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"eurovoc_concepts": ["VAT", "administrative cooperation", "exchange of information", "single market", "standing committee (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/67607b9b-cf8e-426b-8778-8747c23def14", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "IOMVIISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 115 \n\nf i n al \n\n- SYN 275 \n\nBrussels, 30 April 1991 \n\nM o d i f i c a t i on to t he proposal f or a \n\nCQWCIL Rfi\u00c7W^TIOW (EEC) \n\nconcerning a d m i n i s t r a t i ve c o o p e r a t i on in t he \n\nf i e ld of \n\ni n d i r e ct \n\nt a x a t i on \n\n( p r e s e n t ed by t he Commission pursuant to A r t i c le 149(3) \nof t he EEC-Treaty) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM ^ \n\nOn 19 June 1990 the Coromission presented & proposal^*) to \nthe Council for a Council Regulation concerning \nadministrative cooperation in the fiejj\u00e2 of indirect \ntaxation. |\u00a7 \n\nThe Opinion^2) of the Economic and Social. Committee was \ngiven on 19 September 1990. The Economic and Social \nCommittee endorsed the purpose and cjontent of the \nproposed Regulation, though it disputed the legal base \nand the use of a Regulation. to \n\nsupport \n\nThe Parliamentary report(3) by the Committee on Economic \nand Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy gave \nproposal, \nfavourable \nparticularly concerning the legal base (Article 100A) and \nthe reinforcement of the role of the Commission in \napplying the administrative cooperation procedures. On \n22 November 1990 the European Parliament voted \nOf the six \nunanimously in favour of the report. amendments proposed by the European Parliament the \nCommission accepts the four which are the subject of this \nmodification paper. Commission \n\nthe \n\n| \n1 \nI \n\\ \n\\ \n\n{ \n| \n| \n| \nI \nI \n! \n! \n{ \ni] \nH \n\n^|COM(90) 183 final - SYN 275 O. J. No. C187 of 27. 7. 90 \n(2| E SC Document CES 1014/90 (OJ. ) \n(3>EP Document \u00c23-0279/90 (OJ. ) \n\n\f- 1 -\n\nModifications to the proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION \nconcerning administrative cooperation in the field of \nindirect taxation \n\n(presented by the Commission in accordance with Article \n149, paragraph 3 of the Treaty) \n\nOriginal text \n\nModified text \n\nPreamble and Article 1 unchanged \n\nArticle 2 \n\nParagraphs 1 and 2 unchanged. 3. The Commission \nshall publish \nand, where \nnecessary, update \nin the Official \nJournal the list \nof competent \nauthorities. Articles 3 to 6 unchanged \n\nArticle 7 \n\n1. At the request of an applicant \nauthority, two or more of the \nadministrative authorities \nreferred to in Article 2 shall \nconsult together for the purposes \nof determining cases and procedures \nfor coordinated tax examinations. Each authority involved shall \ndecide whether or not it wishes \nto participate in a particular \ncoordinated tax examination. 1. At the request \nof an applicant \nauthority, two or \nmore of the \nadministrative \nauthorities \nreferred to in \nArticle 2 shall \nconsult together \nfor the purposes \nof determining \ncases and pro \ncedures for co \nordinated tax \nexaminations. Each authority \ninvolved shall \ndecide whether \nor not it wishes \nto participate \nin a particular \ncoordinated tax \nexamination; \nshould it decide \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nnot to \nparticipate, it \nshall forward a \njustification to \nthe applicant \nauthority and \nalso notify the \nCommission. 2. Unchanged \n\nArticles 8-18 unchanged \n\nArticle 19 (new) \n\nThe procedures for \nthe practical \napplication and \nthe operation of \nthe arrangements \nfor administrative \nco-operation pro \nvided for in this \nregulation, as well \nas the procedures \ncovering standard \npractices for the \nvalidation and \nverification of \nintra-Community \ntransactions, \nshall be laid \ndown according to \nthe methods \ncovered by \nArticle 20(2). Article 19 becomes Article 20 \n\n1. The Commission shall organize \nmeetings with the representatives \nof the Member States during which \n- the operation of the \narrangements for administrative \ncooperation provided for in \nthis Regulation shall be \nexamined in general terms, with \nparticular regard to the \ndevelopment of standard practices \nfor the validation and \nverification of intra-Community \ntransactions, \n\n- common practical procedures \nfor forwarding the information \n\n1. The Commission \nshall be assisted \nby an advisory \ncommittee, composed \nof \u00a3he representa \ntives from Member \nStates and chaired \nby a Commission \nrepresentative, and \nbe called \"Standing \nCommittee on \nAdministrative co \noperation in the \nfield of indirect \ntaxation\". referred to in Article 3 shall be \nlaid down, taking due account of \nany agreements under Article 11, \n\n- the information sent to the \nCommission pursuant to Article 3 \nshall be examined with a view to \ndrawing the relevant \nconclusions, determining the \nmeasures required to put an \nend to any operations found \nto be contrary to the law on \nindirect tax matters and, where \nnecessary, suggesting \namendments to existing Community \nprovisions on the drawing up of \nadditional ones, \n\n- cases and procedures \nconcerning coordinated tax \nexaminations provided for in \nArticle 7. shall be examined \ndiscussed. 2. (a) The \nrepresentative of \nthe Commission \nshall submit to \nthe Committee a \ndraft of the \nmeasures to be \ntaken. The \ncommittee shall \ndeliver its \nopinion on the \ndraft within the \ntime limit which \nthe chairman may \nlay down according \nto the urgency of \nthe matter if \nnecessary by \ntaking a vote; \n\n(b) the opinion of \nthe committee \nshall be recorded \nin the minutes; in \naddition each \nMember State shall \nhave the right to \nask to have its \nposition recorded \nin the minutes; \n\n(c) the Commission \nshall take the \nutmost account of \nthe opinion \ndelivered by the \ncommittee, it \nshall inform the \ncommittee of the \nmanner in which \nits opinion has to \nbe taken into \naccount. 3. Within the \nframework of the \nCommittee provided \nfor in paragraph 1, \nthe Member States \nshall monitor and \nevaluate the \noperation of the \nco-operation pro \ncedures provided \nfor in Article 19 \nand pool their \nexperience, \nespecially con-\n\n\f4 -\n\nceri\u00fbng new means \nor methods of tax \navoidance or \nevasion, with a \nview to improving \nsuch co-operation \nand, where \nappropriate, \ndrawing up new \nrules. Article 19, paragraphs 2 -5 becomes Article 21 \n\n2. On matters of bilateral interest, Becomes paragraph 1 \nthe competent authorities of the \nMember States may communicate \ndirectly with each other. The \ncompetent authorities of the Member \nStates may, by mutual agreement, \npermit authorities designated by \nthem to communicate directly \nwith each other in specified \ncases or in certain categories \nof cases. 3. For the purposes of applying \nthis Article, Member States \nshall take all the necessary \nsteps to: \n\n(a) ensure sound internal \n\ncoordination between the \ncompetent authorities \nreferred to in Article 1; \n\n(b) establish direct co \n\noperation between the \nauthorities specially \nempowered for the purposes \nof such coordination; \n\n(c) make suitable arrangements \nfor ensuring the smooth \noperation of the arrangements \nfor administrative co \noperation provided for in \nthis Regulation, including \nthe nomination of a central \noffice as required under \nArticle 2(2). 4. The Member States shall, \ntogether with the Commission, \nconstantly monitor the co \noperation procedure provided \nfor in this Article and shall \n\nBecomes paragraph 2 \n\nCancelled, \n\n\f- 5 -\n\npool their experience, \nespecially concerning new \nmeans or methods of tax \navoidance or evasion with a \nview to improving such co \noperation and, where \nappropriate, drawing up a \nbody of rules as described \nin paragraph 1. 5. The Commission shall \ncommunicate to the competent \nauthorities of each Member \nState, as soon as it is \navailable, any information \nwhich it receives under the \nprovisions of Article 3, or \nany other relevant information \nwhich it is able to supply. Becomes paragraph 3 \n\nArticle 20 becomes Article 22 (unchanged) \n\nArticle 21 becomes Article 23 \n\n1. Every two \nyears from \nthe date of \nimplementation set \nout in Article 25, \nthe Commission \nshall draw up a \nreport for the \nCouncil and \nEuropean Parliament \non the conditions \nof application of \nthe present \nRegulation, notably \non the basis of the \nconstant monitoring \nprocedures provided \nfor in Article \n20(3). Becomes paragraph 2 \n\nBecomes paragraph 3 \n\n1. Member States shall communicate \nto the Commission the texts of \nany provisions of national law \nwhich they subsequently adopt in \nthe field covered by this \nRegulation. 2. The arrangements provided for \nby this Regulation do not limit, \nnor are they limited by, those \ncontained in other agreements \nor instruments which relate to \n\n\f- 6 -\n\ncooperation in tax matters. 3. This Regulation shall not \naffect the application in the \nMember States of the rules on \nmutual assistance in criminal \nmatters. Becomes paragraph 4 \n\nArticles 22-23 become Articles 24-25 (unchanged) \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 115 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n09 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-143-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71001-2 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: L2S ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fde3bb55-d572-45a4-88c1-830ba8952401", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1109/91 of 30 April 1991 laying down special measures for the 1990/91 and 1991/92 marketing years for the grant of production aid for olive oil in Portugal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Portugal,olive oil,olive-growing,producer organisation,production aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R1109,oj:JOL_1991_110_R_0071_056", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "olive oil", "olive-growing", "producer organisation", "production aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fde3bb55-d572-45a4-88c1-830ba8952401", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59658cf1-790b-47e1-8741-8ac1d97baedb", "title": "Question No 2 by Mrs EWING (H-0450/91) to the Council: Famine in Africa", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Africa,democracy,development aid,emergency aid,food aid,human rights,hunger", "workIds": "celex:91991H000450", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Africa", "democracy", "development aid", "emergency aid", "food aid", "human rights", "hunger"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59658cf1-790b-47e1-8741-8ac1d97baedb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/595db8c1-b9aa-489e-9077-cbaa1270aef4", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1107/91 of 30 April 1991 amending the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 3596/90 laying down quality standards for peaches and nectarines", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "product quality,standard,stone fruit", "workIds": "celex:31991R1107,oj:JOL_1991_110_R_0063_054", "eurovoc_concepts": ["product quality", "standard", "stone fruit"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/595db8c1-b9aa-489e-9077-cbaa1270aef4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af9ee05c-abdb-4f83-ac70-a35f7c83cd15", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1142/91 of 30 April 1991 amending the list annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 55/87 establishing the list of vessels exceeding eight metres length overall permitted to use beam trawls within certain areas of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "EU waters,conservation of fish stocks,fishing net,fishing regulations,fishing vessel,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:31991R1142,oj:JOL_1991_112_R_0019_043", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU waters", "conservation of fish stocks", "fishing net", "fishing regulations", "fishing vessel", "technical standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af9ee05c-abdb-4f83-ac70-a35f7c83cd15", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/697dfdb9-2ef9-4daf-8ef2-6d78b36eb01c", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1108/91 of 30 April 1991 laying down quality standards for apricots", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "product quality,standard,stone fruit", "workIds": "celex:31991R1108,oj:JOL_1991_110_R_0067_055", "eurovoc_concepts": ["product quality", "standard", "stone fruit"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/697dfdb9-2ef9-4daf-8ef2-6d78b36eb01c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6e4e961f-b3dc-4093-81af-f3cd96a30609", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 104/76 LAYING DOWN COMMON MARKETING STANDARDS FOR SHRIMPS ( CRANGON CRANGON ), EDIBLE CRABS ( CANCER PAGURUS ) AND NORWAY LOBSTERS ( NEPHROPS NORVEGICUS )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "United Kingdom,coastal region,crustacean,derogation from EU law,marketing standard,supply", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0148,comnat:COM_1991_0148_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "coastal region", "crustacean", "derogation from EU law", "marketing standard", "supply"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6e4e961f-b3dc-4093-81af-f3cd96a30609", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM(91) 148 final \n\nBrussels, 30 ApriI 1891 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 laying down common \n\nmarketing standards for shrimps (Crangon crangon), edible crabs \n\n(Cancer pagurus) and Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 of 19 January 1976, which it is \nproposed to amend, lays down common marketing standards for shrimps, \nedible crabs and Norway lobsters and establishes grading categories for \nthe three products in question as well as freshness categories for \nshrimps and Norway lobsters. Article 7 provides for derogations from the minimum marketing sizes laid \ndown within the grading categories for shrimps (paragraph 4) and edible \ncrabs (paragraph 5 ). So far, only the derogation for crabs has been applied, the coastal zones \nof the United Kingdom where the size derogation is authorized having \nbeing laid down in Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1048/86. In order to conserve crab stocks, the British authorities increased the \nminimum biological size for crabs to 12. 5 cm in several of the areas \nspecified in Regulation (EEC) No 1048/86 on 1 February 1990, the uniform \nsize of 11. 5 cm laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 continuing to be \nauthorized for the other areas. Since a Community minimum biological size has not yet been fixed for \nedible crabs, there is now a contradiction between Community rules on \nmarketing standards and British legislation on the conservation of \nresources. Producers may therefore be unsure of the legal position. The Community rules regarding derogations must therefore be amended but, \nsince different minimum sizes have been introduced in certain zones, it \nis proposed, in the interests of simplification and to facilitate future \nmanagement of the application of these measures, to retain the principle \nof the derogation contained in Council Regulation (EEC) No 104/76, its \napplication being determined in accordance with the procedure laid down \n\u2022r, Article 33 of Regulation (EEC) No 3796/81. it also appears sensible, again for reasons of simplification, to bring \nthe derogations for shrimps and crabs together in the same text and to \nlay down identical application procedures for the two products. This proposal has no financial impact on the Community budget. It does not affect the SMEs concerned. - 3 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 laying down \n\ncommon marketing standards for shrimps (Crangon crangon), \n\nedible crabs (Cancer pagurus) and Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3796/81 of 29 December 1981 \n\non the common organization of the market in fishery products1, as last \n\namended by Regulation (EEC) No 2886/892, and in particular Article 2(3) \n\nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 3, as last amended by \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 4213/884, lays down, inter alia, the sizing \n\ncategories applicable to shrimps and crabs, and fixes a minimum size \n\nbelow which these products may not be marketed for human consumption \n\nwithin the Community; \n\nWhereas Article 7(4) of the above Regulation provides for exemptions from \n\nthe minimum size for shrimps, in order to ensure local supplies for \n\ncertain coastal areas of the Community; \n\nWhereas, in order to ensure local or regional supplies of crabs for \n\ncertain coastal zones of the United Kingdom, Article 7(5) of the above \n\nRegulation introduces an exception reducing the minimum marketing size \n\nfor this product to 11. 5 cm in these zones; \n\n1 0J No L 379, 31. 12. 1981, p. 1. 2 0J No L 282, 2. 10. 1989, p. 1. 3 0J No L 20, 28. 1. 1976, p. 35. 4 0J No L 370, 31. 12. 1988, p. 33, \n\n\fj! \n|i \np \nij \n1 \ni \ni \n\nWhereas experience has shown that exceptions from the minimum sizes must \nbe differentiated according to the zones concerned in order to take \n\naccount of differing conditions of production and sale in these zones; \n\nWhereas, in order to ensure efficient management of the scheme, identical \nprocedures for the fixing of the size exceptions and for the \ndetermination of the coastal zones in which these sizes are to apply must \nbe laid down for the two products concerned, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nArticle 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 104/76 is hereby amended as follows: \n\n1. Paragraph 4 is replaced by the following: \n\n\"4. Exemptions from the minimum sizes referred to in paragraph 1(a) and \n(b) may be laid down in order to ensure local or regional supplies of \nshrimps and crabs for certain coastal zones of the Community. These zones shall be determined and the corresponding marketing sizes \nfixed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 33 of \nRegulation (EEC) No 3796/81. \" \n\n2. Paragraph 5 is deleted. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable \nin ai I Member States. Dons at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\fISSN. Q254-1475 \n\nCOM (91) 148 final \n\nDOCUMENT! \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-195-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-72097-2 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1fa4d5b7-7fd2-4476-a716-73b82b6be040", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1141/91 of 30 April 1991 amending the list annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 55/87 establishing the list of vessels exceeding eight metres length overall permitted to use beam trawls within certain areas of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "EU waters,conservation of fish stocks,fishing net,fishing regulations,fishing vessel,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:31991R1141,oj:JOL_1991_112_R_0017_042", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU waters", "conservation of fish stocks", "fishing net", "fishing regulations", "fishing vessel", "technical standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1fa4d5b7-7fd2-4476-a716-73b82b6be040", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/29d15994-ebe2-4147-b181-109f407bd6a9", "title": "Question No 17 by Mr COT (H-0443/91) to European Political Cooperation: Genocide against the Kurdish people", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COT,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "EU aid,International Court of Justice,Iraq,Kurdistan question,UN Security Council,aid to refugees,crime against humanity,ethnic group,international convention,legal action,protection of minorities", "workIds": "celex:91991H000443", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "International Court of Justice", "Iraq", "Kurdistan question", "UN Security Council", "aid to refugees", "crime against humanity", "ethnic group", "international convention", "legal action", "protection of minorities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/29d15994-ebe2-4147-b181-109f407bd6a9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cbdee100-55e3-409f-9e01-5c2cb75909a0", "title": "Question No 9 by Lord INGLEWOOD (H-0427/91) to the Council: Balance between civilian and defence research", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,INGLEWOOD", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Single European Act,applied research,military research", "workIds": "celex:91991H000427", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Single European Act", "applied research", "military research"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cbdee100-55e3-409f-9e01-5c2cb75909a0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8449d7ac-aa1f-4c0b-8de7-20ff563d7ee9", "title": "Bulletin of the European Communities. No 1/2-1991, Volume 24.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Secretariat-General", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "ECSC,EU activity,EU competition policy,EU energy policy,EU policy,EU publication,EU regional policy,EU research policy,Economic and Monetary Union,European Community,European social policy,common agricultural policy,common fisheries policy,common strategy,common transport policy,competition policy,deepening of the European Union,directory,enlargement of the Union,international relations", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CMAA91002", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "EU activity", "EU competition policy", "EU energy policy", "EU policy", "EU publication", "EU regional policy", "EU research policy", "Economic and Monetary Union", "European Community", "European social policy", "common agricultural policy", "common fisheries policy", 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LANGER", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "EU aid,International Court of Justice,Iraq,Kurdistan question,UN Security Council,aid to refugees,crime against humanity,ethnic group,international convention,legal action,protection of minorities", "workIds": "celex:91991H000376", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "International Court of Justice", "Iraq", "Kurdistan question", "UN Security Council", "aid to refugees", "crime against humanity", "ethnic group", "international convention", "legal action", "protection of minorities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/738a3a2c-a785-4a47-ba89-6ca38f02719a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abe50c88-9cf8-49a1-ab74-27e90e717760", "title": "Commission Directive 91/269/EEC of 30 April 1991 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 82/130/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to firedamp", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "European standard,approximation of laws,coal mining,electrical equipment", "workIds": "celex:31991L0269,oj:JOL_1991_134_R_0051_048", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European standard", "approximation of laws", "coal mining", "electrical equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abe50c88-9cf8-49a1-ab74-27e90e717760", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/62ef0721-d3da-4730-8f34-c78ee56c08f4", "title": "Question No 1 by Mr COONEY (H-0467/91) to the Council: Famine relief/future development aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COONEY,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Africa,democracy,development aid,emergency aid,food aid,human rights,hunger", "workIds": "celex:91991H000467", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Africa", "democracy", "development aid", "emergency aid", "food aid", "human rights", "hunger"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/62ef0721-d3da-4730-8f34-c78ee56c08f4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/63190645-b519-44a1-9db9-eecd0701c9af", "title": "Question No 34 by Mrs BJ\u00d8RNVIG (H-0378/91) to the Commission: Destruction of the tropical rain forest of Sarawak (Malaysia)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BJOERNVIG,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Malaysia,deforestation,environmental impact,ethnic group,import restriction,wood product", "workIds": "celex:91991H000378", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malaysia", "deforestation", "environmental impact", "ethnic group", "import restriction", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/63190645-b519-44a1-9db9-eecd0701c9af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab4472d5-488c-4115-a6fc-8f633dd8d61e", "title": "Question No 8 by Mr ROBLES PIQUER (H-0419/91) to the Council: Seat of the European Environmental Agency and the oil wells in Kuwait", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Kuwait,fire,petroleum,seat of institution,war damage", "workIds": "celex:91991H000419", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Kuwait", "fire", "petroleum", "seat of institution", "war damage"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab4472d5-488c-4115-a6fc-8f633dd8d61e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2fe6e6c7-e031-4d1c-bfc0-b9381f2d6320", "title": "91/259/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 April 1991 approving the German programme of agricultural income aid for full-time arable farmers in Rheinland-Palatinate", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Rhineland-Palatinate,aid to agriculture,farmers' income", "workIds": "celex:31991D0259,oj:JOL_1991_126_R_0020_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Rhineland-Palatinate", "aid to agriculture", "farmers' income"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2fe6e6c7-e031-4d1c-bfc0-b9381f2d6320", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8575f34c-1915-4b64-baa0-4fdbc5a6a927", "title": "Question No 36 by Mr MUNTINGH (H-0380/91) to the Commission: Destruction of the tropical rain forest of Sarawak (Malaysia)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MUNTINGH", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "EU aid,Malaysia,deforestation,ecology movement,forest conservation,non-governmental organisation,tropical forest", "workIds": "celex:91991H000380", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Malaysia", "deforestation", "ecology movement", "forest conservation", "non-governmental organisation", "tropical forest"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8575f34c-1915-4b64-baa0-4fdbc5a6a927", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/461097bb-5ed1-481c-acb0-41ae8409e07c", "title": "Question No 51 by Mr GLINNE (H-0444/91) to the Commission: Illegal fishing activities in Namibian territorial waters", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Namibia,Spain,confiscation of property,conservation of fish stocks,fine,fishing agreement,fishing controls,fishing rights,fishing vessel,territorial waters", "workIds": "celex:91991H000444", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Namibia", "Spain", "confiscation of property", "conservation of fish stocks", "fine", "fishing agreement", "fishing controls", "fishing rights", "fishing vessel", "territorial waters"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/461097bb-5ed1-481c-acb0-41ae8409e07c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bb643bc-efcf-4552-8a3a-60e3d2983bb6", "title": "91/329/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 April 1991 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/33.473 - Scottish Nuclear, Nuclear Energy Agreement) (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Scotland,electrical industry,inter-company agreement,power plant,production capacity,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:31991D0329,oj:JOL_1991_178_R_0031_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Scotland", "electrical industry", "inter-company agreement", "power plant", "production capacity", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9bb643bc-efcf-4552-8a3a-60e3d2983bb6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aafb6cf6-0dd9-4901-867d-9687fddabfd8", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1140/91 of 30 April 1991 amending the list annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 55/87 establishing the list of vessels exceeding eight metres length overall permitted to use beam trawls within certain areas of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SPECIALE", "date": "1991-04-30", "subjects": "Cyprus,Italy,maritime transport,roadworthiness tests,safety standard,ship's flag,tanker,transport accident,transport of dangerous goods", "workIds": "celex:91991H000461", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cyprus", "Italy", "maritime transport", "roadworthiness tests", "safety standard", "ship's flag", "tanker", "transport accident", "transport of dangerous goods"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8fc00238-2f30-4387-9288-35532a3990db", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b9115383-4cdf-4764-b80f-a9397885fdd7", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 769/91 by Mr 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Runway extension at St. Mary' s, Isles of Scilly", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,United Kingdom,airport,regional aid", "workIds": "celex:91991E000803", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "United Kingdom", "airport", "regional aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b818d62b-c494-4fb7-8a3d-6ab7057d685c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18280385-8241-48b7-b36f-5cb445467c15", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 793/91 by Mr Jacques VERNIER to the Commission. Community food aid for the Republic of Armenia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERNIER", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "Armenian question,EU aid,distribution of aid,food aid,natural disaster,non-governmental organisation", "workIds": "celex:91991E000793", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Armenian question", "EU aid", "distribution of aid", "food aid", "natural disaster", "non-governmental organisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18280385-8241-48b7-b36f-5cb445467c15", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab61d529-8655-44b6-adfe-c826f246e959", "title": "91/240/EEC: Commission Decision of 29 April 1991 accepting undertakings offered by certain exporters in connection with the review of anti-dumping measures concerning imports of ferro-silicon originating in Brazil and terminating the investigation as regards those exporters", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "Brazil,dumping,ferro-alloy", "workIds": "celex:31991D0240,oj:JOL_1991_111_R_0047_036", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brazil", "dumping", "ferro-alloy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab61d529-8655-44b6-adfe-c826f246e959", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/26a1b257-7816-420b-8d51-3f383129d83c", "title": "91/355/ECSC: Commission Decision of 29 April 1991 on aid from France to the coal industry in 1991 (Only the French text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "France,State aid,coal mining", "workIds": "celex:31991D0355,oj:JOL_1991_193_R_0028_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "State aid", "coal mining"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/26a1b257-7816-420b-8d51-3f383129d83c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abe00dcd-729a-411b-811d-1dc6e6670263", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 784/91 by Mr Paul LANNOYE to the Commission. Consequences of, and action taken following, the accident at Chernobyl", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LANNOYE", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "International Atomic Energy Agency,USSR,aid to disaster victims,food contamination,nuclear accident,radiation protection,radioactive pollution,report,therapeutics", "workIds": "celex:91991E000784", "eurovoc_concepts": ["International Atomic Energy Agency", "USSR", "aid to disaster victims", "food contamination", "nuclear accident", "radiation protection", "radioactive pollution", "report", "therapeutics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abe00dcd-729a-411b-811d-1dc6e6670263", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c173f1a-5a05-425b-9551-e0963d20268d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 788/91 by Mrs Raymonde DURY to the Council. District heating experiments", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "energy policy,energy research,energy technology,heating,renewable energy,research programme,soft energy", "workIds": "celex:91991E000788", "eurovoc_concepts": ["energy policy", "energy research", "energy technology", "heating", "renewable energy", "research programme", "soft energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c173f1a-5a05-425b-9551-e0963d20268d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d4fc11e-72f5-432f-9630-0bc50cbd0fbc", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 795/91 by Mr John BIRD to the Commission. Villanueva de la Vera festival", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BIRD,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "Spain,customs and traditions,equidae,protection of animals", "workIds": "celex:91991E000795", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "customs and traditions", "equidae", "protection of animals"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d4fc11e-72f5-432f-9630-0bc50cbd0fbc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b352dbac-da77-44a0-a6fe-b613eb436a8e", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 779/91 by Mr Herman VERBEEK to the Commission. Coresponsibility levy in the cereals sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERBEEK", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "agricultural production policy,cereals,common agricultural policy,producer co-responsibility,production quota", "workIds": "celex:91991E000779", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural production policy", "cereals", "common agricultural policy", "producer co-responsibility", "production quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b352dbac-da77-44a0-a6fe-b613eb436a8e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2674796-1964-4d7c-a7e9-60e5f0745cb3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 792/91 by Mr Stephen HUGHES to the Commission. 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Taiwan: discriminatory liberalization of the spirits market", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,RAFFARIN", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "GATT,Taiwan,alcoholic beverage,liberalisation of trade", "workIds": "celex:91991E000797", "eurovoc_concepts": ["GATT", "Taiwan", "alcoholic beverage", "liberalisation of trade"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18ed07e1-392f-4e40-bc35-ff3705266f4b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a4887a6-dff0-4686-9b0a-14e7003f3990", "title": "91/257/ECSC: Commission Decision of 29 April 1991 derogating from High Authority recommendation No 1-64 on tariff protection in order to enable the generalized tariff preferences to be applied to certain iron and steel products originating in the developing countries (149th derogation)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "ECSC,application of EU law,generalised preferences,iron and steel product,market protection", "workIds": "celex:31991D0257,oj:JOL_1991_126_R_0016_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "application of EU law", "generalised preferences", "iron and steel product", "market protection"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a4887a6-dff0-4686-9b0a-14e7003f3990", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b437d89f-a04f-43ad-8973-28bd2ab6cb83", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1082/91 of 29 April 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3812/90 as regards the term of validity of certain STM licences for Portugal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-29", "subjects": "Azores,Madeira,milk product,supplementary trade mechanism", "workIds": "celex:31991R1082,oj:JOL_1991_108_R_0029_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Azores", "Madeira", "milk product", "supplementary trade mechanism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b437d89f-a04f-43ad-8973-28bd2ab6cb83", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/31f65b1c-3b17-4a4c-957b-9fa907341d0a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 771/91 by Mr Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN to the Commission. 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/251d217a-9d98-4dd5-b68d-7c1886e088b2", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1039/91 of 25 April 1991 authorizing Germany to maintain special measures for the disposal of skimmed milk", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-25", "subjects": "German Democratic Republic,economic support,skimmed milk,skimmed milk powder", "workIds": "celex:31991R1039,oj:JOL_1991_106_R_0030_043", "eurovoc_concepts": ["German Democratic Republic", "economic support", "skimmed milk", "skimmed milk powder"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/251d217a-9d98-4dd5-b68d-7c1886e088b2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c158a6c-5119-4805-a95f-0a21d2fa43d1", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE FIXING CERTAIN RATES AND TARGET RATES OF EXCISE DUTY ON MINERAL OILS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "diesel fuel,environmental protection,excise duty,mineral oil,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0556,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["diesel fuel", "environmental protection", "excise duty", "mineral oil", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c158a6c-5119-4805-a95f-0a21d2fa43d1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6ec823b-cac3-4880-ae81-da075ae6a128", "title": "92/129/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 April 1991 on aid granted by the Italian Government to the forestry, pulp, paper and board industry and financed by means of levies on paper, board and cellulose (Only the Italian text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "Italy,State aid,cellulose,paper,restriction on competition,sectoral aid", "workIds": "celex:31992D0129,oj:JOL_1992_047_R_0019_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "State aid", "cellulose", "paper", "restriction on competition", "sectoral aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6ec823b-cac3-4880-ae81-da075ae6a128", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a0f6deed-4581-42e2-8e37-5db299f3521e", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION AUTHORIZING THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC TO EXTEND UNTIL 7 MARCH 1992 THE AGREEMENT ON MUTUAL FISHERY RELATIONS WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "Portugal,South Africa,fisheries policy,fishing agreement", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0135,comnat:COM_1991_0135_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "South Africa", "fisheries policy", "fishing agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a0f6deed-4581-42e2-8e37-5db299f3521e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91)135 final \n\nBrussels, 24 Apr!I 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION! \n\nauthorizing the Portuguese Republic to extend until 7 March 1992 the \n\nagreement on mutual fishery relations with the Republic of South Africa \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f-I \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. On 9 April 1979, the Portuguese Republic signed an agreement on \n\nmutual fisheries relations with the Republic of South Africa which \n\nentered Into force on the same day for an Initial period of ten \n\nyears, and which it was envisaged should subsequently rest In force \n\nfor an indeterminate period unless It were to be denounced with \n\ntwelve months notice. Under this fisheries agreement, annual \n\nfisheries licences can be granted to vessels flying the Portuguese \n\nflag. This was the case in 1989 and 1990. 2. Article 354 (2) of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal lays \n\ndown that the rights and obligations for the Portuguese Republic \n\nfollowing from fisheries agreements concluded with third countries \n\nshall not to be affected during the period for which the provisions \n\nof such agreements are provisionally maintained. Under Article \n\n354 (3) of the Action of Accession, the Council, acting by a \n\nqualified majority on a proposal from the Commission, is to adopt \n\nthe decisions appropriate for the continuation of \n\nfishing \n\nactivities resulting from such agreements. This may include \n\nprolonging them for periods not exceeding one year. 3. In order to avoid Interruption In the fishing activities of the \n\nCommunity vessels concerned, the Decision put forward in this \n\nproposal authorises Portugal to extend the fisheries agreement \n\nreferred to above until 7 March 1992. AFR. 5U0/t>H0C\u00a3:tXJRC/\u00abxp I. mano/ca \n\n\f- -3 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nauthorizing the Portuguese Republic to extend until 7 March 1992 the \n\nagreement on mutual fishery relations with the Republic of South Africa \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \n\nCommunity, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and in \n\nparticular Article 354 (3) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the agreement on mutual* fishery relations between the \n\nGovernment of the Portuguese Republic and the Government of the \n\nRepublic of South Africa, signed on 9 April 1979, entered Into force on \n\nthe same day for a Initial period of 10 years, and whereas this \n\nagreement stays in force for an indeterminate period If it Is not \n\ndenounced with 12 months notice ; \n\nWhereas Article 354 (2) of the Act of Accession lays down that the \n\nrights and obligations flowing, for the Portuguese Republic, from \n\nfisheries agreements concluded with third countries shall not be \n\naffected during the period for which the provisions of such agreements \n\nare provisionally maintained ; \n\nWhereas, under Article 354 (3) of the said Act, the Council is to \n\nadopt, before the expiry of fisheries agreements concluded by the \n\nPortuguese Republic with third countries, the decisions appropriate for \n\nthe continuation of fishing activities resulting therefrom, Including \n\nthe possibility of prolonging for periods not exceeding one year ; \n\nWhereas, In order to avoid fishing by the Community vessels concerned \n\nbeing interrupted, It appears appropriate to authorize the Republic of \n\nPortugal to renew the agreement In question until 7 March 1992 ; \n\nAFR. SU0/PR0CE0URE/r\u00ab\u00ab/eo. / \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION : \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Portuguese Republic Is hereby authorized to extend until 7 March \n\n1992 the agreement on mutual fishery relations with the Republic of \n\nSouth Africa which entered Into force on 9 April 1979. Article 2 \n\nThis Decision is addressed to the Portuguese Republic. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the CounclI \n\nThe President \n\n\f! \n> \n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 135 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-165-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71408-5 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50385779-7530-4eda-b894-9cceaeb5ce96", "title": "Energiepreise 1978-1990.,Energy prices 1978-1990.,Prix de l'\u00e9nergie 1978-1990.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "EU Member State,coal,electrical energy,energy consumption,energy market,gas,petroleum product,price of energy,statistics", "workIds": "PUB_CA5990629", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "coal", "electrical energy", "energy consumption", "energy market", "gas", "petroleum product", "price of energy", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50385779-7530-4eda-b894-9cceaeb5ce96", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/669b10a7-f229-4d56-99d6-e67cb2366a9f", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1018/91 of 24 April 1991 on the sale by the procedure laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 2539/84 of beef held by certain intervention agencies and intended for processing within the Community and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 399/91", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "beef,intervention stock,sale", "workIds": "celex:31991R1018,oj:JOL_1991_105_R_0040_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["beef", "intervention stock", "sale"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/669b10a7-f229-4d56-99d6-e67cb2366a9f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/538a307e-d7a1-43e4-8d45-ae95ddba93a3", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1035/91 of 24 April 1991 on the supply of corned beef as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "Middle East,Syria,beef,food aid,meat product", "workIds": 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"eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU law - national law", "agreement (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/02515a96-845e-410c-b2d3-4f78f7f0acdf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8aeae0b-55f9-449f-a9c0-28e2e11c25a4", "title": "OWN-INITIATIVE OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE STATUS OF MIGRANT WORKERS FROM THIRD COUNTRIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_other_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "free movement of workers,labour law,migrant worker,migration", "workIds": "celex:51991IE0560,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0012_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["free movement of workers", "labour law", "migrant worker", "migration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8aeae0b-55f9-449f-a9c0-28e2e11c25a4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd762f07-e12a-4711-9962-565acc815650", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REFORM OF THE STRUCTURAL FUNDS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "Structural Funds,activity report,fight against unemployment,implementation of the budget,regional development", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0576,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0079_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Structural Funds", "activity report", "fight against unemployment", "implementation of the budget", "regional development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd762f07-e12a-4711-9962-565acc815650", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07439261-2c05-49fb-a3c5-2c0047d4038b", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1016/91 of 24 April 1991 on the sale by tender, for processing in the Community, of beef held by the United Kingdom intervention agency", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "United Kingdom,award of contract,beef,food processing,intervention stock", "workIds": "celex:31991R1016,oj:JOL_1991_105_R_0033_037", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "award of contract", "beef", "food processing", "intervention stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07439261-2c05-49fb-a3c5-2c0047d4038b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/55284267-53c4-4e8d-9e1c-2faa7bc1abcc", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE DETERMINING THE SCOPE OF ARTICLE 14 ( 1 ) ( D ) OF DIRECTIVE 77/388/EEC AS REGARDS EXEMPTION FROM VALUE ADDED TAX ON THE FINAL IMPORTATION OF CERTAIN GOODS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "VAT,fiscal policy,import,tax exemption", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0557,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0003_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["VAT", "fiscal policy", "import", "tax exemption"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/55284267-53c4-4e8d-9e1c-2faa7bc1abcc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33049129-3c51-441b-8a0c-53427092ea57", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON UNFAIR TERMS IN CONSUMER CONTRACTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "approximation of laws,consumer 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "humanisation of work,occupational safety,public health,safety standard,traffic signs", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0559,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0009_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["humanisation of work", "occupational safety", "public health", "safety standard", "traffic signs"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0f6c01cf-0727-47e5-a8b0-307419856c54", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ea2835e-5a28-4871-93c2-09c3a90dbf44", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE COMMISSION COMMUNICATION ENTITLED: TOWARDS EUROPE-WIDE SYSTEMS AND SERVICES - GREEN PAPER ON A COMMON APPROACH IN THE FIELD OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1991-04-24", "subjects": "audiovisual communications policy,broadcasting,high-definition television,satellite communications,telecommunications", "workIds": "celex:51991AC0564,oj:JOC_1991_159_R_0023_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["audiovisual communications policy", "broadcasting", "high-definition television", "satellite communications", "telecommunications"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ea2835e-5a28-4871-93c2-09c3a90dbf44", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": 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Establishment of a European monitoring centre for small and medium-sized undertakings", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERROS", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "EU policy,business policy,impact study,research body,single market,small and medium-sized enterprises", "workIds": "celex:91991E000721", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "business policy", "impact study", "research body", "single market", "small and medium-sized enterprises"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/59b10ee4-5ef9-49b5-b08a-b58b32ab6ad9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d0e59cd3-5487-4585-9abb-3e3bc5ff561b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 752/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. 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Quota for the import of Japanese cars into France; refusal of the French Government to register Japanese cars imported from Belgium into France", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PINXTEN", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "France,Japan,free circulation,import restriction,motor car,vehicle registration", "workIds": "celex:91991E000736", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Japan", "free circulation", "import restriction", "motor car", "vehicle registration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/975ce1dd-643d-42e1-a8ba-6a713359b66e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5dbdb422-fd75-40e0-9a1d-b4f181d353b9", "title": "91/236/EEC: Commission Decision of 23 April 1991 amending Decision 90/136/EEC approving the draft measures for implementation in the United Kingdom of Article 3b of Regulation (EEC) No 857/84 adopting general rules for the application of the levy referred to in Article 5c of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 in the milk and milk products sector (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "United Kingdom,agricultural levy,milk,milk product,regulation of agricultural production", "workIds": "celex:31991D0236,oj:JOL_1991_106_R_0066_054", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "agricultural levy", "milk", "milk product", "regulation of agricultural production"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5dbdb422-fd75-40e0-9a1d-b4f181d353b9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6e0152e8-f4db-4669-ad57-8564bafa5fd8", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 993/91 of 23 April 1991 laying down detailed rules for the granting of private storage aid for long-keeping cheeses", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "aid to agriculture,hard cheese,private stock", "workIds": "celex:31991R0993,oj:JOL_1991_104_R_0018_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid to agriculture", "hard cheese", "private stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6e0152e8-f4db-4669-ad57-8564bafa5fd8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3abeb86-b918-4fa7-93a2-521ebca460bb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 751/91 by Mr Panayotis ROUMELIOTIS to the Commission. Problem of water supply on the island of K\u00edmolos (Greece)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROUMELIOTIS", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "EU financing,Southern Aegean,atmospheric conditions,saltwater,tanker,water supply,water treatment", "workIds": "celex:91991E000751", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Southern Aegean", "atmospheric conditions", "saltwater", "tanker", "water supply", "water treatment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3abeb86-b918-4fa7-93a2-521ebca460bb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/706aa814-9554-4e44-acd8-d400da9c23a5", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 740/91 by Mr Filippos PIERROS to the Commission. Funding of the Greek agricultural sector within the framework of the Regional Development Plans", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERROS", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Greece,Structural Funds,common agricultural policy,regional development,rural region", "workIds": "celex:91991E000740", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Greece", "Structural Funds", "common agricultural policy", "regional development", "rural region"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/706aa814-9554-4e44-acd8-d400da9c23a5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/961e209a-56c7-40cb-94b1-38684bc0f25b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 726/91 by Mr Fernand HERMAN, Mr Karl von WOGAU and Mr Rapha\u00ebl CHANTERIE to the Council. The economic situation in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CHANTERIE,European Parliament,HERMAN,VON WOGAU", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "EU situation,Economic and Monetary Union,European integration,Greece,Portugal,approximation of policies,economic convergence,economic situation,unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:91991E000726", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU situation", "Economic and Monetary Union", "European integration", "Greece", "Portugal", "approximation of policies", "economic convergence", "economic situation", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/961e209a-56c7-40cb-94b1-38684bc0f25b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db3ccb7a-1db9-440c-833f-4a33c98ee2c4", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON MONITORING AND CONTROLLING LARGE EXPOSURES OF CREDIT INSTITUTIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "approximation of laws,credit institution,financial institution,subsidiary,venture capital", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0068,comnat:COM_1991_0068_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_123_R_0018_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "credit institution", "financial institution", "subsidiary", "venture capital"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db3ccb7a-1db9-440c-833f-4a33c98ee2c4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 68 final - SYN 333 \n\nBrussels, 23 Apr i I 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non monitoring and controlling large exposures \n\nof credit institutions \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nA. General \n\nRisk spreading is a golden rule of financial activity in general. It is \n\nthe prime responsibility of the supervisory authorities to ensure that this \n\nrule is closely observed by credit institutions. In the area of credit \n\nrisks, too great a concentration of exposures to any one party could \n\njeopardize the independence of the credit institution's management and, in \n\nthe event of that party failing, could cause it such a loss as to threaten \n\nits stability. This is therefore a key rule of supervision which should be harmonized at \n\nCommunity level. Furthermore, specific mention of this was made in the \n\nCommission's White Paper on completing the internal market. However, there \n\nis a second reason for such harmonization, namely the need to prevent clear \n\ndistortion of competition. As the rules governing the division of risks \n\nare primarily intended to limit the assistance which a credit institution \n\nmay grant a given client, another institution would have a competitive \n\nadvantage if it were subject to less stringent rules. - 3 -\n\nIn line with the objectives set out in the White Paper, the Commission \nadopted, in 1986, a Recommendation on large exposures1 in order to prepare \n\ncredit institutions and Member States gradually for the adoption of binding \n\nstandards. A recital in that Recommendation specifically promised a later \n\nproposal for a Directive. The approaching internal market deadline and the \n\nagreement reached by the national supervisory authorities within the \n\nBanking Advisory Committee suggest that the time is ripe for a proposal for \n\na Directive to be adopted. The attached proposal for a Directive submitted for the Commission's \n\napproval contains stricter standards than those set out \n\nin the \n\nRecommendation. Mentioning only the key rules, the absolute limit on \n\nexposures to a single client has been set at 25% of the lending credit \n\ninstitution's own funds (the corresponding percentage in the Recommendation \n\nwas 4 0 % ), while the threshold at which an exposure is considered to be a \n\nlarge exposure has been reduced to 10% of the lending institution's own \n\nfunds (from 15% in the Recommendation). This reinforcement of standards is in response to the earnestly expressed \n\nwishes of the Banking Advisory Committee and is also supported in a \n\ndocument on sound practices presented by the Basle Committee on banking \n\nsupervision at the recent world conference of bank inspectors in Frankfurt. Stricter standards can only reinforce the solidity and stability of the \n\nCommunity's banking system. Furthermore, a limit of 25% of the lending \n\ninstitution's own funds can in no way be regarded as excessively low, \n\nCommission Recommendation of 22 December 1986 on monitoring and \n\ncontrolling large exposures of credit \n\ninstitutions, 0J No L 33, \n\n4. 