{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c5e3daa-391d-45ff-83c4-27438d03ada9", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1693/80 of 30 June 1980 amending for the fifth time Regulation (EEC) No 3075/78 laying down detailed rules for the application of special measures for peas and field beans used in the feeding of animals", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-30", "subjects": "animal nutrition,leguminous vegetable,protein products,terms for aid", "workIds": "celex:31980R1693,oj:JOL_1980_166_R_0078_043", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal nutrition", "leguminous vegetable", "protein products", "terms for aid"], "url": 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"storage cost,sugar,sugar beet,sugar cane", "workIds": "celex:31980R1696,oj:JOL_1980_166_R_0083_046", "eurovoc_concepts": ["storage cost", "sugar", "sugar beet", "sugar cane"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a8b01975-a751-4753-bcb3-adc9981f21df", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c4b0cc5-64f9-41ec-8e1a-caaba2ce3abe", "title": "Council Directive 80/608/EEC of 30 June 1980 amending for the seventh time Directive 73/241/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cocoa and chocolate products intended for human comsumption", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-30", "subjects": "approximation of laws,cocoa,confectionery product,consumer protection,human nutrition,public health", "workIds": "celex:31980L0608,oj:JOL_1980_170_R_0033_020", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "cocoa", "confectionery product", "consumer protection", "human nutrition", "public health"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c4b0cc5-64f9-41ec-8e1a-caaba2ce3abe", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4db1cf21-cd61-4dcb-85ca-fcc3ad04d001", "title": "80/721/EEC: Council Decision of 30 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and Sweden in respect of certain horticultural products negotiated under Article XXVIII of GATT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-30", "subjects": "export levy,export refund,sugar,sugar product", "workIds": "celex:31980R1698,oj:JOL_1980_166_R_0087_048", "eurovoc_concepts": ["export levy", "export refund", "sugar", "sugar product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/05cb6903-0278-4e2b-9e6f-2e6c1516e1e9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/97f2f680-e7ce-461d-a0ea-648dda250b30", "title": "Bulletin of the European Communities. No 5/1980, Volume 13.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,pdfx,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Secretariat-General", "date": "1980-06-28", "subjects": "ECSC,EU activity,EU policy,EU publication,European Community,classification,common strategy,customs union,deepening of the European Union,enlargement of the Union,international relations,serial publication", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CBAA80005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "EU activity", "EU policy", "EU publication", "European Community", "classification", "common strategy", "customs union", "deepening of the European Union", "enlargement of the Union", "international relations", "serial publication"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/97f2f680-e7ce-461d-a0ea-648dda250b30", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "pdfx", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4e151745-195d-419e-9629-b02462dbeaa1", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 2213/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of Guinea Bissau, and of the two exchanges of letters referring thereto", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Guinea-Bissau,agreement (EU),fishing agreement,fishing area,fishing rights", "workIds": "celex:31980R2213", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Guinea-Bissau", "agreement (EU)", "fishing agreement", "fishing area", "fishing rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4e151745-195d-419e-9629-b02462dbeaa1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1980226EN. 01003301. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. 8. 1980\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 226/33\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 2213/80\nof 27 June 1980\non the conclusion of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of Guinea Bissau, and of the two exchanges of letters referring thereto\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nWhereas it is in the Community's interest to approve the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea Bissau, and the two exchanges of letters referring thereto, signed in Brussels on 27 February 1980;\nWhereas the conclusion of this Agreement renders nugatory Council Decision 80/255/EEC of 26 February 1980, concerning the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters on the provisional application of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and of the two exchanges of letters relating thereto\u00a0(2);\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the European Economic Community on fishing off the coast of Guinea Bissau, and the two exchanges of letters referring thereto are approved on behalf of the Community. The instruments referred to in the preceding paragraph are annexed to this Regulation. Article 2\nThe President of the Council shall give the notification provided for in Article 18 of the Agreement\u00a0(3). Article 3\nDecision 80/255/EEC is hereby repealed. Article 4\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 27 June 1980. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nA. SARTI\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 85, 8. 4. 1980, p. 103. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 58, 1. 3. 1980, p. 73. (3)\u00a0\u00a0The date of the entry into force of the Agreement will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities by the General Secretariat of the Council"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39b88460-449c-40af-b03f-8b9fa802bccf", "title": "Land resource evaluation.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "agronomic research,hydrology,land productivity,land use,rural development,soil resources", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CDNA06875", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agronomic research", "hydrology", "land productivity", "land use", "rural development", "soil resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39b88460-449c-40af-b03f-8b9fa802bccf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f374b71-b606-4940-9705-a0011702ccb1", "title": "ECC-Portugal Joint Committee Decision No 2/80 of 27 June 1980 amending List B annexed to Protocol 3 concerning the definition of the concept of originating products and methods of administrative cooperation", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_body_agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EEC\u2013Portugal Joint Committee", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Portugal,administrative cooperation,agreement (EU),jewellery and goldsmith's articles,originating product,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:21980D1001(13)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "administrative cooperation", "agreement (EU)", "jewellery and goldsmith's articles", "originating product", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f374b71-b606-4940-9705-a0011702ccb1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e59326ac-7954-4e28-bfd6-e4a1f5d21ecb", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 2211/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Denmark,Faroes,agreement (EU),fishing agreement,fishing area,fishing rights", "workIds": "celex:31980R2211", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Denmark", "Faroes", "agreement (EU)", "fishing agreement", "fishing area", "fishing rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e59326ac-7954-4e28-bfd6-e4a1f5d21ecb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1980226EN. 01001101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. 8. 1980\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 226/11\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 2211/80\nof 27 June 1980\non the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nWhereas by its resolution of 3 November 1976 on certain external aspects of the creation of a 200-mile fisheries zone in the Community with effect from 1 January 1977, the Council agreed that fishing rights for Community fishermen in the waters of third countries must be obtained and preserved by appropriate Community Agreements;\nWhereas the Agreement on fisheries between the Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands signed on 15 March 1977 should be concluded,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Government of Denmark and the Home Government of the Faroe Islands is hereby approved on behalf of the Community. The text of the Agreement is annexed to this Regulation. Article 2\nThe President of the Council shall give the notification provided for in Article 11 of the Agreement\u00a0(2). Article 3\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 27 June 1980. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nA. SARTI\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 182, 31. 7. 1978, p. 55. (2)\u00a0\u00a0The date of entry into force of the Agreement will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities by the General Secretariat of the Council"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3ff747e-2a04-4f7b-8910-72fcebf46f29", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 2210/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of an Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of Sweden relating to certain measures intended to promote the reproduction of salmon in the Baltic Sea", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Baltic Sea,Sweden,agreement (EU),animal breeding,conservation of fish stocks,sea fish", "workIds": "celex:31980R2210", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Baltic Sea", "Sweden", "agreement (EU)", "animal breeding", "conservation of fish stocks", "sea fish"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3ff747e-2a04-4f7b-8910-72fcebf46f29", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1488718d-6dec-48e7-ba6c-eed7253d2d2c", "title": "Food Aid Convention 1980", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "food aid,food cereals,international convention,wheat", "workIds": "celex:21980A0306(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["food aid", "food cereals", "international convention", "wheat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1488718d-6dec-48e7-ba6c-eed7253d2d2c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6489cb5-8807-4498-9ada-a63d56a60ea3", "title": "Agreement establishing the Common Fund for Commodities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Afghanistan,Algeria,Angola,Argentina,Australia,Austria,Bangladesh,Barbados,Belgium,Benin,Bhutan,Botswana,Brazil,Bulgaria,Burkina Faso,Burundi,Cabo Verde,Cameroon,Canada,Central African Republic,Chad,China,Colombia,Comoros,Congo,Costa Rica,Cuba,C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Denmark,Djibouti,Dominican Republic,Ecuador,Egypt,El Salvador,Equatorial Guinea,Eswatini,Ethiopia,European Economic Community,Finland,France,Gabon,Germany,Ghana,Greece,Grenada,Guatemala,Guinea,Guinea-Bissau,Guyana,Haiti,Honduras,India,Indonesia,Iraq,Ireland,Italy,Jamaica,Japan,Kenya,Kuwait,Laos,Lesotho,Liberia,Luxembourg,Madagascar,Malawi,Malaysia,Maldives,Mali,Mauritania,Mexico,Morocco,Mozambique,Nepal,Netherlands,New Zealand,Nicaragua,Niger,Nigeria,Norway,Pakistan,Papua New Guinea,Peru,Philippines,Portugal,Russia,Rwanda,Saint Lucia,Samoa,Saudi Arabia,Senegal,Sierra Leone,Singapore,Somalia,Spain,Sri Lanka,Sudan,Suriname,Sweden,Switzerland,Syria,S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 and Pr\u00edncipe,Tanzania,Thailand,The Gambia,Togo,Trinidad and Tobago,Tunisia,T\u00fcrkiye,Uganda,United Arab Emirates,United Kingdom,United States,Uruguay,Yemen,Zambia,Zimbabwe", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "commodity agreement,multilateral agreement,primary product", "workIds": "celex:21990A0714(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["commodity agreement", "multilateral agreement", "primary product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6489cb5-8807-4498-9ada-a63d56a60ea3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1990182EN. 01000201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. 7. 1990\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 182/2\n\n\n\n\n\nAGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE COMMON FUND FOR COMMODITIES\n\nPREAMBLE\n\nTHE PARTIES,\nDETERMINED to promote economic cooperation and understanding among all States, particularly between developed and developing countries, based on the principles of equity and sovereign equality and thereby to contribute to the establishment of a new international economic order. RECOGNIZING the need for improved forms of international cooperation in the field of commodities as an essential condition for the establishment of a new international economic order, aimed at promoting economic and social development, particularly of developing countries. DESIROUS of promoting global action to improve market structures in international trade in commodities of interest to developing countries,\nRECALLING resolution 93 (IV) on the Integrated Programme for Commodities adopted at the fourth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (hereinafter referred to as Unctad). HAVE AGREED to establish hereby the Common Fund for Commodities, which shall operate in accordance with the following provisions:\nCHAPTER I\n\nDEFINITIONS\n\nArticle 1\nDefinitions\nFor the purposes of this Agreement:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. \u2018Fund\u2019 means the Common Fund for Commodities established by this Agreement. 2. \u2018International commodity agreement or arrangement\u2019 (hereinafter referred to as ICA) means any intergovernmental agreement or arrangement to promote international cooperation in a commodity, the parties to which include producers and consumers covering the bulk of world trade in the commodity concerned. 3. \u2018International commodity organization\u2019 (hereinafter referred to as ICO) means the organization established by an ICA to implement the provisions of the ICA. 4. \u2018Associated ICO\u2019 means an ICO which is associated with the Fund pursuant to Article 7. 5. \u2018Association agreement\u2019 means the agreement entered into between an ICO and the Fund pursuant to Article 7. 6. \u2018Maximum financial requirements\u2019 (hereinafter referred to as MFR) means the maximum amount of funds that may be drawn and borrowed by an Associated ICO from the Fund, to be determined in accordance with Article 17 (8). 7. \u2018International commodity body\u2019 (hereinafter referred to as ICB) means a body designated in accordance with Article 7 (9). 8. \u2018Unit of account\u2019 means the unit of account: of the Fund as defined in accordance with Article 8 (1). 9. \u2018Usable currencies\u2019 means:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthe deutsche mark, the French franc, the Japanese yen, the pound sterling, the United States dollar and any other currency which has been designated from time to time by a competent international monetary organization as being in fact widely used to make payments for international transactions and widely traded in the principal exchange markets; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nany other freely available and effectively usable currency which the executive board may designate by a qualified majority after the approval of the country whose currency the Fund proposes to designate as such. The governing council shall designate a competent international monetary organization under (a) above and shall adopt by a qualified majority rules and regulations regarding the designation of currencies under (b) above in accordance with prevailing international monetary practice. Currencies may be removed from the list of usable currencies by the executive board by a qualified majority. 10. \u2018Directly contributed capital\u2019 means capital specified in Article 9 (1) (a) and (4). 11. \u2018Paid-in shares\u2019 means the shares of directly contributed capital specified in Article 9 (2) (a) and Article 10(2). 12. \u2018Payable shares\u2019 means the shares of directly contributed capital specified in Article 9 (2) (b) and Article 10 (2) (b). 13. \u2018Guarantee capital\u2019 means capital provided to the Fund, pursuant to Article 14 (4) by Members of the Fund participating in an associated ICO,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. \u2018Guarantees\u2019 means guarantees provided to the Fund, pursuant to Article 14 (5) by participants in an associated ICO which are not Members of the Fund. 15. \u2018Stock warrants\u2019 means stock warrants, warehouse receipts or other documents of title evidencing ownership of commodity stocks. 16. \u2018Total voting power\u2019 means the sum of the votes held by all the Members of the Fund. 17. \u2018Simple majority\u2019 means more than half of all votes cast. 18. \u2018Qualified majority\u2019 means at least two-thirds of all votes cast. 19. \u2018Highly qualified majority means at least three-fourths of all votes cast. 20. \u2018Votes cast\u2019 means affirmative and negative votes. CHAPTER II\n\nOBJECTIVES AND FUNCTIONS\n\nArticle 2\nObjectives\nThe objectives of the Fund shall be:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo serve as a key instrument in attaining the agreed objectives of the integrated programme for commodities as embodied in resolution 93 (IV) of Unctad;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nTo facilitate the conclusion and functioning of ICAs, particularly concerning commodities of special interest to developing countries. Article 3\nFunctions\nIn fulfilment of its objectives, the Fund shall exercise the following functions:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo contribute, through its first account as hereinafter provided, to the financing of international buffer stocks and internationally coordinated national stocks, all within the framework of ICAs;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nTo finance, through its second account, measures in the field of commodities other than stocking, as hereinafter provided;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTo promote coordination and consultation through its second account with regard to measures in the field of commodities other than stocking and their financing, with a view to providing a commodity focus. CHAPTER III\n\nMEMBERSHIP\n\nArticle 4\nEligibility\nMembership in the Fund shall be open to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nAll Member States of the United Nations or of any of its specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAny intergovernmental organization of regional economic integration which exercises competence in fields of activity of the Fund. Such intergovernmental organizations shall not be required to undertake any financial obligations to the Fund; nor shall they hold any votes. Article 5\nMembers\nThe Members of the Fund (hereinafter referred to as Members) shall be:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThose States which have ratified, accepted or approved this Agreement in accordance with Article 54;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThose States which have acceded to this Agreement in accordance with Article 56;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nThose intergovernmental organizations referred to in Article 4 (b) which have ratified, accepted or approved this Agreement in accordance with Article 54;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nThose intergovernmental organizations referred to in Article 4 (b) which have acceded to this Agreement in accordance with Article 56. Article 6\nLimitation of liability\nNo member shall be liable, by reason only of its membership, for acts or obligations of the Fund. CHAPTER IV\n\nRELATIONSHIP OF ICOs AND ICBs WITH THE FUND\n\nArticle 7\nRelationship of ICOs and ICBs with the Fund\n1. The facilities of the Fund's first account shall be used only by ICOs established to implement the provisions of ICAs providing for either international buffer stocks or internationally coordinated national stocks, and which have concluded an association agreement. The association agreement shall comply with the terms of this Agreement and of any rules and regulations consistent therewith to be adopted by the governing council. 2. An ICO established to implement the provisions of an ICA which provides for international buffer stocks may become associated with the Fund for the purposes of the first account, provided that the ICA is negotiated or renegotiated on, and conforms to, the principle of joint buffer stock financing by producers and consumers participating therein. For the purposes of this Agreement, levy-financed ICAs shall be eligible for association with the Fund. 3. A proposed association agreement shall be presented by the managing director to the executive board and, with the recommendation of the board, to the governing council for approval by a qualified majority. 4. In carrying out the provisions of the association agreement between the Fund and an associated ICO each institution shall respect the autonomy of the other. The association agreement shall specify the mutual rights and obligations of the Fund and the associated ICO, in terms consistent with the relevant provisions of this agreement. 5. An associated ICO shall be entitled to borrow from the Fund through its first account without prejudice to its eligibility to obtain financing from the second account, provided that the associated ICO and its participants have performed and are duly performing their obligations to the Fund. 6. An association agreement shall provide for a settlement of accounts between the associated ICO and the Fund before any renewal of the association agreement. 7. An associated ICO may, if the association agreement so provides and with the consent of the preceding associated ICO covering the same commodity, succeed to the rights and obligations of the preceding associated ICO. 8. The Fund shall not intervene directly in commodity markets. However, the Fund may dispose of commodity stocks only pursuant to Article 17 (15) to (17). 9. For the purpose of the second account, the executive board shall from time to time designate appropriate commodity bodies, including ICOs, whether or not they are associated ICOs, as ICBs, provided that they meet the criteria set out in schedule C. CHAPTER V\n\nCAPITAL AND OTHER RESOURCES\n\nArticle 8\nUnit of account and currencies\n1. The unit of account of the Fund shall be as defined in schedule F. 2. The Fund shall hold, and conduct its financial transactions in, usable currencies. Except as provided in Article 16 (5) (b), no Member shall maintain or impose restrictions on the holding, use or exchange by the Fund of usable currencies deriving from:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nPayment of subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nPayment of guarantee capital, cash in lieu of guarantee capital, guarantees or cash deposits resulting from the association of ICOs with the Fund;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nPayment of voluntary contributions;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nBorrowing;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nDisposal of forfeited stocks, pursuant to Article 17 (15) to (17);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nPayment on account of principal, income, interest or other charges in respect of loans or investments made out of any of the funds referred to in this paragraph. 3. The executive board shall determine the method of valuation of usable currencies, in terms of the unit of account, in accordance with prevailing international monetary practice. Article 9\nCapital resources\n1. The capital of the Fund shall consist of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nDirectly contributed capital to be divided into 47\u00a0000 shares to be issued by the Fund, having a par value of 7\u00a0566,47145 units of account each and a total value of 355\u00a0624\u00a0158 units of account; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nGuarantee capital provided directly to the Fund in accordance with Article 14 (4). 2. The shares to be issued by the Fund shall be divided into:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\n37\u00a0000 paid-in shares; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\n10\u00a0000 payable shares. 3. Shares of directly contributed capital shall be available for subscription only by Members in accordance with the provisions of Article 10. 4. The shares of directly contributed capital:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nShall, if necessary, be increased by the governing council upon the accession of any State under Article 56;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nMay be increased by the governing council in accordance with Article 12;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nShall be increased by the amount needed pursuant to Article 17 (14). 5. If the governing council makes available for subscription the unsubscribed shares of directly contributed capital pursuant to Article 12 (3) or increases the shares of directly contributed capital pursuant to paragraph 4 (b) or 4 (c) of this Article, each Member shall have the right, but shall not be required, to subscribe such shares. Article 10\nSubscription of shares\n1. Each Member referred to in Article 5 (a) shall subscribe, as set forth in schedule A:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\n100 paid-in shares; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAny additional paid-in and payable shares. 2. Each Member referred to in Article 5 (b) shall subscribe:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\n100 paid-in shares; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAny additional paid-in and payable shares to be determined by the governing council by a qualified majority in a manner consistent with the allocation of shares in schedule A and in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed pursuant to Article 56. 3. Each Member may allocate to the second account a part of its subscription under paragraph 1 (a) of this Article with a view to an aggregate allocation to the second account on a voluntary basis, of not less than 52 965 300 units of account. 4. Shares of directly contributed capital shall not be pledged or encumbered by Members in any manner whatsoever and shall be transferable only to the Fund. Article 11\nPayment of shares\n1. Payments of shares of directly contributed capital subscribed by each Member shall be made:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nIn any usable currency at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the unit of account as at the date of payment; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nIn a usable currency selected by that Member at the time of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, and at the rate of conversion between that usable currency and the unit of account as at the date of this agreement. The governing council shall adopt rules and regulations covering the payment of subscriptions in usable currencies in the case of designation of additional usable currencies or removal of usable currencies from the list of usable currencies in accordance with Article 1 (9). At the time of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, each Member shall select one of the procedures above, which shall apply to all such payments. 2. When undertaking any review in accordance with Article 12 (2) the governing council shall review the operation of the method of payment referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, in the light of exchange-rate fluctuations, and, taking into account developments in the practice of international lending institutions, shall decide by a highly qualified majority on changes, if any, in the method of payment of subscriptions of any additional shares of directly contributed capital subsequently issued in accordance with Article 12 (3). 3. Each Member referred to in Article 5 (a) shall:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nPay 30 per cent of its total subscription of paid-in shares within 60 days after the entry into force of this Agreement, or within 30 days after the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, whichever is later;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nOne year after the payment provided for in subparagraph (a) above, pay 20 per cent of its total subscription of paid-in shares and deposit with the Fund irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes in an amount of 10 per cent of its total subscription of paid-in shares. Such notes shall be encashed as and when decided by the executive board;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTwo years after the payment provided for in subparagraph (a) above, deposit with the Fund irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes in an amount of 40 per cent of its total subscription of paid-in shares. Such notes shall be encashed as and when decided by the executive board by a qualified majority, having due regard to the operational needs of the Fund, except that the promissory notes in respect of shares allocated to the second account shall be encashed as and when decided by the executive board. 4. The amount subscribed by each Member for payable shares shall be subject to call by the Fund only as provided in Article 17 (12). 5. Calls on shares of directly contributed capital shall be made pro rata from all Members with respect to whichever class or classes of shares are being called, except as provided for in paragraph 3 (c) of this Article. 6. Special arrangements for payment of subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital by the least developed countries shall be as set forth in schedule B. 7. Subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital may, when relevant, be paid by the appropriate agencies of Members concerned. Article 12\n\nAdequacy of subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital\n\n1. In the event that 18 months after the entry into force of this Agreement subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital fall short of the amount specified in Article 9 (1) (a), the adequacy of the subscriptions shall be reviewed by the governing council as soon as possible thereafter. 2. The governing council shall further review, at such intervals as it may deem appropriate, the adequacy of the directly contributed capital available to the first account. The first such review shall take place not later than the end of the third year after the entry into force of this Agreement. 3. As a result of any review under paragraph 1 or 2 of this Article, the governing council may decide to make available for subscription unsubscribed shares or to issue additional shares of directly contributed capital on a basis of assessment to be decided by the governing council. 4. Decisions by the governing council under this Article shall be taken by a highly qualified majority. Article 13\nVoluntary contributions\n1. The Fund may accept voluntary contributions from Members and other sources. Such contributions shall be paid in usable currencies. 2. The target for the initial voluntary contributions for use in the second account shall be 211 861 200 units of account, in addition to the allocation made in accordance with Article 10 (3). 3. (a)\n\n\nThe governing council shall review the adequacy of the resources of the second account not later than the end of the third year after the entry into force of this Agreement. In the light of the activities of the second account, the governing council may also undertake such a review at such other times as it decides. (b)\n\n\nIn the light of any such reviews, the governing council may decide to replenish the resources of the second account and make the necessary arrangements. Any such replenishments shall be voluntary for Members and in accordance with this Agreement. 4. Voluntary contributions shall be made without restrictions as to their use by the Fund, except as to their designation by the contributor for use in the first or second account. Article 14\nResources deriving from the association of ICOs with the Fund\n1. Upon the association of an ICO with the Fund, the associated ICO shall, except as specified in paragraph 2 of this Article, deposit with the Fund in cash in usable currencies, and for the account of that associated ICO, one-third of its MFR. Such deposit shall be made in full or in instalments as the associated ICO and the Fund may agree, taking into account all relevant factors, including the Fund's liquidity position, the need for maximizing the financial benefit to be derived from the availability of cash deposits of associated ICOs and the capacity of the associated ICO concerned to raise the cash required for meeting its deposit obligation. 2. An associated ICO which is holding stocks at the time of its association with the Fund may meet a part or all of its deposit obligation under paragraph 1 of this Article by pledging to, or assigning in trust for, the Fund stock warrants of equivalent value. 3. An associated ICO may deposit with the Fund, on mutually acceptable terms and conditions, any cash surplus, in addition to deposits made under paragraph 1 of this Article. 4. Upon the association of an ICO with the Fund, Members participating in that associated ICO shall provide directly to the Fund guarantee capital on a basis determined by the associated ICO and satisfactory to the Fund. The aggregate value of the guarantee capital, and any guarantees or cash provided under paragraph 5 of this Article shall equal two-thirds of the MFR of that associated ICO, except as provided for in paragraph 7 of this Article. Guarantee capital may, when relevant, be provided by the appropriate agencies of the Members concerned, on a basis satisfactory to the Fund. 5. If participants in an associated ICO are not Members, that associated ICO shall deposit cash with the Fund, in addition to the cash referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, in the amount of the guarantee - capital which such participants would have provided had they been Members; except that the governing council may by a highly qualified majority permit that associated ICO to arrange either for the provision of additional guarantee capital of the same amount by Members participating in that associated ICO, or for the provision of guarantees of the same amount by participants in that associated ICO which are not Members. Such guarantees shall carry financial obligations comparable to those of guarantee capital and shall be in a form satisfactory to the Fund. 6. Guarantee capital and guarantees shall be subject to call by the Fund only in accordance with Article 17 (11) to (13). Payment of such guarantee capital and guarantees shall be made in usable currencies. 7. If an associated ICO is meeting its deposit obligation in instalments pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, such associated ICO and its participants shall, upon the payment of each instalment, provide as appropriate, guarantee capital, cash or guarantees, in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Article, which in the aggregate shall equal twice the amount of that instalment. 8. An associated ICO shall pledge to, or assign in trust for, the Fund all stock warrants of commodities purchased with the proceeds of withdrawals of cash deposits made under paragraph 1. of this Article, or with the proceeds of loans obtained from the Fund, as security for the payment by the associated ICO of its obligations to the Fund. The Fund shall dispose of stocks only in accordance with Article 17(15) to (17). Upon the sale of the commodities evidenced by such stock warrants, the associated ICO shall apply the proceeds of such sales first to repay the balance due on any loan to the associated ICO from the Fund and then to meet its cash deposit obligation in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article. 9. All stock warrants pledged to, or assigned in trust for, the Fund shall be valued, for the purposes of paragraph 2 of this Article, on a basis specified in rules and regulations adopted by the governing council. Article 15\nBorrowings\nThe fund may borrow in accordance with Article 16 (5) (a), provided that the total outstanding amount of borrowings by the Fund for its first account operations shall not at any time exceed an amount representing the aggregate of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe uncalled portion of payable shares;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThe uncalled guarantee capital and guarantees of participants in associated ICOs under Article 14 (4) to (7); and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nThe special reserve established pursuant to Article 16 (4). CHAPTER VI\n\nOPERATIONS\n\nArticle 16\nGeneral provisions\n1. The resources and facilities of the Fund shall be used exclusively to achieve its objectives and fulfil its functions. 2. The Fund shall establish, and maintain its resources in, two separate accounts: a first account, with resources as provided for in Article 17 (1), to contribute to the financing of commodity stocking; and a second account, with resources as provided for in Article 18 (1), to finance measures in the field of commodities other than stocking, without jeopardizing the integral unity of the Fund. Such separation of accounts shall be reflected in the financial statements of the Fund. 3. The resources of each account shall be held, used, committed, invested or otherwise disposed of entirely separately from the resources of the other account. The resources of one account shall not be charged with losses, or used to discharge liabilities, arising out of the operations or other activities of the other account. 4. The governing council shall establish, out of the earnings of the first account, net of administrative expenses, a special reserve, not exceeding 10 % of directly contributed capital allocated to the first account, for meeting liabilities arising from first account borrowings, as provided for in Article 17 (12). Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the governing council shall decide by a highly qualified majority how to dispose of any net earnings not allocated to the special reserve. 5. In addition to any powers set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, the Fund may exercise the following powers in connection with its operations, subject to and consistent with general operating principles and the terms of this Agreement:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo borrow from Members, international financial institutions and, for first account operations, in capital markets, in accordance with the law of the country in which the borrowing is made, provided that the Fund shall have obtained the approval of such country and of any country in the currency of which the borrowing is denominated;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nTo invest funds at any time not needed for its operations in such financial instruments as the Fund may determine, in accordance with the law of the country in whose territory the investment is made;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTo exercise such other powers necessary to further its objectives and functions and to implement the provisions of thes Agreement. 