشّ،"} {"eng": "Therefore the law indeed is holy, and the commandment holy, righteous, and good.", "sus": "نَ كُي، سّرِيّ سّنِيّن، يَامَرِ قَن سّنِيّن، عَ تِنشِن، عَ مَن قَن."} {"eng": "For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions which were through the law worked in our members to bring out fruit to death.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ، وٌن تٌ نُ حّرّ مَ وٌن يّتّ وَشْنقٍ كٌبِيٍ مَ، سّرِيّ نُ وٌن بْحّ رَتٍمَ يُنُبِ رَبَقٍ مَ. وٌن تٌ نُ بِرَشِ نَ وَشْنقٍ كٌبِيٍ قْشْ رَ، نٍيٍ نُ وٌن شُن تِشِ قَشّ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be in bondage to sin.", "sus": "وٌن شَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ وٌن مَ قٍ قٌرِ بَرَ بَنبَن وُرِ مَفَلَنبُشِ مَ عَ نُن مَرِفِ عِسَ رَ، عَلَكٌ وٌن يُفٍ قٌرِ شَ مَسَرَ نَشَن نُ يُنُبِ رَبَمَ، وٌن نَشَ قِندِ يُنُبِ شَ كٌنيِيٍ رَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”", "sus": "كِتَابُي مُنسٍ قَلَشِ نَ شَ قٍ رَ؟ «عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَ دَنشَنِيَ عَلَ مَ، عَلَ نَشَ نَ قِندِ تِنشِنيِ رَ عَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِ قَ عَ يّتّ عِفبٌمَ مُنسٍ شَ قٍ رَ؟ قٍقٍ! مُنقٍ رَ؟ مِشِ نْمَ عَ يّتّ مَتْشْدٍ عَ تٌ دِينّ سّرِيّ رَبَتُشِ؟ عَدٍ، بَرِ مَ تِنشِنيِ سْتْمَ دَنشَنِيَ نَن تُن سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "There is no one who understands. There is no one who seeks after God.", "sus": "قٍ كٌلٌنيِ يٌ مُ نَ، مِشِ يٌ مُ عَلَ قٍنقٍ."} {"eng": "but he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men, but from God.", "sus": "مِشِ قِندِقٍ يُوِقِ رَ، نَ كٌلٌنمَ بْحّ نَن مَ. سُننّ يّتّ يّتّ قَن، سُننّ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن سْتْمَ بْحّ مَ، شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سَابُي رَ. عَ مُ كٍلِمَ دِينّ سّرِيّ سّبّشِ شَ مَ. سُننّ نَ مِشِ نَشَن بْحّ مَ، عَ شَ مَتْشْي مُ كٍلِمَ مِشِ شَ مَ، عَ كٍلِمَ عَلَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "We know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things.", "sus": "وٌن بِرِن عَ كٌلٌن عَ عَلَ شَ كِيتِ تِنشِن عَ نَ يِ مِشِ مْولِيٍ شَ وَلِ كٌبِيٍ سَرٍ قِ."} {"eng": "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,", "sus": "عَلَ شَ شْنّ فٌرٌ مَ كٍلِ كٌورٍ تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ نُن كَاقِرِيٍ شِلِ مَ. يِ مِشِيٍ نْندِ نْشُنمَ عٍ شَ تِنشِنتَرٍيَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "that is, that I with you may be encouraged in you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.", "sus": "عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ وٌن شَ وٌن بٌرٍ رَلِمَنِيَ وٌن مَ دَنشَنِيَ سَابُي رَ، وٌن بِرِن شَ سّنبّ سْتْ وٌن بٌرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat and let it fall off.", "sus": "عَوَ، سْورِيٍ نَشَ كُنكُي لَنمَ لُوتِ بٌلٌن، عٍ نَشَ عَ رَبّحِن عَ شَ سِفَ."} {"eng": "They took soundings and found twenty fathoms. After a little while, they took soundings again, and found fifteen fathoms.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ يٍ تِلِنيِ مَنِيَسٍ رَفٌرٌ، عٍ نَشَ كَنكٍ يَ مْشْحّن سْتْ. عٍ تٌ مَكُيَ دٌندٌرٌنتِ، عٍ مَن نَشَ عَ رَفٌرٌ، عٍ نَشَ كَنكٍ يَ قُ نُن سُولِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "When the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, they weighed anchor and sailed along Crete, close to shore.", "sus": "قٌيٍ دِ ندٍ نَشَ مِنِ كٍلِ كْولَ مَ. عٍ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن عَ بِيَاسِ بَرَ قَن. عٍ نَشَ هَنفَ بّندُن، عٍ كُنكُي رَدَنفِ كِرّتِ سُرِ قّ مَ."} {"eng": "When much time had passed and the voyage was now dangerous because the Fast had now already gone by, Paul admonished them", "sus": "مُشُ نَشَ بُ نَا. حّرّ مَن نُ شْرْشْ بَرِ مَ سُنيِ تّمُي نُ بَرَ دَنفِ."} {"eng": "When it was determined that we should sail for Italy, they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners to a centurion named Julius, of the Augustan band.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نَتّ تٌنفٌ مُشُ شَ بَكِ كُنكُي كُي سِفَقٍ رَ عِتَلِ، عٍ نَشَ ثْلُ نُن فٍيلِمَنِ ندٍيٍ سٌ سْورِ مِشِ كّمّ شُنمَتِ يِ رَ نَشَن شِلِ يُلِيُسِ، نَشَن نَ مَنفّ شُنفبٍ شَ سْورِيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "“I myself most certainly thought that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.", "sus": "«ٱ تَن كَتَ نّ كِرَ مْولِ بِرِن نَ ٱ شَ عِسَ نَسَرّتِكَ شِلِ كَنَ."} {"eng": "“I think myself happy, King Agrippa, that I am to make my defense before you today concerning all the things that I am accused by the Jews,", "sus": "«Mangɛ Agiripa, to n ɲɛlɛxinxi n ma fe rafiixɛfe ra Yuwifie n kalamuxi naxan ma."} {"eng": "especially because you are expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.", "sus": "عِ عٍ شَ دِينّ نُن عٍ شَ سّرِيّ كٌلٌن كِ قَنيِ رَ. عَوَ يَندِ، عِ شَ عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "especially because you are expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews. Therefore I beg you to hear me patiently.", "sus": "I e xa diinɛ nun e xa sɛriyɛ kolon ki fanyi ra. Awa yandi, i xa i tuli mati n na."} {"eng": "After some days, Felix came with Drusilla his wife, who was a Jewess, and sent for Paul and heard him concerning the faith in Christ Jesus.", "sus": "شِ ندٍيٍ تٌ دَنفِ، قٍلِسِ نُن عَ شَ فِنّ دِرُ سِلَ، نَشَن نَ يُوِقِ رَ، عٍ نَشَ قَ. قٍلِسِ نَشَ ثْلُ شِلِ كَوَندِ رَبَدٍ عِسَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ شَ قٍ رَ. ثْلُ نَشَ دَنشَنِيَ شَ قٍ قَلَ عٍ بّ عِسَ مَ،"} {"eng": "I said, ‘Lord, they themselves know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue those who believed in you.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، ‹مَرِفِ، عٍ يَتِ عَ كٌلٌن عَ ٱ نُ سِفَمَ سَلِدٍيٍ كُي دَنشَنِيَتْييٍ قٍندٍ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ عٍ سَ فٍيلِ، ٱ مَن شَ عٍ بْنبْ."} {"eng": "When we heard these things, both we and the people of that place begged him not to go up to Jerusalem.", "sus": "مُشُ تٌ نَ مّ، مُشُ نُن نَاكَيٍ نَشَ ثْلُ مَشَندِ عَ نَشَ تٍ دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "When Paul wanted to enter in to the people, the disciples didn’t allow him.", "sus": "ثْلُ نَشَ وَ سِفَقٍ نَا، كْنْ عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ مُ تِن."} {"eng": "About that time there arose no small disturbance concerning the Way.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي سْنشْي شُنفبٍ نَشَ رَبَ نَا مَرِفِ شَ كِرَ شَ قٍ مَ."} {"eng": "and advocate customs which it is not lawful for us to accept or to observe, being Romans.”", "sus": "يُوِقِ نَن عٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ نَامُنيِيٍ شَ قٍ مَسٍنمَ وٌن مُ تِنشِ نَشٍيٍ رَ، وٌن تَن رْ مَكَيٍ.»"} {"eng": "A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us. The Lord opened her heart to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul.", "sus": "فِنّ ندٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ نَشَن شِلِ لِدِ، فَرّ دُفِ مَتِ. تِيَتِرٍكَ نَن نُ عَ رَ. عَ فَاشُ عَلَ يَ رَ. عَ تٌ عَ تُلِ مَتِ، مَرِفِ نَشَ عَ بْحّ رَبِ عَلَكٌ ثْلُ نَشَن قَلَمَ عَ شَ سٌ عَ شَشِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "A vision appeared to Paul in the night. There was a man of Macedonia standing, begging him and saying, “Come over into Macedonia and help us.”", "sus": "كْي رَ، ثْلُ نَشَ لَامَتُنيِ تٌ. مَسٍدٌنكَ ندٍ نَشَ كٍلِ، عَ قَ عَ مَشَندِ، «قَ مَسٍدٌن بْشِ مَ، عِ شَ قَ مُشُ مَلِ.»"} {"eng": "They wrote these things by their hand: “The apostles, the elders, and the brothers, to the brothers who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia: greetings.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ بَتَاشّ كٍرٍن سٌ عٍ يِ رَ نَشَن سّبّشِ، «شّيرَيٍ نُن كُنتِفِيٍ، نَشٍيٍ لَنشِ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ مَ، كَتَرَبِ وٌن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ مَ سِ فبّتّيٍ يَ مَ، نَشٍيٍ نَ عَنتِيْكِ، سِرِيَ، نُن سِلِسِ، مُشُ بَرَ وٌ شّيبُ."} {"eng": "Now therefore why do you tempt God, that you should put a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?", "sus": "يَكْسِ، مُنقٍ رَ وٌ عَلَ مَتٌمَ؟ وٌ نَ كٌتٍ دْشْقٍ عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ شُن، وٌن بٍنبَيٍ نُن وٌن تَن مُ نَشَن نْمَ."} {"eng": "He made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.", "sus": "عَ مُ مِشِ يٌ رَقِسَ عَ بٌورٍ بّ عٍ تَن نُن وٌن تَن تَفِ، بَرِ مَ عَ بَرَ عٍ سٌندٌنيِ رَ سّنِيّن دَنشَنِيَ رَ."} {"eng": "When some of both the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, made a violent attempt to mistreat and stone them,", "sus": "فِرّكِكَيٍ نُن يُوِقِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ مَنفّيٍ نَشَ لَن عٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِ دْشْ عٍ مَ، عٍ مَن شَ عٍ مَفْنْ هَن عٍ شَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "“Brothers, children of the stock of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, the word of this salvation is sent out to you.", "sus": "«ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، عِبُرَهِمَ بْنسْي شَ دِيٍ نُن وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ فَاشُمَ عَلَ يَ رَ، يِ كِسِ مَسٍنيِ رَ سَنبَشِ وٌن تَن نَن مَ."} {"eng": "When he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, to whom he also testified, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my heart, who will do all my will.’", "sus": "عَ تٌ سْلُ بَ مَنفّيَ رَ، عَ نَشَ دَوُدَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ عٍ شُن. عَ يِ سٍيدٍيَ مَسٍن نَ نَن مَ، ‹ٱ بَرَ دَوُدَ تٌ، يِسَيِ شَ دِ، نَشَن كّحَ رَقَن ٱ مَ. عَ تَن نَن ٱ سَفٌ بِرِن نَكَمَلِمَ.›»"} {"eng": "Paul stood up, and gesturing with his hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen.", "sus": "ثْلُ تٌ كٍلِ، عَ نَشَ عٍ مَسَبَرِ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نُن وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ فَاشُشِ عَلَ يَ رَ، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ."} {"eng": "But the word of God grew and multiplied.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ نَشَ عَلَ شَ وْيّنيِ رَ مّ، دَنشَنِيَتْييٍ كْنتِ شُن نَشَ مَسَ."} {"eng": "The people shouted, “The voice of a god, and not of a man!”", "sus": "مِشِيٍ نَشَ سْنشْي رَتٍ، «عَلَ شُي نَن يِ كِ، عَدَ مَ شُي مُ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "But Peter began, and explained to them in order, saying,", "sus": "عَوَ ثِيّرِ نَشَ قٍ بِرِن تَفِ رَبَ عٍ بّ عَ دَنفِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "but in every nation he who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.", "sus": "عَ وَ مَ مِشِ بِرِن شْن، سِيٍ بِرِن يَ مَ، نَشٍيٍ فَاشُمَ عَ يَ رَ، نَشٍيٍ تِنشِن."} {"eng": "This was done three times, and immediately the thing was received up into heaven.", "sus": "نَ نَشَ رَبَ سَنيَ سَشَن. نَ شَنبِ، نَ دُفِ مَن نَشَ تٍ كٌورٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Ananias departed and entered into the house. Laying his hands on him, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord, who appeared to you on the road by which you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”", "sus": "عَنَنِيَسِ نَشَ سِفَ نَ بَنشِ. عَ تٌ سٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ بّلّشّ سَ سْلُ مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ سْلُ، مَرِفِ عِسَ نَشَن مِنِ عِ مَ كِرَ رَ، عَ تَن نَن ٱ شّيشِ عِ مَ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ سٍ تٌ، عِ مَن شَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سْتْ.»"} {"eng": "Saul was consenting to his death. A great persecution arose against the assembly which was in Jerusalem in that day. They were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except for the apostles.", "sus": "Na lɔxɔɛ, ɲaxankatɛ xungbe naxa Darisalamu danxaniyatɔɛ ɲama suxu. E birin naxa yensen Samari nun Yudaya bɔxi ma fo xɛɛrae, nee nan gbansan lu naa."} {"eng": "Devout men buried Stephen and lamented greatly over him.", "sus": "Xɛmɛ tinxinxie naxa Etiyɛn nagata. E naxa wa a xa faxɛ ma."} {"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "sus": "كْنْ سْلُ تَن نَشَ دَنشَنِيَتْي حَمَ تْورْ. عَ نُ سٌمَ بَنشِيٍ كُي، عَ نُ دَنشَنِيَتْي شّمّيٍ نُن فِنّيٍ رَ مِنِ، عَ نُ قَ عٍ سَ فٍيلِ."} {"eng": "But Saul ravaged the assembly, entering into every house and dragged both men and women off to prison.", "sus": "Kɔnɔ Sɔlu tan naxa danxaniyatɔɛ ɲama tɔɔrɔ. A nu soma banxie kui, a nu danxaniyatɔɛ xɛmɛe nun ginɛe ramini, a nu fa e sa geeli."} {"eng": "But Solomon built him a house.", "sus": "كْنْ سُلٍمَنِ نَن قَ نَ لِنفِرَ تِ عَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "But God turned away and gave them up to serve the army of the sky, as it is written in the book of the prophets, ‘Did you offer to me slain animals and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?", "sus": "«عَوَ، عَلَ نَشَ عَ كٌبٍ سٌ عٍ رَ، عَ نَشَ عٍ رَبٌلٌ، عٍ شَ تُنبُييٍ بَتُ، عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ نَمِحْنمّ شَ كِتَابُي كُي كِ نَشّ. ‹عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي، وٌ سّرّشّيٍ بَ ٱ تَن نَن بّ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ بُن مَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ؟"} {"eng": "He supposed that his brothers understood that God, by his hand, was giving them deliverance; but they didn’t understand.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن عَ عَ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَلَ شْرّيَ قِمَ عٍ مَ عَ سَابُي نَن نَ، كْنْ عٍ مُ كٌلٌن سْتْ نَ مَ."} {"eng": "But the officers who came didn’t find them in the prison. They returned and reported,", "sus": "سْرِيٍ تٌ سِفَ، عٍ مُ عٍ لِ فٍيلِ كُي. عٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن، عٍ سَ دّنتّفّ سَ."} {"eng": "Peter answered her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much.” She said, “Yes, for so much.”", "sus": "ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، شَ وٌ شّ مَتِشِ يِ شَسَبِ نَن نَ، وٌ نَشَن دّنتّفّشِ يِ كِ؟» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِيٌ، مُشُ عَ مَتِشِ يِ كْبِرِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things.", "sus": "Ananiyasi to na wɔyɛnyi mɛ, a naxa bira keren na, a faxa. Naxee birin na fe mɛ, e naxa gaaxu."} {"eng": "The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him.", "sus": "سّفّتَلَيٍ تٌ كٍلِ، عٍ نَشَ عَ كَسَنفٍ، عٍ عَ شَنِن، عٍ سَ عَ رَفَتَ."} {"eng": "The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him.", "sus": "Sɛgɛtalae to keli, e naxa a kasange, e a xanin, e sa a ragata."} {"eng": "Yes, and all the prophets from Samuel and those who followed after, as many as have spoken, also told of these days.", "sus": "«نَمِحْنمّ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن بَرَ وْيّن كَبِ عَننَبِ سَمُوٍلِ شَ تّمُي، عٍ بِرِن بَرَ يِ لْشْييٍ شَ قٍ قَلَ."} {"eng": "Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his body, according to the flesh, he would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne,", "sus": "نَمِحْنمّ تٌ نُ عَ رَ، عَ نُ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَ بَرَ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌ عَ بّ. عَلَ نَشَ عَ كَلِ عَ دَوُدَ شَ مَمَدِ ندٍ دْشْمَ نّ عَ شَ مَنفّ كِبَنيِ."} {"eng": "All these with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer and supplication, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن نُ عَلَ مَشَندِ مَ حَنِفٍ كٍرٍن نَ، عٍ نُن فِنّيٍ، عَ نُن مَرِيَمَ، عِسَ نفَ، عَ نُن عِسَ شُنيَيٍ."} {"eng": "When they had come in, they went up into the upper room where they were staying, that is Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سٌ كٌورٍ بَنشِ كُي، عٍ نُ دَرِشِ عٍ مَلَن نَ دّننَشّ. نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ نَ؛ ثِيّرِ، يَيَ، يَكِ، عَندِرٍ، قِلِثُ، تٌمَسِ، بَرٌتٌلٌمٍ، مَتِيُ، يَكِ عَلِقَ شَ دِ، سِمْن نَشَن قِندِ سٍلٌتِ رَ، نُن يُدَ سِ، يَكِ شَ دِ."} {"eng": "until the day in which he was received up, after he had given commandment through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.", "sus": "هَن عَ تٍ لْشْي كٌورٍ مَ. بٍينُن عَ شَ تٍ كٌورٍ مَ، عَ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عَ شَ شّيرَ سُفَندِشِيٍ مَ، عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book;", "sus": "عِسَ كَابَنَكٌ فبٍفبٍ رَبَ نّ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ يَ شْرِ، نَشٍيٍ مُ سّبّشِ يِ كِتَابُي كُي."} {"eng": "and she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ مَلٍكّ قِرِن تٌ. عٍ مَشِرِشِ دُفِ قِيشّ رَ، عٍ دْشْشِ عِسَ قُرٍ نُ سَشِ دّننَشّ. كٍرٍن نُ نَ عَ شُنسَدٍ رَ، بٌورٍ نُ نَ عَ سَنلَابٍ رَ."} {"eng": "They led Jesus therefore from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. It was early, and they themselves didn’t enter into the Praetorium, that they might not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، عٍ نَشَ عِسَ تٌنفٌ كَيَقَ شْنيِ، عٍ عَ شَنِن فٌمِنَ شْنيِ. كُيٍ نُ بَشِ عِبَدٍ. يُوِقِ كُنتِفِيٍ تَن مُ تِن سٌدٍ فٌمِنَ شْنيِ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ سّنِيّنيِ نَشَ قَ كَنَ، عٍ مُ قَ نْ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ دٌنيِ دٌندٍ."} {"eng": "One of the servants of the high priest, being a relative of him whose ear Peter had cut off, said, “Didn’t I see you in the garden with him?”", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ شَ كٌنيِ ندٍ نُ نَ نَا، ثِيّرِ نُ بَرَ نَشَن بَرٍنيِ تُلِ بٌلٌن. عَ نَشَ ثِيّرِ مَشْرِن، «ٱ مُ عِ تٌ شّ نَ سَنسِ يِرٍ، وٌ نُن عِسَ؟»"} {"eng": "Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said therefore to him, “You aren’t also one of his disciples, are you?” He denied it and said, “I am not.”", "sus": "سِمْن ثِيّرِ نُ دْشْشِ تّ رَ، عَ نَ عَ مَشَرَقٍ. نَ تّمُي عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّ شَ مُ عِ قَن نَ؟» ثِيّرِ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «عَدٍ، عَ قْشِرَبِرّ مُ نَ ٱ تَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "I made known to them your name, and will make it known; that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them.”", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عٍ رَكٌلٌن عِ شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ مَن ندٍ سَمَ نّ عَ قَرِ، عَلَكٌ شَنُنتٍيَ شَ لُ عٍ بْحّ مَ عِ ٱ شَنُشِ نَشَن نَ، عَلْ ٱ قَن نَ عٍ بْحّ عِ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "As you sent me into the world, even so I have sent them into the world.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عٍ شّي دُنِحَ، عَلْ عِ قَن ٱ شّي كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "about judgment, because the prince of this world has been judged.", "sus": "عَ عٍ رَكٌلٌنمَ نّ كِيتِ شَ قٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ يِ دُنِحَ نَ نْلَ كٌبِ نَشَن يِ رَ، عَ حَن بَرَ مَكِيتِ.»"} {"eng": "If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it.", "sus": "شَ وٌ ٱ مَشَندِ قٍقٍ نَشَن مَ ٱ شِلِ رَ، ٱ عَ رَبَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "“Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ بّ، «وٌ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ. وٌ وٌ شَشِلِ تِ عَلَ رَ، وٌ شَ وٌ شَشِلِ تِ ٱ قَن نَ."} {"eng": "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”", "sus": "دُنِحَ بِرِن وٌ كٌلٌنمَ ٱ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ رَ نَ قٍ نَن مَ، شَ وٌ وٌ بٌرٍ شَنُ.»"} {"eng": "Jesus answered him, “You don’t know what I am doing now, but you will understand later.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ نَشَن نَبَقٍ يِ كِ، عِ مُ عَ قَهَامُمَ يِ وَشَتِ تَن مَ، كْنْ عِ قَمَ نّ عَ كُي كٌلٌندٍ يَرٍ.»"} {"eng": "Now he said this, not because he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and having the money box, used to steal what was put into it.", "sus": "عَ يِ قَلَ نّ بَرِ مَ عَ تَن نَن نُ عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ شَ كْبِرِ رَفَتَمَ، عَ نُ قَ ندٍ مُحَ. سٍتَرٍيٍ شَ قٍ مُ نُ نَ عَ بْحّ كُي قٍوٌ!"} {"eng": "Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand. Many went up from the country to Jerusalem before the Passover, to purify themselves.", "sus": "يُوِقِيٍ شَ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ تٌ نُ بَرَ مَكْرّ، مِشِ فبٍفبٍ نَشَ كٍلِ دَاشَيٍ تٍقٍ رَ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عٍ شَ عٍ يّتّ رَ سّنِيّن بٍينُن سَلِ شَ عَ لِ."} {"eng": "Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see God’s glory?”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مُ عَ قَلَ شّ عِ بّ، عَ شَ عِ دَنشَنِيَ، عِ عَلَ سّنبّ مَكَابَشِ تٌمَ نّ؟»"} {"eng": "do you say of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God?’", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَ قَلَ عَلَ شَ دِ نَن ٱ نَ، كْنْ عَ مُ لَنمَ وٌ شَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بَرَ عَلَ رَ سْتْ، بَرِ مَ بَبَ عَلَ ٱ تَن نَن سُفَندِشِ، عَ ٱ شّي دُنِحَ مَ."} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you don’t believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name, these testify about me.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «ٱ حَن بَرَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، كْنْ وٌ مُ لَشِ ٱ نَ. ٱ قٍ نَشٍيٍ رَبَمَ ٱ بَبَ شِلِ رَ، نٍيٍ نَن قِندِشِ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ رَ ٱ مَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.", "sus": "عِسَ نُ حّرّقٍ هْرْ مْبَنشِ يِرٍ ندٍ، دّننَشّ شِلِ «مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ شَ بُنتُنيِ.»"} {"eng": "The man answered them, “How amazing! You don’t know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes.", "sus": "شّمّ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «قٍ مَكَابَشِ نَن يَ! عَ بَرَ ٱ يَ رَبْو، كْنْ وٌ تَن مُ عَ كٍلِدٍ كٌلٌن!"} {"eng": "Then the Jews said to him, “Now we know that you have a demon. Abraham died, as did the prophets; and you say, ‘If a man keeps my word, he will never taste of death.’", "sus": "يُوِقِيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «مُشُ بَرَ فّ عَ كٌلٌندٍ قَ عَ حِننّ نَن نَ عِ قْشْ رَ. عِبُرَهِمَ نُن نَمِحْنمّيٍ بِرِن لَاشِرَ نّ، كْنْ عِ تَن نَشّ، ‹شَ نَشَن يٌ ٱ شُي سُشُ، عَ كَنيِ مُ سَيَ كٌلٌنمَ عَبَدَن.›"} {"eng": "Jesus answered them, “Most certainly I tell you, everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، مِشِ نَشَن يُنُبِ رَبَمَ عَ بَرَ لُ يُنُبِ شَ كٌنيِيَ كُي."} {"eng": "It’s also written in your law that the testimony of two people is valid.", "sus": "عَ سّبّشِ وٌ شَ سّرِيّ كِتَابُي كُي، عَ شَ مِشِ قِرِن شَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ بَشِ لَن عٍ بٌرٍ مَ، نَ شَ سُشُ نْندِ رَ."} {"eng": "Nicodemus (he who came to him by night, being one of them) said to them,", "sus": "كْنْ نِكٌدٍ مُ، نَشَن نُ بَرَ سِفَ عِسَ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بٌورٍ كُنتِفِيٍ بّ،"} {"eng": "So a division arose in the multitude because of him.", "sus": "نَ كُي، حَمَ مُ نُ لَنشِ عِسَ شَ قٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, he speaks openly, and they say nothing to him. Can it be that the rulers indeed know that this is truly the Christ?", "sus": "عَ مَتٌ، عَ تَن نَن وْيّنقٍ كّنّ مَ يِ كِ، كْنْ عٍ مُ سٍسٍ قَلَمَ عَ بّ! كَ عٍ بَرَ لَ عَ رَ، عَ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ نَ عَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "But when it was now the middle of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and taught.", "sus": "يُوِقِيٍ نُ سَلِ نَشَن نَبَقٍ، لْشُن كٍرٍن نَ عَ رَ. نَ تٌ نُ بَرَ سِفَ هَن عَ تَفِ، عِسَ نَشَ تٍ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عَ كَوَندِ تِ قْلْ."} {"eng": "He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light.", "sus": "يَيَ نُ لُشِ نّ عَلْ لَنثُي رَدّشّشِ نَشَن يَنبَمَ. وٌ بَرَ سّيوَ نَ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ وَشَتِ ندٍ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "For this cause the Jews persecuted Jesus and sought to kill him, because he did these things on the Sabbath.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ نَ قٍ رَبَ مَلَبُ لْشْي نّ، يُوِقِ كُنتِفِيٍ نَشَ سٌ عِسَ فٍرٍقٍ."} {"eng": "Immediately, the man was made well, and took up his mat and walked. Now that day was a Sabbath.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يَلَن كٍرٍن نَ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دَفِ تٌنفٌ، عَ عَ حّرّ. نَ لْشْي تٌ نُ قِندِشِ مَلَبُ لْشْي نَن نَ،"} {"eng": "For in this the saying is true, ‘One sows, and another reaps.’", "sus": "يِ مَسٍنيِ قِندِشِ نْندِ نَن نَ، ‹مِشِ ندٍ شّ فَرَنسَنمَ، فبّتّ عَ شَبَمَ.›"} {"eng": "Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «شَ عِ سَ عَ كٌلٌن نُ، عَلَ وَ مَ عِ كِقٍ نَشَن نَ، عِ تَن نَن عَ مَكُلَمَ كِسِ يٍ رَ نُ، عَ قَ نَ قِ عِ مَ. شَ عِ سَ عَ كٌلٌن نُ مِشِ نَشَن عَ قَلَقٍ عِ بّ يِ كِ، ‹ٱ كِ يٍ رَ،› عِ تَن قَن عَ مَكُلَمَ نّ يٍ رَ نُ نَشَن عِ رَكِسِمَ.»"} {"eng": "When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said.", "sus": "عَ تٌ كٍلِ قَشّ مَ، عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ رَتُ عَ شَ وْيّنيِ مَ. نَ كُي، عٍ نَشَ لَ كِتَابُي شُي رَ، عٍ نَشَ لَ عِسَ شُي رَ."} {"eng": "and said to him, “Everyone serves the good wine first, and when the guests have drunk freely, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now!”", "sus": "عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «شُلُن كَنيِ بِرِن وّنِ قَنيِ نَن سِنفٍ رَ مِنِمَ، مِشِيٍ نَ سِيسِ، عٍ قَ وّنِ فبّتّ رَ مِنِ. كْنْ عِ تَن بَرَ وّنِ قَنيِ رَفَتَ هَن يِ تّمُي!»"} {"eng": "Jesus answered him, “Because I told you, ‘I saw you underneath the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these!”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ تٌ عَ قَلَشِ، عَ ٱ عِ تٌ نّ شْرّ بِلِ بُن مَ، عِ لَشِ ٱ نَ نَ قٍ نَن مَ؟ عِ قٍ فبّتّيٍ تٌمَ نّ نَشٍيٍ دَنفِ نَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "These things were done in Bethany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.", "sus": "نَ قٍ بِرِن دَنفِ بٍتَنِ نّ، يُرُدّن شُرٍ نَاكِرِ مَ، يَيَ نُ مِشِيٍ شُنشَمَ يٍ شْورَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "They worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فّ عَ سُيِدِدٍ، عٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن دَرِ سَلَمُ سّيوّ شُنفبٍ كُي."} {"eng": "As they said these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace be to you.”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نُ وْيّنقٍ نَ قٍ بِرِن مَ، عِسَ يّتّ نَشَ مِنِ عٍ مَ، عَ تِشِ عٍ تَفِ. عَ نَشَ عٍ شّيبُ، «عَلَ شَ وٌ بْحّ سَ.»"} {"eng": "saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!”", "sus": "نٍيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «مَرِفِ بَرَ كٍلِ قَشّ مَ يَتِ! عَ بَرَ مِنِ سِمْن مَ!»"} {"eng": "When he had sat down at the table with them, he took the bread and gave thanks. Breaking it, he gave it to them.", "sus": "عٍ بِرِن تٌ دْشْ عٍ دّفٍدٍ، عِسَ نَشَ تَامِ تٌنفٌ، عَ تَنتُي رَ سِفَ عَلَ مَ، عَ عَ عِفِرَ، عَ عَ عِتَشُن عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they and some others came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared.", "sus": "سَندٍ لْشْي سُبَشّ مَ، فِنّيٍ نَشَ كُرُن سِفَ رَ فَبُرِ يِرٍ، عٍ لَبُندّ تُرٍ شَنِن، عٍ نُ بَرَ نَشَن نَقَلَ."} {"eng": "But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Don’t you even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?", "sus": "كْنْ عَ بٌورٍ سُوتٍ نَشَ وْيّن عَ مَ، عَ عَ مَشْرِن، «وٌن بِرِن تٌ فبَلٌي نَن سْتْشِ يِ كِ، عِ مُ فَاشُمَ عَلَ يَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "But they insisted, saying, “He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee even to this place.”", "sus": "كْنْ حَمَ مَن نَشَ عَ كَرَشَن، عٍ نُ عَ قَلَ، «عَ بَرَ مِشِيٍ كُي عِسٌ عَ شَ شَرَنيِ رَ يُدَيَ بْشِ بِرِن مَ، كٍلِقٍ فَلِلٍ بْشِ مَ، هَن بٍ.»"} {"eng": "Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitudes, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.”", "sus": "ثِلَتِ نَشَ قَ عَ قَلَ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ نُن حَمَ بّ، «ٱ مُ قٍ كٌبِ يٌ تٌشِ يِ شّمّ شَ قٍ.»"} {"eng": "As soon as it was day, the assembly of the elders of the people were gathered together, both chief priests and scribes, and they led him away into their council, saying,", "sus": "كُيٍ تٌ عِبَ، يُوِقِيٍ شَ قٌرِيٍ، سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ، نُن سّرِيّ كَرَ مْشْيٍ نَشَ سَنٍدٍرّن مَلَنيِ رَبَ عِسَ مَكِيتِقٍ رَ. عٍ تٌ قَ عِسَ رَ،"} {"eng": "Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and prepare the Passover for us, that we may eat.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ ثِيّرِ نُن يَيَ يَمَرِ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «وٌ شَ سِفَ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ يِرٍ رَقَلَ وٌن بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌن بِرِن شَ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ دٌنيِ دٌن.»"} {"eng": "When they are already budding, you see it and know by your own selves that the summer is already near.", "sus": "وٌ نَ عَ تٌ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ بُرّشّ نّينّ رَ مِنِ، وٌ عَ كٌلٌنمَ حّمّ تّمُي حَن بَرَ مَكْرّ."} {"eng": "And not a hair of your head will perish.", "sus": "كْنْ وٌ رَتَنفَمَ نّ. هَلِ وٌ شُنسّشّ كٍرٍن، عَ مُ لْيمَ."} {"eng": "There were therefore seven brothers. The first took a wife, and died childless.", "sus": "نَ كُي، شّمّ ندٍ نَشَ دِ شّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ سْتْ. عَ شَ دِ سِنفٍ نَشَ فِنّ دْشْ، عَ قَشَ، عَ مُ بْنسْي يٌ لُ."} {"eng": "Some of the Sadducees came to him, those who deny that there is a resurrection.", "sus": "سَدُ سٍنِيٍ، نَشٍيٍ عَ قَلَمَ عَ قَشَمِشِيٍ مُ كٍلِمَ قَشّ مَ، عٍ نَشَ قَ يِ مَشْرِنيِ رَ عِسَ شْن مَ،"} {"eng": "Then they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do to them?", "sus": "بْشِ رَوَلِيٍ نَشَ عَ رَ مِنِ بْشِ رَ، عٍ سَ عَ قَشَ.» «نَ بْشِ كَنيِ مُنسٍ رَبَمَ قَ؟"} {"eng": "the baptism of John, was it from heaven, or from men?”", "sus": "يَيَ تٌ نُ مِشِيٍ شُنشَمَ يٍ شْورَ، عَلَ نَن عَ شّيشِ بَ، كَ عَدَ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "Another came, saying, ‘Lord, behold, your mina, which I kept laid away in a handkerchief,", "sus": "«كٌنيِ فبّتّ قَن نَشَ قَ، عَ دّنتّفّ سَ، عَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ مَرِفِ، عَ مَتٌ، عِ شَ فبٍتِ كْبِرِ كٌلٍ كّمّ نَن يَ. ٱ سَ عَ رَفَتَ دُنكٌبِ نَن كُي،"} {"eng": "When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ عَ يِرٍ لِ، عَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَتٍ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «سَكّيّ، فٌرٌ مَقُرٍن، بَرِ مَ ٱ سَ يِفِيَمَ عِ شْنيِ نّ تٌ.»"} {"eng": "The Pharisee stood and prayed by himself like this: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of men: extortionists, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.", "sus": "قَرِ سّنِ نَشَ تِ، عَ عَلَ مَشَندِ عَ بْحّ مَ، عَ نُ عَ عِ، ‹عَلَ، ٱ بَرَ عِ تَنتُ بَرِ مَ ٱ مُ لُشِ عَلْ مِشِ فبّتّيٍ، نَشٍيٍ قِندِشِ مُحّتِيٍ، قٍ كٌبِ رَبَيٍ، نُن يّنّلَيٍ رَ. ٱ بَرَ عِ تَنتُ بَرِ مَ ٱ مُ لُشِ عَلْ يِ دُوتِ مَشِلِ."} {"eng": "But who is there among you, having a servant plowing or keeping sheep, that will say when he comes in from the field, ‘Come immediately and sit down at the table’?", "sus": "«شَ عَ سَ لِ كٌنيِ نَ مِشِ ندٍ يِ وٌ تَفِ، نَ كٌنيِ نَ كٍلِ يِرٍ بُشَدٍ شَ نَ مُ شُرُ سٍيٍ دّ مَدٌندٍ، عَ كَنيِ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ عَ بّ كٍرٍن نَ، ‹قَ، عِ قَ عِ مَفٌرٌ، عِ عِ دّفٍ›؟"} {"eng": "The Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you would tell this sycamore tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.", "sus": "مَرِفِ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «شَ دَنشَنِيَ نَ وٌ بّ نُ، هَلِ عَ شُرُن عَلْ يّنتّن شْرِ، وٌ نْمَ نّ عَ قَلَدٍ يِ كٌندٍ بِلِ بّ، ‹تَلَ بٍ، عِ سَ سِن بَا مَ،› عَ وٌ شُي رَبَتُمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one and despise the other. You aren’t able to serve God and Mammon.”", "sus": "«كٌنيِ يٌ مُ نْمَ لُدٍ مَرِفِ قِرِن شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ، بَرِ مَ عَ قَمَ مَرِفِ كٍرٍن شْندٍ، عَ بٌورٍ مَشَنُ. عَ شِرِ مَ نّ كٍرٍن نَ، عَ بٌورٍ رَبٌلٌ. وٌ مُ نْمَ عَلَ نُن نَاقُلِ رَبَتُدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living.", "sus": "«عَ مُ بُ دِ قِرِن ندٍ نَشَ عَ شَ سٍ بِرِن مَلَن، عَ قَ بِيَاسِ حَمَنّ مَكُيٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ هَرِفٍ مَكَنَ مّننِ، قُيَنتٍيَ كُي."} {"eng": "He also said to the one who had invited him, “When you make a dinner or a supper, don’t call your friends, nor your brothers, nor your kinsmen, nor rich neighbors, or perhaps they might also return the favor, and pay you back.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ شُلُنيِ كَنيِ بّ، «شَ عَ لِ عِ شُلُنيِ تِمَ، عِ نَشَ عِ بٌورٍيٍ، عِ بَرِبٌورٍيٍ، عِ بَرٍنيِيٍ، نُن عِ دْشْبٌورٍ بَننَشِيٍ فبَنسَن شَ شِلِ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نْمَ نّ عِ شَ وَلِ قَنيِ بِرِن نَفبِلٍندٍ عِ مَ."} {"eng": "and he who invited both of you would come and tell you, ‘Make room for this person.’ Then you would begin, with shame, to take the lowest place.", "sus": "عِ يَتِفِ عَ قَلَمَ نّ عِ بّ، ‹عِ شَ دْشْسٍ سٌ نَ مِشِ بِنيٍ يِ رَ.› نَ كُي، عِ كٍلِمَ نّ يَافِ رَ سِفَقٍ دْشْسٍ فبّتّ قٍندٍ، بِنيّ مُ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them—do you think that they were worse offenders than all the men who dwell in Jerusalem?", "sus": "نَ دَرِ سَلَمُكَ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَسَشَنيِ فٌ، سِلْمُ كٌورٍ بَنشِ بِرَ نَشٍيٍ مَ؟ وٌ حْشْ عَ مَ عَ نَ تْورّ عٍ لِشِ نّ يُنُبِتْييٍ نَن تٌ عٍ رَ دَنفِ دَرِ سَلَمُكَ بٌورٍ بِرِن نَ؟"} {"eng": "For from now on, there will be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.", "sus": "كٍلِ يِ وَشَتِ مَ، شَ مِشِ سُولِ نَ دٍنبَيَ كُي، فٍرٍ لُمَ مِشِ سَشَن نُن مِشِ قِرِن تَفِ."} {"eng": "But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.", "sus": "«وٌ شَ عَ قَهَامُ عَ قَنيِ رَ، شَ بَنشِ كَنيِ عَ كٌلٌن نّ نُ مُحّتِ قَمَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ مُ عَ لُمَ مُحّتِ شَ سٌ عَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”", "sus": "عَ نَ نَ كِ نّ مِشِ بّ نَشَن سٍ مَلَنمَ عَ يّتّ بّ، كْنْ عَ مُ بَننَشِ عَلَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Beware! Keep yourselves from covetousness, for a man’s life doesn’t consist of the abundance of the things which he possesses.”", "sus": "عَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «وٌ عَ عِ كِ قَنيِ، وٌ وٌ يّتّ رَتَنفَ شْيِقٍ سٍ مْولِ بِرِن مَ، بَرِ مَ عِ بَننَ كِيٌكِ، دُنِحّءِفِرِ تِدٍ مُ كٍلِمَ سٍ سْتْي شَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "But give for gifts to the needy those things which are within, and behold, all things will be clean to you.", "sus": "شَ وٌ سٍتَرٍ كِ بَلٌي رَ نَشَن نَ وٌ شَ ثِلٍتِيٍ كُي، وٌ شَ قٍ بِرِن نَسّنِيّنمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Now as he spoke, a certain Pharisee asked him to dine with him. He went in and sat at the table.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ فّ وْيّندٍ، قَرِ سّنِ ندٍ نَشَ عِسَ مَشْرِن عٍ شَ سَ عٍ دّفٍ. عِسَ تٌ سٌ قَرِ سّنِ شْنيِ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَفٌرٌ."} {"eng": "The Queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and will condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, one greater than Solomon is here.", "sus": "كِيتِ لْشْي، سٍيبَ مَنفّ فِنّ قَن تِمَ نّ عٍ نُن تٌ مِشِيٍ، عَ سٍيدٍحْشْيَ بَ وٌ شِلِ مَ، بَرِ مَ عَ تَن قَ نّ كٍلِقٍ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ سُلٍمَنِ شَ لْننِ رَ مّدٍ، عَ قَ لِ نَشَن نَ وٌ يِرٍ يِ كِ بٍ، عَ تِدٍ فبٌ سُلٍمَنِ بّ."} {"eng": "But if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges.", "sus": "شَ ٱ تَن حِننّيٍ كٍرِ مَ بّلّسّبُلُ نَن سَابُي رَ، وٌ تَن شَ مِشِيٍ قَ عٍ كٍرِ مَ ندٍ سَابُي رَ؟ نَ كُي، عٍ تَن نَن يَتِ وٌ مَكِيتِمَ."} {"eng": "“I tell you, keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you.", "sus": "«ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ، وٌ مَشَندِ تِ، وٌ عَ سْتْمَ نّ. وٌ قٍنيِ تِ، وٌ عَ تٌمَ نّ. وٌ نَادّ كْنكْن، عَ رَبِمَ نّ وٌ بّ."} {"eng": "When he finished praying in a certain place, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.”", "sus": "لْشْ ندٍ، عِسَ نُ نَ عَلَ مَشَندِقٍ يِرٍ ندٍ. عَ تٌ فّ، عَ قْشِرَبِرّ ندٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «مَرِفِ، مُشُ تِنكَن عَلَ مَشَندِدٍ عَلْ يَيَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ تِنكَنشِ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "He said, “He who showed mercy on him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”", "sus": "سّرِيّ لْننِلَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «نَشَن كِنِكِنِ عَ مَ.» عِسَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عِ قَن شَ نَ مْولِ نَن نَبَ.»"} {"eng": "But he, desiring to justify himself, asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”", "sus": "كْنْ سّرِيّ لْننِلَ تٌ نُ وَ مَ عَ تَن شَ كٌلٌن تِنشِنتْي رَ، عَ مَن نَشَ عِسَ مَشْرِن، «كْنْ ندٍ قِندِشِ ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "Remain in that same house, eating and drinking the things they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Don’t go from house to house.", "sus": "وٌ شَ لُ نَ بَنشِ كٍرٍنيِ نَن كُي. عٍ سٍ نَشَن سٌمَ وٌ يِ رَ، وٌ شَ عَ دٌن، وٌ شَ عَ مِن، بَرِ مَ عَ لَنمَ وَلِكّ شَ عَ سَرٍ سْتْ. وٌ نَشَ كٍلِ نَ بَنشِ كُي وٌ شَ سَ يِفِيَ بَنشِ فبّتّ.»"} {"eng": "But he turned and rebuked them, “You don’t know of what kind of spirit you are.", "sus": "كْنْ عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَقِندِ عٍ مَ، عَ وْيّن شْرْشْي قَلَ عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "When his disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, “Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from the sky and destroy them, just as Elijah did?”", "sus": "عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ يَيَ نُن يَكِ تٌ نَ قٍ تٌ، عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «مَرِفِ، مُشُ شَ يَامَرِ قِ تّ شَ فٌرٌ كٍلِ كٌورٍ، عَ شَ عٍ رَتْن؟»"} {"eng": "Jesus said to him, “Don’t forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us.”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَمَرِ، «وٌ نَشَ عَ رَتْن، بَرِ مَ شَ نَشَن مُ كٍلِشِ وٌ شِلِ مَ، نَ تَن نَ وٌ تَن نَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "While he said these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud.", "sus": "عَ تٌ نُ نَ وْيّنقٍ، نُشُي نَشَ فٌرٌ عٍ مَ. ثِيّرِ نُن عَ بٌورٍيٍ نَشَ فَاشُ عٍ تٌ عَ تٌ نُشُي بَرَ دِن عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "But I tell you the truth: There are some of those who stand here who will in no way taste of death until they see God’s Kingdom.”", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، مِشِ ندٍيٍ تِشِ وٌ يَ مَ بٍ، نَشٍيٍ مُ قَشَمَ قٌ عٍ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ تٌ.»"} {"eng": "The apostles, when they had returned, told him what things they had done. He took them and withdrew apart to a desert region of a city called Bethsaida.", "sus": "شّيرَيٍ تٌ فبِلٍن، عٍ قٍ نَشٍيٍ رَبَشِ، عٍ نَشَ عَ بِرِن دّنتّفّ سَ عِسَ بّ. عَ قَن نَشَ عٍ شَنِن بٍتٍسَيِدَ عٍ شَ لُ عٍ شَتِ مَ يِرٍ كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "When he came to the house, he didn’t allow anyone to enter in, except Peter, John, James, the father of the child, and her mother.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ يَيِرُ شْنيِ لِ، عَ مُ تِن مِشِ يٌ شَ سٌ بَنشِ كُي قٌ ثِيّرِ، يَيَ، يَكِ، دِ فِنّ بَبَ نُن عَ نفَ."} {"eng": "But Jesus hearing it, answered him, “Don’t be afraid. Only believe, and she will be healed.”", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ عَ مّ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن يَيِرُ بّ، «عِ نَشَ فَاشُ. عِ شَ دَنشَنِيَ تُن. عِ شَ دِ كِسِمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Now on one of those days, he entered into a boat, himself and his disciples, and he said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they launched out.", "sus": "لْشْ ندٍ، عِسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ بّ، «وٌن شّي بَا نَاكِرِ مَ.» عٍ بِرِن نَشَ بَكِ كُنكُي كُي، عٍ سِفَ."} {"eng": "For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people don’t gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.", "sus": "سَنسِ بِرِن كٌلٌنمَ عَ بٌفِ نَن مَ. شْرّ مُ بَمَ تُنبٍ بِلِ رَ، كُسُ قَن مُ بَمَ بَافِ بِلِ كْن نَ."} {"eng": "“Therefore be merciful, even as your Father is also merciful.", "sus": "وٌ قَن شَ كِنِكِنِ مِشِ مَ، عَلْ وٌ بَبَ عَلَ كِنِكِنِمَ مِشِ مَ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing back; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil.", "sus": "كْنْ وٌ تَن شَ وٌ يَشُييٍ شَنُ. وٌ شَ قٍ قَنيِ نَن نَبَ. وٌ شَ دٌنِ تِ، هَلِ وٌ مُ لَشِ عَ قِقٍ رَ. نَ كُي، وٌ بَرَايِ فبٌمَ نّ، وٌ قِندِ عَلَ شِلِ شُنفبٍ كَنيِ شَ دِيٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ تَن قٍ قَنيِ رَبَمَ قِنسِرِوَلِيٍ نُن مِشِ كٌبِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you.", "sus": "وٌ عَلَ مَشَندِ وٌ دَنكَمَيٍ بّ، وٌ عَلَ مَشَندِ وٌ تْورْ مَيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "In these days, he went out to the mountain to pray, and he continued all night in prayer to God.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ مَ، عِسَ نَشَ سِفَ فٍيَ قَرِ عَلَ مَشَندِدٍ، عَ كْي بِرِن نَدَنفِ عَ عَلَ مَشَندِ مَ."} {"eng": "They rose up, threw him out of the city, and led him to the brow of the hill that their city was built on, that they might throw him off the cliff.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ، عٍ عَ رَ مِنِ تَا قَرِ مَ. عٍ شَ تَا تٌ نُ تِشِ فٍيَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ شَنِن يِرٍ ندٍ عٍ شَ عَ رَدِن يّ فٍلٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Jesus answering, said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «كِتَابُي مَن عَ مَسٍنشِ، ‹عِ نَشَ عِ مَرِفِ عَلَ مَتٌ.›»"} {"eng": "the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Joseph, the son of Judah,", "sus": "نَفَيِ قِندِشِ مَاتِ شَ دِ نَن نَ، مَاتِ قِندِشِ مَتَهِسَ شَ دِ نَن نَ، مَتَهِسَ قِندِشِ سٍمٍيِن شَ دِ نَن نَ، سٍمٍيِن قِندِشِ يٌسٍكٍ شَ دِ نَن نَ، يٌسٍكٍ قِندِشِ يٌدَ شَ دِ نَن نَ،"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Collect no more than that which is appointed to you.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ نَشَ دُوتِ شُن مَسَ دَنفِ يَامَرِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "He came in the Spirit into the temple. When the parents brought in the child, Jesus, that they might do concerning him according to the custom of the law,", "sus": "عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ نَشَ عَ نِيَ عَ شَ سِفَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي. عِسَ بَرِ مَيٍ قَن تٌ سٌ نَا عٍ شَ دِ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُ عَ شَ قٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "When eight days were fulfilled for the circumcision of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.", "sus": "شِ سٌلٌمَسَشَن تٌ كَمَلِ، دِيْرّ نَشَ سُننَ. عَ شِلِ نَشَ سَ عِسَ، مَلٍكّ نُ بَرَ شِلِ نَشَن مَسٍن عَ نفَ بّ بٍينُن عَ شَ تّيفّ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, just as it was told them.", "sus": "شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌنيِيٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن عَلَ مَتْشْ رَ، عٍ نُ عَ تَنتُ قٍ بِرِن مَ عٍ بَرَ نَشٍيٍ مّ، عٍ مَن بَرَ نَشٍيٍ تٌ. عٍ عَ بِرِن لِشِ نّ عَلْ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "He has filled the hungry with good things. He has sent the rich away empty.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ كَامّتْييٍ رَوَ سَ سٍ قَنيِ رَ، عَ بَننَمِشِيٍ رَ سِفَ عٍ يِ عِفٍلِ رَ."} {"eng": "For he who is mighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ سّنبّ كَنيِ بَرَ قٍ شُنفبٍيٍ رَبَ ٱ بّ. عَ شِلِ سّنِيّن."} {"eng": "For behold, when the voice of your greeting came into my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy!", "sus": "عَ مَتٌ، ٱ تٌ عِ شَ شّيبُي مّ، ٱ مَ دِيْرّ بَرَ عَ رَ مَشَ ٱ تّيفّ سّيوّ رَ."} {"eng": "Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?", "sus": "ٱ تَن يِ هّيرِ سْتْشِ دِ، ٱ مَرِفِ نفَ شَ قَ ٱ شْنيِ؟"} {"eng": "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,", "sus": "A binyɛ sɔtɔma, a xili fala Ala Xili Xungbe Kanyi xa Di. Marigi Ala fama nɛ a benba Dawuda xa mangɛya fide a ma."} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "sus": "عَ قِندِ مَ نّ يَشُبَ بْنسْي شَ مَنفّ رَ عَبَدَن، دَنيِ يٌ مُ لُمَ عَ شَ مَنفّيَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.”", "sus": "A findima nɛ Yaxuba bɔnsɔɛ xa mangɛ ra abadan, danyi yo mu luma a xa mangɛya ma.»"} {"eng": "Having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, you highly favored one! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women!”", "sus": "مَلٍكّ تٌ سِفَ عَ شْن، عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «عِ كّنَ، عِ تَن مَرِفِ هِننّشِ نَشَن نَ. مَرِفِ نَ عِ قّ مَ!»"} {"eng": "Now while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his division", "sus": "Sakari xa lanxundɛ wali tɛmui to a li, a naxa sɛrɛxɛdubɛ walie suxu Ala ya i."} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "sus": "عَلْ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نُ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ، سَكَرِ بٌورٍيٍ نُ بَرَ عَ سُفَندِ عَلَ شَ مَلِ رَ، عَ تَن نَن شَ سٌ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي سُرَيِ فَندٍ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of the Lord and burn incense.", "sus": "Alɔ sɛrɛxɛdubɛe nu darixi a ra ki naxɛ, Sakari booree nu bara a sugandi Ala xa mali ra, a tan nan xa so hɔrɔmɔbanxi kui surayi gande Ala ya i."} {"eng": "They were saying among themselves, “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”", "sus": "Kira ra, e naxa e bore maxɔrin, «Nde gɛmɛ bama won bɛ gaburi dɛ ma?»"} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "sus": "فّمّ نَشَن نُ دْشْشِ فَبُرِ دّ مَ، عَ نُ شُنفبٌ كِ قَنيِ. كْنْ عٍ تٌ عٍ يَ رَ سِفَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ تٌ فّمّ بَرَ بَ نَا."} {"eng": "for it was very big. Looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back.", "sus": "Gɛmɛ naxan nu dɔxɔxi gaburi dɛ ma, a nu xungbo ki fanyi. Kɔnɔ e to e ya rasiga, e naxa a to gɛmɛ bara ba naa."} {"eng": "Pilate answered them, saying, “Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?”", "sus": "Pilati naxa e maxɔrin, «Wo wama n xa Yuwifie xa mangɛ bɛɲin wo bɛ?»"} {"eng": "For he perceived that for envy the chief priests had delivered him up.", "sus": "Pilati nu a kolon a sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigie nu Isa saxi a bɛlɛxɛ tɔɔnɛ nan ma."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "sus": "كْنْ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ نَشَ حَمَ كُي عِسٌ، عَلَكٌ ثِلَتِ شَ بَرَبَسِ نَن بّحِن عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "But the chief priests stirred up the multitude, that he should release Barabbas to them instead.", "sus": "Kɔnɔ sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigie naxa ɲama kui iso, alako Pilati xa Barabasi nan bɛɲin e bɛ."} {"eng": "The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?", "sus": "Na kui, sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigi naxa a yɛtɛ xa donma suxu, a ibɔɔ xɔnɛ ra, a a fala, «Won hayi na seede gbɛtɛe ma yire?"} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ عَ مّ عَ عَلَ مَبّشُشِ كِ نَشّ! وٌ كِيتِ تٌشِ دِ؟» عٍ بِرِن نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ قَشَ نّ."} {"eng": "You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.", "sus": "Wo bara a mɛ a Ala mabɛxuxi ki naxɛ! Wo kiiti toxi di?» E birin naxa a fala a lanma a xa faxa nɛ."} {"eng": "He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.", "sus": "Isa man to gbilen e yire a sanmaya saxan nde, a naxa a fala e bɛ, «Wo xife nɛ? Wo na wo malabufe han ya? A tan nan na ki, waxati bara a li. Adama xa Di fafe sade yunubitɔɛe bɛlɛxɛ."} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "sus": "وٌ كٍلِ، وٌن شّي. وٌ عَ مَتٌ، ٱ يَنقَمَ بَرَ قَ.»"} {"eng": "Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”", "sus": "Wo keli, won xɛɛ. Wo a mato, n yanfama bara fa.»"} {"eng": "He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.", "sus": "Isa naxa a masiga dondoronti, a a yatagi rafelen bɔxi ma, a Ala maxandi na waxati xa makuya a ra, xa na sa nɔma rabade."} {"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَلَ مَشَندِ، «ٱ بَبَ، عِ نْمَ قٍ بِرِن نَ. عِ شَ ٱ نَتَنفَ يِ حَشَنكَتّ مَ. كْنْ ٱ سَفٌ نَشَ رَبَ، عِ تَن نَن سَفٌ شَ رَبَ.»"} {"eng": "He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”", "sus": "A naxa Ala maxandi, «N Baba, i nɔma fe birin na. I xa n natanga yi ɲaxankatɛ ma. Kɔnɔ n sago naxa raba, i tan nan sago xa raba.»"} {"eng": "He took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them. They all drank of it.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عِسَ نَشَ تْنبِلِ قَن تٌنفٌ. عَ مَن تٌ تَنتُي رَ سِفَ عَلَ مَ، عَ نَشَ تْنبِلِ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ عَ مِن."} {"eng": "On the first day of unleavened bread, when they sacrificed the Passover, his disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare that you may eat the Passover?”", "sus": "تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ سَلِ تٌ عَ لِ، عَ لْشْي سِنفٍ، يّشّييْرّ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ لْشْ نَشّ، عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ وَ مَ مُشُ شَ سَ سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ دٌنيِ رَقَلَ عِ بّ مِندٍن؟»"} {"eng": "“But when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not” (let the reader understand), “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,", "sus": "«وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ نَ يِ شَرَنقٍ، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ دٍ! وٌ نَ سٍ هَرَ مُشِ حَاشِ تٌ كَسَرّ نَ نَشَن شَنبِ رَ، عَ تِشِ يِرٍ عَ مُ لَن عَ شَ تِ دّننَشّ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ نَ يُدَيَ نَ تّمُي، وٌ شَ وٌ فِ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ."} {"eng": "“When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don’t be troubled. For those must happen, but the end is not yet.", "sus": "وٌ نَ فٍرٍ قٍ مّ، وٌ نَ فٍرٍ ندٍ شِلِ مّ، وٌ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ، بَرِ مَ قٌ نَ قٍ مْولِيٍ شَ رَبَ. نَ شَ مُ قِندِ مَ دُنِحَ رَحْنيِ رَ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "But about the dead, that they are raised, haven’t you read in the book of Moses about the Bush, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?", "sus": "A falafe tan, a faxamixie mu kelima faxɛ ma, wo mu nu Annabi Munsa xa Kitaabui xaran, wuri bili xa fe falaxi dɛnnaxɛ? Ala a masen nɛ a bɛ, ‹N tan nan na Marigi Alatala ra, Iburahima, Isiyaga, nun Yaxuba naxan batuma.›"} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "sus": "قَشَمِشِيٍ شَ مُ عَلَ بَتُمَ، قٌ نَشٍيٍ بَلٌشِ. نَ تَن قِندِشِ وٌ بّ تَنتَنيِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are therefore badly mistaken.”", "sus": "Faxamixie xa mu Ala batuma, fo naxee baloxi. Na tan findixi wo bɛ tantanyi nan na.»"} {"eng": "“Teacher, Moses wrote to us, ‘If a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife behind him, and leaves no children, that his brother should take his wife and raise up offspring for his brother.’", "sus": "«كَرَ مْشْ، عَننَبِ مُنسَ يِ نَن سّبّ مُشُ بّ كِتَابُي كُي، ‹شَ شّمّ ندٍ تَارَ قَشَ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ فِنّ لُ عَ مُ دِ يٌ بَرِ، عَ نَ شُنيَ نَن نَ فِنّ دْشْمَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ بْنسْي قِ عَ تَارَ مَ.›"} {"eng": "Jesus entered into the temple in Jerusalem. When he had looked around at everything, it being now evening, he went out to Bethany with the twelve.", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ سٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي. عَ تٌ فّ نَا رَبِلِنيِ بِرِن مَتٌدٍ، عٍ نُن عَ قْشِرَبِرّ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِنيِيٍ نَشَ سِفَ بٍتَنِ، بَرِ مَ كْي نُ بَرَ سٌ."} {"eng": "But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”", "sus": "يَرٍرَتِ وُيَشِ قَمَ قِندِدٍ شَنبِرَتِيٍ رَ، شَنبِرَتِيٍ قَن قِندِ يَرٍرَتِيٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, with what will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.”", "sus": "قْشّ قِندِشِ قٍ قَنيِ نَن نَ، كْنْ شَ قْشّ مّشّمّشّنيِ بَرَ بَ، عَ قَ مّشّمّشّنمَ دِ؟ قْشّ شَ لُ وٌ عِ، وٌ شَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي وٌ بٌرٍ تَفِ.»"} {"eng": "For whoever will give you a cup of water to drink in my name because you are Christ’s, most certainly I tell you, he will in no way lose his reward.", "sus": "مِشِ يٌ وٌ كِ يٍ ٱ شِلِ رَ وٌ تٌ بِرَشِ عَلَ شَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِ قْشْ رَ، ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، نَ كَنيِ مُ فَنمَ عَ بَرَايِ رَ مُكُ.»"} {"eng": "He came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing among yourselves on the way?”", "sus": "E naxa so Kapɛrɛnamu. E man to so banxi kui, Isa naxa e maxɔrin, «Wo nu na wɔyɛnyi mundun kira xɔn?»"} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍ مُ سٍسٍ قَلَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ تٌ نُ وْيّنمَ عٍ بٌرٍ بّ كِرَ شْن، عٍ نُ وَ مَ عَ كٌلٌنقٍ نّ نَشَن تِدٍ فبٌ عٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "But they were silent, for they had disputed with one another on the way about who was the greatest.", "sus": "Kɔnɔ e mu sese fala, barima e to nu wɔyɛnma e bore bɛ kira xɔn, e nu wama a kolonfe nɛ naxan tide gbo e ya ma."