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The additional Protocols to the Community's Cooperation Agreements \n\nwith Morocco, Jordan and Israel and the protocol laying down the \n\nconditions and procedures for the Implementation of the second stage \n\nof the Agreement establishing an association between the EEC and \n\nCyprus provide for the opening of annual Community tariff quotas for \n\nthe Importation of 300, 50, 17 000 and 50 tonnes respectively of cut \n\nflower8 and flower buds, fresh, falling within Combined Nomenclature \n\ncodes 0603 10 11 to 0603 10 69, originating In those countries. However, Article 18 of the Protocol to the EEC/Cyprus Agreement \n\nprovides that the 50 tonne quota must be Increased by 5% per year from \n\nthe Protocol's entry Into force (1 January 1988). The quota will \n\ntherefore be set at 65 tonnes for the period under consideration. 2. The purpose of this proposal Is to open the said tariff quotas for the \n\nperiod from 1 November 1991 to 31 October 1992. 3. Under the tariff quotas for Morocco, Jordan and Israel customs duties \n\nare to be phased out according to the same timetables and under the \n\nsame conditions as laid down In Articles 75 and 243 of the Act of \n\nAccession. Under the tariff quota for Cyprus, customs duties are to be phased out \n\naccording to the timetable and under the same conditions laid down in \n\nArticles 5 and 16 of the relevant Protocol. Within the limits of these tariff quotas, Spain and Portugal are to \n\napply customs duties calculated: \n\n//// \n\n\f- In accordance with the provisions of Council Regulations (EEC) Nos \n\n3189/88, 2573/87 and 4162/87 laying down the arrangements for trade \n\nbetween Spain and Portugal and Morocco, Jordan and Israel, and \n\n- in accordance with the Protocol to the Association Agreement \n\nbetween the European Economic Community and the Republic of Cyprus \n\nconsequent on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the \n\nPortuguese Republic to the Community. 4. Roses with large or small flowers and carnations of the uni flora I or \n\nmultIfloral types are covered by the quota only where they meet the \n\nprice conditions laid down by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 4088/87, \n\namended by Regulation (EEC) No. 3551/88. 5. As regards the management system of these quotas It is proposed that \n\nthe whole of the quota volumes be held as Community reserves In which \n\nall Member States will have access In accordance with the procedure \n\nprovided for In Article 1(2) of the proposal for a Regulation. That Is the purpose of the attached proposal. Annex: 1 proposal for a Regulation \n\nS \n\n\fProposal ior a \n\nC O U N C IL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/91 \n\nof \n\nopening and providing for the administration of C o m m u n i ty tariff quotas for \nin Cyprus, Israel, Jordan or \ncut flowers and flower buds, fresh, originating \n\nMorocco (1991 to 19y2) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 113 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nbetween \n\nassociation \n\nto the Agreements \nWhereas the additional Protocols \nbetween the European Economic Community and the \nKingdom of Morocco ('), the Hashemite Kingdom of \nJordan (*) and the State of Israel (3) and the Protocol laying \ndown the conditions and procedures for the implemen \ntation of the second stage of the Agreement establishing \nan \nthe European Economic \nCommunity and the Republic of Cyprus and adapting \ncertain provisions thereof (4) provide in their respective \nArticles that fresh cut flowers and flower buds, falling \nin Article 1 and \nwithin \noriginating in the abovementioned countries, may be \nimported into the Community at reduced rates of customs \nduty within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas \nof 300, 50, 17 000 and 50 tonnes respectively; whereas, \nhowever, Article 18 of the Protocol with Cyprus provides \nthat the volume of the tariff quota for that country must \nbe increased by 5 % per year from the entry into force of \nthe Protocol, and it will therefore be set at 65 tonnes for \nthe 1991 to 1992 period; \n\nthe CN codes \n\nindicated \n\nbetween the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese \nRepublic and Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, \nTunisia and Turkey (*) and Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 4162/87 of 21 December 1987 \nlaying down \narrangements for Spain's and Portugal's trade with \nIsrael and amending Regulations (EEC) No 449/86 \nand (EEC) No 2573/87 0 \ntariff \nin respect of the \nquotas opened for Morocco, Jordan and Israel, \n\nand \n\n\u2014 the Protocol to the Association Agreement between \nthe European Economic Community \nthe \nRepublic of Cyprus consequent on the accession of \nthe Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to \nthe Community (\"), in respect of \ntariff quota \nopened for Cyprus ; \n\nand \n\nthe \n\nto the conditions \n\nWhereas roses with large or small flowers and carnations \nof the unifloral or multifloral types are covered by the \nquotas only subject \nlaid down by \nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 4088/87 of 21 December \n1987 fixing conditions for the application of preferential \ncustoms duties on imports of certain flowers originating \nin Cyprus, \nJordan (\"), as amended by \nRegulation (EEC) No 3551/88 ('\") ; whereas these tariff \nconcessions apply only to imports in respect of which \ncertain price conditions are observed ; \n\nIsrael and \n\nWhereas, within the limits of these tariff quotas, customs \nduties are to be phased out: \n\n\u2014 under the tariff quotas for Morocco, Jordan and Israel, \naccording to the same timetables and under the same \nconditions as laid down in Articles 75 and 243 of the \nAct of Accession of Spain and Portugal, \n\n\u2014 under the tariff quota for Cyprus, according to the \ntimetable and under the conditions laid down \nin \nArticles 5 and 16 of the abovementioned Protocol \nconcerning Cyprus ; \n\nWhereas within the limits of these tariff quotas, the \nKingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic are to \napply customs duties calculated in accordance with : \n\n\u2014 Council Regulation (EEC) No 3189/88 of 14 October \n1988 laying down the arrangements to be applied by \nSpain and Portugal to trade with Morocco and Syria (*) \nand Council Regulation (EEC) No 2573/87 of 11 \nAugust 1987 laying down the arrangements for trade \n\nWhereas all Community \nimporters should be ensured \nequal and continuous access to the said quotas and the \nduty rates laid down for the quotas should be applied \nconsistently to all imports of the products in question \ninto all Member States until the quotas arc exhausted ; \nto \nwhereas \ntaken \nthe necessary measures should be \nprovide for effective Community management of \nthe \nquotas, so that the Member States may draw against the \nquotas such quantities as they may need, corresponding to \nactual imports ; whereas this method of administration \nrequires close cooperation between the Member States \nand the Commission; \n\nWhereas since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of \nthe Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg \nare united within and jointly represented by the Benelux \nEconomic Union, any operation concerning the adminis \ntration of these quotas may be carried out by any one of \nits members, \n\n(') OJ No L 224, 13. 8. 1988, p. 18. R OJ No L 297, 21. 10. 1987, p. 19. 0 OJ No L 327, 30. 11. 1988, p. 36. fl OJ No L 393, 31. 12. 1987, p. 2. 0 OJ No L 287, 20. 10. 1988, p. 1. (') OJ No L 250, 1. 9. 1987, p. 1. O OJ No L 396, 31. 12. 1987, p. 1. (\u2022) OJ No L 393, 31. 12. 1987, p. 37. O OJ No L 382, 31. 12. 1987, p. 22. H OJ No L 311, 17. 11. 1988. p. 1. H \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\n-2-\n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. From 1 November 199-J to 31 October 1992, the customs duties applicable to \nimports into the Community of the products listed below originating in Morocco, Jordan, \nIsrael or Cyprus shall be suspended at the levels and within the limits of the Community \ntariff quotas shown below : \n\nOrder \nNo \n\nCN code \n\nDescription \n\nOrigin \n\nAmount of \nquota \n(in tonnes) \n\nQuota duty \n(%) \n\nFresh cut flowers and flower buds of a kind \nsuitable for ornamental purposes : \n\n\u2014 From 1 November to 31 May \n\nMorocco \n\n300 \n\nJordan \nIsrael \n\n50 \n17 000 \n\nCyprus \n\n60 \n\n\u2014 From 1 June to 31 October \n\nto 31 \n\nFrom 1 November \nDecember 1991 : 4 ,2 \nFrom l January to 31 May \n1992: 2 ,1 \nFrom l lune to 31 October \n199 2: 3 \n\nto 31 \n\nFrom 1 November \nDecember 1991 : 10 8 \nFrom 1 January to 31 May \n1992: 9. 3 \nFrom 1 June to 31 October \n\u00bb992: 1 3 ,2 \n\n09. 1114 \n\n09. 1152 \n09. 1306 \n\n09. 1420 \n\n0603 10 51 \n0603 10 53 \n0603 10 55 \n0603 10 61 \n0603 10 65 \n0603 10 69 \n\n0603 10 11 \n0603 1013 \n0603 10 15 \n0603 10 21 \n0603 10 25 \n0603 10 29 \n\nWithin the limits of these tariff quotas the Kingdom of \nSpain and the Portuguese Republic shall apply customs \nduties calculated in accordance with the provisions of \nRegulations (EEC) No 3189/88, (EEC) No 2573/87 and \n(EEC) No 4162/87 as regards the quotas for Morocco, \nJordan and Israel, and with the relevant provisions of the \nProtocol to the Association Agreement between the \nEuropean Economic Community and the Republic of \nCyprus consequent on \nthe accession of Spain and \nPortugal as regards the quota for Cyprus. 2. In the case of large-flowered and small-flowered \nroses and unifloral and multifloral carnations, application \nof the quota referred to in Article 1 (1) may be interrupted \nif it is found at Community level that the price conditions \nlaid down by Regulation (EEC) No 4088/87 arc not being \nobserved. In that event, the Commission shall adopt regulations \nre-establishing the duties applicable to the products in \nquestion under the Common Customs Tariff and, where \nappropriate, re-introducing this Regulation on the dates \nand in respect of the products and periods indicated in \nthe Regulations in question. However, products on which customs duties have been \nre-established and imported into the Community during \nthe period in which such re-establishment remains in \n\nforce shall be excluded from the quantities drawn from \nthe tariff quota concerned. Article 2 \n\nThe tariff quotas referred to in Article 1 shall be managed \nby the Commission, which may take any appropriate \nadministrative measures to ensure that they are managed \nefficiently. Article 3 \n\nWhere an importer presents a product covered by this \nRegulation for release lor free ciivnl. ition in a Member \nState, applying \nthe preferential \nto take advantage of \narrangements, and the entry is accepted by the customs \nauthorities, \nshall, by \nthe Member State concerned \nnotifying \nthe Commission, draw an amount corre \nsponding to its requirements from the quota volume. Requests for drawings, indicating the date on which the \nentries were accepted, must be sent to the Commission \nwithout delay. Drawings shall be granted by the Commission in chrono \nlogical order of \nthe customs \nauthorities of the Member States concerned accepted the \nentries for release for free circulation, to the extent that \nthe available balance so permits. the dates on which \n\n\fIf \u2022 Member State does not use a drawing in full it shall \nreturn any unused portion to the corresponding quota \nvolume as soon as possible. If the quantities requested are greater than the available \nbalance of the quota volume, the balance shall be \nallocated among applicants pro rata. The Commission \nshall inform the Member States of the drawings made. Article 4 \n\nEach Member State shall ensure that importers of the \nproducts in question have equal and continuous access to \nthe quotas for as long as the balance of the relevant quota \nvolume so permits. Article 5 \n\nThe Member States and the Commission shall cooperate \nclosely to ensure that this Regulation is complied with. Article 6 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 November \n1991 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Liane budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap. 12, art. 120 \n\n2. Base lurldlaue : article 113 du trait\u00e9 \n\n3. Intitul\u00e9 des mesures tarifaires : Proposition de r\u00e8glement du \n\nConseil portant ouverture et mode de gestion de contingents \n\ntarifaires communautaires pour des fleurs et boutons de fleurs \n\nfrais, coup\u00e9s, originaires du Maroc, de Jordanie, d'Isra\u00ebl et de \n\nChypre. 4. Qblectlf : Ex\u00e9cution d'une obligation contractuelle (Accords \n\nCEE/Maroc, Jordanie, Isra\u00ebl et Chypre). 5. Mode de calcul : Maroc, Jordanie et \n\nChypre \n\nIsra\u00ebl \n\nCode N. C. 0603 10 11 \u00e0 69 \n\nVolume du contingent \n\n300, 50 et 17 000 t \n\n65 t \n\nDroit \u00e0 appliquer \n\n4,2; 2,1 et 3 \n\n10,8; 9,3; 13,2 \n\nDroit du T. D. C. 17; 17; 24 \n\n17; \n\n17; 24 \n\nprix 4 par tonne \n\n4. 022 ECU/t \n\n6. Perte de recettes : \n\nLa perte de recettes \u00e0 inscrire s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 11. 943. 815 ECU pour la \n\np\u00e9riode allant du 1er novembre 1991 au 31 octobre 1992. Au cours de la m\u00eame p\u00e9riode des ann\u00e9es 1980/91 la perte en question \n\ns'est \u00e9lev\u00e9e \u00e0 10. 716. 937 ECU. (Pour le mode de calcul voir page \n\nsuivante). - 2-\n\nMaroc t Jordanie t Israel \n\nQuantit\u00e9s : 300 \u2022 50 \u2022 17. 000 - 17. 350 \n\n17. 360 X 2/12 - 2. 892 (1. 11-31. 12) X 4. 022 - 11. 631. 624 ECU X 0,128 - 1. 488. 847 ECU \n17. 350 X 5/12 - 7. 229 (1. 11-31. 05) x 4. 022 - 29. 075. 038 ECU x 0,149 - 4. 332. 180 ECU \n17. 350 X S/12-7. 229 (1. 06-31. 10) x 4. 022 -29. 075. 038 ECU x 0. 21 - 6. 105. 757 ECU \n\n11. 926. 784 ECU \n\nfflmft - fffrntltfl ; ffl) frirr*** \n\n65 X 2/12 - 11 (1. 11-31. 12) X 3. 000 - 33. 000 ECU X 0,062 - 2. 046 ECU \n65 X 5/12 - 27 (1. 1 - 31. 5) x 3. 000 - 81. 000 ECU x 0,077 - 6. 237 ECU \n65 X 5/12 - 27 (1. 6-31. 10) X 3. 000 - 81. 000 ECU X 0,108 - 8. 748 ECU \n\n17. 031 ECU \n\nTOTAL : 11. 943. 815 ECU \n\ns \n\n\fFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec des engagements \n\ncontractuels de la Communaut\u00e9. L'Impact d\u00e9coulant de cette concession \n\na \u00e9t\u00e9 pris en consid\u00e9ration lors de la prise de d\u00e9cision d'adoption de \n\nces contingents et il n'aura pas un caract\u00e8re s\u00e9rieux sur la \n\ncomp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi dans ta Communaut\u00e9. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 67 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-088-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69818-7 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n1^2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a6f3eb93-5650-4b85-bcc7-87f3d0fdd24c", "title": "Directory of the Commission of the European Communities.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "European Commission,organisation chart", "workIds": "PUB_CM6091806", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "organisation chart"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a6f3eb93-5650-4b85-bcc7-87f3d0fdd24c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7d9f2e4-6f2f-4e78-85b3-8f53de30b146", "title": "AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-INDUSTRY ( 1990-1994 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "agriculture-industry relationship,biotechnology,research programme,technological change", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0064,comnat:COM_1991_0064_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_077_R_0006_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agriculture-industry relationship", "biotechnology", "research programme", "technological change"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7d9f2e4-6f2f-4e78-85b3-8f53de30b146", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "h\u00f9K\u00c9ni \nilHcQMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nannulent \nespondantes \n- SYN 266 \n\nH 1-3. 1991 \n\nI le concerne que \n\nla v e r s i on a n g l a i s e) \n\nC0M(91) 64 final / 3 - SYN 266 \n\nBrussels, 27 March 1991 \n\nAmended proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nadopting a specific research and technological development programme \n\nin the field of Agriculture and Agro-industry \n\n(1990-1994) \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \nof the EEC-Treaty) \n\nw?k\\ \n\nwsb '\u2022?\u2022&\" *\u00abi\"j i\u00bb\u00efC\u00cff \n\n- i '^ \n\nKi%'i|' \n\n,-V 'i \n\"t \n\nUs*- M \n\n\u00ab-K. H \n\nnia \nSHBfoili \n\nmm. \":\u00bb>. ', jy fills \n\n' \u00bb\" \u2022 \n\n-' \n\n'\u2022:[\u2022;. \u00bb>,. :',-. , \n\n\f7 \n\nWhereas this programme, must be implemented essentially by the - Jcc. ion of research, \n\ndevelopment and demonstration projects to enable them to bencf. from Cominunity \n\nparticipation; whereas the Commission should encourage the subirds^foii of such \n\nprojects by the usual means of publishing calls for proposals in the Official Joyrn d of \n\nthe European Community; whereas an exceptional procedure should also be devised to \n\ncome into effect between calls for proposals so as to maintain a degree of flexibility \n\nenabling the Commission, in the face of the continuous evolution and gradual, \n\nacceleration of technological progress, also to take into consideration spontaneous \n\nproposals consistent with the objectives of the programme; \n\nWhereas agricultural and agro-industrial research is very important for the viability and \n\ncompetitiveness of the agricultural sector in the less-developed regions of the \n\nCommunity and in those regions where agriculture suffers from chronic structural \n\nproblems: \n\nWhereas the projects to be carried out under the programme must be selected with \n\nspecial attention to the principle of economic and social cohesion in the Community, the \n\ntransnational nature of the projects, the support to be given to small and medium-sized \n\nenterprises and the importance of agriculture and rural development in the European \n\nCommunity; \n\nWhereas there are the Community i n i t i a t i v es aimed at developing regional research, \n\ntechnology and innovation capacities such as the STRIDE. TELEMATIQUE. MEDSPA and \n\nSTAR programmes: \n\n\f8 \n\nWhereas there is a p o t e n t i al of non-food uses for a g r i c u l t u r al product-, on \n\nboth to encourage the competitiveness of the European agro-industry and to \n\nassist \n\nin reducing a g r i c u l t u r al surpluses; \n\nWhereas many factors (economy, health, environment, tourism) play a role in the \ndefence and protection of European forests against the serious risks of degradation and \n\ndestruction caused by forest fires and increasing desertification, notably in the Member \n\nStates on the Mediterranean: \n\nWhereas it is only in the light of experience gathered in the course of this programme \n\nthat the Commission will be able to propose and the Council to adopt supplementary \n\nprogrammes by having recourse to the means provided for in Articles 1301, 130m or \n\n130o of the Treaty, if they contribute to the achievement of the programmed objectives, \n\nin accordance with \n\nthe option made available by Article 2(2) of Decision \n\n90/221/Euratom, EEC; \n\nWhereas, in accordance with Article 130g of the Treaty, the Community's activities \n\naimed at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of European industry and \n\nencouraging it to become more competitive include promoting cooperation on research \n\nand technological development with third countries and international organizations; \n\nwhereas such cooperation may prove particularly beneficial to the development of this \n\nprogramme; \n\nWhereas it is necessary, as Annex II to Decision 90/221 /Euratom EEC, provides, to \n\ncontribute to securing a better match between production of land and water-base 1 \n\nbiological resources and their use by consumers and industry; \n\nWhereas the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) has been consulted, \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 64/3 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n15 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-144-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71006-3 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b00e21a-2632-496d-a570-31e2377568ef", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) AMENDING COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) 2340/90 OF 8 AUGUST 1990 AND COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) 3155/90 OF 29 OCTOBER 1990 PREVENTING TRADE BY THE COMMUNITY AS REGARDS IRAQ AND KUWAIT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "Kuwait,economic sanctions,foodstuff,medicinal product,trading operation", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0074,comnat:COM_1991_0074_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Kuwait", "economic sanctions", "foodstuff", "medicinal product", "trading operation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b00e21a-2632-496d-a570-31e2377568ef", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COVIVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 74 final \n\nBrussels, 1 March 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nCounoil Regulation (EEC) No. /91 \n\namending Counoil Regulation (EEC) 2340/90 of 8 august 1990 and \nand Counoil Regulation (EEC) 3155/90 of 29 ootober 1990 \npreventing trade by the Community as regards Iraq and Kuwait \n\nProposal for \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 1-\n\nExplanatory Memorandum \n\n1. 2. By Council Regulations (EEC) 2340/90 of 8 august 19901) \nand 3155/90 of 29 October 19902) the Community has \nimposed an embargo on Iraq and Kuwait, thereby implementing \nthe Resolutions of the Security Council of the United \nNations adopted following the invasion and subsequent \noccupation of Kuwait by Iraqi troops. Following the liberation of Kuwait the Security Council of \nthe United Nations will have every reason to lift the \nembargo measures as regards Kuwait within very short time. If that would be the case, the Community should react \nimmediately in order to amend the Community embargo \nmeasures so that they would be in harmony with the new \nResolution of the Security Council. 3. The proposal is therefore aimed at lifting the Community \nembargo measures as regards Kuwait in conformity with the \nResolution no. Nations. of the Security Council of the United \n\n1) O. J. No. L 213 of 9 august 1990, p. 1 \n2) O. J. No. L 304 of 1st november 1990 \n\n\f\\-\nProposal for \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No. /91 \n\namending Council Regulation (EEC) 2340/90 of 8 august 1990 and \nand Council Regulation (EEC) 3155/90 of 29 October 1990 \npreventing trade by the Community as regards Iraq and Kuwait \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nWhereas following the Resolutions by the Security Council of the \nUnited Nations imposing an embargo on Iraq and Kuwait following \nthe invasion and subsequent occupation of Kuwait by Iraqi troops \nCouncil Regulations (EEC) no. 2340/90 and 3155/90 have prohibited \ntrade by the Community as regards Iraq and Kuwait; \n\nWhereas the liberation of Kuwait has taken place; \n\nWhereas the Security Council of the United Nations on 2 march \n1991 has adopted Resolution 686 (1991) recalling amongst others \nparagraph 9 of Resolution 661 (1990) regarding assistance to the \nGovernment of Kuwait, and requesting all Member States, as well \nas the United Nations, the specialized agencies and other \ninternational organizations in the United Nations system, to take \nall appropriate action to cooperate with the Government and \npeople of Kuwait in the reconstruction of their country. Whereas there is no reason to maintain the embargo measures \nimposed by the European Community with regard to Kuwait ; \n\n>hereas the Community and it's Member States have decided to lift \nthe said measures; \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe prohibitions imposed by Council Regulation (EEC) 2340/90 of 8 \naugust 19901) and by Council regulation (EEC) 3155/90 of 29 \nOctober 19902-) are lifted as regards Kuwait from 2 march 1991 \n\n1) O. J. No. L 213 of 9 august 1990, p. 1 \n\n2) O. J. No. L 304 of 1st november 1990 \n\n\f-Jh \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\ff-\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 74 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-097-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-70070-X \n\nraiez \n\ni-*\u00bbI\u00bb\u00ab\u00abc3>#lClf \n\nP\u00abt additional 10 pagecUj ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publication\u00bb of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/40513f8f-f888-4f99-a624-97e8801fa989", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 3729/90 OPENING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF COMMUNITY TARIFF QUOTAS FOR CERTAIN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS ORIGINATING IN ALGERIA, MOROCCO, TUNISIA OR EGYPT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "Egypt,Maghreb,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0049,comnat:COM_1991_0049_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Egypt", "Maghreb", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/40513f8f-f888-4f99-a624-97e8801fa989", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 49 final \n\nBrussels, 1 March 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (KBC) No 3729/90 opening \n\nand providing for the administration of Oonnnunity tariff quotas \n\nfor certain agricultural products originating in \n\nAlgeria, Morocco, Tunisia or 3gjpt \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPIANATCgg MEMORANCPM \n\n1. Council Regulation (EEC) No. /9-f, amending Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 3275/90 opening and providing for the allocation of Community tariff \nquotas hound in GAIT for certain agricultural and industrial products, \nopened a 12 000-tonne Camraunity tariff quota at 10% for dried onions \nfalling within CN code 0712 20 00. 2. Until that erga omnes quota is exhausted, the Ten will hold duties on \nimports of this product from Spain and Portugal to 2. 9%. If and when the \nquota is fully taken up, the duty rises to 4%. 3. The EEC-Egypt Cooperation Agreement provides for the phasing out of \nduties on certain products originating in ^gypt at the same rate and over \nthe same period as specified in the Act of Accession in respect of imports \nfrom Spain and Portugal into the Community of Ten. Hiis means dried \nonions originating in 3gypt should be subject to the 2. 9% rate until the \nquota is exhausted, and therefore Regulation (EEC) No 3729/90, which opened \nthe quota at a rate of 4%, must be amended. Once the quota has been fully \nutilized, the quota rate on dried onions from 3gypt would rise to 4%. 4. Attached is a proposal for a Regulation making the necessary change as \nfrom 1 January 1991, in accordance with Council Regulation (EBC) No. /&f. l'-. v \n\nu \u2022v, \n\nfui \u2022 : K/> \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EBC) No \n\n/91 \n\nOf \n\namending Regulation (EBC) No 3729/90 opaidng and \nproviding for the administration of Community tariff quotas \nfor certain agricultural products originating in \nAlgeria, Morocco, Tunisia or Egypt \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand In particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nwhereas Council Regulation (EBC) No 3729/90 of 13 December 19901 opened \n\nCommunity tariff quotas for 1991 for certain agricultural products \n\noriginating in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia or 3gypt, iiWhiH-ing a 4 900-tonne \nquota at 4% for dried onions of CN code 0712 20 00 originating in ^gypt; \n\nwhereas Connc. 11 Regulation (EBC) No \n\n/91 of 19912 opened an SEgajamnes. 12 000-tonne tariff quota for dried onions at 10%;; \n\nWhereas until the 12 000-tonne tariff quota has been fully taken up, the \n\nhighest duty applied by the Community as constituted an 31 December 1985 to \n\nimports of these products from Spain and Portugal is 2. 9%; whereas if and \n\nwhen the said quota is exhausted, the duty applicable to imports from Spain \n\nwill be 4%; whereas the same tariff treatment must be aooorded to products \n\noriginating in ^gypt, and the abovementioned Regulation (EBC) No 3729/90 \n\namended accordingly, \n\nHAVE ADOPTED TECS RBOTLATICN: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. The 4% rate of duty shown in column 6 of the table in Article 1 of \n\nCouncil Regulation (EBC) No 3729/90 against order number 09. 1701 shall be \n\nreduced to 2. 9% \n\n2. In the event of exhaustion of the erga \"mry^ tariff quota opened by \n\nRegulation (EBC) No. /91, a quota duty shall apply to imports into the \n\nCommunity as constituted on 31 December 1985 of dried onions originating in \n\n3gypt. 1 OJ No L 363, 27. 12. 1990, p. 1. 2 OJnoL \n\n1991, p. - 2 \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter Into force on the seventh day following its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply from 1 January 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\u2022if*/ \n\nm \n\n\fTA-RIC CODES \n\nCN Code \u2022 \n\n\"_. TARK Code1. Order No \n\n09. 1115 \n09. 1705 \n\n09. 1117 \n\nex 0701 90 51 \n\nex 0702 00 10 \n\n09. 1118 \n\nex 0702 00 10 \n\n0701 90 51*10 \n0701 90 51*20 \n\n0702 00 10*51 \n0702 00 10*59 \n0702 00 10*61 \n0702 00 10*69 \n0702 00 10*71 \n0702 00 10*79 \n0702 00 10*81 \n0702 00 10*84 \n\n0702 00 10*71 \n0702 00 10*79 \n0702 00 10*81 \n0702 00 10*84 \n\n0705 10 11*50 \n0703 10 19*95 \n0709 90 90*54 \n\n0805 10 70*11 \n0805 10 70*12 \n0805 10 90*10 \n\nex 0705 10 11 \nex 0705 10 19 \nex 0709 90 90 \n\nex 0805 10 70 \n\nex 0805 10 90 \n\nex 1604 13 10 \nex 1604 20 50 \n\n1604 15 10*10 \n1604 20 50*11 \n\nex 2008 50 91 \n\n2008 50 91*20 \n\nex 2009 1111 \nex 2009 11 19 \nex 2009 11 91 \nex 2009 11 99 \n\nex 2009 19 11 \nex 2009 19 19 \nex 2O09 19 91 \nex 2009 19 99 \n\nex 2204 21 25 \nex 2204 21 29 \nex 2204 21 55 \nex 2204. 21 59 \n\nex 2204 21 25 \n\u00e9x 2204 21 29 \nex 2204 21 55 \nex 2204 21 59 \n\n2009 11 11*10 \n2009 11 19*10 \n2009 11 91*10 \n2009 11 99*10 \n2009 11 99*91 \n2009 19 11*10 \n2009 19 19*10 \n2009 19 91*10 \n2009 19 99*10 \n\n2204 21 26*92 \n2204 21 89*91 \n2204 21 5\u00ae*92 \n2204 21 59*91 \n\n2204 21 25*99 \n2204 21 Wm95 \n2204 21 55*95 \n2204 21 59*95 \n\n09. 1705 \n\n09. 1707 \n\n09. 1201 \n\n09. 1105 \n09. 1205 \n\n09. 1124 \n\n09. 1001 \n\n09. 1205 \n\n1_ \n\nihe 'iAKii' codes shown are those applicable on the d. ats:. of \"entry- into \nforce of this Regulation, \n\n\". -. '\u2022. \\ \u2022 J. FICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap. 12 art. 120 \n\n2. Base juridique : article 113. 3- Intitul\u00e9 de la mesure tarifaire : Proposition de r\u00e8glement du Conseil \nmodifiant le r\u00e8glement (CEE) n\u00b0 3729/90, portant ouverture et mode de \ngestion de contingents tarifaires communautaires pour certains pro \nduits agricoles, originaires d'Alg\u00e9rie, du Maroc, de Tunisie et \nd'Egypte. ^- Object i f : Assurer aux oignons secs originaires d'Egypte un traitement \ntarifaire \u00e9gal \u00e0 celui pr\u00e9vu pour les m\u00eames produits en provenance \nd'Espagne et du Portugal. 5. Perte de recettes : \n\nD\u00e9signation des \nproduits \n\nQuantit\u00e9s \n\nPrix en \n\u00e9cus/t \n\nD ro i t \ncontingentaire \npr\u00e9vu pour r\u00e8gl \n(CEE) n*3729/90 \n\n, Droit \n\ncontingentaire \npropos\u00e9 \n-en I-\n\nperte de \nrecettes sup \npl\u00e9mentaire \n-en \u00e9cus-\n\nOignons secs \n\n4 900 t \n\n1 434 \n\n4% \n\n2,5 % \n\n105 399 \n\ni \n\nm \n\nfaf\\ \n\n(c \n\n\fFifHF D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec un r\u00e8glement du Conseil, \n\nadopt\u00e9 en date du \n\n1991, portant, entre autres, ouverture et \n\nmode de gestion d'un contingent tarifaire communautaire consolid\u00e9 au GATT \n\npour des oignons secs. L'impact d\u00e9coulant de cette concession a \u00e9t\u00e9 pris \n\nen consid\u00e9ration lors de la prise de d\u00e9cision d'adoption de cette mesure \n\net il n'aura pas un caract\u00e8re s\u00e9rieux sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi \n\ndans la Communaut\u00e9. Y \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 49 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-090-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69836-5 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 30 ECU \n\nper additional 10 p\u00abge&: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cb82fa8-0806-4776-b6d5-386e82e10631", "title": "91/109/EEC: Commission Decision of 1 March 1991 concerning certain protection measures relating to a new pig disease", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "Germany,Netherlands,health control,intra-EU trade,swine", "workIds": "celex:31991D0109,oj:JOL_1991_056_R_0030_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "Netherlands", "health control", "intra-EU trade", "swine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cb82fa8-0806-4776-b6d5-386e82e10631", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a14a3df-8908-4e5c-9914-b9730e3982fb", "title": "Vade-Mecum for editors : second edition 1991.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Publications Office of the European Union", "date": "1991-03-01", "subjects": "EU publication,Publications Office of the European Union,publisher,publishing", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_JX5589495", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU publication", "Publications Office of the European Union", "publisher", "publishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a14a3df-8908-4e5c-9914-b9730e3982fb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "pdfx", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e315f03e-35ab-4c24-9f9e-858312a6dcc7", "title": "91/186/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 February 1991 amending Decision 90/451/EEC on health protection measures in respect of imports of fresh meat from Namibia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "Namibia,health control,import", "workIds": "celex:31991D0186,oj:JOL_1991_092_R_0033_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Namibia", "health control", "import"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e315f03e-35ab-4c24-9f9e-858312a6dcc7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48052606-1444-47b4-9726-9dfa4c35d1b4", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ( EEC ) CONCERNING THE EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW, HOT WATER BOILERS FIRED WITH LIQUID OR GASEOUS FUELS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "EU programme,European standard,boiler,energy policy,gas,water", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0276,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0046_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU programme", "European standard", "boiler", "energy policy", "gas", "water"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48052606-1444-47b4-9726-9dfa4c35d1b4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ba3d078-4373-4aab-bb01-f993a38c15d6", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 507/91 of 28 February 1991 for the 1990/91 wine year the percentages of table wine production to be delivered for compulsory distillation as provided for in Article 39 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "table wine", "workIds": "celex:31991R0507,oj:JOL_1991_055_R_0103_072", "eurovoc_concepts": ["table wine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ba3d078-4373-4aab-bb01-f993a38c15d6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c03b096-8ca4-4aec-93eb-d0f6c8852925", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 516/91 of 28 February 1991 concerning the stopping of fishing for cod by vessels flying the flag of France", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "France,sea fish,sea fishing", "workIds": "celex:31991R0516,oj:JOL_1991_056_R_0007_020", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "sea fish", "sea fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c03b096-8ca4-4aec-93eb-d0f6c8852925", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3526a53-20d5-402a-9601-9dd9fe75b64a", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 504/91 of 28 February 1991 setting the indicative yield for hemp seed for the 1990/91 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "hemp,production aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R0504,oj:JOL_1991_055_R_0097_069", "eurovoc_concepts": ["hemp", "production aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3526a53-20d5-402a-9601-9dd9fe75b64a", "lang": "eng", "formats": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a58b521b-1d19-403c-a974-d07344524936", "title": "ADDITIONAL OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A THIRTEENTH COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON COMPANY LAW CONCERNING TAKEOVER AND OTHER GENERAL BIDS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "company law,competition,takeover bid", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0277,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0049_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["company law", "competition", "takeover bid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a58b521b-1d19-403c-a974-d07344524936", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8e2a45ee-dc31-4b0e-bb8b-767e9cc46e87", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 508/91 of 28 February 1991 adding a temporary provision to the detailed rules for the application of the subsidy system for oil seeds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "oleaginous plant", "workIds": "celex:31991R0508,oj:JOL_1991_055_R_0109_073", "eurovoc_concepts": ["oleaginous plant"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8e2a45ee-dc31-4b0e-bb8b-767e9cc46e87", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b324a1af-0685-47c3-a6cf-2d6d03db7a35", "title": "91/139/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 February 1991 authorizing Germany to specify a minimum number of animals in the case of applications for premiums for maintaining suckler cows (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "Germany,agricultural guidance,suckler cow", "workIds": "celex:31991D0139,oj:JOL_1991_067_R_0045_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "agricultural guidance", "suckler cow"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b324a1af-0685-47c3-a6cf-2d6d03db7a35", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/728e0d65-d723-40f2-966e-8dd6da477b35", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE SETTING UP AN INSURANCE COMMITTEE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "advisory committee (EU),application of EU law,insurance,life assurance", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0268,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["advisory committee (EU)", "application of EU law", "insurance", "life assurance"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/728e0d65-d723-40f2-966e-8dd6da477b35", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/216581c0-daad-4600-a59a-7b7a0427302a", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO IMPROVE THE MOBILITY AND THE SAFE TRANSPORT TO WORK OF WORKERS WITH REDUCED MOBILITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "means of public conveyance,means of transport,reintegration into working life,transport safety,worker with disabilities", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0588,comnat:COM_1990_0588_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_068_R_0007_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["means of public conveyance", "means of transport", "reintegration into working life", "transport safety", 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb58f538-7661-4365-afd4-3d0a64b5b4f3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa18d1ab-13a4-4125-bb49-0fe4731fcd5a", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) ON THE EVALUATION AND THE CONTROL OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS OF EXISTING SUBSTANCES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-28", "subjects": "chemical product,consumer protection,dangerous substance,exchange of information,health control,health risk", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0275,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0042_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["chemical product", "consumer protection", "dangerous substance", "exchange of information", "health control", "health risk"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa18d1ab-13a4-4125-bb49-0fe4731fcd5a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3babc7db-14b5-47d7-be6c-bb391ad1295a", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 523/91 of 27 February 1991 extending the validity of Regulation (EEC) No 715/90 on the arrangements applicable to agricultural products and certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products originating in the ACP States or in the overseas countries and territories (OCT)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "ACP countries,agricultural product,import,overseas countries and territories,processed foodstuff", "workIds": "celex:31991R0523,oj:JOL_1991_058_R_0001_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "agricultural product", "import", "overseas countries and territories", "processed foodstuff"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3babc7db-14b5-47d7-be6c-bb391ad1295a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f8d3e5b-bc39-4af6-a83f-0e42019807c0", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 472/91 of 27 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 625/78 on detailed rules of application for public storage of skimmed-milk powder", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "chemical industry,production refund,sugar,sugar product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0464,oj:JOL_1991_054_R_0022_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["chemical industry", "production refund", "sugar", "sugar product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e79e8c4-1773-485a-aa92-919725aca18e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/36191262-866d-4cfa-a56c-7a3eed6b7da3", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES RELATING TO COSMETIC PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "approximation of laws,cosmetic product,luxury products industry", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0272,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0023_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "cosmetic product", "luxury products industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/36191262-866d-4cfa-a56c-7a3eed6b7da3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ef9b5769-87aa-437d-a6e4-67f9ad1b9143", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 524/91 of 27 February 1991 on the application of Decision No 1/91 of the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers extending Decision No 2/90 on transitional measures to be applied from 1 March 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "import policy", "workIds": "celex:31991R0524", "eurovoc_concepts": ["import policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ef9b5769-87aa-437d-a6e4-67f9ad1b9143", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a95ea92d-407b-4f78-ad95-393efba95bbb", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 471/91 of 27 February 1991 derogating from the provisions on the deadline for the submission of tenders laid down in (EEC) No 859/89 laying down detailed rules for the application of intervention measures in the beef and veal sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "intervention buying,market intervention", "workIds": "celex:31991R0471,oj:JOL_1991_054_R_0034_041", "eurovoc_concepts": ["intervention buying", "market intervention"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a95ea92d-407b-4f78-ad95-393efba95bbb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/283ff132-4d32-416c-80d3-b38ac6e6afff", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 704/91 of 27 February 1991 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3677/86 laying down provisions for the implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 1999/85 on inward processing relief arrangements", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "industrial waste,inward processing,rice,tariff nomenclature,wheat", "workIds": "celex:31991R0704,oj:JOL_1991_077_R_0011_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["industrial waste", "inward processing", "rice", "tariff nomenclature", "wheat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/283ff132-4d32-416c-80d3-b38ac6e6afff", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/238a5c14-8fe9-44d2-af40-b65e6d4f20f5", "title": "DECISION OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE MEMBER STATES, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL of 27 February 1991 extending Decision 86/284/ECSC on the arrangements for trade between the Community and the associated overseas countries and territories in products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community (91/111/ECSC) #", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision_representatives_member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Representatives of the Governments of the Member States", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "overseas countries and territories,trade regulations", "workIds": "celex:41991D0111,oj:JOL_1991_058_R_0028_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["overseas countries and territories", "trade regulations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/238a5c14-8fe9-44d2-af40-b65e6d4f20f5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1edd0cc-5bf5-4c30-a5d7-342ee2a979e1", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 470/91 of 27 February 1991 on the temporary suspension of the system of accession compensatory amounts for common feed wheat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "Portugal,monetary compensatory amount,rice,transitional period (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31991R0470,oj:JOL_1991_054_R_0032_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "monetary compensatory amount", "rice", "transitional period (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1edd0cc-5bf5-4c30-a5d7-342ee2a979e1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6993f977-fd68-4d53-942c-fa278f8f9298", "title": "AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE MINIMUM HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPROVED MEDICAL TREATMENT ON BOARD VESSELS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "crew,medical device,medicinal product,occupational health,vessel", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0065,comnat:COM_1991_0065_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_074_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["crew", "medical device", "medicinal product", "occupational health", "vessel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6993f977-fd68-4d53-942c-fa278f8f9298", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 65 f i n al \n\n- SYN 278 \n\nBrussels, 27 February 1991 \n\nAmended proposa I for a Counc iI D irect i va \non the minimum health and safety requirements \nimproved medical treatment on board vessels \n\nfor \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \nof die liEC-Treaty) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nProposal for a Council Directive on the Minimum health and safety \n\nrequirements for improved medical treatment on board vessels. Following the opinion of the Parliament on a first reading, issued on \n\n25. 1. 1991, the Commission is forwarding to the Council an amended \n\nproposal for a directive pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. The amended text mainly strengthens provisions in three areas: \n\nImprovements have been made with regard to the types of medical \n\nsupplies to be carried and Member States are now required to \n\nquant i fy such supplies. Spec i f i c prov i s i ons have a I so been laid \n\ndown governing arrangements for checking supplies. Provisions have been introduced on equipping life rafts and life \n\nboats with minimum medical supplies. Finally, for some categories \n\nof vessels, the amended proposal requires a sick bay to be made \n\navailable for medical treatment and the presence of a doctor among \n\nthe crew. New requirements have been introduced on the management of medical \n\nsupplies, and in particular their renewal and maintenance. The article on the provision of medical advice by radio for workers \n\non board has been redrafted to give further details of how the \n\nsystem should work and what its purpose is. The Commission's amended proposal thus has the same general structure \n\nand objectives as the initial proposal, but develops and clarifies some \n\nof the more important provisions. - 1 -\n\nI n i t i al prejmeJ by the Commission \n\nProposal for a Council Directive on the \nminimum Health and safety requirements for \nImproved medical treatment on board \nvessels \n\nAmended proposa! pursuant \nEEC \n\nA r t i es 14S>?: \n\n(Where no alternative version !a gr/en \nthis column, the text h \n\nin \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing \nthe European Economic Community and in \nparticular Article 118A thereof. Having regard to the Commission's proposal \ndrawn up after consultation with the \nAdvisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and \nHealth Protection at Work, \n\nIn cooperation with the European \nPari lament, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the \nEconomic and Social Committee, \n\nWhereas the Commission communication \n(88/C28/02) on its programme concerning \nsafety, hygiene and health at work (1) \nenvisages measures to ensure medical \ntreatment at sea; \n\nWhereas a vessel is a workplace which \nrequires special attention on account of \nits mobility, its geographical isolation, \nand the potentially high risks to the \nsafety and health of the workers on board; \n\nWhereas a vessel is a workplace which \nrequires special attention on account of \nits mobility, its geographical isolation \nand the wide range of risks to the safety \nand health of the workers on board; \n\nWhereas there is a need for vessels to \nhave on board adequate medical equipment \nand medicines, properly maintained and \nchecked at regular intervals, to permit \nthe effective treatment of the crew and, \nin certain cases, avoid disembarkations at \nsea or diversions of vessels, which are \nnot only costly but can also delay \ntreatment; \n\nWhereas, in order to improve medical \ntreatment at sea, It is desirable to \npromote training in and information on the \nuse of medical supplies and of the various \nremote medical consultation facilities;. -. 0 \u2014 2 -\n\ninitial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\nWhereas there is a need to provide for \nadditional measures for medical assistance \nat sea in order to take account of \ntechnological and medical progress and \nthus ensure better protection of the \nhealth and safety of the workers, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\nDefinitions \n\nArticle 1 \n\nFor the purposes of this Directive, the \nfollowing terms have the meanings \nhereafter assigned to them: \n\nvessel : \n\nany vessel flying the flag of a Member \nState, which is operated at sea or in \nadjacent waters accessible to sea-going \nvessels and is publicly or privately \nowned, excluding warships and p'easure \nboats used for non-commercial purposes. Vessels fall into four categories in \naccordance with Annex I; \n\nworker: \n\nany person who is employed or retained \nin whatever capacity on board a vessel, \nincluding trainees and apprentices, but \nexcluding pi lots; \n\nmedical supplies: \n\nmedical equipment and medicines, \nincluding any antidotes that may be \nrequired under the terms of Article \n3(1); \n\nantidote: \n\na substance or means used to prevent or \ntreat a harmful effect or effects, \ndirect or indirect, of one or more \nsubstances included in the list of \ndangerous substances in Annex III. Medical supplies \n\nArticle 2 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nInitial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\nMember States shall take the measures \nnecessary to ensure that the vessels under \ntheir jurisdiction always have at least \none medicine or one item of medical \nequipment in each of the categories set \nout in Annex II for the category of vessel \nto which they belong. The quantities to be carried must take \naccount of the nature and destination of \nthe trip and the number of crew members. The contents of the medical supplies shall \nbe detailed on a checklist as shown in \nAnnex V. Member States shall take the measures \nnecessary to ensure that: \na) vessels always have medicai supplies of \nthe type specified in Annex M for tho \ncategory of vessel to which they \nbelong. The quantities of medicines \nand m\u00e9dical equipment to be carried \nmust take account of the features of \nthe trip (distance, ports of call, \ndestination, duration, etc), the \ntype(s) of work to be carried out \nduring the trip, the nature of the \ncargo carried and the number of crew \nmembers. The contents of the medicai \nsupplies shall be detailed on a \nchecklist as shown in Annex V; \n\nb) all vessels have, for each of their \n\nlife rafts and life boats, a water \ntight medicine chest whose contents \nfulfil the requirements laid down in \nAnnex II for category D vessels. The \ncontents of these medicine chests sha \nalso be detailed on the checklist \nreferred to in (a); \n\nc) all vessels of more than 500 gross \n\nregister tonnes with a crew of 15 or \nover on trips of more than three days \nduration have a sickbay where medical \ntreatment can be provided under \nsatisfactory, hygienic conditions. d) any vessel with a crew of 100 or more \n\nengaged on international voyages of \nmore than 3 days' duration carries a \ndoctor on board. Dangerous substances \n\nArticle 3 \n\nMember States shall take the measures \nnecessary to ensure that: \n\n1) any vessel under their jurisdiction \n\ncarrying any of the dangerous \nsubstances listed in Annex III has \nmedical supplies, including the \nappropriate antidotes listed in Annex \nII, and that to this end its captain is \nkept informed of the dangerous \nsubstances loaded on board, in order to \nprotect the health and safety of the \nworkers; \n\n\fInitial proposal by the Commission \n\n- 4 -\n\nAmended \nEEC \n\nproposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \n\n2) for ferry-type vessels, whose \n\nconditions of operation do not always \nallow them to know well enough in \nadvance the nature of the dangerous \nsubstances being transported, all the \nantidotes listed in Annex II are \ncarried on board. However, on a \nregular route where the crossing is due \nto last less than two hours, the \nantidotes may be limited to those which \nhave to be administered within a period \nof time not exceeding the duration of \nthe crossing. Allocation of responsibilities \n\nManagement of medical supplies \n\nArticle 4 \n\nMember States shall take the measures \nnecessary to ensure that: \n\n1) the provision and replenishment of all \nthe medical supplies of any vessel \nunder their jurisdiction are undertaken \nat the responsibility and exclusively \nat the expense of the owner, without \nany expense to the workers; these \nsupplies are to be placed under the \nresponsibility of the captain of the \nvessel who may, without prejudice to \nthis responsibility, delegate the use \nand maintenance of the supplies to one \nor more workers specially designated by \nreason of their competence; \n\n2) the medical supplies are maintained in \ngood condition and replenished where \nnecessary, as soon as port conditions \npermit. 2) the medical supplies are maintained in \n\ngood condition and replenished and/or \nrenewed as soon as possible and in \nevery instance as a priority part of \nnormal revictua11ing procedures. Initial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\n- 5 -\n\n3) In an emergency, any medicines not \navailable on board are obtained as \nquickly as possible for the workers \nconcerned. Information and training \n\nArticle 5 \n\nMember States shall take appropriate \nmeasures to ensure that: \n\n1) the medical supplies are accompanied by \n\na guide to their use, including \ninstructions for the use of the \nantidotes required pursuant to Article \n3; \n\n2) during their professional maritime \n\ntraining all persons intending to work \non board are given instruction in the \nmedical and emergency measures to be \ntaken immediately in the event of an \naccident or serious emergency; \n\n3) the captain and the worker or workers \nto whom he delegates the use of the \nship's medical supplies pursuant to \nArticle 4 of this Directive have \nreceived special training, taking into \naccount the specific risks and needs \nconnected with the different categories \nof vessels and in accordance with the \ngeneral guidelines set out in Annex IV. Article 6 \n\nThe Member States shall designate one or \nmore centres to provide any data which may \nbe required to improve emergency treatment \nfor crew members. The transmission system \nused must ensure that such data remain \nconfidential. In order to ensure that workers receive \nbetter emergency treatment, the Member \nStates shall designate one or more centres \nto provide workers on board with medicai \nadvice by radio free of charge \n\nDoctors providing their services for these \ncentres shall be trained to familiarize \nthem with the special conditions obtaining \non board vessels. In order to provide the best possible \nadvice, the centres may, with the agreement \nof the workers concerned, keep details of \npersonal medical data. Such data shall \nremain confidential. Initial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\n- 6 -\n\nMember States shall take appropriate \nmeasures to ensure that a competent \nauthority carries out annual checks on all \nvessels under their jurisdiction to \ndetermine whether the medical supplies \ncarried comply with the minimum \nrequirements laid down in this Directive \nand whether the checklist provided for in \nArticle 2 has been filled out correctly. When carrying out such checks, the \ncompetent authority shall also ensure that \nthe supplies are kept in suitable \nconditions and that they have not passed \ntheir expiry dates, where appropriate. Inspection \n\nArticle 7 \n\nMember States shall take appropriate \nmeasures to ensure that a competent \nauthority carries out annual checks on \nvessels under their jurisdiction to \ndetermine whether the medical supplies \ncarried correspond to the checklist \nprovided for pursuant to Article 2. all \n\nAdaptation of the Annexes \n\nArticle 8 \n\nFor the purpose of making technical \nchanges to the Annexes of this Directive \nin the light of technical progress, \nchanges in international regulations or \nspecifications and new findings in this \nfield, the Commission shall be assisted by \na committee composed of the \nrepresentatives of the Member States and \nchaired by the representative of the \nCommission. The representative of the Commission shall \nsubmit to the committee a draft of the \nmeasures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on \nthe draft within a time limit which the \nchairman may lay down according to the \nurgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered by the \nmajority laid down in Article 148(2) of \nthe Treaty in the case of decisions which \nthe Council is required to adopt on a \nproposal from the Commission. The votes of the representatives of the \nMember States within the committee shall \nbe weighted in the manner set out in that \nArticle. The chairman shall not vote. Tne Commission shall adopt the measures \nenvisaged if they ara in accordance with \nthe opinion of the committee. Initial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\n- 7 -\n\nIf the measures envisaged are not in \naccordance with the opinion of the \ncommittee, or if no opinion is delivered, \nthe Commission shall, without delay, \nsubmit to the Council a proposal relating -\nto the measures to be taken. The Council \nshall act by a qualified majority. If, on the expiry of a period of three \nmonths from the date of referral to the \nCouncil, the Council has not acted, the \nproposed measures shall be adopted by the \nCommission. Final provisions \n\nArticle 9 \n\n1. Member States shall bring into force \n\n1. Member States shall bring into force \n\nthe laws, regulations and \nadministrative provisions necessary for \ncompliance with this Directive by 31 \nDecember 1993. They shall immediately \nnotify the Commission thereof. the laws, regulations and \nadministrative provisions necessary for \ncompliance with this Directive by 31 \nDecember 1992. They shall immediately \nnotify the Commission thereof. The provisions adopted pursuant to the \nfirst subparagraph shall make express \nreference to this Directive. 2. Member States shall notify the \n\nCommission of the text of the \nregulations under national law which \nhave already been adopted or will be \nadopted in the area governed by this \nDirect ive. Article 10 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member \nStates. ANNEX I \n\nCategories of vessel referred to in \nArticle 1 \n\nA. Sea-going or sea-fishing vessel, with \nno limitation on length of trips. Initial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\n- 8 -\n\nB. Sea-going or sea-fishing vessel, making \ntrips of between 100 and 200 nautical \nmiles from the nearest port. C. Sea-going or sea-fishing vessel, making \ntrips of less than 100 nautical miles \nfrom the nearest port (1). D. Harbour vessels, boats and craft \n\nstaying very close to shore or with no \ncabin accommodation other than a \nwheeI house. (1) This category may be extended to \n\nvessels of less than 50 gross \nregister tons or to those which \nremain continuously within range of \nhelicopter rescue services. ANNEX II \n\nMedical supplies referred to in Article 2 \n\nI. Med i cInes \n\nCategories of vessel (1) \n\n1) Cardiovascular \nmed i c i nes \n\n- Circulatory \nanaleptic \n- Anti-angina \n- Diuretic \n- Anti-haemorrhagic \n\nA B C D \n\n+ + + \n\n+ + + \n\n2) Gastrointestinal \n\nA B C D \n\nsystem \n\n- Medicines for \ngastric and \nduodenal disorders \n\n- Antiemetic \n\n- Laxatives \n\n- Anti-diarrhoea I \n- Intestinal \nant iseptic \n\n- Haemorrhold \n\npreparations \n\n+ + + + \n+ + \n\n+ + \n\n(1) + indicates that this type of \n\nmedicine must be carried on board \nthe category of vessel in question. Laxatives \n\nA BC \n+ + + \n\n\fI n i t i al proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposa \nEEC \n\npursuant to A r t i c le 149(3) \n\n- 9 -\n\n3) Analgesics \n- Analgesics, \n\nantipyretics and \nant i-infIammatory \n\n- Morphine \n\nanalgesics \n\n4) Nervous system \n- Anxiolytic \n- Neuroleptic \n- Antihistaminic H1 \n\n5) Hormone system \n- Glucocorticoids \n\n6) Respiratory system \n- Medicines used in \n\ncases of \nbronchospasm \n- Antitussives \n- Medicines used \n\nfor colds and \ns i nus i t i s \n\n7) Anti-infection \n- Antibacterial \n\nantibiotics and \nsulphamides \n\n- Urinary \n\nant isept les \n- Antiparasitics \n- Vaccines, a n t i \n\ntetanus \ngammaglobulins \n\n8) Compounds \npromoting \nrehydrat ion and \ncaloric or mineral \nsalt intake \n\n9) Medicines for \nexternal use \n- Skin medicines \n- Eye medicines \n- Ear medicines \n- Medicines for \n\noral and throat \ninfections \n\nLocaI anaesthetIcs \n\nA B C D \n+ + + + \n\nA B C D \n+ + \n+ + \n+ + + \n\nA B C D \n+ + + \n\nA B C D \n+ + + \n\n+ + + \n+ + + \n\nA B C D \n+ + + \n\n+ + + \n+ + \n\nA B C D \n\nA B C D \n\n+ + + \n+ + + \n+ + \n+ + + \n\n8) Compounds \npromoting \nrehydration and \ncalor ic or mineral \nsalt intake \n\nC D \n\nA B C D \n+ + \n\nLocal anaesthetics + + + \n\nA B C D \n\n11. Med IcaI equ i praent \ndressings \n\nand A B C D \n\n1. Resuscitation \nequipment \n2. Dressings \n\n+ + + \n\n+ + + + \n\n\fInitial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \nEEC \n\n- 10 -\n\n+ + + + \n\n+ + + \n\n+ + + + \n\n+ + + \n\n3. Instruments \n4. General medical \n\nequipment \n\n5. Immobilization \n\nequipment \n6. Disinfection -\n\ndis insectization \nprotection \n\nIII. Antidotes \n\n1) Medicines \n- General \n- Anti-infective \n- Cardiovascular \n- Respiratory system \n-Gastrointestinal system \n- Nervous system \n- For external use \n\n2) Equipment \n\n2) Equipment \n\n- Necessary for \noxygen \n\nthe administration of \n\n- Necessary for the administration of \noxygen (including maintenance) \n\nThe substances listed in this Annex are \ncovered irrespective of their form when \ntaken on board, including waste. ANNEX 111 \n\nDANGEROUS SUBSTANCES REFERRED TO IN \nARTICLE 4 \n\nExplosive substances and objects \nGases: compressed, liquefied or \ndissolved under pressure \nInflammable liquids \nInflammable sol ids \nInflammable solids, substances liable \nto spontaneous combustion \nInflammable solids, substances which, \non contact with water, give off \ninflammable gases \nCombust IbIe substances \nOrganic peroxides \n\n\fInitial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal \nEEC \n\npursuant to Article 149(3) \n\n- 11 -\n\nradioactive substances; \n\nKnowledge of basic health protection, \nparticularly personal and collective \nhygiene, and of basic prophylactic \nmeasures. Toxic substances \nInfectious substances \n\n- Corrosive substances; \n\n- Various dangerous substances, i. e. any \n\nother substances which experience has \nshown or may show to be dangerous, so \nthat the provisions of Article 3 need \nto be applled. ANNEX IV \n\nMEDICAL TRAINING OF THE CAPTAIN AND OTHER \nPERSONS, AS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 5(3) \n\nBasic understanding of physiology, \nsymptomatology and therapeutics. Detailed knowledge of how to use the \nvarious remote medical consultation \nfacilities. Ability to perform basic types of \ntreatment and supervise emergency \ndisembarkation at sea. The abovementioned training should take \naccount of the programmes of instruction \ndetailed in relevant recent international \ndocuments. ANNEX V \n\nCHECKLIST FOR VESSELS' MEDICAL SUPPLIES AS \nREFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 7 \n\n1. Details of the vessel \n\nName: \n\n\fInitial proposal by the Commission \n\nAmended proposal pursuant to Article 149(3) \n\n- 12 -\n\nEEC \n\nFlag: \n\nHome port: \n2. Medical supplies \n\nyes no \n\n2. Medical supplies \n\nyes no nominal \n\nremarks \n\nquant 11 i es \ncarried \n0 \n\no \n\no \n\no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \n\no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \noo \n\no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \n\no \no \no \no \no \no \no \no \n\no \n\no \n\no \no \no \no \no \n\no \no \n\no \no \no \no \no \n\no \no \n\n2. 1 \n\nMedicines \n\n- cardiovascular \n- gastrointestinal system \n- analgesics \n- nervous system \n- hormone system \n- respiratory system \n- anti-infect ion \n- rehydration \n- external use \n- other \n\n2. 2 \n\nAntidotes \n\n- general \n- ant I-Infect ion \n- cardiovascular \n- respiratory system \n- gastrointestinal system \n- nervous system \n- external use \n- other \n- necessary for the \n\nadministration of oxygen \n\n2. 3 \n\nEquipment \n\n- resuscitation equipment \n- dressings \n- Instruments \n- general medical equipment \n- immobiIization equipment \n- disinfection; \n\ndis insectization; protection \n\n- other equipment \n\nDate: \nSignature of captain: \nStamp of the competent authority \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 65 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n04 07 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-084-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69582-X \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/04a9ab69-27db-4feb-aaef-3582738c67a9", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 918/83 SETTING UP A COMMUNITY SYSTEM OF RELIEFS FROM CUSTOMS DUTY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "exemption from customs duties,scientific apparatus", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0025,comnat:COM_1991_0025_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["exemption from customs duties", "scientific apparatus"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/04a9ab69-27db-4feb-aaef-3582738c67a9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "OS\u00c9\u00bb COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 25 final \n\nBrussels, 27 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 setting up \n\na Community system of reliefs from customs duty \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\nwm \n\nW1:. } \u00ef \n\n-i \n\n\u2022\u00bbfr \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nI. The first aim of this proposal Is to amend the provisions of \n\nTitle VI (Articles 27 and 28) of Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 by \n\nextending the administrative simplification contained in it to \n\ncover all imports of goods of negligible value. This would mean that the simplification measure would be of real \n\nuse since national administrations would be authorized not to \n\nrecover all the minimal amounts of duty the cost of collecting \n\nwhich would be higher than the amounts collected, owing to the \n\nopcioiing costs incurred. Furthermore, the customs provisions would be aligned as a result on \n\nthe tax provisions which enable exemption from value-added tax to \n\nbe granted on imports of negligible value up to a maximum value of \nECU 22 (see amended Directive 83/181/EEC of 28 March 19831). This \n\nalignment would help make the simplification measure even more \n\nuseful. II. The second aim of this proposal concerns the review of the \n\nadministrative procedure for granting reiIef for imports of certain \n\nscientific instruments or apparatus Into the European Community (known \n\nas \"UNESCO\" rei iefs). 1. This system of reliefs has been applied in the Community on \n\nthe basis of Community provisions since 1975 and it now seems \n\nopportune to conduct an evaluation of its operation and \n\nusefulness. 1 OJ L 105, 23. 4. 1983, p. 38. 2. Components of this rei ief \n\n- 2 -\n\nThe scope of this relief is determined by a number of criteria. 2. 1. The beneficiary must be an educational or research \n\nestablishment; It may belong to the public sector or \n\nto the private sector, but in the latter case it must \n\nbe approved by the Member States' authorities. 2. 2. The instrument or apparatus must be imported solely \n\nfor non-commercial purposes. 2. 3. The instrument or apparatus must be used solely by the \n\nestablishment benefiting from the relief. 2. 4. The imported instrument or apparatus must be considered as \n\nscientific \n\nin \n\naccordance \n\nwith \n\nobjective \n\ntechnical \n\ncharacter ist ics. 2. 5. There must be no scientific instruments or apparatus \n\nof equivalent value currently manufactured in the \n\nCommun i t y. 3. Petermipation of non-equivalence \n\nSince the criterion referred to in 2. 5. above has to be asssessed in \n\nthe light of all Community production, the Member State in which \n\nrelief Is requested cannot usually provide the answer on its own. That is why in practice a two-stage procedure has been introduced: \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n3. 1. Stage one (without the Commission): \n\nThe Member State in which the relief is requested sends a \n\nrequest for information to the competent authorities in the \n\nother Member States (all or some) In accordance with a \n\nprocedure worked out in agreement with all the Member States \n\nin the Committee on Duty-Free Arrangements chaired by a \n\nCommission representative. The authorities conduct a survey \n\nof their countries' Industry; this stage lasts at least four \n\nmonths, and may be extended at the request of a Member State. 3. 2. Stage two (with the Commission): \n\nIf following completion of procedure 3. 1. no decision can be \n\ntaken on the request for relief, the Member State concerned \n\nhas to transmit the dossier to the Commission (Commission \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2290/83). The Commission will immediately \n\ndistribute copies of the dossier to the other Member States \n\nand subsequently a translation (In English, French and German \n\nonly) of the main pages of the documents. The Member States \n\nhave three months in which to adopt a position. If a Member \n\nState puts forward a duly reasoned objection during this \n\nperiod, that objection Is communicated by the Commission to \n\nthe other 11 Member States and translated in the same way as \n\nthe initial dossier. The Commission then consults the Member \n\nStates In an ad hoc group convened under its chairmanship in \n\nBrussels. In many cases one meeting does not suffice and the \n\ndossier is then re-examined at a subsequent meeting of the \n\nsame group, and even at a third meeting. The Commission then \n\nadopts a decision, which must in any event be taken within \n\nnine months of the Commission's receipt of the request. The \n\ndecision is communicated to the requesting Member state and \n\npublished In abridged form In the Official Journal of the \n\nEuropean Communities. - 4 -\n\n4. Evaluation of the procedure \n\nThe complexity of this procedure does not need Illustration: the \n\nlength of the two stages described In points 3. 