6. The Fund shall operate according to the provisions of this Agreement and any rules and regulations which the governing council may adopt pursuant to Article 20 (6). 7. The Fund shall make arrangements to ensure that the proceeds of any loan or grant made or participated in by the Fund is used only for the purposes for which the loan or grant was made. 8. Every security issued by the Fund shall bear on its face a conspicuous statement to the effect that it is not the obligation of any Member unless expressly stated otherwise on the security. 9. The Fund shall seek to maintain reasonable diversification in its investments. 10. The governing council shall adopt suitable rules and regulations for the procurement of goods and services from the resources of the Fund. Such rules and regulations shall conform, as a general rule, of the principles of international competitive bidding among suppliers in the territories of Members, and shall give appropriate preference to experts, technicians and suppliers from developing countries Members of the Fund. 11. The Fund shall establish close working relationships with international and regional financial institutions and may, as is practicable, establish such relationships with national entities of Members, whether public or private, which are concerned with investment of development funds in commodity development measures. The Fund may participate in co-financing with such institutions. 12. In its operations and within its sphere of competence, the Fund shall cooperate with ICBs and associated ICOs in the protection of the interests of developing importing countries, if such countries are adversely affected by measures under the integrated programme for commodities. 13. The Fund shall operate in a prudent manner, shall take actions it deems necessary to conserve and safeguard its resources and shall not engage in currency speculation. Article 17\nThe first account\n1. The resources of the first account shall consist of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nSubscriptions by Members of shares of directly contributed capital, except such part of their subscriptions as may be allocated to the second account in accordance with Article 10 (3);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nCash deposits from associated ICOs pursuant to Article 14 (1) to (3);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nGuarantee capital, cash in lieu of guarantee capital and guarantees provided by participants in associated ICOs pursuant to Article 14 (4) to (7);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nVoluntary contributions allocated to the first account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nProceeds of borrowings pursuant to Article 15;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nNet earnings which may accrue from operations of the first account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(g)\n\n\nThe special reserve referred to in Article 16 (4);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(h)\n\n\nStock warrants from associated ICOs pursuant to Article 14 (8) and (9),\n\n\n\n\n2. The executive board shall approve the terms of borrowing arrangements for first account operations. 3. Directly contributed capital allocated to the first account shall be employed:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo enhance the creditworthiness of the Fund in respect of its first account operations;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAs working capital, to meet the short-term liquidity needs of the first account; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTo provide revenues to cover the administrative expenses of the Fund. 4. The Fund shall charge interest on loans made to associated ICOs at rates as low as are consistent with its ability to obtain finance and with the need to cover its costs of borrowing for funds lent to such associated ICOs. 5. The Fund shall pay interest on all other cash balances of associated ICOs at appropriate rates consistent with the return on its financial investments, and taking into account the rate charged on loans to associated ICOs and the cost of borrowing for first account operations. 6. The governing council shall adopt rules and regulations laying down the operating principles within which it shall determine interest rates charged and paid in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article. In so doing the governing council shall be guided by the need to maintain the financial viability of the Fund and shall bear in mind the principle of non-discriminatory treatment as between associated ICOs. 7. An association agreement shall specify the MFR of the associated ICO and the steps to be taken in the event of modification of its MFR. 8. The MFR of an associated ICO shall include the acquisition cost of stocks, determined by multiplying the authorized size of its stocks as specified in the association agreement by an appropriate purchase price as determined by that associated ICO. In addition, an associated ICO may include in its MFR specified carrying costs, exclusive of interest charges on loans, in an amount not exceeding 20% of the acquisition cost. 9. An association agreement shall provide, inter alia:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nFor the manner in which the associated ICO and its participants shall undertake the obligations to the Fund specified in Article 14 in respect of deposits guarantee capital, cash in lieu of guarantee capital, and guarantees, and stock warrants;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThat the associated ICO shall not borrow from any third party for its buffer stocking operations, unless the associated ICO and the Fund have reached mutual agreement on a basis by the executive board;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nThat the associated ICO shall at all times be responsible, and liable to the Fund, for the maintenance and preservation of stocks for which stock warrants have been pledged to, or assigned in trust for the Fund, and shall maintain adequate insurance on, and appropriate security and other arrangements with respect to, the holding and handling of such stocks;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nThat the associated ICO shall enter into appropriate credit agreements with the Fund specifying the terms and conditions of any loan from the Fund to that associated ICO, including the arrangements for repayment of principal and payment of interest;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nThat the associated ICO shall, as appropriate, keep the Fund informed of conditions and developments in the commodity markets with which the associated ICO is concerned. 10. An association agreement shall also provide, inter alia:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThat, subject to the provisions of paragraph 11 (a) of this Article, the Fund shall provide for withdrawal by the associated ICO on demand, in whole or in part, of the amounts deposited pursuant to article 14 (1) and (2);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThat the Fund shall make loans to the associated ICO in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the sum of the uncalled guarantee capital, cash in lieu of guarantee capital, and guarantees provided by participants in the associated ICO by virtue of their participation in that associated ICO pursuant to Article 14 (4) to (7);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nThat withdrawals and borrowings by each associated ICO pursuant to subparagraphs (a) and (b) above shall be used only to meet stocking costs included in the MFR in accordance with paragraph 8 of this Article. Not more than any amount included in the MFR of each associated ICO to meet specified carrying costs in accordance with paragraph 8 of this Article shall be used to meet such costs;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nThat, except as provided for in paragraph 11 (c) of this Article, the Fund shall promptly make stock warrants available to the associated ICO for use in its buffer stock sales;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nThat the Fund shall respect the confidentiality of information provided by the associated ICO. 11. In the event of imminent default by an associated ICO on any of its borrowings from the Fund, the Fund shall consult with that associated ICO on measures to avoid such a default. To meet any default by an associated ICO, the Fund shall have recourse to the following resources, in the following order, up to the amount of the default:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nAny cash of the defaulting associated ICO held in the Fund;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nProceeds of pro rata calls of guarantee capital and guarantees provided by participants in the defaulting associated ICO by virtue of their participation in that associated ICO;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nSubject to paragraph 15 of this Article, any stock warrants pledged to, or assigned in trust for, the Fund by the defaulting associated ICO. 12. In the event that the Fund cannot otherwise meet its liabilities in respect of its first account borrowings, it shall meet such liabilities out of the following resources in the following order; provided that if an associated ICO shall have failed to meet its obligations towards the Fund, the Fund shall have already, to the fullest extent possible, made use of the resources referred to in paragraph 11 of this Article:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe special reserve;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nProceeds of subscriptions of paid-in shares allocated to the first account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nProceeds of subscriptions of payable shares;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nProceeds of pro rata calls of guarantee capital and guarantees provided by participants in a defaulting associated ICO by virtue of their participation in other associated ICOs. Payments made by participants in associated ICOs in accordance with (d) above shall be reimbursed by the Fund as soon as possible from resources provided in accordance with paragraphs 11, 15, 16 and 17 of this Article; any such resources remaining after such reimbursement shall be used to reconstitute in reverse order, the resources referred to in (a), (b) and (c) above. 13. The proceeds of pro rata calls of all guarantee capital and guarantees shall be Used by the Fund, following recourse to the resources listed in paragraph 12 (a), (b) and (c) of this Article, to meet any of its liabilities arising from the default of an associated ICO. 14. To enable the Fund to meet any liabilities which may be outstanding after recourse to the resources mentioned in paragraphs 12 and 13 of this Article, the shares of directly contributed capital shall be increased by the amount needed to meet such liablities and the governing council shall be convened in an emergency session to decide upon the modalities for such increase. 15. The Fund shall be free to dispose of commodity stocks forfeited to it by a defaulting associated ICO pursuant to paragraph 11 of this Article, provided that the Fund shall seek to avoid distress sales of such stocks by postponing the sales to the extent consistent with the need to avoid default on the Fund's own obligations. 16. The executive board shall at appropriate intervals review disposals of stocks to which the Fund has recourse in accordance with paragraph 11 (c) of this Article, in consultation with the associated ICO concerned, and shall decide by a qualified majority whether to postpone such disposals. 17. The proceeds of such disposals of stocks shall be used first to meet any liabilities of the Fund incurred in its first account borrowings in respect of the associated ICO concerned, and then to reconstitute, in the reverse order, the resources listed under paragraph 12 of this Article. Article 18\nThe second account\n1. The resources of the second account shall consist of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe part of directly contributed capital allocated to the second account in accordance with Article 10 (3);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nVoluntary contributions made to the second account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nSuch net income as may accrue from time to time in the second account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nBorrowings;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nAny other resources placed at the disposal of, received or acquired by, the Fund for its second account operations pursuant to this Agreement. 2. The aggregate amount of loans and grants made, and of participations therein, by the Fund through its second account operations shall not exceed the aggregate amount of the resources of the second account. 3. The Fund may make or participate in loans and, except for that portion of the directly contributed capital allocated to the second account, grants for the financing of measures in the field of commodities other than stocking from the resources of the second account, subject to the provisions of this Agreement and in particular to the following terms and conditions:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe measures shall be commodity development measures, aimed at improving the structural conditions in markets and at enhancing the long-term competitiveness and prospects of particular commodities. Such measures shall include research and development, productivity improvements, marketing and measures designed to assist, as a rule by means of joint financing or through technical assistance, vertical diversification, whether undertaken alone, as in the case of perishable commodities and other commodities whose problems cannot be adequately solved by stocking, or in addition to and in support of stocking activities. (b)\n\n\nThe measures shall be jointly sponsored and followed up by producers and consumers within the framework of an ICB. (c)\n\n\nThe operations of the Fund in the second account may take the form of loans and grants to an ICB or an agency thereof, or to a Member or Members designated by such ICB on terms and conditions which the executive board decides are appropriate, having regard to the economic situation of the ICB or the Member or Members concerned and the nature and requirements of the proposed operation. Such loans may be covered by government or other suitable guarantees from the ICB or the Member or Members designated by such ICB. (d)\n\n\nThe ICB sponsoring a project to be financed by the Fund through its second account shall submit to the Fund a detailed written proposal specifying the purpose, duration, location and cost of the project and the agency responsible for its execution. (e)\n\n\nBefore any loan or grant is made, the managing director shall present to the executive board a detailed appraisal of the proposal along with his recommendations and the advice of the Consultative Committee, as appropriate, in accordance with Article 25 (2). Decisions with regard to the selection and approval of proposals shall be made by the executive board by a qualified majority in accordance with this Agreement and any rules and regulations for the operations of the Fund adopted pursuant thereto. (f)\n\n\nFor the appraisal of project proposals presented to it for financing, the Fund shall, as a general rule, use the services of international or regional institutions and may, where appropriate, use the services of other competent agencies and consultants specialized in the field. The Fund may also entrust to such institutions the administration of loans or grants and the supervision of the implementation of projects financed by it. Such institutions, agencies and consultants shall be selected according to rules and regulations adopted by the governing council. (g)\n\n\nIn making or participating in any loan, the Fund shall pay due regard to the prospects that the borrower and any guarantor shall be in a position to meet their obligations to the Fund in respect of such transactions. (h)\n\n\nThe Fund shall enter into an agreement with the ICB, an agency thereof, the Member or Members concerned, specifying the amounts, terms and conditions of the loan or grant and providing, inter alia for any governmental or other appropriate guarantees in accordance with this Agreement and with any rules and regulations established by the Fund. (i)\n\n\nFunds to be provided under any financing operation shall be made available to the recipient only to meet expenses in connection with the project as they are actually incurred. (j)\n\n\nThe Fund shall not refinance projects initially financed from other sources. (k)\n\n\nLoans shall be repayable in the currency or currencies loaned. (l)\n\n\nThe Fund shall as far as possible avoid duplication of its second account activities with existing international and regional financial institutions, but may participate in co-financing with such institutions. (m)\n\n\nIn determining its priorities for the use of the resources of the second account, the Fund shall give due emphasis to commodities of interest to the least developed countries. (n)\n\n\nIn considering projects for the second account due emphasis shall be given to the commodities of interest to developing countries, particularly those of small producers-exporters. (o)\n\n\nThe Fund shall pay due regard to desirability of not using a disproportionate amount of its second account resources for the benefit of any particular commodity. 4. The Fund's borrowing for the second account, under Article 16 (5) (a), shall be in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted by the governing council and shall be subject to the following:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nSuch borrowing shall be on concessional terms to be specified in rules and regulations to be adopted by the Fund and its proceeds shall not be re-lent on terms which are more concessional than those on which they are acquired. (b)\n\n\nFor the purposes of accounting the proceeds of the borrowing shall be placed in a loan account whose resources shall be held, used, committed, invested or otherwise disposed of, entirely separately from other resources of the Fund, including the other resources of the second account. (c)\n\n\nThe other resources of the Fund, including other resources of the second account, shall not be charged with losses, or used to discharge liabilities, arising out of operations or other activities of such a loan account. (d)\n\n\nThe borrowings for the second account shall be approved by the executive board. CHAPTER VII\n\nORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT\n\nArticle 19\nStructure of the Fund\nThe Fund shall have a governing council, an executive board, a managing director and such staff as may be necessary to carry out its functions. Article 20\nGoverning council\n1. All the powers of the Fund shall be vested in the governing council. 2. Each Member shall appoint one governor and one alternate to serve on the governing council at the pleasure of the appointing Member. The alternate may participate in meetings but may vote only in the absence of his principal. 3. The governing council may delegate to the executive board authority to exercise any powers of the governing council, except the power:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo determinate the fundamental policy of the Fund;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nTo agree on terms and conditions for accession to this Agreement in accordance with Article 56;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTo suspend a Member;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nTo increase or decrease the shares of directly contributed capital;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nTo adopt amendments to this Agreement;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nTo terminate the operations of the Fund and to distribute the Fund's assets in accordance with chapter IX;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(g)\n\n\nTo appoint the managing director;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(h)\n\n\nTo decide appeals by Members on decisions made by the executive board concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(i)\n\n\nTo approve the audited annual statement of accounts of the Fund;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(j)\n\n\nTo take decisions pursuant to Article 16 (4), relating to net earnings after provision for the special reserve;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(k)\n\n\nTo approve proposed association agreements;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(l)\n\n\nTo approve proposed agreements with other international organizations in accordance with Article 29 (1) and (2);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(m)\n\n\nTo decide on replenishments of the second account in accordance with Article 13. 4. The governing council shall hold an annual meeting and such special meetings as it may decide, or as are called for by 15 governors holding at least one-fourth of the total voting power, or as requested by the executive board. 5. A quorum for any meeting of the governing council shall be constituted by a majority of the governors holding not less than two-thirds of the total voting power. 6. The governing council shall by a highly qualified majority establish such rules and regulations consistent with this Agreement as it deems necessary for the conduct of the business of the Fund. 7. Governors and alternates shall serve as such without compensation from the Fund, unless the governing council decides by a qualified majority to pay them reasonable per diem and travel expenses incurred in attending meetings. 8. At each annual meeting, the governing council shall elect a chairman from among the governors. The chairman shall hold office until the election of his successor. He may be re-elected for one successive term. Article 21\nVoting in the governing council\n1. Votes in the governing council shall be distributed among Member States in accordance with schedule D. 2. Decisions in the governing council shall, whenever possible, be taken without vote. 3. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all matters before the governing council shall be decided by a simple majority. 4. The governing council may by rules and regulations establish a procedure whereby the executive board may obtain a vote of the council on a specific question without calling a meeting of the council. Article 22\nExecutive board\n1. The executive board shall be responsible for the conduct of the operations of the Fund and shall report to the governing council thereon. For this purpose the executive board shall exercise the powers accorded to it elsewhere in this agreement or delegated to it by the governing council. In the exercise of any delegated powers, the executive board shall take decisions by the same levels of majority that would apply were such powers retained by the governing council. 2. The governing council shall elect 28 executive directors and one alternate to each executive director in the manner specified in schedule E. 3. Each executive director and alternate shall be elected for a term of two years and may be re-elected. They shall continue in office until their successors are elected. An alternate may participate in meetings but may vote only in the absence of his principal. 4. The executive board shall function at the headquarters of the Fund and shall meet as often as the business of the Fund may require. 5. (a)\n\n\nThe executive directors and their alternates shall serve without remuneration from the Fund. The Fund may, however, pay them reasonable per diem and travel expenses incurred in attending meetings. (b)\n\n\nNotwithstanding subparagraph (a) above, the executive directors and their alternates shall be remunerated by the Fund if the governing council decides by a qualified majority that they shall serve on a full-time basis. 6. A quorum for any meeting of the executive board shall be constituted by a majority of executive directors holding not less than two-thirds of the total voting power. 7. The executive board may invite the executive heads of associated ICOs and of ICBs to participate, without vote, in the deliberations of the executive board. 8. The executive board shall invite the Secretary-General of Unctad to attend the meetings of the executive board as an observer. 9. The executive board may invite the representatives of other interested international bodies to attend its meetings as observers. Article 23\n\n\nVoting in the executive board\n\n1. Each executive director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes attributable to the Members he represents. These votes need not be cast as a unit. 2. Decisions in the executive board shall, whenever possible, be taken without vote. 3. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all matters before the executive board shall be decided by a simple majority. Article 24\nManaging director and staff\n1. The governing council shall by a qualified majority appoint the managing director. If the appointee is, at the time of his appointment, a governor or an executive director, or an alternate, he shall resign from such position prior to taking up his duties as managing director. 2. The managing director shall conduct, under the direction of the governing council and the executive board, the ordinary business of the Fund. 3. The managing director shall be the chief executive officer of the Fund and the chairman of the executive board, and shall participate in its meetings without the right to vote. 4. The term of office of the managing director shall be four years and he may be reappointed for one successive term. However, he shall cease to hold office at any time the governing council so decides by a qualified majority. 5. The managing director shall be responsible for the organization, appointment and dismissal of the staff pursuant to staff rules and regulations to be adopted by the Fund. In appointing the staff the managing director shall, subject to the paramount importance of securing the highest standards of efficiency and of technical competence, pay due regard to recruiting personnel on as wide as geographical basis as possible. 6. The managing director and staff, in the discharge of their functions, shall owe their duty entirely to the Fund and to no other authority. Each Member shall respect the international character of this duty and shall refrain from all attempts to influence the managing director or any of the staff in the discharge of their functions. Article 25\nConsultative committee\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. (a)\n\n\nThe governing council shall, taking into account the need to make the second account operational as soon as possible, establish as early as possible a consultative committee in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted by the governing council, to facilitate the operations of the second account. (b)\n\n\nIn the composition of the consultative committee, due regard shall be paid to the need for a broad and equitable geographical distribution, individual expertise in commodity development issues, and the desirability of a broad representation of interests, including of voluntary contributors. 2. The functions of the consultative committee shall be:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nTo advise the executive board on technical and economic aspects of the programmes of measures proposed by ICBs to the Fund for financing and co-financing through the second account and on the priorities to be attached to such proposals;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nTo advise, at the request of the executive board, on specific aspects connected with the appraisal of particular projects being considered for financing through the second account;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nTo advise the executive board on guidelines and criteria for determining the relative priorities among measures within the scope of the second account, for appraisal procedures for making grants and loan assistance, and for co-financing with other international financial institutions and other entities;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nTo comment on reports from the managing director on the supervision, implementation and evaluation of projects being financed through the second account. Article 26\n\nBudgetary and audit provisions\n\n1. The administrative expenses of the Fund shall be covered by revenues of the first account\n2. The managing director shall prepare an annual administrative budget, which shall be considered by the executive board and be transmitted, together with its recommendations, to the governing council for approval. 3. The managing director shall arrange for an annual independent and external audit of the accounts. of the Fund. The audited statement of accounts, after consideration by the executive board, shall be transmitted, together with its recommendations, to the governing council for approval. Article 27\nLocation of headquarters\nThe headquarters of the Fund shall be located in the place decided upon by the governing council by a qualified majority, if possible at its first annual meeting. The fund may, by a decision of the governing council, establish other offices, as necessary, in the territory of any Member. Article 28\nPublication of reports\nThe Fund shall issue and transmit to Members an annual report containing an audited statement of accounts. After adoption by the governing council, such report and statement shall also be transmitted for information to the General Assembly of the United Nations, to the Trade and Development Board of Unctad, to associated ICOs and to other interested international organizations. Article 29\nRelations with the United Nations and other organizations\n1. The Fund may enter into negotiations with the United Nations with a view to concluding an agreement to bring the Fund into relationship with the United Nations as one of the specialized agencies referred to in Article 57 of the Charter of the United Nations. Any agreement concluded in accordance with Article 63 of the Charter shall require the approval of the governing council, upon the recommendation of the executive board. 2. The Fund may cooperate closely with Unctad and the organizations of the United Nations system, other intergovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies concerned with related fields of activities and, if deemed necessary, enter into agreements with such bodies. 3. The Fund may establish working arrangements with the bodies referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, as may be decided by the executive board. CHAPTER VIII\n\nWITHDRAWAL AND SUSPENSION OF MEMBERSHIP AND WITHDRAWAL OF ASSOCIATED ICOS\n\nArticle 30\nWithdrawal of Members\nA Member may at any time, except as provided for in Article 35 (2) (b), and subject to the provisions of Article 32, withdraw from the Fund by transmitting a notice in writing to the Fund. Such withdrawal shall become effective on the date specified on the notice, which shall be not less than 12 months after receipt of the notice by the Fund. Article 31\nSuspension of membership\n1. If a Member fails to fulfil any of its financial obligations to the Fund, the governing council may, except as provided for in Article 35 (2) (b) by a qualified majority, suspend its membership. The Member so suspended shall automatically cease to be a Member one year from the date of its suspension, unless the governing council decides to extend the suspension for a further period of one year. 2. When the governing council is satisfied that the suspended Member has fulfilled its financial obligations to the Fund, the council shall restore the Member to good standing. 3. While under suspension, a Member shall not be entitled to exercise any rights under this Agreement, except the right of withdrawal and to arbitration during the termination of the Fund's operations, but shall remain subject to compliance with all its obligations under this Agreement. Article 32\nSettlement of accounts\n1. When a Member ceases to be a Member, it shall remain liable thereafter to meet all calls made by the Fund before, and payments outstanding as of, the date on which it ceased to be a Member in respect of its obligations to the Fund. It shall also remain liable to meet its obligations in respect of its guarantee capital, until arrangements satisfactory to the Fund have been made which comply with Article 14 (4) to (7). Each association agreement shall provide that, if a participant in the respective associated ICO ceases to be a Member, the associated ICO shall ensure that such arrangements are completed not later than the date on which the Member ceases to be a Member. 2. When a Member ceases to be a Member, the Fund shall arrange for the repurchase of its shares consistent with Article 16 (2) and (3) as a part of the settlement of accounts with that Member, and shall cancel its guarantee capital provided that the obligations and requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this Article have been met. The repurchase price of the shares shall be value shown by the books of the Fund as at the date the Member ceases to be a Member, provided that any amount thus due to the Member may be applied by the Fund to any liability outstanding to the Fund from that Member pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article. Article 33\nWithdrawal of associated ICOs\n1. An associated ICO may, subject to the terms and conditions of the association agreement, withdraw from association with the Fund, provided that such associated ICO shall repay all outstanding loans received from the Fund before the date on which such withdrawal becomes effective. The associated ICO and its participants shall remain liable thereafter only to meet calls made by the Fund before that date in respect of their obligations to the Fund. 2. When an associated ICO ceases to be associated with the Fund, the Fund shall, after the fulfilment of the obligations specified in paragraph 1 of this Article:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nArrange for the refund of any cash deposit and for the return of any stock warrants it holds for the account of that associated ICO;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nArrange for the refund of any cash deposited in lieu of guarantee capital, and cancel relevant guarantee capital and guarantees. CHAPTER IX\nSUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF OPERATIONS AND SETTLEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS\nArticle 34\nTemporary suspension of operations\nIn an emergency, the executive board may temporarily suspend such of the Fund's operations as it considers necessary pending an opportunity for further consideration and action by the governing council. Article 35\nTermination of operations\n1. The governing council may terminate the Fund's operations by a decision taken by a vote of two-thirds of the total number of governors holding not less than three-fourths of the total voting power. Upon such termination, the Fund shall forthwith cease all activities, except those necessary for the orderly realization and conservation of its assets and the settlement of its outstanding obligations. 2. Until final settlement of its obligations and final distribution of its assets, the Fund shall remain in existence, and all rights and obligations of the Fund and of its Members under this Agreement shall continue unimpaired, except that:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe Fund shall not be obliged to provide for withdrawal on demand of associated ICO deposits in accordance with Article 17 (10) (a), or to make new loans to associated ICOs in accordance with Article 17 (10) (b);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nNo Member may withdraw or be suspended after the decision to terminate has been taken. Article 36\nSettlement of obligations: general provisions\n1. The executive board shall make such arrangements as are necessary to ensure the orderly realization of the Fund's assets. Before making any payments to creditors holding direct claims, the executive board shall, by a qualified majority, make such reserves or arrangements as are necessary, in its sole judgement, to ensure a distribution to holders of contingent claims pro rata with creditors holding direct claims. 2. No distribution of assets shall be made in accordance with this chapter until:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nAll liabilities of the account in question have been discharged or provided for; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThe governing council has decided to make a distribution by a qualified majority. 3. Following a decision of the governing council under paragraph 2 (b) of this Article, the executive board shall make successive distributions of any remaining assets of the account in question until all such assets have been distributed. Such distribution to any Member or any participant in an associated ICO which is not a Member shall be subject to the prior settlement of all outstanding claims of the Fund against that Member or participant and shall be effected at such times and in such currencies or other assets as the governing council shall deem fair and equitable. Article 37\nSettlement of obligations: first account\n1. Any loans outstanding to associated ICOs in respect of first account operations at the time of a decision to terminate the Fund's operations shall be repaid by the associated ICOs concerned within 12 months of the decision to terminate. On repayment of such loans, stock warrants pledged to, or assigned in trust for, the Fund in respect of those loans shall be returned to the associated ICOs. 2. Stock warrants pledged to, or assigned in trust for, the Fund in respect of commodities acquired with cash deposits of associated ICOs shall be returned to such associated ICOs in a manner consistent with the treatment of cash deposits and surpluses specified in paragraph 3 (b) of this Article to the extent that such associated ICOs have fully discharged their obligations to the Fund. 3. The following liabilities incurred by the Fund in respect of first account operations shall be discharged pari passu through the use of the assets of the first account, in accordance with Article 17 (12) to (14):\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nLiabilities to creditors of the Fund; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nLiabilities to associated ICOs in respect of cash deposits and surpluses held in the Fund in accordance with Article 14 (1), (2), (3) and (8), to the extent that such associated ICOs have fully discharged their obligations to the Fund. 4. Distribution of any remaining assets of the first account shall be made on the following basis and in the following order:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nAmounts up to the value of any capital called from and paid by Members in accordance with Article 17 (12) (d) and (13), shall be distributed to such Members pro rata to their shares in the total value of such guarantee capital called and paid;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAmounts up to the value of any guarantees called from and paid by participants in associated ICOs which are not Members in accordance with Article 17 (12) (d) and (13), shall be distributed to such participants pro rata to their shares in the total value of such guarantees called and paid. 5. Distribution of any assets of the first account remaining after the distributions provided for in paragraph 4 of this Article shall be made to Members pro rata to their subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital allocated to the first account. Article 38\n\n\nSettlement of obligations: second account\n\n1. Liabilities incurred by the Fund in respect of second account operations shall be discharged through the use of the resources of the second account, pursuant to Article 18 (4). 