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charge,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:31991D0255,oj:JOL_1991_123_R_0051_046", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "State aid", "horticulture", "quasi-fiscal charge", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/98f9cdf1-8442-492f-adb4-7d20b563ee04", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d610f14-87f3-488f-94a0-a3646125fbd9", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3477/90 of 30 November 1990 re-establishing the levying of customs duties applicable to third countries on certain products originating in Yugoslavia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "Yugoslavia,ferro-alloy,restoration of customs duties,third country", "workIds": "celex:31990R3477,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0064_066", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Yugoslavia", "ferro-alloy", "restoration of customs duties", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d610f14-87f3-488f-94a0-a3646125fbd9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d8f380b-64f2-4ebf-b390-50b05610e072", "title": "AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENT ( 1991 - 1994 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF TELEMATIC SYSTEMS IN AREAS OF GENERAL INTEREST ( 1990-1994 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "COST,research programme,scientific research,telematics", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0594,comnat:COM_1990_0594_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_327_R_0032_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["COST", "research programme", "scientific research", "telematics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/218d218b-a973-49bb-bb14-608f4f7b110f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f3286132-2bff-40bc-be86-53ebb57208f2", "title": "90/644/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 November 1990 on the clearance of the accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1988 of the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "EAGGF Guarantee Section,EU Member State,closing of accounts", "workIds": "celex:31990D0644,oj:JOL_1990_350_R_0082_053", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guarantee Section", "EU Member State", "closing of accounts"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f3286132-2bff-40bc-be86-53ebb57208f2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4c790489-2712-4117-a396-3ced8775d95b", "title": "Annual report concerning the financial year 1989 together with the institutions' replies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_legislative_other_oj_c,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Court of Auditors", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "ECSC operating budget,European Court of Auditors,Structural Funds,fund (EU),own resources,report", "workIds": "celex:31990Y1212(07),oj:JOC_1990_313_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC operating budget", "European Court of Auditors", "Structural Funds", "fund (EU)", "own resources", "report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4c790489-2712-4117-a396-3ced8775d95b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60983be6-8139-4d85-8f29-1e9a893a0081", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3487/90 of 30 November 1990 laying down certain additional detailed rules for the application of the supplementary trade mechanism (STM) to fruit and vegetable trade between Spain and the Community as constituted at 31 December 1985 as regards tomatoes, lettuce, broad-leaf endives, carrots, artichokes, table grapes and melons", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "Spain,fresh vegetable,supplementary trade mechanism", "workIds": "celex:31990R3487,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0086_076", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "fresh vegetable", "supplementary trade mechanism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60983be6-8139-4d85-8f29-1e9a893a0081", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0044bef-2aaa-49bb-a81b-de3e3253b04b", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3480/90 of 30 November 1990 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1725/79 on the rules for granting laid to skimmed milk processes into compound feedingstuffs and skimmed-milk powder intended in particular for feed for calves", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "aid to agriculture,analytical chemistry,animal nutrition,food inspection,manufactured feedingstuffs,skimmed milk powder", "workIds": "celex:31990R3480,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0068_069", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid to agriculture", "analytical chemistry", "animal nutrition", "food inspection", "manufactured feedingstuffs", "skimmed milk powder"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0044bef-2aaa-49bb-a81b-de3e3253b04b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d14d4e79-2b93-47e3-802d-a52bb778ab98", "title": "90/631/Euratom, ECSC, EEC: Commission Decision of 30 November 1990 amending decision 89/196/EEC, Euratom, ECSC laying down detailed rules for the declassification of documents covered by professional or business secrecy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "capital transfer,drug traffic,financial legislation,law of banking,recycling of capital", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0593,comnat:COM_1990_0593_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_319_R_0009_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["capital transfer", "drug traffic", "financial legislation", "law of banking", "recycling of capital"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ceb8652c-eee8-4a7f-b3e2-bab004b897fc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac081767-2e74-43fb-bb85-2b4cf20d8b57", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3483/90 of 30 November 1990 on the transitional measures relating to the application of the system of accession compensatory amounts for olive oil", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "Portugal,Spain,customs document,monetary compensatory amount,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:31990R3483,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0077_072", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "Spain", "customs document", "monetary compensatory amount", "olive oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac081767-2e74-43fb-bb85-2b4cf20d8b57", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/efa74e6c-523d-4bf1-aa81-dc8aa5d172e5", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 4059/89 LAYING DOWN THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH NON-RESIDENT CARRIERS MAY OPERATE NATIONAL ROAD HAULAGE SERVICES WITHIN A MEMBER STATE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "economic system,intra-EU transport,inward processing,transport under customs control", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0579(02),comnat:COM_1990_0579(02)_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_323_R_0018_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["economic system", "intra-EU transport", "inward processing", "transport under customs control"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/efa74e6c-523d-4bf1-aa81-dc8aa5d172e5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM(90) 579 final \n\nBrussels, 30 November 1990 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 3164/76 \n\nan aooess to the market in the international carriage \nof goods by road \n\nProposal for a \nOCONCIL REGULATION (EBC) \n\namending Regulation (EBC) No 4069/69 \n\nlaying down the conditions under which non-resident oarriers \nmay operate national road haulage servloes within a Member State \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n#4 \n\nil;1'\"^ \n\n\f1. On 30 November 1989 the Coinmission presented to the Oounoil a proposal \nfor a Council Regulation1 amending Regulation (BBC) No 3164/76 on \naccess to the market in the international oarriage of goods by road. 2 \n\nThe main purpose of that proposal is to increase the Ctamraunlty quota by \n40% per year in 1990, 1991 and 1992. Council Regulation (EBC) No 1053/903 increased the CSommunlty quota for \n1990 by 40%. The proposal oonoerning the part yet to be approved (i. e. the inorease of the quota in 1991 and 1992; is still before the Council, \nbut oould shortly be the subjeot of a Council decision. 2. The enlargement of the C&mrnunity through the unification of Germany \n\nmakes it neoessary to Inorease the Community quota for 1991 and 1992 and \nallooate the additional Community authorizations amongst the Member \nStates. This should be done on the basis of the same prinoiples as when \nSpain and Portugal aooeded to the Community,4 that la by: \n\ncalculating the inorease in the market in the oarriage of goods by \nroad (in t-km) as a consequence of the GDR's integration into the \nEBC; \n\napplying an additional factor of 30% to take aooount of the \nimmediate impact of the Community's enlargement. 1 0CM(89) 572 f i n a l; QT No C 316, 16. 12. 1989, p. 6. 2 Q J N 0 L 3 5 7, 29. 12. 1976, p. l. 3 OJ No L 108, 28. 4. 1990, p. 5. 4 Regulation (EBC) No 3677/85; OT No L 354, 30. 12. 1985, p. 46. 1 \n\n\fn Calculations for GOR carriers are hnperi cm \u00ab*> foTlcndttf *otmrt\u00ab! \n\nGDR quota -\n\nFRG quota x t-km by GDR carriers, with (BOB 12 - FRG). x 1. 3 \n\n(1991) \n\nt-km by FRG carriers with (EUR 12 - FRG) \n\nTrade by GDR carriers with the FRG is excluded since this \nconstitutes national transport within a unified Germany. The additional factor of 30% is 1. 3. The FRG quota comprises 6 516 authorizations (in 1991). In 1989 the FRG's carriers worked 19 888 m t-km with (EDR 12 -\nFRG). In 1989 the GDR's carriers worked an estimated 548 m t-km with \n(EOR 12 - FRG). E\u00caSUli \n\nGDR quota - 6 516 X 548 X 1,5 - 234 \n\n19 888 \n\n4. The calculations for FRG carriers \n\nFRG quota \u00ab \n\nFRG q u o ta X t-km hy FRrt \n\nra-rrittra Y*>tm=x*n qfp. tyrrl, Cj$JR 12 - FRG^) X 1. 3 \n\n(1991) \n\nt-km by FRG carriers with (EDR 12 - FRG) \n\nn \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nExjl/vnfttOTy Note \n\nThe FRG quota for 1991 is 6 516 \n\nIn 1989 FRG carriers worked 19 888 m t-km In (EDR 12 - FRG). In 1989 FRG carriers worked an estimated 225 m t-km between GDR and \n(EUR 12 - FRG). Eesuli. Addition to FRG quota - 6 516 x 225 x 1. 3 - 96 \n\nSum of points 3 and 4: 234 + 96 - 330. 19 888 \n\n5. Thft PAlmilAtlfrnfi fnr \n\nrarriAra \n\nf-mim TtemWir tthatflw n t lw Vhxn fVwwmy a xe \n\nbased on the following formula: \n1991 quota x t-frm by carriers (EPR IS - 7S\u00d9) Witfr-GEB \n\nt-km by carriers (EDR 12 - FRG) with EDR 12 \n\nx 1. 3 \n\nThe 1991 quotas are 4 086 (B), 3 964 (EK), etc. In 1989 carriers (EUR 12 - ERG) worked an estimated 110 865 m t-km \nwith EUR 12. In 1989 carriers (EUR 12 - FK5) worked an estimated 281 m t-km with \nthe GDR. Result \n\nAdditional quota B - 4 086 x 281 x 1. 8 - 14 \n\n110 665 \n\nh \n\n\f5. Community quota table \n\n_ 4 -\n\nMember \nState \n\nB \n\nEK \n\nD \n\nGR \n\nE \n\nF \n\nQuota \n19911 \n\n4 086 \n\n3 964 \n\n6 516 \n\n1 808 \n\n4 237 \n\n5 540 \n\nIRL \n\n1 843 \n\nI \n\nL \n\nNL \n\nP \n\nUK \n\n5 550 \n\n1 904 \n\n5 775 \n\n2 399 \n\n3 472 \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\nAdditional \nauthorizations \n\nTotal Add. Auth. 14 \n\n14 \n\n330 \n\n6 \n\n14 \n\n19 \n\n7 \n\n19 \n\n7 \n\n20 \n\n8 \n\n12 \n\n4 100 \n\n3 978 \n\n19 \n\n20 \n\n6 846 \n\n462 \n\n1 814 \n\n4 251 \n\n5 559 \n\n1 850 \n\n5 569 \n\n1 911 \n\n5 795 \n\n2 407 \n\n3 484 \n\n8 \n\n20 \n\n27 \n\n9 \n\n27 \n\n10 \n\n28 \n\n11 \n\n17 \n\nTotal \n\n5 740 \n\n5 570 \n\n9 585 \n\n2 540 \n\n5 952 \n\n7 783 \n\n2 590 \n\n7 797 \n\n2 676 \n\n8 113 \n\n3 370 \n\n4 878 \n\n47 094 \n\n470 \n\n47 564 \n\n658 \n\n66 594 \n\n1 According to 0CM(89) 572 final. Proposal for a \nCouncil Regulation (EBC) \namending Regulation (EBC) No 3164/76 on \naccess to the market In the \ninternational carriage of goods by, road \n\nTHE (JUUNOLL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Eoonomlo Ccjmmunity, \nand in particular Artiole 75 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Eoonomio and Social Committee,3 \n\nWhereas the enlargement of the (immunity through the unification of Germany \nis reflected in an extension of the market in the oarriage of goods by \nroad; \n\nWhereas the number of additional Community authorizations and their \nallocation amongst the Member States must be fixed, with effect from \n1 January 1991; whereas that allocation must afford oarriers established \nin the former German Democratio Repuhlio aooess to the Community market \nunder the same conditions as those applicable to other oarriers; \n\nWhereas it is necessary for this purpose to amend Council Regulation (EBC) \nNo 3164/76,4 as last amended by R\u00e9gulation (EBC) No 1053/90,\u00b0 \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 OJ No L 357, 29. 12. 1976, p. 1. 5 O J N OL 108, 28. 4. 1990, p. 5. (> \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nRegulation (EBC) No 3164/76 is hereby amended as follows: \n\nThe following subparagraph shall be added to Article 3(1): \n\n\"In view of the enlargement of the Community through the unif ioation of \nGermany, Member States shall receive the following additional allocations \nof Community authorizations in 1991 and 1992: \n\nBelgium \nDenmark \nGermany \nGreece \nSpain \nFrance \nIreland \nItaly \nLuxembourg \nNetherlands \nPortugal \nUnited Kingdom \n\n1992 \n\n19 \n20 \n462 \n6 \n20 \n27 \n9 \n27 \n10 \n28 \n11 \n17\" \n\n1991 \n\n14 \n14 \n330 \n6 \n14 \n19 \n7 \n19 \n7 \n20 \n8 \n12 \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1991. This R\u00e9gulation shall be binding in its entirety and direotly applicable in \nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\nT-\n\n\fOHMPETinVENESS AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATMENT \n\nI. What is the main reason for introducing the measure? \n\nTo increase the Community quota to take aooount of the extension of \nthe Community market through the unification of Germany. II. Features of the businesses in question. In particular: \n\n- Are there many SMEs? \n\nYes. - Have any mergers been noted in any regions \\?hlch are: \n\n(a) \n\neligible for regional aid In the Member States? \n\nNo. (b) \n\neligible under the ERDF? \n\nNo. III. What direct obligations does this measure Impose on businesses? \n\nNone. IV. What indirect obligations are local authorities likely to impose on \n\nbusinesses? \n\nNone. V. Are there any special measures in respect of SMEs? Please specify. No. VI. What is the likely effect on: \n\n(a) the competitiveness of businesses? \n\n- a reduction in administrative formalities, \n- road hauliers being better able to respond to market needs, \n- rationalization of servloes, \n- a oorrespondlng reduction in costs. (b) employment? \n\nNone. VII. Have both sides of industry been oonsulted? \n\nNo. 1 \n\n\fCouncil Regulation (EBC) No 4059/8911 \n\nKOTTAMTCKf MfflfUPfflTOf \n\n- established a quota comprising 15 000 authorisations for the carriage of \ngoods by road within Member States by carriers established ii* other \nMember States, and \n\n- allocated these authorizations amongst the Member States. 2. The enlargement of the Community through the uniicatican of Germany \nmakes it necessary to increase the cabotage q u c^ and allocate the \nadditional quota authorizations amongst tie Her&ar States. 3. The integration of the GDR into the Community will Increase the sum of \n\nthe Twelve's national markets2 by 16 395 m t-km,3 namely: \n\nthe national market in the GDR, and \n\nthe FRG/GDR market, which will form part of the national market of \na unified Germany. This represents a 3. 88% increase in the sum of the Community's national \nmarkets. Since no account will be taken of the Impact of German unification \nbefore 1 January 1991 and the current cabotage quota applies only to the \nfirst half of 1991, only half of 3. 88%, i. e. 1. 94%, or an additional 298 \nauthorizations, need be added to the cabotage quota. 1 OJ No L 390, 30. 12. 1989, p. 3. 2 The total volume of these markets was 423 070 m t-km In 1988. 3 Estimate for 1988. SIO \n\n\f- 2 -\n\n4. The additional authorizations must be allocated amongst the Member \n\nStates in such a way that the distribution of the cabotage quota for the \nsix months from 1 January 1991 to 30 June 1991 exaotly matches that of \nthe 1991 Community quota allooation. 1 On this basis, the allooation is \nas follows: \n\nMember States \n\n2nd half 1990 1st half 1991 \u00ab W t l nn \n\nCABOTAGE QUOTA \n\nB \nEK \nD \nGR \nE \nF \nIRL \nI \nL \nNL \nP \nUK \n\n651 \n631. 5 \n1 036. 5 \n286. 5 \n675 \n883. 5 \n292. 5 \n883. 5 \n303 \n921 \n382. 5 \n553. 5 \n\n672 \n652. 5 \n1 121. 5 \n297. 5 \n697 \n911. 5 \n305. 5 \n912. 5 \n314 \n950 \n394. 5 \n571. 5 \n\n7 500 \n\n7 798 \n\n21 \n21 \n85 \n11 \n22 \n28 \n11 \n29 \n11 \n29 \n12 \n18 \n\n1 See amended proposal to take account of German unification. m \n\n\fProposal for a \nCOUNCIL REGULATE\u00bb (BBC) \n\namending Regulation (BBC) No 4009/89 \n\nlaying down the conditions under which non-resident oarriers \nmay operate national road haulage servloes within & Member State \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF \u0152E EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Eoonomlo Community, \nand in particular Article 75 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Eoonomlo and Social Committee,3 \n\nWhereas the enlargement of the Community through the unification of Germany \nis reflected in an extension of the market in the oarriage of goods by \nroad; \n\nwhereas it is therefore necessary to Increase, with effect from \n1 January 1991, the quota referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EBC) \nNo 4059/89 and allocate the additional cabotage authorizations amongst the \nMember States; whereas that allooation must afford oarriers established in \nthe former German Democractic Republic aooess to the Ooomunlty market under \nthe same conditions as those applicable to other carriers, \n\n1 \n2 \n3 \n\nsfL \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n- 2 -\n\nArticle X \n\nRegulation (EBC) No 4059/89 is hereby amended as follows: \n1. The following subparagraph shall be added to Article 2(1): \n\n\"With effect from 1 January 1991, the number of oabotage authorizations \nshall be increased by 298 to 15 298. \" \n\n2. The following subparagraph shall be added to Article 2(3): \n\n\"With effect from 1 January 1991, the additional authorizations shall be \nallocated amongst the Member States as follows: \n\nBelgium \nDenmark \nGermany \nGreece \nSpain \nFrance \nIreland \nItaly \nLuxembourg \nNetherlands \nPortugal \nUnited Kingdom \n\n21 \n21 \n85 \n11 \n22 \n28 \n11 \n29 \n11 \n29 \n12 \n18\" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter Into force on 1 January 1991. This Regulation shall be binding In its entirety and direotly applioahle In \nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Oounoil \nThe President \n\n\u00ab \n\nt \n\n, \nr \nj \n\n>j \n\u00bb \n\n,' \n\u00ce \n< \n! \n\n| \n\n; \n\n/U \n\n\fQCMPJ31TIVENESS AND MPLCKMENT IMPACT STATEMENT \n\nI. What is the main reason for the measure? \n\nTo increase the cabotage quota to take account of the Increase in the \nCommunity market through the unification of Germany. II. Features of the businesses In question. In particular: \n\n- Are there many SMEs? \n\nYes. - Have any mergers been noted in any regions which, are? \n\n(a) \n\neligible for regional add in the Member States? \n\nNo. (b) \n\neligible under the ERDF? \n\nNo. III. What direct obligations does this measure impose on businesses? \n\nNone. IV. What Indirect obligations are local authorities likely to impose on \n\nbusinesses? \n\nNone. V. Are there any special measures in respect of SMEs? Please specify. No. VI. What is the likely effect on: \n\nthe competitiveness of businesses? \n\n- the opening-up of national markets and road hauliers being better \n\nable to respond to market needs, \n\n- rationalization of services, \n- a corresponding reduction in costs. rtn. < \n\n\femployment? \n\nNone. VII. Have both sides of industry been consulted? \n\nNo. /IS \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 579 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-598-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-66541-6 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 125 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nT. -2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f231edb7-1377-4c24-9fe2-5ca8ee22b595", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3479/90 of 30 November 1990 re-establishing the levying of the customs duties applicable to products of CN code 4203 originating in India, to which the preferential arrangements of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3896/89 apply", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "India,leather,restoration of customs duties,tariff preference", "workIds": "celex:31990R3479,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0067_068", "eurovoc_concepts": ["India", "leather", "restoration of customs duties", "tariff preference"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f231edb7-1377-4c24-9fe2-5ca8ee22b595", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/085ec561-9662-4417-ad0d-f2d8c2268b82", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3478/90 of 30 November 1990 re-establishing the levying of the customs duties applicable to the products of CN code 2817 00 00 originating in China, to which the preferential tariff arrangements of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3896/89 apply", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "oxide,restoration of customs duties,tariff preference", "workIds": "celex:31990R3478,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0066_067", "eurovoc_concepts": ["oxide", "restoration of customs duties", "tariff preference"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/085ec561-9662-4417-ad0d-f2d8c2268b82", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a523a3ce-bff0-4ad7-91cc-e002d364b775", "title": "AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ( 1991-1994 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "oceanography,research and development,research programme,resources of the sea,sea-bed", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0574,comnat:COM_1990_0574_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_321_R_0008_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["oceanography", "research and development", "research programme", "resources of the sea", "sea-bed"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a523a3ce-bff0-4ad7-91cc-e002d364b775", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/775fcc0e-a91d-4411-8e48-d3eba8e1fd12", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3481/90 of 30 November 1990 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1272/88 as regards the scheme for specific aid for the use of arable land for non-food purposes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-30", "subjects": "agricultural structure,aid for restructuring,cessation of farming,terms for aid", "workIds": "celex:31990R3481,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0071_070", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural structure", "aid for restructuring", "cessation of farming", "terms for aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/775fcc0e-a91d-4411-8e48-d3eba8e1fd12", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/445ca21a-a6e7-4799-9cde-b02c186b6eb2", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 1416/76 ON THE FINANCIAL PROVISIONS APPLYING TO THE EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "Cedefop,budget authorisation,budgetary control,financial management,implementation of the budget,management accounting", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0534(03),comnat:COM_1990_0534(03)_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_023_R_0028_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cedefop", "budget authorisation", "budgetary control", "financial management", "implementation of the budget", "management accounting"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/445ca21a-a6e7-4799-9cde-b02c186b6eb2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ad8e9dc2-4d47-4bfe-9953-79ee1c83815d", "title": "Evaluation of the Community's research programme 'Nuclear measurements and reference materials' (1980-85).,Evaluation of the Community's research programme 'Nuclear measurements and reference materials' (1980-85). Research evaluation \u2014 Report No 20.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "metrology,nuclear policy,nuclear research,radioactive materials,research programme,research report", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CDNA10761", "eurovoc_concepts": ["metrology", "nuclear policy", "nuclear research", "radioactive materials", "research programme", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ad8e9dc2-4d47-4bfe-9953-79ee1c83815d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "pdfx", "print", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4fe0610-249f-48a5-a48a-fe9c7c948b1c", "title": "Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of Mauritius on fishing in Mauritian waters - Protocol No 1 on the fishing opportunities accorded by Mauritius and the financial contribution accorded by the Community - Protocol No 2 on experimental fishing for crustacea", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Mauritius", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "Mauritius,agreement (EU),crustacean,fishery resources,fishing agreement", "workIds": "celex:21989A0610(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Mauritius", "agreement (EU)", "crustacean", "fishery resources", "fishing agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4fe0610-249f-48a5-a48a-fe9c7c948b1c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989159EN. 01000201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10. 6. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 159/2\n\n\n\n\n\nAGREEMENT\nbetween the European Economic Community and the Government of Mauritius on fishing in Mauritian waters\nTHE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as the \u2018Community\u2019, and\nTHE GOVERNMENT OF MAURITIUS, hereinafter referred to as Mauritius,\nCONSIDERING the spirit of cooperation resulting from the ACP-EEC Convention and the good cooperation relations which exist between the Community and Mauritius;\nCONSIDERING the wish of Mauritius to promote the rational exploitation of the fishery resources by means of intensified cooperation;\nRECALLING that the Community and Mauritius are signatories to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and that, in accordance with that Convention, Mauritius has established an exclusive economic zone extending 200 nautical miles from its shores within which it exercises its sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing the resources of the said zone, in accordance with the principles of international law;\nDETERMINED to conduct their relations in a spirit of mutual trust and respect for each other's interest in the sphere of sea fishing;\nDESIROUS of establishing the terms and conditions governing activities of common interest to both parties,\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\nArticle 1\nThe purpose of this Agreement is to establish the principles and rules which will in future govern, in all respects, the fishing activities of vessels flying the flag of a Member State of the Community, hereinafter referred to as \u2018Community vessels\u2019, in the waters over which Mauritius has sovereignty or jurisdiction in respect of fisheries, hereinafter referred to as the \u2018waters of Mauritius\u2019, in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other rules of international law. Article 2\nMauritius shall permit fishing by Community vessels in the waters of Mauritius in accordance with this Agreement. Article 3\n1. The Community undertakes to take all necessary steps to ensure that Community vessels observe the provisions of this Agreement and the laws relating to fishing in the waters of Mauritius consistent with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other rules of international law. 2. The authorities of Mauritius shall notify the Commission of the European Communities of any proposed change to the said laws. Article 4\n1. Fishing activities by Community vessels in the waters of Mauritius under the present Agreement shall be subject to possession of a fishing licence issued at the Community's request by the authorities of Mauritius. 2. The issue of a licence shall be subject to payment of the licence fees by the shipowners concerned. 3. The formalities for making applications for licences, the amount of the fee and the methods of payment shall be as specified in the Annex. Article 5\nThe Parties undertake to coordinate action, either directly or within international organizations, to ensure the management and conservation of the living resources in the Indian Ocean, especially highly migratory species, and to facilitate the relevant scientific research. Article 6\nIn return for the fishing opportunities accorded under Article 2 the Community shall pay a financial contribution to Mauritius in accordance with the provisions of the Protocols without prejudice to the financing for which Mauritius is eligible under the ACP-EEC Convention. Article 7\n1. Should the authorities of Mauritius decide, as a result of developments in the state of stocks, to take conservation measures which affect the activities of Community vessels, consultations shall be held between the Parties in order to adapt the Annex and Protocols attached to this Agreement. 2. Such consultations will be based on the principle that any substantial reduction of the fishing rights provided for in the Protocols shall lead to an equivalent reduction of the financial contribution to be paid by the Community. 3. Any conservation measures taken by the authorities of Mauritius shall apply equally to Community and other third country vessels without prejudice to special arrangements between developing states within the same geographical area, including reciprocal fishing arrangements. Article 8\n1. The Parties agree to consult on questions relating to the implementation and proper functioning of this Agreement. To this effect a Joint Committee is hereby established. The Committee shall meet at the request of either Party. 2. In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Agreement, such dispute shall be the subject of consultation between the Parties. Article 9\nNothing in this Agreement shall affect or prejudice any manner the view of either Party with respect to any matter relating to the Law of the Sea. Article 10\nThis Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and, on the other hand, to the territory of Mauritius. Article 11\nThe Annex and the Protocols to this Agreement form an integral part thereof and, unless otherwise specified, a reference to the Agreement shall constitute a reference to them. Article 12\n1. The Agreement shall be concluded for an initial period of three years from the date of its entry into force. Unless one of the Parties terminates it by giving notice to that effect at least six months before the date of expiry of the three year period it shall remain in force for further periods of three years unless denounced by notive given at least three months before the date of expiry of each such three year period. 2. In the event of a Contracting Party giving notice denouncing the Agreement, the Contracting Parties may enter into negotiations. 3. Before the end of the period of validity of the Protocol, the Contracting Parties shall enter into negotiations to determine by common agreement the terms of the Protocol for the following period and, where appropriate, any necessary amendments or additions to the Annex. Article 13\nThis Agreement, drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, each of these texts being equally authentic, shall enter into force on the first day of the month following signature. ANNEX\n\nCONDITIONS FOR THE PURSUIT OF FISHING ACTIVITIES BY COMMUNITY VESSELS IN THE WATERS OF MAURITIUS\n\n1. Licence application and issuing formalities\n\nThe application procedure for, and issue of, the licences enabling Community vessels to fish in the waters of Mauritius shall be as follows:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe Commission of the European Communities shall present to the authorities of Mauritius via the representative of the Commission of the European Communities in Mauritius an application, made by the shipowner, for each vessel that wishes to fish under this Agreement, at least 20 days before the date of commencement of the period of validity requested. The application shall be made on the forms provided for that purpose by Mauritius, a specimen of which is annexed hereto\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nEvery licence shall be issued to the shipowner for one designated vessel. At the request of the Commission of the European Communities the licence for a vessel may and, in cases of force majeure, shall be replaced by a licence for another Community vessel. (c)\n\n\nThe licences shall be delivered by the authorities of Mauritius to the representative of the Commission of the European Communities in Mauritius. (d)\n\n\nThe licence document must be held on board at all times. (e)\n\n\nThe authorities of Mauritius shall communicate before the date of entry into force of the agreement the arrangements for payment of the licence fees, and in particular the details of the bank account and the currency to be used. 2. Validity of licences and payment provisions for tuna vessels\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nLicences shall be valid for a period of one year. They are renewable. (b)\n\n\nThe fees shall be set at ECU 20 per tonne caught within the waters of Mauritius. Applications for licences for tuna vessels shall be issued following advance payment to Mauritius of a lump sum of ECU 1\u00a0000 a year for each tuna seiner, equivalent to the fees for 50 tonnes of tuna caught within the waters of Mauritius per year. A provisional statement of the fees due for the fishing year shall be drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities at the end of each calendar year on the basis of the catch statements made by the shipowners and forwarded simultaneously to the authorities of Mauritius and the Commission of the European Communities. The corresponding amount shall be paid by the shipowners to the Treasury of Mauritius no later than 31 March of the following year. The final statement of the fees due in respect of a fishing year shall be drawn up by the Commission of the European Communities, taking into account available scientific opinion and any statistical data which can be gathered by ORSTOM, the Spanish Oceanographic Institute and any international fishing organizations in the Indian Ocean. The shipowners shall be notified by the Commission of the European Communities of the statement and shall have 30 days in which to meet their financial obligations. If the amount of the sum due for actual fishing operations is less than the advance payment, the corresponding outstanding sum shall not be recoverable by the shipowner. 3. Validity of licences and payment provisions for other vessels\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nFor vessels fishing by line (except longliners), licences shall be valid for three, six or twelve months. The annual fees shall be fixed in relation to the GRT as follows: ECU 60 per GRT pro rata temporis. (b)\n\n\nFor vessels carrying out experimental fishing for crustacea under the provisions of Protocol 2, the fees shall be fixed at ECU 25 per GRT per annum. 4. Observers\n\nAll vessels above 50 GRT shall, at the request of the authorities of Mauritius, take on board an observer designated by these authorities in order to check catches made in the waters of Mauritius. Observers shall have all facilities necessary for the performance of this duty including access to places and documents. An observer must not be present for longer than the time required to fulfil his duties. They shall be provided with suitable food and accomodation while on board. Should a vessel with a Mauritian observer on board leave the waters of Mauritius, every step will be taken to ensure that the observer returns to Mauritius as soon as possible, at the shipowner's expense. 5. Radio communication and reporting\n\nVessels above 50 GRT shall communicate to a radio station (the name, call sign and frequency of which shall be specified in the licence) the volume of catches on board when entering and leaving Mauritian waters. The captains of all vessels including vessels fishing by line shall complete a fishing report form which will indicate the date, the vessel's position, and the quantity and species of fish caught. Tuna vessels shall also provide the number of sets and the quantity of tuna caught per species. These forms shall be forwarded to the Authorities of Mauritius not later than three weeks after the vessel's return to port. However, in the case of vessels fishing by line these reports shall be sent not later than one month after the end of each quarter. 6. Fishing zones\n\nCommunity vessels may fish in the waters of Mauritius except within a distance of 12 nautical miles measured from the baseline. Vesseles fishing by line are only authorized to fish in their traditional grounds, namely Soudan Bank, East Soudan Bank, St Brandon and Nazareth Bank. However, for a period of 12 months from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, tuna vessels shall be permitted to fish up to five miles from the baseline around the Agalega Islands. This derogation will be reviewed at the first meeting of the Joint Committee. 7. Landing possibilities\n\nCommunity tuna vessels using the facilities of Port Louis shall endeavour to sell part of their catch to the Mauritian tuna canning industry at a price to be fixed in common agreement between Community shipowners and the owners of the Mauritian tuna canning industry. APPLICATION FOR A FOREIGN FISHING VESSEL LICENCE\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPROTOCOL No 1\non the fishing opportunities accorded by Mauritius and the financial contribution accorded by the Community\nArticle 1\n1. Pursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement, and for a period of three years from the date of its entry into force, the following fishing possibilities shall be accorded:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nfor ocean-going tuna seiners: licences for 40 vessels;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nfor vessels fishing by line (except longliners): licences for 100 GRT/month on an annual average. 2. These fishing possibilities may, at the Community's request, be increased by the Joint Committee referred to in Article 8 of the Agreement. Article 2\n1. The financial compensation referred to in the Agreement for the abovementioned period is fixed at ECU 1\u00a0200\u00a0000, payable in three annual instalments. 2. In the case of tuna fishing, this compensation shall cover a catch weight in waters of Mauritius of 7\u00a0500 tonnes of tuna fished per year. If the annual amount of tuna caught by Community vessels in the waters of Mauritius exceeds this quantity, the abovementioned compensation shall be increased by ECU 50 for each additional tonne caught. 3. The use to which this compensation is put shall be the sole competence of Mauritius. 4. The financial compensation shall be paid into an account opened at a financial institution or other body designated by Mauritius. Article 3\n1. The Community shall also pay a contribution of ECU 480\u00a0000 towards the financing of a scientific and technical programmes (including equipment, infrastructure, etc. ) in order to improve knowledge of fish stocks and fisheries in general. 2. The competent authorities of Mauritius shall send to the Commission a, brief report on the utilization of the funds. 3. The Community's contribution to the scientific and technical programmes shall be paid on each occasion into an account specified by the authorities of Mauritius. Article 4\nThe two Parties hereby agree that an essential condition for the success of their co-operation is that the skills and know-how of persons engaged in sea fishing be improved. To this end, the Community will assist Mauritian nationals in finding places in establishments in its Member States or States with which it has concluded cooperation agreements and will make available an amount of ECU 120\u00a0000 for study or practical training awards with a maximum duration of five years in the various scientific, technical and economic subjects relating to fisheries. Of this amount, up to ECU 40\u00a0000 may be used, at the request of the Mauritian authorities, to cover the cost of attending international meetings relating to fisheries. Article 5\nShould the Community fail to make the above payments, the Agreement on fishing may he suspended. PROTOCOL No 2\non experimental fishing for crustacea\nArticle 1\nPursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement, and for a period of 18 months from the date of its entry into force, authorizations to fish in the waters of Mauritius for crustacea shall be granted, in the context of reconnaissance campaigns, for up to 1\u00a0200 gross registered tonnes per month on an annual average. Article 2\nWithout prejudice to Protocol 1, the financial contribution refered to in Article 7 of the Agreement shall be fixed at a flat rate of ECU 150\u00a0000 for the duration of the reconnaissance campaigns. Article 3\nBefore expiry of the period referred to in Article 1 the Parties will consult each other within the Joint Committee referred to in Article 8 of the Agreement in order to determine, in the light of the results of the reconnaissance campaigns which will be communicated to the authorities of Mauritius, fishing opportunities for crustacea for the remaining 18 months of the first period of application provided for in Article 12 of the Agreement and the corresponding Community compensation"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc0accd8-14db-11ea-8c1f-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "Passive solar energy as a fuel : 1990-2010 : a study of the current and future use of passive solar energy in buildings in the European Community : report on background material and research.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "building,energy consumption,energy policy,energy research,energy technology,fossil fuel,heating,lighting,prevention of pollution,renewable energy,research report,solar energy", "workIds": "PUB_EUNA13095", "eurovoc_concepts": ["building", "energy consumption", "energy policy", "energy research", "energy technology", "fossil fuel", "heating", "lighting", "prevention of pollution", "renewable energy", "research report", "solar energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc0accd8-14db-11ea-8c1f-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +null +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9d16530-1e9c-4d51-a1b2-87f02ec6023b", "title": "Continuing education and training and the labour market.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Cedefop,European Commission", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "continuing education,labour market,vocational training", "workIds": "PUB_HX4284105", "eurovoc_concepts": ["continuing education", "labour market", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9d16530-1e9c-4d51-a1b2-87f02ec6023b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0bb7bd7a-3f0f-43fc-9b28-b52efb20b015", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 1365/75 ON THE CREATION OF A EUROPEAN FOUNDATION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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1990-2010 : a study of the current and future use of passive solar energy in buildings in the European Community : executive summary.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "building,energy consumption,energy policy,energy research,energy technology,fossil fuel,heating,lighting,prevention of pollution,renewable energy,research report,solar energy", "workIds": "PUB_EUNA13094", "eurovoc_concepts": ["building", "energy consumption", "energy policy", "energy research", "energy technology", "fossil fuel", "heating", "lighting", "prevention of pollution", "renewable energy", "research report", "solar energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a0a3003-14db-11ea-8c1f-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fa7cc03-791f-409c-9757-0a94280fedf4", "title": "Evaluation of the Community's medical and public health research programmes.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media,European Commission", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "medical research,public health,research project", "workIds": "PUB_CDNA10606", "eurovoc_concepts": ["medical research", "public health", "research project"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fa7cc03-791f-409c-9757-0a94280fedf4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7968baa0-dedc-4ac4-b335-0d2d9a3d0d29", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 337/75 ESTABLISHING A EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-29", "subjects": "Cedefop,activity report,board of directors,budgetary procedure,financial management,personnel administration", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0534(01),comnat:COM_1990_0534(01)_FIN,oj:JOC_1991_023_R_0026_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cedefop", "activity report", "board of directors", "budgetary procedure", "financial management", "personnel administration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7968baa0-dedc-4ac4-b335-0d2d9a3d0d29", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/96fbde32-bcd3-47df-8987-c2c8a5c9a0d7", "title": "Question No 2 by Mr PIERROS (H-1214/90) to the Council: Formal and coherent Community energy policy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERROS", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EU policy,coal,energy policy,energy research,energy resources,energy supply,energy use,petroleum,self-sufficiency in energy", "workIds": "celex:91990H001214", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "coal", "energy policy", "energy research", "energy resources", "energy supply", "energy use", "petroleum", "self-sufficiency in energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/96fbde32-bcd3-47df-8987-c2c8a5c9a0d7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93b3171e-d248-4978-91a6-22aa2f011efd", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT' S SECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL WITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HARMONIZATION OF TECHNICAL RULES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "German Democratic Republic,harmonisation of standards,originating product,transitional period (EU),unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0569(01),comnat:COM_1990_0569(01)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["German Democratic Republic", "harmonisation of standards", "originating product", "transitional period (EU)", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93b3171e-d248-4978-91a6-22aa2f011efd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \nto Jit). t>oV r i n al \n\n\u00ee\u00bbVN JV\u00d4 \n\nCUl*K90) \n\nBrussels, 28 November 1990 \n\nGERMAN UNIFICATION \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT'S SECOND READING \n\nON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149. 2(d) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\nMODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN \n\nPARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \n\nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f- 1 -\n\nG E R M AN \n\nU N I F I C A T I ON \n\nCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL \n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL. I. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE \nCOUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. - 2 -\n\nPRELIMINARY REMARKS \n\nThe Commission submitted on 21 August 1990. its legislative proposals \nfor technical adaptations and transitional measures necessary for the \nintegration of the former German Democratic Republic Into the European \nCommunity. 1 The Council, the Parliament and the Commission concluded \non 6 September 1990, an agreement whereby the final Council decision on \nthe proposals would be taken only after Parliament had given its view \non the whole package and the detailed proposals in second reading, thus \nensuring consideration of Parliament's general and political views on \nthe integration of the former GDR into the Community. At its 22nd October session the Parliament concluded analysis of the \npackage and voted several amendments on 24 October 1990. These \namendments were considered by the Commission and a number were \nincorporated In the Commission's modified proposal presented to Council \non 25 October 1990. 2 The Council adopted Its common position on \n30 October and sympathetic consideration of the proposals on 7 November \n1990. 3 \n\nThe Commission's commentary on the common position and the sympathetic \nconsideration of Council was transmitted to Parliament on 7 November \n1990. 4 \n\nHaving considered Parliament's proposals for amendments voted in \nplenary on 21 November 1990s, the Commission is now In a position to \npresent Its re-examined proposal and modified proposal. During the debate in the plenary session, the Commission made a \nstatement on the management of the flexibility clause which It wishes \nto have recorded in the minutes at the final adoption by Council. (Annex A ). 1 The Community and German unification (C0M(90) 400 final). 2 Modified proposal: the Community and German Unification (C0M(90) \n\n495 final SYN 297 to SYN 302). 3 Common position of the Council 9532/90. Sympathetic consideration of the Council 9533/90, 9533 addendum 1 \nand SN 4526. Commentary by the Commission on the Common Position and the Joint \nPosition of the Council concerning measures proposed by the \nCommission regarding German Unification (SEC(90) 2136 final SYN 297 \nto 302). Proceeding of the sitting of 21 November 1990 (PV 42) PE 146. 823 \n\n4 \n\n5 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nThe Commission also made two statements on agriculture and the \nstructural funds which it would like to bring to the attention of the \nCounclI. (Annex A ). proposals. The Commission's \n\nIn the following commentary part one contains the Commission's re \nexamined \nParliament's \namendments to the Council's common position are equally applicable to \npart two, which contains the Commission's modified proposal resulting \nfrom consideration of Parliament's amendments to the proposals on which \nthe Council had expressed Its sympathetic consideration. comments \n\non \n\nAmendments proposed by Parliament to the Common Position of the \nCouncil, but not accepted by the Commission can be found at Annex B. - 4 -\n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL ON: \n\nt. Harmonization of technical rules \n\nSYN 298 \n\n2. Recognition of professional qualifications SYN 299 \n\n3. Structural funds \n\nSYN 300 \n\n4. Workers' health and safety \n\nSYN 301 \n\n5. Protection of the environment \n\nSYN 302 \n\n\f- 5 -\n\n1. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON TRANSITIONAL MEASURES \nAPPLICABLE IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HARMONIZATION OF \nTECHNICAL RULES. (SYN 298). A. The Commission accepts the following amendments voted by Parliament \nat its November session: \n\namendment No 68 on the final recital \namendment No 69 on Article 4(1) and (2) \namendment No 4 on Article 5, third, fourth and fifth paragraph. B. Amendment No 1 to Article 1(1) Is not accepted since the point at \nissue is covered In the fourth recital. The Commission cannot accept amendment No 2 on Article 1(3), second \nsubparagraph. It notes, however, that this amendment Is redundant since \nit Is covered by the declaration of Vice-President Bangemann In the \nplenary session: \n\n\"In accordance with the arrangements agreed with the Parliament \nconcerning the implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission \nundertakes to communicate to the Parliament all draft implementing \nmeasures, without exception, that are submitted In the framework of the \n\"flexibility clauses\" set out in the various directives and regulations \nrelating to the transitional measures on German unification at the same \ntime as they are submitted to the relevant Committees assisting the \nCommission. \" \n\nAs amendment No 5 relating to a new Article 5a was withdrawn, amendment \nNo 3 to Article 2(3) corresponds in Its final version to the Common \nPosition of the Council. 2. RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (SYN 299) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosItIon. 3. STRUCTURAL FUNDS (SYN 300) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosition. - 6 -\n\n4. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE iN GERMANY IN THE FIELD OF WORKERS' HEALTH AND \nSAFETY. (SYN 301). A. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment No 16 on a new \nArticle 2a amending both Article 1 and 2 In such a way as to include \nParliament in the transmission of the Information and/or reports \nconcerned: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Commission shall \"inform the other Member States and the \nPar Marnent. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\n\". other Member States and the Pari lament. \" \n\nB. While not accepting the proposed additional recital (amendment 15) \nthe Commission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered \nIn the Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the integration of the former GDR into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n5. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON THE TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE TO GERMANY WITH REGARD TO CERTAIN COMMUNITY \nPROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE INTERNAL MARKET. (SYN 302). A. The Commission accepts amendment 26, sharing the Parliament's view \nthat the Issues concerned fall into the sphere of the internal market. The recital should be adopted accordingly. - 7 -\n\nB. While not accepting the additional recital (amendment 18) the \nCommission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered In \nthe Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the Integration of the former GDR Into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nII. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION ON: \n\n** 1. C3-365/90-1 \n2. C3-365/90-2 \n3. C3-365/90-3 \n* 4. C3-365/90-4 \n* 5. C3-365/90-5 \n* 6. C3-365/90-6 \n** 7. C3-365/90-7 \n8. C3-365/90-8 \n* 9. C3-365/90-9 \n** 10. C3-365/90-10 \n** 11. C3-365/90-11 \n* 12. C3-365/90-12 \n13. C3-365/90-13 \n** 14. C3-365/90-14 \n** 15. C3-365/90-15 \n16. C3-365/90-16 \n17. C3-365/90-17 \n** 18. C3-365/90-18 \n\nTar iff measures \nECSC products \nHarmonization of technical rules \nConsumer protection \nAid for shipbuilding \nStatistics: transport, gas, electricity \nStat IstIcs: Iabour force \nStatistics: agriculture \nAid for the steel Industry \nPlant health \nFisheries: common policy \nFisheries: Spltzbergen \nTransport: road, rail and inland waterway \nTransport: shipping \nEnergy \nEnvironment \nAgr(culture \nProposal for Regulation SN/4526/90 on \nagriculture: Spain and Portugal \n\n* The Commission takes note of Parliament's approval without \n\namendment to the text. ** Amendments not accepted. 9 -\n\n2. MODIFIED DRAFT COMMISSION DECISION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DRAFT DECISION ON THE \nINTRODUCTION OF TRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES FOR PRODUCTS COVERED \nBY THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE ECSC FOR BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, \nHUNGARY, POLAND, ROMANIA, THE USSR AND YUGOSLAVIA UNTIL 31 DECEMBER \n1992, TO TAKE ACCOUNT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment 4, though the \nphrase; \"and whose essential elements shall be published in the \nOfficial Journal of the Commun!tles\" should replace the phrase; \"full \ndetails of which shall be published In the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities\". 3. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE \nHARMONIZATION OF TECHNICAL RULES TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 5 to the fifth recital and \namendments 10 and 11 to Articles 4 and 5 (third to fifth paragraphs). 8. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DEROGATION IN \nRESPECT OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICAL SURVEYS IN GERMANY IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS \nGIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 15 to Article 4(2), second, third \nand fourth subparagraph. 13. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A REGULATION \nAMENDING, AS A RESULT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION, CERTAIN DIRECTIVES, \nDECISIONS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORT BY ROAD, RAIL AND \nINLAND WATERWAYS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC \nCONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment No 27 to Article 9 and amendment \nNo 28 to Article 10, second, third and fourth paragraphs. 16. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTHE TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE IN GERMANY WITH REGARD TO \nCERTAIN COMMUNITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE \nENVIRONMENT. The Commission can accept amendment 38 to Article 15a, amendment 39 to \nArticle 16, amendment 40 to Article 17, amendment 41 to Article 17(3), \nlast indent, amendment 42 to Article 17(4) fourth, fifth and sixth sub \nparagraphs. - 10 -\n- 10 -\n\nSYH,\u2022 \u2022 \u00efr'E T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT. 'M. SYH, \u2022 \u2022 TrE T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT ,V*l. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recite!. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recital. amendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \namendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \nnew subparagraph. new subparagraph. - 11 -\n\nAnnex A \n\nCOMMISSION DECLARATION REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEXIBILITY CLAUSE \n\nIn accordance with the arrangements agreed with Parliament concerning \nthe implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission undertakes to \ncommunicate to Parliament all draft implementing measures, without \nexception, that are submitted In the framework of the flexibility \nclause (set out in the various directives and regulations relating to \nthe transitional measures on German unification) at the same time as \nthey are submitted to the relevant committees assisting the Commission. The Commission takes the view that any entirely new measure or \nsignificant adjustment of existing measures Is likely to go beyond the \nframework of the delegated powers in the framework of the German \nunification package and should be subject to proposals In the normal \nlegislative procedures for adoption by the Council after consultation \nof or In cooperation with the European Parliament. COMMISSION DECLARATION ON AGRICULTURE \n\nThe Commission believes that an Information effort is needed to help \nEast German farmers and farm-workers to make the right choice In the \nadaptation and restructuring effort. COMMISSION DECLARATION QN STRUCTURAL POLICIES \n\nOn structural policies the Commission will see to it that there is the \nright mixture of a full application of Community legislation and the \nneed for flexibility and simplification, in order to ensure a proper \nintegration of the former GDR territories Into Community policy. Parliament will be kept fully Informed. - 12 -\n\nAnnex B \n\nAMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY PARLIAMENT TO THE CQMMOiL PQaiIJflM_JHF\u201eIBE \nCOUNCIL. BUT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\fAMENDMENTS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n-13 -\n\nDECISION \n(Cooperation procedure: second reeding) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a directive on transitional measures applicable in Germany in the context \nof the harmonization of technical rules \n\n(Amendment No. 1) \nArticle 1(1) \n\n1. By way of derogation from the \nDirectives listed in Annexes A and \nS, Germany is authorized to maintain \nin force in the territory of the \nformer German Democratic Republic \nthe existing rules and regulations \nin respect of products which have \nbeen or which are manufactured \nthere, on condition, that this does \nnot affect the placing on the market \nand the free movement in that \nterritory of products complying with \nCommunity Directive\u00bb. ^ \n\n1' \n*>cex>t where th. ^^ \nsafety of the taomilatiop T~^ \nput at risk, by way of derogation \nfrom the Directives listed in \nAnnexes A and B, Germany is \nauthorized to maintain in force in \nthe territory of the former German \nDemocratic Republic the existing. rules and regulations in respect of \nproducts which have been or which \nare manufactured there, on condition \nthat this does not affect the \nplacind on the market and the free \nmovement in that territory of \nproducts complying with Community \nDirectives. (Amendment No. 2) \nArticle 1(3), second subparagraph (new) \n\n- r e v i ew \n\ntnav r e f er \nfrhf \n\nTh\u00bb tysfinstonf +>LI\\ be reported *o \ntheca \nt he Commis \u00ab i on w h l oh \n\u00c7\u00c7-Bffittt*, \n\u00c7o \nf or \nS, wttfoout \nin A r t i c le \nm e n t i o n ed \nin \nto \nt he \np r e j u d i c e- \nj u r o p + AH \nA r t i c le \n\u00a3he^ \nS a. P a r l i a m e nt s h a ll a l so be \nin \n* * \u00bb\u2022 ft>g 1* *9 <>*\u2022* I**- \u2022i*w\u00bb b e f o re \ns he \na ny \n\np r o c e d u r es \n\nd e c i s i on \n\ni n f o r m ed \n\nf i n al \n\nfey. (Amendment No. 3) \nArticle 2(3) \n\n3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \nCotisa ion shall,. a* a matter of \nurgencyr examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid down \nin Article 5. 3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \ncommission shall, as a matter of \nurgeacy, examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid dowr. in Artici* 5, without oreiudice to \nthe procedures in. Article 5a. The \nEuropean Parliament\u2014will, be \nInformed> \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\u2022 1* -\n\nDECfSI\u00c7N \n(Cooperation procedure! second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a regulation (EEC) concerning the activities of the Structural Funds in the \nterritory of the former German Democratic Republic \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended by Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 15) \nFourth recital a (new) \n\nc o n s e q u e n c e s, \n\nrespect to its \nWhereas, with \nthis \nfinancial \nDirective can only be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover its \nfinancial Impact during the courae \nof the budgetary procedure; \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n- 15 -\n\nPJESIUfig \n(Cooperation procedurei second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nor a directive on the traditional measure, applicable in Germany with regard \nto certain Community provi. ion. relating to the protection of the environment, \nin connection with the internal market \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended bv Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 18) \nSixth recital b (new) \n\nWhereas, wj\u00c7fr respect \u00a3o its \nfinancial consequences, this \nPi-rectlve can \u00e7nly be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover Its \nUn\u00ab\"\u00c7*-al impact during tfre c\u00e7uree \nof the budgetary procedure. 