1. and 3. 2. is In \n\nItself sufficient to give an idea of the problem. On top of up to 13 \n\nmonths' actual examination laid down by the Community provisions, \n\nwhich are furthermore difficult to keep to, there are the periods \n\narising from the national administrative procedures, which means that \n\nthe average period which elapses between the Introduction of the \n\nrequest by the importer and the final reply from customs is \n\none-and-a-half to two years. This procedure concerns only the non-equivalence criterion. The establishment of this criterion may reveal divergent interests \n\namong Member States, and it is therefore essential to have a central \n\narbitration authority (stage two), and if there is arbitration, this \n\nmust be based on detailed appraisal of the dossiers. As in practice \n\nthe dossiers often do not contain all the information required for \n\ntheir evaluation, requests for additional information must be sent to \n\nthe Member States' authorities. A technical expert from the Ispra \n\nResearch Centre takes part in every meeting of the ad hoc group (ten a \n\nyear). It is difficult to discuss the cases because not only is it necessary \n\nto compare and evaluate the capabilities of two or more instruments or \n\nitems of apparatus but this evaluation has to be carried out in the \n\nlight of the specific features of the planned research project, and \n\nthis frequently leads to litigation, which continues even after the \n\nCommission has taken its decision, as seen from the remarkable number \n\nof cases brought before the Court of Justice. - 5 \n\nThe complexity of this procedure makes it very expensive, particularly \n\nin terms of human resources: \n\n(a) \n\nin the Member States; \n\n(b) \n\nat Commission level, as regards the departments directly \n\nconcerned (DG XXI) and those Indirectly Involved (Ispra \n\nResearch Centre, translators, interpreters at the ten meetings \n\na year); \n\n(c) \n\nIn the Court of jusiice and in the Commission's Legal Service \n\nas a result of the disputes which the Court is quite \n\nfrequently called upon to settle. 5. The role of the criterion of non-eouI valence In the system \n\n5. 1. Quantitative aspect? \n\nThe number of requests for relief is between 600 and 700 a \n\nyear In the European Community. It has tended to decline over \n\nthe last few years. Experience shows that, of all the \n\nrequests, at least 80% are accepted and among the rejections a \n\nlarge proportion are due not to the equivalence of Community \n\nproducts but the non-sclent ifIc nature of the apparatus \n\nimported. In 1989, of a total of 98 requests rejected at national level, \n\nof a total of 530 dossiers handled direct by the Member \n\nStates,* only 43, i. e. 9%, were rejected because of the \n\nexistence of Community equivalents. * Figure Includes only those dossiers in respect of which the \n\nInformation \n\ngiven \n\nwas \n\ncorrectly \n\npresented. - 6 -\n\nThis is the usual percentage and the proportions are the same \n\nfor requests handled by the Commission. It may be concluded \n\nthat usually a maximum of 10% of the requests for relief for \n\nimports of scientific instruments or apparatus Into the \n\nCommunity are rejected on the grounds that equivalent products \n\nare available within the Community. 5. 2. Qua Iitatlve aspects \n\nThe question is whether the equivalence criterion is really \n\njustified in economic terms. Since the system was designed to \n\nencourage scientific research \n\nin the Community, tariff \n\nprotection paradoxically comes into play only when Community \n\nproduction of such \n\ninstruments or apparatus \n\nis fully \n\ncompetitive (equivalent) and so does not need to be protected. When a better instrument is placed on the market by a firm \n\noutside the Community, protection of Community production \n\nimmediately ceases to apply. It must therefore be admitted \n\nthat in economic terms the usefulness of the criterion of the \n\nequivalence of Community products is a very relative concept. 6. Conclusions \n\nGiven its limited usefulness and the relatively small number of \n\ncases in which it plays a decisive role, the Commission has come to \n\nthe conclusion that the equivalence criterion is not worth \n\nretaining in the system of \"UNESCO\" reliefs. The abolition of this criterion is therefore proposed, but it is \n\nunderstood that the granting of relief remains subject to the \n\ncriteria listed under 2. 1. , 2. 2. , 2. 3. and 2. 4. above. - 7 -\n\nWhen the equivalence criterion is abolished, the two-tier procedure \nreferred to under 3. 1. and 3. 2. above will no longer apply. Rather \nthan take decisions on individual cases of imports of scientific \ninstruments or apparatus, the Commission will confine itself to \nestablishing general guide IInes relating to the criteria still \napplicable, similar to the steps it usually takes to ensure that \ncustoms legislation is uniformly applied. The application of the \ncriteria in individual cases of requests for reliefs will then \nbecome the sole responsibility of the relevant national authorities \nin the light of these general guidelines. The abolition of the equivalence criterion will also make the work \nof the national administrations easier; in view of the uncertainty \nregarding the assessment of this criterion, at present they do not \nalways manage to take unambiguous decisions consistent with those \nadopted by their counterparts in the other Member States. Other cases In which \na p p l i c a b le under Community rules \n\niilfi e q u i v a l e n ce \n\nC r i t e r l QD \n\nLS at \n\npresent \n\nthird aim of the proposed \n\nThe \na m e n d m e n ts p r o p o s ed for s c i e n t i f ic \nother e d u c a t i o n a l, s c i e n t i f ic or cultural g o o d s. r e g u l a t i on \n\nIs to extend the \ninstruments and a p p a r a t us to \n\nThe p r o v i s i o ns at present a p p l i c a b le p r o v i de for the a p p l i c a t i on of \nan e q u i v a l e n ce c r i t e r i on and rules of p r o c e d u re similar to those \nset out above for Instruments and a p p a r a t us intended for medical \nr e s e a r c h, e s t a b l i s h i ng medical d i a g n o s es or c a r r y i ng out medical \ntreatment and for a r t i c l es for the u se of h a n d i c a p p ed p e r s o ns other \n\nthan blind people\u00bb \n\n\f- 8 \n\nIt appears even more pointless to maintain these provisions here \nthan In the case of scientific instruments and apparatus, for the \nfol lowing reasons: \n\n1. 2. 3. The relief for medical equipment is very limited in scope \nsince it applies only to goods imported as a gift. There is a \ndanger that the complexity of applying the equivalence \ncriterion will deprive this limited measure of the little \nsubstance it has. With regard to imports of goods for the use of handicapped\" \npersons, the Member States have of their own accord stopped \nImplementing the two-tier procedure provided for in Community \ntexts and over the last ten years of operation of these relief \narrangements have adopted a liberal attitude which meant that \nthe \u00e9quivalence criterion was disregarded. In any event, only one case was put to the Commission, and \nthis happened in 1979, immediately after the adoption of the \nfirst Community measures establishing a relief in this sphere. The information supplied by the Member States during an \nexchange of views arranged by the Commission revealed that the \nnational administrations had not implemented any measure \ndesigned to assess the equivalence of the goods in question, \nand the recognition of the right to the relief depended on the \nstatus of the recipient (handicapped person or specialized \ninstitution) and the nature of the equipment imported (article \nspecially designed for a handicapped person). The equivalence criterion is still more difficult to apply \nthan in the case of scientific instruments or apparatus owing \nto the impossibility of keeping solely to objective technical \ndata, \ndiffering \ninterpretations, as already pointed out. themselves \n\nwhich \n\nopen \n\nare \n\nin \n\nto \n\n\f- 9. -\n\nApart from these quite specific reasons, It would of course be very \n\nstrange for the abolition of the equivalence criterion and the \n\nresulting rules of procedure not to be extended to medical \n\nequipment and articles for the use of handicapped persons, since \n\nthese goods have always been linked, in legislative terms, with \n\nscientific instruments and apparatus in order to form a homogeneous \n\nwhole within the reliefs system. In order to maintain the similarity between the wording of the \n\nArticles, this being a means of stressing the link, the wording of \n\nthe amendments contained in this Regulet Ic \u2022 \\z identical. IV. The text resulting from the proposed amendments, as set out in \n\nAnnexes I to IV to the proposed regulation, differs from the present \n\ntext as fol lows: \n\n1. For goods of negligible value: \n\nextension of the relief to all direct imports from a \n\nnon-Community country, up to a value of ECU 22. 2. For scientific instruments and apparatus, medical apparatus \n\nand articles intended for handicapped persons: \n\nabolition of the non-equivalence condition; \n\nintroduction of exclusions for certain equipment; \n\nprovision for drawing up a list of equipment which may \n\nbe imported duty free as part of the implementing \n\nprovisions. The last two components are intended to prevent any danger of \n\nmisuse which might result from the abolition of the \n\nnon-equivalence condition. V. Parliament does not have to be consulted on this proposal for a \n\nregulation since it is based on Article 28 of the EEC Treaty. M \n\nProposal for \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No. /. of. amending Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 setting up \n\na Community system of reliefs from customs duty \n\nThe Council of the European Communities, \n\nHaving regarc u u. c Treaty establishing tht European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 28 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the administrative simplification provided for in Article 27 of \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 of 28 March 1983 setting up a Community \n\nsystem of reliefs from customs duty must, if it is to be effective, be \n\napplied to all imports of goods of negligible value; \n\nWhereas the whole of Title VI of Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 must be amended \n\naccordingly; \n\nWhereas the provisions of Articles 52 to 56, 63a and 63b, and 72 to 74 of \n\nRegulation (EEC) 918/83 must be revised in the light of experience in order \n\nto remove conditions which are expensive and complicated to apply and thus \n\nto facilitate imports of the goods in question; \n\n\fM. Whereas the condition of non-equivalence of Community products should \n\ntherefore be abolished, since, where It Is still really applied, it does \n\nnot succeed In providing effective protection as It comes too late In the \n\nprocess of development of these products, and since its implementation is \n\nfraught with disputes amongst experts which can sensibly be settled only by \n\nmore or less systematically giving way to the importer's interests and by \n\nrecognizing his right to a relief owing to the special circumstances \n\nsurrounding his Import, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe provisions of Articles 27, 52 to 56, 63a and 63b, and 72 to 74 of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 918/83 are hereby replaced by the corresponding new \n\nprovisions set out in Annexes I to IV respectively to this Regulation. Article 2 \n\nThe references made in Regulation (EEC) No 918/83 to the provisions of \n\nArticles 27, 52 to 56, 63a and 63b and 72 to 74 of Regulation (EEC) 918/83 \n\nmust be amended accordingly. Article 3 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter Into force on the third day following its \n\npublication In the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply from 1 January 1992. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\nat I Member States. Done at Brussels,. For the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fM \n\nANNEX \n\n\fA \n\nTITLE VI \n\nGOODS OF NEGLIGIBLE VALUE \n\nArticle 27 \n\nSubject to Article 28, any goods of negligible value dispatched direct from \n\na third country to a natural or legal person in the Community shall be \n\nadmitted free of import duties. 'Goods of negligible value' means goods the intrinsic value of which does \n\nnot exceed a total of ECU 22. Article 23 \n\nThe relief shall not apply to the following: \n\n(a) alcoholic products; \n\n(b) perfumes and toilet waters; \n\n(c) tobacco or tobacco products. ANNEX M \n\n\ffi \n\nArticles 52 to 56 \n\nArticle 52 \n\n1. Subject to Articles 53 to 58, scientific instruments and apparatus which \n\nare not Included In Article 51 shall be admitted free of import duties when \n\nthey are imported exclusively for non-commercial purposes. 2. The relief referred to in paragraph 1 shall be limited to scientific \n\ninstruments and apparatus which are intended for: \n\n- either public establishments principally engaged in education or \n\nscientific research and those departments of public establishments \n\nwhich are principally engaged in education or scientific research, \n\n- or private establishments principally engaged in education or \n\nscientific research and approved by the competent authorities of \n\nthe Member States to receive such articles duty free. Article 53 \n\nThe relief shall also apply to: \n\n(a) spare parts, components or accessories specifically suitable for \n\nscientific instruments or apparatus, provided that such spare parts, \n\ncomponents or accessories are imported at the same time as such instruments \n\nor apparatus or, where they are imported subsequently, that they can be \n\nidentified \n\nas \n\nbeing \n\nintended \n\nfor \n\ninstruments \n\nor \n\napparatus: \n\n\ffi \n\nwhich have previously been admitted duty free, provided that such \n\ninstruments or apparatus are still of a scientific nature at the time \n\nwhen relief is requested for the specific spare parts, components or \n\naccessories, or \n\nwhich would be entitled to relief at the time when such relief is \n\nrequested for the specific spare parts, components or accessories; \n\n(b) tools to be used for the maintenance, checking, calibration or repair \n\nof scientific instruments or apparatus, provided that these tools are \n\nimported at the same time as such instruments ana apparatus or, where they \n\nare imported subsequently, that they can be identified as being intended \n\nfor instruments or apparatus: \n\nwhich have previously been admitted duty free, provided that such \n\ninstruments or apparatus are still of a scientific nature at the time \n\nwhen relief is requested for the tools, or \n\nwhich would be entitled to relief at the time when such relief is \n\nrequested for the tools. A \n\nArticle 54 \n\nFor the purposes of Articles 52 and 53: \n\n'scientific instrument or apparatus' means any instrument or apparatus \n\nwhich, by reason of its objective technical characteristics and the \n\nresults which it makes it possible to obtain, Is mainly or exclusively \n\nsuited to scientific activities, \n\n'imported for non-commercial purposes' shall be considered to apply to \n\nscientific \n\ninstruments or apparatus \n\nintended \n\nto be used for \n\nnon-profit-making scientific research or educational purposes. Article 55 \n\nNo relief shall in any event be granted for items of equipment in common \n\nuse and household and domestic equipment, whether or not used directly in \n\neducational activities or scientific research. Article 5g \n\nA list of instruments and appliances which may be imported duty free shall \n\nbe drawn up if necessary, in accordance with the procedure laid down in \n\nArticle 143 (2) and (3). ANNEX \n\nI II \n\n\f/& \n\nTITLE XIVa \n\nINSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS INTENDED FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH, ESTABLISHING \n\nMEDICAL DIAGNOSES OR CARRYING OUT MEDICAL TREATMENT \n\nArticle 63a \n\n1. Instruments and apparatus intended for medical research, establishing \n\nmedical diagnoses or carrying out medical treatment which are donated \n\neither by a charitable or philanthropic organization or by a private \n\nindividual to health authorities, hospital departments or medical \n\nresearch institutions approved by the competent authorities of the \n\nMember States to receive such articles duty free, or which are \n\npurchased by such health authorities, hospitals or medical research \n\ninstitutions entirely with funds supplied by a charitable or \n\nphilanthropic organization or with voluntary contributions, shall be \n\nadmitted free of import duties, always provided that it is established \n\nthat: \n\n(a) the donation of the instruments or apparatus in question does \n\nnot conceal any commercial Intent on the part of the donor; \n\nand \n\n(b) the donor is in no way connected with the manufacturer of the \n\ninstruments or apparatus for which relief is requested. 2. The relief shall also apply, subject to the same conditions, to: \n\n(a) spare parts, components or accessories specifically suitable \n\nfor the above instruments or apparatus, provided that these \n\nspare parts, components or accessories are imported at the \n\nsame time as such instruments and apparatus or, where they are \n\nimported subsequently, that they can be identified as being \n\nIntended for instruments or apparatus previously admitted duty \n\nfree-, \n\n\fh \n\n(b) tools to be used for the maintenance, checking, calibration or \n\nrepair of instruments or apparatus, provided that these tools \n\nare imported at the same time as such instruments and \n\napparatus or, where they are imported subsequently, that they \n\ncan be identified as being intended for instruments or \n\napparatus previously admitted duty free. Article 6 3P \n\nFor the purposes of Article 63a, and in particular with regard to the \n\ninstruments or apparatus and the recipient bodies referred to therein, \n\nArticles 55, 56, 57 and 58 shall apply mutatis mutandis. ANNEX \n\nIY \n\n\fM/ \n\nArticles 72 to 74 \n\n2. Articles for the use of other handicapped persons. Article 72 \n\n1. Articles specially designed for the education, employment or social \n\nadvancement of physically or mentally handicapped persons other \n\nthan blind persons shall be admitted free of Import duties where \n\nthey are imported: \n\neither by handicapped persons themselves for their own use; \n\nor by institutions or organizations that are principally \n\nengaged in the education of or the provision of assistance to \n\nhandicapped persons and are authorized by the competent \n\nauthorities of the Member States to receive such articles duty \n\nfree. 2. The relief referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to spare parts, \n\ncomponents or accessories specifically \n\nfor \n\nthe articles \n\nin \n\nquestion, and to the tools to be used for the maintenance, \n\nchecking, calibration or repair of the said articles provided that \n\nsuch spare parts, components, accessories or tools are imported at \n\nthe same time as the said articles, or, where they are imported \n\nsubsequently, that they can be Identified as being intended for \n\narticles which previously admitted duty free, or which would be \n\nentitled to relief at the time when such relief is requested for \n\nthe specific spare parts, components or accessories and tools in \n\nquestion. # \n\n' Article 73 \n\nNo relief shall be granted for the following: \n\n- articles \n\nintended \n\nfor \n\nthe treatment or \n\nrehabilitation of \n\nhandicapped persons; \n\n- diagnostic and testing equipment used by medical institutions; \n\nitems of equipment in common use and household and domestic \n\nequipment ; \n\nin general terms, all articles which have simply been modified and \n\nhave not had their technical characteristics adapted to make them \n\nsuitable for use solely by handicapped persons. Article 74 \n\nA list of articles which may be admitted duty free shall be drawn up, if \n\nnecessary, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 143 (2) \n\nand (3). FICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap. 12 art. 120 \n\n2. Intitul\u00e9 de I 'act ion : Proposition de modification du r\u00e8glement \n\n(CEE) n' \n\n918/83 \n\ndu \n\nConseil \n\ndu \n\n28/03/1983 \n\nrelatif \n\n\u00e0 \n\nl'\u00e9tablissement \n\ndu \n\nr\u00e9gime \n\ncommunautaire \n\ndes \n\nfranchises \n\ndouani\u00e8res. 3. Base Juridique : Art. 28 du Trait\u00e9-CEE. 4. OblectIf de I'action : Suppression d'une des conditions pr\u00e9vues \n\npour l'octroi de I? franchise \u00e0 I'Import\u00e2tior C'T instruments CJ \n\nappareils scientifiques, des appareillages m\u00e9dicaux et des objets \n\ndestin\u00e9s aux personnes handicap\u00e9es. 5. Co\u00fbt de l'action : \n\nLa suppression de la condition de non-\u00e9quivalence de productions \n\ncommunautaires va entra\u00eener la non perception de ressources \n\npropres (droit de douane) dans un nombre de cas en fait tr\u00e8s \n\nlimit\u00e9 : \n\n- une cinquantaine dans l'ensemble de la Communaut\u00e9 pour les \n\nInstruments et appareils scientifiques, \n\n- un nombre plus r\u00e9duit pour les appareillages m\u00e9dicaux, \n\n- probablement aucun pour les objets destin\u00e9s aux personnes \n\nhandicap\u00e9es dans la mesure o\u00f9 la condition de non-\u00e9quivalence \n\nn'est plus r\u00e9ellement appliqu\u00e9e par les Etats membres. Il n'est pas possible de chiffrer tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment l'Incidence \n\nfinanci\u00e8re qui doit rester minime. Fiche d'Impact de certains actes l\u00e9gislatifs sur les PME et l'emploi \n\nAS \n\n1. OBLIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES DECOULANT DE L'APPLICATION DE \n\nLA LEGISLATION POUR LES ENTREPRISES \n\nNEANT \n\n2. AVANTAGES POUR L'ENTREPRISE \n\nOUI/NON \n\nLESQUELLES \n\n3. INCONVENIENTS POUR L'ENTREPRISE \n\n(co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires) \n\nOUI/NON \n\nCONSEQUENCES \n\n* (voir annexe) \n\n4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI * (voir annexe) \n\n5. Y-A-T-IL EU CONCERTATION PREALABLE AVEC LES PARTENAIRES \n\nSOCIAUX ? \n\nOUI/NON \n\nAVIS DES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX \n\n6. Y-A-T-IL UNE APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE MOINS CONTRAIGNANTE ? \n\nNON \n\nAu demeurant la franchise repose sur des dispositions \n\nInternationales accept\u00e9es par la Communaut\u00e9. 3& \n\nPoint 3. CONSEQUENCES \n\nLa suppression de la condition de non-\u00e9quivalence aura pour effet de \n\nfaciliter bien entendu l'importation de mat\u00e9riels tiers susceptibles de \n\nconcurrencer des productions communautaires. Toutefois, les effets sur \n\nles P. M. E. en seront limit\u00e9s pour les raisons suivantes : \n\nl'application limit\u00e9e de cettecondition d\u00e8s 4 pr\u00e9sent \n\nPour les Instruments et appareils scientifiques seules cinquante \n\ndemandes d'admission en franchis\u00a9 environ sont refus\u00e9es chaque \n\nann\u00e9e dans l'ensemble de la Communaut\u00e9. Pour les appareils m\u00e9dicaux, la franchise ne s'applique qu'\u00e0 un \n\nnombre limit\u00e9 de situations, celles tenant \u00e0 des dons, sur \n\nlesquelles la disparition de la condition d'\u00e9quivalence n'aura \n\npas d'effet slgnifiticat If. Pour les objets destin\u00e9s aux personnes handicap\u00e9es, la condition \n\nd'\u00e9quivalence n'est plus observ\u00e9e dans la pratique et donc sa \n\ndisparition formelle ne devrait pas modifier le niveau des \n\nimportation effectu\u00e9es en franchise au demeurant limit\u00e9. le fait que ie refus de La IranctLlse n'interdit pas l'importation \n\net n'a pas un effet riiLllement__dLssuaslf sur la d\u00e9cision d'achat \n\nd'un mat\u00e9riel tiers par suite des taux relativement minimes des \n\ndroits de douane applicables. La concurrence des mat\u00e9riels tiers \n\ns'exerce donc d\u00e9j\u00e0 pleinement. Le maintien de la perception la oius Importante puisque ia taxe \n\nsur la valeur ajout\u00e9e reste exigible \u00e0 l'\u00e9gard de toutes les \n\nImportations de ces mat\u00e9riels. \u00ef\\r \n\nl'Intervention partielle des P,M,,E, flans les productions \n\nconcern\u00e9es. En effet au moins pour les Instruments ou appareils \n\nscientifiques, ainsi que pour les appareillages m\u00e9dicaux, la \n\nproduction des mat\u00e9riels admis en franchise appara\u00eet au travers \n\ndes cas observ\u00e9s dans le pass\u00e9 \u00eatre principalement le fait de \n\nfirmes de taille importante et non de P. M. E. Les P. M. E. Interviennent ici dans les productions \u00e0 fa\u00e7on ou dans \n\nles modifications d'\u00e9quipements standard produits par de grandes \n\nfirmes, mais souvent sans qu'il soit possible de reconna\u00eetre \n\nl'\u00e9quivalence de leurs produits. 4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI \n\nImpossible \u00e0 d\u00e9terminer mais probablement Inexistant pour les raisons \n\nexpos\u00e9es ci-dessus au point 3. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 25 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-082-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69572-2 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e34b5947-f1e6-44b9-89ba-a99dee1f4fc8", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC SITUATION - ANNUAL ECONOMIC REPORT 1990-1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,Single European Act,economic conditions,economic policy,monetary policy", "workIds": 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overseas countries and territories with the European Economic Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "association agreement (EU),economic cooperation,financial cooperation,industrial cooperation,overseas countries and territories", "workIds": "celex:31991D0110,oj:JOL_1991_058_R_0027_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["association agreement (EU)", "economic cooperation", "financial cooperation", "industrial cooperation", "overseas countries and territories"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0ddc379a-ba79-41ba-8bee-0be54922cb53", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a58227eb-445f-4165-8ecb-3d05101a9f3f", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE RELATING TO THE SUPERVISION OF CREDIT INSTITUTIONS ON A CONSOLIDATED BASIS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "banking,consolidated account,credit institution,financial institution,management audit", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0271,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0019_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["banking", "consolidated account", "credit institution", "financial institution", "management audit"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a58227eb-445f-4165-8ecb-3d05101a9f3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/755efd65-4739-456a-8b67-2e1e23297f60", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 76/308/EEC ON MUTUAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE RECOVERY OF CLAIMS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS FORMING PART OF THE SYSTEM OF FINANCING THE EUROPEAN AGRICULTURAL GUIDANCE AND GUARANTEE FUND ( EAGGF ), AND OF AGRICULTURAL LEVIES AND CUSTOMS DUTIES AND IN RESPECT OF VALUE ADDED TAX ( VAT )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-02-27", "subjects": "EAGGF,VAT,administrative cooperation,agricultural levy,customs duties,excise duty,import levy", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0264,oj:JOC_1991_102_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "VAT", "administrative cooperation", "agricultural levy", "customs duties", "excise duty", "import levy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/755efd65-4739-456a-8b67-2e1e23297f60", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20ed40bd-8cb2-4d0f-99ec-5d184827e3c1", "title": "Question No 13 by Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS (H-0174/91) to European Political Cooperation: Defence in the EC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "EU competence,EU policy,European defence policy,European security,Western European Union,arms trade,export (EU),export restriction,foreign policy", "workIds": "celex:91991H000174", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU competence", "EU policy", "European defence policy", "European security", "Western European Union", "arms trade", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "foreign policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20ed40bd-8cb2-4d0f-99ec-5d184827e3c1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9b5d2d5-7b12-44d6-895e-3e7d47bc36b3", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) OPENING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF COMMUNITY TARIFF QUOTAS FOR QUALITY WINES PRODUCED IN THE SPECIFIED REGIONS OF JEREZ, MALAGA, JUMILLA, PRIORATO, RIOJA AND VALDEPENAS ( 1991/92 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "Spain,tariff quota,wine of superior quality", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0062,comnat:COM_1991_0062_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "tariff quota", "wine of superior quality"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9b5d2d5-7b12-44d6-895e-3e7d47bc36b3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN CCMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 62 final \n\nBrussels, 26 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nrriiiMriL RFffll' ftT|nN fEEC) \n\nopenly and providtog for the administration of Con^unity tariff quotas \n\nfor quality wtoes produced to the specified regions of Jerez, \n\nMalaga,. i w m\u00bb Priorato, Kioja and Valdepefias (1991/92) \n\npresented by the Commission) \n\n\fBfflANATOig MEMQBANTOM \n\n1. According to articles 30 and 75 of the Act of Accession the duties \n\napplicable to imports into tfte Ocmnunlty as constituted on 31 December \n\n1985 of agricultural products originating in Spain shall be \n\nprogressively abolished. Consequently these provisions are applicable to \n\nduties to be levied in the framework of the following Community Customs \n\nquotas: \n\n358 120 hi sherry in containers holding two liters or less falling \n\nwithin CN codes ex2204 21 41 and ex2204 21 51, \n\n435 000 hi sherry in containers holding more than two liters \n\nfalling within CN codes ex2204 29 41 and ex2204 29 51, \n\n22 008 hi wines from Jumilla, Priorato, RLoja and Valdepefias in \n\ncontainers holding two liters or less falling within CN codes \nex2204 21 21, ex2204 21 23, ex2204 21 31, ex2204 21 33 and ex2204 \n21 49 and \n15 000 hi Malaga wines in containers holding two liters or less, \nfalling within CN codes ex2204 21 49 and ex2204 21 59. The duties applicable to the wines in question shall be reduced to 25% \nof the basic duties on 1 January 1991 and to 12,5% of the basic duties \non 1 January 1992. By deviation from Article 30 of the aboveinentioned \nact Regulation (EEC) No. 4161/87 lays down consequent on the entry into \nforce of the ocmbined nomenclature, the basic duties to be adopted \nwithin the Community as constituted on 31 December 1985 for the purpose \nof oaljoulatlng the successive reductions provided for in the Act of \nAccession of Spain and Portugal. These tariff measures are not applicable in Portugal because Regulation \n(KBC) 3792/85 laying down the arrangements applying to trade in \nagricultural products between Spain and Portugal provides for particular \nprovisions on the subject. Pursuant to Commission Regulation (EBC) No 2573/90 of 5 September 1990 \ntotally suspending certain customs duties applicable by the Community of \nTen to Imports from Spain and Portugal, the said duties are, as concerns \nthe produots referred to in Annex II to the Treaty, totally suspended \nonce they reach a level of 2% or less. It is necessary therefore to \napply a duty equal to zero in the case where the value of the specified \ncustoms duties do not exceed 2% ad valorem. Therefore, for the period 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992, the \n\nabovementioned tariff quotas should be opened in the Oammunity as \n\nconstituted on 31 December 1985 at duties calculated according to the \n\nprovisions provided for on the subject. That is the purpose of the annexed proposal for Regulation. 2. In t Ms case it is proposed that the whole of the quota volumes be held \nas Community reserves to which all Member States will have access in \naccordance with the procedure provided for in Article 1(2) of the \nproposal for a Regulation. Annex: 1 proposal for Council Regulation \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/*l \n\nof. opening and providing for the administration of C o m m u n i ty tariff quotas for \nregions of Jerez, Malaga, Jumilla, \nquality wines produced in the specified \n\nPriorato, Rioja and Valdepenas (1991/93 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and \nPortugal, and in particular Articles 30 and 75 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas, pursuant to Articles 30 and 75 of the Act of \nAccession, the duties applicable on the import into the \nCommunity, as constituted on 31 December 1985, of the \nfollowing quality wines from Spain shall be progressively \nabolished within the limits of Community tariff quotas : \n\n\u2014 358 120 hectolitres quality wines produced in the \nspecified region of Jerez in containers holding two \nlitres or less, falling within CN codes ex 2204 21 41 \nand ex 2204 21 51, \n\n\u2014 435 000 hectolitres quality wines produced in the \nspecified region of Jerez in containers holding more \nthan two litres falling within CN codes ex 2204 29 41 \nand ex 2204 29 51, \n\n\u2014 15 000 hectolitres quality wines produced \n\nin the \nspecified region of Malaga in containers holding two \nlitres or less, falling within CN codes ex 2204 21 49 \nand ex 2204 21 59, and \n\n\u2014 22 008 hectolitres quality wines produced \n\nin the \nspecified \nregions of Jumilla, Priorato, Rioja and \nValdepeflas, in containers holding two litres or less,{ \nfalling within CN codes ex 2204 21 21, ex 2204 21 23, j \n\\ \nex 2204 21 31, ex 2204 21 33 and ex 2204 21 49 ; \n\nWhereas, however, with regard to the quality wines \nproduced in the specified region of Jerez, in order toi \nfulfil better the requirements of the common market, a \nsingle overall tariff quota of 793 120 hectolitres should be \nopened ; \n\nWhereas these duties are reduced to 25 % of the basic \nduties on 1 January 1991 and 1012/51 of the basic duties \non 1 January 1992; whereas, by way of derogation from \nArticle 30 of the Act of Accession, Regulation (EEC) No \n4161/87 (') lays down consequent on the entry into force \nof the combined nomenclature, the basic duties to be \nadopted within the Community as constituted on 31 \nDecember 1985 for the purpose of calculating the \nsuccessive reductions provided for in the Act of Accession \nof Spain and Portugal ; \n\n(') OJ No L 395, 31. 12. 1987, p. 1. imports of these wines Community \n\nWhereas, therefore, to establish the duties applicable on \ntariff quotas \nthe \nshould be opened for the period from I July 1991 to 30 \nJune 1992 for the abovementioned wines at duties as \nshown in the list in Article 1 ; \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3792/85 of 20 \nDecember 1985 laying down the arrangements applying \nto \ntrade in agricultural products between Spain and \nPortugal (') provides for particular rules for the import \ninto Portugal of the products in question coming from \ntariff \nSpain ; whereas, consequently, \nquotas are only applicable \nthe Community as \nconstituted on 31 December 1985; \n\nthe Community \n\nin \n\nWhereas, pursuant \nto Commission Regulation (EEC) \nNo 2573/90 of 5 September 1990 totally suspending certain \ncustoms duties applicable by the Community of Ten to \nimports from Spain and Portugal (J), the said duties are, as \nconcerns the products referred to in Annex II to the Treaty, \ntotally suspended once they reach a level of 2% or less; \nthat it is necessary therefore to apply a duty \nequal to zero in the case where the value of the \nspecified customs duties do not exceed 2% ad \nvalorem. Whereas equal and continuous access to the quotas \nshould be ensured for all Community importers and the \nrates laid down for the quotas should be applied consis \ntently to all imports of the products in question into all \nMember States until the quotas are exhausted ; whereas \nthey should not be allocated among the Member States, \nwithout prejudice \nthe quota \nvolumes of such quantities as they may need, under \nconditions and according to a procedure laid down in \nArticle 3 ; whereas this method of administration requires \nclose cooperation between the Member States and the \nCommission ; \n\nto the drawing against \n\nWhereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of \nthe Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg \nare united within and jointly represented by the Benelux \nEconomic Union, any operation concerning the adminis \ntration of the contingents m:iy h< ( :imi \n\n22 008 \n\n(') See Taric codes in Annex. C2)Ttese Specific OBlUiK duties mv unly colUcled wtmi Llwir vdlue is y\u0153ater tharr \n\nArticle 2 \n\ntariff quotas referred \n\nin Article 1 shall be \nThe \nadministered by the Commission, which may take all \nappropriate administrative measures in order to ensure \neffective administration thereof. to \n\nthe Member States concerned \navailable balance so permits. to \n\nthe extent \n\nthat \n\nthe \n\nIf a Member State does not use the quantities drawn, it \nshall return them as soon as possible to the corresponding \nquota amount. Article \n\n3 \n\ninto \n\nfree circulation, \n\nincluding a request \nfor a product covered by \n\nIf an importer presents in a Member State a declaration of \nfor \nentry \npreferential benefit \nthis \nRegulation and \nis accepted by the \ncustoms authorities, the Member States concerned shall \ninform the Commission and draw an amount corres \nponding \nthe corresponding \namount. if this declaration \n\nits requirements \n\nfrom \n\nto \n\nIf the quantities requested are greater than the available \nbalance of the quota amount, allocation shall be made on \na pro rata basis with respect to the requests. Member \nStates shall be \nthe \ndrawings made. the Commission of \n\ninformed by \n\nArticle \n\n4 \n\nEach Member State shall ensure \nimporters of the \nproducts in question have equal and continuous access to \nthe quotas for as long as the balance of the relevant quota \nvolumes so permits. that \n\nindication of the date of \nThe drawing requests, with \nacceptance of the said declarations, must be transmitted \nto the Commission without delay. The Member States and the Commission shall cooperate \nclosely to ensure that this Regulation is complied with. Article 5 \n\nThe drawings are granted by \nthe Commission by \nreference to the date of acceptance of the declarations of \nentry into free circulation by the customs authorities of \n\nArticle \n\nf, \n\nThis Regulation shall enter \n\ninto force on 1 July 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nTie \n\nPresident \n\n\f-3-\n\nANNEX \n\nTaric codes \n\nOrder No \n\nCN code \n\nTaric code \n\n09. 0317 \n\n09. 0310 \n\n09. 0312 \n\nex 2204 2141 \nex 2204 21 51 \nex 2204 29 41 \nex 2204 29 51 \n\n2204 2141*10 \n2204 21 51*10 \n2204 29 41M0 \n2204 29 51 '10 \n\nex 2204 21 49 \nex 2204 21 59 \n\n2204 2149*12 \n2204 21 59\" 12 \n\nex 220421 21 \nex 2204 21 23 \nex 2204 21 31 \nex 2204 21 33 \nex 2204 21 49 \n\n22042121*10 \n2204 21 2. VI0 \n2204 21 31M0 \n2204 21 33*10 \n2204 21. 49*21 \n\n\fg*A/ \n\n? \n\nFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLO \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec un engagement \n\ncontractuel de la Communaut\u00e9. L'Impact d\u00e9coulant de cette concession a \n\n\u00e9t\u00e9 pris en consid\u00e9ration lors de la prise de d\u00e9cision d'adoption de \n\nces contingents et M n'aura pas un caract\u00e8re s\u00e9rieux sur la \n\ncomp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi dans la Communaut\u00e9. ! \n\n,\u2022\u2022\u00a3 \n\ni >'r-. :h \n\u2022 \nt \n\u2022. i \u00bb \n\ni t. s ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 62 final \n\nUUOUIVIicN I o \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-080-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69554-4 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2cb1ca0-3050-4e69-98da-9b22878a3121", "title": "Question No 4 by Mr GALLAND (H-0176/91) to the Council: Free movement of persons", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FERRER", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "demography,depopulation,family policy,population dynamics", "workIds": "celex:91991H000169", "eurovoc_concepts": ["demography", "depopulation", "family policy", "population dynamics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb40a0d0-2516-4002-aa7c-3aac73e7dd36", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a473b58-ae59-425c-b7c3-7aa3339fe3a6", "title": "Question No 31 by Mr EPHREMIDIS (H-0159/91) to the Commission: Measures on behalf of Greek tourism and Olympic Airways in view of the situation in the Gulf", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EPHREMIDIS,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "EU aid,Greece,Middle East,air transport,economic consequence,financial loss,international conflict,tourism", "workIds": "celex:91991H000159", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Greece", "Middle East", "air transport", "economic consequence", "financial loss", "international conflict", "tourism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a473b58-ae59-425c-b7c3-7aa3339fe3a6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4199ad7b-62b3-488f-9c37-667a878228f2", "title": "Question No 3 by Mr McMAHON (H-0171/91) to the Council: Sugar", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MCMAHON", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "ACP countries,cane sugar,common organisation of markets,sugar,sugar refining", "workIds": "celex:91991H000171", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "cane sugar", "common organisation of markets", "sugar", "sugar refining"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4199ad7b-62b3-488f-9c37-667a878228f2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/802a2eea-d67f-4a51-8fd1-0e47e7b09d0b", "title": "Question No 1 by Mr BALFE (H-0164/91) to the Council: Human rights", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BALFE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "Greece,OSCE,Single European Act,T\u00fcrkiye,human rights,international convention,national minority,rights of minorities", "workIds": "celex:91991H000164", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "OSCE", "Single European Act", "T\u00fcrkiye", "human rights", "international convention", "national minority", "rights of minorities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/802a2eea-d67f-4a51-8fd1-0e47e7b09d0b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2ca6a36-b646-493f-b8ee-b043c9a229af", "title": "Question No 30 by Mrs FERRER (H-0165/91) to the Commission: Negotiations on textiles in the framework of GATT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FERRER", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "GATT,clothing industry,liberalisation of trade,market access,restriction on competition,tariff negotiations,textile industry", "workIds": "celex:91991H000165", "eurovoc_concepts": ["GATT", "clothing industry", "liberalisation of trade", "market access", "restriction on competition", "tariff negotiations", "textile industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2ca6a36-b646-493f-b8ee-b043c9a229af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/46fa7d1b-3528-484d-9d69-40d932251e08", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) OPENING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A COMMUNITY TARIFF QUOTA FOR APRICOT PULP ORIGINATING IN TURKEY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "T\u00fcrkiye,stone fruit,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0063,comnat:COM_1991_0063_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["T\u00fcrkiye", "stone fruit", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/46fa7d1b-3528-484d-9d69-40d932251e08", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCQM(91) 63 final \n\nBrussels,26 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening and providing for the administration of a Community \n\ntariff quota for apricot pulp originating in Turkey \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Council Regulation (EEC) 4115/86 of December 1986 on imports into \n\nthe Community of certain agricultural products originating in \n\nTurkey provides for the opening of a Community tariff quota of 90 \n\ntonnes at zero duty for apricot pulp originating in Turkey. 2. Within the limits of this tariff quota, Spain and Portugal apply \n\ncustoms duties calculated In accordance with Council Regulation \n\n(EEC) N\" 2573/87 of 11 August 1987 laying down the arrangements for \n\ntrade between Spain and Portugal on the one hand and Algeria, \n\nEgypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Turkey on the other. 3. The aim of this proposal Is to open the quota concerned for the \n\nperiod 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992. 4. Concerning the administration of this tariff quota, it Is proposed \n\nthat the whole volume of the products subject to this tariff quota \n\nshould form a Community reserve to which all Member States will \n\nhave access according to the procedure laid down In Article 3 of \n\nthe proposed Regulation. This Is the purpose of the attached proposal. Z. \u2022uwv: \u2022:\u2022\u2022 \n\n\fProposal for \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/91 \n\nof \n\nopening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quota for \napricot pulp originating in Turkey (1991/92) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\n'Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 113 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No \n4115/86 of 22 December 1986 on \nimport into the \nin Turkey ('),. Community of agricultural products \n-provides for the opening by the Community of an annual \nCommunity-tariff quota of 90 tonnes at zero duty for. apricot pulp originating in Turkey ; whereas such a quota \nhas been opened for the period up to 30 June 1951 by \nRegulation (EEC) No 726/90 0 ; whereas the tariff quota \n\u2022in question',should therefore be opened for the above-\nmentioned volume for the period 1 July 199 1 to 30 June \n1992; \n\n, ,. Whereas'the Council has adopted Regulation (EEC) No \n1059/88 of 28 March 1988 laying down the arrangements \napplicable to Greece's trade with Turkey (3); whereas the \nCoun\u00e7irhasxalso adopted Regulation (EEC) No 2573/87 \nof 11 August 1987 laying down the arrangements for \ntrade between Spain and Portugal on the one hand and \n, Algeria,, Bgypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Turkey on. the other(4), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No \n4 1 6 2 / 8 7 0; \n\nWhereas equal and continuous access to the quota should \nbe ensured for all Community importers and the rates \nlaid down for the quota should be applied consistently to \n\nall imports of the product in question \ninto all the \nMember States until the quota is exhausted ; whereas it is \nappropriate to take the necessary measures to ensure effi \ncient Community administration of this tariff quota while \noffering the Member States the opportunity to draw \nfromn the quota volume the necessary quantities corres \nponding to actual imports ; whereas this method of admi \nnistration requires close cooperation between the Member \nStates and the Commission, \n\nWhereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of \nthe Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg \nare united within and jointly represented by the Benelux \nEconomic Union, any operation concerning the adminis \ntration of the quota may be carried out by any one of its \nmembers, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. From 1 July 1951 to 30 June 1992 the customs duty \napplicable to the following product, originating in Turkey, \nshall be suspended in the Community at the level and \nwithin the limit of the Commission tariff quota as shown \nherewith : \n\n- Order No \n\nCN code \n0 \n\nDescription \n\nAmount of \nquota \n(in tonnes) \n\nQuota duty \n(%) \n\n09. 0203 \n\nex 2008 50 91 \n\nApricot pulp neither containing added spirit nor added sugar in \nimmediate packings of a net content of 4,5 kg or more \n\n90 \n\n0 \n\n(') Taric code 2008 50 91*20 \n\n0 OJ No L 380, 31. 12. 1986, p. 16. QOJNo. L8\u00ee. 283. 199a p. l. OJ No L 104, 23. 4. 1988, p. 4. OJ'*fc>M\u00bb2JQ, 1. 9. 1987, p. t. OJ No X 396, 31. 12. 1987, p. 1. 3 \n\n\f2. Wkbin the framework of this tariff quota, the \nKmgdotjttol Spain and the Portuguese Republic shall \napply a customs duty calculated in accordance with the \nrelevant! provisions of the Act of Accession and Regula \ntion (EBQ No 2573/87, \n\nState concerned, to the extent that the available balance \nso permits. If a Member State does not use the quantities drawn, it \nshall return them as soon as possible to the tariff quota. Article 2 \n\nThe tariff quota referred to in Article 1 shall be adminis \ntered by the Commission, which may take any appro \npriate measure with a view to ensuring the efficient admi \nnistration thereof. ': \n\n' \n\nArticle 3 \n\nIf an. importer presents, in a Member State, a declaration \nof entry into free circulation including a request for prefe \nrential benefit for a product covered by this Regulation, \nand if this declaration is accepted by the customs authori \nties, the 'Member State concerned shall draw, from the \ntariff quota, by means of notification to the Commission, \na quantity corresponding to these needs. The requests for drawing, with the indication of the date \nof acceptance of the said declaration, must be communi \ncated, to the Commission without delay. Trie drawings are granted by the Commission on the basis \nof the d^te of acceptance of the declaration of entry into \nfree circulation by the customs authorities of the Member \n\nIf the quantities requested are greater than the available \nbalance of the tariff quota, allocation shall be made on a \npro rata basis with respect to the requests. Member States \nshall be informed by the Commission of the, drawings \nmade. Article 4 \n\nEach Member State shall ensure that importers of the \nproduct concerned have equal and continuous access to \nthe quota for such time as the residual balance of the \nquota volume so permits. Article 5 \n\nThe Member States and the Commission shall cooperate \nclosely to ensure that this Regulation is complied with. Article 6 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Llano budg\u00e9taire! concern\u00e9s : chap. 12 art. 120 \n\nI-. BaseJurJUiiflUft : art. 113 du trait\u00e9. 3. intitul\u00e9 de la mesure tarifaire : Proposition de r\u00e8glement du \n\nConseil portant ouverture et mode de gestion d'un contingent \n\ntarifaire communautaire pour des pulpes d'abricots, originaires de \n\nTurquie. 4. Object If : Assurer le respect d'un engagement d\u00e9coulant d'un \n\nr\u00e8glement du Conseil. 5. Modo de calcul : \n\nN* de la NC : ex 2008 50 91 \n\nVolume du contingent : 90 tonnes. Droits \u00e0 appliquer : 0 X \n\nDroits de la NC : 17 %. 6. Lgrte ^. recettes : \n\nValeur des marchandises : 700 ECU X 90 - 63 000 ECU \n\nPerte de. recettes : 63 000 ECU X 17 % - 10. 710 ECU \n\nPar rapport \u00e0 la p\u00e9riode pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente (1. 7. 1990 au 30. 6. 1991) : Il \n\nn'y aura pas de perte suppl\u00e9mentaire de recettes. FICHE P'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLQ \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec un engagement pris \n\npar le Conseil. L'impact d\u00e9coulant de cette concession a \u00e9t\u00e9 pris en \n\nconsid\u00e9ration lors de la prise de d\u00e9cision d'adoption de ce contingent \n\net II n'aura pas un caract\u00e8re s\u00e9rieux sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi \n\ndans ia Communaut\u00e9. \u20ac \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 63 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-087-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69754-7 \n\npRTCE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3,50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5c38730-8039-4619-b38c-91e5abc637bb", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 443/91 of 26 February 1991 on import and export licences issued for certain products covered by Article 259 of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SPENCER", "date": "1991-02-26", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU aid,Eastern Bloc countries,USSR,aid to refugees,immigration,migratory movement,refugee", "workIds": "celex:91991H000166", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU aid", "Eastern Bloc countries", "USSR", "aid to refugees", "immigration", "migratory movement", "refugee"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d4496c63-35f4-428c-ad5f-d133b8136ca1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d33a6b65-48f0-497b-b8e2-f3cd8077a144", "title": "Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Sweden", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Sweden,agreement (EU),economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:21991A0307(04)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Sweden", "agreement (EU)", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d33a6b65-48f0-497b-b8e2-f3cd8077a144", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8f1eefbc-8521-46e8-9e95-66cadd2b8b78", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 441/91 of 25 February 1991 concerning the classification of certain goods in the codes 1704 10 19, 1704 10 99, and 9502 10 10 of the Combined Nomenclature and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1287/83", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "common customs tariff,confectionery,statistical nomenclature,tariff nomenclature,toy industry", "workIds": "celex:31991R0441,oj:JOL_1991_052_R_0009_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "confectionery", "statistical nomenclature", "tariff nomenclature", "toy industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8f1eefbc-8521-46e8-9e95-66cadd2b8b78", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1991052EN. 01000901. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. 2. 1991\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 52/9\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 441/91\nof 25 February 1991\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the codes 1704\u00a010\u00a019, 1704\u00a010\u00a099, and 9502\u00a010\u00a010 of the combined nomenclature and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 1287/83\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff\u00a0(1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 53/91\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9 thereof,\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to that Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the annex to the present Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to this Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas this Regulation concerns also the products referred to in Commission Regulations (EEC) No 1278/83\u00a0(3); whereas, therefore, the latter Regulation should be repealed;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the table. Article 2\nRegulation (EEC) No 1287/83 is hereby repealed. Article 3\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 25 February 1991. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 7, 10. 1. 1991, p. 14. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 137, 26, 5. 1983, p. 11. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nClassification\nCN code\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\nPlastic dolls with movable limbs, 140 mm tall, with transparent plastic chests filled with about 10 grams of small sweets (chewing-gum) containing sucrose, which can be removed through an aperture under the belt-buckle of the doll. 1704\u00a010\u00a019\n1704\u00a010\u00a099\n\n\nChewing gum\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1,5 b and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the texts of CN codes 1704, 1704\u00a010, 1704\u00a010\u00a019, 1704\u00a010\u00a099 (depending on the sucrose content), 9502, 9502\u00a010 and 9502\u00a010\u00a010. These dolls are not the normal method of packaging for chewing gum, hence they should be classified separately. 9502\u00a010\u00a010\n\n\ndolls"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58d031ad-67b1-4744-96af-b4438df1a426", "title": "91/104/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 authorizing extension or tacit renewal of certain trade agreements concluded between Member States and third countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "member country,third country,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:31991D0104,oj:JOL_1991_054_R_0036_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["member country", "third country", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58d031ad-67b1-4744-96af-b4438df1a426", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4aa2d31-34d6-4d58-bcbf-f249452b0141", "title": "91/115/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 establishing a committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "EU statistics,advisory committee (EU),balance of payments,financial statistics,monetary policy", "workIds": "celex:31991D0115,oj:JOL_1991_059_R_0019_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU statistics", "advisory committee (EU)", "balance of payments", "financial statistics", "monetary policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4aa2d31-34d6-4d58-bcbf-f249452b0141", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2db7bdab-0dc7-478e-b54d-62385ee4fa0c", "title": "Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (BCR)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Sweden", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Sweden,cooperation agreement,metrology,research and development", "workIds": "celex:21991A0307(07)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Sweden", "cooperation agreement", "metrology", "research and development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2db7bdab-0dc7-478e-b54d-62385ee4fa0c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5fc60e77-0b35-4b68-88bf-de7b2cf8edd4", "title": "Fourth ACP-EEC Convention signed at Lom\u00e9 on 15 December 1989 - Financial Protocol - Protocol 1 concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation - Protocol 2 on the operating expenditure of the joint institutions - Protocol 3 on privileges and immunities - Protocol 4 on the implementation of Article 178 - Protocol 5 on bananas - Protocol 6 on rum - Protocol 7 on beef and veal - Protocol 8 on sugar - Protocol 9 concerning products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community - Final Act - Joint Declarations - Unilateral Declarations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States,European Coal and Steel Community,European Economic Community,The twelve Member States: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "cooperation policy,development policy,fourth Lom\u00e9 Convention,ratification of an agreement,signature of an agreement", "workIds": "celex:21991A0817(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cooperation policy", "development policy", "fourth Lom\u00e9 Convention", "ratification of an agreement", "signature of an agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5fc60e77-0b35-4b68-88bf-de7b2cf8edd4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aab0888f-6659-462a-bc10-d4ab03c550bd", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 440/91 of 25 February 1991 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "common customs tariff,processed foodstuff,statistical nomenclature,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31991R0440,oj:JOL_1991_052_R_0007_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "processed foodstuff", "statistical nomenclature", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aab0888f-6659-462a-bc10-d4ab03c550bd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1991052EN. 01000701. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. 2. 1991\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 52/7\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) NO 440/91\nof 25 February 1991\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87\u00a0(1) on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 53/91\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9,\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to the said Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the, said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 25 February 1991. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 7, 10. 1. 1991, p. 14. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nClassification CN code\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Deep-frozen ready-mixed dough of goods primarily made of wheat flour to which has been added margarine, fat, water, yeast, eggs and filled with marzipan, sugar, maize starch, water and margarine. After thawing, the product in the form as presented is ready for baking. 1901\u00a020\u00a020\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 1901 and 1901\u00a020\u00a000 (see also the explanatory notes to CN code 1901\u00a020\u00a000 and CN code 1905). 2. Product, in the form of powder, consisting of sodium caseinate 30 %, skimmed milk 69 % and hydrolized vegetable oil 1 % with the following analytical results (percentage by weight):\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nProteins\n\n\n50,5\n\n\n\n\nLactose\n\n\n34,6\n\n\n\n\nCendre cheese\n\n\n7,4\n\n\n\n\nMilkfats\n\n\n1,5\n\n\n\n\nHydrolized vegetable oil\n\n\n1,0\n\n\n\n\nMoisture content\n\n\n5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1901\u00a090\u00a090\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 1901, 1901\u00a090 and 1901\u00a090\u00a090. Chapter 4 must be excluded because of the presence of hydrolized vegetable oil and sodium caseinate. 3. Preparation in the form of gelatine capsules packed for retail sale. Each capsule contains 1\u00a0222 mg lecithin and 28 mg glycerine. 2106\u00a090\u00a091\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note la to Chapter 30 and by the wording of CN codes 2106, 2106\u00a090 and 2106\u00a090\u00a091. The product which is not prepared for therapeutic nor prophylactic purposes is considered to be a food supplement as mentioned in the explanatory notes to the Harmonized System, code 2106"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07c3d147-ce9e-4515-b8e5-b1b610a31d0e", "title": "Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Finland", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Finland,agreement (EU),economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:21991A0307(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Finland", "agreement (EU)", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07c3d147-ce9e-4515-b8e5-b1b610a31d0e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f41ade45-f7b4-4578-b706-5d4642f927d4", "title": "91/119/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Norway,agreement (EU),economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:31991D0119", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Norway", "agreement (EU)", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f41ade45-f7b4-4578-b706-5d4642f927d4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a23733f-5535-49b9-bb95-15f803ad313f", "title": "Question No 15 by Mr ARBELOA MURU (H-1310/90) to European Political Cooperation: Supply of arms to developing countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "arms control,arms supply,arms trade,conventional weapon,developing countries,disarmament,export restriction", "workIds": "celex:91990H001310", "eurovoc_concepts": ["arms control", "arms supply", "arms trade", "conventional weapon", "developing countries", "disarmament", "export restriction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a23733f-5535-49b9-bb95-15f803ad313f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15683f94-2a41-4e6d-aca1-4612f21654da", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 456/91 of 25 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 802/68 on the common definition of the concept of the origin of goods", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "originating product,standardisation,technical 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25 February 1991 repealing Decision 86/517/EEC concerning the suspension of new direct investment in the Republic of South Africa", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision_representatives_member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Representatives of the Governments of the Member States", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "South Africa,investment", "workIds": "celex:41991D0114,oj:JOL_1991_059_R_0018_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["South Africa", "investment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/943da72d-f029-4650-96f5-437a72bd4c3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1b8c64b-539a-4886-b189-061be1abcda9", "title": "91/122/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (BCR)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Finland,chemistry,cooperation agreement,metrology,research and development", "workIds": "celex:31991D0122", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Finland", "chemistry", "cooperation agreement", "metrology", "research and development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1b8c64b-539a-4886-b189-061be1abcda9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", 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"Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Switzerland,agreement (EU),economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:31991D0121", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Switzerland", "agreement (EU)", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8c174f11-4576-47d0-8f32-9d4448d5802b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2ae53fcc-2b29-471c-bb16-66be00168f43", "title": "91/400/ECSC, EEC: Decision of the Council and the Commission of 25 February 1991 on the conclusion of the fourth ACP-EEC Convention", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union,European Commission", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "ACP countries,fourth Lom\u00e9 Convention,ratification of an agreement", "workIds": "celex:31991D0400", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "fourth Lom\u00e9 Convention", "ratification of an agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2ae53fcc-2b29-471c-bb16-66be00168f43", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/27998b33-1411-4128-a520-1f9a1a6eda6a", "title": "91/124/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on a research and development programme for the European Economic Community in the field of applied metrology and chemical analysis (BCR)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "common customs tariff,decorative item,radio telecommunications,statistical nomenclature,tariff nomenclature,wood product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0442,oj:JOL_1991_052_R_0011_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "decorative item", "radio telecommunications", "statistical nomenclature", "tariff nomenclature", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3193ec4-a2f4-4fde-9328-e475e67b819c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1991052EN. 01001101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n27. 2. 1991\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 52/11\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) NO 442/91\nof 25 February 1991\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87\u00a0(1) on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 53/91\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9,\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to the said Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the nomenclature Committee has not delivered an opinion within the time limit set by its chairman, as regards product Nos 1 and 4 in the annexed table;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the nomenclature Committee as regards product Nos 2, 3 and 5 in the annexed table,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 25 February 1991. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 7, 10. 1. 1991, p. 14. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nClassification CN code\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Round coniferous timber, milled to a constant diameter along the entire length, cut across the grain, one end of which has been pointed, of the kind used in horticultural landscaping, for constructing garden fences, enclosures, screens, etc. 4407\u00a010\u00a099\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, as well as the texts of CN codes 4407, 4407\u00a010 and 4407\u00a010\u00a099. The goods cannot be classified under headings 4403 or 4404, because they have been milled; 4409, not having been profiled; 4421, given that they are not sufficiently worked. 2. Collapsible pallet collars consisting of four pieces of wood (2 x 2 pieces of the same length) with hinges on the ends to form a frame that is placed over the palette itself. (see photograph, case No 2)\u00a0(1)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4421\u00a090\u00a099\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, as well as the texts of CN codes 4421, 4421\u00a090 and 4421\u00a090\u00a099. The goods have to be considered as parts of a pallet which cannot be classified in heading 4415 (see Harmonized System explanatory notes to headings 4415, section III and 4421, paragraph 2). 3. Crown-shaped articles consisting of osier canes, partly decorated with artificial flowers, artificial leaves, ribbons, small representations of animals (such as a butterfly and a chicken). (See by way of example the photograph of case No 3)\u00a0(1)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4602\u00a010\u00a091\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1, 3b and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, note 1 to chapter 6 as well as the texts of CN codes 4602, 4602\u00a010 and 4602\u00a010\u00a091. The essential character of these articles is conferred by the woven osier. 4. Portable radio transmitters-receivers, of the walkie-talkie type, of plastics, whether or not incorporating a morse system, of a maximum power output not exceeding 5 milliwatts ERP (effective radiated power), battery-operated, and containing neither noise supressors, channel selectors or voltmeters. 