{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f49072f-6a57-4365-9c6b-88fc2a579c69", "title": "77/715/EEC: Council Decision of 28 October 1977 on the conclusion of the European Agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents and the Additional Protocol thereto", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-28", "subjects": "cooperation agreement (EU),form,organ transplant,pharmaceutical product,preparation for market,tariff exemption", "workIds": "celex:31977D0715", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cooperation agreement (EU)", "form", "organ transplant", "pharmaceutical product", "preparation for market", "tariff exemption"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5f49072f-6a57-4365-9c6b-88fc2a579c69", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1977295EN. 01000701. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. 11. 1977\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 295/7\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DECISION\nof 28 October 1977\non the conclusion of the European Agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents and the Additional Protocol thereto\n(77/715 /EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to the recommendation from the Commission,\nWhereas the European Agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents, drawn up on the initiative of the Council of Europe, provides in Article 5 (1) that the Contracting Parties shall take all necessary measures to exempt from all import duties the tissue-typing reagents placed at their disposal by the other Parties;\nWhereas any derogation from the Common Customs Tariff, whether of an autonomous or conventional nature, falls within the exclusive competence of the Community;\nWhereas the addition to the said Agreement of an Additional Protocol enabling the European Economic Community to become a Contracting Party to the said Agreement enables the Community to exercise that competence;\nWhereas that Agreement and the Additional Protocol thereto should therefore be concluded,\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS:\nArticle 1\nThe European Agreement on the exchange of tissue-typing reagents and the additional Protocol thereto are hereby approved on behalf of the Community. The texts of the Agreement and the Additional Protocol are annexed hereto. Article 2\nThe President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the persons empowered to sign the Agreement and the Additional Protocol and to confer upon them the necessary powers to bind the Community. Done at Luxembourg, 28 October 1977. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nG. SPITAELS"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bd545caf-e646-40c8-873a-afcbc39cadb9", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2377/77 of 28 October 1977 temporarily suspending the sale of butter from public stocks under Regulation (EEC) No 2315/76", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-10-28", "subjects": "butter,intervention agency,marketing restriction,public stock,sale", "workIds": "celex:31977R2377", "eurovoc_concepts": ["butter", "intervention agency", "marketing restriction", "public stock", "sale"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bd545caf-e646-40c8-873a-afcbc39cadb9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1bb4d86b-92c2-4384-93a9-a065da452161", "title": "Additional Protocol to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta - Final Act - Joint declaration by the Contracting Parties on the application of Article 17 of the Protocol laying down certain provisions relating to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Malta", "date": "1977-10-27", "subjects": "Malta,association agreement (EU),customs duties,originating product,protocol to an agreement,revision of an agreement,tariff policy", "workIds": "celex:21977A1027(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malta", "association agreement (EU)", "customs duties", "originating product", "protocol to an agreement", "revision of an agreement", "tariff policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1bb4d86b-92c2-4384-93a9-a065da452161", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1977304EN. 01000201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n29. 11. 1977\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Union\n\n\nL 304/2\n\n\n\n\n\nADDITIONAL PROTOCOL\nto the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nof the one part,\nTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA,\nof the other part,\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES:\nJoseph VAN DER MEULEN,\nAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,\nPermanent Representative of Belgium,\nChairman of the Permanent Representatives Committee;\nRoland de KERGORLAY,\nAssistant Director General of the Directorate-General for External Relations of the Commission of the European Communities;\nTHE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MALTA:\nJosef von FERENCZY,\nAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Malta to the European Economic Community;\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\nTITLE\u00a0I\nTrade\nArticle\u00a01\n1. The first stage of the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta is hereby extended until 31\u00a0December 1980. 2. Negotiations are provided for during the twelve months preceding the expiry of the first stage, with a view to defining the content of the second stage. Article\u00a02\nThe provisions governing the first stage of the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta, including those of the Protocol laying down certain provisions relating to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta, signed on 4\u00a0March 1976, shall be supplemented by the following provisions. Article\u00a03\n1. Subject to the special provisions laid down in Article\u00a05 of this Protocol, products originating in Malta, other than those appearing in Annex\u00a0II to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, in Lists A and B of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement and in Article\u00a04 of this Protocol, shall be exempt from payment of customs duty on entry into the Community. 