} {"eng": "He took hold of the blind man by the hand, and brought him out of the village. When he had spat on his eyes, and laid his hands on him, he asked him if he saw anything.", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ دْنشُي بّلّشّ سُشُ، عَ مِنِ عَ رَ تَا قَرِ مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ دّيٍ سَ عَ يَ مَ، عَ عَ بّلّشّ سَ عَ مَ، عَ قَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ سٍ ندٍ تٌمَ؟»"} {"eng": "His disciples answered him, “From where could one satisfy these people with bread here in a deserted place?”", "sus": "عِسَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «تَامِ سْتْمَ دِ يِ وُلَ كُي نَشَن يِ حَمَ وَ سَمَ؟»"} {"eng": "They all ate and were filled.", "sus": "حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ دّفٍ هَن عٍ وَ سَ."} {"eng": "A certain woman who had a discharge of blood for twelve years,", "sus": "فِنّ ندٍ نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ نَشَن شَ كِكٍ وَلِ مُ نُ عَ عِتِمَ حّ قُ نُن قِرِن بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, came; and seeing him, he fell at his feet", "sus": "سَلِدٍ يَرٍرَتِ ندٍ نَشَ قَ عَ شْن نَشَن شِلِ يَيِرُ. عَ تٌ عِسَ تٌ، عَ نَشَ سُيِدِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "Leaving the multitude, they took him with them, even as he was, in the boat. Other small boats were also with him.", "sus": "عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ حَمَ شُن، عٍ عِسَ شَنِن كُنكُي كُي عَ نُ نَشَن كُي. عٍ نَشَ كُنكُي فبّتّيٍ قَن شَنِن."} {"eng": "yet when it is sown, grows up and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches, so that the birds of the sky can lodge under its shadow.”", "sus": "كْنْ شَ عَ بَرَ بُلَ، عَ قِندِ عَ رَ، عَ بِلِ نُن عَ سَلٌنيِيٍ فبٌمَ دَنفِقٍ سَنسِ بِرِن نَ، شْنِيٍ نُ قَ عٍ تّي سَ عَ كْن نَ، نِينِ بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "But no one can enter into the house of the strong man to plunder unless he first binds the strong man; then he will plunder his house.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن، مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ سٌدٍ سّنبّمَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عَ عَ هَرِفٍ بَ عَ يِ رَ، شَ عَ مُ عَ شِرِ سِندٍن. نَ تّمُي، عَ نْمَ نّ عَ هَرِفٍ بِرِن مُحَدٍ.»"} {"eng": "He said to them, “Did you never read what David did when he had need and was hungry—he, and those who were with him?", "sus": "Isa naxa e yaabi, «Wo mu nu a xaran Dawuda naxan naba kaamɛ to a suxu, a tan nun naxee nu na a fɔxɔ ra?"} {"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "sus": "عَ سٌ نّ عَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عَبِيَتَرِ نُ قِندِشِ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ رَ تّمُي نَشّ، عَ تَامِ دٌن نَشَن قِشِ عَلَ مَ، عَ ندٍ سٌ عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ قَن يِ رَ، هَلِ عَ تٌ مُ نُ دَشَ مِشِ يٌ شَ نَ دٌن، قٌ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ.»"} {"eng": "How he entered into God’s house at the time of Abiathar the high priest, and ate the show bread, which is not lawful to eat except for the priests, and gave also to those who were with him?”", "sus": "A so nɛ Ala xa banxi kui, Abiyatari nu findixi sɛrɛxɛdubɛ kuntigi ra tɛmui naxɛ, a taami don naxan fixi Ala ma, a nde so a fɔxirabirɛe fan yi ra, hali a to mu nu daxa mixi yo xa na don, fo sɛrɛxɛdubɛe.»"} {"eng": "When Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are healthy have no need for a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ نَ مّ، عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «مِشِ يَلَنشِ هَيِ مُ نَ سٍرِبَ مَ. قُرٍ مَ نَن هَيِ نَ عَ مَ. ٱ مُ قَشِ تِنشِنتْييٍ شَ شِلِدٍ. ٱ قَشِ يُنُبِتْييٍ نَن شِلِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "They found him and told him, “Everyone is looking for you.”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ عَ تٌ، عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «بِرِن نَ عِ قٍنقٍ.»"} {"eng": "They went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath day he entered into the synagogue and taught.", "sus": "عِسَ نُن عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ نَشَ سٌ كَثّرّنَمُ. مَلَبُ لْشْي مَ، عِسَ نَشَ سٌ سَلِدٍ كُي، عَ كَوَندِ تِ قْلْ."} {"eng": "Now while they were going, behold, some of the guards came into the city and told the chief priests all the things that had happened.", "sus": "فِنّيٍ نُ سِفَقٍ تّمُي نَشّ، سْورِ ندٍ نَشٍيٍ نُ فَبُرِ كَنتَقٍ، عٍ نَشَ سٌ تَا كُي. قٍ نَشَن بِرِن نَبَ، عٍ نَشَ سَ عَ دّنتّفّ سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ، دُفِ شُنفبٍ نَشَن سِنفَنشِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عَ نَشَ عِبْو قِرِن نَ، كٍلِ عَ قُفٍ هَن عَ لَابٍ. بْشِ نَشَ سّرّن، فّمّيٍ نَشَ عِبْو،"} {"eng": "About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?” That is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ مَ، عِسَ نَشَ فبٍلٍفبٍلٍ سّنبّ رَ، «عٍلٌيِ، عٍلٌيِ، لّمَ سَبَشَتَنِ؟» نَ نَن قَلَشِ عٍ شَ شُي، «ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، عِ ٱ نَبّحِنشِ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "So when Pilate saw that nothing was being gained, but rather that a disturbance was starting, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous person. You see to it.”", "sus": "ثِلَتِ تٌ عَ تٌ عَ عَ مُ نْشِ قٍقٍ رَ، حَمَ قَن نُ وَشِ كٍلِقٍ عَ رَ، عَ نَشَ يٍ تٌنفٌ، عَ عَ بّلّشّ رَشَ عٍ يَ شْرِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «يِ شّمّ قَشَقٍ مُ نَ ٱ تَن مَ دٍ! عَ لُمَ وٌ تَن نَن مَ.»"} {"eng": "Now Jesus stood before the governor; and the governor asked him, saying, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “So you say.”", "sus": "عِسَ تٌ تِ فٌمِنَ ثِلَتِ يَ عِ، فٌمِنَ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ تَن نَن قِندِشِ يُوِقِيٍ شَ مَنفّ رَ؟» عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ تَن نَن عَ قَلَشِ.»"} {"eng": "Then Judas, who betrayed him, when he saw that Jesus was condemned, felt remorse, and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,", "sus": "يُدَ سِ، عِسَ يَنقَمَ، عَ تٌ عَ تٌ عٍ بَرَ عِسَ مَكِيتِ عَ لَن عَ شَ قَشَ، عَ نَشَ نِمِسَ عَ شَ يَنقَنتٍيَ شَ قٍ رَ. عَ نَشَ نَ فبٍتِ كٌلٍ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نَفبِلٍن سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ نُن قٌرِيٍ مَ،"} {"eng": "How then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must be so?”", "sus": "كْنْ شَ نَ رَبَ، كِتَابُييٍ شَ مَسٍنيِيٍ قَ كَمَلِمَ دِ؟ بَرِ مَ عٍ عَ مَسٍنشِ نّ عَ قٌ عَ شَ رَبَ يِ كِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "While he was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and elders of the people.", "sus": "عِسَ حَن مُ نُ فّشِ وْيّندٍ، يُدَ سِ، نَشَن نُ نَ عَ قْشِرَبِرّ قُ نُن قِرِنيِيٍ يَ مَ، عَ نَشَ قَ عٍ نُن حَمَ فبٍفبٍ، سَنتِدّفّمَيٍ نُن فبٍنفبٍتَيٍ سُشُشِ عٍ يِ رَ. سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِيٍ نُن يُوِقِيٍ شَ قٌرِيٍ نَن نُ عٍ شّيشِ."} {"eng": "When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فّ بّيتِ بَدٍ، عٍ نَشَ تٍ عٌلِوِ فٍيَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "Most certainly I tell you, wherever this Good News is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of as a memorial of her.”", "sus": "ٱ شَ نْندِ قَلَ وٌ بّ، عَلَ شَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ سَ كَوَندِ مَ دّدّ دُنِحَ بِرِن كُي، يِ فِنّ شَ كّوَلِ شَ قٍ قَن قَلَمَ نّ، مِشِيٍ شَ عٍ رَتُ عَ شَ قٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "He asked them, “Whose is this image and inscription?”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عٍ مَشْرِن، «ندٍ شِلِ نُن ندٍ مِسَالِ نَ يِ كْبِرِ كٌلٍ مَ يِ كِ؟»"} {"eng": "and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ شَ كٌنيِيٍ شّي عٍ شَ مِشِيٍ شِلِ، يِ قٍ بِنيّ نُ بَرَ رَفبِلٍن نَشٍيٍ مَ، كْنْ نَ مِشِيٍ مُ تِن قَدٍ."} {"eng": "When they sought to seize him, they feared the multitudes, because they considered him to be a prophet.", "sus": "عٍ نُ كَتَقٍ عٍ شَ عَ سُشُ، كْنْ عٍ نُ فَاشُشِ حَمَ يَ رَ، بَرِ مَ حَمَ نُ لَشِ عَ رَ، عَ نَمِحْنمّ نَن نَ عِسَ رَ."} {"eng": "Again, he sent other servants more than the first; and they treated them the same way.", "sus": "بْشِ كَنيِ مَن نَشَ كٌنيِ فبّتّيٍ شّي دَنفِ عَ سِنفٍ رَ. بْشِ رَوَلِيٍ نَشَن نَبَ بٌورٍيٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَ نَ رَبَ نٍيٍ قَن نَ."} {"eng": "But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first, and said, ‘Son, go work today in my vineyard.’", "sus": "«وٌ يِ تَالِ تٌشِ دِ؟ دِ شّمّ قِرِن نُ نَ شّمّ ندٍ يِ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ دِ سِنفٍ بّ، ‹ٱ مَ دِ، سِفَ عِ سَ وَلِ شّ مَ تٌ.›"} {"eng": "and said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them, “Yes. Did you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of children and nursing babies, you have perfected praise?’”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِسَ بّ، «عِ مُ عٍ شُي مّشِ؟» عِسَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «عِيٌ. وٌ قَن مُ نُ عَ شَرَن كِتَابُي كُي عَ تٌ سّبّشِ، ‹عِ بَرَ عَ نِيَ دِ مّدِيٍ نُن دِيْرّيٍ شَ عِ مَتْشْ؟›»"} {"eng": "Behold, two blind men sitting by the road, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, “Lord, have mercy on us, you son of David!”", "sus": "دْنشُي قِرِن نُ دْشْشِ كِرَ دّ رَ. عٍ تٌ عَ مّ عَ عِسَ نَ دَنفِقٍ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ شُي رَ مِنِ، «مَرِفِ، دَوُدَ شَ دِ، كِنِكِنِ مُشُ مَ!»"} {"eng": "He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went their way.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، ‹وٌ قَن شَ سِفَ وَلِدٍ ٱ مَ شّ مَ. ٱ وَلِ سَرٍ تِنشِنشِ قِمَ نّ وٌ مَ.›"} {"eng": "He went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace.", "sus": "عَ مَن تٌ مِنِ فّيسّفّ، سٌفٍ تٌ نُ بَرَ مَتٍ، عَ نَشَ وَلِكّ فبّتّيٍ لِ، عٍ تِشِ تَا كُي، وَلِ يٌ مُ عٍ يِ."} {"eng": "He said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”", "sus": "عِسَ قَن نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ ٱ مَشْرِنمَ قٍ قَنيِ مَ مُنقٍ رَ؟ عَلَ كٍرٍن ثٍتِ نَن قَن. شَ عِ وَ مَ عِ شَ كِسِ، عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ نَن نَبَتُ.» شّمّ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ مُندُيٍ؟»"} {"eng": "“So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will repay you!’", "sus": "عَ بٌورٍ نَشَ سُيِدِ عَ بّ، عَ عَ مَشَندِ، ‹يَندِ، دِحّ ٱ مَ. ٱ عِ شَ دٌنِ قِمَ.›"} {"eng": "Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ مَسٌ عِسَ رَ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مَرِفِ، ٱ لَنمَ ٱ شَ دِحّ ٱ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ شَ هَاكّ مَ سَنمَيَ يٍرِ؟ هَن سَنمَيَ سٌلٌقٍرٍ؟» عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ،"} {"eng": "Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you want, let’s make three tents here: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”", "sus": "ثِيّرِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِسَ بّ، «مَرِفِ، قٍ قَنيِ نَن عَ رَ مُشُ تٌ نَ بٍ يِ كِ. شَ عِ وَ، ٱ لِنفِرَ سَشَن يَءِلَنمَ بٍ، كٍرٍن عِ فبٍ، كٍرٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ فبٍ، كٍرٍن عَننَبِ عٍلِيَ فبٍ.»"} {"eng": "Behold, a Canaanite woman came out from those borders and cried, saying, “Have mercy on me, Lord, you son of David! My daughter is severely possessed by a demon!”", "sus": "كَنَان فِنّ ندٍ نَشَن كٍلِشِ نَ لٌنفٌرِ، عَ نَشَ قَ عِسَ يِرٍ عَ عَ شُي عِتٍ، «مَرِفِ، دَوُدَ شَ دِ، كِنِكِنِ ٱ مَ. حِننّ بَرَ ٱ مَ دِ فِنّ حَشَنكَتَ قٍوٌ!»"} {"eng": "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, thefts, false testimony, and blasphemies.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ مَحْشُن كٌبِيٍ، قَشّ تِقٍ، يّنّ، لَنفٌيحَ، مُحّ، تْوحّفّ، مِشِ شِلِ كَنَقٍ، نٍيٍ بِرِن قَتَنمَ مِشِ بْحّ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "He said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been made a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a householder, who brings out of his treasure new and old things.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ، سّرِيّ كَرَ مْشْ نَشَن بَرَ قَهَامُي سْتْ عَلَ شَ مَنفّيَ نِينِ شَ قٍ مَ، عَ لُشِ عَلْ بَنشِ كَنيِ نَشَن سٍ نّينّيٍ نُن سٍ قٌرِيٍ رَ مِنِمَ عَ هَرِفٍ يَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.", "sus": "عَ تٌ دِيَمَن هَفِفّ كٍرٍن تٌ، عَ نَشَ سَ عَ سْتْسٍ بِرِن مَتِ، عَ قَ نَ دِيَمَن سَرَ.»"} {"eng": "In his name, the nations will hope.”", "sus": "سِ بِرِن عٍ شَشِلِ تِمَ نّ عَ شِلِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward. He who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن نَ نَمِحْنمّ رَ سّنّ عَ شَ نَمِحْنمّحَ مَ، عَ بَرَايِ سْتْمَ نّ عَلْ نَمِحْنمّ. مِشِ نَشَن نَ تِنشِنتْي رَ سّنّ عَ شَ تِنشِنيِ مَ، عَ بَرَايِ سْتْمَ نّ عَلْ تِنشِنتْي."} {"eng": "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. Freely you received, so freely give.", "sus": "وٌ شَ قُرٍ مَيٍ رَيَلَن، وٌ شَ قَشَمِشِيٍ رَكٍلِ، وٌ شَ كُنّ كَنيِيٍ رَ سّنِيّن، وٌ شَ حِننّيٍ كٍرِ. وٌ كِشِ نّ، وٌ مُ سٍسٍ قِ. وٌ قَن شَ مِشِ كِ نَ كِ."} {"eng": "Now there was a herd of many pigs feeding far away from them.", "sus": "شْسّ فَلِ نُ نَ عٍ دّ مَدٌنقٍ نَ لٌنفٌرِ."} {"eng": "Therefore, whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.", "sus": "«وٌ وَ مَ مِشِيٍ شَ نَشَن بِرِن نَبَ وٌ بّ، وٌ قَن شَ نَ نَن نَبَ عٍ بّ. تَوُرٍتَ مُنسَ نُن نَمِحْنمّيٍ شَ كِتَابُييٍ بِرِن نَلَنشِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "so that you are not seen by men to be fasting, but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ مِشِيٍ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عِ نَ سُنيِ. نَ كُي، عِ بَبَ عَلَ نَشَن مُ تٌمَ، نَشَن مَن فُندٌ قٍ بِرِن تٌشِ، عَ قَمَ نّ عِ سَرٍ قِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "But when you do merciful deeds, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand does,", "sus": "عِ نّ مِشِ كِمَ عِ يِرٍقَنيِ رَ، كْولَ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same?", "sus": "شَ وٌ سَ مِشِيٍ فبَنسَن نَن شَنُمَ، نَشٍيٍ وٌ قَن شَنُشِ، وٌ بَرَايِ مُندُن سْتْمَ نَ كُي؟ هَلِ دُوتِ مَشِلِ كٌبِيٍ نَ مْولِ رَبَمَ."} {"eng": "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.", "sus": "سّيوّ نَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ دِحّمَ، بْشِ قِندِ مَ عٍ تَن نَن كّ رَ."} {"eng": "But he answered, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of God’s mouth.’”", "sus": "عِسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَ سّبّشِ كِتَابُي كُي، ‹مِشِ مُ بَلٌمَ تَامِ فبَنسَن شَ رَ. عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن قِندِشِ بَلٌي نَن نَ عَدَ مَ بّ.›»"} {"eng": "Jesus, when he was baptized, went up directly from the water: and behold, the heavens were opened to him. He saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming on him.", "sus": "عِسَ شُن تٌ شَ، عَ نَشَ تٍ يٍ شْورَ، كٌورٍ نَشَ رَبِ، عَ نَشَ عَلَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ تٌ فٌرٌ رَ عَ مَ عَلْ فَنبّ."} {"eng": "But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying,", "sus": "هٍرٌدٍ تٌ قَشَ، مَرِفِ شَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ مِنِ يُسُقُ مَ شِيٍ كُي مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "They shall be mine,” says Yahweh of Armies, “my own possession in the day that I make. I will spare them, as a man spares his own son who serves him.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ نَشّ، «نٍيٍ قِندِشِ ٱ مَ حَمَ يَتِ يَتِ نَن نَ. ٱ عٍ رَتَنفَمَ نّ كِيتِ سَ لْشْي عَلْ بَبَ نَشَن كِنِكِنِمَ عَ شَ دِ قَنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "If you will not listen, and if you will not take it to heart, to give glory to my name,” says Yahweh of Armies, “then I will send the curse on you, and I will curse your blessings. Indeed, I have cursed them already, because you do not take it to heart.", "sus": "شَ وٌ مُ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ، شَ وٌ مُ حَنِفٍ تٌنفٌ ٱ شِلِ بِنيَقٍ مَ، ٱ تَن مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ وٌ دَنكَمَ نّ. ٱ وٌ شَ دُبّ مَقِندِ مَ نّ دَنكّ رَ. ٱ بَرَ وٌ شَ دُبَ كَنَ بَرِ مَ ٱ مَ بِنيّ مُ نَ وٌ حَنِفٍ مَ. مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "It will happen in that day that a great panic from Yahweh will be among them; and they will each seize the hand of his neighbor, and his hand will rise up against the hand of his neighbor.", "sus": "نَ لْشْي، عَلَتَلَ مِشِيٍ يَ عِسٌمَ نّ، عٍ عٍ بٌورٍ سُشُ، عٍ عٍ بٌورٍ بْنبْ."} {"eng": "In that day,” says Yahweh, “I will strike every horse with terror and his rider with madness. I will open my eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «نَ لْشْي، ٱ سْورِ نُن عَ شَ سٌي رَدَشُمَ نّ. ٱ نٍيٍ قِندِ دْنشُي رَ. ٱ يُدَيَ بْنسْي مَتٌمَ نّ، ٱ نَن ٱ حّنفِ سَ عٍ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "The inhabitants of one will go to another, saying, ‘Let’s go speedily to entreat the favor of Yahweh, and to seek Yahweh of Armies. I will go also.’", "sus": "مِشِيٍ لُمَ سِفَ رَ يِرٍ فبّتّ عٍ سَ عَ قَلَ مّننِكَيٍ بّ، ‹وٌن شّي مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِدٍ، وٌن بِرِن نَ عَ رَ.›"} {"eng": "The word of Yahweh of Armies came to me.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ،"} {"eng": "Yes, they made their hearts as hard as flint, lest they might hear the law and the words which Yahweh of Armies had sent by his Spirit by the former prophets. Therefore great wrath came from Yahweh of Armies.", "sus": "عٍ بْحّيٍ نَشَ شْرْشْ عَلْ دِيَمَن، عٍ نَشَ تٌندِ مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ سُشُدٍ، عَ شَشِلِ سّنِيّنشِ نُ بَرَ نَشَن نَسَنبَ نَمِحْنمّ سِنفٍيٍ مَ. نَ نَن عَ رَ مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ شْنْ عٍ مَ عَ بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَ."} {"eng": "and speak to him, saying, ‘Yahweh of Armies says, “Behold, the man whose name is the Branch! He will grow up out of his place; and he will build Yahweh’s temple.", "sus": "عِ شَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، ‹مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ يِ مِشِ نَشَن شِلِ «سَلٌنيِ.» نَ سَلٌنيِ بُلَمَ نّ، عَ قَ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تِ."} {"eng": "Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the angel.", "sus": "يٌسُوٍ نُ تِشِ مَلٍكّ يَ عِ، دُفِ نْشْشِ نَن نُ رَفٌرٌشِ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "So the angel who talked with me said to me, “Proclaim, saying, ‘Yahweh of Armies says: “I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with a great jealousy.", "sus": "«نَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، ‹عِ شَ عَ قَلَ، مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ دَرِ سَلَمُ نُن سِيٌن رَقَن ٱ مَ. ٱ مُ تِنمَ عٍ شَ بِرَ شَنُنتٍنيِ فبّتّ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms. I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the nations. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them. The horses and their riders will come down, everyone by the sword of his brother.", "sus": "ٱ مَنفّيٍ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ عٍ شَ كِبَنيِ كُي. ٱ سِ فبّتّيٍ سّنبّ كَنَمَ نّ. ٱ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ نُن عٍ رَفِمَيٍ رَبِرَ مَ نّ. ٱ سٌي نُن سٌي رَفِيٍ قَشَمَ نّ عٍ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "‘Consider, please, from this day and backward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, since the day that the foundation of Yahweh’s temple was laid, consider it.", "sus": "«يَكْسِ، وٌ عَ مَتٌ عَ قَنيِ رَ، قٍ نَشَن قَمَ رَبَدٍ كٍلِ تٌ مَ هَن يَرٍ، كٍلِ يِ كِكٍ سٌلٌمَنَانِ شِ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ مَ، كٍلِ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ شَ فّمّ سِنفٍ دْشْ لْشْي مَ. وٌ شَ وٌ حْشْ سَ نَ شْن مَ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "I will sweep away man and animal. I will sweep away the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and the heaps of rubble with the wicked. I will cut off man from the surface of the earth, says Yahweh.", "sus": "ٱ عَدَ مَ نُن سُبٍ حْنمَ نّ، ٱ شْنِ بَ كٌورٍ مَ، ٱ يّشّ بَ بَا مَ. ٱ مَرَتَنتَنيِ نُن مِشِ حَاشِ حْنمَ نّ، ٱ عَدَ مَدِيٍ بَ دُنِحَ بّندّ قُحِ قَرِ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "Draw water for the siege. Strengthen your fortresses. Go into the clay, and tread the mortar. Make the brick kiln strong.", "sus": "وٌ يٍ بَ، بَرِ مَ فٍرٍ نَ قَقٍ، وٌ ندٍ سَ وٌ شَ تّتّ قَرِ. وٌ بٌورَ رَقَلَ، وٌ بِرِكِ بْنبْ."} {"eng": "Yahweh is a jealous God and avenges. Yahweh avenges and is full of wrath. Yahweh takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he maintains wrath against his enemies.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عَ فبٍحْشْمَ نّ، عَ شَ شْنّ سّنبّ فبٌ عَ يَشُييٍ مَبِرِ، عَ مُ دِحّمَ عٍ مَ مَقُرٍن مَقُرٍن."} {"eng": "The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, among many peoples, like a lion among the animals of the forest, like a young lion among the flocks of sheep; who, if he goes through, treads down and tears in pieces, and there is no one to deliver.", "sus": "يَشُبَ بْنسْي دْنشْييٍ لُمَ نّ دُنِحَ سِ فبٍفبٍ يَ مَ، عَلْ يّتّ نَشَن تِمَ وُلَءِ سُبٍيٍ تَفِ، عَلْ يّتّ يْرّ نَشَن حّرّ مَ شُرُ سٍيٍ يَ مَ، عَ قَ دُتُن ندٍيٍ مَ، عَ عٍ عِبْو، مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ عٍ بَدٍ عَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "But in the latter days, it will happen that the mountain of Yahweh’s temple will be established on the top of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills; and peoples will stream to it.", "sus": "تّمُي قَمَ عَ لِدٍ، عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ تِشِ فٍيَ نَشَن قَرِ، نَ قَمَ نّ تِدٍ فٍيَ بِرِن شُن مَ. عَ عِتٍمَ نّ تٍنتٍنيِ بِرِن بّ، حَمَيٍ لُمَ نّ سِفَ رَ مّننِ."} {"eng": "I said, ‘I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple.’", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن عِ بَرَ ٱ كٍرِ، كْنْ ٱ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ مَن قَمَ نّ عِ شَ بَنشِ سّنِيّنشِ تٌدٍ."} {"eng": "For you threw me into the depths, in the heart of the seas. The flood was all around me. All your waves and your billows passed over me.", "sus": "عِ تٌ ٱ وٌلِ بَا بْتِنِ مَ، يٍ بَرَ ٱ مَكٌتٌ، عِ نُ قَ عِ شَ مْرْنيِيٍ رَدِن ٱ مَ."} {"eng": "Then they asked him, “Tell us, please, for whose cause this evil is on us. What is your occupation? Where do you come from? What is your country? Of what people are you?”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «ندٍ يِ فبَلٌي بّندُنشِ مُشُ مَ؟ عِ مُنسٍ وَلِ رَبَمَ؟ عِ كٍلِشِ مِندٍن؟ سِ مُندُن نَ عِ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "For as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so all the nations will drink continually. Yes, they will drink, swallow down, and will be as though they had not been.", "sus": "وٌ ٱ مَ شْنّ نَشَن سْتْشِ ٱ مَ فٍيَ سّنِيّنشِ قَرِ، سِيٍ قَن قَمَ نّ نَ مْولِ سْتْدٍ هَن عٍ بْنسْي حْن."} {"eng": "“For behold, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all the nations as grain is sifted in a sieve, yet not the least kernel will fall on the earth.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «كْنْ ٱ مُ يَشُبَ بْنسْي بِرِن هَلَكِمَ. ٱ يَامَرِ قِمَ نّ عَلَكٌ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي شَ مَيٍفٍتِ. ٱ عَ عِقٍمَ نّ عَلْ مَالٍ عِقٍمَ كِ نَشّ، عَلَكٌ شْرِ قَنيِ كٍرٍن نَشَ بِرَ."} {"eng": "Though they dig into Sheol, there my hand will take them; and though they climb up to heaven, there I will bring them down.", "sus": "هَلِ عٍ فٌرٌ عَلِفِيَمَ، ٱ نٍيٍ سُشُمَ نّ. شَ عٍ تٍ كٌورٍ مَ، ٱ نٍيٍ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ."} {"eng": "Won’t the land tremble for this, and everyone mourn who dwells in it? Yes, it will rise up wholly like the River; and it will be stirred up and sink again, like the River of Egypt.", "sus": "يِ بْشِ قَمَ كَنَدٍ نَ نَن مَ. بٍكَيٍ بِرِن لُمَ سُننُنيِ نَن كُي. بْشِ سّرّنمَ نّ عَلْ مِسِرَ شُرٍ، نَشَن بَنبَرَنمَ، عَ مَن فبِلٍن.»"} {"eng": "Then Amos answered Amaziah, “I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman, and a farmer of sycamore figs;", "sus": "عَمٌسِ نَشَ عَمَسِيَ يَابِ، «نَمِحْنمّ مُ نَ ٱ نَ. ٱ بَبَ قَن نَمِحْنمّ مُ عَ رَ. شُرُ سٍ كَنيِ نَن ٱ نَ. ٱ سِكٌمٌرٌ سَنسِ قَن نَوَلِمَ."} {"eng": "“The Lord Yahweh has sworn by himself,” says Yahweh, the God of Armies: “I abhor the pride of Jacob, and detest his fortresses. Therefore I will deliver up the city with all that is in it.", "sus": "مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ كَلِ عَ يّتّ رَ. مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «ٱ يَشُبَ بْنسْي شَ يّتّ عِفبٌحَ شْنشِ. عٍ شَ يِرٍ مَكَنتَشِيٍ مُ رَقَن ٱ مَ. ٱ قَمَ نّ عٍ بِرِن هَلَكِدٍ.»"} {"eng": "Alas for you who put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near,", "sus": "وٌ عَ مَحْشُنشِ نّ عَ حَشَنكَتّ لْشْي مُ وٌ لِمَ، كْنْ وٌ عَ نِيَمَ نّ قٍ حَاشِ شَ وٌ سْتْ."} {"eng": "Take away from me the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps.", "sus": "وٌ بّيتِ شُي مَكُيَ ٱ نَ. ٱ مُ وَ مَ وٌ شَ كْرَ بّيتِ شُي رَ مّقٍ."} {"eng": "You who turn justice to wormwood, and cast down righteousness to the earth!", "sus": "وٌ تَن بَرَ تِنشِنيِ مَقِندِ ٱ نَشْنقٍ رَ، وٌ بَرَ يٌ سّرِيّ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh says: “As the shepherd rescues out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear, so shall the children of Israel be rescued who sit in Samaria on the corner of a couch, and on the silken cushions of a bed.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «يّتّ نَ يّشّي عِبْو، شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌنيِ نْمَ يّشّي سَنيِ قِرِن، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ تُلِ شُنتُنيِ رَكِسِدٍ يّتّ مَ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قَن كِسِمَ نَ كِ نّ. سَمَرِكَ نَشٍيٍ عٍ مَلَبُمَ سَدٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ مَفٌرٌ مَ دَ مَسِ مَفٌرٌ سٍيٍ كُي، وٌ تَن مُ كِسِمَ.»"} {"eng": "“It will happen afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، ٱ نَ ٱ شَشِلِ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ مِشِ بِرِن مَ. وٌ شَ دِ شّمّيٍ نُن دِ فِنّيٍ نَمِحْنمّحَ رَبَمَ نّ، وٌ شَ قٌرِيٍ شِيٍيٍ سَمَ نّ، لَامَتُنيِيٍ فٌرٌ مَ نّ وٌ شَ قٌنِكٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Don’t be afraid, you animals of the field; for the pastures of the wilderness spring up, for the tree bears its fruit. The fig tree and the vine yield their strength.", "sus": "بُرُنيِ سُبٍيٍ، هَلِ وٌ مُ فَاشُ، بَرِ مَ حٌوفٍ مَن فبِلٍنمَ نّ قِيلِ مَ، سَنسِ بِلِيٍ مَن بٌفِمَ نّ، شْرّ بِلِيٍ نُن وّنِ بِلِيٍ قَن دَشَمُي رَ مِنِمَ نّ."} {"eng": "How the animals groan! The herds of livestock are perplexed, because they have no pasture. Yes, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.", "sus": "شُرُ سٍيٍ وَ مَ دٌنسٍ قٍ رَ. يّشّي تْورْ مَ بَرِ مَ حٌوفٍ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "The meal offering and the drink offering are cut off from Yahweh’s house. The priests, Yahweh’s ministers, mourn.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ سُننُنشِ، بَرِ مَ هَدِيَ دٌنسٍ مُ نَ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي سْنْن."} {"eng": "The sword will fall on their cities, and will destroy the bars of their gates, and will put an end to their plans.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ سَنتِدّفّمَ قَمَ عٍ شَ تَايٍ لِدٍ، عَ قَ عٍ شْنيِ بِرِن كَنَ. عٍ وَشْنقٍ مُ سْونّيَمَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "But although they sold themselves among the nations, I will now gather them; and they begin to waste away because of the oppression of the king of mighty ones.", "sus": "هَلِ عٍ مِشِ نَشٍيٍ سَرَشِ سِيٍ تَفِ عٍ كَنتَقٍ مَ، ٱ عٍ بِرِن مَلَنمَ نّ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ تْورْ مَنفّيٍ شَ كٌتٍ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "They have set up kings, but not by me. They have made princes, and I didn’t approve. Of their silver and their gold they have made themselves idols, that they may be cut off.", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ مَنفّيٍ تِ ٱ مَ يَامَرِ مُ نَشَن نَ، عٍ بَرَ كُنتِفِيٍ تِ عٍ مُ ٱ مَشْرِن. عٍ بَرَ كُيٍيٍ رَقَلَ عٍ شَ فبٍتِ نُن شّيمَ رَ. نٍيٍ هَلَكِمَ نَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "Woe to them! For they have wandered from me. Destruction to them! For they have trespassed against me. Though I would redeem them, yet they have spoken lies against me.", "sus": "حَشَنكَتّ نَ عٍ بّ، بَرِ مَ عٍ بَرَ عٍ فِ ٱ شُن مَ. فبَلٌي نَ عٍ بّ، بَرِ مَ عٍ بَرَ ٱ مَتَندِ. ٱ نُ وَشِ نّ عٍ شُن سَرَقٍ، كْنْ عٍ وُلٍيٍ سَمَ ٱ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "When I would heal Israel, then the iniquity of Ephraim is uncovered, also the wickedness of Samaria; for they commit falsehood, and the thief enters in, and the gang of robbers ravages outside.", "sus": "«ٱ تٌ وَ عِسِرَيِلَ رَيَلَنقٍ، عٍقِرَ مِ شَ يُنُبِ مَن نَشَ مَكّنّن. سَمَرِ شَ قٍ حَاشِ نَشَ مِنِ كّنّ مَ. نَ يَنقَنتٍيٍ مُحّ تِمَ، عٍ يٍنسٍن يّ يِرٍ بِرِن."} {"eng": "Ephraim is oppressed, he is crushed in judgment, because he is intent in his pursuit of idols.", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِكَيٍ قَن قَمَ نّ حَشَنكَتَدٍ، بَرِ مَ عٍ بِرَشِ عٍ يّتّ وَشْنقٍ نَن قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Their deeds won’t allow them to turn to their God, for the spirit of prostitution is within them, and they don’t know Yahweh.", "sus": "عٍ شَ قٍ كٌبِيٍ بَرَ عٍ مَكُيَ عٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ. لَنفٌيحَ شَشِلِ بَرَ لُ عٍ يَ مَ. عٍ مُ عَلَتَلَ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "For the children of Israel shall live many days without king, without prince, without sacrifice, without sacred stone, and without ephod or idols.", "sus": "وَشَتِ شْننَكُيٍ كُي، عِسِرَيِلَ قَمَ نّ لُدٍ مَنفّ مُ نَ، يَرٍرَتِيٍ، سّرّشّيٍ، كُيٍيٍ، نُن عَلَ مَشْرِن سٍ شَنبِ."} {"eng": "So I bought her for myself for fifteen pieces of silver and a homer and a half of barley.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ فبِلٍن نَ فِنّ شَ كٌتٍ دْشْ رَ فبٍتِ كٌلٍ قُ نُن سُولِ رَ، نُن مّنفِ بُسَلِ كٍرٍن نُن عَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "It will happen in that day, that I will respond,” says Yahweh. “I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth;", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ. «نَ لْشْي، ٱ عِ شَ دُبّ سُشُمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Therefore behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, that she can’t find her way.", "sus": "ٱ عِ شَ كِرَ قِندِ مَ تُنبٍ كُنسِ رَ نَ نَن مَ، ٱ عِ رَبِلِن تّتّ رَ، عَلَكٌ عِ نَشَ كِرَ تٌ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word that came to Hosea the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ مَسٍنيِ تِ بٍيرِ شَ دِ هٌسٍ بّ، يُسِيَ، يٌتَمِ، عَشَسِ، نُن شٍسٍكِيَ مَنفّ شَ وَشَتِيٍ كُي يُدَيَ. يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ نَن نُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ."} {"eng": "“But go your way until the end; for you will rest, and will stand in your inheritance at the end of the days.”", "sus": "عِ تَن دَنِيّلِ، عِ شَ عِ تُننَبّشِ هَن عَ حْنمَ تّمُي نَشّ. نَ تّمُي عِ قَمَ نّ عِ مَلَبُدٍ، عِ مَن فبِلٍن كٍلِ رَ عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عِ كّ سْتْ سَامِن تِ لْشْي.»"} {"eng": "One said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be to the end of these wonders?”", "sus": "كٍرٍن نَشَ شّمّ مَشْرِن نَشَن نُ نَ شُرٍ شُن مَ، دُفِ قِيشّ رَفٌرٌشِ نَشَن مَ، «نَ قٍ مَفَاشُشِيٍ حْنمَ تّمُي مُندُن؟»"} {"eng": "But in their place, he will honor the god of fortresses. He will honor a god whom his fathers didn’t know with gold, silver, and with precious stones and pleasant things.", "sus": "عَ شَ تَا مَكَنتَشِيٍ قِندِ مَ نّ عَ شَ عَلَيٍ رَ، عَ قَ عٍ بَتُ شّيمَ، فبٍتِ، فّمّ تٌقَنيِيٍ، نُن نَاقُلِ مْولِ بِرِن نَ. عَ بَبَيٍ مُ نُ دَرِشِ نَ قٍ مْولِ رَ."} {"eng": "I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the Ulai, which called and said, “Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.”", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ مِشِ ندٍ شُي مّ كٍلِ شُرٍ رَ نَشَن شِلِ «عُلَيِ شُرٍ،» عَ عَ قَلَمَ عَ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، «يِبِرِلَ، لَامَتُنيِ تَفِرَبَ عَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who spoke, “How long will the vision about the continual burnt offering, and the disobedience that makes desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the army to be trodden under foot be?”", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ سّنِيّنتْي ندٍ شُي مّ، عَ وْيّنقٍ عَ بٌورٍ سّنِيّنتْي بّ، «يِ لَامَتُنيِ نَشَن قِندِشِ سّرّشّ كَنَقٍ رَ، تِنشِنتَرٍيَ شَ فبَلٌي، يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ مَبٍرٍقٍ، نُن كٌورٍ مَلٍكّ فَلِيٍ لُقٍ نَ نْي بُن، عٍ مَبٌرٌن، نَ بِرِن بُمَ شِ يِرٍ؟»"} {"eng": "The army was given over to it together with the continual burnt offering through disobedience. It cast down truth to the ground, and it did its pleasure and prospered.", "sus": "كٌورٍ مَلٍكّ فَلِيٍ نَشَ لُ سِكْتّ شَ نْي بُن. سّرّشّ نَشَن نُ بَمَ لْشْ يٌ لْشْ، نَ قَن نَشَ كَنَ مَتَندِ سَابُي رَ. قٍرِ نَشَ نْندِ وْلّ. عَ شَ قٍ نَشَ سْونّيَ."} {"eng": "The male goat magnified himself exceedingly. When he was strong, the great horn was broken; and instead of it there came up four notable horns toward the four winds of the sky.", "sus": "سِكْتّ نَشَ شُنفبٌ عَ قَنيِ رَ، كْنْ عَ سّنبّ تٌ فبٌ، عَ قٍرِ مَفَاشُشِ نَشَ فِرَ. قٍرِ مَفَاشُشِ نَانِ فبّتّ نَشَ بُلَ عَ حْشْي رَ. عٍ يَ نُ رَقِندِشِ دُنِحَ تُنشُن نَانِيٍ بِرِ رَ."} {"eng": "Because of the greatness that he gave him, all the peoples, nations, and languages trembled and feared before him. He killed whom he wanted to, and he kept alive whom he wanted to. He raised up whom he wanted to, and he put down whom he wanted to.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ، سِ نُن بْنسْي بِرِن نُ سّرّنمَ فَاشُي رَ عِ بَبَ يَ رَ. عَ نَ وَ نَشَن قَشَقٍ نُ، عَ نُ نَ قَشَمَ نّ. عَ نَ وَ نَشَن نَتَنفَقٍ نُ، عَ نُ نَ رَتَنفَمَ نّ. عَ نَ وَ نَشَن نَتٍقٍ نُ، عَ نُ نَ رَتٍمَ نّ. عَ نَ وَ نَشَن نَفٌرٌقٍ نُ، عَ نُ نَ رَفٌرٌ مَ نّ."} {"eng": "Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let an animal’s heart be given to him. Then let seven times pass over him.", "sus": "عَدَ مَ شَشِلِ نَشَن نَ عَ بّ، نَ مَسَرَ مَ نّ، سُبٍ شَشِلِ لُ عَ بّ. عَ لُمَ نَ كِ نّ حّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "The local governors, the deputies, and the governors, and the king’s counselors, being gathered together, saw these men, that the fire had no power on their bodies. The hair of their head wasn’t singed. Their pants weren’t changed. The smell of fire wasn’t even on them.", "sus": "مَنفّ رَ سِمَيٍ، كُنتِفِيٍ، فٌمِنَيٍ، نُن مَنفّ شَ لْننِلَيٍ نَشَ عٍ مَسٌ عٍ رَ. عٍ نَشَ عَ تٌ، تّ مُ سٍسٍ رَبَشِ عٍ قَتٍ رَ. عٍ شُنسّشّيٍ نُن عٍ شَ سٌسٍيٍ سٍسٍ مُ فَنشِ. تّ شِرِ يَتِ مُ نُ نَ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "that whenever you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe, and all kinds of music, you fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up.", "sus": "وٌ نَ سَرَيٍ، شُلٍيٍ، كْرَيٍ، نُن مَشَسٍ مْولِ بِرِن شُي مّ تّمُي نَشّ، وٌ شَ وٌ قٍلٍن بْشِ، وٌ كُيٍ بَتُ، مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ نَشَن يَءِلَنشِ شّيمَ رَ."} {"eng": "Daniel answered before the king, and said, “The secret which the king has demanded can’t be shown to the king by wise men, enchanters, magicians, or soothsayers;", "sus": "دَنِيّلِ نَشَ مَنفّ يَابِ، «مَنفّ، عِ قٍ نْشُنشِ نَشَن مَشْرِنشِ لْننِلَيٍ، سٍمَتٌي، كَرَ مْشْييٍ، نُن مَندُرُلَيٍ مَ، عٍ مُ نْمَ نَ تَفِرَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "But if you don’t make known to me the dream, there is but one law for you; for you have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me, until the situation changes. Therefore tell me the dream, and I will know that you can show me its interpretation.”", "sus": "كْنْ شَ وٌ مُ ٱ مَ شِيٍ تَفِرَبَ ٱ بّ، وٌ بِرِن قَمَ نّ نَ حَشَنكَتّ سْتْدٍ. وٌ وَ مَ ٱ مَدَشُقٍ وُلٍ نَن نَ هَن ٱ شَ ٱ مَ نَتّ مَسَرَ. وٌ ٱ مَ شِيٍ تَفِرَبَمَ ٱ بّ نَ نَن مَ كٍرٍن نَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ عَ كٌلٌن وٌ قَتَ نَ رَبَدٍ.»"} {"eng": "The border from the sea shall be Hazar Enon at the border of Damascus; and on the north northward is the border of Hamath. This is the north side.", "sus": "نَ كُي، نَ نَانِنيِ كٍلِمَ بَا شُنفبٍ نَن مَ، عَ سِفَ هَن شَسَرِ عٍنَن، نَشَن نَ دَ مَسِ كْولَ مَبِرِ. تِسَقٌنِ بْشِ نَ كْولَ نَن مَ. عِسِرَيِلَ نَانِنيِ نَن نَ كِ كْولَ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "Then he said to me, “These are the boiling houses, where the ministers of the house shall boil the sacrifice of the people.”", "sus": "نَ شّمّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «كُرِ نَن يَ، سّرّشّدُبّيٍ حَمَ شَ سّرّشّيٍ حِنمَ دّننَشّ.»"} {"eng": "The burnt offering that the prince shall offer to Yahweh shall be on the Sabbath day, six lambs without defect and a ram without defect;", "sus": "مَنفّ تَن شَ يّشّي شّمّ سٍننِ نُن يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن بَ سّرّشّ رَ مَلَبُي لْشْي. لَنيُرُ يٌ نَشَ لُ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "You shall give to the Levitical priests who are of the offspring of Zadok, who are near to me, to minister to me,’ says the Lord Yahweh, ‘a young bull for a sin offering.", "sus": "عَ لَنمَ عِ شَ تُورَ كٍرٍن سٌ لٍوِ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ سَدْكِ بْنسْي يِ رَ، نَشٍيٍ نَ بَمَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "Now the upper rooms were shorter; for the galleries took away from these more than from the lower and the middle in the building.", "sus": "كٌنكٌي نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ كٌورٍ دّكِ سَشَن ندٍ مَ، نٍيٍ نُ عِشُتُ دَنفِقٍ بٌورٍ رَ لَنبَنيِ."} {"eng": "the thresholds, and the closed windows, and the galleries around on their three stories, opposite the threshold, with wood ceilings all around, and from the ground up to the windows, (now the windows were covered),", "sus": "عَ سٌدٍ دّيٍ، نُن عَ وُندّرِيٍ، نَ بِرِن نُ رَتٌقَنشِ وُرِ قَنيِ نَن نَ، كٍلِقٍ لَنبَنيِ مَ هَن كٌورٍ."} {"eng": "Between the rooms was a width of twenty cubits around the house on every side.", "sus": "نُن سّرّشّدُبّيٍ شَ كٌنكٌي تَفِ، عَ لَن نْنفْن يَ مْشْحّن نَن مَ، عَ رَبِلِنيِ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "Then he went inward and measured each post of the entrance, two cubits; and the entrance, six cubits; and the width of the entrance, seven cubits.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، نَ شّمّ نَشَ سٌ هْرْ مْبَنشِ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ قِسَمَنتٍ كُي. عَ نَشَ عَ كِنكِيٍ مَنِيَ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ نَادّ سّيتِيٍ مَ. كَنكَن شَ فبٌي نَشَ لَن نْنفْن يَ قِرِن مَ. عَ سٌدٍ دّ لَن نْنفْن يَ سٍننِ نَن مَ. بَنشِ شّلّ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ نَ سّيتِ قِرِنيِيٍ مَ، عٍ لَن نْنفْن يَ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "He measured the length and width of the gate of the outer court which faces toward the north.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، نَ شّمّ نَشَ تّتّ سٌدٍ دّ مَنِيَ نَشَن نُ نَ كْولَ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "You shall eat fat until you are full, and drink blood until you are drunk, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you.", "sus": "نَ سّرّشّ تّمُي، وٌ وَ سَمَ نّ عٍ سُبٍ رَ، وٌ سِيسِ عٍ وُلِ رَ."} {"eng": "“‘“It will happen in that day, that I will give to Gog a place for burial in Israel, the valley of those who pass through on the east of the sea; and it will stop those who pass through. They will bury Gog and all his multitude there, and they will call it ‘The valley of Hamon Gog’.", "sus": "«نَ لْشْي، ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ فٌفٌ شَ رَفَتَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ، فُلُنبَ ندٍ كُي مِشِيٍ دَنفِمَ دّننَشّ سِفَقٍ رَ بَا دّ رَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ مَبِرِ. نَ فُلُنبَ كِرَ عِبٌلٌنمَ نّ فٌفٌ نُن عَ شَ سْورِيٍ رَفَتَدٍ شَ قٍ رَ. عٍ مّننِ شِلِ سَمَ نّ ‹فٌفٌ شَ حَمَ شَ فُلُنبَ.›»"} {"eng": "“‘“I will make my holy name known among my people Israel. I won’t allow my holy name to be profaned any more. Then the nations will know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.", "sus": "«ٱ نَ ٱ شِلِ سّنِيّنشِ مَسٍنمَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ بّ، ٱ مَن مُ تِنمَ سْنْن عٍ شَ ٱ مَبٍرٍ. سِ فبّتّيٍ قَمَ نّ عَ كٌلٌندٍ، عَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي رَ."} {"eng": "“‘The Lord Yahweh says: “Are you he of whom I spoke in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for years that I would bring you against them?", "sus": "«مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ، عَ نَشّ؛ تّمُي دَنفِشِ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ نَمِحْنمّ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نُ بَرَ عِ شَ قٍ قَلَ، ٱ عِ شّيمَ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "They won’t defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will save them out of all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. So they will be my people, and I will be their God.", "sus": "عٍ مُ قِندِ مَ سّنِيّنتَرٍيٍ رَ سْنْن، كُيٍ بَتُقٍ رَ نُن قٍ حَاشِ رَبَقٍ رَ. ٱ عٍ رَتَنفَمَ نّ نَ بِرِن مَ، ٱ عٍ رَ سّنِيّن. عٍ قِندِ مَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَ، ٱ قَن قِندِ عٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "“‘The Lord Yahweh says: “For this, moreover, I will be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them: I will increase them with men like a flock.", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ، عَ نَشّ؛ ٱ مَن عِسِرَيِلَ شَ مَشَندِ سُشُمَ نّ يِ قٍ رَبَقٍ رَ عٍ بّ. ٱ عٍ رَوُيَمَ نّ عَلْ شُرُ سٍ فَلِ"} {"eng": "You will dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers. You will be my people, and I will be your God.", "sus": "وٌ سَبَتِمَ نّ بْشِ مَ، ٱ نَشَن قِ وٌ بٍنبَيٍ مَ. وٌ قِندِ مَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَ، ٱ قَن قِندِ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ."} {"eng": "“The Lord Yahweh says: ‘In the day when he went down to Sheol, I caused a mourning. I covered the deep for him, and I restrained its rivers. The great waters were stopped. I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ عَ قَشَ لْشْي نَشّ، ٱ عَ حْن قٍ رَبَ نّ يٍ بِرِن نَ، يٍ قَ شْرِ. ٱ نَشَ دِ مِ رَ سِن لِبَن مَ عَ شَ قٍ رَ، قْتْنيِ نَشَ شَرَ."} {"eng": "Thus it was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches; for its root was by many waters.", "sus": "عَ نُ تٌقَن عَ شَ شُنفبٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ سَلٌنيِيٍ نُ كُيَ هَن، عَ سَنكٍ نُ بِرِشِ بْشِ بُن مَ ثٌن يٍ قٍنقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“‘Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: “Behold, I will bring a sword on you, and will cut off man and animal from you.", "sus": "وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ ٱ قَمَ نّ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ وٌ شَ مِشِيٍ نُن وٌ شَ شُرُ سٍ قَشَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“‘“The men of Dedan traded with you. Many islands were the market of your hand. They brought you horns of ivory and ebony in exchange.", "sus": "دٍدَنكَيٍ نُ سَرٍ سٌمَ وٌ شْنيِ سِلِ حِنيِيٍ نُن وُرِ قَنيِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "They will take up a lamentation over you, and tell you, “How you are destroyed, who were inhabited by seafaring men, the renowned city, who was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who caused their terror to be on all who lived there!”", "sus": "عٍ سُننُن سُوكِ ندٍ شَبُمَ نّ وٌ شُن مَ، نَشَن عَ قَلَمَ، وٌ شَ قٍ شُن بَرَ رَكَنَ، وٌ تَن تَا سّنبّمَ كُنكُي رَحّرّيٍ. وٌ سّنبّ نُ فبٌ بَا مَ، بِرِن نُ فَاشُمَ وٌ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "Her daughters who are in the field will be slain with the sword. Then they will know that I am Yahweh.’", "sus": "عَ شَ مِشِيٍ قَشَمَ نّ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ. نَ كُي، عٍ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word came to me, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، عَ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "The company will stone them with stones and dispatch them with their swords. They will kill their sons and their daughters, and burn up their houses with fire.", "sus": "نَ فَلِ عٍ مَفْنْمَ نّ فّمّيٍ رَ، عَ عٍ قَشَ عٍ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَيٍ رَ. عَ عٍ شَ دِيٍ قَشَ، عَ عٍ شَ بَنشِيٍ فَن تّ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "They will also strip you of your clothes and take away your beautiful jewels.", "sus": "عٍ عِ شَ سٌسٍيٍ نُن عِ شَ شُنمَسٍيٍ تٌقَنيِيٍ شَنِنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "“Therefore the Lord Yahweh says: ‘Because you have caused your iniquity to be remembered, in that your transgressions are uncovered, so that in all your doings your sins appear; because you have come to memory, you will be taken with the hand.", "sus": "«وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ؛ وٌ شَ وَلِ حَاشِ بَرَ عَ نِيَ ٱ شَ رَتُ وٌ شَ يُنُبِ دَنفِشِيٍ مَ، ٱ شَ وٌ شَنِن كٌنيِيَ كُي."} {"eng": "It had strong branches for the scepters of those who ruled. Their stature was exalted among the thick boughs. They were seen in their height with the multitude of their branches.", "sus": "سَلٌن قَنيِيٍ نُ نَ عَ بّ، نَشٍيٍ قَن مَنفّ سَوُرِ رَ. عَ نُ تِشِ سَنسِيٍ بِرِن شُن مَ عَ شَ مَءِتٍ نُن عَ سَلٌن وُيَشِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "he who hasn’t lent to them with interest, hasn’t taken any increase from them, who has withdrawn his hand from iniquity, has executed true justice between man and man,", "sus": "نَشَن مُ فٍينِ مْولِ يٌ قٍنمَ دٌنِ كُي، نَشَن عَ يّتّ سُشُمَ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَقٍ رَ، نَشَن كِيتِ تِنشِنشِ سَمَ مِشِيٍ تَفِ،"} {"eng": "that you may remember, and be confounded, and never open your mouth any more because of your shame, when I have forgiven you all that you have done,” says the Lord Yahweh.’”", "sus": "ٱ نَ فّ عِ شُن سَرَدٍ عِ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ قَمَ نّ رَتُدٍ قٍ دَنفِشِيٍ مَ يَافِ كُي، عِ قَ عِ دّ رَفَلِ عِ شَ يَافِ شَ قٍ رَ. عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "You have borne your lewdness and your abominations,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "نَ لَنفٌيحَ نُن قٍ كٌبِيٍ يَافِ لُمَ نّ عِ مَ. عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "You also bear your own shame yourself, in that you have given judgment for your sisters; through your sins that you have committed more abominable than they, they are more righteous than you. Yes, be also confounded, and bear your shame, in that you have justified your sisters.", "sus": "عِ شَ يَافِ تُن! عِ شَ حَاشُحَ كُي، عَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ عِ شُنيَيٍ نَ قِسَ عِ بّ. عِ شَ نَ كٌتٍ شَنِن.»"} {"eng": "“‘“Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, but have raged against me in all these things; therefore, behold, I also will bring your way on your head,” says the Lord Yahweh: “and you shall not commit this lewdness with all your abominations.", "sus": "«ٱ قَمَ نّ عِ شَ وَلِ سَرٍ بِرِن نَفبِلٍندٍ عِ مَ، بَرِ مَ عِ مُ عِ رَتُ عِ قٌنِكٍ تّمُي مَ. عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن نَ كِ. عِ مُ لَنفٌيحَ شَ سَ عِ شَ قٍ كٌبِ فبّتّيٍ قَرِ؟»"} {"eng": "I put a ring on your nose, earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ شُرُندّ سَ عِ حْي رَ، ٱ تُلِرَ سٌي سَ عِ تُلِيٍ رَ، ٱ مَنفّ تْنشُمَ دُ سُ عِ شُن نَ."} {"eng": "“‘“When I passed by you, and saw you wallowing in your blood, I said to you, ‘Though you are in your blood, live!’ Yes, I said to you, ‘Though you are in your blood, live!’", "sus": "«ٱ نُ نَ دَنفِقٍ عِ يِرٍ تّمُي نَشّ، ٱ نَشَ عِ تٌ عِ نَ عِ نِي مَفَفَقٍ عِ سَشِ وُلِ شْورَ. ٱ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ، ‹عِ شَ كِسِ.›"} {"eng": "though these three men were in it, as I live,” says the Lord Yahweh, “they would deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only would be delivered themselves.", "sus": "هَلِ نَ نَمِحْنمّ سَشَن سَ لُ نَا، ٱ تَن وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ، حَمَ مُ نْمَ عٍ شَ دِيٍ رَكِسِدٍ. نَ نَمِحْنمّيٍ فبَنسَن نَن كِسِمَ.»"} {"eng": "They will bear their iniquity. The iniquity of the prophet will be even as the iniquity of him who seeks him,", "sus": "عٍ بَرَ يُنُبِ سْتْ نَ كُي، نَمِحْنمّ يٌ، نُن مِشِ يٌ نَشَن مَشَندِ تِمَ عَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Therefore you shall no more see false visions nor practice divination. I will deliver my people out of your hand. Then you will know that I am Yahweh.’”", "sus": "وٌ تٌ نَ مْولِ رَبَ، وٌ مُ وُلٍ مَسٍنيِ تِقٍ سْنْن، وٌ مُ لُمَ سٍمَتٌي شَ وَلِ كُي. ٱ قَمَ نّ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَتَنفَدٍ وٌ بّلّشّ. نَ كُي وٌ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ عَ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "As for the likeness of their faces, they were the faces which I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves. They each went straight forward.", "sus": "عٍ يَتَفِيٍ نُ مَنِيَشِ يَتَفِيٍ نَن نَ ٱ نَشٍيٍ تٌ كٍبَرَ شُرٍ دّ رَ. عٍ بِرِن نُ سِفَمَ يَرٍ نَن تُن."} {"eng": "He brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold, a hole in the wall.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ ٱ شَنِن هْرْ مْبَنشِ سٌدٍ دّ فبّتّ رَ. مّننِ ٱ نَشَ يَلٍ ندٍ تٌ تّتّ مَ."} {"eng": "He said to me, “Son of man, do you see what they do? Even the great abominations that the house of Israel commit here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? But you will again see yet other great abominations.”", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، «عَدَ مَدِ، عِ بَرَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي شَ وَلِ حَاشِ تٌ، وَلِ نَشَن عَ نِيَمَ ٱ شَ ٱ مَكُيَ ٱ مَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ رَ؟ عِ قَمَ نّ قٍ فبّتّ تٌدٍ نَشٍيٍ حَاشُ نَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "The king will mourn, and the prince will be clothed with desolation. The hands of the people of the land will be troubled. I will do to them after their way, and according to their own judgments I will judge them. Then they will know that I am Yahweh.’”", "sus": "مَنفّ لُمَ نّ سُننُن نَ، عَ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ نِمِسَ، عَ شَ حَمَ بِرِن سّرّن فَاشُي كُي. ٱ عٍ مَكِيتِمَ عٍ حّرّ كِ نَن مَ، عَلْ عٍ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ. نَ تّمُي عٍ عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ ٱ تَن نَن نَ عَلَتَلَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "“The Lord Yahweh says: ‘This is Jerusalem. I have set her in the middle of the nations, and countries are around her.", "sus": "«ٱ تَن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَن يِ مَسٍنشِ؛ دَرِ سَلَمُ نَن يَ ٱ نَشَن دْشْ سِيٍ تَفِ. حَمَنّيٍ نَن نَ عَ رَبِلِنيِ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "Take for yourself an iron pan and set it for a wall of iron between you and the city. Then set your face toward it. It will be besieged, and you shall lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.", "sus": "وُرٍ ندٍ تِ عِ تَن نُن نَ وَلَشّ تَفِ. نَ شَ قِندِ مِسَالِ رَ دَرِ سَلَمُ سُشُمَ كِ نَشّ. عَ شَ قِندِ تْنشُمَ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي بّ.»"} {"eng": "For you are not sent to a people of a strange speech and of a hard language, but to the house of Israel—", "sus": "ٱ مُ نَ عِ شّيقٍ حَمَ شَ مَ، عِ مُ نَشَن شَ شُي شْرْشْي مّمَ. ٱ بَرَ عِ شّي عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي نَن مَ."} {"eng": "He spread it before me. It was written within and without; and lamentations, mourning, and woe were written in it.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ عِتَلَ ٱ يَ عِ، سّبّلِ نُ تِشِ عَ كُي نُن عَ قَرِ نَشَن تْورّ شْرْشْي شَ قٍ مَسٍنمَ."} {"eng": "When they went, they went in their four directions. They didn’t turn when they went.", "sus": "عٍ نّ سِفَمَ، عٍ نُ عٍ حّرّ مَ عٍ سّيتِ نَانِ نَن مَ، عٍ مُ نُ عٍ مَقِندِ مَ عٍ شَ حّرّ كُي."} {"eng": "Now as I saw the living creatures, behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, for each of the four faces of it.", "sus": "ٱ تٌ نُ يِ دَالِسٍيٍ مَتٌقٍ، ٱ نَشَ سَنيِ رَدِفِلِنشِ كٍرٍن تٌ بْشِ مَ كَنكَن سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "Servants rule over us. There is no one to deliver us out of their hand.", "sus": "كٌنيِيٍ نَن قَ تِشِ مُشُ شُن مَ، مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن مُشُ بَمَ عٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "He has also broken my teeth with gravel. He has covered me with ashes.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ عَ نِيَ ٱ شَ فّمّ شْرِيٍ مَشِن، هَن ٱ حِنيِيٍ بِرِن بَرَ مَفِرَ. عَ بَرَ ٱ مَبٌرٌن شُبٍ شْورَ."} {"eng": "He has made my flesh and my skin old. He has broken my bones.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ ٱ نَشْسِ كٍلِقٍ ٱ شُنيِ مَ سَ دْشْقٍ ٱ سَنيِيٍ رَ. عَ بَرَ ٱ شْرِيٍ بِرِن مَفِرَ."} {"eng": "He has cut off all the horn of Israel in fierce anger. He has drawn back his right hand from before the enemy. He has burned up Jacob like a flaming fire, which devours all around.", "sus": "عَ تٌ شْنْ عٍ مَ، عَ بَرَ عِسِرَيِلَ سّنبّ بِرِن كَنَ. عٍ يَشُييٍ تٌ نُ عٍ عِشّتّنقٍ، عَلَ بَرَ تٌندِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَلِدٍ. نَ شُننَكَنّ بَرَ لُ عَلْ تّ سٌشِ، عَ يَشُبَ شَ بْشِ بِرِن فَن."