9503\u00a090\u00a031\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, as well as the texts of CN codes 9503, 9503\u00a090 and 9503\u00a090\u00a031. These apparatus cannot be classified under CN code 8525\u00a020\u00a090 because they do not have a power output greater than 5 milliwatts ERP and do not incorporate either noise supressors, channel selectors or voltmeters, they must be classified as toys. 5. Bird's nest-shaped articles consisting of tressed osier canes, decorated with six chickens, artificial flowers and artificial leaves. (See photograph case No 5)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9505\u00a090\u00a000\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, as well as the texts of CN codes 9505, 9505\u00a090 and 9505\u00a090\u00a000, as it consists of a decorative article; the presence of chickens clearly links it to the Easter festivities. (1)\u00a0\u00a0The photographs are purely for information"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/290b2a9a-32a7-4ca9-83ce-c9ee70c57895", "title": "91/117/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "agreement (EU),cooperation agreement,economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:31991D0117", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agreement (EU)", "cooperation agreement", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/290b2a9a-32a7-4ca9-83ce-c9ee70c57895", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f2a56ebb-778a-494a-ae68-e9a430ebb035", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 455/91 of 25 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3275/90 opening and providing for the administration of Community tariff quotas bound in GATT for certain agricultural and industrial products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "GATT,industrial product,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:31991R0455,oj:JOL_1991_054_R_0001_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["GATT", "industrial product", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f2a56ebb-778a-494a-ae68-e9a430ebb035", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c74de0a5-7f1e-4d4c-b091-1dccfcd0c12e", "title": "91/105/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Tunisia laying down the arrangements applicable from 1 January 1991 to imports into the Community of untreated olive oil originating in Tunisia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Tunisia,import policy,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:31991D0105", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Tunisia", "import policy", "olive oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c74de0a5-7f1e-4d4c-b091-1dccfcd0c12e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc12a99f-340c-4a80-a8bc-bdc46eb46df4", "title": "91/116/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 setting up the European Advisory Committee on statistical information in the economic and social spheres", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "EU statistics,advisory committee (EU),economic statistics,social survey", "workIds": "celex:31991D0116,oj:JOL_1991_059_R_0021_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU statistics", "advisory committee (EU)", "economic statistics", "social survey"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc12a99f-340c-4a80-a8bc-bdc46eb46df4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e53a8141-7f6a-45ad-915b-cb48570b4a9a", "title": "Bulletin of the European Communities. No 10/1990, Volume 23.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Secretariat-General", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "ECSC,EU activity,EU policy,EU publication,European Community,common strategy,customs union,deepening of the European Union,enlargement of the Union,international relations,serial publication", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CBAA90010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "EU activity", "EU policy", "EU publication", "European Community", "common strategy", "customs union", "deepening of the European Union", "enlargement of the Union", "international relations", "serial publication"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e53a8141-7f6a-45ad-915b-cb48570b4a9a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0e902bd3-b1f3-467f-b42f-a99e9a3b44df", "title": "DRAFT COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMUNITY SURVEY OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "EU statistics,Eurostat,confidentiality,industrial production,production statistics", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0056,comnat:COM_1991_0056_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU statistics", "Eurostat", "confidentiality", "industrial production", "production statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0e902bd3-b1f3-467f-b42f-a99e9a3b44df", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 56 final \n\nBrussels/ 25 February 1991 \n\nDraft \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the establishment of a Community survey \n\nof industrial production \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The production statistics compiled by the Member States are very useful in providing \na highly detailed picture of the industrial apparatus and especially of its competitive \nposition, but the diversity of statistical methods used by each Member State means \nthat the Community is unable to derive any benefit from the surveys carried out at \nnational level. In the run-up to the large internal market in 1993, business statistics must be \nprepared to produce European-level results with the same degree of accuracy and \nreliability as the best national statistics. This will necessarily involve harmonization \nof methodologies and adaptation of national surveys to the European dimension. That is the aim of the system proposed by the Commission through the creation of a \nEuropean survey of industrial production. This system is designed to transform the \nsurveys carried out \nin the Member States by standardizing their product \nclassifications and laying down conventions and constraints that will ensure high-\nquality Community statistics. Nevertheless, far from ruling out the possibility of \nnational results, it will enhance their value by placing them in the context of Europe \nas a whole. The common classification for the national surveys of industrial production will be \nbased on the Community external trade classification, the Combined Nomenclature. This will enable the production statistics to be compared easily with the external \ntrade statistics and will considerably facilitate market studies and the calculation of \ndomestic consumption. The information to be gained from the introduction of this system should not result \nin an increased survey burden on firms. It is therefore planned to set survey \nthresholds that take account of the national structure of industry so as to ensure a \nsatisfactory degree of representativeness without having to survey the smallest firms; \nit will seldom be necessary to go below the 20-employee limit. Like the industrial situation to which it relates, the system is not static: it introduces \nan annual information system in terms of both volume and value on the basis of \nwhich extensions may be authorized in order to meet specific requirements of \nCommunity policy or surveillance of sensitive products. The reference to Council Regulation (Euratom/EEC) No 1588/90 of 11 June 1990 \nauthorizing the transmission to the Statistical Office of the European Communities of \ndata subject to statistical confidentiality will make it possible to produce at \nCommunity level statistics that were hitherto regarded as being out of the question. Nevertheless, any publication of such data will be subject to the supervision of the \ncommittee responsible for implementing this new Regulation in order to ensure that \ndata which might be detrimental to the interests of the Community are not divulged. The creation of these European statistics of industrial production meets a need \nwidely felt by the European Federations of Branches of Industry, the Commission \nand the National Statistical Offices. They constitute the cornerstone of an \ninformation system whose development forms a logical part of the gradual build-up \nof a system of European business statistics. - 3 -\n\nDraft \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the establishment of a Community survey \n\nof industrial production \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in \n\nparticular Article 213 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the draft Regulation submitted by the Commission, \n\nWhereas in order to carry out the tasks devolving on it from the Treaties, especially with \n\nthe prospect of the internal market as provided for under Article 8a of the Treaty \n\nestablishing the European Economic Community, the Commission must have full, up-to-\n\ndate and reliable information on industrial production in the Community; \n\nWhereas companies need such information in order to know their markets and the \n\ninternational dimension of these markets will favour an alignment between production \n\nstatistics and external trade statistics; \n\nWhereas if production statistics are to be useful and make such alignment practicable, they \n\nmust be drawn up at a level of detail which is close to the first six digits of the Combined \n\nNomenclature (which also corresponds to the coding used in the Harmonized System); \n\nWhereas the Combined Nomenclature is a product nomenclature with which companies are \n\nalready familiar, and it will be to their benefit to make reference to this, instead of a newly \n\ncreated classification specific to production activities; \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nWhereas it is only if the Member States use survey classification systems derived from the \n\nsame product list that standardized statistics can be drawn up with reliability, speed, \n\nf l e x i b i l i ty and the level of detail required to manage the internal market; \n\nWhereas in order to meet particular national requirements, Member States may retain or \n\nenter in their national nomenclatures items to supplement the Community product \n\nl i s t, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nGeneral \n\nMember \n\nStates shall carry out a Community statistical survey of industrial production. Article 2 \n\nSurvey field and characteristics \n\n(1) The field of production covered by the survey provided for in Article 1 \n\nshall be that of the activities listed in sections C, D and E of NACE \n\nRev. 1 as established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3037/90 (1). (2) The production recorded by the survey in this field shall be defined \n\nby the list of products, hereinafter referred to as \"PR0DC0M list1' \n\nThe elements of this list shall be built up, in principle, with \n\narticles or groups of articles from the Combined Nomenclature. The PR0DC0M list and the procedures shall be laid down by the Commission \n\nafter consulting the Committee referred to in Article 9 and in accordance \n\nwith the procedure laid down in Article 10. The same procedure shall be \n\nfollowed for updating the PR0DC0M list. (3) The survey shall cover the following information for each product: \n\na) Unless stated otherwise under paragraph 4, the volume of production \n\nsold during the survey period; \n\nb) The value of production sold during the survey period/ \n\n\f- 6 -\n\n(4) \n\nIn the case of some products in the PRODCOM list , the information on volume of \n\nproduction referred to in paragraph 3(a) shall not be information on the \n\nproduction sold during the survey period but one of the following two \n\nvariables: \n\na) The volume of production actually carried out during the survey period, \n\nincluding any which is incorporated into the manufacture of other products from \n\nthe same enterprise; \n\nb) \n\nthe volume of production actually carried out during the survey period with a \n\nview to its being offered for sale. (5) \n\nThe survey in each Member State shall cover only that production actually carried \n\nout within the national territory and shall not include subcontracted production \n\noutside the national territory. Article 3 \n\nRepresentativeness \n\nThe production of all enterprises of the Community is to be recorded with a certain degree \n\nof accuracy for each NACE Rev. 1 class. The survey shall fulfil the following requirements: \n\n(1) \n\nThe data supplied shall represent the production of all enterprises which have 20 or \n\nmore employees; \n\n(2) \n\nif the production of enterprises which have 20 or more employees is less than 90% \n\nof the national production for one NACE Rev. 1 class, additional enterprises shall be \n\nincluded until this threshold \n\nis reached \n\nfor the class concerned; \n\n\f- 7 -\n\n(3) \n\nif the production of enterprises which have 20 or more employees is more than 90% \n\nof the national production for one NACE Rev. 1 class, a threshold higher than 20 \n\npersons employed may be used by the Member State concerned, where such an \n\nincrease in the threshold does not compromise the representation of 90% for the \n\nclass concerned. The survey methodology shall be improved to enable Community production to be valued \n\nsufficiently accurately. The appropriate measures shall be drawn up by the Commission \n\nfollowing consultation with the Committee referred to in Article 9, in accordance \n\nwith the procedure specified in Article 10. Article 4 \n\nPeriodicity \n\nThe survey shall cover a period of one calendar year. However, monthly or quarterly surveys may be carried out for certain products in the \n\nPRODCOM list. Article 5 \n\nCollection of data \n\n(1) Member \n\nStates \n\nshall collect the required data using survey questionnaires. The \n\nCommission shall lay down the relevant arrangements. (2) \n\nThe enterprises called upon by Member States to supply information shall be \n\nobliged to give honest and complete information within the prescribed periods. - 8 -\n\n(3) \n\nThe \n\nsurvey \n\nmay \n\nnot \n\nbe \n\nrequisite \n\nif Member \n\nStates \n\nalready have information from other sources which is at least equivalent as regards \n\nprecision and quality. Article 6 \n\nProcessing of results \n\nMember States shall process the completed questionnaires (Article 5(1)) or \n\ninformation from other sources (Article 5 (3)) \n\nin accordance with specifications \n\nwhich the Commission shall lay down. Article 7 \n\nTransmission of results \n\n(1) Member \n\nStates \n\nshall send the results of the annual survey to the Statistical \n\nOffice of the European Communities within six months after the end of the survey \n\nyear. These shall include any data which are classed as confidential under national \n\nlegislation; these data should be clearly marked as such. The first survey shall cover 1993. (2) \n\nProduct data which have a periodicity shorter than annual shall be sent \n\nunder the procedure which the Commission shall \n\nlay down. (3) With the data for 1993 the Member States shall send information relating to 1992 \n\nusing national statistics which correspond as closely as possible to the PRODCOM \n\nlist. - 9 -\n\n(4) \n\nData transmitted to the Statistical Office of the European Communities \n\nshall be treated as confidential as required by Council Regulation \n\n(Euratom/EEC) No 1588/90 (2). Article 8 \n\nTransitional period \n\nArticles 1 to 7 shall be the subject of progressive implementing measures \n\nfor the surveys covering 1993 and 1994. Article 9 \n\nThe Committee \n\nThe procedures for implementing this Regulation, including the measures for adjustment to \n\ntechnical progress concerning the processing and the transmission of the results shall be laid \n\ndown by the Commission after consulting the Statistical Programme Committee set up by \n\nCouncil \n\nDecision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (3), in accordance with the procedure \n\nset out in Article 10. - 10 -\n\nArticle 10 \n\nProcedure \n\nThe representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures \n\nto be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time limit which \n\nthe chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a \n\nvote. The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member State shall have the \n\nright to ask to have its position recorded in the minutes. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the committee. It \n\nshall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken into account. Article 11 \n\nEntry into force \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of \n\nthe European Communities. - 11 -\n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\f- 12 -\n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \n\neN \n\nconcernant la mise en place d'une enqu\u00eate communautaire \nsur La production industrielle \n\nTI \n\nBudget : B5-60 Article : 85-60 1 \nTitre : Actions relatives aux programmes statistiques sectoriels pour \n\nl'accompagnement des politiques communautaires \n\n2l \n\nBase l\u00e9gale : Article 100 A du Trait\u00e9 instituant la Communaut\u00e9 \n\nEconomique Europ\u00e9enne. Classification : D\u00e9pense non obligatoire \n\n4. Description du projet : \n\n4. 1 Objectifs \n\n(a) harmoniser les statistiques de production sur te champs \n\nindustriel \n\n(b) produire une statistique europ\u00e9enne d\u00e9taill\u00e9e et rapide \n(c) rapprocher les statistiques de production des \n\nstatistiques de commerce ext\u00e9rieur \n\n4. 2 \n\nActions : \n\n(a) aider les Etats membres \u00e0 mettre en place tes \n\n\u00e9quipements n\u00e9cessaires \n\n(b) aider au d\u00e9marrage d'enqu\u00eates pilote. __ \n\nM\u00e9thode de calcuT \n\n5. 1 \n\nNature des d\u00e9penses : \n(1) frais d'envoi, de collecte, de traitement occasionn\u00e9s par des \n\nenqu\u00eates pilotes; \n\n(2) financement d'\u00e9quipement pour le traitement des donn\u00e9es. 5. 2 Part de la Coawission : 25 X \n\n5. 3 Calcul : \n\nenqu\u00eates pilotes : \n: \n\u00e9quipements \n\n1 Million d'\u00e9cus \n4 Millions d'\u00e9cus \n\n6. laplication financi\u00e8re au regard des op\u00e9rations \n\n6. 1 \n\nCalendrier \n\n1991 \n1992 \n1993 \n1994 \n\nTotal \n\nCr\u00e9dits \nengag\u00e9s \n\nCr\u00e9dits \nd\u00e9pens\u00e9s \n\n1,7 \n1,2 \n\n5,0 \n\n2,1 \n1,0 \n0,2 \n\n5,0 \n\n6. 2 \n\nFinancement : \n\nAucun en 1990 \n\n77\" \n\nObservations \n\n(1) La Communaut\u00e9 apporte sa contribution en compl\u00e9ment \n\nd'un financement des Etats membres: co\u00fbt total de \nl'op\u00e9ration 20 Mecu \n\n(2) La Commission se r\u00e9serve le droit de r\u00e9affecter les \n\ncr\u00e9dits en fonction des priorit\u00e9s de l'exercice en \ncours. - 13 -\n\nImpact on SMEs of the PRODCOM Regulation. 1. Administrative obligations on enterprises resulting from the application of legislation. The aim of the Regulation is to widen the interest of statistics already collected by the \nMember States, without increasing the survey burden on enterprises, by producing annual \nEuropean industrial statistics. The regulation breaks new ground by harmonizing survey methods, especially \nclassifications. Each country's survey classification will be based on a common model, \nitself based on the Combined Nomenclature, the Community's nomenclature for external \ntrade. The national survey classifications will therefore be largely harmonized with the \nCombined Nomenclature. All industrial enterprises are concerned by these statistics, but experience in the \nCommunity's advanced countries has led to the survey being limited as far as possible to \nenterprises with at least 20 employees. 2. Advantages for enterprises. The European dimension of the results produced by the new survey system is a major \nadvantage for enterprises : instead of juxtaposing incomplete national statistics that are \ndifficult to compare, the new system will produce the fullest statistics at European level, if \nnot at the level of individual Member countries. All the enterprises interviewed in the Community will provide data on the same list of \nproducts and, thanks to the new Council Regulation authorizing the forwarding of \nconfidential data to Eurostat, areas of secrecy will be kept to a minimum. In this way it will at last be possible to have statistics for a number of industrial products \nwhich were formerly excluded by national constraints. And these statistics will lead directly to market statistics, because the survey classifications \nare based on the Combined Nomenclature. Enterprises will therefore be able to gain access to an unprecedented amount of \ninformation on their markets without having to call upon the expensive services of \nspecialized firms. The professionals are in no doubt as to the utility of these new statistics for enterprises. The utility will be further enhanced by the short deadline imposed on Member countries \nfor producing the results. - 14 -\n\n3. Disavantages for enterprises. It should be remembered, firstly, that these statistics will not concern the great majority of \nenterprises with fewer than 20 employees. \u00bb \n\nFor the remaining minority, there may be difficulties stemming from the level of detail or \nthe nature of the data required and the frequency of interrogation, especially in the less \nadvanced countries where enterprises are not so used to developed statistics. Since the statistics will be annual, the periodicity cannot be called into question. As \nregards the survey classification, which lays down the detail and nature of the data, \nenterprises will be spared the task of learning a new classification since the Combined \nNomenclature will be used. It should be added that entei prises will find it simpler to provide replies the more reduced \nor concentrated their activities (the case of \"small and medium-sized enterprises'*) and that \nthe largest enterprises are sufficiently well organized to reply in the level of detail \ncorresponding to the diversity of their markets. As regards data collection, the European dimension will help develop computerized data \nforwarding techniques. 4. Have the two sides of industry been consulted in advance? \n\nThere have been systematic consultations with European Federations of industrial \nbranches, as least with those existence was known through national statistical offices and \nCommission departments. Over 200 federations were involved. These consultations played \nan essential role in tailoring the survey system to provide market information. In addition, each national statistical office was able to extend consultations to other types \nof partner through the organizations on the Member countries normally responsible for \nnational consultations in statistical matters. S?' \n\n|\u00ee \n\nEN \n\nij< \n* !r :'t \n\n- 15 -\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 56 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nio \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-077-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69517-X \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages; 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Officiai Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d8e7d88-883e-4815-aedb-b20a6291422e", "title": "Convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Albania,Austria,Belarus,Belgium,Bulgaria,Canada,Czechoslovakia,Denmark,European Union,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Russia,Spain,Sweden,Ukraine,United Kingdom,United States", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "UN convention,degradation of the environment,ecology,environmental cooperation,environmental impact,environmental protection,impact study,transfrontier pollution", "workIds": "celex:21992A0424(04),oj:JOC_1992_104_R_0007_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["UN convention", "degradation of the environment", "ecology", "environmental cooperation", "environmental impact", "environmental protection", "impact study", "transfrontier pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d8e7d88-883e-4815-aedb-b20a6291422e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b7f57035-2baf-43f9-b9e3-2d85decd7d5d", "title": "Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Tunisia laying down the arrangements applicable from 1 January 1991 to imports into the Community of untreated olive oil originating in Tunisia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Tunisia", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Tunisia,import policy,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:21991A0302(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Tunisia", "import policy", "olive oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b7f57035-2baf-43f9-b9e3-2d85decd7d5d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2a4a9e2-b964-40fb-b919-63d6fdf4a4a4", "title": "91/118/EEC: Council Decision of 25 February 1991 concerning the conclusion of a Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on a European Stimulation Plan for Economic Science (SPES)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-25", "subjects": "Finland,agreement (EU),economics,research programme", "workIds": "celex:31991D0118", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Finland", "agreement (EU)", "economics", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2a4a9e2-b964-40fb-b919-63d6fdf4a4a4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1497f64a-bc94-42db-b07c-9db531f27f8a", "title": "RESOLUTION on the Commission programme for 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Democratic Group,European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "EU policy,EU relations,European Commission,action programme,energy policy,environmental protection,free movement of persons,institutional reform,reform of the CAP,research policy,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0071", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "EU relations", "European Commission", "action programme", "energy policy", "environmental protection", "free movement of persons", "institutional reform", "reform of the CAP", "research policy", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1497f64a-bc94-42db-b07c-9db531f27f8a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8903099-530d-4514-9695-37dce580e44c", "title": "RESOLUTION on the principle of equivalence of conditions governing imports and exports between the European Community and third countries with regard to products which are harmful to health and to the environment", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "agricultural product,dangerous substance,export (EU),extra-EU trade,health control,import (EU),marketing", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural product", "dangerous substance", "export (EU)", "extra-EU trade", "health control", "import (EU)", "marketing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8903099-530d-4514-9695-37dce580e44c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d95952d-976a-4499-b0e3-e4405f0d7e7c", "title": "RESOLUTION on the footwear industry", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on External Economic Relations,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "competition,competitiveness,export aid,footwear industry,industrial restructuring,protectionism,restriction on competition,single market", "workIds": "celex:51990IP0276", "eurovoc_concepts": ["competition", "competitiveness", "export aid", "footwear industry", "industrial restructuring", "protectionism", "restriction on competition", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d95952d-976a-4499-b0e3-e4405f0d7e7c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb17ac36-5a01-4d42-8a7e-57ec8c6151a1", "title": "RESOLUTION on the legal basis of the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a directive amending Directive 75/442/EEC on waste", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "clean technology,legal basis,storage,waste,waste disposal,waste management,waste recycling", "workIds": "celex:51990AP0307", "eurovoc_concepts": ["clean technology", "legal basis", "storage", "waste", "waste disposal", "waste management", "waste recycling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb17ac36-5a01-4d42-8a7e-57ec8c6151a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c308dc08-aef9-44d8-aa94-830addb3dbf1", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission for a Council directive on the implementation of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Economic Community concerning direct insurance other than life assurance", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgetary Control,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "Community budget,ECSC loan,EU borrowing,Economic and Monetary Union,Euratom loan,New Community Instrument", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0002", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "ECSC loan", "EU borrowing", "Economic and Monetary Union", "Euratom loan", "New Community Instrument"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/19651987-71c2-485a-8d35-e2872f727e25", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea235b68-5c2d-4aa4-837a-7f2f6e3abf14", "title": "RESOLUTION on the Commission' s work programme for 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Women\u2019s Rights and Gender Equality,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "EU policy,European Commission,equal treatment,gender equality,international meeting,position of women,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0129", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "European Commission", "equal treatment", "gender equality", "international meeting", "position of women", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea235b68-5c2d-4aa4-837a-7f2f6e3abf14", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59b8eaa0-89f2-4798-b206-c27b18931dd4", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation on the checks and penalties applicable under the common agricultural and fisheries policies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgetary Control,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "common agricultural policy,common fisheries policy,fraud,free service,sanction (EU)", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common agricultural policy", "common fisheries policy", "fraud", "free service", "sanction (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59b8eaa0-89f2-4798-b206-c27b18931dd4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6361644b-65cd-4caf-8035-63908b59e155", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the Commission proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion by the European Economic Community of an agreement on trade and commercial and economic cooperation between the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community and Romania", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on External Economic Relations,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "EAEC,Romania,cooperation agreement,economic cooperation,trade cooperation", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0021", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAEC", "Romania", "cooperation agreement", "economic cooperation", "trade cooperation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6361644b-65cd-4caf-8035-63908b59e155", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/271ec355-fcba-4a03-9669-88ea31d995bc", "title": "RESOLUTION on the harmonization of policies on entry to the territories of the EC Member States with a view to the free movement of persons (Article 8a of the EEC Treaty) and the drawing up of an intergovernmental Convention among the 12 Member States of the EC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "European Parliament,free movement of persons,interinstitutional relations,political asylum,residence permit,single market,terms for aid", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0079", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Parliament", "free movement of persons", "interinstitutional relations", "political asylum", "residence permit", "single market", "terms for aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/271ec355-fcba-4a03-9669-88ea31d995bc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c0be21d-402d-42da-8554-f35596f1fabc", "title": "RESOLUTION on the Seventh Annual Report to the European Parliament on Commission monitoring of the application of Community law - 1989", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "action for failure to fulfil an obligation,application of EU law,free service,interparliamentary relations,judgment of the Court (EU)", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action for failure to fulfil an obligation", "application of EU law", "free service", "interparliamentary relations", "judgment of the Court (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c0be21d-402d-42da-8554-f35596f1fabc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b58d409-7e1f-4124-a667-68c57c5a4bc3", "title": "NOTICE - COMMON POSITION ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COOPERATION PROCEDURE LAID DOWN IN ARTICLE 149 ( 2 ) OF THE EEC TREATY: PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF THE LIFE SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#position_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "COST,EU research policy,applied research,research programme,scientific research", "workIds": "celex:51991AG0222(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["COST", "EU research policy", "applied research", "research programme", "scientific research"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b58d409-7e1f-4124-a667-68c57c5a4bc3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4868b556-1f0d-4099-90a5-b442818ee936", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission for a Council regulation laying down particular provisions for the application of Articles 36 and 37a of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation on direct insurance other than life assurance", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "Switzerland,insurance,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0017(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Switzerland", "insurance", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4868b556-1f0d-4099-90a5-b442818ee936", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f666f493-15b8-4b69-9e56-31cb35483cb9", "title": "RESOLUTION on relations between the European Community and Albania", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Political Affairs Committee", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "Albania,EU relations,democratisation,human rights,multiparty system,national election,political prisoner", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Albania", "EU relations", "democratisation", "human rights", "multiparty system", "national election", "political prisoner"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f666f493-15b8-4b69-9e56-31cb35483cb9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03274aa8-02f7-4026-b695-e48a979b190f", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION AUTHORIZING THE AUTOMATIC RENEWAL OR MAINTENANCE IN FORCE OF PROVISIONS GOVERNING MATTERS COVERED BY THE COMMON COMMERCIAL POLICY CONTAINED IN THE FRIENDSHIP, TRADE AND NAVIGATION TREATIES AND SIMILAR AGREEMENTS CONCLUDED BETWEEN MEMBER STATES AND THIRD COUNTRIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "common commercial policy,extra-EU trade,international agreement,third country,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0060,comnat:COM_1991_0060_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common commercial policy", "extra-EU trade", "international agreement", "third country", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03274aa8-02f7-4026-b695-e48a979b190f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMWRJNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 60 \n\nf i n al \n\nBrussels, 22 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\na u t h o r i z i ng \n\nt he a u t o m a t ic \n\nr e n e w al or m a i n t e n a n ce \n\nin \n\nf o r ce \n\nof p r o v i s i o ns g o v e r n i ng m a t t e rs c o v e r ed by \n\nt he \n\ncommon c o m m e r c i al p o l i cy c o n t a i n ed \n\nin \n\nt he \n\nf r i e n d s h i p, \n\nt r a de and n a v i g a t i on \n\nt r e a t i es \n\nand s i m i l ar a g r e e m e n ts c o n c l u d ed b e t w e en \n\nMember S t a t es and \n\nt h i rd c o u n t r i es \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nPursuant to Article 3 of the Counoll Decision of 16 December 1969 \non the progressive standardization of agreements concerning \ncommercial relations between Member States and third oountries \nand on negotiation of Community agreements, CD the Commission is \nproposing to the Counoll that the Member States be authorized to \nextend expressly or tacitly, provisions governing matters covered \nby the common commercial policy contained in the friendship, \ntrade and navigation treaties and similar agreements annexed to \nthe attached proposal for a Council decision in so far as their \nprovisions are not contrary to existing common policies. The prior consultation specified in Artiole 2 of the Decision was \nexecuted by written procedure. The outcome was the recognition on \n22. 1. 1991 that the conditions under which this extension can be \nauthorized for a further year had been fulfilled. The Commission finds that the extension of the agreements has no \nimplications for SMEs or for employment. The Treaty between Spain and Andorra is not included in the list \nsince it has been replaoed by an agreement in the form of an \nexchange of lettres between the CEC and the Principality of \nAndorra with effect from the 1. 1. 1991 (OJ L 374 of 31. 12. 1990). list still \n\nThe \ncertain agreements with EFTA \ncountries which, in accordance with the understanding reached \nwithin the Working Party on EPTA, should be revised by the Member \nStates concerned \n\nincludes \n\nThe Member States ooncerned has informed the Commission that the \nreview of these agreements will soon be oompleted, but that there \nIs not enough time remaining before expiry to finalize the \nupdating. The Commission therefore oonsiders that a further \nextension of these agreements is required. The Commission would also point out that the proposals \nauthorizing the Member States to renew or extend certain \nagreements in this batoh for a further year in no way prejudice \nits position the next time these agreements come up for renewal. Cl) OJ L 326, 29. 12. 1969, p. 39. COUNCIL DECISION \n\nof \n\na u t h o r i z i ng \n\nt he a u t o m a t ic \n\nr e n e w al or m a i n t e n a n ce \n\nin \n\nf o r ce \n\nof p r o v i s i o ns g o v e r n i ng m a t t e rs c o v e r ed by \n\nt he \n\ncommon c o m m e r c i al p o l i cy c o n t a i n ed \n\nin \n\nt he \n\nf r i e n d s h i p, \n\nt r a de and n a v i g a t i on \n\nt r e a t i es \n\nand s i m i l ar a g r e e m e n ts c o n c l u d ed b e t w e en \n\nMember S t a t es and \n\nt h i rd \n\nc o u n t r i es \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard \n\nto t he Treaty e s t a b l i s h i ng \n\nt he European Economic Community, \n\nand in p a r t i c u l ar A r t i c le 113 t h e r e o f. Having r e g a rd to Council Decision 69/494/EEC of 16 December 1969 on the \n\np r o g r e s s i ve s t a n d a r d i z a t i on of agreements concerning commercial \n\nr e l a t i o ns \n\nbetween Member S t a t es and t h i rd c o u n t r i es and on the n e g o t i a t i on of \n\nCommunity agreements \n\n, and in p a r t i c u l ar A r t i c le 3 t h e r e o f. Having regard to t he proposal from t he Commission, \n\n( 1) OJ No L 326, 29. 12. 1969, p. 39. ~ 1 - \n\n|| \n& I \n\n\fWhereas the automatic renewal or continuance in force of the friendship, \n\ntrade and navigation treaties and similar agreements concluded by Member \n\nStates was last authorized by Decision 90/61/EEC \n\n; \n\nWhereas the Member States concerned have again requested authorization for \n\nthe automatic renewal or continuance in force of provisions governing \n\nmatters covered by the common commercial policy within the meaning of \n\nArticle 113 of the Treaty and contained in the friendship, trade and \n\nnavigation treaties and similar agreements listed in the Annex, in order to \n\navoid interrupting their commercial relations with the third countries \n\nconcerned as are based on such agreements; \n\nWhereas, however, most of the matters covered by these provisions of \n\nnational treaties and agreements will in future be governed by Community \n\nagreements; whereas, in that case, authorization should be given only in \n\nrespect of those matters not covered by Community agreements; whereas, in \n\naddition, such authorization does not absolve the Member States from the \n\nobligation of avoiding and, where appropriate, eliminating any \n\nincompatibility between such treaties and agreements and the provisions of \n\nCommunity law; \n\n(1) OJ No L 42, 16. 2. 1990, p. 59 \n\n- 2 -\n\n\fWhereas the provisions of the treaties and agreements to be automatically \n\nrenewed or maintained in force must not, furthermore, during the period \n\nunder consideration, constitute an obstacle to the implementation of the \n\ncommon commercial policy; \n\nWhereas the Member States concerned have stated that the automatic renewal \n\nor continuance in force of these treaties and agreements should not be such \n\nas to constitute an obstacle to the opening of Community commercial \n\nnegotiations with the relevant third countries or the transfer of the \n\ncommercial fields covered by current bilateral agreements to Community \n\nagreements; \n\nWhereas, at the conclusion of the consultation provided for in Article 2 of \n\nDecision 69/494/EEC, it was established, as the aforesaid statements by the \n\nMember States confirm, that the provisions of the relevant treaties and \n\nbilateral agreements will not, during the period under consideration, \n\nconstitute an obstacle to the implementation of the common commercial \n\npolicy; \n\n- 3 -\n\n\fWhereas, nevertheless, the Member States concerned have stated that they \n\nwould be willing to adapt and, if necessary, terminate those treaties and \n\nagreements should it be found, during the period under consideration, that \n\nthe automatic renewal or continuance in force of the provisions thereof \n\nrelating to matters covered by Article 113 of the Treaty hinder the \n\nimplementation of the common commercial policy; \n\nWhereas the treaties and agreements involved contain termination clauses \n\nrequiring a period of notice of between three and twelve months; \n\nWhereas, therefore, there is no reason for not authorizing the automatic \n\nrenewal or continuance in force, until 31 December 1992 of the provisions \n\nin question, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe provisions governing matters covered by the common commercial policy \n\nwithin the meaning of Article 113 of the Treaty and contained in the \n\nfriendship, trade and navigation treaties and similar agreements listed in \n\nthe Annex hereto may be automatically renewed or maintained in force until \n\n31 December 1992 as regards those areas not covered by agreements between \n\nthe Community and the third countries concerned insofar as their provisions \n\nare not contrary to existing common policies. - 4 -\n\n\fArticle 2 \n\nThis Decision is addressed to the Member States \n\nDone at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n(s. ) \n\n- 5 -\n\n\fANEXO \u2014 BILAC \u2014 ANHANC \u2014 UAPAPTHMA \u2014 ANNEX \u2014 ANNEXE \u2014 ALLECATO \u2014 HI J LACE \u2014 ANEXO \n\nEstado micmbro \nMedlemsstat \nMitgliedstaat \nKp\u00e2to\u00e7 y\u00a3Xo\u00e7 \nMember State \n\u00c9tat membre \nState* membro \nLid-Suat \nEstado-membro \n\nPais tercero \nTredjeland \nDrittland \nTpin\\ xw\u00bb*1 \nThird country \nPays tiers \nPaese terzo \nDerde land \nPais terceiro \n\nNaturalcza del Acuerdo \nAftalcns an \nArt des Abkommcns \n\\xn\\ ny; m4ii|Mi\u00bbvia{ \nType of Agreement \nNature de l'accord \nNatura dell'accordo \nAard van de ovcrcenkonui \nNature\u00bb do acordo \n\n( I) \n\n(2) \n\n0) \n\nBELGIQUE/BELGI\u00cb \n\nEI Salvador \n\nConvention commerciale / Hundclsovvrccnkomst \n\n\u00c9tats-Unis / Verenigde \nStaten \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vriend-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\nEthiopie / Ethiopie \n\nTrait\u00e9 / Verdrag \n\nHonduras \n\nLiberia \n\nMaroc / Marokko \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vriend-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\nD\u00e9claration compl\u00e9mentaire / Annvullende verklaring \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vriend-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vriend-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\nFecha del Acuerdo \nAftalcns dalo \nZeitpunkt des \nAbkommens \nHux4X>(iifvia nj\u00e7 \n\nDate of the Agreement \nDate de l'accord \nDntu dell'accordo \nDatum van de \novercvnkomst \nData do acordo \n\n(4) \n\n21. 3. 1906 \n\n21. 2. 1961 \n\n6. 9. 1906 \n\n25. 3. 1909 \n\n30. 8. 1909 \n\n1. 5. 1885 \n\n4. 1. 1862 \n\nNorv\u00e8ge / Noorwegen \n\nTrait\u00e9 de commerce et de navigation \nschecpvaartverdrag \n\n/ Handels- en \n\n27. 6. 1910 \n\nR\u00e9publique Dominicaine / \nDominicaanse Republick \n\nTraite d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vricnd-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\n21. 8. 1884 \n\nVenezuela \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vricnd-\nschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \n\n1. 3. 1884 \n\nBENELUX \n\nParaguay \n\nAccord de commerce et de navigation 1 Handels- en \nscheepvaartakkoord \n\nUnion sovi\u00e9tique / USSR \n\nTrait\u00e9 de commerce / Handclsverdrag \n\nDANMARK \n\nBolivia \n\nBrasilien \n\nBulgarien \n\nBurma \n\nChile \n\nColumbia \n\nCosta Rica \n\nDen Arabiske Republik \nEgypten \n\nDen Dominikanske \nRepublik \n\nHatulelstraktat \n\nMidlcrtidig aftale om mestbcgunstigclscsklnusul \n\nOrdning vedrerende den gensidige anvcndelse af mestbe-\ngunstigelsesklausul (breweksling) \n\nNotcveksling vedrerende mcstbcgunstigclscsklausul \n\nHandels- og sefartstraktat \n\nHandels- og sefartstraktat \n\nHandels- og sefartstraktat \n\nMidlcrtidig handclsaftale \n\nVenskabs-, handels- og sefartstraktut \n\nDe Forenede Stater \n\nHandels- og sefartstraktat \n\nEl Salvador \n\nGuatemala \n\nHaiti \n\nIran \n\nHandels- og sefartstraktat \n\nHandels- og set'artstraktat \n\nHandelstraktat \n\nVenskabs-, ctablcrings- og handelstraktat \n\n13. 8. 1963 \n\n14. 7. 1971 \n\n9. I I. 1931 \n\n30. 7. 1936 \n\n27. 7. / 5. 8. 1921 \n\n29. 4. !948og \n17. 4. 1950 \n\n4. 2. 1891) \n\n21. 6. 1923 \n\n26. 9. 1956 \nn. S. 1930 \n\n26. 7. 1852 \n\n1. 10. 1951 \n\n9. 7. 1958 \n\n4. 3. 1948 \n\n21. 10. 1937 \n\n20. 2. 1934 \n\n\f(1) \n\n(2) \n\n(\u2022\u00bb) \n\nDANMARK \n(fort sat) \n\nDEUTSCHLAND \n\nEAAAA. A \n\nIsrael \n\nJapan \nJugoslavien \nLiberia \nParaguay \nPeru \nPolen \nRumsenien \nSovjetunioncn \nThailand \n\nTjfkkoslovukiff \n\nTyrkiet \nUngarn \nUruguay \nZaire \n0strig \n\nForelebig aftale (modus vivendt) om mestbegunstigelses-\nklausul i alio sagcr om sefart og i alt vedrerende told, osv. Handels- og sefurtstraktat \nHandelsdeklaration \nVenskabs-, handels- og sefartstraktat \nHandels- og sefartstraktat \nHandels- og sefartstraktat \nHandels- og sefartstraktat \nNotevcksling om handel og sefart \nHandels- og sefartstraktat \nVenskabs-, handels- og sefartstraktat \nNoteveksling \nNetevtkfling em handel \u00a9| \u00ab\u00abfun \nNoteveksling om varebehandling \nEtablerings-, handels- og sefartstraktat \nHandels- og sefartskonvention \nHandels- og sefartstraktat \nHandclskonvention \nHandelstraktat \n\nArabische Republik \nAgypten \nArgcntinien \nChile \nDominikanische \nRepublik \nEcuador \nEl Salvador \nIndien \n\nHandelsabkommcn (rntifizicrt) \n\nHandelsvcrtrag \nHandclsvertrag \nFreundschafts-, Handels- und Schiffahrtsvertrag \n\nHandelsvcrtrag \nAbkommcn Oner die Meistnrgflnstigung (r\u00bbtifiziert) \nHandelsabkommcn \n\nIran \nIsland \nJapan \nPakistan \nParaguay \n\nPeru \nSaudi-Arabicn \n\nTiirkei \nUdSSR \n\nUruguay \n\nVereinigte Staaten \n\nBouXyapia \nKnur. po\u00fbv \nKOnpo\u00e7 \nAiyunto\u00e7 \nHvoju. /:vc\u00e7 noXiTcir^ \nTT1\u00c7 AuCpHCf|\u00c7 \nIvftCn \nIp\u00e0v \nIopar|X \nlancavia \n\nHandels-, Zoll- und Schiffahrtsvertrag \nVorliiufiger Handels und Schiffahrt. svrrtrag \nHandels- und Schiffahrtsvertrag \nHandelsabkommcn (rntifizicrt) \nAbkommcn Ober die Mcistbeg\u00fbnstigung \n(ratifiziert) \nHandelsabkommcn (rntifizicrt) \nFrcundschaftsvcrtrag, bestiitigt und abgeiindert durch \nBriefwechscl \nHandelsvcrtrag \nAbkommcn tiber allgemcinc Fragcn des Handels und der \nSchiffahrt (ratifiziert) \nAbkommen iiber die Mcistbeg\u00fbnstigung \n(ratifiziert) \nFreundschafts-, Handels- und Schiffahrtsvertrag \n\nIuv9r)icT| tyinopUiu \nEu,jtopiicf| rruuvlrt \nE(. i7topticf] m/juptoviu \nnpoawptvi} i:u,nopiK*ii ait^tp\u0153via \nEuvflfjk-\u00bb| tpi/. irii;. qinopiou icat vautiXia\u00e7 \n\nIu|i(p\u00abi)vi\u00ab qtnopicm \n\n\u00a3\u00fbu6uar| iryicaTaoTr\u00efnao\u00e7. i^nopioo icai vauuAia\u00e7 \nl\u00f9uCaari i:u. noptnu \u00bbc\u00abt vau-riMa\u00e7 \nEuvOfjicn, \u00abpt/. tac;. tymoplou K*m vauti/. \u00eea^ \n\n(\u00ab) \n\n14. 11. 1952 \n\n12. 2. 1912 \n17. /30. 3. 1909 \n21. 5. 1860 \n\n3. 10. 22. 28. 17. 5. 9. 10. 26. 31. 14. 4. 23. 6. 5. 1967 \n6. 1957 \n3. 1924 \n8. 1930 \n8. 1946 \n11. 1937 \n3. 1972 \n4. 1925 \n8. 1929 \n5. 1930 \n3. 1887 \n3. 1953 \n2. 1885 \n4. 1928 \n\n21. 4. 1951 \n\n19. 9. 1857 \n2. 2. 1951 \n23. 12. 1957 \n\n1. 8. 1953 \n31. 10. 1952 \n19. 3. 1952 und \n31. 3. 1955 \n17. 2. 1929 \n19. 12. 1950 \n20. 7. 1927 \n4. 3. 1950 \n30. 7. 19J5 \n\n20. 26. 7. 1951 \n4. 1929 \n\n31. 3710. 7. 1952 \n27. 5. 1930 \n25. 4. 1958 \n\n18. 4. 1953 \n\n29. 10. 1954 \n\n9. 7. 1964 \n29. 10. 1962 \n23. 8. 1962 \n10. 4. 1926 \n3. 8. 1951 \n\n14. 2. 1958 \n\n9. I. 1931 \n22. 7. 1952 \n20. 5. 1899 \n\n\f0) \n\n(2) \n\n(3) \n\nEAAAAA \n(avv\u00e9xcia) \n\nESPANA \n\nFRANCE \n\nAi\u00f4avo\u00e7 \n\nAI6\u00d9T| \nriaKiat\u00e0v \nrtouytcooXaCia \n\nTicriva \nNiyripia \n\u00a3i\u00a3pa Ac\u00f4vc \nN ia Z\u00eeiXav\u00f4la \nT\u00c7an\u00e0\u00efKa \nTpiviT\u00e0vr icat \nToLin\u00e2yico \nIpt Aavica \nEISA \n\nBrasil \nCosta Rica \nEcuador \nGuatemala \nHonduras \nHungt\u00eea \n\nMexico \nPanama \nPeru \nUruguay \n\nAlbanie \nCanadn \nColombie \n\nCosta Rica \nCuba \nEquateur \nEl Salvador \n\u00c9tats-Unis \n\nHongrie \nIran \nLiberia \nLibye \nParaguay \nPologne \nR\u00e9publique Dominicaine \nRoumanie \nTch\u00e9coslovaquie \nTurquie \nUruguay \n\nVenezuela \nYougoslavie \n\nnpo\u00e7r. viicfi a\u00fbiA\u00d4acm, vcnm\u00c2. \u00eea. ;, cu. nopticujv icru aoxt-\nKtbv 6iKaio)u. \u00e0TO}V \nEnnopik-fj cnj|i. tpo)via \nEunopiicfj |i(ptovia \nOitcovou. ticf| auvcpyttcna tcai njinopiKtc avvcdXayi:/; \nEu,nupiicf| 0uu. <(xi)vUt \n\u00a3upu. 6aoT| r. u. nop[o\\i KUI vaimXia* \n\nCanje de Notas que r\u00e9gula el inrercambio comcrcial \nConvenio de cooperation econ\u00f4mica \nConvcnio de cooperaci\u00f4n econ\u00f4mica \nConvenio de cooperaci\u00f4n econ\u00f4mica \nConvenio de cooperaci\u00f4n econ\u00f4mica \nAcuerdo a largo plazo sobre intercambios comerciales. navegaci\u00f4n, transporte y desarrollo de la cooperaci\u00f4n \necon\u00f4mica, industrial y t\u00e9enica \nAcuerdo de cooperaci\u00f4n econ\u00f4mica y comercia! \nProtocolo de cooperaci\u00f4n econ\u00f4mica \nAcuerdo comcrcial \nTratado comcrcial sobre la concesi\u00f4n de la clausula de \nnaci\u00f4n mas favorecida \n\nTrait\u00e9 de commerce et de navigation \nConvention d'\u00e9tablissement et de navigation \nConvention relative \u00e0 l'\u00e9tablissement des nationaux, au \ncommerce et \u00e0 la navigation \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce \nConvention commerciale et protocole \nAccord commercial \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce \nConvention de navigation et de commerce modifi\u00e9e par \naccord \nConvention commerciale \nConvention d'\u00e9tablissement et de navigation \nTraite de commerce et de navigation \nConvention de coop\u00e9ration \u00e9conomique \nAccord commercial \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce et de navigation \nAccord commercial (') \nConvention de commerce et de navigation \nConvention commerciale \nConvention \u00eele commerce et de navigation \nConvention de commerce et de navigation \nProtocole additionnel \nAccord de commerce et de navigation \nConvention de commerce et de nnviuation \n\n6. 10. 1948 \n\n16. 3. 1957 \nI. 1963 \n17. 1. 10. I960 \n17. 12. 1974 \n2. II. 1927 \n13. II. 1926 \n13. II. 1926 \n13. 11. 1926 \n13. i l. 1926 \n17. 11. 1926 \n17. 11. 1926 \n\n26. II. 1926 \n11. 6. 1929 \n\n16. 5. 1962 \n\n29. 8. 1972 \n\n9. 5. 1974 \n\n31. 10. 1972 \n\n17. 10. 1972 \n\n8. 4. 1976 \n\n14. 10. 1977 \n\n15. 6. 1964 \n\n23. 5. 1953 \n\n24. 2. 1954 \n\n14. 12. 1963 \n\n12. 5. 1933 \n\n30. 5. 1892 \n\n30. 4. 1953 \n\n6. 11. 1929 \n\n20. 3. 1959 \n\n23. 3. 1953 \nl\"\\ -. 1919 \n\n13. 10. 1925 \n\n24. 6. 1964 \n\n17. 4. 1852 \n\n10. 8. 1955 \n\nI I. 9. 1956 \n\n22. 5. 1937 \n\n20. 27. i \n\n12. 1954 \n\n8. 1930 \n\n\"\". 1928 \n\n29. 8. 1929 \n\n4. 6. 1892 \n\n30. 12. 1953 \n\nlt>. 7. 1950 \n\n30. I. 1929 \n\n(') Reconduction autoris\u00e9e sous reserve d'une d\u00e9claration du jtuuvemcment fran\u00e7ais concernant les articles II et 1. 1 ivl. ml>. i l'oMipinon d'achat de tabac. (I) \n\n(2) \n\n(3) \n\nIRELAND \n\nArab Republic of Egypt \n\nBrazil \nCosta Rica \n\nGuatemala \n\nUnited States \nVietnam \n\nITALIA \n\nAfrica del Sud \n\nArgentina \n\nBulgaria \n\nCile \nCuba \n\nEcuador \n\nHaiti \n\nIran \n\nJugoslavia \nLibano \nLiberia \n\nNicaragua \nNuova Zelanda \nPanama \n\nPeru \nPolonia \nRomania \nStati Unit! \n\nSvizzera \n\nTurchia \nUngheria \n\nURSS \nUruguay \nVenezuela \n\nYemen \n\nExchange of notes in regard to commercial relations \nExchange of notes prolonging the provisional Commercial \nAgreement of 25/28. 7. 1930 \nExchange of notes in regard to commercial relations \nExchange of notes in regard to commercial relations \n\nExchange of notes in regard to commercial relations \n\nTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation \nExchange of notes in regard to commercial relations \n\nEstensionc del trattato con il Regno Unito all\u00e9 province \ndi: \nNatal \nTransvul \nOrange \nNota verbale \nConvcnzione commerciale \nProtocollo \nProtocollo addizionale \nConvcnzione sui pagamenti \nProtocollo sostitutivo del trattato di commercio c di navi-\ngazione (') \nTrattato di commercio e di navigazionc \nTrattato d'amicizia, di commercio e di navigazionc \nProtocollo addizionale \nTrattato d'amicizia, di commercio e di navigazione \nConvcnzione addizionale \nConvcnzione di commercio e di navigazione e scambi di \nnote \nTrattato di commercio, di stabilimento c di navigazione \nScambio di note \nConvcnzione di commercio e di navigazionc \nTrattato d'amicizia, di commercio e di navigazione \nTrattato d'nmii'i/. i. i. di commercio \u2022. \u2022 di navigazione \nDichiaraziune coiminc \nTrnttato d'amici/ia, di commercio e tli navigazionc \nScambio di note \nTrattato d'amicizia, di commercio e di navigazione, proto \ncollo e scambio di note \nTrattato di commercio e di navigazione e dichiarazione \nTrattato di commercio \nProtocollo doganalc (') \nTrattato d'amicizia, di commercio e di navigazione \nAccordo supplcmentare al trattato \nTrattato di commercio \nProtocolli \n\nTrattato di commercio e di navigazione e scambio di note \nTrattato di commercio e di navigazione \nProtocollo doganalc (') \nTrattato di commercio c di navigazione \nTrattato di commercio \nTrattato d'amicizia, di navigazionc e di commercio \nModus vivendi \nTrattato d'amicizia e di relazioni economiche \n\nw \n\n25/28. 7. 1930 \n27. 2. 1951 \n\n16. 10. 1931 \n2. 8. 1933 and \n2. 4. 1934 \n8. 2. and \n10. 4. 1930 \n21. 10. 1950 \nI. 12. 1964 \n\n10. 28. 13. 1. I. 31. 4. 4. 19. 12. 884 \n906 \n907 \n948 \n894 \n89S \n937 \n937 \n950 \n\n12. 7. 898 \n\n2V. 12. 12. 8. 26. 2. 14. 6. 903 \n900 \n911 \n954 \n\n26. 1. 9. 2. 31. 3. 15. 2. 23. 10. 24. II. IS. I. 24. II. 7. 10. 955 \n955 \n955 \n949 \n862 \n951 \n906 \n967 \n965 \n\n23. 12. 12. 5. 25. II. 2. 2. 26. 9. 27. 1. 28. II. I \n30. 12. 29. 12. 4. 7. 92 \n\n28. I I. 26. 19. 29. 4. 874 \n922 \n950 \n948 \n951 \n923 \n5 c \n933 \n936 \n928 \n950 \n948 \n947 \n861 \n939 \n937 \n\nLUXEMBOURG \n\n\u00c9tats-Unis \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, d'\u00e9tablissement et de navigation \n\n23. 2. 1962 \n\n(') Protocollo richiamato e riesaminato in occasione dcH'accordo commerciale cjuadro fra i due paesi. 3 \n\n\f(I) \n\n(2) \n\n(3) \n\nNEDERLAND \n\nAfghanistan \n\nArabische Republiek \nEgypte \nBolivia \nBrazili\u00eb \nBulgarije \nCanada \nColombia \nCosta Rica \nEl Salvador \nEthiopie \nGuatemala \nHa\u00efti \nHongarije \nIran \nJapan \nJemen \nJoegoslavi\u00eb \nLiberia \nMarokko \nMaskate \nMexico \nPolen \nRoemeni\u00eb \nTsjechoslowakije \nTurkije \nUruguay \n\nVenezuela \nVerenigde Staten \nZaire \n\nZuid-Afrika \n\nBulgaria \nChecoslovaquia \nCuba \nUnilo das Republicas \nSocialistas Sovi\u00e9ticas \n\nAfrique du Sud / Zuid-\nAfrika \nAlbanie / Albanie \nArgentine / Argentini\u00eb \nBolivie / Bolivia \n\nBr\u00e9sil / Brazili\u00eb \nBulgarie / Bulgarije \nCanada \nChili \n\nColombie / Colombia \n\nPORTUGAL \n\nUEBL/BLEU \n\nVricndschaps- en handclsverdrag \nVoorlopige handelsoverccnkomst \n\nHandclsverdrag \nVoorlopig handelsakkoord \nNotawisseling \nHandclsovcrecnkomst \nVricndschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nHandels- en scheepvaartoverecnkomst \nHandclsverdrag en briefwisseling \nOvcrcenkomst nopens de meestbegunstigingsclausulc \nHandelsvcrdrag \nHandclsverdrag en notawisseling \nHandelsovereenkomst \nVoorlopig handclsverdrag en briefwisseling \nHandels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nVricndschapsverdrag \nHandels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nVriendschaps-, handels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nHandels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nHandclsverdrag \nHandclsverdrag \nHandels- en schcepvaartverdrag \nHandclsschikking \nOvereenkomst \nNotawisseling \nHandels- en schecpvaartverdrag \nProtocol \nVerdrag betreffende de diplomatiekc betrekkingen \nVricndschaps-, handels- en schcepvaartverdrag \nOvereenkomst met de internationale Vereniging vnn de \nKongo \nVoorlopig akkoord nopens dc handelsbetrekkingcn en de \nschcepvaart \n\nAcordo de com\u00e9rcio a longo prazo \nAcordo de com\u00e9rcio a longo prazo \nAcordo de com\u00e9rcio a longo prazo \nAcordo de com\u00e9rcio \n\n(4) \n\n26. 7. 1939 \n\n17. 3. 1930 \n\n30. 5. 15. 3. 1/9. 3. I I. 1. 3. 13. 30. 12. 7. 9. 20. 6. 12. 28. 20. 12. 5. 18. 8. 27. I. 27. 5. 30. 8. 29. I. 20. II. 21. 29. I. 12. 6. I I. 5. 27. 3. 27. 12. 1929 \n\n1937 \n\n1922 \n1924 \n1829 \n1957 \n1956 \n1926 \n\n1926 \n1926 \n1924 \n1928 \n1912 \n1939 \n1930 \n1862 \n1858 \n1877 \n1950 \n1924 \n1930 \n1923 \n1929 \n1934 \n1953 \n1920 \n1956 \n1884 \n\n20. 2. 1935 \n\nII. 2. 1975 \nI. 3. 1975 \n13. 9. 1976 \n\n19. 12. 1974 \n\nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \n\n13. 7. 1937 \n\n/ Vriendschaps- en \n\n\u00c9change de lettres / Briefwisseling \nAccord provisoire / Voorlopig akkoord \nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9 et dc commerce \nhandclsverdrag \nAvenant au trait\u00e9 / Aanvullend protocol \nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \n\u00c9change de lettres / Briefwisseling \nConvention de commerce / Handelsovereenkomst \nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \n\u00c9change dc lettres portant application \u00e0 l'UEBL du trait\u00e9 \nconclu entre les Pays-Bas et la Colombie le 1\" mai 1829 / \nBriefwisseling van toepassing in dc BLEU voor het Verdrag \nnfgcslotcii tussen Ncderlnnd en Colombia van I mei 1829 \n\n19. 2. 1929 \n\n16. I. 1934 \n\n18. 4. 1912 \n\n10. 12. 1963 \nI. 1932 \n14. 8. 2. 1926 \n3. 7. 1924 \n27. 8. 1936 \n\n19 et/en \n22. 8. 1936 \n\ny\u00bb\u00b0 \n\n\f(1) \n\n(2) \n\n(3) \n\nUEBL/BLEU \n(suitc/vervolg) \n\nEquateur / Ecuador \n\nGuatemala \n\nHa\u00efti \nHongrie / Hongarije \nIran \n\nNouvelle-Z\u00e9lande / \nNieuw-Zeeland \nPologne / Polen \nRoumanie / Roemeni\u00eb \nSuisse / Zwitserland \nTch\u00e9coslovaquie / \nTsjechoslowakije \nUnion sovi\u00e9tique / USSR \n\nUruguay \nVi\u00eat-nam / Vietnam \n\nYemen / Jemen \nYougoslavie / Joegoslavi\u00eb \n\nUNITED KINGDOM \n\nAfghanistan \n\nArgentina \nBolivia \nBurma \n\nColombia \n\nCosta Rica \n\nCzechoslovakia \nHungary \nIran \n\nJapan \n\nLiberia \n\nMorocco \n\nTrait\u00e9 d'amiti\u00e9, de commerce et de navigation / Vriend \nschaps-, handels- en schcepvaartverdrag \n\n/ Handels- en \n\nAvenant au trait\u00e9 / Aanvullend protocol \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce et de navigation \nschcepvaartverdrag \nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \n\u00c9change de lettres / Briefwisseling \nConvention de commerce et de navigation / Handels- en \nscheepvaartovereenkomst \nAccord commercial provisoire par \u00e9change de lettres / \nVoorlopig handelsakkoord bij briefwisseling \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce / Handclsverdrag \nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce / Handelsverdrag \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce / Handelsverdrag \n\nConvention commerciale provisoire / Voorlopigc handels \novereenkomst \nAccord commercial provisoire / Voorlopig handelsakkoord \n\u00c9change de lettres portant sur le traitement de la nation la \nplus favoris\u00e9e dans le domaine tarifaire / Briefwisseling \nbetreffendc dc toepassing van de meestbcgunstigingsclau-\nsule op tarifair gebied \nConvention commerciale / Handelsovereenkomst \nTrait\u00e9 de commerce et dc navigation \nschcepvaartverdrag \n\n/ Handels- en \n\nTreaty of friendship and commerce \nTrade convention \nExchange of notes \nTreaty of amity, commerce and navigation \nTreaty of commerce \nTreaty regarding the recognition of Burmese indepen \ndence, and related matters, with exchange of notes \nExchange of notes regulating commercial \nrelations \npending the conclusion of a new Treaty of commerce and \nnavigation \nTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation \nProtocol applying the Treaty of certain parts of the Domi \nnions \nExchange of notes \nTreaty of friendship, commerce and navigation \nProtocol respecting the application of the Treaty to certain \nparts of the Dominions \nTreaty of commerce with declaration \nTreaty of commerce and navigation \nTreaty of peace and commerce \nCommercial convention \nAgreement modifying the commercial convention \nTreaty of commerce, establishment and navigation, with \nProtocols and exchanges of notes \nExchange of notes on voluntary export control \n\nTreaty of friendship and commerce \nAgreement modifying the Treaty of 21. II. 1848 \nGeneral treaty \n\nConvention of commerce and navigation \nExchange of notes, concerning the convention of 9. ! 2. 1856 \n\nH) \n\n5. 3. 1887 \n\n19. 10. 1937 \n\n7. 11. 1924 \n\n9. 7. 1936 \n\n30. 9. 1924 \n\n9. 5. 1929 \n\n5. 12. 1933 \n\n30. 12. 1922 \n\n28. 8. 1930 \n\n26. 8. 1929 \n\n28. 12. 1925 \n\n5. 9. 1935 \n\n22. 2. 1937 \n\n16 et/en \n20. I. 1956 \n\n7. 12. 1936 \n16. 12. 1926 \n\n22. 11. 1921 \n\n5. 6. 1923 \n6. 5. 1930 \n2. 2. 1825 \n1. 8. 1911 \n17. 10. 1947 \n\n24. 12. 1949 \n\n16. 2. 1866 \n20. 8. 1912 \n\n30. 12. 1938 \n27. II. 1849 \n\nIS. 8. 1913 \n\n7. 1923 \n7. 1926 \n3. 1857 \n2. 1903 \n\n14. 2. \\. 4. 9. 21. 14. II. 1962 \n\n3. 1920 \n\n14. II. 1962 \n\n21. II. 1848 \n\n23. 7. 1908 \n\nv. 12. 1856 \n\n9. 12. 1856 \n\nI. 3. 1957 \n\n \n\n\fyears and to the extent that \nships have been transferred to \nthird country registers, there \nhas been a severe loss of \nemployment for Community \nnat ionaIs \n\nWhereas the efforts to meet the \nproblem through national measures, \ninter alia the establishment of \nsecond national registers, to which \nmore favourable conditions are \nattached, tend to disperse the \neffects of the actions undertaken \nand risk a distortion of \ncompet i t ion; \n\nWhereas it is in the Community \ninterest to aim at a structural \ndevelopment of a fleet of \nvessels, registered in Member \nStates' registers but also \nidentifiable as ships serving \nCommunity needs, which comply \nwith the standards of the \nmaritime conventions, and whose \ncrew includes as a minimum a \nspecified number of trained \nseafarers from Member States; \n\nfleet flying Member' States \nflags has suffered a considerable \ndecline, and to the extent that \nships have been transferred to \nthird country registers, there \nhas been a severe loss of \nemployment for Community \nnationals; and as a result the \ninvisible earnings of the Member \nStates of the Community have \ndec Iined. Whereas the efforts to meet \nthe problem through national \nmeasures, either by the \nestablishment of second national \nregisters, to which more \nfavourable conditions are \nattached, or by granting \noperating subsidies or aid to \nrelated sectors, tend to disperse \nthe effects of the actions \nundertaken and risk a \ndistortion of competition; \n\nWhereas it is in the Community \ninterest to aim at a structural \ndevelopment of a fleet of vessels, \nregistered in Member States' \nregisters but also identifiable \nas Community vessels which meet \nthe standards laid down by \ninternational maritime conventions \nand to man these vessels, to the \nhighest possible proportion, with \nCommunity seafarers; \n\nWhereas this aim cannot be \nattained without a reduction of the \ncost level ; \n\nUnchanged \n\nWhereas the Commission has developed Unchanged \nguidelines for the examination of \nState aids to be given by the Member \nStates to Community shipping companies; \n\nWhereas the establishment of a \nCommunity ship register should \nserve the purpose of creating a \nchannel through which national \nefforts can be converged, a \npoo! of Community seafarers and < \ntrade mark guaranteeing shippers \na high quality service; \n\nWhereas the establishment of a \nCommunity ship register should \nserve the purpose of creating a \nchannel through which national \nefforts can be converged, a \nfocus for the employment of \nCommunity seafarers, and a trade \nmark guaranteeing shippers a high \nqua Iity service; \n\nWhereas the Community ship register \nwill be additional to the national \nregister ; \n\nWhereas the Community ship \nregister will be additional to \nthe national register and \n\n\fshould be introduced \nwithout delay in order to \ndiscourage the trend towards \nsetting up secondary registers; \n\nWhereas the right to register \nvessels in the Community register \nshould be reserved for natural and \nlegal persons having a certain link \nwith the Community; whereas, \nhowever, this right should also be \ngiven under certain conditions to \npersons having a link with a given \nthird country; \n\nWhereas the right to register \nvessels in the Community register \nshould be reserved for natural \nand legal persons having a genuine \nlink with the Community; whereas, \nhowever, this right should also be \ngiven under certain conditions and \nterms to persons who have a \ngenuine link with third \ncountr ies; \n\nWhereas the vessel to be registered \nin the Community register should \ncomply with certain conditions; \nwhereas, in particular, the vessel \nshould be and remain registered in \na national register; whereas the \ndecisions on the admission to the \nnational register must be taken in \ncompliance with the provisions of \nthe Treaty; \n\nWhereas registration in the \nCommunity register should depend on \ncompliance with the safety measures \nrequired by the international \nconventions in this respect; \n\nWhereas the number of trained \nseafarers from Member States on \nboard vessels registered in \nthis register should be sufficient \nto meet future requirements of the \nCommunity fleet; \n\nUnchanged. Whereas registration in, and \ncontinued membership of, the \nCommunity register should depend \non compliance with the safety \nmeasures required by the \ninternational conventions in this \nrespect and any rules in respect \nof vessels, personnel and seamen \nestablished at Community level; \n\nWhereas the number of qualified \nseafarers from Member States on \nboard vessels registered in \nthis register should be \nsufficient to meet present and \nfuture requirements of the \nCommunity fleet, bearing in mind \nthat in order to ensure \npassengers' safety and to \nsafeguard employment among \nseafarers of the Member States, \nthe crews of passenger vessels and \nferries operating in European \nwaters must consist entirely of \nCommunity seafarers; \n\nWhereas seafarers from non-Community \ncountries on vessels registered in \nthis register should be employed on \nconditions in conformity with \ninternationally agreed standards \nunless otherwise mutually agreed \nwith their representative \n\nWhereas seafarers from non-\nCommunity countries on vessels \nregistered in this register should \nbe employed on conditions which \nhave been agreed on by their \nrepresentative organizations and, \nin the absence of such an \n\n\forganizations; \n\nagreement, on conditions which \ncomply with internationally agreed \nstandards; \n\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform \ncrew composition for each category \nof vessel and degree of \nautomation, in view of the \nsubstantial divergences that exist \nbetween national legislations on \nthis matter, guidelines for the \ncomposition of the crews of \nvessels registered in EUROS must \nbe laid down by the Commission on \nthe basis of the principles set \nout in Resolution A 481 (XII) of \nthe International Maritime \nOrganization and ILO Convention \n147 concerning minimum standards \nin merchant shipping which are \ninternationally recognized and \naccepted; \n\nWhereas all seafarers on vessels \nregistered in this register should at \nleast benefit from the social security \nschemes to which they are entitled in \nthe country where they are resident; \n\nUnchanged, \n\nWhereas vessels, while remaining on Unchanged. this register, should be able to \ntransfer between the national \nregisters of Member States without \ntechnical hindrance, when they comply \nwith the essential technical \nrequirements to be laid down by \nthe CounciI ; \n\nUnchanged. Whereas the right of free movement \nunder Article 48 of the Treaty as \nimplemented by Council Regulation \n1612/68 applies to employment of \nnationals of Member States on board \nvessels registered in the Member \nStates; whereas therefore this right \napplies to vessels registered in \nEUROS; whereas, however, the effective \nexercise of that right may be \nhindered by differences between \nqualifications and licences issued in \nthe Member States; whereas it is \nappropriate to provide for recognition \nof such qualifications and licences \nfor seafarers for the purposes of \nemployment on board vessels in the \nCommunity register subject to minimum \nrequirements laid down by the Council; \n\nWhereas registration in this \nregister should be reflected in the register should be reflected in \n\nWhereas registration in this \n\n\fright and obligation to fly the \nEuropean flag; \n\nWhereas the Commission should be \nenabled to adopt implementing \nprovisions concerning the \nestablishment of the register and \nconcerning procedures of \nregistration and deregistration; \n\nthe right and obligation to fly \nthe European flag which should be \nafforded a similar degree of \nprotection to that enjoyed by the \nflags of Member States and third \ncountr ies; \n\nWhereas the Commission should, in \napplication of the provisions of \nthis regulation, be enabled to \nadopt implementing provisions \nconcerning the establishment of \nthe register and concerning \nprocedures of registration and \nderegistrat ion; \n\nWhereas there should be cooperation Unchanged \nbetween the Community register and \nthe national ship registers, \nincluding an exchange of information; \n\nWhereas the Member States should \ntake the necessary measures to control \nand enforce compliance with the \nprovisions of this Regulation; \n\nUnchanged \n\nWhereas the Commission will report \nannually to the European \nParliament and Council on the \nnumber of vessels registered in \nthe Community register and the \nnumber of Community seafarers \nemployed in those vessels, thus \nenabling the effectiveness of this \nregulation to be assessed, and \nwhereas the Commission will if \nnecessary propose any \nmodifications and improvements \nrequired; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nSECTION 1 : Scope of the Regulation \n\nArt icie 1 - Objective \n\nUnchanged. This regulation provides for: \n- the establishment of a Community \n\nThis regulation provides for: \n- the establishment of a Community \n\nship register for sea-going \nmerchant vessels; \n\nship register for sea-going \nmerchant vessels; \n\n- t he conditions for registration; \n- certain facilities accruing from \n\n- the conditions for registration; \n- certain facilities accruing from \n\nsuch registration; \n\nsuch registration; \n\n- the right to fly the European \n\nflag on these vessels in addition \nto the nat ional flag. - the flying of the European flag \non these vessels in addition to \nthe national flag; \n\n\fassociated measures aimed at \nensuring the maintenance of \nsocial standards and at \nimproving environmental and \nsafety standards. SECTION 2 : The register, vessel owners and vessels \n\nArt icie 2 \n\nEstablishment of \nthe register \n\nUnchanged \n\nA Community ship register \n(hereafter called \"EUROS\") is \nhereby established in which sea-going \nmerchant vessels may be registered \nin addition to their national \nregistration in a Member State. Unchanged \n\nThe Commission shall register when \nthe conditions laid down in \nArticles 3, 4 and 5 are met. It shall deregister a vessel when \nit no longer conforms to the \nprovisions of this Regulation. Unchanged \n\nArt icie 3 - Persons entitled to \n\nhave a vessel \nregistered in EUROS \n\nArt icie 3 - Community vessel \nowner \n\n1. The following may apply for \nregistration of a vessel in EUROS \n\n(a) nationals of the Member States \nestablished in a Member State \nand pursuing shipping \nact ivit ies; \n\n(b) a shipping company formed in \naccordance with the law of a \nMember State and having its \nprincipal place of business in, \nand effective control exercised \nwithin, the Community, provided \nthat the majority of the capita \nof that company is owned by \nnationals of the Member States \nor the majority of the board of \nthe company consists of such \nnationals, who have their \ndomicile or usual residence in \nthe Communi ty. 1. The following who are owners \nof a vessel registered in the \nnational register of a Member \nState may apply for registration \nof the vessel in EUROS: \n\n(a) nationals of the Member \n\nStates; \n\n(b) companies formed in accordance \nwith the law of a Member State \nand having their principal \nplace of business in, and \neffective control exercised \nwithin, the Community, \nprovided that a majority of \nthe members of the board or \nof the directors of these \ncompanies are nationals of the \nMember States having their \ndomicile or usual residence \nin the Community. (c) Nationals of Member States \nestablished outside the \n\n(c) Companies formed in accordance \nwith the law of a Member State \n\n\fCommuni ty or \nshipping companies established \noutside the Community and \ncontrolled by nationals of a \nMember State, if the vessels \nowned or operated by them are \nregistered in that Member State \nin accordance with its \nlegislat ion. or of a third country in which \nnationals of Member States \nparticipate by more than 50 % \nor are company shareholders \ncontrolling more than 50 % \nof the overall company \ncapital. For the purpose of this \nregulation, a natural or legal \nperson mentioned in paragraph 1 \nwi I I hereafter be referred to \nas a \"Community vessel owner\"; \n\nFor the purpose of this \nregulation, a natural or legal \nperson mentioned above \nwi 11 hereafter be referred to \nas a \"Community vessel owner\"; \n\n3. Where it has been agreed \nbetween a third country and \nthe Community that registration \nof vessels in each other's \nregister shall be permitted, \nthe term \"nationals of the \nMember States\" shall, for the \npurposes only of paragraph 1(a) \nand (b), include nationals of \nthe third country concerned. 