2. 1987, p. 10. - 4 -\n\nsince, if a client to which such a large exposure had been incurred were to \n\nfail, the credit institution could lose a quarter of its own funds, which \n\nis a considerable amount and should, ideally, be reduced still further. Moreover, this is a ceiling, and credit institutions should discipline \n\nthemselves to reach or near that ceiling only In the case of exposures of \n\nimpeccable qua Iity. Nevertheless, the significant reduction in the ceiling compared with that \n\nin the Recommendation may pose adjustment problems for some credit \n\ninstitutions or, in a more structural manner, for certain banking systems \n\nor parts of banking systems. Furthermore, assistance already granted in \n\nexcess of 25% of own funds cannot always be reduced quickly by credit \n\ninstitutions which are contractually bound to the recipients of that \n\nassistance. Accordingly, the attached proposal contains a provision \n\nauthorizing the competent authorities to grant credit institutions a \n\nmaximum period of five years in which to bring existing exposures into line \n\nwith the limits laid down; in addition, loans of longer maturity with \n\ncontractually binding terms for the lending institution, may be held until \n\nmaturity. B. Comments on the Articles \n\nArticle 1; Definitions \n\nThe definitions in this Article are drawn mainly from other Community \n\nDirectives or proposals for Directives in the banking sphere and their \n\nretention is justified in the interests of consistency. However, two definitions are peculiar to this proposal and merit special \n\ncomment. - 5 -\n\nThe first of these is the definition of \"exposures\" (letter h) of the \n\ndefinitions). The \n\nabove-mentioned \n\nCommission \n\nRecommendation \n\ndefined \n\nexposures as any facility granted, whether drawn or undrawn, by a credit \n\ninstitution to a client or group of connected clients, on or off balance \n\nsheet, and includes those commitments and contingent items deemed to be \n\nrelevant by the respective competent authorities when assessing the \n\nidentifiable risks of that institution. A list of exposures was set out, \n\nfor guidance, in the Appendix to the Recommendation. Since then, the solvency ratio Directive1 has been adopted, which contains \n\na detailed nomenclature of risks. By referring to this nomenclature, it is \n\npossible to have both a more precise and a more binding definition of \n\nexposures. It should be emphasized, however, that this borrowing from the \n\nsolvency ratio Directive covers only the risk nomenclature and not the \n\nweightings attributed to the risks in the Directive according to the party \n\nor degree of risk involved in the transaction. These weightings in \n\nDirective 89/647/EEC were not designed to measure exposure to an individual \n\nclient but instead to set up a general solvency requirement to cover the \n\ncredit risk of credit institutions. Given the fundamental aim underlying \n\nthe rules on risk spreading (to limit an institution's maximum risk of loss \n\nwith respect to a given client), a prudent approach must take account of \n\nexposures at their nominal value, without any weighting or degree of risk. Council Directive 89/647/EEC of 18 December 1989 on a solvency ratio \n\nfor credit institutions, OJ No L 386, 30. 12. 1989, p. 14. - 6 -\n\nIt will be noted that the definition of exposures also includes \n\nunderwriting commitments for the issue of securities. The amount taken \n\ninto account is the institution's net commitment, subject to deduction of \n\nthe shares transferred to other credit or financial institutions. The second definition peculiar to this proposal is that of a \"group of \n\nconnected clients\" (letter m) in Article 1 ). This definition is very \n\nsimilar to that in the 1986 Recommendation. The first part of the \n\ndefinition refers to the existence of a power of control as defined in the \n\neleventh indent in Article 1. The second part refers to a de facto \n\ninterconnection resulting from certain links, examples of which are set out \n\nin the proposal for guidance. The competent authorities will be \n\nresponsible for examining the combinations of exposures incurred by credit \n\nInstitutions on the basis of the rules transposing this definition into \n\nnational law and for assessing whether those combinations of exposures are \n\nin fact consistent with the letter and spirit of the Community definition. In order to give the competent authorities the necessary flexibility in an \n\narea which depends more on economic appraisal than on legal criteria, the \n\nproposal makes it clear that the combined exposure presumptions in the \n\ndefinition are relative presumptions which can be reversed if there is \n\nproof to the contrary. Article 2: Scope \n\nThe Directive will apply to credit institutions which have obtained the \n\nauthorization referred to In Article 3 of Directive 77/780/EEC of \n12 December 1977 (first coordination Directive),1 i. e. all the credit \n\ninstitutions in the Community. However, Member States will not have to \n\napply the Directive to: \n\n1 \n\nOJ No L 322, 17. 12. 1977, p. 30. - 7 -\n\ninstitutions permanently excluded from the scope of the first \n\ncoordination Directive (mainly central banks, post office giro \n\ninstitutions \n\nand \n\ncertain \n\nparticular \n\ninstitutions \n\nin \n\neach \n\nMember State); \n\ncredit institutions permanently affiliated to a central body which \n\nsupervises them and which is established in the same Member State, and \n\nprovided \n\nthat the conditions set out \n\nIn Article 2(4)(a) of \n\nDirective 77/780/EEC are met. In that case, without prejudice to the \n\napplication \n\nof \n\nthe \n\nDirective \n\nto \n\nthe \n\ncentral \n\nbody, \n\nthe \n\nwhole - constituted \n\nby \n\nthe central \n\nbody \n\nand \n\nits affiliated \n\ninstitutions - m u st be the subject of global supervision with regard \n\nto large exposures. Article 3: Reporting of large exposures \n\nEffective supervision of large exposures clearly calls for such exposures \n\nto be notified regularly to the competent authorities. Such is the aim of \n\nArticle 3. Paragraph 1 of Article 3 stipulates that large exposures must be reported \n\nto the competent authorities. At their discretion, Member States will \n\nprovide for this reporting to be carried out by one of the following \n\nmethods: \n\nnotification of all large exposures at least once a year, backed up by \n\ncommunication during the year of any modifications to the annual \n\nnotification; \n\nnotification of all large exposures at least four times a year. - 8 -\n\nThe first of these two methods, which did not appear in the Recommendation, \n\nwas suggested to the Commission by the Banking Advisory Committee. As to the second method, the minimum frequency of notification has been \n\nincreased to four times a year from the single report provided for in the \n\nRecommendation. Effective monitoring of large exposures presupposes that \n\nsufficiently frequent information reaches the supervisory authorities. Moreover, one of the recitals In the Recommendation suggested that the \n\ncompetent authorities should seek more frequent reporting. Member States will have the choice of transposing into national law either \n\none of these methods only or both methods. In the latter case, they will be \n\nable to decide whether the choice of method should be left to the competent \n\nauthorities or to the credit institution itself. Paragraph 2 of Article 3 stipulates that an exposure to a client or group \n\nof connected clients is to be considered a large exposure where its value \n\nis equal to or exceeds 10% of the lending institution's own funds. The \n\ncorresponding percentage in the Recommendation was 15%. The reduction in \n\nthis threshold is Justified by the general need to make the system of \n\nsupervising large exposures more stringent in order to reinforce the \n\nstability of the Community's banking system. More specifically, once the \n\nceiling on individual exposures has itself been cut (see Article 4(1) \n\nbelow), it is logical to reduce the reporting threshold. Some countries \n\nalready employ a 10% threshold, and the Commission considers, in the light \n\nof their experience, that such a threshold cannot be regarded as imposing \n\nbureaucratic obligations. Since the proposal also provides for an \n\naggregate limit on large exposures of 800% of own funds (see Article 4(3) \n\nbelow), the reporting exercise is limited to a theoretical maximum of 80 \n\nexposures. Moreover, this reporting exercise can easily be computerized. - 9 -\n\nThe reduction in the threshold to 10% will ease administrative obligations \n\nin a further respect. The Commission has not retained paragraphs 3 and 4 \n\nof the corresponding Article in the Recommendation, which provided for a \n\ncredit Institution's ten largest exposures to be reported, whether or not \n\nthese were \"large exposures\". The Banking Advisory Committee agreed that \n\nsuch reporting would lose much of its value as a result of the widening of \n\nthe concept of \"large exposure\". As to the supervision of institutions \n\nwhich do not have exposures in excess of 10% of their own funds, this is, \n\nby definition, not subject to legislation governing the spreading of large \n\nexposures. Article 4 \n\nParagraph 1 \n\nThis key provision in the draft Directive stipulates that credit \n\ninstitutions may not incur an exposure to a client or group of connected \n\nclients where its value exceeds 25% of own funds. This represents an \n\nappreciable reduction compared with the Recommendation, which provided for \n\na 40% ceiling. Apart from the fact that the introduction of stricter \n\nstandards more than four years after the adoption of the Recommendation, \n\nwhich was only an initial stage, is a logical step, this reinforcement of \n\nthe standard was specifically called for by a significant majority of the \n\nBanking Advisory Committee, subject to a transitional period for existing \n\nexposures (see Article 6 below). Support for a 25% ceiling can also be \n\nfound in a document presented by the Basle Committee on banking supervision \n\nat the world conference of bank inspectors held in Frankfurt in \n\nOctober 1990. - 10 -\n\nA 25% ceiling should not be regarded as excessively low since, while \n\ncomplying with that limit, a credit institution could still, under the \n\nworst hypothesis, lose a quarter of its own funds. This is a considerable \n\namount and should, ideally, be reduced further. The point is that this is \n\na maximum ceiling for exposures of impeccable quality, and credit \n\ninstitutions should discipline themselves to reach or approach that limit \n\nonly In the case of exposures of such quality. Paragraph 2 \n\nBank supervisors know from experience that there is frequently an increased \n\nrisk where a credit institution lends to enterprises linked to it. The \n\nBanking Advisory Committee specifically requested the Commission to provide \n\nfor a lower limit for exposures to associated enterprises (parent \n\nundertaking of the credit institution and other subsidiaries of that parent \n\nundertaking). It had initially been planned to incorporate such a \n\nprovision in the proposal for a Directive relating to the supervision of \ncredit institutions on a consolidated basis. 1 But, as indicated in the \n\nfourth recital of that proposal, it was considered preferable to settle \n\nthis question in a more systematic manner within the framework of the \n\nfuture Directive on large exposures. The Commission has set this lower limit at 20% (compared with the normal \n\n25% limit laid down in paragraph 1 ). Provision is made for exceptions to this rule in paragraphs 5 and 6 (see \n\nbelow). 1 \n\nC0M(90) 451, OJ No C 315, 14. 12:1990, p. 15. J A. \u00bb \n\n\f- 11 -\n\nParagraph 3 \n\nThe Commission has retained the aggregate limit on large exposures provided \n\nfor in the Recommendation, i. e. 800% of own funds. However, as the concept \n\nof \"large exposure\" has been broadened (see Article 3(2) above), this limit \n\nhas now become, indirectly, more strict. An aggregate limit is a valuable complement to the limitation of individual \n\nrisks in legislation governing large exposures. While the limitation of \n\nindividual risks ensures that no exposure exceeds the ceiling laid down, it \n\ndoes not affect the spread of risks throughout the portfolio. An aggregate \n\nlimit of 800%, however, will mean that a credit institution can at most \n\nhave 80 large exposures and a maximum of 32 exposures which reach the \n\nindividual ceiling of 25% of own funds. Paragraph 4 \n\nThis paragraph provides that Member States may impose more stringent limits \n\nthan those laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. Paragraph 5 \n\nThis paragraph requires the limits laid down in the first three paragraphs \n\nto be observed at all times. If those limits were to be exceeded - which \n\ncould happen accidentally - the proposal stipulates that they may be \n\nexceeded only in exceptional and temporary circumstances and, in such \n\ncases, the competent authorities would have to fix a deadline within which \n\nthe credit institution would be obliged to regularize its situation. Paragraph 6 \n\nThis paragraph permits Member States to exempt fully or partially from the \n\nneed to observe the special 20% limit laid down in paragraph 2 exposures \n\nincurred by the credit institution to a financial holding company which is \n\n\f- 12 -\n\nits parent undertaking and to other subsidiaries of that financial holding \n\ncompany \n\nwhich \n\nare credit \n\ninstitutions, financial \n\ninstitutions or \n\nundertakings providing ancillary banking services. The presumption of increased risk underlying the special 20% limit \n\napplicable to exposures to associated undertakings is not necessarily \n\nrelevant in the case of exposures to banking and financial entities in the \n\ngroup. In that event, however, the group should structure itself in such a \n\nway that those entities can be the subject of supervision on a consolidated \n\nbasis exercised in accordance with the future Directive in this field (see \n\nthe reference above to the proposal for a Directive presented by the \n\nCommission). Paragraph 7 \n\nThis paragraph permits Member States to exempt fully or partially from all \n\nthe limits laid down in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 (but not from the reporting \n\nobligations set out in Article 3) exposures incurred by the credit \n\ninstitution to: \n\nits parent undertaking, provided that that undertaking is itself a \n\ncredit institution. It does not seem Justified to limit the flow of \n\nfunds which a subsidiary can provide for \n\nits parent credit \n\ninstitution. Of course, the proviso here is again that the parent \n\nundertaking Is subject either to supervision on a consolidated basis \n\nexercised in accordance with the Community Directive in question or, \n\nif it is located in a third country, to equivalent supervision; \n\nsubsidiaries, \n\nprovided \n\nthat \n\nthose \n\nsubsidiaries \n\nare \n\ncredit \n\ninstitutions, financial \n\ninstitutions or undertakings \n\nproviding \n\nancillary banking services. Since these are activities which the \n\n\f- 13 -\n\ncredit institution could carry out directly, there is no reason to \n\nlimit the funding which It provides for its subsidiaries. Once again, \n\nthe exemption is subject to the proviso that the subsidiaries in \n\nquestion are Included In the consolidated supervision of the parent \n\nundertaking. Paragraph 8 \n\nThis paragraph authorizes Member States to exempt a number of specific \n\nexposures fully or partially from the application of the limits laid down \n\nin paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. The first six indents (letters a) to f)) cover exposures incurred directly \n\nor indirectly to Zone A central governments and central banks and to the \n\nEuropean Communities. No Member State imposes or seems prepared to impose \n\nlimits on exposures incurred by its credit institutions to itself. Given \n\nthe rule of non-discrimination within the Community, this lack of \n\nlimitation should in any case apply to exposures incurred to other \n\nMember States. But, for reasons similar to those given in connection with \n\nthe above-mentioned Directive 89/647/EEC or the proposal for a Directive on \ncapital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions,1 it seems \n\npertinent to refer to a wider geographical area, namely Zone A as defined \n\nin Directive 89/647/EEC. Letters g) and h) cover cases where the risk can be considered to be small \n\nor even nil, i. e. where it is covered by a guarantee in the form of cash \n\ndeposits or certificates of deposit lodged with the lending institution. Letter i) covers claims with a maturity of up to one year on other credit \n\ninstitutions. The aim here is to cover transactions on the interbank \n\nmarket. This is a market which operates between professionals who know \n\neach other and which requires some flexibility in order to function \n\nharmoniously. The Commission does not therefore consider it appropriate, \n\n1 \n\nCOM(90) 141; OJ No C 152, 21. 6. 1990, p. 6. - 14 -\n\nat this stage, to establish a single harmonized limit at Community level \n\nfor exposures incurred on this market. The same reasoning applies to letter j ), which concerns commercial paper \n\nmeeting certain conditions, and to letter k ), which concerns the \n\nobligations defined in article 22 paragraph 4 of directive 85/611/EEC on \nUCITS1. Letter I) covers cooperative banks or savings banks belonging to a network \n\nand for which there is a centralized cash clearing operation. Paragraph 9 \n\nParagraph 9 refers to exposures incurred directly or indirectly to regional \n\nand local authorities in the Member States. In view of the fact that the \n\ndegree of risk involved here is normally lower, the proposal permits a 20% \n\nweighting to be applied. This rate may be reduced to 0% subject to the \n\nconditions laid down in Article 7 of Directive 89/647/EEC. Given the wide \n\ndifferences which may exist between the rules governing regional and local \n\nauthorities outside the Community, the Commission does not consider it \n\nappropriate to extend this arrangement to the whole of Zone A. Paragraph 10 \n\nThis paragraph states, as a general principle, that where an exposure to a \n\nclient is guaranteed, to the satisfaction of the competent authorities, by \n\na third party, the competent authorities may deem the exposure to have been \n\nincurred to that third party and not to the client. Thus, where, for \n\nexample, a credit institution incurs an exposure of 50 to client A and one \n\nof 20 to client B, but with client B guaranteeing 10 of A's debt to the \n\ncredit institution, the exposure to A and B may be deemed to be as follows: \n\n- A: 40 \n\n- B: 30. 1 \n\n0J No L 375, 31. 12. 1985, p. 3. - 15 -\n\nArticle 5: Supervision on a consolidated or non-consolidated basis \n\nThis \n\nArticle \n\nincludes \n\nprovisions \n\nalready \n\nadopted \n\nas \n\npart \n\nof \n\nDirective 89/647/EEC on a solvency ratio, and in particular Article 3(2) to \n\n(6) of that Directive. Paragraph 1 covers the case of a credit institution which is neither a \n\nparent undertaking nor a subsidiary. Paragraph 2 establishes the principle of applying the rules set out in \n\nArticles 3 and 4 on a consolidated basis. Paragraph 3 lays down the arrangements for the non-consolidated supervision \n\nof a parent credit institution and its subsidiaries established in the same \n\nMember State. Paragraph 4 concerns the supervision, on a non-consolidated basis, of \n\nsubsidiaries established in other Member States. Paragraph 5 provides for possible bilateral agreements under which the \n\ncompetent authorities in the Member State in which a subsidiary is situated \n\ncould delegate their responsibility for supervision to the competent \n\nauthorities in the Member State in which the parent credit undertaking is \n\nestablished. Article 6: Transitional provisions relating to exposures in excess of the \n\nlimits \n\nArticle 6 concerns exposures existing at the time the Directive is \n\npublished in the Official Journal of the European Communities which exceed \n\nthe limits laid down by the Directive. It would seem Justified to make \n\ntransitional arrangements for this type of exposure, in order to allow \n\ncredit Institutions the time to find a solution which would not overturn \n\ntheir commercial relationship with their clients. In any event, credit \n\n\f- 16 -\n\ninstitutions may be bound - with regard to the parties to whom those \n\nexposures have been incurred - by contractual arrangements which do not \n\nnecessarily permit them to reduce such exposures quickly. Paragraph 1 specifies that risks entered into force before the date of \n\npublication of the directive in the Official Journal of the European \n\nCommunity shall be eligible for the grandfathering provisions. The choice \n\nof this cut-off point is Justified by the consideration that from the \n\nmoment when the directive is published, credit institutions should not be \n\nable to take exposures exceeding the limits that will apply subsequently. This paragraph also stipulates that the competent authorities must require \n\nthe credit institution in question to take the steps necessary to have the \n\nexcess exposure or exposures brought into line with the provisions of the \n\nDirect ive. Paragraph 2 provides for the process of reducing the excess exposures to be \n\nimplemented and completed within the period deemed by the competent \n\nauthorities to be consistent with the principle of sound administration and \n\nfair competition. The competent authorities are required to inform the \n\nCommission and the Banking Advisory Committee of the schedule for the \n\ngeneral process adopted. In accordance with paragraph 4, however, the period in question may not \n\nexceed five years from the date stipulated \n\nin Article 8(1), i. e. 1 January 1993. However \n\nloans with a longer maturity with binding \n\ncontractual terms for the credit institution may be held until maturity. Paragraph 3 stipulates that, credit institution may only take advantage of \n\nthe period specified in paragraph 2 to the extent that it does not take any \n\nmeasure which would cause the exposures to exceed the level existing at the \n\ndate of publication of the directive in the Official Journal. The emphasis \n\nis therefore on the deliberate action of the credit institution. - 17 -\n\nFinally, paragraph 5 contains a specific provision which Member States may \n\napply to the particular categories of credit institution referred to in \n\nArticle 4(2) of Directive 89/646/EEC. This provision is justified by the \n\nfact that, as the own funds of such institutions are limited, immediate \n\napplication of the 25% rule would reduce their lending activity too \n\nabruptly. The arrangements set out in paragraph 5 can be summarized as \n\nfol lows: \n\nfrom 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1997, the institutions in question \n\nmay be subjected to a limit of 40% instead of the 25% limit laid down \n\nin Article 4(1); in that event, all new exposures incurred by such \n\ninstitutions are to be subject to that 40% limit; \n\nexposures existing on the date the Directive is published in the \n\nOfficial Journal may be maintained, whatever their level, until \n\n31 December 1997, subject to the sole proviso that they may not be \n\nincreased beyond the level reached on the date of publication; \n\nas from 1 January 1998, the 25% limit will come into force and will \n\napply to all new exposures; \n\nhowever, exposures between 25% and 40% of own funds existing at the \n\nend of the maximum period of five years (i. e. in principle on \n\n31 December 1997) may be maintained \n\nfor a maximum period of \n\nthree years (i. e. until 31 December 2000), subject to the same \n\ncondition that they may not be increased; \n\nas from 1 January 1998, therefore, no exposure in excess of 40% of own \n\nfunds may be maintained, and, as from 1 January 2001, no exposure in \n\nexcess of 25% of own funds may be maintained; \n\nparagraph 4 provides, however, that loans with a longer maturity than \n\nthe dates referred to above and with binding contractual terms for the \n\nlending credit institution may in all cases be maintained until \n\nmaturity. - 18 -\n\nArticle 7: Subsequent amendments \n\nParagraph 1 specifies the fields in which the procedure for making \n\ntechnical amendments to the Directive are to apply. The first three \n\nindents concern the adaptation of definitions or terminology. The fourth \n\nrelates to the frequency of large exposure reporting ((Article 3(1)). The \n\nfifth indent concerns the clarification or extension of the exemptions \n\nprovided for in Article 4(5) to (9). The sixth indent, finally, refers to \n\nthe maximum period for reducing the excess exposures outstanding at the \n\ntime of the publication of the Directive in the Official Journal of the \n\nEuropean Communities. This maximum period laid down in Article 6(4) is \n\nfive years. The procedure laid down in paragraph 2 is Procedure III, Variant (a), in \n\nCouncil Decision 87/373/EEC of 13 July 1987 laying down the procedures for \n\nthe exercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission. Article 8: Final provisions \n\nThe first subparagraph of paragraph 1 requires Member States to comply with \n\nthe Directive by 1 January 1993. The second subparagraph stipulates that, when Member States adopt the \n\nnecessary provisions of national law, these must contain a reference to \n\nthis Directive or must be accompanied by such reference when they are \n\nofficial I y pub Iished. Paragraph 2 deals with the transmission to the Commission of the main \n\nprovisions of national law adopted by the Member States. Article 9 \n\nThis Article contains the usual wording to the effect that the Directive^ is \n\naddressed to all Member States. - 19 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non monitoring and controlling large exposures \n\nof credit institutions \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular the first and third sentences of Article 57(2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission1, \n\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament2, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee3, \n\nWhereas this Directive is consistent with the aims set out in the \nCommission's White Paper on completing the internal market4; \n\nWhereas the suitable approach is to achieve harmonization of essential \n\nsupervisory rules; whereas Member States should have the option of adopting \n\nmore stringent provisions than those provided for by this Directive; \n\nWhereas this Directive has been the subject of consultation with the \n\nBanking Advisory Committee, which is responsible, under Article 6(4) of \n\nCouncil Directive 77/780/EEC of 12 December 1977 on the coordination of \n\n1 \n\n2 \n\n3 \n\n4 \n\nC0M(85)310. - 20 -\n\nlaws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the taking-up \nand pursuit of the business of credit institutions1, as last amended by \nDirective 89/646/EEC2, for making suggestions to the Commission with a \n\nview to coordinating the coefficients applicable in the Member States; \n\nWhereas monitoring and controlling the exposures of a credit institution is \n\nan integral part of prudential supervision; whereas excessive concentration \n\nof exposures to a single client or group of connected clients may result in \n\nan unacceptable risk; whereas such a situation may be deemed to be \n\nprejudicial to the solvency of a credit institution; \n\nWhereas common guidelines for monitoring and controlling exposures of \n\ncredit institutions were introduced initially by Commission Recommendation \n87/62/EEC3; whereas that instrument was chosen since it permitted existing \n\nsystems to be adjusted gradually and new systems to be established without \n\ncausing dislocation to the banking system of the Community; whereas, with \n\nthat first phase now over, it is necessary for a binding instrument to be \n\nadopted, applicable to all Community credit institutions; \n\nWhereas credit institutions in a unified banking market engage in direct \n\ncompetition with each other and the prudential supervision requirements \n\nthroughout the Community should, therefore, be equivalent; whereas, to that \n\nend, the criteria applied for determining the concentration of exposures \n\nshould be the subject of legally binding rules at Community level and \n\ncannot be left entirely to the discretion of the Member States; whereas the \n\nadoption of common rules will therefore best serve the interests of the \n\nCommunity, since it will prevent differences in competitive conditions, \n\nwhile at the same time strengthening the Community's banking system; \n\n1 \n\n2 \n\n3 \n\nOJ No L 322, 17. 12. 1977, p. 30. OJ No L 386, 30. 12. 1989, p. 1. OJ No L 33, 4. 2. 1987, p. 10. - 21 -\n\nWhereas as regards the precise accounting technique to be used for \n\nassessing exposures, reference is made to the provisions of Council \n\nDirective 86/635/EEC of 8 December 1986 on the annual accounts and \nconsolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions1; \n\nWhereas Council Directive 89/647/EEC of 18 December 1989 on a solvency \nratio for credit institutions2 contains a list of credit risks which may \n\nbe incurred by credit institutions; whereas it is therefore justified to \n\nrefer to that list in the definition of exposure for the purpose of this \n\nDirective; whereas it is not, however, appropriate to refer to the \n\nweightings or degrees of risk set out by Directive 89/647/EEC; whereas \n\nthese weightings and degrees of risk have been devised in order to set up a \n\ngeneral solvency requirement to cover the credit risk of credit \n\ninstitutions; whereas in the framework of regulating large exposures, the \n\npurpose is to limit the maximum potential loss that a credit institution \n\nmay incur through a single client or a group of related clients; whereas it \n\nis therefore appropriate to adopt a prudent approach consisting of taking \n\naccount of the nominal value of exposures, without application of any \n\nweightings or degree of risk; \n\nWhereas when a credit institution has an exposure to its own parent \n\nundertaking, or to other subsidiaries of its parent undertaking, particular \n\nprudence is Justified; whereas the management of exposures incurred by \n\ncredit institutions must be carried out in a fully autonomous manner, with \n\nrespect to the principles of sound banking management, without regard to \n\nany other considerations beyond these principles; whereas the provisions of \n\nthe Second Council Directive 89/646/EEC of 15 December 1989, on the \n\ncoordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to \n\nthe taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions and \n\namending Directive 77/780/EEC, require that where the influence exercised \n\nby persons holding a qualifying participation in a credit institution \n\ndirectly or indirectly is likely to operate to the detriment of \n\n1 \n\n2 \n\nOJ No L 372, 31. 12. 1986, p. 1. OJ No L 386, 30. 12. 1989, p. 14. - 22 -\n\nthe prudent and sound management of the institution, the competent \n\nauthorities shall take appropriate measures to put an end to that \n\nsituation; whereas in the large exposures field, it is justified to insert \n\nspecific rules with respect to an exposure held by a credit institution on \n\nits own group, and in such cases more stringent limitations are justified \n\nfor such exposures than for other exposures; whereas this more stringent \n\nlimitation must however not be applied when the parent undertaking is a \n\nfinancial holding company or a credit \n\ninstitution, and the other \n\nsubsidiaries which are either credit or financial \n\ninstitutions, or \n\nundertaking offering ancillary banking services, to the extent that all \n\nthese undertakings are included in the supervision on a consolidated basis \n\nof the credit institution; whereas in that case, the supervision on a \n\nconsolidated basis of the group allows sufficiently efficient supervision, \n\nwithout the imposition of more stringent limits on exposure being needed; \n\nwhereas under this approach, banking groups will also be encouraged to \n\norganize their structure in such a way as to make consolidated supervision \n\npossible, which is a desirable result because it allows more comprehensive \n\nsupervision to be carried out; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to provide for a two-stage application of the limit \n\nof 25% of own funds in the case of the particular categories of credit \n\ninstitution referred to in Article 4(2) of Directive 89/646/EEC; whereas, \n\nthe own funds of such institutions being limited, a single-stage \n\napplication of the 25% rule would reduce their lending activity too \n\nabruptly; \n\nWhereas implementing powers of the same nature as those which the Council \n\nreserved for itself in Directive 89/299/EEC of 17 April 1989 on the own \nfunds of credit institutions1 were granted to the Commission in Directive \n\n89/646/EEC; \n\n1 \n\nOJ No L 124, 5. 5. 1989, p. 16. - 23 -\n\nWhereas, taking account of the specific characteristics of the sector in \n\nquestion, it is appropriate to give the committee provided for in Article \n\n22 of Directive 89/646/EEC the role of assisting the Commission in carrying \n\nout the responsibilities granted to it according to the rules of procedure \n\nlaid \n\ndown \n\nin Article 2, Procedure III, Variant \n\n(a) of \n\nCouncil \n\nDecision 87/373/EEC of 13 July 1987 laying down the procedures for the \nexercise of implementing powers conferred on the Commission1, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n1 \n\nOJ NO L 197, 18. 7. 1987, p. 33. - 24 -\n\nArtl\u00e7lo 1 \n\nDefinitions \n\nFor the purpose of this Directive: \n\n(a) \"credit institution\" means a credit institution as defined in the \n\nfirst indent of Article 1 of Directive 77/780/EEC and includes \n\nbranches of such institutions in third countries and all private or \n\npublic undertakings, including their branches, which satisfy the \n\ndefinition \n\ngiven \n\nin the \n\nfirst \n\nindent \n\nof \n\nArticle 1 of \n\nDirective 77/780/EEC and which have been authorized in a third \n\ncountry; \n\n(b) \"competent authorities\" means the competent authorities as defined in \n\nthe ninth indent of Article 1 of Directive. (supervision on a \n\nconsolidated basis); \n\n(c) \"parent undertaking\" means a parent undertaking as defined in \n\nArticles 1 and 2 of Council Directive 83/349/EEC1; \n\n(d) \"subsidiary undertaking\" means a subsidiary undertaking as defined in \n\nArticles 1 and 2 of Directive 83/349/EEC; any subsidiary undertaking \n\nof a subsidiary undertaking shall be deemed to be a subsidiary of the \n\nparent undertaking which is at the head of those undertakings; \n\n(e) \"financial holding company\" means a financial holding company as \n\ndefined in the third indent of Article 1 of Directive. (supervision \n\non a consolidated basis); \n\n1 OJ No L 193, 18. 7. 1983, p. 1. - 25 -\n\n(f) \"financial institution\" means a financial institution as defined in \n\nthe sixth indent of Article 1 of Directive 89/646/EEC; \n\n(g) \"ancillary banking services undertaking\": an undertaking as defined in \n\nArticle 1, fifth indent, of Directive \n\n(supervision on a \n\nconsolidated basis); \n\n(h) \"exposures\" means: the assets and off-balance-sheet items listed in \n\nArticle 6 of Directive 89/647/EEC and in Annexes I and III thereto, \n\nwithout application of the weightings or degrees of risk set out in \n\nthose provisions; the risks mentioned in Annex III must be calculated \n\nin accordance with the method set out in Annex II to that Directive, \n\nwithout application of the weightings for counterparty risk; the \n\nunderwriting commitments for the issue of securities are included, \n\nsubject to deduction of the shares transferred to other credit or \n\nfinancial institutions; \n\n(i) \"Zone A\" means the zone defined in the second indent of Article 2 of \n\nDirective 89/647/EEC; \n\n(J) \"Zone B\" means the zone defined in the third indent of Article 2 of \n\nDirective 89/647/EEC; \n\n(k) \"own funds\" means the own funds of a credit institution within the \n\nmeaning of Directive 89/299/EEC; \n\n\f- 26 -\n\n(I) \"power of control\" means the relationship between a parent undertaking \n\nand a subsidiary, as defined in Articles 1 and 2 of Directive \n\n83/349/EEC, or a similar relationship between any natural or legal \n\nperson and an undertaking; \n\n(m) \"group of connected clients\" means two or more persons, whether \n\nnatural or legal, who, until proven otherwise, constitute a single \n\nrisk because: \n\n(i) either one of them holds, directly or indirectly, power of \n\ncontrol over the other or others, or \n\n(II) they are so interconnected that, if one of them were to \n\nexperience financial problems, the other or all of them would be \n\nlikely \n\nto \n\nencounter \n\nrepayment \n\ndifficulties. Such \n\ninterconnections to be taken into consideration include in \n\nparticular: \n\ncommon ownership; \n\ncommon directors; \n\ncross guarantees; \n\ndirect \n\ncommercial \n\ninterdependence \n\nwhich \n\ncannot \n\nbe \n\nsubstituted in the short term. - 27 -\n\nArtie\u00bb* Z \n\nScope \n\nSubject to paragraph 2, this Directive shall apply to credit institutions \n\nwhich have obtained the authorization referred to in Article 3 of \n\nDirective 77/780/EEC. However, Member States need not apply this Directive to: \n\n(a) credit institutions listed in Article 2(2) of Directive 77/780/EEC; \n\n(b) institutions in the same Member State which, as defined in \n\nArticle 2(4)(a) of Directive 77/780/EEC, are affiliated to a central \n\nbody in that Member State. In that case, without prejudice to the \n\napplication of this Directive to the central body, the whole -\n\nconstituted by the central body and its affiliated institutions - must \n\nbe the subject of global supervision with regard to large exposures. - 28 -\n\nArticle ? \n\nReporting of large exposures \n\n1. A report of every large exposure within the meaning of paragraph 2 \n\nshall be made by the credit institution to the competent authorities. Member States shall provide that this reporting is carried out at \n\ntheir discretion, in accordance with one of the following two methods: \n\nnotification of all large exposures at least once a year, backed \n\nup by communication during the year of any modifications to the \n\nannual notification; \n\nnotification of all large exposures at least four times a year. 2. An exposure of a credit institution to a client or group of connected \n\nclients Is considered to be a \"large exposure\" where its value is \n\nequal to or exceeds 10% of own funds. - 29 -\n\nArticle 4 \n\nLimits on large exposures \n\n1. Credit institutions may not incur an exposure to a client or group of \n\nconnected clients where its value exceeds 25% of own funds. 2. Where that client or group of connected clients is the parent \n\nundertaking of the credit institution and/or one or more subsidiaries \n\nof that parent undertaking, the percentage provided for in paragraph 1 \n\nshall be reduced to 20%. 3. Credit institutions may not incur large exposures which, in the \n\naggregate, exceed 800% of own funds. 4. Member States may impose more stringent rules than those laid down in \n\nparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. 5. The limits referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall be observed at \n\nall times by the credit institution. They may be exceeded only in \n\nexceptional \n\ncircumstances and, \n\nin such cases, the \n\ncompetent \n\nauthorities shall fix a deadline within which the credit institution \n\nmust regularize its situation. 6. Member States may fully or partially exempt from the application of \n\nparagraph 2 exposures incurred by the credit institution to a \n\nfinancial holding company which is its parent undertaking and to other \n\nsubsidiaries of that financial holding company, provided that: \n\na) \n\nthe financial holding company is included in the supervision on a \n\nconsolidated basis of the credit \n\ninstitution exercised in \n\naccordance with Directive. (supervision on a consolidated \n\nbasis); \n\n\f- 30 -\n\nb) \n\nthose other subsidiaries are credit institutions, financial \n\ninstitutions or undertakings providing ancillary banking services \n\nand are included in the consolidated supervision of the credit \n\ninstitution exercised \n\nin accordance with Directive \n\n(supervision on a consolidated basis). 7. Member States may fully or partially exempt from the application of \n\nparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 exposures incurred by the credit institution to: \n\na) \n\nits parent undertaking, provided that the parent undertaking is a \n\ncredit institution subject to supervision on a consolidated basis \n\nexercised in accordance with Directive. (supervision on a \n\nconsolidated basis) or to equivalent standards in force in a \n\nthird country; \n\nb) \n\nsubsidiaries, provided that those subsidiaries are credit \n\ninstitutions, financial institutions or undertakings providing \n\nancillary banking services and are included in the consolidated \n\nsupervision of the credit institution exercised in accordance \n\nwith Directive. (supervision on a consolidated basis). 8. Member States may fully or partially exempt the following exposures \n\nfrom the application of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3: \n\na) \n\nasset items constituting claims on Zone A central governments and \n\ncentral banks; \n\nb) \n\nasset items constituting claims on the European Communities; \n\nc) \n\nasset items constituting claims carrying the explicit guarantees \n\nof Zone A central governments and central banks or of the \n\nEuropean Commun 11 i es ; \n\n\f- 31 -\n\nd) \n\nother exposures attributable to, or guaranteed by, Zone A central \n\ngovernments and central banks or the European Communities; \n\ne) \n\nasset items which constitute claims on Zone B central governments \n\nand central banks, and which are denominated and funded in the \n\nnational currencies of the borrowers-, \n\nf) \n\nasset items secured, to the satisfaction of the competent \n\nauthorities, by collateral \n\nin the form of Zone A central \n\ngovernment or central bank securities or securities issued by the \n\nEuropean Commun i t i es ; \n\ng) \n\nasset items secured, to the satisfaction of the competent \n\nauthorities, by collateral in the form of cash deposits placed \n\nwith the lending institution or with a credit institution which \n\nis the parent undertaking of the lending institution-, \n\nh) \n\nasset items secured, to the satisfaction of the competent \n\nauthorities, by collateral in the form of certificates of \n\ndeposits Issued by and lodged with the lending institution; \n\ni) asset items constituting claims and other exposures on credit \n\ninstitutions, with a maturity of one year or less, but not \n\nconstituting such \n\ninstitutions' own funds as defined in \n\nDirective 89/299/EEC; \n\nJ) \n\nbills of trade and other bills, with a maturity of one year or \n\nless, bearing the signature of another credit institution and \n\naccepted for refinancing by a central bank-, \n\nk) \n\nbonds defined in Article 22(4) of Council Directive 85/611/EEC1; \n\n1 \n\nOJ No L 375, 31. 12. 1985, p. 3. - 32 -\n\nI) asset items constituting claims on regional or central credit \n\ninstitutions with which the lending institution is associated as \n\npart of a network by virtue of legal or statutory provisions and \n\nwhich are responsible, in accordance with those provisions, for \n\ncash clearing operations within the network. 9. Member States may, for the purposes of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, apply a \n\nweighting of 20% to asset items constituting claims on regional and \n\nlocal authorities in the Member States and to other exposures to such \n\nauthorities or guaranteed by them; however, subject to the conditions \n\nlaid down in Article 7 of Directive 89/647/EEC, Member States may \n\nreduce this rate to 0%. 10. Where an exposure to a client is guaranteed, to the satisfaction of \n\nthe competent authorities, by a third party, Member States may deem \n\nthe exposure to have been incurred to that third party and not to the \n\ncllent. - 33 -\n\nArticle g \n\nSupervision on a consolidated or unconsolidated basis \n\n1. If the credit institution is neither a parent undertaking nor a \n\nsubsidiary, compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 3 and \n\n4 shall be supervised on an unconsolidated basis. 2. If the credit institution is a parent undertaking, compliance with the \n\nobligations set out in Articles 3 and 4 shall be supervised on a \n\nconsolidated basis in accordance with Directive \n\n(supervision on \n\na consolidated basis). 3. The competent authorities responsible for authorizing and supervising \n\na credit institution which is a parent undertaking may also require \n\nthe credit institution, together with any of its subsidiaries subject \n\nto authorization and supervision by them, to comply with the \n\nobligations set out in Articles 3 and 4 on a subconsol idated or \n\nunconsolidated basis. Where such monitoring of the satisfactory \n\nallocation of risks within a banking group is not carried out, other \n\nmeasures shall be taken to that end. 4. Where the subsidiary of a parent undertaking which is a credit \n\ninstitution has been authorized in another Member State, the competent \n\nauthorities which granted that authorization shall require compliance \n\nwith the obligations set out in Articles 3 and 4 on an unconsolidated \n\nbasis or, if appropriate, subconsolidated. - 34 -\n\n5. Notwithstanding paragraph 4, the competent authorities responsible for \n\nauthorizing the subsidiary of a parent undertaking situated in another \n\nMember State may, by way of a bilateral agreement, delegate \n\nresponsibility for supervising compliance with the obi I gat ions set out \n\nIn Articles 3 and 4 to the competent authorities which have authorized \n\nand which supervise the parent undertaking. The Commission and the \n\nBanking Advisory Committee shall be kept informed of the content of \n\nsuch agreements. - 35 -\n\nArticle S \n\nTransitional provisions relating to exposures \n\nin excess of the limits \n\n1. Where, at the time of the publication of this Directive in the \n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities, a credit institution has \n\nalready incurred an exposure or exposures exceeding either the large \n\nexposure limit or the aggregate large exposure limits, as referred to \n\nIn Article 4, the competent authorities shall require the credit \n\ninstitution to take steps to have the exposure or exposures of the \n\ncredit institutions concerned brought into line with the provisions of \n\nthis Directive. 2. The process of having the exposure or exposures brought into line \n\nshall be devised, adopted, implemented and completed within the period \n\ndeemed by the competent authorities to be consistent with the \n\nprinciple of sound administration and fair competition. The competent \n\nauthorities shall inform the Commission and the Banking Advisory \n\nCommittee of the schedule for the general process adopted. 3. Credit institutions may only take advantage of the period specified in \n\nparagraph 2 to the extent that it does not take any measure which \n\nwould cause the exposures to exceed the level existing at the date of \n\nthe publication of the Directive in the Official Journal of the \n\nEuropean Communities. 4. The period applicable under paragraph 2 may not exceed five years as \n\nfrom 1 January 1993. However, loans with a longer maturity for which \n\nthe lending credit institution is bound to respect the contractual \n\nterms, may be continued until their maturity. - 36 -\n\n5. For a period not exceeding five years starting from 1 January 1993, \n\nMember States may increase the limit laid down in Article 4(1) to 40% \n\nin the case of credit institutions belonging to the particular \n\ncategories referred to in Article 4(2) of Directive 89/646/EEC. In \n\nsuch cases, the period referred to in paragraph 4 shall be reduced to \n\nthree years and shall commence on expiry of the period referred to in \n\nthis paragraph. The Member States concerned shall \n\nnotify \n\nthe \n\nCommission and the Banking Advisory Committee of the reasons which \n\nhave led them to make use of this option and of the steps they have \n\ntaken to bring the excess exposures into line with the limits laid \n\ndown. - 37 -\n\nArticle 7 \n\nSubsequent amendments \n\n1. Technical amendments to the following points shall be adopted in \n\naccordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 2: \n\nadaptation of definitions to take account of developments on \n\nfinancial markets; \n\nclarification of definitions to ensure uniform application of \n\nthis Directive; \n\nalignment of the terminology and of the wording of the \n\ndefinitions on those contained \n\nin subsequent \n\ninstruments \n\nconcerning credit institutions and related matters; \n\nthe frequency referred to in Article 3(1); \n\nclarification or extension of the exemptions provided for in \n\nArticle 4(5) to (9); \n\nthe period referred to in Article 6(4). 2. The Commission shall be assisted by the committee provided for in the \n\nfirst subparagraph of Article 22(2) of Directive 89/646/EEC. - 38 -\n\nThe representative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft \n\nof the measures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on \n\nthe draft within a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to \n\nthe urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered by the majority \n\nlaid down in Article 148(2) of the Treaty in the case of decisions which \n\nthe Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the Commission. The \n\nvotes of the representatives of the Member States within the committee \n\nshall be weighted In the mannner set out in that Article. The chairman \n\nshalI not vote. The Commission shall adopt the measures envisaged if they are in accordance \n\nwith the opinion of the committee. If the measures envisaged are not in accordance with the opinion of the \n\ncommittee, or if no opinion is delivered, the Commission shall, without \n\ndelay, submit to the Council a proposal relating to the measures to be \n\ntaken. The Council shall act by a qualified majority. If, on the expiry of three months from the date of referral to the Council, \n\nthe Council has not acted, the proposed measures sha11 be adopted by the \n\nCommission. - 39 -\n\nArticle 9 \n\nFinal provisions \n\n1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and \n\nadministrative provisions necessary to comply with the provisions of \n\nthis Directive on 1 January 1993. They shall forthwith inform the \n\nCommission thereof. When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a \n\nreference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference \n\nat the time of their official publication. The procedure for such \n\nreference shall be adopted by Member States. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the \n\nmain provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed \n\nby this Directive. - 40 -\n\nArticle 9 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States \n\nDone at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\f- 41 -\n\nFINANCIAL STATEMENT \n\nThe proposal will not entail any costs for the European Communities' \n\nbudget. - 42 -\n\nCOMPETITIVENESS AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT \n\nI. What is the main reason for Introducing the measure? \n\nThe main reason for introducing the measure is to improve and reinforce the \n\nsupervision of credit institutions in the Community as regards risk \n\nconcentration. II. Features of the businesses In Question \n\nThe proposal concerns credit institutions, i. e. a regulated category of \n\nenterprises. Given the minimum initial capital and own funds amounts laid down in \n\nArticles 4 and 10 of Directive 89/646/EEC, it is doubtful whether there are \n\nmany SMEs among the credit institutions concerned. There is no regional concentration. III. What direct obligations does this measure impose on businesses? \n\nThe proposal imposes on the enterprises concerned, namely credit \n\ninstitutions, the obligation to report their large exposures to the \n\ncompetent authorities and to limit those large exposures to a given \n\nproportion of their own funds (25% for an individual exposure, 800% for \n\ntheir aggregate large exposures). IV. What indirect obligations are local authorities likely to Impose on \n\nbusinesses? \n\nNo obligations are likely to be imposed by local authorities on the \n\nbusinesses concerned. - 43 -\n\nV. Are there any special measures in respect of SMEs? \n\nThe proposal seeks to improve the supervision of a regulated category of \n\nenterprise (credit institutions); it does not therefore involve SMEs in \n\nany way. Furthermore, as the proposal is designed to limit the large \n\nexposures of credit institutions, it is unlikely that it will have the \n\neffect of limiting the exposures incurred by credit institutions to SMEs. VI. What Is the likely effect on: \n\n(a) the competitiveness of businesses? \n\n(b) employment? \n\n(a) As the proposal is designed to introduce fuller supervision of the \n\nactivities of credit institutions, the danger of such institutions \n\nfailing should be reduced, which can have only a beneficial impact on \n\ntheir performance and on the stability of economic and financial \n\nactivity in general. (b) No effect on employment is anticipated. VII. Have employers' and employees' representatives been consulted? What \n\nare their views? \n\nEmployees' representatives were informed of the Commission's intention to \n\ndraw up this proposal, which will have no impact on their situation. As far as the business sector is concerned, informal consultations have \n\nbeen held with the Banking Federation of the European Community, the \n\nSavings Banks Group of the European Economic Community, the Association of \n\nCooperative Banks of the EC and the European Community Mortgage Federation. These trade associations generally accept the principle of legislation \n\ngoverning large exposures. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91)68 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n09 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-158-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71345-3 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pig\u00bb 3. 50 ECU \n\nper addition*! 10 p\u00abges: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/44d1763a-e3fe-4cd0-99e0-24cc9ee1b260", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 735/91 by Mr Panayotis LAMBRIAS to the Commission. 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Application of Directive 79/409/EEC : Special protection area for the Montagu' s harrier (Circus pygargus)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MONNIER-BESOMBES", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "France,application of EU law,protected area,protected species,protection of animal life,wildlife", "workIds": "celex:91991E000738", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "application of EU law", "protected area", "protected species", "protection of animal life", "wildlife"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70041da3-338a-48ed-9751-54197e1d247d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d173c3de-7744-4f4d-b52a-1723600566d3", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1034/91 of 23 April 1991 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of video tapes in cassettes originating in the people's Republic of China", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "China,dumping,video cassette", "workIds": "celex:31991R1034,oj:JOL_1991_106_R_0015_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "dumping", "video cassette"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d173c3de-7744-4f4d-b52a-1723600566d3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/67676053-919b-4f35-8ca9-a5f51d3c2732", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 744/91 by Mr Maxime VERHAGEN to the Commission. Establishment of a transmission standard for satellite broadcasts", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERHAGEN", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "cable distribution,high-definition television,satellite communications,television", "workIds": "celex:91991E000744", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cable distribution", "high-definition television", "satellite communications", "television"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/67676053-919b-4f35-8ca9-a5f51d3c2732", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4a7d4f88-21b8-4713-8a6a-21144e5913a4", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 734/91 by Mr Gianfranco AMENDOLA and Mr Virginio BETTINI to the Commission. Infringement of Community legislation by the ENEL power station at Porto Tolle, Rovigo", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,BETTINI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "Veneto,application of EU law,cadmium,dangerous substance,industrial pollution,pollution of waterways,power plant,regions of Italy,waste disposal,wastewater", "workIds": "celex:91991E000734", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Veneto", "application of EU law", "cadmium", "dangerous substance", "industrial pollution", "pollution of waterways", "power plant", "regions of Italy", "waste disposal", "wastewater"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4a7d4f88-21b8-4713-8a6a-21144e5913a4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/430c679b-9469-4424-b107-85667dc4dbd4", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 722/91 by Mr Karl-Heinrich MIHR , Mr Fritz PIRKL , Mr Madron SELIGMAN , Mr Karl PARTSCH , Mr Heinz K\u00d6HLER, Mr Detlev SAMLAND, Mr Peter CRAMPTON and Mr Franz STAUFFENBERG to the Commission. Membership application by the Republic of Austria", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CRAMPTON,European Parliament,KOEHLER HEINZ,MIHR,PARTSCH,PIRKL,SAMLAND,SELIGMAN,VON STAUFFENBERG", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "Austria,EC opinion,European Commission,accession to the European Union", "workIds": "celex:91991E000722", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Austria", "EC opinion", "European Commission", "accession to the European Union"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/430c679b-9469-4424-b107-85667dc4dbd4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ba402823-d856-4b52-a3a9-ce9657b268c4", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 733/91 by Mr Gerardo FERN\u00c1NDEZ-ALBOR to the Commission. University degree for translating and interpreting studies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FERNANDEZ ALBOR", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "Spain,higher education,information profession,interpreting,recognition of diplomas,university", "workIds": "celex:91991E000733", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "higher education", "information profession", "interpreting", "recognition of diplomas", "university"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ba402823-d856-4b52-a3a9-ce9657b268c4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1a2a33b-b545-4967-bf73-a0ebc6daab41", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 973/91 of 18 April 1991 allocating additional catch quotas among Member States for vessels fishing in Swedish waters for 1991", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "EU Member State,Sweden,fishery management,sea fishing", "workIds": "celex:31991R0973,oj:JOL_1991_102_R_0001_017", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "Sweden", "fishery management", "sea fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1a2a33b-b545-4967-bf73-a0ebc6daab41", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6f13254-fc58-4b99-849b-23266be26d2e", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 743/91 by Mr Maxime VERHAGEN to the Commission. 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Chaotic conditions in Spain affecting flights and the safety and protection of passengers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "European Civil Aviation Conference,Spain,air traffic,air traffic control,airport,civil aviation,competence of the Member States", "workIds": "celex:91991E000754", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Civil Aviation Conference", "Spain", "air traffic", "air traffic control", "airport", "civil aviation", "competence of the Member States"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0e812cfc-1da1-48ce-857a-d31202dab87d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a3375092-c925-47fc-8e28-84ed40fe4846", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1118/91 of 23 April 1991 amending the quantitative limits set by Council Regulation (EEC) No 4136/86 on common rules for imports of certain textile products originating in third countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-23", "subjects": "Hungary,Poland,import restriction,quantitative restriction,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31991R1118,oj:JOL_1991_111_R_0011_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Hungary", "Poland", "import restriction", "quantitative restriction", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a3375092-c925-47fc-8e28-84ed40fe4846", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c120c4b1-27cc-424d-a123-a19f932e1f7d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 749/91 by Mr Thomas MAHER to the Commission. 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the fat content of standardized whole milk imported into Ireland and the United Kingdom", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "Ireland,United Kingdom,marketing standard,milk fat,whole milk", "workIds": "celex:31991R1027,oj:JOL_1991_106_R_0004_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "United Kingdom", "marketing standard", "milk fat", "whole milk"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f47637a0-bf46-4e2c-9692-e9e667b093dd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/56f919f7-664d-4b54-9254-485a44d8996d", "title": "Papers presented at the Seminar on 'Small-business start-up : support policies and the role of vocational training', Cedefop, Berlin, June 1990.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop,European Commission", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "Cedefop,aid to undertakings,business policy,management training,small business,vocational training", "workIds": "PUB_HX7091249", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cedefop", "aid to undertakings", "business policy", "management training", "small business", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/56f919f7-664d-4b54-9254-485a44d8996d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e4fd9257-1852-4ec9-822b-753be552edfb", "title": "Comptes nationaux SEC : tableaux d\u00e9taill\u00e9s par branche 1980-1988.,National accounts ESA : detailed tables by branch 1980-1988.,Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen ESVG : detaillierte Tabellen nach Produktionsbereichen 1980-1988.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "EU Member State,gross regional product,regional accounting,regional statistics", "workIds": "PUB_CA5990063", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "gross regional product", "regional accounting", "regional statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e4fd9257-1852-4ec9-822b-753be552edfb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8a37007-bb2c-498c-ac99-2b9f0d943cf8", "title": "Comptes \u00e9conomiques de l'agriculture et de la sylviculture 1984-1989.,Economic accounts for agriculture and forestry 1984-1989.,Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung 1984-1989.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "EU Member State,agricultural statistics,economic accounts for agriculture,silviculture", "workIds": "PUB_CA5990992", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "agricultural statistics", "economic accounts for agriculture", "silviculture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8a37007-bb2c-498c-ac99-2b9f0d943cf8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/87260c5e-fd17-4209-a47c-1cb44ddd2fde", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1019/91 of 22 April 1991 amending the list annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 55/87 establishing the list of vessels exceeding eight metres length overall permitted to use beam trawls within certain areas of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "EU waters,conservation of fish stocks,fishing net,fishing regulations,fishing vessel,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:31991R1019,oj:JOL_1991_105_R_0044_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU waters", "conservation of fish stocks", "fishing net", "fishing regulations", "fishing vessel", "technical standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/87260c5e-fd17-4209-a47c-1cb44ddd2fde", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9b2967d8-c0f6-4d5a-9ef5-d28945201e30", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1004/91 of 22 April 1991 applying supplementary generalized tariff preferences in respect of certain industrial products originating in countries benefiting from generalized preferences and sold at the Berlin ' Partners in Progress' Fair", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "Berlin,industrial product,originating product,trade event", "workIds": "celex:31991R1004,oj:JOL_1991_105_R_0001_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Berlin", "industrial product", "originating product", "trade event"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9b2967d8-c0f6-4d5a-9ef5-d28945201e30", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d4ce562e-5f16-4aa6-b22e-b380633a39fd", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 981/91 of 22 April 1991 correcting Regulations (EEC) No 798/91 and (EEC) No 799/91 opening invitations to tender for the reduction in levies on maize and grain sorghum respectively imported from third countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-22", "subjects": "Spain,award of contract,import levy,maize,sorghum", "workIds": "celex:31991R0981,oj:JOL_1991_102_R_0014_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "award of contract", "import levy", "maize", "sorghum"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d4ce562e-5f16-4aa6-b22e-b380633a39fd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1b34a577-470c-42b6-a180-d2090dcf89d6", "title": "Agreed Minute amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Indonesia on trade in textile products #", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Indonesia", "date": "1991-04-20", "subjects": "Indonesia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:21991A0420(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Indonesia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1b34a577-470c-42b6-a180-d2090dcf89d6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ba9cf9e-4639-433b-aaf8-329dc3d9439c", "title": "Organic micropollutants in the aquatic environment : proceedings of the Sixth European Symposium, held in Lisbon, Portugal, May 22-24,1990.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation", "date": "1991-04-20", "subjects": "EU programme,aquatic environment,chemical pollution,conference proceedings,environmental research,organic pollution,water pollutant,water treatment", "workIds": "PUB_CDNA13152", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU programme", "aquatic environment", "chemical pollution", "conference proceedings", "environmental research", "organic pollution", "water pollutant", "water treatment"], "url": 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"celex:51991AG0420(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "civil servant", "customs", "single market", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c8a6db65-5f00-4350-b1b7-c626e3b971b6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f605702-307d-4ca5-9bb8-924d6e7a9f21", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 965/91 of 19 April 1991 reimposing the levying of customs duties applicable to third countries on certain products originating in Yugoslavia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "Yugoslavia,originating product,restoration of customs duties", "workIds": "celex:31991R0965,oj:JOL_1991_100_R_0016_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Yugoslavia", "originating product", "restoration of customs duties"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f605702-307d-4ca5-9bb8-924d6e7a9f21", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0bd9f6b9-c89f-4472-a88a-b6ab266154a7", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 689/91 by Mr Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric ROSMINI to the Council. Rhine-Rh\u00f4ne link", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROSMINI", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU financing,France,Germany,inland waterway shipping,regional development,transport infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:91991E000689", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "France", "Germany", "inland waterway shipping", "regional development", "transport infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0bd9f6b9-c89f-4472-a88a-b6ab266154a7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b301f120-afbd-4820-b721-85f4309c1c64", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 716/91 by Mr Brian SIMPSON to the Commission. Cabin baggage in civil aircraft", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SIMPSON BRIAN", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "aircraft,application of the law,public safety,sales occupation,transport safety,weight and size", "workIds": "celex:91991E000716", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aircraft", "application of the law", "public safety", "sales occupation", "transport safety", "weight and size"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b301f120-afbd-4820-b721-85f4309c1c64", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1488cfd-6849-412f-86ba-d1d3d127eb7d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 680/91 by Mrs Anita POLLACK to the Commission. Overfishing off Canada", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,POLLACK", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "Canada,North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation,authorised catch,fishery management,fishing area,sea fish", "workIds": "celex:91991E000680", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Canada", "North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organisation", "authorised catch", "fishery management", "fishing area", "sea fish"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1488cfd-6849-412f-86ba-d1d3d127eb7d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8302ab16-39c1-4e6a-9118-4fc086e29da9", "title": "RESOLUTION on infant formulae and follow-up milks", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "baby food,institutional cooperation", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0530", "eurovoc_concepts": ["baby food", "institutional cooperation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8302ab16-39c1-4e6a-9118-4fc086e29da9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9053e60c-c4c5-418e-accb-9a064e4b3d82", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 717/91 by Mr Brian SIMPSON to the Commission. Age of civil aircraft", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SIMPSON BRIAN", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU statistics,aircraft,airline,civil aviation,product life", "workIds": "celex:91991E000717", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU statistics", "aircraft", "airline", "civil aviation", "product life"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9053e60c-c4c5-418e-accb-9a064e4b3d82", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/121ff8b0-bf64-4b74-b166-e9a51b3ab471", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 704/91 by Mr Paul STAES to the Commission. Programme of research into the problem of slurry in Belgium", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,STAES", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU financing,Flanders (Belgium),agronomic research,organic fertiliser,regions and communities of Belgium", "workIds": "celex:91991E000704", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Flanders (Belgium)", "agronomic research", "organic fertiliser", "regions and communities of Belgium"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/121ff8b0-bf64-4b74-b166-e9a51b3ab471", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3e70ae9-d20e-452c-8cbd-87d36543fd14", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 599/91 INTRODUCING A CREDIT GUARANTEE FOR EXPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND FOODSTUFFS FROM THE COMMUNITY TO THE SOVIET UNION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "USSR,agricultural product,credit guarantee,export,foodstuff", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0140,comnat:COM_1991_0140_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_122_R_0010_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "agricultural product", "credit guarantee", "export", "foodstuff"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3e70ae9-d20e-452c-8cbd-87d36543fd14", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 140 final \n\nBrussels, 19 April 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC\u00cf \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 599/91 introducing a credit guarantee \nfor exports of agricultural products and foodstuffs from the Community \nto the Soviet Union \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fExplanatory Memorandum \n\nSubject : Amendment to Council Regulation H' 599/91 of Search 1991 \n\n(OJ 1991, L 67). Under Article 2 of Regulation 599/91, introducing a credit guarantee for \nexports of agricultural products and foodstuffs from the Community to the \nSoviet Union, the Commission is charged, in consultation with a committee \ncomposed of Member State representatives, with negotiating an agreement \nbetween the Community and the Soviet Union. Article 2 provides also that the \nagreement shall contain, inter alia, the provision governing the loans that \nwill be granted to the Soviet Union. During the discussion that have taken place with the Soviet delegation on the \nterms of the agreement, the Soviet side indicated that the repayment schedule \nof the loan envisaged in Article 3 of the Regulation, is not acceptable to \nthem in view of repayment obligations on their side from previous credit \nguarantee contracts. It was clearly stated by the delegation that they were \nunable to start the reimbursement of the Community loan before 1993. Instead \nof the 6 equal six-monthly instalments as from expiry of the drawing period \nprovided for by Art. 3 of the Regulation, the Soviet side therefore proposed \nto repay the loans by means of 3 equal payments, respectively 20, 31 and 42 \nmonths after the date of signature of the agreement. The Commission believes that it is in the interest of all parties concerned \nto modify the terms of repayment. Therefore, the Commission proposes the \nmodification of Article 3 of the Regulation as presented in the attached \nproposal. Adoption of this proposal, after consultation of the European \nParliament, at the earliest convenience, is required without delay to \nconclude the agreement with the Soviet Union before the end of May. i \n\nThis proposal has no impact on the budget of the Community. h \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/ \n\nof \namending Regulation (EEC) No 599/91 introducing a credit guarantee \nfor exports of agricultural products and foodstuffs from the Community \nto the Soviet Union \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in \n\nparticular Articles 113 and 235-thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Par I lament, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 599/91 of 5 March 1991(1> introduces a \n\ncredit guarantee for the Soviet Union to import agricultural products and \n\nfoodstuffs from the Community; whereas, at the request of the recipient country, \n\nthe conditions for the reimbursement of the loans originally provided for should \n\nbe altered in order to take account of commitments entered into previously, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nArticle 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 599/91 is hereby replaced by the following: \n\n\"Article 3 \n\nThe credit for which repayments are covered by the guarantee may not exceed ECU \n\n500 million. Reimbursement shall involve three instalments of an equal \n\namount, paid 20, 31 and 42 months from the signing of the agreement provided for \n\nin Art icle 2. The credit shall be backed by a payment and transfer guarantee of a body \n\nempowered to cover sovereign risk and to authorize foreign currency transfers. (1) 0J No L 67, 14. 3. 1991, p. 21. - 2 -\n\nThe period for drawing upon the credit shall be limited to six months as from the \n\ndate of signing of the agreement provided for above. This loan may be drawn upon \n\nin tranches. Payment of these tranches shall depend upon the degree to which the \n\nSoviet Union complies with the provisions of the agreement referred to above and \n\nwith the conditions laid down for granting the guarantee. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in \n\nthe Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be blndi-ng in its entirety and directly applicable in all \n\nMember States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nH \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 140 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-164-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71399-2 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f17b544d-fe29-44ec-b11d-1c950d259a32", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 700/91 by Mr Wilfried TELK\u00c4MPER to the Commission. Incorporation of the Directive on environmental impact assessment into German law", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,TELKAEMPER", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU law - national law,Germany,environmental impact,expressway,impact study,motorway,road building,transport planning", "workIds": "celex:91991E000700", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law - national law", "Germany", "environmental impact", "expressway", "impact study", "motorway", "road building", "transport planning"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f17b544d-fe29-44ec-b11d-1c950d259a32", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d5ffdf6-0c04-4551-8152-a50bcfdf61d3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 712/91 by Mr Carlos PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH and Mr Jos\u00e9 RUIZ-MATEOS JIM\u00c9NEZ DE TEJADA to the Commission. Immigration", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH,RUIZ-MATEOS JIMENEZ DE TEJADA", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU aid,aid to disadvantaged groups,aid to refugees,competence of the Member States,immigration,international organisation,welfare", "workIds": "celex:91991E000712", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "aid to disadvantaged groups", "aid to refugees", "competence of the Member States", "immigration", "international organisation", "welfare"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d5ffdf6-0c04-4551-8152-a50bcfdf61d3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50f57b34-3021-4fd3-85fd-a7169383dfa5", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the Commission proposal for a Council decision establishing a multiannual programme for the development of European statistics on services", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU statistics,provision of services,service,statistical method,statistics", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0062", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU statistics", "provision of services", "service", "statistical method", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/50f57b34-3021-4fd3-85fd-a7169383dfa5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b6a1e10f-31fe-462f-a8d4-cd85fcce7044", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 714/91 by Mr Carlos PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH and Mr Jos\u00e9 RUIZ-MATEOS JIM\u00c9NEZ DE TEJADA to the Commission. Senior citizens", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH,RUIZ-MATEOS JIMENEZ DE TEJADA", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "EU aid,European social policy,elderly person,population ageing,social integration", "workIds": "celex:91991E000714", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "European social policy", "elderly person", "population ageing", "social integration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b6a1e10f-31fe-462f-a8d4-cd85fcce7044", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/73ec6239-5db1-41bd-b3e2-5d1d87e16c2c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 684/91 by Mr Artur da CUNHA OLIVEIRA to the Commission. 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Recognition of Spanish", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PERREAU DE PINNINCK DOMENECH,RUIZ-MATEOS JIMENEZ DE TEJADA", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "Latin America,audiovisual programme,award of contract,regional culture,report,television", "workIds": "celex:91991E000715", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Latin America", "audiovisual programme", "award of contract", "regional culture", "report", "television"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a161f723-aba5-4624-81bf-e2003f935219", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/30cddb75-cf94-4411-aa6c-990bcaa39e9d", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the Commission proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 72/461/EEC on health problems affecting intra-Community trade in fresh meat and Directive 72/462/EEC on health and veterinary inspection problems upon importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat or meat products from third countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "health control,intra-EU trade,meat product", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0086", "eurovoc_concepts": ["health control", "intra-EU trade", "meat product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/30cddb75-cf94-4411-aa6c-990bcaa39e9d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f3283b4-7667-4763-98e6-ef0a14737d4a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 693/91 by Ms Christine ODDY to the Commission. Cat Island, Bahamas", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ODDY", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "Bahamas,EDF,EU financing,development aid,power plant,third Lom\u00e9 Convention", "workIds": "celex:91991E000693", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Bahamas", "EDF", "EU financing", "development aid", "power plant", "third Lom\u00e9 Convention"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f3283b4-7667-4763-98e6-ef0a14737d4a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac67d8bc-6eae-4875-8dea-5743420cda43", "title": "Veterinary and plant health controls : veterinary control, plant health control. 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Mediterranean forest", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROSMINI", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "Integrated Mediterranean Programmes,Mediterranean region (EU),action programme,fire protection,forest,forest conservation,regional policy", "workIds": "celex:91991E000687", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Integrated Mediterranean Programmes", "Mediterranean region (EU)", "action programme", "fire protection", "forest", "forest conservation", "regional policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3ca934b3-e439-4d35-8d01-48dbc74d042f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7545ea4-85c6-4bc2-a9cd-37ec6e8e49b2", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the Commission proposal for a Council regulation amending the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and the conditions of employment of other servants of those Communities in respect of detailed rules for adjusting the remuneration", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "European official,conciliation,pay,regulations for civil servants", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0059", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European official", "conciliation", "pay", "regulations for civil servants"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7545ea4-85c6-4bc2-a9cd-37ec6e8e49b2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb5b6f83-3c57-47fb-b6f5-315f747657fb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 694/91 by Ms Christine ODDY and Mr Alex SMITH to the Commission. 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EEC policy for the integration of immigrants", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ALVAREZ DE PAZ,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "family policy,immigration,integration of migrants,migration policy,pension scheme,political asylum,population policy", "workIds": "celex:91991E000709", "eurovoc_concepts": ["family policy", "immigration", "integration of migrants", "migration policy", "pension scheme", "political asylum", "population policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a26540d-5e6f-4af0-a2c8-7424a98e140c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b41e2924-ae79-403b-a088-2cb90d54f88e", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 696/91 by Ms Christine ODDY and Mr Alex SMITH to the Commission. 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Guyana", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ODDY", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "European political cooperation,Guyana,national election,political rights", "workIds": "celex:91991E000699", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European political cooperation", "Guyana", "national election", "political rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3f471f18-bf26-4397-a192-f7901b95ac1b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/230aadc9-9942-4dac-bc8b-5c4af1e19262", "title": "Commission Directive 91/249/EEC of 19 April 1991 amending the Annexes to Council Directive 70/524/EEC concerning additives in feedingstuffs", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-19", "subjects": "animal nutrition,food additive", "workIds": "celex:31991L0249,oj:JOL_1991_124_R_0043_005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal nutrition", "food additive"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/230aadc9-9942-4dac-bc8b-5c4af1e19262", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/17e4028b-522e-4bf0-96c7-5a814b52378c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 692/91 by Ms Christine ODDY to the Commission. 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Regulation (EEC) No 956/91 of 18 April 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1481/86 on the determination of prices of fresh or chilled sheep carcases on representative Community markets and the survey of prices of certain other qualities of sheep carcases in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "carcase,fresh meat,refrigerated product,representative market price,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:31991R0956,oj:JOL_1991_098_R_0008_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["carcase", "fresh meat", "refrigerated product", "representative market price", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d2420848-3197-44a3-aa4d-12f224de43d7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f835a13a-0c59-4524-9417-4cf910d5fe92", "title": "RESOLUTION on support for the United Nations Western Sahara peace plan", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Left Unity,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "UNO,Western Sahara,peacekeeping", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0583", "eurovoc_concepts": ["UNO", "Western Sahara", "peacekeeping"], "url": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8a90431d-e55d-4010-ac7d-7d03db87c5c8", "title": "RESOLUTION on 35 deaths caused in the burning of a tourist coach in Istanbul", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Left Unity,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "Greece,T\u00fcrkiye,man-made disaster,terrorism,tourism", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0588", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "T\u00fcrkiye", "man-made disaster", "terrorism", "tourism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8a90431d-e55d-4010-ac7d-7d03db87c5c8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb1e7926-50dd-4f17-8446-3682fb91bbe8", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-547/91 with debate by the following Members: PIQUET, EPHREMIDIS, MIRANDA DA SILVA and DE ROSSA on behalf of the CG Group to the Council: Mass unemployment in the five new L\u00e4nder in the FRG", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE ROSSA,EPHREMIDIS,European Parliament,MIRANDA DA SILVA,PIQUET", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "Germany,fight against unemployment,short-time working,social conflict,unemployment,unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:91991O000106", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "fight against unemployment", "short-time working", "social conflict", "unemployment", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb1e7926-50dd-4f17-8446-3682fb91bbe8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aba8f2f9-3204-4786-b856-2a7c9e288d34", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 964/91 of 18 April 1991 concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "common customs tariff,desiccated product,mushroom-growing,protein products,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31991R0964,oj:JOL_1991_100_R_0014_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", 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to the said Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply to product No 1 of the Annex from 30 April to 31 December 1991 and to product No 2 of the Annex from 1 August 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 18 April 1991. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 37, 9. 2. 1991, p. 24. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nClassification CN code\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Product, in the form of powder with the following principal analytical results (percentage by weight):\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nmilk fat\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5,8\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nwhey proteins\n\n\n\n\n\n\n74,3 (78,9 by dry weight)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nlactose\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6,0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nash\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2,9\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0404\u00a090\u00a033\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and the texts of CN codes 0404, 0404\u00a090 and 0404\u00a090\u00a033. Because of its protein lactose and milk fat content, which differs considerably from that of whey powder, the product is excluded from code CN 0404\u00a010. 2. Mushrooms of the species Agaricus completely simmered. The musrooms are immersed in water, to which salt and/or citric acid and/or SO2 may have been added, and have been chilled. These mushrooms, which are not put up in packs for retail sale, are used, generally, as a starting material in the preservation industry. 2003\u00a010\u00a010\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature, as well as by Additional Note 1 to Chapter 20 and by the texts of CN codes 2003, 2003\u00a010 and 2003\u00a010\u00a010"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2007676a-0458-4739-b021-341d72d5d115", "title": "RESOLUTION on famine in Africa", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the 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parliament", "trade relations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4eec1dec-8363-4c86-b408-8ee32d99a49f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6cb2679b-867d-449f-9d44-6426acdde224", "title": "RESOLUTION on the arms trade", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Left Unity,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "European security,arms industry,arms trade,biological weapon,chemical weapon,industrial conversion,nuclear weapon", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0552", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European security", "arms industry", "arms trade", "biological weapon", "chemical weapon", "industrial conversion", "nuclear weapon"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6cb2679b-867d-449f-9d44-6426acdde224", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce5943ae-4670-4948-9388-1cd360dca018", "title": "RESOLUTION on the nature of Community acts", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Constitutional Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "EU act,EU competence,application of EU 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"European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Group of the European Democratic Alliance,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "EU national,Iran,human rights,prisoner,right to justice,transport accident", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0582", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU national", "Iran", "human rights", "prisoner", "right to justice", "transport accident"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b2982b4-82b4-4b3f-a17b-860e4174ea54", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/404ce50b-7348-4a2a-83d1-f7b45cc216ba", "title": "Guide to the Archives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Member States, of the European Communities and of the European Political Cooperation.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "EU Member State,European political cooperation,archives,directory,foreign policy,ministry", "workIds": "PUB_CB5589568", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "European political cooperation", "archives", "directory", "foreign policy", "ministry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/404ce50b-7348-4a2a-83d1-f7b45cc216ba", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aed46bbc-9fda-4556-a53d-61d15c20436f", "title": "RESOLUTION on human rights in Morocco", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "Iraq,Kuwait,economic sanctions,foodstuff,medicinal product,trading operation", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0143,comnat:COM_1991_0143_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Kuwait", "economic sanctions", "foodstuff", "medicinal product", "trading operation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cd916fed-9c70-41c5-bb76-0013c452d9c9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "it\"? -\n\nilk >. $\u00a3 -\n\n'Sf\u00c2 \n\nCOMVIISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91)143 final \n\nBrussels,18 April 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Council Regulations \n\n(BEC) No 2340/90 and \n\nNo 3155/90 preventing \n\ntrade by the Community as regards \n\nIraq and Kuwait \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. By Council Regulations \n\n(EEC) No 2340/90, as last amended by \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) n' 811/91, and No 3155/90, as amended by Council \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) No 542/91, \n\nthe Community es tab 11 shed an embargo on \n\ntrade with \n\nIraq \n\nIn conformity with the Resolutions of the Security \n\nCouncil of the United Nations \n\nthat were adopted following \n\nthe \n\nInvasion and occupation of Kuwait by the \n\nIraqi \n\nforces. 2. By adopting Resolution 687 (1991) \n\nthe Security Council of the United \n\nNations decided on the conditions \n\nfor a cease-fire \n\nbetween the \n\nforces \n\nof \n\nIraq on the one hand and the allied \n\nforces on the other and at \n\nthe \n\nsame time decided on the modalities of an abolition \n\nof the \n\ntrade \n\nembargo. 3. In conformity with Security Council Resolution 687 (1991) \n\nthe \n\nCommunity has to amend Its relevant Regulations, mentioned \n\nIn \n\nparagraph 1 In order \n\nto give effect \n\nto the pertinent paragraphs of \n\nSecurity Council Resolution 687 (1991) dealing with \n\nthe provision of \n\nmedicine, \n\nfoodstuff and materials \n\nand supplies \n\nfor essential \n\ncivilian \n\nneeds. x \n\n\fCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\nOf \n\namending Council Regulations \n\n(EEC) No 2340/90 \n\nand \n\nNo 3155/90 preventing \n\ntrade by the Community as \n\nregards \n\nIraq and Kuwait \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nWhereas under Regulations \n\n(EEC) No 2340/901), \n\nas \n\nlast \n\namended by \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) No 811/912), \n\nand No 3155/903), \n\nas \n\nlast \n\namended by \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) No 542/914), \n\ntrade \n\nbetween \n\nthe Community on \n\nthe one \n\nhand, and \n\nIraq on \n\nthe other, \n\nwas prevented, \n\nwith \n\ncertain \n\nexceptions, \n\nfollowing \n\nthe \n\nresolutions \n\nof \n\nthe United Nations \n\nSecurity \n\nCouncil \n\nestablIshlng \n\nan embargo after \n\nthe \n\nInvasion \n\nof Kuwait \n\nby \n\nIraqi \n\nforces; \n\nWhereas \n\nthe United Nations \n\nSecurity \n\nCouncil \n\nhas adopted \n\non 3 April \n\n1991 \n\nResolution \n\n687 \n\n(1991); \n\nWhereas \n\nthe Community and \n\nIts Member States, meeting \n\nIn \n\nthe \n\nframework \n\nof \n\npolitical \n\ncooperation, \n\nconsider \n\nIt necessary \n\nto amend Regulations \n\n(EEC) \n\nNo 2340/90 \n\nand No 3155/90 \n\nso as \n\nto \n\nIncorporate \n\nthe changes made by \n\nthe \n\nSecurity \n\nCouncil \n\nto \n\nthe prohibitions \n\nagainst \n\nthe sale or supply \n\nto \n\nIraq \n\nof commodities \n\nor products \n\nand \n\nthe prohibitions \n\nagainst \n\nthe \n\nImport \n\nof \n\ncommodities \n\nand products \n\noriginating \n\nIn \n\nIraq; \n\n1) OJ No L 213, 09. 08. 1990, \n\n2) OJ No L 82, 28. 03. 1991, \n\n3) OJ No L 304, 01. 11. 1991, \n\n4) OJ No L 60, 07. 03. 1991, \n\np. p. p. p. 1. 50. 1. 5. - 2 -\n\nHaving regard to the Treaty estabiIshlng \n\nthe European Economic Community, \n\nand In particular \n\nArticle \n\n113 \n\nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal \n\nfrom the Commission, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle \n\n1 \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) No 2340/90 \n\nis amended as follows \n\n: \n\n1. The Annex Is replaced by the text given \n\nIn Annex I to \n\nthis \n\nRegulation. 2. Article \n\n3 Is replaced by the following \n\ntext \n\n: \n\n1. Article \n\n1 (2) and Article \n\n2 (2) shall not apply to the products \n\nlisted \n\nIn the Annex. 2. Article \n\n1 (1) and Article \n\n2 (1) shall not prevent \n\nthe \n\nIntroduction \n\nInto the territory \n\nof the Community \n\na) of the commodities or products referred \n\nto \n\nIn Article \n\n1 (1) which \n\noriginate \n\nIn, or come from, \n\nIraq or Kuwait and are exported \n\nbefore 7 August 1990, \n\nor \n\nb) of commodities and products originating \n\nIn \n\nIraq, whose Import \n\nIs \n\napproved, pursuant \n\nto paragraph 23 of resolution \n\n687 (1991), by \n\nthe Committee of the Security Council estabi/shed under Security \n\nCouncil Resolution 661 \n\n(1990). Imports of commodities and products under b) above shall be \n\nsubject \n\nto a prior \n\nImport author/satIon \n\nto be Issued by the \n\ncompetent authorities \n\nof the Member States. - 3 -\n\nArticle \n\n2 \n\nRegulation \n\n(EEC) No 3155/90 \n\nIs amended as follows \n\n: \n\n1. Annex I shall be replaced by the \n\ntext given \n\nIn Annex II \n\nto \n\nthis \n\nRegulation. 2. Article \n\n5 Is \n\ndeleted. Article 3 \n\nThe provisions \n\nof Articles \n\n1 and 2 of \n\nthis Regulation \n\nshall \n\nbe \n\nappiIcable \n\nas of 3 April \n\n1991. Article \n\n4 \n\nThis Regulation \n\nshall enter \n\nInto \n\nforce on the day of \n\nits publIcatlon \n\nIn \n\nthe Official \n\nJournal of \n\nthe European Communities. This Regulation \n\nshall be binding \n\nIn \n\nIts entirety \n\nand directly \n\napplicable \n\nIn all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fAHNEX \n\nI \n\nANNEX \n\nLIST OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3 \n\n(1) \n\nA. All products \n\nIntended strictly \n\nfor medical \n\npurposes. B. Foodstuffs \n\nnotified \n\nto \n\nthe Committee estabiIshed \n\nunder \n\nSecurity \n\nCouncil Resolution \n\n661 \n\n(1990). C. Materials \n\nand supplies \n\nfor essential \n\ncivilian \n\nneeds, which are \n\napproved by the above-mentioned Security Council Committee under \n\nIts \n\nsimplified \n\nand accelerated \n\n\"no-object/on\" \n\nprocedure within \n\nthe \n\nterms \n\nof \n\nresolution \n\n687(1991). JWraE/LjLL \n\nANNEX I \n\n1. Member States, notwithstanding \n\nthe existence of any rights or \n\nobitgat tons conferred or Imposed by any International \n\nagreement or \n\nany contract entered \n\nInto or any licence or permit granted before \n\nthe \n\nentry \n\nInto \n\nforce of \n\nthis Regulation, shall deny permission \n\nto any \n\naircraft \n\nto take off \n\nfrom their \n\nterritory \n\nIf \n\nthe aircraft were \n\ncarrying any cargo to or from Iraq other \n\nthan goods and supplies, \n\nlisted \n\nIn the Annex to Council Regulation \n\n(EEC) No 2340/90, or \n\nsupplies \n\nIntended solely \n\nfor UNIIMOG. 2. Member States shall deny permission \n\nto any aircraft \n\ndestined \n\nto \n\nland \n\nIn Iraq, whatever Its State of registration, \n\nto overfly \n\nIts \n\nterritory \n\nunless: \n\n(a) \n\nthe aircraft \n\nlands at an airfield \n\ndesignated by that Member State \n\noutside \n\nIraq, \n\nIn order \n\nto permit \n\nIts \n\nInspection \n\nto ensure \n\nthat \n\nthere \n\nIs no cargo on board In violation \n\nof Resolution 661 (1990) \n\nor Resolution 670 (1990), and for \n\nthis purpose the aircraft may \n\nbe detained \n\nfor as long as necessary; or \n\n(b) \n\nthe particular \nestabiIshed by Resolution 661 (1990); or \n\nflight \n\nhas been approved by the Committee \n\n(c) \n\nthe flight \nIs certified \npurposes of UNIIMOG. by the United Nations as solely \n\nfor \n\nthe \n\n3. Member States shall \n\ntake all necessary measures to ensure that any \n\naircraft \n\nregistered \n\nIn their \n\nterritory \n\nor operated by an operator who \n\nhas his principal \n\nplace of business or permanent residence \n\nIn \n\ntheir \n\nterritory \n\ncomplies with \n\nthe provisions of Resolutions 661 \n\n(1990), \n\n670 (1990) and 687 (1991). iSISSKM)25\u00ab475 \n\nCOM (91') \"143 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-168-EN-\nISBN 92-77-71435 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additions! IS pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/53dcdf6a-8df6-443e-9321-ceccd98f887e", "title": "RESOLUTION on the situation of the Kurds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Democratic Group,European Parliament,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Left Unity,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-18", "subjects": "EP delegation,Iran,Kurdistan question,T\u00fcrkiye,UNO,aid to refugees,crime against humanity,multinational force,torture", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0556", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EP delegation", "Iran", "Kurdistan question", "T\u00fcrkiye", "UNO", "aid to refugees", "crime against humanity", "multinational force", "torture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/53dcdf6a-8df6-443e-9321-ceccd98f887e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/08eb88e1-7b85-471e-8665-fc98adc3d71a", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 1784/77 CONCERNING THE CERTIFICATION OF HOPS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "certificate of origin,food processing,hops", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0122,comnat:COM_1991_0122_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["certificate of origin", "food processing", "hops"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/08eb88e1-7b85-471e-8665-fc98adc3d71a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM(91) 122 final \n\nBrussels,17 Apr iI 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77 \n\nconcerning the certification of hops \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f-A \n\n\u00a3x\u00fbi\u00e2n\u00e2iQ\u00a3*_M\u00camo_rana:U!I! \n\nIt is p r o p o s ed that the C o u n c il a d o pt a R e g u l a t i on a m e n d i ng \nC o u n c il R e g u l a t i on ( E E C) No 1 7 8 4 / 77 c o n c e r n i ng the c e r t i f i c a t i on \nof h o p s. D ue to t e c h n i c al d e v e l o p m e nt in the hop p r o c e s s i ng i n d u s t ry not \no n ly p r o c e s s i ng of h o ps but a l so of hop p r o d u c ts h as b e c o me \ni m p o r t a n t. T he c u r r e nt p r o v i s i o ns of R e g u l a t i on ( E E C) No 1 7 8 4 / 77 \ndo not a l l ow e x p l i c i t ly for the f u r t h er p r o c e s s i ng of hop \np r o d u c t s. In o r d er to t a ke a c c o u nt of the n e e ds of p r a c t i ce and \nto p r o v i de c l e ar l e g i s l a t i on the a b o ve m e n t i o n ed R e g u l a t i on \ns h o u ld be a m e n d e n d. T he p r o p o s al h as no f i n a n c i al impact to the E A G G F. - 2 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77 \n\nconcerning the certification of hops \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \n\nCommunity, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1696/71 of 26 July 1971 on \n\nthe common organization of the market in hops*1), as last amended by \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 3577/90<2>, and in particular Article 2(4) \n\nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77(3), as last amended by \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2039/85*4), provides under which circumstances \n\nhops may be processed into hop products; \n\nWhereas, in practice, owing to technical development not only cone hops \n\nare used for the manufacturing of products prepared from hops, but \n\nalso hop products; whereas, in order to take account of technical \n\ndevelopment and management practice, the references made to the \n\nprocessing of hops in Regulation (EEC) No 1784/77 should be amended so \n\nthat hop products may be used for further processing, \n\n(1) OJ No L 175, 4. 