{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f8be6de-b3a1-4e37-95d1-7975cdc1fef6", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE OF PERSONNEL LICENCES FOR THE EXERCISE OF FUNCTIONS IN CIVIL AVIATION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "civil aviation,crew,recognition of diplomas,transport licence", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0472,comnat:COM_1989_0472_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_010_R_0012_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["civil aviation", "crew", "recognition of diplomas", "transport licence"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f8be6de-b3a1-4e37-95d1-7975cdc1fef6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 472 final \n\nBrussels, 1 December 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non mutual acceptance of personnel licences \n\nfor the exercise of functions in civil aviation \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f- A -\n\n(LwJfVt/ \n\nPROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE OF \nPERSONNEL LICENCES FOR THE EXERCISE OF FUNCTIONS IN CIVIL \nAVIATION \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. The Treaty of Rome stipulates that the action to he taken \nin pursuance of the objectives of the Community should \ninclude inter alia the abolition of obstacles to freedom of \nmovement for persons, services and capital and the adoption \nof a common transport policy. 2. Air Transport, being an integral part of the Community's \nTransport System, is essential for the unhindered movements \nof persons at intra-Community and international level. Its \nfurther expansion depends i. a. also on the existence of \nappropriately qualified and licenced personnel in sufficient \nnumbers to run present and future services. 3. However, demand and supply of personnel - especially for \ncertain staff categories such as pilots and air traffic \ncontrollers - are not at present balanced throughout the \nCommunity. This results in significant and acute shortages of \nstaff in some Member States. The need is therefore pressing \nfor increased personnel mobility to remedy this situation. For the personnel itself this will mean the possibility of \npursuing their profession in a Member State other than that \nin which they acquired their professional qualifications \nthereby enhancing their job prospects. 4. Article 8A of the Treaty requires that urgent measures are \ntaken in order to realise the free movement of persons within \nthe Community before the end of 1992. 5. At present personnel mobility in aviation is extremely \nlimited due mainly to the existence of differences in \nlicencing requirements and to the virtual absence of \nacceptance by Member States of licences issued by another \nMember State. - 2 -\n\n6. The Commission has for some time been considering this \nissue. In fact the mutual recognition of licences for \naircrew and ground staff was included in the priority list \nfor air transport approved by the Council in June 1978. The \nCommission had a first study carried out already in 1978 \nwhich i. a. examined the situation of the mobility of \npersonnel in civil aviation in the Community. The study \nconfirmed the existence of differences in licensing \nrequirements and the resulting lack of exchange of personnel \nbetween European companies in this sector. 7. The Commission has successively underlined in its 2 \nMemoranda on civil aviation of 1979 and 1984 the need to find \na solution to this problem. 8. Furthermore the adoption of the air transport policy \npackage in December 1987 underlines the need for flexibility \nand the establishment of free movement for labour. Action in \nthis field is intimately linked to the next step of the air \ntransport policy to be undertaken in 1990. 9. Consultations have been conducted with various \norganisations in order to develop a proposal for a system for \nthe mutual acceptance of personnel licences and \nqualifications for the exercice of functions in civil \naviation. The consultations underlined the? importance of \nmoving towards harmonised rules and that in the meantime \nMember States should not be obliged to lower their \nrequirements for licences. 10. The ICAO International minimum standards and recommended \npractices with regard to the licencing of personel in air \ntransport are defined in Annex I to the Convention on \nInternational Civil Aviation. This annex has been \nsubstantially modified with effect from 16 November 1989. An \ninitiative should be therefore taken as quickly as possible \nbased on this new international set of rules. 11. Article 38 of the Convention on International Civil \nAviation permits states to file a difference between their \nnational regulations and practices and the ICAO International \nstandards. It is therefore not sufficient to rely on the work \nof ICAO but Community action is necessary as quickly as \npossible to give legal backing to the ICAO rules. 12. The proposal for a Directive should therefore support the \nimplementation of Annex I of the Convention on International \nCivil Aviation with as few differences within the Community \nas possible and lead to a European Licence which at least \nmeets the requirements of Annex I. - 3 -\n\n13. It is also necessary that there is full correspondence \nwith the provisions of Council Directive 89/48/EEC (1) on a \ngeneral system for the recognition of higher-education \ndiplomas awarded on completion of professional education and \ntraining of at least three years' duration. Professional \ntraining and qualifications in civil aviation fall however \nmostly outside the field of application of this Directive as \nthey are not generally obtained on the basis of \nhigher-education courses of at least three years' duration. 14. The proposal also takes into account the case law of the \nCourt. In the Choquet Case (2) relating to the mutual \nrecognition of licences for car drivers, the Court of Justice \nhas ruled that, given the diversity in statutory requirements \nin the Member States in this field, the Member States are \nentitled to demand that persons establishing themselves on \ntheir territory obtain a national licence even if they \nalready possess a licence issued by their State of origin. However, the Member States have the obligation to accept \nexperience and qualifications acquired in other Member States \nand are therefore not allowed to repeat unnecessarily exams \nthat have already taken place in other Member States. 15. A second ruling followed in 1987 in the Heylens case(3), \nwhich confirmed that, in absence of a harmonisation of the \nconditions for the access to a profession,. the Member States \nare entitled to establish what knowledge and qualifications \nare necessary for the exercise of that profession and to \nrequire a diploma proving that these required knowledge and \nqualifications exist. However, if the knowledge and \nqualifications obtained in another Member State are \nequivalent to that required, then the Member State is obliged \nto recognize them. 16. According to these rulings national legislative \nprovisions would be incompatible with the EEC Treaty if their \napplication were to cause a hindrance in the free exercise of \nthe rights which Articles 48 and 52 of the Treaty guarantee \nin connection with the free movement of persons and freedom \nof establishment. Those hindrances could be e. g. the \nduplication of required experience and tests, linguistic \ndifficulties or exorbitant charges. /. , OJ L 19 of 24. 1. 1989. 2) ECR 1978, p. 2293, case 16/78 of 28 November 1978. , case 222/86 of 15 October 1987. 3) ECR 198 , p. _ 4 -\n\n17. The present proposal for a Directive therefore introduces \nprocedures which will facilitate the obligation of mutual \nacceptance by Member States of equivalent licences and \nqualifications obtained in other Member States of the \nCommunity. 18. Considerable work has already been done at ECAC with a \nview to determine terms of equivalence for pilots licences, \nrecommendation in this respect was passed in June 1988. It \nwould be useful to give this recommendation legal effect in \nthe Community in view of the special situation for pilots \n(see paragraph 3). However, it has been necessary to modify \nthe terms slightly in order to bring them in line with the \nabove legal requirements of the Community. 19. The acceptance not only relates to licences but also to \nany aspects of qualifications, experience and training. This \nis important if a Member State cannot directly accept a \nlicence issued by another Member State because the latter has \nno equivalent licence or no licence at all. 20. With a view to implementing the Directive it remains up \nto the Member States to choose the way and methods of \nacceptance of licences. However, to ensure the necessary \nrespect of the rules a certain transparency is introduced. If a Member State decides not to accept a licence or \nqualifications needed for obtaining a licence it should \ninform in writing the person concerned, the Member State \nwhich had issued the licence and the Commission. It should \nalso indicate the additional requirements and/or tests which \nare necessary for the licence to be accepted. 21. This is in line with the ruling in the Heylens Case \n(222/86 of 15. 10. 1987), where the Court of Justice has ruled \non the obligation of national authorities to disclose the \nreasons which may lead them to decide not to accept the \nequivalence of a professional licence issued by another \nMember State. 22. All licences accepted in this way by a Member State will \ngive right to the same privileges as those enjoyed by the \nholders of national licences issued directly by the Member \nState without discrimination and unnecessary formalities. 23. The obligation on Member States of mutual acceptance \nshould not however apply in respect of licences issued by a \nnon-Member State. - 5 -\n\n24. Nationals of other Member States shall be admitted \nwithout discrimination to training establishments and to all \nexaminations in a Member State on the same conditions as the \nnationals of that Member State. Under the Treaty these \nobligations already apply to public undertakings but \ndiscrimination has occured for private undertakings and it is \ntherefore necessary to extend this obligation also to private \nundertakings. 25. In order to realise for civil aviation the objective of \nthe Treaty of the free movement of labour it would, because \nof the specific characteristics in this sector be necessary \nto arrive at the full recognition of licences issued by \nMember States. Such recognition can only be achieved if \nrequirements and training standards in all Member States are \nat the same high level since otherwise safety might be at \nrisk. This will have to be achieved at the latest by \n31. 12. 1992 to meet the date of the completion of the internal \nmarket. 26. Considering the very short time left till that date and \nthe obligations the Commission has undertaken in order to \nrealise the internal market it is appropriate that the \nnecessary powers should be delegated to the Commission so \nthat the required results could be achieved on time. In view of developing its proposals for measures establishing \nharmonised requirements the Commission should make use of all \navailable knowledge in this field. More specifically the \nCommission intends to cooperate with ECAC - which has already \nmade substantial progress in the matter - and to call on the \nexpertise of Member States in this field. \" \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nCOMMENTS ON THE VARIOUS ARTICLES \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThis defines the scope of the Directive. Article 2 \n\nThis article lays down the definitions of terms used in the \nDirective. Article 3 \n\nThis article sets out the conditions under which Member \nStates have to accept licences issued by other Member \nStates. It also provides for the automatic recognition of a licence \nrespecting Community requirements when they have been \nadopted by virtue of Art. 9. Special reference is made to private pilote licences. The \nintent is to enable holders of PPLs to fly aircraft \nregistered in any Member State without the need to obtain \nlicence validation from the State of registry. Consultations with national experts and a recommandation in \nECAC indicate clearly that the automatic recognition of PPLs \ncould be established already now. Article 4 \n\nThis article lays down the procedures to be followed by a \nMember State when a licence cannot be accepted because it is \nnot equivalent. The candidate is provided the possibility \nin the case of non-acceptance to pass any additional tests \nwithin a reasonable time limit. Article 5 \n\nThis article lays down the obligations of Member States in \nrespect of the validation of licences until Community \nrequirements have been adopted and when certain conditions, \nas set out in the annex, are met. Article 6 \n\nBesides the acceptance of licences, member States shall \naccept equivalent experience and qualifications obtained in \nother Member States. This provision will contribute to \nincreased mobility and job prospects for aviation personnel \nand fulfil the requirements flowing from the Court ruling in \nthe Choquet and Heylens cases. Article 7 \n\nThis article provides that nationals of all Member States \nshall be admitted to the public and private training \nestablishments and examinations in a Member State on the same \nbasis as its own nationals. /. - 7 -\n\nArticle 8 \n\nThis Article stipulates that Member States shall not be \nobliged to accept licences issued by a Member State on the \nbasis of a licence issued by a third country. This principle \nis already recognised in the Directive concerning drivers \nlicences. Article 9 \n\nIn order to be able to realize the long term objective of the \nDirective, namely to come to an automatic recognition of \nlicences in civil aviation issued by Member States, it is \nnecessary that harmonised requirements for licences and \ntraining programmes should be adopted. This article sets the \ndate, 31. 12. 1992, by which this work must be completed. It \nalso provides that in the meantime Member States' licensing \nrequirements should at least meet the level of those in the \n8th edition of Annex 1 to the Convention on International \nCivil Aviation. Article 10 \n\nThe Commission is of the opinion that the aims of Article 9 \ncan only be achieved in time with the assistance of a \nregulatory Committee. This article describes the composition, the tasks and the \nworking procedures of such a Committee. Articles 11 and 12 \n\nProcedural articles. 8 \n\nPROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE OF \nPERSONNEL LICENCES FOR THE EXERCISE OF FUNCTIONS IN CIVIL \nAVIATION \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 84 (2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nHaving regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament (1), \n\nHaving regard to the Opinion of the Economic and Social \nCommittee (2), \n\nWhereas the existence in sufficient numbers of appropriately \nqualified and licensed personnel is vital for the smooth and \nsafe running of air transport services; \n\nWhereas air transport is a higly dynamic and rapidly \ndeveloping sector of a particularly international character; \nwhereas therefore the balance between supply and demand in \npersonnel can be maintained more efficiently at the Community \nrather than the national level;. /. (D \n(2) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\n9 \n\nWhereas therefore it is essential that the Common Transport \n\nPolicy in the field of civil aviation is extended to ensure \n\nthe free movement of personnel within the Community; \n\nWhereas furthermore the completion of the internal market by \nthe end of 1992 requires the existence of an efficient air \ntransport system to ensure the unhindered movement of people \nwithin the Community; \n\nWhereas the exercise of essential functions in civil aviation \n\nis in most Member States possible only to persons who possess \na licence; \n\nWhereas the requirements for such licences differ between \nMember States to the extent that in many instances it is \ndifficult for a national of a Member State to exercice a \nsimilar function in another Member State; \n\nWhereas, the qualifications required for licences are not at \npresent laid down by the Community; whereas Member States \ntherefore retain the option of fixing the level of such \nqualifications with a view to guaranteeing the safety of \nservices provided in their territory; whereas they may not, \nwithout infringing their obligations laid down in the Treaty, \nrequire a national of a Member State to obtain those \nqualifications, which in general they determine only by \nreference to their own national education and training \nsystems, where the person concerned has already acquired all \nor part of those qualifications in another Member State; \n\nWhereas, therefore any host Member State in which a function \nin civil aviation is regulated, is required to take account \nof qualifications acquired in another Member State and to \ndetermine whether those qualifications correspond to the \nqualifications which it requires;. /. - 3 -\n\n'to \n\nWhereas a Community procedure for the acceptance of licences \nand qualifications for the personnel exercising functions in \ncivil aviation is appropriate in order to facilitate \ncompliance with Treaty obligations and to ensure unhindered \npersonnel mobility; whereas the acceptance of licences would \nbe further facilitated by the obligation of Member States to \nrespect the minimum requirements for licences in conformity \nwith the eighth edition - July 1988 of Annex 1 to the \nConvention on International Civil Aviation; \n\nWhereas regarding private pilots the recognition of their \nlicences in all Member States can already be established; \n\nWhereas in order to be permitted to operate aircraft in a \nMember State other than that where they obtained their \nlicence professional pilots are normally subjected to \nadditional tests; whereas this practice constitutes an \nobstacle to the free movement of air services and should be \nrectified; whereas urgent action is therefore required for \nprofessional pilots; \n\nWhereas the elimination of the present air congestion \nproblems necessitates the urgent training of a large number \nof additional air traffic controllers, whose function is \nvital to the smooth and safe running of air transport \nservices; \n\nWhereas training facilities are not always available in \nMember States commensurate with demand;. /. -4-\n\nA4 \n\nWhereas in conformity with Article 7 of the Treaty Member \nStates shall admit nationals of other Member States to public \nand private training establishments and professional \nexaminations on a non-discriminatory basis; \n\nWhereas in order to achieve full mutual recognition of \nlicences it is essential to specify common requirements for \nlicences and training programmes; \n\nWhereas it is appropriate to delegate the power to specify \nsuch requirements to the Commission assisted by a \nregulatory committee; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. This Directive shall apply to licensing procedures and \nrequirements of Member States in the field of civil \naviation with respect to flying crew, and personnel \nemployed in aircraft maintenance, air traffic control,, \nflight operations and aeronautical station operations. 2. The provisions of this Directive shall apply only to \n\nnationals of a Member State. /. - 5 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\nFor the purpose of this directive \n\na) licence means any valid document, issued by a Member \nState,authorising personnel to exercise functions in \ncivil aviation. This definition also includes ratings \nforming part of the licence; \n\nb) rating means an authorization entered on or associated \nwith a licence, stating special conditions, privileges \nor limitations pertaining to such licence; \n\nc) acceptance of licences means any act of recognition or \n\nvalidation by a Member State of a licence or aspect of a \nlicence issued by another Member State. The acceptance \nmay be effected through the issue of a licence of its \nown; \n\nd) recognition means the permission to use in one Member \n\nState a licence issued in another Member State for the \npurpose specified on the licence; \n\ne) validation means the express indication by a Member \n\nState in a licence issued by another Member State that \nthis licence can be used as one of its own for the \npurpose specified on the licence. /. ^3 \n\n- 6 -\n\nArticle 3 \n\n1. Where a Member State requires personnel to be licensed in \norder to engage in functions in civil aviation, it shall \naccept, without undue delay or additional tests, any \nlicence or aspect of a licence issued by another Member \nState and concerning the same functions. 2. A Member State shall recognise a licence respecting the \nstandards as set out in Community requirements adopted \npursuant to Article 9; \n\n3. Without prejudice to Article 8, any person holding a \n\nprivate pilot licence issued by a Member State shall be \npermitted to fly aircraft registered in another Member \nState. This recognition shall be limited to the exercise \nof the privileges of the holder of a private pilot licence \nand of associated aircraft ratings under Visual Flying \nRules (VFR) by day only in an aircraft certificated for \nsingle-pilot operations;. /\u2022 \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nArticle 4 \n\n1. By derogation from the principles set out in Article 3(1), \nif a licence or any aspect of a licence issued by a Member \nState is based on requirements which are not equivalent to \nthose of the Member State to which the licence is \npresented for acceptance the latter shall so inform the \nholder of the licence in writing and indicate the specific \nadditional requirements and/or tests which are necessary \nfor the licence to be accepted. This information shall at the same time be communicated to \nthe Member State which has issued the licence and to the \nCommission. 2. An opportunity to pass any additional test shall on \n\nrequest be given to the applicant without delay and in any \ncase before 3 months have elapsed from the date of the \nrequest. 3. When the applicant can show that he meets the additional \nrequirements and/or has passed the required test(s) the \nMember State concerned shall forthwith accept the licence \nor aspect of the licence in question. /. - 8 -\n\nArticle 5 \n\nNotwithstanding Article 4, a Member State shall, until \nCommunity requirements have been adopted under Article 9 and \nwhen the special validation requirements as set out in the \nAnnex are fulfilled by the holder of the licence : \n\n(a) validate a licence complying with at least the \n\nstandards as set out in the eighth edition - July 1988 \nof Annex 1 to the Convention on International Civil \nAviation \n\n(b) at most, demand an aptitude test as set out in the \n\nAnnex with respect to licences which do not meet the \nminimum requirements established by the eighth edition \n- July 1988 of Annex 1 of the Convention on \nInternational Civil Aviation. Article 6 \n\nWithout prejudice to Article 3> each Member State shall, for \nlicensing purposes, accept any aspects of the qualifications, \nexperience and training in civil aviation obtained in other \nMember States which are equivalent to its own requirements. Article 7 \n\nMember States shall ensure that nationals of other Member \nStates are admitted to public and private training \nestablishments and to examinations and procedures for the \nlicensing of civil aviation personnel on the same basis as \napplies to their own nationals. /. - 9 -\n\nArticle 8 \n\nAi \n\n1. When a Member State issues a licence on the basis of a \n\nlicence or aspect of a licence issued by a third country \nthis shall be recorded in the licence. Other Member \nStates shall not be obliged to accept any such licence or \naspect of a licence. 2. By derogation from paragraph 1 Member States, shall accept \nlicences issued by the Federal Republic of Germany on the \nbasis of a licence issued by the German Democratic \nRepublic. Article 9 \n\n1. The Commission shall at the latest by 31 December 1992 and \n\nin accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10, \nadopt measures establishing harmonised requirements for \nlicences and training programmes. In preparing the draft of \nthose measures the Commission shall consult with \nrepresentatives of the professions covered by this \nDirective. 2. Until such requirements for licences are adopted, the \n\nlicensing requirements of the Member States must at least \nmeet the level of those requirements laid down in the eighth \nedition - July 1988 of Annex 1 to the Convention on \nInternational Civil Aviation. 3. Without prejudice to Article 5\u00bb Member States may decide \nthat licences issued by them before 1 July 1990 remain \nvalid. /. 1* \n\n- 10 -\n\nArticle 1 0 \n\n1. For the purpose of the tasks defined in Article 9 the \n\nCommission shall be assisted by a committee composed of the \nrepresentatives of the Member States and chaired by the \nrepresentative of the Commission. 2. The representative of the Commission shall submit to the \n\ncommittee a draft of the measures to be taken. The committee \nshall deliver its opinion on the draft within a time limit \nwhich the chairman may lay down according to the urgency of \nthe matter. The opinion shall be delivered by the majority \nlaid down in Article 148(2) of the Treaty in the case of \ndecisions which the Council is required to adopt on a \nproposal from the Commission. The votes of the \nrepresentatives of the Member States within the committee \nshall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The \nchairman shall not vote. 3. a) The Commission shall adopt the measures envisaged if \nthey are in accordance with the opinion of the \ncommittee. b) If the measures envisaged are not in accordance with the \nopinion of the committee, or if no opinion is delivered, \nthe Commission shall, without delay, submit to the \nCouncil a proposal relating to the measures to be \ntaken. The Council shall act by a qualified majority. /. -11-\n\nn% \n\nc) If on the expiry of a period of 3 months from the \n\ndate of referral to the Council, the Council has not \nacted, the proposed measures shall be adopted by the \nCommission. Article 11 \n\nThe Member States shall, after consultation with the \nCommission, take the necessary steps to bring into force \nthe laws, regulations and administrative provisions \nnecessary to comply with this directive not later than 1 \nJuly 1990. They shall immediately inform the Commission \nthereof. The measures adopted pursuant to the first subparagraph \nshall make express reference to this Directive. The Member States shall communicate to the Commission all \nsubsequent laws, regulations and administrative provisions \nadopted in the field governed by this Directive. Article 12 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States \n\nDone at Brussels,. *. -. \u00bb \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\fSPECIAL VALIDATION PROCEDURE \n\nROLE \n\nSPECIAL VAUDATION REQUIREMENTS \n\nLICENCE \n\nMEDICAL \n\nAGE \n\nEXPERIENCE \n\nANNEX \n\n*3 \n\nAPTITUDE TEST \n\nFOR VALIDATION \n\n1. Commercial \nair transpor \ntation in \nFAR 25/ \nJAR 25 \naeroplanes \n\na) PIC \n\na) ATPL-A \n\nb) Co-pilot \n\nb) ATPL-A \n\na) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\nb) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\n2. Commercial \nair trans \nportation \nin non-\nFAR25/ \nJAR 25 \naeroplanes \n\na) 21-60 \n\na) 1 500 hrs as \n\na) A flight test including IR* test \n\nPIC on FAR 25/ \nJAR 25 aero \nplanes. in flight or simulator. b) 21-60 \n\nb) 1500 hrs on \n\nb) A flight test including IR test in \n\nFAR23UAR25 \naeroplanes. (light or simulator. * \n\ni \nI \n\na) PIC \n\na)CPL-A \n\n(with IR) \n\na) 21-60 \n\na) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\na) 1000 hrs as PIC \nin commercial air \ntransportation \nsince gaining \nan IR \n\na) A flight test including IR test in \n\nflight or simulator. IR - Instrument rating. ; \n\nROLE \n\nSPECIAL VALIDATJON REQUIREMENTS \n\nLICENCE \n\nMEDICAL \n\nAGE \n\nEXPERIENCE \n\nAPTITUDE Ti-JST \n\nFOR VALIDATION \n\nb) Co-pilot \n\nb) CPL-A \n\n(with IR) \n\nb) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\nb) 21-60 \n\nb) 1000 hrs in \n\nb) A flight test including IR test \n\nin \n\ncommercial air \ntransportation. flight or simulator. i \ni \u00bb \ni \nj \nj \n\nj \n\na) CPL-A \n\na) 21-60 \n\na) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\ni \n! 3a) Aerial work \nin aero \nj \nplanes \n(exdu-\nding flying \ninstruction \n\n; \n| \n| \n\ni \n1 \n\nb) CPL-H \n\n1 3b) Aerial work \nin heli \ncopters \n(exclu \nding flying \ninstruction \nand off \nshore \noperations; \n\nb) 21-60 \n\nb) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\n700 hrs as PIC \non conventional \naeroplanes inclu \nding 200 hrs in the \nkind of aerial work \nfor which validation \nis sought, including \n50 hrs in the role in \nthe last twelve \nmonths. 700 hrs as PIC \non helicopters \nincluding 200 hrs ? \nin the kind of aerial \nwork for which valid \nation is sought. including 50 hrs \nin the role in the \nlast twelve months. a) Flight check in role. b) Flight check in role. i \n\nConventional aeroplanes shall mean aeroplanes other than those certificated under JAR 22 and ultralights. - 3 \n\n-\n\n21 \n\nROLE \n\nSPECIAL VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS \n\nAPTITUDE TEST \nFOR VALIDATION \n\nLICENCE \n\nMEDICAL \n\nAGE \n\nEXPERIENCE \n\nCommercial \nair transpor \ntation or \noff-shore \noperations \nin heli \ncopters \n\na) PIC \n\na) ATPL-H \n(with IR. i IFR \nflights \nrequired) \n\na) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\na) 21-60 \n\na) \n\nb) Co-pilot b) CPL-H \n\n(withlR. 2IFR \nflights \nrequired) \n\nb) Class 1 \nmedical \ncertificate \nwithout \nwaiver \n\nb) 21-60 \n\nb) \n\na) A flight test, including IR lest, \nif appropriate, in flight or \nsimulator. b) A flight test, including IR test, \nif appropriate, in flight or \nsimulator. 1 SOOhrsas \nPIC flying related \nto the kind of \noperation for \nwhich validation \nis being sought \nIf IR flight \nrequired, have \ngained 500 hrs \nflying experience \nsince gaining \nan IR \n\n1 500 hrs \nflying related \nto the kind of \noperation for \nwhich validation \nis being sought \nIf IR flight \nrequired have \ngained 500 hours \nflying experience \nsince gaining \na nR \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 472 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 05 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-570-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55530-0 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15c33a1a-e6d5-4a03-8e87-3ab88a1e8d3e", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3617/89 of 1 December 1989 concerning the quantities of sheepmeat and goatmeat products which may be imported from Romania during 1989", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Romania,goat,quantitative restriction,sheep,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:31989R3617,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0017_031", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Romania", "goat", "quantitative restriction", "sheep", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15c33a1a-e6d5-4a03-8e87-3ab88a1e8d3e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/02c43acd-5d16-4387-a1d0-d630b7e92cf1", "title": "Written Question No. 899/89 by Mr Herman Verbeek and Mr Paul Staes to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Abolition of the co-responsibility levy on milk", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HAPPART", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "dairy production,milk,producer co-responsibility", "workIds": "celex:91989E000935", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dairy production", "milk", "producer co-responsibility"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1d2d2513-bc89-4943-af2b-07e859cfa81c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fd7aade1-5e91-4742-872e-dde1e44fbaf3", "title": "Question No 5 by Mr NIANIAS (H-495/89) to the Council: Statement by the Turkish Minister of State to the President' s Office", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,NIANIAS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Christianity,Islam,T\u00fcrkiye,accession to the European Union", "workIds": "celex:91989H000495", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Christianity", "Islam", "T\u00fcrkiye", "accession to the European Union"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fd7aade1-5e91-4742-872e-dde1e44fbaf3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5098b67-d8a1-48a8-a829-46dd866bbeeb", "title": "Written Question No. 933/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Research into listeria in cook-chill foods", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "deep-frozen product,food hygiene,food inspection,foodstuffs legislation,health risk,infectious disease,processed food product", "workIds": "celex:91989E000933", "eurovoc_concepts": ["deep-frozen product", "food hygiene", "food inspection", "foodstuffs legislation", "health risk", "infectious disease", "processed food product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5098b67-d8a1-48a8-a829-46dd866bbeeb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/69ad6fd3-d10d-4fef-8267-3e6e6f221848", "title": "Written Question No. 924/89 by Mr Hemmo Muntingh to the Commission of the European Communities. Brown coal power station in Greece", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MUNTINGH", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,Greece,air quality,environmental impact,power plant", "workIds": "celex:91989E000924", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "Greece", "air quality", "environmental impact", "power plant"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/69ad6fd3-d10d-4fef-8267-3e6e6f221848", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/74413d4d-2734-4cb4-8db7-149dd79eeff6", "title": "Written Question No. 910/89 by Mr Gianfranco Amendola to the Commission of the European Communities. Dangers of the Enichem plant in Manfredonia, Italy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Apulia,application of EU law,industrial hazard,occupational safety,public health,waste disposal", "workIds": "celex:91989E000910", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Apulia", "application of EU law", "industrial hazard", "occupational safety", "public health", "waste disposal"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/74413d4d-2734-4cb4-8db7-149dd79eeff6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2f69d92-080a-4963-85bc-e3d6d1fd38b6", "title": "Written Question No. 900/89 by Lord O' Hagan to the Commission of the European Communities. 1992 and the Channel Islands", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,O'HAGAN", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU national,English Channel,France,United Kingdom,island,island region,single market", "workIds": "celex:91989E000900", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU national", "English Channel", "France", "United Kingdom", "island", "island region", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2f69d92-080a-4963-85bc-e3d6d1fd38b6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bb5c32ad-effa-4d82-883b-8d9a4d7d3acf", "title": "Written Question No. 922/89 by Mr Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission of the European Communities. Timing of an ERDF subsidy used to make political capital", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROBLES PIQUER", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Regional Development Fund,Spain,election campaign publicity,parliamentary election,use of aid", "workIds": "celex:91989E000922", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Regional Development Fund", "Spain", "election campaign publicity", "parliamentary election", "use of aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bb5c32ad-effa-4d82-883b-8d9a4d7d3acf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/888fc555-8382-4ff9-81fd-c55ba7a5c1ff", "title": "Written Question No. 930/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Speech by Sir Nicholas Goodison", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU law,financial market,securities,share,stock-exchange transaction", "workIds": "celex:91989E000930", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "financial market", "securities", "share", "stock-exchange transaction"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/888fc555-8382-4ff9-81fd-c55ba7a5c1ff", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4684ab29-3a68-4b11-be43-ab692c71e095", "title": "Question No 1 by Mrs PIERMONT (H-476/89) to the Council: Hurricane Hugo in Guadeloupe", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERMONT", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Guadeloupe,agricultural product,agricultural structure,aid to disaster victims,atmospheric conditions,emergency aid,natural disaster,self-supply,single-crop farming", "workIds": "celex:91989H000476", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Guadeloupe", "agricultural product", "agricultural structure", "aid to disaster victims", "atmospheric conditions", "emergency aid", "natural disaster", "self-supply", "single-crop farming"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4684ab29-3a68-4b11-be43-ab692c71e095", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3eef43e8-4ee2-41cc-93d9-b368c2ae146e", "title": "Written Question No. 892/89 by Mr Christian Rovsing to the Commission of the European Communities. Introduction by the Federal Republic of Germany of a road tax for lorries exceeding 18 tonnes overall weight, to apply from 1 May 1990", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROVSING", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC opinion,Germany,commercial vehicle,common transport policy,competition,legislative initiative,motorway,toll", "workIds": "celex:91989E000892", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC opinion", "Germany", "commercial vehicle", "common transport policy", "competition", "legislative initiative", "motorway", "toll"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3eef43e8-4ee2-41cc-93d9-b368c2ae146e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8076fa0-e86b-4a6b-89e5-52e447268a1c", "title": "Written Question No. 909/89 by Mr Gianfranco Amendola to the Commission of the European Communities. EIB funding for the completion of the Autostrada dei Trafori (Italy)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Investment Bank,Italy,countryside conservation,damage,environmental protection,motorway,road building", "workIds": "celex:91989E000909", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Investment Bank", "Italy", "countryside conservation", "damage", "environmental protection", "motorway", "road building"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f8076fa0-e86b-4a6b-89e5-52e447268a1c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/599311b8-f8a6-4a51-b851-a879add125d4", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3621/89 of 1 December 1989 withdrawing certain milk products from the list of products subject to the supplementary trade mechanism", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "milk product,supplementary trade mechanism", "workIds": "celex:31989R3621,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0022_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["milk product", "supplementary trade mechanism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/599311b8-f8a6-4a51-b851-a879add125d4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b0cd3803-56d6-40b9-acd7-700de030596e", "title": "Written Question No. 897/89 by Mr Carlos Carvalhas to the Commission of the European Communities. Consultation of trade unions and workers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CARVALHAS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,labour relations,proposal (EU),restrictive trade practice,trade union,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989E000897", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "labour relations", "proposal (EU)", "restrictive trade practice", "trade union", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b0cd3803-56d6-40b9-acd7-700de030596e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9dff9368-217d-4ab4-823d-73b3e13fbaf5", "title": "Written Question No. 926/89 by Mr Jos\u00e9 Happart to the Commission of the European Communities. Trends in consumption of ' low-calorie' products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HAPPART", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "consumer protection,dietary product,food industry,food inspection,food standard,food substitute,foodstuffs legislation,labelling,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:91989E000926", "eurovoc_concepts": ["consumer protection", "dietary product", "food industry", "food inspection", "food standard", "food substitute", "foodstuffs legislation", "labelling", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9dff9368-217d-4ab4-823d-73b3e13fbaf5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6b4575c4-97bd-43c3-bbc7-653841ef326b", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ON THE CONCLUSION OF THE AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF AN EXCHANGE OF LETTERS CONCERNING THE PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE PROTOCOL ESTABLISHING FOR THE PERIOD FROM 16 JUNE 1989 TOT 15 JUNE 1991 THE FISHING RIGHTS AND FINANCIAL COMPENSATION PROVIDED FOR IN THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA-BISSAU ON FISHING OFF THE COAST OF GUINEA-BISSAU", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Guinea-Bissau,fisheries policy,fishing agreement,protocol to an agreement,ratification of an agreement", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0601(01),comnat:COM_1989_0601(01)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Guinea-Bissau", "fisheries policy", "fishing agreement", "protocol to an agreement", "ratification of an agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6b4575c4-97bd-43c3-bbc7-653841ef326b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 601 final \nBrussels, 1 December 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION. on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters \nconcerning the provisional application of the Protocol establishing for the \nperiod from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing \noff the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\frawAirairar MraraAwrraf \n\n(^ \n\n^ \n\nThe Protocol annexed to the fisheries Agreement between the European \nEconomic Community and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau, \nsigned in Bissau on 27 February 1980 and last amended by the Agreement \nsigned in Brussels on 29 June 1987, expired on 15 June 1989. Following negotiations held in Brussels on 7, 8 and 9 June 1989, a new \nProtocol between the European Economic Community and the Government of the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau was Initialled on 9 June 1989. The new Protocol lays down the following fishing rights for the period from \n16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991: \n\n(la) Freezer shrimp trawlers: 10 000 grt a month, anrnial. average \n\n(lb) Freezer fin fish and oephalopod trawlers: 5 000 grt a month, annual \n\naverage \n\n(2) Freezer tuna seiners: 45 vessels \n\n(3) Pole-and-line tuna vessels: 15 vessels, \n\n(4) Surface longliners: 35 vessels. The Community will pay ECU 10 830 000 million in financial compensation \nduring the life of the Protocol, and will also contribute ECU 550 000 to \nhelp finance a Guinea-Bissau scientific or technical programme. In addition, ECU 559 000 will be provided In awards for study and practical \ntraining. New fees to be paid by shipowners have also been fixed. - 2 -\n\nIn the light of the foregoing, the Commission proposes that, as soon as \n\npossible, the Council: \n\n1. adopt the Decision attached hereto in order to conclude the Agreement \nin the form of an exchange of letters on the provisional application \nof the Protocol establishing the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European \nEconomic Community and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau \non fishing off the caost of Guinea-Bissau for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991; \n\n2. adopt the Regulation attached hereto in order to conclude the Protocol \nestablishing the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor In the Agreement between the European Eoonomio Community and the \nGovernment of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast \nof Guinea-Bissau for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991. j \n\n\fPROPOSAI, *ra A \n\nCOMCTL DHfTTSICM \n\non the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters \nconcerning the provisional application of the Protocol establishing for the \nperiod from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau on fishing \noff the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and in \nparticular Article 155(2)(b) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the Agreement between the European Economio Community and \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of \nGuinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 19801 and last amended by \nthe Agreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987,2 \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Community and the Republlo of Guinea-Bissau conducted \nnegotiations to determine the amendments or additions to be made to the \nAgreement on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau at the end of the \nperiod of application of the Protocol; \n\nWhereas, as a result of these negotiations, a new Protocol was initialled \non 9 June 1989; \n\nWhereas, under that Protocol, Community fishermen have fishing rights in \nthe waters under the sovereignty or Jurisdiction of the Republio of Guinea-\nBissau for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991; \n\n1 \n2 \n\nOJ No L 226, 29. 8. 1980, p. 33. OJ NO L 113, 30. 4. 1987,p. 1. L \n-/ \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nT-foereas, under Article 155(2)(b) of the Act of Accession, it is for the \nCouncil to determine the procedures appropriate to take into consideration \nall or part of the interests of the Canary Tsl arris when it adopts \ndecisions, case by case, particularly with a view to the conclusion of \nfisheries agreements with third countries; whereas the case in point calls \nfor the said procedures to be determined; \n\nWhereas, in order to avoid any interruption in the fishing activities of \nCommunity vessels, it is essential that the Protocol in question be \napproved as soon as possible; whereas, for this reason, the two Parties \nInitialled an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters providing for \nthe provisional application of the initialled Protocol from the day \nfollowing the date of expiry of the Protocol In force; whereas the \nAgreement In the form of an exchange of letters should be concluded pending \na final, decision taken on the basis of Artlole 43 of the Treaty, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the \nprovisional application of the Protocol establishing for the period from \n16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation \nprovided for in the Agreement between the European Economio Community and \nthe Republio of Guinea-Bissau Is hereby approved on behalf of the \nCommunity. The text of the Agreement is attached to this Decision. Article 2 \n\nWith a view to taking Into consid\u00e9ration the interests of the Canary \nIslands, the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and, in so far as is \nnecessary for its application, the provisions of the common fisheries \npolicy relating to the conservation and management of fishery resources \n\nr \n\n\f- 3 \n\nshall, also apply to vessels which sail under the flag of Spain, which are \nrecorded on a permanent basis in the registers of the relevant authorities \nat local level ('registros de base') in the Canary Islands, under the \nconditions specified in Note 6 to Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 570/86 of 24 February 1986 ooncerning the definition of the concept of \n'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation In trade \nbetween the customs territory of the Community, Ceuta and Melilla and the \nCanary Islands. 1 \n\nArticle 3 \nThe President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the persons \nempowered to sign the Agreement In the form of an exchange of letters In \norder to bind the Community. Done at Brussels, \n\n1989 \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\nOJ No L 56, 1. 3. 1986, p. 1. C \n\n\fPROPOSAL K2R A \n\nfflntD NO \n\non the conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community, \nand In particular Article 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and In \nparticular Article 155(2)(b) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nWhereas, pursuant to the Agreement between the European Economio Community \nand the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the \ncoast of Guinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 19803 and last \namended by the Agreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987,4 the two \nParties conducted negotiations to determine the amendments or additions to \nbe made to the Agreement at the end of the period of application of the \nProtoool; \n\nWhereas, as a result of these negotiations, a new Protocol establishing the \nfishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the above-\nmentioned Agreement for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 was \nInitialled on 9 June 1989; \n\n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 \n\nOJ No L \nOJ No L \nOJ No L 226, 29. 8. 1980, p. 33. OJ NO L 113, 30. 4. 1987, p. 1. _^ \n' \n\n\f\u2022\u00efhereas, under Article 155(2)(b) of the Act of Accession, it is for the \nCoctncil to determine the procedures appropriate to take into consideration \nell or psxt of the interests of the Canary Islands when it adopts \ndecisions, case by$ase, particularly with a view to the conclusion of \nfisheries agreements with third countries; whereas the case in point <^riig \nfor the said procedures to be determined; \n\nWhereas it is in the Community's interest to oonolude the Protocol, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \nThe Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 \nthe fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement \nbetween the European Economio Community and the Republio of Guinea-Bissau \non fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau is hereby approved on behalf of \nthe Community. The text of the Protocol is attached to this Regulation. Article 2 \n\nWith a view to taking Into consideration the Interests of the Canary \nIslands, the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and, In so far as is \nnecessary for its application, the provisions of the common fisheries \npolicy relating to the conservation and management of fishery resources \nshall also apply to vessels which sail under the flag of Spain, which are \nrecorded on a permanent basis in the registers of the relevant authorities \nat local level ('registros de base1) In the Canary Islands, under the \nconditions specified in Note 6 to Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 570/86 of 24 February 1986 ooncernlng the definition of the concept of \n'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation In trade \nbetween the customs territory of the Community\u00bb Carta and Melilla and the \nCanary Islands. 1 \n\nO J No L 56, 1. 3. 1986, p. 1. - 3 \n\nArticle S \nThe President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the persons \nempowered to sign the Protocol in order to bind the Community. Article 4 \nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of \nJournal of \nits publication in the Official \n\ntha European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\n1989 \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n3 \n\n\festablishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 \nthe fishing rights and financial compensation \n\nprovided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community \n\nand the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on \nfishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE PARTIES TO TEES PROTOCOL, \n\nHaving regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of \nGuinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 1980 and last amended by the \nAgreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987, \n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nFor a period of two years from 16 June 1989, the fishing rights granted \nunder Article 4 of the Agreement shall be as follows: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n(la) Freezer shrimp trawlers: 10 000 grt a month, annual average \n\n(lb) Freezer fin fish and cephalopod trawlers: 5 000 grt a month, annual \n\naverage \n\n(2) Freezer tuna seiners: 45 vessels \n\n(3) Pole-and-line tuna vessels: 15 vessels, \n\n(4) Surface longliners: 35 vessels. Article 2 \n1. The financial compensation referred to in Article 9 of the Agreement \nshall be, for the period referred to in Article 1, EOT 10 830 000, payable \nin two equal annual instalments. 2. The use to which this compensation is put shall be the sole \nresponsibility of the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau. 3. The compensation shall be paid into an account opened with a financial \ninstitution or any other body designated by Guinea-Bissau. - 2 -\n\nArticle g \n\nAt the request of the Community, the fishing rights referred to in \nArticle 1(1) may be increased by successive instalments of 1 000 grt a \nmonth, calculated on an annual average basis. In this case, the financial \ncompensation referred to in Article 2 shall be increased proportionately. Article 4 \n\nThe Community sha. 11 also contribute during the period referred to in \nArticle 1 the sum of EOT 550 000 towards the financing of a Guinea-Bissau \nscientific or technical programme to improve information on the fishery \nresources within the exclusive economic zone of Guinea-Bissau and the \nfunctioning of the marine biology laboratory. This sum shall be made available to the Government of the Republio of \nGuinea-Bissau and paid into the account indicated by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities. Article 9 \nThe two Parties agree that improving the sft111 s of those involved in sea \nfishing is a vital element in the success of their cooperation. To that \nend, the Connnunitv shall make it easier for nationals of Guinea-Bissau to \nfind places In establishments in its Member States and shall provide for \nthat purpose, during the period referred to In Article 1, awards for study \nand practical training in the various scientific, technical and economic \ndisciplines relating to fisheries. The awards may also be used in any \ncountry linked with the Community by a cooperation agreement. The total \ncost of the awards may not exceed EOT 550 000. At the request of the \nGuinea-Bissau authorities, part of this sum may be used to cover the costs \nof participation in International meetings or training courses concerning \nfisheries or -Use organization of seminars on fishing In Guinea-Bissau, or \nto strengthen the administrative infrastructure of the Office of the \nSecretary of State for Fisheries. The sum shall be payable as and when it \nis used. ^1 \n\n\f\u00c0 r U d & ii \nD:. ^uld the Cainmunity fail to make the payments provided for in Articles 2 \nsz:i 4, :^3 amplication of this Protocol may be suspended. Article 7 \nTD& Aansx bo iihe Agreement between the European Economic Ccmmunity and the \nGoverzL?. 3at of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishisg off the coast of \nGi\u00e0nea-Bissau is hereby repealed and replaced by the Annex to this \nProtocol. Tbis Protocol shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed. Article 8 \n\nIt shall be applicable from 16 June 1989. AZ \n\n\fDRAFT MSREBSBS\u0152 \n\nin the form of an exchange of letters concerning the provisional \n\napplication of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 \n\nto 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for \n\nin the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government \n\nof the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nA. Letter from the Government of Guinea-Bissau \n\nSir, \n\nWith reference to the Protocol initialled on 9 June 1989 establishing \nfishing rights and financial compensation for the period from 16 June 1989 \nto 15 June 1991, I have the honour to inform you that the Government of \nGuinea-Bissau is ready to apply this Protocol on a provisional basis, with \neffect from 16 June 1989, pending its entry into force in accordance with \nArticle 8 of the said Protocol, provided that the European Economio \nCommunity is disposed to do the same. The period of validity of licences \nvalid at 15 June 1989 is extended to 1 August 1989. This is on the understanding that a first instalment equal to half of the \nfinancial compensation specified in Article 2 of the Protocol is paid by \n30 October 1989. I should be obliged if you would confirm the European Economic community's \nagreement to such provisional application. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the Government of \nthe Republio of Guinea-Bissau \n\n*s \n\n\f- 2 \n\nB. Letter from the Community \n\nSir, \n\nI have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, \nwhich reads as follows: \n\n\"With reference to the Protocol initialled on 9 June 1989 establishing \nfishing rights and financial compensation for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991, I have the honour to Inform you that the \nGovernment of Guinea-Bissau is ready to apply this Protocol on a \nprovisional basis, with effect from 16 June 1989, pending its entry \ninto force in accordance with Article 8 of the said Protocol, provided \nthat the European Economic Community is disposed to do the same. The \nperiod of validity of licences valid, at 15 June 1989 is extended to \n1 August 1989. This is on the understanding that a first instalment equal to half of \nthe financial compensation specified in Article 2 of the Protocol is \npaid by 30 October 1989. I should be obliged if you would oonfirm the European Eoonomio \nCommunity's agreement to such provisional application. N \n\nI have the honour to confirm the European Boonomio Community's agreement to \nthis provisional application of the Protoool. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consid\u00e9ration. On behalf of the Council \nof the European Communities \n\niit \n\ni \nat \n\n\fANNEX \n\nConditions for the exercise of fishing activities by Community vessels \n\nIn Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone \n\nA. Licence application and Issuing formalities \n\nThe procedure for applications for, and issue of, the licences enabling \nCommunity vessels to fish in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone shall be as \nfollows: \n\nThe relevant Community authorities shall present to the Office of the \nSecretary of State for Fisheries of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau, via the \nCommission Delegation in Guinea-Bissau, an application for each vessel that \nis to be used for fishing under the Agreement, at least 30 days before the \ndate of conmencement of the period of validity requested. The applications shall be made on the forms provided for that purpose by \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, specimens of which are \nattached hereto (Annex 1). Each licence application shall be accompanied by proof of payment of the \nfee for the period of the licence's validity. Payment shall be made into \nthe account referred to in Article 2 of the Protocol. Licences for tamai seiners, pole-and-line tuna vessels and surface \nlongliners shall be issued by the Guinea-Bissau authorities within the 30- \nday time limit laid down above to the shipowners or their representatives \nvia tts Delegation of the OcmdBslon of the Biropea* C o m i t i es m ami*\u00bb- \nBissau. \\ \nJ-\nj \n\\ \n: \n\nFreezer trawlers must be present in the port of Bissau when the licence is \nhanded over. 2fce Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities \nshall be notified of each licence issued. A$> \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nLicences shall be Issued for a specifio vessel and shall not be \ntransferable. However, at the request of the European Economio Community, \nand where force majeure is proven, a vessel's licence shall be replaced by \na new licence for another vessel whose features are similar to those of the \nfirst vessel. The owner of the first vessel shall return the cancelled \nlicence to the Offioe of the Secretary of State for Fisheries of the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau via the authorities of the Commission of the \nEuropean Communities. By way of derogation from Article 4(3) of the Agreement, licences shall be \nvalid for quarterly, half-yearly or annual periods. The licence must be held on board at all times. l. Provisions applicable, to trawlers \n(a) For the duration of this Protoool the fees for annual licences shall \n\nbe as follows: \nEOT 100 per grt per year for fin fish trawlers; \nECU 116 per grt per year for oephalopod trawlers; \nBOT 160 per grt per year for shrimp trawlers. (b) For the duration of this Protoool the fees for half-yearly licences \n\nshall be as follows: \nEOT 57. 5 per grt per half-year for fin fish trawlers; \nEOT 66. 5 per grt per half-year for oephalopod trawlers; \nEOT 92 per grt per half-year for shrimp trawlers. (c) The fees for quarterly licences shall be as follows: \nEOT 30 per grt per quarter for fin fish trawlers; \nEOT 35 per grt per quarter for oephalopod trawlers; \nEOT 48 per grt per quarter for shrimp trawlers. However, vessels which land only 25 kg of fish per grt per quarter, in \naccordance with the provisions of part C of this Annex, shall be obliged to \npay an additional fee of BOT 6 per grt per quarter. A6 \n\n| \n| \n\\ \ni \n\n< \n| \nI \nI \n\\ \nf \nf \nI \n1 \n' \nj \n\n\f2. Provisions ^ppHnahle to tuna vessels and surface longliners \n\n(a) The fees shall be EOT 20 per tonne caught within Guinea-Bissau's \n\nfishing zone. (b) Licences shall be issued following payment to the Office of the \n\nSecretary of State for Fisheries of a lump sum of EOT 1 500 a year for \neach tuna seiner and EOT 300 a year for each pole-and-line tuna vessel \nand surface longliner, equivalent to the fees for: \n\n- 75 tonnes of tuna caught per year in the case of seiners; \n- 15 tonnes caught per year in the case of pole-and-line tuna vessels \n\nand surface longliners. The final statement of the fees due for the fishing period shall be drawn \nup by the Commission of the European Communities at the end of each \ncalendar year on the basis of the catch statements made by each shipowner \nand confirmed by the scientific institutes responsible for verifying catch \ndata (ORSTOM and IE0 - Spanish Institute of Oceanography). The statement \nshall be forwarded simultaneously to the Of floe of the Secretary of State \nfor Fisheries and to the shipowners. Any additional payment due shall be \nmade by the shipowners to the Of floe of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries of Guinea-Bissau by 31 Hay of the following year at the latest, \nin accordance wttfc the procedure for payment set out In Article 2 of the \nProtocol. However, if the amount of the final statement Is lower than the above-\nmentioned amount, the resulting balance shall not be reimbursable. B. fitfttflamt or catch, \nFor all Community vessels authorized to fish In Guinea-Bissau's waters \nunder the Agreement a statement of their catch must be provided to the \nOf floe of the Secretary of State for Fisheries, with a copy to the \nCommission Delegation In Guinea-Bissau, in accordance with the procedures \nset out below: \n\nfor trawlers a statement shall be made out according to the specimen \nannexed hereto (Annex 2). The statements shall be drawn up each month \nand presented at least once each quarter; \n\n*\\ \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nfor tuna seiners, pole-and-line tuna vessels and surface longliners a \nfishing logshall be kept, in accordance with Annex 3, for each fishing \nperiod spent in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone. The form must be sent, \nwithin 45 days of the end of the fishing voyage spent in the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone, to the Office of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries via the Delegation of the Commission of the European \nCommunities in Guinea-Bissau; \nforms must be completed legibly and be signed by the master of the \nvessel. Should this provision not be adhered to, the Government of Guinea-Bissau \nreserves the right to suspend the licence of the offending vessel until the \nformality has been complied with. Tfl. nf11ng of oatyfti \n\nc. Trawlers authorized to fish in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone shall, in \norder to make a contribution towards supplying the local population with \nfish caught In the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, be obliged to land the \nfollowing quantities free of charge, on the basis of the list set out in \nAnnex 1: 50 kg of fish per grt per quarter, of which 25 kg per grt per \nquarter is optional. Landings may be made individually or ooUeotively, mention being made of \nthe vessels concerned. Any failure to comply with the obligation to land catches shall render the \noffender liable to the following sanations applied by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities: \n\nfine of EOT 1 500 per tonne not landed, and \nwitMrawal and non-renewal of the licence of the vessel oonoemed or \nanother vessel belonging to the same shipowner. \\ \n\nj \n\\ \nl \nj \n\n>. ' \nj \nt \n\u00ef X \n\nIS \n\n\fD. By-catch \n\n- 5 -\n\n1. Fin fish trawlers may not hold on board crustaceans representing more \n\nthan 10% of their total catch in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone. Cephalopod trawlers may not hold on board crustaceans representing \nmore than 5% or fish representing more than 10% of their total catch in the \nGuinea-Bissau fishing zone. 2. Pole-and-line tuna vessels shall, moreover, be authorized to fish for \nlive bait in order to carry out their fishing activities in the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone. E. Slgning-on of seamen \n\n1. Owners who have been issued fishing licences under the Agreement shall \ncontribute to the on-the-job vocational training of Guinea-Bissau \nnationals, subject to the conditions and limits set out below: \n\n(1) each trawler owner shall undertake to employ: \n\ntwo seamen/fishermen on vessels of up to 300 grt; \nthree seamen/fishermen on vessels of between 300 grt and 400 grt; \nfour seamen/fishermen on vessels of more than 400 grt. \u2014 - \u2014 \u2014. \u2014. employ Guinea-Bissau nationals, subject to the conditions and limits set \nout below: \n\nfor the fleet of tuna seiners, eight Guinea-Bissau seamen shall be \nsigned on permanently In the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone; \nfor the fleet of pole-and-line tuna vessels, eight Guinea-Bissau \nseamen shall be signed on for the tuna fishing season in the Guinea- \nBissau fishing zone, all of them to be assigned to different vessels; \nfor the fleet of surface longliners, eight Guinea-Bissau seamen shall \nbe signed on for the fishing season in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, \nall of them to be assigned to different vessels. I \n\n\u2022'. -\n* \n\n: \n\n/?<2 \n\n\f- 6 -\n\n3. The wages of these seamen/fishermen shall be fixed, before licences \nare issued, by mutual agreement between the shipowners or their \nrepresentatives and the Of floe of the Seoretary of State for Fisheries; the \nwages shall be borne by the shipowners and must Include the social \ncontrlfcutions to which the seaman is subject (including life assurance and \naccident and sickness insurance). Should the seamen not be signed on, owners of tuna seiners, pole-and-line \ntuna vessels and surface longllners shall be obliged to pay a lump sum \nequivalent to the wages of seamen not signed on. This sum will be used for the training of seamen/fishermen in Guinea-Bissau \nand is to be paid into an account specified by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities. F. TaiHTig an board of observers \n\n(1) The observer's task sha. 11. be to check on fishing activities in the \nGuinea-Bissau fishing zone. H\u00e9 shall be offered every facility needed to \ncarry out his duties, Including access to premises and documents. He must \nnot remain on board any longer than is necessary for the accomplishment of \nhis duties. The master of the vessel shall facilitate the work of the \nobserver, who sha. 11 be accorded the conditions enjoyed by officers of the \nvessel. The salary and the social contributions of the observer shall be \nborne by the Government of Guinea-Bissau. Should the observer be taken on board in a foreign port, his travelling \ncosts shall be borne by the shipowner. Should a vessel with an observer on \nboard leave the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, all measures must be taken to \nensure the observer's return to Guinea-Bissau as soon as possible at the \nexpense of the shipowner. (2) Each trawler shall take on board an observer designated by the Office \nof the Secretary of State for Fisheries. (3) Tuna vessels and surface longllners shall take an observer on board at \nthe request of the Office of the Secretary of State for Fisheries. In that case, the port of embarkation shall be determined by mutual \nagreement between the Office of the Secretary of State for Fisheries and \nthe shipowners or their representatives at a meeting to be arranged between \nthe two parties. So \n\n\f- 7 \n\nG. Inspection and monitoring \n\nAny Community vessel fishing in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone shall allow on \n\nboard any official of Guinea-Bissau responsible for inspection and \n\nmonitoring and shall assist him in the accomplishment of his duties. The \n\nofficial must not remain on board any longer than is necessary for the \n\nverification of catches by random checks and for any other inspection \n\nrelating to fishing activities. H. Fishing zones \n\nThe freezer trawlers referred to in Article 1 of the Protocol shall, be \nauthorized to fish in waters beyond twelve nautical miles from the base \nlines. I. Mftfihgg mithnriw>A \n\nThe minimum mesh size authorized for the trawl body (mesh fully extended) \nshall be: \n\n(a) 60 mm for fin fish vessels; \n(b) 40 mm for oephalopod vessels; \n(c) 40 mm for shrimp vessels (this mesh shall be applicable from 1 August \n\n1989); \n\n(d) 16 mm for fishing for live bait. Outrigger fishing shall be authorized. J. Entering xnA Irartng 1ftft vrmn \n\nAll Community vessels fishing under the Agreement In the Guinea-Bissau zone \nshall communioate to the radio station of the Of floe of the Secretary of \nState for Fisheries the date and time and their position when entering and \nleaving the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone. The call sign, frequency and working hours of the station shall be \ncommunicated to the shipowners by the Office of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries at the time the licence is issued. In cases where this radio communication cannot be used, vessels may use \nalternative means, such as telex (No 266 SEP BI) or telegram. 2<\\ \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nK. Procedure in naaa nf boarding \nThe authorities of the Commission of the European Communities in Guinea-\nBissau shall be notified within 48 hours of any boarding within the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone of a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State \nof the Community and shall at the same time receive a brief report of the \ncircumstances and reasons leading to the boarding. Should the case be brought before a competent judicial body, the Guinea-\nBissau authorities may fix a bank security at the request of the Community \nor the shipowner. In that case, the Guinea-Bissau authorities sha. 11 undertake to release the \nvessel within 24 hours following the lodging of the bank security. The bank security shall be released by the competent authority once the \nmaster of the vessel concerned has been acquitted by the judicial decision. Should one of the parties consider it necessary, it may request urgent \n\nconsultations under Article 10 of the Agreement. ^2_ \n\n\fAViJ\u00e7y 1 \n\n\\ \n\nAPPLICATION FORM \nFORA \nFISHING LICENCE \n\nFor officiai ose only \n\nRemarks \n\nNationality: \n\nLicence No: \n\nDate of signing: \n\nDate of issue: \n\no \n\n\fAPPLICANT \n\nName of firm: \n\nTrade Register No: \n\n\\o V Name and first nitftoi applicant: \n\nDate and place of birth: \n\nOccupation: \n\nAddress: \n\nNo of employees: \n\nName and address of co-signatory: \n\nVESSEL \n\nType of vessel: \n\nNew name: \n\nDate and place of construction: \n\nOriginal nationality: \n\n> \n\nLength: \n\nGross tonnage: \n\nType of building materials: \n\nMake of main engine: \n\nPropeller: \n\nTransit speed: \n\nCall sign:. -. Registration No: \n\nFormer name: \n\nBeam: \n\nNet tonnage: \n\n~ \n\nType: \n\nHold: \n\nRating: \n\nFixed : \n\nVariable: \n\nDucted: \n\nCall frequency: \n\nList of sounding, navigating and transmission instruments: \n\nRadar \n\nVHF \n\nNo of seamen: \n\nSonar \n\nSSB \n\nNetsonde \nNetsonde Satellite \nnavigation \n\nOther: \n\n2L y \n\n\fCONSERVATION \n\nPacked \n\nin ice D \n\nFreezing in brine \n\nIce + \nrefigeration \n\nDry \n\nRefrigerated sea water \n\nTotal refrigerating power: \n\nFreezing capacity in tonnes/24 hours : \n\nHold capacity: \n\nTYPE OF FISHING \n\nA. Demersal \n\nInshore \ndemersal \n\nType of trawl: \nCephalopods \n\nLength of trawl: \n\nD \n\nMesh size in the body: \n\nMesh size in the wings: \n\nSpeed of trawling: \n\nB. Deep-sea pelagic (tuna) \n\nPole and \nline \n\nSeine \n\nNo of tanks: \n\nC. Longlines and pots \n\nSurface \n\nLength of lines: \n\nNo of lines: \n\nNo of pots: \n\nDeep-sea demersal \n\nShrimp \n\nFish \n\n: \n\nHeadline: \n\nI \n\nNo of poles and lines \n\nLength of net: \n\nDepth of net: \n\nCapacity in tonnes: \n\nBottom \n\nNo of hooks: \n\n^ l the end ol ll>e trip Actual weight at lite tune ol unloading snou!d be recorded \n6 AH inlormetion reported herein win be kept strictly conlidental. -. ,. I. J. iv. i co. i, ol :io tog to your correspondent or to ICCAT General Mot* 17. Madrid 1 Spam \n\nH L T. U ' I. 1 U \ni \n\n-. i. \u2022,. >1 , \ni \n\nt. i. i. FiSlMCIAL STATEMENT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: 420 \n\nDate: \n\n2. TITLE: New EECHSnl nea-B1. 3sau financial Protoool \n3. LEGAL BASIS: EECH3uinea-Bissau Agreement on flashing off the coast \n\nof Gulnea-Biassau \n\n4. AIMS: Protocol and Annex for two-year period: \n\n- financial compensation \n- financing of scientific programme \n- awards \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLEGATICNS \n\nPERIOD \nOF 12 \nMONTHS \n\nCURRENT FINANCIAL FOLLOWING \n\nYEAR \n(1989) \n\nFINANCIAL YEAR \n(1990) \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE BC \nBUDGET (REFUNDS/ \nINTERVENTIONS) \n\n- NATIONAL AiJTtrairriES \n- OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- EC OWN RESOURCES \n\n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\nECU 5 965 000 \n(annual average) (annual average) \n\nECU 5 965 000 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nECU 5 965 000 ECU 5 965 000 \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n1989 \n\n1990 \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\nFinancial compensation: \nScientific programme: \nAwards: \n\nECU 10 830 000 \n550 000 \nBCU \n550 000 \nEOT \n\nTotal cost EOT 11 930 000 \n\nAverage annual cost ECU 5 965 000 \n\n6. 0 \n\n6. 1 \n\nCAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE \nRELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\nYES \n\nCAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE \nCURRENT BUDGET? \n\nYES \n\n6. 2 \n\nWILL A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET BE NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 \n\nWILL FUTURE BUDGET. APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nNO \n\nYES \n\nCOMMENTS: \n\n3-7 \n\n\ftAMiV3WV\u00a5W\u00bb?P \u00ceS AND EMPlfl\u00efMENT IMPACT STATUENT \n\nThe aim of this measure is to obtain fishing rights for Community \nfishermen. It will involve taking on certain obligations (e. g. the payment \nof licence fees), but these will be clearly outweighed by the benefit of \nincreased employment which will result. 3 e. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 601 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n04 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-567-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55455-X \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\n3. 2"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b402cfa0-5c35-4648-8863-2356e4c15a1e", "title": "Written Question No. 928/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Labels for products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "environmental policy,labelling,prevention of pollution", "workIds": "celex:91989E000928", "eurovoc_concepts": ["environmental policy", "labelling", "prevention of pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b402cfa0-5c35-4648-8863-2356e4c15a1e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5870c62f-3a03-40ec-a058-f51c0aa9addc", "title": "Question No 29 by Mrs PIERMONT (H-477/89) to the Commission: Cyclone \" Hugo \" in Guadeloupe", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERMONT", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU aid,Guadeloupe,agricultural structure,aid to disaster victims,atmospheric conditions,market gardening,natural disaster,self-supply", "workIds": "celex:91989H000477", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Guadeloupe", "agricultural structure", "aid to disaster victims", "atmospheric conditions", "market gardening", "natural disaster", "self-supply"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5870c62f-3a03-40ec-a058-f51c0aa9addc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32e6b9db-007d-4565-95b8-1dea1296cec0", "title": "Written Question No. 903/89 by Mr Llewellyn Smith to the Commission of the European Communities. Battery imports from South Africa", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SMITH LLEWELLYN", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "South Africa,State aid,anti-dumping legislation,dumping,motor vehicle industry,spare part", "workIds": "celex:91989E000903", "eurovoc_concepts": ["South Africa", "State aid", "anti-dumping legislation", "dumping", "motor vehicle industry", "spare part"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/32e6b9db-007d-4565-95b8-1dea1296cec0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/177d8aa8-c924-405d-82d9-164d3712b173", "title": "Written Question No. 901/89 by Mr Mark Killilea to the Commission of the European Communities. Procedural irregularities following a Commission call for tender", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,KILLILEA", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,award of contract,flax,invitation to tender,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:91989E000901", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "award of contract", "flax", "invitation to tender", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/177d8aa8-c924-405d-82d9-164d3712b173", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d4af8e9-e443-11e4-baa4-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 87/402/EEC ON ROLL-OVER PROTECTION STRUCTURES MOUNTED AT THE FRONT OF NARROW-TRACK TRACTORS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC conformity marking,agricultural vehicle,approximation of laws,protective equipment,safety standard,tractor", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0582(02),comnat:COM_1989_0582(02)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC conformity marking", "agricultural vehicle", "approximation of laws", "protective equipment", "safety standard", "tractor"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d4af8e9-e443-11e4-baa4-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/05601cb1-e93e-4368-bb5f-94260acd01f7", "title": "Written Question No. 921/89 by Mr Joaquin Siso Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. Community directive on the legal protection of computer programs", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SISO CRUELLAS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,computer piracy,copyright,data-processing law,intellectual property,proposal (EU),software", "workIds": "celex:91989E000921", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "computer piracy", "copyright", "data-processing law", "intellectual property", "proposal (EU)", "software"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/05601cb1-e93e-4368-bb5f-94260acd01f7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48348cc2-e9a8-4aea-a3c1-833c60ace938", "title": "Written Question No. 916/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Second Banking Directive", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC Directive,EU law - national law,banking,freedom to provide services,law of banking", "workIds": "celex:91989E000916", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "EU law - national law", "banking", "freedom to provide services", "law of banking"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48348cc2-e9a8-4aea-a3c1-833c60ace938", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89faddf2-2305-4ef5-a6e8-005c567c1a94", "title": "Question No 28 by Sir James SCOTT-HOPKINS (H-474/89) to the Commission: Encouraging growth in organic farming", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EAGGF,agricultural product,co-financing,consumer protection,cultivation techniques,grouping of farms,organic farming,product quality,quality label", "workIds": "celex:91989H000474", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "agricultural product", "co-financing", "consumer protection", "cultivation techniques", "grouping of farms", "organic farming", "product quality", "quality label"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89faddf2-2305-4ef5-a6e8-005c567c1a94", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d613562d-74f4-43fd-9ab4-2b8019095861", "title": "Written Question No. 932/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Proposed general product safety directive", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC Directive,competitiveness,impact study,product safety", "workIds": "celex:91989E000932", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "competitiveness", "impact study", "product safety"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d613562d-74f4-43fd-9ab4-2b8019095861", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db72d166-43d6-4c01-9e1b-03e7a42c98ed", "title": "Written Question No. 889/89 by Mrs Mary Banotti to the Commission of the European Communities. Education and the new technologies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BANOTTI,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU policy,education,education policy,educational institution,information technology,new technology", "workIds": "celex:91989E000889", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "education", "education policy", "educational institution", "information technology", "new technology"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db72d166-43d6-4c01-9e1b-03e7a42c98ed", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2dbd4a5-5e27-4e7d-a95e-3948b12cfdf4", "title": "Written Question No. 920/89 by Mr Joaquin Sis\u00f3 Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Greater transparency and more effective supervision in respect of lobbying activities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,METTEN", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,European Parliament,interest group,political involvement,professional association", "workIds": "celex:91989E000893", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "European Parliament", "interest group", "political involvement", "professional association"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/22cd1f8e-a4e3-4aa3-b93c-a2a9f06fbeb5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f8b1090-7d6f-4224-b8c7-19d1b31a2f22", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3615/89 of 1 December 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3782/88 authorizing Germany and France not to apply in certain areas the measures provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 1442/88 on the granting, for the 1989/90 to 1995/96 wine years, of permanent abandonment premiums in respect of wine- growing areas", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EAGGF,State aid,distillation,grubbing premium,utilised agricultural area,viticulture", "workIds": "celex:31989R3615,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0015_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF", "State aid", "distillation", "grubbing premium", "utilised agricultural area", "viticulture"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7f8b1090-7d6f-4224-b8c7-19d1b31a2f22", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8bdc5ebd-4cb9-4b12-9f16-36d9b33869e6", "title": "Written Question No. 905/89 by Mr James Fitzsimons to the Commission of the European Communities. Funeral directors", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FITZSIMONS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU law,freedom to provide services,mortality", "workIds": "celex:91989E000905", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "freedom to provide services", "mortality"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8bdc5ebd-4cb9-4b12-9f16-36d9b33869e6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60044069-17e3-4e83-9a1e-b4903dc27e23", "title": "Written Question No. 908/89 by Mrs Winifred Ewing to the Foreign Ministers meeting in European Political Cooperation. Respect of freedom for Soviet Jews", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Judaism,USSR,ethnic discrimination,ethnic group,fundamental rights,human rights,religious group,sociocultural group", "workIds": "celex:91989E000908", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Judaism", "USSR", "ethnic discrimination", "ethnic group", "fundamental rights", "human rights", "religious group", "sociocultural group"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60044069-17e3-4e83-9a1e-b4903dc27e23", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7b2899f-9821-4482-ab66-6f8beb410929", "title": "Written Question No. 934/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Medium- to long-term rural development policy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "common agricultural policy,policy on agricultural structures,reform of the CAP,rural development", "workIds": "celex:91989E000934", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common agricultural policy", "policy on agricultural structures", "reform of the CAP", "rural development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e7b2899f-9821-4482-ab66-6f8beb410929", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a0c8752-ef34-4963-b021-6facb3604697", "title": "Written Question No. 902/89 by Mrs Barbara Duehrkop Duehrkop to the Commission of the European Communities. The Commission report on implementation of the Council Directive of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrant workers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DUEHRKOP DUEHRKOP,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU Member State,application of EU law,child of migrant,compulsory education,family migration,migrant worker,school attendance,school legislation", "workIds": "celex:91989E000902", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "application of EU law", "child of migrant", "compulsory education", "family migration", "migrant worker", "school attendance", "school legislation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6a0c8752-ef34-4963-b021-6facb3604697", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0d827c16-9dcd-4937-bb44-6ae4744f5c8e", "title": "Written Question No. 917/89 by Mr Jos\u00e9 Happart to the Commission of the European Communities. Review of the dairy quota reserves", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HAPPART", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Belgium,Walloon region (Belgium),agricultural quota,common agricultural policy,dairy production,economic discrimination,milk", "workIds": "celex:91989E000917", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "Walloon region (Belgium)", "agricultural quota", "common agricultural policy", "dairy production", "economic discrimination", "milk"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0d827c16-9dcd-4937-bb44-6ae4744f5c8e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7733a25-f18a-4c3b-9212-0fc17195330c", "title": "Written Question No. 931/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Nutrition labels on foods", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,consumer information,food industry,foodstuff,foodstuffs legislation,labelling,proposal (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000931", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "consumer information", "food industry", "foodstuff", "foodstuffs legislation", "labelling", "proposal (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d7733a25-f18a-4c3b-9212-0fc17195330c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d5bfc7d4-510d-48d7-bad2-dd09b404db71", "title": "Written Question No. 914/89 by Mr Jean-Pierre Raffarin to the Commission of the European Communities. Production quotas for milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,RAFFARIN", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,agricultural quota,dairy production,farm income,income,milk,milk product,proposal (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000914", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "agricultural quota", "dairy production", "farm income", "income", "milk", "milk product", "proposal (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d5bfc7d4-510d-48d7-bad2-dd09b404db71", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0f93d31c-e8cb-4a2c-b8dc-bc4a2188a85d", "title": "Question No 32 by Mr GARAIKOETXEA URRIZA (H-482/89) to the Commission: The creation of a European high-speed rail network", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GARAIKOETXEA URRIZA", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU aid,France,Portugal,Spain,United Kingdom,high-speed transport,rail network,rail transport,transport infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:91989H000482", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "France", "Portugal", "Spain", "United Kingdom", "high-speed transport", "rail network", "rail transport", "transport infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0f93d31c-e8cb-4a2c-b8dc-bc4a2188a85d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ababf072-1f75-4639-987b-0b8e7f875eb6", "title": "89/628/EEC: Commission Decision of 1 December 1989 amending Decision 89/310/EEC on the quantities of sheepmeat and goatmeat that may be imported in 1989 into certain sensitive marketing zones from certain non- member countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "import restriction,quantitative restriction,sheepmeat,third country", "workIds": "celex:31989D0628,oj:JOL_1989_358_R_0037_045", "eurovoc_concepts": ["import restriction", "quantitative restriction", "sheepmeat", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ababf072-1f75-4639-987b-0b8e7f875eb6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7debfbcc-d916-4960-aed9-57131c61ef5d", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) ON THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROTOCOL ESTABLISHING FOR THE PERIOD FROM 16 JUNE 1989 TO 15 JUNE 1991 THE FISHING RIGHTS AND FINANCIAL COMPENSATION PROVIDED FOR IN THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA-BISSAU ON FISHING OFF THE COAST OF GUINEA-BISSAU", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Guinea-Bissau,sea fishing", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0601(02),comnat:COM_1989_0601(02)_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_053_R_0052_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Guinea-Bissau", "sea fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7debfbcc-d916-4960-aed9-57131c61ef5d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 601 final \nBrussels, 1 December 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION. on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters \nconcerning the provisional application of the Protocol establishing for the \nperiod from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing \noff the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\non the conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\frawAirairar MraraAwrraf \n\n(^ \n\n^ \n\nThe Protocol annexed to the fisheries Agreement between the European \nEconomic Community and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau, \nsigned in Bissau on 27 February 1980 and last amended by the Agreement \nsigned in Brussels on 29 June 1987, expired on 15 June 1989. Following negotiations held in Brussels on 7, 8 and 9 June 1989, a new \nProtocol between the European Economic Community and the Government of the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau was Initialled on 9 June 1989. The new Protocol lays down the following fishing rights for the period from \n16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991: \n\n(la) Freezer shrimp trawlers: 10 000 grt a month, anrnial. average \n\n(lb) Freezer fin fish and oephalopod trawlers: 5 000 grt a month, annual \n\naverage \n\n(2) Freezer tuna seiners: 45 vessels \n\n(3) Pole-and-line tuna vessels: 15 vessels, \n\n(4) Surface longliners: 35 vessels. The Community will pay ECU 10 830 000 million in financial compensation \nduring the life of the Protocol, and will also contribute ECU 550 000 to \nhelp finance a Guinea-Bissau scientific or technical programme. In addition, ECU 559 000 will be provided In awards for study and practical \ntraining. New fees to be paid by shipowners have also been fixed. - 2 -\n\nIn the light of the foregoing, the Commission proposes that, as soon as \n\npossible, the Council: \n\n1. adopt the Decision attached hereto in order to conclude the Agreement \nin the form of an exchange of letters on the provisional application \nof the Protocol establishing the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European \nEconomic Community and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau \non fishing off the caost of Guinea-Bissau for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991; \n\n2. adopt the Regulation attached hereto in order to conclude the Protocol \nestablishing the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor In the Agreement between the European Eoonomio Community and the \nGovernment of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast \nof Guinea-Bissau for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991. j \n\n\fPROPOSAI, *ra A \n\nCOMCTL DHfTTSICM \n\non the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters \nconcerning the provisional application of the Protocol establishing for the \nperiod from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial \ncompensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic \nCommunity and the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau on fishing \noff the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and in \nparticular Article 155(2)(b) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the Agreement between the European Economio Community and \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of \nGuinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 19801 and last amended by \nthe Agreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987,2 \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Community and the Republlo of Guinea-Bissau conducted \nnegotiations to determine the amendments or additions to be made to the \nAgreement on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau at the end of the \nperiod of application of the Protocol; \n\nWhereas, as a result of these negotiations, a new Protocol was initialled \non 9 June 1989; \n\nWhereas, under that Protocol, Community fishermen have fishing rights in \nthe waters under the sovereignty or Jurisdiction of the Republio of Guinea-\nBissau for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991; \n\n1 \n2 \n\nOJ No L 226, 29. 8. 1980, p. 33. OJ NO L 113, 30. 4. 1987,p. 1. L \n-/ \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nT-foereas, under Article 155(2)(b) of the Act of Accession, it is for the \nCouncil to determine the procedures appropriate to take into consideration \nall or part of the interests of the Canary Tsl arris when it adopts \ndecisions, case by case, particularly with a view to the conclusion of \nfisheries agreements with third countries; whereas the case in point calls \nfor the said procedures to be determined; \n\nWhereas, in order to avoid any interruption in the fishing activities of \nCommunity vessels, it is essential that the Protocol in question be \napproved as soon as possible; whereas, for this reason, the two Parties \nInitialled an Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters providing for \nthe provisional application of the initialled Protocol from the day \nfollowing the date of expiry of the Protocol In force; whereas the \nAgreement In the form of an exchange of letters should be concluded pending \na final, decision taken on the basis of Artlole 43 of the Treaty, \n\nHAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters concerning the \nprovisional application of the Protocol establishing for the period from \n16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation \nprovided for in the Agreement between the European Economio Community and \nthe Republio of Guinea-Bissau Is hereby approved on behalf of the \nCommunity. The text of the Agreement is attached to this Decision. Article 2 \n\nWith a view to taking Into consid\u00e9ration the interests of the Canary \nIslands, the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and, in so far as is \nnecessary for its application, the provisions of the common fisheries \npolicy relating to the conservation and management of fishery resources \n\nr \n\n\f- 3 \n\nshall, also apply to vessels which sail under the flag of Spain, which are \nrecorded on a permanent basis in the registers of the relevant authorities \nat local level ('registros de base') in the Canary Islands, under the \nconditions specified in Note 6 to Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 570/86 of 24 February 1986 ooncerning the definition of the concept of \n'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation In trade \nbetween the customs territory of the Community, Ceuta and Melilla and the \nCanary Islands. 1 \n\nArticle 3 \nThe President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the persons \nempowered to sign the Agreement In the form of an exchange of letters In \norder to bind the Community. Done at Brussels, \n\n1989 \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\nOJ No L 56, 1. 3. 1986, p. 1. C \n\n\fPROPOSAL K2R A \n\nfflntD NO \n\non the conclusion of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided \nfor in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community, \nand In particular Article 43 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, and In \nparticular Article 155(2)(b) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nWhereas, pursuant to the Agreement between the European Economio Community \nand the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the \ncoast of Guinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 19803 and last \namended by the Agreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987,4 the two \nParties conducted negotiations to determine the amendments or additions to \nbe made to the Agreement at the end of the period of application of the \nProtoool; \n\nWhereas, as a result of these negotiations, a new Protocol establishing the \nfishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the above-\nmentioned Agreement for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 was \nInitialled on 9 June 1989; \n\n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 \n\nOJ No L \nOJ No L \nOJ No L 226, 29. 8. 1980, p. 33. OJ NO L 113, 30. 4. 1987, p. 1. _^ \n' \n\n\f\u2022\u00efhereas, under Article 155(2)(b) of the Act of Accession, it is for the \nCoctncil to determine the procedures appropriate to take into consideration \nell or psxt of the interests of the Canary Islands when it adopts \ndecisions, case by$ase, particularly with a view to the conclusion of \nfisheries agreements with third countries; whereas the case in point <^riig \nfor the said procedures to be determined; \n\nWhereas it is in the Community's interest to oonolude the Protocol, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \nThe Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 \nthe fishing rights and financial compensation provided for in the Agreement \nbetween the European Economio Community and the Republio of Guinea-Bissau \non fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau is hereby approved on behalf of \nthe Community. The text of the Protocol is attached to this Regulation. Article 2 \n\nWith a view to taking Into consideration the Interests of the Canary \nIslands, the Agreement referred to in Article 1 and, In so far as is \nnecessary for its application, the provisions of the common fisheries \npolicy relating to the conservation and management of fishery resources \nshall also apply to vessels which sail under the flag of Spain, which are \nrecorded on a permanent basis in the registers of the relevant authorities \nat local level ('registros de base1) In the Canary Islands, under the \nconditions specified in Note 6 to Annex I to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 570/86 of 24 February 1986 ooncernlng the definition of the concept of \n'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation In trade \nbetween the customs territory of the Community\u00bb Carta and Melilla and the \nCanary Islands. 1 \n\nO J No L 56, 1. 3. 1986, p. 1. - 3 \n\nArticle S \nThe President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the persons \nempowered to sign the Protocol in order to bind the Community. Article 4 \nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of \nJournal of \nits publication in the Official \n\ntha European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\n1989 \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n3 \n\n\festablishing for the period from 16 June 1989 to 15 June 1991 \nthe fishing rights and financial compensation \n\nprovided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community \n\nand the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on \nfishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nTHE PARTIES TO TEES PROTOCOL, \n\nHaving regard to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of \nGuinea-Bissau signed in Bissau on 27 February 1980 and last amended by the \nAgreement signed in Brussels on 29 June 1987, \n\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nFor a period of two years from 16 June 1989, the fishing rights granted \nunder Article 4 of the Agreement shall be as follows: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n(la) Freezer shrimp trawlers: 10 000 grt a month, annual average \n\n(lb) Freezer fin fish and cephalopod trawlers: 5 000 grt a month, annual \n\naverage \n\n(2) Freezer tuna seiners: 45 vessels \n\n(3) Pole-and-line tuna vessels: 15 vessels, \n\n(4) Surface longliners: 35 vessels. Article 2 \n1. The financial compensation referred to in Article 9 of the Agreement \nshall be, for the period referred to in Article 1, EOT 10 830 000, payable \nin two equal annual instalments. 2. The use to which this compensation is put shall be the sole \nresponsibility of the Government of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau. 3. The compensation shall be paid into an account opened with a financial \ninstitution or any other body designated by Guinea-Bissau. - 2 -\n\nArticle g \n\nAt the request of the Community, the fishing rights referred to in \nArticle 1(1) may be increased by successive instalments of 1 000 grt a \nmonth, calculated on an annual average basis. In this case, the financial \ncompensation referred to in Article 2 shall be increased proportionately. Article 4 \n\nThe Community sha. 11 also contribute during the period referred to in \nArticle 1 the sum of EOT 550 000 towards the financing of a Guinea-Bissau \nscientific or technical programme to improve information on the fishery \nresources within the exclusive economic zone of Guinea-Bissau and the \nfunctioning of the marine biology laboratory. This sum shall be made available to the Government of the Republio of \nGuinea-Bissau and paid into the account indicated by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities. Article 9 \nThe two Parties agree that improving the sft111 s of those involved in sea \nfishing is a vital element in the success of their cooperation. To that \nend, the Connnunitv shall make it easier for nationals of Guinea-Bissau to \nfind places In establishments in its Member States and shall provide for \nthat purpose, during the period referred to In Article 1, awards for study \nand practical training in the various scientific, technical and economic \ndisciplines relating to fisheries. The awards may also be used in any \ncountry linked with the Community by a cooperation agreement. The total \ncost of the awards may not exceed EOT 550 000. At the request of the \nGuinea-Bissau authorities, part of this sum may be used to cover the costs \nof participation in International meetings or training courses concerning \nfisheries or -Use organization of seminars on fishing In Guinea-Bissau, or \nto strengthen the administrative infrastructure of the Office of the \nSecretary of State for Fisheries. The sum shall be payable as and when it \nis used. ^1 \n\n\f\u00c0 r U d & ii \nD:. ^uld the Cainmunity fail to make the payments provided for in Articles 2 \nsz:i 4, :^3 amplication of this Protocol may be suspended. Article 7 \nTD& Aansx bo iihe Agreement between the European Economic Ccmmunity and the \nGoverzL?. 