2. Where it has been agreed \n\nbetween a third country and \nthe Community that \nregistration of vessels in \nthe register of that third \ncountry and in EUROS shall be \npermitted, the term \"nationals \nof the Member States\" shall, \nfor the purposes of \nparagraph 1(a) and (b), \ninclude nationals of the third \ncountry concerned. Art icie 4 - Vessels eligible for \n\nUnchanged \n\nregistrat ion \n\nEligible for registration in EUROS \nis any sea-going merchant vessel \nof at least 500 grt, built or under \nconstruction, which is already \nregistered in a Member State, and \nentitled to fly the flag of that \nMember State and used or to be \nused in national or international \ntrade for the transport of cargo \nor passengers or any other \ncommercial purpose, if it fulfils \nthe following conditions: \n\nEligible for registration in EUROS \nis any sea-going merchant vessel \nwith a tonnage of at least \n500 grt, built or under \nconstruction, which is already \nregistered in a Member State and \nis used or to be used for the \ntransport of cargo or passengers \nor any other commercial purpose, \nif it fulfils the following \ncondi t ions: \n\n(a) the vessel must be and remain \n\nregistered in the national ship \nregister for the duration of \nits registration in EUROS; \n\n(a) the vessel must be and remain \nregistered in the national \nship register for the duration \nof its registration in EUROS; \n\n(b) the vessel must be owned and \nfor the duration of its \nregistration in EUROS remain \nowned by the person entitled to \nregister a vessel in EUROS, or \noperated by a Community vessel \nowner on the basis of a bare \nboat charter in accordance \nwith the provisions of \n\n(b) the vessel must be owned, and \n\nfor the duration of its \nregistration in EUROS remain \nowned, by a Community vessel \nowner ; \n\n\fArt icie 5; \n\n(c) the vessel shall not be more \n\nthan 20 years old. (c) the vessel shall not be more \nthan 20 years old at the time \nof its registration in EUROS \nunless it has been completely \nrefurbished and certified \nby a Member State as complying \nwith the regulations for new \nships defined in the 1974 \nSOLAS Convent ion. Art icie 5 - Registration \n\n1. The Community vessel owner \n\nshall apply to the Commission \nfor the registration of a \nvessel in EUROS. He shall \nsubmit this application either \ndirectly to the Commission or \nthrough the competent national \nauthorities which shall \nforward the application to \nthe Commission. This application shall be \naccompanied by: \n\n(a)A certificate of ownership \n\nof the vessel issued by \nthe national registration \nauthority; \n\n(b) The measurement \n\ncert ificate of the \nvessel ; \n\n(c) A certified copy of the \nvessel's certificate of \nnat ionality; \n\n(d) If the vessel is \n\nmortgaged, a wr itten \nstatement by the mortgage \ncreditors that they \nconsent to the \nregistrat ion of the \nvessel in EUROS. The Commission may stipulate \nother documents or \ncertificates that must be \nsubmitted in order for a \nvessel to be registered in \nEUROS. Registration in EUROS shall \nbe completed when the \nfollowing data is recorded \n\nlo \n\n\fin the relevant entry of the \nvessel : \n\n(a) the name or title of the \nCommunity vessel owner \nand his or its other \npart iculars; \n\n(b) the name, the \n\ninternat ional cal I \nletters, the dimensions \nthe gross and net \nregister tonnage, the \ntype and power of the \nengine and the age of \nthe vessel ; \n\n(c) the type of the vessel, \n\nits number and port of \nnational registration. The Commission may also lay \ndown other data concerning \nthe vessel which must be \nrecorded in EUROS. The following data shall also \nbe recorded in the register. -\n\n(a) changes of ownership or \nnat ional flag of the \nvessel ; \n\n(b) the deregistration of the \n\nvessel. Third parties shall be \nentitled to receive \ninformation of the data \nconcerning a vessel \nregistered in EUROS on \npayment of a reasonable fee. Art icie 6 - Notification \n\n1. 2. Where a vessel is registered \nin or deregistered from EUROS \nthe Commission shall notify \nits national registration \nauthor i ty. Where, for any reason, a \nvess\u00f4! is deregistered from \nthe national register, the \nnnt?onc* \u2022\"*:^rs\"^:; authority \nshe. ! ! ;tv. 7t \n\n\f5 -\n\nWhere a Member State puts a \nrequest to the Commission, \nthe decision shall be adopted \nwithin thirty days of receipt \nof the request duly \naccompanied by the \ninformation considered \nrelevant. Art icie 3 \n\nArticles 55 to 58 and 62 of the \nTreaty shall apply to the matters \ncovered by this Regulation. Art icie 4 \n\nUnchanged \n\nArt icie 4 \n\nArticle 5 \n\nUnchanged \n\nWithout prejudice to the provisions \nof the Treaty relating to the right \nof establishment, a person providing \na maritime transport service may, in \norder to do so, temporarily pursue \nhis activity in the Member State where \nthe service is provided, under the same \nconditions as are imposed by that State \non its own nationals. Art icie 5 \n\nMember States shall, before adopting \nlaws, regulations or administrative \nprovisions in implementation of \nArticle 2 consult the Commission. They shall send to the latter any \nsuch measures so adopted. Art icie 6 \n\nUnchanged \n\nArticle 6 \n\nThis Regulation shall be reviewed \nbefore 1 January 1993. Art icie 7 \n\nArticle 7 \n\nUnchanged \n\nArticle 8 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into \nforce on 1 January 1991. This Regulation shall enter \ninto force on 1 July 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. M \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (91) 54 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-076-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69508-0 \n\nPRICE \n\n1- 30 pages: 3. S0 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e1931fc-9cc8-49bf-ae4c-4479953284ce", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the European Economic Community concerning direct insurance other than life assurance", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "Switzerland,branch,conciliation,head 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on External Economic Relations,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "EP delegation,GATT,common agricultural policy,common commercial policy", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0083", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EP delegation", "GATT", "common agricultural policy", "common commercial policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/325d7c43-8b15-4431-8687-8702f323a2a2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4e7f26ce-df33-4f6d-96ee-2bde9f058d0d", "title": "RESOLUTION on relations with the countries of Central America, including Cuba", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", 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"lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/319e3710-ceec-49c8-aeb0-93beb0fbcb25", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on a Commission proposal for a Council decision on a regulation on urgent action to supply agricultural products to Romania and Bulgaria", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgets,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "Bulgaria,Romania,agricultural product,emergency aid,food aid,foodstuff,humanitarian aid", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0036", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Bulgaria", "Romania", "agricultural product", "emergency aid", "food aid", "foodstuff", "humanitarian aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/319e3710-ceec-49c8-aeb0-93beb0fbcb25", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b13a0d98-b1f8-4a6b-a59d-a4dc1f47c049", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a directive on the implementation of minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile work sites (Eighth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 of Directive 89/391/EEC)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "approximation of laws,building industry,occupational safety,safety standard", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "building industry", "occupational safety", "safety standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b13a0d98-b1f8-4a6b-a59d-a4dc1f47c049", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/274f1ddd-e5eb-4fda-ade6-1d02dc9abbe4", "title": "RESOLUTION on establishing TACs and quotas for Community waters for 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-22", "subjects": "authorised catch,catch quota,common fisheries policy", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0093", "eurovoc_concepts": ["authorised catch", "catch quota", "common fisheries policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/274f1ddd-e5eb-4fda-ade6-1d02dc9abbe4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1380f75-b5c2-4deb-94b4-49ab9a6c853b", "title": "Europe 2000 : Outlook for the development of the Community's territory: A preliminary overview.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy,European Commission", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU situation,development potential,report", "workIds": "PUB_CX6090377", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU situation", "development potential", "report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1380f75-b5c2-4deb-94b4-49ab9a6c853b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50a2399e-fc5c-4c05-ac1d-6950c0d8a87d", "title": "The enterprise and its role in the production of qualifications : constitution and development of medium-level qualifications in Germany and France: a comparison.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop,European Commission", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "France,Germany,professional qualifications,type of business,vocational training", "workIds": "PUB_HX6091531", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Germany", "professional qualifications", "type of business", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50a2399e-fc5c-4c05-ac1d-6950c0d8a87d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f14bfb7b-7573-4e02-84f1-50d7bb148743", "title": "Annual report on the implementation of the reform of the structural funds 1989.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "Cohesion Fund,Community budget,EU Member State,EU financing,EU regional policy,European Social Fund,Structural Funds,activity report,development aid,development policy,economic and social cohesion,fight against unemployment,implementation of the budget,structural expenditure", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CM6090062", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cohesion Fund", "Community budget", "EU Member State", "EU financing", "EU regional policy", "European Social Fund", "Structural Funds", "activity report", "development aid", "development policy", "economic and social cohesion", "fight against unemployment", "implementation of the budget", "structural expenditure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f14bfb7b-7573-4e02-84f1-50d7bb148743", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "pdfx", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f5ef7ae-d46a-4718-91e9-05cabfa47e15", "title": "RESOLUTION on the crisis in Kosovo", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Rainbow Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "Yugoslavia,cultural pluralism,rights of minorities", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0302", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Yugoslavia", "cultural pluralism", "rights of minorities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f5ef7ae-d46a-4718-91e9-05cabfa47e15", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20f1b7a1-de63-4cbc-b8c9-e2b1f692ac0d", "title": "91/138/EEC: Commission Decision of 21 February 1991 on specific provisions for France in application of Regulation (EEC) No 3302/90 on the transfer of vine replanting rights (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "France,agricultural holding,replanting,utilised agricultural area,vineyard,viticulture", "workIds": "celex:31991D0138,oj:JOL_1991_067_R_0044_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "agricultural holding", "replanting", "utilised agricultural area", "vineyard", "viticulture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20f1b7a1-de63-4cbc-b8c9-e2b1f692ac0d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dd7494f-2497-438e-8c8a-dd7d91594d4d", "title": "RESOLUTION on the cholera epidemic in Peru", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European Democratic Alliance,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Left Unity,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "EU aid,Peru,epidemic,infectious disease", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0305", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Peru", "epidemic", "infectious disease"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dd7494f-2497-438e-8c8a-dd7d91594d4d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/78311090-c249-4a20-91b6-f595c085fbdb", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 415/91 of 21 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1000/90 continuing promotional and publicity measures in respect of milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "catalogue,cheese,sales promotion", "workIds": "celex:31991R0415,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0014_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["catalogue", "cheese", "sales promotion"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/78311090-c249-4a20-91b6-f595c085fbdb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/55f7a0c3-abff-43a8-a209-c7c014f928d8", "title": "RESOLUTION on adverse weather conditions and loss of life in the United Kingdom and Ireland during Saturday, 5 and Sunday, 6 January 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "EU aid,Ireland,United Kingdom,international meeting,natural disaster", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0322", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Ireland", "United Kingdom", "international meeting", "natural disaster"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/55f7a0c3-abff-43a8-a209-c7c014f928d8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2985df38-184a-4f3d-b227-b7a40fd73e67", "title": "REEXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES CONCERNING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING THE MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF THEIR CONFORMITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "European standard,approximation of laws,product quality,quality standard,telecommunications,transmission network", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0046,comnat:COM_1991_0046_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European standard", "approximation of laws", "product quality", "quality standard", "telecommunications", "transmission network"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2985df38-184a-4f3d-b227-b7a40fd73e67", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 46 final - SYN 204 \n\nBrussels, 21 February 1991 \n\nReexamined proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non the approximation of the laws of the Member States \n\nconcerning telecommunications terminal equipment, \n\nincluding the mutual recognition of their conformity \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant \nthe EEC t r e a t y) \n\nof \n\nto A r t i c le 149. 2(d) \n\n\fReexamined proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the \nMember States concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, including the mutual \nrecognition of their conformity. 1. STATUS OF THE PROCEDURE. EXPLANATORY NOTE \n\na). The Commission has submitted its proposal to the Council on 27 July 1989. b). The Economic and Social Comittee adopted its favourable opinion on 4 October 1989. c). The European Parliament adopted during its first reading 24 amendments to the \nproposed Directive on 3 April 1990. d). In accordance with Article 149. 3 of the Treaty, the Commission adopted a revised \nproposal on 19 June 1990, incorporating in full or in part 19 of these amendments. e). The Council adopted its common position on 24 July 1990. f). The Commission accepted \nParliament of its opinion on 6 September 1990. this common position and \n\ninformed \n\nthe European \n\ng). The European Parliament adopted during its second reading 22 amendments on 11 \nDecember 1990. 2. POSITION OF THE COMMISSION. a). Out of the 22 amendments proposed during the second reading, 5 amendments having \nbeen adopted by the Parliament at its first hearing but not having been accepted by the \nCommission at that time, were reintroduced and again not accepted. Of the remaining 17 \nnew amendments the Commission has accepted in full or in part 5 thereof to the common \nposition. The five amendments accepted in full or in part are reported below, together with the \nmotivation of the Commission position: \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \n\nAMENDMENT NO J \nArticle 1, paragraph 2 (addendum) \n\nthe public \n\ntelecommunications \n\nnetwork\" \n\"Public \ntelecommunications \nmeans \nthe \nwhich \ninfrastructure \nconveyance of signals between defined \nnetwork termination points by wire, by \nmicrowave, by optical means or by other \nelectromagnetic means. permits \n\nThe addition of this definition, drawn from the ONP Directive, adds clarity in this \nDirective. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 17 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 12 \nArticle 17 \n\nMember States shall take the measures \nnecessary to comply with this Directive not \nlater than 18 months from its notification. They \nthe \nforthwith \nshall \nCommission thereof. inform \n\nMember States shall take the measures \nnecessary to comply with this Directive not \nlater than 18 months from its notification. They \nthe \nforthwith \nshall \nCommission thereof. inform \n\nThe provisions adopted under the first \nsubparagraph shall refer explicitly to this \ndirective. Text now agreed between Council and Commission and which has to be introduced into \nthis directive: \n\"When Member States adopt these provisions, they shall contain a reference to this \ndirective or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their official \npublication. The procedure for such reference shall be adopted by Member States. \" \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 1, paragraph 3 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 2 \nArticle 1, paragraph 3 \n\nThe intended purpose of the equipment, \nshall be declared by the manufacturer or \nsupplier of the equipment. However, \nterminal equipment within the meaning of \nparagraph 2 which makes use of the radio \nfrequency spectrum is presumed to be \nintended for connection to the public \nnetwork. The intended purpose of the equipment, \nshall be declared by the manufacturer or \nsupplier of the equipment. However, with \nrespect to connection and/or interworking. terminal equipment within the meaning of \nparagraph 2 which makes use of the radio \nfrequency spectrum, including terminals \nthat are designed to send information by \nmeans of radio propagation capable of \nbeing received outside user premises and \ncapable of being retransmitted to a public \ntelecommunications network termination \npoint, is presumed to be intended for \nconnection \npublic \nthe \ntelecommunications network. to \n\nText not accepted, but principle taken into account with simplified wording. The text \"of \nthe radio frequency spectrum\" is replaced by \"of a system of connection by radio\". In \naddition, \"telecommunications\" is added as proposed at the end of the paragraph. 3-\n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 2, paragraph 2 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 4 \nArticle 2, paragraph 2 \n\nThe manufacturer or supplier shall be \nprepared to justify once, at the request of \nany notified body referred to in Article \nintended purpose of such \n10(1), the \nequipment on the basis of its design, its \nfunctions and indications of the market \nsegment it is intended for. The manufacturer or supplier shall be \nprepared to justify once, at the request of \nany notified body referred to in Article \nintended purpose of such \n10(1), the \nequipment its functions and indications of \nthe market segment it is intended for. Text not accepted, but the idea not to involve proprietary information is taken by \nchanging the word \"design\" into \"technical characteristics\". TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 10, paragraph 4 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 8 \nArticle 10, paragraph 4 \n\nIt \n\nfor designation. A Member State that has designated a \nnotified body or a test laboratory under \nparagraph 1 or paragraph 2 shall annul the \ndesignation if the notified body or the test \nlaboratory no longer meets the relevant \ncriteria \nshall \nimmediately inform the other Member \nStates and the Commission accordingly \nand withdraw the notification. Where a \nMember State or \nthe Commission \nconsiders that a notified body or a test \nlaboratory designated by a Member State \ndoes not meet the relevant criteria the \nmatter shall be brought before \nthe \nCommittee, which shall give its opinion \nwithin three months; in the light of the \nCommittee's opinion, the Commission \nshall inform the Member State concerned \nof any changes needed if that notified body \nor test laboratory is to retain its recognized \nstatus. A Member State that has designated a \nnotified body or a test laboratory under \nparagraph 1 or paragraph 2 shall annul the \ndesignation if the notified body or the test \nlaboratory no longer meets the relevant \nminimum criteria for designation, as set \nout in Annex 5. It shall immediately \ninform the other Member States and the \nCommission accordingly and withdraw the \nnotification. Where a Member State or \nthe Commission considers that a notified \nbody or a test laboratory designated by a \nMember State does not meet the relevant \ncriteria the matter shall be brought before \nthe Committee, established in Article 13. which shall give its opinion within three \nmonths; in the light of the Committee's \nopinion, the Commission shall inform the \nMember State concerned of any changes \nneeded \nif that notified body or test \nlaboratory is to retain its recognized status. Part 1: Not accepted, Part 2: Accepted. First part would be redundant for notified \nbodies and incorrect for test laboratories. Second part adds clarity. b). The list of the amendments which were not accepted is given in Annex 1, with the \nreasons motivating the position of the Commission. c). In addition to the above mentioned changes, the Commission proposes a declaration in \nthe proceedings of the Council, to take into account a concern strongly expressed by the \nParliament and the Industry, which relates to the procedures foreseen in the Directive for \ncertifying the equipment, and mainly those in Annex I. The representatives of European \nIndustry, supported by the Parliament, stated at several occasions that the wording in \nparticular of Annex I, which relates to the procedure which will be commonly used by the \nSMEs, leaves too much freedom to the notified bodies to request an excessive amount of \ninformation. As a matter of fact, this annex mentions that information has to be requested \nas far as relevant for the assessment of conformity to the essential requirements, and \ncontains under its point 3 a list of elements of documentation, which is given only \"for \nexample\". But even taking this into account, Industry fears to be requested more \ninformation than what is strictly necessary for the assessment of its equipment, to be \nobliged to transmit to the notified bodies for instance \"design\" information which could be \nproprietary, and finally to have to bear a bureaucratic burden which is not really necessary. The Commission is of the opinion that the text of Annex I agreed upon in the Common \nPosition must not be modified, because it allows the necessary flexibility to adapt the \nrequest of information by the Notified Bodies to the variety of types of terminal \nequipment. But it considers useful that the Council draw the attention of the notified \nbodies to this concern of Industry and prompt them to limit their requests to what is strictly \nnecessary for the assessment of conformity to the essential requirements. Consequently, \nthe adoption of the following Declaration is proposed: \n\n\" The Council and the Commission agree that, with a view to reducing the bureaucratic \nburden imposed on Industry in the course of the certification procedures, to limiting to \nwhat is absolutely necessary the provision of proprietary information on equipment design \nand finally to accelerating the procedures, the information requested to Industry in view of \nthese certification procedures must be strictly limited to what is necessary to assess the \nconformity. the relevant essential requirements of \nConsequently, the Notified Bodies have to take due account of this necessity. \" \n\nthe equipment submitted \n\nto \n\nd). Finally, the Commission thinks appropriate to take the opportunity of the adoption of \nits Reexamined Proposal to finalise the legal presentation aspects which arise as a \nconsequence of the modifications the adoption of this Directive will introduce in other \nalready adopted Community legislation. These modifications stem from the fact that this Directive, when adopted, will repeal \nDirective 86/361/EEC, the reference to which is made in a number of other Community \nDirectives or Decisions. \u2022 ? * \u2022 - \u2022 ** \u2022 \" \u2022\u2022 - M\u00bb ' \u2022 ^. \"'\u2022 \"V \n\n\u2022 \n\n** \n\n,. ^ \n\n,. ,\u2022 \n\n- 5-\n\n;\u00ab. <\u00bb\u00bb \n/-\" \n\u2022 -*** \u2022\u2022*% ^ \n\n4\u00bb \n\nID \n\nThe following provisions are introduced in order to cope with this aspect : \n\nArticle 16. 1 is amended with an additional text being : \n\n\"References made to the repealed directive are understood as being made to \nthis directive\". Article 1, paragraph 2 is amended by the addition of the following two definitions \nwhich appears in Directive 86/361, articles 2. 3 and 2. 6 and are used in later directives: \n\n'technical specification' means a specification contained in a document which \nlays down the characteristics required of a product such as levels of quality, \nperformance, safety or dimensions, including the requirements applicable to the \nproduct as regards terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, \nmarking and labelling. and \n\n'standard' means a technical specification adopted by a recognized standards \nbody for repeated or continuous application, compliance with which is not \ncompulsory. 3. CONCLUSION. In conclusion, the Commission is of the opinion that the proposed amendments to the \nCommon Position do not modify the balance of its elements of substance, but adds clarity \nto some of its points. LIST OF THE AMENDMENTS TO THE COMMON POSITION ADOPTED BY THE \nEUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION. ANNEX 1 \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nRecital 15 (a) new \n\nAMENDMENT NO. l \nRecital 15 (a) new \n\nWhereas \nassessment \nprocedures should not be too onerous or \nbureaucratic. conformity \n\nNot accepted as not useful. The necessity of reducing the bureacratic burden has been \ntaken into account during the negotiations in the Council, and procedures have \nconsequently been simplified as far as possible. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 3, paragraph 2 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 5 \nArticle 3, paragraph 2 \n\nshall also \n\nMember States \ntake all \nto ensure that \nappropriate measures \nequipment referred to in Article 2 may be \nplaced and allowed to remain on the \nmarket only \nit complies with the \nrequirements laid down by this Directive \nfor this equipment and may not be \nconnected \npublic \ntelecommunications network within the \nmeaning of Article 1(2). the \n\nto \n\nif \n\nto \n\nto ensure \n\ntransitional measures \n\nSubject \nin \naccordance with Article 14 (b) Member \nStates shall also take all appropriate \nmeasures \nthat equipment \nreferred to in Article 2 may be placed and \nallowed to remain on the market only if it \ncomplies with the requirements laid down \nby this Directive for this equipment and \nmay not be connected to the public \ntelecommunications network within the \nmeaning of Article 1(2). Not accepted \nredundant. Presented and rejected at the First Hearing. The added text is \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 4 (d) \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 6 \nArticle 4 (d) \n\nProtection \ntelecommunications network from harm; \n\nthe \n\nof \n\npublic \n\nProtection \npublic \ntelecommunications network from harm; \nof a technical or non-commercial nature; \n\nthe \n\nof \n\nNot accepted : This amendment was presented at the First Hearing and rejected. The \nlimitations of the type of harm to be considered are specified in the directives on \nliberalisation of services and ONP. : - 2-\n\n& 8 \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 8, paragraph 3 (a) (new) \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 7 \nArticle 8, paragraph 3 (a) (new) \n\ntrade \nother \n\nFor testing and development of equipment, \nexperimental use, \nshows and \nexceptional \nand \nexhibitions, \ncircumstances, full conformity assessment \nof all essential requirements may not be \nappropriate as a condition to connect to \nthe public network. A public network \noperator may \nsuch cases allow \nequipment to be attached to his network \nsubject to his own judgement. in \n\nNot accepted : This amendment was presented at the First Hearing and rejected, \ndoes not address equipment actually placed on the market. It \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 13, paragraph 3 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 9 \nArticle 13, paragraph 3 \n\nof \n\nrepresentatives \n\nThe Commission will periodically consult \nthe \nthe \ntelecommunications \nthe \nconsumers, the manufacturers, the service \nproviders and trade unions and will inform \nthe Committee on the outcome of such \nconsultations, with a view to take due \naccount of the outcome. organisations, \n\nThe Commission will periodically and at \nleast on a 6 monthly basis consult the \nrepresentatives of the telecommunications \norganisations, the users, the consumers, \nthe manufacturers, the service providers \nand trade unions. the \nthese \nCommittee of \nconsultations, and will take the fullest \npossible account of them. The Committee \nshall draw up and publish its own rules of \nprocedure. the outcome of \n\nIt will inform \n\nNot accepted : Puts too heavy a bureaucratic burden on the Commission, for a process \nwhich is already open as linked to standardisation. We accept the addition of \"users\" to \nthe list. 3-\n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 14, paragraph 3 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 10 \nArticle 14, paragraph 3 \n\nThe Commission shall adopt the measures \nenvisaged if they are in accordance with \nthe opinion of the Committee. the opinion of \n\nIf the measures envisaged are not in \naccordance with \nthe \nCommittee, or if no opinion is delivered, \nthe Commission shall, without delay, \nsubmit to the Council a proposal relating \nto the measures to be taken. The Council-\nshall act by qualified majority. If, within three months from the date of \nreferral to the Council, the Council has not \nacted, the proposed measures shall be \nadopted by the Commission. The Commission shall adopt measures \nwhich shall enter into effect immediately. However, if these measures are not in \nthe \naccordance with \ncommittee, the Commission shall notify \nthe Council of them without delay. In this \ncase: \n\nthe opinion of \n\nthe Commission may postpone \nthe \napplication of the measures it has adopted \nfor a period not exceeding one month from \nthe date of notification: \n\nthe Council, acting by qualified majority. may take a different decision with the \nin the \nperiod of time provided for \npreceding paragraph. Not accepted : A regulatory committee is deemed necessary for the Directive. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 14 (b) (new) \n\nAMENDMENTNO. il \nArticle 14 (b) (new) \n\nTransitional arrangements shall apply to \nequipment in stock at the date when this \nDirective comes into force and having type \napproval to standards applicable at the \ntime of the introduction of this directive. Such equipment which does not carry the \nEC mark may be placed on the market and \nput into service in the territory in respect \nof which type approval has been granted \nfor a period to be determined by the \nnotified body. Not accepted : This amendment was presented at the First Hearing and rejected. This \ndirective deals only with terminals covered by a common specification. In this case, \ntransitional measures are covered by Article 16. 3 \n\n\fM ** \n\n\"\u2022-Bk \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nAnnex 1, point 3 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 13 \nAnnex 1, point 3 \n\nThe technical documentation shall enable \nthe conformity of the product with the \nessential requirements of the Directive to \nbe assessed. It shall, as far as relevant for \nsuch \ndesign, \nmanufacture and operation of the product. assessment, \n\ncover \n\nthe \n\nThe technical documentation shall enable \nthe conformity of the product with the \nessential requirements of the Directive to \nbe assessed. It shall, as far as relevant for \nsuch \ndesign, \nmanufacture and operation of the product. assessment, \n\ncover \n\nthe \n\nFor example; \nthe documentation shall \ncontain as far as is relevant tor assessment \n\nFor example, \nshall \ncontain as far as is relevant for assessment \n\nthe documentation \n\na \n\ngeneral \n\ntype-description \nsufficient to identify the product preferably \nby provision of photographs; \n\na general type-description sufficient \nthe product preferably by \n\nidentify \n\nto \nprovision of photographs; \n\ndesign and manufacturing drawings \nand lists of components, sub-assemblies, \ncircuits, etc. ; \n\ndesign \n\nmanufacturing \ninformation and lists of components, sub \nassemblies, circuits, etc. ; \n\nand \n\ndescriptions \n\nexplanations \nnecessary for the understanding of said \ndrawings and lists and the operation of the \nproduct; \n\nand \n\nand \n\ndescriptions \n\nexplanations \nnecessary for the understanding of said \ninformation and lists and the operation of \nthe product; \n\na list of the standards referred to in \nArticle 6, applied in full or in part, and \ndescriptions of the solutions adopted to \nmeet the essential requirements of the \nDirective where the standards referred to \nin Article 6 have not been applied; \n\na list of the standards referred to in \nArticle 6, applied in full or in part, and \ndescriptions of the solutions adopted to \nmeet the essential requirements of the \nDirective where the standards referred to \nin Article 6 have not been applied; \n\nresults of examinations carried out, \n\nresults of examinations carried out, \n\netc. ; \n\netc. ; \n\ntest reports; \n\ntest reports; \n\nproposed user \n\ninformation \n\nor \n\nproposed \n\nuser \n\ninformation \n\nor \n\nhandbook. handbook. Not accepted : This amendment was presented at the First Hearing, and rejected. The \nwording is too vague, with no justification as it is an example. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 1, paragraph 2 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 14 \nArticle 1, paragraph 2 \n\n^0 \n\nthe purpose of \n\nthis Directive, \n2. For \nterminal equipment means \nequipment \nintended to be connected to the public \ntelecommunications network, i. e. : \n\na) to be connected directly \ntermination \na \ntelecommunications network \n\nof \n\nto \n\nthe \npublic \n\nor \n\nwith \n\nb) to \ninterwork \npublic \ntelecommunications \nbeing \nthe \nconnected directly or \ntermination of a public telecommunication \nnetwork \n\na \nnetwork \nindirectly \n\nto \n\nin order \ninformation. to send, process or \n\nreceive \n\nThe system of connection may be wire, \nradio, optical or other electromagnetic \nsystem. the purpose of \n\nthis Directive \n2. For \nterminal equipment means equipment (or \na subassembly thereof) that : \n\nby \n\nthe \n\nintended \n\nor \na) is \nmanufacturer \nto be connected or be \ncapable of connection to the termination of \na publicly accessible \ntelecommunications \nnetwork. supplier \n\nto such \nh) is \nthe closest equipment \ntermination capable of addressing \nthe \nnetwork and of controlling any attempt by \nequipment more remote from the network \nto address and \n\nc) may reasonably affect the conformity \nwith the essential requirements of this \nDirective. Not accepted, as the definition in the Commissions text is more precise. Moreover, the \nCommissions text allows for dealing in a special way with cases of terminals not being \nintended for connection to the public networks, but technically capable of being \nconnected. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 8, paragraph 1 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 15 \nArticle 8, paragraph 1 \n\n1. Where a Member State finds that \nterminal equipment bearing the markings \nunder the provisions laid down in Chapter \nIII does not comply with \nthe relevant \nessential requirements when properly used \nin accordance with the purpose intended \ntake all \nby the manufacturer, \nappropriate measures to withdraw such \nproducts from the market or to prohibit or \nrestrict their being placed on the market. it shall \n\n1. Where a Member State finds that \nterminal equipment bearing the markings \nunder the provisions laid down in Chapter \nIII does not comply with \nthe relevant \nessential requirements when properly used \nin accordance with the purpose intended \ntake all \nit shall \nthe manufacturer, \nby \nappropriate measures \nto withdraw such \nproducts from the market or to prohibit or \nrestrict their being placed on the market, \nafter notification of the affected parties. Not accepted, as Article 8. 2 stipulates, that it is the Commission responsibility to do so. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 7, second paragraph \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 16 \nArticle 7, second paragraph \n\n\u00e9-\n\n\"?<, \n\nof \n\nup \n\nset \n\nthe \nby \n\nconsultation \n\nIn the light of the Committee's opinion and \nstanding \nafter \nCommittee \nDirective \n83/189/EEC, the Commission shall inform \nthe Member States whether or not it is \nnecessary to withdraw references to those \nstandards \ntechnical \nregulations from the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities and shall take the \nnecessary steps to correct the shortcomings \nnoted in the standards. related \n\nand \n\nany \n\nof \n\nup \n\nset \n\nthe \nby \n\nconsultation \n\nIn the light of the Committee's opinion and \nstanding \nafter \nCommittee \nDirective \n83/189/EEC, the Commission shall inform \nthe Member States whether or not it is \nnecessary to withdraw references to those \nstandards \ntechnical \nregulations from the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities and shall take the \nnecessary steps to correct the shortcomings \nnoted in the standards and any related \ntechnical regulations. related \n\nand \n\nany \n\nNot accepted. When the standard has been revised, it constitutes the basis for a new \ntechnical regulation to be adopted in the framework of the Directive. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 4, paragraph c \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 17 \nArticle 4, paragraph c \n\nElectromagnetic \ncompatibility \nrequirements in so far as they are specific \nto terminal equipment; \n\nof \n\nterminal \n\ncompatibility \nElectromagnetic \nrequirements \nequipment \narising solely out of its physical connection \nto the public telecommunications network \nin so far as they are not covered by \nDirective 89/336/EEC: \n\nNot accepted. The consideration of \"physical\" connection only is too restrictive, and \nArticle 9. 4 transfers the specific telecommunications aspects to this Directive. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nAnnex I, paragraph 2, first subparagraph \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 18 \nAnnex I, paragraph 2, first subparagraph \n\nfor \n\nthe EC Type \n2. The application \nthe \nexamination \nauthorised \nmanufacturer \nrepresentative \nthe \nCommunity with a notified body of his \nchoice. shall be \nlodged by \nhis \nor \nestablished within \n\nfor \n\n2. The application \nshall be \nlodged by \nexamination \nhis \nor \nmanufacturer \nrepresentative \nestablished within \nCommunity with a notified body \nbodies) of his choice. the EC Type \nthe \nauthorised \nthe \n(or \n\nNot accepted. The practice of requesting several notified bodies to certify an equipment \ncould, in certain cases, cause a saturation of the testing installations in the Community, \nand harm other manufacturers which would like to have the same type of equipment \ncertified. *3 \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 20 \nIV, \nAnnex \nsubparagraph \n\nparagraph \n\n3. 3, \n\nthird \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nIV, \nAnnex \nsubparagraph \n\nparagraph \n\n3. 3, \n\nthird \n\nThe auditing team shall have at least one \nmember experienced as an assessor in the \nThe \ntechnology concerned. product \nevaluation procedure shall \ninclude an \nassessment visit \nthe manufacturer's \npremises. to \n\nThe auditing team shall have at least one \nmember experienced as an assessor in the \nThe \ntechnology concerned. product \ninclude an \nevaluation procedure \nassessment visit \nthe manufacturer's \nto \nproduction premises. shall \n\nNot accepted, as inspection at other locations than the production facilities might be \nneeded. E. g. , test-laboratories, maintenance facilities. TEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 9, paragraph 4a (new) \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 24 \nArticle 9, paragraph 4a (new) \n\nIn order to protect the manufacturers, \n4a. to notified \nthe technical documentation \nbodies has to be limited to that which is \nrequired \nthe purpose of \nfor \nassessment of conformity with the essential \nof \nLegal \nrequirements. confidential information shall be required. protection \n\nsolely \n\nNot accepted. The fact that the documentation has to be r\u00e9v\u00e9lant only to the assessment \nof the product with regard to the applicable essential requirements is already clear in the \nannexes. In addition, the confidentiality duty of the notified bodies is spelt out in Annex \nV, point 7. -8 \n\n4 9 \n\nTEXT OF THE COMMON POSITION \nArticle 10, paragraph 6a (new) \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 25 \nArticle 10, paragraph 6a (new) \n\n6a. Subcontracting \nto an establishment \nlocated in a third country shall be subject \nto certain conditions guaranteeing : \n\nof \n\n(i) \n\nthe \n\ncompetence \n\nthe \nestablishment operating as sub-contractor, \non the basis of conformity with series EN \n45000 standards and the capability of the \nMember State that has notified the sub \ncontracting body \neffective \nensure \nto \nmonitoring of such compliance: \n\n(ii) \n\nthe ability of the body notified \nto exercise effective responsibility for the \nwork carried out. Not accepted, as the Notified Bodies and the test laboratories must be established within \nthe Community. TEXT OF COMMON POSITION \nArticle 9, paragraph 4a (new) \n\nAMENDMENT NO. 26 \nArticle 9, paragraph 4a (new) \n\n4a. Provision shall be made for an appeals \nprocedure. Not accepted : a special appeals procedure is not necessary, the interestedparties in the \nissue considered here have allways the possibility to bring thier possible objections to the \nattention of the Commission. On another hand, Art. 9 is not the appropriate place to \ndeal with this idea. EEL. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 46 final \n\nDOCUM \n\n* CI \n\nEN \n\n06 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-061-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69373-8 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3 JO ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publicatioas of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d65f196-489d-4669-b2a7-f77d3f63fefb", "title": "RESOLUTION on measures to assist the areas of eastern Sicily hit by the earthquake of 13 December 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "Sicily,architectural heritage,environmental risk prevention,natural disaster", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0063", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Sicily", "architectural heritage", "environmental risk prevention", "natural disaster"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d65f196-489d-4669-b2a7-f77d3f63fefb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3bc572be-cd7c-487a-8d9c-ab3ec029ecb8", "title": "RESOLUTION on the situation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Left Unity,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "Israel,Kuwait,Palestine question,occupied territory,prisoner", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0327", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Israel", "Kuwait", "Palestine question", "occupied territory", "prisoner"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3bc572be-cd7c-487a-8d9c-ab3ec029ecb8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/56321a0d-66cf-4531-8fdf-8ba821868205", "title": "RESOLUTION on the quelling of demonstrations in Morocco and the fate of political prisoners", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Left Unity,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,Middle East,UNO,USSR,war", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0387", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "Middle East", "UNO", "USSR", "war"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2fd0b333-6c1c-4881-8c02-d5202e0dbc45", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8df7dc2a-b993-4a40-a02c-3de305c6ca3f", "title": "RESOLUTION on the violation of human rights in China", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Democratic Group,European Parliament,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-21", "subjects": "China,human rights,repression,right to justice", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0328", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "human rights", "repression", "right to justice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8df7dc2a-b993-4a40-a02c-3de305c6ca3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c636676b-3bca-491a-b599-37954de0f932", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION SETTING UP A PROGRAMME OF OPTIONS SPECIFIC TO THE REMOTE AND INSULAR NATURE OF THE CANARY ISLANDS ( POSEICAN )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "Canary Islands,action programme,island region,operational programme,regional development", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0686(02),comnat:COM_1990_0686(02)_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_067_R_0012_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Canary Islands", "action programme", "island region", "operational programme", "regional development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c636676b-3bca-491a-b599-37954de0f932", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} 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Fulfilment of contracts and free competition in the former GDR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORMIGONI", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "German Democratic Republic,free competition,termination of a contract,unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:91991E000187", "eurovoc_concepts": ["German Democratic Republic", "free competition", "termination of a contract", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65cb6399-8a08-4d8a-aeb0-34c1c47e1ab4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dac50c21-cd56-477a-b61c-eac75de63802", "title": "The European Community and its eastern neighbours.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "Central and Eastern Europe,aid programme,cooperation policy,development bank,financing of aid,foreign aid", "workIds": "PUB_CB5990160", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Central and Eastern Europe", "aid programme", "cooperation policy", "development bank", "financing of aid", "foreign aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dac50c21-cd56-477a-b61c-eac75de63802", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0e3435a-7da6-4d86-a7b3-73cc59c616db", "title": "Deadline 1992 putting Europe to work.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security,European Commission", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU policy,European Monetary System,European integration,capital movement,free movement of persons,organisation of transport,single market", "workIds": "PUB_CB5689635", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU policy", "European Monetary System", "European integration", "capital movement", "free movement of persons", "organisation of transport", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0e3435a-7da6-4d86-a7b3-73cc59c616db", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b6120216-ad47-4eb2-a513-4f750b060ae6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 157/91 by Mrs Claire JOANNY to the Council. 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Patent protection for medicines", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GALLE", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "European patent,international convention,medicinal product,pharmaceutical legislation", "workIds": "celex:91991E000191", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European patent", "international convention", "medicinal product", "pharmaceutical legislation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/45ba80ec-61c3-492e-a66f-16eeb4055576", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/659daf54-88cc-4e3f-b3b8-f04337f3cecb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 194/91 by Mr Diego de los SANTOS L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. 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Investment subsidies for a starch factory in southern Italy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BOCKLET,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "EU aid,bio-industry,industrial policy,industrial project,location of industry,starch", "workIds": "celex:91991E000162", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "bio-industry", "industrial policy", "industrial project", "location of industry", "starch"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dac0f81-3d6d-4869-8a00-4ba5ba332cdb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d44f2fa-3344-472f-b5e4-e2a9bf21ecf8", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the Commission proposal for a Council directive concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "arrangement of working time,labour law,night work,rest period,shift work,work schedule,working conditions,working time", "workIds": "celex:51990AP0378", "eurovoc_concepts": ["arrangement of working time", "labour law", "night work", "rest period", "shift work", "work schedule", "working conditions", "working time"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d44f2fa-3344-472f-b5e4-e2a9bf21ecf8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13b2718a-bd5e-4b6b-906b-cd2dfc026452", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 174/91 by Mr Detlev SAMLAND to the Commission. Refusal of the Centre Public d' Aide Sociale de Namur to employ non-Belgian nationals", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SAMLAND", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "Belgium,application of EU law,equal treatment,free movement of workers,job access,nationality,public health,public institution", "workIds": "celex:91991E000174", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "application of EU law", "equal treatment", "free movement of workers", "job access", "nationality", "public health", "public institution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13b2718a-bd5e-4b6b-906b-cd2dfc026452", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c2f2eb2-359b-4c00-a367-c993c81b70dc", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation procedure: second reading) on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive amending Directive 89/396/EEC on indications or marks identifying the lot to which a foodstuff belongs", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-20", "subjects": "approximation of laws,foodstuff,health control", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "foodstuff", "health control"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c2f2eb2-359b-4c00-a367-c993c81b70dc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/798b653b-11d4-440e-9d69-4ad145de99af", "title": "The financing of continuing training in Italy.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop,European Commission", "date": "1991-02-19", "subjects": "Italy,continuing education,financing,vocational training", "workIds": "PUB_HX6091523", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "continuing education", "financing", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/798b653b-11d4-440e-9d69-4ad145de99af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8a4a4293-2766-4b0a-9e8a-0ff6ed6d2f26", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) CONCERNING FINANCIAL COOPERATION IN RESPECT OF ALL THE MEDITERRANEAN NON-MEMBER COUNTRIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-19", "subjects": "Mediterranean region (EU),financial cooperation,financing of aid,protocol to an agreement,third country", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0048,comnat:COM_1991_0048_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_068_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Mediterranean region (EU)", "financial cooperation", "financing of aid", "protocol to an agreement", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8a4a4293-2766-4b0a-9e8a-0ff6ed6d2f26", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 48 fln\u00abl \n\nBrussels, 19 February 1991 \n\niim \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nconcerning financial cooperation in respect \n\nof all the Mediterranean non-member countries \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f** \u00ab^ \u00abk \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nAt its meeting held on 18 and 19 December 1990 the Council took a general \n\nposition concerning the new Mediterranean policy. In particular, it \n\nadopted a resolution concerning financial cooperation in respect of all the \n\nMediterranean non-member countries. Attached hereto is a proposal for a Regulation laying down the detailed \n\narrangements and the rules governing such financial cooperation. - 3 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nconcerning financial cooperation in respect \n\nof all the Mediterranean non-member countries \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 235 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, \n\nWhereas, with a view to establishing a new Mediterranean policy, at its \n\nmeeting held on 18 and 19 December 1990 the Council adopted a resolution \n\nconcerning financial cooperation in respect of all the Mediterranean \n\nnon-member count r i es ; \n\nWhereas in that Resolution it was agreed, inter alia, that the measures \n\nimplemented pursuant to the financial protocols concluded with the \n\nMediterranean non-member countries should be supplemented by other types of \n\nmeasure, namely those whose scope extends beyond the context of a single \n\ncountry and those which concern the environment; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to lay down the detailed arrangements and the rules \n\ngoverning cooperation relating to such measures; \n\nWhereas the Treaty has not provided the necessary powers for this purpose, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. In order to give effect to the new Mediterranean policy, the Community \n\nshall implement measures intended to supplement those financed pursuant to \n\nthe financial protocols concluded with the Mediterranean non-member \n\ncountr ies. 2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to all Mediterranean \n\nnon-member countries with which the Community has concluded association or \n\ncooperation agreements. Article 2 \n\n1. The purpose of the measures to be carried out pursuant to Article 1 \n\nshalI be: \n\n- the implementation of operations of regional interest In the various \n\nfields of cooperation; \n\n- cooperation with regard to the environment. 2. The types of measure relating to the operations of regional interest \n\nreferred to in paragraph 1 shall be as follows: \n\n- support for measures which involve a number of Mediterranean non-member \n\ncountries or a Mediterranean non-member country and the Community and \n\nsupport for the process of integration in the region, notably through \n\ntechnical cooperation, training measures, seminars, studies and \n\nmissions; such support shall be directed, \n\nin particular, to \n\ninstitutions and bodies working to promote integration in the region; \n\n- feasibility studies in respect of regional infrastructure projects, \n\nsubject to the proviso that the said projects shall be financed outside \n\nthe framework of the financial protocols by the European Investment Bank \n\nusing its own resources. - 5 -\n\n3. The types of measure relating to cooperation on the environment shall be \n\nas fol lows: \n\n- measures which have a catalytic effect, such as pilot or demonstration \n\nprojects and training schemes; \n\n- the financing of 3% interest-rate subsidies for loans granted, outside \n\nthe framework of the financial protocols, by the European Investment \n\nBank from its own resources for investment purposes. Article 3 \n\n1. Community financing for the measures referred to in this Regulation \n\nshall take the form of grants. 2. Taxes, duties and charges levied in the recipient countries shall not be \n\nfinanced. 3. Financing, as referred to in paragraph 1, shall be administered by the \n\nCommission without prejudice to the European \n\nInvestment \n\nBank's \n\nadministration of interest-rate subsidies by virtue of authority conferred \n\nby the Commission in accordance with Article 105(3) of the Financial \n\nRegulation of 21 December 1977 applicable to the general budget of the \n\nEuropean Communities. Article 4 \n\n1. Financing decisions relating to the measures referred to in Article 2 or \n\nto overall amounts intended for the implementation of such measures shall \n\nbe adopted by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in \n\nArticle 5(2). 2. Decisions regarding the grant of the interest-rate subsidies specified \n\nin the second indent of Article 2(3) shall be taken on the basis of the \n\nloan proposals submitted by the European Investment Bank to the Commission. - 6 -\n\nArt icle 5 \n\n1. The Commission shall be assisted by the Committee set up by Article 6(1) \n\nof Council Regulation (EEC) No 3973/861. 2. The representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a \n\ndraft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion \n\non the draft within a time limit which the chairman may lay down \n\naccording to the urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered by \n\nthe majority laid down in Article 148(2) of the Treaty in the case of \n\ndecisions which the Council is required to adopt on a proposai from the \n\nCommission. The votes of the representatives of the Member States within \n\nthe Committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The \n\nchairman shall not vote. The Commission shall adopt measures which shall apply immediately. However, \n\nif these measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the Committee, \n\nthey shall be communicated by the Commission to the Council forthwith. In \n\nthat event the Commission shall defer application of the measures which it \n\nhas decided for three months from the date of such communication. The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may take a different decision \n\nwithin the time limit referred to in the preceding paragraph. Article 6 \n\nThe Commission shall inform the Council and the European Parliament once a \n\nyear on progress achieved in implementing the cooperation undertaken \n\npursuant to this Regulation. Article 7 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of \n\nits publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\n1 OJ No L 370, 30. 12. 1986, p. 5 \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\f- 3-\n\n\u00a3l\u00a3H\u00a3_LJ^g\u00a3i\u00a3B\u00a3 \n\nVOLET 1 : IMPLICATIONS FINANCIERES \n\n1. Int i tu l\u00e9 de I'act ion : Coop\u00e9ration \n\nfinanci\u00e8re \n\nInt\u00e9ressant \n\nl'ensemble des pays tiers m\u00e9diterran\u00e9ens. 2. Lianes budg\u00e9taires concern\u00e9es : B 7 - 4080 (nomenclature 1991) \n\n3. Base l\u00e9gale : R\u00e8glement du Conseil fond\u00e9 sur l'article 235 du \nfiche \n\nla pr\u00e9sente \n\nl'objet \n\nde \n\ntrait\u00e9 faisant \nfinanci\u00e8re. 4. Description de I'action \n\n4-1 Objectif sp\u00e9cifiques de l'action : \n\nCompl\u00e9ter les actions mises en oeuvre en application des protocoles \nfinanciers conclus avec les pays tiers m\u00e9diterran\u00e9ens par d'autres \nformes d'action telles que celles ayant un caract\u00e8re r\u00e9gional, ainsi \nque celles situ\u00e9es dans le domaine de l'environnement. 4. 2 Dur\u00e9e : 1992 - 1996 \n\n4. 3 Population vis\u00e9e par l'a\u00e7t'Qn : \n\nLes actions de caract\u00e8re r\u00e9gional, et relevant de l'environnement \ntouchent l'ensemble des populations. 5. Classification de la d\u00e9pense \n\n5. 1 DNO \n\n5. 2 CD \n\n6. Quelle est 'a nature de la d\u00e9pense \n\n6. 1 Subvention \u00e0 100% : pour certaines actions \n\n6. 2 Subvention par co-fInancement avec d'autres sources du secteur \n\npublic et/ou priv\u00e9 : pour certaines actions. 6. 3 Bonification d'Int\u00e9r\u00eat de 3% pour des pr\u00eats accord\u00e9s par la BEI sur \ntes ressources propres pour la r\u00e9alisation d'Investissements dans le \ndomalne de I'envIronnement. 6. 4 Autres : n\u00e9ant \n\n\f6. 5 En cas de r\u00e9ussite \u00e9conomique de l'action un remboursement partiel \nou total de l'apport financier communautaire est-il pr\u00e9vu ? NON \n\n- ?-\n\n6. 6 L'action propos\u00e9e impiique-t-elle une modification du niveau des \n\nrecettes ? NON \n\n7. Incidence financi\u00e8re sur les cr\u00e9dits d'intervention (partie B du \n\nbudget) \n\n7. 1 Mode de calcul : \n\nLes montants pr\u00e9vus tiennent compte des orientations politiques \npropos\u00e9es par la Commission dans sa communication SEC (90) 812 du \n1. 6. 90, ainsi que de la r\u00e9solution du Conseil du 18/19 d\u00e9cembre 1990 \npr\u00e9voyant une coop\u00e9ration financi\u00e8re applicable \u00e0 l'ensemble des \npays m\u00e9diterran\u00e9ens. 7. 2 Part du mini-budget : environ 5% en raison de la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 d'un \nappui technique et administratif pour la mise en oeuvre et le suivi \ndes act ions. 7. 3 Ech\u00e9ancier indicatif des cr\u00e9dits d'engagement et de paiement : \n\n(Prix \n\ncourants) \n\n1992' \n\n7993* \n\n7994\u00bb \n\n7995\" \n\n7996\u00bb \n\nCE \n\nCP \n\n64 \n\n23 \n\n67 \n\n45 \n\n69 \n\n67 \n\n12 \n\n70 \n\n74 \n\n72 \n\n* \n\nsous r\u00e9serve des r\u00e9sultats de la reconduction \u00e9ventuelle de l'accord \ninter-institutionnel sur la discipline budg\u00e9taire et l'am\u00e9lioration \nde la proc\u00e9dure budg\u00e9taire. 8- Dispositions particuli\u00e8res anti-fraude pr\u00e9vues dans la proposition \n\nd'action \n\nSans objet. VOLET Z : PEPENSES ADMINISTRATIVES (partie A \n\n\fFiche concerning the Impact on competition and employment \n\nProposal for a Council Decision concerning the conclusion of the Agreement In \nform of agreed minutes relating to certain agricultural products negotiated \nbetween the European Economic Community and Australia under Article XXVIII of \nthe GATT. The proposed Decision provides for the approval of an agreement whereby \nAustralia is allowed to amend bound customs duties for certain processed and \nsemi-processed vegetables. The result of these amendments would be that \nAustralia - based on a 3 year reference period - would collect less customs \nduties on the products concerned when exported from the EC and imported into \nAustralia. Taking into account the result of the negotiation, the agreement will have no \nnegative effect on competition and employment. /\" \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 47 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue numbci : CB-CO-91-062-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69382-7 \n\nMlICE \n\n1 30 pagec: 3. 50 ECU \n\np\u00abr additional 10 pag\u00abs- 1 M RCIT \n\nOffice tor Oixlclal rublications uf the Eurupcau Cumiuumiici \n\nL-2985 Luxeriibourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8cb7fdc1-f9ae-4cce-ad59-8df65bb43a99", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 200/91 by Mr Miguel ARIAS CA\u00d1ETE to the Commission. Implementation of the fishing agreement between the EEC and Guinea (Conakry)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARIAS CANETE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Guinea,agreement (EU),fishery resources,fishing agreement,fishing licence,fishing rights,research programme,use of aid,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91991E000200", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Guinea", "agreement (EU)", "fishery resources", "fishing agreement", "fishing licence", "fishing rights", "research programme", "use of aid", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8cb7fdc1-f9ae-4cce-ad59-8df65bb43a99", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94e96753-1293-4944-80ac-6e8cc07232a8", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 233/91 by Mr Elio DI RUPO to the Commission. Imports of tropical wood from Malaysia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DI RUPO,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Malaysia,application of EU law,conservation of resources,forestry holding,impact study,import (EU),import restriction,wood product", "workIds": "celex:91991E000233", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malaysia", "application of EU law", "conservation of resources", "forestry holding", "impact study", "import (EU)", "import restriction", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94e96753-1293-4944-80ac-6e8cc07232a8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b83671a5-4d94-4f56-8a9e-5d25a529a589", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 202/91 by Mrs Christine CRAWLEY to the Commission. Cost of VAT to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CRAWLEY,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "United Kingdom,VAT,VAT rate,carriage of passengers,maritime transport,tax harmonisation,transport accident", "workIds": "celex:91991E000202", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "VAT", "VAT rate", "carriage of passengers", "maritime transport", "tax harmonisation", "transport accident"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b83671a5-4d94-4f56-8a9e-5d25a529a589", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/673eed77-2472-4cee-a1da-70c241cc7827", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 223/91 by Mr V\u00edctor Manuel ARBELOA MURU to the Commission. Selection of candidates for the Jean Monnet chair", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "European integration,research project,university", "workIds": "celex:91991E000223", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European integration", "research project", "university"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/673eed77-2472-4cee-a1da-70c241cc7827", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d2c1254f-fcfa-4d57-88da-9ce0a39b1ee6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 198/91 by Mr Miguel ARIAS CA\u00d1ETE to the Commission. Implementation of the fishing agreement between the EEC and Greenland", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARIAS CANETE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "European Community,Greenland,catch quota,fishing agreement,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91991E000198", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Community", "Greenland", "catch quota", "fishing agreement", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d2c1254f-fcfa-4d57-88da-9ce0a39b1ee6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/837188ac-6905-4f17-bc5d-1838356f541f", "title": "91/101/EEC: Commission Decision of 18 February 1991 concerning the areas referred to in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2506/88 instituting a Community programme to assist the conversion of shipbuilding areas (Renaval programme) (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Belgium,EU programme,industrial conversion,redevelopment aid,shipbuilding", "workIds": "celex:31991D0101,oj:JOL_1991_052_R_0049_043", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EU programme", "industrial conversion", "redevelopment aid", "shipbuilding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/837188ac-6905-4f17-bc5d-1838356f541f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4dcd9b7-2117-4205-a7ab-04405385b41c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 228/91 by Mr Stephen HUGHES to the Commission. Zero rates of VAT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HUGHES STEPHEN", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "United Kingdom,VAT,VAT rate,tax exemption", "workIds": "celex:91991E000228", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "VAT", "VAT rate", "tax exemption"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4dcd9b7-2117-4205-a7ab-04405385b41c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4aa17ed1-7730-4d09-8c41-3ee8fef2a085", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 229/91 by Mr Christopher JACKSON to the Commission. Hybrid vines", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CHRISTOPHER", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Germany,plant breeding,plant disease,vineyard,wine of superior quality", "workIds": "celex:91991E000229", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "plant breeding", "plant disease", "vineyard", "wine of superior quality"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4aa17ed1-7730-4d09-8c41-3ee8fef2a085", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85846604-4f1b-4402-baa8-a6b98aabdf7f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 212/91 by Mrs Mary BANOTTI to the Commission. Airline compensation", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANOTTI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "air transport,consumer protection,indemnification,ticket,transport user", "workIds": "celex:91991E000212", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air transport", "consumer protection", "indemnification", "ticket", "transport user"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85846604-4f1b-4402-baa8-a6b98aabdf7f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c90748c-5f37-4ada-8100-5608e809b6fb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 197/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. Current situation regarding infringement procedures opened against Spain for failure to comply with Community law on financial institutions and company law", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "infringement procedure (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91991E000197", "eurovoc_concepts": ["infringement procedure (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c90748c-5f37-4ada-8100-5608e809b6fb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/565cba11-7bd3-4c98-95bb-13fdf7e9dab0", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 214/91 by Mrs Mary BANOTTI to the Commission. National treasures", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANOTTI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "approximation of laws,cultural heritage,cultural object,exchange of information,export,heritage protection,literary and artistic property,single market", "workIds": "celex:91991E000214", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "cultural heritage", "cultural object", "exchange of information", "export", "heritage protection", "literary and artistic property", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/565cba11-7bd3-4c98-95bb-13fdf7e9dab0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1dcdaf13-d806-433e-844b-c6430fc3b869", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 222/91 by Mr Carlos ROBLES PIQUER to the Commission. Community financial legislation in respect of the activities of savings banks", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "EU law,banking,competence of the Member States,credit institution,financial institution,financial legislation,savings bank", "workIds": "celex:91991E000222", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "banking", "competence of the Member States", "credit institution", "financial institution", "financial legislation", "savings bank"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1dcdaf13-d806-433e-844b-c6430fc3b869", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d1ff033d-56ca-4a91-8e21-eba1c53a1433", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 226/91 by Mr V\u00edctor Manuel ARBELOA MURU to European Political Cooperation. Political prisoners in Laos", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "European political cooperation,Laos,national liberation movement,political prisoner,protection of freedoms", "workIds": "celex:91991E000226", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European political cooperation", "Laos", "national liberation movement", "political prisoner", "protection of freedoms"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d1ff033d-56ca-4a91-8e21-eba1c53a1433", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c8db8796-3cc4-4fb8-b675-640228e1c093", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 240/91 by Mr David BOWE to the Commission. Migrant workers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BOWE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Community migration,equal treatment,migrant worker,remuneration of work,working conditions", "workIds": "celex:91991E000240", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community migration", "equal treatment", "migrant worker", "remuneration of work", "working conditions"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c8db8796-3cc4-4fb8-b675-640228e1c093", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2bd3325f-760a-4861-9c33-167c29c8f530", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 206/91 by Mr Adrien ZELLER to the Commission. Recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters between the Member States of the European Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ZELLER", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "France,Netherlands,Portugal,Spain,civil law,commercial law,enforcement of ruling,jurisdiction", "workIds": "celex:91991E000206", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Netherlands", "Portugal", "Spain", "civil law", "commercial law", "enforcement of ruling", "jurisdiction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2bd3325f-760a-4861-9c33-167c29c8f530", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/246ff69b-5004-4ca6-a3eb-85a818de03e9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 231/91 by Mr Fernando SU\u00c1REZ GONZ\u00c1LEZ to the Commission. 