4 6-\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 569 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\noi \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-603-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-66578-5 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 \u2022 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 paye*; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22f59f68-fdaf-42ee-ba03-da3f6caaf61a", "title": "Question No 49 by Mr PAPAYANNAKIS (H-1200/90) to the Commission: Problem of refuse disposal in Greece", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PAPAYANNAKIS", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Greece,application of EU law,environmental protection,waste disposal", "workIds": "celex:91990H001200", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "application of EU law", "environmental protection", "waste disposal"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22f59f68-fdaf-42ee-ba03-da3f6caaf61a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1ba76b65-2c72-44f8-8c89-8522895f6112", "title": "Question No 56 by Mr MUSSO (H-1220/90) to the Commission: Air and sea links between Corsica and mainland France", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MUSSO", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Corsica,France,air transport,free competition,maritime transport,transport authorisation,transport lines", "workIds": "celex:91990H001220", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Corsica", "France", "air transport", "free competition", "maritime transport", "transport authorisation", "transport lines"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1ba76b65-2c72-44f8-8c89-8522895f6112", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32b0191c-d8be-4ea0-b66b-ad868cf9e40c", "title": "Commission Decision of 28 November 1990 concerning the proposal by the Brussels Regional Authorities (Belgium) to provide aid in favour of Volkswagen Bruxelles SA, an undertaking producing passenger cars (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Province of Flemish Brabant,State aid,motor vehicle industry,regional aid,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:31991D0254,oj:JOL_1991_123_R_0046_045", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Province of Flemish Brabant", "State aid", "motor vehicle industry", "regional aid", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32b0191c-d8be-4ea0-b66b-ad868cf9e40c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/da892a79-b99e-4867-b602-6ae01149116d", "title": "Question No 64 by Mr Elio DI RUPO (H-1239/90) to the Commission: Fraud in the scheme for tobacco production premiums", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DI RUPO,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "agricultural guidance,fraud,report,tobacco", "workIds": "celex:91990H001239", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural guidance", "fraud", "report", "tobacco"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/da892a79-b99e-4867-b602-6ae01149116d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0a8bfc06-45c7-473b-a84d-ea633d05d42a", "title": "Question No 46 by Mrs JACKSON (H-1193/90) to the Commission: A European Equal Opportunities Commission", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CAROLINE", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "committee (EU),disabled person,equal treatment,gender equality,migrant,racial discrimination", "workIds": "celex:91990H001193", "eurovoc_concepts": ["committee (EU)", "disabled person", "equal treatment", "gender equality", "migrant", "racial discrimination"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0a8bfc06-45c7-473b-a84d-ea633d05d42a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/260ca915-6849-42b2-82a9-c3da8d0269bf", "title": "Question No 50 by Mr NIANIAS (H-1201/90) to the Commission: European School of Administrative Studies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,NIANIAS", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "European civil service,higher education,public administration,senior management,vocational education", "workIds": "celex:91990H001201", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European civil service", "higher education", "public administration", "senior management", "vocational education"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/260ca915-6849-42b2-82a9-c3da8d0269bf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bde608a8-84f1-4227-8be5-dc3591be4822", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT' S SECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL WITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE IN GERMANY IN THE FIELD OF WORKERS' HEALTH AND SAFETY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "dangerous substance,noise protection,occupational health,occupational safety,transitional period (EU),unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0569(02),comnat:COM_1990_0569(02)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dangerous substance", "noise protection", "occupational health", "occupational safety", "transitional period (EU)", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bde608a8-84f1-4227-8be5-dc3591be4822", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \nto Jit). t>oV r i n al \n\n\u00ee\u00bbVN JV\u00d4 \n\nCUl*K90) \n\nBrussels, 28 November 1990 \n\nGERMAN UNIFICATION \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT'S SECOND READING \n\nON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149. 2(d) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\nMODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN \n\nPARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \n\nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f- 1 -\n\nG E R M AN \n\nU N I F I C A T I ON \n\nCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL \n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL. I. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE \nCOUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. - 2 -\n\nPRELIMINARY REMARKS \n\nThe Commission submitted on 21 August 1990. its legislative proposals \nfor technical adaptations and transitional measures necessary for the \nintegration of the former German Democratic Republic Into the European \nCommunity. 1 The Council, the Parliament and the Commission concluded \non 6 September 1990, an agreement whereby the final Council decision on \nthe proposals would be taken only after Parliament had given its view \non the whole package and the detailed proposals in second reading, thus \nensuring consideration of Parliament's general and political views on \nthe integration of the former GDR into the Community. At its 22nd October session the Parliament concluded analysis of the \npackage and voted several amendments on 24 October 1990. These \namendments were considered by the Commission and a number were \nincorporated In the Commission's modified proposal presented to Council \non 25 October 1990. 2 The Council adopted Its common position on \n30 October and sympathetic consideration of the proposals on 7 November \n1990. 3 \n\nThe Commission's commentary on the common position and the sympathetic \nconsideration of Council was transmitted to Parliament on 7 November \n1990. 4 \n\nHaving considered Parliament's proposals for amendments voted in \nplenary on 21 November 1990s, the Commission is now In a position to \npresent Its re-examined proposal and modified proposal. During the debate in the plenary session, the Commission made a \nstatement on the management of the flexibility clause which It wishes \nto have recorded in the minutes at the final adoption by Council. (Annex A ). 1 The Community and German unification (C0M(90) 400 final). 2 Modified proposal: the Community and German Unification (C0M(90) \n\n495 final SYN 297 to SYN 302). 3 Common position of the Council 9532/90. Sympathetic consideration of the Council 9533/90, 9533 addendum 1 \nand SN 4526. Commentary by the Commission on the Common Position and the Joint \nPosition of the Council concerning measures proposed by the \nCommission regarding German Unification (SEC(90) 2136 final SYN 297 \nto 302). Proceeding of the sitting of 21 November 1990 (PV 42) PE 146. 823 \n\n4 \n\n5 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nThe Commission also made two statements on agriculture and the \nstructural funds which it would like to bring to the attention of the \nCounclI. (Annex A ). proposals. The Commission's \n\nIn the following commentary part one contains the Commission's re \nexamined \nParliament's \namendments to the Council's common position are equally applicable to \npart two, which contains the Commission's modified proposal resulting \nfrom consideration of Parliament's amendments to the proposals on which \nthe Council had expressed Its sympathetic consideration. comments \n\non \n\nAmendments proposed by Parliament to the Common Position of the \nCouncil, but not accepted by the Commission can be found at Annex B. - 4 -\n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL ON: \n\nt. Harmonization of technical rules \n\nSYN 298 \n\n2. Recognition of professional qualifications SYN 299 \n\n3. Structural funds \n\nSYN 300 \n\n4. Workers' health and safety \n\nSYN 301 \n\n5. Protection of the environment \n\nSYN 302 \n\n\f- 5 -\n\n1. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON TRANSITIONAL MEASURES \nAPPLICABLE IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HARMONIZATION OF \nTECHNICAL RULES. (SYN 298). A. The Commission accepts the following amendments voted by Parliament \nat its November session: \n\namendment No 68 on the final recital \namendment No 69 on Article 4(1) and (2) \namendment No 4 on Article 5, third, fourth and fifth paragraph. B. Amendment No 1 to Article 1(1) Is not accepted since the point at \nissue is covered In the fourth recital. The Commission cannot accept amendment No 2 on Article 1(3), second \nsubparagraph. It notes, however, that this amendment Is redundant since \nit Is covered by the declaration of Vice-President Bangemann In the \nplenary session: \n\n\"In accordance with the arrangements agreed with the Parliament \nconcerning the implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission \nundertakes to communicate to the Parliament all draft implementing \nmeasures, without exception, that are submitted In the framework of the \n\"flexibility clauses\" set out in the various directives and regulations \nrelating to the transitional measures on German unification at the same \ntime as they are submitted to the relevant Committees assisting the \nCommission. \" \n\nAs amendment No 5 relating to a new Article 5a was withdrawn, amendment \nNo 3 to Article 2(3) corresponds in Its final version to the Common \nPosition of the Council. 2. RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (SYN 299) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosItIon. 3. STRUCTURAL FUNDS (SYN 300) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosition. - 6 -\n\n4. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE iN GERMANY IN THE FIELD OF WORKERS' HEALTH AND \nSAFETY. (SYN 301). A. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment No 16 on a new \nArticle 2a amending both Article 1 and 2 In such a way as to include \nParliament in the transmission of the Information and/or reports \nconcerned: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Commission shall \"inform the other Member States and the \nPar Marnent. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\n\". other Member States and the Pari lament. \" \n\nB. While not accepting the proposed additional recital (amendment 15) \nthe Commission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered \nIn the Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the integration of the former GDR into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n5. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON THE TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE TO GERMANY WITH REGARD TO CERTAIN COMMUNITY \nPROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE INTERNAL MARKET. (SYN 302). A. The Commission accepts amendment 26, sharing the Parliament's view \nthat the Issues concerned fall into the sphere of the internal market. The recital should be adopted accordingly. - 7 -\n\nB. While not accepting the additional recital (amendment 18) the \nCommission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered In \nthe Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the Integration of the former GDR Into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nII. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION ON: \n\n** 1. C3-365/90-1 \n2. C3-365/90-2 \n3. C3-365/90-3 \n* 4. C3-365/90-4 \n* 5. C3-365/90-5 \n* 6. C3-365/90-6 \n** 7. C3-365/90-7 \n8. C3-365/90-8 \n* 9. C3-365/90-9 \n** 10. C3-365/90-10 \n** 11. C3-365/90-11 \n* 12. C3-365/90-12 \n13. C3-365/90-13 \n** 14. C3-365/90-14 \n** 15. C3-365/90-15 \n16. C3-365/90-16 \n17. C3-365/90-17 \n** 18. C3-365/90-18 \n\nTar iff measures \nECSC products \nHarmonization of technical rules \nConsumer protection \nAid for shipbuilding \nStatistics: transport, gas, electricity \nStat IstIcs: Iabour force \nStatistics: agriculture \nAid for the steel Industry \nPlant health \nFisheries: common policy \nFisheries: Spltzbergen \nTransport: road, rail and inland waterway \nTransport: shipping \nEnergy \nEnvironment \nAgr(culture \nProposal for Regulation SN/4526/90 on \nagriculture: Spain and Portugal \n\n* The Commission takes note of Parliament's approval without \n\namendment to the text. ** Amendments not accepted. 9 -\n\n2. MODIFIED DRAFT COMMISSION DECISION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DRAFT DECISION ON THE \nINTRODUCTION OF TRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES FOR PRODUCTS COVERED \nBY THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE ECSC FOR BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, \nHUNGARY, POLAND, ROMANIA, THE USSR AND YUGOSLAVIA UNTIL 31 DECEMBER \n1992, TO TAKE ACCOUNT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment 4, though the \nphrase; \"and whose essential elements shall be published in the \nOfficial Journal of the Commun!tles\" should replace the phrase; \"full \ndetails of which shall be published In the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities\". 3. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE \nHARMONIZATION OF TECHNICAL RULES TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 5 to the fifth recital and \namendments 10 and 11 to Articles 4 and 5 (third to fifth paragraphs). 8. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DEROGATION IN \nRESPECT OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICAL SURVEYS IN GERMANY IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS \nGIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 15 to Article 4(2), second, third \nand fourth subparagraph. 13. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A REGULATION \nAMENDING, AS A RESULT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION, CERTAIN DIRECTIVES, \nDECISIONS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORT BY ROAD, RAIL AND \nINLAND WATERWAYS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC \nCONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment No 27 to Article 9 and amendment \nNo 28 to Article 10, second, third and fourth paragraphs. 16. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTHE TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE IN GERMANY WITH REGARD TO \nCERTAIN COMMUNITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE \nENVIRONMENT. The Commission can accept amendment 38 to Article 15a, amendment 39 to \nArticle 16, amendment 40 to Article 17, amendment 41 to Article 17(3), \nlast indent, amendment 42 to Article 17(4) fourth, fifth and sixth sub \nparagraphs. - 10 -\n- 10 -\n\nSYH,\u2022 \u2022 \u00efr'E T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT. 'M. SYH, \u2022 \u2022 TrE T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT ,V*l. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recite!. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recital. amendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \namendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \nnew subparagraph. new subparagraph. - 11 -\n\nAnnex A \n\nCOMMISSION DECLARATION REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEXIBILITY CLAUSE \n\nIn accordance with the arrangements agreed with Parliament concerning \nthe implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission undertakes to \ncommunicate to Parliament all draft implementing measures, without \nexception, that are submitted In the framework of the flexibility \nclause (set out in the various directives and regulations relating to \nthe transitional measures on German unification) at the same time as \nthey are submitted to the relevant committees assisting the Commission. The Commission takes the view that any entirely new measure or \nsignificant adjustment of existing measures Is likely to go beyond the \nframework of the delegated powers in the framework of the German \nunification package and should be subject to proposals In the normal \nlegislative procedures for adoption by the Council after consultation \nof or In cooperation with the European Parliament. COMMISSION DECLARATION ON AGRICULTURE \n\nThe Commission believes that an Information effort is needed to help \nEast German farmers and farm-workers to make the right choice In the \nadaptation and restructuring effort. COMMISSION DECLARATION QN STRUCTURAL POLICIES \n\nOn structural policies the Commission will see to it that there is the \nright mixture of a full application of Community legislation and the \nneed for flexibility and simplification, in order to ensure a proper \nintegration of the former GDR territories Into Community policy. Parliament will be kept fully Informed. - 12 -\n\nAnnex B \n\nAMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY PARLIAMENT TO THE CQMMOiL PQaiIJflM_JHF\u201eIBE \nCOUNCIL. BUT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\fAMENDMENTS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n-13 -\n\nDECISION \n(Cooperation procedure: second reeding) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a directive on transitional measures applicable in Germany in the context \nof the harmonization of technical rules \n\n(Amendment No. 1) \nArticle 1(1) \n\n1. By way of derogation from the \nDirectives listed in Annexes A and \nS, Germany is authorized to maintain \nin force in the territory of the \nformer German Democratic Republic \nthe existing rules and regulations \nin respect of products which have \nbeen or which are manufactured \nthere, on condition, that this does \nnot affect the placing on the market \nand the free movement in that \nterritory of products complying with \nCommunity Directive\u00bb. ^ \n\n1' \n*>cex>t where th. ^^ \nsafety of the taomilatiop T~^ \nput at risk, by way of derogation \nfrom the Directives listed in \nAnnexes A and B, Germany is \nauthorized to maintain in force in \nthe territory of the former German \nDemocratic Republic the existing. rules and regulations in respect of \nproducts which have been or which \nare manufactured there, on condition \nthat this does not affect the \nplacind on the market and the free \nmovement in that territory of \nproducts complying with Community \nDirectives. (Amendment No. 2) \nArticle 1(3), second subparagraph (new) \n\n- r e v i ew \n\ntnav r e f er \nfrhf \n\nTh\u00bb tysfinstonf +>LI\\ be reported *o \ntheca \nt he Commis \u00ab i on w h l oh \n\u00c7\u00c7-Bffittt*, \n\u00c7o \nf or \nS, wttfoout \nin A r t i c le \nm e n t i o n ed \nin \nto \nt he \np r e j u d i c e- \nj u r o p + AH \nA r t i c le \n\u00a3he^ \nS a. P a r l i a m e nt s h a ll a l so be \nin \n* * \u00bb\u2022 ft>g 1* *9 <>*\u2022* I**- \u2022i*w\u00bb b e f o re \ns he \na ny \n\np r o c e d u r es \n\nd e c i s i on \n\ni n f o r m ed \n\nf i n al \n\nfey. (Amendment No. 3) \nArticle 2(3) \n\n3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \nCotisa ion shall,. a* a matter of \nurgencyr examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid down \nin Article 5. 3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \ncommission shall, as a matter of \nurgeacy, examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid dowr. in Artici* 5, without oreiudice to \nthe procedures in. Article 5a. The \nEuropean Parliament\u2014will, be \nInformed> \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\u2022 1* -\n\nDECfSI\u00c7N \n(Cooperation procedure! second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a regulation (EEC) concerning the activities of the Structural Funds in the \nterritory of the former German Democratic Republic \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended by Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 15) \nFourth recital a (new) \n\nc o n s e q u e n c e s, \n\nrespect to its \nWhereas, with \nthis \nfinancial \nDirective can only be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover its \nfinancial Impact during the courae \nof the budgetary procedure; \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n- 15 -\n\nPJESIUfig \n(Cooperation procedurei second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nor a directive on the traditional measure, applicable in Germany with regard \nto certain Community provi. ion. relating to the protection of the environment, \nin connection with the internal market \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended bv Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 18) \nSixth recital b (new) \n\nWhereas, wj\u00c7fr respect \u00a3o its \nfinancial consequences, this \nPi-rectlve can \u00e7nly be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover Its \nUn\u00ab\"\u00c7*-al impact during tfre c\u00e7uree \nof the budgetary procedure. 4 6-\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 569 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\noi \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-603-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-66578-5 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 \u2022 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 paye*; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f9f4bb0-25ae-4b61-8dd4-e92112373145", "title": "Question No 60 by Mr BLANEY (H-1231/90) to the Commission: Agricultural protection", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BLANEY,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "GATT,agricultural holding,agricultural situation,aid to agriculture,common agricultural policy,family farming,farm income,policy on agricultural structures", "workIds": "celex:91990H001231", "eurovoc_concepts": ["GATT", "agricultural holding", "agricultural situation", "aid to agriculture", "common agricultural policy", "family farming", "farm 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["customs formalities", "frontier region", "indemnification", "job cuts", "self-employed person", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8b98830d-384a-4a5b-add5-b613e63cfe8b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94c805b3-f568-4ad5-8e2b-1c1a4b952581", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3472/90 of 28 November 1990 amending the list annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 55/87 establishing the list of vessels exceeding eight metres length overall permitted to use beam trawls within certain areas of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EU waters,conservation of fish stocks,fishing net,fishing regulations,fishing vessel,technical standard", "workIds": "celex:31990R3472,oj:JOL_1990_336_R_0051_061", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU waters", "conservation of fish stocks", "fishing net", "fishing regulations", "fishing vessel", "technical standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/94c805b3-f568-4ad5-8e2b-1c1a4b952581", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5311cc20-5245-41a2-8261-d2e7f06779fe", "title": "Question No 48 by Mr KOSTOPOULOS (H-1199/90) to the Commission: The work of Mr Du Rochelle to be used as a basis for school textbooks in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,KOSTOPOULOS", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "history of Europe,literature,school textbook", "workIds": "celex:91990H001199", "eurovoc_concepts": ["history of Europe", "literature", "school textbook"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5311cc20-5245-41a2-8261-d2e7f06779fe", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28b9e17f-a77b-4c48-8e28-f9c75c9626ec", "title": "90/645/EEC: Commission Decision of 28 November 1990 relating to a proceeding under Article 85 of the EEC Treaty (IV/32.877 - Bayer Dental) (Only the German text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Germany,dental medicine,distributive trades,export,free movement of goods,infringement procedure (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31990D0645,oj:JOL_1990_351_R_0046_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "dental medicine", "distributive trades", "export", "free movement of goods", "infringement procedure (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28b9e17f-a77b-4c48-8e28-f9c75c9626ec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32f0fca2-823c-4d2a-b0e0-45565b45d499", "title": "Question No 55 by Mr de DONNEA (H-1219/90) to the Commission: Itinerant traders", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE DONNEA,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "VAT,accounting,free movement of goods,itinerant trade,market access,single market", "workIds": "celex:91990H001219", "eurovoc_concepts": ["VAT", "accounting", "free movement of goods", "itinerant trade", "market access", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32f0fca2-823c-4d2a-b0e0-45565b45d499", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0685168b-a8bc-493e-b54e-5d0f7b725f20", "title": "The effect of different state aid measures on intra-Community competition.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "State aid,competition policy,single market", "workIds": "PUB_CM5990702", "eurovoc_concepts": ["State aid", "competition policy", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0685168b-a8bc-493e-b54e-5d0f7b725f20", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8025e694-6e4c-46af-ab94-7b7432d536be", "title": "Euronorm 28-85 : Steel plate, sheet and strip with elevated temperature properties: Technical delivery conditions.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_stpl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Coordinating Committee on the nomenclature of iron and steel products,European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "European standard,iron and steel product,sheet,steel,strip", "workIds": "PUB_CB4485767", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European standard", "iron and steel product", "sheet", "steel", "strip"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8025e694-6e4c-46af-ab94-7b7432d536be", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_stpl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb150418-8edd-47b5-ba9a-5bded47529cd", "title": "Question No 61 by Mr MOORHOUSE (H-1233/90) to the Commission: The Community' s relations with the Gulf States", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MOORHOUSE", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EU relations,Middle East,cooperation agreement,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:91990H001233", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU relations", "Middle East", "cooperation agreement", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb150418-8edd-47b5-ba9a-5bded47529cd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d1ddf6e-7d70-4c33-8822-879f18ca48d5", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3447/90 of 28 November 1990 on special conditions for the granting of private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "goatmeat,private stock,sheepmeat,storage premium", "workIds": "celex:31990R3447,oj:JOL_1990_333_R_0046_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["goatmeat", "private stock", "sheepmeat", "storage premium"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d1ddf6e-7d70-4c33-8822-879f18ca48d5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2ea0666b-24ff-492d-905e-9de01d4f6c70", "title": "Credit institutions : Community measures adopted or proposed.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EU act,European integration,directive (EU),financial institution,free movement of capital,freedom to provide services,proposal (EU),right of establishment,single market", "workIds": "PUB_CM5990790", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU act", "European integration", "directive (EU)", "financial institution", "free movement of capital", "freedom to provide services", "proposal (EU)", "right of establishment", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2ea0666b-24ff-492d-905e-9de01d4f6c70", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f82247fe-8a61-4974-b94d-39053a372e0b", "title": "Euronorm : Statistical method for checking the application of a procedure for the analysis of steels and irons.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_losl", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Coordinating Committee on the nomenclature of iron and steel products,European Coal and Steel Community,European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "European standard,statistics,steel", "workIds": "PUB_CB4686872", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European standard", "statistics", "steel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f82247fe-8a61-4974-b94d-39053a372e0b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_losl"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/61130246-11b2-4d2a-b73e-f81caeeaebc5", "title": "Question No 47 by Mr LANNOYE (H-1198/90) to the Commission: Pollution by dioxanes and furans", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LANNOYE", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Belgium,Netherlands,atmospheric pollutant,food contamination,food inspection,milk,toxic substance,waste disposal", "workIds": "celex:91990H001198", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "Netherlands", "atmospheric pollutant", "food contamination", "food inspection", "milk", "toxic substance", "waste disposal"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/61130246-11b2-4d2a-b73e-f81caeeaebc5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3eb4c8d3-23d2-4485-9b7c-42bb6da147a1", "title": "Question No 57 by Mr LALOR (H-1224/90) to the Commission: Air fares", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LALOR", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "IATA,air freight rate,competition policy,fixing of prices,price increase", "workIds": "celex:91990H001224", "eurovoc_concepts": ["IATA", "air freight rate", "competition policy", "fixing of prices", "price increase"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3eb4c8d3-23d2-4485-9b7c-42bb6da147a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cedc25ba-e323-4f00-ab6f-0d8b4576299d", "title": "Question No 4 by Mr BANDRES MOLET (H-1197/90) to the Council: Mining in Teruel", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANDRES MOLET,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "Aragon,Spain,ecosystem,energy production,environmental protection,exploitation of resources,mining operation,stratospheric pollution", "workIds": "celex:91990H001197", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Aragon", "Spain", "ecosystem", "energy production", "environmental protection", "exploitation of resources", "mining operation", "stratospheric pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cedc25ba-e323-4f00-ab6f-0d8b4576299d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5f4e0f6-8de5-4f0e-a58a-73748055b05b", "title": "Question No 53 by Mr SIMEONI (H-1210/90) to the Commission: Misappropriation by the Guatemalan army of funds provided by the EEC to aid Guatemala' s international refugees", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SIMEONI", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EU aid,Guatemala,aid to refugees,armed forces,breach of trust,use of aid", "workIds": "celex:91990H001210", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Guatemala", "aid to refugees", "armed forces", "breach of trust", "use of aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5f4e0f6-8de5-4f0e-a58a-73748055b05b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc226364-fd9f-4b6e-b0e7-3b6feade6681", "title": "Question No 7 by Mr KILLILEA (H-1212/90) to the Council: Social security of volunteers sent abroad to developing countries by non-governmental organizations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,KILLILEA", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "EC recommendation,EU national,development aid,non-governmental organisation,social security", "workIds": "celex:91990H001212", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC recommendation", "EU national", "development aid", "non-governmental organisation", "social security"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc226364-fd9f-4b6e-b0e7-3b6feade6681", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3072435-a2fa-47f6-868e-9f2db20bfeb5", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT' S SECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL WITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON THE TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE TO GERMANY WITH REGARD TO CERTAIN COMMUNITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, IN CONNECTION WITH THE INTERNAL MARKET", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-28", "subjects": "German Democratic Republic,dangerous substance,harmonisation of standards,marketing,transitional period (EU),unification of Germany", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0569(03),comnat:COM_1990_0569(03)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["German Democratic Republic", "dangerous substance", "harmonisation of standards", "marketing", "transitional period (EU)", "unification of Germany"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3072435-a2fa-47f6-868e-9f2db20bfeb5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \nto Jit). t>oV r i n al \n\n\u00ee\u00bbVN JV\u00d4 \n\nCUl*K90) \n\nBrussels, 28 November 1990 \n\nGERMAN UNIFICATION \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT'S SECOND READING \n\nON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149. 2(d) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\nMODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION \n\nFOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN \n\nPARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \n\nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(3) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f- 1 -\n\nG E R M AN \n\nU N I F I C A T I ON \n\nCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL \n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty \n\nRE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL. I. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE \nCOUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. - 2 -\n\nPRELIMINARY REMARKS \n\nThe Commission submitted on 21 August 1990. its legislative proposals \nfor technical adaptations and transitional measures necessary for the \nintegration of the former German Democratic Republic Into the European \nCommunity. 1 The Council, the Parliament and the Commission concluded \non 6 September 1990, an agreement whereby the final Council decision on \nthe proposals would be taken only after Parliament had given its view \non the whole package and the detailed proposals in second reading, thus \nensuring consideration of Parliament's general and political views on \nthe integration of the former GDR into the Community. At its 22nd October session the Parliament concluded analysis of the \npackage and voted several amendments on 24 October 1990. These \namendments were considered by the Commission and a number were \nincorporated In the Commission's modified proposal presented to Council \non 25 October 1990. 2 The Council adopted Its common position on \n30 October and sympathetic consideration of the proposals on 7 November \n1990. 3 \n\nThe Commission's commentary on the common position and the sympathetic \nconsideration of Council was transmitted to Parliament on 7 November \n1990. 4 \n\nHaving considered Parliament's proposals for amendments voted in \nplenary on 21 November 1990s, the Commission is now In a position to \npresent Its re-examined proposal and modified proposal. During the debate in the plenary session, the Commission made a \nstatement on the management of the flexibility clause which It wishes \nto have recorded in the minutes at the final adoption by Council. (Annex A ). 1 The Community and German unification (C0M(90) 400 final). 2 Modified proposal: the Community and German Unification (C0M(90) \n\n495 final SYN 297 to SYN 302). 3 Common position of the Council 9532/90. Sympathetic consideration of the Council 9533/90, 9533 addendum 1 \nand SN 4526. Commentary by the Commission on the Common Position and the Joint \nPosition of the Council concerning measures proposed by the \nCommission regarding German Unification (SEC(90) 2136 final SYN 297 \nto 302). Proceeding of the sitting of 21 November 1990 (PV 42) PE 146. 823 \n\n4 \n\n5 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nThe Commission also made two statements on agriculture and the \nstructural funds which it would like to bring to the attention of the \nCounclI. (Annex A ). proposals. The Commission's \n\nIn the following commentary part one contains the Commission's re \nexamined \nParliament's \namendments to the Council's common position are equally applicable to \npart two, which contains the Commission's modified proposal resulting \nfrom consideration of Parliament's amendments to the proposals on which \nthe Council had expressed Its sympathetic consideration. comments \n\non \n\nAmendments proposed by Parliament to the Common Position of the \nCouncil, but not accepted by the Commission can be found at Annex B. - 4 -\n\nI. Pursuant to Article 149(2) of the EEC Treaty. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL ON: \n\nt. Harmonization of technical rules \n\nSYN 298 \n\n2. Recognition of professional qualifications SYN 299 \n\n3. Structural funds \n\nSYN 300 \n\n4. Workers' health and safety \n\nSYN 301 \n\n5. Protection of the environment \n\nSYN 302 \n\n\f- 5 -\n\n1. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON TRANSITIONAL MEASURES \nAPPLICABLE IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HARMONIZATION OF \nTECHNICAL RULES. (SYN 298). A. The Commission accepts the following amendments voted by Parliament \nat its November session: \n\namendment No 68 on the final recital \namendment No 69 on Article 4(1) and (2) \namendment No 4 on Article 5, third, fourth and fifth paragraph. B. Amendment No 1 to Article 1(1) Is not accepted since the point at \nissue is covered In the fourth recital. The Commission cannot accept amendment No 2 on Article 1(3), second \nsubparagraph. It notes, however, that this amendment Is redundant since \nit Is covered by the declaration of Vice-President Bangemann In the \nplenary session: \n\n\"In accordance with the arrangements agreed with the Parliament \nconcerning the implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission \nundertakes to communicate to the Parliament all draft implementing \nmeasures, without exception, that are submitted In the framework of the \n\"flexibility clauses\" set out in the various directives and regulations \nrelating to the transitional measures on German unification at the same \ntime as they are submitted to the relevant Committees assisting the \nCommission. \" \n\nAs amendment No 5 relating to a new Article 5a was withdrawn, amendment \nNo 3 to Article 2(3) corresponds in Its final version to the Common \nPosition of the Council. 2. RECOGNITION OF PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (SYN 299) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosItIon. 3. STRUCTURAL FUNDS (SYN 300) \n\nThe Commission takes note of Parliament's approval of the Common \nPosition. - 6 -\n\n4. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE RELATING TO TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE iN GERMANY IN THE FIELD OF WORKERS' HEALTH AND \nSAFETY. (SYN 301). A. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment No 16 on a new \nArticle 2a amending both Article 1 and 2 In such a way as to include \nParliament in the transmission of the Information and/or reports \nconcerned: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Commission shall \"inform the other Member States and the \nPar Marnent. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\n\". other Member States and the Pari lament. \" \n\nB. While not accepting the proposed additional recital (amendment 15) \nthe Commission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered \nIn the Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the integration of the former GDR into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n5. RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE PARLIAMENT'S \nSECOND READING ON THE COMMON POSITION ESTABLISHED BY THE COUNCIL \nWITH A VIEW TO THE ADOPTION OF A DIRECTIVE ON THE TRANSITIONAL \nMEASURES APPLICABLE TO GERMANY WITH REGARD TO CERTAIN COMMUNITY \nPROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT, IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE INTERNAL MARKET. (SYN 302). A. The Commission accepts amendment 26, sharing the Parliament's view \nthat the Issues concerned fall into the sphere of the internal market. The recital should be adopted accordingly. - 7 -\n\nB. While not accepting the additional recital (amendment 18) the \nCommission considers that the substance of the amendment is covered In \nthe Council statement accompanying the Common Position; \n\n\"The Council declares that the Integration of the former GDR Into the \nCommunity necessarily involves revising the different headings In the \nfinancial perspective and entering the corresponding appropriations in \nthe 1992 budget. The Council notes that the procedures for revising the financial \nperspective are under way. The Council expects these procedures to be completed as soon as \npossIbIe. \" \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nII. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the EEC Treaty. MODIFIED PROPOSALS BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXTS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION ON: \n\n** 1. C3-365/90-1 \n2. C3-365/90-2 \n3. C3-365/90-3 \n* 4. C3-365/90-4 \n* 5. C3-365/90-5 \n* 6. C3-365/90-6 \n** 7. C3-365/90-7 \n8. C3-365/90-8 \n* 9. C3-365/90-9 \n** 10. C3-365/90-10 \n** 11. C3-365/90-11 \n* 12. C3-365/90-12 \n13. C3-365/90-13 \n** 14. C3-365/90-14 \n** 15. C3-365/90-15 \n16. C3-365/90-16 \n17. C3-365/90-17 \n** 18. C3-365/90-18 \n\nTar iff measures \nECSC products \nHarmonization of technical rules \nConsumer protection \nAid for shipbuilding \nStatistics: transport, gas, electricity \nStat IstIcs: Iabour force \nStatistics: agriculture \nAid for the steel Industry \nPlant health \nFisheries: common policy \nFisheries: Spltzbergen \nTransport: road, rail and inland waterway \nTransport: shipping \nEnergy \nEnvironment \nAgr(culture \nProposal for Regulation SN/4526/90 on \nagriculture: Spain and Portugal \n\n* The Commission takes note of Parliament's approval without \n\namendment to the text. ** Amendments not accepted. 9 -\n\n2. MODIFIED DRAFT COMMISSION DECISION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS ADOPTED \nBY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DRAFT DECISION ON THE \nINTRODUCTION OF TRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES FOR PRODUCTS COVERED \nBY THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE ECSC FOR BULGARIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, \nHUNGARY, POLAND, ROMANIA, THE USSR AND YUGOSLAVIA UNTIL 31 DECEMBER \n1992, TO TAKE ACCOUNT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION TO WHICH THE COUNCIL \nHAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept the substance of amendment 4, though the \nphrase; \"and whose essential elements shall be published in the \nOfficial Journal of the Commun!tles\" should replace the phrase; \"full \ndetails of which shall be published In the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities\". 3. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTRANSITIONAL TARIFF MEASURES IN GERMANY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE \nHARMONIZATION OF TECHNICAL RULES TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN \nSYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 5 to the fifth recital and \namendments 10 and 11 to Articles 4 and 5 (third to fifth paragraphs). 8. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DEROGATION IN \nRESPECT OF AGRICULTURAL STATISTICAL SURVEYS IN GERMANY IN \nCONNECTION WITH THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS \nGIVEN SYMPATHETIC CONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment 15 to Article 4(2), second, third \nand fourth subparagraph. 13. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A REGULATION \nAMENDING, AS A RESULT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION, CERTAIN DIRECTIVES, \nDECISIONS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORT BY ROAD, RAIL AND \nINLAND WATERWAYS TO WHICH THE COUNCIL HAS GIVEN SYMPATHETIC \nCONSIDERATION. The Commission can accept amendment No 27 to Article 9 and amendment \nNo 28 to Article 10, second, third and fourth paragraphs. 16. MODIFIED PROPOSAL BY THE COMMISSION FOLLOWING THE AMENDMENTS \nADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT TO THE TEXT OF A DIRECTIVE ON \nTHE TRANSITIONAL MEASURES APPLICABLE IN GERMANY WITH REGARD TO \nCERTAIN COMMUNITY PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF THE \nENVIRONMENT. The Commission can accept amendment 38 to Article 15a, amendment 39 to \nArticle 16, amendment 40 to Article 17, amendment 41 to Article 17(3), \nlast indent, amendment 42 to Article 17(4) fourth, fifth and sixth sub \nparagraphs. - 10 -\n- 10 -\n\nSYH,\u2022 \u2022 \u00efr'E T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT. 'M. SYH, \u2022 \u2022 TrE T i C CONo i D\u00cf'\u00ceAT ,V*l. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recite!. The Commission can accept amendment 1C incorporating c. no\u00bb': recital. amendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \namendment No 18 to Article 10, second paragraph and is to Ar';!c!a 7(1) \nnew subparagraph. new subparagraph. - 11 -\n\nAnnex A \n\nCOMMISSION DECLARATION REGARDING MANAGEMENT OF THE FLEXIBILITY CLAUSE \n\nIn accordance with the arrangements agreed with Parliament concerning \nthe implementing powers of the Commission, the Commission undertakes to \ncommunicate to Parliament all draft implementing measures, without \nexception, that are submitted In the framework of the flexibility \nclause (set out in the various directives and regulations relating to \nthe transitional measures on German unification) at the same time as \nthey are submitted to the relevant committees assisting the Commission. The Commission takes the view that any entirely new measure or \nsignificant adjustment of existing measures Is likely to go beyond the \nframework of the delegated powers in the framework of the German \nunification package and should be subject to proposals In the normal \nlegislative procedures for adoption by the Council after consultation \nof or In cooperation with the European Parliament. COMMISSION DECLARATION ON AGRICULTURE \n\nThe Commission believes that an Information effort is needed to help \nEast German farmers and farm-workers to make the right choice In the \nadaptation and restructuring effort. COMMISSION DECLARATION QN STRUCTURAL POLICIES \n\nOn structural policies the Commission will see to it that there is the \nright mixture of a full application of Community legislation and the \nneed for flexibility and simplification, in order to ensure a proper \nintegration of the former GDR territories Into Community policy. Parliament will be kept fully Informed. - 12 -\n\nAnnex B \n\nAMENDMENTS PROPOSED BY PARLIAMENT TO THE CQMMOiL PQaiIJflM_JHF\u201eIBE \nCOUNCIL. BUT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\fAMENDMENTS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n-13 -\n\nDECISION \n(Cooperation procedure: second reeding) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a directive on transitional measures applicable in Germany in the context \nof the harmonization of technical rules \n\n(Amendment No. 1) \nArticle 1(1) \n\n1. By way of derogation from the \nDirectives listed in Annexes A and \nS, Germany is authorized to maintain \nin force in the territory of the \nformer German Democratic Republic \nthe existing rules and regulations \nin respect of products which have \nbeen or which are manufactured \nthere, on condition, that this does \nnot affect the placing on the market \nand the free movement in that \nterritory of products complying with \nCommunity Directive\u00bb. ^ \n\n1' \n*>cex>t where th. ^^ \nsafety of the taomilatiop T~^ \nput at risk, by way of derogation \nfrom the Directives listed in \nAnnexes A and B, Germany is \nauthorized to maintain in force in \nthe territory of the former German \nDemocratic Republic the existing. rules and regulations in respect of \nproducts which have been or which \nare manufactured there, on condition \nthat this does not affect the \nplacind on the market and the free \nmovement in that territory of \nproducts complying with Community \nDirectives. (Amendment No. 2) \nArticle 1(3), second subparagraph (new) \n\n- r e v i ew \n\ntnav r e f er \nfrhf \n\nTh\u00bb tysfinstonf +>LI\\ be reported *o \ntheca \nt he Commis \u00ab i on w h l oh \n\u00c7\u00c7-Bffittt*, \n\u00c7o \nf or \nS, wttfoout \nin A r t i c le \nm e n t i o n ed \nin \nto \nt he \np r e j u d i c e- \nj u r o p + AH \nA r t i c le \n\u00a3he^ \nS a. P a r l i a m e nt s h a ll a l so be \nin \n* * \u00bb\u2022 ft>g 1* *9 <>*\u2022* I**- \u2022i*w\u00bb b e f o re \ns he \na ny \n\np r o c e d u r es \n\nd e c i s i on \n\ni n f o r m ed \n\nf i n al \n\nfey. (Amendment No. 3) \nArticle 2(3) \n\n3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \nCotisa ion shall,. a* a matter of \nurgencyr examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid down \nin Article 5. 3. Any Member State may refer any \ndifficulties to the Commission. The \ncommission shall, as a matter of \nurgeacy, examine the question and \nsubmit its conclusions, possibly \naccompanied by appropriate measures. Such measures shall be adopted \naccording to the procedure laid dowr. in Artici* 5, without oreiudice to \nthe procedures in. Article 5a. The \nEuropean Parliament\u2014will, be \nInformed> \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n\u2022 1* -\n\nDECfSI\u00c7N \n(Cooperation procedure! second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nof a regulation (EEC) concerning the activities of the Structural Funds in the \nterritory of the former German Democratic Republic \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended by Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 15) \nFourth recital a (new) \n\nc o n s e q u e n c e s, \n\nrespect to its \nWhereas, with \nthis \nfinancial \nDirective can only be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover its \nfinancial Impact during the courae \nof the budgetary procedure; \n\n\fAMENDMENT NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMMISSION \n\n- 15 -\n\nPJESIUfig \n(Cooperation procedurei second reading) \n\non the common position established by the Council with a view to the adoption \nor a directive on the traditional measure, applicable in Germany with regard \nto certain Community provi. ion. relating to the protection of the environment, \nin connection with the internal market \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nText amended bv Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 18) \nSixth recital b (new) \n\nWhereas, wj\u00c7fr respect \u00a3o its \nfinancial consequences, this \nPi-rectlve can \u00e7nly be implemented \nthrough revision of the financial \nperspective and adjustment of the \nannual budget, which will allow the \nbudgetary authority to enter the \namounts necessary to cover Its \nUn\u00ab\"\u00c7*-al impact during tfre c\u00e7uree \nof the budgetary procedure. 4 6-\n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 569 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\noi \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-603-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-66578-5 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 \u2022 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 paye*; 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5a128e68-6215-4660-b4cd-e4d33bd196cb", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3425/90 of 27 November 1990 re-establishing the levying of the customs duties applicable to products of category No 15 (order No 40.0150) originating in Pakistan, Thailand and Indonesia, to which the preferential tariff arrangements of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3897/89 apply", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "Indonesia,Pakistan,Thailand,restoration of customs duties,tariff preference", "workIds": "celex:31990R3425,oj:JOL_1990_330_R_0026_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Indonesia", "Pakistan", "Thailand", "restoration of customs duties", "tariff preference"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5a128e68-6215-4660-b4cd-e4d33bd196cb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85d4c492-a4e4-451d-a723-362682c1e544", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3415/90 of 27 November 1990 fixing, for the 1990/91 marketing year, the representative market price and the threshold price for olive oil and the percentages of consumption aid to be retained in accordance with article 11 (5) and (6) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "economic support,olive oil,representative market price,threshold price", "workIds": "celex:31990R3415,oj:JOL_1990_330_R_0005_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["economic support", "olive oil", "representative market price", "threshold price"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85d4c492-a4e4-451d-a723-362682c1e544", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5a335ff4-a06e-4ea4-b662-426472d0d88d", "title": "Council Directive 90/642/EEC of 27 November 1990 on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin, including fruit and vegetables", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "crop production,export (EU),food inspection,intra-EU trade,marketing standard,pesticide residue", "workIds": "celex:31990L0642,oj:JOL_1990_350_R_0071_051", "eurovoc_concepts": ["crop production", "export (EU)", "food inspection", "intra-EU trade", "marketing standard", "pesticide residue"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5a335ff4-a06e-4ea4-b662-426472d0d88d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6aba687a-b6d7-45f2-aa40-6b85184bc5cd", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3445/90 of 27 November 1990 laying down detailed rules for granting private storage aid for beef and veal", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "aid to agriculture,beef,private stock", "workIds": "celex:31990R3445,oj:JOL_1990_333_R_0030_032", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid to agriculture", "beef", "private stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6aba687a-b6d7-45f2-aa40-6b85184bc5cd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4540d6db-98e1-4a55-8d27-e9d0ffed2ab4", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3499/90 of 27 November 1990 amending Regulation No 136/66/EEC on the establishment of a common organization of the market in oils and fats", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "intervention price,olive oil,production aid,production capacity,terms for aid", "workIds": "celex:31990R3499,oj:JOL_1990_338_R_0001_014", "eurovoc_concepts": ["intervention price", "olive oil", "production aid", "production capacity", "terms for aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4540d6db-98e1-4a55-8d27-e9d0ffed2ab4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/138cccce-30ab-4a2a-8f96-8df1a00a246f", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPORT ( EURET ) 1990 - 1993", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-27", "subjects": "COST,research and development,research programme,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0568,comnat:COM_1990_0568_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["COST", "research and development", "research programme", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/138cccce-30ab-4a2a-8f96-8df1a00a246f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M90) 568 f i n al - SYN 226 \n\nB r u s s e l s, 27 November 1990 \n\nRe-examined proposal f or a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nadopting a s p e c i f ic research and t e c h n o l o g i c al development programme \n\nin the f i e ld of t r a n s p o rt \n\n(EURET) \n\n1990 - 1993 \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149(2)(d) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nKypIflmtf\u0152ry Memorandum \n\n1. At the second reading of the EURET proposal on 23 October 1990 \n(original proposal: 0CM( 89)557 final - S\u00cfN 226) Parliament adopted 29 \namendments to the Council's common position. The amendments had been made \nat the first reading and, in stating its position, the Commission accepted \n14 of them. 2. The Commission drew up its reexamined proposal under Article 149(2)(d) \nof the EEC Treaty and incorporated the amendments it had accepted in the \ntext of the Council's common position (see Annex I). The amendments the \nCommission did not accept are set out in Annex 2. 3. Observations on the Parliamentary amendments aooepted by the Commission \n\nAmendment No 1 (fifth recital): This amendment emphasizes that completion \nof the internal market will lead to an increase in transport demand and \nmakes certain stipulations in relation to that increase. Amendment No 2 (sixth recital): stresses the role of technological \ninnovation and the improvements it can bring in relation to the \nenvironment, energy consumption and health and safety at work. Amendment No 3 (new recital after the sixth recital): This is new and \nhighlights the traffic congestion problems and the improvements that might \naccrue from research. Amendment No 4 (ninth recital): This recital which covers SME \nparticipation in the programme has been amended to stress the position of \nSMEs in less developed regions. Amendment No 6 (new recital after ninth recital): refers to the regional \naspects and relations with eastern and transit countries. Amendment No 8 (fourth new recital after ninth recital): is new and is \nbased on the fact that this is a preliminary programme which should be \nfollowed by one with a wider scope which will be better tailored to \ntransport research requirements. Amendment No 10 (Article 4(1)): It is preferable to provide for a review \nof the programme at the end of, rather than during, the second year, this \nbeing both more precise and more realistic. - 3 -\n\nAmendment No 11: The sentence, \"Depending on the nature of the subjects to \nbe considered, the Committee may, if necessary, be assisted by experts,\" \nhas been added at the end of the original Article 5. This now makes the \npoint that the Committee may seek assistance from experts and is not \nunnecessary in a programme which covers such very different sectors. * \n\nAmendment No 12 (Article 8(2)): It is important to make the distinction \nbetween the situation where an agreement has been signed (in which case \nbodies from the third countries in question may participate in the \nprogramme and benefit from the financial resources made available for the \nprogramme) and one where no agreement has been negotiated (in which case \nbodies from the third countries concerned may participate in the programme \nbut are not eligible to benefit from the financing arrangements). To emphasize the point, Article 8 has been redrafted and divided into two \nsections to reflect the concerns expressed in amendments 12 and 13. Moreover certain countries, like Yugoslavia, which participate in COST but \nhave not signed framework agreements for scientific and technical \ncooperation with the Community, may be of special interest to the Community \nin connection with transport. The amendment in question has been included \nin subsection (2). Amendment No 15 (Article 8(1)): This is an addition specifying that, where \nthird countries enter into an agreement to participate in a programme they \nmust bear the full cost of their participation. Amendment No 16 (Annex 1,1. 1): In connection with the cost/benefit and \nmulti-criteria analyses for new road building, the addition of the phrase \nabout links with Member States on the periphery, the transit countries and \nthe countries of eastern Europe takes account of present circumstances \nwhich call for particular attention. Amendment No 17 (Annex I, 1. 2): The addition of goods, passengers and \nincreased potential indicates that this work will not be limited to the \nhigh-speed lines. Amendment No 18 (Annex I. 1. 3): The addition to the topic of maritime \ntraffic management shows awareness of the fact that, in Europe, the areas \n\nThis provision has not been included in the reexamined proposal since \nthe Council and the Commission agreed that it would be recorded in the \nCouncil minutes. - 4 -\n\nwhere maritime traffic is heaviest lie on the geographical periphery and \nmust be given the same attention as more central areas. Amendment NO ?A (Annex I, 2. 4): The Commission oannot accept two separate \nmaritime transport topics being combined in one subsection. It considers \nthat ferry services should be stressed in connection with the second topic, \ni. e. human factors in the man/ship interface. 4. Observations on the Parliamentary amendments not Included \n\nAmendments Nos 5 and 29: The Commission oannot accept a new recital giving \npreference to research projects submitted by bodies in less developed \nMember States since this criterion is not used to distinguish between \nmember countries and the only basis for selection should be the scientific \nand technical merit of a project. Amendment No 7: By indicating that projects already financed from other \nsources should not receive financial support from this programme, the \namendment is stating the obvious. When the Community launches a research \nprogramme it has first made a detailed study of the reasons for doing so \nand made sure that duplication of effort will be avoided. Amendments 9 and 28: The aim here is to increase the funding from \nECU 25 million to BCD 28 million but this is not possible since that would \nmean exceeding the appropriations provided for in the second framework \nprogramme, which would be contrary to the provisions of Article 130(p)(2) \nof the EEC Treaty. Amendments Nos 14. 15. 20. 21. 25. 26 and 27: These all follow on from the \nabove Increase and cannot therefore be accepted. Amendment No 19: This amendment combines two air transport topics, a move \nwhich is not justified as the topics are very different and will give rise \nto projects not necessarily attracting the participation of the same \nbodies. Amendment No 22: This amendment emphasizes the saturation in road haulage \nand rail freight. It is a lijniting detail since, although saturation is \nimportant, it is not the only factor that should be taken into \nconsideration and, in the case of rail freight, it does not apply. Amendment No 23: it is not necessary to enumerate the transport \n\n\f- 5 -\n\ninfrastructures in connection with the rapid transhipment topic in order to \nensure that the topic covers all the problems requiring solution. - 6 -\n\nANNEX 1 \n\n\f\f- 7 -\n\nRe-examined p r o p o s al \n\nt or d \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\na d o p t i ng a s p e c i f ic \n\nresearch and t e c h n o l o g i c al development programme \n\nin the field of transport (EURET) \n1990 - 1993 \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Coiiuuuriity \nand in particular Article 130 Q(2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from tlie Conuiibision. ^ \n\nIn cooperation with the European Parii aroent,~ \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Econondc arti Social Committee,3 \n\n1 OJ No C 318, 20. 