3at of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishisg off the coast of \nGi\u00e0nea-Bissau is hereby repealed and replaced by the Annex to this \nProtocol. Tbis Protocol shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed. Article 8 \n\nIt shall be applicable from 16 June 1989. AZ \n\n\fDRAFT MSREBSBS\u0152 \n\nin the form of an exchange of letters concerning the provisional \n\napplication of the Protocol establishing for the period from 16 June 1989 \n\nto 15 June 1991 the fishing rights and financial compensation provided for \n\nin the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government \n\nof the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau \n\nA. Letter from the Government of Guinea-Bissau \n\nSir, \n\nWith reference to the Protocol initialled on 9 June 1989 establishing \nfishing rights and financial compensation for the period from 16 June 1989 \nto 15 June 1991, I have the honour to inform you that the Government of \nGuinea-Bissau is ready to apply this Protocol on a provisional basis, with \neffect from 16 June 1989, pending its entry into force in accordance with \nArticle 8 of the said Protocol, provided that the European Economio \nCommunity is disposed to do the same. The period of validity of licences \nvalid at 15 June 1989 is extended to 1 August 1989. This is on the understanding that a first instalment equal to half of the \nfinancial compensation specified in Article 2 of the Protocol is paid by \n30 October 1989. I should be obliged if you would confirm the European Economic community's \nagreement to such provisional application. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the Government of \nthe Republio of Guinea-Bissau \n\n*s \n\n\f- 2 \n\nB. Letter from the Community \n\nSir, \n\nI have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, \nwhich reads as follows: \n\n\"With reference to the Protocol initialled on 9 June 1989 establishing \nfishing rights and financial compensation for the period from 16 June \n1989 to 15 June 1991, I have the honour to Inform you that the \nGovernment of Guinea-Bissau is ready to apply this Protocol on a \nprovisional basis, with effect from 16 June 1989, pending its entry \ninto force in accordance with Article 8 of the said Protocol, provided \nthat the European Economic Community is disposed to do the same. The \nperiod of validity of licences valid, at 15 June 1989 is extended to \n1 August 1989. This is on the understanding that a first instalment equal to half of \nthe financial compensation specified in Article 2 of the Protocol is \npaid by 30 October 1989. I should be obliged if you would oonfirm the European Eoonomio \nCommunity's agreement to such provisional application. N \n\nI have the honour to confirm the European Boonomio Community's agreement to \nthis provisional application of the Protoool. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consid\u00e9ration. On behalf of the Council \nof the European Communities \n\niit \n\ni \nat \n\n\fANNEX \n\nConditions for the exercise of fishing activities by Community vessels \n\nIn Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone \n\nA. Licence application and Issuing formalities \n\nThe procedure for applications for, and issue of, the licences enabling \nCommunity vessels to fish in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone shall be as \nfollows: \n\nThe relevant Community authorities shall present to the Office of the \nSecretary of State for Fisheries of the Republio of Guinea-Bissau, via the \nCommission Delegation in Guinea-Bissau, an application for each vessel that \nis to be used for fishing under the Agreement, at least 30 days before the \ndate of conmencement of the period of validity requested. The applications shall be made on the forms provided for that purpose by \nthe Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, specimens of which are \nattached hereto (Annex 1). Each licence application shall be accompanied by proof of payment of the \nfee for the period of the licence's validity. Payment shall be made into \nthe account referred to in Article 2 of the Protocol. Licences for tamai seiners, pole-and-line tuna vessels and surface \nlongliners shall be issued by the Guinea-Bissau authorities within the 30- \nday time limit laid down above to the shipowners or their representatives \nvia tts Delegation of the OcmdBslon of the Biropea* C o m i t i es m ami*\u00bb- \nBissau. \\ \nJ-\nj \n\\ \n: \n\nFreezer trawlers must be present in the port of Bissau when the licence is \nhanded over. 2fce Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities \nshall be notified of each licence issued. A$> \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nLicences shall be Issued for a specifio vessel and shall not be \ntransferable. However, at the request of the European Economio Community, \nand where force majeure is proven, a vessel's licence shall be replaced by \na new licence for another vessel whose features are similar to those of the \nfirst vessel. The owner of the first vessel shall return the cancelled \nlicence to the Offioe of the Secretary of State for Fisheries of the \nRepublic of Guinea-Bissau via the authorities of the Commission of the \nEuropean Communities. By way of derogation from Article 4(3) of the Agreement, licences shall be \nvalid for quarterly, half-yearly or annual periods. The licence must be held on board at all times. l. Provisions applicable, to trawlers \n(a) For the duration of this Protoool the fees for annual licences shall \n\nbe as follows: \nEOT 100 per grt per year for fin fish trawlers; \nECU 116 per grt per year for oephalopod trawlers; \nBOT 160 per grt per year for shrimp trawlers. (b) For the duration of this Protoool the fees for half-yearly licences \n\nshall be as follows: \nEOT 57. 5 per grt per half-year for fin fish trawlers; \nEOT 66. 5 per grt per half-year for oephalopod trawlers; \nEOT 92 per grt per half-year for shrimp trawlers. (c) The fees for quarterly licences shall be as follows: \nEOT 30 per grt per quarter for fin fish trawlers; \nEOT 35 per grt per quarter for oephalopod trawlers; \nEOT 48 per grt per quarter for shrimp trawlers. However, vessels which land only 25 kg of fish per grt per quarter, in \naccordance with the provisions of part C of this Annex, shall be obliged to \npay an additional fee of BOT 6 per grt per quarter. A6 \n\n| \n| \n\\ \ni \n\n< \n| \nI \nI \n\\ \nf \nf \nI \n1 \n' \nj \n\n\f2. Provisions ^ppHnahle to tuna vessels and surface longliners \n\n(a) The fees shall be EOT 20 per tonne caught within Guinea-Bissau's \n\nfishing zone. (b) Licences shall be issued following payment to the Office of the \n\nSecretary of State for Fisheries of a lump sum of EOT 1 500 a year for \neach tuna seiner and EOT 300 a year for each pole-and-line tuna vessel \nand surface longliner, equivalent to the fees for: \n\n- 75 tonnes of tuna caught per year in the case of seiners; \n- 15 tonnes caught per year in the case of pole-and-line tuna vessels \n\nand surface longliners. The final statement of the fees due for the fishing period shall be drawn \nup by the Commission of the European Communities at the end of each \ncalendar year on the basis of the catch statements made by each shipowner \nand confirmed by the scientific institutes responsible for verifying catch \ndata (ORSTOM and IE0 - Spanish Institute of Oceanography). The statement \nshall be forwarded simultaneously to the Of floe of the Secretary of State \nfor Fisheries and to the shipowners. Any additional payment due shall be \nmade by the shipowners to the Of floe of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries of Guinea-Bissau by 31 Hay of the following year at the latest, \nin accordance wttfc the procedure for payment set out In Article 2 of the \nProtocol. However, if the amount of the final statement Is lower than the above-\nmentioned amount, the resulting balance shall not be reimbursable. B. fitfttflamt or catch, \nFor all Community vessels authorized to fish In Guinea-Bissau's waters \nunder the Agreement a statement of their catch must be provided to the \nOf floe of the Secretary of State for Fisheries, with a copy to the \nCommission Delegation In Guinea-Bissau, in accordance with the procedures \nset out below: \n\nfor trawlers a statement shall be made out according to the specimen \nannexed hereto (Annex 2). The statements shall be drawn up each month \nand presented at least once each quarter; \n\n*\\ \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nfor tuna seiners, pole-and-line tuna vessels and surface longliners a \nfishing logshall be kept, in accordance with Annex 3, for each fishing \nperiod spent in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone. The form must be sent, \nwithin 45 days of the end of the fishing voyage spent in the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone, to the Office of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries via the Delegation of the Commission of the European \nCommunities in Guinea-Bissau; \nforms must be completed legibly and be signed by the master of the \nvessel. Should this provision not be adhered to, the Government of Guinea-Bissau \nreserves the right to suspend the licence of the offending vessel until the \nformality has been complied with. Tfl. nf11ng of oatyfti \n\nc. Trawlers authorized to fish in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone shall, in \norder to make a contribution towards supplying the local population with \nfish caught In the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, be obliged to land the \nfollowing quantities free of charge, on the basis of the list set out in \nAnnex 1: 50 kg of fish per grt per quarter, of which 25 kg per grt per \nquarter is optional. Landings may be made individually or ooUeotively, mention being made of \nthe vessels concerned. Any failure to comply with the obligation to land catches shall render the \noffender liable to the following sanations applied by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities: \n\nfine of EOT 1 500 per tonne not landed, and \nwitMrawal and non-renewal of the licence of the vessel oonoemed or \nanother vessel belonging to the same shipowner. \\ \n\nj \n\\ \nl \nj \n\n>. ' \nj \nt \n\u00ef X \n\nIS \n\n\fD. By-catch \n\n- 5 -\n\n1. Fin fish trawlers may not hold on board crustaceans representing more \n\nthan 10% of their total catch in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone. Cephalopod trawlers may not hold on board crustaceans representing \nmore than 5% or fish representing more than 10% of their total catch in the \nGuinea-Bissau fishing zone. 2. Pole-and-line tuna vessels shall, moreover, be authorized to fish for \nlive bait in order to carry out their fishing activities in the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone. E. Slgning-on of seamen \n\n1. Owners who have been issued fishing licences under the Agreement shall \ncontribute to the on-the-job vocational training of Guinea-Bissau \nnationals, subject to the conditions and limits set out below: \n\n(1) each trawler owner shall undertake to employ: \n\ntwo seamen/fishermen on vessels of up to 300 grt; \nthree seamen/fishermen on vessels of between 300 grt and 400 grt; \nfour seamen/fishermen on vessels of more than 400 grt. \u2014 - \u2014 \u2014. \u2014. employ Guinea-Bissau nationals, subject to the conditions and limits set \nout below: \n\nfor the fleet of tuna seiners, eight Guinea-Bissau seamen shall be \nsigned on permanently In the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone; \nfor the fleet of pole-and-line tuna vessels, eight Guinea-Bissau \nseamen shall be signed on for the tuna fishing season in the Guinea- \nBissau fishing zone, all of them to be assigned to different vessels; \nfor the fleet of surface longliners, eight Guinea-Bissau seamen shall \nbe signed on for the fishing season in the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, \nall of them to be assigned to different vessels. I \n\n\u2022'. -\n* \n\n: \n\n/?<2 \n\n\f- 6 -\n\n3. The wages of these seamen/fishermen shall be fixed, before licences \nare issued, by mutual agreement between the shipowners or their \nrepresentatives and the Of floe of the Seoretary of State for Fisheries; the \nwages shall be borne by the shipowners and must Include the social \ncontrlfcutions to which the seaman is subject (including life assurance and \naccident and sickness insurance). Should the seamen not be signed on, owners of tuna seiners, pole-and-line \ntuna vessels and surface longllners shall be obliged to pay a lump sum \nequivalent to the wages of seamen not signed on. This sum will be used for the training of seamen/fishermen in Guinea-Bissau \nand is to be paid into an account specified by the Guinea-Bissau \nauthorities. F. TaiHTig an board of observers \n\n(1) The observer's task sha. 11. be to check on fishing activities in the \nGuinea-Bissau fishing zone. H\u00e9 shall be offered every facility needed to \ncarry out his duties, Including access to premises and documents. He must \nnot remain on board any longer than is necessary for the accomplishment of \nhis duties. The master of the vessel shall facilitate the work of the \nobserver, who sha. 11 be accorded the conditions enjoyed by officers of the \nvessel. The salary and the social contributions of the observer shall be \nborne by the Government of Guinea-Bissau. Should the observer be taken on board in a foreign port, his travelling \ncosts shall be borne by the shipowner. Should a vessel with an observer on \nboard leave the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone, all measures must be taken to \nensure the observer's return to Guinea-Bissau as soon as possible at the \nexpense of the shipowner. (2) Each trawler shall take on board an observer designated by the Office \nof the Secretary of State for Fisheries. (3) Tuna vessels and surface longllners shall take an observer on board at \nthe request of the Office of the Secretary of State for Fisheries. In that case, the port of embarkation shall be determined by mutual \nagreement between the Office of the Secretary of State for Fisheries and \nthe shipowners or their representatives at a meeting to be arranged between \nthe two parties. So \n\n\f- 7 \n\nG. Inspection and monitoring \n\nAny Community vessel fishing in Guinea-Bissau's fishing zone shall allow on \n\nboard any official of Guinea-Bissau responsible for inspection and \n\nmonitoring and shall assist him in the accomplishment of his duties. The \n\nofficial must not remain on board any longer than is necessary for the \n\nverification of catches by random checks and for any other inspection \n\nrelating to fishing activities. H. Fishing zones \n\nThe freezer trawlers referred to in Article 1 of the Protocol shall, be \nauthorized to fish in waters beyond twelve nautical miles from the base \nlines. I. Mftfihgg mithnriw>A \n\nThe minimum mesh size authorized for the trawl body (mesh fully extended) \nshall be: \n\n(a) 60 mm for fin fish vessels; \n(b) 40 mm for oephalopod vessels; \n(c) 40 mm for shrimp vessels (this mesh shall be applicable from 1 August \n\n1989); \n\n(d) 16 mm for fishing for live bait. Outrigger fishing shall be authorized. J. Entering xnA Irartng 1ftft vrmn \n\nAll Community vessels fishing under the Agreement In the Guinea-Bissau zone \nshall communioate to the radio station of the Of floe of the Secretary of \nState for Fisheries the date and time and their position when entering and \nleaving the Guinea-Bissau fishing zone. The call sign, frequency and working hours of the station shall be \ncommunicated to the shipowners by the Office of the Secretary of State for \nFisheries at the time the licence is issued. In cases where this radio communication cannot be used, vessels may use \nalternative means, such as telex (No 266 SEP BI) or telegram. 2<\\ \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nK. Procedure in naaa nf boarding \nThe authorities of the Commission of the European Communities in Guinea-\nBissau shall be notified within 48 hours of any boarding within the Guinea-\nBissau fishing zone of a fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State \nof the Community and shall at the same time receive a brief report of the \ncircumstances and reasons leading to the boarding. Should the case be brought before a competent judicial body, the Guinea-\nBissau authorities may fix a bank security at the request of the Community \nor the shipowner. In that case, the Guinea-Bissau authorities sha. 11 undertake to release the \nvessel within 24 hours following the lodging of the bank security. The bank security shall be released by the competent authority once the \nmaster of the vessel concerned has been acquitted by the judicial decision. Should one of the parties consider it necessary, it may request urgent \n\nconsultations under Article 10 of the Agreement. ^2_ \n\n\fAViJ\u00e7y 1 \n\n\\ \n\nAPPLICATION FORM \nFORA \nFISHING LICENCE \n\nFor officiai ose only \n\nRemarks \n\nNationality: \n\nLicence No: \n\nDate of signing: \n\nDate of issue: \n\no \n\n\fAPPLICANT \n\nName of firm: \n\nTrade Register No: \n\n\\o V Name and first nitftoi applicant: \n\nDate and place of birth: \n\nOccupation: \n\nAddress: \n\nNo of employees: \n\nName and address of co-signatory: \n\nVESSEL \n\nType of vessel: \n\nNew name: \n\nDate and place of construction: \n\nOriginal nationality: \n\n> \n\nLength: \n\nGross tonnage: \n\nType of building materials: \n\nMake of main engine: \n\nPropeller: \n\nTransit speed: \n\nCall sign:. -. Registration No: \n\nFormer name: \n\nBeam: \n\nNet tonnage: \n\n~ \n\nType: \n\nHold: \n\nRating: \n\nFixed : \n\nVariable: \n\nDucted: \n\nCall frequency: \n\nList of sounding, navigating and transmission instruments: \n\nRadar \n\nVHF \n\nNo of seamen: \n\nSonar \n\nSSB \n\nNetsonde \nNetsonde Satellite \nnavigation \n\nOther: \n\n2L y \n\n\fCONSERVATION \n\nPacked \n\nin ice D \n\nFreezing in brine \n\nIce + \nrefigeration \n\nDry \n\nRefrigerated sea water \n\nTotal refrigerating power: \n\nFreezing capacity in tonnes/24 hours : \n\nHold capacity: \n\nTYPE OF FISHING \n\nA. Demersal \n\nInshore \ndemersal \n\nType of trawl: \nCephalopods \n\nLength of trawl: \n\nD \n\nMesh size in the body: \n\nMesh size in the wings: \n\nSpeed of trawling: \n\nB. Deep-sea pelagic (tuna) \n\nPole and \nline \n\nSeine \n\nNo of tanks: \n\nC. Longlines and pots \n\nSurface \n\nLength of lines: \n\nNo of lines: \n\nNo of pots: \n\nDeep-sea demersal \n\nShrimp \n\nFish \n\n: \n\nHeadline: \n\nI \n\nNo of poles and lines \n\nLength of net: \n\nDepth of net: \n\nCapacity in tonnes: \n\nBottom \n\nNo of hooks: \n\n^ l the end ol ll>e trip Actual weight at lite tune ol unloading snou!d be recorded \n6 AH inlormetion reported herein win be kept strictly conlidental. -. ,. I. J. iv. i co. i, ol :io tog to your correspondent or to ICCAT General Mot* 17. Madrid 1 Spam \n\nH L T. U ' I. 1 U \ni \n\n-. i. \u2022,. >1 , \ni \n\nt. i. i. FiSlMCIAL STATEMENT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: 420 \n\nDate: \n\n2. TITLE: New EECHSnl nea-B1. 3sau financial Protoool \n3. LEGAL BASIS: EECH3uinea-Bissau Agreement on flashing off the coast \n\nof Gulnea-Biassau \n\n4. AIMS: Protocol and Annex for two-year period: \n\n- financial compensation \n- financing of scientific programme \n- awards \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLEGATICNS \n\nPERIOD \nOF 12 \nMONTHS \n\nCURRENT FINANCIAL FOLLOWING \n\nYEAR \n(1989) \n\nFINANCIAL YEAR \n(1990) \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE BC \nBUDGET (REFUNDS/ \nINTERVENTIONS) \n\n- NATIONAL AiJTtrairriES \n- OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- EC OWN RESOURCES \n\n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\nECU 5 965 000 \n(annual average) (annual average) \n\nECU 5 965 000 \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\nECU 5 965 000 ECU 5 965 000 \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n(annual \naverage) \n\n1989 \n\n1990 \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\nFinancial compensation: \nScientific programme: \nAwards: \n\nECU 10 830 000 \n550 000 \nBCU \n550 000 \nEOT \n\nTotal cost EOT 11 930 000 \n\nAverage annual cost ECU 5 965 000 \n\n6. 0 \n\n6. 1 \n\nCAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE \nRELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\nYES \n\nCAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE \nCURRENT BUDGET? \n\nYES \n\n6. 2 \n\nWILL A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET BE NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 \n\nWILL FUTURE BUDGET. APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nNO \n\nYES \n\nCOMMENTS: \n\n3-7 \n\n\ftAMiV3WV\u00a5W\u00bb?P \u00ceS AND EMPlfl\u00efMENT IMPACT STATUENT \n\nThe aim of this measure is to obtain fishing rights for Community \nfishermen. It will involve taking on certain obligations (e. g. the payment \nof licence fees), but these will be clearly outweighed by the benefit of \nincreased employment which will result. 3 e. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 601 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n04 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-567-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55455-X \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\n3. 2"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/691e821f-e630-49c9-aea7-6c670593bce4", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3624/89 of 1 December 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3105/87 as regards the admissibility of applications for and the term of validity of licences issued under the special arrangements for imports of maize and grain sorghum into Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Spain,import levy,maize,sorghum", "workIds": "celex:31989R3624,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0028_038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "import levy", "maize", "sorghum"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/691e821f-e630-49c9-aea7-6c670593bce4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20ddbcba-c13a-47a2-b2fd-b3f2a9beea03", "title": "Written Question No. 904/89 by Mrs Winifred Ewing to the Commission of the European Communities. Transport of waste to Central and Eastern Europe", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "East-West trade,export,legality,member country,offence,waste management", "workIds": "celex:91989E000904", "eurovoc_concepts": ["East-West trade", "export", "legality", "member country", "offence", "waste management"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/20ddbcba-c13a-47a2-b2fd-b3f2a9beea03", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f964d81-e6f1-455b-a3c1-f3d3629ac427", "title": "Written Question No. 919/89 by Mr Joaquin Sis\u00f3 Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. Community provisions on misleading advertising", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SISO CRUELLAS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EC Directive,EU law,advertising malpractice,consumer protection", "workIds": "celex:91989E000919", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EC Directive", "EU law", "advertising malpractice", "consumer protection"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f964d81-e6f1-455b-a3c1-f3d3629ac427", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e40ed045-a937-42d5-a46f-30002479a271", "title": "Written Question No. 894/89 by Mr Alman Metten to the Commission of the European Communities. The ' turnstile' between the Commission and the private sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,METTEN", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "European Commission,European official,corruption,interest group", "workIds": "celex:91989E000894", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "European official", "corruption", "interest group"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e40ed045-a937-42d5-a46f-30002479a271", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc6d8f50-5e28-4838-91a8-6c167c9829cb", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3618/89 of 1 December 1989 on the application of the guarantee limitation arrangements for sheepmeat and goatmeat for the 1990 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "goatmeat,guarantee,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:31989R3618,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0018_032", "eurovoc_concepts": ["goatmeat", "guarantee", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fc6d8f50-5e28-4838-91a8-6c167c9829cb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18ea0d40-1a73-4f80-9518-102364c71727", "title": "Question No 2 by Mr GARAIKOETXEA URRIZA (H-481/89) to the Council: The creation of a European high-speed rail network", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GARAIKOETXEA URRIZA", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EU financing,common transport policy,high-speed transport,rail network,rail transport,transport infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:91989H000481", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "common transport policy", "high-speed transport", "rail network", "rail transport", "transport infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/18ea0d40-1a73-4f80-9518-102364c71727", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9085ada9-60bf-4541-8a93-e9a0be21ee9a", "title": "Written Question No. 925/89 by Mr Hemmo Muntingh to the Commission of the European Communities. Lueneburg Heath nature reserve", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MUNTINGH", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Germany,environmental impact,environmental policy,leisure park,nature reserve,protection of animal life,tourist infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:91989E000925", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "environmental impact", "environmental policy", "leisure park", "nature reserve", "protection of animal life", "tourist infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9085ada9-60bf-4541-8a93-e9a0be21ee9a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7169fa97-e443-11e4-baa4-01aa75ed71a1", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 86/298/EEC ON REAR-MOUNTED ROLL-OVER PROTECTION STRUCTURES NARROW-TRACK TRACTORS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC conformity marking,agricultural vehicle,approximation of laws,protective equipment,safety standard,tractor", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0582(01),comnat:COM_1989_0582(01)_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC conformity marking", "agricultural vehicle", "approximation of laws", "protective equipment", "safety standard", "tractor"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7169fa97-e443-11e4-baa4-01aa75ed71a1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/83e5a5e5-4ad1-4f4a-ba3a-52a830f0516f", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3619/89 of 1 December 1989 concerning the quantities of sheepmeat and goatmeat products which may be imported from Poland during 1989", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "Poland,import restriction,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:31989R3619,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0020_033", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Poland", "import restriction", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/83e5a5e5-4ad1-4f4a-ba3a-52a830f0516f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8def98a1-891a-4549-bb5f-efc808c4e134", "title": "Written Question No. 929/89 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission of the European Communities. Design for Recyclability", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCOTT-HOPKINS", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "motor car,motor vehicle,motor vehicle industry,recycling technology,research programme,waste recycling", "workIds": "celex:91989E000929", "eurovoc_concepts": ["motor car", "motor vehicle", "motor vehicle industry", "recycling technology", "research programme", "waste recycling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8def98a1-891a-4549-bb5f-efc808c4e134", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/feb78f7e-2d74-443a-95ed-535d1e47914a", "title": "Written Question No. 913/89 by Mr Yves Verwaerde to the Commission of the European Communities. Road safety regulations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERWAERDE", "date": "1989-12-01", "subjects": "EC Directive,European Commission,driving licence,proposal (EU),road safety,traffic regulations", "workIds": "celex:91989E000913", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "European Commission", "driving licence", "proposal (EU)", "road safety", "traffic regulations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/feb78f7e-2d74-443a-95ed-535d1e47914a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4457ba5a-9069-4f8c-bd54-1e317784d590", "title": "Resolution of the Council and of the Ministers for Labour and Social Affairs, meeting within the Council of 30 November 1989 on setting up a European employment survey", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_other_oj_l,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "European Social Fund,access to information,employment policy,employment statistics,worker (EU)", "workIds": "celex:41989X1230,oj:JOC_1989_328_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Social Fund", "access to information", "employment policy", "employment statistics", "worker (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4457ba5a-9069-4f8c-bd54-1e317784d590", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/edacd02d-6464-4b8b-a07e-a3a53b2787de", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3593/89 of 30 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3587/86 fixing the conversion factors to be applied to the buying-in prices for fruit and vegetables", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "basic price,marketing standard,pip fruit,price indexing,purchase price,quality standard", "workIds": "celex:31989R3593,oj:JOL_1989_350_R_0060_055", "eurovoc_concepts": ["basic price", "marketing standard", "pip fruit", "price indexing", "purchase price", "quality standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/edacd02d-6464-4b8b-a07e-a3a53b2787de", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea85fd3c-d0a8-4e5a-ac21-654795e44785", "title": "89/620/EEC: Commission Decision of 30 November 1989 concerning measures to assist the Belgian inland waterway fleet contained in the plan to restructure the Belgian inland waterway fleet (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "Belgium,State aid,control of State aid,inland waterway fleet,inland waterway shipping", "workIds": "celex:31989D0620,oj:JOL_1989_356_R_0022_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "State aid", "control of State aid", "inland waterway fleet", "inland waterway shipping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea85fd3c-d0a8-4e5a-ac21-654795e44785", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f5c22ac9-afd1-43db-a2c5-936bb40363ca", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3594/89 of 30 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 899/87 laying down quality standards for cherries and strawberries as regards the size of strawberries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "marketing standard,quality standard,soft fruit,stone fruit", "workIds": "celex:31989R3594,oj:JOL_1989_350_R_0061_056", "eurovoc_concepts": ["marketing standard", "quality standard", "soft 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"celex:31989L0654,oj:JOL_1989_393_R_0001_007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["accident prevention", "approximation of laws", "occupational health", "worker information", "workplace"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1338a22e-5af5-4932-857f-a077025cf89a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989393EN. 01000101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30. 12. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 393/1\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE\nof 30 November 1989\nconcerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace (first individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)\n(89/654/EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 118 a thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission\u00a0(1), submitted after consulting the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work,\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament\u00a0(2),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee\u00a0(3),\nWhereas Article 118 a of the Treaty provides that the Council shall adopt, by means of directives, minimum requirements for encouraging improvements, especially in the working environment, to ensure a better level of protection of the safety and health of workers;\nWhereas, under the terms of that Article, those directives are to avoid imposing administrative, financial and legal constraints in a way which would hold back the creation and development of small and medium-sized undertakings;\nWhereas the communication from the Commission on its programme concerning safety, hygiene and health at work\u00a0(4) provides for the adoption of a directive designed to guarantee the safety and health of workers at the workplace;\nWhereas, in its resolution of 21 December 1987 on safety, hygiene and health at work\u00a0(5), the Council took note of the Commission's intention of submitting to the Council in the near future minimum requirements concerning the arrangement of the place of work;\nWhereas compliance with the minimum requirements designed to guarantee a better standard of safety and health at work is essential to ensure the safety and health of workers;\nWhereas this Directive is an individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work\u00a0(6); whereas the provisions of the latter are therefore fully applicable to the workplace without prejudice to more stringent and/or specific provisions contained in the present Directive;\nWhereas this Directive is a practical contribution towards creating the social dimension of the internal market;\nWhereas, pursuant to Decision 74/325/EEC\u00a0(7), as last amended by the 1985 Act of Accession, the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work is consulted by the Commission on the drafting of proposals in this field,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:\nSECTION I\n\nGENERAL PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 1\nSubject\n1. This Directive, which is the first individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC, lays down minimum requirements for safety and health at the workplace, as defined in Article 2. 2. This Directive shall not apply to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nmeans of transport used outside the undertaking and /or the establishment, or workplaces inside means of transport;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\ntemporary or mobile work sites;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nextractive industries;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nfishing boats;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nfields, woods and other land forming part of an agricultural or forestry undertaking but situated away from the undertaking's buildings. 3. The provisions of Directive 89/391 /EEC are fully applicable to the whole scope referred to in paragraph 1, without prejudice to more restrictive and/or specific provisions contained in this Directive. Article 2\nDefinition\nFor the purposes of this Directive, \u2018workplace\u2019 means the place intended to house workstations on the premises of the undertaking and/or establishment and any other place within the area of the undertaking and/or establishment to which the worker has access in the course of his employment. SECTION II\n\nEMPLOYERS' OBLIGATIONS\n\nArticle 3\nWorkplaces used for the first time\nWorkplaces used for the first time after 31 December 1992 must satisfy the minimum safety and health requirements laid down in Annex I. Article 4\nWorkplaces already in use\nWorkplaces already in use before 1 January 1993 must satisfy the minimum safety and health requirements laid -down in Annex II at the latest three years after that date. However, as regards the Portuguese Republic, workplaces used before 1 January 1993 must satisfy, at the latest four years after that date, the minimum safety and health requirements appearing in Annex II. Article 5\nModifications to workplaces\nWhen workplaces undergo modifications, extensions and/or conversions after 31 December 1992, the employer shall take the measures necessary to ensure that those modifications, extensions and/or conversions are in compliance with the corresponding minimum requirements laid down in Annex I. Article 6\nGeneral requirements\nTo safeguard the safety and health of workers, the employer shall see to it that:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ntraffic routes to emergency exits and the exits themselves are kept clear at all times,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ntechnical maintenance of the workplace and of the equipment and devices, and in particular those referred to in Annexes I and II, is carried out and any faults found which are liable to affect the safety and health of workers are rectified as quickly as possible,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nthe workplace and the equipment and devices, and in particular those referred to in Annex I, point 6, and Annex II, point 6, are regularly cleaned to an adequate level of hygiene,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nsafety equipment and devices intended to prevent or eliminate hazards, and in particular those referred to in Annexes I and II, are regularly maintained and checked. Article 7\nInformation of workers\nWithout prejudice to Article 10 of Directive 89/391/EEC, workers and/or their representatives shall be informed of all measures to be taken concerning safety and health at the workplace. Article 8\nConsultation of workers and workers' participation\nConsultation and participation of workers and/or of their representatives shall take place in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 89/391/EEC on the matters covered by this Directive, including the Annexes thereto. SECTION III\n\nMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 9\nAmendments to the Annexes\nStrictly technical amendments to the Annexes as a result of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nthe adoption of Directives on technical harmonization and standardization of the design, manufacture or construction of parts of workplaces, and/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ntechnical progress, changes in international regulations or specifications and knowledge with regard to workplaces,\n\n\n\n\nshall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17 of Directive 89/391/EEC. Article 10\nFinal provisions\n1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 31 December 1992. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. However, the date applicable for the Hellenic Republic shall be 31 December 1994. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the provisions of national law which they have already adopted or adopt in the field governed by this Directive. 3. Member States shall report to the Commission every five years on the practical implementation of the provisions of this Directive, indicating the points of view of employers and workers. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Advisory Council on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work. 4. The Commission shall submit periodically to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee a report on the implementation of this Directive, taking into account paragraphs 1 to 3. Article 11\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 30 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nJ. P. SOISSON\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C141, 30. 5. 1988, p. 6,\n\nOJ No C 115, 8. 5. 1989, p. 34 and\n\nOJ No C 284, 10. 11. 1989, p. 8\n\n\n(2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 326, 19. 12. 1988, p. 123 and\n\nOJ No C 256, 9. 10. 1988, p. 51. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 175, 4. 7. 1988, p. 28. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 28, 3. 2. 1988, p. 3. (5)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 28, 3. 2. 1988, p. 1. (6)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 183, 29. 6. 1989, p. 1. (7)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 185, 9. 7. 1974, p. 15. ANNEX I\nMINIMUM SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKPLACES USED FOR THE FIRST TIME, AS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 3 OF THE DIRECTIVE\n1. Preliminary note\n\nThe obligations laid down in this Annex apply whenever required by the features of the workplace, the activity, the circumstances or a hazard. 2. Stability and solidity\n\nBuildings which house workplaces must have a structure and solidity appropriate to the nature of their use. 3. Electrical installations\n\nElectrical installations must be designed and constructed so as not to present a fire or explosion hazard; persons must be adequately protected against the risk of accidents caused by direct or indirect contact. The design, construction and choice of material and protection devices must be appropriate to the voltage, external conditions and the competence of persons with access to parts of the installation. 4. Emergency routes and exits\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. 1. Emergency routes and exits must remain clear and lead as directly as possible to the open air or to a safe area. 4. 2. In the event of danger, it must be possible for workers to evacuate all workstations quickly and as safely as possible. 4. 3. The number, distribution and dimensions of the emergency routes and exits depend on the use, equipment and dimensions of the workplaces and the maximum number of persons that may be present. 4. 4. Emergency doors must open outwards. Sliding or revolving doors are not permitted if they are specifically intended as emergency exits. Emergency doors should not be so locked or fastened that they cannot be easily and immediately opened by any person who may require to use them in an emergency. 4. 5. Specific emergency routes and exits must be indicated by signs in accordance with the national regulations transposing Directive 77/576/EEC\u00a0(1) into law. Such signs must be placed at appropriate points and be made to last. 4. 6. Emergency doors must not be locked. The emergency routes and exits, and the traffic routes and doors giving access to them, must be free from obstruction so that they can be used at any time without hindrance. 4. 7. Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in case the lighting fails. 5. Fire detection and fire fighting\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. 1. Depending on the dimensions and use of the buildings, the equipment they contain, the physical and chemical properties of the substances present and the maximum potential number of people present, workplaces must be equipped with appropriate fire-fighting equipment and, as necessary, with fire detectors and alarm systems. 5. 2. Non-automatic fire-fighting equipment must be easily accessible and simple to use. The equipment must be indicated by signs in accordance with the national regulations transposing Directive 77/576/EEC into law. Such signs must be placed at appropriate points and be made to last. 6. Ventilation of enclosed workplaces\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n6. 1. Steps shall be taken to see to it that there is sufficient fresh air in enclosed workplaces, having regard to the working methods used and the physical demands placed on the workers. If a forced ventilation system is used, it shall be maintained in working order. Any breakdown must be indicated by a control system where this is necessary for workers' health. 6. 2. If air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation installations are used, they must operate in such a way that workers are not exposed to draughts which cause discomfort. Any deposit or dirt likely to create an immediate danger to the health of workers by polluting the atmosphere must be removed without delay. 7. Room temperature\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. 1. During working hours, the temperature in rooms containing workplaces must be adequate for human beings, having regard to the working methods being used and the physical demands placed on the workers. 7. 2. The temperature in rest areas, rooms for duty staff, sanitary facilities, canteens and first aid rooms must be appropriate to the particular purpose of such areas. 7. 3. Windows, skylights and glass partitions should allow excessive effects of sunlight in workplaces to be avoided, having regard to the nature of the work and of the workplace. 8. Natural and artificial room lighting\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. 1. Workplaces must as far as possible receive sufficient natural light and be equipped with artificial lighting adequate for the protection of workers' safety and health. 8. 2. Lighting installations in rooms containing workplaces and in passageways must be placed in such a way that there is no risk of accident to workers as a result of the type of lighting fitted. 8. 3. Workplaces in which workers are especially exposed to risks in the event of failure of artificial lighting must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity. 9. Floors, walls, ceilings and roofs of rooms\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. 1. The floors of workplaces must have no dangerous bumps, holes or slopes and must be fixed, stable and not slippery. Workplaces containing workstations must be adequately insulated, bearing in mind the type of undertaking involved and the physical activity of the workers. 9. 2. The surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings in rooms must be such that they can be cleaned or refurbished to an appropriate standard of hygiene. 9. 3. Transparent or translucent walls, in particular all-glass partitions, in rooms or in the vicinity of workplaces and traffic routes must be clearly indicated and made of safety material or be shielded from such places or traffic routes to prevent workers from coming into contact with walls or being injured should the walls shatter. 9. 4. Access to roofs made of materials of insufficient strength must not be permitted unless equipment is provided to ensure that the work can be carried out in a safe manner. 10. Windows and skylights\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n10. 1. It must be possible for workers to open, close, adjust or secure windows, skylights and ventilators in a safe manner. When open, they must not be positioned so as to constitute a hazard to workers. 10. 2. Windows and skylights must be designed in conjunction with equipment or otherwise fitted with devices allowing them to be cleaned without risk to the workers carrying out this work or to workers present in and around the building. 11. Doors and gates\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11. 1. The position, number and dimensions of doors and gates, and the materials used in their construction, are determined by the nature and use of the rooms or areas. 11. 2. Transparent doors must be appropriately marked at a conspicuous level. 11. 3. Swing doors and gates must be transparent or have see-through panels. 11. 4. If transparent or translucent surfaces in doors and gates are not made of safety material and if there is a danger that workers may be injured if a door or gate should shatter, the surfaces must be protected against breakage. 11. 5. Sliding doors must be fitted with a safety device to prevent them from being derailed and falling over. 11. 6. Doors and gates opening upwards must be fitted with a mechanism to secure them against falling back. 11. 7. Doors along escape routes must be appropriately marked. It must be possible to open them from the inside at any time without special assistance. It must be possible to open the doors when the workplaces are occupied. 11. 8. Doors for pedestrians must be provided in the immediate vicinity of any gates intended essentially for vehicle traffic, unless it is safe for pedestrians to pass through; such doors must be clearly marked and left permanently unobstructed. 11. 9. Mechanical doors and gates must function in such a way that there is no risk of accident to workers. They must be fitted with easily identifiable and accessible emergency shut-down devices and, unless they open automatically in the event of a power failure, it must also be possible to open them manually. 12. Traffic routes \u2014 danger areas\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n12. 1. Traffic routes, including stairs, fixed ladders and loading bays and ramps, must be located and dimensioned to ensure easy, safe and appropriate access for pedestrians or vehicles in such a way as not to endanger workers employed in the vicinity of these traffic routes. 12. 2. Routes used for pedestrian traffic and/or goods traffic must be dimensioned in accordance with the number of potential users and the type of undertaking. If means of transport are used on traffic routes, a sufficient safety clearance must be provided for pedestrians. 12. 3. Sufficient clearance must be allowed between vehicle traffic routes and doors, gates, passages for pedestrians, corridors and staircases. 12. 4. Where the use and equipment of rooms so requires for the protection of workers, traffic routes must be clearly identified. 12. 5. If the workplaces contain danger areas in which, owing to the nature of the work, there is a risk of the worker or objects falling, the places must be equipped, as far as possible, with devices preventing unauthorized workers from entering those areas. Appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers authorized to enter danger areas. Danger areas must be clearly indicated. 13. Specific measures for escalators and travelators\n\nEscalators and travelators must function safely. They must be equipped with any necessary safety devices. They must be fitted with easily identifiable and accessible emergency shut-down devices. 14. Loading bays and ramps\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n14. 1. Loading bays and ramps must be suitable for the dimensions of the loads to be transported. 14. 2. Loading bays must have at least one exit point. Where technically feasible, bays over a certain length must have an exit point at each end. 14. 3. Loading ramps must as far as possible be safe enough to prevent workers from falling off. 15. Room dimensions and air space in rooms \u2014 freedom of movement at the workstation\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n15. 1. Workrooms must have sufficient surface area, height and air space to allow workers to perform their work without risk to their safety, health or well-being. 15. 2. The dimensions of the free unoccupied area at the workstation must be calculated to allow workers sufficient freedom of movement to perform their work. If this is not possible for reasons specific to the workplace, the worker must be provided with sufficient freedom of movement near his workstation. 16. Rest rooms\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n16. 1. Where the safety or health of workers, in particular because of the type of activity carried out or the presence of more than a certain number of employees, so require, workers must be provided with an easily accessible rest room. This provision does not apply if the workers are employed in offices or similar workrooms providing equivalent relaxation during breaks. 16. 2. Rest rooms must be large enough and equipped with an adequate number of tables and seats with backs for the number of workers. 16. 3. In rest rooms appropriate measures must be introduced for the protection of non-smokers against discomfort caused by tobacco smoke. 16. 4. If working hours are regularly and frequently interrupted and there is no rest room, other rooms must be provided in which workers can stay during such interruptions, wherever this is required for the safety or health of workers. Appropriate measures should be taken for the protection of non-smokers against discomfort caused by tobacco smoke. 17. Pregnant women and nursing mothers\n\nPregnant women and nursing mothers must be able to lie down to rest in appropriate conditions. 18. Sanitary equipment\n\n18. 1. Changing rooms and lockers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. 1. 1. Appropriate changing rooms must be provided for workers if they have to wear special work clothes and where, for reasons of health or propriety, they cannot be expected to change in another room. Changing rooms must be easily accessible, be of sufficient capacity and be provided with seating. 18. 1. 2. Changing rooms must be sufficiently large and have facilities to enable each worker to lock away his clothes during working hours. If circumstances so require (e. g. dangerous substances, humidity, dirt), lockers for work clothes must be separate from those for ordinary clothes. 18. 1. 3. Provision must be made for separate changing rooms or separate use of changing rooms for men and women. 18. 1. 4. If changing rooms are not required under 18. 1. 1, each worker must be provided with a place to store his clothes. 18. 2. Showers and washbasins\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n18. 2. 1. Adequate and suitable showers must be provided for workers if required by the nature of the work or for health reasons. Provision must be made for separate shower rooms or separate use of shower rooms for men and women. 18. 2. 2. The shower rooms must be sufficiently large to permit each worker to wash without hindrance in conditions of an appropriate standard of hygiene. The showers must be equipped with hot and cold running water. 18. 2. 3. Where showers are not required under the first subparagraph of 18. 2. 1, adequate and suitable washbasins with running water (hot water if necessary) must be provided in the vicinity of the workstations and the changing rooms. Such washbasins must be separate for, or used separately by, men and women when so required for reasons of propriety. 18. 2. 4. Where the rooms housing the showers or washbasins are separate from the changing rooms, there must be easy communication between the two. 18. 3. Lavatories and washbasins\n\nSeparate facilities must be provided in the vicinity of workstations, rest rooms, changing rooms and rooms housing showers or washbasins, with an adequate number of lavatories and washbasins. Provision must be made for separate lavatories or separate use of lavatories for men and women. 19. First aid rooms\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n19. 1. One or more first aid rooms must be provided where the size of the premises, type of activity being carried out and frequency of accidents so dictate. 19. 2. First aid rooms must be fitted with essential first aid installations and equipment and be easily accessible to stretchers. They must be signposted in accordance with the national regulations transposing Directive 77/576/EEC into law. 19. 3. In addition, first aid equipment must be available in all places where working conditions require it. This equipment must be suitably marked and easily accessible. 20. Handicapped workers\n\nWorkplaces must be organized to take account of handicapped workers, if necessary. This provision applies in particular to the doors, passageways, staircases, showers, washbasins, lavatories and workstations used or occupied directly by handicapped persons. 21. Outdoor workplaces (special provisions)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n21. 1. Workstations, traffic routes and other areas or installations outdoors which are used or occupied by the workers in the course of their activity must be organized in such a way that pedestrians and vehicles can circulate safely. Sections 12, 13 and 14 also apply to main traffic routes on the site of the undertaking (traffic routes leading to fixed workstations), to traffic routes used for the regular maintenance and supervision of the undertaking's installations and to loading bays. Section 12 is also applicable to outdoor workplaces. 21. 2. Workplaces outdoors must be adequately lit by artificial lighting if daylight is not adequate. 21. 3. When workers are employed at workstations outdoors, such workstations must as far as possible be arranged so that workers:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nare protected against inclement weather conditions and if necessary against falling objects;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nare not exposed to harmful noise levels nor to harmful external influences such as gases, vapours or dust;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nare able to leave their workstations swiftly in the event of danger or are able to be rapidly assisted;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\ncannot slip or fall. (1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 229, 7. 9, 1977, p. 12. ANNEX II\nMINIMUM HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR WORKPLACES ALREADY IN USE, AS REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 4 OF THE DIRECTIVE\n1. Preliminary note\n\nThe obligations laid down in this Annex apply wherever required by the features of the workplace, the activity, the circumstances or a hazard. 2. Stability and solidity\n\nBuildings which have workplaces must have a structure and solidity appropriate to the nature of their use. 3. Electrical installations\n\nElectrical installations must be designed and constructed so as not to present a fire or explosion hazard; persons must be adequately protected against the risk of accidents caused by direct or indirect contact. Electrical installations and protection devices must be appropriate to the voltage, external conditions and the competence of persons with access to parts of the installation. 4. Emergency routes and exits\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n4. 1. Emergency routes and exits must remain clear and lead as directly as possible to the open air or to a safe area. 4. 2. In the event of danger, it must be possible for workers to evacuate all workstations quickly and as safely as possible. 4. 3. There must be an adequate number of escape routes and emergency exits. 4. 4. Emergency exit doors must open outwards. Sliding or revolving doors are not permitted if they are specifically intended as emergency exits. Emergency doors should not be so locked or fastened that they cannot be easily and immediately opened by any person who may require to use them in an emergency. 4. 5. Specific emergency routes and exits must be indicated by signs in accordance with the national regulations transposing Directive 77/576/EEC into law. Such signs must be placed at appropriate points and be made to last. 4. 6. Emergency doors must not be locked. The emergency routes and exits, and the traffic routes and doors giving access to them, must be free from obstruction so that they can be used at any time without hindrance. 4. 7. Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in case the lighting fails. 5. Fire detection and fire fighting\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n5. 1. Depending on the dimensions and use of the buildings, the equipment they contain, the physical and chemical characteristics of the substances present and the maximum potential number of people present, workplaces must be equipped with appropriate fire-fighting equipment, and, as necessary, fire detectors and an alarm system. 5. 2. Non-automatic fire-fighting equipment must be easily accessible and simple to use. It must be indicated by signs in accordance with the national regulations transposing Directive 77/576/EEC into law. Such signs must be placed at appropriate points and be made to last. 6. Ventilation of enclosed workplaces\n\nSteps shall be taken to see to it that there is sufficient fresh air in enclosed workplaces, having regard to the working methods used and the physical demands placed on the workers. If a forced ventilation system is used, it shall be maintained in working order. Any breakdown must be indicated by a control system where this is necessary for the workers' health. 7. Room temperature\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. 1. During working hours, the temperature in rooms containing workplaces must be adequate for human beings, having regard to the working methods being used and the physical demands placed on the workers. 7. 2. The temperature in rest areas, rooms for duty staff, sanitary facilities, canteens and first aid rooms must be appropriate to the particular purpose of such areas. 8. Natural and artificial room lighting\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. 1. Workplaces must as far as possible receive sufficient natural light and be equipped with artificial lighting adequate for workers' safety and health. 8. 2. Workplaces in which workers are especially exposed to risks in the event of failure of artificial lighting must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity. 9. Doors and gates\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n9. 1. Transparent doors must be appropriately marked at a conspicuous level. 9. 2. Swing doors and gates must be transparent or have see-through panels. 10. Danger areas\n\nIf the workplaces contain danger areas in which, owing to the nature of the work, there is a risk of the worker or objects falling, the places must be equipped, as far as possible, with devices preventing unauthorized workers from entering those areas. Appropriate measures must be taken to protect workers authorized to enter danger areas. Danger areas must be clearly indicated. 11. Rest rooms and rest areas\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n11. 1. Where the safety or health of workers, in particular because of the type of activity carried out or the presence of more than a certain number of employees, so require, workers must be provided with an easily accessible rest room or appropriate rest area. This provision does not apply if the workers are employed in offices or similar workrooms providing equivalent relaxation during breaks. 11. 2. Rest rooms and rest areas must be equipped with tables and seats with backs. 11. 3. In rest rooms and rest areas appropriate measures must be introduced for the protection of non-smokers against discomfort caused by tobacco smoke. 12. Pregnant women and nursing mothers\n\nPregnant women and nursing mothers must be able to lie down to rest in appropriate conditions. 13. Sanitary equipment\n\n13. 1. Changing rooms and lockers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13. 1. 1. Appropriate changing rooms must be provided for workers if they have to wear special work clothes and where, for reasons of health or propriety, they cannot be expected to change in another room. Changing rooms must be easily accessible and of sufficient capacity. 13. 1. 2. Changing rooms must have facilities to enable each worker to lock away his clothes during working hours. If circumstances so require (e. g. dangerous substances, humidity, dirt), lockers for work clothes must be separate from those for ordinary clothes. 13. 1. 3. Provision must be made for separate changing rooms or separate use of changing rooms for men and women. 13. 2. Showers, lavatories and washbasins\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n13. 2. 1. Workplaces must be fitted out in such a way that workers have in the vicinity:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nshowers, if required by the nature of their work,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nspecial facilities equipped with an adequate number of lavatories and washbasins. 13. 2. 2. The showers and washbasins must be equipped with running water (hot water if necessary). 13. 2. 3. Provision must be made for separate showers or separate use of showers for men and women. Provision must be made for separate lavatories or separate use of lavatories for men and women. 14. First aid equipment\n\nWorkplaces must be fitted with first aid equipment. The equipment must be suitably marked and easily accessible. 15. Handicapped workers\n\nWorkplaces must be organized to take account of handicapped workers, if necessary. This provision applies in particular to the doors, passageways, staircases, showers, washbasins, lavatories and workstations used or occupied directly by handicapped persons. 16. Movement of pedestrians and vehicles\n\nOutdoor and indoor workplaces must be organized in such a way that pedestrians and vehicles can circulate in a safe manner. 17. Outdoor workplaces (special provisions)\n\nWhen workers are employed at workstations outdoors, such workstations must as far as possible be organized so that workers:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nare protected against inclement weather conditions and if necessay against falling objects;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nare not exposed to harmful noise levels nor to harmful external influences such as gases, vapours or dust;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nare able to leave their workstations swiftly in the event of danger or are able to be rapidly assisted;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\ncannot slip or fall"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a334f7b8-389d-4b56-b588-93e798e0fb40", "title": "Council Directive 89/655/EEC of 30 November 1989 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "dissemination of information,in-service training,occupational health,occupational safety,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:31989L0655,oj:JOL_1989_393_R_0013_008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["dissemination of information", "in-service training", "occupational health", "occupational safety", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a334f7b8-389d-4b56-b588-93e798e0fb40", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3fa58c1-6199-479b-89fc-ce27ac7ee5b7", "title": "Council Directive 89/656/EEC of 30 November 1989 on the minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the workplace (third individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "accident prevention,occupational accident,occupational health,protective equipment,worker information", "workIds": "celex:31989L0656,oj:JOL_1989_393_R_0018_009", "eurovoc_concepts": ["accident prevention", "occupational accident", "occupational health", "protective equipment", "worker information"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e3fa58c1-6199-479b-89fc-ce27ac7ee5b7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989393EN. 01001801. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n30. 12. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 393/18\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE\nof 30 November 1989\non the minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the workplace (third individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)\n(89/656/EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and in particular Article 118a thereof,\nHaving regard to the Commission proposal\u00a0(1), submitted after consultation with the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work,\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament\u00a0(2),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee\u00a0(3),\nWhereas Article 118a of the Treaty provides that the Council shall adopt, by means of directives, minimum requirements designed to encourage improvements, especially in the working environment, to guarantee greater protection of the health and safety of workers;\nWhereas, under the said Article, such directives shall avoid imposing administrative, financial and legal constraints in a way which would hold back the creation and development of small and medium-sized undertakings;\nWhereas the Commission communication on its programme concerning safety, hygiene and health at work\u00a0(4) provides for the adoption of a directive on the use of personal protective equipment at work;\nWhereas the Council, in its resolution of 21 December 1987 concerning safety, hygiene and health at work\u00a0(5), noted the Commission's intention of submitting to it in the near future minimum requirements concerning the organization of the safety and health of workers at work;\nWhereas compliance with the minimum requirements designed to guarantee greater health and safety for the user of personal protective equipment is essential to ensure the safety and health of workers;\nWhereas this Directive is an individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work\u00a0(6); whereas, consequently, the provisions of the said Directive apply fully to the use by workers of personal protective equipment at the workplace, without prejudice to more stringent and /or specific provisions contained in this Directive;\nWhereas this Directive constitutes a practical step towards the achievement of the social dimension of the internal market;\nWhereas collective means of protection shall be accorded priority over individual protective equipment; whereas the employer shall be required to provide safety equipment and take safety measures;\nWhereas the requirements laid down in this Directive should not entail alterations to personal protective equipment whose design and manufacture complied with Community directives relating to safety and health at work;\nWhereas provision should be made for descriptions which Member States may use when laying down general rules for the use of individual protective equipment;\nWhereas, pursuant to Decision 74/325/EEC\u00a0(7), as last amended by the 1985 Act of Accession, the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work is consulted by the Commission with a view to drawing up proposals in this field,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:\nSECTION I\n\nGENERAL PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 1\nSubject\n1. This Directive, which is the third individual directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC, lays down minimum requirements for personal protective equipment used by workers at work. 2. The provisions of Directive 89/391/EEC are fully applicable to the whole scope referred to in paragraph 1, without prejudice to more restrictive and/or specific provisions contained in this Directive. Article 2\nDefinition\n1. For the purposes of this Directive, personal protective equipment shall mean all equipment designed to be worn or held by the worker to protect him against one or more hazards likely to endanger his safety and health at work, and any addition or accessory designed to meet this objective. 2. The definition in paragraph 1 excludes:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nordinary working clothes and uniforms not specifically designed to protect the safety and health of the worker;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nequipment used by emergency and rescue services;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\npersonal protective equipment worn or used by the military, the police and other public order agencies;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\npersonal protective equipment for means of road transport;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nsports equipment;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nself-defence or deterrent equipment;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(g)\n\n\nportable devices for detecting and signalling risks and nuisances. Article 3\nGeneral rule\nPersonal protective equipment shall be used when the risks cannot be avoided or sufficiently limited by technical means of collective protection or by measures, methods or procedures of work organization. SECTION II\n\nEMPLOYERS' OBLIGATIONS\n\nArticle 4\nGeneral provisions\n1. Personal protective equipment must comply with the relevant Community provisions on design and manufacture with respect to safety and health. All personal protective equipment must:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nbe appropriate for the risks involved, without itself leading to any increased risk;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\ncorrespond to existing conditions at the workplace;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\ntake account of ergonomic requirements and the worker's state of health;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nfit the wearer correctly after any necessary adjustment. 2. Where the presence of more than one risk makes it necessary for a worker to wear simultaneously more than one item of personal protective equipment, such equipment must be compatible and continue to be effective against the risk or risks in question. 3. The conditions of use of personal protective equipment, in particular the period for which it is worn, shall be determined on the basis of the seriousness of the risk, the frequency of exposure to the risk, the characteristics of the workstation of each worker and the performance of the personal protective equipment. 4. Personal protective equipment is, in principle, intended for personal use. If the circumstances require personal protective equipment to be worn by more than one person, appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that such use does not create any health or hygiene problem for the different users. 5. Adequate information on each item of personal protective equipment, required under paragraphs 1 and 2, shall be provided and made available within the undertaking and /or establishment. 6. Personal protective equipment shall be provided free of charge by the employer, who shall ensure its good working order and satisfactory hygienic condition by means of the necessary maintenance, repair and replacements. However, Member States may provide, in accordance with their national practice, that the worker be asked to contribute towards the cost of certain personal protective equipment in circumstances where use of the equipment is not exclusive to the workplace. 7. The employer shall first inform the worker of the risks against which the wearing of the personal protective equipment protects him. 8. The employer shall arrange for training and shall, if appropriate, organize demonstrations in the wearing of personal protective equipment. 9. Personal protective equipment may be used only for the purposes specified, except in specific and exceptional circumstances. It must be used in accordance with instructions. Such instructions must be understandable to the workers. Article 5\nAssessment of personal protective equipment\n1. Before choosing personal protective equipment, the employer is required to assess whether the personal protective equipment he intends to use satisfies the requirements of Article 4(1) and (2). This assessment shall involve:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nan analysis and assessment of risks which cannot be avoided by other means;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe definition of the characteristics which personal protective equipment must have in order to be effective against the risks referred to in (a), taking into account any risks which this equipment itself may create;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\ncomparison of the characteristics of the personal protective equipment available with the characteristics referred to in (b). 2. The assessment provided for in paragraph 1 shall be reviewed if any changes are made to any of its elements. Article 6\u00a0(8)\n\nRules for use\n1. Without prejudice to Articles 3, 4 and 5, Member States shall ensure that general rules are established for the use of personal protective equipment and/or rules covering cases and situations where the employer must provide the personal protective equipment, taking account of Community legislation on the free movement of such equipment. These rules shall indicate in particular the circumstances or the risk situations in which, without prejudice to the priority to be given to collective means of protection, the use of personal protective equipment is necessary. Annexes I, II and III, which constitute a guide, contain useful information for establishing such rules. 2. When Member States adapt the rules referred to in paragraph 1, they shall take account of any significant changes to the risk, collective means of protection and personal protective equipment brought about by technological developments. 3. Member States shall consult the employers' and workers' organization on the rules referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2. Article 7\nInformation for workers\nWithout prejudice to Article 10 of Directive 89/391 /EEC, workers and/or their representatives shall be informed of all measures to be taken with regard to the health and safety of workers when personal protective equipment is used by workers at work. Article 8\nConsultation of workers and workers' participation\nConsultation and participation of workers and/or of their representatives shall take place in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 89/391 /EEC on the matters covered by this Directive, including the Annexes thereto. SECTION III\n\nMISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS\n\nArticle 9\nAdjustment of the Annexes\nAlterations of a strictly technical nature to Annexes I, II and III resulting from:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nthe adoption of technical harmonization and standardization directives relating to personal protective equipment, and/or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ntechnical progress and changes in international regulations and specifications or knowledge in the field of personal protective equipment,\n\n\n\n\nshall be adopted in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 17 of Directive 89/391/EEC. Article 10\nFinal provisions\n1. Member States shall bring; into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive not later than 31 December 1992. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt, as well as those already adopted, in the field covered by this Directive. 3. Member States shall report to the Commission every five years on the practical implementation of the provisions of this Directive, indicating the points of view of employers and workers. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee, and the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work. 4. The Commission shall report periodically to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee on the implementation of the Directive in the light of paragraphs 1,2 and 3. Article 11\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 30 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nJ. P. SOISSON\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 161, 20. 6. 1988, p. 1,\n\nOJ No C 115, 8. 5. 1989, p. 27 and\n\nOJ No C 287, 15. 11. 1989, p. 11. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 12, 16. 1. 1989, p. 92\n\nand OJ No C 256, 9. 10. 1989, p. 61. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 318, 12. 12. 1988, p. 30. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 28, 3. 2. 1988, p. 3. (5)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 28, 3. 2. 1988, p. 1. (6)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 183, 29. 6. 1989, p. 1. (7)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 185, 9. 7. 1974, p. 15. (8)\u00a0\u00a0See the Commission communication (OJ No C 328, 30. 12. 1989, p. 3). ANNEX I\nSPECIMEN RISK SURVEY TABLE FOR THE USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT\n\n\n\n\n\n\nANNEX II\nNON-EXHAUSTIVE GUIDE LIST OF ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT\nHEAD PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nProtective helmets for use in industry (mines, building sites, other industrial uses). \u2014\n\n\nScalp protection (caps, bonnets, hairnets \u2014 with or without eye shade). \u2014\n\n\nProtective headgear (bonnets, caps, sou'westers, etc. in fabric, fabric with proofing, etc. ). HEARING PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nEarplugs and similar devices. \u2014\n\n\nFull acoustic helmets. \u2014\n\n\nEarmuffs which can be fitted to industrial helmets. \u2014\n\n\nEar defenders with receiver for LF induction loop. \u2014\n\n\nEar protection with intercom equipment. EYE AND FACE PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nSpectacles. \u2014\n\n\nGoggles. \u2014\n\n\nX-ray goggles, laser-beam goggles, ultra-violet, infra-red, visible radiation goggles. \u2014\n\n\nFace shields. \u2014\n\n\nArc-welding masks and helmets (hand masks, headband masks or masks which can be fitted to protective helmets). RESPIRATORY PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nDust filters, gas filters and radioactive dust filters. \u2014\n\n\nInsulating appliances with an air supply. \u2014\n\n\nRespiratory devices including a removable welding mask. \u2014\n\n\nDiving equipment. \u2014\n\n\nDiving suits. HAND AND ARM PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nGloves to provide protection:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nfrom machinery (piercing, cuts, vibrations, etc. ),\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nfrom chemicals,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nfor electricians and from heat. \u2014\n\n\nMittens. \u2014\n\n\nFinger stalls. \u2014\n\n\nOversleeves. \u2014\n\n\nWrist protection for heavy work. \u2014\n\n\nFingerless gloves. \u2014\n\n\nProtective gloves. FOOT AND LEG PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nLow shoes, ankle boots, calf-length boots, safety boots. \u2014\n\n\nShoes which can be unlaced or unhooked rapidly. \u2014\n\n\nShoes with additional protective toe-cap. \u2014\n\n\nShoes and overshoes with heat-resistant soles. \u2014\n\n\nHeat-resistant shoes, boots and overboots. \u2014\n\n\nThermal shoes, boots and overboots. \u2014\n\n\nVibration-resistant shoes, boots and overboots. \u2014\n\n\nAnti-static shoes, boots and overboots. \u2014\n\n\nInsulating shoes, boots and overboots. \u2014\n\n\nProtective boots for chain saw operators. \u2014\n\n\nClogs. \u2014\n\n\nKneepads. \u2014\n\n\nRemovable instep protectors. \u2014\n\n\nGaiters. \u2014\n\n\nRemovable soles (heat-proof, pierce-proof or sweat-proof). \u2014\n\n\nRemovable spikes for ice, snow or slippery flooring. SKIN PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nBarrier creams /ointments. TRUNK AND ABDOMEN PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nProtective waistcoats, jackets and aprons to provide protection from machinery (piercing, cutting, molten metal splashes, etc. ). \u2014\n\n\nProtective waistcoats, jackets and aprons to provide protection from chemicals. \u2014\n\n\nHeated Waistcoats. \u2014\n\n\nLife jackets. \u2014\n\n\nProtective X-ray aprons. \u2014\n\n\nBody belts. WHOLE BODY PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n\nEquipment designed to prevent falls\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nFall-prevention equipment (full equipment with all necessary accessories). \u2014\n\n\nBraking equipment to absorb kinetic energy (full equipment with all necessary accessories). \u2014\n\n\nBody-holding devices (safety harness). \u2014\n\n\n\nProtective clothing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n\u2018Safety\u2019 working clothing (two-piece and overalls). \u2014\n\n\nClothing to provide protection from machinery (piercing, cutting, etc. ). \u2014\n\n\nClothing to provide protection from chemicals. \u2014\n\n\nClothing to provide protection from molten metal splashes and infra-red radiation. \u2014\n\n\nHeat-resistant clothing. \u2014\n\n\nThermal clothing. \u2014\n\n\nClothing to provide protection from radioactive contamination. \u2014\n\n\nDust-proof clothing. \u2014\n\n\nGas-proof clothing. \u2014\n\n\nFluorescent signalling, retro-reflecting clothing and accessories (armbands, gloves, etc. ). \u2014\n\n\nProtective coverings. ANNEX III\nNON-EXHAUSTIVE GUIDE LIST OF ACTIVITIES AND SECTORS OF ACTIVITY WHICH MAY REQUIRE THE PROVISION OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT\n1. HEAD PROTECTION (SKULL PROTECTION)\n\nProtective helmets\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nBuilding work, particularly work on, underneath or in the vicinity of scaffolding and elevated workplaces, erection and stripping of formwork, assembly and installation work, work on scaffolding and demolition work. \u2014\n\n\nWork on steel bridges, steel building construction, masts, towers, steel hydraulic structures, blast furnaces, steel works and rolling mills, large containers, large pipelines, boiler plants and power stations. \u2014\n\n\nWork in pits, trenches, shafts and tunnels. \u2014\n\n\nEarth and rock works. \u2014\n\n\nWork in underground workings, quarries, open diggings, coal stock removal. \u2014\n\n\nWork with bolt-driving tools. \u2014\n\n\nBlasting work. \u2014\n\n\nWork in the vicinity of lifts, lifting gear, cranes and conveyors. \u2014\n\n\nWork with blast furnaces, direct reduction plants, steelworks, rolling mills, metalworks, forging, drop forging and casting. \u2014\n\n\nWork with industrial furnaces, containers, machinery, silos, bunkers and pipelines. \u2014\n\n\nShipbuilding. \u2014\n\n\nRailway shunting work. \u2014\n\n\nSlaughterhouses. 2. FOOT PROTECTION\n\nSafety shoes with puncture-proof soles\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nCarcase work, foundation work and roadworks. \u2014\n\n\nScaffolding work. \u2014\n\n\nThe demolition of carcase work,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork with concrete and prefabricated parts involving formwork erection and stripping. \u2014\n\n\nWork in contractors' yards and warehouses. \u2014\n\n\nRoof work. Safety shoes without pierce-proof soles\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork on steel bridges, steel building construction, masts, towers, lifts, steel hydraulic structures, blast furnaces, steelworks and rolling mills, large containers, large pipelines, cranes, boiler plants and power stations. \u2014\n\n\nFurnace construction, heating and ventilation installation and metal assembly work. \u2014\n\n\nConversion and maintenance work. \u2014\n\n\nWork with blast furnaces, direct reduction plants, steelworks, rolling mills, metalworks, forging, drop forging, hot pressing and drawing plants. \u2014\n\n\nWork in quarries and open diggings, coal stock removal. \u2014\n\n\nWorking and processing of rock. \u2014\n\n\nFlat glass products and container glassware manufacture, working and processing. \u2014\n\n\nWork with moulds in the ceramics industry. \u2014\n\n\nLining of kilns in the ceramics industry. \u2014\n\n\nMoulding work in the ceramic ware and building materials industry. \u2014\n\n\nTransport and storage. \u2014\n\n\nWork with frozen meat blocks and preserved foods packaging. \u2014\n\n\nShipbuilding. \u2014\n\n\nRailway shunting work. Safety shoes with heels or wedges and pierce-proof soles\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nRoof work. Protective shoes with insulated soles\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork with and on very hot or very cold materials. Safety shoes which can easily be removed\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWhere there is a risk of penetration by molten substances. 3. EYE OR FACE PROTECTION\n\nProtective goggles, face shields or screens\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWelding, grinding and separating work. \u2014\n\n\nCaulking and chiselling. \u2014\n\n\nRock working and processing. \u2014\n\n\nWork with bolt-driving tools. \u2014\n\n\nWork on stock removing machines for small chippings. \u2014\n\n\nDrop forging. \u2014\n\n\nThe removal and breaking up of fragments. \u2014\n\n\nSpraying of abrasive substances. \u2014\n\n\nWork with acids and caustic solutions, disinfectants and corrosive cleaning products. \u2014\n\n\nWork with liquid sprays. \u2014\n\n\nWork with and in the vicinity of molten substances. \u2014\n\n\nWork with radiant heat. \u2014\n\n\nWork with lasers. 4. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION\n\nRespirators /breathing apparatus\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork in containers, restricted areas and gas-fired industrial furnaces where there may be gas or insufficient oxygen. \u2014\n\n\nWork in the vicinity of the blast furnace charge. \u2014\n\n\nWork in the vicinity of gas converters and blast furnace gas pipes. \u2014\n\n\nWork in the vicinity of blast furnace taps where there may be heavy metal fumes. \u2014\n\n\nWork on the lining of furnaces and ladles where there may be dust. \u2014\n\n\nSpray painting where dedusting is inadequate. \u2014\n\n\nWork in shafts, sewers and other underground areas connected with sewage. \u2014\n\n\nWork in refrigeration plants where there is a danger that the refrigerant may escape. 5. HEARING PROTECTION\n\nEar protectors\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork with metal presses. \u2014\n\n\nWork with pneumatic drills. \u2014\n\n\nThe work of ground staff at airports. \u2014\n\n\nPile-driving work. \u2014\n\n\nWood and textile working. 6. BODY, ARM AND HAND PROTECTION\n\nProtective clothing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork with acids and caustic solutions, disinfectants and corrosive cleaning substances. \u2014\n\n\nWork with or in the vicinity of hot materials and where the effects of heat are felt. \u2014\n\n\nWork on flat glass products. \u2014\n\n\nShot blasting. \u2014\n\n\nWork in deep-freeze rooms. Fire-resistant protective clothing\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWelding in restricted areas. Pierce-proof aprons\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nBoning and cutting work. \u2014\n\n\nWork with hand knives involving drawing the knife towards the body. Leather aprons\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWelding. \u2014\n\n\nForging. \u2014\n\n\nCasting. Forearm protection\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nBoning and cutting. Gloves\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWelding. \u2014\n\n\nHandling of sharp-edged objects, other than machines where there is a danger of the glove's being caught. \u2014\n\n\nUnprotected work with acids and caustic solutions. Metal mesh gloves\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nBoning and cutting. \u2014\n\n\nRegular cutting using a hand knife for production and slaughtering. \u2014\n\n\nChanging the knives of cutting machines. 7. WEATHERPROOF CLOTHING\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork in the open air in rain and cold weather. 8. REFLECTIVE CLOTHING\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork where the workers must be clearly visible. 9. SAFETY HARNESSES\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork on scaffolding. \u2014\n\n\nAssembly of prefabricated parts. \u2014\n\n\nWork on masts. 10. SAFETY ROPES\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nWork in high crane cabs. \u2014\n\n\nWork in high cabs of warehouse stacking and retrieval equipment. \u2014\n\n\nWork in high sections of drilling towers. \u2014\n\n\nWork in shafts and sewers. 11. SKIN PROTECTION\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nProcessing of coating materials. \u2014\n\n\nTanning"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4fcc11d6-4f4b-4146-a423-9926fe7427e9", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3595/89 of 30 November 1989 fixing, for 1990, the quota for imports into Spain of pigmeat products from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-30", "subjects": "Spain,pigmeat,tariff quota,third country", "workIds": "celex:31989R3595,oj:JOL_1989_350_R_0062_057", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "pigmeat", "tariff quota", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4fcc11d6-4f4b-4146-a423-9926fe7427e9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/54e2aec1-44d7-49ca-a9d2-d203111a81cc", "title": "Written Question No. 842/89 by Mr Florus Wijsenbeek to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Application of information technology in the European educational system", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,STEWART-CLARK", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "computer,computer systems,member country,teaching,teaching materials", "workIds": "celex:91989E000882", "eurovoc_concepts": ["computer", "computer systems", "member country", "teaching", "teaching materials"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1feed390-3496-44c5-8a7a-22945fecf0be", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ec8d035-8e57-4cce-a5ac-0097bfed1315", "title": "Written Question No. 871/89 by Mr Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission of the European Communities. Collecting tanks for water contaminated while extinguishing fire in chemicals plants", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "chemical industry,fire protection,industrial building,prevention of pollution,safety standard,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:91989E000871", "eurovoc_concepts": ["chemical industry", "fire protection", "industrial building", "prevention of pollution", "safety standard", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7ec8d035-8e57-4cce-a5ac-0097bfed1315", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8b61394-523c-4e69-b7a8-d22f332f30cc", "title": "Written Question No. 848/89 by Mr Juan Garaikoetxea Urriza to the Commission of the European Communities. The RENAVAL programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GARAIKOETXEA URRIZA", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "EU aid,EU regional policy,aid recipient,distribution of aid,fund (EU),regional development,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91989E000848", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "EU regional policy", "aid recipient", "distribution of aid", "fund (EU)", "regional development", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8b61394-523c-4e69-b7a8-d22f332f30cc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0103d282-0990-4d31-ba21-3a46cf4e089b", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) INCREASING THE VOLUME OF THE COMMUNITY TARIFF QUOTA OPENED FOR 1989 FOR A CERTAIN FORM OF POLYVINYLPYRROLIDONE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "polymer,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0595,comnat:COM_1989_0595_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["polymer", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0103d282-0990-4d31-ba21-3a46cf4e089b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 595 final \n\nBrussels, 29 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nincreasing the volume of the Community tariff quota \n\nopened for 1989 for a certain form of polyvinylpyrrolidone \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Council Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 4047/88 of 19 December 1988 (1) opened for \n\n1989 an autonomous Community tariff quota of 150 tonnes at zero duty for a \n\ncertain variety of polyvinylpyrrolidone of CN code n\u00b0 ex 3905 90 00. 2. Subsequent to a request presented by the French authorities, the Commission \n\nServices have examined in conjunction with national experts the possibility \n\nof increasing the volume of this tariff quota by 15 tonnes corresponding \n\nto supplementary needs that have been submitted. A favourable decision could receive the agreement of all the Member States \n\nwithout prejudice to the Community market of this product. (1) O. J. N\u00b0 L 356 of 24. 12. 1988, p. 3. Proposal for a \nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n, \n\nof \n\nincreasing die volume of die Community tariff quota opened by Regulation \n(EEC) No 404*788 for * certain form of polyvinylpyrrolidone \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 28 \nthereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 4047/88 (\u2022) \nopened, for the period from 1 January to 31 December \n1939 a Community tariff quota at zero duty for a certain \nform of polyvinylpyrrolidone falling within code ex \n3905 90 00 of the combined nomenclature, the volume of \nwhich. was set at 150tonnes: \n\nWhereas, on the basis of the latest statistics concerning \nthis product for the current year, it is estimated that the \nCommunity's immediate additional requirements for \nimports from non-member countries total 15 tonnes; \nwhereas this quota volume should be increased by that \namount to cover those requirements ; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe volume of the Community tariff quota opened by \nRegulation (EEC) No 4047/33 for a certain form of \npolyvinylpyrrolidone falling within code ex 3905 90 00 of \nthe combined nomenclature shall be raised from150 to \n165 tonnes. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the seventh day \nfollowing its publication in the Official Journal of the \nEuropean Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and direcdy applicable in all Member \nS\u00fbtes. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council' \n\nThe President \n\n(1) OJ N* L 356, du 24. 12. 1988, p. 3 \n\n\fCi \n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap. 12 art. 120 \n\n2. Base juridique : art. 113 du trait\u00e9 \n\n3. Intitul\u00e9 de la mesure tarifaire : Propostion de r\u00e8glement du \n\nConseil portant augmentation du volume du contingent tarifaire \n\ncommunautaire pour certaine vari\u00e9t\u00e9 de polyvinylpyrrolidone. A. Objectif : Assurer la couverture des besoins suppl\u00e9mentaires de \n\nla Communaut\u00e9 \u00e0 des conditions favorables. 5. Mode calcul : \n\nCode N. C. ex 3905 90 00 \n\nVolume du contingent \n\n15 tonnes \n\nDroit \u00e0 appliquer \n\nDroit normal \n\n0 % \n\n12,5 % \n\n6. Perte de recettes : \n\nPrix moyen \u00e0 la tonne \n\nValeur totale \n\n: 2 587,5 \u00e9cus \n\n: 38 813 \u00e9cus \n\nPerte de recettes : 4 852 \u00e9cus \n\n\fFiche d'impact sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi \n\nLa pr\u00e9sente proposition vise l'augmentation d'un contingent tarifaire \n\ncommunautaire autonome destin\u00e9 \u00e0 couvrir, \u00e0 des conditions favorables, les \n\nbesoins suppl\u00e9mentaires des industries utilisatrices. Elle aura pour effet \n\nde permettre \u00e0 ces industries de concurrencer celles des pays tiers sur les \n\nmarch\u00e9s de la Communaut\u00e9 et des pays tiers et de maintenir ou m\u00eame d'am\u00e9liorer \n\nl'emploi dans la Communaut\u00e9. ISSN 02S4-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 595 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-563-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55384-7 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb690c04-1a41-4059-a9c5-44ba688fdfe7", "title": "Written Question No. 857/89 by Mr Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission of the European Communities. ECSC support for Belgium", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "Belgium,ECSC aid,ECSC loan,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91989E000857", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "ECSC aid", "ECSC loan", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb690c04-1a41-4059-a9c5-44ba688fdfe7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a00d16e-d1fc-41bb-bc39-bfa300f3c5d0", "title": "Written Question No. 865/89 by Mr Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Council of the European Communities. Conference of European regional and local authorities in Munich", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "EU Member State,EU policy,international meeting,political involvement,politics,region,regional policy", "workIds": "celex:91989E000865", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "EU policy", "international meeting", "political involvement", "politics", "region", "regional policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1a00d16e-d1fc-41bb-bc39-bfa300f3c5d0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd3706e9-4814-429c-9724-300fc33c9370", "title": "Written Question No. 866/89 by Mr Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Foreign Ministers meeting in European Political Cooperation. EPC initiative on the treatment of the Kurds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "Kurdistan question,T\u00fcrkiye,ethnic discrimination,ethnic group,human rights", "workIds": "celex:91989E000866", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Kurdistan question", "T\u00fcrkiye", "ethnic discrimination", "ethnic group", "human rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd3706e9-4814-429c-9724-300fc33c9370", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39724b48-5c9e-4687-8e8b-dfaf5b5869dc", "title": "AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 78/660/EEC ON ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND DIRECTIVE 83/349/EEC ON CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXEMPTIONS FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES AND TO THE DRAWING UP AND PUBLICATION OF ACCOUNTS IN ECUS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-29", "subjects": "company law,consolidated account,management,publication of accounts,small and medium-sized enterprises", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0561,comnat:COM_1989_0561_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_318_R_0012_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["company law", "consolidated account", "management", "publication of accounts", "small and medium-sized enterprises"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/39724b48-5c9e-4687-8e8b-dfaf5b5869dc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 561 final - SYN 158 \n\nBrussels,29 November 1989 \n\nAmended proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\namending Directive 78/660/EBC on anmvil accounts and Directive 83/349/EBC \non consolidated accounts with respect to the exemptions \nfor small and medium-sized companies and to the \ndrawing up and publication of accounts in ecus \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149 (3) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f-e^fi\u00eff \n\nI. T?yp1arwt. n-py iremrvraTYfrim \n\n1. This proposal for a Directive based on Article 54 of the Treaty was \ninitially presented to the Council on 24 October I960. 1 \n\n2. The Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament delivered \ntheir Opinions on 31 March 19892 and 25 Hay 19893 respectively. 3. While the Economio and Social Committee asked the Gcranlssion to \n^TTr^^rtjiirA a substantial revision of the proposed amendments to the \nFourth Directive, Parliament largely approved the proposal for a Directive \nsubject to a few modifications. This amended proposal coincides for the \nmost part with Parliament's Opinion, bat on one specific point it draws on \nthe Opinion of the Economie and Social Committee. The amendments concern \nthe following points: \n\n- in Article 1, with regard to the definition of small closely held \n\ncompanies, it 1B stated, in line with Parliament's Opinion, that the \nwithholding of consent for a transfer of shares does not affect either \nthe preferential purchase right of the company's shareholders or \nmembers, or the right of the person requesting the transfer to have his \nshares purchased by the company; \n\n- in Article 2, in accordance with the Opinion of the Economio and Social \nCommittee, the wording is amended so as to enable small companies to \npublish more information than they are required to do by the \n\nFourth Directive; \n\n- in Articles 4 and 5, in conformity with the Opinion of Parliament, the \n\nmeasure of flexibility Member States are allowed in fixing the \nthresholds for small and medium-sized companies is reduced from 50% to \n25%. 1 OT No C 287, 11. 11. 1988, p. 5. 2 ESC 437/89, 31. 3. 1989. 3 EP 133. 158, 25. 5. 