} {"eng": "“Let all their wickedness come before you. Do to them as you have done to me for all my transgressions. For my sighs are many, and my heart is faint.", "sus": "عِ شَ عٍ شَ حَاشُحَ بِرِن مَتٌ. عِ شَ عَ نِيَ عٍ قَن نَ عَلْ عِ عَ نِيَشِ ٱ نَ كِ نَشّ، ٱ مَ قٍ كٌبِ رَبَشِ مَ. ٱ مَ كْنتْقِلِ وُيَ، ٱ بْحّ تْورْشِ عَ فبٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "He spoke kindly to him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings who were with him in Babylon,", "sus": "عَ نَشَ هِننّ عَ رَ، عَ عَ شَ كِبَنيِ رَدَنفِ مَنفّ فبّتّيٍ رَ، عَ تَن نُن نَشٍيٍ نُ عَ رَ بَبِلْن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Then they took the king, and carried him up to the king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath; and he pronounced judgment on him.", "sus": "كَلِدِكَيٍ نَشَ مَنفّ سُشُ، عٍ عَ شَنِن بَبِلْن مَنفّ شْن مَ رِبِلَ عَ مَكِيتِقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he began to reign. He reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.", "sus": "سٍدٍكِيَ مَنفّيَ سْتْ عَ حّ مْشْحّن نُن كٍرٍن نَن مَ، عَ قَ حّ قُ نُن كٍرٍن مَنفّيَ رَبَ دَرِ سَلَمُ. عَ نفَ نُ قِندِشِ يٍرٍ مِ شَ دِ شَمُتَلِ نَشَن كٍلِ لِبِنَ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh of Armies says: “The wide walls of Babylon will be utterly overthrown. Her high gates will be burned with fire. The peoples will labor for vanity, and the nations for the fire; and they will be weary.”", "sus": "«عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، بَبِلْن شَ تّتّ شُنفبٍ بِرَ مَ نّ، عَ شَ نَادّ عِتٍشِيٍ فَن، عَ شَ حَمَ عَ يّتّ رَتَفَن قٍ قُقَقُ مَ، عَ وَلِ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَ بِرِن فَن تّ رَ.»"} {"eng": "For the destroyer has come on her, even on Babylon. Her mighty men are taken. Their bows are broken in pieces, for Yahweh is a God of retribution. He will surely repay.", "sus": "كَنَرِتِيٍ بِرَ مَ نّ بَبِلْنكَيٍ قْشْ رَ، عٍ عٍ شَ سْورِيٍ سُشُ، عٍ عٍ شَ شَلِيٍ عِفِرَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ فبٍحْشْي تِمَ نّ، عَ عٍ سَرٍ بِرِن نَفبِلٍن عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Don’t let your heart faint. Don’t fear for the news that will be heard in the land. For news will come one year, and after that in another year news will come, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.", "sus": "لِمَنِيَ نَشَ بَ وٌ يِ رَ، وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ وْيّنيِ رَ نَشٍيٍ قَمَ مّدٍ نَا. وْيّنيِ لُمَ قَلَ رَ نّ سّنبّمَيٍ شَ قٍ رَ نُن فٍرٍ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“Flee out of the middle of Babylon! Everyone save his own life! Don’t be cut off in her iniquity, for it is the time of Yahweh’s vengeance. He will render to her a recompense.", "sus": "وٌ شَ كٍلِ بَبِلْن بْشِ مَ. كَنكَن شَ عَ يّتّ رَكِسِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ قَمَ نّ عَ فبٍ حْشْدٍ، عَ عٍ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍن عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "As when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and its neighbor cities,” says Yahweh, “so no man will dwell there, neither will any son of man live therein.", "sus": "عَ لُمَ نّ عَلْ سٌدٌ مَ نُن فٌمٌرَ عَلَ نَشَن كَنَ. مِشِ مُ تٌمَ نَا، عَدَ مَدِ يٌ مُ سَبَتِمَ نَا. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "Kill all her bulls. Let them go down to the slaughter. Woe to them! For their day has come, the time of their visitation.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عٍ شَ تُورَيٍ بِرِن كْن نَشَبَ شُرُ سٍ كْن نَشَبَمَ دّننَشّ. حَشَنكَتّ نَ عٍ بّ، عٍ شَ كِيتِ وَشَتِ بَرَ عَ لِ."} {"eng": "Chaldea will be a prey. All who prey on her will be satisfied,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "كَلِدِ بْشِ قَمَ نّ كَنَدٍ، عٍ يَشُييٍ قَ عٍ وَشْنسٍ تٌنفٌدٍ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ.»"} {"eng": "But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, and he will not be able to hide himself. His offspring is destroyed, with his brothers and his neighbors; and he is no more.", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ نّ سٍ بِرِن بَدٍ عٍسَيُ يِ رَ. عَ مُ نْمَ عَ نْشُندٍ، بَرِ مَ ٱ نَ يِرٍ بِرِن كٌلٌن. عَ بْنسْي، عَ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ، نُن عَ دْشْبٌورٍيٍ، عٍ بِرِن شُن نَكَنَمَ نّ، عٍ بِرِن لْي."} {"eng": "Why do you boast in the valleys, your flowing valley, backsliding daughter? You trusted in her treasures, saying, ‘Who will come to me?’", "sus": "مُنقٍ رَ وٌ شَشِلِ تِشِ وٌ شَ لَاكْي وَلِ رَ؟ مُنقٍ رَ وٌ لَشِ وٌ يّتّ شَ نَاقُلِ رَ، مَتَندِلَيٍ؟ وٌ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹ندٍ نْمَ وٌن نَ؟› كْنْ وٌ سّنبّ قَمَ نّ كَنَدٍ."} {"eng": "Therefore behold, the days come,” says Yahweh, “that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and it will become a desolate heap, and her daughters will be burned with fire; then Israel will possess those who possessed him,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «لْشْي قَمَ عَ لِدٍ، ٱ قَمَ نّ رَابَ فٍرٍدٍ عَمٌنِ بْشِ مَ. عَ قِندِ مَ فبَلٌي يِرٍ نَن نَ، تَا نَشٍيٍ نَ عَ رَبِلِنيِ عٍ بِرِن فَن. نَ وَشَتِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَن بْشِ مَسْتْمَ نّ نَشَن نُ بَرَ بَ عَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "On all the housetops of Moab, and in its streets, there is lamentation everywhere; for I have broken Moab like a vessel in which no one delights,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "مٌوَبَ بَنشِ بِرِن بَرَ قِندِ حْن يِرٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ عٍ كَنَ عَلْ قّحّ قٌرِ. عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "“Prepare the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle!", "sus": "«وٌ سْورِ مَكَنتَسٍ لَنمَدِيٍ نُن عَ شُنفبٍيٍ تٌنفٌ. وٌ شَ وٌ مَسٌ فٍرٍ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "Moreover Jeremiah said to all the people, including all the women, “Hear Yahweh’s word, all Judah who are in the land of Egypt!", "sus": "عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ حَمَ نُن فِنّيٍ بّ، «وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، وٌ تَن يُدَيَكَ نَشٍيٍ قَشِ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "“Therefore Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, says: ‘Behold, I will set my face against you for evil, even to cut off all Judah.", "sus": "«نَ نَن عَ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، ٱ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَقٍ رَ وٌ رَ، ٱ شَ يُدَيَ بِرِن سْنتْ."} {"eng": "Have you forgotten the wickedness of your fathers, the wickedness of the kings of Judah, the wickedness of their wives, your own wickedness, and the wickedness of your wives which they committed in the land of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ نّيمُ وٌ بَبَيٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ رَ، يُدَيَ مَنفّيٍ شَ كّوَلِ كٌبِيٍ رَ، عٍ شَ فِنّيٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ رَ، وٌ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ نُن وٌ شَ فِنّيٍ شَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَن نَبَشِ يُدَيَ بْشِ مَ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ كِرَيٍ شْن؟"} {"eng": "the men, the women, the children, the king’s daughters, and every person who Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard had left with Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan; and Jeremiah the prophet, and Baruch the son of Neriah.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ شّمّيٍ، فِنّيٍ، دِ مّدِيٍ، مَنفّ شَ دِ فِنّيٍ، نُن مِشِ بِرِن شَنِن، سْورِ مَنفّ نٍبُسَرَدَن نَشٍيٍ تَشُشِ عَشِكَمَ شَ دِ فّدَلَيَ رَ، سَقَن شَ مَمَدِ. عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ نُن نٍرِيَ شَ دِ بَرُكِ قَن نُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "When Jeremiah had finished speaking to all the people all the words of Yahweh their God, with which Yahweh their God had sent him to them, even all these words,", "sus": "عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ تٌ فّ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِدٍ حَمَ بّ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "and said to him, “Do you know that Baalis the king of the children of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life?” But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam didn’t believe them.", "sus": "عٍ قَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عَمٌنِ مَنفّ بَالِ بَرَ نٍتَنِيَ شَ دِ سُمَيِلَ شّي عِ يِرٍ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عِ قَشَ؟» عَشِكَمَ شَ دِ فّدَلَيَ مُ لَ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "and Yahweh has brought it, and done according as he spoke. Because you have sinned against Yahweh, and have not obeyed his voice, therefore this thing has come on you.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَكَمَلِ بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عَ رَ. وٌ يِ بِرِن سْتْشِ نّ بَرِ مَ وٌ بَرَ تٌندِ عَ شُي سُشُدٍ."} {"eng": "The Chaldeans burned the king’s house and the people’s houses with fire and broke down the walls of Jerusalem.", "sus": "كَلِدِكَيٍ نَشَ تّ سَ مَنفّ نُن حَمَ شَ بَنشِيٍ مَ، عٍ قَ دَرِ سَلَمُ تّتّ بِرِن نَبِرَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh says, ‘This city will surely be given into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon, and he will take it.’”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، يِ تَا قَمَ نّ لُدٍ بَبِلْن مَنفّ شَ سْورِيٍ سَفٌي.»"} {"eng": "When he was in Benjamin’s gate, a captain of the guard was there, whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he seized Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “You are defecting to the Chaldeans!”", "sus": "عَ تٌ بُنيَمِن نَادّ لِ كٍلِقٍ دَرِ سَلَمُ، سٍلٍمِيَ شَ دِ يِرِيَ، شَنَنِيَ شَ مَمَدِ نَشَ عَ سُشُ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ نَ سِفَقٍ كَلِدِكَيٍ نَن يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "“Yahweh says, ‘Don’t deceive yourselves, saying, “The Chaldeans will surely depart from us;” for they will not depart.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ. وٌ نَشَ وٌ يّتّ مَدَشُ، وٌ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن كَلِدِكَيٍ بَرَ مَكُيَ وٌ رَ. عٍ مُ قَمَ وٌ لُدٍ."} {"eng": "But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, listened to Yahweh’s words, which he spoke by the prophet Jeremiah.", "sus": "سٍدٍكِيَ، عَ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ، نُن بْشِ حَمَ مُ عٍ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ."} {"eng": "When Jehudi had read three or four columns, the king cut it with the penknife, and cast it into the fire that was in the brazier, until all the scroll was consumed in the fire that was in the brazier.", "sus": "يٍهُدِ تٌ فّ يِرٍ ندٍيٍ شَرَندٍ، مَنفّ نَشَ مّننِ شَبَ عَ شَ سّبّلِتِ شَ قِنّ رَ، عَ عَ وْلّ تّ عِ. عَ لُ نَ نَن نَبَ رَ هَن كِتَابُي بِرِن نَشَ فّ فَندٍ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word came to Jeremiah, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ؛"} {"eng": "Fields will be bought in this land, about which you say, ‘It is desolate, without man or animal. It is given into the hand of the Chaldeans.’", "sus": "مِشِ مَن قَمَ نّ شّ سَرَدٍ يِ بْشِ مَ، وٌ عَ قَلَمَ نَشَن نَ، بٍ بَرَ قِندِ فبَلٌي يِرٍ رَ عَدَ مَ نُن سُبٍ بّ. بِرِن بَرَ لُ كَلِدِكَيٍ سَفٌ.»"} {"eng": "You have said to me, Lord Yahweh, ‘Buy the field for money, and call witnesses;’ whereas the city is given into the hand of the Chaldeans.”", "sus": "هَلِ نَ بِرِن تٌ رَبَشِ، عِ تَن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، ٱ شَ شّ سَرَ فبٍتِ رَ سٍيدٍ يَ شْرِ. ٱ نَ بِرِن نَبَشِ كَلِدِكَيٍ فٍرٍ تّمُي نّ.»"} {"eng": "and I delivered the deed of the purchase to Baruch the son of Neriah, the son of Mahseiah, in the presence of Hanamel my uncle’s son, and in the presence of the witnesses who signed the deed of the purchase, before all the Jews who sat in the court of the guard.", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ نَ كّيدِ سٌ بَرُكِ يِ رَ، نٍرِيَ شَ دِ، مَشَسٍيَ شَ مَمَدِ. ٱ بَرَ نَ رَبَ ٱ سْشْ شَ دِ شَنَمٍلِ نُن سٍيدٍ يَ شْرِ، نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ عٍ بّلّشّ قْشِ سَ كّيدِ مَ نَشَن شّ سَرَقٍ، نَ شَ قٍ سّبّشِ كّيدِ نَشَن مَ. يُوِقِ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ فٍيلِ تّتّ كُي، عٍ بِرِن نَ تٌشِ."} {"eng": "How long will you go here and there, you backsliding daughter? For Yahweh has created a new thing in the earth: a woman will encompass a man.”", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ شُرُتَرٍ، عِ ٱ مَتَندِ مَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟ عَلَتَلَ وَ مَ قٍ نّينّ رَ مِنِقٍ دُنِحَ مَ، قٍ نّينّ، فِنّ نَن قَ شّمّ تَن قٍنمَ.»"} {"eng": "Then Hananiah the prophet took the bar from off the prophet Jeremiah’s neck, and broke it.", "sus": "عَننَبِ شَنَنِيَ نَشَ كَرَقٌي بَ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ كْن مَ، عَ نَشَ عَ عِفِرَ."} {"eng": "“Therefore prophesy against them all these words, and tell them, “‘Yahweh will roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation. He will mightily roar against his fold. He will give a shout, as those who tread grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.", "sus": "«عِ شَ يِ بِرِن قَلَ عٍ بّ. عِ شَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ عَلَتَلَ شُي مَفَاشُشِ بَرَ مِنِ عَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي كٌورٍ مَ عَ شَ بْشِ شِلِ مَ. عَ بَرَ عَ شُي رَ مِنِ عَ حَاشِ رَ دُنِحَ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "Dedan, Tema, Buz, and all who have the corners of their beard cut off;", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن دٍدَن، تٍمَ، نُن بُسِ مَنفّيٍ بّ، نَشٍيٍ نَ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ."} {"eng": "Although you say, ‘The message from Yahweh,’ therefore Yahweh says: ‘Because you say this word, “The message from Yahweh,” and I have sent to you, telling you not to say, “The message from Yahweh,”", "sus": "شَ وٌ مَن عَ قَلَمَ، ‹عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ،› ٱ تٌ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ عَ وٌ نَشَ نَ مْولِ قَلَ،"} {"eng": "Therefore their way will be to them as slippery places in the darkness. They will be driven on, and fall therein; for I will bring evil on them, even the year of their visitation,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "«نَ نَن عَ رَ عٍ شَ كِرَ شْرْشْ. دِ مِ بَرَ سِن عٍ شُن مَ. عٍ لُمَ نّ بِرَ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ ٱ شَ عٍ حَشَنكَتَ. نَ وَشَتِ نَ قَقٍ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "Therefore Yahweh, the God of Israel, says against the shepherds who feed my people: “You have scattered my flock, driven them away, and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit on you the evil of your doings,” says Yahweh.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن عَ شَ حَمَ يَرٍرَتِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ، وٌ بَرَ ٱ مَ حَمَ رَيٍنسٍن نّ، وٌ بَرَ عٍ كٍرِ. وٌ مُ مّينِشِ عٍ مَ. ٱ قَمَ وٌ حَشَنكَتَدٍ وٌ شَ كٌبِحَ نَن مَ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "Inhabitant of Lebanon, who makes your nest in the cedars, how greatly to be pitied you will be when pangs come on you, the pain as of a woman in travail!", "sus": "وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ نَ لِبَن، نَشٍيٍ لُشِ عَلْ شْنِيٍ عٍ تّي كُي سّدِرِ وُرِ كْن نَ، وٌ قَمَ نّ تْورْدٍ عَ حَاشِ رَ فبَلٌي شَ قٍ رَ. وٌ قَمَ نّ لُدٍ تْورّ كُي عَلْ فِنّ نَشَن نَ دِ بَرِقٍ.»"} {"eng": "Cursed is the man who brought news to my father, saying, “A boy is born to you,” making him very glad.", "sus": "شّيرَ نَشَن ٱ بَرِ قٍ قَلَ ٱ بَبَ بّ، مِشِ دَنكَشِ نَن نُ عَ رَ. ٱ بَبَ نُ بَرَ سّيوَ نَ شِبَارُ رَ،"} {"eng": "For my people have forgotten me. They have burned incense to false gods. They have been made to stumble in their ways in the ancient paths, to walk in byways, in a way not built up,", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ مَ حَمَ تَن بَرَ نّيمُ ٱ مَ قٍ رَ، عٍ سُرَيِ فَن سّرّشّ رَ كُيٍيٍ بّ، عٍ بِرَ كِرَ فبّتّ يَءِلَنتَرٍيٍ قْشْ رَ، عٍ كِرَ قٌرِ لُ نَ."} {"eng": "At the instant I speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up and to break down and to destroy it,", "sus": "شَ ٱ نَتّ تٌنفٌ سِ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ مَنفّيَ، رَبِرَقٍ رَ، ٱ شَ عٍ هَلَكِ، ٱ شَ عٍ شُن نَكَنَ،"} {"eng": "You have rejected me,” says Yahweh. “You have gone backward. Therefore I have stretched out my hand against you and destroyed you. I am weary of showing compassion.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ ‹وٌ بَرَ ٱ نَبٌلٌ، وٌ بَرَ فبِلٍن ٱ قْشْ رَ. نَ قٍ نَ عَ رَ ٱ قَمَ وٌ سُشُدٍ، ٱ مُ كِنِكِنِ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "This is Yahweh’s word that came to Jeremiah concerning the drought:", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ عَ نَشَن تِشِ عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ، كَامّ تٌ سِن عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "“Take the belt that you have bought, which is on your waist, and arise, go to the Euphrates, and hide it there in a cleft of the rock.”", "sus": "«بّلّتِ تٌنفٌ عِ نَشَن سَرَشِ، عِ نَشَن شِرِشِ عِ تَفِ. كٍلِ، عِ سِفَ عٍقِرَتِ شُرٍ مَبِرِ. مّننِ عِ شَ نَ بّلّتِ نْشُن فّمّ لٌنفٌرِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh says, “Concerning all my evil neighbors, who touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit: Behold, I will pluck them up from off their land, and will pluck up the house of Judah from among them.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن، «سِ نَشٍيٍ سَبَتِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ رَبِلِنيِ، سِ نَشٍيٍ ٱ مَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ شَ بْشِ شُن نَكَنَمَ، ٱ نَشَن قِشِ عٍ مَ، وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ قَمَ نّ وٌ قَن كٍرِدٍ وٌ شْنيِ، ٱ قَ ٱ مَ حَمَ بَ وٌ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "that I may establish the oath which I swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey,’ as it is today.” Then I answered, and said, “Amen, Yahweh.”", "sus": "ٱ نَ ٱ كَلِ وٌ بَبَيٍ بّ نَشَن نَ، بْشِ قَنيِ قِقٍ رَ وٌ مَ شِحّ نُن كُمِ نَ دّننَشّ، ٱ بَرَ نَ رَكَمَلِ تٌ لْشْي. وٌ نَ نَ بْشِ نَن مَ تٌ.›» ٱ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَمِنَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ.»"} {"eng": "But they are together brutish and foolish, instructed by idols! It is just wood.", "sus": "دُنِحَ مِشِ قِندِشِ لْننِتَرٍ نُن شَشِلِتَرٍ نَن نَ. نَ كٌلٌنمَ عٍ شَ وُرِ بَتُي نَن كُي."} {"eng": "Who is wise enough to understand this? Who is he to whom the mouth of Yahweh has spoken, that he may declare it? Why has the land perished and burned up like a wilderness, so that no one passes through?", "sus": "«عَدَ مَدِ مُندُن نْمَ نَ قٍ قَهَامُدٍ؟ شَ عَلَ بَرَ نَ تَفِ رَبَ مِشِ ندٍ بّ، عَ شَ عَ مَسٍن مُشُ بّ. بٍ بْشِ قِندِشِ فبَلٌي بْشِ نَن نَ، عَ بِرِن فَنشِ، مِشِ مُ نَ.»"} {"eng": "But they didn’t listen or turn their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍ مُ عٍ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ، عٍ بَرَ بِرَ عٍ شَ مَحْشُن كٌبِ قْشْ رَ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ كٌبٍ تِ ٱ نَ، عٍ مُ بِرَشِ ٱ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "“Stand in the gate of Yahweh’s house, and proclaim this word there, and say, ‘Hear Yahweh’s word, all you of Judah, who enter in at these gates to worship Yahweh.’”", "sus": "«عِ شَ تِ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَادّ رَ، عِ قَ يِ وْيّنيِ مَسٍن نَا، ‹وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، وٌ تَن يُدَيَكَ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن سٌمَ يِ نَادّيٍ رَ قَقٍ تُوبِدٍ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "They have healed also the hurt of my people superficially, saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is no peace.", "sus": "عٍ مُ قٍ فبٍفبٍ رَبَمَ ٱ مَ حَمَ مَلِقٍ رَ. عٍ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹وٌ نَشَ كْنتْقِلِ، وٌ بْحّ شَ سَ.› كْنْ بْحّسَ يٌ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "“But even in those days,” says Yahweh, “I will not make a full end of you.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ «كْنْ ٱ مُ وٌ بِرِن سْنتْمَ."} {"eng": "“Your way and your doings have brought these things to you. This is your wickedness, for it is bitter, for it reaches to your heart.”", "sus": "نَ قِندِشِ وٌ شَ وَلِ كٌبِ سَرٍ نَن نَ. وٌ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَ بَرَ فبِلٍن وٌ مَ عَ حَاشِ رَ، هَن عَ وٌ سٌندٌنيِ سْشْ.»"} {"eng": "But the shameful thing has devoured the labor of our fathers from our youth, their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.", "sus": "كَبِ مُشُ دِ مّدِ تّمُي، كُيٍ رَتْنشِيٍ بَرَ مُشُ بَبَيٍ شَ هَرِفٍ شُن نَكَنَ، عٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ نُن عٍ شَ دِيٍ."} {"eng": "I will utter my judgments against them concerning all their wickedness, in that they have forsaken me, and have burned incense to other gods, and worshiped the works of their own hands.", "sus": "ٱ عٍ مَكِيتِمَ نّ عٍ شَ قٍ كٌبِ رَبَشِيٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ بَرَ ٱ قِنسِرِوَلِ، عٍ سُرَيِ فَن سّرّشّ رَ كُيٍيٍ بّ، عٍ تُوبِ عٍ بّ عٍ نَشٍيٍ يَءِلَنشِ عٍ بّلّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. You will be comforted in Jerusalem.”", "sus": "ٱ وٌ شَ تْورّ بَمَ نّ وٌ مَ عَلْ دِنفّ عَ شَ دِ شَ تْورّ بَمَ كِ نَشّ. نَ بِرِن تٌمَ نّ دَرِ سَلَمُ.»"} {"eng": "They will not build and another inhabit. They will not plant and another eat; for the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and my chosen will long enjoy the work of their hands.", "sus": "عٍ مُ بَنشِيٍ تِمَ سْنْن، مِشِ فبّتّيٍ قَ سَبَتِ نٍيٍ كُي. عٍ مُ سَنسِ سِمَ سْنْن، مِشِ فبّتّيٍ قَ نَ بٌفِ دٌن. ٱ مَ حَمَ بُمَ نّ، عَلْ وُرِ شُنفبٍيٍ. ٱ مَ مِشِ سُفَندِشِيٍ سّيوَ مَ نّ عٍ شَ وَلِ رَ."} {"eng": "They will build houses and inhabit them. They will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.", "sus": "عٍ بَنشِيٍ تِمَ نّ، عٍ سَبَتِ عٍ كُي. عٍ وُرِ بِلِيٍ سِمَ نّ، عٍ عٍ بٌفِ دٌن."} {"eng": "“For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be remembered, nor come into mind.", "sus": "«وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ قَمَ نّ كٌورٍ نُن بْشِ نّينّ دَادٍ. مِشِ مُ رَتُمَ قٍ قٌرِيٍ مَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "Who is this who comes from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? Who is this who is glorious in his clothing, marching in the greatness of his strength? “It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”", "sus": "ندٍ نَ قَقٍ كٍلِقٍ عٍدٌن بْشِ مَ، دُفِ فبٍيلِ رَفٌرٌشِ نَشَن مَ، دُفِ نَشَن يَءِلَنشِ بٌسَرَ تَا كُي؟ عَ سّنبّ فبٌ، عَ تٌقَن. عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ وٌ بّ نْندِ كِ مَ، ٱ قَشِ وٌ رَكِسِدٍ نّ!»"} {"eng": "“Foreigners will build up your walls, and their kings will serve you; for in my wrath I struck you, but in my favor I have had mercy on you.", "sus": "«شْحّيٍ يَتِ قَمَ نّ وٌ شَ تّتّ رَكٍلِدٍ، حَمَنّيٍ مَنفّيٍ وَلِمَ نّ وٌ بّ. هَلِ ٱ تٌ وٌ حَشَنكَتَ ٱ مَ شْنّ كُي، ٱ قَمَ نّ هِننّدٍ وٌ رَ ٱ مَ كِنِكِنِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "then you will delight yourself in Yahweh, and I will make you to ride on the high places of the earth, and I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father;” for Yahweh’s mouth has spoken it.", "sus": "نَ كُي وٌ قَمَ نّ سّيوَدٍ عَلَتَلَ شَ قٍ كُي، ٱ قَ وٌ شَ قٍ عِتٍ وٌ شَ بْشِ قَنيِ مَ، وٌ شَ حّلّشِنيِ نَ وٌ بٍنبَ يَشُبَ كّ نَن نَ.» عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "I was angry because of the iniquity of his covetousness and struck him. I hid myself and was angry; and he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ تٌ مِلَ يُنُبِ رَبَقٍ مَ، ٱ نَشَ عٍ حَشَنكَتَ، ٱ عٍ رَبٌلٌ، كْنْ عٍ شَ مُرُتّ نَن تُن شُن نُ مَسَمَ."} {"eng": "Among the smooth stones of the valley is your portion. They, they are your lot. You have even poured a drink offering to them. You have offered an offering. Shall I be appeased for these things?", "sus": "نَ كُيٍيٍ قِندِشِ وٌ شَ عَلَيٍ نَن نَ وٌ بِرَ مَ نَشٍيٍ قْشْ رَ. وٌ مِنسٍ سّرّشّ بَمَ عٍ بّ، وٌ سَنسِ شْرِ قِمَ عٍ مَ. عَ مُ لَنمَ ٱ شَ ٱ فبٍ حْشْ نَ قٍ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "you who inflame yourselves among the oaks, under every green tree; who kill the children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks?", "sus": "وٌ يّنّ رَبَمَ وُرِيٍ بُن مَ مِشِ كُيٍيٍ بَتُمَ دّننَشّ. وٌ دِيٍ قَشَمَ سّرّشّ رَ قٌلٍ كُي نَ كُيٍيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Yes, the dogs are greedy. They can never have enough. They are shepherds who can’t understand. They have all turned to their own way, each one to his gain, from every quarter.", "sus": "عٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ بَرٍ نَشٍيٍ مُ لُفَمَ عٍ شَ دٌنسٍ رَ. عٍ لُشِ نّ عَلْ شُرُ سٍ كَنتّيٍ نَشٍيٍ مُ فّشِ قَهَامُي سْتْدٍ، كَنكَن بِرَشِ عَ يّتّ شَ كِرَ نَن قْشْ رَ فٍينِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“For a small moment I have forsaken you, but I will gather you with great mercies.", "sus": "«عَلَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ عِ رَبٌلٌ نّ تّمُي دُنكٍ دِ، كْنْ ٱ مَن عِ مَسٌمَ نّ ٱ نَ ٱ مَ شَنُنتٍيَ شُنفبٍ كُي."} {"eng": "“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your habitations; don’t spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.", "sus": "«وٌ شَ وٌ شْنيِ رَشُنفبٌ، وٌ شَ ندٍ سَ وٌ شَ بَنشِيٍ شَ فبٌي شُن، وٌ شَ نَ بِرِن يَءِلَن عَ قَنيِ رَ،"} {"eng": "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”", "sus": "شّيرَ تٌقٍ قَ رَ فٍيَ قَرِ، قٍ قَنيِ نَ عَ رَ. عَ قَمَ نّ شِبَارُ قَنيِ رَ نَشَن بْحّسَ قِمَ مِشِ مَ، نَشَن قِندِ مَ كِسِ رَ، نَشَن عَ مَسٍنمَ سِيٌنِ بّ، «وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ نَن مَنفّ رَ!»"} {"eng": "Who among you fears Yahweh and obeys the voice of his servant? He who walks in darkness and has no light, let him trust in Yahweh’s name, and rely on his God.", "sus": "ندٍ فَاشُمَ عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ وٌ يَ مَ، عَ عَلَ شَ كٌنيِ شُي سُشُ؟ نَشَن بِرِن نَ حّرّقٍ دِ مِ شْورَ نَءِيَلَنيِ شَنبِ، عَ شَ عَ شَشِلِ تِ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ رَ، عَ لَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "The Lord Yahweh says, “Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and lift up my banner to the peoples. They shall bring your sons in their bosom, and your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders.", "sus": "وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، «ٱ نَن ٱ بّلّشّ عِتٍمَ نّ حَمَنّيٍ بّ، ٱ تْنشُمَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ قَ وٌ شَ دِ شّمّيٍ رَ عٍ بّلّشّ، عٍ شَ قَ وٌ شَ دِ فِنّيٍ رَ عٍ تُنكِ مَ."} {"eng": "The children of your bereavement will say in your ears, ‘This place is too small for me. Give me a place to live in.’", "sus": "وٌ شَ دِ نَشٍيٍ بَرِشِ يِ تْورْ وَشَتِ، عٍ قَمَ نّ عَ قَلَدٍ، ‹بٍ شُرُن وٌن بّ. وٌن شَ يِرٍ نّينّ تِ وٌن لُمَ دّننَشّ.›"} {"eng": "But Zion said, “Yahweh has forsaken me, and the Lord has forgotten me.”", "sus": "كْنْ سِيٌنكَيٍ نُ عَ قَلَمَ نّ، «عَلَتَلَ بَرَ مُشُ رَبٌلٌ، مُشُ مَرِفِ بَرَ نّيمُ مُشُ مَ.»"} {"eng": "For my name’s sake, I will defer my anger, and for my praise, I hold it back for you so that I don’t cut you off.", "sus": "ٱ شِلِ شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ مُ ٱ مَ شْنّ رَ مِنِ وٌ مَ كٍرٍنيِ رَ. ٱ مَ مَتْشْي شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ مُ وٌ رَبٌلٌ."} {"eng": "for they call themselves citizens of the holy city, and rely on the God of Israel; Yahweh of Armies is his name.", "sus": "وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ وٌ يّتّ شِلِمَ تَا سّنِيّنشِ كَنيِيٍ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ وٌ شَشِلِ تِمَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ،"} {"eng": "Behold, they are like stubble. The fire will burn them. They won’t deliver themselves from the power of the flame. It won’t be a coal to warm at or a fire to sit by.", "sus": "نٍيٍ تَن قَن لُمَ نّ عَلْ سّشّ نَشَن فَنمَ تّ رَ. عٍ مُ نْمَ عٍ يّتّ رَكِسِدٍ تّ شْورَ. سٍسٍ مُ لُمَ عٍ يِ رَ، هَلِ تّ شُنشُرِ عٍ دْشْمَ نَشَن سّيتِ مَ شِنبٍلِ تّمُي."} {"eng": "“Assemble yourselves and come. Draw near together, you who have escaped from the nations. Those have no knowledge who carry the wood of their engraved image, and pray to a god that can’t save.", "sus": "«وٌ وٌ مَلَن، وٌ قَ، وٌ وٌ مَسٌ، وٌ تَن مِشِ فِشِيٍ كٍلِقٍ حَمَنّيٍ مَ، كُيٍ بَتُييٍ مُ سٍسٍ كٌلٌن، عٍ كُيٍ مَشَندِ مَ نَشٍيٍ مُ نْمَ مِشِ رَكِسِدٍ."} {"eng": "For Yahweh who created the heavens, the God who formed the earth and made it, who established it and didn’t create it a waste, who formed it to be inhabited says: “I am Yahweh. There is no other.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَن كٌورٍ دَاشِ، نَشَن قِرِن ندٍ مُ نَ، نَشَن دُنِحَ دَاشِ عَ كِ نُن عَ كّحَ نَن مَ، عَ قَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ رَ سَبَتِ عَ مَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ، عَلَ فبّتّ يٌ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, Yahweh, who calls you by your name, even the God of Israel.", "sus": "ٱ نَاقُلِ نْشُنشِ قِمَ نّ عِ مَ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ تَن نَن عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، نَشَن عِ شِلِشِ عِ شِلِ يَتِ رَ."} {"eng": "“I will go before you and make the rough places smooth. I will break the doors of bronze in pieces and cut apart the bars of iron.", "sus": "«ٱ تِمَ نّ عِ يَ رَ، ٱ تٍنتٍنيِ مَفٌرٌ عِ بّ، ٱ وُرٍ فبٍيلِ نَادّيٍ كَنَ، ٱ وُرٍ نَادّيٍ يٍنسٍن يّ عِ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "The rest of it he makes into a god, even his engraved image. He bows down to it and worships, and prays to it, and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god!”", "sus": "عَ وُرِ دْنشْي نَن قِندِ مَ عَ شَ كُيٍ عَلَ رَ، عَ سُيِدِ نَشَن بّ عَ بَتُقٍ رَ. عَ مَشَندِ تِ عَ بّ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «ٱ نَكِسِ، بَرِ مَ عِ تَن نَن ٱ مَ عَلَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "the people which I formed for myself, that they might declare my praise.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ ٱ حَمَ نَشَن دَاشِ عَ شَ ٱ مَتْشْ.»"} {"eng": "Bring out the blind people who have eyes, and the deaf who have ears.", "sus": "حَمَيٍ شَ قَ نَشٍيٍ يَ نَ كْنْ عٍ مُ سٍ تٌمَ، عٍ تُلِ نَ كْنْ عٍ مُ قٍ مّمَ."} {"eng": "But now Yahweh who created you, Jacob, and he who formed you, Israel, says: “Don’t be afraid, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name. You are mine.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، نَشَن يَشُبَ دَاشِ، نَشَن عِسِرَيِلَ يَءِلَنشِ بّندّ رَ؛ «هَلِ وٌ مُ فَاشُ، بَرِ مَ ٱ بَرَ وٌ شُن سَرَ، ٱ بَرَ وٌ شِلِ وٌ شِلِ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ فبٍ نَن وٌ رَ."} {"eng": "You see many things, but don’t observe. His ears are open, but he doesn’t listen.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ قٍ فبٍفبٍ تٌ، كْنْ وٌ مُ وٌ حْشْ سَشِ عٍ شْن مَ. عٍ بَرَ عٍ تُلِ مَتِ، كْنْ عٍ مُ قٍقٍ قَهَامُشِ."} {"eng": "that they may see, know, consider, and understand together, that Yahweh’s hand has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ حَمَ شَ نَ تٌ، عٍ قَ قَهَامُي سْتْ، عَ نَ بِرِن قِندِشِ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي عَلَتَلَ سّنبّ وَلِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "“But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend,", "sus": "«كْنْ وٌ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ قِندِشِ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ نَن نَ. ٱ وٌ تَن يَشُبَ بْنسْي نَن سُفَندِشِ، نَشَن قَتَنشِ ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ عِبُرَهِمَ بْنسْي."} {"eng": "Even the youths faint and get weary, and the young men utterly fall;", "sus": "هَلِ دِ مّدِيٍ عٍ تَفَنمَ، سّفّتَلَيٍ بِرَ مَ،"} {"eng": "Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these, who brings out their army by number. He calls them all by name. by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power, not one is lacking.", "sus": "وٌ وٌ يَيٍ رَكٍلِ كٌورٍ مَ. ندٍ نَ سٍ يَنبَشِيٍ دَاشِ؟ عَلَ نَن عٍ يَمَرِ مَ، عَ عٍ شِلِيٍ كٌلٌن. عَ سّنبّ شَ سَابُي رَ، سٍسٍ مُ لُشِ عٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and marked off the sky with his span, and calculated the dust of the earth in a measuring basket, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?", "sus": "ندٍ بَا يٍ مَنِيَشِ عَ بّلّشّ كُي؟ ندٍ كٌورٍ وَلَشّ مَنِيَشِ؟ ندٍ دُنِحَ بّندّ مَنِيَشِ؟ ندٍ فٍيَيٍ دْشْشِ سِكٍيلِ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Behold, I will cause the shadow on the sundial, which has gone down on the sundial of Ahaz with the sun, to return backward ten steps.”’” So the sun returned ten steps on the sundial on which it had gone down.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ عَ نِيَمَ نّ سٌفٍ نِينِ شَ فبِلٍن عَ شَنبِ شَنبِ مَ دْشْ قُ عَشَسِ تٍدٍ مَ.›» نَ تّمُي، سٌفٍ نِينِ نَشَ مَفبِلٍن عَ شَنبِ شَنبِ مَ دْشْ قُ عَ فٌرٌشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Behold, I will put a spirit in him and he will hear news, and will return to his own land. I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.”’”", "sus": "ٱ قَمَ عَ شَشِلِ مَقِندِدٍ شِبَارُي ندٍ رَ، عَ قَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ. ٱ عَ قَشَمَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ مّننِ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "Isaiah said to them, “Tell your master, ‘Yahweh says, “Don’t be afraid of the words that you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me.", "sus": "عٍسَيِ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، «وٌ عَ قَلَ وٌ شَ مَنفّ بّ، عَلَتَلَ يِ مَسٍنيِ نَن تِشِ، ‹عِ نَشَ فَاشُ عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ شَ شّيرَيٍ شَ مَرَ سْتْييٍ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشٍيٍ قَلَشِ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "Have I come up now without Yahweh against this land to destroy it? Yahweh said to me, “Go up against this land, and destroy it.”’”", "sus": "بَقٍ نَ رَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مُ وَشِ ٱ شَ بٍ فٍرٍ؟ عَلَتَلَ نَن عَ قَلَشِ ٱ بّ، ‹سِفَ، عِ نَ بْشِ كَنَ.›»"} {"eng": "Behold, you trust in the staff of this bruised reed, even in Egypt, which if a man leans on it, it will go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust in him.", "sus": "عِ عِ شَ لَنلَنتٍيَ سَشِ مِسِرَكَيٍ نَن مَ قَ؟ عٍ لُشِ عَلْ وُرِ ثٌنثٌي نَشَن فِرَ مَ، عَ قَ عِ سْشْ عِ كِلْنمَ عَ رَ تّمُي نَشّ. مِسِرَ مَنفّ قِرَوُنَ نَ نَ كِ نّ مِشِ بِرِن بّ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ شَشِلِ تِشِ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "The king of Assyria sent Rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem to King Hezekiah with a large army. He stood by the aqueduct from the upper pool in the fuller’s field highway.", "sus": "عَ تٌ فّ نَ رَبَدٍ، عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ نَشَ عَ شَ سْورِ مَنفّ شّي دَرِ سَلَمُ مَنفّ شْن مَ، كٍلِقٍ رَ لَكِسِ، عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ سْورِ سّنبّمَيٍ. عٍ نَشَ تِ يٍ يِرٍ شُنفبٍ قّ مَ، مِشِيٍ نُ فَرّ سٌمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "It will blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing. Lebanon’s glory will be given to it, the excellence of Carmel and Sharon. They will see Yahweh’s glory, the excellence of our God.", "sus": "سَنسِ تٌقَنيِيٍ شَ لُ نَا، سّيوّ شُي شَ عِتٍ. عَ شَ لُ عَلْ لِبَن قْتْنيِ، عَ شَ تٌقَن عَلْ كَرٍ مٍلٍ فٍيَ نُن سَرْن يِرٍ. وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ نْرّ تٌمَ نّ نَا عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "For Yahweh has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ نَتّ نَن نَ كِ، عَلَكٌ سِيٌنِ فبٍ شَ حْشْ عٍدٌن شَ يَشُيَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "You will conceive chaff. You will give birth to stubble. Your breath is a fire that will devour you.", "sus": "وٌ تٌ نَتّ قُقَقُ تٌنفٌ، وٌ مَن قٍ قُقَقُ نَن سْتْمَ. وٌ حّنفِ لُشِ نّ عَلْ تّ نَشَن قَمَ وٌ فَندٍ."} {"eng": "Blessed are you who sow beside all waters, who send out the feet of the ox and the donkey.", "sus": "هّيرِ نَن لُمَ وٌ بّ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ سَنسِ سِمَ شُرٍ دّ رَ، وٌ تَن نَشٍيٍ تِنمَ وٌ شَ نِنفٍيٍ نُن وٌ شَ سٌقَلٍيٍ شَ عٍ دّ مَدٌن."} {"eng": "The fool will no longer be called noble, nor the scoundrel be highly respected.", "sus": "مِشِ كٌبِ مُ شِلِمَ كُنتِفِ، مِشِ تِنشِنتَرٍ مُ بِنيّ سْتْمَ سْنْن،"} {"eng": "Yet he also is wise, and will bring disaster, and will not call back his words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers, and against the help of those who work iniquity.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَ شَشِلِ نَن فبٌ، عَ قَتَ حَشَنكَتّ رَفٌرٌدٍ مِشِيٍ مَ. عَ شُي مُ كَنَمَ. عَ كٍلِمَ حَمَ حَاشِ شِلِ مَ، نَشٍيٍ مِشِ كٌبِيٍ مَلِمَ."} {"eng": "For his burning place has long been ready. Yes, it is prepared for the king. He has made its pyre deep and large with fire and much wood. Yahweh’s breath, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.", "sus": "تّ يِرٍ بَرَ يَءِلَن مَنفّ شِلِ مَ عَ رَكُيَ. عَ تِلِن، عَ عِفبٌ. يٍفٍ فبٍفبٍ مَلَنشِ نَ تّ بٍلٍبٍلٍ شَ قٍ رَ. عَلَتَلَ حّنفِ لُشِ نّ عَلْ تّ حَاشِ نَشَن فَنمَ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "He will give the rain for your seed, with which you will sow the ground; and bread of the increase of the ground will be rich and plentiful. In that day, your livestock will feed in large pastures.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَلَتَلَ تُنّ رَقَمَ نّ وٌ شَ سَنسِيٍ مَ، وٌ شَ بْشِ دَشَمُي فبٌمَ نّ. نَ تّمُي وٌ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ سِفَمَ نّ عٍ دّ مَدٌندٍ قِيلِ شُنفبٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "and when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”", "sus": "وٌ نَ سِفَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، وٌ نَ سِفَ كْولَ مَ، وٌ قَمَ نّ مَسٍنيِ مّدٍ وٌ شَنبِ رَ نَشَن عَ قَلَمَ وٌ بّ، «كِرَ قَنيِ نَن يَ، وٌ شَ وٌ حّرّ عَ شْن مَ.»"} {"eng": "As often as it passes through, it will seize you; for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night; and it will be nothing but terror to understand the message.”", "sus": "قٍ شْرْشْي نَ وٌ لِ، عَ وٌ شُن نَكَنَمَ نّ، فّيسّفّ يٌ فّيسّفّ، قّيحّن يٌ قّيحّن، كْي يٌ كْي. وٌ نَ سٌ يِ قٍ كُي، وٌ عِقُمَ نّ فَاشُي رَ.»"} {"eng": "The crown of pride of the drunkards of Ephraim will be trodden under foot.", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِ تَا يّتّ عِفبٌي سِيسِلَيٍ بِرَ مَ نّ، عٍ مَبٌرٌن."} {"eng": "It will happen in that day that Yahweh will thresh from the flowing stream of the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt; and you will be gathered one by one, children of Israel.", "sus": "نَ لْشْي، عَلَتَلَ وُرِ بِلِيٍ عِمَشَمَ نّ، كٍلِ عٍقِرَتِ شُرٍ دّ رَ هَن مِسِرَ شُرٍ دّ رَ. عَ وٌ تَن عِسِرَيِلَ شَ دِيٍ بِرِن مَتٌنفٌمَ نّ كٍرٍن كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "When its boughs are withered, they will be broken off. The women will come and set them on fire, for they are a people of no understanding. Therefore he who made them will not have compassion on them, and he who formed them will show them no favor.", "sus": "وُرِ سَلٌنيِيٍ نَ شَرَ، فِنّيٍ نُ عٍ فَن تّ رَ. حَمَ شَشِلِتَرٍ نَن نُ عَ رَ. عٍ دَالِ مَنفّ مُ كِنِكِنِشِ عٍ مَ نَ نَن مَ. نَشَن عٍ دَاشِ، نَ مُ هِننّشِ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Has he struck them as he struck those who struck them? Or are they killed like those who killed them were killed?", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ يَشُبَ بْنسْي بْنبْ نّ، عَلْ عَ عٍ يَشُييٍ بْنبْ كِ نَشّ؟ عَ عٍ قَشَ نّ، عَلْ عَ عٍ قَشَ كِ نَشّ؟"} {"eng": "For, behold, Yahweh comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth also will disclose her blood, and will no longer cover her slain.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ قَمَ نّ كٍلِقٍ عَ شْنيِ، عَ قَ دُنِحَ مِشِيٍ رَتْن عٍ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ. بْشِ وُلِ دّنتّفّمَ نّ عَ نَشَن مِنشِ، عَ مُ مِشِ قَشَشِيٍ رَفَتَمَ سْنْن."} {"eng": "Yahweh, your hand is lifted up, yet they don’t see; but they will see your zeal for the people and be disappointed. Yes, fire will consume your adversaries.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ سّنبّ فبٌ، كْنْ عٍ مُ نَ تٌمَ. عِ شَنُنتٍيَ نَشَن سَشِ عِ شَ حَمَ مَ، عَ نِيَ عٍ شَ نَ تٌ، نَ شَ قِندِ عٍ بّ يَافِ رَ، عِ شَ تّ قَ عٍ فَن."} {"eng": "The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy.”", "sus": "مِسِكِينّيٍ نُن سٍتَرٍيٍ نَشَن عِبٌرٌنمَ."} {"eng": "In this mountain, Yahweh of Armies will make all peoples a feast of choice meat, a feast of choice wines, of choice meat full of marrow, of well refined choice wines.", "sus": "يِ فٍيَ قَرِ، عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ قَمَ نّ شُلُنيِ بٍلٍبٍلٍ تِدٍ، حَمَ بِرِن شَ مِنسٍ نُن دٌنسٍ حْشُنمّيٍ لِ نَا."} {"eng": "These shall lift up their voice. They will shout for the majesty of Yahweh. They cry aloud from the sea.", "sus": "كْنْ نَشٍيٍ نَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ بِرِ، نٍيٍ عٍ شُي عِتٍمَ نّ سّيوّ رَ، عٍ بّيتِ بَ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "They will hang on him all the glory of his father’s house, the offspring and the issue, every small vessel, from the cups even to all the pitchers.", "sus": "عَ بَبَ بْنسْي شَ قٍ بِرِن فبَكُمَ نَشَن نَ، قٍ شُنشُرِيٍ نُن قٍ شُنفبٍيٍ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh of Armies revealed himself in my ears, “Surely this iniquity will not be forgiven you until you die,” says the Lord, Yahweh of Armies.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ بَرَ عَ مَسٍن ٱ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «وٌ شَ يِ يُنُبِ تَن مُ شَقَرِ مَ هَن وٌ قَشَ لْشْي.» مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن يِ كِ."} {"eng": "In that day, the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, called to weeping, to mourning, to baldness, and to dressing in sackcloth;", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ شِلِ تِ نَ لْشْي حَمَ شَ وَ سُننُنيِ كُي، وٌ شَ وٌ شُنيِيٍ بِ، وٌ شَ سُننُنيِ دُفِ رَفٌرٌ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "He took away the covering of Judah; and you looked in that day to the armor in the house of the forest.", "sus": "سٍسٍ مُ لُشِ وٌ نُن وٌ يَشُييٍ تَفِ سْنْن. نَ لْشْي وٌ نَشَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍيٍ تٌنفٌ نَشَن نُ نُ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "You that are full of shouting, a tumultuous city, a joyous town, your slain are not slain with the sword, neither are they dead in battle.", "sus": "سِنفٍ وٌ نُ شُلُنيِ رَبَمَ، وٌ نُ وٌ شُي عِتٍ حّلّشِنيِ كُي، كْنْ يَكْسِ وٌ شَ قٍ نَ دِ؟ وٌ شَ مِشِيٍ مُ قَشَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ، عٍ مُ قَشَ فٍرٍ كُي."} {"eng": "For Yahweh said to me, “I will be still, and I will see in my dwelling place, like clear heat in sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ يِ نَن مَسٍنشِ ٱ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «ٱ مَفٌرٌشِ ٱ شْنيِ شَشِلِسَ كُي، عَلْ وُيٍنيِ لُشِ سَنسِ مَ سٌفٌقُرٍ تّمُي كِ نَشّ، عَلْ نُشُي نَ تِ شّ شُن مَ حّمّ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Hyenas will cry in their fortresses, and jackals in the pleasant palaces. Her time is near to come, and her days will not be prolonged.", "sus": "شُلُمَسٍيٍ نَن لُمَ عٍ شُي رَ مِنِ رَ مَنفّ بَنشِيٍ كُي، وُلَءِ بَرٍيٍ عٍ حّرّ نَ لٌنفٌرِ بِرِن. بَبِلْن حَشَنكَتَ تّمُي بَرَ عَ لِ، عَ فبٍ مُ لُشِ سْنْن."} {"eng": "In the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up to Jerusalem to war against it, but could not prevail against it.", "sus": "يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَشَسِ شَ وَشَتِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ يٌتَمِ شَ دِ نُن عٌسِيَسِ شَ مَمَدِ رَ، عَرَ مِ مَنفّ رٍ سِن نُن عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ ثٍكَ، رٍ مَلِيَهُ شَ دِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ دَرِ سَلَمُ فٍرٍدٍ، كْنْ عٍ مُ نْ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am. Send me!”", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ ٱ مَرِفِ شُي مّ عَ مَسٍن نَ، «ٱ نَ ٱ ندٍ شّيمَ؟ ندٍ سِفَمَ شّيرَ عِبَدٍ مُشُ بّ؟» ٱ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ تَن نَن يَ. عِ شَ ٱ تَن شّي.»"} {"eng": "Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي نَ مَلٍكّ كٍرٍن نَشَ تُفَن، عَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ، تّ وٌلٍ كٍرٍن نَ عَ يِ رَ عَ نُ بَرَ نَشَن تٌنفٌ سّرّشّبَدٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Therefore Sheol has enlarged its desire, and opened its mouth without measure; and their glory, their multitude, their pomp, and he who rejoices among them, descend into it.", "sus": "عَلِفِيَمَ نَادّ رَبِمَ نّ عٍ بّ، سِيٌنِ كُنتِفِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ حَمَ شَ سٌ نَا، عَ نُن تَا شُرُتَرٍيٍ نُن مِشِ حَاشِيٍ."} {"eng": "For, behold, the Lord, Yahweh of Armies, takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah supply and support, the whole supply of bread, and the whole supply of water;", "sus": "مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ نُن يُدَيَ شُن نَكَنَقٍ رَ. عَ شَ بَلٌي نُن يٍ بَ عٍ يِ رَ،"} {"eng": "Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust, from before the terror of Yahweh, and from the glory of his majesty.", "sus": "وٌ وٌ نْشُن قَنيٍيٍ تَفِ بْشِ مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ وٌ مَكُيَ عَلَتَلَ شَ شْنّ رَ، نَشَن قَمَ عَ شَ نْرّ مَكَابَشِ كُي."} {"eng": "Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and her converts with righteousness.", "sus": "سِيٌنِ شُن سَرَ مَ نّ تِنشِنيِ رَ، تُوبِ مِشِيٍ كِسِمَ نّ تِنشِنيِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Your silver has become dross, your wine mixed with water.", "sus": "عِ شَ فبٍتِ بَرَ قِندِ سٍ كَنَشِ رَ، عِ شَ وّنِ بَرَ سُنبُ يٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Ah sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly! They have forsaken Yahweh. They have despised the Holy One of Israel. They are estranged and backward.", "sus": "حَشَنكَتّ نَ يِ حَمَ يُنُبِتْي بّ، نَشَن يُنُبِ كٌتٍ شَنِنمَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ قٍ حَاشِ رَبَيٍ رَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ دِ مُرُتَشِيٍ رَ. عٍ بَرَ مّ عَلَتَلَ رَ، عٍ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ سّنِيّنتْي مَبٍرٍ، عٍ عٍ كٌبٍ رَ سٌ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "The ox knows his owner, and the donkey his master’s crib; but Israel doesn’t know. My people don’t consider.”", "sus": "نِنفٍ يَتِ عَ كَنيِ كٌلٌن، سٌقَلٍ قَن عَ كٌلٌن عَ كَنيِ دٌنسٍ سَمَ عَ بّ دّننَشّ. كْنْ عِسِرَيِلَ تَن مُ سٍسٍ كٌلٌن، ٱ مَ حَمَ مُ سٍسٍ قَهَامُشِ.»"} {"eng": "His legs are like pillars of marble set on sockets of fine gold. His appearance is like Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.", "sus": "عَ سَنيِ سّنبّ فبٌ عَلْ قَنيٍ قِيشّ، نَشَن تِشِ شّيمَ قَرِ. عَ تٌقَن عَلْ لِبَن، عَ عِتٍ عَلْ سّدِرِ وُرِ بِلِيٍ."} {"eng": "His eyes are like doves beside the water brooks, washed with milk, mounted like jewels.", "sus": "عَ يَيٍ رَيَبُ عَلْ فَنبّ نَشٍيٍ تِشِ شُرٍ دّ رَ، عٍ قِيشّ عَلْ شِحّ، عٍ يَنبَمَ عَلْ دِيَمَن."} {"eng": "Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates, with precious fruits, henna with spikenard plants,", "sus": "عِ قَن عَلْ سَنسِ يِرٍ سَنسِ مْولِ بِرِن نَ دّننَشّ، عَلْ مَنفٌي، لَالِ، سَنسِ شِرِ قَنيِ،"} {"eng": "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that plunder the vineyards; for our vineyards are in blossom.", "sus": "«وٌ شُلُمَسٍيٍ سُشُ، نَشٍيٍ وَ مَ مُشُ شَ وّنِ بِلِ قُفَشِيٍ كَنَقٍ.»"} {"eng": "My beloved is like a roe or a young deer. Behold, he stands behind our wall! He looks in at the windows. He glances through the lattice.", "sus": "عَ فِمَ عَلْ تْوكّ، عَ تُفَنمَ عَلْ شٍلِ. عَ نَ بٍ وٌن مَ تّتّ شَنبِ رَ، عَ نَ بٍ مَتٌقٍ وُندّرِ رَ."} {"eng": "The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes, leaping on the mountains, skipping on the hills.", "sus": "«ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ شُي نَ عَ رَ، عَ نَ قَقٍ عَ فِ رَ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ."} {"eng": "I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.", "sus": "«ٱ تَن لُمَ نّ عَلْ سَنسِ قُفٍ تٌقَنيِ، نَشَن مْولِ تٌمَ سَرْن فُلُنبَ يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "My beloved is to me a sachet of myrrh, that lies between my breasts.", "sus": "ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ مَنِيَشِ سٍ سَسٍ نَن نَ، نَشَن فبَكُشِ ٱ شِحّيٍ تَفِ، سٍ شِرِ قَنيِ سَشِ عَ كُي."} {"eng": "Your cheeks are beautiful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels.", "sus": "عِ شَ تُلِرَ سٌييٍ بَرَ عِ شّرّيٍ رَتٌقَن، عِ كْنيِ رَيَبُ كْنمَفٌرٍ كُي."} {"eng": "and the doors shall be shut in the street; when the sound of the grinding is low, and one shall rise up at the voice of a bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low;", "sus": "بَنشِ نَادّيٍ بَلَنمَ نّ، مَالٍ دِن شُي دَنمَ نّ، شْنِ شُي دُندُ مَ نّ نَشَن نُ مِشِيٍ رَشُنُمَ،"} {"eng": "Yes, if a man lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember the days of darkness, for they shall be many. All that comes is vanity.", "sus": "عَ لَنمَ مِشِ شَ سّيوَ عَ شَ سِمَيَ رَ، كْنْ عَ نَشَ نّيمُ دِ مِ مَ نَشَن نُ نَ عَ شَ سِمَيَ كُي. قٍ نَشَن بِرِن قَمَ، قٍ قُقَقُ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "He who observes the wind won’t sow; and he who regards the clouds won’t reap.", "sus": "مِشِ يٌ بْنبْ قٌيٍ رَبّنقٍ رَ، نَ مُ سَنسِ سِمَ. مِشِ يٌ بْنبْ نُشُي مَتٌقٍ رَ، نَ مُ قَمَ سَنسِ شَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is mischievous madness.", "sus": "عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ قْلْمَ لْننِتَرٍحَ رَ، عَ رَحْن دَشُحَ رَ."} {"eng": "A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left.", "sus": "شَشِلِمَ بْحّ مَتِنسٍ، شَشِلِتَرٍ بْحّ حَاشُ."} {"eng": "Go your way—eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart; for God has already accepted your works.", "sus": "سِفَ، عِ عِ دّفٍ سّيوّ كُي، عِ عِ شَ وّنِ مِن بْحّ قَنيِ كُي. عَلَ وَ مَ نَ نَن شْن عِ بّ."} {"eng": "When I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done on the earth (even though eyes see no sleep day or night),", "sus": "ٱ تٌ نَتّ تٌنفٌ ٱ شَ قَهَامُي سْتْ عَدَ مَدِ شَ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشَن نَبَمَ كْي نُن يَنيِ،"} {"eng": "Don’t be hasty to go out of his presence. Don’t persist in an evil thing, for he does whatever pleases him,", "sus": "عِ نَشَ فبَتَ كٍلِدٍ مَنفّ يَ شْرِ. عِ نَشَ تِ قٍقٍ شَنبِ رَ نَشَن مُ قَن. مَنفّ عَ وَشْنقٍ نَن نَبَمَ."} {"eng": "for often your own heart knows that you yourself have likewise cursed others.", "sus": "عَلْ عِ تَن يَتِ بَرَ عَ رَبَ سَنيَ وُيَشِ مِشِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise than for a man to hear the song of fools.", "sus": "شَشِلِمَ شَ شُرُي قِسَ شَشِلِتَرٍ شَ مَتْشْي بّ."} {"eng": "For who knows what is good for man in life, all the days of his vain life which he spends like a shadow? For who can tell a man what will be after him under the sun?", "sus": "ندٍ عَ كٌلٌن قٍ نَشَن قَن عَدَ مَدِ بّ عَ شَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ كُي، نَشَن دَنفِمَ مَقُرٍن مَقُرٍن عَلْ نِينِ؟ ندٍ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ عَ بّ قٍ نَشَن نَبَمَ عَ قَشَ شَنبِ؟"} {"eng": "Therefore I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his works, for that is his portion; for who can bring him to see what will be after him?", "sus": "ٱ عَ كٌلٌن قٍقٍ مُ نَ نَشَن قَن عَدَ مَدِ بّ، قٌ عَ سّيوَ عَ شَ وَلِ كُي. نَ نَن قِندِشِ عَلَ شَ مَرَفِرِ رَ عَدَ مَدِ بّ. ندٍ نْمَ عَ مَسٍندٍ عَ بّ نَشَن قَمَ رَبَدٍ عَ دَنفِ شَنبِ؟"} {"eng": "Who knows the spirit of man, whether it goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, whether it goes downward to the earth?”", "sus": "ندٍ عَ كٌلٌن شَ مِشِ قَشَشِ شَشِلِ تٍمَ كٌورٍ نّ، شَ سُبٍ قَشَشِ شَشِلِ فٌرٌ مَ بْشِ نّ؟"} {"eng": "I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it; and God has done it, that men should fear before him.", "sus": "ٱ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَ شَ وَلِ بِرِن بُمَ نّ عَبَدَن. سٍسٍ مُ سَمَ عَ شُن مَ، سٍسٍ مُ بَمَ عَ رَ. عَلَ قٍ رَبَمَ نّ عَلَكٌ عَدَ مَدِ شَ فَاشُ عَ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "Then I said in my heart, “As it happens to the fool, so will it happen even to me; and why was I then more wise?” Then I said in my heart that this also is vanity.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ رَ ٱ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن، شَ ٱ تَن نُن شَشِلِتَرٍ بِرِن قَشَمَ نّ، ٱ مَ شَشِلِمَيَ تِدٍ قَ نَ مُنسٍ رَ؟ ٱ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ يّتّ بّ، «شَشِلِمَيَ قَن قٍ قُقَقُ نَن عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I said to myself, “Behold, I have obtained for myself great wisdom above all who were before me in Jerusalem. Yes, my heart has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.”", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن ٱ يّتّ مَ، عَ ٱ تَن بَرَ لْننِ قٍن دَنفِ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَنفّ بِرِن نَ، نَشٍيٍ سِنفٍ قَ ٱ تَن يَرَ. ٱ بَرَ لْننِ نُن قٍ كٌلٌنيِ فبٍفبٍ سْتْ دُنِحَ شَ قٍ مَ."} {"eng": "That which is crooked can’t be made straight; and that which is lacking can’t be counted.", "sus": "نَشَن كُنتِنشِ، نَ مُ نْمَ مَتِنشِندٍ، نَشَن لُشِ، نَ مُ نْمَ كَمَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "She opens her arms to the poor; yes, she extends her hands to the needy.", "sus": "عَ سٍتَرٍ كِمَ، عَ مِسِكِينّ مَلِمَ."} {"eng": "She arms her waist with strength, and makes her arms strong.", "sus": "عَ تُننَبّشِ، عَ وَلِمَ سّنبّ رَ."} {"eng": "For as the churning of milk produces butter, and the wringing of the nose produces blood, so the forcing of wrath produces strife.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ شِحّ نَ بْنبْ، عَ بِنيَمَ نّ، حْي نَ دِن، وُلِ مِنِمَ نّ، شْنّ شُن نَ مَسَ، عَ قِندِ مَ نّ فٍرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "For a servant when he is king, a fool when he is filled with food,", "sus": "عٍ تَن نَن يَ؛ كٌنيِ قِندِقٍ مَنفّ رَ، شَشِلِتَرٍ قِندِقٍ بَننَ رَ،"} {"eng": "When the wicked increase, sin increases; but the righteous will see their downfall.", "sus": "مِشِ حَاشِيٍ نَ سّنبّ سْتْ، يُنُبِيٍ فبٌمَ نّ، كْنْ تِنشِنتْييٍ قَمَ نّ عٍ شُننَفٌرٍ تٌدٍ."} {"eng": "A tyrannical ruler lacks judgment. One who hates ill-gotten gain will have long days.", "sus": "مَنفّ شَشِلِتَرٍ مِشِ تْورْ مَ نّ، كْنْ مَنفّ نَشَن نَاقُلِ تِنشِنتَرٍ شْنمَ، نَ سِمَيَ شْنكُيٍ سْتْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Know well the state of your flocks, and pay attention to your herds,", "sus": "عِ شَ عِ شَ شُرُ سٍ بِرِن كٌلٌن عَ قَنيِ رَ، عِ شَ مّينِ عٍ مَ،"} {"eng": "A lying tongue hates those it hurts; and a flattering mouth works ruin.", "sus": "وُلٍ قَلّ تْوحّفّتْي نَن شْنمَ، مِشِ نَشَن عَ بٌورٍ مَتْشْمَ وُلٍ رَ، نَ كَسَرّ نَن تُن نَبَمَ."} {"eng": "As an archer who wounds all, so is he who hires a fool or he who hires those who pass by.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن وَلِ سٌمَ شَشِلِتَرٍ يِ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ مِشِ يِ رَ عَ مُ نَشَن كٌلٌن، نَ لُشِ نّ عَلْ سْورِ نَشَن تَنبّ وٌلِمَ حَمَ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "As one who takes away a garment in cold weather, or vinegar on soda, so is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن سِفِ سَمَ مِشِ سُننُنشِ يَ شْرِ، نَ مَنِيَ مِشِ رَ نَشَن شِنبٍلِ دُفِ بَمَ قُرٍ مَ مَ شِنبٍلِ تّمُي. عَ شَ سُننُنيِ شُن نَن تُن مَسَمَ عَلْ مِشِ نَ فبّنفبّ سَ قِ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Behold, it was all grown over with thorns. Its surface was covered with nettles, and its stone wall was broken down.", "sus": "ٱ تُنبٍيٍ نُن حٌوفٍ حَاشِيٍ نَن تُن تٌ نَا. تّتّ قَن نُ بِرَشِ."} {"eng": "Don’t say, “I will do to him as he has done to me; I will repay the man according to his work.”", "sus": "عِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «عَ نَشَن نَبَشِ ٱ نَ، قٌ ٱ قَن نَ رَبَ عَ رَ، ٱ عَ شَ وَلِ كٌبِ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ نّ عَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "by knowledge the rooms are filled with all rare and beautiful treasure.", "sus": "قٍ كٌلٌنيِ عَ نِيَمَ نّ عٍ شَ هَرِفٍ سْتْ، هَرِفٍ هَفِفّ نَشَن مَنِيّ مُ نَ."} {"eng": "The way of the guilty is devious, but the conduct of the innocent is upright.", "sus": "مِشِ كٌبِ مُ تِنشِن، كْنْ مِشِ قَنيِ عَ حّرّ مَ كِرَ تِنشِنشِ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "Love and faithfulness keep the king safe. His throne is sustained by love.", "sus": "شَنُنتٍيَ نُن دُفُتّفّحَ مَنفّ كَنتَمَ نّ. مَنفّ كِبَنيِ سَبَتِمَ نّ مَنفّ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Many will entreat the favor of a ruler, and everyone is a friend to a man who gives gifts.", "sus": "مِشِ فبٍفبٍ كَتَمَ عٍ يّتّ رَقَندٍ كِنِكِنِنتٍيٍ مَ، بِرِن بِرَ مَ نّ مِشِ قْشْ رَ نَشَن كِ تِمَ."} {"eng": "The words of a man’s mouth are like deep waters. The fountain of wisdom is like a flowing brook.", "sus": "عَدَ مَ شَ وْيّنيِ تِلِن عَلْ بَا، عَ لْننِ رَ مِنِمَ نَشَن لُشِ عَلْ دُلٌنيِ يٍ قَنيِ."} {"eng": "Whoever rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشَن قٍ قَنيِ حْشْمَ قٍ حَاشِ رَ، قٍ حَاشِ مُ مَكُيَمَ نَ شَ بَنشِ رَ."} {"eng": "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from Yahweh.", "sus": "مِشِ كَندَ بُنمَ قٍ ندٍ مَ، كْنْ قٍ بِرِن نَفِرِ مَنفّ نَ عَلَتَلَ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "It is an abomination for kings to do wrong, for the throne is established by righteousness.", "sus": "قٍ حَاشِ مُ رَقَن مَنفّيٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ تِنشِنيِ نَن مَنفّ كِبَنيِ مَبَنبَنمَ."} {"eng": "The heart of the righteous weighs answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes out evil.", "sus": "تِنشِنتْي قٍ مَتٌمَ نّ عَ قَنيِ رَ بٍينُ عَ شَ يَابِ ندٍ قِ، كْنْ قٍ حَاشِ مَقُرَ مِنِدٍ مِشِ حَاشِ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live.", "sus": "مِلَنتٍ قِندِ مَ نّ تْورّ رَ عَ شَ دٍنبَيَ بّ، كْنْ نَشَن مُ وَ مَ فٍينِ تِنشِنتَرٍ شْن، نَ كَنيِ كِسِ نَن سْتْمَ."} {"eng": "Folly is joy to one who is void of wisdom, but a man of understanding keeps his way straight.", "sus": "شَشِلِتَرٍحَ رَقَن لْننِتَرٍ مَ، كْنْ شَشِلِمَ شَ كِرَ تِنشِن."} {"eng": "The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so with the heart of fools.", "sus": "لْننِلَيٍ شَ وْيّنيِيٍ شَشِلِ قِمَ نّ مِشِ مَ، كْنْ قٍ قَنيِ يٌ مُ نَ لْننِتَرٍيٍ بْحّ كُي."} {"eng": "A truthful witness saves souls, but a false witness is deceitful.", "sus": "سٍيدٍ نْندِ قَلّ مِشِ نِي رَتَنفَمَ نّ، كْنْ وُلٍ قَلّ مِشِ مَدَشُمَ تُن."} {"eng": "The wisdom of the prudent is to think about his way, but the folly of fools is deceit.", "sus": "لْننِلَ عَ حْشْ سَمَ نّ عَ حّرّ كِ شْن مَ، لْننِتَرٍ تَن عَ يّتّ مَدَشُمَ نّ."} {"eng": "A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a trustworthy envoy gains healing.", "sus": "شّيرَ تِنشِنتَرٍ قِندِ مَ تْورّ نَن سَابُي رَ، شّيرَ تِنشِنشِ تَن قَمَ يَلَنيِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "Wealth gained dishonestly dwindles away, but he who gathers by hand makes it grow.", "sus": "هَرِفٍ نَشَن سْتْمَ تِنشِنتَرٍيَ كُي، عَ سِفَمَ شُرُن نَ نّ، كْنْ هَرِفٍ نَشَن سْتْمَ دْيِ دْيِ تِنشِنيِ كُي، نَ سِفَمَ فبٌ رَ نّ."} {"eng": "Truth’s lips will be established forever, but a lying tongue is only momentary.", "sus": "نْندِ قَلّ شَ مَسٍنيِ مُ مَسَرَ مَ، كْنْ وُلٍ قَلّ شَ مَسٍنيِ لُمَ نّ مَسَرَ رَ."} {"eng": "A man shall be commended according to his wisdom, but he who has a warped mind shall be despised.", "sus": "حَمَ لْننِلَيٍ مَتْشْمَ نّ، كْنْ بْحّ حَاشِ كَنيِيٍ، عٍ يٌمَ نّ نٍيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "The thoughts of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.", "sus": "مِشِ تِنشِنشِيٍ شَ مَحْشُنيِ قَن، كْنْ مِشِ حَاشِ شَ مَرَ سِ مِشِ مَدَشُمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Those who are perverse in heart are an abomination to Yahweh, but those whose ways are blameless are his delight.", "sus": "بْحّ حَاشِ مُ رَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَ وَ مَ تِنشِنيِ نَن شْن."} {"eng": "When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more; but the righteous stand firm forever.", "sus": "قٍ شْرْشْي نَ قَ، مِشِ حَاشِ يٌ مُ تِمَ، كْنْ تِنشِنتْي تَن تِمَ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but violence covers the mouth of the wicked.", "sus": "بَرَكّ نَ مِشِ تِنشِنشِ قْشْ رَ، فبَلٌي بِرَ نّ تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was born;", "sus": "ٱ بَرِ نّ بٍينُن فٍيَيٍ شَ مِنِ،"} {"eng": "All the words of my mouth are in righteousness. There is nothing crooked or perverse in them.", "sus": "ٱ مَ وْيّنيِ بِرِن تِنشِن، وُلٍ نُن سّنِيّنتَرٍحَ يٌ مُ نَ عٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "Hear, for I will speak excellent things. The opening of my lips is for right things.", "sus": "وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ هَفِفّ رَ، مَسٍنيِ تِنشِنشِ نَشَن مِنِمَ ٱ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "“I call to you men! I send my voice to the sons of mankind.", "sus": "«عَدَ مَدِيٍ، ٱ نَ وٌ تَن نَن مَشِلِقٍ، مَسٍنيِ نَ ٱ يِ رَ عِبُنَدَ مَ بِرِن بّ."} {"eng": "Come, let’s take our fill of loving until the morning. Let’s solace ourselves with loving.", "sus": "قَ بٍ، وٌن شَ يّنّ رَبَ هَن فّيسّفّ، وٌن شَ وٌن وَشْنيِ بِرِن نَبَ،"} {"eng": "He won’t regard any ransom, neither will he rest content, though you give many gifts.", "sus": "عَ بْحّ مُ فٌرٌ مَ كْبِرِ رَ. هَلِ عِ عَ فبٍفبٍ قِ عَ مَ، عَ مُ عَ رَ سُشُمَ."} {"eng": "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep—", "sus": "شِشْلِ نَ عِ سُشُ، عِ نَ كِنسْن، عِ نَ عِ سَ،"} {"eng": "My son, if you have become collateral for your neighbor, if you have struck your hands in pledge for a stranger,", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ، شَ عِ عِ يّتّ تَانِشِ عِ بٌورٍ ندٍ بّ، عِ قِندِشِ هَمِلُ رَ عَ بّ عٍ نُن مِشِ فبّتّ تَفِ،"} {"eng": "Listen, my son, and receive my sayings. The years of your life will be many.", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ، شَ عِ عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ رَ، عِ شَ سِمَيَ شْن كُيَمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Esteem her, and she will exalt you. She will bring you to honor when you embrace her.", "sus": "شَ عِ شَشِلِمَيَ بِنيَ، عَ عِ عِتٍمَ نّ. شَ عِ عَ سُشُ، عَ عِ شُننَكٍلِمَ نّ."} {"eng": "For I was a son to my father, tender and an only child in the sight of my mother.", "sus": "دِ قَنيِ نَن نُ ٱ نَ ٱ بَبَ بّ. دِ كٍرٍنيِ نَن نُ ٱ نَ ٱ نفَ بّ."} {"eng": "so they will be life to your soul, and grace for your neck.", "sus": "عٍ سِمَيَ نُن هِننّ قِمَ نّ عِ مَ،"} {"eng": "For her good profit is better than getting silver, and her return is better than fine gold.", "sus": "شَشِلِمَيَ شَ فٍينِ فبٌ فبٍتِ بّ، عَ تِدٍ دَنفِ شّيمَ رَ."} {"eng": "My son, don’t despise Yahweh’s discipline, neither be weary of his correction;", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ، عِ نَشَ تٌندِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَتِنشِنيِ رَ، عِ شَ عَ شَ مَرَ سِيٍ سُشُ،"} {"eng": "Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Fear Yahweh, and depart from evil.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ عِ شَشِلِ تِ عِ يّتّ رَ، عِ شَ فَاشُ عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ، عِ شَ فبِلٍن قٍ حَاشِ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "that he may guard the paths of justice, and preserve the way of his saints.", "sus": "عَ مِشِ تِنشِنشِ مَكَنتَمَ، عَ عَ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ رَتَنفَمَ كِرَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "Praise Yah! Praise Yahweh from the heavens! Praise him in the heights!", "sus": "وٌ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْ! وٌ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْ كٍلِقٍ كٌورٍ مَ. وٌ عَ مَتْشْ يِرٍ عِتٍشِ كُي."} {"eng": "who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry. Yahweh frees the prisoners.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ تْوحّفّتْييٍ شُن مَقَلَمَ، عَ دٌنسٍ قِمَ كَامّتْييٍ مَ، عَ فٍيلِمَنِيٍ رَ مِنِمَ فٍيلِ كُي،"} {"eng": "Yahweh is near to all those who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ مَكْرّ عَ مَشَندِلَيٍ رَ، نَشٍيٍ عَ مَشَندِ مَ عٍ بْحّ قِيشّ رَ."} {"eng": "One generation will commend your works to another, and will declare your mighty acts.", "sus": "يِ وَشَتِ مِشِيٍ قَمَ نّ عِ شَ كَابَنَكٌي قَلَدٍ بٌورٍ وَشَتِ مِشِيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Part your heavens, Yahweh, and come down. Touch the mountains, and they will smoke.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ كٌورٍ رَبِ عِ فٌرٌقٍ رَ، عِ قَ دِن فٍيَيٍ رَ عَلَكٌ تُورِ شَ تٍ."} {"eng": "For though Yahweh is high, yet he looks after the lowly; but he knows the proud from afar.", "sus": "هَلِ عَلَتَلَ نَ كٌورٍ مَ، عَ مّينِمَ نّ مِشِ مَفٌرٌشِيٍ مَ، كْنْ عَ مَكُيَمَ نّ يّتّ عِفبٌييٍ رَ."} {"eng": "How can we sing Yahweh’s song in a foreign land?", "sus": "مُشُ نْمَ بّيتِ بَدٍ عَلَتَلَ بّ يِ كٌنيِيَ كُي دِ؟"} {"eng": "On the willows in that land, we hung up our harps.", "sus": "مُشُ نُ بَرَ مُشُ شَ كْرَيٍ فبَكُ وُرِ بِلِيٍ كْن نَ."} {"eng": "Og king of Bashan, for his loving kindness endures forever;", "sus": "عَلْ بَسَن مَنفّ عٌفٌ، بَرِ مَ دَن مُ نَ عَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ مَ،"} {"eng": "to him who made the great lights, for his loving kindness endures forever;", "sus": "عَ تَن نَشَن يَنبَ سٍ شُنفبٍيٍ دَاشِ، بَرِ مَ دَن مُ نَ عَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ مَ،"} {"eng": "Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his loving kindness endures forever;", "sus": "وٌ مَرِفِيٍ شَ مَرِفِ تَنتُ، بَرِ مَ دَن مُ نَ عَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ مَ."} {"eng": "Those who make them will be like them, yes, everyone who trusts in them.", "sus": "عٍ رَقَلَمَيٍ شَ لُ عَلْ عٍ تَن، عَ نُن نَشٍيٍ بِرِن لَمَ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "They have mouths, but they can’t speak. They have eyes, but they can’t see.", "sus": "دّ نَ نَ كُيٍيٍ بّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ وْيّنمَ. يَيٍ نَ عٍ بّ، كْنْ عٍ مُ سٍ تٌمَ."} {"eng": "Out of the depths I have cried to you, Yahweh.", "sus": "بِيَاسِلَيٍ شَ بّيتِ ندٍ عَلَتَلَ، ٱ عِ شِلِمَ ٱ مَ تْورّ تِلِنشِ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "with which the reaper doesn’t fill his hand, nor he who binds sheaves, his bosom.", "sus": "نَشَن مُ قِندِ مَ بَلٌي رَ شّ سَيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Your wife will be as a fruitful vine in the innermost parts of your house, your children like olive shoots around your table.", "sus": "عِ شَ فِنّ لُمَ نّ عَلْ وُرِ بٌفِلَ عِ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عِ شَ دِيٍ لُمَ نّ عَلْ وُرِ نّينّيٍ عِ شَ تٍيبِلِ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "Our help is in Yahweh’s name, who made heaven and earth.", "sus": "وٌن مَ دّ مّرِ نَ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ نَن نَ، نَشَن كٌورٍ نُن بْشِ دَاشِ."} {"eng": "then the waters would have overwhelmed us, the stream would have gone over our soul.", "sus": "عَلْ بَنبَرَنيِ دِنمَ شُرٍ مَ كِ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "I lift up my eyes to you, you who sit in the heavens.", "sus": "بِيَاسِلَيٍ شَ بّيتِ ندٍ ٱ نَ ٱ يَ رَتٍمَ عِ تَن نَن نَ، عِ تَن نَشَن مَ كِبَنيِ نَ كٌورٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Those who love you will prosper.", "sus": "وٌ بْحّسَ مَشَندِ دَرِ سَلَمُ بّ! «عَلَ شَ عِ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ رَتَنفَ قٍ شْرْشْي مَ."} {"eng": "The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.", "sus": "alako soge naxa i tɔɔrɔ yanyi ra, kike naxa i tɔɔrɔ kɔɛ ra."} {"eng": "Yahweh will keep you from all evil. He will keep your soul.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ عِ رَتَنفَمَ نّ تْورّ بِرِن مَ، عَ عِ نِي مَكَنتَمَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh will keep you from all evil. He will keep your soul.", "sus": "Alatala i ratangama nɛ tɔɔrɛ birin ma, a i nii makantama."} {"eng": "I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war.", "sus": "ٱ تَن نَ بْحّسَ نَن بّ، كْنْ ٱ نّقّ وْيّن، عٍ تَن وَ مَ فٍرٍ نَن شْن مَ."} {"eng": "Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness. Your law is truth.", "sus": "عِ شَ تِنشِنيِ بُمَ عَبَدَن. عِ شَ سّرِيّ نْندِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "Your testimonies are wonderful, therefore my soul keeps them.", "sus": "عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ ٱ دّ عِشَرَ مَ، ٱ عَ رَبَتُمَ نَ نَن مَ."} {"eng": "I am yours. Save me, for I have sought your precepts.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ ٱ يّتّ قِ عِ مَ، ٱ نَكِسِ. ٱ تِنمَ عِ سَفٌ سُشُقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "How many are the days of your servant? When will you execute judgment on those who persecute me?", "sus": "ٱ شَ مَمّ تِ هَن مُن تّمُي، بٍينُن عِ شَ ٱ يَشُييٍ حَشَنكَتَ؟"} {"eng": "Those who fear you will see me and be glad, because I have put my hope in your word.", "sus": "عِ يَرَفَاشُييٍ شَ سّيوَ ٱ تٌقٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ ٱ شَشِلِ تِشِ عِ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "The proud have smeared a lie upon me. With my whole heart, I will keep your precepts.", "sus": "هَلِ يّتّ عِفبٌي وُلٍ سَمَ ٱ شُن، ٱ عِ شَ يَامَرِيٍ رَبَتُمَ نّ ٱ بْحّ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "I am a friend of all those who fear you, of those who observe your precepts.", "sus": "عِ يَرَفَاشُي بِرِن قِندِشِ ٱ حّرّبٌورٍ نَن نَ، نُن نَشٍيٍ عِ سَفٌ رَبَتُمَ."} {"eng": "The ropes of the wicked bind me, but I won’t forget your law.", "sus": "هَلِ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ كَنكَن ٱ مَ، ٱ مُ نّيمُمَ عِ شَ سّرِيّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to Yahweh’s law.", "sus": "سّيوّ نَ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ حّرّ كِ تِنشِن، نَشٍيٍ بِرَشِ عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Give thanks to Yahweh, for he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever.", "sus": "وٌ عَلَتَلَ تَنتُ بَرِ مَ عَ قَن، عَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "I will walk before Yahweh in the land of the living.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ حّرّ عِ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ مِشِ بَلٌشِ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "What was it, you sea, that you fled? You Jordan, that you turned back?", "sus": "مُنسٍ عَ نِيَشِ نَ بَا شَ رَبِ مَقُرٍن؟ مُنسٍ عَ نِيَشِ يُرُدّن شُرٍ كِرَ قِشِ عٍ مَ؟"} {"eng": "It is well with the man who deals graciously and lends. He will maintain his cause in judgment.", "sus": "بَرَكّ لُمَ مِشِ بّ نَشَن مِشِيٍ كِمَ، نَشَن تِنمَ مِشِ دٌنِدٍ، نَشَن وَلِمَ تِنشِنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh has sworn, and will not change his mind: “You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ كَلِ يِ لَايِدِ رَ، نَشَن مُ كَنَمَ؛ «ٱ بَرَ عِ قِندِ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ عَبَدَن، عَ مٍلٍكِسٍدٍكِ دَاشِ.»"} {"eng": "But deal with me, Yahweh the Lord, for your name’s sake, because your loving kindness is good, deliver me;", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ هِننّ ٱ نَ عِ شِلِ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ شَ ٱ نَكِسِ عِ شَ دُفُتّفّحَ قَنيِ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "for they have opened the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of deceit against me. They have spoken to me with a lying tongue.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ نَ وُلٍ قَلَقٍ ٱ شُن مَ. عٍ دّ مُ قَن، عٍ وُلٍ قَلَ تُن."} {"eng": "That your beloved may be delivered, save with your right hand, and answer us.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عِ شَنُنتٍنيِيٍ شَ كِسِ عِ سّنبّ سَابُي رَ. يَندِ، ٱ مَ دُبَ سُشُ."} {"eng": "because they rebelled against the words of God, and condemned the counsel of the Most High.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عٍ مُرُتَ نّ عَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ شِلِ مَ، عٍ عَلَ شَ مَرَ سِ شْن."} {"eng": "Remember his marvelous works that he has done: his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth,", "sus": "Wo xa ratu a xa kaabanakoe ma, wo naxa nɛɛmu a xa kiiti ma,"} {"eng": "you offspring of Abraham, his servant, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.", "sus": "وٌ تَن عَلَ شَ كٌنيِ عِبُرَهِمَ بْنسْي، وٌ تَن يَشُبَ شَ دِيٍ عَ نَشٍيٍ سُفَندِ."} {"eng": "you offspring of Abraham, his servant, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones.", "sus": "wo tan Ala xa konyi Iburahima bɔnsɔɛ, wo tan Yaxuba xa die a naxee sugandi."} {"eng": "wine that makes the heart of man glad, oil to make his face to shine, and bread that strengthens man’s heart.", "sus": "عِ وّنِ قِمَ مِشِيٍ مَ، نَشَن عٍ بْحّ رَقَنمَ عٍ مَ، عِ تُرٍ رَ مِنِمَ عٍ بّ، نَشَن عٍ كِرِ رَتٌقَنمَ، عِ عٍ بَلٌمَ دٌنسٍ رَ، نَشَن سّنبّ قِمَ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "He lays the beams of his rooms in the waters. He makes the clouds his chariot. He walks on the wings of the wind.", "sus": "عِ شَ كٌنكٌي تِشِ نُشُييٍ قَرِ يٍ رَفَتَشِ دّننَشّ. عِ نُشُييٍ قِندِ عِ شَ حّرّ سٍ رَ، عِ عِ حّرّ قٌيٍ قَرِ."} {"eng": "He weakened my strength along the course. He shortened my days.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ ٱ مَ سّنبّ بَ ٱ يِ رَ ٱ مَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ كُي، عَ بَرَ ٱ مَ سِمَيَ رَدُنكٍ."} {"eng": "They will still produce fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and green,", "sus": "هَلِ عٍ قٌرِشِ عٍ شُنسّشّ قِيشّشِ، سّنبّ نَ عٍ بّ قٍ قَنيِ رَبَقٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "For you, Yahweh, have made me glad through your work. I will triumph in the works of your hands.", "sus": "مَرِفِ، ٱ حّلّشِنمَ عِ شَ كَابَنَكٌي رَ، ٱ نَن ٱ سّيوّ شُي عِتٍمَ عِ شَ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "A psalm of a canticle on the sabbath day.", "sus": "بّيتِ نَشَن بَمَ مَلَبُي لْشْي"} {"eng": "no evil shall happen to you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling.", "sus": "سٍسٍ مُ عِ لِمَ، وُفَنيِ يٌ مُ سٌمَ عِ شْنيِ،"} {"eng": "You sweep them away as they sleep. In the morning they sprout like new grass.", "sus": "عِ عَ نِيَ عَدَ مَدِ مُ كٍلِ عَ شَ شِشْلِ مَ. عَ لُشِ عَلْ حٌوفٍ نَشَن مِنِمَ عَ يّتّ رَ."} {"eng": "All who pass by the way rob him. He has become a reproach to his neighbors.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ دَنفِمَ، عٍ هَرِفٍ بَمَ نَا. عَ دْشْبٌورٍيٍ يٌمَ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "You rule the pride of the sea. When its waves rise up, you calm them.", "sus": "عِ تَن نَن بَا يَمَرِ مَ، عِ عَ مْرْنيِيٍ رَشَرَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh, God of Armies, who is a mighty one, like you? Yah, your faithfulness is around you.", "sus": "مَرِفِ عَلَ، ندٍ سّنبّ فبٌ عَلْ عِ تَن مَنفّ عَلَ؟ عِ شَ دُفُتّفّحَ نَ يِرٍ بِرِن."} {"eng": "Do you show wonders to the dead? Do the departed spirits rise up and praise you? Selah.", "sus": "عِ كَابَنَكٌي رَبَمَ مِشِ قَشَشِيٍ نَن بّ؟ عٍ نْمَ كٍلِدٍ، عٍ عِ مَتْشْ؟"} {"eng": "Your wrath lies heavily on me. You have afflicted me with all your waves. Selah.", "sus": "عِ شَ شْنّ بَرَ دُتُن ٱ مَ، عَ ٱ مَكٌتٌ عَلْ بَا مْرْنيِ مِشِ مَكٌتٌمَ كِ نَشّ. حّنفِ رَتٍ."} {"eng": "Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.", "sus": "عَ كِسِ يَتِ يَتِ نَن قِمَ مِشِيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ فَاشُمَ عَ يَ رَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ نْرّ شَ سَبَتِ وٌن مَ بْشِ كُي."} {"eng": "Yahweh of Armies, blessed is the man who trusts in you.", "sus": "مَرِفِ سّنبّمَ، هّيرِ نَ مِشِ بّ نَشَن عَ يّتّ تَشُمَ عِ رَ."} {"eng": "How lovely are your dwellings, Yahweh of Armies!", "sus": "مَنفّ عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ لِنفِرَ تٌقَن!"} {"eng": "who perished at Endor, who became as dung for the earth.", "sus": "عٍ سْنتْ نّ عٍندٌرِ، عٍ قُرٍ نَشَ لُ بْشِ مَ، عٍ مُ رَفَتَ."} {"eng": "God presides in the great assembly. He judges among the gods.", "sus": "عَسَقِ شَ بّيتِ عَلَ تِشِ عَ شَ مَلَنيِ يَ رَ، عَ كِيتِ سَقٍ كٌورٍ سّنبّمَيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, he struck the rock, so that waters gushed out, and streams overflowed. Can he give bread also? Will he provide meat for his people?”", "sus": "عَ بَرَ يٍ رَ مِنِ قَنيٍ كُي، كْنْ عَ نْمَ تَامِ قَن قِدٍ عٍ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "Your way was through the sea, your paths through the great waters. Your footsteps were not known.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ كِرَ رَبْو بَا مَ، عِ دَنفِ يٍ شُنفبٍ تَفِ، كْنْ عِ قْشِ مُ تٌ."} {"eng": "At your rebuke, God of Jacob, both chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.", "sus": "عِ تَن يَشُبَ مَرِفِ عَلَ تٌ كٍلِ عٍ شِلِ مَ، عٍ شَ سٌي رَفِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ سٌي نَشَ هَلَكِ."} {"eng": "Don’t deliver the soul of your dove to wild beasts. Don’t forget the life of your poor forever.", "sus": "يَندِ، عِ نَشَ عِ شَ حَمَ شَنُشِ رَبٌلٌ عَلْ فَنبّ دِ رَبٌلٌمَ سّفّ يِ رَ كِ نَشّ. عِ نَشَ نّيمُ عِ شَ مِسِكِينّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.", "sus": "ٱ قَتٍ نُن ٱ شَشِلِ تَفَنمَ نّ، كْنْ عَلَ ٱ بْحّ سَمَ نّ عَبَدَن."} {"eng": "The humble have seen it, and are glad. You who seek after God, let your heart live.", "sus": "تْورْ مِشِيٍ سّيوَ مَ نّ نَ تٌقٍ رَ. نَشٍيٍ عَلَ قٍنمَ، عٍ سِمَيَ شْنكُيٍ سْتْمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Don’t let the flood waters overwhelm me, neither let the deep swallow me up. Don’t let the pit shut its mouth on me.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ تِن ٱ شَ مَدُلَ، يٍ نَشَ ٱ نَلْي، ٱ نَشَ فٌرٌ عَلِفِيَمَ."} {"eng": "Save me, God, for the waters have come up to my neck!", "sus": "عَلَ، ٱ نَكِسِ! يٍ بَرَ تٍ هَن ٱ كْنيِ."} {"eng": "The Lord announced the word. The ones who proclaim it are a great company.", "sus": "مَرِفِ مَسٍنيِ قَنيِ سٌمَ عَ شَ شّيرَيٍ يِ رَ. فَلِ بٍلٍبٍلٍ نَن عٍ رَ. عٍ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "Consume them in wrath. Consume them, and they will be no more. Let them know that God rules in Jacob, to the ends of the earth. Selah.", "sus": "عِ شَ عٍ رَحْن عِ شَ شْنّ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ تٌ سْنْن، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَ نَن مَنفّ رَ يَشُبَ بْنسْي نُن دُنِحَ بِرِن شُن مَ. حّنفِ رَتٍ."} {"eng": "But you, Yahweh, laugh at them. You scoff at all the nations.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَتَلَ، عِ تَن نَن يٍلٍمَ عٍ مَ. عِ سِ دَنشَنِيَتَرٍيٍ بِرِن مَيٍلٍمَ."} {"eng": "The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked,", "sus": "مِشِ تِنشِنشِ قَمَ حّلّشِندٍ بَرِ مَ عَ قَمَ فبٍحْشْي سْتْدٍ. عَ قَمَ عَ سَنيِ مَشَدٍ مِشِ حَاشِ وُلِ رَ."} {"eng": "Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and don’t call on God?", "sus": "تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ شَشِلِ مُ نَ؟ عٍ نُ ٱ مَ حَمَ تْورْ تُن. عٍ مُ عَلَ شِلِمَ قٍوٌ."} {"eng": "Listen, daughter, consider, and turn your ear. Forget your own people, and also your father’s house.", "sus": "ٱ مَ دِ فِنّ، عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ. عِ نَشَ كَنكَن عِ بْنسْي مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عِ شَ دٍنبَيَ نُن عِ بَبَ مَ."} {"eng": "In your majesty ride on victoriously on behalf of truth, humility, and righteousness. Let your right hand display awesome deeds.", "sus": "عِ سّنبّ فبٌ. تٍ عِ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍ قَرِ، نْندِ، مَفٌرٌي، نُن تِنشِنيِ شَ قٍ رَ. عِ شَ قٍ شُنفبٍ رَبَ."} {"eng": "though you have crushed us in the haunt of jackals, and covered us with the shadow of death.", "sus": "نَشَن عَ نِيَمَ عِ شَ مُشُ لُ وُلَبَرٍيٍ تَفِ، مُشُ شَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "You make us turn back from the adversary. Those who hate us take plunder for themselves.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ مُشُ رَفِ مُشُ يَشُييٍ يَ رَ، نَشٍيٍ مُشُ شْنشِ، نٍيٍ بَرَ مُشُ هَرِفٍ بِرِن بَ مُشُ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "But you have saved us from our adversaries, and have shamed those who hate us.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن نَن مُشُ رَتَنفَمَ مُشُ يَشُييٍ مَ، عِ تَن نَن مُشُ شْنمِشِيٍ رَيَافِمَ."} {"eng": "Through you, we will push down our adversaries. Through your name, we will tread down those who rise up against us.", "sus": "مُشُ قَمَ مُشُ يَشُييٍ رَفبِلٍندٍ عِ تَن نَن سَابُي رَ، مُشُ قَمَ عٍ رَفٌرٌدٍ عِ شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "God, you are my King. Command victories for Jacob!", "sus": "عَلَ، عِ تَن نَن قِندِ ٱ مَ مَنفّ رَ. يَندِ، عِ شَ يَشُبَ بْنسْي رَكِسِ."} {"eng": "Let them be desolate by reason of their shame that tell me, “Aha! Aha!”", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ ٱ مَيٍلٍمَ، يَافِ شَ عٍ دّ عِشَرَ."} {"eng": "I waited patiently for the Lord; and he attended to me, and listened to my supplication.", "sus": "دَوُدَ شَ بّيتِ بّيتِبَيٍ شَ مَنفّ بّ"} {"eng": "My heart was hot within me. While I meditated, the fire burned. I spoke with my tongue:", "sus": "ٱ بْحّ نُ سَتُنمَ، ٱ مَ تْورّ نَشَ لُ عَلْ تّ دّشّشِ. نَ بَرَ عَ نِيَ ٱ شَ يِ وْيّنيِ قَلَ،"} {"eng": "Yes, I am as a man who doesn’t hear, in whose mouth are no reproofs.", "sus": "ٱ لُمَ عَلْ تُلِ شْرِ، ٱ لُمَ عَلْ بٌبٌي."} {"eng": "Mark the perfect man, and see the upright, for there is a future for the man of peace.", "sus": "عِ شَ مِشِ قَنيِ نَن مَتٌ، تِنشِنتْي نَن عِفبّ. نَ مِشِ مْولِ قِندِ مَ بَرَكَتْي نَن نَ."} {"eng": "Rest in Yahweh, and wait patiently for him. Don’t fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who makes wicked plots happen.", "sus": "عِ بْحّ رَشَرَ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ، عِ شَ مَمّ تِ، عَلَ نَ نَ. عِ نَشَ مِشِ حَاشِ تْونّ هَلِ عَ شَ قٍ بِرِن سْونّيَشِ."} {"eng": "There the workers of iniquity are fallen. They are thrust down, and shall not be able to rise.", "sus": "تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ بِرَ مَ نّ، عٍ مُ نْمَ كٍلِدٍ سْنْن."} {"eng": "Vindicate me, Yahweh my God, according to your righteousness. Don’t let them gloat over me.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ ٱ مَ كِيتِ سَ عِ شَ تِنشِنيِ رَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ يَشُييٍ نَشَ ٱ مَيٍلٍ."} {"eng": "Lord, how long will you look on? Rescue my soul from their destruction, my precious life from the lions.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ، مُنقٍ رَ عِ تِنمَ نَ مْولِ شَ رَبَ؟ ٱ نِي رَتَنفَ عٍ شَ فٍرٍ مَ، ٱ نِي رَكِسِ يِ يّتّيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but Yahweh delivers him out of them all.", "sus": "تْورّ فبٍفبٍ تِنشِنتْي لِمَ نّ، كْنْ عَلَتَلَ عَ رَكِسِمَ نَ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger, but those who seek Yahweh shall not lack any good thing.", "sus": "كَامّ يّتّيٍ سُشُمَ نّ، كْنْ عَلَتَلَ قٍنمَيٍ هَيِ بِرِن قَنمَ نّ."} {"eng": "Oh fear Yahweh, you his saints, for there is no lack with those who fear him.", "sus": "سّنِيّنتْييٍ، وٌ شَ فَاشُ عَلَتَلَ يَ رَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ هَيِ بِرِن شَ قَن."} {"eng": "Oh magnify Yahweh with me. Let’s exalt his name together.", "sus": "وٌن بِرِن شَ عَلَتَلَ بِنيَ، وٌن شَ عَ شِلِ مَتْشْ."} {"eng": "Behold, Yahweh’s eye is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his loving kindness,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَن مّينِمَ مِشِيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ فَاشُمَ عَ يَ رَ، نَشٍيٍ عٍ شَشِلِ تِمَ عَ شَ هِننّ رَ،"} {"eng": "My times are in your hand. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.", "sus": "ٱ نَ عِ سَفٌي. ٱ نَتَنفَ ٱ يَشُييٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ وَ مَ ٱ حَشَنكَتَقٍ."} {"eng": "Pluck me out of the net that they have laid secretly for me, for you are my stronghold.", "sus": "ٱ يَشُييٍ بَرَ يّلّ عِتَلَ ٱ يَ رَ، كْنْ عِ قَمَ ٱ نَتَنفَدٍ نَ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh’s voice makes the deer calve, and strips the forests bare. In his temple everything says, “Glory!”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شُي عَ نِيَمَ شٍلِيٍ نُن سِيٍ شَ بَرِ. حَمَ بِرِن عٍ شُي عِتٍمَ عَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عَ عَ قَلَ، «مَتْشْي نَ عَلَ بّ!»"} {"eng": "Yahweh, I love the habitation of your house, the place where your glory dwells.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ رَقَن ٱ مَ، عِ شَ نْرّ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "The troubles of my heart are enlarged. Oh bring me out of my distresses.", "sus": "ٱ بْحّ بَرَ تْورْ. ٱ نَمِنِ نَ تْورّ كُي."} {"eng": "Lift up your heads, you gates; yes, lift them up, you everlasting doors, and the King of glory will come in.", "sus": "تّتّ نَادّيٍ شَ رَبِ، هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَادّ قٌرِيٍ قَن شَ رَبِ. نْرّ كَنيِ نَ سٌقٍ."} {"eng": "Lift up your heads, you gates! Be lifted up, you everlasting doors, and the King of glory will come in.", "sus": "تّتّ نَادّيٍ شَ رَبِ، هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَادّ قٌرِيٍ قَن شَ رَبِ. نْرّ كَنيِ نَ سٌقٍ."} {"eng": "My God, I cry in the daytime, but you don’t answer; in the night season, and am not silent.", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، كْي نُن يَنيِ، ٱ عِ شِلِمَ، كْنْ عِ مُ ٱ مَ شِلِ رَتِنمَ."} {"eng": "O God, my God, attend to me: why have you forsaken me? the account of my transgressions is far from my salvation.", "sus": "دَوُدَ شَ بّيتِ بّيتِبَيٍ شَ مَنفّ بّ. عَ شَ بَ عَلْ بّيتِ نَشَن شِلِ «سُبَشّ شٍلِ.»"} {"eng": "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we trust in the name of Yahweh our God.", "sus": "ندٍ لَمَ عَ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍ رَ، ندٍ لَمَ عَ شَ سٌييٍ رَ، كْنْ وٌن تَن لَشِ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "He teaches my hands to war, so that my arms bend a bow of bronze.", "sus": "عَ بَرَ ٱ نَقَلَ فٍرٍ كُي، عَ ٱ مَلِمَ شَلِ قَنيِ رَوَلِدٍ."} {"eng": "I call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised; and I am saved from my enemies.", "sus": "ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ ٱ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ؛ عَلَ تَنتُ! عَلَ بَرَ ٱ نَكِسِ ٱ يَشُييٍ مَ."} {"eng": "I love you, Yahweh, my strength.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، ٱ سّنبّ نُن ٱ شَنُنتٍنيِ نَن عِ رَ."} {"eng": "lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed against him;” lest my adversaries rejoice when I fall.", "sus": "ٱ يَشُييٍ قَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ بَرَ نْ عَ رَ.» ٱ يَشُييٍ حّلّشِنمَ نّ ٱ مَ بِرّ رَ."} {"eng": "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?", "sus": "شَ سّرِيّ مُ نَ مِشِيٍ تَفِ سْنْن، تِنشِنتْي قَ مُنسٍ رَبَمَ؟"} {"eng": "But you do see trouble and grief. You consider it to take it into your hand. You help the victim and the fatherless.", "sus": "كْنْ عَلَ، عِ تْورّ نُن نِمِسّ تٌمَ. عِ تْورْ مِشِيٍ مَلِمَ. نَشَن مُ نْمَ عَ يّتّ كَنتَدٍ، عَ عَ يّتّ تَشُمَ عِ تَن نَ نَ. عِ تَن نَن نَ كِرِدِ مَلِمَ رَ."} {"eng": "Arise, Yahweh! Don’t let man prevail. Let the nations be judged in your sight.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، كٍلِ، عِ نَشَ عَ لُ عَدَ مَ شَ نْ عِ رَ. عَ مَكِيتِ."} {"eng": "For he who avenges blood remembers them. He doesn’t forget the cry of the afflicted.", "sus": "عَلَ رَتُشِ وُلِ قِلِشِ مَ، عَ قَن نَ حْشْمَ نّ. عَ تْورْ مِشِيٍ وَ شُي دَنشُنشِ."} {"eng": "If a man doesn’t repent, he will sharpen his sword; he has bent and strung his bow.", "sus": "شَ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ مُ فبِلٍن عٍ يُفٍ قْشْ رَ، عَلَ عَ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَلُفَنمَ نّ، عَ عَ شَ شَلِ مَشِرِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ، حَمَيٍ مَكِيتِ. عَلَتَلَ، ٱ مَ نْندِ مَكّنّن عٍ بّ ٱ مَ تِنشِنيِ نُن ٱ مَ سّرِيّ بّرّ رَ."} {"eng": "My eye wastes away because of grief. It grows old because of all my adversaries.", "sus": "سُننُنيِ بَرَ ٱ يَ مَقْورْ. ٱ مُ سٍسٍ تٌقٍ ٱ يَشُييٍ شَ فبٌي شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But know that Yahweh has set apart for himself him who is godly; Yahweh will hear when I call to him.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَتَلَ بَرَ تِنشِنتْي سُفَندِ. ٱ نَن ٱ شُي رَتٍ عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَ عَ رَ مّمَ نّ."} {"eng": "The wicked are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.", "sus": "كْنْ عَ مُ نَ كِ شّ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ تَن بّ. عٍ تَن مَنِيّ مَالٍ لَفِ رَ قٌيٍ نَشَن شَنِنمَ."} {"eng": "Out of his mouth go burning torches. Sparks of fire leap out.", "sus": "تّ يِرِيِرِ مِنِمَ عَ دّ عِ، عٍ قُلٍقُلٍيٍ نُ قَ يٍنسٍن يّ كُيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "“I will not keep silence concerning his limbs, nor his mighty strength, nor his goodly frame.", "sus": "ٱ مُ نْمَ دُندُدٍ نَ سْحّ شَ قٍ مَ، عَ سَلٌنسٍيٍ سّنبّ فبٌ، عَ مَن تٌقَن."} {"eng": "“Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loosen the cords of Orion?", "sus": "«عِ تَن نَن تُنبُييٍ سَ كٌورٍ مَ، كَنكَن شَ لُ عَ يِرٍ عَ تٌقَن كِ مَ؟"} {"eng": "Does the rain have a father? Or who fathers the drops of dew?", "sus": "ندٍ قِندِشِ تُنّ بَبَ رَ؟ ندٍ شِنِ رَ مِنِمَ؟"} {"eng": "From the wicked, their light is withheld. The high arm is broken.", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ تَن بَرَ كُمَ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ، عٍ سّنبّ بَرَ كَنَ.»"} {"eng": "that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, and shake the wicked out of it?", "sus": "عَ شَ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ رَتّرّننَ، عَ عٍ مَكّنّن؟"} {"eng": "Who has prescribed his way for him? Or who can say, ‘You have committed unrighteousness?’", "sus": "ندٍ نْمَ عَ يَمَرِدٍ؟ ندٍ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ، ‹عِ بَرَ تَنتَن؟›"} {"eng": "Take heed, don’t regard iniquity; for you have chosen this rather than affliction.", "sus": "عِ نَشَ بِرَ قٍ حَاشِ قْشْ رَ عِ شَ تْورّ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "If you have sinned, what effect do you have against him? If your transgressions are multiplied, what do you do to him?", "sus": "شَ عِ يُنُبِ رَبَ، نَ قِندِ مَ تْورّ رَ عَلَ نَن بّ؟ شَ عِ عَ مَتَندِ، نَ قِندِ مَ كٌتٍ مُندُن نَ عَ بّ؟"} {"eng": "He breaks mighty men in pieces in ways past finding out, and sets others in their place.", "sus": "عَ نْمَ سّنبّمَيٍ شُن نَكَنَدٍ مَقُرٍنيِ رَ، عَ قَ مِشِ فبّتّيٍ دْشْ عٍ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "He doesn’t respect the persons of princes, nor respect the rich more than the poor, for they all are the work of his hands.", "sus": "عَلَ مُ مَنفّ رَقِسَ مِشِيٍ بّ، عَ مُ بَننَيٍ رَقِسَ سٍتَرٍيٍ بّ، بَرِ مَ عَ تَن نَن بِرِن دَاشِ."} {"eng": "For the work of a man he will render to him, and cause every man to find according to his ways.", "sus": "عَ مِشِيٍ شَ قٍ رَبَشِ سَرٍ رَفبِلٍنمَ عٍ مَ، عَ كٌتٍ دْشْمَ عٍ شُن مَ عٍ نُن نَشَن لَن."} {"eng": "“Behold, I will answer you. In this you are not just, for God is greater than man.", "sus": "كْنْ ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ، نْندِ مُ عِ بّ نَ قٍ كُي، بَرِ مَ عَلَ فبٌ مِشِ بّ."} {"eng": "‘I am clean, without disobedience. I am innocent, neither is there iniquity in me.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ عَ قَلَ، ‹ٱ سّنِيّن، ٱ مُ يُنُبِ رَبَشِ،"} {"eng": "“Surely you have spoken in my hearing, I have heard the voice of your words, saying,", "sus": "كْنْ عِ بَرَ وْيّنيِ ندٍ قَلَ، ٱ نَشَن مّشِ ٱ تُلِ رَ."} {"eng": "Then the wrath of Elihu the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was kindled against Job. His wrath was kindled because he justified himself rather than God.", "sus": "نَ كُي عٍلِهُ، بَرَكٍيلِ بُو سِكَ شَ دِ، نَشَن قَتَن رَ مَ شَبِلّ رَ، عَ بْحّ نَشَ تٍ عَيُبَ شِلِ مَ، بَرِ مَ نَ نُ عَ يّتّ قِندِشِ نْندِ قَلّ نَن نَ عَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "oh that I had one to hear me! Behold, here is my signature! Let the Almighty answer me! Let the accuser write my indictment!", "sus": "«شَ مِشِ نَ نَشَن تِنمَ عَ تُلِ مَتِدٍ ٱ نَ، ٱ مَ مَسٍنيِ دْنشْي نَن نَ كِ. عَلَ شَ ٱ يَابِ. عَ نَشَن تٌمَ ٱ مَ، عَ شَ نَ سّبّ،"} {"eng": "“If I have walked with falsehood, and my foot has hurried to deceit", "sus": "«شَ ٱ بَرَ ٱ حّرّ وُلٍ كُي، شَ ٱ بَرَ مِشِ مَدَشُ،"} {"eng": "They mar my path. They promote my destruction without anyone’s help.", "sus": "عٍ ٱ مَ كِرَ عِبٌلٌنمَ ٱ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "The princes refrained from talking, and laid their hand on their mouth.", "sus": "كُنتِفِيٍ نُ عٍ سَبَرِ مَ نّ ٱ يَ رَ،"} {"eng": "It can’t be gotten for gold, neither will silver be weighed for its price.", "sus": "عَ مُ سَرَ مَ شّيمَ رَ، عَ مُ سْتْمَ فبٍتِ رَ."} {"eng": "“But where will wisdom be found? Where is the place of understanding?", "sus": "«كْنْ لْننِ تَن تٌمَ مِندٍن؟ شَشِلِ قَنيِ لُدٍ نَ مِندٍن نَ؟"} {"eng": "He stretches out the north over empty space, and hangs the earth on nothing.", "sus": "عَلَ نَن كٌورٍ دَاشِ، عَ عَ سِنفَن كُيٍ مَ، عَ بْشِ سِنفَن عَ يّتّ مَ."} {"eng": "Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.", "sus": "عَلِفِيَمَ نَادّ رَبِشِ عَلَ يَ تٌدٍ رَ، عَ نَا عِفبّشِ."} {"eng": "How much less man, who is a worm, and the son of man, who is a worm!”", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِ فٌ، نَشَن شُرُن عَلْ كُلِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ كُلِ يْرّ دِ فبَنسَن نَ؟»"} {"eng": "The womb will forget him. The worm will feed sweetly on him. He will be no more remembered. Unrighteousness will be broken as a tree.", "sus": "فِنّ نَشَن شِحّ قِشِ يُنُبِتْي مَ، نَ نّيمُمَ نّ عَ مَ، كُلِيٍ تَن قَ عَ دٌن. مِشِ يٌ مُ رَتُمَ عَ مَ سْنْن. نَ كُي عَ شَ تِنشِنتَرٍيَ بَرَ تَلَ عَلْ سَنسِ تَلَمَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "They lie all night naked without clothing, and have no covering in the cold.", "sus": "عٍ كْي رَدَنفِمَ شِنبٍلِ رَ، دُفِ يٌ مُ عٍ يِ رَ عٍ نَشَن قٍلٍنمَ عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Behold, as wild donkeys in the desert, they go out to their work, seeking diligently for food. The wilderness yields them bread for their children.", "sus": "تْورْ مِشِيٍ مِنِمَ سُبَشّ مَ بَلٌي قٍندٍ عٍ شَ دِيٍ بّ، عٍ وَلِمَ عَلْ سٌقَلٍ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، عٍ مُ دٌنسٍ يٌ سْتْمَ."} {"eng": "“If I go east, he is not there. If I go west, I can’t find him.", "sus": "«كْنْ عَلَ مُ تٌمَ سٌفٍتٍدٍ، عَ مُ تٌمَ سٌفٍفٌرٌدٍ."} {"eng": "Then Job answered,", "sus": "عَيُبَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ،"} {"eng": "For you say, ‘Where is the house of the prince? Where is the tent in which the wicked lived?’", "sus": "وٌ نَشّ، ‹كُنتِفِ شَ بَنشِ نَ مِندٍن؟ مِشِ حَاشِ شْنيِ نَ دِ؟›"} {"eng": "They spend their days in prosperity. In an instant they go down to Sheol.", "sus": "عٍ شَ سِمَيَ كَمَلِمَ هّيرِ كُي، عٍ مَن قَ قَشَ قَشّ سْونّيَشِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Allow me, and I also will speak. After I have spoken, mock on.", "sus": "وٌ دِحّ ٱ بّ، ٱ شَ وْيّن. ٱ نَ فّ، وٌ قَ يٌ ٱ مَ."} {"eng": "He will flee from the iron weapon. The bronze arrow will strike him through.", "sus": "شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍ لَنمَدِ مُ عَ تْورْ، فٍرٍ سٌسٍ شُنفبٍ نَن نَوَلِمَ عَ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "They change the night into day, saying ‘The light is near’ in the presence of darkness.", "sus": "يِ تِنشِنتَرٍيٍ قٍ مَقِندِ مَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ عَ دِ مِ نَن نَ نَءِيَلَنيِ رَ. عٍ نَشّ عَ نَءِيَلَنيِ بَرَ مَكْرّ، كْنْ عٍ نَ قَلَمَ دِ مِ نَن كُي."} {"eng": "I also could speak as you do. If your soul were in my soul’s place, I could join words together against you, and shake my head at you,", "sus": "شَ وٌ تَن نَن نُ نَ تْورْقٍ، ٱ تَن قَن نُ نْمَ وْيّندٍ نّ عَلْ وٌ تَن، ٱ وٌ تْوحّفّ، ٱ يٌ وٌ مَ."} {"eng": "“I have heard many such things. You are all miserable comforters!", "sus": "«ٱ بَرَ وٌ شَ مَسٍنيِ مَنِيّ فبٍفبٍ مّ. وٌ مُ قَتَ مِشِ مَدُندُدٍ."} {"eng": "he runs at him with a stiff neck, with the thick shields of his bucklers,", "sus": "عَ بَرَ سُو سَ عَلَ فٍرٍدٍ عَ شَ وُرٍ لٍقَيٍ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "What do you know that we don’t know? What do you understand which is not in us?", "sus": "عِ مُنسٍ كٌلٌن مُشُ تَن مُ نَشَن كٌلٌن؟ عِ قَهَامُي مُندُن سْتْشِ مُشُ تَن مُ نَشَن سْتْشِ؟"} {"eng": "For your iniquity teaches your mouth, and you choose the language of the crafty.", "sus": "عِ شَ قٍ حَاشِ نَن عَ نِيَقٍ عِ شَ وْيّن نَ كِ. عِ وَ مَ مِشِيٍ مَدَشُقٍ عِ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "Do you open your eyes on such a one, and bring me into judgment with you?", "sus": "عِ وَ مَ ٱ مَنِيَقٍ نَ نَن نَ، عِ شَ ٱ مَكِيتِ؟"} {"eng": "For you write bitter things against me, and make me inherit the iniquities of my youth.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ ٱ حَشَنكَتَ عَ حَاشِ رَ ٱ مَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ قٍ رَ ٱ نَشٍيٍ رَبَشِ ٱ قٌنِكٍ تّمُي رَ."} {"eng": "How many are my iniquities and sins? Make me know my disobedience and my sin.", "sus": "ٱ مَ يُنُبِ نُن ٱ مَ قٍ حَاشِ شَسَبِ لَنشِ مُنسٍ مَ؟ ٱ مَ يُنُبِ نُن ٱ مَ قٍ حَاشِ مَسٍن ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "But you are forgers of lies. You are all physicians of no value.", "sus": "وٌ تَن بَرَ ٱ تْوحّفّ. وٌ مُ قَشِ سٍرِ يٌ رَ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "Doesn’t the ear try words, even as the palate tastes its food?", "sus": "عَدَ مَ شَ عَ حْشْ سَ يِ مَسٍنيِيٍ شْن مَ، عَلْ عَ دّ عَ حْشْ سَمَ دٌنسٍ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“God will not withdraw his anger. The helpers of Rahab stoop under him.", "sus": "عَلَ مُ فبِلٍنمَ عَ شَ شْنّ قْشْ رَ. يّتّ عِفبٌي شَشِلِ تِدٍ بِرِن بِرَ مَ عَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Behold, this is the joy of his way. Out of the earth, others will spring.", "sus": "عَ مُ قَنمَ مّننِ سْنْن. سَنسِ فبّتّ مَن قَ بُلَ عَ نُ نَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase.", "sus": "عِ هَرِفٍ دْنشْي قَمَ دَنفِدٍ نَ سِنفٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "What is my strength, that I should wait? What is my end, that I should be patient?", "sus": "ٱ نَن ٱ شَشِلِ تِمَ سّنبّ مُندُن نَ قَ؟ ٱ مَ دِحّ مُنسٍ قَنمَ ٱ مَ سْنْن؟"} {"eng": "Can that which has no flavor be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?", "sus": "بَندٍ دٌنمَ قْشّ شَنبِ؟ تْشّلّ حِنتَرٍ حْشُن؟"} {"eng": "He frustrates the plans of the crafty, so that their hands can’t perform their enterprise.", "sus": "عَ مِشِ كْوتَشِ شَ قٍ شُن نَكَنَمَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ وَشْنقٍ نَشَ سْونّيَ."} {"eng": "but man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward.", "sus": "عَدَ مَدِ تْورْ مَ نّ عَ شَ دُنِحّءِفِرِ كُي. نَ مُ كَنَمَ، عَلْ تّ نَ رَدّشّ، عَ قُلٍقُلٍ تٍقٍ قَن تٌ مُ كَنَمَ."} {"eng": "Then a spirit passed before my face. The hair of my flesh stood up.", "sus": "تُبَرِ ندٍ نَشَ دَنفِ ٱ يَ عِ. ٱ قَتٍ شَبٍيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ، عٍ تِ."} {"eng": "fear came on me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake.", "sus": "فَاشُي نَشَ ٱ سُشُ هَن ٱ قَتٍ نَشَ سّرّن."} {"eng": "There the prisoners are at ease together. They don’t hear the voice of the taskmaster.", "sus": "كٌنيِيٍ بْحّسَ سْتْمَ نّ، عٍ مُ عٍ كَنيِ شُي مّمَ فَبُرِ كُي."} {"eng": "Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this evil that had come on him, they each came from his own place: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite; and they made an appointment together to come to sympathize with him and to comfort him.", "sus": "عَيُبَ بٌورٍ سَشَنيِيٍ تٌ عَ شَ تْورّ شَ قٍ مّ، عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ عٍ شْنيِ سِفَقٍ رَ عَيُبَ يِرٍ. عٍ شِلِ؛ عٍلِقَسِ تٍمَنكَ، بِلِدَدَ سُوشَكَ، نُن سٌقَرَ نَامَكَ. عٍ نَشَ لُ يِرٍ كٍرٍن، عٍ لَن قٍ كٍرٍن مَ، عٍ شَ سَ عَيُبَ كُنقَ بَ، عٍ شَ عَ مَدُندُ."} {"eng": "but when this became known to the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked plan, which he had planned against the Jews, should return on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍسِتَ نُ بَرَ سِفَ مَنفّ يِرٍ. مَنفّ نَشَ كّيدِ سّبّ يِ كِ، «هَمَن نُ وَ مَ قٍ حَاشِ نَشَن نَبَقٍ يُوِقِيٍ رَ، نَ شَ فبِلٍن عَ مَ. عَ شَ دِيٍ قَن شَ فبَكُ وُرِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "A copy of the letter, that the decree should be given out in every province, was published to all the peoples, that the Jews should be ready for that day to avenge themselves on their enemies.", "sus": "نَ يَامَرِ نُ سّبّشِ كّيدِيٍ مَ، بْشِ يٌ بْشِ شَ عٍ فبٍ سْتْ عَلَكٌ بِرِن شَ عَ كٌلٌن، يُوِقِيٍ قَن شَ رّدِ عٍ فبٍحْشْدٍ عٍ يَشُييٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Then the king said to Haman, “Hurry and take the clothing and the horse, as you have said, and do this for Mordecai the Jew, who sits at the king’s gate. Let nothing fail of all that you have spoken.”", "sus": "عَوَ، مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ هَمَن بّ، «عِ شُلُن، عِ سَ دُفِ نُن سٌي تٌنفٌ، عِ قَ عِ شَ وْيّنيِ بِرِن نَكَمَلِ مٌرٌدٍكَيِ بّ، نَ يُوِقِ نَشَن دْشْمَ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ سٌدٍ دّ رَ. عِ نَشَ نّيمُ عِ قَلَ شُي سٍسٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "So Haman came in. The king said to him, “What shall be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?” Now Haman said in his heart, “Who would the king delight to honor more than myself?”", "sus": "هَمَن تٌ سٌ، مَنفّ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «مِشِ ندٍ نَ ٱ وَ مَ نَشَن بِنيَقٍ كِ قَنيِ. ٱ لَن ٱ شَ مُنسٍ رَبَ نَ كَنيِ بّ؟» هَمَن نَشَ عَ مَحْشُن عَ بْحّ مَ، «مِشِ فبّتّ مُ نَ مَنفّ وَ مَ نَشَن بِنيَقٍ بَقٍ ٱ تَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "The king said to Haman, “The silver is given to you, the people also, to do with them as it seems good to you.”", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ شَ عِ شَ كْبِرِ رَفَتَ. عِ مَن شَ عِ وَشْنقٍ رَبَ يِ مِشِيٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "If it pleases the king, let it be written that they be destroyed; and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who are in charge of the king’s business, to bring it into the king’s treasuries.”", "sus": "مَنفّ، شَ عِ تِنشِ، يَامَرِ قِ عٍ شَ هَلَكِ. ٱ تَن يَتِ بَرَ تِن كْبِرِ فبٍتِ كٌلٍ وُلُ قُ قِدٍ عِ شَ مِشِيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ يِ وَلِ رَكَمَلِمَ.»"} {"eng": "All the king’s servants who were in the king’s gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman, for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai didn’t bow down or pay him homage.", "sus": "مَنفّ شَ مِشِيٍ بِرِن نُ عٍ شِنبِ سِنمَ هَمَن بُن مَ، عَلْ مَنفّ عٍ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ. كْنْ مٌرٌدٍكَيِ تَن نُ تٌندِ مَ نّ عَ شِنبِ سِندٍ عَ بُن مَ، عَ مَن مُ عَ قٍلٍنمَ عَ بّ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "In those days, while Mordecai was sitting in the king’s gate, two of the king’s eunuchs, Bigthan and Teresh, who were doorkeepers, were angry, and sought to lay hands on the King Ahasuerus.", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ مٌرٌدٍكَيِ نُ دْشْشِ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ نَادّ سّيتِ مَ. بِفِتَنَ نُن تّرّ سِ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ مَنفّ شَ بَنشِ سٌدٍ دّ مَكَنتَقٍ، عٍ نَشَ شْنْ مَنفّ عَسُيٍرُ سُ مَ، عٍ قَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ عٍ شَ عَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "and let the maiden who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti.” The thing pleased the king, and he did so.", "sus": "فِنّ نَشَن نَ رَقَن عِ مَ عٍ يَ مَ، نَ شَ قِندِ مَنفّ فِنّ قَسَتِ حْشْي رَ.» يِ وْيّنيِ نَشَ مَنفّ كّنّن، عَ نَشَ نَ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather together all the beautiful young virgins to the citadel of Susa, to the women’s house, to the custody of Hegai the king’s eunuch, keeper of the women. Let cosmetics be given them;", "sus": "يَامَرِ قِ عِ شَ بْشِ بِرِن مَ، عٍ شَ قَ فِنّدِ مّدِ تٌقَنيِيٍ بِرِن نَ عِ شَ مَنفَتَا سُسٍ. عٍ شَ لُ عِ شَ فِنّيٍ شَ بَنشِ كُي. هٍفٍ، عِ شَ وَلِكّ بَنَشِ نَشَن مّينِمَ عِ شَ فِنّيٍ مَ، نَ شَ عَ حّنفِ سَ عٍ شْن مَ، عَلَكٌ ندٍ شَ سَ عٍ شَ تٌقَنيِ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Then I brought the princes of Judah up on the wall, and appointed two great companies who gave thanks and went in procession. One went on the right hand on the wall toward the dung gate;", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ يُدَيَ مَنفّيٍ رَتٍ تّتّ كْن نَ. ٱ مَن نَشَ بّيتِبَ حَمَ قِرِن سُفَندِ. حَمَ سِنفٍ شَ حّرّ تّتّ كْن نَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، شُرُ سٍ نَادّ مَبِرِ."} {"eng": "Jeshua became the father of Joiakim, and Joiakim became the father of Eliashib, and Eliashib became the father of Joiada,", "sus": "يٍسُوَ قِندِ نّ يٌيَكِمَ بَبَ رَ. يٌيَكِمَ قِندِ نّ عٍلِيَسِبُ بَبَ رَ. عٍلِيَسِبُ قِندِ نّ يٌيَدَ بَبَ رَ."