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MEDIA programme for the theatre", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FAYOT", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Central and Eastern Europe,cultural cooperation,cultural relations,performing arts", "workIds": "celex:91991E000208", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Central and Eastern Europe", "cultural cooperation", "cultural relations", "performing arts"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a4dfb5c3-0c19-4e73-aeba-41f29ce7d48b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/092c35ec-f97e-40d8-8efd-e4f9b344e515", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 209/91 by Mr Ben FAYOT to the Commission. 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C. -Vietnam relations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANOTTI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "EU relations,Viet Nam,diplomatic relations,return migration,social rehabilitation", "workIds": "celex:91991E000213", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU relations", "Viet Nam", "diplomatic relations", "return migration", "social rehabilitation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/353ad49a-b992-4827-a8c8-f0711b233653", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f4f8b93-f834-4c7c-b569-6fb091327bf5", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 215/91 by Mr Louis LAUGA to the Commission. Herring fishing", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LAUGA", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Netherlands,common fisheries policy,conservation of fish stocks,fishing controls,fishing regulations,young person", "workIds": "celex:91991E000215", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Netherlands", "common fisheries policy", "conservation of fish stocks", "fishing controls", "fishing regulations", "young person"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f4f8b93-f834-4c7c-b569-6fb091327bf5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f1178590-60da-4bd1-a143-7f028fdf13c3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 224/91 by Mr V\u00edctor Manuel ARBELOA MURU to the Commission. Change in the status of the Consultative Council of Local and Regional Authorities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "EU regional policy,advisory committee (EU),decision-making,region,regional and local authorities", "workIds": "celex:91991E000224", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU regional policy", "advisory committee (EU)", "decision-making", "region", "regional and local authorities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f1178590-60da-4bd1-a143-7f028fdf13c3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/06f1fa7c-e3a6-479c-9bc6-a0ffc9b9c359", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 239/91 by Mr Pierre LATAILLADE to the Council. Technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LATAILLADE", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "amendment of a law,aquaculture,conservation of fish stocks,conservation of resources,fishery resources,fishing area,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:91991E000239", "eurovoc_concepts": ["amendment of a law", "aquaculture", "conservation of fish stocks", "conservation of resources", "fishery resources", "fishing area", "technical standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/06f1fa7c-e3a6-479c-9bc6-a0ffc9b9c359", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0ae0bfc1-fa6f-4980-a278-d1e086db2ee9", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) AMENDING COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) NO 1191/89 DEROGATING FROM REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 797/85 AS REGARDS CERTAIN INVESTMENT AIDS IN THE PIG PRODUCTION SECTOR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "investment aid,support policy,swine", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0024,comnat:COM_1991_0024_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_064_R_0009_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["investment aid", "support policy", "swine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0ae0bfc1-fa6f-4980-a278-d1e086db2ee9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 24 final \n\nBrussels, 18 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1191/89 derogating from \n\nRegulation (EEC) No. 797/85 as regards certain \n\nInvestment aids in the pig production sector \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\nm* \n\nmint \n\nmSRCmaSpk \n\n\f- 2 \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Under Regulation (EEC) No. 797/85 on improving the efficiency of \n\nagricultural structures investment aid for pig farms is subject to the \n\nrequirement that the farm have enough land to produce at least 35% of the \n\npigs' feed (the \"35% clause\"). 2. In order to promote improvement of the health situation on pig farms in \n\nCommunity areas covered by swine fever eradication programmes and on pig \n\nfarms in certain areas of Greece, Spain and Portugal where holdings are \n\nsmall or land unproductive, and the health aspect of pig farming is \n\nunsatisfactory, the Council on 27 April 1989 adopted, on a Commission \n\nproposal, Regulation (EEC) No. 1191/89 enabIing the Commission to waive this \n\n35% requirement, if certain conditions were met, up to 31 December 1990. 3. The Member States have been faced with substantial administrative problems \n\nin applying this derogation, worsened in the case of Belgium by a fresh \n\noutbreak of swine fever in the opening months of 1990 that obliged the \n\nBelgian authorities to organize the slaughter of 1. 170. 000 pigs. The \n\nhealth problems therefore remain, but only a small number of holdings have \n\nbenefitted from the derogation. 4. When it met on 6 November the Council accordingly asked the Commission to \n\npropose an extension of the derogation. 5. Given the situation as indicated above, the Commission considers that a \n\none-year extension of the derogation would be justified. - 3-\n\nPROPOSAL FOR \n\nA COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1191/89 derogating from \n\nRegulation (EEC) No. 797/85 as regards certain \n\ninvestment aids in the pig production sector \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nHaving regard to the-Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and \n\nin particular Articles 42 and 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European par Iiament,(1) \n\nWhereas the last subparagraph of Article 3(4) of Council Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo. 797/85 of 12 March 1985 on improving the efficiency of agricultural \n\nstructures^2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No. 3577/90^3), makes the \n\ngranting of investment aid for pig production subject to a requirement that at \n\nleast the equivalent of 35% of the pigs' feed can be produced on the holding; \n\nWhereas the difficulties on account of which Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo. 1l9l/89^4^, provides for a temporary derogation from the last subparagraph \n\nof Article 3(4) of Regulation (EEC) No. 797/85 persist; whereas the period of \n\nvalidity of the derogation should therefore be extended, \n\n(1) OJ No. C. (2) OJ No. L 93, 30. 03. 1985, p. 1 \n(3) OJ No. L353, 17. 12. 1990, p. 23 \n(4) OJ No. L123, 04. 05. 1989, p. 1 \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\n- 4 \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe date of 31 December 1990 in Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No. 1191/89 is \n\nreplaced by 31 December 1991. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in \n\nthe Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply with effect from 1 January 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and direct I y appIicab le in \n\na I I Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the CounciI \n\n\f- 5-\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 24 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-06\u00d4-EN-C \nISBN 9?-77-69364-9 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 330 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dde4fe39-3324-4dbe-912e-59202e3e05c8", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 241/91 by Mr David BOWE to the Commission. Redundancy payments", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BOWE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "European Social Charter,approximation of laws,severance pay", "workIds": "celex:91991E000241", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Social Charter", "approximation of laws", "severance pay"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dde4fe39-3324-4dbe-912e-59202e3e05c8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8e4f767f-3f53-419e-9520-228ebebdb108", "title": "XXIVth General Report on the Activities of the European Communities 1990.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "Community budget,EU policy,EU relations,European Communities,activity report,enlargement of the Union,single market", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CM6090086", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "EU policy", "EU relations", "European Communities", "activity report", "enlargement of the Union", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8e4f767f-3f53-419e-9520-228ebebdb108", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2f1ccf4-ede1-41e5-8cf1-93e9f042b4dd", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 221/91 by Mr Carlos ROBLES PIQUER to the Commission. Provisions applicable to offices for relations with the European Communities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1991-02-18", "subjects": "EU relations,European Commission,association,diplomatic representation,international organisation", "workIds": "celex:91991E000221", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU relations", "European Commission", "association", "diplomatic representation", "international organisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2f1ccf4-ede1-41e5-8cf1-93e9f042b4dd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4aea0706-186a-4da6-bd86-215647b803c8", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-1934/90/rev. with debate, by Mr VAN OUTRIVE on behalf of the Socialist Group to the Council: Harmonization of policies on entry to the territories of the EC Member States with a view to the free movement of persons", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VAN OUTRIVE", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Benelux countries,EU policy,France,Germany,Italy,admission of aliens,drug traffic,free movement of persons,immigration,information system,migration policy,political asylum,public safety,signature of an agreement,simplification of formalities", "workIds": "celex:91990O000398", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Benelux countries", "EU policy", "France", "Germany", "Italy", "admission of aliens", "drug traffic", "free movement of persons", 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"workIds": "celex:31991D0100,oj:JOL_1991_052_R_0048_042", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg", "EU aid", "farm income", "farmer", "regions of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b18085ce-536c-4783-810e-24e98534f095", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3b5f3f3e-c943-427d-97c1-4e04a02c5c6f", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-0135/91 with debate, by Mr WURTZ, Mr BARROS MOURA, Mr EPHREMIDIS and Mr DE ROSSA on behalf of the Left Unity Group to European Political Cooperation: Schengen Agreements", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BARROS MOURA,DE ROSSA,EPHREMIDIS,European Parliament,WURTZ", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Benelux countries,EU policy,France,Germany,Italy,admission of aliens,drug traffic,free movement of persons,immigration,information system,migration policy,political asylum,public safety,signature of an agreement,simplification of formalities", "workIds": "celex:91990O000411", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Benelux countries", "EU policy", "France", "Germany", "Italy", "admission of aliens", "drug traffic", "free movement of persons", "immigration", "information system", "migration policy", "political asylum", "public safety", "signature of an agreement", "simplification of formalities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3b5f3f3e-c943-427d-97c1-4e04a02c5c6f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bcf5c48-d273-4676-8806-1d5f2649ab9e", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-0280/91 with debate by Mr SAKELLARIOU on behalf of the Socialist Group to the Commission: Gulf crisis -arms export policy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SAKELLARIOU", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,Middle East,arms control,arms industry,arms supply,arms trade,export (EU),export restriction,industrial conversion,international conflict,military equipment,war", "workIds": "celex:91991O000027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "Middle East", "arms control", "arms industry", "arms supply", "arms trade", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "industrial conversion", "international conflict", "military equipment", "war"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bcf5c48-d273-4676-8806-1d5f2649ab9e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5b0522e4-11b0-423a-93a2-7478834f1e10", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) ON THE TARIFF ARRANGEMENTS APPLICABLE TO IMPORTS INTO THE COMMUNITY OF PRODUCTS ORIGINATING IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Middle East,import,occupied territory,originating product,tariff policy", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0040,comnat:COM_1991_0040_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Middle East", "import", "occupied territory", "originating product", "tariff policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5b0522e4-11b0-423a-93a2-7478834f1e10", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 40 final \n\nBrussels, 15 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the tariff arrangements applicable to imports \n\ninto the Community of products originating \n\nin the occupied territories \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nAt its meeting of 23 and 24 June 1990 in Dublin, the European Council \n\nreviewed the various measures introduced by the Community and its \n\nMember States to halt the deterioration in the economic and social \n\nsituation In the occupied territories. Where the Community's preferential \n\ntrading \n\narrangement \n\nfor \n\nthese \n\nterritories \n\nis \n\nconcerned, \n\nthe \n\nEuropean CounciI called on the Community institutions to take whatever \n\nsteps were necessary to bring about a rapid improvement in conditions of \n\naccess to the Community market for Palestinian agricultural exports, in \n\nwhich a certain increase had already been noticed. Agriculture is the biggest productive sector in the Palestinian economy and \n\nhas suffered particularly from the deterioration in the economic situation \n\nin the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. To this should be added the fact that \n\ninputs into this sector cost more here than in most other Mediterranean \n\ncountries because the occupation of the territories makes it difficult to \n\nobtain supplies from the world market. The Gulf crisis has further \n\naggravated the situation because all agricultural exports to Iraq have been \n\nstopped and there has been a major drop in exports to Jordan. This would \n\nresult in a loss of revenue of the order of USD 40 million over a full \n\nyear. Increasing exports to the Community might be an effective way of giving \n\nagriculture a new impetus. Experience gained during two seasons of direct \n\nexports to the Community has shown that, because of the limited quantities \n\nexported, Palestinian exporters \n\nlie Just \n\nbelow the threshold of \n\nprofitability. A special effort should therefore be made by the Community \n\nto stimulate such exports even further. The Commission therefore proposes the following: \n\n- the immediate elimination of residual customs duties applied to products \n\nlisted in Annex II of the Treaty which come under the preferential \n\narrangement currently applicable to the occupied territories; \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n- application of the same arrangements to strawberries since an export \n\npotential exists; \n\n- for sensitive products, reference quantities will be fixed in the light \n\nof exports already effected or of export openings. If imports of any \n\nproduct exceed the reference quantity, the Community reserves the right \n\nto impose a tariff quota. Where this applies, the customs duty charged \n\nunder the current preferential arrangement will be applied to any large \n\nquantities in excess of the quota. Reference quantities could also be fixed subsequently for the remaining \n\nproducts, if necessary. It goes without saying that the reference quantities will have to be \n\nsubject to the annual increases provided for the period 1992-1995 under \n\nthe new Mediterranean policy. The Commission considers that, except in the case of citrus fruits, a \n\nsolution of this kind should not pose any particular problems in view of \n\nthe limited export potential of the occupied territories. It would also be \n\na particularly appropriate way of bringing about a rapid improvement in the \n\nconditions of access to the Community market for products which are of the \n\ngreatest importance in the Palestinian economy, as requested by the \n\nEuropean Counc11. The Commission therefore submits a proposal for a Council Regulation aimed \n\nat modifying the preferential arrangements currently applied to imports of \n\nagricultural products originating in the occupied territories. - 4 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the tariff arrangements applicable to imports \n\ninto the Community of products originating \n\nin the occupied territories \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas products originating in the West Bank of the River Jordan or the \n\nGaza Strip (called the 'occupied territories'), both occupied by Israel, \n\nenjoy preferential treatment with regard to access to the Community market \nunder Council Regulation (EEC) No 3363/86;1 \n\nWhereas the preferential arrangements provide for free access to the \n\nCommunity market for industrial goods and preferential tariff treatment for \n\ncertain agricultural products; \n\nWhereas it is appropriate to introduce measures to bring about a rapid \n\nimprovement in the conditions of access to the Community market for \n\nagricultural products originating in the occupied territories and that, to \n\nachieve this objective, Regulation (EEC) No 3363/86 should be replaced by a \n\nnew R\u00e9gul\u00e2t ion, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Products other than those listed in Annex II to the Treaty and \n\noriginating in the occupied territories shall be imported into the \n\nCommunity \n\nwithout \n\nquantitative \n\nrestrictions \n\nor measures \n\nhaving \n\nequivalent effect and free of customs duties and charges having \n\nequivalent effect. 1 OJ No L 306, 1. 11. 1986, p. 103. - 5 -\n\n2. In the case of products listed in the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 3033/802, which list is set out in Annex 1 hereto, paragraph I shall \n\napply only to the fixed component of the charge imposed on such goods \n\nimported into the Community. Article 2 \n\nThe customs duties on imports into the Community of the agricultural \n\nproducts set out in Annex 2 hereto and originating in the occupied \n\nterritories shall cease to apply on the entry into force of this Regulation \n\nfor the periods indicated. Article 3 \n\n1. A reference quantity is set out in Annex 2 hereto for certain products. Where imports of any of these products exceed the reference quantity, the \n\nproduct concerned may be made subject to a Community tariff quota which \n\nshall apply to a volume equivalent to the reference quantity, if the \n\namounts imported appear likely to cause difficulties in the Community \n\nmarket. 2. In the case of products listed in Annex 2, other than those in \n\nparagraph 1, reference quantities may be set if the amounts imported appear \n\nlikely to create difficulties in the Community market. These products may subsequently be made subject to tariff quotas under the \n\nconditions indicated in paragraph 1. 3. The rates of reduction set out in Annex 2 shall apply to imports in \n\nexcess of the quotas. Article 4 \n\nThe rules of origin to be applied shall be those laid down in Commission \nRegulation (EEC) No 4129/86;3 \n\n2 OJ No L 323, 29. 11. 1980, p. 1. 3 OJ No L 381, 31. 12. 1986, p. 1. - 6 -\n\nArticle 5 \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 3363/86 is hereby repealed. Article 6 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the fifteenth day following that \n\nof its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\f- 7 -\n\n'ANNEX 1 \n\nCN code \n\nDescription \n\nex 0403 \n\nButtermilk, curdled milk and cream, yoghurt, k\u00e9phir and other fermented or acidified \nmilk and cream, concentrated^ whether or not ; containing added sugar or other \nsweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa : \n\n0403 10 51 \nto \n0403 10 99 \n\n0403 90 71 \nto \n0403 90 99 \n\n\u2014 Yoghurt, flavoured or containing added fruit or cocoa \n\nOther, flavoured or containing added fruit or cocoa \n\n071040 00 \n\nSweet corn (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen \n\n0711 90 30 \n\nSweet corn provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in \nsulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for imme \ndiate consumption \n\nex 1517 \n\nMargarine ; edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of frac \ntions of different fats or oils of this chapter, other than edible fats or oils or their frac \ntions of heading No 1516: \n\n1517 10 10 \n\n\u2014 Margarine, excluding liquid margarine containing more than 10% but not more \n\nthan 15% by weight of milk fats \n\n151790 10 \n\n\u2014 Other, containing more than 10 % but not more than 15 % by weight of milk fats \n\nex 1704 \n\nSugar confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa ; excluding \nliquorice extract containing more than 10 % by weight of sucrose but not containing \nother added substances, falling within subheading No 1704 90 10 \n\n1806 \n\n1901 \n\n1902 \n\n1903 \n\n1904 \n\n1905 \n\nChocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa \n\nMalt extract ; food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing \ncocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in a proportion by weight of less than 50 %, \nnot elsewhere specified or included ; food preparations of goods of heading Nos 0401 \nto 0404, not containing cocoa powder or containing cocoa powder in \u00e0 proportion by \nweight of less than 10 %, not elsewhere specified or included \n\nPasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared excluding stuffed pasta falling \nwithin subheadings 1902 20 10 and 1902 20 30 \n\nTapioca and substitutes therefor, prepared from starch in the form of flakes, grains, \npearls, siftings or similar forms \n\nPrepared foods-obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for \nexample com flakes) ; cereals, other than maize (com), in grain form, pre-cooked or \notherwise prepared \n\nBread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers'wares, whether or not containing cocoa, \ncommunion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing \nwafers, rice paper and similar products \n\n2001 90 30 \n\nSweet corn\u00e2(2f\u00fb mays var. saccbarata)' PreP*Tecetk acid \n\n2004 90 10 \n\n2005 80 00 \n\nSweet corn (Zea mays var. - saaharata/p**P***d \u00ab\u2022*' preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid; frozen \n\nSweet corn ^Zea mays var. saccharata) prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar \nor acetic acid; not frozen \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nCN code \n\nDescription \n\n2008 99 85 \n\n2008 99 91 \n\nMaize other than sweet *&]**. \u00bb* \npr\u00e9serv\u00e9e, not conuining added spirit or added sugar \nYams, sweet potatoes and similar edible parts of plants conuining 5 % or more by \nweight of surch, otherwise prepared or preserved, not conuining added spirit or added \nsugar \n\n\u2122 \"\"chara\"*' \n\no t h e r w i se p r e p a r ed or \n\n2101 30 19 \n\nRoasted coffee substitutes excluding roasted chicory \n\n210130 99 \n\n2102 10 31 \nto \n210210 39 \n\n2105 \n\nex 2106 \n\n2202 90 91 \n2202 90 95 \n2202 90 99 \n\n2905 43 \n\n2905 44 \n\nex 3501 \n\nex 3505 10 \n\n3505 20 \n\n3809 10 \n\n3823 60 \n\nExtracts, essences and concentrates of roasted coffee substitutes excluding those of \nroasted chicory \n\nBakers' yeast \n\nIce cream and other edible ice. whether or not conuining cocoa \n\nfood preparations not elsewhere specified or included other than those falling within \nsubheadings 2106 10 10 and 2106 90 91 and other than flavoured or coloured sugar \nsyrups \n\nNon-alcoholic beverages, not including fruit or vegeuble juices of heading No 2009, \nconuining products of Nos 0401 to 0404 or obuined from products of heading Nos \n0401 to 0404 \n\nMannitol \n\nD-Glucitol (sorbitol) \n\nCaseins caseinates and other casein derivatives \n\nDextrins and other modified starches, excluding esterified or etherified surches of \nsubheading 3505 10 50 \n\nGlues based on surches or on dextrins or other modified surches \n\nPrepared glazings and prepared dressings with a basis of amylaceous subsUnces \n\nSorbitol other than of subheading 2905 44' \n\n\f- 9 -\n\nCN \ncode \n\nDescription \n\nANNEX2 \n\nRate of \nreduction \nin customs \nduties (%)! \n\n0?02 00 10 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled: \nFrom 1 December to 31 March2 \n\n0703 10 \n\nOnions: \nProm 15 February to 15 May \n\n0700 30 00 Aubergines (egg-plants) \n\nFrom 15 January to 30 April3 \n\n0709 60 10 \n\nSweet peppers4 \n\n0709 90 70 Courgettes \n\n0805 10 \n\n0805 20 \n\nFrom 1 December to end of February5 \nOranges, fresh6 \n\nMandarins (including tangerines and \nsatsumas); Clementines, wilkings and \nsimilar citrus hybrids, fresh \n\n0805 30 \n\nLemons (Citrus limon, Citrus Limonum), \n\nfresh \n\n0805 40 00 Grapefruit and pomelos \n\n0807 10 90 Melons \n\n0810 10 90 Strawberries > \n\nFrom 1 November to 31 May \n\nFrom 1 November to 31 March7 \n\n0812 90 20 Oranges, coinirdnuted \n\n0904 20 39 Peppers other than sweet peppers, dried, \nneither crushed nor ground \n\n60 \n\n60 \n\n60 \n\n40 \n\n60 \n60 \n\n60 \n\n40 \n\n80 \n\n50 \n\n0 \n\n80 \n\n80 \n\n1 For imports in excess of the quota. 2 Reference quantity \n3 Reference quantity \n4 Reference quantity \n5 Reference quantity \n6 Reference quantity \n7 Reference quantity \n\n1 000 tonnes. 15 000 tonnes. 1 000 tonnes. 300 tonnes. 25 000 tonnes. 500 tonnes. - 10 -\n\n\f- 11 -\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 40 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\ni \n\n; w \n\nras* i. | \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-057-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69337-1 \n\nPRICE \n\n1. 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\npor additional 10 page\u00bb; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-29S3 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4f5a20c-f363-4250-a3e2-7fc0fa6fc01c", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 376/91 of 15 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2729/81 laying down special rules implementing the system of import and export licences and the advance fixing of refunds in respect of milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "export refund,import licence,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0376,oj:JOL_1991_043_R_0036_037", "eurovoc_concepts": ["export refund", "import licence", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4f5a20c-f363-4250-a3e2-7fc0fa6fc01c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0fc6428c-43b5-42c3-8e6b-5dbf61fdd552", "title": "Question No 36 by Mr von WECHMAR (H-0148/91) to the Commission: Arms exports by Community Member States", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VON WECHMAR", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "EU competence,arms trade,export (EU),export restriction,free service,military equipment", "workIds": "celex:91991H000148", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU competence", "arms trade", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "free service", "military equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0fc6428c-43b5-42c3-8e6b-5dbf61fdd552", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b75043e8-d83d-424f-92f1-719c21378c43", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-0281/91 with debate by Mr PANNELLA, Mrs JOANNY, Mr AMENDOLA, Mrs TAZDAIT, Mr BETTINI, Mrs MUSCARDINI and Mr TARADASH to the Commission: Checks on arms trading and exports", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,BETTINI,European Parliament,JOANNY,MUSCARDINI,PANNELLA Marco,TARADASH,TAZDAIT", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,Middle East,arms control,arms industry,arms supply,arms trade,export (EU),export restriction,industrial conversion,international conflict,military equipment,war", "workIds": "celex:91991O000030", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "Middle East", "arms control", "arms industry", "arms supply", "arms trade", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "industrial conversion", "international conflict", "military equipment", "war"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b75043e8-d83d-424f-92f1-719c21378c43", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c7ac521d-65eb-4e11-8857-c6905fce68fb", "title": "91/128/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 February 1991 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/31.559 - Sippa) (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "France,disclosure of information,pulp and paper industry,rules of procedure,trade event", "workIds": "celex:31991D0128,oj:JOL_1991_060_R_0019_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "disclosure of information", "pulp and paper industry", "rules of procedure", "trade event"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c7ac521d-65eb-4e11-8857-c6905fce68fb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ed75ba0-ea77-4086-8484-0da35d742c3f", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 372/91 of 15 February 1991 extending Regulation (EEC) No 3714/89 introducing retrospective surveillance of the reimportation after outward processing of certain textile products originating in Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Malta,Morocco,Tunisia,T\u00fcrkiye,outward processing,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0372,oj:JOL_1991_043_R_0016_033", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malta", "Morocco", "Tunisia", "T\u00fcrkiye", "outward processing", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ed75ba0-ea77-4086-8484-0da35d742c3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/97b5f9bc-1bc1-4a45-9164-90d5037c9746", "title": "Question No 17 by Mr ROBLES-PIQUER (H-0077/91) to European Political Cooperation: Movements of heavy armaments in the USSR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "USSR,arms control,conventional weapon,disarmament", "workIds": "celex:91991H000077", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "arms control", "conventional weapon", "disarmament"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/97b5f9bc-1bc1-4a45-9164-90d5037c9746", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2fd44b5e-f7fc-45c2-b7eb-13397f242f4a", "title": "Question No 38 by Mr STAMOULIS (H-0133/91) to the Commission: The crisis in the Persian Gulf and its repercussions for tourism", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,STAMOULIS", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Iraq,Middle East,air transport,economic consequence,hotel industry,international conflict,tourism", "workIds": "celex:91991H000133", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Middle East", "air transport", "economic consequence", "hotel industry", "international conflict", "tourism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2fd44b5e-f7fc-45c2-b7eb-13397f242f4a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/47a7d78c-3196-4456-9253-ae9d5d40a232", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-0282/91 with debate by Mr SPECIALE on behalf of the GUE Group to the Commission: Economic situation and progressive convergence", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SPECIALE", "date": "1991-02-15", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,budget deficit,economic convergence,economic development,economic 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European University Institute", "date": "1991-02-14", "subjects": "European integration,Portugal,economic integration,member country", "workIds": "PUB_OY5990904", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European integration", "Portugal", "economic integration", "member country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/565efb8d-f5ac-483e-b5c7-6c4986831f5b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/df49a6ce-5e49-4206-a501-cedbe9f7bda7", "title": "91/180/EEC: Commission Decision of 14 February 1991 laying down certain methods of analysis and testing of raw milk and heat-treated milk", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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manufacture of certain condiments", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-13", "subjects": "Greece,desiccated product,food processing,grape,price fixed in advance", "workIds": "celex:31991R0347,oj:JOL_1991_041_R_0020_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "desiccated product", "food processing", "grape", "price fixed in advance"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/75147ad7-ba22-4fdc-8e60-b052e57190d8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6813387e-a29c-47f8-8ee1-efd71aff8260", "title": "Question No 3 by Mr GUTIERREZ DIAZ (H-0111/91) to the Council: Ecological impact of the Gulf war", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GUTIERREZ DIAZ", "date": "1991-02-13", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,Middle East,ecological balance,environmental impact,international conflict,marine pollution,oil pollution,war damage", "workIds": "celex:91991H000111", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "Middle East", "ecological balance", "environmental impact", "international conflict", "marine pollution", "oil pollution", "war damage"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6813387e-a29c-47f8-8ee1-efd71aff8260", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f7709e8-df64-4523-a920-cd710a247258", "title": "91/94/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 February 1991 approving an amendment to the varietal conversion programme for hops submitted by the Kingdom of Belgium pursuant to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2997/87 (only the French and Dutch versions are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-13", "subjects": "hops,plant breeding,producer organisation,production aid", "workIds": "celex:31991D0094,oj:JOL_1991_050_R_0028_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["hops", "plant breeding", "producer organisation", "production aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f7709e8-df64-4523-a920-cd710a247258", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb1ee3c7-2820-4d6d-8393-8f4360f4c621", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 346/91 of 13 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2566/90 on the sale at a price fixed in advance of unprocessed dried grapes (sultanas) from the 1989 harvest held by Greek storage agencies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-13", "subjects": "Greece,dried product,intervention stock,price fixed in advance,sale", "workIds": "celex:31991R0346,oj:JOL_1991_041_R_0019_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "dried product", "intervention stock", "price fixed in advance", "sale"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb1ee3c7-2820-4d6d-8393-8f4360f4c621", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/620928a7-cfc8-4a51-a5a8-9e7fbe2ed0dd", "title": "91/107/EEC: Commission Decision of 13 February 1991 authorizing certain Member States to provide for derogations from certain provisions of Council Directive 77/93/EEC in respect of sawn wood of conifers originating in the United States of America (Only the Spanish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-13", "subjects": "United States,conifer,import restriction,plant health control,wood product", "workIds": "celex:31991D0107,oj:JOL_1991_056_R_0026_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United States", "conifer", "import restriction", "plant health control", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/620928a7-cfc8-4a51-a5a8-9e7fbe2ed0dd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/860f1a7d-2059-432c-a3b0-2b51ee50fc21", "title": "Commission Directive 91/126/EEC of 13 February 1991 amending the Annexes to Council Directive 74/63/EEC on undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-13", 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"Commission Regulation (EEC) No 336/91 of 12 February 1991 on an extension of the term of validity of certain export licences for common wheat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-12", "subjects": "USSR,export licence,export refund", "workIds": "celex:31991R0336,oj:JOL_1991_039_R_0018_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "export licence", "export refund"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21ae8d64-06f6-46fa-a159-e75644d36c08", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e85c2a0-14c1-47d9-a457-5bb2a345055a", "title": "Question No 37 by Mr ROUMELIOTIS (H-0108/91) to the Commission: 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5ed5c297-0a65-4dea-9d90-7ba7cf6c4b76", "title": "91/112/EEC: Commission Decision of 12 February 1991 amending Council Decision 89/21/EEC derogating from prohibitions relating to African swine fever for certain areas in Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-12", "subjects": "Spain,health control,intra-EU trade,pigmeat,swine", "workIds": "celex:31991D0112,oj:JOL_1991_058_R_0029_030", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "health control", "intra-EU trade", "pigmeat", "swine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5ed5c297-0a65-4dea-9d90-7ba7cf6c4b76", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": 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Inclusion of the municipalities of Livigno and Campione d' Italia in the Community' s customs territory", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-11", "subjects": "customs regulations,municipality,regions of Italy,tariff policy,tax relief", "workIds": "celex:91991E000147", "eurovoc_concepts": ["customs regulations", "municipality", "regions of Italy", "tariff policy", "tax relief"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/75bdc2b9-dd74-4d51-9095-ef75d243395f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0dd77831-e395-49e3-aa90-08b4db46fafe", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 119/91 by Mrs Pauline GREEN to the Commission. 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Recognition of civil aviation licences", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-02-11", "subjects": "air traffic,civil aviation,equivalence of diplomas,freedom to provide services,recognition of diplomas,ship's passport,trade union", "workIds": "celex:91991E000132", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air traffic", "civil aviation", "equivalence of diplomas", "freedom to provide services", "recognition of diplomas", "ship's passport", "trade union"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3b7e823a-5dd7-472c-83ab-26ef4b69cf70", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e52da2b5-95c0-4b46-95bc-20683ccaa36c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 103/91 by Mr Mauro CHIABRANDO to the Commission. Customs declarations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CHIABRANDO,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-11", "subjects": "civil service,customs formalities,customs regulations,single market", "workIds": "celex:91991E000103", "eurovoc_concepts": ["civil service", "customs formalities", "customs regulations", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e52da2b5-95c0-4b46-95bc-20683ccaa36c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f44e1db1-679a-4b14-bd7e-bbfa8221fe56", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) ON A COMMUNITY AWARD SCHEME FOR AN ECO-LABEL", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-11", "subjects": "EU environmental policy,consumer information,eco-label,ecology,environmental impact,prevention of pollution", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0037,comnat:COM_1991_0037_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_075_R_0023_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU environmental policy", "consumer information", "eco-label", "ecology", "environmental impact", "prevention of pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f44e1db1-679a-4b14-bd7e-bbfa8221fe56", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 37 final \n\nBrussels, 11 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\n\u00c7QUNCH REGULATION (EEC) \n\non a Community award scheme for an Eco-label \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nI. INTRODUCTION \n\n1. Products subject to mass consumption are a potential source of \n\nimportant \n\nenvironmental \n\ndegradations simply \n\nbecause \n\nthey are \n\nmanufactured and used in great quantities. The environmental impact \n\ncan occur at all stages of the product's life cycle, i. e. manufacturing, distribution, consumption/use and disposal after use. 2. The need to develop a policy towards \"clean\" products aimed at \n\npreventing, reducing and as far as possible eliminating pollution at \n\nsource and ensuring sound management of new materials resources has \n\nbeen emphasized in the Fourth European Community Action Programme on \n\nthe Environment (1987-1992)C). In particular, proposals should aim \n\n\"at defining criteria for 'environmentally sound products', i. e. products which give rise to little or no waste at the elimination \n\nstage\". 3. Accordingly, the Commission announced in its communication to the \n\nCouncil and the Parliament on a Community Strategy for Waste \n\nManagement^2) the setting up of a Community framework for an award \n\nscheme for an Eco-label. 4. The Council of the European Communities, in approving this \n\ncommunication in its Resolution on Waste Policy^3), stated that \n\npriority should be given to prevention or reduction at source, \n\nparticularly by the use of clean products. Therefore, the Council \n\ninvited the Commission to elaborate ecological criteria for products, \n\ntaking into account best available technology not entailing excessive \n\ncost and including as appropriate the use of recyclable, reusable or \n\n(1) OJ No C 328, 7. 12. 1987, p. 1. (2) Doc. SEC(89)934, 14. 9. 1989. (3) OJ No C 222, 18. 5. 1990. - 3 -\n\nbiodegradable materials. Furthermore, the Council \n\ninvited \n\nthe \n\nCommission to come forward with a proposal for a Community-wide eco-\n\nlabelIing scheme. 5. The European Parliament has already supported a Community environment \n\nlabel for eco-products \n\nin \n\nits Resolution on waste and landfill \n\npol icy(*). 6. It must be underlined that the award scheme for the Eco-label is \n\nvoluntary with full freedom to apply or not to apply for a label, will \n\nprovide incentives for the conception of products which will, beyond \n\npreventing the amount or harmfulness of waste, reduce pollution or \n\nreduce nuisance such as noise or odour. 7. Furthermore, the Eco-label will respond to the increasing awareness of \n\nconsumers throughout the Community on environmental issues and their \n\nclaim to be guided in deciding upon their purchases. With regard to \n\nconsumers, the award scheme for the Eco-label will complement the \n\ndevelopment of an integral concept of consumer information on both \n\nproduct quality and behaviour in the environment. 8. The Federal Republic of Germany introduced in 1978 the Blue-Angel-\n\nScheme which has since played an important role in promoting \n\nenvironmentally more benign alternatives using market \n\nforces. Moreover, the Blue-Angel-Scheme plays a leading role in the large \n\nsector of public procurement. 9. Several other Member States are currently considering setting up \n\nenvironmental label schemes i. e. France, the United Kingdom, the \n\nNetherlands and Denmark. 10. The Commission's view is that a plethora of national award schemes for \n\nEco-label s would run the risk of fragmenting the Single Market and of \n\ncreating distortion to competition in the Community. Furthermore, the \n\nsetting up of national schemes as the Single Market nears completion \n\nwould threaten the integration process of both economic and consumer \n\npolicy. (4) OJ No C 190, 20. 7. 1987. - 4 -\n\nI I. SITUATION IN THE MEMBER STATES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nFederal Republic of Germany \n\nThe Federal Republic of Germany was the first country to introduce an \n\nofficial award system for an Eco-label and they still remain the only \n\ncountry in the Community to have done so. The interest in the Blue Angel among manufacturers developed slowly in \n\nthe first years of the existence of the symbol so that after 3 years in \n\noperation only about 100 products were carrying the symbol and after 6 \n\nyears there were 500 products. More recently industrial interest has \n\ngrown along with the growing environmental awareness of German \n\nconsumers. In July 1989, the number of products carrying the Blue \n\nAngel had risen to 3100 covering 57 product groups. A great majority \n\nof the products bearing the label are manufactured by German companies. Only some 10% of the applications have been made by non-German \n\ncompanies despite the lack of restrictions for foreign companies. Denmark \n\nIn the spring of 1989, a revised act of law on chemical substances and \n\nproducts was passed by the Danish Parliament. A new section of this \n\nact authorized the Minister of Environment to implement a legal \n\nenvironmental label concerning the sale of chemical substances and \n\nproducts and articles containing or liberating chemical substances and \n\nproducts. Under the provisions of this act, the Minister of Environment may \n\nestablish rules for obtaining the right to use the label, the design of \n\nthe label, and whom the Minister requires to administer the scheme. In addition to this revision of the act on chemical substances and \n\nproducts, the act on the Environment is being revised, and the revised \n\nedition is expected to contain a section on an environmental label. - 5 \n\nThe Danish initiative is strongly linked to the recent introduction of \n\nenvironmental label schemes in other Scandinavian countries, and \n\nparticularly through the cooperation within the Nordic Council. France \n\nThe French Council of Ministers decided on 4 January 1989 to develop a \n\npolicy towards the promotion of products which are as environmentally \n\nfriendly as possible. A study group was set up to examine - in \n\nconsultations with other groups concerned - the orientations to be \n\nfollowed, in particular encouragement through the \"Eco-Product-Award\", \n\nthe setting up of a label scheme and fiscal measures. It has been \n\nunderlined in the Interim Report issued by the Group on 27 December \n\n1989 that all activities undertaken at Community level in this field \n\nshould be taken into account. At the same time, all conclusions \n\nresulting from the preliminary study carried out in France should be \n\npresented to the Community partners. Pursuant to Article 145 of the Regulation of the National Assembly, the \n\n\"Commission de la Production et des Echanges\" presented a report on an \n\nEco-label in May 1990 to the National Assembly. This report comes to \n\nthe conclusion that an Eco-label in France should be based on the \n\nexisting certification procedure in creating a NF mark for eco-\n\nproducts. This mark or label should be operational as soon as \n\npossible. It would be compatible with the EC-Council Resolution of \n\n21 December 1989 recommending mutual recognition of agreements in the \n\nfield of testing and certification. Ireland \n\nThe Irish Government is currently preparing a Bill on the \"Environment \n\nProtection Agency\" including provisions for a national Eco-label system \n\nwhich might be integrated into a Community scheme. - 6 -\n\nThe Netherlands \n\nThe Dutch Ministries of Housing, Physical Planning and Environmental \n\nProtection and Economic Affairs have examined the feasibility of \n\nintroducing an Eco-mark in the Netherlands. The initiative was taken \n\nin the light of the Dutch \"National Environmental Policy Plan\" of May \n\n1989 which introduced consumer information on product standards as part \n\nof environmental policy as well as the possibility of creating an eco-\n\nmark. The United Kingdom \n\nThe UK Government has carried out a consultation exercise on an eco-\n\nlabel on the basis of a discussion paper issued in August 1989. The \n\nconsultation has shown \"that there is overwhelming support for an \n\nofficial Eco-label scheme operating on a European Community-wide basis\" \n\nas stated in a Press Release issued on 9 January 1990 by the UK \n\nDepartment of the Environment. A small advisory group composed of \n\nindividuals with experience and knowledge relevant to the subject is \n\ncurrently working on defining details of the scheme and on the \n\nselection of product categories for priority consideration. II I. COMMENTS ON THIS PROPOSAL FOR A REGULATION \n\nA) GENERAL \n\n1. The primary objectives of the award scheme for an Eco-label covered by \n\nthis Regulation are to encourage undertakings to produce products \n\nwhich are as environmentally friendly as possible and to provide \n\nconsumers with better information on the environmental performance of \n\nproducts which they buy and use. The award of an Eco-label to a \n\nproduct will be a clear signal to consumers that the product is of high \n\nenvironmental quality. Products bearing the label are therefore \n\nexpected to be preferred by consumers, and manufacturers will respond \n\nto the resultant demand. The Regulation therefore puts in place a \n\nmarket mechanism for achieving higher environmental quality. - 7 \n\n2. The creation of the single market means that goods will be increasingly \n\ntraded between Member States and it is logical that a Community-wide \n\naward scheme for an Eco-label should be put in place to avoid the \n\nconfusion associated with the development of a plethora of national \n\nschemes. The Regulation therefore sets up a Community scheme which \n\nwill ensure that uniformly high levels of environmental performance are \n\nachieved by products bearing the Eco-label. The scheme is voluntary \n\nand transparent, and designed to be as simple as possible whilst \n\nachieving a high level of credibility. 3. The label will be awarded only to those products which meet the general \n\nand specific criteria established for a product category, in other \n\nwords products which serve similar purposes and which have equivalence \n\nof use. In establishing these criteria, the European Environment \n\nAgency will carry out preparatory work in consultation with specialist \n\nscientific and technical organisations. 4. Member States must play a major role in the setting up and operation of \n\nthe scheme and this is provided for in the Regulation through the \n\nestablishment by Member States of Competent Bodies which will be \n\nresponsible for proposing product groups for inclusion in the scheme, \n\nfor assessing individual applications for a label and for concluding \n\ncontracts with successful applicants. 5. The regulation provides for the setting up of a Jury which, on the \n\nbasis of recommendations of the national bodies, shall decide on the \n\naward of the label to individual products. The decisions of the Jury are considered approved by the Commission if \n\nthe Commission does not raise any objection. 6. In addition it is recognised that a scheme for awarding the Eco-label \n\nwhich is based on voluntary application will benefit from the \n\nparticipation in the Jury of all interested groups, i-e- industry, \n\nretailers, \n\nconsumer \n\norganisations, \n\nenvironmentalists, \n\nworkers \n\norganisations and media, and a fair balance in the composition of the \n\nJury between these various groups should be sought. - 8 -\n\nB) LEGAL BASIS OF THE PROPOSAL \n\n1. As mentioned above, products subject to mass consumption can contribute \n\nto important environmental degradations that might occur at all phases \n\nof the life cycle of the products. The introduction of the Eco-label \n\nas a mearrs of changing the conception of products, taking fully into \n\naccount the objectives of the scheme, aims at preventing and minimizing \n\ntheir environmental \n\nimpact during \n\nthe manufacturing process, \n\nconsumption and use as well as during disposal after use. 2. Existing or future independent Eco-label schemes for 'ecological' \n\nproducts might continue to exist. However, care must be taken to avoid \n\nconfusion among these different schemes. 3. In view of the expected improvements in environmental performance of \n\nproducts subject to mass consumption through the market oriented \n\ninstrument and its impact at source, the legal basis for the Regulation \n\nshould be Article 130S of the Treaty. 4. There are important reasons why this Regulation is proposed instead of \n\na Directive. Firstly, a Regulation will be implemented more quickly \n\nwhich will enable a Community-wide Eco-label scheme to be established \n\nat the earliest opportunity. Secondly, a Regulation will be \n\nimplemented at the same time and in the same manner in all Member \n\nStates without any delay or difference resulting from transposition \n\ninto nat ional law. C) COMMENTS ON INDIVIDUAL ARTICLES OF THE PROPOSED REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Article 1 describes the objectives of this Regulation. As already \n\ncovered in A. 1 above, these are to encourage business to produce \n\nproducts which are as environmentally friendly as possible and to \n\nprovide consumers with better information about the environmental \n\nperformance of products. - 9 -\n\n2. A Community-wide scheme is proposed so that the integrity of the single \n\nmarket can be ensured and uniformly high levels of protection for man \n\nand the environment can be achieved across the Community. Article 2 \n\nThis Article excludes certain specific product groups from the Scheme, \n\nsuch as food, drink and pharmaceuticals, which are governed by other \n\nregulations. The initial intention is to cover consumer products, that \n\nis products which consumers in the private or public sectors could \n\nnormally have access to. It is recognised that an Eco-label scheme \n\nmight also be applied to other groups of products and services but any \n\nextension of the scope of the current proposal would add to the \n\ncomplexity of the scheme and should only be considered at a later \n\nstage. The scheme does not include the awarding of a label to packaging in its \n\nown right because of the potential confusion between the environmental \n\nperformance of the packaging and that of the product itself. However, \n\nit is envisaged that the packaging of a product will be one of the \n\nfactors taken \n\ninto account when. evaluating the environmental \n\nperformance of the product as a whole. Article 3 \n\n1. Article 3 makes clear that the terms \"substance\" and \"preparation\", \n\nhave specific meanings as defined in the Directive 67/548/EEC. 2. The Article also defines the term \"product group\" in the context of the \n\nEco-label. A product group needs to be carefully defined so that \n\nproducts within the same group are seen by the consumer as being true \n\nalternates. Care must also be taken when defining products within a \n\ngroup to ensure that the operation of the scheme does not lead to any \n\nundue distortions of the market place. - 10 -\n\n3. The establishment of specific criteria will include consideration of \n\nthe phases of the life cycle of products, i. e. manufacturing, \n\ndistribution, consumption and use as well as disposal after use, which \n\nis the definition of the \"cradle-to-grave\" approach. Article 4 \n\nThere are a number of Community provisions relating to the \n\nclassification, packaging and labelling of products, in particular \n\ndangerous substances and preparations, and this Article makes it clear \n\nthat this Regulation has no effect on the application of these other \n\nprovisions. Article 5 \n\n1. Article 5 summarises some of the key points about the definition of a \n\nproduct group and points to the procedures for establishing a new \n\ngroup. 2. Formal proposals for new product groups should be made through the \n\nCompetent Bodies in the Member States but it is important that any \n\nindividual, group or organisation in a Member State should be able to \n\nsuggest new groups to the relevant Competent Body. This will help to \n\ncontribute to the openess of the scheme. 3. In each case, the Competent Body in the Member state in which the \n\nrequest originates shall decide if it wishes to forward a request to \n\nthe Commission for the adoption of a product category through the \n\nAdvisory Committee procedure. The request must be accompanied by all \n\ninformation necessary for the Committee to examine the request. - 11 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. This Article underlines the requirement that, regardless of the \n\nenvironmental qualities of a product, it must also comply with all \n\napplicable health and safety standards if it is to qualify for a label. 2. It is also clear that products which are manufactured using processes \n\nwhich do not conform to existing Community environmental legislation \n\nshould not be awarded a label. Article 7 \n\nArticle 7 outlines the approach to establishing specific environmental \n\ncriteria for a product group. It is clear that the Eco-label scheme \n\nmust consider the environmental performance of a product during all \n\nstages of its production, use and disposal. Anything less would not be \n\ncredible. When a product group has been chosen a series of \n\nenvironmental criteria need to be established for that product group \n\nagainst which individual products can be assessed. All the potential \n\nenvironmental impacts at different stages of a normal product's life \n\ncycle are illustrated in the form of the matrix shown in Annex I. This matrix therefore forms a guide when establishing criteria for a \n\nproduct group. Judgements need to be taken on the main individual \n\nenvironmental impacts for which levels of performance need to be set \n\nand these must be high enough to ensure a high level of environmental \n\nprotection. Taken together the chosen standards form the agreed \n\nperformance criteria for the product group. In establishing criteria, the Commission will address itself to the \n\nEuropean Environment Agency which, in accordance with the tasks which \n\nhave been conferred on it by the Council regulation (EEC) 1210/90, in \n\nparticular in Article 20^5), will carry out necessary preparatory \n\nwork. (5) OJ No L 120, 11. 5. 1990. - 12 -\n\n4. In setting the criteria recognition must also be taken of the \n\nfeasibility of business meeting the criteria. The scheme is voluntary \n\nand it must therefore make commercial sense for at least some \n\nbusinesses to make the necessary design and/or process changes required \n\nbefore the firm has a realistic prospect of being awarded a label. 5. A further consideration is that products bearing the label must be \n\nvisible and available to the consumer otherwise the scheme will not be \n\neffective as a market mechanism. This is a complex issue since the \n\nmarket penetration of products bearing the label will depend on many \n\nfactors other than the performance criteria which are chosen. Nevertheless, when setting criteria, consideration will need to be \n\ngiven to this issue. 6. Applicants for a label need to have the confidence that, if granted, \n\nthe label can be used for a known period of time. The criteria for a \n\nparticular product group will therefore be set for a fixed period which \n\nmay be extended. It is expected that the normal period of validity for \n\ncriteria will be 3 years but this may be varied. For instance, where \n\nthe technology associated with a product is changing rapidly it may be \n\ndesirable to shorten the period of validity. Alternatively, it may be \n\nappropriate to establish criteria which require an improvement in \n\nproduct performance over fixed periods of time. It will clearly be in \n\nthe applicant's interests to apply for a label as soon as possible \n\nafter the criteria are published since this will maximise the time \n\nduring which the applicant can use the label. Article 8 \n\nArticle 8 draws attention to the procedure for adopting specific \n\ncriteria as defined in Article 9. - 13 -\n\nArticle 9 \n\n1. Article 9 describes the operation of the Advisory Committee which \n\nprovides advice on the measures prepared by the Commission. These \n\nmeasures include the establishment of new product categories and the \n\ndefinition of criteria referred to in Articles 6 and 7. In preparing \n\nthese measures, the Commission will be assisted by independent experts \n\non the individual product groups. 2. The Advisory Committee is established in compliance with Article 2 of \n\nthe Council decision 87/373/EEC. Article 10 \n\n1. This Article describes the Eco-label and summarises some of the key \n\npoints covering the award of the label and its use. It is an objective \n\nof the scheme that the label should achieve a high level of public \n\nrecognition in the Community and signify an official endorsement of the \n\nenvironmental performance of the products to which it is awarded. The \n\naward of a label can be expected to have considerable commercial value \n\nand so business will be encouraged to design and produce products which \n\nwill be able to qualify for the label. The label represents a market \n\nmechanism for informing consumer choice and achieving an improvement in \n\nthe quality of the environment by encouraging manufacturers to develop \n\nproducts with an improved environmental performance. 2. Applications for the use of the label must be made to Competent Bodies, \n\nappointed by the Member States, who are responsible for evaluating \n\napplications from businesses. The applications must contain all the \n\nnecessary information required to compare the environmental performance \n\nof the product whith the agreed criteria for the product group. The \n\nprocedure for awarding a label is covered in Articles 12, 13 and 14. 3. When a label is awarded to an individual product it provides consumers \n\nwith the information that it represents a product of the highest \n\nenvironmental quality. At the same time the consumer wishes to know \n\nthe reason why the product is less harmful to the environment. That is \n\nwhy the principle reasons for awarding the label will be stated near \n\nthe label. 14 -\n\n4. The criteria applicable to a product category are adopted at the \n\nCommunity level via the Advisory Committee procedure and remain valid \n\nfor a fixed period dependent on the product category. A label may only \n\nbe awarded for a period during which the criteria applicable to the \n\nproduct group are valid. 5. It is clearly Important that the use of the Eco-label should be \n\nstrictly controlled and this is the responsibility of the Competent \n\nBody in the relevant Member State. 6. The label must also not be used in a way which might mislead the \n\nconsumer. Article 11 \n\nThis Article provides for the establishment by Member States of the \n\nCompetent Bodies which will be responsible for handling applications \n\nfor Eco-label s and for concluding contracts for the use of labels once \n\nthe necessary procedures have been followed. The Member State may \n\nappoint an existing organisation as the Competent Body or may decide \n\nthat a new body needs to be established. Article 12 \n\n1. Article 12 describes the process of awarding a label where a product \n\ngroup has already been agreed along with the associated criteria. 2. Manufacturers or importers may only make an application for a label to \n\nthe Competent Body of the Member State in which the product is \n\nmanufactured or into which it is imported into the Community. The \n\napplicant must provide the Competent Body with all the information \n\nrequired to assess the environmental performance of the product. The \n\nCompetent Body is then responsible for comparing the environmental \n\nperformance of the product with the agreed criteria for the appropriate \n\nproduct group. The Competent Body can also ask the applicant to provide \n\n\f- 15 -\n\nsamples of the product or its components for independent testing. This \n\nmay be important where the Competent Body has doubts about a claim \n\nbeing made by an applicant. 3. The results of all product evaluations should be sent to the Jury for \n\ndecision. 4. An undertaking may wish to withdraw an application for a label or stop \n\nusing an existing label. In these cases the relevant Competent Body \n\nshould be notified of the reasons for such action. Article 13 \n\n1. Article 13 describes the functioning of the Jury which, on the basis of \n\nproposals submitted by the Competent Bodies, awards the label to \n\nindividual products which best meet the requirements. The Jury is \n\nnominated by the Council. The composition of the Jury should ensure a \n\nfair balance between the different interest groups, i. e. industry, \n\nretailers, \n\nconsumer \n\norganisations, \n\nenvironmentalists, \n\nworkers \n\norganisations and the media. 2. The Jury will establish its own rules of procedure. 3. The Jury communicates its decisions to the Commission which may raise \n\nobjections within a period of two months if it identifies a clear error \n\nof judgement or in case of a major violation of procedures. In addition an appeal procedure is provided for in this Article. - 16 -\n\nArticle 14 \n\nThis article describes the tasks of the European Environment Agency which \n\nfall into two main categories. It operates firstly in carrying out \n\npreparatory work in establishing specific criteria to be adopted through \n\nthe Advisory Committee procedure. Then, in conjunction with the \n\npreparatory work, the Agency recommends the form and scope of information \n\nnecessary to evaluate individual applications. In this context it also \n\nassists the Jury in the execution of its tasks in awarding a label to \n\nindividual products. Article 15 \n\n1. Article 15 provides for the Competent Body to draw up contracts for the \n\nuse of the Eco-label. The contract will cover the conditions of use of \n\nthe label including a specification of the period for which the label \n\ncan be used. 2. It is intended that the Eco-label scheme will be self-financing and \n\nthis will be achieved through the levying of fees for the assessment of \n\nproduct applications and for the use of the label. Fees will be \n\napplied uniformly throughout the Community and will be specified in the \n\ncontract. Care ought to be given that fees are fixed at levels which \n\ndo not discourage small and medium sized enterprises from applying for \n\na label. Article 16 \n\nThis Article deals with the issue of confidentiality of commercial \n\ninformation. To evaluate an application for a label all information, \n\nconfidential or not, which is necessary to evaluate the proposal may \n\nneed to be made available to the Competent Bodies, the Environment \n\nAgency and Jury. Outside these bodies confidentiality of information \n\ncan be maintained subject to a full Justification being given and to \n\nagreement by the relevant Competent Body. - 17 -\n\n2. An application for a label may be withdrawn at any time if the \n\napplicant feels unable to comply with the requests for information from \n\nthe Competent Body. 3. Certain information will need to be made available in all cases \n\nfollowing the award of a label namely, the name of the product, the \n\nmanufacturer or importer of the product and the reasons for awarding \n\nthe label. 