8. 1971, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 353, 17. 12. 1990, p. 23. (3) OJ No L 200, 8. 8. 1971, p. 1. (4) OJ No L 193, 25. 7. 1985, p. 1. HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n- 3 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 1784/77 is hereby amended as follows: \n\n1. In Article 7, the expression \"hops certified in the Community\" is \n\nreplaced by the term \"hops certified in the Community, certified \n\nhop products prepared therefrom\". 2. Article 8(3) is replaced by the following: \n\n\"3. However, certified hops of Community origin and certified hop \n\nproducts prepared therefrom which are from the same harvest but \n\nof different varieties and from different production areas may \n\nbe blended in the manufacture of powder and extracts provided \n\nthat the certificate accompanying the product states: \n\n(a) the varieties used, the production areas and the year of \n\nharvest ing; \n\n(b) the percentage weight of each variety used in the blend; if \n\nhop products have been used in combination with cone hops \n\nfor the manufacturing of hop products, or if different hop \n\nproducts have been used, the percentage weight of each \n\nvariety based on the quantity of cone hops which was used \n\nfor the preparation of the input products; \n\n(c) the reference numbers of the certificates issued for the \n\nhops and the hop products used. \" \n\n\f_ 4 -\n\nArt icie 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day following \n\nthat of its publication in the Official Journal of the European \n\nCommun i t i es. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \n\napplicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council, \n\nThe President \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 122 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nSN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-170-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71453-0 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-29S5 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a1e8bcf-cee4-4988-be18-585b7ccc43ab", "title": "RESOLUTION on the guidelines for budgetary policy in 1992", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgetary Control,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "Community budget,European social policy,budget estimate,budget policy,budgetary procedure,citizens' Europe,development aid,economic priority,energy research,environmental policy,financial year,own resources,single market", "workIds": "celex:51991IP0094", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "European social policy", "budget estimate", "budget policy", "budgetary procedure", "citizens' Europe", "development aid", "economic priority", "energy research", "environmental policy", "financial year", "own resources", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a1e8bcf-cee4-4988-be18-585b7ccc43ab", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db42caea-bcb0-437c-a661-bb53bcf3e6aa", "title": "Encuesta de las fuerzas de trabajo : resultados 1989.,Enqu\u00eate sur les forces de travail : r\u00e9sultats 1989.,Erhebung \u00fcber Arbeitskr\u00e4fte : Ergebnisse 1989.,Indagine sulle forze di lavoro : risultati 1989.,Labour force survey : results 1989.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "labour force,sampling,statistical method,statistics,working population", "workIds": "PUB_CA6090103", "eurovoc_concepts": ["labour force", "sampling", "statistical method", "statistics", "working population"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db42caea-bcb0-437c-a661-bb53bcf3e6aa", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93a32c9f-d740-466c-bfd6-f5b0896081b1", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation procedure: second reading) on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a regulation laying down general rules on the definition, description and presentation of aromatized wines, aromatized wine-based drinks and aromatized wine- product cocktails", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "approximation of laws,designation of origin,flavoured wine,quality label,viticulture,wine", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0087", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "designation of origin", "flavoured wine", "quality label", "viticulture", "wine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93a32c9f-d740-466c-bfd6-f5b0896081b1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7571fd2a-5569-4291-914d-370cb30cc4bc", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation procedure: second reading) on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive amending for the eleventh time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "approximation of laws,consumer protection,dangerous substance,machinery,marketing,marketing restriction,mining operation,public health,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:51991AP0088", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "consumer protection", "dangerous substance", "machinery", "marketing", "marketing restriction", "mining operation", "public health", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7571fd2a-5569-4291-914d-370cb30cc4bc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7cf946a5-e216-4946-b8f8-f2c4f109d980", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation procedure: second reading) on the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption of a Council directive on prevention of use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-17", "subjects": "European judicial area,bank,banking 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Failures in air traffic control at Barajas (Madrid)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GUTIERREZ DIAZ", "date": "1991-04-16", "subjects": "European Civil Aviation Conference,Spain,air traffic,air traffic control,airport,civil aviation,competence of the Member States", "workIds": "celex:91991E000645", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Civil Aviation Conference", "Spain", "air traffic", "air traffic control", "airport", "civil aviation", "competence of the Member States"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15f7bdb6-de46-457a-bc3c-d6ef00145fb7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2a087eb-7d7b-4a0c-ad29-c9b03c25d195", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 663/91 by Mr Jes\u00fas CABEZ\u00d3N ALONSO to the Commission. Subsidies to the Nestl\u00e9 undertaking", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CABEZON ALONSO,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-16", "subjects": "Spain,dairy industry,economic support,private sector", "workIds": "celex:91991E000663", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "dairy industry", "economic support", "private sector"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a2a087eb-7d7b-4a0c-ad29-c9b03c25d195", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/475faf62-d235-4a95-95df-e9dec6c5d75a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 650/91 by Mr Virginio BETTINI to the Commission. Rise in the temperature of the Po (Italy)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BETTINI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-16", "subjects": "Italy,Lombardy,environmental impact,pollution of waterways,power plant,thermal discharge,thermal pollution,watercourse", "workIds": "celex:91991E000650", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "Lombardy", "environmental impact", "pollution of waterways", "power plant", "thermal discharge", "thermal pollution", "watercourse"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/475faf62-d235-4a95-95df-e9dec6c5d75a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d09f4f26-9490-4e37-ab15-a0382bd260b5", "title": "DRAFT COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) ON THE ORGANIZATION OF AN ANNUAL LABOUR FORCE SAMPLE SURVEY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-16", "subjects": "EU Member State,economic survey,social analysis,working population", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0120,comnat:COM_1991_0120_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "economic survey", "social analysis", "working population"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d09f4f26-9490-4e37-ab15-a0382bd260b5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 120 final \n\nBrussels, 16 April 1991 \n\nDraft \n\n\u00c7QUN\u00c7H REFLATION (EEC) \n\non the organization of an annual labour force sample survey \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. The primary purpose of the Community Labour Force Survey is to provide harmonized and \nreliable statistics for the formulation and monitoring of labour market-linked policies. Over the \nyears this survey has successfully met increased statistical requirements in the context of the \nCommunity's Social and Regional Funds, and has grown into a unique and indispensable tool for \nthe preparation and evaluation of Community action programmes in the areas of employment, \nunemployment, long-term unemployment, and vocational training, as well as for the purposes of \nregional, social, economic and agricultural policies. 2. Comparative analyses of key labour market characteristics covering the whole of the economy \nare essential for relevant Community policies. At present, this requirement can only be fulfilled by \nthe Community Labour Force Surveys which covers all sectors of economic activity and \npopulation groups, and is subject to common content and definitions. National statistics are limited \nby national laws and practices, while other harmonized Community statistics cover only certain \nsectors of the economy or specific population groups. This strong potential of the Labour Force Surveys in analysing the socioeconomic situation in the \nCommunity and its regions is widely reflected in two significant reports : \n\na) \nb) \n\nthe \"Employment in Europe\" report and \nthe \"Periodic reports on the social and economic situation and development of the \nregions of the Community\" \n\n3. The new series of Community LFS proposed under this Regulation, while covering (as in the \npast) traditional aspects of employment and unemployment has now been extended to other policy \nareas such as non-standard working arrangements (i. e. part-time, temporary work, shiftwork, \nweekend work, etc. ), vocational training, second jobs, migration and regional mobility. The survey is also the sole instrument available for analysing the labour force characteristics of \nhouseholds. 4. A qualitative feature of the new series of surveys is that it will provide more reliable estimates \nat regional level (NUTS-II level) and will thus enhance its uses for identifying problem areas or \nevaluating the impact of specific measures within the context of the objectives of the Structural \nFunds. 5. An analysis of labour market dynamics must be based on identical surveys over a number of \nyears; it is therefore the intention of the Commission to maintain these surveys unchanged for a \nlong period of time. 6. Household surveys of this kind absorb substantial proportions of the annual budget of National \nStatistical Institutes. Given the new sample design requirements and the large extension of the \ncontent of the survey, member states shall need, at least for an initial period of three years, an \nincreased survey budget. Appropriations for a Community contribution towards expenditure \nincurred by member states and for development, analysis and maintenance work carried out by \nEurostat will be entered under Article B 5-600, \"Statistical Programme relating to the Single Act\", \nof the general budget of the European Communities for the corresponding years. - 3 -\n\nD R A FT \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the organization of an annual labour force sample survey \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in \nparticular Article 213 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the draft Regulation submitted by the Commission, \n\nWhereas, in order to carry out the tasks which are assigned to it by the Treaty, and in \nparticular by Articles 2, 92, 117, 118, 122,123 and 130 d thereof, the Commission must be \nacquainted with the situation and developments in employment and unemployment; \n\nWhereas the advent of the European internal market increases the need for statistical \ninformation to monitor the development of economic and social convergence so that \ncomparisons may be made between Member States and regions in the Community; \n\nWhereas the best method of ascertaining the level and the structure of employment and \nunemployment consists in carrying out a harmonized and synchronized Community labour \nforce sample survey, as has been done annually in the past, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 (Context and periodicity) \n\nIn the spring of each year, starting in 1992, the Statistical Office of the European \nCommunities (Eurostat) shall conduct for the Commission a labour force sample survey in \neach of the Member States (EC Labour Force Survey). Article 2 (Survey units) \n\nThe survey shall be carried out in each of the Member States in a sample of households of \npersons having their residence in the territory of those States at the time of the survey. Member States shall make every effort to prevent double counting of persons with more than \none residence. The information shall be collected for each member of the households included in the \nsample. In cases where one member of the household provides information for other \nmembers, this shall be clearly indicated. -4 -\n\nArticle 3 (Representativeness of the sample) \n\n(1) The national Statistical Offices shall carry out the EC Labour Force Survey within the \nframework of a national survey and shall ensure that the sample is designed according to the \nusual practice in the member-state in question, in such a way that the volume of the sample \nwill be identical to that in the national survey. In this context, to ensure a reliable foundation for comparative analysis at Community \n(2) \nlevel as well as at the level of the Member States and of specific regions, the sampling plan \nshall guarantee that for characteristics relating to 5% of the population of working-age the \nrelative standard error at NUTS II level (or equivalent) does not exceed 8%, assuming the \ndesign effect for the variable \"unemployment\". Regions with less than 300 000 inhabitants \nshall be exempt from this requirement. (3) The national statistical offices shall ensure that at least a quarter of the survey units are \ntaken from the preceding survey and that a proportion of at least a quarter shall form part of \na subsequent survey. These two groups shall be identified by a code. (4) The Member States shall provide Eurostat with whatever information is required for the \norganization and methodology of the survey, and in particular they shall indicate the criteria \nadopted for the design and extent of the sample. Article 4 (Survey characteristics) \n\n(1) The survey shall cover the following characteristics : \n\n(a) \n\n(b) \n\n(c) \n\ndemographic background as follows: relationship to reference person in the \nhousehold, sex, year of birth, date of birth within the year, marital status, \nnationality, years of residence in this member-state, country of birth; \n\nwork status, as follows: work status during the reference week, reason for not \nhaving worked at all though having a job; \n\nemployment characteristics of the first job as follows: professional status, economic \nactivity of the local unit of the establishment, occupation, number of persons \nworking at the local unit of the establishment, country of place of work, region of \nplace of work, year in which the person started working for this employer or as self \nemployed, month in which the person started working for this employer or as self \nemployed, full-time/part-time distinction, permanency of the job, total duration of \ntemporary job or work contract, number of hours usually worked, number of hours \nworked, main reason for hours actually worked being different from the person's \nusual hours, shiftwork, evening work, night work, Saturday work, Sunday work, \nworking at home, looking for another job and reasons for doing so; \n\n(d) \n\ninformation about second jobs, as follows: existence of more than one job or \nbusiness, professional status, economic activity of the \nthe \nestablishment, occupation, number of hours actually worked, regularity of the \nsecond job; \n\nlocal unit of \n\n\f- 5 -\n\n(e) \n\n(f) \n\n(g) \n\n(h) \n\n(i) \n\n(j) \n\nprevious work experience of persons not in employment, as follows: previous \nexperience of employment, year in which person last worked, month in which \nperson last worked, main reason for leaving last job or business, professional status \nin the last job, economic activity of the local unit of the establishment in which \nperson last worked, occupation of last job; \n\nsearch for employment, as follows: seeking employment for persons without \nemployment during the reference week, type of employment sought, duration of \nsearch for work, main method used during past four weeks to find a job, date when \nperson last had contact with public employment office to find work, willingness to \nwork for persons who are not seeking employment, availability to start working \nwithin next two weeks, situation immediately before person started to seek \nemployment or was waiting for new job to start), registration at a public \nemployment office; \n\nsituation of inactive persons, as follows: situation of person who neither has a job \nnor is looking for one (excluding conscripts); \n\neducation and training, as follows: education and training received during previous \nfour weeks, purpose of the training being received during previous four weeks, total \nlength of training, usual number of hours training per week, highest completed level \nof general education, highest completed level of further education or vocational \ntraining; \n\nsituation one year before survey, as follows: situation with regard to activity, \nprofessional status, economic activity of local unit of establishment in which person \nwas working, country of residence, region of residence; \n\ntechnical items relating to the interview, as follows: year of survey, reference week, \nmember-state, region, degree of urbanization, serial number of household, type of \nhousehold, type of institution, nature of participation in the survey, weighting \nfactor, sub-sample in relation to the preceding surveys, sub-sample in relation to the \nnext survey. (2) A codification document listing the characteristics to be covered in the survey as \nindicated in paragraph 1 of this article, shall be drawn up and published by Eurostat after \nconsulting the Committee on the Statistical Programmes of tfceEuropean Communities set up \nCouncil Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom (1), in accordance with the procedure Laid \nby \ndown in Article 8. Article 5 (Conduct of the survey) \n\n(1) The national statistical offices shall conduct the survey on the basis of the codification \ndocument as described in Article 4. They shall ensure that the questions are in a logical \nsequence as regards their content and phrased in such a way as to guarantee, in collaboration \nwith Eurostat. the maximum degree of comparability between the Member States. (2) Member States shall endeavour to ensure that the information requested is provided \ntruthfully and in its entirety within the period specified. The statistical offices of the \nMember States may make the provision of replies compulsory. (1) OJ No L 181 , 28. 6. 1989, p. 47. - 6-\n\nArticle 6 (Transmission and publication) \n\n(1) Within 9 months of the end of the survey in the field the national statistical offices \nshall forward to Eurostat the results of the survey, duly checked, for each person questioned \nwithout indication of name or address. (2) Eurostat shall be responsible for the processing, analysis and dissemination of the EC \nLabour Force Survey results. Article 7 (Statistical confidentiality) \n\n(1) \nItems of information relating to individuals provided in the context of the survey may \nbe used for statistical purposes only. They may not be used for fiscal or other purposes and \nmay not be communicated to third parties. (2) The confidential handling of data transmitted to Eurostat shall be governed by \nCouncil Regulation (Euratom, EEC) No 1588/90 (2). Article 8 (Committee procedure) \n\nThe \nrepresentative of the Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the \nmeasures to be taken. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit \nwhich the Chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter, if necessary by \ntaking a vote. The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; \nshall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the mintues. in addition, each Member State \n\nThe Commission \ntake the utmost account of the opinion delivered by the \ncommittee. It shall inform the committee of the manner in which its opinion has been taken \ninto account. shall \n\nArticle 9 (Entry into force) \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in \nthe Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFortheCouncil \nThe President \n\n(2) OJ No L 151, 15. 6. 1990, p. 1, \n\n\f- 7-\n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \n\nVOLET 1 : IMPLICATIONS FINANCIERES \n\n1. Intitul\u00e9 de l'action \n\nActions relatives aux programmines statistiques sectoriels li\u00e9s aux \ndispositions de l'Acte Unique europ\u00e9en. Organisation des enqu\u00eates communautaires sur les Forces de Travail \u00e0 \npartir de 1992. 2. Lignes budg\u00e9taires concern\u00e9es \n\nPerspectives financi\u00e8res - 4. autres politiques \nSous-section B-5. Consommateurs, march\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur, industrie et \ninnovations \nChapitre B5-60. Politique d'information statistique li\u00e9e h la \nmise en place du march\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur et \u00e0 l'accompagnement des \npolitiques communautaires \nLigne B5-6000. Cr\u00e9dits op\u00e9rationnels \nLigne B8-5900. Cr\u00e9dits d'appui et de soutien \n\n~ \n\n- \n\n3. Base l\u00e9gale \n\nArticles 2, 5, 92, 117, 118, 122, 123, 213 et 235 du Trait\u00e9 \nActe Unique europ\u00e9en (JO N\u00b0 L169 du 29/06/1987, p. 1) \nPolitique de l'information statistique COM(88)248 final, d\u00e9cision \nde la Commission COM(88)696 d\u00e9cembre 1988 et r\u00e9solution du \nConseil JO N\u00b0 161 du 28/06/1989 \nProposition de r\u00e8glement (CEE) N* \n, \nrelatif \u00e0 l'organisation des enqu\u00eates communautaires sur les \nforces de travail \u00e0 partir de 1992. Ancien r\u00e8glement dont l'application est termin\u00e9e : r\u00e8glement \n(CEE) N* 3044/89 du 6 octobre 1989 relatif \u00c0 l'organisation d'une \nenqu\u00eate par sondage sur les forces de travail aux printemps 1990 \net 1991. du Conseil du \n\n4. Description de l'action \n\n*~ \n\n4. 1. Objectifs sp\u00e9cifiques de l'action \n\nTravaux de normalisation d'enqu\u00eates, \u00e9tudes et analyses destin\u00e9es \n\u00e0 produire un ensemble d'informations statistiques communautaires \nconcernant : \n- la politique sociale \npour un total de trente projets \u00e9l\u00e9mentaires du programme \nstatistique de la Commission Economique europ\u00e9enne 1989-1992, \ndont le pr\u00e9sent projet concernant les enqu\u00eates forces de travail. 4. 2. Dur\u00e9e \n\nActions pluriannuelles car l'information statistique demand\u00e9e \u00e8 \nun caract\u00e8re permanent sous peine de perdre tout son int\u00e9r\u00eat. - 8-\n\n4. 3. Population vis\u00e9e par l'action \n\nLes b\u00e9n\u00e9ficiaires de cette action sont les Institutions communau \ntaires, les gouvernements des Etats membres, les d\u00e9cideurs \n\u00e9conomiques et sociaux des Etats membres ainsi que les Instituts \nde recherche, les Universit\u00e9s ou les m\u00e9dias. 5. Classification de la d\u00e9pense ou des recettes \n\n5. 1. DNO \n\n5. 2. CD / CND \n\n5. 3. Types de recettes vis\u00e9es \n\nNEANT \n\n6. Quelle est la nature de la d\u00e9pense ou des recettes ? \n\n6. 1. Subvention \u00e0 100% \n\n~ \n\nNON - La contribution de la Commission ne repr\u00e9sente qu'une \nfaible partie du co\u00fbt r\u00e9el de la collecte des donn\u00e9es de l'ordre \nde 1 \u00e0 5 % car l'activit\u00e9 statistique de la Commission est tr\u00e8s \nlargement subsidiaris\u00e9e. N\u00e9anmoins, la d\u00e9pense est essentielle \npour l'incitation \u00e0 la normalisation de la collecte, de \nl'\u00e9laboration et de la transmission des donn\u00e9es \u00e0 Eurostat. 6. 2. Subvention pour co-financement avec d'autres sources du secteur \n\npublic \nOUI - Cofinancement du secteur public (budget des services \nstatistiques nationaux) \n\n6. 3. Bonification d'int\u00e9r\u00eat \n\nNON \n\n6. 4. Autres \n\nNEANT \n\n6. 5. En cas de r\u00e9ussite \u00e9conomique de <1'action, un remboursement \npartiel ou total de l'apport financier communautaire est-il \npr\u00e9vu ? \nNON \n\n^ \n\n6. 6. L'action propos\u00e9e implique-t-elle une modification du niveau des \nrecettes ? Si oui, de quelle nature est la modification et quel \ntype de recette est vis\u00e9 ? \nNON \n\n7. Incidence financi\u00e8re sur les cr\u00e9dits d'intervention (partie B du \n\nbudget) \n\n7. 1. Indiquez le mode de calcul du co\u00fbt total de l'action \n\nTotal : 5. 17 MECU \n\n1992 \ndont : \n\ncontribution aux Etats membres (enqu\u00eate, collecte et \ntraitement) : 4. 62 MECU \nprestations de services (\u00e9tudes, analyses, gestion de \ndonn\u00e9es) : 0. 55 MECU \n\n\f- 9-\n\n7. 2. Indiquez la part du \"mini-budget\" dans le co\u00fbt total de l'action. B8-5900 pour 0. 40 MECU - Cf. Annexe 1 \n\n7. 3. Ech\u00e9ancier indicatif des cr\u00e9dits d'engagement et de paiement \n\nStatistiques dans le cadre \nde la politique sociale \n\nCE \nCP \n\n1222 \n8. 0 \n8. 1 \n\n1993 \n8. 0 \n7. 6 \n\n1994 \n\n9*5 \n8. 1 \n\n1555 \n9. 1 \n8. 9 \n\ndont projet de r\u00e8glement \npropos\u00e9 concernant les en- \nqu\u00eates forces de travail \n\u00e0 partir de 1992 \n\nCE \nCP \n\n4. 8 \n3. 1 \n\n4. 8 \n4. 7 \n\n4. 8 \n4. 7 \n\n4. 8 \n4. 7 \n\nCf. Ech\u00e9ancier des cr\u00e9dits op\u00e9rationnels - Annexe 2. 8. Quelles sont les dispositions anti-fraude pr\u00e9vues dans la proposition \n\nw \n\nd'action ? \n- \n\nLes contrats et conventions pass\u00e9s par la Commission ne sont \npay\u00e9s que sur base des r\u00e9sultats obtenus. L'information statistique est consid\u00e9r\u00e9e comme un instrument \nobjectif d'\u00e9valuation des programmes d'actions communautaires et \ncontribuent ainsi \u00e0 la consolidation du dispositif anti-fraude. VOLET 2 : DEPENSES ADMINISTRATIVES (partie A du budget) \n\n1. L'action propos\u00e9e implique-t-elle une augmentation du nombre \n\nd'effectifs de la Commission ? Si oui, de combien ? \nUnit\u00e9 de la DG participant aux travaux : El - Emploi et ch\u00f4mage \nEffectifs : 13 agents au 01/01/1991 dont 4 sur le projet \"enqu\u00eates \nforces de travail\", \n\ndemand\u00e9s +1 sur le budget 1992 \ndemand\u00e9s +1 sur le budget 1993 \n\n2. Indiquez le montant des d\u00e9penses de fonctionnement et de personnel \n\ng\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es par la proposition d'action. Explicitez le mode de calcul. Proportionnel \u00e0 l'effectif total de la DG 34, 389 agents au 01/01/1991 \nsoit 1 % pour le projet \"enqu\u00eates forces de travail\". ~ \n\nVOLET 3 : ELEMENTS D'ANALYSE COUT-EFFICACITE \n\n1. Objectifs et coh\u00e9rence avec la programmation financi\u00e8re \n\n1. 1. Objectifs sp\u00e9cifiques de l'action propos\u00e9e : \n\n- Statistiques dans le cadre de la politique sociale : population \nactive, emploi, ch\u00f4mage, formation professionnelle, migrations, \nsynth\u00e8ses sociales, pauvret\u00e9. 1. 2. L'action est-elle pr\u00e9vue dans la programmation financi\u00e8re de la \n\nDG pour les ann\u00e9es concern\u00e9es ? \nOUI - Note 476 du 8 f\u00e9vrier 1991 - DG34 - Cf. Annexe 3 \n\n\f-10-\n\n1. 3. Indiquez \u00e0 quel objectif plus g\u00e9n\u00e9ral d\u00e9fini dans la \nprogrammation financi\u00e8re de la DG correspond l'objectif de \nl'action propos\u00e9e. Objectif N* 1 \n\n2. Justification de l'action \n\n~ \n\nw \n\n2. 1. Justification de l'action choisie par rapport \u00e0 une alternative \n\nqui permet d'atteindre les m\u00eames objectifs \nCette action atteint 4 r\u00e9sultats : \n\nelle donne aux Institutions les \u00e9l\u00e9ments quantitatifs au \nniveau national et r\u00e9gional pour \u00e9laborer, suivre et \u00e9valuer \ntout programme d'action (en particulier, Fonds Structurels) \nconform\u00e9ment \u00e8 l'article 3 paragraphe 2 du R\u00e8glement \nfinancier : \"elle contribue donc \u00e0 une utilisation plus \nefficace et pertinente du budget communautaire. \" \nelle donne aux Administrations nationales les statistiques \ncomparables sur l'ensemble des pays membres pour \u00e9valuer et \ncontr\u00f4ler \npolitiques \ndes \ncommunautaires. elle fournit aux acteurs politiques, \u00e9conomiques et sociaux \nde la Communaut\u00e9 les informations chiffr\u00e9es pour prendre et \n\u00e9valuer leurs d\u00e9cisions dans leurs domaines d'activit\u00e9s \nrespectifs : elle est donc un \u00e9l\u00e9ment essentiel du march\u00e9 \neurop\u00e9en de l'information. elle permet \u00e0 la Communaut\u00e9 scientifique de disposer des \ninformations n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 faire avancer les analyses et la \nconnaissance de la vie \u00e9conomique et sociale de la \nCommunaut\u00e9. l'\u00e9volution \n\nprogrammes \n\na) Co\u00fbt \n\nLe financement de cette action repose essentiellement sur \nles Etats membres (volet 1 point 6. 1. ) qui disposent d'une \nstructure de collecte et d'\u00e9laboration bien implant\u00e9e. Si la \nCommission devait financer totalement ce programme, le co\u00fbt \nserait extr\u00eamement \u00e9lev\u00e9 pour un produit certainement moins \nfiable. b) Effets d\u00e9riv\u00e9s \n\nLes r\u00e9sultats de l'action contribuent \u00e0 l'am\u00e9lioration \nde l'information statistique utilis\u00e9e dans le cadre des \ntravaux li\u00e9s \u00e0 la politique sociale. La collecte de l'information statistique repose sur une \narchitecture tr\u00e8s subsidiaris\u00e9e dans laquelle les \nsyt\u00e8mes nationaux ont une responsabilit\u00e9 au niveau de \nchaque Etat membre. Le programme statistique communau \ntaire devient une partie int\u00e9grante des programmes \nstatistiques nationaux contribuant ainsi \u00e0 cr\u00e9er un \nespace statistique europ\u00e9en\u2022 \n\nc) Effets multiplicateurs \n\nEffet d'entra\u00eenement vers un espace statistique europ\u00e9en et \ndonc vers une plus grande int\u00e9gration communautaire des \nsyst\u00e8mes statistiques nationaux. -11 -\n\n3. Suivi et \u00e9valuation de l'action \n\n3. 1. Indicateurs de performance s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s \n\nRappel de l'ex\u00e9cution des cr\u00e9dits d'engagement en 1990 \nau 30/06/1990 : 100 % \nSuivi des objectifs op\u00e9rationnels li\u00e9s aux dispositions de \nl'Acte Unique europ\u00e9en \u00e0 l'aide du tableau de bord -\nCf. Fiche 5 - Annexe 4 \n\n3. 2. Modalit\u00e9s et p\u00e9riodicit\u00e9 de l'\u00e9valuation pr\u00e9vues \n\nLa mise en oeuvre du programme statistique est suivi en \npermanence sur la base d'un tableau de bord (TBPS) qui d\u00e9finit \npour chaque projet (plus ou moins 190 projets) les objectifs \nop\u00e9rationnels et les ressources n\u00e9cessaires sur base du principe \nprogrammation-r\u00e9alisation. Au d\u00e9but de chaque ann\u00e9e, Eurostat \npr\u00e9pare un rapport sur l'avancement du programme au cours de \nl'ann\u00e9e pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente. Ce rapport comporte 3 parties : \n\nla premi\u00e8re synth\u00e9tise, pour chaque politique, les princi \npales r\u00e9alisations de l'ann\u00e9e ; \nla deuxi\u00e8me d\u00e9crit pour chaque projet, l'objectif fix\u00e9 et \nles r\u00e9sultats obtenus ; \nla troisi\u00e8me fournit des statistiques sur l'utilisation des \nressources humaines, budg\u00e9taires, informatiques et adminis \ntratives dans le courant de l'ann\u00e9e pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente. La r\u00e9solution du Conseil du 26/06/1989 sur le programme \nstatistique des Communaut\u00e9s europ\u00e9ennes 1989-1992 demande \u00e0 la \nCommission de lui adresser avant juin 1993 un rapport final sur \nl'ex\u00e9cution du programme statistique. La Commission envisage de \nfaire pr\u00e9parer ce rapport par des consultants ext\u00e9rieurs \u00e0 \nl'Institution pour garantir une plus grande objectivit\u00e9 au \nrapport (JO/C/161 du 26/06/1989, p. 1 ). ~ \n\nAnnexes : \n1. Mini-budget \n2. Ech\u00e9ancier \n3. Programmation financi\u00e8re - 1er volet (note 476 du 8/02/1991 DG 34) \n4. Tableau de bord - fiche 5 \n\n\fINTITULE \n\ngne \ndget. \u00c9vu \n\nLIGNES BUDGETAIRES COMPORTANT DES MINI-BUDGETS \n\nTotal Mini \nbudget \n\nCODES D'IMPUTATIONS \n\nAnnexe 1 \n\nen Milliers d'\u00e9cns \nNombre de \npersonnel \n\nD\u00e9penses d'infrastructure \n\n20 \n\n30 \n\n40 \n\n41 \n\n50 \n\nCr\u00e9dits d'appui et soutien \u00e0 B5-6000 \n\n(pour Informa. ) \n\nD\u00e9penses de \npersonnel \n\nD\u00e9penses de \nfonctionnement \n\nD\u00e9penses \ndirectes DGs \n\nD\u00e9penses \n\nQuote-part < 'information s \n\nDG IX \n(1) \n\net de publics \n-tion \n\n1-5900 \n\nActions relatives aux programmes \nstatistiques sectoriels li\u00e9s aux dispositions \nde l'Acte Unique europ\u00e9en \ndont projet de r\u00e8glement concernant les \nenqu\u00eates forces de travail \u00e0 partir de 1992 \n\n1992 \n\n5,300 \n\n3,700 \n\n0,050 \n\n0. 750 \n\n0. 800 \n\n0,400 \n\n0,248 \n\n0,005 \n\n0. 100 \n\n0. 047 \n\n(B5-600) \ndont projet de r\u00e8glement concernant les \nenqu\u00eates forces de travail \u00e0 partir de 1992 \n\n(1991) \n\n(3,969) \n\n(0,343) \n\n(2,375; \n\n(0,23i; \n\n(0,030) \n\n(0,005) \n\n(0. 730) \n\n(0,060) \n\n(0. 834) \n\n(0. 047) \n\ni \n\nru \nl \n\n53-\n\n3 \n\n(50) \n\n(3) \n\nBase estim\u00e9e 15. 700 ecus par poste en 1992 \n(note XX-A-1 n\u00b0 440 du 01. 07. 1991, accord sur dispositions 1991) \n\n\fB5-6000 -CD \nNGAGEMENTS \n\nCr\u00e9dits 1992 \n\nCr\u00e9dits 1993 \n\nCr\u00e9dits 1994 \n\nCr\u00e9dits 1995 \n\nL'\u00e9ch\u00e9ancier pr\u00e9visible des paiements par rapports aux engagements se pr\u00e9sente comme suit ; \n\nAnnexe 2 \n\nPAIEMENTS \n\nen milliers d'\u00e9cus \n\n1992 \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\nExercices \nsuivants \n\n3,4 \n\n1,4 \n\n3,4 \n\n-\n\n4,8 \n\n4,8 \n\n4,8 \n\n4,8 \n\n1,4 \n\n3,4 \n\n1,4 \n\n3,4 \n\n1,4 \n\nI \n\n\fG. jectif : n\u00b0l Programme statistique de la Commission Economique Europ\u00e9enne \n\n: 34 - Eurostat \n\n< \n\n( \n\nFICHE SYNTHETIQUE DE PROGRAMMATION FINANCIERE \n\n\u00bb I M VM 3 \n\nTableau 1 \nau 11. 02. 1991 \n\n- dans le cadre de l'acte unique europ\u00e9en \n\nibell\u00e9 \n\nnn\u00e9e \n\nACTIONS EN COURS \n\nLigniRubr \nchap] P. F. TypeCD/CNq \nH'ac. bo/DNCI \ntion \n\nEch\u00e9ancier pr\u00e9vu en cr\u00e9dits d'engagement / paiement \n(MECU, Prix courants) \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\n1993 \n\n1994 \n\n1995 \n\nActions relatives aux programmes statistiques sectoriels li\u00e9s aux dispositions d^ l'act; \n\n(3) \n\nOJ No L 207, 29. 7. 1987, p. 1. (4) \n\nOJ No L 306, 11. 11. 1988, p. 2. - 5 -\n\nWhereas the TAC adopted by the CCAMLR for ChampsocephaI us ounnarI covers \n\nthe entire 1990/91 fishing year; whereas Member States should therefore \n\nalso communicate to the Commission the catches taken by their vessels \n\nbetween 1 July 1990 and the date on which this Regulation enters into \n\nforce; \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 2245/85 \n(EEC) No 1589/90(6), should be amended accordingly, \n\nf as last amended by Regulation \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2245/85 Is hereby amended as follows : \n\n1. Articles 2,2a, and 2b are replaced by the following : \n\n\"Article 2 \n\nProhibition on fishing (*) \n\n1. fishing \n\nDirected \nquntheri. Chaenocephalus \nNotothenla \naceratus. PseUdOChaenlChthYS georglanUS and Notothenla sauamlfrons \n\nfor PataqonotOthen brevicauda \n\nalbberifrons. Notothenla \n\nrossll, \n\nIn FA0 Antarctic sub-area 48. 3 (South Georgia) shall be prohibited \n\nfrom 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991. 2. Directed fishing for Champsocephaius ounnar i off South Georgia \n\n(FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3) shall be prohibited from 1 April to \n\n4 November 1991. (5) \n\nOJ No L 210, 7. 8. 1985, p. 2. (6) \n\nOJ Wo L 151, 15. 6. 1990, p. 5, \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nDuring this period, fishing for ChampsocephaI us \n\nounnar I. Notothenla \n\nrosslI, Notothenla \n\nglbberlfrons. chaenocephalus \n\naceratus. PseudochaenlchthYs georglanus and Notothenla souamifrons \n\nshall be prohibited in FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3, except for \n\nscientific research purposes. 3. Directed fishing for flnflsh In FAO Antarctic sub-areas 48. 1 and \n\n48. 2 shall be prohibited In the 1990/91 season except for \n\nscientific research purposes. Article 2a \n\nCatch I Imit\u00e2tlons(*) \n\n1. Catches of ChampsocephaI us ounnarI taken In the FAO Antarctic sub-\n\narea 48. 3 in the period 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991 shall be \n\nlimited to a TAC of 26 000 tonnes. 2. In the course of fishing in FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3 for \nrossll, \nChampsocephalus gunnar I. by-catches of Notothenla \n\nChaenocephalus aceratus and PseudOChaenlChthYS georglanUS sha11 be \n\nlimited to 300 tonnes for each species and by-catches of \n\nNotothenla glbberlfrons shall be limited to 500 tonnes. 3. Fishing In FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3 shall be terminated If by-\n\ncatches of one of the species listed in paragraph 2 reach the by-\n\ncatch limits provided for or if total catches of Champsocephalus \n\ngunnarI reach 26 000 tonnes, whichever happens first. 4. Catches of Dissostichus Eleglnoldes taken In the FAO Antarctic \n\nsub-area 48. 3 In the period 2 November 1990 to 1 November 1991 \n\nshall be limited to a TAC of 2 500 tonnes. 5. The date on which the catches taken by Community vessels or the \n\nother vessel s concerned are deemed to have exhausted the TAC \n\nspecified in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be fixed by the Commission \n\npursuant to Article 11(3) of Regulation (EEC) No 2241/87 as soon as \n\nthe required information is received from the CCAMLR. - 7 -\n\n6. With effect from the date fixed pursuant to paragraph 5, all \n\nfishing for the species concerned shall be prohibited in FAO \n\nAntarctic sub-area 48. 3 and Community vessels shall cease to \n\nretain on board, tranship or land any catches of this fish taken \n\nIn that sub-area after that date. 7. If, In the course of directed fishing for ChamPSQCePhalUS flUnnarI, \n\nthe by-catch of any of the species listed at paragraph 2 exceeds \n\n5% of the haul, the fishing vessels shall move to another fishing \n\narea In FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3. 8. The use of bottom trawls for directed fishing for Champsocephalus \n\ngunnarI within FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3 shall be prohibited. Article 2b \n\nCatch reports^*) \n\n1. catches of Patagonotothen brevicauda guntherl. Champsocephalus \ngunnar I. Plssosthlcus Elegenoldes, Notothenla rosslI, Notothenla \nglbberlfrons, Chaenocephalus aceratus and PseudochaenfchthYs \ngeorglanus in FAO Antarctic sub-area 48. 3 shall be the subject of \n\nreports In accordance with this Article, without prejudice to the \n\napplication of Articles 5 to 9 of Regulation (EEC) No 2241/87. 2. Total catches, broken down by vessels, which were made by \n\nCommunity vessels In the period between 1 July 1990 and the end of \n\nthe first month following the month In which this Regulation \n\nenters Into force shall, within 10 days of the end of that period, \n\nbe notified to the Commission by the Member States In which the \n\nvessels concerned are registered or whose flag they fly. - 8 -\n\n3. For the purposes of reporting the catches taken after the period \n\nreferred to In paragraph 2, each calendar month shall be divided \n\nInto six reporting periods designated by the letters A, B, C, D, E \n\nand F and running from day 1 to day 5, day 6 to day 10, day 11 to \n\nday 15, day 16 to day 20, day 21 to day 25 and day 26 to the last \n\nday of the month, respectively. At the latest within three days of each reporting period, each \n\nMember State shall notify the Commission of the total catches, \n\nbroken down by vessels, that the vessels flying its flag or \n\nregistered In Its territory have made in the preceding reporting \n\nperiod, specifying the month and reporting period concerned. 4. On the basis of the Information received pursuant to paragraphs 2 \n\nand 3, the Commission shall, at the end of each reporting period, \n\nInform the CCAMLR of the total catches made by the Community \n\nvessels in the preceding reporting period. (*) \n\nThe FAO zones mentioned in this Regulation are defined in \n\nCommission communication 85/C 335/02, (OJ No C 335, 24. 12. 1985, \np. 2 )M. 2. The Annex Is amended as follows : \n\nThe minimum mesh size provided for In Article 3 relating to fishing for \n\nChamPSOCePhaI US gunnarl Is replaced by 90 mm with effect from 1 November \n\n1991. - 9 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that \n\nof its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable \n\nin all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\f- \n\nic-\n\nCOMPETITIYENESS. AM EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT \n\nThe object of this proposal is to adopt conservation measures relating to \n\nfish stocks in Antarctic waters in accordance with the decisions of the \n\nresponsible International organisation, CCAMLR, of which the Community is \n\na Party. Since no Community vessels currently fish In those waters, the proposal \n\nIn question will have no Impact on competition or employment. RAPPORT D\u00a3 L'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE \u00a31 L'EMELQl \n\nL'objet de cette proposition est d'adopter des mesures de conservation \n\npour les stocks de poissons \u00e9voluant dans les eaux de l'Antarctique suite \n\naux d\u00e9cisions prises au sein de l'organisation Internationale \n\nresponsable, CCAMLR, dont la Communaut\u00e9 est partie contractante. Cette proposition n'aura aucun impact sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 ni sur \n\nl'emploi au ni eau de la Communaut\u00e9 puIsqu'actuellement les navires \n\ncommunautaires ne p\u00e8chent pas dans ces eaux. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 99 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n14 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-152-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71066-7 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice far Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/11ab9fb0-8ca6-4c7f-bf7a-7d036551aa41", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 600/91 by Mr Peter CRAMPTON to the Commission. Destruction of the rain forests", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CRAMPTON,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Brazil,forest conservation,import,international agreement,scientific research,testing,wood for construction", "workIds": "celex:91991E000600", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brazil", "forest conservation", "import", "international agreement", "scientific research", "testing", "wood for construction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/11ab9fb0-8ca6-4c7f-bf7a-7d036551aa41", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/434228cb-68da-42bb-9bce-54c87d117454", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 623/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Building regulations for the insulation of homes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "approximation of laws,building insulation,building regulations,energy policy,energy resources,energy saving,environmental protection,housing", "workIds": "celex:91991E000623", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "building insulation", "building regulations", "energy policy", "energy resources", "energy saving", "environmental protection", "housing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/434228cb-68da-42bb-9bce-54c87d117454", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c3746bd-dd52-4daf-a62b-bd37f57e4c15", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 625/91 by Mr Christopher JACKSON to the Commission. Proposed zoos directive", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CHRISTOPHER", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EC Directive,leisure park,protected area,protection of animals,wildlife", "workIds": "celex:91991E000625", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "leisure park", "protected area", "protection of animals", "wildlife"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c3746bd-dd52-4daf-a62b-bd37f57e4c15", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58ffcf46-a7e1-40aa-97b6-b717ae152503", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 619/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Installed capacity of new and renewable sources of energy in each Member State", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU statistics,electrical energy,energy production,production capacity,soft energy", "workIds": "celex:91991E000619", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU statistics", "electrical energy", "energy production", "production capacity", "soft energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58ffcf46-a7e1-40aa-97b6-b717ae152503", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8211711a-e2ba-4c8d-bc99-b9ee26972395", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-0277/91 with debate by Mr PIQUET, Mr EPHREMIDIS, Mr MIRANDA DA SILVA and Mr DE ROSSA on behalf of the CG Group to European Political Cooperation: Position of EPC on arms exports and disarmament measures in the Middle East and worldwide", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE ROSSA,EPHREMIDIS,European Parliament,MIRANDA DA SILVA,PIQUET", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Iraq,Middle East,arms control,arms industry,arms limitation,arms supply,arms trade,disarmament,export (EU),export restriction,industrial conversion,international conflict,international security,updating of skills,weapon of mass destruction", "workIds": "celex:91991O000076", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Middle East", "arms control", "arms industry", "arms limitation", "arms supply", "arms trade", "disarmament", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "industrial conversion", "international conflict", "international security", "updating of skills", "weapon of mass destruction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8211711a-e2ba-4c8d-bc99-b9ee26972395", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f4210dda-b5f0-4c0d-9e9c-715c483ba16a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 626/91 by Mr Christopher JACKSON to the Commission. Equal pension entitlements", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CHRISTOPHER", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "application of EU law,gender equality,judgment of the Court (EU),sexual discrimination", "workIds": "celex:91991E000626", "eurovoc_concepts": ["application of EU law", "gender equality", "judgment of the Court (EU)", "sexual discrimination"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f4210dda-b5f0-4c0d-9e9c-715c483ba16a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cc80637c-5785-48c1-bc31-a61e9047e686", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 605/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE LOPEZ to the Commission. Commission evaluation of the ' Young Andalusia' programme cofinanced by the European Social Fund", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Andalusia,European Social Fund,co-financing,employment aid,vocational training,youth employment", "workIds": "celex:91991E000605", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Andalusia", "European Social Fund", "co-financing", "employment aid", "vocational training", "youth employment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cc80637c-5785-48c1-bc31-a61e9047e686", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33bf9959-20b6-4dcc-a1c6-36916a165e5a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 624/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Member States' national R&D funding for new and renewable sources of energy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "member country,national budget,renewable energy,research and development", "workIds": "celex:91991E000624", "eurovoc_concepts": ["member country", "national budget", "renewable energy", "research and development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33bf9959-20b6-4dcc-a1c6-36916a165e5a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc2a66d5-4aba-4d32-9789-65b61242ac76", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 617/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Capital cost of flue gas desulphurization versus cost of imported low-sulphur coal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "air quality,chemical process,coal,combustion gases,cost of pollution,pollution control measures,power plant", "workIds": "celex:91991E000617", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air quality", "chemical process", "coal", "combustion gases", "cost of pollution", "pollution control measures", "power plant"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc2a66d5-4aba-4d32-9789-65b61242ac76", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f6f64c31-a580-47b7-b66f-276003a407c3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 611/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. Commission-approved programmes within the Andalusian Economic Development Plan", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Andalusia,EAGGF,Structural Funds,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91991E000611", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Andalusia", "EAGGF", "Structural Funds", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f6f64c31-a580-47b7-b66f-276003a407c3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f4bd45aa-e281-469a-9ef7-df8149b54e7a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 621/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. 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Results of the Community-funded free distribution of foodstuffs in Spain in 1989 and 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Spain,aid to disadvantaged groups,food aid,intervention stock,non-governmental organisation,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91991E000609", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "aid to disadvantaged groups", "food aid", "intervention stock", "non-governmental organisation", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9035919f-6625-4e25-99d7-760294983309", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7d38483-4110-47f1-98cf-98f7aeb8f14f", "title": "91/228/EEC: Council Decision of 15 April 1991 concerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Malaysia on trade in textile products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Malaysia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31991D0228", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malaysia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7d38483-4110-47f1-98cf-98f7aeb8f14f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/995efb49-c836-49a6-9154-b96a5c6d64b7", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-1084/91 with debate by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE on behalf of the Rainbow Group in the European Parliament to the Commission: Implementation of the social dimension of the internal market", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "European social policy,approximation of laws,arrangement of working time,care of mothers and infants,parental leave,single market,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91991O000100", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "approximation of laws", "arrangement of working time", "care of mothers and infants", "parental leave", "single market", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/995efb49-c836-49a6-9154-b96a5c6d64b7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93168a8c-f07f-4f12-9d39-dbb644916f36", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 597/91 by Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS to the Commission. Gulf War and Community economic growth", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU situation,Middle East,economic disparity,economic growth,petroleum,price of energy,supply and demand", "workIds": "celex:91991E000597", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU situation", "Middle East", "economic disparity", "economic growth", "petroleum", "price of energy", "supply and demand"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93168a8c-f07f-4f12-9d39-dbb644916f36", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a923e080-f883-4d16-b4d9-bd54eb814f7d", "title": "ERASMUS and LINGUA : action II: Directory 1990/91.,ERASMUS et LINGUA : action II: R\u00e9pertoire 1990/1991.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU Member State,directory,educational exchange", "workIds": "PUB_CY6091967", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "directory", "educational exchange"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a923e080-f883-4d16-b4d9-bd54eb814f7d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/104af094-2642-4fb0-99a5-edcd21f8ba18", "title": "Agreed Minute amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Malaysia on trade in textile products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Malaysia", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Malaysia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:21991A0420(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malaysia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/104af094-2642-4fb0-99a5-edcd21f8ba18", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8172a485-b4e3-455e-a018-7b8421c03085", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 613/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. Qualified authorization of medicinal products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU law,bio-ethics,biotechnology,marketing,medicinal product,testing,vaccine", "workIds": "celex:91991E000613", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "bio-ethics", "biotechnology", "marketing", "medicinal product", "testing", "vaccine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8172a485-b4e3-455e-a018-7b8421c03085", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b56d097d-7b00-45c4-9e9f-62728153782f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 606/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. EAGGF Guidance Section fraud prevention controls", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Structural Funds,fraud,free service", "workIds": "celex:91991E000606", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Structural Funds", "fraud", "free service"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b56d097d-7b00-45c4-9e9f-62728153782f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/98530339-b46d-4b54-98c6-98fe4d7eca74", "title": "91/243/EEC: Council Decision of 15 April 1991 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of agreed minutes between the European Economic Community and Australia relating to certain agricultural products negotiated under Article XXVIII of GATT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Australia,GATT,agricultural product,tariff preference,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:31991D0243", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Australia", "GATT", "agricultural product", "tariff preference", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/98530339-b46d-4b54-98c6-98fe4d7eca74", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5966dfcc-1852-453f-85cd-b196ff3c94d6", "title": "Vocabulaire du droit primaire communautaire : version provisoire 1985.,Vocabulario de derecho primario comunitario : versi\u00f3n provisional 1985.,Vocabulary of Community primary law : provisional version 1985.