} {"eng": "Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua,", "sus": "مٍسٍسَبٍلِ، سَدْكِ، يَدُوَ،"} {"eng": "The Levites: Jeshua the son of Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of Henadad, Kadmiel;", "sus": "لٍوِكَيٍ نَن يِ كِ؛ عَسَنَيَ شَ دِ يٍسُوَ، شٍنَدَدِ شَ دِ بِنُوِ، كَدَ مِيّلِ،"} {"eng": "For they have not served you in their kingdom, and in your great goodness that you gave them, and in the large and rich land which you gave before them. They didn’t turn from their wicked works.", "sus": "هَلِ عِ تٌ هَرِفٍ نُن بْشِ قَنيِ سَ عٍ شَ مَنفّيَ بُن مَ تّمُي نَشّ، عٍ مُ عِ شُي رَبَتُ، عٍ مُ فبِلٍن عٍ شَ وَلِ حَاشِيٍ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "You are Yahweh, the God who chose Abram, brought him out of Ur of the Chaldees, gave him the name of Abraham,", "sus": "عِ تَن نَن نَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ نَشَن عَننَبِ عِبُرَ مَ سُفَندِشِ، عَ عَ رَ مِنِ عُرُ كَلِدِ بْشِ كُي، عَ عِبُرَهِمَ شِلِ سَ عَ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Some from among the heads of fathers’ households gave to the work. The governor gave to the treasury one thousand darics of gold, fifty basins, and five hundred thirty priests’ garments.", "sus": "«دٍنبَيَ كَنيِيٍ نَشَ سٍيٍ قِ عَلَكٌ وَلِ شَ رَبَ. فٌمِنَ نَشَ شّيمَ كٌلٍ وُلُ كٍرٍن، ثْوتِ قَنيِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ، نُن سّرّشّدُبّ دُفِ كّمّ سُولِ، تٌنفٌ سَشَن قِ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "These were those who went up from Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer; but they could not show their fathers’ houses, nor their offspring, whether they were of Israel:", "sus": "«Mixie nan yi ki naxee keli Teli Mela, Teli Xarasa, Kɛrubu, Adan, nun Imeri, kɔnɔ e mu nɔ a masende a Isirayila die yati yati nan e ra:"} {"eng": "The children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda: six hundred forty-two.", "sus": "دّلَيَ شَ دِيٍ، تٌبِيَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن نٍكٌدَ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ سٍننِ، مِشِ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن قِرِن.»"} {"eng": "The children of Delaiah, the children of Tobiah, the children of Nekoda: six hundred forty-two.", "sus": "Dɛlaya xa die, Tobiya xa die, nun Nekoda xa die, mixi kɛmɛ senni, mixi tongo naani nun firin.»"} {"eng": "The children of Lod, Hadid, and Ono: seven hundred twenty-one.", "sus": "لٌدِ شَ دِيٍ، شَدِدِ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عٌنٌ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ، مِشِ مْشْحّن نُن كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "The men of Michmas: one hundred twenty-two.", "sus": "مِكِمَسِكَيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ، مِشِ مْشْحّن نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "I said, “Should a man like me flee? Who is there that, being such as I, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.”", "sus": "ٱ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ شَ ٱ فِ؟ شّمّ مُ نَ ٱ تَن نَ؟ ٱ نْمَ سٌدٍ عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، ٱ مَن شَ بَلٌ؟ عَدَ مَ بِرِن شَ مُ سٌمَ مّننِ. ٱ تَن مُ سٌمَ نَا قٍوٌ.»"} {"eng": "Those who built the wall, and those who bore burdens loaded themselves; everyone with one of his hands did the work, and with the other held his weapon.", "sus": "وَلِكّ نَشٍيٍ نُ تّتّ يَءِلَنمَ، نُن نَشٍيٍ نُ كٌتٍ مَشَنِنمَ، عٍ نُ وَلِمَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍ سُشُشِ عٍ بّلّشّ،"} {"eng": "All these had taken foreign wives. Some of them had wives by whom they had children.", "sus": "يِ مِشِ بِرِن نُ بَرَ سِ فبّتّ فِنّيٍ دْشْ، ندٍ نُ بَرَ دِيٍ بَرِ."} {"eng": "Mattaniah, Mattenai, Jaasu,", "sus": "مَتَنِيَ، مَتٍنَيِ، نُن يَاسُ."} {"eng": "Of the sons of Zattu: Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Zabad, and Aziza.", "sus": "قَتَنقٍ سَتُ شَبِلّ رَ؛ عٍلِيٌوٍنَيِ، عٍلِيَسِبُ، مَتَنِيَ، يٍرٍ مٌتِ، سَبَدِ، نُن عَسِسَ."} {"eng": "They made a proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem to all the children of the captivity, that they should gather themselves together to Jerusalem;", "sus": "مَسٍنيِ نَشَ رَيٍنسٍن يُدَيَ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ كُي، عَ مِشِ نَشَن بِرِن كٍلِ كٌنيِيَ كُي، عٍ شَ عٍ مَلَن دَرِ سَلَمُ."} {"eng": "Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel were assembled to me because of the trespass of the exiles; and I sat confounded until the evening offering.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ قِندِ عَلَ يَرَفَاشُييٍ رَ، نٍيٍ بِرِن نَشَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ نَ مِشِيٍ شَ وَلِ كٌبِ شَ قٍ رَ. ٱ نَشَ لُ نَا هَن نُنمَرٍ سّرّشّ تّمُي."} {"eng": "twenty bowls of gold weighing one thousand darics, and two vessels of fine bright bronze, precious as gold.", "sus": "ثْوتِ شّيمَ دَاشِ مْشْحّن، نَشَن سَرٍ كْبِرِ كٌلٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ وُلُ كٍرٍن لِمَ، نُن يِرَبَسٍ قِرِن نَشَن يَءِلَنشِ يْشُي رَ. نَ سَرٍ فبٌ عَلْ شّيمَ سَرٍ."} {"eng": "and has extended loving kindness to me before the king and his counselors, and before all the king’s mighty princes. I was strengthened according to Yahweh my God’s hand on me, and I gathered together chief men out of Israel to go up with me.", "sus": "مَرِفِ بَرَ هِننّ ٱ نَ مَنفّ نُن عَ شَ سَنتِفِيٍ نُن عَ شَ بَتُلَيٍ يَ شْرِ. ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ تٌ نَ سّنبّ قِ ٱ مَ، ٱ نَشَ عِسِرَيِلَ كُنتِفِيٍ مَلَن عَلَكٌ مُشُ بِرِن شَ تٍ."} {"eng": "I, even I, Artaxerxes the king, make a decree to all the treasurers who are beyond the River, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, requires of you, it shall be done with all diligence,", "sus": "«ٱ تَن مَنفّ عَتَسَكَسِ بَرَ يَامَرِ قِ ٱ مَ كْبِرِ يِرٍ شُنيِيٍ مَ نَشَن نَ شُرٍ نَاكِرِ مَ، شَ عَ سَ عَ لِ عَننَبِ عٍسِدِرَ سِ، عَلَ شَ سّرّشّدُبّ نَشَن مِشِ شَرَنمَ كٌورٍ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَ، شَ عَ هَيِ نَ كْبِرِ ندٍ مَ، وٌ شَ عَ سٌ عَ يِ رَ،"} {"eng": "Artaxerxes, king of kings, To Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the perfect God of heaven. Now", "sus": "«يِ بَتَاشّ كٍلِشِ ٱ تَن عَتَسَكَسِ نَن مَ، مَنفّيٍ شَ مَنفّ، كَتَرَبِ عَننَبِ عٍسِدِرَ سِ مَ، نَشَن مِشِ شَرَنمَ كٌورٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ شَ سّرِيّ رَ."} {"eng": "and kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy; because Yahweh had made them joyful, and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of God, the God of Israel’s house.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ سَلِ رَبَ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بُن مَ سّيوّ كُي، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ بْحّ مَقِندِ عٍ بّ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ تِ."} {"eng": "Then Tattenai, the governor beyond the River, Shetharbozenai, and their companions did accordingly with all diligence, because Darius the king had sent a decree.", "sus": "نَ كُي، سَمَرِ مَنفّ تَتٍنَيِ، سٍتَرَ بٌسٍنَيِ، نُن عٍ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ نَشَ نَ يَامَرِ رَبَتُ عَلْ مَنفّ دَرِيُسِ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "I have also made a decree that whoever alters this message, let a beam be pulled out from his house, and let him be lifted up and fastened on it; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ يِ يَامَرِ سَ نَ قَرِ؛ مِشِ يٌ نَشَن تٌندِ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ رَتِنمّدٍ، وٌ شَ وُرِ كٍرٍن بَ نَ كَنيِ شَ بَنشِ مَ، وٌ شَ عَ فبَكُ نَ وُرِ مَ. عَ شَ بَنشِ شَ كَنَ عَ شَ مَتَندِ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Also let the gold and silver vessels of God’s house, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple which is at Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be restored and brought again to the temple which is at Jerusalem, everything to its place. You shall put them in God’s house.", "sus": "مَنفّ نٍبُكَدَنسَرِ سٍ نَشٍيٍ تٌنفٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، يِرَبَسٍ شّيمَ نُن فبٍتِ دَاشِيٍ، نٍيٍ بِرِن شَ رَفبِلٍن، عٍ شَ رَ سٌ عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي نَشَن تِمَ دَرِ سَلَمُ.»"} {"eng": "Then when the copy of King Artaxerxes’ letter was read before Rehum, Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, they went in haste to Jerusalem to the Jews, and made them to cease by force of arms.", "sus": "فٌمِنَ رٍشُمِ، نُن عَ شَ سّبّلِتِ سِمٍسَيِ، نُن مَنفّ فبّتّيٍ تٌ مَنفّ عَتَسَكَسِ شَ بَتَاشّ شَرَن، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ كٍرٍن نَ دَرِ سَلَمُ يُوِقِيٍ يِرٍ، عٍ شَ نَ وَلِ عِتِ سّنبّ رَ."} {"eng": "The whole assembly together was forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,", "sus": "حَمَ نَشَن فبِلٍن يُدَيَ، عَ بِرِن قِندِ مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن قِرِن، مِشِ كّمّ سَشَن مِشِ تٌنفٌ سٍننِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "the children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai,", "sus": "عُسَ شَ دِيٍ، ثَسٍيَ شَ دِيٍ، بِسَيِ شَ دِيٍ،"} {"eng": "The men of Netophah, fifty-six.", "sus": "مِشِ نَشٍيٍ كٍلِ نٍتٌقَ، مِشِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ نُن سٍننِ."} {"eng": "The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy-two.", "sus": "سّقَتَيَ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ سَشَن، مِشِ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that Yahweh’s word by Jeremiah’s mouth might be accomplished, Yahweh stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,", "sus": "ثٍرِ سٍ مَنفّ سِرُ سِ شَ مَنفّيَ قْلْ حّ نَشَن نَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ وَ قٍ رَكَمَلِقٍ عَ نَشَن مَسٍن عَننَبِ يٍرٍ مِ بّ. عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ سَ سِرُ سِ بْحّ مَ، عَ شَ يِ مَسٍنيِ قَلَ، عَ مَن شَ عَ سّبّ مِشِيٍ بّ نَشٍيٍ نَ عَ شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ. نَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يِ كِ؛"} {"eng": "When they brought out the money that was brought into Yahweh’s house, Hilkiah the priest found the book of Yahweh’s law given by Moses.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نُ كْبِرِ رَ مِنِقٍ، نَشَن نُ بَرَ شَنِن عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، سّرّشّدُبّ شِلِكِيَ نَشَ سّرِيّ كِتَابُي تٌ عَلَتَلَ نَشَن قِشِ عَننَبِ مُنسَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "They delivered it into the hands of the workmen who had the oversight of Yahweh’s house; and the workmen who labored in Yahweh’s house gave it to mend and repair the house.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ نَ كْبِرِ تَشُ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ وَلِ شُنيِيٍ رَ. عَلَكٌ نٍيٍ شَ نْ كَمُدّرِيٍ، بَنشِتِيٍ نُن وَلِكّ مْولِ بِرِن سَرٍ قِدٍ."} {"eng": "Therefore Yahweh brought on them the captains of the army of the king of Assyria, who took Manasseh in chains, bound him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.", "sus": "نَ نَ عَ رَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ نِيَ عَسِرِيَ سْورِ شُنيِيٍ شَ قَ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ. عٍ نَشَ مَنَسِ سُشُ، عٍ يْلْنشْنيِ سَ عَ مَ، عٍ كْنيِ فبَكُ عَ بَنفَنيِ رَ، عٍ عَ شَنِن بَبِلْن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "He built altars in Yahweh’s house, of which Yahweh said, “My name shall be in Jerusalem forever.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يِ سّرّشّبَدٍ مْولِيٍ تِ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عَلَتَلَ عَ قَلَ دّننَشّ مَ، ٱ شِلِ قَمَ قَلَدٍ بٍ نّ دَرِ سَلَمُ تّمُي بِرِن."} {"eng": "Moreover he provided for himself cities, and possessions of flocks and herds in abundance; for God had given him abundant possessions.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ تَايٍ تِ، عَ نَشَ شُرُ سٍ شُنفبٍيٍ نُن عَ لَنمَيٍ فبٍفبٍ سْتْ عَلَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "also storehouses for the increase of grain, new wine, and oil; and stalls for all kinds of animals, and flocks in folds.", "sus": "بَنشِيٍ قَن نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ، عَ نُ مّنفِ، وّنِ نّينّ، تُرٍ، نُن شُرُ سٍيٍ رَفَتَمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Hezekiah had exceedingly great riches and honor. He provided himself with treasuries for silver, for gold, for precious stones, for spices, for shields, and for all kinds of valuable vessels;", "sus": "شٍسٍكِيَ شَ نَاقُلِ نُن عَ شَ بِنيّ نُ بَرَ فبٌ. فبٍتِ، شّيمَ، فّمّ تٌقَنيِيٍ، سُرَيِ، وُرٍ لٍقَيٍ، نُن سٍ قَنيِ فبّتّيٍ نُ نَ عَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "But Hezekiah didn’t reciprocate appropriate to the benefit done for him, because his heart was lifted up. Therefore there was wrath on him, Judah, and Jerusalem.", "sus": "كْنْ شٍسٍكِيَ مُ نَ كَابَنَكٌ كٌلٌن عَلَتَلَ بّ، عَ عَ يّتّ عِفبٌ. نَ نَ عَ رَ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ شْنْ عَ تَن نُن يُدَيَ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ مَ."} {"eng": "Hezekiah the king and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed because of this, and cried to heaven.", "sus": "مَنفّ شٍسٍكِيَ نُن عَمٌسِ شَ دِ عَننَبِ عٍسَيِ نَشَ عَلَ مَشَندِ قْلْ مَلِ رَ."} {"eng": "In the third month, they began to lay the foundation of the heaps, and finished them in the seventh month.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ نَ كٌتٍ مَلَن قْلْ كِكٍ سَشَن ندٍ رَ، عٍ فّ كِكٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He also appointed the king’s portion of his possessions for the burnt offerings: for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and the burnt offerings for the Sabbaths, for the new moons, and for the set feasts, as it is written in Yahweh’s law.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ ندٍ بَ عَ هَرِفٍ رَ عَ عَ قِ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِيٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ فّيسّفّ، نُنمَرٍ، مَلَبُي لْشْي، كِكٍ نّينّ، سَلِ شُنفبٍيٍ عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ كُي كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Yahweh listened to Hezekiah, and healed the people.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ شٍسٍكِيَ شَ دُبّ سُشُ، عَ دِحّ حَمَ مَ."} {"eng": "The consecrated things were six hundred head of cattle and three thousand sheep.", "sus": "عٍ مَن نَشَ نِنفٍ كّمّ سٍننِ نُن شُرُ سٍ لَنمَ وُلُ سَشَن بَ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "The men who have been mentioned by name rose up and took the captives, and with the plunder clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them, gave them sandals, gave them something to eat and to drink, anointed them, carried all the feeble of them on donkeys, and brought them to Jericho, the city of palm trees, to their brothers. Then they returned to Samaria.", "sus": "نَ كُنتِفِ نَشٍيٍ شِلِيٍ سّبّشِ، نٍيٍ نَشَ نَ هَرِفٍ يَ مَ تٌ، دُفِ نُن سَنكِرِ نَشَن نُ نَ، عٍ نَشَ نٍيٍ قِندِ فٍيلِمَنِ مَفٍلِيٍ شَ سٌسٍيٍ رَ. عٍ نَشَ بَلٌي نُن مِنسٍ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ، عٍ سٍرِ سَ عٍ شَ قِيٍ رَ. نَ تّمُي عٍ نَشَ عٍ رَ سٌ يٍرِكٌ، تُفِ تَا، عٍ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ يِرٍ. نَشٍيٍ مُ نْ عٍ حّرّدٍ، عٍ نَشَ نٍيٍ تَن شَنِن سٌقَلٍيٍ قَرِ. عٍ تٌ فّ نَ رَ، عٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن سَمَرِ."} {"eng": "Now you intend to degrade the children of Judah and Jerusalem as male and female slaves for yourselves. Aren’t there even with you trespasses of your own against Yahweh your God?", "sus": "يَكْسِ وٌ وَ مَ يُدَ شَ دِيٍ نُن دَرِ سَلَمُ شَ دِيٍ شَ قِندِ وٌ شَ كٌنيِيٍ رَ. كْنْ وٌ تَن فٌ؟ وٌ مُ عَ كٌلٌن وٌ قَن بَرَ يُنُبِ سْتْ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "He sacrificed and burned incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.", "sus": "عَشَسِ نَشَ سُرَيِ فَن، عَ مَن نَشَ سّرّشّ بَ كُيٍ بَتُدٍيٍ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ، نُن وُرِ بِلِ شِندٍيٍ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "He also fought with the king of the children of Ammon, and prevailed against them. The children of Ammon gave him the same year one hundred talents of silver, ten thousand cors of wheat, and ten thousand cors of barley. The children of Ammon also gave that much to him in the second year, and in the third.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَمٌنِ مَنفّ فٍرٍ، عَ نْ عَ رَ. عَمٌنِكَيٍ نَشَ يِ دُوتِ قِ حّ سَشَن بُن مَ؛ فبٍتِ كِلٌ وُلُ سَشَن كّمّ نَانِ، مّنفِ مَنِيّ بُسَلِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ نَانِ، قُندٍنيِ مَنِيّ بُسَلِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ نَانِ."} {"eng": "So Uzziah slept with his fathers; and they buried him with his fathers in the field of burial which belonged to the kings, for they said, “He is a leper.” Jotham his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "عٌسِيَسِ تٌ لَاشِرَيَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ رَفَتَ فَبُرِ كُي مَنفّيٍ شَ بْشِ ندٍ مَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ عَ قَلَمَ نّ، «كُنّ كَنيِ نَ عَ رَ.» عَ شَ دِ يٌتَمِ نَشَ تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "Uzziah prepared for them, even for all the army, shields, spears, helmets, coats of mail, bows, and stones for slinging.", "sus": "عٌسِيَسِ نَشَ وُرٍ لٍقَيٍ، تَنبّيٍ، تُندٍ لّبّرّيٍ، تَبٍ مَكٌتٌ سٍيٍ، شَلِيٍ، نُن لَاتِيٍ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "But Amaziah would not listen; for it was of God, that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies, because they had sought after the gods of Edom.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ عَ نِيَ عَمَسِيَ شَ تٌندِ نَ وْيّنيِ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَ نُ وَ مَ عَ لُقٍ عَ يَشُييٍ سَفٌي عَ شَ عٍدٌن كُيٍ بَتُي شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But the men of the army whom Amaziah sent back, that they should not go with him to battle, fell on the cities of Judah from Samaria even to Beth Horon, and struck of them three thousand, and took much plunder.", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِكَيٍ، عَمَسِيَ نَشٍيٍ رَفبِلٍن عٍ شْنيِ، نٍيٍ نَشَ بَفَن يُدَيَ تَايٍ مَ كٍلِقٍ سَمَرِ مَ، سَ دْشْ بٍتِ شٌرٌن نَ. عٍ نَشَ مِشِ وُلُ سَشَن قَشَ، عٍ قَ مّننِكَيٍ هَرِفٍ شَنِن عٍ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Amaziah took courage, and led his people out and went to the Valley of Salt, and struck ten thousand of the children of Seir.", "sus": "عَمَسِيَ نَشَ عَ سّنبّ سٌ، عَ قَ عَ شَ سْورِ فَلِ رَحّرّ فٍرٍ كُي. عٍ نَشَ سٍيِرِكَ وُلُ قُ قَشَ فُلُنبَ كُي قْشْي حِنمَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "But he didn’t put their children to death, but did according to that which is written in the law in the book of Moses, as Yahweh commanded, saying, “The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers; but every man shall die for his own sin.”", "sus": "كْنْ عَ مُ نَ وَلِكّيٍ شَ دِيٍ تَن قَشَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِ سّبّشِ تَوُرٍتَ مُنسَ كُي، «بَبَ مُ لَن عَ شَ قَشَ عَ شَ دِ شَ يُنُبِ شَ قٍ رَ. دِ قَن مُ لَن عَ شَ قَشَ عَ بَبَ شَ يُنُبِ شَ قٍ رَ. كَنكَن لَن عَ شَ قَشَ عَ يّتّ نَن مَ يُنُبِ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Whenever the chest was brought to the king’s officers by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was much money, the king’s scribe and the chief priest’s officer came and emptied the chest, and took it, and carried it to its place again. Thus they did day by day, and gathered money in abundance.", "sus": "كَنكِرَ تٌ رَقٍ كْبِرِ رَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ شَنِن لٍوِكَيٍ شْنمَ عَلَكٌ نٍيٍ شَ عَ كُي عِقٍ كٌلٌن مَنفّ شِلِ رَ. مَنفّ شَ سّبّلِ تِ نُن سّرّشّدُبّ كُنتِفِ قّ مَتِ نَشَ كَنكِرَ عِبَ. عٍ تٌ فّ، عٍ مَن نَشَ كَنكِرَ دْشْ عَ دْشْدٍ. عٍ نُ نَ رَبَمَ نّ لْشْ يٌ لْشْ. كْبِرِ فبٍفبٍ نَشَ سْتْ نَ كُي."} {"eng": "He sought Ahaziah, and they caught him (now he was hiding in Samaria), and they brought him to Jehu and killed him; and they buried him, for they said, “He is the son of Jehoshaphat, who sought Yahweh with all his heart.” The house of Ahaziah had no power to hold the kingdom.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَشَسِيَ قٍن، عٍ نَشَ عَ سُشُ سَمَرِ عَ نُ نْشُنشِ دّننَشّ. عٍ نَشَ قَ عَ رَ يٍهُ يِرٍ، عٍ قَ عَ قَشَ. نَ شَنبِ، عٍ نَشَ عَ رَفَتَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ عَ قَلَمَ نّ، «يٍهٌسَقَتِ شَ دِ نَ عَ رَ، نَشَن نُ عَلَتَلَ قٍنمَ عَ بْحّ بِرِن نَ.» عَشَسِيَ شَ مِشِ يٌ مُ نُ نَ نَشَن نْمَ قِندِدٍ مَنفّ رَ."} {"eng": "Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri.", "sus": "عَشَسِيَ مَنفّيَ سْتْ عَ حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ نُن قِرِن نَن مَ. عَ مَنفّيَ رَبَ دَرِ سَلَمُ حّ كٍرٍن. عَ نفَ نُ شِلِ نّ عَتَلَيَ، عٌمِرِ شَ دِ فِنّ نَن نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "However the high places were not taken away, and the people had still not set their hearts on the God of their fathers.", "sus": "كْنْ كُيٍ بَتُدٍيٍ مُ نُ فّشِ كَنَدٍ بْشِ كُي فٍيَيٍ قَرِ. حَمَ مُ نُ عٍ بْحّيٍ شِرِشِ عٍ بَبَيٍ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "They came to Jerusalem with stringed instruments, harps, and trumpets to Yahweh’s house.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ سٌ دَرِ سَلَمُ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ هَن عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، كْرَيٍ نُن سَرَيٍ نُ رَبٍرٍ مَ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "Ben Hadad listened to King Asa, and sent the captains of his armies against the cities of Israel; and they struck Ijon, Dan, Abel Maim, and all the storage cities of Naphtali.", "sus": "بٍن هَدَدَ نَشَ تِن مَنفّ عَسَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ سْورِ شُنيِيٍ شّي عِسِرَيِلَ تَايٍ سُشُدٍ. عٍ نَشَ عِيٌنٌ، دَنَ، نُن عَبٍلِ مَيِمِ سُشُ، عَ نُن تَا فبّتّيٍ بَلٌي نُ رَفَتَمَ دّننَشّ نَقَتَلِ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "In the thirty-sixth year of Asa’s reign, Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah, and built Ramah, that he might not allow anyone to go out or come in to Asa king of Judah.", "sus": "عَسَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن سٍننِ ندٍ، عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ بَاسَ نَشَ تٍ يُدَيَ فٍرٍدٍ. عَ نَشَ رَ مَ يَءِلَن، عَلَكٌ يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَسَ نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ نَشَ قّيرّ سْتْ سٌقٍ رَ مّننِ عٍ شَ عٍ كٍرِ."} {"eng": "Abijah stood up on Mount Zemaraim, which is in the hill country of Ephraim, and said, “Hear me, Jeroboam and all Israel:", "sus": "عَبِيَ نَشَ تٍ سّمَرَيِمَ فٍيَ قَرِ، عٍقِرَ مِ فٍيَيٍ مَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ، وٌ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "Now Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and to the princes of Judah, who were gathered together to Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, “Yahweh says, ‘You have forsaken me, therefore I have also left you in the hand of Shishak.’”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي، عَننَبِ سٍمَيَ نَشَ سِفَ رٌبٌوَ مِ يِرٍ. يُدَيَ يَرٍرَتِيٍ قَن نُ نَ نَا، بَرِ مَ عٍ قَ دَرِ سَلَمُ سِسَكِ شَ قٍ نَن نَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛ ‹وٌ بَرَ ٱ نَبّحِن، ٱ قَن وٌ رَبّحِنمَ سِسَكِ سَفٌي.›»"} {"eng": "He dealt wisely, and dispersed some of his sons throughout all the lands of Judah and Benjamin, to every fortified city. He gave them food in abundance; and he sought many wives for them.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ شَشِلِمَيَ رَبَ، عَ عَ شَ دِ بٌورٍيٍ بِرِن نَسَبَتِ يُدَيَ نُن بُنيَمِن تَا مَكَنتَشِيٍ كُي، عَ قَ بَلٌي نُن فِنّ فبٍفبٍ قٍن عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "He fortified the strongholds and put captains in them with stores of food, oil and wine.", "sus": "عَ نٍيٍ يَءِلَن عَ قَنيِ رَ فٍرٍ كِ مَ. عَ سْورِ شُنيِيٍ لُ نَا، عَ بَلٌي، تُرٍ، نُن وّنِ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "When all Israel saw that the king didn’t listen to them, the people answered the king, saying, “What portion do we have in David? We don’t have an inheritance in the son of Jesse! Every man to your tents, Israel! Now see to your own house, David.” So all Israel departed to their tents.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تٌ عَ كٌلٌن مَنفّ مُ تِن عَ تُلِ مَتِدٍ عٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «مُشُ فبٍ سٍ مُندُن نَ دَوُدَ يِ؟ كّ مُ نَ مُشُ بّ يِسَيِ شَ دِيٍ تَفِ. عِسِرَيِلَ شَ فبِلٍن عٍ شْنيِ. يَكْسِ دَوُدَ، عِ شَ مّينِ عِ شَ بَنشِ مَ عِ يّتّ رَ.»"} {"eng": "There were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and armrests on either side by the place of the seat, and two lions standing beside the armrests.", "sus": "نَ كِبَنيِ تٍ سٍيٍ قِندِشِ شّيمَ نَن نَ، كِبَنيِ نُ نَ يّتّ مَسٌلِشِ قِرِن تَفِ."} {"eng": "Blessed be Yahweh your God, who delighted in you and set you on his throne to be king for Yahweh your God, because your God loved Israel, to establish them forever. Therefore he made you king over them, to do justice and righteousness.”", "sus": "تَنتُي نَ عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، نَشَن هِننّشِ عِ رَ، عَ قَ عِ دْشْ عَ شَ مَنفّ كِبَنيِ كُي، عِ شَ مَنفّيَ رَبَ عَلْ عَ وَ مَ عَ شْن مَ كِ نَشّ. عِ مَرِفِ عَلَ نَ رَبَ نّ بَرِ مَ عِسِرَيِلَ رَقَن عَ مَ، عَ مَن وَ مَ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ بُ تّمُي بِرِن. عَ عِ قِندِ نّ عٍ شَ مَنفّ رَ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عٍ يَمَرِ تِنشِنيِ نُن نْندِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "the food of his table, the seating of his servants, the attendance of his ministers, their clothing, his cup bearers and their clothing, and his ascent by which he went up to Yahweh’s house, there was no more spirit in her.", "sus": "عَ شَ بَلٌي نَشَن سَشِ عَ شَ تٍيبِلِ مَ، عَ شَ وَلِكّيٍ نُن عٍ شَ دُفِ تٌقَنيِيٍ، عَ نُن عَ شَ سّرّشّيٍ عَ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي، عَ دّ نَشَ عِشَرَ نَ قٍ بِرِن مَ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ بّ،"} {"eng": "Solomon brought up Pharaoh’s daughter out of David’s city to the house that he had built for her; for he said, “My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places where Yahweh’s ark has come are holy.”", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ قِرَوُنَ شَ دِ فِنّ تٌنفٌ دَوُدَ شَ تَا كُي، عَ عَ رَتُنُ بَنشِ فبّتّ كُي، عَ نَشَن تِشِ عَ بّ. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ مَ فِنّ مُ لُمَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ دَوُدَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ نَ دّننَشّ. نَا قِندِشِ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ نَن نَ.»"} {"eng": "These were the chief officers of King Solomon, even two-hundred fifty, who ruled over the people.", "sus": "مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ مِشِ كّمّ قِرِن مِشِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ تِ شُنيِيٍ رَ حَمَ شُن."} {"eng": "of their children who were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel didn’t consume—of them Solomon conscripted forced labor to this day.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مُ نَشٍيٍ قَشَ، سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ عٍ قِندِ كٌنيِيٍ رَ. هَن تٌ عٍ نَ نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "then I will establish the throne of your kingdom, according as I covenanted with David your father, saying, ‘There shall not fail you a man to be ruler in Israel.’", "sus": "ٱ عِ شَ مَنفّ كِبَنيِ مَبَنبَنمَ نّ، عَلْ ٱ عَ رَ سَاتَشِ عِ بَبَ دَوُدَ بّ كِ نَشّ. ٱ عَ مَسٍن نّ عَ بّ، ‹عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيَ مُ بَمَ عِ بْنسْي يِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "For now I have chosen and made this house holy, that my name may be there forever; and my eyes and my heart will be there perpetually.", "sus": "ٱ بَرَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ ٱ شِلِ شَ قَلَ بٍ عَبَدَن. ٱ يَيٍ نُن ٱ بْحّ مُ كٍلِمَ بٍ.»"} {"eng": "“If they sin against you (for there is no man who doesn’t sin), and you are angry with them and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captive to a land far off or near;", "sus": "«شَ عٍ سَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عِ رَ، عَلْ عَدَ مَدِ بِرِن دَرِشِ نَشَن نَ، شَ عِ بْحّ تٍ عٍ مَ، عِ قَ عٍ سَ عٍ يَشُييٍ سَفٌي، عٍ قِندِ فٍيلِمَنِيٍ رَ يِرٍ مَكُيٍ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ يِرٍ مَكْرّشِ،"} {"eng": "then hear from heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.", "sus": "عِ شَ نَ قٍ مَتٌ، عِ شَ عٍ شَ دُبّ سُشُ، عِ شَ كِيتِ تِنشِنشِ سَ عٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "“Moreover, concerning the foreigner, who is not of your people Israel, when he comes from a far country for your great name’s sake and your mighty hand and your outstretched arm, when they come and pray toward this house,", "sus": "«شَ شْحّ ندٍ سَ قَ كٍلِقٍ حَمَنّ فبّتّ مَ، نَشَن مُ قِندِ عِ شَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ مِشِ ندٍ رَ، عَ قَ عِ شِلِ شُنفبٍ نُن عِ سّنبّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ عِ مَشَندِ يِ بَنشِ كُي،"} {"eng": "Yet have respect for the prayer of your servant and to his supplication, Yahweh my God, to listen to the cry and to the prayer which your servant prays before you;", "sus": "ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، عِ شَ عِ شَ كٌنيِ شَ دُبّ سُشُ، عِ شَ عَ شَ مَشَندِ تٌنفٌ، عِ شَ عِ تُلِ مَتِ عِ شَ كٌنيِ وَ شُي رَ."} {"eng": "nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who will come out of your body, he shall build the house for my name.’", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تَن شَ مُ نَ بَنشِ تِمَ. عِ شَ دِ نَن تَن نَ تِمَ. عِ نَشَن بَرِشِ، نَ نَن ٱ مَ بَنشِ تِمَ.›"} {"eng": "when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahweh; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Yahweh, saying, “For he is good, for his loving kindness endures forever!” then the house was filled with a cloud, even Yahweh’s house,", "sus": "سَرَ قٍيٍ نُن بّيتِبَيٍ نَشَ كَقُ عٍ بٌورٍ مَ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْدٍ عٍ شَ سَرَيٍ، مَشَسٍيٍ، نُن كْرَيٍ شُي رَ. عٍ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ تَنتُ يِ مَسٍنيِ رَ، «عَلَ شَ هِننّ فبٌ، عَ شَ قٌنِسِرٍيَ مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن!» نَ تّمُي، نُشُي نَشَ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ رَقٍ."} {"eng": "So all the men of Israel assembled themselves to the king at the feast, which was in the seventh month.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَلَن مَنفّ يِرٍ عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ كِكٍ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ سَلِ رَبَ."} {"eng": "and the snuffers, the basins, the spoons, and the fire pans of pure gold. As for the entry of the house, its inner doors for the most holy place and the doors of the main hall of the temple were of gold.", "sus": "قِنّيٍ، ثْوتِ تٌقَنيِيٍ، ثِلٍتِيٍ، كٌلٌثْوتِ شّيمَ قَنيِ دَاشِيٍ، نَادّيٍ شّيمَ دَاشِ نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ قِسَمَنتٍ سٌدٍ دّ رَ، نُن هْرْ مْبَنشِ سٌدٍ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "He also made the bases, and he made the basins on the bases—", "sus": "يٍ سَسٍيٍ نُن عٍ دْشْسٍيٍ،"} {"eng": "Then he made an altar of bronze, twenty cubits long, twenty cubits wide, and ten cubits high.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يْشُي سّرّشّبَدٍ يَءِلَن، نَشَن شَ كُيّ نْنفْن يَ مْشْحّن لِمَ، عَ عِفبٌي نْنفْن يَ مْشْحّن، عَ عِتٍ نْنفْن يَ قُ."} {"eng": "He made chains in the inner sanctuary, and put them on the tops of the pillars; and he made one hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.", "sus": "نَ فّمّ شُنتَفِ مَسٌلِشِيٍ مَنِيَ لُوتِ دّنبّشِيٍ رَ، كْوبّ بٌفِ مَنِيّ كّمّ رَقَلَشِ فبَكُشِ عٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Also he made before the house two pillars thirty-five cubits high, and the capital that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ فّمّ قِرِن تِ بَنشِ يَتَفِ، عٍ شَ مَءِتٍ نْنفْن يَ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن سُولِ. عٍ شُنتَفِيٍ مَسٌلِشِ، نَ مَسٌلِ شَ كُيّ نْنفْن يَ سُولِ."} {"eng": "He made the veil of blue, purple, crimson, and fine linen, and ornamented it with cherubim.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ دُفِ تٌقَنيِ فبَكُ نَ، نَشَن نَفبٍيلِشِ نُن عَ رَقْورْشِ، مَلٍكّ ثِرِنتِيٍ مَسْشْشِ عَ مَ."} {"eng": "The wings of the cherubim were twenty cubits long: the wing of the one was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub.", "sus": "Malekɛe gabutenyie xa kuyɛ nu lanxi nɔngɔn ya mɔxɔɲɛn nan ma. Malekɛ singe kɔɔla gabutenyi xa kuyɛ nɔngɔn ya suuli, a yire sɛniyɛnxi sɛɛti lixi. A yirefanyi gabutenyi boore malekɛ gabutenyi lixi. Na gabutenyi fan lanxi nɔngɔn ya suuli nan ma."} {"eng": "The wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was five cubits, joining to the wing of the other cherub.", "sus": "مَلٍكّ قِرِن ندٍ يِرٍقَنيِ فَبُتٍنيِ شَ كُيّ نْنفْن يَ سُولِ، عَ يِرٍ سّنِيّنشِ سّيتِ لِشِ. عَ كْولَ فَبُتٍنيِ بٌورٍ مَلٍكّ فَبُتٍنيِ لِشِ."} {"eng": "The wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house; and the other wing was five cubits, joining to the wing of the other cherub.", "sus": "Malekɛ firin nde yirefanyi gabutenyi xa kuyɛ nɔngɔn ya suuli, a yire sɛniyɛnxi sɛɛti lixi. A kɔɔla gabutenyi boore malekɛ gabutenyi lixi."} {"eng": "“Now therefore, the wheat, the barley, the oil, and the wine which my lord has spoken of, let him send to his servants;", "sus": "عِ نَشَن قَلَ مّنفِ مَنِيّ، قُندٍنيِ مَنِيّ، تُرٍ، نُن وّنِ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ شَ نَ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Now Solomon decided to build a house for Yahweh’s name, and a house for his kingdom.", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ عَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ شَ تِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، مَنفّ بَنشِ شَ تِ عَ تَن قَن بّ."} {"eng": "He died at a good old age, full of days, riches, and honor; and Solomon his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ سِمَيَ قَنيِ كَمَلِشِ سْتْ، عَ لَاشِرَيَ قٌرِحَ قَنيِ نُن سّيوّ كُي. هَرِفٍ كَنيِ نَن نُ عَ رَ، عَ شِلِ قَن نُ فبٌ. عَ شَ دِ سُلٍمَنِ نَن تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "Behold, there are the divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service of God’s house. Every willing man who has skill for any kind of service shall be with you in all kinds of work. Also the captains and all the people will be entirely at your command.”", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ نُن لٍوِكَ شُندّ بِرِن نَ عِ شَنبِ رَ عَلَ شَ بَنشِ شَ وَلِ شَ قٍ رَ. وَلِكّ مْولِ بِرِن نَ نَا نَشٍيٍ قَتَ وَلِ رَ. كُنتِفِيٍ نُن حَمَ قَن عٍ تُلِ مَتِمَ عِ شَ يَامَرِ بِرِن نَ.»"} {"eng": "Also Hosah, of the children of Merari, had sons: Shimri the chief (for though he was not the firstborn, yet his father made him chief),", "sus": "مٍرَرِ شَ دِ شٌسَ نَشَ دِ شّمّيٍ بَرِ؛ سِمِرِ، عَ بَبَ نَشَن قِندِ شُنيِ رَ هَلِ دِ سِنفٍ تٌ مُ نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "for the twenty-second to Giddalti, his sons and his brothers, twelve;", "sus": "عَ مْشْحّن نُن قِرِن ندٍ، فِدَلِتِ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ، عٍ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "for the nineteenth to Mallothi, his sons and his brothers, twelve;", "sus": "عَ قُ نُن سٌلٌمَنَانِ ندٍ، مَلٌتِ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ، عٍ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "for the fourteenth, Mattithiah, his sons and his brothers, twelve;", "sus": "عَ قُ نُن نَانِ ندٍ، مَتِتِيَ، عَ شَ دِيٍ، نُن عَ شُنيَيٍ، عٍ مِشِ قُ نُن قِرِن."} {"eng": "Of Heman, the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti-Ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth.", "sus": "هٍمَن شَ دِيٍ؛ بُوكِيَ، مَتَنِيَ، يُسِيّلِ، سٍبُوٍلِ، يٍرِ مٌتِ، شَنَنِيَ، شَنَنِ، عٍلِيَتَ، فِدَلِتِ، رٌ مَنتِ عٍسٍرِ، يٌسٌبٍكَسَ، مَلٌتِ، هٌتِرِ، مَشَسِيٌتِ."} {"eng": "These likewise cast lots even as their brothers the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, Zadok, Ahimelech, and the heads of the fathers’ households of the priests and of the Levites, the fathers’ households of the chief even as those of his younger brother.", "sus": "عٍ قَن سُفَندِشِ عَلَ شَ مَلِ نَن نَ عَلْ عٍ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ هَرُنَ شَ دِيٍ. نَ رَبَ مَنفّ دَوُدَ، سَدْكِ، عَشِمٍلٍكِ، سّرّشّدُبّيٍ شَ دٍنبَيَ شُنيِيٍ، نُن لٍوِكَيٍ يَ شْرِ. نَ كُي عٍلٍيَسَرِ نُن عِتَمَرِ شَ دٍنبَيَيٍ بِرِن لَن."} {"eng": "and to offer all burnt offerings to Yahweh on the Sabbaths, on the new moons, and on the set feasts, in number according to the ordinance concerning them, continually before Yahweh;", "sus": "عٍ مَن نُ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِيٍ بَمَ عَلَتَلَ بّ مَلَبُي لْشْييٍ مَ، كِكٍ نّينّ سَلِ، نُن سَلِ شُنفبٍ وَشَتِ. عٍ نُ لَنمَ عٍ شَ عَلَتَلَ رَبَتُ عَ سّرِيّ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "David said, “Of these, twenty-four thousand were to oversee the work of Yahweh’s house, six thousand were officers and judges,", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ بَرَ مِشِ وُلُ مْشْحّن نُن نَانِ بَ، عٍ شَ عٍ حّنفِ سَ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ وَلِ رَبَقٍ شْن. مِشِ وُلُ سٍننِ شَ قِندِ كِيتِسَيٍ رَ. مِشِ وُلُ نَانِ شَ قِندِ نَادّ كَنتّيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "At that time, when David saw that Yahweh had answered him in the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, then he sacrificed there.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نُ سّرّشّ بَمَ عٌرٌنَن يٍبُسُكَ شَ لٌنيِ نَن مَ سْنْن، بَرِ مَ عَ نُ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَابِمَ مّننِ نّ."} {"eng": "Ornan turned back and saw the angel; and his four sons who were with him hid themselves. Now Ornan was threshing wheat.", "sus": "عٌرٌنَن تٌ نُ نَا لٌنيِ مَ، عَ مّنفِ بْنبْقٍ، عَ نَشَ عَ مَقِندِ، عَ قَ مَلٍكّ تٌ. عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ دِ نَانِيٍ نَشَ عٍ نْشُن."} {"eng": "When the children of Ammon saw that they had made themselves odious to David, Hanun and the children of Ammon sent one thousand talents of silver to hire chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia, out of Aram-maacah, and out of Zobah.", "sus": "شَنُن نُن عَمٌنِكَيٍ تٌ عَ كٌلٌن عَ عٍ بَرَ شْننَنتٍيَ رَ سٌ عٍ نُن دَوُدَ تَفِ، عٍ نَشَ فبٍتِ كِلٌ وُلُ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن نَانِ قِ سِرِيَكَيٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ مٍسٌثٌتَمِيَ، مَاكَ نُن سٌبَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ قَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ نُن سٌي رَفِيٍ رَ عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "From Tibhath and from Cun, cities of Hadadezer, David took very much bronze, with which Solomon made the bronze sea, the pillars, and the vessels of bronze.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ هَدَدٍ سٍرِ شَ يْشُي فبٍفبٍ تٌنفٌ تِبَتِ نُن كُنُ. سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ نَ يَءِلَن مَشَسٍ شُنفبٍ رَ، سَلِدٍ كْنتِفِبَيٍ، عَ نُن سّرّشّبَدٍ وَلِسٍيٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ نُ رَوَلِمَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي."} {"eng": "Then David the king went in and sat before Yahweh; and he said, “Who am I, Yahweh God, and what is my house, that you have brought me this far?", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ مَنفّ دَوُدَ نَشَ سِفَ، عَ سَ عَ يّتّ دّنتّفّ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، عَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، ندٍ نَ ٱ تَن نَ عَ نُن ٱ مَ دٍنبَيَ رَ نَشَن عَ نِيَمَ عِ شَ يِ نَتّ مْولِ تٌنفٌ مُشُ بّ؟"} {"eng": "Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy before Yahweh, for he comes to judge the earth.", "sus": "وٌندِ وُرِ شَ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ مَسٍن، نَشَن قَقٍ دُنِحَ مَكِيتِدٍ."} {"eng": "and with them their brothers of the second rank: Zechariah, Ben, Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Unni, Eliab, Benaiah, Maaseiah, Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel, the doorkeepers.", "sus": "لٍوِكَيٍ فبّتّيٍ نَن نُ نَ نَادّ كَنتّيٍ رَ؛ سَكَرِ، بٍن، يَسِيٍلِ، سٍمِرَ مٌتِ، يّشِيّلِ، عُننِ، عٍلِيَبِ، بّنَيَ، مَاسٍيَ، مَتِتِيَ، عٍلِقٍلٍهُ، مِكِنٍيَهُ، عٌبٍدٌ عٍدٌن، نُن يٍيِيٍلِ."} {"eng": "David spoke to the chief of the Levites to appoint their brothers as singers with instruments of music, stringed instruments, harps, and cymbals, sounding aloud and lifting up their voices with joy.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ لٍوِكَيٍ شُنيِيٍ بّ عٍ شَ بّيتِبَ ندٍيٍ سُفَندِ عٍ شَ مِشِيٍ يَ مَ نَشٍيٍ بّيتِ بَمَ كْرَيٍ نُن مَشَسٍيٍ شُي رَ حّلّشِنيِ كُي."} {"eng": "and said to them, “You are the heads of the fathers’ households of the Levites. Sanctify yourselves, both you and your brothers, that you may bring the ark of Yahweh, the God of Israel, up to the place that I have prepared for it.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ تَن نَن نَ لٍوِ شَ دٍنبَيَيٍ شُنيِيٍ رَ. وٌ وٌ يّتّ رَ سّنِيّن، وٌ تَن نُن وٌ شَ مِشِيٍ. وٌ شَ تٍ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ رَ. وٌ شَ عَ شَنِن يِرٍ ٱ دّننَشّ يَءِلَنشِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "of the sons of Kohath, Uriel the chief, and his brothers one hundred twenty;", "sus": "كٍهَتِ شَ دِيٍ، مِشِ كّمّ مِشِ مْشْحّن. عٍ شُنيِ نَ عُرِيٍلِ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "David inquired of God, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to him, “Go up; for I will deliver them into your hand.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَلَ مَشْرِن، «ٱ شَ سِفَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ فٍرٍدٍ؟ عِ عٍ سَمَ ٱ سَفٌي؟» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «سِفَ، ٱ قَمَ نّ عٍ سَدٍ عِ سَفٌي.»"} {"eng": "Of the children of Levi: four thousand six hundred.", "sus": "لٍوِكَيٍ، سْورِ وُلُ نَانِ كّمّ سٍننِ."} {"eng": "Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, a mighty man among the thirty and a leader of the thirty; Jeremiah; Jahaziel; Johanan; Jozabad the Gederathite;", "sus": "يٍرٍ مِ، يَشَسِيٍلِ، يٌشَنَن، نُن يٌسَبَدِ فٍدٍرَكَ،"} {"eng": "Jediael the son of Shimri, and Joha his brother, the Tizite,", "sus": "سِمِرِ شَ دِيٍ يٍدِيَيٍلِ، يٌشَ شُنيَ تِسِكَ،"} {"eng": "Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the Pelonite,", "sus": "سَمٌتِ هَرٌرِكَ، شّلّسِ ثٍلٌنكَ،"} {"eng": "Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done mighty deeds, killed the two sons of Ariel of Moab. He also went down and killed a lion in the middle of a pit on a snowy day.", "sus": "يٍهٌيَدَ شَ دِ بّنَيَ كَبَسٍيلِكَ نُ قِندِشِ سْورِ مَفَاشُشِ نَن نَ. عَ نُ بَرَ قٍ شُنفبٍ فبٍفبٍ رَبَ، عَلْ عَرِيّلِ مٌوَبَكَ قِرِنيِ قَشَقٍ. عَ مَن نَشَ يّتّ ندٍ قَشَ كْلْنيِ كُي بَلَبَلَنيِ تّمُي."} {"eng": "So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against Yahweh, because of Yahweh’s word, which he didn’t keep, and also because he asked counsel of one who had a familiar spirit, to inquire,", "sus": "سْلُ قَشَ عَ شَ يَنقَنتٍيَ نَن مَ قٍ رَ عَ نَشَن نِيَ عَلَتَلَ رَ. عَ مُ عَلَتَلَ شَ وْيّنيِ سُشُ، عَ نَشَ مَرَ سِ قٍن مِشِيٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ وْيّنمَ مِشِ قَشَشِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The gatekeepers: Shallum, Akkub, Talmon, Ahiman, and their brothers (Shallum was the chief),", "sus": "عَلَ شَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ نَادّ مَكَنتّيٍ نَن يَ؛ سَلُمُ، نَشَن قِندِ عٍ شُنيِ رَ، عَكُبُ، تَلَمْن، عَشِمَن، عَ نُن عٍ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ."} {"eng": "Of the Levites: Shemaiah the son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, of the sons of Merari;", "sus": "لٍوِ بْنسْي مِشِ نَشٍيٍ سَبَتِشِ دَرِ سَلَمُ، نٍيٍ نَن يَ؛ شَسُبُ شَ دِ سٍمَيَ، عَسِرِكَمَ شَ دِ، شَسَبِيَ شَ دِ، مٍرَرِكَ،"} {"eng": "So all Israel were listed by genealogies; and behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel. Judah was carried away captive to Babylon for their disobedience.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شِلِيٍ بِرِن سّبّشِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيٍ شَ بُكِ ندٍ كُي."} {"eng": "and Mikloth, who became the father of Shimeah. They also lived with their families in Jerusalem, near their relatives.", "sus": "نُن مِكِلٌتِ، نَشَن قِندِ سِمٍيَمِ بَبَ رَ. عٍ قَن سَبَتِ دَرِ سَلَمُ نّ عٍ بَرِ مِشِيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "These were heads of fathers’ households throughout their generations, chief men. These lived in Jerusalem.", "sus": "دَرِ سَلَمُ شَبِلّ مَنفّيٍ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "With them, by their generations, after their fathers’ houses, were bands of the army for war, thirty-six thousand; for they had many wives and sons.", "sus": "عُسِ شَ مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن سٍننِ قِندِ سْورِيٍ نَن نَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ شَ فِنّيٍ نُن عٍ شَ دِيٍ وُيَ."} {"eng": "Ramoth with its pasture lands, and Anem with its pasture lands;", "sus": "رَ مٌتِ، عَ رَبِلِنيِ، عَنٍمِ، عَ رَبِلِنيِ، نَشٍيٍ نَ عِسَكَرِ بْنسْي شَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "the son of Zuph, the son of Elkanah, the son of Mahath, the son of Amasai,", "sus": "سُقُ شَ دِ، عٍلٍكَنَ شَ دِ، مَشَتِ شَ دِ، عَمَسَيِ شَ دِ،"} {"eng": "Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah the son of Amaziah,", "sus": "Simeyɔn bɔnsɔɛ xunyie nan ya: Mesobabo, Yameleki, Amasiya xa di Yosa,"} {"eng": "Joel, Jehu the son of Joshibiah, the son of Seraiah, the son of Asiel,", "sus": "Yoweli, Yosibiya xa di Yehu, Asiyeli xa di Seraya,"} {"eng": "Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah,", "sus": "Eliyowenayi, Yaakoba, Yesohaya, Asaya, Adiyeli, Yesimiyeli, Bɛnaya,"} {"eng": "and Ziza the son of Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah—", "sus": "nun Sisa, Sifeyi xa di, Alon xa di, Yɛdaya xa di, Simiri xa di, Semaya xa di."} {"eng": "these mentioned by name were princes in their families. Their fathers’ houses increased greatly.", "sus": "شَبِلّيٍ مَنفّيٍ نَن نَ كِ. عٍ شَ دٍنبَيَيٍ نَشَ وُيَ كِ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "these mentioned by name were princes in their families. Their fathers’ houses increased greatly.", "sus": "Xabilɛe mangɛe nan na ki. E xa denbayae naxa wuya ki fanyi ra."} {"eng": "and all their villages that were around the same cities, as far as Baal. These were their settlements, and they kept their genealogy.", "sus": "نُن عٍ رَبِلِنيِ هَن بَالَتِ. عٍ شَ بْشِيٍ نُن عٍ بٍنبَيٍ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "and these were born to him in Jerusalem: Shimea, Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon, four, by Bathshua the daughter of Ammiel;", "sus": "دِ نَانِ نَن يَ عَ نَشٍيٍ سْتْ دَرِ سَلَمُ عَمِيّلِ شَ دِ فِنّ بَتِسٍبَ رَ؛ سِمٍيَ، سٌبَبٌ، نَتَن، سُلٍمَنِ."} {"eng": "Ephah, Caleb’s concubine, bore Haran, Moza, and Gazez; and Haran became the father of Gazez.", "sus": "كَلٍبِ شَ كٌنيِ فِنّ عٍقَ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ شَرَنِ، مٌسَ، نُن فَسّسِ. شَرَنِ نَشَ فَسّسِ سْتْ."} {"eng": "The sons of Nadab: Seled and Appaim; but Seled died without children.", "sus": "نَدَبٌ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ سٍلٍدَ نُن عَثَيِمِ. سٍلٍدَ نَشَ قَشَ عَ دِتَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Ram became the father of Amminadab, and Amminadab became the father of Nahshon, prince of the children of Judah;", "sus": "رَ مِ نَشَ عَمِنَدَبٌ سْتْ. عَمِنَدَبٌ نَشَ نَشَسٌن سْتْ، نَشَن قِندِ يُدَيَكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ رَ."} {"eng": "chief Magdiel, and chief Iram. These are the chiefs of Edom.", "sus": "مَفَدِيّلِ، نُن عِرَ مِ. عٍدٌن مَنفّيٍ نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "and he spoke kindly to him and set his throne above the throne of the kings who were with him in Babylon,", "sus": "عَ نَشَ هِننّ عَ رَ، عَ عَ شَ كِبَنيِ رَدَنفِ مَنفّ فبّتّيٍ رَ، عَ تَن نُن نَشٍيٍ نُ عَ رَ بَبِلْن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh sent against him bands of the Chaldeans, bands of the Syrians, bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to Yahweh’s word which he spoke by his servants the prophets.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ كَلِدِكَيٍ، عَرَ مِكَيٍ، مٌوَبَكَيٍ، نُن عَمٌنِكَيٍ رَكٍلِ، عٍ شَ قَ عَ فٍرٍ. عَ نٍيٍ شّي نّ عٍ شَ قَ يُدَيَ سْنتْ، عَلْ عَ مَسٍنشِ كِ نَشّ عَ شَ كٌنيِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "All the houses also of the high places that were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made to provoke Yahweh to anger, Josiah took away, and did to them according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel.", "sus": "يٌسِيَ مَن نَشَ كُيٍ بَنشِيٍ بِرِن كَنَ، عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ نَشٍيٍ تِ سَمَرِ تَايٍ كُي، عٍ نُ عَلَتَلَ مَتَندِ مَ نَشٍيٍ كُي. يٌسِيَ نَشَ نَ بِرِن كَنَ، عَلْ عَ عَ رَبَ كِ نَشّ بٍتٍلِ."} {"eng": "He said, “Let him be! Let no one move his bones.” So they let his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet who came out of Samaria.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ يِ فَبُرِ لُ نَ، مِشِ يٌ نَشَ يِ يُدَيَ نَمِحْنمّ شْرِيٍ تٌنفٌ، عَ نُن نَمِحْنمّ شْرِيٍ نَشَن كٍلِ سَمَرِ، نٍيٍ تَن شْرِيٍ شَ رَفَتَ عٍ شَ فَبُرِيٍ كُي.»"} {"eng": "Because they have forsaken me and have burned incense to other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the work of their hands, therefore my wrath shall be kindled against this place, and it will not be quenched.’”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ بَرَ ٱ نَبٌلٌ، عٍ نُ سُرَيِ فَن عَلَ فبّتّيٍ بّ عٍ نَشٍيٍ يَءِلَنشِ عٍ يّتّ بّلّشّيٍ رَ، ٱ بْحّ بَرَ تٍ يِ يِرٍ شِلِ مَ. عَ لُشِ عَلْ تّ نَشَن مُ شُبٍنمَ مُكُ!›"} {"eng": "So Hilkiah the priest, Ahikam, Achbor, Shaphan, and Asaiah went to Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe (now she lived in Jerusalem in the second quarter); and they talked with her.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شِلِكِيَ، عَشِكَمَ، عَكِبٌرِ، سَقَن، نُن عَسَيَ نَشَ سِفَ نَمِحْنمّ فِنّ شُلِدَ يِرٍ، سَلُمُ شَ فِنّ، تِكِقَ شَ دِ، شَرَشَسِ شَ مَمَدِ. نَ فِنّ نُ سَبَتِشِ دَرِ سَلَمُ تَا نّينّ نَن كُي، عَ نُ مّينِمَ مَنفّ شَ سٌسٍيٍ مَ. شّيرَيٍ تٌ دّنتّفّ سَ نَ فِنّ بّ،"} {"eng": "“Tell Hezekiah king of Judah this: ‘Don’t let your God in whom you trust deceive you, saying, Jerusalem will not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.", "sus": "«وٌ عَ قَلَ يُدَيَ مَنفّ شٍسٍكِيَ بّ، ‹عِ شَ عَلَ، عِ لَشِ نَشَن نَ، نَ نَشَ عِ مَدَشُ دٍ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «دَرِ سَلَمُ مُ لُمَ عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ بّلّشّ عِ.»"} {"eng": "Where are the gods of Hamath and of Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, of Hena, and Ivvah? Have they delivered Samaria out of my hand?", "sus": "شَمَتَ نُن عَرَثَدِ شَ عَلَيٍ فٌ؟ سٍقَرَوَيِمِ، هٍنَ نُن عِوَ شَ عَلَيٍ فٌ؟ نٍيٍ بَرَ سَمَرِ بَ ٱ بّلّشّ عِ؟"} {"eng": "He struck the Philistines to Gaza and its borders, from the tower of the watchmen to the fortified city.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ بْنبْ هَن فَسَ مَبِرِ، كٍلِقٍ عٍ شَ يِرٍ مَكَنتَدٍيٍ مَ هَن عٍ شَ تَا مَكَنتَشِ كُي."} {"eng": "He did that which was right in Yahweh’s eyes, according to all that David his father had done.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ قٍ رَبَ نَشَن نَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ، عَلْ عَ بٍنبَ دَوُدَ عَ رَبَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Then the king of Assyria commanded, saying, “Carry there one of the priests whom you brought from there; and let him go and dwell there, and let him teach them the law of the god of the land.”", "sus": "عَسِرِيَ مَنفّ نَشَ يِ يَامَرِ قِ، «سّرّشّدُبّ ندٍ شَ سَبَتِ نَ بْشِ مَ، عَ شَ عٍ شَرَن نَ بْشِ عَلَيٍ بَتُ كِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "For he tore Israel from David’s house; and they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king; and Jeroboam drove Israel from following Yahweh, and made them sin a great sin.", "sus": "عَ تٌ عِسِرَيِلَ بَ دَوُدَ بْنسْي رَ، عَ نَشَ عٍ لُ نٍبَتِ شَ دِ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ شَ مَنفّيَ بُن مَ، نَشَن بَرَ عٍ رَفبِلٍن عَلَتَلَ قْشْ رَ عَ شَ يُنُبِ شُنفبٍ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Yet Yahweh testified to Israel and to Judah, by every prophet and every seer, saying, “Turn from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ عِسِرَيِلَ نُن يُدَيَ رَكٌلٌن نَ بِرِن نَ عَ شَ نَمِحْنمّيٍ سَابُي رَ. عَ نُ بَرَ عَ قَلَ، «وٌ شَ فبِلٍن وٌ شَ وَلِ كٌبِيٍ قْشْ رَ. وٌ شَ بِرَ ٱ مَ يَامَرِيٍ نُن ٱ مَ تْنيِيٍ قْشْ رَ، عَلْ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ عَ مَسٍنشِ كِ نَشّ، ٱ نَشَن يَمَرِ وٌ بٍنبَيٍ رَ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ نَمِحْنمّيٍ سَابُي رَ.»"} {"eng": "and they served idols, of which Yahweh had said to them, “You shall not do this thing.”", "sus": "عٍ نُ كُيٍيٍ بَتُمَ، هَلِ عَلَتَلَ تٌ بَرَ نُ تْنيِ دْشْ نَ قٍ مَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «وٌ نَشَ نَ مْولِ رَبَ.»"} {"eng": "King Ahaz cut off the panels of the bases, and removed the basin from off them, and took down the sea from off the bronze oxen that were under it, and put it on a pavement of stone.", "sus": "مَنفّ عَشَسِ نَشَ عَلَ شَ بَنشِ يٍ سَسٍيٍ دْشْدٍ بَ عَ بٌرٍ رَ، عَ نَ يٍ سَسٍيٍ تٌنفٌ عٍ قَرِ. عَ يٍ سَسٍ شُنفبٍ رَفٌرٌ كٍلِ تُورَ وُرٍ فبٍيلِ دَاشِيٍ قَرِ، عَ عَ دْشْ بْشِ مَ. نَ يٍ سَسٍ نُ شِلِ نّ «بَا.»"