12. 1989, p. 5 and OJ No C 37, 7. 2. 1990, p. 5. 2 Opinion delivered on 13 June 1990 (OJ No c 175, 16. 7. 1990, p. 121) \nand Council Decision of 23 October 1990 (not yet published in the \nOfficial Journal). 3 OJ No C 124, 21. 5. 1990, p. 26. - 8 -\n\nwhereas Article 130 K of the Treaty provides that the Framework Programme \nis to be implemented through specific programmes developed within each \nactivity; \n\nWhereas, by its Decision No 87/516/Euratom. EEC. 4 the Council adopted a \nFramework Programme of Community rw\u00eeoorch and toohnologioal. dcjvclonmiait \n(1987-91), providing inter alia for activities in the field of transport; \n\nWhereas, following the adoption of Council Decision No 90/221/Euratom, \nEEC5 on the third Community Framework Programme for activities in the \nfield of research and technological development (1990-94), the second \nFramework Programme (1987-91) should continue to be implemented through the \nspecific programmes, such as that on transport research (Action 2. 3), \nprovided for in the second Programme; \n\nWhereas, for the selection of Community actions, the Framework Programme \nsets out criteria among which is that of contributing to the strengthening \nof the economic and social cohesion of the Community, consistent with the \npursuit of scientific and technical quality; \n\nWhereas completion of the internal market will w^ a. nsiderable \niTYTOfl. qft in the demand for transport and will require the transport system \nas a whole to meet the increased demand for the carriage of goods and \npersons in the Community and to do so as efficiently, economically and \nwith as little damage to health and the environment as possible and in a \nmanner benefiting a**\u2122* a. n the least-favoured. Island and border regions: \n\nWhereas technological innovation can make an important contribution to the \nefficiency and competitiveness of the various modes of transport and can \nreduce their negative **p*rtsi in pa-r-H mil AT tj-wii\u00bb impact on the \nenvironment and their energy consumption, while iiqproving their safety; \nand whereas it can also contribute to jjpjproved working conditions for \npersons employed In this sector; \n\nWhereas the growth in the volume of trade and travel will cause serious \ntraffic congestion problems for which original solutions will be required \nonce the appropriate goals are set for research, development and \ntechnological innovation; \n\nWhereas, in close contact with the Member States, the Commission may take \nany useful initiative to promote coordination among Member States of their \ntransport research activities; \n\n4 OJ No L 302. 24. 10. lUi7, p. 1. 5 OJ No L 117, 8,3. 1990, p. 28. - 9 -\n\nWhereas cooperation in research is conducive to achieving progress on the \nstandardization, compatibility and, in some cases, integration of transport \nnetworks and these are key features of a transport system which is both \nmore efficient and less harmful to the environment; \n\nWhereas small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly those in \nthe least developed regions, should be involved at the highest possible \nlevel in developing new transport technology; \n\nWhereas account should be taken of their particular needs without prejudice \nto the scientific and technical quality of the programme; \n\nWhereas the programme must take account of the regional dimension and \nregional problems and relations with Eastern European and transit \ncountries; \n\nWhereas, in view of the preliminary nature of the ptresent programme, it \nmust be followed by a programme that covers a wider range of areas and \nmeets the Community's increased research requirements in the field of \ntransport; \n\nWhereas Community transport technology may be enhanced by the \nparticipation - under appropriate conditions - of organizations and \nundertakings from non-member countries in Europe which have concluded \ncooperation agreements with the Community relating to scientific and \ntechnical research and development; \n\nWhereas a significant number of concerted actions in the field of transport \nresearch are carried out in the COST arrangements and these will play a \ncomplementary role to the activities foreseen in the present programme; \n\nWhereas the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) has been \nconsulted. HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nA specific research and technological development programme for the \nEuropean Economic Community in the field of transport, as defined in \nAnnex I, is hereby adopted for a period of 3 years commencing on [ \n\n](x). - 10 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\n1. It is estimated that ECU 25 million will be required to execute the \nprogramme, including expenditure on a staff of six. 2. An indicative allocation of funds is set out in Annex II. Article 3 \n\nDetailed rules for the implementation of the programme and the rates of the \nCommunity's financial participation are set out in Annex I. Article 4 \n\n1. At the end of the second year of the implementation of the programme, \nthe Commission shall review it and send a report on the results of its \nreview to the Council and the European Parliament; this report shall be \naccompanied, where necessary, by proposal s for amendment or extension of \nthe programme. 2. At the end of the programme an evaluation of the results achieved shall \nbe conducted by the Commission, which shall report thereon to the Council \nand the European Parliament. 3. The reports referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be established \nhaving regard to the objectives set out in Annex I and in accordance with \nArticle 2(2) of Decision 87/516/Euratom, EEC. Article 5 \n\nThe Commissi on shall be responsible for implementing the programme. It \nshall be assisted by a Committee composed of representatives of the \nMember States and chaired by a representative of the Commission. Contracts concluded by the Commission shall govern the rights and \nobligations of each party, in particular arrangements for the \ndissemination, protection and exploitation of research r\u00e9sulta. Article 6 \n\nThe representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a draft \nof the measures to be taken. Tbe Committee shall deliver its opinion on \nthe draft within a time limit which the Chairman may lay down according to \nthe urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be deliivered by the majority \nlaid down in Article 148(2) of the Treaty in the case of decisions which \nthe Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the Commission. The \nvotes of the representatives of the Member States within the Committee \nshall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The Chairman \nshall not vote. The Commission shall adopt measures which shall apply immediately. However, if those measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the \nCommittee, \n\n\f- 11 -\n\nthey shall be communicated by the Commission to the Council forthwith. In \nthat event: \n\n- the Commission sna-ii defer application of the measures which it has \n\ndecided for a period which shall in no case exceed three months from the \ndate of communication; \n\n- the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may take a different \n\ndecision within the time limit referred to in the pcreceding indent. The procedure i\u00ab. id down in Article 6 shall apply to: \n\n- the contents of the calls for proposals; \n\n- the assessment of the proposed projects and the estimated Community \n\ncontribution to each; \n\n- the implementation of concerted actions; \n\n- departures from the general rules governing Community participation set \n\nout in Annex III; \n\n- the participation in any project by non-Community organizations and \n\nenterprises referred to in Article 8(2); \n\n- any adjustment to the indicative allocation of funds set out in \n\nAnnex II; \n\n- the measures to be undertaken to evaluate the programme; \n\n- the arrangements for the dissemination, protection and exploitation of \n\nthe results of research carried out under the programme. Article 8 \n\n1. The Commission is authorized, in accordance with Article 130n of the \nTreaty, to negotiate agreements with international organizations, third \ncountries participating in European cooperation in the field of Scientific \nand Technical Research (COST) and with European countries which have \nconcluded framework agreements for scientific and technical cooperation \nwith the Community with a view to associating them with the programme. Third European countries which participate shall bear in full the \nadditional expenditure which their participation entails. 2. In the absence of an agreement concluded in accordance with \nArticle 13Qn of the Treaty, organizations and undertakings established in \nnon-member countries in Europe participating in COST activities and in \n\n\f- 12 -\n\ncountries which have concluded framework agreements for scientific and \ntechnical cooperation with the Community may participate in a project \nnnrtertafcpn within this programme. Such organizations and undertakings \nshall not be eligible for the Community funding prescribed in respect of \nany such project; they shall contribute to defraying the administrative \noverheads involved. This Decision is addressed to the Member States. Done at iAixembourg, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nOBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME \n\nThe Community objectives defined for the transport sector in the \nFramework Programme concern: \n\n- competitiveness: improving the effectiveness and competitiveness of \n\ntransport systems and of the corresponding industries by reducing costs \nand improving performance, the quality of the service and management of \nthe different systems and their components; \n\n- safety: improving the safety of modes of transport and working \n\nconditions; \n\n- protection of the environment: reducing the harmful effects of modes of \n\ntransport on the environment. Community research into transport should be devised in the interest of the \nentire Coraraunity transport system, for the benefit of each mode and with a \nview to consistent stimulation. It should help in decision-making \nregarding transport policy, research and transport-related industry policy. Given the complexity and the size of the transport sector, the \nECJKET programme embraces a small number of priority research topics. The EDRET programme has three specific objectives: \n\n- optimum network exploitation; \n- logistics ; \n- reduction of harmful external effects. These specific objectives can be spelled out as follows: \n\n1. Optimum network exploitation \n\n1. 1 Cost benefit and multi-criteria analysis for new road construction \nvith spralAl ffmphfl. crt. fi cm noni-wrM ore with KframTrer States on the periphery, \ntransit countries and the countries of RfUfitern Europe. The objective is to measure the feasibility of establishing a Europe-wide \nreference system for analysing and establishing a coordinated method for \nevaluating road construction projects. - 14 -\n\n1. 2 European passenger and goods rail traffic management system with a \nview to increasing parrying potential. The objective is to design a control system for rail traffic, evaluate \nlocation and transmission equipment and develop the main software \ncomponents of the system, the aim being to increase the railways' potential \nfor carrying passengers and goods. The system is based on close interaction between infrastructure and rolling \nstock and involves ground-to-train ooramunications and equipment with which \ntrains measure the distance they have travelled. Only the first phase could be carried out under EORET. However, it is \nimportant that the remaining phases of the project, i. e. development of the \nhardware components, installing the system and testing it be started in \ngood time. 1. 3 Design and assessment of a maritime traffic management system wjj\u00fbl \ngpgn-iAl q^phAgj. c; nn peripheral maritime areas characterized by high traffic \n\nThe aim is to assess the benefits and feasibility of measures which would \nmake the best use of investment already made or now being made in \nVessel Traffic Services systems and whether some of the existing or planned \nVTSs are suitable for integration into one or more general maritime traffic \nmanagement services in European waters. It should lead to a system \nproviding users with services such as relevant information on the present \nsituation and probable future context in which traffic is or will be \noperating, as well as on the traffic itself and should also cover \nperipheral maritime areas characterized by high traffic density and \narchipelagos. 1. 4 yrlAlfi In fliitnmfl/tad a. ir/grannd data exchange for ajr traffic \n\nITCUTfflgffllftJlt systems in Europe \n\nThe objective is, within the framework of a future air traffic system in \nEurope, to define, develop and evaluate the applications, requirements and \nmethods of data exchange between ground and airborne systems and between \nthe pilot and controller as a means of hacking up voice communications. under the Programme of Harmonized Air Traffic Management Research in \nEDROODKTRQL (PHARE) a start has been made on investigating the system \ndevelopment and integration aspects. - 15 -\n\n1. 5 Study on the controller work station in air traffic management in \n\nEurope \n\nThe objective is to improve automated support to air traffic controllers by \ndeveloping new controller work stations and using up-to-date man/machine \ninterface technologies to obtain the increase needed in European air \ncapacity in the medium term. The programme will require a \nmultidisciplinary approach and the participation of controllers, \nhuman-factor experts and engineers. 2. Logistics \n\n2. 1 Economic scenario and demand projections for freight transport in the \n\nThe objective is to evaluate the extent to which the transport system \ncurrently available can be adapted to meet the growing demand for freight \ntransport so that the necessary innovations can be introduced in good time \nincluding, where appropriate, new transport systems. 2. 2 Economic and technical research into the transfer of goods - design \n\nand evaluation of rapid transfer systems \n\nThe objective is to design and evaluate an innovative and efficient system \nof rapid loading and unloading of goods onto and off different modes of \ntransport, in particular railways. 2. 3 Optimization of manpower in witifflff transport. Improving competitiveness in EEC maritime transport by applying \nadvanced technology \n\nThe objective is to determine the optimum crew composition for different \ntypes of vessels, marine transport systems and ciroumstanoes, taking into \naccount an increased use of advanced technology. 2. 4 Taking human factors into consid\u00e9ration in the man/ship system, with \n\nparticular reference to ferry services. The objective is to determine how to obtain a better match between the \nvessel (and its equipment) and human behaviour by analysing the tasks \nassigned to crew members and their behaviour in various operational \nsituations, and to develop measures to reduce human error. 3. Reduction of harmful external effects \n\n\f3. 1 Improved methods of evaluating the road safety of car and trailer \n\n- 16 -\n\nThe objective is to assess, at European level, the soale and significance \nof the problem of accidents involving private cars towing trailers and to \nmake reconmendations to improve the safety of these units on the road. The main aim would be to establish a methodology for analysing statistics \nand carrying out statistical studies. 3. 2 Afyy*\u2122mt of **& driving safety of some trunk and trailer \n\nThe objective is to analYse the present type-approval arrangements for \ntruck/trailer combinations and to carry out a technical analysis of a \nnumber of different types of road train with a view to drafting new safety \nregulations. Given these specific objectives, the general criteria to be used to \nevaluate the results of the programme will be as follows: \n\n1. As the first of the general objectives is to improve the effectiveness \nand competitiveness of Community transport, the evaluation will have to \ndetermine to what extent the activities have: \n\n- helped Increase the technological competitiveness of European industry \n\nin the transport sector and related sectors; \n\n- attributed to technological harmonization and the reduction of barriers \n\nto transport activities; \n\n- helped reduce investment and running costs, Increase network capacity \n\nand iinprove performance and quality of service. 2. As another general objective is to improve safety and working \nconditions, the evaluation will have to determine to what extent the \nactivities : \n\n- have helped reduce the danger that vehicles and systems represent in \n\nrelation to people and property; \n\n- will be able to improve working conditions. - 17 -\n\n3. As a further general objective is to ijnprove the impact on the \nenvironment, the evaluation will have to determine: \n\n- to what extent the activities have helped reduce the harmful effects of \n\ntransport on the environment. 4. In addition, a general aim of the EDRET programme is to step up \ntransport research in the Community. This will involve criteria such as: \n\n- increasing European cooperation in transport research; \n\n- the level of technology transfer attained between Member States and \n\nbetween industrialists and/or operators; \n\n- how far do the research findings apply? \n\n- what input is there into the decision-making processes concerning \ntransport policy, research or transport-related industrial policy? \n\n5. In the broader context of the Framework Programme, the evaluation \nshould be carried out in the light of all the selection criteria referred \nto in Annex III to the Framework Programme adopted by \nDecision 87/516/Euratom, EEC. This includes the criterion that the \nactivities must promote the economic and social cohesion of the Community. The final evaluation should be carried out by the Commission through a \npanel of independent experts. - 18 -\n\nANNEX II \n\nSUMMARY OF THE PROGRAMME AND INDICATIVE ATInTATTfH OF FUNDS \n\n1. OPTIMUM NETVORK EXPLOITATION \n\n1. 1 Cost benefit and multicriteria analysis for \n\nnew road construction \n\n1. 2 Design of a European rail traffic management \n\nsystem \n\n1. 3 Design and assessment of a vessel traffic \n\nmanagement system \n\n1. 4 Trials in automated air/ground data exchange \nfor air traffic management systems in Europe \n\n1. 5 Study on the controller work station in air \ntraffic management systems in Europe \n\n2. 1 Economic scenario and demand projections for \n\nfreight transport in the Community \n\n2. 2 Economic and technical research into the \n\ntransfer of goods - Design and evaluation of \nrapid transfer systems \n\n2. 3 Optimization of manpower in maritime transport \n\n2. 4 Taking human factors into consideration in the \n\nman/ship system \n\nTTT^. IryjtiYft \na l l o c a t i on \n(million ECU) \n\n1&5 \n\n/r>/rvw \nOCT* \n\n0. 5 \n\n5. 0 \n\n3. 0 \n\n5. 0 \n\n3. 0 \n\n0. 5 \n\n3. 0 \n\n3. 0 \n\n1. 0 \n\n\f3. REDUCTION OF HARMFUL EXTERNAL EFFECTS \n\n- 19 -\n\n3. 1 Improved methods for evaluating the road safety \n\nof car and trailer trains \n\n3. 2 Assessment of the driving safety of possible \n\ntruck and trailer (Dambinations \n\n1. 0 \n(4%) \n\n0. 5 \n\n0. 5 \n\n256 \n\n6 Including staff and administrative costs amounting to ECU 2. 6 million. ECU 2 million could be allocated to coordinated activities (1. 1; 2. 1; \n3. 1; 3. 2). - 20 -\n\nANNEX III \n\nIMPLEMENl'ATICN OF \n\nCraMUNTOTS FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION \n\nThe programme shall be implemented by means of: \n\n(i) shared-cost research contracts \n\n(ii) concerted actions \n\n(iii) studies and assessments. The participants may be universities, research organizations and industrial \ncompanies, including small and medium-sized enterprises, individuals, or \nany combination thereof established in the Community. Shared-cost research projects should as a general rule be carried out by \nindependent participants from at least two Member States. The contracts for shared-cost research projects shall, as a general rule, \nbe awarded following a selection procedure based on calls for proposals \npublished in the Official Journal of the European Communities. For shared-cost contracts, the Community participation will as a general \nrule be up to 50% of the total expenditure, but this percentage may be \nvaried according to the nature and the stage of development of the \nresearch. Alternatively, universities and research institutes may, for \neach project they carry out under this programme, opt either for 50% \nfunding of total expenditure or 100% funding of the additional marginal \ncosts. - 21 -\n\nANNEX 2 \n\n\f\f- 22 -\n\nANNEX 2 \n\nAMFNTTffiNTS NOT TNQ\"T)RD \n\nAmendment No S \n\n- New recital after ninth recital: \n\nWhereas the transnational nature of the programme should be emphasized by \nselecting research projects involving at least two partners from two \ndifferent Member States one of which, in the case of a number of projects \nof equal value, should preferably be a less- thft inrraafilng \u00abft. tnra. ti on of road \nand ra. il goods transport. The objective is to evaluate the extent to which the transport system \ncurrently available can be adapted to meet the growing demand for freight \ntransport so that, with particular reference to the Increasing saturation \nof road and rail goods transport, the necessary innovations can be \nintroduced in good time including, where appropriate, new transport \nsystems. Amendment No 23 \n\n- ANNEX I, point 2, subheading 2. 2: \n\n2. 2 Economic and technical research of the transfer of goods - Design and \nevaluation of rapid transfer systems, in parti rail ar in ra. i-|way stations and \ntermini, sea ports and ports on navigable rivrerg, Airports and gperriA! 1 y \ndesigned multi-modal transport centres. The objective is to design and evaluate an innovative and efficient system \nof rapid loading and unloading of goods onto and off different modes of \ntransport, in particular railways. Amendment No 25 \n\n- ANNEX I, point 2, subheading 2. 4: \n\nAmendment No 2fi \n\n- ANNEX I, p o i nt 3: \n\n3. O p t i m i z a t i on nf t r a n s p o rt s a f e ty nondit^pjig \n\n(flnffitiflflntff) \n\n\f- 25 -\n\nAmendment No 27 \n\n- ANNEX I, point 3a (new): \n\n3a. Reduction of harmful external e f f e c t s. 3a. 1 Development and technical regraroh l n t r> \u00absystems for reducing noise \nf i s s i o ns w1,th ffPftffllftl ffFphflfhlfi \u00b0P TVVtf1 \n\nr A i1 \u00abirt ^T transport. ff-bviiAs development and technical research i n to methods for reducing \n\n3a. 2 \nd i s s i o ns of polluting gases by v e h i c l es with special ejr\u00e7hasls on major \n\nAmendment No 28 \n\n- ANNEX II \n\nSUMMABY OF THF. PTTCRAMMF ANT) TTirTTfiATTVR AUnHATTHN OF FUNDS \n\n1. OPTIMUM NETWORK EXPLOITATION \n1. 1 Cost benefit and multicriteria \n\nanalysis for new road construction \n(coordinated activities^ \n\n1. 2 Design of a European rail traffic \n\nmanagement system \n\n1. 3 Design and assessment of a vessel traffic \n\nmanagement system \n\n1. 4 Trials in automated air/ground data \n\nexchange for air traffic management systems \nin Europe \n\nIndicative, \nftl iocfttion \n\n(million ECU) \n\n18. 5 \n\n0. 5 \n\n5. 0 \n\n3. 0 \n\n7. 0 \n\n1. 5 Study on the controller work station in \n\nair traffic management systems in Europe \n\n1. 5 \n\n1. 5a Research, development and testing of new \n\ntechnological, electronic and computerized \nsystems to regulate and ease the flow of \nurban traffic and reduce its harmful effects \n\n1. 5 \n\n\f- 26 -\n\n2. LOGISTICS \n\n2. 1 \n\nEconomic scenario and demand projections for \nfreight transport in the Community \n(coordinatfti arrhivit. ifis^ \n\n2. 2 Economie and technical research into the \ntransfer of goods - Design and evaluation \nof rapid transfer systems \n\n2. 3 Optimization of manpower in maritime transport \n\n3. OPTIMIZATION OF TRANSPORT SAFETY CONDITIONS \n(ACCIDENTS) \n\n3. 1 Improved methods for evaluating the road \nsafety of car and trailer trains \n(coordinated activities) \n\n3. 2 Assessment of the driving safety of some \n\ntruck and trailer combinations \n(ooord-|nated activities) \n\n3a. REDUCTION OF HARMFUL EXTERNAL EFFECTS \n\n3a. l Development and technical research into \nsystems for reducing noise emissions \nwith sx^jai emphasis on road, rail and \nair trajTsport \n(coordinated activities) \n\n3a. 2 Stndifts dffvP. Ioprent. and tgnhnioal \n\nresearch \n\ninto methods for reducing emissions of polluting \ngases by vehicles with special emphasis on major \n\\jrfrftfi centreff \n(coordiPitted a c t i v i t i e s) \n\n7. 5 \n\n0. 5 \n\n3. 0 \n\n4. 0 \n\n1. 0 \n\n0. 5 \n\n0. 5 \n\nU} \n\n\u00a3L_5 \n\n0. 5 \n\n2SL \n\n\f- 27 -\n\nAmendment No 30 \n\n- ANNEX III, third paragraph: \n\nIhe programme must be transnational, which means selecting research \np r o j e c ts involving a. t. I^ast. t*yo p a r t n e rs from ta*o different. M \nS* V^. *' \n\nt\u00eb^H. P- *'. '\" \n\nfc&f. \\ \n\n>r \ni'v: \n\nJ J -\n-fi ^ \n\nS? '*': \ns ;^ * \n\n\fExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. By its decision of 16 July 1990, the Council authorized the Commission \nto open negotiations with the Republic of Chile with a view to concluding a \nframework agreement for cooperation and adopted directives to this end. 2. Two negotiating sessions took place, the first on 20 and \n21 September 1990; and the second on 26 October 1990. The second session \nended with the initialling of the agreement between the Community and the \nRepublic of Chile. An exchange of letters concerning shipping and a \ndeclaration by the Community on the Generalized Preferences System are \nattached to the Agreement and form an integral part of it. 3. With regard to fisheries it has been agreed that when the Agreement is \nsigned there will be an exchange of letters between the Commission and the \nChilean Mission to the Communities. In the exchange of letters the \nCommission will inform the Chilean side of the Community's interest in \nnegotiating an EEC-Chile fisheries agreement. The Chilean side will reply \nthat Chile will be in a position to discuss fisheries once the Chilean \nCongress has passed a new law on fisheries, which is currently being \ndebated. 4. The Commission considers that the text initialled is in line with the \nnegotiating directives adopted by the Council. 5. Because the legal basis of the Agreement includes Article 235 of the \nTreaty of Rome in addition to Article 113, Parliament must be consulted. 6. With a view to the signature and conclusion of this Framework Agreement \nfor cooperation between the Community and the Republic of Chile, the \nCommission is proposing to the Council that it approve the Agreement and \nadopt the attached proposal for a Decision. THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Comunity, \nand in particular Articles 113 and 235 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, \n\nWhereas the Community should approve, for the attainment of its aims in the \nsphere of external economic relations, the Framework Agreement for trade \nand economic cooperation with the Republic of Chile; \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Framework Agreement for trade and economic cooperation between the \nEuropean Economic Community and the Republic of Chile is hereby approved on \nbehalf of the Oaramunity. The text of the Agreement is attached to this Decision. Article 2 \n\nThe President of the Council shall give the notification provided for in \nArticle 21 of the Agreement. 1 \n\nThe Commission, assisted by representatives of the Member States, shall \nrepresent the Community in the Joint Committee set up by Article 17 of the \nAgreement. u l L M U n k & L - Jt \n\nThis Decision shall enter into force on the day following its publication \nin the Official. Journal of the European Conraunities. Article 4 \n\nDone at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n1 The date of entry into force of the Agreement will be published in the \nOfficial Journal of the European Communities by the General Secretariat \nof the Council. Framework agreement for cooperation \nbetween the European Economic Community \nand the Republic of Chile \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nof the one part, \n\nTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHILE, \n\nof the other part, \n\nCONSIDERING the traditional links of friendship between the Member States \nof the European Economic Community, hereinafter referred to as \"the \nGamrnunity\", and the Republic of Chile, hereinafter referred to as \"Chile\", \n\nREAFFIRMING the importance they attach to the principles of the United \nNations Charter, to democratic values and to respecting human rights, \n\nCONSIDERING the readiness of the Community and its Member States to help \naddress the social and economic problems confronting Chile as it returns to \ndemocracy, \n\nTAKING ACCOUNT of their mutual interest in establishing contractual links \nin order to develop extensive cooperation in areas which are of key \nimportance to social and economic progress, and in stepping up and \ndiversifying trade and encouraging the flow of investment, \n\nMINDFUL of the importance of securing the participation in cooperation of \nthe individuals and bodies with a direct interest in the matter, \nparticularly economic operators and the bodies which represent them, \n\nTAKING AOOOONT of their membership of the General Agreement on Tariffs and \nTrade (GATT) and of the need to uphold and reinforce the rules for free and \nunhampered international trade, \n\nHAVE DECIDED to conclude this Agreement and to this end have designated as \ntheir plenipotentiaries : \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nTHE REPUBLIC OF CHILE, \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nWHO, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, \n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nDemocratic basis for coop\u00e9ration \n\nCooperation ties between the Community and Chile and this Agreement in its \nentirety are based on respect for the democratic principles and human \nrights which inspire the domestic and and external policies of both the \nCommunity and Chile. Article 2 \n\nBoonomic coop\u00e9ration \n\n1. The Contracting Parties, taking into account their mutual interest and \nlong- and medium-term economic objectives, undertake to establish economic \ncooperation of the widest passible scope. The aims of such cooperation \nshall be in particular: \n\n(a) generally to step up and diversify economic links between them, \n\n(b) to contribute to the development of their economies and standards of \n\nliving, \n\n(c) to open up new markets and new sources of supply, \n\n(d) to encourage the flow of investment, \n\n(e) to promote cooperation between economic operators, particularly small \n\nand medium-sized enterprises, \n\n(f) to create new jobs, especially in the most disadvantaged sectors, and \n\nfor young people and women, \n\n(g) to protect and improve the environment, \n\n(h) to encourage rural development including an increase in agricultural \n\nand food production. 2. Without excising any area from the outset, the Contracting Parties \nshall determine by common agreement the spheres to be covered by economic \ncooperation. Cooperation shall centre particularly on the following: \n\n(a) energy and mining, \n\n(b) agriculture, fisheries and forestry, \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n(c) industry, especially the capital goods and other industries connected \n\nwith the sectors referred to above and also support services, \n\n(d) financial, hanking and insurance services, \n\n(e) activities connected with transport, telecommunications, telematics, \n\ntourism and other tertiary industries, \n\n(f) intellectual and industrial property, \n\n(g) quality standards and control. 3. In the interests of attaining the objectives of economic cooperation, \nthe Contracting Parties shall, each in accordance with its laws, endeavour \nto promote activities including the following: \n\n(a) a continuous exchange of views and information in connection with \n\ncooperation, primarily by gaining access to existing databases or by \nsetting up new ones, \n\n(b) setting up joint ventures, \n\n(c) negotiating agreements on transferring technology and on \n\nsubcontracting and representation, \n\n(d) cooperation between financial institutions, \n\n(e) conventions between the Member States of the Community and Chile to \n\nprevent double taxation; \n\n(f) organizing visits, meetings and activities for promoting cooperation \n\nbetween individuals and delegations representing firms or economic \norganizations, and creating the appropriate machinery and \ninstitutions, \n\n(g) organizing seminars and meetings between businessmen, arranging and \nholding specialized fairs, exhibitions and symposia, and promoting \ncontacts between economic operators at these events, \n\n(h) participation by the enterprises of one of the Contracting Parties in \n\nthe fairs and exhibitions of the other Party, \n\n(i) consultancy services and the provision of technical assistance, \n\nparticularly for trade promotion and marketing. - 4 -\n\nArticle 3 \n\nIndustrial coop\u00e9ration \n\nThe Contracting Parties agree to promote the widening and diversification \nof Chile's production in the industrial and service sectors, directing \ntheir cooperation activities at small and medium-sized enterprises in \nparticular and encouraging steps to facilitate access on the part of these \nenterprises to sources of capital, to markets and to the appropriate \ntechnology. These steps may include the Joint establishment of suitable \nmachinery and institutions. Article 4 \n\nCoop\u00e9ration regarding the environment \n\n1. The Contracting Parties undertake to cooperate on the improvement and \nprotection of the environment, addressing the issues of water, soil and air \npollution, erosion, desertification and deforestation, and the excessive \nexploitation of natural resources. 2. To this end, the Contracting Parties shall direct their efforts as \nregards the environment towards the following in particular: \n\n(a) the establishment and improvement of environmental protection \n\nstructures in the public and private sectors, \n\n(b) the development and improvement of laws, regulations and standards, \n\n(c) research, training and information; alerting public opinion to the \n\nissues in question, \n\n(d) the execution of studies and projects and the provision of technical \n\nassistance, \n\n(e) the organization of meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences and \n\nvisits among civil servants, specialists, engineers, businessmen and \nothers fulfilling functions connected with the environment. Article g \n\nInvestment \n\nThe Contracting Parties agree: \n\n(a) to promote, so far as their powers, rules and regulations and policies \n\npermit, an increase in mutually beneficial investment, \n\n\f- 5 -\n\n(b) to improve further the favourable climate for mutual investment \n\nbetween the Community Member States and Chile, particularly by seeking \nagreements for the promotion and protection of such investment on a \nbasis of non-discrimination and reciprocity. Article 6 \n\nCoop\u00e9ration on science and technology \n\n1. In accordance with their mutual interest and the aims of their \ndevelopment strategy, the Contracting Parties undertake to promote \ncooperation on science and technology, in the interests of helping: \n\n(a) to make it easier for scientists to take part in exchanges and move \n\nback and forth between the Community and Chile, \n\n(b) to establish permanent links between both Parties' scientific and \n\ntechnological communities, \n\n(c) to foster the transfer of technology, \n\n(d) to create links between the Parties' research centres in order to \n\nsolve jointly problems of concern to both sides, \n\n(e) to open up opportunities for economic, industrial and trade \n\ncooperation, \n\n(f) to strengthen scientific and technological capacity and stimulate \n\ninnovation. 2. Without excluding any area from the outset, the Contracting Parties \nshall together determine the spheres to be covered by economic cooperation. Cooperation shall include the following in particular: \n\n(a) high-level science and technology, notably in fields such as \n\nbiotechnology, new materials, itdcroelectronics, data processing and \ntelecommunications, \n\n(b) improving research capacity in areas in which it is lacking, \n\n(c) making and managing policy on science and technology, \n\n(d) promoting efficient use of natural resources, \n\n(e) helping repatriate Chilean scientists living abroad who wish to return \n\nhome, \n\n(f ) promoting regional integration and cooperation in science and \n\ntechnology, \n\n(g) disseminating information and expertise in science and technology, \n\n\f- 6 -\n\n(h) technological development in the spheres of agriculture, agro-industry \n\nand marine science, \n\n(i) links between higher education and research establishments and the \n\nproductive sector. 3. The Contracting Parties shall facilitate and encourage measures aimed \nat furthering the objectives of scientific and technological cooperation \nbetween them, in particular: \n\n(a) joint research projects between the Parties' research centres and \n\nother appropriate institutions, \n\n(b) training for scientists, particularly in the form of research periods \n\nin the research centres of the other Contracting Party, \n\n(c) the exchange of scientific information, particularly in the form of \n\njointly organized seminars, working meetings and conferences, bringing \ntogether prominent scientists from the countries involved. 4. The Parties undertake to lay down appropriate procedures to bring \nabout the greatest possible degree of participation by their scientists and \nresearch centres in cooperation between them. Article 7 \n\nTrade promotion \n\n1. The Contracting Parties undertake to develop and diversify trade to \nthe highest possible degree, taking into account the economic situation of \neach of the Parties and facilitating trade transactions between them as far \nas possible, \n\nArticle 8 \n\nMost-favoured-nation treatment \n\n1. The Contracting Parties shall grant each other most-favoured nation \ntreatment in trade, in accordance with the General Agreement on Tariffs and \nTrade. Article 9 \n\nThe Contracting Parties undertake to give consideration to granting \nexemption from import duties and taxes for goods temporarily imported into \ntheir territory which are covered by the relevant international \nconventions. Article 1Q \n\nTrartft cxripej&tlga \n\n1. The Contracting Parties agree to examine ways and means of eliminating \nbarriers to trade between them, particularly non-tariff barriers, taking \naccount of the work done in this connection by International organizations. They shall also examine, in a constructive spirit, both bilaterally and \nmultilaterally, any trade difficulties that might arise between them, \nIncluding those resulting from the application of health, plant health or \nenvironmental measures. 2. More specifically, the Contracting Parties commit themselves, each in \naccordance with its laws, to a policy aimed at, inter alia: \n\n(a) cooperating bilaterally and multilaterally in the field of \n\nintellectual and industrial property, including origin-related \ndesignations, \n\n(b) facilitating cooperation between their customs services, particularly \n\nin respect of vocational training, simplification of procedures and \ndetection of infringements, \n\n(c) taking each other's interests into account in relation to supply of \n\nresources, \n\n(d) laying the foundations for improving the terms of access for their \n\nproducts to their respective markets, \n\n(e) encouraging contacts between economic operators in order to diversify \nand increase reciprocal flows of trade in the various production \nsectors: agricultural, forestry, mining and industrial, \n\n(f) examining, making recommendations on and implementing measures for \ntrade promotion in the interests of stimulating the development of \nimports and exports, \n\n(g) as far as possible taking into consideration each other's opinion on \nmeasures likely to have an adverse effect on trade between them. [O \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nArticle 11 \n\nCooperation on social development \n\n1. The Contracting Parties shall establish cooperation in the field of \nsocial development in order to improve the standard of living and quality \nof life of the most underprivileged sections of society. 2. Action to achieve this objective may include, inter alia, support for \nthe following measures, especially in the form of technical assistance: \n\n(a) management and administration of social services, \n\n(b) vocational training and job-creation programmes, \n\n(c) setting up grassroots organizations and promoting their activities, \n\n(d) programmes or projects to improve housing in urban and rural areas, \n\n(e) drug abuse control and information campaigns, \n\n(f) preventive health programmes. Article 12 \n\nCooperation oonoerning government \n\n1. The Contracting Parties sha. 11 cooperate in contributing to the \nrationalization and modernization of government service at national, \nregional and local level. 2. To attain these objectives, the Contracting Parties shall promote, \ninter alia, the following activities: \n\n(a) the provision of technical assistance for projects aimed at reforming \n\nor improving the operation of government service, \n\n(b) meetings, visits, exchanges, seminars and training courses for civil \n\nservants and the staff of public institutions and government \ndepartments. y/ \n\n\f- 9 -\n\nArticle 19 \n\nCooperation on information and communication \n\nThe Contracting Parties shall establish cooperation in the field of \ninformation and ose. 32 \n\nGiven the national nature of the signatories and their interests as national \n\ntelecommunications organisations, \n\nthe current system also has as a major \n\nconsequence that EUTELSAT cannot develop independent commercial strategies \n\nfor establishing trans-European satellite services. The Signatories tend to plan and \n\ndirect the operation of the organisation mainly as a function of their national \n\ntelecommunications requirements. As a consequence, EUTELSAT has mainly \n\ndeveloped in a field, where it enjoys more commercial freedom, i. e. in the field of \n\nthe distribution of television services. As regards the provision of space segment capacity, potential operators of space \n\nsegment (satellite systems) are subject to the coordination procedures with regard \n\n1 \n\nto frequencies and orbital positions set out previously, and to the coordination \n\nprocedures with \n\nthe international \n\ntelecommunications satellite organisations \n\ndiscussed further in chapter V. Both procedures are initiated by Member States at \n\nthe national level. 5. Summary \n\nSatellite communications have developed in an international environment which is \n\ncharacterised both by the emergence of the international telecommunications \n\nsatellite organisations \n\nINTELSAT and \n\nINMARSAT and \n\nthe European \n\ntelecommunications satellite organisation EUTELSAT as well as by \n\nthe \n\ncoordination procedures of the International Telecommunications Union in the \n\nfield of frequencies and the management of the orbital resou_rce. This entails \n\nimportant international commitments for the Member States which must be taken \n\ninto account iQ any analysis of the sector. While the international satellite organisations will continue to provide a major part \n\nof the European space segment and INTELSAT and EUTELSAT account for a \n\nmajor percentage of satellite capacity currently accessible from Europe, a large \n\nnumber of new actors are entering the field and a large number of new satellite \n\nsystems are emerging which will substantially enlarge \n\nand diversify \n\n- the \n\nEuropean space segment over the coming years. The current regulation of earth segment and space segment in the Member States \n\nstill reflects, in most cases, the situation in the sixties and seventies where the only \n\ntechnically and economically feasible application of satellite communications was \n\ntheir use as an additional transmission path to carry international or national long \n\ndistance traffic for telecommunications organisations. The current situation in the \n\n\f33 \n\nMember States is still characterised by substantial restrictions on supply and \n\noperation of satellite terminals (earth stations) and access to the space segment \n\n(satellite capacity), as well as a lack of harmonisation of procedures. Current \n\nregulation still does not integrate basic principles of modern telecommunications \n\nregulation in a multi-actor environment, such as the clear separation of regulatory \n\nand operational functions. However, under the impact of technological and market trends, there are now \n\nsubstantial changes under way in a number of Member States which point towards a \n\nmore open environment, necessary for the full use of the new potential and the \n\ndevelopment of Europe-wide satellite systems and services. III. TECHNOLOGICAL AND MARKET DEVELOPMENTS \n\n34 \n\nThe nature of the overall market for satellite services is in a state of rapid change. New applications are emerging while older ones are being partially superseded. The \n\ntraditional main \n\ntelecommunications application of \n\nsatellites \n\nintercontinental telephony and studio-to-studio television programme transmission \n\n-. is not likely to grow rapidly in future, due to the low cost, high capacity and \n\nquality of the new fibre optic cables coming online on major routes. While in the \n\nrecent past satellite-based voice telephony via the INTELSAT system accounted for \n\nnearly 60 % of trans-Atlantic traffic, the share of traffic dropped dramatically in \n\n1990 with the opening of the TATS and PTAT trans-Atlantic optical fibre optic \n\ncables. At the same time, developments in both ground and space segment technology have \n\ncreated the possibility for new business services, notably based on small terminals \n\nthat can be located at users' premises which can, given the right regulatory \n\nconditions, ensure full use is made of the satellite capacity which will be available. In addition, the use of satellites for television transmission directly to users is set to \n\ngrow with the advent of higher powered satellites and new transmission techniques \n\nsuch as MAC and its planned successor, High Definition (HD) MAC. This chapter will focus on the emerging implications of recent technological and \n\nmarket trends and those over the coming decade. These trends must be major \n\nconsiderations \n\nregarding \n\nthe \n\nfuture \n\nregulatory environment of satellite \n\ncommunications in the Community. Europe saw the development of a series of experimental satellite programmes in \n\nthe early 1970s which resulted in the 1980s in the development of an initial \n\ngeneration of operational European satellites (EUTELSAT-I series, TELECOM-I \n\nseries, DFS-Kopernikus). These satellites were mainly designed to facilitate \n\ntelephony interconnection and videodistribution. 35 \n\nIn the 1970s and early 1980s, satellite communications were regarded as a direct \n\nsubstitute for terrestrial long-distance telephony \n\nmainly international \n\ntransmission links. The single concept of \"break-even distance\" was used to \n\ndetermine whether or not satellites were suitable for a given application. This \n\ncriterion neglected the intrinsic advantages of satellites over terrestrial systems: \n\ntheir widespread geographical coverage and their ability to assign capacity \n\ndynamically, allowing the immediate deployment of networks and services over a \n\nwide area. Satellites are thus ideal for providing new or specialised services, \n\ne. specially to peripheral or less-favoured regions. Market developments suggest that \n\nthe future role of satellites \n\nin Europe will be to complement terrestr. ipl \n\ncommunications systems: there are few services for which both would be equally \n\nsuitable and could therefore be regarded as competing technologies. The early experiences with these satellite systems and the ongoing advances of \n\ntechnology have led to the development of more sophisticated satellites such as the \n\nTV-SAT/TDF Direct-Broadcasting Satellites (DBS), and the telecommunications \n\nsatellites of the EUTELSAT-II series and TELECOM-II series currently under \n\ndevelopment. But it is only now that satellite communications technology is \n\nentering full maturity and that the experience gained and the technology developed \n\nare being used to define new generation satellite communications systems which \n\nwill satisfy the Community's needs for satellite services within the overall envelope \n\nof telecommunications development. The following sections analyse developments in technology and the various market \n\nsectors and illustrate the increasing diversification of satellite services and service \n\nproviders. Technological progress now allows substantially more diversified configurations for \n\npurposes other than simple alternative transmission paths for the network. These \n\nconfigurations can be safely operated by service providers other than the \n\ntelecommunications organisations, once appropriate regulatory safeguards have \n\nbeen established. While traditional telephony services and entertainment broadcast services still \n\naccount for 90% of satellite communications revenues in the Community, the new \n\nbusiness services such as point-to-multipoint one-way and interactive two-way \n\nsystems and the satellite news gathering (SNG) systems -\n\nthe collection of news \n\nand data from multiple points \n\nshow major growth potential if regulatory \n\nconditions are adjusted to allow their development. 36 \n\n1. Space Segment Development \n\nThe technological changes taking place in the space segment are the basis of the \n\ngrowing versatility of use and diversification of satellite services. The greater power \n\nand improved antennas of modern satellites allow the earth stations to be \n\ncorrespondingly smaller - a major factor in the increased opportunities of use of \n\nsatellite technology. Improved frequency use and management techniques have \n\nincreased the effective available bandwidth; and the working life of satellites has at \n\nleast doubled. 1. 1 \n\nSpace Technology \n\nThe technology for spacecraft antennas has evolved rapidly during the last decade. As a result of the increasing scarcity of spectrum and crowding of the geostationary \n\norbit new ways have been found to re-use frequencies by means of greater aperture \n\nefficiency and multiple spot beam operation (a technology by which a satellite \n\nantenna emits several narrowly focused beams designed to reach a number of \n\nrelatively narrow circumscribed \"spots\" on the ground rather than covering all of a \n\ncertain geographical area). Pressure to improve frequency utilisation will continue \n\nover the coming decades. Direct interconnection of satellites and clusters of satellites by means of \n\nintersatellite links (ISL) is currently foreseen in order to further increase network \n\nflexibility and interconnectivity. Cluster space configurations, which are seen from \n\nthe ground as though positioned at a single orbital location, allow\u00b7 rational growth of \n\nthe satellite networks. Interconnections between satellite networks would extend \n\nthe access coverage of networks while avoiding double-hops, and at the same time \n\npermit interconnection of services. It could also increase ground station elevation \n\nangles to overcome coverage problems. Development of optical communications \n\ntechnology for satellites has started in Europe within ESA's research activities and \n\nthe first optical satellite interconnection link will be tested in orbit in the early \n\n1990s. More recently plans are emergmg to use satellites outside the geostationary \n\npositions in near earth orbits, establishing broad coverage by fully using the new \n\nmethods of direct inter-space communication within large systems of satellites, or in \n\nhighly elliptical orbits to take advantage of the higher elevation angles of such \n\nsystems. This technique is expected to develop during the nineties at a world level \n\nand will manifest itself foremost in the mobile communications area. 1. 2 \n\nUse of New Frequency Bands \n\n37 \n\nThe congestion of the frequency bands and the increasing pressure for more \n\nbandwidth allocations to various services has led to the development of 10/20 GHz \n\nand 20/30 GHz technology. Both ESA's experimental OLYMPUS satellite and \n\nDFS/Kopemikus (Germany) already carry communications equipment for \n\nexperimentation with these new bands. ITALSA T will be the next satellite carrying \n\nKa-band as well as 40/50 GHz experimental communications equipment. The use of the 20 - 30 GHz band permits, in principle, transmissions to and from \n\nvery small user terminals and is therefore interesting for direct user applications \n\nsuch as business services including video conferencing. Because of \n\nthe bandwidth \n\nrequirements, wideband High-Definition TV \n\ntransmissions are also expected to take place in the 20/30 GHz band in the future, \n\nalthough in the near term the narrowband HDTV (HD-MAC) co. uld be provided \n\non the existing Ku-band frequencies of 12/ 17 GHz. 1. 3 \n\nIncrease in Lifetime \n\nIt is expected that the overall lifetime of satellites will continue to increase to \n\npossibly 20-25 years in the future with the use of very large scale integration in \n\nsatellite communications equipment, electric propulsion, Ka- and Ku-band power \n\ntransistor transmitters, more efficient solar arrays etc. 2. Earth Segment Development \n\nBased on the growing sophistication of space segment technology, continuing \n\ndevelopments in earth station equipment, above all in more efficient antennas and \n\nmore sensitive receivers, there has been a dramatic decrease in the size and cost of \n\nground stations, be it for telephony and television distribution, or for business \n\ncommunications. 38 \n\nWhile the first generation of satellite earth stations were large installations with \n\nantenna diameters of about 30 meters and with only one or a very limited number \n\nof stations per country, connected \n\nto and seen as part of the public \n\ntelecommunications \n\ninfrastructure, and giving access \n\nto \n\nthe satellites of \n\nINTELSAT, and, later, also to the satellites of INMARSA T and EUTELSAT, this \n\nsituation has now changed dramatically. New earth stations are now available for \n\nspecific user applications, with antenna diameters of 0. 5 - 2. 5 meters and which can \n\nbe installed under user control directly on user premises. The development has led in particular to the emergence of VSA T (\"Very Small \n\u2022 \nAperture Terminals\") based networks, albeit in Europe on a very limited basis due \n\nto the restrictive regulatory provisions19. For the particular case of Direct Broadcasting by Satellite, for which when \n\noriginally conceived only 'high power' satellites were considered suitable, the \n\nincreased sensitivity of low noise receivers has enabled reception of television \n\nsignals from 'medium power' TV distribution satellites such as ASTRA and \n\nEUTELSAT, directly by domestic units and with reasonable quality with dish \n\ndiameters as low as 60 cm. This has led to a blurring between those services \n\ndefined as Broadcasting-Satellite Services (BSS) according to the definitions used \n\ninternationally under ITU regulations, and broadcasting applications operating in \n\nthe framework of Fixed-Satellite Services (FSS). Although future developments are not expected to be as spectacular as during the \u00b7 \n\nlast decade, it is foreseen that new technologies will still offer substantial \n\nimprovements in terms of both costs and performance such that the use of small \n\nterminals for all satellite services will become increasingly more interesting. 3. Traditional Services \n\nThese services include traditional \"point-to-point\" voice, voiceband data and data \n\ntransmission, using satellite communications basically as an alternative network \n\ntransmission path. For such services, satellite transmission is generally more \n\nexpensive \n\nthan \n\nterrestrial \n\ntransmission for short, \n\nintra-European distances. Originally conceived as the main satellite telecommunications application, it has \n\nturned out that on economic grounds it is only justifiable for \"edge-to-edge\" \n\nconnections between peripheral countries, and \n\nto provide \n\nflexible and \n\n19 VSAT networks nowadays consist of a 9-13 m hub network control facility and a potentially large number of \n\nremote 1. 0-2. 5 m one or two-way user earth stations. 39 \n\nreconfigurable redundant, 'back-up' routings to improve network restoration times \n\nin case of outages on terrestrial \u00b7links. Of the total 1989 telecommunications \n\nservices revenues in Western Europe20 of nearly 95 billion ECU, the vast bulk is \n\ncarried terrestrially. At national level, satellite carried voice telephony accounts for \n\nfar less than 1 %. For international calls within Europe, satellite carried voice \n\naccounts for no more than 2% - 3%. As mentioned however, satellites play a far \n\ngreater - though declining as a proportion of the total - role for inter-continental \n\ncommunications, accounting for nearly 60 % of traffic throughout the eighties. Satellite costs per channel are expected to fall over the medium-term, as \n\ntechnological improvements lead to better space segment utilisation and earth \n\ni \n\nstations become smaller and cheaper. However, the cost of terrestrial technologies \n\nis falling faster. The quality and capacity of international cable links is improving \n\nall the time and there has been some speculation as to the effect of the increasing \n\ncapacity of TAT (Trans Atlantic) and PT AT (Private Trans Atlantic) cables on the \n\nuse of satellites. These new _digital fibre optic cables, the first of which (TAT-8) was \n\nfinished in December 1988, provide greatly increased capacity at reduced cost \n\ncompared to analogue cables. The advent of fibre optic cables is expected to reduce \n\nthe proportion of transAtlantic voice circuits carried by satellite from near 60 % in \n\n1989 to 30 % - 40 % of the total by 199521\u2022 \n\n4. New Services \n\nThe new services generally consist of services which - with the exception of \n\ntelevision distribution - are directed at specific business user groups and are not \n\nintended for the general public. They are nowadays largely digital in nature and \n\ninclude special voice and data services and video conferencing. 20 Community and EIT A countries. 21 The trans-Atlantic submarine fibre optic cable TA T8 is able to carry 40. 000 telephone calls simultaneously, \n\ncompared to only a few hundred on conventional coaxial cables. 4. 1 \n\nStandard satellite-based digital services \n\n40 \n\nStandard satellite-based digital business services at 64 kbit/s and higher bit rates \n\n(SMS22 /IBS23 type services) are currently provided in Europe by \n\nthe national \n\ntelecommunications organisations \n\nwithin their role as signatories to the \n\nEUTELSAT and INTELSAT agreements - through central, multi-customer earth \n\nstations with terrestrial tails to individual customer sites. Within Europe, however, the developing terrestrial digital network will increasingly \n\noffer these services. With the exception of the case where an earth station serves a \n\ncommunity of users and is heavily used, it is forecast that terrestrial cable networks \n\nwill provide point-to-point digital services at a lower cost than satellite systems. It is \n\nexpected therefore, that while satellites will continue to be used in the short term \n\nwhere terrestrial facilities are inadequate, in the medium term significant migration \n\nof customers to terrestrial services may be expected, except where long distances \n\nare involved. The situation has been further complicated in Europe by the dual interest of the \n\ntelecommunications organisations as both exclusive distributors of satellite services \n\nof INTELSAT and EUTELSAT and as \n\nthe operators of the \n\nterrestrial \n\ninfrastructure, as well as the fact that in particular EUTELSAT -\n\nin the current \n\ncircumstances - is impeded from marketing its new services directly to customers \n\nthroughout the Community. In the case of the SMS services, this has led to a \n\nsituation where the services were introduced late and there was not sufficient \n\nmarketing coordination. Telecommunications organisations which introduced the \n\nservice in reasonable time, could not offer the wide international coverage \n\nnecessary to gather a critical mass of customers to make the service rapidly viable. As a consequence, EUTELSA T's SMS business service failed to reach predicted \n\ngrowth levels, reflecting the current weakness of satellite communications for traffic \n\nwithin Europe, as opposed to that between continents. 22 SMS: Satellite Multi Service (business communications service of ElITELSAT). 23 \n\nIBS: INTELSAT Business System. 4. 2 \n\nVezy Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Networks \n\n41 \n\nAt the world level, a new high-growth market is emerging for point-to-multipoint \n\nprivate satellite networks based on the new small-sized terminals individually \n\ndesigned for each customer's needs and often operated by third party service \n\nproviders. As terminals become smaller and cheaper and can be safely installed on \n\nuser premises by service providers and operated under user control, provision of \n\nsuch wide-area multipoint networks via satellite becomes more cost-effective, with \n\nthe high flexibility of satellite techniques allowing individual customer-optimised \n\nsolutions. These networks represent a new departure in that both terminal \n\u2022 \nequipment and transmission links are completely dedicated to a single user, \n\nwhereas in SMS/IBS type services both are shared. Private terminal networks offer \n\nthe possibility of developing new business applications across widespread \n\ngeographical areas. Terrestrial networks are unsuited, both due to their technical \n\nand tariff structures, for these new point-to-multipoint one-way and two-way \n\ninteractive applications - often of a transnational nature - and so the applications \n\nwould be unlikely ever to be developed. The terminals for the fixed satellite service \n\nare frequently referred to as VSATs (\"Very Small Aperture Terminals\" or \"micro \n\nterminals\"). However, mobile and radiodetermination terminals can also be \n\nconsidered part of this class of terminals. The services on private terminal networks are generally provided by value-added \n\nservice providers using space segment leased from a space segment operator. Thus \n\nthey provide revenues both to the operators and to the service providers. It is \n\nestimated that in 1989 the value added in Europe by satellite business service \n\nproviders was 55 MECU. This is still a small sector in terms of total revenues, compared to satellite-based \n\ntelephony transmission and other traditional satellite applications, and revenues \n\ngenerated by satellite television channels. However, it is estimated that by the mid-\n\n1990s, business services revenue could be near 900 MECU, or more than 30 % of \n\ntotal satellite service provision revenues - if regulatory constraints are lifted. Examples of such value-added services are: Satellite Information Services in the \n\nUnited Kingdom, which has been delivering racing results and betting prices to \n\nbookmakers and totalisator agencies in the U. K. for over two years, comprising \n\nnearly 10. 000 receive-only terminals; ISIS, a similar service in France; and \n\nPolyCom, which offers news feeds to radio stations and newspapers, stock market \n\ninformation to brokers and meteorological information to radio, TV and other \n\nmedia. As regards two-way VSAT terminals, by 1990 only a few hundreds of terminals were \n\ninstalled in the Community, due to the restrictive regulatory conditions - even if \n\nsome major initiatives were under way24\n\n\u2022 \n\n42 \n\n4. 