1989. - 3 -\n\n4. Parliament's proposal that in Article 1(2) \"penalties\" be replaced by \n\"measures\" has been rejected so as not to deviate from the terminology used \nin the other company law Directives. The Commission has likewise decided not to adopt the wording suggested by \nParliament for Article 12; without altering the provision's meaning, it \nwould have necessitated the amendment of other articles of a g-tm-na-T\u00bb legal \nnature. Lastly, Parliament declared itself in favour of simply deleting Article 7 \nof the original proposal. The purpose of that provision is to make it \npossible, in the interests of privacy, for companies with single-member \nboards not to provide (fetalis of the director's remuneration, or loans and \nadvances granted to him, in the notes on the accounts. To reflect, at \nleast in part, Parliament's Opinion, the amended proposal restricts the \nscope of the exemption to the director's remuneration. - 4 -\n\nII. Proposal for a \nCOUNCIL DIBEGUVE \namending Directive 78/660/EBC on \nannual accounts and Directive \n83/349/EEC on consolidated accounts \nwith respect to the exemptions for \nsmall and medium-sized companies and \nto the preparation and publication of \naccounts in ecus \n\nAmended proposal for a \n\nOTNC'IL DIRECTIVE \namending Directive 78/660/EBC on \nannual accounts and \nDirective 83/349/EBC on consolidated \naccounts with respect to the \nexemptions for small and \nmedium-sized companies and to the \ndrawing up and publication of \naccounts in ecus \n\nTHE COONCIL OF THE EUROPEAN \n\nCOMMUNITIES \n\nunchanged \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN \nCOMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty \nestablishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular \nArticle 54 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from \nthe Commission, \n\nIn cooperation with the European \nParliament, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the \nEconomic and Social Committee, \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nWhereas national provisions \nconcerning the presentation and \ncontent of annual accounts and annual \nreports of public and private limited \ncompanies, concerning the valuation \nmethods used therein and concerning \nthe publication of such accounts and \nreports have been harmonized by \nCouncil Directive 76/660/EEC1, as \nlast amended by the Act of Accession \nof Spain and Portugal; \n\nWhereas the administrative burdens on \nsmall and medium-sized companies \nshould be reduced in accordance with \nthe Council's resolution of \n3 November 19862 and with the \nCouncil's resolution of 30 June 1988 \non the improvement of the Easiness \nenvironment and the promotion of the \ndevelopment of enterprises, in \nparticular SMEs, in the Community3, \nwhich calls more especially for a \nsubstantial alleviation of the \nobligations arising from \nDirective 78/660/EBC; \n\n1 Otf No L 222, 14. 8. 1978, p. 11. 2 OJ No C 287, 14. 11. 1986, p. 1. 3 OJ No C 197, 27. 7. 1988, p. 6. Whereas Directive 78/660/EEC allows \nMember States to grant exemptions for \ncertain companies of minor economic \nand social importance; whereas \nMember States have made widely \nvarying use of this possibility; \nwhereas this variation in \nrequirements may cause distortions of \ncompetition between small companies \nin different Member States, depending \non whether or not the exemptions are \navailable there, and undermines the \nobjective of ensuring the \ncomparability and equivalence of the \ninformation given in company \naccounts; \n\nWhereas, in order to simplify and \nharmonize the accounting obligations \nfor small companies, the exemptions \nprovided for in Directive 78/660/EEC \nin favour of small companies and \nrelating to the drawing up, auditing \nand publication of accounts should be \nmade mandatory; \n\nWhereas it is desirable for this \npurpose that some small closely held \ncompanies should be completely exempt \nfrom the rules prescribed by \nDirective 78/660/EEC, subject to \nappropriate safeguards for the \ninterests of shareholders and third \nparties; whereas an exemption for \nsuch conpanies is justified fro\u00bb tte \npoint of view of the single European \nmarket because they are unlikely to \n\nI \n\\ \n\u00a3 \n\n\f- 7 \n\nengage in intra-Ctannnunity trade; \n\nWhereas a certain flexibility in the \n\ndefinition of small and medium-sized \n\ncompanies is justified by a different \n\neconomic environment in \n\nMember States; \n\nWhereas provision should be made for \n\nWhereas provision should be made for \n\nexempting companies whose \n\nexempting companies whose adminis-\n\nadininistrative or management body \n\ntrative or management body consists \n\nconsists of only one person from the \n\nof only one person from the require-\n\nrequirement of including details of \n\nment of including details of the \n\nthe director's remuneration and any \n\ndirector's remuneration \n\nadvances or credits granted to him in \n\ngranted to him in the notes on the \n\nthe notes on the accounts; \n\naccounts; \n\nWhereas it is also necessary to \n\nsimplify the requirements imposed on \n\nsmall companies for drawing up and \n\npublishing notes on the accounts; \n\nwhereas such companies should be \n\nexempt from the obligation to supply \n\ncertain items of information that can \n\nbe regarded as less important for the \n\nsmaller company; whereas for the same \n\nreason such companies should be \n\nexempt from the requirement to \n\npresent an annual report, provided \n\nthat certain important items of \n\ninformation normally given in the \n\nreport are supplied in the notes on \n\nthe accounts; \n\n\f8 -\n\nWhereas small and medium-sized \ncompanies should be allowed to keep \nthe accounting documents available to \nthe public at the registered office \nof the company without disregarding \nthe basic idea that these documents \nshould be available to the public \nwithout restriction; \n\nWhereas it is important to promote \nEuropean monetary integration by \nallowing companies to draw up and \npublish their accounts in ecus; and \nwhereas Council Directives 78/660/EEC \nand 83/349/EBC1, as amended by the \nAct of Accession of Spain and \nPortugal, should be clarified in this \nrespect so as to require companies \navailing themselves of this \npossibility to state the method they \nhave used for conversion into ecus in \nthe notes on the accounts, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n1 OJ No L 193, 18. 7. 1983, p. l \n\n\f- 9 -\n\nSection 1: \n\nunchanged \n\nExemptions for small and medium-sized \n\ncompanies \n\nArticle 1 \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe following Article is inserted in \n\nDirective 78/660/EBC: \n\n\"Article la \n\n1. This Directive shall not apply to \n\ncompanies falling within Article 11 \n\nwhere the following additional \n\nconditions are fulfilled: \n\n(a) the company is not affiliated \n\nunchanged \n\nwith other undertakings within the \n\nmeaning of Article 41 of \n\nDirective 83/349/EEC and is not \n\nlinked to another undertaking by \n\nvirtue of a participating interest; \n\n(b) the shareholders or members of \n\nunchanged \n\nthe company are the same persons as \n\nthe members of its administrative or \n\nmanagement body and are natural \n\npersons; \n\n(c) the shares of the company are \n\n(c) the shares of the company are \n\nregistered and under its statutes or registered and under its statutes or \n\ninstrument of incorporation may not \n\ninstrument of incorporation may not \n\nbe transferred without the company's be transferred without the company's \n\nconsent; \n\nconsent and always provided that the \n\n\f- 10 -\n\nshareholders or members of the \noompajiy havp a preferential, right Of \npurchase and that, should consent be \nwithheld, the person requesting the \ntransfer has a right to have his \nshares purchased by the company: \n\n(d) the exemption is disclosed in \naccordance with Article 3 of \nDirective 68/151/EEC. unchanged \n\n2. The Member States shall provide \nappropriate penalties for failure by \nsuch companies to keep proper \naccounts. unchanged \n\nunchanged \n\n3. When Member States require such \ncompanies to present their annual \naccounts to the shareholders or \nmembers of the company using a \nlayout, such layout may not go beyond \nthat which is prescribed by this \nDirective for companies falling \nwithin Article 11. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nArticle 8 \n\nArticle 2(6) of Directive 78/660/EEC \nis replaced by the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"6. Except in relation to companies \nfalling within Article 11, the \nMember States may authorize or \nrequire the disclosure in the annual \naccounts of other information as well \nas that which must be disclosed in \naccordance with this Directive. \" \n\n\"6. The Member States may authorize \nor require the disclosure in the \nannual accounts of other information \nas well as that which must be \ndisclosed in accordance with this \nDirective. However, thft PTfifi1M'MtY \nof requiring *t\\\" Hj\u00abn1 narra \n\n\f- 11 -\n\nnf nthgr infnrmatlcm in thg annna. 1 \n\naccounts sha. 11 not apply to \n\n(Companies fa. 11 ^^g within \nArticle 11. \" \n\nArticle 5 \n\nArticle g \n\nThe last sentence of Article 4(1) of \nDirective 78/660/EEC is replaced by \nthe following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"Except in relation to companies \nfalling within Article 11, such \nsubdivision or new items may be \nrequired by the Member States. \" \n\n\u2022t^K-jHBUKJMB\u00e0lii^^HBlL \n\nArticle 4 \n\nArticle 11 of Directive 78/660/EBC \nis replaced by the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n'Article 11 \n\n1. Companies which on their balance \nsheet dates do not exceed the limits \nof two of the following three \ncriteria: \n\n- balance sheet total: EOCJ 1 550 000, \nECU 3 200 000, \n- net turnover: \n- average number of employees during \nthe financial year: \nmay draw up abridged balance sheets \nshowing only those items preceded by \nletters and Roman numerals in \nArticles 9 and 10, disclosing \n\n50 \n\n\f- 12 -\n\nseparately the information required \nin brackets in D(II) under 'Assets' \nand C under 'T. iahll 11 ties' in \nArticle 9 and in D(II) in Article 10, \nbut in total for each. Article 15(3)(a) and (4) shall not \n\napply to abridged balance sheets. 2. However, Member States may \nsimultaneously and in like m \nproportions increase or decrease by \nup to 50% the thresholds ooncerning \nthe balance sheet total and the net \nturnover referred to in paragraph 1. As to the average number of employees \nreferred to in paragraph 1, \nMember States may adopt a lower \nfigure with a minimum number of 25. \" \n\n2. However, Member States may \nsimultaneously and in like \nproportions increase or decrease by \nup to 25% the thresholds concerning \nthe balance sheet total and the net \nturnover referred to in paragraph 1. As to the average number of \nemployees referred to in \nparagraph 1, Member States may adopt \na lower figure with a minimum number \nof 25. \" \n\nArticle 5 \n\nArticle g \n\nArticle 27 of Directive 78/660/EEC is unchanged \nreplaced by the following: \n\n\"Article 27 \n\n1. Member States shall permit \ncompanies falling within Article 11, \nand may permit other companies which \non their balance sheet dates do not \nexceed the limits of two of the \nfollowing three criteria: \n\n\f- 13 \n\n- balance sheet total: ECU 6 200 000, \nECU 12 800 000, \n- net turnover: \n\n- average number of employees during \n\nthe financial year: \n\n250 \n\nto adopt layouts different from those \nprescribed in Articles 23 to 26 \nwithin the following limits: \n\n(a) in Article 23: l to 5 inclusive \nmay be combined under one item called \n'Gross profit or loss' ; \n(b) in Article 24: A(l), A(2) and \nB(l) to B(4) inclusive may be \ncombined under one item called 'Gross \nprofit or loss'; \n(c) in Article 25: (l), (2), (3) and \n(6) may be combined under one item \ncalled 'Gross profit or loss' ; \n(d) in Article 26: A(l), B(l) and \nB(2) may be combined under one item \ncalled 'Gross profit or loss'. Article 12 shall apply. 2. However, for the application of \nthis Directive, Member States may \nsimultaneously and in like \nproportions increase by up to 50% the \nthresholds concerning the balance \nsheet total and the net turnover \nreferred to in paragraph 1. \" \n\n2. However, for the application of \nthis Directive, Member States may \nsimultaneously and in like \nproportions increase by up to 25& \nthe thresholds concerning the \nbalance sheet total and the net \nturnover referred to in \nparagraph 1. \" \n\n\f- 14 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\nArticle 6 \n\nArticle 30 of Directive 78/660/EEC \nis replaced by the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"Article 3Q \n\nMember States shall permit companies \nfalling within Article 11, and may \npermit other companies, to show taxes \non the profit or loss on ordinary \nactivities and taxes on the \nextraordinary profit or loss in tot$ \nas one item in the profit and loss \naccount before 'Other taxes not shown \nunder the above items'. In that \ncase, 'profit or loss on ordinary \nactivities after taxation' shall be \nomitted from the layouts prescribed \nin Articles 23 to 26. Where this waiver is applied, \ncompanies other than those falling \nwithin Article 11 must disclose in \nthe notes on the accounts the extent \nto which the taxes on the profit or \nloss affect the profit or loss on \nordinary activities and the \n'Extraordinary profit or loss\". \" \n\n\f- 15 -\n\nArticle 7 \n\nArticle 7 \n\nThe following paragraph is added to \nArticle 43 of Directive 78/660/EEC: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"3. Member States may waive the \nrequirement to provide the \ninformation referred to in \nparagraph 1(12) and (13) for \ncompanies whose administrative or \nmanagement body consists of only one \nperson. \" \n\n\"3. Member States may waive the \nrequirement to provide the \ninformation referred to in \nparagraph l\u00a3l2l for companies whose \nadministrative or management body \nconsists of only one person. \" \n\nArticle 8 \n\nArticle S \n\nArticle 44 of Directive 78/660/EBC is unchanged \nreplaced by the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"Article 44 \n1. Companies falling within \nArticle 11 may draw up abridged notes \non their accounts without the \ninformation referred to in \nArticle 43(1) (5) to (13). However, \nthe notes must disclose the \ninformation referred to in \nArticle 43(1)(6) isx total for all the \nitems oonofsmfld * \n\n\f- 16 -\n\nunchanged \n\n2. The companies referred to in \nparagraph 1 shall also be exempt from \nthe obligation to disclose in the \nnotes on the accounts the information \nreferred to in Article 15(3)(a) and \n(4), Articles 18, 21 and 29(2), \nArticle 34(2), Article 40(2) , and \nthe second subparagraph of \nArticle 42. 3. Article 12 shall apply. \" \n\nunchanged \n\nArticle 9 \n\nArticle 9 \n\nThe introductory phrase of \nArticle 45(1) of Directive 78/660/EBC \nis replaced by'the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"1. Member States shall permit \ncompanies falling within Article 11 \nand may permit other companies to \ntreat the disclosures prescribed in \nArticle 43(1)(2) in such a way as:\" \n\nArticle 1Q \n\nArticle 10 \n\nThe following paragraph is added to \nArticle 46 of Directive 78/660/EBC: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"3. Companies falling within \nArticle 11 shall not be required to \nprepare an annual report, provided \nthat the information referred to in \nparagraph 2(a) and (d) is given in \nthe notes on the accounts. \" \n\n\f- 17 -\n\nArticle 11 \n\nArticle 11 \n\nArticle 47 of Directive 78/660/EEC \nis amended as follows: \n\nunchanged \n\n1. Paragraph 2 is replaced by the \n\nfollowing: \n\n\"2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, \n\ncompanies falling within Article 11 \n\nmay publish: \n\n(a) abridged balance sheets in \naccordance with Article 11, \n(b) abridged notes on the accounts \nin accordance with Article 44; \nArticle 12 shall apply. Such companies shall not be required \nto publish their profit and loss \naccount. \" \n\n2. The following paragraph 4 is \nadded: \n'4. Notwithstanding the first \nsubparagraph of paragraph 1, \nMember States shall permit companies \nfalling within Article 11 and may \npermit companies falling within \nArticle 27 to make the accounting \ndocuments which must be published in \naccordance with the present Directive \navailable to the public at the \ncompany's registered office. It must \nbe possible for anyone to obtain a \ncopy of these documents upon request, \nInohTdlng by mail. The price of such \na copy must not exceed its \nadministrative cost. - 18 -\n\nMember States shall provide that the \nplace where the public can obtain \nthese documents is published by means \nof a reference, in accordance with \nArticle 3(4) of Directive 68/151/EEC. Member States shall also provide \nappropriate sanctions for failure by \ncompanies to publish these documents \nin accordance with the present \nparagraph. This paragraph shall not apply to \ncompanies having made a public issue \nof securities. \" \n\nArticle 12 \n\nArticle 18 \n\nArticle 51(2) of Directive 78/60/EBC \nis replaced by the following: \n\nunchanged \n\n\"2. Companies falling within \nArticle 11 shall be exempt from the \nrequirement referred to in \nparagraph 1. Article 12 shall apply. \" \n\n\f- 19 -\n\nunchanged \n\nSection 2: \nDrawing up and publication of \naccounts in ecus \n\nArticle 13 \n\nunchanged \n\nThe following section 11a is inserted \nin Directive 78/660/EBC: \n\nArticle lg \n\n\"Section 11a \nDrawing up and publication of \naccounts in ecus \nArticle 51a \n\nCompanies may draw up and publish \ntheir accounts in ecus at the \nexchange rate prevailing on the \nbalance sheet date. The method used \nfor conversion into ecus shall be \ndescribed in the notes on the \naccounts. \" \n\nArticle 14 \n\nunchanged \n\nThe following section 5a is inserted \nin Directive 83/349/EEC: \n\nArticle 14 \n\n\"Section 5a \nDrawing up and pnfrMmTlOD, nmiH be revised by the Member States concerned: \n\nThe Member State concerned has informed the Camndjsslon that the review of \ntheseagreementjSwill soon be completed, but that there is not enough time \nremaining before expiry to finalize the updating. The Commission therefore \nconsiders that a further extension of these agreementris required. The Commission would also point out that the proposals authorizing the \nMember States to renew or extend certain agreements in this, batch for a \nfurther year in no way prejudice its position the next time these \nagreements come up for renewal. (1) OJ No. L 326, 29. 12. 1969, p. 39. No L \n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities \n\nC O U N C IL D E C I S I ON \n\nof. a u t h o r i z i ng e x t e n s i on or t a c it r e n e w al of c e r t a in trade a g r e e m e n ts c o n c l u d ed \nb e t w e en M e m b er States a nd third c o u n t r i es \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nin particular Article 113 \nEconomic Community, and \nthereof. Having regard to Council Decision 69/494/EEC of 16 \nthe progressive standardization of \nDecember 1969 on \nagreements concerning commercial \nrelations between \nMember States and third countries and on the negotiation \nof Community agreements ('), and in particular Article 3 \nthereof. , \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nf \n\nthe transfer of the commercial substance of those Agree \nments to Community Agreements nor, during the period \nunder consideration, hinder the adoption of the measures \nnecessary to complete the standardization of the import \narrangements of the Member States ; \n\nWhereas at the conclusion of the consultations provided \nfor in Article 2 of Decision 69/494/EEC \nit was e s u b-\nlished, as the aforesaid declarations by the Member States \nconcerned confirm, that the provisions of the Agreements \nto be extended or renewed would not, during the period \nunder consideration, constitute an obstacle to the imple \nmentation of the c o m m on commercial policy ; \n\nWhereas extension or tacit renewal beyond the end of the \ntransitional period was last authorized in the case of the \nAgreements and Protocols \nthe Annex by \nDecision 3 9 / 54 \n\nlisted. / E CC \n\n( 2) \n\nin \n\nin \n\nWhereas, \nthe Agreements \nconcerned may be cither extended or tacitly renewed for a \nlimited period, \n\ncircumstances, \n\nthese \n\nWhereas the Member States concerned have, with a view \nto avoiding any disruption of their commercial relations \nthird countries concerned based on Agreement, \nwith \nrequested authorization \nto extend or renew the above-\nmentioned Agreements ; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION \n\nArticle \n\n1 \n\nThe Trade Agreements and Protocols between Member \nStates and third countries, as listed in the Annex hereto, \nm ay be extended or tacitly renewed up to the dates indi \ncated for each of them for those areas not covered by \nAgreements between the Community and the third coun \ntries concerned and in so far as their provisions are not \ncontrary to existing c o m m on policies. Article \n\nr \n2 \n\nThis Decision \n\nis addressed to the Member States. D o ne at Brussels, \n\nFor \n\nthe Council \n\nThe \n\nPresident \n\nthe \n\nWhereas, however, most of the areas covered by these \nnational Agreements are henceforth \nsubject of \nCommunity agreements : whereas, in this situation, there \nshould be authorization for the maintenance of national \nAgreements only for those areas not covered by C o m m u \nnity Agreements ; whereas, in addition, such authorization \nshould not, \nthe obligation \nincumbent upon the Member S\u00fbtes to avoid and, where \nappropriate, \nincompatibility between \nsuch Agreements and the provisions of Community law ; \n\ntherefore, adversely affect \n\nto eliminate any \n\nWhereas the provisions of the Agreements to be either \nprolonged or renewed should not furthermore, during the \nperiod under consideration, constitute an obstacle to the \nimplementation of the c o m m on commercial p o l i c y; \n\nWhereas the Member S\u00fbtes concerned have declared that \n;he extension or u c it renewal of these Agreements would \nneither constitute an o b s u c le to the opening of C o m m u \nnity negotiations with the third countries concerned and \n\n(') OJ No L 326. 29. 12. 1969. 0. 39. n\u00b0 JN oL 23,27. 1. 1989- P \n\n44 \n\n\fN\u00ab L \n\nDiario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas \n_ \n\n-, \n\nANEXO \u2014 BILAC \u2014 ANHANC \u2014 flAPAPTHMA \u2014 ANNEX \u2014 ANNEXE \u2014 ALLECATO \u2014 BIJLAGE \u2014 ANEXO \n\nEstado miembro \n\nPais tercero \n\nNaturaleza y fechi del Acuerdo \n\nMedlemsstat \n\n' Tredjeland \n\nAfulens act og datering \n\n/. %\u2022 \n\ni \n1 \n\nMitgliedstaat \n\nDrittland \n\nAn und Datum des Abkommens \n\nKpdtoc iiiXoc, \n\nTplTTi x^pa \n\nOwni icai iHi\u00a3pouT)vla TTK oviupoMac, \n\nMember' State \n\nThird country \n\nType and date of Agreement \n\nEstado miembro \n\nPais tercero \n\nNaturaleza y fecha del Acuerdo \n\nEtat membre \n\nPays tiers \n\nNature ct date de l'accord \n\n1 \n\nStato membro \n\nPaese terzo \n\nNatura e data dell'accordo \n\nLid-Suat \n\nDerde land \n\nAard en datum van het akkoord \n\nEstado-membro \n\nPais terceiro \n\nNatureza e data do acordo \n\n1 \n\nBENELUX \n\nTunisie/ \nTunesie \n\nAccord commercial/ \nHandelsakkoord \n\nProrrogado o \ntacitamente \nreconducido hasta el \n\nUdlab efter forfengelse \neller stiltiende \nvidereferelse \n\nAblauf nach \nVeriingening oder \nscillschweigende r \nVerlingerung \u2022 \n\nHucpou,Trvla Mftax; \nxatoxiv rig xapaxd-\naao? flp;ouoxT|pf)<; \navavaboaac. Prolonged or tacitly \nrenewed until \n\nProrrogado o \ntacitamente \nreconducido hasta el \n\nBcheance apres \nprorogation ou \ntacite reconduction \n\nScadenza dopo la \nproroga o il \ntacito tin novo \n\nVervaldmtum na at \ndan niet stilzwijgende \nverlenging \n\nProrrogado ou \ntacitamente \nrenovado ate \n\ni \n\n1 \n\n1. 8. 1958 \n\n31. 3. 1991 \n\nDANMARK \n\nSchweiz \n\nVareudvekslingsaftale \n\n15. 9. 1951 \n\n31. 12. 1930 \n\nDEUTSCHLAND \n\nIndonesien \nSudkorca \n\nHandelsabkommen vom \nHandclsabkommen vom \n\n22. 4. 1953 \n8. 4. 1965 \n\n31. 3. 1991 \n7. 4. 1991 \n\nEAAAAA \n\nESPANA \n\n\u2022 \n\n-\n\nAlyu7rcoc, \nMap6KO \nToupKta \nIvota. lapomX. Tlaicicrt&v \n\nCamerun \nChile \n' \nGabon \n\nJordan ia \n\nTunez \n\nEtiTtopucf) ouuxptovlct \nEu,7topiicr) ovmxuvta \nEu. 7topitcf) oviupaMa \nEu. 7iopitcf| ouu. i >\u2022. ! I f r om llic ( inniiii'. sti in \n\nWhereas ilie- lishing activities covered tu (his Regulation are \nsubject to the control measures provided for by Regulation \n(EEC) N. 2 2 4 1 / 8 7 ( ' ). as well as to the specific detailed \nrules \n\n<. >\u2022-\u2022. !;'\u2022\u2022 \n\n-\u2022 \n\nEEC - SPAIN \nT. General fishing \n\nAM\u0152X \n\nSpecies \n\nHake \n(Merluccius \nmerluccius) \n\nICES zone \n(1) \n\nVIII, IX \n\nAuthorized fishing gear \n\nTotal number of vessels \n\nBasic list \n\nPeriodic list \n\nLong-lines, trawls \n(vessels over 100 grt) \n\nPeriod \nof fishing \nauthorization \n\n1 \n\nyear-round \n\nMonkfish \n(Lophius piscatorius) \n(Lophius boudegassa) \n\nMegrim \n(Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) \n(Lepidorhombus boscii) \n\nVIII, IX \n\nTrawl \n\nyear-round \n\nVIII, IX \n\nTrawl \n\n) 10 \n) (France) \n\n) \n) (France) \n\n5 (2) \n\nyear-round \n\nNorway lobster \n(Nephrops norvegicus) \n\nPollack \n(Pollachius pollachius) \n\nVIII, \nDC \n\nVIII, \nrx \n\nTrawl \n\nTrawl \n\nyear-round \n\nyear-round \n\n(1) Waters falling under the sovereignty and within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Spam. (2) Total number of standard vessels per Member State; standard vessel means a vessel having a brake horsepower equal to 700 \nhorsepower (BHP). The conversion rates for vessels having a different engine power are the same as those defined in \nArticle 158(2) of the Act of Accession. 06 \n\n\f_ \"> \u2014 \n\nII. Specialized fishing \n\n(CEE \u2014 ESPAGNE) saice \n\nSpecies \n\nAll \n\nICES zone \n(1) \n\nVIII, IX \n\nAutnorized fishing gear \n\nLong-lines \n(vessels under 100 grt) \n\nReds \n(vessels under 50 grt) \n\nAnchovy \n(Engraulis encrasicholus) \nas main catch \n\nAnchovy \n(Engraulis encrasicholus) \nas live bait \n\nVIII \n\nSeine \n\nVIII \n\nSeine \n\nTotal number of vessels \n\nBasic list: \n\nPeriodic list \n\n25 \n\n10 \n\nPeriod \n\nI \nof t'l-Shing j \n\nauthorization \n\nyear-round \n\ni \n\n64 \n\nyear-round \n\n40 (France) \n\nbetween 1/3 \nand 30/6 \n\n20 (France) \n\nbetween 1/7 \nand 31/10 \n\nSardine \n(Sardina pilchardus) \n\nVIII \n\nSeme \n(vessels under 100 grt) \n\n71 \n(France) \n\n40 (France) \n\nbet. ween 1/1 \nand 29/2 ani \nbetween 1/7 \nand 31/12. Species \n\nThunnidae \n\nQuantity \n(tonnes) \n\nICES \nzone (1) \n\nunlimited \n\nVIII, IX \n\nAtithorized \nfishing \nvessels \n\nTotal number \nof vessels \n\nPeriod \nof fisnmg \nauthorization \n\nAll except j \nfillnets ; \ni \n\nunlimited \n\nyear-round \n\n! \n\n(1) Waters falling under trie sovereignty and within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Spam. L5 \n\n\fBusiness and employment impact statement \n\nThis proposal is intended to regulate fishing activities in Spanish waters \nin the interests of conserving marine resources. The proposal does not \nhave any particular effects on small and medium-sized enterprises and the \naim of conservation is in the long-term interest of SMEs and business in \ngeneral. -fo \n\n\fEXPLAMA,?C>R':'. ^-. MOKANDLg-l \n\nTrie TXir. ;X)s^ of this proposal cor a Reg ;. ;!-;-:. \". ,\u2022 i. < accordance witn Article sV-j \nof tne Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, is to establish, /. or 1989, tne \nquantities of fish which may be tai\u0153n by Portuguese vessels m liters falling \nunder the sovereignty or within the juridiction of the Member States, with \nthe exception or S p am and Portugal, the numbers of such vessels, the t/pe of \nfishing gear to be used and the period of fishing authorization for each \ns pec le. s. The --K-cession arrangements provide that Portuguese vessels shall be allocated \nfishing possibilities in the waters of certain ICES divisions falling under \nthe sovereignty or within the jurisdiction of the Meinour States, witn the \nexception of S p am and Portugal, tor a certain period and under certain \nconditions, and that Portugal shall be granted certain fishing possibilities \nlimited to catches of blue whiting and horse mackerel; it has also bien \nprovided that the number of Portuguese vessels authorized to fish in these \nwater. v- should be fixed annually and tnat rules governing their access thereto \nshould be Laid down. This proposal, replaces and modifies Council Regulation (EEC) M\u00b0 3949/88 of \n11 December 1988, and incorporates certain clarifications. It should be \nadopte! before the date on which the latter expires (31 December 1989). s,* \n\n\fCOUNCIL REGULATION (LLC \n\n/89 \n\nof \n\n10? 9 \n\n\\ m g, for*1*3*^0certaiu measures for the conservation ami management of fishery resources \npplicable to vessels flying the flag of Portugal in waters falling under the sovereignty or \u2022* iihin \nthe jurisdiction <>l a Member State, apart from Spam and Portugal \n\nTHE COUNCL. ' TUli KUROPIiAN COMMl\u2022NITlfcS. Having r e g a ri \nEconomic Coti::- :m:\\ , \n\n:\u2022. \u2022 rhe Treaty establishing \n\niiie European \n\nHaving regard i \nand in particular Article 349 thereof. : :-. e Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, \n\nHaving regard : \n\n-he proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas, purs:;. for \nthe Com\u00bb. : \ncorresponding :: \nthe w. i: \nin \nfish \nArticle; \n\nto Article 349 of the Act of Accession, it is \n\u2022o !i\\ \nthe \nthe fishing possibilities and \nmber of Portuguese vessels authorized to \nthat \n:s reierred \n\nin paragraph \n\nI of \n\nto \n\nWhereas, pursua-T to Article 349 ( 2 '\\ fishing possibilities for \n-miing. nul horse mackerel. ire granted to \ncatches account the limits imposed on fishing for \nsimilar specie-. Portuguese waters by vessel*- of a M e m b er \nState other t h a- \n\n: \\ n n; \n\nthe specific conditions governing \n\nWhereas \nfishing \nactivities referred to in Article 349 of the Act of Accession \nshould be laid d o w n; \n\nthe \n\nWhereas -. he fishing activities covered b\\ this Regulation are \nsubject :\u2022> the control measures provided for by Regulation \n(EEC) No 2 2 4 1 / 87 (\u00bb), as well as to the specific detailed \nrules d r a wn up in accordance with the second subparagraph \nof Article 349 (5) of the Act of Accession, \n\nHAS At)< 'ITED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nT he mii:il. \"-r of vessels flying the flag \u2022>! Portugal authorized \nto fish ii: waters falling under the sovereignty or within the \njurisdict'-i*. of another M e m b er State, other than Spam, as \nprovided \ntor in Article 3 49 of the Act of Accession, the \nprocedures for access and the catch possibilities for certain \nspecies shall be as set out in the Annex. Article 2 \n\nThis Retaliation shall enter into force mi 1 January 19 90 \n\nIt shall apply until 31 December 19 9Q \n\nis Regulation shall be landing in its entirety \n\n\\nd \n\ntU applicable \n\nin all M. -vn-cr \n\nI 'one at Brussels, \n\nFor the Coun^. The Preside n: \n\nC! oi N \n\n: :<)\u2022 \n\n1987. p. 1. A1> \n\n\fSpecies \n\nQuantity \n(t) \n\nICES \nzone \n\nAutnorized \nfishing gear \n\nTotal number of \n\nvessels \n\nPeriod of \nfishing \n\nPOIOTJGAL - EEC \n\nANNEX \n\nBlue whiting \n(Micranesistius \npoutassou) \n\n3 000 \n\nHorse mackerel \n\n3 000 \n\nTrachurus trachurus \n\nThunnidae \n\nunlimited \n\nVb, VI,VII, \nVilla,b,d \n(1) (2) \n\nVb, VI, VII \nVilla,b,d \n(1) (2) \n\nVb, VI, VII \nVilla,b,d \n(1) (2) \n\nPelagic \ntrawl \n\nPelagic \ntrawl \n\nAll except \nfillnets \n\nauthor. ! z,-x r. ion \\ \n\nyear-round \n\nyear-round \n\n5 (3) \n2 (4) \n\n6 (3) \n4 (4) \n\nunlimited \n\nyear-round \n\n(1) Except for the zone to the south of latitude 56\u00b030' North, to the east of longitude 12\u00b0 West and to the north of latituu\u00bb--\n\nSO^O1 North. (2) Waters failing under the sovereignty and within the jurisdiction of Member States of the Community other thai: -v. v \n\nPortugal. (3) Total number (basic list) of standard Portuguese vessels; standard vessel means a vessel having a brake horsepower \u00ab\u2022 ; *!. \u2022< \n\n\"> \n\nhorsepower (BHP). The conversion rates for vessels having a different engine power are the same as those defined m \nArticle 158(2) of the Act of Accession. (4) Total number of Portuguese vessels authorized to carry out fishing activities simultaneously (pecirxiic list). ^ \n\nu \n\n\fBusiness and employment impact statement \n\nThis proposal is intended to regulate fishing activities in the waters of \nthe Member States, apart fran Spain and Portugal, in the interests of \nconserving marine resources. The proposal does not have any particular \neffects on small and medium-sized enterprises and the aim of conservation \nis in the long-term interest of SMEs and business in general. A H \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (89) 588 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n04 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-560-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55357-X \n\nOffice for Officiai Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\nAS"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f48ada7a-da6c-492b-9c6b-5c74db85b1a5", "title": "Written Question No. 807/89 by Mr G\u00e9rard Deprez to the Commission of the European Communities. 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CERTAIN DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES AND PREPARATIONS - COM ( 87 ) 39 FINAL SYN 28", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "classification,dangerous substance", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0606,comnat:COM_1989_0606_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_030_R_0089_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["classification", "dangerous substance"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f7b2e5f0-4490-4b8f-8fc1-ab84f73163eb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/043c0ef8-88a5-4d58-afbd-85f6ca650536", "title": "Council Directive 89/617/EEC of 27 November 1989 amending Directive 80/181/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "approximation of laws,harmonisation of standards,metrology,weights and measures", "workIds": "celex:31989L0617,oj:JOL_1989_357_R_0028_027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "harmonisation of standards", "metrology", "weights and measures"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/043c0ef8-88a5-4d58-afbd-85f6ca650536", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93e3a0f4-9a92-401e-ad01-a2561bcd5c9d", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3538/89 of 27 November 1989 fixing, for 1990 the quota for imports into Spain of meat of domestic rabbits from third countries and certain detailed rules for the application thereof and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 3868/88", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "Spain,import restriction,quantitative restriction,rabbit meat,third country", "workIds": "celex:31989R3538,oj:JOL_1989_347_R_0022_034", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Spain", "import restriction", "quantitative restriction", "rabbit meat", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93e3a0f4-9a92-401e-ad01-a2561bcd5c9d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bdd9b8e4-d15c-406f-98a0-c354c427fd68", "title": "COST projects, collected agreements concluded within the framework of European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research. Volume 5, 1987-1988.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "General Secretariat of the Council", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "COST,EU research policy,action programme,directory,research programme", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_BX5589140", "eurovoc_concepts": ["COST", "EU research policy", "action programme", "directory", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bdd9b8e4-d15c-406f-98a0-c354c427fd68", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7499691c-b88a-40d6-9a73-98f04ecdf8cd", "title": "Council Directive 89/618/Euratom of 27 November 1989 on informing the general public about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiological emergency", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "environmental risk prevention,exchange of information,nuclear safety,occupational safety,public safety,radioactivity", "workIds": "celex:31989L0618,oj:JOL_1989_357_R_0031_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["environmental risk prevention", "exchange of information", "nuclear safety", "occupational safety", "public safety", "radioactivity"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7499691c-b88a-40d6-9a73-98f04ecdf8cd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989357EN. 01003101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7. 12. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 357/31\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE\nof 27 November 1989\non informing the general public about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiological emergency\n(89/618/Euratom)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 31 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, submitted following consultation with a group of persons appointed by the Scientific and Technical Committee from among scientific experts in the Member States, as laid down in that Article,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee\u00a0(2),\nWhereas Article 2 (b) of the Treaty lays down that the Community shall establish uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers and of the general public;\nWhereas, on 2 February 1959, the Council adopted Directives laying down the basic standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiations\u00a0(3), as last amended by Directives 80/836/Euratom\u00a0(4) and 84/467/Euratom\u00a0(5);\nWhereas, pursuant to Article 24 of Directive 80/836/Euratom, all Member States must ensure that exposed workers received adequate information on radiation protection;\nWhereas, pursuant to Article 45 (4) of the said Directive, each Member State must, in the event of an accident, stipulate the intervention levels and measures to be taken by the competent authorities and the necessary resources both in personnel and equipment to enable action to be taken to safeguard and maintain the health of the general public;\nWhereas, at Community level, further elements should be added to the information made available to the public over and above the areas already covered by Article 6 (2) of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment\u00a0(6) and by Article 8 (1) of Council Directive 82/501 /EEC of 24 June 1982 on the major accident hazards of certain industrial activities\u00a0(7), as amended by Directive 88/610/EEC\u00a0(8);\nWhereas all Member States have signed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident;\nWhereas Council Decision 87/600/Euratom of 14 December 1987 on Community arranements for the early exchange of information in the event of a radiological emergency\u00a0(9) requires all Member States which decide to take mergency measures to protect the general public, either as a result of abnormally high levels of radioactivity in the environment, or following an accident from which a significant release of radioactive material occurs or is likely to occur, to notify the Commission and the Member States which are, or are likely to be, affected, of the protective measures which they have taken or planned and also of any measures which they have taken or planned and also of any measures which they have taken or planned to inform the general public;\nWhereas some Member States have already concluded bilateral agreements on information, coordination and mutual assistance in the event a nuclear accident;\nWhereas, in the event of an accident in a nuclear installation in a Member State, the population affected should be encouraged to take appropriate action likely to increase the effectiveness of the emergency measures taken or planned;\nWhereas the sections of the population likely to be affected by the radiological emergency should therefore be given in advance appropriate and continuing information on the planned health protection measures relating to them and the action they should take in the event of a radiological emergency; whereas certain joint principles and specific provisions for informing such sections of the population should be drawn up for this purpose at Community level;\nWhereas joint principles and specific provisions for informing the population actually affected by a real radiological emergency should also be drawn up;\nWhereas account must also be taken, in the information supplied, of those sections of the population living in frontier areas;\nWhereas, moreover, efforts should be made to strengthen the measures and practices for informing the general public already in force at national level in the event of a radiological emergency,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:\nTITLE I\n\nObjectives and definitions\n\nArticle 1\nThis Directive is intended to define, at Community level, common objectives with regard to measures and procedures for informing the general public for the purpose of improving the operational health protection provided in the event of a radiological emergency. Article 2\nFor the purposes of this Directive, \u2018a radiological emergency\u2019 means any situation:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. that follows:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nan accident in the territory of a Member State involving facilities or activities referred to in point 2 which a significant release of radioactive material occurs or is likely to occur; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe detection, within or outside its own territory, of abnormal levels of radioactivity which are likely to be detrimental to public health in that Member State; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\naccidents other than those specified in (a) involving facilities or activites referred to in point 2 from which a significant of radioactive material occurs or is likely to occur; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nother accidents from which a significant release of radioactive material occurs or is likely to occur;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. that is attributable to the facilities or activities referred to in point 1 (a) and (c), viz. :\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nany nuclear reactor, wherever located;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nany other nuclear-fuel-cycle facility:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nany radioactive-waste management facility;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nthe transport and storage of nuclear fuels or radioactive wastes;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(e)\n\n\nthe manufacture, use, storage, disposal and transport of radioisotopes for agricultural, industrial, medical and related scientific and research purposes: and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(f)\n\n\nthe use of radioisotopes for power generation in space vehicles. Article 3\nFor the purposes of applying this Directive, the terms \u2018significant release of radioactive material\u2019 and \u2018abnormal levels of radioactivity which are likely to be detrimental to public health\u2019 are to be understood as covering situations likely to result in members of the public being exposed to doses in excess of the dose limits prescribed under the Directives laying down basic Community safety standards for radiological protection\u00a0(10). Article 4\nFor the purposes of this Directive the following terms shall have the meanings hereby assigned:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\npopulation likely to be affected in the event of a radiological emergency:\nany population group for which Member States have drawn up intervention plans in the event of a radiological emergency;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\npopulation actually affected in the event of a radiological emergency:\nany population group for which specific protection measures are taken as soon as a radiological emergency occurs. TITLE II\n\nPrior information\n\nArticle 5\n1. Member States shall ensure that the population likely to be affected in the event of a radiological emergency is given information about the health-protection measures applicab le to it and about the action it should take in the event of such an emergency. 2. The information supplied shall at least include the elements set out in Annex I. 3. This information shall be communicated to the population referred to in paragraph 1 without any request being made. 4. Member States shall update the information and circulate it at regular intervals and whenever significant changes in the arrangements that it describes take place. This information shall be permanently available to the public. TITLE III\n\nInformation in the event of a radiological emergency\n\nArticle 6\n1. Member States shall ensure that, when a radiological emergency occurs, the population actually affected is informed without delay of the facts of the emergency, of the steps to be taken and, as appropriate to the case in point, of the health-protection measures applicable to it. 2. The information provided shall cover the points contained in Annex II which are relevant to the type of radiological emergency. TITLE IV\n\nInformation of persons who might be involved in the organization of emergency assistance in the event of a radiological emergency\n\nArticle 7\n1. Member States shall ensure that any persons who are not on the staff of the facilities and/or not engaged in the activities defined in Article 2(2) but who might be involved in the organization of emergency assistance in the event of a radiological emergency are given adequate and regularly updated information on the health their intervention might involve and on the precautionary measures to be taken in such an event; this information shall take into account the range of potential radiological emergencies. 2. As soon as a radiological emergency occurs, this information shall be supplemented appropriately, having regard to the specific circumstances. TITLE V\n\nImplementation procedures\n\nArticle 8\nThe information referred to in Articles 5, 6 and 7 shall also mantion the authorities responsible for implementing the measures referred to in those Articles. Article 9\nProcedures for circulating the information referred to in Articles 5, 6 and 7 and those to whom the information shall be addressed (natural and legal persons shall be determined in each Member State. Article 10\n1. The information referred to in Article 5 shall be notified to the Commission, if it so requests, without prejudice to the Member States' right to notify this information to other States. 2. The information circulated by a Member State, pursuant to Article 6, shall be notified to the Commission and to those Member which are, or are likely to be, affected. 3. With respect to the information referred to in Article 7, the data relevant to the radiological emergency shall be notified to the Commission, at its request, as soon as possible and in so far as this is feasible. TITLE VI\n\nFinal provisions\n\nArticle 11\nThis Directive shall not affect the right of the Member States to apply or adopt measures to provide information additional to that required under this Directive. Article 12\nMember States shall take the measures necessary to comply with this Directive not later than 24 months after its adoption. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof as well as of any further amendments thereto. Article 13\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 27 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nR. DUMAS\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 158, 26. 6. 1989, p. 403. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 337, 31. 12. 1988, p. 67. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No 11, 20. 2. 1959, p. 221/59. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 246, 17. 9. 1980, p. 1. (5)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 265, 5. 10. 1984, p. 4. (6)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 175, 5. 7. 1985, p. 40. (7)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 230, 5. 8. 1982, p. 1. (8)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 336, 7. 12. 1988, p. 14. (9)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 371, 30. 12. 1987, p. 76. (10)\u00a0\u00a0See in particular Article 12 of Directive 80/836/Euratom. ANNEX I\nPrior information referred to in Article> 5\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Basic facts about radioacativity and its effects on human beings and on the environment. 2. The various types of radiological emergency covered and their consequences for the general public and the environment. 3. Emergency measures envisaged to alert, protect and assist the general public in the event of a radiological emergency. 4. Appropriate information on action to be taken by the general public in the event of a radiological emergency. ANNEX II\nInformation in the event of a radiological emergency referred to in Article 6\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. On the basis of the intervention plans previously drawn up in the Member States, the population actually affected in the event of a radiological emergency will rapidly and regularly receive:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\ninformation on the type of emergency which has occurred and, where possible, its characteristics (e. g. its origin, extent and probable development);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nadvice on protection which, depending on the type of emergency, might:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ncover the following: restrictions on the consumption of certain foodstuffs likely to be contaminated, simple rules on hygiene and decontamination, recommendations to stay indoors, distribution and use of protective substances, evacuation arrangements,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nbe accompanied, where necessary, by special warnings for certain population groups;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nannouncements recommending cooperation with instructions or requests by the competent authorities. 2. If the emergency is preceded by a pre-alarm phase, the population likely to be affected in the event of a radiological emergency should already receive information and advice during that phase, such as:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nan invitation to the population concerned to tune in to radio or television,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\npreparatory advice to establishments with particular collective responsibilities,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nrecommendations to occupational groups particularly affected. 3. This information and advice will be supplemented if time permits by a reminder of the basic facts about radiocativity and its effects on human beings and on the environment"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ef4e7b5e-472a-415a-a07e-5d2db970e082", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3534/89 of 27 November 1989 on the supply of various consignments of cereals and rice to Angola as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "Angola,award of contract,cereals,food aid,rice", "workIds": "celex:31989R3534,oj:JOL_1989_347_R_0010_030", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Angola", "award of contract", "cereals", "food aid", "rice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ef4e7b5e-472a-415a-a07e-5d2db970e082", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/46e2f700-a2d5-424a-999f-3ab6286ca4d8", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3541/89 of 27 November 1989 reducing for the 1989/90 wine year the quantities of concentrated grape must in approved contracts for use in feedingstuffs as provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 2635/88", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "aid system,animal nutrition,fruit product", "workIds": "celex:31989R3541,oj:JOL_1989_347_R_0026_037", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid system", "animal nutrition", "fruit product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/46e2f700-a2d5-424a-999f-3ab6286ca4d8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb1c5a6a-2351-46ca-a2a1-2703c6ecbc17", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3539/89 of 27 November 1989 extending Regulation (EEC) No 1836/85 laying down transitional measures for peas, field beans and sweet lupins during the 1985/86 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-27", "subjects": "Portugal,Spain,leguminous vegetable,transitional period (EU)", "workIds": "celex:31989R3539,oj:JOL_1989_347_R_0024_035", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "Spain", "leguminous vegetable", "transitional period (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb1c5a6a-2351-46ca-a2a1-2703c6ecbc17", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c087390-1b9f-481e-a29b-799289f11256", "title": "NOTICE - COMMON POSITION ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COOPERATION PROCEDURE LAID DOWN IN ARTICLE 149 ( 2 ) OF THE EEC TREATY: PROPOSAL FOR A DIRECTIVE AMENDING DIRECTIVE 80/390/EEC IN RESPECT OF THE MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING PARTICULARS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#position_council,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-25", "subjects": "information medium,mutual recognition principle,public awareness campaign,stock exchange,stock-exchange listing", "workIds": "celex:51989AG1125(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["information medium", "mutual recognition principle", "public awareness campaign", "stock exchange", "stock-exchange listing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c087390-1b9f-481e-a29b-799289f11256", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65ff8080-5d60-42b2-bfd3-5d877a7e5164", "title": "Bulletin of the European Communities. No 10/1989, Volume 22.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Secretariat-General", "date": "1989-11-25", "subjects": "ECSC,EU activity,EU policy,EU publication,European Community,common strategy,customs union,deepening of the European Union,enlargement of the Union,international relations,serial publication", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CBAA89010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "EU activity", "EU policy", "EU publication", "European Community", "common strategy", "customs union", "deepening of the European Union", "enlargement of the Union", "international relations", "serial publication"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/65ff8080-5d60-42b2-bfd3-5d877a7e5164", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/01ae2cb5-38c2-4ae2-9761-d64a2d2f9023", "title": "Bulletin of the European Communities. No 7/8-1989, Volume 22.", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#publication_general,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Secretariat-General", "date": "1989-11-25", "subjects": "ECSC,EU activity,EU policy,EU publication,European Community,common strategy,customs union,deepening of the European Union,enlargement of the Union,international relations,serial publication", "workIds": "genpub:PUB_CBAA89008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC", "EU activity", "EU policy", "EU publication", "European Community", "common strategy", "customs union", "deepening of the European Union", "enlargement of the Union", "international relations", "serial publication"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/01ae2cb5-38c2-4ae2-9761-d64a2d2f9023", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/34d31f3e-cfbc-4c1a-906e-1de244a5c03a", "title": "Question No 14 by Mr ALAVANOS (H-388/89) to the Council: Delay in payment of aid to oil-producers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ALAVANOS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "agricultural production,aid to agriculture,olive oil,olive-growing,payment", "workIds": "celex:91989H000388", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural production", "aid to agriculture", "olive oil", "olive-growing", "payment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/34d31f3e-cfbc-4c1a-906e-1de244a5c03a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6396752e-c07e-4ca0-8dd0-5a80a74e0a08", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation on the fixing f the rates for the carriage of goods by road between Member States", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Transport and Tourism,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "bracket rate,carriage of goods,common transport policy,free price,intra-EU transport,road transport,road transport tariff,transport price", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0065", "eurovoc_concepts": ["bracket rate", "carriage of goods", "common transport policy", "free price", "intra-EU transport", "road transport", "road transport tariff", "transport price"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6396752e-c07e-4ca0-8dd0-5a80a74e0a08", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db3e7117-8b4b-4ac4-ba2b-2d1fce6225ad", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU publication,common organisation of markets,dairy production,farm prices,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0066(04)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU publication", "common organisation of markets", "dairy production", "farm prices", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/db3e7117-8b4b-4ac4-ba2b-2d1fce6225ad", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57d5fb5c-e14e-4d20-a888-4527bf6fdb24", "title": "89/614/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1989 adopting a specific measure granting Community financial assistance towards the provision of data-processing facilities for establishing a register of fishing vessels in Belgium (Only the French and Dutch texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "Belgium,EU aid,business data processing,common fisheries policy,data recording,fishing fleet", "workIds": "celex:31989D0614,oj:JOL_1989_355_R_0028_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "EU aid", "business data processing", "common fisheries policy", "data recording", "fishing fleet"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57d5fb5c-e14e-4d20-a888-4527bf6fdb24", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c1b8f00d-5623-42fa-add5-1dc19a192817", "title": "RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 on the common organization of the market in cereals", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "cereals,common organisation of markets,producer co-responsibility", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0190", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cereals", "common organisation of markets", "producer co-responsibility"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c1b8f00d-5623-42fa-add5-1dc19a192817", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/decfa284-a40b-47a2-ab49-f89afe908067", "title": "89/613/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1989 adopting a specific measure granting Community financial assistance towards the provision of data-processing facilities for establishing a register of fishing vessels in Spain (Only the Spanish text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU aid,Spain,business data processing,common fisheries policy,data recording,fishing fleet", "workIds": "celex:31989D0613,oj:JOL_1989_355_R_0026_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Spain", "business data processing", "common fisheries policy", "data recording", "fishing fleet"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/decfa284-a40b-47a2-ab49-f89afe908067", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/928aabe4-23cc-4b70-ae39-3ee88074f558", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the revised proposal from the Commission to the Council for a decision amending Decision 87/327/EEC of 15 June 1987 adopting the European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Culture and Education,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU aid,EU financing,EU policy,EU programme,education grant,education policy,educational exchange,educational system,level of education,recognition of diplomas,student,student mobility,teaching,teaching curriculum,university", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0063(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "EU financing", "EU policy", "EU programme", "education grant", "education policy", "educational exchange", "educational system", "level of education", "recognition of diplomas", "student", "student mobility", "teaching", "teaching curriculum", "university"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/928aabe4-23cc-4b70-ae39-3ee88074f558", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c82d61ff-2445-41bb-8b03-86e8e64316e2", "title": "89/615/EEC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1989 adopting a specific measure granting Community financial assistance towards the provision of data-processing facilities for establishing a register of fishing vessels in the Netherlands (Only the Dutch text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU aid,Netherlands,business data processing,common fisheries policy,data recording,fishing fleet", "workIds": "celex:31989D0615,oj:JOL_1989_355_R_0030_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Netherlands", "business data processing", "common fisheries policy", "data recording", "fishing fleet"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c82d61ff-2445-41bb-8b03-86e8e64316e2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/587ec7f4-33d0-4130-9017-1cdbac9710b0", "title": "Question No 22 by Mr PESMAZOGLOU (H-266/89/rev.) to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: Serious threat to mediation by the UN in the Cyprus problem", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PESMAZOGLOU", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "Cyprus,T\u00fcrkiye,UN resolution,UNO,Unesco,heritage protection,international issue,mediator,military occupation,settlement of disputes", "workIds": "celex:91989H000266", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cyprus", "T\u00fcrkiye", "UN resolution", "UNO", "Unesco", "heritage protection", "international issue", "mediator", "military occupation", "settlement of disputes"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/587ec7f4-33d0-4130-9017-1cdbac9710b0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d992b2a-c907-44d5-a30f-7de3539fb81a", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 775/87 temporarily withdrawing a proportion of the reference quantities mentioned in Article 5(c) (1) of Regulation (EEC No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "agricultural quota,common organisation of markets,dairy production,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0066(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural quota", "common organisation of markets", "dairy production", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d992b2a-c907-44d5-a30f-7de3539fb81a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0852851-27b8-45a1-84b8-d24ca674da36", "title": "RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament, in accordance with the procedure without report, on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a decision amending Decision 88/231/EEC concerning the further development of the HANDYNET system in the context of the HELIOS programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "communications systems,data collection,disabled person,exchange of information,information network,information system,information technology,means of communication,transmission network", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0172", "eurovoc_concepts": ["communications systems", "data collection", "disabled person", "exchange of information", "information network", "information system", "information technology", "means of communication", "transmission network"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0852851-27b8-45a1-84b8-d24ca674da36", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9cd31a64-f160-4800-90ca-561e2661e15a", "title": "Question No 24 by Mr COONEY (H-395/89) to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: Use of live ammunition by Israel in civil disturbances", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COONEY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "Israel,UN Security Council,armed forces,civil defence,homicide,international conflict,occupied territory,political violence,repression", "workIds": "celex:91989H000395", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Israel", "UN Security Council", "armed forces", "civil defence", "homicide", "international conflict", "occupied territory", "political violence", "repression"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9cd31a64-f160-4800-90ca-561e2661e15a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/76f459a6-cb9c-4825-8c02-b949a1145b72", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation amending Regulaation (EEC) No 766/89 establishing, for the period running from 1 April 1989 to 31 March 1990, the Community reserve for the application of the levy referred to in Article 5(c) of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 in the milk and milk products sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU publication,common organisation of markets,dairy production,farm prices,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0066(03)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU publication", "common organisation of markets", "dairy production", "farm prices", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/76f459a6-cb9c-4825-8c02-b949a1145b72", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/519be608-1a82-4fae-ac08-296fcfc23c76", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a decision relating to the adoption of a Community action programme in the field of vocational training and technological change (EUROTECNET II)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU financing,European Social Fund,action programme,change of job,continuing education,in-service training,information technology,new technology,teacher training,technical education,technological change,updating of skills,vocational training,woman", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0071(03)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "European Social Fund", "action programme", "change of job", "continuing education", "in-service training", "information technology", "new technology", "teacher training", "technical education", "technological change", "updating of skills", "vocational training", "woman"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/519be608-1a82-4fae-ac08-296fcfc23c76", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6ee2b55-b8f2-432b-90ba-e3959eb3843c", "title": "Question No 26 by Mr NEWTON DUNN (H-416/89) to the Commission: Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Romania", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,NEWTON DUNN William Francis", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EP resolution,EU relations,Romania,cooperation agreement,human rights,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:91989H000416", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EP resolution", "EU relations", "Romania", "cooperation agreement", "human rights", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e6ee2b55-b8f2-432b-90ba-e3959eb3843c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f95ad04-382e-4e13-9825-cb6305edef6e", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 857/84 adopting general rules for the application of the levy referred to in Article 5(c) (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 804/68 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-24", "subjects": "EU publication,common organisation of markets,dairy production,farm prices,milk,milk product", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0066(05)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU publication", "common organisation of markets", "dairy production", "farm prices", "milk", "milk product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9f95ad04-382e-4e13-9825-cb6305edef6e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea995e09-edb1-4c0a-aadb-41132564feef", "title": "Written Question No. 764/89 by Mr Antonio La Pergola to the Commission of the European Communities. Implementing provisions, research programmes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LA PERGOLA", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU policy,European Commission,application of the law,project management,research programme", "workIds": "celex:91989E000764", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "European Commission", "application of the law", "project management", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ea995e09-edb1-4c0a-aadb-41132564feef", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc683c6b-9ab8-40e9-bd97-5316d4cf5c19", "title": "RESOLUTION on the situation in El Salvador", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Socialist Group in the European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Central America,El Salvador,humanitarian aid,peacekeeping", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0542", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Central America", "El Salvador", "humanitarian aid", "peacekeeping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dc683c6b-9ab8-40e9-bd97-5316d4cf5c19", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/26521313-4099-447f-9330-8d1814a0a861", "title": "Written Question No. 775/89 by Mr Stephen Hughes to the Commission of the European Communities. Redundancy payments to miners", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HUGHES STEPHEN", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "ECSC aid,mining operation,redevelopment aid,severance pay,social-security benefit,worker (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000775", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ECSC aid", "mining operation", "redevelopment aid", "severance pay", "social-security benefit", "worker (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/26521313-4099-447f-9330-8d1814a0a861", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b847c7e8-b8b3-4852-ba94-97d554acaddd", "title": "Written Question No. 773/89 by Mr Gene Fitzgerald to the Commission of the European Communities. Food surpluses", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FITZGERALD", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "agricultural production policy,agricultural surplus,common agricultural policy,common organisation of markets,foodstuff,intervention stock,statistics,surplus stock", "workIds": "celex:91989E000773", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agricultural production policy", "agricultural surplus", "common agricultural policy", "common organisation of markets", "foodstuff", "intervention stock", "statistics", "surplus stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b847c7e8-b8b3-4852-ba94-97d554acaddd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/43084910-f082-4f43-8b48-006d43f0659d", "title": "Written Question No. 793/89 by Mr Victor Manuel Arbeloa Muru to the Commission of the European Communities. Countries owing money to the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "ACP countries,EDF,European Community,European Investment Bank,Lom\u00e9 Convention,indebtedness,public debt,third country", "workIds": "celex:91989E000793", "eurovoc_concepts": ["ACP countries", "EDF", "European Community", "European Investment Bank", "Lom\u00e9 Convention", "indebtedness", "public debt", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/43084910-f082-4f43-8b48-006d43f0659d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bacd07b5-aa3d-447f-b50d-86158df81f72", "title": "RESOLUTION on the torture and detention of a human rights fieldworker in Hebron, West Bank", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Democratic Group,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Israel,human rights,right to justice,secret service,torture,violence", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0552", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Israel", "human rights", "right to justice", "secret service", "torture", "violence"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bacd07b5-aa3d-447f-b50d-86158df81f72", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb241687-a094-4588-9deb-bef6434e66b2", "title": "Written Question No. 745/89 by Mr Dieter Rogalla to the Commission of the European Communities. Energy saving through district heating central plants", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROGALLA", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EC Directive,EC recommendation,EU policy,electrical industry,energy policy,energy saving,energy supply,heating,power plant", "workIds": "celex:91989E000745", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EC Directive", "EC recommendation", "EU policy", "electrical industry", "energy policy", "energy saving", "energy supply", "heating", "power plant"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/eb241687-a094-4588-9deb-bef6434e66b2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/efaf8022-4313-4390-863b-88fbf7ed5d3b", "title": "Written Question No. 782/89 by Mr Herman Verbeek to the Commission of the European Communities. Less-favoured areas in the European Community' s total agricultural area", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERBEEK", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EC Directive,France,Germany,Greece,agricultural land,common agricultural policy,directory,less-favoured agricultural area", "workIds": "celex:91989E000782", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EC Directive", "France", "Germany", "Greece", "agricultural land", "common agricultural policy", "directory", "less-favoured agricultural area"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/efaf8022-4313-4390-863b-88fbf7ed5d3b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/27c03d55-0c5f-435c-be9f-7857600e55db", "title": "Written Question No. 749/89 by Mr James Ford to the Commission of the European Communities. Responsibilities and ability of DG 23", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "European Commission,VAT,competence of the institution,social assistance,social economy,tax exemption,type of business", "workIds": "celex:91989E000749", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "VAT", "competence of the institution", "social assistance", "social economy", "tax exemption", "type of business"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/27c03d55-0c5f-435c-be9f-7857600e55db", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4720d569-a722-45a6-8a9d-ddb1ee3270af", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3508/89 of 23 November 1989 on the natural alcoholic strength by volume of Procsecco di Conegliano Valdobbladene and Prosecco del Montello Colli Asolani produced during the 1989/90 wine year and on the minimum total alcoholic strength by volume of the cuv\u00e9es used to produce them", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Italy,wine of superior quality", "workIds": "celex:31989R3508,oj:JOL_1989_342_R_0015_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "wine of superior quality"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4720d569-a722-45a6-8a9d-ddb1ee3270af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8fd27f5f-8be5-4031-99e3-f5511603126d", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3507/89 of 23 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3137/82 laying down detailed rules for the granting of financial compensation in respect of certain fishery products and Regulation (EEC) No 3321/82 laying down detailed rules for the granting of a carry-over premium for certain fishery products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "fishery product,production aid,storage premium,withdrawal from the market", "workIds": "celex:31989R3507,oj:JOL_1989_342_R_0013_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fishery product", "production aid", "storage premium", "withdrawal from the market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8fd27f5f-8be5-4031-99e3-f5511603126d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/242825e4-e431-4825-8cca-076552f0db57", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) EXTENDING THE PROVISIONAL ANTI-DUMPING DUTY ON IMPORTS OF POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE ORIGINATING IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Czechoslovakia,chemical salt,dumping", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0600,comnat:COM_1989_0600_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Czechoslovakia", "chemical salt", "dumping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/242825e4-e431-4825-8cca-076552f0db57", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 600 final \n\nBrussels, 23 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nExtending the provisional anti-dumping duty on Imports of Potassium \n\nPermanganate originating In Czechoslovakia \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. By Regulation (EEC) No. 2535/891 the Commission imposed a \n\nprovisional anti-dumping duty on Imports into the Community of \n\npotassium permanganate originating In Czechoslovakia. 2. Due to the need for a thorough check of discrepancies appearing \n\nbetween import figures declared by the Czechoslovak!an exporter and \n\nthose contained in Community statistics, the examination of the facts \n\ncould not be completed within three months after the imposition of \n\nthe provisional duty. 3. Consequently, the Commission considers that It is necessary to extend \n\nthe period of validity of the provisonal duty for a further period of \n\ntwo months. The Czechoslovak Ian exporter concerned was Informed in \n\nthis respect and did not object. 4. On the basis of Article 11(5) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2423/88 \n\nthe Commission submits to the Council, therefore, a proposal for a \n\nCouncil Regulation extending the provisonal ant I-dumping duty on \n\nimports of potassium permanganate originating In Czechoslovakia, by a \n\nfurther period of two months. 1 \n\nO. J. NO. L 245, 22. 08. 1989, p. 5 \n\n\fCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/89 \n\nof \n\nDecember 1989 \n\nExtending the provisional anti-dumping duty on Imports of Potassium \n\nPermanganate originating in Czechoslovakia \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2423/88 of 11 July 1988 on \n\nprotection against dumped or subsidized imports from countries not \nmembers of the European Economic Community1, and in particular Article \n\n11 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal front the Commission, \n\nWhereas: \n\nBy Regulation (EEC) No. 2535/892, the Commission imposed a provisonal \n\nanti-dumping duty on imports of potassium permanganate originating in \n\nCzechoslovakia; \n\nThe examination of the facts has not yet been completed and the \n\nCommission has Informed the Czechoslovak!an exporter concerned of its \n\nintention to propose an extension of the period of validity of the \n\nprovisional duty for a further period of two months. The Czechoslovak I an \n\nexporter concerned did not object. 1 \n2 \n\nOJ No. L209, 2-8-1988, p. 1 \nOJ No. L245, 22-8-1989, p. 5 \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe provisonal anti-dumping duty on imports of potassium permanganate \n\noriginating In Czechoslovakia, imposed by Regulation (EEC) No. 2535/89, \n\nis hereby extended for a further period of two months. A r t i c le 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter Into force on the day following its \n\npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Without prejudice to Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) No. 2423/88 and to \n\nany other decision taken by the Council, it shall apply until the entry \n\nInto force of an act of the Council adopting definitive measures. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable \n\nin all Member States. Done at Brussels \n\nFor the Council \n\n9 \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM{89) 600 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-556-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55321-9 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg \n\nr"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f4d1a41-c381-43f2-9211-db7eadca3cb5", "title": "Written Question No. 762/89 by Mr Mihail Papayannakis to the Commission of the European Communities. Organization for the Control of Olive Oil Subsidies", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PAPAYANNAKIS", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EAGGF Guarantee Section,EU financing,Greece,aid to agriculture,application of EU law,distribution of aid,management audit,olive oil,smallholding", "workIds": "celex:91989E000762", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guarantee Section", "EU financing", "Greece", "aid to agriculture", "application of EU law", "distribution of aid", "management audit", "olive oil", "smallholding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2f4d1a41-c381-43f2-9211-db7eadca3cb5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f30bf892-b3e5-4e74-bc41-88fec868307a", "title": "Written Question No. 790/89 by Mr Alonso Puerta to the Commission of the European Communities. Contamination of the beach of Vega-Ribadesella (Asturias) in Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PUERTA", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Principality of Asturias,application of EU law,coastal protection,environmental protection,marine pollution,pollution from land-based sources", "workIds": "celex:91989E000790", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Principality of Asturias", "application of EU law", "coastal protection", "environmental protection", "marine pollution", "pollution from land-based sources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f30bf892-b3e5-4e74-bc41-88fec868307a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42e064e1-d537-4600-95fd-f007e77003db", "title": "Written Question No. 772/89 by Mr James Fitzsimons to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Discrepancies in fees for admission to places of cultural interest", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,POETTERING", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,Italy,cultural heritage,cultural object,museum,resolution (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000744", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "Italy", "cultural heritage", "cultural object", "museum", "resolution (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f4d693dd-53f4-4878-ae1f-bae7e1006c2e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0b2da68c-3328-4877-8db5-6e09d14efff9", "title": "Written Question No. 788/89 by Mr Llewellyn Smith to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Intra-Community trade in livestock and meat", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,THAREAU,WOLTJER", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "cattle,fraud,intra-EU trade,meat,meat product,veterinary inspection,veterinary legislation", "workIds": "celex:91989E000756", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cattle", "fraud", "intra-EU trade", "meat", "meat product", "veterinary inspection", "veterinary legislation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8a6ac9b1-685d-4d6c-a2d4-0ac21d3477f9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2801313c-57e4-4636-b59e-70e3516d84cd", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3506/89 of 23 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 3703/85 laying down detailed rules for applying the common marketing standards for certain fresh or chilled fish", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "fresh fish,marketing standard,refrigerated product,sea fish", "workIds": "celex:31989R3506,oj:JOL_1989_342_R_0011_023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["fresh fish", "marketing standard", "refrigerated product", "sea fish"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2801313c-57e4-4636-b59e-70e3516d84cd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cc5f41f-6b19-4bd2-95e4-60b1e7e3b18c", "title": "RESOLUTION on levies on heavy goods vehicles", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European Democratic Alliance,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Germany,approximation of policies,common transport policy,free movement of goods,restriction on competition,road transport,toll,transport infrastructure", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0529", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Germany", "approximation of policies", "common transport policy", "free movement of goods", "restriction on competition", "road transport", "toll", "transport infrastructure"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1cc5f41f-6b19-4bd2-95e4-60b1e7e3b18c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1baca12-319b-4f7f-884b-a53ad0ccad2d", "title": "Written Question No. 763/89 by Mr Kenneth Collins to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Esprit - call for proposals 1989", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CASSIDY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU programme,allowances and expenses,invitation to tender,research project", "workIds": "celex:91989E000779", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU programme", "allowances and expenses", "invitation to tender", "research project"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/33e99eea-f28d-4956-a956-bc0d8ead4f75", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/63abc4f0-de22-414f-a204-b29b00dacaef", "title": "Written Question No. 786/89 by Mr Llewellyn Smith to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Long-term energy supply in the Community and environmental acceptability", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROGALLA", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "anhydride,biomass,energy supply,environmental protection,fossil fuel,motor spirit,renewable energy,soft energy,stratospheric pollution,wind energy", "workIds": "celex:91989E000747", "eurovoc_concepts": ["anhydride", "biomass", "energy supply", "environmental protection", "fossil fuel", "motor spirit", "renewable energy", "soft energy", "stratospheric pollution", "wind energy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e4b4d142-c796-43b7-ae75-2e20ff20eac2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/daa480d4-7756-4ea8-8adb-f65ea590427c", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3702/89 of 23 November 1989 opening tariff quotas for the importation into Spain of certain fisheries products originating in the Canary Islands or Ceuta and Melilla (1990)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Canary Islands,Ceuta and Melilla,Spain,fishery produce,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:31989R3702,oj:JOL_1989_366_R_0001_007", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Canary Islands", "Ceuta and Melilla", "Spain", "fishery produce", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/daa480d4-7756-4ea8-8adb-f65ea590427c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9eb4159-0e3d-4ddc-b9f3-e955ce28f06d", "title": "Council Directive 89/604/EEC of 23 November 1989 amending Directive 83/183/EEC on tax exemptions applicable to permanent imports from a Member State of the personal property of individuals", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "customs regulations,exemption from customs duties,free movement of goods,personal effects,tax-free allowance", "workIds": "celex:31989L0604,oj:JOL_1989_348_R_0028_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["customs regulations", "exemption from customs duties", "free movement of goods", "personal effects", "tax-free allowance"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9eb4159-0e3d-4ddc-b9f3-e955ce28f06d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a46fffdf-c86d-4b1b-824b-f5aadb4c4e8f", "title": "Written Question No. 757/89 by Mr Stephen Hughes to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Implementing provisions, monetary sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BEUMER,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU law,application of the law,economic policy,industrial policy,monetary policy,technical regulations", "workIds": "celex:91989E000765", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "application of the law", "economic policy", "industrial policy", "monetary policy", "technical regulations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/48f319e3-05d9-4753-8931-9381d0e864ec", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd2ad373-9c3f-4108-b2a1-ae40273e6801", "title": "RESOLUTION on the signing of the Supplementary Schengen Agreement", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "free movement of workers,migrant worker,multilateral agreement,refugee,right to justice", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0583", "eurovoc_concepts": ["free movement of workers", "migrant worker", "multilateral agreement", "refugee", "right to justice"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/dd2ad373-9c3f-4108-b2a1-ae40273e6801", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/96af5c28-d63f-49c2-bcf2-014dbeca4008", "title": "Written Question No. 768/89 by Mr Christopher Jackson to the Commission of the European Communities. EC Import ban on seal pup furskins", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CHRISTOPHER", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU Member State,animal skin,application of EU law,import,import (EU),import restriction,marine mammal,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91989E000768", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "animal skin", "application of EU law", "import", "import (EU)", "import restriction", "marine mammal", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/96af5c28-d63f-49c2-bcf2-014dbeca4008", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8f49c6f5-b105-48e4-90b1-31d9da5adc09", "title": "RESOLUTION on the Birmingham Six", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European Democratic Alliance,Group of the European People\u2019s Party,Left Unity,Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group,Rainbow Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Amnesty International,United Kingdom,judicial inquiry,right to justice,terrorism", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0525", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Amnesty International", "United Kingdom", "judicial inquiry", "right to justice", "terrorism"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8f49c6f5-b105-48e4-90b1-31d9da5adc09", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89ada629-4f19-46be-a8f2-98e36a1ad757", "title": "Written Question No. 792/89 by Mr Victor Manuel Arbeloa Muru to the Commission of the European Communities. European Cultural Foundation and Charter", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ARBELOA MURU,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU policy,cultural cooperation,cultural policy,cultural transmission", "workIds": "celex:91989E000792", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU policy", "cultural cooperation", "cultural policy", "cultural transmission"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/89ada629-4f19-46be-a8f2-98e36a1ad757", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85af8e28-7f97-45a7-8eb5-4f71c379f834", "title": "Written Question No. 778/89 by Mr Gerhard Schmid to the Commission of the European Communities. Danger of cancer from azo dyes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SCHMID", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU law,cancer,carcinogenic substance,clothing industry,consumer protection,dyestuffs industry,health risk,occupational safety,product safety,textile industry", "workIds": "celex:91989E000778", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "cancer", "carcinogenic substance", "clothing industry", "consumer protection", "dyestuffs industry", "health risk", "occupational safety", "product safety", "textile industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/85af8e28-7f97-45a7-8eb5-4f71c379f834", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0fecad7f-df58-46da-a125-c5b66b4e41f6", "title": "Written Question No. 766/89 by Mr Madron Seligman to the Commission of the European Communities. Greek abattoirs", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EC Directive,Greece,application of EU law,meat processing industry,protection of animals,slaughter of animals", "workIds": "celex:91989E000766", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EC Directive", "Greece", "application of EU law", "meat processing industry", "protection of animals", "slaughter of animals"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0fecad7f-df58-46da-a125-c5b66b4e41f6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8cb3c60e-5366-476f-a078-e502c998400f", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a directive supplementing the common system of value added tax and amending Articles 32 and 28 of Directive 77/388/EEC -special arrangements for second-hand goods, works of art, antiques and collector' s items", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "VAT,double taxation,tax exemption,tax harmonisation,tax system,used goods,work of art", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0070", "eurovoc_concepts": ["VAT", "double taxation", "tax exemption", "tax harmonisation", "tax system", "used goods", "work of art"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8cb3c60e-5366-476f-a078-e502c998400f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a8c34610-ad8f-4669-83ad-5fd915ef9b39", "title": "Written Question No. 755/89 by Mr Dieter Rogalla to the Commission of the European Communities. Closer relations between nations - postal services", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROGALLA", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "air transport,harmonisation of prices,intra-EU transport,length of journey,national transport,postal charges,postal service", "workIds": "celex:91989E000755", "eurovoc_concepts": ["air transport", "harmonisation of prices", "intra-EU transport", "length of journey", "national transport", "postal charges", "postal service"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a8c34610-ad8f-4669-83ad-5fd915ef9b39", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c21135bf-351f-4481-90d9-2a0477dd98ee", "title": "Written Question No. 777/89 by Mr Gianfranco Amendola to the Commission of the European Communities. Infringements of the EEC Treaty by FIAT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AMENDOLA,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "European undertaking,Italy,application of EU law,judicial proceedings,labour law,large business,restriction on competition,working conditions", "workIds": "celex:91989E000777", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European undertaking", "Italy", "application of EU law", "judicial proceedings", "labour law", "large business", "restriction on competition", "working conditions"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c21135bf-351f-4481-90d9-2a0477dd98ee", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b348622b-3a8a-408c-9521-92b8b2696188", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a decision adopting a specific research and technical development programme for the European Atomic Energy (Community in the field of management and storage of radioactive waste (1990- 1994) .", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Industry, Research and Energy,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU financing,decommissioning of power stations,environmental monitoring,environmental protection,exchange of information,international cooperation,nuclear fuel,nuclear power station,nuclear safety,radioactive pollution,radioactive waste,research and development,research programme,scientific committee (EU),storage of waste,technological change,waste management", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0068(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "decommissioning of power stations", "environmental monitoring", "environmental protection", "exchange of information", "international cooperation", "nuclear fuel", "nuclear power station", "nuclear safety", "radioactive pollution", "radioactive waste", "research and development", "research programme", "scientific committee (EU)", "storage of waste", "technological change", "waste management"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b348622b-3a8a-408c-9521-92b8b2696188", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ae0e6946-9478-4bfe-92b6-22da7b06d8fd", "title": "Written Question No. 767/89 by Mrs Marie Jepsen to the Commission of the European Communities. Failure to comply with Directive 76/160/EEC of 8 December 1975 concerning the quality of bathing water", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JEPSEN", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EC Directive,activity report,application of EU law,bathing water,water analysis,water pollution", "workIds": "celex:91989E000767", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "activity report", "application of EU law", "bathing water", "water analysis", "water pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ae0e6946-9478-4bfe-92b6-22da7b06d8fd", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb442f84-943b-4c1f-8b66-526e43e7132d", "title": "Written Question No. 758/89 by Mr Kenneth Collins to the Commission of the European Communities. Broadcasting Directive", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "COLLINS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EC Directive,audiovisual production,broadcasting,communications policy,radio equipment", "workIds": "celex:91989E000758", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EC Directive", "audiovisual production", "broadcasting", "communications policy", "radio equipment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fb442f84-943b-4c1f-8b66-526e43e7132d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab7dc854-d5f3-481c-9945-d1c1229f4e84", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 3955/87 ON THE CONDITIONS GOVERNING IMPORTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS ORIGINATING IN THIRD COUNTRIES FOLLOWING THE ACCIDENT AT THE CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER-STATION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "consumer protection,food contamination,import (EU),nuclear accident,radioactive pollution,third country", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0577,comnat:COM_1989_0577_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["consumer protection", "food contamination", "import (EU)", "nuclear accident", "radioactive pollution", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab7dc854-d5f3-481c-9945-d1c1229f4e84", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 577 final \n\nBrussels, 23 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 3955/07 on the conditions \n\ngoverning imports of agricultural products \n\noriginating in third countries \n\nfollowing the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power-station \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fJUSTIFICATION \n\n:W \\> \n\nThe purpose of this proposal is to extend by two years the system for checking \n\ncompliance with the maximum permitted levels of radioactivity in agricultural \n\nproducts, fixed by Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87 following the accident at the \n\nChernobyl nuclear power-station. This is justified by the fact that the reasons prevailing when this Regulation \n\nwas adopted are still valid, and radioactive contamination in certain \n\nagricultural products from some third countries still in fact exceeds the \n\nmaximum permitted levels of radioactivity laid down in the above-mentioned \n\nRegulation. The group of experts referred to in Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty, who were \n\nconsulted on this matter at their meeting of 21 and 22 June 1989, agreed that \n\nRegulation 3955/07 should be extended. Pi-vpo^* \u2022 '\u2022\u2022>' -> 'r-ni'ici1 SvgulAtinn (fJ. C) amending Regulation (fj. ;;) Nc< 3}j;>/3'/ \n\non the conditions ^ u v w m i ng imports of agricultural products or. yinating in \n\nthjrd countries following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power-station. The Council of the European Communities, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in \nparticular Article 113 thereof, \nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 3955/87^ ' fixed maximum permitted \n\nlevels of radioactivity for agricultural products originating in third \n\ncountries And intended for human consumption with which imports of the \n\nproducts concerned must comply and in connection with which checks are carried \n\nout by the Member States; and whereas this Regulation shall only apply until \n\n22 December 1989; \n\nWhereas the reasons prevailing when this Regulation was adopted are still \n\nvalid, particularly on account of the fact that radioactive contamination in \n\ncertain agricultural products originating in the third countries worst \n\naffected by the accident still exceeds the maximum permitted levels of \n\nradioactivity laid down in the above-mentioned Regulation; \n\nWhereas the Commission consulted the group of experts nf*rr*d \n\nto in Article \n\n31 of the Euratom Treaty, who favoured extending the period of validity of \n\nthis Regulation; \n\nWhereas it is advisable to extend the Regulation currently in force for a \n\nperiod of two years in order to avoid trade disturbances which might still \n\nexist in the absence of common provisions. } \n\nCIJNcL 111. 30 12 19*7. p 14 \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\nArticle 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 3955/07 is amended as \n\nfollows. \"The Regulation shall expire on 31 December 1991. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 31 December 1989 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\nall Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (89) 577 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\nil 05 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-544-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55134-8 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fb801f2-3da3-43af-bbe2-02a7c21ba046", "title": "Written Question No. 784/89 by Mr Carlos Carvalhas to the Commission of the European Communities. Scientific programme of research and development in the field of biotechnology, 1990 - 1994, BRIDGE programme", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CARVALHAS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "biotechnology,research and development,research programme,teaching curriculum,technological change", "workIds": "celex:91989E000784", "eurovoc_concepts": ["biotechnology", "research and development", "research programme", "teaching curriculum", "technological change"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fb801f2-3da3-43af-bbe2-02a7c21ba046", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1afebf79-4e31-43f7-95af-506d24f8b477", "title": "Written Question No. 759/89 by Mr Francesco Speroni to the Commission of the European Communities. European Community office in Milan", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SPERONI Francesco Enrico", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "European Community,Italy,diplomatic representation,dissemination of information,information centre,information policy,metropolis,public relations,size of business,staff", "workIds": "celex:91989E000759", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Community", "Italy", "diplomatic representation", "dissemination of information", "information centre", "information policy", "metropolis", "public relations", "size of business", "staff"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1afebf79-4e31-43f7-95af-506d24f8b477", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b7444c5-c694-4aca-b697-28ad1d8ce9c2", "title": "Written Question No. 774/89 by Mr Stephen Hughes to the Commission of the European Communities. TV/Video productions covering or promoting aspects of the Community' s work", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HUGHES STEPHEN", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "European Commission,European Community,audiovisual production,budget,dissemination of information,public relations", "workIds": "celex:91989E000774", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "European Community", "audiovisual production", "budget", "dissemination of information", "public relations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b7444c5-c694-4aca-b697-28ad1d8ce9c2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4bf72319-d481-4609-846e-6550bbbcb959", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3528/89 of 23 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Combined Nomenclature,common customs tariff", "workIds": "celex:31989R3528,oj:JOL_1989_347_R_0001_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Combined Nomenclature", "common customs tariff"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4bf72319-d481-4609-846e-6550bbbcb959", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989347EN. 01000101. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n28. 11. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 347/1\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 3528/89\nof 23 November 1989\namending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Articles 28, 43 and 113 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(1),\nWhereas, in the light of the recent decision of the Court of Justice on the scope of Articles 28 and 113 of the Treaty, it appears that Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87\u00a0(2) was adopted on an erroneous legal basis since the Council added to the legal basis proposed by the Commission, namely Articles 28, 43 and 113 of the Treaty, Article 235 of the Treaty, which calls for a different decision-making procedure; whereas the Commission consequently referred the matter to the Court of Justice for proceedings for annulment of the said Regulation;\nWhereas, to enable the Commission to withdraw its action and to prevent the act in question being declared void, the reference to Article 235 of the Treaty as a legal basis for Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 should be deleted,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe first citation in Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 is hereby replaced by the following:\n\n\u2018Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Articles 28, 43 and 113 thereof\u2019. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply with effect from 10 September 1987. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 23 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nE. CRESSON\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0Opinion delivered on 13 October 1989 (not yet published in the Official Journal). (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/562fafa7-0802-4832-9c69-40bb03bf279f", "title": "RESOLUTION on the situation in Romania", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European Democratic Alliance,Group of the European People\u2019s Party", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "France,Romania,adoption of a child,human rights", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0537", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Romania", "adoption of a child", "human rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/562fafa7-0802-4832-9c69-40bb03bf279f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8bf92a1a-41e2-48be-816c-509a19206d6a", "title": "Written Question No. 753/89 by Mr Gerardo Fernandez Albor to the Commission of the European Communities. Set-aside", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FERNANDEZ ALBOR", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EAGGF Guidance Section,Spain,common agricultural policy,set-aside", "workIds": "celex:91989E000753", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EAGGF Guidance Section", "Spain", "common agricultural policy", "set-aside"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8bf92a1a-41e2-48be-816c-509a19206d6a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b411b66c-11e0-4161-a643-a1c73ffa8cf1", "title": "Written Question No. 776/89 by Mr Enrico Falqui to the Commission of the European Communities. The role of associations of agricultural producers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FALQUI", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Italy,agri-foodstuffs,agricultural production,fruit-growing,market gardening,market stabilisation,olive-growing,organic farming,producer organisation,sales promotion", "workIds": "celex:91989E000776", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "agri-foodstuffs", "agricultural production", "fruit-growing", "market gardening", "market stabilisation", "olive-growing", "organic farming", "producer organisation", "sales promotion"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b411b66c-11e0-4161-a643-a1c73ffa8cf1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/555dceb1-b629-47aa-9fbc-3d36daca4bc0", "title": "Written Question No. 780/89 by Mr Fernand Herman to the Commission of the European Communities. 18.6 % VAT on imports of coal and oil", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HERMAN", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "France,VAT,application of EU law,coal,cross-border transport,customs tariff,frontier region,import tax,petroleum", "workIds": "celex:91989E000780", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "VAT", "application of EU law", "coal", "cross-border transport", "customs tariff", "frontier region", "import tax", "petroleum"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/555dceb1-b629-47aa-9fbc-3d36daca4bc0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/19df4716-9e1a-47f5-a5e9-0824beaf16b2", "title": "Written Question No. 750/89 by Mr James Ford to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Research and training programme in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,nuclear fusion,research and development,research programme,teaching curriculum", "workIds": "celex:91989E000748", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "nuclear fusion", "research and development", "research programme", "teaching curriculum"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8ea16b0c-dc47-4b8d-9745-2cfd9a2643d6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d89ab8b8-579f-4a4c-926e-bb5feec43c31", "title": "Written Question No. 781/89 by Mr Herman Verbeek to the Commission of the European Communities. Establishing the size of the 1989 cereal harvest", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VERBEEK", "date": "1989-11-23", "subjects": "EU Member State,agricultural production,cereal-growing,cereals,harvest,marketing year,production statistics,statistics", "workIds": "celex:91989E000781", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "agricultural production", "cereal-growing", "cereals", "harvest", "marketing year", "production statistics", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d89ab8b8-579f-4a4c-926e-bb5feec43c31", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0dbcb09-8bef-4c9e-93b1-04a97d81d68e", "title": "RESOLUTION on 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c0dbcb09-8bef-4c9e-93b1-04a97d81d68e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/51d1a749-e2c5-46db-b11c-9b6bf85b6625", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-438/89 with debate, by Mrs EWING and Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE, on behalf of the Rainbow Group to the Commission: Concentration of Community Fisheries Expenditure in regions which are particularly dependent upon the fishing industry", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "EWING,European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "EU financing,Mediterranean region (EU),Structural Funds,common fisheries policy,fishing industry,priority region,structural policy", "workIds": "celex:91989O000119", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU financing", "Mediterranean region (EU)", "Structural Funds", "common fisheries policy", "fishing industry", "priority region", "structural policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/51d1a749-e2c5-46db-b11c-9b6bf85b6625", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e994846b-4728-4a53-a161-6eabc9f1ad45", "title": "RESOLUTION on the implementation of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group for the European United Left,Socialist Group in the European Parliament", 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{"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3c2ca95-e882-4d4a-a6db-ef1a5cc3ee25", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation Procedure: second reading) on the common position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a second Council directive on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the taking-up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions and amending Directive 77/780/EEC", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Legal Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "branch,credit institution,financial institution,freedom to provide services,money-market liquidity,right of establishment,shareholding", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0074(02)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["branch", "credit institution", "financial institution", "freedom to provide services", "money-market liquidity", "right of establishment", "shareholding"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3c2ca95-e882-4d4a-a6db-ef1a5cc3ee25", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4bc1a26d-caf5-4f85-943e-e3e6f49c096e", "title": "DECISION (Cooperation procedure: second reading) on the common position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a directive on the coordination of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of review procedures to the award of public supply and public works contracts", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": 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"http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7d080216-bc9d-42d6-85d6-df1a660171ef", "title": "RESOLUTION on the attainment of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,Group of the European People\u2019s Party", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "European company,European social policy,employment policy,free movement of workers,recognition of studies,single market,vocational training,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0511", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European company", "European social policy", "employment policy", "free movement of workers", "recognition of studies", "single market", "vocational 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regulations,customs territory (EU),free zone,import (EU)", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0053(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["customs debt", "customs duties", "customs regulations", "customs territory (EU)", "free zone", "import (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0277528d-db25-4cb6-b410-6cce6a91981a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2f38bcd-0397-40b3-8023-cdaaa75ed2b3", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING FOR THE THIRD TIME REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 4194/88 FIXING, FOR CERTAIN FISH STOCKS AND GROUPS OF FISH STOCKS, THE TOTAL ALLOWABLE CATCHES FOR 1989 AND CERTAIN CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THEY MAY BE FISHED", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "catch by species,fishing area,sea fish,sea fishing", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0584,comnat:COM_1989_0584_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["catch by species", "fishing area", "sea fish", "sea fishing"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2f38bcd-0397-40b3-8023-cdaaa75ed2b3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 584 final \n\nBrussels, -2 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending for the third time Regulation (EEC) N\u00b04194/88 fixing, for certain \nfish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the rot-a\u00ef allowable catches for 1989 \nand certain conditions under which they may be fisned \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThis proposal for a Council Regulation to amend Councul Regulation (EEC) \n\nN\u00b04194/fl8 or 21 December 1988 (1) has the following objective: \n\nTo increase the total allowable catch (TAC) for the stock of cod in ICES \n\nzones Vllb, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, VIII, IX and X and COPACE 34. 1. 1. (EC \n\nzone). This revision of the TAC takes into account the latest report of the \n\nScientific and Technical Comnittee for Fisheries (STCF). (2) \n\n(1) O. J. N\u00b0 L 369, 31. 12. 88, p. 3 \n\n(2) SEC (89)1872, 27. 10. 1989. DISK Z (TAC/3\u00b0) \n\n\fDISK /, (TAC/3\") \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) N\u00b0 /89 of \n\n1989 \n\namending for the third time Regulation (EEC) N\u00b04194/88 fixing, for certain \nfish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the total allowable catches for 1989 \nand certain conditions under which they may be fished \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0170/83 of 25 January 1983 \nestablishing a Community system for the conservation and management of \nfishery resources (1), as amended by the Act of Accession of Spain and \nPortugal, and in particular Article 11 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas under the terms of Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 170/83 it is \nincumbent upon the Council to establish the total allowable catches (TACs) by \nstocK or group of stocks, the share available for the Community and the \nspecific conditions under which these catches must be taken; whereas the \nshare available to the Community is allocated among the Member States, under \nArticle 4 of that. Regulation; \n\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 4194/88 (2), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) \nN\u00b0 2278/89 (3), fixes, for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, the \nTACs for 1989 and certain conditions under which they may be fished; \n\nWhereas the latest review by the Scientific and Technical Committee for \nFisheries (4) concluded that, for cod in ICES divisions Vllb, c, d, e, f, g, \nh, j, k, VIII, IX and X and COPACE division 34. 1. 1. (EC zone), the catch \nshould be in a range which would permit an increase of the TAC from 24 600 \ntonnes to 25 400 tonnes, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nThe Annex to this Regulation shall replace the corresponding items of the \nAnnex to Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 4194/88. This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication \nin the Official Journal of the European Communities. Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\n1989. For the Council \n\nThe President \n\n(1) OJ N\u00b0 L 24, 27. 1. 1983, p. 1. (2) OJ N\u00b0 L 369, 31. 12. 1988, p. 1. (3) OJ N\u00b0 L 218, 24. 7. 1989, p. 5. (4) 15th Report of the Scientific and Technical Committee for Fisheries \n\n(SEC(89)1872, 27. 10. 1989). AXF. XO \n\n/ IUIAG \n\n/ AXHAXC \n\n' llAPAPTHMA \n\n\u2022' ANXEX \n\n/ AXSI'. XV. \u2022' AI. l. ECATO \n\n\u2022 Ml I AGE \n\nAXEXO \n\nEspccic / Art / An / Eifto<; / Species / \nEspccc / Specie / Soort / Espccie \n\nZona / Omiidc / \nBercich / 7. <>\u00a3 / Cod / Cabillatid / \nMerluzzo bianco / Kabcljauw / \nBacalhau \n(GiUin. y \n\nnuirhuu) \n\nV II b. c. d. c. f. j !. h. j, k. V I I I. IX. X. COPACE. U. I. I (') \n\n25. 400 \n\nl:. v(adu nucnihro / Medlerrmtai / \nMit^lu-dMaat / KpaTin; III'IIH; / \nMember State / Etat membre / State \nmembro / Lid-Staat \u2022' Estado-membro \n\nCtiou / Kvotc. ' Quote ' \nridni'MiTuini). ' Quota / \nQuota < Contmgentc / \nQuota , Quota \n\n(\u2022*) \n\nBcl\u00a3ic7Bclj:iquc \nl):inm. irk \nDctitM. hland \n\nHsparts \nFrance \nIreland \nItalia \nLuxembourg \nNcdcrland \nPortugal \nUnited Kingdom \n\n(<> \n\n1. 130 \n\nr, \n\n19. 420 n \n2. 590 n \n\n160 n \n\n2. 100 n \n\nC E E / E 0 F / E W G / E O K / E E C / E EG \n\n25. 400 n \n\n\fBUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT \n\nThis proposal, if adopted, will have a positive impact on small and \n\nfnedium-sized enterprises because it will increase the opportunities for \n\ncatching cod in the English Channel. DISK Z (TAC/2*) \n\n\f\fISSN 0. I5-; U\u00ef \n\nCOM(89) 584 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\n04 \n\nEN \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-545-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55143-7 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e59810d-e4b8-4267-9460-5136463d3e40", "title": "RESOLUTION on the implementation of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "European social policy,economic convergence,employment policy,free movement of workers,job creation,outflow of capital,single market,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0523", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "economic convergence", "employment policy", "free movement of workers", "job creation", "outflow of capital", "single market", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1e59810d-e4b8-4267-9460-5136463d3e40", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/91d79947-edf1-40ae-b7d0-4345f576b100", "title": "LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION (Cooperation Procedure: first reading) embodying the opinion of the European Parliament on the proposal from the Commission to the Council for a Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 222/77 in respect of the abolition of lodgement of the transit advice note on crossing an internal frontier of the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_legislative_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "Union transit,VAT,customs formalities,customs inspection,exemption from customs duties,free movement of goods,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:51989AP0058", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Union transit", "VAT", "customs formalities", "customs inspection", "exemption from customs duties", "free movement of goods", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/91d79947-edf1-40ae-b7d0-4345f576b100", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13b56be4-58c7-4f90-b73c-d27ef2c822c5", "title": "Question No 61 by Mr LANE (H-317/89) to the Commission: Soil analysis tests for cereal crops", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LANE", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "agronomic research,cereal-growing,crop yield,environmental protection,fertiliser,less-favoured agricultural area,soil conditioning", "workIds": "celex:91989H000317", "eurovoc_concepts": ["agronomic research", "cereal-growing", "crop yield", "environmental protection", "fertiliser", "less-favoured agricultural area", "soil conditioning"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13b56be4-58c7-4f90-b73c-d27ef2c822c5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fd84482-ea26-427d-8e5b-27548b9c7742", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) OPENING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF A COMMUNITY QUOTA FOR CHEMICALLY-PURE FRUCTOSE ORIGINATING IN THIRD COUNTRIES NOT BOUND TO THE COMMUNITY BY A PREFERENTIAL TRADE AGREEMENT ( 1990 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "import tax,sucrose,tariff quota,third country", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0581,comnat:COM_1989_0581_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["import tax", "sucrose", "tariff quota", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9fd84482-ea26-427d-8e5b-27548b9c7742", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 581 final \n\nBrussels, 22 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nopening and providing for the administration of a Community quota for chemically-pure \n\nfructose originating in third countries not bound to the Community by a \n\npreferential trade agreement (1990) \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f\u2022\u00ab \n\nExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. In its proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) amending Regulation (EEC) No. 3033/80 laying down the system of trade applicable to certain goods processed \n\nfrom agricultural products (COM (89) 71 of 29th. March 1989), the Commission \n\nenvisages the introduction of a variable component to be levied on imports \n\nof chemically-pure fructose, of CN code 1702 50 00, originating in third \n\ncountries not bound to the Community by a preferential agreement. 2. In the current context of the Uruguay Round, it would appear advisable, for \n\nevident reasons of trade policy, not to sacrifice the trade in goods as it \n\nexists already. Thus, the possiblities for importing chemically-pure fructose, \n\noriginating in the said countries, into the Community market, should be \n\nmaintained at their proper level. To this end, account should be taken of \n\nthe average imports of this product throughout 1987 and 1988. Given that \n\nthis average amounts to 4 504 tonnes, the opening of a Community quota in \n\n1990 for 4 504 tonnes, with a customs duty equal to 20X, i. e. the current \n\nduty on this product, and with exemption from the variable component, should \n\nconstitute a satisfactory solution. 3. Once the quota volume has been reached at Community level, further imports \n\nof the said product will be subject to the additional levy of the variable \n\ncomponent, to be applied at that instant within the Community. Therefore, this Community quota should be opened for 1990. 4. As regards the method of administration of this quota it is proposed that \n\nthe entire quota volume be held as a Community reserve,to which all Member \n\nStates will have access,in accordance with the procedure provided for in \n\nArticle 3 of the proposal for a Regulation. This is the purpose of the attached proposal. ANNEX : Proposal for a Regulation. j? \n\n\fCOUNCIL REGULAriON (EEC) \n\n:\u2022 ~. \u00ab pi\"'-- \n\n\"'_ \n\n-'If \n\n'. w \n\ni-i:7i li'i \u00bb b i. '!\u00ab V. wi'i Oi \u00e0. \u2022_. l\u00efiVufn ty \n\n^\u00ab. C. iS \n\ni ' jr \n\n- i l i. -- - w / \" \" p u. \"\u00ee \n\nfructose originating in third countries not bound to the Community \nby a preferential trade agreement (1990) \n\n-\u2014 \n\nY \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in \nparticular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Article 7 bis of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3033/80 0f 11 November 1980 \ndeterminating the system of trade applicable to certain goods resulting fron the processing \nagricultural p r o d u ce as last anenced'by the Reflation. (EEC) no. /89 (2),:> \n\nwhich is imposed on imports of the product of CN code 1702 50 00, originating in \nthird countries not bound to the Community by a preferential trade agreement, to \nbe equal to the levy mentioned in paragraph 6 of Article 16 of Council Regulation \n(EEC) No. 1785/81 (3) burdening imports of products falling within CN codes \n1702 30 10, 1702 40 10, 1702 60 10 and 1702 90 30; \n\n^\" provides for the variable component, \n\nWhereas, in the current context of the Uruguay Round, it is fitting to maintain \nthe possibility of imports into the Community market, of chemically-pure fructose,-, \n-~ \n\n\u2022 \n\u00c7) originating in third countries not \nbound to the Community by a preferential trade agreement; whereas this aspect \n\nL_^> \n\n\u2014c\u2014 \n\n\" \n\nis fulfilled if the possibility, in 1990, for individual agricultural pro \nducts, originating in the aforesaid third countries, to penetrate the Community \nmarket is not less than the average for 1987 and 1988; whereas the average im \nports of chemically-pure fructose, originating in these third countries, during \n1987 and 1988, amount to 4 504 tonnes; whereas it is fitting to open a Community \nquota for 1990, exempt of the variable component, for an amount equal to 4 504 \ntonnes; \nWhere\u00bb equal and continuous access to the quota should \nbe ensured for all Community importers and the rates \nlaid down for the quota should be applied consistently to \nall imports of the product in question into alt the \nMember States until the quota is exhausted ; whereas it is \nappropriate not to provide for allocation among Member \nStates, without prejudice to the drawing oh the amount of \nquota, of such quantities as they may need, under \nconditions and according to the procedure provided f or \n\nin A r t i c le 3; \n\nt he \n\nWhereas, since the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of \nthe Netherlands and die Grand Duchy of Luxembourg \nare united within and jointly represented by the Benelux \nEconomic Union, any operation concerning the adminis \ntration of the drawings made by that economic union \nmay be carried out- by any one of its members, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\n(1) 0J No. L ^n of 2&. AA. 19BO, p. A \n(2) 0J No. L \nof \n(3) 0J No. L 177 of 1. 7. 1 9 8 1, p. 4. 1989, p. , \n\n3 \n\n\f- d. -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nFrom 1 January to 31 December 1990, the variable component applicable to imports, \ninto the Community, of the following product, originating in third countries not \nabound to the Community by a preferential trade agreement, shall be suspended \ntotally, within the limits of a Community quota as shown below: \n\nOrder No \n\nCN code \n\nDescription \n\nAmount \nof quote \n(io tonnes) \n\nQuote doty \n\n09. 0091 \n\n1702 50 00 \n\nChemically-pure fructose \n\n4 504 \n\n20 \n\nArticlt 2 \n\nThe \nquota referred to in Article 1 shall be \nadministered by the Commission, which may take any \nappropriate measure with a view to ensuring the efficient \nadministration thereof. If the quantities requested are greater than the available \nbalance of the tariff quota, allocation shall be made on a \npro rata basis with respect to the requests. Member States \nshall be informed by the Commission of the drawings \nmade. Article 3 \n\nArticU 4 \n\nIf an importer presents in a Member State a declaration of \nincluding a request for \nentry into free circulation \npreferential benefit for a product covered by this \nRegulation, and if this declaration is accepted by the \ncustoms authorities, the Member State concerned shall \ndraw, from the \nquota, by means of notification to \nthe Commission, a quantity corresponding to these needs. The requests for drawing, with the indication of the date \nof acceptance of the said declaration, must be \ncommunicated to the Commission without delay. The drawings are granted Vy the Commission on the basis \nof the date of acceptance of the declaration of entry into \nfree circulation by the customs authorities of the Member \nState concerned, to the extent that the available balance \nso permits. If a Member State does not use the quantities drawn, it \nshall return them as soon at possible to the tariff quota. Each Member State shall ensure that \n\nimporters of the product concerned \n\nhave equal and continuous access to \n\nthe quota for such times as the \n\nresidual balance of the quota so \n\npermits. ArticU 5 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January \n1 9 9 0. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member \nStates. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nTbt President \n\nH \n\n\fFICHE FINANCIERE \n\n1. Ligne budg\u00e9taire concern\u00e9e : Chap 12 art. 120 \n\n2. Base juridique: art. 113 du trait\u00e9 \n\n3. Intitul\u00e9 de la mesure tarifaire; Proposition de r\u00e8glement du Conseil \n\nportant ouverture et mode de gestion d'un contingent communautaire pour \n\nle fructose chimiquement pur, originaire des Pays tiers non li\u00e9s avec \n\nla Communaut\u00e9 par un accord commercial pr\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel (1990) \n\n4* Objectif: Ex\u00e9cution d'un engagement de la Communaut\u00e9 au Gatt \n\n5. Mode de c a l c u l: \n\nCode NC : 1702 50 00 \n\nVolume du contingent : 4 504 tonnes \n\nDroits \u00e0 appliquer : 20% \n\nDroits de douane appliqu\u00e9s en dehors du contingent : 20% + MOB \n\n(MOB = 326 ECU/tonne environ) \n\n6. Perte de recettes: La perte de recettes \u00e0 inscrire pour 1990 s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve \u00e0 \n\n1 468 304 \u00e9cus. En 1989, l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment mobile en question n'\u00e9tait pas \n\nencore d'application dans la Communaut\u00e9. ^ \n\n\fV \n\nV \n\nFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nCette proposition est formul\u00e9e en conformit\u00e9 avec un engagement pris au \n\nsein du Gatt. L'impact d\u00e9coulant de cet engagement a \u00e9t\u00e9 pris en \n\nconsid\u00e9ration lors de la prise de d\u00e9cision correspondante et il n'aura pas \n\ndes r\u00e9percussions sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 et l'emploi dans la Communaut\u00e9. 6 \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 581 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-555-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55300-6 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c037b1a0-6390-4fbd-96a1-5c314af47c60", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-439/89 with debate, by Mr SONNEVELD, Mr FUNK, Mr B\u00d6GE, Mr LANGES, Mr MARCK, Mr POETTERING, Mr DALSASS, Mrs KEPPELHOFF-WIECHERT and Mr KLEPSCH on behalf of the Group of the European People' s Party to the Commission: Reduction in cereal prices for the 1990 crop year, as a result of the estimated overrun in cereal production beyond the guaranteed maximum quantity for the 1989 crop year, in the context of the Commission proposal on suspending the additional coresponsibility levy in the cereals sector for the 1989 crop year (COM(89) 546)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BOEGE,DALSASS,European Parliament,FUNK,KEPPELHOFF-WIECHERT,KLEPSCH,LANGES,MARCK,POETTERING,SONNEVELD", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "budgetary stabiliser,cereal-growing,cereals,common organisation of markets,farm income,farm prices,guarantee threshold,price reduction,producer co-responsibility,regulation of agricultural production,set-aside", "workIds": "celex:91989O000126", "eurovoc_concepts": ["budgetary stabiliser", "cereal-growing", "cereals", "common organisation of markets", "farm income", "farm prices", "guarantee threshold", "price reduction", "producer co-responsibility", "regulation of agricultural production", "set-aside"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c037b1a0-6390-4fbd-96a1-5c314af47c60", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0fc830a-0862-46f6-aca7-44ad8590fed9", "title": "RESOLUTION on speeding up the implementation of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,The Green Group in the European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "European social policy,ecology,employment policy,single market", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0518", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "ecology", "employment policy", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0fc830a-0862-46f6-aca7-44ad8590fed9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1ef79279-afe9-4f20-8eb8-913fef34fbcf", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING, WITH A VIEW TO FIXING CERTAIN MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED DIMENSIONS FOR ROAD TRAINS, DIRECTIVE 85/3/EEC ON THE WEIGHTS, DIMENSIONS AND CERTAIN OTHER TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CERTAIN ROAD VEHICLES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "road transport,standard,vehicle,weight and size", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0573,comnat:COM_1989_0573_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_316_R_0005_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["road transport", "standard", "vehicle", "weight and size"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1ef79279-afe9-4f20-8eb8-913fef34fbcf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M<89) 573 final \n\nBrussels, 22 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\namending, with a view to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions \n\nfor road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and \n\ncertain other technical characteristics of certain road vehicles \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f<\u00a3*/-> >7 J ^? \n\nEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nGeneral comments \n\nIntroduction \n\nOn 18 July 1989 the Council adopted Directive 89/461/EEC \namending Directive 85/3/EEC on weights and dimensions and \nother characteristics of lorries. This amendment fixed the load length of an articulated \nvehicle and at the same time increased the total length by \none meter to 16. 5m. The main reason for Directive 89/461/EEC was to stop the \nreduction in the space reserved for the driver and the \ncoupling device caused by the tendency to make vehicles \nmore productive by proposing a maximum usable load length \nwithin the total length imposed by Directive 85/3. By the increase of the total permitted length of the \narticulated vehicle to 16. 5m it was possible to take into \naccount the load lengths that were possible within the \n15. 5m by application of space saving methods as described \nabove. 2. For road trains similar technical developments as for the \narticulated vehicles give rise to additional legislation. The basic problem is similar: \n\n- Within the legally permitted total length of 18 m for \n\nroad trains technical development has, in order to gain \nloading space, led to short cabins and short coupling \nmechanisms between truck and trailer. - Disadvantages of ultra short cabins for the comfort and \n\nsafety of drivers were the subject of earlier \ndiscussions concerning articulated vehicles. As regards the use of so called topsleepers the opinions \nas expressed by employers and trade unions in transport \ndiffer widely. The employers view is that top sleeper vehicles \nconstitute a modest part only of total heavy vehicles \n(potentially 9 % ). A large majority of drivers jobs will \nnot necessitate the use of top sleepers. Also, \nindividual preferences of drivers can be respected as in \nthe total driver population there are sufficient drivers \n\n' able and willing to drive top sleeper vehicles. The trade unions have serious objections as regards the \nuse of topsleepers because of accessibility, \nventilation, safety in case of accidents or fire and \nfeelings of claustrophobia by certain drivers. Z \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nThe technology of flexible coupling systems has in some \ncases led to a \"theoretical\" distance of 8 to 15cm \nbetween truck and trailer. This distance can be \nincreased sometimes from the cabin, if necessary, by \nextending the length of the coupling itself or by a \nsystem that moves the container on the trailer backwards \nby means of a sledge. It is obvious that a distance of 15cm can only be \nmaintained on a flat and straight route so the total \nlength of the combination will in practice often be \nconsiderably more than 18m. The extreme result of using short cabins and coupling \ndevices is a vehicle with a total length available for \nloading of 16. 40m which still theoretically meets the \noverall length of 18m. It is clear that such a vehicle has economic advantages \nand that this concept will have a quick and large \nproliferation if no additional legislation is adopted. Also companies and vehicle manufacturers that have \nserious objections as regards technical and social \naspects of such vehicles will be forced to use them and \nto produce them in order to stay competitive. The aim of this Proposal for a Directive is to \ncomplement the Community legislation in order to stop \nthis development. 2. Legal aspects \n\nDirective 85/3/EEC allows the free circulation in \ninternational traffic of road trains with a maximum length \nof 18m. On the basis of the Directive 85/3 as in force now, no \nultra short cabins with topsleepers can be forbidden. Member States that do so in their domestic legislation \ndisadvantage their own operators in comparison with \nforeign operators that enter their territory. As regards the flexible coupling mechanism the legal \nposition is less clear. A road train that is 18m long if \nstationary but that exceeds this length regularly when it \nmoves does not reflect the spirit of Directive 85/3 that \nlays down length limitations not for vehicles on the \nparking place but for vehicles in traffic. The proposal for an amendment to Directive 85/3 has to \ntake into account the legal position of vehicles that are \nalready on the road and that were built under the original \nlegal protection of 85/3. 3 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nHowever if by introducing new legislation from a certain \ndate new concepts are less competitive than the \"old\" ones \nthen a situation will be established which is undesirable \nand difficult to enforce. 3. Technical aspects \n\nThe total length of a road train is the sum of \n\nA) cabin length \nB) coupling distance between truck and trailer \nC) total length available for loading \n\nPoint A \n\nOn going discussions between the social partners will \nestablish minimum standards for. the drivers' cabin with \nor without a bed. In Directive 89/461/EEC a method is adopted of ensuring \nenough space for a comfortable cabin within the total \nlength without fixing the details. Reasons for this method are as follows:. Fixing a minimum cabin dimension would lead to the \n\nmanufacture of only the minimum requirements; economic \npressures would ensure this. Manufacturers that wanted \nto use extra cabin space for comfort or safety could \nonly do so by reducing load length. Assuming that certain accomodations for sleeping \n\n(small beds, top sleeper) are not acceptable, it will \nstill be very difficult to control the use of them. Nobody can be prohibited from constructing a small space \non the roof of a daycab. It will be impossible to \ncontrol if this space is used for resting or sleeping; \nit is even impossible to control if a driver sleeps on \nhis seat 1 \nA much better approach is to disencourage this practices \nby taking away the incentive of creating more loading \nspace by application of short cabins. Once these standards are agreed they will be compatible \nwith legislation in Directive 89/461/EEC which is aimed \nat ensuring that enough room is reserved for the \ndriver's cab. There are no arguments why the cabin of a road train \nshould differ from the cabin of an articulated vehicle. Manufacturers will like to apply the same models and \ndrivers work under similar conditions. U \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nThe space reserved for the cabin in Directive 89/461/EEC \ncan be calculated as follows : \n\ntotal available length: \nminus distance from fifth wheel to the \nrear of the semi-trailer: \nminus forward clearance of semi-trailer: \nminus free space between tractor and \nsemi-trailer (according to \nISO standard 1726): \n\nSo available space for the cabin from \nfront to back wall: \n\n16. 50 m \n\n- 12. 00 m \n- 2. 04 m \n\n- 0. 20 m \n\n2. 26 m \n\nApplying the same cabins for road trains means that 2. 26 m \nshould be available. However, for the road train an additional 0. 10 m or so \nshould be added for cab clearance, driver safety, \nroofmounted vertical exhaust and necessary space for \npicking up the swap body. This brings the total necessary \nlength to 2. 35 m. Point B \n\nThe length of the coupling device depends on the \ntechnology that is applied. For couplings of road trains \nno ISO standards like for the articulated vehicles are \navailable. The normal coupling device requires a coupling distance of \naround 1. 5 m. By short coupling devices this distance can \nbe reduced to 1 m and if a centre axle trailer is used to \n0. 7 m. The use of extendable couplings or other technology that \nlengthen the total length of the combination when \ndriving should not be taken into account in this \ncalculation. These mechanisms have not yet been proven to \nbe reliable under all circumstances and are very costly. In so far as they are invented only to bypass the \ninternational agreed length limits their use should be \ndiscouraged by taking away the incentives in that respect. Point C \n\nThe total load length is the third element that determines \nthe overall length. As argued above a minimum space of 2. 35 m should be \nreserved for the cabin including the clearance and a space \nof 0. 70 m is necessary for the shortest non extendable \ncoupling mechanism. S \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nApplying the same method as used in Directive 89/461/EEC \nfor the articulated vehicle means that overall length and \nloading length must be fixed in such a way that enough \nspace for cabin and coupling is guaranteed. This means that the overall length of the road train \nshould be fixed at 2. 35 ro longer than the load length \nincluding the coupling distance between truck and trailer \nand moreover that the overall length should be fixed at \n3. 05 m longer than the load length. In Directive 89/461/EEC for articulated vehicles the \nmaximum load length that was feasable under the old limit \ncould be taken into account by increasing the overall \nlength with 1 m from 15. 5 ro to 16. 5 m. At present some road trains, though with extendable \ncouplings, operate with a load length of \n2 x 8. 22 m <* 16. 45 ro \n\nTaking this load length into account would require a total \nlength of 16. 45 + 3. 05 = 19. 50 m. This would mean an increase of almost 9 % of the length of \nthe longest combination on the road which is politically \nunacceptable for roost governments of the Community. Starting from the other side, the longest acceptable \ncombination for the majority of the Member States seems to \nbe 18. 35 m bearing in mind that most Member States allow \nat present a two percent tolerance on the 18 m limit. Calculating backwards this means that the maximum \navailable load length for a road train should be fixed on \n18. 35 - 3. 05 = 15. 30 ro. Any load length above this number \nwould implicate an increase of the overall length above \nthe 18. 35 m. An additional argument for this length is the great \nproblem that could be provoked for the transit traffic \nthrough Austria and Switzerland if a longer combination \nwas permitted in the Community. The important reference in the field of load length are \nthe standard lengths of swap bodies that at present are \nused. In the CEN working group the following lengths for \ngeneral purpose swap bodies class C were approved: \n\n7150, 7420 and 7820mm. The first length 7150mro is the roost frequently used at \npresent. The 7420roro length was especially promoted by \nSweden as a good logistic solution. Standardization of the swap bodies of 8220mm which are \nalso on the road now, has not yet been considered by CEN. c \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nA maximum load length of 15. 30 ro will allow transport of \nthe following combinations of standard swap bodies and \ncontainers: \n\n2 x 6. 058 ro (20 ft container) \n2 x 7. 15 ro \n2 x 7. 42 ro \n1 x 6. 0 58 ro + 1 x 7. 82 m \n1 x 7. 15 ro + 1 x 7. 82 ro \n1 x 6. 0 58 ro + 1 x 8. 22 ro \n1 x 7. 42 ro + 1 x 7. 82 m \n\nTransport of 2 x 7. 82 ro swap bodies would only be \npossible if the total length was increased to \n15. 65 + 3. 05 - 18. 70 ro. For the transport of 2 swap bodies of 8. 22 ro the above \ncalculated increase to 19. 50 ro would be necessary. Both options are not acceptable for reasons of road safety \nand public acceptance. Therefore transitional measures \nshould be taken for these swap bodies which are now on the \nroad. 4. Conclusion \n\nThe following options are possible as regards additional \nCommunity legislation: \n\na) the \"zero\" option: no action or no agreement \n\nResult: A quick proliferation of ultra short cabins and \ncomplex flexible coupling systems for international \ntransport. b) Fixation of loading length and the overall length of \n\nroad trains. This additional legislation for lengths of road trains \nshould \n\n\u2022 take away incentives for short cabins,. be considered in relation with legislation for artics,. make clear that extendable couplings do not give \n\nadvantages for the load length, \n\n\u2022 take into consideration the standard swap bodies. take into consideration the current situation. f \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nContents of the proposal \n\n5. Article 1 of Annex I of Directive 85/3/EEC will therefore \n\nbe amended on the following points: \n\n- The maximum authorized length of a road train will be \n\nincreased from 18. 00 ro to 18. 35 ro. - The total load length of the combination of truck and \n\ntrailer will be fixed by prescribing a maximum length of \n15. 30 m for the sum of the load lengths of truck and \ntrailer. - The sum of the total load length of a combination of \ntruck and trailer and the distance between truck and \ntrailer will be fixed on 16. 00 m. A new Article 4b is inserted in Directive 85/3/EEC which \nwill allow the use of existing road trains that do not \ncomply with the provisions on total load length on \ncondition that these vehicles do not exceed the \"old\" \nmaximum authorized length of 18 ro. In order to avoid a permanent advantage of old \ncombinations that were built with more load length than \nallowed in the proposal this exemption is limited until \n1 January 1995. I \n\n\fProposal for a \nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \namending, with a view to fixing certain maximum authorized dimensions \nfor road trains, Directive 85/3/EEC on the weights, dimensions and \ncertain other technical characteristics of certain road vehicles \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European \nEconomic Community, and in particular Article 75 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission (1), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social \nCommittee (3), \n\nWhereas, in order to make combined vehicles more productive, \nmanufacturers are proposing a maximum usable volume within \nthe constraints imposed by Council Directive 85/3/EEC (4), as last \namended by Directive 89/461/EEC (5); \n\nWhereas this increase in the usable volume involves a \nreduction in the space reserved for the driver and in the \nspace between the truck and the trailer by means of special \ncoupling devices; \n\nWhereas there is a consequent deterioration in the comfort \nand safety of the driver's working area; \n\nWhereas the current standards should be improved so as to \nlead to a better balance between the rational and economic \nuse of commercial road vehicles and the requirements of road \nsafety while ensuring that drivers have enough room; \n\n(1) OJ No \n(2) OJ No \n\n(3) OJ No \n(4) OJ No L \n(5) OJ No L 226, 3. 8. 1989, p. 2, 3. 1. 1985, p. 14. 7. \u00a3 \n%. ft-\nJ \n^ \n\n\u00d4 \n\n\f2 -\n\nWhereas the incentives for increasing loading space by the \n\nuse of short cabins with top mounted sleepers should be \n\nremoved; \n\nWhereas the new fixed dimensions will enable the use of a \n\ndrivers' cabin with a sleeping place behind the drivers'seat \n\nof which the effective width is about 80 cm, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\nJO \n\n\f- 3 \n\n-\n\nA r t i c le 1 \n\nDirective 85/3/EEC is hereby amended as follows: \n\n1) The following A r t i c le is inserted: \n\n\"Article 4b \n\nRoad trains put into circulation before 1 July 1990 which \ndo not comply with the new specifications contained in \npoints 1. 7 and 1. 8 of Annex I shall until 1 January 1995 \nbe deemed to comply with such specifications for the \npurposes of Article 3(1) if they do not exceed the total \nlength of 18,00 m. M \n\n2) Point 1. 1 of Annex I is replaced by the following: \n\n\"1. 1. Maximum length \n\n- motor vehicle \n\n- trailer \n- articulated vehicle \n- road train \n- articulated bus \n\n12,00 ro \n\n12,00 ro \n16,50 m \n18,35 m \n18,00 ro\". 3) The following points are inserted in Annex I: \n\n1. 7. Maximum distance measured parallel to the \n\nlongitudinal axis of the road train from the foremost \npoint of the loading area behind the cabin to the \nrearmost point of the trailer of the combination\u00bb \nminus the distance between the rear of the truck and \n15,30 m. the front of the trailer \n\n1. 8. Maximum distance measured parallel to the \n\nlongitudinal axis of the road train from the foremost \n\npoint of the loading area behind the cabin to the \n\nrearmost point of the trailer of the combination \n\n16,00 ro. ^y W \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\nMember States shall take the measures necessary to comply \nwith this Directive not later than 1 January 1991. They shall \nforthwith inform the Commission thereof. The provisions adopted pursuant to the first paragraph shall \nmake express reference to this Directive. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the \nprovisions of national law which they adopt in the field \ngoverned by this Directive. Article 3 \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at. \u2022 \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\nJ \n\n\fCOMPETITIVENESS AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT \n\nI\u2022 What is the main reason for introducing the measure ? \n\nThis proposal concerns the fixation of a maximum autho \nrized load length of road trains and an increase of the \nmaximum authorized overall length from 18,00 to 18,35 m. This total package is introduced in order to guarantee \nsufficient space for the cabin and the coupling device \nwithin the total length of the road train. This proposal is the logical follow-up of a similar \nDirective 89/461/EEC by which the load length of semi \ntrailers was fixed in order to guarantee enough length for \na comfortable drivers' cabin and a reliable coupling \nmechanism for articulated vehicles. However, it will not be possible to increase the admitted \noverall length of road trains in such a way that all \nexisting load lengthes will be covered by the new \nlegislation. Therefore an article has been incorporated allowing all \nexisting road trains that do not meet the new restrictions \non load length to be used in international traffic until 1 \nJanuary 1995. II\u00bb Features of the business in question \n\nAll enterprises which use these vehicles for transfrontier \noperations and vehicle manufacturers. III. What obligations does this measure improve directly on \n\nbusinesses? \n\nRoad trains used in international traffic shall be \ncomplied with the provisions of this proposal. IV. What indirect obligations are national, regional or local \n\nauthorities likely to impose on business 7 \n\nImplementation of the obligations as described under III. V. Are there any special provisions in respect of SME's ? \n\nNone. VI. What is the likely effect on : \n\na) The competitiveness \u00a3f_business \n\nThe internal competitiveness of enterprises using road \ntrains will be equilized by prescribing load lengths. b) Employment \n\nPositive \n\nr* \n<* \n\n,* \n\nJ 2\u00bb \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nVII. Have the relevant representative organisations been \n\nconsulted ? \n\nThe representative organisations of vehicle \nmanufacturers, operators and unions have been \nconsulted. Their opinions are as follows : \n\nVehicle manufacturers and operators want a greater \noverall length and the use of short cabins with top-\nsleepers in limited cases in order to accomodate load \nlengths that are used now by the application of ultra \nshort cabins and flexible couplings. The Unions are against the use of top sleepers. JH \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 573 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n07 oi \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-558-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55339-1 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/085c2d4d-99f2-4125-a4a9-d33b9e854397", "title": "RESOLUTION on speeding up the process of implementig economic and social cohesion and the Social Charter of Fundamental Social Rights", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_initiative_own_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,employment policy,single market,social partners,social rights", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0517", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "employment policy", "single market", "social partners", "social rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/085c2d4d-99f2-4125-a4a9-d33b9e854397", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c7d9bec-e5c2-468f-ba74-54971b1183ea", "title": "RESOLUTION on the Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resolution_other_ep,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "European social policy,employment policy,equal treatment,free movement of workers,job creation,migrant worker,minimum pay,single market,social partners,social security,social-security harmonisation,worker participation,working time", "workIds": "celex:51989IP0069(01)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European social policy", "employment policy", "equal treatment", "free movement of workers", "job creation", "migrant worker", "minimum pay", "single market", "social partners", "social security", "social-security harmonisation", "worker participation", "working time"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5c7d9bec-e5c2-468f-ba74-54971b1183ea", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5cd74729-ffdd-49b0-a6a8-53b53a24f317", "title": "Exchange of Letters between the European Economic Community and the Polish People's Republic concerning the combined nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic Community,Poland", "date": "1989-11-22", "subjects": "Combined Nomenclature,Poland,economic cooperation,liberalisation of trade,trade agreement (EU),trade cooperation", "workIds": "celex:21989A1122(03)", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Combined Nomenclature", "Poland", "economic cooperation", "liberalisation of trade", "trade agreement (EU)", "trade cooperation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5cd74729-ffdd-49b0-a6a8-53b53a24f317", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/661770ae-bbb1-4134-b975-5ea8414a92c4", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPORT ( EURET ) 1990 - 1993", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "COST,research and development,research programme,transport policy", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0557,comnat:COM_1989_0557_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_318_R_0005_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["COST", "research and development", "research programme", "transport policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/661770ae-bbb1-4134-b975-5ea8414a92c4", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b038e9f7-250c-4fe9-b97b-daa78172aa12", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-441/89 with debate, by Mr LE CHEVALLIER on behalf of the Technical Group of the European Right to the Commission: Community charter of fundamental social rights", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LE CHEVALLIER", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000111", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "economic growth", "equal treatment", "foreign national", "job creation", "recognition 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["European Court of Auditors", "appointment of staff", "professional qualifications"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/88709a69-24c6-4a6c-98fa-0725da7160e7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58c46aec-8355-464a-a353-b6b4205d76bb", "title": "Question No 7 by Mr LANE (H-323/89) to the Council: European Foundation for Safety at Sea", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LANE", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "EP resolution,crew,fishing fleet,foundation,international convention,maritime shipping,maritime surveillance,merchant fleet,safety standard,transport safety,vocational training,warships", "workIds": "celex:91989H000323", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EP resolution", "crew", "fishing fleet", "foundation", "international convention", "maritime shipping", "maritime surveillance", "merchant fleet", "safety standard", "transport safety", "vocational training", "warships"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/58c46aec-8355-464a-a353-b6b4205d76bb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ccb317bf-9338-4536-93a6-b5af7902715a", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3488/89 of 21 November 1989 laying down the method of decision for certain provisions laid down for agricultural products in the framework of Mediterranean agreements", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "citrus fruit,economic agreement,fruit vegetable,grape,wine", "workIds": "celex:31989R3488,oj:JOL_1989_340_R_0002_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["citrus fruit", "economic agreement", "fruit vegetable", "grape", "wine"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ccb317bf-9338-4536-93a6-b5af7902715a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989340EN. 01000201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n23. 11. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 340/2\n\n\n\n\n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 3488/89\nof 21 November 1989\nlaying down the method of decision for certain provisions laid down for agricultural products in the framework of Mediterranean agreements\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,\nWhereas, in accordance with:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 20 (5) of the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Algeria\u00a0(1), as amended by the Additional Protocol of 25 June 1987\u00a0(2),\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 21 (2) of the Protocol of 19 October 1987 laying down the conditions and procedures for the implementation of the second stage of the Agreement establishing an Association between the Community and Cyprus\u00a0(3),\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 21 (5) of the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Morocco\u00a0(4), as amended by the Additional Protocol of 26 May 1988\u00a0(5)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 20 (5) of the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Tunisia\u00a0(6), as amended by the Additional Protocol of 26 May 1987\u00a0(7), and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 22 (7) of the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Yugoslavia\u00a0(8), as amended by the Additional Protocol of 10 December 1987 establishing new trade arrangements\u00a0(9),\n\n\n\n\nfor wine of fresh grapes covered by CN code ex\u00a02204 put up in containers of a content exceeding two litres, the Community may decide to fix a special frontier price under certain conditions;\nWhereas, in accordance with:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 20 (1) of the Protocol of 19 October 1987 laying down the conditions and procedures for the implementation of the second stage of the Agreement establishing an Association between the Community and Cyprus,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 3 (1) of the Additional Protocol of 25 June 1987 to the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Egypt\u00a0(10),\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 3 (1) of the Additional Protocol of 15 December 1987 to the Agreement between the Community and Israel\u00a0(11),\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 3 (1) of the Additional Protocol of 26 May 1988 to the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Morocco,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 2 (1) of the Additional Protocol of 26 May 1987 to the Cooperation Agreement between the Community and Tunisia, and\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nArticle 1 (1) of the Supplementary Protocol of 23 July 1987 to the Agreement establishing an Association between the Community and Turkey\u00a0(12),\n\n\n\n\nthe Community may decide on an adjustment of the entry price for certain fruit and vegetables originating in those countries under certain conditions;\nWhereas the abovementioned decisions of the Community should be taken by the Commission in accordance with the relevant management committee procedure,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nFor wine of fresh grapes falling within CN code ex\u00a02204\u00a029, as mentioned below, put up in containers of a content exceeding two litres, originating in the following countries and within the limits of the quantities allocated to each country, the fixing of any special frontier price in accordance with the Protocols concluded with those countries and in compliance with the conditions, shall be carried out by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 83 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 822/87\u00a0(13):\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nwine of fresh grapes of an actual alcoholic strength not exceeding 15 % vol\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCountry\n\n\nQuantity\n\n\n\n\nAlgeria\n\n\n160\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n26\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n75\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\nTunisia\n\n\n150\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\nYugoslavia\n\n\n516\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nliqueur wine of an actual alcoholic strength of not less than 15 % vol\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCountry\n\n\nQuantity\n\n\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n73\u00a0000 hl\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nArticle 2\nFor 1990 and each following marketing year, any adjustment of the entry price for the fruit and vegetables listed below and originating in one of the countries indicated below, in order to maintain traditional trade flows in the context of enlargement, shall be carried out by the Commission in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 33 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72\u00a0(14) on the basis of the statistical review and all the relevant factors provided for in the Protocol concluded with the country concerned and in compliance with the conditions and quantities laid down in that Protocol:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCN code\n\n\nProduct\n\n\nQuantity (in tonnes)\n\n\nCountry\n\n\n\n\n0805\u00a010\u00a011 to 0805\u00a010\u00a049\n\n\nFresh oranges\n\n\n67\u00a0000\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n\n\n7\u00a0000\n\n\nEgypt\n\n\n\n\n293\u00a0000\n\n\nIsrael\n\n\n\n\n265\u00a0000\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n\n\n28\u00a0000\n\n\nTunisia\n\n\n\n\nex\u00a00805\u00a020\u00a010\nex\u00a00805\u00a020\u00a030\nex\u00a00805\u00a020\u00a050\nex\u00a00805\u00a020\u00a070\nex\u00a00805\u00a020\u00a090\n\n\nFresh, mandarins, clementines, etc\n\n\n14\u00a0200\n\n\nIsrael\n\n\n\n\n110\u00a0000\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n\n\nex\u00a00805\u00a030\u00a010\n\n\nFresh lemons\n\n\n15\u00a0000\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n\n\n6\u00a0400\n\n\nIsrael\n\n\n\n\n12\u00a0000\n\n\nTurkey\n\n\n\n\nex\u00a00806\u00a010\u00a011\nex\u00a00806\u00a010\u00a015\nex\u00a00806\u00a010\u00a059\n\n\nFresh table grapes from 8 June to 4 August\n\n\n10\u00a0500\n\n\nCyprus\n\n\n\n\nex\u00a00702\u00a000\u00a010\nex\u00a00702\u00a000\u00a090\n\n\nTomatoes\n\n\n86\u00a0000\n\n\nMorocco\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nincluding:\n\n\nApril\n\n\n15\u00a0000\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\nMay\n\n\n10\u00a0000\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n\n\n\nArticle 3\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 21 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nJ. PELLETIER\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 263, 27. 9. 1978, p. 2. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 297, 21. 10. 1987, p. 2. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 393, 31. 12. 1987, p. 2. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 264, 27. 9. 1978, p. 2. (5)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 224, 13. 8. 1988, p. 18. (6)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 265, 27. 9. 1978, p. 2. (7)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 297, 21. 10. 1987, p. 36. (8)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 41, 14. 2. 1983, p. 2. (9)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 389, 31. 12. 1987, p. 73. (10)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 297, 21. 10. 1987, p. 11. (11)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 327, 30. 11. 1988, p. 35. (12)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 53, 27. 2. 1988, p. 91. (13)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 84, 27. 3. 1987, p. 1. (14)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 118, 20. 5. 1972, p. 1"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/02d1a0e7-dd16-4380-bf73-473edbf22ed8", "title": "Question No 35 by Mr LALOR (H-326/89) to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: EC/China", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,LALOR", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "China,EU relations,Hong Kong,armed forces,arrest,bilateral relations,death penalty,nationality,political violence", "workIds": "celex:91989H000326", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "EU relations", "Hong Kong", "armed forces", "arrest", "bilateral relations", "death penalty", "nationality", "political violence"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/02d1a0e7-dd16-4380-bf73-473edbf22ed8", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/de46bda3-6397-46e8-bd6a-7f12665bedcf", "title": "Council Directive 89/608/EEC of 21 November 1989 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "administrative cooperation,animal breeding,disclosure of information,exchange of information,veterinary legislation", "workIds": "celex:31989L0608,oj:JOL_1989_351_R_0034_041", "eurovoc_concepts": ["administrative cooperation", "animal breeding", "disclosure of information", "exchange of information", "veterinary legislation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/de46bda3-6397-46e8-bd6a-7f12665bedcf", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989351EN. 01003401. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. 12. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 351/34\n\n\n\n\n\nCouncil Directive\nof 21 November 1989\non mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters\n(89/608/EEC)\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission\u00a0(1),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament\u00a0(2),\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee\u00a0(3),\nWhereas, in the agricultural sector, far-reaching rules have been introduced in the veterinary and zootechnical area;\nWhereas the smooth functioning of the common agricultural policy and of the common market for agricultural products, and also the prospect of the abolition of veterinary checks at frontiers with a view to achieving the internal market for products subject to such checks, render it necessary to reinforce cooperation between the authorities responsible in each Member State for the application of veterinary and zootechnical rules;\nWhereas it is therefore appropriate to establish rules according to which the competent authorities of the Member States must mutually provide each other with assistance and cooperate with the Commission so as to ensure the proper application of veterinary and zootechnical rules, in particular by the prevention and detection of infringements of such rules and detection of any activity which is or seems to be contrary thereto;\nWhereas, in order to establish these rules, inspiration should be sought, as far as possible, from the Community provisions established by Council Regulation (EEC) No 1468/81 of 19 May 1981 on mutual assistance between the administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation between the latter and the Commission to ensure the correct application of the law on customs or agricultural matters\u00a0(4), as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 945/87\u00a0(5); whereas account should also be taken of the specificity of health rules,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:\nArticle 1\nThe Directive lays down the ways in which the competent authorities responsible in the Member States for monitoring legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters shall cooperate with those in the order Member States and with the relevant Commission departments in order to ensure compliance with such legislation. Article 2\n1. For the purposes of this Directive:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n\u2018legislation on veterinary matters\u2019 shall mean all Community provisions and provisions which contribute to the application of Community rules governing animal health, public health as related to the veterinary sector, health inspection of animals, meat and other products of animal origin, and animal protection. \u2014\n\n\n\u2018legislation on zootechnical matters\u2019 shall mean all Community provisions and provisions which contribute to the application of Community rules on zootechnical matters,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n\u2018applicant authority\u2019 shall mean the competent authority of a Member State which makes a request for assistance,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n\u2018requested authority\u2019 shall mean the competent authority of a Member State to which a request for assistance is made. 2. Each Member State shall communicate to the other Member States and to the Commission a list of the competent authorities referred to in Article 1. Article 3\nThe obligation to provide assistance laid down by this Directive shall not concern the provision of information or documents obtained by the competent authorities referred to in Article 1 under powers exercised by them at the request of the judicial authority. However, in the case of an application for assistance, such information or documents shall be provided, without prejudice to Article 14, in all cases where the judicial authority, which must be consulted to that effect, gives its consent. TITLE I\n\nAssistance on request\n\nArticle 4\n1. At the request, which shall be duly reasoned, of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ncommunicate to the applicant authority all information, attestations, documents or certified copies thereof in its possession or which it can obtain as prescribed in paragraph 2 and which are such as to enable it to check that the provisions laid down in legislation on veterinary and zootechnical matters have been complied with,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ncarry out any relevant inquiry into the accuracy of the facts notified by the applicant authority and inform it of the outcome of such inquiries including the information that was necessary for such inquiries. 2. In order to obtain this information, the requested authority or the administrative authority which it has addressed shall proceed as though it were acting on its own account or at the request of another authority in its own country. Article 5\n1. At the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall, while observing the rules in force in the Member State in which it is situated, notify the applicant authority or have it notified of all instruments or decisions which emanate from the competent authorities and concern the application of legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters. 2. Requests for notification, mentioning the subject of the act or decision to be communicated, shall, at the request of the requested authority, be accompanied by a translation in the official language or one of the official languages of the Member State in which the requested authority is situated. Article 6\nAt the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall keep a watch or arrange for a watch to be kept or to be reinforced within its operational area where such irregularities are suspected, in particular:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\non establishments;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\non places where stocks of goods have been assembled;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\non notified movements of goods;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\non means of transport. Article 7\nAt the request of the applicant authority, the requested authority shall supply to it any relevant information in its possession or which it obtains in accordance with Article 4 (2), in particular in the form of reports and other documents or certified copies of or extracts from such reports or documents, concerning operations actually detected which appear to the applicant authority to be contrary to legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters. TITLE II\n\nSpontaneous assistance\n\nArticle 8\n1. The competent authorities of each Member State shall, as laid down in paragraph 2, spontaneously assist the competent authorities of the other Member States without prior request of the latter. 2. Where they consider it useful in connection with compliance with the legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters, the competent authorities of each Member State shall:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nas far as possible keep the watch referred to in Article 6 or arrange for such watch to be kept;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\ncommunicate to the competent authorities of the other Member States concerned as soon as possible all available information, in particular in the form of reports and other documents or copies of or extracts from such reports or documents, concerning operations which are or appear to them to be contrary to legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters, and particularly the means or methods used to carry out such operations. TITLE III\n\nFinal provisions\n\nArticle 9\n1. The competent authorities of each Member State shall communicate to the Commission as soon as it is available to them:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nany information they consider useful concerning:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\ngoods which have been or are suspected of having been the subject of transactions contrary to legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nthe methods or processes used or suspected of having been used to contravene such legislation;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nany information on deficiencies of, or lacunae in, the said legislation which application thereof has revealed or suggested. 2. The Commission shall communicate to the competent authorities of each Member State, as soon as it is available to it, any information which is such as to enable compliance with legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters to be enforced. Article 10\n1. Where the competent authorities of a Member State become aware of operations which are, or appear to be, contrary to the rules on veterinary or zootechnical matters and which are of particular interest at Community level, and in particular:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nwhere they have, or might have, ramifications in other Member States, or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nwhere it appears to the said authorities likely that similar operations have been also carried out in other Member States,\n\n\n\n\nthose authorities shall communicate to the Commission as quickly as possible, either on their own initiative or at the reasoned request of the Commission, all relevant information, where appropriate in the form of documents or copies or extracts from documents, necessary to determine the facts so as to enable the Commission to coordinate the action undertaken by the Member States. The Commission shall pass this information on to the competent authorities of the other Member States. 2. Where the communications referred to in paragraph 1 concerning cases likely to create risks for human health, and in the absence of other methods of prevention, the information in question may, after contact between the parties and the Commission, be the object of a reasoned notice to the public. 3. Information relating to natural or legal persons shall be communicated as provided for in paragraph 1 only to the extent strictly necessary to enable operations which are contrary to legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters to be noted. 4. Where the competent authorities of a Member State make use of paragraph 1, they need not communicate information as provided in Articles 8 (2) (b) and 9 to the competent authorities of the other Member States concerned. Article 11\nThe Commission and the Member States meeting within the Standing Veterinary Committee or the Standing Zootechnical Committee shall:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nexamine, in general terms, the operation of the mutual assistance arrangements provided for in this Directive,\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\nexamine the relevant information communicated to the Commission pursuant to Articles 9 and 10 \u2014 and the procedures for such communication \u2014 with a view to drawing conclusions. In the light of that examination the Commission shall, if necessary, suggest amendments to existing Community provisions or the drawing-up of additional ones. Article 12\nFor the purposes of applying this Directive, Member States shall take all the necessary steps to:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nensure smooth internal coordination between the competent authorities referred to in Article1;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nestablish, in their mutual relations and as required, direct cooperation between the authorities they specially empower to this end. Article 13\n1. This Directive shall not oblige the competent authorities of the Member States to grant each other assistance where to do so would be likely to prejudice public policy or any other fundamental interests of the State in which they are situated. 2. Reasons shall be stated for any refusal to grant assistance. Article 14\nThe supply of documents provided for in this Directive may be replaced by the supply of computerized information produced in any form for the same purpose. Article 15\n1. Any information communicated in whatever form pursuant to this Directive shall be of a confidential nature. It shall be covered by the obligation of professional secrecy and shall enjoy the protection extended to like information under both the national law of the Member State which received it and the corresponding provisions applying to Community bodies. The information referred to in the first subparagraph may not, in particular, be sent to persons other than those in the Member States or within the Community institutions whose duties require that they have access to it. Nor many it be used for purposes other than those provided for in this Directive, unless the authority supplying it has expressly agreed and insofar as the provisions in force, in the Member State where the authority which received it is situated do not object to such communication or use. The information provided for under this Directive shall nonly be communicated to the applicant authority to the extent there is nothing to the contrary in the provisions in force in the Member State or requested authority. Member States shall ensure that information obtained under the mutual assistance scheme remains confidential, even after a matter has been closed. 2. Paragraph 1 shall not impede the use of information obtained pursuant to this Directive in any legal actions or proceedings subsequently instituted for failure to comply with legislation on veterinary or zootechnical matters on or in the prevention and discovery of irregularities detrimental to Community funds. The competent authority of the Member State which supplied this information shall be informed forthwith of such utilization. Article 16\nMember States shall communicate to the Commission and to the other Member States the bilateral mutual assistance agreements between veterinary administrations concluded with third countries. The Commission shall, for its part, communicate to the Member States agreements of the same nature that it concludes with third countries. Article 17\nMember States shall mutually waive claims for the reimbursement of expenses incurred pursuant to this Directive except, where appropriate, in respect of fees paid to experts. Article 18\nThis Directive shall not affect the application in the Member States of the rules on mutual assistance in criminal matters. Article 19\nMember States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 1 July 1991. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. Article 20\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels, 21 November 1989. For the Council\n\n\nThe President\n\nH. NALLET\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 225, 31. 8. 1988, p. 4. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 326, 19. 12. 1988, p. 28. (3)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No C 56, 6. 3. 1989, p. 7. (4)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 144, 2. 6. 1981, p. 1. (5)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 90, 2. 4. 1987, p. 3"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b48b17eb-08ca-4df4-97d5-0d3dd692a23d", "title": "Question No 4 by Mr FITZGERALD (H-320/89) to the Council: The Amazon - a new direction", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FITZGERALD", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "Brazil,aromatic plant,climate,conservation of resources,forest conservation,medical plant,natural forest,natural rubber,protection of plant life,tropical fruit", "workIds": "celex:91989H000320", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Brazil", "aromatic plant", "climate", "conservation of resources", "forest conservation", "medical plant", "natural forest", "natural rubber", "protection of plant life", "tropical fruit"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b48b17eb-08ca-4df4-97d5-0d3dd692a23d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0931ab9-dabe-40dc-9552-659198796e54", "title": "Question No 8 by Mr FITZSIMONS (H-324/89) to the Council: Developing new technology to collect oil from stricken vessels", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FITZSIMONS", "date": "1989-11-21", "subjects": "action programme,coastal pollution,environmental protection,man-made disaster,maritime transport,new technology,oil pollution,prevention of pollution,transport accident", "workIds": "celex:91989H000324", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "coastal pollution", "environmental protection", "man-made disaster", "maritime transport", "new technology", "oil pollution", "prevention of pollution", "transport accident"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f0931ab9-dabe-40dc-9552-659198796e54", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce50273f-918c-488a-ba05-837937365675", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-437/89 with debate, by Mr BARROS MOURA and Mrs ELMALAN on behalf of the Left Unity Group to the Council: Practical application of the principle of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BARROS MOURA,ELMALAN,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000099", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "economic growth", "equal treatment", "foreign national", "job creation", "recognition of diplomas", "single market", "social rights", "social security", "tax system", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce50273f-918c-488a-ba05-837937365675", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e155e6ca-0f89-40c1-95a5-6b5772043dc3", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3481/89 of 20 November 1989 concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "common customs tariff,crustacean,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31989R3481,oj:JOL_1989_338_R_0007_013", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "crustacean", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e155e6ca-0f89-40c1-95a5-6b5772043dc3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e57a9bfd-18a3-4d52-bf0b-34c58b015a91", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-424/89 with debate, on behalf of the Committee on Institutional Affairs to the Council: Joint decision-making by the Council and Parliament with regard to the amendment of the Treaties and Community legislation", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,OREJA", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EU competence,Economic and Monetary Union,European Commission,European Parliament,European Union,competence of the Member States,cooperation procedure,decision-making,institutional cooperation,institutional reform,legislative procedure,national parliament,parliamentary scrutiny,power of implementation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000027", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EU competence", "Economic and Monetary Union", "European Commission", "European 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"approximation of laws,dangerous substance,environmental protection,waste management,waste recycling", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0560,comnat:COM_1989_0560_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_042_R_0019_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "dangerous substance", "environmental protection", "waste management", "waste recycling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/90f285fe-be91-44a1-90e8-85725ea26092", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8b02f16-06ef-44dd-9156-2503d424d2f0", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-434/89/rev. with debate, by Mr TELK\u00c4MPER on behalf of the Group of the Greens in the European Parliament to the Commission: First experiences one year after adoption of the trade protocols with Israel", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,TELKAEMPER", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "EU aid,Israel,Palestine question,export,fruit,human rights,humanitarian aid,living conditions,occupied territory,protocol to an agreement,technical barriers to trade,trade agreement", "workIds": "celex:91989O000063", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Israel", "Palestine question", "export", "fruit", "human rights", "humanitarian aid", "living conditions", "occupied territory", "protocol to an agreement", "technical barriers to trade", "trade agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d8b02f16-06ef-44dd-9156-2503d424d2f0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c16c311e-c6c7-47cf-92b2-35601fab996f", "title": "89/626/EEC: Council Decision of 20 November 1989 on a specific research and technological development programme of the European Economic Community in the fields of raw materials and recycling (1990 to 1992)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "raw material,research and development,research programme,waste recycling", "workIds": "celex:31989D0626,oj:JOL_1989_359_R_0016_012", "eurovoc_concepts": ["raw material", "research and development", "research programme", "waste recycling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c16c311e-c6c7-47cf-92b2-35601fab996f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0bc900fe-d6d5-4644-a925-52c6ce832f77", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3608/89 of 20 November 1989 establishing ceilings and Community surveillance for imports of certain products originating in Malta (1990)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Malta,market supervision,quantitative restriction,textile product", "workIds": "celex:31989R3608,oj:JOL_1989_352_R_0034_010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Malta", "market supervision", "quantitative restriction", "textile product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0bc900fe-d6d5-4644-a925-52c6ce832f77", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c8cf5cc-4da4-4f02-bc18-204b619920ff", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3482/89 of 20 November 1989 concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "common customs tariff,fish,prepared foodstuff,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31989R3482,oj:JOL_1989_338_R_0009_014", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "fish", "prepared foodstuff", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9c8cf5cc-4da4-4f02-bc18-204b619920ff", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989338EN. 01000901. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n22. 11. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 338/9\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3482/89\nof 20 November 1989\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87\u00a0(1) on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3469/89\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9 thereof,\nWhereas, in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 20 November 1989. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENER\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 337, 21. 11. 1989, p. 5. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nCN code classification\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n1. Right or left sides of salted saithe, without the head, spinal column, fins or guts, with the skin and pin bones (epipleuralis), but without any other bones, known as \u2018standard fillets\u2019\n\n\n\n\n\n\n0305\u00a030\u00a090\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 0305, 0305\u00a030 and 0305\u00a030\u00a090\nThe product is to be considered as a fillet within the meaning of the explanatory notes to CN codes 0305\u00a030\u00a011 to 0305\u00a030\u00a090 and 0304\u00a020\u00a011 to 0304\u00a020\u00a099, second paragraph\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2. A food preparation containing:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n99,2 % sucrose\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n0,6 % aspartame\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u2014\n\n\n0,2 % acesulphame K\n\n\n\n\nThe product is put up in small cubes and is used as a diet sweetener\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2106\u00a090\u00a099\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1 and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and by the wording of CN codes 2106, 2106\u00a090 and 2106\u00a090\u00a099. By virtue of the high sweetening power of the synthetic sweeteners contained in the product, the product has lost the character of sugar of CN code 1701 and constitutes a food preparation (see also the HS explanatory notes, heading 2106, second subparagraph, item 10)"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b6324179-c1b2-4752-8797-b6f71e7ce31d", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-426/89 with debate, by Mr VANDEMEULEBROUCKE on behalf of the Rainbow Group to the Council: Social and economic cohesion and regional policy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VANDEMEULEBROUCKE", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "EU regional policy,European social policy,Single European Act,Structural Funds,economic disparity,integrated development programme,regional disparity,regionalisation,single market", "workIds": "celex:91989O000038", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU regional policy", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "Structural Funds", "economic disparity", "integrated development programme", "regional disparity", "regionalisation", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b6324179-c1b2-4752-8797-b6f71e7ce31d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b45badf9-322f-43dc-a1b8-32b52a98f14d", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-435/89 with debate, by Mr CHANTERIE, Mr BROK, Mr F. PISONI, Mrs OOMEN-RUIJTEN and Mr KLEPSCH on behalf of the Group of the European People' s Party to the Council: Solemn proclamation of the European social charter at the December summit of the European Council in Strasbourg", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BROK,CHANTERIE,European Parliament,KLEPSCH,OOMEN-RUIJTEN,PISONI FERRUCCIO", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000095", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social 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Parliament on matters relating to institutional reform", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,OREJA", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,EU competence,Economic and Monetary Union,European Commission,European Parliament,European Union,competence of the Member States,cooperation procedure,decision-making,institutional cooperation,institutional reform,legislative procedure,national parliament,parliamentary scrutiny,power of implementation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "EU competence", "Economic and Monetary Union", "European Commission", "European Parliament", "European Union", "competence of the Member States", 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statistics,agricultural structure,area of holding,sampling,utilised agricultural area", "workIds": "celex:31989D0624,oj:JOL_1989_359_R_0008_010", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "agricultural statistics", "agricultural structure", "area of holding", "sampling", "utilised agricultural area"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/92ff8b5a-53ee-4216-8663-5a13f17c1b10", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d268649f-47bd-4e1a-98e0-e0487f2d6980", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3474/89 of 20 November 1989 fixing the maximum quantity of sunflower oil to be released for consumption in Spain and exported from that Member State in the 1989/90 marketing year and amending Regulation (EEC) No 1183/86 laying down detailed rules for the system for controlling the prices and the quantities of certain products in the oils and fats sector released for consumption in Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", 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imports thereof (1990)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "T\u00fcrkiye,market supervision,petroleum product,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:31989R3609,oj:JOL_1989_352_R_0041_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["T\u00fcrkiye", "market supervision", "petroleum product", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cce4667f-a2f5-4cb6-a508-9a3ef3a47772", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/cb6d9016-8d6c-489f-8b84-a979c25630d7", "title": "ORAL QUESTION (O-19/89) with debate, pursuant to Rule 58 of the Rules of Procedure by Mr KLEPSCH and Mr CHANTERIE on behalf of the Group of the European People' s Party to the Council of the European Communities Attainment of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CHANTERIE,European Parliament,KLEPSCH", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000019", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "economic growth", "equal treatment", "foreign national", "job creation", "recognition of 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"eurovoc_concepts": ["Costa Rica", "GATT", "Uruguay Round", "accession to an agreement", "multilateral agreement", "protocol to an agreement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac980a6f-1166-4610-b281-e78e491e5ae9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28af1704-28b3-4188-b1ad-a48408c169ac", "title": "89/625/EEC: Council Decision of 20 November 1989 on two specific research and development programmes in the field of the environment - step and Epoch (1989 to 1992)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "environmental protection,pollution control measures,research and development,research programme,scientific research", "workIds": "celex:31989D0625,oj:JOL_1989_359_R_0009_011", "eurovoc_concepts": ["environmental protection", "pollution control measures", "research and development", "research programme", "scientific research"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/28af1704-28b3-4188-b1ad-a48408c169ac", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fcfa1a54-c87e-49e4-a58c-fa7d10a0a1fb", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-423/89 with debate, by Mr PROUT on behalf of the Group of European Democrats to the Council: Social and economic cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": 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ANTONY, Mr BAGET BOZZO, Mrs CASTELLINA, Mr CRAMPTON, Mr H\u00c4NSCH, Mr HOLZFUSS, Mr LACAZE, Mr KLEPSCH, Mr LAGAKOS, Mr MEGRET, Mr MONTERO ZABALA, Mr NEWTON DUNN, Mr ROBLES PIQUER and Mr TINDEMANS to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: Views of the French Presidency on security policy cooperation in the context of European Political Cooperation", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ANTONY,BAGET BOZZO,BRIANT,CASTELLINA,CRAMPTON,European Parliament,HAENSCH,HOLZFUSS,KLEPSCH,LACAZE,LAGAKOS,MEGRET,MONTERO ZABALA,NEWTON DUNN William Francis,POETTERING,ROBLES PIQUER,WHITE", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "East-West policy,East-West relations,European Union,European political cooperation,European security,Lebanon,NATO,OSCE,START agreement,USSR,United States,Warsaw Pact Organisation,Western European Union,arms control,disarmament,force reduction,peacekeeping", "workIds": "celex:91989O000058", "eurovoc_concepts": ["East-West policy", "East-West relations", "European Union", "European political cooperation", "European security", "Lebanon", "NATO", "OSCE", "START agreement", "USSR", "United States", "Warsaw Pact Organisation", "Western European Union", "arms control", "disarmament", "force reduction", "peacekeeping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ab696a1-2281-4282-b180-7ece6e859251", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09aa4109-f248-470e-95e4-4ab51369b4c7", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUEMENT B3-422/89 with debate, by Mr GISCARD D' ESTAING on behalf of the Liberal, Democratic and Reformist Group to the Council: Speeding up the implementation of economic and social cohesion", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GISCARD D'ESTAING", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000023", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "economic growth", "equal treatment", "foreign national", "job creation", "recognition of diplomas", "single market", "social rights", "social security", "tax system", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09aa4109-f248-470e-95e4-4ab51369b4c7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21bad4c9-333c-48a3-b1c5-87bb23ebce9e", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3514/89 of 20 November 1989 fixing the basic and buying-in prices for certain fruit and vegetables to be applied in Spain from 1 January 1990 until the end of the 1989/90 marketing year", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Portugal,Spain,fruit,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:31989R3514,oj:JOL_1989_344_R_0001_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Portugal", "Spain", "fruit", "vegetable"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21bad4c9-333c-48a3-b1c5-87bb23ebce9e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d916c23-d966-4d2a-9319-8cb60a3982bc", "title": "ORAL QUESTION DOCUMENT B3-436/89 with debate, tabled by Mr CHANTERIE, Mr BROK, Mr F. PISONI, Mrs OOMEN-RUIJTEN and Mr KLEPSCH on behalf of the Group of the European People' s Party to the Commission: Solemn proclamation of the European Social Charter at the December summit of the European Council in Strasbourg", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_oral,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BROK,CHANTERIE,European Parliament,KLEPSCH,OOMEN-RUIJTEN,PISONI FERRUCCIO", "date": "1989-11-20", "subjects": "Economic and Monetary Union,European social policy,Single European Act,economic growth,equal treatment,foreign national,job creation,recognition of diplomas,single market,social rights,social security,tax system,worker consultation,worker participation", "workIds": "celex:91989O000096", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Economic and Monetary Union", "European social policy", "Single European Act", "economic growth", "equal treatment", "foreign national", "job creation", "recognition of diplomas", "single market", "social rights", "social security", "tax system", "worker consultation", "worker participation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8d916c23-d966-4d2a-9319-8cb60a3982bc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a94b6af2-24a8-4839-848f-1d756b979df1", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3471/89 of 17 November 1989 concerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-17", "subjects": "common customs tariff,luxury products industry,man-made fibre,tariff nomenclature", "workIds": "celex:31989R3471,oj:JOL_1989_337_R_0008_019", "eurovoc_concepts": ["common customs tariff", "luxury products industry", "man-made fibre", "tariff nomenclature"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a94b6af2-24a8-4839-848f-1d756b979df1", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1989337EN. 01000801. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n21. 11. 1989\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 337/8\n\n\n\n\n\nCOMMISSION REGULATION (EEC) No 3471/89\nof 17 November 1989\nconcerning the classification of certain goods in the combined nomenclature\nTHE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,\nHaving regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 on the tariff and statistical nomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff\u00a0(1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3469/89\u00a0(2), and in particular Article 9 thereof,\nWhereas in order to ensure uniform application of the combined nomenclature annexed to the said Regulation, it is necessary to adopt measures concerning the classification of the goods referred to in the Annex to this Regulation;\nWhereas Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 has set down the general rules for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature and these rules also apply to any other nomenclature which is wholly or partly based on it or which adds any additional subdivisions to it and which is established by specific Community provisions, with a view to the application of tariff or other measures relating to trade in goods;\nWhereas, pursuant to the said general rules, the goods described in column 1 of the table annexed to the present Regulation must be classified under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2, by virtue of the reasons set out in column 3;\nWhereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Nomenclature Committee,\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:\nArticle 1\nThe goods described in column 1 of the annexed table are now classified within the combined nomenclature under the appropriate CN codes indicated in column 2 of the said table. Article 2\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the 21st day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 17 November 1989. For the Commission\n\nChristiane SCRIVENEr\n\nMember of the Commission\n\n\n\n\n\n(1)\u00a0\u00a0OJ No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1. (2)\u00a0\u00a0See page 5 of this Official Journal. ANNEX\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDescription of the goods\n\n\nCN code classification\n\n\nReasons\n\n\n\n\n(1)\n\n\n(2)\n\n\n(3)\n\n\n\n\nRucksack made of woven fabric (100 % synthetic fibres) to which has been sewn a lightweight garment of woven fabric, of the anorak type, which can be folded up into one of the three compartments of the rucksack\n\n\n4202\u00a092\u00a091\n\n\nClassification is determined by the provisions of general rules 1, 3b and 6 for the interpretation of the combined nomenclature as well as by the texts of CN codes 4202 and 4202\u00a092\u00a011. The article cannot be classified within Chapter 62 because it is only occasionally used as a garment"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42e3a4d6-2bd4-4b29-a0ca-d9bf4487fbb0", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) IMPLEMENTING CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY AND CZECHOSLOVAKIA ON TRADE IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-17", "subjects": "Czechoslovakia,free circulation,industrial product,trade agreement (EU)", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0570,comnat:COM_1989_0570_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Czechoslovakia", "free circulation", "industrial product", "trade agreement (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42e3a4d6-2bd4-4b29-a0ca-d9bf4487fbb0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 570 \n\nf i n al \n\nBrussels, 17 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nimplementing certain provisions of the Agreement between \nthe Connmmity and Czechoslovakia on \ntrade in industrial products \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEM3RAND0M \n\n1. An Agreement on trade in industrial products between the European \n\nEconomic Community and the Czechoslovak Socialist Bepublio vas signed in \nBrussels on 19 December 1988. 1 \n\n2. Annexes I, II and III A to the Agreement contain lists of products \n\nidentified and classified according to the 1987 NIMEXE nomenclature. In \nan exchange of letters concerning the Combined Nomenclature, also \nannexed to the Agreement, the Community undertakes to replace these \nannexes with others based on the Combined Nomenclature (GN). 3. In addition, under Articles 4 and 5 of the Agreement, the Community has \nundertaken to abolish quantitative restrictions on imports into certain \nregions of the Community of oertain products, as listed in Annex II to \nthe Agreement, and also to suspend the application of quantitative \nrestrictions on imports into regions of the Gcamaunlty of oertain \nproducts, as listed in Annex III to the Agreement, on the terms and \nconditions specified therein. 4. Under Commission D\u00e9cisions Nos C(88)1478 of 27 July 1988& and C(88)224S \nof 28 November 1988,3 the Community has already adopted the measures \nreferred to in Annex III B to the Agreement and some of -Use measures \nreferred to in Annex II A to the Agreement. The attached proposal, \ntherefore, provides solely for the abolition or suspension of \nquantitative restrictions on imports of the other products listed in \nthose Annexes. 5. These liberalization measures mean that imports into the Community of \nany of the products listed in Annex II A originating in Czechoslovakia \nwill be free of all quantitative restrictions. Those products fall \ntherefore within the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1765/824 on \ncommon rules for imports from state-trading countries and are added to \nthe Annex to that Regulation. 