} {"eng": "Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, and all that he did, and his might, how he fought, and how he recovered Damascus, and Hamath, which had belonged to Judah, for Israel, aren’t they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?", "sus": "يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ شَ تَرُشُي دْنشْي، عَ قٍ قَنيِ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن نَبَ، نُن عَ شَ شُننَكٍلِ دَ مَسِ نُن شَمَتَ رَفبِلٍنقٍ رَ يُدَيَ مَ، نَ بِرِن سّبّشِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيٍ شَ تَرُشُي كُي."} {"eng": "Yahweh didn’t say that he would blot out the name of Israel from under the sky; but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ رَكِسِ يٌوَ سِ شَ دِ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ سَابُي رَ. عَ مُ نُ وَ مَ عَ شْن عِسِرَيِلَ شِلِ شَ حْن دُنِحَ مَ."} {"eng": "He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight. He didn’t depart from all the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, with which he made Israel to sin.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ قٍ رَبَ نَشَن مُ رَقَن عَلَ مَ، عَ مُ فبِلٍن نٍبَتِ شَ دِ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ شَ يُنُبِ قْشْ رَ، عَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تِ نَشَن نَ."} {"eng": "Jehoash the king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, “The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, saying, ‘Give your daughter to my son as wife.’ Then a wild animal that was in Lebanon passed by, and trampled down the thistle.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ يٍهٌوَ سَ نَشَ يُدَيَ مَنفّ عَمَسِيَ يَابِ يِ رَ، «لِبَن تُنبٍ دِ نَشَ شّيرَ شّي لِبَن سّدِرِ وُرِ شُنفبٍ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، ‹عِ شَ دِ فِنّ قِ ٱ مَ دِ مَ.› نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، لِبَن وُلَءِ سُبٍ ندٍ نَشَ تُنبٍ مَبٌرٌن."} {"eng": "Elisha said to him, “Take bow and arrows;” and he took bow and arrows for himself.", "sus": "عٍلِسٍ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «شَلِ نُن تَنبّ ندٍ تٌنفٌ.» مَنفّ نَشَ نَ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Then King Jehoash called for Jehoiada the priest, and for the other priests, and said to them, “Why aren’t you repairing the damage to the house? Now therefore take no more money from your treasurers, but deliver it for repair of the damage to the house.”", "sus": "مَنفّ يٌوَ سِ نَشَ سّرّشّدُبّ يٍهٌيَدَ نُن عَ بٌورٍيٍ شِلِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «مُنقٍ رَ وٌ مُ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ يَءِلَنشِ سِندٍن؟ يَكْسِ وٌ نَشَ كْبِرِ يٌ تٌنفٌ كْبِرِ رَفَتَدٍ كُي، نَشَن مُ رَوَلِمَ عَلَتَلَ شَ بَنشِ يَءِلَنقٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Jehu slept with his fathers; and they buried him in Samaria. Jehoahaz his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "يٍهُ نَشَ لَاشِرَ، عٍ عَ رَفَتَ سَمَرِ. عَ شَ دِ يٍهٌوَشَسِ نَشَ تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Jehu, “Because you have done well in executing that which is right in my eyes, and have done to Ahab’s house according to all that was in my heart, your descendants shall sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن يٍهُ بّ، «عِ تٌ بَرَ ٱ سَفٌي رَبَ عَكَبُ بْنسْي شَ قٍ رَ، ٱ عِ بْنسْي دْشْمَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَ كِبَنيِ مَ هَن عِ تٌلٌنتٌلٌنيِ.»"} {"eng": "Jehu went with Jehonadab the son of Rechab into the house of Baal. Then he said to the worshipers of Baal, “Search, and see that none of the servants of Yahweh are here with you, but only the worshipers of Baal.”", "sus": "يٍهُ نُن رٍكَبُ شَ دِ يٍهٌنَدَبٌ نَشَ سِفَ بَلِ شَ سَلِدٍ كُي، يٍهُ قَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ عَ مَتٌ، عَلَتَلَ شَ مِشِ يٌ نَشَ لُ وٌ يَ مَ. بَلِ كُيٍ بَتُي نَن فبَنسَن شَ لُ بٍ.»"} {"eng": "Then he wrote a letter the second time to them, saying, “If you are on my side, and if you will listen to my voice, take the heads of the men who are your master’s sons, and come to me to Jezreel by tomorrow this time.” Now the king’s sons, being seventy persons, were with the great men of the city, who brought them up.", "sus": "يٍهُ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ عَ شَ بَتَاشّ قِرِن ندٍ كُي، عَ نَشّ عٍ بّ، «شَ وٌ نَ ٱ تَن نَن بّ، وٌ شَ وٌ شَ مَنفّ شَ دِيٍ شُنيِيٍ بٌلٌن، وٌ قَ ٱ يِرٍ يِسِرٍيلِ تِنَ يِ وَشَتِ مَ.» مَنفّ شَ دِ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نُ عِتَشُنشِ تَا كُنتِفِيٍ مَ، نٍيٍ نُ نَ عٍ مَشُرُقٍ."} {"eng": "and the body of Jezebel will be as dung on the surface of the field on Jezreel’s land, so that they won’t say, “This is Jezebel.”’”", "sus": "يٍسَبٍلَ بِنبِ لُمَ نّ عَلْ حَحّ نَشَن شّيٍ رَقَنمَ. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ سْنْن يٍسَبٍلَ نَن يِ كِ.›»"} {"eng": "They went to bury her, but they found no more of her than the skull, the feet, and the palms of her hands.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ سِفَ، كْنْ عَ قُرٍ سٍسٍ مُ نُ لُشِ نَا قَ، قٌ عَ شُنكٌنكٌتَ، عَ سَنيِيٍ، نُن عَ بّلّشّيٍ."} {"eng": "When Joram saw Jehu, he said, “Is it peace, Jehu?” He answered, “What peace, so long as the prostitution of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft abound?”", "sus": "يٌرَ مِ تٌ يٍهُ لِ نَا، عَ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «يٍهُ، تَنَ مُ نَ؟» يٍهُ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «تَنَ يَتِ يَتِ نَ نَ. عِ نفَ يٍسَبٍلَ نَ كُيٍ بَتُقٍ، عَ نَ مَندُرُحَ رَبَقٍ.»"} {"eng": "The watchman said, “He came to them, and isn’t coming back. The driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously.”", "sus": "تَا مَكَنتّ نَشَ دّنتّفّ سَ، «وٌن مَ شّيرَ بَرَ سَ حَمَ لِ، كْنْ عَ مُ نَ فبِلٍنقٍ. عَ لُشِ ٱ بّ عَلْ نَشَن فِسٍ رَفِقٍ، عَ رَفِ كِ شْرْشْي مَنِيَ نِمِسِ شَ دِ يٍهُ رَ.»"} {"eng": "He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as did Ahab’s house, for he married Ahab’s daughter. He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ حّرّ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّيٍ شَ كِرَ شْن مَ، عَلْ عَكَبُ نُن عَ بْنسْي عَ رَبَ كِ نَشّ، بَرِ مَ عَكَبُ شَ دِ فِنّ ندٍ نَن نُ دْشْشِ عَ شْن مَ. عَ نَشَ قٍ حَاشِيٍ رَبَ نَشٍيٍ مُ رَقَن عَلَتَلَ مَ."} {"eng": "When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, “Yahweh, open these men’s eyes, that they may see.” Yahweh opened their eyes, and they saw; and behold, they were in the middle of Samaria.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ سٌ نَا، عٍلِسٍ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ، عَ شَ نَ مِشِيٍ يَ رَبْو، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ تٌ تِ. عَلَتَلَ تٌ عٍ يَ رَبِ، عٍ نَشَ قَ عَ تٌ، عٍ نَ سَمَرِ تَا نَن كُي."} {"eng": "Elisha prayed, and said, “Yahweh, please open his eyes, that he may see.” Yahweh opened the young man’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elisha.", "sus": "عَننَبِ عٍلِسٍ نَشَ عَلَ مَشَندِ عَ قْشِرَبِرّ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «ٱ مَرِفِ عَلَ، عَ يَ رَبِ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ تٌ تِ.» عَلَ نَشَ عَ يَ رَبِ، عَ نَشَ سٌي نُن سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ تّ دَاشِيٍ تٌ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ عٍلِسٍ رَبِلِنيِ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "Therefore he sent horses, chariots, and a great army there. They came by night and surrounded the city.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ سْورِ فَلِ شّي نَا، سٌي نُن سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ قَرِ. عٍ نَشَ سٌ نَا كْي رَ، عٍ دٌتَن تَا رَبِلِن."} {"eng": "One said, “Please be pleased to go with your servants.” He answered, “I will go.”", "sus": "كْنْ مِشِ ندٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ يَ مَ، «يَندِ، عِ قَن شَ قَ مُشُ قْشْ رَ.» عٍلِسٍ نَشَ تِن نَ رَ، عَ نَشّ، «عَوَ، وٌن بِرِن نَ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Please let us go to the Jordan, and each man take a beam from there, and let’s make us a place there, where we may live.” He answered, “Go!”", "sus": "شَ عِ تِنمَ عَ رَ، وٌن شّي يُرُدّن شُرٍ، كَنكَن شَ وُرِ كٍرٍن كٍرٍن سّفّ، وٌن شَ يِرٍ يَءِلَن مَلَندٍ رَ بٍ.» عَننَبِ عٍلِسٍ نَشَ تِن نَ عَ رَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «وٌ سِفَ،»"} {"eng": "But Gehazi the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, “Behold, my master has spared this Naaman the Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought. As Yahweh lives, I will run after him, and take something from him.”", "sus": "عٍلِسٍ قْشِرَبِرّ فٍشَسِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بْحّ مَ، «ٱ مَرِفِ بَرَ عَ لُ يِ عَرَ مِكَ شَ سِفَ، عَ مُ عَ شَ بُحَ رَ سُشُ. ٱ بَرَ ٱ كَلِ عَلَتَلَ رَ، ٱ تَن شَ ٱ فِ عَ قْشْ رَ بَ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ سٍ ندٍ سْتْ عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall come again to you, and you shall be clean.”", "sus": "عٍلِسٍ نَشَ مِشِ شّي تَندٍ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ نَامَن بّ، «سَ عِ مَشَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ مَ سَنيَ سٌلٌقٍرٍ. نَ كُي عِ قَتٍ يَلَنمَ نّ، عِ قَ سّنِيّن.»"} {"eng": "So she went from him, and shut the door on herself and on her sons. They brought the containers to her, and she poured oil.", "sus": "نَ فِنّ نَشَ سِفَ، عَ سَ سٍ سَسٍيٍ يٍقُ. عَ نَشَ سٌ عَ شْنيِ عَ نَادّ بَلَن عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ شُن مَ. عَ شَ دِيٍ نُ قَ سٍ سَسٍيٍ رَدَنفِ عَ مَ، عَ نُ تُرٍ سَ عٍ كُي."} {"eng": "So the waters were healed to this day, according to Elisha’s word which he spoke.", "sus": "سَ كٍلِقٍ نَ لْشْي مَ هَن تٌ، نَ يٍ قَنشِ عَلْ عَننَبِ عٍلِسٍ عَ مَسٍنشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "They came back to him while he stayed at Jericho; and he said to them, “Didn’t I tell you, ‘Don’t go?’”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ فبِلٍن يٍرِكٌ عٍلِسٍ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «ٱ مُ عَ قَلَ شّ وٌ بّ، وٌ نَشَ سِفَ؟»"} {"eng": "When they urged him until he was ashamed, he said, “Send them.” Therefore they sent fifty men; and they searched for three days, but didn’t find him.", "sus": "كْنْ عٍ تٌ نَ قٍ مَشْرْشْ، عَ نَشَ تِن نَ رَ. عٍ نَشَ نَ مِشِ تٌنفٌ سُولِ شّي عٍلِيَ قٍندٍ. عٍ نَشَ عَ قٍن شِ سَشَن بُن مَ، عٍ مُ عَ تٌ."} {"eng": "He also took up Elijah’s mantle that fell from him, and went back and stood by the bank of the Jordan.", "sus": "عَ قَ عٍلِيَ شَ دٌنمَ تٌنفٌ نَشَن بِرَ بْشِ مَ. عَ نَشَ فبِلٍن يُرُدّن شُرٍ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "He said to him, “Yahweh says, ‘Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron, is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of his word? Therefore you will not come down from the bed where you have gone up, but you will surely die.’”", "sus": "عٍلِيَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ بّ، «عَلَتَلَ شُي نَن يَ، ‹عَلَ مُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ تَن مَ، عِ تٌ قَ شّيرَيٍ شّيمَ عٍكِرٌنكَيٍ شَ عَلَ بَلِ سٍبُبُ مَشْرِندٍ؟ نَ شَ قٍ رَ، عِ مُ فٌرٌ مَ سَدٍ مَ عِ سَشِ نَشَن كْن نَ. عِ قَشَمَ نّ.›»"} {"eng": "Yahweh also spoke of Jezebel, saying, “The dogs will eat Jezebel by the rampart of Jezreel.", "sus": "«عَلَتَلَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ يٍسَبٍلَ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشّ، ‹بَرٍيٍ قَمَ نّ يٍسَبٍلَ دٌندٍ يِسِرٍيلِ تّتّ قّ مَ."} {"eng": "I will make your house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah, for the provocation with which you have provoked me to anger, and have made Israel to sin.”", "sus": "ٱ عِ شَ قْشّ لُمَ نّ، عَلْ نٍبَتِ شَ دِ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ نُن عَهِيَ شَ دِ بَاسَ شَ قْشّيٍ، بَرِ مَ عِ بَرَ ٱ نَشْنْ، عِ مَن بَرَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن نَحّرّ يُنُبِ كُي.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh’s word came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ عٍلِيَ تِسِبٍكَ بّ، عَ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "She wrote in the letters, saying, “Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people.", "sus": "عَ سّبّشِ بَتَاشّ كُي، «وٌ سُنيِ نُن سَلِ رَبَقٍ تِ حَمَ بّ، نَبٌتِ شَ دْشْ حَمَ بِرِن يَ عِ."} {"eng": "The prophet came near to the king of Israel and said to him, “Go, strengthen yourself, and plan what you must do, for at the return of the year, the king of Syria will come up against you.”", "sus": "نَ نَمِحْنمّ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٌ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ شَ وَكِلِ، عِ شَ قٍيٍ رَقَلَ، بَرِ مَ تَمُنَ عَرَ مِ مَنفّ مَن قَمَ نّ عِ فٍرٍدٍ.»"} {"eng": "When all the people saw it, they fell on their faces. They said, “Yahweh, he is God! Yahweh, he is God!”", "sus": "حَمَ تٌ نَ تٌ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ يَتَفِ رَقٍلٍن بْشِ مَ، عٍ قَ عَ قَلَ، «عَلَتَلَ نَن عَلَ رَ! عَلَتَلَ نَن عَلَ رَ!»"} {"eng": "At noon, Elijah mocked them, and said, “Cry aloud, for he is a god. Either he is deep in thought, or he has gone somewhere, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he sleeps and must be awakened.”", "sus": "يَنيِ تَفِ تٌ عَ لِ، عَننَبِ عٍلِيَ نَشَ يٌ عٍ مَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «وٌ وٌ شُي عِتٍ دٍ، بَرِ مَ عَ تٌ قِندِشِ عَلَ رَ، قٍيٍ وُيَ عَ يِ. تّمُندٍ عَ نَ بِيَاسِ كُي، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ نَ شِقٍ. وٌ شَ عَ رَشُنُ.»"} {"eng": "When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?”", "sus": "عَ تٌ سَ عٍلِيَ تٌ، عَكَبُ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ تَن نَن عِسِرَيِلَ يَ عِسٌشِ يِ كِ؟»"} {"eng": "After many days, Yahweh’s word came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, “Go, show yourself to Ahab; and I will send rain on the earth.”", "sus": "تّمُي شْن تٌ كُيَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ عٍلِيَ بّ عَ حّ سَشَن ندٍ رَ، عَ نَشّ، «سِفَ عَكَبُ يِرٍ، ٱ تُنّ رَقَمَ نّ بْشِ مَ قَ.»"} {"eng": "The people who were encamped heard that Zimri had conspired, and had also killed the king. Therefore all Israel made Omri, the captain of the army, king over Israel that day in the camp.", "sus": "حَمَ تٌ عَ مّ، عَ سِمِرِ بَرَ مَنفّ يَنقَ، عَ عَ قَشَ، عٍ نَشَ سْورِ شُنيِ عٌمِرِ تِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ كٍرٍن نَ."} {"eng": "In the twenty-sixth year of Asa king of Judah, Elah the son of Baasha began to reign over Israel in Tirzah for two years.", "sus": "عَسَ شَ مَنفّيَ حّ مْشْحّن نُن سٍننِ ندٍ رَ، بَاسَ شَ دِ عٍلَ نَشَ تِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ. عَ شَ مَنفّيَ بُ نّ حّ قِرِن."} {"eng": "Abijam slept with his fathers, and they buried him in David’s city; and Asa his son reigned in his place.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ لَاشِرَ، عٍ عَ رَفَتَ عَ بٍنبَيٍ سّيتِ مَ دَوُدَ شَ تَا كُي. عَ شَ دِ عَسَ نَشَ تِ مَنفّ رَ عَ حْشْي رَ."} {"eng": "Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, aren’t they written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?", "sus": "رٌبٌوَ مِ شَ تَرُشُي دْنشْي سّبّشِ يُدَيَ مَنفّيٍ شَ تَرُشُي نَن كُي."} {"eng": "Go, tell Jeroboam, ‘Yahweh, the God of Israel, says: “Because I exalted you from among the people, and made you prince over my people Israel,", "sus": "سِفَ، عِ سَ عَ قَلَ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ بّ، عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشّ، ‹ٱ بَرَ عِ شَ قٍ عِتٍ حَمَ تَفِ، ٱ بَرَ عِ تِ مَنفّ رَ ٱ مَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ شُن مَ،"} {"eng": "So he went back with him, ate bread in his house, and drank water.", "sus": "نَ كُي عَلَ شَ شّيرَ نَشَ فبِلٍن، عٍ نَشَ عٍ دّفٍ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ مِن."} {"eng": "The man of God said to the king, “Even if you gave me half of your house, I would not go in with you, neither would I eat bread nor drink water in this place;", "sus": "عَلَ شَ شّيرَ نَشَ مَنفّ يَابِ، «هَلِ عِ نَاقُلِ فبٍفبٍ قِمَ ٱ مَ، ٱ مُ سٌمَ عِ شْنيِ. ٱ مُ سٍسٍ دٌنمَ، ٱ مُ سٍسٍ مِنمَ بٍ،"} {"eng": "The altar was also split apart, and the ashes poured out from the altar, according to the sign which the man of God had given by Yahweh’s word.", "sus": "نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ نَشَ عِبْو كٍرٍن نَ، عَ شُبٍ نَشَ عِبْفٌن بْشِ مَ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ شَ شّيرَ عَ قَلَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "So the king didn’t listen to the people; for it was a thing brought about from Yahweh, that he might establish his word, which Yahweh spoke by Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مَنفّ مُ تِن عَ تُلِ مَتِدٍ حَمَ رَ. مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نُ بَرَ نَ رَفِرِ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَكَمَلِ عَ نَشَن قَلَ نٍبَتِ شَ دِ يٍرٌبٌوَ مِ بّ عَننَبِ عَهِيَ سِلٌكَ سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "There were six steps to the throne, and the top of the throne was round behind; and there were armrests on either side by the place of the seat, and two lions standing beside the armrests.", "sus": "Santide senni nu na na kibanyi ma. A xanbi radigilinxi, bɛlɛxɛ sade firin nu na a sɛɛtie ma, yɛtɛ masolixi firin fan nu na a sɛɛtie ma."} {"eng": "Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps. Nothing like it was made in any kingdom.", "sus": "يّتّ قُ نُن قِرِن قَن مَسٌلِشِ نُ نَ سَنتِدٍيٍ سّيتِيٍ مَ، سٍننِ نُ نَ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ، سٍننِيٍ نُ نَ كْولَ مَ. نَ كِبَنيِ مَنِيّ مُ نُ نَ مَنفَتَا يٌ كُي سِندٍن."} {"eng": "Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps. Nothing like it was made in any kingdom.", "sus": "Yɛtɛ fu nun firin fan masolixi nu na santidee sɛɛtie ma, senni nu na yirefanyi ma, sennie nu na kɔɔla ma. Na kibanyi maniyɛ mu nu na mangataa yo kui sinden."} {"eng": "However, I didn’t believe the words until I came and my eyes had seen it. Behold, not even half was told me! Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame which I heard.", "sus": "بٍينُن ٱ شَ بٍ تٌ ٱ يّتّ رَ، ٱ مُ لَ عٍ شَ مَسٍنيِ رَ. كْنْ يَكْسِ ٱ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن عِ شَ لْننِ فبٌ دَنفِقٍ عٍ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ ٱ بّ. عِ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن تَفِ رَبَشِ ٱ بّ نُن عِ شَ نَاقُلِ، نَ دَنفِ عِ شِلِ رَ."} {"eng": "“When your people Israel are struck down before the enemy because they have sinned against you, if they turn again to you and confess your name, and pray and make supplication to you in this house,", "sus": "«شَ عِ شَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ سَ يُنُبِ رَبَ عِ رَ، عٍ يَشُييٍ قَ نْ عٍ رَ نَ شَ قٍ رَ، شَ عٍ بَرَ تِن فبِلٍنقٍ رَ عِ يِرٍ، عٍ عِ شِلِ مَتْشْ، عٍ عِ مَشَندِ يِ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي،"} {"eng": "I have surely built you a house of habitation, a place for you to dwell in forever.”", "sus": "نَ كُي ٱ بَرَ لِنفِرَ تِ عِ بّ، عِ سَبَتِمَ دّننَشّ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "On the plates of its supports and on its panels, he engraved cherubim, lions, and palm trees, each in its space, with wreaths all around.", "sus": "مَلٍكّ مِسَالِيٍ، يّتّ مِسَالِيٍ، نُن تُفِ مِسَالِيٍ نُ يَءِلَنشِ نَ كٍبٍلَيٍ مَ، نُن سٍ فبّتّيٍ."} {"eng": "The door for the middle side rooms was in the right side of the house. They went up by winding stairs into the middle floor, and out of the middle into the third.", "sus": "نَادّ ندٍ نُ نَ بَنشِ يِرٍقَنيِ مَ نَشَن مِنِمَ كٌنكٌييٍ يِرٍ مَ. تٍدٍ سَمّ دَاشِ ندٍ نُ يَءِلَنشِ بَنشِ كُي مَ، نَشَن نُ كٌنكٌييٍ كُي مَسْتْمَ كٌورٍ رَ."} {"eng": "“You know that David my father could not build a house for the name of Yahweh his God because of the wars which were around him on every side, until Yahweh put his enemies under the soles of his feet.", "sus": "«عِ نُ ٱ بَبَ دَوُدَ كٌلٌن، عَ مُ نْ بَنشِ تِدٍ عَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ فٍرٍ شَ قٍ رَ، نَشَن نُ نَ عَ يِرٍ بِرِن هَن عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ يَشُييٍ سَ عَ سَنيِ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "Solomon sent to Hiram, saying,", "sus": "سُلٍمَنِ نَشَ شِرَ مِ يَابِ،"} {"eng": "People of all nations came to hear the wisdom of Solomon, sent by all kings of the earth who had heard of his wisdom.", "sus": "دُنِحَ مَنفّيٍ نُ لُمَ مِشِيٍ شّي رَ عٍ شَ قَ مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ شَ لْننِ نُن شَشِلِمَيَ رَ مّ."} {"eng": "The third day after I delivered, this woman delivered also. We were together. There was no stranger with us in the house, just us two in the house.", "sus": "شِ سَشَن تٌ دَنفِ، عَ قَن نَشَ دِ بَرِ. مُشُ دٌرٌ نَن تُن نُ عَ رَ، مِشِ فبّتّ يٌ مُ نُ نَ بَنشِ كُي قٌ مُشُ قِرِن ثٍتِ."} {"eng": "I have also given you that which you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there will not be any among the kings like you for all your days.", "sus": "ٱ بَننَيَ نُن بِنيّ قِمَ نّ عِ مَ، نَشٍيٍ مَنِيّ مُ تٌمَ مَنفّ فبّتّيٍ يِ عِ شَ وَشَتِ، هَلِ عِ تٌ مُ عٍ مَشْرِنشِ."} {"eng": "So the king commanded Benaiah the son of Jehoiada; and he went out, and fell on him, so that he died. The kingdom was established in the hand of Solomon.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي مَنفّ نَشَ يٍهٌيَدَ شَ دِ بّنَيَ يَمَرِ عَ شَ سِمٍيِ قَشَ. عَ نَشَ نَ رَبَ. سُلٍمَنِ شَ مَنفّيَ مَبَنبَن نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "He said, “Please speak to Solomon the king (for he will not tell you ‘no’), that he give me Abishag the Shunammite as wife.”", "sus": "عَدٌنِيَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «يَندِ، عِ شَ عَ قَلَ مَنفّ سُلٍمَنِ بّ عَ شَ عَبِسَفَ سُنَمِكَ قِ ٱ مَ فِنّ رَ. عَ مُ تٌندِ مَ عِ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Now therefore don’t hold him guiltless, for you are a wise man; and you will know what you ought to do to him, and you shall bring his gray head down to Sheol with blood.”", "sus": "يَكْسِ عِ نَشَ دِحّ عَ مَ دٍ. شَشِلِمَ نَن عِ رَ، عِ عَ كٌلٌن عَ لَنمَ عِ شَ عَ رَ سِفَ عَلِفِيَمَ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "and keep the instruction of Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies, according to that which is written in the law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn yourself.", "sus": "عِ شَ عِ حْشْ سَ عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ شْن مَ، عِ شَ بِرَ عَ شَ كِرَ قْشْ رَ. عِ شَ عَ شَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُ، عِ شَ عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ رَتِنمّ. عِ شَ بِرَ عَ شَ لْننِ قْشْ رَ، عِ شَ عَ شُي سُشُ عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ كِ نَشّ تَوُرٍتَ مُنسَ كُي، عَلَكٌ قٍ بِرِن شَ سْونّيَ عِ بّ عِ سِفَ دّدّ."} {"eng": "For he has gone down today, and has slain cattle, fatlings, and sheep in abundance, and has called all the king’s sons, the captains of the army, and Abiathar the priest. Behold, they are eating and drinking before him, and saying, ‘Long live King Adonijah!’", "sus": "ٱ عِ مَشْرِنشِ نّ نَ مَ بَرِ مَ عَدٌنِيَ حَن بَرَ نِنفٍيٍ نُن يّشّي بْرْفّشِ فبٍفبٍ بَ سّرّشّ رَ. عَ بَرَ مَنفّ شَ دِيٍ بِرِن، سْرِ مَنفّيٍ، نُن عَبِيَتَرِ سّرّشّدُبّ شِلِ. عٍ بِرِن نَ عٍ دّفٍقٍ يِرٍ كٍرٍن، عٍ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹كِسِ نَ مَنفّ عَدٌنِيَ بّ!›"} {"eng": "They told the king, saying, “Behold, Nathan the prophet!” When he had come in before the king, he bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground.", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍ نَشَ عَ رَ سٌ مَنفّ شَ كٌنكٌي كُي، عَ عَ قَلَ، «عَننَبِ نَتَن بَرَ قَ.» نَتَن نَشَ عَ مَفٌرٌ بْشِ مَ مَنفّ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Then Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, “Haven’t you heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith reigns, and David our lord doesn’t know it?", "sus": "نَتَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ سُلٍمَنِ نفَ بَتِسٍبَ بّ، «عِ مُ عَ مّشِ عَ شَفِتِ شَ دِ عَدٌنِيَ بَرَ قِندِ مَنفّ رَ، عَ قَ لِ وٌن مَرِفِ دَوُدَ مُ قٍقٍ كٌلٌنشِ نَ قٍ كُي؟"} {"eng": "Araunah looked out, and saw the king and his servants coming on toward him. Then Araunah went out and bowed himself before the king with his face to the ground.", "sus": "كٍلِ يِرٍ عِتٍشِ ندٍ مَ، عَرَوُنَ نَشَ مَنفّ نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ تٌ قَ رَ عَ يِرٍ. عَ نَشَ كٍلِ كٍرٍن نَ، عَ سَ عٍ رَلَن، عَ عَ قٍلٍن بْشِ مَ مَنفّ بُن مَ."} {"eng": "So Yahweh sent a pestilence on Israel from the morning even to the appointed time; and seventy thousand men died of the people from Dan even to Beersheba.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ قُرٍ حَاشِ رَدِن عِسِرَيِلَ مَ، كٍلِقٍ فّيسّفّ هَن عَ وَشَتِ نَشَن قَلَ. نَ كُي، كٍلِقٍ دَنَ هَن عَ سَ دْشْ بٍرِ سٍيبَ رَ، شّمّ وُلُ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ نَن قَشَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "David said to Gad, “I am in distress. Let us fall now into Yahweh’s hand, for his mercies are great. Let me not fall into man’s hand.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ فَدِ يَابِ، «ٱ بْحّ بَرَ مَحَاشُ عَ شْرْشْي رَ. عَ لَن ٱ شَ ٱ سَ عَلَتَلَ نَن بّلّشّ عِ، نَشَن شَ كِنِكِنِ فبٌ. نَ قِسَ عَدَ مَدِيٍ بّلّشّيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "Joab gave up the sum of the counting of the people to the king; and there were in Israel eight hundred thousand valiant men who drew the sword, and the men of Judah were five hundred thousand men.", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ حَمَ شَسَبِ دّنتّفّ مَنفّ بّ. شّمّ مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ سٌلٌمَسَشَن نَن نُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ نْمَ قِندِدٍ سْورِيٍ رَ. شّمّ مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ سُولِ نَن نُ نَ يُدَيَ قَن، نَشٍيٍ نُ نْمَ قِندِدٍ سْورِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Notwithstanding, the king’s word prevailed against Joab and against the captains of the army. Joab and the captains of the army went out from the presence of the king to count the people of Israel.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ عَ يَابِ عَ شْرْشْي رَ. يٌوَبَ نُن سْورِ مَنفّيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ مَنفّ شُن، عٍ سِفَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ كْنتِدٍ."} {"eng": "Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, armor bearers to Joab the son of Zeruiah,", "sus": "سّلّكِ عَمٌنِكَ، سٍرُيَ شَ دِ نَشَرَيِ بٍرٌتِكَ، نَشَن نُ يٌوَبَ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍيٍ شَنِنمَ،"} {"eng": "Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse says, the man who was raised on high says, the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet psalmist of Israel:", "sus": "دَوُدَ شَ مَسٍنيِ دْنشْي نَن يَ؛ يِسَيِ شَ دِ دَوُدَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ، كُنتِفِ شُنفبٍ، يَشُبَ مَرِفِ عَلَ نَشَن سُفَندِشِ مَنفّ رَ، بّيتِبَ نَشَن مَنِيّ مُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "You have enlarged my steps under me. My feet have not slipped.", "sus": "عِ ٱ نَحّرّ مَ عَ قَنيِ رَ، ٱ مَ كِرَ مُ قِندِ مَ تْورّ رَ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "He teaches my hands to war, so that my arms bend a bow of bronze.", "sus": "عَ ٱ مَلِمَ ٱ مَ فٍرٍ كُي، عَلْ سّنبّمَ نَشَن شَلِ وُرٍ فبٍيلِ دَاشِ عِتَلَمَ."} {"eng": "For the waves of death surrounded me. The floods of ungodliness made me afraid.", "sus": "قَشّ نُ بَرَ وَ نْقٍ ٱ نَ، عَلْ مْرْنيِيٍ نَشٍيٍ دُ سُمَ مِشِ شُن نَ. ٱ نُ بَرَ كْنتْقِلِ فبَلٌي رَ،"} {"eng": "They buried the bones of Saul and Jonathan his son in the country of Benjamin in Zela, in the tomb of Kish his father; and they performed all that the king commanded. After that, God answered prayer for the land.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يَامَرِ قِ، عَ سْلُ نُن عَ شَ دِ يٌنَتَن شْرِيٍ شَ رَفَتَ سٍلَ، بُنيَمِن بْنسْي شَ بْشِ مَ، سْلُ بَبَ كِسُ شَ فَبُرِ يِرٍ. عٍ تٌ فّ مَنفّ وَشْنقٍ رَبَدٍ، عَلَ نَشَ هِننّ عٍ شَ بْشِ رَ."} {"eng": "The king called the Gibeonites and said to them (now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites, and the children of Israel had sworn to them; and Saul sought to kill them in his zeal for the children of Israel and Judah);", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ فَبَيٌنكَيٍ شِلِ، عٍ شَ دّ مَسَرَ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مُ نُ عٍ تَن نَ. عَمٌرِكَيٍ نَن نُ عٍ رَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ سَاتَ عٍ نُن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ رَ. كْنْ سْلُ نَ سَاتّ كَنَ نّ، عَ عٍ فٍرٍ عِسِرَيِلَ نُن يُدَيَ بّ."} {"eng": "and Ira the Jairite was chief minister to David.", "sus": "عِرَ يَيِرِكَ نَن نُن نَ دَوُدَ شَ سّرّشّدُبّ رَ."} {"eng": "The victory that day was turned into mourning among all the people, for the people heard it said that day, “The king grieves for his son.”", "sus": "عٍ فٍرٍ نَشَن فٍينِشِ نَ لْشْي، نَ نَشَ قِندِ سُننُنيِ رَ بْشِ بِرِن بّ، بَرِ مَ حَمَ نُ بَرَ عَ مّ عَ مَنفّ تْورْشِ عَ شَ دِ عَبِسَلٌمِ شَ قَشّ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "The king said, “Is it well with the young man Absalom?” Ahimaaz answered, “When Joab sent the king’s servant, even me your servant, I saw a great tumult, but I don’t know what it was.”", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عَبِسَلٌمِ فٌ، تَنَ مُ نَ ٱ مَ قٌنِكٍ مَ؟» عَشِمَاسِ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «يٌوَبَ تٌ ٱ تَن نُن مَنفّ شَ كٌنيِ ندٍ شّي، قٍ ندٍ نُ نَ، كْنْ ٱ مُ عَ كٌلٌن قٍ نَشَن عَ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said yet again to Joab, “But come what may, please let me also run after the Cushite.” Joab said, “Why do you want to run, my son, since you will have no reward for the news?”", "sus": "سَدْكِ شَ دِ عَشِمَاسِ قَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٌوَبَ بّ، «يَندِ، عَ لُ ٱ قَن شَ سِفَ مَنفّ يِرٍ كُسِكَ قْشْ رَ.» يٌوَبَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ مَ دِ، عِ وَ مَ سِفَقٍ مُنقٍ رَ؟ يِ بِيَاسِ مُ قِندِشِ شِبَارُ قَنيِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Then Joab said to the Cushite, “Go, tell the king what you have seen!” The Cushite bowed himself to Joab, and ran.", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ كُسِكَ ندٍ بّ، «سِفَ، عِ سَ عَ دّنتّفّ مَنفّ بّ عِ نَشَن تٌشِ بٍ.» كُسِكَ تٌ فّ عَ شِنبِ سِندٍ يٌوَبَ بُن مَ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ مَقُرٍنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Joab blew the trumpet, and the people returned from pursuing after Israel; for Joab held the people back.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي يٌوَبَ نَشَ سَرَ قٍ، عَلَكٌ حَمَ شَ فبِلٍن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قْشْ رَ."} {"eng": "Even he who is valiant, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, will utterly melt; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and those who are with him are valiant men.", "sus": "لِمَنِيَ قَمَ نّ بَدٍ مِشِيٍ يِ رَ، هَلِ سْورِ شْرْشْييٍ. عِسِرَيِلَ عِ بَبَ كٌلٌن سْورِ رَ، عٍ عَ شَ مِشِيٍ كٌلٌن فبَنفبَلَنيِيٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "I will come on him while he is weary and exhausted, and will make him afraid. All the people who are with him will flee. I will strike the king only,", "sus": "ٱ عَ لِمَ نَا، عَ تَفَنشِ، لِمَنِيَ يٌ مُ نَ عَ بّ، قٌ فَاشُي. نَ كُي حَمَ عٍ فِمَ نّ، ٱ قَ مَنفّ قَشَ عَ كٍرٍن."} {"eng": "The king and all the people who were with him arrived weary; and he refreshed himself there.", "sus": "مَنفّ نُن عَ شَ حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ يٌنكِندٍ لِ، عٍ تَفَنشِ. مّننِ عٍ نَشَ عٍ مَلَبُ."} {"eng": "The king said, “What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah? Because he curses, and because Yahweh has said to him, ‘Curse David,’ who then shall say, ‘Why have you done so?’”", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «سٍرُيَ شَ دِ، عِ مُ نَ يِ قٍ كُي قٍوٌ. يِ مِشِ ٱ دَنكَشِ نّ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ عَ يَمَرِ عَ شَ ٱ دَنكَ. ندٍ نْمَ عَ قَلَدٍ عَ بّ، ‹مُنقٍ رَ عِ يِ رَبَمَ؟›»"} {"eng": "But Absalom fled. The young man who kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, many people were coming by way of the hillside behind him.", "sus": "نَ كُي عَبِسَلٌمِ نَشَ عَ فِ. نَ تّمُي تَا مَكَنتّ نَشَ مِشِ فبٍفبٍ تٌ قَ رَ كِرَ شْن مَ كٍلِقٍ فٍيَ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "Then the king arose, and tore his garments, and lay on the earth; and all his servants stood by with their clothes torn.", "sus": "مَنفّ نَشَ عَ شَ دٌنمَ عِبْو سُننُنيِ كُي، عَ قَ فٌرٌ بْشِ مَ، عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ."} {"eng": "But Absalom pressed him, and he let Amnon and all the king’s sons go with him.", "sus": "عَبِسَلٌمِ نَشَ عَ كَرَشَن، هَن مَنفّ نَشَ تِن عَمِنٌن نُن مَنفّ شَ دِ بِرِن شَ سِفَ نَ شُلُنيِ."} {"eng": "Absalom spoke to Amnon neither good nor bad; for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had forced his sister Tamar.", "sus": "عَبِسَلٌمِ مُ سٍسٍ قَلَ عَمِنٌن بّ نَ شَ قٍ رَ، كْنْ شْننَنتٍيَ نَشَ لُ عَ بْحّ كُي عَمِنٌن مَبِرِ، بَرِ مَ عَ نُ بَرَ قٍ كٌبِ رَبَ عَ مَافِنّ تَمَرِ رَ."} {"eng": "Jonadab said to him, “Lay down on your bed and pretend to be sick. When your father comes to see you, tell him, ‘Please let my sister Tamar come and give me bread to eat, and prepare the food in my sight, that I may see it and eat it from her hand.’”", "sus": "يٌنَدَبٌ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ نَشَن نَبَمَ، عِ شَ عِ سَ، عَلْ عِ نَ قُرَ عَ فبٍ رَ. عِ بَبَ نَ قَ عِ شّيبُدٍ، عِ شَ عَ مَيَندِ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، ‹عَ لُ ٱ مَافِنّ تَمَرِ شَ قَ ٱ يِرٍ، عَ شَ دٌنسٍ يَءِلَن ٱ يَ شْرِ، عَ عَ سٌ ٱ يِ رَ عَ يّتّ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "Now therefore gather the rest of the people together, and encamp against the city and take it; lest I take the city, and it be called by my name.”", "sus": "يَكْسِ عِ شَ سْورِيٍ مَلَن، وٌ شَ تٍ تَا سُشُدٍ. عَ مُ لَنمَ ٱ تَن شَ نَ بِنيّ سْتْ.»"} {"eng": "Now Joab fought against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and took the royal city.", "sus": "يٌوَبَ نَشَ عَمٌنِكَيٍ شَ مَنفَتَا رَابَ فٍرٍ، عَ نَ مَنفّ بَنشِ سُشُ."} {"eng": "Now therefore tell my servant David this: ‘Yahweh of Armies says, “I took you from the sheep pen, from following the sheep, to be prince over my people, over Israel.", "sus": "«عِ شَ عَ قَلَ ٱ مَ كٌنيِ دَوُدَ بّ، ‹عَلَتَلَ سّنبّمَ شَ مَسٍنيِ نَن يِ كِ؛ ٱ تَن نَن عِ تٌنفٌ شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌن وَلِ كُي، ٱ عِ قِندِ ٱ مَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ مَنفّ رَ."} {"eng": "David did so, as Yahweh commanded him, and struck the Philistines all the way from Geba to Gezer.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ رَبَ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ قَلَشِ عَ بّ كِ نَشّ. عَ نَشَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ بْنبْ، كٍلِقٍ فٍبَ مَ هَن فٍسٍرِ."} {"eng": "David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to David, “Go up; for I will certainly deliver the Philistines into your hand.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَشْرِن، عَ نَشّ، «عَ لَنمَ ٱ شَ سِفَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ فٍرٍدٍ؟ عِ عٍ سَمَ نّ ٱ سَفٌي؟» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «سِفَ، ٱ عٍ سَمَ نّ عِ بّلّشّ.»"} {"eng": "David perceived that Yahweh had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel’s sake.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نُ عَ كٌلٌن، عَ عَلَتَلَ نَن عَ تِشِ مَنفّ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ شُن مَ، عَ شَ مَنفّيَ شَ سَبَتِ عَلَتَلَ شَ حَمَ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ قٍ رَ."} {"eng": "How much more, when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house on his bed, should I not now require his blood from your hand, and rid the earth of you?”", "sus": "مِشِ كٌبِيٍ نَ تِنشِنتْي ندٍ قَشَ عَ شَ بَنشِ كُي، هَن عَ شَ سَدٍ مَ، عَ مُ لَن شّ عٍ قَن شَ نَ نِي سَرٍ قِ؟ ٱ مُ لَن شّ ٱ شَ نَ مِشِيٍ شَ قٍ حْن يِ دُنِحَ مَ؟»"} {"eng": "when someone told me, ‘Behold, Saul is dead,’ thinking that he brought good news, I seized him and killed him in Ziklag, which was the reward I gave him for his news.", "sus": "مِشِ ندٍ تٌ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، عَ مَنفّ سْلُ بَرَ قَشَ، نَ كَنيِ حْشْ نُ عَ مَ، عَ عَ شِبَارُ قَنيِ نَن عِبَشِ ٱ بّ. كْنْ ٱ تَن بَرَ يَامَرِ قِ، عٍ شَ عَ سُشُ، عٍ عَ قَشَ سِكِلَفَ تَا كُي. عَ شَ شِبَارُ سَرٍ نَن نَ كِ!"} {"eng": "When Joab had come out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David didn’t know it.", "sus": "يٌوَبَ تٌ كٍلِ دَوُدَ يِرٍ، عَ نَشَ مِشِيٍ شّي عَبٍنٍرِ قْشْ رَ سِرَ يٍ كُندِ يِرٍ. عٍ نَشَ قَ عَ رَ، كْنْ دَوُدَ مُ نُ قٍقٍ كٌلٌن."} {"eng": "They took up Asahel and buried him in the tomb of his father, which was in Bethlehem. Joab and his men went all night, and the day broke on them at Hebron.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَسَهّلِ قُرٍ شَنِن عٍ شُن مَ، عٍ سَ عَ رَفَتَ عَ بٍنبَيٍ شَ فَبُرِ بّتّلّيمُ. يٌوَبَ نُن عَ شَ مِشِيٍ نَشَ عٍ حّرّ كْي بِرِن نَ، عٍ سَ سٌ هٍبِرٌن سُبَشّ مَ."} {"eng": "The battle was very severe that day; and Abner was beaten, and the men of Israel, before David’s servants.", "sus": "نَ لْشْي دَوُدَ شَ مِشِيٍ نَشَ عَبٍنٍرِ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ مِشِيٍ بْنبْ عَ حَاشِ رَ."} {"eng": "After this, David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?” Yahweh said to him, “Go up.” David said, “Where shall I go up?” He said, “To Hebron.”", "sus": "نَ تٌ دَنفِ، دَوُدَ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَشْرِن، عَ نَشّ، «ٱ شَ تٍ يُدَ تَا ندٍ كُي؟» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، عَ نَشّ، «عِيٌ.» دَوُدَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «يُدَ تَا مُندُن؟» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «هٍبِرٌن بْشِ.»"} {"eng": "I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan. You have been very pleasant to me. Your love to me was wonderful, surpassing the love of women.", "sus": "يٌنَتَن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ، ٱ سُننُنشِ عِ شَ قٍ رَ. عِ شَ قٍ نُ شْرْشْ ٱ مَ! عِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ نُ نَ ٱ بّ دَنفِ فِنّيٍ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ رَ."} {"eng": "David said to him, “How did it go? Please tell me.” He answered, “The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead. Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also.”", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «مُنسٍ دَنفِشِ نَا؟ نَ تَفِ رَبَ ٱ بّ.» عَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بَرَ عٍ فِ فٍرٍ مَ. مِشِ فبٍفبٍ بَرَ قَشَ عٍ يَ مَ. هَلِ سْلُ نُن عَ شَ دِ شّمّ يٌنَتَن بَرَ لَاشِرَ.»"} {"eng": "So Saul died with his three sons, his armor bearer, and all his men that same day together.", "sus": "سْلُ قَشَ نَ كِ نّ نَ لْشْي، عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ دِ سَشَنيِيٍ، عَ شَ سْورِ نَشَن نُ عَ شَ فٍرٍ سٌسٍ مَشَنِنمَ، نُن عَ شَ سْورِ بِرِن."} {"eng": "When David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah, even to his friends, saying, “Behold, a present for you from the plunder of Yahweh’s enemies.”", "sus": "عٍ تٌ سٌ سِكِلَفَ، دَوُدَ نَشَ عٍ سْتْسٍ سّيتِ رَ سَنبَ عَ شَنُنتٍنيِ يُدَ قٌرِيٍ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «وٌ مَبِرِ نَن يِ كِ، مُشُ نَشٍيٍ سْتْشِ عَلَتَلَ يَشُييٍ يِ رَ!»"} {"eng": "David came to the two hundred men, who were so faint that they could not follow David, whom also they had made to stay at the brook Besor; and they went out to meet David, and to meet the people who were with him. When David came near to the people, he greeted them.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ فبِلٍن نَ مِشِ كّمّ قِرِنيِيٍ يِرٍ، نَشٍيٍ نُ بَرَ لُ بٍسٌرِ شُرٍ تَفَنيِ شَ قٍ رَ. عٍ نَشَ مِنِ دَوُدَ نُن عَ قْشِرَبِرّيٍ مَ. دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ مَسٌ عٍ رَ، عَ عٍ شّيبُ."} {"eng": "David recovered all that the Amalekites had taken, and David rescued his two wives.", "sus": "عَمَلّكِكَيٍ سٍ نَشٍيٍ سُشُ، دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ بِرِن مَسْتْ، عَ نُن عَ شَ فِنّ قِرِنيِيٍ."} {"eng": "The woman had a fattened calf in the house. She hurried and killed it; and she took flour and kneaded it, and baked unleavened bread of it.", "sus": "فِنّ نَشَ كٍلِ كٍرٍن نَ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ نِنفٍ لَنمَ بْرْفّشِ قَشَ. عَ نَشَ تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ رَقَلَ قَرِن نُن تُرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "But he refused, and said, “I will not eat.” But his servants, together with the woman, constrained him; and he listened to their voice. So he arose from the earth and sat on the bed.", "sus": "كْنْ سْلُ مُ تِن، عَ نَشّ، «ٱ مُ ٱ دّفٍمَ.» عَ شَ مِشِيٍ نُن نَ فِنّ نَشَ كَرَشَن، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ دّفٍ. عَ رَحْنيِ عَ نَشَ تِن نَ رَ، عَ كٍلِ بْشِ مَ، عَ دْشْ سَدٍ مَ."} {"eng": "The woman said to him, “Behold, you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who have familiar spirits and the wizards out of the land. Why then do you lay a snare for my life, to cause me to die?”", "sus": "فِنّ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ عَ كٌلٌن سْلُ تْنيِ نَشَن دْشْشِ كَرَ مْشْي وَلِ رَ، نَشٍيٍ وْيّنمَ قَشَمِشِيٍ نُن حِننّيٍ رَ. مُنقٍ رَ عِ نَ فَنتَنيِ تٍقٍ ٱ بّ، عِ شَ ٱ قَشَ؟»"} {"eng": "Though men may rise up to pursue you and to seek your soul, yet the soul of my lord will be bound in the bundle of life with Yahweh your God. He will sling out the souls of your enemies as from a sling’s pocket.", "sus": "عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ عِ نِي رَتَنفَ عِ يَشُييٍ مَ. عَلَتَلَ شَ عِ يَشُييٍ مَكُيَ عِ رَ ثٌن."} {"eng": "Ask your young men, and they will tell you. Therefore let the young men find favor in your eyes, for we come on a good day. Please give whatever comes to your hand to your servants and to your son David.’”", "sus": "عِ شَ عِ شَ مِشِيٍ مَشْرِن شَ نْندِ نَ عَ رَ. نَ كُي عِ شَ هِننّ ٱ مَ مِشِيٍ رَ يِ شُلُن لْشْي. عِ شَ مُشُ كِ عِ نْمَ نَشَن نَ، بَرِ مَ مُشُ قِندِشِ عِ شَ كٌنيِيٍ نَن نَ، نَشٍيٍ بِرَ مَ عِ شَ دِ دَوُدَ قْشْ رَ.›»"} {"eng": "Tell him, ‘Long life to you! Peace be to you! Peace be to your house! Peace be to all that you have!", "sus": "‹عَلَ شَ قٍ بِرِن سْونّيَ عِ بّ، عِ تَن نُن عِ شَ دٍنبَيَ."} {"eng": "He said to David, “You are more righteous than I; for you have done good to me, whereas I have done evil to you.", "sus": "عَ قَ عَ قَلَ دَوُدَ بّ، عَ نَشّ، «عِ تِنشِن ٱ تَن بّ، بَرِ مَ عِ بَرَ ٱ مَ قٍ كٌبِ مَسَرَ قٍ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "As the proverb of the ancients says, ‘Out of the wicked comes wickedness;’ but my hand will not be on you.", "sus": "قٌرِيٍ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹حَاشُحَ كٍلِمَ مِشِ حَاشِيٍ نَن مَ.› نَ كُي ٱ شَ عَ قَلَ عِ بّ، ٱ تَن مُ عِ قَشَمَ قٍوٌ."} {"eng": "Moreover, my father, behold, yes, see the skirt of your robe in my hand; for in that I cut off the skirt of your robe and didn’t kill you, know and see that there is neither evil nor disobedience in my hand. I have not sinned against you, though you hunt for my life to take it.", "sus": "عِ بَرَ عَ تٌ سٍ نَشَن نَ ٱ بّلّشّ؟ ٱ بَرَ عِ شَ بُرُ مُسِ سّيتِ شَبَ. ٱ نُ نْمَ عِ قَشَدٍ، كْنْ ٱ مُ عَ رَبَ. نَ كُي عِ نْمَ عَ كٌلٌندٍ قٍ حَاشِ يٌ مُ نَ ٱ قُرِ كُي عِ شَ قٍ رَ. ٱ مُ وَ مَ عِ مَتَندِقٍ، ٱ مُ وَ مَ هَاكّ شْن، كْنْ عِ تَن نَ بِرَقٍ ٱ قْشْ رَ، عِ شَ ٱ قَشَ.»"} {"eng": "David saw that Saul had come out to seek his life. David was in the wilderness of Ziph in the woods.", "sus": "دَوُدَ نَشَ عَ تٌ، سْلُ نُ نَ عَ قٍنقٍ، عَ شَ عَ قَشَ. دَوُدَ نُ نَ شٌرٍ سَ، سِقِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "David was told, “Behold, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah, and are robbing the threshing floors.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ قَ عَ قَلَ دَوُدَ بّ، عَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ بَرَ دِن كٍيِلَ تَا رَ، عَ عٍ نَ عٍ شَ بَلٌي مُحَقٍ لٌنيِيٍ يِرٍ."} {"eng": "He inquired of Yahweh for him, gave him food, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.”", "sus": "عَشِمٍلٍكِ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ عَ بّ، عَ دٌنسٍيٍ سٌ عَ يِ رَ، عَ نُن فٌلِيَتِ قِلِسِتَكَ شَ سَنتِدّفّمَ.»"} {"eng": "Do I lack madmen, that you have brought this fellow to play the madman in my presence? Should this fellow come into my house?”", "sus": "ٱ هَيِ نَ دَشُي مَ ٱ شْنيِ؟ يِ مِشِ مْولِ شَ سٌ ٱ مَ بَنشِ كُي؟»"} {"eng": "When the boy had come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the boy, and said, “Isn’t the arrow beyond you?”", "sus": "دِ مّدِ تٌ شَلِ يِرٍ لِ، يٌنَتَن نَشَ عَ شُي عِتٍ عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «شَلِ مَكُيَ مّننِ رَ ثٌن!»"} {"eng": "The king sat on his seat, as at other times, even on the seat by the wall; and Jonathan stood up, and Abner sat by Saul’s side, but David’s place was empty.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ دْشْ بَنشِ بِلِ كَنكٍ، عَلْ عَ دَرِشِ عَ رَ كِ نَشّ. يٌنَتَن نَشَ دْشْ عَ يَ رَ، عَبٍنٍرِ نَشَ دْشْ عَ قّ مَ. كْنْ دَوُدَ تَن مُ نُ نَ عَ دْشْدٍ."} {"eng": "Saul saw and knew that Yahweh was with David; and Michal, Saul’s daughter, loved him.", "sus": "سْلُ نُ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَتَلَ نَ دَوُدَ قْشْ رَ. سْلُ شَ دِ فِنّ مِكَلِ نُ دَوُدَ شَنُشِ."} {"eng": "Saul said, “Tell David, ‘The king desires no dowry except one hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to be avenged of the king’s enemies.’” Now Saul thought he would make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ عٍ يَمَرِ، «وٌ عَ قَلَ دَوُدَ بّ، ‹مَنفّ مُ وَ مَ سٍسٍ شْن كٌتٍ رَ قٌ عِ شَ قِلِسِتَكَ شّمّ كّمّ سٌلِ شَبَ، عِ قَ عٍ رَ بٍ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ عَ فبٍ حْشْ عَ يَشُييٍ مَ.›» نَ كُي سْلُ نُ وَ مَ قِلِسِتَكَ شَ دَوُدَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "The children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they plundered their camp.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تٌ فّ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ كٍرِدٍ كِرَ شْن مَ، عٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن نٍيٍ يٌنكِندٍ، عٍ عٍ شَ سٍيٍ شَنِن."} {"eng": "Therefore Saul sent messengers to Jesse, and said, “Send me David your son, who is with the sheep.”", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ مِشِيٍ شّي يِسَيِ شْن مَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ عَ شَ عَ شَ دِ دَوُدَ سٌ عَ يِ رَ، نَشَن نَ شُرُ سٍيٍ دّ مَدٌنقٍ."} {"eng": "Saul said, “They have brought them from the Amalekites; for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the cattle, to sacrifice to Yahweh your God. We have utterly destroyed the rest.”", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «حَمَ نَن قَشِ يِ شُرُ سٍيٍ رَ عٍ نَشَن تٌنفٌشِ عَمَلّكِكَيٍ يِ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ عٍ بَ سّرّشّ رَ عِ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ. مُشُ بَرَ نَ دْنشْي تَن سْنتْ.»"} {"eng": "Then Yahweh’s word came to Samuel, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ سَمُوٍلِ بّ،"} {"eng": "Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done!” Jonathan told him, and said, “I certainly did taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand; and behold, I must die.”", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ يٌنَتَن مَشْرِن، «عِ مُنسٍ رَبَشِ؟» يٌنَتَن نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «ٱ كُمِ ندٍ نَن كْن، ٱ نَشَن تٌنفٌ ٱ مَ يِسُشُوُرِ رَ. ٱ تَن نَن يِ كِ، عِ شَ ٱ قَشَ.»"} {"eng": "How much more, if perhaps the people had eaten freely today of the plunder of their enemies which they found? For now there has been no great slaughter among the Philistines.”", "sus": "شَ وٌن مَ سْورِ فَلِ وٌن يَشُييٍ شَ دٌنسٍ ندٍ دٌن تٌ نُ، ندٍ حَن بَرَ سَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ شَ شُننَكَنّ قَرِ نُ.»"} {"eng": "He stayed seven days, according to the time set by Samuel; but Samuel didn’t come to Gilgal, and the people were scattering from him.", "sus": "سْلُ نَشَ سَمُوٍلِ مَمّ شِ سٌلٌقٍرٍ عَلْ عٍ نُ لَنشِ عَ مَ كِ نَشّ، كْنْ سَمُوٍلِ مُ قَ، حَمَ نَشَ يٍنسٍن قْلْ."} {"eng": "So Samuel called to Yahweh, and Yahweh sent thunder and rain that day. Then all the people greatly feared Yahweh and Samuel.", "sus": "سَمُوٍلِ نَشَ عَلَتَلَ مَشَندِ. نَ لْشْي يَتِ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ فَلَنيِ نُن تُنّ رَبِرَ بْشِ مَ. حَمَ نَشَ فَاشُ عَلَتَلَ نُن سَمُوٍلِ يَ رَ،"} {"eng": "Then Samuel told the people the regulations of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book and laid it up before Yahweh. Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house.", "sus": "سَمُوٍلِ نَشَ سّرِيّ سّبّ مَنفّيَ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَ سّبّلِ سَ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ. نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عَ نَشَ حَمَ رَفبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the guest room, and made them sit in the best place among those who were invited, who were about thirty persons.", "sus": "سَمُوٍلِ نَشَ سْلُ نُن عَ شَ كٌنيِ رَ سٌ بَنشِ كُي، عَ نَشَ بِنيّ مَفٌرٌدٍ سٌ عٍ يِ رَ مِشِ شِلِشِ تٌنفٌ سَشَن تَفِ."} {"eng": "They said, “If you send away the ark of the God of Israel, don’t send it empty; but by all means return a trespass offering to him. Then you will be healed, and it will be known to you why his hand is not removed from you.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «شَ وٌ سَ عَلَتَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ رَفبِلٍن عَ يِرٍ، وٌ نَشَ عَ رَفبِلٍن يّتّ رَفبِلٍن سّرّشّ شَنبِ. قٌ وٌ شَ وٌ شُنسَرٍ بَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ يَلَن، وٌ مَن شَ عَ كٌلٌن قٍ نَشَن عَ نِيَشِ عَ عَ سّنبّ مُ فبِلٍنشِ وٌ قْشْ رَ.»"} {"eng": "He who brought the news answered, “Israel has fled before the Philistines, and there has been also a great slaughter among the people. Your two sons also, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and God’s ark has been captured.”", "sus": "شّيرَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِسِرَيِلَ عَ فِشِ نّ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ يَ رَ، نٍيٍ بَرَ نْ عٍ رَ عَ قَنيِ رَ. عِ شَ دِ قِرِنيِيٍ قَن بَرَ قَشَ، شٌقِنِ نُن قِنٍشَسِ. قِلِسِتَكَيٍ بَرَ عَلَ شَ سَاتّ كَنكِرَ سُشُ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh appeared again in Shiloh; for Yahweh revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by Yahweh’s word.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نُ لُمَ مِنِ رَ سَمُوٍلِ مَ سِلٌ، عَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.", "sus": "سِنفٍ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ، شَ مِشِ ندٍ نُ وَ مَ لَنيِ شِرِقٍ، قٌ عَ شَ سَنكِرِ بَ، عَ شَ عَ سٌ عَ بٌورٍ يِ رَ. نَ نَن عَ مَسٍنمَ لَنيِ بَرَ فّ شِرِدٍ."} {"eng": "Then she said, “Wait, my daughter, until you know what will happen; for the man will not rest until he has settled this today.”", "sus": "نٌوٍ مِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ مَ مَمَدِ، عِ شَ لُ بٍ هَن وٌن شَ عَ كٌلٌن يِ قٍ رَحْنمَ كِ نَشّ. نَ شّمّ مُ عَ رَشَرَ مَ، قٌ يِ قٍ شَ يَءِلَن تٌ يَتِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "At midnight, the man was startled and turned himself; and behold, a woman lay at his feet.", "sus": "كْي تَفِ، بٌو سُ نَشَ شُنُ، عَ نَشَ فِنّ تٌ عَ سَن لَبٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Let your eyes be on the field that they reap, and go after them. Haven’t I commanded the young men not to touch you? When you are thirsty, go to the vessels, and drink from that which the young men have drawn.”", "sus": "عٍ نَ سِفَ شّ نَشَن مَ، عِ قَن شَ بِرَ عٍ قْشْ رَ. ٱ بَرَ حُنفُي لُ ٱ مَ شّمّيٍ مَ، عٍ نَشَ عِ تْورْ. شَ يٍ شْلِ عِ سُشُ، عِ شَ سِفَ يٍ مِندٍ، وَلِكّيٍ شَ يٍ نَشَن سَشِ قّحّ كُي.»"} {"eng": "They said to her, “No, but we will return with you to your people.”", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عَدٍ، نَ مُ لَنمَ. وٌن بِرِن شَ سِفَ عِ بْنسْي يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "She went out of the place where she was, and her two daughters-in-law with her. They went on the way to return to the land of Judah.", "sus": "نٌوٍ مِ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ شَ فِنّ قِرِنيِيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ مٌوَبَ بْشِ مَ، عٍ نُ سَبَتِشِ دّننَشّ. عٍ تٌ كِرَ لِ نَشَن سِفَمَ يُدَيَ بْشِ مَ،"} {"eng": "On the next day, the people rose early and built an altar there, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.", "sus": "نَ كُيٍ عِبَ، عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ سُبَشّ مَ، عٍ سّرّشّبَدٍ يَءِلَن، عٍ قَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ نُن شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ بَ عَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "They said, “Yahweh, the God of Israel, why has this happened in Israel, that there should be one tribe lacking in Israel today?”", "sus": "عٍ نُ قَ عَ قَلَ، «عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بْنسْي ندٍ بَشِ مُشُ رَ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "The children of Israel came near against the children of Benjamin the second day.", "sus": "عَوَ نَ شِ قِرِن ندٍ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مَن نَشَ تٍ بُنيَمِن شَ دِيٍ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "The children of Israel rose up in the morning and encamped against Gibeah.", "sus": "فّيسّفّ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ كُرُ فِبِيَ شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.", "sus": "نَ كُي عِسِرَيِلَ شّمّ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَلَن نَ تَا شِلِ مَ."