3 \n\nVideoconferencing \n\nFor videoconferencing, satellites are currently the main transmission medium but \n\ncompetition from switched terrestrial 2 Mbit/s networks for services within Europe \n\nmay be expected to develop over the next decade. It is important to recognise that \n\ntwo-thirds of the revenues generated by videoconferencing are for transmission and \n\nthus must be considered carrier revenues for business services, but about one third \n\nof the costs relate to the earth segment (hire of studio or connection of a customer's \n\ntemporary or permanent studio) and can thus be considered as value-added. This \n\nmarket sector is also growing very rapidly. In 1987, the value added was estimated \n\nat 1 - 1. 5 MECU, and in 1988 the figure is estimated at 3. 9 MECU. Carrier \n\nrevenues in 1987 were estimated at 2 MECU and thought to have risen to 7. 8 \n\nMECU in 1988. 4. 4 \n\nOther New Satellite Services \n\nSatellite News Gathering (SNG) -\n\nthe collection of news and data from multiple \n\npoints - and other multipoint-to-point applications represent a growing demand. Though at present no comprehensive figures are available, it may be noted that \n\nunder pressure of the events in Eastern Europe, Eutelsat was used for 800 hours of \n\nsuch 'occasional use' television in November and December 1989. The regulatory \n\nregime is of vital importance to the development of the service. At present, the lack \n\nof an internationally recognised standard for SNG 'terminals has led national \n\ntelecommunications organisations \n\n- the INTELSAT and EUTELSAT signatories \n\n- often to deny SNG operators access to space segment. A Recommendation on \n\nSNG terminals is being developed by CCIR (International Radio Consultative \n\nCommittee, an ITU body) and is expected to be adopted in 1990. This should \n\nprovide a basis for advancing towards equitable and non-discriminatory access to \n\nspace segment for SNG operators. 24 For example, in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Daimler Benz company plans the implementation of a \nmajor VSAT network. In Italy Telespazio is planning the implementation of a number of VSAT networks \ncovering Italy. 43 \n\nBusiness television (e. g. for distance learning and videoconferencing) is expected to \n\nbe a growing market. It is in this market segment that further enhancements of \n\nservices are expected to be demanded so that an integration will take place of \n\nvideoconferencing with graphics and data distribution. Other foreseen demands \n\nare the possibility for real time measurements of audience reactions, a flexible use \n\nof audio return links (not necessarily via satellite), new scrambling techniques, and \n\nnew coding techniques which allow low bit rate transmissions more cheaply (\"slow \n\nscan video\"). In addition, satellites offer the possibility of providing channels, circuits and \n\nnetworks at short notice for a multiple of uses and to locations not served by the \n\nterrestrial network - for example : scenes of disaster; early services in advance of \n\npermanent \n\nterrestrial \n\nfacilities; \n\ntemporary \n\nrestoration arrangements; and \n\ncommunications to short-term events at remote locations. 5. Entertainment Broadcasting Services \n\n5. 1 \n\nTV Distribution \n\nTV and related distribution services currently represent most of the demand for \n\nsatellite capacity in Europe, and this situation may be expected to continue. Currently, some 60 channels are distributed by satellites in Europe; and, as \n\nmentioned, EUTELSAT derives 75% of its revenues from television distribution. Growth in television distribution (mainly to cable heads and SMA TV systems) is \n\nexpected to continue, and should the percentage of capacity used for TV \n\ndistribution remain the same - approximately 80 % in Europe - then more than \n\n300 transponders25 can be expected to be potentially available for TV distribution by \n\nEuropean satellite systems in 1992. The availability of medium-power TV \n\ndistribution satellites is seen as a major component in sustaining this market, by \n\nproviding multiple channels at relatively low cost. It will also give impetus for a \n\nlarge-scale availability of small television receive-only (TVRO) antennas for general \n\nuse, which can receive these satellite channels Direct-To-Home. Small and cheap \n\nTYRO terminals with an antenna diameter of less than 1 metre are now available. However, the adjustment of regulatory conditions will be a key factor in the \n\ndevelopment of this market. 25 One transponder is roughly equivalent to the capacity required for one to two TV channels. 44 \n\nBoth television distribution via the EUTELSAT system as well as, more recently, \n\nvia other systems such as Telecoml, DFS Kopernikus and Astra work in the \n\nframework of frequencies defined for Fixed-Satellite Services and not in the \n\nfrequency bands reserved by the W ARC'77 conference for BSS (Broadcasting \n\nSatellite Services) where the Direct Broadcasting Services (DBS) are located. As \n\nmentioned, this has made it increasingly difficult to maintain the distinction \n\nbetween BSS services and broadcasting applications operating in the framework of \n\nFixed-Satellite Services. There is therefore an evident need for the development of \n\ncpeap TVROs capable of spanning DBS and fixed service TV distribution bands \n\n(10. 95 - 12. 75 GHz). 5. 2 \n\nDirect Broadcasting Services (DBS) \n\nAs far as television broadcasting is concerned, Direct-Broadcasting-Services or DBS \n\n- defined as broadcasting services by W ARC'77 -\n\nis likely to become another \n\nimportant user of European satellite systems, next to TV distribution in the Fixed \n\nSatellite Services. DBS satellites are high-powered satellites conceived along the lines foreseen by \n\nW ARC 77 , which allocated satellite channels, orbital positions, frequencies and \n\npolarisations, essentially country by country for Europe, Africa, and Asia, for \n\nbroadcasting directly to individual users' receivers (refer also to chapter II. ). At that time, the plans were based on national coverage, with comparatively little \n\n'overspill' from the programmes of a particular country to its neighbours. Home \n\nreceivers were expected to need receiver dishes of 90 cm diameter with the \n\ntechnology existing at that time. All the five existing European direct broadcast satellite programmes (TV \n\nSA T /Germany, \n\nTDFl-2/France, \n\nBSB \n\n1-2/UK, \n\nTELE-X/Scandinavia, \n\nOlympus/ESA) are of this type. Reception of services of these satellites is now \n\npossible with dishes of 30 - 60 cm diameter; a mark of the technological evolution. There is therefore an evident need for the development of cheap TVROs capable \n\nof spanning DBS and fixed-satellite service TV distribution bands (10. 95 - 12. 75 \n\nGHz). 45 \n\nIn 1989, TV and video accounted for 44% of total European satellite carrier \n\nrevenue, or of nearly 61 % when extra-Community traffic via INTELSAT is \n\nexcluded, even before any of the direct broadcasting satellites came on stream. 1990 has seen the addition of TV revenues from all 16 of ASTRA's TV distribution \n\ntransponders and the coming on-stream of a further 14 DBS transponders from \n\nTDF 1-2 (5), TV-SAT 2 (5), Olympus (2) and Tele-X (2), while BSB, with 5 \n\nchannels, became operational in April 1990. In 1992 a total of 24 DBS channels is \n\nexpected to be available. Thus TV revenues should grow substantially in the next \n\ntwo years. By the end of 1989 a total of 750. 000 Direct to Home (DTH) terminals were \n\ninstalled in the Community, with the majority being installed in the United \n\nKingdom. The projection for the end of 1990 is an installed base of about 1. 8 \n\nmillion units. The projections for \n\nthe \n\ninstallation \n\nin Western Europe of antennas for \n\nentertainment broadcasting reception by 1994 are estimated at 6 million units. Directive 86/529/EEC has identified the MAC family of transmission techniques \n\nas the standard to be used for Direct Broadcasting Satellites. The Directive expires \n\non 31 December 1991. The future evolution of transmission techniques in this area \n\nwill be characterised by the fact that a major challenge for the future will be the \n\nharmonised introduction of High Definition Television (HDTV) in Europe. 5. 3 \n\nHigh Definition Television (HDTV) \n\nSatellites will play a crucial role in the introduction of High Definition Television \n\n(HDTV), which enables larger TV screens, with a wider aspect ratio and better \n\npicture resolution to be made available to the public at acceptable prices. The \n\nintroduction of HDTV within Europe will almost certainly use DBS satellites in the \n\nshort and medium term. HDTV is a high priority area in overall Community audiovisual policy26\u2022 This is \n\ndiscussed in more detail in chapter IV. 26 See Communication by the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament on audio-visual \npolicy, COM(90) 78 of 21. 02. 1990 and Council Decision of 27 April 1989 on High Definition Television \n(HDTV), O. J. L 142 of 25. 05. 1989, p. 1. 46 \n\n6. \u00b7 Mobile Services and Position Fixing Services \n\nMobile services are developing rapidly. Although until recently limited to the \n\nmaritime Mobile-Satellite Services (MMSS) on big ocean-going vessels, mobile \n\nsatellite services for maritime services to smaller vessels, for aeronautical, and \n\nespecially land mobile applications, are now at the centre of interests. The intended \n\nprovision of services, both messaging and position-fixing, for land mobile users has \n\nmeant a renewed \n\ninterest, especially from \n\nlong-haul \n\ntrucking companies, \n\nenterprises with smaller coastal and waterway vessels, high-speed train operators \n\netc. 6. 1 \n\nMaritime Services \n\nCurrently, the INMARSAT system provides voice communication which, although \n\nof high quality, requires comparatively large and expensive (30 000 ECU) terminals \n\nwith dish sizes of about 1 meter on board ships. However, INMARSAT intend to \n\nintroduce in 1990 a service supporting low data rate communications to small, \n\ncheap terminals - via so-called INMARSA T standard C terminals antennas of \n\nabout 20 cm. It is anticipated that by 1992-1993, voice communications will be \n\npossible using similar small terminals. This will bring direct benefit to a whole \n\nrange of ships including those which predominantly stay within the coastal waters of \n\nthe Community, as opposed to the current system, which is much more optimised \n\nfor the requirements of large, ocean-going vessels. 6. 2 \n\nLand Mobile Services \n\nRecent studies indicate that Land Mobile-Satellite Services (LMSS) and the \n\nterrestrial pan-European digital cellular network (GSM)27 will be mainly \n\ncomplementary and rarely in competition with each other. The higher price and \n\nbigger size of the LMSS terminals are mainly of interest to specific user groups of \n\nlimited size seeking instantaneous and full European coverage, such as long-haul \n\ntrucking companies and vessel operators. On the other hand, GSM offers better \n\nquality voice and a higher system availability in urban areas and, combined with \n\nsmaller user terminals (down to hand-held size) and a lower price, is intended as a \n\n27 Council Recommendation of 25 June 1987 on the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular \ndigital land-based mobile communications in the Community and Council Directive of 25 June 1987 on the \nfrequency bands pertaining thereto, OJ. L 196of17. 07. 1987, pp. 81 and 85, respectively. The new pan-European system - also called the \"GSM\"-system - will be implemented in the Community \n\n\f47 \n\nmass service for private and local business users. Nevertheless, some level of \n\nintegration of the services at system level may be developed in order to exploit both \n\nsystems to their full potential. A recent study indicates a total captured market for satellite-based land mobile \n\nservices (including position-fJ. Xing28) in Europe of only 220,000 data terminals and \n\n65,000 voice terminals by the year 2000 in Europe, compared to a forecast of 16 \n\nmillion terminals for terrestrial cellular systems by that time. Plans for mobile or position fixing services in Europe have been announced by. INMARSAT, EUTELSAT and LOCSTAR. ESA has announced an experimental \n\nEuropean Mobile Services initiative, to be embarked on a satellite of a third party. This makes it all the more imperative to free the economic operators from a \n\nmaximum of restrictions so that the available capacity can be offered to users under \n\noptimum conditions and at competitive prices. 6. 3 \n\nAeronautical Services \n\nAeronautical services have developed faster in the United States than in Europe. In a combined effort, the USA and Canada have set up an entity called M-SA T to \n\nprovide aeronautical services over the North-American landmass, with the AMSC \n\nconsortium as the U. S. partner (see below). In addition to this, on a global scale, INMARSA T aims to provide aeronautical \n\nservices, including passenger voice telephone traffic. However, air traffic control \n\ninformation and airline information may prove to be more important. Just as in the case of maritime satellite communications, initial service will be \n\noptimised for the longer, trans-Oceanic routes. Nevertheless, there remains a clear \n\npossibility that the use of satellite communications to aircraft over the European \n\nlandmass can make specific contributions to flight safety and airline efficiency. from 1991 onwards (see also chapter V. ). 28 \n\nPosition fixing services allow the determination of the position of ships, vehicles etc. down to precisions of 15-\n100 meters, depending on the system. For Europe all land mobile-satellite services will offer position fixing \nservices as an option. 7. Development in other major markets: United States and Japan \n\nThe technological and market developments have led to substantial changes m \n\nother major markets, in particular in the United States and Japan. 48 \n\n7. 1 \n\nThe United States \n\nThe United States have undertaken substantial liberalisation of the satellite \n\ncommunications sector. It is now \n\nthe far \n\nlargest market for satellite \n\ncommunications systems and services. 7. 1. 1 Domestic \"Open-skies\" policy \n\nAs early as 1972, \n\nthe US Federal Communications Commission (FCC)29 \n\nestablished a domestic fixed-satellite service licensing policy based on the principle \n\nof open entry - ie. that all qualified applicants should be allowed, where possible, \n\nthe opportunity to provide domestic satellite communications services, both for \n\naccessing in-orbit satellite capacity for operating satellite networks as well as for \n\nlaunching and operating space segment capacity. This policy has since become \n\nknown as the \"open-skies\" policy. The FCC has adopted flexibility in the allocation of orbital location and spectrum \n\n(e. g. through the use of two-degree orbital spacing), with the effect that to date \n\nthere have been sufficient orbital locations available to allow the FCC \n\nto grant \n\napplications of all qualified domestic fixed-satellite applicants. U. S. entities licensed to construct, launch and operate domestic satellites may \n\nprovide capacity on a common-carrier basis to other entities - either those that \n\nprovide telecommunications services to third parties or those that use the capacity \n\nfor their own internal purposes30\n\n\u2022 \n\n29 The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is the US Government body which is empowered to \nregulate interstate and foreign commerce in communications. The FCC grants licences for the use of \nchannels of interstate and foreign radio transmission, and prescribes the technical, financial and other \nqualifications of a licensee, including those entities licensed to construct, launch and operate domestic and \ninternational satellites. The FCC establishes licensing policies for the fixed, mobile and broadcasting satellite services. The policies \nwhich it adopts in each area are intended to achieve specific objectives, mainly related to the development of \nthe US satellite industry. 30 A common carrier is a provider of services to the general public. They may also seek FCC approval to sell \n\ntransponder capacity on a non-common carrier basis. 49 \n\nEntities leasing or owning domestic transponder capacity may also offer that \n\ncapacity to users on a non-common carrier basis. Where the entity owns and \n\noperates the transmitting earth station accessing the particular transponder, it must \n\nreceive a licence to construct and operate the earth station. A \"blanket\" licensing \n\nprocedure is available for entities that operate large numbers of technically identical \ndomestic very small aperture terminal (VSAT) transmit-receive earth station facilities in \n\nthe 12/14 GHz band. Networks operating in the 4/6 GHz band however (a band \n\nnot used in Europe for this purpose), must be co-ordinated and is subject to \n\nindividual station licenses. This blanket processing entails the grant of a single \n\nlicence for the overall domestic earth station network, without specific information \n\non each station. The FCC does not license (or require to be licensed) domestic \n\nreceive-only earth stations in the 12/ 14 GHz band because fixed-satellite service is \n\nthe only service allocated to this spectrum on a primary basis and interference is \n\ntherefore unlikely. Entities operating domestic receive-only earth stations in the \n\n4/6 GHz band may voluntarily seek licensing if they desire; the licensing gives \n\nprotection against interference from terrestrial facilities sharing the spectrum on a \n\nco-primary basis. The \"open-skies\" policy has led to a rapid evolution of the U. S. domestic Fixed \n\nSatellite industry. Eleven companies hold 52 licences to construct, launch and \n\noperate domestic Fixed-Satellites. Thirty of these are in operation. In addition, \n\nthousands of entities hold transmitting earth station licences for accessing in-orbit \n\nsatellite capacity. The industry has been characterised by innovation and diversity \n\nas the number and kinds of providers and services offered have steadily increased. Satellite service providers range in size from large facilities-based carriers to very \n\nsmall resellers of transponder capacity. Services include all type of data, voice and \n\nvideo transmissions. Earth station developments, have been as dynamic as space \n\nstation developments as the size and cost of antennas has decreased while their \nperformance characteristics have improved. 50 \n\nThe value of the business has increased accordingly. In 1990, small satellite dish \n\nnetworks are expected _to earn $ 300 million to $ 400 million in revenues for their \n\noperators. VSAT network sales are expected to grow at an annual rate of 30 to 40 \n\nper cent during the coming years. In 1984, when Ku-band transponders first came \n\non stream, there were around 2000 earth stations in place. By 1988 that total had \n\ngrown to 16,000 stations, while now (1990) approximately 40,000 stations are \n\ninstalled of which about one third are transmit/receive stations - compared to a \n\nfew hundred transmit/receive VSAT terminals in Europe. Recently Hughes \n\nNetwork Systems Inc. announced that it was to supply a single network of \n\napproximately 10,000 dishes to General Motors, for completion by 1992. The early adjustment of the regulatory conditions for domestic satellite \n\ncommunications in the United States has given the US space industry a substantial \n\nadvantage on the world market in this area. In spite of the dynamic satellite market \n\nthus created in both space segment and earth segment, satellite communications \n\nhas not had a visible negative impact on telecommunications revenues earned by \n\nthe terrestrial telecommunications carriers. After one decade of dome~tic \"open \n\nsky policy\", total satellite communications revenues account for no more than 2 -\n\n3 % of total telecommunications revenues while liberalisation has in practice led to \n\na substantially higher and more diversified development of the US space sector in \n\nthis area. 7. 1. 2 U. S. approach to international satellite communications \n\nIn contrast to its approach to domestic satellite communications, the US approach \n\nto international satellite communications is still characterised essentially by the \n\nstructures established during the sixties. In the US, Comsat, created in 1962 as a special body, is the organisation which \n\ncarries out the signatory role undertaken in Europe by the telecommunications \n\norganisations31 in relation. to INTELSAT and INMARSAT. However, more \n\nrecently, common carriers and private users also have the right, under certain \n\nrestrictions, to purchase or lease capacity from U. S. international satellite system \n\nproviders separate from the INTELSAT system (\"separate systems\"). These \n\nentities may either own their own earth stations or lease earth station services. 31 With the exception of Italy, where Telespazio has been created as a special organisation for assuming chis role \n\n(see chapter II. ). 51 \n\nIn November 1984, the United States issued a Determination that alternative \n\nsatellite systems were \"required in the national interest\". This determination states \n\nthat the United States shall consult with INTELSAT regarding such systems \"as are \n\nauthorised by the Federal Communications Commission\". The Departments of \n\nState and Commerc~ jointly laid down the restrictions to be imposed on the \n\nalternative systems prior to final authorisation by the FCC, in order to ensure U. S. fulfilment of \n\nits \n\ninternational obligations and \n\nthe \n\nfurtherance of \n\nits \n\ntelecommunications and foreign policy interest: \n\nseparate systems were \n\nto be \n\nrestricted \n\nto communications n?t \n\ninterconnected with public-switched message networks \n\n(except \n\nfor \n\nemergency restoration service); and \n\none or more foreign authorities were to authorise use of each system and \n\nenter into consultation procedures with the United States Party under \n\nArticle XIV( d) of the Intelsat Agreement to ensure technical compatibility \n\nand to avoid economic harm. In 1985 the FCC established regulatory policies for the consideration of separate \n\nsatellite system applications. Separate system operators may not operate as \n\ncommon carriers. No communications over separate systems may interconnect with \n\nthe public switched networks. The \"no-interconnect\" restriction applies to all levels \n\nof users of these facilities. Common carriers and enhanced service providers may \n\nacquire and re-sell separate system space segment capacity consistent with this \n\nrestriction. Use of separate systems by U. S. common carriers requires \n\nauthorisation from the FCC. Applications for international separate satellite systems are subject to public notice \n\nand opportunity to comment. Final authorisation to construct, launch and operate \n\na separate system is not given until INTELSAT Article XIV( d) obligations are \n\nsatisfied. Besides these obligations, carriers are subject to the same legal, financial \n\nand technical requirements as U. S. domestic satellite applicants. Six entities hold conditional construction permits and one entity, Pan American \n\nSatellite (PAS), has a licence to construct, launch and operate an international \n\nseparate satellite system. PAS and Orion have completed Article XIV(d) \n\nconsultation. PAS has an operating satellite providing service between the U. S. and Central and South America, the Caribbean and Europe. Final authorisation \n\nfor Orion is pending. In June 1990, PAS filed with the FCC to lift the restrictions on interconnection of \n\nits services with the public switched network (interconnection with voice and data \n\nmessage handling services), stating that this limitation restricted it from operating \n\nin more than 90 % of the potential market. 52 \n\n7. 1. 3 Mobile-satellites services in US \n\nIn the field of mobile-satellite services, the U. S. satellite telecommunications policy \n\nis still strongly based on considerations of national interest. In 1984, the F~C \n\nproposed the establishment of a new public domestic mobile-satellite service \n\n(MSS), and invited interested parties to submit applications for authority to \n\nconstruct, launch and operate an MSS system. In 1986 it concluded that joint \n\nownership of the first generation MSS system would permit a variety of competitive \n\nmobile-satellite services to be made expeditiously available to the public. The FCC \n\nreasoned that only one domestic MSS system should be authorised for the first \n\ngeneration because there was: \n\na limited amount of L-band frequency spectrum apportioned jointly to \n\nAeronautical Mobile-satellite Services (safety) (AMSS(R)) and MSS, and \n\nnone of the twelve parties seeking licences submitted a proposal which \n\nwould permit licensing more than one system; \n\na need to provide priority and pre-emptive access for AMSS(R); and \n\na need to co-ordinate spectrum use with other planned satellite systems \n\nsuch as INMARSAT and Canadian and USSR systems. Therefore, the FCC instructed those applicants which met basic qualification \n\nrequirements to form a joint venture and propose an MSS system to operate in \n\naccordance with the general licensing provisions. The FCC subsequently licensed \n\nAmerican Mobile-satellite Corporation \n\n(AMSC), \n\nthe consortium of MSS \n\napplicants, to construct and operate a c. ombined AMSS(R) and MSS satellite \n\nsystem. This approach has been contested as being restrictive and discriminatory \n\nwith regard to non-U. S. based potential service providers. 7. 2. ~ \n\n53 \n\nJapan's first experimental satellites were designed and constructed by American \n\ncontractors. Under the terms of the co-operation agreement, however, Japan was \n\nable to purchase licences and sign numerous co-operation agreements, and thus to \n\nfollow a strategy of improving its equipment and increasing the Japanese \n\ninvolvement in successive satellites. During the 1970's and '80's, the contribution of \n\nJapanese industry increased steadily, to the point where the last two generations of \n\nexperimental telecommunications satellites, ETS IV ( 1981) and ETS V ( 1987) have \nbeen 100% Japanese manufactured. Similar progress has been made in launchers: \n\nJapan expects to be able to launch its own telecommunications satellites by 1992. On the applications side, a major change occurred in 1985 with the privatisation of \n\nNTI and the enactment of the Telecommunications Business Law32\u2022 \n\nIn the wake of the implementation of the law, the Ministry of Posts and \n\nTelecommunications (MPT) has licensed two large satellite groups as Type I \n\n(domestic) carriers, competing with NTI. They are Japan Communications \n\nSatellite Co. (JC Sat. ), owned by Hughes Communications, C. Itoh and Mitsui, and \n\nSpace Communications Corporation (SCC), owned by Ford Aerospace, Mitsubishi \n\nElectric and Mitsubishi Corporation. Each company has ordered a two-satellite system from its American partner. JC \n\nSat. now has both satellites in orbit, and SCC has one: its second satellite, \n\nSuperbird B, was lost due to a launch failure in February 1990. Its replacement is \ndue to be launched in 1992. In a change of policy, Japan also modified its position with respect to the role of \n\nNASDA33, \n\nthe National Space Development Agency, \n\nin \n\nthe \n\ntechnological \n\ndevelopment of telecommunications satellites. With \n\nthe deregulation of \n\ntelecommunications and the granting of licences to private companies using \n\nAmerican satellites, the government has decided to count mainly on the beneficial \n\nlong-term effects of the development of satellite-based communications \nm \nparticular of the earth segment, where Japanese manufacturers have already \nachieved an extraordinary dominance - and satellite services. 32 The Law classifies telecommunications business into two main types: Type I or facility-based businesses, which \n\nprovide telecommunications services by establishing their own circuit facilities, and Type II or resale \nbusinesses which provide services by using circuits leased from Type I carriers. The proportion of foreign \nownership of any Type I carrier is limited to 30 %. 33 Since the early seventies, the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) formed in 1969, has been the \n\n\f54 \n\nThe creation in early 1987 of Space Telecoms Research Group at the initiative of \n\nMITI, the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry, was one of the \n\nfactors marking the gradual withdrawal of NASDA and making way for private \n\nsector support of the space industry by telecommunications companies. The new \n\ncompany received 70% financing from the Japan Key Technology Centre, which is \n\nsupervised by MITI, and 30% from ten private or semi-private ~ompanies including \n\nN'IT, KDD and NHK. The two private satellite systems already authorised will off er 108 transponders \n\nwhen all 4 satellites are launched. This is equivalent to the capacity of all five \n\u2022 \n\nEutelsat H's and both Astras, to cover a market with just half the population of \n\nEurope. This capacity will be further increased by the national CS3 satellite (24 \n\ntransponders). By April 1990, SCC and JC Sat. had l~ased about 60% of their \n\ntransponders: 40 out of 64 on the JC Sat. 1 and 2 satellites, and 25 out of 44 on \n\nSCC's Superbird A and B. A third Japanese-American consortium proposing a private system is Satellite \n\nJapan Corporation (SJC), a joint venture of RCA Astra Electronics, Sony, Nisaho \n\nIwai Trading and Marubeni Trading. Satellite Japan has not yet been authorised by \n\nMPT, which fears considerable over-capacity. Similar fears were expected before \n\nthe JC Sats and Superbird came into operation but it now seems likely that both will \n\nprosper. While the satellites were mainly designed to cater for television distribution - and \n\nindeed have been notably successful in leasing transponder space, both to NTT and \n\nto cable operators - other applications have also developed rapidly. In particular, \n\ncommercial broadcasters are very interested in the use of satellites for satellite \n\nnews gathering (SNG). These applications already account for four transponders \n\non Superbird-A, and SCC expect that this will rise to 8-12 transponders. In fact, the \n\navailability of, and freedom of access to, space segment has led to the creation of a \n\nnumber of independent service providers. These companies are also expected to \n\nmove into the provision of business television services, another rapidly developing \n\napplication \nsatellite. -\n\ne. g. one business TV company in Japan is selling used cars by \n\nmain agent of government intervention in satellite manufacture. 55 \n\nPrivate satellite business networks are another area of major interest. Several of \n\nthe big Japanese electronics firms have announced plans for networks to link up \n\ntheir manufacturing plants, regional offices and distribution outlets by fax or video. Mitsubishi, a co-owner of JC Sat. , uses the system to deliver information to its \n\ncorporate sites. Some of the networks involved are very large and may comprise of \n\nup to 5000 terminals. While one-way applications are set to dominate the market \n\ninitially, several Japanese electronics companies have developed prototype 2-way \n\nVSATs. 8. Summary \n\nDuring the last decade, satellite communications technologies have undergone \n\ndramatic change. In addition to the traditional large earth stations for trunk telephony and TV \n\nprogramme interchange, new satellite terminals are now available for Direct-To \n\nHome television and for specific user applications which operate with antenna \n\ndiameters of 0. 5 - 2. 5 meters depending on applications and which can be installed \n\nunder user control directly on user premises. The technological change has opened a broad range of new opportunities for both \n\nsatellite service providers and users - particularly in point-to-multipoint service \n\nprovision via satellites. The new service types which are developing, tend to be \n\ncomplementary to the traditional services, instead of competing with them. While \n\nin trans-Atlantic communications, satellite links still account for \u00b7nearly 60 % of the \n\ntraditional trunk telephony (although this percentage is now decreasing), satellite \n\ncarried voice telephony accounts for only 2 - 3 % of intra-European international \n\nand national long-distance calls. EUTELSAT derives 75 % of its revenues from \n\ntelevision distribution. Technology has now made it possible to broaden the availability of satellite \n\nterminals and services to individual users. The introduction/ expansion of major \n\nnew satellite services lines \n\n-\n\nsuch as wide-area VSAT networks to serve the \n\nEurope-wide communications requirements of specific user groups - will depend \n\non the development of a regulatory framework which will allow it to happen on a \n\nEurope-wide basis. More generally, Europe's growing number of satellites must be \n\nput to the full use of the European economy. 56 \n\nSatellite services must be allowed to define and develop their specific markets, in \n\norder to maximise the benefit of Europe's overall investment in its space segment \n\nand to provide the European users with the trans-European services they need. The United States and Japan have adopted a market-oriented policy in their \n\ndomestic satellites market, in order to develop the industry. After eighteen years of \n\ndomestic open sky policy, the United States has become a leader in new satellite \n\ncommunications applications. By now there are approximately 40,000 VSAT \n\nterminals in operation in the United States, of which about one third are \n\ntransmit/receive stations, compared to a few hundred transmit/receive stations in. Europe. Japan is_ now preparing its entry into the world market on the basis of the \n\nde-regulation of the sector in its home market. While essential for satisfying the requirements of specific business and consumer \n\ngroups, satellite communications services will pose no threat to the financial \n\nviability of the terrestrial infrastructure. In the United States, even after nearly two \n\ndecades of domestic open sky policy, total satellite communications revenues \n\naccount for no more than 2 - 3 % of total telecommunications revenues while \n\nliberalisation has led to a substantial and more diversified development of the \n\nsector. For Europe it is forecast that total satellite communications revenues will \n\nreach no more than 1. 5 - 2. 5 % of total telecommunications revenues by the year \n\n2000. Currently, the total revenue of all satellite operators in Europe accounts for \n\nno more than 0. 4 % of total telecommunications revenue in the European \n\nCommunity. Figure 5 gives an overview of key-figures on satellite communications in Europe. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN EUROPE - AN OVERVIEW1 \n\nFigure 5 \n\n:_>_::1\u00b7::. _. :_ :::\u00b7s\u00b7:\u00b7p. :. A:: :c\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7::\u00b7E\u00b7\u00b7::: __ :s:. \u00b7. :E. \u00b7:G\u00b7:\u00b7\u00b7_:. M\u00b7\u00b7 \u00b7:E\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7N\u00b7:\u00b7T\u00b7\u00b7_\u00b7\u00b7_. :. :>:::_,-::\u2022-::::::::. '. ::\u00b7:. \u00b7. \u00b7. \u00b7:. ::. :. :. '. : \n\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7. ' \n\n-. :. -:::. \u00b7\u00b7 \n\n-:\u00b7. _\u00b7\u00b7. ::. \u00b7. :-:. _. ::-_. :. _. :\u00b7:. ::-. :::. :. \u00b7:-. -:. :-\u00b7\u00b7. :. :::::. _\u00b7\u00b7. :: \n\u00b7. _. -:. _\u00b7\u00b7. :-:-. -\u00b7:. ::. :. :-:-. -. :-. :. :-. :\u00b7. _. L~. \u2022\u2022. :. // :-:\u00b7+\u00b7+~. --;++~?:/::>::-\n)i4i. ~fB4rr\u00a5f3. t\u2022c;t\u00b7 :~te11ite\u00a5(t9'9Q): With European coverage_(foo. tpn:no2 \n_/:9\u00b5. (f~f WW\u00a2fr\u00a24r9p\u00a5a:. f \u00a5f~1@~:+--------------------------~----------~---~------~-~-~~-7;-. JF _\u00b7pp::::::++a. t. :. :::. -::-:::-< \n:::::. :tot~i)~paC. 'iw:\u00b7ctr~n$P. 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'. \u00b7 \u00b7. \u00b7. _:\u00b7\u00b7 ::_;. ~1$~:. { :: :::::. > \n))~#. f ##g~i_\u00a7#P. #\u00a2it)I p(~\u00b7G,f#Pean sat ell it es from 1989 to\u2022 1993 -------~. --\n~Q~i6~*~\u00b7je. rr. rt1na1~\u2022. 0:9~~>--~~---;. ----------------------------------------------------7--;. --~+;. +:\u00b7:::. :. -:++~:-::B9@. \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7-\u2022:: \u00b7\u00b7. \u00b7. \u00b7 \n_::\u2022,. :\u00b7:r. ~p. e. i\\re-oniV'::~;. ~. ~\"'. ~~--\"'. --. ~. ~~. 7---------------------------------------------------------~;. --++ :. _\"'. ;. _\"'. __. ;:\u2022~>::\u2022\u00b7\u2022\u00b7. :. ::\u00b7:::~:. ftfi,:;. Y,\u00a5p-~~. l. ~-;; __ ~~:. ;. __ ;. ~L------~---------------------------------------------------------. \u00b7 \u00b7\u00b7 _:_:_:\u00b7\u2022:. ~4;~~~\u00b7400:\u2022:-:::\u2022. :. \u00b7\u2022\u00b7:-\u00b7-: \n:?f~ffuJn~ls:U. ~~ f(\u00b0)rtelevision reception (1989)-------------------------------------------~--~? :_:. \u2022\u2022. ,,. -84~06: : :\u00b7. \u00b7. :: \\Pt'Y:~1:~--~C>. y$et101cr. ~. ,_-~. ~--7-;. \u2022~------------------------------------------------------------. -~: :. ;. L. ~~--:00%. \u00b7::: Y~fl. l'~Jaeds\u00b7~~\"\"-:-~--:--. -H-:--\"':--. -. :. ----------------------------------------------------------~---+:_ \n\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7:\u00b7\u00b7. \u00b7:::;:. \u00b7:. ::. ,. \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7. {T\u00a7~'-lf~y~9~e~:p:~rive<:[by: $a~elilte operators (1990-estlmated)s ----------\u00b7 __. ,. _. \u00b7. _. _. __. _. _. __ \u00b7\u00b7. _ \n::<:<:>. lif. of W. tii:Ch<: ::. ::. :. :\u00b7 \u00b7. \u00b7. \u00b7::. \u00b7-:\u00b7 :. \u00b7. :-: :. :. ::. :-:-. :. \u00b7::-:\u00b7:. \u00b7. ::\u00b7-. y:$at:~1ilte. \u00b7:~i'ri*1\u00b7-telephorit~----------------------------------------------------------:-----~~. ,-. ~--. A. ;-. :~\u00b744. %: \u2022. \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 \u00b7 \n<:/~fol_i@(iisfoblJted. television services10 --------------------------------------------------~-2. :. ;~. L. _. 46. %, <_. \u2022 )~ :6~~/:~ie1 ite\u00b7ser\\lice$1l \u00b7 --7\"-----~------------------------------------------------------------------. 0. \u00b7. ;. _. ;;. ___ \u00b7 1 0% \n\n\u00b7_-. \u00b7 \u00b7--. \u00b7:: ::. -:::. : :_\u00b7:\u00b7_\u00b7:-. -:. 2 \n\n3 \n\n4 \n\n5 \n\n6 \n\n7 \n\n8 \n\n9 \n\nAll 1990 figures based on August 1990. including 7 INTELSAT satellites, 1 PanAmSat, 2 INMARSAT, 2 Arabsat, number of USSR satellites unknown. including an equivalent of 150 telephony transponders and 18 TV transponders. INTELSAT capacity mainly \nused for trans-Atlantic and trans-continental use. according to announced plans (see fig. 2 and 3). Total number of equivalent transponders on European \nsatellites announced for 1993 : about 400. Total increase in transmission capacity will depend on technology \nand access methods used and will be larger than increase in number of transponders. This represents mainly VSAT terminals. The number of VSAT terminals world-wide in 1989 was about 44 000, \nmainly in the United States. About 30 000 world-wide \n\nAbout 14 000 world-wide \n\nThis corresponds to 0. 45% of total telecommunications revenue in the European Community + EFTA \ncountries (95 billion ECU in 1989) \n\nout of which 33% INTELSAT carried trans-Atlantic telephony. Within the Community satellite based \ntelephony does not correspond to more than 2 to 3% of international telephone service. lO Currently, more than 60 satellite TV channels are available in Europe. Near 75% of current EUTELSAT \n\nrevenues are derived from television services. 11 \n\nIncluding video conferencing services and point to mult-point one-way and two-way VSAT systems. IV. SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN A GLOBAL POLICY \nCONTEXT \n\n58 \n\nSatellite communications will play a major role in Europe's economy of the nineties. The definition of a coherent approach to satellite communications in the \n\nCommunity must take full account of these broader aspects. 1. Satellite Communications in the Context of Community Space \nPolicy \n\nSatellite communications represents by far the largest commercial application of \n\nsatellite technology. Europe's cumulated total effort in space up to the year 2000 through ESA will total \n\nmore than 30 billion ECUs in addition to national space programmes, with a major \n\npolitical commitment to ensure European autonomy in space, including manned \n\nspaceflight. Cumulated \n\nrevenues over \n\nthis decade \n\nrelated \n\nto satellite \n\ncommunications -\n\nfor satellite operators for the provision of space segment, for \n\nthe distribution of satellite TV channels, and for satellite terminal sales alone - are \n\nforecast to be far in excess of 20 billion ECUs, depending on the lifting of existing \n\nrestrictions. Satellite communications will therefore determine, to a large extent, \n\nthe commercial success of Europe's efforts to gain a strategic and future-proof \n\nposition in space. The Commission's overall approach to space policy is set out in Communication \n\nCOM(88) 417 on the proposed Community approach to space policy of July 198834\u2022 \nAfter analysing the European space effort in the world context, its current strengths \nand weaknesses, and identifying the Community's role, this communication \n\nproposed major policy goals for European space policy. 34 The European Community and Space-A Coherent Approach, COM(88) 417of26. 07. 1988. The discussion presented in the Communication led to the identification of six lines \n\nof action for a consistent development of the Community's space activities: \n\n59 \n\nResearch and Technological Development \n\npromoting \n\nfull \n\ncomplementarity and interaction between the Community's R & D strategy \n\nand the programmes of the European Space Agency (ESA)35; \n\nSatellite Communications \n\nthe need for a consistent approach to \n\nnetworks, the 'development of new services and to regulation; \n\nEarth Observation \n\nstimulation of the applications market for \n\nmeteorologica~ earth resources and environmental satellites; \n\nIndustrial Development -\n\nfull use of the benefits of the single market, \n\nabove all to improve the competitiveness of relevant European industry; \n\nLegal Environment \n\ncontributing to the establishment of favourable \n\nconditions for the development of European space activities; \n\nTraining - promoting the development of high-level European training. For the particular case of satellite communications, COM(88) 417 foresees four \n\nlines of action: \n\nEnsuring that satellite techniques are taken into consideration in the \n\ndevelopment of networks and services at European level and optimising the \n\ncomplementarity of satellite and terrestrial systems; \n\n35 \n\nThe annual budget of ESA amounted to some 2bn ECU in payment authority in 1989. The major \ndevelopment lines up to the year 2000 are the development of the European space shuttle HERMES, the \nEuropean space station element Columbus, the ARIANE 5 launcher programme, and advanced satellites for \nscience, earth observation and communications. ESA's budget for development of satellite communications is \ncurrently between 250 and 300 million ECUs annually. ESA has played a key-role in the development of the European capability in satellite communications. The \nAgency develops and launches experimental satellites to test their viability in orbit (the OTS satellite, \nlaunched in 1978, OLYMPUS launched in 1989 and ARTEMIS to be launched in 1993). ESA also developed \nand launched the initial systems for EUTELSAT and INMARSAT, the so-called ECS series used by \nEUTELSAT from 1983 onwards and the MARECS-A (launched in 1981) and MARECS-B (launched in \n1984) satellites for INMARSAT. The current ESA OLYMPUS programme is intended to develop and experiment in orbit-technologies in \norder to develop commercial satellite programmes in the 1990s in communications and broadcasting. The \nsatellite is intended for telecommunications (small terminal systems, data and education services, broadband \ncommunications and experimental high-frequency transmissions) and broadcasting (High Definition \nTelevision, datacasting, encryption, etc. ). With the exception of Greece, Luxembourg and Portugal, all Community Member States are members of \nESA. 60 \n\nCreating the political, regulatory and standardisation conditions necessary \n\nfor the development of new services and equipment, to ensure maximum \n\nexploitation of space systems; \n\nPromoting \n\nthe use of satellite communication \n\nsystems m \n\nthe \n\nimplementation of Community policies, such as in the education and \n\ntraining field; \n\nUndertake Research and Development to promote the development of \n\nspace system applications. The Communication has received an initial review by the Council and is now under \n\nexamination by European Parliament. In the period since the publication of COM(88) 417, the Commission has promoted \n\nthe use of\u00b7 satellite communications systems in the implementation of Community \n\npolicies in particular in the fields of rural and regional development, notably to \n\nimplement education and training systems in remote and rural areas of the \n\nCommunity, aid to developing countries, education and training, transport and \n\nfisheries, and has had a close liaison with the European Space Agency on the \n\ntechnological \n\ndevelopments \n\naimed \n\nat \n\npreparing \n\nfuture \n\nEuropean \n\ntelecommunication satellite systems. Under the RACE programme, the role of satellite communications in a future \n\nEuropean broadband network is currently being analysed36, and these activities are \n\nforeseen to be continued within the new Community R & D framework programme \n\nfor the period 1990 - 1994. Further, the DELTA programme37 on distance learning \n\napplications using \n\ninformation and communications technology, has closely \n\nexamined the use of satellites as a distribution medium as in the main. pilot project \n\nChannel E 38\u2022 \n\nThe COMETI programme, which promotes partnerships for \n\neducation and training between universities and enterprises, is supporting the \n\nEuroPACE39 project. 36 RACE project R1002 investigates the role of satellites in the for:eseen broadband communications \n\nenvironment of the following decades. The project members consist of 10 l~ding European aerospace \ncompanies. 37 Developing European Learning through Technological Advance: this 20 MECU Community programme \ndemonstrates how a full range of information and telecommunication technologies for the next decades \nrelates to the delivery of education and training. 38 Channel. E : A programme proposed by the European Institute for the Media for development of an \n\neducation and satellite service using the SES/ASfRA satellite. 39 EuroPACE, an initiative to deliver expertise training material to R&D sites across Europe. Sponsorship \n\n\f61 \n\nEurope's space policy during the seventies and eighties has successfully promoted \n\nthe achievement of a strong European position in the launch rocket field. With the \n\ndifferent ARIANE generations, Europe now has a market share of more than 60 % \n\nof the satellite launcher market, equivalent to annual revenues of 540 MECUs \n\n(1989), with a backlog of 37 satellites to be launched. In the field of the space segment, Europe has developed some of the most \n\nsophisticated satellite technologies now existing, in particular in the field of \n\ntelecommunications satellites \n\nmainly due to the successful research and \n\ndevelopment of the European Space Agency. Their latest satellite, OLYMPUS,. is \n\none of the largest and most powerful communications satellites yet launched, and is \n\nnow demonstrating\u00b7 a whole range of new services, particularly those using small \n\nground equipment. The users of Olympus in the field of education and training \n\nhave been associated in EuroSTEP40. However, largely due to the lack of \n\ndevelopment of a commercial satellite communications market in Europe, the \n\nEuropean export position in this area has been weak \n\nthe only European \n\ntelecommunications satellites sold on the world market have been two Arabsat \n\nsatellites whilst a consortium led by British Aerospace is constructing the \n\nINMARSAT-2 generation of satellites. However, \n\nthe highest price for \n\nthe current restrictions \n\nin \n\nthe satellite \n\ncommunications market has been paid in the field of the earth segment. Since the \n\nEuropean earth segment market was of insufficient size for European industry to \n\ndevelop its competence in this field, less than 15 % of INMARSA T shipborne \n\nequipment is of European manufacture and European suppliers of EUTELSAT \nterminal equipment have also performed poorly. Only in those fields of the market \nwhere liberalisation is relatively advanced in Europe, i. e. television receive-only \n\nantennas, European manufacturers have scored a major market share in Europe -\n\nover 90 % of all equipment sold in 1989 - even though this equipment currently \n\nincludes many non-European components. The fact that - for a particular satellite system - the investment in earth station \nequipment is substantially more than in the satellites themselves, shows the \n\ndevelopment potential which could be lost in this area. Discussion with relevant \n\nEuropean industry has shown that they believe they will be able to improve their \n\ncompetitive performance once current restrictions in the earth segment are lifted. comes from Eruope's leading IT &T undertakings. 40 EuroSfEP : the EUROpean assocation of users of Satellites in Training and Education Programmes ; an \n\nindependent user association of more than 300 organisations from 16 European countries which utilises \nOLYMPUS transmission time for the educational channel for Europe. It is worth noting here that studies undertaken for the Commission indicate a \n\ntripling in the size of the small earth station market, should restrictions be eased. 62 \n\n\f63 \n\nIn addition, a number of current initiatives will need to be followed further, in order \n\nto improve the position of the European space industry in satellite communications: \n\nFull use of the technological potential of the European Space Agency, in \n\norder to develop satellite technologies further for both private and public \n\napplications; steps towards this have been taken with the approval by the \n\nESA Council in July 1990 of the ARTEMIS41 experimental mission, and a \n\ndata relay satellite programme;. : \n\nFurther application of \n\nsatellite \n\ncommunication \n\nsystems m \n\nthe \n\nimplementation of Community policies. This concerns in particular the use of advanced telecommunications for \n\nregional development. Through its STAR programme, the Community has \n\ngiven financial support for the setting up of major satellite ground stations \n\nand business services terminals for transmission links. It also concerns the Community policies for education and training, \n\ntransport and fishing and for the developing countries. Full attention to the role of satellites in the context of the future \n\ndevelopment of telecommunications in the Community, in particular as \n\nregards pan-European services, as well as for the development of Integrated \n\nBroadband Communications (IBC). 2. Satellite Communications in the Context of Community Audio \nVisual Policy \n\nSatellites play a key-role in the Community's audio-visual policy, in particular as \n\nregards pan-European services. By the end of 1989, more than 60 television \n\nchannels were distributed via satellite across Europe. 41 Advanced Relay and TEchnology MISsion, an experimental satellite under development by ESA which \ncarries a laser optical data relay experiment, an S-band relay payload, an advanced L-band land mobile \nservices payload and a number of spacecraft technology experiments. 64 \n\n2. 1. Overall Audio-visual Policy \n\nThe Commission has set forth the major policy objectives in the audio-visual field in \n\nits Communication of 21 February 1990 to the Council and the European \n\nParliament on audio-visual policy42\u2022 Major regulatory positions have been defined \n\nin Directive 89/552/EEC on Television without Frontiers0. In the Communication COM(90) 78 the Commission proposes a three-pronged \n\napproach towards the development of the European audio-visual industry: \n\nEstablishment of an environment conducive to the competitivity of the \n\naudio-visual industry, based on directive 89/552/EEC. Harmonisation of national legislation on copyright protection (an important \n\nissue for satellite broadcasting, discussed below), encouragement of \n\npluralism and diversity in programme production, and promotion in line \n\nwith Community competition policy are important prerequisites for the \n\nestablishment of such an environment. Promotion of the audio-visual production industries. For this purpose the Commission has proposed the MEDIA44 programme \n\nto contribute to the restructuring of the audio-visual industry while ensuring \n\nthe necessary synergy with EUREKA-Audiovisuel. Both upstream and \n\ndownstream of production per se, MEDIA aims to develop a set of \n\ncomplementary actions which derive their value from the Community \n\ndimension and which are built around four elements: \n\ndistribution, \n\nproduction, training and financing. The proposal is, inter alia, to encourage \n\nthe emergence, on a European scale, of new audio-visual programme \n\nservices using innovative broadcasting technologies, including interactive \n\ncommunication by satellite. Promotion of new technologies. 42 \n\n43 \n\n44 \n\nCommunications by the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament on audio-visual policy, \nCOM(90) 78, 21. 02. 1990. Council Directive on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative \naction in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities, 89/552/EEC, 03. 10. 1989, \nO. J. L 298of17. 10. 1989, p. 23. \"MEDIA\" - Action programme to encourage the development of the European Audiovisual Industry, 1991-\n1995, COM(90) 132. 65 \n\nThe constant innovations in the field of new technologies, particularly \n\nconcerning the new generation of satellites and the development of high \n\ndefinition television (HDTV), have important implications for the audio \n\nvisual sector. Along with the numerous public and private sector actors in \n\nthis field, the Commission participates in this process: \n\nthrough \n\nits \n\nstandardisation \n\nactivities. Council Directive \n\n86/529/EEC of 3 November 1986, was a first step towards the \n\nadoption of a common standard for direct broadcasting by \n\nsatellite5'5; \n\nthrough \n\nits co-ordination. role, which \n\nis fundamental \n\nto \n\nthe \n\ndevelopment and promotion of European HDTV; \n\nthrough its research programmes (notably ESPRIT, RACE and \n\nAIM). Satellite broadcasting to the general public including both applications in terms of \n\nthe definition used in the Radio Regulations for the Broadcasting-Satellite Service, \n\nas well as broadcasting applications operating in the framework of the Fixed \n\nSatellite Service - will develop into the major component of transnational audio \n\nvisual services in Europe. They must therefore be seen in the light of overall \n\nCommunity audio-visual policy. 2. 2. The development of High Definition Television (HDTV) in Europe \n\nOn 27 April 1989, the Council adopted a decision on a plan of action46 on the \n\nintroduction of HDTV in Europe. It is envisaged that, following the successful \ncompletion of research and development, HDTV services will be introduced iri two \n\nstages. In a pre-operational phase starting in 1990, experimental and pilot \n\ntransmissions will be made. It is expected that, from about 1992 to 1995, a number \n\nof operators will start offering regular services in HDTV with a wide range of \n\nprogrammes, including films. It is generally accepted that 1995 will see widespread availability of HDTV services \n\nthroughout Europe. 45 Council Directive on the adoption of common technical specifications of the MAC-packet family of standards \n\nfor direct satellite television broadcasting, 88/529/EEC, O. J. L 311, 03. 11. 1986, p. 28. 46 OJ. L 142 of 25. 05. 1989, p. 1. 66 \n\nA major objective of the Council Decision mentioned above is to ensure that the \n\nEuropean standard for HDTV programme production and exchange is adopteJ as a \n\nworld-wide standard. Considerable progress has been made on the standardisation \n\nissue. At the CCIR plenary meeting in Dusseldorf in May 1990, 23 out of 34 basic \n\nparameters of the production standard were agreed on. The European 1250/50 \n\nHDTV standard, so called because it transmits 1250 lines of picture information \n\nand operates at 50Hz, is being developed by a consortium of thirty or so European \n\nmanufacturers and broadcasters (including some from non-Member States) in \n\n~ureka Project No. 95. This Eureka 95 group is also developing the hardware \n\nwhich will be used to demonstrate the system. The Commission works to ensure \n\nclose co-operation betwec::-n the MEDIA programme and Eureka 95. Furthermore, \n\nit has initiated a series of Audio-visual Forums, attended by all those with an \n\ninterest in HDTV, at which the work of Eureka 95 is discussed. In July 1990, at the instigation of the Commission and the European Broadcasting \n\nUnion, a GEIB (Groupement Europeen d'lnteret Economique) was formed, \n\nconsisting of industry, broadcasters. independent TV and film producers and other \n\ninterested parties. The objective of the group, which is known as Vision 1250, is to \n\nprovide a marketing-oriented complement to the technical development work being \n\ncarried out by Eureka 95. Specifically, it will, with financial support from Member \n\nStates and the Community, make hardware developed by Eureka 95 available to \n\nprogramme makers; it will set up demonstrations of HDTV at trade fairs; and it will \n\norganise the making and display of HDTV programmes, especially coverage of \n\nmajor sporting occasions. The Group's activities will be carried out from 1990 to \n\n1994; it is anticipated that this initiative will result in many high-quality productions \n\nusing the 1250 system being made and shown around the world during this four \nyear period. 2. 3. The Role of Satellites in HDTV \n\nAs mentioned in chapter III. , it is generally accepted that satellites will become the \n\nforemost \n\ninitial transmission medium for HDTV. Indeed, \n\nthe Eureka-95 \n\nprogramme depends on continued expansion of Direct Broadcasting-Satellite \n\ncapacity for its commercial success, and hence for the establishment of a European \n\nlead in TV development, despite the continuous involvement of the United States \n\nand Japan in the field of HDTV. 67 \n\nDirect Broadcasting-Satellites covering Europe and Africa are regulated under the \n\nagreement reached at the 1977 World Administrative Radio Conference (refer to \n\nchapters II. and III. ). This agreement, commonly referred to as the W ARC 77 plan, \n\nallocated the Broadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) frequency band to national DBS \n\nservices. Several orbital locations were assigned to Europe; each European country \n\nwas allotted five channels at one of the orbital locations. The satellite footprints \n\nwere intended to give national coverage only, though some spill-over into adjacent \n\ncountries would be unavoidable. It was envisaged that individual household \n\n~eception would be possible in each country using antennas of diameters less than \n\n90 cm; therefore high power satellites were required. As explained in chapter III. , in a number of important respects, satellite \n\ncommunications has evolved in ways unforeseeable in 1977. In particular, improved \n\nreceiver technology means that reception with a small antenna no longer \n\nnecessitates the use of a high-power satellite: television signals transmitted over \n\nmedium power satellites using the Fixed-Satellite Service frequency bands, where \n\nmost of the current channels are transmitted \n\nin particular programmes \n\ntransmitted via the EUTELSAT-I satellites, \n\nthe Telecom-I satellites, DFS \n\nKopernikus and ASTRA -\n\ncan be received with an antenna of around 90 cm in \n\nmost parts of Europe. This means that currently the majority of channels in Europe are transmitted via \n\nmedium-power satellites. While several DBS satellites conforming to the WARC \n\n77 plan have been launched in Europe, most of those currently in operation will \n\nbecome life-expired just as HDTV becomes widely available, around 1995-97. There are, in fact, three second-generation DBS systems under consideration in \n\nEurope: all of these propose sub-regional (mostly language-based zonal) coverage, \n\nmore channels per spacecraft and less power per channel. While, a priori, these \n\nsystems will have substantial advantages with regard to existing DBS systems, they \n\nface a major obstacle: they are not in agreement with the WARC 77 plan. Each \n\nsatellite would therefore have to be individually co-ordinated with all the satellites \n\nand terrestrial transmission systems with which it could possibly interfere - a \n\nprocess which would be expensive, time-consuming and of doubtful success. It \n\nseems inevitable, therefore, that substantial revision of the criteria contained in the \n\nWARC 77 plan will be essential to the implementation of future generation DBS \n\nsatellites in Europe, and hence to the success of European HDTV. 68 \n\n2. 4. Conditional Access Systems \n\nThe further evolution of satellite television and other point-to-multipoint systems \n\nwill require the further development of agreements and standardisation in the field \n\nof control of channel access. There are three main groups with a right or interest in \n\neither limiting or controlling the audience which can have access to a satellite \n\nbroadcast signal: \n\nBusiness TV and/ or videoconferencing operators and users. As the use of \n\nclosed-user-group television and videoconferencing as business tools to \n\ncreate competitive advantage grows, so too does awareness of the issue of \n\nconfidentiality. Both operators and users are keenly aware of the \n\nimportance of \"scrambling\" or disguising a signal in such a way that only \n\nauthorised entities can receive it in its original format. The issue of security \n\nis perceived as being of special importance where satellite transmission is \n\nconcerned, though terrestrial transmission systems are by no means \n\nnecessarily secure. Authors and producers of material broadcast. As mentioned, the resolution \n\nof copyright issues is of vital importance to the development of European \n\ntelevision. Use of a satellite beam which covers all of Western Europe would bring the \n\npotential audience into the hundreds of millions. It is clearly in the interests \n\nof both broadcasters and copyright holders to have a clear Community \nposition with regard to a regime for copyright issues. Satellite broadcasters offering pay-per-view TV. This is a commercial issue \n\nfor both satellite and terrestrial broadcasters, which may opt for a system \n\nwhereby customers, rather than paying a once-off or annual fee to receive \n\nprogrammes, are charged \"per view\", i. e. per programme or per hour's \n\nviewing time. Conditional access systems for pay TV must achieve a balance \n\nbetween low cost and the ease with which the encryption system can be \n\nbroken to allow unauthorised viewing. As regards the application of copyright \n\nto \n\ntelevision broadcasting in \n\nthe \n\nCommunity, the Commission will soon make its proposals in the context of audio \n\nvisual policy and its general policy on copyright. 