2. Article\u00a03 of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement shall be replaced by the following:\n\n\u2018Article\u00a03\nFor the following goods obtained from the processing of agricultural products, the exemption referred to in Article\u00a03 (1) of the Additional Protocol shall be applied to the fixed component of the charge levied on imports of those goods into the Community:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCCT heading No\n\n\nDescription\n\n\n\n\n18. 06\n\n\nChocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa\n\n\n\n\n19. 03\n\n\nMacaroni, spaghetti and similar products\n\n\n\n\n19. 08\n\n\nPastry, biscuits, cakes and other fine bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa in any proportion\u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n3. The products falling within the following tariff headings shall be added to List A of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCCT heading No\n\n\nDescription\n\n\n\n\n22. 06\n\n\nVermouths, and other wines of fresh grapes flavoured with aromatic extracts\n\n\n\n\n22. 09\n\n\nSpirits (other than those of heading No 22. 08); liqueurs and other spirituous beverages; compound alcoholic preparations (known as \u2018concentrated extracts\u2019) for the manufacture of beverages:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nB. Compound alcoholic preparations (known as \u2018concentrated extracts\u2019) for the manufacture of beverages\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nC. Spirituous beverages\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. Products falling within heading No\u00a018. 06 (chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa) shall be deleted from List A of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement. Products falling within heading No\u00a055. 09 (other woven fabrics of cotton) shall be deleted from List B of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement. Article\u00a04\nThe following products, originating in Malta, shall, on entry into the Community, be subject to the customs duty indicated in respect of each:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCCT heading No\n\n\nDescription\n\n\nRate of customs duty\n\n\n\n\n21. 05\n\n\nSoups and broths, in liquid, solid or powder form; homogenized composite food preparations:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA. Soups and broths, in liquid, solid or powder form\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5,4\u00a0%\n\n\n\n\n22. 03\n\n\nBeer made from malt\n\n\n7,2\u00a0%\n\n\n\n\nArticle\u00a05\nArticle\u00a02 of Annex\u00a0I to the Agreement shall be replaced by the following:\n\n\u2018Article\u00a02\n1. For the following products, originating in Malta, the Community shall open annual Community tariff quotas for 1977 which shall be exempt from payment of customs duty within the limit of the quantities indicated below:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCCT heading No\n\n\nDescription\n\n\nAnnual Community tariff quota\n\n\n\n\n55. 05\n\n\nCotton yarn, not put up for retail sale\n\n\n1\u00a0200 tonnes\n\n\n\n\n55. 09\n\n\nOther woven fabrics of cotton\n\n\n100 tonnes\n\n\n\n\n56. 04\n\n\nMan-made fibres (discontinuous or waste), carded, combed or otherwise prepared for spinning\n\n\n800 tonnes\n\n\n\n\n60. 05\n\n\nOuter garments and other articles, knitted or crocheted, not elastic or rubberized\n\n\n216 tonnes\n\n\n\n\n61. 01\n\n\nMen's and boys' outer garments\n\n\n815 tonnes\n\n\n\n\n2. If the date of the opening of the quotas referred to in paragraph\u00a01 does not coin cide with the beginning of the calendar year, they shall be opened on a pro rata basis. 3. As from 1\u00a0January 1978, imports into the Community of the products referred to in paragraph\u00a01 shall be subject to annual indicative ceilings, above which the customs duties applicable to third countries may be reintroduced in accordance with paragraphs\u00a04 to 7. The amounts of the ceilings for 1978 shall be the amounts specified in paragraph\u00a01 increased by 5\u00a0%. These ceilings shall be increased annually by 5\u00a0%. 4. If, over two consecutive years, imports of a product subject to ceilings are less than 90\u00a0% of the amount fixed, the Community shall suspend the application of those ceilings. 5. In the event of cyclical difficulties, the Community reserves the right, after consultation within the Association Council, to apply for any year the same amount as that fixed for the preceding year. 6. The Community shall notify the Association Council on 1 December of each year of the list of products subject to ceilings in the following year and of the amounts of the ceilings. 7. By way of derogation from Article\u00a03 (1) of the Additional Protocol, when a ceiling fixed for the importation of a product covered by paragraph\u00a01 is reached, Common Customs Tariff duties may be charged again on imports of the product in question until the end of the calendar year. \u2019\n\nArticle\u00a06\nFor the products covered by Article\u00a059 (1) (b) of the Act of Accession, Article\u00a04 of the Protocol laying down certain provisions relating to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta shall remain applicable until 31\u00a0December 1977. Article\u00a07\nFor the following product, originating in Malta, the Community shall open, for the period 1\u00a0July 1977 to 30\u00a0June 1978, a Community tariff quota free of customs duties for the volume indicated:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCCT heading No\n\n\nDescription\n\n\nCommunity tariff quota\n\n\n\n\n16. 