4. However, all persons involved in the assessment process should not \n\ndisclose any information to which they have gained access through the \n\nproceedings. Article 17 \n\n1. Information about the chosen product groups and associated criteria \n\nneeds to be made widely available and up-dated regularly. Article 17 \n\nprovides for this information to be published in the Official Journal. Similarly, details of the products awarded labels will also be \n\npublished in the Official Journal. 2. It is also important that the identity of the Competent Bodies in the \n\nMember States is well known and their names will therefore be published \n\nin the Official Journal. Article 18 \n\nThis Article covers the steps which Member States need to take to \n\npublicise the Eco-label scheme. The scheme must be made effective \n\nthroughout the Community from the date of the launch. This means that \n\nbefore the launch Member States will need to provide business and the \n\nconsumer with information about the objectives of the scheme and the \n\nway that it will operate. Business in particular will need time to \n\nassess the implications of the scheme and to prepare proposals for \n\nproducts to be included in the scheme. - 18 -\n\n2. Once the scheme has been launched Member States will also need to \n\nprovide consumers with information about the product groups which have \n\nbeen selected, the criteria for the product groups and the products \n\nwhich have been awarded a label. Article 19 \n\n1. It can also be expected that businesses will include a mention of the \n\naward of a label in their product advertising. Reference to the award \n\nof a label will need to be closely controlled to avoid misleading the \n\nconsumer. 2. In particular, any reference to the Eco-label in promotional material \n\nmust only be made once a label has been awarded and then only in the \n\ncontext of the specific product for which the label has been awarded. Article 20 \n\nThis Article highlights the fact that Member States need to put in place \n\nlegal or other measures, if they do not already exist, to prevent \n\ninfringement of the provisions of the Regulation covering the use of the \n\nEco-label. The Member States will inform the Commission of these measures. Article 21 \n\nArticle 21 covers the basic principle that the Award Scheme for Eco-Label \n\nmust not be used as a way of restricting the trade or marketing of products \n\nwithin the Community. - 19 -\n\nArticle 22 \n\nIt is recognised that after a period of time it may be necessary to modify \n\nthe regulation in order to improve the efficiency of the system for \n\nawarding the Eco-label. Modifications may prove to be necessary in a \n\nnumber of areas and this Article anticipates that the Commission will \n\npossibly propose provisions to this effect on the basis of a review which \n\nit will carry out at the latest five years after the entry into force of \n\nthe regulation. The provisions will concern in particular the continuation \n\nof the co-existence of national schemes with the Community scheme as well \n\nas the field of application. The Commission in accordance with Article 20 \n\nof the Council Regulation 1210/90 may equally propose to transfer the task \n\nof determining the specific criteria to the European Environmental Agency. Article 23 \n\nMember States will need time to implement certain aspects of the Regulation \n\nand it is proposed that it should come into force 12 months after its \n\npublicat ion. - 20 T \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION CEEC) \n\non a Community award scheme for an Eco-label \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 130s thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, \n\nHaving regard to the Opinion of the Economic and Social Committee, \n\nWhereas the objectives and principles of the Community's environment \n\npolicy, as set out in the European Community Action Programmes on the \n\nEnvironment^), aim, in particular, at preventing, reducing and as far as \n\npossible eliminating pollution, particularly at source, and ensuring sound \n\nmanagement of raw materials resources, on the basis also of the 'polluter \n\npays' principle; whereas the Fourth European Community Action Programme on \n\nthe Environment (1987-1991)<2) highlights the opportunity to develop a \n\npolicy towards clean products; \n\nWhereas the Council Resolution of 7 May 1990*3) invited the Commission to \n\nsubmit as soon as possible a proposal for a Community-wide Eco-labelIing \n\nscheme covering the environmental impact during the life cycle of the \n\nproduct ; \n\nWhereas the European Parliament, in its resolution of 19 June 1987 on waste \n\nand landfill policy*4), supported a Community Environmental Label for eco-\n\nproducts; \n\n(1) OJ No C 112, 20. 12. 1973, p. 1. OJ No C 139, 13. 6. 1977, p. 1. OJ No C 46, 17. 2. 1983, p. 1. OJ No C 70, 18. 3. 1987, p. 3. (2) OJ No C 328, 7. 12. 1987, p. 1. (3) OJ No C 122, 18. 5. 1990, p. 2. (4) 0J No C 190, 20. 7. 1987, p. 154. - 21 -\n\nWhereas there is increased public interest in information about products \n\nwhich are environmentally less harmful; whereas at least one Member State \n\nhas already an award scheme for such products and several other Member \n\nStates are considering the setting up of such a scheme; \n\nWhereas a system to award an Eco-label for environmentally less harmful \n\nproducts will highlight more benign alternatives and therefore provide \n\nconsumers and users with guidance; \n\nWhereas such guidance can best be achieved by establishing uniform criteria \n\nfor the award scheme which apply throughout the Community; whereas existing \n\nor future independent award schemes can continue to exist for a period of \n\nfive years, and at the end of this period the Commission should reexamine \n\nthis solution in the light of the experience gained; \n\nWhereas the award scheme should be based on voluntary application; whereas \n\nsuch an approach, in relying on the market forces, will also contribute to \n\nresearch and development, in particular of less polluting technologies, and \n\ntherefore lead to innovation; \n\nWhereas uniform application of the criteria and compliance with procedures \n\nshould be ensured throughout the Community; \n\nWhereas the award scheme for the Eco-label will take into account the \n\ninterests of all groups concerned, industry, commerce, consumers and \n\nenvironmentalist, and therefore should provide for involvement of these \n\ngroups in the award procedure to individual products which conform to the \n\nestablished criteria; \n\nWhereas this label should complement other existing or future Community \n\nlabelling systems in particular those giving information on energy \n\nconsumpt ion; \n\n\f- 22 -\n\nWhereas the European Environment Agency should be made responsible for \n\ncertain tasks in connection with the preparation of environmental labels \n\nand criteria for the award of such labels to products, technologies, goods, \n\nservices and programmes which preserve natural resources, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\n\f- 23 \n\nCHAPTER I : OBJECTIVES AND FIELD OF APPLICATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\nObjectives \n\n1. This Regulation establishes a Community award scheme for an Eco-label \n\nwith a view to promoting products which are environmentally less \n\nharmful, and therefore have an overall \n\nenvironmental \n\nimpact \n\nsignificantly less than that of other products in the same product \n\ngroup. 2. The award scheme is designed to : \n\nencourage manufacturers to design and produce products which have a \n\nreduced environmental impact during manufacturing, distribution, \n\nconsumption and use as well as during disposal after use; \n\nprovide consumers with better information on the environmental \n\nperformance of products. These environmentally more benign product alternatives should not \n\ncompromise product or workers' safety nor significantly affect the \n\nfitness for use of the product. 3. The reduction of environmental impact will be achieved through the \n\nminimis\u00e2t ion of : \n\nuse of natural resources and energy resources; \n\nemissions into air, water and to soil; \n\ngeneration of waste and noise; \n\nand through the maximisation of product life and, where applicable, \n\nthrough the use of clean technologies to ensure a high level of \n\nenvironmental protection. - 24 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\nField of applIcation \n\nThis Regulation shall not apply to food, drink or pharmaceuticals \n\nArticle 3 \n\nDefinitions \n\nFor the purpose of this Regulation: \n\n(a) 'substance' means chemical elements and their compounds as defined in \n\nArticle 2 of Council Directive 67/548/EEC(5> ; \n\n(b) 'preparation' means mixtures or solutions as defined in Article 2 of \n\nCouncil Directive 88/379/EEC<6>;. (c) 'product group' means products which serve similar purposes and which \n\nhave equivalence of use. (d) 'cradle to grave' means the life cycle of a product from manufacturing, \n\ndistribution, consumption and use to disposal after use. Article 4 \n\nOther Community provisions \n\nThe provisions laid down in this Regulation shall apply without prejudice \n\neither to other Community provisions relating to the classification, \n\npackaging and labelling of products or to the provisions laid down in \n\nCouncil Directive 83/189/EEC<7). (5) OJ No 196, 16. 8. 1967, p. 1. (6) OJ No L 187, 16. 7. 1988, p. 14. (7) OJ No L 109, 26. 4. 1983, p. 8. - 25 -\n\nCHAPTER 11 : ESTABLISHMENT OF PRODUCT GROUPS AND CRITERIA \n\nArticle 5 \n\nProduct groups \n\n1. Product groups shall be established in accordance with the procedure \n\nlaid down in Article 9. 2. Each product group shall be defined in such a way as to ensure that all \n\ncompeting products which serve similar purposes and which have \n\nequivalence of use are included in the same group. 3. General and specific criteria for each product group shall conform to \n\nthe requirements of Articles 6 and 7. 4. Requests for the establishment of a new product group shall be \n\naddressed to the Competent Bodies referred to in Article 11. The \n\nCompetent Body shall decide if it wishes to request the Commission to \n\nsubmit a proposal to the advisory committee referred to in Article 9. Article 6 \n\nGeneral principles \n\n1. The Eco-label shall only be awarded to products which do not contravene \n\nCommunity health, safety and environment requirements. 2. The Eco-label shall not be awarded to substances and preparations \n\nclassified as dangerous in accordance with Directive 67/548/EEC. Nor \n\nshall the Eco-label be awarded to products containing a substance or \n\npreparation classified as dangerous in accordance with the said \n\nDirective and likely to harm man and/or the environment. 3. The Eco-label shall only be conferred on products manufactured by a \n\nprocess which do not contravene Community environmental legislation \n\nand is unlikely to harm significantly man and/or the environment. - 26 -\n\n4. The Eco-label shall be awarded to products which meet the objectives \n\nset out in Article 1 and represent a \"state of the art\" approach in \n\ncontributing to an improvement in the quality of the environment. Article 7 \n\nElaboration of specific criteria \n\nSpecific environmental criteria for each product group shall be \n\nestablished using a \"cradle to grave\" approach including consideration \n\nof the objectives set out in Article 1. The criteria shall be \n\nestablished by reference to the matrix format shown in Annex I, shall \n\nbe based on the use of clean technologies where applicable and shall \n\nensure a high level of environmental protection. The European Environment Agency, hereinafter referred to as the \n\n\"Agency\", shall undertake, at the request of the Commission, \n\npreparatory work of a scientific and technical nature necessary for the \n\nestablishment of criteria. Article 8 \n\nAdoption of the specific criteria \n\nWithout prejudice to Article 22, the specific environmental criteria \n\nreferred to in Article 7 for each product group shall be adopted by the \n\nCommission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 9. Article 9 \n\nAdvisory Committee \n\n1. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee of an advisory nature \n\ncomposed of the representatives of the Member States and chaired by the \n\nrepresentative of the Commission. - 27 -\n\nThe representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a \n\ndraft of the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its \n\nopinion on the draft, within a time limit which the chairman may lay \n\ndown according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by taking a \n\nvote. The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member \n\nState shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the \n\nminutes. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered \n\nby the committee. It shall inform the committee of the manner in which \n\nits opinion has been taken into account. 2. The Commission may consult the committee on any matter related to the \n\noperation of the award scheme for an Eco-label. CHAPTER I I 1 : AWARD OF AN ECO-LABEL TO INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTS \n\nArticle 10 \n\nThe Eco-label \n\n1. To achieve the objectives set out in Article 1, the Eco-label, \n\nillustrated in Annex II, shall be awarded to products best fulfilling \n\nthe requirements of Articles 6 and 7. 2. Applications for the use of the label shall be made in accordance with \n\nthe procedures set out in Article 12. The decision to award a label to individual products amongst those \n\nwhich best fulfill the criteria referred to in Articles 6 and 7 shall \n\nbe taken by the Jury established under Article 13. 3. The main reasons for granting the Eco-label shall be mentioned, if \n\npossible, in or near the label in code form and shall form an integral \n\npart of the label. The code shall be adopted in accordance with the \n\nprocedure set out in Article 9. - 28 -\n\n4. The label shall be awarded for a fixed period of time, dependent on the \n\nperiod of validity of the criteria, which may be altered where \n\nnecessary after review. 5. The Eco-label shall not be used under any circumstances before a \n\ncontract on the conditions of use has been concluded with the Competent \n\nBody to which the product application was submitted. 6. The Eco-label shall not be used in a manner likely to mislead the \n\nconsumer. Article 11 \n\nDesignation of Competent Bodies \n\nEach Member State shall designate the body or bodies, hereinafter referred \n\nto as the \"Competent Body\", responsible for carrying out the tasks detailed \n\nin Article 12 and inform the Commission thereof. The Competent Body shall \n\nbe independent from industrial or commercial interests. Article 12 \n\nRequests for award of an Eco-label \n\n1. Manufacturers or importers may apply for award of a label to the \n\nCompetent Body in the Member State in which the product is manufactured \n\nor into which the product is imported. The Competent Body shall assess the environmental performance of the \n\nproduct by reference to the agreed general principles and specific \n\nperformance criteria for the product group. 2. The Competent Body may also request that applicants for a label submit \n\nall or part of the product for testing. 3. After the product assessment the Competent Body shall decide if a \n\nrequest for the award of a label shall be submitted to the Jury \n\nprovided for in Article 13. - 29 -\n\n4. If an application for a label is rejected the Competent Body shall \n\nadvise the applicant of the reasons for rejection. Member States shall'provide for an appeal procedure in such cases. 5. An undertaking may withdraw an application for a new label, or cease to \n\nuse an existing label, after notifying the Competent Body. Article 13 \n\nTh$ Jury \n\nA Jury is hereby established for the award of labels to individual products \n\namongst those which best meet the requirements of Articles 6 and 7. 1. The Jury shall consist of 18 full members, there being for each Member \n\nState one representative and one representative of the following \n\ninterest groups : \n\nindustry \n\ncommerce \n\nconsumer organisations \n\nenvironmental organisations \n\nworkers organisations \n\nmedia. 2. An alternate member shall be appointed for each full member. 3. Full members and alternate members of the Jury shall be nominated by \n\nthe Council on the basis of : \n\na proposal from the Member States for the representatives of Member \n\nStates \n\na proposal from the Commission for the representative of the \n\ninterest groups. The Council in nominating the members of the Jury shall endeavour to \n\nachieve a fair balance in the composition of the Jury between the \n\nvarious interest groups. - 30 -\n\n4. The list of the members and the alternate members shall be published in \n\nthe Official Journal of the European Communities for information \n\npurposes. 5. The term of office of full members and alternate members shall be three \n\nyears. Their appointments shall be renewable. 6. On expiry of their term of office, the full members and alternate \n\nmembers shall remain in office until they are replaced or their \n\nappointments are renewed. 7. A member's term of office shall end before the expiry of the three year \n\nperiod with his resignation or following a communication from the \n\nMember State concerned indicating that the term of office is \n\nterminated. For the remainder of the term of office, a member shall be replaced in \n\naccordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 3. 8. The Jury shall elect a chairman and an alternate and adopt its rules of \n\nprocedure. 9. The Jury shall take all decisions on the basis of a two-thirds majority \n\nof the members. 10. In considering the proposals from the Competent Bodies the Jury shall, \n\nin awarding labels, select those products which best meet the \n\nrequirements set out in Articles 6 and 7. 11. If the Jury decides not to award the label to an individual product, \n\nthe reasons for the rejection shall be stated. 12. The Jury shall communicate its reasoned decisions to the applicants and \n\nto the Commission. The Commission shall publish them in the Official \n\nJournal of the European Communities to enable all interested parties to \n\nmake their comments. - 31 -\n\nThe Commission may of its own initiative raise an objection to such \n\ndecisions, within a period of two months, if it identifies a manifest \n\nerror of Judgement or in case of major violation of procedures. In \n\nthis case it shall return the matter to the Jury for reconsideration. Furthermore, any person for whom the decision of the Jury constitutes a \n\ngrievance may within a period of 30 days from publication of the \n\ndecision in the Official Journal notify the Commission of a request to \n\nrevise the decision on grounds of manifest error or major violation of \n\nprocedures. The Commission shall examine this request in the framework \n\nof the appeal procedure laid down in the second subparagraph. The \n\nCommission shall return the case to the Jury for reconsideration if it \n\nconsiders that the request should be accepted and shall inform the \n\napplicant accordingly. If the request cannot be accepted the \n\nCommission shall notify the applicant of the decision to reject the \n\nrequest. The decision of the Jury shall be considered approved by the \n\nCommission if the latter has not made any objection within the two-\n\nmonth period. Article 14 \n\nThe European Environment Agency \n\n1. The Agency shall undertake, in consultation with \n\nappropriate \n\nspecialized scientific and technical bodies, preparatory work necessary \n\nfor the establishment of the specific criteria as laid down in \n\nArticle 7(2). 2. The Agency, in cooperation with the Competent Bodies, shall provide \n\nsuggestions on the format and scope of the information to be provided \n\nto the Competent Body by an applicant as set out in Article 12(1) and \n\non the procedures to be followed by Competent Bodies when evaluating \n\nand transmitting the request for an Eco-label. 3. The Agency shall assist the Jury in carrying out its tasks. - 32 T \n\nArticle 15 \n\nTerms of use \n\n1. The Competent Body shall issue contracts for the terms of use of the \n\nlabel. 2. The terms and conditions of the use for the label shall include the fee \n\nto be paid by the applicant for the use of the label. This fee should \n\nbe set at a level to cover all the reasonable costs incurred by the \n\nCompetent Body and the Jury. These terms of use shall also include provisions for withdrawing the \n\nauthorisation to use the label. 3. The duration of the authorisation for the use of the label shall not \n\nexceed the period of validity of the criteria for the product group. CHAPTER IV : OTHER PROVISIONS \n\nArticle 16 \n\nConfidentiality \n\n1. If the manufacturer or Importer considers the information obtained in \n\npursuance of Article 12 to be confidential, commercially sensitive and, \n\nif released, likely to cause his business industrial or commercial \n\nharm, the applicant for a label may indicate what specific details of \n\nthe information should be kept secret from all other persons other than \n\nthe Competent Bodies, the Members of the Jury and the Commission. Full \n\njustification must be given in such cases. 2. The Competent Body receiving the application shall decide which \n\ninformation should be kept secret and inform the applicant for the \n\nlabel. - 33 -\n\n3. In all cases, the following information shall be made available : \n\nthe name of the product; \n\nthe manufacturer or importer of the product; \n\nthe reasons and relevant information for awarding or refusing the \n\nlabel. 4. Competent Bodies and the Jury members shall be required not to disclose \n\ninformation to which they have gained access through the proceedings. Article 17 \n\nPub 11cat ion \n\n1. The Commission shall publish the product groups and the associated \n\nspecific criteria in the Official Journal of the European Communities. 2. The Commission shall also ensure that the list of products for which \n\nan Eco-label has been granted and the name of the relevant \n\nmanufacturers or importers is published. 3. The Commission shall also publish the names of the Competent Bodies in \n\nthe Off icial Journal. Article 18 \n\nInformation \n\nMember States shall ensure that consumers and undertakings are informed \n\nabout the fol lowing : \n\n(a) the objectives of the Community Award Scheme for an Eco-label; \n\n(b) product groups which have been selected; \n\n(c) the general and specific criteria for product groups; \n\n(d) the products which have been awarded an Eco-label; \n\n(c) the procedures for applying for a label; \n\n(f) the Competent Body in the Member State. - 34 -\n\nArticle 19 \n\nAdvertising \n\n1. References to the Eco-label in advertising shall only be made once a \n\nlabel has been granted and only in relation to the specific product for \n\nwhich the label has been granted. 2. Any advertising or labelling which might lead to confusion with the \n\nEco-label shall be prohibited. Article 20 \n\nImplementation \n\nMember States shall inform the Commission on measures they have taken to \n\nensure compliance with this Regulation. Article 21 \n\nFree circulation within the Communities \n\nThe fact that an Eco-label has been awarded or refused to a product shall \n\nnot impede, prohibit or restrict the marketing of this product. Article 22 \n\nRevision \n\nNot later than 5 years after the entry into force of this Regulation the \n\nCommission shall review the scheme in the light of experience gained during \n\nits operation, and in particular \n\nwhether it is appropriate that national systems should continue to \n\nexist alongside the Community system \n\nthe field of application of the scheme as laid down in Article 2. - 35 -\n\nThe Commission shall, if necessary, propose modifications to this \n\nR\u00e9gul\u00e2t ion. In its proposals presented in accordance with Article 20 of Council \n\nRegulation 1210/90^8^ and not later than five years after the entry into \n\nforce of this Regulation, the Commission shall propose the transfer to the \n\nAgency of the task of determining the specific criteria referred to in \n\nArt icle 8. Article 23 \n\nEntry into force \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 October 1991. It shall apply from 1 October 1992. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na I I Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n(8) OJ No L 120, 11. 5. 1990, p. 1. - 36 -\n\nANNEX I \n\nASSESSMENT MATRIX \n\nProduct Ion DlstrIbut ion Uti1izatlon \n\nDisposal \n\nProduct 1Ife cycle \nEnvironmental fields \n\nWaste relevance \n\nSol 1 pollut ion and \nd\u00e9grad\u00e2t ion \n\nWater contamination \n\nAir contamination \n\nNoise \n\nConsumption of energy \n\nConsumption of natural \nresources \n\nFor a simplified model the following criteria are suggested : \n0 almost none, negllble pollution-, \"moderate pollution-, \n\u2022\u2022considerable pollution \n\n\f- 37 -\n\nANNEX H \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 37 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n14 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-064-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69400-9 \n\nTRTCT*. \u2022 - au pages: *. xi ru. u \n\nper \u00abdciiiionHi lOrwgrx: 1. *. 1TU\"\\TT \n\nOffice for omcial Publications of the European Communities"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/25de7df7-7513-4337-8dcf-6a7e598b647a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 115/91 by Mrs Raymonde DURY to the Council. Community support for epidemiology", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-11", "subjects": "EU policy,World Health Organisation,epidemiology,jute", "workIds": "celex:91991E000115", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "World Health Organisation", "epidemiology", "jute"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/25de7df7-7513-4337-8dcf-6a7e598b647a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3a25917c-8a9e-4fb3-9845-ebf4535fde2f", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band D: 39-43.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume D: 39-43.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume D: 39-43.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,foreign trade,import (EU),leather,natural rubber,plastics,synthetic rubber", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "foreign trade", "import (EU)", "leather", "natural rubber", "plastics", "synthetic rubber"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3a25917c-8a9e-4fb3-9845-ebf4535fde2f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ddd5ff6a-b951-4bf7-9b6c-620fe0ea7157", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band E: 44-49.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume E: 44-49.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume E: 44-49.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,cork,economic statistics,foreign trade,import (EU),paper,paperboard,wood product", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "cork", "economic statistics", "foreign trade", "import (EU)", "paper", "paperboard", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ddd5ff6a-b951-4bf7-9b6c-620fe0ea7157", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f523d445-cf85-4fd1-8ed8-9de5ffcf6458", "title": "Aussenhandel : Analytische Tabellen - 1989, Ausfuhr Band G: 68-71.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Tableaux analytiques - 1989, exportations Volume G: 68-71.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Export Volume G: 68-71.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,ceramics,earths and stones,economic statistics,export (EU),foreign trade,glass,plaster,precious stones", "workIds": "PUB_CA4990007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "ceramics", "earths and stones", "economic statistics", "export (EU)", "foreign trade", "glass", "plaster", "precious stones"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f523d445-cf85-4fd1-8ed8-9de5ffcf6458", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9d40e1f1-a223-46c2-b8fd-83d869ba2162", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band H: 72-73.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume H: 72-73.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume H: 72-73.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,foreign trade,import (EU),iron,iron and steel product,steel", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "foreign trade", "import (EU)", "iron", "iron and steel product", "steel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9d40e1f1-a223-46c2-b8fd-83d869ba2162", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e45aa494-6178-4831-b046-a83dd5ad80f6", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 317/91 of 8 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1102/89 laying down certain measures for implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 1101/89 on structural improvements in inland waterway transport", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "development plan,industrial restructuring,inland waterway fleet,inland waterway shipping,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:31991R0317,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0027_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["development plan", "industrial restructuring", "inland waterway fleet", "inland waterway shipping", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e45aa494-6178-4831-b046-a83dd5ad80f6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bb0bee04-77a8-4b88-9cd6-f88e3612a18f", "title": "AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON SAFETY GLAZING AND GLAZING MATERIALS ON MOTOR VEHICLES AND THEIR TRAILERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "approval,commercial vehicle,glass,motor vehicle,safety device", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0038(01),comnat:COM_1991_0038(01)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approval", "commercial vehicle", "glass", "motor vehicle", "safety device"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bb0bee04-77a8-4b88-9cd6-f88e3612a18f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 38 final - SYN 236, 237, 238 \n\nBrussels, 8 February 1991 \n\nAmendments to the proposais for \nODracn. nn\u0153nvES \non \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their SYN 236 \n\ntrailers; \n\ntbe masses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category Ml; \n\nSYN 237 \n\npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. SYN 238 \n\n(Submitted by the Commission pursuant to Artiole 149(3) of the EEC Treaty). - 2 -\n\nBffiflfflgcf TiwrafflUM \n\nOn 12 Feibruary 1990 the Commission sent to 12)6 Council three proposals for \ndirectives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their \ntrailers; \nmasses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category HI; \npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. The proposals in question replaced those sent to the Council on \n20 September 1972 (O0M(72)981 final) and 31 December 1976 (OOM(76)701 final \nand O0M(76)712 final) concerning glazing, masses and dimensions and \npneumatic tyres respectively. On 10 Ootober 1990 the European Parliament delivered its opinion on first \nreading. It approved the three proposals for directives subject to the \namendments below. Th^ proposed amendments, which have *n been accepted by the Commission, \noonoern* \n\n(a) the addition of two new recitals in the three proposals, the first \n\nfimphAiai vA r^g the need for total Tvwnrwni \u00abflM m in order fully to achieve \nthe Single Market, and the second Indicating that the transition to \ntotal harmonization should take into account the spirit of the QXITYYP \nresolution concerning the new approach; \n\n(b) in the case of the \"glazing\" proposal, an amendment to Artiole 8 \n\nexcluding from the scope of the directive plastic materials used in \nthe construction of oaravans, the rear windows of convertibles and the \nside windows of off-road vehicles. - 3 -\n\nAmendments to the three proposals for Council, directives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and tlial \n\ntrailers; \n\nthe masses and dlmenRlonB of motor vehicles of category HI; \n\npaeumatio 'byres for motor vehicles and their trailers. (0CM(89)653 final - SXN 236, 237 and 238). Amendments common to all three proposals: \n\nAfter the first recital, add the following two new recitals: \n\n\"whereas the total harmonization method will be essential in order \n\nfully to achieve the Single Market, \" \n\n\"whereas this method will have to be used at the time of the revision \n\nof the entire EEC type approval procedure, taking account of the \nspirit of the Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 concerning a new \n\napproach to the question of technical harmonization and \n\nstandardisation,\" \n\nAdditional amendment to the proposal for a directive on safety glazing: \n\nIn Artiole 8, insert the following text between the first and second \n\nparagraphs: \n\n\"This directive shall not apply to the plastic windows of caravans, to \n\nthe plastio rear windows of convertibles and to the plastic side \n\nwindows of off-road vehicles. \" \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-14! \n\nCOM(91)3Cfini \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 o \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-055-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69319-: \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fcffdae9-6390-48d9-952e-ab49816088d6", "title": "91/90/EEC: Commission Decision of 8 February 1991 on the organization by France of refresher courses for personnel responsible for veterinary inspections (only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "France,in-service training,veterinary inspection", "workIds": "celex:31991D0090,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0033_041", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "in-service training", "veterinary inspection"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fcffdae9-6390-48d9-952e-ab49816088d6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5e26e9ef-6d47-443c-be87-1df1de7e3945", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band G: 68-71.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume G: 68-71.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume G: 68-71.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,ceramics,earths and stones,economic statistics,foreign trade,glass,import (EU),plaster,precious stones", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "ceramics", "earths and stones", "economic statistics", "foreign trade", "glass", "import (EU)", "plaster", "precious stones"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5e26e9ef-6d47-443c-be87-1df1de7e3945", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4207341-7b84-4847-a26d-11a64ae92409", "title": "Resolution of the ECSC consultative committee on the negotiation of arrangements for 1991 to apply to steel imports from certain non-member countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_legislative_other_oj_c,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Consultative Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Brazil,Central and Eastern Europe,Central and Eastern European Countries,import (EU),steel,third country", "workIds": "celex:31991Y0226(01),oj:JOC_1991_050_R_0002_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brazil", "Central and Eastern Europe", "Central and Eastern European Countries", "import (EU)", "steel", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4207341-7b84-4847-a26d-11a64ae92409", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/717f974e-cbd2-4842-8c99-516d9919eb70", "title": "Aussenhandel : Analytische Tabellen - 1989, Ausfuhr Band H: 72-73.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Tableaux analytiques - 1989, exportations Volume H: 72-73.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Export Volume H: 72-73.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,export (EU),foreign trade,iron and steel product,steel", "workIds": "PUB_CA4990008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "export (EU)", "foreign trade", "iron and steel product", "steel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/717f974e-cbd2-4842-8c99-516d9919eb70", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57a41a5f-3dda-434c-801c-de7b671909ff", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 426/86 ON THE COMMON ORGANIZATION OF THE MARKET IN PRODUCTS PROCESSED FROM FRUIT AND VEGETABLES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "common organisation of markets,fruit,processed foodstuff,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0003,comnat:COM_1991_0003_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_075_R_0029_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common organisation of markets", "fruit", "processed foodstuff", "vegetable"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57a41a5f-3dda-434c-801c-de7b671909ff", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/be51e6eb-ea31-4261-9eb5-cadaa8ab87ee", "title": "AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON PNEUMATIC TYRES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES AND THEIR TRAILERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "EC conformity marking,approval,commercial vehicle,motor vehicle,pneumatic tyre,vehicle parts", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0038(03),comnat:COM_1991_0038(03)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC conformity marking", "approval", "commercial vehicle", "motor vehicle", "pneumatic tyre", "vehicle parts"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/be51e6eb-ea31-4261-9eb5-cadaa8ab87ee", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 38 final - SYN 236, 237, 238 \n\nBrussels, 8 February 1991 \n\nAmendments to the proposais for \nODracn. nn\u0153nvES \non \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their SYN 236 \n\ntrailers; \n\ntbe masses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category Ml; \n\nSYN 237 \n\npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. SYN 238 \n\n(Submitted by the Commission pursuant to Artiole 149(3) of the EEC Treaty). - 2 -\n\nBffiflfflgcf TiwrafflUM \n\nOn 12 Feibruary 1990 the Commission sent to 12)6 Council three proposals for \ndirectives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their \ntrailers; \nmasses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category HI; \npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. The proposals in question replaced those sent to the Council on \n20 September 1972 (O0M(72)981 final) and 31 December 1976 (OOM(76)701 final \nand O0M(76)712 final) concerning glazing, masses and dimensions and \npneumatic tyres respectively. On 10 Ootober 1990 the European Parliament delivered its opinion on first \nreading. It approved the three proposals for directives subject to the \namendments below. Th^ proposed amendments, which have *n been accepted by the Commission, \noonoern* \n\n(a) the addition of two new recitals in the three proposals, the first \n\nfimphAiai vA r^g the need for total Tvwnrwni \u00abflM m in order fully to achieve \nthe Single Market, and the second Indicating that the transition to \ntotal harmonization should take into account the spirit of the QXITYYP \nresolution concerning the new approach; \n\n(b) in the case of the \"glazing\" proposal, an amendment to Artiole 8 \n\nexcluding from the scope of the directive plastic materials used in \nthe construction of oaravans, the rear windows of convertibles and the \nside windows of off-road vehicles. - 3 -\n\nAmendments to the three proposals for Council, directives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and tlial \n\ntrailers; \n\nthe masses and dlmenRlonB of motor vehicles of category HI; \n\npaeumatio 'byres for motor vehicles and their trailers. (0CM(89)653 final - SXN 236, 237 and 238). Amendments common to all three proposals: \n\nAfter the first recital, add the following two new recitals: \n\n\"whereas the total harmonization method will be essential in order \n\nfully to achieve the Single Market, \" \n\n\"whereas this method will have to be used at the time of the revision \n\nof the entire EEC type approval procedure, taking account of the \nspirit of the Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 concerning a new \n\napproach to the question of technical harmonization and \n\nstandardisation,\" \n\nAdditional amendment to the proposal for a directive on safety glazing: \n\nIn Artiole 8, insert the following text between the first and second \n\nparagraphs: \n\n\"This directive shall not apply to the plastic windows of caravans, to \n\nthe plastio rear windows of convertibles and to the plastic side \n\nwindows of off-road vehicles. \" \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-14! \n\nCOM(91)3Cfini \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 o \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-055-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69319-: \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d264a73a-714d-41b7-bdcc-1eca8072a186", "title": "Aussenhandel : Analytische Tabellen - 1989, Ausfuhr Band E: 44-49.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Tableaux analytiques - 1989, exportations Volume E: 44-49.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Export Volume E: 44-49.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,cork,economic statistics,export (EU),foreign trade,paper,paperboard,wood product", "workIds": "PUB_CA4990005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "cork", "economic statistics", "export (EU)", "foreign trade", "paper", "paperboard", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d264a73a-714d-41b7-bdcc-1eca8072a186", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0674559a-166e-485f-9fdb-d0ae8050f2df", "title": "AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE MASSES AND DIMENSIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLES OF CATEGORY M1", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "motor vehicle,road transport,standard,weight and size", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0038(02),comnat:COM_1991_0038(02)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["motor vehicle", "road transport", "standard", "weight and size"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0674559a-166e-485f-9fdb-d0ae8050f2df", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 38 final - SYN 236, 237, 238 \n\nBrussels, 8 February 1991 \n\nAmendments to the proposais for \nODracn. nn\u0153nvES \non \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their SYN 236 \n\ntrailers; \n\ntbe masses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category Ml; \n\nSYN 237 \n\npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. SYN 238 \n\n(Submitted by the Commission pursuant to Artiole 149(3) of the EEC Treaty). - 2 -\n\nBffiflfflgcf TiwrafflUM \n\nOn 12 Feibruary 1990 the Commission sent to 12)6 Council three proposals for \ndirectives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and their \ntrailers; \nmasses and dimensions of motor vehicles of category HI; \npneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. The proposals in question replaced those sent to the Council on \n20 September 1972 (O0M(72)981 final) and 31 December 1976 (OOM(76)701 final \nand O0M(76)712 final) concerning glazing, masses and dimensions and \npneumatic tyres respectively. On 10 Ootober 1990 the European Parliament delivered its opinion on first \nreading. It approved the three proposals for directives subject to the \namendments below. Th^ proposed amendments, which have *n been accepted by the Commission, \noonoern* \n\n(a) the addition of two new recitals in the three proposals, the first \n\nfimphAiai vA r^g the need for total Tvwnrwni \u00abflM m in order fully to achieve \nthe Single Market, and the second Indicating that the transition to \ntotal harmonization should take into account the spirit of the QXITYYP \nresolution concerning the new approach; \n\n(b) in the case of the \"glazing\" proposal, an amendment to Artiole 8 \n\nexcluding from the scope of the directive plastic materials used in \nthe construction of oaravans, the rear windows of convertibles and the \nside windows of off-road vehicles. - 3 -\n\nAmendments to the three proposals for Council, directives on: \n\nsafety glazing and glazing materials on motor vehicles and tlial \n\ntrailers; \n\nthe masses and dlmenRlonB of motor vehicles of category HI; \n\npaeumatio 'byres for motor vehicles and their trailers. (0CM(89)653 final - SXN 236, 237 and 238). Amendments common to all three proposals: \n\nAfter the first recital, add the following two new recitals: \n\n\"whereas the total harmonization method will be essential in order \n\nfully to achieve the Single Market, \" \n\n\"whereas this method will have to be used at the time of the revision \n\nof the entire EEC type approval procedure, taking account of the \nspirit of the Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 concerning a new \n\napproach to the question of technical harmonization and \n\nstandardisation,\" \n\nAdditional amendment to the proposal for a directive on safety glazing: \n\nIn Artiole 8, insert the following text between the first and second \n\nparagraphs: \n\n\"This directive shall not apply to the plastic windows of caravans, to \n\nthe plastio rear windows of convertibles and to the plastic side \n\nwindows of off-road vehicles. \" \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-14! \n\nCOM(91)3Cfini \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 o \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-055-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69319-: \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f557f4c2-7f55-44ad-8a4f-2dc5a95d8c20", "title": "Aussenhandel : Analytische Tabellen - 1989, Ausfuhr Band D: 39-43.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Tableaux analytiques - 1989, exportations Volume D: 39-43.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Export Volume D: 39-43.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-08", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,export (EU),foreign trade,leather,natural rubber,plastics,synthetic rubber", "workIds": "PUB_CA4990004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "export (EU)", "foreign trade", "leather", "natural rubber", "plastics", "synthetic rubber"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f557f4c2-7f55-44ad-8a4f-2dc5a95d8c20", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7f43bd3-d92d-4094-9df0-c7bfc7f741ac", "title": "The future of harmonization of accounting standards within the European Communities : Conference 17 and 18 January 1990, Brussels.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "European accounting system,account,accounting,closing of accounts,directive (EU),economic analysis,standardised accounting system", "workIds": "PUB_CM6090296", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European accounting system", "account", "accounting", "closing of accounts", "directive (EU)", "economic analysis", "standardised accounting system"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7f43bd3-d92d-4094-9df0-c7bfc7f741ac", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/30ab402b-a172-41ac-8576-4658f7f601b6", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 316/91 of 7 February 1991 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "common customs tariff,foreign trade,statistics,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31991R0316,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0025_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "foreign trade", "statistics", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/30ab402b-a172-41ac-8576-4658f7f601b6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1991037EN. 01002501. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. 2. 1991\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 37/25\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 316/91\nof 7 February 1991\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs tariff\u00a0(1) as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 53/91\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9 thereof,\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to the said Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 7 February 1991. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 7, 10. 1. 1991, p. 14. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of goods\n\n\nClassification CN code\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Grated cheese which as a result of its high moisture content and conditions of transport or packaging (partially vacuum packed) becomes agglomerated\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0406\u00a020\u00a090\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 0406, 0406\u00a020 and 0406\u00a020\u00a090. 2. White pasty substance known as \u2018creamed coconut\u2019 manufactured by means of the fine grinding of coconut pulp and pasteurized. It is presented in immediate packings with a net content of 200 g and is generally intended for use in the kitchen in the preparation of sauces, etc. 2008\u00a019\u00a090\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 2008, 2008\u00a019 and 2008\u00a019\u00a090. Classification in Chapter 8 is ruled out because of pasteurization (see also the explanatory notes to the HS heading 20. 08, first paragraph). The pasty consistency of the product also excludes classification under heading 1106 (see also the explanatory notes to the CN codes 2008\u00a011\u00a010 to 2008\u00a019\u00a090, second paragraph, second indent). 3. Product obtained merely by the etherification of starch with epichlorohydrin and sodium monochloracetate in the presence of sodium hydroxide, having the following characteristics:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAppearance. white, crumbly powder\n\n\n\n\nDry matter. 92,8 %\n\n\n\n\nAsh (at 600 oC). 15,1 %\n\n\n\n\nContaining. sodium and chloride ions\n\n\n\n\nSolubility. turbid solution in water, swells considerably\n\n\n\n\nSolution pH. 11,6\n\n\n\n\nMicroscopic image. starch-type, unrecognizable\n\n\n\n\nIodine test. dark blue\n\n\n\n\nPaper chromatography. positive for starch ether\n\n\n\n\nIR spectrum. characteristic carboxymethyl ether bands\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3505\u00a010\u00a050\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of General Rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 3505, 3505\u00a010 and 3505\u00a010\u00a050"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d726228-a589-4e7a-9051-933f5e713fbd", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) IMPOSING A DEFINITIVE ANTI-DUMPING DUTY ON IMPORTS OF BARIUM CHLORIDE ORIGINATING IN THE PEOPLE' S REPUBLIC OF CHINA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "China,anti-dumping duty,chemical salt,import", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0015,comnat:COM_1991_0015_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "anti-dumping duty", "chemical salt", "import"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d726228-a589-4e7a-9051-933f5e713fbd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 15 final \n\nBrussels, 7 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nimposing a d e f i n i t i ve a n t i - d u m p i ng duty on imports of \n\nbarium chloride originating in the \n\nPeople's Republic of China \n\n(presented by t he Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. By Regulation (EEC) No 2402/89 the Commission imposed a provisional \n\nanti-dumping duty on imports of barium chloride originating in the \n\nPeople's Republic of China and the territory then known as the German \n\nDemocratic Republic^1). 2. This duty was extended for a period not exceeding two months by \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 3555/89<2>. 3. The exporters requested and were granted a hearing. They also put \n\ntheir arguments In writing. 4. The Commission took into consideration all the views expressed before \n\narriving at its final conclusions. 5. The Commission also took Into consideration the fact that the \n\nproceeding concerning the German Democratic Republic has become \n\nwithout object as a result of the unification of the GDR with the \n\nFederal Republic of Germany on 3 October 1990. 6. In accordance with Article 12 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88, \n\nthe Commission proposes that the Council impose a definitive anti \n\ndumping duty on imports of barium chloride originating in the \n\nPeople's Republic of China. (1) OJ No L 227, 4. 8. 1989, p. 24. (2) OJ No L 349, 30. 11. 1989, p. 1. - 3 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nImposing a definitive antI-dumping duty on imports of \n\nbarium chloride originating in the \n\nPeople's Republic of China \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88 of 11 July 1988 on \n\nprotection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not \n\nmembers of the European Economic Community*1) and in particular Article \n\n12 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, submitted after \n\nconsultation within the Advisory Committee as provided for in the above \n\nRegulation, \n\nWhereas: \n\nI. PROCEDURE \n\nA. PROVISIONAL MEASURES \n\n(1) By Regulation (EEC) No 2402/89 the Commission imposed a provisional \n\nantI-dumping duty on imports of barium chloride originating in the \n\nPeople'3 Republic of China and the German Democratic Republic*2*. This duty was extended for a period not exceeding two months by \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 3555/89<3>. (1) OJ No L 209, 2. 8. 1988, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 227, 4. 8. 1989, p. 24. (3) OJ No L 349, 30. 11. 1989, p. 1. - 4 -\n\nB. SUBSEQUENT PROCEDURE \n\n(2) Following imposition of the provisional anti-dumping duty, the \n\nexporters of the product in question requested, and were granted, an \n\nopportunity to present their case. They also made written \n\nsubmissions. (3) The parties were given and made use of every possibility of \n\nexercising the rights provided for in Article 7 (4) of Regulation \n\n(EEC) No 2423/88. (4) The Commission took into consideration all the views put forward \n\nbefore arriving at its final conclusions, which are endorsed by the \n\nCounc iI. C. SITUATION CONCERNING THE TERRITORY OF THE \n\nGERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC \n\n(5) On 3 October 1990 the abovementioned territory formally became part \n\nof the Federal Republic of Germany and, as a consequence, became an \n\nintegral part of the Community. Since Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88 \n\nlays down provisions for protection against dumped or subsidised \n\nimports from countries not members of the European Community, it \n\nfollows that the anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of \n\nbarium chloride originating in the abovementioned territory no \n\nlonger has any legal basis and is therefore without object. - 5 -\n\nD. PRODUCT COVERED BY THE INVESTIGATION \n\nAND LIKE PRODUCTS \n\n(6) in Regulation (EEC) No 2402/89 the Commission drew a distinction \n\nbetween the crystallized and anhydrous forms of barium chloride but \n\nfurther investigation after the imposition of the provisional duty \n\nhas caused this distinction to be dropped. (7) Examination of the physical characteristics of the two forms of the \n\nproduct shows that the differences are negligible. Their chemical \n\nformula is the same, apart from the presence of water molecules in \n\nthe crystallized form, which can be changed to the other form simply \n\nby drying. The two forms even look similar: the colour is the \n\nsame, the crystals are the size of grains of sand while the \n\nanhydrous product is a powder, and the packing is almost identical. (8) The numerous applications of crystallized barium chloride do not \n\nallow any final conclusions on this factor. While anhydrous barium \n\nchloride has more specific applications, this can hardly lead to the \n\nconclusion that there is a distinct market for this product since it \n\nis so easily manufactured from the crystallized form. The market \n\nfor the anhydrous product Is thus also an outlet for producers of \n\nthe crystallized product. This being so, anhydrous and crystallized \n\nforms of barium chloride constitute one product for the purposes of \n\nthis proceeding. (9) The barium chloride produced by the Community industry is identical \n\nto that originating in the People's Republic of China. E. DUMPING \n\na. Normal value \n\n(10) Since the People's Republic of China is a non-market economy, the \n\nnormal value was established in the preliminary investigation, in \n\naccordance with Article 2(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88, by \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nusing the price at which a like product is sold in a third country \n\nhaving a market economy. The United States was chosen for this \n\npurpose for the reasons and under the conditions set out in recitals \n\n10 to 13 of Regulation 2402/89. (11) However, since it was not possible, for reasons beyond the control \n\nof the Commission, to verify US market prices on the spot, another \n\nsolution had to be found. The numerous efforts to do so included \n\ncontacts with a great number of barium chloride producers of a \n\ncertain size in other countries as well as with local authorities \n\nwhich were approached to obtain the cooperation of the firms \n\ncontacted. These efforts, however bore no fruit within a reasonable \n\nper iod of time. (12) In view of these difficulties, the Commission was obliged to \n\nestablish the normal value by using the price payable in the \n\nCommunity, duly adjusted to include a profit margin of less than 10% \n\ncorresponding to that of the most efficient company in the sector, \n\nIn accordance with Article 2(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88. The \n\ntwo exporters concerned were notified of this decision. While the \n\nChinese exporter had objected to the choice of the United States as \n\na reference country, no objection was raised against the use of \n\nCommunity prices as a basis for establishing the normal value. b. Export price \n\n(13) The export price for the purpose of applying the provisional \n\nmeasures was established on the basis of information published by \n\nEurostat since the Chinese exporter failed to reply. (14) In the final stage of the investigation, the Commission received \n\nsome information on the prices and terms of payment of this \n\nexporter. Although incomplete, it supported the conclusions drawn \n\nat the time the provisional measures were imposed, notably those set \n\nout in recital 14 of Regulation 2402/89. - 7 \n\n-\n\nc. Comparison \n\n(15) In comparing normal value with export prices in the case of the \n\nChinese exporter, the Commission took account, where this seemed \n\nappropriate, of differences affecting price comparability, in \n\nparticular terms of payment and the cost of transport from the \n\nexporter's works to the Community frontier. These adjustments were \n\ncalculated on the basis of information obtained in the preliminary \n\ninvestigation and confirmed in the final stage of the investigation. (16) All comparisons were made at the ex-works stage. (17) The margin was established by comparing the relevant monthly normal \n\nvalue with export prices as established by Eurostat by month and by \n\nMember State. d. Dumping margin \n\n(18) The conclusions of the preliminary investigation, showing that \n\nexports to the Community of barium chloride originating In the \n\nPeople's Republic of China were being dumped, were confirmed. The \n\ndumping margin corresponds to the difference between the normal \n\nvalue established and the export price to the Community. (19) On the basis of the free-at-frontier price, the dumping margin is \n\n50. 13% for imports originating in the People's Republic of China. (20) The Council endorses the Commission's conclusions with reference to \n\nthe People's Republic of China set out in recitals 10 to 19. F. INJURY \n\n(21) As the proceeding with regard to the German Democratic Republic has \n\nbecome without object for the reasons stated in recital 5, the \n\nCommission has examined whether the imports of barium chloride \n\noriginating in the People's Republic of China were, taken in \n\nisolation, causing or threatening to cause injury to the Community \n\nindustry. - 8 -\n\n(22) In this connection, particular consideration has been given to the \n\nvolume and evolution of these imports, the degree by which they \n\nundercut the prices charged by Community producers as well as to the \n\nproduction capacity in the People's Republic of China and the \n\nChinese export policy towards other third country markets. The \n\nfindings made in this regard (recitals 20 to 33 and 35 to 44 of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2402/89), which are not contested by the \n\nexporter, lead to the conclusion that even when the imports from the \n\nGerman Democratic Republic are disregarded, the imports of barium \n\nchloride originating in the People's Republic of China must be \n\nconsidered as causing and threatening to cause injury to the \n\nCommunity industry. (23) The Chinese exporter has continued to deny that it is the source of \n\ninjury or threat of injury in this matter. Its arguments, however, \n\ncannot be accepted for the following reasons. (24) With regard to the argument that the prices of Chinese exports have \n\nrarely been below the minimum price laid down by Council Regulation \n\n(EEC) No 2370/83<4) and regardless of the lack of complete and \n\nfully reliable documentation on the subject, the Commission notes \n\nthat compliance with a measure is not in itself a guarantee that \n\ndumping is not taking place nor that injury is not being caused by \n\nsuch dumping. (25) With regard to the cost of raw materials and labour, cited as \n\ngrounds for low export prices, the Commission points out that this \n\nargument is not pertinent to the establishment of injury and does \n\nnot obviate the undercutting referred to in recital 24 of Regulation \n\nNo 2402/89. (26) As to the Chinese exporter's argument that the volume of exports had \n\nfallen since the imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties in \n\n1983, it should be noted that, while this is a normal consequence of \n\ntrade protection measures, the exporter was, nevertheless, able to \n\nretain a sizeable share of the Community market despite these \n\nmeasures. (4) OJ No L 228, 20. 8. 1983, p. 28 \n\n\f- 9 -\n\n(27) Under these conditions, the Council confirms the above conclusions \n\nand those set out in Regulation 2402/89 concerning injury (see \n\nrecitals 20 to 39, with the exception of Recital 34) and threat of \n\ninjury (see recitals 40 to 44). G. COMMUNITY INTEREST \n\n(28) The Council confirms the findings and conclusions set out in \n\nrecitals 45, 46, 47, 49, 51 and 52 of Regulation (EEC) No 2402/89. The Council considers that ensuring the survival of the Community \n\nfirms will be beneficial for competition on the Community market and \n\nthat the disappearance of a major part of Community production would \n\npose a threat to the supplies of Community consumers. The interests \n\nof the Community therefore call for intervention. II. DEFINITIVE DUTY \n\n(29) In view of the injury caused and the threat of injury to the \n\nCommunity industry as a result of imports originating in the \n\nPeople's Republic of China since the lapsing of measures in August \n\n1988, the Council concludes that a definitive ad valorem anti \n\ndumping duty must be imposed. (30) With regard to the amount of duty necessary to remove the injury and \n\nthreat of injury, the Commission has taken account of both the price \n\nof the imports concerned and the minimum selling price which would \n\nenable Community producers to cover production costs during the \n\ninvestigation period, plus a reasonable profit margin that is \n\ncalculated on the basis of the profit margin of the most efficient \n\nproducer before increased penetration of dumped exports. These two \n\nprices, duly adjusted to allow for the importer's commission and \n\ncustoms duty, were compared. The difference between the two prices, \n\nexpressed as a percentage of the cif value of export prices, is the \n\npercentage by which the prices have to be raised to remove the \n\ninjury and threat of injury and stands at 25. 8% of the net free-at-\n\nCommunity-frontier price before duty. The Council agrees with these \n\nconsiderations. - 10 -\n\nIII. COLLECTION OF THE PROVISIONAL DUTY \n\n(31) In view of the difficulties encountered in establishing the normal \n\nvalue, the final investigation was not completed within the time-\n\nlimits laid down in Article 11 (5) of Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88. The Council therefore notes that the amounts secured by the anti \n\ndumping duty are released, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. A definitive anti-dumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of \n\nbarium chloride falling within CN code 2827 38 00 and originating in \n\nthe People's Republic of China. 2. The amount of the duty shall be equal to 25. 8% of the net free-at-\n\nCommunity-frontier price before duty. 3. The provisions in force with regard to customs duties shall apply. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its \n\npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable \n\nin a I I Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 15 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-Q31-EN-C \n\nTSBN 92-77-69110-7 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL 29S5 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4a459530-05f0-43b6-8e51-d1c15826d9ce", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 314/91 of 7 February 1991 on the supply of refined rape seed oil as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "Mozambique,food aid,vegetable oil", "workIds": "celex:31991R0314,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0021_032", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Mozambique", "food aid", "vegetable oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4a459530-05f0-43b6-8e51-d1c15826d9ce", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3095dcd-902c-4e2d-8de3-055515952b59", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 301/91 of 7 February 1991 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 1589/87 on the sale by tender of butter to intervention agencies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "award of contract,butter,intervention agency,purchase", "workIds": "celex:31991R0301,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0017_022", "eurovoc_concepts": ["award of contract", "butter", "intervention agency", "purchase"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3095dcd-902c-4e2d-8de3-055515952b59", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15bde1c4-4d49-4b86-b11b-5f48abf07d79", "title": "Special report No 1/91 on the European Development Fund Rehabilitation and Revival Plan together with the replies of the Commission", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_legislative_other_oj_c,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Court of Auditors", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "ACP countries,EDF,development plan,report,third Lom\u00e9 Convention", "workIds": "celex:31991Y0327(04),oj:JOC_1991_083_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "EDF", "development plan", "report", "third Lom\u00e9 Convention"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15bde1c4-4d49-4b86-b11b-5f48abf07d79", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94b894dd-71e3-40d8-b753-1800331d2791", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) FIXING FOR THE 1990/91 AND 1991/92 MILK YEARS THE GUIDELINE FIGURE FOR THE FAT CONTENT OF STANDARDIZED WHOLE MILK IMPORTED INTO IRELAND AND THE UNITED KINGDOM", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "Ireland,United Kingdom,marketing standard,milk fat,whole milk", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0026,comnat:COM_1991_0026_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "United Kingdom", "marketing standard", "milk fat", "whole milk"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94b894dd-71e3-40d8-b753-1800331d2791", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 26 final \n\nBrussels, 7 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nfixing for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 milk years \n\nthe guideline figure for the fat content of standardized whole milk \n\nimported into Ireland and the United Kingdom \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nPursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71d) as amended by Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 566/76(2), the Member States have, as from 1 October 1976, applied to \n\nwhole milk for human consumption either the formula of non-standardized \n\nwhole milk whose fat content has not been altered since the milking stage \n\n(Ireland and the United Kingdom) or the formula of standardized whole milk \n\nwith a minimum fat content of 3. 5% (all other Member States, with the \n\nexception of Italy which has made use of the authorization laid down in \n\nArticle 6(3) of the abovementioned Regulation). Pursuant to Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71, Ireland and the \n\nUnited Kingdom must, however, permit the marketing on their territories of \n\nstandardized whole mi Ik coming from another Member State if the fat content \n\nof such milk is not less than a percentage to be fixed for each milk year \n\nand corresponds to the weighted average fat content of the whole milk \n\nproduced and marketed in the Member State in question during the previous \n\nyear (guideline figure). For the 1990/91 milk year, which commenced on 14 May 1990, no guideline \n\nfigure has yet been set. Although the Commission, with this proposal, seeks to remedy this \n\nsituation, it proposes that only provisional guideline figures be set in \n\nrespect of the 1991/92 milk year. The Commission considers it necessary, particularly in the light of market \n\nchanges, to carry out a detailed re-examination of the rules in question. It plans to present a report coupled with proposals in this connection \n\nbefore 1 April 1991. The purpose of such proposals will be to allow the \n\nswift repeal of paragraphs 6 and 7 of the aforestated Article 3. (1) 0J No L 148, 3. 7. 1971, p. 4. (2) 0J No L 67, 15. 3. 1976, p. 23. - 3 -\n\nThe target ceilings proposed correspond to the weighted averages notified \n\nby the two Member States in question: \n\nfor Ireland: a) 1990/91 milk year - 3,50%. b) 1991/92 milk year - 3,50%. for the United Kingdom: a) 1990/91 milk year - 3,90%. b) 1991/92 milk year - 4,00%. The measure covered by this proposal has no financial consequences. - 4 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nfixing for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 milk years \n\nthe guideline figure for the fat content of standardized whole milk \n\nimported into Ireland and the United Kingdom \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71 of 29 June 1971 laying \n\ndown additional rules on the common organization of the market in milk and \n\nmilk products for drinking m i l k C ), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 222/88(2), and in particular Article 3(6)(b) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas, pursuant to Article 3(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71, Ireland \n\nand the United Kingdom apply within their territories the formula of \n\nnon-standardized whole milk within the meaning of the second indent of \n\nArticle 3(1)(b) of that Regulation; \n\nWhereas, pursuant to Article 3(6) and (7), a guideline figure must be fixed \n\nfor the 1990/91 milk year for the fat which standardized whole milk coming \n\nfrom another Member State must contain to be able to be marketed within the \n\nterritories of the two abovementioned Member States; whereas this guideline \n\nfigure must be the weighted average fat content of the whole milk produced \n\nand marketed in the importing Member State during the previous year; \n\n(1) OJ No L 148, 3. 