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU law,multilingual dictionary,terminology", "workIds": "PUB_CB4485331", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "multilingual dictionary", "terminology"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5966dfcc-1852-453f-85cd-b196ff3c94d6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/36ed14d0-ba54-49ac-a379-9b4437d3e623", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-1086/91 with debate by Mr von der VRING on behalf of the Socialist Group to the Commission: Reductions in arms spending and troop withdrawals and the effect of these developments on employment in the main regions concerned", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VON DER VRING", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "arms industry,defence expenditure,disarmament,economic consequence,force reduction,industrial conversion,job cuts,redevelopment aid,regional economy,stationing of forces", "workIds": "celex:91991O000102", "eurovoc_concepts": ["arms industry", "defence expenditure", "disarmament", "economic consequence", "force reduction", "industrial conversion", "job cuts", "redevelopment aid", "regional economy", "stationing of forces"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/36ed14d0-ba54-49ac-a379-9b4437d3e623", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4238c267-b8f4-4c2e-9639-5905337366c1", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) OPENING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A COMMUNITY TARIFF QUOTA FOR RUM, TAFIA AND ARRACK ORIGINATING IN THE AFRICAN, CARIBBEAN AND PACIFIC STATES ( ACP ) ( 1991/92 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "spirits,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0116,comnat:COM_1991_0116_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["spirits", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4238c267-b8f4-4c2e-9639-5905337366c1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\n___ \n\nC0M(91)116 final \n\nBrussels, 15 April 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening and providing for the administration of a Community tariff quotas \n\nfor rum, tafia and arrack originating in the African, Caribbean and \n\nPacific States (ACP) \n\n(1991/92) \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Protocol No. 6, annexed to the Fourth Lom\u00e9 Convention, which was \n\nsigned on 15. 12. 1989, provides that the products falling within CN \n\ncodes 2208 40 10, 2208 40 90, 2208 90 11 and 2208 90 19 (rum, tafia \n\nand arrack), originating in the ACP States, shall be imported duty \n\nfree into the Community. In the meantime, the Community has decided by \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No. 714/90, extended by Regulation (EEC) No. 524/91, to apply with effect from 1 March 1990, the aforementioned \n\nprotocol No. 6 autonomously in anticipation. These preferential arrangements are restricted to a quantity which is \n\nto be fixed annually by the Community on the basis of the largest \n\nquantities imported annually from the ACP States during the last three \n\nyears for which Statistics are available. Increased by an annual \n\ngrowth rate of 37% of the market of the United Kingdom and 27% on the \n\nmarket of the other Member States. But if the quota volume calculated \n\non this basis is less than 172 000 hi the volume should be fixed at \n\nthis level of 172 000 hi. 2. By Regulation No. 1820/87 regarding application of the ACP-EEC Council \n\nof Ministers Decision 2/87 relative to advance implementation of a \n\nprotocol to the third ACP-EEC Convention subsequent to the accession \n\nof Spain and Portugal to the European Communities, the Council has \n\nestablished arrangements for trade between the Kingdom of Spain and \n\nthe Portugese Republic on the one hand and the ACP States on the \n\nother. The result is that the imports of the products in question into \n\nthese two countries benefit from the tariff quota. However, as regards \n\nthe quota duties, which will be applicable, particular provisions are \n\nprovided for in the abovementioned Protocol. 3. The preferential arrangements should therefore be brought into force \n\n-by the opening of a Community tariff quota for rum, tafia and arrack \n\noriginating in the ACP States. Because of the particularities on the rum market, the normal quota \n\nperiod ranges from 1 July to 30 June. 4. Community imports of the goods concerned during the iast three years \n\nwere as foi lows: \n\nBenelux \n\nDenmark \n\nGermany \n\nGreece \n\nSpain \n\nFrance \n\nIreland \n\nItaly \n\nPortugal \n\nUnited \n\nK i ngdom \n\n(in hectolitres of pure alcohol) \n\n1988 \n\n1989 \n\n1990 \n\n7 389 \n\n7 621 \n\n9 339 \n\n2 038 \n\n1 748 \n\n2 404 \n\n42 523 \n\n48 591 \n\n50 451 \n\n- \n\n- \n\n1 216 \n\n586 \n\n156 \n\n19 \n\n5 699 \n\n9 514 \n\n2 189 \n\n2 973 \n\n2 282 \n\n806 \n\n- \n\n431 \n\n-\n\n54 \n\n63 525 \n\n83 773 \n\n70 436 \n\n119 686 \n\n145 898 \n\n150 179 \n\nThe quota volume to be taken into account on this basis for the period \n\n1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992 should be 197 771 hectolitres. 5. Following the Judgement of the Court of Justice on 27 September 1988 \n\n(Case 51/87), the volume of the quota in question must not be carried \n\nover in quota shares between the Member States at least while the \n\npressing circumstances of an administrative, technical and economic \n\nnature prevent from doing otherwise, also, the economic difficulties \n\nthat could result, for the overseas departments (0SD) from the sudden \n\nmodification of the system relating to the imports of rum originating \n\nin the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) constitute \n\nconstraining circumstances which justify the temporary and partial \n\nkeeping of this system which will disappear in every respect in the \n\nperspective of the achieving of the single market. In this perspective \n\nthe quantity attributed to the constitution of the Community Reserve \n\ngoes to 40% and 60% of the quota volume. 6. For these reasons the provisions of the Regulation provide for the \n\nsplitting up of the quota volume into two parts, the first of which \n\nwill be allocated among the Member States as quota shares, with the \n\nsecond forming a reserve. The calculation of these is based on the imports of the products in \n\nquestion from ACP States during the previous three years 1988, 1989 \n\nand 1990, and the economic outlook for the period in question, if, \n\nduring the quota period, the Community reserve were to be almost \n\nentirely used up, Member States should return to the said reserve all \n\nof the unused portion of their initial shares so as to avoid part of \n\nthe Community tariff quota from remaining unused in one Member State, \n\nwhen it could be used in others. 7. It is proposed that the draft for a Council Regulation described above \n\nshould be approved. * \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nC O U N C IL R E G U L A T I ON \n\n(EEC) No \n\n/ 91 \n\nof \n\no p e n i n g, a l l o c a t i ng a nd p r o v i d i ng for t he a d m i n i s t r a t i on of a C o m m u n i ty \ntariff \nq u o ta for r u m, t a f ia a nd a r r a ck o r i g i n a t i ng in t he A f r i c a n, C a r i b b e an a nd P a c i f ic \n\n( A C P) S t a t es (1991/92) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES. Having regard \nEconomic C o m m u n i t y, and \nthereof, \n\nto the Treaty establishing \n\nthe European \nin particular Article 113 \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from \n\nthe Commission, \n\n5 2 4 / /1 \u00a9# 27 F e b r u a ry 1191 \n\nWfeereas &e C o m m u n i ty signed \nthe Fourth ACP-EEC \nConvention at Lom\u00e9 on 15 December 1989 ; whereas the \nC o m m u n i ty decided, by Council Regulation (EEC) No \nthe application of \nDecision No 1/91 of the ACP-EEC Council of Ministers \nextending Decision Mo 2MJ \non transitional measures valid from \nappfy Protocol 6 annexed \nmously in advance ; \n\nl March 1990 ('), to \nthe Convention autono \n\nconcerning \n\nto \n\nWhereas Protocol 6 provides that products originating in \nthe African, Caribbean and Pacific S MS \n\n1J0 17V \n\n5\" \n\n\fWhereas, in view of these factors, of market forecasts for \nthe products in question and of the estimates submitted \nby certain Member States, quota shares may be fixed \napproximately at the following percentages : \n\npermit the development of traditional trade flows between \nthe ACP States and the Community, on the one hand, \nand between the Member States on the other ; \n\nBenelux \nDenmark \nGermany \nGreece \nSpain \nFrance \nIreland \nItaly \nPortugal \nUnited Kingdom \n\n5,86 \n1,49 \n34,05 \n1,51 \n2,32 \n0 , 30 \n1,79 \n0,31 \n0,00 \n52,3V \n\nWhereas provision should be made for a mechanism to \nprevent, when the Community quota is not exhausted, \ngoods from being imported into a Member State which \nhas exhausted its share only after the full application of \ncustoms duties, or after having been diverted to another \nits share ; \nMember State which has not yet exhausted \nwhereas, in \nthe quota \nthese circumstances, if, during \nperiod, the Community reserve were to be almost entirely \nused up, Member States should return to the said reserve \nall of the unused portion of their initial shares so as to \navoid part of the Community tariff quota from remaining \nunused in one Member State, when it could be used in \nothers ; \n\nWhereas measures should be laid down to ensure that \nProtocol 5 is implemented under conditions such as to \n\nOrder No \n\nCN code \n\nDescription \n\n09. 160 5 \n\n2208 40 10 \n2208 40 90 \n2208 90 11 \n2208 90 19 \n\nRum, tafia and arrak \n\n2. Within \nthe limit of this quota, the Kingdom of \nSpain and the Portuguese Republic shall apply customs \nduties calculated in accordance with the 1985 Act of \nAccession and Regulation (EEC) No 1820/87. Article 2 \n\nThe tariff quota referred to in Article 1 shall be \n\n1. divided into two instalments. 2. A frist \ninstalment of TV lUrJ hectolitres of pure \nalcohol shall be allocated amongst the Member States ; \nthe shares which, subject to Article 3, shall apply until 30 \nJune 199 2 amount to the following quantities: \n\nBenelux \nDenmark \nGermany \nGreece \n\n(hectolitres \n/inre \n\nof. iliohtil) \n\nI 173 \n26 93!i \n1 194 \n\nform of administration \n\nrequires close \nWhereas \nthis \ncollaboration between \nthe \nCommission, and the Commission must be able to keep \naccount of quota utilization rates and inform the Member \nStates accordingly ; \n\nthe Member States and \n\nWhereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of \nthe Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg \nare united within and jointly represented by the Benelux \nEconomic Union, any operation concerning the adminis \ntration of the quotas may be carried out by any one of its \nmembers, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. From 1 July j. 991 to 30 June 1992, the following \nproducts originating in the ACP States shall be imported \nduty free into the Community within the limits of the \nrelevant Community tariff quota mentioned : \n\nQuota Volume \n(in hi of pure \nalcohol) \n\nQuota duty \n\n197 771 \n\nFree \n\nSpain \nFrance \nIreland \nItaly \nPortugal \nUnited Kingdom \n\n| 835 \n235 \n1 415 \n245 \n10 \n41 421; \n\n3. A second instalment ofUcj 663hectolitres of pure \nalcohol shall constitute the Community reserve. Article 3 \n\nIf a Member State's initial share a specified in Article 2 \n(2), has been used up entirely, the following provisional \nshall apply. If an importer presents, in a Member State, a declaration \nas to entry into free circulation comprising a request for \nthis \npreferential \nRegulation, and \nthe \ncustoms authorities, the Member State concerned shall, by \n\nfor a product covered by \nis accepted by \n\nthis declaration \n\ntreatment \n\n\fnotifying \nthe Commission, draw an amount corres \nponding to its requirements from the reserve referred to \nin Article 2 (3). Requests to chaw on the reserve together with the date of \nacceptance of the said declaration must be forwarded to \nthe Commission without delay. Drawings shall be granted by the Commission on the \nbasis of the date of acceptance of goods for entry into free \ncirculation by the customs authorities of the Member \nState concerned, provided a sufficient amount remains in \naie wserve. II a Member State does net use the quantities drawn, it \nshafi return them to the reserve a* soon as possible. If requests for drawings exceed the amount remaining in \nthe reserve, an allocation shall be made pro rata. The \nMember States shall be so informed t*y the Commission. Article 4 \n\nOnce at least 80 % of the reserve as defined in Article 2 \n(3), has been used up, the Commission shall inform the \nMember States thereof, \n\nIt shall also notify Member States int this case of the date \nfrom which drawings on the Community reserve must be \nmade according to the provisions laid down in Article 3, \nif these provisions ar not already m effect. Within a time limit fixed by the Cmmmission as from the \ndate referred to in paragraph 2, Mt-tinVi States shall In-\nrequired to return to the reserve aril their initial shares \nwhich have not been used on thaf date. Article 5 \n\nThe Commission shall keep an account of the shares \nopened to the Member States pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 \nand shall, as soon as it has been notified, inform each \nState of the extent to which the reserves have been used \nup. It shall inform the Member States of the volume of the \nreserve following any return of quota shares pursuant to \nArticle 4. Article 6 \n\nEach Member States shall ensure that importers of the \nproducts concerned have free access to the quota for such \ntime as the residual balance of the quota volumes so \npermits. Article 7 \n\nThe Member States and the Commission shall cooperate \nclosely that this Regulation is complied with. Article 8 \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 1316/87 of 11 May 1987 on \nthe Third \nthe safeguard measures provided \nACP-EEC Convention (') and \nthat will \nreplace it under the Fourth ACP-EEC Convention shall \napply to the products referred to in this Regulation. for \nthe provisions \n\nin \n\nArtnli \n\n9 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 1991 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at brussels , \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe Pr\u00e9sident \n\n(') OJ No 1. 125. 14. v 1987. p. 1. t \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Liane budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : chap. 12 art. 120 \n\n2. Base Juridique : art. 113 du trait\u00e9 \n\n3. Intitul\u00e9 de la mesure tarifaire : Proposition de r\u00e8glement du \n\nConseil portant ouverture, r\u00e9partition et mode de gestion d'un \n\ncontingent tarifaire communautaire pour le rhum, le tafia et \n\nl'arak, originaires des Etats ACP (1991/1992). 4. Oblectif : Application d'une obligation contractuelle (Convention \n\nLom\u00e9 IV). 5. Mode de calcul : \n\nCodes NC : 2208 40 10; 90 et 2208 90 11; 19 \n\nVolumes du contingent : 197 771 hl a. p. (p\u00e9riode 1. 7. 91-30. 6. 92) \n\nDroits \u00e0 appliquer : exemption \n\nDroits du TDC : - 1 ECU/hl par % vol +5 ECU/hl (- 2 I) \n\n- 1 ECU/hI par X vol ( +2 I). 6. Perte de recettes : \n\nEstimation : 45 452 hl en r\u00e9clp. 2 I ou moins \n\n152 319 hl en r\u00e9clp. plus de 2 I. La perte s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 20 004 360 Ecus. Pour la p\u00e9riode pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente \n\n(1. 7. 1990 au 30. 6. 1991) une perte de 19 684 855 Ecus a \u00e9t\u00e9 \n\nInscrite. / \n\n\fFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec un engagement \n\ncontractuel de la Communaut\u00e9. L'Impact d\u00e9coulant de cette concession a \n\n\u00e9t\u00e9 pris en consid\u00e9ration tors de la prise de d\u00e9cision d'adoption de ce \n\ncontingent et II n'aura pes un caract\u00e8re s\u00e9rieux sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 \n\n\u2022* l'emploi dans ta Communaut\u00e9. i \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 116 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-150-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71056-X \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\n1^2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/be67ba20-964d-4234-9371-8d66bc557524", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 610/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. National plan of Community interest concerning the province of Almer\u00eda (Spain)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Andalusia,EU investment,European Regional Development Fund,development plan,financing method", "workIds": "celex:91991E000610", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Andalusia", "EU investment", "European Regional Development Fund", "development plan", "financing method"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/be67ba20-964d-4234-9371-8d66bc557524", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1617ab25-f69d-4af4-afc6-64ec11a70885", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 615/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. Spanish projects approved and completed within the DRIVE programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Spain,report,research and development,road transport", "workIds": "celex:91991E000615", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "report", "research and development", "road transport"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1617ab25-f69d-4af4-afc6-64ec11a70885", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a86df0cc-c4a1-4727-a6be-f4e37d9c39e9", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-1085/91 with debate by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE on behalf of the Rainbow Group in the European Parliament to the Council: Implementation of the social dimension of the internal market", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "European social policy,approximation of laws,arrangement of working time,care of mothers and infants,parental leave,single market,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91991O000101", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "approximation of laws", "arrangement of working time", "care of mothers and infants", "parental leave", "single market", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a86df0cc-c4a1-4727-a6be-f4e37d9c39e9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/164c1704-ceff-4347-b5b2-bd92e2ab8913", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 604/91 by Mr Florus WIJSENBEEK to the Council. Transit of lorries through Yugoslavia, the Swiss Confederation and Austria", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WIJSENBEEK", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Austria,Switzerland,Yugoslavia,commercial vehicle,common position,international agreement,road transport,transit", "workIds": "celex:91991E000604", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Austria", "Switzerland", "Yugoslavia", "commercial vehicle", "common position", "international agreement", "road transport", "transit"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/164c1704-ceff-4347-b5b2-bd92e2ab8913", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33e59a7e-2425-467d-8655-1ea608820589", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 618/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Introduction of fibre optic networks in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU Member State,new technology,statistics,telecommunications equipment", "workIds": "celex:91991E000618", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "new technology", "statistics", "telecommunications equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33e59a7e-2425-467d-8655-1ea608820589", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d75bf00-5d5e-4b35-b314-da86d03da9f3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 608/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. European Social Fund fraud prevention controls", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "European Social Fund,Structural Funds,fraud,free service", "workIds": "celex:91991E000608", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Social Fund", "Structural Funds", "fraud", "free service"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d75bf00-5d5e-4b35-b314-da86d03da9f3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af0b1463-3dee-4be6-b4c9-dc3e2db69cae", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 607/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. ERDF fraud prevention controls", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,Structural Funds,fraud,free service", "workIds": "celex:91991E000607", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "Structural Funds", "fraud", "free service"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af0b1463-3dee-4be6-b4c9-dc3e2db69cae", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0e0d4507-2db6-4230-a69a-dfaafba41980", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 603/91 by Mr Marco PANNELLA to the Commission. European Community contribution to compensation for war damage suffered by the Israeli civilian population", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PANNELLA Marco", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Community loan,Iraq,Israel,Palestine question,interest rate subsidy,occupied territory,war damage", "workIds": "celex:91991E000603", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community loan", "Iraq", "Israel", "Palestine question", "interest rate subsidy", "occupied territory", "war damage"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0e0d4507-2db6-4230-a69a-dfaafba41980", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b998c342-78d8-446d-a36b-fd9771797a37", "title": "Analytical tables of external trade : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Analytische Tabellen des Au\u00dfenhandels : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Analytische tabellen van de buitenlandse handel : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Analytiske Tabeller Vedr\u00f8rende Udenrigshandel : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Quadros anal\u00edticos do com\u00e9rcio externo : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Tablas anal\u00edticas del comercio exterior : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Tableaux analytiques du commerce ext\u00e9rieur : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,Tavole analitiche del commercio estero : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.,\u0391\u03bd\u03b1\u03bb\u03c5\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03af \u03c0\u03af\u03bd\u03b1\u03ba\u03b5\u03c2 \u03b5\u03be\u03c9\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf\u03cd \u03b5\u03bc\u03c0\u03bf\u03c1\u03af\u03bf\u03c5 : Nimexe, Glossarium 1987.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Eurostat", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Nimexe,statistical method", "workIds": "PUB_CA5288687", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Nimexe", "statistical method"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b998c342-78d8-446d-a36b-fd9771797a37", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1925cd0d-b494-4047-af6e-5f84f6ce917f", "title": "91/227/EEC: Council Decision of 15 April 1991 concerning the provisional application of the Agreed Minute amending the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Indonesia on trade in textile products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "Indonesia,distributive trades,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31991D0227", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Indonesia", "distributive trades", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1925cd0d-b494-4047-af6e-5f84f6ce917f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a298696e-9190-4782-a015-a59498ca480c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 622/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Legislation in Member States promoting combined heat and power", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU Member State,energy market,energy production,national law", "workIds": "celex:91991E000622", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "energy market", "energy production", "national law"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a298696e-9190-4782-a015-a59498ca480c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bfabd9e3-359f-462f-9ee1-56ac56118f1c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 612/91 by Mr Jos\u00e9 VALVERDE L\u00d3PEZ to the Commission. Information campaign regarding use of permanent paper", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "archives,labelling,library,paper,quality standard", "workIds": "celex:91991E000612", "eurovoc_concepts": ["archives", "labelling", "library", "paper", "quality standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bfabd9e3-359f-462f-9ee1-56ac56118f1c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/54c1383c-ba03-41af-8167-6e52ceb69402", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 620/91 by Mr Madron SELIGMAN to the Commission. Estimating progress in saving energy in each Member State", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1991-04-15", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU statistics,energy consumption,energy saving,price of energy", "workIds": "celex:91991E000620", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU statistics", "energy consumption", "energy saving", "price of energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/54c1383c-ba03-41af-8167-6e52ceb69402", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a3e836e5-6331-49bc-b900-19d0b0426208", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 921/91 of 12 April 1991 on the opening of a sale by periodic invitation to tender for rape seed held by the Spanish intervention agency", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-12", "subjects": "Spain,market intervention,oil seed rape", "workIds": "celex:31991R0921,oj:JOL_1991_092_R_0024_030", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "market intervention", "oil seed rape"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a3e836e5-6331-49bc-b900-19d0b0426208", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e532ec30-8714-48fd-84b3-17c1c28f323b", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) IMPOSING A DEFINITIVE ANTI-DUMPING DUTY ON IMPORTS OF AUDIO TAPES IN CASSETTES ORIGINATING IN JAPAN AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, COLLECTING DEFINITIVELY THE PROVISIONAL DUTY AND TERMINATING THE PROCEEDING CONCERNING HONG KONG", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-12", "subjects": "Hong Kong,Japan,South Korea,anti-dumping duty,import,magnetic medium", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0118,comnat:COM_1991_0118_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Hong Kong", "Japan", "South Korea", "anti-dumping duty", "import", "magnetic medium"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e532ec30-8714-48fd-84b3-17c1c28f323b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 118 final \n\nBrussels, 12 April 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nimposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports \n\nof audio tapes in cassettes originating in Japan \n\nand the Republic of Korea, collecting definitively \n\nthe provisional duty and terminating the \n\nproceeding concerning Hong Kong \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\nv, i\" \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThe Commission, by Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90^1), imposed a \n\nprovisional anti-dumping duty on imports into the Community of audio \n\ntapes in cassettes (hereafter referred to as audio cassettes) \n\noriginating in Japan, the Republic of Korea and Hong Kong. The duty \n\nwas extended for a maximum period of two months by Council \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 578/91<2> \n\nIn its provisional findings, the Commission found that although \n\nthere are various models of audio cassettes differing in length and \n\ncoating of tape and design of the cartridge, these models have the \n\nsame basic physical characteristics, application, use and channels \n\nof distribution. It is proposed that this provisional finding be \n\nconfirmed. For the purpose of definitive findings, normal value was, in \n\ngeneral, established on the basis of the same methods as those used \n\nin the provisional determination of dumping, after talcing into \n\nconsideration new facts and arguments presented by the parties. - As previously stated in its provisional findings, the Commission \n\nconsidered that giveaway goods, which, by their nature were \n\nunconnected with the product under consideration, did not have \n\nthe effect of reducing the price of audio cassettes sold on the \n\ndomestic market but were promotional expenses for which no \n\ndeduction can be made. (1) OJ No L 313, 13. 11. 1990, p. 5. (2) OJ No L 65, 12. 3. 1991, p. 20. - 3 -\n\n- Since it was established that for one exporter there were neither \n\nsufficient sales on the domestic market of audio cassette models \n\nsuitable for direct comparison to those sold for export to the \n\nCommunity nor sales at prices which permitted recovery of all \n\ncosts reasonably allocated, normal value was determined on the \n\nbasis of a constructed value of each model concerned. - One exporter maintained its claim that there were no comparable \n\nprices, since it made no sales to OEM customers on the domestic \n\nmarket, whereas its export sales to the Community were made on an \n\nOEM basis \n\nFor the purpose of definitive determination, the Commission \n\nconsidered that, given the limited nature of the costs assumed by \n\nthe importer (for instance absence of after sales service), the \n\nprofit rate of the manufacturer's own brand sales used for \n\nconstructing normal value should be reduced by 50%. It is proposed to confirm the above findings. 4. The final examination of the facts showed the existence of dumping \n\nin respect of audio-cassettes in Japan, the Republic of Korea and \n\nHong Kong on the part of eight exporters concerned. The weighted average margins varied according the exporters as \n\nfol lows : \n\nJapanese exporters : \n\nFuji \n\nTDK \n\nMaxell \n\nDenon Columbia \n\n64. 2% \n\n48. 2% \n\n47 % \n\n44. 5% \n\n-Korean exporters \n\n- Goldstar \n\n9. 2% \n\n- Sunkyong Magnetics : 2. 6% \n\n-Hong Kong exporters \n\n-Yee Keung \n\n2. 4% \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nAs far as Saehan Media, Sungnam, Keum Sahn Electronics (Korea), \n\nTomei Magnetics, Swire, Magnetic Enterprise and Forward Electronics \n\n(Hong Kong) are concerned, no dumping was found. 5. As far as injury is concerned, the Commission considered, in its \n\nprovisional findings, that the effects of Japanese, Korean and Hong \n\nKong imports had to be analysed cumulatively. It is proposed to \n\nconfirm this finding except for audio cassettes imported from Hong \n\nKong since they had no discernible impact on the Community industry. 6. In addition, it is considered that the Community industry had \n\nsuffered material injury which manifested itself, in particular, by \n\na loss of market share, price erosion, insufficient profitability \n\nand employment losses. This finding is based on the following \n\nfacts : \n\nimports of audio cassettes from Japan and Korea have increased at \n\na more rapid rate than the rate of Community consumption. - the market share of the total dumped imports from Korea and Japan \n\nincreased by 3%, namely from 43. 5% to 46. 4% from 1985 to 1988. As far as Hong Kong is concerned, its market share remained \n\nstable (1. 5% in 1985; 1. 6% in 1988); \n\n- the complainant producers' selling prices in the Community \n\nsuffered a significant erosion between 1985 and 1988; \n\n- Community producers were unable to increase, significantly, their \n\nproduction between 1985 and 1988 and their sales fell by 8. 5% \n\nover this period, despite an increase in total consumption of \n\n30%; \n\n- between 1985 and 1988 return on sales of the Community industry \n\nshowed a constant negative trend. - 5 -\n\n- large price undercutting was found on the part of Korean \n\nexporters and significant price undercutting on the part of \n\nJapanese exporters on the German market where the Community \n\nindustry still retained a large market share. As far as Hong Kong imports are concerned, the Council considers \n\nthat in view of the small amount of dumped imports from Hong Kong \n\nand of the absence of their brand recognition on the Community \n\nmarket, these could not have caused material injury to the Community \n\nindustry. 7. Finally, it is proposed to confirm that the Community industry was \n\nunable to defend its price, brand image and volume of sales against \n\nthe Japanese exporters : these were able to finance large selling \n\nexpenditure thanks to their high domestic profits. It is also \n\nconsidered that the Community industry had to face the effect of \n\ndumped imports from Korea, and was not able to meet the low prices \n\nof these imports. In conclusion, Korean and Japanese imports, taken in isolation, have \n\ncaused material injury. 8. In its provisional findings, the Commission considered and balanced \n\nthe interests of the Community industry, of the consumers and of \n\nother industries and activities concerned, and it concluded that the \n\nCommunity interests called, on balance, for granting protection to \n\nthe Community industry against unfair competition due to dumped \n\nimports. It is proposed to confirm this finding. 9. The provisional findings of the Commission with regard to duty \n\ncalculation were also confirmed. In addition, it is considered that, in order to establish the rate \n\nof the definitive duties to be imposed, the individual injury \n\nmargins determined provisionally have to be expressed as a \n\npercentage of the CIF value of the imports. - 6 -\n\nThe result of this calculation is the price increase at the \n\nCommunity frontier necessary to remove the injury caused by each \n\nexporter. The duties to be imposed should thus be at the level of the dumping \n\nmargin for all exporters except for the exporters whose dumping \n\nmargins exceed the injury level and are as follows : \n\n(a) \n\n27. 4% for audio cassettes originating in Japan , with the \n\nexception : \n\nSony \n\n23. 4% \n\nMaxelI \n\n21. 8% \n\nDenon \n\n18. 7% \n\nFuji \n\n15. 2% \n\n(b) \n\n9. 2% for audio cassettes originating in the Republic of \n\nKorea , with the exception of : \n\nSunkyong Magnetics Ltd (SKM) : 2. 6% (Taric additional code : \n\n8489) \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nimposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports \n\nof audio tapes in cassettes originating in Japan \n\nand the Republic of Korea, collecting definitively \n\nthe provisional duty and terminating the \n\nproceeding concerning Hong Kong \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88 of 11 July 1988 on \n\nprotection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not \nmembers of the European Economic Community<1), and in particular \n\nArticles 9 and 12 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal submitted by the Commission after \n\nconsultation within the Advisory Committee as provided for under the \n\nabove R\u00e9gul\u00e2t ion, \n\nWhereas: \n\nA. PROVISIONAL MEASURES \n\nThe Commission, by Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90(2), imposed a \n\nprovisional anti-dumping duty on imports into the Community of audio \n\ntapes in cassettes (hereinafter referred to as audio cassettes) \n\noriginating in Japan, the Republic of Korea and Hong Kong and \n\nfalling within CN code 8523 11 00. The duty was extended for a \n\nmaximum period of two months by Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 578/91(3>. (1) OJ No L 209, 2. 8. 1988, p. 1. (2) OJ No L 313, 13. 11. 1990, p. 5. (3) OJ No L 65, 12. 3. 1991, p. 20. - 8 -\n\nB. SUBSEQUENT PROCEDURE \n\n2. Following the imposition of the provisional anti-dumping duty, all \n\nthe exporters mentioned by name in Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, as \n\nwell as the representatives of the complainants, requested and were \n\ngranted an opportunity to be heard by the Commission. They, as well \n\nas one importer, also made written submissions making their views \n\nknown on the findings. 3. The Commission continued to seek and verify all information it \n\ndeemed to be necessary for its determinations. For this purpose, an \n\ninvestigation was carried out at the premises of the following \n\nexporter : \n\n- Hitachi Maxell, Tokyo, Japan \n\n4. Upon request, the parties were informed of the essential facts and \n\nconsiderations on the basis of which it was intended to recommend \n\nthe imposition of definitive duties and the definitive collection of \n\namounts secured by way of a provisional duty. They were also \n\ngranted a period within which to make representations subsequent to \n\nthese disclosures. Their oral and written comments were considered \n\nand, where appropriate, the Commission's findings were modified to \n\ntake account of them. 5. Owing to the complexity of the proceeding, in particular to the \n\ndetailed verification of the voluminous data involved and the \n\nnumerous arguments put forward, the investigation could not be \n\nconcluded within the time limit provided for in Article 7(9) (a) of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2423/88. - 9 -\n\nC. PRODUCT UNDER CONSIDERATION, LIKE PRODUCT, \n\nCOMMUNITY INDUSTRY \n\n6. In its provisional findings, (recitals 9 to 12 of Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 3262/90) the Commission found that although there are various \n\nmodels of audio cassettes differing in length and coating of tape \n\nand design of the cartridge, these models have the same basic \n\nphysical \n\ncharacteristics, application, use and channels of \n\ndistr ibut ion. 7. This finding was questioned by one exporter who requested that audio \n\ncassettes whose tapes were coated with a metal pigment (hereinafter \n\nreferred to as metal audio cassettes) should be excluded from the \n\nscope of the proceeding. This exporter submitted that metal audio \n\ncassettes are extremely high quality cassettes bought by specialist \n\nconsumers and require a cassette recorder with a specific key-\n\nfunction to appreciate their true quality. A similar claim was \n\nsubmitted by an importer requesting the exclusion of audio \n\ncassettes for answering machines from the scope of the proceeding. 8. However, while the Commission accepts that there are minor \n\ndifferences in quality or use of audio cassettes, it considers that \n\nthese are actually outweighed by the similarity of characteristics \n\nand functions which give them a high degree of interchangeabiIity. The Commission notes in this respect that metal audio cassettes can \n\nbe used on a cassette recorder without a specific key-function \n\n(giving thus a sound of a lower quality) and that cassettes for \n\nanswering machines can be used on any other cassette recorder or \n\nplayer to record or play any sound. In these circumstances, the \n\nCommission concludes that metal audio cassettes and standard \n\ncassettes for answering machines should not be excluded from the \n\nscope of the proceeding. - 10 -\n\n9. The Council confirms the above conclusions and confirms that, in \n\ncontrast, audio cassettes which have important physical differences \n\nin size, components and use such as micro cassettes, small endless \n\ncassettes for answering machines, computer cassettes or digital \n\naudio tapes (DAT) cassettes are not covered by the scope of the \n\npresent proceeding. In addition, the Council confirms the findings \n\nof the Commission with regard to the like product and the Community \n\nIndustry set out in recitals 15 and 16 (on the content of which \n\nthere was no comment by the interested parties) of Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 3262/90. D. NORMAL VALUE \n\n10. For the purpose of definitive findings, normal value was, in \n\ngeneral, established on the basis of the same methods as those used \n\nin the provisional determination of dumping, after taking into \n\nconsideration new facts and arguments presented by the parties. 1) Normal value based on prices in the exporting country \n\n11. In recital 20 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, the value of giveaway \n\ngoods (e. g. index cards, photographs,. ) granted by two exporters \n\nwas* disallowed for the purpose of provisional findings as a \n\ndeduction from domestic sales prices in establishing normal value. The exporters concerned have reacted to the Commission's provisional \n\nfindings and have argued that the value of these giveaway goods \n\nshould be treated as a discount and as such, be deducted from the \n\ndomestic selling price. - 11 -\n\nAs previously stated in its provisional findings, the Commission \n\nconsiders that these giveaway goods, which, by their nature are \n\nunconnected with the product under consideration, do not have the \n\neffect of reducing the price of audio cassettes sold on the domestic \n\nmarket but are promotional expenses for which no deduction can be \n\nmade in conformity with the provision of Article 2(3) (a) of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2423/88. This view is confirmed by the Council. 2) Normal value based on constructed value \n\na) models grouped together in series \n\n12. As explained in recital 22 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, the \n\nCommission provisionally established normal value for one exporter \n\non the basis of the weighted average price of series of models of \n\naudio cassettes. Subsequent investigation led the Commission to \n\nbelieve that this average price could not be relied upon to form \n\naccurate data for the establishment of normal value. 13. Since this subsequent investigation established that there were \n\nneither sufficient sales on the domestic market of audio cassette \n\nmodels suitable for direct comparison to those sold for export to \n\nthe Community nor sales at prices which permitted recovery of all \n\ncosts reasonably allocated, normal value was determined on the basis \n\nof a constructed value of each model concerned. This constructed \n\nvalue was established on the same basis as described in recital 23 \n\nof Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90. b) OEM sales \n\n14. One exporter maintained its claim that there were no comparable \n\nprices, since it made no sales to OEM customers on the domestic \n\nmarket, whereas its export sales to the Community were made on an \n\nOEM basis; this exporter thus required that the Commission establish \n\n\f- 12 -\n\na constructed value including a reduced profit margin for the \n\npurpose of comparison with its export sales made on an OEM basis and \n\nsubmitted new facts to substantiate its request. In view of this evidence, the Commission considers that the \n\nCommunity customers of this Korean exporter are buying on an OEM \n\nbasis : indeed, they are purchasing audio cassettes made to their \n\nown specifications (which differ in some aspects from the Korean \n\nproducer's own specifications) in order to supplement their own \n\nproduction and resell them while assuming the full responsibility of \n\na manufacturer with regard to the product. In addition, the \n\ndifference claimed was clearly reflected in the quantities sold and \n\nthe pattern of price charged. For the purpose of definitive determination, the Commission \n\nconsiders that, given the limited nature of the costs assumed by the \n\nimporter (for instance absence of after sales service), the profit \n\nrate of the manufacturer's own brand sales used for constructing \n\nnormal value shall be reduced by 50% : indeed this constitutes the \n\ndifference which exists between own-brand and OEM profits if sales \n\nof the latter had taken place on the Korean market. In the light of the Commission's considerations set out above, the \n\nCouncil confirms the Commission's findings and conclusions. c) Profit \n\n15. As explained in recital 30 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, where \n\ninsufficient profitable sales took place on the domestic market, the \n\naddition of profit to be included in the constructed value was based \n\non the weighted average profits realized by other exporters on \n\nprofitable sales on the domestic market. 16. Two Hong Kong exporters contested the profit figure used by the \n\nCommission since, according to them, this figure was based on the \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nprofits achieved by a fully-integrated producer in Hong Kong whereas \n\nthey were not integrated and actually mainly involved in the \n\nassembling of audio cassettes. They alleged that a lower profit \n\nmargin should thus be applied to reflect this difference. In these circumstances, the Council considers reasonable to base the \n\nprofit figure for these Hong Kong exporters on the rate of profit \n\ndetermined for the manufacturing of a product in the same business \n\nsector, namely video cassettes, where these exporters performed \n\nsimilar activities (see Council Regulation (EEC) No l768/89)( 4 ). E. EXPORT PRICE \n\n17. The Council confirms the findings and conclusions of the Commission, \n\nas well as those set out in recitals 31 to 39 of Regulation (EEC) f \n\nNo 3262/90 on the content of which recitals there was no substantial \n\ncomment by the interested parties. F. COMPARISON \n\n18. One exporter contested the amount of credit costs deducted from the \n\ndomestic selling price for the establishment of normal value and \n\nclaimed that it was lower than its actual expenses. The Commission considers that the credit expenses claimed are partly \n\nrelated to sales of products other than audio cassettes and should \n\nthus be reduced to the proportion of sales of audio cassettes only, \n\nin conformity with the provisions of Article 2(11) of Regulation \n\n(EEC) No 2423/88. (4) OJ No L 174, 22. 6. 1989, p. 1 \n\n\f- 14 -\n\nG. DUMPING MARGIN \n\n19. On comparing normal values for domestically sold models of the \n\nproducers/exporters which were investigated with the export prices \n\nof comparable models on a transaction-by-transaction basis, the \n\nfinal examination of the facts shows the existence of dumping in \n\nrespect of audio-cassettes in Japan, the Republic of Korea and Hong \n\nKong on the part of eight exporters concerned, the margin of dumping \n\nbeing equal to the amount by which the normal value as established \n\nexceeds the price for export to the Community. 20. The weighted average margins, expressed as a percentage of CIF \n\nfrontier prices, varied according the exporters as follows : \n\nJapanese exporters : \n\nFuji \n\nTDK \n\nMaxell \n\nDenon Columbia \n\n64. 2% \n\n48. 2% \n\n47 % \n\n44. 5% \n\n-Korean exporters \n\n- Goldstar \n\n9. 2% \n\n- Sunkyong Magnetics : 2. 6% \n\n-Hong Kong exporters \n\n-Yee Keung \n\n2. 4% \n\n21. As far as Saehan Media, Sungnam, Keum Sahn Electronics (Korea), \n\nTomei Magnetics, Swire, Magnetic Enterprise and Forward Electronics \n\n(Hong Kong) are concerned, no dumping was found. 22. For those exporters who did not make themselves known in the course \n\nof investigation, or cooperated only partly with the Commission, a \n\ndumping margin was determined on the basis of the facts available as \n\nexplained in recitals 50 and 51 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90 and \n\nit is considered appropriate to use the highest dumping margin of \n\n\f- 15 -\n\n64. 2% for Japan and 9. 2% for Korea and 2. 4% for Hong Kong for these \n\ngroups of exporters. The Council confirms the above findings and conclusions. H. INJURY \n\n1. Cumul\u00e2t ion \n\n23. In its provisional findings, the Commission considered that the \n\neffects of Japanese, Korean and Hong Kong imports had to be analysed \n\ncumulatively. The exporters reacted extensively to the Commission's \n\nprovisional findings. They argued that the difference in consumer \n\nrecognition, market segment and pricing pattern acknowledged in the \n\nprovisional findings between Japanese and Korean exports should have \n\nled the Commission to rule out the cumulation of imports from Japan, \n\nKorea and Hong Kong for the purpose of assessing injury. 24. The Commission confirms its finding set out in recital 78 of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 3262/90 that, on one hand, the Korean exporters \n\ncompete to a very large extent on price alone, with products of \n\ncomparatively standard technology and no significant difference in \n\nfeatures and quality, while on the other hand, the Japanese \n\nexporters now tend also to concentrate on non-price elements, such \n\nas brand name, marketing features and styling as their main \n\nmarket ing strategy. However, it is standard practice for the Community institutions to \n\ncumulate imports from several countries when these imported products \n\nand the like product of the Community industry meet the following \n\ncriteria : \n\n- they are interchangeable, \n\n- they are sold or offered for sale in the same geographical \n\nmarkets, \n\n- they have common or similar channels of distribution, \n\n- they are simultaneously present in the market, \n\n- they are not negligible as such. - 16 -\n\n25. The application of these criteria does not permit the establishment \n\nof a clear dividing line, separating audio cassettes either from \n\nJapan or from Korea. Indeed, besides the identity of the basic \n\nphysical characteristics, application and use of audio cassettes \n\nwhatever their source, there is to a very large extent, commercial \n\ninterchangeabiIity and competition between the various models of \n\naudio cassettes; this is shown by the fact that Japanese exporters \n\nare selling in the Community audio cassettes manufactured both in \n\nJapan and Korea, with no difference in the consumer's perception of \n\nthese products by reason of their different sources. In contrast, given the small amount of audio cassettes imported from \n\nHong Kong which were found to be dumped, they had no discernible \n\nimpact on the Community industry. Indeed, dumped imports from Hong \n\nKong represented in 1988 a very small share of the Community market \n\nand their brand recognition was almost inexistant. Accordingly, \n\nsince they did not bear any contribution to material injury, imports \n\nfrom Hong Kong should not be cumulated. The Council confirms the above findings and concludes therefore that \n\nthe effects of Japanese and Korean imports have to be analysed \n\naccumulatively. 2) Effect on the dumped imports \n\n26. The Commission concluded in its provisional findings that the \n\nCommunity industry had suffered material injury which manifested \n\nitself, in particular, by a loss of market share, price erosion, \n\ninsufficient profitability and employment losses. It based this \n\nfinding on the following facts : \n\nimports of audio cassettes from Japan and Korea have increased at \n\na more rapid rate than the rate of Community consumption, from \n\n149 million units in 1985 to 205 million units in 1988, i. e. by \n\n38%. Imports from Japan increased from 142 million units to \n\n154 million units over this period, while imports from Korea \n\nincreased from 7 million units to 51 million units; \n\n\f- 17 -\n\n- imports of audio cassettes from Hong Kong have increased from \n\n4. 9 million units in 1985 to 7 million units in 1988; \n\n- the market share of the total dumped imports from Korea and Japan \n\nincreased by 3%, namely from 43. 5% to 46. 4% from 1985 to 1988. As far as Hong Kong is concerned, its market share remained \n\nstable (1. 5% in 1985; 1. 6% in 1988); \n\n- the complainant producers' selling prices in the Community \n\nsuffered a significant erosion between 1985 and 1988; \n\n- Community producers were unable to increase, significantly, their \n\nproduction between 1985 and 1988 and their sales fell by 8. 5% \n\nover this period, despite an increase in total consumption of \n\n30%; \n\n- between 1985 and 1988 return on sales of the Community industry \n\nshowed a constant negative trend. The slight improvement of its \n\nprofit in 1988 appears to be the result of the withdrawal of \n\nloss-making models, which involves a further shrinking of its \n\nsales and presence on the market; \n\n- cost-saving measures involved a decline of employment in the \n\nCommunity of some 23% of the audio cassettes workforce between \n\n1985 and 1988; \n\n- for a large number of transactions, large price undercutting was \n\nfound on the part of Korean exporters and significant price \n\nundercutting on the part of Japanese exporters on the German \n\nmarket where the Community industry still retained a large market \n\nshare. 27. No new facts concerning these findings were submitted to the \n\nCommission but the exporters concerned challenged injury findings on \n\na number of points. - 18 \n\n28. One exporter argued that the use of average figures for the whole of \n\nCommunity industry was misleading since they mask conflicting \n\nunderlying trends by the two major Community producers which should \n\nhave led to a separate determination of injury for each of them. The Council cannot accept this argument since when determining \n\nwhether material injury has been caused to the Community industry, \n\nthis term shall be interpreted in conformity with Article 4(5) of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 2423/88 as referring to the production of the \n\nCommunity producers as a whole. 