6. T^ig Is the aim of this Commission proposal. 1 OJ No L 88, 31. 3. 1989, p. l. 2 OJ No C 204, 5. 8. 1988, p. 2. 3 Otf No C 315, 10. 12. 1988, p. 6. 4 OJ NO L 195, 5. 7. 1982, p. l. DRAFT \n\nPROPOSAL TOR \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/89 \n\nOf \n\n1989 \n\nimplementing certain provisions of the Agreement between \nthe Community and Czechoslovakia on \n\ntrade in industrial products \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN OCMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economio Community, \nand in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas an Agreement on trade in industrial products between the European \nEconomic Osnimunity and the Czechoslovak Social 1st Republic, hereinafter \nreferred to as the \"Agreement\", was signed in Brussels on 19 December 1988;1 \n\nWhereas Annexes I, II and III A to that Agreement contain lists of \nproducts identified and classified according to the 1987 NTMKXE \nnomenclature; whereas, in the exchange of letters concerning the Combined \nNomenclature, also annexed to the Agreement, the Community undertakes to \nmodify the NIMEXE nomenclature, replacing it with the Combined \nNomenclature (CN) codes; whereas Annex III B to the Agreement already \nidentifies products according to the Combined Nomenclature, although for \npractical reasons all the annexes to the Agreement should be reproduced \ntogether; \n\nWhereas, under Article 4 of the Agreement, the Connnunity undertakes to \neliminate quantitative restrictions on imports of certain products into \n\n1 OJ NO L 88, 31. 3. 1989, p. 1. - 2 -\n\ncertain regions of the Community, as listed in Annex II to the Agreement; \nwhereas, moreover, under Article 5 of the Agreement, the Community \nundertakes to suspend the application of quantitative restrictions on \nimports into regions of the Community of certain products, as listed in \nAnnex III, on the terms and conditions specified therein; whereas, under \nCommission Decisions Nos C(88)1478 of 27 July 19881 and 0(88)2245 of \n28 November 19882 the Community has already adopted both the measures \nreferred to in Annex III B to the Agreement and some of the measures \nreferred to in Annex II A to the Agreement; whereas the quantitative \nrestrictions on imports of the other products listed in Annex II A \n(reproduced as Annex IV to this Regulation) should therefore be abolished; \n\nWhereas this will mean that imports into the Community of any of the \nproducts listed in Annex II A will be free of all quantitative \nrestrictions; whereas these products can therefore be covered by Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 1765/82 on common rules for imports from State-trading \ncountries,3 \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nAnexxes I, II and III to the Agreement between the European Economie \nCommunity and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic on trade in industrial \nproducts are hereby replaced by the corresponding Annexes to this \nRegulation. Article 2 \n\n1. The quantitative restrictions on the release for free circulation in the \nCommunity of the products listed in Annex II B are hereby abolished in \nthe Member States specified in the Annex with regard to those products. 1 OJ No C 204, 5. 8. 1988, p. 2. 2 OJ No C 315, 10. 12. 1988, p. 6. 3 OJ NO L 195, 5. 7. 1982, p. 1. - 3 -\n\n2. The application of quantitative restrictions on the release for free \n\ncirculation in the Community of products listed in Annex in A \noriginating in Czechoslovakia is hereby suspended in France on the terms \nand conditions specified in that Annex. 3. The quantitative restrictions on the release for free circulation in the \nCommunity of products listed in Annex IV originating in Czechoslovakia \nare hereby abolished throughout the Community. Article g \n\nImports into the Community of the products listed in Annex II A originating \nin Czechoslovakia shall be subject to Council Regulation (EBC) No 1765/82. These products shall be added to the Annex to that Regulation. This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of \nJournal of \nits publication in the Official \n\nthe European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \nall Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\n\fANNEX I \n\nProducts falling within chapters 2 5 to 9 6 which are not \ncovered by the agreement \n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CM-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\n2905 43 00 \n44 11 \n19 \n91 \n99 \n\n3505 10 10 \n90 \n20 10 \n30 \n50 \n90 \n\n3809 10 10 \n30 \n50 \n90 \n\nex \n\nex \n\nex \n\n91 00 Excluding prepared mordants and auxiliary products of \n\nthe types used for the textile Industry \n\n92 00 Excluding auxiliary products oT thp types used for the \n\npaper i ndust ry \n\n99 00 Excluding auxiliary products of the typos used for the \n\nleather and furskin industries \n\n3823 60 11 \n19 \n91 \n99 \n\n4501 10 00 \n90 00 \n\n5301 10 00 \n21 00 \n29 00 \n30 10 \n9U \n\n5302 10 00 \n90 00 \n\n\fANNEX Il/A \n\nProducts in respect of which quantitative restrictions are \n\nabolished at Community Level \n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\n2529 10 00 \n21 00 \n22 00 \n30 00 \n\n2704 00 11 \n00 90 \n\n2833 30 10 \n\nex 2844 40 00 Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores \n\n2903 29 00 \n30 10 \n\n2905 12 00 \n16 10 \n90 \n\nex \n\n22 10 Geraniol \n\n90 \n29 00 \n50 30 \n\n2907 22 90 \n23 10 \n90 \n29 90 \n\nex 2912 50 00 1, 3,5-Trioxane \n\n60 00 \n\nex 2917 34 10 Diisooctylorthophthalat es \n\n2918 13 00 \n29 50 \n90 \n\nex \n\n30 00 Excluding dehydrocholic acid (INN) and its salts \n\n2921 12 00 \n21 00 \n22 00 \n44 00 \n45 00 2-Naphthylamine (8-naphthylamine) and its derivatives; \n\nsalts thereof \n\n49 90 N-Methyl-N,2,4,6,-tetranitroani1ine (tetryl) \n\nex \n\nex \n\n\f-2-\n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex \n\nex 2922 19 00 \n\nAminoarylethanols and their salts \n\n2933 11 10 \n\nex \n\n59 90 Piperazine (diethylenediamine) and 2,5-dimethy1-\n\npiperazine (2,5-dimethyldiethylenediamine and their \nsalts \n\nContaining streptomycins or derivatives thereof \n\nContaining streptomycins or derivatives thereof \n\nMineral blacks \n\nex 3003 10 00 \n90 10 \n\nex 3004 10 90 \n90 91 \n\nex \n\n3206 49 10 \n90 \n50 00 \n\n3606 10 00 \n90 10 \n\nex 3809 92 00 \n\nAuxiliary products \n\nex 3811 11 90 \n\nBased on tetramethyl-lead, on eht y 1 methyl-lead or on \nmixtures of tetraethyl-lead and tetramethyl-lead \n\n3818 00 10 \n\n3819 00 00 \n\nBased on synthetic resins \nCrude calcium tartrate; crude calcium citrate \n\nex 3823 10 00 \n90 40 \nex \n81 \n\n3907 20 11 \n\n4002 31 00 \n49 00 \n99 10 \n\nex 4005 99 00 Natural rubber modified by the incorporation of \n\nplastics; polychlorobutadiene; isobutene-isoprene \n(butyl) rubber (I IR) \n\n4006 10 00 \n\n4104 10 30 \n\nex \n\n22 10 Calf-leather \n\n5307 10 10 \n90 \n20 00 \n\n\fCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\n-3-\n\nex 5311 00 90 Of hemp \n\n5403 33 10 \n\nex 5604 20 00 Impregnated or coated with rubber \n\nex \n\n90 00 Impregnated or coated with rubber \n\nex 5905 00 90 Of hemp \n\nex 7008 00 11 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \n19 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \nex \n91 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \nex \n99 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \nex \nex 7305 39 00 High-pressure hydro-electric conduits, spirally welded \nex \n\n90 00 High-pressure hydro-electric conduits, other than \n\nseamless, not welded \n\n7307 93 99 \n\n7308 10 00 \n\n7325 91 00 \n\n7326 11 00 \n20 30 \n90 99 Non-calibrated steel balls (see Note 6 to Chapter 84) \n\nex \n\n7803 00 00 \n\n7804 11 00 \n19 00 \n\n20 00 \n\n7805 00 00 \n\n7903 90 00 \n\nex 7904 00 00 Excluding hollow bars \n\n8104 11 00 \n\n19 00 \n\n8110 00 11 \n\n8429 11 00 \n19 00 \n20 00 \n\nex 8430 61 00 Road rollers \n\n\f-4-\n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\nex 8443 29 00 Two-revolution cylinder letterpress printing machines, \n\nprinting only one side of the sheet at each pass \n\n30 00 \n40 00 \n\nex 8470 50 00 Electronic \n\nex 8473 29 00 Of calculating machines of CN-Code 8470 30 00 \nex \n\n40 00 Address plates for the machines of CN-Code 8472 20 00 \n\n8545 19 10 \n90 10 \n\n\fANNEX 1I/B \n\nProducts in respect of which quantitative restrictions are \n\nabolished at regional level \n\nBENELUX \n\nPORTUGAL (cont. d) \n\nFED. ' REP. OF GERMANY \n\nCN-Code 1988 Footnote \n\nex 5310 10 90 \n\n(1) \n\nex 5403 20 90 \n31 00 \n32 00 \n\nex \n\n(2) \n\n(3) \n\nGREECE \n\nCN-Code 1988 Footnote \n\nex \nex \nex \nex \n\n8544 20 \n41 \n49 \n\n10 \n00 \n10 \n90 \n\n(4) \n(4) \n(4) \n(4) \n\nPORTUGAL \n\nCN-Code 1988 Footnote \n\nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \n\n7304 10 10 \n30 \n90 \n20 91 \n99 \n31 10 \n91 \n39 10 \n20 \n91 \n93 \n99 \n41 10 \n90 \n49 10 \n30 \n91 \n\n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n(5) \n\n7304 \n\n51 \n59 \n59 \n\n49 \n51 \n51 \n\nCN-Code 1988 Foot note \n99 \n11 \n19 \n30 \n91 \n10 \n31 \n39 \n50 \n91 \n93 \n99 \n10 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n10 \n90 \n00 \n00 \n\n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n6 \n6 \n7 \n6 \n7 \n8 \n9 \n\nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \ne x \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \n\n90 \n11 \n12 \n19 \n20 \n\n31 \n39 \n\n7305 \n\nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \nex \n\n7306 10 \n\n20 \n30 \n\n40 \n\n50 \n\n60 \n\n11 \n19 \n90 \n00 \n10 \n21 \n29 \n30 \n71 \n79 \n90 \n10 \n91 \n99 \n10 \n91 \n99 \n10 \n\n6 \n6 \n6 \n(10 \n6 \n5 \n5 \n5 \n(11 \n(11 \n(11 \n(5 \n(5 \n(5 \n(5 \n(5 \n(5 \n(6 \n\nCN-Code 1988 Footnote \n\n4410 10 50 \n\n4411 21 00 \n31 00 \n99 00 \n\n6205 90 10 \n\n6206 90 10 \n\n64U3 20 U0 \n40 00 \n51 11 \n91 \n59 31 \n91 \n91 11 \n91 \n99 31 \n91 \n\n6908 90 51 \n\n7202 41 90 \n80 00 \n\n7601 10 00 \n20 10 \n\n\fFOOTNOTES TO ANNEX II/B \n\n(Signification of the CN-Codes marked \"ex\") \n\n(1) Of jute, of a width not exceeding 310 cm \n\n(2) Single yarn of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist not \n\nexceeding 250 turns per metre \n\n(3) With a twist not exceeding 250 turns per metri; \n\n(4) For television aerials \n\n(5) Tubes and pipes of a wal1-thickness not exceeding 4,5 mm \n\n(6) Tubes and pipes of a wal1-thickness not exceeding 4,5 mm, \n\nexcluding tubes and pipes of cast iron \n\n(7) Tubes and pipes, spirally welded, of a wal1-thickness not \nexceeding 4,5 mm, excluding tubes and pipes of cast iron \n\n(8) Tubes and pipes of a wal1-thickness not exceeding 4,5 mm, \n\nexcluding: \n\n- tubes and pipes of cast iron; \n- high pressure hydro-electric conduits \n\n(9) Tubes and pipes, spirally welded, of a wall-thickness not \n\nexceeding 4,5 mm, excluding: \n\n- tubes and pipes of cast iron; \n- high pressure hydro-electric conduits \n\n(10) Welded, of a wall-thickness not exceeding 4,5 mm \n\n(11) Of a wall-thickness not exceeding 4,5 mm \n\n\fANNEX 111/A \n\nList of products in respect of which) quantitative restrictions \n\nare suspended at regional Jevel according to the French \n\nregulations provided for the Open General Licence System (5LQ) \n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\n2707 20 10 \n30 10 \n50 10 \n99 3U Sulphuretted toppings, for use as power cr heating fuels \n\nex \n\nex 3203 00 19 Natural indigo \n\n3204 11 U0 \n12 00 \n13 00 \n14 00 \n15 00 \n16 00 \n17 00 \n19 00 \n20 00 \n90 00 \n\n\fLise of products in respect of which quantitative restrictions a re suspended at regional level according to the \nItalian regulations provided for the automatic licensing arrangements (TLA) \n\nANNEX \n\nI I I /B \n\nCN code \n\nProduct \n\nCiN code \n\nProduct \n\n2817 00 00 \n\nZinc oxide \n\nex 3901 10 10 \n\nPlastics \n\n2824 20 00 \n\nLead \n\n2835 31 00 \n2835 39 90 \n\nPolyphosphates (including sodium \ntripolyphosphate) \n\n2841 30 00 \n\nSodium dichromate \n\n2849 10 00 \n\nCalcium carbide \n\n2902 50 00 \n\nStyrene \n\n2905 16 10 \n2905 16 90 \n\nOctyl alcohols \n\n2907 11 00 \n\nPhenol and its salts \n\n2912 41 00 \n2912 42 00 \n\n2918 90 00 \n\n2932 90 70 \n\nVanillin and ethylvanillin \n\nOther carboxylic acids with \ncomplex oxygen function \n\nsimple or \n\n2926 10 00 \n\nAcrylonitrile \n\n2933 71 00 \n\nCaprolactam \n\nAntibiotics (excluding chloramphenicol and \ntetracyclines) \n\nSynthetic organic dyes \n\n2941 10 00 \n2941 50 00 \n2941 90 00 \n\n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n3204 \n\n1100 \n12 00 \n13 00 \n14 00 \n15 00 \n16 00 \n17 00 \n19 00 \n\n3206 42 00 \n\nLithopone \n\nMedical essential oils \n\n3301 11 10 \n3301 12 10 \n3301 13 10 \n3301 14 10 \n3301 19 10 \n3301 90 10 \n\n3601 00 00 \n\nGunpowder \n\n3808 30 10 \nex 3808 30 90 \n\nHerbicides and activated substances \n\n3907 10 00 \n3907 20 11 \n3907 20 19 \n3907 20 90 \n3907 30 00 \n3907 40 00 \n3907 50 00 \n3907 60 00 \n3907 91 00 \n3907 99 00 \n\n3909 10 00 \n3909 20 00 \n3909 30 00 \n3909 40 00 \n3909 50 00 \n\n3910 00 00 \n\n3911 90 10 \n\n3914 00 00 \n\n3915 90 99 \n\n3916 90 11 \n3916 90 13 \n3916 90 15 \n3916 90 19 \n\n3917 29 11 \n3917 29 13 \n3917 31 90 \n391732 11 \n3917 32 19 \n3917 39 11 \n3917 39 13 \n\n3919 10 10 \n3919 10 39 \n3919 90 31 \n3919 90 35 \n3919 90 39 \n\n3920 61 00 \n3920 62 00 \n3920 63 Q0 \n3920 69 00 \n3920 92 00 \n3920 93 00 \n3920 94 00 \n3920 99 11 \n3920 99 19 \n\n3921 13 00 \n3921 19 10 \n3921 19 90 \n3921 9011 \n3921 90 19 \n3921 90 20 \n3921 90 30 \n3921 90 41 \n3921 90 43 \n3921 90 49 \n3921 90 50 \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nCN code \n\nProduct \n\nCN code \n\nProduct \n\nPolymerization and copolymerization \nproducts \n\n3901 10 10 \n3901 10 90 \n3901 20 00 \n\n3902 10 00 \n3902 20 00 \n\n3903 1100 \n3903 19 00 \n3903 20 00 \n3903 30 00 \n3903 90 00 \n\n3904 10 00 \n3904 21 00 \n3904 22 00 \n3904 30 00 \n3904 40 00 \n3904 50 00 \n3904 61 00 \n3904 69 00 \n3904 90 00 \n\n3905 1100 \n3905 19 00 \n3905 20 00 \n3905 90 00 \n\n3906 10 00 \n3906 90 00 \n\n3911 10 00 \n\n3914 00 00 \n\n3915 10 00 \n3915 20 00 \n3915 30 00 \n3915 90 11 \n3915 90 13 \n3915 90 19 \n\n3916 10 00 \n3916 20 00 \n3916 90 51 \n3916 90 59 \n\n3917 21 10 \n3917 22 10 \n3917 23 10 \n3917 2915 \n3917 32 31 \n3917 32 35 \n3917 32 39 \n3917 3915 \n\n3918 10 10 \n3918 10 90 \n3918 90 00 \n\n3919 10 10 \n3919 1051 \n3919 10 59 \n3919 90 50 \n\n3920 10 11 \n3920 10 19 \n3920 10 90 \n3920 20 10 \n\nPolymerization and copolymerization \nproducts (cont'd) \n\n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n3920 \n\n20 50 \n20 71 \n20 79 \n20 90 \n30 00 \n41 10 \n41 90 \n42 10 \n42 90 \n51 00 \n59 00 \n99 50 \n\n3921 11 00 \n3921 12 00 \n3921 19 90 \n3921 90 60 \n\n4814 20 00 \n\n3915 90 91 \n\nCellophane \n\n3916 90 90 \n\n3917 10 90 \n3917 29 19 \n3917 32 51 \n3917 39 19 \n\n3919 10 90 \n\n3920 71 11 \n3920 71 19 \n3920 71 90 \n\n3921 90 90 \n\n3912 20 11 \n3912 20 19 \n3912 20 90 \n\n3915 90 91 \n\n3916 90 90 \n\n3917 29 19 \n3917 32 51 \n3917 39 19 \n\n3919 10 90 \n3919 90 90 \n\n3920 79 00 \n\n3921 19 90 \n3921 90 90 \n\n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n4002 \n\n1100 \n20 00 \n31 00 \n39 00 \n41 00 \n5100 \n60 00 \n70 00 \n91 00 \n\nCellulose nitrates \n\nSynthetic rubber lattice \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nCN code \n\nProduct \n\nCN code \n\nIVuvhut \n\n4010 10 00 \n4010 91 00 \n4010 99 00 \n\n4104 10 10 \n4104 22 10 \n\nConveyor or transmission belts or belting, of \nvulcanized rubber \n\nPrepared bovine (including buffalo) and \nequine leather excluding those falling within \nCN codes 4108 00 10, 4108 00 90 and \n4109 00 00 \n\n5001 00 00 \n\nSilkworm cocoons \n\n7202 21 10 \n7202 21 90 \n7202 29 00 \n\nFerro-silicon \n\n7202 30 00 \n\nFcrro-silico-manganese \n\n7202 80 00 \n\nFerro-tungsten \n\n9406 00 30 \n\nHangars, houses and similar buildings of cast \niron, iron or steel \n\n7325 10 10 \n\nCast iron manhole covers \n\nUnwrought aluminium \n\nStranded wire cables, plaited bands and the \nlike, of aluminium wire \n\nUnwrought zinc \n\n7601 10 00 \n7601 20 10 \n7601 20 90 \n\n7614 10 00 \n7614 90 10 \n7614 90 90 \n\n7901 11 00 \n7901 12 10 \n7901 12 30 \n7901 12 90 \n\n7901 20 00 \n\nZinc alloys \n\n8110 00 19 \n\nAntimony waste \n\nExcavating, levelling, ramping, boring and \nextracting machinery for earth; parts \n\nConstruction and roadworks machinery, \nparts and accessories \n\n8429 30 00 \n8429 40 90 \n8429 51 90 \n8429 52 00 \n8429 59 00 \n\n8430 10 00 \n8430 20 00 \n8430 31 00 \n8430 39 00 \n8430 41 00 \n8430 49 00 \n8430 50 00 \n8430 61 00 \n8430 62 00 \n8430 69 00 \n\n8431 41 00 \n8431 42 00 \n8431 43 00 \n8431 49 10 \n8431 49 90 \n\n8470 10 00 \n8470 21 00 \n8470 29 00 \n\n8473 21 00 \n\n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n8506 \n\n11 10 \n11 90 \n12 00 \n13 00 \n19 10 \n19 90 \n20 00 \n90 00 \n\n8456 90 00 \n\n8543 30 00 \n\n8543 20 00 \n\n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n8544 \n\n11 10 \n1190 \n19 10 \n19 90 \n20 10 \n20 91 \n20 99 \n30 90 \n41 00 \n49 10 \n49 90 \n5100 \n59 10 \n59 91 \n59 93 \n59 99 \n60 11 \n60 13 \n60 19 \n60 91 \n60 93 \n60 99 \n\n8545 1100 \n8545 19 10 \n8545 19 90 \n8545 20 00 \n8545 90 90 \n\n8546 10 00 \n8546 20 10 \n8546 20 91 \n8546 20 99 \n8546 90 90 \n\n8701 10 10 \n8701 10 90 \n8701 20 10 \n8701 20 <>0 \n8701 30 00 \n8701 90 11 \n8701 90 15 \n8701 90 21 \n8701 90 25 \n\nElectronic calculating machir. ;\u00bb and parts \n\nPrimary batteries \n\nElectroplating equipment, spare pans and \naccessories \n\nLow and high frequency electrical \ngenerators \n\nInsulated electric wire, cable, bars, strip and \nthe \nelectrical \ninstallations \n\nlike and materials \n\nfor \n\nCarbons for projectors and other carbon \nproducts \n\nGraphite electrodes \n\nmaterials \n\nelectrical \nInsulating \ninstallations, including high and low voltage \nporcelain insulators \n\nfor \n\nTractors, their parts and accessories \n\n\fCNcode \n\nProduct \n\nCN code \n\nProduct \n\n- 4 -\n\nTractors, \n(cont'd) \n\ntheir parts and \n\naccessories \n\nex 2934 90 90 \n\n6-aminopenicillanic acid \n\n870190 31 \n8701 90 35 \n8701 90 39 \n8701 90 50 \n8701 90 90 \n\nex 8708 \n\n8903 91 10 \n8903 92 10 \n\n9305 21 00 \n9305 30 91 \n9305 30 93 \n\n721711 10 \n7217 1190 \n7217 12 10 \n7217 12 90 \n7217 13 11 \n7217 13 19 \n7217 13 91 \n7217 13 99 \n7217 19 10 \n7217 19 90 \n7217 21 00 \n7217 22 00 \n7217 23 00 \n7217 29 00 \n\nex 7207 20 19 \nex 7207 20 39 \nex 7207 20 59 \nex 7207 20 79 \n\n7218 90 30 \n7218 90 91 \n7218 90 99 \n\n7224 90 19 \n7224 90 91 \n7224 90 99 \n\n7307 21 00 \n7307 91 00 \n\nex 2707 99 91 \n\nMineral oil derivatives \n\n\u2022 \n\nex 3915 90 99 \n\nBroken film (waste and scrap pieces) \n\n7901 1100 \n\nZinc, not alloyed, containing by \nweight 99,99 % or more of zinc \n\nex 7325 99 90 \n\nMetal tool boxes \n\nPleasure or sports vessels \n\nAmmunition for sporting guns \n\nex 7326 90 91 \nex 7326 90 93 \n\nex 7325 91 00 \n\nOther articles of iron or steel \n\nIron or steel wire, whether or not coated, but \nnot insulated \n\nForged products containing by weight 0,6 % \nor more of carbon \n\nFlanges for tubes of cast iron, iron or steel \n\n\u2022 \n\n7326 11 00 \n7326 20 10 \n7326 20 90 \n7326 90 40 \n7326 90 50 \n7326 90 60 \n7326 90 70 \n7326 90 91 \n7326 90 93 \n7326 90 99 \n\nex 7326 90 91 \nex 7326 90 93 \nex 7326 90 99 \n\nex 8407 10 10 \nex 8407 90 10 \n\n4006 10 00 \n4006 90 00 \n\n5604 20 00 \n5604 90 00 \n\n7310 10 00 \n7310 2191 \n7310 21 99 \n7310 29 10 \n7310 29 90 \n\n7325 1010 \n7325 10 90 \n7325 99 10 \n7325 99 90 \n\nTent pegs, poles and accessories \n\nEngines for recreational aircraft \n\nArticles of plastic or rubber \n\nArticles of metal \n\nex 7307 29 10 \nex 7307 99 10 \n\nCouplings for tubes of cast iron, iron or \nsteel \n\n\fANNI. X IV \n\nProducts listed in Annex IIA to the EBCHSzechoslovakia Agreement \nnot covered toy previous liberalization decisions, \nin respect of which quantitative restrictions \nare abolished at Cornraunity level \n\nCN-Code 198 81 \n\nS i g n i f i c a t i on of CN - C o d es m a r k ed \n\n\" e x\" \n\n2529 21 00 \n22 00 \n3D 00 \n\n2 7 U 4 U 0. 1 1 \n\n00 90 \n\n2833 30 10 \n\nex 2844 40 00 \n\nI n o r g a n ic p r o d u c ts of a k i nd u s ed as \n\nl u m i n o p h o r es \n\n2903 29 00 \n30 10 \n\n2905 12 00 \n16 10 \n90 \n\nex \n\n22 10 G e r a n i ol \n\n90 \n29 00 \n5 0 30 \n\n2907 22 90 \n23 10 \n90 \n29 90 \n\nex 2912 50 00 1 , 3 , 5 - T r i o x a ne \n\n60 00 \n\nex 2 9 17 34 10 D i i s o o c ty l o r t h o p h t h a l a t es \n\n2918 13 00 \n29 50 \n\nex \n\n30 00 Excluding dehydrocholic acid (INN) and its salts \n\n2921 12 00 \n21 00 \n22 00 \n44 00 \n45 00 2-Naphthylamine (B-naphthylamine) and its derivatives; \n\nex \n\nex \n\nsalts thereof \n\n49 90 N-Methy1-N ,2,4,6,-tetranitroani1ine (tetryl) \n\n\fCN-Code 1\u00b0 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\nex 2922 lq (JO Aminoarylethanols and their >\u2022. alts \n\n2933 11 10 \n\nex \n\n59 90 Piperazine (diethylenediamine) and 2,5-dimethyl-\n\npiperazine (2,5-dimethyldiethylenediamine and their \nsalts \n\nex 3003 10 00 Containing streptomycins or derivatives thereof \n\n90 10 \n\nex 3004 10 90 Containing streptomycins or derivatives thereof \n\n90 91 \n\n3206 49 10 \n\nex \n\n90 Mineral blacks \n\n50 00 \n\n3606 10 00 \n90 10 \n\nex 3809 92 00 Auxiliary products \n\nex 3811 11 90 Based on tetramethyl-lead, on ehtylmethyl-lead or on \n\nmixtures of tetraethyl-lead and tetramethyl-lead \n\n3818 00 10 \n\n3819 00 00 \n\nex 3823 10 00 Based on synthetic resins \nex \n\n90 40 Crude calcium tartrate; crude calcium citrate \n\n81 \n\n3907 20 11 \n\n4002 49 00 \n99 10 \n\nex 4005 99 00 Natural rubber modified by the incorporation of \n\nplastics; polychlorobutadiene ; isobutene-isoprene \n(butyl) rubber (1 IR ) \n\n5307 10 10 \n90 \n20 00 \n\n\fCN-Code Ie 38 \n\nS i g n i f i c a t i on of C\\-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\n-3-\n\nex 5311 00 Q0 Of hemp \n\n5403 33 10 \n\nex 5905 00 90 Of hemp \n\nex 7008 00 11 With an int. erlayer of fibre-glass \n19 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \nex \n31 With an interlayer of fibre-glass \nex \nex \n99 With an interlayer of fibre-g lass \n\nex 7305 39 00 High-pressure hydro-electric conduits, spirally welced \nex \n\n90 00 High-pressure hydro-electric conduits, other than \n\nseamless, not welded \n\n7307 93 99 \n\n7308 10 00 \n\n7 32 5 9 1 00 \n\n7326 11 00 \n\n7803 00 00 \n\n7804 11 00 \n19 00 \n\n20 00 \n\n7805 00 00 \n\n7903 90 00 \n\nex 7904 00 00 Excluding hollow bars \n\n8104 11 00 \n19 00 \n\n8110 00 11 \n\n\f-4-\n\nCN-Code 1988 \n\nSignification of CN-Codes marked \"ex\" \n\nex 8443 29 00 Two-revolution cylinder letterpress printing machines, \n\nprinting only one side of the sheet at each pass \n\n30 00 \n40 00 \n\nex 8470 50 00 Electronic \n\nex 8473 29 00 Of calculating machines of CN-Code 8470 30 00 \nex \n\n40 00 Address plates for the machines of CN-Code 8472 20 00 \n\n8545 19 10 \n90 10 \n\n\fFICHE \n\nIMPACT DE LA PROPOSITION SUR LES P. M. E. ET SUR LE MARCHE DE L'EMPLOI \n\nLa suppression des restrictions quantitatives, au niveau communautaire et \n\nau niveau r\u00e9gional, que la Communaut\u00e9 s'\u00e9tait engag\u00e9e \u00e0 \u00e9liminer vis-\u00e8-vis \n\nde la Tch\u00e9coslovaquie au titre des articles 4 et 5 de l'accord avec ce pays \n\na une port\u00e9e assez limit\u00e9e. De ce fait, on estime que la pr\u00e9sente \n\nproposition n'est pas susceptible d'avoir un impact \u00e9conomique appr\u00e9ciable \n\npour les PME. *** \n\n\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 570 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-537-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55017-1 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3fd88ad3-cd53-4134-bea6-77ce223cc51a", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION CONCERNING THE FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME OF COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES IN THE FIELD ON RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT ( 1990 TO 1994 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1989-11-16", "subjects": "applied research,innovation,research and development,technological change", "workIds": "celex:51989AC1250,oj:JOC_1990_056_R_0034_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["applied research", "innovation", "research and development", "technological change"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3fd88ad3-cd53-4134-bea6-77ce223cc51a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ffca960c-44be-4d83-a310-8d726fa62e11", "title": "Protocol to the Convention on the elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "fmx4,html,pdfa1b,print,xhtml", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_international,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#agreement_non-member-states,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Belgium,Denmark,Finland,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,United Kingdom", "date": "1989-11-16", "subjects": "European convention,directory,pharmaceutical legislation,pharmaceutical product,pharmacology,protocol to an agreement,technical specification", "workIds": "celex:21994A0625(02),oj:JOL_1994_158_R_0022_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European convention", "directory", "pharmaceutical legislation", "pharmaceutical product", "pharmacology", "protocol to an agreement", "technical specification"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ffca960c-44be-4d83-a310-8d726fa62e11", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["fmx4", "html", "pdfa1b", "print", "xhtml"], "text": "L_1994158EN. 01002201. xml\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n25. 6. 1994\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\n\n\nEN\n\n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities\n\n\nL 158/22\n\n\n\n\n\nPROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE ELABORATION OF A EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA\n\nPreamble\n\nTHE MEMBER STATES OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE which are Parties to the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia of 22 July 1964 drawn up within the Council of Europe's Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field, hereinafter called \u2018the Convention\u2019. Having regard to the Convention and particularly to the provisions of Article 1 thereof,\nConsidering that the European Economic Community has adopted rules particularly in the form of directives which apply to the matters covered by the Convention and that it is competent in this field;\nConsidering therefore that, for the purpose of implementing Article 1 of the Convention, it is necessary for the European Economic Community to be able to become a Party to the Convention;\nConsidering that, to that end, it is necessary to amend certain provisions of the Convention,\nHAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:\nArticle 1\nThe term \u2018national delegations\u2019 in Articles 3 and 5 (1) of the Convention shall be replaced by the word \u2018delegations\u2019. Article 2\nThe following text shall replace Article 5 (3) of the Convention:\n\n\u20183. The Commission shall elect a Chairman from among its members by secret ballot, by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the delegations. The term of office of the Chairman and the conditions governing his re-election shall be laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission. While he holds office, the Chairman shall not be a member of any delegation. \u2019\n\nArticle 3\nThe following text shall replace Article 7 of the Convention:\n\n\u20181. Each of the national delegations shall be entitled to one vote. 2. On all technical matters, including the order in which the monographs referred to in Article 6 are to be prepared, decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a unanimous vote of national delegations casting votes and a majority of the national delegations entitled to sit on the Commission. 3. All other decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a three-quarters majority of the votes cast. For these decisions, from the time of entry into force of the Convention in respect of the European Economic Community, the latter's delegation shall vote in place of its Member States' delegations. It shall have a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States' delegations. However, should a Contracting Party alone possess the required majority, the Contracting Parties undertake to renegotiate the voting modalities no sooner than five years after the entry into force of the Protocol, at the request of one of them addressed to the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. \u2019\n\nArticle 4\nThe following text shall be inserted in Article 10 of the Convention, as paragraph 3:\n\n\u20183. The conditions of any financial participation by the European Economic Community shall be determined by agreement between the Contracting Parties. \u2019\n\nArticle 5\n1. A new paragraph 3 shall be inserted in Article 12 of the Convention, worded as follows:\n\n\u20183. The European Economic Community may accede to the present Convention. \u2019\n\n2. The former paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Convention shall be renumbered as paragraph 4 of the same Article. Article 6\nA new paragraph 4 shall be inserted in Article 13 of the Convention, worded as follows:\n\n\u20184. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above shall apply mutatis mutandis to the European Economic Community. \u2019\n\nArticle 7\n1. This Protocol shall be open for signature by the Member States of the Council of Europe having signed or acceded to the Convention which may express their consent to be bound by:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nsignature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval; or\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nsignature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval. 2. No Member State of the Council of Europe shall sign without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval, or deposit an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, unless it is already or becomes simultaneously Party to the Convention. 3. Any State not a member of the Council of Europe which has acceded to the Convention may also accede to this Protocol. 4. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. Article 8\nThis Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of one month after the date on which all Parties to the Convention have expressed their consent to be bound by the Protocol in accordance with the provisions of Article 7. Article 9\nThe Secretary-General of the Council of Europe shall notify the Member States of the Council, any other Contracting State to the Convention and the European Economic Community of:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(a)\n\n\nany signature;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(b)\n\n\nthe deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(c)\n\n\nany date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Article 8;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(d)\n\n\nany other act, notification or communication relating to this Protocol. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Protocol. Done at Strasbourg, the 16th day of November 1989, in English and in French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each Member State of the Council of Europe, to any other Contracting State to the Convention and to the European Economic Community"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4bea9a0-f362-4782-9e5f-9d8518d42a93", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON COMPANY LAW CONCERNING DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS IN RESPECT OF BRANCHES OPENED IN A MEMBER STATE BY CERTAIN TYPES OF COMPANIES GOVERNED BY THE LAW OF ANOTHER STATE", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-16", "subjects": "branch,business management,company law,organisation,publication of accounts", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0528,comnat:COM_1989_0528_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_309_R_0009_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["branch", "business management", "company law", "organisation", "publication of accounts"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c4bea9a0-f362-4782-9e5f-9d8518d42a93", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 528 final - SYN 63 \n\nBrussel, 16 November 1989 \n\nRe-examined proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\non company law concerning \ndisclosure requirements In respect of \nbranches opened In a Member State by \ncertain types of companies governed \nby the law of another State \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 149. 2(d) \nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nLVvw \u00efi8,i \n\nRevised proposal for a \nCounclI Direct !ve \non company law concerning \ndisclosure requirements in respect of \nbranches opened In a Member State by \ncertain types of companies governed \nby the iaw of another State \n\n(Submitted by the Commission to the Council \non the basis of Article 149 (2d) \nof the EEC Treaty) \n\nExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. On 29 July 1986 the Commission transmitted to the Council the \n\nabovementloned proposal for a Direct Ive. <1) \n\n2. The European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee \ndelivered their opinions on 18 November 1987<2) and 24 \nSeptember 1987( 3) respectively. 3. On 5 April 1988 the Commission transmitted an amended \nproposal(4) to the Council, incorporating the substance of the \nchanges requested by Parliament. The Council's Working Party on \nEconomic Questions (establishments and services) examined that \nproposal in three readings from November 1988. 4. 5. The Council adopted a Common Position on 16 May 1989,(5) for \nwhich it Indicated Its grounds/6) and on which the Commission \nformulated its observ\u00e2t Ions. *7* \n\nIn accordance with the coop\u00e9ration procedure, the European \nParliament gave the proposal a second reading eft 13 September \nParliament gave the proposal a second read \n1989 and voted in favour of eight amendments \n\nI \n\n(1) OJ No. C 20$, 12. 8. 1986, p. t2. (2) OJ No C 345, 21. 12. 1987, p. 1* \n(3) OJ NO C 319, 3t. 11. 1987, p. 61. (4) OJ No C 105, 2t. 4. 1988, p. f. (5) Council Document 6346/89, 11 May f989L \n(6) Council Document 6346/89 Add. 1, 11 May 1989 \n(7) SEC(89)739 SYN 63, 18 May 1989. (8) EP Doc. 133. 773, 13 September 198\u00d4. | \nir \n\n\f3 -\n\n6. The Commission has been able to accept the following amendments \nInvolving improvements to the wording: \n(a) the first amendment, which adds the words \"not ieast\" to the \nfifth recital; \n\n(b) the second amendment, which, in the sixth recital, stresses \nthe possibility of comparing the economic and social influence \nof a branch with that of a subsidiary company; \n\n(c) the fourth amendment, which refers in Article 3 not only to \nthe auditing and disclosure of accounting documents, but also to \ntheir being drawn up In accordance with the various accounting \ndirect ives. (d) the third and the fifth amendments which refer to the \nexistence of other branches In the same Member State. 7. The Commission has rejected the sixth, seventh and eighth \n\namendments. As for the branches of third-country companies, the Member \ninformation since the \nStates may still request additional \nDirective's provision on that matter is of a minimal nature. This is the reason for the rejection of the sixth amendment, \nwhich would allow the Member State to demand the signature of \ncertain persons having power of representation. The seventh amendment aims to enable the Member States, in the \ncase of the non-compliance or non-equivalence of the accounts of \na third-country company, to require not only the drawing up and \ndisclosure of accounts limited to the branch's activity but also \ntheir audit. However, no equivalent requirement exists in the \ncomparable rules concerning the branches of third-country credit \ninstitutions (Directive 88/117/EEC, Article 3 ). It would seem \nindefensible to impose stricter requirements on the branches of \nindustrial and commercial companies. Under the eighth amendment, where the accounting documents of \nthird-country companies do not fully comply in every detail with \nthe directives, despite being equivalent in principle, all \ndifferences would have to be expressly indicated at the time of \ndisclosure. Moreover, the fact that they have not been audited \nwould also have to be stated. The Commission considers that the \nequivalence criterion was introduced specifically to avoid \nInsisting on absolute conformity with the accounting directives. A substantial comparability of accounting documents was more \nwhat It had In mind. As for the question of auditing, it is easy \nto tell when accounts have not been audited by the mere fact \nthat they do not bear any Indication to that effect. 4 -\n\nRevised proposai for a \nCounclI Direct ive \non company iaw concerning \ndisclosure requirements in respect of \nbranches opened in a Member State by \ncertain types of companies governed \nby the law of another State \n\nCOMMON POSITION OF THE COUNCIL \n\nREVISED PROPOSAL OF THE COMMISSION \n\n5th recital \n\n5th recital \n\nn \n\nthis \nthe \nfield \nVnereas \nthe laws of the \ndifference in \nmay interfere with \nMember States \nthe exercise \nof the right of \nestablishment; \nis \ntherefore necessary to eliminate \nsuch differences in order to \nsafeguard the exercise of that \nright; \n\nwhereas \n\nIt \n\nin \n\nfield \n\nWhereas \nthe \nthis \ndifference In the laws of the \nMember States may interfere wlxh \nthe exercise of the right of \nestablishment; \nis \ntherefore necessary to eliminate \nsuch differences, not least in \norder to safeguard the exercise of \nthat right; \n\nwhereas \n\nIt \n\n6th recital \n\n6th recital \n\nthe \n\nIntermediary \n\nWhereas to ensure the protection \nof persons who deal with companies \nthrough \nof \nbranches, measures in respect of \ndisclosure are required in the \nMember State in which a branch Is \nsituated; whereas to effect such \ndisclosure it Is necessary to make \nuse of the procedure already \nfor companies with \ninstituted \nshare \nthe \nwithin \nCommunity; \n\ncapital \n\nthe \n\nIntermediary \n\nWhereas to ensure the protection \nof persons who deal with companies \nthrough \nof \nbranches, measures in respect of \ndisclosure are required in the \nMember State in which a branch is \nsituated; whereas the economic and \nsocial Influence of a branch may \nbe comparable to that of a \nsubsidiary company, so that to \nthat extent the public interest in \ndisclosure is comparable; whereas \nto effect such disclosure it is \nnecessary to make use of the \nprocedure already Instituted for \ncompanies \nshare capital \nwithin the Community; \n\nwith \n\nArticle 2 \n\nArticle 2(1)(e#)(new) \n\n(ea) the \nteranches In \n\nexistence of other \nthe same Member State \n\n^ \n\n\fArticle 3 \n\nArticle 3 \n\nthe \nthe company \n\nThe compulsory disclosure provided \nfor by Article 2(1)(g) shall be \naccounting \nlimited \nto \ndocuments of \nas \naudited and disclosed pursuant to \nthe law of the Member State by \nwhich the company is governed in \nDirectives \naccordance \nwith \nand \n78/660/EEC, \n84/253/EEC. 83/349/EEC \n\nto \n\nthe \n\nThe compulsory disclosure provided \nfor by Article 2(1)(g) shall be \nlimited \naccounting \ndocuments of the company as drawn \nup, audited and disclosed pursuant \nto the law of the Member State by \nwhich the company is governed in \nDirectives \naccordance \nwith \nand \n78/660/EEC, \n84/253/EEC. 83/349/EEC \n\nArticle 8 \n\nArticle 8(da) (new) \n\n(da) the existence of other \nbranches in the same Member State. The other recitals and articles remain unchanged. -t \n\n\f\fh \n\nISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 528 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n06 \n\nCatalogue mapber : CB-CO-89-480-EN-C \n\nESBN 92-77-53987-9 \n\n~4 \n\nOffice for Officiai Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2cdf28b-e6a4-4dd6-a1cd-f1ecaa66c583", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3470/89 of 16 November 1989 concerning the analysis method to be used for the application of Additional Note 2 to Chapter 7 to the combined nomenclature", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-16", "subjects": "Combined Nomenclature,analytical chemistry,vegetable", "workIds": "celex:31989R3470,oj:JOL_1989_337_R_0006_018", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Combined Nomenclature", "analytical chemistry", "vegetable"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c2cdf28b-e6a4-4dd6-a1cd-f1ecaa66c583", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b586cbb0-acf0-4ce4-b35e-1b490f41771c", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) MODIFYING THE AMOUNTS EXPRESSED IN ECUS IN REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 1135/88 CONCERNING THE DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT OF ' ORIGINATING PRODUCTS ' AND METHODS OF ADMINISTRATIVE COOPERATION IN TRADE BETWEEN THE CUSTOMS TERRITORY OF THE COMMUNITY, CEUTA, MELILLA AND THE CANARY ISLANDS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "Canary Islands,Ceuta and Melilla,administrative cooperation,currency convertibility,intra-EU trade,originating product", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0558,comnat:COM_1989_0558_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Canary Islands", "Ceuta and Melilla", "administrative cooperation", "currency convertibility", "intra-EU trade", "originating product"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b586cbb0-acf0-4ce4-b35e-1b490f41771c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 558 final \n\nBrussels, 15 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nmodifying the amounts expressed \n\nin ecus in Regulation (EEC) Mo 1135/88 concerning the definition of the \n\nconcept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative \n\ncoopertion in trade between the customs territory of the \n\nCommunity, Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nThe preferential tariff treatment accorded to trade between the customs \n\nterritory of the Community and the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla is \n\nsubject to the presentation of an EUR. 1 movement certificate. However, \n\nArticles 6 and 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1135/88(1) provide for a \n\nderogation from this principle where a certain limited value expressed in \n\necus is not exceeded. At present, therefore, an importer's declaration of \n\norigin on the invoice is sufficient for goods whose value does not exceed 310 \n\nECU. Lastly, documentary evidence is not required for travellers' personal \n\nluggage whose value does not exceed 880 ECU. Under Article 6 the Value applicable to the ecu, based on its value on a \n\nspecific date, is frozen for two years. This reference date is changed \n\nautomatically every two years. In the Member States with the strongest currencies, this automatic change \n\nentails a reduction in the national currency equivalent of the limits \n\nexpressed in ecus. The amounts expressed in ecus must therefore be increased so as to maintain \n\ntheir real value expressed in the national currency, in order that the \n\nbenefits of the administrative simplicfications linked to these amounts are \n\nnot diminished. To take account of the above, the proposed draft Council Regulation would \n\nraise the limits from 4400 and 310 ECU to 4800 and 340 ECU respectively. 1 OJ NO L 114, 2. 5. 1988, p. 1 \n\n\fDraft \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No \n\n/89 modifying the amounts expressed \n\nin ecus in Regulation (EEC) No 1135/88 concerning the definition of the \n\nconcept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative \n\ncoopertion in trade between the customs territory of the \n\nCommunity, Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to the Act of Accession of Spain and Protugal, and in \n\nparticular Article 9 of Protocol No 2 thereto, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Articles 6 and 17 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1135/88(1) contain \n\namounts expressed in ecus, \n\nWhereas the amounts equivalent to the ecu in certain national currencies \n\napplying on 3 October 1988 were below the corresponding amounts applying on 1 \n\nOctober 1986; whereas, owing to the automatic change in the reference date \n\nlaid down in Article 6(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1135/88, conversion into the \n\nnational currencies under consideration would result in a reduction of the \n\nactual limits regarding simplified documentary evidence, referred to in \n\nArticles 6 and 17 of the said Regulation; whereas to avoid such an effect, \n\nthe limits expressed in ecus should be raised, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n1 O J N oL 114, 2. 5. 1988, p. 1. XXI/1028/89-EN \n\n- 2 -\n\nA r t i c le 1 \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 1135/88 is hereby amended as follows: \n\nin Article 6(1)(c) the amount \"4400 ECU\" shall be replaced by \n\n\"4800 ECU\"; \n\nin Article 17(2) the amount \"310 ECU\" shall be replaced by \"ECU 340\" and \n\nthe amount \"880 ECU\" by \"960 ECU\". Article 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its \n\npublication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be hinding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\nall Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n\fImpact Statement SME \n\nThis proposal concerns the biannual revision of value limits expressed in Ecu \nfor documentary evidence of origin required for a preferential tariff \ntreatment. It is proposed to increase the amounts expressed in Ecu so as to maintain \ntheir real value expressed in the national currency, in order that the \nbenefits of the administrative simplification linked to these amounts are not \ndiminished. Consequently this proposal provides for a minor advantage for SME. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (89). 558 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-534-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54963-7 \n\nOffice foi Official Publications of the European Communities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3c5954d-38ed-4dc3-b805-3c1977c9fde5", "title": "REEXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON A SOLVENCY RATIO FOR CREDIT INSTITUTIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "credit institution,exchange rate,financial solvency,interest,ratio,venture capital", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0578,comnat:COM_1989_0578_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_303_R_0013_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["credit institution", "exchange rate", "financial solvency", "interest", "ratio", "venture capital"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b3c5954d-38ed-4dc3-b805-3c1977c9fde5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 578 final - SYN 133 \n\nBrussels, 15 November 1989 \n\nREEXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\nON A SOLVENCY RATIO FOR \n\nCREDIT INSTITUTIONS \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to \n\nArticle 149(2)(d) of the EEC Treaty) \n\n\fGW 0 8 \n\nREEXAMINED PROPOSAL \n\nFOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\nON A SOLVENCY RATIO FOR CREDIT INSTITUTIONS \n\nExplanatory Memorandum \n\n1. The original proposal for a Council Directive on a Solvency ratio for \n\nCredit Institutions was submitted by the Commission to the Council on \n27 April 19881>. 2. The Economic and Social Committee delivered its opinion2) on 27 October \n1988 and the European Parliament delivered its opinion3) on 15 March \n\n1989. 3. Pursuant to Article 149(3) of the Treaty, the Commission submitted an \namended proposal4) which largely took account of the proposed \n\namendments. 4. On 24 July 1989 the Council unanimously agreed on a common position5) \non which the Council has delivered its reasons6) and the Commission its \nobserv\u00e2tions7^. 5. The European Parliament had its second reeding on 25 October 1989 under \nthe cooperation procedure arid voted in faveur of four amendements8). T) \u00d4J Ki* C 155 of 25. 5. 1988, p. 4 \n2) OJ N\u00b0 C 337 of 31. 12. 1988, p. 8 \n3) OJ N\u00b0 C 96 of 17. 4. 1989, p. 83 \n4) OJ N\u00b0 C 167 of 3. 7. 1989, p. 40 \n5) The Council Doc. 7836/89 of 24. 7. 19\u00bb \n6) The Council Doc. 7836/89, Add. 1 of 20. 7. 1989 and CON. 1 of 24. 7. 1989 \n\nand CON. 2 of 25. 10. 1989 \n\n7) Sec(89) 206 final - SYN 133 of 24. 7. 1989 \n8) EP 135. 514 \n\n< \n\n\f- 2. -\n\n6. The two first amendments adopted by the European Parliament concern the \n\nquestion of comito logy and they propose to use the management \ncommittee, procedure 11 B of the Council's decision of 13 July 19879). The Parliament rejected Art. 9(2) of the Council's common position in \n\nwhich \n\nthe Council \n\nsuggested \n\nthe use of \n\nregularoty \n\ncommittee \n\nprocedure III B. 7. The Commission thought it appropriate to propose in all the banking \n\ndirectives the procedure of regulatory committee, procedure I MA of the \n\nCouncil's decision of 13 July 1967. This procedure gives the Commission \n\nail the powers it needs and it is the only adequate procedure talcing \n\ninto account the nature of the measures which will have to be taken. In \n\nthe banking field, the implementing powers will not be used for a day-\n\nto-day management, as it is the case in other sectors (e. g. agriculture) \n\nwhere the management committee procedure is appropriate. 8. This is the reason why the Commission, although it welcomes the decision \n\nof the European Parliament to reject the position of the Council on \n\nComitology, prefers to persist in its reexamined proposal and vigorously \n\ndefend the regulatory committee version M I A. 9. The third amendment adopted by the European Parliament proposes to \n\nprolong by five years and until 2001 the special derogation in Article \n\n11(4) which grants credit institutions the right to apply a 50% \n\nweighting on loans backed by mortgage on commercial properties. The \n\nParliament argues that for reasons of competition this derogation should \n\nhave the same length of time as the derogation in Article 11(5). The \n\nCommission can not accept this amendment for the reason that the latter \n\nderogation is a general one which all Member States can apply whereas \n\nthe derogation in Article 11(4) only is included in order to help three \n\nMember States with specific problems. 10 The last amendment is a textual improvement of Article 11(5) which the \n\nCommission is prepared to accept. \u00d4) \u00d4J Na L 1\u00d47 of 18. 7. 1987, p. 33 \n\n0. REEXAMINED PROPOSAL \n\nFOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\nON A SOLVENCY RATIO FOR CREDIT INSTITUTIONS \n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nReexamined proposal of the Commission \n\nRecitals 1 to 13 unchanged \n\n14th Recital \n\n14th Recital \n\nWhereas technical modifications to the \n\nWhereas technical modifications to the \n\ndetailed \n\nrules \n\ncontained \n\nin this \n\ndetailed rules contained in this directive \n\ndirective may from time to time be \n\nmay from time to time be necessary to \n\nnecessary to respond to new developments \n\nrespond to new developments in the banking \n\nin the banking sector; whereas the \n\nsector; whereas the Commission shaii \n\nCommission shall accordingly make such \n\naccordingly make such modifications as are \n\nmodifications as are necessary, after \n\nnecessary, after consulting the Banking \n\nconsulting \n\nthe \n\nBanking \n\nAdvisory \n\nAdvisory Committee, within the limits of \n\nCommittee, within the limits of the \n\nthe implementing powers delegated to the \n\nimplementing powers delegated to the \n\nCommission by the provisions of the \n\nCommission by the provisions of the \n\nTreaty; whereas that Committee shaii act \n\nTreaty; whereas that Committee shall act \n\nas a 'Regulatory' Committee, according to \n\nas a 'Regulatory' Committee, according \n\nthe) rules of procedure laid down in \n\nto the rules of procedure laid down in \n\nArticle 2, procedure III, variant (a) of \n\nArticle 2, procedure M i, variant (b) of \n\nCouncil Decision 87/373/EEC of 13 July \n\nCouncil Decision 87/373/EEC of 13 July \n\n1987 laying down procedures for the \n\n1987 laying down procedures for the \n\nexercise of implementing powers conferred \n\nexercise \n\nof \n\nimplementing \n\npowers \n\norr the Commission3) \n\nconferred on the CornaitssIon3); \n\n3) \u00d4J No L 197, 18. 7. 1987, p. 33 \n\n3) OJ NO L 197, 18. 7. 1987, p. 33 \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nReexamined proposal of the Commission \n\nArticles 1 to 8: unchanged \n\nArticle 9(1): unchanged \n\nArticle 9(2) \n\nArticle 9(2) \n\n2. The Commission shall be assisted by a \n\n2. The Commission shall be assisted by a \n\ncommittee composed of representatives of \n\ncommittee composed of representatives of \n\nthe Member States and chaired by a \n\nthe Member States and chaired by a \n\nrepresentative of the Commission. representative of the Commission. The Commission representative shall \n\nThe Commission representative shall submit \n\nsubmit to the committee a draft of the \n\nto the committee a draft of the measures \n\nmeasures to be taken. The committee \n\nto be taken. The committee shall deliver \n\nshall deliver its opinion on the draft \n\nits opinion on the draft within a time \n\nwithin a time limit which the chairman \n\nlimit which the chairman may lay down \n\nmay lay down according to the urgency of \n\naccording to the urgency of the matter. the matter. The opinion shall be \n\nThe opinion shall be delivered by the \n\ndelivered by the majority laid down in \n\nmajority laid down in Article 148(2) of \n\nArticle 148(2) of the Treaty in the case \n\nthe Treaty in the case of decisions which \n\nof decisions which the Council is \n\nthe Council is required to adopt on a \n\nrequired to adopt on a proposal from the \n\nproposal from the Commission. The votes of \n\nCommission. The \n\nvotes \n\nof \n\nthe \n\nthe representatives of the Member states \n\nrepresentatives of the Member States in \n\nin the committee shall be weighted in the \n\nthe committee shall be weighted in the \n\nmanner set out in that Article. The \n\nmanner set out in that Article. The \n\nChairman shall not vote. Chairman shall not vote. The Commission shall adopt the measures \n\nenvisaged measures when they are in \n\nenvisaged if they are in accordance with \n\nconformity with the opinion of the \n\nthe opinion of the Committee. Committee. The Commission \n\nshall \n\nimplement \n\nthe \n\n5\" \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nCommon position of the Council \n\nReexamined proposal of the Commission \n\nIf the measures envisaged are not in \n\nWhen the envisaged measures do not confirm \n\naccordance with the opinion of the \n\nwith the opinion of the Committee, or in \n\ncommittee, \n\nor \n\nif no opinion \n\nis \n\nthe absence of an opinion, the Commission \n\ndelivered, the Commission shall, without \n\nshall without delay submit to the Council \n\ndelay, submit to the Council a proposal \n\na proposal relating to the measures to \n\nrelating to the measures to be taken. take. The Council shall act according to \n\nThe Council shall act by a qualified \n\nqualified majority voting. major ity. If at the end of the period which will be \n\nIf the Council does not act within three \n\nset in the case of each decision to be \n\nmonths of the referral to it the \n\ntaken by the Council as a result of this \n\nCommission shall adopte the measures \n\nparagraph, a period which must not exceed \n\nadopted, unless the Council has decided \n\nthree months from the day on which the \n\nagainst those meausres by a simple \n\nCouncil was informed, the Council has not \n\nmajor ity. acted, the Commission shall implement the \n\nproposed measures. Articles 10 to 11(4) unchanged \n\nArticle 11 \n\nArticle 11 \n\n5. 50% for property leasing transactions \n\n5. The Member States may apply a weighting \n\nconcluded within ten years of the date \n\nof 50% in respect of property leasing \n\nlaid \n\ndown in \n\nArticle \n\n12(1) \n\nand \n\ntransactions concluded within ten years of \n\nconcerning assets for business use \n\nthe date laid down in Article 12(1) and \n\nsituated in the country of the head \n\nconcerning \n\nassets \n\nfor \n\nbusiness \n\nuse \n\noffice \n\nand \n\ngoverned \n\nby \n\nstatutory \n\nsituated in the country of the head office \n\nprovisions whereby the lessor retains \n\nand governed by statutory provisions \n\nfull ownership of the rented asset until \n\nwhereby the lessor retains full ownership \n\nthe tenant exercises his option to \n\nof the rented asset until the tenant \n\npurchase. exercises his option to purchase. Articles 12 and 13: unchanged \n\n/. ; \n\n\fAmendments proposed \n\nby the European Parliament \n\nbut rejected \n\nby the Commission \n\nf \n\n\fSolvency ratio for credit institutions \n\nDoc. A 3-45/89 \n\nDECISION \n\n(COOPERATION PROCEDURE : second reading) \n\non the common position of the Council with a view to the adoption of a \ndirective on a solvency ratio for credit institutions \n\nThe European Parliament, \n\nhaving regard to the common position of the Council (Doc. C 3-17/89 - SYN \n133) \n\nhaving regard 'to the relevant provisions of the EEC Treaty and its Rules of \nProcedure, \n\n1. Has amended the common position as set out below; \n\n2. Has instructed its President to forward this decision to the Council and \n\nCommission. Common position of the Council \n\nAmendments adopted by Parliament \n\n(Amendment No. 1) \n\nFourteenth recital \n\nthe \n\nCommission \n\nto respond \n\nWhereas technical modification to the \ndetailed rules contained in this \ndirective may from time to time be \nnecessary \nto new \ndevelopments in the banking sector; \nwhereas \nshall \naccordingly make such modifications \nas are necessary, after consulting \nthe Banking Advisory Committee, \nwithin the limits of the implementing \npowers delegated tc the Commission by \nthe provisions of the Treaty; whereas \nt. ?-. -nt Committee shall act as a \n'Regulatory' Committee, according to \nz'r. e rules of procedure, laid down in \narticle 2, procedure III, variant (a) \nof Council Decision 87/373/EEC of \n13 July 1987 laying down procedures \nfor the exercise of implementing \npowers conferred on the Commission; \n\nWhereas technical modification to \nthe detailed rules contained in this \ndirective may from time to time be \nnecessary \nto new \nto respond \ndevelopments in the banking sector; \nwhereas the Commission \nshall \naccordingly make such modifications \nas are necessary, being assisted by \nof the \na committee \nrepresentatives of the Member States \nand chaired by the representative \nof \nwhereas \nC o m m i s s i o n; \nappropriate measures shall be \nadopted in accordance with procedure \nII, variant (b) set out in Article 2 \nof Council Decision 87/373/EEC of \n13 July 1987; \n\ncomposed \n\nthe \n\n(Amendment No. 2) \n\nArticle 9(2), third, fourth and \nfifth subparagraphs \n\n- 1 -\n\nPL 135. 802 \n\ni \n\n\fThe Commission shall adopt the \nmeasures envisaged if they are in \naccordance with the opinion of the \ncommittee. I_i_ the measures envisaged are not in \naccordance with the opinion of the \ncommittee, or if no opinion is \ndelivered, the Commission shall, \nwithout delay, submit to the Council \na proposal concerning the measures to \nbe taken. The Council shall act by a \nqualified majority. shall \n\nThe Commission shall adopt measures \nimmediately \nbe \nw h i ch \napplicable. However, where they do \nnot conform with the opinion of the \nCommittee, the Commission shall \nwithout delay communicate them to \nthe Council. In this event the Commission shall \ndefer application of the measures \nic \nhas adopted for a time-limit which \nmay in no case exceed three months \nfrom the date of the communication. If the Council does not act within \nthree months of the referral to it \nthe Commission shall adopt the \nmeasures proposed, unless the Council \nhas decided against those measures by \na simply majority. The Council, acting by a gualified \nmajority, may take a different \ndecision within the time-limit laid \ndown in the preceding paragraph. (Amendment No. 3) \n\nArticle 11(4) \n\nconcerned, \n\nf r om \nu n t il \n\nd e r o g a t i on \n\nBy \nA r t i c le 6 ( l ) ( c ) ( l ), \n1 January 1996 Germany, Denmark \nand Greece may apply a weighting \nof 50% to assets which are \nentirely and completely secured to \nthe satisfaction of the competent \na u t h o r i t i es \nby \nmortgages on completed residential \nproperty, on offices or on multi \npurpose commercial premises, \nsituation within the territories \nof those three Member States, \nprovided that the sum borrowed \ndoes not exceed 60% of the value \nof the property in question, \ncalculated on the basis of \nrigorous assessment criteria laid \ndcwn in statutory or regulatory \nprovisions. 4. d e r o g a t i on \n\nf r om \nBy \nArticle 6(l)(c)(l), \nuntil \n1 January 2001 Member States \nmay apply a weighting of 50% \nto assets which are entirely \nand completely secured to the \nsatisfaction of the competent \nauthorities concerned, by \nmortgages on offices or on \nm u l t i - p u r p o se \ncommercial \npremises, situation within the \nterritory of the European \nCommunity, provided that the \nsum borrowed does not exceed \n60% of the value of the \nq u e s t i o n, \np r o p e r ty \ncalculated on the basis of \nrigorous assessment criteria \nlaid down in statutory or \nregulatory provisions, and \nprovided that the holder of \nthe mortgage ranks before any \nother creditor in respect of \nthe mortgaged property. in \n\n- 2 -\n\nPE 135. 802 \n\n3 \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 578 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n18 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-533-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54954-8 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8e70b52-c683-4c28-aa5c-7a3cfcce164a", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION AMENDING COUNCIL DECISION NO 85/338/EEC IN ORDER TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME CONCERNING AN EXPERIMENTAL PROJECT FOR GATHERING, COORDINATING AND ENSURING THE CONSISTENCY OF INFORMATION ON THE STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE COMMUNITY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "data collection,environmental protection,information,information network,natural resources", "workIds": "celex:51989AC1244,oj:JOC_1990_056_R_0013_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["data collection", "environmental protection", "information", "information network", "natural resources"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b8e70b52-c683-4c28-aa5c-7a3cfcce164a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a9925cae-662b-40b5-9498-f30930397443", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE FIVE PROPOSALS FOR COUNCIL DECISIONS CONCERNING THE CONCLUSION OF COOPERATION AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY AND THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA, THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY, THE SWISS CONFEDERATION, THE REPUBLIC OF FINLAND AND THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN IN THE FIELD OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH RESEARCH", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "cooperation agreement,health policy,medical research", "workIds": "celex:51989AC1242,oj:JOC_1990_056_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["cooperation agreement", "health policy", "medical research"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a9925cae-662b-40b5-9498-f30930397443", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b94288cd-f9d8-45c7-ba0a-8c697657f12f", "title": "Question No 49 by Mr GALLAND (H-458/89) to the Commission: Aid to Poland", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GALLAND", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "Poland,central bank,coordination of aid,economic aid,economic situation,executive,financial aid,food aid,technical profession,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:91989H000458", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Poland", "central bank", "coordination of aid", "economic aid", "economic situation", "executive", "financial aid", "food aid", "technical profession", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b94288cd-f9d8-45c7-ba0a-8c697657f12f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/84e19704-ea00-4211-ade6-cc62f827a61c", "title": "Question No 51 by Mr ROGALLA (H-425/89) to the Commission: The campaign against the drug mafia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,ROGALLA", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "AIDS,EU competence,drug addiction,drug traffic,fight against crime,free movement of persons,simplification of formalities", "workIds": "celex:91989H000425", "eurovoc_concepts": ["AIDS", "EU competence", "drug addiction", "drug traffic", "fight against crime", "free movement of persons", "simplification of formalities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/84e19704-ea00-4211-ade6-cc62f827a61c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1638b16-3de4-46b5-b609-a500b396e44d", "title": "AMENDMENT TO THE PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS OF THE MEMBER STATES CONCERNING FOODS AND FOOD INGREDIENTS TREATED WITH IONIZING RADIATION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "approximation of laws,consumer protection,food processing,foodstuff,radioactivity", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0576,comnat:COM_1989_0576_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_303_R_0015_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "consumer protection", "food processing", "foodstuff", "radioactivity"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/b1638b16-3de4-46b5-b609-a500b396e44d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5aeff4e7-fe79-47fd-a8a2-98281abd673e", "title": "89/627/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 November 1989 on the clearance of the accounts presented by the Member States in respect of the expenditure for 1987 of the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": 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"ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "butter,contract,cream,market intervention,storage", "workIds": "celex:31989R3437,oj:JOL_1989_331_R_0029_036", "eurovoc_concepts": ["butter", "contract", "cream", "market intervention", "storage"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4f1824b2-eb89-4295-ae5e-3600ee9e32c7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/775e8f0a-abfe-49d9-9895-5a3185f71d50", "title": "OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFT PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE ON THE OPERATIONAL PROTECTION OF OUTSIDE WORKERS EXPOSED TO IONIZING RADIATION DURING THEIR ACTIVITIES IN INSTALLATIONS IN WHICH SUCH RADIATION IS USED", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "health risk,occupational safety,radiation protection,radioactivity", "workIds": "celex:51989AC1240,oj:JOC_1990_056_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["health risk", "occupational safety", "radiation protection", "radioactivity"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/775e8f0a-abfe-49d9-9895-5a3185f71d50", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ddf9c48-0d6c-45b6-a9ef-e73415df7e3e", "title": "OWN-INITIATIVE OPINION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, A FUNDAMENTAL ASPECT OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#opinion_other_eesc,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Economic and Social Committee", "date": "1989-11-15", "subjects": "economic development,environmental policy,environmental protection,social development", "workIds": "celex:51989IE1245,oj:JOC_1990_056_R_0014_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["economic development", "environmental policy", "environmental protection", "social development"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/6ddf9c48-0d6c-45b6-a9ef-e73415df7e3e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bf0d6daa-f569-4bf2-9bcd-f65e27b21d93", "title": "Written Question No. 697/89 by Mr Jos\u00e9 Valverde Lopez to the Council of the European Communities. Recognition of university degrees of the medical professions in Andorra and professional ethics", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Andorra,EU relations,health service,paramedical profession,professional ethics,recognition of diplomas,trade regulations,trade relations", "workIds": "celex:91989E000697", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Andorra", "EU relations", "health service", "paramedical profession", "professional ethics", "recognition of diplomas", "trade regulations", "trade relations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bf0d6daa-f569-4bf2-9bcd-f65e27b21d93", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3f8be802-ba69-48ff-be2f-81ced7bc6a10", "title": "Written Question No. 736/89 by Mr Ben Fayot to the Council of the European Communities. Regular bottlenecks at the Dudelange frontier post on the border between France and Luxembourg", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FAYOT", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "France,Luxembourg,cross-border transport,customs,customs formalities,intra-EU transport", "workIds": "celex:91989E000736", "eurovoc_concepts": ["France", "Luxembourg", "cross-border transport", "customs", "customs formalities", "intra-EU transport"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3f8be802-ba69-48ff-be2f-81ced7bc6a10", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af65b88e-e58f-4ebb-a655-0a8d05b33477", "title": "Written Question No. 717/89 by Mrs Viviane Reding to the Council of the European Communities. The zero-rating of newspapers and periodicals for VAT purposes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,REDING", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Council of the European Union,VAT,indirect tax,newspaper,serial publication,tax exemption,tax harmonisation", "workIds": "celex:91989E000717", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Council of the European Union", "VAT", "indirect tax", "newspaper", "serial publication", "tax exemption", "tax harmonisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/af65b88e-e58f-4ebb-a655-0a8d05b33477", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dd0922f-04d7-4390-a11b-a2ca99e6fcd6", "title": "Written Question No. 733/89 by Mrs Anita Pollack to the Commission of the European Communities. Milk subsidy", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,POLLACK", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "aid system,aid to agriculture,economic support,milk,suspension of aid", "workIds": "celex:91989E000733", "eurovoc_concepts": ["aid system", "aid to agriculture", "economic support", "milk", "suspension of aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7dd0922f-04d7-4390-a11b-a2ca99e6fcd6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7b6644c-0395-4359-93ac-ac3257a9e2ab", "title": "Written Question No. 719/89 by Mr Jean-Pierre Raffarin to the Commission of the European Communities. Atlantic regions", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,RAFFARIN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Atlantic Ocean,EU regional policy,European Regional Development Fund,coastal region,peripheral region,priority region,regional disparity", "workIds": "celex:91989E000719", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Atlantic Ocean", "EU regional policy", "European Regional Development Fund", "coastal region", "peripheral region", "priority region", "regional disparity"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a7b6644c-0395-4359-93ac-ac3257a9e2ab", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/17140a45-1df3-4e0b-ba58-48ac6a78ab9a", "title": "Written Question No. 729/89 by Mr Michael Welsh to the Commission of the European Communities. Compensation for victims of crime while travelling abroad", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WELSH", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law - national law,crime against individuals,foreign tourism,indemnification,offence,travel,victim", "workIds": "celex:91989E000729", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law - national law", "crime against individuals", "foreign tourism", "indemnification", "offence", "travel", "victim"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/17140a45-1df3-4e0b-ba58-48ac6a78ab9a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fca71d4c-eb91-4883-b6f7-b4406cc8b464", "title": "Written Question No. 734/89 by Mr Guiseppe Mottola, Mr Gerardo Gaibisso and Mr Franco Borgo to the Commission of the European Communities. Check on radioactive residues in tobacco from countries outside the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BORGO,European Parliament,GAIBISSO,MOTTOLA", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law,import (EU),radioactive pollution,radioactivity,third country,tobacco,tobacco industry", "workIds": "celex:91989E000734", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "import (EU)", "radioactive pollution", "radioactivity", "third country", "tobacco", "tobacco industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fca71d4c-eb91-4883-b6f7-b4406cc8b464", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60a68085-94c8-4a8a-acdd-cc75e0712b7b", "title": "Written Question No. 709/89 by Mr Ernest Glinne to the Commission of the European Communities. Combating AIDS and the price of AZT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "AIDS,EU policy,medicinal product,pharmaceutical product,prices policy", "workIds": "celex:91989E000709", "eurovoc_concepts": ["AIDS", "EU policy", "medicinal product", "pharmaceutical product", "prices policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/60a68085-94c8-4a8a-acdd-cc75e0712b7b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e11e812-72ed-46e6-b9c6-bbd38cc43366", "title": "Written Question No. 713/89 by Mrs Sylviane Ainardi to the Commission of the European Communities. Beneficiaries of Article 304 appropriations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "AINARDI,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU aid,administrative expenditure,aid recipient,budget appropriation,financial aid,general budget (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000713", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "administrative expenditure", "aid recipient", "budget appropriation", "financial aid", "general budget (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e11e812-72ed-46e6-b9c6-bbd38cc43366", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f1cc350f-5967-4980-ace6-e261d321c88f", "title": "Written Question No. 716/89 by Mr Karl von Wogau to the Commission of the European Communities. Plant protection certificates and the free movement of goods", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VON WOGAU", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Italy,cereals,customs document,free movement of goods,health control,import licence,plant health control", "workIds": "celex:91989E000716", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Italy", "cereals", "customs document", "free movement of goods", "health control", "import licence", "plant health control"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f1cc350f-5967-4980-ace6-e261d321c88f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1db2c497-e461-4e0c-b13d-8217bcd664fc", "title": "Written Question No. 735/89 by Mr Ben Fayot to the Commission of the European Communities. Common market in electricity and the safety standards of nuclear power stations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FAYOT", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "electrical energy,harmonisation of standards,nuclear power station,nuclear safety,report,single market", "workIds": "celex:91989E000735", "eurovoc_concepts": ["electrical energy", "harmonisation of standards", "nuclear power station", "nuclear safety", "report", "single market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1db2c497-e461-4e0c-b13d-8217bcd664fc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2b1a1fd5-b5ae-4b9a-bf15-4536e8e1c46f", "title": "Written Question No. 737/89 by Mrs Johanna Maij-Weggen to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Aid to Vietnam and Kampuchea", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Cambodia,Viet Nam,development aid,international sanctions,suspension of aid", "workIds": "celex:91989E000725", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Cambodia", "Viet Nam", "development aid", "international sanctions", "suspension of aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4ecdf708-f7ca-4775-b616-e6f8629ed9e2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13ff32c7-46d6-4531-8ad0-e6233d54ba2b", "title": "Written Question No. 700/89 by Sir Jack Stewart-Clark to the Commission of the European Communities. Environmental impact analysis in relation to structural funds", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,STEWART-CLARK", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Structural Funds,application of EU law,environmental policy,environmental protection,protection of animal life,protection of plant life,wildlife", "workIds": "celex:91989E000700", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Structural Funds", "application of EU law", "environmental policy", "environmental protection", "protection of animal life", "protection of plant life", "wildlife"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/13ff32c7-46d6-4531-8ad0-e6233d54ba2b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8b75820c-3eab-4b44-8e28-ce79ec496e58", "title": "Written Question No. 732/89 by Mrs Anita Pollack to the Commission of the European Communities. Citizens' rights after 1992", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,POLLACK", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU Member State,United Kingdom,admission of aliens,equal treatment,ethnic group,free movement of persons,freedom of movement", "workIds": "celex:91989E000732", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU Member State", "United Kingdom", "admission of aliens", "equal treatment", "ethnic group", "free movement of persons", "freedom of movement"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8b75820c-3eab-4b44-8e28-ce79ec496e58", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce4040ab-a1db-4f3c-8c72-f3f7d2ff3588", "title": "Written Question No. 720/89 by Mrs Raymonde Dury to the Commission of the European Communities. Baby seats in the front of vehicles", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DURY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Belgium,child,early childhood,motor car,road safety,safety device,transport safety", "workIds": "celex:91989E000720", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Belgium", "child", "early childhood", "motor car", "road safety", "safety device", "transport safety"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ce4040ab-a1db-4f3c-8c72-f3f7d2ff3588", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/979a1646-224c-4b4f-9709-e14c2a5e1bef", "title": "Written Question No. 726/89 by Mr James Ford to the Commission of the European Communities. 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Getting answers to questions", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,WYNN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "European Commission,parliamentary question,written question", "workIds": "celex:91989E000706", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "parliamentary question", "written question"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/387780eb-d789-471d-9d58-ac20cced9d75", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2901438d-27b8-4d32-b921-d3e6131e945c", "title": "Written Question No. 739/89 by Mr Joaqu\u00edn Sis\u00f3 Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. Academic studies on a European currency unit", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SISO CRUELLAS", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "European integration,economic integration,euro,monetary integration,research report,scientific exchange,scientific research", "workIds": "celex:91989E000739", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European integration", "economic integration", "euro", "monetary integration", "research report", "scientific exchange", "scientific research"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/2901438d-27b8-4d32-b921-d3e6131e945c", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1665f6f-fef4-46a1-9774-6197e91caab5", "title": "Written Question No. 718/89 by Mr Leen van der Waal to the Commission of the European Communities. Measuring mesh sizes", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VAN DER WAAL", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "application of EU law,common fisheries policy,fishing net,fishing regulations,measuring equipment,regulation (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000718", "eurovoc_concepts": ["application of EU law", "common fisheries policy", "fishing net", "fishing regulations", "measuring equipment", "regulation (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/a1665f6f-fef4-46a1-9774-6197e91caab5", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/69451960-ec12-481c-bce4-3b58d33c7a1d", "title": "Written Question No. 711/89 by Mr Ernest Glinne to the Commission of the European Communities. Contra-indications and harmful effects of benzodiazepine-based hypnotics and tranquillizers", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EC Directive,European Commission,consumer protection,health policy,health risk,marketing,medicinal product,narcotic,pharmaceutical industry,prices policy", "workIds": "celex:91989E000711", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "European Commission", "consumer protection", "health policy", "health risk", "marketing", "medicinal product", "narcotic", "pharmaceutical industry", "prices policy"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/69451960-ec12-481c-bce4-3b58d33c7a1d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21ff3700-4873-41f4-ac63-d4ccb5d08905", "title": "Written Question No. 730/89 by Mr Richard Balfe to the Commission of the European Communities. Sickle cell anaemia", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "BALFE,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "United Kingdom,child,early childhood,health policy,illness,jute,medical research,public health,research and development,research programme", "workIds": "celex:91989E000730", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "child", "early childhood", "health policy", "illness", "jute", "medical research", "public health", "research and development", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/21ff3700-4873-41f4-ac63-d4ccb5d08905", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42154329-a394-4dd4-882c-a84b77062133", "title": "Written Question No. 703/89 by Mr David Morris to the Commission of the European Communities. Assistance to countries of origin of EC officials in regularising their tax position", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,MORRIS", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law - national law,European official,administrative cooperation,tax collection,taxpayer", "workIds": "celex:91989E000703", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law - national law", "European official", "administrative cooperation", "tax collection", "taxpayer"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/42154329-a394-4dd4-882c-a84b77062133", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b243a72-9bf5-49b8-b88c-2e07066c3584", "title": "Written Question No. 699/89 by Mr Guenter Topmann to the Commission of the European Communities. Community rules for vintage motor cars", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,TOPMANN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law,transport regulations,vehicle parts,vehicle registration", "workIds": "celex:91989E000699", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "transport regulations", "vehicle parts", "vehicle registration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/4b243a72-9bf5-49b8-b88c-2e07066c3584", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/38a80da4-2127-4bd6-95f3-82ba5830391a", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) AMENDING REGULATION ( EEC ) NO 430/87 CONCERNING THE IMPORT ARRANGEMENTS APPLICABLE TO PRODUCTS FAILING WITHIN CN CODES 0714 10 10, 0714 10 90 AND 0714 90 10 AND ORIGINATING IN CERTAIN THIRD COUNTRIES", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "China,GATT,Indonesia,Thailand,cassava,free circulation", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0565,comnat:COM_1989_0565_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["China", "GATT", "Indonesia", "Thailand", "cassava", "free circulation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/38a80da4-2127-4bd6-95f3-82ba5830391a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 565 final \n\nBrussels, 14 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 concerning the import \narrangements applicable to products failing within CN codes 0714 10 10, \n0714 10 90 and 0714 90 10 and originating in certain third countries \n\n(presented by the Coaaission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\nI. The agreements on imports of manioc and similar products signed by the \nCommunity in 1982 with Indonesia and Brazil at the conclusion of \nnegotiations conducted pursuant to Article XXVIII of the GATT, were \nrenewed for three years in 1986. As the Contracting Parties concerned \ndid not denounce the agreements within the time limits laid down, it has \nmeant that they will be renewed automatically on I January 1990 for a \nfurther three-year period. These agreements relate to an import levy subject to a ceiling of 6X \nad yajorem on given quantities. Council Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 of 9 February 1987, which constitutes \nthe legal basis for the detailed rules adopted by the Commission for the \nadministration of the quotas and specifies the quantities of products \noriginating in countries which are Contracting Parties to the GATT and \nwhich benefit under the abovementioned arrangements should accordingly be \namended. The amendment does not relate to products originating in Thailand. As \nThailand, which exports these products, was not a Contracting Party to \nthe GATT In 1982, it concluded a separate agreement with the Community \nwhich was extended in 1986 and remains in force until 31 December 1990. II. As regards the non-member countries which are not Contracting Parties to \nthe GATT, the aim of the Commission proposal is to maintain at the level \nexisting in 1989 the annual quantity of imports benefiting under the levy \nsubject to a ceiling of 6% ad valorem. This should cover the same \nthree-year period 1990-92. However, as regards China, the Commission \nproposes to fix this quantity in respect of 1990 only. III. The Commission also proposes, by an amendment to Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 1471/88 of 18 May 1988 concerning the arrangements applicable to \nimports of sweet potatoes and manioc starch intended for certain uses, to \nmaintain the quota for sweet potatoes originating in China and intended \nfor uses other than human consumption at the 1989 level (600 000 tonnes). China will benefit in 1990 from zero-duty import arrangements. The opening of this tariff quota in 1988 stemmed from the arrangement \nconcluded in October 1986 with China, which provided in particular for \nexports of sweet potatoes to the Community from that country to. be \nlimited to a maximum of 600 000 tonnes per year and for exports of manioc \nto be limited to 350 000 tonnes per year. Proposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No \n\n/89 \n\nof \namending Regulation (EEC) No 430/37 concerning the import \narrangements applicable to products failing within CN codes 0714 10 10, \n0714 10 90 and 0714 90 10 and originating in certain third countries \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and \n\nin particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 of 9 February 1987 (1), as last \n\namended by Regulation (EEC) No 2411/89 (2), lays down the arrangements \n\napplicable to manioc and similar products originating in certain third \n\ncountries which qualify on import into the Community for a levy subject to a \n\nceiling of 6% ad valorem for 1987, 1988, 1989 and, where applicable, 1990; \n\nWhereas the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community and \n\nthe Kingdom of Thailand on manioc production, marketing and trade, renewed \n\npursuant to Decision 86/222/EEC (3), remains in force for successive periods \n\nof four years; whereas the current period terminates at the end of 1990; \n\nWhereas the agreements with Indonesia on the one hand and Brazil (4) and the \n\nother supplier countries which are Contracting Parties to the General \n\nAgreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which are the result of the \n\nnegotiations conducted pursuant to Article XXVIII of that Agreement with a \n\nview to the temporary suspension of the tariff concession granted by the \n\nCommunity on imports of products falling within former subheading \u00d47. 06A of \n\nthe Common Customs Tariff remain in force for successive periods of three \n\nyears; whereas they authorize the Community to suspend that concession; \n\nwhereas the next period runs from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1992; \n\n(1) 0J No L 43, 13. 2. 1987, p. 9. (2) 0J No L 228, 5. 8. 1989, p. 1. (3) 0J No L 155, 10. 6. 19S6, p. a. (4) 0J No L 219, 28. 7. 1982, pp. DO aud 58. Whereas the Community has undertaken vis-\u00e0-vis Contracting Parties of the GATT \n\nto accept imports of certain quantities of the products in question at a levy \n\nsubject to a ceiling of 6% ad valorem during the period of suspension of the \n\nexisting binding; whereas, pursuant to the most-favoured-nation clause, it \n\nmust treat third countries which are not Contracting Parties to the GATT and \n\nwhich benefit from that clause in the same way; whereas, pursuant to that \n\nundertaking, quantities of imported products originating in countries which \n\nare not Contracting Parties to the GATT which may qualify for a levy subject \n\nto a ceiling of 6X ad valorem shouid r ; fixed at the levels in force for 1989 \n\nfor imports from China and for those from the other countries not Contracting \n\nParties to the GATT; \n\n\u00ab \n\nWhereas the quantities of products qualifying under the abovementioned \n\narrangements should be fixed depending on the origin and the tariff \n\ndescription of the products applying, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\nV \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nRegulation (EEC) No 430/87 is hereby amended as follows: \n\n1. The title is replaced by the following: \n\n\"Council Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 of 9 February 1987 concerning the \n\nimport arrangements applicable to certain products covered by CN codes \n\n0714 10 and 0714 90 and originating in certain third countries\". 2. Article 1(2) is replaced by the following: \n\n\"2. For products covered by CN codes 0714 10 91, 0714 10 99, 0714 90 11 \n\nand 0714 90 19 and originating\u00abin the third countries indicated below, \n\nthe levy applicable to imports subject to a ceiling of 6% ad valorem \n\nshall be collected in respect only of the following quantities: \n\n(a) Indonesia: 825 000 tonnes a year for 1990, 1991 and 1992; \n\n(b) other countries which are at present Contracting Parties to the \n\nGATT, with the exception of Thailand and Indonesia: 145 590 tonnes \n\na year for 1990, 1991 and 1992; \n\n(c) China: 350 000 tonnes for 1990; \n\n(d) third countries which are not Contracting Parties to the GATT, \n\nother than China, for 1990, 1991 and 1992: \n\n- 30 000 tonnes a year in the case of products covered by CN codes \n\n0714 10 99 and 0714 90 19; \n\n- 2 000 tonnes a year in the case of products covered by CN codes \n\n0714 10 91 and 0714 90 11. The fact that the quotas referred to in (b) and (d) are used up may \n\nnot prevent the release for free circulation, subject to the \n\ncollection of the levy to which a ceiling has been applied, of the \n\nproducts in question originating in the least developed countries \n\n(LLDC) listed in the Annex hereto, within the limit of an overall \n\nquantity of 5 000 tonnes per year. \" \n\nArticle 2 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on 1 January 1990. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in \n\nall Member States. F I N A N C I AL \n\nS T A T E M E NT \n\n: Date \n\n1. Budget heading: 100 - Expenditure Appropriations: ECU 2 846 million (expenditure) \n\n100 - Revenue \n\nECU 1 419 million (revenue) \n\n2. Title: Amendment to Regulation (EEC) No 430/87 \n\n3. Legal basis: Article 113 of the Treaty establishing the EEC \n\n4. Aims of project: To lay down limits on imports of products covered by CN codes \n0714 10 91, 0714 10 99, 0714 90 11 and 0714 90 19 from certain \nnon-member countries at a levy subject to a ceiling of 6% ad valorem \n\n5. Financial implications (ECU million) \n5. 0 Expenditure \n\n- charged to the EC budget \n(refunds/intervention) \n- national administration \n- other \n\n5. 1 Receipts \n\n- own resources of the EC \n(levies/customs duties) \n\n- national \n\nperiod of \n12 months \n\ncurrent \nfinancial year \n(1990) \n\nfollowing \nfinancial year \n(1991) \n\n143 \n\n101 \n\n143 \n\n10 \n\n10 \n\n10 \n\n5. 0. 1 Estimated expenditure \n5. 1. 1 Estimated receipts \n\n1992 \n\n143 \n10 \n\n1993 \n\n42 \n10 \n\n5. 2 Method of calculation: (I tonne of cereals ~ 1,04 tonnes of manioc in fodder \n\nequivalent) \n\nCustoms duty: 1,35 m tonnes x $135/tonne x b% x 0,897 (doliar/ecu ratio) = \n\nExport refunds on cereals replaced by imported manioc: \n\n1,35 m tonnes x ECU 100/t x 1,099 (DR) = ECU 142,7 m, rounded up to ECU 143 m \n1,04 \n1990: 8,5/ 12 months x 142,7 \u00bb ECU 101,1 million (rounded down to ECU 101 million) \n1993: 3,5/12 Months x 142,7. - ECU 41,6 million (rounded up to ECU 42 million) \n\nECU 9,8 m, rounded up to ECU 10 m \n\n6. 0 \n\nCan the project be financed from appropriations entered in the relevant \nof the current budget ? \n\nchapter \nyesXXX \n\n6. 1 \n\nCan the project be financed by transfer between chapters of the current \n\nbudget ? \nXXXXXX \n\n6. 2 \n\nIs a supplementary budget necessary ? \n\n6. 3 \n\nWill future budget appropriations be necessary ? \n\nXXXXno \n\nyesXXX \n\nObservations: The 1990 draft budget takes account of this measure. IMPACT ON SMES \n\nThis proposal has no Impact on SMEs \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 565 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n11 02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-524-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54789-8 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e8945d5-0fae-4c9f-92c9-9cb9d44ce7a3", "title": "Written Question No. 702/89 by Mr Fernand Herman to the Commission of the European Communities. Abuse by national administrations impeding freedom of movement", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,HERMAN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law - national law,France,application of EU law,free movement of persons,freedom of movement,import policy,national law,residence permit,retired person,vehicle registration", "workIds": "celex:91989E000702", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law - national law", "France", "application of EU law", "free movement of persons", "freedom of movement", "import policy", "national law", "residence permit", "retired person", "vehicle registration"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e8945d5-0fae-4c9f-92c9-9cb9d44ce7a3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8542d3be-1229-467a-8cbc-428bafa4b1b3", "title": "Council Regulation (EEC) No 3443/89 of 14 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2347/87 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on mechanical wrist-watches originating in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "USSR,clock and watch industry,dumping", "workIds": "celex:31989R3443,oj:JOL_1989_331_R_0044_042", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "clock and watch industry", "dumping"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8542d3be-1229-467a-8cbc-428bafa4b1b3", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e118cdc4-50d2-40bf-8e9d-68b382bb3b62", "title": "Written Question No. 723/89 by Mr Bryan Cassidy to the Commission of the European Communities. Misuse of European Community funding on the Broadwater Farm Estate", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CASSIDY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU aid,European Social Fund,United Kingdom,use of aid", "workIds": "celex:91989E000723", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "European Social Fund", "United Kingdom", "use of aid"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e118cdc4-50d2-40bf-8e9d-68b382bb3b62", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3fb52419-4e4b-4ee7-a17a-b6d886fbcbef", "title": "Written Question No. 714/89 by Mrs Margaret Daly to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation. Reuniting the family of LEV ALEXANDROVSKY", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DALY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "USSR,freedom of movement,fundamental rights,human rights", "workIds": "celex:91989E000714", "eurovoc_concepts": ["USSR", "freedom of movement", "fundamental rights", "human rights"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3fb52419-4e4b-4ee7-a17a-b6d886fbcbef", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/510d9505-02ae-4767-809a-4a1b24eb7e38", "title": "Written Question No. 728/89 by Mr James Ford to the Commission of the European Communities. Harmonization of legislation concerning use of polyurethane foam", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "United Kingdom,approximation of laws,fire protection,furniture industry,inflammable product,plastics,product safety,safety standard", "workIds": "celex:91989E000728", "eurovoc_concepts": ["United Kingdom", "approximation of laws", "fire protection", "furniture industry", "inflammable product", "plastics", "product safety", "safety standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/510d9505-02ae-4767-809a-4a1b24eb7e38", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab846b46-f049-42b9-a623-1a9653f729c7", "title": "Written Question No. 707/89 by Mr Ernest Glinne to the Commission of the European Communities. Condition of mentally ill patients kept on the Greek island of Leros", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU aid,Greece,health policy,health service,human rights,medical institution,mentally disabled person,psychiatric institution,psychiatry,report", "workIds": "celex:91989E000707", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "Greece", "health policy", "health service", "human rights", "medical institution", "mentally disabled person", "psychiatric institution", "psychiatry", "report"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ab846b46-f049-42b9-a623-1a9653f729c7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d6d7537d-aeaf-4af0-8610-e7a94b5a625e", "title": "Question No 30 by Mr DE ROSSA (H-463/89) to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: 26 October proposals of President Gorbachev", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DE ROSSA,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Baltic Sea,Comecon,EFTA,East-West relations,European Community,USSR,creation of nuclear-free zones,economic cooperation,international negotiations", "workIds": "celex:91989H000463", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Baltic Sea", "Comecon", "EFTA", "East-West relations", "European Community", "USSR", "creation of nuclear-free zones", "economic cooperation", "international negotiations"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d6d7537d-aeaf-4af0-8610-e7a94b5a625e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d77a764-e3e2-4697-aa58-3d26f7ca9f93", "title": "Written Question No. 727/89 by Mr James Ford to the Commission of the European Communities. Tinted glass in car windows", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,FORD", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "European Commission,glass,motor vehicle,motor vehicle industry,proposal (EU),road safety,safety standard", "workIds": "celex:91989E000727", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "glass", "motor vehicle", "motor vehicle industry", "proposal (EU)", "road safety", "safety standard"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/5d77a764-e3e2-4697-aa58-3d26f7ca9f93", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/825f6c11-5496-4a6d-aded-edbd6ab54055", "title": "Written Question No. 705/89 by Mr Dimitrios Dessylas to the Commission of the European Communities. Last year' s unsold stocks of sultanas and measures to dispose of this year' s crop", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DESSYLAS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Crete,dried product,grape,marketing,surplus stock", "workIds": "celex:91989E000705", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Crete", "dried product", "grape", "marketing", "surplus stock"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/825f6c11-5496-4a6d-aded-edbd6ab54055", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/52fa122d-ce03-45e8-bc0b-47e0ddf48cf0", "title": "Written Question No. 722/89 by Mr Christopher Jackson to the Commission of the European Communities. The dangers of jet skis", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,JACKSON CHRISTOPHER", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "leisure,product safety,safety standard,sport", "workIds": "celex:91989E000722", "eurovoc_concepts": ["leisure", "product safety", "safety standard", "sport"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/52fa122d-ce03-45e8-bc0b-47e0ddf48cf0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93420b7c-0ee8-44d3-98d7-c3356b395317", "title": "Council Resolution of 14 November 1989 on internal trade in the context of the internal market", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_legislative_other_oj_c,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU programme,data collection,database,domestic market,domestic trade,statistics", "workIds": "celex:31989Y1125(01),oj:JOC_1989_297_R_0002_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU programme", "data collection", "database", "domestic market", "domestic trade", "statistics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/93420b7c-0ee8-44d3-98d7-c3356b395317", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/afc89cc8-7fd6-4e7c-b921-46088a9c2ed9", "title": "89/606/EEC: Commission Decision of 14 November 1989 approving derogations provided for by Italy from certain provisions of Council Directive 77/93/EEC in respect of seed potatoes originating in Poland (only the Italian text is authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "European standard,Italy,Poland,potato,seedling", "workIds": "celex:31989D0606,oj:JOL_1989_348_R_0031_028", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European standard", "Italy", "Poland", "potato", "seedling"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/afc89cc8-7fd6-4e7c-b921-46088a9c2ed9", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0cb5b498-d8f6-4653-8ff3-35cb5af614b8", "title": "Written Question No. 708/89 by Mr Ernest Glinne to the Council of the European Communities. 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Support for international action against high seas drift netting", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SELIGMAN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Pacific Ocean,catch of fish,common position,conservation of resources,deep-sea fishing,fisheries policy,fishing rights,law of the sea,protection of animal life", "workIds": "celex:91989E000742", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Pacific Ocean", "catch of fish", "common position", "conservation of resources", "deep-sea fishing", "fisheries policy", "fishing rights", "law of the sea", "protection of animal life"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d582b0d4-019b-4489-91db-8ddc9c578e44", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/03acaff3-598c-4a01-af48-5b9ef3c5d874", "title": "Written Question No. 740/89 by Mr Joaquin Siso Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. 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The young boy Csaba Szilagyi detained by the Romanian authorities", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,NEWTON DUNN William Francis", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Hungary,Romania,emigration,human rights,migrant", "workIds": "celex:91989E000715", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Hungary", "Romania", "emigration", "human rights", "migrant"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/15320ee4-693e-4051-ad31-a6658efc7710", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c318dd81-28c5-47c0-b4a8-ec2b92840d7e", "title": "Written Question No. 724/89 by Mr G\u00e9rard Deprez to the Council of the European Communities. 