} {"eng": "But the men wouldn’t listen to him; so the man grabbed his concubine, and brought her out to them; and they had sex with her, and abused her all night until the morning. When the day began to dawn, they let her go.", "sus": "يِ شّمّيٍ مُ تِن عٍ تُلِ مَتِدٍ عَ رَ. نَ كُي، شّمّ نَشَ عَ شَ فِنّ سُشُ، عَ عَ رَ مِنِ عٍ مَ تَندٍ. عٍ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن فِنّ رَ، عٍ قَ عَ مَشِ نَ كْي بِرِن نَ هَن فّيسّفّ. كُيٍ تٌ عِبَ، عٍ نَشَ عَ بّحِن."} {"eng": "The children of Dan went their way; and when Micah saw that they were too strong for him, he turned and went back to his house.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ نَ قَلَ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ. مِكٍ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عٍ سّنبّ فبٌ عَ بّ، نَ نَ عَ نِيَ، عَ نَشَ فبِلٍن عَ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "When they were by the house of Micah, they knew the voice of the young man the Levite; so they went over there and said to him, “Who brought you here? What do you do in this place? What do you have here?”", "sus": "عٍ نُ نَ مّننِ تّمُي نَشّ، عٍ نَشَ نَ قٌنِكٍ لٍوِكَ شُي رَكْرْ سِ. عٍ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «ندٍ قَشِ عِ رَ بٍ؟ عِ مُنسٍ رَبَقٍ يِ يِرٍ؟ عِ نَ بٍ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "In those days there was no king in Israel. In those days the tribe of the Danites sought an inheritance to dwell in; for to that day, their inheritance had not fallen to them among the tribes of Israel.", "sus": "نَ وَشَتِ مَنفّ يٌ مُ نُ نَ عِسِرَيِلَ. دَنَ بْنسْي قَن نُ نَ بْشِ قٍنقٍ عٍ لُمَ دّننَشّ، بَرِ مَ عٍ مُ نُ كّ سْتْشِ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْييٍ يَ مَ سِندٍن."} {"eng": "He restored the eleven hundred pieces of silver to his mother, then his mother said, “I most certainly dedicate the silver to Yahweh from my hand for my son, to make a carved image and a molten image. Now therefore I will restore it to you.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ يِ فبٍتِ كِلٌ قُ نُن كٍرٍن عَ نُن كِلٌ تَفِ سٌ عَ نفَ يِ رَ. عَ نفَ قَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «ٱ تَن يِ فبٍتِ قِمَ عَلَتَلَ نَن مَ. ٱ عَ رَشُنُمَ نّ، عَ شَ قِندِ كُيٍ رَ ٱ مَ دِ بّ. ٱ قَمَ يِ فبٍتِ رَفبِلٍندٍ عِ مَ نَ كِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "They spoke to him, saying, “No, but we will bind you securely and deliver you into their hands; but surely we will not kill you.” They bound him with two new ropes, and brought him up from the rock.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «وٌن بَرَ لَن نَ مَ. مُشُ مُ عِ قَشَمَ. مُشُ شَ عِ شِرِ، مُشُ شَ عِ سٌ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ يِ رَ تُن.» عٍ نَشَ عَ شِرِ لُوتِ نّينّ قِرِن نَ، عٍ عَ شَنِن."} {"eng": "But after a while, in the time of wheat harvest, Samson visited his wife with a young goat. He said, “I will go in to my wife’s room.” But her father wouldn’t allow him to go in.", "sus": "شّ شَبَ تّمُي، سَمِسٌن نَشَ سِ شَنِن عَ شَ فِنّ شْن. عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بِتَنيِ بّ، «عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ ٱ تَن نُن ٱ مَ فِنّ شَ لُ يِرٍ كٍرٍن.» عَ بِتَنيِ مُ تِن نَ رَ،"} {"eng": "But Yahweh’s angel didn’t appear to Manoah or to his wife any more. Then Manoah knew that he was Yahweh’s angel.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ تٌ سِفَ، مَنٌوَ نُن عَ شَ فِنّ مُ نُ عَ تٌ سْنْن. عٍ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ يَتِ يَتِ نَن نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "Manoah said to Yahweh’s angel, “Please stay with us, that we may make a young goat ready for you.”", "sus": "مَنٌوَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ بّ، «عِ شَ لُ بٍ سِندٍن، مُشُ شَ سِ حِن عِ بّ.»"} {"eng": "God listened to the voice of Manoah, and the angel of God came again to the woman as she sat in the field; but Manoah, her husband, wasn’t with her.", "sus": "عَلَ نَشَ مَنٌوَ شَ دُبّ سُشُ، عَ مَن نَشَ عَ شَ مَلٍكّ شّي عَ شَ فِنّ شْن مَ. مَنٌوَ شَ فِنّ نُ دْشْشِ شّ مَ عَ شَ مْرِ مُ نُ نَ نَا."} {"eng": "for, behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son. No razor shall come on his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb. He shall begin to save Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.”", "sus": "بَرِ مَ عِ قَمَ تّفّدٍ، عِ دِ شّمّ بَرِ. عِ نَشَ عَ شُنيِ بِ، بَرِ مَ يِ دِ قِشِ عَلَ نَن مَ بٍينُ عَ شَ بَرِ. نَ كُي عَ شِلِ ‹عَلَ شَ نَسَرِ.› عَ تَن نَن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ رَكِسِ قْلْمَ قِلِسِتَكَيٍ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Now therefore please beware and drink no wine nor strong drink, and don’t eat any unclean thing;", "sus": "عِ نَشَ سٍسٍ مِن نَشَن نْمَ عِ سِيسِدٍ. عِ نَشَ سٍسٍ دٌن نَشَن مُ سّنِيّنشِ،"} {"eng": "Jephthah judged Israel six years. Then Jephthah the Gileadite died, and was buried in the cities of Gilead.", "sus": "يٍقِتٍ فَلَدِكَ نَشَ قِندِ عِسِرَيِلَ كِيتِسَ رَ حّ سٍننِ بُن مَ. عَ تٌ قَشَ، عَ نَشَ رَفَتَ فَلَدِ تَايٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "The men of Ephraim were gathered together, and passed northward; and they said to Jephthah, “Why did you pass over to fight against the children of Ammon, and didn’t call us to go with you? We will burn your house around you with fire!”", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِ شّمّيٍ نَشَ عٍ مَلَن، عٍ يُرُدّن عِفِرِ. عٍ تٌ سٍقٌن لِ، عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٍقِتٍ بّ، «مُنقٍ رَ عِ سِفَشِ عَمٌنِكَيٍ فٍرٍدٍ، عِ مُ مُشُ شِلِ عَلَكٌ وٌن بِرِن شَ سِفَ؟ مُشُ قَمَ تّ نَن سَدٍ عِ شَ بَنشِ مَ، وٌ بِرِن شَ فَن.»"} {"eng": "When he saw her, he tore his clothes, and said, “Alas, my daughter! You have brought me very low, and you are one of those who trouble me; for I have opened my mouth to Yahweh, and I can’t go back.”", "sus": "عَ قّقّ عَ شَ دِ فِنّ تٌ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دٌنمَيٍ عِبْو، عَ عَ قَلَ، «ٱ مَ دِ فِنّ، عِ بَرَ ٱ نَسٌ تْورّ شُنفبٍ كُي، عِ بَرَ عَ نِيَ ٱ شَ سُننُن عَ حَاشِ رَ. ٱ بَرَ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌ عَلَتَلَ بّ، ٱ مُ نْمَ فبِلٍندٍ نَ مَ سْنْن.»"} {"eng": "Israel lived in Heshbon and its towns, and in Aroer and its towns, and in all the cities that are along the side of the Arnon for three hundred years! Why didn’t you recover them within that time?", "sus": "حّ كّمّ سَشَن نَن يِ كِ، عِسِرَيِلَ سَبَتِشِ شّسِبْن نُن عَ رَبِلِنيِيٍ، عَرٌوٍرِ نُن عَ رَبِلِنيِيٍ، عَ نُن تَا بِرِن نَشٍيٍ نَ عَرِنٌن شُرٍ دّ رَ. مُنقٍ رَ وٌ مُ عٍ رَ سُشُ نَ وَشَتِ بُن مَ؟"} {"eng": "Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valor. He was the son of a prostitute. Gilead became the father of Jephthah.", "sus": "يٍقِتٍ فَلَدِكَ، فٍرٍ سٌ هَفِفّ نَن نُ نَ عَ رَ. لَنفٌي فِنّ ندٍ نُن فَلَدِ نَن مَ دِ نُ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "When the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, they each departed to his place.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ شّمّيٍ تٌ عَ تٌ عَبِمٍلٍكِ بَرَ قَشَ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ فبِلٍن عٍ شْنيِ."} {"eng": "Abimelech went up to Mount Zalmon, he and all the people who were with him; and Abimelech took an ax in his hand, and cut down a bough from the trees, and took it up, and laid it on his shoulder. Then he said to the people who were with him, “What you have seen me do, make haste, and do as I have done!”", "sus": "نَ كُي عَبِمٍلٍكِ نَشَ تٍ سَلَمٌن فٍيَ قَرِ نُن حَمَ نَشَن نُ بِرَشِ عَ قْشْ رَ. عَبِمٍلٍكِ نَشَ بٍيرَ سُشُ عَ بّلّشّ. عَ نَشَ وُرِ سَلٌنيِ ندٍ سّفّ، عَ عَ سَ عَ كْن مَ. نَ شَنبِ، عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ حَمَ بّ نَشَن نُ بِرَشِ عَ قْشْ رَ، «وٌ بَرَ عَ تٌ ٱ نَشَن نَبَشِ؟ وٌ قَن شَ نَ مْولِ رَبَ مَقُرٍن مَقُرٍن.»"} {"eng": "When all the men of the tower of Shechem heard of it, they entered into the stronghold of the house of Elberith.", "sus": "سِكٍمِكَيٍ نَشٍيٍ لُشِ، عٍ تٌ نَ قٍ مّ، عٍ نَشَ سٌ عٍلِ بٍرِتِ كُيٍ شَ سَلِدٍ كُي."} {"eng": "Then Zebul said to him, “Now where is your mouth, that you said, ‘Who is Abimelech, that we should serve him?’ Isn’t this the people that you have despised? Please go out now and fight with them.”", "sus": "سٍبُلُ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ شَ وْيّن شُنفبٍ نَ مِندٍن، عِ تَن نَشَن نُ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹سِكٍمِ لُشِ عَبِمٍلٍكِ شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ مُنقٍ رَ؟› عِ مُ نُ يِ مِشِيٍ كٌنبِ شّ؟ سِفَ، عِ سَ عٍ فٍرٍ.»"} {"eng": "if you then have dealt truly and righteously with Jerubbaal and with his house today, then rejoice in Abimelech, and let him also rejoice in you;", "sus": "شَ نَ بِرِن كٍلِشِ حَنِفٍ قَنيِ نُن تِنشِنيِ نَن مَ يٍرُبَالِ نُن عَ شَ دٍنبَيَ مَبِرِ، عَوَ وٌ تَن نُن عَبِمٍلٍكِ شَ رَقَن وٌ بٌورٍ مَ."} {"eng": "“But the olive tree said to them, ‘Should I stop producing my oil, with which they honor God and man by me, and go to wave back and forth over the trees?’", "sus": "كْنْ عٌلِوِ بِلِ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، ‹ٱ تَن مُ فبِلٍنمَ ٱ تُرٍ رَ مِنِقٍ قْشْ رَ، تُرٍ نَشَن قِندِ مَ بِنيَ سٍ رَ عَلَ نُن مِشِيٍ بّ، عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ نُ سَ ٱ عِيَن وُرِ بِلِيٍ شُن.›»"} {"eng": "“Please speak in the ears of all the men of Shechem, ‘Is it better for you that all the sons of Jerubbaal, who are seventy persons, rule over you, or that one rule over you?’ Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh.”", "sus": "«كَتَرَبِ سِكٍمِ كُنتِفِيٍ بِرِن مَ، ‹وٌ وَ مَ عَ شْن مَ يٍرُبَالِ شَ دِ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ بِرِن شَ قِندِ وٌ شَ مَنفّيٍ رَ، كَ مِشِ كٍرٍن فبَنسَن شَ قِندِ وٌ شَ مَنفّ رَ؟ وٌ شَ وٌ رَتُ عَ مَ، وٌن قِندِشِ وُلِ كٍرٍن قَسّ كٍرٍن نَن نَ.›»"} {"eng": "Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal went to Shechem to his mother’s brothers, and spoke with them and with all the family of the house of his mother’s father, saying,", "sus": "يٍرُبَالِ شَ دِ عَبِمٍلٍكِ نَشَ سِفَ سِكٍمِ عَ نفَ شُنيِيٍ يِرٍ. عَ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ عَ نفَ شَبِلّ بّ،"} {"eng": "Gideon said to them, “I do have a request: that you would each give me the earrings of his plunder.” (For they had golden earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.)", "sus": "فٍدٍيٌن مَن نَشَ وْيّن عٍ بّ. عَ نَشّ، «شَ وٌ بَرَ تِن، عَ شْلِ ٱ مَ كَنكَن شَ شُرُندّ كٍرٍن سٌ ٱ يِ رَ، وٌ نَشَن سْتْشِ وٌ وَ سَسٌ سٍيٍ رَ فٍرٍ كُي.» شُرُندّ شّيمَ دَاشِ نُ سٌشِ مَدِيَنكَيٍ بّلّشّيٍٍ رَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ كٍلِشِ سُمَيِلَ بْنسْي نّ."} {"eng": "Zebah and Zalmunna fled and he pursued them. He took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zalmunna, and confused all the army.", "sus": "مَدِيَن مَنفّيٍ سّبَ نُن سَلَمُنَ قَن نَشَ عٍ فِ. فٍدٍيٌن نَشَ بِرَ عٍ قْشْ رَ، هَن عَ عٍ سُشُ، عَ قَ عٍ شَ سْورِيٍ بِرِن نَفِ."} {"eng": "Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor, and their armies with them, about fifteen thousand men, all who were left of all the army of the children of the east; for there fell one hundred twenty thousand men who drew sword.", "sus": "سّبَ نُن سَلَمُنَ نُ نَ كَرَكٌرٍ، عٍ نُن عٍ شَ سْورِ مِشِ وُلُ قُ نُن سُولِ حْندْن. عٍ تَن فبَنسَن نَن نُ لُشِ. سْورِ مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ مِشِ وُلُ مْشْحّن نُ بَرَ قَشَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ بْنسْييٍ يَ مَ نَشٍيٍ كٍلِشِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ."} {"eng": "The princes of Succoth said, “Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in your hand, that we should give bread to your army?”", "sus": "سُكْتِ مَنفّيٍ نَشَ فٍدٍيٌن يَابِ، «وٌ حَن بَرَ فّ سّبَ نُن سَلَمُنَ سُشُدٍ؟ عَ لَنمَ مُشُ شَ تَامِ سٌ عِ شَ سْورِيٍ يِ رَ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "He said to them, “What have I now done in comparison with you? Isn’t the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer?", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «وٌ نَشَن نَبَشِ، نَ دَنفِ ٱ فبٍ رَبَشِ رَ ثٌن. عٍقِرَ مِكَيٍ شَ وَلِ لَنمَدِ تِدٍ فبٌ عَبِيٍسٍرِ بْنسْييٍ شَ وَلِ شُنفبٍ بّ."} {"eng": "The number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men; but all the rest of the people bowed down on their knees to drink water.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ بِرِن يٍ كْ عٍ بّلّشّ كُي، عٍ نَشَ عَ مِن، عٍ كْنتِ نَشَ سِفَ شّمّ مِشِ كّمّ سَشَن. حَمَ دْنشْي نَشَ عٍ شِنبِ سِن، عٍ نُ قَ يٍ كْن عٍ نّنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "The angel of God said to him, “Take the meat and the unleavened cakes, and lay them on this rock, and pour out the broth.” He did so.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ، «سُبٍ نُن تَامِ لّبِنِتَرٍ تٌنفٌ، عِ شَ عٍ سَ يِ فّمّ قَرِ، عِ بْرّ سَ عَ مَ.» فٍدٍيٌن تٌ فٍ نَ رَبَدٍ،"} {"eng": "“Through the window she looked out, and cried: Sisera’s mother looked through the lattice. ‘Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why do the wheels of his chariots wait?’", "sus": "«سِسٍرَ نفَ تِشِ وُندّرِ رَ، عَ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹مُنقٍ رَ عَ رَفِسٍ مُ نُ قَ سِندٍن؟ مُنقٍ رَ عَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ بُشِ قَدٍ؟›"} {"eng": "Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.”", "sus": "بَرَكِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «شَ وٌن بِرِن نَن عَ رَ، ٱ سِفَمَ، كْنْ شَ وٌن بِرِن مُ عَ رَ، ٱ مُ سِفَمَ قٍوٌ.»"} {"eng": "But when the children of Israel cried to Yahweh, Yahweh raised up a savior for them: Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man. The children of Israel sent tribute by him to Eglon the king of Moab.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تٌ عَلَتَلَ شِلِ عٍ شُي عِتٍشِ رَ، عَ نَشَ مَرَكِسِمَ رَ مِنِ عٍ بّ، فٍرَ بُنيَمِنكَ شَ دِ عٍشُدُ، نَشَن نُ وَلِمَ عَ كْولَ بّلّشّ رَ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ عَ شّي، عَ شَ دُوتِ شَنِن مٌوَبَ مَنفّ عٍفِلٌن شْن."} {"eng": "The land had rest forty years, then Othniel the son of Kenaz died.", "sus": "بْشِ نَشَ لُ بْحّسَ كُي حّ تٌنفٌ نَانِ. نَ تّمُي كٍنَسِ شَ دِ عٌتِنِيٍلِ نَشَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "He showed them the entrance into the city, and they struck the city with the edge of the sword; but they let the man and all his family go.", "sus": "عَ تٌ تَا سٌدٍ مَسٍن عٍ بّ، عٍ نَشَ مّننِكَيٍ قَشَ سَنتِدّفّمَ رَ، كْنْ عٍ نَشَ يِ شّمّ نُن عَ شَ دٍنبَيَ لُ نَ."} {"eng": "When she came, she got him to ask her father for a field. She got off her donkey; and Caleb said to her, “What would you like?”", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ عَكَسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٌتِنِيٍلِ بّ، عَ شَ عَ بِتَنيِ مَيَندِ عَ شَ شّ ندٍ قِ عَ مَ. عَكَسَ تٌ فٌرٌ عَ شَ سٌقَلٍ قَرِ، كَلٍبِ نَشَ عَ مَشْرِن، «عِ وَ مَ مُنسٍ شْن؟»"} {"eng": "The people answered, “Far be it from us that we should forsake Yahweh, to serve other gods;", "sus": "حَمَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ يِ وْيّنيِيٍ رَ، «نَ شَشِلِ مَكُيَ مُشُ رَ فبِلٍنقٍ رَ عَلَتَلَ قْشْ رَ، مُشُ مُ نْمَ بِرَدٍ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ قْشْ رَ،"} {"eng": "You have seen all that Yahweh your God has done to all these nations because of you; for it is Yahweh your God who has fought for you.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ عَ تٌ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ قٍ نَشَن بِرِن نَبَشِ يِ سِيٍ رَ وٌ شَ قٍ رَ. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَن فٍرٍ سٌشِ وٌ بّ.»"} {"eng": "When Phinehas the priest, and the princes of the congregation, even the heads of the thousands of Israel that were with him, heard the words that the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the children of Manasseh spoke, it pleased them well.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ قِنٍشَسِ، مَنفّدِيٍ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ وُلُ وُلُ مَنفّيٍ تٌ يِ مَسٍنيِ مّ، رُبٍن بْنسْي، فَدِ بْنسْي، نُن مَنَسِ بْنسْي سّيتِ سِنفٍ نَشَن مَسٍنشِ، عٍ بْحّ نَشَ رَقَن عٍ مَ."} {"eng": "With him were ten princes, one prince of a fathers’ house for each of the tribes of Israel; and they were each head of their fathers’ houses among the thousands of Israel.", "sus": "مَنفّ قُ، بْنسْي يٌ بْنسْي مَنفّ كٍرٍن، نَشَ عَ مَتِ. نٍيٍ بِرِن نُ قِندِشِ عٍ شَبِلّ شُنيِيٍ نَن نَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ وُلُ وُلُ تَفِ."} {"eng": "You have not left your brothers these many days to this day, but have performed the duty of the commandment of Yahweh your God.", "sus": "وٌ مُ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ رَبّحِن يِ شِ وُيَشِيٍ بُن مَ هَن تٌ. وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يَامَرِ نَشَن سٌ وٌ يِ رَ، وٌ بَرَ وٌ حّنفِ سَ عَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "All the cities of the families of the rest of the children of Kohath were ten with their pasture lands.", "sus": "يِ تَا قُ نُن عٍ قِيلِيٍ نَشَ قِندِ كٍهَتِ شَ دِيٍ شَبِلّيٍ فبٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ مُ نُ نَ هَرُنَ شَ دِيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "Out of the tribe of Dan, Elteke with its pasture lands, Gibbethon with its pasture lands,", "sus": "عٍ نَشٍيٍ سْتْ دَنَ شَ بْشِ كُي، نٍيٍ نَن يَ؛ عٍلِتٍكٍ، فِبّتْن،"} {"eng": "Kibzaim with its pasture lands, and Beth Horon with its pasture lands: four cities.", "sus": "كِبِسَيِمِ، بٍتِ شٌرٌن، نُن عٍ قِيلِيٍ. نَ بِرِن نَلَنشِ تَا نَانِ."} {"eng": "To the children of Aaron the priest they gave Hebron with its pasture lands, the city of refuge for the man slayer, Libnah with its pasture lands,", "sus": "عٍ تَا نَشٍيٍ قِ سّرّشّدُبّ هَرُنَ شَ دِيٍ مَ، نٍيٍ نَن يِ كِ؛ شٍبِرٌن، مِشِ رَتَنفَ تَا ندٍ، لِبِنَ،"} {"eng": "and they were for the children of Aaron, of the families of the Kohathites, who were of the children of Levi; for theirs was the first lot.", "sus": "هَرُنَ شَ دِيٍ فبٍ، نَشٍيٍ كٍلِ كٍهَتِ شَبِلّ، نٍيٍ نَشَ يِ تَايٍ سْتْ عَلَ شَ مَرَفِرِ سَابُي رَ سُفَندِ سِنفٍ كُي؛"} {"eng": "The border of their inheritance was Zorah, Eshtaol, Irshemesh,", "sus": "عٍ شَ بْشِ نَانِنيِ نَ يِ تَايٍ نَن نَ؛ سٌرَهَ، عٍسٍتَيٌلِ، عِرِ سٍمٍسِ،"} {"eng": "It turned toward the sunrise to Beth Dagon, and reached to Zebulun, and to the valley of Iphtah El northward to Beth Emek and Neiel. It went out to Cabul on the left hand,", "sus": "عٍ شَ نَانِنيِ سٌفٍتٍدٍ بِرِ قْلْشِ بٍتِ دَفْن نّ، سَبُلٌن بْنسْي نَ دّننَشّ، نُن يِقِتَ عٍلِ فُلُنبَ. عَ سِفَ كْولَ مَ بٍتِ عٍمٍكِ نُن نٍيِيٍلِ. عَ دَنفِ كَبُلُ رَ كْولَ بِرِ رَ."} {"eng": "Mizpeh, Chephirah, Mozah,", "sus": "مِسِثَ، كٍقِرَ، مٌسَ،"} {"eng": "Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before Yahweh. There Joshua divided the land to the children of Israel according to their divisions.", "sus": "يٌسُوٍ نَشَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ سِلٌ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلِ سَابُي رَ. عَ نَشَ نَ بْشِ بِرِن عِتَشُن عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْييٍ مَ."} {"eng": "The men arose and went. Joshua commanded those who went to survey the land, saying, “Go walk through the land, survey it, and come again to me. I will cast lots for you here before Yahweh in Shiloh.”", "sus": "نَ كُي نَ شّمّيٍ نَشَ سِفَ. يٌسُوٍ نُ بَرَ عٍ يَمَرِ، «وٌ سِفَ، وٌ بْشِ عِحّرّ. وٌ شَ عَ مَتٌ عَ نَ كِ نَشّ. نَ شَنبِ وٌ شَ قَ بٍ سِلٌ، ٱ شَ نَتّ تٌنفٌ وٌن مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلِ سَابُي رَ، وٌن نَ بْشِ عِتَشُنمَ وٌ مَ كِ نَشّ.»"} {"eng": "The border went out westward at Michmethath on the north. The border turned about eastward to Taanath Shiloh, and passed along it on the east of Janoah.", "sus": "هَن عَ بَا دّ لِ. عَ كٍلِ مِكِمٍتَتِ كْولَ مَ، عَ دَنفِ تَانَتِ سِلٌ قُفٍ رَ، عَ سِفَ يَنٌوَ."} {"eng": "This was the border of the children of Ephraim according to their families. The border of their inheritance eastward was Ataroth Addar, to Beth Horon the upper.", "sus": "عٍقِرَ مِ شَ بْشِ نَن يَ عٍ شَبِلّ كِ مَ؛ نَانِنيِ نَشَن نَ قُفٍ رَ، عَ قْلْ عَتَرٌتِ عَدَرِ نّ هَن بٍتِ شٌرٌن قُفٍ،"} {"eng": "In the wilderness, Beth Arabah, Middin, Secacah,", "sus": "تَا نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ فبٍنفبٍرٍن يِرٍ، عٍ شِلِ بٍتِ عَرَبَ، مِدِن، سٍكَكَ،"} {"eng": "Libnah, Ether, Ashan,", "sus": "لِبِنَ، عٍتٍرِ، عَسَن،"} {"eng": "In the lowland, Eshtaol, Zorah, Ashnah,", "sus": "تَا نَشٍيٍ نُ نَ سٍقٍلَ بْشِ، عٍ شِلِ عٍسٍتَيٌلِ، سٌرَهَ، عَسٍنَ،"} {"eng": "Hazar Shual, Beersheba, Biziothiah,", "sus": "شَسَرِ سُوَلِ، بٍرِ سٍيبَ، بِسِيٌتٍيَ"} {"eng": "Hazor Hadattah, Kerioth Hezron (also called Hazor),", "sus": "شَسٌرِ شَدَتَ، كٍرِيٌتِ شٍسِرٌن، نَشَن قِندِشِ شَسٌرِ رَ،"} {"eng": "Then the children of Judah came near to Joshua in Gilgal. Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to him, “You know the thing that Yahweh spoke to Moses the man of God concerning me and concerning you in Kadesh Barnea.", "sus": "يُدَ بْنسْي ندٍيٍ نُن كٍنِسِ شَ دِ كَلٍبِ نَشَ سِفَ يٌسُوٍ شْن. كَلٍبِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَتَلَ نَشَن قَلَ عَننَبِ مُنسَ بّ وٌن قِرِن شَ قٍ رَ كَدٍ سِ بَرِنٍيَ."} {"eng": "But Moses gave no inheritance to the tribe of Levi. Yahweh, the God of Israel, is their inheritance, as he spoke to them.", "sus": "كْنْ عَننَبِ مُنسَ مُ بْشِ يٌ قِ لٍوِ بْنسْي تَن مَ. عِسِرَيِلَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَن نُ نَ عَ كّ رَ عَلْ عَلَ عَ مَسٍن كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Beth Peor, the slopes of Pisgah, Beth Jeshimoth,", "sus": "بٍتِ ثٍيٌرِ، ثِسِفَ فٍيَ قَرِ، بٍتِ يٍسِمٌتِ،"} {"eng": "Nevertheless the children of Israel didn’t drive out the Geshurites, nor the Maacathites: but Geshur and Maacath live within Israel to this day.", "sus": "كْنْ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مُ فٍسُرِكَيٍ نُن مَاكَكَيٍ كٍرِ. هَن تٌ عٍ سَبَتِشِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "and the land of the Gebalites, and all Lebanon, toward the sunrise, from Baal Gad under Mount Hermon to the entrance of Hamath;", "sus": "«فٍبَلَكَيٍ نُن لِبَنكَيٍ شَ بْشِ قَن لُشِ، قْلْقٍ بَلِ فَدِ مَ شٍرِ مٌن فٍيَ بُنيِ، هَن عَ سَ شَمَتَ لِ."} {"eng": "Joshua made war a long time with all those kings.", "sus": "يٌسُوٍ نُن يِ مَنفّيٍ نَشَ فٍرٍ شْنكُيٍ رَبَ."} {"eng": "Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, and the king of Eglon, gathered themselves together and went up, they and all their armies, and encamped against Gibeon, and made war against it.", "sus": "يِ عَمٌرِ مَنفّ سُولِيٍ؛ دَرِ سَلَمُ مَنفّ، شٍبِرٌن مَنفّ، يَرَ مُتِ مَنفّ، لَكِسِ مَنفّ، نُن عٍفِلٌن مَنفّ نَشَ تٍ نُن عٍ شَ سْورِيٍ رَ. عٍ نَشَ عٍ شَ يٌنكِندٍ يَءِلَن فَبَيٌن يَ رَ، عٍ قَ فٍرٍ تِ عٍ بّ."} {"eng": "Afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessing and the curse, according to all that is written in the book of the law.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ، يٌسُوٍ نَشَ يِ سّرِيّ مَسٍنيِ بِرِن تِ، دُبّيٍ نُن دَنكّيٍ، عَلْ عَ سّبّشِ تَوُرٍتَ مُنسَ كِتَابُي كُي كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Joshua and all Israel made as if they were beaten before them, and fled by the way of the wilderness.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي يٌسُوٍ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ يّتّ رَفِ عَيِ مِشِيٍ يَ رَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ كِرَ شْن مَ."} {"eng": "When the king of Ai saw it, they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he didn’t know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.", "sus": "عَيِ مَنفّ تٌ عِسِرَيِلَ سْورِيٍ تٌ، عَ تَن نُن عَ شَ حَمَ نَشَ مِنِ عٍ فٍرٍدٍ قِيلِ يِرٍ عَرَبَ يَ رَ. كْنْ عَ مُ نُ عَ كٌلٌن شَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بَرَ عَ شَ تَا مّلّن عَ شَنبِ شَنبِ مَ."} {"eng": "He spoke to the children of Israel, saying, “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What do these stones mean?’", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، «شَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ سَ وٌ مَشْرِن يِ فّمّيٍ شَ قٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "About forty thousand men, ready and armed for war, passed over before Yahweh to battle, to the plains of Jericho.", "sus": "فٍرٍ سٌي مِشِ وُلُ تٌنفٌ نَانِ حْندْن نَشَ دَنفِ عَلَتَلَ يَ تٌدٍ رَ، فٍرٍ سٌسٍ نَ عٍ يِ رَ، عٍ رّدِشِ سِفَقٍ رَ يٍرِكٌ قِيلِ مَ فٍرٍ سٌدٍ."} {"eng": "that this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask in the future, saying, ‘What do you mean by these stones?’", "sus": "عَلَكٌ نَ شَ قِندِ تْنشُمَ رَ وٌ تَفِ. وٌ شَ دِيٍ قَمَ وٌ مَشْرِندٍ تِنَ، ‹يِ فّمّيٍ قِندِشِ وٌ بّ مُنسٍ رَ؟›"} {"eng": "Joshua said, “By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that he will without fail drive the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Hivite, the Perizzite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, and the Jebusite out from before you.", "sus": "يٌسُوٍ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن، «يِ نَن قَمَ عَ نِيَدٍ وٌ شَ عَ كٌلٌن عَلَ حِحّ نَ عَ رَ. عَ نَ وٌ تَفِ، عَ تَن قَمَ نّ كَنَانكَيٍ، شِتِكَيٍ، هِوِكَيٍ، ثٍرِ سِكَيٍ، فِرِفَسَكَيٍ، عَمٌرِكَيٍ، نُن يٍبُسُكَيٍ رَفِدٍ وٌ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "They went and came to the mountain, and stayed there three days, until the pursuers had returned. The pursuers sought them all along the way, but didn’t find them.", "sus": "نَ شّمّيٍ نَشَ سِفَ. عٍ تٌ فٍيَ يِرٍ لِ، عٍ نَشَ عٍ نْشُن نَا شِ سَشَن، هَن عٍ قٍنمَيٍ نَشَ فبِلٍن. عٍ قٍنمَيٍ نَشَ عٍ قٍن كِرَ شْن، كْنْ عٍ مُ عٍ تٌ."} {"eng": "“Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go across this Jordan, you and all these people, to the land which I am giving to them, even to the children of Israel.", "sus": "«ٱ مَ كٌنيِ مُنسَ بَرَ لَاشِرَ. يَكْسِ، كٍلِ عِ شَ يُرُدّن عِفِرِ نُن يِ حَمَ بِرِن نَ. وٌ شَ سِفَ بْشِ مَ ٱ دّننَشّ سٌقٍ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "Now after the death of Moses the servant of Yahweh, Yahweh spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ servant, saying,", "sus": "عَننَبِ مُنسَ، عَلَتَلَ شَ كٌنيِ تٌ لَاشِرَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن نُنُ شَ دِ شّمّ يٌسُوٍ بّ، عَننَبِ مُنسَ مَلِمَ،"} {"eng": "This is the blessing with which Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.", "sus": "بٍينُ عَننَبِ مُنسَ شَ لَاشِرَ، عَلَ شَ مِشِ، عَ دُبَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ. عَ شَ دُبّ مَسٍنيِ نَن يَ؛"} {"eng": "Is this the way you repay Yahweh, foolish and unwise people? Isn’t he your father who has bought you? He has made you and established you.", "sus": "حَمَ دَشُي، حَمَ شَشِلِتَرٍ، مِشِ لَن عَ شَ نَ قٍ مْولِ رَبَ عَ رَ؟ وٌ بَبَ مُ لَنشِ عَ تَن شَ مَ، وٌ دَا مَرِفِ، نَشَن وٌ قِندِشِ عَ شَ حَمَ رَ؟"} {"eng": "Give ear, you heavens, and I will speak. Let the earth hear the words of my mouth.", "sus": "«كٌورٍ، عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ وْيّنيِ رَ. بْشِ، عِ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ قَلَ شُي رَ."} {"eng": "when all Israel has come to appear before Yahweh your God in the place which he will choose, you shall read this law before all Israel in their hearing.", "sus": "وٌ عَ شَرَنمَ وٌ شُي عِتٍشِ نَن نَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بِرِن بّ، نَشٍيٍ قَشِ سَلِدٍ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ عَ شَ يِرٍ سُفَندِشِ."} {"eng": "For this commandment which I command you today is not too hard for you or too distant.", "sus": "ٱ يِ سّرِيّ نَشَن قَلَشِ وٌ بّ يِ كِ تٌ لْشْي، عَ كٌلٌن يٌ مُ شْنْ وٌ بّ."} {"eng": "that he may establish you today as his people, and that he may be your God, as he spoke to you and as he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي وٌ تَن نَن نَ عَ شَ حَمَ رَ، نُن عَ تَن نَن نَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ رَ، عَلْ عَ كَلِ وٌ بٍنبَيٍ عِبُرَهِمَ، عِسِيَفَ، نُن يَشُبَ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "the great trials which your eyes saw, the signs, and those great wonders.", "sus": "وٌ بَرَ قٍ شْرْشْييٍ تٌ، تْنشُمَيٍ نُن كَابَنَكٌي عَ نَشٍيٍ رَبَ عٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "He will bring on you again all the diseases of Egypt, which you were afraid of; and they will cling to you.", "sus": "عَ قُرٍ حَاشِ عِكٌنكٌمَ نّ وٌ شُن نَ، وٌ نُ فَاشُشِ نَشَن يَ رَ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ. نَ قُرٍ مْولِ وٌ سُشُمَ نّ، عَ نْ وٌ رَ."} {"eng": "You will carry much seed out into the field, and will gather little in, for the locust will consume it.", "sus": "وٌ سَنسِ شْرِ فبٍفبٍ رَوَلِمَ نّ وٌ شَ شّيٍ مَ، كْنْ وٌ دٌندٌرٌنتِ نَن شَبَمَ، بَرِ مَ كَتٌي دِنمَ نّ عَ بِرِن نَ."} {"eng": "All the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by Yahweh’s name, and they will be afraid of you.", "sus": "بْشِ حَمَيٍ بِرِن عَ كٌلٌنمَ نّ نَ تّمُي، عَ وٌ تَن نَن سُفَندِشِ عَلَتَلَ شَ وَلِ رَبَقٍ مَ، عٍ فَاشُمَ نّ وٌ يَ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall be blessed in the fruit of your body, the fruit of your ground, the fruit of your animals, the increase of your livestock, and the young of your flock.", "sus": "عٍ شَ دِيٍ، دَشَمُي، يّشّييٍ، سِيٍ، نُن نِنفٍيٍ شُن مَسَمَ نّ."} {"eng": "There you shall build an altar to Yahweh your God, an altar of stones. You shall not use any iron tool on them.", "sus": "«مّننِ وٌ شَ سّرّشّبَدٍ يَءِلَن فّمّيٍ رَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ، وُرٍ مُ دِنشِ نَشٍيٍ رَ،"} {"eng": "If there is a controversy between men, and they come to judgment and the judges judge them, then they shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked.", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ لِ مِشِ قِرِن نَشَ فٍرٍ، كِيتِسَ شَ عٍ مَتٌ تِنشِنيِ كُي سّرِيّ كِ مَ."} {"eng": "When you harvest your vineyard, you shall not glean it after yourselves. It shall be for the foreigner, for the fatherless, and for the widow.", "sus": "وٌ نَ فّ وّنِ بٌفِ بَدٍ، وٌ نَشَ فبِلٍن بٌفِ دْنشْييٍ بَ رَ. وٌ شَ عٍ لُ شْحّيٍ، كِرِدِيٍ، نُن كَاحّ فِنّيٍ بّ."} {"eng": "You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the foreigners who are in your land within your gates.", "sus": "وٌ مُ لَن وٌ شَ وٌ شَ وَلِكّ سٍتَرٍيٍ تْورْ، عٍ قِندِ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عٍ قِندِ شْحّيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "When she has departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي شَ نَ فِنّ دْشْ شّمّ فبّتّ شْن مَ،"} {"eng": "When you go out and camp against your enemies, then you shall keep yourselves from every evil thing.", "sus": "وٌ نَ مِنِ قَقٍ رَ تِدٍ وٌ يَشُييٍ يَ رَ، وٌ لَن نّ وٌ شَ وٌ يّتّ رَتَنفَ قٍ كٌبِ بِرِن مَ."} {"eng": "But if the man finds the lady who is pledged to be married in the field, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die;", "sus": "كْنْ شَ شّمّ نَرَلَن فِنّ دِ مّدِ رَ وُلَ عِ، كٌتٍ بَرَ دْشْ نَشَن مَ قٍ رَ، عَ نَشَ دُتُن عَ مَ، عَ عَ قُتِ كَنَ، نَ شّمّ نَن كٍرٍن لَن عَ شَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both die, the man who lay with the woman and the woman. So you shall remove the evil from Israel.", "sus": "شَ وٌ شّمّ سُشُ، عٍ نُن فِنّ شّمّ تَا عِدْشْي سَشِ، نَ قٍ كٌبِ رَبَ قِرِنيِيٍ لَن نّ عٍ شَ قَشَ، فِنّ نُن شّمّ. وٌ قٍ حَاشِ حْنمَ نَ كِ نّ وٌ تَفِ عِسِرَيِلَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "If your brother isn’t near to you, or if you don’t know him, then you shall bring it home to your house, and it shall be with you until your brother comes looking for it, and you shall restore it to him.", "sus": "شَ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ يِرٍ مَكُيَ، شَ نَ مُ وٌ مُ عَ كَنيِ كٌلٌن، وٌ شَ شُرُ سٍ شَنِن وٌ شْنيِ. وٌ عَ رَفَتَ هَن بٍينُن وٌ عَ كَنيِ تٌمَ تّمُي نَشّ، وٌ قَ عَ سٌ عَ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "his body shall not remain all night on the tree, but you shall surely bury him the same day; for he who is hanged is accursed of God. Don’t defile your land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance.", "sus": "عَ قُرٍ مُ لَن عَ شَ لُ وُرِ كْن نَ هَن فّيسّفّ. عَ لَن نّ عَ شَ رَفَتَ نَ لْشْي كٍرٍنيِ، بَرِ مَ عَلَ بَرَ قُرٍ فبَكُشِ دَنكَ. وٌ وٌ مّينِ كِ قَنيِ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ نَ قُرٍ فبَكُشِ نَن بْشِ دَنكَمَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ دّننَشّ قِشِ وٌ مَ كّ رَ."} {"eng": "and see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you are attracted to her, and desire to take her as your wife,", "sus": "تّمُندٍ مِشِ ندٍ يَ قَمَ نّ سِندٍ فٍيلِمَنِ فِنّ تٌقَنيِ ندٍ مَ. شَ نَ كَنيِ وَ مَ عَ دْشْقٍ نّ،"} {"eng": "This is so that innocent blood will not be shed in the middle of your land which Yahweh your God gives you for an inheritance, leaving blood guilt on you.", "sus": "نَ كُي، مِشِ تْوحّفّشِ مُ قَشَمَ وٌ شَ بْشِ مَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَن قِشِ وٌ مَ كّ رَ."} {"eng": "as when a man goes into the forest with his neighbor to chop wood and his hand swings the ax to cut down the tree, and the head slips from the handle and hits his neighbor so that he dies—he shall flee to one of these cities and live.", "sus": "مِسَالِ نَن يَ؛ شَ مِشِ سِفَ قْتْنيِ وُرِ سّفّدٍ، عَ نُن عَ بٌورٍ، عَ شَ بٍيرَ قَ كٌرٍن، عَ دِن عَ بٌورٍ رَ، نَ قَ قَشَ، نَ قَشَتِ مْولِ تَن نْمَ سٌدٍ يِ تَا ندٍ كُي عَ نِي رَتَنفَقٍ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall come to the priests who are Levites and to the judge who shall be in those days. You shall inquire, and they shall give you the verdict.", "sus": "وٌ سِفَمَ لٍوِكَ سّرّشّدُبّيٍ نَن شْن، عَ نُن كِيتِسَيٍ نَشٍيٍ نَ وٌ شُن مَ، وٌ عَ تَفِ رَبَ عٍ بّ. عٍ عَ قَلَمَ وٌ بّ نَ تّمُي عَ لَن كِيتِ شَ سَ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Every man shall give as he is able, according to Yahweh your God’s blessing which he has given you.", "sus": "وٌ كٍرٍن كٍرٍن مَ قَمَ سّرّشّ نَن نَ وٌ نْشِ نَشَن نَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَن قِشِ وٌ مَ بَرَكّ رَ."} {"eng": "If it has any defect—is lame or blind, or has any defect whatever, you shall not sacrifice it to Yahweh your God.", "sus": "شَ عَ مَبّنشِ، شَ عَ يَ كَنَشِ، شَ نَ مُ قُرٍ فبّتّ نَ عَ مَ، وٌ نَشَ نَ قِ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ مَ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "then you shall take an awl, and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Also to your female servant you shall do likewise.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي وٌ سٍ تُنبَسٍ نَن تٌنفٌمَ. وٌ عَ تُلِ تُنبَ بَنشِ نَادّ مَ. نَ تّمُي عَ بَرَ قِندِ وٌ شَ كٌنيِ رَ كُدّ. وٌ نَ مْولِ نَن نَبَمَ وٌ شَ كٌنيِ فِنّ قَن نَ."} {"eng": "When you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty.", "sus": "وٌ مَن نَشَ عَ بّحِن عَ يِ عِفٍلِ رَ."} {"eng": "If your brother, a Hebrew man, or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you.", "sus": "شَ وٌ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِ عٍبُرُ شّمّ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ فِنّ، عَ يّتّ مَتِ وٌ مَ كٌنيِ رَ، عَ وَلِمَ نّ وٌ بّ حّ سٍننِ. عَ حّ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ندٍ وٌ شَ عَ شْرّيَ."} {"eng": "the little owl, the great owl, the horned owl,", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ عٍ دٌن عَ نُن عٍ مَنِيّ بِرِن."} {"eng": "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you, and he gives you a sign or a wonder,", "sus": "شَ نَمِحْنمّ ندٍ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ وَلِيُ ندٍ،"} {"eng": "You shall surely destroy all the places in which the nations that you shall dispossess served their gods: on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every green tree.", "sus": "وٌ شَ يِرٍ بِرِن كَنَ فٍيَيٍ قَرِ نُن قْتْنيِيٍ كُي، يِ سِيٍ كُيٍيٍ بَتُمَ دّننَشّ. وٌ قَمَ يِ سِيٍ كٍرِدٍ."} {"eng": "Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse:", "sus": "وٌ عَ مَتٌ، ٱ بَرَ بَرَكّ نُن دَنكّ سَ وٌ يَ عِ تٌ."} {"eng": "but the land that you go over to possess is a land of hills and valleys which drinks water from the rain of the sky,", "sus": "وٌ قَمَ بْشِ نَشَن سْتْدٍ، فٍيَ نُن فُلُنبَ يِرٍ نَ عَ رَ، تُنّ يٍ نَشَن نَقَنمَ عَ قَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "lest the land you brought us out from say, ‘Because Yahweh was not able to bring them into the land which he promised to them, and because he hated them, he has brought them out to kill them in the wilderness.’", "sus": "عَلَكٌ مِسِرَكَيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «عَلَتَلَ مُ نْمَ يِ مِشِيٍ شَنِندٍ بْشِ مَ عَ دّننَشّ لَايِدِ تٌنفٌشِ عٍ بّ. عَ عٍ شْنشِ نّ. عَ عٍ رَ مِنِ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ سَ عٍ قَشَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ.» ›"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to me, “Arise, get down quickly from here; for your people whom you have brought out of Egypt have corrupted themselves. They have quickly turned away from the way which I commanded them. They have made a molten image for themselves!”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ ٱ بّ، ‹كٍلِ، عِ شَ فٌرٌ مَقُرٍن بَرِ مَ عِ شَ حَمَ عِ نَشَن نَمِنِشِ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ، عٍ بَرَ يَنفٌي بٍلٍبٍلٍ رَبَ، عٍ بَرَ عٍ بَ كِرَ مَ ٱ نَشَن مَسٍن عٍ بّ، عٍ بَرَ كُيٍ يَءِلَن وُرٍ رَشُنُشِ رَ.›"} {"eng": "a people great and tall, the sons of the Anakim, whom you know, and of whom you have heard say, “Who can stand before the sons of Anak?”", "sus": "وٌ قَمَ عَنَكِ شَ دِيٍ نَن مَسْتْدٍ، مِشِ سّنبّمَيٍ نَشٍيٍ فبَنفبَلَن، وٌ نَشٍيٍ كٌلٌن عَ قَنيِ رَ. وٌ بَرَ عَ مّ، عٍ عَ قَلَمَ، ‹ندٍ نْمَ تِدٍ عَنَكِ شَ دِيٍ يَ عِ؟›"} {"eng": "He will deliver their kings into your hand, and you shall make their name perish from under the sky. No one will be able to stand before you until you have destroyed them.", "sus": "عَ قَمَ نّ عٍ شَ مَنفّيٍ سٌدٍ وٌ يِ رَ، وٌ عٍ شِلِ رَلْي. مِشِ يٌ مُ نْمَ تِدٍ وٌ كَنكٍ. وٌ عٍ بِرِن هَلَكِمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "You shall keep his statutes and his commandments which I command you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which Yahweh your God gives you for all time.", "sus": "وٌ عَ شَ سّرِيّ نُن عَ شَ يَامَرِ رَبَتُ، ٱ نَشَن سٌقٍ وٌ يِ رَ تٌ لْشْي، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ هّيرِ سْتْ وٌ تَن نُن وٌ بْنسْي، هَلِ وٌ دَنفِ شَنبِ، عَلَكٌ وٌ مَن شَ سِمَيَ شْنكُيٍ سْتْ بْشِ مَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ دّننَشّ قِشِ وٌ مَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "For Yahweh your God is a merciful God. He will not fail you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which he swore to them.", "sus": "بَرِ مَ وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ، عَلَ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن كِنِكِنِمَ مِشِ مَ، نَشَن مُ وٌ رَبّحِنمَ، نَشَن مُ وٌ هَلَكِمَ. عَ مُ قَمَ نّيمُدٍ سَاتّ مَ عَ رَكَلِ نَشَن نَ وٌ بَبَيٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "He declared to you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even the ten commandments. He wrote them on two stone tablets.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ شَ سَاتّ مَسٍن وٌ بّ، وٌ نَشَن نَوَلِمَ. عَ نَشَ نَ يَامَرِ قُ سّبّ فّمّ وَلَشّ قِرِنيِ مَ."} {"eng": "What great nation is there that has statutes and ordinances so righteous as all this law which I set before you today?", "sus": "سّرِيّ نُن يَامَرِ تِنشِنشِ نَ سِ مُندُن بّ عَلْ وٌن مَ سّرِيّ ٱ نَشَن سٌشِ وٌ يِ رَ يِ كِ؟"} {"eng": "You shall sell me food for money, that I may eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink. Just let me pass through on my feet,", "sus": "مُشُ دٌنسٍ نُن يٍ نَشَن مِنمَ، مُشُ قَمَ نّ عَ بِرِن سَرٍ قِدٍ عِ مَ فبٍتِ رَ. عَ لُ كَنسَن مُشُ شَ دَنفِ عِ شَ بْشِ مَ مُشُ سَنيِ رَ."} {"eng": "Then the Avvim, who lived in villages as far as Gaza: the Caphtorim, who came out of Caphtor, destroyed them and lived in their place.)", "sus": "نَشَن قِندِ عَوِكَيٍ تَن نَ، نَشٍيٍ نُ سَبَتِشِ تَايٍ كُي هَن فَسَ، عٍ نَشَ هَلَكِ كَقَتٌرٌكَيٍ سَابُي رَ. نَا نَشَ قِندِ كَقَتٌرٌكَيٍ فبٍ رَ، عٍ نَشَ سَبَتِ نَا. كَقَتٌرٌكَيٍ نَشَ كٍلِ كَقَتٌرٌ."} {"eng": "You answered me, and said, “The thing which you have spoken is good to do.”", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ ٱ يَابِ، عَ ٱ مَ مَحْشُنيِ، عَ مَحْشُن قَنيِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "These are the commandments and the ordinances which Yahweh commanded by Moses to the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ نُن يَامَرِيٍ نَن نَ كِ عَ نَشٍيٍ قِشِ مُنسَ مَ، كَتَرَبِ عِسِرَيِلَ مَ، عٍ نُ نَ مٌوَبَ قِيلِ مَ تّمُي نَشّ، يُرُدّن شُرٍ قّ مَ، يٍرِكٌ يَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "“Command the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘When you come into the land of Canaan (this is the land that shall fall to you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to its borders),", "sus": "«عَ مَسٍن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، ‹وٌ نَ سِفَ كَنَان بْشِ مَ، ٱ نَشَن قِشِ وٌ مَ كّ رَ، عَ نَانِنيِيٍ نَن يِ كِ؛"} {"eng": "Moses wrote the starting points of their journeys by the commandment of Yahweh. These are their journeys according to their starting points.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَ بِرِن سّبّشِ نّ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِ عَ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against Yahweh; and be sure your sin will find you out.", "sus": "«كْنْ شَ وٌ مُ سَ نَ سّرِيّ رَبَتُ، نَ بَرَ قِندِ يُنُبِ رَ وٌ بّ، وٌ نَ سَرٍ قِمَ نّ."} {"eng": "For if you turn away from after him, he will yet again leave them in the wilderness; and you will destroy all these people.”", "sus": "شَ وٌ كٍلِ عَلَ شَ كِرَ شْن، عَ مَن عِسِرَيِلَ رَبّحِنمَ نّ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، عٍ هَلَكِ وٌ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "The men of war had taken booty, every man for himself.", "sus": "سْورِيٍ تَن نُ عٍ فبٍيٍ رَفَتَشِ عٍ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "The half, which was the portion of those who went out to war, was in number three hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred sheep;", "sus": "سّيتِ نَشَن قِشِ سْورِيٍ مَ نَشٍيٍ فٍرٍ تِ، عَ شَسَبِ نَشَ لَن شُرُ سٍ لَنمَ وُلُ كّمّ سَشَن وُلُ تٌنفٌ سَشَن نُن سٌلٌقٍرٍ كّمّ سُولِ مَ."} {"eng": "“Avenge the children of Israel on the Midianites. Afterward you shall be gathered to your people.”", "sus": "«عِ شَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ فبٍ حْشْ مَدِيَنكَيٍ مَ. عِ نَ فّ نَ رَ، عِ قَ تَا مَسَرَ.»"} {"eng": "and one male goat for a sin offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering, its meal offering, and its drink offering.", "sus": "وٌ شَ سِكْتّ كٍرٍن قَن بَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ، دَنفِقٍ نَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ، نُن نَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِيٍ وٌ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ لْشْ يٌ لْشْ، عَ نُن سَنسِ شْرِ دِنشِ نُن وّنِ سّرّشّ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Moses, “Go up into this mountain of Abarim, and see the land which I have given to the children of Israel.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ، «تٍ يِ عَبَرِ مِ فٍيَ قَرِ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ بْشِ مَتٌ ٱ نَشَن قِمَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke with them in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying,", "sus": "مُنسَ نُن عٍلٍيَسَرِ سّرّشّدُبّ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ مٌوَبَ بْشِ مَ يُرُدّن شُرٍ سّيتِ مَ يٍرِكٌ يَ عِ،"} {"eng": "Israel stayed in Shittim; and the people began to play the prostitute with the daughters of Moab;", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ تٌ نُ يٌنكِنشِ سِتِمِ، عٍ نَشَ سٌ يّنّ رَبَقٍ مٌوَبَ فِنّيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He took up his parable, and said, “Alas, who shall live when God does this?", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَ نَشَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ شُن دُ سُ؛ «ندٍ نْمَ كِسِدٍ عَلَ شَ حَشَنكَتّ مَ؟"} {"eng": "How goodly are your tents, Jacob, and your dwellings, Israel!", "sus": "يَشُبَ، عِ شَ كِرِ بَنشِيٍ رَيَبُ، عِسِرَيِلَ، عِ شَ لِنفِرَيٍ تٌقَن."} {"eng": "Balak said to Balaam, “What have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies, and behold, you have blessed them altogether.”", "sus": "بَلَكِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ بَلَمِ بّ، «عِ مُنسٍ رَبَشِ ٱ نَ يِ كِ؟ ٱ عِ رَقَشِ نّ ٱ يَشُييٍ دَنكَدٍ، كْنْ عِ تَن نَ دُبَقٍ عٍ بّ.»"} {"eng": "He took up his parable, and said, “From Aram has Balak brought me, the king of Moab from the mountains of the East. Come, curse Jacob for me. Come, defy Israel.", "sus": "بَلَمِ نَشَ عَ شَ مَسٍنيِ تِ يِ كِ، «بَلَكِ نَن قَشِ ٱ نَ كٍلِقٍ سِرِيَ. مٌوَبَ مَنفّ نَن ٱ شِلِشِ، كٍلِقٍ سٌفٍتٍدٍ فٍيَيٍ كْن نَ. ‹قَ، يَشُبَ بْنسْي دَنكَ ٱ بّ! عِ شَ شْنّ رَدِن عِسِرَيِلَ مَ!›"} {"eng": "Balak said to Balaam, “Didn’t I earnestly send for you to summon you? Why didn’t you come to me? Am I not able indeed to promote you to honor?”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ بَلَمِ مَشْرِن، «مُنقٍ رَ عِ مُ قَ ٱ مَ شّيرَيَ سِنفٍ شِلِ مَ؟ عِ حْشْ عَ مَ ٱ مُ نْمَ عِ سَرٍ قِدٍ؟»"} {"eng": "Then Yahweh’s angel stood in a narrow path between the vineyards, a wall being on this side, and a wall on that side.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ مَن نَشَ سَ تِ عٍ شَ كِرَ دِ شْن مَ وّنِ بِلِيٍ تّتّ قِرِنيِيٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "For Heshbon was the city of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who had fought against the former king of Moab, and taken all his land out of his hand, even to the Arnon.", "sus": "شّسِبْن نَن نُ نَ عَمٌرِكَيٍ شَ مَنفّ سِشْن شَ مَنفَتَا رَ. عَ نُ بَرَ نَ تَا بَ مٌوَبَ مَنفّ ندٍ يِ، عَ نُن عَ شَ بْشِ بِرِن هَن عَرِنٌن شُرٍ."} {"eng": "the well, which the princes dug, which the nobles of the people dug, with the scepter, and with their poles.” From the wilderness they traveled to Mattanah;", "sus": "مَنفّيٍ نُن كُنتِفِيٍ بَرَ عَ فٍ، مَنفّ تْنشُمَ كَنيِيٍ.»"} {"eng": "Then Israel sang this song: “Spring up, well! Sing to it,", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ يِ سُوكِ بَ نَ وَشَتِ نّ؛ «يٍ شَ تٍ كْلْنيِ رَ! وٌ شَ بّيتِ بَ عَ شَ قٍ رَ!"} {"eng": "From there they traveled, and encamped on the other side of the Arnon, which is in the wilderness that comes out of the border of the Amorites; for the Arnon is the border of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ كٍلِ مّننِ، عٍ نَشَ سِفَ عَرِنٌن دّ رَ، شُرٍ نَشَن نَ عَمٌرِ بْشِ مَ. عَرِنٌن نَن نَ نَانِنيِ رَ مٌوَبَكَيٍ نُن عَمٌرِكَيٍ تَفِ."} {"eng": "The people spoke against God and against Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, there is no water, and our soul loathes this disgusting food!”", "sus": "عٍ قَ عَ قَلَ عَلَتَلَ نُن مُنسَ بّ، «مُنقٍ رَ وٌ مُشُ رَ مِنِشِ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ، عَلَكٌ مُشُ شَ قَ قَشَ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ؟ تَامِ مُ نَ بٍ، يٍ مُ نَ بٍ، قٌ يِ دٌنسٍ حَاشِ نَشَن فٌرٌ مَ كٌورٍ مَ!»"} {"eng": "“Moreover you shall speak to the Levites, and tell them, ‘When you take of the children of Israel the tithe which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then you shall offer up a wave offering of it for Yahweh, a tithe of the tithe.", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ لٍوِ بْنسْي بّ، ‹عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَ قَ عٍ شَ قَرِلّ رَ، ٱ نَشَن قِمَ وٌ مَ، وٌ شَ نَ قَرِلّ شَ قَرِلّ بَ ٱ تَن بّ."} {"eng": "Their meat shall be yours, as the wave offering breast and as the right thigh, it shall be yours.", "sus": "عٍ فَنيَنيِ نُن عٍ يِرٍقَنيِ تَبٍ قِندِ مَ عِ فبٍ نَن نَ، بَرِ مَ عٍ نُ لِنتَنشِ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "The first-ripe fruits of all that is in their land, which they bring to Yahweh, shall be yours. Everyone who is clean in your house shall eat of it.", "sus": "دَشَمُي سِنفٍيٍ عٍ قَمَ نَشَن بِرِن نَ ٱ بّ، نَ بِرِن قِندِ مَ عِ فبٍ نَن نَ. عِ شَ مِشِ بِرِن نَشٍيٍ سّنِيّنشِ عٍ نْمَ نَ دٌندٍ.»"} {"eng": "You shall eat of it like the most holy things. Every male shall eat of it. It shall be holy to you.", "sus": "وٌ نٍيٍ دٌنمَ نّ عَلْ سٍ سّنِيّنشِيٍ. شّمّ بِرِن نْمَ عٍ دٌندٍ وٌ شَ دٍنبَيَ كُي. سٍ سّنِيّنشِيٍ نَن عٍ رَ وٌ بّ.»"} {"eng": "You shall lay them up in the Tent of Meeting before the covenant, where I meet with you.", "sus": "عِ نَ يِسُشُوُرِيٍ سَمَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ نَن كُي، سَاتّ كَنكِرَ يَ تٌدٍ رَ، ٱ لُمَ ٱ يّتّ مَسٍن نَ وٌ بّ دّننَشّ."} {"eng": "“Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them that they should make themselves fringes on the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put on the fringe of each border a cord of blue.", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، عٍ تَن نُن عٍ شَ دِيٍ شَ مَمَدِيٍ عٍ شَ عٍ شَ سٌسٍيٍ سَنبُنيِ رَقُتُقُتُ، عٍ فّسّ فّرّ دَاشِ شِرِ عَ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "“‘But the soul who does anything with a high hand, whether he is native-born or a foreigner, blasphemes Yahweh. That soul shall be cut off from among his people.", "sus": "كْنْ شَ مِشِ ندٍ سَ عَلَتَلَ مَتَندِ عَ حَنِفٍ رَ، عَ قِندِ عِسِرَيِلَكَ رَ، عَ قِندِ شْحّ رَ، نَ كَنيِ كٍرِ مَ نّ حَمَ تَفِ."} {"eng": "There we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim. We were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”", "sus": "مُشُ عَنَبِيٌرٌي تٌ نّ نَشَن قَتَنشِ عَنَكِ بْنسْي رَ. مُشُ نُ لُشِ نّ عَلْ كَتٌي عٍ مَبِرِ. عٍ تَن يٌ، مُشُ تَن يٌ، عٍ بِرِن عَ تٌشِ نَ كِ نّ.»"} {"eng": "They brought up an evil report of the land which they had spied out to the children of Israel, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that eats up its inhabitants; and all the people who we saw in it are men of great stature.", "sus": "نَ كُي عٍ نَشَ قٍ حَاشِ قَلَ نَ بْشِ شَ قٍ رَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بّ. عٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ، «مُشُ بْشِ نَشَن نَبّنشِ، بْشِ نَن عَ رَ نَشَن مِشِ قَشَمَ. مِشِ فبَنفبَلَنيِيٍ سَبَتِشِ نَا."} {"eng": "Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi the son of Vophsi.", "sus": "كٍلِقٍ نَقَتَلِ بْنسْي مَ، قٌقِسِ شَ دِ شّمّ نَشَبِ."} {"eng": "Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son of Sodi.", "sus": "كٍلِقٍ سَبُلٌن بْنسْي مَ، سٌدِ شَ دِ شّمّ فَدِيٍلِ."} {"eng": "Yahweh came down in a pillar of cloud, and stood at the door of the Tent, and called Aaron and Miriam; and they both came forward.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ فٌرٌ نُشُي كُي هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ دّ رَ. عَ نَشَ هَرُنَ نُن مَرِيَمَ شِلِ. عٍ قِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَسٌ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "When the dew fell on the camp in the night, the manna fell on it.", "sus": "مَنَ نُ فٌرٌ مَ شِنِ فٌرٌ تّمُي."} {"eng": "The mixed multitude that was among them lusted exceedingly; and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, “Who will give us meat to eat?", "sus": "مِشِ كٌبِ ندٍيٍ تٌ وَ دٌنسٍ مْولِ فبّتّ شْن مَ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ مَن نَشَ عٍ مَوَ، عَ قَلَقٍ رَ، «مُشُ وَ مَ سُبٍ نَن شْن!"} {"eng": "The people were complaining in the ears of Yahweh. When Yahweh heard it, his anger burned; and Yahweh’s fire burned among them, and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp.", "sus": "لْشْي ندٍ، حَمَ نَشَ عٍ مَوَ عٍ شَ تْورّ شَ قٍ رَ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ. عَلَتَلَ نَشَ شْنْ نَ قٍ مَ، عَ قَ تّ رَ سِن حَمَ تَفِ، عَ يِرٍ ندٍ فَن يٌنكِندٍ سّيتِ مَ."} {"eng": "After that, the Levites went in to do their service in the Tent of Meeting before Aaron and before his sons: as Yahweh had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so they did to them.", "sus": "نَ تٌ بَ عَ رَ، لٍوِ بْنسْي نَشَ قَ عٍ شَ وَلِ سُشُ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شَ قٍ رَ هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ شَ يَامَرِ بُن مَ، عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِ مُنسَ بّ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“The Levites shall lay their hands on the heads of the bulls, and you shall offer the one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering to Yahweh, to make atonement for the Levites.", "sus": "«لٍوِ بْنسْي مِشِيٍ شَ عٍ بّلّشّ سَ نَ تُورَ قِرِنيِيٍ مَ. كٍرٍن بَمَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ نَن نَ، بٌورٍ بَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ يُنُبِيٍ شَ شَقَرِ."