02\n\n\nOther prepared or preserved meat or meat offal:\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nB. Other:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIII. Other:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nb)\n\n\nOther:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Containing bovine meat or offal:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nbb)\n\n\nOther\n\n\n\n\n\n\n650 tonnes\n\n\n\n\nArticle\u00a08\n1. The customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applicable to products originating in the Community when imported into Malta shall be those actually applied in Malta on 1\u00a0July 1977. 2. Any changes made by Malta in the customs duties and charges having equivalent effect applied vis-\u00e0-vis third countries must not have the effect of diminishing the percentage preference enjoyed by the Community in relation to third countries. Article\u00a09\nIn the event of modifications to the nomenclature of the customs tariffs of the Contracting Parties affecting products referred to in the Agreement, the Association Council may adapt the tariff nomenclature of those products as it appears in the Agreement. TITLE\u00a0II\nRules of origin\nArticle\u00a010\n1. A derogation from the rules of origin contained in the Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of \u2018originating products\u2019 and methods of administrative cooperation, annexed to the Protocol laying down certain provisions relating to the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta, hereinafter called the Origin Protocol, shall be granted for the following products. 2. By way of derogation from the special provisions in Annex\u00a0II to the Origin Protocol for heading No\u00a016. 02 to the effect that non-originating products from Chapter\u00a02 must not be used, canned stewed steak manufactured in Malta shall be regarded as a product originating in Malta even though this condition is not observed, provided that the other conditions applicable to this heading are satisfied. The following entry must be made in box 7 of movement certificates EUR. l, issued in respect of originating products pursuant to the derogation referred to in this paragraph:\n\n\u2018Derogation stewed steak\u2019. This derogation shall apply until 30\u00a0June 1978. 3. By way of derogation from the special provisions in Annex\u00a0II to the Origin Protocol for heading No 18. 06 to the effect that non-originating products from Chapter\u00a017 may not represent more than 30\u00a0% of the value of the finished product, chocolates manufac tured in Malta shall be regarded as products origi nating in Malta even though this condition is not observed, provided that the other conditions appli cable to this heading are satisfied. The following entry must be made in box 7 of movement certificates EUR. l issued in respect of originating products pursuant to the derogation referred to in this paragraph :\n\n\u2018Derogation chocolates\u2019. This derogation shall apply until 31\u00a0December 1978. 4. By way of derogation from the special provisions in Annex\u00a0II to the Origin Protocol for heading No 85. 15 to the effect that at least 50\u00a0% in value of the materials and parts used must be originating products, intermediate-frequency transformers manufactured in Malta shall be regarded as products originating in Malta even though this condition is not observed, provided that the other conditions relating to this heading are satisfied. The following entry must be made in box 7 of movement certificates EUR. l issued in respect of originating products pursuant to the derogation referred to in this paragraph:\n\n\u2018Derogation IFT\u2019. This derogation shall apply until 30\u00a0June 1978. 5. By way of derogation from the special provisions in Annex\u00a0II to the Origin Protocol for heading No\u00a085. 15 to the effect that non-originating transistors may not represent more than 3\u00a0% of the value of the finished product, reception apparatus manufactured in Malta shall be regarded as a product originating in Malta even though this condition is not observed, provided that the other conditions relating to this heading are satisfied. The following entry must be made in box 7 of movement certificates EUR. l issued in respect of originating products pursuant to the derogation referred to in this paragraph :\n\u2018Derogation radios\u2019. This derogation shall apply until 30\u00a0June 1978. 6. By way of derogation from the special provisions in Annex\u00a0II to the Origin Protocol for heading No 92. 11 to the effect that non-originating transistors may not represent more than 3\u00a0% of the value of the finished product, tape recorders manufactured in Malta shall be regarded as products originating in Malta if the value of the non-originating transistor does not exceed 5\u00a0% of the value of the finished product, provided that the other conditions relating to this heading are satisfied. The following entry must be made in box 7 of movement certificates EUR. l issued in respect of originating products pursuant to the derogation referred to in this paragraph:\n\n\u2018Derogation tape recorders\u2019. This derogation shall apply until 30\u00a0June 1978. TITLE\u00a0III\nGeneral and final provisions\nArticle\u00a011\nThis Protocol forms an integral part of the Agreement establishing an association between the European Economic Community and Malta. Article\u00a012\n1. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with the procedures of the Contracting Parties, who shall notify each other of the completion of the procedures necessary to that end. 2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the month in which the notifications referred to in paragraph\u00a01 have been effected. Article\u00a013\nThis Protocol is drawn up in two copies in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German and Italian languages, each of these texts being equally authentic. Til bekr\u00e6ftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldm\u00e6gtigede underskrevet denne protokol. Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollm\u00e4chtigten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Protokoll gesetzt. In witness whereof, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures below this Protocol. En foi de quoi, les pl\u00e9nipotentiaires soussign\u00e9s ont appos\u00e9 leurs signatures au bas du pr\u00e9sent protocole. In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente protocollo. Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder dit Protocol hebben gesteld. Udf\u00e6rdiget i Bruxelles, den syvogtyvende oktober nitten hundrede og syvoghalvfjerds. Geschehen zu Br\u00fcssel am siebenundzwanzigsten Oktober neunzehnhundertsiebenundsiebzig. Done at Brussels on the twenty-seventh day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven. Fait \u00e0 Bruxelles, le vingt-sept octobre mil neuf cent soixante-dix-sept. Fatto a Bruxelles, add\u00ec ventisette ottobre millenovecentosettantasette. Gedaan te Brussel, de zevenentwingtigste oktober negentienhonderd zevenenzeventig. P\u00e5 R\u00e5det for De europ\u00e6iske F\u00e6llesskabers vegne\nF\u00fcr den Rat der Europ\u00e4ischen Gemeinschaften\nFor the Council of the European Communities\nPour le Conseil des Communaut\u00e9s europ\u00e9ennes\nPer il Consiglio delle Communit\u00e0 europee\nVoor de Raad van de Europese Gemeenschappen\n\n\n\n\n\nFor republikken Maltas regering\nF\u00fcr die Regierung der Republik Malta\nFor the Governement of the Republic of Malta\nPour le gouvernement de la r\u00e9publique de Malte\nPer il governo della Repubblica di Malta\nVoor de Regering van de Republiek Malta"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/549198b9-4607-45f0-b095-7a2e286e1104", "title": "77/713/EEC: Council recommendation of 25 October 1977 on the rational use of energy in industrial undertakings", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#recommendation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-25", "subjects": "energy saving,energy use,industrial enterprise,public awareness campaign", "workIds": "celex:31977H0713,oj:JOL_1977_295_R_0003_007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["energy saving", "energy use", "industrial enterprise", "public awareness campaign"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/549198b9-4607-45f0-b095-7a2e286e1104", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2b3ad840-676d-443d-9e36-53964352e5d2", "title": "77/712/EEC: Council recommendation of 25 October 1977 on the regulating of space heating, the production of domestic hot water and the metering of heat in new buildings", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#recommendation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-25", "subjects": "energy saving,energy use,heating,multi-storey dwelling", "workIds": "celex:31977H0712,oj:JOL_1977_295_R_0001_006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["energy saving", "energy use", "heating", "multi-storey dwelling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2b3ad840-676d-443d-9e36-53964352e5d2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/570365ff-ec1b-452c-9e25-62e6d2a1a795", "title": "77/714/EEC: Council Recommendation of 25 October 1977 on the creation in the Member States of advisory bodies or committees to promote combined heat and power production and the exploitation of residual heat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#recommendation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-25", "subjects": "advisory committee (EU),comitology,energy supply,heating", "workIds": "celex:31977H0714,oj:JOL_1977_295_R_0005_008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["advisory committee (EU)", "comitology", "energy supply", "heating"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/570365ff-ec1b-452c-9e25-62e6d2a1a795", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5aa4a7a-7644-4cdc-aa4b-3cd59903772c", "title": "77/672/EEC, Euratom, ECSC: Council Decision of 24 October 1977 determining the authority which shall exercise the powers conferred on the appointing authority and on the authority empowered to conclude employment contracts for the staff of the Audit Board and the ECSC Auditor", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-24", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,European Court of Auditors,European official,contract,servant (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31977D0672,oj:JOL_1977_275_R_0025_016", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "European Court of Auditors", "European official", "contract", "servant (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b5aa4a7a-7644-4cdc-aa4b-3cd59903772c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89d4cabb-0aab-4140-b591-b7e497c0762e", "title": "77/675/EEC: Commission Opinion of 21 October 1977 addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on a draft amendment to the Regulation on road traffic ('Wegenverkeersreglement')", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-10-21", "subjects": "Netherlands,motor vehicle,road network,road traffic,weights and measures", "workIds": "celex:31977A0675,oj:JOL_1977_276_R_0035_013", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Netherlands", "motor vehicle", "road network", "road traffic", "weights and measures"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89d4cabb-0aab-4140-b591-b7e497c0762e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fa21ee7e-e494-4ec3-9677-055958134267", "title": "77/674/EEC: Commission Opinion of 21 October 1977 addressed to the Danish Government on the Order of the Minister of Labour of 27 August 1976 implementing Council Regulation (EEC) No 543/69 of 25 March 1969 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport, with a view to protecting workers engaged in internal road transport operations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-10-21", "subjects": "Denmark,offence,penalty,road transport,vehicle documents", "workIds": 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Vol. K(b), Seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant systems.