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Beneficiaries of Article 303 appropriations", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ELMALAN,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU aid,budget appropriation,financial aid,general budget (EU),human rights,humanitarian aid,non-governmental organisation", "workIds": "celex:91989E000712", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU aid", "budget appropriation", "financial aid", "general budget (EU)", "human rights", "humanitarian aid", "non-governmental organisation"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/70fc1aef-207a-4622-8465-439f3130ef7e", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1b75e446-668f-411b-a545-4d3889824621", "title": "Written Question No. 701/89 by Mr Bryan Cassidy to the Commission of the European Communities. ' Ageism' in recruitment to the European Commission", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "CASSIDY,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "European Commission,European civil service,European official,competition (EU),distribution by age,equal treatment,job access,professional qualifications,recruitment", "workIds": "celex:91989E000701", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European Commission", "European civil service", "European official", "competition (EU)", "distribution by age", "equal treatment", "job access", "professional qualifications", "recruitment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/1b75e446-668f-411b-a545-4d3889824621", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/27fedaee-d183-459a-8348-3d9a42ecc051", "title": "Written Question No. 704/89 by Lord O' Hagan to the Commission of the European Communities. Occupational pensions", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,O'HAGAN", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EEC Treaty,family,free movement of workers,pension scheme,social-security harmonisation,supplementary pension,transfer of pension rights,worker (EU)", "workIds": "celex:91989E000704", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EEC Treaty", "family", "free movement of workers", "pension scheme", "social-security harmonisation", "supplementary pension", "transfer of pension rights", "worker (EU)"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/27fedaee-d183-459a-8348-3d9a42ecc051", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abbdeb56-d471-4c58-8db9-38324a3d987d", "title": "Written Question No. 741/89 by Mr Joaquin Siso Cruellas to the Commission of the European Communities. Information about the insurance sector in the European Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,SISO CRUELLAS", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EC Directive,EU law,Spain,bank,credit institution,insurance company,insurance contract,insurance law,insurance occupation,restriction on competition", "workIds": "celex:91989E000741", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "EU law", "Spain", "bank", "credit institution", "insurance company", "insurance contract", "insurance law", "insurance occupation", "restriction on competition"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/abbdeb56-d471-4c58-8db9-38324a3d987d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09c29884-a3d0-4cb3-b276-848b7b4cebd7", "title": "Written Question No. 710/89 by Mr Ernest Glinne to the Commission of the European Communities. Food hygiene bill under debate in Britain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,GLINNE", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "EU law,access to information,animal nutrition,competence of the Member States,consumer protection,foodstuffs legislation,human nutrition,insecticide,refusal to sell", "workIds": "celex:91989E000710", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU law", "access to information", "animal nutrition", "competence of the Member States", "consumer protection", "foodstuffs legislation", "human nutrition", "insecticide", "refusal to sell"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/09c29884-a3d0-4cb3-b276-848b7b4cebd7", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5413704-6f29-478d-a048-de8f70276d35", "title": "Written Question No. 698/89 by Mr Jos\u00e9 Valverde Lopez to the Commission of the European Communities. Sugar cane production in the Granada and Malaga provinces of Spain", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_written,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,VALVERDE LOPEZ", "date": "1989-11-14", "subjects": "Andalusia,Spain,agro-industrial cropping,common agricultural policy,common organisation of markets,crop production,intervention price,sugar,sugar cane", "workIds": "celex:91989E000698", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Andalusia", "Spain", "agro-industrial cropping", "common agricultural policy", "common organisation of markets", "crop production", "intervention price", "sugar", "sugar cane"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c5413704-6f29-478d-a048-de8f70276d35", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0df8c54e-3e97-4a43-88b4-7cd7f86cb7f2", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3400/89 of 13 November 1989 on the supply of white sugar to the World Food Programme (WFP) as food aid", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "World Food Programme,food aid,white sugar", "workIds": "celex:31989R3400,oj:JOL_1989_328_R_0013_021", "eurovoc_concepts": ["World Food Programme", "food aid", "white sugar"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/0df8c54e-3e97-4a43-88b4-7cd7f86cb7f2", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/40a3726f-b61b-4694-a328-15fef81d8f5a", "title": "Council Directive 89/592/EEC of 13 November 1989 coordinating regulations on insider dealing", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "approximation of laws,insider trading,securities", "workIds": "celex:31989L0592,oj:JOL_1989_334_R_0030_021", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "insider trading", "securities"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/40a3726f-b61b-4694-a328-15fef81d8f5a", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f145fc26-656b-4ba2-9569-67dea9565c93", "title": "MODIFIED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH: HUMAN GENOME ANALYSIS: ( 1990 - 1991 )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "action programme,genetic engineering,public health,research and development,scientific progress", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0532,comnat:COM_1989_0532_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_303_R_0018_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "genetic engineering", "public health", "research and development", "scientific progress"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f145fc26-656b-4ba2-9569-67dea9565c93", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 532 final - SYN 146 \n\nBrussels, 13 November 1989 \n\nMODIFIED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION \n\nAdopting a specific research and technological development programme \n\nin the field of health: \n\nHuman Genome Analysis: (1990-19S1) \n\n(Presented by the Comrussion in accordance with \n\nArticle 149, paragraph 3 of the EEC Treaty) \n\n* \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nExplanatory Memorandum \n\nA. The first reading of the \"Proposal for a Council Decision adopting a \n\nspecific research programme in the field of health: Predictive Medicine: \n\nHuman Genome Analysis (1989 - 1991)\"(*) was carried out by the European \n\nParliament during the part-session from 13 - 17 February 1989. The essential message of the 38 amendnents adopted by the Parliament is as \n\nfollows: \"The technical content of the research programme proposed by the \n\nCommission is justified, but care must be taken to see that individual \n\nrights are protected and respected while it is being carried out. Furthermore, it is essential to guarantee that throughout the programme \n\nthe ethical, social and legal problems which may arise out of applications \n\nof ever more precise knowledge of the human genome are examined and \n\ndebated. This debate should also identify the limits beyond which such \n\napplications would become unacceptable by society\". B. The expression \"Predictive Medicine\" is no longer used in the title of the \n\nprogramme. It has reverted to \"Human Genome Analysis\", which corresponds \n\nto reality since the main aim is to increase our knowledge of human \n\ngenetics. However, it is possible that this type of research, which will \n\ncertainly lead to improvements in the treatment of patients suffering from \n\ncertain diseases of genetic origin, will also lead subsequently to \n\napplications in predictive medicine. But the social acceptability of such \n\napplications must first be carefully evaluated. The modified proposal is drafted in such a way as to guarantee the respect \n\nboth of rules accepted by or acceptable to our democratic society and of \n\nthe integrity and dignity of the person, not only while the programme is \n\nrunning but also in its medium- and long-term consequences. The clear affirmation of the respect for the integrity and dignity of the \n\nperson has consequences of which several aspects are defined in the \n\nmodified proposal. The consequences both for the individual and for \n\nsociety of the application of the results obtained by research on the \n\nhuman genome must be analysed at the same time as the research is being \n\n(*) COM(88) 424 final, 20 July 1988 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\ncarried out. Possible abuses must be identified, as must, where \n\nappropriate, recommended national or Community legislative measures. This \n\ntask will be carried out by the Commission assisted by a high-level \n\ncommittee which it will set up for this purpose, representing different \n\nareas of science, law, philosophy and ethics, together with \n\nrepresentatives of patients* associations. The term \"eugenics\" which is contained in amendment no. 10 lacks \n\nprecision. For this reason it is not used directly in the proposal. The \n\napproach described above guarantees the exclusion from the programme of \n\nany tendency towards a type of eugenics which would involve the \n\n\"selection\" of the human species by genetic means. This guarantee is \n\nfurther strengthened by the explicit exclusion of all research seeking to \n\nmodify human genetic heritage by the alteration of germ cells, in \n\naccordance with Parliament's request (amendments nos. 21 and 33). But the \n\nmodified proposal goes further: it excludes all intervention at any stage \n\nin the development of the embryo which might lead to hereditary changes. This technical possibility is indeed conceivable, and it must be rejected. Protection is guaranteed of the confidentiality of information gained \n\nduring the research and of the anonymity of those concerned. The prenormative nature of the scientific data acquired, to be available \n\nto legislative authorities in particular, is highlighted. Lastly, progress reports on the research and on studies of ethical, social \n\nand legal problems will be submitted annually to the Council and the \n\nEuropean Parliament, and measures will be taken to keep the public fully \n\ninformed of the Community action. C. As far as the European Parliament*s amendments are concerned: \n\n- amendnents Nos. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 32, 33, 35 \n\nand 36 have been incorporated in the modified proposal. Amendnents 21 \n\nand 33 have been supplemented to clarify the exclusion of all work \n\nseeking to \"select\" the human species. - 4 -\n\nthe intentions expressed in amendments nos. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, 25, \n\n26 and 41 are incorporated in the modified proposal in different terms, \n\nsometimes regrouped or at places in the text other than those foreseen \n\nin the amendments. amendments nos. 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31, 34, 39 and 44 \n\n(budgetary amendment) are not incorporated in the proposal. However, \n\nthe modified proposal expresses the ideas contained in some of these \n\namendments, especially nos. 14, 15, 18, 19, 27, 29, 30 and 39. - 5 -\n\nMODIFIED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION \n\nAdopting a specific research and technological development programme \n\nin the field of health: \n\nHuman Genome Analysis: (1990-1991) \n\n(Presented by the Commission in accordance with \n\nArticle 149, paragraph 3 of the EEC Treaty) \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and \n\nin particular to Article 130 Q (2) thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission(*), \n\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament(2), \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee^), \n\nWhereas Article 130 K of the Treaty stipulates that the framework programme \n\nshall be implemented through specific programmes developed within each \n\nactivity; \n\nWhereas by its Decision of 28 September 1987(4) the Council has adopted a \n\nframework programme of Community research and technological development \n\n(1987-1991), in which it provided for activities to be undertaken in the \n\nfield of healthj \n\nh OJ H* \n\n2) OJ N\u00b0 \n\n3) OJ N\u00b0 C 56/47, 6. 3. 1989 \n\n4) OJ N\u00b0 L 302, 24. 10. 87, p. 1 \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nWhereas, for the evaluation of each specific programme and the selection of \n\nCommunity actions, the framework programme sets out criteria among which is \n\nthat of contributing to the strengthening of the economic and social \n\ncohesion of the Community, consistent with the pursuit of scientific and \n\ntechnical quality; \n\nWhereas two successive pluriannual programmes of research and training of the \n\nEuropean Economic Coniminity in the field of biotechnologies(5), of which the \n\nsecond is still in progress, have shown the possibility and usefulness of a \n\nCormunity action promoting the utilization of modern biology for scientific \n\nand industrial purposes; \n\nWhoreas the framework programme has foreseen in its activity \"Quality of \n\nlife\" under the \"Health\" line 1. 1, the initiation of new activities relating \n\nto the development of knowledge of the human genome; \n\nWhereas a specific programme to study the human genome is therefore necessary \n\nand, in particular, it is necessary to: \n\ndevelop and spread the basic technologies concerning the study of the \n\nhuman genome, with the intention of improving knowledge of matters of \n\nmedical importance, \n\nimprove the resolution of the human genetic map and to refine the \n\nphysical map by the creation of ordered clone libraries, as a basis for \n\nlocating genes of medical importance and for a better general \n\nunderstanding of gene function, and \n\norganise networks and coordination, on a European and international \n\nscale, of researchers from all disciplines working in this field; \n\nWhereas the carrying out of the above-mentioned goals requires the \n\nundertaking at Community level of actions aiming at: \n\nfilling some existing gaps in scientific and technological knowledge, and \n\nencouraging cooperation between European research institutions with a \n\nview to furthering the development of existing technologies while \n\n5) OJ N\u00b0 L 375, 20. 12. 1981, p. 1; OJ N\u00b0 L 83, 25. 3. 1985, p. 1 \n\n\f- 7 -\n\npromoting all research sectors capable of generating new lines of \n\nresearch; \n\nWhereas, simultaneously, measures will be taken to promote cooperation \n\nbetween the Community programme and similar ones developed in non-Member \n\nStates or by international organizations; \n\nWhereas the right to a genetic identity forms part of the integrity and the \n\ndignity of an individual, and this principle is recognized in the \n\nconstitutions and laws of Member States and in the Community legal system as \n\nforming part of the fundamental rights for which respect is ensured; \n\nWhereas the results which can be achieved from human genome research require \n\nthe development of an integrated approach taking into account ethical, social \n\nand legal aspects of their possible applications and the need to avoid any \n\nimproper use of those results; \n\nWhereas there are good grounds for guaranteeing the right of an individual \n\nin complete possession of the facts to choose whether or not to be informed \n\nof his genetic characteristics; \n\nWhereas, in the absence of clear standards and provisions concerning possible \n\ndevelopments in the field of genome analysis, there may be a risk on the one \n\nhand that attempts are made to intervene in the human genome in order to \n\nmake the modifications so obtained hereditary, and on the other hand that \n\ngenetic analyses are carried out for monitoring purposes which may have a \n\nprofound effect on social life; whereas there are, accordingly, good grounds \n\nfor taking the necessary steps to preclude unacceptable developments, \n\nparticularly as regards predictive medicine; \n\nVfoereas, furthermore, it is necessary to develop during the course of the \n\nprogramme the prenormative aspects arising from human genome analysis by \n\nestablishing a reliable scientific data set which could provide a basis for \n\npolitical authorities to establish sound,, clear and responsible regulations; \n\nWhereas the Scientific and Technical ResearchCommittee (CREST) was consulted \n\non the following measures, \n\n\fHAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: \n\n- 8 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nA specific research and technological development programme for the European \n\nEconomic Community in the field of Human Genome Analysis, as defined in the \n\nAnnex, is hereby adopted for a period of two years commencing on 1 January \n\n1990. Article 2 \n\nThe amount deemed necessary as the financial contribution from the Community \n\nfor the execution of the programme is 15 million ECU, including costs of a \n\nstaff of two persons. Article 3 \n\nDetailed rules for the implementation of the programme are set out ia the*? \n\nAnnex. Article 4 \n\n1. The Commission shall send to the Council and to the European Parliament \n\nan annual report on the progress of the programme. 2. In the second year of the programme implementation, the Commission shall \n\nundertake a review of the programme and it shall send the results of this \n\nreview to the Council and to the European Parliament, together, if \n\nnecessary, with any proposals for modification or prolongation of the \n\nprogramme. 3. An evaluation of the results achieved shall be carried out by independent \n\nexperts and published in the form of a communication to the Council and \n\nto the European Parliament. 4. The above-mentioned reports shall be established taking account of the \n\nobjectives and evaluation criteria set out in the Annex to this decision \n\nand in conformity with the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 2 of \n\nDecision 87/516/Euratom, EEC. - 9 -\n\nArticle 5 \n\nThe Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the programs. It shall be assisted in its execution by an advisory committee, hereinafter \n\ncalled \"the committee\", composed of representatives of Member States and \n\nchaired by a representative of the Commission. Article 6 \n\n1. The Commission shall submit to the committee a draft of the measures to \n\nbe taken. The conrtittee shall give its opinion within a period set by the \n\nchairman according to the urgency of the matter, decided by a vote if \n\nnecessary. 2. The opinion shall be recorded in the report of the meeting; moreover, \n\neach Member State shall have the right to have its own opinion recorded \n\nin the report. 3. The Commission shall take due note of the opinion given by the committee. It shall inform the committee of the procedures through which that \n\nopinion was taken into consideration. Article 7 \n\nThe procedures laid down in Article 6 shall apply in particular to: \n\nthe contents of the calls for proposals; \n\nthe assessment of the proposed projects and the estimated amount of the \n\nCommunity's contribution to themj \n\ndepartures from the general rules governing Community participation set \n\nout in the Annex;, \n\nthe participation \n\nin any project by non-Coramunity organizations and \n\nenterprises referred to in Article 8(2); \n\nthe measures to be undertaken to evaluate the programme; \n\narrangements for the dissemination, protection and exploitation of the \n\nresults of research carried out under the programme. Article S \n\n1. The Commission is authorized, in conformity with Article 130 N of the EEC \nTreaty, to negotiate agreements with non-member States and international \nin \no r g a n i z a t i o n s, p a r t i c u l a r ly with non-member S t a t es taking part \n\n\f- 10 -\n\nEuropean cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research \n\n(COST) and with countries which have concluded scientific and technical \n\nframework cooperation agreements with the Community, with a view to \n\nassociating them fully or partially with the programme. 2. VThere framework agreements for scientific and technical co-operation \n\nbetween European non-Member States and the European Communities have been \n\nconcluded, organizations and enterprises established in those countries \n\nmay, on the basis of the criterion of mutual benefit, become partners in \n\na project undertaken within the programme. Article 9 \n\nThis Decision is addressed to the Member States. Done at \n\n,. 1989 \n\nFor the Council, \n\nThe President \n\n\f- 11 -\n\nANNEX \n\nfor a specific research programme in the field of health: \n\nHuman Genome Analysis \n\n1. OBJECTIVES \n\nUse and improvement of new biotechnologies in the study of the human genome \n\nfor a better understanding of the mechanisms of genetic function, as well as \n\nthe prevention and treatment of human diseases. In the pursuit of these \n\nobjectives, optimal cooperation will be sought with the programmes of non-\n\nmember States and international organizations. At the same time measures will be taken to develop an integrated approach to \n\nthe ethical, social and legal aspects of possible applications of results \n\nobtained through the programme to ensure that they are not misused and also, \n\nwith prenormative aspects in mind, to establish a set of bioethical \n\nprinciples to be followed in the developments to come. Alteration of germ cells or any stage of embryo development with the aim of \n\nmodifying human genetic characteristics in a hereditary manner is excluded \n\nfrom the programme objectives. 2. TECHNICAL CONTENT \n\nPrecompetitive Ccmnunity research, setting up and reinforcement of networks \n\nof European laboratories, and training, intended to allow the use of modern \n\ntechnologies for the study and setting up of the human genetic map as well as \n\npossible medical applications of the knowledge gained. The research described below will require the use of data-processing \n\nfacilities for the handling of data, and the development of integrated \n\ndatabases to serve European networks. 2. 1 IMPROVEMENT OF THE HUMAN GENETIC MAP \n\n- 12 -\n\nEstablishment of a Europe-based network, extending worldwide, for the \n\ncollection and mapping of the DNA of large families, in order to provide \n\nresearch scientists with well-characterized genetic material and sets of \n\nprobes to determine the location of the relative positions of genes on the \n\nchromosomes. 2. 2 SETTING UP OF ORDERED CLONE LIBRARIES OF HUMAN DNA \n\nSetting up of a European network of laboratories working on establishing \n\noverlapping clone libraries, and support for limited sequencing of cDNA. 2. 3 IMPROVEMENT OF THE METHODS AND BASIS FOR THE STUDY OF THE HUMAN GENOME \n\nNew biochemical reagents (restriction enzymes, etc. ). Improvement of methods \n\nfor the detection and localization of genetic markers (techniques for \n\nlabelling DNA probes, amplification of genes, etc. ). Development of new \n\nvectors for the cloning of large DNA fragments and of procedures for the \n\ntransfection of chromosomes. Development of model systems for the \n\nreproducible and stable expression of medically important genes both in vivo \n\nand in vitro aimed at the well-being of patients. Development of new \n\ncomputer software for the storage and manipulation of data from genome \n\nsequencing and mapping. 2. 4 TRAINING \n\nSetting up of a training programme to assist with the technology transfer of \n\nmolecular genetics methods, in particular to Member States in which these \n\ntechniques are currently underdeveloped. 3. BPU34ENTATION \n\n3. 1 The programme shall be implemented through cost-shared or marginal cost \n\ncontracts, support to centralized facilities and networks, training \n\ncontracts, training grants, courses, consultations with national experts, \n\norganization of study-group meetings, participation in seminars and \n\nsymposia, publications, studies, dissemination of results to all \n\ninterested groups, and organization of public presentations. - 13 -\n\nCommunity participation will be up to a maximum of 50% in the case of \n\ncost-shared contracts and could reach 100% in other cases. Participants may be research institutions, universities, private \n\nenterprises, or combinations of them, located in Member States or in the \n\nnon-member States referred to in Article 7, or competent organizations in \n\na position to make a significant contribution. Projects must be carried out by participants from more than one country, \n\nand include at least one participant from one Member State. Fellows coming from non-^nember States will be accepted in the training \n\nprogramme, provided that they meet the required conditions and that their \n\ncosts are covered from other sources, such as other Community programmes \n\nor actions which support fellows coming from developing countries. The contracts concluded by the Commission will govern the rights and the \n\nobligations of each party, in particular the means of distribution, \n\nprotection and exploitation of the results of the research. 3. 2 The drawing up of research contracts can only take place if the \n\ncontracting parties undertake to abstain from all research seeking to \n\nmodify the genetic constitution of human beings by alteration of germ \n\ncells or of any stage of embryo development which may make these \n\nalterations hereditary. The contracts shall regulate the granting of licences arising out of \n\nresearch projects and in particular there shall be no right to exploit on \n\nan exclusive basis any property rights in respect of human DNA. In \n\naddition, the Commission shall reserve the right to publish the results \n\nof the research performed within the scope of the contracts. The contracts will guarantee that the members of the families \n\nparticipating in the studies referred to in paragraph 2. 1 above will be \n\nfully informed about and have consented to the use and study of their \n\nDNA. The contracts will also guarantee complete protection of the \n\nconfidentiality and anonymity of the personal data, obtained in the \n\nprogramme. - 14 -\n\n3. 3 The Commission will ensure that during the execution of the programme \n\nthere will be wide-ranging and in-depth discussions of the ethical, \n\nsocial and legal aspects of human genome analysis and that possible \n\nmisuses will be identified regarding applications of the results obtained \n\nor of future developments of that research. It will ensure that the far-\n\nreaching consequences of the research will be evaluated in a responsible \n\nmanner, and will submit to the Council and to the European Parliament an \n\nannual report, possibly with legislative recommendations arising as much \n\nfrom the research policy angle as frcm the legal one. To this end, the \n\nCommission will obtain advice from experts in different fields of \n\nscience, law, philosophy and ethics, together with representatives of \npatients1 associations. 4. EVALUATION CRITERIA \n\nThe Communication from the Commission to the Council relating to the \n\nevaluation of Community research and development programmes(\u00b0) states that \n\nthe objectives and milestones for each research programme have to be set out \n\nin verifiable and, where possible, quantitative form. These reference marks \n\nare listed below: \n\n4. 1 The long-term objective of this programme is to contribute to a better \n\nunderstanding of the mechanisms of genetic function as well as to the \n\nfight against human diseases arising from genetic variation (including \n\ngenetic diseases sensu stricto and many common diseases with a genetic \n\ncomponent, such as heart disease and cancer), through early diagnosis, \n\nprevention, and improvement of prognosis and therapy. The Commission \n\nproposes to achieve this objective by: \n\n- the management of networks of laboratories set up around European \n\nfacilities for (a) the improvement of the human genetic map and (b) the \n\nsetting up of ordered clone libraries of human DNA, either of the \n\ncomplete genome or of selected chromosomes, together with cDNA \n\nsequencing; \n\n6) OJ N\u00b0 C 14, 20. 1. 87, p. 5 \n\n\f- 15 -\n\n- the launching of a programme of precompetitive research aiming at \n\nimprovement of the methods and basis for the study of the human genome; \n\n- the setting up of a programme of training to increase the distribution \n\nof modern genetic technologies in Europe, and to improve technological \n\nknow-how in European laboratories; \n\n- the promotion of cooperation with non-member States and international \n\norganizations. 4. 2 The primary short-term objective is that the programme should succeed in \n\nestablishing the above-mentioned European networks of laboratories in the \n\nfields of: \n\n- the human genetic map \n\n- ordered clone libraries of human DNA and cDNA sequencing \n\n- improvement of the methods and basis for the study of the human genome, \n\nall using data-processing facilities for data-handling and developing \n\nintegrated data bases. These objectives should be verifiable in 1991. 4. 3 Particular objectives to be attained within two years of the programme \n\nimplementation are as follows: \n\n4. 3. 1 Concerning the human genetic map: \n\n- the present total of 40 well-studied large families which form the \n\nbasis for the genetic map should be increased to 60 families; \n\n- genetic material frem these families, and DNA probes, should be made \n\navailable to the European laboratories concerned while respecting the \n\nindividual rights of those families; \n\n- a central facility should be identified to pool the results and \n\nestablish an improved genetic map at the 1 to 5\" centimorgan level, \n\nand an integrated databank should be set up. - 16 -\n\n4. 3. 2 The strategies for setting up ordered clone libraries of human DNA \n\nshould be compared and a better approach defined; facilities for \n\nmaintaining the stocks of cloned DNA fragments should be established, \n\nand the available clones dispatched to interested European \n\nlabofa\" tories. 4. 3. 3 Substantial improvements should be obtained in the following research \n\nfields to improve the methods and the basis for the study of the human \n\ngenome: \n\n- New reagents, such as restriction enzymes, \n\n- Methodology for cloning large DNA fragments and for the transfection of \n\nchromosomes, \n\n- Gene vectors adapted to human somatic cells in vitro, \n\n- Ifethodology for the detection of a particular gene in a cell, \n\n- Localization, cloning and sequencing of new genps, especially those \n\nwhich are disease-related, \n\n- New computer software for the storage, collation and analysis of DNA \n\nsequence data. 4. 4 In addition, the programme should ensure that the following general \n\ncriteria are met: \n\n4. 4. 1 That throughout the execution of the programme, the ethical, social and \n\nlegal aspects of human genome analysis should be the subject of wide-\n\nranging and in-depth discussions, and possible abuses of the results or \n\nlater developments of the work should be identified; principles for \n\ntheir utilization and control should be proposed. 4. 4. 2 That the drawing up of research contracts shall presuppose that the \n\ncontracting parties undertake to abstain from all research seeking to \n\nnodify the genetic constitution of human beings by alteration of germ \n\ncells or of any stage of embryo development which may make these \n\nalterations hereditary. - 17 -\n\n4. 4. 3 The members of the families taking part in the studies mentioned in \n\nparagraph 2. 1 must have been informed and given their consent, and the \n\nconfidentiality and anonymity of personal data must be ensured. 4. 4. 4 That the development and the application of somatic gene therapy are \n\nnot provided for within the framework of the present programme. 4. 4. 5 That actual or potential medical applications should be facilitated. 4. 4. 6 That potential opportunities for commercial developments should be \n\nobtained. 4. 4. 7 That the overall technological standard of the participating European \n\nlaboratories must have been improved. 4. 4. 8 That taking account of the results of Community, national or commercial \n\nresearch activities in human genetics, the evaluation panel should \n\nconsider whether the human genome analysis has contributed to the \n\ndevelopment of the results of the said activities in regions of the \n\nCommunity other than those in which the research was conducted. The \n\nevaluation panel should also ascertain whether cooperation with non-\n\nmember States and international organizations has indeed been achieved \n\nand whether this cooperation has had positive results. \u2022 \n\n-AS-\n\nFICHE FINANCIERE \nPROGRAMME ANALYSE PU CENOME HUMAIN \n\nLes points 1 \u00e0 4 de la fiche financi\u00e8re originale de la proposition \nCOH<88)424 restent inchang\u00e9s. 5. INCIDENCE FINANCIERE PE L'ACTION SUR LES CREP1TS D'INTERVENTION \n\n(Y conprls les d\u00e9penses de personnel (l agent de cat\u00e9gorie A, 1 \nagent \nles d\u00e9penses de fonctionnement \nadministratif et technique). cat\u00e9gorie \n\nC) et \n\nde \n\n5. 1. \u00c7oftt tOtll M m U lU tPUtt 11 dUT\u00e9i \u00ablYllMto \n5. 2. Part dans la financement \n\u2022 du budget communautaire \n- des budgets nationaux et ) \n- d'autres secteurs au \n\nniveau national \n\n). ) \n\n5. 3. Ech\u00e9ancier plurlannuel du budget cosmunautalre \n\n5. 3. 1. Cr\u00e9dits d'engagement en Millions d'Ecua \n\nPersonnel \nFonctionnement \nContrats et bourses \n\nlooo\u00bb \n\n0,21 \n0,20 \n12,09 \n\n\u00eeooi \n\n0. 21 \n0,25 \n2,04 \n\nTotal \n\n12,5 \n\n2,5 \n\n^ \u00bbi\u00b0 Ecus \n\n15 Mio Ecus \n\n15 Mio Ecus \n\nTSi\u00ef\u00e2L \n\n0,42 \n0,45 \n14,13 \n\n15,00 \n\n5. 3. 2. Cr\u00e9dita de paiement en Million* d'Ecua \n\n1000\u00bb \n\n1001 \n\n1002 \n\n1993 \n\nI P J AL \n\nPersonnel \nFonctionnement \nContrats et bourses \n\n0,21 \n0,20 \n3,79 \n\n0,21 \n0,25 \n5,54 \n\n\u2022 \n-\n3,10 \n\n* \n-\n1,70 \n\n0,42 \n0,43 \n14,13 \n\nTotal \n\n4,2 \n\n6,0 \n\n3,10 \n\n1,70 \n\n15,00 \n\n* Ces montants figurent \u00e0 1*APB 90 - Ht sont aujeti \u00e0 modification \n\nau cours de la proc\u00e9dure budg\u00e9tgalre en cours. ISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 532 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n05 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-485-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54138-5 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7455f974-f505-4f86-9358-2650bb65c43b", "title": "Conclusions of the Council and the ministers for health meeting within the Council of 13 November 1989 on the implementation of coordinated measures for preventing drug addiction and coping with drug addicts", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_other_oj_l,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_complementary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union,Representatives of the Governments of the Member States", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "drug addiction,information network,public awareness campaign,reintegration into working life,social rehabilitation,therapeutics", "workIds": "celex:41990X0209,oj:JOC_1990_031_R_0001_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["drug addiction", "information network", "public awareness campaign", "reintegration into working life", "social rehabilitation", "therapeutics"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7455f974-f505-4f86-9358-2650bb65c43b", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c2d6f2f-ff84-4366-8e79-c905018402bc", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE CONCERNING MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "action programme,industrial pollution,pollution control measures,urban area,wastewater,water treatment", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0518,comnat:COM_1989_0518_FIN,oj:JOC_1990_001_R_0020_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["action programme", "industrial pollution", "pollution control measures", "urban area", "wastewater", "water treatment"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/3c2d6f2f-ff84-4366-8e79-c905018402bc", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC89) 518 final \n\nBrussels, 13 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\nconcerning municipal waste water treatment \n\nIl \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\f&*v \n\nCOMPETITIVENESS AND EMPLOYMENT IMPACT STATEMENT RELATED TO THE \nPROPOSED DIRECTIVE ON MUNICIPAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT \n\nI. What is the main reason for introducing the measure ? \n\nRequest by the Council Resolution 88/C209/02 of 28 June \n1988, for Community legislation to deal with municipal \nwaste water. II\u2022 Features of the businesses in question: \n\nNot applicable as the directive will require construction \nor extension of waste water treatment plants operated by \nlocal authorities. III. What direct obligations does this measure impose on \n\nbusinesses ? \n\nNo direct obligations placed on businesses. IV. What indirect obligations are local authorities likely to \n\nimpose on businesses ? \n\nOnly indirect obligations imposed by local authorities are \n\na) tighter controls on industrial wastes entering \n\nmunicipal waste water collecting systems, \n\nb) the requirement that industries producing waste waters \n\ncomparable to municipal waste waters (e. g. breweries) \nwhich discharge directly to receiving waters, should be \ntreated in a similar manner to that required for \nmunicipal waste waters. Many of the industrial wastes entering municipal waste \nwater systems described in a) are already subject to the \nrequirements of the Dangerous Substances Directives, but \nthese are not always implemented by Member states. Z2 \n\nThe proposed directive will require Member States to \nobserve these requirements more thoroughly. Many of the \nindustrial wastes described in b) are already subject to \ncontrols to ensure that the receiving waters satisfy other \nwater quality directives (Drinking Water, freshwater fish, \netc. ) \n\nV. Are there any special measures in respect of SMEs ? \n\nNo. VI. What is the likely effect on the competitiveness of \n\nbusinesses and on employment ? \n\nThe proposals are unlikely to affect the competitiveness \nof businesses. With regard to employment, the effect is \nlikely to be positive, as there will be a substantial \nprogramme of investment in the design, construction and \noperation of new municipal waste water treatment systems. Increased employment will take place at professional, \ntechnical, scientific and operative levels. The greatest \nincrease is likely to take place in Southern countries, \nwhere relatively fewer municipal waste water treatment \nsystems already exist. The proposed directive promotes the \ndevelopment of training programmes, and the Commission may \nsubmit measures to assist Member States in the provision \nof training. VII. Have both sides of industry been consulted ? \n\nNo. 4 \n\n% \n\n-^ \nf \ni \n* \n\"* \n* \n^ \n* \n\n~ \n\\ \n\\ \n| \ni \nf \n: \n* \nt \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 518 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n15 \n\n| \nt \n] \n\nI \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-477-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-53924-0 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Commuiaities \n\nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c1508ccd-3f7a-4859-9529-c4d2f1c8d457", "title": "Council Directive 89/622/EEC of 13 November 1989 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the labelling of tobacco products", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#directive,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "Council of the European Union", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "approximation of laws,consumer information,labelling,smoking,tobacco industry", "workIds": "celex:31989L0622,oj:JOL_1989_359_R_0001_008", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "consumer information", "labelling", "smoking", "tobacco industry"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/c1508ccd-3f7a-4859-9529-c4d2f1c8d457", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8593290c-515d-4b92-b649-64b825893e91", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3403/89 of 13 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2159/89 laying down detailed rules for applying the specific measures for nuts and locust beans as provided for in Title IIa of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1035/72", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-13", "subjects": "guarantee,leguminous vegetable,nut,producer organisation,production improvement,working capital", "workIds": "celex:31989R3403,oj:JOL_1989_328_R_0023_024", "eurovoc_concepts": ["guarantee", "leguminous vegetable", "nut", "producer organisation", "production improvement", "working capital"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/8593290c-515d-4b92-b649-64b825893e91", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a734f44-d8ff-4c11-a312-f367af89c2d0", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3389/89 of 10 November 1989 re-establishing the levying of customs duties on gelatines and derivatives thereof falling within CN code 3503 00 10 originating in Pakistan to which the preferential tariff arrangements set out in Council Regulation (EEC) No 4257/88 apply", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-10", "subjects": "Pakistan,food additive,tariff preference,tariff quota", "workIds": "celex:31989R3389,oj:JOL_1989_326_R_0026_029", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Pakistan", "food additive", "tariff preference", "tariff quota"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7a734f44-d8ff-4c11-a312-f367af89c2d0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e76ff83-fcf6-4af4-b498-19d2451f2cf6", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DIRECTIVE AMENDING FOR THE TENTH TIME DIRECTIVE 76/769/EEC ON THE APPROXIMATION OF THE LAWS, REGULATIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS OF THE MEMBER STATES RELATING TO RESTRICTIONS ON THE MARKETING AND USE OF CERTAIN DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES AND PREPARATIONS", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_directive_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-10", "subjects": "approximation of laws,cadmium,dangerous substance,marketing,metal pollution", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0548,comnat:COM_1989_0548_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_309_R_0011_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["approximation of laws", "cadmium", "dangerous substance", "marketing", "metal pollution"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/9e76ff83-fcf6-4af4-b498-19d2451f2cf6", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0M(89) 548 final - SYN 224 \n\nBrussels/!!} November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\namending for the tenth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation \n\nof the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States \n\nrelating to restrictions on the marketing and use of \n\ncertain dangerous substances and preparations \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fExplanatory \u00abeooraudui \n\n1. Kim of the Directive \n\nThis is the restriction of the marketing and use of certain dangerous \n\nsubstances and preparations. It will contribute to: \n\n- improved protection of man and of environment, \n\n- improved functioning of the internal market through the imposition \n\nof the same restrictions throughout this area without internal \n\nfrontiers. ?. Factors taken into consideration \n\nThe following factors were taken into consideration when the proposal for \n\na Directive was being drawn up: \n\n- cadmium pollution poses a complex and difficult problem since it is a \n\n\"multimedia\" form of pollution, affecting all environmental sectors. Cadmium may be emitted into the environment at numerous points in the \n\nproduction, manufacturing, use and waste disposal processes. Some twenty legal acts concerning cadmium have been published in the \n\nOfficial Journal: clear evidence of the importance attached to it; \n\n- in April 1987 the Commission presented to the Council an action \n\nprogramme on environmental pollution by cadmium. In response to that \n\nCommunication, on 25 January 1908 the Council adopted Resolution \n\n88/C 30/01 on a Community action programme to combat environmental \n\npollution by cadmium. The Resolution stresses the major elements of the \n\nstrategy for cadmium control in the interests of the protection of \n\nhealth and the environment. These elements concern the limitation of \n\nthe uses of cadmium to cases where suitable alternatives do not exist, \n\nstimulation of research and development, collection and recycling of \n\nproducts containing cadmium, for example batteries, and development of \n\na strategy designed to reduce cadmium input in soil; \n\n- measures to restrict the use of cadmium taken individually by the \n\nMember States. These may constitute barriers to trade and have a direct \n\neffect on the establishment and operation of the internal market; \n\n- scientific and technical data on the existence of substitutes less \n\nhazardous both for man and the environment. 3. Comments on the proposed restrictions \n\nCadmium and its compounds are substances that are dangerous for man and \n\nthe environment; it is therefore necessary to regulate their marketing. This proposal for a Directive falls within the context of Council \n\nDirective 76/769/EEC. The following principles were incorporated in the \n\ndrafting: \n\n- the ban on the use of cadmium affects three areas of application -\n\npigments, stabilizers and plating - but the purpose of the ban differs \n\nin each case. In the case of pigments, polymers (basic products) are covered. The \n\nDirective contains a list of polymers which may no longer be coloured \n\nby pigments containing cadmium. In the case of stabilizers, products or articles are covered. In the case of cadmium-plating. sectors or applications are covered. By a process of elimination, any substance not included in the lists is \n\npermitted; \n\n- the date for putting the Directive into effect may vary according to \n\nproduct. Some manufacturers need time to adapt their production to \n\nthese conditions; \n\n- in certain circumstances, notably for reasons of safety and \n\nreliability, it may be essential to use cadmium. A general derogation \n\nclause is provided for that reason; \n\n-the Directive is not applicable in certain cases, notably where other \n\ndirectives contain further special provisions; \n\n- implementation of the Combined Nomenclature (Council Regulation (EEC) \n\nNo 2658/87 of 23 July 1987, as amended, on the tariff and statistical \n\nnomenclature and on the Common Customs Tariff: OJ L 256, 7. 9. 1987). \u2022\"S \n\n\fIt has emerged in many cases from discussions with national experts that \n\nthe definition of the products or applications covered by the Directive \n\nposes a very thorny problem. To overcome that it is proposed to include \n\nwith the products or applications, where possible, the corresponding CN \n\ncode number. The CN code numbers corresponding to the proposed definition are \n\ntherefore indicated in brackets after each product or application. The CN \n\nsubheadings are Community subdivisions to the harmonized system \n\nnomenclature. The first six digits of the code numbers relate to the \n\nharmonized system nomenclature, while the next two digits identify the CN \n\nsubheadings required. With a view to establishing an operative system, a recital concerning \n\ntechnical and technological progress in relation to substitutes for \n\ncadmium and its compounds has been included in the proposal. This \n\nreference to progress, which meshes with the context of Council \n\nResolution 88/C 30/01, is set out in Article 2 of the proposal. A. Conformity with the Treaty \n\nAs is clear from section 3 above, this proposal is intended to afford \n\na high Level of protection for both persons and the environment and \n\nis therefore in conformity with Article 100A (3) of the Treaty. The proposal does not call for any special provisions of the kind \n\nreferred to in Article 8c of the Treaty. 5. Consultation of the sector concerned \n\nThe proposal for a Directive was drawn up in consultation with a \n\ngroup of national experts on public health and environmental \n\nprotection as well as representatives of the various sectors of \n\nindustry concerned. 6. Consultation of the European Parliament and the Economic and Social \n\nCommittee \n\nIn compliance with Article 100A of the Treaty, the cooperation \n\nprocedure with the European Parliament is applicable. The Economic \n\nand Social Committee has to be consulted. u \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE \n\namending for the tenth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of \n\nthe laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States \n\nrelating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous \n\nsubstances and preparations. THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHavind regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nand in particular Article 100a thereof, \n\n1 \nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nIn cooperation with the European Parliament, \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee, \n\n1 0J No \n\n2 OJ No \n\n3 OJ No \n\nS \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nWhereas measures should be adopted for the progressive establishment of the \n\ninternal market by 31 December 1992; whereas the internal market is an area \n\nwithout \n\ninternal frontiers in which the free circulation of goods, \n\npersons, services and capital is guaranteed; \n\n4 \n\nWhereas t he Council Resolution of 25 January 1988\" invites the Commission to pursue \n\nwithout delay. the development of specific measures for a Community action \n\nprogramme to combat environmental pollution by cadmium; whereas human \n\nhealth also has to be protected and an overall strategy that in particular \n\nrestricts the use of cadmium and stimulates research into substitutes \n\nshould therefore be implemented; \n\nWhereas the restrictions on the use of cadmium and its compounds laid down \n\nby this Directive take into account the current state of knowledge and \n\ntechniques regarding substitutes; whereas it would be advisable to reassess \n\nthe situation in the light of the development of knowledge and techniques; \n\nWhereas restrictions already adopted by certain Member States on use and \n\nmarketing of the above mentioned substances or preparations containing them \n\nhave a direct effect on the establishment and functioning of the internal \n\nmarket; whereas it is therefore necessary to approximate the laws of the \n\nMember States in this field and thus to amend the Annex to Council \n\nDirective 76/769/EEC , as last amended by Directive \n\n/ \n\n/EEC , \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: \n\n4 OJ No C 30, 4. 2. 1988, p. 1-\n\n5 0J No L 262, 27. 9. 1976, p. 201 \n\n6 OJ No L \n\nG \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n' Article 1 \n\nAnnex I to Directive 76/769/EEC is hereby amended as set out in the Annex \n\nhereto. Article 2 \n\nOwing to the development of knowledge and techniques in respect of substitutes \n\nfor cadmium, the Council shall reassess the situation within seven years of \n\nadoption of this Directive on the basis of a report drawn up by the Commission. Article 3 \n\n1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative \n\nprovisions necessary to comply with this Directive no later than 30 June 1991 \n\nand shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission no later than 31 December \n\n1990 the text of the basic provisions of national law which they adopt in \n\nthe field covered by this Directive. 3. The provisions adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 shall make express reference \n\nto this Directive. Article A \n\nThis Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels \n\nFor the Council \n\n\u2022\\ \n\n\fANNEX \n\nThe following point is hereby added to Annex I to Directive 76/769/EEC: \n\n\"Cadmium (CAS No. 7440-43-9) and its compounds \n\n1. 1. Shall not be used to give colour to finished products manufactured \n\nfrom the substances and preparations listed below. Such finished products, whatever their use or intended final purpose, \n\nshall not be placed on the market if their cadmium content (expressed \n\nas Cd metal) exceeds 0. 01 X by weight. - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) \u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022%\" \n\n(3904 10) (3904 21) \n\n(*) \n\n- polyurethane (PUR) \n\n- low-density polyethylene (Id PE), with the \n\nexception of low-density polyethylene used \n\n(3904 22) \n\n(3909 50) \n\nfor the production of coloured masterbatch \n\n(3901 10) \n\n- cellulose acetate (CA) \n\n(3912 11) (3912 12) \n\n- cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) \n\n(3912 11) (3912 12) \n\n- epoxy resins \n\n(3907 30) \n\n1. 2. Shall also be covered by this provision from (five years from adoption \n\nof this Directive) : \n\na) the finished products manufactured from the following substances \n\nand preparations : \n\n- melamine - formaldehyde (MF) resins \n\n- urea - formaldehyde (UF) resins \n\n- unsaturated polyesters (UP) \n\n- polyethylene terephthalate (PET) \n\n- polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) \n\n(3909 20) \n\n(3909 10) \n\n(3907 91) \n\n(3907 60) \n\n- transparent/general-purpose polystyrene \n\n(3903 11) (3903 19) \n\n- acrylonitrile methylmethacrylate (AMMA) \n\n- cross-1 inked polyethylene (VPE) \n\n- high-impact polystyrene \n\n- polypropylene (PP) \n\n(3902 10) \n\n(*) \n\n(l\u00b0 Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987, on the tariff ?nd statis \n\ntical nomenclature and on the common customs tariff: 0J No L 256, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1 \n\n\f- 2 ~ \n\nb) paints \n\n(3208) (3209) \n\nJ (*) \n\nHowever, if the paints have a high zinc content, their residual \n\nconcentration of cadmium should be as low as possible and at all \n\nevents not exceed 0,1 % by weight. 1. 3. However, this provision shall not apply to products to be \n\ncoloured for safety reasons. 2. 1. Shall not be used to stabilize the finished products listed below \n\nmanufactured from polymers or copolymers of vinyl chloride \n\nSuch finished products shall not be placed on the market if their \n\ncadmium content (expressed as Cd metal) exceeds 0. 01 % by weight. - packaging materials (bags, containers, \n\n(3923 29 10) \n\nbottles, lids) \n\n(3920 41) (3920 42) \n\n(*) \n\n- office or school supplies \n\n(3926 10) \n\n- fitting for furniture, coachwork or \n\nthe like \n\n- articles of apparel and clothing \n\naccessories (including gloves) \n\n- floor and wall coverings \n\n(3926 30) \n\n(3926 20) \n\n(3918 10) \n\n- impregnated, coated, covered or laminated \n\n(5903 10) \n\ntextile fabrics \n\n- imitation leather and morocco-leather goods \n\n(4202) \n\n- gramophone records \n\n- tubes and pipes and their fittings \n\n(8524 10) \n\n(3917 23) \n\n- swing doors \n\n- vehicles for road transport (interior, \n\nexterior, underbody) \n\n- coating of steel sheet used in construction \n\nor in industry \n\n- insulation for electrical wiring \n\n& \n\n\f-3 -\n\nThis provision shall enter into force on (three years from the adoption \n\nof this Directive). 2. 2. However, this provision shall not apply to finished \n\nproducts using stabilizers with cadmium for safety reasons. 3. Within the meaning of this Directive, cadmium plating means any \n\ndeposit or coating of metallic cadmium on a metallic surface. 3. 1. Shall not be used for plating metallic products or components of the \n\nproducts used in the sectors/applications listed below. Such cadmium-ptated finished products or components- of these products \n\nshall not be placed on the market where they are used in i-\n\na) equipments and machinery for \n\n- food production \n\n- agriculture \n\ncooling and freezing \n\nprinting and book-binding \n\n(*) \n\n(8210) \n\n(8417 20) \n\n(8419 81) \n\n(8421 11) \n\n(8421 22) \n\n(8422) \n\n(8435) (8437) (8438) \n\n(8476 11) \n\n(8419 31) \n\n(8424 81) \n\n(8432) (8433) \n\n(8434) (8436) \n\n(8418) \n\n(8440) \n\n(8442) \n\n(8443) \n\nJo \n\n\f- 4 -\n\nb) equipment and machinery for the production of : \n\n- household goods \n\n- furniture \n\n- sanitaryware \n\n- central heating and \n\nair conditioning plant \n\n(*) \n\n(7321) \n\n(8421 12) \n\n(8450) \n\n(8509) \n\n(8516) \n\n(8465) (8466) \n\n(9401) (9402) \n\n(9403) (9404) \n\n(7324) \n\n(7322) \n\n(8403) (8404) \n\n(8415) \n\nor in the products manufactured in the sectors listed under b) \n\n3. 2. Shall be covered by this provision from (five years from adoption of \n\nthis Directive) products or components of products intended for use \n\nin:. _ \n\na) equipment and machinery for the production of : \n\n- paper and board \n\n- textiles and clothing \n\n(*) \n\n(8419 32) \n\n(8439) \n\n(8441) \n\n(8444) \n\n(8445) (8447) \n\n(8448) (8449) (8451) \n\n(8452) \n\nb) equipment and machinery for the production of : \n\n- industrial handling \n\n(8425) (8426) (8427) \n\n- road and agricultural vehicles \n\n- rolling stock \n\n- vessels \n\n(8428) \n\n(8429) \n\n(8430) \n\n(8431) \n\n(chapter 87) \n\n(chapter 86) \n\n(chapter 89)) \n\nor in the products manufactured in the sectors listed under b ). (*) \n\n\\K \n\ny \n\n\f3. 3. However, this provision shall not apply to: \n\n- products and components of the products used in the aerospace, \n\nmining, offshore and in nuclear sectors whose applications require high \n\nsafety standards and in safety devices in road and agricultural \n\nvehicles, rolling stock and vessels; \n\n- electrical contacts in any sector of use on account of the reliability \n\nrequired of the apparatus on which they are installed. '\u2022 \n\nrv \ni. Impact on competitiveness and employment \n\nI. Principle grounds for introducing the measure \n\nIn the framework of Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on \n\nthe marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and \n\npreparations, a proposal for a Directive has been prepared by the \n\nCommission with the aim of limiting the use of cadmium. This proposal for a directive must be regarded in the perspective \n\nof : \n\n- the other existing European legislations to control the imput of \n\ncadmium in the environment \n\n- the communication presented by the Commission to the Council in \n\nApril 1987 for a proposed action programme on environmental \n\npollution by cadmium (COM (87) 165 final). - The Council Resolution of 25 January 1988 (88/C30/01 of 4/2/88) \n\nwhich invites the Commission to continue without delay the \n\nelaboration of specific measures concerning and Community action \n\nprogramme to combat environmental pollution by cadmium. The Council Resolution also underlines the major elements of a \n\nstrategy for cadmium control in the interests of the protection of \n\nhuman health and the environment. These elements are the limitation \n\nof the uses of cadmium where suitable alternatives do not exist, \n\nthe stimulation of research and development; the collection and \n\nrecycling of products containing cadmium. jft \n\n\f-2-\n\n- an existing legislation in Denmark which is in force since 1st \n\nJanuary 1984 and prohibits the manufacture and importation of \n\nproducts containing cadmium. - a project of decree in the Netherlands concerning cadmium \n\nprohibition in products notified to the Commission in the framework \n\nof Directive 83/189/EEC on 26 April 1987. This project has been \n\nalready published in the Netherlands official journal but the law \n\nis not effectively enforced. 11- Characteristics of the firms concerned \n\nThe directive is trying to put in balance the industrial areas where \n\nthe use of cadmium is essential and the potential risks for the \n\nenvironment. The obvious first step, in order to define some \n\nrealistic restrictions on the limitation of cadmium and its \n\ncompounds, was to look at the distribution of cadmium users and to \n\nmake a distinction between the major areas and the less important \n\nones. The available data has allowed us to see the proportion of cadmium \n\nend-uses in the European countries. Plating and pigments have the \n\nsame order of percentage (24-29 %) whereas stabilizers represent the \n\nhalf of that percentage (12 %) The part occupied by batteries \n\nrepresents nearly 1/3 of the total cadmium consumed. However the \n\nbatteries are being investigated separately in the frame of another \n\ndirective and therefore would not be tackled 'in the present \n\ndirective. On the basis of the above data only the three following sectors : \n\n- pigments \n\n- stabilizers \n\n- plating \n\nhave been tackled by the present proposal for a Directive. ^ \n\n\f-3-\n\nAre there regional concentrations \n\nThe laws of prohibition on cadmium already adopted by some Member \n\nStates had as result to close their markets to goods coming from \n\nother member States. At the door of the Internal Market of 1992 such situations could be \n\nharmful and therefore the Commission has decided to make all the \n\nnecessary efforts to harmonize the legislations of the member States \n\nin this field. This would have a positive impact to the industry \n\nconcerned all over Community. III. Direct obligations on firms \n\nAll the products which appear in the lists covered by this Directive \n\nmust satisfy its provisions, from the date of its entry into force. Prohibitions on application of cadmium would result to a consequent \n\nneed for alternatives. This could have a number of cost implications, \n\nthe most obvious of which but by no means the most significant is \n\nthe direct cost of new formulations for these alternatives. Other \n\nfactors \n\nmust \n\nalso \n\nbe \n\nconsidered \n\nnotably \n\nthe \n\nperformance \n\ncharacteristics of the alternatives and its harmlessness to man and \n\nthe environment. However, it is the view of the EEC industry concerned that it is \n\nfeasible that practical substitutes to cadmium for most of the use \n\nareas covered by the proposal exist or are already employed. In all the three sectors mentioned above intensive research has led \n\nto the development; of substitutes which could be considered as \n\nequivalent to cadmium. Furthermore at the present time and in the three sectors concerned \n\nthe major substitution would appear to have already taken place. IV. Obligations which may be imposed indirectly on firms by local \n\nauthorities. p \n\n\f-4-\n\nThe directive will be applied in each Member States on the basis of \n\nthe transposition of its provisions \n\ninto national Law local \n\nauthorities may impose additional requirements only if these do not \n\nadversely affect the trade of the products concerned and on the basis \n\nof paragraph d) of the Article 100 A of the Single European Act. V. Are there any special measures applicable to small and medium - sized \n\nfirms ? \n\nNo. These \n\nfirms \n\nin \n\nthe \n\nthree \n\nsectors \n\nconcerned \n\n(pigments/stabilizers/plating) should also comply with the provisions \n\nprovided for under the directive. However, despite of the fact that \n\nthe directive bans the marketing of specific products containing \n\ncadmium a transition period of 3-5 years has been granted to allow \n\nindustry and more particular SME and PME to adapt their manufacturer \n\nprocess to the new conditions. VI. What is the likely effect \n\n- on the competitiveness of undertakings ? \n\nThe powerful advantage given by the directive to the European \n\nIndustry concerned as regards the harmonization of the legislations \n\nconcerning restrictions on the uses of cadmium is that after the \n\ndate of entry into force of the directive it will no longer be \n\npossible to impede the free movement of the products which do not \n\nappear in the lists of banned products on the internal market. However this directive does not apply to exports of products \n\ncontaining cadmium to Third countries. On the other hand any EEC legislation treats imports into the \n\nCommunity in an identical manner to EEC production and this also \n\nallows the European industry to compete fairly with those trading \n\nnations who export to the Community market. P \n\n\f-5-\n\nThere is currently a reliable method to detect the presence of \n\ncadmium in products. - on employments \n\nAs for employment the effects of such restrictions \n\nare very \n\ndifficult to quantity and would vary according to the applications \n\ninvolved. It is however noticeable that the implementation of the \n\ndirective \n\nshould \n\nresult \n\nin a general \n\nimprovement \n\nin the \n\ncompetitiveness \n\nof \n\nthe European \n\nIndustry concerned with a \n\nconsequent beneficial effect on the labour market. VII. Have both sides of industry been consulted ? \n\nIndustry's concern regarding the prohibition of uses of cadmium was \n\ntackled with attention. Useful contacts have been taken with the \n\nrepresentatives of industries concerned by the project in order to \n\ndiscuss the critical industrial areas which could be affected by such \n\na directive. The approach adopted was to discuss the restrictions on \n\nthe application of cadmium on case by case basis allowing a more \n\ncomplete discription of the industrial sectors involved. The result \n\nwas the establishment of lists of banned products accepted by both \n\nsides. A group of national experts was also directly and actively involved \n\nin the preparation of this proposal. j\\ \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 548 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n05 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-538-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-55053-8 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2e30f7b-f464-49ec-afae-16897c92dd10", "title": "RE-EXAMINED PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION ADOPTING A SPECIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF BIOTECHNOLOGY ( 1990 - 1994 ) - BRIDGE ( BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH FOR INNOVATION, DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH IN EUROPE )", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-10", "subjects": "EU research policy,biotechnology,research programme", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0545,comnat:COM_1989_0545_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU research policy", "biotechnology", "research programme"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/e2e30f7b-f464-49ec-afae-16897c92dd10", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nC0MC89) 545 final - SYN 182 \n\nBrussels, 10 November 19&9 \n\n' - ^ S ^l \n\n\u00ab^\u2022jj^-i^jS^fc^ \n\n$&&. vSv_^^^i \n\nRe-examined proposal f or a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\nadopting a specific research and technological development \n\nprogramme in the f i e ld of biotechnology \n\n(1990 - 1994) \n\nB R I D GE \n\n(Biotechnology Research for Innovation, \n\nDevelopment and Growth in Europe) \n\n(presented by the Commission pursuant to A r t i c le 149. 2(d) \n\nof the EEC Treaty) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY flEHORANOUH \n\n(fe^rVf \n\n1. On 1 1 October 1909 the European Parliament in its second reading of t;h-^ W/- / \n\nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 \nestablishes, with effect from January 1988, a goods \nnomenclature called the combined nomenclature to meet the \nrequirements both of the Common Customs Tariff and of the \nexternal trade statistics of the Community. On the basis of the combined nomenclature, the Commission \nestablished an integrated tariff of the European Communities \nreferred to as the \"Taric\". Article 5 ( 4 ) of the \nabovementioned Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 states that \nMember States which adopt subdivisions for national purposes \nother than statistics may, on informing the Commission, \ndefer the use of Taric subheadings and the corresponding \n10th and 11th digits until 31 December 1989 at the latest. The aim of the attached draft regulation is to amend the \ndate 31 December 1989 to take account of one Member State's \ndifficulty in integrating the Taric into its national tariff \nby 1 January 1990 and its difficulty in adapting its \nstatistical management system by 1 January 1991. The aim of this proposal is therefore to defer the deadline \nfor the entry into force of the Taric code to 1 January \n1991. t \n\n\fProposal f o ra \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\namending Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 on the tariff \n\nand statistical nomenclature and on the \n\nCommon Customs Tariff \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission\u00bb \n\nUhereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987 C1>\u00bb \nas last amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2174/88 of 21 \nSeptember 1988 (2), establishes a goods nomenclature called the \ncombined nomenclature; \nwhereas the Commission established an integrated tariff of the \nEuorpean Communities, hereinafter referred to as the \"Taric\", \nbased on the combined nomenclature; \n\nWhereas Article 5(4) of the abovementioned Regulation states that \nMember States may defer the use of Taric subheadings and the \ncorresponding 1 0\u00abth and 11th digits until 31 December 1989; \n\nWhereas this date should be extended until 31 December 1990 \nbecause of technical difficulties that have arisen in a Member \nState ; \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION; \n\nArticle 1 \nThe date 31 December 1989 in Article 5(4) of Regulation (EEC) No \n2658/87 shall be replaced by 31 December 1990. (1) OJ L 2 56, 7. 9. 1987, p. 1 \nOJ L 298, 31. TO. 1988, p. 1 \n(2) \n\n\fArticle 2 \nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following \nits publication in the Official Journal of the European \nCommunities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council \nThe President \n\nv \n\n\fFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\n\u00a3-M \n\nLe pr\u00e9sent projet de r\u00e8glement ne vise qu'\u00e0 modifier dans le r\u00e8glement (CEE) n' \n\n2658/87 du Conseil, la date limite d'entr\u00e9e en vigueur de la codification \n\nTARIC \n\nAucune obligation nouvelle n'est donc impos\u00e9e aux entreprises. ^r \n\nnmm \n\n\\ \\. m , : ' j \\ \u00efi I. J itiriitwr4\". |fflll''^tjpij|uw'i^t\u00abw' \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (89) 547 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n02 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-507-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54463-5 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/82d321bd-ca55-43f8-9a34-b270cac2286f", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3372/89 of 9 November 1989 fixing for the 1989/90 marketing year the minimum price for selling blood oranges, withdrawn from the market, to processing industries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-09", "subjects": "citrus fruit,minimum price,selling price,withdrawal from the market", "workIds": "celex:31989R3372,oj:JOL_1989_325_R_0018_025", "eurovoc_concepts": ["citrus fruit", "minimum price", "selling price", "withdrawal from the market"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/82d321bd-ca55-43f8-9a34-b270cac2286f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9a4ee60-4529-4b4a-8aaf-4c11e7e6ae5f", "title": "Question No 18 by Mr ALAVANOS (H-387/89) to the Council: European television production", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "ALAVANOS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-09", "subjects": "EC Directive,Eureka,European television,audiovisual production,competitiveness,freedom of communication,programmes industry,technological change", "workIds": "celex:91989H000387", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EC Directive", "Eureka", "European television", "audiovisual production", "competitiveness", "freedom of communication", "programmes industry", "technological change"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/f9a4ee60-4529-4b4a-8aaf-4c11e7e6ae5f", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9b8a54e-5289-409f-8f77-75b3282f9701", "title": "Question No 17 by Mr DESSYLAS (H-383/89) to the Council: Delay in providing income support for poor farmers in the Community", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "DESSYLAS,European Parliament", "date": "1989-11-09", "subjects": "State aid,aid to agriculture,budgetary stabiliser,farmers' income,financial loss,low income", "workIds": "celex:91989H000383", "eurovoc_concepts": ["State aid", "aid to agriculture", "budgetary stabiliser", "farmers' income", "financial loss", "low income"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/d9b8a54e-5289-409f-8f77-75b3282f9701", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bf2f116f-2d13-4433-889b-8684d5d976d0", "title": "Commission Regulation (EEC) No 3373/89 of 9 November 1989 amending Regulation (EEC) No 2396/84 laying down detailed rules for drawing up the forward estimate in the wine sector", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#regulation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-09", "subjects": "disclosure of information,short-term forecast,table wine,wine of superior quality", "workIds": "celex:31989R3373,oj:JOL_1989_325_R_0019_026", "eurovoc_concepts": ["disclosure of information", "short-term forecast", "table wine", "wine of superior quality"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/bf2f116f-2d13-4433-889b-8684d5d976d0", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/151c39c0-5534-4c73-b566-43ca5488b740", "title": "Question No 32 by Mr PIERROS (H-410/89) to the Foreign Ministers meeting in Political Cooperation: Crisis in the Caucasus", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#question_parliamentary_question_time,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Parliament,PIERROS", "date": "1989-11-09", "subjects": "Armenian question,USSR,ethnic group,human rights,political crisis,protection of minorities,region,violence", "workIds": "celex:91989H000410", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Armenian question", "USSR", "ethnic group", "human rights", "political crisis", "protection of minorities", "region", "violence"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/151c39c0-5534-4c73-b566-43ca5488b740", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac1794bc-2550-4cfc-b91c-c6489ec90017", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION AMENDING DECISION 86/138/EEC CONCERNING A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT WITH A VIEW TO INTRODUCING A COMMUNITY SYSTEM OF INFORMATION ON ACCIDENTS INVOLVING CONSUMER PRODUCTS AND FIXING THE FINANCIAL ALLOCATION FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS OF ITS OPERATION", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_decision_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "consumer information,product safety", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0550,comnat:COM_1989_0550_FIN,oj:JOC_1989_300_R_0014_01", "eurovoc_concepts": ["consumer information", "product safety"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/ac1794bc-2550-4cfc-b91c-c6489ec90017", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf", "pdfa1b", "print"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 550 final \n\nBrussels, 8 November 1939 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\namending Decision 86/138/EEC \nconcerning a demonstration project with a view to \nIntroducing a Community system of information \non accidents involving consumer products \nand fixing the financial allocation for the \nlast two years of its operation \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fRxplamtory Tnemorandimi \n\nCouncil Decision 66/138/EEE of 22 April 1966 on the EHLASS project \nprovided for a five-year period of operation from 1 December 1985 and \ntfX[)Mr1. inflntft1 demonstration of a system which rmy\"\\A later r^yyfne permanent \ndepending an the results of the experiment; the system vas rf'^jfoyl to \nooUeot Information an home and leisure accidents involving consumer \nproducts in order to prepare the neoessary preventive measures. The Council was to decide on the budget for the last two years on the basis \nof the experience acquired In the first two years. One basic data was to be as representative as possible of the situation at \nnational and Community level. A baslo system was set up for the collection of data from the casualty \ndepartments of selected hospitals in each Member State, although \nalternative sources regarded as \u00e9quivalent were allowed. Only one \nMember State made use of the alternative by using direct household surveys \nas its source of information. Each Member State collected the information and notified it to the \nCommission, but the management of the project, Including the exploitation \nof the information, was the Commission's responsibility. As regards implementation of the system it must be pointed out that: \n\nthe Commission presented to the Council on 23 January 1969 the report \nprovided for in Article 3 of Council Decision 66/136/EEC. The report \nmentioned a number of factors to be taken into account in adjusting the \nproject and the funds to be set aside for the period 1990-91; \n\nalthough the project was set to start an 1 December 1965 only in early \n1967 did contributions of substance start to arrive, despite the fact \nthat not all the Member States had Joined the system by then; \n\nthe only two-year period for which data was received for the purposes \nof the system was 1967-68. Hiring that period 663 934 accidents were \nreported to the EHIASS system and some further 63 000 oases are \nexpected for that period. Although no comparative analysis can be \ncarried out for those two years since the samples were not equivalent \n(in January 1967, 22 hospitals were Involved; in Deoember, \n58 hospitals), a report, \"Summary of Data 87-68\\ is being distributed \n\nI \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nwithin the Commission; it sets out a broad, overall analysis of the \ndata in question; \n\na number of Mfrnhftr States have prepared (or continued to prepare) \nannual reports on the basis of national data. This exploitation at \nnational level has proved useful and provides an overall idea of the \nscope of the problem together with other sources of information; above \nall it serves as a \"pointer\" to areas in which more detailed specific \ninvestigations have revealed the need for sp\u00e9cifie preventive measures; \n\n1969 is regarded as a transitional year with a view to continuing the \ndemonstration project for the two remaining years and to enable us to \ndraw major, significant conclusions before taking a decision. The results obtained have shown that the following should be regarded as \nfundamental to continuation of the demonstration project: \n\nGenerally speaking systems for the collection of data from hospital s at \nnational level - their design, operation and exploitation being \nharmonized at national level - are considered useful (with the \nassistance of other existing sources of information or as a guide to \nmore detailed investigation; with a view to the sound management of \npolicies an product safety and consumer protection at national and \nultimately consumer Community level. -i \n\nWe must look into the continuing exploitation of hospital data \ncollection systems and other sources of Information at national and \nCommunity level. More particularly, the experience of one Member State \nwith direct household surveys has shown that this technique may be \nused: \n\nin exceptional circumstances to extend the results of hospital \ndata collection (including their links with other souroee) and \nobtain complete pictures of the situation to be updated in the \nmedium term; \n\nas a basis to orient preventive policies. If there were no \npermanent hospital data collection systems this would be required \nmore frequently. The assessment and exploitation of the data concerning consumer safety \nvis a vis products must be performed first of all and as soon as \npossible at national level. Harmonized bases should be set up to \nprovide for oomparisons and utilization of the results by other \nMember States and in particular to provide for final, overall \nexploitation or exploitation in specific fields at Community level. \u00f4 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nIn view of the foregoing, the attached Decision aims to: \n\nextend the operation of the demonstration project to six years; \n\n- determine the maximum amounts considered necessary for the operation of \n\nthe project in 1990 and 1991; \n\nmake the amendments that are essential to enable the Commission to \nundertake the additional work required; \n\nrequest the Member States to exploit the national data initially and \nproduce national reports on harmonized bases to be put forward by the \n\nH \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\namending Decision 86/138/EEC \nconcerning a demonstration project with a view to \nintroducing a Community system of information \nan accidents involving consumer products \nand fixing the financial allocation for the \nlast two years of its operation \n\nTHE O0DMC3L OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \nand in particular Article 235 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission,1 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,2 \n\nHaving regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,3 \n\nWhereas Council Decision 86/138/EEC set up a demonstration \nproject limited to a five-year period with a view to the possible \nintroduction of a Community system to collect information an the various \naspects connected with the safety of products where they are involved in \naccidents and particularly on the respective roles of the product, the \nvictims and their surroundings at the time of the accident ; whereas this \ninformation is of major importance to oonsumer protection; \n\n1 \n2 \n3 \n4 OJ No L 109, 26. 4. 1986, p. 23. S \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nWhereas Article 3 of the Decision set the allocation for implementation of \nthe project during the first three years; whereas the Council was to take a \ndecision on the financial allocation required for the last two years on the \nbasis of a report from the Commission on results obtained \nfirst two years; \n\nduring the \n\nWhereas the Commission presented that report to the Council an \n23 January 1989; \n\nWhereas the adjustment of the project needed to ensure attainment of its \nobjectives and improved operation during the last two years requires that \n1989 be regarded as a transitional year, which does not actually count for \nthe calculation of the five-year period,and also amendments to certain \nprovisions of Decision 86/138/EEC, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION: \n\nArticle 1 \n\nDecision 86/138/EBC Is hereby amended as follows: \n\n1. In Article 1(1) the words \"five years\" are replaced by \"six years\". 2. Article 4(2) is replaced by the following: ~ \n\n\" 2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, , Member States shall be \nrequested to exploit directly the national data collected and to prepare \nannual reports on the results obtained. The Commission shall draw up \nguidelines for harmonization of the national reports on exploitation of \nthe data and ensure, if necessary, that they are disseminated and used \nat Community level. - 3 -\n\n3. The Coimiission shall carry out the studies it considers necessary to \nsupplement the information ooUeoted pursuant to Article 1 and shall \nensure that it is interpreted and exploited as effectively as possible, \n\n4. in carrying out the tasks referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 the \nCommission shall consult the Committee referred to in Article 7. \" \n\n3. In Annex I the following paragraph is added to point 2: \n\n\"The Commission may collect the additional information it considers \nnecessary during the demonstration project\". Article 2 \n\nThe mart mum amount considered necessary for the Community's participation \nin the implementation of the project in 1990 and 1991 shall be \nECU 12 million. An indicative breakdown of this amount is set out in the Annex. Article 3 \n\nThis Decision is addressed to the Member States. Done at Brussels \n\nFor the Council \n\n\u00cf \n\n\fANNEX \n\n(^rrrnPT. TMPR CK mvAvrrmi \n\nCSP pnwng \n\nThe following guidelines will be used in the breakdown of the amount of \nBCU 12 million referred to in Article 2 of the Decision: \n\n(a) collection of hospital data: on the basis of the current 58 hospitals \n\n(50% of which are changed each year) plus 16 new hospitals each year \nup to a total of 90 hospitals (ECU 5 million); \n\n(b) technical and administrative support at Community level and related \n\nactivities (Article 4 of Decision 86/138/EBC) (ECU 1. 35 million); \n\n(c) additional information: point 2 of Annex I to Decision 86/138/EBC \n\n(BCD* 1. 85 million); \n\n(d) Comple,. ien-cary studies \u2022 Art. 4. 3 (ECU 3. 8 million) \n\n\fETKANCIAL STATEMENT \n\n1. Bnfigfflf hmdlng \n\n682 - EHLASS: Monitoring operations in relation to the safety of \n\nconsumer products \n\n2. Tflgftl bflfllfl \n\n2. 1 Article 235 of the Treaty \n\n2. 2 Council Decision 86/138/EBC of 22 April 1986 oonoerning a \n\ndemonstration project with a view to introducing a Community \nsystem of information on accidents involving oonsumer products. 3. PHTppffflfl \n\nfli\u00ab\u00abrt^nation \n\nof expenditure \n\nNon compulsory \n\n4. De scription r>f m a ^ v ra *nrl fttfrM f 1 rahinn \n\n4. 1 Desxsci\u00a3tiQ& \n\nContinuation of EE\u0152ASS demonstration project based on \nDecision 86/138/EBC in which a financial allocation was provided \nfor the first three years of the project's total five-year \nduration. The Council should decide on the funding for the last \ntwo years on the basis of the results of the first two years. The basio measure oonoerns the collection of data from hospital \ncasualty departments on accidents Involving oonsumer products. The collection now covers 58 hospitals and is to be extended to \n90 hospitals and supplemented in particular by supplementary studies \nin order to meet the project's objectives. 4. 2 JufiUfloatloa \n\nTO meet the requirements of Decision 86/138/EBC and respond to the \nconclusions of the analysis of the results of the first stage of \nthe project. 4 \n\n\f- 2 -\n\n5. Mature of expenditure and method of calculation \n\n1990 \n\n29 hospitals \n29 new hospitals \n\nx BCTJ 28 000 \n\nBCD* 812 000 \n\nturnover \n\nx BCD 33 000 \n\nECU 957 000 \n\n16 newly-incorporated \nhospitals \n\nX BOT 33 000 \n\nBOT 528 000 \n\n- TOTAL HOSPITAL EXPStDTTDRE \n\nBOT 2 297 000 \n\n- Technical and administrative \n\nsupport (*) \n\n- Additional information \n\nAnnex 1. 2 \n\nBOT 500 000 \n\nBOT 800 000 \n\n- Complementary studies (Art. 4. 3) \n\nBOT 903 000 \n\nTOTAL \n\nBOT 4 500 000 \n\n45 hospitals \n29 new hospitals \n\nX BOT 28 000 \n\nBCD 1 260 000 \n\nturnover \n\nx EOT 33 000 \n\n16 newly incorporated \nhospitals \n\nx BOT 33 000 \n\nBOT 957 000 \n\nBOT 528 000 \n\n- TOTAL HOSPITAL EXPENDITURE \n\nBOT 2 745 000 \n\n- Technical and administrative \n\nsupporte*) \n\n- Additional information \n\nAnnex 1. 2 \n\nBOT 800 000 \n\nBOT 1 065 000 \n\n- Complementary studies (Art. 4. 3) \n\nBOT 2 900 000 \n\nTOTAL \n\nHOT 7 500 000 \n\n1991 \n\n* (including expenditure on infrastructure relating \nto the internal use of external resources) \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n6. Financial cons\u00e9quences of measure on intervention appropriations \n\n6. 1 Timetable for appropriations \n\nItem 682 \n\nConmitment \nappropriations (BOT) \n\nPayment \nappropriate rmg fwrm \n\n1990 \n1991 \n\n4 500 000 \n7 500 000 \n\n12 000 000 \n\n4 500 000 \n7 500 000 \n\n12 000 000 \n\n6. 2 The Community is financing 80% of the total cost of measures \n\nconcerning data collection from hospitals and 100% of the other \nmeasures. 7. Piy\u2122\u2122^*! consequences on staff appropriations \n\n7. 1 Staff required for implementation of the measure only \n\nIn 1990 and 1991 we will require the following officials: \n\n1 A, project management \n1 B, technical assistance, updating files \n1 C, secretariat \nThe staff requirements set out above are to he met either by \ninternal redeployment or under the budgetary prooedure for the \nyears oonoerned (1990 and/or 1991). 7. 2 Appropriations required for staff \n\nThe appropriations required from 1990 are estimated at BOT 240 000 \nper year. > \n\n\fImpact on ra^petltlveness and employment \n\nProposal for a Council Decision amending Council Decision 86/138/EBC of \n22 April 1986 concerning a demonstration project with a view to Introducing \na Community system of information on accidents involving consumer products \nand determining the financial allocation for the last two years of its \noperation. 1. The objective of the proposed Council Decision is to complete the \n\nEHLASS demonstration project which collects Information on accidents \ninvolving consumer products. 2. The proposal provides for the continuation of measures, notably by \n\nhospitals selected by the Member States, to be supplemented by measures \nconcerning the collection and exploitation of information carried out \ndirectly by the Commission. 3. The proposal in itself has no direct effect on branches of the economy \nsave for possible oonsequenoes on the work carried out by hospital \nstaff or by service firms in the field of information. However, \nprogress in preventive policies on product safety should have \nfavourable oonsequenoes on fairness in dealings, the competitiveness of \nbusinesses and on employment resulting from the image of Community \nindustry as a supplier of safe products. 4. This Decision imposes no direct obligation on businesses. 5. The only Indirect measures which might be imposed on businesses by \n\nnational authorities would result from the detection, as a result of \nthe data collection, of hazardous products on the market. This would \nhave a favourable effeot on the defence of the internal market, prevent \nunfair competition and improve oonsumer confidence in industrial \nproducts on a properly-supervised market. These measures could be \ncarried out under existing legislation. M \n\n\fTmpact, on pihllo opinion \n\nProposal for a Council Decision amending Council Decision 86/138/EBC of \n22 April 1986 concerning a demonstration project with a view to introducing \na Community system of information on accidents involving consumer products \nand determining the financial allocation for the last two years of Its \noperation. The development of this demonstration project and the establishment of a \npermanent system of statistical information on accidents involving consumer \nproducts should help to improve the standard of product safety and provide \nfor preventive measures and the establishment of priorities, the European \ncitizen being the prime beneficiary. M \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM (89) 550 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\n05 15 \n\nEN \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-518-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54644-1 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/733fa880-b7dd-4125-87e0-1b767f8783aa", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION CONCERNING ADJUSTMENTS TO THE VOLUNTARY RESTRAINT AGREEMENTS FOR SHEEPMEAT AND GOATMEAT CONCLUDED WITH ARGENTINA, AND AUSTRALIA", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_other,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "Argentina,Australia,agreement (EU),goatmeat,sheepmeat", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0543,comnat:COM_1989_0543_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Argentina", "Australia", "agreement (EU)", "goatmeat", "sheepmeat"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/733fa880-b7dd-4125-87e0-1b767f8783aa", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM (89) 543 final \n\nBrussels, 8 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL DECISION \n\noonoerning adjustments to the voluntary restraint agreements \nfor sheeproeat and goatmeat ooncluded with Argentina, \nand Australia. (presented by the Commission) \n\n\fExplanatory memorandum \n\n1. The changes recently decided on for Improving the operation of the \n\ncommon organization of the market In sheepoeat and goatmeat will result \nIn tighter discipline and a decrease in support for Community producers. As the Commission has emphasized several times In its communications to \nthe Council on the future of the CAP, the extra effort being required \nfrom the Community's agricultural producers must be hacked up by \nparallel import measures. This in turn will make it necessary to make \nadjustments to the voluntary restraint agreements concluded between the \nCommunity and the main supplier countries. 2. It was against this background and in line with the conclusions of the \nEuropean Council of February 1968 that the Council adopted negotiating \ndirectives for this subject on 15 November of the same year. Negotiations, notably with Argentina ana Australia, followed \nand resulted In the attached draft agreements. 3. The essentia,! elements of the adjustments to be made are as follows: \n\nmaintaining or, If necessary, reducing the quantities initially \nprovided for; \nsetting up a system of import price surveillance; \nrestricting the opportunities for importing chilled meat; \ntotal suspension of import levies; \nprovisions for sensitive areas of the Community for 1969 and 1990. 4. The igg\u00bb** of sensitive areas will be addressed in an additional exchange \n\nof letters between the Community and the oountrles concerned. The following has been agreed with regard to quantities: \n\n(a) Argentina \n\nFor 1989, Argentina will ensure that exports to France are limited \nto 1500t and those to Ireland to lOOt (carcase weight equivalent). These limits will be increased by 20% in 1990. (b) AilfftTftUft \n\nFor 1989, imports from Australia into France will be limited to \n970t and those into Ireland to lOOt (carcase weight equivalent). These limits will be Increased by 20% In 1990. PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL DECISION \n\nconcerning adjustments to the voluntary restraint agreements \nfor sheepmeat and goatmeat ooncluded with Argentina, \nand Australia. THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN OCMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \nand in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the Proposal \n\nfrom the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Community has taken measures to stabilize the market in \nsheepmeat and goatmeat and whereas it Intends to bring about better \nintegration of that market; \n\nWhereas in the context of those adjustments to the common organization of \nthe market It would be opportune to make adjustments to the voluntary \nrestraint agreements ooncluded in the seotor with certain third oountries, \nIn order to stabilize Imports and improve Import prices, \n\nWhereas the Commission has held negotiations on the matter which have led \nto agreements with Argentina, and Australia. HAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS: \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. The Agreements in the form of exchanges of letters concerning \n\nadjustments to the voluntary restraint agreements for sheepmeat and \ngoatmeat with the following oountries: \n\n-Argentina \n\n-Australia \n\nare hereby approved on behalf of the European Economic Community. The texts of the Agreements are attached to this Decision. The President of the Council is hereby authorized to designate the person \nempowered to sign the Agreements In order to bind the Community. Article 2 \n\nDone at Brussels, \n\nFor the Council, \nThe President \n\n\fEXCHANGE OF LETTERS RELATING TO THE 1980 AGREEMENT BETWEEN \nTHE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND ARGENTINA ON \nTRADE IN MUTTON, LAMB AND GOATMEAT. A. Letter N\u00b01 \n\nSir, \n\nI have the honour to refer to the exchange of letters of 14 October 1980 \nconstituting an Agreement between the European Community and Argentina \nestablishing provisions relating to Import of mutton and lamb and goatmeat \ninto the Community from Argentina and to negotiations held between our \nrespective delegations for the purpose of establishing temporary derogations \nfrom certain of those provisions concurrent with the Implementation of \nmeasures to stabilise the European Community sheepmeat sector and to reform \nthe European Community's Internal regime In order to achieve a unified \nEuropean Community sheepmeat market. Accordingly, they have agreed on the \nfollowing derogations from the Principal Agreement which shall remain In \nforce for the duration of this Agreement. A. Access and quantity \n\nClause 1_ \n\nIn Clause 2 of the Principal Agreement as modified by Clause 6 of the \nPrincipal Agreement, the celling figure of 23. 000 t representing the \nannual ceiling In metric tonnes on the total quantity of imports each \nyear Into the European Community of mutton, lamb and goatmeat from \nArgentina, shall be deemed to have been replaced by the figure of \n19. 000 t. This celling shall be deemed to Include a maximum in 1989 of \n1. 000 metric tonnes of lamb Imported Into the European Community from \nArgentina in a form which has never been frozen, a maximum of 1. 200 \nmetric tonnes in 1990, a maximum of 1. 400 metric tonnes in 1991, and a \nmaximum of 1. 600 metric tonnes In 1992. B. Tariff \n\nIn Clause 5 of the Principal Agreement, the words \"a maximum amount of \n10%, ad valorem\" shall be deemed to be replaced by the word \"zero\". PrIce survelI lance \n\nWith a view to Improved sheepmeat prices within the European Community, \nprices for lamb Imported from Argentina will be monitored In accordance \nwith the procedures contained in the annex to this Agreement. Consult\u00e2t Ion \n\nClause 2 \n\nNotwithstanding Clause 1 C) of this Agreement either Party may request \nconsultations concerning the operation of this Agreement at any time. M \n\n\f- 9 -\n\nClause 3 \n\nGATT obiIg\u00e2tions \n\nThe provisions of this Agreement shall be agreed without prejudice to the \nrights of Argentina and the European Community under GATT. This Agreement shall enter Into force on 1 January 1989 and shall remain in \nforce until 31 December 1992. Clause \u00b1 \n\nWithin 6 months prior to expiration of this Agreement, Its provisions shal \nbe reviewed. CI ause 5. I have the honour to propose that, If the foregoing Is acceptable to your \nGoverment, this letter and your confirmatory reply shall together constitute \nand evidence an Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nArgentina on the matter. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the CounclI \nof the EC \n\n5\" \n\n\f- 10 \n\nANNEX \n\nPrice Surveillance Procedure \n\nThe European Community will monitor the prices In each Member State for \nimported frozen lamb carcasses from Argentina on the basis of the average \nprices over each monthly period. The relationship between the prices for Imported frozen lamb carcasses \nfrom Argentina In each Member State and the market prices for Community \nproduced lamb In each such Member State will be compared with the \nbenchmark level specified below for each such Member State. If this \ncomparison Indicates that the price relationship has, In two Member \nStates in the same month, moved below the benchmark levels for those \nMember States, technical consultations will take place at the request of \neither Party to determine factors causing the downward movement. Member States by region \n\nNorthern Member States (Belgium, \nDenmark, Federal Republic of Germany, \nFrance, I Ireland, Luxembourg, \nNetherlands, United Kingdom) \n\nBenchmark levels for the \nrelationship between \nprices of Imported frozen \nlamb carcasses and prices of \ndomestically produced lamb. 55 percent \n\nSouthern Member States \n(Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain \n\n45 percent \n\n3. In the event that the downward movement of the relationship between \n\nprices for Argentinian frozen lamb carcasses and Community produced lamb \nbelow the benchmark levels In the particular Member States under \nconsideration and their remaining at such low levels Is indicative of a \nproblem, the Parties shall consider any recommendations arising out of \nthe technical consultations for the resolution of the problem. If the \nproblem Identified is attributable to the prices at which Argentinian \nfrozen lamb carcasses are being sold In those member states by \nArgentinian exporters then Argentina would take what action Is available \nto it to restore the price relationship between frozen lamb carcasses \nand Community produced lamb In those member states to the benchmark \nlevels. 6 \n\n\f- 11 -\n\n4. Should the Parties In the technical consultations fail to reach agreement \n\non appropriate measures to resolve the problem, the Consultative \nCommittee established under Clause 10 of the Principal Agreement may be \nconvened at a senior policy level at the request of either Party to give \nthe matter urgent consideration. If agreement cannot be reached at \nofficial level, the matter may be referred by either party to the EC \nCommissioner for Agriculture ane the Argentinian Minister of. for \nr\u00e9solut Ion. 5. Argentina and the European Community adopt as targets for achievement by \n\nthe end of 1992 an improvement In the previously defined benchmark levels \nfor Northern Member States by 5 percentage points and for Southern Member \nStates by 8 percentage points. + \n\n\f- 12 -\n\nB. Letter N\u00b0 2 \n\nSir, \n\nI have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, \nwhich reads as fol lows : \n\n\"I have the honour to refer to the exchange of letters of 14 October 1980 \nconstituting an Agreement between the European Community and Argentina \nestablishing provisions relating to import of mutton and lamb and goatmeat \nInto the Community from Argentina and to negotiations held between our \nrespective delegations for the purpose of establishing temporary derogations \nfrom certain of those provisions concurrent with the Implementation of \nmeasures to stabilise the European Community sheepmeat sector and to reform \nthe European Community's Internal regime In order to achieve a unified \nEuropean Community sheepmeat market. Accordingly, they have agreed on the \nfollowing derogations from the Principal Agreement which shall remain in \nforce for the duration of this Agreement. A. Access and quant ity \n\nClause 1 \n\nIn Clause 2 of the Principal Agreement as modified by Clause 6 of the \nPrincipal Agreement, the celling figure of 23. 000 t representing the \nannual celling in metric tonnes on the total quantity of imports each \nyear Into the European Community of mutton, lamb and goatmeat from \nArgentina, shall be deemed to have been replaced by the figure of \n19. 000 t. This ceiling shall be deemed to Include a maximum In 1989 of \n1. 000 metric tonnes of lamb imported Into the European Community from \nArgentina in a form which has never been frozen, a maximum of 1. 200 \nmetric tonnes in 1990, a maximum of 1. 400 metric tonnes in 1991, and a \nmaximum of 1. 600 metric tonnes in 1992. B. Tariff \n\nIn Clause 5 of the Principal Agreement, the words \"a maximum amount of \n10%, ad valorem\" shall be deemed to be replaced by the word \"zero\". C. Pr ice surveiI lance \n\nWith a view to Improved sheepmeat prices within the European Community, \nprices for lamb imported from Argentina will be monitored in accordance \nwith the procedures contained in the annex to this Agreement. Consult\u00e2t ion \n\nClause 2 \n\nNotwithstanding Clause 1 C) of this Agreement either Party may request \nconsultations concerning the operation of this Agreement at any time. ? \n\n\f- 13 -\n\nClause 3. GATT obiiqatIons \n\nThe provisions of this Agreement shall be agreed without prejudice to the \nrights of Argentina and the European Community under GATT. This Agreement shall enter Into force on 1 January 1989 and shall remain In \nforce until 31 December 1992. Clause 4 \n\nWithin 6 months prior to expiration of this Agreement, Its provisions shal \nbe reviewed. Clause 5 \n\nI have the honour to propose that, If the foregoing Is acceptable to your \nGoverment, this letter and your confirmatory reply shall together constitute \nand evidence an Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nArgentina on the matter. \" \n\nI have the honour to confirm the foregoing Is acceptable to my Government and \nthat your letter together with this reply shall constitute an Agreement in \naccordance with your proposal. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the Government \nof ArgentIna \n\nQ \n\n\f- 14 -\n\nANNEX \n\nprIce Survol I lance Procedure \n\n1. The European Community will monitor the prices In each Member State for \n\nImported frozen lamb carcasses from Argentina on the basis of the average \nprices over each monthly period. 