29. One exporter also argued that one of the Community producers was not \n\nexperiencing material injury and should have been excluded from the \n\ninjury assessment owing to an alleged healthy profit situation. The \n\nCouncil cannot accept this view and recalls, as noted in recital 26, \n\nthat the injury suffered by the Community industry is determined \n\nglobally, on the basis of economic factors relating to its situation \n\nas a whole. In addition it notes that several factors concerning this Community \n\nproducer were a clear indication of the existence of material \n\ninjury, such as a profit rate which was in fact below the average, \n\nand a low global profitability achieved at the expense of \n\nwithdrawing loss-making models from the market. 30. It was also argued that the Commission's findings with regard to \n\nproduction, capacity, utilization of capacity, and sales not only \n\nreferred to production in the Community but also included audio \n\ncassettes manufactured by the Community industry in its overseas \n\nfacilities, and sold in the Community. As noted in the provisional findings of the Commission, this \n\nactivity has completely ceased in 1988, which is a further \n\nindication of the existence of material injury. Indeed, while in \n\n1985 the Community industry was operating at full capacity and thus \n\ndecided, in order to meet the demand, to increase its capacity of \n\nproduction in the Community and simultaneously to supply the \n\n\f- 19 -\n\nCommunity market with products manufactured in overseas facilities, \n\nthe subsequent decrease of its sales in clear contrast with the \n\nbuoyancy of the market led it to close these overseas facilities and \n\nto bear the costs of increasingly idle production facilities. 31. Several exporters contested the Commission's analysis of price \n\nundercutting. One exporter argued that the price undercutting analysis for the \n\nGerman market was based on data involving the resale by its \n\nsubsidiary of audio cassettes to other Community markets and \n\nsubmitted new data at the end of the investigation. However, the Commission considers that these new data should be \n\ndisregarded : indeed, they show discrepancies when the Commission \n\ncross-checked these with other data supplied by this exporter, \n\nwhilst the data used for the undercutting analysis were submitted by \n\nthe exporter itself as referring unequivocally and exclusively to \n\nthe German market and were verified as correct at the premises of \n\nthis company. In addition, these new data appear to show that price undercutting \n\nhas been merely shifted to other geographical markets in the \n\nCommunity. Finally, the necessary verification of these new data \n\nwould have inadmissably delayed the course of the proceeding. The Council confirms the above finding of the Commission. 32. Another exporter argued that the Italian market should have been \n\ntaken into account in the price undercutting analysis since it was \n\nin Italy that it sold its most important volume of audio cassettes. However, it has to be noted that, as explained in recital 66 of \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 3262/90, the Commission selected three major \n\nCommunity markets covering more than 70% of the Community sales \n\nwhich are the most representative of all sales of audio cassettes in \n\nthe Community. The Commission found in contrast that the volume of \n\n\f- 20 -\n\nsales and price patterns of the exporters and Community producers on \n\nother markets were not representative of the Community market as a \n\nwho Ie. 33. The above conclusion, in addition to the findings of the Commission \n\nset out in recitals 55 to 77 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90 lead the \n\nCouncil to consider that the Community industry is suffering \n\nmaterial injury within the meaning of Article 4(1) of Regulation \n\n(EEC) No 2423/88. 3. Caus\u00e2t ion of injury \n\na) Effect of dumped imports \n\n34. In its provisional findings, the Commission found that the increased \n\ninflux of dumped imports coincided with a significant loss of market \n\nshare and reduced profitability on the part of the Community \n\nindustry, together with price erosion, and price undercutting of the \n\naudio cassettes produced by the Community industry. In particular, \n\nit was noted that the Community industry was in a dilemma since it \n\nhad simultaneously to resist the dumped imports from Japan in the \n\nhigh segment of the market, and the dumped imports from Korea in the \n\nlower segment of the market where competition is led mainly by \n\nprice. As a result, the Commission concluded that dumped imports \n\nhad, taken in isolation, caused material injury to the Community \n\nindustry. 35. As far as Hong Kong imports are concerned, the Council considers \n\nthat in view of the small amount of dumped imports from Hong Kong \n\nand of the absence of their brand recognition on the Community \n\nmarket, these could not have caused material injury to the Community \n\nindustry. 36. As far as Japanese and Korean imports were concerned, several \n\narguments were raised, mostly by Japanese exporters. These \n\ncontested the provisional finding of the Commission and argued that \n\ntheir exports could not be held responsible for causing injury since \n\n\f- 21 -\n\n,. !=;\u2022. \u00bb!,\u2022. : ^ A \u00ab l. i l 4 t. ^ -V. \u2022 ^. ^ft/,. '^ \n\nthe market share of their exports decreased from 42% to 35% between \n\n1985 and 1988 and have been mainly replaced by products manufactured \n\nby their subsidiaries in the Community. According to these \n\nexporters, material injury could only be attributed to dumped \n\nimports from Korea, or to the effect of non-dumped sales in the \n\nCommunity which had been overlooked by the Commission, such as the \n\nsales of the audio cassettes manufactured by their production \n\nsubsidiaries in the Community. 37. The Council cannot accept these arguments. If Japanese dumped \n\nexports were isolated from the other dumped exports, the arguments \n\nraised are not corroborated by the facts. Indeed, while there is a \n\ncertain decrease of the market share of dumped exports from Japan \n\nthe Japanese exporters in 1988 retained a very large share of the \n\nCommunity market (35%, which is almost double the Community \n\nindustry's market share) and have increased in absolute terms their \n\nvolume of dumped imports by 8%. In addition, as explained in recital 27, the Council considers that \n\nthe effect of dumped imports from Japan and Korea should be analysed \n\ncumulatively. This analysis shows an increase in volume of the \n\ndumped imports by 38% and in market share by 3%. 38. Finally, the effect of the dumped exports from Japan could not be \n\nanalysed without reference to the real weight that they have on this \n\nmarket. It should be pointed out that, as described in recital 81 \n\nof Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, the Japanese exporters have between \n\n1985 and 1988 retained their market presence at about 70% of the \n\nCommunity market including audio cassettes produced in the Community \n\nand in Korea by related companies. They diversified their supply \n\nchannels in particular by increasing the output of their production \n\nsubsidiaries in the Community, but dumped imports from Japan remain \n\ntheir main source of supply. In this respect, the Council notes \n\nthat dumped imports of audio cassettes and sales of audio cassettes \n\nfrom other sources are part of the same commercial strategy In which \n\ndumping is the driving element. 22 -\n\n\u00b0) Effects of other factors \n\n39. One exporter argued that the Commission did not consider in its \n\nprovisional findings, the effect of the audio cassettes manufactured \n\nby the Community industry and sold for export to third countries. The Commission notes that between 1985 and 1988, while Community \n\nsales decreased from 94 million units to 86 million units, export \n\nsales of audio cassettes increased from 11 million units to \n\n21 million units \n\nhowever, this only shows that the Community \n\nindustry has reacted in an efficient manner to the effect of dumping \n\nby developing new markets which were not affected by unfair \n\ncompetition. A further indication of injury is shown by the fact \n\nthat the production of the Community industry, after deduction of \n\nthe production destined for export, was actually declining over the \n\nper iod considered, \n\n40. It was also argued that the injury suffered by one of the \n\ncomplainants was the result of a wrong commercial decision when it \n\ncut its prices in an attempt to sell on the low end of the market. The Council cannot accept this argument \n\nthe good performances \n\nachieved by this Community producer in other sectors show that, for \n\nlack of contrary proof, its commercial policy was adequate in so far \n\nas it decided to decrease its prices in an attempt to retain its \n\nmarket share against the pressure of the dumped imports. 41. In conclusion, the Council recognizes that oth^r factors, including \n\nthe sales of the production subsidiaries of the Japanese exporters, \n\nmay have had a negative effect on the situation of the Community \n\nindustry. However, this does not detract from the fact that the \n\ndumped imports had a clear detrimental impact on the situation of \n\nthe Community industry and that this impact, taken in isolation, has \n\nto be considered as material. Indeed, given the facts described in recitals 30 to 32, the Council \n\nconfirms the Commission's findings that the Community industry was \n\n\f- 23 -\n\nunable to defend its price, brand image and volume of sales against \n\nthe Japanese exporters : these were able to finance large selling \n\nexpenditure thanks to high profits on a domestic market without \n\nforeign competition and large volume of sales resulting from dumping \n\nand were in a position to force down the prices of the Community \n\nindustry in particular in its most important national market where a \n\nsignificant price undercutting was found. The council also considers that the Community industry had to face \n\nthe effect of dumped imports from Korea, and was not able to meet \n\nthe low prices of these imports without definitively undermining its \n\nprofit situation and jeopardizing any possibility of competition \n\nwith the Japanese products in the high segment of the market. Therefore, the Council adopts the findings of the Commission set out \n\nin recitals 78 to 94 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90 pertaining to \n\nKorean and Japanese imports and concludes that these, taken in \n\nisolation, have caused material injury. I. COMMUNITY INTEREST \n\n42. In its provisional findings, the Commission considered and balanced \n\nthe interests of the Community industry, of the consumers and of \n\nother industries and activities concerned. For the reasons given in \n\nrecitals 95 to 104 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90, it concluded that \n\nthe interests of the Community call, on balance, for granting \n\nprotection to the Community industry against unfair competition due \n\nto dumped imports. 43. One exporter submitted that the withdrawal of one of the \n\ncomplainants, AGFA, from this sector in 1990, and the takeover of \n\nits activities by another complainant, BASF, will lead to cost-\n\nsavings and rationalization which could not fail to improve the \n\nprofit situation of the Community industry, and thus render \n\nprotective measures unnecessary and contrary to Community interest. - 24 -\n\nThe samo exporter also argued that the creation of manufacturing \n\nsubsidiaries in the Community by some Japanese exporters has \n\nactually offset the loss of Jobs incurred in the Community \n\nindustry's plants. 44. The Council considers on the contrary that these facts strengthen \n\nthe case for the adoption of protective measures in order to prevent \n\nother Community producers from disappearing, and considers that the \n\ncreation of jobs by non-integrated subsidiaries of the Japanese \n\nexporters could not be considered as a fair substitute for a global \n\nloss of employment in fully integrated producers. Therefore the Council confirms the Commission's findings that it is \n\nin the Community interest to impose ant I-dumping measures to \n\neliminate the injurious effects of imports originating in Japan and \n\nIn Korea. J. DUTY \n\nSovera! exporters contested the methodoiogy applied by the \n\nCommission to determine the individual injury margin of each \n\nexporter. They argued that the effect of the determination of the \n\nprice increase of the Community industry was to compensate for past \n\nlose of market share and not to eliminate present injury. In addition, they alleged that this determination took no account of \n\nthe other factors which may have contributed to ths current \n\nunsatisfactory state of the Community industry. The Commission cannot accept these arguments. Firstly, the Commission recalls that the very purpose of the \n\nCommun i ty's ant i-dump i no ! eg i G 1 at i on is to counter act dump i ng and \n\nmaterial \n\ninjury caused \n\nthereby. Consequently, \n\nthe \n\nCommunity \n\ninstitutions are empowered to impose anti-dumping duties to the \n\nextent of the dumping found. There is, however, an additional \n\n\f- 25 -\n\nresponsibility on the institutions to avoid measures which can have \n\nexcessive consequences. Indeed, Article 13(3) of Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 2423/88 states that the measures \"should be less\" than the \n\ndumping margin \"if such lesser duties would be adequate to remove \n\nthe injury\". This entails an assessment and a forecast of the \n\nfuture effects on the Community market of any anti-dumping measures \n\nwhich by its very nature is Judgemental. This assessment, for which \n\nthe legislation gives no guidance, has to be reasonable and take \n\naccount of the particularities of each case. In fulfilling this responsibility the Commission considered that it \n\nis reasonable to assess, in this case, that the elimination of the \n\nfull dumping margin for some exporters would probably be excessive \n\nsince the consequent price increase would place them at too much of \n\na disadvantage and possibly eliminate them from the market. The Commission therefore concluded, given the serious injury \n\ninflicted on the Community industry over the years and its present \n\nweakened situation, that the minimum necessary for its recovery from \n\nthe injurious effects of dumping would be to ensure that it is able \n\nto achieve a reasonable rate of profit in combination with a \n\nreasonable quantity of sales. 46. As far as this rate of profit is concerned, the Commissioan, in its \n\npreliminary findings, has established 12% as reasonable. One exporter contested the rate of the target profit of 12% \n\ndetermined by the Commission, arguing that an audio cassette is a \n\nmature product which does not necessitate large research and \n\ndevelopment expenditures which have to be financed by profits. The \n\nCommission considers that, on the contrary, in view of the \n\nimportance of the marketing and promotion expenditures on this \n\nCommunity market, and of the need for constantly upgrading the \n\nfeatures and styling of audio cassettes to attract consumers, a rate \n\nof profit of 12% is reasonable. This is supported by the fact that \n\nprofits achieved by several of the exporters concerned on their \n\ndomestic markets are far higher than this rate. This view is \n\nconfirmed by the Council. 26 -\n\nAs far as a reasonable turnover is concerned the Commission \n\nconsiders it inappropriate, as explained \n\nin its preliminary \n\nfindings, to take the turnover of the Community industry in the \n\nreference psriod (i. e. tho year 1988) since this turnover was \n\nparticularly heavily affected by the dumping practices found. Therefore, calculations of the necessary amounts of duty were based \n\non tho quantity of sales achieved by tho Community industry in 1985, \n\na year which i\u00abj considered closer to a normal situation, \n\nnotwithstanding tho fact that the sales volume In that period may \n\nalso have been adversely affected by dumped imports or other factors \n\nand that the trarket has evolved with the appearance of new \n\nsuppiiers. 47. Several exporters, atso contested tho use of an adjustment of the \n\ninjury margin of each exporter according to the relative volume of \n\ndumped imports of each exporter in relation to the others. It was \n\najrgue/d; that, the compar\u00e2t i ve volume of dumped Imports bears no \n\nrelationship to the injury suffered by the Community industry, and \n\nthat the adjustment was based on an arbitrary factor which does not \n\nreflect the real position of each exporter. 48. The Gouncii \n\ncannot accept this view. Indeed, as shown in \n\nrecitals 55 to 61 and 80 to 87 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90 tho \n\nvolume of dumped import;? has been identified as one of the critical \n\nfactors of injury and it had thus to be taken into account when \n\ndetera&taP/ig which duty, iower than the dumping margin, would be \n\nacteQUattt to remove the injury in conformity with Article 13(3) of \n\nRsgula'tion (EEC) No 242 3/88. In addition, tho factor used for this \n\nadjustment, namely a variation of 20% of tho injury margin above and \n\nbelow the average according to the volume of exports of each \n\nexporter, far from being unreasonab!e has been determined by the \n\nCommission according to its injury findings (such as evolution of \n\nvolume and market share of dumped imports and of tho Community \n\nindustry) as a reasonable estimate of the effect of tho volume of \n\nCiUmped imports on tho injury suffered. - 27 -\n\n49. It was also submitted that this adjustment should be based on the \n\nvolume of sales of dumped audio cassettes in the Community rather \n\nthan the volume of dumped imports. The Council considers however \n\nthat this adjustment can be based only on the volume of imports, \n\nsince the volume of sales of these imports in the Community may vary \n\nduring a period for inventory reasons, or because of transfers \n\nbetween subsidiaries, and thus not be representative of the \n\ninjurious effect of the volume of dumped imports. 50. Finally, the Commission considers that, in order to establish the \n\nrate of the definitive duties to be imposed, the Individual injury \n\nmargins determined provisionally have to bo expressed as a \n\npercentage of the CIF value of the imports. To do this, for each exporter the weighted average selling price of \n\nits sales to the first unrelated buyer has been converted to the \n\naverage CIF value of these sales. The individual injury threshold \n\nwas then expressed as a percentage of the weighted average resale \n\nprice of each exporter at CIF level. The result of this calculation \n\nis the price increase at the Community frontier necessary to remove \n\nthe injury caused by each exporter. 51. The Council confirms the above findings of the Commission, and \n\nconcludes that on the basis of the injury calculation method \n\ndescribed in recitals 105 to 109 of Regulation (EEC) No 3262/90 and \n\nfor the abovement ioned reasons, the duty to be imposed should be at \n\nthe level of the dumping margin for all exporters mentioned in \n\nrecital 21, except for the exporters whose dumping margins exceed \n\nthe injury level and for which the following anti-dumping duties are \n\nrequired to eliminate the injury suffered : \n\n\u2022. \u20221 \n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n(Where no alternative version is \ngiven in this column, the text is \nunchanged) \n\nProposal for a Council Directive on \nthe implementation of minimum safety \nand health requirements at temporary \nor mobile work sites \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN \nCOMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty \nestablishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and In particular Article \n118 A thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from \nthe Commission, submitted after \nconsulting the Advisory Committee on \nSafety, Hygiene and Health Protection \nat Work, \n\nIn cooperation with the European \nPar I lament, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the \nEconomic and Social Committee, \n\nWhereas the communication from the \nCommission on Its programme \nconcerning safety, hygiene and health \nat work*1' provides for the adoption \nof a directive designed to guarantee \nthe safety and health of workers at \ntemporary or mobile work sites; \n\nWhereas, in its resolution of 21 \nDecember 1987 on safety, hygiene and \nhealth at work*2), the Council took \nnote of the Commission's intention of \nsubmitting to the Council In the near \nfuture minimum requirements \nconcerning temporary or mobile work \nsites; \n\nWhereas temporary or mobile work \nsites constitute an area of activity \nthat exposes workers to particularly \nhigh levels of r isk; \n\nWhereas more than half of the \noccupational accidents occurring on \nwork sites in the Community are \nrelated to the selection of \nunsatisfactory architectural and/or \norganizational options or to poor \nplanning of the works at the project \ndesign stage; \n\n(1) OJ No C 28, 3 \n(2) OJ No C 28, 3 \n\n2. 1988, p. 3. 2. 1988, p. 1. I* A U-a \n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nWhereas in each Member State the \nauthorities responsible for safety \nand health at work must be Informed, \nat the project design stage, of the \nexecution of large-scale and/or \ndangerous works; \n\nWhereas, when a project is being \ncarried out, a large number of \noccupational accidents may be caused \nby inadequate coordination, \nparticularly where various \nundertakings work simultaneously or \nIn succession at the same temporary \nor mobile work site; \n\nWhereas It is therefore necessary to \nImprove coordination between the \nvarious parties concerned at the \nproject design stage and also when \nthe work Is being carried out; \n\nWhereas compliance with the minimum \nrequirements designed to guarantee a \nbetter standard of safety and health \nat temporary or mobile work sites is \nessential to ensure the safety and \nhealth of workers-, \n\nWhereas, moreover, se If-empIoyed \npersons may, through their activities \non a temporary or mobile work site, \njeopardize the safety and health of \nworkers; \n\nWhereas it Is therefore necessary to \nextend to self-employed persons \ncertain relevant provisions of \nCouncil Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 \nNovember 1989 concerning the minimum \nsafety and health requirements for \nthe use of work equipment by workers \nat work(1>, and of Council Directive \n89/656/EEC of 30 November 1989 \nconcerning the minimum health and \nsafety requirements for the use by \nworkers of personal protective \nequipment at the workplace*2^; \n\nWhereas this Directive is an \nindividual directive within the \nmeaning of Article 16(1) of Council \nDirective 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 \n\n(1) OJ No L 393, 30. 12. 1989, p. 13 \n(2) OJ No L 393, 30. 12. 1989, p. 18. - Page 2 -\n\n\fIN IT!AL PROPOSAL \nEY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT \u00cf0 \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n\"HE \n\non the Introduction of measures to \nencourage Improvements in the safety \nand health of workers at work*1) \nwhereas, therefore, the provisions of \nthe said Directive are fully \napplicable to temporary or mobile \nwork sites, without prejudice to more \nstringent and/or specific provisions \ncontained in this Directive; \n\nWhereas this Directive constitutes a \npractical step towards the \nachievement of the social dimension \nof the internal market with special \nreference to the subject matter of \nCouncil Directive 89/106/EEC on \nconstruction products*2^; \n\nWhereas, pursuant to Decision \n74/325/EEC<4>, as last amended by \nthe 1985 Act of Accession of Spain \nand Portugal, the Advisory Committee \non Safety, Hygiene and Health \nProtection at Work Is consulted by \nthe Commission with a view to drawing \nup proposals In this field, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE : \n\nWhereas this Directive constitutes a \npractical step towards the \nachievement of the social dimension \nof the Internal market with special \nreference to the subject matter of \nCouncil Directive 89/106/EEC<2> on \nconstruction products and the \nsubject matter of Council Directive \n89/440/EEC on public works \ncontracts*3^; \n\nSCQEE \n\nArticle 1 \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThis Directive shall apply to \ntemporary or mobile work sites as \ndefined in Article 2, to the \nexclusion of extractive Industries \n\nThis Directive shall apply to \ntemporary or mobile work sites as \ndefined in Article 2, to the \nexclusion of drilling and extraction \nin the extractive industries. DEFINITIONS \n\nArticle 2 \n\nFor the purposes of this Directive: \n\ntemporary or mobile work sites, \nhereinafter referred to as \"work \nsites\" means any site at which \nbuilding and civil engineering \nworks are carried out; a non-\nexhaustive list of such works is \ngiven in Annex 1 ; \n\n(1) OJ No L 183, 29. 6. 1989, p. 1 \n(2) OJ No L 40, 11. 2. 1989, p. 12 \n(3) OJ No L 210, 21. 7. 1989, p. 1 \n(4) OJ No L 185, 9. 7. 1974, p. 15 \n\n- temporary or mobile work sites, \nhereinafter referred to as \"work \nsites\" means any work site at \nwhich works are carried out as \nindicated in the non-exhaustive \n11st given in Annex 1 ; \n\n- Page 3 \n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\ncllent(s) means any natural or \nlegal person(s) for whom a \nproject is carried out; \n\nproject supervlsor(s) means any \nnatural or legal person(s) \nresponsible for the design and/or \nexecution of a project, acting on \nbehalf of the client(s); \n\nself-employed persons means any \nperson other than those referred \nto in Article 3 (a) and (b) of \nDirective 89/391/EEC whose \nprofessional activity is carried \nout wholly or in part on a work \nsite in order to contribute to \nthe execution of a project. PRIOR NOTICE \n\nArticle 3 \n\n1. The Member States shall take the \nnecessary steps to ensure that, \nbefore the commencement of works on \ntheir territory, the cllent(s) \nforward(s) to the authorities \nresponsible for safety and health at \nwork a \"prior notice\" containing the \ninformation indicated in Annex II. In \nparticular, this notice shall \nindicate the name(s) of the person(s) \nresponsible for coordinating the \nsafety and health of workers: \n\n- during the \"project design\" \nstage \n- during the \"project execution\" \nstage. A copy of this notice shall be \navailable at all times on the site. 2. However, in the case of works the \nplanned duration of which is less \nthan 30 working days, excluding those \nof the types listed In Annex III, the \nMember States may regard the \nforwarding of the \"prior notice\" as \noptlonal. GENERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PRINCIPLES \nTO RF TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT \n\nAt the project design stage \n\n1. The Member States shall take the \nnecessary steps to ensure that, \nbefore the commencement of works on \ntheir territory, the cllent(s) \nforward(s) to the authorities \nresponsible for safety and health at \nwork a \"prior notice\" containing the \ninformation Indicated in Annex II. In particular, this notice shall \ngive the name(s) of the person(s) \nresponsible for coordinating the \nsafety and health of workers: \n\n- during the \"project design\" \nstage \n- during the \"project execution\" \nstage. A copy of this notice shall be \nprominently displayed at all times \non the site. - Page 4 -\n\n\fBY THE COMMISSION \n\nArticle 4 \n\n\u00bbt\u00bb>. - t tv. OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nThe project supervisor(s) shall take \naccount of the general principles of \nprevention concerning safety and \nhealth set out in Article 6 (2) and \n(3) (a) of Directive 89/391/EEC \nduring the stages of project design, \nstudy and preparation, In particular \n\nwhen architectural and/or \norganizational aspects are being \ndecided, in order to plan the \nvarious works or work stages \nwhich are to take place \nsimultaneously or In succession; \n\nwhen estimating the period \nrequired for completing these \nvarious types of works or work \nstages. Article 5 \n\nThe person(s) Indicated In the \"prior \nnotice\" as being responsible for \ncoordinating safety and health during \nthe \"project design\" stage, as \nreferred to in Article 3, shall: \n\na) ensure that the provisions of \nArticle 4 are implemented; \n\nb) in the case of works coming under \none or more of the categories \nlisted in Annex III, draw up a \nsafety and health plan setting \nout the specific rules applicable \nto the site concerned; \n\nc) prepare documents adapted to the \ncharacteristics of the structure \ncontaining appropriate safety and \nhealth Information to be taken \ninto account during any \nsubsequent works. During the project execution stage \n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. The person(s) designated in the \n\n\"prior notice\" as being \nresponsible for coordinating \nsafety and health at the site \nduring the \"project execution\" \nstage: \n\nb) prepare a safety and health plan \nindicating the rules applicable to \nthe work site concerned; this plan \nshall also set out the specific \nrules applicable in the case of \nworks coming under one or more of \nthe categories listed in Annex III. - Page 5 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\na) shall ensure that the employers \n\nand, wherever necessary, self-\nemployed persons: \n\napply the principles set out \nIn Article 7 In a consistent \nmanner ; \n\ntake account, when \nrequired, of the safety \nand health plan required \nunder Article 5(b); \n\nb) shall adapt, where necessary, \n\nthis safety and health plan \nto take account of the \nprogress of the work and any \nchanges which have occurred; \n\ntake account of the safety and \nhealth plan required under \nArticle 5(b); \n\nc) shalI organize the \n\nc) shall organize cooperation \n\ncooperation In matters of \nsafety and health provided \nfor In Article 6 (4) of \nDirective 89/391/EEC, \nensuring that self-employed \npersons are brought Into this \nprocess whenever necessary; \n\nd) shall make arrangements to \ncheck that the working \nprocedures are being \nImplemented correctly; \n\ne) shall take the necessary \nsteps to ensure that no \nunauthorized person enters \nthe site. 2. The implementation of the \n\nprovisions In 1 shall not affect \nthe principle of employers' \nresponsibility towards their \nrespective workers. Article 7 \n\nWhen the work is being carried out, \nthe principles set out in Article 6 \n(1), (2), (3) and (5) of Directive \n89/391/EEC shall be applied, In \nparticular as regards: \n\nkeeping the site In good order \nand In a satisfactory state of \nclean IIness; \nchoosing the location of \nworkstations bearing In mind how \naccess to these workplaces is \nobtained, and determining routes \nor areas for the passage and \nmovement of workers and \nequipment ; \nthe conditions under which \nvarious materials are handled; \n\nand coordination between \nemployers on measures to \nprotect workers and prevent \naccidents, and mutual \nInformation as provided for \nIn Article 6 (4) of Directive \n89/391/EEC, ensuring that \nself-employed persons are \nbrought Into this process \nwhenever necessary; \n\n- Page 6 \n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\ntechnical maintenance, pre-\nstartup and regular checks on the \noperating efficiency of \ninstallations and equipment with \na view to correcting any faults \nwhich might affect the safety and \nhealth of workers; \nthe demarcation and laying out of \nareas for the storage of various \nmaterials, in particular where \ndangerous materials or substances \nare concerned; \nthe conditions under which the \ndangerous materials used are \nremoved; \nthe storage and disposal or \nremoval of wastes and surplus \nmater la Is; \nthe adaptation, based on progress \nmade with the work, of the actual \nperiod to be allocated for the \nvarious types of works or work \nstages. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS \n\nArticle 8 \n\nIn order to preserve the safety and \nhealth of all persons present at the \nsite, under the conditions set out In \nArticle 6, employers shall, when \nImplementing Article 7, take measures \nin respect of their own workers that \nare In line with the minimum \nrequirements set out In Annex IV. OBLIGATIONS OF SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS \n\nArticle 9 \n\nIn order to preserve the safety and \nhealth of all persons present on the \nsite, self-employed persons shall \ncomply mutatis mutandis with: \n\na) the principles set out in Article \n\n7 of this Directive; \n\nb) Articles 3, 4 (1), (2), (3), (4), \n\n(9), and 5 of Council Directive \n89/656/EEC; \n\nc) Article 4 of Council Directive \n\n89/655/EEC; \n\nd) the relevant provisions of Annex \n\nIV of this Directive. INFORMATION \n\nArticle 10 \n\na) the principles set out in Article \n13 of Directive 89/391/EEC and \nArticle 7 of this Directive; \n\n- Page 7 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nWithout prejudice to Article 10 of \nDirective 89/391/EEC, workers and/or \ntheir representatives shall be \nInformed of all the measures to be \ntaken concerning the safety and \nhealth of workers at the site. In \nparticular, they shall be Informed of \nthe measures relating to the \nImplementation of Articles 6, 7 and 8 \nand, where necessary, of the safety \nand health plan referred to In \nArticle 5 (b). AMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TC THt \nOPINION OF THE E U R O P E! \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. ''39 J \n\nWithout prejudice to Article if o \nDirective 89/391/EEC, workers and v \ntheir representatives shall be \nInformed of all the measures to be \ntaken concerning the safety and \nhealth of workers at the site. In \nparticular, they shall be informed \nof the measures relating to the \nImplementation of Articles 6, 7 and \n8 and, where necessary, of the \nsafety and health plan referred to \nIn Article 5 (b). (NO CHANGE TO ENGLISH) \n\nConsultation and participation of \nworkers and/or of their \nrepresentatives on the matters \ncovered by Article 6(1), Article 7 \nand Article 8 shall take place: \n- In accordance with Article 11 of \n\nDirective 89/391/EEC \n- and, whenever necessary, \n\nincluding workers from other \nundertakings and/or \nestablishments present on the \nwork site, and/or their \nrepr\u00e9sent\u00e2t Ives. C O N S U L T A T I ON Ann PARTICIPATIF \n\nArticle ii \n\nConsultation and participation of \nworkers and/or of their \nrepresentatives shall take place In \naccordance with Article 11 of \nDirective 89/391/EEC on the matters \ncovered by Articles 6(1), 7 and 8 of \nthis Directive. AMENDMENTS TO THE ANNEXES \n\nArticle 12 \n\nAmendments of a strictly technical \nnature to Annexes II, III and IV \nresulting from: \n- the adoption of directives on \n\ntechnical harmonization and \nstandardization, \ntechnical progress and changes in \nInternational regulations and \nspecifications or knowledge with \nregard to work sites, \n\nshall be adopted in accordance with \nthe procedure laid down in Article 17 \nof Directive 89/391/EEC. FINAL PROVISIONS \n\nArticle 13 \n\n1. Member States shall bring into \nforce the laws, regulations and \nadministrative provisions \nnecessary to comply with this \nDirective by 31 December 1993 at \nthe latest. They shall \nimmediately notify the commission \nthereof. Member States shall bring into \nforce the laws, regulations and \nadministrative provisions \nnecessary to comply with this \nDirective by 31 December 1992 at \nthe latest. They shall \nImmediately notify the Commission \nthereof. - Page 8 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nThe provisions adopted pursuant to \nthe first subparagraph shall make \nexpress reference to this Directive \n\n2. Member States shall communicate \n\nto the Commission the texts of \nthe provisions of national law \nwhich they have already adopted \nor adopt In the field governed by \nthis Direct ive. AMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nWhen the Member States adopt \nthese provisions, the provisions \nshall contain a reference to this \nDirective or shall be accompanied \nby such a reference when they are \npublished In official form. The \narrangements for this reference \nshall be decided by the Member \nStates. 3. Member States shall report to the \nCommission every five years on \nthe practical Implementation of \nthe provisions of this Directive, \nindicating the points of view of \nemployers and workers. The \nCommission shall inform the \nCouncil, the European Parliament, \nthe Economic and Social \nCommittee, and the Advisory \nCommittee on Safety, Hygiene and \nHealth Protection at Work. 3. Member States shall report to the \nCommission every four years on \nthe practical implementation of \nthe provisions of this Directive, \nIndicating the points of view of \nemployers and workers. The \nCommission shall inform the \nCouncil, the European Parliament, \nthe Economic and Social \nCommittee, and the Advisory \nCommittee on Safety, Hygiene and \nHealth Protection at Work. The Commission shall submit \nperiodically to the Council, the \nEuropean Parliament and the \nEconomic and Social Committee a \nreport on the implementation of \nthis Directive, taking Into \naccount paragraphs 2 and 3. Article 14 \n\nThis Direct ive \nMember States. Is addressed to the \n\nANNEX I \n\nNON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST OF THE BUILDING \nAND CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK REFERRED \nTO IN THE DEFINITION OF TEMPORARY OR \nMOBILE WORK SITES IN ARTICLE 2 (first \nindent) : \n\n- Excavation \n- Earthworks \n- Construct ion \n- Installation and removal of \nprefabricated elements \n- Landscaping and fitting out \n- Alt\u00e9r\u00e2t Ions \n- R\u00e9nov\u00e2t Ion \n- Repairs \n- DismantIing \n- Demo I 111on \n- Upkeep \n\n\fAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22 02,198 \n\nMaintenance, decorating arid \ncleaning work \nEnvironmental technical \nactivities \n\nINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nMaintenance \n\nANNEX II \n\nCONTENTS OF THE PRIOR NOTICE REFERRED \nTO IN ARTICLE 3 \n\nPate of n o t i f i ^t l n n. 1. Exact address of the site: \n\n2- Cllent(s) (name(s) and \n\naddress(es)): \n\n3. Type of project: \n\n4. Project supervlsor(s) (name(s) \n\nand address(es)): \n\n5. Safety and health coordinator(s) \nduring the \"project design\" stage \n(name(s) and address(es)): \n\n6. Safety and health coordlnator(s) \nduring the \"project execution\" \nstage (name(s) and address(es)): \n\n7. Date planned for start of work: \n\n8. Planned duration of works: \n\n9. Estimated maximum number of \n\nworkers on the site: \n\n10. Planned number of contractors and \nself-employed persons on the \nsite: \n\n11. Details of contractors already \n\nchosen: \n\n12. Estimated value of the works: \n\nANNEX III \n\nANNEX 111 \n\nLIST OF WORKS INVOLVING RISKS TO THE \nSAFETY AND HEALTH OF WORKERS FOR \nWHICH, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR \nDURATION, THE PRIOR NOTICE REFERRED \nTO IN ARTICLE 3, PARAGRAPH 2, IS \nREQUIRED AND FOR WHICH THE SAFETY AND \nHEALTH PLAN REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 5 \nMUST BE PREPARED: \n\n1) Works which, by their very \n\nnature, put workers seriously at \nrisk from falling objects or \ndis lodgement of materials, or of \nbeing burled or entrapped, or of \nfalIing or drowning. LIST OF WORKS INVOLVING RISKS TO THE \nSAFETY AND HEALTH OF WORKERS FOR \nWHICH, IRRESPECTIVE OF THEIR \nDURATION, THE PRIOR NOTICE REFERRED \nTO IN ARTICLE 3, PARAGRAPH 2, IS \nREQUIRED AND FOR WHICH SPECIFIC \nMEASURES MUST BE INDICATED IN THE \nSAFETY PLAN REFERRED TO IN \nARTICLE 5b): \n\n- Page 10 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n2) Works which, by their very \n\nnature, expose workers to a \nserious risk arising from the use \nor presence of chemical, physical \nor biological agents. 3) Work carried out by divers having \na system of air supply or by \nworkers in caissons with a \ncompressed-air atmosphere. 4) Work Involving the use of \n\nexplosives. ANNEX IV \n\nMINIMUM SAFETY AND HEALTH \nREQUIREMENTS FOR WORK SITES \n\nPre\u00bbIminarv remark \n\nThe obligations laid down in this \nAnnex apply wherever required by the \nfeatures of the work site, the \nactivity, the circumstances or a \nhazard. 1. Minimum requirements of a general \n\nnature \n\nWorkers: \n\nmust be protected against \nclimatic conditions that may \nJeopardize their safety and \nhealth; \n\nmust be protected, wherever this \nis technical I y possible, by means \nof collective measures against \nfalling objects and falls from a \nheight; \n\nmust not be exposed to harmful \nlevels of chemical, physical or \nbiological pollutants. 2. Stability and solidity \n\nMaterials, equipment and, more \ngenerally, any component which, when \nmoving in any way, may affect the \nsafety and health of workers must be \nstabilized In an appropriate and safe \nmanner. 2. 1 Rooms (huts and workshops In \npartIcular) \n\nRooms must have a structure and \nstability appropriate to the nature \nof their use. - Page 11 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n2. 2 Mobile or fixed workstations \nwhich are elevated or situated below \nground level \n\nMobile or fixed workstations which \nare elevated or situated below ground \nlevel must be solid and stable, \naccount being taken of: \n\nthe number of workers occupying \nthem \nthe maximum loads which they may \nhave to bear and their \ndistribution \nthe external Influences to which \nthey may be exposed. If the supports and other components \nof these workstations are not \nintrinsically stable, they must be \nmade stable by means of appropriate \nand safe attachment to avoid any \nsudden or unintentional movement of \nthe whole, or parts, of these \nworkstatIons. 2. 3. Checking \n\nThe stability and solidity referred \nto in 2. 2 must be subjected to \nsuitable checks, especially if the \nheight or depth of the workstation is \nchanged. 3. installatlon of energy \ndistribution system \n\nThe installations must be designed \nand constructed so as not to present \na fire or explosion hazard; persons \nmust be adequately protected against \nthe risk of electrocution caused by \ndirect or indirect contact. The design, construction and choice \nof material and protection devices \nmust take account of the type and \npower of the energy distributed, \nexternal conditions and the \ncompetence of persons with access to \nparts of the Installation. The site Installations, especially \nthose subject to external Influences, \nmust be regularly checked and \nmaintained. Installations existing before the \nwork commences must be Identified, \nchecked and clearly marked. 4. Emergency routes and exits \n\n4. 1 Emergency routes and exits must \n\n- Page 12 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nremain clear and lead as directly as \npossible to a safe area. 4. 2 In the event of danger, it must \nbe possible for workers to evacuate \nall workstations quickly and as \nsafely as possible. 4. 3 The number, distribution and \ndimensions of emergency routes and \nexits depend on the use, equipment \nand dimensions of the site and of the \nrooms and the maximum number of \npersons that may be present. 4. 4 Emergency doors must open \noutwards. Emergency doors should not be so \nlocked or fastened that they cannot \nbe easily and immediately opened by \nany person who may require to use \nthem In an emergency. Sliding or revolving doors may not be \ndesignated as emergency exits. 4. 5 Specific emergency routes and \nexits must be Indicated by signs in \naccordance with the national \nregulations Implementing Directive \n77/576/EEC<1>. Such signs must be sufficiently \nresistant and be placed at \nappropriate points. 4. 6 Emergency routes and exits, and \nthe traffic routes and doors giving \naccess to them, must be free from \nobstruction so that they can be used \nat any time without hindrance. 4. 7 Emergency routes and exits \nrequiring illumination must be \nprovided with emergency lighting of \nadequate intensity In case the \nI Ighting falIs. 5. Fire detection and fire fighting \n\n5. 1 Depending on the characteristics \nof the site, the dimensions and use \nof the rooms, the on-site equipment, \nthe physical and chemical properties \nof the substances present and the \nmaximum potential number of people \npresent, an adequate number of \nappropriate fire-fighting devices \nand, where required, fire detectors \nand alarm systems must be provided. 5. 1 Depending on the characteristics \nof the site, the dimensions and use \nof the rooms, the on-site equipment, \nthe physical and chemical properties \nof the substances present and the \nmaximum potential number of people \npresent, an adequate number of \nappropriate fire-fighting devices \nand, where required, fire detectors \nand alarm systems must be provided. (1) OJ No L 229, 7. 9. 1977, p. 12 \n\n- Page 13 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nSuch fire-fighting devices, fire \ndetectors and fire alarms must be \nregularly checked and maintained. Appropriate tests and drills must \ncarried out at regular Intervals. be \n\n5. 2 Non-automatic fire-fighting \nequipment must be easily accessible \nand simple to use. The equipment must be Indicated by \nsigns in accordance with the national \nregulations Implementing Directive \n77/576/EEC. Such signs must be sufficiently \nresistant and be placed at \nappropriate points. 6. Ventilation \n\n6. 1 Steps shall be taken to ensure \nthat there Is sufficient fresh air, \nhaving regard to the working methods \nused and the physical demands placed \non the workers. If a forced ventilation system \nused, it must be maintained In \nworking order. is \n\nAny breakdown must be indicated by a \ncontrol system where this Is \nnecessary for workers' health. 6. 2 If air-conditioning or mechanical \nventilation Installations are used, \nthey must operate In such a way that \nworkers are not exposed to draughts \nwhich cause discomfort. Any deposit or dirt likely to create \nan Immediate danger to the health of \nworkers by polluting the atmosphere \nmust be removed without delay. 7. Temperature \n\n7. 1 During working hours, the \ntemperature must be adequate for \nhuman beings, having regard to the \nworking methods used and the physical \ndemands placed on the workers. 7. 2 The temperature In rest areas, \nrooms for duty staff, sanitary \nfacilities, canteens and first-aid \nrooms must be appropriate to the \nparticular purpose of such areas. 7. 3 Windows, skylights and glass \npartitions should allow excessive \neffects of sunlight to be avoided, \n\n- Page 14 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nhaving regard to the nature of the \nwork and local custom. 8. Natural and art IfIclal lighting \nof workstations, rooms and \ntraffic routes on the site \n\n8. 1 Workstations, rooms and traffic \nroutes on the site must be provided \nwith sufficient artificial lighting \nat night and when natural daylight Is \ninadequate; where necessary, portable \nIIght sources that are protected \nagainst Impact shall be used. 8. 2 Lighting Installations for rooms, \nworkstations and traffic routes must \nbe placed in such a way that there Is \nno risk of accident to workers as a \nresult of the type of lighting \nfitted. 8. 3 Rooms, workstations and traffic \nroutes where workers are especially \nexposed to risks in the event of \nartificial lighting must be provided \nwith emergency lighting of adequate \nIntensity. 8. 4 The approach roads and perimeter \nof the site must be signposted and \nmarked so as to ensure that they are \nclearly visible and identifiable. 9. Floors, walls, ceilings and roofs \n\nof rooms \n\n9. 1 The floors of workplaces must not \nhave dangerous bumps, holes or slopes \nand must be fixed, stable and not \nsiippery. 9. 2 The surfaces of floors, walls and \nceilings In rooms must be such that \nthey can be cleaned or refurbished to \nan appropriate standard of hygiene. 9. 3 Transparent or translucent walls, \nin particular all-glass partitions, \nIn rooms or In the vicinity of \nworkstations and traffic routes must \nbe clearly Indicated and made of \nsafety material or be shielded from \nsuch workstations or traffic routes \nto prevent workers from coming into \n\n- Page 15 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\ncontact with walls or being injured \nshould the walls shatter. 9. 4 Access to roofs made of materials \nof Insufficient strength must not be \npermitted unless equipment is \nprovided to ensure that the work can \nbe carried out in a safe manner. 10. windows and sky IIghts \n\n10. 1 It must be possible for workers \nto open, close, adjust or secure \nwindows, skylights and ventilators in \na safe manner. When open, they must \nnot be positioned so as to constitute \na hazard to workers. 10. 2 Windows and skylights must be \ndesigned In conjunction with \nequipment or otherwise fitted with \ndevices allowing them to be cleaned \nwithout risk to the workers carrying \nout this work or to workers present. 11. Doors and gates \n\n11. 1 The position, number and \ndimensions of doors and gates, and \nthe materials used in their \nconstruction, are determined by the \nnature and use of rooms or areas. 11. 2 Transparent doors must be \nappropriately marked at a conspicuous \nlevel. 11. 3 Swing doors and gates must be \ntransparent or have see-through \npanels. 11. 4 If transparent or translucent \nsurfaces In doors and gates are not \nmade of safety material and if there \nIs a danger that workers may be \ninjured if a door or gate should \nshatter, the surfaces must be \nprotected against breakage. 11. 5 Sliding doors must be fitted \nwith a safety device to prevent them \nfrom being derailed and falling over. 11. 6 Doors and gates opening upwards \nmust be fitted with a mechanism to \nsecure them against falling back. 11. 7 Doors along escape routes must \nbe appropriately marked. Page 16 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n11. 8 Doors for pedestrians must be \nprovided in the Immediate vicinity of \nany gates Intended essentially for \nvehicle traffic, unless It Is safe \nfor pedestrians to pass through; such \ndoors must be clearly marked and left \npermanently unobstructed. 11. 9 Mechanical doors and gates must \nfunction In such a way that there is \nno risk of accident to workers. They must be fitted with easily \nIdentifiable and accessible emergency \nshut-down devices and, unless they \nopen automatically In the event of a \npower failure, it must also be \npossible to open them manually. 12. Traffic routes - danger areas \n\n12. 1 Traffic routes, Including \nstairs, fixed ladders and loading \nbays and ramps, must be calculated, \nlocated, laid out and made negotiable \nto ensure easy, safe and appropriate \naccess in such a way as not to \nendanger workers employed in the \nvicinity of these traffic routes. 12. 2 Routes used for pedestrian \ntraffic and/goods traffic must be \ndimensioned in accordance with the \nnumber of potential users and the \ntype of activity concerned. If means of transport are used on \ntraffic routes, a sufficient safety \nclearance or adequate protective \ndevices must be provided for \npedestrI ans. 12. 3 Sufficient clearance must be \nallowed between vehicle traffic \nroutes and doors, gates, passages for \npedestrians, corridors and \nstaircases. 12. 4 Where the use and equipment of \nrooms so requires for the protection \nof workers, traffic routes must be \nclearly Identified. 12. 5 If the site contains danger \nareas In which, owing to the \n\n- Page 17 \n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nnature of the work, there Is a risk \nof the worker or objects falling, \nthese areas must be equipped with \ndevices preventing unauthorized \nworkers from entering them. Appropriate measures must be taken to \nprotect workers authorized to enter \ndanger areas. Danger areas must be clearly \nIndicated. 13. Specific measures for escalators \n\nand travelators \n\nEscalators and travelators must \nfunctIon safely. They must be equipped with any \nnecessary safety devices. They must be fitted with easily \nIdentifiable and accessible emergency \nshut-down devices. 14. Loading bays and ramos \n\n14. 1 Loading bays and ramps must be \nsuitable for the dimensions of the \nloads to be transported. 14. 2 Loading bays must have at least \none ex It point. 14. 3 Loading ramps must be \nsufficiently safe to prevent workers \nfrom falIIng off. 15. Room dimensions and air space In \nrooms - freedom of movement at \nthe workstation \n\n15. 1 Rooms containing workplaces must \nhave sufficient floor area and height \nto allow workers to perform their \nwork without risk to their safety, \nhealth or well-being. 15. 2 The floor area at the \nworkstation must be such as to allow \nworkers sufficient freedom of \nmovement to perform their work. If this is not possible for reasons \nspecific to the workstation, the \nworker must be provided with \nsufficient freedom of movement near \nhis workstat ion. 16. First-aid rooms \n\n16. 1 One or more first-aid rooms must \nbe provided where the scale of the \nworks, the types of activity being \n\n- Page 18 *-\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\ncarried out and frequency of \naccidents so dictate. 16. 2 First-aid rooms must be fitted \nwith essential first aid \ninstallations and equipment and be \neasily accessible to stretchers. They must be signposted In accordance \nwith the national regulations \nimplementing Directive 77/576/EEC. 16. 3 In addition, first-aid equipment \nmust be available at all places where \nworking conditions require It. This equipment must be suitably \nmarked and easily accessible. AMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n16. 3 In addition, first-aid \nequipment must be available at all \nplaces where working conditions \nrequire it. This equipment must be suitably \nmarked and easily accessible. A clearly displayed sign must also \nbe provided showing the address and \ntelephone number of the local \nemergency service. 17. Sanitary equipment \n\n17. Sanitary eoulpment \n\nThis shall comply with satisfactory \nstandards of hygiene. 17. 1 Changing rooms and lockers \n\n17. 1. 1 Appropriate changing rooms \nmust be provided for workers if they \nhave to wear special work cloths. Changing rooms must be easily \naccessible, be of sufficient capacity \nand be provided with seating. 17. 1. 2 Changing rooms must be \nsufficiently large and have \nfacilities to enable each worker, \nwhere necessary, to dry his working \nclothes as well as his own clothing \nand personal effects and to lock them \naway. If circumstances so require (e. g. dangerous substances, humidity, \ndirt), facilities must be provided to \nenable working clothes to be kept In \na place separate from workers' own \nclothes and personal effects. 17. 1. 3 Provision must be made for \nseparate changing rooms or separate \nuse of changing rooms for men and \nwomen. 17. 1. 4 If changing rooms are not \nrequired, each workers must be \nprovided with a place In which he can \nlock away his own clothes and \npersonal effects. - Page 19 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED FKOPuSAL PURSUANT iO lHt \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\n17. 