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media,European Commission", "date": "1977-10-18", "subjects": "conference proceedings,international conference,nuclear fusion,nuclear physics,nuclear power station,nuclear reactor,nuclear research,nuclear safety,nuclear technology,radioactive materials,research report", "workIds": "genpub:3000.3034D", "eurovoc_concepts": ["conference proceedings", "international conference", "nuclear fusion", "nuclear physics", "nuclear power station", "nuclear reactor", "nuclear research", "nuclear safety", "nuclear technology", "radioactive materials", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fcbd2abf-31d7-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7eaadf8e-31d4-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "Transactions of the 4th International Conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology : San Francisco, USA, 15-19 August 1977. Vol. J(a), Loading conditions and structural analysis of reactor containment.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1977-10-18", "subjects": "conference proceedings,international conference,nuclear fusion,nuclear physics,nuclear power station,nuclear reactor,nuclear research,nuclear safety,nuclear technology,radioactive materials,research report", "workIds": "genpub:3000.3034B", "eurovoc_concepts": ["conference proceedings", "international conference", "nuclear fusion", "nuclear physics", "nuclear power station", "nuclear reactor", "nuclear research", "nuclear safety", "nuclear technology", "radioactive materials", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7eaadf8e-31d4-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/001bea4b-31d1-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "Transactions of the 4th International Conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology : San Francisco, USA, 15-19 August 1977. Vol. K(a), Seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant systems.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1977-10-18", "subjects": "conference proceedings,international conference,nuclear fusion,nuclear physics,nuclear power station,nuclear reactor,nuclear research,nuclear safety,nuclear technology,radioactive materials,research report", "workIds": "genpub:3000.3034C", "eurovoc_concepts": ["conference proceedings", "international conference", "nuclear fusion", "nuclear physics", "nuclear power station", "nuclear reactor", "nuclear research", "nuclear safety", "nuclear technology", "radioactive materials", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/001bea4b-31d1-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/80716c38-6b0b-425e-8156-cdd20c31e10f", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 2290/77 of 18 October 1977 determining the emoluments of the members of the Court of Auditors", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1977-10-18", "subjects": "European official,additional benefit,allowances and expenses,disability insurance,family benefit,member of the Court of Auditors (EU),pension scheme,regulations for civil servants,wage determination", "workIds": "celex:31977R2290,oj:JOL_1977_268_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European official", "additional benefit", "allowances and expenses", "disability insurance", "family benefit", "member of the Court of Auditors (EU)", "pension scheme", "regulations for civil servants", "wage determination"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/80716c38-6b0b-425e-8156-cdd20c31e10f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb2d2a8c-31d3-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "Transactions of the 4th International Conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology : San Francisco, USA, 15-19 August 1977. Vol. J(b), Loading conditions and structural analysis of reactor containment.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media", "date": "1977-10-18", "subjects": "conference proceedings,international conference,nuclear fusion,nuclear physics,nuclear power station,nuclear reactor,nuclear research,nuclear safety,nuclear technology,radioactive materials,research report", "workIds": "genpub:3000.3034A", "eurovoc_concepts": ["conference proceedings", "international conference", "nuclear fusion", "nuclear physics", "nuclear power station", "nuclear reactor", "nuclear research", "nuclear safety", "nuclear technology", "radioactive materials", "research report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb2d2a8c-31d3-11ef-a61b-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/31450c2b-c93f-419a-9f25-35f6ad9ee164", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2282/77 of 17 October 1977 amending Regulation (EEC) No 1761/77 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EEC) No 2742/75", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1977-10-17", "subjects": "common wheat,production refund,rice", "workIds": "celex:31977R2282,oj:JOL_1977_265_R_0010_006", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common wheat", "production refund", "rice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/31450c2b-c93f-419a-9f25-35f6ad9ee164", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": 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