69 \n\nAs regards the implementation of conditional access systems, one major obstacle to \n\na successful resolution of the issue has been the lack of a common European (or \n\ninternational) standard for encryption. In its Resolution 86/C160/01 of 9 June 1986, on the use of videoconference and \n\nvideophone techniques for intergovernmental applications, the Council invited the \n\nCommission to resolve problems specific to the use of videoconf erence and \n\nvideophone facilities by Member States governments and Community institutions, \n\nincluding confidentiality. The Community's RACE programme is studying \n\ncommunications integrity for all telecommunications services and has listed ba~ic \n\nrequirements for encryption devices. It will be important to develop suitable \n\nEuropean standards in this area. With its proposals of July 1990 on data protection and security of information \n\nsystems47, the Commission has submitted a comprehensive approach to this area -\n\nincluding data protection and protection of priva'-1' in the field \u00b7of public digital \n\ntelecommunications networks - and proposed a plan of action of the development \n\nof information security measures in this field. 3. The larger European dimension \n\nWith the growing interrelationships between the Community and its neighbouring \n\ncountries, the dramatic changes in Central and Eastern Europe, and the emergence \nof the larger European dimension as a general determinant of C~mmunity policy, a \nCommunity approach to satellite communications gains its full importance only if \nseen in the larger European dimension. The Community has strong common interest in satellite communications with its \nneighbours via joint membership - in many cases - of the major organisations of \nmost relevance to satellite communications in Europe. Figure 6 shows membership \nof Community countries, EFTA countries, the countries of central and Eastern \n\nEurope and other neighbouring countries in EUTELSAT, ESA, ETSI, CEPT and \nINTELSAT, INMARSA T and Intersputnik. 47 See COM(90) 314 of 24th September 1990, in panicular Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the \nprotection of personal data and privacy in the context of public digital telecommunications networks, in \npanicular the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and public digital mobile networks and Proposal \nfor a Council Decision in the field of information systems security. 70 \n\n3. 1 \n\n\u00b7 Cooperation with EFfA and other neighbouring countries. and the European \n\nConference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) \n\nThe Community has traditionally strong ties in satellite communications with the \n\nmember states of the European Free Trade Association, in particular via common \n\nmembership -\n\nin most cases - of both Community and EFf A countries in the \n\nrelevant organisations (compare Figure 6). As the Community and the European Free Trade Association further develop their \n\nrelationship in a global context and move towards a common European Economic \n\nSpace, common interests in this field will further intensify, particularly as in a. number of EFf A member states current trends are pointing clearly towards the \n\nreview of regulatory conditions in the sector and the liberalisation of both one-way, \n\nand - in some cases - \u00b7two-way satellite communications~ \n\nA major framework of consultation on satellite communications in Europe has \n\ntraditionally been the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications \n\nAdministrations (CEPT), which includes all Community and EFTA countries, as \n\nwell as a number of other countries such as Turkey and Yugoslavia (see Figure 6). CEPT has various specialised committees which act in the field of satellite \ncommunications in Europe. The main committees involved are the ccrs \n(Coordination Committee for Satellite Telecommunications) and its subordinate \n\nbodies and the CAC (Commercial Action Committee) under which a VSA T group \n\nhas been established. Since these bodies have a function in defining the role of \n\nsatellite communications within the developing European telecommunications \n\nnetwork it is necessary for the Community to have a complete dialogue with them \n\non future satellite communications evolution in Europe. Within the general review of telecommunications policies currently taking place in \n\nEurope, CEPT is currently undergoing major reforms, such as the separation within \n\nthe organisation of regulatory and operational functions. The two major reforms achieved to date are also of key importance for satellite \n\ncommunications: the creation, in 1988, in Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, of the European \n\nTelecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the transfer of CEPT's \n\ntelecommunications equipment standardisation activities to this institution; and \n\nthe creation of the European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) and the \n\nEuropean Radiocommunications Office (ERO) currently under way. Figure 6 \n\nCOMMUNITY, EFTA, CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE AND OTHER NEIGHBOURING \n\nEUROPEAN COUNTRIES \n\nMEMBERSHIP IN ORGANISATIONS OF MOST INTEREST TO SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS \n\nIN EUROPE \n\nESA \n\nETSI \n\nCEPT \n\nEUTEL-\nSAT \n\nINTEL-\nSAT \n\nINMAR-\nSAT \n\nINTER-\nSPUTNIK \n\nITU. Belgium \n\nDenmark \n\nGermany \n\nFrance \n\nGreece \n\nIreland \n\nItaly \n\nLuxembourg \n\nThe Netherlands \n\nPortugal \n\nSpain \n\nUnited Kingdom \n\n~ \n\nAustria \n\nFinland \n\nIceland \n\nLiechtenstein \n\nNorway \n\nSweden \n\nSwitzerland. ,. (lJ. \u2022. \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 Member \ner \n\n\fESA \n\nETSI \n\nCEPT \n\nEUTEL-\nSAT \n\nINTEL-\nSAT \n\nFigure 6 \n\nINMAR-\nSAT \n\nINTER-\nSPUTNIK. ITU. \u2022. 1 \u2022. --. =~-~ l-. ----~--~ \n\n1. :5~ \n\n:5~ \n\n:5~. 1. 1 \u2022 \n\n1 \u2022 \n\nBulgaria \n\nCzechoslovakia \n\nHungary \n\nPoland \n\nRomania \n\nYugoslavia \n\nCyprus \n\nMalta \n\nMonaco \n\nRep. of San Marino \n\nTurkey \n\nVatican City \n\nJapan \n\nUnited States \n\nUSSR \n\n\u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 Member. ,. :5~ \u2022\u2022 application to join pending. ,. (1) \u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022 Associate Member \n\u2022 \n\n\f73 \n\nWhile ETSI is called upon to provide the technical basis for many of the necessary \n\nmeasures required in satellite communications (see chapter V. ), the new European \n\nRadiocommunications Committee and the European Radiocommunications Office \n\n-\n\nto be located in Copenhagen - offer a new basis for strengthening frequency \n\ncoordination in Europe. Council Resolution 90/C 166/0248 defines as a major \n\npolicy goal \"working in particular towards the timely allocation of sufficient \n\nfrequency resources to mobile and satellite applications. \", and welcomes the \n\n\"current reform of radio frequency planning and coordination mechanisms \n\n\\lndertaken by the CEPT, and in particular the decision to create a European \n\nRadiocommunications Office allowing for the opinion of all interested parties to be \n\ntaken into account and having an appropriate organisation. \". It invites the \n\nCommission and the Member State~ and the CEPT \"to support the further \n\ndevelopment of the new framework. making available all the resources necessary \n\nto ensure the efficiency of its operation and the rapidity of its response. \". 3. 2. Importance of satellite communications for the developments m Central and \n\nEastern Europe \n\nThe dramatic changes in Central and Eastern Europe have given the rapid \n\ndevelopment of satellite communications in Europe a new political dimension. The \n\nrapid build-up of the telecommunications infrastructure of the countries of Central \n\nand Eastern Europe is indispensable for the integration of these countries into the \n\nlarger European dimension and the successful reconstruction of their economies, as \nemphasised by the Commission in its Communication of 19 June. 199049. One of the \n\nmajor advantages of satellite communications - rapid deployment and immediate \n\nlarge area coverage \n\n- give it a key-role in this context, in the fields of both \n\ntelecommunications and broadcasting. The countries of Central and Eastern Europe are therefore turning to the use of \n\nsatellite systems to improve their telecommunications links with Western Europe: \n\nPoland became the 27th member of EUTELSAT in February 1990, Romania has \n\nsince joined, and negotiations are underway with Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Further, it is understood that the third flight model of DFS-Kopernikus, a national \n\n48 Council Resolution of 28 June 1990 on the strengthening of the Europe-wide cooperation on radio \n\nfrequencies, in particular with regard to services with a pan-European dimension, OJ. C 166 of 07. 07. 1990, p. 4. 49 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Community's \n\nrelations with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - the role of telecommunications, COM(90) 258 \nof 19. 06. 1990. 74 \n\nGerman satellite system, will provide telephony, \n\ntelevision distribution and \n\ndata/business communications throughout the geographical regions of the Federal \n\nRepublic of Germany including its newly integrated eastern part. Several Central \n\nand Eastern European countries - Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria - are \n\nmembers of INMARSA T, and expect to use this service both for maritime and land \n\nmobile use (see Figure 6). The possibility of using small terminal systems to provide rapid large area coverage \n\nis the subject of active consideration by several Eastern European countries. At the \n\nsame time they are urgently examining the possibility of permitting additional. providers in order to stimulate the early provision of improved telecommunications \n\nservices, both nationally and for cross-border traffic. Given that in all countries of Central and Eastern Europe the terrestrial network \n\ninfrastructure is largely underdeveloped, the introduction of VSA T networks will \n\npresent itself as an obvious and \n\n-\n\nin many cases \n\n- most effective means of \n\ncommunications. Introduction of satellite technology based on large-scale earth \n\nstations will often not provide rapid wide-area coverage, without the necessary \n\nterrestrial interface for interconnection. It seems likely that -\n\nin the context of the current general economic reforms in \n\nthese countries and the development towards a market economy -\n\nthe situation \n\nwill lead rapidly to a review of the regulatory provisions concerning deployment of \n\nsatellite systems in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. If concurrent \n\naction is not taken within the Community, this could well lead to liberal availability \n\nof satellite networks in Central and Eastern European countries in advance of such \n\navailability in the Community - with a consequential dramatically negative effect \n\non the development of Europe-wide systems. While common satellite terminal networks could develop rapidly between the \n\ncountries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Community - if the Community \n\nadjusts its own regulatory conditions in the sector -\n\nthe mutual interests in this \n\nsector between the Community and the USSR will need further analysis. Based on \n\nits major capabilities in space systems, the USSR has a well developed usage of \n\nsatellite systems. It is understood that more than 95 % of viewers receive television \n\nby means of the joint use of satellite television broadcasting systems and terrestrial \n\ndistribution facilities. In international satellite communications, the USSR has \n\nbeen active with the establishment of the Intersputnik satellite system (see Figure \n\n~) and in the context of the lnterkosmos programme for the study of problems \n\ninvolved in implementing national and regional communications. The USSR is \n\n\falready a member of INMARSA T, and also renewed efforts to offer USSR \n\nmembership in INTELSAT recently became public. 75 \n\n4. External Aspects and the International Environment of Satellite \nCommunications \n\nA coherent Community approach to satellite communications must take full \n\naccount of the international environment of satellite communications in Europe \n\nand of the Community's general interests in external relations. As shown in chapter II. , all Community Member States have obligations and \n\nexisting international commitments which they must respect - but they should also \n\nwork jointly towards change where required. The results of the GAIT-negotiations in the context of the current Uruguay-Round \n\nwill fundamentally influence the Community's relations with its major trading \n\npartners in this area -\n\nthe United States and Japan - but could also have an \n\nimpact on the international environment in which satellite communications exist. With the growing number of non-European satellites used for European coverage, \n\nco-ordination with regard to third countries in the area of satellite services will have \n\nto be strengthened. Finally, a Community satellite communications policy must be \n\nseen in the context of the overall relations of the Community with regard to other \n\nparts of the world: developing its relations with Mediterranean countries, where in \n\nthe field of satellite communications mutual beneficial links have already been \n\nestablished; contributing to the full use of the potential of satellites in the \n\ndeveloping countries - in the context of its relations with the African, Caribbean \n\nand Pacific (ACP) countries in the framework of the current Lome convention, as \n\nwell as assisting satellite-based development projects elsewhere. 4. 1. International Telecommunications Union (ITU) \n\nAs shown in chapter II. , the International Telecommunications Union is central to \n\nthe development of satellite communications, notably via \n\nits key-role \n\nin \n\ninternational frequency co-ordination and the allocation of the orbital resource -\n\nwith the activities of the International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) and \n\nthe World and Regional Administrative Radio Conferences (WARCs and RARCs). 76 \n\nOther main committees concerned are the International Radio Consultative \n\nCommittee (CCIR) and the International Consultative Committee for Telegraph \n\nand Telephone (CCITI)50. The working of the IFRB and the role of the WAR Cs has been discussed in detail \n\nin chapter II. The CCIR is responsible for the study of technical and operating \n\nquestions on \n\nradiocommunications \n\nand \n\nfor \n\nthe \n\nissuing of \n\nrelevant \n\nrecommendations. The CCITI issues recommendations related to standards and specifications as well \n\nas to the operation and charging of public telecommunications services. \u00b7it \n\ninvestigates the interworking of telecommunications satellites with the terrestrial \n\nnetwork, especially in today's environment of wide and expanding use of FSS and \n\nMSS satellites for telecommunications services. As set out in the Council Resolution of 30 June 198851, common positions are to be \n\nadopted in international fora. This was the case with regard to the 1988 World \n\nAdministrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (WA TI-C) where a new set \n\nof International Telecommunications Regulations was negotiated. It is the case in \n\nthe current negotiations in the framework of the CCIR on the future High \n\nDefinition Television standard. It should be the case in the future, wherever \n\nrelevant. Following Council agreement in 1988, the Community applied for, and was granted, \n\nobserver status at the ITU Committees and Conferences. Concerning frequency coordination, Council Resolution 90/Cl66/0252 calls for \"the \n\nworking out of common European positions on the use of the frequency spectrum \n\nconcerning international frequency co-ordination, in particular with regard to the \n\nInternational Telecommunications Union and its conferences on radio frequencies\", \n\nand based on the current reform of frequency coordination in the CEPT (see \n\nabove). 50 A further body, the Telecommunications Development Bureau - newly created in the context of the reform \n\nof ITU activities subsequent to the decisions taken at the ITU plenipotentiary conference held at Nice in 1989 \n(Art. 14 of the Constitution) - could gain substantial importance in the promotion of satellite \ncommunications for the developing countries. 51 Council Resolution of 30 June 1988 on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \n\nsetvices and equipment up to 1992, OJ. C '257 of 04. 10. 1988, p. 1. 52 Council Resolution of 28th June 1990 on the strengthening of the Europe-wide cooperation on radio \n\nfrequencies, in particular with regard to services with a pan-European dimension, OJ. C 166 of 7. 7. 1990, p. 4, \n(90/C 166/2). 77 \n\nThe major immediate challenge for the European Community will be to define a \n\ncommon position with regard to the next World Administrative Radio Conference \n\nwhich will take place in 1992 (WARC 92), and - based on the strengthened co \n\noperation mechanisms of the CEPT -\n\nto create the necessary strong political \n\nmandate at Community level required for effective co-ordination in this central \n\narea. 4. 2. General A1u-eement on Tariffs and Trade {GA TT) \n\nVirtually all aspects of the Internal Market for telecommunications are being \n\ninfluenced, directly or indirectly, by the issues discussed in the context of the on \n\ngoing trade negotiations in the Uruguay Round. Positions in the Uruguay Round are expressed by the Community in conformity \n\nwith Article 113 of the Treaty. It is likely that the Community's negotiating position \n\nwill remain closely linked to progress in the Community's internal regime, and it is \n\nimportant that the Community's internal and external positions should be \n\nconsistent. Amongst the current areas of negotiation, two are of immediate relevance to the \n\nsatellite sector: services and technical barriers to trade. With regard to trade in services, the negotiations in Geneva have focused on the \n\nelaboration of a framework of principles, inspired by the General Agreement on \n\nTariffs and Trade (GATI), which would be applicable to all trade in services. This framework will be modified or complemented by sectoral annotations, or \n\nannexes, to various sectors in order to take into account their specific aspects. For \n\ntelecommunications, \n\nthe annotations or annex would cover, \n\nin particular, \n\nappropriate conditions of access to and use of the network. The principles \n\nestablishing Directive 90/387 /EEC53 on Open Network Provision (ONP) form the \n\nbasis for the Community's position in this sector. With regard to technical barriers to trade. the Community is seeking to establish a \n\nbetter balance under the GA TT agreement by extending its provisions, in particular \n\nregarding transparency of specifications adopted by sub-national and private \n\nstandardisation bodies. 53 Council Directive of 28 June 1990 on the establishment of the internal market for telecommunications \n\nservices through the implementation of Open Network Provision. Once adopted, the new GA TI agreements should provide a mechanism for \n\nextending liberalisation of trade in satellite services and equipment. in the context \n\nof general telecommunications trade - to third countries in a balanced ~ay. 78 \n\n4. 3. Co-ordination of positions with regard to Third Country providers \n\nAs shown in Figure 3, with the diversification of the provision of space segment, a \n\ngrowing number of non-European satellites are emerging which can be used for \n\nservices with European coverage. As mentioned in chapter III. , six US entities hold conditional construction permits \n\nby the US Federal Communications Commission for international separate satellite \n\nsystems. One entity, Pan American Satellite/ Alpha-Lyracom has operated since \n\n1988 an international separate satellite system which provides, inter alia, satellite \n\nservices in a number of Member States of the Community. Final authorisation for \n\nthe Orion system is pending, with a launch date planned for 1993. Launch dates \n\nand coverage for the Gorizant and Reduga satellites are not published, though \n\nseveral are known to be in orbit. They are owned by the USSR and leased to \n\nIntersputnik. Currently, the Community Member States negotiate individually landing rights for \n\n- and access to - non-European satellite systems, other than the INTELSAT and \n\nINMARSAT space segments. In the future, stronger coordination in this area will \n\nbe needed, in order to avoid distortion of market conditions within the Community \non the one hand, and on the other hand to gain a stronger bargaining position for \n\nnegotiating equivalent access to Third Countries for equivalent access for European \n\nsatellite systems. The above-mentioned GA TI principles on telecommunications trade in general, \n\ncurrently being defined, would seem to provide a suitable basis, on which to develop \na common coordinated approach and balanced arrangements with Third Countries \n\nin this area. 4. 4. Relations with the Mediterranean, Africa, Latin America and \n\nother parts of the world \n\n79 \n\nThe Community Member States have developed relations on a world-wide basis in \n\nthe field of satellite communications, both via common interests in the \u00b7context of \n\nthe international coordination mechanisms of the ITU in the field of frequency \n\nspectrum and orbital allocations, and of INTELSAT and INMARSA T, as well as by \n\nusing satellite communications for assisting regional development. In respect of industrialised countries, the Commission, in the Green Paper on the \n\ndevelopment of the common market for \n\ntelecommunications services and \n\ni \n\nequipment54, has emphasised the importance for the Community of cooperation in \n\nthe international frameworks with the other industrial countries, such as the United \n\nStates, Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, who have developed advanced \n\nsatellite communications capabilities. In addition, \n\nthe Commission has \n\nrecommended \n\nthe setting up of a coherent \n\nstrategy with \n\nregard \n\nto \n\ntelecommunications in its relations to the Third World. In the framework of its relations with the Third World, the Commission has not \n\nonly emphasised the necessity to adopt in the field of telecommunications a \n\ncoherent strategy towards developing countries but also stressed the objectiv_e of \n\nusing satellite communications systems. In \n\nits Communications on \n\nthe \n\nCommunity's approach to space policy set out above, it has considered that priority \n\nuse should be made of satellite communications in the field of rural and regional \n\ndevelopment and aid to Third World countries. A special common \n\ninterest \n\nin satellite communications exists among \n\nthe \n\nCommunity, the Mediterranean and the African countries. On the one hand, the \n\nrelationship established between the Community and most of these countries is \n\nparticularly close and will strengthen and grow even more because of the new \n\ndynamism resulting from the completion of the internal market. On the other \n\nhand, Europe and Africa share frequencies and the orbital resource in the same, so \n\ncalled, ITU region (Region 1). The geographical proximity at least in the case of \n\nMediterranean countries gives also a possibility in certain cases of common \n\ncoverage of these countries and of various European regions. Therefore, this particular situation requires careful consideration and a number of \n\nspecific solutions in order to best accommodate the needs of all interested parties. 54 Green Paper on the Development of the Common Market for Telecommunications Services and Equipment, \n\nDocument COM(87) 290 final, 30. 06. 1987. 80 \n\nAt present, a close cooperation has been established between European space \n\nindustry and the Arab nations in the case of the Arabsat system, with the use of \n\nEuropean technology and the purchase of two satellites from a European \n\nmanufacturer. ARABSAT has recently issued a request for tenders for its second \n\ngeneration satellite system for which various European satellite manufacturers are \n\nexpected to bid. A special framework of cooperation is offered by the Lome Convention which links \n\nthe Community to a large number of developing countries. The Commission \n\nconducts financial and technical cooperation projects to assist various African, \n\nof \n\nCaribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries which are signatories to the Convention. This may be expected to be an ongoing requirement for the Community in the \n\nsatellite communications field, as these techniques become more and more widely \n\nused at regional and national level in newly industrialised and developing countries. Regarding countries in Central and South America in Asian countries, the \n\nCommunity has developed a cooperation since 1976 and considers that it should be \n\nreinforced. Because of the very large requirements and the size of the forty \n\ndeveloping countries involved, which represent a population of 2300 million \n\ninhabitants, the Commission considers that telecommunications satellites systems \n\nconstitute a privileged means to facilitate their rural and regional development. At present, the Community undertakes, together with the Andean Pact countries, \n\nstudies for the establishment of a pan-regional satellite system, CONDOR. To summarize, major requirements for the Community in this area should be: \n\nclose cooperation, in the most appropriate way, with countries in ITU \n\nRegion 1, \n\nin order to provide for required coordination concerning \n\nEuropean satellite systems and systems in other parts of the Region, such as \n\nthe planned African Satellite Communications System (RASCOM) which is \n\nsponsored by a number of African countries and for which the ITU is acting \n\nas coordinator; \n\ncontinuing emphasis on the use, and where possible, the development of \n\nsatellite communications in the aid programmes by the Community for the \n\ndeveloping countries; \n\n\f81 \n\nin a more general context, close international cooperation with both other \n\nindustrialised countries and the developing world in the framework of the \n\nInternational Telecommunications Union and especially with regard to the \n\nforthcoming W ARC conferences, as well as with regard to the international \n\ntelecommunications satellite organisations, in order to promote change \n\nwhere required, taking full account of the special interest of the developing \n\ncountries \n\nin \n\nthe balanced development of world-wide \n\nsatellite \n\ncommunications. 5. Summary \n\nThe future evolution and regulation of satellite communications in the Community \n\nmust be seen in a global policy context. Satellite communications is by far the largest commercial application of space \n\ntechnology. The European Space Agency's cumulated total effort in space up to the year 2000 \n\nwill total 30 billion ECUs in addition to national European space programmes. With the different Ariane generations, Europe has developed a market share of \n\nmore than 50 % of the world satellite launcher market. In the field of telecommunications satellites, mainly due to the successful research \n\nand development of the European Space Agency, Europe has developed some of \n\nthe most sophisticated satellite technologies. However, due to the lack of \n\ndevelopment of a commercial satellite communications market in Europe, Europe's \n\nmarket position in this area has remained weak, compared to the booming US and \n\nJapanese markets. An adjustment of the regulatory conditions of satellite communications in Europe \n\ntherefore will determine, to a large extent, the commercial success of Europe's \n\neffort to gain a future-proof position in space. It will also determine the success of a major component of the Community's audio \n\nvisual policy, the early introduction of High Definition Television (HDTV) in \n\nEurope - given that it is generally accepted that satellites will become the foremost \n\ninitial transmission medium for its Europe-wide introduction. 82 \n\nThe future development of the Community's satellite communications market only \n\ngains its full importance when seen in the larger European dimension - the future \n\nEuropean Economic Space and the dramatic changes in Central and Eastern \n\nEurope. The rapid build-up of the communications infrastructure in Central and Eastern \n\nEurope is indispensable for the reconstruction of the economies of these countries. Given the lack of an adequate terrestrial infrastructure, the free development of \n\nVSAT terminal networks will off er rapid advance to these countries. Given the \n\nparallel trends in a number of EFI' A countries towards a more liberal environment \n\nf \n\nfor these systems, \n\nlack of adjustment of the regulatory conditions by the \n\nCommunity for such systems would leave the Community lagging behind the \n\ndevelopments in the other parts of Europe, effectively blocking the development of \n\ntrue trans-European systems. At the same time, the reforms undertaken by the \n\nEuropean Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations in the \n\nfields of standards and frequency coordination and planning - with the creation of \n\nETSI on the one hand, the European Radiocommunications Committee and the \n\nEuropean Radiocommunications Office on the other - prepare the ground for the \n\nestablishment of regulatory conditions which will promote Europe-wide services. Finally, the current global development in the International Telecommunications \n\nUnion and the principles to be agreed in the context of the GA TI Uruguay Round \n\nnegotiations will facilitate the future development of satellite communicalions at a \nworld level but also require the strengthening of coordination between Member \nStates. This concerns both coordination of positions with regard to Third Country \n\nproviders, as well as the further development of relations in this field with the \nMediterranean, Africa, Latin America and other parts of the world. A special common interest \n\nin satellite communications exists between the \n\nCommunity and the Mediterranean and the African countries, both because of the \n\nclose global relationships which have developed between the Community and many \n\nof these countries, as well as because of the fact that Europe and Africa share \n\nfrequencies and the orbital resource in the same ITU Region. V. EXTENDING THE PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNI1Y \nTELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY TO SATELLITE \nCOMMUNICATIONS \n\n83 \n\nSatellite communications were set aside for later consideration in the Green Paper \n\non the development of the common market for telecommunications services and \n\nequipment55 \u2022 The consensus achieved on the basis of this Green Paper, and the \n\nsubsequent political decisions on the general future regulatory conditions of the \n\ni \n\ntelecommunications sector in the European Community -\n\nin particular at the \n\nTelecommunications Council on 7th December 1989 - can now be the basis on \n\nwhich \n\nto build a common regulatory position \n\nin \n\nthe field of satellite \n\ncommunications. The obligation \n\nto \n\ncomplete \n\nthe Community's \n\ninternal market \n\nfor \n\ntelecommunications by the end of 1992 cannot be achieved unless agreement is \n\nreached on a common set of rules. Failure to do so would amount to maintaining \n\nthe fragmentation of the Community market and blocking the development of the \n\nCommunity's satellite industry. In particular, a broad consensus is needed with \n\nrespect to the orientation, scope and timescale of the necessary measures. The \n\nGreen Paper on Telecommunications aimed at bringing about this consensus, and \n\nthe Council of Ministers, in its Resolution of 30 June 198856, unanimously approved \n\nthe main conclusions of the Green Paper. In doing so, the Council identified \n\nsatellite communications as the following major goal in telecommunications policy: \n\n\"working out a common position on satellite communications, so that this new \n\ninformation medium can develop in a favourable environment, taking account of \n\nthe general rules of operation and exploitation of the network environment, as well \n\nas the competition rules of the Treaty and existing international commitments of \n\nthe Member States\". 55 Towards a Dynamic Economy - Green Paper on the Development of the Common Market for \nTelecommunications Seivices and Equipment, Document COM(87) 290 final, 30. 06. 1987. 56 Council Resolution of 30th June 1988 on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \n\nseivices and equipment up to 1992, OJ. C 257of04. 10. 1988, p. 1. 1. General principles \n\nApplying the general consensus \n\nachieved in telecommunications to satellite \n\ncommunications should build on a number of broad principles: \n\n84 \n\nthe future regulatory conditions for satellite communications must respect \n\nthose regulatory safeguards which Member States may apply in the \n\ntelecommunications sector in accordance with the general consensus on \n\ntelecommunications already achieved, but should not \n\nintroduce any \n\nadditional restrictions beyond those related to specific conditions in the \n\nfield of satellite communications, where these can be justified in accordance \n\nwith Community law - in particular competition rules - and international \n\ncommitments; \n\nthey should provide for a dynamic development of earth segments and space \n\nsegments in the Community, and meet the conditions required by \n\nenterprises to operate in the Community-wide 1992 market; allow the full \n\ndevelopment of the Community's space industry in this area; and support \nthe Community's policy for a common audio-visual space; \n\nthey must fully apply Community law to this sector. The Community cannot \n\nadmit - or afford -\n\nthe withdrawal of a sector of such vital importance \n\nfrom the working of the single market, or from the full application of its \n\nrules. The Green Paper on \nfor \ntelecommunications services and equipment has recalled the Articles of the Treaty \nof most relevance to telecommunications: \n\nthe common market \n\nthe development of \n\nArticle 3f requiring the institution of a system ensuring that competition is \nnot distorted, \n\nArticle 5 under which the Member States are bound to fulfil their \nobligations under the Treaty, \n\nArticle Sa requiring the internal market to be completed by 31 December \n\n1992. the provisions concerning the free movement of goods, in particular Articles \n30 to 36; \n\n\f85 \n\nArticle 37 requiring the adjustment of state commercial monopolies and \n\nforbidding the creation of new state commercial monopolies, \n\nthe provisions concerning the freedom to provide services and the freedom \n\nof establishment, in particular Articles 52 to 66; \n\nthe provisions governing competition, in particular Articles 85, 86 and 90; \n\nthe provisions concerning the common commercial policy, in particular \n\nArticles 110 to 116; \n\nthe general provisions for the approximation of provisions laid down by law, \n\nregulation, or administrative actions in Member States as directly affecting \n\nthe establishment or functioning of the comm~n market, in particular \n\nArticle lOO(a). Beyond these Articles, account should be taken of further work, in particular the \n\nprinciples set out in the Commission's guide-lines on the application of competition \n\nrules to the telecommunications sector57, and the substantial amount of Community \n\nlaw in the telecommunications sector resulting from the case law and secondary \n\nlegislation and the implementation of the Green Paper58, inter alia: \n\nCommission Directive of 16th May 1988 on competition in the markets in \n\ntelecommunications terminal equipment (88/301/EEC)59; \n\nCouncil Directive of 28th June 1990 on the establishment of the internal \n\nmarket for telecommunications services through the implementation of \n\nOpen Network Provision (90 /387 /EEC)60; \n\nCommission Directive of 28th June 1990 on competition in the markets for \n\ntelecommunications services (90/388/EEC)61; \n\nand proposed Directives on which common positions have already been obtained, \n\nin particular :. 57. To be published \n58 Towards a competitive Community-wide telecommunications market in 1992 - Implementing the Green \nPaper on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications services and equipment, \nCOM(88)48, 09 /02/1988. 59 OJ. L 131, 27/05/1988 \n\n60 OJ. L 192, 24/07 /1990, p. 1 \n\n61 O. J. L 192, 24/07 /1990, p. 10 \n\n\f86 \n\nProposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the \n\nMember States concerning \n\ntelecommunications \n\nterminal equipment, \n\nincluding the mutual recognition of their conformity62; \n\n\u2022 \n\nas well as legislation in related fields of direct relevance: \n\nCouncil Directive on the procurement procedures of entities operating in \n\nthe water, \n\nenergy, \n\ntransport, \n\nand \n\ntelecommunications \n\nsectors \n\n(90/531/EEC)63\n\n\u2022 \n\nCouncil Directive on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by \n\nlaw, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the \n\npursuit of television broadcasting activities (89 /552/EEC)64; \n\nCouncil Directive on the adoption of common technical specifications of the \n\nMAC/packet family of standards for direct satellite television broadcasting \n\n(86/529 /EEC)65; \n\nCouncil Directive on the approximation of the laws of Member States \n\nrelating to electromagnetic compatibility (89 /336/EEC) 66\n\u2022 \n\nWhere these measures do not apply directly to satellite communications, a \n\nCommunity approach to this sector should take account of the principles underlying \n\nthis legislation. It should in particular: \n\nallow the full use of the new technological potential to all market \n\nparticipants, both in the terminal and services markets; \n\ndefine, therefore, exclusive or special rights narrowly and replace them by \n\nlicensing schemes where \n\nthe continued maintenance of regulatory \n\nsafeguards is required by public interest; \n\nprovide for the clear separation of regulatory and operational functions, in \n\norder to avoid conflicts of interest and distortion of competition and \n\nmarkets. 62 Amended proposal, OJ. C 187, 27. 7. 1990, p. 40 \n\n63 OJ. L. 297, 29. 10. 1990, p. 1. 64 O. J. L 298, 17/10/1989, p. 23. 65 OJ. L311, 3/11/1986, p. 28. 66 O. J. L 139, 23/5/1989, p. 19. 2. Future treatment of the earth segment \n\n87 \n\nTraditionally, the large earth stations used with INTELSAT and EUTELSAT \n\nsystems for long distance telephony and television programme exchange were \n\nowned and operated by the telecommunications organisations. In the future, the \n\nbulk of earth stations and hence the biggest market segment will consist of small \n\nterminals with antennas of 0. 5 to 2. 5 meters (see Chapter III). VSAT terminals \n\nusually come under this category. However, the term \"small terminal\" is difficult to \n\nquantify and implies defining a limit in antenna diameter so that they can be \n\ndifferentiated from the large earth stations mentioned above. Any such limit would \n\u2022 \n\nbe arbitrary and can change with technological development. It therefore should \n\nnot - and cannot - be used for the determination of the regulatory regime that \n\nshould apply to those terminals. The criterion for distinguishing different kinds of satellite earth stations should \n\ntherefore not be their size, but the function for which they have been built and \n\nwhich may require different regulatory safeguards: \n\nentertainment broadcast (TV) reception \n\nterminals (Direct Broadcast \n\nSatellite and Direct-To-Home-receive only terminals - DBS and DTH \n\nterminals); \n\nreceive only satellite telecommunications terminals (including mobile, \n\nposition fixing, etc. ) for other than entertainment broadcasting reception; \n\ntransmit/receive terminals for \n\ntwo-way operations (including mobile, \n\nposition-fixing, etc. ); \n\ncentral control earth stations (hub stations) for private terminal systems. 2. 1. Entertainment broadcast (TV) reception terminals \n\n88 \n\nThe supply, installation, ownership, operation and maintenance of DBS and DTH \n\nreceive-only terminals for entertainment broadcasting reception is already largely \n\nliberalised within most Member States, although in the past the Commission has \n\nbeen confronted with a number of complaints that have led to infringement \n\nprocedures. against certain Member States67\u2022 Most of these cases have been \n\nresolved in the sense that the Member State involved agreed to liberalise the \n\nmarket for receive-only terminals (refer to chapter II. ). Such terminals may be \n\noonsidered as consumer goods, fulfilling a function similar to a traditional roof-top. antenna for the reception of terrestrial radio and television broadcast services. The \n\nGreen Paper on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \n\nservices and equipment recalled \"that the general trend in Europe now seems to be \n\nthat domestic receive-only installations (TVROs) designed to receive high power \n\nDBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite) services will not require a licence\". The problem is of immediate relevance with the newly launched DBS satellites \n\n(TDF-1and2, TV-SAT-2, BSB-1, TELE-X, OLYMPUS), and the satellites used for \n\nservices such as Direct to Home ASTRA and the EUTELSAT and TELECOM 2nd \n\ngeneration satellites. Estimates have indicated that a market exists for a potential \n\nof 100 million terminal units in Europe, of which between 4 and 20 million DBS and \n\nD1H terminals are forecast to be sold by 1996. Obviously, the Community will only \n\nbe able to reap the benefits of this market potential if this market is freed from \n\nrestrictive regulations. 2. 2. Receive only satellite telecommunications terminals \n\nUnlike a DBS or DTH terminal, a receive-only telecommunications terminal would \n\nbe optimised for reception of point-to-multipoint data and voice signals, which may \n\ninclude video-transmissions (in analogue or digital format). However, there are \n\nstrong similarities in overall function between these two classes of earth stations. Use of such terminals for point-to-multipoint services poses no threats to other \n\nearth station users or operators since the terminals do not have transmit capability. As has been explained (see chapter III. ), these are mainly new types of services \nwhich are not provided by conventional means. 67 See for example Sixth Annual Report to the European Parliament on Commission monitoring of the \n\napplication of Community law - 1988, OJ. C 330 of 30. 12. 1989, p. 1, points 90 and 99. 89 \n\n2. 3. Transmit/receive terminals \n\nIt is established international practice that a licence is normally required to operate \n\na radio transmitter. Thus, the operation of a small terminal, capable of sending -\n\nand receiving -\n\nsignals, may be expected to be subject to a licensing regime in \n\norder to ensure correct frequency assignment and coordination, the limitation of \n\npotential interference to an acceptable level and, in certain cases, knowledge of the \n\ngeographical location of the terminal. There is also a public interest in the proper \n\nfunctioning of the transmitter which can justify mandatory type-approval and the \n\nrequirement to maintain the equipment in a prescribed manner. 2. 4. Central control earth stations (hub stations) of satellite terminal networks \n\nRemote terminals in private terminal networks of the current generation (\"star \n\nnetworks\") generally communicate only via a central nodal earth station, which then \n\nprovides onward connections as necessary. The remote terminals do not \n\ncommunicate directly with each other. In the next generation of networks (\"mesh \n\nnetworks\") this will be possible. However, in both types of network, a central \n\ncontrol function will be present. For the purpose of this document, the \"hub\" earth \n\nstation is considered the earth station which incorporates the central control \n\nfunction of the network. A hub earth station is always a two-way (i. e. transmitting and receiving) station and \n\nfrom the equipment point of view a considerably more sophisticated facility than a \n\nremote terminal in the network, in the case of star networks the \u00b7\"hub\" station has \n\nthe higher transmit power and greater usable bandwidth necessary to function as a \n\ncentral communications facility. licence. It may therefore require a more comprehensive \n\n\f2. 5. \u00b7 Abolition of exclusive or special rights \n\n90 \n\nAfter the publication of the Green Paper, the Commission has implemented its \n\nobjective of opening up the market for terminal equipment by adopting Directive \n\n88/301/EE68 which provides for the withdrawal of all special and exclusive rights \n\nfor the provision of terminal equipment. A number of transitional periods were \n\nforeseen during which the Member States were to formalise and publish technical \n\nspecifications and type-approval procedures for terminal equipment. The last of \n\nthese periods expired on 30 June 1990. Thereafter, the provision of terminal \n\n~quipment which is in conformity with the technical specifications, may no long,er \n\nbe restricted. The issue to be resolved here is whether the market for satellite earth stations \n\nshould be treated in the same way as the market for conventional terminal \n\nequipment. As mentioned in chapter II. , receive-only satellite earth stations not \n\nconnected to the public network of a Member State are included among the \n\nterminal equipment defined in Article 1 of Directive 88/301/EEC so that their \n\nprovision is already free from restrictions. Thus, the question remains whether other satellite earth stations are to be treated in \n\nthe same way as receive-only satellite earth stations. The answer to this question \n\nwill have to be based on Article 30 and 37 of the Treaty. Article 30 prohibits \n\n\u00b7 restrictions on imports - and all measures having equivalent effect - of products \n\nin free circulation in the Community. To the extent that satellite earth stations have \n\nbeen legally marketed in one of the Member States, they should in principle be able \n\nto circulate freely throughout the Community. Article 37 of the Treaty aims at eliminating all discriminations resulting from state \n\nmonopolies of a commercial character, with regard to the conditions under which \n\ngoods are procured and marketed between nationals of Member States. If a \n\nMember State establishes or maintains a monopoly for the provision of satellite \n\nearth stations, users may be prevented from freely choosing the equipment that best \n\nsuits their needs in terms of price and quality, regardless of its origin. Moreover, \n\nproducers of satellite earth stations from other Member States may either be \n\nbarred from access to this market or at least suffer a competitive disadvantage in \n\nmarketing their equipment. 68 Commission Directive of 16 May 1988 on competition in the markets for telecommunications terminals \n\nequipment (88/301/EEC), OJ. L 131of27. 05. 1988, p. 73. 91 \n\nIt follows that the provision of satellite earth stations in general may no longer be \n\nmonopolised by the Member States. Users and service providers should therefore \n\nbe able to benefit from a Community-wide market for all satellite earth stations. Satellite terminals are technologically and functionally separate from the public \n\nterrestrial network infrastructure. To the extent that certain types of satellite earth \n\nstations are used for the provision of services which might continue to be the \nsubject of special and exclusive rights, the use made of such satellite earth stations \n\nmay be made subject to certain regulatory safeguards via appropriate licence \n\nconditions. However, an outright prohibition on imports and the monopolisation of \n\n~ \n\nthe marketing for such equipment would be excessive with regard to the objective \n\nsought, since all satellite earth stations are able to perform several functions most \n\nof which will form part of the liberalised area. Compared to monopolisation, restrictions on the use of equipment constitute a less \n\nrestrictive measure. Community law would only permit this kind of restriction to be \n\nimposed on owners of satellite earth stations as far as they correspond to legitimate \n\nregulatory safeguards, expressed via appropriate licensing conditions. As shown \n\nbelow, only transmit/receive terminals require particular safeguards and therefore \n\nqualify for licensing. Entertainment broadcasting (TV) reception terminals (TVROs) and receive-only \n\ntelecommunications terminals should not be subject to any restrictions and \n\ntherefore should not be subject to licensing. 3. Right to use / provide service \n\nA central principle of the Community's policy approach to the telecommunications \n\nsector - as set out in the Green Paper on the development of the common market \n\nfor telecommunications services and equipment69 and confirmed by Council70 is that \n\nexclusive and special rights should be defined narrowly, in order to allow full use of \n\nthe technological potential to all market participants. The Green Paper recalled \n\nthat \"the European Court of Justice has explicitly recognised the right of network \n\nusers to benefit fully from new opportunities offered by technological progress \n\n(British Telecom Case 41/83; Commission vs. Italy of 20th March 1985)\" and it \n\nemphasised that \"the justification of continued exclusive provision of certain basic \n\n69 Towards a Dynamic Economy - Green Paper on the Development of the Common Market for \nTelecommunications Services and Equipment, Document COM(87) 290 final, 30/06/1987 \n\n7\u00b0 Council Resolution of 30th June 1988 on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \n\n\f92 \n\nservices must therefore be weighed carefully against the restrictions which this may \n\nimpose on users' applications for their own ~se, shared use, or provision of services \n\nto third parties\". The Green Paper made it clear that, in particular, new \n\ntechnologies in adjacent fields such as satellite communications would need special \n\nconsideration. 3. 1. Si~al transmission to I reception from satellites (uplink/downlink). The consensus achieved at the Telecommunications Council of 7th December 19,89 \n\non general Community telecommunications policy - and incorporated in Council \n\nDirective 90 /387 /EEC71 and Commission Directive 90 /388 /EEC72 - has identified \n\nthe exclusive or special rights and the regulatory safeguards which Member States \n\nmay implement in the terrestrial telecommunications sector, in conformity with \n\nCommunity law and in particular competition rules. According to Directive 90 /388 /EEC, exclusive or special rights may be entrusted to \n\nTelecommunications Organisations for \n\nthe provision and operation of the \n\nterrestrial public network infrastructure and the public voice telephony service, and \n\nspecial regulatory safeguards may be established, via appropriate licensing schemes, \n\nfor public data communications services, \n\nin accordance with Community \n\ncompetition rules and the procedures established in Commission Directive \n\n90 /388 /EEC73\n\n\u2022 \n\nLicensing schemes_ implementing regulatory safeguards must be based on non \n\neconomic criteria, be transparent and non-discriminatory and must introduce no \n\nconstraints except those mentioned above or based on \"essential requirements\"74, \n\ni. e. network security and integrity and, in justified cases, interoperablity and data \n\nprotection. In proposing this approach, the Commission relied on Articles 59 and 86 of the \n\nservices and equipment up to 1992, OJ. C 257, 04/10/1988, p. 1 \n\n71 Council Directive of 28th June 1990 on the establishment of the internal market for telecommunications \n\nservices through the implementation of Open Network Provision (90/387 /EEC) \n\n72 Commission Directive of 28th June 1990 on competition in the markets for telecommunications services \n\n(90/388/EEC) OJ. L 192, '24/07 /1990, p. 10 \n\n73 Commission Directive of 28th June 1990 on competition in the markets for telecommunications services \n\n(90/388/EEC) OJ. L 192, '24/07 /1990, p. 10 \n\n74 According to Council Directive 90/387 /EEC \"essential requirements\" means the non-economic reasons in the \ngeneral interest which may cause a Member State to restrict access to the public telecommunications network \nor public telecommunications services. 93 \n\nTreaty. While Article 59, as interpreted by the Court of Justice, permits certain \n\nrestrictions on the freedom to provide services that are non-discriminatory and are \n\njustified by the general interest, that Article of the Treaty requires the abolition of \n\nall other restrictions on the freedom to provide services within the Community. Likewise, Articles 85 and 86 in conjunction with Articles 3f, 5 and 90 of the Treaty \n\nprohibit Member States from \n\ntaking any measure which would enable a \n\ntelecommunications organisation, either alone or acting in concert, to prevent or \n\nrestrict access by competitors to the market for telecommunications services, unless \n\n~uch restriction is amenable to exemption under Article 85(3) of the Treaty and \n\nsuch exemption has actually been granted. Abuses of a dominant position may \n\nnever be exempted whether or not they are induced, encouraged or ordered by \n\nMember States. The objective of the single market and the full application of competition rules \n\nrequire the adjustment of regulatory regimes. Adjustment means, inter alia, in \n\naddition to a prohibition on discrimination, that any exercise of regulation which is \n\ndemonstrably restrictive of competition needs justification, by mandatory sector \n\nspecific requirements indispensable for the proper functioning of the system, in the \n\ngeneral interest and non-economic in nature. In particular, any restrictions resulting from exclusive or special rights for the \n\nprovision and operation of the terrestrial public network infrastructure and for the \n\npublic telephone service, as well as the special regulatory safeguards for the \n\nprovision of public data services established by Member States in accordance with \n\nthe procedures defined in Directive 90/388/90, may only extend to satellite \n\ncommunications systems in as far as they can be considered as being equivalent to \n\nthese two-way public service categories. Notwithstanding the special provisions applying to broadcasting services to the \n\ngeneral public defined in Directive 89 /552/EEC75 , one-way services by definition \n\ndo not fall into this category. 15 Council Directive on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative \naction in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities, 89/552/EEC/. 94 \n\nThe public voice telephone service is defined in Directives 90 /387 /EEC and \n\n90 /388 /EEC'6,77 as the commercial provision for the public of direct transport of \n\nreal-time speech via the public switched network or networks such that any user can \n\nuse equipment connected to a network termination point to communicate with \n\nanother user of equipment connected to another termination point. Even large-scale two-way satellite communications systems - such as extensive \n\nVSAT systems - do not fulfil this requirement if not connected to the public \n\nswitched network. In this light, two-way satellite communications systems should \n\n'only be considered as equivalent, if connected to the public switched terrestFial \n\nnetwork infrastructure and interlinked with the two-way public services mentioned \n\nabove. By extension of the consensus and the legal situation achieved for terrestrial \n\ntelecommunications, \n\nthe \n\ntransmissions \n\nof \n\nsignals \n\nto /from \n\nsatellites \n\n(uplink/downlink) and the corresponding operation and use of terminal equipment \n\nin a system not connected to the public switched network infrastructure, should \n\ntherefore not be subject to any restrictions except those justified by the avoidance \n\nof harmful interference, and, in justified cases, by data protection and the \n\nprotection of privacy, and standards to the extent required by Community law. Should a Member State consider that very large satellite communications systems \n\nnot interlinked to the two-way public services mentioned above obstruct in law or in \n\nfact, because of their competition with the telecommunications organisation, the \n\nperformance of the latter's task of providing public telecomm~nications services, \n\nand that further restrictions would have to be applied to allow the carrying out of \n\nthe particular tasks entrusted to the telecommunications organisation in accordance \n\nwith Article 90, they would have to demonstrate that such systems would meet \n\ncriteria equivalent to those set out in Directive 90/388/EEC with reference to \n\nArticle 90(2), subject to Commission scrutiny and dependent on the interests of the \n\nCommunity. 76 Council Directive of 28th June 1990 on the establishment of the internal market for telecommunications \n\nservices through the implementation of Open Network Provision (90/387 /EEC). 77 Commission Directive of 28th June 1990 on competition in the markets for telecommunications services \n\n(90/388/EEC) O. J. L 192, 24/07 /1990, p. 10. 95 \n\nFor the operation of transmit/receive terminals -\n\nincluding hub-stations -\n\nin a \n\nsystem connected to the public switched network, Member States may establish \n\nadditional regulatory safeguards to ensure compliance with the restrictions resulting \n\nfrom exclusive or special rights for the provision of public telephony service, as well \n\nas the special conditions and licensing schemes for the provision of public data \n\nservices established in accordance with Directive 90/388/EEC. 3. 2 \n\nLicensing conditions \n\nLicensing conditions must be justified, be proportionate to the objective sought, be \n\ntransparent, and non-discriminatory. They must not lead to technical restrictions which would unduly impede permitted \n\nactivities or use of equipment - as would the simple prohibition of interconnection \n\nof transmit/receive terminals with the public network infrastructure. Licensing \n\nprocedures must fully respect the principle of the separation of regulatory and \n\noperational functions. 3. 2. 1. Avoidance of harmful interference and frequency co-ordination \n\nAn essential requirement applicable to satellite communications and of equivalent \n\nimportance to the requirement of network security and network integrity in the \n\nterrestrial network, is the need to avoid unacceptable interference with other \n\nsatellite or radio communications systems, in accordance with\u00b7 Council Directive \n\n89/336/EEC'8 concerning electromagnetic interference, and in accordance with the \n\ncoordination procedures agreed on a global basis by all members of the \n\nInternational Telecommunications Union 79\n\n, established in the Radio Regulations \n\n78 \n\n79 \n\nCouncil Directive on the approximation. of the laws of Member States relating to electromagnetic \ncompatibility, 89/336/EEC, 3/5/1989, O. J. L 139, 23/05/1989, p. 19. Article 34 of the ITU Constitution (Nice 1989) stipulates: \"All stations, whatever their purpose, must be \nestablished and operated in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference to the radio services or \ncommunications of other Members or of recognised private operating agencies, or of other duly authorised \noperating agencies which carry on radio services, and which operate in accordance with the provisions of the \nRadio Regulations. \" \n\nArticle 33 states: \". In using frequency bands for radio services, Members shall bear in mind that radio \nfre'!_\u00b7. :ncies and the geostationary satellite orbit are limited natural resources and that they must be used \nrationally, efficiently and economically, in conformity with the provisions of the Radio Regulations, so that \ncountries or groups of countries may have equitable access to both, taking into account the special needs of \nthe developing countries and the geographical situation of particular countries. \" \n\n<: \n\n\f96 \n\nand administered by the International Frequency Registration Board of the \n\nInternational Telecommunications Union (reviewed in Chapter II. ). As the antenna size of satellite terminals decreases, their discrimination ability \n\ndiminishes and their interference potential increases if the necessary precautions \n\nare not taken. European Telecommunications Standards for remote terminals should be guided by \n\nthe principle of minimising interference and maximising possibilities for co \n\nexistence of terminal networks. Given the significant risk of harmful interference to other services caused by \n\nerroneous operation or major antenna pointing errors, licensing and type approval \n\nprocedures for transmitting terminals may include the requirement that all satellite \n\nterminals are installed, supervised ~nd serviced by qualified technical staff - either \n\nby the owner demonstrating the required professional level, or by qualified \n\ninstallation and maintenance organisations. This is in line with the principles \n\nestablished in Directive 88/301/EEC80 which foresees that \"economic operators \n\nmay be required to possess the technical qualifications needed to connect, bring \n\ninto service and maintain terminal equipment on the basis of objective, non \n\ndiscriminatory and publicly available criteria\". Large scale experience - in particular in the United States - with similar satellite \n\nterminal equipment installation requirements, has shown that no major difficulties \n\nare experienced in this respect in practice. In order to further facilitate identification of satellite terminals causing harmful \n\ninterference to other services, \n\nit should be investigated whether electronic \n\nidentification systems should be included in the standards for such equipment. 3. 2. 2. Data protection and technical standards \n\nThe principle that services provided via satellites should be subject to the same \n\nregulatory principles as services provided via \n\nterrestrial networks, leads to \n\nconsideration - in equivalence with Directives 90/387 /EEC and 90/388/EEC - of \n\nthe protection of data and interoperability as further essential requirements where \n\nappropriate and justified. 80 Commission directive of 16th May 1988 on competition in the markets in telecommunications terminal \n\nequipment, OJ. L 131, 27 /05/1988. 97 \n\nSatellite services should not be allowed to by-pass data protection requirements \n\nwhich may be introduced in terrestrial services and networks as set forth in the \n\nCommission's proposals in this area81\u2022 \n\nAs regards technical compatibility and standards, Directive 90 /387 /EEC foresees -\n\nfor the provision of services via the terrestrial network - \". if the implementation \n\nof European standards. appears inadequate to ensure the interoperability of \n\ntransfrontier services in one or more Member States, reference to European \n\nstandards may be made compulsory. to the extent strictly necessary to ensure \n\nsuch interoperability and to improve freedom of choice for users\". In order ~o \n\nachieve the same objective for services provided via satellites, requirements for \n\ntechnical standards may be foreseen to the extent required by Community law. 3. 2. 3. Other requirements \n\nDirective 90 /388 /EEC allows for the provision of public data services via terrestrial \n\nnetworks to be subject to additional requirements resulting from general trade \n\nregulation and relating to conditions of permanence, availability and quality of \n\nservice, subject to verification by the Commission of compatibility with the Treaty \n\nrules. Apart from the case where transmit/receive stations - connected to the \n\npublic network - are used for the provision of such services, additional conditions \n\nof this nature should only be considered as far as they are indispensable to ensure \n\nability to comply with the essential requirements set out above, such as avoidance of \n\nharmful interference and efficient use of the frequencies allocated in the framework \n\nof frequency coordination. Any other requirements of this kind should be left to the normal contractual \n\nrelationships between service provider and customer and the general legislation \n\nregulating such relationships. As regards other general regulation of potential impact on the establishment of \n\nsatellite terminals, such as that relating to environmental considerations, and town \n\nplanning, aimed at preventing unsightly development, it can be expected that this \n\ncould only become a factor of some significance in the mass market of DTH \n\nreception terminals. In this regard, environment considerations must be carefully \n\nbalanced against the principle of freedom of information. Standards for such \n\n81 See COM(90) 314, in particular Draft Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the protection of personal \ndata and privacy in the context of public digital telecommunications networks, in particular the Integrated \nServices Digital Network (ISDN) and Public Digital Mobile Networks. 