2. The relationship between the prices for Imported frozen lamb carcasses \n\nfrom Argentina In each Member State and the market prices for Community \nproduced lamb In each such Member State will be compared with the \nbenchmark level specified below for each such Member State. If this \ncomparison Indicates that the price relationship has, in two Member \nStates In the same month, moved below the benchmark levels for those \nMember States, technical consuttatIons will take place at the request of \neither Party to determine factors causing the downward movement. Member States by region \n\nNorthern Member States (Belgium, \nDenmark, Federal Republic of Germany, \nFrance, Ireland, Luxembourg, \nNetherlands, United Kingdom) \n\nBenchmark levels for the \nrelationship between \nprices of Imported frozen \nlamb carcasses and prices of \ndomestically produced lamb. 55 percent \n\nSouthern Member States \n(Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain \n\n45 percent \n\n3. In the event that the downward movement of the relationship between \n\nprices for Argentinian frozen lamb carcasses and Community produced lamb \nbelow the benchmark levels In the particular Member States under \nconsideration and their remaining at such low levels Is Indicative of a \nproblem, the Parties shall consider any recommendations arising out of \nthe technical consultations for the resolution of the problem. If the \nproblem Identified Is attributable to the prices at which Argentinian \nfrozen lamb carcasses are being sold In those member states by \nArgentinian exporters then Argentina would take what action Is available \nto It to restore the price relationship between frozen lamb carcasses \nand Community produced lamb In those member states to the benchmark \nlevels. 4. Should the Parties in the technical consultations fall to reach agreement \n\non appropriate measures to resolve the problem, the Consultative \nCommittee established under Clause 10 of the Principal Agreement may be \nconvened at a senior policy level at the request of either Party to give \nthe matter urgent consideration. If agreement cannot be reached at \nofficial level, the matter may be referred by either party to the EC \nCommissioner for Agriculture ane the Argentinian Minister of. for \nr\u00e9solut Ion. G \n\n/ \n\n\f- 15 -\n\n5. Argentina and the European Community adopt as targets for achievement by \n\nthe end of 1992 an Improvement in the previously defined benchmark levels \nfor Northern Member States by 5 percentage points and for Southern Member \nStates by 8 percentage points. JA \n\n\f- 16 -\n\nEXCHANGE OF LETTERS RELATING TO THE 1980 AGREEMENT BETWEEN \nTHE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND AUSTRALIA ON \nTRADE IN MUTTON, LAMB AND GOATMEAT. Sir, \n\nA. Letter N\u00b0 1 \n\nI have the honour to refer to the exchange of letters of 14 October 1980 \nconstituting an Agreement between the European Community and Australia \nestablishing provisions relating to Import of mutton and lamb and goatmeat \nInto the Community from Australia and to negotiations held between our \nrespective delegations for the purpose of establishing temporary derogations \nfrom certain of those provisions concurrent with the Implementation of \nmeasures to stabilise the European Community sheepmeat sector and to reform \nthe European Community's Internal regime In order to achieve a unified \nEuropean Community sheepmeat market. Accordingly, they have agreed on the \nfollowing derogations from the Principal Agreement which shall remain in \nforce for the duration of this Agreement. A. Access and quantity \n\nClause 1_ \n\nIn Clause 2 of the Principal Agreement, as modified by Clause 6 of the \nPrincipal Agreement, the quantity of 17. 500 t expressed In carcass weight \nshall be deemed to Include a maximum In 1989 of 1. 500 metric tonnes of \nlamb Imported into the European Community from Australia In a form which \nhas never been frozen, a maximum of 2. 000 metric tonnes In 1990, a \nmaximum of 2. 500 metric tonnes In 1991, and a maximum of 3. 000 metric \ntonnes in 1992. B. Tariff \n\nIn Clause 5 of the Principal Agreement, the words \"a maximum amount of \n10%, ad valorem\" shall be deemed to be replaced by the word \"zero\". C. PrIce survelI lance \n\nWith a view to Improved sheepmeat prices within the European Community, \nprices for lamb Imported from Australia will be monitored In accordance \nwith the procedures contained in the annex to this Agreement. Consult\u00e2t Ion \n\nClause 2 \n\nNotwithstanding Clause 1 C) of this Agreement either Party may request \nconsultations concerning the operation of this Agreement at any time. jz \n\n\f- 17 -\n\nClause 3. GATT obi Ig\u00e2tions \n\nThe provisions of this Agreement shall be agreed without prejudice to the \nrights of Australia and the European Community under GATT. This Agreement shall enter into force on 1 January 1989 and shall remain In \nforce until 31 December 1992. Clause 4 \n\nWithin 6 months prior to expiration of this Agreement, Its provisions shall \nbe reviewed. Clause 5. I have the honour to propose that, if the foregoing Is acceptable to your \nGoverment, this letter and your confirmatory reply shall together constitute \nand evidence an Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nAustralia on the matter. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the CounclI \nof the European Communities \n\np \n\n\fANNEX \n\nPrice Surveillance Procedure \n\n1. The European Community will monitor the prices In each Member State for \n\nImported frozen lamb carcasses from Australia on the basis of the average \nprices over each monthly period. 2. The relationship between the prices for Imported frozen lamb carcasses \n\nfrom Australia In each Member State and the market prices for Community \nproduced lamb In each such Member State will be compared with the \nbenchmark level specified below for each such Member State. If this \ncomparison Indicates that the price relationship has, In two Member \nStates in the same month, moved below the benchmark levels for those \nMember States, technical consultations will take place at the request of \neither Party to determine factors causing the downward movement. factors that will be taken Into account by the parties In such \nconsultations shall include traditional and seasonal price relationships \nand fluctuations, the prices of cuts, the Impact of prices of other \nmeats, and other exceptional factors. The \n\nMember States by region \n\nNorthern Member States (Belgium, \nDenmark, Federal Republic of Germany, \nFrance, Ireland, Luxembourg, \nNetherlands, United Kingdom) \n\nBenchmark levels for the \nrelationship between \nprices of Imported frozen \nlamb carcasses and prices of \ndomestically produced lamb. 55 percent \n\nSouthern Member States \n(Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) \n\n45 percent \n\n3. In the event that the downward movement of the relationship between \n\nprices for Australian frozen lamb carcasses and Community produced lamb \nbelow the benchmark levels In the particular Member States under \nconsideration and their remaining at such low levels Is indicative of a \nproblem, the Parties shall consider any recommendations arising out of \nthe technical consultations for the resolution of the problem. If the \nproblem Identified Is attributable to the prices at which Australian \nfrozen lamb carcasses are being sold in those member states by Australian \nexporters then Australia would take what action is available to it to \nrestore the price relationship between frozen lamb carcasses and \nCommunity produced lamb In those member states to the benchmark levels. 4. Should the Parties in the technical consultations fail to reach agreement \n\non appropriate measures to resolve the problem, the Consultative \nCommittee established under Clause 10 of the Principal Agreement may be \nconvened at a senior policy level at the request of either Party to give \nthe matter urgent consideration. If agreement cannot be reached at \nofficial level, the matter may be referred by either party to the EC \nCommissioner for Agriculture and the Australian Minister of. for \nresolution. \u00c0^ \n\n\f- 19 -\n\nAustralia and the European Community adopt as targets for achievement by \nthe end of 1992 an improvement In the previously defined benchmark levels \nfor Northern Member States by 5 percentage points and for Southern Member \nStates by 8 percentage points. / I-D \n\n\f- 20 -\n\nB. Letter N\u00b0 2 \n\nSir, \n\nI have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date, \nwhich reads as follows : \n\n\"I have the honour to refer to the exchange of letters of 14 October 1980 \nconstituting an Agreement between the European Community and Australia \nestablishing provisions relating to Import of mutton and lamb and goatmeat \ninto the Community from Australia and to negotiations held between our \nrespective delegations for the purpose of establishing temporary derogations \nfrom certain of those provisions concurrent with the Implementation of \nmeasures to stabilise the European Community sheepmeat sector and to reform \nthe European Community's Internal regime In order to achieve a unified \nEuropean Community sheepmeat market. Accordingly, they have agreed on the \nfollowing derogations from the Principal Agreement which shall remain In \nforce for the duration of this Agreement. A. Access and quantIty \n\nClause 1 \n\nIn Clause 2 of the Principal Agreement, as modified by Clause 6 of the \nPrincipal Agreement, the quantity of 17. 500 t expressed In carcass weight \nshall be deemed to Include a maximum in 1989 of 1. 500 metric tonnes of \nlamb imported Into the European Community from Australia In a form which \nhas never been frozen, a maximum of 2. 000 metric tonnes In 1990, a \nmaximum of 2. 500 metric tonnes in 1991, and a maximum of 3. 000 metric \ntonnes in 1992. B. Tariff \n\nIn Clause 5 of the Principal Agreement, the words \"a maximum amount of \n10%, ad valorem\" shall be deemed to be replaced by the word \"zero\". C. Pr Ice survelI lance \n\nWith a view to improved sheepmeat prices within the European Community, \nprices for lamb imported from Australia will be monitored In accordance \nwith the procedures contained In the annex to this Agreement. Consult\u00e2t Ion \n\nClause 2 \n\nNotwithstanding Clause 1 C) of this Agreement either Party may request \nconsultations concerning the operation of this Agreement at any time. & \n\n\f- 21 -\n\nClause 3. GATT obiIgatIons \n\nThe provisions of this Agreement shall be agreed without prejudice to the \nrights of Australia and the European Community under GATT. This Agreement shall enter Into force on 1 January 1989 and shall remain In \nforce until 31 December 1992. Clause \u00b1 \n\nWithin 6 months prior to expiration of this Agreement, its provisions shall \nbe reviewed. Clause 5. I have the honour to propose that, If the foregoing is acceptable to your \nGoverment, this letter and your confirmatory reply shall together constitute \nand evidence an Agreement between the European Economic Community and \nAustralia on the matter. \" \n\nI have the honour to confirm the foregoing is acceptable to my Government and \nthat your letter together with this reply shall constitute an Agreement In \naccordance with your proposal. Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration. For the Government \nof Austral la \n\nA \n\n\fANNEX \n\nPrice Surveillance Procedure \n\n1. The European Community will monitor the prices In each Member State for \n\nimported frozen lamb carcasses from Australia on the basis of the average \nprices over each monthly period. 2. The relationship between the prices for Imported frozen lamb carcasses \n\nfrom Australia in each Member State and the market prices for Community \nproduced lamb in each such Member State will be compared with the \nbenchmark level specified below for each such Member State. If this \ncomparison indicates that the price relationship has, In two Member \nStates In the same month, moved below the benchmark levels for those \nMember States, technical consultations will take place at the request of \neither Party to determine factors causing the downward movement. factors that will be taken Into account by the parties In such \nconsultations shall Include traditional and seasonal price relationships \nand fluctuations, the prices of cuts, the Impact of prices of other \nmeats, and other exceptional factors. The \n\nMember States by region \n\nNorthern Member States (Belgium, \nDenmark, Federal Republic of Germany, \nFrance, I eland, Luxembourg, \nNetherlands, United Kingdom) \n\nBenchmark levels for the \nrelationship between \nprices of imported frozen \nlamb carcasses and prices of \ndomestically produced lamb. 55 percent \n\nSouthern Member States \n(Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) \n\n45 percent \n\nIn the event that the downward movement of the relationship between \nprices for Australian frozen lamb carcasses and Community produced lamb \nbelow the benchmark levels In the particular Member States under \nconsideration and their remaining at such low levels Is Indicative of a \nproblem, the Parties shall consider any recommendations arising out of \nthe technical consultations for the resolution of the problem. If the \nproblem Identified Is attributable to the prices at which Australian \nfrozen lamb carcasses are being sold In those member states by Australian \nexporters then Australia would take what action Is available to It to \nrestore the price relationship between frozen lamb carcasses and \nCommunity produced lamb In those member states to the benchmark levels. Should the Parties in the technical consultations fall to reach agreement \non appropriate measures to resolve the problem, the Consultative \nCommittee established under Clause 10 of the Principal Agreement may be \nconvened at a senior policy level at the request of either Party to give \nthe matter urgent consideration. If agreement cannot be reached at \nofficial level, the matter may be referred by either party to the EC \nCommissioner for Agriculture and the Australian Minister of. for \nr\u00e9solut ion. Al \n\n\f- 23 -\n\n5. Australia and the European Community adopt as targets for achievement by \n\nthe end of 1992 an improvement In the previously defined benchmark levels \nfor Northern Member States by 5 percentage points and for Southern Member \nStates by 8 percentage points. y s \n\n\fF I N A N C I AL \n\nS T A T E M E NT \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING \n\n100 \n\nB\u00bbte : 4 October 1989 \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS : ECU 1 1 5 2 ,8 \n\n(Til I I i o|l \n\nfrom 199Q draft budget \n\ni TITLE \u2022 Proposal for a Council Decision concerning adjustments to the voluntary \n\nrestraint agreements for sheepmeat and goatmeat concluded with Argentina \nand Australia. 3. LEGAL BASIS : Article 113 of the Treaty \n\nAIMS OF PROJECT; \n\nimport of the following quotas of sheepmeat at a levy of 0%; \n\n19 000 t from Argentina \n17 500 t from Australia \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\nPERIOD OF 12 MONTHS \n\nCURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR \nLsa \n\n\\ \n\nFOLLOWING FINANCIAL YEAR \nI 90 ? \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- Ch. 'RGED TO THE EC BUDGET \nH I M! INTERVENTIONS) \n\nuuMiummiii \nmini \n\n5. 1 RECEIPTS \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \nIE E s U U H I I t ll \n\n5. 3. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED RECEIFTS \n\n1 \n\np. m. p. m. p. m. ECU - 6 million \n\nECU - 5 million \n\n1\u00b0. \u00b0. 1. 1992 \n\np. m. p. m. ECU -6 millibn E CU _6 m ilLi on \n\n5. 2 METHOD o< CALCULATION The average import levy on sheepmeat is ECU 1750 per tonne. However, the levy on imports from Argentina and Australia is restricted to the \nautonomous duty of 10% bound under GATT, and is therefore approximately \nECU 150 per tonne. The elimination of this duty would result in a loss of reve \nnue over 12 months of 36. 500 t x ECU 150/t-x 1,107 = ECU 6 million \nThe impact for the 1990 financial year is limited to ECU 5 million. 6. 0 CAN TH\u00a3 M i ll BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET ? \n\nmeasure \n\n6. 1 CAN THE H i ll BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET ? \n\nmeasure \n\n\u00e0. 2 \n\nj i. _L \u201e S '. O P L E C ' E N T A RY BUDGET BE NECESSARY ? \n\n6. 3 WILL Fl'L'RE 9UDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY ? \n\nMS/NO \n\nM S/NC \n\nH\u00a7'NO \n\nYESJ \n\nOBSERVA-ION; : Since no firm undertaking on import prices was given in the agreements, \n\nzero-levy imports of meat may have the effect of depressing prices on the \nCommunity market and thus cause more premiums to be granted; this in turn \nwill result in a greater drain on the Community budget. The degree to which \nthis will happen is difficult to predict. FICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nProposition de d\u00e9cision du Conseil concernant \nl'adaptation des accords d'autolimitation avec l'Argentine et l'Australie \ndans le secteur des viandes ovine et caprine. Ces projets d'accords envisagent une modification du r\u00e9gime \u00e0 l'Importation \nactuellement applicable dans le cadre des accords d'autolimitation conclus \nrespectivement avec l'Argentine et l'Australie dans le secteur des viandes \novine et capr ine. Dans la mesure o\u00f9 ils pr\u00e9volent essentiellement, d'une part, le respect des \nquantit\u00e9s r\u00e9ellement Import\u00e9es et, d'autre part, l'Instauration d'une \nproc\u00e9dure de surveillance des prix \u00e0 l'importation, ces projets n'ont \npratiquement pas d'Impact sur les entreprises. On peut \u00e9galement consid\u00e9rer \nque les modifications propos\u00e9es ne leur imposeront pas de co\u00fbts \nsuppl\u00e9mentaires. ^ \n\n\f\fISSN 0254-1475 \n\nCOM(89) 543 final \n\nDOCUMENTS \n\nEN \n\n03 \n\nCatalogue number : CB-CO-89-517-EN-C \n\nISBN 92-77-54635-2 \n\nOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities \nL-2985 Luxembourg"} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fe30b6c2-ecbd-40a2-ab06-f71862c7a6af", "title": "89/589/EEC: Commission Decision of 8 November 1989 authorizing the Federal Republic of Germany and the Hellenic Republic to restrict the marketing of seed of certain varieties of agricultural plant species (only the German and Greek texts are authentic)", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "Greece,marketing restriction,seed", "workIds": "celex:31989D0589,oj:JOL_1989_331_R_0046_044", "eurovoc_concepts": ["Greece", "marketing restriction", "seed"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/fe30b6c2-ecbd-40a2-ab06-f71862c7a6af", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/045e37d3-3094-4cf5-aa8e-705c8dee0476", "title": "89/601/EEC: Commission Recommendation of 8 November 1989 concerning the training of health personnel in the matter of cancer", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#recommendation,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "EU programme,advisory committee (EU),cancer,health care profession,scientific cooperation,vocational training", "workIds": "celex:31989H0601,oj:JOL_1989_346_R_0001_003", "eurovoc_concepts": ["EU programme", "advisory committee (EU)", "cancer", "health care profession", "scientific cooperation", "vocational training"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/045e37d3-3094-4cf5-aa8e-705c8dee0476", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e1e61a5-cc47-4cde-ac23-cd437234297d", "title": "89/591/EEC, Euratom, ECSC: Commission Decision of 8 November 1989 adjusting the weightings applicable from 1 October 1989 to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities serving in non-member countries", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "html,pdfa1b,print", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#decision,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#legislation_secondary,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "European official,labour mobility,ratio,remuneration of work,servant (EU),third country", "workIds": "celex:31989D0591,oj:JOL_1989_331_R_0049_046", "eurovoc_concepts": ["European official", "labour mobility", "ratio", "remuneration of work", "servant (EU)", "third country"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/7e1e61a5-cc47-4cde-ac23-cd437234297d", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["html", "pdfa1b", "print"]} {"cellarURIs": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57bb3bb2-aed2-4d7b-b95c-d4d693072adb", "title": "PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION ( EEC ) LAYING DOWN DEROGATING PROVISIONS AS REGARDS STORAGE CONTRACTS FOR OLIVE OIL IN GREECE, SPAIN AND PORTUGAL AND AS REGARDS THE DEFINITION OF OLIVE OIL INTENDED FOR EXPORT", "langIdentifier": "ENG", "mtypes": "pdf", "workTypes": "http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#act_preparatory,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_act,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#proposal_regulation_ec,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal,http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work", "authors": "European Commission", "date": "1989-11-08", "subjects": "food consumption,olive oil", "workIds": "celex:51989PC0541,comnat:COM_1989_0541_FIN", "eurovoc_concepts": ["food consumption", "olive oil"], "url": "http://publications.europa.eu/resource/cellar/57bb3bb2-aed2-4d7b-b95c-d4d693072adb", "lang": "eng", "formats": ["pdf"], "text": "COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES \n\nCOM(89) 541 final \n\nBrussels, 8 November 1989 \n\nProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nlaying down derogating provisions as regards storage contracts \n\nfor olive oil in Greece, Spain and Portugal and as regards \n\nthe definition of olive oil Intended for export \n\n(presented by the Commission) \n\n\fEXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM \n\n1. Article 20d of Regulation No 136/66/EEC provides that where prices on \n\nthe Community market for olive oil are close to the Intervention \n\nprice during a period to be determined, It be decided to permit the \n\nconclusion of storage contracts. Such contracts may only be \n\nconcluded with recognized producer groups or recognized associations \n\nwithin the meaning of Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78. In view of the special structural situation In Spain, Portugal and \n\nGreece, where such groups and associations were not set up, \n\nderogating measures have been adopted to permit other organizations \n\nto conclude storage contracts. Since then the situation has not changed substantially. In fact, \n\nowing to the special features of production and marketing structures, \n\na limited number of groups have been set up and recognized within the \n\nmeaning of Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78. Consequently, a very small \n\nnumber of producers are able to have access to storage contracts In \n\nthose countrles. Under these conditions, until such time as the application of the \n\nabovementloned Regulation produces Its full effects and In order not \n\nto damage the producers, a derogation should be provided, for two \n\nadditional production years, from Article 20d of Regulation \n\nNo 136/66/EEC by making provision In addition for bodies other than \n\nthose provided for In Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78 to be able to \n\nconclude storage contracts. 2. The second indent of Article 35 (3) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC \n\nprovides that the description \"pure\" can be used until 31 December \n\n1989 for exports to non-member countries of olive oil as referred to \n\nin point 3 of the Annex thereto. However, until such time as the descriptions defined within the \n\nframework of International Olive Oil Agreement are adapted and in \n\norder not to damage Community exporters, the abovementloned \n\nderogation should be maintained until 31 December 1990. 2 \n\n\fProposal for a \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) \n\nlaying down derogating provisions as regards storage \n\ncontracts for olive oil in Greece, Spain and Portugal and \n\nas regards the definition of olive oil intended for export \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, \n\nHaving regard to Council Regulation No 136/66/EEC of 22 September 1966 on \n\nthe establishment of a common organization of the market In oils and \n\nfats*1*, as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1225/89<2>, and in \n\nparticular Article 36 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas Article 20d (3) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC provides that where \n\nprices on the Community market for olive oil are close to the Intervention \n\nprice over a period to be determined, it be may decided to permit the \n\nconclusion of storage contracts; whereas such contracts may be concluded \n\nsolely with recognized producer groups or recognized associations thereof \n\nwithin the meaning of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78*3>, as last \n\namended by Regulation (EEC) No 3875/88<4>; \n\n(1) OJ No L 172, 30. 9. 1966, p. 3025/66. (2) OJ No L 128, 11. 5. 1989, p. 15. (3) OJ No L 166, 23. 6. 1978, p. 1. (4) OJ NO L 346, 15. 12. 1988, p. 3. 3 \n\n\f- 2 \n\nWhereas, In the case of Greece, Spain and Portugal, their special \n\nstructural conditions in recent years have not permitted the setting up of \n\na sufficient number of organizations necessary for the conclusion of \n\nstorage contracts within the meaning of Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78; \n\nwhereas at present the situation has not changed significantly; whereas, as \n\na consequence, in those Member States a very small number of producers \n\nwould be able to conclude storage contracts; whereas, until such time as \n\nthe application of the abovementioned Regulation in Greece, Spain and \n\nPortugal achieves its full effects and in order not to prejudice the \n\nproducers in those Member States, a derogation should be laid down for a \n\nlimited period from Article 20d of Regulation No 136/66/EEC by providing, \n\nin addition, for the possibility of storage contracts to be concluded with \n\nbodies other than those laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 1360/78; \n\nWhereas the second indent of Article 35 (3) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC \n\nprovides that the term \"pure\" may be used until 31 December 1989 for \n\nexports to third countries of olive oil as referred to In point 3 of the \n\nAnnex thereto; whereas until such time as the terms defined within the \n\nframework of the International Olive Oil Agreement are amended and In order \n\nnot to prejudice Community exporters, the abovementioned derogation should \n\nbe maintained for a limited period for export to third countries, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: \n\n4 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nArticle 1 \n\nBy way of derogation from Article 20d (3) of Regulation No 136/66/EEC and \n\nfor the 1989/90 and 1990/91 marketing years, storage contracts for olive \n\noil may also be concluded in Greece, Spain and Portugal by recognized \n\nproducers' organizations or recognized associations thereof within the \n\nmeaning of that Regulation, who hold olive oil of Community origin, \n\nproduced by their own members and who have suitable facilities for Its \n\nstorage. Article 2 \n\nBy way of derogation from the second Indent of Article 35 (3) of Regulation \n\nNo 136/66/EEC and for a period extending to 31 December 1990, the Member \n\nStates may authorize the. use of the expression \"pure olive oil\" for oil as \n\nreferred to In point 3 of the Annex to that Regulation and Intended for \n\nexport. Article 3 \n\nThis Regulation may enter Into force on the day of its publication in the \n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding In its entirety and directly applicable in \n\na 11 Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\n5 \n\n\fFINANCIAL STATEMENT \n\nDATE: 9 October 1989 \n\n1. BUDGET HEADING: 1239 Other Intervention In the \nform of storage \n\nAPPROPRIATIONS: ECU 15 ml 11 Ion \n\n(1990 draft budget) \n\n2. TITLE: Council Regulation laying derogating provisions as regards storage contracts for olive oil in \n\nGreece, Spain and Portugal and descriptions of olive oil Intended for export. 3. LEGAL BASIS: Article 36 of Council Regulation No 136/66/EEC \n\n4. AIMS OF PROJECT: To make possible the application in Greece, Spain and Portugal of any regulations \n\nauthorizing the conclusion of storage contracts and to avoid damage to Connunlty exporters as regards \ndescriptions. Period of 12 months \n\nCurrent Financial Year \n1989 \n\nFollowing Financial Year \n1990 \n\nNIL \n\nNIL \n\nNIL \n\n5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS \n\n5. 0 EXPENDITURE \n\n- CHARGED TO THE EC BUDGET \n- \n(REFUNDS/ INTERVENT ION) \n- NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION \n-OTHER \n\n5. 1 REVENUE \n\n- OWN RESOURCES OF THE EC \n(LEVIES/CUSTOMS DUTIES) \n\n- NATIONAL \n\n5. 0. 1 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE \n5. 1. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUE \n\n5. 2 METHOD OF CALCULATION: \n\n6. 0 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED FROM APPROPRIATIONS ENTERED IN THE RELEVANT CHAPTER OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \nYES/ND \n\n6. 1 CAN THE PROJECT BE FINANCED BY TRANSFER BETWEEN CHAPTERS OF THE CURRENT BUDGET? \n\n6. 2 \n\nIS A SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET NECESSARY? \n\n6. 3 WILL FUTURE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BE NECESSARY? \n\nOBSERVATIONS: \n\nYES/ND \n\nYES/ND \n\n_i \n\nYES/ND \n\n6 \n\n\fFICHE D'IMPACT SUR LA COMPETITIVITE ET L'EMPLOI \n\nI. Guelle est La justification principale de la mesure ? \n\n- Permettre aux producteurs d'huile d'olive en Espagne , au Portugal et en \n\nGr\u00e8ce de b\u00e9n\u00e9ficier du r\u00e9gime des contrats de stockage ainsi que ce dernier \nexiste dans le reste de la Communaut\u00e9. - Permettre aux exportateurs de concurrencer sur un pied d'\u00e9galit\u00e9 les exporta \n\ntions des autres pays producteurs sur les march\u00e9s tiers. II. Caract\u00e9ristiques des entreprises concern\u00e9es. En particulier : \n\n(a) Y a - t -U un grand nombre de PME ? NON \n\n(b) Note-t-on des. concentrations dans des r\u00e9gions \n\ni. \u00e9ligibles aux aides r\u00e9sionales des Etats membres ? \n\nOUI \n\nIn\u00e9ligibles au Feder ? OUI \n\nIII. Quelles sont les obligations impes\u00e9es directement aux entreprises ? \n\nNEANT \n\nIV. Quelles sent les obligations susceptioies o'\u00eatre impos\u00e9es indirectement \n\naux entreprises via les autorit\u00e9s locales ? \n\nNEANT \n\nV. Y a-t-il. des mesures sp\u00e9ciales pour les PK\u00cf ? \n\n'* \n\nLesquelles ? \n\nNON \n\nVI. Quel est l'effet pr\u00e9visible \n\na) sur la comp\u00e9titivit\u00e9 des entreprises ? \n\nEFFET POSITIF INDIRECT \n\n3 sur L ' emploi ? \n\nEFFET POSITIF INDIRECT \n\nVII. Les partenaires sociaux ont-ils \u00e9t\u00e9 ccrsulr\u00e9s ? C UI \n\nQuels sont \n\nlz'. I n c l u de \n\na l so \n\np r o d u c ts \nA r t I c le 2 of \n\nthe \nn \nC o u n cI I \n\nW i th r e g a rd to s e m r - f I nI s h ed steel p r o d u c ts l i s t ed as \" o t h er \ns e m i - f I nI s h ed \nC o m m u n i ty \nq u o t a, c o m p r i s ed w i t h in the g e n e r al q u o ta for sem I - f I nI s h ed \ns t e el p r o d u c ts s h a ll be e q u al to 9 2% of the t o t a l. ( I n c l u d i ng \n\nin A n n ex \n\ns l a b s )\" \n\nI, the \n\nto \n\nr e g a rd \n\nW i th \n\"e I e c t r o g aI v an I z e d\" In A n n ex I, the C o m m u n i ty q u o t a, c o m p r i s ed \nw i t h in the g e n e r al q u o ta for c o a t ed flat r o l l ed p r o d u c ts shall \nbe e q u al to 2 5% of the t o t a l. p r o d u c ts \n\nc o a t ed \n\nr o l l ed \n\nlisted \n\nflat \n\nas \n\nT he \n\n2. p a r a g r a ph \na c c o u nt \nconsurnpt ion. of \n\nC o m m u n i ty \n1 s h a ll \n\ne x p o rt \nbe \n\nr e v i s i o ns \n\nl i m i ts \n\na d j u s t ed \nof \n\nthe \n\nby \ns a id \n\nc a l c u l a t ed \nthe \nU n i t ed \n\nC o m m i s s i on \nS t a t es \n\nto \nt a ke \nto \na p p a r e nt \n\np u r s u a nt \n\nT h e se l i m i ts m ay a l so be a d j u s t ed by the C o m m i s s i o n, a f t er \n\n3. c o n s u l t a t i on of the A r r a n g e m e nt C o m m i t t e e: \n\nfor a d v a n ce u se or c a r r y - o v er of l i c e n c e s, \n\ne n a b le \n\nt r a n s f e rs \n\nto \nI n c l u d i ng \nby \nb e t w e en \nD e c i s i on and t h o se c o v e r ed by R e g u l a t i on ( E E C) No \n( 2) > \n\nc a t e g o r i e s, \nt h is \n/ 89 \n\nt r a n s f e rs \n\np r o d u c ts \n\nc o v e r ed \n\nb e t w e en \n\np r o d u ct \n\nfor a d d i t i o n al q u o t as In c a se of s h o r t - s u p p l y, \n\nto t a ke a c c o u nt of e x p o r ts e f f e c t ed by the \nC o m m u n i ty \nb e t w e en 1 O c t o b er 1 9 89 and the d a te of e n t ry Into f o r ce \nof t h is D ec I s I o n, \n\nto t a ke a c c o u nt \ns e m i \nf i n i s h ed p r o d u c ts m a de p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 4 ( e) of the \nA r r a n g e m e nt on a d d i t i o n al q u a n t i t i es to be a l l o c a t ed at \nthe d i s c r e t i on of the U n i t ed S t a t e s, \n\nof c h a n g es \n\ni I m l ts for \n\nin the \n\nu n d er the c o n d i t i o ns p r o v i d ed for in the A r r a n g e m e n t. A r t i c le 3 \n\n1. (a) T he C o m m u n i ty q u a n t i t a t i ve e x p o rt I \nand c a l c u l a t ed p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 2 s h a ll \nthe initial p e r i o d, 1991 and the end p e r i od \nin a c c o r d a n ce \nq u a n t i t i es \nA r r a n g e m e n t, w h i ch s h a ll be a l l o c a t ed by the \nb a s is of the c i r c u m s t a n c es and \nq u a n t i t i es h a ve b e en g r a n t e d; \n\nI I I, w i th \nA r t i c l es \n\nw i th \ng r a n t ed \n\nA n n ex \nu n d er \n\nthe \n4 ( e) \n\ni m l ts e s t ab iI shed \nbe a l l o c a t ed for \nby the C o m m I s sI on \nany \ne x c e pt I on of \nand \nthe \n( 8) \nC o mm I ss i on on th\u00e9 \n\nof \n\nc o n d i t i o ns u n d er w h i ch \n\nt h e se \n\n( 1 ) S ee p a ge \n(2) S ee p a ge \n\nof t h is O f f i c i al J o u r n al \nof t h is O f f i c i al J o u r n a l. ( b) N o t w i t h s t a n d i ng p o i nt ( a ), the C o m m u n i ty \n\nq u a n t i t a t i ve \ne x p o rt l i m i ts to be a l l o c a t ed by t he C o m m i s s i on In a c c o r d a n ce \nw i th A n n ex III shall be r e d u c ed by 1 0% In the Initial p e r i od \nand \nS t a t es w h i c h, on the b a s is of \nc e r t i f i c a t es r e f e r r ed to In A r t i c le 4 ( 1) i s s u ed by t h e m, h a ve \nu s ed less t h an 4 0% of t h e ir q u o ta by 30 J u ne 1 9 90 and 3 3% of \nt h e ir q u o ta by 30 J u ne 1991 r e s p e c t i v e l y. t h o se M e m b er \n\n1991 \n\nfor \n\ns u ch \n\nq u a n t i t i es \n\nr e p r e s e n t ed \n\nbe \nby \nT he \na l l o c a t ed by the C o m m i s s i on a f t er c o n s u l t i ng the A r r a n g e m e nt \nC o m m i t t ee on 1 A u g u st 1 9 90 and 1 A u g u st 1991 r e s p e c t i v e ly so \nas to f a c i l i t a te the o p t i m al u se and a d m i n i s t r a t i on of the \nC o m m u n i ty e x p o rt p o s s i b i l i t i es t a k i ng a c c o u nt of the s h a re of \ne a ch \nby \nC o m m u n i ty \np r o d u ct \n1991 \nJ u ne \nr e s p e ct i veI y. e x p o r ts \nc a t e g o ry \n\ne f f e c t ed \nby \n\nM e m b er \nand \n\nS t a te \n30 \n\nr e d u c t i o ns \n\nshall \n\ne a ch \n\n1 9 90 \n\nJ u ne \n\nin \n\n30 \n\n(c) W h e re the C o m m u n i ty I \na d j u s t ed In a c c o r d a n ce w i th \nthe C o m m i s s i on s h a ll a d j u st \nt a k i ng a c c o u nt of the o r lg \ninto \nDecl \nad j u s t e m e n t. f o r ce \n\nt h is \n\nof \n\nImlts for a r r a n g e m e nt p r o d u c ts are \nthe f o u r th Indent of A r t i c le 2 ( 3 ), \nthe a l l o c a t i on of q u a n t i ty l i m i t s, \nin of t he e x p o rt b e f o re the e n t ry \nt h is \ns i on \n\nw h i ch \n\ng a ve \n\nr i se \n\nto \n\nT he C o m m i s s i on shall h o ld p e r i o d ic c o n s u l t a t i o ns w i th the \n2. A r r a n g e m e nt \nl i c e n c es \nissued a nd on the m e a s u r es to be t a k en to e n s u re o p t i m um use \nof t he o v er a II l i m i t. the s i t u a t i on \n\nC o m m i t t ee \n\nr e g a r d i ng \n\non \n\nArt le le 4 \n\n1. T he C o m m u n i ty e x p o r ts d e s c r i b ed in A r t i c le 1 s h a l l, from \nthe d a te of e n t ry into f o r ce of t h is D e c i s i on to 31 M a r ch \n1 9 9 2, be s u b j e ct to the p r o d u c t i on to the c o m p e t e nt \nc u s t o ms \nl i c e n ce and an e x p o rt \no f f i ce In the C o m m u n i ty of an e x p o rt \nthe \nissued \nl i c e n c es \nc e r t i f i c a t e. r e l e v a nt a u t h o r i t i es of e a ch M e m b er S t a te w i t h in the l i m i ts of \nthe a m o u n ts a l l o c a t ed to It p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 3. e x p o rt \n\ns h a ll \n\nT he \n\nbe \n\nby \n\nM e m b er S t a t es s h a ll fix the t o n n a ge for w h i ch they a n t i c i p a te \nthat l i c e n ce w i ll be issued In e a ch q u a r t er for e a ch p r o d u ct \nc a t e g o ry ; t h ey shaI \nfirst 15 d a ys of the \nthe \nm a ke s u re that \ne n s u re an \na d e q u a te \nt a k i ng Into a c c o u nt \np r o d u ct \nin \nn o t, w I t h o ut the pr i \nIn any t wo c o n s e c u t i ve q u a r t e rs \nl i c e n c es for a m o u n ts w h i ch \ne x c e ed 5 2% of t h e ir a l l o c a t i on In t he Initial p e r i od or 6 5% of \nt h e ir a l l o c a t i on In 1 9 9 1. I i n f o rm the C o m m i s s i on \nin the \nr e l e v a nt q u a r t e r. In d o i ng s o, t h ey shall \nq u a r t er \nl i c e n ce \ne x p o rt \ns p r e ad of e x p o r ts o v er \nthe \nthe s e a s o n al v a r i a t i o ns in \nM e m b er \nq u e s t i o n. H o w e v e r, \n\nw ho I e y e ar , \nt r a de of the \nS t a t es sha I I \nssI o n, I s s ue \n\nor a u t h o r i z a t i on of the C o mm \n\ni s s u es for e a ch \n\nc a t e g o ry \n\nt h e r e of \n\n\fM e m b er S t a t es m a y, s u b j e ct to the s e c o nd s u b p a r a g r a ph h e r e o f, \nI s s ue f u r t h er l i c e n c es In the Initial p e r i o d, 1991 and the end \np e r i od r e s p e c t i v e l y, \nof \nl i c e n c es Issued w h i ch h a ve b e en r e t u r n ed to t h e ir \nc o m p e t e nt \na u t h o r i t i es In the I n i t i al p e r i o d, 1991 or the end p e r i o d. In r e s p e ct of the u n u t i l i z ed part \n\nLI c e n c es \n\n2. crI ter I a : \n\nshall \n\nbe \n\nI s s u ed \n\na c c o r d i ng \n\nto \n\nthe \n\nf o l l o w i ng \n\nc o m p l i a n ce w i th the r u l es p r e s c r i b ed by t h is D e c i s i o n, \nin p a r t i c u l ar t h o se c o n c e r n i ng the q u o ta a l l o c a t ed by \nthe C o m m i s s i on p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 3, \n\nw i th \n\nc o m p l i a n ce \nof \nt r a d i t i o n al \nu n d e r t a k i n g s, t a k i ng a c c o u nt of the r e d u c t i on p r i n c i p l es \ne s t a b l i s h ed \ns i t u a t i on \nr e g a r d i ng any n ew u n d e r t a k i n gs p r o d u c i ng s t e e l, \n\nD e c i s i o n, \n\np a t t e r ns \n\ne x p o rt \n\nt h is \n\nt he \n\nthe \n\nand \n\nby \n\nof \n\nc o m p l i a n ce \nS t a t es as - t r a d i t i o n a l ly s p r e ad out o v er the y e a r, \n\nr a t es of e x p o r ts \n\nto the \n\nw i th \n\nt he \n\nU n i t ed \n\no p t i m um \np o s s i b i l i t i es a f f o r d ed by t h is D e c i s i o n, \n\na d m i n i s t r a t i on \n\nu se \n\nand \n\nof \n\nthe \n\ne x p o rt \n\nc o m p l i a n ce w i th the p o s s i b i l i t i es a f f o r d ed by A r t i c le \n3(1 M b) of t h is D e c i s i o n, \n\no p t i m um u se b e i ng m a de of any n ew p o s s i b i l i t i es p r o v i d ed \nf o r, w h e re a p p r o p r i a t e, by t h is D e c i s i o n. l i c e n ce \n\nE a ch \ne n g a g ed \np r o d u c t i on of steel w i t h in the C o m m u n i ty and e s t a b l i s h ed \nthe \na g a i n st w h i ch the l i c e n ce is I s s u e d. In \nIn \na l l o c a t i on \n\nu n d e r t a k i ng \n\nIs h o l d i ng \n\nI n d i c a te \n\nissuing \n\nM e m b er \n\nS t a te \n\nshall \n\nthat \n\nthe \n\nthe \n\n3. T r a n s f e rs of e x p o rt l i c e n c es b e t w e en steel u n d e r t a k i n gs or \nby steel u n d e r t a k i n gs to d i s t r i b u t i ve u n d e r t a k i n gs may t a ke \np l a ce p r o v i d ed \nand \nthey c o n c e rn the s a me p r o d u ct \nM e m b er \na f t er prior n o t i f i c a t i on \nS t a te In w h i ch the u n d e r t a k i ng t r a n s f e r r i ng the l i c e n ce \nis \ne s t a b l i s h e d. S u ch t r a n s f er m ay t a ke p l a ce b e t w e en u n d e r t a k i n gs \ne s t a b l i s h ed in d i f f e r e nt M e m b er S t a t e s. to the a u t h o r i t i es of the \n\nc a t e g o ry \n\nL i c e n c es Issued In o ne M e m b er S t a te of the C o m m u n i ty s h a ll \n\n4. be valid t h r o u g h o ut the C o m m u n i t y. 5. Member S t a t es shall e n s u re that a p p r o p r i a te s a n c t i o ns are \na p p l i ed In respect of all e x p o r ts e f f e c t ed without p r o d u c t i on \nof the licence required h e r e u n d er and In respect of any other \nb r e a c h es of the p r o v i s i o ns r e l a t i ng to such licences. Member \nS t a t es shall keep the C o m m i s s i on Informed of all b r e a c h es of \nsuch \nIn respect \nt h e r e o f, at I n t e r v a ls to be s p e c i f i ed by the C o m m i s s i o n. m e a s u r e s, and of all \n\ns a n c t i o ns \n\nimposed \n\n6. The C o m m i s s i on \nthe \nlay down \ni m p l e m e n t a t i on of p a r a g r a p hs 1 to 4 of this Article and \ns p e c i fy the \ninformation to be p r o v i d ed to the Commission \nc o n c e r n i ng the licences and e x p o r t s. rules for \n\ndetailed \n\nmay \n\nArt Icle 5 \n\n1. Member S t a t es shall c h a r ge the a m o u n ts set out on the \nlicences Issued by them against their r e s p e c t i ve a l l o c a t i o ns \nm a de \nlicences \ns u b s e q u e n t ly t r a n s f e r r ed to an u n d e r t a k i ng of another Member \nS t a t e. Including \n\np u r s u a nt \n\nA r t i c le \n\n- \u2022 \u2022 \n\nall \n\n3, \n\nto \n\n2. Member S t a t es shall keep r e c o r ds of the e x p o r ts of the \np r o d u c ts c o v e r ed by this D e c i s i o n. The p r o d u c ts shall be \ndeemed to be so e x p o r t e d, as at the date of a c c e p t a n c e, by the \nc u s t o ms a u t h o r i t i es of the Member State of e x p o r t, of the \nIn \nexport \nA r t i c le 18 of Council D i r e c t i ve 8 1 / 1 7 7 / E EC of 24 February 1981 \non the h a r m o n i z a t i on of p r o c e d u r es for the export of Community \ng o o d s ^1). the document \n\nd e c l a r a t i on \n\nprovided \n\nfor \n\nor \n\nof \n\n3. The extent \nIts \na l l o c a t i on shall be d e t e r m i n ed on the basis of licences issued \nIn a c c o r d a n ce with A r t i c le 4. to which a Member State has used up \n\nArt ic le 6 \n\nT e m p o r a ry \n\n1. e x p o r ts to the United States of a r r a n g e m e nt \np r o d u c ts w h I ch \nare to be r e - e x p o r t ed from the United S t a t es In \nthe same form \nor without having been subject to substantial \nt r a n s f o r m at Ion \nhaving been subject to a double substantial \nor \nt r a n s f o r m a tI on \nAppendix D of the A r r a n g e m e nt \nas \nsha I I be c h a r g ed \na l l o c a t i on on the Member State \nw h o se aut horItI es \nlicence. Upon p r o d u c t i on to the \naut hor i tI es of \nsuch \ne x p o r t a t i on from the \nMember S t a te for the period when such proof \nbe Increased by the same a m o u n t. r e-\nS t a t e s, the a l l o c a t i on of that \ns presented'. s hall \n\nagaInst t he \nIssued the \nMember \nUni ted \n\nState of proof of such \n\ndef I ned I n \n\n(1) OJ No L 8 3, 3 0. 3. 1 9 8 1, p. 40 \n\n\f2. The Commission may lay down detailed rules for \nImplementation of this Article. the \n\nArtIcle 7 \n\nThis Decision shall enter Into force on the day following Its \nEuropean \npublication \nCommun 111 es. Official \n\nJournal \n\nthe \n\nthe \n\nIn \n\nof \n\nThis Decision shall be binding \napplicable in all Member States. n its entirety and directly \n\nDone at \n\nFor the Commission \n\n\fAnnex I - List of products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nBlooms and BlI lots \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 0010 \n7207. 19<40) \n7207. 20. 0025 \n7207. 20. 0075^\u00b0^ \n7207. 20. 0090<40) \n7218. 90. 0010 \n7218. 90. 0020 \n7218. 90. 0045<4\u00b0) \n7218. 90. 0055<40> \n7218. 90. 0070(40) \n7218. 90. 0080<40) \n7224. 90. 0010 \n7224. 90. 0030(4\u00b0) \n7224. \u00a70. 0040 \n7224. 90. 0060<40> \n7224. 90. 0070(4\u00b0) \n\n0050 \n0045 \n( 1 7) \n\n7 2 0 6. 10 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 7 2 0 7. 2 0, \n7 2 1 8. 10 \n7 2 1 8. 90 \n7 2 2 4. 10 \n7224. 90 \n0020 \n7224. 90. 0050 \n\n0035 \n( 1 7) \n\nOther Semi-Finished \n( i n c l ud ing slaDs) \n\nT h is Annex \ncome u n d er \nR e g u l a t i on \n\nf or \n\ni n f o r m a t i on p u r p o s e s, \n\nl i s t s, \nt he EEC T r e a ty and a re c o v e r ed by A r t i c le 1 ( 1) of \n(EEC) No \n\nt he p r o d u c ts w h i ch \n\n/ 8 9. to r e v i s i on when the 2C or the US adop-\n\nThe subheadings and item numbers r e f e r r ed \nsubject \nto t h e ir r e s p e c t i ve import nomenclatures, \nn c d i f i c a t i o ns \n\u00ab\"hen such mcdifications are adopted, p r i or n o t i f i c a t i on \ns h a ll be given to the other p a r t y. to above a re \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 11<41> \n7207. 12. 19<41) \n7207. 12. 90<41) \n7207. 19^40) \n7207. 20. 11<41) \n7207. 20. 15^41) \n7207. 20. 17<41> \n7207. 20. 19<41) \n7207. 20. 31(41) \n7207. 20. 33<41) \n7207. 20. 39<41) \n7207. 20. 51 \n7207. 20. 55 \n7207. 20. 57 \n7207. 20. 59(40) \n7207. 20. 71 \n7207. 20. 79^40) \n7207. 20. 9'6^40) \n7218. 90. 11<42) \n7218. 90. 13<42> \n7218. 90. 15<41)(42) \n7218. 90. 19^41^42) \n7218. 90. 30^41^42) \n7218. 90. 50(42) \n7218. 90. 91(40)(42) \n7218. 90. 9g(40)(42) \n7224. 90. U^41 > \n7224. 90. 19<41> \n7224. 90. 30 \n7224. 90. 91(40) \n7224. 90. 99(40) \n\n7 2 0 6. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7224 \n7224 \n\n1 0. 00 \n1 2. 1 1 W) \n1 2. 1 9 <4 3) \n1 2. 9 0 <4 3) \n2 0. 3 1 <4 3) \n, 2 0. 3 3( 4 3) \n, 2 0. 3 9 <4 3). 1 0. 0 0 <1 7). 9 0. 1 5 <4 3'. 9 0. 1 9( 4 3). 9 0. 3 0 <4 3). 1 0. 0 0 <1 7). 9 0. 1 1( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9 <4 3) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nPlate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nStrip \n\n7208. 31 \n\" 7208. 32 \n\n7208. 33. 50. 7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. lO^5^6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 11 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 50 \n7208. 22. 50 \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3> \n7211. 22. 0090 \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 70(3> \n7225. 40. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33 \n7208. 33. 10(44) \n7208. 33. 9l(44) \n7208. 33. 99(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31(5) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10(45) \n7211. 22. 90(45) \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10(47) \n7225. 40. 30(47) \n7225. 40. 50(47) \n7225. 50. 00(. 46)(47). 7226. 91. 00(46)(47) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22(48) \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(^7) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(4\"7) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n\n' 7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. T0. 30(5)(6') \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(50) \n7208. 22. 99(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 10(50) \n7208. 33. 91(50) \n7208. 33. 99(50) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(51) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. ig(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47X49>(54) \n7225. S0(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(53) \n\nBlackplate \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)d6) \n7211. 30. 30(3)(16) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)d6) \n7211. 41. 50(3)d6) \n7211. 49. 10(3)06) \n7211. 49. 30(3)06) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \u2022 \n7212. 30. 10(6)06) \n7212. 30. 30(6)(16) \n7212. 40. 10(6)06) \n7226. 92. 70(3)06) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)d6) \n\n7211. 30. 3l(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 4T. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95<3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)d6)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211 49 99(3)(16)(56) \n721K90'90(3)(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 30. 90(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 10(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(6)O6)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)('47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHT S \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nElectrical Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7 2 2 5. 1 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStaInless Plate \n\n7219. 11(19) \n7219. 12(1 9) \n7219. 21(1 9) \n7219. 22(1 9) \n7219. 31(1 9) \n7220. 11(1 9) \n\n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 2 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 2 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 3 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 2 0. 1 1. 0 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip \n\n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n\n7219. 13(1 9) \n7219. 14('19) \n7219. 23(1 9) \n7219. 24(1 9) \n7219. 32(1 9) \n7219. 33(1 9) \n7219. 34(1 9) \n7219. 35(1 9) \n7219 9 f j ( 5 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7220 1 2 ( 2 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 1 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 6 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 7 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 9 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 g o ( 2 X 6 X 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 1 4 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 2 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 2 4 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 3 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 3 4 0 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 5 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7220 1 2. 0 0 ( 2 ) 0 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 2 0 ( 2 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 9 0 ( 2 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n\nTinplate \n\nTin Free Stee \n\nElectrogalvar. ized \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 21(6) \n7212. 29(6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 35 \n7210. 90. 39(57) \n7210. 90. 90(6X57) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 21(6) \n7212. 29(6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7 2 1 0. 2 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 6 0 (6) (2 4) \n7 2 1 0. 7 0. 6 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 2. 3 0. 5 0 ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 4 0. 5 0 ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 5 0 ( 6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 2 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 6 0 ( 6 X 2 4) \n7 2 1 0. 7 0 ( 5 X 6 X 5 8) \n7210. 90. 33(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 35(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 39(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 90(5X6X59) \n7212. 30(6X53) \n7212. 40(6X53) \n7212. 50. 31(6) \n7212. 50. 39(6) \n7212. 50. 51(6) \n7212. 50. 59(6) \n7212. 50. 71(6) \n7212. 50. 73(6) \n7212. 50. 75(6) \n7212. 50. 91(6) \n7212. 50. 93(6) \n7212. 50. 97(6) \n7212. 50. 99(6) \n\n3eb2-\n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nHot-finished Bar \n\nCold-fInlshed Bar \n\n7213. 39. 0060 \n7213. 39. 0090 \n7213. 49. 0060 \n7213. 49. 0090 \n7213. 50. 0060 \n7213. 50. 0080 \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 7228. 20. 10(6) \n7228. 30. 80 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 60. 60(6) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 50(6) \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80(6) \n7228. 80 \n\n7213. 39. 00(6\u00b0) \n7213. 49. 00(60) \n7213. 50. 00(60) \n7214. 10. 00 \n7214. 30. 00 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 00 \n7228. 20. 11 \n7228. 20. 19 \n7228. 20. 30 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 20. 90(61) \n7228. 30. 10(47) \n7228. 30. 90(47) \n7228. 40. 00 \n7228. 60. 10(47) \n7228. 60. 90(47)(6D \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7 2 2 8. 5 0. 0 0 (4 7) \n7 2 2 8. 6 0. 9 0 ( 6 ) (4 7) ( 6 2) \n7228. 80 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\nS t a i n l e ss Bar \n\nCarbon Wlre Rod \n\nS t a I n l e ss Wire Rod \n\nAI loy Wire Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 0 0 60 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7 2 2 2. 3 0 ( 6) \n\n7213. 10 \n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39. 0030 \n7213. 41 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 0 0 30 \n72*13. 50. 0020 \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 0 0 40 \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\n7 2 2 7. 20 \n7 2 2 7. 9 0. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 2 2 (8D \n\nS t r u c t u r a is \n\n7216. 3l(8D \n7216. 32(61) \n7216. 33(61) \n7216. 40(61) \n7216. 50(61) \n7216. 60(61) \n7222. 40. 30(81) \n7228. 70. 30(8D \n\n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 1 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 3 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 5 (4D (63) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 9 (4D ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 3 0 (4D ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 5 0 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 1 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 9 ( 6 3) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 0) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 0) \n7 2 2 2. 10 \n7 2 2 2. 20 \n7 2 2 2. 3 0 ( 6) \n\n7213. 10. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 2 0. 00 \n7213. 31. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 0 0( 6 4) \n7213. 41. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 0 0 (6 4) \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 0 0 ( 6 5) \n\n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 5) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 5) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7 2 2 7. 9 0. 9 0 (4 7) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 0 0 (8D \n7216. 21. 0 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 0 0 (8D \n\n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7222 \n7222 \n7222 \n7222 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n31. 00( \n32. 00( \n33. 00( \n4 0 ( 8D \n5 0 ( 8D \n6 0 ( 8D \n4 0. 1 1( \n,40. 19( \n,40. 30( \n, 4 0. 9 9( \n,70. 10( \n7 0. 3 1( \n, 7 0. 9 9( \n\n81) \n81) \n81) \n\n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nSheet Pi I ing \n\n7301. 10 \n\n7301. 10. 00 \n\nFabricated Structurais 7 2 1 6. 9 0 (8D \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 60 \n7228. 70. 60 \n7 3 0 1. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 10 \n7 3 0 8. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0 ( 1 5) \n7 3 0 8. 40 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 3 0 ( 1 2) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 6 0 d 3) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 9 0 ( 9 ) 0 4) \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0 ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 ( 8 1) \n7 3 0 1. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 1 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0. 0 0 ( 1 5) \n7 3 0 8. 4 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0 ( 9 ) 0 4 X 6 7) \n\nS t a i n l e ss W i re \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 5 0 ( 2 ) ( 6) \n\n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 8) \n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 8) \n\nW i re Str-and \n\nW i re Rope \n\nO t h er W i re \n\n7 3. 1 2. 1 0. 1 0 (4)- -\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 1 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 6 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 7 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 9 0 (4) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 6 0 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 0 (4) \n\n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229. 11. 12. 13. 19. 21. 22. 23. 29. 3 1. ( 3). 32. 33. 3 9 ( 3). 0 0. 90. 20. 90 \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0. (4X 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 5 0 (4) ( 6 9 ) ( 7 1) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 1 (4) ( 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 5 (4) ( 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 9 (4) ( 6 9) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 5 0 (4X 6 9 X72) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 1 (4) (8 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 5( 4) (6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 9 (4) ( 6 9 ) ( 7 3) \n\n7 2 1 7. 11 \n7 2 1 7. 12 \n7 2 1 7. 13 \n7 2 1 7. 19 \n7 2 1 7. 21 \n7 2 1 7. 22 \n7 2 1 7. 23 \n7 2 1 7. 29 \n7 2 1 7. 31 \n7 2 1 7. 32 \n7 2 1 7. 33 \n7 2 1 7. 39 \n7 2 2 3. 0 0, \n7 2 2 3. 0 0, \n7 2 2 9. 20 \n7 2 2 9. 9 0, \n\n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00(3) \n00 \n00 \n00(3) \n1 0 (7 4) \n9 0 (7 4) \n00 \n00 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRat Is \n\nRa I I Products \n\nAI loy Tool Steel \n\nOther SpecialIty Steel \n\n7313. 00(H) \n7314. 41(8) \n7314. 42(6) \n7314. 49(6) \n7317. 00. 55(7) \n7317. 00. 6560(7) \n7317. 00. 75(7) \n\n7302. 10(1\u00b0) \n\n7302. 20(18) \n7302. 40(18) \n7302. 90(23) \n8607. 19. 10 \n8607. 19. 20 \n\n7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7227. 7227. 7227. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7229. (5)(6) \n20 \n10 \n30 \n5060 \n30 \n1090 \n40 \n5060- \u2022\u2022 \n40 \n1060 \n50 \n(6) \n20 \n91 \n1060 \n91 \n3060 \n92 \n1060 \n92. 3060 \n10 \n90. 1060 \n90. 2060 \n10(6) \n30. 40 \n30. 60 \n50. 1020 \n50. 1040 \n50. 1060 \n50. 1080 \n60. 1060(6) \n10 \n\n7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7227. 7227. 7228. 7228. 7228. 30. 5030 \n40. 1015 \n40. 5030 \n50. 1030 \n50. 70 \n91. 1030 \n91. 3030 \n92. 1030 \n92. 3030 \n90. 1030 \n90. 2030 \n30. 20 \n50. 1010 \n60. 1030(6) \n\n7 3 1 3. 0 0. 0 0 dD \n7314. 41(8) \n7314. 42(8) \n7314. 49. 00(8) \n7 3 1 7. 0 0 (7X75) \n\n7302. 10(1\u00b0) \n\n7 3 0 2. 2 0. 0 0 d 8) \n7 3 0 2. 4 0. 10 \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 3 0 ( 2 3) \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 9 0 ( 2 3) \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19 \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229 \n\n( 5 X 6) \n20 \n3 0. 0 0 (7 6) \n40C7 7) \n5 0. 0 0 (7 7) \n20 ( 6 ). , 9 1. 0 0 (7 ?) \n9 2 (7 7) \n10. 00 \n, 9 0 (7 7) \n,10(6) \n, 3 0 (7 7) \n, 5 0. 0 0 (7 7) \n, 6 0 ( 6 ) (7 7) \n,10. 00 \n\n7225. 30. 00C7 8) \n7225. 40C7 9) \n7 2 2 5. 5 0. 0 0 (7 9) ( 8 0) \n7 2 2 6. 9 1. 0 0 (7 9) \n7 2 2 6. 9 2 (?9) \n7 2 2 7. 9 0 (7 9) \n7228. 30C7 9) \n7 2 2 8. 5 0. 0 0 (7 9) \n7 2 2 8. 6 0 ( 6 ) (7 9) \n\n\f(1) Excluded if of wrought iron. FOOTNOTES \n\n(2) Excluded if \"razor blade steel, \"lu-fi^. , flat-rolled products of \nstainless steel not over 0,25mm in thickness and not over 23mm \nin width, containing by weight not over 14. 7 percent of. chromium, and oertified at the time of entry to be used in the \nmanufacture of razor blades. (3) Excluded if \"carbon/alloy band saw steel\" defined as follows: \n\n(a) \"metal cutting band saw steel\" referring to steel flat-\nrolled products, not less than 0. 61mm and not more than 0. 91mm \nin thickness, not less than 6. 30mm and not more than 50. 60mm in \nwidth, in coils, containing: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 1. 18 percent and not more than \n1. 32 percent, \n\nchromium : not less than 0. 15 percent and not more than \n\n0. 32 percent, \n\nmanganese': \"not less than 0. 10 percent and not more than \n\n0. 40 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of metal-cutting band saw blades ; or \n(b) \"wood band saw steel\" referring to (1) alloy steel flat-\nrolled products less than 4. 75mm in thickness which contains, \nin addition to iron, each of the following elements by weight \nin the amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese \n\nnot less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 55 \npercent ; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nniokel : \n\nnot less than 1. 60 nor more than 2. 70 \nperoent; \n\nchromium : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 50 percent; \n\nphosphorus \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent; \n\n\for (2) cold-rolled flat-rolled products less than 4. 75mm in \nthickness, less than 300mm in width, which contains, in \naddition to iron,, each of the following elements by weight in \nthe amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent ; \n\nmanganese : not less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 50 \n\npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nchromium : none, or not more than 0. 50 percent; and \n\nphosphorus : none, or not more than 0. 03 percent ; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of wood band saws. (4) -Excluded if covered with-textile or other non-metallic \n\nmaterial. (5) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape. (6) Excluded if worked after flat rolling, e. g. perforated, \n\nbevelled, rounded at the edges. (7) Excluded if corrugated fasteners, glaziers' points, hook nails, \n\nor ring nails. (8) Excluded if other than galvanized wire fencing wholly of round \niron or steel wire measuring not over 5. 08mm and not under \n1. 905mm in diameter, whether or not such wire is covered with \nplastics. (9) Excluded if fence or sign posts. (10) Excluded if current-oonductlng rail. (11) Excluded if twisted hoop or single flat wire, whether or not \n\nbarbed. (12) Excluded if of cut iron. (13) Excluded if in part of stainless steel. (14) Excluded if plastic foam core insulating composite panels. (15) Excluded if door or window frames. (16) Excluded if bale ties. (17) Excluded if other primary forms, e. g. blocks, lumps, puddled \n\nbars and pilings, pieces roughly shaped by forging. (18) Excluded if forged. (19) Excluded if cladding grade 434 stainless steel certified by the \n\nimporter of record to be used in the manufacture of stainless \nsteel clad automobile trim. (20) Excluded if grade 253MA'or 254SM0 stainless steel. (21) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness and over 1,803. 4mm in width. (22) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness, less than 300mm in width, and certified by \n\"the importer of record or\" ultimate consignee to be used in the \nmanufacture of stainless steel flapper valves for compressors. (23) Covered if either (A) hot-rolled and designed to connect, the \nends of adjacent rails in track (i. e. \"joint bars\"). These \nproducts are usually punched or slotted; or (B) hot-rolled and \nused to support rails in track, to maintain track gauge, and \nprotect the ties (i. e. \"tie plates\"). These products are \npunched to provide holes for spikes and have one or two \nshoulder sections as rail guides. (24) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape \n\nand other than electrolytically coated or plated. (40) Excluded if pieces roughly shaped by forging. (41) Covered if of a width measuring less than four times the \n\nthickness. (42) Covered if of a cross-sectional area of 19. 4 cm2 or more, but \nless than 232 cm2 or of a cross sectional area of 232 cm2 or \nmore. (43) Covered if of a width measuring at least four times the \n\nthickness. (44) Excluded if pickled. (45) Excluded if in coils. (46) Covered if of a thickness. of 4. 75mm or more. (47) Excluded if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e), \n\n(f) and (h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (48) Covered if in,coils. (49) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm. (50) Covered if pickled. (51) Covered if of a thickness of 0. 361mm or more. (52) Excluded if coated or plated with metal or clad. (53) Covered if of a width of 300mm or more. (54) Excluded if of heat resisting steel as defined in Additional \n\nNote A(g) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (55) Covered if of a thickness of less than 0. 361mm. (56) Covered if of a width of less than 300 mm. (57) Covered if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal. (58) Covered if coated or plated with metal or clad. (59) Excluded if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal \n\n(60) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of \n19mm or more if of other than circular cross-section. (61) Excluded if cold formed. (62) Covered if cold formed. (63) Covered if of a cross sectional area of less than 19. 4 cm2. (64) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of 14 \n\nmm or more but less than 19mm. (65) Covered if of circular cross-section and with either a diameter \nof less than 14 mm or with a diameter of 14 mm or more but less \nthan 19mm. (66) Covered if hot rolled, not drilled, not punched and not \n\notherwise advanced. (67) If columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar \n\nstructural units, excluded if in part of stainless steel or if \nof cast iron. (68) Excluded if other than round or flat wire. Also excluded if \nflat wire of razor blade steel (cf. footnote 2) or flat wire \nfurther worked after flat rolling (cf. footnote 6). (69) Excluded if fitted with fittings or made up into articles. (70) Excluded if tyre cord. If other than tyre cord and other than \n\u2022*\u2022 stranded wire -for prestressing concrete, excluded if of brass \n\nplated wire. (71) Covered if stranded wire. (72) Excluded if stranded wire. (73) Excluded if of brass plated wire. (74) Excluded if round or flat wire. (75) Excluded if thumb tacks; or drive pins, studs or other \n\nfasteners, suitable for use in power-activated hand tools; or \nstaples in strip form; or furniture glides; or cut products \nmade of other than round wire and of one piece construction. (76) If of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more, covered if of tool steel \nas defined in Additional Note 1(e), (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. If of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm, covered if \nof tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and (f) to \nChapter 72 of the HTS. (77) Covered if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and \n\n(f) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (78) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of ball \n\nbearing steel as defined in Additional Note 1(h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. (79) Covered if of ball-bearing steel as defined in Additional Note \n\n1(h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (80) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of- heat \n\nresisting steel as defined in Additional Note Kg) to Chapter \n72 of the HTS. (81) Excluded if obtained by continuous casting. ANNEX \n\nUnited States customs territory and \nUnited States foreign trade zones \n\nThe United States customs territory shall comprise the States, \nthe district of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A United States foreign zone shall be defined as follows: \n\nIt is an Isolated, enclosed and policed area, operated as a \npublic utility, In or adjacent to a port of entry, furnished \nwith facilities for lading, unlading, handling, storing, \nmanipulating, manufacturing and exhibiting goods and for \nreshlpping them by land, water or air. Any foreign and \ndomestic merchandise, except such as Is prohibited by law or \nsuch as the Board may order to be excluded as detrimental to \nthe public interest, health or safety, may be brought into a \nzone without being subject to the customs laws of the United \nStates governing, the entry of goods or the payment of duty \nthereon; and such merchandise permitted in a z o ne may be \nstored, exhibited, manufactured, mixed, or manipulated In any \nmanner, except as provided In the act and other applicable \nlaws or regulations. The merchandise may be exported, \ndestroyed or sent Into customs territory from the zone, in the \noriginal package or otherwise. It Is subject to customs duties \nif sent into customs territory, but not If reshlpped to \nfore Ign poInts. ALLOCATION AMONG MBdBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nUK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nSemi-fini shed products \n\n46. 53 \n\n13. 49 \n\n2. 79 \n\n13. 96 \n\n12. 10 \n\nPlate \n\n18. 42 \n\n2. 95 \n\n8. 47 \n\n0. 74 \n\n38. 61 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 19 \n\n11. 17 \n\nHot rolled sheet and strip \n\n32. 66 \n\n32. 04 \n\n8. 60 \n\n19. 39 \n\n3. 65 \n\n0. 55 \n\n0. 85 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nCold rolled sheet \n\n39. 90 \n\n14. 46 \n\n8. 90 \n\n14. 67 \n\n8. 14 \n\n0. 25 \n\n2. 14 \n\n4. 75 \n\nBlack plate \n\n11. 72 \n\n10. 75 \n\n-\n\n16. 71 \n\n30. 96 \n\nCold rolled strip \n\n51. 75 \n\n6. 29 \n\n0. 39 \n\n0. 13 \n\n3. 98 \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\n47. 60 \n\n1. 03 \n\n46. 11 \n\n-\n\n1. 23 \n\nStainless plate \n\n55. 90 \n\n3. 88 \n\n0. 77 \n\n0. 03 \n\n9. 63 \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\n19. 31 \n\n42. 23 \n\n5. 60 \n\n0. 02 \n\n3. 84 \n\nTin plate \n\n45. 07 \n\n32. 57 \n\nTin free steel \n\n78. 70 \n\n18. 90 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 75 \n\n3. 35 \n\n0. 89 \n\n0. 99 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 03 \n\n29. 79 \n\n5. 44 \n\n0. 69 \n\n0. 52 \n\n0. 16 \n\n29. 70 \n\n8. 54 \n\n6. 13 \n\nCoated flat rolled products \n\n47. 19 \n\n19. 16 \n\n7. 15 \n\n3. 41 \n\n3. 19 \n\n0. 35 \n\n2. 08 \n\nReinforcing bar \n\n21. 59 \n\n26. 59 \n\n0. 08 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n1. 50 \n\nHot finished bar \n\n7. 03 \n\n11. 28 \n\n2. 78 \n\n0. 24 \n\n4. 43 \n\n16. 05 \n\n41. 13 \n\nCold finished bar \n\n6. 94 \n\n45. 40 \n\n3. 85 \n\n0. 08 \n\n0. 65 \n\nStainless bar \n\n11. 09 \n\n22. 48 \n\n11. 10 \n\n0. 04 \n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n27. 56 \n\n9. 32 \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\n12. 27 \n\n37. 57 \n\n0. 01 \n\n2. 87 \n\n6. 62 \n\n0. 02 \n\n21. 00 \n\n-\n\n1. 44 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n6. 94 \n\n18. 20 \n\n2. 26 \n\n6. 79 \n\n-\n\n22. 79 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n23. 56 \n\n7. 57 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n12. 62 \n\n4. 85 \n\n50. 24 \n\n17. 06 \n\n15. 52 \n\n45. 77 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n18. 91 \n\n0. 73 \n\n2 \nm \nx \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\fJ\\UJJU\\L \n\n1ULN. ttMLANUr lVli3. Vir>HK O I A I J CO \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nUK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nStainless wire rod \n\n11. 39 \n\n33. 93 \n\n19. 55 \n\n0. 03 \n\n8. 20 \n\nAlloy wire rod \n\n7. 49 \n\n40. 84 \n\n10. 42 \n\n27. 94 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 21 \n\n11. 75 \n\nBar shapes under 80 ran \n\n12. 18 \n\n1. 95 \n\n1. 22 \n\n1. 34 \n\n53. 86 \n\n19. 18 \n\n7. 43 \n\nStructurais \n\nSheet piling \n\n17. 50 \n\n8. 63 \n\n0. 50 \n\n27. 67 \n\n25. 16 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nFabricated structurais \n\n11. 62 \n\n4. 32' \n\n40. 51 \n\n3. 27 \n\n19. 30 \n\n13. 83 \n\n18. 31 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n30. 52 \n\n16. 65 \n\n17. 44 \n\n19. 62 \n\nStainless wire \n\n6. 97 \n\n23. 06 \n\n29. 65 \n\n0. 51 \n\n20. 18 \n\nWire strand \n\nWire rope \n\n8. 62 \n\n10. 73 \n\n27. 57 \n\n9. 58 \n\n4. 87 \n\n19. 77 \n\n21. 55 \n\n8. 96 \n\n7. 68 \n\n4. 11 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n19. 13 \n\n7. 63 \n\n15. 16 \n\nCarbon and Alloy wire \n\n14. 90 \n\n27. 30 \n\n4. 05 \n\n1. 16 \n\n35. 33 \n\n4. 27 \n\n12. 48 \n\nWire products \n\n2. 32 \n\n3. 32 \n\n1. 10 \n\n2. 51 \n\n13. 89 \n\n15. 59 \n\n4. 76 \n\nRails \n\n58. 54 \n\n14. 36 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n20. 77 \n\n6. 33 \n\nRail products \n\n10. 59 \n\n75. 98 \n\n4. 26 \n\n0. 13 \n\n0. 76 \n\n0. 79 \n\n6. 69 \n\nAlloy tool steel \n\n62. 61 \n\n9. 60 \n\n13. 90 \n\n0. 53 \n\n0. 45 \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n12. 87 \n\n33. 74 \n\n49. 70 \n\n0. 15 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 71 \n\n2. 27 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 06 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n3. 22 \n\n-\n\n0. 01 \n\n1. 13 \n\n0. 09 \n\n4. 47 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n26. 63 \n\n0. 64 \n\n2. 84 \n\n21. 93 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 50 \n\n30. 99 \n\n21. 64 \n\n0. 42 \n\n52. 04 \n\n-\n\n0. 80 \n\n2. 20 \n\n0. 35 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\f\fI I I/6000/89 \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No. of \n\non the restriction of exports of certain steel products \nto the United States of America \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nhas \n\nthe \n\nconcluded \n\nCommunity \n\narrangement(1) \nWhereas \n(hereinafter referred to as 'the Arrangement') with the United \nStates of America under which the amount of exports, to the \nUnited States, of certain steel products originating In the \nCommunity are to be limited to certain levels over an agreed \nperiod; whereas, moreover, it is necessary, pursuant to this \nArrangement, to introduce in the Community measures to restrict \nthe amount of these steel products exported to the United States; \n\nan \n\nWhereas, in accordance with the Arrangement, the export \nrestrictions cover steel products originating In the Community; \nwhereas the origin of these products Is determined in accordance \nwith applicable Community legislation, that Is to say Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 802/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common \ndefinition of the concept of the origin of goods^2), as last \namended by the \n\nAct of Accession; \n\nWhereas, for practical and management reasons, the quantitative \nexport limits agreed by the Community must be allocated among the \nMember States; whereas, in order to do so, an allocation method \nmust be establ ished; whereas, thereafter, the Member States must \nshare out the amounts allocated to them among undertakings in \naccordance with objective criteria; \n\nWhereas utilization of the Community limits, based on allocations \namong Member States made in this way, would seem to be in keeping \nwith the Community nature of these limits, considering that in \nparticular the allocation method provides for a maximum use of \nexport possibilities-, \n\nWhereas the allocation among the Member States of the total \nexport possibilities which the arrangement affords should take \naccount of traditional trade patterns; \n\n(1) \n(2) OJ No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 1. See page \n\nof this Official Journa \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nWhereas, as provided for the Arrangement, measures must be taken \nto avoid abnormal concentration at certain times of exports to \nthe United States-, \n\nWhereas the Community steel policy alms in particular at allowing \nthe Community steel Industry to adapt to the conditions of \ninternational competition; whereas the Arrangement is limited to \nproducts originating in the Community, It Is necessary to provide \nthat export licences issued to undertakings shall Indicate the \nundertaking engaged In production of steel within the Community \nand established In the Issuing Member State that is holding the \nallocation against which the licence is issued; \n\nIn order \n\nto take account \n\nWhereas, \ninterests of \ndistributive undertakings, It must be possible for these licences \nto be transferred not only between steel undertakings but also by \nsteel undertakings to distributive undertakings, in particular \nwhere the steel undertakings decide to sell their products to \nsuch distributive undertakings; \n\nof the \n\nWhereas it appears necessary, and for the moment sufficient, that \nMember States ensure compliance with the different provisions of \nthe regime laid down by applying the various penalties provided \nfor In their laws; \n\nWhereas, In order to facilitate the application of the envisaged \nprovisions, it is appropriate to set up a procedure establishing \nclose cooperation between Member States and the Commission in the \nframework of a Committee-, whereas It is sufficient for this \npurpose to apply the procedure set up in Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 1023/70 of 25 May 1970*1) which established a common \nprocedure for administering quantitative quotas, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Community export limits are hereby established for the period \n1 October 1989 to 31 December 1990 (hereinafter referred to as \n'the Initial period*), for the year 1991 for the period 1 January \n1992 to 31 March 1992 (hereinafter referred to as 'the end \nperiod') for exports effected after 1 October 1989 from the \nCommunity to the United States of America (hereinafter referred \nto as the 'United States') of the steel products originating in \nthe Community which are listed and described in Annex I. For the purposes of this Regulation, the United States shall \ncomprise United States customs territory and United States \nforeign trade zones as described in Annex II. 2. The origin of the products covered by this Regulation shall \nbe determined in accordance with the rules in force in the \nCommun i ty. (1) \n\nOJ No L 124, 8. 6. 1970, p. 1 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\n1. Community export limits per product category shall be \n\ncalculated by the Commission for the initial period, for the year \n\n1991 and the end period by application to the United States \n\napparent consumption within the meaning of Article 5 and Annex A \n\nof the Arrangement of the following percentages: \n\nProduct category \n\nQuota (%) \n\nSemi-finI shed steel \n\nPlate \n\nHot-rolled sheet and strip \n\nCold-rolled sheet \n\nBlack plate \n\nCold-rolled strip \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\nStainless plate \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\nTin plate \n\nTin-free steel \n\nCoated flat-rolled products \n\nConcrete reinforcing bar \n\nHot-finished bar \n\nCold-finished bar \n\nStainless bar \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\nStainless wire rod \n\nA I loy wi re rod \n\nBar shapes under 80mm \n\nStructura I s \n\nSheet p i I i ng \n\nSta i nI ess wi re \n\nRai Is \n\nAIloy tool steel \n\n0. 76 \n\n7. 13 \n\n7. 29 \n\n4 \n\n5. 94 \n\n12. 84 \n\n5. 34 \n\n4. 98 \n\n5. 89 \n\n5. 94 \n\n2. 96 \n\n4. 22 \n\n4. 51 \n\n0. 09 \n\n3. 09 \n\n6. 63 \n\n7. 40 \n\n5. 70 \n\n13. 16 \n\n19. 68 \n\n2. 48 \n\n14. 15 \n\n23. 70 \n\n15. 34 \n\n9. 26 \n\n11. 02 \n\n\f4 -\n\nFor the following categories, the Community export limits shall \nbe as follows In metric tonnes: \n\nInitial Period \n\n1991 \n\nEnd Period \n\nFabricated structurais \n\nWi re Strand \n\nW i re Rope \n\n20 625 \n\n62 250 \n\n12 250 \n\n16 500 \n\n49 800 \n\n9 800 \n\n4 125 \n\n12 450 \n\n2 450 \n\nCarbon/ Alloy Wire \n\n228 250 \n\n182 600 \n\n45 650 \n\nWire products \n\nRa i I products \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n31 875 \n\n4 875 \n\n15 125 \n\n25 500 \n\n3 900 \n\n6 375 \n\n975 \n\n12 100 \n\n3 025 \n\nThese quantities also include the products In the corresponding \ncatagories referred to In Article 2 of Commission Decision \nN\u00b0 \n\n/89/ECSC<1>. With regard to semi-fInI shed steel products listed as \"other \nsemi-fInished (including slabs)\" in Annex I, the Community quota, \ncomprised within the general quota for semI-finI shed steel \nproducts shall be equal to 92 % of the total. regard \n\nWith \nas \n\"eIectrogaI van I zed\" in Annex I, the Community quota, comprised \nwithin the general quota for coated flat rolled products shall be \nequal to 25 % of the total. products \n\ncoated \n\nrolled \n\nlisted \n\nflat \n\nto \n\nCommunity \n\n2. The \nto \nparagraph 1 shall be adjusted by the Commission to take account \nof revisions of the said United States apparent consumption. calculated \n\npursuant \n\nexport \n\nlimits \n\n3. These limits may also be adjusted in line with the procedure \nlaid down in Article 7: \n\n- for advance use or carry-over of licences, \n\n- to enable transfers between product categories, including \ntransfers between product categories covered by this \nRegulation and those covered by Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 \n\n(2), \n\n- for additional quotas in case of short-supply, \n\n- to take account of exports effected by the Community \nbetween 1 October 1989 and the date of entry into force of \nth i s ReguI at ion, \n\n( 1 ) \n(2) \n\nSee page \n\nSee page \n\nof this Official Journal, \nof this Official Journal. - 5 -\n\n- to take account of changes In the limits for semi-fInI shed \nproducts made pursuant to Article 4(e) of the Arrangement \non additional quantities ot be allocated at the discretion \nof the United States, \n\nunder the conditions provided for In the Arrangement. Article 3 \n\n1. (a) The Community quantitative export limits established and \ncalculated pursuant to Article 2 shall be allocated for the \ninitial period, 1991 and the end period by the Commission In \naccordance with Annex III, with the exception of any quantities \ngranted under Articles 4(e) and 8 of th\u00e9* Arrangement, which shall \nbe allocated by the Commission on the basis of the circumstances \nand conditions under which these quantities have been granted; \n\n(b) Notwithstanding point (a), the Community quantitative export \nlimits to be allocated by the Commission In accordance with \nAnnex III shall be reduced by 10% In the Initial period and 1991 \nfor those Member States which, on the basis of certificates \nreferred to in Article 4(1) issued by them, have used less than \n4 0% of their quota by 30 June 1990 and 3 3% of their quota by \n30 June 1991 respectively. T Xc quantities represented by such reductions shall be allocated \nby the Commission after consulting the Arrangement Committee on \n1 August 1990 and 1 August 1991 respectively so as to facilitate \nthe optimal use and administration of the Community export \npossibilities taking account of the share of Community exports \neffected by each Member State In each product category by 30 June \n1990 and 30 June 1991 respectively. (c) Where the Community limits for arrangement products are \nadjusted In accordance with the fourth Indent of Article 2(3), \nthe Commission shall adjust the allocation of quantity limits, \ntaking account of the origin of the exports before the entry into \nforce of this Regulation which gave rise to this adjustment; \n\n2. The Commission shall hold periodic consultations with the \nArrangement Committee referred to In Article 3 (2) of Commission \nDecision No \non the restriction of exports of \ncertain steel products to the United States of America^1) on the \nsituation regarding licences Issued and on the measures to be \ntaken with a view to ensuring best use of the overall limit. (1) \n\nSee page \n\nof this Official Journal. 6 -\n\nArticle 4 \n\n1. The Community exports described In Article 1 shall from the \ndate of entry Into force of this Regulation to 31 March 1992 be \nsubject to the production to the competent customs office in the \nCommunity of an export licence and an export certificate. The \nexport licences shall be Issued by the appropriate authorities of \neach Member State within the limits of the amounts allocated to \nit pursuant to Article 3. Member States shall fix the tonnages for which they anticipate \nthat licence will be Issued, In each quarter for each product \ncategory; they shall Inform the Commission thereof in the first \n15 days of the relevant quarter. In doing so, they shall make \nsure that the export licence Issues for each quarter ensure an \nadequate spread of exports over the whole year, taking Into \naccount the seasonal variations in trade In the product category \nin question. However, Member States, shall not, without the prior \nauthorization of the Commission, issue in any two consecutive \nquarters \nlicences for amounts which exceed 5 2% of their \nallocation in the initial period of 65% of their allocation in \n1991. Member States may, subject to the second subparagraph hereof, \nissue further licences in the initial period, 1991 and the end \nperiod respectively, in respect of the unutilized part of \nlicences issued which have been returned to their competent \nauthorities in the Initial period, 1991 and the end period. 2. Licences shall be issued according to the following criteria: \n\ncompliance with the rules prescribed by this Regulation, in \nparticular those concerning the quota allocated by the \nCommission pursuant to Article 3, \n\nwith \n\ncompliance \nof \ntraditional \nundertakings taking account of the reduction principles \nestablished \nby this Regulation, and of the situation \nregarding any new undertakings producing steel, \n\npatterns \n\nexport \n\nthe \n\ncompliance with the rates of exports to the United States as \ntraditionally spread out over the year, \n\ncompliance with the possibilities afforded by Article 3(1)(b) \nof this Regulation, \n\nbest use being made of any new possibilities provided for, \nwhere appropriate, by this Regulation. Each licence shall indicate the undertaking engaged in production \nof steel within the Community, and established in the issuing \nMember State that is holding the allocation against which the \nI i cence i s i ssued. - 7 -\n\n3. Transfers of export licences between steel undertakings or by \nsteel undertakings to distributive undertakings may take place \nprovided they concern the same product category and after prior \nnotification to the authorities of the Member State in which the \nundertaking \nSuch \ntransfer may take place between undertakings established In \ndifferent Member States. is established. transferring \n\nlicence \n\nthe \n\n4. Licences issued in one Member State of the Community shall be \nvalid throughout the Community. 5. Member States shall ensure that appropriate sanctions are \napplied in respect of all exports effected without production of \nthe licence required hereunder a n* in respect of any other \nbreaches of the provisions relating to such licences. Member \nStates shall keep the Commission Informed of all breaches of such \nmeasures and of all sanctions imposed in respect thereof, at \nintervals to be specified by the Commission. 6. The Commission \nthe \nimplementation of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article and specify \nthe information to be provided to the Commission concerning the \nlicences and exports. lay down detailed \n\nrules \n\nmay \n\nfor \n\nArt icle 5 \n\n1. Member States shaI I charge the amounts set out on the \nlicences issued by them against their respective allocations made \npursuant \nsubsequently \nincluding all \ntransferred to an undertaking of another Member State. to Article 3 \n\nlicences \n\n2. Member States shall keep records of the exports of the \nproducts covered by this Regulation. The products shall be deemed \nto be so exported as at the date of acceptance, by the customs \nauthorities of the Member State of dispatch, of the export \ndeclaration or of the document provided for in Article 18 of \nCouncil Directive 81/177/EEC of 24 February 1981 on the harmo \nnization of procedures for the export of Community g o o d s ^1). 3. The extent to which a Member State has used up its allocation \nshall be determined on the basis of licences issued in accordance \nw i th Art icle 4. ( 1) OJ N\u00b0 L 8 3, 3 0. 0 3. 1 9 81 \n\n40 \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Temporary exports to the United States of arrangement \nproducts which are to be re-exported from the United States In \nthe same form or without having been subject to substantial \ntransformation or having been subject to a double substantial \ntransformation as defined In Appendix D of the Arrangement shall \nbe charged against the allocation of the Member States whose \nauthorities \nthe \nlicence. authorities of such Member State of proof of such re-exportation \nfrom the United States, the allocation of that Member State for \nthe period within which such proof is presented shall be \nincreased by the same amount. production \n\nIssued \n\nUpon \n\nthe \n\nto \n\n2. The Commission \nimplementation of this Article. may \n\nlay down detailed \n\nrules \n\nfor \n\nthe \n\nArtIcle 7 \n\nWhere reference is made to the procedure mentioned in this \nArticle, Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 1023/70 will apply. Article 8 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its \npublication In the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Counci \n\nThe President \n\n\fAnnex I - List of products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\n3 looms and 8 I I l e ts \n\n7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4. 7224 \n7224 \n\n11 \n1 2. 0 0 10 \n1 9 (4 0> \n2 0. 0 0 25. 2 0. 0 0 7 5 (4 0> \n, 2 0. 0 0 9 0 (4\u00b0) \n, 9 0. 0 0 10. 9 0. 0 0 20 \n, 9 0. 0 0 4 5 (4 0). 9 0. 0 0 5 5 (4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 7 0 (4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 8 0 <4\u00b0). 9 0. 0 0 10. 9 0. 0 0 3 0 <4\u00b0). 9 0. 0 0 40. 9 0. 0 0 6 0 <4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 7 0 (4\u00b0) \n\nGXhtr S e m i - F i nI shed \n( i n c I ud i ng s i a b s) \n\n7 2 0 6. 10 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 7 2 0 7. 2 0, \n7 2 1 8. 10 \n7 2 1 8. 9 0, \n7224. 10 \n7224. 90 \n7224. 90 \n\n0050 \n0045 \n( 1 7) \n\n0035 \n( 1 7) \n\n0020 \n0050 \n\n7 2 0 7. 11 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 1 1( 4 1) \n1201. 12. 19<41> \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 9 0 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 1 9( 4 0> \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 1( 4 1} \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 5 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 7 <41 > \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 9 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 1 <4 1J \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 3 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 9 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 51 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 55 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 57 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 5 9( 4 0) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 71 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 7 9 <4 0) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 9 0 <4 0) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 1 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 3 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 5 <4 1> <4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 9 (4 1 )<4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 3 0 <4 1> (4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 5 0 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 1 <4\u00b0 X 4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 9 ^4 0^4 2^ \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 1 1( 4 1> \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 1 9( 4 1) \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 30 \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 9 1 <4 0) \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 9 9 <4 0) \n\n7 2 0 6. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4, \n7224 \n\n1 0. 00 \n, 1 2. 1 1 <4 3> \n, 1 2. 1 9 <4 3> \n, 1 2. 9 0 <4 3). 2 0. 3 1( 4 3). 2 0. 3 3 <4 3>. 2 0. 3 9 <4 3) \n, 1 0. 0 0 . 9 0. 1 5( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9( 4 3). 9 0. 3 0 <4 3>. 1 0. 0 0 *1 7). 9 0. 1 1( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9( 4 3) \n\nf or \n\ni n f o r m a t i on p u r p o s e s, \n\nt he p r o d u c ts w h i ch come \n\nt he ECSC T r e a ty a nd a re c o v e r ed by A r t i c le 1 ( 1) of O e c i s i on \n\nT h is Annex L i s t s, \nu n d er \nNo \n\n/ 8 9 / E C S C. The subheadings and item mizbers r e f e r r ed \nto r e v i s i on when the EC or the US ado^t \nsubject \nmodifications to t h e ir r e s p e c t i ve import nomenclatures, \nrfhen such modifications are adopted, p r i or nr t i f i c a ' i on \n\u00abhflii >>p criven to t. h\u00ab other -oartv. to above are \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nS tr i D \n\n7208. 31 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33. 50 \n7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 10(5>(6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60<6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7211. 7211. 7211. 7225. 7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n\n11 \n12 \n13 \n14 \n21. 50 \n22. 50 \n,23. 24. 34. 35. 44. 45. 90(5X6). 19*3). 22. 0090. 29(3). 30. 70(3). 40. 70(3). 91. 70(3). 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33 \n7208. 33. 10(44) \n7208. 33. 91<44) \n7208. 33. 99(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31*5) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10<45> \n7211. 22. 90<45) \n7212. 60<6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10<47) \n7225. 40. 30(47> \n7225. 40. 50*47) \n7225. 50. 00<46><47) \n7226. 91. 00(4 6 )(4 7) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22(48) \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(47) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined NomencIature \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 30(5)(6) \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(50) \n7208. 22. 99(50) \n7208. 33. 10(50) \n7208. 33. 91(50) \n7208. 33. 99(50) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(5^) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. ig(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47)(49)(54) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(53) \n\nBlackp late \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)06) \n7211. 30. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 50(3)06) \n7211. 49,10(3)06) \n7211. 49. 30(3)06) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 10(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 30(6)O6) \n7212. 40. 10(6)O6) \n7226. 92. 70(3)06) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n7211. 30. 3l(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 41. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)06)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 49. 99(3)06)(56) \n7211,90. 90(3)(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 30. 90(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. l0(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(6)(16)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)(47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nElectrleal Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)( 6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStainless Plate \n\n7219 iiO9)(20) \n7219 1209)(2\u00b0) \n7219. 21(1 9)(2 0) \n7219 22(19)(2\u00b0) \n7219*. 31(19)(2\u00b0) \n7220. 11<19)<2\u00b0) \n\n7219 1109)(20) \n7219 1 2 (1 9) (2 0) \n7 2 1 9 > 2 1(19)(20) \n7219 22(1 9)( 2\u00b0) \n7219'. 31(19)(2\u00b0) \n7220. 11. 00(19)(2\u00b0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip 7219. 13O9)(20)(21) \n7219. 14O9)(20)(2D \n7219. 23(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7 2 1 9. 2 4 O 9 ) (20 H2 1) \n7219. 32(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7219. 33(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7219. 34O9)(20)(2D \n7219 35d9)(20)(21) \n7219 90(5)(6)(19)(20)(21) \n7220. 12(2)(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 10(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 60(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 70(19)(20)(22) \n7220. 20. 90(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220 Q Q (2) ( 6 ) O 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219, \n\n7 2 19 \n\n7 2 19 \n7220 \n7220 \n7220 \n\n13(19)(20)(21) \n1 4O9)(20)(21) \n2 3O9)(20)(21) \n2 4O9)(20)(21) \n3 2O9)(20)(21) \n33(19)(20)(21) \n3 4O9)(20)(21) \n35(19)(20)(21). 90(5)(6)(19)(20)(21) \n12. 00(2)(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n20(2)O9)(20)(22) \n90(2)(6)O9)(20)(22) \n\nT i npI ate \n\n7210. 11(5)(6) \n7210. 12(5)(6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\nTin Free Stee \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (6) \n\nElectrogalvanized \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 l ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 (6) \n\n7210. 11(5)(6) \n7210. 12(5)(6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n(6) \n7 2 1 0. 50 \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 35 \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 9 (5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0( 6) (5 7) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) (6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 (5) (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 l (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9( 6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70. 60(5)(6) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6) \n7212. 30. 50(6) \n7212. 40. 50(6) \n7212. 50(6) \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70(5)(6)(58) \n7210. 90. 33(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 35(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 39(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6)(59) \n7212. 30(6)(53) \n7212. 40(6)(53) \n7212. 50. 31(6) \n7212. 50. 39(6) \n7212. 50. 51(6) \n7212. 50. 59(6) \n7212. 50. 71(6) \n7212. 50. 73(6) \n7212. 50. 75(6) \n7212. 50. 91(6) \n7212. 50. 93(6) \n7212. 50. 97(6) \n7212. 50,99<6>\u2022 \n\nRebar \n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nHot-f inlshed Bar \n\nCold-fInlshed Bar \n\n7213. 39. 0060 \n7213. 39. 0090 \n7213. 49. 0060 \n7213. 49. 0090 \n7213. 50. 0060 \n7213. 50. 0080 \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 20. 10(6) \n7228. 30. 80 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 60. 60(6) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 50(6) \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80(6) \n7228. 80 \n\n7213. 39. 00(60) \n7213. 49. 00(6\u00b0) \n7213. 50. 00(60) \n7214. 10. 00 \n7214. 30. 00 \n7214. 4Q \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 00 \n7228. 20. 11 \n7228. 20. 19 \n7228. 20. 30 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 20. 90(61) \n7228. 30. 10<47) \n7228. 30. 90(47) \n7228. 40. 00 \n7228. 60. 10(47) \n7228. 60. 90(47)(6D \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215-. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7228. 50. 00(4?) \n7228. 60. 90(6H47)(62) \n7228. 80 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nStaInless Bar \n\nCarbon Wi re Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7221. 00. 0060 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30(6) \n\n7 2 1 3. 10 \n7 2 1 3. 20 \n7 2 1 3. 31 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 0 0 30 \n7 2 1 3. 41 \n7213. 49. 0030 \n7213. 50. 0020 \n7213. 50. 0040 \n\nSta tnless WIre Rod \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\nAI loy Wire Rod \n\n7227. 20 \n7227. 90. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 2 (8 1) \n\nS t r u c t u ra Is \n\n7 2 1 6. 3 1 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 2 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 3 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 4 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 5 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 6 0 (8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 3 0 (8D \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 3 0 (8 1) \n\n7218. 90. 11(63) \n7218. 90. 13(63) \n7218. 90. 15(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 19(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 30(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 50(63) \n7218. 90. 91(63) \n7218. 90. 99(63) \n7221. 00. 10(60) \n7221. 00. 90(60) \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30(6) \n\n7213. 10. 00 \n7213. 20. 00 \n7213. 31. 00 \n7213. 39. 00(64) \n7213. 41. 00 \n7213. 49. 00(64) \n7213. 50. 00(65) \n\n7221. 00. 10(65) \n7221. 00. 90(65) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7227. 90. 90(47) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 0 0 (8 1) \n\n7 2 1 6. 3 1. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 2. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 3. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 4 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 5 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 6 0 (8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 11 ( 6 6 M 81 ) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. i g ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 3 0 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 1 0 ( 6 6 ) ( 81 ) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 3 l ( 6 6 ) ( 81 ) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\nSheet PI l i ng \n\n7 3 0 1. 10 \n\n7 3 0 1. 1 0. 00 \n\nF a b r i c a t ed S t r u c t u r a is \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0 (8D \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 60 \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 60 \n7 3 0 1. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 10 \n7 3 0 8. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0 (15) \n7 3 0 8. 40 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 3 0 (1 2) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 6 0 O 3) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 9 0 (9) (1 4) \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 (8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 (8 1) \n7 3 0 1. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 1 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0. 0 0 O 5) \n7 3 0 8. 4 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0 ( 9 ) O4) ( 6 7) \n\nStainless Wire \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 50(2)(6) \n\n7223. 00. 10(68) \n7223. 00. 90(68) \n\nWire Strand \n\nWire Rope \n\nOther Wire \n\n7312. 10. 10(4) \n7312. 10. 3015(4) \n7312. 10. 3065(4) \n7312. 10. 3075(4) \n7312. 10. 3090(4) \n\n7312. 10. 60(4) \n7312. 10. 90(4) \n\n7217 \n11 \n7217 \n12 \n7217 \n13 \n7217 \n19 \n7217 \n21 \n7217 \n22 \n7217 \n23 \n7217 \n29 \n31(3) \n7217 \n7217 \n32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39(3) \n7223. 00. 90 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n\n7312. 10. 30(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 50(4)(69)(71) \n7312. 10. 71(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 75(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 79(4)(69) \n\n7312. 10. 50(4)(69)(72) \n7312. 10. 91(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 95(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 99(4)(69)(73) \n\n7217, \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229 \n\n11 \n12 \n13 \n19 \n21. 00 \n22. 00 \n23. 00 \n29. 00 \n00(3) \n31 \n32 \n00 \n33 \n00 \n39 \n00(3) \n00. 10(74) \n00. 90(74) \n20. 00 \n90. 00 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRa i Is \n\nRa I l Products \n\nAIloy Too I Stee \n\n7 3 1 3. O O OD \n7314. 41(6) \n7314. 42(6) \n7314. 49(6) \n7317. 00. 55(7) \n7317. 00. 6560(?) \n7317. 00. 75(?) \n\n7302. 10d\u00b0) \n\n7302. 20d6) \n7302. 40O6) \n7302. 90(23) \n8607. 19. 10 \n8607. 19. 20 \n\n7 3 1 3. 0 0. 0 0 OD \n7 3 1 4. 4 1 ( 6) \n7 3 1 4. 4 2 ( 6) \n7 3 1 4. 4 9. 0 0 ( 6) \n7 3 1 7. 0 0 (7) (75) \n\n7 3 0 2. 1 0 ( 1 \u00b0) \n\n7 3 0 2. 2 0. 0 0( 1 8) \n7 3 0 2. 4 0. 10 \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 3 0 (2 3) \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 9 0 ( 2 3) \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19. 20 (5)(6). 30. 00C76). 40(77). 50. 00(77). 20 (6). 91. 00(7?). 92(77). 10. 00. 90(77). 10(6). 30(77). 50. 00(77). 60(6)(77) \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229. 10. 00 \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229 \n\n1060 \n3060 \n1060 \n3060 \n\n20 (5)(6) \n30. 10 \n30. 5060 \n40. 1090 \n40. 5060 \n50. 1060 \n20 (6) \n91 \n91 \n92 \n92 \n10 \n90 \n90 \n10(6) \n30. 40 \n30. 60 \n50. 1020 \n50. 1040 \n50. 1060 \n50. 1080 \n60. 1060(6) \n10 \n\n1060 \n2060 \n\nOther Special Ity Stee \n\n7225. 30. 00(78) \n7225. 40(79) \n7225. 50. 00(79)(6\u00b0) \n7226. 91. 00(79) \n7226. 92(79) \n7227. 90(79) \n7228. 30(79) \n7228. 50. 00(79) \n7228. 60(6)(79) \n\n7225. 30 \n7225. 40 \n7225. 40 \n7225. 50 \n7225. 50 \n7226. 91 \n7226. 91 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 92 \n7227. 90. 7227. 90 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n5030 \n1015 \n5030 \n1030 \n70 \n1030 \n3030 \n1030 \n3030 \n1030 \n2030 \n20 \n1010 \n1030(6) \n\n\f(1) Excluded if of wrought iron. FOOTNOTES \n\n(2) Excluded if \"razor blade steel,\"i^f\u00ee^, flat-rolled products of \n\nstainless steel not over 0,25mm in thickness and not over 23mm \nin width, containing by weight not over 14. 