File size: 14,442 Bytes
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 920/77 of 29 April 1977 amending in respect of the 1977/78 milk year various Commission Regulations concerning milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-29", "subjects": "common organisation of markets,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:31977R0920,oj:JOL_1977_108_R_0075_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common organisation of markets", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 876/77 of 26 April 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 986/68 laying down general rules for granting aid for skimmed milk and skimmed-milk powder for use as feed", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-04-26", "subjects": "aid to agriculture,animal nutrition,skimmed milk,skimmed milk powder", "workIds": "celex:31977R0876,oj:JOL_1977_106_R_0024_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid to agriculture", "animal nutrition", "skimmed milk", "skimmed milk powder"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/344/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 April 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in Italy (Region of Emilia-Romagna) pursuant to Council Directives 72/159/EEC, 72/160/EEC and 72/161/EEC of 17 April 1972 and Titles III and IV of Council Directive 75/268/EEC of 28 April 1975 (Only the Italian text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-25", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Emilia-Romagna,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan", "workIds": "celex:31977D0344,oj:JOL_1977_121_R_0018_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Emilia-Romagna", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 818/77 of 22 April 1977 suspending Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1152/71 on the communication of information concerning export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-22", "subjects": "commodity agreement,disclosure of information,export refund", "workIds": "celex:31977R0818,oj:JOL_1977_099_R_0005_005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["commodity agreement", "disclosure of information", "export refund"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) implementing in respent of the own resources from VAT, the Decision of 21 April 1970 on the replacement of financial contributions from Member States by the Communities' own resources (submitted to the Council by the Commission)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": ",", "authors": "Directorate-General for Budget,European Commission", "date": "1977-04-20", "subjects": "EU Member State,Member States' contribution,VAT resource,budgetary resources", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0120,comnat:COM_1977_0120_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "Member States' contribution", "VAT resource", "budgetary resources"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/304/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 April 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Council Directive 72/159/EEC of 17 April 1972 (Only the Dutch text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-15", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Netherlands,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31977D0304,oj:JOL_1977_103_R_0027_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Netherlands", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/328/ECSC: Commission Recommendation of 15 April 1977 relating to protection against imports which constitute or threaten to constitute a serious danger to production in the common market of similar or directly competitive products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-15", "subjects": "ECSC recommendation,anti-dumping measure,coal,import,protective clause,steel", "workIds": "celex:31977K0328,oj:JOL_1977_114_R_0004_004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC recommendation", "anti-dumping measure", "coal", "import", "protective clause", "steel"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/303/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 April 1977 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in the Kingdom of Denmark pursuant to Directive 72/159/EEC of 17 April 1972 (Only the Danish text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-04-15", "subjects": "Denmark,EAGGF Guidance Section,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31977D0303,oj:JOL_1977_103_R_0026_015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Denmark", "EAGGF Guidance Section", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amendment to the revised Declaration by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland provided for in Article 5 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community (OJ No C 245, 25. 10. 1975)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-04-14", "subjects": "Northern Ireland,United Kingdom,family benefit,migrant worker,social security", "workIds": "celex:31977Y0414(01),oj:JOC_1977_089_R_0002_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Northern Ireland", "United Kingdom", "family benefit", "migrant worker", "social security"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Amended proposal, in accordance with Articles 149/EEC and 119/ECSC, for Title VII - Special Provisions applicable to the Research and Investment Appropriations of the Council Regulation (ECSC, EEC, EURATOM) amending the Financial Regulation of 25 April 1973 applicable to the General Budget of the European Communities (submitted to the Council by the Commission)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "", "authors": "Directorate-General for Budget,European Commission", "date": "1977-04-06", "subjects": "financial management,financial regulation,general budget (EU),implementation of the budget,investment,research", "workIds": "celex:51977PC0122,comnat:COM_1977_0122_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["financial management", "financial regulation", "general budget (EU)", "implementation of the budget", "investment", "research"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Joint Declaration by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union,European Commission,European Parliament", "date": "1977-04-05", "subjects": "EP Committee,European Council,European Parliament,constitutional law,fundamental rights,human rights", "workIds": "celex:31977Y0427(01),oj:JOC_1977_103_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EP Committee", "European Council", "European Parliament", "constitutional law", "fundamental rights", "human rights"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "Council Directive 77/313/EEC of 5 April 1977 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measuring systems for liquids other than water", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-04-05", "subjects": "Community certification,EC conformity marking,approximation of laws,measuring equipment,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:31977L0313,oj:JOL_1977_105_R_0018_007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community certification", "EC conformity marking", "approximation of laws", "measuring equipment", "technical standard"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}
{"cellarURIs": "", "title": "77/323/EEC, Euratom, ECSC: Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of 5 April 1977 on the provisional location of the Court of Auditors", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": ",,,", "authors": "Representatives of the Governments of the Member States", "date": "1977-04-05", "subjects": "European Court of Auditors,workplace", "workIds": "celex:41977D0323,oj:JOL_1977_104_R_0040_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Court of Auditors", "workplace"], "url": "", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}