98 \n\n\u00b7 terminals should be designed in such a way as to minimise the negative effects on \n\nthe environment in order to avoid any major restrictions on the deployment of \n\nsatellite terminals in this regard. Given the rapid development of technology and in particular of transmission, access \n\nand coding techniques, any technical limitations, such as limitations on bit rates \n\ntransmitted, are intrinsically liable to obsolescence and should not be used in \n\nlicensing procedures. This applies also to the implementation of essential requirements, such as \n\nrequirements concerning data protection. As pointed out, regulatory safeguards \n\nshould not lead to undue technical restrictions. Systems which require conditional \n\naccess (see chapter IV. ) can in general be implemented by using suitable encryption \n\nmethods under the responsibility of the sender. Where international obligations \n\nrequire the respect of data protection and confidentiality82, such protection can be \n\nensured via the licensing conditions. In the particular case of receive-only terminals \n\noperating in non-broadcast bands - for which licensing does not seem required nor \n\npractical - a requirement for an indication that such equipment may not legally be \n\nused for unauthorised access should be sufficient, as is the practice - m many cases \n\n- with regard to other radio receivers. 3. 2. 4. Mutual recognition of licences \n\nThe freedom to provide services under Article 59 of the Treaty implies an extension \n\nof an operating licence to the whole Community subject to non-discriminatory \n\nrequirements that are justified by the general interest. Thus a hub station operator \n\nor service provider authorised to transmit via a satellite towards receive-only earth \n\nstations, would not have to negotiate \"landing rights\" in other Member States. However, for a private satellite terminal network consisting of transmit/receive \n\nterminals located in a number of Member States, operating licences would be \n\nneeded. In order to avoid the administrative delays involved in numerous \n\nindividual licensing procedures, a Community scheme for the mutual recognition of \n\nlicences for satellite terminals should be est~blished so that the operating licences \n\ngranted by the authorities of one Member State would be recognised in all other \n\nMember States. 82 Article 26 of the ITU Constitution foresees that \"Members agree to take all possible measures, compatible \n\nwith the system of telecommunication used, with a view to ensuring the secrecy of international \ncorrespondence. \". A similar obligation is contained in Article 23 of the Radio Regulations. 99 \n\nBased on the principles set out, such a scheme should lay down the conditions for \n\nthe Community-wide operation of terminal networks and possible conditions \n\nregulating hub station operators. It should in particular facilitate the establishment of two-way networks across the \n\nCommunity by, inter alia, providing for class licences for networks operating within \n\nfrequency bands designated with priority to Community-wide satellite applications. These class licences should give the possibility of operating, e. g. , VSA T networks \n\n~hroughout the Community under a single licence, without any need of further \n\nlicensing or frequency coordination for the individual participating satellite \n\nterminals in the Member States. Networks operating within non-designated \n\nfrequency bands should be licenced with a minimum of obligatory procedures for \n\nfrequency coordination. In order to make such a scheme effective, it will have to be accompanied by a \n\nnumber of harmonisation measures: \n\nMutual recognition of type approval for satellite terminal equipment (see \n\nbelow); \n\nStrengthened frequency coordination related to satellite communications, \n\nbuilding on the current reform of the European Radiocommunications \n\nCommittee and the establishment of the European Radiocommunications \n\nOffice (see chapter IV. ), to designate in particular certain bands with \n\npriority to Community-wide satellite applications, such as needed for the \n\neasy operation of class licences; \n\nSpecific definition of Open Network Provision (ONP), as defined in \n\nDirective 90 /387 /EEC, concerning the connection of satellite terminal \n\nnetworks to the terrestrial public network infrastructure, subject to the \n\nconstraints and regulatory safeguards set out. This would provide Europe \n\nwide harmonised interfaces between satellite systems and the public \n\nnetwork, extending the concept of Open Network Provision to satellite \n\ncommunications. 4. Future treatment of the space segment \n\n100 \n\nCurrent regulation of the space segment still reflects, in most cases, the situation in \n\nthe sixties and seventies where the only technically and economically feasible \n\napplication of satellite communications was their use as an additional transmission \n\npath to carry international or national long distance traffic for telecommunications \n\norganisations. As shown in the preceding chapters, this situation has now substantially changed. In Europe, additional to the international satellite organisations, a number of \n\nadditional providers of space segment have been authorised by Member States -\n\nboth telecommunications organisations at the national level as well as other \n\norganisations (refer to Figure 2). For the development of a coherent approach to the future access to \n\nand \n\nprovision of -\n\nthe space segment, two basic mechanisms which determine the \n\ncurrent regulation of the space segment in Europe must be carefully considered: \n\nthe international commitments of Member States concerning frequency co \n\nordination and the use of the orbital resource in the context of the \n\nInternational Telecommunications Union, \n\nits permanent organ, \n\nthe \n\nInternational Frequency Registration Board, and the respective globally \n\nagreed Radio Regulations. This has been discussed in Chapter II. It means \n\nthat at this stage, only Member States, acting individually, can initiate the \n\nnecessary procedures for both utilisation of frequencies and orbital \n\nresources; \n\nthe \n\ninternational commitments of Member States relating \n\nto \n\nthe \n\ninternational telecommunications satellite organisations INTELSAT and \n\nINMARSA T and the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation \n\nEUTELSAT and the respective Conventions and Operating Agreements. Of major consequences for the access to - and use of - the space segment \n\nprovided by these organisations are the provisions in these arrangements \n\ngiving the Signatories the exclusive right for allotment of satellite (space \n\nsegment) capacity \n\nto satellite service providers, and the provisions \n\nconcerning economic and technical coordination of space segment intended \n\nto be provided by other organisations (space segment providers). 101 \n\nAs mentioned previously, the situation is further complicated by the fact that all \n\nMember States have designated their telecommunications organisations to act as \n\nsignatory to the Operating Agreements of the international telecommunications \n\nsatellite organisations83 while in a number of Member States these organisations are \n\nalso mandated to represent the Member States with regard to the ITU procedures. With the growing diversification of satellite applications and the growing number of \n\nactors wanting to provide space segment capacity and/ or satellite services via space \n\nsegment, this now entangles the telecommunications organisations more and more \n\nin the delicate situation of being referee and player at the same time. The lack pf \n\nseparation between the regulatory and operational functions now leads to growing \n\nconflicts of interest. In order to bring the regulation of access to - and provision of - space segment in \n\nline with general Community telecommunications policy, a number of basic \n\nprinciples will have to be emphasised: \n\nthe principle of open and efficient access, based on objective, transparent \n\nand non-discriminatory procedures; \n\nclear separation of regulatory and operational functions; \n\nfull application of the provisions of the Treaty, in particular competition \n\nrules. The Member States are obligated to exercise their influence in order either to \n\nachieve an application of international agreements in conformity with the Treaty or \n\nto bring about an amendment of these agreements. The potential for conflict which \n\nmay result from the current situation with regard to Treaty rules may be \n\ndemonstrated by quoting from the principles set out in the Commission guide-lines \n\non the application of competition rules in the telecommunications sector84, as \n\nregards application of articles 85 and 86 to satellites: \n\n83 \n\nIn the case of EUTELSAT Article Il. b) of the Convention states that a signatory of the Operating Agreement \nis a \"designated public or private telecommunications entity\" Q! a Party itself. In the case of INTELSAT and INMARSAT the equivalent Articles are 11. b) respectively 2. 3. The large majority of Member States have designated their national telecommunications organisations (for \ndetails see Fig. 1). Italy has established a special organisation (fELESPAZIO). The United Kingdom has \nestablished the \"Signatory Affairs Office\", separated within British Telecom, but BT is still carrying the full \nfinancial responsibility. 84 To be published. 102 \n\n\". agreements between TOs (Telecommunications Organisations) concerning the \n\noperation of satellite systems in the broadest sense are caught by Article 85. As to \n\nspace segment capacity, the TOs are each other's competitors, whether actual or \n\npotential. In pooling together totally or partly their sales of space segment capacity \n\nthey may restrict competition between themselves. Restrictions on third parties' \n\nability to compete are likely to exclude the possibility of. an exemption. It should \n\nalso be examined whether such agreements strengthen any individual or joint \n\ndominant position of the parties, which also would exclude the granting of an \n\nexemption. This could be the case in particular if the agreement provides that the \n\nparties are exclusive distributors of the space segment capacity provided by the \n\nagreement. \". \"An exemption is unlikely to be granted also when the agreement has the effect of \n\nreducing substantially the supply in an oligopolistic market, and even more clearly \n\nwhen an effect of the agreement is to prevent the only potential competitor of a \n\ndominant provider in a given market from offering its services independently. This \n\ncould amount to a violation of Article 86. \". 4. 1 \n\nEnsuring objective. transparent and non-discriminatory procedures and separation \n\nof regulatory and operational functions \n\nWhere telecommunications organisations can be both player and referee, because \n\nregulatory and operational functions are not clearly separated, there is a clear \n\nconflict of interests. This can be the case in particular with -regard to the co \n\nordination of frequencies and use of orbital resources, the granting of operating \n\nlicences, the resale of space segment of INTELSAT, INMARSA T and EUTELSAT \n\nby the telecommunications organisations to other service providers, and the \n\ncoordination procedures with \n\nthe \n\ninternational \n\ntelecommunications satellite \n\norganisations which must be undertaken by other space segment providers. The principle of separation of regulatory and operational functions has been \n\nimplemented in the context of general Community telecommunications policy in \n\nDirective 88/301/EECSS and Directive 90/388/EEC86\u2022 According to Directive \n\n90/388/EEC \"Member States shall ensure that the grant of operating licences, the \n\ncontrol of type approval and mandatory specifications, the allocation of frequencies \n\n85 Commission Directive of 16th May 1988 on competition in the markets in telecommunications terminal \n\nequipment (88/301/EEC) \n\n86 Commission Directive of 28th June 1990 on competitoin in the markets for telecommunications services, O. J. L 192, 24. 07. 1990, p. 10 \n\n\f103 \n\nand surveillance of usage conditions are carried out by a body independent of the \n\ntelecommunications organisations\". The Council Resolution of 30th June 1988 on the development of the Common \n\nMarket for \n\ntelecommunications services and equipment87 underlined \n\nthe \n\nimportance of this principle for the telecommunications sector as a whole, and \n\nCouncil Resolution 90/C 166/0288 emphasised that the coordination of radio \n\nfrequencies must respect the principle of the separation of regulatory and \n\noperational duties. In particular, the procedures concerning allocation of frequencies and required co-\n\nordination established within the radio regulations should respect this principle and \n\nshould be carried out in an objective, transparent, and non-discriminatory way. Objective, transparent, and non-discriminatory procedures and full separation of \n\nregulatory and operational functions should also be ensured as regards access to the \n\norbital resource for the provision of space segment. 4. 2 Access to space segment capacity \n\nBoth \n\nthe agreements on \n\nthe \n\ninternational \n\ntelecommunications \n\nsatellite \n\norganisations INTELSAT and INMARSA T, and the agreement on the European \n\nTelecommunication Satellite Organisation EUTELSAT, give the signatories the \n\nsole right to distribute space segment capacity of these organisations to users or \nservice providers89. To the extent that the signatories hold a dominant position in the sense of Article \n\n86, they would have to provide available space segment to all potential users at fair \n\nprices and on a non-discriminatory basis in the sense of Article 86(a) and (c). They \n\n87 \n\n88 \n\n89 \n\nCouncil Resolution of 30th June 1988 on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \nservices and equipment up to 1992, O. J. C 257, 04. 10. 1988, p. 1. Council Resolution of 28th June 1990 on the strengthening of the Europe-wide co-operation on radio \nfrequencies, in particular with regard to setvices with a pan-European dimension, OJ. C 166, 7. 7. 12990, p. 4 \n\nIn the case of EUI'ELSAT Article 16 a) of the Operating Agreement provides that \"applications for allotment \nof EUI'ELSAT Space Segment capacity may be submitted to EUI'ELSAT only by signatories or, for a \nterritory not under the jurisdiction of a Party, by a duly authorised telecommunications entity\". This provision must be read in conjunction with Article II b) of the Convention which provides that \"each \nParty shall designate a public or private telecommunications entity subject to its jurisdiction to sign the \nOperating Agreement, unless such Party itself signs the Operating Agreement. \" \n\nIn the case of INTELSAT and INMARSAT, the equivalent articles are articles 15. a) and 11. b ), respectively \nXV. 1 and 2. 3. 104 \n\nwould also seem not to be entitled to request detailed information about the users' \n\nbusiness plans and the (in many cases competing) services they intend to offer, as \n\nthis may entail an abuse of their dominant position. The principle of non-discriminatory treatment must apply to all classes of users, \n\nirrespective of whether they are public or private service providers. For example, \n\nprivate broadcasters should be offered transmission capacity to provide for services \n\nsuch as news gathering with the same promptness and on the same conditions as \n\npublic broadcasting organisations. The best solution to avoid distortion of competition and to allow full use and best \n\nallocation of the existing international, national and private space segment would be \n\nto ensure that users obtain direct access to space segment capacity, while providers \n\nof this space segment should obtain the right to market space segment capacity \n\ndirectly to users. The fact \n\nthat EUTELSAT offers space segment directly to the European \n\nBroadcasting Union shows likewise that the direct lease of space segment without any \n\nintervention of national telecommunications organisations is not only feasible, but \n\nalready practised. 4. 3 \n\nCo-ordination procedures with the International Telecommunications Satellite \n\nOrganisations \n\nThe agreements setting up the international satellite organisations INTELSAT and \n\nINMARSAT, and the European satellite organisation EUTELSAT provide for a \n\nco-ordination procedure with regard to other space segment providers, in order to \n\nestablish whether there is likely to be any significant economic harm to these \n\norganisations90\u2022 \n\n90 \n\nIn the case of EUfELSAT, Articles XVI a) of the Convention provides: \"Any Party or Signatory which \nintends, or becomes aware that any person within the jurisdiction of that Party intends, individually or jointly, \nto establish, acquire or utilise space segment equipment separate from the EUI'ELSA T Space Segment in \norder to meet the requirements of international public telecommunications services within the EUfELSAT \nspace segment service area to provide services as defined in paragraphs a) and b) of Article III of the \nConvention shall, before such establishment, acquisition or utilisation, furnish all relevant information to the \nAssembly or Parties through the Board of signatories which shall establish whether there is likely to be any \nsignificant economic harm to EUfELSAT. The Board of signatories shall submit its report and conclusions \nto the Assembly of Parties\". Article XVI b) concerns the \"technical compatibility of other space equipment\". ~n the case of INTELSAT and INMARSAT the equivalent articles are XIV c), d) and e) respectively 8. 1 of \nthe Conventions. 105 \n\nAs these provisions aim at co-ordination for economic reasons and may therefore \n\nlimit competition between the satellite organisations and other space segment \n\nproviders, the question arises whether they are in line with the Member States' \n\nobligations under Article 5 in conjunction with Articles 59, 86 and 90 of the Treaty. It is clear that these provisions do not represent an essential requirement in the \n\npublic interest which could lawfully limit the freedom to provide services under \n\nArticle 59 of the Treaty, since the provisions in question are of an economic nature. On the other hand, they may be able to benefit from the exemption foreseen in \n\nArticle 90(2) of the Treaty to the extent that they are indispensable for the \n\nperformance of a service of general economic interest. Whether this is the case, iX!. whether the services of general economic interest can only be performed if \n\ncompetition on the part of other providers of space segment is limited or excluded, \n\nwill have to be determined on a case-by-case basis. However, it is clear that this \n\ndetermination must not be made by the telecommunications organisations whose \n\nconflict of interest in this matter is obvious. At any rate, these provisions will have to be interpreted in conformity with the \n\nrequirements of Community law and in particular with Articles 59, 85, 86 and 90. This means that the basic decision of the Treaty of Rome to institute a system of \n\nundistorted competition and guarantee the freedom to provide services has to be \n\nrespected by the Member States in applying these provisions. In particular, a \n\nsystematic rejection of competing providers of space segment or a systematic \n\nlimitation of their capability to compete with the satellite organisations would not be \n\nin conformity with the Member States' obligations under Articles 5 and 90 in \n\nconjunction with Articles 59, 85 and 86 of the Treaty. Article 90(2) allows \n\nderogations from Article 59 and the competition rules only in the exceptional case \n\nthat the application of the Treaty rules obstructs the performance, in law or in fact, \n\nof the particular tasks entrusted by Member States to the organisations in question \n\nand that the derogation is not contrary to the interests of the Community. Under \n\nnormal conditions, these organisations may well be expected to offer their services \n\nof general economic interest to their customers, even if they are exposed to a \n\ncertain degree of competition. The present practice of handling the coordination requirements confirms this. The \n\nprocedure under Article XVI of the EUTELSAT Convention has never led to the \n\nconclusion that a competing provider of space segment would represent significant \n\neconomic harm to EUTELSAT. Even if this were the case, Article XVI of the \n\nConvention does not prevent a party to that Convention from going ahead with its \n\n\f106 \n\nplans and authorising a competing provider of space segment, although this would \n\nnot guarantee the provision by other parties of the necessary uplink authorisation. While the procedure under Article XIV ( d) of the INTELSAT Convention has in \n\none case led to the conclusion that a competing space segment provider would \n\nindeed represent economic harm to INTELSAT, the organisation did not raise \n\nobjections to the authorisation of the competing space segment provider in \n\nquestion. In order to ensure that conflicts of interest do not lead to legal uncertainty, the \n\nprinciple of the separation of regulatory and operational functions requires that the \n\nindependent regulatory authorities of the Member States rather than the \n\ntelecommunications organisations decide about the authorisation of competing \n\nspace segment providers, taking account of Community Law. In cases of doubt, it \n\nwill be for the Commission to decide whether the conditions of Article 90(2) are \n\nfulfilled and competition from a competing space segment provider could be \n\nlimited. Once a competing provider of space segment has been authorised by a Member \n\nState, such as TELECOM 1-2, ASTRA, DFS Kopernikus, BSB, ITALSAT or \n\nHISPASAT, it benefits from the freedom to provide services under Article 59 of the \n\nTreaty. It will therefore have the right to offer its services, subject to certain \n\nessential requirements in the public interest, throughout the Community. As regards the future handling of the technical coordination procedures as foreseen \n\nin the Conventions, they should be undertaken on a sound technical basis and \n\nrealistic model assumptions for such coordination. Such coordination must not be \n\nused as a technical barrier to entry for other providers. 4. 4 \n\nCost-orientation of Tariffs \n\nCouncil Directive 90/387 /EEC states for the access to the terrestrial network \n\ninfrastructure the principle that \"tariffs must be based on objective criteria and. must be in principle be cost-oriented\". One of the characteristic features concerning satellite communications is that their \n\ncosts are distance-independent. 107 \n\nHowever, their dual role as providers of the terrestrial infrastructure on the one \n\nhand, and as signatory on the other, leads telecommunications organisations in \n\nmany cases to charge for satellite facilities on the same distance-related basis as for \n\nterrestrial links. Thus the technological advantage of satellites' wide-area coverage \n\nis not passed on to the user or competitive service providers. Moreover, the mark \n\nup added by telecommunications organisations in their role as exclusive re-saler of \n\nspace capacity -\n\nacting as signatory to the international agreements - may in \n\ncertain cases, increase the price charged to users for use of the space segment very \n\n~ubstantially. This can be explained by the fact that, in many cases, the telecommunications \n\norganisations tend to subordinate the pricing of satellite capacity to the specific \n\ntargets of their own business strategy - one example of t~e risk of possible abuse of \n\na dominant position to which the cu. rrent procedures for resale of space segment \n\nexposes the Signatories. This situation will only change fundamentally once the separation of regulatory and \n\noperational functions has been fully implemented in the sector, and space segment \n\nproviders will be able to negotiate directly with customers. It is to be expected that \n\nthey will then market their transmission capacity at prices more closely related to \n\ntheir cost. This will increase the use of satellite services and the return on the \n\nprovision of space segment, both for the international telecommunications satellite \n\norganisations as well as other providers. It will be fundamental to the full use of the \n\nnew potential of satellite communications. 4. 5 \n\nCommercial freedom for EUTELSAT and provision of space segment \n\nA basic principle of telecommunications policy is giving all market participants full \n\nopportunity to use the new technological potential. The separation of regulatory and operational responsibilities and the establishment \n\nof more open access to the space segment would give the space segment providers \n\nin Europe -\n\nand in particular the European Telecommunications Satellite \n\norganisation, EUTELSAT -\n\nthe possibility \n\nto develop \n\ninto a full scale \n\nentrepreneurial organisation for marketing space segment directly to service \n\nproviders and users for new applications. 108 \n\nAt the moment, all contact with user parties - i. e. entities wishing to lease space \n\nsegment capacity - has to be made via Signatories. This has led to a lack of \n\nflexibility in system planning since, e. g. TV channels are leased to EUTELSAT \n\nSignatories without knowing whether or not they will then be used. It should not be \n\nforgotten that a substantial amount of the capacity, although leased to Signatories, \n\nis in effect unavailable to end-users as Signatories do not use it or may regard it as \n\npart of their commercial policy not to lease it to the end-users or potential service \n\nproviders. The satellite organisations and other space segment segment providers shm. ~ld \n\nprovide space capacity on equitable and non-discriminatory terms to all classes of \n\nusers, irrespective of whether they are private or public service providers. According to the Council Resolution on the development of the Common Market \n\nfor telecommunications services and equipment91 one of the major policy goals of \n\ngeneral Community telecommunications policy is \"developing a common market on \n\nwhich telecommunications administrations and other suppliers can compete on an \n\nequal footing\", taking account, in particular, of the \"application of the relevant rules \n\nof the Treaty, notably competition rules, to telecommunications administrations \n\nand private providers\". This should include in particular that market participants \n\ndo not take advantage of dominant market positions through undue cross \n\nsubsidisation of activities, and respect in this regard the competition rules of the \n\nTreaty, using as guidance the principles set out in the Draft Guidelines on \n\nApplication of Community Competition Rules to the Telecommunications Sector92 \u2022 \n\nArticle III of the EUTELSAT Convention defines the scope of EUTELSAT \n\nactivities. In principle, it would seem to allow EUTELSAT to provide all the \n\nservices it wishes. One argument against giving users the right of direct access to the EUTELSAT \n\nspace segment, and EUTELSAT the right to market space segment directly to \n\nservice providers and users, has been that utilisation by a Signatory has an impact \n\non its investment shares as provided for in Article 6 of the Operating Agreement. Where a non-Signatory entity accesses the EUTELSAT space segment, such \n\nutilisation would not count for the purposes of determination of investment share. The practical problem could arise for example that there could be extensive access \n\nby private operators in the territory of a Signatory, while the Signatory itself would \n\n91 Council Resolution of 30th June 1988 on the development of the Common Market for telecommunications \n\nseivices and equipment up to 1992 (88/C257 /EEC), OJ. C 257, 4. 10. 1988, p. 1. 92 To be published. 109 \n\nperhaps scarcely utilise the space segment, or maybe not at all. It is stated, that a \n\nresulting low investment share for such a Signatory would not be in the spirit of the \n\noriginal agreements and/ or be inconsistent with the assumption and understandings \n\nupon which they were based. However, it would seem that this should not be an argument against allowing \n\nEUTELSAT to develop its full potential for providing space segment for Europe \n\nwide services in all areas. It just emphasises the need to review the existing \n\narrangements and to allow, inter alia, for changes in current financing arrangements \n\n~nd the opening of the membership of the EUTELSAT consortium to new parti~s, \n\nif such under-investment should occur. 4. 6 A phased approach \n\nMember States must respect existing international commitments taking account of \n\ntheir obligations under Community Law \n\nbut they should also work jointly \n\ntowards the change of such commitments where required, in order to conform with \n\nthese obligations. The international telecommunications satellite organisations have grown - over \n\nthe last three decades - out of a world-wide context and must take account in any \n\nadjustment a large spectrum of interest, both of industrialised countries as well as \n\nof the developing world. Changes required therefore will take time and will have to \n\ndepend on the evolving global environment. However, a number of immediate steps could be undertaken and more flexible \n\nprocedures established, within the framework of the existing Conventions and \n\nOperating Agreements: \n\nMember States should, as regards their own representation, apply strictly \n\nthe principle of separation of regulatory and operational functions, in order \n\nto avoid obvious conflicts of interest; \n\nMember States should support proposals - of the type currently being \n\ndiscussed by INTELSAT \n\n-\n\naimed at rationalising the economic harm \n\ncoordination procedures and take full account, as far as their own position \n\nin such procedures is concerned, of their obligations under the Treaty, in \n\nparticular competition rules. They should in particular ensure that in such \n\n\f110 \n\nprocedures the dimension of the Community Single Market as one Europe \n\nwide domestic area is taken into account. One practical measure to ease current procedures may be to agree that \n\nonce a satellite system has been cleared through the coordination procedure \n\non the basis of the total amount of capacity which that system can carry, \n\nother Member States would associate automatically with \n\nthe initial \n\nconsultation undertaken by a Member State with regard to any service \n\nprovider, when this service provider wants to extend its service to other \n\nCommunity Member States. Member States should support actions to render technical coordination \n\nprocedures less cumbersome; \n\nMember States should facilitate more open access to the space segment \n\nprovided by the international telecommunications satellite organisations, via \n\nthe Signatories and pay special attention to the implementation of the \n\nprinciple of cost-orientation of tariffs. For example, it would seem possible to develop workable procedures for \n\nsubmission by Signatories of applications for the allotment of space capacity \n\non behalf of users/service providers in \n\ntheir territory, as has been \n\ndemonstrated by certain Community Member States93\u2022 \n\nWhile these steps could offer some immediate relief, they will not overcome the \n\nbasic problem of adjustment of the agreements to the new environment, nor the \n\nrisk of market distortion and conflicts of interest. While these initiatives may therefore be the only realistic options in the short term \n\nin the context of INTELSAT and INMARSAT given their world-wide international \n\nconstraints, Member States should work, in the European context, towards a full \n\nreview of the EUTELSAT Agreement. Given their total investment share of 88 % in the EUTELSAT organisation and the \n\ntrends towards liberalisation in other European countries it is likely that a broad \n\nEuropean base for reform could be found (refer to chapter IV. ), Member States \n\nshould take full account of their obligations under Community Law and should take \n\n93 E. g. the United Kingdom has established the Signatory Affairs Office \"walled-off' within the \n\ntelecommunications organisation (BT). Also, it would seem that although the official application for allotment needs, under the current agreements, \nto go via the Signatory, nothing prevents the preceding technical, operational and other arrangements being \n\n\f111 \n\nthe initiative for redirection and adjustment of the EUTELSAT Convention and \n\nOperating Agreement, in order to ensure development of the potential of \n\nEUTELSAT to the fullest possible extent, in line with the goals and requirements \n\nof the Single Market94\n\n\u2022 \n\nSuch a review should include, beyond the measures set out above, necessary \n\nrevision to allow \n\ndirect access to the EUTELSAT space segment, by far the largest one for \n\nuse by domestic satellite services in Europe; \n\nfull commercial independence and direct marketing of EUTELSAT space \n\nsegment to users; \n\nadjustment of provisions for financing and membership, as required; \n\nadjustment of the agreements to bring them fully in line with the obligations \n\nof the Member States under the Treaty, in particular competition rules -\n\nconcerning notably the future treatment of the economic harm provision as \n\nwell as the future handling of the technical coordination procedures, and \n\ntransparency with regard to cross-subsidisation where it occurs. 5. Standardisation and Type-approval \n\nThe working out of suitable standards is vital to make the liberali~ation of the earth \n\nsegment and the establishment of trans-European satellite terminal networks a \n\nmarket reality. The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) will have to play a \n\nfocal role in this. A number of European Telecommunications Standards (ETS) \n\nwill be needed for the functioning of the mutual recognition of type approval and of \n\nlicences. made directly between the international telecommunications satellite organisations and end-users. 94 Amendments to the Convention can be decided by two thirds of the Parties and whose Signatories hold at \nleast two-thirds majority in investment shares (Article XIX. b) of Convention) while amendments to the \nOperating Agreement need to be decided by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Signatories which also \nrepresents at least two-thirds investment share (Article 22. d) of Operating Agreement). The Party of the \nSignatory concerned must confirm the Signatory vote. 112 \n\nThe ETSI Technical Committee TC-SES (Satellite Earth Stations), created for this \n\nsector, has identified a multi-annual work programme, setting out the priority areas \n\nfor the production of standards. One-way and two-way small terminals are the \n\nimmediate priority. The work on European Telecommunications Standards for \n\nsatellite earth stations is well underway, with the preparation of draft standards for \n\nTV receive-only stations, data receive-only stations, two-way terminals and low bit \n\nrate mobile terminals. The standards will seek, inter alia, to minimise the risk of \n\nspectrum pollution by receive-only terminals, while for two-way terminals the \n\nstandards are aimed at interoperability of small terminal networks with sufficient \n\nprotection against various types of interference. The standards shall allow \n\nmanufacturers to specify equipment suitable for use on the Community market. As mentioned, the mutual recognition of type approval for satellite terminal \n\nequipment is one of the major pre-conditions for the mutual recognition of licences, \n\nand a Community-wide market for satellite terminals. The adoption of a common \n\nposition on the Draft Directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member \n\nStates concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, including the mutual \n\nrecognition of their conformity95 at the Telecommunications Council of 28 June \n\n1990, has now provided the basic principles to be respected in the field of type \n\napproval. Its coverage will have to be extended to include satellite terminals. Given the basic approach that type approval procedures should apply only in those \n\ncases where this can be seen as indispensible to ensure the conformity with essential \n\nrequirements, type approval procedures should apply only to satellite terminals \n\nconnected to the public switched network \n\n- where the essential requirements \n\ndefined in the draft Directive mentioned will apply \n\n-, as well as to transmitting \n\nterminals where the avoidance of harmful interference is a recognised essential \n\nrequirement. Receive-only terminals not connected to the public switched network \n\nshould not be subject to type approval but only to a requirement for an indication of \n\ncompliance with suitable standards in the field of electromagnetic interference, no \n\nmore onerous than the procedures applying to other radio receivers. A basic element of type approval procedures must be the clear separation of \n\nregulatory and operational functions, in order to avoid otherwise inevitable conflicts \n\nof interest. Directive 88/301/EEC96 foresees that the granting of type approval is \n\nentrusted to a body independent of public or private undertakings offering goods \n\n95 \n\nCommon Position adopted by Council on 24th July 1990 with a view to the adoption of a Council Directive on \nthe approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning telecommunications terminal equipment, \nincluding the mutual recognition of their conformity. 96 Commission Directive of 16 May 1988 on competition in the markets in telecommunications terminal \n\n\f113 \n\nand/or services in the telecommunications sector\". This principle has been \n\nacknowledged in Community telecommunications policy as basic to any type \n\napproval procedure, and therefore must also apply to type approval of satellite \n\nterminals. A special problem in this context is the responsibilities which under the current \n\nagreements Signatories have for dealing with applications for the approval of earth \n\nstations which access the space segment of the international telecommunications \n\nsatellite organisations97\n\n\u2022 \n\nThe principle of separation of regulatory and operational responsibilities will ha~e \nto apply also in this case. It would seem that an interpretation of the obligations of \n\nParties and Signatories under the current agreements can be found which would \n\nallow for referring type approval to the respective regulatory bodies of each party \n\nand thus to fully submit to the principle set out. 6. Mobile and position-fixing satellite services \n\nAs set out in chapter III. , satellite-based mobile services have developed from \n\nmaritime mobile services, but aeronautical and especially land mobile services are \n\nnow at the centre of interest. A number of initiatives have permitted the planning \n\nof several systems that may be used within Europe for messaging, voice traffic and \n\nposition fixing, such as: \n\nplans by EUTELSAT m cooperation with a U. S. company to offer a \n\nposition-fixing and messaging service from 1990, called EutelTRACS; \n\nthe development of a service by INMARSA T suitable for both maritime and \n\nland-mobile use, using low cost \"Standard-C\" data-only terminals and, in the \n\nfuture, \"Standard-M\" digital voice terminals; \n\nESA proposes a \"European Mobile Satellite\" (EMS) service; \n\nthe preparation of the LOCSTAR messaging and position-fixing system, \n\nwith commercial financing; \n\nequipment, 88/301/EEC, O. J. L 131, 27. 05. 1988, p. 97 \n\nIn the case of EUTELSAT, Article 16. c) of the Operating Agreement provides: \". Each entity to which an \nallotment (of space segment) has been made under this Article shall be responsible for compliance with all \nthe terms and conditions set by ElJfELSAT for such allotment unless, where a Signatory has submitted the \napplication, its designating Party assumes such responsibility. \" \n\n\f114 \n\nuse by civil operators of position-fixing systems such as GPS/NAVSTAR \n\n(U. S. ), GLONASS \n\n(USSR) \n\nand \n\ncomplementary \n\ncivil \n\nnetworks \n\n(CNES/ESA; NAVSAT). The land mobile-satellite services will focus on specific user groups of limited size \n\nseeking instantaneous and full European coverage, such a trucking companies and \n\nvessel operators. While terrestrially-based public mobile systems will develop \n\nduring this decade into mass services with many millions of users, the number of \n\nmobile-satellite terminals -\n\nthough offering a vital service to certain parts of \n\nEuropean business - is not expected to reach by the year 2000, more than 1-2 % ,af \n\nthe number of terminals in the future public cellular (terrestrial) GSM system. Given that it is therefore highly unlikely that satellite-based mobile systems could \n\nobstruct the provision of the terrestrial public mobile systems in any significant way, \n\nand that service operators wish to provide fixed and mobile or a combination of \n\nboth, and satellite-based mobile systems - with the blurring of the distinctions \n\nbetween Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS) and Fixed-Satellite Services (FSS) - do \n\nnot differ \n\nsubstantially \n\nfrom other \n\ntwo-way point-to-multipoint \n\nsatellite \n\napplications, they should not be subject to regulatory constraints or safeguards \n\nother than those for fixed services. Mobile-satellite terminal systems should therefore be governed by the equivalent \n\nrules for fixed services receive-only, or transmit and receive, terminal systems in \n\nterms of type-approval of terminals and licensing. 115 \n\nHowever, \n\nin \n\nthe context of \n\nthe Community's overall policy on mobile \n\ncommunications and its support for trans-European systems in this field98\n\n, the \n\ninteroperability and complementarity of mobile satellite systems and the terrestrial \n\nnetworks should be encouraged. Given the fact that mobile terminals by nature cross borders, mutual recognition of \n\nlicences and type approval of equipment are an essential precondition for any \n\nEurope-wide operation. Ih the harmonisation measures set out above, special provision should therefore be \n\nmade for \n\nthe unrestricted movement of mobile terminals \n\nthroughout \n\nthe \n\nCommunity and of the mutual recognition of licences for this purpose. 7. Broadcasting-Satellite services \n\nSatellite broadcasting to the general public must be seen in the context of general \n\nCommunity audio-visual policy, as set out in chapter IV. It is subject to specific \n\nregulations set up by Member States in conformity with Community law, in \n\nparticular Directive 89/552/EEC99 on \"Television without Frontiers\". TV and related distribution services currently account for 44 % of space segment \n\noperators' revenue in the Community and for 75 % of EUTELSAT revenues. Satellite television will play a pivotal role in the creation and diffusion of pan \n\nEuropean programmes and in the development of a true European audio-visual \n\n98 Refer to: \n\nCouncil Recommendation of 25 June 1987 on the coordinated introduction of public pan-European cellular \ndigital land-based mobile communications in the Community (87 /371/EEC), O. J. L 196, 17. 07. 1987, p. 81 \n\n(concerning the introduction of the GSM system): \n\nCouncil Directive of 25 June 1987 on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of \npublic pan-European cellular digital land-based mobile communications in the Community (87 /372/EEC), \nO. J. L 196, 17. 07. 1987, p. 85. Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the coordinated introduction of pan-European land-based public \nradio paging in the Community, COM(89) 166, 05. 06. 1989. (concerning the introduction of the ERMES system). Proposal for a Council Directive on the frequency bands to be reserved for the coordinated introduction of \npan-European land-based public radio paging in the Community, COM(89) 166, 05. 06. 1989. Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the coordinated introduction of Digital European Cordless \nTelecommunications (DECT) in the Community, COM(90) 139, 12. 06. 1990. Proposal for a Council Directive on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of \nDigital European Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) in the Community, COM(90) 139, 12. 06. 1990. 99 \n\nCouncil Directive on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative \naction in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities (89/552/EEC), O. J. L \n298, 17. 10. 1989, p. 23. 116 \n\ndimension. However, even if some 60 TV-channels are now distributed by satellite in Europe, \n\nthe revenue base of satellite television is still very limited. Cumulated income of \n\nsatellite channels from advertising - still the major source of funding for many of \n\nthese channels -\n\ncurrently corresponds still to no more than 4 % of total TV \n\nadvertising in Europe. The further development of satellite television in Europe will largely depend on \n\nrapid development of DTH terminals and the number of viewers, and the \n\ndiversification of the revenue base. Common transmission standards and technieal \n\ncompatibility will be one of the key-factors in achieving large Europe-wide \n\naudiences. As has been explained, television distribution via the EUTELSAT system as well as \n\n- more recently - via other systems such as Telecom 1-2, DFS. Kopernikus and \n\nASTRA, is furnished via frequency bands reserved for Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) \n\nand not via the frequency bands reserved by the W ARC'77 conference for the \n\nBroadcasting-Satellite Service (BSS) where the Direct Broadcasting Services (DBS) \n\nare located. This has made it extremely difficult to maintain a distinction between \n\nBSS services and broadcasting applications operating within the Fixed-Satellite \n\nService. As new services are explored and service providers operating in the BSS bands also \n\nprovide point-to-multipoint data services - and service providers operating in the \n\nFSS bands move to BSS bands in order to carry HDTV (refer to\u00b7 chapter II. ) - the \n\nborder-line between FSS and BSS services will be further blurred. The agreement reached at the 1977 World Administrative Radio Conference, \n\ncommonly referred to as the WARC 77 plan - assigning, on a national basis, a \n\nlimited number of frequency bands in the BSS allocation - has turned out to be too \n\nrigid to take account of the new developments. While the full liberalisation of the earth segment will open the way for a more rapid \n\npenetration of DTH terminals on a European basis and more flexibility of entry for \n\nservice providers into new business lines, the sector therefore now faces two major \n\nadditional requirements: preparing for review of the plan criteria established by \n\nWARC'77; and promoting the pivotal role which satellites will play in the pan \n\nEuropean introduction of High Definition Television (HDTV). 117 \n\nThe effect of the W ARC'77 decisions has hindered the implementation and use of \n\nBroadcasting-Satellites with the technology available today. A revision and modernisation of the assumptions and criteria established in the \n\nregulatory provisions of the W ARC'77 Plan should take into account the present \n\nstate-of-the-art of satellites and reception equipment technology, as well as the \n\ncommercial needs in the exploration of new services. The technology for second generation European Direct Broadcasting-Satellite \n\nSystems has been developing particularly since 1985, aimed at satellites capable of \n\npan-regional and multi-zone European coverage, and of High Definition Television. It is proposed - in the context of the overall Community audio-visual policy - to \n\ntry to ensure a much greater cohesion for second generation DBS in Europe. European pan-regional multi-channel satellites of an intermediate power level -\n\nsuch as the EUROPESAT project planned by EUTELSAT - would seem to be an \n\nattractive economic and technical option. Under this perspective, there should be a co-ordinated approach towards a review \n\nof the plan criteria established by the World Administrative Radio Conference of \n\n1977 on the provision of Broadcast Satellite Services. The possible result of this \n\nreview should already be taken fully into account when identifying common \n\nEuropean positions for the World Administrative Radio Conference of 1992. As mentioned with regard to the harmonisation of transmission techniques for \n\nsatellite broadcasting, the current MAC/packet Directive100 \n\nis based on the \n\ndefinitions of Broadcasting-Satellite Services, as used in the WARC'77 plan. The \n\nDirective will expire on 31December1991. Preparation of future action in this area should be aimed at the harmonised \n\nintroduction of a Europe-wide High Definition Television (HDTV) standard. It \n\nwill also need to reflect the fact that - as set out - it will be increasingly difficult to \n\ndistinguish between those services defined as Broadcasting-Satellite Services \n\naccording to the WARC'77 definitions and broadcasting applications operating in \n\nthe framework of Fixed-Satellite Services, and that more flexibility in using BSS and \n\nFSS frequency bands is needed in Europe. 100 Council Directive on the adoption of common technical specifications of the MAC/packet family of standards \n\nfor direct satellite television broadcasting (86/529/EEC), OJ. L 311, 03. 11. 1986, P. 28. 8. Summary \n\n118 \n\nThe \n\nextension of Community \n\ntelecommunications policy \n\nto \n\nsatellite \n\ncommunications can build on the consensus achieved on the basis of the Green \n\nPaper on the development of the common market for telecommunications services \n\nand equipment, as confirmed by Council Resolution 88/C257 /01of30 June 1988. The future regulatory conditions for satellite communications must respect those \n\nregulatory safeguards which Member States may apply in the telecommunications \n\ns'ector in accordance with this consensus - and in particular with the agreements on \n\n, \n\nthe Community's approach to telecommunications services, achieved at the \n\ntelecommunications Council of 7 December 1989 -, but should not introduce any \n\nadditional restrictions beyond those related to specific conditions in the field of \n\nsatellite communications, where these can be justified in accordance with \n\nCommunity \n\nlaw, \n\nin particular \n\nthe competition \n\nrules, and \n\ninternational \n\ncommitments. The adjustment of the regulatory conditions must match the market requirements \n\nidentified. They should in particular: provide for a dynamic development of earth \n\nsegments and space segments. in the Community; meet the conditions required by \n\nusers to operate in the Community-wide 1992 market; allow the full development \n\nof the Community's space industry in this area; and support the Community's \n\npolicy for a common audio-visual space. Community law must be fully applied to this sector. The Community cannot admit \n\n- or afford -\n\nthe continued withdrawal of a sector of such vital importance from \n\nthe working of the single market, or from the full application of its rules. As elsewhere in the telecommunications sector, a basic element of the adjustment \n\nof the regulatory conditions in the satellite communications sector should be the \n\nprinciple of the abolition of exclusive or special rights and their replacement by \n\nlicensing regimes, wherever legitimate public interest requires the maintenance of \n\nregulatory safeguards. Of particular specific importance in this regard for satellite \n\ncommunications \n\nis \n\nthe avoidance of harmful \n\ninterference, and frequency \n\ncoordination. The application of these principles leads to the two major changes which are \n\nneeded before the potential of the provision of satellite communications services, \n\nby both public and private providers, can be fully exploited in the Community: \n\nunrestricted provision and use of satellite terminal transmit and receive equipment; \n\n\f119 \n\nand full, equitable and non-discriminatory access by users to all providers of \n\nsatellite space capacity. A fundamental principle of the reform must be the establishment of objective, \n\ntransparent and non-discriminatory procedures and the clear separation of \n\nregulatory and operational functions, both with regard to the provision and use of \n\nthe earth segment, as well as with regard to access to - and the provision of -\n\nspace segment. Account must be taken of the existing international commitments of Member States. in this area, but Member States are also obliged to exercise their influence in order \n\nto achieve either an application of international agreements in conformity with the \n\nTreaty rules, or to bring about an adjustment of these agreements. This applies, \n\ninter alia, \n\nto \n\nthe access \n\nto space segment capacity of the international \n\ntelecommunications satellites organisations, as well as to the coordination \n\nprocedures provided for in the respective agreements. The best - and in the medium term inevitable - solution to avoid distorsion of \n\ncompetition and to allow full use and best allocation of the existing space segment \n\nwould be to give providers of space segment the right to market space segment \n\ncapacity directly to users. This is of special relevance in the case of the European \n\nTelecommunications Satellite Organisation EUTELSAT which will remain the \n\nmost \n\nimportant provider of space segment \n\nfor \n\nintra-European satellite \n\ncommunications. With \n\nits special \n\nimportance \n\nfor Europe-wide satellite \n\ncommunications, its continued development and growth is vital f \u00bbrt there many SMEs ? \n\nNO \n\n\u2022\u2022 -. i. eligible tor regional airl in the Member atotcs ? \n\nH. eligible under ihp \u20ac*0F ? \n\nIII. Whet direct obligations does this neesure t\u00abpos\u00ab on business** 1 \n\n-NONE \n\nIV. What indirect obligation* are locel authorities LikvLy to Impott , \u2022 '!\";1 \non businesses ? \n\nNONb \n\nn \n\nV. Arr Tti\u00abr\u00ab any special Measures in rrKpeec of SiMEs 7 Please specify. \u2022 -\n\nWO \n\n\u2022\"'\"';. Vi\u201e \n\nWhat is th* ;. ik\u00bbly effect on : \n(a) the competitiveness of businesses ? \n\n(b> \u00abmployment 7 \n\nNONE \n\n\u2022. none \n\nVII. Have both sides of industry been consulted 1 \n\nPl*<*i\u00bb indicate ir>e\"\u00bbr opinions. m0t necessary \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 492 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-540-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-65440-6 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 -30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/44fc9933-49bc-467c-99b4-298763676c80", "title": "90/552/EEC: Commission Decision of 9 November 1990 determining the limits of the territory infected with African horse sickness", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-09", "subjects": "equidae,health control", "workIds": "celex:31990D0552,oj:JOL_1990_313_R_0038_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["equidae", "health control"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/44fc9933-49bc-467c-99b4-298763676c80", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4826f4fc-489c-4ee3-a27a-c7e85d1672d5", "title": "Biotechnology Action Programme BAP 85-89 : progress report 1988. Volume I, An overview.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1990-11-09", "subjects": "bio-industry,biotechnology,medical science,research programme,scientific cooperation,scientific progress,test tube fertilisation", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CDNA11650", "eurovoc_concepts": ["bio-industry", "biotechnology", "medical science", "research programme", "scientific cooperation", "scientific progress", "test tube fertilisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4826f4fc-489c-4ee3-a27a-c7e85d1672d5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dc48195-4228-4083-8eb6-3a09e84df4e8", "title": "Association of the overseas countries and territories : French overseas departments : compilation of texts. Volume XI, 1 January 1987 to 31 December 1987.