} {"eng": "You shall present the Levites before Yahweh. The children of Israel shall lay their hands on the Levites,", "sus": "مّننِ، عَلَتَلَ يَ شْرِ، عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ عٍ بّلّشّ سَ لٍوِ بْنسْي مِشِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "the princes of Israel, the heads of their fathers’ houses, gave offerings. These were the princes of the tribes. These are they who were over those who were counted;", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ كُنتِفِيٍ، شَبِلّ شُنيِ نَشٍيٍ بْنسْييٍ تّنفّ، عٍ نَشَ هَدِيَيٍ بَ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "and he shall offer his offering to Yahweh: one male lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering, one ewe lamb a year old without defect for a sin offering, one ram without defect for peace offerings,", "sus": "عَ شَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ بَ عَلَتَلَ بّ، يّشّي نَشَن بَرَ حّ كٍرٍن سْتْ، لَنيُرُ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن مَ. عَ شَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ قَن بَ، يّشّي فِنّ نَشَن بَرَ حّ كٍرٍن سْتْ، لَنيُرُ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن مَ. عَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ بَ، يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ، لَنيُرُ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن مَ."} {"eng": "If the woman isn’t defiled, but is clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive offspring.", "sus": "«كْنْ شَ عَ سَ لِ عَ مُ سّنِيّنتَرٍحَ يٌ رَبَشِ، تْوحّفّ بَمَ نّ عَ شُن مَ، عَ مَن نْمَ دِ بَرِدٍ."} {"eng": "When he has made her drink the water, then it shall happen, if she is defiled and has committed a trespass against her husband, that the water that causes the curse will enter into her and become bitter, and her body will swell, and her thigh will fall away; and the woman will be a curse among her people.", "sus": "عَ نَ نَ يٍ مِن، شَ عَ سَ لِ نَ فِنّ بَرَ قِندِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ، عَ بَرَ عَ شَ مْرِ يَنقَ، نَ يٍ نَشَن قِندِ مَ دَنكّ رَ، عَ سٌمَ نّ عَ قَتٍ عِ، عَ عَ تْورْ كِ قَنيِ رَ. عَ قُرِ قُنتُمَ نّ، عَ شْرّ مَبَمَ نّ، عَ نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ قَمَ نّ عَ دَنكَدٍ.»"} {"eng": "But if the man has no kinsman to whom restitution may be made for the guilt, the restitution for guilt which is made to Yahweh shall be the priest’s, in addition to the ram of the atonement, by which atonement shall be made for him.", "sus": "شَ عَ سَ لِ عَ هَاكّ رَبَشِ نَشَن نَ، عَ بَرَ قَشَ، عَ شَ مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن نْمَ نَ قٍ يَءِلَنشِ رَ سُشُدٍ، نَ قِندِ مَ عَلَتَلَ نَن فبٍ رَ، عَ سٌ سّرّشّدُبّ يِ رَ. قٍ كَنّ مَن قَ يّشّي كٌنتٌنيِ كٍرٍن بَ عَ شَ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ رَ، عَ عَ سٌ سّرّشّدُبّ يِ رَ."} {"eng": "You shall put both male and female outside of the camp so that they don’t defile their camp, in the midst of which I dwell.”", "sus": "عَ قِندِ شّمّ رَ، عَ قِندِ فِنّ رَ، وٌ عٍ رَ مِنِ وٌ يَ مَ، عٍ شَ سَ لُ عٍ شَتِ مَ عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ سّنِيّنتَرٍحَ رَ سٌ وٌ يَ مَ، ٱ سَبَتِشِ دّننَشّ.»"} {"eng": "from thirty years old and upward even to fifty years old—everyone who entered into the service for work in the Tent of Meeting,", "sus": "شّمّ نَشٍيٍ شَ سِمَيَ بَرَ حّ تٌنفٌ سَشَن لِ هَن حّ تٌنفٌ سُولِ، نَشٍيٍ قَمَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ وَلِ رَبَدٍ."} {"eng": "This is the service of the families of the sons of Merari, according to all their service in the Tent of Meeting, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.”", "sus": "مٍرَرِ بْنسْييٍ شَ وَلِ بِرِن نَن نَ كِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شَ قٍ رَ. عٍ وَلِمَ هَرُنَ سّرّشّدُبّ شَ دِ شّمّ عِتَمَرِ شَ يَامَرِ نَن بُن مَ.»"} {"eng": "and Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and to his sons, according to Yahweh’s word, as Yahweh commanded Moses.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ نَ شُنسَرٍ فبٍتِ سٌ هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِ شّمّيٍ يِ رَ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "“All who were counted of the camp of Ephraim were one hundred eight thousand one hundred, according to their divisions. They shall set out third.", "sus": "فَلِ نَشَن يٌنكِن عٍقِرَ مِ بْنسْي مَبِرِ، عٍ شَسَبِ لَن مِشِ وُلُ كّمّ مِشِ وُلُ سٌلٌمَسَشَن، مِشِ كّمّ نَن مَ. عٍ تَن نَن سِفَمَ عَ سَشَن ندٍ."} {"eng": "Moses and Aaron took these men who are mentioned by name.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ كَقُ مُنسَ نُن هَرُنَ مَ،"} {"eng": "If the person is from sixty years old and upward; if he is a male, then your valuation shall be fifteen shekels, and for a female ten shekels.", "sus": "شَ شّمْشِ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن شَ سِمَيَ دَنفِمَ حّ تٌنفٌ سٍننِ رَ، عَ شُن سَرَ مَ فبٍتِ كٌلٍ قُ نُن سُولِ نَن نَ. شَ حّلّشّقٌرِ نَ عَ رَ، عَ شُن سَرَ مَ فبٍتِ كٌلٍ قُ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "These are the statutes, ordinances, and laws, which Yahweh made between him and the children of Israel in Mount Sinai by Moses.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ سّرِيّ، عَ شَ يَامَرِيٍ، نُن عَ شَ مَسٍنيِيٍ نَن نَ كِ عَلَتَلَ نَشٍيٍ مَسٍنشِ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ عَننَبِ مُنسَ سَابُي رَ تُرُ سِنِنَ فٍيَ قَرِ."} {"eng": "“‘If you in spite of this won’t listen to me, but walk contrary to me,", "sus": "«نَ بِرِن نَبَ شَنبِ وٌ رَ، شَ وٌ مُ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ نَ، شَ وٌ تٌندِ ٱ وَشْنقٍ سُشُدٍ،"} {"eng": "and if you shall reject my statutes, and if your soul abhors my ordinances, so that you will not do all my commandments, but break my covenant,", "sus": "شَ وٌ مُ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ سُشُ، شَ وٌ مُ بِرَ ٱ وَشْنقٍ قْشْ رَ، شَ وٌ ٱ مَ سَاتّ كَنَ،"} {"eng": "I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that you should not be their slaves. I have broken the bars of your yoke, and made you walk upright.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَن ٱ نَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ، نَشَن وٌ رَ مِنِ مِسِرَ بْشِ رَ عَلَكٌ وٌ نَشَ لُ عٍ يِ رَ. ٱ بَرَ كٌنيِيَ كٌتٍ بَ وٌ شُن مَ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ حّرّ شُننَكٍلِ كُي.»"} {"eng": "“‘You shall make for yourselves no idols, and you shall not raise up a carved image or a pillar, and you shall not place any figured stone in your land, to bow down to it; for I am Yahweh your God.", "sus": "«وٌ نَشَ كُيٍ يٌ يَءِلَن، وٌ نَشَ عَلَ ندٍ رَقَلَ، وٌ نَشَ فّمّ بَتُ دَاشِ دْشْ، وٌ نَشَ فّمّ مَسٌلِشِ بَتُ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ نَن ٱ نَ، وٌ مَرِفِ عَلَ."} {"eng": "“‘In this Year of Jubilee each of you shall return to his property.", "sus": "«نَ شْرّيَ حّ كُي، بِرِن شَ فبِلٍن عٍ شَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "What grows of itself in your harvest you shall not reap, and you shall not gather the grapes of your undressed vine. It shall be a year of solemn rest for the land.", "sus": "سَنسِ بٌفِ نَشٍيٍ بُلَمَ عٍ يّتّ مَ، وٌ نَشَ عٍ شَبَ. وّنِ بٌفِيٍ نَشٍيٍ بٌفِمَ عٍ يّتّ مَ، وٌ شَ عٍ لُ نَا بَرِ مَ مَلَبُي حّ نَ عَ رَ بْشِ بّ."} {"eng": "“‘He who strikes any man mortally shall surely be put to death.", "sus": "«مِشِ نَشَن نَ عَدَ مَدِ قَشَ، عَ قَن شَ قَشَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَننَبِ مُنسَ بّ،"} {"eng": "In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the evening, is Yahweh’s Passover.", "sus": "كِكٍ سِنفٍ، شِ قُ نُن نَانِ ندٍ، سٌفٍ دُلَ تّمُي، سَيَمَلٍكّ دَنفِ سَلِ سّرّشّ شَ بَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "“Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘The set feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my set feasts.", "sus": "«عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ شَ سَلِ لْشْييٍ نَن يَ، نَشٍيٍ سّنِيّنشِ وٌ بّ."} {"eng": "If a priest’s daughter is married to an outsider, she shall not eat of the heave offering of the holy things.", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شَ دِ فِنّ نَشَن دْشْشِ شّمّ عَلَ كٌلٌنتَرٍ شْن مَ، نَشَ سّرّشّ سّنِيّنشِ دٌن."} {"eng": "“‘They shall therefore follow my commandment, lest they bear sin for it and die in it, if they profane it. I am Yahweh who sanctifies them.", "sus": "«سّرّشّدُبّيٍ شَ ٱ مَ يَامَرِيٍ رَبَتُ عٍ بَلٌي شَ قٍ رَ، عَلَكٌ عٍ نَشَ يُنُبِ سْتْ، عٍ قَ قَشَ. عَلَتَلَ نَن ٱ نَ، نَشَن عٍ رَ سّنِيّنمَ."} {"eng": "“‘Whatever man there is of the children of Israel, or of the strangers who live as foreigners among them, who takes in hunting any animal or bird that may be eaten, he shall pour out its blood, and cover it with dust.", "sus": "شَ عِسِرَيِلَكَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ شْحّ ندٍ نَشَن نَ وٌ تَفِ، سَ سُبٍ ندٍ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ شْنِ ندٍ قَشَ نَشَن دَشَ عَ شَ دٌن، عَ شَ نَ وُلِ عِقِلِ بْشِ مَ، عَ بّندّ سَ عَ قَرِ،"} {"eng": "for on this day shall atonement be made for you, to cleanse you. You shall be clean from all your sins before Yahweh.", "sus": "نَ قِندِ مَ شُنسَرٍ لْشْي رَ وٌ بّ، عَلَكٌ وٌ شَ سّنِيّن، وٌ شَ يُنُبِ بِرِن شَ شَقَرِ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Whoever touches anything that she sits on shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "Naxan yo na dɔxɔ a xa gonyi ma, na kanyi xa a xa dugie xa, a xa a yɛtɛ maxa ye ra. A findima mixi sɛniyɛntare nan na han nunmare ra."} {"eng": "If it is on the bed, or on anything she sits on, when he touches it, he shall be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "شَ سٍ ندٍ سَشِ نَ سَدٍ مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ نَ فٌنيِ مَ عَ نُ دْشْشِ نَشَن مَ، نَشَن دِنمَ نَ سٍ رَ عَ قِندِ مَ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ نَن نَ هَن نُنمَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "If it is on the bed, or on anything she sits on, when he touches it, he shall be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "Xa se nde saxi na sade ma, xa na mu a ra na gonyi ma a nu dɔxɔxi naxan ma, naxan dinma na se ra a findima mixi sɛniyɛntare nan na han nunmare ra."} {"eng": "“‘On the eighth day he shall take two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before Yahweh to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and give them to the priest.", "sus": "شِ سٌلٌمَسَشَن ندٍ لْشْي، عَ شَ فَنبّ قِرِن تٌنفٌ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ كٌلٌكٌندٍ يْرّ قِرِن، عَ سَ عٍ سٌ سّرّشّدُبّ يِ رَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ سٌدٍ دّ رَ."} {"eng": "“‘Whomever he who has the discharge touches, without having rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "قُرٍ مَ بّلّشّ سّنِيّنتَرٍ كَنيِ دِنمَ مِشِ نَشَن نَ، نَ شَ عَ شَ دُفِيٍ شَ، عَ شَ عَ يّتّ مَشَ يٍ رَ. عَ قِندِ مَ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ نَن نَ هَن نُنمَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "to teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean. This is the law of leprosy.", "sus": "عَلَكٌ عَ شَ كٌلٌن شَ سٍ سّنِيّنشِ نَن عَ رَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ مُ سّنِيّنشِ. سّرِيّ نَن نَ كِ نَ قُرٍ حَاشِ شَ قٍ رَ.»"} {"eng": "The priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle some of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh.", "sus": "عَ شَ عَ بّلّشّسٌلٍ يِرٍقَنيِ سِن تُرٍ كُي، عَ نُ بَرَ نَشَن سَ عَ كْولَ بّلّشّ كُي، عَ شَ نَ تُرٍ كَسَن دْشْ سٌلٌقٍرٍ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "Then the priest shall examine him. Behold, if the swelling of the plague is reddish-white in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, like the appearance of leprosy in the skin of the body,", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شَ نَ مَتٌ. شَ نَ قُرٍ قُنتُ نَشَن مِنِشِ عَ شُنيِ مَ، عَ قِيشّ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ فبٍيلِ عَلْ قُرٍ حَاشِ نَ كِ نَشّ،"} {"eng": "But if a reddish-white plague is in the bald head or the bald forehead, it is leprosy breaking out in his bald head or his bald forehead.", "sus": "كْنْ شَ قُرٍ قِيشّ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ قُرٍ فبٍيلِ مِنِ عَ شُنيِ مَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عَ تِفِ مَ، قُرٍ حَاشِ نَ عَ رَ."} {"eng": "But if the scab spreads on the skin after he has shown himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall show himself to the priest again.", "sus": "كْنْ شَ سّرّشّدُبّ بَرَ عَ مَتٌ، قُرٍ بَرَ لَنتَن يّ نَ مَسٍنيِ دَنفِ شَنبِ، قُرٍ مَ مَن شَ فبِلٍن سّرّشّدُبّ يِرٍ تّمُي فبّتّ."} {"eng": "In the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.", "sus": "شِ سٌلٌمَسَشَن لْشْي، دِ شَ سُننَ."} {"eng": "You shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps. You shall not make yourselves unclean with them, that you should be defiled by them.", "sus": "وٌ نَشَ وٌ يّتّ قِندِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ نَ نِمَسٍ مْولِ سَابُي رَ. وٌ نَشَ عٍ دٌن."} {"eng": "Whatever goes on its paws, among all animals that go on all fours, they are unclean to you. Whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.", "sus": "سُبٍ بِرِن تٌرٍ مُ نَ نَشٍيٍ بّ، عٍ عٍ حّرّ عٍ سَنيِ نَانِيٍ شُن نَ، عٍ رَهَرَ مُشِ وٌ مَ. نَشَن دِنمَ عٍ بِنبِيٍ رَ نَ قِندِ مَ مِشِ سّنِيّنتَرٍ رَ هَن نُنمَرٍ رَ."} {"eng": "Then Yahweh said to Aaron,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن هَرُنَ بّ،"} {"eng": "Aaron lifted up his hands toward the people, and blessed them; and he came down from offering the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings.", "sus": "هَرُنَ نَشَ عَ بّلّشّيٍ عِتَلَ، عَ دُبَ حَمَ بّ. عَ تٌ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ، سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ، نُن شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ بَ، عَ نَشَ فٌرٌ كٍلِقٍ سّرّشّبَدٍ سّيتِيٍ مَ."} {"eng": "So Aaron came near to the altar, and killed the calf of the sin offering, which was for himself.", "sus": "هَرُنَ تٌ عَ مَسٌ سّرّشّبَدٍ رَ، عَ نَشَ تُورَ دِ كْن نَشَبَ عَ يّتّ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ."} {"eng": "They brought what Moses commanded before the Tent of Meeting. All the congregation came near and stood before Yahweh.", "sus": "حَمَ نَشَ سّرّشّيٍ شَنِن هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ سٌدٍ دّ رَ عَلْ عَننَبِ مُنسَ عٍ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ. عٍ بِرِن نَشَ عٍ مَكْرّ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ رَ، عٍ تِ عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ."} {"eng": "He poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron’s head, and anointed him, to sanctify him.", "sus": "عَ مَن نَشَ تُرٍ ندٍ سَ هَرُنَ شُنيِ مَ، عَلَكٌ هَرُنَ قَن شَ سّنِيّن."} {"eng": "With his own hands he shall bring the offerings of Yahweh made by fire. He shall bring the fat with the breast, that the breast may be waved for a wave offering before Yahweh.", "sus": "عَ شَ نَ شُرُ سٍ تُرٍ نُن عَ سِسِ شَنِن ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يِرٍ عَلَكٌ عَ شَ فَن تّ رَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ. عَ لَنمَ عَ شَ نَ شُرُ سٍ سِسِ لِنتَن ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ يَ عِ عَ مَسٍنقٍ رَ ٱ بّ، نَ قِندِشِ ٱ تَن نَن فبٍ رَ."} {"eng": "but the soul who eats of the meat of the sacrifice of peace offerings that belongs to Yahweh, having his uncleanness on him, that soul shall be cut off from his people.", "sus": "كْنْ سّنِيّنتَرٍ مُ نْمَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ دٌندٍ، عَ رَ مِنِمَ نّ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ يَ مَ."} {"eng": "If any of the meat of the sacrifice of his peace offerings is eaten on the third day, it will not be accepted, and it shall not be credited to him who offers it. It will be an abomination, and the soul who eats any of it will bear his iniquity.", "sus": "شَ مِشِ ندٍ سَ عَ يّتّ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ سّرّشّ سُبٍ دٌن نَ شِ سَشَن ندٍ لْشْي مَ، عَلَ مُ عَ شَ سّرّشّ تٌنفٌمَ. عَ لُمَ عَلْ عَ مُ سّرّشّ يٌ بَشِ، بَرِ مَ نَ سُبٍ قِندِشِ سٍ سّنِيّنتَرٍ نَن نَ. مِشِ نَشَن نَ رَبَمَ، عَ يُنُبِ سْتْمَ نَ كُي.»"} {"eng": "Every meal offering of a priest shall be wholly burned. It shall not be eaten.”", "sus": "سّرّشّدُبّ شَ سّرّشّ بِرِن شَ فَن، عٍ نَشَ نَ سٍسٍ دٌن.»"} {"eng": "“‘If he can’t afford a lamb, then he shall bring his trespass offering for that in which he has sinned, two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, to Yahweh; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.", "sus": "«شَ قّيرّ مُ نَ عَ يِ رَ نَ سّرّشّ شَ قٍ رَ، عَ شَ كٌلٌكٌندٍ قِرِن شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ فَنبّ قِرِن بَ سّرّشّ رَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ. كٍرٍن شَ قِندِ يُنُبِ شَقَرِ سّرّشّ رَ، بٌورٍ شَ قِندِ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ."} {"eng": "and the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins, and the cover on the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away.", "sus": "عَ نُن عَ فُنفُي قِرِنيِ، عٍ تُرٍ، نُن لَارٍ نَشَن نَ عَ بْحّ مَ."} {"eng": "“‘If his offering to Yahweh is a burnt offering of birds, then he shall offer his offering from turtledoves or of young pigeons.", "sus": "«شَ عَ وَ مَ شْنِ بَقٍ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ رَ ٱ تَن عَلَتَلَ بّ، قٌ عَ شَ قِندِ كٌلٌكٌندٍ نَن نَ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ فَنبّ يْرّ رَ."} {"eng": "He spread the covering over the tent, and put the roof of the tabernacle above on it, as Yahweh commanded Moses.", "sus": "عَ قَ دُفِيٍ عِتَلَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شُن مَ، عَ نُن عَ مَكٌتٌسٍيٍ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ عَ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "Thus all the work of the tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting was finished. The children of Israel did according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses; so they did.", "sus": "هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ شَ وَلِ رَحْن نَ كِ نّ، عَلَ مِشِ لِمَ دّننَشّ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ عَ بِرِن نَبَ نّ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ مُنسَ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "They made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription, like the engravings of a signet: “HOLY TO YAHWEH”.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ وَلَشّ لَنمَدِ يَءِلَن شّيمَ رَ، عَ قِندِ تْنشُمَ سّنِيّنشِ رَ. عٍ نَشَ سّبّلِ مَسٌلِ عَ مَ، عَلْ عٍ سّبّلِ مَسٌلِمَ شُرُندّ مَ كِ نَشّ، عَ مَسٍنقٍ رَ، «مِشِ سّنِيّنشِ عَلَتَلَ بّ.»"} {"eng": "The skillfully woven band that was on it, with which to fasten it on, was of the same piece, like its work: of gold, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, as Yahweh commanded Moses.", "sus": "بّلّتِ قَن يَءِلَن نَ كِ نّ فّسّ فّرّ دَاشِ، بُلُ دَاشِ، عَ فبٍيلِ، نُن سُوَ دُفِ رَ. نَ بّلّتِ نُن دٌنمَ قِندِ كٍرٍن نَ. نَ بِرِن يَءِلَنشِ عَلْ عَلَتَلَ مُنسَ يَمَرِ كِ نَشّ."} {"eng": "The bronze of the offering was seventy talents and two thousand four hundred shekels.", "sus": "وُرٍ فبٍيلِ شَسَبِ نَشَن سْتْ عِسِرَيِلَ شَ هَدِيَ رَ، عَ لَن كِلٌ وُلُ قِرِن كِلٌ كّمّ نَانِ نُن سٌلٌقٍرٍ."} {"eng": "He cast four rings of gold for it, and put the rings in the four corners that were on its four feet.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ سُشُدٍ دِفِلِنشِ نَانِ رَقَلَ شّيمَ رَ عَ تُنشُن نَانِيٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ عِلَنمَ عَ سَنيِيٍ رَ."} {"eng": "He made a screen for the door of the tent, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, the work of an embroiderer;", "sus": "عٍ سُوَ دُفِ فبّتّ يَءِلَن فّسّ فّرّ دَاشِ، بُلُ دَاشِ، نُن عَ فبٍيلِ رَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ سٌدٍ دّ رَ. عٍ عَ مَسْشْ عَ قَنيِ رَ، عَ شَ تٌقَن."} {"eng": "They were double beneath, and in the same way they were all the way to its top to one ring. He did this to both of them in the two corners.", "sus": "نَشٍيٍ قُفٍ نُن لَبٍ لَنمَ عٍ بٌورٍ مَ، عٍ شِرِ قُفٍ رَ سٍ دِفِلِنشِ رَ. نَ تُشُي قِرِنيِ يَءِلَن نَ كِ نّ."} {"eng": "Moses said to the children of Israel, “Behold, Yahweh has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بّ، «وٌ عَ كٌلٌن، عَلَتَلَ بَرَ بٍسَلٍلِ عُرِ شَ دِ سُفَندِ، شُرُ شَ مَمَدِ نَشَن قَتَنشِ يُدَ بْنسْي رَ."} {"eng": "Moses said, “Please show me your glory.”", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ مُنسَ نَشَ عَلَ مَشَندِ، «عِ شَ عِ شَ نْرّ مَسٍن ٱ بّ.»"} {"eng": "They shall be on Aaron and on his sons, when they go in to the Tent of Meeting, or when they come near to the altar to minister in the holy place, that they don’t bear iniquity, and die. This shall be a statute forever to him and to his offspring after him.", "sus": "هَرُنَ نُن عَ شَ دِيٍ شَ نَ مْولِ سٌ عٍ مَ عٍ مَكْرّ مَ سّرّشّبَدٍ رَ تّمُي نَشّ، شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ عٍ نَ هْرْ مْبَنشِ كُي لِ تّمُي نَشّ، ٱ عِ لِمَ دّننَشّ. نَ نَن عَ نِيَمَ عٍ مُ يُنُبِ سْتْمَ، عٍ تَنفَمَ نّ قَشّ مَ. سّرِيّ نَ عَ رَ نَشَن مُ كَنَمَ عَبَدَن هَرُنَ نُن عَ بْنسْي بِرِن بّ.»"} {"eng": "You shall put the two braided chains of gold in the two rings at the ends of the breastplate.", "sus": "نَ لُوتِ شّيمَ دَاشِيٍ شَ شِرِ نَ شُرُندّ قِرِنيِيٍ مَ، نَشٍيٍ دّفّشِ دٌنمَ كَنكٍ رَشُنمَسٍ دّ كِرِ مَ."} {"eng": "The stones shall be according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names; like the engravings of a signet, everyone according to his name, they shall be for the twelve tribes.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ شَ دِيٍ شِلِيٍ شَ مَسٌلِ نَ فّمّ قُ نُن قِرِن مَ، عَلْ سّبّلِ مَسٌلِمَ شُرُندّ مَ كِ نَشّ. كَنكَن شِلِ شَ مَسٌلِ فّمّ ندٍ مَ. عٍ قِندِ مَ عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي قُ نُن قِرِنيِ مَتْنشُمَ سٍ نَن نَ."} {"eng": "You shall make it hollow with planks. They shall make it as it has been shown you on the mountain.", "sus": "عِ شَ نَ سّرّشّبَدٍ يَءِلَن شٍبٍنيِيٍ نَن نَ. سٍسٍ نَشَ لُ عَ كُي. عِ شَ عَ يَءِلَن عَلْ ٱ عِ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ فٍيَ قَرِ.»"} {"eng": "You shall set up the tabernacle according to the way that it was shown to you on the mountain.", "sus": "عِ شَ نَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ تِ عَلْ ٱ عِ يَمَرِشِ كِ نَشّ فٍيَ قَرِ.»"} {"eng": "You shall make a rim of a hand width around it. You shall make a golden molding on its rim around it.", "sus": "شٍبٍنيِ ندٍ شَ سَ نَ دّ كِرِ بُن مَ نَشَن عِفبٌ سُشُي كٍرٍن عَ نُن عَ تَفِ. شّيمَ شَ سَ نَ قَن دّ كِرِ مَ."} {"eng": "The poles shall be in the rings of the ark. They shall not be taken from it.", "sus": "عٍ نَشَ رَ مِنِ نَ عَبَدَن.»"} {"eng": "“Be careful to do all things that I have said to you; and don’t invoke the name of other gods or even let them be heard out of your mouth.", "sus": "وٌ شَ وٌ حْشْ سَ ٱ مَ يَامَرِ بِرِن شْن مَ. وٌ نَشَ عَلَ فبّتّيٍ بَتُ، عٍ شِلِ حَن نَشَ مِنِ وٌ دّ عِ."} {"eng": "If the thief is found breaking in, and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no guilt of bloodshed for him.", "sus": "شَ وٌ مِشِ سُشُ عَ مُحّ تِقٍ كْي رَ، عَ قَ قَشَ وٌ يِ بْنبْي رَ، قَشّ كٌتٍ مُ دْشْمَ وٌ شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Whether it has gored a son or has gored a daughter, according to this judgment it shall be done to him.", "sus": "نَ سّرِيّ كٍرٍن نَن نَوَلِمَ هَلِ تُورَ سَ دِ مّدِ نَن قَشَ."} {"eng": "God spoke all these words, saying,", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَلَتَلَ نَشَ يِ مَسٍنيِ تِ؛"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Moses, “Go to the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments,", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ، «عَ قَلَ حَمَ بّ، عٍ شَ عٍ يّتّ رَ سّنِيّن تٌ نُن تِنَ. عٍ شَ عٍ شَ دُفِيٍ قَن شَ."} {"eng": "You will surely wear away, both you, and this people that is with you; for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to perform it yourself alone.", "sus": "عِ نُن عِ شَ مِشِيٍ، وٌ تَفَنمَ نّ. عِ كٍرٍن مُ نْمَ يِ كٌتٍ شَنِندٍ."} {"eng": "Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God. Aaron came with all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moses’ father-in-law before God.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي مُنسَ بِتَنيِ يٍتِرٌ نَشَ سّرّشّ فَن دَاشِ نُن سّرّشّ فبّتّيٍ بَ عَلَتَلَ بّ. هَرُنَ نُن عِسِرَيِلَ قٌرِ بِرِن نَشَ نَ سّرّشّ دٌن مُنسَ بِتَنيِ يِرٍ عَلَتَلَ شَ هْرْ مْلِنفِرَ كُي."} {"eng": "Moses said to Joshua, “Choose men for us, and go out to fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with God’s rod in my hand.”", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ يٌسُوٍ بّ، «شّمّ ندٍيٍ مَيٍفٍتِ، وٌ قَ مِنِ عَمَلّكِكَيٍ فٍرٍدٍ. تِنَ، ٱ تِمَ نّ فٍيَ قَرِ عَلَ شَ يِسُشُوُرِ رَ ٱ يِ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Moses, “How long do you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws?", "sus": "نَ كُي عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن مُنسَ بّ، «وٌ ٱ مَ يَامَرِ نُن ٱ مَ سّرِيّ مَتَندِ مَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟"} {"eng": "They took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن نَشَ كٍلِ عٍلِمِ، سِفَقٍ رَ سِنِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، نَشَن نَ عٍلِمِ نُن تُرُ سِنِنَ تَفِ. عٍ بِيَاسِ نَشَن نَبَ كٍلِ مِسِرَ هَن سِنِ فبٍنفبٍرٍنيِ مَ، نَ نَشَ بُ كِكٍ قِرِن عَ نُن شِ قُ نُن سُولِ."} {"eng": "Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dances.", "sus": "هَرُنَ مَافِنّ مَرِيَمَ، نَشَن قِندِشِ نَمِحْنمّ فِنّ رَ، عَ نَشَ بٌوتٍ مَشَ. فِنّ فبّتّيٍ نَشَ قَرٍ بٌرٌن."} {"eng": "For the horses of Pharaoh went in with his chariots and with his horsemen into the sea, and Yahweh brought back the waters of the sea on them; but the children of Israel walked on dry land in the middle of the sea.", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ شَ سٌي، عَ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ، نُن عَ شَ سٌي رَفِمَيٍ تٌ فٌرٌ بَا مَ، عَلَتَلَ نَشَ بَا رَدِن عٍ شُن مَ، كْنْ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ نَشَ دَنفِ كِرَ شَرَشِ رَ بَا تَفِ."} {"eng": "“You, in your loving kindness, have led the people that you have redeemed. You have guided them in your strength to your holy habitation.", "sus": "عِ شَ حَمَ نَشَن شُن سَرَشِ، عِ قَمَ عٍ شُن تِدٍ عِ شَ شَنُنتٍيَ رَ، نَشَن مُ حْنمَ عَبَدَن. عِ قَمَ عٍ شُن تِدٍ عِ شَ لِنفِرَ سّنِيّنشِ يِرٍ عِ سّنبّ رَ."} {"eng": "The Egyptians pursued them. All the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen, and his army overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiroth, before Baal Zephon.", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نُن عَ شَ سْورِ بِرِن نَشَ بِرَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ قْشْ رَ عٍ شَ سٌي نُن عٍ شَ سْورِ رَفِسٍيٍ رَ. مِسِرَكَيٍ نَشَ عٍ لِ بَا دّ رَ، عٍ نُ يٌنكِنشِ دّننَشّ، ثِ هَشِرْتِ مَبِرِ رَ، بَالِ سٍقٌن يَ رَ."} {"eng": "It must be eaten in one house. You shall not carry any of the meat outside of the house. Do not break any of its bones.", "sus": "نَ سّرّشّ شَ دٌن بَنشِ نَن كُي، وٌ نَشَ عَ سُبٍ شَنِن تَندٍ، وٌ نَشَ عَ شْرِ يٌ فِرَ."} {"eng": "It is a night to be much observed to Yahweh for bringing them out from the land of Egypt. This is that night of Yahweh, to be much observed by all the children of Israel throughout their generations.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ تٌ نَ كْي رَدَنفِ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ رَ مِنِقٍ رَ مِسِرَ، عَ لَنمَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ بِرِن شَ نَ كْي شُنفبِلٍنيِ رَدَنفِ عَلَتَلَ مَتْشْقٍ رَ حّ يٌ حّ."} {"eng": "You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at evening.", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ رَفَتَ هَن نَ كِكٍ شِ قُ نُن نَانِ. نَ لْشْي عِسِرَيِلَ دٍنبَيَ بِرِن شَ عٍ فبٍ كْن نَشَبَ سٌفٍ دُلَ تّمُي."} {"eng": "Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, ‘On the tenth day of this month, they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to their fathers’ houses, a lamb for a household;", "sus": "وٌ شَ عَ قَلَ عِسِرَيِلَ حَمَ بِرِن بّ، يِ كِكٍ شِ قُ، دٍنبَيَ يٌ دٍنبَيَ شَ يّشّي كٍرٍن سْتْ."} {"eng": "Pharaoh said to him, “Get away from me! Be careful to see my face no more; for in the day you see my face you shall die!”", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مُنسَ بّ، «كٍلِ ٱ شُن مَ! عِ يّتّ رَتَنفَ تِقٍ رَ ٱ يَ عِ سْنْن. شَ ٱ عِ تٌ بٍ، ٱ عِ قَشَمَ نّ.»"} {"eng": "Moses said, “You must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt offerings, that we may sacrifice to Yahweh our God.", "sus": "مُنسَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عِ شَ تِن مُشُ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ شَنِن مُشُ نَشٍيٍ بَمَ سّرّشّ رَ مُشُ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "Pharaoh called to Moses, and said, “Go, serve Yahweh. Only let your flocks and your herds stay behind. Let your little ones also go with you.”", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نَشَ مُنسَ شِلِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «وٌ شَ سِفَ عَلَتَلَ بَتُدٍ. وٌ نْمَ وٌ شَ دِيٍ نُن وٌ شَ فِنّيٍ شَنِندٍ، كْنْ وٌ شَ وٌ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ تَن لُ بٍ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt.”", "sus": "نَ تّمُي عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ مُنسَ بّ، «عِ بّلّشّ عِتَلَ كٌورٍ مَ، دِ مِ بِنيٍ شَ سِن مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Pharaoh’s servants said to him, “How long will this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve Yahweh, their God. Don’t you yet know that Egypt is destroyed?”", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «يِ شّمّ وٌن تْورْ مَ هَن مُن تّمُي؟ عِ شَ عَ شَ حَمَ بّحِن عَلَكٌ عٍ شَ سِفَ عٍ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَتُدٍ. هَن يَ عِ مُ عَ كٌلٌن مِسِرَ نَ سْنتْقٍ نّ؟»"} {"eng": "Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “I have sinned this time. Yahweh is righteous, and I and my people are wicked.", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نَشَ مُنسَ نُن هَرُنَ شِلِ، عَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «يِ بِيَاسِ، ٱ بَرَ يُنُبِ رَبَ. نْندِ نَ عَلَتَلَ نَن بّ. ٱ تَن نُن ٱ مَ حَمَ بَرَ تَنتَن."} {"eng": "Yahweh will make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt; and nothing shall die of all that belongs to the children of Israel.”’”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ قَمَ عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ فْورّ نُن مِسِرَكَيٍ شَ فْورّ تَفِ رَ سَدٍ. عِسِرَيِلَكَيٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ مُ وُفَنيِ سْتْمَ."} {"eng": "The frogs shall come up both on you, and on your people, and on all your servants.”’”", "sus": "لَنشَنسَرِ مَيٍ قَمَ نّ تٍدٍ عِ تَن، عِ شَ حَمَ، نُن عِ شَ كُنتِفِيٍ بِرِن مَ.›»"} {"eng": "Go to Pharaoh in the morning. Behold, he is going out to the water. You shall stand by the river’s bank to meet him. You shall take the rod which was turned to a serpent in your hand.", "sus": "تِنَ فّيسّفّ عِ شَ نَرَلَن قِرَوُنَ رَ نِلِ شُرٍ دّ. عِ شَ عِ شَ يِسُشُوُرِ شَنِن، نَشَن نُ بَرَ مَقِندِ بْشِمَسٍ رَ."} {"eng": "These are the heads of their fathers’ houses. The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel: Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; these are the families of Reuben.", "sus": "عِسِرَيِلَ بْنسْي يَرٍرَتِيٍ نَن يِ كِ؛ رُبٍن نَشَن سِنفٍ بَرِ عِسِرَيِلَ، عَ شَ دِيٍ نَن يَ؛ شَنْكِ، ثَلُ، شٍسِرٌن، نُن كَرِ مِ. رُبٍن بْنسْي نَن نَ كِ."} {"eng": "But Pharaoh said, “You are idle! You are idle! Therefore you say, ‘Let’s go and sacrifice to Yahweh.’", "sus": "قِرَوُنَ نَشَ عٍ يَابِ، «قُيَنتٍيٍ نَن وٌ رَ. نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ وٌ عَ قَلَمَ، عَ وٌ شَ سِفَ سّرّشّ بَدٍ عَلَتَلَ بّ."} {"eng": "You shall speak to him, and put the words in his mouth. I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do.", "sus": "عِ مَسٍنيِيٍ تِمَ نّ عَ بّ، عَ نَشَن قَلَمَ حَمَ بّ. ٱ وٌ قِرِن مَلِمَ نَ كُي. ٱ عَ مَسٍنمَ وٌ بّ وٌ لَن وٌ شَ نَشَن قَلَ."} {"eng": "She bore a son, and he named him Gershom, for he said, “I have lived as a foreigner in a foreign land.”", "sus": "سِثٌرَ نَشَ دِ شّمّ بَرِ عَ بّ. شْحّ نَن تٌ لَنشِ مُنسَ مَ نَ بْشِ مَ، عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ شِلِ سَ فٍرِ سٌمِ، نَشَن وَ مَ عَ قَلَقٍ، «شْحّ نَن ٱ نَ يِ بْشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "all the house of Joseph, his brothers, and his father’s house. Only their little ones, their flocks, and their herds, they left in the land of Goshen.", "sus": "عَ يّتّ شَ دٍنبَيَ، عَ تَارَيٍ، نُن عَ بَبَ شَ دٍنبَيَ. عٍ شَ دِ مّدِيٍ نُن عٍ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ فبَنسَن نَشَ لُ فٌسٍن بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "Joseph fell on his father’s face, wept on him, and kissed him.", "sus": "يُسُقُ نَشَ قِندِفِلِن عَ بَبَ مَ، عَ مَسُنبُ، عَ وَ مَ."} {"eng": "He instructed them, and said to them, “I am to be gathered to my people. Bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,", "sus": "Na dubɛ dangi xanbi, Yaxuba naxa a ɲungu a xa die ma, a falafe ra, «N fa sigafe n benba faxaxie nan yire. N na faxa, wo n nagata n benbae ragatade, gaburi naxan na Eferon Xitika xa xɛ yire,"} {"eng": "in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite as a burial place.", "sus": "مَكِثٍلَ شّ قْنمّ رَ، مَمِرٍ قّ مَ، كَنَان بْشِ مَ. عِبُرَهِمَ نَ شّ سَرَشِ عٍقٍرٌن شِتِكَ نَن مَ، عَلَكٌ نَ شَ قِندِ عَ شَ مِشِ رَفَتَدٍ رَ."} {"eng": "in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite as a burial place.", "sus": "Makipela xɛ fɔnmɛ ra, Mamire fɛ ma, Kanaan bɔxi ma. Iburahima na xɛ saraxi Eferon Xitika nan ma, alako na xa findi a xa mixi ragatade ra."} {"eng": "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs. The obedience of the peoples will be to him.", "sus": "مَنفّ سَوُرِ قَمَ لُدٍ يُدَ بْنسْي نَن يِ. مِشِ يٌ مُ مَنفّ سَوُرِ بَمَ عَ يِ، بٍيمَنُ تْنشُمَ كَنيِ قَمَ تّمُي نَشّ، سِيٍ سُيِدِ مَ نَشَن بّ."} {"eng": "Judah is a lion’s cub. From the prey, my son, you have gone up. He stooped down, he crouched as a lion, as a lioness. Who will rouse him up?", "sus": "يُدَ، يّتّ يْرّ نَن لَنشِ عِ مَ. ٱ مَ دِ، عِ بَلٌمَ سُبٍ نَن شُن نَ. عِ شِنبِيٍ كُنتَنمَ نّ عَلْ يّتّ. ندٍ نْمَ سُو سَدٍ عَ شَ عِ رَكٍلِ."} {"eng": "Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth.", "sus": "يُسُقُ نَشَ عَ شَ دِيٍ تٌنفٌ عَ بَبَ سَن مَ، عَ قَ عَ رَقٍلٍن بْشِ قَرِ."} {"eng": "Joseph brought in Jacob, his father, and set him before Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.", "sus": "نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ، يُسُقُ نَشَ عَ بَبَ شَنِن مِسِرَ مَنفّ يِرٍ، عَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ. يَشُبَ نَشَ دُبَ مِسِرَ مَنفّ بّ."} {"eng": "Now don’t be grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life.", "sus": "يَكْسِ وٌ بْحّ نَشَ مِنِ، وٌ نَشَ فَاشُ، وٌ تٌ بَرَ ٱ مَتِ كٌنيِ رَ، ٱ سَرَ مَيٍ نَشَ قَ ٱ نَ يِ بْشِ مَ. عَلَ نَن نَ رَفِرِشِ. عَ تَن نَن ٱ شّيشِ وٌ يَ رَ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ وٌ رَكِسِ."} {"eng": "Your servant, my father, said to us, ‘You know that my wife bore me two sons.", "sus": "عِ شَ كٌنيِ، ٱ بَبَ، عَ عَ قَلَ نّ مُشُ بّ، ‹وٌ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ مَ فِنّ دِ شّمّ قِرِن نَن بَرِشِ ٱ بّ."} {"eng": "We said, ‘We can’t go down. If our youngest brother is with us, then we will go down: for we may not see the man’s face, unless our youngest brother is with us.’", "sus": "مُشُ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، ‹مُشُ مُ نْمَ سِفَدٍ شَ مُشُ نُن مُشُ شُنيَ بِرِن مُ عَ رَ. شَ بِيَاسِ لَنمَ، قٌ مُشُ نُن مُشُ شُنيَ شَ سِفَ. شَ نَ مُ عَ رَ، يِ شّمّ مُ مُشُ رَ سّنّمَ.›"} {"eng": "As they emptied their sacks, behold, each man’s bundle of money was in his sack. When they and their father saw their bundles of money, they were afraid.", "sus": "عٍ تٌ عٍ شَ بّكِيٍ عِبَفَن، كَنكَن نَشَ عَ شَ كْبِرِ تٌ عَ شَ بّكِ كُي. عٍ تَن نُن عٍ بَبَ تٌ نَ كْبِرِ تٌ، عٍ بِرِن نَشَ فَاشُ."} {"eng": "Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I am Pharaoh. Without you, no man shall lift up his hand or his foot in all the land of Egypt.”", "sus": "مِسِرَ مَنفّ مَن نَشَ عَ قَلَ يُسُقُ بّ، «ٱ تَن نَن مَنفّ رَ، كْنْ شَ عِ مُ يَامَرِ قِ نَشَن مَ، قٍقٍ مُ رَبَمَ مِسِرَ بْشِ مَ.»"} {"eng": "After these things, the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker offended their lord, the king of Egypt.", "sus": "Na dangi xanbi Misira mangɛ xa walikɛ naxan a ɲɛngi saxi a xa minse xɔn ma, a nun a xa taamiganyi naxa fe nde raba naxan mu rafanxi e xa mangɛ ma."} {"eng": "Pharaoh was angry with his two officers, the chief cup bearer and the chief baker.", "sus": "مِسِرَ مَنفّ نَشَ شْنْ نَ وَلِكّ قِرِنيِيٍ مَ، نَشَن حّنفِ سَمَ عَ شَ مِنسٍ شْن مَ عَ نُن نَشَن عَ شَ تَامِ فَنمَ."} {"eng": "Pharaoh was angry with his two officers, the chief cup bearer and the chief baker.", "sus": "Misira mangɛ naxa xɔnɔ na walikɛ firinyie ma, naxan ɲɛngi sama a xa minse xɔn ma a nun naxan a xa taami ganma."} {"eng": "The keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners who were in the prison. Whatever they did there, he was responsible for it.", "sus": "فٍيلِ مَنفّ نَشَ فٍيلِمَنِيٍ تَشُ يُسُقُ رَ. قٍ نَشَن بِرِن نُ رَبَمَ، عَ نُ دَنفِمَ عَ تَن نَن مَ."} {"eng": "His master saw that Yahweh was with him, and that Yahweh made all that he did prosper in his hand.", "sus": "عَ شَ مَنفّ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ يُسُقُ نُن عَلَتَلَ نَ عَ رَ، بَرِ مَ عَلَتَلَ نُ قٍ بِرِن سْونّيَمَ عَ بّ."} {"eng": "When she travailed, one put out a hand, and the midwife took and tied a scarlet thread on his hand, saying, “This came out first.”", "sus": "دِ بَرِ تّمُي، كٍرٍن نَشَ عَ بّلّشّ رَ مِنِ. دِ رَ سُشُي نَشَ عَ بّلّشّ سُشُ، عَ فّسّ فبٍيلِ شِرِ عَ بّلّشّ رَ. عَ قَ عَ قَلَ، «يِ نَن سِنفٍ بَرِشِ.»"} {"eng": "Onan knew that the offspring wouldn’t be his; and when he went in to his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother.", "sus": "كْنْ عٌنَن عَ كٌلٌن نَ دِ مُ قَمَ قِندِدٍ عَ فبٍ رَ. نَ نَن عَ تٌ، عٍ نُن عَ نِمْشْ نَ كَقُ، عَ عَ شَ مَنِيٍ سَمَ بْشِ نَن مَ عَلَكٌ عَ نَشَ قَ دِ قِ عَ تَارَ مَ."} {"eng": "He told it to his father and to his brothers. His father rebuked him, and said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Will I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves down to the earth before you?”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ نَ شِيٍ تَفِ رَبَ عَ بَبَ نُن عَ تَارَيٍ بّ. عَ بَبَ نَشَ شَاحّ عَ مَ، عَ قَ عَ قَلَ عَ بّ، «عِ شِيٍ نَشَن سَشِ يِ كِ، عَ قِندِشِ شِيٍ مْولِ مُندُن نَ؟ عِ وَشِ نّ عِ نفَ، عِ تَارَيٍ، نُن ٱ تَن، مُشُ شَ قَ مُشُ عِفٌرٌدٍ بْشِ مَ عِ بّ؟»"} {"eng": "Esau lived in the hill country of Seir. Esau is Edom.", "sus": "نَ نَن عَ تٌ عٍسَيُ، نَشَن قِندِ عٍدٌن نَ، عَ نَشَ سِفَ عَ سَ سَبَتِ سٍيِرِ فٍيَ بْشِ مَ."} {"eng": "The sons of Jacob answered Shechem and Hamor his father with deceit when they spoke, because he had defiled Dinah their sister,", "sus": "يَشُبَ شَ دِيٍ نَشَ وْيّن قُرُشِ قَلَ سِكٍمِ نُن عَ بَبَ هَمٌرِ بّ، بَرِ مَ سِكٍمِ نُ بَرَ عٍ شُنيَ دِنَ رَيَافِ."} {"eng": "Shechem said to her father and to her brothers, “Let me find favor in your eyes, and whatever you will tell me I will give.", "sus": "Sikemi naxa a fala Dina baba nun a taarae bɛ, «Wo xa hinnɛ n na. Wo wama se naxan yo xɔn, n a fima wo ma."} {"eng": "Ask me a great amount for a dowry, and I will give whatever you ask of me, but give me the young lady as a wife.”", "sus": "وٌ نْمَ قٍ بٍلٍبٍلٍ مَشْرِندٍ ٱ مَ نَشَن قِندِ مَ كٌتٍ دْشْسٍ رَ، سَ سٍ فبٍفبٍ قَن قَرِ. وٌ نَ سٍ نَشَن بِرِن مَشْرِن ٱ مَ، ٱ نْمَ عَ بِرِن قِدٍ وٌ مَ عَلَكٌ ٱ شَ يِ سُنفبُتُنيِ دْشْ.»"} {"eng": "Ask me a great amount for a dowry, and I will give whatever you ask of me, but give me the young lady as a wife.”", "sus": "Wo nɔma fe belebele maxɔrinde n ma naxan findima kote dɔxɔse ra, sa se gbegbe fan fari. Wo na se naxan birin maxɔrin n ma, n nɔma a birin fide wo ma alako n xa yi sungbutunyi dɔxɔ.»"} {"eng": "Jacob traveled to Succoth, built himself a house, and made shelters for his livestock. Therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.", "sus": "يَشُبَ تَن نَشَ سِفَ سُكْتِ. مّننِ عَ نَشَ بَنشِ كٍرٍن تِ عَ يّتّ بّ، عَ نُن فْورّ عَ شَ شُرُ سٍيٍ لُمَ دّننَشّ. نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ نَ يِرٍ شِلِ قَلَمَ سُكْتِ، نَ نَن قَلَشِ نَ كِ «بَنشِ شُنشُرِ.»"} {"eng": "Anyone you find your gods with shall not live. Before our relatives, discern what is yours with me, and take it.” For Jacob didn’t know that Rachel had stolen them.", "sus": "كْنْ عِ نَ عِ شَ عَلَيٍ تٌ ٱ مَ مِشِ يٌ يِ رَ، ٱ نَ كَنيِ قَشَمَ نّ. عِ شَ ٱ مَ كٌتٍ بِرِن مَتٌ وٌن نفَشَكٍرٍنيِيٍ يَ شْرِ. نَشَن بِرِن قِندِشِ عِ فبٍ رَ، عِ شَ عَ شَنِن.» يَشُبَ مُ نُ عَ مَحْشُنمَ عَ رَشٍلٍ نَن عَ بَبَ شَ كُيٍيٍ تٌنفٌشِ."} {"eng": "Now, you want to be gone, because you greatly longed for your father’s house, but why have you stolen my gods?”", "sus": "كْنْ عِ تٌ فبَتَشِ سِفَقٍ رَ عِ بَبَ شْنيِ، عِ ٱ مَ عَلَيٍ تَن شَنِنشِ عِ شُن مَ مُنقٍ رَ؟»"} {"eng": "and said to them, “I see the expression on your father’s face, that it is not toward me as before; but the God of my father has been with me.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عٍ بّ، «ٱ بَرَ عَ كٌلٌن ٱ مُ رَقَن وٌ بَبَ مَ عَلْ سِنفٍ، كْنْ ٱ بَبَ مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ بَرَ هِننّ ٱ نَ."} {"eng": "Afterwards, she bore a daughter, and named her Dinah.", "sus": "نَ شَنبِ عَ مَن نَشَ دِ فِنّ بَرِ. عَ نَشَ عَ شِلِ سَ دِنَ."} {"eng": "Laban had two daughters. The name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي دِ فِنّ قِرِن نَن نُ نَ لَبَن يِ رَ. عَ شَ دِ فِنّ سِنفٍ شِلِ نّ لٍيَ، عَ قِرِن ندٍ رَشٍلٍ."} {"eng": "Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan Aram, to take him a wife from there, and that as he blessed him he gave him a command, saying, “You shall not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan;”", "sus": "عٍسَيُ نَشَ عَ كٌلٌن عَ بَبَ بَرَ دُبَ يَشُبَ بّ، عَ شّيقٍ ثَدَن عَرَ مِ عَ شَ مّننِ فِنّ دْشْ. عَ مَن نَشَ كٌلٌن سْتْ عَ مَ، عَ بَبَ بَرَ يَشُبَ يَمَرِ عَ نَشَ كَنَان فِنّ دْشْ،"} {"eng": "You shall bring it to your father, that he may eat, so that he may bless you before his death.”", "sus": "ٱ نَ فّ نَ رَ، عِ شَ عَ شَنِن عِ بَبَ شْن مَ، عَلَكٌ عَ شَ دُبَ عِ بّ بٍينُن عَ شَ قَشَ.»"} {"eng": "because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my requirements, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.”", "sus": "عِبُرَهِمَ ٱ شُي رَ مّ نّ. عَ نَشَ عَ حّنفِ سَ ٱ مَ سّرِيّ، ٱ مَ مَنفّيَ، ٱ مَ يَامَرِيٍ، نُن ٱ مَ تْنيِيٍ شْن مَ.»"} {"eng": "I will multiply your offspring as the stars of the sky, and will give all these lands to your offspring. In your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed,", "sus": "ٱ عِ بْنسْي رَوُيَمَ نّ عَلْ تُنبُي نَشٍيٍ نَ كٌورٍ مَ. ٱ يِ بْشِ قِمَ نّ عِ بْنسْي مَ. ٱ بَرَكّ سَمَ نّ دُنِحَ سِ بِرِن مَ عِ بْنسْي سَابُي رَ."} {"eng": "Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew. He ate and drank, rose up, and went his way. So Esau despised his birthright.", "sus": "يَشُبَ نَشَ تَامِ نُن نَ تٌفٍ سُثِ ندٍ سٌ عَ يِ رَ. عٍسَيُ تٌ فّ عَ دّفٍدٍ، عَ عَ مِن، عَ نَشَ سِفَ. عٍسَيُ مُ تِدٍ يٌ تٌشِ عَ شَ قٌرِحَ مَ."} {"eng": "Isaac and Ishmael, his sons, buried him in the cave of Machpelah, in the field of Ephron, the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is near Mamre,", "sus": "A xa die Isiyaga nun Sumayila naxa a ragata Makipela fɔnmɛ kui, Soxara Xitika xa di Eferon xa bɔxi ma Mamire fɛ ma."} {"eng": "the field which Abraham purchased from the children of Heth. Abraham was buried there with Sarah, his wife.", "sus": "عِبُرَهِمَ نَ بْشِ سَرَ شِتِكَيٍ بْنسْي نَن مَ. عٍ نُن عَ شَ فِنّ سَرَ، عٍ بِرِن نَفَتَشِ مّننِ نّ."} {"eng": "the field which Abraham purchased from the children of Heth. Abraham was buried there with Sarah, his wife.", "sus": "Iburahima na bɔxi sara Xitikae bɔnsɔɛ nan ma. E nun a xa ginɛ Sara, e birin nagataxi mɛnni nɛ."} {"eng": "The children of Heth answered Abraham, saying to him,", "sus": "Xitikae naxa a yaabi,"} {"eng": "“Hear us, my lord. You are a prince of God among us. Bury your dead in the best of our tombs. None of us will withhold from you his tomb. Bury your dead.”", "sus": "«عِ تُلِ مَتِ مُشُ رَ عَ قَنيِ رَ. عَلَ شَ مِشِ نَن عِ رَ مُشُ يَ مَ. عِ نَ وَ عِ شَ فِنّ رَفَتَقٍ مُشُ شَ فَبُرِ يِرٍ يٌي، عِ سَفٌ نَ عَ رَ. مُشُ تَن يَ مَ بٍ، مِشِ يٌ مُ نَ نَشَن نْمَ تٌندِدٍ عِ بّ عِ شَ فِنّ رَفَتَدٍ عَ شَ فَبُرِ يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "“Hear us, my lord. You are a prince of God among us. Bury your dead in the best of our tombs. None of us will withhold from you his tomb. Bury your dead.”", "sus": "«I tuli mati muxu ra a fanyi ra. Ala xa mixi nan i ra muxu ya ma. I na wa i xa ginɛ ragatafe muxu xa gaburi yire yoe, i sago na a ra. Muxu tan ya ma be, mixi yo mu na naxan nɔma tondide i bɛ i xa ginɛ ragatade a xa gaburi yire.»"} {"eng": "After these things, Abraham was told, “Behold, Milcah, she also has borne children to your brother Nahor:", "sus": "Na fe birin to dangi, Iburahima naxa a mɛ Milika die bari nɛ Iburahima xunya Naxori bɛ."} {"eng": "Uz his firstborn, Buz his brother, Kemuel the father of Aram,", "sus": "E xili nan ya: A xa di singe Usi, na xanbiratoe Busi, Arami baba Kemuweli,"} {"eng": "Chesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph, and Bethuel.”", "sus": "Kesede, Haso, Pilidasi, Yidilafi nun Betuweli."} {"eng": "Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham’s brother.", "sus": "بٍتُوٍلِ قِندِ رٍبٍكَ بَبَ نَن نَ. نَ دِ سٌلٌمَسَشَنيِ، مِلِكَ نَن نٍيٍ بَرِ عِبُرَهِمَ شُنيَ نَشٌرِ بّ."} {"eng": "Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. These eight Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham’s brother.", "sus": "Betuweli findi Rebeka baba nan na. Na di solomasaxanyi, Milika nan nee bari Iburahima xunya Naxori bɛ."} {"eng": "Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there. We will worship, and come back to you.”", "sus": "عَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شَ وَلِكّ قِرِنيِيٍ بّ، «وٌ تَن نُن سٌقَلٍ شَ لُ بٍ. ٱ تَن نُن ٱ مَ دِ، مُشُ نَ سِفَقٍ فٍيَ قَرِ سَلِدٍ. نَ تّمُي مُشُ مَن فبِلٍنمَ هَن بٍ.»"} {"eng": "Therefore she said to Abraham, “Cast out this servant and her son! For the son of this servant will not be heir with my son, Isaac.”", "sus": "سَرَ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عِبُرَهِمَ بّ، «يِ كٌنيِ فِنّ كٍرِ، عَ نُن عَ شَ دِ. يِ نَشَن يِ كِ، عَ مُ لَن عَ نُن ٱ مَ دِ عِسِيَفَ شَ لُ كّ كٍرٍن.»"} {"eng": "Abimelech took sheep and cattle, male servants and female servants, and gave them to Abraham, and restored Sarah, his wife, to him.", "sus": "عَبِمٍلٍكِ نَشَ يّشّييٍ، سِيٍ، نِنفٍيٍ، نُن كٌنيِيٍ تٌنفٌ، عَ نَشَ عٍ بِرِن سٌ عِبُرَهِمَ يِ رَ. عَ مَن نَشَ عَ شَ فِنّ سَرَ رَفبِلٍن عَ مَ."} {"eng": "God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also withheld you from sinning against me. Therefore I didn’t allow you to touch her.", "sus": "عَلَ مَن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ بّ نَ شِيٍ كُي، «ٱ تَن يَتِ، ٱ نَ كٌلٌن عِ قٍ نَشَن نَبَشِ، قٍ كٌبِ شَ مُ عَ رَ. ٱ تَن نَن مَن عَ نِيَشِ، عِ مُ نْشِ يُنُبِ قٍ رَبَدٍ ٱ نَ. نَ نَن عَ تٌشِ ٱ مُ عَ لُشِ عِ شَ عَ قِندِ عِ شَ فِنّ رَ."} {"eng": "Abraham traveled from there toward the land of the South, and lived between Kadesh and Shur. He lived as a foreigner in Gerar.", "sus": "عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَ سِفَ نٍفٍوِ بْشِ مَ، عَ سَبَتِ كَدٍ سِ نُن سُرُ تَفِ. نَ دَنفِ شَنبِ عَ نَشَ سِفَ فٍرَرَ، عَ سَشَنيِ رَبَ مّننِ."} {"eng": "It came to pass on the next day, that the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay last night with my father. Let’s make him drink wine again tonight. You go in, and lie with him, that we may preserve our father’s family line.”", "sus": "كُيٍ تٌ عِبَ، عَ شَ دِ فِنّ سِنفٍ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شُنيَ بّ، «عَ بَرَ حْن، ٱ تَن نُن ٱ بَبَ بَرَ شِ يِرٍ كٍرٍن تٌ. تٌ كْي رَ، عِ نُن وٌن بَبَ قَمَ شِدٍ يِرٍ كٍرٍن. نَ تّمُي وٌن نْمَ بْنسْي قِدٍ عَ مَ.»"} {"eng": "Then Yahweh rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire from Yahweh out of the sky.", "sus": "Na tɛmui, Alatala naxa sooda nun tɛ ragoro Gomora taa nun Sodoma taa ma."} {"eng": "He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew on the ground.", "sus": "عَ نَشَ نَ تَايٍ تُشُنسَن، كٍلِ سَنسِيٍ مَ، عَ سَ دْشْ مِشِيٍ رَ نَشٍيٍ بِرِن سَبَتِشِ نَ تَايٍ كُي."} {"eng": "He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew on the ground.", "sus": "A naxa na taae tuxunsan, keli sansie ma, a sa dɔxɔ mixie ra naxee birin sabatixi na taae kui."} {"eng": "It came to pass, when they had taken them out, that he said, “Escape for your life! Don’t look behind you, and don’t stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be consumed!”", "sus": "مَلٍكّيٍ تٌ عٍ رَ مِنِ، كٍرٍن نَشَ عَ مَسٍن لٌتِ بّ، «عِ فِ، عَلَكٌ عِ شَ عِ نِي رَتَنفَ. عِ نَشَ عِ كٌبٍ رَتٌ دٍ! عِ نَشَ عِ مَتِ يِ تَا يِرٍ يٌي. شَ عِ مُ وَ مَ عِ شَ سْنتْ، سِفَ نَ فٍيَ يِرٍ.»"} {"eng": "Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah, and said, “Quickly prepare three seahs of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes.”", "sus": "نَ نَن لَن، عِبُرَهِمَ نَشَ فبِلٍن مَقُرٍن عَ شَ كِرِ بَنشِ كُي. عَ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن عَ شَ فِنّ سَرَ بّ، «عِ شُلُن. عِ قَرِن قَنيِ سِفَاتِ يَ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌقٍرٍ يَءِلَن تَامِ رَ.»"} {"eng": "Yahweh’s angel said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hands.”", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ شَ مَلٍكّ نَشَ عَ مَسٍن هَفَرَ بّ، «عِ مَن شَ فبِلٍن عِ كٍلِدٍ، عِ سَ عِ مَفٌرٌ عِ كَنيِ بّ.»"} {"eng": "The land was not able to bear them, that they might live together; for their possessions were so great that they couldn’t live together.", "sus": "Iburama xa xuruse gɔɔrɛ nun Loti xa xuruse gɔɔrɛ nu gbo na bɔxi bɛ. E mu nu nɔma lude yire keren sɔnɔn."} {"eng": "There was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock. The Canaanites and the Perizzites lived in the land at that time.", "sus": "سْنشْي نَشَ مِنِ عِبُرَ مَ شَ شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌنيِيٍ عَ نُن لٌتِ شَ شُرُ سٍ دّ مَدٌنيِيٍ تَفِ. كَنَانكَيٍ نُن ثٍرِ سِكَيٍ قَن نُ نَ مّننِ نَ وَشَتِ."} {"eng": "There was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock. The Canaanites and the Perizzites lived in the land at that time.", "sus": "Sɔnxɔɛ naxa mini Iburama xa xuruse dɛmadonyie a nun Loti xa xuruse dɛmadonyie tagi. Kanaankae nun Perisikae fan nu na mɛnni na waxati."} {"eng": "Terah took Abram his son, Lot the son of Haran, his son’s son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram’s wife. They went from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan. They came to Haran and lived there.", "sus": "تٍرَ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ عِبُرَ مَ، عَ شَ مَمَدِ لٌتِ، نَشَن قِندِشِ شَرَنِ شَ دِ رَ، نُن عِبُرَ مَ شَ فِنّ سَرَيِ تٌنفٌ، عٍ نَشَ كٍلِ عُرُ كَلِدِ بْشِ مَ سِفَقٍ رَ كَنَان بْشِ مَ. كْنْ عٍ تٌ شَرَنِ لِ، عٍ نَشَ سَبَتِ مّننِ."} {"eng": "The whole earth was of one language and of one speech.", "sus": "نَ تّمُي دُنِحَ مِشِ بِرِن نُ شُي كٍرٍن نَن قَلَمَ."} {"eng": "Mizraim became the father of Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim,", "sus": "مِسِرَ نَشَ قِندِ لُدُكَيٍ، عَنَمِكَيٍ، لٍهَبَكَيٍ، نَقَتُ،"} {"eng": "The sons of Cush were: Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabteca. The sons of Raamah were: Sheba and Dedan.", "sus": "كُسِ شَ دِيٍ شِلِيٍ نَن يَ؛ سٍبَ، هَوِلَ، سَبَتَ، رَامَ، سَبِتٍكَ. رَامَ شَ دِيٍ شِلِيٍ نَن يَ؛ سٍيبَ، دٍدَن."} {"eng": "Enosh lived ninety years, and became the father of Kenan.", "sus": "عٍنٌسِ تٌ بُ حّ تٌنفٌ سٌلٌمَنَانِ، عَ نَشَ قِندِ كٍنَن بَبَ رَ."} {"eng": "Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice. You wives of Lamech, listen to my speech, for I have slain a man for wounding me, a young man for bruising me.", "sus": "لَمٍكِ نَشَ عَ قَلَ عَ شَ فِنّيٍ بّ، «عَدَ نُن سِلَهِ وٌ شَ وٌ هَاكّ تٌ ٱ بّ. لَمٍكِ شَ فِنّيٍ، وٌ شَ وٌ تُلِ مَتِ ٱ مَ وْيّنيِ رَ. ٱ بَرَ شّمّ ندٍ قَشَ فبٍحْشْي رَ. ٱ بَرَ نَ سّفّتَلَ قَشَ بَرِ مَ عَ بَرَ ٱ مَشْنْ."} {"eng": "Cain knew his wife. She conceived, and gave birth to Enoch. He built a city, and named the city after the name of his son, Enoch.", "sus": "كَبِلَ نُن عَ شَ فِنّ نَشَ كَقُ. عَ شَ فِنّ نَشَ تّيفّ، عَ نَشَ دِ سْتْ نَشَن شِلِ عٍنٌكِ. كَبِلَ نُ نَ تَا تِقٍ. عَ نَشَ عَ شَ دِ شِلِ سَ نَ تَا شُن مَ."} {"eng": "Yahweh said to him, “Therefore whoever slays Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold.” Yahweh appointed a sign for Cain, so that anyone finding him would not strike him.", "sus": "عَلَتَلَ نَشَ عَ يَابِ، «عَدٍ، شَ مِشِ يٌ عِ قَشَ، ٱ عِ فبٍحْشْمَ نّ دْشْ سٌلٌقٍرٍ.» عَلَتَلَ نَشَ تْنشُمَ سَ كَبِلَ مَ عَلَكٌ شَ نَشَن سَ عَ تٌ عَ نَشَ نْ عَ فٍرٍدٍ."} {"eng": "Out of the ground Yahweh God made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, including the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.", "sus": "مَرِفِ عَلَتَلَ نَشَ وُرِ مْولِ بِرِن نَبُلَ مّننِ، وُرِ تٌقَنيِيٍ، وُرِ نَشٍيٍ بٌفِ قَن عَ دٌن دَاشِ رَ. نَ يِرٍ تَفِ وُرِ قِرِن نُ نَ. كٍرٍن شِلِ «سِمَيَ وُرِ.» بٌورٍ شِلِ «قٍ قَنيِ نُن قٍ حَاشِ كٌلٌن وُرِ.»"}