7. 1971, p. 4. (2) OJ No L 28, 1. 2. 1988, p. 1. - 5 -\n\nWhereas, particularly in the light of market changes, it is deemed \n\nappropriate to re-examine the conditions of application of the second \n\nindent of Article 3(1)(b) and of Article 3(6) and (7) with a view to the \n\nrepeal of the latter paragraphs; whereas the Commission should therefore be \n\nrequested to present a report coupled with proposals in this connection \n\nbefore 1 April 1991; whereas, accordingly, the guideline figure for the \n\n1991/92 milk year must be fixed, subject to any amendments that may result \n\nfrom those proposals, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe guideline figure referred to in Article 3(6)(b) of Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 1411/71 shall be: \n\n1. For the 1990/91 milk year, \n\n3,50% for Ireland, \n\n3,90% for the United Kingdom. 2. For the 1991/92 milk year, subject to any amendments resulting from \n\nthe application of Article 2, \n\n3,50% for Ireland, \n\n4,00% for the United Kingdom. Article 2 \n\nThe Commission shall present to the Commission, before 1 April 1991, a \n\nreport on the conditions of application of the second indent of Article \n\n3(1 )(b) and of Article 3(6) and (7) of Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71 and \n\nshall propose any amendments to the rules concerned. - 6 -\n\nArticle 3 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of \n\nits publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply with effect from 14 May 1990. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n-7 -\n\n(K!C/91/FF/004) \n\nDATE : 16. 01. 1991 \n\n1. LIGNE BUDGETAIRE : Chapitre 20 \n\nCREDITS \n\n5. 534 Wio ECU \n\n2. INTITULE DE LA MESURE : \n\nProposition de r\u00e8glement du Conseil fixant pour les campagnes 1990/91 et 1991/92 le \ntaux indicatif pour la teneur en mati\u00e8re grasse du lait entier normalis\u00e9 import\u00e9 en \nen Irlande et au Royaume-Uni. 3. BASE JURIDIQUE : Article 3 paragraphe 6 point b) du r\u00e8glement (CEE) n* 1411/71 \n\n4. OBJECTIFS DE LA MESURE : \n\nFixer le taux indicatif pour la teneur en mati\u00e8re grasse du lait entier import\u00e9 en \nIrlande et au Royaume-Uni en provenance d'autres Etats membres. 5. INCIDENCES FINANCIERES \n\n5. 0 DEPENSES A LA CHARGE \n\n- DU BUDGET DES CE \n\n(REST ITUT IONS/1NTERVENTIONS) \n\n- DES BUDGETS NATIONAUX \n- D'AUTRES SECTEURS \n\n5. 1 RECETTES \n\n- RESSOURCES PROPRES DES CE \n\n(PRELEVEMENTS/DROITS DE DOUANE) \n\n- SUR LE PLAN NATIONAL \n\n5. 0. 1 PREVISIONS DES DEPENSES \n5. 1. 1 PREVISIONS DES RECETTES \n\n5. 2 MODE DE CALCUL : \n\nPERIODE DE \n12 MOIS \n\nEXERCICE EN \nCOURS (91) \n\nEXERCICE \nSUIVANT (92) \n\nn. m \n\np. m, \n\np. m. p. m, \n\np. m. p. m, \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n6. 0 FINANCEMENT POSSIBLE PAR CREDITS INSCRITS AU CHAPITRE CONCERNE DU BUDGET \n\nEN COURS D'EXECUTION \n\n6. 1 FINANCEMENT POSSIBLE PAR VIREMENT ENTRE CHAPITRES DU BUDGrT EN COURS \n\nD'EXECUTION \n\n6. 2 NECESSITE D'UN BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAIRE \n\n6. 3 CREDITS A INSCRIRE DANS LES BUDGETS FUTURS \n\nOBSERVATIONS : \n\nL'incidence de la mesure sur le budget devrait \u00eatre nulle ou n\u00e9gligeable \n\nOU I/NON \n\nOU I/NON \n\nOU !/NON \n\nOU I/NON \n\n\f- 8 -\n\n(WA0003) \n\nIMPACT ASSESSMENT FORM \n\nTHE IMPACT OF THE PROPOSAL ON BUSINESS \nwith special reference to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) \n\nTitle of proposal : Council Regulation fixing for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 milk years the \n\nguideline figure for the fat content of standardized whole milk Imported into \nIreland and the United Kingdom \n\nReference Number (R\u00e9pertoire) : V1/7079/90 \n\nThe proposal \n\n1. Taking account of the principle of subsidiarity, why Is Community legislation necessary In \n\nthis area and what are its main aims ? \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 1411/71 provides that guideline figures must be fixed for each milk \nyear. The Impact on business : The proposal Is without Impact on business. 2. Who will be affected by the proposal 7 \n\n- which sectors of business \n\n- which sizes of business (what Is the concentration of small and medium sized firms) \n\n- are there particular geographical areas of the Community where these businesses ar* found \n\n3. What will business have to do to comply with the proposal ? \n\n4. What economic effects Is the porposal likely to have 7 \n\n- on employment \n\n- on Investment and the creation of new businesses \n\n- on the competitive position of businesses \n\n5. Does the proposal contain measures to take account of the spectfic situation of small and \n\nmedium sized firms (reduced or different requirements etc) ? \n\nConsultation \n\n6. List the organisations which have been consulted about the proposal and out tin\u00bb their main \n\nviews \n\n\f\f\f- 9 \n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 26 final \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-047-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69255-3 \n\nPRICE \n\nl-30puges:3. 50ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ff8ad94-0d29-4bc7-9bb0-ad871e5b7380", "title": "Guide to Community initiatives (taken under the reform of the structural funds).", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,EU policy,European Regional Development Fund,European Social Fund,Structural Funds,economic planning", "workIds": "PUB_CM6090216", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "EU policy", "European Regional Development Fund", "European Social Fund", "Structural Funds", "economic planning"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ff8ad94-0d29-4bc7-9bb0-ad871e5b7380", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2b983d6-64c5-45a5-ade1-891b68b6e274", "title": "AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) ON THE STATISTICS RELATING TO THE TRADING OF GOODS BETWEEN MEMBER STATES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "statistics,trading operation", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0018,comnat:COM_1991_0018_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_047_R_0010_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["statistics", "trading operation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2b983d6-64c5-45a5-ade1-891b68b6e274", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 18 final - SYN 181 \n\nBrussels, 7 February 1991 \n\nAmendment to the proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \nof the EEC-Treaty) \n\n(sea* \n\ni \n\na \u2022 ji?J|r* \n\n\fExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. The European Parliament has examined at first reading the proposal for a Council \nRegulation (EEC) on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member \nStates presented by the Commission on 11 January 1989 and amended by it on 17 May \nand 24 September 1990; Parliament has adopted a series of amendments and has again \nasked the Commission to amend its proposal. 2. Of the amendments that the Commission can accept, four relate solely to form, one \nunderlines the utility of statistics, and three emphasize the r\u00f4le that Parliament wishes to \nplay in the future regulation of statistics on the internal market. 3. The amendment concerning statistical thresholds makes it possible both to include in the \nbasic regulations a minimum limit in absolute figures and to allow the Commission to \ndecide, once the appropriate studies have been concluded, how the different parties \nresponsible for providing statistical information are to be composed. Furthermore, it \ndoes not preclude the possibility of adopting suitable provisions for Member States \nwhose commercial structure might require special measures. Amendment to the proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the \nstatistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States<1> \n\n(Presented by the Commission on \nthe EEC Treaty) \n\npursuant to Article 149(3) of \n\nThe Commission presented the above-mentioned proposal to the Council on \n24 September 1990. Following the opinion delivered by Parliament at \nits sitting on 22 November 1990, the proposal has been amended as \nfol lows: \n\n1) add the following text at the end of the fourth recital: \"and this \n\nkind of information could prove to be one of the means, among \nothers, of assessing the development of economic and social \ncohesion*,\"; \n\n2) delete the section In the seventh recital beginning \"In order to \nprevent Member States from replacing. \" and ending \". whatever their customs and tax status or the cause of their being \nmoved ;\"; \n\n3) add \"Including electric current\" to the end of Article 2(b); \n\n4) in Article 4(1)(d), add \"In cooperation with the European \n\nParliament\" after \". shall determine\"; \n\n5) replace the text of Article 14 by the following: \n\n\"Failure by any party responsible for providing statistical \nInformation to fulfil his obligations under this Regulation shall \nbe penalized by the Member States In accordance with their national \nprovisions. \"; \n\n6) In Article 16 replace \"The Commission shall report to the Council \n\non the functioning of the Intrastat system. \" by \"The Commission \nshall report to the Council and the European Parliament on the \nfunctioning of the Intrastat system. \"; \n\n7) delete Article 17(2); \n\n8) add \"In cooperation with the European Parliament\" to the end of \n\nArticle 27; \n\n(1) 0J No C 254, 9. 10. 1990, p. 7. H \n\n9) add the following second paragraph to Article 28(3): \n\n\"The total accumulated levels of, firstly, the exclusion thresholds \nand, secondly, the simplification thresholds fixed by the \nCommission pursuant to paragraph 2 must be at least ECU 100 000, \nexpressed In annual values of Intra-Communlty trade operations, \nexcept where In a given Member State the combined effects of these \nthresholds would entail, either on dispatch or on arrival, a loss \nof the Information provided for In Articles 21, 22 and 23 exceeding \nby one-third or more the average loss of the other Member states. \". Statement\u00bb describing the Impact on SUE\u00bb \u00abnH \u2122 \u2014>\u00abft\">\"* \n\nThe Impact statements annexed to the initial proposal and to the two \namended proposals continue to apply. However, the following comments \nare rendered necessary following the amendment of Article 28. 1. Administr\u00e2tlva obligations on enterprises arising from the \n\napplication of the, legislation \n\nThe amendment to Article 28(3) clarifies further the obligation to \nmake a detailed statistical return, an obligation which will \nhenceforth apply only to undertakings whose annual Intra-Communlty \ntrade operations, on dispatch or on arrival, exceed the minimum \nthreshold of ECU 100 000. 2. Advantages for tha enterprise / 3. Disadvantages for the \n\nenterprise \n\nAs a result, all enterprises below the threshold at which a \ndetailed statistical return Is required will benefit from a degree \nof exemption or simplification, and the limit between the different \ncategories will be fixed by the Commission after It has examined \nthe results of studies In progress In the nine Member States on the \nconcentration of enterprises In the trade between Member States. A \nsafeguard clause has nevertheless had to be provided to guarantee \nthat all Member States receive a satisfactory level of statistical \nInformation, irrespective of their economic structure. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nG \n\nCOM(91) 18 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-046-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69246-4 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3ea8bfa6-de15-484e-80f2-6fdc162ff469", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 302/91 of 7 February 1991 laying down definitive measures on the issuing of STM licences for milk and milk products as regards Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "milk,milk product,supplementary trade mechanism", "workIds": "celex:31991R0302,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0018_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["milk", "milk product", "supplementary trade mechanism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3ea8bfa6-de15-484e-80f2-6fdc162ff469", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d275ef04-f519-4f0c-a584-b3071f8902ea", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 315/91 of 7 February 1991 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Custom Tariff", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-07", "subjects": "maize,maize oil,statistics,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31991R0315,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0024_033", "eurovoc_concepts": ["maize", "maize oil", "statistics", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d275ef04-f519-4f0c-a584-b3071f8902ea", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d74b8818-928b-44b8-9a98-77ab7ff07893", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band L: 90-99.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume L: 90-99.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume L: 90-99.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,firearms and munitions,foreign trade,import (EU),medical device,optical industry,photographic industry,precision instrument", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "firearms and munitions", "foreign trade", "import (EU)", "medical device", "optical industry", "photographic industry", "precision instrument"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d74b8818-928b-44b8-9a98-77ab7ff07893", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3142ef77-fc83-4c0b-9b0d-6084f2d44214", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 55/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. 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Storage of radioactive mercury waste", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE LA MALENE,European Parliament,KILLILEA,PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH,RUIZ-MATEOS JIMENEZ DE TEJADA", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "Castile-La Mancha,mercury,radioactive waste,storage of waste,waste disposal,waste management", "workIds": "celex:91991E000071", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Castile-La Mancha", "mercury", "radioactive waste", "storage of waste", "waste disposal", "waste management"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93041651-4ddc-4679-92ac-ed7999e89c7d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3be23619-c880-4b22-b388-368fda17b1a2", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 288/91 of 6 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3007/84 laying down detailed rules for the application of the premium for producers of sheepmeat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "production aid,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:31991R0288,oj:JOL_1991_035_R_0012_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["production aid", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3be23619-c880-4b22-b388-368fda17b1a2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/52a7c44b-cf11-4aff-91b4-0edfcf10f1c4", "title": "The financing of continuing vocational training in France.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "France,continuing education,financing,vocational training", "workIds": "PUB_HX6091507", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "continuing education", "financing", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/52a7c44b-cf11-4aff-91b4-0edfcf10f1c4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/84c42234-302a-4e41-8e2d-851296d7b1f9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 85/91 by Mr Gianfranco AMENDOLA to the Commission. Amendment of the Treaty of Rome to recognize other animals as sentient living creatures instead of agricultural products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "protection of animals,terminology", "workIds": "celex:91991E000085", "eurovoc_concepts": ["protection of animals", "terminology"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/84c42234-302a-4e41-8e2d-851296d7b1f9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09be8577-6737-4d98-9583-a57c3939bbd7", "title": "Aussenhandel : Analytische Tabellen - 1989, Ausfuhr Band Z: 01-99.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Tableaux analytiques - 1989, exportations Volume Z: 01-99.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Export Volume Z: 01-99.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,export (EU),foreign trade,trade by country,trade by product", "workIds": "PUB_CA4990013", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "export (EU)", "foreign trade", "trade by country", "trade by product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09be8577-6737-4d98-9583-a57c3939bbd7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/49eb8bc5-cc1d-11e6-ad7c-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "Aussehhandel : analytische Tabellen - 1989, Einfuhr : Band J: 84-85.,Commerce ext\u00e9rieur : tableaux analytiques -1989, Importations : Volume J: 84-85.,External trade : analytical tables - 1989, Import : Volume J: 84-85.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "Nimexe,economic statistics,electrical equipment,foreign trade,import (EU),machinery,mechanical equipment", "workIds": "PUB_CA4890010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "economic statistics", "electrical equipment", "foreign trade", "import (EU)", "machinery", "mechanical equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/49eb8bc5-cc1d-11e6-ad7c-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c1b71b0-b8cf-4cb0-95b9-ef6856a64254", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 82/91 by Mrs Carmen D\u00cdEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA to the Commission. Conversion of disused railway lines into ' green corridors'", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "cessation of trading,green area,rail network,transport infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:91991E000082", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cessation of trading", "green area", "rail network", "transport infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c1b71b0-b8cf-4cb0-95b9-ef6856a64254", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/514638b5-f5ec-44c5-84cc-54fd827cbb29", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 83/91 by Mrs Carmen D\u00cdEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA to the Commission. Dumping of used oil and sewage in small islands", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DIEZ DE RIVERA ICAZA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "EU aid,EU financial instrument,application of EU law,island,storage of waste,used oil,waste disposal,wastewater,water treatment", "workIds": "celex:91991E000083", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "EU financial instrument", "application of EU law", "island", "storage of waste", "used oil", "waste disposal", "wastewater", "water treatment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/514638b5-f5ec-44c5-84cc-54fd827cbb29", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0624f6d8-28d1-4cf6-a39d-bc47878bc8be", "title": "91/406/ECSC: Commission Decision of 6 February 1991 on financial aid by the Federal Republic of Germany to the coal industry in 1990 and supplementary aid to the coal industry for 1989 (only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "Germany,State aid,coal industry", "workIds": "celex:31991D0406,oj:JOL_1991_226_R_0028_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "State aid", "coal industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0624f6d8-28d1-4cf6-a39d-bc47878bc8be", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d3a48f5c-2675-4db5-ac7f-2b78af3cd45c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 59/91 by Mr Henri SABY , Mrs Rosaria BINDI , Mrs Marie-Christine AULAS and Mrs Maria BELO to the Commission. Commission' s follow-up of Parliament' s report on blindness prevention in the Third World", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AULAS,BELO,BINDI,European Parliament,SABY", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "developing countries,financial aid,health control,infectious disease,physically disabled person,report", "workIds": "celex:91991E000059", "eurovoc_concepts": ["developing countries", "financial aid", "health control", "infectious disease", "physically disabled person", "report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d3a48f5c-2675-4db5-ac7f-2b78af3cd45c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab73eeb2-aa94-4b2b-babf-1b624ca64b0f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 62/91 by Mr Elio DI RUPO to the Commission. Parapharmaceutical products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DI RUPO,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "advertising malpractice,cosmetic product,dietary product,foodstuff,labelling,pharmaceutical product,public health", "workIds": "celex:91991E000062", "eurovoc_concepts": ["advertising malpractice", "cosmetic product", "dietary product", "foodstuff", "labelling", "pharmaceutical product", "public health"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab73eeb2-aa94-4b2b-babf-1b624ca64b0f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1393a4e5-14d3-4999-84ce-97410fe6822e", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 84/91 by Mr Maxime VERHAGEN to the Commission. The impact of ' Europe 1992' on the developing countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERHAGEN", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "developing countries,impact study,market access,single market", "workIds": "celex:91991E000084", "eurovoc_concepts": ["developing countries", "impact study", "market access", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1393a4e5-14d3-4999-84ce-97410fe6822e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea6592f9-7a5e-4d6f-bc89-ab1837fa5ccf", "title": "91/91/EEC: Commission Decision of 6 February 1991 on the areas referred to in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2506/88 instituting a Community programme to assist the conversion of shipbuilding areas (Renaval programme) (only the Spanish text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "action programme,industrial conversion,regions of Spain,shipbuilding", "workIds": "celex:31991D0091,oj:JOL_1991_050_R_0024_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "industrial conversion", "regions of Spain", "shipbuilding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea6592f9-7a5e-4d6f-bc89-ab1837fa5ccf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1379518-21f1-4bb7-ad1c-d11d4ee6fbdd", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 94/91 by Mr Proinsias DE ROSSA to the Commission. Storm damage in Ireland", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE ROSSA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "EU financing,Ireland,Structural Funds,atmospheric conditions,coastal protection,erosion,rural development,tourism", "workIds": "celex:91991E000094", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Ireland", "Structural Funds", "atmospheric conditions", "coastal protection", "erosion", "rural development", "tourism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1379518-21f1-4bb7-ad1c-d11d4ee6fbdd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/146ab543-e2a2-4af2-8f39-6b97b1697a2b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 65/91 by Mr Pol MARCK to the Commission. EC pavilion in Osaka", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MARCK", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "European Community,Japan,diplomatic representation", "workIds": "celex:91991E000065", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Community", "Japan", "diplomatic representation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/146ab543-e2a2-4af2-8f39-6b97b1697a2b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94e1dd02-08bf-4517-a96d-21c52cf31d78", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 92/91 by Sir Jack STEWART-CLARK to the Commission. Charter of social rights; proposals for resolving the drugs problem", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,STEWART-CLARK", "date": "1991-02-06", "subjects": "European Social Charter,drug addiction,health control,information,occupational medicine,vocational training,workplace", "workIds": "celex:91991E000092", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Social Charter", "drug addiction", "health control", "information", "occupational medicine", "vocational training", "workplace"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94e1dd02-08bf-4517-a96d-21c52cf31d78", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39c66f4a-2b1d-47ba-9698-6621ad119e7a", "title": "Question No 1 by Mr ROMEOS (H-0057/91) to the Council: Censorship of reports on the Gulf", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROMEOS", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,Middle East,censorship,communications profession,control of communications,freedom of communication,freedom of the press,international conflict,right to information", "workIds": "celex:91991H000057", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "Middle East", "censorship", "communications profession", "control of communications", "freedom of communication", "freedom of the press", "international conflict", "right to information"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39c66f4a-2b1d-47ba-9698-6621ad119e7a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c2e06c1-a264-4428-8272-908c41630d44", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) OPENING FOR 1991, AS AN AUTONOMOUS MEASURE, A SPECIAL IMPORT QUOTA FOR HIGH QUALITY FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN BEEF FALLING WITHIN HEADINGS 0201 AND 0202 AS WELL AS PRODUCTS UNDER SUB-HEADINGS 0206 10 95 AND 0206 29 91 OF THE COMBINED NOMENCLATURE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "fresh meat,frozen product,refrigerated product,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0017(03),comnat:COM_1991_0017(03)_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_046_R_0009_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fresh meat", "frozen product", "refrigerated product", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c2e06c1-a264-4428-8272-908c41630d44", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 17 final \n\nBrussels, 5 February 1991 \n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and Intended for fattening of the period 1 January \nto 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the processing \nIndustry for the perod 1 January to 31 December 1991. Proposai for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import quota for \nhigh quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling within headings 0201 \nand 0202 as well as products under sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 \nof the combined nomenclature \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThe first daft estimated supply balance fixes the Community's import \nrequirements for young bovine animals for fattening at 198 000 head for \n1991. Community availabilities in meat for processing in 1991 are estimated to \nbe higher than the Community industry's requirements for beef for \nprocessing. In accordance with the bilateral agreements between the Community and \ncertain supplier third countries instituting cooperation in the drawing \nup of the estimated supply balances, consultations took place on the \ndrawing up of such import balances for 1991. In view of the Community's interest in maintaining harmonious trading \nrelations with them, the Commission proposes to fix the estimated supply \nbalance for meat for processing at 0 tonnes for 1991 and to open for \n1991, as an autonomous measure, a tariff quota not subject to any levy of \n11 430 tonnes of high quality beef from livestock reared mainly on grass \nat a customs duty of 20%. - 3 -\n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and intended for fattening for the period \n1 January to 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal intended for the processing \nIndustry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. (submitted to the Council by the Commission) \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR YOUNG MALE BOVINE ANIMALS INTENDED FOR FATTENING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN) and the EEC-Yugoslavia Cooperation Agreement, \nthe Commission invited Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania to take \npart In bilateral discussions on the 1991 estimate for young male bovine \nanimals Intended for fattening. - 5 -\n\n1. BomanijEL \n\nThe Romanian authorities gave full details of the economic \ndifficulties facing their country. They explained that, In view of the extreme drought this year, they \nwould be able to export 5 000 head of young bovine animals per \nmonth. 2. Hungary \n\nThe Hungarian authorities expressed a preference to maintain the \ntotal quantity at the same level as In 1990, i. e. 198 000 head. They requested a quota of 50 000 head reserved fro Hungary. 3. Poland \n\nThe Polish authorities emphasized the importance, both In monetary \nand political terms, of the production of young bovine animals for \nprivate producers In Poland. They requested that the overall quantity for 1991 be maintained at \nthe 1990 level. They also requested a quota exclusively for Poland. 4. YuqosI ay I a \n\nThe Yugoslav authorities complained bitterly about the drastic fall \nIn their exports during 1990 In the face of competition from other \nEast European countries. They said their exports had fallen back considerably reaching only \n10 000 head as against the 46 000 achieved in 1989. They wanted to \nexport around 30 000 head In 1991 and requested that a special quota \nbe reserved for them. _ 6 -\n\nA \n\nProposal for an \n\nestimate concerning young male bovine animals \nweighing 300 kilograms or less and Intended for fattening \nfor the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of the market in beef and v e a l d ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article 13 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 13(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that the Council \nshall, each year before 1 December, draw up on a proposal from the \nCommission and by qualified majority vote, an estimate of the young male \nbovine animals which may be imported under the system laid down under the \nsaid Article. This estimate is to take account both of the forecast \nsupplies of young bovine animals intended for fattening within the \nCommunity and of Community livestock farmers' requirements. In order to establish the volume of Imports to be carried out under this \nestimate as from 1981, in accordance with the Community's undertaking \nwithin the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), consultations \nare held between the Commission and representatives of some non-member \ncountries before the annual draft estimate Is put forward. ti\\ ni Nr> L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 7 -\n\nBefore drawing up this estimate the Commission has held consultations \nwith representatives of the following non-member countries: Hungary, \nPoland, Romania and Yugoslavia. These consultations include an exchange of views on the beef and veal \nmarket as a whole, the production and consumption prospects within the \nCommunity and on the scope for exports of young male bovine animals by \nnon-member count r ies. This estimate relates to the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. It \nhas been prepared in the light of information available to the Commission \nand on the basis of the foreseeable trend for 1991 of supplies of and \nrequirements for young male bovine animals intended for fattening in the \ncommunity; Account may also be taken of the particular situation in the \nnon-member country concerned whilst ensuring that the number of head to \nbe Imported at the full rate of levy in 1991 is limited to the \ntraditional level (average of the last three years for which figures are \navailable). The Commission has introduced a system to monitor these \nimports. 1. Assessment of Community supplies for 1991 \n\nIn view of the number of breeding females (cows and heifers) \nanticipated for 1991 (about 37 050 000), some 29 881 000 births of \ncalves are expected during that year. Production over the year of \nmale calves would therefore be about 14 925 000 head in 1991. 2. Estimated Community requirements for 1991 \n\n2. 1 The number of slaughterings of male calves envisaged for 1991, \n\non the basis of data collected from Member States, should be \nabout 3 900 000 head. 2. 2 The number of male animals intended for slaughter as fattened \n\nsteers and young bulls or bulls for breeding should be about \n11 100 000 head. 2. 3 In the light of information provided by Member States and of \n\nthe above, it is expected that in 1991 the requirements of \nCommunity livestock farmers as regards young male bovine \nanimals for fattening will be 11 100 000 head. 2. 4 From the considerations set out in 2. 1 and 2. 3 it follows that \nthe Community's overall requirements in male calves will be \n15 000 000 head in 1991. These requirements will only be partly satisfied by Community \nsupplies of these animals which, as shown in point 1, amount to \nabout 14 925 000 head. - 8 -\n\nConclusion \n\nThe estimated Community shortfall, on the basis of the abovementioned \nfigures, of 75 000 head is a figure resulting from, among other things, \nthe recent increase in veal imports for which the full levy is paid. However, taking account of the average level of imports over the last \nthree years for which figures are available, a level which is expected by \nthe Commission for 1991 and which should reduce in 1991 the veal imports \nat the full levy, the estimate for 1991 is fixed at 198 000 head. - 9 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR FROZEN MEAT INTENDED FOR PROCESSING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN), the Commission has held consultations with \nAustralia, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, Hungary, Poland and Romania \non the 1990 estimate for frozen beef and veal Intended for processing. Responses of the countries concerned: \n\nARGENTINA \n\nThe Argentinian authorities said that, generally speaking, they accepted \nthe estimates, but would prefer converting the total quantity of 50 000 \ntonnes of meat for processing to high quality meat. In their opinion the \nconversion coefficient should be 4. NEW ZEALAND \n\nThe New Zealand authorities repeated their well-known position with \nregard to the total quantities in the estimate. They considered that, \nrather than 50 000 tonnes, Imports of the meat for processing should be \n60 000 tonnes In line with the undertakings made under GATT. They would, \nfurthermore, prefer converting the total 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. AUSTRALIA \n\nThe Australian authorities also restated their position regarding the \nCommunity commitment to 60 000 tonnes under GATT. They would prefer converting the total of 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. Quantities of Hilton beef should therefore be between 12 000 and \n14 000 tonnes. If the Commission kept to its position in favour of the maintenance of a \ncertain quantity of meat for processing, the conversion coefficient \nshould be that used in 1987, i. e. 4. 16. UEU\u00dbUA\u00cf \n\nThe Uruguayan authorities were also In favour of converting the total \namount of meat for processing to high quality meat. This would produce a \ntotal of more than 12 000 tonnes of Hilton beef If a conversion \ncoefficient of 4 were used. They also recalled the existing clause in the GATT agreement permitting \nUruguay to use quantities not used by other beneficiaries. HUNGARY-POLAND-ROMAN IA \n\nThese three countries have not expressed any intention to export meat for \nprocessing to the Community. - 10 -\n\nB \n\nProposal for a \n\nCouncil estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the \nprocessing Industry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of- the market In beef and veal( 1 ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article \n14(2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 14(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that each year \nbefore 1 December, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall \ndraw up an estimate of the meat which may be imported under the \narrangements laid down In that Article. This estimate shall take \naccount, on the one hand, of the expected Community supplies of meat of a \nquality and type of cut suitable for industrial use and, on the other, of \nindustrial need. This estimate shall mention separately the quantities: \n\n(a) Intended for the manufacture of preserved food which does not \n\ncontain characteristic components other than beef and Jelly; \n\n(b) intended for the processing industry for the manufacture of products \n\nother than the preserved food referred to in (a). The annual presentation of the draft estimate is preceded by \nconsultations between the Commission and certain non-member countries. The purpose of these meetings Is to review the whole situation of the \nbeef market in the EC and the non-member countries as well as current \nforecasts of production and consumption, in order to make a Joint \nanalysis of the factors which would help In drawing up estimates of \nCommunity needs as regards frozen beef for processing and to exchange \nInformation concerning the potential export market. Consultations have been undertaken by the Commission with representatives \nof the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, \nHungary, Poland and Romania. M\u00ef ft. I No L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 11 -\n\nCHAPTER I \n\nSupplies of meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1989 Community supplies of home-produced fresh meat for \nprocessing for 1990 can be estimated at 1 380 000 tonnes of meat on the \nbone. It is also estimated that at the end of 1990 the Community held a large \npublic stock of meat as a result of Intervention buying. The quantity of \nthis meat satisfying the requirements of meat for processing can be \nestimated at 250 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. At the end of 1990 there were no stocks of beef held in cold stores as a \nresult of the granting of private storage aid. With effect from 1 January 1991 the Community intends to open a tariff \nquota for 53 000 tonnes of boned frozen meat, which corresponds to \n68 >900 tonnes of meat on the bone. Past experience Indicates that, under this quota, 14 000 tonnes of frozen \nmeat on the bone will be Imported for processing In 1991. In 1991 the quantity of meat originating In Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, \nZimbabwe and Swaziland to be Imported Into the Community and which \nsatisfies the requirements for processing may be estimated at 5 000 \ntonnes of meat on the bone. For 1991 the total available supplies intended for processing will thus \nbe as fol lows: \n\n(tonnes) \n\n- fresh meat: \n- frozen meat bought into Intervention \n- frozen meat stored under the system of \n\nprivate storage aid: \n\n- frozen meat imported under the GATT quota: \n- frozen meat imported under ACP \n\nConvention arrangements: \n\n1 380 000 \n250 000 \n\n0 \n14 000 \n\n5 000 \n\nTotal \n\n1 649 000 \n\nCHAPTER 11 \n\nIndustrial demand for meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1990, Community demand for meat for processing In 1991 can be \nestimated at 1 461 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. This figure includes \nquantities required for the preparation of preserved foods as specified \nin Article 14(1)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68. This latter quantity \nIs estimated at 215 000 tonnes. - 12 -\n\nConclusion \n\nFrom the above, Community supplies of meat for processing will exceed \nindustry requirements in 1991. The estimate of beef and veal intended \nfor the processing Industry to be Imported In 1991 under the arrangements \nlaid down In Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 shall be fixed at 0 \ntonnes. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/91 \n\nof \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import \nquota for high quality, fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling \nwithin headings 0201 and 0202 as well as products under the \nsub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \nCombined Nomenclature \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \nand in particular Article 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission^1), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Par I lament<2), \n\nWhereas, in the light of the market situation for beef both within and \noutside the Community, provision should be made for the opening for 1991, \nas an autonomous measure, of a special Community import tariff quota for \n11 430 tonnes, at a duty of 20%, of high quality fresh, chilled or frozen \nbeef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as product sunder the \nsubheadings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the combined nomenclature, \n\nWhereas equal, continuous access for all operators concerned In the \ncommunity to the said quota and the uninterrupted application of the rate \nlaid down for that quota to all imports of the products concerned In all \nthe Member States untii the volume provided for in exhausted should In \nparticular be ensured; whereas, to this end, a system for utilizing the \nCommunity tariff quota, based on the presentation of a certificate of \nauthenticity guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the products \nis required; \n\nWhereas rules for the application of these provisions should be adopted \nin accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 27 of Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of \nthe market In beef and veal(3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No \n571/89<4>, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. A special Community tariff quota for high quality, fresh, chilled or \n\nfrozen beef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as \nproducts under the sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \ncombined nomenclature is hereby opened. (1) 0J No \n(2) OJ No \n(3) 0J No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. - 14 -\n\nThe total amount of this contingent shall be 11 430 tonnes expressed \nIn weight of the product. 2. The applicable duty for this contingent In the Common customs Tariff \nshall be fixed at 20%. Article 2 \n\nIn accordance with the procedure laid down In Article 27 of Regulation \n(EEC) No 805/68, the rules for the application of this Regulation, and in \npart icular: \n\n(a) provisions guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the \n\nproducts, \n\n(b) provisions relating to the recognition of the document enabling the \n\nguarantees provided for In (a) to be ascertained, \n\nshall be determined. Article 3 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding In its entirety and directly applicable \nIn a 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f45 \n\nF I N A N C I AL S T A T E M E NT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning young male cattle for fattening of not more than \n\n300 kg for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 13 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import requirement of young male cattle for fattening at \n\n196 000 head for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTCMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU + 122. 3 m \n\nECU + 35. 7 m \n\nECU + 86. 6 m \n\nECU + 24. 4 m \n\nECU + 20. 3 m \n\nECU -i- 4. 1 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. Levy \n\nYugoslavia \nPoland \nHungary \nRomania \n\n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n128 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n10 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 35% x 1 139(DR) \n\nECU m (B) \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 11. 3 \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 1. 2 \n+ 17. 7 \n+ 6. 7 \n\nCustoms duty: 49 500 t x ECU 850/t x 16% \nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n196 000 head x 300 kg (dead weight) x ECU 1 800/t x 1 144(DR) - + 122. 3 \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \nThe 1991 budget makes provision. YES \n\nND \n\n\fh \n\nFINANCIAL S TATEMENT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning beef for industrial processing for the period \n\n1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 14 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 806/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import reciuirement of frozen beef for processing at \n\n0 tomes for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\nPeriod of 12 months Current Financial Year \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS/INTERVENT IONS) \n- NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION \n-OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1996 \n\n1996 \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nNO \n\n\f/'-\n\nFINANCIAL STATEMENT \n\nDATE: \n\n; 1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 210 \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposai for a Council estimate concerning a tariff quota for* imports of high-quality beef \n\n(Hilton beef) for 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 43 of the Treaty \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: Opening of a quota of 11 430 tonnes of high-qual ity beef at 2G% oUty \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU \u2022\u2022- 28. 2 m \n\nECU + 17. 6 m \n\nECU + 10. 6 m \n\nECU + 4. 8 m \n\nECU + 4. 0 m \n\nECU + 0. 8 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. L e w: No loss of levy in respect of this quota. Customs duty: 11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 750/t x 20% \n\nECU -I- 4. 8 m \n\nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 800/t X 1 144(DR) \n\n- ECU + 28. 2 m (B) \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJEa BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nND \n\n\f-M \n\nFICHE P. M. E. 1. OBLIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES DECOULANT DE L'APPLICATION DE LA \nLEGISLATION POUR LES ENTREPRISES : \n\nNON. 7YVANTA^SS POUR L'ENTREPRISE : \n\n-\u00a3\u00ab*\u00a3/NON \n-LESQUELS : \n\n3. INCONVENIENTS POUR L'ENTREPRISE (co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires) \n\n- j\u00ef^T/NON \n- CONSEQUENCES : \n\n4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI : \n\nAUCUN. 5. Y A-T-IL EU CONCERTATION PREALABLE AVEC LES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX ? \n\n- /S#T/NON \n- AVIS DES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX : \n\n6. Y A-T-IL UNE APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE MOINS CONTRAIGNANTE ? \n\nNON. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 17 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-036-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69156-5 \n\nPRICE. 1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0617d016-ff26-4dc3-b27a-62d6e7f8c11d", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR AN ESTIMATE CONCERNING BEEF AND VEAL INTENDED FOR THE PROCESSING INDUSTRY FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY TO 31 DECEMBER 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "beef,food processing,import,supply balance sheet", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0017(02),comnat:COM_1991_0017(02)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["beef", "food processing", "import", "supply balance sheet"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0617d016-ff26-4dc3-b27a-62d6e7f8c11d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 17 final \n\nBrussels, 5 February 1991 \n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and Intended for fattening of the period 1 January \nto 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the processing \nIndustry for the perod 1 January to 31 December 1991. Proposai for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import quota for \nhigh quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling within headings 0201 \nand 0202 as well as products under sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 \nof the combined nomenclature \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThe first daft estimated supply balance fixes the Community's import \nrequirements for young bovine animals for fattening at 198 000 head for \n1991. Community availabilities in meat for processing in 1991 are estimated to \nbe higher than the Community industry's requirements for beef for \nprocessing. In accordance with the bilateral agreements between the Community and \ncertain supplier third countries instituting cooperation in the drawing \nup of the estimated supply balances, consultations took place on the \ndrawing up of such import balances for 1991. In view of the Community's interest in maintaining harmonious trading \nrelations with them, the Commission proposes to fix the estimated supply \nbalance for meat for processing at 0 tonnes for 1991 and to open for \n1991, as an autonomous measure, a tariff quota not subject to any levy of \n11 430 tonnes of high quality beef from livestock reared mainly on grass \nat a customs duty of 20%. - 3 -\n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and intended for fattening for the period \n1 January to 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal intended for the processing \nIndustry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. (submitted to the Council by the Commission) \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR YOUNG MALE BOVINE ANIMALS INTENDED FOR FATTENING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN) and the EEC-Yugoslavia Cooperation Agreement, \nthe Commission invited Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania to take \npart In bilateral discussions on the 1991 estimate for young male bovine \nanimals Intended for fattening. - 5 -\n\n1. BomanijEL \n\nThe Romanian authorities gave full details of the economic \ndifficulties facing their country. They explained that, In view of the extreme drought this year, they \nwould be able to export 5 000 head of young bovine animals per \nmonth. 2. Hungary \n\nThe Hungarian authorities expressed a preference to maintain the \ntotal quantity at the same level as In 1990, i. e. 198 000 head. They requested a quota of 50 000 head reserved fro Hungary. 3. Poland \n\nThe Polish authorities emphasized the importance, both In monetary \nand political terms, of the production of young bovine animals for \nprivate producers In Poland. They requested that the overall quantity for 1991 be maintained at \nthe 1990 level. They also requested a quota exclusively for Poland. 4. YuqosI ay I a \n\nThe Yugoslav authorities complained bitterly about the drastic fall \nIn their exports during 1990 In the face of competition from other \nEast European countries. They said their exports had fallen back considerably reaching only \n10 000 head as against the 46 000 achieved in 1989. They wanted to \nexport around 30 000 head In 1991 and requested that a special quota \nbe reserved for them. _ 6 -\n\nA \n\nProposal for an \n\nestimate concerning young male bovine animals \nweighing 300 kilograms or less and Intended for fattening \nfor the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of the market in beef and v e a l d ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article 13 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 13(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that the Council \nshall, each year before 1 December, draw up on a proposal from the \nCommission and by qualified majority vote, an estimate of the young male \nbovine animals which may be imported under the system laid down under the \nsaid Article. This estimate is to take account both of the forecast \nsupplies of young bovine animals intended for fattening within the \nCommunity and of Community livestock farmers' requirements. In order to establish the volume of Imports to be carried out under this \nestimate as from 1981, in accordance with the Community's undertaking \nwithin the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), consultations \nare held between the Commission and representatives of some non-member \ncountries before the annual draft estimate Is put forward. ti\\ ni Nr> L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 7 -\n\nBefore drawing up this estimate the Commission has held consultations \nwith representatives of the following non-member countries: Hungary, \nPoland, Romania and Yugoslavia. These consultations include an exchange of views on the beef and veal \nmarket as a whole, the production and consumption prospects within the \nCommunity and on the scope for exports of young male bovine animals by \nnon-member count r ies. This estimate relates to the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. It \nhas been prepared in the light of information available to the Commission \nand on the basis of the foreseeable trend for 1991 of supplies of and \nrequirements for young male bovine animals intended for fattening in the \ncommunity; Account may also be taken of the particular situation in the \nnon-member country concerned whilst ensuring that the number of head to \nbe Imported at the full rate of levy in 1991 is limited to the \ntraditional level (average of the last three years for which figures are \navailable). The Commission has introduced a system to monitor these \nimports. 1. Assessment of Community supplies for 1991 \n\nIn view of the number of breeding females (cows and heifers) \nanticipated for 1991 (about 37 050 000), some 29 881 000 births of \ncalves are expected during that year. Production over the year of \nmale calves would therefore be about 14 925 000 head in 1991. 2. Estimated Community requirements for 1991 \n\n2. 1 The number of slaughterings of male calves envisaged for 1991, \n\non the basis of data collected from Member States, should be \nabout 3 900 000 head. 2. 2 The number of male animals intended for slaughter as fattened \n\nsteers and young bulls or bulls for breeding should be about \n11 100 000 head. 2. 3 In the light of information provided by Member States and of \n\nthe above, it is expected that in 1991 the requirements of \nCommunity livestock farmers as regards young male bovine \nanimals for fattening will be 11 100 000 head. 2. 4 From the considerations set out in 2. 1 and 2. 3 it follows that \nthe Community's overall requirements in male calves will be \n15 000 000 head in 1991. These requirements will only be partly satisfied by Community \nsupplies of these animals which, as shown in point 1, amount to \nabout 14 925 000 head. - 8 -\n\nConclusion \n\nThe estimated Community shortfall, on the basis of the abovementioned \nfigures, of 75 000 head is a figure resulting from, among other things, \nthe recent increase in veal imports for which the full levy is paid. However, taking account of the average level of imports over the last \nthree years for which figures are available, a level which is expected by \nthe Commission for 1991 and which should reduce in 1991 the veal imports \nat the full levy, the estimate for 1991 is fixed at 198 000 head. - 9 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR FROZEN MEAT INTENDED FOR PROCESSING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN), the Commission has held consultations with \nAustralia, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, Hungary, Poland and Romania \non the 1990 estimate for frozen beef and veal Intended for processing. Responses of the countries concerned: \n\nARGENTINA \n\nThe Argentinian authorities said that, generally speaking, they accepted \nthe estimates, but would prefer converting the total quantity of 50 000 \ntonnes of meat for processing to high quality meat. In their opinion the \nconversion coefficient should be 4. NEW ZEALAND \n\nThe New Zealand authorities repeated their well-known position with \nregard to the total quantities in the estimate. They considered that, \nrather than 50 000 tonnes, Imports of the meat for processing should be \n60 000 tonnes In line with the undertakings made under GATT. They would, \nfurthermore, prefer converting the total 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. AUSTRALIA \n\nThe Australian authorities also restated their position regarding the \nCommunity commitment to 60 000 tonnes under GATT. They would prefer converting the total of 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. Quantities of Hilton beef should therefore be between 12 000 and \n14 000 tonnes. If the Commission kept to its position in favour of the maintenance of a \ncertain quantity of meat for processing, the conversion coefficient \nshould be that used in 1987, i. e. 4. 16. UEU\u00dbUA\u00cf \n\nThe Uruguayan authorities were also In favour of converting the total \namount of meat for processing to high quality meat. This would produce a \ntotal of more than 12 000 tonnes of Hilton beef If a conversion \ncoefficient of 4 were used. They also recalled the existing clause in the GATT agreement permitting \nUruguay to use quantities not used by other beneficiaries. HUNGARY-POLAND-ROMAN IA \n\nThese three countries have not expressed any intention to export meat for \nprocessing to the Community. - 10 -\n\nB \n\nProposal for a \n\nCouncil estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the \nprocessing Industry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of- the market In beef and veal( 1 ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article \n14(2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 14(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that each year \nbefore 1 December, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall \ndraw up an estimate of the meat which may be imported under the \narrangements laid down In that Article. This estimate shall take \naccount, on the one hand, of the expected Community supplies of meat of a \nquality and type of cut suitable for industrial use and, on the other, of \nindustrial need. This estimate shall mention separately the quantities: \n\n(a) Intended for the manufacture of preserved food which does not \n\ncontain characteristic components other than beef and Jelly; \n\n(b) intended for the processing industry for the manufacture of products \n\nother than the preserved food referred to in (a). The annual presentation of the draft estimate is preceded by \nconsultations between the Commission and certain non-member countries. The purpose of these meetings Is to review the whole situation of the \nbeef market in the EC and the non-member countries as well as current \nforecasts of production and consumption, in order to make a Joint \nanalysis of the factors which would help In drawing up estimates of \nCommunity needs as regards frozen beef for processing and to exchange \nInformation concerning the potential export market. Consultations have been undertaken by the Commission with representatives \nof the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, \nHungary, Poland and Romania. M\u00ef ft. I No L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 11 -\n\nCHAPTER I \n\nSupplies of meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1989 Community supplies of home-produced fresh meat for \nprocessing for 1990 can be estimated at 1 380 000 tonnes of meat on the \nbone. It is also estimated that at the end of 1990 the Community held a large \npublic stock of meat as a result of Intervention buying. The quantity of \nthis meat satisfying the requirements of meat for processing can be \nestimated at 250 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. At the end of 1990 there were no stocks of beef held in cold stores as a \nresult of the granting of private storage aid. With effect from 1 January 1991 the Community intends to open a tariff \nquota for 53 000 tonnes of boned frozen meat, which corresponds to \n68 >900 tonnes of meat on the bone. Past experience Indicates that, under this quota, 14 000 tonnes of frozen \nmeat on the bone will be Imported for processing In 1991. In 1991 the quantity of meat originating In Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, \nZimbabwe and Swaziland to be Imported Into the Community and which \nsatisfies the requirements for processing may be estimated at 5 000 \ntonnes of meat on the bone. For 1991 the total available supplies intended for processing will thus \nbe as fol lows: \n\n(tonnes) \n\n- fresh meat: \n- frozen meat bought into Intervention \n- frozen meat stored under the system of \n\nprivate storage aid: \n\n- frozen meat imported under the GATT quota: \n- frozen meat imported under ACP \n\nConvention arrangements: \n\n1 380 000 \n250 000 \n\n0 \n14 000 \n\n5 000 \n\nTotal \n\n1 649 000 \n\nCHAPTER 11 \n\nIndustrial demand for meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1990, Community demand for meat for processing In 1991 can be \nestimated at 1 461 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. This figure includes \nquantities required for the preparation of preserved foods as specified \nin Article 14(1)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68. This latter quantity \nIs estimated at 215 000 tonnes. - 12 -\n\nConclusion \n\nFrom the above, Community supplies of meat for processing will exceed \nindustry requirements in 1991. The estimate of beef and veal intended \nfor the processing Industry to be Imported In 1991 under the arrangements \nlaid down In Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 shall be fixed at 0 \ntonnes. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/91 \n\nof \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import \nquota for high quality, fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling \nwithin headings 0201 and 0202 as well as products under the \nsub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \nCombined Nomenclature \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \nand in particular Article 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission^1), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Par I lament<2), \n\nWhereas, in the light of the market situation for beef both within and \noutside the Community, provision should be made for the opening for 1991, \nas an autonomous measure, of a special Community import tariff quota for \n11 430 tonnes, at a duty of 20%, of high quality fresh, chilled or frozen \nbeef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as product sunder the \nsubheadings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the combined nomenclature, \n\nWhereas equal, continuous access for all operators concerned In the \ncommunity to the said quota and the uninterrupted application of the rate \nlaid down for that quota to all imports of the products concerned In all \nthe Member States untii the volume provided for in exhausted should In \nparticular be ensured; whereas, to this end, a system for utilizing the \nCommunity tariff quota, based on the presentation of a certificate of \nauthenticity guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the products \nis required; \n\nWhereas rules for the application of these provisions should be adopted \nin accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 27 of Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of \nthe market In beef and veal(3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No \n571/89<4>, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. A special Community tariff quota for high quality, fresh, chilled or \n\nfrozen beef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as \nproducts under the sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \ncombined nomenclature is hereby opened. (1) 0J No \n(2) OJ No \n(3) 0J No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. - 14 -\n\nThe total amount of this contingent shall be 11 430 tonnes expressed \nIn weight of the product. 2. The applicable duty for this contingent In the Common customs Tariff \nshall be fixed at 20%. Article 2 \n\nIn accordance with the procedure laid down In Article 27 of Regulation \n(EEC) No 805/68, the rules for the application of this Regulation, and in \npart icular: \n\n(a) provisions guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the \n\nproducts, \n\n(b) provisions relating to the recognition of the document enabling the \n\nguarantees provided for In (a) to be ascertained, \n\nshall be determined. Article 3 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding In its entirety and directly applicable \nIn a 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f45 \n\nF I N A N C I AL S T A T E M E NT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning young male cattle for fattening of not more than \n\n300 kg for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 13 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import requirement of young male cattle for fattening at \n\n196 000 head for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTCMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU + 122. 3 m \n\nECU + 35. 7 m \n\nECU + 86. 6 m \n\nECU + 24. 4 m \n\nECU + 20. 3 m \n\nECU -i- 4. 1 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. Levy \n\nYugoslavia \nPoland \nHungary \nRomania \n\n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n128 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n10 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 35% x 1 139(DR) \n\nECU m (B) \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 11. 3 \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 1. 2 \n+ 17. 7 \n+ 6. 7 \n\nCustoms duty: 49 500 t x ECU 850/t x 16% \nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n196 000 head x 300 kg (dead weight) x ECU 1 800/t x 1 144(DR) - + 122. 3 \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \nThe 1991 budget makes provision. YES \n\nND \n\n\fh \n\nFINANCIAL S TATEMENT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning beef for industrial processing for the period \n\n1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 14 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 806/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import reciuirement of frozen beef for processing at \n\n0 tomes for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\nPeriod of 12 months Current Financial Year \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS/INTERVENT IONS) \n- NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION \n-OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1996 \n\n1996 \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nNO \n\n\f/'-\n\nFINANCIAL STATEMENT \n\nDATE: \n\n; 1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 210 \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposai for a Council estimate concerning a tariff quota for* imports of high-quality beef \n\n(Hilton beef) for 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 43 of the Treaty \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: Opening of a quota of 11 430 tonnes of high-qual ity beef at 2G% oUty \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU \u2022\u2022- 28. 2 m \n\nECU + 17. 6 m \n\nECU + 10. 6 m \n\nECU + 4. 8 m \n\nECU + 4. 0 m \n\nECU + 0. 8 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. L e w: No loss of levy in respect of this quota. Customs duty: 11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 750/t x 20% \n\nECU -I- 4. 8 m \n\nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 800/t X 1 144(DR) \n\n- ECU + 28. 2 m (B) \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJEa BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nND \n\n\f-M \n\nFICHE P. M. E. 1. OBLIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES DECOULANT DE L'APPLICATION DE LA \nLEGISLATION POUR LES ENTREPRISES : \n\nNON. 7YVANTA^SS POUR L'ENTREPRISE : \n\n-\u00a3\u00ab*\u00a3/NON \n-LESQUELS : \n\n3. INCONVENIENTS POUR L'ENTREPRISE (co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires) \n\n- j\u00ef^T/NON \n- CONSEQUENCES : \n\n4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI : \n\nAUCUN. 5. Y A-T-IL EU CONCERTATION PREALABLE AVEC LES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX ? \n\n- /S#T/NON \n- AVIS DES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX : \n\n6. Y A-T-IL UNE APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE MOINS CONTRAIGNANTE ? \n\nNON. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 17 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-036-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69156-5 \n\nPRICE. 1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5654e85-106f-4256-9fdb-8e0a188b4365", "title": "91/89/EEC: Commission Decision of 5 February 1991 making financial provision for a project relating to the inactivation of the agents of scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "EU financing,animal disease,cattle,slaughter of animals,veterinary inspection", "workIds": "celex:31991D0089,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0031_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "animal disease", "cattle", "slaughter of animals", "veterinary inspection"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5654e85-106f-4256-9fdb-8e0a188b4365", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/06cd4cc0-cda9-4488-9ebe-a9f9df1ad45e", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 338/91 of 5 February 1991 determining the Community standard quality of fresh or chilled sheep carcases", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "carcase,fresh meat,marketing standard,refrigerated product,sheep", "workIds": "celex:31991R0338,oj:JOL_1991_041_R_0001_017", "eurovoc_concepts": ["carcase", "fresh meat", "marketing standard", "refrigerated product", "sheep"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/06cd4cc0-cda9-4488-9ebe-a9f9df1ad45e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/646c0a63-7c05-41a9-adce-a5ccd7e0b319", "title": "Question No 31 by Mr AMENDOLA (H-0097/91) to the Commission: Burning of oilwells in Kuwait", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "Kuwait,air quality,environmental impact,environmental protection,extraction of oil,fire,petroleum", "workIds": "celex:91991H000097", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Kuwait", "air quality", "environmental impact", "environmental protection", "extraction of oil", "fire", "petroleum"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/646c0a63-7c05-41a9-adce-a5ccd7e0b319", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c9cad784-4c75-4d5b-8090-937a29383116", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING FOR THE SIXTH TIME DIRECTIVE 76/768/EEC ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES RELATING TO COSMETIC PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "approximation of laws,cosmetic product", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0488,comnat:COM_1990_0488_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_052_R_0006_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "cosmetic product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c9cad784-4c75-4d5b-8090-937a29383116", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/822ae4e2-1283-45ca-bc13-0b4739dfb7f6", "title": "Question No 33 by Mrs ERNST de la GRAETE (H-0101/91) to the Commission: Bombing of chemical plants in Iraqi territory", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ERNST DE LA GRAETE,European Parliament", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "Iraq,Middle East,chemical industry,chemical pollution,chemical weapon,environmental impact,international conflict,war damage,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:91991H000101", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Middle East", "chemical industry", "chemical pollution", "chemical weapon", "environmental impact", "international conflict", "war damage", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/822ae4e2-1283-45ca-bc13-0b4739dfb7f6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/90a67447-06d4-4152-905d-3c35c51825ec", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR AN ESTIMATE CONCERNING YOUNG MALE BOVINE ANIMALS WEIGHING 300 KILOGRAMS OR LESS AND INTENDED FOR FATTENING OF THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY TO 31 DECEMBER 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "cattle,fattening,import", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0017(01),comnat:COM_1991_0017(01)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cattle", "fattening", "import"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/90a67447-06d4-4152-905d-3c35c51825ec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 17 final \n\nBrussels, 5 February 1991 \n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and Intended for fattening of the period 1 January \nto 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the processing \nIndustry for the perod 1 January to 31 December 1991. Proposai for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import quota for \nhigh quality fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling within headings 0201 \nand 0202 as well as products under sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 \nof the combined nomenclature \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThe first daft estimated supply balance fixes the Community's import \nrequirements for young bovine animals for fattening at 198 000 head for \n1991. Community availabilities in meat for processing in 1991 are estimated to \nbe higher than the Community industry's requirements for beef for \nprocessing. In accordance with the bilateral agreements between the Community and \ncertain supplier third countries instituting cooperation in the drawing \nup of the estimated supply balances, consultations took place on the \ndrawing up of such import balances for 1991. In view of the Community's interest in maintaining harmonious trading \nrelations with them, the Commission proposes to fix the estimated supply \nbalance for meat for processing at 0 tonnes for 1991 and to open for \n1991, as an autonomous measure, a tariff quota not subject to any levy of \n11 430 tonnes of high quality beef from livestock reared mainly on grass \nat a customs duty of 20%. - 3 -\n\nProposals for \n\nan estimate concerning young male bovine animals weighing 300 \nkilograms or less and intended for fattening for the period \n1 January to 31 December 1991 ; \n\nan estimate concerning beef and veal intended for the processing \nIndustry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. (submitted to the Council by the Commission) \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR YOUNG MALE BOVINE ANIMALS INTENDED FOR FATTENING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN) and the EEC-Yugoslavia Cooperation Agreement, \nthe Commission invited Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania to take \npart In bilateral discussions on the 1991 estimate for young male bovine \nanimals Intended for fattening. - 5 -\n\n1. BomanijEL \n\nThe Romanian authorities gave full details of the economic \ndifficulties facing their country. They explained that, In view of the extreme drought this year, they \nwould be able to export 5 000 head of young bovine animals per \nmonth. 