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "General Secretariat of the Council", "date": "1990-11-08", "subjects": "French overseas collectivity,French overseas department and region,administrative cooperation,agricultural product,association agreement,decision,overseas countries and territories,overseas department (France),regulation,tariff preference,trading operation", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_BX5288994", "eurovoc_concepts": ["French overseas collectivity", "French overseas department and region", "administrative cooperation", "agricultural product", "association agreement", "decision", "overseas countries and territories", "overseas department (France)", "regulation", "tariff preference", "trading operation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dc48195-4228-4083-8eb6-3a09e84df4e8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa6dac53-f2be-40fe-a487-af3982991a48", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3245/90 of 8 November 1990 concerning the stopping of fishing for common sole by vessels flying the flag of Germany", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-08", "subjects": "Germany,sea fish,sea fishing", "workIds": "celex:31990R3245,oj:JOL_1990_311_R_0013_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "sea fish", "sea fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa6dac53-f2be-40fe-a487-af3982991a48", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e9cba32e-3fee-461d-81fb-e103dc48a8a7", "title": "Council Directive 90/604/EEC of 8 November 1990 amending Directive 78/660/EEC on annual accounts and Directive 83/349/EEC on consolidated accounts as concerns the exemptions for small and medium-sized companies and the publication of accounts in ecus", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1990-11-08", "subjects": "company law,consolidated account,management,publication of accounts,small and medium-sized enterprises", "workIds": "celex:31990L0604,oj:JOL_1990_317_R_0057_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["company law", "consolidated account", "management", "publication of accounts", "small and medium-sized enterprises"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e9cba32e-3fee-461d-81fb-e103dc48a8a7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a069f9ae-6a34-4983-a9d1-d5c1b9f7c71f", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3400/90 of 8 November 1990, temporarly suspending the autonomous common customs tariff duties for certain products intended for the construction, maintenance and repair transport of aircraft", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1990-11-08", "subjects": "CCT duties,aircraft,common customs tariff,motor vehicle", "workIds": "celex:31990R3400,oj:JOL_1990_332_R_0001_004", "eurovoc_concepts": ["CCT duties", "aircraft", "common customs tariff", "motor vehicle"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a069f9ae-6a34-4983-a9d1-d5c1b9f7c71f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5c97cc3-2038-4942-b897-a351ed81e5d6", "title": "Council Directive 90/619/EEC of 8 November 1990 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to direct life assurance, laying down provisions to facilitate the effective exercise of freedom to provide services and amending Directive 79/267/EEC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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Supply of information of programmes financed under Council Regulation (EEC) No. 4028/86", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PAPAYANNAKIS", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EC Regulation,Greece,action programme,aquaculture,balance of payments assistance,dissemination of information", "workIds": "celex:91990E002418", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Regulation", "Greece", "action programme", "aquaculture", "balance of payments assistance", "dissemination of information"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/52ab590f-91d5-49bb-a1fa-7d2007d453f9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3ad231b1-cd96-4f0a-8950-ce0a039921e9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2454/90 by Mr Aymeri de MONTESQUIOU FEZENSAC to the Commission. Pigmeat prices", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE MONTESQUIOU,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU agricultural market,German Democratic Republic,agricultural surplus,aid to agriculture,animal production,common agricultural policy,farm prices,quantitative restriction,swine", "workIds": "celex:91990E002454", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU agricultural market", "German Democratic Republic", "agricultural surplus", "aid to agriculture", "animal production", "common agricultural policy", "farm prices", "quantitative restriction", "swine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3ad231b1-cd96-4f0a-8950-ce0a039921e9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f512cb3-2ad1-4a0c-bb03-e9b63dcd73e6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2451/90 by Mr G\u00e9rard MONNIER-BESOMBES to the Commission. Risks arising from the incineration of stocks of chemical weapons from Germany on the Johnston Atoll (South Pacific)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MONNIER-BESOMBES", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Germany,Oceania,chemical weapon,toxic substance,transport of dangerous goods,waste disposal", "workIds": "celex:91990E002451", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "Oceania", "chemical weapon", "toxic substance", "transport of dangerous goods", "waste disposal"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6f512cb3-2ad1-4a0c-bb03-e9b63dcd73e6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3352571-7e99-4d46-8a92-11fbe864f38c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2420/90 by Mr Petrus CORNELISSEN and Mr James JANSSEN van RAAY to the Commission. European approach to criminality in major European ports", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CORNELISSEN,European Parliament,JANSSEN VAN RAAY", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "European cooperation,crime,customs document,customs inspection,harbour installation,prevention of delinquency", "workIds": "celex:91990E002420", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European cooperation", "crime", "customs document", "customs inspection", "harbour installation", "prevention of delinquency"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3352571-7e99-4d46-8a92-11fbe864f38c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/201a48f3-46cb-4a23-969a-079705f1dab9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2434/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Commission. An increase in IMF capital and criteria for intervention", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "International Monetary Fund,United States,financial requirements,international finance,special drawing rights,structural policy,veto", "workIds": "celex:91990E002434", "eurovoc_concepts": ["International Monetary Fund", "United States", "financial requirements", "international finance", "special drawing rights", "structural policy", "veto"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/201a48f3-46cb-4a23-969a-079705f1dab9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13eaa58f-09d1-45b9-92c1-b7135f027b6f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2419/90 by Mr Dimitrios DESSYLAS to the Commission. Major ecological damage caused by energy-generating projects being carried out by the Greek Electricity Board on the Akhel\u00f3os (Asprop\u00f3tamos) River in Greece", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DESSYLAS,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Central Greece,Integrated Mediterranean Programmes,co-financing,degradation of the environment,engineering structure,environmental impact,hydroelectric development,public authorities,terms for aid,watercourse", "workIds": "celex:91990E002419", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Central Greece", "Integrated Mediterranean Programmes", "co-financing", "degradation of the environment", "engineering structure", "environmental impact", "hydroelectric development", "public authorities", "terms for aid", "watercourse"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13eaa58f-09d1-45b9-92c1-b7135f027b6f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ba09e7b-cca2-435c-961e-55bafcca3fac", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2459/90 by Mr Luigi VERTEMATI to the Commission. Tax incentives for environmental protection", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERTEMATI", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU policy,action programme,environmental policy,environmental protection,stratospheric pollution,summit meeting,tax incentive,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:91990E002459", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "action programme", "environmental policy", "environmental protection", "stratospheric pollution", "summit meeting", "tax incentive", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ba09e7b-cca2-435c-961e-55bafcca3fac", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21574ba0-83b9-4c9a-a450-3be94267199f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2457/90 by Mr Maxime VERHAGEN to the Commission. Extending the EC programme for the eastern part of South Limburg and the western mining area up to 1993", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERHAGEN", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU policy,Limburg,development region,mining operation", "workIds": "celex:91990E002457", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "Limburg", "development region", "mining operation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21574ba0-83b9-4c9a-a450-3be94267199f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2cd175f8-4adc-4b2d-abcc-57fbdabeaded", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2461/90 by Mr Jos\u00e9 BARROS MOURA to the Commission. Imports of steel from Germany", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BARROS MOURA,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "ECSC general Decision,German Democratic Republic,Portugal,free movement of goods,import restriction,intra-EU trade,iron and steel industry,steel", "workIds": "celex:91990E002461", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC general Decision", "German Democratic Republic", "Portugal", "free movement of goods", "import restriction", "intra-EU trade", "iron and steel industry", "steel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2cd175f8-4adc-4b2d-abcc-57fbdabeaded", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cd1fb156-2756-4e18-ac16-39b922f35570", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2433/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Council. Medical training and torture", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "competence of the Member States,cruel and degrading treatment,doctor,health care profession,human rights,medical training,professional ethics,torture", "workIds": "celex:91990E002433", "eurovoc_concepts": ["competence of the Member States", "cruel and degrading treatment", "doctor", "health care profession", "human rights", "medical training", "professional ethics", "torture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cd1fb156-2756-4e18-ac16-39b922f35570", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b226486-ee2d-4333-b69c-f6ed13359a25", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2465/90 by Nino PISONI, Franco BORGO and Mauro CHIABRANDO to the Commission. Community regulations concerning the slaughter of pigs affected by classical swine fever in Belgium", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BORGO,CHIABRANDO,European Parliament,PISONI NINO", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Belgium,animal plague,application of EU law,fraud,free service,health legislation,slaughter of animals,swine", "workIds": "celex:91990E002465", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "animal plague", "application of EU law", "fraud", "free service", "health legislation", "slaughter of animals", "swine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b226486-ee2d-4333-b69c-f6ed13359a25", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/76283018-0a5e-4d65-bf38-3091e75c328d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2446/90 by Mr Carlos ROBLES PIQUER to the Commission. Specialized workforce for the installation of solar energy facilities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU policy,European Social Fund,labour force,professional qualifications,renewable energy,research and development,technical cooperation,technological change,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91990E002446", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "European Social Fund", "labour force", "professional qualifications", "renewable energy", "research and development", "technical cooperation", "technological change", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/76283018-0a5e-4d65-bf38-3091e75c328d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ee9007d6-89ae-4d36-a4d3-d3d757be09ee", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2445/90 by Mr Carlos ROBLES PIQUER to the Commission. List of EEIGs in the European Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU Official Journal,EU publication,Economic Interest Grouping,European undertaking,dissemination of information,inter-company cooperation", "workIds": "celex:91990E002445", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Official Journal", "EU publication", "Economic Interest Grouping", "European undertaking", "dissemination of information", "inter-company cooperation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ee9007d6-89ae-4d36-a4d3-d3d757be09ee", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce0c88bc-39df-49b4-9e5a-c4677a656305", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2450/90 by Mr G\u00e9rard MONNIER-BESOMBES to the Commission. Threats to the environment and public health in the South Pacific", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MONNIER-BESOMBES", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "French Polynesia,application of EU law,environmental protection,human nutrition,nuclear test,public health,radioactive pollution,research report", "workIds": "celex:91990E002450", "eurovoc_concepts": ["French Polynesia", "application of EU law", "environmental protection", "human nutrition", "nuclear test", "public health", "radioactive pollution", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce0c88bc-39df-49b4-9e5a-c4677a656305", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5057086a-9b95-448e-b9f9-59cdb681f8ba", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ON AN ACTION PROGRAMME FOR THE EUROPEAN YEAR OF SAFETY, HYGIENE AND HEALTH PROTECTION AT WORK ( 1992 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "European symbol,occupational health,occupational safety,public health,workplace", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0450,comnat:COM_1990_0450_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_293_R_0003_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European symbol", "occupational health", "occupational safety", "public health", "workplace"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5057086a-9b95-448e-b9f9-59cdb681f8ba", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC90) 450 final \n\nBrussels, 7 November 1990 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\non an action programme for the European Year of Safety, Hygiene and \n\nHealth Protection at Work (1992) \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Legal basis \n\nThe draft decision is based on Article 235 of the EEC Treaty. 2. Aim of the draft decision \n\nThe Council Resolution of 21. 12. 87(1) suggested the organization in 1992 \nof a European Year of Safety\u00bb Hygiene and Health Protection at Work with \na view to conducting a number of activities designed to promote and \nenhance the value of the substantial body of Community measures in this \nfield subsequent to the implementation of Article 118a of the EEC Treaty. These actions are to be designed specifically to heighten the awareness \nof the public at large, the various economic agents, the workers' and \nemployers' representative bodies, government organizations and the \nappropriate education, training and information organizations. The activities will be undertaken ,by the Commission and in conjunction \nwith the Member States on a Community basis. It is also important to bear in mind that, despite the lack of \nsufficiently reliable statistical series at European level, the data \navailable at Member State level give a good idea of the high cost in \nhuman and social terms of the consequences of accidents at work. For \n1984, the amount of compensation paid for accidents at work and \noccupational illnesses is put at some 16 000 million ECU for the whole of \nthe EC, i. e. 7% of total expenditure on sickness insurance. (2) \n\n3. Characteristics of the draft decision \n\nThe draft comprises the draft decision proper and an annex setting out \ndetails of activities planned during the European Year. These activities are set out in three chapters pursuant to the form of \nfinancing. (1) 0J C28/1, 3. 2. 88 \n(2) 0J C28/3, 3. 2. 88 \n\nL \n\n\f4. Consultation of Interested parties \n\nPursuant to the provisions set out in paragraph 5 of the above Council \nResolution, the Commission has consulted and involved the representatives \nof governments and workers' and employers' organizations in drawing up \nthis draft decision. Thus, the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at \nWork (set up under Council Decision 74/325/EEC of 27. 6. 1974) has been \nconsulted and has expressed a favourable opinion. - 1 -\n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\non an action programme for the European Year of Safety, Hygiene and \nHealth Protection at Work (1992) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 235 thereof. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,<1> \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Pari lament/2) \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee/3) \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Advisory Committee for Safety, \nHygiene and Health Protection at Work, \n\nWhereas the Council on 21 December 1987 suggested that a European year \nshould be organized In 1992 in the field of safety, hygiene and health \nprotection at work*4); \n\nWhereas the Council also welcomed the Commission's communication on its \nprogramme^) concerning safety, hygiene and health at work; \n\nWhereas 1992 sees the completion of this action programme and thus \npresents an opportunity to take stock of the programme and demonstrate \nits coherence; \n\n(1) OJ \n(2) OJ \n(3) OJ \n(4) OJ No C28/1, 3. 2. 88 \n(5) OJ No C28/3, 3. 2. 88 \n\n\f- 2 \n\nWhereas the Council acknowledged the predominant role of the heightening of \npublic awareness for the success of the measures recommended in the \nCommission's communication on its programme on safety, hygiene and health at \nwork; \n\nWhereas the Council emphasized that the information, increased awareness and, \nif necessary, the training of employers and workers will play a fundamental \nrole in the success of the measures recommended in the Commission's \ncommunication on its programme on safety, hygiene and health at work; \n\nWhereas, for the activity In question, the Treaty provides for no other \npowers than those set out in Article 235; \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. 1992 Shall be declared EUROPEAN YEAR OF SAFETY, HYGIENE AND HEALTH \nPROTECTION AT WORK, running from March 1992 to March 1993. To this end coordinated activities shall be organized by the Community, \n\nthe Member States, the social partners and by public and private bodies. 2. The staff required for the implementation of the programme and the amount \nof expenditure estimated are set out in detail in the financial statement \nattached to this Decision. The appropriations necessary for the \nimplementation of this Decision shall be entered every year in the General \nBudget of the European Communities. Article 2 \n\n1. The Commission shall consult periodically the appropriate authorities in \nthe Member States at the various stages of implementation of the activities \nprovided for in this Decision. 2. The Commission shall inform the Council, the European Parliament and the \nEconomic and Social Committee of \n\nthe progress of work, and shall send them a report and assessment of the \n\nactivities carried out in the course of the year. 1. ANNEX \n\nAIMS AND JUSTIFICATION OF ACTIONS ENVISAGED \n\nFOR THE EUROPEAN YEAR OF SAFETY, \n\nHYGIENE AND HEALTH AT WORK (1992) \n\nDespite the lack of sufficiently reliable statistical series at \nEuropean level, the data available at Member State level give a good \nidea of the high cost in human and social terms of the consequences of \naccidents at work and occupational illnesses. For 1984, the amount of \ncompensation paid for such accidents and Illnesses is put at some \n16 000 million ECU for the whole of the EC, i. e. 7% of total \nexpenditure on sickness Insurance*1). The European Year of Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work will set out to \nconduct a number of activities designed to promote and enhance the \nvalue of the substantial body of Community measures in this field. These aims can be justified by the need to \n\nbring out, in the context of the internal market, the Importance of \nthe social and economic aspects of problems relating to safety, \nhygiene and health at work, \n\nmake workers, employers and young people more aware of the safety, \nhygiene and health risks at the workplace and of what can be done \nabout them. To this end, coordinated activities will be undertaken by the \nCommunity, the Member States, the social partners and public and \nprivate organizations. (1) OJ C28/3, 3. 2. 1988. 2. A. Actions to be financed entirely from the Community budget \n\n1. European colloquium to launch European Year \n\n2. Conferences in all Member States \n\n3. Film festival \n\n4. Logo design, poster campaigns \n\n5. Television programmes and videos \n\n6. European colloquium to close European Year. 7. production of booklets and stickers on the Community's health and \n\nsafety policy. B. Actions co-financed by the Community budget \n\nThese actions may be financed from the Community budget up to a \npercentage of the total cost which will depend on the particular \ncase but will not exceed 70% of the total cost of the project. 1. Actions by public and/or private organizations to improve and \n\npromote the dissemination of information on occupational risks and \ntheir prevention. 2. Actions by public and/or private organizations to give greater \n\nimportance to the training of workers and employers in the field of \nsafety, hygiene and hcclth protection at work. 3. Actions by public and/or private organizations to int\u00e9gr\u00e2t\u00a9 \n\ninstruction in safety, hygiene and health protect ion at work snte \nteaching snd training progrmusses aim\u00aecl ct employers and rcor'xrs. 4. Actions by public and/or private organizations t\u00a9 improve the \n\nunderstanding \u00a9f problems \u00a9f health, hygiene ar*cf safety at v;orh in \nSI4\u00cb3 and to promote specific solutions. 5. Actions by public and/or private organizations to improve the \n\nexchange of information on good enforcement practice In Member \nStates regarding Community legislation on safety, hygiene and \nhealth at work. Applications for grants should be submitted to the Commission by Member \nStates, \n\n\f3. Projects selected for Community assistance will be designated \n\"Community projects for the European Year of Safety\u00bb Hygiene and Health \nProtection at Work\". C. Actions without financial Implications for the Community budget \n\nActions undertaken by public or private organizations in the field of \nsafety, hygiene and health protection at work: \n\nto promote use of the common logo and slogan of the European Year \nof Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work in regular \npublicity campaigns, \n\nto encourage the spread of Information on European Year of Safety, \nHygiene and Health Protection at Work through the mass media, \n\nother actions to be determined. \u00ce \n\n\fFINANCIAL MEMORANDUM \n\nDRAFT COUNCIL DECISION ON THE EUROPEAN YEAR \nOF SAFETY, HYGIENE AND HEALTH \nPROTECTION AT WORK \n\n1. Budget line \n\n3054 \n\n2. Legal base \n\nCouncil Resolution (88/C/28/01) of 21. 12. 1987(1), \nsuggesting the organization in 1992 of a European Year \nof Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work. Council Decision of. on a programme of action for \nthe European Year of Safety, Hygiene and Health \nprotection at Work. 3. Classification into compulsory/non-compulsory expenditure \n\nNon-compulsory. 4. Description and justification \n\n4. 1. Description of the proposed activities - see annex \nto the Council Decision. 4. 2. Justification \n\nIn its Resolution (88/C/28/01) of 21. 12. 1987, the \nCouncil acknowledges the predominant role of \nheightening public awareness for the success of the \nmeasures \nCommission's \ncommunication on its programme on safety, hygiene \nand health protection at work, and suggests the \norganization of a European Year in this field. recommended \n\nthe \n\nin \n\n5. Nature of expenditure and form of calculation \n\nOverall cost 1991-1992-1993 : 12 million ecus. (1) OJ C28/1 Of 3. 2. 88 \n\n\fThe appropriations will be used to finance the costs \narising directly from the implementation of the \nmeasures set out in the annex to the Council Decision. Certain items of the administrative expenditure will \nalso be financed from these appropriations. Form of calculation \n\n(see annex). 6. Financial consequences of the proposed measure on \nintervention appropriations \n\n6. 1. Schedule of due dates for commitment and payment \nappropriations \n\nCOMMITMENT \n\nPAYMENT \n\n91 \n\n92 \n\n93 \n\n91 \n\n92 \n\n93 \n\n3. 150. 000 \n\n2. 800. 000 \n\n350. 000 \n\n6. 200. 000 \n\n2. 650. 000 \n\n6. 200. 000 \n\n2. 650. 000 \n\nTOTAL \n\n12. 000. 000 \n\n2. 800. 000 \n\n6. 550. 000 \n\n2. 650. 000 \n\n6. 2. Share of Community finance (%) in total cost of the \nproposed measure \n\n100 % \n\n7. Financial impact on staff and administrative appropriations \n\n7. 1. Staff requirements \n\nCreation of a Task Force comprising outside \nspecialists from 1991, as follows : \n\nA : 4 \nB : 13 \nC : 4 \n\n7. 2. Staff appropriations recruired \n\nThese \n1. 450. 000 ecus from 1991. appropriations \n\nare \n\nestimated \n\nat \n\nxxxxx \nxxxxxxx \nxxxxx \n\nJ\u00b0 \n\n\fBUDGET FOR THE EUROPEAN YEAR \n\nOF SAFETY, HYGIENE AND HEALTH PROTECTION AT WORK \n\nANNEX \n\n1991 \n\n1992 \n\n1993 \n\nTOTAL \n\nFixed costs: administr. , management \n\n350. 000 \n\n500. 000 \n\n250. 000 \n\n1. 100. 000 \n\nConsultants \n\n250. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n350. 000 \n\nSupport for actions undertaken \nby the Member States \n\nSupport for actions undertaken \nby international organizations \n\n1. 100. 000 \n\n2. 500. 000 \n\n400. 000 \n\n4. 000. 000 \n\n350. 000 \n\n100. 000 \n\n-\n\n450. 000 \n\nj Actions organized by the Commission \nj See Annex, item A, 1, 3, 4 \n\n1. 100. 000 \n\n3. 000. 000 \n\n2. 000. 000 \n\n6. 100. 000 \n\n1 TOTAL \n\n3. 150. 000 \n\n6. 200. 000 \n\n2. 650. 000 1 12. 000. 000 \n1 \n\n1 \n\nI \n\nV \n\n\fIMPACT ON COMPETITIVENESS AND EMPLOYMENT \n\nSubject : Draft Council Decision on a programme of action for the European \nYear of Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work \n\n1. What is the main point of the measure? \n\nWithin the context of the internal market and with regard to the social \nand economic aspects thereof, to bring out the major benefits resulting \nfrom the implementation of prevention measures and of a high level of \nprotection in terms of safety, hygiene and health protection at work. To heighten the awareness of workers, employers and young people to \noccupational risks and the means of doing something about them, in terms \nof safety, hygiene and health protection at work. 2. Characteristics of the firms concerned. More particularly: \n\na) Large number of SMEs? \n\nb) Concentrated in certain regions? \n\ni. eligible for Member States' regional aid? \nii. eligible for ERDF aid? \n\na) Given the nature of the rules and regulations on safety and health, \n\nmost SMEs are concerned. b) No. 3. What are the direct obligations on firms? \n\nThis proposal places no direct obligations on firms. 4. What obligations are liable to be placed indirectly on firms by local \n\nauthorities? \n\nNone. 5. Are there any special measures for SMEs? If so, what? \n\nIt is planned to devise specific activities designed to improve general \nawareness of safety, hygiene and health protection issues in SMEs and to \npromote specific solutions. 6. What is the Iikely effect: \n\na) on the competitive position of firms? \nb) on jobs? \n\nThe proposed activities can only have a positive effect on the \ncompetitive position of firms. J^ \n\n\f7. Have the social partners been consulted? \n\nWhat are their views? \n\nThe social partners have been consulted within the context of the \nAdvisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work set \nup under Council Decision 74/325/EEC of 27/6/1974. This proposal has met with considerable interest from the trade union \norganizations and from the employers' and government representatives. They expressed a unanimous favourable opinion on the draft proposal at \nthe full meeting of the Committee on 21 and 22 February 1990 and are \ninvolved in deciding what activities should be undertaken and in setting \nup the necessary connections to ensure the success of the operation. X \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (90) 450 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n05 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90-555-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-65559-3 \n\n''RICE \n\nj \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nJ \n\nper additional 10 pa^es: 1. 25 ECU \n\nO -ic\u00ef foi Officiai Publications of the European Communities \n; \u2022-'. '. ::>t5 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2f1033e-2bdf-4fb9-8708-356a20b59ef1", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2417/90 by Mr Gianfranco AMENDOLA, Mr Paul LANNOYE and Mr G\u00e9rard MONNIER-BESOMBES to the Commission. Commission funding for the Globe-EC organization", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament,LANNOYE,MONNIER-BESOMBES", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Community budget,ecology movement,environmental policy,programme budgeting", "workIds": "celex:91990E002417", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "ecology movement", "environmental policy", "programme budgeting"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2f1033e-2bdf-4fb9-8708-356a20b59ef1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/14b8ceca-d9c6-4f79-a7c0-fb6717bb8ab7", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2455/90 by Mr Max SIMEONI to the Commission. Improvement of the RN 164 as part of the integrated development project in central Brittany", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SIMEONI", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Brittany,drinking water,environmental impact,integrated development programme,regions of France,road building", "workIds": "celex:91990E002455", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brittany", "drinking water", "environmental impact", "integrated development programme", "regions of France", "road building"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/14b8ceca-d9c6-4f79-a7c0-fb6717bb8ab7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a00ecf0f-29be-4b51-a8ae-2d4b357f00fa", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2423/90 by Mrs Raymonde DURY to the Commission. Marketing of breast-milk substitutes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EC Directive,Unicef,World Health Organisation,baby food,drinking milk,food substitute,government bill,proposal (EU),trade regulations", "workIds": "celex:91990E002423", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "Unicef", "World Health Organisation", "baby food", "drinking milk", "food substitute", "government bill", "proposal (EU)", "trade regulations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a00ecf0f-29be-4b51-a8ae-2d4b357f00fa", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d945574a-e79a-4a84-a440-429761a41853", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2422/90 by Mr Yves COCHET to the Commission. Marketing of breast-milk substitutes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COCHET,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EC Directive,Unicef,World Health Organisation,baby food,drinking milk,food substitute,government bill,proposal (EU),trade regulations", "workIds": "celex:91990E002422", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "Unicef", "World Health Organisation", "baby food", "drinking milk", "food substitute", "government bill", "proposal (EU)", "trade regulations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d945574a-e79a-4a84-a440-429761a41853", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e83513c4-0e34-49bc-b424-450f41bd49eb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2425/90 by Mrs Raymonde DURY to the Commission. Social consequences of Community railway policy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "common transport policy,rail transport,recognition of diplomas,updating of skills,vocational training,working conditions", "workIds": "celex:91990E002425", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common transport policy", "rail transport", "recognition of diplomas", "updating of skills", "vocational training", "working conditions"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e83513c4-0e34-49bc-b424-450f41bd49eb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7530752-0ab8-4d1f-8acb-2e1186e42fa3", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3217/90 of 7 November 1990 fixing the estimated soya bean production for the 1990/91 marketing year, the actual soya bean production for the 1989/90 marketing year and the adjustement to be made in the aid for soya beans for the 1990/91 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "production aid,soya bean", "workIds": "celex:31990R3217,oj:JOL_1990_308_R_0019_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["production aid", "soya bean"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7530752-0ab8-4d1f-8acb-2e1186e42fa3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/23d03cea-2be3-4ae7-9249-b4ccd8cfb008", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR PRODUCTS SUBJECT TO EXCISE DUTY AND ON THE HOLDING AND MOVEMENT OF SUCH PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "alcoholic beverage,excise duty,free movement of goods,mineral oil,quantitative restriction,tobacco", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0431,comnat:COM_1990_0431_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_322_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["alcoholic beverage", "excise duty", "free movement of goods", "mineral oil", "quantitative restriction", "tobacco"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/23d03cea-2be3-4ae7-9249-b4ccd8cfb008", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC90) 431 final \n\nBrussels, 7 November 1990 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non the general arrangements for products subject to excise duty \n\nand on the holding and movement of such products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nI. INTRODUCTION \n\n1. The Single European Act envisages the creation, by the \n\nend of 1992, of a space without internal frontiers in \n\nwhich the free circulation of goods, persons, services \n\nand capital is assured. This vision of a single Community \n\nmarket rests on the elimination of technical, physical \n\nand \n\nfiscal \n\nobstacles \n\nwhich \n\nwere \n\nidentified \n\nin \n\nCommission's 1985 White Paper on the completion of the \n\nsinlge market(1) as factors which divided the markets and \n\neconomies of the Member States. 2. This proposal for a Directive on the general arrangements \n\nfor products subject to excise duty and on the holding \n\nand movment of such products, limited to the \n\nharmonization which is necessary and leaving the Member \n\nStates the responsibility to establish the methods of \n\napplication and control, is part of the drive to achieve \n\nthe complete and final abolition of tax frontiers thereby \n\nensuring the establishment and functioning of the \n\ninternal market within the period laid down in Article 8A \n\nof the Treaty establishing the European Economic \n\nCommunity. 3. With the intention of creating~-the conditions necessary \nfor the abolition of tax frontiers, it is required that \nthe excise duty rates and structures be aligned more \nclosely and to define the arrangements for the holding \nand movement of products subject to excise duties. (1) Document COM(85) 310 of 14 June 1985. - 3 -\n\n4. In order to achieve this, the Commission in 1987 drew up \n\nproposals for Directives on the harmonization of excise \n\nduty rates on cigarettes, manufactured tobacco other than \n\ncigarettes, alcoholic beverages and mineral oils(2). In 1989, the Commission amended its 1987 proposals, by \n\nintroducing an element of flexibility in the form of \n\nminimum rates or rate bands (for certain categories of \n\nmineral oils) and target rates(3). 5. As regards the establishment of harmonized structures of \n\nexcise duty, three proposals for Directives have been \n\npresented to the Council concerning the structure of \n\nexcise duties applied to manufactured tobacco, alcoholic \n\nbeverages and mineral oils(4). These proposals for \n\nDirectives aim to eliminate the structural differences \n\nincompatible with the removal of tax frontiers on \n\n1 January 1993 \n\n6. The present proposal for a directive on the general \n\narrangements as well as on the holding and movement of \n\nproducts subject to excise duty forms part of this \n\ncomprehensive strategy for the approximation of rates and \n\nthe harmonization of the structure of indirect taxes. (2) Documents COM(87)325, 326, 327 and 328 on the approximation \nof taxes on manufactured tobacco, alcoholic beverages and \nmineral oils. (3) Documents COM(89) 525, 526 and 527 on the approximation of \nthe rates of excise duty on manufactured tobacco, alcoholic \nbeverages and mineral oils. (4) Documents COM(90). - 4 -\n\nII. BACKGROUND \n\nIn its communications of 14 June 1989(5) and of 3 \n\nNovember 1989(6) the Commission announced that a proposal \n\nwould be drafted on the movement of dutiable products, \n\nwith the aim of ensuring compliance with the principle \n\nthat excise duties are payable in the Member State where \n\nconsumption actually takes place. In essence, the communications provided that: \n\n- for individuals, free movement would be ensured by \n\ndoing away with travellers' allowances altogether \n\nwithin the Community- wide market; \n\n- for commercial operations, the movement of goods would \n\ntake place via interconnected warehouses under duty-\n\nsuspension arrangements to the place of consumption. In its conclusions, the Economic and Financial Affairs \n\nCouncil of 13 November 1989 proposed as a general \n\nprinciple of the arrangements for the movement and \n\ncirculation of goods subject to excise duty \"that \n\nproducts of the sort of goods subject to excise duty \n\nwould \n\ncirculate \n\nunder \n\nduty-suspension \n\nbetween \n\nwarehousekeepers authorized by the authorities of the \n\nMember States. Appropriate provisions would allow \n\npurchasers \n\nwho \n\ndid \n\nnot \n\nhave \n\nthe \n\nstatus \n\nof \n\nwarehousekeepers to make their purchases from sellers of \n\nother Member States, with payment of excise duty in the \n\nState of consumption\". (5) Document COM(89) 260 \n(6) Document COM(89) 551 \n\n\f5 -\n\nIII. COMMISSION PROPOSAL \n\n9. The present proposal for a Directive is based on the \n\napproach set out in the Commission communication quoted \n\nabove and the conclusions of the Economic and Financial \n\nAffairs Council of 13 November 1989. It lays down the general provisions concerning the \n\ngeographic boundaries, the type of products subject to \n\nexcise duties at the Community level, the chargeable \n\nevent and the chargeability of the tax as well as the \n\nprinciple of the fiscal territory, and the particular \n\nprovisions concerning the arrangements for the holding \n\nand movement of products subject to excise duty \n\n(ARRANGEMENTS FOR INTERCONNECTED WAREHOUSES) GENERAL \n\nPROVISIONS \n\n10. The present proposal for a directive establishes the \n\ngeographic extent for the holding and movement of \n\nexcisable products in order to ensure a uniform \n\napplication of the provisions of the said proposal as \n\nwell as of the provisions present in the proposals \n\nrelating to the rate and excise structures. 11. The products covered by the proposal are: \n\n- manufactured tobacco; \n\n- alcoholic beverages; \n\n- mineral oils. The above-mentioned products are not subject to any other \ntaxation other than excise duty and value added tax. It is also necessary to lay down the extent to which \nother excise duties, and other indirect taxes in general \ndirectly or indirectly affecting the consumption of \nproducts, can still be charged by the Member States. Such \ncharges could be made, notably for environmental reasons, \n\n\f- 6 -\n\non condition that they are applied to a specific product \nor a group of products and that they do not give rise, in \ntrade between the Member States, either to taxation on \nentry into the national territory and remission of tax on \nleaving the national territory, or to controls at \nCommunity frontiers. This principle has already been established in Article 2 \nof Directive 72/464/EEC on taxes other than turnover \ntaxes which affect the consumption of manufactured \ntobacco. 12. In the field of excise duties applicable to the products \nmentioned in point 11, the chargeable event takes place \nat the stage of manufacture in the Community and on \nimportation into the Community from third countries. Excise duty becomes chargeable when the products in \nquestion are released for consumption. This proposal provides that the chargeable event becomes \na \"Community\" chargeable event. As for the chargeability, \nit takes place at the time products are made available to \nany natural or legal person upon leaving any duty or tax \nsuspension arrangements. 13. The general principle underlying the intra-Community \nmovement of dutiable products is that excise duties are \npayable in the country in which the products are actually \nconsumed. fiscal \nterritoriality). (maintaining the _ principle \n\nof \n\nThis principle also holds when products subject to excise \nduty are sold or applied for the purposes of a business, \na body governed by public law or activities in the public \ninterest. 7 -\n\nMail order sales within the meaning of Article 28 of the \n\nSixth VAT Directive(7) as amended by the Directive \n\nsupplementing the common system of value added tax(8) of \n\nproducts subject to excise duty also follow this \n\nprinciple. ARRANGEMENTS FOR INTERCONNECTED WAREHOUSES \n\n(PROVISIONS \n\nRELATING TO THE ARRANGMEENTS FOR MOVEMENT AND CONTROL) \n\n14. The movement of products subject to excise duty under \n\nduty-suspension \n\narrangements \n\ntakes \n\nplace \n\nvia \n\ninterconnected tax warehouses. The opening of such \n\nwarehouses is subject to authorization by the competent \n\ntax authorities. The holder of this authorization is referred to as \n\n\"authorized warehousekeeper\" in the Directive. The movement of products subject to excise duty under \n\nduty-suspension arrangements is carried out on the basis \n\nof an accompanying administrative document or of a \n\ncommercial document of the consignee. Upon receipt of the goods by the consignee he shall \n\nreturn to the sender a copy of the accompanying \n\nadministrative document or a copy of the commercial \n\ndocument certifying that the goods have indeed been \n\nreceived. ~~ \n\n15. The present proposal for a directive leaves for each \nMember State the possibility to impose on its own \nterritory the use of identification marks or tax \nidentification markings. It clearly follows that the \nMember States who levy excise duties by means other than \nby tax identification markings must ensure that no \n\n(7) Council Directive 77/388/EEC. (8) Proposal for Directive Document COM(90) 182. - 8 -\n\nbarrier, neither administrative nor technical, affects \nthe intra-Community traffic of the products subject to \nthe excise duty. In order to avoid offences being committed in any Member \nState resulting from the controls exercised on products \ncarrying the tax identification markings or the \nidentifying marks of another Member State, the movement \nof such products in the Member State which does not \ncorrespond to the tax or identification markings is \nconsidered to be carried out under suspension \narrangements, which is to say, on the strength of the \nAccompanying Administrative Document or Commercial \nDocument. 16. In order to ensure the payment of duties to the State of \nactual consumption and to avoid double taxation resulting \nfrom the release for actual consumption in one Member \nState of products subject to excise duties in another \nMember State, two separate refund systems have been \nprovided for in the present proposed directive. It follows, obviously, that the two distinct procedures \nof reimbursement, the purpose of which is, to avoid \ndouble taxation resulting from products being released \nfor consumption twice, in two different Member States, \nenable warehousekeepers other than those holding the \nauthorization mentioned not to be excluded from intra-\nCommunity trade in products subject to excise duties so \nthat this trade should not be monopolised by only a few \nspecialised operators. - 9 -\n\nIV. CONCLUSION \n\n17 \u2022 The present proposal for a Directive on the general \narrangements as well as the holding and movement of \nproducts subject to excise duties, together with its \nproposals on the approximation of rates of excise duty \nand the harmonization of the structure of excise duties, \nwithout forgetting the value added tax proposals which \nhave already been sent to the Council serves two major \nobjectives. First, they permit the complete and \ndefinitive abolition of tax frontiers by reducing \npotential evasion and distortion of competition. Moreover, they take account, as far as possible, of the \nMember States'legitimate wish not to have their economic \nand tax systems unnecessarily disrupted. - 10 -\n\nCOMMENTARY ON THE ARTICLES \n\nArticle 1 is very general in scope. It reproduces the wording \n\nof the 1972 proposal for a Directive. Article 2 relates to the geographical boundaries within which \n\nthe Directive applies. This article is essential to ensure a \n\nuniform application in the Member States, not alone of the. provisions put in place by this direvctive, but also of the \n\nprovisions relating to rates set out in particular in the \n\ndirectives dealing with each excise product. Article 3 lists the goods subject to excise duty at Community \n\nlevel, excludes the possibility of applying other levies to \n\nthem, and sets the rules for other taxes which may be levied on \n\nspecific products. Each Member State retains the right to maintain or introduce \n\nother taxes on specific products, but on the express condition \n\nthat this does not impede the free movement of goods and does \n\nnot result in the maintenance of tax frontiers. Article 4 presents a new Community concept of the chargeable \nevent and of chargeability. It is essential for the chargeable \nevent to be a Community event in order to prevent its existence \nfrom being linked to the crossing of an intra-Community \nfrontier. It is also essential for chargeability to be linked \nto release for consumption, not to the crossing of an intra-\nCommunity frontier, which is incompatible with a Market without \nfrontiers. Within the meaning of the present directive, the release for \nconsumption of a product subject to excise duties is its free \navailability to a person on the territory of a Member State and \nafter payment of the duties and taxes in this Member State. - 11 -\n\nArticle 5 states that any sale or acquisition of products \nsubject to excise duty for the purposes of a business, a body \ngoverned by public law, or activities in the public interest, \nand any mail order sale within the meaning of Article 28 of the \nVAT Directive gives rise to payment of the excise duty in the \ncountry in which these products are actually consumed. Subject to some essential provisions to ensure the proper \nfunctioning of the internal market, Articles 6 to 10 leave it \nto the Member States to regulate production and holding \nprovided that they observe certain minimal rules in order to \nprevent excessive differences of treatment between one another. Title III lays down the minimum rules needed to allow uniform \nintra-Community movement without barriers and without \ndiscrimination between warehousekeepers. Article 11 makes it easier for Member States to carry out \ncontrols by enabling warehousekeepers to be identified as a \nresult of their obtaining authorization, but also guarantees to \neach warehousekeeper that his authorization is valid nationally \nand throughout the territory of the Community. It also provides the possibility of a non-authorized \nwarehousekeeper to have access to the arrangements, subject to \ncertain conditions. Article 12 relates to the document which has to accompany the \ngoods. There is a choice between an administrative document \nand a commercial document. The use of a commercial document containing certain compulsory \ninformation is the simplest and least burdensome solution. However, the fact that the language of the document may not be \nunderstood and that it might contain commercial information \nwhich could be confidential must not exclude the possibility of \nusing a document ad hoc. - 12 -\n\nIt was therefore considered essential to draw up a Community \nadministrative document which would have to be used for \nCommunity movement, but which could also be used, by the \nMember States which so wished, for national movement. But it \nmust be as simple as possible and only include essential \ninformation for the purposes of excise duties. The document would be preauthenticated, so that there would be \nno need to call at an office. The authorized warehousekeeper \nwill \nadministrative \ncomplications. therefore \n\nsubjected \n\nnot \n\nbe \n\nto \n\nThe simplicity of this document, combined with its direct use \nby the warehousekeeper, does not justify the use of a \nsimplified procedure. Paragraph 2 of the Article enables this document not to be used \nif the goods are circulating on the strength of other existing \nprocedures. Paragraph 3 allows Member States to monitor raw \nmaterials (for example raw tobacco leaves or crude oil), which \nis not essential on a Community level. Article 13 clearly indicates that the document is drawn up on \nthe responsibility of the authorized warehousekeeper and \ncirculates between warehousekeepers. The provisions of Article 14 are identical to similar-\nprovisions relating to Community transit. Article 15 is an option, not an~~ obligation, which the \nMember States may choose. It seemed that identifying marks \ncould be useful but that they were not the ideal or only \nsolution, in that they do not resolve all the possible \ndifficulties of applying free movement. Paragraph 4 is necessary in order to avoid any increase in \nevasion. - 13 -\n\nIt did not seem appropriate to lay down a time-limit for \npayment even* if, in financial terms, this can lead to \ndistortions of competition. The main point is to prevent time \nlimits for payment from offering an advantage to national \ntraders. Article 16 provides two separate refund arrangements in order \nto avoid double taxation resulting from products being released \nfor consumption twice in two different Member States. The first offers the possibility to any sender, to enter or put \ngoods back into duty-suspension arrangements and allows in this \nway a reimbursement in the first Member State before payment in \nthe second Member State. When the first arrangements are not applicable, a second \nprovides a retrospective reimbursement after payment in the \nother Member State. This procedure, financially constraining, \nnevertheless allows the release from or return into suspension \narrangements to be avoided. Article 17 stipulates that the conditions for reimbursement of \nexcise duties are fixed in essence by the Member States with \nthe exception of the period of reimbursement which must be more \nor less the same to avoid any discrimination. Article 18 refers to the exemptions arising from international \nagreements entered into by the Member States. This provision \nexists in other texts and is clearly necessary here. Title VI, concerns the Committee on Excise Duties. This \nCommittee is to be competent, not only for questions which \nmight arise in implementing this Directive, but also for \nquestions deriving from the implementation of the \"vertical\" \nDirectives on the rates and structures for manufactured \ntobacco, alcoholic beverages and mineral oils. - 14 -\n\nProposal for a \nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \non the general arrangements for products \nsubject to excise duty and on the \nholding and movement of such products \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 99 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social \nCommittee, \n\nWhereas the establishment and functioning of the internal market \nrequire the free movement of goods, including those subject to \nexcise duties; \n\nWhereas provision should be made to define the territory on which \nthis Directive, as well as the directives on the rates and \nstructures of duty on products subject to excise duties, are to be applied; \n\nWhereas the concept of products subject to excise duty should be \ndefined; whereas only goods which are treated as such in all the \nMember States may be the subject of Community provisions; whereas \nthe maintenance or introduction of excise duties on other goods \nin one or more Member States must not, either by taxation upon \nentry into or de-taxation on exit from the national territory, or by \nfrontier controls, form an obstacle to the principle of free \nmovement; \n\n* \n\n\u2022 \n\n\f- 15 -\n\nWhereas, in order to ensure the establishment and functioning of the internal \n\nmarket, the chargeable event for the tax debt, and changeability, should be \n\nidentical in all the Member States; \n\nWhereas, since chargeability falls within the competence of each Member State, \n\nno sale or acquisition for the purposes of a taxable person, as defined in \n\nArticle 4 of Council Directive 77/388/EEC , as last amended by Directive \n\ni \n\n89/465/EEC , taking place in a Member State other than the one of release for \n\n2 \n\nconsumption gives rise to chargeability to excise duty in the Member State \n\nof sale or acquisition; whereas provision should however be made to modify \n\nthis provision in due course; \n\nWhereas in order to ensure that the tax debt is eventually collected it should \n\nbe possible for checks to be carried out in production and storage facilities \n\nas soon as the chargeable event occurs; whereas a system of warehouses, subject \n\nto authorization by the competent authorities, should make it possible to carry \n\nout such checks; \n\nWhereas movement from the territory of one Member State to that of another may \n\nnot give rise to checks liable to impede free movement within the Community; \n\nwhereas for the purposes of chargeability it is nevertheless necessary to know \n\nof the movements of products subject to excise duty; whereas an interconnection \n\nof authorized warehouses makes it possible to follow these movements; \n\nWhereas provision should be made, to ensure the collection of taxes at the \n\nrates and on taxable goods defined by Member States, for the establishment of \n\na procedure for the movement of such goods under duty suspension; \n\nWhereas in that respect provision should first be made for each consignment to \n\nbe easily identified, with the possibility of occasional checks being carried \n\nout in the course of transportation; whereas provision should be made for the \n\ntax status of the consignment to be immediately identifiable; whereas it is \n\n10J No L 145, 13. 6. 1977, p. 1. 20J No L 226, 3. 8. 1989, p. 21. - 16 -\n\ntherefore necessary to provide for an accompanying document capable of \n\nmeeting these needs, which may be either an administrative or commercial \n\ndocument; whereas the commercial document used must contain the essential \n\nelements which appear on the administrative document; \n\nWhereas there is no need for the accompanying document to be used when the \n\nproducts subject to excise duties are moved under other general suspension \n\narrangements; \n\nWhereas in the context of national chargeability, excise duty should, in \n\nthe event of an offence or irregularity, be recovered by the Member State \n\non whose territory the offence or irregularity has been committed, or by \n\nthe Member State where the'offence or irregularity was ascertained, or by \n\nthe Member State of departure in the event of non-presentation in the Member \n\nState of destination; \n\nWhereas the Member States may provide that products released for consumption \n\nshould carry national identification marks and whereas the use of these \n\nmarks should not place any obstacle in the way of intra-Community trade; \n\nWhereas the payment of the excise duties in the Member State where the last \n\ncommercial transaction took place must give rise to the reimbursement of \n\nthe excise duties in the Member State of first release for consumption in \n\norder to avoid double taxation; \n\nWhereas provision should be made for exemptions resulting from agreements \n\nconcluded by the Member States with other States or with international \n\norganizations; \n\n\f- 17 -\n\nWhereas f i n a l ly provision should be made to s et up a Committee on \nExcise Duties to take p a rt in t he p r e p a r a t i on of Community r u l es \nand of \nnecessary \nDirectives \na l c o h o l ic beverages and mineral o i l s, \n\nt he \non the structures of duty on manufactured tobacco, \n\nimplementation of \n\nt h is D i r e c t i v e, \n\nfor \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n\f- 18 -\n\nTITLE I \n\nGENERAL PROVISIONS \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. This Directive lays down the arrangements for excise duties \n\nand other indirect taxes which are levied directly or \n\nindirectly on the consumption of products, except for value \n\nadded tax and taxes established by the institutions of the European \n\nCommunities. 2. The particular provisions relating to the rates and structures \n\nof duty on products subject to excise duty are contained in \n\nDirectives. (1). Article 2 \n\nT h is D i r e c t i v e, as w e ll as t he D i r e c t i v es \n1 ( 2 ), \nt e r r i t o ry \na p p ly w i t h in \nCommunity as defined in Council Regulation (EEC) No 2151/84. customs \n\ns h a ll \n\nt he \n\nreferred to in Article \n\nof \n\nt he \n\n(1)/0J No C 12, 18. 1. 1990, p. 4; (COM(89)525 final); \n\nOJ No C 16, 23. 1. 1990, p \nOJ No C 12, 18. 1. 1990, p, \n, p, \nOJ No C , \n, p, \nOJ No C , \n, p \nOJ No C , \n(2) OJ N L197, 27. 07. 1984, p \n\n10 \n12 \n\n1. (COM(89)526 final) \n(C0M(89)527 final) \n) \n(COM(90) \n) \n(COM(90) \n);7 \n(COM(90) \n\n\f- 19 -\n\nArticle 3 \n\n1. For the purposes of this Directive, products subject to excise \nduty means the following products as defined in the Directives \nrelating to them: \n\n- mineral oils \n\n- alcoholic beverages \n\n- manufactured tobacco. 2. The products mentioned in paragraph 1 shall not be subject to \n\nany tax other than excise duty and value added tax. 3. Member States shall retain the right to introduce or maintain \ntaxes which are levied on products other than those mentioned \nin paragraph 1, provided that they do not involve, in trade \nbetween Member States, either the charging of tax when the \nproducts enter the national territory and remission of tax \nwhen they leave the national territory, or border controls. Article 4 \n\n1. The chargeable event for the excise duty levied on the \nproducts subject to excise duty shall be production on the \nterritory of the Community or importation onto the territory \nof the Community from third countries. 2. Excise duty shall become chargeable when the products are \nreleased for consumption. Release fur consumption shall mean \nthe making available, to a natural or legal person, on the \nterritory of a Member State, of any products subject to excise \nduty, when the product leaves any arrangement under which \npayment of duties and taxes is suspended. 3. The rate of excise duty to be applied shall be the rate in \nforce on the date on which the duty becomes chargeable. The \nexcise duty shall be levied and recovered according to the \nrules laid down by each Member State, with the time-limit for \n\n\f- 20 -\n\npayment \nproducts and those of other Member States. apply w i t h o ut d i s t i n c t i on between \n\nto \n\nn a t i o n al \n\nA r t i c le 5 \n\n1. In addition to the general provisions of Article 4, excise \n\nduty shall become chargeable on the territories specified \n\nbelow in the following circumstances: \n\n(a) the sale of products subject to excise duty in a \n\nMember State other than that in which the products are \n\nreleased for consumption, after their release for \n\nconsumption, shall give rise to chargeability to \n\nexcise duty in the Member State where the sale takes \n\nplace; \n\n(b) the acquisition of products subject to excise duty for the \n\npurposes of a taxable person as defined in Article 4 of \n\nDirective 77/388/EEC and for the purposes of bodies \n\ngoverned by public law as defined in the same Article 4(5) \n\nfirst subparagraph, in a Member State other than that \n\nin which the product is released for consumption, shall \n\ngive rise to chargeability to excise duty in the \n\nMember State where the acquisition takes place; \n\n(c) without \n\nprejudice \n\nto \n\nthe \n\nprovisions \n\nof \n\nparagraph (a),supplies made within the context of mail \norder selling, as defined in Article 28 of Directive \n\n(1)/ shall give rise to chargeability of the excise \n\nduty in the Member State where the goods are situated at \nthe time of arrival of the consignment or transport at the \ndestination of the person by whom the goods are acquired. 2. Before 1 January 1997, the Council, on the basis of a report \nby the Commission, shall re-examine the provisions of \nparagraph 1, and, if necessary and acting on a proposal from \nthe Commission, after consultation with the European \n\n(1) OJ No /C 176, 17. 07. 1990, p. 8; \n\nCOM(90) 182/. - 21 -\n\nParliament, shall adopt amendments to these provisions \n\nTITLE II \n\nPRODUCTION AND HOLDING \n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Each Member S t a te \n\nt he \np r o d u c t i on and h o l d i ng of products subject to duty, subject to the \nprovisions of this Directive. r u l es c o n c e r n i ng \n\ns h a ll d e t e r m i ne \n\ni ts \n\n2. The production and holding of products \n\nsubject \n\nto excise duty, \n\nt he \n\nwhere \nt he \nto checks \nh e r e i n a f t er c a l l ed \" w a r e h o u s e s \". l a t t er h as n ot been p a i d, \no ut under \nc a r r i ed \n\ns h a ll be \n\nsubject \n\nsystem of \n\nt ax warehouses, \n\nA r t i c le 7 \n\nThe opening of warehouses s h a ll be s u b j e ct \ncompetent a u t h o r i t i es of t he Member S t a t e s. to \n\nauthorization by the \n\nThe h o l d e rs \nw a r e h o u s e k e e p e r s. of \n\nsuch authorization shall be known as authorized \n\nA r t i c le 8 \n\nAn authorized warehousekeeper shall: \n\n(a) provide a guarantee; \n\n(b) comply with all the requirements laid down with regard to \n\nwarehouses ; \n\n(c) produce the goods whenever so required; \n\n(d) consent to all checks and controls; \n\n(e) keep stock records. - 22 -\n\nArticle 9 \n\nThe warehousing procedure shall be discharged when products are \nreleased for consumption, released on the market under cover of a \ntransit procedure, a TIR transit procedure, a Rhine Manifest or \nform 302 \nprovided for by the convention between the States \nwhich are parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, placed in a free \nzone, exported or re-exported outside the territory of the \nCommunity, abandoned to the Exchequer where this possibility \nexists, or destroyed under supervision. Article 10 \n\n1. An authorized warehousekeeper shall enjoy exemption in \nrespect of losses occurring during the storage period and \nattributable to fortuitous events, force majeure or causes \ninherent in the nature of the products. 2. In cases of irregular removal, duties and taxes shall be \ncollected on the basis of the rates applicable at the time of \nremoval. If the date of removal cannot be ascertained, the \nrate that shall apply shall be the highest rate applicable \nsince the date of deposit in the warehouse or since the last \nchecking of the products, up to the date of ascertaining the \nshortage. TITLE III \n\nMOVEMENT OF GOODS \n\nArticle 11 \n\n1. Movement under the duty-suspension arrangements of products \nsubject to excise duty shall take place between authorized \nwarehousekeepers. The products shall then be deemed to be \nremaining under the warehousing system. 2. The identification of products subject to excise duty moving under \n\nthe duty-suspension arrangements shall be ensured by sealing, \n\n\f- 23 -\n\nby capacity where the means of transport is capable of being recognized as \nsuitable for sealing, or by individual package in other cases. 3. Warehousekeepers authorized by the competent authorities of a \nMember State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7, \nshall be deemed to be authorized for national and intra-\nCommunity movement operations. 4. The risks inherent in national and Community movement shall be \ncovered by the guarantee provided by the authorized warehousekeeper \nof dispatch, as provided for in Article 8. This guarantee shall be valid throughout the Community. 5. By way of derogation from the provisions of the first sentence \nof paragraph 1, it shall be possible for the consignee not to \nbe an authorized warehousekeeper. In such cases payment of \nthe excise duty shall be made as soon as the products arrive \nat the consignee, under the conditions laid down by the \ncompetent authorities. Article 12 \n\n1. Notwithstanding the possible use of computerized procedures, \n\nall products subject to excise duty moving under the duty-\nsuspension arrangements between the territories of different \nMember States shall be accompanied by a document drawn lip by \nthe authorized warehousekeeper of dispatch, being either an \nadministrative document such as that set out in Annex I, or a \ncommercial document containing the particulars listed in \nAnnex 2. 2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply where products subject to excise \nduty move under the circumstances provided for in Article 9. - 24 -\n\n3. Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 3(3), \nMember States shall be able to maintain the rules on the \nmovement of raw materials used in the manufacture or \npreparation of products subject to excise duty. Article 13 \n\n1. A copy of \n\nt he accompanying a d m i n i s t r a t i ve document or a copy \nfor \nfollows \n\nof t he commercial document s h a ll be r e t u r n ed w i t h o ut d e l ay \nd i s c h a r g e, \nt h an \nr e c e i p t, \n\nconsignee to the consignor. and n ot \nt he \n\nt he month which \n\nl a t er \n\nby \n\nin \n\n2. t h e re \n\nIf \nauthorities thereof. is no d i s c h a r g e, \n\nt he consignor shall inform the competent \n\nA r t i c le 14 \n\n1. Where an offence or irregularity has been committed in the \ncourse of movement, the recovery of the excise duty shall be \neffected in the Member State where the offence or irregularity was committed \n\n2. When in the course of movement, an offence or irregularity has \nbeen committed without its being possible to determine where it \nhas been committed, it shall be deemed to have been committed \nin the Member State where it was detected. 3. Where products are not presented in the warehouse of the \nauthorized warehousekeeper who is the consignee, or in the \nplaces designated in Article 11. (5) and in Article 16(1), \nthe offence or irregularity is deemed to have \nbeen committed in the Member State of departure, unless, \nwithin a period to be determined, evidence is produced, to the \nsatisfaction of the competent authorities, of the correctness \nof the operation, or of the place where the offence or \nirregularity was actually committed. 4. If, before the expiry of a period of three years from the date \non which the accompanying document was drawn up, the \nMember State where the offence or irregularity was actually \n\n\f- 25 -\n\ncommitted is ascertained, this Member State shall recover \nthe excise duty. In this case, as soon as evidence of recovery has been \nfurnished, the excise duty originally collected shall be \nrefunded. Article 15 \n\n1. Member States may provide that products released for \nconsumption or sold on their territory shall carry national \nidentification marks or tax identification markings. 2. Any Member State using national identification marks or tax \nidentification markings shall be required to make them \navailable to manufacturers and traders of the other \nMember States. 3. Member States which collect excise duty by means other than \ntax identification markings shall ensure that no barrier, \neither administrative or technical, affects intra-Community \ntrade. 4. Products carrying a national identification mark or tax \nidentification markings of a Member State may be released for \nconsumption only in that Member State. 