2. Distribution of any remaining assets of the second account shall be made first to Members up to the value of their subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital allocated to that account pusuant to Article 10 (3), and then to contributors to that account pro rata to their share in the total amount contributed pursuant to Article 13. Article 39\n\nSettlement of obligations: other assets of the Fund\n1. Any other asset shall be realized at a time or times to be decided by the governing council, in the light of recommendations made by the executive board and in accordance with procedures determined by the executive board by a qualified majority. 2. Proceeds realized by the sale of such assets shall be used to discharge pro rata the liabilities referred to in Article 37 (3) and Article 38 (1). Any remaining assets shall be distributed first on the basis and in the order specified in Article 37 (4), and then to Members pro rata to their subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital. CHAPTER X\n\nSTATUS, PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES\n\nArticle 40\nPurposes\nTo enable the Fund to fulfil the functions with which it is entrusted, the status, privileges and immunities set forth in this chapter shall be accorded to the Fund in the territory of each Member. Article 41\nLegal status of the Fund\nThe Fund shall possess full juridical personality, and, in particular, the capacity to conclude international agreements with States and international organizations, to enter into contracts, to acquire and dispose of immovable property, and to institute legal proceedings. Article 42\nImmunity from juridical proceedings\n1. The Fund shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process, except for actions which may be brought against the Fund:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nBy lenders of funds borrowed by the Fund with respect to such funds;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nBy buyers or holders of securities, issued by the Fund with respect to such securities; and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nBy assignees and successors in interest thereof with respect to the aforementioned transactions. Such actions may be brought only before courts of competent jurisdiction in places in which the Fund has agreed in writing with the other party to be subject. However, if no provision is made as to the forum, or if an agreement as to the jurisdiction of such courts is not effective for reasons other than the fault of the party bringing legal action against the Fund, then such action may be brought before a competent court in the place in which the Fund has its headquarters or has appointed an agent for the purpose of accepting service or notice of process. 2. No action shall be brought against the Fund by Members, associated ICOs, ICBs, or their participants or persons acting for or deriving claims from them, except in cases as in paragraph 1 of this Article. Nevertheles, associated ICOs, ICBs, or their participants shall have recourse to such special procedures to settle controversies between themselves and the Fund as may be prescribed in agreements with the Fund, and, in the case of Members, in this agreement and in any rules and regulations adopted by the Fund. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, any form of taking, foreclosure, seizure, all forms of attachment, injunction, or other judicial process impeding disbursement of funds or covering or impeding disposition of any commodity stocks or stock warrants, and any other interlocutory measures before the delivery of a final judgment against the Fund by a court having jurisdiction in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article. The Fund may agree with its creditors to limit the property or assets of the Fund which may be subject to execution in satisfaction of a final judgment. Article 43\nImmunity of assets from other actions\nThe property and assets of the Fund, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference or taking whether by executive or legislative action. Article 44\nImmunity of archives\nThe archives of the Fund, wherever located, shall be inviolable. Article 45\nFreedom of assets from restrictions\nTo the extent necessary to carry out the operations provided for in this Agreement and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, all property and assets of the Fund shall be free from restrictions, regulations, controls, and moratoria of any nature. Article 46\nPrivilege for communications\nAs far as may be compatible with any international convention on telecommunications in force and concluded under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union to which a Member is a party, the official communications of the Fund shall be accorded by each Member the same treatment that is accorded to the official communications of other Members. Article 47\nImmunities and privileges of specified individuals\nAll governors, executive directors, their alternates, the managing director, members of the consultative committee, experts performing missions for the Fund, and the staff, other than persons in domestic service of the Fund:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nShall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity except when the Fund waives such immunity;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nWhen they are not nationals of the Member concerned, shall be accorded, as well as their families forming part of their household, the same immunities from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national service obligations and the same facilities as regards exchange restrictions as are accorded by such Member to the representatives, officials and employees of comparable rank of other international financial institutions of which it is a member;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nShall be granted the same treatment in respect of travelling facilities as is accorded by each Member to representatives, officials and employees of comparable rank of other international financial institutions of which it is a member. Article 48\nImmunities from taxation\n1. Within the scope of its official activities, the Fund, its assets, property, income and its operations and transactions authorized by this Agreement shall be exempt from all direct taxation and from all customs duties on goods imported or exported for its official use, provided that this shall not prevent any Member from imposing its normal taxes and customs duties on commodities which originate from the territory of such Member and which are forfeited to the Fund through any circumstance. The Fund shall not claim exemption from taxes which are no more than charges for services rendered. 2. When purchases of goods or services of substantial value necessary for the official activities of the Fund are made by or on behalf of the Fund, and when the price of such purchases includes taxes or duties, appropriate measures shall, to the extent possible and subject to the law of the Member concerned, be taken by such Member to grant exemption from such taxes or duties or provide for their reimbursement. Goods imported or purchased under an exemption provided for in this Article shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of in the territory of the Member which granted the exemption, except under conditions agreed with that Member. 3. No tax shall be levied by Members on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid or any other form of payment made by the Fund to governors. executive directors, their alternates, members of the consultative committee, the managing director and staff, as well as experts performing missions for the Fund, who are not their citizens, nationals or subjects. 4. No taxation of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security issued or guaranteed by the Fund, including any dividend or interest thereon, by whomsoever held:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nWhich discriminates against such obligation or security solely because it is issued or guaranteed by the Fund;\nor\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nIf the sole jurisdictional basis for such taxation is the place or currency in which it is issued, made payable or paid, or the location of any office or place of business maintained by the Fund. Article 49\nWaiver of immunities, exemptions and privilegs\n1. The immunities, exemptions and privileges provided in this chapter are granted in the interests of the Fund. The Fund may waive to such extent and upen such conditions as it may determine the immunities, exemptions and privileges provided in this chapter in cases where its action would not prejudice the interests of the Fund. 2. The Managing Director shall have the power, as may be delegated to him by the governing council, and the duty to waive the immunity of any of the staff, and experts performing missions for the Fund, in cases where the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the Fund. Article 50\nApplication of this chapter\nEach Member shall take such action as is necessary for the purpose of making effective in its territory the principles and obligations set forth in this chapter. CHAPTER XI\n\nAMENDMENTS\n\nArticle 51\nAmendments\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. (a)\n\n\nAny proposal to amend this Agreement emanating from a Member shall be notified to all Members by the managing director and referred to the executive board, which shall submit its recommendations thereon to the governing council. (b)\n\n\nAny proposal to amend this Agreement emanating from the executive board shall be notified to all Members by the managing director and referred to the governing council. 2. Amendments shall be adopted by the governing council by a highly qualified majority. Amendments shall enter into force six months after their adoption unless otherwise specified by the governing council. 3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Article, any amendment modifying:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nThe right of any Member to withdraw from the Fund;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nAny voting majority requirement provided for in this Agreement;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nThe limitation on liability provided in Article 6;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nThe right to subscribe or not to subscribe shares of directly contributed capital pursuant to Article 9 (5);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nThe procedure for amending this Agreement\n\n\n\n\nshall not come into force until accepted by all Members. Acceptance shall be deemed to have been given unless any Member notifies its objection to the managing director in writing within six months after the adoption of the amendment. Such period of time may be extended by the governing council at the time of the adoption of the amendment, at the request of any Member. 4. The Managing Director shall immediately notify all Members and the depositary of any amendments that are adopted and of the date of the entry into force of any such amendments. CHAPTER XII\n\nINTERPRETATION AND ARBITRATION\n\nArticle 52\nInterpretation\n1. Any question of interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement arising between any Member and the Fund or between Members shall be submitted to the executive board for decision. Such Member or Members shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the executive board during the consideration of such question in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted by the governing council. 2. In any case where the executive board has given a decision under paragraph 1 of this Article, any Member may require, within three months from the date of notification of the decision, that the question be referred to the governing council, which shall take a decision at its next meeting by a highly qualified majority. The decision of the governing council shall be final. 3. Where the governing council has been unable to reach a decision under paragraph 2 of this Article, the question shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 53 (2), if any Member so requests within three months after the final day of consideration of the question by the governing council. Article 53\nArbitration\n1. Any dispute between the Fund and any Member which has withdrawn, or between the Fund and any Member during the termination of the Fund's operations, shall be submitted to arbitration. 2. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators. Each party to the dispute shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators so appointed shall appoint the third arbitrator, who shall be the chairman. If within 45 days of receipt of the request for arbitration either party has not appointed an arbitrator, or if within 30 days of the appointment of the two arbitrators the third arbitrator has not been appointed, either party may request the President of the International Court of Justice, or such other authority as may have been prescribed by rules and regulations adopted by the governing council, to appoint an arbitrator. If the President of the International Court of Justice has been requested under this paragraph to appoint an arbitrator and if the President is a national of a State party to the dispute or is unable to discharge his duties, the authority to appoint the arbitrator shall devolve on the Vice-President of the Court, or, if he is similarly precluded, on the oldest among the members of the Court not so precluded who have been longest on the bench. The procedure of arbitration shall be fixed by the arbitrators but the chairman shall have full power to settle all questions of procedure in any case of disagreement with respect thereto. A majority vote of the arbitrators shall be sufficient to reach a decision, which shall be final and binding upon the parties. 3. Unless a different procedure for arbitration is provided for in an association agreement, any dispute between the Fund and the associated ICO shall be subject to arbitration in accordance with the procedures provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article. CHAPTER XIII\n\nFINAL PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 54\nSignature and ratification, acceptance or approval\n1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by all States listed in schedule A, and by intergovernmental organizations specified in Article 4 (b), at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 October 1980 until one year after the date of its entry into force. 2. Any signatory State or signatory intergovernmental organization may become a party to this Agreement by depositing an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval until 18 months after the date of its entry into force. Article 55\nDepositary\nThe Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the depositary of this Agreement. Article 56\nAccession\nAfter the entry into force of this Agreement, any State or intergovernmental organization specified in Article 4 may accede to this Agreement upon such terms and conditions as are agreed between the governing council and that State or intergovernmental organization. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument of accession with the depositary. Article 57\nEntry into force\n1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon receipt by the depositary of instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval from at least 90 States, provided that their total subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital comprise not less than two thirds of the total subscriptions of shares of directly contributed capital allocated to all the States specified in schedule A and that not less than 50 % of the target for pledges of voluntary contributions to the second account specified in Article 13 (2), has been met, and further provided that the foregoing requirements have been fulfilled by 31 March 1982 or by such later date as the States that have deposited such instruments by the end of that period may decide by a two-thirds majority vote of those States. If the foregoing requirements have not been fulfilled by that later date the States that have deposited such instruments by that later date, may decide by a two-thirds majority vote of those States on a subsequent date. The States concerned shall notify the depositary of any decisions taken under this paragraph. 2. For any State or intergovernmental organization that deposits an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval after the entry into force of this Agreement, and for any State or intergovernmental organization that deposits an instrument of accession, this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of such deposit. Article 58\nReservations\nReservations may not be made with respct to any of the provisions of this Agreement, except with respect to Article 53. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have affixed their signatures under this Agreement on the dates indicated. Done at Geneva on the twenty-seventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eighty, in one original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic. SCHEDULE A\nSUBSCRIPTIONS OF SHARES OF DIRECTLY CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState\n\n\nPaid-in shares\n\n\nPayable shares\n\n\nTotal\n\n\n\n\nNumber\n\n\nValue\n(units of account)\n\n\nNumber\n\n\nValue\n(units of account)\n\n\nNumber\n\n\nValue\n(units of account)\n\n\n\n\nAfghanistan\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nAlbania\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nAlgeria\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n9\n\n\n68\u00a0098\n\n\n127\n\n\n960\u00a0942\n\n\n\n\nAngola\n\n\n117\n\n\n885\u00a0277\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n125\n\n\n945\u00a0809\n\n\n\n\nArgentina\n\n\n153\n\n\n1\u00a0157\u00a0670\n\n\n26\n\n\n196\u00a0728\n\n\n179\n\n\n1\u00a0354\u00a0398\n\n\n\n\nAustralia\n\n\n425\n\n\n3\u00a0215\u00a0750\n\n\n157\n\n\n1\u00a0187\u00a0936\n\n\n582\n\n\n4\u00a0403\u00a0686\n\n\n\n\nAustria\n\n\n246\n\n\n1\u00a0861\u00a0352\n\n\n70\n\n\n529\u00a0653\n\n\n316\n\n\n2\u00a0391\u00a0005\n\n\n\n\nBahamas\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nBahrain\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nBangladesh\n\n\n129\n\n\n976\u00a0075\n\n\n14\n\n\n105\u00a0931\n\n\n143\n\n\n1\u00a0082\u00a0005\n\n\n\n\nBarbados\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n\n\nBelgium\n\n\n349\n\n\n2\u00a0640\u00a0699\n\n\n121\n\n\n915\u00a0543\n\n\n470\n\n\n3\u00a0556\u00a0242\n\n\n\n\nBenin\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nBhutan\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nBolivia\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n119\n\n\n900\u00a0410\n\n\n\n\nBotswana\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nBrazil\n\n\n338\n\n\n2\u00a0557\u00a0467\n\n\n115\n\n\n870\u00a0144\n\n\n453\n\n\n3\u00a0427\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nBulgaria\n\n\n152\n\n\n1\u00a0150\u00a0104\n\n\n25\n\n\n189\u00a0162\n\n\n177\n\n\n1\u00a0339\u00a0265\n\n\n\n\nBurkino Faso\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nBurma\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n\n\nBurundi\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nByelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nCanada\n\n\n732\n\n\n5\u00a0538\u00a0657\n\n\n306\n\n\n2\u00a0315\u00a0340\n\n\n1\u00a0038\n\n\n7\u00a0853\u00a0997\n\n\n\n\nCape Verde\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nCentral African Republic\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n\n\nChad\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nChile\n\n\n173\n\n\n1\u00a0309\u00a0000\n\n\n35\n\n\n264\u00a0827\n\n\n208\n\n\n1\u00a0573\u00a0826\n\n\n\n\nChina\n\n\n1\u00a0111\n\n\n8\u00a0406\u00a0350\n\n\n489\n\n\n3\u00a0700\u00a0005\n\n\n1\u00a0600\n\n\n12\u00a0106\u00a0354\n\n\n\n\nColombia\n\n\n151\n\n\n1\u00a0142\u00a0537\n\n\n25\n\n\n189\u00a0162\n\n\n176\n\n\n1\u00a0331\u00a0699\n\n\n\n\nComoros\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nCongo\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nCosta Rica\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n126\n\n\n953\u00a0375\n\n\n\n\nCuba\n\n\n184\n\n\n1\u00a0392\u00a0231\n\n\n41\n\n\n310\u00a0225\n\n\n225\n\n\n1\u00a0702\u00a0456\n\n\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nCzechoslovakia\n\n\n292\n\n\n2\u00a0209\u00a0410\n\n\n1\n\n\n703\u00a0682\n\n\n385\n\n\n2\u00a0913\u00a0092\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic Kampuchea\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic People's Republic of Korea\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic Yemen\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nDenmark\n\n\n242\n\n\n1\u00a0831\u00a0086\n\n\n68\n\n\n514\u00a0520\n\n\n310\n\n\n2\u00a0345\u00a0606\n\n\n\n\nDjibouti\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nDominica\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nDominican Republic\n\n\n121\n\n\n915\u00a0543\n\n\n10\n\n\n75\u00a0665\n\n\n131\n\n\n991\u00a0208\n\n\n\n\nEcuador\n\n\n117\n\n\n885\u00a0277\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n125\n\n\n945\u00a0809\n\n\n\n\nEgypt\n\n\n147\n\n\n1\u00a0112\u00a0271\n\n\n22\n\n\n166\u00a0462\n\n\n169\n\n\n1\u00a0278\u00a0734\n\n\n\n\nEl Salvador\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n9\n\n\n68\u00a0098\n\n\n127\n\n\n960\u00a0942\n\n\n\n\nEquatorial Guinea\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nEthiopia\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n112\n\n\n847\u00a0445\n\n\n\n\nFiji\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nFinland\n\n\n196\n\n\n1\u00a0483\u00a0028\n\n\n46\n\n\n348\u00a0058\n\n\n242\n\n\n1\u00a0831\u00a0086\n\n\n\n\nFrance\n\n\n1\u00a0385\n\n\n10\u00a0479\u00a0563\n\n\n621\n\n\n4\u00a0698\u00a0779\n\n\n2\u00a0006\n\n\n15\u00a0178\u00a0342\n\n\n\n\nGabon\n\n\n109\n\n\n824\u00a0745\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n\n\nGambia\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n\n\nGerman Democratic Republic\n\n\n351\n\n\n2\u00a0655\u00a0831\n\n\n121\n\n\n915\u00a0543\n\n\n472\n\n\n3 571\u00a0375\n\n\n\n\nGermany, Federal Republic of\n\n\n1\u00a0819\n\n\n13\u00a0763\u00a0412\n\n\n831\n\n\n6\u00a0287\u00a0738\n\n\n2\u00a0650\n\n\n20\u00a0051\u00a0149\n\n\n\n\nGhana\n\n\n129\n\n\n976\u00a0075\n\n\n14\n\n\n105\u00a0931\n\n\n143\n\n\n1\u00a0082\u00a0005\n\n\n\n\nGreece\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nGrenada\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nGuatemala\n\n\n120\n\n\n907\u00a0977\n\n\n10\n\n\n75\u00a0665\n\n\n130\n\n\n983\u00a0641\n\n\n\n\nGuinea\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nGuinea-Bissau\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nGuyana\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n122\n\n\n847\u00a0445\n\n\n\n\nHaiti\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n\n\nHoly See\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nHonduras\n\n\n110\n\n\n832\u00a0312\n\n\n5\n\n\n37\u00a0832\n\n\n115\n\n\n870\u00a0144\n\n\n\n\nHungary\n\n\n205\n\n\n1\u00a0551\u00a0127\n\n\n51\n\n\n385\u00a0890\n\n\n256\n\n\n1\u00a0937\u00a0017\n\n\n\n\nIceland\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nIndia\n\n\n197\n\n\n1\u00a0490\u00a0595\n\n\n47\n\n\n355\u00a0624\n\n\n244\n\n\n1\u00a0846\u00a0219\n\n\n\n\nIndonesia\n\n\n181\n\n\n1\u00a0369\u00a0531\n\n\n39\n\n\n295\u00a0092\n\n\n220\n\n\n1\u00a0664\u00a0624\n\n\n\n\nIran\n\n\n126\n\n\n953\u00a0375\n\n\n12\n\n\n90\u00a0798\n\n\n138\n\n\n1\u00a0044\u00a0173\n\n\n\n\nIraq\n\n\n111\n\n\n839\u00a0878\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n117\n\n\n885\u00a0277\n\n\n\n\nIreland\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nIsrael\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n126\n\n\n953\u00a0375\n\n\n\n\nItaly\n\n\n845\n\n\n6\u00a0393\u00a0668\n\n\n360\n\n\n2\u00a0723\u00a0930\n\n\n1\u00a0205\n\n\n9\u00a0117\u00a0598\n\n\n\n\nIvory Coast\n\n\n147\n\n\n1\u00a0112\u00a0271\n\n\n22\n\n\n166\u00a0462\n\n\n169\n\n\n1\u00a0278\u00a0734\n\n\n\n\nJamaica\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n119\n\n\n900\u00a0410\n\n\n\n\nJapan\n\n\n2\u00a0303\n\n\n17\u00a0425\u00a0584\n\n\n1\u00a0064\n\n\n8\u00a0050\u00a0726\n\n\n3\u00a0367\n\n\n25\u00a0476\u00a0309\n\n\n\n\nJordan\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n\n\nKenya\n\n\n116\n\n\n877\u00a0711\n\n\n7\n\n\n52\u00a0965\n\n\n123\n\n\n930\u00a0676\n\n\n\n\nKuwait\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nLao People's Democratic Republic\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n\n\nLebanon\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nLesotho\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nLiberia\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n126\n\n\n953\u00a0375\n\n\n\n\nLibyan Arab Jamahiriya\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n3\n\n\n22\u00a0699\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n\n\nLiechtenstein\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nLuxembourg\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nMadagascar\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n3\n\n\n22\u00a0699\n\n\n109\n\n\n824\u00a0745\n\n\n\n\nMalawi\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nMalaysia\n\n\n248\n\n\n1\u00a0876\u00a0485\n\n\n72\n\n\n544\u00a0786\n\n\n320\n\n\n2\u00a0421\u00a0271\n\n\n\n\nMaldives\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nMali\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nMalta\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nMauritania\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n112\n\n\n847\u00a0445\n\n\n\n\nMauritius\n\n\n109\n\n\n824\u00a0745\n\n\n5\n\n\n37\u00a0832\n\n\n114\n\n\n8625\u00a078\n\n\n\n\nMexico\n\n\n144\n\n\n1089572\n\n\n21\n\n\n1588\u00a096\n\n\n165\n\n\n1248468\n\n\n\n\nMonaco\n\n\n100\n\n\n7566\u00a047\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n7566\u00a047\n\n\n\n\nMongolia\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n137\n\n\n1\u00a0036\u00a0607\n\n\n18\n\n\n136\u00a0196\n\n\n155\n\n\n1\u00a0172\u00a0803\n\n\n\n\nMozambique\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n3\n\n\n22\u00a0699\n\n\n109\n\n\n824\u00a0745\n\n\n\n\nNauru\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n7566\u00a047\n\n\n\n\nNepal\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n\n\nNetherlands\n\n\n430\n\n\n3\u00a0253\u00a0583\n\n\n159\n\n\n1\u00a0203\u00a0069\n\n\n589\n\n\n4\u00a0456\u00a0652\n\n\n\n\nNew Zealand\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nNicaragua\n\n\n114\n\n\n862\u00a0578\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n120\n\n\n907\u00a0977\n\n\n\n\nNiger\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nNigeria\n\n\n134\n\n\n1\u00a0013\u00a0907\n\n\n16\n\n\n121\u00a0064\n\n\n150\n\n\n1\u00a0134\u00a0971\n\n\n\n\nNorway\n\n\n202\n\n\n1\u00a0528\u00a0427\n\n\n49\n\n\n370\u00a0757\n\n\n251\n\n\n1\u00a0899\u00a0184\n\n\n\n\nOman\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nPakistan\n\n\n122\n\n\n923\u00a0110\n\n\n11\n\n\n83\u00a0231\n\n\n133\n\n\n1\u00a0006\u00a0341\n\n\n\n\nPanama\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n3\n\n\n22\u00a0699\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n\n\nPapua New Guinea\n\n\n116\n\n\n877\u00a0711\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n124\n\n\n938\u00a0242\n\n\n\n\nParaguay\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nPeru\n\n\n136\n\n\n1\u00a0029\u00a0040\n\n\n17\n\n\n128\u00a0630\n\n\n153\n\n\n1\u00a0157\u00a0670\n\n\n\n\nPhilippines\n\n\n183\n\n\n1\u00a0384\u00a0664\n\n\n40\n\n\n302\u00a0659\n\n\n223\n\n\n1\u00a0687\u00a0323\n\n\n\n\nPoland\n\n\n362\n\n\n2\u00a0739\u00a0063\n\n\n126\n\n\n953\u00a0375\n\n\n488\n\n\n3\u00a0692\u00a0438\n\n\n\n\nPortugal\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nQatar\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nRepublic of Korea\n\n\n151\n\n\n1\u00a0142\u00a0537\n\n\n25\n\n\n189\u00a0162\n\n\n176\n\n\n1\u00a0331\u00a0699\n\n\n\n\nRomania\n\n\n142\n\n\n1\u00a0074\u00a0439\n\n\n20\n\n\n151\u00a0329\n\n\n162\n\n\n1\u00a0225\u00a0768\n\n\n\n\nRwanda\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nSaint Lucia\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nSaint Vincent and the Grenadines\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nSamoa\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nSan Marino\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nSao Tome and Principe\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n\n\nSaudi Arabia\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n\n\nSenegal\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n7\n\n\n52\u00a0965\n\n\n120\n\n\n907\u00a0977\n\n\n\n\nSeychelles\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nSierra Leone\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n\n\nSingapore\n\n\n134\n\n\n1\u00a0013\u00a0907\n\n\n17\n\n\n128\u00a0630\n\n\n151\n\n\n1\u00a0142\u00a0537\n\n\n\n\nSolomon Islands\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n\n\nSomalia\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nSouth Africa\n\n\n309\n\n\n2\u00a0338\u00a0040\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n410\n\n\n3\u00a0102\u00a0253\n\n\n\n\nSpain\n\n\n447\n\n\n3\u00a0382\u00a0213\n\n\n167\n\n\n1\u00a0263\u00a0601\n\n\n614\n\n\n4\u00a0645\u00a0813\n\n\n\n\nSri Lanka\n\n\n124\n\n\n938\u00a0242\n\n\n12\n\n\n90\u00a0798\n\n\n136\n\n\n1\u00a0029\u00a0040\n\n\n\n\nSudan\n\n\n124\n\n\n938\u00a0242\n\n\n12\n\n\n90\u00a0798\n\n\n136\n\n\n1\u00a0029\u00a0040\n\n\n\n\nSuriname\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n\n\nSwaziland\n\n\n104\n\n\n786\u00a0913\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n106\n\n\n802\u00a0046\n\n\n\n\nSweden\n\n\n363\n\n\n2\u00a0746\u00a0629\n\n\n127\n\n\n960\u00a0942\n\n\n490\n\n\n3\u00a0707\u00a0571\n\n\n\n\nSwitzerland\n\n\n326\n\n\n2\u00a0466\u00a0670\n\n\n109\n\n\n824\u00a0745\n\n\n435\n\n\n3\u00a0291\u00a0415\n\n\n\n\nSyrian Arab Republic\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n7\n\n\n52\u00a0965\n\n\n120\n\n\n907\u00a0977\n\n\n\n\nThailand\n\n\n137\n\n\n1\u00a0036\u00a0607\n\n\n18\n\n\n136\u00a0196\n\n\n155\n\n\n1\u00a0172\u00a0803\n\n\n\n\nTogo\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n3\n\n\n22\u00a0699\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n\n\nTonga\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nTrinidad and Tobago\n\n\n103\n\n\n779\u00a0347\n\n\n2\n\n\n15\u00a0133\n\n\n105\n\n\n794\u00a0480\n\n\n\n\nTunisia\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n119\n\n\n900\u00a0410\n\n\n\n\nTurkey\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nUganda\n\n\n118\n\n\n892\u00a0844\n\n\n9\n\n\n68\u00a0098\n\n\n127\n\n\n960\u00a0942\n\n\n\n\nUkrainian Soviet Socialist Republic\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\nUnion of Soviet Socialist Republics\n\n\n1\u00a0865\n\n\n14\u00a0111\u00a0469\n\n\n853\n\n\n6\u00a0454\u00a0200\n\n\n2\u00a0718\n\n\n20\u00a0565\u00a0669\n\n\n\n\nUnited Arab Emirates\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland\n\n\n1\u00a0051\n\n\n7\u00a0952\u00a0361\n\n\n459\n\n\n3\u00a0473\u00a0010\n\n\n1\u00a0510\n\n\n11\u00a0425\u00a0372\n\n\n\n\nUnited Republic of Cameroon\n\n\n116\n\n\n877\u00a0711\n\n\n8\n\n\n60\u00a0532\n\n\n124\n\n\n938\u00a0242\n\n\n\n\nUnited Republic of Tanzania\n\n\n113\n\n\n855\u00a0011\n\n\n6\n\n\n45\u00a0399\n\n\n119\n\n\n900\u00a0410\n\n\n\n\nUnited States of America\n\n\n5\u00a0012\n\n\n37\u00a0923\u00a0155\n\n\n2\u00a0373\n\n\n17\u00a0955\u00a0237\n\n\n7\u00a0385\n\n\n55\u00a0878\u00a0392\n\n\n\n\nUruguay\n\n\n107\n\n\n809\u00a0612\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n111\n\n\n839\u00a0878\n\n\n\n\nVenezuela\n\n\n120\n\n\n907\u00a0977\n\n\n10\n\n\n75\u00a0665\n\n\n130\n\n\n983\u00a0641\n\n\n\n\nVietnam\n\n\n108\n\n\n817\u00a0179\n\n\n4\n\n\n30\u00a0266\n\n\n112\n\n\n847\u00a0445\n\n\n\n\nYemen\n\n\n101\n\n\n764\u00a0214\n\n\n1\n\n\n7\u00a0566\n\n\n102\n\n\n771\u00a0780\n\n\n\n\nYugoslavia\n\n\n151\n\n\n1\u00a0142\u00a0537\n\n\n24\n\n\n181\u00a0595\n\n\n175\n\n\n1\u00a0324\u00a0133\n\n\n\n\nZaire\n\n\n147\n\n\n1\u00a0112\u00a0271\n\n\n22\n\n\n166\u00a0462\n\n\n169\n\n\n1\u00a0278\u00a0734\n\n\n\n\nZambia\n\n\n157\n\n\n1\u00a0187\u00a0936\n\n\n27\n\n\n204\u00a0295\n\n\n184\n\n\n1\u00a0392\u00a0231\n\n\n\n\nZimbabwe\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n0\n\n\n0\n\n\n100\n\n\n756\u00a0647\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSCHEDULE B\nSPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 11 (6)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Members in the category of least developed countries as defined by the United Nations shall pay the paid-in shares referred to in Article 10 (1) (b), in the following manner:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\na payment of 30 per cent shall be made in three equal instalments over a period of three years;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\na subsequent payment of 30 per cent shall be made in instalments as and when decided by the executive board;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nafter payment of (a) and (b) above, the remaining 40 per cent shall be evidenced by Members by the deposit of irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes, and shall be paid as and when decided by the executive board. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 31, a least developed country shall not be suspended from its membership fot its failure to fulfil the financial obligations referred to in paragraph 1 of this schedule without being given the full opportunity to represent its case, within a reasonable period of time, and satisfy the governing council of its inability to fulfil such obligations. SCHEDULE C\nELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ICBs\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. An ICB shall be established on an intergovernmental basis, with membership open to all Member States of the United Nations or of any of its specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency. 2. It shall be concerned on a continuing basis with the trade, production and consumption aspects of the commodity in question. 3. Its membership shall comprise producers and consumers which shall represent an adequate share of exports and of imports of the commodity concerned. 4. It shall have an effective decision-making process that reflects the interests of its participants. 5. It shall be in a position to adopt a suitable method for ensuring the proper discharge of any technical or other responsibilities arising from its association with the activities of the second account. SCHEDULE D\nALLOCATION OF VOTES\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Each Member State referred to in Article 5 (a) shall hold:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\n150 basic votes;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nThe number of votes allocated to it in respect of shares of directly contributed capital which it has subscribed, as set out in the annex to this schedule;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nOne vote for each 37\u00a0832 units of account of guarantee capital provided by it;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nAny votes allocated to it in accordance with paragraph 3 of this schedule. 2. Each Member State referred to in Article 5 (b) shall hold:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\n150 basic votes;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\na number of votes in respect of shares of directly contributed capital which it has subscribed, to be determined by the governing council by a qualified majority on a basis consistent with the allocation of votes provided for in the annex to this schedule;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\none vote for each 37\u00a0832 units of account of guarantee capital provided by it;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nany votes allocated to it in accordance with paragraph 3 of this schedule. 3. In the event of unsubscribed or additional shares of directly contributed capital being made available for subscription in accordance with Article 9 (4) (b) and (c) and Article 12 (3), two additional votes shall be allocated to each Member State for each additional share of directly contributed capital which it subscribes. 4. The governing council shall keep the voting structure under constant review and, if the actual voting structure is significantly different from that provided for in the annex to this schedule, shall make any necessary adjustments in accordance with the fundamental principles governing the distribution of votes reflected in this schedule. In making such adjustments, the governing council shall take into consideration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthe membership;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe number of shares of directly contributed capital;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nthe amount of guarantee capital. 