2 Lavatories and washbasins \nSpecial facilities with an adequate \nnumber of lavatories and washbasins \nmust be provided for workers in the \nvicinity of workstations, rest rooms, \nchanging rooms and rooms housing \nshowers or washbasins. Provision must be made for separate \nlavatories or separate use of \nlavatories for men and women. 17. 3 Showers and washbasins \n\n17. 3. 1 Suitable showers In sufficient \nnumbers must be provided for workers \nif required by the nature of the work \nor for health reasons. Provision must be made for separate \nshower rooms or separate use of \nshower rooms for men and women. 17. 3. 2 The shower rooms must be \nsufficiently large to permit each \nworker to wash without hindrance In \nconditions of an appropriate standard \nof hygiene. The showers must be equipped with hot \nand cold running water. 17. 3. 3 Where showers are not required \nunder the first subparagraph of \n17. 3. 1 Aadequate and suitable \nwashbasins with running water (hot \nwater if necessary) must br provided \nin the vicinity of the workstations \nand the changing rooms. Such washbasins must be separate for, \nor used separately by, men and women \nwhen so required for reasons of \npropriety. 17. 3. 4 Where the rooms housing the \nshowers or washbasins are separate \nfrom the changing rooms, there must \nbe easy communication between the \ntwo. 18. Rest rooms and/or accommodation \n\naxaas. 18. 1 Where the safety or health or \nworkers, in particular because of the \ntype of activity carried out or the \npresence of more than a certain \nnumber of employees as well as the \nremote nature of the site, so \nrequire, workers must be provided \nwith easily accessible rest and \naccommodation facilities. 18. 2 est rooms and accommodation \nareas must be large enough and \nequipped with an adequate number of \ntables and seats with backs for the \n\n- Page 20 -\n\n\fINITIAL PROPOSAL \nBY THE COMMISSION \n\nAMENDED PROPOSAL PURSUANT TO THE \nOPINION OF THE EUROPEAN \nPARLIAMENT OF 22. 02. 1991 \n\nnumber of workers concerned. 18. 3 If there are no facilities of \nthis kind, other facilities must be \nprovided in which workers can stay \nduring Interruptions In work. 18. 4 Appropriate measures should be \ntaken for the protection of non-\nsmokers against discomfort caused by \ntobacco smoke. 19. Pregnant women and nursing \n\nmothers \n\nPregnant women and nursing mothers \nmust be able to I le down to rest in \nappropriate conditions. 20. Handicapped workers \n\nWorkstations must be organized to \ntake account of handicapped workers, \nif necessary. This provision applies In particular \nto the doors, passageways, \nstaircases, showers, washbasins, \nlavatories and workstatIons used or \noccupied directly by handicapped \npersons. 21. MI see I Ianeous orovI s Ions \n\n21. 1 Workers must be provided at the \nsite with a sufficient quantity of \ndrinking water and possibly another \nsuitable non-alcoholic beverage both \nIn occupied rooms and In the vicinity \nof workstations. 21. 2 Workers must be provided with \nfacilities enabling them to prepare \nand take their meals in satisfactory \ncondlt ions. - Page 21 -\n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 117 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nSN \n\n04 \n\nCatalogue number \u2022: CB-CO-91-147-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-71029-2 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\nzZ"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/49358a77-723e-4465-84b9-ce4aadb2d0cf", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 869/91 of 9 April 1991 establishing the list of flint maize varieties on which production aid can be granted", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "maize,marketing year,product quality,production aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R0869,oj:JOL_1991_089_R_0009_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["maize", "marketing year", "product quality", "production aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/49358a77-723e-4465-84b9-ce4aadb2d0cf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/707cebf1-61f7-4071-bfe6-e56113786ff9", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 870/91 of 9 April 1991 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 3878/87 on the production aid for certain varieties of rice", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "production aid,rice", "workIds": "celex:31991R0870,oj:JOL_1991_089_R_0011_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["production aid", "rice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/707cebf1-61f7-4071-bfe6-e56113786ff9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3601b89-d71e-4ef9-8277-a3a241daa2b7", "title": "AGREP, permanent inventory of agricultural research projects in the European Communities. Main list and indexes.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "agronomic research,catalogue,report,research body,research project,research results", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CDNA05895", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agronomic research", "catalogue", "report", "research body", "research project", "research results"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3601b89-d71e-4ef9-8277-a3a241daa2b7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "pdfx", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/80efc6b6-8f72-4671-9b7d-1cc893d8f498", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 903/91 of 9 April 1991 ending the charges against the tariff ceilings opened, in the framework of generalized tariff preferences, by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3896/89 in respect of certain industrial products originating in Brazil, Hungary, India, Mexico and China", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "developing countries,generalised preferences,industrial product,originating product,tariff ceiling", "workIds": "celex:31991R0903,oj:JOL_1991_091_R_0014_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["developing countries", "generalised preferences", "industrial product", "originating product", "tariff ceiling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/80efc6b6-8f72-4671-9b7d-1cc893d8f498", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f151ddb-edb3-4dc9-94b1-6af20370811b", "title": "91/230/EEC: Commission Decision of 9 April 1991 amending Decision 86/77/EEC approving certain food-aid operations carried out by humanitarian organizations and exempting them from monetary compensatory amounts (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "United Kingdom,food aid,monetary compensatory amount", "workIds": "celex:31991D0230,oj:JOL_1991_100_R_0041_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "food aid", "monetary compensatory amount"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f151ddb-edb3-4dc9-94b1-6af20370811b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7af66f2f-dd20-48bc-a2c4-ba83398e4f74", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 902/91 of 9 April 1991 on the supply of various consignments of cereals as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "Niger,common wheat,food aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R0902,oj:JOL_1991_091_R_0010_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Niger", "common wheat", "food aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7af66f2f-dd20-48bc-a2c4-ba83398e4f74", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ba4de7f4-3808-4259-8134-267504490069", "title": "91/233/EEC: Commission Decision of 9 April 1991 concerning an application for reimbursement of anti- dumping duties collected on imports of certain kinds of compact disc players originating in Japan (Harman Deutschland) (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "Japan,import,originating product,sound reproduction equipment", "workIds": "celex:31991D0233,oj:JOL_1991_104_R_0044_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Japan", "import", "originating product", "sound reproduction equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ba4de7f4-3808-4259-8134-267504490069", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a6e393a-0af6-438b-b322-95b487ef7555", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-0503/91 with debate by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE on behalf of the Rainbow Group to European Political Cooperation: Imposing restrictions on the international arms trade", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "Iraq,Middle East,arms control,arms industry,arms limitation,arms supply,arms trade,disarmament,export (EU),export restriction,industrial conversion,international conflict,international security,updating of skills,weapon of mass destruction", "workIds": "celex:91991O000086", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Iraq", "Middle East", "arms control", "arms industry", "arms limitation", "arms supply", "arms trade", "disarmament", "export (EU)", "export restriction", "industrial conversion", "international conflict", "international security", "updating of skills", "weapon of mass destruction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a6e393a-0af6-438b-b322-95b487ef7555", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a29c0411-df38-4962-a322-4313238a4dec", "title": "Question No 64 by Mr ALAVANOS (H-0350/91) to the Commission: Increase in pollution due to an extension of PETROLA' s activities in the plane of Thriasio", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ALAVANOS,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "Greece,application of EU law,environmental impact,industrial building,industrial hazard,industrial pollution", "workIds": "celex:91991H000350", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "application of EU law", "environmental impact", "industrial building", "industrial hazard", "industrial pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a29c0411-df38-4962-a322-4313238a4dec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f23f6e02-a7ef-417c-aaa5-d2127206da3e", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ON PROVISION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR ISRAEL AND THE PALESTINIAN POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "Community loan,Israel,development aid,financial aid,interest rate subsidy,occupied territory", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0125,comnat:COM_1991_0125_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_111_R_0003_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community loan", "Israel", "development aid", "financial aid", "interest rate subsidy", "occupied territory"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f23f6e02-a7ef-417c-aaa5-d2127206da3e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 125 final \n\nBrussels, 9 Apr iI 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL PEdSlQN \n\non provision of financial assistance for \nIsrael, and the Palestinian population of tiie Oocupied Territories \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\ft \n\nECTIANATOR\u00cf MHCRANDTJM \n\n1. Following the Coraraission cararaunication on additional financial aid for \ncountries in the Middle East and the Mediterranean affected by the Gulf \nWar of 28 February (O0M(91) 61 final), the Council has endorsed the \nprinciple of two schemes to provide financial aid for Israel and the \nPalestinian population of the Oocupied Territories, which are suffering \nin different degrees the adverse effects of hostilities in the Gulf. In the case of Israel, economic activity in general is suffering. In \nthe Oocupied Territories, the arrival of returning workers and a \nsignificant reduction in remittances from the Gulf states simply \naggravate an already seriously deteriorated \u00e9conomie situation. 2. The aid will comprise a Conmunity loan of a sum equivalent to ECU \n\n180 million financed on the capital markets and non-relinbursable aid of \nup to ECTJ 87. 5 million from the Community budget (1991). Before the \nrelevant appropriations can be entered in the 1991 budget by means of a \nsupplementary and amending budget, the celling for heading No 4 (\"Other \npolicies\") in the financial perspective for 1991 must be raised. The \nCommission has duly made the necessary proposals. This action should \nhelp alleviate the adverse effects of the Gulf war on the populations of \nIsrael and the Occupied Territories. 3. It has been agreed that these funds be used to provide Israel with \n\nfinancial aid in the form of a loan to support the country's balance of \npayments. The loan is to be topped up with an interest-rate subsidy of \nECTJ 27. 6 million, financed from the Community budget. Financial aid for \nthe Oocupied Territories would take the form of an ECU 60 million grant \nfrom the budget to help to improve economic and social conditions and to \nintegrate Palestinians returning from Kuwait (by providing Jobs, \nhousing, hospitals, etc. ). 4. Arrangements should be made to enable this financial aid to be used in \n\nways suited to the specific problems of Israel and the Oocupied \nTerritories. In the case of Israel, the operation will be carried out \nbefore the end of 1991; in the case of the Oocupied Territories, \ninstitutional constraints may require ijnplementation over a two-year \nperiod. 3 \n\nPROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DBCISICN \non financial jytd for Israel and \nthe Palestinian population of the Oocupied Territories \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Eoonomic Community, \nand in particular Article 235 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, \n\nwhereas the Community has decided to mount an operation to give financial \naid to Israel and the Palestinian population of the territories on the West \nBank of the River Jordan and the Gaza Strip occupied by Israel (hereinafter \nreferred to as the \"Oocupied Territories\") in order to help alleviate the \nadverse consequences of the war in the Gulf; \n\nwhereas the economic and financial capacity of Israel and of the Oocupied \nTerritories is such that financial aid to Israel should take the form of a \nsubsidized loan to provide medium-term support for its balance of payments \nwhile that for the Oocupied Territories could take the form of grants; \n\nWhereas the Community must have the means to undertake the said operation; \n\nWhereas the amount of Community financial resources needed to pay for the \ninterest-rate subsidy and grant components of this operation has to be \nestimated; whereas the appropriations actually available will be \nestablished during the budgetary procedure in accordance with the financial \nperspectives annexed to the Interlnstitutional Agreement of 29 June 19881; \n\nWhereas the breakdown of funds as between Israel and the Palestinian \npopulation of the Oocupied Territories is based on an evaluation of their \nrespective requirements in the light of the scale of the social and \neconomic effects of the war, the sections of the population affected and a \ncomparison of living standards; \n\nWhereas the loan to Israel will have to be financed by tanmunity borrowing \non the capital markets; whereas this loan must be administered by the \nCommission; \n\nWhereas implementation of this operation is designed to contribute to the \nachievement of Community objectives; \n\nWhereas the Treaty does not provide, for the adoption of this Decision, for \npowers other than those of Article 235, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\n1 OJ No L 185, 15. 7. 1988, p. 33. Article 1 \n\nThe Community shall provide financial aid of up to an estimated total of \nECU 247. 5 million for Israel and the Palestinian population of the Oocupied \nTerritories. Article 2 \n\n1. Otoe financial aid for Israel to support its balance of payments shall \n\nbe made available in the form of a medium-term loan of a principal \nequivalent to ECU 160 million for a maximum period of seven years. 2. The loan will be accompanied by an interest-rate subsidy to be financed \n\nfrom the general budget of the Community. The estimated cost to the Community of financing the subsidy in 1991 is \nECU 27. 5 million. The budgetary authority shall establish the avail able appropriations. 3. The loan and the related subsidy shall be accorded on the terras and \n\nconditions set out in Article 3. Article 3 \n\n1. To make the loan referred to in Article 2(1) the Commission is hereby \n\nempowered to borrow, on behalf of the Community, the necessary resources \non the capital markets after consultation of the Monetary Committee. 2. The loan shall be made available to Israel in a single instalment. It \n\nwill be paid to the National Bank of Israel. 3. The Commission shall establish the arrangements for payment of the \n\ninterest-rate subsidy referred to in Article 2(2) and take the necessary \nimplementing measures. 4. The borrowing and lending operations referred to in paragraph 1 shall be \ncarried out using the same value date and must not involve the Ctammunity \nin the transformation of maturities, exchange or interest-rate risks or \nany other commercial risk. 5. The Commission shall take the necessary steps, if Israel so wishes, for \n\ninclusion in the conditions and possible application of an early \nrepayment clause. t> \n\n6. At the request of Israel, and where circumstances permit an improvement \nin the interest rate on the loan, the Commission may refinance all or \npart of its initial borrowings or restructure the corresponding \nfinancial terms. Refinancing or restructuring operations shall be \ncarried out in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 4, \nand shall not have the effect of extending the average duration of the \nborrowings \u0153ncerned or of increasing the amount of capital, expressed \nat the current exchange rate, outstanding at the date of the refinancing \nor restructuring. 7. All costs incurred by the Community in mounting and executing the \noperation provided for in this Decision shall be borne by Israel. 8. The Monetary Committee shall be kept informed of the progress of the \n\noperations referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6. Article 4 \n\n1. The financial aid for the Palestinian population of the Occupied \n\nTerritories shall take the form of grants, the estimated cost of which \nto the Oammunity is ECU 60 million in 1991. The budgetary authority \nshall establish the appropriations available. The aid shall cover expenditure aimed at alleviating the social and \neconomic problems facing the Palestinians following the Gulf conflict, \nsuch as health, education and housing, and also the technical assistance \nnecessary to implement the operation. It will be accorded in instalments on the basis of general guidelines \nadopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 5. 2. The Commission shall ensure that such funds, paid to provide the aid \n\nreferred to in paragraph 1, are used in accordance with the objectives \nset out in this Decision by the beneficiaries, which shall be required \nto submit a programme specifying the use to be made of the funds, and \nafterwards a report on the actual use made thereof. Article 5 \n\n1. The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee composed of \n\nrepresentatives of the Member States and chaired by a representative of \nthe Commission. -C \n\n2. The representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a \ndraft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its \nopinion on the draft within a time limit which the Chairman may lay down \naccording to the urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered \nby the majority laid down in Article 148(2) of the Treaty in the case of \ndecisions which the Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the \nCommission. The votes of the representatives of the Member States \nwithin the Committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that \nArticle. The Chairman shall not vote. 3. Measures adopted by the Commission shall be of immediate effect. However, if these measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the \nCommittee, they shall be <3cmmunicated by the Commission to the Council \nforthwith. In that event, the Commission shall defer application of the measures \nwhich it has decided on for a period of two months from the date of \ncommunication. The Council, acting by a qualified majority, may take a different \ndecision within the time limit referred to in the preceding \nsubparagraph. Article 6 \n\nThe Commission shall present to the European Parliament and the Council by \n30 June 1992 an initial report on the implementation of the aid operation \ncarried out under this Regulation. A final report shall also be presented \nas soon as the operation is completed. Done at Brussels, \n\n1991 \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\f> \n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \n\nVOLET 1 : IMPLICATIONS FINANCIERES \n\n1. Intitul\u00e9 de I'action : \n\nAssistance financi\u00e8re en faveur d'Isra\u00ebl et des populations \npalestiniennes desTerritoires Occup\u00e9s. 2. Liane budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : \n\nA d\u00e9terminer dans le caire d'un budget rectificatif et \nsuppl\u00e9mentaire. 3. Base l\u00e9gale : \n\nArticle 235 du trait\u00e9 instituant la Communaut\u00e9 Europ\u00e9enne. 4. Description de l'action : \n\n4. 1. Objectifs sp\u00e9cifiques de l'action : \nLes objectifs de cette action sont d'une part apporter un \nsoutien \u00e0 la balance des paiements d'Isra\u00ebl et d'autre part, \npour ce qui est des populations palestiniennes des Territoires \nOccup\u00e9s, de contribuer \u00e0 am\u00e9liorer la situation \u00e9conomique et \nsociale ainsi que d'int\u00e9grer les ressortissants rapatri\u00e9s du \nKowe i t. 4. 2. Dur\u00e9e : \n1991 - 1992 \n\n4. 3. Populations vis\u00e9es par l'action : \nL'ensemble de la population d'Isra\u00ebl et des populations \npalestiniennes des Territoires Occup\u00e9s. 5. Classification de la d\u00e9pense : \n\n5. 1. DNO \n\n5. 2. CD \n\n6. Quelle est la nature de la d\u00e9pense : \n\n6. 1. Subvention \u00e0 100% pour l'action en faveur des Territoires \nOccup\u00e9s (60 millions d'\u00e9cus) \n\n6. 2. Subvention pour co-financement avec d'autres sources du secteur \npublic ou priv\u00e9 : n\u00e9ant \n\n\f6. 3. Bonification d'int\u00e9r\u00eat : 27,5 MECUS sur un pr\u00eat hors budget de \n160 MECUS en faveur d'Isra\u00ebl \n\n6. 4. Autres \nd'Isra\u00ebl. Garantie budg\u00e9taire relative au pr\u00eat en faveur \n\n6. 5. 6. 6. 7- \n\n7. 1. 7. 2. En cas de r\u00e9ussite \u00e9conomique de l'action, un remboursement \npartiel ou total de l'apport financier communautaire est-il \npr\u00e9vu : non \n\nL'action propos\u00e9e impIique-t-elle une modification du niveau des \nrecettes : non \n\nIncidence financi\u00e8re sur les cr\u00e9dits d'Intervention : \n\nMode de caI eu I : \nLes montants pr\u00e9vus tiennent compte des orientations politiques \ndu Conse il. Indiquez la part du mini-budget dans le co\u00fbt total de l'action. Explicitez le mode de calcul : \nSans objet. 7. 3. Ech\u00e9ancier indicatif des C E. et C. P. (en MECUS): \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\nC E. 87,5 \n\nC. P. 57,5 \n\n30 \n\nQuelles sont les dispositions anti-fraudes pr\u00e9vues dans \nproposition d'action : \n\nSans objet. VOLET 2 : DEPENSES ADMINISTRATIVES \n\nL'action propos\u00e9e impIique-t-elle une augmentation du nombre \nd'effectifs de la Commission : non \n\nMontant des d\u00e9penses : Sans objet. VOLET 3 : ELEMENTS D'ANALYSE COUT-EFFICACITE \n\n1. Objectifs et coh\u00e9rence avec la programmation financi\u00e8re : \n\n1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 3. 2. a. b. c. Object if(s) sp\u00e9cifiques(s) de l'action propos\u00e9e. Cfr. 4. 1. L'action est-elle pr\u00e9vue dans la programmation financi\u00e8re de la \nD. G. pour les ann\u00e9es concern\u00e9es ? \nOui. dans la \nIndiquez \u00e0 quel objectif plus g\u00e9n\u00e9ral \nprogrammation financi\u00e8re de la D. G. correspond l'objectif de \nI'action propos\u00e9e : \nStabilit\u00e9 politique de la r\u00e9gion. d\u00e9fini \n\nJustification de l'action : \n\nCo\u00fbt : 87,5 MECUS \n\nEffets d\u00e9r iv\u00e9s : \nContribuer \u00e0 la stabilit\u00e9 politique de cette zone. Effets multiplicateurs : \nImage et visibilit\u00e9 politique de la Communaut\u00e9 dans une zone de \nturbulence. 3. Suivi et \u00e9valuation de l'action : \n\nLes actions feront l'objet d'une \u00e9valuation ex-post. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (91) 125 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-9M54-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71243-0 \n\n'RICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Offici \\ Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d295c005-415a-4d42-9c9a-d7702f35abee", "title": "Question No 26 by Mr ALAVANOS (H-0348/91) to European Political Cooperation: Cooperation projects between the Balkan countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ALAVANOS,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "EU aid,Western Balkans,development bank,economic cooperation,financial aid,regional cooperation,research body", "workIds": "celex:91991H000348", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Western Balkans", "development bank", "economic cooperation", "financial aid", "regional cooperation", "research body"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d295c005-415a-4d42-9c9a-d7702f35abee", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eeb22494-136e-4659-9fd0-90a8618697d7", "title": "ORAL QUESTION B3-0542/91 with debate by the following Members: van VELZEN, BROK, SALISCH, Lord O' HAGAN, NIANIAS, SANDB\u00c6K, van DIJK, NIELSEN, CATASTA and BARROS MOURA on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment to the Council: Implementation of the social action programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BARROS MOURA,BROK,CATASTA,European Parliament,NIANIAS,NIELSEN TOVE,O'HAGAN,SALISCH,SANDBAEK,VAN VELZEN", "date": "1991-04-09", "subjects": "EU competence,European Commission,European social policy,action programme,care of mothers and infants,cooperation procedure,decision-making,labour law,labour relations,power of initiative,single market,social partners,social rights,social-security harmonisation,working conditions,working time", "workIds": "celex:91991O000084", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU competence", "European Commission", "European social policy", "action programme", "care of mothers and infants", "cooperation procedure", "decision-making", "labour law", "labour relations", "power of initiative", "single market", "social partners", "social 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Union", "date": "1991-04-08", "subjects": "Portugal,monetary compensatory amount", "workIds": "celex:31991D0183,oj:JOL_1991_091_R_0057_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "monetary compensatory amount"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b17fd8e-dafb-4024-a167-4e121e72e1b6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/974afff2-7032-4f29-84f9-81e53de02a54", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 863/91 of 8 April 1991 on the special sale of intervention butter for export to the Soviet Union and amending Regulation (EEC) No 569/88", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-08", "subjects": "USSR,award of contract,butter,market intervention,public stock,representative rate", "workIds": "celex:31991R0863,oj:JOL_1991_088_R_0011_012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "award of contract", "butter", "market intervention", "public stock", "representative rate"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/974afff2-7032-4f29-84f9-81e53de02a54", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2dbc1841-d564-4ca2-8557-a07752f8f6dd", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 862/91 of 8 April 1991 laying down detailed rules applying Council Regulation (EEC) No 3491/90 to imports of rice originating in Bangladesh", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-05", "subjects": "EU Member State,Spain,common wheat,import,supplementary trade mechanism", "workIds": "celex:31991R0854,oj:JOL_1991_086_R_0015_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "Spain", "common wheat", "import", "supplementary trade mechanism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0453d7b2-4dd8-4a70-9d71-44c2aa9840eb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f41370af-40ff-48e0-b430-32d5150a695d", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 851/91 of 5 April 1991 providing for the grant of compensation to producer' s organizations in respect of tuna delivered to the canning industry during the period 1 April to 30 June 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-05", "subjects": "cannery,indemnification,producer organisation,sea fish", "workIds": "celex:31991R0851,oj:JOL_1991_086_R_0010_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cannery", "indemnification", "producer organisation", "sea fish"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f41370af-40ff-48e0-b430-32d5150a695d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/78d1e705-0612-48d0-9bd3-00df05620783", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 853/91 of 5 April 1991 on duties applicable in the Community as constituted on 31 December 1985 to ' wild onions' of the species Muscari comusum from Spain and Portugal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-05", "subjects": "Portugal,Spain,bulb vegetable,customs duties,tariff reduction", "workIds": "celex:31991R0853,oj:JOL_1991_086_R_0014_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "Spain", "bulb vegetable", "customs duties", "tariff reduction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/78d1e705-0612-48d0-9bd3-00df05620783", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/366d0aa5-b176-4739-a474-4469df0548af", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 852/91 of 5 April 1991 providing for the grant of compensation to producers' organizations in respect of tuna delivered to the canning industry during the period 1 July to 30 September 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-05", "subjects": "EU aid,EU production,cannery,producer organisation,producer price,sea fish", "workIds": "celex:31991R0852,oj:JOL_1991_086_R_0012_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "EU production", "cannery", "producer organisation", "producer price", "sea fish"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/366d0aa5-b176-4739-a474-4469df0548af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8f16e40-502f-4b4a-83cc-1b77d904d770", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 4060/89 ON THE ELIMINATION OF CONTROLS PERFORMED AT THE FRONTIERS OF MEMBER STATES IN THE FIELD OF ROAD AND INLAND WATERWAY TRANSPORT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "carriage of goods,cross-border transport,customs formalities", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0105,comnat:COM_1991_0105_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_117_R_0006_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["carriage of goods", "cross-border transport", "customs formalities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8f16e40-502f-4b4a-83cc-1b77d904d770", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC91) 105 final \n\nBrussels, 4 Apr 11 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 \n\non the elimination of controls performed at the frontiers \n\nof Member States in the field of road \n\nand inland waterway transport \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. The Council adopted Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 on the elimination of \n\ncontrols performed at the frontiers of Member States in the field of road \n\nand inland waterway transport1 in December 1989. The Regulation lays down \n\nthat controls on road vehicles and inland waterway craft, and on the \n\nvarious documents relating to their operation, must form part of the normal \n\ncontrols \n\napplied \n\nin a non-discriminatory \n\nfashion \n\nthroughout \n\na \n\nMember State's territory. This is to apply to all means of transport \n\nregistered or put into circulation in a Member State. The controls and formalities to which the Regulation refers are those \n\nperformed under Community or national law in the fields of road and inland \n\nwaterway transport, and are listed in the Annex to the Regulation. 2. In the absence, however, of appropriate Community law some types of \n\ntransport between Member States are performed on the basis of international \n\nconventions or agreements adopted under the United Nations Economic \n\nCommission for Europe. The types of transport in question include in particular the carriage of \n\ndangerous goods, covered by the European Agreement concerning the \n\ninternational Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), and the carriage \n\nof foodstuffs, covered by the European Agreement on the International \n\nCarriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used \n\nfor such Carriage (ATP). Although two Member States are not yet contracting parties to one of these \n\nagreements (Ireland in the case of the ADR, Greece in the case of the ATP) \n\nall Member States do in practice apply the provisions of these agreements \n\non the basis of their domestic law. 1 OJ No L 390, 30. 12. 1989, p. 18. 3 -\n\nThe ADR and the ATP determine, among other things the technical compliance \n\nof road vehicles used to carry dangerous and perishable goods, the \n\nequipment to be fitted on those vehicles, and the various documents \n\n(certificates, etc. ) to be carried on them. As with Community legal instruments, the ADR and ATP do not lay down how or \n\nwhere controls and verifications on vehicles and their documents should \n\ntake place; as a result, the decision on these matters is implicitly left \n\nto the contracting parties. This has led to a situation in which most Member States carry out these \n\ncontrols at their frontiers. Certain technical characteristics (e. g. weights and dimensions) of road \n\nvehicles intended for intra-Community transport - including the carriage of \n\ndangerous and perishable goods - are laid down by Community Directives \n\n(Directive 85/3/EEC, as amended by Directives 86/360/EEC, 86/364/EEC and \n\n88/218/EEC). These are among the Community instruments referred to in \n\nRegulation No 4060/89 and the controls provided for are already performed \n\nin the same way as for national transport operations. It is therefore entirely consistent to act in such a way that all technical \n\nchecks and controls on the documents in respect of these vehicles \n\n(including those relating to vehicles carrying dangerous or perishable \n\ngoods), should be carried out in the same way within Member States' \n\nterritory, even if they do not all arise from the implementation of \n\nCommunity rules. - 4 -\n\nThe controls in question relate specifically to: \n\n- identification of the panel, label and plate affixed to the vehicle; \n\n- its equipment (e. g. the supplementary fire extinguisher where dangerous \n\ngoods are being carried); \n\n- documents (approval certificate, etc. ); \n\n- loading of tanks; and \n\n- the temperature in equipment to be used for the carriage of perishable \n\ngoods. In this regard, there are no valid grounds, from the standpoint of road \n\nsafety or the protection of the public, which might warrant the choice of \n\nfrontiers as the best place for performing these controls. 3. The Commission is of the opinion that, in view of the approach of 1993 \n\nand the complete abolition of controls at the Community's internal \n\nfrontiers, steps must be taken to eliminate the various frontier controls \n\nmentioned above and to ensure that they are performed in the same fashion \n\nas controls relating to domestic transport operations. it is therefore proposed that Regulation No 4060/89 should be amended and \n\nits scope extended to take account of controls which are carried out on the \n\nbasis of national law incorporating the provisions of the ADR and the ATP. Specifically, where a Member State is not yet a contracting party to either \n\nof those Agreements, the provisions of the Regulation have the same effect \n\nin view of the fact that those States provide in their national law that \n\nmeans of transport used for the intra-Community carriage of dangerous \n\nfoodstuffs and perishable foodstuffs must comply with the technical rules \n\nfor international traffic. - 5 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 \n\non the elimination of controls performed at the frontiers \n\nof Member States in the field of road \n\nand inland waterway transport \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 75 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,3 \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 4060/894 lays down that controls on \n\nmeans of transport and the related documents in the course of transport \n\nbetween Member States must form part of the normal controls applied in a \n\nnon-discriminatory fashion throughout the territory of a Member State; \n\nWhereas, in accordance with the provisions of the European Agreement \n\nconcerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (\"ADR\") \n\nand the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable \n\nFoodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage \n\n(\"ATP\"), Member States are free to organize and carry out controls and \n\nverifications on means of transport and the documents relating thereto \n\nwherever they wish; and whereas \n\nin practice, under their \n\nlaws \n\nincorporating the provisions of those Agreements into national law or, \n\nwhere they are not contracting parties to either Agreement, under their \n\nnational law governing these types of international carriage, they normally \n\nperform them at their frontiers; \n\n1 \n\n2 \n\n3 \n\n4 0J No L 390, 30. 12. 1989, p. 18. - 6 -\n\nWhereas, with the prospect of the establishment of a single transport \n\nmarket, it is necessary to do more to improve the fluidity of movement of \n\nmeans of transport between Member States; \n\nWhereas Part 2, \"National law\", of the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 \n\nmust be amended in order to take account of controls on means of transport \n\n(and the documents relating thereto) intended for the carriage of dangerous \n\ngoods and perishable foodstuffs\u00bb \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nPart 2 of the Annex to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4060/89 is hereby \n\nreplaced by the Annex hereto: \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 September 1991. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na 11 Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nANNEX \n\n\u2022PART 2 \n\nNATIONAL LAW \n\n(a) \n\nControls on the driving licences of persons driving vehicles for \n\nthe carriage of goods and persons; \n\n(b) \n\nControls relating to the carriage of dangerous goods: \n\n(I) \n\nDocuments. Driver's training certificate. Safety instructions. Approval certificate (ADR or equivalent standards). Copy of the derogation, if applicable (ADR or equivalent \n\nstandards) \n\n(Ii) \n\nIdentification of the vehicle carrying the dangerous goods. Orange panel \n\n- comp11ance \n\n- placing on the vehicle. Danger label on the vehicle \n\n- compIi ance \n\n- placing on the vehicle. Tank identification plate (for fixed, demountable or \n\ncontainer tanks) \n\n- presence and legibility \n\n- date of last inspection \n\n- stamp of inspecting body \n\n\f- 8 -\n\n(ill) \n\nVehicle equipment (APR or eouivalent standards). Additional fire extinguisher. Special equipment \n\n(iv) \n\nVehicle loading,. Overload (according to tank capacity). Securing of packages. Prohibition of mixed loading \n\n(c) \n\nControls relating to the carriage of perishable foodstuffs: \n\n(I) \n\nDocuments. Certificate of compliance for the equipment. (ii) \n\nSpecial equipment used for the carriage of perishable \n\nfoodstuffs. CompIiance plate. Identification marks \n\n(III) \n\nOperation of special equipment. Temperature conditions\" \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\nL'application de la pr\u00e9sente proposition de R\u00e8glement n'aura pas \n\nd'incidence financi\u00e8re. - 10 -\n\nFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LES PME ET L'EMPLOI \n\nLa pr\u00e9sente proposition de r\u00e8glement s'inscrit dans le cadre G; \nl'abolition des fronti\u00e8res int\u00e9rieures de la Communaut\u00e9 e-\ns'int\u00e8gre dans l'ensemble des mesures prises pour l'ach\u00e8vement d\\ \nmarch\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur. I. Obligations administratives d\u00e9coulant de l'application \u00e0: \npr\u00e9sent r\u00e8glement pour les entreprises : \n-n\u00e9ant. II. Quels sont les avantages pour les entreprises? \n-Pas de retards aux fronti\u00e8res dus aux contr\u00f4les de moyens \nde transports et leurs documents de bord. III. Y a-t-il des inconv\u00e9nients pour les entreprises en termes \n\nde co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires? \n\n-le pr\u00e9sent r\u00e8glement n'implique aucun co\u00fbt suppl\u00e9mentaire \npour les entreprises. IV. Effets sur l'emploi : \n-n\u00e9ant. V. Les partenaires sociaux n'ont pas \u00e9t\u00e9 consult\u00e9s. - 11 -\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 105 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-91-145-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-71011-X \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7cbf04c-855c-45a6-bbb4-23e874de4297", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 837/91 of 4 April 1991 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2742/90 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2204/90", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "common organisation of markets,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:31991R0837,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0015_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common organisation of markets", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7cbf04c-855c-45a6-bbb4-23e874de4297", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cee3adf7-df67-48d3-a7b0-3a6ea01f7848", "title": "Question No 11 by Mrs BANOTTI (H-0314/91) to the Council: PETRA programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANOTTI,European Parliament", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "action programme,integration into employment,vocational training,young person", "workIds": "celex:91991H000314", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "integration into employment", "vocational training", "young person"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cee3adf7-df67-48d3-a7b0-3a6ea01f7848", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13a924ef-2c33-4f09-83dd-10f4f85848e4", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 838/91 of 4 April 1991 amending Regulations (EEC) No 1727/70, (EEC) No 1728/70, (EEC) No 2603/71, (EEC) No 410/76 and (EEC) No 2501/87 in respect of certain varieties of tobacco", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "plant life,product quality,tobacco", "workIds": "celex:31991R0838,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0016_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["plant life", "product quality", "tobacco"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13a924ef-2c33-4f09-83dd-10f4f85848e4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d949b518-252d-41c8-9ed2-653f9064f568", "title": "Commission Decision No 856/91/ECSC of 4 April 1991 amending Decision No 3599/88/ECSC imposing definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of certain iron or steel sections originating in Yugoslavia and Turkey, definitively collecting the provisional anti-dumping duties imposed on those imports, accepting undertakings given in connection with imports of iron or steel sections originating in Yugoslavia and Turkey and terminating the investigation with regard to the exporters concerned", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision_ecsc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "T\u00fcrkiye,Yugoslavia,dumping,section", "workIds": "celex:31991S0856,oj:JOL_1991_086_R_0018_030", "eurovoc_concepts": ["T\u00fcrkiye", "Yugoslavia", "dumping", "section"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d949b518-252d-41c8-9ed2-653f9064f568", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e160fe44-f99e-4762-acc4-703342534979", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 843/91 of 4 April 1991 laying down the detailed rules for the free supply of beef to Bulgaria as provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 597/91 on urgent action for the supply of agricultural and medical products intended for the people of Romania and Bulgaria and amending Regulation (EEC) No 569/88", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "Bulgaria,award of contract,beef,emergency aid,food aid,intervention stock", "workIds": "celex:31991R0843,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0026_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Bulgaria", "award of contract", "beef", "emergency aid", "food aid", "intervention stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e160fe44-f99e-4762-acc4-703342534979", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a01894f9-6955-47f1-a07d-57095e3edfbd", "title": "Employment and social aspects of electronic media and advanced telecommunications services.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "European social policy,mass media,social change,telecommunications", "workIds": "PUB_CENC90004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "mass media", "social change", "telecommunications"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a01894f9-6955-47f1-a07d-57095e3edfbd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03fca86e-6326-4881-9dfd-e1162da47429", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 841/91 of 4 April 1991 extending Regulation (EEC) No 3714/90 on transitional measures on trade in certain fishery products with the USSR after the unification of Germany", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "German Democratic Republic,USSR,export refund,freshwater fish,unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:31991R0841,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0024_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["German Democratic Republic", "USSR", "export refund", "freshwater fish", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03fca86e-6326-4881-9dfd-e1162da47429", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2254cb24-60f0-40e6-ac62-d1827b62e950", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 839/91 of 4 April 1991 fixing the number of young male bovine animals which may be imported on special terms in the first and second quarters of 1991 derogating from Regulation (EEC) No 2377/80 in respect of those quarters and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 3883/90", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "cattle,fattening,free circulation,import levy,import licence", "workIds": "celex:31991R0839,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0020_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cattle", "fattening", "free circulation", "import levy", "import licence"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2254cb24-60f0-40e6-ac62-d1827b62e950", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa1f8436-5966-4984-b80f-fbf4758ffaec", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 836/91 of 4 April 1991 reintroducing the levying of the customs duties applicable to certain products of the CN codes 8527, 8528 and 8529, originating in China, to which the preferential arrangements of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3831/90 apply", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "China,radio equipment,restoration of customs duties,tariff preference,television equipment", "workIds": "celex:31991R0836,oj:JOL_1991_085_R_0013_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "radio equipment", "restoration of customs duties", "tariff preference", "television equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa1f8436-5966-4984-b80f-fbf4758ffaec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8734474-a5e0-4be2-8021-c54762d32f2c", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) TEMPORARILY SUSPENDING THE AUTONOMOUS COMMON CUSTOMS TARIFF DUTIES ON A NUMBER OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-04", "subjects": "crustacean,food processing,leguminous vegetable,suspension of customs duties", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0103,comnat:COM_1991_0103_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["crustacean", "food processing", "leguminous vegetable", "suspension of customs duties"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8734474-a5e0-4be2-8021-c54762d32f2c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 103 final \n\nBrussels, 4 aprit 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\ntemporarily suspending the autonomous common customs tariff \nduties on a number of agricultural products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f-I-\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. 2. 3. In the first quarter of this year, the Commission, with the \nassistance of the Economic Tariff Questions Group, examined all \nrequests, submitted by Member States, for temporary suspension of \ncommon customs tariff duties, Including the requests for prolongation \nof the suspensions currently In force. The attached proposal concerns a number of agricultural products. The \nproposal for Industrial products Is being prepared. Requests for suspension relating to the above products were examined \nIn the light of the criteria defined In the Commission communication \nto the Council and the Member States, concerning autonomous tariff \nsuspensions (cf. O. J. No. C 235 of 13. 9. 89, p. 2 ). As a. result of this examination, the Commission deems it Justifiable \nto suspend the duty on those products listed In the Annex to the \nattached draft Regulation. 4. As stated In Article 1 of the aforementioned draft Regulation, the \nproposed period of validity Is 6 months or 12 months, depending on \nthe case. - 3-\n\nproposal for a \n\nCpUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/9l \n\nof \n\n1991 \n\nttnipararity auspend&ng tlte autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on a \nnumber of agricultural products \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF TH6 EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nMAS ADOPTED THIS REGU1ATION \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 28 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to ate proposal from- the Commission, \n\nWhereas production in the Community of the products \nspecified in this Regulation is currently inadequate or \nnon-existent; whereas producers thus cannot meet the \nneeds of user industries in die Community; \n\nto suspend \n\nWhereas in certain eases it is in the interest of the \nCommunity \nthe autonomous Common \nCustoms Tariff duties only partially, particularly since the \ngoods in question are produced in the Community, and \nin the other cases to suspend them totally ; \n\nWhereas, in view of die difficulty of assessing accurately \nshort-term trends in the economic situation in the rele \nvant sectors, suspension measures should he taken only \ntemporarily by fixing their period of validity by reference \nto the intereste of Community production, \n\nArt kit 1 \n\nThe autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties for the \nproducts listed in the Annex hereto shall be suspended at \nthe level indicated against each of them. These suspensions shaH be valid \n\n\u2014 from 1 July to 31 December 1991 for the products \n\nmentioned in Table I, \n\n\u2014 from 1 July 1991 to 30 June 1992 for the products \n\nmentioned in Table II. Art kit 2 \n\nThis Regulation shaW enter into force on 1 Jvty 199J \n\nThis Regulation shaH be binding in its entirety ami directly applkabte m all Nk-m. ber \n\nDon\u00bb at \n\n1**l. For t\u00eate Cmtwil \n\nTJfce President \n\n\f-k~ \n\nANNEX \n\nNota for the purpose of the following tables : \n\n(a) Central of the uaa for thie apeeial purpoaa ehell be cerried out pureuent to \n\ntha relevant Coeounily provieione. (b) The euepeneion ehell apply to fieh intended to undergo eny operetion unlets \nthey are intended to undergo exclusively one or eore of the folloving \noporetione: \n* cleaning, gutting, toiling, heeding, \n- cutting (excluding, filleting or cutting of frozen blocks), \n- eeepling, eorting, \n- labelling, \n- packing, \n- chilling, \n- freezing, \n- deep freezing, \n- theeing, eeperetion. The euepeneion is not allowed for producte intended, in addition, to undergo \ntreeteenl (or operetione) quelifying for euepeneion \u00abhere euch treeteent (or \noperetione) ie (era) cerried out et reteil or coloring level. The euepeneion \nof cueloea duties ehell epply only to fiah intended for hueen coneueption. (C) Hoaaver, tha euepeneion ie not alloead \u00abhere processing ia carried out by \n\nretail er cetaring underlekings. CM coda \n\nD t M f f y i l oo at gooda \n\nAu4of>o*. o>u-s d u t i es (X) \n\nTABLE I \n\n11 M t t l t MM \n\nBaawa, \u00ab<a, oW*d, of lh\u00ab ajteciet PhaseoiuB w*lg*ris, of which \nnot aura MMO S I by v\u00abigM are r*4aifl*d by a *ir**n \u00abiih apart era* of \n\u2022 diaa*4\u00abr of 9 M, #W U\u00ab* in 4h* food-canning industry <\u2022> \n\n*\u2022 Ml213\u00bbM \n\nEaaaaada wad otfetr \u00bb4>-g\u00ab\u00abt for W*a procaoarng indwalrg, oth*r UtM for \nMat prMhtcUoa of aar*al fodd*r (a) \n\n21 anlMfMtt \n\nlofcatar ft**)), coefctd, for tha arecMtinf iadvatry far tha n M i f a c l u ri \nof \ntott*ra boaad on Ufcalat, * of pacta*, p*lta, a\u00abt)\u00bb\u00ab w O*\u00ab\u00abM (\u2022) \nat) \n\n0 \n\n0 \n\nie \n\n\fCN coda \n\nDeecription of goode \n\nAulonoeous duties (X) \n\nT A B LE II _ \n\nfa -\n\n1 \n\n63828526 \n03937528 \n0x63641898 \n0x63649887 \n\nDogfieh of the epecies Squalua acanihiaa, \n\nfresh, chilled or frozen \n\n2 0x83826888 \n0x83637998 \n\nlad 8nappar \nILuljanva \nproceaaing (a) (C) \n\npurpuraua), \n\nfresh, chilled or frozen, for \n\n3 0x63626998 \n\nLuep fieh ICgcloplarua \nprocaeeing (a) \n\nluapua) eith roe, freeh or chilled, for \n\n4 0x83828898 \n0x83637886 \n\nS 0x93627866 \n0x63638666 \n\n8lurgeone, fraeh, chilled or frozen, for proceaaing (a) (b) \n\nHard fieh roae, freeh, chilled or frozen \n\n6 0x83831868 \n\nPacific ealaon (Oncorhynchua app. ), frozen end heedless, for the \nproceaaing induatry for aenufecture into paetee or epreede (e) \n\n7 ex838386ee \n\nSoft roe, frozen, for the eenufeclure of deoxyribonucleic ecid or \nprolaaina eulphele (e) \n\n8 0x63652666 \n\nHard fieh roee, eelted or in brine \n\n8 0x83861898 \n0x83662988 \n\nfrill for proceeeing (e) \n\n16 0x87182188 \n\nPeae in pods, of the epeciee Piaua aativua of the veriely \nHorlanaa axiphiua, \nused, in their pods, in the eenufeclure of prepered \u00abeels (e) (c) \n\nfrozen, of e thiclcneaa not exceeding 6 ee, to be \n\n11 0x87119959 \n\nHuehrooee, excluding auehrooea of the epeciee Agaricut \nprovieionelly preeerved in brina, in sulphur eatar, or in other \npraearvetive eolutione, but uneuiteble in that atete for ieeediete \nconaueption, for the food-conning induetry (a) \n\napp. , \n\n12 0x97123966 \n\nHuehrooee, excluding euehrooee of the epeciee Agaricut \ndriad, \u00abhole or in identifieble alicae or piecee, for treeteenl other \nthen aiapla repoeking for releil aale (a) (C) \n\napp. , \n\n\f6* oode \n\nutecrhpitan vt \n\nAu4ot\u00bbo*o. u\u00bb du I f es (X) \n\n14 0*6*941060 \n\nDotee, frseh or oVtod, for tile proeessi-ng industry, olher than for the \nproduct ton of eVeohoi (e>* \n\n?