5. The circulation of products carrying a national identification \nmark or tax identification markings of a Member State and \nintended for sale in that Member State, within the territory \nof another Member State, shall be covered by the arrangements \nlaid down in Articles 9 and 12(1). - 26 -\n\nTITLE IV \n\nREIMBURSEMENT \n\nA r t i c le 16 \n\n1. The products subject \n\nto excise duty r e l e a s ed for consumption, \n\nany \n\nof \nArticle \nor \nof \nand of \n\nfrom \n\nrelease \n\nrequest \nfrom \n\nthe \nat \nmay, \nderogation \nby \nof \na \nsuspension \nd u t i es \nin \nthe products \nconsumption \nl a id down in A r t i c le 18. arrangements \n\nare \n\nthe Member S t a te of \n\na c t u a l ly \n\nconsignor, \n\nand \n\n11(1), \na \n\nbe \nr e t u rn \n\nthe \n\nsubject \n\nreimbursement of \n\ni n to \n\nthe duty-\nexcise \nfor consumption, when \nfor \nto be \nreleased \nin the circumstances \n\na \nr e l e a se \ndestined \n\nin another Member S t a t e, or \n\n2. In the case of duly-established exceptional circumstances preventing the \n\na p p l i c a t i on of the provisions of paragraph 1, the Member State in which \n\nthe release f or consumption took place s h a ll reimburse the amount \n\nwrongfully p a i d, on request, showing the payment of the excise duties \n\nin \n\nthe Member State in which the a c t u al release f or consumption took place. A r t i c le 17 \n\nWithout prejudice to the provisions of Titles II, III, and IV the \nMember States shall determine the conditions, including the guarantee, \n\nwhich shall be valid throughout the Community, under which the \nrelease from or returning into the duty-suspension arrangements, \na \nthe ensuing reimbursement, as well as reimbursement \nposteriori are applied. However, the reimbursement must be made \nwithin a period of one month from the day of the release from or \nreturn into the duty-suspension arrangements as provided for in \nArticle 16(1), or from the day that the request for reimbursement \nis lodged as provided for by Article 16(2). - 27 -\n\nTITLE V \n\nEXEMPTIONS \n\nA r t i c le 18 \n\nThe products subject to excise duty shall be exempted from \n\npayment of excise duty where they are intended for diplomatic or \n\nconsular representations, international organizations recognized \n\nas such by the authorities of the host country, and members of \n\nsuch representations and organizations within the limits laid down by \n\nthe conventions establishing them or, in the Member States which are \n\nparties to the North Atlantic Treaty, for the armed forces of \n\nother States which are parties to that Treaty for the use of such \n\nforces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying \n\ntheir messes or canteens where such forces take part in the \n\ncommon defence effort. TITLE VI \n\nCOMMITTEE ON EXCISE DUTIES \n\nArticle 19 \n\n1. A Committee \n\non E x c i se D u t i e s, \n\nh e r e i n a f t er \n\nc a l l ed \n\nt he \n\n\"Committee\", \n\nis h e r e by s et u p, \n\ncomposed \n\nof \n\nthe \n\nrepresentatives \n\nof \n\nt he Member S t a t es \n\nand chaired by \n\nthe \n\nrepresentative of \n\nthe \n\nCommission. 2. The Committee s h a ll adopt i ts own r u l es of p r o c e d u r e. - 28 -\n\nArticle 20 \n\n1. The Committee may examine any question relating to the \n\napplication of this Directive, and of Directives. (1) on \n\nmanufactured tobacco, alcoholic beverages and mineral oils, \n\nsubmitted to it by its chairman either on his own initiative \n\nor at the request of the representative of a Member State. 2. After consulting the Committee, the Commission shall adopt the \n\nprovisions necessary for the implementation of Titles II, III \n\nand IV of this Directive, and of Directives. (2) \n\non \n\nmanufactured tobacco, alcoholic beverages and mineral oils. 3. The representative of the Commission shall submit to the \n\nCommittee a draft of the measures to be taken. The Committee \n\nshall deliver its opinion on the draft, within a time-limit \n\nwhich the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of \n\nthe matter, if necessary by taking a vote. The opinion shall be recorded in the minutes; in addition, each Member \n\nState shall have the right to ask to have its position recorded in the \n\nminutes. The Commission shall take the utmost account of the opinion \n\ndelivered by the Committee. It shall inform the Committee of \n\nthe manner in which its opinion has been taken into account. Article 21 \n\nMember \n\nStates \n\nshall \n\nbring \n\ninto \n\nforce, \n\nnot \n\nlater \n\nthan \n\n31 December 1992, the \n\nlaws, regulations and \n\nadministrative \n\nprovisions necessary to comply with this Directive. (1) /OJ No C 12 of 18. 01. 90 p. 4; \nOJ No C 16 of 23. 01. 90 p. 10 \nOJ No C 12 of 18. 01. 90 p. 12 \nOJ No C \nOJ No C \nOJ No C \n(2) /\u00d4J No C \nOJ No C \nOJ No C \n\np. (COM(90) \np. ; (COM (90) \np. ; (COM(90) \n\nof \nof \nof \n\nof \nof \nof \n\n(COM(89)525 final) \n\n(COM(89)526 final) \n(COM(89)527 final) \n) \n) \n)7 \n\np. ; (COM(90) \np. ; (COM(90) \np. ; (COM(90) \n\n) \n) \n\n\f- 29 -\n\nWhen the Member States adopt such provisions they shall contain a reference \n\nto this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on official \n\npublication. The Member States shall lay down the manner in which such \n\nreference shall be made. Article 22 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\n\f-30 -\n\nANNEX I \n\nEXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE \n\nACCOMPANYING ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENT \n\nI. GENERAL REMARKS \n\n(a) The document shall be completed legibly and in a manner \n\nthat makes the entries indelible. It must not contain \n\nerasures or overwriting. Alterations must be made by \n\ncrossing out the incorrect particulars and, where \nappropriate, adding those required. Any such alteration \n\nmust be initialled by the person making it and \n\nofficially endorsed. (b) In boxes 9 and 14, any unused space reserved for the \n\ndescription of the goods must be crossed through so that \n\nit can no longer be used. (c) The document may be used only for a single type of goods \n\nsubject to excise duty. II. HEADINGS \n\n-1- Consignor \n\nIndicate the surname and forename, or name of firm, and the \n\naddress of the sender. - if the consignor is an authorized warehousekeeper indicate \nhis authorisation number as well as the identification \nnumber of the warehouse. - if the consignor is not an authorised warehousekeeper give \n\nonly the information required in the first paragraph. - 31 -\n\n-2- Reference number \n\nSerial number of the consignment, etablished by the \nconsignor. -3- Date \n\nDate of dispatch. -4- Consignee \n\nGive the information set out in paragraph 1 in respect of \nthe consignee. -5- Person financially responsible \n\nNormally this is the consignor. In the case of a subsidiary \nor a branch, it is necessary to indicate the person with \nreal financial responsibility (for example the parent \ncompany). -6- Country of dispatch \n\nShow the country of the consignor. -7- Country of destination \n\nShow the country of the consignee. -8- Identification of the means of transport \n\nIndicate the nature, nationality and registration number of \nthe means of transport used. In the event of intermediate \nreloading, indicate the different means of transport. -9- and -14- Description of the goods - Number of containers -\n\nNumber and nature \n\nIndicate clearly the nature of the goods (wine, whisky, \ncigarettes, gas oil, etc. ), the indentification numbers of \nthe containers, their number, their nature (bulk, bottles, \ncardboard boxes, etc. ). In addition, \n\n\f- 32 -\n\n- for alcoholic beverages, indicate the number of litres and \nfractions of litres, the actual alcoholic strength \n(percentage by volume) at the temperature of 20\u00b0C; \n\n- for mineral oils: indicate the number of litres or, where \nappropriate, the net weight in kilograms and the \ntemperature expressed in degrees centigrade; \n\n- for manufactured tobacco,. for cigars, cigarillos and cigarettes, the number of \n\nitems ;. for smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco and snuff, the net \n\nweight in kilograms. -10- and -15- CN Code \n\nIndicate the code from the Combined Nomenclature for the \ngoods. -11- and -16- Gross weight \n\nIndicate the gross weight. -12- and -17- Net weight \n\nIndicate the net weight. -13- and -18- Value \n\nIndicate the value solely for manufactured tobacco. -19- Itinerary and travelling time for the journey \n\nThese must be indicated. -20- Place and date of completion - authentication \n\nThe Accompanying Administrative Document is completed by the \nconsignor according to the rules set out by each Member \nState. - 33 -\n\n-21- Controls \n\nIndicate the result of the possible controls applied at the \n\ntime, of loading, in transit, or at the destination \n\nwarehouse. If seals have been fixed indicate the number and \n\ntype and their serial numbers. - 0- Copy for. In figures, the sequential number of the copy in the set \n\nwith the indication of who each copy is sent to. III. COMPLETION OF THE DOCUMENT \n\nThe Accompanying Document is made up of five copies, that \n\nis: \n\n(1) Copy for the consignor; \n\n(2) Copy for the competent authority in the country of \n\ndeparture; \n\n(3) Copy for the consignee; \n\n(4) Copy for the competent authority in the country of \n\ndestination. (5) Copy for cross reference returned by the consignee for \n\ndischarge of the consignor's liability. EUROPEAN COMMUNITY \n\n- 34 - ,. A C C O M P A NY INt ADtflNlSTRA7 iVE DOCUMENT \n\n'i. AUViiCi^\u00f9v-J. -. :;!:>i-UJSi: KEEPER \n\nCO!J3. IGl. CR \n\n2. REFERENCE N\u00b0 \n\n3. DATE \n\n4. AUTHORIZED WAREHOUSE KEEPER \n\nCONSIGNEE \n\n5. PERSON WITH FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY \n\n\u00d4. COUNTRY OF DESPATCH \n\n7. COUNTRY OF DESTINATION \n\n8. IDENTIFICATION OF TRANSPORT \n\n9. DESCRIPTION' OF GOODS - NUMBER OF CONTAINERS \nQUANTITY AND PACKAGES - MARKS AND NUMBERS \n\n10. CN CODE \n\ni \n| 11. GROSS WEIGHT \ni \n\n12. NET WEIGHT \n\n\u2022 \n\n| \n\ni \n\n! \n1 \n1 \n1 \n\n13. VALUE \n\n14. DESCRIPTION OF GOODS - NUMBER OF CONTAINERS \nQUANTITY AND PACKAGES - MARKS AND NUMBERS \n\n15. CM CODE \n\n16. GROSS WEIGHT 17. NET WEIGHT \n\n18. V A L U E_ \n\n19. ITINERARY AND TIME FOR JOURNEY \n\n20. PLACE AND DA \nSIGNATURE \n\ni ~ \n\n\f- 35 -\n\n2 1. CONTROLS \n\n\f- 36 -\n\nANNEX II \n\nEXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE \n\nCOMMERCIAL DOCUMENT \n\nI; \n\nGENERAL REMARKS \n\n(a) The document shall be completed legibly and in a manner \n\nthat makes the entries indelible. It must not contain \n\nerasures or overwriting. Alterations must be made by \n\ncrossing out the incorrect particulars and, where \n\nappropriate, adding those required. Any such alteration \n\nmust be initialled by the person making it. (b) The Commercial Document may be used only for a single \n\ntype of goods subject to excise duty. II. COMPLETION OF THE DOCUMENT \n\nThe Commercial Document must be completed in quintuplilate \n(1 original plus 4 copies). 1. Original for the consignor. 2. Copy for the competent authority in the country of \n\ndespatch. 3. Copy for the consignee. 4. Copy for the competent authority in the country of \n\ndestination. 5. Copy for cross reference returned by the consignee for \n\ndischarge of consignor's liability. - 37 -\n\nIII. ESSENTIAL INFORMATION REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE COMMERCIAL \n\nDOCUMENT IN ORDER TO SATISFY THE MEASURES OF THE DIRECTIVE \n\na) Consignor \n\n- Indicate the surname and forename, or name of firm, and \n\nfull address of the consignor. - If the consignor is an authorised warehousekeeper give \n\nhis authorisation number as well as the VAT number. - If the consignor is not an authorised warehousekeeper \n\nbut a taxable person for VAT give the VAT number. - If \n\nthe \n\nconsignor \n\nis \n\nneither \n\nan \n\nauthorised \n\nwarehousekeeper nor registered for VAT give only the \n\ninformation set out in the first paragraph. b) Date \n\nGive the invoice date (which need not necessarily \n\ncoincide with the date of despatch) as well as the date \n\nof delivery of the goods. c) Invoice number \n\nThis number is given by the sender. d) Consignee \n\nGive the information set out at para, a) in respect of \n\nthe consignee. e) Special information \n\nWhen products subject to excise duty are despatched under \nduty suspension arrangements the commercial document must \nstate \"Goods sent under excise duty suspension\". - 38 -\n\nf) Identification of means of transport \n\nShow the type, nationality and registration number of the \n\nmeans of transport used. In the event of intermediate \n\nreloading, indicate the different means of transport. g) Description of the goods - Number of containers - Number \n\nand nature \n\nIndicate clearly the nature of the goods (wine, whisky, \n\ncigarettes, gas oil, etc. ), the identification numbers of \n\nthe containers, their number, their nature (bulk, \n\nbottles, cardboard boxes, etc. ). In addition, \n\n- for alcoholic beverages, indicate the number of litres \n\nand fractions of litres, the actual alcoholic strength \n\n(percentage by volume) at the temperature of 20\u00b0C; \n\n- for mineral oils: indicate the number of litres or, \n\nwhere appropriate, the net weight in kilograms and the \n\ntemperature expressed in degrees centigrade; \n\n- for manufactured tobacco,. for cigars, cigarillos and cigarettes, the number of \n\nitems ;. for smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco and snuff, the \n\nnet weight in kilograms. h) CN code \n\nShow the code from the Combined Nomenclature for the \ngoods. i) Value \n\nShow the value of the goods subject to excise. - 39 -\n\nFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LES PME ET L'EMPLOI \n\nLa pr\u00e9sente proposition de directive visant au r\u00e9gime \n\ng\u00e9n\u00e9ral ainsi qu'\u00e0 la d\u00e9tention et \u00e0 la circulation des \n\nproduits soumis \u00e0 -accises est n\u00e9cessaire dans le cadre de \n\nl'abolition des fronti\u00e8res fiscales et s'int\u00e8gre dans \n\nl'ensemble des mesures prises pour l'ach\u00e8vement du march\u00e9 \n\nint\u00e9rieur. I. Obligations \n\nadministratives \n\nd\u00e9coulant \n\nde \n\nl'application de la pr\u00e9sente directive pour les \n\nentrepises: \n\n- le \n\ndocument \n\nadministratif \n\nou \n\nle \n\ndocument \n\ncommercial remplacent les documents existants qui \n\nsont \u00e9tablis pour l'essentiel par les op\u00e9rateurs. II. Quels sont les avantages pour les entreprises? \n\n- n\u00e9ant. III. Y-a-t-il des inconv\u00e9nients pour les entreprises en \n\ntermes de co\u00fbts suppl\u00e9mentaires? \n\n- l'application \n\nde \n\nla \n\npr\u00e9sente \n\ndirective \n\nn'entra\u00eenera aucun co\u00fbt suppl\u00e9mentaire pour les \n\nentreprises. IV. Effets sur l'emploi: \n\n- n\u00e9ant. V. Les partenaires sociaux n'ont pas \u00e9t\u00e9 consult\u00e9s. VI. Une- approche alternative moins contraignante n'est \npas envisageable dans le cadre de l'abolition des \nfronti\u00e8res fiscales. FICHE FINANCIERE \n\nL'application de la pr\u00e9sente proposition de directive n'aura \npas d'incidence financi\u00e8re sur les ressources propres de la \nCommunaut\u00e9. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 431 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n09 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-90~560-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-65601-8 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 - 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1a03bc3-803a-438e-944d-ceffcc08f4c0", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2428/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Commission. Delivery of drugs containing tryptophane", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Belgium,approximation of laws,competence of the Member States,dangerous substance,medicinal product,public health,self-employed person", "workIds": "celex:91990E002428", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "approximation of laws", "competence of the Member States", "dangerous substance", "medicinal product", "public health", "self-employed person"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1a03bc3-803a-438e-944d-ceffcc08f4c0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07570fe4-0fbb-437f-9907-1a4b8b4b86d7", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2435/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Council. An increase in IMF capital and criteria for intervention", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "International Monetary Fund,United States,capital increase,distribution of aid,economic relations,financial cooperation,veto", "workIds": "celex:91990E002435", "eurovoc_concepts": ["International Monetary Fund", "United States", "capital increase", "distribution of aid", "economic relations", "financial cooperation", "veto"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07570fe4-0fbb-437f-9907-1a4b8b4b86d7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/14ab1e11-52df-41e7-9eda-e927bc8f43da", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2436/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Council. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU Member State,UN convention,children's rights,ratification of an agreement,summit meeting", "workIds": "celex:91990E002436", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "UN convention", "children's rights", "ratification of an agreement", "summit meeting"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/14ab1e11-52df-41e7-9eda-e927bc8f43da", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42e65389-a0e8-4e6c-9654-b168456d3c18", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2463/90 by Mr G\u00e9rard MONNIER-BESOMBES to the Commission. Specific provisions for the protection of the brown bear within the framework of the IMPs", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MONNIER-BESOMBES", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Aquitaine,Integrated Mediterranean Programmes,Midi-Pyren\u00e9es,Structural Funds,environmental policy,forestry development,forestry holding,protected species,protection of animal life", "workIds": "celex:91990E002463", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Aquitaine", "Integrated Mediterranean Programmes", "Midi-Pyren\u00e9es", "Structural Funds", "environmental policy", "forestry development", "forestry holding", "protected species", "protection of animal life"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42e65389-a0e8-4e6c-9654-b168456d3c18", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4dcc1974-52ff-4fa8-ac14-cc178b434f02", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2429/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Commission. The situation of Belgian frontier workers working in the Netherlands", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Belgium,Netherlands,double taxation,free movement of workers,frontier worker,personal income tax,tax on income", "workIds": "celex:91990E002429", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "Netherlands", "double taxation", "free movement of workers", "frontier worker", "personal income tax", "tax on income"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4dcc1974-52ff-4fa8-ac14-cc178b434f02", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22b594a6-b239-4020-b73d-d085a9cd1938", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING COUNCIL DIRECTIVES 72/464/EEC AND 79/32/EEC ON TAXES OTHER THAN TURNOVER TAXES WHICH ARE LEVIED ON THE CONSUMPTION OF MANUFACTURED TOBACCO", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "tax harmonisation,tax on consumption,tobacco", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0433,comnat:COM_1990_0433_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_322_R_0016_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["tax harmonisation", "tax on consumption", "tobacco"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22b594a6-b239-4020-b73d-d085a9cd1938", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d6a753f9-f2d4-4aa9-a771-acca82f2e4a3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2447/90 by Mr Dieter ROGALLA to the Commission. Flying the European flag together with national flags", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROGALLA", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU law,flag", "workIds": "celex:91990E002447", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "flag"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d6a753f9-f2d4-4aa9-a771-acca82f2e4a3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d1a7d015-ac57-4e87-abe9-753a8fea7921", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2438/90 by Mr Carlos PIMENTA to the Commission. Irrigation projects in Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIMENTA", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EAGGF,EU financing,Spain,amendment of a law,environmental impact,protected species,protection of animal life,water management in agriculture", "workIds": "celex:91990E002438", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "EU financing", "Spain", "amendment of a law", "environmental impact", "protected species", "protection of animal life", "water management in agriculture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d1a7d015-ac57-4e87-abe9-753a8fea7921", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +null +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ef53f94-15d0-45e9-95fc-13fcfa3d3497", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2424/90 by Mrs Raymonde DURY to the Commission. Relief from excise duty on social grounds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Belgium,excise duty,fuel oil,socioeconomic conditions,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:91990E002424", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "excise duty", "fuel oil", "socioeconomic conditions", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9ef53f94-15d0-45e9-95fc-13fcfa3d3497", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f53ec940-5c1c-4234-96c5-3b1c66862092", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3220/90 of 7 November 1990 laying down conditions for the use of certain oenological practices provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "analytical chemistry,food additive,wine", "workIds": "celex:31990R3220,oj:JOL_1990_308_R_0022_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["analytical chemistry", "food additive", "wine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f53ec940-5c1c-4234-96c5-3b1c66862092", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9de74d7a-095a-4658-9498-62f31a9027fb", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE HARMONIZATION OF THE STRUCTURES OF EXCISE DUTIES ON MINERAL OILS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "excise duty,mineral oil,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0434,comnat:COM_1990_0434_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_322_R_0018_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["excise duty", "mineral oil", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9de74d7a-095a-4658-9498-62f31a9027fb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/656cc2b7-e869-4720-9228-d0b170f10228", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE HARMONIZATION OF THE STRUCTURES OF EXCISE DUTIES ON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND ON THE ALCOHOL CONTAINED IN OTHER PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "alcohol,alcoholic beverage,excise duty,less-favoured agricultural area,tax exemption,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0432,comnat:COM_1990_0432_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_322_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["alcohol", "alcoholic beverage", "excise duty", "less-favoured agricultural area", "tax exemption", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/656cc2b7-e869-4720-9228-d0b170f10228", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM(90) 432 final \n\nBrussels,7 November 1990 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL PIRECTIVE \n\non the harmonization of the structures of excise duties \n\non alcoholic beverages and on the alcohol \n\ncontained in other products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\nSfiiH\"\" \n\nVfiM. -\n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nI. INTRODUCTION \n\n1. In the context of its programme for the \nachievement of the internal market and in \nparticular the requirements of Article 99 of the \nEC Treaty, the Commission put forward in 1987 a \nproposal for common rates of excise duty on \nalcoholic drinks and the alcohol contained in \nother products(1). In the light of subsequent \nreactions, amendments to that proposal were put \nforward in 1989 (2) with the intention of easing \nthe process of adjustment for the Member States. As a measure of flexibility, the Commission \nproposed, on the one hand, that national excise \nrates should be brought into conformity with \nprescribed minimum rates by 31 December 1992 and, \non the other hand, that Member States with \nnational rates in excess of the long term target \nrates (which the proposal also put forward) might \ndecrease, but not increase their national rates. Similarly, national rates inferior to the target \nrates may only be moved towards those rates. Those \nrequirements represent a first step in a gradual \nalignment on the long term target rates, while at \nthe same time constituting the approximation which \nis indispensable to the abolition of fiscal \nfrontiers by the 31 December 1992 deadline laid \ndown by the Single European Act. 2. However, to ensure the establishment \n\nand \nfunctioning of the internal market, it is not \nsufficient that the rates of indirect taxation \napplied in the Community be approximated. The \nframework within which these taxes are charged \nmust also be identified, and a common structure \nlaid down in those areas where continued \n\n(1) COMC87) 328 final, OJ C 250 18. 9. 1987. C2) COM (B9)'527 FINAL, oJ C 12 18. 1. 1990, P. 12. 3 \n\ndifferences in national practices would hinder or \ndistort the free movement of goods after the \nabolition of fiscal frontiers. This does not entail the establishment of a \ncompletely uniform fiscal system, but it does \nrequire a sufficient degree of coordination to \nensure that a Europe without frontiers does not \nresult in unacceptable distortions of competition. The necessary provisions must, inter alia, ensure \nthat as a general principle goods which are traded \nacross frontiers are not exempt in one Member \nState but taxable in another, and that taxable \ngoods fall within the same tax category throughout \nthe Community. The proposed Directive therefore \nseeks to ensure that the scope and nature of each \nduty - and the exemptions from it - are clearly \nidentified at the Community level. II. BACKGROUND \n\n1. The present proposal has its origins in three \nproposals which date from 1972 (COM(72)0225 2/4 \nfinal) and one proposal which dates from 1985 \n(COM(85)151 final), all four of which the \nCommission intends to withdraw. The present proposal differs from the originals in \nthe following respects: \n\n- all provisions concerning the warehousing and \ncirculation of goods have been withdrawn and \ndealt with in a directive covering this field on \nan across-the-board basis for all goods subject \nto excise duty; \n\n- certain provisions which it is considered need \nnot be harmonized for the purposes of the single \nmarket have been removed, and certain provisions \nwhich were considered too vague to fulfil their \nnecessary function have been clarified; \n\n\f4 \n\n-all provisions have been reviewed and updated in \nthe light of the Commission's proposal to \napproximate the rates of duty on alcoholic \nbeverages and on the alcohol contained in other \nproducts. (COM(89)527 final) \n\nIn drafting the present proposal the Commission \nhas set out to designate relatively broad and \nsimple tax categories which take account of \nexisting practice. At the same time, however, it \nhas also had regard to the particular difficulties \nwhich this field presents, given the wide \ndiversity of treatment currently applied by Member \nStates not only to the different categories of \nalcoholic drinks, but also to different products \nwithin those categories. The Commission has \nsought, as far as possible, to respect that \ndiversity while at the same time attempting to \nensure the coherent Community-wide system which is \nin the long term interest of all concerned. provisions \n\nThe Commission has therefore made specific \nbalanced \npresenting \nparticular problems, the existence of which has \nbeen recognized and catered for in previous \nproposals, and where the normal operation of broad \ncategorization causes specific difficulties. for sectors \n\nMoreover, it is accepted that further instances \nmay occur where specific difficulties arise in \nadapting to the Community-wide system. The \nCommission's approach provides both a rational \nframework within which such problems may be \nanalysed and the necessary guidelines for the \napplication of common solutions which preserve the \ncoherence of the system. When examining such cases \nit is important to bear in mind certain basic \nprinciples which the Commission has respected in \nits present proposals and in its rates proposal. Moreover, for reasons of clarity and legal \n\n\fcertainty, any specific provision must have as its \nbasis a definition agreed at Community level. 5 \n\nIII. BRIEF EXAMINATION OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE \n\nPROPOSAL \n\n1. Scope \n\nArticles 1 and 2 (beer) , 6 and 7 (still wine and \nsparkling \n(intermediate \n10 and \nproducts), 14 and 15 (alcohol and alcoholic \nbeverages). wine), \n\n11 \n\na) General remarks \n\nThe proposal sets out to tax all alcoholic \ndrinks and all alcohol contained in other goods \nunless a specific exemption has been provided. Such a system is essential to ensure both the \nproper functioning of the internal market and \ngood management at the national level. With \nthat aim of comprehensive coverage in mind and \nin order to ensure uniform categorization of \nidentical products throughout the Community the \nproposal sets out to define products in such \nmanner as to ensure that all alcoholic drinks \nfall within one of its definitions and no \nalcoholic drink falls within more than one \ndefinition. The proposal therefore takes as its \nstarting point the Combined Nomenclature, which \nrepresents \ncomprehensive \nclassification of alcoholic beverages at the \nCommunity level, and modifies its approach to \nthe extent necessary to meet taxation needs. Use of the Combined Nomenclature also ensures \nuniform treatment for products from third \ncountries. only \n\nthe \n\n\fb) Articles 1 and 2; Beer \n\nArticle 1 requires that an excise duty be \ncharged on beer, and that its rate shall be \nfixed in accordance with the requirements of \nCOM(89)527 final. Article 2 defines beer by \nreference to CN 2203. There are beverages on the market which \naccording to some commercial legislation are \nnot regarded as beer. In order not to distort \nthe conditions of competition, however, it is \nadvisable to subject these products to the same \ntax system as is applicable to beers as more \nnarrowly defined for other purposes. The \ndefinition of beer which appears in CN 2203 is \ncomprehensive, covering all the products \nconcerned. c) Articles 6 and 7; Wine \n\nArticle 6 requires that an excise duty be \ncharged on wine and that its rates shall be \nfixed in accordance with the requirements of \nCOM(89)527 final. Article 7(1) defines still wine as all products \nof CN 2204, 2205 and 2206, except sparkling \nwine, provided that they have an alcoholic \nstrength not exceeding 15% and that where their \nstrength exceeds 13% they contain only \nfermented alcohol. Still wines corresponding to \nthe definition of annex 1, paragraph 13, \npenultimate subparagraph of regulation 822/87 \nare also included. CN 2204 covers fermented \nunaromatized grape products, CN 2205 covers \nfermented aromatized grape products and CN 2206 \ncovers the fermented products of fruit other \nthan grapes. 7 \n\nThe position is therefore similar to that for \nbeer, as outlined above in that some of the \nproducts which it is proposed to tax as wine \nare not necessarily treated as wine by other \nlegislation. Nevertheless, for reasons of \ncompetition it seems advisable to subject these \nproducts to the same tax system as wines \nproper. Hence their inclusion within the \ndefinition \n\nArticle 7(2) defines sparkling wine not only as \nthe product of CN 2204 10 (i. e. sparkling wines \nproper) but also as products falling within \nother headings covering wine presented in \nbottles with \"mushroom\" stoppers etc. and the \nsparkling fruit wines of CN 2206 91. d) Articles 10 and 11; \n\nIntermediate products \n\nArticle 10 requires that a duty be charged on \nintermediate products and that its rate be \nfixed in accordance with the requirements of \nCOM(89)527 final. Article 11 defines intermediate products as \nproducts of CN 2204, 2205 and 2206 with \nstrengths over 15% but not more than 22%, or \nwith strengths exceeding 13% not made up \nentirely of fermented alcohol; table wines \nmeeting the definition set s out in Annex I \nparagraph 13, penultimate sub-paragraph of \nRegulation 822/87(1) are specifically excluded \nfrom the category. As regards these products, the Commission \nretains the broad approach of its earlier \nproposal (COM(85)151 final) where it explained \nthat: \"between purely fermented beverages such \nas wine and fruit wine on the one side, and \npurely distilled alcoholic beverages such as \n\n(1) UJ NU JL 84 UF 2). 3. 1987 P. 44. 8 \n\nan \n\nwith \n\nproducts\" \n\nspirits on the other, there is a wide range of \n\"intermediate \nactual \nalcoholic strength typically situated between \n15% and 22% by volume. Most of these products \nare based on a naturally fermented beverage to \nwhich alcohol and in some cases, other \ningredients have been added: they retain \nhowever the taste and other characteristics of \nnaturally fermented beverages. It is the \nintention that this directive should include \nsuch products, whereas those which have more \nthe characteristics of a spirit should be \nexcluded from the scope and be taxed on the \nbasis of their alcohol content, at the full \nrate for alcohol\". In recent' years products have been developed \nwhich, although their strengths do not reach \n15%, are mixtures of spirits and fermented \nproducts which can withstand opening to the \nair, and which are in all respects practically \nindistinguishable \nstrength \nfrom \nintermediate products. It seems proper to tax \nsuch drinks at the intermediate products rate. higher \n\nThe definition now proposed therefore includes \nsuch drinks, and is generally designed to \nprovide a clear tax category for this extremely \ncomplex range of products. e) Articles 14 and 15; \n\nAlcohol and alcoholic \n\nbeverages \n\nArticle 14 requires that a duty shall be \ncharged on alcohol and alcoholic beverages and \nthat its rate shall be fixed in accordance with \nthe requirements of COM(89) 527 final. Article 15 defines alcohol and alcoholic \nbeverages as all products falling within CN \ncodes 2207 and 2208, together with those \nproducts of CN codes 2204, 2205 and 2206 which \n\n\f9 \n\nhave an actual alcoholic strength exceeding \n22%. See also the note under Article 18 \n(Section F - Common Provisions) below as \nregards the taxation of alcohol and alcoholic \ndrinks contained in other products. Article 15, therefore, simply rounds off the \ncomprehensive Combined Nomenclature based \napproach. 2. Establishment of the duties \n\na) details of charge \n\nArticles 3, 8, 12 and 16 of the proposal are \ntechnical articles fixing the charges of the \nduties. b) small breweries \n\nby \n\nsmall \n\nproduced \n\nArticles 4(1) and (2) of the proposal permit \nMember States to apply a lower rate of duty to \nbeer \nindependent \nundertakings. The relief is in line with \nexisting practice in certain Member States. A \nmaximum duty differential is imposed which is \ndesigned to ensure that the benefit of the \nlower rate does not distort competition \nunacceptably, and a maximum annual output of \n60,000 hi is laid down, which is designed to \nensure that the reduced rate does not give rise \nto relief beyond the threshold of the genuine \nindependent small business and does not, in \nprinciple, affect intra-Community movements of \nbeer. It is further provided that the Community \nminimum rate must in any event be respected. c) \"Home\" brewing and wine making \n\nArticle 4(3) permits Member States to exempt \n\"home brewing\" and Article 9 permits them to \nexempt \"home wine-making\" from excise duty. Member States attitudes towards these \n\npractices \n\n\f10 \n\nvary widely. Without going further into the \n\nmatter, however, where there is no real danger \n\nof the product concerned crossing frontiers, it \n\nseems clear that the advent of the single \n\nmarket should not affect the existing rights of \n\ncitizens to make and consume their own drinks. d) spoilt beer \n\nArticle 5 provides for relief from duty for \n\nbeer which has been returned because it has \n\npassed its \"sell by\" date or is otherwise \n\nunmerchantable. Beer is particularly liable to \n\nspoil and is normally produced for consumption \n\nwithin a very short period. It is therefore \n\nusual to make special provision for the \n\nrepayment of duty on spoilt beer, and the \n\nCommission proposal makes it clear that such \n\nprovisions are entirely lawful. e) low strength fermented drinks \n\nArticle 8(3) permits Member States to apply a \n\nsingle reduced rate of duty to products of less \n\nthan normal wine strength. The provision \n\nbroadly reflects the existing general practice \n\nin the Member States mainly concerned. A \n\nmaximum duty differential is imposed which is \n\nless than is generally currently granted and is \n\ndesigned to ensure that the benefit of the \n\nlower \n\nrate \n\ndoes \n\nnot \n\nserve \n\ncompetition \n\nunacceptably. It \n\nto \n\nis \n\ndistort \n\nfurther \n\nprovided that the Community minmum rate must in \n\nany event be respected. f) natural sweet wines \n\nArticle 12(3) allows Member States to apply a \nsingle reduced rate of duty to \"natural sweet \nwines\" as defined in Article 13(1) of Council \nRegulation 4252/88C1). The specific situation \n\n(1) UJ MU L 373 UF 31. 12. 1988, P. 59. 11 \n\nof these products was recognized in the \nCommission's 1985 proposal on Intermediate \nProducts and the current provision permits all \nMember States to apply a reduced rate to such \ngoods. A maximum duty differential is imposed, \nwhich is less than is currently granted, and \nwhich is designed to ensure that the benefit of \nthe lower rate does not distort competition \nunacceptably. It is further provided that the \nCommunity minimum rate must in any event be \nrespected. 3. Control \n\nArticle 13 provides that intermediate products \nshall be manufactured in warehouse from duty-free \nmaterials. Matters of control are generally dealt \nwith in a separate proposal for a directive. However, in the case of intermediate products -\nwhich are essentially mixtures of two drinks \ntaxable at different rates, but for which a \nseparate rate has been specifically provided - it \nseems necessary to ensure at the outset by a \ncommon provision that the intended rate is \ncharged. 4. Exemptions \n\nArticle 17 provides for the exemptions to the \nvarious duties established by the proposal. In \npractice the exemptions largely concern the \nspirits duty. However, where applicable - and \nshould the contingency ever arise - the exemptions \nare intended to apply to all duties. Most of the \nexemptions are self-explanatory, but some comments \nare required: \n\n- Article 17(1)(a) exempts drinks with an alcohol \ncontent not exceeding 1. 2%. Member States \ngenerally apply some such exemption, but there \nis no agreement on its precise limitations. The \nproposal opts for an across-the-board exemption \n\n\f12 \n\nfor reasons of competition. The 1. 2% cut off \npoint is chosen because, on the one hand this \nstrength is sufficiently low to justify special \ntreatment, and on the other hand it is not so \nlow as to result in products totally lacking in \nall the characteristics of alcoholic drinks. Article 17(1)(b) and (c) together with Article \n17(3) exempt both \"completely denatured\" alcohol \n(for general use in industry etc. ) and other \ndenatured alcohol for use in perfumes toiletries \nand cosmetics or for external medical use. Member States generally demand much more noxious \nd\u00e9naturants for alcohol for general industrial \npurposes than they demand for alcohol used for \nthe particular purposes set out at sub-paragraph \n1(c). The proposal respects that distinction. Although the ideal system of denaturing might \nwell involve the Community-wide application of \ncommon rules, so that further action in this \nfield cannot be excluded, it has not been \nconsidered necessary to set up common rules at \nthe present stage. The proposal therefore \nrequires mutual recognition of denaturing \nformulae and sets up at Article 17(3), a system \nfor the mutual exchange of the necessary \ninformation. and \n\nthe \n\nfrom duty \nrepresentations \n\nfor deliveries to \nExemptions \ndiplomatic \nlike \n(international organizations, armed forces etc. ) \nare dealt with in the proposal on common \nprovisions for all exciseable products (COM(90). ). Exemption for ships' stores and the like, \nin \ninternational \ntransport, will be dealt with in a separate \ndirective. particular \n\nregards \n\nas \n\n\f5. Common Provisions \n\n13 \n\nArticle 18 requires alcohol and alcoholic drinks \npresent in other products to be taxed on the \nquantity present at the rate appropriate to the \nalcohol or alcoholic drink concerned. 6. Final Provisions \n\nArticle 19 makes reference to the provisions \nproviding for the establishment of an Excise \nCommittee in the horizontal directive proposal. Article 20 sets a deadline for implementation of \nthe proposed Directive and communication to the \nCommission of the relevant national provisions. Article 21 formally addresses the Directive to the \nMember States. - 14 -\n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non the harmonization of the structures of excise duties \n\non alcoholic beverages and on the alcohol \n\ncontained in other products \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \n\nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 99 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament \n(1) \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social \nCommittee (2) \n\nWhereas Council Directive \n\n(3) lays down \nminimum and target rates of excise duty to be applied in \n\nthe Member States to alcohol, wine, beer and intermediate \n\nproducts ; \n\nWhereas it is necessary, if those duties are to be applied \n\nin a uniform manner, to determine common definitions for \n\nall the products concerned; \n\nWhereas it is useful to base such definitions on those set \n\nout in the Combined Nomenclature which represents an \n\nestablished comprehensive system providing a suitable \n\nbasis for taxation purposes; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to ensure that duty is charged on \n\nactual quantities delivered or certified missing; \n\n(1). (2). (3). - 15 -\n\nWhereas,in the case of beer, the system of taxing the worts \ncauses great difficulties in assessing the charge and is \nsusceptible of distorting competition between breweries, so \nthat it is necessary to ensure that the tax is applied \nthroughout the Community to the actual quantity of end \nproduct which leaves the brewery; \n\nWhereas, in the case of beer, it is possible within certain \nlimits to permit Member States to apply the duty to \ngravity bands of more than one degree Plato, provided \nalways that no beer is charged at less than the Community \nminimum rate; \n\nWhereas, in the case of beer, a common solution is required \npermitting Member States to apply a reduced rate of duty \nto the products of independent small undertakings, \nprovided that such a reduced rate should not serve to \ndistort competition within the internal market; \n\nWhereas, in the case of beer and wine, it is advisable to \npermit Member States to exempt from duty home-made \nproducts which are not produced for commercial purposes; \n\nWhereas, in view of beer's short life span and its \npropensity to spoil, it is necessary to permit Member \nStates to refund duty on beer destroyed as unfit for \nconsumption; \n\nWhereas it is advisable to permit Member States on a \ncommon basis to apply, on the one hand, a reduced rate of \nduty to ciders and similar products of less than normal \nwine strength (n. e. 8. 5%) and, on the other hand, to apply \na reduced rate of the intermediate products duty to \nnatural sweet wines, provided that such reduced rates \nshould not serve to distort competition within the \ninternal market; \n\nWhereas in the internal market it is necessary to ensure \nthat intermediate products are taxed in their final form \n\n\f-16-\n\nat the rates provided for in the case of such prodxts, and not at the \nrates applicable to their constituent materials prior to \ntheir manufacture, so that it is necessary to require that \nintermediate products be manufactured in warehouses \nfrom \nduty-free constituent materials; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to lay down precisely at Community \nlevel the exemptions which apply to all goods which cross \nfrontiers; \n\nWhereas, however, it is possible to permit Member States \nto apply their own conditions to exemptions tied to end \nuses within the territory of the State; \n\nWhereas it is necessary to tax the alcohol and alcoholic \ndrink present in other products on the quantity of alcohol \npresent and at the rate appropriate to the alcohol or \nalcoholic drink concerned; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n\fSECTION A - BEER \n\nI. SCOPE \n\n- 17 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Member States shall apply an excise duty to beer \nin accordance with the provisions of this \nDirective. 2. Member States shall fix their rates in accordance \n\nwith Directive [C0ft(89) 527 final\"]. Article 2 \n\nFor the purposes of this Directive the term \"beer\" \ncovers any product falling within CN code 2203. - 18 -\n\nII. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DUTY \n\nArticle 3 \n\n1. The excise duty levied by Member States on beer \nshall be fixed by reference to the number of \nhectolitre/degrees Plato of finished product released \nfor consumption or recorded as missing and \nexceeding any allowance granted. In assessing the \ncharge to duty on beer in accordance with the \nrequirements of Directive [(COM(89) 527 final)], \n\nMember States shall ignore fractions of a degree Plato. 2. Member States may divide beers into categories \nconsisting of no more than 4 degrees Plato and \ncharge the same rate of duty per hectolitre on all \nbeers falling within each category. Such rates, \nexpressed as a charge per hi/degree Plato shall \ninvariably equal or exceed the minimum rate laid \ndown in Article [7a] of Directive [(C0M(89) 527 final)] \n\nArticle 4 \n\n1. Member States may apply a single reduced rate of \nexcise duty to beer brewed by independent small \nundertakings within the following limits: \n- the reduced rate shall not be applied to \nundertakings producing more than 60. 000 hi of \nbeer per year; \n\n- the reduced rate shall not be set more than 20% \nbelow the standard national rate of excise duty; \n- the reduced rate shall not fall below the level \nof the minimum rate laid down in Article [7a] \nof Directive [(C0M(89) 527 final)]. 2. Member States shall ensure that any reduced rate \nthey may introduce applies equally and in a \nstraightforward manner to beer delivered into \n\n\f- 19 -\n\ntheir territory from independent small breweries \nsituated in other Member States. 3. Subject to such conditions as they shall lay down \nto ensure the straightforward application of the \nexemption, Member States may exempt from excise \nduty beer produced by a private individual and \nconsumed by the producer, members of his family \nliving under his roof, his employees or his \nguests. Article 5 \n\nfrom \n\nt he \nc o n d i t i on or age \nin \n\ni ts \nf or consumption may be refunded \nthe conditions and procedures laid down \n\nThe e x c i se duty paid on beer withdrawn \nmarket and d e s t r o y ed because \nrenders \nit u n f it \naccordance w i th \nby Member S t a t e s. Each Member S t a te s h a ll e n s u re t h at \nthose conditions and procedures shall apply equally to both beer \nproduced within the Member State and beer delivered into \nterritory from other Member States. i ts \n\nSECTION B - WINE \n\nI. SCOPE \n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Member States shall apply an excise duty to wine \nin accordance with the provisions of this \nDirective. 2. Member States shall fix their rates in accordance \n\nwith Directive /. \"(COM(89) 527 final). /. - 20 -\n\nArticle 7 \n\nFor the purpose of this Directive: \n\n1. The term \"still wine\" covers all products falling \nwithin CN codes 2204, 2205 and 2206, except \nsparkling wine as defined in point 2 of this \nArticle, provided that the products have an actual \nalcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 15% vol and \nthat the alcohol contained in products of an \nactual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 13% vol \nis entirely of fermented origin. Also to be \nconsidered still wines are products between 15 and 17% \n\nvol which meet the definition set out in Annex I, point 13, \n\n(1 ) \n\npenultimate subparagraph of Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87 \n\n2. The term \"sparkling wine\" covers all products \nfalling withiN CN codes 2204 10, 2204 21 10, 2204 \n29 10 and 2206 00 91 provided that the products \nhave an actual alcoholic strength by volume not \nexceeding 15% vol and that the alcohol contained in \nproducts of an actual alcoholic strength by volume \nexceeding 13% vol is entirely of fermented origin. II. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DUTY \n\nArticle 8 \n\n1. The excise duty levied by Member States on still \nand on sparkling wine shall be fixed by reference \nto the number of hectolitres of finished product \nreleased for consumption or recorded as missing \nand exceeding any allowance granted. 2. Except \n\nas \n\nprovided \n\nin paragraph 3, \n\nMember States shall levy the same rate of excise \nduty on all products chargeable with the duty on \nstill wine. Similarly they shall levy the same \nrate of duty on all products chargeable with the \nduty on sparkling wine. (1) 0J No L 84, 27. 3. 1987, p. 1. - 21 -\n\nsingle \n\nSubject to the following conditions, Member States \nmay apply a \nduty on still wines and a single reduced rate of \nduty on sparkling wines restricted in each case \nto products which have an actual alcoholic \nstrength by volume not exceeding 8. 5% vol, \n\nrate of \n\nreduced \n\n- the reduced rate shall not be set more than 50% \n\nbelow the standard national rate of excise duty; \n\n- the reduced rate shall not fall below the level \nof the minimum rate laid down in Article /6a/ of \n\n-, Directive MC0M(89) 527 final)\"/. Article 9 \n\nSubject to such conditions as they shall lay down to \nensure the straightforward application of this \nprovision, Member States may wholly or partially \nexempt from excise duty wine produced by a private \nindividual, or by a production undertaking from its \nown agricultural produce, and in each case consumed \nby the producer, members of his family living under \nhis roof, his employees or his guests. SECTION C - INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS \n\nI. SCOPE \n\nArticle 10 \n\n1. Member States shall apply an excise duty to \nintermediate products in accordance with the \nprovisions of this Directive. 2. Member States shall fix their rates in accordance \n\nwith Directive /J(C0M(89) 527 final)?. - 22 -\n\nArticle 11 \n\n1. Except as provided at paragraph 2 of this Article, \nfor the purposes of this Directive the term \n\"intermediate products\" covers all products \nfalling within CN codes 2204, 2205 and 2206 which \nhave an actual alcoholic strength by volume \nexceeding 15% vol but not exceeding 22% vol, or which \nhave an actual alcoholic strength by volume \nexceeding 13% vol and in which the alcohol content is \nnot entirely of fermented origin. 2. The term \"intermediate products\" shall not include \nproducts which meet the definition set out in \n\nAnnex I, point 13, penultimate subparagraph of Regulation \n(EEC) No 822/87. II. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DUTY \n\nArticle 12 \n\n1. The excise duty levied by Member States on \nintermediate products shall be fixed by reference \nto the number of hectolitres of finished product \nreleased for consumption or recorded as missing \nand exceeding any allowance granted. 2. Except \n\nas \n\nprovided \n\nin paragraph \n\n3, \n\nMember States shall charge the same rate of duty \non all products chargeable with the duty on \nintermediate products. 3. Subject to the following conditions Member States \nmay apply a single reduced rate of duty to those \nintermediate products which meet the conditions \nlaid down in Article 13(1) and (2) of Council Regulation \n(EEC) No 4252/88(1); \n\n(1) 0J No L 373, 31. 12. 1988, p. 59. - 23 -\n\nthe reduced rate shall not be set more than 50% \nbelow the standard national rate of excise duty, \n\nthe reduced rate shall not fall below the \nminimum rate laid down in Article /5a/ of Directive \n/JC0M(89) 527 final)\"/. III. CONTROL \n\nArticle 13 \n\nMember States shall ensure that intermediate products \nare manufactured in warehouses from constituent \ndistilled and fermented alcholic drinks which are \nheld in suspension of the relevant excise duties. SECTION D - ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES \n\nI. SCOPE \n\nArticle 14 \n\n1. Member States shall apply an excise duty to \nalcohol and alcoholic beverages in accordance with \nthe requirements of this Directive. 2. Member States shall fix their rates in accordance \n\nwith Directive /_~(C0M(89) 527 final). ?. Article 15 \n\nFor the purposes of this Directive the term \"alcohol \nand alcoholic beverages\" covers all products falling \nwithin CN codes 2207 and 2208, together with those \nproducts of CN codes 2204, 2205 and 2206 which have \nan actual alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22% vol \n\n\f- 24 -\n\nII. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DUTY \n\nArticle 16 \n\nThe excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages \nshall be fixed per hectolitre of pure alcohol at \n20\u00b0C, and shall be calculated by reference to the \nnumber of hectolitres of pure alcohol actually \ncleared for consumption or recorded as missing and \nexceeding any allowance granted. Member States shall \ncharge the same rate of duty on all products \nchargeable with the duty on alcohol and alcoholic \nbeverages. SECTION E - EXEMPTIONS \n\nArticle 17 \n1. The products covered by this Directive shall be exempt \n\nfrom excise duty: \n\na) when they consist of alcoholic beverages of an \nactual alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding \n1. 2% vol; \n\nb) when completely denatured in accordance with the \n\nrequirements of any Member State; \n\nc) when denatured in accordance with the requirements \nof any Member State, and used for the manufacture of \nperfumes, toiletries and cosmetics or for external \nmedical use and conforming to the provisions of \nparagraph 3; \n\nd) when used for the production of vinegar as defined \n\nin CN code 2209; \n\ne) when used for the production of medicines as defined \n\nby Council Directive 65/65/EEC(1)-\n\n(1) 0J No 22, 9. 2. 1965, p. 369/65. - 25 -\n\n2. The products covered by t h is D i r e c t i ve may be exempt \nt he Member \n\nfrom e x c i se duty under the conditions which \nS t a t es s h a ll \n\nl ay down: \n\na) when u s ed as a sample f or a n a l y s i s, f or necessary p r o d u c t i on \n\nt e s t s, or f or s c i e n t i f ic purposes; \n\nb) when used f or s c i e n t i f ic \n\nresearch; \n\nc) when used f or medical purposes in h o s p i t a l s. implementation of \n\nt h is D i r e c t i v e, \nintended subsequent change \nlaw, each Member S t a te s h a ll communicate to \ni n f o r m a t i o n, \nto \n\nt he d a te of \nBefore \nand t h r ee months b e f o re any \nin n a t i o n al \nt he Commission, t o g e t h er w i th a ll r e l e v a nt \nt he \nit \nemploy \nand (1)(c). the other Member States within one month of receipt. from 1 January 1993 for the purposes of paragraphs (1)(b) \nThe Commission shall transmit the communications t o. t he d \u00e9 n a t u r a n ts which \n\nformulae of \n\ni n t e n ds \n\nSECTION F - COMMON PROVISIONS \n\nArticle 18 \n\nTo the quantity of alcohol or alcoholic drink contained in \nany manufactured product Member States shall apply the \nexcise duty appropriate to the category to which the \nalcohol or alcoholic drink concerned belongs. SECTION G - FINAL PROVISIONS \n\n- 26 -\n\nArticle 19 \n\nWhere necessary, the Community measures to give effect to \n\nthis \n\nDirective \n\nshall be adopted by the Commission \n\naccording to the procedure provided for in Title VI of \n\nCouncil \n\nDirective \n\nconcerning \n\nthe \n\ngeneral \n\narrangements for products subject to excise duty and on \nthe holding and movement of such productsv,/. Article 20 \n\nMember States s h a ll bring \n31 December 1992 \nprovisions necessary to comply with t h is D i r e c t i v e. into force, not \n\nlaws, regulations and administrative \n\nl a t er \n\nthan \n\nthe \n\nWhen the Member States adopt such provisions they shall contain a reference \n\nto this Directive or shall be accompanied by such a reference on o f f i c i al \n\npublication. The Member States s h a ll \n\nlay down the manner in which such \n\nreference shall be made. A r t i c le 21 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States \n\nDone at \n\nFor the Counci I \n\n(1) 0J No \n\n, \n\n, p. (C0M(90) \n\n). - 27 -\n\nFICHE D'EMPACT SUR LES MIE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nLa pr\u00e9sente proposition de directive concernant l'harmonisation de la \n\nstructure des droits d'accises sur les boissons alcooliques et sur l'alcool \n\ncontenu dans d'autres produits est n\u00e9cessaire dans le cadre de l'abolition \n\ndes fronti\u00e8res fiscales et s'int\u00e8gre dans l'ensemble des mesures prises \n\npour l'ach\u00e8vement du march\u00e9 int\u00e9rieur. I. Obligations administratives d\u00e9coulant de l'application de la pr\u00e9sente \n\ndirective pour les entreprises : \n\n- n\u00e9ant. II. Quels sont les avantages pour les entreprises ? \n\n- n\u00e9ant. III. Y-a-t-lI des Inconv\u00e9nients pour les entreprises en termes de co\u00fbts \n\nsuppl\u00e9mentaires ? \n\n- l'application de la pr\u00e9sente directive n'entra\u00eenera aucun co\u00fbt \n\nsuppl\u00e9mentaire pour les entreprises. IV. Effets sur remploi : \n\n- n\u00e9ant. V. Les partenaires sociaux n'ont pas \u00e9t\u00e9 consult\u00e9s. VI. Une approche alternative moins contraignante n'est pas envisageable \n\ndans le cadre de l'abolition des fronti\u00e8res fiscales. 28 -\n\nFiCHE FINANCIERE \n\nL'application de la pr\u00e9sente proposition de directive n'entra\u00eenera aucune \n\naugmentation des ressources propres de la Communaut\u00e9. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(90) 432 final \n\nDOCU \n\nEN \n\n09 \n\nCatalogue number : CB CO-90-561-EN-C \nISBN 92-77-65610-7 \n\nPRICE \n\n1 \u2022 30 pages: 3. 50 ECU \n\nper additional 10 pages: 1. 25 ECU \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2b462117-afc6-4746-b894-49b3cb417b2e", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2458/90 by Mr Mihail PAPAYANNAKIS and Mr Cesare DE PICCOLI to the Commission. Car insurance", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE PICCOLI,European Parliament,PAPAYANNAKIS", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Greece,free movement of persons,indemnity insurance,insurance contract,insurance premium,motor vehicle,motor vehicle insurance,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:91990E002458", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "free movement of persons", "indemnity insurance", "insurance contract", "insurance premium", "motor vehicle", "motor vehicle insurance", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2b462117-afc6-4746-b894-49b3cb417b2e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd8601d1-9c8d-45e6-832d-1b45bf1d69c8", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ESTABLISHING THE SECOND PHASE OF THE TEDIS PROGRAMME ( TRADE ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE SYSTEMS )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "exchange of information,information technology,research programme,telecommunications,transmission network", "workIds": "celex:51990PC0475,oj:JOC_1990_311_R_0006_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["exchange of information", "information technology", "research programme", "telecommunications", "transmission network"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd8601d1-9c8d-45e6-832d-1b45bf1d69c8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f2d674c6-4625-4ed5-b77d-a03c1f167803", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2440/90 by Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS to the Commission. Financial aid for Christian buildings", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Christianity,EU financing,architectural heritage,directory,heritage protection", "workIds": "celex:91990E002440", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Christianity", "EU financing", "architectural heritage", "directory", "heritage protection"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f2d674c6-4625-4ed5-b77d-a03c1f167803", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28b1dba9-54e8-4519-88a7-4fba6be3f09f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2431/90 by Mr Ernest GLINNE to the Commission. Funding of the action plan adopted by the ' World Summit for Children'", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "EU financing,UN Conference,child protection,children's rights,infant mortality,social policy,war", "workIds": "celex:91990E002431", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "UN Conference", "child protection", "children's rights", "infant mortality", "social policy", "war"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28b1dba9-54e8-4519-88a7-4fba6be3f09f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/087016a6-d255-4fae-bbaf-d786914a1483", "title": "Association EEC-Cyprus, EEC-Malta, EEC-Turkey : compilation of texts. Volume IV, 1 January - 31 December 1987.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "General Secretariat of the Council", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Cyprus,Malta,T\u00fcrkiye,agreement (EU),association agreement", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_BX5288809", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cyprus", "Malta", "T\u00fcrkiye", "agreement (EU)", "association agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/087016a6-d255-4fae-bbaf-d786914a1483", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eef5215d-4cca-4cb9-bc36-99ff89b7682e", "title": "Commission Directive 90/623/EEC of 7 November 1990 amending Annex II to Council Directive 66/402/EEC on the marketing of cereal seed", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "cereals,marketing standard,seed", "workIds": "celex:31990L0623,oj:JOL_1990_333_R_0065_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cereals", "marketing standard", "seed"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eef5215d-4cca-4cb9-bc36-99ff89b7682e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c3d2a304-b2d3-4677-b1d2-63e0d7f73ca7", "title": "Association EEC-Cyprus, EEC-Malta, EEC-Turkey : compilation of texts. Volume I, 1 January 1984 - 31 December 1984.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "General Secretariat of the Council", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Cyprus,EU act,Malta,T\u00fcrkiye,association agreement", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_BX4385200", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cyprus", "EU act", "Malta", "T\u00fcrkiye", "association agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c3d2a304-b2d3-4677-b1d2-63e0d7f73ca7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d0d5d1b-3cf9-45bd-9e06-237a8abe04b6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2448/90 by Mr Giuseppe MOTTOLA to the Commission. 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Volume III, 1 January - 31 December 1986.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print_sftcv", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "General Secretariat of the Council", "date": "1990-11-07", "subjects": "Cyprus,EU act,Malta,T\u00fcrkiye,association agreement", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_BY4887913", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cyprus", "EU act", "Malta", "T\u00fcrkiye", "association agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e21b2ffb-a08b-47de-a602-9180cb3926cd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print_sftcv"]} +{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e81fa95-3582-4c5a-a9db-12b3fbd4ffbb", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION No. 2442/90 by Mr Gerardo FERN\u00c1NDEZ-ALBOR to the Commission. 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