5. Adjustments in the distribution of votes pursuant to paragraph 4 of this schedule shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted for this purpose by the governing council at its first annual meeting by a highly qualified majority. Annex to schedule D\nAllocation of votes\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nState\n\n\nBasic votes\n\n\nAdditional votes\n\n\nTotal\n\n\n\n\nAfghanistan\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nAlbania\n\n\n150\n\n\n157\n\n\n307\n\n\n\n\nAlgeria\n\n\n150\n\n\n245\n\n\n395\n\n\n\n\nAngola\n\n\n150\n\n\n241\n\n\n391\n\n\n\n\nArgentina\n\n\n150\n\n\n346\n\n\n496\n\n\n\n\nAustralia\n\n\n150\n\n\n925\n\n\n1075\n\n\n\n\nAustria\n\n\n150\n\n\n502\n\n\n652\n\n\n\n\nBahamas\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nBahrain\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nBangladesh\n\n\n150\n\n\n276\n\n\n426\n\n\n\n\nBarbados\n\n\n150\n\n\n199\n\n\n349\n\n\n\n\nBelgium\n\n\n150\n\n\n747\n\n\n897\n\n\n\n\nBenin\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nBhutan\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nBolivia\n\n\n150\n\n\n230\n\n\n380\n\n\n\n\nBotswana\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nBrazil\n\n\n150\n\n\n874\n\n\n1\u00a0024\n\n\n\n\nBulgaria\n\n\n150\n\n\n267\n\n\n417\n\n\n\n\nBurkino Faso\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nBurma\n\n\n150\n\n\n205\n\n\n355\n\n\n\n\nBurundi\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nByelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n151\n\n\n301\n\n\n\n\nCanada\n\n\n150\n\n\n1\u00a0650\n\n\n1\u00a0800\n\n\n\n\nCape Verde\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nCentral African Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n199\n\n\n349\n\n\n\n\nChad\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nChile\n\n\n150\n\n\n402\n\n\n552\n\n\n\n\nChina\n\n\n150\n\n\n2\u00a0850\n\n\n3\u00a0000\n\n\n\n\nColombia\n\n\n150\n\n\n340\n\n\n490\n\n\n\n\nComoros\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nCongo\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nCosta Rica\n\n\n150\n\n\n243\n\n\n393\n\n\n\n\nCuba\n\n\n150\n\n\n434\n\n\n584\n\n\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nCzechoslovakia\n\n\n150\n\n\n582\n\n\n732\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic Kampuchea\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic People's Republic of Korea\n\n\n150\n\n\n205\n\n\n355\n\n\n\n\nDemocratic Yemen\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nDenmark\n\n\n150\n\n\n493\n\n\n643\n\n\n\n\nDjibouti\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nDominica\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nDominican Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n253\n\n\n403\n\n\n\n\nEcuador\n\n\n150\n\n\n241\n\n\n391\n\n\n\n\nEgypt\n\n\n150\n\n\n326\n\n\n476\n\n\n\n\nEl Salvador\n\n\n150\n\n\n245\n\n\n395\n\n\n\n\nEquatorial Guinea\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347''\n\n\n\n\nEthiopia\n\n\n150\n\n\n216\n\n\n366\n\n\n\n\nFiji\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nFinland\n\n\n150\n\n\n385\n\n\n535\n\n\n\n\nFrance\n\n\n150\n\n\n3\u00a0188\n\n\n3\u00a0338\n\n\n\n\nGabon\n\n\n150\n\n\n218\n\n\n368\n\n\n\n\nGambia\n\n\n150\n\n\n199\n\n\n349\n\n\n\n\nGerman Democratic Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n713\n\n\n863\n\n\n\n\nGermany, Federal Republic of\n\n\n150\n\n\n4\u00a0212\n\n\n4\u00a0362\n\n\n\n\nGhana\n\n\n150\n\n\n276\n\n\n426\n\n\n\n\nGreece\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nGrenada\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nGuatemala\n\n\n150\n\n\n251\n\n\n401\n\n\n\n\nGuinea\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nGuinea-Bissau\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nGuyana\n\n\n150\n\n\n216\n\n\n366\n\n\n\n\nHaiti\n\n\n150\n\n\n203\n\n\n353\n\n\n\n\nHoly See\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nHonduras\n\n\n150\n\n\n222\n\n\n372\n\n\n\n\nHungary\n\n\n150\n\n\n387\n\n\n537\n\n\n\n\nIceland\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nIndia\n\n\n150\n\n\n471\n\n\n621\n\n\n\n\nIndonesia\n\n\n150\n\n\n425\n\n\n575\n\n\n\n\nIran\n\n\n150\n\n\n266\n\n\n416\n\n\n\n\nIraq\n\n\n150\n\n\n226\n\n\n376\n\n\n\n\nIreland\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nIsrael\n\n\n150\n\n\n243\n\n\n393\n\n\n\n\nItaly\n\n\n150\n\n\n1\u00a0915\n\n\n2\u00a0065\n\n\n\n\nIvory Coast\n\n\n150\n\n\n326\n\n\n476\n\n\n\n\nJamaica\n\n\n150\n\n\n230\n\n\n380\n\n\n\n\nJapan\n\n\n150\n\n\n5\u00a0352\n\n\n5\u00a0502\n\n\n\n\nJordan\n\n\n150\n\n\n205\n\n\n355\n\n\n\n\nKenya\n\n\n150\n\n\n237\n\n\n387\n\n\n\n\nKuwait\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nLao People's Democratic Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n195\n\n\n345\n\n\n\n\nLebanon\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nLesotho\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nLiberia\n\n\n150\n\n\n243\n\n\n393\n\n\n\n\nLibyan Arab Jamahiriya\n\n\n150\n\n\n208\n\n\n358\n\n\n\n\nLiechtenstein\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nLuxembourg\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nMadagascar\n\n\n150\n\n\n210\n\n\n360\n\n\n\n\nMalawi\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nMalaysia\n\n\n150\n\n\n618\n\n\n768\n\n\n\n\nMaldives\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nMali\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nMalta\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nMauritania\n\n\n150\n\n\n216\n\n\n366\n\n\n\n\nMauritius\n\n\n150\n\n\n220\n\n\n370\n\n\n\n\nMexico\n\n\n150\n\n\n319\n\n\n469\n\n\n\n\nMonaco\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nMongolia\n\n\n150\n\n\n157\n\n\n307\n\n\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n150\n\n\n299\n\n\n449\n\n\n\n\nMozambique\n\n\n150\n\n\n210\n\n\n360\n\n\n\n\nNauru\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nNepal\n\n\n150\n\n\n195\n\n\n345\n\n\n\n\nNetherlands\n\n\n150\n\n\n936\n\n\n1\u00a0086\n\n\n\n\nNew Zealand\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nNicaragua\n\n\n150\n\n\n232\n\n\n382\n\n\n\n\nNiger\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nNigeria\n\n\n150\n\n\n290\n\n\n440\n\n\n\n\nNorway\n\n\n150\n\n\n399\n\n\n549\n\n\n\n\nOman\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nPakistan\n\n\n150\n\n\n257\n\n\n407\n\n\n\n\nPanama\n\n\n150\n\n\n208\n\n\n358\n\n\n\n\nPapua New Guinea\n\n\n150\n\n\n239\n\n\n389\n\n\n\n\nParaguay\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nPeru\n\n\n150\n\n\n295\n\n\n445\n\n\n\n\nPhilippines\n\n\n150\n\n\n430\n\n\n580\n\n\n\n\nPoland\n\n\n150\n\n\n737\n\n\n887\n\n\n\n\nPortugal\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nQatar\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nRepublic of Korea\n\n\n150\n\n\n340\n\n\n490\n\n\n\n\nRomania\n\n\n150\n\n\n313\n\n\n463\n\n\n\n\nRwanda\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nSaint Lucia\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nSaint Vincent and the Grenadines\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nSamoa\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nSan Marino\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nSao Tome and Principe\n\n\n150\n\n\n195\n\n\n345\n\n\n\n\nSaudi Arabia\n\n\n150\n\n\n207\n\n\n357\n\n\n\n\nSenegal\n\n\n150\n\n\n232\n\n\n382\n\n\n\n\nSeychelles\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nSierra Leone\n\n\n150\n\n\n201\n\n\n351\n\n\n\n\nSingapore\n\n\n150\n\n\n291\n\n\n441\n\n\n\n\nSolomon Islands\n\n\n150\n\n\n195\n\n\n345\n\n\n\n\nSomalia\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\n\n\nSouth Africa\n\n\n150\n\n\n652\n\n\n802\n\n\n\n\nSpain\n\n\n150\n\n\n976\n\n\n1\u00a0126\n\n\n\n\nSri Lanka\n\n\n150\n\n\n263\n\n\n413\n\n\n\n\nSudan\n\n\n150\n\n\n263\n\n\n413\n\n\n\n\nSuriname\n\n\n150\n\n\n205\n\n\n355\n\n\n\n\nSwaziland\n\n\n150\n\n\n205\n\n\n355\n\n\n\n\nSweden\n\n\n150\n\n\n779\n\n\n929\n\n\n\n\nSwitzerland\n\n\n150\n\n\n691\n\n\n841\n\n\n\n\nSyrian Arab Republic\n\n\n150\n\n\n232\n\n\n382\n\n\n\n\nThailand\n\n\n150\n\n\n299\n\n\n449\n\n\n\n\nTogo\n\n\n150\n\n\n208\n\n\n358\n\n\n\n\nTonga\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\n\n\nTrinidad and Tobago\n\n\n150\n\n\n203\n\n\n353\n\n\n\n\nTunisia\n\n\n150\n\n\n230\n\n\n380\n\n\n\n\nTurkey\n\n\n150\n\n\n159\n\n\n309\n\n\n\n\nUganda\n\n\n150\n\n\n245\n\n\n395\n\n\n\n\nUkrainian Soviet Socialist\n\n\nRepublic\n\n\n150\n\n\n151\n\n\n\n\n301\n\n\nUnion of Soviet Socialist\n\n\nRepublics\n\n\n150\n\n\n\n\n4\u00a0107\n\n\n4\u00a0257\n\n\nUnited Arab Emirates\n\n\n150\n\n\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\nUnited Kingdom of Great\n\n\nBritain and Northern Ireland\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n2\u00a0400\n\n\n2\u00a0550\n\n\nUnited Republic of Cameroon\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n239\n\n\n389\n\n\nUnited Republic of Tanzania\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n230\n\n\n380\n\n\nUnited States of America\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n11\u00a0738\n\n\n11\u00a0888\n\n\nUruguay\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n214\n\n\n364\n\n\nVenezuela\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n251\n\n\n401\n\n\nVietnam\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n216\n\n\n366\n\n\nYemen\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n197\n\n\n347\n\n\nYugoslavia\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n338\n\n\n488\n\n\nZaire\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n326\n\n\n476\n\n\nZambia\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n355\n\n\n505\n\n\nZimbabwe\n\n\n\n\n150\n\n\n193\n\n\n343\n\n\nOVERALL TOTAL\n\n\n\n\n24\n\n\n450\n\n\n79\n\n\n924\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSCHEDULE E\nELECTION OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. The executive directors and their alternates shall be elected by ballot of the governors. 2. Balloting shall be for candidatures. Each candidature shall comprise a person nominated by a member for executive director and a person nominated by the same member or another member for alternate. The two persons forming each candidature need not be of the same nationality. 3. Each governor shall cast for one candidature all of the votes to which the member which appointed that governor is entitled under schedule D. 4. The 28 candidatures receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected, provided that no candidature has received less than 2,5 per cent of the total voting power. 5. If 28 candidatures are not elected on the first ballot a second ballot shall be held in which shall vote only:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthose governors who voted in the first ballot for a candidature not elected;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthose governors whose votes for an elected candidature are deemed under paragraph 6 of this schedule to have raised the votes cast for that candidature above 3,5 per cent of the total voting power. 6. In determining whether the votes cast by a governor are to be deemed to have raised the total of any candidature above 3,5 per cent of the total voting power, the percentage shall be deemed to exclude, first, the votes of the governor casting the smallest number of votes for that candidature, then the votes of the governor casting the second smallest number of votes, and so on until 3,5 per cent, or a figure below 3,5 per cent but above 2,5 per cent, is reached, except that any governor whose votes must be counted in order to raise the total of any candidature above 2,5 per cent shall be considered as casting all of his votes for that candidature, even if the total votes for that candidature thereby exceed 3,5 per cent. 7. If, on any ballot, two or more governors holding an equal number of votes have voted for the same candidature and the votes of one or more, but not all, of such governors could be deemed to have raised the total Votes above 3,5 per cent of the total voting power, whoever among them shall be entitled to vote on the next ballot, if a next ballot is required, shall be determined by lot. 8. For determining whether a candidature is elected at the second ballot, and who are the governors whose votes shall be deemed to have elected that candidature, the minimum and maximum percentages specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 (b) of this schedule and the procedures described in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this schedule shall apply. 9. If, after the second ballot, 28 candidatures have not been elected, further ballots shall be held on the same principles until 27 candidatures have been elected. After this, the 28th candidature shall be elected by a simple majority of the remaining votes. 10. In the event that a governor votes for an unsuccessful candidature in the last ballot held, that governor may designate a successful candidature, if the latter agrees, to represent in the executive board the Member which appointed that governor. In this case, the ceiling of 3,5 per cent specified in paragraph 5 (b) of this schedule shall not apply to the candidature so designated. 11. When a State accedes to this Agreement in the interval between elections of the executive directors, it may designate any of the executive directors, if the latter agrees, to represent it in the executive board. In this case, the ceiling of 3,5 per cent specified in paragraph 5 (b) of this schedule shall not apply. SCHEDULE F\nUNIT OF ACCOUNT\nThe value of one unit of account shall be the sum of the values of the following currency units converted into any one of those currencies:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nUnited States dollar\n\n\n0,40\n\n\n\n\nDeutsche mark\n\n\n0,32\n\n\n\n\nJapanese yen\n\n\n21\n\n\n\n\nFrench franc\n\n\n0,42\n\n\n\n\nPound sterling\n\n\n0,050\n\n\n\n\nItalian lira\n\n\n52\n\n\n\n\nNetherlands guilder\n\n\n0,14\n\n\n\n\nCanadian dollar\n\n\n0,070\n\n\n\n\nBelgian franc\n\n\n1,6\n\n\n\n\nSaudi Arabian riyal\n\n\n0,13\n\n\n\n\nSwedish krona\n\n\n0,11\n\n\n\n\nIranian rial\n\n\n1,7\n\n\n\n\nAustralian dollar\n\n\n0,017\n\n\n\n\nSpanish peseta\n\n\n1,5\n\n\n\n\nNorwegian krone\n\n\n0,10\n\n\n\n\nAustrian schilling\n\n\n0,28\n\n\n\n\nAny change in the list of the currencies that determine the value of the unit of account, and in the amounts of these currencies, shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the governing council by a qualified majority in conformity with the practice of a competent international monetary organization"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18e776c2-4812-4aca-b8b4-dd4d24856299", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 2214/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Norway,agreement (EU),fishing agreement,fishing area,fishing rights", "workIds": "celex:31980R2214", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Norway", "agreement (EU)", "fishing agreement", "fishing area", "fishing rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18e776c2-4812-4aca-b8b4-dd4d24856299", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1980226EN. 01004701. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. 8. 1980\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 226/47\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 2214/80\nof 27 June 1980\non the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nWhereas by its resolution of 3 November 1976 on certain external aspects of the creation of a 200-mile fisheries zone in the Community with effect from 1 January 1977, the Council agreed that fishing rights for Community fishermen in the waters of third countries must be obtained and preserved by appropriate Community Agreements;\nWhereas the Agreement on fisheries between the Community and Norway should be approved,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway is hereby approved on behalf of the Community. The text of the Agreement is annexed to this Regulation. Article 2\nThe President of the Council shall give the notification provided for in Article 12 of the Agreement\u00a0(2). Article 3\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 27 June 1980. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nA. SARTI\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 182, 31. 7. 1978, p. 56. (2)\u00a0\u00a0The date of the entry into force of the Agreement will be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities by the General Secretariat of the Council"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1411e084-8610-4cfe-ba70-3dbdb6b837f4", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 2209/80 of 27 June 1980 on the conclusion of the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community and the Government of Sweden", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Sweden,agreement (EU),fishing agreement,fishing area,fishing rights", "workIds": "celex:31980R2209", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Sweden", "agreement (EU)", "fishing agreement", "fishing area", "fishing rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1411e084-8610-4cfe-ba70-3dbdb6b837f4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2272016b-1cd5-4de1-ac6e-9c499dc24b8e", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1713/80 of 27 June 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1852/78 on an interim common measure for restructuring the inshore fishing industry", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,fishing vessel,inshore fishing,joint action,production improvement", "workIds": "celex:31980R1713,oj:JOL_1980_167_R_0050_019", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "fishing vessel", "inshore fishing", "joint action", "production improvement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2272016b-1cd5-4de1-ac6e-9c499dc24b8e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b93b00ef-3a5e-48dc-973a-9ab8d1ba608a", "title": "RESOLUTION ON THE DRAFT ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT FOR THE 1981 FINANCIAL YEAR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#document_budget_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgets,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Community budget,European Parliament,Greece,budget estimate,financial policy,organisation chart", "workIds": "celex:51980BP0276", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "European Parliament", "Greece", "budget estimate", "financial policy", "organisation chart"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b93b00ef-3a5e-48dc-973a-9ab8d1ba608a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b48df451-3db2-4671-84af-b8973ca5b8a7", "title": "82/77/EEC: Council Decision of 27 June 1980 concerning the signature and deposit of a declaration of provisional application of the Food Aid Convention 1980", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "European Community,accession to an agreement,cooperation 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budget,EDF,EU borrowing,European Monetary System,United Kingdom,agricultural expenditure,agricultural surplus,conciliation,financial policy,fisheries policy,inclusion in the budget,interest rate subsidy,management committee (EU),non-compulsory expenditure", "workIds": "celex:51980BP0281", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "EDF", "EU borrowing", "European Monetary System", "United Kingdom", "agricultural expenditure", "agricultural surplus", "conciliation", "financial policy", "fisheries policy", "inclusion in the budget", "interest rate subsidy", "management committee (EU)", "non-compulsory expenditure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e92c5563-f5e3-49ae-83e0-e293b0f1371a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dfa50edb-034d-4920-9fa5-1ff988f4a96b", "title": "RESOLUTION ON THE NEW DRAFT GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE 1980 FINANCIAL YEAR, SECTION I \"EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT\", SECTION II \"COUNCIL\", ANNEX TO SECTION II \"ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE\", SECTION IV \"COURT OF JUSTICE\" AND SECTION V \"COURT OF AUDITORS\"", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#document_budget_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Budgets,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-27", "subjects": "Community budget,Council of the European Union,Court of Justice of the European Union,European Court of Auditors,European Economic and Social Committee,European Parliament,financial policy,information profession,organisation chart,overheads,workplace", "workIds": "celex:51980BP0277", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Community budget", "Council of the European Union", "Court of Justice of the European Union", "European Court of Auditors", "European Economic and Social Committee", "European Parliament", "financial 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order to take account of certain provisions concerning the repayment or remission of import duties", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "agricultural product,customs drawback,export levy,export refund,export tax", "workIds": "celex:31980R1607,oj:JOL_1980_160_R_0042_040", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural product", "customs drawback", "export levy", "export refund", "export tax"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/548e5220-dda0-4c91-be53-ae552d997af5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c25ceed-c82b-4a15-846e-0fae006f9b9a", "title": "80/681/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 June 1980 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in Belgium pursuant to Council Directive 72/159/EEC (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "Belgium,EAGGF Guidance Section,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31980D0681,oj:JOL_1980_188_R_0006_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EAGGF Guidance Section", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c25ceed-c82b-4a15-846e-0fae006f9b9a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0d960bec-c7fd-45b6-bc9f-b7d1c49b2cb9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a96ec7ed-66f5-42c5-9160-a1c400cf91a6", "title": "80/682/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 June 1980 on the implementation of the reform of agricultural structures in the Netherlands pursuant to Council Directive 72/159/EEC (Only the Dutch text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Netherlands,State aid,agrarian reform,farm development plan,farm modernisation", "workIds": "celex:31980D0682,oj:JOL_1980_188_R_0007_012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Netherlands", "State aid", "agrarian reform", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a96ec7ed-66f5-42c5-9160-a1c400cf91a6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0908e01c-9492-4c76-8754-13938111d49e", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1606/80 of 25 June 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2849/75 on measures relating to imports of rice and broken rice originating in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States or in the overseas countries and territories", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "ACP countries,import,overseas countries and territories,rice", "workIds": "celex:31980R1606,oj:JOL_1980_160_R_0040_039", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "import", "overseas countries and territories", "rice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0908e01c-9492-4c76-8754-13938111d49e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/74980ae2-3af1-4d2d-a605-bbf6da8e1b1a", "title": "80/677/EEC: Commission Opinion of 25 June 1980 addressed to the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on a draft ministerial regulation requiring authorization in respect of the carriage of passengers and goods on Luxembourg territory by motorized road transport vehicles and their trailers registered in other countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "Member States' contribution,administrative transparency,public finance,public sector", "workIds": "celex:31980L0723,oj:JOL_1980_195_R_0035_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Member States' contribution", "administrative transparency", "public finance", "public sector"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4a740a7-60ec-479a-a6bc-6a872375d7a4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7e360f9-83fd-4eaa-ada8-203c27f2eb56", "title": "80/686/EEC: Commission Decision of 25 June 1980 setting up an Advisory Committee on the control and reduction of pollution caused by hydrocarbons discharged at sea", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-25", "subjects": "advisory committee (EU),environmental cooperation,environmental protection,marine pollution,oil pollution,pollution control measures", "workIds": "celex:31980D0686,oj:JOL_1980_188_R_0011_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["advisory committee (EU)", "environmental cooperation", "environmental protection", "marine pollution", "oil pollution", "pollution control measures"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7e360f9-83fd-4eaa-ada8-203c27f2eb56", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3bc31d9b-86ad-4b03-ab67-dd3563d0b5d5", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1820/80 of 24 June 1980 for the stimulation of agricultural development in the less-favoured areas of the west of Ireland", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-24", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,State aid,farm development plan,farm modernisation,less-favoured agricultural area,regions of Ireland", "workIds": "celex:31980R1820,oj:JOL_1980_180_R_0001_006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "State aid", "farm development plan", "farm modernisation", "less-favoured agricultural area", "regions of Ireland"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3bc31d9b-86ad-4b03-ab67-dd3563d0b5d5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3bf4fc61-1e7a-4277-aee1-7b727af5ac37", "title": "Council Directive 80/720/EEC of 24 June 1980 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the operating space, access to the driving position and the doors and windows of wheeled agricultural or forestry tractors", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-24", "subjects": "agricultural vehicle,approximation of laws,tractor,vehicle parts", "workIds": "celex:31980L0720,oj:JOL_1980_194_R_0001_005", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural vehicle", "approximation of laws", "tractor", "vehicle parts"], "url": 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ECSC workers in the following companies: - Roche Products Ltd (United Kingdom),- Banco di Napoli (Italy),- Industrie Kreditbank AG - Deutsche Industriebank (IKB) (Federal Republic of Germany),- Westphalenbank AG (Federal Republic of Germany)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#assent_ceca_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-24", "subjects": "United Kingdom,industrial conversion,redevelopment aid", "workIds": "celex:51980KG0013", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "industrial conversion", "redevelopment aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/07afbd7d-fae5-4f44-814f-74af87093bf3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6aacebe9-1b5d-45c4-a895-2ad044f7a391", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SECTORAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENT (ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND CLIMATOLOGY) (indirect and concerted actions) 1981 - 1985 (presented by the Commission to the Council)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for Research and Innovation,European Commission", "date": "1980-06-24", "subjects": "EU environmental policy,EU research policy,climatology,environmental protection,environmental research,research and development,research programme", "workIds": "celex:51980PC0343,comnat:COM_1980_0343_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU environmental policy", "EU research policy", "climatology", "environmental protection", "environmental research", "research and 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"WRITTEN QUESTION NO 751/80 BY MR HABSBURG TO THE COUNCIL: DETERMINING THE VAT RATE FOR WORKS OF ART", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HABSBURG", "date": "1980-06-23", "subjects": "EU Member State,VAT,approximation of laws,directive,fiscal policy,proposal (EU),tax system,work of art", "workIds": "celex:91980E000751", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "VAT", "approximation of laws", "directive", "fiscal policy", "proposal (EU)", "tax system", "work of art"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/503e327e-1be3-4df1-9735-fff9c4e6822d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a5db408-5e58-483f-99b7-4014bebfbd1c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 663/80 BY MR SCHMID TO THE COMMISSION: JRC RESEARCH ON M.P. 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DECISION TO PROVIDE A FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION FROM THE COMMUNITY TOWARDS THE ERADICATION OF AFRICAN SWINE FEVER IN PORTUGAL", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Portugal,animal plague,financial aid,pigmeat,swine,woman farmer", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0228", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "animal plague", "financial aid", "pigmeat", "swine", "woman farmer"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ed9e85a6-461b-491e-81e0-6242bbe6552e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/511af1bb-157a-4046-ae0f-fa8de3b21da8", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 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A REGULATION LAYING DOWN FOR 1980 CERTAIN MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERY RESOURCES APPLICABLE TO VESSELS REGISTERED IN THE FAROE ISLANDS # II. A REGULATION LAYING DOWN FOR 1980 CERTAIN INTERIM MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERY RESOURCES APPLICABLE TO VESSELS FLYING THE FLAG OF NORWAY # III. A REGULATION LAYING DOWN FOR 1980 CERTAIN MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERY RESOURCES APPLICABLE TO VESSELS FLYING THE FLAG OF SWEDEN", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Faroes,Greenland,Norway,Sweden,authorised catch,conservation of resources", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0235", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Faroes", "Greenland", "Norway", "Sweden", "authorised catch", "conservation of resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7b6dc6a0-37b2-4e0b-b3d5-4c3573943699", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9b8b7729-cf31-4861-ad11-dceb4d7e834c", "title": "RESOLUTION ON THE FORTHCOMING MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF EDUCATION MINISTERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Culture and Education,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,action programme,cultural policy,education,education policy,higher education,integration into employment,living language,student", "workIds": "celex:51980IP0250", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "action programme", "cultural policy", "education", "education policy", "higher education", "integration into employment", "living language", "student"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9b8b7729-cf31-4861-ad11-dceb4d7e834c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fa40d087-d7ce-4348-bdf1-e2862c560d50", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1552/80 of 20 June 1980 laying down detailed rules for the provision of administrative assistance in connection with the export of certain cheeses eligible for special treatment on import into Australia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Australia,administrative procedure,cheese,export licence,international trade", "workIds": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/45c51c30-bc44-4a23-be58-5d25aee22168", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 676/80 BY MRS LIZIN TO THE COMMISSION: IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS ARE PROCESSED AND MARKETED", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LIZIN", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Belgium,EAGGF,agro-industry,animal production,common agricultural policy,fruit,milk,potato,regulation,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:91980E000676", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EAGGF", "agro-industry", "animal production", "common agricultural policy", "fruit", "milk", "potato", "regulation", "vegetable"], "url": 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HOFFMANN TO DE MARCH, MR FERNANDEZ, MR BAILLOT AND MRS J. HOFFMANN TO THE COMMISSION: COMMUNITY PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF DATA THE COMMISSION: COMMUNITY PROJECTS IN THE FIELD OF DATA PROCESSING PROCESSING", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BAILLOT,CHAMBEIRON,DE MARCH,European Parliament,FERNANDEZ,HOFFMANN JACQUELINE,PIQUET", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EU employment policy,action programme,computer systems,external competence (EU),industrial policy,information policy,monopoly,postal and telecommunications services,technology,unemployment,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91980E000750", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU employment policy", "action programme", "computer systems", "external competence (EU)", "industrial policy", "information policy", "monopoly", "postal and telecommunications services", "technology", "unemployment", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28d650ba-2447-4fd8-8e6f-93fcf57fdd14", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eeff161a-1167-46fa-b60b-860bbdbfd1d4", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON A PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A REGULATION AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 1852/78 ON AN INTERIM COMMON MEASURE FOR RESTRUCTURING THE INSHORE FISHING INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "conservation of resources,fisheries structure,fishing industry,fishing vessel,industrial restructuring,inshore fishing,motor fuel,permanent crop,processing industry", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0233", "eurovoc_concepts": ["conservation of resources", "fisheries structure", "fishing industry", "fishing vessel", "industrial restructuring", "inshore fishing", "motor fuel", "permanent crop", "processing industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eeff161a-1167-46fa-b60b-860bbdbfd1d4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e5b3cc8-fcec-4d8f-8127-6c310d31ecf5", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 683/80 BY SIR HENRY PLUMB TO THE COMMISSION: HARMONIZATION OF ROAD SIGNS AND MARKINGS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PLUMB", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Austria,European convention,approximation of laws,road safety,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:91980E000683", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Austria", "European convention", "approximation of laws", "road safety", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e5b3cc8-fcec-4d8f-8127-6c310d31ecf5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db40b1e1-12b9-4c55-9c21-5e87cb5076b6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 674/80 BY MR PROVAN TO THE COMMISSION: TEXTILE INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PROVAN", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EU employment policy,Greece,Portugal,Spain,accession to the European Union,import,sectoral aid,textile industry", "workIds": "celex:91980E000674", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU employment policy", "Greece", "Portugal", "Spain", "accession to the European Union", "import", "sectoral aid", "textile industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db40b1e1-12b9-4c55-9c21-5e87cb5076b6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/63ec8224-46e7-4d0e-959e-1560f6314552", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 680/80 BY MR JOHN D. TAYLOR TO THE COMMISSION: WHERE IS NORTHERN IRELAND?", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,TAYLOR JOHN DAVID", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EEC Treaty,Ireland,Northern Ireland,United Kingdom", "workIds": "celex:91980E000680", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EEC Treaty", "Ireland", "Northern Ireland", "United Kingdom"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/63ec8224-46e7-4d0e-959e-1560f6314552", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4bd1c5c6-8ca2-43d5-8b29-0a1ae89270d0", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A REGULATION ON THE SAFEGUARD MEASURES PROVIDED FOR IN THE COOPERATION AGREEMENT AND THE INTERIM AGREEMENT CONCERNING TRADE AND COMMERCIAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND THE SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on External Economic Relations,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Yugoslavia,cooperation agreement,protective clause,trade cooperation,trade policy,trade relations", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0238", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Yugoslavia", "cooperation agreement", "protective clause", "trade cooperation", "trade policy", "trade relations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4bd1c5c6-8ca2-43d5-8b29-0a1ae89270d0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7be13f6d-358d-4782-bfba-1cbc81e98a84", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 684/80 BY MR KLINKENBORG TO THE COMMISSION: REGIONAL AIR TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,KLINKENBORG", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Denmark,European Regional Development Fund,Italy,United Kingdom,air transport,airport,economic infrastructure,economic support,regional policy,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000684", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Denmark", "European Regional Development Fund", "Italy", "United Kingdom", "air transport", "airport", "economic infrastructure", "economic support", "regional policy", 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A REGULATION ON THE CONCLUSION OF THE AGREEMENT ON FISHERIES BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF SPAIN AND THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY # II. A REGULATION LAYING DOWN FOR 1980 CERTAIN MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FISHERY RESOURCES APPLICABLE TO VESSELS FLYING THE FLAG OF SPAIN # III. A REGULATION LAYING DOWN CERTAIN MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT DURING 1980 OF COMMON FISHERY RESOURCES OFF THE WEST GREENLAND COAST APPLICABLE TO VESSELS FLYING THE FLAG OF CANADA OR UNDER CHARTER TO COMPANIES REGISTERED IN CANADA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Canada,EP opinion,Greenland,Spain,authorised catch,conservation of resources,fishing agreement,framework agreement,maritime surveillance", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0234", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Canada", "EP opinion", "Greenland", "Spain", "authorised catch", "conservation of resources", "fishing agreement", "framework agreement", "maritime surveillance"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac4ed0c8-dc0b-4239-be62-2ca13daf7750", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5e00ca2-83f5-4f0c-ba61-f2019c7a25c4", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1551/80 of 20 June 1980 amending for the sixth time Regulation (EEC) No 557/79 laying down detailed rules for the application of the system of consumption aid for olive oil and amending Regulation (EEC) No 2041/75 on special detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for oils and fats", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EU aid,consumption,export licence,import licence,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:31980R1551,oj:JOL_1980_153_R_0021_014", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "consumption", "export licence", "import licence", "olive oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5e00ca2-83f5-4f0c-ba61-f2019c7a25c4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f6d4396-6d23-48c7-ba13-50c58d236d6b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 669/80 BY MR PONCELET TO THE COMMISSION: IMPORTS OF CATHODE TUBES FROM JAPAN", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PONCELET", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Japan,electronics industry,import,statistics,television", "workIds": "celex:91980E000669", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Japan", "electronics industry", "import", "statistics", "television"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f6d4396-6d23-48c7-ba13-50c58d236d6b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/04e33dbe-ea26-4143-9328-4ca0be88c892", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 656/80 BY MR SEAL TO THE COMMISSION: COMMUNITY IMPORT SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEAL", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "European Commission,economic policy,fact-finding mission,import,public administration", "workIds": "celex:91980E000656", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "economic policy", "fact-finding mission", "import", "public administration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/04e33dbe-ea26-4143-9328-4ca0be88c892", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03bf3267-efdc-4d62-a111-7617a848e9b3", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 681/80 BY MR JOHN D. TAYLOR TO THE COMMISSION: SUBSIDIZED SOUTHERN IRISH BREAD EXPORTS INTO NORTHERN IRELAND", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,TAYLOR JOHN DAVID", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Ireland,Northern Ireland,bakery,cereals of bread-making quality,dumping,economic support,export", "workIds": "celex:91980E000681", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "Northern Ireland", "bakery", "cereals of bread-making quality", "dumping", "economic support", "export"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03bf3267-efdc-4d62-a111-7617a848e9b3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b7ba3783-b1e5-429c-89a4-6eda5bdba5c9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 678/80 BY MR JOSSELIN TO THE COMMISSION: WRITTEN QUESTION NO 678/80 BY MR JOSSELIN TO THE COMMISSION: SURVEILLANCE OF MARITIME WATERS SURVEILLANCE OF MARITIME WATERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JOSSELIN", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU aid,budget,fishing industry,maritime shipping,maritime surveillance,maritime transport,pesticide", "workIds": "celex:91980E000678", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU aid", "budget", "fishing industry", "maritime shipping", "maritime surveillance", "maritime transport", "pesticide"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b7ba3783-b1e5-429c-89a4-6eda5bdba5c9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f23a7cb-2919-4a67-adbe-ba5a0efe377a", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION N.670/80 BY MR PURVIS TO THE COMMISSION: THE TACHOGRAPH FOR HORSEBOXES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PURVIS John", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "animal welfare,equidae,road transport,transport policy,vehicle", "workIds": "celex:91980E000670", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal welfare", "equidae", "road transport", "transport policy", "vehicle"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f23a7cb-2919-4a67-adbe-ba5a0efe377a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8abc9e53-0db7-4f39-af7f-a139a59ede5c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 657/80 BY MR SEAL TO THE COMMISSION: ILO TEXTILES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEAL", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "EU employment policy,International Labour Organisation,child labour,committee of inquiry,footwear industry,labour force,leather industry,multinational enterprise,night work,social policy,textile industry,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91980E000657", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU employment policy", "International Labour Organisation", "child labour", "committee of inquiry", "footwear industry", "labour force", "leather industry", "multinational enterprise", "night work", "social policy", "textile industry", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8abc9e53-0db7-4f39-af7f-a139a59ede5c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/86a5a4d8-76ad-4540-8bb3-06f0d32c1025", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSALS FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR: # I. A DIRECTIVE RELATING TO THE DATE OF ENTRY INTO FORCE OF DIRECTIVE 80/217/EEC INTRODUCING COMMUNITY MEASURES FOR THE CONTROL OF CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER # II. A DECISION INTRODUCING COMMUNITY FINANCIAL MEASURES FOR THE CONTROL OF CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER # III. A DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 64/432/EEC WITH REGARD TO SWINE VESICULAR DISEASE AND SWINE FEVER # IV. A DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 72/461/EEC WITH REGARD TO SWINE VESICULAR DISEASE AND SWINE FEVER # V. A DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 8//215/EEC WITH REGARD TO SWINE VESICULAR DISEASE AND CLASSICAL SWINE FEVER # VI. 