-\n\n15 ex8W41860 \n\nDetae, fresh or dried, for pecking for retail eels into ieeediete \npackings of a net content not exceeding 11 kg (e) \n\n18 0x88194859 \n\nFruit of the epeciee Vacciniua \n\naacrocarpon, \n\nfreeh \n\n18 \n\n88118658 \n68119979 \n0x08119896 \n\n21 ex158799l9 \n\n23 0x18641166 \n0x16642818 \n\nPruit of the genue Vacciniua, \neonteining edded euger or other sweetening eeller \n\nwhether or nol cooked, frozen, not \n\nPurified aoya-been oil in glees bottles. Eech boltle holds 18 litres \nof purified eoye-been oil eonteining by \u00abeight: \n- 8,5 I or eore but not eore then 12 X of peleitic ecid estere, \n- 2,5 X or aora but not aore than 4,7 X of ataeric acid asters, \n- 22,4 X or aore but nol eore then 29 X of oleic ecid eelors, \n- 46,6 X or aora but not aore than S3,7 X of linoleic acid asters, \n- 7,4 X or aore but not eore then 11 X of linolenic ecid osiers \nand containing: \n- nol aora than 5 aillieoles of free felly ecid per kilogree of oil, \n- phoephalipida corresponding to e nitrogen content not exceeding 8,84 \n\nag per graa of oil, \n\nThe eoye-been oil covered by Ihie description ia destined for the \npraparetion of aauleions for injections (e) \n\n8 \n\n\u2022ix 125 ECU/190 \nkilo-\ngreee nol plus s cos-\npensalory eaount in \ncertein conditions \n\nPecific aaleon (Oncorhynchua \naenufecture into pestes or epreeda (a) \n\napp. ), \n\ntor Ihe processing industry for \n\n24 0x16643098 \n\nHerd fiah roae, \u00abeshed, cleened of adh\u00e8rent orgene end eieply selted \nor in brine, for proceeeing (e) \n\n25 ex16851999 \n\nCrabe of the epeciee 'King' {. Para\u00eet ihodaa \ncaachalicua), \n'Haneeeki' IPareltihodaa bravipaa), 'Kegeni' (Eriaacrua \niaanbacki) 'Queen' end '8no\u00ab*(Chionoacaiaa app. ), 'ted' \n(Qaryon quinquadana), 'tough alone' Waolilhodaa aaparriaua), \nLllhodat aniarclica, 'Hud' IScylLa aarrata), 'Blue' \n(Partunua \nfrozen, In ieeediete packings of e net content of 2 kg or eore \n\neieply boiled in \u00abeter end shelled, whether or not \n\napp. ), \n\n\f1 \n\ni \u00ee' \n\n' z \n\nr*4 \n\n- *-\n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. 2. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap. 12 art. 120 \n\nIntitul\u00e9 de l'action : Projet de proposition de r\u00e8glement du Conseil \nportant suspension temporaire des droits autonomes du tarif douanier \ncommun pour un certain nombre de produits agricoles. 3. Base. lurldlaUQ : Art. 28 du Trait\u00e9-CEE. 4. Oblectlf de I'action : Suspension des droits du T. D. C. pour les \nproduits susvls\u00e9s. 5. Co\u00fbt de l'action : \n\nSur la base des statistiques communautaires et nationales \ndisponibles, le co\u00fbt de cette action est estim\u00e9 \u00e8 23 400 000 Ecus. Pour ia m\u00f4me p\u00e9riode, l'ann\u00e9e pass\u00e9e, on avait pr\u00e9vu un co\u00fbt de \n23. 520. 000 d'Ecus. (cf. Proc\u00e9dure \u00e9crite n. E/147/90, doc. C0M(90)(65) du 9 f\u00e9vrier 1990). La l\u00e9g\u00e8re r\u00e9duction par rapport \u00e0 l'exercice pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent est due \u00e0 la \nsuppression de certains produits de la liste des suspensions. 1. a. 3. The subject ef the annexed proposal for a regulation Is the \nsttspenolon of the autonomous common customs tariff duties on a number \nef agricultural products. In this marmer, the needs of user-Industries, Including small and \nmedl\u00abn*$l2ed enterprises, wit I be met. Tilts measure, In add It ton to maintaining the competitive capacity of \nthose Industrie*, Is likely to safeguard ar\u00bbd/or Improve employment. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 103 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-9M33-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-70884-0 \n\nPRICE \n\n1-30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70a5e9fd-d6b1-459d-8ee3-bc8d1549b662", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 822/91 of 3 April 1991 fixing the estimated production of olive oil and the amount of the unit production aid that may be paid in advance for the 1990/1991 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-03", "subjects": "olive oil,production aid", "workIds": "celex:31991R0822,oj:JOL_1991_084_R_0005_017", "eurovoc_concepts": ["olive oil", "production aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70a5e9fd-d6b1-459d-8ee3-bc8d1549b662", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/935d7ae2-5ceb-4bed-bce8-e82355ea0768", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON ASSISTANCE TO THE COMMISSION AND COOPERATION BY THE MEMBER STATES IN THE SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF QUESTIONS RELATING TO FOOD", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-03", "subjects": "consumer survey,cooperation policy,human nutrition,public health,scientific cooperation,standing committee (EU)", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0016,comnat:COM_1991_0016_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_108_R_0007_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["consumer survey", "cooperation policy", "human nutrition", "public health", "scientific cooperation", "standing committee (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/935d7ae2-5ceb-4bed-bce8-e82355ea0768", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 16 final - SYN 332 \n\nBrussels, 3 April 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non assistance to the Commission and cooperation by the \n\nMember States in the scientific examination of questions \n\nrelating to food \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. In its 1985 Communication on Food Law1 the Commission announced a \n\npolicy for the completion of the internal market in the food sector. This \n\npolicy envisaged the adoption by the Council of a number of framework \n\nDirectives to deal with those essential questions for which Member States \n\ncould still invoke Article 36 of the Treaty and for which common measures \n\nare needed to complete the single market without frontiers. These \n\nquestions are those which concern Public Health, Fair Trading and Public \n\nControls. 2. The Commission also envisaged that the laying down of detailed \n\nmeasures would be entrusted to the Commission, and to a large extent the \n\nCouncil has concurred with this approach. Only in the additives Directive \n\nhas the Council retained for itself the power to adopt detailed rules, but \n\neven in this case it is clear that the technical preparation of the \n\nproposals must be carried out by the Commission. 3. In 1974 the Commission created a Scientific Committee for Food (SCF) \n\nto advise it on questions of food safety and this Committee has proved its \n\nworth as an independent arbiter of food safety questions, gaining \n\ninternational recognition. In a number of the framework directives, such \n\nas additives, materials in contact with foodstuffs, food solvents, \n\nflavourings and dietary products, the Council requires the opinion of the \n\nCommittee to be given when questions of health are involved. Other health questions relating to food, such as questions of food \n\nmicrobiology and the use of biotechnology in the production and manufacture \n\nof food, will require opinions from the Committee. These new demands placed on the Committee are not sustainable by the \n\npresent administrative arrangements, resources and infrastructure. 1 COM(85) 603 final. - 3 -\n\n4. In the Member States tasks equivalent to those undertaken by the \n\nScientific Committee for Food are carried out by similar national advisory \n\nbodies, \n\ndesignated \n\nresearch \n\ninstitutes \n\nor \n\nspecialist \n\ngovernment \n\ndepartments. Since, under new Community legislation, assessments at \n\nnational level will only lead to temporary authorizations, considerable \n\neconomies can be achieved by using the available national resources in a \n\ncoordinated manner to carry out those Community scientific assessments \n\nwhich will replace national assessments in food law. 5. The procedure of petitioning the Commission directly for an assessment \n\nwill necessitate a new administrative documentary system for receiving, \n\nregistering, carrying out preliminary verifications, and distributing \n\ndocuments to the assessing bodies participating in the cooperative \n\nassessment. Records must be held and the Commission has agreed that \n\nwherever possible these will be accessible to the public. The \n\npreparation, translation and publication of SCF opinions will also require \n\nincreased resources. 6. For ten years the Commission has been operating an alert system for \n\nfood contamination. This has handled many hundreds of cases and was of \n\nparticular value in dealing with the wine contamination scandals and \n\nChernobyl. The removal of internal frontier controls and the increased \n\nmovement of goods within the Community will place greater demands on this \n\nsystem, necessitating a reinforcement of both information handling and \n\nscientific and technical assessment infrastructure, in order that opinions \n\nmay be delivered immediately, which will sometimes mean emergency \n\nconsultation of the SCF. 7. The Directive on public controls2 lays down a number of operations at \n\nCommunity level which may very well give rise to a number of questions \n\nrequiring scientific appreciation. 2 Directive 89/397/EEC, OJ No L 186, 30. 6. 1989, p. 23. - 4 -\n\n8. The pre-legislative assessment of safety and nutritional aspects can \n\nonly be made on the basis of sound and consistent data on nutrition and \n\nfood intake throughout the Community. Ongoing coordination of national \n\nfood intake surveys needs to be established and the results analysed to \n\nprovide basic scientific information for legislation. 9. National situation \n\nPublic and government concern with food safety and nutrition has been \n\nincreasing in recent years. At national level, there have been calls from \n\nconsumers to set up an independent body which would be the guardian of \n\npublic health and nutrition. Some examples of the way in which these questions are dealt with are as \n\nfol lows: \n\n(a) The United Kingdom decided in October 1989 to concentrate all food \n\nsafety questions in one department of the Ministry of Agriculture, and \n\nthere is direct consumer involvement. The government also has \n\nrecourse to the advice of a number of independent committees: \n\n- The Committee on Toxicology (COT) for safety questions \n\n- The Committee on Medical Aspects of food (COMA) \n\n- The Committee on Microbiology in foods \n\n- Two new committees dealing with novel foods and novel food \n\nprocesses. The UK Food Advisory Committee is consulted by the government on \n\nquestions of proposed legislation or concern in the food sector. - 5 -\n\n(b) In France and Belgium the government consults the Conseil Sup\u00e9rieur \n\nd'Hygi\u00e8ne Publique, which is similar to the Scientific Committee for \n\nFood in that it is made up of highly qualified scientists. This \n\nCommittee has a number of sections - to deal with the various aspects \n\nof food, e. g. hygiene, nutrition, etc. (c) In Germany the government has entrusted all questions of food safety \n\nto the \"Max Von Pettenkofer-Institut des Bundesgesundheitsamtes\" in \n\nBerlin, which enjoys considerable scientific resources. (d) In Italy the government obtains scientific expertise from the Istituto \n\nSuper lore di SanIta, which also has its own assessment resources. 10. The European Parliament \n\n(a) The report on the food industry drawn up by MEP Raftery in the \n\nCommittee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy and \n\nadopted by the Parliament in April 1989 notes that the Commission is \n\ngaining new delegated responsibilities and considers that it is \n\nessential to ensure that the Commission and the Scientific Committee \n\nfor Food are given sufficient resources to undertake their new \n\nfunctions in an open and transparent manner, while keeping secrecy to \n\na minimum, and that the European Parliament should be kept fully \n\ninformed of the use of the new powers. The report concludes that the Commission should consider the \n\nestablishment of a new Food Law Unit which would help the Commission \n\ncarry out its new tasks. The report asks the Commission to make \n\nproposals within six months. (b) Reports by MEPs Albert3, Collins4 and Pimenta5 all call on the \n\nCommission to consider strengthening its resources in respect of food \n\nsafety. 3 PE 130. 366/Fln \n\n4 PE 130. 073/Fln \n\n5 PE \n\n/Fin \n\n\f- 6 -\n\n11. Position of Member States \n\nOn 15 and 16 June 1989, at a meeting of senior officials specializing in \n\nfood law, the representatives of the Member States agreed that in view of \n\nthe new situation created by the adoption of the various food framework \n\ndirectives there was a need to pool national and Community resources and \n\nset up a new procedure for scientific evaluation. On 13 November 1989 a \n\nfurther meeting was held at which the elements of a procedure for \n\ncollaborative evaluation were drawn up. The essential elements of this \n\nscheme were as follows: \n\n- the detailed work of evaluation would be carried out by national bodies, \n\nwhich would prepare a monograph on the matter under consideration; \n\n- the Scientific Committee for Food rapporteur dealing with a particular \n\ntopic and the evaluating body would be from different Member States; \n\n- the Commission's SCF secretariat would manage the day-to-day distribution \n\nof evaluation files and all questions of general documentation; \n\n- the operation of the collaborative scheme would be overseen by the \n\nStanding Committee for Food, paying particular attention to priorities, \n\nthe balance of work and resources; \n\n- Member States would provide the resources for the detailed evaluation and \n\nthe Commission would seek resources to finance the cooperative element; \n\n- specialist staff should be seconded to the SCF secretariat from national \n\ninstitutions or other appropriate bodies. - 7 -\n\nThe cooperative scheme should not only deal with assessments which are \n\nnecessary for legislation, but could be consulted on any questions \n\nrelating to food which have an element of scientific assessment and would \n\nalso cooperate on matters such as food intake surveys required as a basis \n\nfor food safety and nutritional assessment. 12. Position of consumers \n\nEuropean consumer organizations have in general strongly supported the \n\nCommission's efforts towards providing mandatory legislation on questions \n\nrelating to health and safety and consumer information. They would also \n\nlike questions relating to food safety, which are a cause of legitimate \n\nconcern to consumers, to be dealt with rapidly and efficiently. 13. Position of industry \n\nEuropean Industry and commerce realize that there is little likelihood that \n\nthe important regulatory decisions, on which depend the realization of a \n\nsingle market for foodstuffs, will be taken in time unless the arrangements \n\nfor the organization of the necessary underlying scientific evaluation are \n\nsignificantly Improved and streamlined. They believe that given the \n\npresent arrangements it will not be possible to meet the need for any \n\ntimeframe which would be considered commercially relevant for technical \n\nevaluations in the field of additives, new foods, dietetic foods, or \n\nmaterials in contact. They are also concerned that questions of safety \n\nshould be effectively and expeditiously dealt with to meet legitimate \n\nconsumer concerns. - 8 -\n\n14. Basis for a solution \n\nThe principal role of the Commission hitherto has been that of policy \n\nformation and the preparation of legislative initiatives. The new \n\ndecisions of the Council in the field of food law confer on the Commission \n\nnot only the execution and Implementation of many legislative acts but an \n\nobligation to consult the Scientific Committee for Food on questions of \n\nhealth. There is, therefore, a mandatory requirement in Community law to \n\nprovide the means to execute these tasks of scientific assessment and \n\nsupport for the legislative function and to deal with similar tasks \n\nnecessary to the proper functioning and development of the common market in \n\nfood. The considerable progress achieved lends urgency to the situation since all \n\nthose concerned are now turning directly to the Commission to fulfil those \n\ntasks previously carried out at national level. This proposal will also \n\nresult in considerable savings in national resources by avoiding multiple \n\nassessments being carried out where applications are made through national \n\nauthorities. 12) \n\n\f- 9 -\n\nSince the Scientific Committee has no scientific support staff, scientific \n\nbodies in the Member States will be asked to carry out the detailed \n\nassessments necessary for compiling monographs and similar synoptic \n\ndocuments, on the basis of which the Scientific Committee for Food will \n\ndeliver Its opinions. The preparation of each document will generally \n\nrequire several weeks of work by the scientific personnel of the national \n\nassessment bodies, in collaboration with a relatively small Commission team \n\nresponsible for coordinating the work and assisting the Commission in its \n\nvarious activities. This solution would obviate the need to set up an \n\nagency. Instead of setting up a structure within the Commission capable of \n\ncarrying out the necessary assessments, recourse will be had to existing \n\nfacilities in the Member States. Thus the principle of subsidiarity will \n\nmean major savings in terms of personnel. This will also enable the Community better to fulfil its international \n\nobligations, which are being increased by the realization of the internal \n\nmarket and the probable creation of an international mechanism for solving \n\nquestions of food safety within the framework of the WHO/FAO Codex and the \n\nGATT during the Uruguay Round. Since some of our trading partners do not necessarily have the scientific \n\nexpertise of the Community, it should be possible for the Commission to \n\nnegotiate participation by third countries and their contribution to \n\nscientific evaluation of food questions, if both parties consider it to be \n\ndesirable. it is considered that the functions which need to be carried out in this \n\nsector can best be undertaken by the cooperation system put forward in the \n\naccompanying proposal, which responds to the request of the European \n\nParliament on this question, as expressed in the resolution accompanying \n\nthe Raftery report. The appropriations needed for this action will be determined by the annual \n\nbudgetary procedure. They will be covered by the ordinary development of \n\nArticles B5-3000 and B8-530 which must take account both of the constraints \n\nimposed by the ceiling in heading 4 of the financial perspective and of a \n\ndetailed examination of the other priorities to be financed by these \n\nArt icles. - 10 -\n\nProposal for a \nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non assistance to the Commission and cooperation by the \n\nMember States in the scientific examination of questions \n\nrelating to food \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 100a thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament,2 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,3 \n\nWhereas the completion and smooth operation of the internal market for \n\nfoodstuffs make it necessary to examine and evaluate scientific questions \n\nrelating to food in disciplines such as medicine, nutrition, toxicology, \n\nfood contamination, microbiology, biotechnology and chemistry, particularly \n\nwhen these questions concern human health; \n\nWhereas in order to assist with this task the Commission set up a \n\nScientific Committee for Food by Decision 74/234/EEC;4 \n\nWhereas consultation of this Committee is currently required, in relation \n\nto questions of public health, by a number of Directives such as those on \n\ndietetic foodstuffs, materials and articles intended to come into contact \n\nwith foodstuffs, additives, flavourings and extraction solvents; \n\nWhereas in order to ensure the smooth running of this Committee the \n\nCommission needs scientific support from the Member States; \n\n1 \n\n2 \n\n3 \n\n4 \n\n0J No L 136, 20. 5. 1974, p. 1. - 11 -\n\nWhereas the Commission also needs scientific and logistical support for \n\nother questions of public interest essential to the operation of the \n\ninternal market, such as the handling of incidents involving food \n\ncontamination and public controls and in general where it is necessary to \n\nlay down new rules concerning foodstuffs which may affect human health; \n\nWhereas, in order to ensure that these tasks are carried out, the \n\nCommission must have access to the information and assistance available in \n\nthe Member States, which must facilitate the accomplishment of its work; \n\nWhereas the completion of the internal market is giving rise to increased \n\nparticipation of the Community represented by the Commission in the \n\nmeetings and work on foodstuffs of international organizations such as the \n\nWHO, FAO, JECFA, GATT, Council of Europe, OECD and also in bilateral \n\nrelations; \n\nWhereas in the Member States there are various institutions whose task is \n\nto provide their governments with scientific back-up on questions \n\nconcerning foodstuffs; whereas it is necessary to use these resources \n\neffectively to support Community activities through cooperation; \n\nWhereas there must therefore be an approximation of the provisions \n\ngoverning these bodies in order that they may cooperate directly with the \n\nCommission with the aim especially of drawing up future rules to ensure the \n\nfree movement of foodstuffs, on the basis of all the scientific data \n\naval table; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to make provision for third countries to \n\nparticipate in this cooperation; \n\nWhereas the Commission must be responsible for the management of this \n\ncooperation and the Member States for their part must assist In this task, \n\nin the context of the Standing Committee for Food, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n\f- 12 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nMember States shall take the necessary measures to adapt the laws, \n\nregulations and administrative provisions which govern, in particular, \n\nthe functioning of their competent authorities and bodies so as to \n\nenable them to cooperate with the Commission and lend it the \n\nass(stance it needs in the scientific examination of questions of \n\npublic interest relating to food, particularly in the field of public \n\nhealth, through disciplines such as medicine, toxicology, biology, \n\nmicrobiology, nutrition, physics and chemistry. This Directive shall apply when a Council act requires the opinion of \n\nthe Scientific Committee for Food. This Directive shall also apply in all cases where scientific \n\nappraisal of questions of public interest in the field of the free \n\nmovement of foodstuffs proves necessary and particularly where there \n\nis a risk to public health. Article 2 \n\n1. Member States shall designate the authorities or bodies which will \n\ncooperate with the Commission by performing the tasks laid down in \n\nArticle 3 and shall notify the Commission accordingly. - 13 \n\nArticle 3 \n\n1. The principal tasks to be carried out by the designated authorities or \n\nbodies participating in the cooperation are listed in Annex I. 2. The following measures shall be executed in accordance with the \n\nprocedure laid down In Article 5: \n\n- establishment of programmes of work for fixed periods in the areas \n\nof activity listed in Annex I; \n\n- establishment of rules for the administrative management of the \n\ncooperation; \n\n- establishment of rules for the appraisal of requests for scientific \n\nassessment submitted to the Commission or to Member States in \n\naccordance with Council acts which require the consultation of the \n\nScientific Committee for Food-, \n\n- for extensive studies, deciding the programme of work to be carried \n\nout and designating the authorities or bodies to cooperate in a \n\nparticular study. 3. Annex I may be supplemented, in accordance with the procedure laid \n\ndown in Article 5, to include other areas of activity relating to the \n\nobject of this Directive. - 14 -\n\nArticle 4 \n\nThe Commission is hereby authorized to open negotiations with a view to \n\nconcluding agreements with third countries guaranteeing their participation \n\nin the cooperation procedures laid down in Article 3(2). Article \u00a7 \n\nThe Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Food set up \nby Council Decision 69/414/EEC1. The Commission representative shall submit to the Committee a draft of the \n\nmeasures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft \n\nwithin a time limit which the chairman may lay down according to the \n\nurgency of the matter, if necessary by means of vote. The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member \n\nState shall have the right to ask for its position to be recorded in the \n\nminutes. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion delivered by \n\nthe Committee. It shall inform the Committee of the manner in which its \n\nopinion has been taken into account. OJ No L 291, 19. 11. 1969, p. 9. - 15 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\nMember States shall bring \n\ninto force the laws, regulations and \n\nadministrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before \n\n1 January 1993. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. When Member States adopt these provisions, these shall contain a reference \n\nto this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of \n\ntheir official publication. The procedure for such reference shall be \n\nadopted by Member States. Article 7 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\f- 16 -\n\nANNEX I \n\nThe principal tasks to be carried out by the designated authorities or \n\nbodies participating in the cooperation shall include: \n\n- drawing up risk assessment protocols in relation to food and methods \n\nof nutritional evaluation; \n\n- examining test data submitted to a Member State or to the Commission \n\nunder the requirements of a Community act and the production of a \n\nmonograph for assessment by the Scientific Committee for Food; \n\n- carrying out food intake surveys, particularly those necessary for the \n\ndetermination or evaluation of the conditions of use of food additives \n\nor the laying down of limit values for other substances in food; \n\n- conducting investigations relating to components of diets or of \n\nbiological or chemical food contaminants; \n\n- carrying out scientific work in relation to food control, and in \n\nparticular that arising from the programmes of official inspection \n\nlaid down under Directive 89/397/EEC; \n\n- collecting and storing data relating to the abovementioned activities \n\nfor assessment by official bodies or, where appropriate, by the \n\npub lie; \n\n- helping \n\nthe \n\nCommission \n\nhonour \n\nthe \n\nCommunity's \n\nInternational \n\ncommitments by providing expertise on food safety questions. - 17 -\n\nFiche Financi\u00e8re \n\n1. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e \n\nB5-300 - Actions communautaires relatives \u00e0 l'ach\u00e8vement du march\u00e9 \nInt\u00e9rieur. B8-530 - D\u00e9penses d'appui et de sout$n aux actions relatives \u00e0 \nl'ach\u00e8vement du march\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur. 2. Base Juridique \n\nArticle 100A du Trait\u00e9. 3. Description de l'action, objectifs, personnes concern\u00e9es \n\nMise en place d'une coop\u00e9ration scientifique entre les Etats membres \net la Commission afin d'utiliser efficacement les donn\u00e9es \nscientifiques existantes dans les diff\u00e9rents pays de la CEE concernant \nl'alimentation humaine et ce dans le cadre de la proc\u00e9dure d'adoption \nde la l\u00e9gislation communautaire en la mati\u00e8re. Cette coop\u00e9ration doit permettre \u00e0 une \u00e9quipe de scientifiques \ntravaillant au sein de la Commission d'obtenir aupr\u00e8s d'instituts \nsp\u00e9cialis\u00e9s au sein des Etats membres des \u00e9valuations ou des \nInformations sur des sujets pour lesquels une disposition l\u00e9gislative \ndoit \u00eatre prise. L'objectif principal de cette coop\u00e9ration est la \nconstitution de dossiers servant de base de discussion pour le Comit\u00e9 \nScientifique de l'Alimentation Humaine qui doit \u00eatre consult\u00e9 lorsque \ndes dispositions sont susceptibles d'avoir une incidence sur la sant\u00e9 \npublique. A titre d'exemple, il peut \u00eatre cit\u00e9 le projet sur les \npr\u00e9parations pour nourrissons. Avant de pouvoir fixer des r\u00e8gles de \ncomposition concernant les produits, Il a \u00e9t\u00e9 n\u00e9cessaire d'\u00e9tablir \nquels \u00e9talent les besoins nutrItionnels des nourrissons. Une m\u00eame \nd\u00e9marche sera n\u00e9cessaire pour les autres cat\u00e9gories de personnes \nsoumises \u00e0 une alimentation particuli\u00e8re. 4. Justification de l'action \n\nLa consultation du Comit\u00e9 Scientifique de l'Alimentation Humaine est \u00e0 \npr\u00e9sent pr\u00e9vue express\u00e9ment dans un certain nombre de directive-cadres \ntelles que ce I les relatives aux additifs alimentaires, ar\u00f4mes, \nmat\u00e9riaux en contact avec des denr\u00e9es alimentaires. De \nnombreuses dispositions d'application doivent \u00eatre adopt\u00e9es dans les \nmois \u00e0 venir. - 18 -\n\nCette coop\u00e9ration sera \u00e9galement tr\u00e8s utile pour traiter des questions \nd'Int\u00e9r\u00eat public li\u00e9es \u00e0 la sant\u00e9 telle que la contamination des \naliments ou le contr\u00f4le des denr\u00e9es alimentaires ainsi que pour \nparticiper \u00e0 des r\u00e9unions Internationales consacr\u00e9es \u00e0 ces questions. Incidence financi\u00e8re sur les cr\u00e9dits de personnel et de fonctionnement \ncourant (partie A du budget) \n\nLa mise en place de cette coop\u00e9ration scientifique permettra de mettre \nen pr\u00e9sence quelques milliers de scientifiques travaillant dans les \norganismes comp\u00e9tents des diff\u00e9rents Etats membres. A titre \nd'exemple, La Food and Drug Administration a \u00e0 sa disposition \u00b1 8000 \npersonnes pour effectuer des t\u00e2ches similaires. Pour pouvoir d'une \npart mettre en oeuvre la coop\u00e9ration et d'autre part coordonner les \nr\u00e9sultats obtenus de la part des organismes nationaux (voir annexe), \nIl est n\u00e9cessaire de constituer au sein des services de la Commission \nune \u00e9quipe restreinte compos\u00e9e de scientifiques de formations diverses \n(toxicologue, nutrItionlste, chimiste, m\u00e9decin) permettant de couvrir \nl'ensemble des secteurs pour lesquels la Commission est comp\u00e9tente. Cette \u00e9quipe constitue en fait le \"quartier g\u00e9n\u00e9ral\" de l'ensemble de \nl'op\u00e9ration. Une premi\u00e8re analyse a permis d'\u00e9valuer les besoins en \npersonnel \u00e0 \n- 12 fonctionnaires A \n- 1 fonctionnaire C1 \n- 3 fonctionnaires C5/C4 \nce qui repr\u00e9sente une \u00e9conomie significative pour le budget de \nCommunaut\u00e9s europ\u00e9ennes par rapport aux autres solutions qui avaient \n\u00e9t\u00e9 envisag\u00e9es telle que la cr\u00e9ation d'une Agence. Afin de confirmer cette premi\u00e8re analyse, un contrat d'\u00e9tude a \u00e9t\u00e9 \npass\u00e9 en vue d'\u00e9valuer tr\u00e8s pr\u00e9cis\u00e9ment les besoins en personnel et en \nmat\u00e9riel li\u00e9s \u00e0 cette coop\u00e9ration scientifique ainsi que de mettre en \nplace des m\u00e9thodes efficaces de fonctionnement du secr\u00e9tariat. Les besoins en personnel sont \u00e0 satisfaire, soit par red\u00e9ploiement \nInterne, soit dans le cadre de la proc\u00e9dure budg\u00e9taire par d\u00e9cision de \nla Commission dans le cadre de l'allocation des ressources. Dans l'hypoth\u00e8se o\u00f9 le recrutement de ce personnel statutaire ne \nserait pas possible, il faudrait pr\u00e9voir des cr\u00e9dits relevant du poste \n\"d\u00e9penses d'appui\" afin de recruter des auxiliaires ou de faire appel \n\u00e0 des experts nationaux d\u00e9tach\u00e9s conform\u00e9ment au r\u00e8glement Interne de \nla Commission en date du 22. 05. 1990, relatif aux mini-budgets. - 19 -\n\n6. Incidence financi\u00e8re de l'action sur les cr\u00e9dits d'Intervention \n(part le B du budget) \n\nLes cr\u00e9dits couvriront un certain nombre de frais tels que droit \nd'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 des biblioth\u00e8ques, \u00e0 des banques de donn\u00e9es, contrats \nd'\u00e9valuation avec des Instituts, publication et traduction de rapport \net constitution d'une banque de donn\u00e9es dont le montant peut \u00eatre \n\u00e9valu\u00e9s \u00e0 4. 675. 000 ECU pour 1992. Les contrats d'\u00e9valuation \npermettront principalement de r\u00e9\u00e9valuer les substances d\u00e9j\u00e0 autoris\u00e9es \npar la Commission, d'o\u00f9 l'impossibilit\u00e9 de facturer les \u00e9valuations \u00e0 \ndes utilisateurs en particulier. Toutefois, lorsqu'il s'agit de \ndemander l'autorisation pour des substances nouvelles \u00e9manant de \nl'Industrie, tous les frais d'\u00e9valuation et de constitution de dossier \nsont \u00e0 leur charge, ce qui permet de restreindre les co\u00fbts de ta \nCommission. Il est estim\u00e9 que 51,5% de ces cr\u00e9dits seront des d\u00e9penses \nop\u00e9rationnelles et 48,5% des d\u00e9penses d'appui sur la base des crit\u00e8res \ndu r\u00e8glement mini-budget. Le niveau r\u00e9el des d\u00e9penses de nature administrative qui peuvent \u00eatre \nImput\u00e9es sur la ligne budg\u00e9taire B8-530 sera d\u00e9termin\u00e9 annuellement \npar la Commission, conform\u00e9ment aux r\u00e8gles du mini-budget du \n22. 5. 1990. Certaines d\u00e9penses telles que les contrats d'\u00e9valuation et les droits \n\u00e0 des biblioth\u00e8ques devront \u00eatre pr\u00e9vues chaque ann\u00e9e tandis que pour \nla banque de donn\u00e9e; seuls des frais de mise \u00e0 jour seront n\u00e9cessaires \nce qui veut que les cr\u00e9dits pour les budgets au del\u00e0 de 1992 seront de \nmoindre importance. Il faut pr\u00e9ciser que le choix des instituts toxicologiques avec \nlequel s seront pass\u00e9s les contrats variera en fonction du programme de \ntraval I annuel. 7. Financement des d\u00e9penses d'intervention \n\nLes cr\u00e9dits n\u00e9cessaires pour cette action seront fix\u00e9s par la \nproc\u00e9dure budg\u00e9taire annuelle. Ils seront couverts par r\u00e9volution \nnormale des articles 85-300 et B8-530 qui doivent tenir compte des \ncontraintes Impos\u00e9es par le plafond de la rubrique 4 des perspectives \nfinanci\u00e8res et d'un examen approfondi des autres priorit\u00e9s \u00e0 financer \npar ces articles. - 20 -\n\nMontants estim\u00e9 n\u00e9cessaires pour 1992 : \n\n1) B 5. 3 00 \n2) B 8 / 5. 3 00 \n\n\u00c7JL \n\n2. 4 10 \n2. 2 65 \n\nCP \n\n844 \n2. 2 65 \n\nIncidence sur les ressources \n\nDans les ann\u00e9es \u00e0 venir, Il pourrait \u00eatre envisag\u00e9 de faire payer une \ncontribution aux personnes d\u00e9sirant avoir acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la banque de donn\u00e9es \ncr\u00e9\u00e9e pour la Commission mais les ressources resteront insignifiantes \npar rapport aux d\u00e9penses. 9. R\u00e9gime de contr\u00f4le \n\nContr\u00f4le ordinaire. - 21 \n\n-\n\nPREVISIONS DE DEPENSES BUDGET 1992 \n\nACTION PROJETEE \n\nMOYENS D'ACTIONS \n\nDEPENSES (ECU) \n\nDocumentation scientifique \n\nAcc\u00e8s aux biblioth\u00e8ques \nimportantes type BLAISE (UK) \nChemical Abstracts, National \nLibrary of M\u00e9decine (USA), \nDIMDI(FRG) etc. 530. 000 \n\nEvaluation Scientifique \n\na. Contrats avec des intstituts \ntoxicolugiques pour le monitorage \npermanent du d\u00e9veloppement de la \nconnaissance scientifique pour 460 \nadditifs alimentaires et contaminants \n(20 contrats de 100. 000 Ecu/ans) \nCompl\u00e9t\u00e9 les vide dans la literature \npar des travaux de laboratoire \nv\u00e9rification des r\u00e9sultats. b. Identification des priorit\u00e9s pour \nles \u00e9valuations \n\nr. Etude critique par des experts \nrenomm\u00e9s des dossiers compos\u00e9s \nsous points a. Publication des Evaluations \n\nR\u00e9daction, traductions des opinions \ndu Comit\u00e9 Scientifique \n\nConstitution d'une banque \nde donn\u00e9es \n\n1. Achat de terminaux pour \n\nconsultation de la base centrale \n\n2. D\u00e9veloppcment du Logiciel \n\n3. Introduction des donn\u00e9es \n\ninitiales \n\nCoop\u00e9ration Scientifique \n\n4. Mise \u00e0 jour \n\norganisation des r\u00e9unions \nde coordination avec les \nles chefs de file des contrais \n\n2. 000. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n310. 000 \n\n675. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n600. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n150. 000 \n\n200. 000 \n\n\f- 22 -\n\nPREVISIONS DE DEPENSES - BUDEGET 93-\n\nACTION PROJETEE \n\nMOYENS D'ACTIONS \n\nDEPENSES \n\nDocumentation scientifique \n\nAcc\u00e8s aux biblioth\u00e8ques \n\nimportantes type BLAISE (UK) \nChemical Abstracts, National \nLibrary of M\u00e9decine (USA), \nDIMDI(FRG) etc. 530. 000 \n\nEvaluation Scientifique \n\na. Contrats avec des intstituts \ntoxicologiques pour le monitorage \npermanent du d\u00e9veloppement de la \nconnaissance scientifique sur 460 \nadditifs alimentaires et contaminants \n(20 contrats de 100. 000 Ecu/ans) \nCompl\u00e9t\u00e9 les vides dans la literature \npar travaux de laboratoire \nv\u00e9rification des r\u00e9sultats. b. Identification des priorit\u00e9s pour \nles \u00e9vaiuatioas \n\nc. Etude critique par les experts \nrenom\u00e9s des dossier compos\u00e9s \nsous points a. Publication des Evalutatioas \n\nR\u00e9daction, traductions des opinions \n\nExploitation de la banque \n\nCoop\u00e9ration Scientifique \n\ndu Comit\u00e9 Scientifique \n\n1. Mise \u00e0 jour \n\norganisation des r\u00e9unions \nde coordination avec les \nles chefs de file des contrats \n\n2. 000. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n310. 000 \n\n675. 000 \n\n150. 000 \n\n200. 000 \n\n\f- 23 -\n\nANNEX \n\nProposed staff estimates for Scientific Cooperation \n\n1. A officials \n\n12 A officials \n\nThe basic principle of the approach chosen for the scientific cooperation \nproposal is that of using to the maximum the principle of subsidiarity. The scientific work would be carried out by institutes and bodies in the \nMember States whose total scientific graduate staff must approach that of \nthe FOA namely 600 graduates (eg over 100 in the MAFF food science division \nIn the UK. A similar number In the food science staff of the Max von \nPettenkoffer in Berlin +/- 30 In the Netherlands, \u00b1 30 In Denmark). The \nCommission staff would be primarily responsible for coordination of the \nwork of the national bodies and Institutes with the SCF and servicing the \nSCF. The Commission staff would therefore be very limited in number to \nabout 2% of the number of scientific staff in the Member States' institutes \nwho are cooperating in the scheme and whose work they would be \ncoordlnat ing. There would however be anciliiary tasks which devolve from the consequences \nof the achievement of the Common Market and the Commission's general \nresponsibl111 ies. Principal tasks are: \n\n- Acting as coordinators and scientific secretaries for each of the seven \n\nsubgroups of the SCF dealing with \n\n- add 111ves; \n- novel food; \n- nutrition; \n- packaging mater I a Is; \n- flavours; \n- contaminants \n- hygiene. - The fulfilment of mandatory requirements of directives requiring the \n\nassessment of dossiers presented by Industry for approval or reapproval. These concern food additives \u00b1 500, materials In contact with food \u00b1 \n2000, novel foods \u00b1 200 In the first 3 years, flavours 11,000-12,000 \nsubstances, solvents \u00b1 15 and nutritional evaluation in support of \nlegislation on topics such as ROA's of vitamins and minerals, foods for \nspecial nutritional use and nutritional labelling. - 24 -\n\nThese dossiers consist of scientific research on toxicity, \ncarcinogenicity etc and are mostly very large. The average cost to \nIndustry In producing this information Is several million ECU per dossier \nand can be as much as 80 million ECU for one substance. The assessment of a dossier will take on the average 4-5 months and could \ntake much longer for larger flies. The Commission staff would carry out the \npreliminary examination of the file for acceptability before allocating It \nto a national institute. They would then act as coordinators between the \ninstitute and the SCF. - The information submitted in the flies will be stored in retrievable \n\nelectronic form and this Is the subject of a study contract by a systems \nanalyst (extracts from preliminary report attached). Already approaching \na million pages and estimated to be several million in five years \n\nIt will need to be easily retrievable to meet the requirement for : \n\n- updating of the files as new information becomes available; \n\n- review of the assessments by the SCF In the light of this evidence \n\non a five year basis; \n\n- to meet the commitment for public access to all non-confident la I \n\nsclent If ic data-, \n\n- to support international and bilateral discussions on food safety \n\nquest ions. The management of this data will be a considerable task. - The secretariat would also arrange the scientific support for biannual \n\nconsultation on food safety matters with the US/FDA (The FDA are sending \n15 staff to Brussels for the next food/pharmaceutlea is meeting). Also \nthe annual bllaterals with Japan and Canada. The achievement of the EEA \nwill also require regular meetings of experts as will relations and \nsupport with central European Countries. - With the adoption of the directives on food most of the subjects dealt \nwith by Codex Allmentarius at national level will now be dealt with \nusing a coordinated Community approach. Meetings of the Codex Involving \nscientific staff already exceed 8 weeks per year and the coordination of \nscientific questions will be a full time task for one man. - The expected adoption of the GATT sanitary and phytosanltary code will be \n\nyet another Community obligation to be serviced by the scientific \ncoop\u00e9r\u00e2t Ion. - The coordination of the control of foodstuffs, which Is a requirement \n\nplaced on the Commission by the control directive will Imply also \ncoordination of scientific support as will the effective operation of the \nfood alert system. - 25 -\n\n2. C officials \n\n4 C officials \n\nThe support staff of 4 Cs Is commensurate with the A staff requested. Finally It should be borne In mind that the cooperation proposed will \neliminate duplicates of work by Member States and result In economics which \nwill for exceed the coordination staff proposed to fulfil Community \nobiigatIons. P. S. Since 1 January 1990 over 100 new dossiers have been submitted for \n\n\u00e9valu\u00e2t ion. - 26 -\n\nELEMENTS D'ANALYSE COUT-EFFICACITE \n\n1. OBJECTIFS ET COHERENCE AVEC LA PROGRAMMATION FINANCIERE \n\n1. 1. Object if(s) sp\u00e9cifique(s) de l'action propos\u00e9e. Il doit \u00eatre \n\nquantifi\u00e9 (dans la mesure du possible) et pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 pour chacune des \nann\u00e9es concern\u00e9es s'il s'agit d'une action pluriannuelle. L'objectif principal de cette action est de permettre au Comit\u00e9 \nScientifique de l'Alimentation humaine de fonctionner correctement et \ndonc d'\u00e9mettre des avis sur les dossiers qui lui sont soumis dans des \nd\u00e9lais raisonnables. Si cet objectif est atteint, la Commission sera \nalors en mesure d'exercer de fa\u00e7on satisfaisante les comp\u00e9tences que \nle Conseil lui a confi\u00e9es, \u00e0 savoir l'adoption de directives contenant \nsoit des listes positives d'additifs autoris\u00e9s, soit des % maximum \nacceptables de d\u00e9contaminants soit encore les besoins en nutriments de \ncertaines cat\u00e9gories de personne (b\u00e9b\u00e9s, diab\u00e9tiques. ). Cet objectif \nest particuli\u00e8rement difficile \u00e0 quantifier; si ce n'est en nombre de \nprojet de Directive \u00e0 r\u00e9aliser par an. 1. 2. L'action est-elle pr\u00e9vue dans la programmation financi\u00e8re de la DG \n\npour les ann\u00e9es concern\u00e9es? \n\nCette action sera pr\u00e9vue dans la programmation financi\u00e8re de 1992 qui \nest en cours d'\u00e9laboration ainsi que dans celle des ann\u00e9es \nulterleures. 1. 3. Indiquez \u00e0 quel objectif plus g\u00e9n\u00e9ral d\u00e9fini dans la programmation \n\nfinanci\u00e8re de la DG correspond l'objectif de l'action propos\u00e9e. L'objectif de cette action se situe en premier lieu dans le cadre de \nL'objectif g\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l'ach\u00e8vement du march\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur et de fa\u00e7on \nplus g\u00e9n\u00e9rale dans le cadre de l'harmonisation de la l\u00e9gislation des \nEtats membres et de la gestion de cette l\u00e9gislation harmonis\u00e9e. 2. JUSTIFICATION DE L'ACTION \n\n2. 1. Justification de l'action choisie par rapport \u00e0 une alternative qui \n\npermettrait d'atteindre les m\u00eames objectifs. La justification doit se \nbaser notamment sur trois crit\u00e8res: \n\na) co\u00fbt \nb) effet d\u00e9riv\u00e9s (impact au-del\u00e0 de(s) objectlf(s) sp\u00e9ciflque(s)) \nc) effet multiplicateurs (capacit\u00e9 de mobilisation d'autres sources de \n\nfInancement) \n\nDeux autres solutions ont \u00e9t\u00e9 envisag\u00e9es pour atteindre un m\u00eame \nr\u00e9sultat. La premi\u00e8re consistait \u00e0 effectuer l'ensemble des \n\u00e9valuations au sein de la Commission, ce qui aurait alors n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 le \nrecrutement d'une centaine de personnes ainsi que l'achat de mat\u00e9riel \net de documentation appropri\u00e9e. - 27 -\n\nCette solution a \u00e9t\u00e9 jug\u00e9e Irr\u00e9aliste quant aux co\u00fbts financiers \nqu'elle aurait engendr\u00e9s. Il faut savoir qu'aux USA, la Food and Drug \nAdministration dispose de moyens consid\u00e9rables pour effectuer ce genre \nde travaiI. La deuxi\u00e8me possibilit\u00e9 aurait \u00e9t\u00e9 la cr\u00e9ation d'une Agence comme \ncelle qui est pr\u00e9vue pour les m\u00e9dicaments, mais il s'est av\u00e9r\u00e9 que la \nmultiplication de ce type d'organismes externes \u00e0 la Commission \nn'\u00e9tait pas politiquement souhaitable. De plus, Il est \nparticuli\u00e8rement difficile d'en \u00e9valuer les co\u00fbts financiers. La voie choisie \u00e0 savoir l'utilisation de ressources scientifiques \nnationales est donc en terme de co\u00fbt la plus \u00e9conomique m\u00eame si \ncertaines d\u00e9penses demeurent \u00e0 la charge de la Commission, notamment \ncelles qui sont li\u00e9es \u00e0 la r\u00e9\u00e9valuation p\u00e9riodique des produits qui \nont \u00e9t\u00e9 autoris\u00e9s. Celles-ci ne repr\u00e9sentent d'ailleurs qu'une petite \npartie des co\u00fbts engendr\u00e9s par les travaux scientifiques qui seront \u00e0 \nla charge des Etats membres. De plus, lorsqu'il s'agit d'autoriser une nouvelle substance, les \ndossiers sont \u00e9tablis par les industries concern\u00e9es. Seuls les frais \nde fonctionnement du Comit\u00e9 Scientifique restent \u00e0 la charge de la \nCommission. La r\u00e9ussite de l'objectif principal aura un impact Important sur les \nentreprises qui pourront \u00eatre fix\u00e9es plus rapidement sur le sort \nr\u00e9serv\u00e9s aux substances soumises \u00e0 l'\u00e9valuation. 3. SUIVI ET EVALUATION DE L'ACTION \n\n3. 1. Indicateurs de performance s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9s \n\nNombre de substances \u00e9valu\u00e9es/par an \nD\u00e9lai pour obtenir l'avis du Comit\u00e9 scientifique \nNombre de projet de Directive \n\n3. 2. Modalit\u00e9 et p\u00e9riodicit\u00e9 de l'\u00e9valuation pr\u00e9vues \n\nUne \u00e9valuation annuelle sera effectu\u00e9e par rapport au programme de \ntravail qui aura \u00e9t\u00e9 \u00e9labor\u00e9 dans le cadre du Comit\u00e9 permanent des \ndenr\u00e9es alimentaires et qui comportera des objectifs sp\u00e9cifiques et \nquantifi\u00e9s et les Indicateurs de performance y aff\u00e9rants. D'autre \npart, chaque contrat pass\u00e9 avec des Instituts toxIcologiques fera \nl'objet d'une \u00e9valuation. 3. 3. Principaux facteurs d'Incertitude pouvant affecter les r\u00e9sultats \n\nsp\u00e9cifiques de l'action. Le principal facteur d'incertitude provient d'une part des \npossibilit\u00e9s r\u00e9elles de recruter le personnel n\u00e9cessaire pour assurer \nau sein de la Commission la coordination et le suivi de cette activit\u00e9 \net d'autre part des cr\u00e9dits qui pourront \u00eatre effectivement allou\u00e9s \ndans le cadre de la ligne B5-300. Du c\u00f4t\u00e9 des Etats membres, Il s'agit surtout d'une volont\u00e9 politique \nde s'Impliquer dans cette coop\u00e9ration scientifique. - 28 -\n\nFiche d'Impact de certains actes l\u00e9gislatifs \nsur les PME et l'emploi \n\nProjet de Directive du Conseil concernant l'assistance des Etats membres \u00e0 \nla Commission et leur coop\u00e9ration en mati\u00e8re d'examen scientifique des \nquestions relatives aux denr\u00e9es alimentaires. 1. OBLIGATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES DECOULANT DE L'APPLICATION DE LA \n\nLEGISLATION POUR LES ENTREPRISES \n\nN\u00e9ant. 2. AVANTAGES POUR L'ENTREPRISE \n\n- OUI \n- LESQUELLES Le syst\u00e8me Instaur\u00e9 par la directive devrait \npermettre gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 un meilleur fonctionnement \ndu Comit\u00e9 Scientifique de l'Alimentation \nhumaine \u00e0 la Commission et au Conseil de se \nprononcer plus rapidement sur les demandes \nvisant \u00e0 faire admettre de nouveaux additifs, \nar\u00f4mes. ce qui est tr\u00e8s Important pour \nles entreprises qui sont \u00e0 l'origine des \nrecherches. 3. INCONVENIENTS POUR L'ENTREPRISE \n\n(co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires) \n\n- NON \n\n4. EFFETS SUR L'EMPLOI \n\nN\u00e9ant. 5. Y A-T-IL EU CONCERTATION PREALABLE AVEC LES PARTENAIRES \n\nSOCIAUX ? \n\n- NON \n\n6. Y A-T-IL UNE APPROCHE ALTERNATIVE MOINS CONTRAIGNANTE ? \n\nNon. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(91) 16 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-9M36-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-70938-3 \n\nPRICE \n\nl-30jM\u00abet:3. 50ECU \n\nper iddirionil 10 ft$ui 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d6bd8cb-20cd-4b8d-a5c7-9aa55633603e", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) APPLYING SUPPLEMENTARY GENERALIZED TARIFF PREFERENCES IN RESPECT OF CERTAIN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS ORIGINATING IN COUNTRIES BENEFITING FROM GENERALIZED PREFERENCES AND SOLD AT THE BERLIN ' PARTNERS IN PROGRESS ' FAIR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1991-04-03", "subjects": "Berlin,industrial product,originating product,trade event", "workIds": "celex:51991PC0034,comnat:COM_1991_0034_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Berlin", "industrial product", "originating product", "trade event"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4d6bd8cb-20cd-4b8d-a5c7-9aa55633603e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMVIUNITIES \n\nC0M(91) 34 final \n\nBrussels,3 ApriI 1991 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\napplying supplementary generalized tariff preferences \nindustrial products originating \n\nin countries benefiting \n\nin respect of certain \nfrom generalized \n\npreferences and sold at the Berlin 'Partners in Progress' Fair \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nSince 1962, the Overseas Imports Fair \"Partners in Progress\" has been held \n\nannually in Berlin, centred round the products exported by developing \n\ncountries. The Community has always recognised the special importance of \n\nBerlin and the political aspect of the Fair-\n\nLast year, the Council approved a proposal from the Commission, on an \"ad \n\nhoc\" basis, granting supplementary tariff preferences for certain products \n\noriginating in developing countries and sold in the course of the Berlin ; \n\nFair (Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 1274/90 of 7 May 1990 O. J. N\u00b0 L 125, page 1 ). The relatively modest use of the aforesaid Regulation was due particularly \n\nto the belated publication of the Regulation in the Official Journal of the \n\nEuropean Communities. In the letter of 17 January 1991. , the German Government requested the Commis \n\nsion to propose to the Council that supplementary tariff preferences be \n\naccorded developing countries in respect of goods bought or for which sales \n\ncontracts were concluded at the Fair, the intention being to encourage less \n\ndeveloped countries not a present participating in the Fair to do so. The Fair is always held relatively late in the year (September-October) by \n\nwhich stage the GSP quotas opened under the annual arrangements may well \n\nhave been used up and customs duties resumed for goods under the ceiling. As regards opening supplementary preferences, however, it is necessary to \n\nmaintain a cautious line. It is, therefore, opportune to propose an \"ad \n\nhoc\" Regulation, valid for one year only, with strict limitations on the \n\nproducts eligible and close supervision by the competent German authori \n\nties and the Commission. These considerations lead the Commission to pro \n\npose a new Regulation similar to the proposed for Last year. /. - 2 -\n\nThe attached draft Regulation takes account of the aforementioned aims \n\nwhile excluding certain products originating in particular developing \n\ncountries. Furthermore it should be noted that this present Regulation \n\ndoes not concern agricultural products, five of which are covered by \n\npreferential quantitative restrictions and which are not exhibited at \n\nthe Fair. ECSC products are likewise excluded because not exhibited \n\nat the Fair. Furthermore, in the absence of relevant statistical data, \n\nthe import levels of the products concerned are limited to 6% of the \n\nquotas, ceilings or fixed duty-free amounts fixed for each product or \n\ngroup of products under the annual GSP Regulations. PROPOSAL FOR A \n\nC O U N C IL R E G U L A T I ON (EEC) No \n\n(. referred \n\nto \n\nthe \n\nthe \n\n3. Within \nsupplementary \nframework of \npreferences referred to in paragraph 1, the Common \nCustoms Tariff duties shall be \nsuspended. Application of the tariff preferences shall be subject to \nsubmission of a certificate of origin, Form A, and the \ncontract. totally \n\n4. Within the limits of the supplementary preferences \nreferred to in paragraph 1, the Kingdom of Spain and the \nPortuguese Republic \ncustoms duties \nconforming to the relevant provisions of the Act of \nAccession, and the relevant Regulations. apply \n\nshall \n\nArticle 2 \n\n1. Declarations of the release into free circulation of \nthe products in question must be accompanied by the \ncertificate of origin and by the contract concluded at the \nBerlin Fair, the latter certified by the competent German \nauthorities. 2. The German authorities shall ensure that the total \namount covered by certified contracts does not exceed the \nlimit fixed in Article 1 (2). Article 3 \n\nThose provisions of Regulations (EEC) No 3S3-4 [