2. Hungary \n\nThe Hungarian authorities expressed a preference to maintain the \ntotal quantity at the same level as In 1990, i. e. 198 000 head. They requested a quota of 50 000 head reserved fro Hungary. 3. Poland \n\nThe Polish authorities emphasized the importance, both In monetary \nand political terms, of the production of young bovine animals for \nprivate producers In Poland. They requested that the overall quantity for 1991 be maintained at \nthe 1990 level. They also requested a quota exclusively for Poland. 4. YuqosI ay I a \n\nThe Yugoslav authorities complained bitterly about the drastic fall \nIn their exports during 1990 In the face of competition from other \nEast European countries. They said their exports had fallen back considerably reaching only \n10 000 head as against the 46 000 achieved in 1989. They wanted to \nexport around 30 000 head In 1991 and requested that a special quota \nbe reserved for them. _ 6 -\n\nA \n\nProposal for an \n\nestimate concerning young male bovine animals \nweighing 300 kilograms or less and Intended for fattening \nfor the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of the market in beef and v e a l d ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article 13 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 13(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that the Council \nshall, each year before 1 December, draw up on a proposal from the \nCommission and by qualified majority vote, an estimate of the young male \nbovine animals which may be imported under the system laid down under the \nsaid Article. This estimate is to take account both of the forecast \nsupplies of young bovine animals intended for fattening within the \nCommunity and of Community livestock farmers' requirements. In order to establish the volume of Imports to be carried out under this \nestimate as from 1981, in accordance with the Community's undertaking \nwithin the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), consultations \nare held between the Commission and representatives of some non-member \ncountries before the annual draft estimate Is put forward. ti\\ ni Nr> L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 7 -\n\nBefore drawing up this estimate the Commission has held consultations \nwith representatives of the following non-member countries: Hungary, \nPoland, Romania and Yugoslavia. These consultations include an exchange of views on the beef and veal \nmarket as a whole, the production and consumption prospects within the \nCommunity and on the scope for exports of young male bovine animals by \nnon-member count r ies. This estimate relates to the period 1 January to 31 December 1991. It \nhas been prepared in the light of information available to the Commission \nand on the basis of the foreseeable trend for 1991 of supplies of and \nrequirements for young male bovine animals intended for fattening in the \ncommunity; Account may also be taken of the particular situation in the \nnon-member country concerned whilst ensuring that the number of head to \nbe Imported at the full rate of levy in 1991 is limited to the \ntraditional level (average of the last three years for which figures are \navailable). The Commission has introduced a system to monitor these \nimports. 1. Assessment of Community supplies for 1991 \n\nIn view of the number of breeding females (cows and heifers) \nanticipated for 1991 (about 37 050 000), some 29 881 000 births of \ncalves are expected during that year. Production over the year of \nmale calves would therefore be about 14 925 000 head in 1991. 2. Estimated Community requirements for 1991 \n\n2. 1 The number of slaughterings of male calves envisaged for 1991, \n\non the basis of data collected from Member States, should be \nabout 3 900 000 head. 2. 2 The number of male animals intended for slaughter as fattened \n\nsteers and young bulls or bulls for breeding should be about \n11 100 000 head. 2. 3 In the light of information provided by Member States and of \n\nthe above, it is expected that in 1991 the requirements of \nCommunity livestock farmers as regards young male bovine \nanimals for fattening will be 11 100 000 head. 2. 4 From the considerations set out in 2. 1 and 2. 3 it follows that \nthe Community's overall requirements in male calves will be \n15 000 000 head in 1991. These requirements will only be partly satisfied by Community \nsupplies of these animals which, as shown in point 1, amount to \nabout 14 925 000 head. - 8 -\n\nConclusion \n\nThe estimated Community shortfall, on the basis of the abovementioned \nfigures, of 75 000 head is a figure resulting from, among other things, \nthe recent increase in veal imports for which the full levy is paid. However, taking account of the average level of imports over the last \nthree years for which figures are available, a level which is expected by \nthe Commission for 1991 and which should reduce in 1991 the veal imports \nat the full levy, the estimate for 1991 is fixed at 198 000 head. - 9 -\n\nMEMORANDUM \n\nON THE ESTIMATE FOR FROZEN MEAT INTENDED FOR PROCESSING \n\nIn accordance with the commitments entered Into under the Multilateral \nTrade Negotiations (MTN), the Commission has held consultations with \nAustralia, New Zealand, Argentina, Uruguay, Hungary, Poland and Romania \non the 1990 estimate for frozen beef and veal Intended for processing. Responses of the countries concerned: \n\nARGENTINA \n\nThe Argentinian authorities said that, generally speaking, they accepted \nthe estimates, but would prefer converting the total quantity of 50 000 \ntonnes of meat for processing to high quality meat. In their opinion the \nconversion coefficient should be 4. NEW ZEALAND \n\nThe New Zealand authorities repeated their well-known position with \nregard to the total quantities in the estimate. They considered that, \nrather than 50 000 tonnes, Imports of the meat for processing should be \n60 000 tonnes In line with the undertakings made under GATT. They would, \nfurthermore, prefer converting the total 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. AUSTRALIA \n\nThe Australian authorities also restated their position regarding the \nCommunity commitment to 60 000 tonnes under GATT. They would prefer converting the total of 60 000 tonnes to high quality \nmeat. Quantities of Hilton beef should therefore be between 12 000 and \n14 000 tonnes. If the Commission kept to its position in favour of the maintenance of a \ncertain quantity of meat for processing, the conversion coefficient \nshould be that used in 1987, i. e. 4. 16. UEU\u00dbUA\u00cf \n\nThe Uruguayan authorities were also In favour of converting the total \namount of meat for processing to high quality meat. This would produce a \ntotal of more than 12 000 tonnes of Hilton beef If a conversion \ncoefficient of 4 were used. They also recalled the existing clause in the GATT agreement permitting \nUruguay to use quantities not used by other beneficiaries. HUNGARY-POLAND-ROMAN IA \n\nThese three countries have not expressed any intention to export meat for \nprocessing to the Community. - 10 -\n\nB \n\nProposal for a \n\nCouncil estimate concerning beef and veal Intended for the \nprocessing Industry for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on \nthe common organization of- the market In beef and veal( 1 ), as last \namended by Regulation (EEC) No 571/89(2), and In particular Article \n14(2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS ESTIMATE: \n\nIntroduction \n\nArticle 14(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 provides that each year \nbefore 1 December, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, shall \ndraw up an estimate of the meat which may be imported under the \narrangements laid down In that Article. This estimate shall take \naccount, on the one hand, of the expected Community supplies of meat of a \nquality and type of cut suitable for industrial use and, on the other, of \nindustrial need. This estimate shall mention separately the quantities: \n\n(a) Intended for the manufacture of preserved food which does not \n\ncontain characteristic components other than beef and Jelly; \n\n(b) intended for the processing industry for the manufacture of products \n\nother than the preserved food referred to in (a). The annual presentation of the draft estimate is preceded by \nconsultations between the Commission and certain non-member countries. The purpose of these meetings Is to review the whole situation of the \nbeef market in the EC and the non-member countries as well as current \nforecasts of production and consumption, in order to make a Joint \nanalysis of the factors which would help In drawing up estimates of \nCommunity needs as regards frozen beef for processing and to exchange \nInformation concerning the potential export market. Consultations have been undertaken by the Commission with representatives \nof the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, \nHungary, Poland and Romania. M\u00ef ft. I No L 148. 28. 6. 1968. D. 24. - 11 -\n\nCHAPTER I \n\nSupplies of meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1989 Community supplies of home-produced fresh meat for \nprocessing for 1990 can be estimated at 1 380 000 tonnes of meat on the \nbone. It is also estimated that at the end of 1990 the Community held a large \npublic stock of meat as a result of Intervention buying. The quantity of \nthis meat satisfying the requirements of meat for processing can be \nestimated at 250 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. At the end of 1990 there were no stocks of beef held in cold stores as a \nresult of the granting of private storage aid. With effect from 1 January 1991 the Community intends to open a tariff \nquota for 53 000 tonnes of boned frozen meat, which corresponds to \n68 >900 tonnes of meat on the bone. Past experience Indicates that, under this quota, 14 000 tonnes of frozen \nmeat on the bone will be Imported for processing In 1991. In 1991 the quantity of meat originating In Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, \nZimbabwe and Swaziland to be Imported Into the Community and which \nsatisfies the requirements for processing may be estimated at 5 000 \ntonnes of meat on the bone. For 1991 the total available supplies intended for processing will thus \nbe as fol lows: \n\n(tonnes) \n\n- fresh meat: \n- frozen meat bought into Intervention \n- frozen meat stored under the system of \n\nprivate storage aid: \n\n- frozen meat imported under the GATT quota: \n- frozen meat imported under ACP \n\nConvention arrangements: \n\n1 380 000 \n250 000 \n\n0 \n14 000 \n\n5 000 \n\nTotal \n\n1 649 000 \n\nCHAPTER 11 \n\nIndustrial demand for meat for processing \n\nAccording to Information supplied to the Commission by the Member States \nin August 1990, Community demand for meat for processing In 1991 can be \nestimated at 1 461 000 tonnes of meat on the bone. This figure includes \nquantities required for the preparation of preserved foods as specified \nin Article 14(1)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68. This latter quantity \nIs estimated at 215 000 tonnes. - 12 -\n\nConclusion \n\nFrom the above, Community supplies of meat for processing will exceed \nindustry requirements in 1991. The estimate of beef and veal intended \nfor the processing Industry to be Imported In 1991 under the arrangements \nlaid down In Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 shall be fixed at 0 \ntonnes. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/91 \n\nof \n\nopening for 1991, as an autonomous measure, a special Import \nquota for high quality, fresh, chilled or frozen beef falling \nwithin headings 0201 and 0202 as well as products under the \nsub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \nCombined Nomenclature \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \nand in particular Article 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission^1), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Par I lament<2), \n\nWhereas, in the light of the market situation for beef both within and \noutside the Community, provision should be made for the opening for 1991, \nas an autonomous measure, of a special Community import tariff quota for \n11 430 tonnes, at a duty of 20%, of high quality fresh, chilled or frozen \nbeef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as product sunder the \nsubheadings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the combined nomenclature, \n\nWhereas equal, continuous access for all operators concerned In the \ncommunity to the said quota and the uninterrupted application of the rate \nlaid down for that quota to all imports of the products concerned In all \nthe Member States untii the volume provided for in exhausted should In \nparticular be ensured; whereas, to this end, a system for utilizing the \nCommunity tariff quota, based on the presentation of a certificate of \nauthenticity guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the products \nis required; \n\nWhereas rules for the application of these provisions should be adopted \nin accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 27 of Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 805/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common organization of \nthe market In beef and veal(3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No \n571/89<4>, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. A special Community tariff quota for high quality, fresh, chilled or \n\nfrozen beef falling within headings 0201 and 0202 as well as \nproducts under the sub-headings 0206 10 95 and 0206 29 91 of the \ncombined nomenclature is hereby opened. (1) 0J No \n(2) OJ No \n(3) 0J No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 24. - 14 -\n\nThe total amount of this contingent shall be 11 430 tonnes expressed \nIn weight of the product. 2. The applicable duty for this contingent In the Common customs Tariff \nshall be fixed at 20%. Article 2 \n\nIn accordance with the procedure laid down In Article 27 of Regulation \n(EEC) No 805/68, the rules for the application of this Regulation, and in \npart icular: \n\n(a) provisions guaranteeing the type, provenance and origin of the \n\nproducts, \n\n(b) provisions relating to the recognition of the document enabling the \n\nguarantees provided for In (a) to be ascertained, \n\nshall be determined. Article 3 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding In its entirety and directly applicable \nIn a 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f45 \n\nF I N A N C I AL S T A T E M E NT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning young male cattle for fattening of not more than \n\n300 kg for the period 1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 13 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import requirement of young male cattle for fattening at \n\n196 000 head for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTCMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU + 122. 3 m \n\nECU + 35. 7 m \n\nECU + 86. 6 m \n\nECU + 24. 4 m \n\nECU + 20. 3 m \n\nECU -i- 4. 1 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. Levy \n\nYugoslavia \nPoland \nHungary \nRomania \n\n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n128 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n30 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 25% x 1 139(DR) \n10 000 head x 250 kg x ECU 1 240/t x 35% x 1 139(DR) \n\nECU m (B) \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 11. 3 \n+ 2. 6 \n+ 1. 2 \n+ 17. 7 \n+ 6. 7 \n\nCustoms duty: 49 500 t x ECU 850/t x 16% \nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n196 000 head x 300 kg (dead weight) x ECU 1 800/t x 1 144(DR) - + 122. 3 \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \nThe 1991 budget makes provision. YES \n\nND \n\n\fh \n\nFINANCIAL S TATEMENT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 100 \nArticle 210 \n\nDATE: \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 218 m \nECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposal for a Council estimate concerning beef for industrial processing for the period \n\n1 January to 31 December 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 14 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 806/68 \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: To fix the Comunity's import reciuirement of frozen beef for processing at \n\n0 tomes for 1991 \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\nPeriod of 12 months Current Financial Year \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS/INTERVENT IONS) \n- NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION \n-OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1996 \n\n1996 \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nNO \n\n\f/'-\n\nFINANCIAL STATEMENT \n\nDATE: \n\n; 1. BUDGET HEADING: Article 210 \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 1 157 m \n\n2. TITLE: Proposai for a Council estimate concerning a tariff quota for* imports of high-quality beef \n\n(Hilton beef) for 1991 \n\n3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 43 of the Treaty \n\n4. PURPOSE OF MEASURE: Opening of a quota of 11 430 tonnes of high-qual ity beef at 2G% oUty \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- (REFUNDS) \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\nPeriod of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1991 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n\n1992 \n\nECU \u2022\u2022- 28. 2 m \n\nECU + 17. 6 m \n\nECU + 10. 6 m \n\nECU + 4. 8 m \n\nECU + 4. 0 m \n\nECU + 0. 8 m \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\n1996 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nMeasure covers 1991 only \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: Since this sector is in a situation of surplus, imports would not be made \n\nwithout the concession. L e w: No loss of levy in respect of this quota. Customs duty: 11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 750/t x 20% \n\nECU -I- 4. 8 m \n\nRefund: \n\nA corresponding quantity should be exported: \n11 430 t x 1. 2 x ECU 1 800/t X 1 144(DR) \n\n- ECU + 28. 2 m (B) \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJEa BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 IS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES \n\nND \n\n\f-M \n\nFICHE P. M. E. 1. OBLIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES DECOULANT DE L'APPLICATION DE LA \nLEGISLATION POUR LES ENTREPRISES : \n\nNON. 7YVANTA^SS POUR L'ENTREPRISE : \n\n-\u00a3\u00ab*\u00a3/NON \n-LESQUELS : \n\n3. INCONVENIENTS POUR L'ENTREPRISE (co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires) \n\n- j\u00ef^T/NON \n- CONSEQUENCES : \n\n4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI : \n\nAUCUN. 5. Y A-T-IL EU CONCERTATION PREALABLE AVEC LES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX ? \n\n- /S#T/NON \n- AVIS DES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX : \n\n6. Y A-T-IL UNE APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE MOINS CONTRAIGNANTE ? \n\nNON. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 17 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-036-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69156-5 \n\nPRICE. 1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/335e7ccf-0bf3-46fa-b993-ef74a7ce6407", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 313/91 of 5 February 1991 on the supply of various lots of butteroil as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "butter oil,developing countries,food aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R0313,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0017_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["butter oil", "developing countries", "food aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/335e7ccf-0bf3-46fa-b993-ef74a7ce6407", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bbac8a77-37c9-42dc-92fd-f222e1aa6979", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) APPLYING DECISION NO 1/90 OF THE EEC - EFTA JOINT COMMITTEE \" COMMON TRANSIT \" OF 13 DECEMBER 1990 AMENDING APPENDICES I AND II TO THE CONVENTION OF 20 MAY 1987 ON A COMMON TRANSIT PROCEDURE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-05", "subjects": "Union transit,combined transport,customs document,rail transport,transit,transport document", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0009,comnat:COM_1991_0009_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Union transit", "combined transport", "customs document", "rail transport", "transit", "transport document"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bbac8a77-37c9-42dc-92fd-f222e1aa6979", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "I COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 9 final \n\nBrussels, 5 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\napplying Decision No 1/90 of the EEC-EFTA Joint Committee \n\n\"common transit\" of 13 December 1990 \n\namending Appendices I and II to the Convention \n\nof 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nBffXflNflgQKf MflOttMOTM \n\nApplication In the Ccranunity of Decision No 1/00 of the EEC-EFTA Joint \nCommittee (Common Transit) amending Appendices I and II of the Convention \nof 20 May 1987 on a oomon transit procedure \n\n1. The Convention of 20 Kay 1967 broadly speaking applies the rules of the \nCommunity transit procedure to trade between the Community and the EFTA \ncountries and between the EFTA countries themselves. 2. The Community rules have recently been modified in certain respects: \n\n(a) the requirement to produce a transit advice note at internal Community \n\nfrontiers was abolished with effect from 1 July 1990; \n\n(b) railways have agreed to accept financial responsibility for certain \n\naspects of combined rail-road transport in the interests of combating \nfraud in this Increasingly widespread type of operation; \n\n(c) in the interests of traders, a number of procedures have been \n\nsimplified by making it possible for commercial documents to be used \nto establish the Community status of goods. - 3 -\n\n3. Aooordlngly, the Convention requires both purely formal amendment, to \naccommodate the changes in Community law consequent on abolition of the \ntransit advice note, and substantive modifications to Incorporate the other \ntwo changes. 4. The necessary amendments were adopted as Decision No 1/90 of the \nEEC-EFTA Joint Committee on common transit (attached). 5. The Decision requires a Council Regulation to make it applicable in the \nCommunity (proposal attached). - 4 -\n\nProposal for a \nOODNCIL RBSDLATICN (EBC) \napplying Decision No 1/90 of the EEC-EFTA Joint Committee \n\"common transit\" of 13 December 1990 \n\namending Appendices I and II to the Convention \nof 20 May 1967 on a common transit procedure \n\nTHE O00NCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Eoonomio Community, \nand in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\n* \n\nWhereas Article 15(3) (a) of the Convention between the European Economic \nCommunity, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic \nof Iceland, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss \nConfederation on a common transit procedure1 empowers the Joint Committee \nestablished by the Convention to adopt by decision amendments to the \nAppendices; \n\nWhereas the Joint Committee has adopted a Decision amending Appendices I \nand II to the Convention to take account of recent changes to the Community \ntransit rules, abolishing the requirement to produce a transit advice note \nat internal frontiers, defining the responsibilities of the railways for \n\n1 OJ NO L 226, 13. 8. 1987, p. 2. - 5 -\n\ncombined road-rail transport operations and allowing commercial documents \nto be used to establish the Comunlty status of goods; \n\nWhereas those amendments were the subject of Decision No 1/90 of the Joint \nCommittee; whereas it is necessary to apply that Decision In the \nCommunity, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS RECOLATICN: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nDecision No 1/90 of the EBC-EFTA Joint Committee \"common transit\" amending \n\nAppendices I and II to the Convention of 20 Hay 1987 on a common transit \n\nprocedure of 13 December 1990 shall apply in the Community. The text of the D\u00e9cision is attached to this Regulation. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its \npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nDECISION No 1/90 OF THE EEC-EFTA JOINT COMMITTEE \n\n\"COMMON TRANSIT\" \n\nAMENDING APPENDICES I AND I I TO THE CONVENTION OF 20 MAY 1987 \n\nON A COMMON TRANSIT PROCEDURE \n\nTHE JOINT COMMITTEE, \n\nHaving regard to the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit \n\nprocedure, and in particular Article 15 (3) (a) thereof, \n\nWhereas Appendix I to the Convention contains provisions providing for the \n\nobligation for the carrier to give a transit advice note at each office of \n\ntransit; \n\nWhereas the provisions in force in the European Economic Community have \n\nbeen recently amended in order to dispense with the requirement to present \n\na transit advice note at the internal borders of the Community; whereas \n\nAppendix I to the Convention should consequently be amended; \n\nWhereas, moreover, Appendix II to the Convention contains, inter alia, \n\nprovisions peculiar to Common transit procedures for the carriage of goods \n\nby rail as well as provisions concerning the document used to establish the \n\nCommunity status of goods not moving under the T2 procedure; \n\nWhereas, because of the development of combined road-rail transport and for \n\nthe purposes of such development, it has appeared necessary to provide \n\nthat, in agreement with the railways, the latter assume responsibility for \n\nthe payment of duties and other charges in certain situations peculiar to \n\nthis type of transport; \n\nWhereas, with a view to simplifying procedures it has appeared appropriate \n\nto allow the use, under certain conditions, of commercial documents as \n\ndocuments used to establish the Community status of goods; \n\n\fDECIDES : \n\n- 7 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nAppendix I to the Convention is amended as follows: \n\n1. Article 22 (1) is replaced by the following: \n\n\"1. The carrier shall give a transit advice note only to: \n\n(a) each customs office of entry at the frontier between two \n\nContracting Parties; \n\n(b) each customs office at the point of exit from a Contracting \n\nParty where the consignment is leaving its territory in the \n\ncourse of a transit operation via a frontier between a \n\nContracting Party and a third country; \n\n(c) each customs office of entry into a Contracting Party, where the \n\ngoods have passed through the territory of a third country. A specimen of the transit advice note is shown in Appendix II. \" \n\n2. Article 22 (3) is replaced by the following : \n\n\"3. If, In accordance with the provisions of Article 19 (2), goods are \n\ncarried via an office of transit other than that mentioned in the T1 \n\ndocument, that office shall without delay send the transit advice \n\nnote to the office mentioned in that document. However, where in the course of a Community transit operation \n\nbetween two Member States of the Community the office of transit, \n\nvia which the goods are carried, is situated in an EFTA country, the \n\noffice of transit shall retain the transit advice note. \" \n\n\f- 8 -\n\n3. Article 36 (2) (d), Is replaced by the following: \n\n\"d) When the consignment has not been produced at the office of \n\ndestination: in the last Contracting Party into the territory of \n\nwhich it has been established, according to the transit advice \n\nnotes, that the means of transport or the goods have entered;\" \n\n4. In Article 36, the following sentence is inserted after paragraph 2: \n\n\"3. (This Article does not contain paragraph 3 ) \". 5. Article 42 (3) is replaced by the following: \n\n\"3. In cases where, in accordance with Article 22(1), a transit advice \n\nnote must be given, the records kept by the railway authorities \n\nshall be substituted for transit advice notes. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nAppendix II to the Convention is amended as follows: \n\n1. In Article 1(7) the first subparagraph is replaced by the following: \n\n\"Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 96(a) the document \n\ncertifying the Community status of the goods - called 'T2L document' -\n\nshall be drawn up on a form which conforms to copy 4 of the specimen \n\ncontained in Annex I to Appendix III or to copy 4/5 of the specimen \n\ncontained in Annex II to that Appendix. 2. The following text is inserted after article 11: \n\n\"Article 11(a) \" \n\n(This Appendix does not contain Article 11(a). Proof of the regularity of operations \n\nArticle 1 K b) \n\nThe proof of the regularity of the transit operation, within the meaning of \n\nArticle 36(2)(d) of Appendix I, shall be furnished to the satisfaction of \n\nthe competent authorities: \n\n(a) \n\nby the presentation of a document certified by the customs \n\nauthorities establishing that the goods in question have been \n\nproduced at the office of destination or, in the case of the \n\napplication of Article 71, to the authorized consignee. This \n\ndocument must carry enough information to enable the goods to be \n\nidentified; \n\nor \n\n(b) \n\nby the presentation of a customs document issued in a third country \n\nshowing release for consumption or by a copy or photocopy thereof; \n\nsuch copy or photocopy must be certified as being a true copy by the \n\norganization which certified the original document, by the \n\nauthorities of the third country concerned or by the authorities of \n\nof one of the Contracting Parties. This document must carry enough \n\ninformation to enable the goods in question to be identified. \" \n\n3. After Article 61 the following sub-title and Article 61(a) are inserted: \n\n\"Combined road-rail transport \n\nArticle 61(a) \n\n\f- 10 -\n\nWhere a consignment of goods being carried by combined road-rail \n\ntransport under cover of one or more Community transit / Common transit \n\ndocuments is accepted by the railways in a rail terminal and is loaded \n\non wagons, the railway authorities shall assume liability for payment of \n\nduties and other charges where offences or irregularities occur during \n\nthe Journey by rail, if there Is no valid guarantee in the country where \n\nthe offence or irregularity has occured or Is deemed to have occured, \n\nand if it is not possible to recover such amounts from the principal. \" \n\n4. The following Chapter III comprising Articles 96 (a) and 96 (b) is \n\ninserted after Article 96: \n\nChapter III : Use of a document other than the T2L document \n\nArticle 96 (a) \n\n1. Without prejudice to the provisions of articles 82 (3) and (4) and 83 \n\nthe Community status of goods shall be established under the conditions \n\nof this Article, by the production of an invoice or a transport \n\ndocument. 2. The invoice or transport document referred to in paragraph (1) must \n\ninclude, at least, the full name and address of the consignor/exporter \n\nor the declarant where the declarant is not the consignor/exporter, the \n\nnumber and kind, marks and numbers of the packages, the description of \n\nthe goods, the gross mass in kilograms and, where necessary, the numbers \n\nof the containers. The declarant must indicate clearly on the invoice or transport document \n\nthe symbol T2L, accompanied by his signature. - 11 -\n\n3. Where the person concerned wishes to benefit from the provisions of this \n\nArticle \n\nthe invoice or transport document duly filled in and signed by \n\nthe person concerned shall, on his application, be authenticated by the \n\ncustoms authorities of the country of departure. That authentification \n\nmust include the references contained in Article 84 (2) (a). 4. The provisions of this Article shall apply only where the invoice or \n\ntransport document covers only Community goods. 5. For the purposes of this Convention, the invoice or transport document \n\nfulfilling the conditions set out in paragraphs 2 to 4, shall have the \n\nsame value as the T2L document. 6. For the purposes of Article 9 (4) of the Convention, the customs office \n\nof an EFTA country into whose territory goods have entered under cover \n\nof an invoice or transport document having the same value as a T2L \n\ndocument, may attach to the T2 or T2L document which it issues in \n\nrespect of the goods, a certified copy or photocopy of that invoice or \n\ntransport document. \" \n\nArticle 96 (b) \n\nAs far as the authorised consignor referred to in Article 89 is concerned, \n\nthe provisions of Chapter III shall apply mutatis mutandis to the invoice \n\nor transport document used to establish the Community status of goods, in \n\naccordance with the provisions of Article 96(a) (1), (2) and (4). Article 3 \n\nThis Decision shall enter into force on 1 March 1991. Done at Brussels, 13 December 1990 \n\nFor the Joint Committee \n\nThe Chairman \n\n\f\f\" \" \" \n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91)9final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-026-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69080-1 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 2S ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3b03a9e8-4b0b-4724-a84d-56ec264b7d52", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 305/91 of 4 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1785/81 on the common organization of the markets in the sugar sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Italy,State aid,isoglucose,production quota,sugar,sugar industry", "workIds": "celex:31991R0305,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0001_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "State aid", "isoglucose", "production quota", "sugar", "sugar industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3b03a9e8-4b0b-4724-a84d-56ec264b7d52", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f6ad453-4465-4554-bae5-f652054e7f26", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 294/91 of 4 February 1991 on the operation of air cargo services between Member States", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "air transport,carrier,freight rate,intra-EU transport,market access", "workIds": "celex:31991R0294,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0001_015", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air transport", "carrier", "freight rate", "intra-EU transport", "market access"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f6ad453-4465-4554-bae5-f652054e7f26", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59d3699a-ce82-4d87-9df5-44733078b4f7", "title": "91/77/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 approving measures to set up pilot projects for the control of rabies with a view to its eradication or prevention, presented by the Kingdom of Belgium (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Belgium,EU financing,rabies", "workIds": "celex:31991D0077,oj:JOL_1991_043_R_0052_046", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EU financing", "rabies"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59d3699a-ce82-4d87-9df5-44733078b4f7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0eb5c5b1-48e2-45c2-be1f-73423a974824", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION CONCERNING THE PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE AGREED MINUTE AMENDING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND MALAYSIA ON TRADE IN TEXTILE PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Malaysia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0019,comnat:COM_1991_0019_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malaysia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0eb5c5b1-48e2-45c2-be1f-73423a974824", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 19 final \n\nBrussels, 4 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nconcerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending \nthe Agreement between the European Economic Community \nand Malaysia on trade in textile products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fI \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. The attached draft Council Decision relates to the adjustments to be \nmade to the quantitative limits for textile categories 4, 5 and 6 under \nthe Agreement on trade in textile products between the European \nEconomic Community and Malaysia initialled on 28 June 1986 and \nprovisionally applied since 1 January 1987 by Council Decision \n87/422/EEC (OJ No L 233, 19. 8. 1987, p. 83). The adjustments became \nnecessary as a result of the introduction of the Harmonized System from \n1 January 1988. 2. The revised quantities appear in the Agreed Minute of 20 November 1990 \nbetween the EEC and Malaysia. The Agreed Minute is attached to the \ndraft Decision. 3. The draft Council Decision provides for provisional application of the \nnew limits referred to above from 1 January 1990, subject to reciprocal \napplication by Malaysia, pending the completion of the internal \nprocedures needed to conclude formally the Agreed Minute. 4. This draft Decision should be examined by the Council at a forthcoming \nmeeting in order to enable the Commission to adopt a regulation to \nbring about effective administration of the modified provisions. Proposal for a \n\nftfflliifilL \n\nDECISION \n\nof \n\nconcerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending the \nAgreement between the European Economic Community and Malaysia \n\non trade in textile products \n\nTHK COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS : \n\nlaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nin particular Article 113. :omic Community, and \n\nArticle 1 \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\n\\\\ h:-reas, pending \nthe procedures \nnecessary for its. conclusion, the Agreement between the \nEuropean Economic Community and M a l a y s ia \n\nthe completion of \n\ntextile \nproducts, initialled on 28 June 1986, has been provisio \nnally applied since 1 January 1987 in accordance, having \nregard to the Community, with Decision 87/422/EEC (') ; \n\ntrade \n\non \n\nin \n\nWhereas that Agreement provides for the possibility of \nre-examining quantitative adjustments to the quotas for \ncertain categories, in order to allow for the introduction of \nthe harmonized system ; \n\nWhereas, following consultations between the Commu \nnity and Malaysia , an Agreed Minute modifying \nthe \nquotas on products of categories 4, 5 and 6 provided \nfor in the Agreement was initialled on 20 November 1990; \n\nPending the completion of the procedures necessary for \nits conclusion, the Agreed Minute of 20 November 1990 amen \nding the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and Ma l a y si a \n\non trade in textile products shall be applied provi \nsionally in the Community, with effect from 1 January \n1 990, provided that there is reciprocal provisional applica \ntion on the part of M a l a y s i a. The text of the Agreed Minute is attached to this Deci \nsion. Article 2 \n\nThe Commission is invited to seek the agreement of the \nGovernment of M a l a y s ia. -. on \n\nthe Agreed \nthe provisional application of \nMinute referred to in Article 1 and to notify the Council \nthereof. the completion of \n\nthe procedures \nWhereas, pending \nnecessary for the conclusion of the Agreement and the \n;>;hcr Agreed Minutes, the Agreed Minute of 20 November \n!')l'() should be applied provision. illy, with effc-ct from I \nJ. iuiuuy I'J'JO, provided that there is reciprocal provisional \napplication on the part of M a l a y s i a, \n\nDone at \n\n/\u2022'or the Council \n\nThe President \n\n0 oj No L 233, 19. 8. 1987, p. 83. AGREED MINUTE \n\nV \n\n1. Delegations of: the European Economic Community and of \n\nthe Government of Malaysia met in Brussels on 5 and 6 \n\nNovember 1990 and in Kuala Lumpur on 19 and 20 November \n\n1990 for consultations in accordance with the provisions \n\nof Article 16 of the Agreement on Trade In Textile \n\nProducts between the EEC and Malaysia initialled on 28 \n\nJune 1986 and provisionally applied since 1 January \n\n1987. These consultations\"were held on Malaysia's request for \n\nadjustment of restraint levels for certain textile \n\nproducts covered under the Agreement, arising out of the \n\nintroduction of combined nomenclature based on the \n\nharmonized system with effect from 1 January 1988. 2. As a result of these consultations, the two sides agreed \nto adjust the restrained levels for categories 4, 5 and \n6 given in Annex II of the Agreement as follows:-\n\nCategory \n\nUnit \n\nYear \n\nQuota \n\n4 \n\n1000 pieces \n\n1000 pieces \n\n1000 pieces \n\n1990 \n1991 \n\n1990 \n1991 \n\n1990 \n1991 \n\n7240 \n7597 \n\n3512 \n3682 \n\n4755 \n4986 \n\nKUALA LUMPUR \n20 November, 1990 \n\nHead f Delegation \n\nf Malaysia \n\nleara of Delegation of \nthe European Economic \n\nCommunity \n\n\f\u00c9fsJ \n\nFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nQuelle est la Justification principale de la mesure? \nAjustement de trois limites quantitatives \u00e0 l'exportation vers la \nCEE suite \u00e0 l'introduction du Syst\u00e8me Harmonis\u00e9 de Nomenclature. L'impact \u00e9conomique sur les PME de la Communaut\u00e9 est minime. II. Caract\u00e9ristiques des entreprises concern\u00e9es. En particul1er: \n\n(a) Y a-t-il un grand nombre de PME? \n\nOui. (b) Note-t-on des concentrations dans des r\u00e9gions \n\nI. \u00e9ligibles aux aides r\u00e9gionales des Etats Membres? \n\nPart iellement. II. \u00e9ligibles au FEDER? \nPart iellement. III. Quelles sont les obligations impos\u00e9es directement aux entreprises? \n\nIl n'y a pas d'obligations directes. IV. Quelles sont les obligations susceptibles d'\u00eatre impos\u00e9es \n\nIndirectement aux entreprises via les autorit\u00e9s locales? \nIl n'y a pas non plus d'obligations indirectes. V. Y a-t-il des mesures sp\u00e9ciales pour les PME? Lesquelles? \n\nNon. VI. Quel est l'effet pr\u00e9visible \n\na) sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 des entreprises? \n\nEffet plut\u00f4t neutre. b) sur l'emploi? \n\nEffet plut\u00f4t neutre. VII. Les partenaires sociaux ont-ils \u00e9t\u00e9 consult\u00e9s? \n\nQuels sont leurs avis? \nNon, pas n\u00e9cessaire, un impact plut\u00f4t neutre de la mesure \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 19 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-032-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69119-0 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3 JO ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07f81a6c-6e27-4390-b7fd-4aec1149e81f", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 297/91 of 4 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 715/90 on the arrangements applicable to agricultural products and certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States or in the overseas countries or territories (OCT) to take into account the accession of Namibia to the fourth ACP-EEC Convention", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Lom\u00e9 Convention,Namibia,agricultural product,processed foodstuff", "workIds": "celex:31991R0297,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0009_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Lom\u00e9 Convention", "Namibia", "agricultural product", "processed foodstuff"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07f81a6c-6e27-4390-b7fd-4aec1149e81f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/402c5b6e-67ab-4c3f-a527-6ee6128a13ff", "title": "91/85/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/183/Euratom, EEC authorizing Ireland not to take into account certain categories of transactions and to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Ireland,VAT,own resources", "workIds": "celex:31991D0085,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0027_036", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "VAT", "own resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/402c5b6e-67ab-4c3f-a527-6ee6128a13ff", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cd0b6bdf-f7ee-4ec4-a48b-9829e989badf", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 283/91 of 4 February 1991 suspending tariff concessions and increasing the duties applicable under the common customs tariff to certain products falling within CN code 5607", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Brazil,CCT duties,GATT,tariff preference,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0283,oj:JOL_1991_035_R_0001_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brazil", "CCT duties", "GATT", "tariff preference", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cd0b6bdf-f7ee-4ec4-a48b-9829e989badf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65c214d8-dc7b-4d95-824e-dbb5d4076bce", "title": "91/35/EEC: Statement of revenue and expenditure of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) for the financial year 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#budget,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Cedefop,budgetary expenditure,budgetary resources,general budget (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31991B0035,oj:JOL_1991_031_R_0001_004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cedefop", "budgetary expenditure", "budgetary resources", "general budget (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65c214d8-dc7b-4d95-824e-dbb5d4076bce", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e17602c-223e-46d1-89d0-946148d4cd9e", "title": "91/82/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/177/Euratom, EEC authorizing Belgium not to take into account certain categories of transactions and to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Belgium,own resources,paramedical profession", "workIds": "celex:31991D0082,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0024_033", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "own resources", "paramedical profession"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e17602c-223e-46d1-89d0-946148d4cd9e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/397a385e-d7fe-4bce-8d2d-59a030452ca1", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 296/91 of 4 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 4059/89 laying down the conditions under which non-resident carriers may operate national road haulage services within a Member State", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "economic system,intra-EU transport,inward processing,transport under customs control", "workIds": "celex:31991R0296,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0008_017", "eurovoc_concepts": ["economic system", "intra-EU transport", "inward processing", "transport under customs control"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/397a385e-d7fe-4bce-8d2d-59a030452ca1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e5e0e0b-ad38-442f-ae3a-a90f87b447f1", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 307/91 of 4 February 1991 on reinforcing the monitoring of certain expenditure chargeable to the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "EU financing,common agricultural policy", "workIds": "celex:31991R0307,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0005_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "common agricultural policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e5e0e0b-ad38-442f-ae3a-a90f87b447f1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a79df46-e91c-4146-b6d1-15c684b37c97", "title": "Council Directive 91/60/EEC of 4 February 1991 amending, with a view to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions for road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "road transport,standard,vehicle,weight and size", "workIds": "celex:31991L0060,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0037_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["road transport", "standard", "vehicle", "weight and size"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a79df46-e91c-4146-b6d1-15c684b37c97", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cdb7762-7593-4bdd-9e21-0bd4988b115c", "title": "91/36/EEC: Statement of revenue and Expenditure of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions for the financial year 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#budget,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurofound", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Eurofound,budgetary expenditure,general budget (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31991B0036,oj:JOL_1991_031_R_0023_005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Eurofound", "budgetary expenditure", "general budget (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cdb7762-7593-4bdd-9e21-0bd4988b115c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e9381e54-b7c1-4f90-be97-c29ff888cb90", "title": "91/78/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 approving measures to set up pilot projects for the control of rabies with a view to its eradication or prevention, presented by Italy (Only the Italian text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "EU financing,Italy,rabies", "workIds": "celex:31991D0078,oj:JOL_1991_043_R_0053_047", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Italy", "rabies"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e9381e54-b7c1-4f90-be97-c29ff888cb90", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ac6c2c7-f534-49eb-8635-85abf939066d", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 276/91 of 4 February 1991 laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EEC) No 3918/90 on transfer to Greece of 150 000 tonnes of feed grain held by the German intervention agency", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Germany,export,fodder cereals", "workIds": "celex:31991R0276,oj:JOL_1991_033_R_0005_008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "export", "fodder cereals"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ac6c2c7-f534-49eb-8635-85abf939066d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8456ff52-7b03-45ef-83bc-6deeb86e340c", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 420/91 of 4 February 1991 on the conclusion of the Protocol defining, for the period 1 May 1990 to 30 April 1992, the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the government of the Republic of Senegal on fishing off the coast of Senegal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Senegal,fishing rights,indemnification,inshore fishing", "workIds": "celex:31991R0420", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Senegal", "fishing rights", "indemnification", "inshore fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8456ff52-7b03-45ef-83bc-6deeb86e340c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bebf09c-e83a-494b-9653-367f495294d4", "title": "91/87/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/179/Euratom, EEC authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany to use statistics for years earlier than the last year and not to take into account certain categories of transactions or to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Germany,VAT,own resources", "workIds": "celex:31991D0087,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0029_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "VAT", "own resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bebf09c-e83a-494b-9653-367f495294d4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9800fbf-ccfb-47d5-93b5-6990600c89fb", "title": "91/84/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/178/Euratom, EEC authorizing Luxembourg not to take into account certain categories of transactions and to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Luxembourg,VAT,own resources", "workIds": "celex:31991D0084,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0026_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Luxembourg", "VAT", "own resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9800fbf-ccfb-47d5-93b5-6990600c89fb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/edd19f90-9837-4df7-8557-baf5690d179e", "title": "91/80/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 concerning the application for the reimbursement of anti- dumping duties imposed on imports of dense sodium carbonate originating in the United States of America (Verrerie Cristallerie d'Arques - J. G. Durand et Cie) (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "United States,anti-dumping duty,chemical salt,dumping", "workIds": "celex:31991D0080,oj:JOL_1991_047_R_0008_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United States", "anti-dumping duty", "chemical salt", "dumping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/edd19f90-9837-4df7-8557-baf5690d179e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/05f54dd9-dbf1-4b5c-8360-f393a8a67564", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 295/91 of 4 February 1991 establishing common rules for a denied-boarding compensation system in scheduled air transport", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "air transport,carriage of passengers,indemnification", "workIds": "celex:31991R0295,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0005_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air transport", "carriage of passengers", "indemnification"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/05f54dd9-dbf1-4b5c-8360-f393a8a67564", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e1f82e98-aaf8-4911-bf37-e7a4c387b7c7", "title": "91/59/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 terminating the review and confirming expiry of the anti-dumping measures applying to imports into the Community of self-propelled hydraulic excavators, track- laying or wheeled, of a total operating weight exceeding six tonnes but not exceeding 35 tonnes, equipped with a single bucket mounted on a boom capable of pivoting through 360 , or intended to be so equipped, originating in Japan", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Japan,construction equipment,import", "workIds": "celex:31991D0059,oj:JOL_1991_036_R_0025_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Japan", "construction equipment", "import"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e1f82e98-aaf8-4911-bf37-e7a4c387b7c7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e9ebe2c-c68a-40c1-b39d-7e912e11a4ea", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION CONCERNING NOTIFICATION OF THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE COMMUNITY OF THE INTERNATIONAL COFFEE AGREEMENT 1983 AS EXTENDED TO 30 SEPTEMBER 1992", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "coffee,commodity agreement,international agreement", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0022,comnat:COM_1991_0022_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["coffee", "commodity agreement", "international agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e9ebe2c-c68a-40c1-b39d-7e912e11a4ea", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 22 final \n\nBrussels,4 February 1991 \n\nS?-'1 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nconcerning notification of the acceptance by -the Community \n\nof the International Coffee Agreement 1983 \n\nas extended to 30 September 1992 \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPIMATQRy MEM0RANP3M \n\nBy Council Decision 87/485/EEC of 28 September 19871 the Community \n\napproved the International Coffee Agreement 1983, which entered into force \n\non 1 Ootdber 1983 for a period of six years to 30 September 1989. Article 68 of the Agreement provides that it may be extended, with or \n\nwithout modification, or renegotiated. By resolution No 347 of 4 July 1989, the International Coffee Council \n\ndecided that the International Coffee Agreement 1983 would be extended for \n\na period of two years to 30 September 1991, with the suspension of certain \n\nprovisions, notably most of Chapter VII. Acceptance by the Community of \n\nthe Agreement as extended was notified to the Secretary-General of the \n\nUnited Nations on 29 September 1989. By resolution No 352 of 28 September 1990, the International Coffee Council \n\ndecided that the 1983 Agreement would be extended for a further period of \n\n1 year to 30 September 1992. The Commission believes that the Community and its Member States should as \n\nsoon as possible, and in any case before 30 September 1991, complete the \n\nnecessary formalities for participation in the Agreement as extended. The Community and its Member States must, on the basis of a joint position, \n\nproceed simultaneously with notification of acceptance of the Agreement as \n\nextended, any individual initiative by the Member States being contrary to \n\nthe provisions of the EEC Treaty. 1 O J N oL 276, 29. 9. 1987. L A J O Q H \u00bb C 3 I I J D E C L S I CH \n\nof \n\nconcerning notification of the acceptance by the Community \n\nof the International Coffee Agreement 1983 \n\nas extended to 30 September 1992 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Articles 113 and 116 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas in accordance with Decision 87/485/EEC of 28 September 1987,1 the \n\nCommunity approved the International Coffee Agreement 1983, which came into \n\nforce on 1 October 1983 for a period of six years expiring on \n\n30 September 1989; \n\nWhereas by resolution No 347 of 4 July 1989 the Intesmational Coffee \n\nCouncil decided to extend the International Coffee agreement 1983 for a \n\nperiod of two years until 30 September 1991; \n\nWhereas by resolution No 352 of 28 September the International Coffee \n\nCouncil decided to extend the International Coffee Agreement 1983 for a \n\nfurther period of 1 year until 30 September 1992; \n\n1 O J N oL 276, 29. 9. 1987. Whereas the Community and its Member States should simultaneously notify \n\nthe Secretary-General of the United Nations of their acceptance of the \n\nAgreement as extended until 30 September 1992, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe extension of the International Coffee Agreement 1983, in accordance \n\nwith resolution No 352 of 28 September 1990, is hereby approved on behalf \n\nof the European Economic Community. The text of the resolution is attached to this Decision. The European Economic Community and its Member States, once they have \n\ncompleted the necessary internal procedures, shall simultaneouslY notify \n\nthe Secretary-General of the United Nations of their acceptance of the \n\nInternational Coffee Agreement 1983 as extended until 30 September 1992. The President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the person \n\nempowered to deposit the notification of the European Economic Ccimmunity. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fISSN 0254-147S \n\nCOM (91) 22 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-037-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69165-4 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 350 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\nS \n\nr"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f5e826ea-66ff-4fde-acde-f4a374c394f2", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION CONCERNING THE PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE AGREED MINUTE AMENDING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA ON TRADE IN TEXTILE PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Indonesia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0020,comnat:COM_1991_0020_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Indonesia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f5e826ea-66ff-4fde-acde-f4a374c394f2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 20 final \n\nBrussels, 4 February 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nconcerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending \nthe Agreement between the European Economic Community and the \nRepublic of Indonesia on trade in textile products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. The attached draft Council Decision relates to the adjustments to be \nmade to the quantitative limits for textile category 6 under the \nAgreement on trade in textile products between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Republic of Indonesia initialled on 28 June 1986 and \nprovisionally applied since 1 January 1987 by Council \nDecision \n87/421/EEC (OJ No L 233, 19. 8. 1987, p. 3 9 ). The adjustments became \nnecessary as a result of the introduction of the Harmonized System from \n1 January 1988. 2. The revised quantities appear in the Agreed Minute of 17 November 1990 \nbetween the EEC and the Republic of Indonesia. The Agreed Minute is \nattached to the draft Decision. 3. The draft Council Decision provides for provisional application of the \nnew limits referred to above from 1 January 1990, subject to reciprocal \napplication by the Republic of Indonesia, pending the completion of the \ninternal procedures needed to conclude formally the Agreed Minute. 4. This draft Decision should be examined by the Council at a forthcoming \nmeeting in order to enable the Commission to adopt a regulation to \nbring about effective administration of the modified provisions. Official Journal of the European Communities \n\nII \n\n(Acts whose publication \n\nis not obligatory) \n\nCOUNCIL \n\nC O U N C IL D E C I S I ON \n\nof \n\nconcerning the provisional application of t he Agreed Minute a m e n d i ng the \nAgreement between the European E c o n o m ic Comnuinity a nd the \n\nRepublic of Indonesia on trade in textile products \n\nihi: COUNCIL OF THE HUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 113. hereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas, pending the completion of the procedures \nnecessary tor its. conclusion, the Agreement between the \nEuropean Economic Community and the Republic \nOf Indonesia \nproducts, initialled on 28 June 1986, has been provisio \nnally applied since 1 January 1987 in accordance, having \nregard to the Community, with Decision 87/4 2TF. EC (') ; \n\non trade in textile \n\nWhereas that Agreement provides for the possibility of \nre-examining quantitative adjustments to the quotas for \ncertain categories, in order to allow for the introduction of \nthe harmonized system ; \n\nWhereas, following consultations between the Commu \nnity and Indonesia, an Agreed Minute modifying the \nquotas on products of category 6 \nprovided \nfor in the Agreement was initialled on 17 November 1990; \n\nWhereas, pending the completion of! the procedures \nnecessary for the conclusion of the Agreement and the \nother Agreed Minutes, the Agreed Minute of 17 November \n1990 should be applied provisionally, with effect from 1 \nJanuary 1990, provided that there is reciprocal provisional \napplication on the part of the R e p u b l ic of \nI n d o n e s i a, \n\nArticle 1 \n\nPending the completion of the procedure necessary for \nits conclusion, the Agreed Minute of 17 November 1990 amen \nding the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Republic of Indonesia \n\non trade in textile products shall be applied provi \nsionally in the Community, with effect from 1 January \n1 990, provided that there is reciprocal provisional applica \ntion on the part of the \nRepublic of \nIndonesia. The text of the Agreed Minute is attached to this Deci \nsion. Article 2 \n\nThe Commission is invited to seek the agreement of the \nGovernment of the R e p u b l ic of \n\nI n d o n e s ia \n\non the provisional application of the Agreed \nMinute referred to in Article 1 and to notify the Council \nthereof. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\noj No L 233,19. 8. 1987, p. 39. AGREKD MINUTE \n\nDelegations of the European Economic Community and the \n\nRepublic of Indonesia met in Denpasar from 15-1. 7 November \n\n1990 for consultations in accordance with the provisions: \n\nof Article 16 of the Agreement on Trade in Textile \n\nProducts between tha EEC and Indonesia initialled on 28 \n\n\u2022 i u ne i 9 c 6 a nd p r o v i s i on a i I. y ap ;,> J. i. e c s : ! ; c c. 1 J a n u ^ \u2022\u2022\u2022 y \n\nThese c o n s u 11 a t i o n s w e r e 11 e 1 d o n I n d o nesia' s r e q u e s t f o r \n\na d j u s t m e nt of the q u a n t i t a t i ve limits for certain textile \n\np r o d u c ts covered u n d er the A g r e e m e n t, arising out of the \n\nintroduction of the Combined N o m e n c l a t u re based on flit \n\nH a r m o n i z ed S y s t em which came into e f f e ct from 1 January \n\n1988. 2. As a result of these consultations, the two sides agreed \n\nto adjust the quantitative limits for category 6, given \n\nin Annex II of the Agreement as follows : \n\nCategory \n\nUnit \n\nYear \n\nQuota \n\n6 \n\n1. 000 pieces \n\n1990 \n\n1991 \n\n6. 390 \n\n6. 757 \n\nDenpasar, 17 November 1990 \n\nFor the \n\nIndo \n\nFor the European Economic \nCommunity \n\n\fFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nQuelle est la Justification principale de la mesure? \nAjustement d'une limite quantitative \u00e0 l'exportation vers la CEE \nsuite i l'introduction du Syst\u00e8me Harmonis\u00e9 de Nomenclature. L'impact \u00e9conomique sur les PME de ta Communaut\u00e9 est n\u00e9gligeable. II. Caract\u00e9ristiques des entreprises concern\u00e9es. En particul 1er: \n\n(a) Y a-t-ll un grand nombre de PME? \n\nOui. (b) Note-t-on des concentrations dans des r\u00e9glons \n\nI. \u00e9llgibles aux aides r\u00e9gionales des Etats Membres? \n\nPart iellement. II. \u00e9ligibles au FEDER? \nPart ieilement. III. Quelles sont les obligations impos\u00e9es directement aux entreprises? \n\nM n'y a pas d'obligations directes. IV. Quelles sont \n\nles obligations susceptibles d'\u00eatre \nindirectement aux entreprises via les autorit\u00e9s locales? \nIl n'y a pas non plus d'obligations indirectes. Impos\u00e9es \n\nV. Y a-t-ll des mesures sp\u00e9ciales pour les PME? Lesquelles? \nNon. VI. Quel est l'effet pr\u00e9visible \n\na) sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 des entreprises? \n\nEffet plut\u00f4t neutre. b) sur l'emploi? \n\nEffet plut\u00f4t neutre. Vil. Les partenaires sociaux ont-Ils \u00e9t\u00e9 consult\u00e9s? \n\nQuels sont leurs avis? \nNon, pas n\u00e9cessaire, un impact plut\u00f4t neutre de la mesure \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 20 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-038-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-69174-3 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper addition*! 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/79cda8ea-69fd-4a2c-add0-942f0ce79206", "title": "91/86/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/182/Euratom, EEC authorizing the United Kingdom not to take into account certain categories of transactions and to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "EU financing,Germany,rabies", "workIds": "celex:31991D0079,oj:JOL_1991_043_R_0054_048", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Germany", "rabies"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a134cd73-3568-42b1-af29-168fa7f02fec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0117310e-6956-49ae-9bae-133cd0875f32", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 306/91 of 4 February 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 857/84 adopting general rules for the application of the levy referred to in Article 5c of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 in the milk and milk products sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "agricultural production policy,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0306,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0004_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural production policy", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0117310e-6956-49ae-9bae-133cd0875f32", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/91913d66-ae17-43a8-8632-5cfc5ddf6591", "title": "91/88/EEC: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 89/471/EEC authorizing methods for grading pig carcases in Germany (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Germany,pigmeat,product quality,standard", "workIds": "celex:31991D0088,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0030_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "pigmeat", "product quality", "standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/91913d66-ae17-43a8-8632-5cfc5ddf6591", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7279455-1887-49fa-b8b7-adfffe1a22e3", "title": "Protocol defining, for the period 1 May 1990 to 30 April 1992, the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Senegal on fishing off the coast of Senegal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Senegal", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "Senegal,fishing rights,indemnification,inshore fishing", "workIds": "celex:21991A0227(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Senegal", "fishing rights", "indemnification", "inshore fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7279455-1887-49fa-b8b7-adfffe1a22e3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/67bc42b2-914b-4afe-9850-8598ed94d80c", "title": "91/83/EEC, Euratom: Commission Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/176/Euratom, EEC authorizing France not to take into account certain categories of transactions and to use certain approximate estimates for the calculation of the VAT own resources base (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "France,VAT,own resources", "workIds": "celex:31991D0083,oj:JOL_1991_049_R_0025_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "VAT", "own resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/67bc42b2-914b-4afe-9850-8598ed94d80c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/734ffc3b-229f-4b5b-a04b-1be1186b8c13", "title": "91/61/EEC: Council Decision of 4 February 1991 amending Decision 90/218/EEC concerning the administration of Bovine Somatotropin (BST)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-02-04", "subjects": "dairy production,hormone,intensive livestock farming,meat,scientific progress", "workIds": "celex:31991D0061,oj:JOL_1991_037_R_0039_041", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dairy production", "hormone", "intensive livestock farming", "meat", "scientific progress"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/734ffc3b-229f-4b5b-a04b-1be1186b8c13", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]}