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7caab63-f47d-4e02-a7c3-0a1532eee79c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/755b36a9-3833-45d7-8057-f7431d4c7aff", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 660/80 BY LORD O' HAGAN TO THE COMMISSION: PRICE FOR BEEF", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,O'HAGAN", "date": "1980-06-20", "subjects": "Court of Justice of the European Union,European Monetary System,beef,common agricultural policy,farm prices,fixing of prices", "workIds": "celex:91980E000660", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Court of Justice of the European Union", "European Monetary System", "beef", "common agricultural policy", "farm prices", "fixing of 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"1980-06-20", "subjects": "France,Liberia,Lom\u00e9 Convention,human rights", "workIds": "celex:51980IP0263", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Liberia", "Lom\u00e9 Convention", "human rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ae4fd746-b9bd-49cb-a327-67486853f85c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/962f1792-974e-4393-a1d1-357ff711c0d8", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A REGULATION AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 337/79 ON THE COMMON ORGANIZATION OF THE MARKET IN WINE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on 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THE MARKET IN OILS AND FATS AND SUPPLEMENTING REGULATION(EEC) NO 1360/78 ON PRODUCER GROUPS AND ASSOCIATIONS THEREOF", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "fats,olive oil,producer organisation,production aid,sales aid,woman farmer", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0225", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fats", "olive oil", "producer organisation", "production aid", "sales aid", "woman farmer"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cfb929b9-0acc-4f05-80b6-90e37863d0e3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b478fc79-3fa1-4e98-aaab-bcc2a3a49224", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A REGULATION AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 516/77 ON THE COMMON ORGANIZATION OF THE MARKET IN PRODUCTS PROCESSED FROM FRUIT AND VEGETABLES AND AMENDING REGULATION (EEC) NO 950/68 ON THE COMMON CUSTOMS TARIFF", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "fruit,import levy,processed foodstuff,vegetable,woman farmer", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0226", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fruit", "import levy", "processed foodstuff", "vegetable", "woman farmer"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b478fc79-3fa1-4e98-aaab-bcc2a3a49224", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bcf96dc7-372d-4e35-bb43-c6919eef4a1c", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A DIRECTIVE ON THE MAJOR ACCIDENT HAZARDS OF CERTAIN INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "Egypt,approximation of laws,dangerous substance,environmental policy,industrial pollution,nuclear accident,occupational safety", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0220", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Egypt", "approximation of laws", "dangerous substance", "environmental policy", "industrial pollution", "nuclear accident", "occupational safety"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bcf96dc7-372d-4e35-bb43-c6919eef4a1c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4aa03d8e-1a09-437d-bfd2-1790d84e4bb6", "title": "RESOLUTION ON THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "ACP countries,UNO,action programme,anti-discriminatory measure,gender equality,pay,position of women,social policy,unemployment,vocational training,woman", "workIds": "celex:51980IP0078", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "UNO", "action programme", "anti-discriminatory measure", "gender equality", "pay", "position of women", "social policy", "unemployment", "vocational training", "woman"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4aa03d8e-1a09-437d-bfd2-1790d84e4bb6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4cd1ba76-6f60-4019-aed8-b7b7f46f7a11", "title": "Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Consolidated version) \u2014 First protocol on the interpretation of the 1980 convention by the Court of Justice (Consolidated version) \u2014 Second protocol conferring on the Court of Justice powers to interpret the 1980 convention (Consolidated version)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdf,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Austria,Belgium,Cyprus,Czechia,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Hungary,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Malta,Netherlands,Poland,Portugal,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,The Member States,United Kingdom", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "Court of Justice of the European Union,Intergovernmental Convention (EU),consolidation of EU law,contract,interpretation of the law,powers of the institutions (EU)", "workIds": "celex:42005A1230(01),oj:JOC_2005_334_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Court of Justice of the European Union", "Intergovernmental Convention (EU)", "consolidation of EU law", "contract", "interpretation of the law", "powers of the institutions (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4cd1ba76-6f60-4019-aed8-b7b7f46f7a11", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdf", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/1\n\nI\n\n(Information)\n\nCOUNCIL\n\nCONVENTION ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS\n\n(Consolidated version)\n\nFIRST PROTOCOL ON THE INTERPRETATION OF THE 1980 CONVENTION BY THE COURT\nOF JUSTICE\n\nSECOND PROTOCOL CONFERRING ON THE COURT OF JUSTICE POWERS TO INTERPRET\nTHE 1980 CONVENTION\n\n(Consolidated version)\n\n(Consolidated version)\n\n(2005/C 334/01)\n\nPRELIMINARY NOTE\n\nThe signing on 14 April 2005 of the Convention on the accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of\nEstonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of\nHungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic\nto the Rome Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations and to the two Protocols on its\ninterpretation by the Court of Justice has made it desirable to produce a consolidated version of the Rome\nConvention and those two Protocols. These texts are accompanied by six declarations, the first one made in 1980 with regard to the need for\nconsistency between measures to be adopted on choice-of-law rules by the Community and those under\nthe Convention, the second, also made in 1980, on the interpretation of the Convention by the Court of\nJustice, the third, made in 1996, concerning compliance with the procedure provided for in Article 23 of\nthe Rome Convention as regards carriage of goods by sea, the fourth, made in 2005 concerning the dead-\nlines set for ratification of the Accession Conventions, the fifth, also made in 2005, concerning the timing\nof the submission of the proposal for a Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations, and\nthe sixth, also made in 2005, on the exchange of information. The text printed in this edition was drawn up by the General Secretariat of the Council, in whose archives\nthe originals of the instruments concerned are deposited. It should be noted, however, that this text has no\nbinding force. The official texts of the instruments consolidated are to be found in the following Official\nJournals. Language version\nof the Official\nJournal\n\nGerman\n\nEnglish\n\nDanish\n\n1980 Convention\n\n1984 Accession\nConvention\n\n1988 First\nProtocol\n\n1988 Second\nProtocol\n\n1992 Accession\nConvention\n\n1996 Accession\nConvention\n\n2005 Accession\nConvention\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\n\fC 334/2\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nLanguage version\nof the Official\nJournal\n\n1980 Convention\n\n1984 Accession\nConvention\n\n1988 First\nProtocol\n\n1988 Second\nProtocol\n\n1992 Accession\nConvention\n\n1996 Accession\nConvention\n\n2005 Accession\nConvention\n\nFrench\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 7\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nSpecial Edition\n(L 266)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(L 146)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(L 48)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(L 48)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(L 333)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(C 15)\n\nSpecial Edition\n(C 169)\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 266,\n9. 10. 1980, p. 1\n\nL 146,\n31. 5. 1984, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nSpecial Edition,\nChapter 1,\nVolume 3, p. 36\n(see also OJ L\n333, p. 17)\n\nSpecial Edition,\nChapter 1,\nVolume 4, p. 36\n(see also OJ L\n333, p. 72)\n\nSpecial Edition,\nChapter 1,\nVolume 3, p. 36\n(see also OJ L\n333, p. 7)\n\nSpecial Edition,\nChapter 1,\nVolume 4, p. 72\n(see also OJ L\n333, p. 7)\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989, p. 1\n\nL 48,\n20. 2. 1989,\np. 17\n\nL 333,\n18. 11. 1992,\np. 1\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 10\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 70\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 70\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 66\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 66\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 60\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 60\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 64\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 64\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 68\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 68\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 53\n\nC 15,\n15. 1. 1997,\np. 53\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 23\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 10\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 26\n\nC 169,\n8. 7. 2005, p. 28\n\nC 169, 8. 7. 2005,\np. 1\n\nGreek\n\nIrish\n\nItalian\n\nDutch\n\nSpanish\n\nPortuguese\n\nFinnish\n\nSwedish\n\nCzech\n\nEstonian\n\nLatvian\n\nLithuanian\n\nHungarian\n\nMaltese\n\nPolish\n\nSlovak\n\nSlovene\n\n\f30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/3\n\nCONVENTION (1) ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO\nCONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS OPENED FOR\nSIGNATURE IN ROME ON 19 JUNE 1980\n\n(1) Text as amended by the Convention of 10 April 1984 on the accession of the Hellenic Republic \u2013 hereafter referred\nto as the \u20181984 Accession Convention\u2019 \u2013, by the Convention of 18 May 1992 on the accession of the Kingdom of\nSpain and the Portuguese Republic \u2013 hereafter referred to as the \u20181992 Accession Convention\u2019 \u2013, by the Convention\nof 29 November 1996 on the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of\nSweden \u2013 hereafter referred to as the \u20181996 Accession Convention\u2019 \u2013 and by the Convention of 14 April 2005 on\nthe accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the\nRepublic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of\nSlovenia and the Slovak Republic \u2013 hereafter referred to as the \u20182005 Accession Convention. \u2019\n\n\fC 334/4\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nTHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\n\nPREAMBLE\n\nANXIOUS to continue in the field of private international law the work of unification of law which has\nalready been done within the Community, in particular in the field of jurisdiction and enforcement of judg-\nments,\n\nWISHING to establish uniform rules concerning the law applicable to contractual obligations,\n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\n\nTITLE I\n\nSCOPE OF THE CONVENTION\n\nArticle 1\n\nScope of the Convention\n\nThe rules of this Convention shall apply to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice\n\n1. between the laws of different countries. 2. They shall not apply to:\n\n(a) questions involving the status or legal capacity of natural persons, without prejudice to Article 11;\n\n(b) contractual obligations relating to:\n\n\u2014 wills and succession,\n\n\u2014 rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship,\n\n\u2014 rights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity, including\n\nmaintenance obligations in respect of children who are not legitimate;\n\n(c) obligations arising under bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes and other negotiable instru-\nments to the extent that the obligations under such other negotiable instruments arise out of their\nnegotiable character;\n\n(d) arbitration agreements and agreements on the choice of court;\n\n(e) questions governed by the law of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporate such as the\ncreation, by registration or otherwise, legal capacity, internal organisation or winding up of companies\nand other bodies corporate or unincorporate and the personal liability of officers and members as such\nfor the obligations of the company or body;\n\n(f) the question whether an agent is able to bind a principal, or an organ to bind a company or body\n\ncorporate or unincorporate, to a third party;\n\n(g) the constitution of trusts and the relationship between settlors, trustees and beneficiaries;\n\n(h) evidence and procedure, without prejudice to Article 14. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/5\n\n3. The rules of this Convention do not apply to contracts of insurance which cover risks situated in the\nterritories of the Member States of the European Economic Community. In order to determine whether a\nrisk is situated in those territories the court shall apply its internal law. 4. The preceding paragraph does not apply to contracts of re-insurance. Article 2\n\nApplication of law of non-contracting States\n\nAny law specified by this Convention shall be applied whether or not it is the law of a Contracting State. TITLE II\n\nUNIFORM RULES\n\nArticle 3\n\nFreedom of choice\n\n1. A contract shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties. The choice must be expressed or\ndemonstrated with reasonable certainty by the terms of the contract or the circumstances of the case. By\ntheir choice the parties can select the law applicable to the whole or a part only of the contract. 2. The parties may at any time agree to subject the contract to a law other than that which previously\ngoverned it, whether as a result of an earlier choice under this Article or of other provisions of this\nConvention. Any variation by the parties of the law to be applied made after the conclusion of the contract\nshall not prejudice its formal validity under Article 9 or adversely affect the rights of third parties. 3. The fact that the parties have chosen a foreign law, whether or not accompanied by the choice of a\nforeign tribunal, shall not, where all the other elements relevant to the situation at the time of the choice\nare connected with one country only, prejudice the application of rules of the law at the country which\ncannot be derogated from by contract, hereinafter called \u2018mandatory rules\u2019. The existence and validity of the consent of the parties as to the choice of the applicable law shall be\n\n4. determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8, 9 and 11. Article 4\n\nApplicable law in the absence of choice\n\nTo the extent that the law applicable to the contract has not been chosen in accordance with Article\n1. 3, the contract shall be governed by the law of the country with which it is most closely connected. Never-\ntheless, a separable part of the contract which has a closer connection with another country may by way\nof exception be governed by the law of that other country. 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article, it shall be presumed that the contract is most\nclosely connected with the country where the party who is to effect the performance which is characteristic\nof the contract has, at the time of conclusion of the contract, his habitual residence, or, in the case of a\nbody corporate or unincorporate, its central administration. However, if the contract is entered into in the\ncourse of that party's trade or profession, that country shall be the country in which the principal place of\nbusiness is situated or, where under the terms of the contract the performance is to be effected through a\nplace of business other than the principal place of business, the country in which that other place of busi-\nness is situated. C 334/6\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\n3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, to the extent that the subject matter of\nthe contract is a right in immovable property or a right to use immovable property it shall be presumed\nthat the contract is most closely connected with the country where the immovable property is situated. 4. A contract for the carriage of goods shall not be subject to the presumption in paragraph 2. In such\na contract if the country in which, at the time the contract is concluded, the carrier has his principal place\nof business is also the country in which the place of loading or the place of discharge or the principal\nit shall be presumed that the contract is most closely\nplace of business of the consignor is situated,\nconnected with that country. In applying this paragraph single voyage charter-parties and other contracts\nthe main purpose of which is the carriage of goods shall be treated as contracts for the carriage of goods. Paragraph 2 shall not apply if the characteristic performance cannot be determined, and the presump-\n5. tions in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall be disregarded if it appears from the circumstances as a whole that the\ncontract is more closely connected with another country. Article 5\n\nCertain consumer contracts\n\n1. This Article applies to a contract the object of which is the supply of goods or services to a person\n(\u2018the consumer\u2019) for a purpose which can be regarded as being outside his trade or profession, or a contract\nfor the provision of credit for that object. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, a choice of law made by the parties shall not have the\nresult of depriving the consumer of the protection afforded to him by the mandatory rules of the law of\nthe country in which he has his habitual residence:\n\n\u2014 if in that country the conclusion of the contract was preceded by a specific invitation addressed to him\nor by advertising, and he had taken in that country all the steps necessary on his part for the conclu-\nsion of the contract, or\n\n\u2014 if the other party or his agent received the consumer's order in that country, or\n\n\u2014 if the contract is for the sale of goods and the consumer travelled from that country to another country\nand there gave his order, provided that the consumer's journey was arranged by the seller for the\npurpose of inducing the consumer to buy. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, a contract to which this Article applies shall, in the\nabsence of choice in accordance with Article 3, be governed by the law of the country in which the\nconsumer has his habitual residence if it is entered into in the circumstances described in paragraph 2 of\nthis Article. 4. This Article shall not apply to:\n\n(a) a contract of carriage;\n\n(b) a contract for the supply of services where the services are to be supplied to the consumer exclusively\n\nin a country other than that in which he has his habitual residence. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4, this Article shall apply to a contract which, for an\n\n5. inclusive price, provides for a combination of travel and accommodation. Article 6\n\nIndividual employment contracts\n\n1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, in a contract of employment a choice of law made by\nthe parties shall not have the result of depriving the employee of the protection afforded to him by the\nmandatory rules of the law which would be applicable under paragraph 2 in the absence of choice. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/7\n\nNotwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, a contract of employment shall, in the absence of choice\n\n2. in accordance with Article 3, be governed:\n\n(a) by the law of the country in which the employee habitually carries out his work in performance of the\n\ncontract, even if he is temporarily employed in another country; or\n\n(b) if the employee does not habitually carry out his work in any one country, by the law of the country\n\nin which the place of business through which he was engaged is situated;\n\nunless it appears from the circumstances as a whole that the contract is more closely connected with\nanother country, in which case the contract shall be governed by the law of that country. Article 7\n\nMandatory rules\n\n1. When applying under this Convention the law of a country, effect may be given to the mandatory\nrules of the law of another country with which the situation has a close connection, if and in so far as,\nunder the law of the latter country, those rules must be applied whatever the law applicable to the\ncontract. In considering whether to give effect to these mandatory rules, regard shall be had to their nature\nand purpose and to the consequences of their application or non-application. Nothing in this Convention shall restrict the application of the rules of the law of the forum in a\n\n2. situation where they are mandatory irrespective of the law otherwise applicable to the contract. Article 8\n\nMaterial validity\n\nThe existence and validity of a contract, or of any term of a contract, shall be determined by the law\n\n1. which would govern it under this Convention if the contract or term were valid. Nevertheless a party may rely upon the law of the country in which he has his habitual residence to\n2. establish that he did not consent if it appears from the circumstances that it would not be reasonable to\ndetermine the effect of his conduct in accordance with the law specified in the preceding paragraph. Article 9\n\nFormal validity\n\n1. A contract concluded between persons who are in the same country is formally valid if it satisfies the\nformal requirements of the law which governs it under this Convention or of the law of the country where\nit is concluded. 2. A contract concluded between persons who are in different countries is formally valid if it satisfies\nthe formal requirements of the law which governs it under this Convention or of the law of one of those\ncountries. 3. Where a contract is concluded by an agent, the country in which the agent acts is the relevant\ncountry for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2. 4. An act intended to have legal effect relating to an existing or contemplated contract is formally valid\nif it satisfies the formal requirements of the law which under this Convention governs or would govern the\ncontract or of the law of the country where the act was done. C 334/8\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\n5. The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to a contract to which Article 5 applies,\nconcluded in the circumstances described in paragraph 2 of Article 5. The formal validity of such a\ncontract is governed by the law of the country in which the consumer has his habitual residence. 6. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article, a contract the subject matter of which is a right in\nimmovable property or a right to use immovable property shall be subject to the mandatory requirements\nof form of the law of the country where the property is situated if by that law those requirements are\nimposed irrespective of the country where the contract is concluded and irrespective of the law governing\nthe contract. Article 10\n\nScope of applicable law\n\nThe law applicable to a contract by virtue of Articles 3 to 6 and 12 of this Convention shall govern\n\n1. in particular:\n\n(a) interpretation;\n\n(b) performance;\n\n(c) within the limits of the powers conferred on the court by its procedural law, the consequences of\n\nbreach, including the assessment of damages in so far as it is governed by rules of law;\n\n(d) the various ways of extinguishing obligations, and prescription and limitation of actions;\n\n(e) the consequences of nullity of the contract. In relation to the manner of performance and the steps to be taken in the event of defective perfor-\n\n2. mance regard shall be had to the law of the country in which performance takes place. Article 11\n\nIncapacity\n\nIn a contract concluded between persons who are in the same country, a natural person who would have\ncapacity under the law of that country may invoke his incapacity resulting from another law only if the\nother party to the contract was aware of this incapacity at the time of the conclusion of the contract or\nwas not aware thereof as a result of negligence. Article 12\n\nVoluntary assignment\n\n1. The mutual obligations of assignor and assignee under a voluntary assignment of a right against\nanother person (\u2018the debtor\u2019) shall be governed by the law which under this Convention applies to the\ncontract between the assignor and assignee. 2. The law governing the right to which the assignment relates shall determine its assignability, the rela-\ntionship between the assignee and the debtor, the conditions under which the assignment can be invoked\nagainst the debtor and any question whether the debtor's obligations have been discharged. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/9\n\nArticle 13\n\nSubrogation\n\n1. Where a person (\u2018the creditor\u2019) has a contractual claim upon another (\u2018the debtor\u2019), and a third person\nhas a duty to satisfy the creditor, or has in fact satisfied the creditor in discharge of that duty, the law\nwhich governs the third person's duty to satisfy the creditor shall determine whether the third person is\nentitled to exercise against the debtor the rights which the creditor had against the debtor under the law\ngoverning their relationship and, if so, whether he may do so in full or only to a limited extent. The same rule applies where several persons are subject to the same contractual claim and one of\n\n2. them has satisfied the creditor. Article 14\n\nBurden of proof, etc. The law governing the contract under this Convention applies to the extent that it contains, in the\n\n1. law of contract, rules which raise presumptions of law or determine the burden of proof. 2. A contract or an act intended to have legal effect may be proved by any mode of proof recognised\nby the law of the forum or by any of the laws referred to in Article 9 under which that contract or act is\nformally valid, provided that such mode of proof can be administered by the forum. Article 15\n\nExclusion of convoi\n\nThe application of the law of any country specified by this Convention means the application of the rules\nof law in force in that country other than its rules of private international law. Article 16\n\n\u2018Ordre public\u2019\n\nThe application of a rule of the law of any country specified by this Convention may be refused only if\nsuch application is manifestly incompatible with the public policy (\u2018ordre public\u2019) of the forum. Article 17\n\nNo retrospective effect\n\nThis Convention shall apply in a Contracting State to contracts made after the date on which this Conven-\ntion has entered into force with respect to that State. Article 18\n\nUniform interpretation\n\nIn the interpretation and application of the preceding uniform rules, regard shall be had to their interna-\ntional character and to the desirability of achieving uniformity in their interpretation and application. C 334/10\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nArticle 19\n\nStates with more than one legal system\n\n1. Where a State comprises several territorial units each of which has its own rules of law in respect of\ncontractual obligations, each territorial unit shall be considered as a country for the purposes of identifying\nthe law applicable under this Convention. 2. A State within which different territorial units have their own rules of law in respect of contractual\nobligations shall not be bound to apply this Convention to conflicts solely between the laws of such units. Article 20\n\nPrecedence of Community law\n\nThis Convention shall not affect the application of provisions which, in relation to particular matters, lay\ndown choice of law rules relating to contractual obligations and which are or will be contained in acts of\nthe institutions of the European Communities or in national laws harmonised in implementation of such\nacts. Article 21\n\nRelationship with other conventions\n\nThis Convention shall not prejudice the application of international conventions to which a Contracting\nState is, or becomes, a party. Article 22\n\nReservations\n\nAny Contracting State may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance or approval, reserve the\n\n1. right not to apply:\n\n(a) the provisions of Article 7(1);\n\n(b) the provisions of Article 10(1) (e). 2. (1)\n\nAny Contracting State may at any time withdraw a reservation which it has made; the reservation\n\n3. shall cease to have effect on the first day of the third calendar month after notification of the withdrawal. TITLE III\n\nFINAL PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 23\n\n1. If, after the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Contracting State, that State\nwishes to adopt any new choice of law rule in regard to any particular category of contract within the\nscope of this Convention, it shall communicate its intention to the other signatory States through the\nSecretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. 2. Any signatory State may, within six months from the date of the communication made to the Secre-\ntary-General, request him to arrange consultations between signatory States in order to reach agreement. (\u2026) (2). (1) Paragraph deleted by Article 2(1) of the 1992 Accession Convention. (2) Phrase deleted by the 1992 Accession Convention. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/11\n\n3. If no signatory State has requested consultations within this period or if within two years following\nthe communication made to the Secretary-General no agreement is reached in the course of consultations,\nthe Contracting State concerned may amend its law in the manner indicated. The measures taken by that\nState shall be brought to the knowledge of the other signatory States through the Secretary-General of the\nCouncil of the European Communities. Article 24\n\nIf, after the date on which this Convention has entered into force with respect to a Contracting State,\n1. that State wishes to become a party to a multilateral convention whose principal aim or one of whose\nprincipal aims is to lay down rules of private international law concerning any of the matters governed by\nthis Convention, the procedure set out in Article 23 shall apply. However, the period of two years, referred\nto in paragraph 3 of that Article, shall be reduced to one year. 2. The procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph need not be followed if a Contracting State or\none of the European Communities is already a party to the multilateral convention, or if its object is to\nrevise a convention to which the State concerned is already a party, or if it is a convention concluded\nwithin the framework of the Treaties establishing the European Communities. Article 25\n\nIf a Contracting State considers that the unification achieved by this Convention is prejudiced by the\nconclusion of agreements not covered by Article 24(1), that State may request the Secretary-General of the\nCouncil of the European Communities to arrange consultations between the signatory States of this\nConvention. Any Contracting State may request the revision of this Convention. In this event a revision conference\nshall be convened by the President of the Council of the European Communities. Article 26\n\n\fC 334/12\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nArticle 27 (1)\n\nArticle 28\n\nThis Convention shall be open from 19 June 1980 for signature by the States party to the Treaty\n\n1. establishing the European Economic Community. 2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States. The\ninstruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the\nCouncil of the European Communities (2). Article 29 (3)\n\nThis Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the deposit of\n\n1. the seventh instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. 2. This Convention shall enter into force for each signatory State ratifying, accepting or approving at a\nlater date on the first day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification, accep-\ntance or approval. (1) Article deleted by Article 2(1) of the 1992 Accession Convention. (2) Ratification of the Accession Conventions is governed by the following provisions of those Conventions:\n\u2014 as regards the 1984 Accession Convention, by Article 3 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 3\nThis Convention shall be ratified by signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the\nSecretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1992 Accession Convention, by Article 4 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 4\nThis Convention shall be ratified by signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the\nSecretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1996 Accession Convention, by Article 5 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 5\nThis Convention shall be ratified by signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the\nSecretary-General of the Council of the European Union. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 2005 Accession Convention, by Article 4 of the Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 4\nThis Convention shall be ratified by signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the\nSecretary-General of the Council of the European Union. \u2019. (3) The entry into force of the Accession Conventions is governed by the following provisions of those Conventions:\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1984 Accession Convention, by Article 4 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 4\nThis Convention shall enter into force, as between the States which have ratified it, on the first day of the third\nmonth following the deposit of the last instrument of ratification by the Hellenic Republic and seven States\nwhich have ratified the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations. This Convention shall enter into force for each Contracting State which subsequently ratifies it on the first day of\nthe third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1992 Accession Convention, by Article 5 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 5\nThis Convention shall enter into force, as between the States which have ratified it, on the first day of the third\nmonth following the deposit of the last instrument of ratification by the Kingdom of Spain or the Portuguese\nRepublic and by one State which has ratified the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations. This Convention shall enter into force for each Contracting State which subsequently ratifies it on the first day of\nthe third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1996 Accession Convention, by Article 6 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 6\n1. This Convention shall enter into force, as between the States which have ratified it, on the first day of the\nthird month following the deposit of the last instrument of ratification by the Republic of Austria, the Republic\nof Finland or the Kingdom of Sweden and by one Contracting State which has ratified the Convention on the law\napplicable to contractual obligations. 2. day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification. \u2019,\n\nThis Convention shall enter into force for each Contracting State which subsequently ratifies it on the first\n\n\u2014 as regards the 2005 Accession Convention, by Article 5 of the Convention, which reads as follows:\n\nThis Convention shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it, on the first day of the third\n\n\u2018Article 5\n1. month following the deposit of the second instrument of ratification. \u2019\n2. the first day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification. Thereafter, this Convention shall enter into force, for each signatory State which subsequently ratifies it, on\n\n\f30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/13\n\nArticle 30\n\nThis Convention shall remain in force for 10 years from the date of its entry into force in accordance\n\n1. with Article 29(1), even for States for which it enters into force at a later date. 2. If there has been no denunciation it shall be renewed tacitly every five years. 3. A Contracting State which wishes to denounce shall, not less than six months before the expiration\nof the period of 10 or five years, as the case may be, give notice to the Secretary-General of the Council of\nthe European Communities. (1). The denunciation shall have effect only in relation to the State which has notified it. The Convention\n\n4. will remain in force as between all other Contracting States. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the States party to the\nTreaty establishing the European Economic Community of:\n\nArticle 31 (2)\n\n(a) the signatures;\n\n(b) deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;\n\n(c) the date of entry into force of this Convention;\n\n(d) communications made in pursuance of Articles 23, 24, 25, 26 and 30 (3);\n\n(e) the reservations and withdrawals of reservations referred to in Article 22. The Protocol annexed to this Convention shall form an integral part thereof. Article 32\n\n(1) Phrase deleted by the 1992 Accession Convention. (2) Notification concerning the Accession Conventions is governed by the following provisions of those Conventions:\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1984 Accession Convention, by Article 5 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 5\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the signatory States of:\n(a) the deposit of each instrument of ratification;\n(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting States. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1992 Accession Convention, by Article 6 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 6\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the signatory States of:\n(a) the deposit of each instrument of ratification;\n(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting States. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1996 Accession Convention, by Article 7 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 7\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall notify the signatory States of:\n(a) the deposit of each instrument of ratification;\n(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting States. \u2019,\n\n\u2014 as regards the 2005 Accession Convention, by Article 6 of the Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 6\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the signatory States of:\n(a) the deposit of each instrument of ratification;\n(b) the dates of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting States. \u2019\n\n(3) Point (d) as amended by the 1992 Accession Convention. C 334/14\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nArticle 33 (1)\n\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish and\nItalian languages, these texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat of\nthe Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General shall transmit a certified copy thereof to\nthe Government of each signatory State. (1) An indication of the authentic texts of the Accession Convention is to be found in the following provisions:\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1984 Accession Convention, in Articles 2 and 6 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 2\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall transmit a certified copy of the Conven-\ntion on the law applicable to contractual obligations in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish and\nItalian languages to the Government of the Hellenic Republic. The text of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations in the Greek language is annexed\nhereto. The text in the Greek language shall be authentic under the same conditions as the other texts of the\nConvention on the law applicable to contractual obligations. \u2019\n\u2018Article 6\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish and\nItalian languages, all eight texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secre-\ntariat of the Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General shall transmit a certified copy to the\ngovernment of each Signatory State. \u2019\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1992 Accession Convention, in Articles 3 and 7 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 3\n1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall transmit a certified copy of the\nConvention on the law applicable to contractual obligations in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German,\nGreek, Irish and Italian languages to the Governments of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic. 2. The text of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations in the Portuguese and Spanish\nlanguages is set out in Annexes I and II to this Convention. The texts drawn up in the Portuguese and Spanish\nlanguages shall be authentic under the same conditions as the other texts of the Convention on the law applicable\nto contractual obligations. \u2019\n\u2018Article 7\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish,\nItalian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, all ten texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives\nof the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General shall transmit a\ncertified copy to the government of each Signatory State. \u2019\n\n\u2014 as regards the 1996 Accession Convention, in Articles 4 and 8 of that Convention, which read as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 4\n1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall transmit a certified copy of the Conven-\ntion of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the First Protocol of 1988, the Second Protocol of 1988 and the Conven-\ntion of 1992 in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese\nlanguages to the Governments of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden. The text of the Convention of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the First Protocol of 1988, the Second\n2. Protocol of 1988 and the Convention of 1992 in the Finnish and Swedish languages shall be authentic under the\nsame conditions as the other texts of the Convention of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the First Protocol of\n1988, the Second Protocol of 1988 and the Convention of 1992. \u2019\n\u2018Article 8\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek,\nIrish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages, all twelve texts being equally authentic, shall be depos-\nited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. The Secretary-General shall\ntransmit a certified copy to the government of each Signatory State. \u2019\n\n\u2014 as regards the 2005 Accession Convention, in Articles 3 and 7 of that Convention, which reads as follows:\n\n\u2018Article 3\n1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall transmit a certified copy of the Conven-\ntion of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the FirstProtocol of 1988, the Second Protocol of 1988, the Convention\nof 1992 and the Convention of 1996 in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish,\nItalian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages to the Governments of the Czech Republic, the Republic of\nEstonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the\nRepublic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic. 2. The text of the Convention of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the First Protocol of 1988, the Second\nProtocol of 1988, the Convention of 1992 and the Convention of 1996 in the Czech, Estonian, Hungarian,\nLatvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Slovakian and Slovenian languages shall be authentic under the same condi-\ntions as the other texts of the Convention of 1980, the Convention of 1984, the First Protocol of 1988, the\nSecond Protocol of 1988, the Convention of 1992 and the Convention of 1996. \u2019\n\u2018Article\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French,\nGerman, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian, Slovenian,\nSpanish and Swedish languages, all twenty-one texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of\nthe General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. The Secretary-General shall transmit a certified\ncopy to the Government of each signatory state. \u2019\n\n\f30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/15\n\nIn witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, having signed this Convention. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. [Signatures of the plenipotentiaries]\n\n\fC 334/16\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nPROTOCOL (1)\n\nThe High Contracting Parties have agreed upon the following provision which shall be annexed to the\nConvention:\n\n\u2018Notwithstanding the provisions of the Convention, Denmark, Sweden and Finland may retain national\nprovisions concerning the law applicable to questions relating to the carriage of goods by sea and may\namend such provisions without following the procedure provided for in Article 23 of the Convention\nof Rome. The national provisions applicable in this respect are the following:\n\n\u2014 in Denmark, paragraphs 252 and 321 (3) and (4) of the \u201cS\u00f8lov\u201d (maritime law),\n\n\u2014 in Sweden, Chapter 13, Article 2(1) and (2), and Chapter 14, Article 1(3), of \u201csj\u00f6lagen\u201d (maritime\n\nlaw),\n\n\u2014 in Finland, Chapter 13, Article 2(1) and (2), and Chapter 14, Article 1(3), of \u201cmerilaki\u201d/\u201csj\u00f6lagen\u201d\n\n(maritime law). \u2019\n\nIn witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n(1) Text as amended by the 1996 Accession Convention. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/17\n\nJOINT DECLARATION\n\nAt the time of the signature of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, the\nGovernments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the\nFrench Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Neth-\nerlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\nI. anxious to avoid, as far as possible, dispersion of choice of law rules among several instruments and\ndifferences between these rules, express the wish that the institutions of the European Communities, in\nthe exercise of their powers under the Treaties by which they were established, will, where the need\narises, endeavour to adopt choice of law rules which are as far as possible consistent with those of this\nConvention;\n\nII. declare their intention as from the date of signature of this Convention until becoming bound by\nArticle 24, to consult with each other if any one of the signatory States wishes to become a party to\nany convention to which the procedure referred to in Article 24 would apply;\n\nIII. having regard to the contribution of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations to\nthe unification of choice of law rules within the European Communities, express the view that any\nState which becomes a member of the European Communities should accede to this Convention. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Joint Declaration. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n\fC 334/18\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nJOINT DECLARATION\n\nThe Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium,\nGermany,\nKingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\nthe Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of\nthe\n\nthe Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,\n\nIreland, the Italian Republic,\n\nthe French Republic,\n\nOn signing the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations;\n\nDesiring to ensure that the Convention is applied as effectively as possible;\n\nAnxious to prevent differences of interpretation of the Convention from impairing its unifying effect;\n\nDeclare themselves ready:\n\n1. to examine the possibility of conferring jurisdiction in certain matters on the Court of Justice of the\n\nEuropean Communities and, if necessary, to negotiate an agreement to this effect;\n\n2. to arrange meetings at regular intervals between their representatives. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Joint Declaration. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n\f30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/19\n\nJoint declaration by the High Contracting Parties concerning the deadlines set for ratification of\nthe Accession Convention\n\n\u2018The High Contracting Parties, meeting in the Council at the time of the signature of the Convention on\nthe accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of\nLatvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland,\nthe Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic to the 1980 Rome Convention on the law applicable to\ncontractual obligations, declare that they will take the necessary steps to ratify this Convention within a\nreasonable time and, if possible, before December 2005. \u2019\n\nDeclaration by the Member States concerning the timing of the submission of a proposal for a\nRegulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations\n\n\u2018The Member States request that the Commission submit, as soon as possible and at the latest by the end\nof 2005, a proposal for a Regulation on the law applicable to contractual obligations. \u2019\n\nJoint Declaration by the Member States on the exchange of information\n\n\u2018The Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal\nRepublic of Germany, the Republic of Estonia, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French\nRepublic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of\nLithuania, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Kingdom\nof the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic\nof Slovenia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden and the United Kingdom\nof Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\nOn signing the 2005 Convention on accession to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obli-\ngations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980, and to the First and Second Protocols on interpre-\ntation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, as amended,\n\nDesiring to ensure that the provisions of the First Protocol are applied as effectively and as uniformly as\npossible,\n\nDeclare themselves ready to organise, in cooperation with the Court of Justice of the European Commu-\nnities, an exchange of information on judgments which have become res judicata and have been handed\ndown pursuant to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations by the courts referred\nto in Article 2 of the said Protocol. The exchange of information will comprise:\n\n\u2014 the forwarding to the Court of Justice by the competent national authorities of judgments handed\ndown by the courts referred to in Article 2(a) of the First Protocol and significant judgments handed\ndown by the courts referred to in Article 2(b) of that Protocol,\n\n\u2014 the classification and the documentary exploitation of\n\nJustice\nincluding, as far as necessary, the drawing up of abstracts and translations, and the publication of judg-\nments of particular importance,\n\nthese judgments by the Court of\n\n\u2014 the communication by the Court of Justice of the documentary material to the competent national\nauthorities of the States parties to the Protocol and to the Commission and the Council of the European\nCommunities. \u2019\n\n\fC 334/20\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nFIRST PROTOCOL (1) ON THE INTERPRETATION BY THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EURO-\nPEAN COMMUNITIES OF THE CONVENTION ON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTUAL\nOBLIGATIONS, OPENED FOR SIGNATURE IN ROME ON 19 JUNE 1980\n\nTHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES TO THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY,\n\nHAVING REGARD to the Joint Declaration annexed to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual\nobligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980,\n\nHAVE DECIDED to conclude a Protocol conferring jurisdiction on the Court of Justice of the European\nCommunities to interpret that Convention, and to this end have designated as their Plenipotentiaries:\n\n[Plenipotentiaries designated by the Member States]\n\nWHO, meeting within the Council of the European Communities, having exchanged their full powers,\nfound in good and due form,\n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\n\nArticle 1\n\nThe Court of Justice of the European Communities shall have jurisdiction to give rulings on the interpreta-\ntion of:\n\n(a) the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19\n\nJune 1980, hereinafter referred to as \u2018the Rome Convention\u2019;\n\n(b) the Convention on accession to the Rome Convention by the States which have become Members of\n\nthe European Communities since the date on which it was opened for signature;\n\n(c) this Protocol. Article 2\n\nAny of the courts referred to below may request the Court of Justice to give a preliminary ruling on a ques-\ntion raised in a case pending before it and concerning interpretation of the provisions contained in the\ninstruments referred to in Article 1 if that court considers that a decision on the question is necessary to\nenable it to give judgment:\n\n(a) \u2014 in Belgium:\n\n\u2018la Cour de cassation\u2019 (\u2018het Hof van Cassatie\u2019) and \u2018le Conseil d'\u00c9tat\u2019 (\u2018de Raad van State\u2019),\n\n\u2014 in the Czech Republic:\n\n\u2018Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed soud \u010cesk\u00e9 republiky\u2019 and \u2018Nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed spr\u00e1vn\u00ed soud\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Denmark:\n\n\u2018H\u00f8jesteret\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in the Federal Republic of Germany:\n\n\u2018die obersten Gerichtsh\u00f6fe des Bundes\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Estonia:\n\n\u2018Riigikohus\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Greece:\n\n\u03a4\u03b1 \u03b1\u03bd\u03ce\u03c4\u03b1\u03c4\u03b1 \u2206\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1,\n\n(1) Text as amended by the 2005 Accession Convention. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/21\n\n\u2014 in Spain:\n\n\u2018el Tribunal Supremo\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in France:\n\n\u2018la Cour de cassation\u2019 and \u2018le Conseil d'\u00c9tat\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Ireland:\n\nthe Supreme Court,\n\n\u2014 in Italy:\n\n\u2018la Corte suprema di cassazione\u2019 and \u2018il Consiglio di Stato\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Cyprus:\n\n\u2018\u0391\u03bd\u03ce\u03c4\u03b1\u03c4\u03bf \u2206\u03b9\u03ba\u03b1\u03c3\u03c4\u03ae\u03c1\u03b9\u03bf\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Latvia:\n\n\u2018Augst\u0101k\u0101s Tiesas Sen\u0101ts\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Lithuania:\n\n\u2018Lietuvos Auk\u0161\u010diausiasis Teismas\u2019 and \u2018Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Luxembourg:\n\n\u2018la Cour Sup\u00e9rieure de Justice\u2019 when sitting as \u2018Cour de cassation\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Hungary:\n\n\u2018Legfels\u00f5bb B\u00edr\u00f3s\u00e1g\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Malta:\n\n\u2018Qorti ta' l-Appell\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in the Netherlands:\n\n\u2018de Hoge Raad\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Austria:\n\nthe \u2018Oberste Gerichtshof\u2019, the \u2018Verwaltungsgerichtshof\u2019 and the \u2018Verfassungsgerichtshof\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Poland:\n\n\u2018S\u0105d Najwy\u017cszy\u2019 and \u2018Naczelny S\u0105d Administracyjny\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Portugal:\n\n\u2018o Supremo Tribunal de Justi\u00e7a\u2019 and \u2018o Supremo Tribunal Administrativo\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Slovenia:\n\n\u2018Ustavno sodi\u0161\u010de Republike Slovenije\u2019,\n\n\u2018Vrhovno sodi\u0161\u010de Republike Slovenije\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Slovakia:\n\n\u2018Najvy\u0161\u0161\u00ed s\u00fad Slovenskej republiky\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Finland:\n\n\u2018korkein oikeus/h\u00f6gsta domstolen\u2019, \u2018korkein hallinto-oikeus/h\u00f6gsta f\u00f6rvaltningsdomstolen\u2019, \u2018markki-\nnatuomioistuin/marknadsdomstolen\u2019 and \u2018ty\u00f6tuomioistuin/arbetsdomstolen\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in Sweden:\n\n\u2018H\u00f6gsta domstolen\u2019, \u2018Regeringsr\u00e4tten\u2019, \u2018Arbetsdomstolen\u2019 and \u2018Marknadsdomstolen\u2019,\n\n\u2014 in the United Kingdom:\n\nthe House of Lords and other courts from which no further appeal is possible;\n\n(b) the courts of the Contracting States when acting as appeal courts. C 334/22\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nArticle 3\n\nThe competent authority of a Contracting State may request the Court of Justice to give a ruling on a\n1. question of interpretation of the provisions contained in the instruments referred to in Article 1 if judg-\nments given by courts of that State conflict with the interpretation given either by the Court of Justice or\nin a judgment of one of the courts of another Contracting State referred to in Article 2. The provisions of\nthis paragraph shall apply only to judgments which have become res judicata. The interpretation given by the Court of Justice in response to such a request shall not affect the\n\n2. judgments which gave rise to the request for interpretation. 3. The Procurators-General of the Supreme Courts of Appeal of the Contracting States, or any other\nauthority designated by a Contracting State, shall be entitled to request the Court of Justice for a ruling on\ninterpretation in accordance with paragraph 1. 4. The Registrar of the Court of Justice shall give notice of the request to the Contracting States, to the\nCommission and to the Council of the European Communities; they shall then be entitled within two\nmonths of the notification to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court. No fees shall be levied or any costs or expenses awarded in respect of the proceedings provided for\n\n5. in this Article. Article 4\n\n1. Except where this Protocol otherwise provides, the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European\nEconomic Community and those of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice annexed thereto,\nwhich are applicable when the Court is requested to give a preliminary ruling, shall also apply to any\nproceedings for the interpretation of the instruments referred to in Article 1. The Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice shall, if necessary, be adjusted and supplemented in\n\n2. accordance with Article 188 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. Article 5 (1)\n\nThis Protocol shall be subject to ratification by the Signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be\ndeposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Article 6 (2)\n\nTo enter into force,\n\n1. this Protocol must be ratified by seven States in respect of which the\nRome Convention is in force. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the third month\nfollowing the deposit of the instrument of ratification by the last such State to take this step. If, however,\nthe Second Protocol conferring on the Court of Justice of the European Communities certain powers to\ninterpret the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome\non 19 June 1980, concluded in Brussels on 19 December 1988 (3) enters into force on a later date, this\nProtocol shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the Second Protocol. 2. Any ratification subsequent to the entry into force of this Protocol shall take effect on the first day of\nthe third month following the deposit of the instrument of ratification, provided that the ratification,\nacceptance or approval of the Rome Convention by the State in question has become effective. (1) See footnote 1 on page 12. (2) See footnote 3 on page 12. (3) See page 14. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/23\n\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the Signatory States of:\n\nArticle 7 (1)\n\n(a) the deposit of each instrument of ratification;\n\n(b) the date of entry into force of this Protocol;\n\n(c) any designation communicated pursuant to Article 3(3);\n\n(d) any communication made pursuant to Article 8. Article 8\n\nThe Contracting States shall communicate to the Secretary-General of the Council of the European\nCommunities the texts of any provisions of their laws which necessitate an amendment to the list of courts\nin Article 2(a). Article 9\n\nThis Protocol shall have effect for as long as the Rome Convention remains in force under the conditions\nlaid down in Article 30 of that Convention. Article 10\n\nAny Contracting State may request the revision of this Protocol. In this event, a revision conference shall\nbe convened by the President of the Council of the European Communities. Article 11 (2)\n\nThis Protocol, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish,\nItalian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, all 10 texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the\narchives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General\nshall transmit a certified copy to the Government of each Signatory State. In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures below this Protocol. Done at Brussels on the nineteenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-\neight. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n(1) See footnote 1 on page 13. (2) See footnote 1 on page 14. C 334/24\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nJOINT DECLARATIONS\n\nJoint Declaration\n\nThe Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium,\nthe Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of\nGermany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic,\nthe Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Portuguese Republic and the\nUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\nOn signing the First Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of\nthe Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June\n1980,\n\nDesiring to ensure that the Convention is applied as effectively and as uniformly as possible,\n\nDeclare themselves ready to organise, in cooperation with the Court of Justice of the European Commu-\nnities, an exchange of information on judgments which have become res judicata and have been handed\ndown pursuant to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations by the courts referred\nto in Article 2 of the said Protocol. The exchange of information will comprise:\n\n\u2014 the forwarding to the Court of Justice by the competent national authorities of judgments handed\ndown by the courts referred to in Article 2(a) and significant judgments handed down by the courts\nreferred to in Article 2(b),\n\n\u2014 the classification and the documentary exploitation of\n\nJustice\nincluding, as far as necessary, the drawing up of abstracts and translations, and the publication of judg-\nments of particular importance,\n\nthese judgments by the Court of\n\n\u2014 the communication by the Court of Justice of the documentary material to the competent national\nauthorities of the States parties to the Protocol and to the Commission and the Council of the European\nCommunities. In witness whereof,\nJoint Declaration. the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have\n\naffixed their\n\nsignature below this\n\nDone at Brussels on the nineteenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-\neight. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\nJoint Declaration\n\nThe Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium,\nthe Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of\nGermany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic,\nthe Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Portuguese Republic and the\nUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\nOn signing the First Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of\nthe Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June\n1980,\n\nHaving regard to the Joint Declaration annexed to the Convention on the law applicable to contractual\nobligations,\n\nDesiring to ensure that the Convention is applied as effectively and as uniformly as possible,\n\nAnxious to prevent differences of interpretation of the Convention from impairing its unifying effect,\n\n\f30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/25\n\nExpress the view that any State which becomes a member of the European Communities should accede to\nthis Protocol. In witness whereof,\nJoint Declaration. the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their\n\nsignatures below this\n\nDone at Brussels on the nineteenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-\neight. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n\fC 334/26\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n30. 12. 2005\n\nSECOND PROTOCOL CONFERRING ON THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN\nCOMMUNITIES CERTAIN POWERS TO INTERPRET THE CONVENTION ON THE LAW APPLIC-\nABLE TO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS; OPENED FOR SIGNATURE IN ROME ON 19 JUNE\n1980\n\nTHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES TO THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY,\n\nWHEREAS the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for signature in Rome\non 19 June 1980, hereinafter referred to as \u2018the Rome Convention\u2019, will enter into force after the deposit\nof the seventh instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;\n\nWHEREAS the uniform application of\nthe rules laid down in the Rome Convention requires that\nmachinery to ensure uniform interpretation be set up and whereas to that end appropriate powers should\nbe conferred upon the Court of Justice of the European Communities, even before the Rome Convention\nenters into force with respect to all the Member States of the European Economic Community,\n\nHAVE DECIDED to conclude this Protocol and to this end have designated as their Plenipotentiaries:\n\n[Plenipotentiaries designated by the Member States]\n\nWHO, meeting within the Council of the European Communities, having exchanged their full powers;\nfound in good and due form,\n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\n\nArticle 1\n\n1. The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall, with respect to the Rome Convention, have\nthe jurisdiction conferred upon it by the First Protocol on the interpretation by the Court of Justice of the\nEuropean Communities of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, opened for\nsignature in Rome on 19 June 1980, concluded in Brussels on 19 December 1988 (1). The Protocol on the\nStatute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Rules of Procedure of the Court of\nJustice shall apply. The Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice shall be adapted and supplemented as necessary in\n\n2. accordance with Article 188 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. Article 2 (2)\n\nThis Protocol shall be subject to ratification by the Signatory States. The instruments of ratification shall be\ndeposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Article 3 (3)\n\nThis Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the deposit of the instru-\nment of ratification of the last Signatory State to complete that formality. (1) See page 1. (2) See footnote 1 on page 12. (3) See footnote 3 on page 12. 30. 12. 2005\n\nEN\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\nC 334/27\n\nArticle 4 (1)\n\nThis Protocol, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish,\nItalian, Portuguese and Spanish languages, all 10 texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the\narchives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General\nshall transmit a certified copy to the Government of each signatory. In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signature below this Protocol. Done at Brussels on the nineteenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-\neight. [Signatures of the Plenipotentiaries]\n\n(1) See footnote 1 on page 14"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22cc5c49-2b36-4962-aa60-e928a52efa66", "title": "80/934/EEC: Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980 /* Consolidated version CF 498Y0126(03) */", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Belgium,Denmark,France,Germany,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,United Kingdom", "date": "1980-06-19", "subjects": "contract,enforcement of ruling,jurisdiction,law of obligations,private international law", "workIds": "celex:41980A0934,oj:JOL_1980_266_R_0001_003", "eurovoc_concepts": ["contract", "enforcement of ruling", "jurisdiction", "law of obligations", "private international law"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22cc5c49-2b36-4962-aa60-e928a52efa66", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1980266EN. 01000101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. 10. 1980\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 266/1\n\n\n\n\n\nCONVENTION\nON THE LAW APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS\nopened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980\n(80/934/EEC)\n\nPREAMBLE\n\nTHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nANXIOUS to continue in the field of private international law the work of unification of law which has already been done within the Community, in particular in the field of jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments,\nWISHING to establish uniform rules concerning the law applicable to contractual obligations,\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\nTITLE I\n\nSCOPE OF THE CONVENTION\n\nArticle 1\nScope of the Convention\n1. The rules of this Convention shall apply to contractual obligations in any situation involving a choice between the laws of different countries. 2. They shall not apply to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nquestions involving the status or legal capacity of natural persons, without prejudice to Article 11;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\ncontractual obligations relating to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nwills and succession,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nrights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nrights and duties arising out of a family relationship, parentage, marriage or affinity, including maintenance obligations in respect of children who are not legitimate;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nobligations arising under bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes and other negotiable instruments to the extent that the obligations under such other negotiable instruments arise out of their negotiable character;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\narbitration agreements and agreements on the choice of court;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nquestions governed by the law of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporate such as the creation, by registration or otherwise, legal capacity, -internal organization or winding up of companies and other bodies corporate or unincorporate and the personal liability of officers and members as such for the obligations of the company or body;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nthe question whether an agent is able to bind a principal, or an organ to bind a company or body corporate or unincorporate, to a third party;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(g)\n\n\nthe constitution of trusts and the relationship between settlors, trustees and beneficiaries;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(h)\n\n\nevidence and procedure, without prejudice to Article 14. 3. The rules of this Convention do not apply to contracts of insurance which cover risks situated in the territories of the Member States of the European Economic Community. In order to determine whether a risk is situated in these territories the court shall apply its internal law. 4. The preceding paragraph does not apply to contracts of re-insurance. Article 2\nApplication of law of non-contracting States\nAny law specified by this Convention shall be applied whether or not it is the law of a Contracting State. TITLE II\n\nUNIFORM RULES\n\nArticle 3\nFreedom of choice\n1. A contract shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties. The choice must be expressed or demonstrated with reasonable certainty by the terms of the contract or the circumstances of the case. By their choice the parties can select the law applicable to the whole or a part only of the contract. 2. The parties may at any time agree to subject the contract to a law other than that which previously governed it, whether as a result of an earlier choice under this Article or of other provisions of this Convention. Any variation by the parties of the law to be applied made after the conclusion of the contract shall not prejudice its formal validity under Article 9 or adversely affect the rights of third parties. 3. The fact that the parties have chosen a foreign law, whether or not accompanied by the choice of a foreign tribunal, shall not, where all the other elements relevant to the situation at the time of the choice are connected with one country only, prejudice the application of rules of the law of that country which cannot be derogated from by contract, hereinafter called \u2018mandatory rules\u2019. 4. The existence and validity of the consent of the parties as to the choice of the applicable law shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8, 9 and 11. Article 4\nApplicable law in the absence of choice\n1. To the extent that the law applicable to the contract has not been chosen in accordance with Article 3, the contract shall be governed by the law of the country with which it is most closely connected. Nevertheless, a severable part of the contract which has a closer connection with another country may by way of exception be governed by the law of that other country. 2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article, it shall be presumed that the contract is most closely connected with the country where the party who is to effect the performance which is characteristic of the contract has, at the time of conclusion of the contract, his habitual residence, or, in the case of a body corporate or unincorporate, its central administration. However, if the contract is entered into in the course of that party's trade or profession, that country shall be the country in which the principal place of business is situated or, where under the terms of the contract the performance is to be effected through a place of business other than the principal place of business, the country in which that other place of business is situated. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, to the extent that the subject matter of the contract is a right in immovable property or a right to use immovable property it shall be presumed that the contract is most closely connected with the country where the immovable property is situated. 4. A contract for the carriage of goods shall not be subject to the presumption in paragraph 2. In such a contract if the country in which, at the time the contract is concluded, the carrier has his principal place of business is also the country in which the place of loading or the place of discharge or the principal place of business of the consignor is situated, it shall be presumed that the contract is most closely connected with that country. In applying this paragraph single voyage charter-parties and other contracts the main purpose of which is the carriage of goods shall be treated as contracts for the carriage of goods. 5. Paragraph 2 shall not apply if the characteristic performance cannot be determined, and the presumptions in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 shall be disregarded if it appears from the circumstances as a whole that the contract is more closely connected with another country. Article 5\nCertain consumer contracts\n1. This Article applies to a contract the object of which is the supply of goods or services to a person (\u2018the consumer\u2019) for a purpose which can be regarded as being outside his trade or profession, or a contract for the provision of credit for that object. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, a choice of law made by the parties shall not have the result of depriving the consumer of the protection afforded to him by the mandatory rules of the law of the country in which he has his habitual residence:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nif in that country the conclusion of the contract was preceded by a specific invitation addressed to him or by advertising, and he had taken in that country all the steps necessary on his part for the conclusion of the contract, or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nif the other party or his agent received the consumer's order in that country, or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nif the contract is for the sale of goods and the consumer travelled from that country to another country and there gave his order, provided that the consumer's journey was arranged by the seller for the purpose of inducing the consumer to buy. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, a contract to which this Article applies shall, in the absence of choice in accordance with Article 3, be governed by the law of the country in which the consumer has his habitual residence if it is entered into in the circumstances described in paragraph 2 of this Article. 4. This Article shall not apply to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\na contract of carriage;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\na contract for the supply of services where the services are to be supplied to the consumer exclusively in a country other than that in which he has his habitual residence. 5. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4, this Article shall apply to a contract which, for an inclusive price, provides for a combination of travel and accommodation. Article 6\nIndividual employment contracts\n1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, in a contract of employment a choice of law made by the parties shall not have the result of depriving the employee of the protection afforded to him by the mandatory rules of the law which would be applicable under paragraph 2 in the absence of choice. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4, a contract of employment shall, in the absence of choice in accordance with Article 3, be governed:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nby the law of the country in which the employee habitually carries out his work in performance of the contract, even if he is temporarily employed in another country; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nif the employee does not habitually carry out his work in any one country, by the law of the country in which the place of business through which he was engaged is situated;\n\n\n\n\nunless it appears from the circumstances as a whole that the contract is more closely connected with another country, in which case the contract shall be governed by the law of that country. Article 7\nMandatory rules\n1. When applying under this Convention the law of a country, effect may be given to the mandatory rules of the law of another country with which the situation has a close connection, if and in so far as, under the law of the latter country, those rules must be applied whatever the law applicable to the contract. In considering whether to give effect to these mandatory rules, regard shall be had to their nature and purpose and to the consequences of their application or non-application. 2. Nothing in this Convention shall restrict the application of the rules of the law of the forum in a situation where they are mandatory irrespective of the law otherwise applicable to the contract. Article 8\nMaterial validity\n1. The existence and validity of a contract, or of any term of a contract, shall be determined by the law which would govern it under this Convention if the contract or term were valid. 2. Nevertheless a party may rely upon the law of the country in which he has his habitual residence to establish that he did not consent if it appears from the circumstances that it would not be reasonable to determine the effect of his conduct in accordance with the law specified in the preceding paragraph. Article 9\nFormal validity\n1. A contract concluded between persons who are in the same country is formally valid if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law which governs it under this Convention or of the law of the country where it is concluded. 2. A contract concluded between persons who are in different countries is formally valid if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law which governs it under this Convention or of the law of one of those countries. 3. Where a contract is concluded by an agent, the country in which the agent acts is the relevant country for the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2. 4. An act intended to have legal effect relating to an existing or contemplated contract is formally valid if it satisfies the formal requirements of the law which under this Convention governs or would govern the contract or of the law of the country where the act was done. 5. The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to a contract to which Article 5 applies, concluded in the circumstances described in paragraph 2 of Article 5. The formal validity of such a contract is governed by the law of the country in which the consumer has his habitual residence. 6. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article, a contract the subject matter of which is a right in immovable property or a right to use immovable property shall be subject to the mandatory requirements of form of the law of the country where the property is situated if by that law those requirements are imposed irrespective of the country where the contract is concluded and irrespective of the law governing the contract. Article 10\nScope of the applicable law\n1. The law applicable to a contract by virtue of Articles 3 to 6 and 12 of this Convention shall govern in particular:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\ninterpretation;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nperformance;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nwithin the limits of the powers conferred on the court by its procedural law, the consquences of breach, including the assessment of damages in so far as it is governed by rules of law;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nthe various ways of extinguishing obligations, and prescription and limitation of actions;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nthe consequences of nullity of the contract. 2. In relation to the manner of performance and the steps to be taken in the event of defective performance regard shall be had to the law of the country in which performance takes place. Article 11\nIncapacity\nIn a contract concluded between persons who are in the same country, a natural person who would have capacity under the law of that country may invoke his incapacity resulting from another law only if the other party to the contract was aware of this incapacity at the time of the conclusion of the contract or was not aware thereof as a result of negligence. Article 12\nVoluntary assignment\n1. The mutual obligations of assignor and assignee under a voluntary assignment of a right against another person (\u2018the debtor\u2019) shall be governed by the law which under this Convention applies to the contract between the assignor and assignee. 2. The law governing the right to which the assignment relates shall determine its assignability, the relationship betweeen the assignee and the debtor, the conditions under which the assignment can be invoked against the debtor and any question whether the debtor's obligations have been discharged. Article 13\nSubrogation\n1. Where a person (\u2018the creditor\u2019) has a contractual claim upon another (\u2018the debtor\u2019), and a third person has a duty to satisfy the creditor, or has in fact satisfied the creditor in discharge of that duty, the law which governs the third person's duty to satisfy the creditor shall determine whether the third person is entitled to exercise against the debtor the rights which the creditor had against the debtor under the law governing their relationship and, if so, whether he may do so in full or only to a limited extent. 2. The same rule applies where several persons are subject to the same contractual claim and one of them has satisfied the creditor. Article 14\nBurden of proof, etc. 1. The law governing the contract under this Convention applies to the extent that it contains, in the law of contract, rules which raise presumptions of law or determine the burden of proof. 2. A contract or an act intended to have legal effect may be proved by any mode of proof recognized by the law of the forum or by any of the laws referred to in Article 9 under which that contract or act is formally valid, provided that such mode of proof can be administered by the forum. Article 15\nExclusion of renvoi\nThe application of the law of any country specified by this Convention means the application of the rules of law in force in that country other than its rules of private international law. Article 16\n\u2018Ordre public\u2019\nThe application of a rule of the law of any country specified by this Convention may be refused only if such application is manifestly incompatible with the public policy (\u2018ordre public\u2019) of the forum. Article 17\nNo retrospective effect\nThis Convention shall apply in a Contracting State to contracts made after the date on which this Convention has entered into force with respect to that State. Article 18\nUniform interpretation\nIn the interpretation and application of the preceding uniform rules, regard shall be had to their international character and to the desirability of achieving uniformity in their interpretation and application. Article 19\nStates with more than one legal system\n1. Where a State comprises several territorial units each of which has its own rules of law in respect of contractual obligations, each territorial unit shall be considered as a country for the purposes of identifying the law applicable under this Convention. 2. A State within which different territorial units have their own rules of law in respect of contractual obligations shall not be bound to apply this Convention to conflicts solely between the laws of such units. Article 20\nPrecedence of Community law\nThis Convention shall not affect the application of provisions which, in relation to particular matters, lay down choice of law rules relating to contractual obligations and which are or will be contained in acts of the institutions of the European Communities or in national laws harmonized in implementation of such acts. Article 21\nRelationship with other conventions\nThis Convention shall not prejudice the application of international conventions to which a Contracting State is, or becomes, a party. Article 22\nReservations\n1. Any Contracting State may, at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance or approval, reserve the right not to apply:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthe provisions of Article 7 (1);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe provisions of Article 10 (1) (e). 2. Any Contracting State may also, when notifying an extension of the Convention in accordance with Article 27 (2), make one or more of these reservations, with its effect limited to all or some of the territories mentioned in the extension. 3. Any Contracting State may at any time withdraw a reservation which it has made; the reservation shall cease to have effect on the first day of the third calendar month after notification of the withdrawal. TITLE III\n\nFINAL PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 23\n1. If, after the date on which this Convention has entered into force for a Contracting State, that State wishes to adopt any new choice of law rule in regard to any particular category of contract within the scope of this Convention, it shall communicate its intention to the other signatory States through the Secretary-Geneal of the Council of the European Communities. 2. Any signatory State may, within six months from the date of the communication made to the Secretary-General, request him to arrange consultations between signatory States in order to reach agreement. 3. If no signatory State has requested consultations within this period or if within two years following the communication made to the Secretary-General no agreement is reached in the course of consultations, the Contracting State concerned may amend its law in the manner indicated. The measures taken by that State shall be brought to the knowledge of the other signatory States through the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Article 24\n1. If, after the date on which this Convention has entered into force with respect to a Contracting State, that State wishes to become a party to a multilateral convention whose principal aim or one of whose principal aims is to lay down rules of private international law concerning any of the matters governed by this Convention, the procedure set out in Article 23 shall apply. However, the period of two years, referred to in paragraph 3 of that Article, shall be reduced to one year. 2. The procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph need not be followed if a Contracting State or one of the European Communities is already a party to the multilateral convention, or if its object is to revise a convention to which the State concerned is already a party, or if it is a convention concluded within the framework of the Treaties establishing the European Communities. Article 25\nIf a Contracting State considers that the unification achieved by this Convention is prejudiced by the conclusion of agreements not covered by Article 24 (1), that State may request the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities to arrange consultations between the signatory States of this Convention. Article 26\nAny Contracting State may request the revision of this Convention. In this event a revision conference shall be convened by the President of the Council of the European Communities. Article 27\n1. This Convention shall apply to the European territories of the Contracting States, including Greenland, and to the entire territory of the French Republic. 2. Nothwithstanding paragraph 1:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthis Convention shall not apply to the Faroe Islands, unless the Kingdom of Denmark makes a declaration to the contrary;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthis Convention shall not apply to any European territory situated outside the United Kingdom for the international relations of which the United Kingdom is responsible, unless the United Kingdom makes a declaration to the contrary in respect of any such territory;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nthis Convention shall apply to the Netherlands Antilles, if the Kingdom of the Netherlands makes a declaration to that effect. 3. Such declarations may be made at any time by notifying the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. 4. Proceedings brought in the United Kingdom on appeal from courts in one of the territories referred to in paragraph 2 (b) shall be deemed to be proceedings taking place in those courts. Article 28\n1. This Convention shall be open from 19 June 1980 for signature by the States party to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. 2. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Article 29\n1. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the deposit of the seventh instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. 2. This Convention shall enter into force for each signatory State ratifying, accepting or approving at a later date on the first day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval. Article 30\n1. This Convention shall remain in force for 10 years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with Article 29 (1), even for States for which it enters into force at a later date. 2. If there has been no denunciation it shall be renewed tacitly every five years. 3. A Contracting State which wishes to denounce shall, not less than six months before the expiration of the period of 10 or five years, as the case may be, give notice to the Sectretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Denunciation may be limited to any territory to which the Convention has been extended by a declaration under Article 27 (2). 4. The denunciation shall have effect only in relation to the State which has notified it. The Convention will remain in force as between all other Contracting States. Article 31\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the States party to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nthe signatures;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nthe date of entry into force of this Convention;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\ncommunications made in pursuance of Articles 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nthe reservations and withdrawals of reservations referred to in Article 22. Article 32\nThe Protocol annexed to this Convention shall form an integral part thereof. Article 33\nThis Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish and Italian languages, these texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. The Secretary-General shall transmit a certified copy thereof to the Government of each signatory State. Til bekr\u00e6ftelse heraf har undertegnede beh\u00f8rigt befuldm\u00e6gtigede underskrevet denne konvention. Zu Urkund dessen haben die hierzu geh\u00f6rig befugten Unterzeichneten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses \u00dcbereinkommen gesetzt. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention. En foi de quoi, les soussign\u00e9s, d\u00fbment autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 cet effet, ont sign\u00e9 la pr\u00e9sente convention. D\u00e1 fhian\u00fa sin, sh\u00ednigh na daoine seo th\u00edos, arna n-\u00fadar\u00fa go cu\u00ed chuige sin, an Coinbhinsi\u00fan seo. In fede di che, i sottoscritti, debitamente autorizzati a tal fine, hanno firmato la presente convenzione. Ten blijke waarvan, de ondergetekenden, daartoe behoorlijk gemachtigd, hun handtekening onder dit Verdrag hebben geplaatst. Udf\u00e6rdiget i Rom, den nittende juni nitten hundrede og firs. Geschehen zu Rom am neunzehnten Juni neunzehnhundertachtzig. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. Fait \u00e0 Rome, le dix-neuf juin mil neuf cent quatre-vingt. Arna dh\u00e9anamh sa R\u00f3imh, an nao\u00fa l\u00e1 d\u00e9ag de Mheitheamh sa bhliain m\u00edle naoi gc\u00e9ad ocht\u00f3. Fatto a Roma, add\u00ec diciannove giugno millenovecentoottanta. Gedaan te Rome, de negentiende juni negentienhonderd tachtig. Pour le royaume de Belgique\nVoor het Koninkrijk Belgi\u00eb\n\n\n\n\n\nP\u00e5 kongeriget Danmarks vegne\n\n\nF\u00fcr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland\n\n\n\n\n\nPour la R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise\n\n\n\n\n\nThar ceann na h\u00c9ireann\n\n\n\n\n\nPer la Repubblica italiana\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le grand-duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg\n\n\n\n\n\nVoor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden\n\n\n\n\n\nFor the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland\n\n\n\n\nPROTOCOL\nThe High Contracting Parties have agreed upon the following provision which shall be annexed to the Convention:\nNotwithstanding the provisions of the Convention, Denmark may retain the rules contained in S\u00f8loven (Statute on Maritime Law) paragraph 169 concerning the applicable law in matters relating to carriage of goods by sea and may revise these rules without following the procedure prescribed in Article 23 of the Convention. Til bekr\u00e6ftelse heraf har undertegnede beh\u00f8rigt befuldm\u00e6gtigede underskrevet denne protokol. Zu Urkund dessen haben die hierzu geh\u00f6rig befugten Unterzeichneten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Protokoll gesetzt. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Protocol. En foi de quoi, les soussign\u00e9s, d\u00fbment autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 cet effet, ont sign\u00e9 le pr\u00e9sent protocole. D\u00e1 fhian\u00fa sin, sh\u00ednigh na daoine seo th\u00edos, arna n-\u00fadar\u00fa go cu\u00ed chuige sin, an Pr\u00f3tacal seo. In fede di che, i sottoscritti, debitamente autorizzati a tal fine, hanno firmato il presente protocollo. Ten blijke waarvan, de ondergetekenden, daartoe behoorlijk gemachtigd, hun handtekening onder dit Protocol hebben geplaatst. Udf\u00e6rdiget i Rom, den nittende juni nitten hundrede og firs. Geschehen zu Rom am neunzehnten Juni neunzehnhundertachtzig. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. Fait \u00e0 Rome, le dix-neuf juin mil neuf cent quatre-vingt. Arna dh\u00e9anamh sa R\u00f3imh, an nao\u00fa l\u00e1 d\u00e9ag de Mheitheamh sa bhliain m\u00edle naoi gc\u00e9ad ocht\u00f3. Fatto a Roma, add\u00ec diciannove giugno millenovecentoottanta. Gedaan te Rome, de negentiende juni negentienhonderd tachtig. Pour le royaume de Belgique\nVoor het Koninkrijk Belgi\u00eb\n\n\n\n\n\nP\u00e5 kongeriget Danmarks vegne\n\n\nF\u00fcr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland\n\n\n\n\n\nPour la R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise\n\n\n\n\n\nThar ceann na h\u00c9ireann\n\n\n\n\n\nPer la Repubblica italiana\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le grand-duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg\n\n\n\n\n\nVoor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden\n\n\n\n\n\nFor the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland\n\n\n\n\n\nJOINT DECLARATION\nAt the time of the signature of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations, the Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI. anxious to avoid, as far as possible, dispersion of choice of law rules among several instruments and differences between these rules,\nexpress the wish that the institutions of the European Communities, in the exercise of their powers under the Treaties by which they were established, will, where the need arises, endeavour to adopt choice of law rules which are as far as possible consistent with those of this Convention;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nII. declare their intention as from the date of signature of this Convention until becoming bound by Article 24, to consult with each other if any one of the signatory States wishes to become a party to any convention to which the procedure referred to in Article 24 would apply;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIII. having regard to the contribution of the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations to the unification of choice of law rules within the European Communities, express the view that any State which becomes a member of the European Communities should accede to this Convention\n\n\n\n\n\nTil bekr\u00e6ftelse heraf har undertegnede beh\u00a2rigt befuldm\u00e6gtigede underskrevet denne f\u00e6lleserkl\u00e6ring. Zu Urkund dessen haben die hierzu geh\u00f6rig befugten Unterzeichneten ihre Unterschriften unter diese gemeinsame Erkl\u00e4rung gesetzt. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Joint Declaration. En foi de quoi, les soussign\u00e9s, d\u00fbment autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 cet effet, ont sign\u00e9 la pr\u00e9sente d\u00e9claration commune. D\u00e1 fhian\u00fa sin, sh\u00ednigh na daoine seo th\u00edos, arna n-\u00fadar\u00fa go cu\u00ed chuige sin, an Dearbhu Comhpha\u00edrteach seo. In fede di che, i sottoscritti, debitamente autorizzati a tal fine, hanno firmato la presente dichiarazione comune. Ten blijke waarvan, de ondergetekenden, daartoe behoorlijk gemachtigd, hun handtekening onder deze Verklaring hebben geplaatst. Udf\u00e6rdiget i Rom, den nittende juni nitten hundrede og firs. Geschehen zu Rom am neunzehnten Juni neunzehnhundertachtzig. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. Fait \u00e0 Rome, le dix-neuf juin mil neuf cent quatre-vingt. Arna dh\u00e9anamh sa R\u00f3imh, an nao\u00fa l\u00e1 d\u00e9ag de Mheitheamh sa bhliain m\u00edle naoi gc\u00e9ad ocht\u00f3. Fatto a Roma, add\u00ec diciannove giugno millenovecentoottanta. Gedaan te Rome, de negentiende juni negentienhonderd tachtig. Pour le gouvernement du royaume de Belgique\nVoor de Regering van het Koninkrijk Belgi\u00eb\n\n\n\n\n\nP\u00e5 kongeriget Danmarks vegne\n\n\nF\u00fcr die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le gouvernement de la R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise\n\n\n\n\n\nThar ceann Rialtas na h\u00c9ireann\n\n\n\n\n\nPer il governo della Repubblica italiana\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le gouvernement du grand-duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg\n\n\n\n\n\nVoor de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden\n\n\n\n\n\nFor the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland\n\n\n\n\n\nJOINT DECLARATION\nThe Governments of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,\nOn signing the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations;\nDesiring to ensure that the Convention is applied as effectively as possible;\nAnxious to prevent differences of interpretation of the Convention from impairing its unifying effect;\nDeclare themselves ready:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. to examine the possibility of conferring jurisdicition in certain matters on the Court of Justice of the European Communities and, if necessary, to negotiate an agreement to this effect;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. to arrange meetings at regular intervals between their representatives. Til bekr\u00e6ftelse heraf har undertegnede beh\u00a2rigt befuldm\u00e6gtigede underskrevet denne f\u00e6lleserkl\u00e6ring. Zu Urkund dessen haben die hierzu geh\u00f6rig befugten Unterzeichneten ihre Unterschriften unter diese gemeinsame Erkl\u00e4rung gesetzt. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Joint Declaration. En foi de quoi, les soussign\u00e9s, d\u00fbment autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 cet effet, ont sign\u00e9 la pr\u00e9sente d\u00e9claration commune. D\u00e1 fhian\u00fa sin sh\u00ednigh na daoine seo th\u00edos, arna n-\u00fadar\u00fa go cu\u00ed chuige sin, an Dearbhu Comhph\u00e1irteach seo. In fede di che, i sottoscritti, debitamente autorizzati a tal fine, hanno firmato la presente dichiarazione comune. Ten blijke waarvan, de ondergetekenden, daartoe behoorlijk gemachtigd, hun handtekening onder deze Verklaring hebben geplaatst. Udf\u00e6rdiget i Rom, den nittende juni nitten hundrede og firs. Geschehen zu Rom am neunzehnten Juni neunzehnhundertachtzig. Done at Rome on the nineteenth day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty. Fait \u00e0 Rome, le dix-neuf juin mil neuf cent quatre-vingt. Ama dh\u00e9anamh sa R\u00f3imh, an nao\u00fa l\u00e1 d\u00e9ag de Mheitheamh sa bhliain m\u00edle naoi gc\u00e9ad ocht\u00f3. Fatto a Roma, add\u00ec diciannove giugno millenovecentoottanta. Gedaan te Rome, de negentiende juni negentienhonderd tachtig. Pour le gouvernement du royaume de Belgique\nVoor de Regering van het Koninkrijk Belgi\u00eb\n\n\n\n\n\nP\u00e5 kongeriget Danmarks vegne\n\n\nF\u00fcr die Regierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le gouvernement de la R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise\n\n\n\n\n\nThar ceann Rialtas na h\u00c9ireann\n\n\n\n\n\nPer il governo della Repubblica italiana\n\n\n\n\n\nPour le gouvernement du grand-duch\u00e9 de Luxembourg\n\n\n\n\n\nVoor de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden\n\n\n\n\n\nFor the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/92b8237f-4b8a-41ba-bc73-157af7a59ed4", "title": "QUESTION NO 56 BY MR REMILLY (H-150/80) TO THE COMMISSION: REACTIVATION OF RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EEC AND TURKEY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1d9c7b07-c4aa-4409-b75c-02c45d657284", "title": "QUESTION NO 53 BY MRS EWING (H-47/80) TO THE COUNCIL: ROAD EQUIVALENT TARIFFS FOR OFFSHORE ISLANDS IN PERIPHERAL REGIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "United Kingdom,competition,direct cost,island,maritime transport,price list,proposal (EU),regional policy,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:91980H000047", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "competition", "direct cost", "island", "maritime transport", "price list", "proposal (EU)", "regional policy", "transport policy"], "url": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac50b510-21c7-49b8-a2d2-aa66f264e6b8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1503596f-e639-4681-9f5c-97cc08977648", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1519/80 of 18 June 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 435/79 on communications between Member States and the Commission with regard to peas and field beans", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "animal nutrition,disclosure of information,leguminous vegetable", "workIds": "celex:31980R1519,oj:JOL_1980_151_R_0012_010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal nutrition", "disclosure of information", "leguminous 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"USSR", "anti-discriminatory measure", "emigration", "ethnic group", "human rights", "political prisoner", "racism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aa691842-85cd-4fe8-81ea-35379f52d033", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a4e2a68-ed26-46d5-b54a-e9ce289606c3", "title": "QUESTION NO 60 BY MR PURVIS (H-169/80) TO THE COUNCIL: REPRESENTATION OF MEMBER STATES WHEN DECISIONS ARE TAKEN IN THE COUNCIL OF ENERGY MINISTERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PURVIS John", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "EU Member State,civil servant,energy policy,energy resources,operation of the Institutions,press", "workIds": "celex:91980H000169", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "civil servant", "energy policy", "energy resources", "operation of the Institutions", "press"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a4e2a68-ed26-46d5-b54a-e9ce289606c3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/17a1bc4b-b407-4f4a-b85c-0a22e14db9ef", "title": "QUESTION NO 55 BY MR DELEAU (H-146/80) TO THE COUNCIL: ARTICLE 119 OF THE EEC/GREECE TREATY OF ACCESSION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DELEAU,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "EU Member State,Greece,Maghreb,Mashreq,association agreement,enlargement of the Union", "workIds": "celex:91980H000146", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "Greece", "Maghreb", "Mashreq", "association agreement", "enlargement of the Union"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/17a1bc4b-b407-4f4a-b85c-0a22e14db9ef", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bc0be51d-186c-4eb7-bb1f-3310501dff0f", "title": "QUESTION NO 71 BY MR HUTTON (H-107/80) TO THE FOREIGN MINISTERS MEETING IN POLITICAL COOPERATION: COMPETENCE OF QUESTIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HUTTON", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU competence,European Council,foreign policy,operation of the 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\u2013 Internal Market and Financial Services,European Commission", "date": "1980-06-18", "subjects": "company with share capital,official document,publication,share,stock-exchange listing", "workIds": "celex:51980PC0332,comnat:COM_1980_0332_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["company with share capital", "official document", "publication", "share", "stock-exchange listing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65bd3cd1-4261-40a1-8cd6-2249b62250b5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d80becdc-2b40-4969-bedc-5e08f2fb8494", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 640/80 BY MR CRONIN TO THE COMMISSION: IMPORTS OF CHEAP CLOTHING FROM THE FAR EAST TO IRELAND", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CRONIN,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "Ireland,United Kingdom,clothing industry,import,quantitative restriction,textile product,trade policy", "workIds": "celex:91980E000640", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "United Kingdom", "clothing industry", "import", "quantitative restriction", "textile product", "trade policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d80becdc-2b40-4969-bedc-5e08f2fb8494", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4780dc5-3a76-496a-b721-687dd3df7b35", "title": "Assent No 12/80 given by the Council pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 54 of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community to finance an investment programme to restructure the shipyards of Blohm & Voss and Cantieri Navali Riuniti SPA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#assent_ceca_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "ECSC loan,EU investment,Hamburg,Italy,industrial restructuring,shipbuilding", "workIds": "celex:51980KG0012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC loan", "EU investment", "Hamburg", "Italy", "industrial restructuring", "shipbuilding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b4780dc5-3a76-496a-b721-687dd3df7b35", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab9d0adb-5f68-4dec-96ea-00364355eac7", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 648/80 BY MR CECOVINI TO THE COMMISSION: PROTECTION OF THE EURATOM JRC IN ISPRA AGAINST SABOTAGE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CECOVINI,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "EAEC,Joint Research Centre,nuclear safety", "workIds": "celex:91980E000648", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAEC", "Joint Research Centre", "nuclear safety"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab9d0adb-5f68-4dec-96ea-00364355eac7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85a83c99-4122-4e7e-9269-fd122fbbfa8c", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR A DECISION CONCERNING THE CONCLUSION OF THE CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF EUROPEAN WILDLIFE AND NATURAL HABITATS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "Council of Europe,bird,ecology,environmental policy,environmental protection,fish,international convention,marine mammal,protection of animals,protection of plant life", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0152", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of Europe", "bird", "ecology", "environmental policy", "environmental protection", "fish", "international convention", "marine mammal", "protection of animals", "protection of plant life"], "url": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4ef80133-9de4-462d-83c9-8608b41bba98", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 646/80 BY MR SEEFELD TO THE COMMISSION: DIFFICULTIES IN INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY TRANSPORT TO AND FROM ITALY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEEFELD", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "Italy,rail transport,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:91980E000646", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "rail transport", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4ef80133-9de4-462d-83c9-8608b41bba98", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/955ae7aa-666c-457c-a1cd-cbe697f90904", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 636/80 BY MR IRMER TO THE COMMISSION: FINANCING OF THE EEC-ASEAN COOPERATION-AGREEMENT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,IRMER", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "ASEAN,cooperation agreement,development aid,development policy,non-alignment", "workIds": "celex:91980E000636", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ASEAN", "cooperation agreement", "development aid", "development policy", "non-alignment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/955ae7aa-666c-457c-a1cd-cbe697f90904", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b021c4a2-7c32-4ad7-95ec-8fae82023a43", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 649/80 BY MRS WEBER TO THE COMMISSION: DIRECTIVE ON ASBESTOS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WEBER", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "asbestos,cancer,directive,health control,labour force,occupational disease,proposal (EU),public health", "workIds": "celex:91980E000649", "eurovoc_concepts": ["asbestos", "cancer", "directive", "health control", "labour force", "occupational disease", "proposal (EU)", "public health"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b021c4a2-7c32-4ad7-95ec-8fae82023a43", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7489a3c7-69b0-4d5f-95fd-53c9466d3189", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 641/80 BY MR LALOR TO THE COMMISSION: EXPANDING AND IMPROVING COAL PRODUCTION IN IRELAND", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LALOR", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "ECSC Treaty,Ireland,coal industry,natural resources,production", "workIds": "celex:91980E000641", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC Treaty", "Ireland", "coal industry", "natural resources", "production"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7489a3c7-69b0-4d5f-95fd-53c9466d3189", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39900d04-7257-4e0d-82d5-b8308bc86fa4", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 644/80 BY MR FLANAGAN TO THE COMMISSION: SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF EEC COMPETITION LAW", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HAENSCH", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,European Social Fund,Germany,economic support,investment,regional policy,sectoral aid", "workIds": "celex:91980E000650", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "European Social Fund", "Germany", "economic support", "investment", "regional policy", "sectoral aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cbdf4218-ba88-4c82-9d59-2efec90ef75c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20f198f3-85d6-48dd-8772-b2d8f0a15c40", "title": "RESOLUTION EMBODYING THE OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ON THE PROPOSALS FROM THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES TO THE COUNCIL FOR # I. A DIRECTIVE ON THE LIMIT VALUES FOR DISCHARGES OF ALDRIN, DIELDRIN AND ENDRIN INTO THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT OF THE COMMUNITY AND # II. A DIRECTIVE ON THE QUALITY OBJECTIVES REQUIRED FOR THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT INTO WHICH ALDRIN, DIELDRIN AND ENDRIN ARE DISCHARGED", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "dangerous substance,environmental policy,industrial pollution,pesticide,toxic substance,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0054", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dangerous substance", "environmental policy", "industrial pollution", "pesticide", "toxic substance", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20f198f3-85d6-48dd-8772-b2d8f0a15c40", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/06591cb7-8fbd-4e74-9ed2-375d83a5e2d1", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 647/80 BY MRS WIECZOREK-ZEUL TO THE COMMISSION: PRODUCTION CAPACITY IN THE CAR INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WIECZOREK-ZEUL", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU employment policy,Japan,United States,economic recession,industrial policy,industrial production,investment,motor vehicle industry,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000647", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU employment policy", "Japan", "United States", "economic recession", "industrial policy", "industrial production", "investment", "motor vehicle industry", "statistics"], "url": 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A DIRECTIVE ON THE LIMIT VALUES APPLICABLE TO DISCHARGES OF MERCURY INTO THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT BY THE CHLOR-ALKALI ELECTROLYSIS INDUSTRY, # II. A DIRECTIVE ON THE QUALITY OBJECTIVES FOR THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENT INTO WHICH MERCURY IS DISCHARGED BY THE CHLOR-ALKALI ELECTROLYSIS INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-17", "subjects": "chemical salt,dangerous substance,environmental policy,industrial pollution,mercury,toxic substance,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:51980AP0055", "eurovoc_concepts": ["chemical salt", "dangerous substance", "environmental policy", "industrial pollution", "mercury", "toxic substance", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b81e83c7-e8fc-4790-92e0-c0a7f6c00c98", "lang": "eng", "formats": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/da884724-6aa8-473c-901c-9219058d5573", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 592/80 BY MR MORELAND TO THE COMMISSION: TARIFFS FOR INTERNATIONAL ROAD HAULAGE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MORELAND", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "fixing of prices,price list,road transport,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:91980E000592", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fixing of prices", "price list", "road transport", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/da884724-6aa8-473c-901c-9219058d5573", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0a47bfcf-8e8b-453d-9ea1-1cc48897cfd6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 588/80 BY MR VERNIMMEN TO THE COMMISSION: RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EEC AND EL SALVADOR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERNIMMEN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "El Salvador,foreign policy,human rights", "workIds": "celex:91980E000588", "eurovoc_concepts": ["El Salvador", "foreign policy", "human rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0a47bfcf-8e8b-453d-9ea1-1cc48897cfd6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a6853bb6-9695-43ac-9c34-dd1a1ce2a726", "title": "QUESTION NO 7 BY MRS EWING (H-187/80) TO THE COMMISSION: CLOSURE OF WIGGINS TEAPE PAPERMILL", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,European Social Fund,United Kingdom,dismissal,economic support,labour force,multinational enterprise,offence,pulp and paper industry,waste recycling,wood product", "workIds": "celex:91980H000187", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "European Social Fund", "United Kingdom", "dismissal", "economic support", "labour force", "multinational enterprise", "offence", "pulp and paper industry", "waste recycling", "wood product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a6853bb6-9695-43ac-9c34-dd1a1ce2a726", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f37cb36-5184-499f-9872-a68cf51b3b4b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 567/80 BY MRS QUIN TO THE COMMISSION: INFORMATION POLICY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,QUIN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "European Commission,documentation,information policy,official document,transmission network", "workIds": "celex:91980E000567", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "documentation", "information policy", "official document", "transmission network"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f37cb36-5184-499f-9872-a68cf51b3b4b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b7a1e92e-40a3-40a4-ba21-7ef97473f903", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 278/79 BY MR GLINNE TO THE COMMISSION: LINGUISTIC OBSTACLES TO THE APPLICATION OF COMMUNITY DIRECTIVES ON MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL AND VETERINARY PROFESSIONS (DOCTORS, NURSES, DENTISTS AND VETERINARY SURGEONS)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Belgium,France,Luxembourg,United Kingdom,dentist,directive,doctor,migrant worker,nursing staff,recognition of diplomas,right of establishment,trade restriction,use of languages,veterinarian", "workIds": "celex:91979E000278", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "France", "Luxembourg", "United Kingdom", 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aid,frontier region,regional policy,unemployment,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91980H000210", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "European Social Fund", "Germany", "Netherlands", "financial aid", "frontier region", "regional policy", "unemployment", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2eef718a-fdc9-47e3-a174-f70c019c6f86", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d62821a2-aa2c-47f3-a5a4-b55734da320d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 610/80 BY MR SEAL TO THE COMMISSION: FRENCH AID TO THE TEXTILE INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEAL", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "France,State 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab9f9917-0552-4353-b1f8-177b54d211a4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f539a63e-1777-45c5-9be6-c6aca294c25d", "title": "80/636/EEC: Commission Decision of 16 June 1980 authorizing the Irish Government to grant certain exemptions in respect of national road transport operations from Community social legislation relating to road transport (Only the English text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Ireland,derogation from EU law,national transport,road transport,vehicle", "workIds": "celex:31980D0636,oj:JOL_1980_176_R_0037_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Ireland", "derogation from EU law", "national transport", "road transport", "vehicle"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f539a63e-1777-45c5-9be6-c6aca294c25d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d8bda7a-9426-4bc5-812c-214e455a84ef", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 578/80 BY MR O' CONNELL TO THE COMMISSION: COMMUNITY PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,O'CONNELL", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "action programme,health policy,public health", "workIds": "celex:91980E000578", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "health policy", "public health"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d8bda7a-9426-4bc5-812c-214e455a84ef", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3923e3d-4cda-4044-ab86-25b538959cf8", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 623/80 BY MRS ROUDY TO THE COMMISSION: DIRECTIVE ON THE PROTECTION OF WORKERS FROM HARMFUL EXPOSURE TO METALLIC LEAD", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROUDY", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "environmental protection,health control,labour law,lead,public health,woman", "workIds": "celex:91980E000623", "eurovoc_concepts": ["environmental protection", "health control", "labour law", "lead", "public health", "woman"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3923e3d-4cda-4044-ab86-25b538959cf8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48863bd0-2e45-408c-b2c4-3ce24a777925", "title": "QUESTION NO 10 BY MR COMBE (H-71/80) TO THE COMMISSION: MAXIMUM RELAXATION OF BORDER FORMALITIES FOR COMMUNITY CITIZENS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COMBE,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "EU Member State,United Kingdom,airport,approximation of laws,customs formalities,customs union,frontier,immigration,national law,passport,supervisory power,terrorism,transit,traveller", "workIds": "celex:91980H000071", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member 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payment,cessation of trading,common agricultural policy,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000571", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "abandoned child", "agricultural holding", "bonus payment", "cessation of trading", "common agricultural policy", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0544619a-ca7d-494c-8a63-ed4851c62f3b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/45ebb585-cb5a-4624-bf51-4021f5545355", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 584/80 BY MR PININFARINA TO THE COMMISSION: DIRECTIVE ON FLAVOURING SUBSTANCES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PININFARINA", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "aromatic plant,consumer protection,food additive,food industry,foodstuff,proposal (EU),public health", "workIds": "celex:91980E000584", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aromatic plant", "consumer protection", "food additive", "food industry", "foodstuff", "proposal (EU)", "public health"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/45ebb585-cb5a-4624-bf51-4021f5545355", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1ed82d9-5142-4576-af22-f27b99c126e3", "title": "QUESTION NO 3 BY MR FERGUSSON (H-111/80) TO THE COMMISSION: OUTLINE ACTION PROGRAMME ON ARMS PROCUREMENT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FERGUSSON", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Coreper,United States,industrial structures,military equipment,supply", "workIds": "celex:91980H000111", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Coreper", "United States", "industrial structures", "military equipment", "supply"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1ed82d9-5142-4576-af22-f27b99c126e3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70649949-17d5-4ba4-ad4d-332357c8ef8d", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 568/80 BY MRS QUIN TO THE COMMISSION: PUBLIC ACCESS TO COMMUNITY LAW", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,QUIN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "EU law,computer,computer systems,transmission network", "workIds": "celex:91980E000568", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "computer", "computer systems", "transmission network"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70649949-17d5-4ba4-ad4d-332357c8ef8d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1fc291b0-c499-4cfc-b81f-adce0905c293", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 569/80 BY MR GEURTSEN TO THE COMMISSION: POSSIBLE WITHDRAWAL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GEURTSEN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "European Community,United Kingdom,accession to the European Union,tariff agreement", "workIds": "celex:91980E000569", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Community", "United Kingdom", "accession to the European Union", "tariff agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1fc291b0-c499-4cfc-b81f-adce0905c293", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/646d8c5d-5e86-4ede-93be-4dab6481c963", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 617/80 BY SIR BRANDON RHYS WILLIAMS TO THE COMMISSION: MEMBER STATES ' EMPLOYEES' INCOME, BANK ACCOUNTS AND SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,RHYS WILLIAMS", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "labour force,pay,social policy,social security,statistics,wage earner", "workIds": "celex:91980E000617", "eurovoc_concepts": ["labour force", "pay", "social policy", "social security", "statistics", "wage earner"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/646d8c5d-5e86-4ede-93be-4dab6481c963", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ddea45ff-3226-4e1f-b8f5-a5c697c34dde", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 596/80 BY MR BUCHOU TO THE COMMISSION: PROCEDURE FOR EXPORTING INTERVENTION BUTTER TO THE USSR", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BUCHOU,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Germany,Netherlands,USSR,agricultural product,agricultural surplus,butter,export,milk product,stock", "workIds": "celex:91980E000596", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "Netherlands", "USSR", "agricultural product", "agricultural surplus", "butter", "export", "milk product", "stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ddea45ff-3226-4e1f-b8f5-a5c697c34dde", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/98acb3bd-256f-4d80-90a4-7de707e71e65", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 629/80 BY MR WARNER TO THE COMMISSION: STAFFING", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WARNER", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "European Commission,civil servant,competition (EU),diploma,recruitment", "workIds": "celex:91980E000629", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "civil servant", "competition (EU)", "diploma", "recruitment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/98acb3bd-256f-4d80-90a4-7de707e71e65", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f71a51f-e4cd-43a4-a22c-88089a5b7df6", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 581/80 BY MR FLANAGAN TO THE COMMISSION: CONTROVERSIAL WEED-KILLERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FLANAGAN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Belgium,Ireland,Netherlands,chemical product,dangerous substance,environmental protection,pesticide,public health", "workIds": "celex:91980E000581", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "Ireland", "Netherlands", "chemical product", "dangerous substance", "environmental protection", "pesticide", "public 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/38d61c85-fc41-4b7a-af11-3f1221588b15", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 606/80 BY MR SEAL TO THE COMMISSION: OUTWARD PROCESSING", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEAL", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Mediterranean region (EU),international negotiations,processing industry,textile industry,trade union", "workIds": "celex:91980E000606", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Mediterranean region (EU)", "international negotiations", "processing industry", "textile industry", "trade union"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/38d61c85-fc41-4b7a-af11-3f1221588b15", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d797867a-647a-49ae-a318-635243e18c4f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 608/80 BY MR SEAL TO THE COMMISSION: SOCIAL CLAUSE IN THE NEW TEXTILE TRADE AGREEMENT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEAL", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "EU employment policy,GATT,International Labour Organisation,anti-discriminatory measure,multifibre agreement,social policy,textile industry,trade union,working conditions", "workIds": "celex:91980E000608", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU employment policy", "GATT", "International Labour Organisation", "anti-discriminatory measure", "multifibre agreement", "social policy", "textile industry", "trade union", "working conditions"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d797867a-647a-49ae-a318-635243e18c4f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3812ec0c-1aed-4d0c-be34-cc4464432a3b", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 597/80 BY MR BUCHOU TO THE COMMISSION: EXPORTS OF COMMUNITY CEREALS ON THE WORLD MARKET", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BUCHOU,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "agricultural product,cereals,export,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000597", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural product", "cereals", "export", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3812ec0c-1aed-4d0c-be34-cc4464432a3b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5e6524af-1f46-42ad-afdd-9352dc83ef95", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 593/80 BY MR MORELAND TO THE COMMISSION: DRAFT REGULATION ON THE HARMONIZATION OF CERTAIN SOCIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO GOODS TRANSPORTED BY INLAND WATERWAY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MORELAND", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "United Kingdom,approximation of laws,inland waterway transport,proposal (EU),regulation,restriction on competition,social policy,transport policy,working conditions", "workIds": "celex:91980E000593", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "approximation of laws", "inland waterway transport", "proposal (EU)", "regulation", 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BY MR ANSQUER TO THE COMMISSION: ECSC FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY ECSC FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ANSQUER,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "ECSC,budget,economic support,financial aid,iron and steel industry,steel", "workIds": "celex:91980E000591", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "budget", "economic support", "financial aid", "iron and steel industry", "steel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7e7a2a8-2e21-4919-b6b5-b2d4b7f0aea5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57fc238d-0bac-4a00-ba2a-0d4f76d48db1", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 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CONCERNING THE QUALITY OF BATHING WATER", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,KROUWEL-VLAM", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "EU Member State,consumer protection,environmental policy,report,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:91980E000612", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "consumer protection", "environmental policy", "report", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b2acebad-9b7c-445e-9054-e04be517cd51", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/680b8981-95de-4962-8def-1983f2179785", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 601/80 BY MR GENDEBIEN TO THE COMMISSION: EAGGF ASSISTANCE IN WALLONIA AND FLANDERS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GENDEBIEN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Belgium,EAGGF,aid to agriculture,economic support,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000601", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EAGGF", "aid to agriculture", "economic support", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/680b8981-95de-4962-8def-1983f2179785", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2d5071e4-9fc3-4758-b804-36f16b4ef7b8", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 626/80 BY MRS ROUDY TO THE COMMISSION: DIOXIN POLLUTION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BOYES,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "English Channel,United Kingdom,Wales,building,economic infrastructure,engineering structure,less-favoured region,public safety,rail transport,regional policy,social policy", "workIds": "celex:91980H000101", "eurovoc_concepts": ["English Channel", "United Kingdom", "Wales", "building", "economic infrastructure", "engineering structure", "less-favoured region", "public safety", "rail transport", "regional policy", "social policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b9613819-b46b-4ae3-8aa4-ef6f458f3f74", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09915378-affe-444f-bd61-c02785fdcb9f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 582/80 BY MR CRONIN TO THE COMMISSION: COMMISSION INITIATIVES AIMED AT LIBERALIZING TRADE IN LEATHER GOODS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CRONIN,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "animal skin,export,free movement of goods,import,import restriction,leather industry,protectionism,raw material,third country", "workIds": "celex:91980E000582", "eurovoc_concepts": ["animal skin", "export", "free movement of goods", "import", "import restriction", "leather industry", "protectionism", "raw material", "third country"], "url": 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waste", "radioactivity", "shipbuilding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b9cf0a0b-a2f9-4b30-9834-b8748f26ddc8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9529b0d7-6858-452a-bea7-2753846e6031", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 616/80 BY SIR BRANDON RHYS WILLIAMS TO THE COMMISSION: MANUFACTURING JOBS IN THE MEMBER STATES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,RHYS WILLIAMS", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "EU employment policy,industrial structures,labour force,statistics,unemployment", "workIds": "celex:91980E000616", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU employment policy", "industrial structures", "labour force", "statistics", "unemployment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9529b0d7-6858-452a-bea7-2753846e6031", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7461557-c13f-4ed6-8732-9d34d3538f3f", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 598/80 BY MR DELEAU TO THE COMMISSION: NUMBERS OF MERCHANT SHIPS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DELEAU,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Mediterranean Sea,maritime transport,vessel", "workIds": "celex:91980E000598", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Mediterranean Sea", "maritime transport", "vessel"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7461557-c13f-4ed6-8732-9d34d3538f3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/aaf8389a-c3c2-4504-b765-c70c1d55ba20", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 570/80 BY MR VAN AERSSEN TO THE COMMISSION: PROBLEMS FOR THE SHIPPING INDUSTRY FOLLOWING THE ACCESSION OF GREECE TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VAN AERSSEN", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "European convention,Greece,accession to the European Union,law of the sea,maritime shipping,maritime transport,right of establishment,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:91980E000570", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European convention", "Greece", "accession to the European Union", "law of the sea", "maritime shipping", "maritime 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"eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "ECSC", "European Regional Development Fund", "European Social Fund", "agricultural holding", "agricultural structure", "common agricultural policy", "financial aid", "regional policy", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc61b095-2dd2-45a8-88ff-ac0a93c6ca3f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bb9265da-4f48-45c1-b752-3f1d34577cee", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 585/80 BY MR O' CONNELL TO THE COMMISSION: CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, DUBLIN", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,O'CONNELL", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Ireland,air quality,cultural heritage,financial 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"http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SEEFELD", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Denmark,Germany,customs formalities,customs union,free movement of goods,frontier,road transport,transit,transport policy,working time", "workIds": "celex:91980H000226", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Denmark", "Germany", "customs formalities", "customs union", "free movement of goods", "frontier", "road transport", "transit", "transport policy", "working time"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/656bcee4-5e17-451d-a8f7-80988332d46f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7b1c795-d14a-447a-991c-4d15347a52b2", "title": "QUESTION NO 5 BY MR COLLA (H-132/80) TO THE COMMISSION: DUAL EXCHANGE RATES IN BELGIUM", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COLLA,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-16", "subjects": "Belgium,civil servant,exchange parity,exchange rate", "workIds": "celex:91980H000132", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "civil servant", "exchange parity", "exchange rate"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7b1c795-d14a-447a-991c-4d15347a52b2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fcc4e78d-6080-4f28-bdf4-998e6c9bc9ed", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 580/80 BY MRS SPAAK TO THE COMMISSION: TELEPHONE CALLS BETWEEN MEMBER STATES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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STEEL COMMUNITY, TO ENABLE THE COMMISSION TO GRANT CONVERSION LOANS TO COMPANIES TO ENSURE THE PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYMENT OF FORMER ECSC WORKERS: DEESIDE TITANIUM LTD ( UNITED KINGDOM )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#assent_ceca_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "Luxembourg,United Kingdom,industrial conversion,job creation,redevelopment aid", "workIds": "celex:51980KG0011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Luxembourg", "United Kingdom", "industrial conversion", "job creation", "redevelopment aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3717e89a-830d-4e23-a3f7-00457dc6d7cf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2892de52-0f4c-4b7d-a59a-d45eff1c8488", "title": "Assents Nos 9 to 11/80 given by the Council, pursuant to Article 56 (2) (a) of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, to enable the Commission to grant conversion loans to the following companies to ensure the productive employment of former ECSC workers: - Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale de cr\u00e9dit et d' investissement (Luxembourg)- General Motors Luxembourg Operations SA (Luxembourg)- Deeside Titanium Ltd (United Kingdom)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#assent_ceca_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "Luxembourg,United Kingdom,industrial conversion,job creation,redevelopment aid", 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"eurovoc_concepts": ["Netherlands", "agricultural policy", "economic support", "glasshouse cultivation", "horticulture", "natural gas", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1c62a6df-023a-408c-b0a2-a75a78dce92a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c71cd033-4cbc-4640-9fd7-f819c340bbe1", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 541/80 BY MR FLANAGAN TO THE COMMISSION: OIL COSTS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON INFLATION RATES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FLANAGAN", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "economic policy,energy policy,inflation,petroleum,petroleum product,prices,statistics", "workIds": 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["Ireland", "advertising", "information centre", "information policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5af74f7a-2b4b-45c3-bea1-9c0b799ee6da", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/077dfd2e-bb02-44e9-8991-7ca6df3cb8b9", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 523/80 BY MR CURRY TO THE COMMISSION: PRODUCTION AIDS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CURRY,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "Italy,food industry,foodstuff,fruit vegetable,sectoral aid", "workIds": "celex:91980E000523", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "food industry", "foodstuff", "fruit vegetable", "sectoral aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/077dfd2e-bb02-44e9-8991-7ca6df3cb8b9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f4574d0-7de1-4427-b823-99deaab89f09", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 560/80 BY MR JURGENS TO THE COMMISSION: SURPLUS PRODUCTION OF APPLES IN THE COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JUERGENS", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "Germany,agricultural surplus,common agricultural policy,competition,farm prices,fruit,import,monetary compensatory amount,over-production,pip fruit,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:91980E000560", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "agricultural surplus", "common agricultural policy", 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"url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8b1ca099-5398-4a28-be57-9e59346e18dd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ef6a72bb-383a-48c1-8994-3b0e0e0a877c", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 512/80 BY MR CURRY TO THE COMMISSION: GRANTS FROM THE EEC AGRICULTURAL GUIDANCE FUND", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CURRY,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "EAGGF,EU Member State,European Regional Development Fund,European Social Fund,agricultural structure,common agricultural policy,economic support,regional policy,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91980E000512", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "EU Member State", "European Regional 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"celex:91980E000529", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "Rhine Valley", "economic infrastructure", "inland waterway transport", "network of navigable waterways", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5511ddc9-9659-43fb-9c45-295ed8076fc6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/31542f05-92ca-46b0-a271-691c7e621c47", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 527/80 BY MR FORTH TO THE COMMISSION: VARIATIONS IN THE RULES AND PROCEDURES OF NATIONAL BODIES CONTROLLING STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF PRODUCTS TRADED WITHIN THE COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORTH", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dcc7d091-a0b6-4812-9dc9-c511a9ee3762", "title": "80/565/Euratom: Council Decision of 9 June 1980 approving the conclusion by the Commission of the International Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-09", "subjects": "international convention,nuclear fuel,nuclear safety,radioactive materials,ratification of an agreement", "workIds": "celex:31980D0565,oj:JOL_1980_149_R_0041_019", "eurovoc_concepts": ["international convention", "nuclear fuel", "nuclear safety", "radioactive materials", "ratification of an agreement"], "url": 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{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f1e4f4f6-fa0c-4c1a-a8d8-342370d9ba0c", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 1365/80 of 5 June 1980 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1078/77 introducing a system of premiums for the non-marketing of milk and milk products and for the conversion of dairy herds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1980-06-05", "subjects": "dairy cow,dairy production,milk,milk product,non-marketing premium,redirection of production", "workIds": "celex:31980R1365,oj:JOL_1980_140_R_0018_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dairy cow", "dairy production", "milk", "milk product", "non-marketing premium", "redirection of production"], "url": 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"producer co-responsibility"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a706d29c-771c-49ac-92ca-215efd59aea3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1980140EN. 01005901. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. 6. 1980\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 140/59\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 1381/80\nof 5 June 1980\namending Regulation (EEC) No 1822/77 as regards the collection of the co-responsibility levy in the milk and milk products sector during the 1980/81milk year\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77 of 17 May 1977 on a co-responsibility levy and on measures for expanding the markets for milk and milk products\u00a0(1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1364/80\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 6 thereof,\nWhereas the level of the co-responsibility levy applicable during the 1980/81 milk year is fixed at 2 % of the target price for milk valid for that milk year;\nWhereas it is necessary, therefore, to replace the figures appearing in the first subparagraph of Article 2 (1) and in Article 5 (2) of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1822/77 of 5 August 1977 laying down detailed rules for the collection of the co-responsibility levy introduced in respect of milk and milk products\u00a0(3), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1362/79\u00a0(4);\nWhereas, in accordance with Article 1 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77, a reduced rate of the levy shall henceforth be collected from producers in certain areas within an annual limit of 60\u00a0000 kilograms per producer; whereas the amounts of the abovementioned reduced levy and the detailed rules governing the collection thereof must be specified,\nWhereas, in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77, Member States are obliged to take all measures necessary for establishing the geographical location of the holdings covered by the reduced rate of the levy; whereas a special provision should therefore be introduced enabing such measures to be implemented;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Management Committee for Milk and Milk Products,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nRegulation (EEC) No 1822/77 is amended as follows:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Article 2 shall read as follows:\n\u2018Article 2\n1. During the 1980/81 milk year the amount of the levy per 100 kilograms of cow's milk shall be:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nas regards the general rate specified in Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77: 0. 4452 ECU;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nas regards the reduced rate given by applying Article 1 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77: 0. 3339 ECU. 2. The reduced rate referred to in paragraph 1 (b) shall be levied on quantities of milk delivered, as from the beginning of the milk year concerned, by producers whose holdings are located in one of the regions specified in Article 1 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77, up to a limit of 60\u00a0000 kilograms. The general rate specified in paragraph 1 (a) shall apply to quantities in excess of that quantity delivered by producers during the remainder of the milk year in question. 3. Where the producer is paid for milk on the basis of deliveries expressed in litres, conversion into kilograms shall be effected by applying the coefficient 1\u038703. 4. Purchasers of milk shall state separately, on the payment account for each producer, the amount deducted by way of a co-responsibility levy, distinguishing, in the case of the holdings specified in paragraph 2, between the amount deducted at the reduced rate of the levy and, after the annual quantity limit has been exceeded, the amount deducted at the general rate of the levy. \u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. In the first subparagraph of Article 3 (2), \u2018farms situated in one of the regions referred to in Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77\u2019 is replaced by \u2018farms situated in one of the regions specified in Article 1 (2) and/or (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77\u2019. 3. The following subparagraph is added to Article 3 (3):\n\u2018Where the purchaser has, during the period concerned, purchased milk originating from farms situated in a region referred to in Article 1 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77, the statement referred to in the first subparagraph under (a) shall indicate separately the quantity of milk delivered by such farms and to which the reduced rate of the levy referred to in Article 2 (1) (b) has been applied. \u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Article 3 (4) is amended to read as follows:\n\u20184. However, as regards purchasers concerned by the provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, Member States may allow a period of three months or 12 weeks as from 1 June 1980 to be considered as a single period within the meaning of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3. \u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. Article 5 (2) is amended to read as follows:\n\u20182\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0During the 1980/81 milk year, the amount of the levy per 100 kilograms of skimmed milk or buttermilk, eligible for the aid referred to in paragraph 1, shall be:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nas regards the general rate specified in Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77: 0. 4897 ECU;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nas regards the reduced rate given by the application of Article 1 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 1079/77: 0. 3673 ECU. Article 2 (2) shall apply by analogy to the exacting of the reduced rate referred to under (b). \u2019\n\n\n\n\nArticle 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply as from 1 June 1980. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 5 June 1980. For the Commission\n\nFinn GUNDELACH\n\nVice-President\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 131, 26. 5. 1977, p. 6. (2)\u00a0\u00a0See page 16 of this Official Journal. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 203, 9. 8. 1977, p. 1. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 163, 2. 7. 1979, p. 22"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8957e34e-e521-4262-9e59-a7651c6eff49", "title": "WRITTEN QUESTION NO 545/80 BY MRS EWING TO THE COMMISSION: SURVEILLANCE OF IMPORTS OF RASPBERRY PULP FROM EASTERN EUROPE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1980-06-05", "subjects": "Eastern Bloc countries,Scotland,competition,dumping,economic support,farming sector,fruit,import,supervisory power,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:91980E000545", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Eastern Bloc countries", "Scotland", "competition", "dumping", "economic support", "farming sector", "fruit", "import", "supervisory power", "vegetable"], "url": 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