7 percent of \nchromium, and certified at the time of entry to be used ir. the \nmanufacture of razor blades. (3) Excluded if \"carbon/alloy band saw steel\" defined as follows: \n\n(a) \"metal cutting band saw steel\" referring to steel flat-\nrolled products, not less than 0. 61mm and not more than 0. 91mm \nin thickness, not less than 6. 30mm and not more than 50. 80mm in \nwidth, in coils, containing: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 1. 18 percent and not more than \n1. 32 percent, \n\nchromium : not less than 0. 15 percent and not more than \n\n0. 32 percent, \n\nmanganese-: not less than 0. 10 percent and not more than \n\n0. 40 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of metal-cutting band saw blades ; or \n(b) \"wood band saw steel\" referring to (1) alloy steel flat-\nrolled products less than 4. 75mm in thickness which contains, \nin addition to iron, each of the following elements by weight \nin the amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese \n\nnot less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 55 \npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nniokel : \n\nnot less than 1. 60 nor more than 2. 70 \nperoent; \n\nchromium : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 50 percent; \n\nphosphorus \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent; \n\n\for (2) cold-rolled flat-rolled products less than 4. 75m:?. in \nthickness, less than 300mm in width, which contains, in \naddition to iron,, each of the following elements by weight in \nthe amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese : not less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 50 \n\npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less tha. n 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nchromium : none, or not more than 0. 50 percent; and \n\nphosphorus : none, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of wood band saws. (4) Excluded if covered with textile or other non-metallic \n\nmaterial. (5) Excluded-if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape. (6) Excluded if worked after flat rolling, e. g. perforated, \n\nbevelled, rounded at the edges. (7) Excluded if corrugated fasteners, glaziers' points, hook nails, \n\nor ring nails. (8) Excluded if other than galvanized wire fencing wholly of round \niron or steel wire measuring not over 5. 08mm and not under \n1. 905mm in diameter, whether or not such wire is covered with \nplastics. (9) Excluded if fence or sign posts. (10) Excluded if current-oonducting rail. (11) Excluded if twisted hoop or single flat wire, whether or not \n\nbarbed. (12) Excluded if of cut iron. (13) Excluded if in part of stainless steel. (14) Excluded if plastic foam core insulating composite panels. (15) Excluded if door or window frames. (16) Excluded if bale ties. (17) Excluded if other primary forms, e. g. blocks, lumps, puddled \n\nbars and pilings, pieces roughly shaped by forging. (18) Excluded if forged. (19) Excluded if cladding grade 434 stainless steel certified by the \n\nimporter of record to be used in the manufacture of stainless \nsteel clad automobile trim. (20) Excluded if grade 253KA or 254SM0 stainless steel. (21) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness and over 1,803. 4mm in width. (22) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness, less than 300mm in width, and certified by \nthe importer of record or ultimate consignee to be used in the \nmanufacture of stainless steel flapper valves for compressors. (23) Covered if either (A) hot-rolled and designed to connect the \nends of adjacent rails in track (i. e. \"joint bars\"). These \nproducts are usually punched or slotted; or (B) hot-rolled and \nused to support rails in track, to maintain track gauge, and \nprotect the ties (i. e. \"tie plates\"). These products are \npunched to provide holes for spikes and have one or two \nshoulder sections as rail guides. (24) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape \n\nand other than electrolytically coated or plated. (40) Excluded if pieces roughly shaped by forging. (41) Covered if of a width measuring less than four times the \n\nthickness. (42) Covered if of a cross-sectional area of 19. 4 cm* or more, but \nless than 232 cmx or of a cross sectional area of 232 cm1 or \nmore. (43) Covered if of a width measuring at least four times the \n\nthickness. (44) Excluded if pickled. (45) Excluded if in coils. (46) Covered if of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more. (47) Excluded if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e). (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (48) Covered if in. coils. (49) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm. (50) Covered if pickled. (51) Covered if of a thickness of 0. 361mm or more. (52) Excluded if coated or plated with metal or clad. (53) Covered if of a width of 300mm or more. (54) Excluded if of heat resisting st^el as defined in Additional \n\nNote A(g) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (55) Covered if of a thickness of less than 0. 361mm. (56) Covered if of a width of less than 300 mm. (57) Covered if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal. (58) Covered if coated or plated with metal or clad. (59) Excluded if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal \n\n(60) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of \n19mm or more if of other than circular cross-section. (61) Excluded if cold formed. (62) Covered if cold formed. (63) Covered if of a cross sectional area of less than 19. 4 cm1. (64) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of 14 \n\nmm or more but less than 19mm. (65) Covered if of circular cross-section and with either a diameter \nof less than 14 mm or with a diameter of 14 mm or more but less \nthan 19mm. (66) Covered if hot rolled, not drilled, not punched and not \n\notherwise advanced. (67) If columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar \n\nstructural units, excluded if in part of stainless steel or if \nof cast iron. (68) Excluded if other than round or flat wire. Also excluded if \nflat wire of razor blade steel (cf. footnote 2) or flat wire \nfurther worked after flat rolling (cf. footnote 6). (69) Excluded if fitted with fittings or made up into articles. * \n\n(70) Excluded if tyre cord. If other than tyre cord and other than \n\nstranded wire for prestressing concrete, excluded if of brass \nplated wire. (71) Covered if stranded wire. (72) Excluded if stranded wire. (73) Excluded if of brass plated wire. (74) Excluded if round or flat wire. (75) Excluded if thumb tacks; or drive pins, studs or other \n\nfasteners, suitable for use in power-activated hand tools; or \nstaples in strip form; or furniture glides; or cut products \nmade of other than round wire and of one piece construction. (76) If of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more, covered if of tool steel \nas defined in Additional Note 1(e), (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. If of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm, covered if \nof tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and (f) to \nChapter 72 of the HTS. (77) Covered if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and \n\n(f) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (78) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of ball \n\nbearing steel as defined in Additional Note 1(h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. (79) Covered if of ball-bearing steel as defined in Additional Note \n\n1(h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (80) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of heat \n\nresisting steel as defined in Additional Note 1(g) to Chapter \n72 of the HTS. (81) Excluded if obtained by continuous casting. ANNEX I I \n\nUnited States customs territory and United States foreign trade \nzones \n\nThe United States customs territory shall comprise the States, \nthe district of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A United States foreign zone shall be defined as follows: \n\nIt is Isolated, enclosed and policed area, operated as a public \nutility, in or adjacent to a port of entry, furnished with \nfacilities for lading, unlading, handling, storing, manipulating, \nmanufacturing and exhibiting goods and for reshipplng them by \nland, water or air. Any foreign and domestic merchandise, except \nsuch as is prohibited by law or such as the Board may order to be \nexcluded as detrimental to the public interest, health or safety, \nmay be brought into a zone without being subject to the customs \nlaws of the United States governing the entry of goods or the \npayment of duty thereon; and such merchandise permitted In a zone \nmay be stored, exhibited, manufactured, mixed or manipulated in \nany manner, except as provided In the act and other applicable \nlaws or regulations. The merchandise may be exported, destroyed \nor sent into customs territory from the zone, In the original \npackage or otherwise. It is subject to customs duties if sent \ninto customs territory, but not if reshlpped to foreign points. ALLOCATION AM3NG MBrfBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nIK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nSemi-fini shed products \n\n46. 53 \n\n13. 49 \n\n2. 79 \n\n13. 96 \n\n12. 10 \n\nPlate \n\n18. 42 \n\n2. 95 \n\n8. 47 \n\n0. 74 \n\n38. 61 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 19 \n\n11. 17 \n\nHot rolled sheet and strip \n\n32. 66 \n\n32. 04 \n\n8. 60 \n\n19. 39 \n\n3. 65 \n\n0. 55 \n\n0. 85 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nCold rolled sheet \n\n39. 90 \n\n14. 46 \n\n8. 90 \n\n14. 67 \n\n8. 14 \n\n0. 25 \n\n2. 14 \n\n4. 75 \n\nBlack plate \n\n11. 72 \n\n10. 75 \n\n-\n\n16. 71 \n\n30. 96 \n\nCold rolled strip \n\n51. 75 \n\n6. 29 \n\n0. 39 \n\n0. 13 \n\n3. 98 \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\n47. 60 \n\n1. 03 \n\n46. 11 \n\n-\n\n1. 23 \n\nStainless plate \n\n55. 90 \n\n3. 88 \n\n0. 77 \n\n0. 03 \n\n9. 63 \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\n19. 31 \n\n42. 23 \n\n5. 60 \n\n0. 02 \n\n3. 84 \n\nTin plate \n\n45. 07 \n\n32. 57 \n\nTin free steel \n\n78. 70 \n\n18. 90 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 75 \n\n3. 35 \n\n0. 89 \n\n0. 99 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 03 \n\n29. 79 \n\n5. 44 \n\n0. 69 \n\n0. 52 \n\n0. 16 \n\n29. 70 \n\n8. 54 \n\n6. 13 \n\nCoated flat rolled products \n\n47. 19 \n\n19. 16 \n\n7. 15 \n\n3. 41 \n\n3. 19 \n\n0. 35 \n\n2. 08 \n\nReinforcing bar \n\n21. 59 \n\n26. 59 \n\n0. 08 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n1. 50 \n\nHot finished bar \n\n7. 03 \n\n11. 28 \n\n2. 78 \n\n0. 24 \n\n4. 43 \n\n16. 05 \n\n41. 13 \n\nCold finished bar \n\n6. 94 \n\n45. 40 \n\n3. 85 \n\n0. 08 \n\n0. 65 \n\nStainless bar \n\n11. 09 \n\n22. 48 \n\n11. 10 \n\n0. 04 \n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n27. 56 \n\n9. 32 \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\n12. 27 \n\n37. 57 \n\n0. 01 \n\n2. 87 \n\n6. 62 \n\n0. 02 \n\n21. 00 \n\n-\n\n1. 44 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n6. 94 \n\n18. 20 \n\n2. 26 \n\n6. 79 \n\n-\n\n22. 79 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n23. 56 \n\n7. 57 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n12. 62 \n\n4. 85 \n\n50. 24 \n\n17. 06 \n\n15. 52 \n\n45. 77 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n18. 91 \n\n0. 73 \n\nm \nx \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\fALLOCATION AMONG MBVdBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nIK \n\nGR \n\nLK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nStainless wire rod \n\n11. 39 \n\n33. 93 \n\n19. 55 \n\n0. 03 \n\n8. 20 \n\nAlloy wire rod \n\n7. 49 \n\n40. 84 \n\n10. 42 \n\n27. 94 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 21 \n\n11. 75 \n\nBar shapes under 80 ran \n\n12. 18 \n\n1. 95 \n\n1. 22 \n\n1. 34 \n\n53. 86 \n\n19. 18 \n\n7. 43 \n\nStructurais \n\nSheet piling \n\n17. 50 \n\n8. 63 \n\n0. 50 \n\n27. 67 \n\n25. 16 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nFabricated structurais \n\n11. 62 \n\n4. 32 \n\n40. 51 \n\n3. 27 \n\n19. 30 \n\n13. 83 \n\n18. 31 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n30. 52 \n\n16. 65 \n\n17. 44 \n\n19. 62 \n\nStainless wire \n\n6. 97 \n\n23. 06 \n\n29. 65 \n\n0. 51 \n\n20. 18 \n\nWire strand \n\nWire rope \n\n8. 62 \n\n10. 73 \n\n27. 57 \n\n9. 58 \n\n4. 87 \n\n19. 77 \n\n21. 55 \n\n8. 96 \n\n7. 68 \n\n4. 11 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n19. 13 \n\n7. 63 \n\n15. 16 \n\nCarbon and Alloy wire \n\n14. 90 \n\n27. 30 \n\n4. 05 \n\n1. 16 \n\n35. 33 \n\n4. 27 \n\n12. 48 \n\nWire products \n\n2. 32 \n\n3. 32 \n\n1. 10 \n\n2. 51 \n\n13. 89 \n\n15. 59 \n\n4. 76 \n\nRails \n\n58. 54 \n\n14. 36 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n20. 77 \n\n6. 33 \n\nRail products \n\n10. 59 \n\n75. 98 \n\n4. 26 \n\n0. 13 \n\n0. 76 \n\n0. 79 \n\n6. 69 \n\nAlloy tool steel \n\n62. 61 \n\n9. 60 \n\n13. 90 \n\n0. 53 \n\n0. 45 \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n12. 87 \n\n33. 74 \n\n49. 70 \n\n0. 15 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 71 \n\n2. 27 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 06 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n3. 22 \n\n-\n\n0. 01 \n\n1. 13 \n\n0. 09 \n\n4. 47 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n26. 63 \n\n0. 64 \n\n2. 84 \n\n21. 93 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 50 \n\n30. 99 \n\n21. 64 \n\n0. 42 \n\n52. 04 \n\n-\n\n0. 80 \n\n2. 20 \n\n0. 35 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\f\f111/6000/89 \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) N\u00b0 \n\nof \n\n, 198 \n\non the restriction of exports of steel pipes and tubes \nto the United States of America \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Community has concluded an Arrangement*1>, herein \nafter referred to as 'the Arrangement*, with the United States of \nAmerica under which exports to the United States of certain steel \npipes and tubes originating in the Community are to be limited to \ncertain levels over an agreed period; whereas, moreover, it is \nnecessary, pursuant to this Arrangement, to introduce in the \nCommunity measures to restrict the amount of these products \nexported to the United States; \n\nin accordance with the Arrangement, \n\nUhereas, \nexport \nrestrictions cover steel pipes and tubes originating in the \nCommunity; whereas the origin of these products is determined in \naccordance with applicable Community legislation, that is to say \nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 002/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common \ndefinition of the concept of the origin of goods4 2 3, as last \namended by the \n\nAct of Accession; \n\nthe \n\nuhereas, for practical and management reasons, the quantitative \nexport limits agreed by the Community must be allocated among the \nMember States, whereas, in order to do so, an allocation method \nmust be established, whereas, thereafter the Member States must \nshare out the amount allocated to them among undertakings in \naccordance with objective criteria; \n\nUhereas utilization of the Community limits, based on allocations \namong Member States made in this way, would seem to be in keeping \nwith the Community nature of these limits, considering that in \nparticular the allocation method provides for a maximum use of \nexport possibilities; \n\nUhereas the allocation among the Member States of the total \nexport possibilities which the Arrangement affords should take \naccount of traditional trade patterns; \n\nUhereas measures must be taken to avoid abnormal concentration at \ncertain times of exports to the United States; \n\n(1) See page - of this Official Journal. (2) OJ No L 148, 28. 06. 1968, p. 1 \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nUhereas, in order to keep a check on exports, a system of export \nlicences and certificates should be introduced; \n\nUhereas it is necessary to provide that export licences issued to \nundertakings shall indicate the undertaking engaged in production \nof steel pipes and tubes within the Community and established in \nthe issuing Member States that is holding the allocating against \nwhich the licence is issued; \n\nin order to take account of the \n\nUhereas, \nof \ndistributive undertakings, it must be possible for these licences \nto be transferred not only between undertakings producing steel \npipes and tubes but also by undertakings producing steel pipes \nand tubes to distributive undertakings in particular where the \nundertakings producing steel pipes and tubes decide to sell their \nproducts to such distributive undertakings; \n\ninterests \n\nUhereas it appears necessary, and for the moment sufficient, that \nMember States ensure compliance with the different provisions of \nthe regime laid down by applying the various penalties provided \nfor in their laws; \n\nUhereas, in order to facilitate the application of the envisaged \nprovisions, it is appropriate to set up a procedure establishing \nclose cooperation between the Member States and the Commission \nwithin a committee; whereas it is sufficient for this purpose to \napply the procedure set up in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1023/70 \nof 25 May 1970 establishing a common procedure for administering \nquantitative quotas < 1 3 \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Community export limits are hereby established for the period \n1 October 1989 to 31 December 1990 (hereinafter referred to as \n'the initial period'), for the year 1991 and for the period \n1 January 1992 to 31 March 1992 (hereinafter referred to as 'the \nend period') for exports effected after 1 October 1989 from the \nCommunity to the United States of America (hereinafter referred \nto as 'the United States') of the steel pipes and tubes \noriginating in the Community which are listed in Annex I. For the purposes of this Regulation, the United States shall \ncomprise United States customs territory and United States \nforeign trade zones as described in Annex II. (1) 0J No L 124, 08. 06. 1970, p. 1 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n2. The origin of the products covered by this Regulation shall \nbe determined in accordance with the rules in force in the \nCommunity. Article 2 \n\n1. The Community export limit for steel tubes and pipes is \nhereby fixed at 8. 82% of United States apparent consumption. In the case of what are termed OCTG tubes, as referred to in \nAnnex I, the Community limit, forming part of the overall limit \nfor steel pipes and tubes, is hereby fixed at 9% of apparent \nconsumption of these tubes in the United States. The limits shall be calculated by the Commission on the basis of \nthe level of apparent consumption of these products in the United \nStates, as laid down in the Arrangement. 2. The Community export limits calculated pursuant to paragraph \n1 shall be adjusted by the Commission to take account of \nrevisions of the said United States apparent consumption. 3. These limits may also be adjusted by the Commission after \nconsulting the Arrangement Committee : \n\nfor advance use or carry-over of licences, \nto enable transfers between product categories, including \ntransfers between on the one hand the products covered by \nthis Regulation and on the the other those covered by \nRegulation (EEC) No \nECSC<2> , \nfor additional quotas in case of short supply, \nto take account of exports effected by the Community between \n1 October 1989 and the date of entry into force of this \nRegulation, \n\nand by Decision \n\n/ - on \nthe situation regarding licences issued and on the measures to be \ntaken with a view to ensuring the best use cf the overall limit. Article 4 \n\n1. The Community exports described in Article 1 shall, from the \ndate of entry into force of this Regulation to 3 1 March 1992, be \nsubject to the production to the competent Community customs \noffice where the export formalities are carried out of an export \nlicence and an export certificate. The export licences shall be \nissued by the competent authorities of each Member State within \nthe limits of the amounts allocated to it pursuant to Article 3. (1) Page -- cf this Official Journal \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nMember States shall fix for each quarter the amounts for which \nthey anticipate that licences will be issued for all steel pipes \nand tubes on the one hand and for OCTG on the other; they shall \ninform the Commission thereof in the first 15 days of the \nrelevant quarter. In doing so, they shall make sure that the \nexport licences for each quarter ensure an adequate spread of \nexports over the whole year, taking into account the seasonal \nvariations in trade in each product category. However, Member \nStates shall not, without the prior authorization of \nthe \nCommission, issue in any two consecutive quarters licences for \namounts which exceed 52% of their allocation in the initial \nperiod or 65% of their allocation in 1991. Member States may, subject to the second subparagraph, issue \nfurther licences in\" the initial period, 1991 and the end period \nrespectively, in respect of the unused part of licences issued \nwhich have been returned to their competent authorities in the \ninitial period, 1991 and the end period. 2. Licences shall be issued according to the following criteria: \n\nwith \n\nexport \n\nthe traditional \n\ncompliance with\"the rules prescribed by this Regulation, in \nparticular those concerning the quota allocated by the \nCommission purusant to Article 3, \ncompliance \nof \nundertakings taking account of the reduction principles \nestablished by this Regulation and of the situation of new \nproducers of pipes and tubes, \ncompliance with the rates of exports to the United States as \ntraditionally spread out over the year, \noptimum use and administration of the ^ export possibilities \nafforded by this Regulation, \ncompliance with the possibilities afforded by Article 3(1)(b) \nof this Regulation, \nbest use being made of any new possibilities provided for, \nwhere appropriate, by this Regulation. patterns \n\nEach licence shall indicate the undertaking engaged in the \nproduction of steel pipes and tubes in the Community, and \nestablished in the issuing Member State that is holding the \nallocation against which the licence is issued. 3. Transfers of export licences between undertakings producing \nsteel tubes and pipes, or by undertakings producing steel pipes \nand tubes to distributive undertakings, may take place after \nprior notifications to the authorities of the Member State, in \nwhich the undertaking transferring the licence is established. Such transfers may take place between undertakings established in \ndifferent Member States. - 6 -\n\n4. The licence must specify whether the tubes are OCTG tubes or \nother steel pipes or tubes. 5. Licences issued in one Member State of the Community shall be \nvalid throughout the Community. 6. Member States shall ensure that appropriate penalties are \napplied in respect of all exports effected without production of \nthe licence referred to in this Article and in respect of any \nother breaches of the provisions relating to such licences. Member States shall keep the Commission informed of all breaches \nof the abovementioned rules and of all penalties imposed in \nrespect thereof, at intervals to be specified by the Commission. 7. The detailed rules for the application of this Regulation and \nthe information to be supplied to the Commission concerning the \nlicences and exports shall be laid down by the Commission. Article 5 \n\n1. Member States shall charge the amounts set out on the \nlicences issued by them against their respective allocations made \npursuant to Article 3, including all licences subsequently \ntransferred to an undertaking of another Member State. 2. Member States shall keep records of the exports of the \nproducts covered by this Regulation. The products shall be deemed \nto be exported on the date of acceptance, by the customs office \nof the Member State of export, of the export declaration or of \nthe document provided for in Article 18 of Council Directive \n81/177/EEC of 24 February 1981 on the harmonization of procedures \nfor the export of Community goods4\"1'. 3. The extent to which a Member State has used up its allocation \nshall be determined on the basis of licences issued in accordance \nwith Article 4. (1) OJ No L 83, 30. 03. 1981, p. 40 \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Exports to the United States of products which are to be re \nexported from the United States in the same form or without \nhaving been subject to substantial transformations shall be \ncharged against the allocation of the Member State where the \nlicence was issued. Upon production to the authorities of such \nMember State of proof of such re-exportation from the United \nStates, the allocation of that Member State for the period within \nwhich such proof is presented shall be increased by the same \namount. 2. The \nimplementation of this Article. Commission may lay down \n\ndetailed rules \n\nfor the \n\nArticle 7 \n\nCooperation between the Commission and the Member States for the \napplication of this Regulation shall be subject to Article 11 of \nRegulation (EEC) No 1023/70. This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its \npublication in the Offical Journal of the European Communities. Article 8 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n(l) Q\u00cf No L \u00abJ i **\u2022/*. Sri p. (fO \n\n\f\fAnnex I - List of Products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther PlDe & Tube \n\n7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547 \n\n10< \n31 C \n39C \n41C. 49<. 51<. 59*. 90(. 11. 12. 19. 31. 40<1>. 31. ~60(D. 39. 40 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nBlooms and BiI lets \n\n7207 \n7207, \n7207 \n7207, \n7207 \n7207, \n7218 \n7218 \n7218, \n7218, \n7218 \n7218 \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n\n11 \n12. 0010 \n19(40) \n20. 0025 \n20. 0075(40> \n20. 0090<40> \n90. 0010 \n90. 0020 \n90. 0045<40> \n90. 0055<40> \n90. 0070<40> \n90. 0080(40> \n90. 0010 \n90. 0030<4\u00b0) \n90. 0040 \n90. 0060<40> \n90. 0070<40) \n\nOther Semi-Finished \n( Including slabs) \n\n7206 \n7207 \n7207 \n7218 \n7218, \n7224 \n7224, \n7224, \n\n10 \n12. 0050 \n20. 0045 \n10 (17) \n90. 0035 \n10 (17) \n90. 0020 \n90. 0050 \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 11<41> \n7207. 12. 19C41> \n7207. 12. 90<41> \n7207. 19(40> \n7207. 20. 11 \n7207. 20. 15 \n7207. 20. 17 \n7207. 20. 19 \n7207. 20. 31<41) \n7207. 20. 33<41> \n7207. 20. 39(41> \n7207. 20. 51 \n7207. 20. 55 \n7207. 20. 57 \n7207. 20. 59<40> \n7207. 20. 71 \n7207. 20. 79<40> \n7207. 20. 90(4\u00b0) \n7218. 90. 1l(42) \n7218. 90. 13^42> \n7218. 90. 15(41>(42> \n7218. 90. 19(41>(42> \n7218. 90. 30(4D(42> \n7218. 90. 50(42> \n7218. 90. 9l(40>(42> \n7218. 90. 99(4\u00b0H42) \n7224. 90. 11<41) \n7224. 90. 19<41> \n7224. 90. 30 \n7224. 90. 91(40> \n7224. 90. 99(4\u00b0) \n\n7206. 10, \n7207. 12, \n7207. 12, \n7207. 12 \n7207. 20, \n7207. 20, \n7207. 20, \n7218. 10, \n7218. 90 \n7218. 90. 7218. 90. 7224. 10. 7224. 90. 7224. 90. 00 \n11(43) \n19(43) \n90(43> \n31<43) \n33(43> \n39(43> \n00(17) \n15(43) \n19(43) \n30(43) \n00(17) \n11(43) \n19(43) \n\n(*) The subheadings and item numbers referred to above \u00abre \nsubject to revision *ihen the BC or the US adopt \nmodifications to their respective import nomenclatures. TOien such modifications are adopted, prior notification \nshall be given to the other party. HTS represents the \nHarmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. PRODUCT \n\nH T SO \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/20 \n\nPlate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nStrip \n\n7208. 31 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33. 50 \n7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 10(5)(6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 11 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 50 \n7208. 22. 50 \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22. 0090 \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 70(3) \n7225. 40. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31(6) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10(45) \n7211. 22. 90(45) \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10(4?) \n7225. 40. 30(4?) \n7225. 40. 50(4?) \n7225. 50. 00(46)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(46)(47) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22<48> \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(47) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS(*) \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/21 \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n- 7209. 44 \n\n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 30(5)(6) \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(S)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 99(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 91(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 99(5\u00b0) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(51) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 19(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47)(49)(54) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(47)(53) \n\nBlackplate \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)(16) \n7211. 30. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 50(3)(16) \n7211. 49. 10(3)(16) \n7211. 49. 30(3)(16) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 10(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 30<6>(16> \n7212. 40. 10<6)<16) \n7226. 92. 70(3)(16) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n7211. 30. 31(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)(1\u00ae)(56) \n7211. 41. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)(16)(56) \n7211,49. 99(3)(16)(56) \n7211,90(3)(6)O6) \n7212. 30. 90(6)06) (56) \n7212. 40. 10(\u00ae)(1\u00ae)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(\u00ae)(18)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)(47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)06) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nH T SO \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/22 \n\nElectrical Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStainless Plate \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 (1 9> \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 d9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 1 (1 9> \n7 2 1 9. 2 2 (1 9) \n7 2 1 9. 3 l d9) \n7 2 2 0. 1 l d 9) \n\n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 ( 1 9 H20) \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 d 9 ) (20) \n7 2 1 9. 2 l d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7219 2 2 d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 3 l d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7 2 2 0. 1 1. 0 0 d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip \n\n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 M 2 1) \n2 0 M 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 d9) \n7 2 1 9. 1 4 d 9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 3 d 9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 4 <1 9) \n7 2 1 9. 3 2 (r 9) \n7219. 33(19) \n7 2 1 9. 3 4 d 9) \n7219. 35(19) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 2 0. 1 2 (2) d 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 1 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 6 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 7 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 9 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 9 Q (2) ( 8 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 ( 1 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 1 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 2 3 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 2 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 2 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 3 ( 1 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 5 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 2 0. 1 2. 0 0 (2) d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 2 0 (2) d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 9 Q (2) ( 5 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\nT i n p l a te \n\nTin Free Steel \n\nE lectrogalvanlzed \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 1 0 (g) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (5) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 ($) \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 1 0 (g) \n\n7210. 50 (g) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 5 ( 5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 9 ( 5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0 (6) ( 5 7) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 (6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS(*) \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nA p p e n d ix A / 23 \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70. 60(5)(6) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6)(81) \n7212. 30. 50(|) \n7212. 40, '*C6' \nI? C6T(81) \n7212. 50 \n\n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n\n)(53) \n( 6 ) ( 5 3) \n\n\u00b0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n\n2 0 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n4 1 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n4 9 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n6 0 (g) (2 4) \n7 0( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 8) \n, 9 0. 1 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 8 1) \n, 9 0. 3 3 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n90. 35 \n90. 39 \n90 \n30 \n40 \n50 \n10. 50. 31. 5 0. 39. 50. 51. 5 0. 59. 50. 71. 5 0. 73. 50. 75. 50. 91. 5 0. 93. 50. 97. 5 0. 99 \n\n( 6 ) ( 8 1) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n\nRebar \n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nH o t - f I n l s h ed Bar \n\nCold-finished Bar \n\n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n39. 0060 \n39. 0090 \n49. 0060 \n49. 0090 \n50. 0060 \n50. 0080 \n10 \n30 \n40 \n50 \n60 \n20. 10 \n30. 80 \n40 \n60. 60 \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n(60) \n(60) \n(60) \n\n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n39. 00 \n49. 00 \n50. 00 \n10. 00 \n30. 00 \n40 \n50 \n60. 00 \n20. 11 \n20. 19 \n20. 30 \n20. 50 \n20. 90 \n,30. 10 \n30. 90 \n,40. 00 \n,60. 10 \n,60. 90 \n\n(61) \n(47) \n( 4 7) \n\n(47) \n( 4 7 K 6 1) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80 \n7228. 80 \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7228 20 90 \n7228. 50. 00 \n7228. 60. 90 \n7228. 80 \n\n(6)(62) \n(47) \n(6K47K62) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\n( *) \n\nHTS \n\nA p p e n d ix A / 24 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nStainless Bar \n\nCarbon Wire Rod \n\nStainless Wire Rod \n\nAlloy Wire Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7221. 00. 0060 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20. 7222. 30 (6) \n\n7213. 10 \n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39. 0030 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49. 0030 \n7213. 50. 0020 \n7213. 50. 0040 \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\n7227. 20 \n7227. 90. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\nStructurais \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7222. 40. 30 \n7228. 70. 30 \n\n(63) \n(63) \n(41)(63) \n(41)(63) \n(41M63) \n(63) \n(63) \n(63) \n(60) \n(60) \n\n7218 \n7218 \n7218, \n7218, \n7218. 7218. 7218. 7218. 7221. 7221. 7222. 7222. 7222. 90. 11 \n90. 13 \n90. 15 \n90. 19 \n90. 30 \n90. 50 \n90. 91 \n90. 99 \n00. 10 \n00. 90 \n10 \n20 \n3 0( 6) \n\n7 2 1 3. 1 0. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 2 0. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 1. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 1. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 00 \n\n(64) \n\n(64) \n(65) \n\n7221. 00. 10 \n7221. 00. 90 \n\n(65) \n(65) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7227. 90. 90 \n\n(47) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 00 \n7 2 1 6. 2 1. 00 \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 00 \n\n7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7222. 7222. 7222. 7228. 7228. 31. 00 \n32. 00 \n33. 00 \n40 \n50 \n60 \n40. 11 \n40. 19 \n40. 30 \n70. 10 \n70. 31 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS (*> \n\nAppendix A/25 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nSheet PI I i ng \n\n7301. 10 \n\n7301. 10. 00 \n\nFabricated S t r u c t u r a is \n\n7216. 90 \n7222. 40. 60 \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 60 \n7301. 20 \n7308. 10 \n7308. 20 \n7308. 30 \n7308. 40 \n7308. 90. 30 \n7308. 90. 60 \n7308. 90. 90. (15) \n\n(12) \n(13) \n(9)(14) \n\n7216. 90 \n7222. 40. 91 \n7222. 40. 93 \n7222. 40. 99 \n7228. 70. 91 \n7228. 70. 99 \n7301. 20. 00 \n7308. 10. 00 \n7308. 20. 00 \n7308. 30. 00 \n7308. 40 \n7308. 90 \n\n(15) \n\n(9T(14)(67) \n\nS t a i n l e ss Wire \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 50 \n\n(2)(6) \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 90 \n\n(68) \n(68) \n\nWire Strand \n\nWire Rope \n\nOther Wire \n\n7312. 10. 10 (4) \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3015 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3065 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3075 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3090 \n\n7312. 10. 60 \n7312. 10. 90 \n\n( 4) \n( 4) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 30 \n7312. 10. 50 \n7312. 10. 71 \n7312. 10. 75 \n7312. 10. 79 \n\n(4)(69)(71) \n(4)(69)(70)(71) \n(4)(69)(70) \n(4H69K70) \n(4)(69)(70) \n\n7312. 10. 30 \n7312. 10. 50 \n7312. 10. 91 \n7312. 10. 95 \n7312. 10. 99 \n\n(4)(69)(72) \n(4)(69)(72)(73) \n(4)(69) \n(4)(69) \n(4)(69)(73) \n\n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229. 11. 12. 13. 19. 21. 22. 23. 29. 31. 32. 33. 39. 00. 90. 20. 90. (3) \n\n(3) \n\n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21. 7217. 22, \n7217. 23. 7217. 29. 7217. 31. 7217. 32. 7217. 33, \n7217. 39. 7223. 00. 7223. 00. 7229. 20. 7229. 90. 00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n10 \n90 \n00 \n00 \n\n(3) \n\n(3) \n(74) \n(74) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\n( *) \n\nHTS \n\nAppendix A/26 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRal is \n\nRalI Products \n\nAI loy Tool Steel \n\nOther Speciality Steel \n\n(11) \n(8) \n(8) \n\n7313. 00 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49C 8) \n7317. 00. 55 \n7317. 00. 65 \n7317. 00. 75 \n\n(7) \n\nW (7) \n\n7302. 10 \n\n(10) \n\n(18) \n(18) \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90( 2 3) \n8G07. 19. 10 \n8\u00d407. 19. 20 \n\n7313. 00 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\n(11) \n\n( \n(8) \n\n(9? (8) \n\n(75) \n\n7302. 10 \n\n(10) \n\n(18) \n\n(23) \n(23) \n\n7302. 20. 00 \n7302. 40. 10 \n7302. 90. 30 \n7302. 90. 90 \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19. 20 \n\n(5)(6) \n(76) \n\n:2 \n\n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90 \n7225. 20 \n7225. 50 \n7225. 90 \n\nN/A \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7211. 30 \n7211. 41 \n7211. 49 \n7211. 90 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 99 \n\n7225. 10 \n7226. 10 \n\n7219. 21 \n7219. 22 \n7219. 31 \n7220. 11 \n\n7211. 30 \n7211. 41 \n7211. 49 \n7211. 90 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 99 \n\n7225. 10 \n7226. 10 \n\n7219. 21 \n7219. 22 \n7219. 31 \n7220. 11 \n\n\fAppendix C/35 \n\nTXEE \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B^ \n\nIMPORTS \n(HTSl \n\nStainless \nSheet and \nStrip \n\nTinplate \n\nTin-free Steel \n\nElectro-\ngalvanized \n\nOther Coated \nFlat-Rolled \nProducts \n\nRebar \n\nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \n\nC \nC \nC \n\nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\nc \nc \n\n31 \n32 \n36 \n37 \n\n29 \n\n29A \n\n33B \n\n33A \n34 \n\n15 \n\n7219. 11 \n7219. 12 \n7219. 13 \n7219. 14 \n7219. 23 \n7219. 24 \n7219. 32 \n7219. 33 \n7219. 34 \n7219. 35 \n7219. 90 \n7220. 12 \n7220. 20 \n7220. 90 \n\n7210. 11 \n7210. 12 \n7212. 10 \n\n7210. 50 \n\n7210. 31 \n7210. 39 \n7212. 21 \n7212. 29 \n\n7210. 20 \n7210. 41 \n7210. 49 \n7210. 60 \n7210. 70 \n7210. 90 \n7212. 30 \n7212. 40 \n7212. 50 \n7212. 60 \n\n7213. 10 \n7214. 20 \n\n7219. 11 \n7219. 12 \n7219. 13 \n7219. 14 \n7219. 23 \n7219. 24 \n7219. 32 \n7219. 33 \n7219. 34 \n7219. 35 \n7219. 90 \n7220. 12 \n7220. 20 \n7220. 90 \n\n7210. 11 \n7210. 12 \n7212. 10 \n\n7210. 50 \n\n7210. 31 \n7210. 39 \n7212. 21 \n7212. 29 \n\n7210. 20 \n7210. 41 \n7210. 49 \n7210. 60 \n7210. 70 \n7210. 90 \n7212. 30 \n7212. 40 \n7212. 50 \n7212. 60 \n\n7213. 10 \n7214. 20 \n\n\fTXEE* \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n14 \n\n16 \n\n14 \n16 \n\n14 \n16 \n\nCarbon \nHot-finished \nBar \n\nCarbon \nCold-finished \nBar \n\nStainless Bar \n\nAlloy Bar \n\nCarbon \nWire Rod \n\nStainless \nWire Rod \n\nAlloy \nWire Rod \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\ns \ns \ns \n\nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \n\nC \nC \nC \nC \nC \nC \n\nA \nA \nA \n\nAppendix C/36 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B) \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 80 \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n\n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30 \n\n7228. 10 \n7228. 20 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49 \n7213. 50 \n\n7221. 00 \n\n7227. 10 \n7227. 20 \n7227. 90 \n\nIMPORTS * * \n\n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 80 \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n\n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30 \n\n7228. 10 \n7228. 20 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49 \n7213. 50 \n\n7221. 00 \n\n7227. 10 \n7227. 20 \n7227. 90 \n\n\fAppendix C/37 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B) \n\nIMPORTS** \n\nBar Shapes \nUnder 80mm \n\nStructurais \n\nStainless Wire \n\nWire Rope \n7312. 10. 50 \n\nTYPE* \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\ns \n\nA \n\nS \n\nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n14A \n\n4 \n5 \n\n4 \n4 \n\n23 \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7301. 10 \n7222. 40 \n7228. 70 \n\n7223. 00 \n\nConfidential \n\n7312. 10. 2500 \n\nReport \n\n7312. 10. 3015 \n7312. 10. 3500 \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7301. 10 \n7222. 40 \n7228. 70 \n\n7223. 00 \n\n7312. 10. 60 \n7312. 10. 70 \n7312. 10. 80 \n7312. 10. 90 \n\n\fappendix C/3S \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule 3) \n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21 \n7217. 22 \n7217. 23 \n7217. 29 \n7217. 31 \n7217. 32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39 \n7229. 10 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n7313. 00 \n7314. 11 \n7314. 19 \n7314. 20 \n7314. 30 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\nIMPORTS** \n(STS> \n\n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21 \n7217. 22 \n7217. 23 \n7217. 29 \n7217. 31 \n7217. 32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39 \n7229. 10 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n7313. 00 \n7314. 11 \n7314. 19 \n7314. 20 \n7314. 30 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\n7302. 10 \n\n7302. 10 \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90 \n\n8607. 19. 1000 \n8607. 19. 2000 \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90 \n8607. 19. 10 \n\n8607. 19. 20 \n\nTYPE* \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n23 \n\n23 \n\n7 \n8 \n\n9 \n10 \n\nC \nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nA \nA \nA \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \n\nc \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \n\nOther Wire and \nWire Products \n\nRails \n\nRail Products \n\n\fAlloy Tool \nSteel \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n17 \n\nTYPE* \n\nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \n\nAppendix C/39 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B^ \n\nIMPORTS** \n(HTSY \n\n7225. 20 \n7225. 30. 1000 \n7225. 30. 5060 \n7225. 40. 1090 \n7225. 40. 5060 \n7225. 50. 1060 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 91. 1060 \n7226. 91. 3060 \n7226. 92. 1060 \n7226. 92. 3060 \n7227. 10 \n7227. 90. 1060 \n7227. 90. 2060 \n7228. 10 \n7228. 30. 40 \n7228. 30. 60 \n7228. 50. 1020 \n7228. 50. 1040 \n7228. 50. 1060 \n7228. 50. 1080 \n7228. 60. 1060 \n7229. 10 \n\n\fAppendix D/40 \n\nAPPENDIX D \n\nThe following is a list of steelmaking processes which constitute \ndouble substantial transformation. Slab to oold-rolled sheet, galvanized or other metallic-\ncoated sheet. Slab to pipe and tube. Billet to cold-finished bar. Hot-rolled sheet to oold-rolled and galvanized or other \nmetallic-coated sheet. October 27, 1989 \n\nARRANGEMENT \n\nBetween the European Eoonomio Community and the \nGovernment of the United States of America \nConcerning Trade in Steel Pipes and Tubes \n\nRecognizing the policy of the Government of the United \n\nStates of America (the NUSN) and its Steel Trade Liberalization \n\nProgram and also that of the European Economic Community (the \n\n\"EC\") for its steel industry and its achievements in phasing out \n\nstate aids; \n\nRecognizing the aim of the US and EC to liberalize global \n\ntrade in steel; \n\nRecognizing the policies of the US and EC that the \n\nadjustment and modernization of their steel Industries should \n\nmaximize relianoe on market forces; and \n\nReoognizing that an objeotive of this Arrangement is to \n\ncontribute to the orderly transition to open markets and to \n\nrestore fair and open steel trade; \n\nThe EC and the US have agreed: \n\nl. Basis of the Arrangement \n\n\f- 2 -\n\n(a) To pursue vigorously multilateral agreement in the Uruguay \n\nRound of Multilateral Trade Negotiations to eliminate trade \n\ndistorting practices in, and to ensure open markets for, \n\nsteel trade; and \n\n(b) That the EC will restrain exports to, or destined for \n\nconsumption in, the United States of America (the \"USA\") of \n\nproducts originating in the EC which are described in \n\nArticle 3 (a) (the \"Arrangement products\") through March \n\n31, 1992, as the final phase of such restraints on such \n\nexports. 2. Conditions: Actions Under US Law \n\nIf, during the period in which this Arrangement is in \n\neffect, any investigations under the US antidumping or \n\ncountervailing duty statutes, Section 201 of the Trade Act \n\nof 1974, Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (other than \n\nSection 301 petitions relating to third country sales by \n\nUnited States exporters), Section 232 of the Trade \n\nExpansion Act of 1962, or Section 337 of the Tariff Act of \n\n19301) are initiated or litigation (including anti-trust \n\nlitigation) is instituted with respect to Arrangement \n\nproducts, then the EC shall be entitled to terminate the \n\nArrangement with respect to the Arrangement product which \n\n1) \n\nWith respect to any Section 337 investigations, the parties \nshall consult to determine the basis for the investigation. - 3 \n\nis the subject of the investigation or litigation, after \n\nconsultation with the US, at the earliest 15 days after \n\nsuch consultation. In addition, if during these \n\nconsultations it is determined that the investigation or \n\nlitigation threatens to impair the attainment of the \n\nobjectives of this Arrangement, then the EC shall be \n\nentitled to terminate the Arrangement, with respect to some \n\nor all of the Arrangement products at the earliest 15 days \n\nafter such consultations. These consultations will take into account the nature of \n\nthe investigation or litigation, the identity of the \n\npetitioner or litigant, the amount of trade involved, the \n\nscope of relief sought and other relevant factors. 3. Product Description and Export ceilings \n\n(a) The EC shall restrain exports to, or destined for \n\nconsumption in, the USA of Arrangement products, as \n\ndescribed in Appendix A, originating in the EC to a level \n\nof 8. 82 percent of U. S. apparent consumption for the \n\nperiods October 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990 (the \n\nInitial Period), 1991, and January 1, 1992 through March \n\n31, 1992 (the End Period). During these periods, export \n\nlicenses shall be required for the Arrangement products. - 4 -\n\nFor the purposes of this Arrangement, the maximum \n\nquantities of products that may be exported from the EC to \n\nthe USA under the preceding sentence shall be the \"export \n\nceilings. \" \"United States apparent consumption\" shall equal \n\nshipments (deliveries) minus exports, plus imports, as \n\ndescribed in Appendix C. (b) Within the limit set in section 3(a), EC exports of oil \n\ncountry tubular goods as described in Appendix A, shall not \n\nexceed 9. 00 percent of U. S. apparent consumption of oil \n\ncountry tubular goods. (c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b), Arrangement \n\nproducts exported from the EC on or after Ootober 1, 1989 \n\nand prior to the day after the publication day in the \n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities of the \n\nregulations referred to in Article 5(a) (hereinafter called \n\nthe \"Interim Period\") shall be admitted into the USA \n\nwithout an export license and certificate. This tonnage \n\nwill be counted towards the export ceiling for each \n\nArrangement product for the Initial period. Suoh tonnage shall be determined on the basis of U. S. import invoice data sorted by export date. Date of export \n\nfor all such shipments under this Arrangement will be that \n\nestablished by the U. S. Customs Service. No later than \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nMarch 1, 1990, the U. S. will notify the EC of the amount of \n\ntonnage exported on or after October 1, 1989 but without a \n\ncertificate. (d) For purposes of this Arrangement, the USA shall comprise \n\nboth the United States Customs Territory and United States \n\nForeign Trade Zones. Therefore, entries of merchandise \n\ninto the USA shall include admission of merchandise into a \n\nForeign Trade Zone. In consequence, the entry into the \n\nUnited States Customs Territory of Arrangement products \n\nwhich have already entered into a Foreign Trade Zone shall \n\nnot then again be taken into account as imports of those \n\nArrangement products. (e) Where Arrangement products entered into the USA are \n\nsubsequently re-exported therefrom, without having been \n\nsubject to substantial transformation, the export oeilings \n\nfor such products for the period corresponding to the time \n\nof such re-export shall be Increased by the same amount. (f) Where the Arrangement products entered into the USA are \n\nsubsequently re-exported therefrom in the form of \n\nArrangement produots, and the Imported Arrangement products \n\nhave been subject to double substantial transformation in \n\nthe USA, as defined in Appendix D, the export oeilings for \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nsuch imported Arrangement products for the period \n\ncorresponding to the time of such re-export shall be \n\nincreased by the quantity of the re-exported doubly \n\nsubstantially transformed Arrangement products, up to a \n\nmaximum of 100. 000 metric tons. The US and the EC will \n\nhold consultations upon request with a view to appropriate \n\namendments to Appendix D and adjustments to the \n\naforementioned maximum tonnage. 4. Calculation and Revision of United States Apparent \nConsumption Forecast and of Export Ceilings \n\n(a) The US, with the agreement of the EC, will select an \n\nindependent forecaster which will provide the estimates of \n\nUnited States apparent consumption for the purposes of the \n\nArrangement. A first projection of United States apparent \n\nconsumption for the Initial Period for each oategory for \n\nwhich export ceilings are calculated as a percentage of \n\nU. S. apparent consumption will be established as early as \n\npossible, and in any event before November 1, 1989. (b) The figures for projected 1990 United States apparent \n\nconsumption will be revised in December of 1989 and \n\nFebruary, May, August and October of 1990 by the \n\nindependent forecaster, and appropriate adjustments will be \n\nmade to the export oeilings for each category taking into \n\naccount licenses already issued. Export oeilings \n\n\f- 7 -\n\ncalculated for the Initial Period based on the May, August \n\nand October 1990 forecasts will use actual October through \n\nDecember 1989 U. S. apparent consumption. For 1991, a first projection of United States apparent \n\nconsumption by category will be established by October of \n\n1990. These figures will be revised in Deoember 1990 and \n\nFebruary, May, August and October of 1991. (c) For the End Period, a first projection of United States \n\napparent consumption by category will be established by \n\nOctober of 1991. These figures will be revised in Deoember \n\nof 1991. (d) By May 1 of 1991, adjustments to the 1991 export ceiling \n\nfor each category will be made for differences between the \n\nforecasted U. S. apparent consumption and actual U. S. apparent consumption of that category in the Initial \n\nPeriod. 5. Export Licenses and Certificates \n\n(a) The EC will require export licenses and certificates for \n\nall Arrangement products, publishing appropriate \n\nregulations in the Official Journal of the European \n\nCommunities. Suoh export licenses and certificates will \n\ncontinue to be Issued in a manner that will avoid abnormal \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nconcentration in exports of Arrangement products to the \n\nUSA, taking into account seasonal trade patterns. The EC \n\nshall take action, including the imposition of penalties, \n\nas may be necessary to make effeotive the obligations \n\nresulting from the export licenses and certificates. The \n\nEC will inform the US of any violations oonoerning the \n\nexport licenses and certificates which come to its \n\nattention and the action taken with respeot thereto. The US will inform the EC of violations concerning the \n\nexport licenses and certificates which come to its \n\nattention and the action taken with respeot thereto. Export licenses will provide that shipment must be made \n\nwithin a period of three months. - 9 -\n\nExport licenses will be issued against the export ceiling \n\nfor the Initial period, 1991 or the End Period. Export \n\nlicenses for 1991 or the End Period may be used as early as \n\nNovember 15 of the previous period within a limit of eight \n\n(8) percent of the export oeiling for 1991, or the End \n\nPeriod, respectively. Export licenses Issued for the \n\nInitial Period and 1991, respectively, may not be used \n\nafter December 31, 1990, and December 31, 1991, \n\nrespectively, except that licenses not so used may be used \n\nduring the first two months of the respective following \n\nperiod, up to a maximum of eight (8) percent of the export \n\nceiling for the current period. The EC and the US may inorease the above percentage limits \n\nby mutual agreement. (b) The EC will require that the Arrangement produots shall be \n\naccompanied by a certificate substantially in the form set \n\nout in Appendix B, endorsed in relation to a lioense \n\nindicating the day, month, and year in which the \n\nArrangement products were exported, the Arrangement produot \n\nname and number and tonnage exported. If any of this \n\ninformation is in a language other than English, the \n\ncertificate must also oontaln an English language \n\ntranslation of this information. - 10 -\n\nThe US shall require presentation of such certificates as a \n\ncondition for entry into the USA of the Arrangement \n\nproducts. The US shall prohibit entry of such products not \n\naccompanied by such a certificate. 6. Technical Adjustments \n\n(a) Export ceilings for Arrangement products may be adjusted by \n\nthe EC with prior notice to the US. Adjustments to \n\nincrease or decrease the volume of the limit provided for \n\nin Article 3(a) and the sub-limit provided for in Article \n\n3(b) must be offset by an equivalent volume change to one \n\nor more of the export ceilings for the categories \n\nestablished under the U. S. -EC Arrangement on certain steel \n\nproducts, entered into in 1989, for the same period. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences, no adjustment may \n\nbe made under this Article which results in an increase or \n\na decrease in a specific export ceiling by more than five \n\n(5) percent by volume of the unadjusted export ceiling for \n\nthe relevant period. The EC and the US may agree to \n\nincrease the above percentage limit. (b) Normally, only one change in a specific produot export \n\nceiling in the Initial Period, 1991 or the End Period may \n\nbe made by an adjustment under the preceding paragraph or \n\nuse of licenses in November-December or January-February \n\nunder Article 5(a). Accordingly, changes in the Initial \n\n\f- 11 \n\nPeriod, 1991 or End Period export ceilings by use of more \n\nthan one of these three provisions may be made only upon \n\nagreement between the EC and the US. 7. Short supply \n\n(a) If the US in consultation with the EC determines that, \n\nbecause of abnormal supply or demand factors, (including \n\nsubstantial objective evidence such as allocation, extended \n\ndelivery periods, the willingness of domestic producers to \n\nsupply the steel product at prices which are not \n\naberrations from prevailing domestic market prices, or \n\nother relevant factors), the United States steel industry \n\nwill be unable to meet demand in the USA for a particular \n\nproduct, an additional tonnage shall be allowed for such \n\nproduct by a special issue of licenses. (b) The US shall make a determination under this Article within \n\n30 days through a transparent procedure on the basis of \n\nobjective evidence from all relevant sources. Furthermore, \n\na 15 day fast track procedure shall be used for requests \n\nsubmitted during periods during whioh capacity utilization \n\nis 90 percent or more. Under such fast track procedures \n\nthere shall be a rebuttable presumption that short supply \n\nexists. - 12 -\n\n(c) Each authorized special issue export license and \n\ncertificates derived therefrom shall be so marked. Each \n\nsuch license must be used within 180 days after the date of \n\nthe authorization of the special issuance unless the US \n\nagrees to extend that period. (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), short supply \n\nprocedures shall be no less favorable than is provided for \n\nin legislation that may be enacted by the US. 8. Monitoring \n\n(a) The EC will, within one month of the end of each quarter, \n\nor upon request, supply the US with such non-oonfidential \n\ninformation on all export licenses and certificates issued \n\nfor Arrangement products as is required for the proper \n\nfunctioning of this Arrangement. This information will \n\ninclude at a minimum each license number, certificate \n\nnumber, quantity, date of export, category number and sub \n\ncategory number. (b) The US will collect and transmit quarterly, or upon \n\nrequest, to the EC all non-confidential Information \n\nrelating to certificates received during the preceding \n\nquarter in respect of the Arrangement products. The US \n\nwill also collect and transmit non-confidential information \n\nrelating to aotions taken in respeot of the Arrangement \n\nproducts for violations of United States Customs Law. - 13 -\n\n9. Consultations \n\nConsultations shall take place between the EC and the US on \n\nany matter arising out of the operation of this \n\nArrangement. Consultations will also be held if there are indications \n\nthat imports from third countries are replacing Imports \n\nfrom the EC. If imports of a product within a limit or sub-limit \n\nsignificantly increase, relatively or absolutely and in \n\nrelation to U. S. apparent consumption, so as to disturb \n\ntraditional patterns of trade, consultations shall be held \n\nupon request in order to find an appropriate solution. 11. Application \n\nThis Arrangement shall apply to the USA and to the \n\nterritories to which the treaty establishing the European \n\nEconomic Community is applied on the conditions laid down \n\nin that treaty. - 14 -\n\n12. Notices \n\nFor all purposes hereunder, the US and the EC shall be \n\nrepresented by, and all communications and notices shall be \n\ngiven and addressed to: \n\nFor the EC: \n\nThe Commission of the European Communities \nDirectorates-General for External Relations (I) and for \nInternal Market and Industrial Affaires (III) \nRue de la Loi, 200 \nB-1049 Brussels \n\nFor the Government of the United States of America: \n\nOffice of the United States Trade Representative \nAssitant United States Trade Representative for Industry \nWashington, D. C. 20506 \n\nUnited States Department of Commerce \nAssistant Secretary for Import Administration \nInternational Trade Administration \nWashington, D. C. 20230 \n\n\f- 15 -\n\nANNEX A \n\nProduct Category \n\nTotal Pipe and Tube \n\u2022OCTG \n\nApparent Consumption \nForecast Category (les') \n\nTotal Pipe and Tube \nOCTG \n\n\fAppendix A/ 16 \n\nAPPENDIX A \nIMPORTS BY CATEGORY \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS<*> \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOCTG \n\nOther Pipe & Tube \n\n7304. 20 \n7305. 20 \n7306. 20 \n\n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547 \n\n,10(1. 3ld. 39(1. 41(1. 49(1. 51(1. 59(1 \n,90(1 \n,11 \n,12 \n,19 \n,31. 40d> \n,31. 60(1) \n,39(1) \n,90(1) \n,10. 30. 10(1) \n,30. 50(1) \n,40(D \n,50. 10(D \n,50. 50(D \n60(D \n90(D \n,90. 0020 \n\n7304. 20 \n7305. 20 \n7306. 20. 00 \n\n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547. 10(D. 31(D. 39(1). 41(D. 49(1). 51(D. 59(D \n,90(D. 11. 00. 12. 00. 19. 00. 31. 00(D(2) \n39. 00(D \n,90. 00(1). 10 \nP30(1)(2). 40(D. 50(D(2). 60(D \n,90. 00(D \n, 90. 00(3) \n\n(*) \n\n(1) \n\n(2) \n\nThe subheadings and item numbers referred to above are \nsubject to revision when the EC or the US adopt \nmodifications to their respective import nomenclatures. When such modifications are adopted, prior notification \nshall be given to the other party. HTS represents the \nHarmonized Tariff Sohedule of the United States. Excluded if drill pipe of a kind used in drilling for earth, \nminerals or ores. Excluded if tapered pipes and tubes principally used as \nparts of illuminating articles. \"\u2022overed if conduit tubing \n\n\fE U R O P E AN C O M M U N I TY \n\n\" \n\nA = 5 p-i v f t i; \n\n1 Exporter (lull neme and address) \n\nP F R T I F i\n\nr A TF \n\n2 Consiopee if. ii name \u00abni address) \n\nNOTIS \n\nA. This certificate must be completed on t typewriter and in English. FORTHE EXPORT OF IRON AND STEEL PROOUCTS \n\nTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \n\nNo \n\n3 Export licer. ee \n\nNo \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\n4 Extract N: \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\nof export licence No \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\nI \n\nORIGINAL \n\n(Member Stale' \n\n(Mcmbei Stats, \n\n(Member State; \n\nB. This certificate and the export licence or the extract thereof to which it refers must be produced at the Customs office et which Customs formalities lor ex*or. to the \n\nUnited States of America are completed. C. This certificate, duly endorsed by the Customs office shown in box nc 7. must be produced to die competent authorities in the United States of America i: trie time \n\nof importation. S Marks and numbers - Number ano Ud of packages - Category and detailed description of iron and seel products \n\n6 Quanniy (metric tonne:) \n\n7 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN 1H_ EUROPEAN COMMUNITY \n\nThe quantity (metric tonnes) of iron aal steel products shown above has been attributed \n\n| \n\n| to r* export licence shown in box nc. 1 \n\nSignature: \n\nStamp \n\nJ \n\nJ to the extract shown in box n: 4 \u2022) \n\nCustoms export document: \n\nlyp\u00bb; \n\nnumber \n\ndate: \n\n[ \n\nJ \n\ni \n\nCustoms office \u2022 \n\nMember Stale. \") The ap3::on*'. I n c l u de \n\na l so \n\np r o d u c ts \nA r t I c le 2 of \n\nthe \nn \nC o u n cI I \n\nW i th r e g a rd to s e m r - f I nI s h ed steel p r o d u c ts l i s t ed as \" o t h er \ns e m i - f I nI s h ed \nC o m m u n i ty \nq u o t a, c o m p r i s ed w i t h in the g e n e r al q u o ta for sem I - f I nI s h ed \ns t e el p r o d u c ts s h a ll be e q u al to 9 2% of the t o t a l. ( I n c l u d i ng \n\nin A n n ex \n\ns l a b s )\" \n\nI, the \n\nto \n\nr e g a rd \n\nW i th \n\"e I e c t r o g aI v an I z e d\" In A n n ex I, the C o m m u n i ty q u o t a, c o m p r i s ed \nw i t h in the g e n e r al q u o ta for c o a t ed flat r o l l ed p r o d u c ts shall \nbe e q u al to 2 5% of the t o t a l. p r o d u c ts \n\nc o a t ed \n\nr o l l ed \n\nlisted \n\nflat \n\nas \n\nT he \n\n2. p a r a g r a ph \na c c o u nt \nconsurnpt ion. of \n\nC o m m u n i ty \n1 s h a ll \n\ne x p o rt \nbe \n\nr e v i s i o ns \n\nl i m i ts \n\na d j u s t ed \nof \n\nthe \n\nby \ns a id \n\nc a l c u l a t ed \nthe \nU n i t ed \n\nC o m m i s s i on \nS t a t es \n\nto \nt a ke \nto \na p p a r e nt \n\np u r s u a nt \n\nT h e se l i m i ts m ay a l so be a d j u s t ed by the C o m m i s s i o n, a f t er \n\n3. c o n s u l t a t i on of the A r r a n g e m e nt C o m m i t t e e: \n\nfor a d v a n ce u se or c a r r y - o v er of l i c e n c e s, \n\ne n a b le \n\nt r a n s f e rs \n\nto \nI n c l u d i ng \nby \nb e t w e en \nD e c i s i on and t h o se c o v e r ed by R e g u l a t i on ( E E C) No \n( 2) > \n\nc a t e g o r i e s, \nt h is \n/ 89 \n\nt r a n s f e rs \n\np r o d u c ts \n\nc o v e r ed \n\nb e t w e en \n\np r o d u ct \n\nfor a d d i t i o n al q u o t as In c a se of s h o r t - s u p p l y, \n\nto t a ke a c c o u nt of e x p o r ts e f f e c t ed by the \nC o m m u n i ty \nb e t w e en 1 O c t o b er 1 9 89 and the d a te of e n t ry Into f o r ce \nof t h is D ec I s I o n, \n\nto t a ke a c c o u nt \ns e m i \nf i n i s h ed p r o d u c ts m a de p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 4 ( e) of the \nA r r a n g e m e nt on a d d i t i o n al q u a n t i t i es to be a l l o c a t ed at \nthe d i s c r e t i on of the U n i t ed S t a t e s, \n\nof c h a n g es \n\ni I m l ts for \n\nin the \n\nu n d er the c o n d i t i o ns p r o v i d ed for in the A r r a n g e m e n t. A r t i c le 3 \n\n1. (a) T he C o m m u n i ty q u a n t i t a t i ve e x p o rt I \nand c a l c u l a t ed p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 2 s h a ll \nthe initial p e r i o d, 1991 and the end p e r i od \nin a c c o r d a n ce \nq u a n t i t i es \nA r r a n g e m e n t, w h i ch s h a ll be a l l o c a t ed by the \nb a s is of the c i r c u m s t a n c es and \nq u a n t i t i es h a ve b e en g r a n t e d; \n\nI I I, w i th \nA r t i c l es \n\nw i th \ng r a n t ed \n\nA n n ex \nu n d er \n\nthe \n4 ( e) \n\ni m l ts e s t ab iI shed \nbe a l l o c a t ed for \nby the C o m m I s sI on \nany \ne x c e pt I on of \nand \nthe \n( 8) \nC o mm I ss i on on th\u00e9 \n\nof \n\nc o n d i t i o ns u n d er w h i ch \n\nt h e se \n\n( 1 ) S ee p a ge \n(2) S ee p a ge \n\nof t h is O f f i c i al J o u r n al \nof t h is O f f i c i al J o u r n a l. ( b) N o t w i t h s t a n d i ng p o i nt ( a ), the C o m m u n i ty \n\nq u a n t i t a t i ve \ne x p o rt l i m i ts to be a l l o c a t ed by t he C o m m i s s i on In a c c o r d a n ce \nw i th A n n ex III shall be r e d u c ed by 1 0% In the Initial p e r i od \nand \nS t a t es w h i c h, on the b a s is of \nc e r t i f i c a t es r e f e r r ed to In A r t i c le 4 ( 1) i s s u ed by t h e m, h a ve \nu s ed less t h an 4 0% of t h e ir q u o ta by 30 J u ne 1 9 90 and 3 3% of \nt h e ir q u o ta by 30 J u ne 1991 r e s p e c t i v e l y. t h o se M e m b er \n\n1991 \n\nfor \n\ns u ch \n\nq u a n t i t i es \n\nr e p r e s e n t ed \n\nbe \nby \nT he \na l l o c a t ed by the C o m m i s s i on a f t er c o n s u l t i ng the A r r a n g e m e nt \nC o m m i t t ee on 1 A u g u st 1 9 90 and 1 A u g u st 1991 r e s p e c t i v e ly so \nas to f a c i l i t a te the o p t i m al u se and a d m i n i s t r a t i on of the \nC o m m u n i ty e x p o rt p o s s i b i l i t i es t a k i ng a c c o u nt of the s h a re of \ne a ch \nby \nC o m m u n i ty \np r o d u ct \n1991 \nJ u ne \nr e s p e ct i veI y. e x p o r ts \nc a t e g o ry \n\ne f f e c t ed \nby \n\nM e m b er \nand \n\nS t a te \n30 \n\nr e d u c t i o ns \n\nshall \n\ne a ch \n\n1 9 90 \n\nJ u ne \n\nin \n\n30 \n\n(c) W h e re the C o m m u n i ty I \na d j u s t ed In a c c o r d a n ce w i th \nthe C o m m i s s i on s h a ll a d j u st \nt a k i ng a c c o u nt of the o r lg \ninto \nDecl \nad j u s t e m e n t. f o r ce \n\nt h is \n\nof \n\nImlts for a r r a n g e m e nt p r o d u c ts are \nthe f o u r th Indent of A r t i c le 2 ( 3 ), \nthe a l l o c a t i on of q u a n t i ty l i m i t s, \nin of t he e x p o rt b e f o re the e n t ry \nt h is \ns i on \n\nw h i ch \n\ng a ve \n\nr i se \n\nto \n\nT he C o m m i s s i on shall h o ld p e r i o d ic c o n s u l t a t i o ns w i th the \n2. A r r a n g e m e nt \nl i c e n c es \nissued a nd on the m e a s u r es to be t a k en to e n s u re o p t i m um use \nof t he o v er a II l i m i t. the s i t u a t i on \n\nC o m m i t t ee \n\nr e g a r d i ng \n\non \n\nArt le le 4 \n\n1. T he C o m m u n i ty e x p o r ts d e s c r i b ed in A r t i c le 1 s h a l l, from \nthe d a te of e n t ry into f o r ce of t h is D e c i s i on to 31 M a r ch \n1 9 9 2, be s u b j e ct to the p r o d u c t i on to the c o m p e t e nt \nc u s t o ms \nl i c e n ce and an e x p o rt \no f f i ce In the C o m m u n i ty of an e x p o rt \nthe \nissued \nl i c e n c es \nc e r t i f i c a t e. r e l e v a nt a u t h o r i t i es of e a ch M e m b er S t a te w i t h in the l i m i ts of \nthe a m o u n ts a l l o c a t ed to It p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 3. e x p o rt \n\ns h a ll \n\nT he \n\nbe \n\nby \n\nM e m b er S t a t es s h a ll fix the t o n n a ge for w h i ch they a n t i c i p a te \nthat l i c e n ce w i ll be issued In e a ch q u a r t er for e a ch p r o d u ct \nc a t e g o ry ; t h ey shaI \nfirst 15 d a ys of the \nthe \nm a ke s u re that \ne n s u re an \na d e q u a te \nt a k i ng Into a c c o u nt \np r o d u ct \nin \nn o t, w I t h o ut the pr i \nIn any t wo c o n s e c u t i ve q u a r t e rs \nl i c e n c es for a m o u n ts w h i ch \ne x c e ed 5 2% of t h e ir a l l o c a t i on In t he Initial p e r i od or 6 5% of \nt h e ir a l l o c a t i on In 1 9 9 1. I i n f o rm the C o m m i s s i on \nin the \nr e l e v a nt q u a r t e r. In d o i ng s o, t h ey shall \nq u a r t er \nl i c e n ce \ne x p o rt \ns p r e ad of e x p o r ts o v er \nthe \nthe s e a s o n al v a r i a t i o ns in \nM e m b er \nq u e s t i o n. H o w e v e r, \n\nw ho I e y e ar , \nt r a de of the \nS t a t es sha I I \nssI o n, I s s ue \n\nor a u t h o r i z a t i on of the C o mm \n\ni s s u es for e a ch \n\nc a t e g o ry \n\nt h e r e of \n\n\fM e m b er S t a t es m a y, s u b j e ct to the s e c o nd s u b p a r a g r a ph h e r e o f, \nI s s ue f u r t h er l i c e n c es In the Initial p e r i o d, 1991 and the end \np e r i od r e s p e c t i v e l y, \nof \nl i c e n c es Issued w h i ch h a ve b e en r e t u r n ed to t h e ir \nc o m p e t e nt \na u t h o r i t i es In the I n i t i al p e r i o d, 1991 or the end p e r i o d. In r e s p e ct of the u n u t i l i z ed part \n\nLI c e n c es \n\n2. crI ter I a : \n\nshall \n\nbe \n\nI s s u ed \n\na c c o r d i ng \n\nto \n\nthe \n\nf o l l o w i ng \n\nc o m p l i a n ce w i th the r u l es p r e s c r i b ed by t h is D e c i s i o n, \nin p a r t i c u l ar t h o se c o n c e r n i ng the q u o ta a l l o c a t ed by \nthe C o m m i s s i on p u r s u a nt to A r t i c le 3, \n\nw i th \n\nc o m p l i a n ce \nof \nt r a d i t i o n al \nu n d e r t a k i n g s, t a k i ng a c c o u nt of the r e d u c t i on p r i n c i p l es \ne s t a b l i s h ed \ns i t u a t i on \nr e g a r d i ng any n ew u n d e r t a k i n gs p r o d u c i ng s t e e l, \n\nD e c i s i o n, \n\np a t t e r ns \n\ne x p o rt \n\nt h is \n\nt he \n\nthe \n\nand \n\nby \n\nof \n\nc o m p l i a n ce \nS t a t es as - t r a d i t i o n a l ly s p r e ad out o v er the y e a r, \n\nr a t es of e x p o r ts \n\nto the \n\nw i th \n\nt he \n\nU n i t ed \n\no p t i m um \np o s s i b i l i t i es a f f o r d ed by t h is D e c i s i o n, \n\na d m i n i s t r a t i on \n\nu se \n\nand \n\nof \n\nthe \n\ne x p o rt \n\nc o m p l i a n ce w i th the p o s s i b i l i t i es a f f o r d ed by A r t i c le \n3(1 M b) of t h is D e c i s i o n, \n\no p t i m um u se b e i ng m a de of any n ew p o s s i b i l i t i es p r o v i d ed \nf o r, w h e re a p p r o p r i a t e, by t h is D e c i s i o n. l i c e n ce \n\nE a ch \ne n g a g ed \np r o d u c t i on of steel w i t h in the C o m m u n i ty and e s t a b l i s h ed \nthe \na g a i n st w h i ch the l i c e n ce is I s s u e d. In \nIn \na l l o c a t i on \n\nu n d e r t a k i ng \n\nIs h o l d i ng \n\nI n d i c a te \n\nissuing \n\nM e m b er \n\nS t a te \n\nshall \n\nthat \n\nthe \n\nthe \n\n3. T r a n s f e rs of e x p o rt l i c e n c es b e t w e en steel u n d e r t a k i n gs or \nby steel u n d e r t a k i n gs to d i s t r i b u t i ve u n d e r t a k i n gs may t a ke \np l a ce p r o v i d ed \nand \nthey c o n c e rn the s a me p r o d u ct \nM e m b er \na f t er prior n o t i f i c a t i on \nS t a te In w h i ch the u n d e r t a k i ng t r a n s f e r r i ng the l i c e n ce \nis \ne s t a b l i s h e d. S u ch t r a n s f er m ay t a ke p l a ce b e t w e en u n d e r t a k i n gs \ne s t a b l i s h ed in d i f f e r e nt M e m b er S t a t e s. to the a u t h o r i t i es of the \n\nc a t e g o ry \n\nL i c e n c es Issued In o ne M e m b er S t a te of the C o m m u n i ty s h a ll \n\n4. be valid t h r o u g h o ut the C o m m u n i t y. 5. Member S t a t es shall e n s u re that a p p r o p r i a te s a n c t i o ns are \na p p l i ed In respect of all e x p o r ts e f f e c t ed without p r o d u c t i on \nof the licence required h e r e u n d er and In respect of any other \nb r e a c h es of the p r o v i s i o ns r e l a t i ng to such licences. Member \nS t a t es shall keep the C o m m i s s i on Informed of all b r e a c h es of \nsuch \nIn respect \nt h e r e o f, at I n t e r v a ls to be s p e c i f i ed by the C o m m i s s i o n. m e a s u r e s, and of all \n\ns a n c t i o ns \n\nimposed \n\n6. The C o m m i s s i on \nthe \nlay down \ni m p l e m e n t a t i on of p a r a g r a p hs 1 to 4 of this Article and \ns p e c i fy the \ninformation to be p r o v i d ed to the Commission \nc o n c e r n i ng the licences and e x p o r t s. rules for \n\ndetailed \n\nmay \n\nArt Icle 5 \n\n1. Member S t a t es shall c h a r ge the a m o u n ts set out on the \nlicences Issued by them against their r e s p e c t i ve a l l o c a t i o ns \nm a de \nlicences \ns u b s e q u e n t ly t r a n s f e r r ed to an u n d e r t a k i ng of another Member \nS t a t e. Including \n\np u r s u a nt \n\nA r t i c le \n\n- \u2022 \u2022 \n\nall \n\n3, \n\nto \n\n2. Member S t a t es shall keep r e c o r ds of the e x p o r ts of the \np r o d u c ts c o v e r ed by this D e c i s i o n. The p r o d u c ts shall be \ndeemed to be so e x p o r t e d, as at the date of a c c e p t a n c e, by the \nc u s t o ms a u t h o r i t i es of the Member State of e x p o r t, of the \nIn \nexport \nA r t i c le 18 of Council D i r e c t i ve 8 1 / 1 7 7 / E EC of 24 February 1981 \non the h a r m o n i z a t i on of p r o c e d u r es for the export of Community \ng o o d s ^1). the document \n\nd e c l a r a t i on \n\nprovided \n\nfor \n\nof \n\nor \n\n3. The extent \nIts \na l l o c a t i on shall be d e t e r m i n ed on the basis of licences issued \nIn a c c o r d a n ce with A r t i c le 4. to which a Member State has used up \n\nArt ic le 6 \n\nT e m p o r a ry \n\n1. e x p o r ts to the United States of a r r a n g e m e nt \np r o d u c ts w h I ch \nare to be r e - e x p o r t ed from the United S t a t es In \nthe same form \nor without having been subject to substantial \nt r a n s f o r m at Ion \nhaving been subject to a double substantial \nor \nt r a n s f o r m a tI on \nAppendix D of the A r r a n g e m e nt \nas \nsha I I be c h a r g ed \na l l o c a t i on on the Member State \nw h o se aut horItI es \nlicence. Upon p r o d u c t i on to the \naut hor i tI es of \nsuch \ne x p o r t a t i on from the \nMember S t a te for the period when such proof \nbe Increased by the same a m o u n t. r e-\nS t a t e s, the a l l o c a t i on of that \ns presented'. s hall \n\nagaInst t he \nIssued the \nMember \nUni ted \n\nState of proof of such \n\ndef I ned I n \n\n(1) OJ No L 8 3, 3 0. 3. 1 9 8 1, p. 40 \n\n\f2. The Commission may lay down detailed rules for \nImplementation of this Article. the \n\nArtIcle 7 \n\nThis Decision shall enter Into force on the day following Its \nEuropean \npublication \nCommun 111 es. Official \n\nJournal \n\nthe \n\nthe \n\nof \n\nIn \n\nThis Decision shall be binding \napplicable in all Member States. n its entirety and directly \n\nDone at \n\nFor the Commission \n\n\fAnnex I - List of products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nBlooms and BlI lots \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 0010 \n7207. 19<40) \n7207. 20. 0025 \n7207. 20. 0075^\u00b0^ \n7207. 20. 0090<40) \n7218. 90. 0010 \n7218. 90. 0020 \n7218. 90. 0045<4\u00b0) \n7218. 90. 0055<40> \n7218. 90. 0070(40) \n7218. 90. 0080<40) \n7224. 90. 0010 \n7224. 90. 0030(4\u00b0) \n7224. \u00a70. 0040 \n7224. 90. 0060<40> \n7224. 90. 0070(4\u00b0) \n\n0050 \n0045 \n( 1 7) \n\n7 2 0 6. 10 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 7 2 0 7. 2 0, \n7 2 1 8. 10 \n7 2 1 8. 90 \n7 2 2 4. 10 \n7224. 90 \n0020 \n7224. 90. 0050 \n\n0035 \n( 1 7) \n\nOther Semi-Finished \n( i n c l ud ing slaDs) \n\nT h is Annex \ncome u n d er \nR e g u l a t i on \n\nf or \n\ni n f o r m a t i on p u r p o s e s, \n\nl i s t s, \nt he EEC T r e a ty and a re c o v e r ed by A r t i c le 1 ( 1) of \n(EEC) No \n\nt he p r o d u c ts w h i ch \n\n/ 8 9. to r e v i s i on when the 2C or the US adop-\n\nThe subheadings and item numbers r e f e r r ed \nsubject \nto t h e ir r e s p e c t i ve import nomenclatures, \nn c d i f i c a t i o ns \n\u00ab\"hen such mcdifications are adopted, p r i or n o t i f i c a t i on \ns h a ll be given to the other p a r t y. to above a re \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 11<41> \n7207. 12. 19<41) \n7207. 12. 90<41) \n7207. 19^40) \n7207. 20. 11<41) \n7207. 20. 15^41) \n7207. 20. 17<41> \n7207. 20. 19<41) \n7207. 20. 31(41) \n7207. 20. 33<41) \n7207. 20. 39<41) \n7207. 20. 51 \n7207. 20. 55 \n7207. 20. 57 \n7207. 20. 59(40) \n7207. 20. 71 \n7207. 20. 79^40) \n7207. 20. 9'6^40) \n7218. 90. 11<42) \n7218. 90. 13<42> \n7218. 90. 15<41)(42) \n7218. 90. 19^41^42) \n7218. 90. 30^41^42) \n7218. 90. 50(42) \n7218. 90. 91(40)(42) \n7218. 90. 9g(40)(42) \n7224. 90. U^41 > \n7224. 90. 19<41> \n7224. 90. 30 \n7224. 90. 91(40) \n7224. 90. 99(40) \n\n7 2 0 6. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7224 \n7224 \n\n1 0. 00 \n1 2. 1 1 W) \n1 2. 1 9 <4 3) \n1 2. 9 0 <4 3) \n2 0. 3 1 <4 3) \n, 2 0. 3 3( 4 3) \n, 2 0. 3 9 <4 3). 1 0. 0 0 <1 7). 9 0. 1 5 <4 3'. 9 0. 1 9( 4 3). 9 0. 3 0 <4 3). 1 0. 0 0 <1 7). 9 0. 1 1( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9 <4 3) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nPlate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nStrip \n\n7208. 31 \n\" 7208. 32 \n\n7208. 33. 50. 7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. lO^5^6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 11 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 50 \n7208. 22. 50 \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3> \n7211. 22. 0090 \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 70(3> \n7225. 40. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33 \n7208. 33. 10(44) \n7208. 33. 9l(44) \n7208. 33. 99(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31(5) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10(45) \n7211. 22. 90(45) \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10(47) \n7225. 40. 30(47) \n7225. 40. 50(47) \n7225. 50. 00(. 46)(47). 7226. 91. 00(46)(47) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22(48) \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(^7) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(4\"7) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n\n' 7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. T0. 30(5)(6') \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(50) \n7208. 22. 99(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 10(50) \n7208. 33. 91(50) \n7208. 33. 99(50) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(51) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. ig(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47X49>(54) \n7225. S0(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(53) \n\nBlackplate \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)d6) \n7211. 30. 30(3)(16) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)d6) \n7211. 41. 50(3)d6) \n7211. 49. 10(3)06) \n7211. 49. 30(3)06) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \u2022 \n7212. 30. 10(6)06) \n7212. 30. 30(6)(16) \n7212. 40. 10(6)06) \n7226. 92. 70(3)06) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)d6) \n\n7211. 30. 3l(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 4T. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95<3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)d6)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211 49 99(3)(16)(56) \n721K90'90(3)(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 30. 90(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 10(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(6)O6)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)('47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHT S \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nElectrical Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7 2 2 5. 1 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStaInless Plate \n\n7219. 11(19) \n7219. 12(1 9) \n7219. 21(1 9) \n7219. 22(1 9) \n7219. 31(1 9) \n7220. 11(1 9) \n\n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 2 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 2 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 3 1 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n7 2 2 0. 1 1. 0 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip \n\n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n2 0 X 2 1) \n\n7219. 13(1 9) \n7219. 14('19) \n7219. 23(1 9) \n7219. 24(1 9) \n7219. 32(1 9) \n7219. 33(1 9) \n7219. 34(1 9) \n7219. 35(1 9) \n7219 9 f j ( 5 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7220 1 2 ( 2 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 1 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 6 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 7 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 9 0 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 g o ( 2 X 6 X 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 1 4 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 2 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 2 4 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 3 2 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 3 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 3 4 0 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 5 ( 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 1) \n7220 1 2. 0 0 ( 2 ) 0 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 2 0 ( 2 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n7220 9 0 ( 2 X 6 X 1 9 X 2 0 X 2 2) \n\nTinplate \n\nTin Free Stee \n\nElectrogalvar. ized \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 21(6) \n7212. 29(6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 35 \n7210. 90. 39(57) \n7210. 90. 90(6X57) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7212. 21(6) \n7212. 29(6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7 2 1 0. 2 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 6 0 (6) (2 4) \n7 2 1 0. 7 0. 6 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 2. 3 0. 5 0 ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 4 0. 5 0 ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 5 0 ( 6) \n\n7 2 1 0. 2 0 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 1 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 4 9 ( 5 X 6) \n7 2 1 0. 6 0 ( 6 X 2 4) \n7 2 1 0. 7 0 ( 5 X 6 X 5 8) \n7210. 90. 33(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 35(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 39(5X6X59) \n7210. 90. 90(5X6X59) \n7212. 30(6X53) \n7212. 40(6X53) \n7212. 50. 31(6) \n7212. 50. 39(6) \n7212. 50. 51(6) \n7212. 50. 59(6) \n7212. 50. 71(6) \n7212. 50. 73(6) \n7212. 50. 75(6) \n7212. 50. 91(6) \n7212. 50. 93(6) \n7212. 50. 97(6) \n7212. 50. 99(6) \n\n3eb2-\n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nHot-finished Bar \n\nCold-fInlshed Bar \n\n7213. 39. 0060 \n7213. 39. 0090 \n7213. 49. 0060 \n7213. 49. 0090 \n7213. 50. 0060 \n7213. 50. 0080 \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 7228. 20. 10(6) \n7228. 30. 80 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 60. 60(6) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 50(6) \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80(6) \n7228. 80 \n\n7213. 39. 00(6\u00b0) \n7213. 49. 00(60) \n7213. 50. 00(60) \n7214. 10. 00 \n7214. 30. 00 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 00 \n7228. 20. 11 \n7228. 20. 19 \n7228. 20. 30 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 20. 90(61) \n7228. 30. 10(47) \n7228. 30. 90(47) \n7228. 40. 00 \n7228. 60. 10(47) \n7228. 60. 90(47)(6D \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7 2 2 8. 5 0. 0 0 (4 7) \n7 2 2 8. 6 0. 9 0 ( 6 ) (4 7) ( 6 2) \n7228. 80 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\nS t a i n l e ss Bar \n\nCarbon Wlre Rod \n\nS t a I n l e ss Wire Rod \n\nAI loy Wire Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 0 0 60 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7 2 2 2. 3 0 ( 6) \n\n7213. 10 \n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39. 0030 \n7213. 41 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 0 0 30 \n72*13. 50. 0020 \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 0 0 40 \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\n7 2 2 7. 20 \n7 2 2 7. 9 0. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 2 2 (8D \n\nS t r u c t u r a is \n\n7216. 3l(8D \n7216. 32(61) \n7216. 33(61) \n7216. 40(61) \n7216. 50(61) \n7216. 60(61) \n7222. 40. 30(81) \n7228. 70. 30(8D \n\n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 1 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 3 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 5 (4D (63) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 9 (4D ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 3 0 (4D ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 5 0 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 1 ( 6 3) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 9 ( 6 3) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 0) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 0) \n7 2 2 2. 10 \n7 2 2 2. 20 \n7 2 2 2. 3 0 ( 6) \n\n7213. 10. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 2 0. 00 \n7213. 31. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 0 0( 6 4) \n7213. 41. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 0 0 (6 4) \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 0 0 ( 6 5) \n\n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 5) \n7 2 2 1. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 5) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7 2 2 7. 9 0. 9 0 (4 7) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 0 0 (8D \n7216. 21. 0 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 0 0 (8D \n\n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7216 \n7222 \n7222 \n7222 \n7222 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n31. 00( \n32. 00( \n33. 00( \n4 0 ( 8D \n5 0 ( 8D \n6 0 ( 8D \n4 0. 1 1( \n,40. 19( \n,40. 30( \n, 4 0. 9 9( \n,70. 10( \n7 0. 3 1( \n, 7 0. 9 9( \n\n81) \n81) \n81) \n\n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 X 8 1) \n6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nSheet Pi I ing \n\n7301. 10 \n\n7301. 10. 00 \n\nFabricated Structurais 7 2 1 6. 9 0 (8D \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 60 \n7228. 70. 60 \n7 3 0 1. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 10 \n7 3 0 8. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0 ( 1 5) \n7 3 0 8. 40 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 3 0 ( 1 2) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 6 0 d 3) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 9 0 ( 9 ) 0 4) \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0 ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 ( 8 1) \n7 3 0 1. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 1 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0. 0 0 ( 1 5) \n7 3 0 8. 4 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0 ( 9 ) 0 4 X 6 7) \n\nS t a i n l e ss W i re \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 5 0 ( 2 ) ( 6) \n\n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 1 0 ( 6 8) \n7 2 2 3. 0 0. 9 0 ( 6 8) \n\nW i re Str-and \n\nW i re Rope \n\nO t h er W i re \n\n7 3. 1 2. 1 0. 1 0 (4)- -\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 1 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 6 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 7 5 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0 9 0 (4) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 6 0 (4) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 0 (4) \n\n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229. 11. 12. 13. 19. 21. 22. 23. 29. 3 1. ( 3). 32. 33. 3 9 ( 3). 0 0. 90. 20. 90 \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 3 0. (4X 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 5 0 (4) ( 6 9 ) ( 7 1) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 1 (4) ( 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 5 (4) ( 6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 7 9 (4) ( 6 9) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 5 0 (4X 6 9 X72) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 1 (4) (8 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 5( 4) (6 9) \n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 9 9 (4) ( 6 9 ) ( 7 3) \n\n7 2 1 7. 11 \n7 2 1 7. 12 \n7 2 1 7. 13 \n7 2 1 7. 19 \n7 2 1 7. 21 \n7 2 1 7. 22 \n7 2 1 7. 23 \n7 2 1 7. 29 \n7 2 1 7. 31 \n7 2 1 7. 32 \n7 2 1 7. 33 \n7 2 1 7. 39 \n7 2 2 3. 0 0, \n7 2 2 3. 0 0, \n7 2 2 9. 20 \n7 2 2 9. 9 0, \n\n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00(3) \n00 \n00 \n00(3) \n1 0 (7 4) \n9 0 (7 4) \n00 \n00 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRat Is \n\nRa I I Products \n\nAI loy Tool Steel \n\nOther SpecialIty Steel \n\n7313. 00(H) \n7314. 41(8) \n7314. 42(6) \n7314. 49(6) \n7317. 00. 55(7) \n7317. 00. 6560(7) \n7317. 00. 75(7) \n\n7302. 10(1\u00b0) \n\n7302. 20(18) \n7302. 40(18) \n7302. 90(23) \n8607. 19. 10 \n8607. 19. 20 \n\n7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7227. 7227. 7227. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7228. 7229. (5)(6) \n20 \n10 \n30 \n5060 \n30 \n1090 \n40 \n5060- \u2022\u2022 \n40 \n1060 \n50 \n(6) \n20 \n91 \n1060 \n91 \n3060 \n92 \n1060 \n92. 3060 \n10 \n90. 1060 \n90. 2060 \n10(6) \n30. 40 \n30. 60 \n50. 1020 \n50. 1040 \n50. 1060 \n50. 1080 \n60. 1060(6) \n10 \n\n7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7225. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7226. 7227. 7227. 7228. 7228. 7228. 30. 5030 \n40. 1015 \n40. 5030 \n50. 1030 \n50. 70 \n91. 1030 \n91. 3030 \n92. 1030 \n92. 3030 \n90. 1030 \n90. 2030 \n30. 20 \n50. 1010 \n60. 1030(6) \n\n7 3 1 3. 0 0. 0 0 dD \n7314. 41(8) \n7314. 42(8) \n7314. 49. 00(8) \n7 3 1 7. 0 0 (7X75) \n\n7302. 10(1\u00b0) \n\n7 3 0 2. 2 0. 0 0 d 8) \n7 3 0 2. 4 0. 10 \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 3 0 ( 2 3) \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 9 0 ( 2 3) \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19 \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229 \n\n( 5 X 6) \n20 \n3 0. 0 0 (7 6) \n40C7 7) \n5 0. 0 0 (7 7) \n20 ( 6 ). , 9 1. 0 0 (7 ?) \n9 2 (7 7) \n10. 00 \n, 9 0 (7 7) \n,10(6) \n, 3 0 (7 7) \n, 5 0. 0 0 (7 7) \n, 6 0 ( 6 ) (7 7) \n,10. 00 \n\n7225. 30. 00C7 8) \n7225. 40C7 9) \n7 2 2 5. 5 0. 0 0 (7 9) ( 8 0) \n7 2 2 6. 9 1. 0 0 (7 9) \n7 2 2 6. 9 2 (?9) \n7 2 2 7. 9 0 (7 9) \n7228. 30C7 9) \n7 2 2 8. 5 0. 0 0 (7 9) \n7 2 2 8. 6 0 ( 6 ) (7 9) \n\n\f(1) Excluded if of wrought iron. FOOTNOTES \n\n(2) Excluded if \"razor blade steel, \"lu-fi^. , flat-rolled products of \nstainless steel not over 0,25mm in thickness and not over 23mm \nin width, containing by weight not over 14. 7 percent of. chromium, and oertified at the time of entry to be used in the \nmanufacture of razor blades. (3) Excluded if \"carbon/alloy band saw steel\" defined as follows: \n\n(a) \"metal cutting band saw steel\" referring to steel flat-\nrolled products, not less than 0. 61mm and not more than 0. 91mm \nin thickness, not less than 6. 30mm and not more than 50. 60mm in \nwidth, in coils, containing: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 1. 18 percent and not more than \n1. 32 percent, \n\nchromium : not less than 0. 15 percent and not more than \n\n0. 32 percent, \n\nmanganese': \"not less than 0. 10 percent and not more than \n\n0. 40 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of metal-cutting band saw blades ; or \n(b) \"wood band saw steel\" referring to (1) alloy steel flat-\nrolled products less than 4. 75mm in thickness which contains, \nin addition to iron, each of the following elements by weight \nin the amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese \n\nnot less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 55 \npercent ; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nniokel : \n\nnot less than 1. 60 nor more than 2. 70 \nperoent; \n\nchromium : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 50 percent; \n\nphosphorus \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent; \n\n\for (2) cold-rolled flat-rolled products less than 4. 75mm in \nthickness, less than 300mm in width, which contains, in \naddition to iron,, each of the following elements by weight in \nthe amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent ; \n\nmanganese : not less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 50 \n\npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nchromium : none, or not more than 0. 50 percent; and \n\nphosphorus : none, or not more than 0. 03 percent ; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of wood band saws. (4) -Excluded if covered with-textile or other non-metallic \n\nmaterial. (5) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape. (6) Excluded if worked after flat rolling, e. g. perforated, \n\nbevelled, rounded at the edges. (7) Excluded if corrugated fasteners, glaziers' points, hook nails, \n\nor ring nails. (8) Excluded if other than galvanized wire fencing wholly of round \niron or steel wire measuring not over 5. 08mm and not under \n1. 905mm in diameter, whether or not such wire is covered with \nplastics. (9) Excluded if fence or sign posts. (10) Excluded if current-oonductlng rail. (11) Excluded if twisted hoop or single flat wire, whether or not \n\nbarbed. (12) Excluded if of cut iron. (13) Excluded if in part of stainless steel. (14) Excluded if plastic foam core insulating composite panels. (15) Excluded if door or window frames. (16) Excluded if bale ties. (17) Excluded if other primary forms, e. g. blocks, lumps, puddled \n\nbars and pilings, pieces roughly shaped by forging. (18) Excluded if forged. (19) Excluded if cladding grade 434 stainless steel certified by the \n\nimporter of record to be used in the manufacture of stainless \nsteel clad automobile trim. (20) Excluded if grade 253MA'or 254SM0 stainless steel. (21) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness and over 1,803. 4mm in width. (22) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness, less than 300mm in width, and certified by \n\"the importer of record or\" ultimate consignee to be used in the \nmanufacture of stainless steel flapper valves for compressors. (23) Covered if either (A) hot-rolled and designed to connect, the \nends of adjacent rails in track (i. e. \"joint bars\"). These \nproducts are usually punched or slotted; or (B) hot-rolled and \nused to support rails in track, to maintain track gauge, and \nprotect the ties (i. e. \"tie plates\"). These products are \npunched to provide holes for spikes and have one or two \nshoulder sections as rail guides. (24) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape \n\nand other than electrolytically coated or plated. (40) Excluded if pieces roughly shaped by forging. (41) Covered if of a width measuring less than four times the \n\nthickness. (42) Covered if of a cross-sectional area of 19. 4 cm2 or more, but \nless than 232 cm2 or of a cross sectional area of 232 cm2 or \nmore. (43) Covered if of a width measuring at least four times the \n\nthickness. (44) Excluded if pickled. (45) Excluded if in coils. (46) Covered if of a thickness. of 4. 75mm or more. (47) Excluded if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e), \n\n(f) and (h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (48) Covered if in,coils. (49) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm. (50) Covered if pickled. (51) Covered if of a thickness of 0. 361mm or more. (52) Excluded if coated or plated with metal or clad. (53) Covered if of a width of 300mm or more. (54) Excluded if of heat resisting steel as defined in Additional \n\nNote A(g) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (55) Covered if of a thickness of less than 0. 361mm. (56) Covered if of a width of less than 300 mm. (57) Covered if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal. (58) Covered if coated or plated with metal or clad. (59) Excluded if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal \n\n(60) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of \n19mm or more if of other than circular cross-section. (61) Excluded if cold formed. (62) Covered if cold formed. (63) Covered if of a cross sectional area of less than 19. 4 cm2. (64) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of 14 \n\nmm or more but less than 19mm. (65) Covered if of circular cross-section and with either a diameter \nof less than 14 mm or with a diameter of 14 mm or more but less \nthan 19mm. (66) Covered if hot rolled, not drilled, not punched and not \n\notherwise advanced. (67) If columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar \n\nstructural units, excluded if in part of stainless steel or if \nof cast iron. (68) Excluded if other than round or flat wire. Also excluded if \nflat wire of razor blade steel (cf. footnote 2) or flat wire \nfurther worked after flat rolling (cf. footnote 6). (69) Excluded if fitted with fittings or made up into articles. (70) Excluded if tyre cord. If other than tyre cord and other than \n\u2022*\u2022 stranded wire -for prestressing concrete, excluded if of brass \n\nplated wire. (71) Covered if stranded wire. (72) Excluded if stranded wire. (73) Excluded if of brass plated wire. (74) Excluded if round or flat wire. (75) Excluded if thumb tacks; or drive pins, studs or other \n\nfasteners, suitable for use in power-activated hand tools; or \nstaples in strip form; or furniture glides; or cut products \nmade of other than round wire and of one piece construction. (76) If of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more, covered if of tool steel \nas defined in Additional Note 1(e), (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. If of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm, covered if \nof tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and (f) to \nChapter 72 of the HTS. (77) Covered if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and \n\n(f) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (78) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of ball \n\nbearing steel as defined in Additional Note 1(h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. (79) Covered if of ball-bearing steel as defined in Additional Note \n\n1(h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (80) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of- heat \n\nresisting steel as defined in Additional Note Kg) to Chapter \n72 of the HTS. (81) Excluded if obtained by continuous casting. ANNEX \n\nUnited States customs territory and \nUnited States foreign trade zones \n\nThe United States customs territory shall comprise the States, \nthe district of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A United States foreign zone shall be defined as follows: \n\nIt is an Isolated, enclosed and policed area, operated as a \npublic utility, In or adjacent to a port of entry, furnished \nwith facilities for lading, unlading, handling, storing, \nmanipulating, manufacturing and exhibiting goods and for \nreshlpping them by land, water or air. Any foreign and \ndomestic merchandise, except such as Is prohibited by law or \nsuch as the Board may order to be excluded as detrimental to \nthe public interest, health or safety, may be brought into a \nzone without being subject to the customs laws of the United \nStates governing, the entry of goods or the payment of duty \nthereon; and such merchandise permitted in a z o ne may be \nstored, exhibited, manufactured, mixed, or manipulated In any \nmanner, except as provided In the act and other applicable \nlaws or regulations. The merchandise may be exported, \ndestroyed or sent Into customs territory from the zone, in the \noriginal package or otherwise. It Is subject to customs duties \nif sent into customs territory, but not If reshlpped to \nfore Ign poInts. ALLOCATION AMONG MBdBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nUK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nSemi-fini shed products \n\n46. 53 \n\n13. 49 \n\n2. 79 \n\n13. 96 \n\n12. 10 \n\nPlate \n\n18. 42 \n\n2. 95 \n\n8. 47 \n\n0. 74 \n\n38. 61 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 19 \n\n11. 17 \n\nHot rolled sheet and strip \n\n32. 66 \n\n32. 04 \n\n8. 60 \n\n19. 39 \n\n3. 65 \n\n0. 55 \n\n0. 85 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nCold rolled sheet \n\n39. 90 \n\n14. 46 \n\n8. 90 \n\n14. 67 \n\n8. 14 \n\n0. 25 \n\n2. 14 \n\n4. 75 \n\nBlack plate \n\n11. 72 \n\n10. 75 \n\n-\n\n16. 71 \n\n30. 96 \n\nCold rolled strip \n\n51. 75 \n\n6. 29 \n\n0. 39 \n\n0. 13 \n\n3. 98 \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\n47. 60 \n\n1. 03 \n\n46. 11 \n\n-\n\n1. 23 \n\nStainless plate \n\n55. 90 \n\n3. 88 \n\n0. 77 \n\n0. 03 \n\n9. 63 \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\n19. 31 \n\n42. 23 \n\n5. 60 \n\n0. 02 \n\n3. 84 \n\nTin plate \n\n45. 07 \n\n32. 57 \n\nTin free steel \n\n78. 70 \n\n18. 90 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 75 \n\n3. 35 \n\n0. 89 \n\n0. 99 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 03 \n\n29. 79 \n\n5. 44 \n\n0. 69 \n\n0. 52 \n\n0. 16 \n\n29. 70 \n\n8. 54 \n\n6. 13 \n\nCoated flat rolled products \n\n47. 19 \n\n19. 16 \n\n7. 15 \n\n3. 41 \n\n3. 19 \n\n0. 35 \n\n2. 08 \n\nReinforcing bar \n\n21. 59 \n\n26. 59 \n\n0. 08 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n1. 50 \n\nHot finished bar \n\n7. 03 \n\n11. 28 \n\n2. 78 \n\n0. 24 \n\n4. 43 \n\n16. 05 \n\n41. 13 \n\nCold finished bar \n\n6. 94 \n\n45. 40 \n\n3. 85 \n\n0. 08 \n\n0. 65 \n\nStainless bar \n\n11. 09 \n\n22. 48 \n\n11. 10 \n\n0. 04 \n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n27. 56 \n\n9. 32 \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\n12. 27 \n\n37. 57 \n\n0. 01 \n\n2. 87 \n\n6. 62 \n\n0. 02 \n\n21. 00 \n\n-\n\n1. 44 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n6. 94 \n\n18. 20 \n\n2. 26 \n\n6. 79 \n\n-\n\n22. 79 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n23. 56 \n\n7. 57 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n12. 62 \n\n4. 85 \n\n50. 24 \n\n17. 06 \n\n15. 52 \n\n45. 77 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n18. 91 \n\n0. 73 \n\n2 \nm \nx \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\fJ\\UJJU\\L \n\n1ULN. ttMLANUr lVli3. Vir>HK O I A I J CO \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nUK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nStainless wire rod \n\n11. 39 \n\n33. 93 \n\n19. 55 \n\n0. 03 \n\n8. 20 \n\nAlloy wire rod \n\n7. 49 \n\n40. 84 \n\n10. 42 \n\n27. 94 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 21 \n\n11. 75 \n\nBar shapes under 80 ran \n\n12. 18 \n\n1. 95 \n\n1. 22 \n\n1. 34 \n\n53. 86 \n\n19. 18 \n\n7. 43 \n\nStructurais \n\nSheet piling \n\n17. 50 \n\n8. 63 \n\n0. 50 \n\n27. 67 \n\n25. 16 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nFabricated structurais \n\n11. 62 \n\n4. 32' \n\n40. 51 \n\n3. 27 \n\n19. 30 \n\n13. 83 \n\n18. 31 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n30. 52 \n\n16. 65 \n\n17. 44 \n\n19. 62 \n\nStainless wire \n\n6. 97 \n\n23. 06 \n\n29. 65 \n\n0. 51 \n\n20. 18 \n\nWire strand \n\nWire rope \n\n8. 62 \n\n10. 73 \n\n27. 57 \n\n9. 58 \n\n4. 87 \n\n19. 77 \n\n21. 55 \n\n8. 96 \n\n7. 68 \n\n4. 11 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n19. 13 \n\n7. 63 \n\n15. 16 \n\nCarbon and Alloy wire \n\n14. 90 \n\n27. 30 \n\n4. 05 \n\n1. 16 \n\n35. 33 \n\n4. 27 \n\n12. 48 \n\nWire products \n\n2. 32 \n\n3. 32 \n\n1. 10 \n\n2. 51 \n\n13. 89 \n\n15. 59 \n\n4. 76 \n\nRails \n\n58. 54 \n\n14. 36 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n20. 77 \n\n6. 33 \n\nRail products \n\n10. 59 \n\n75. 98 \n\n4. 26 \n\n0. 13 \n\n0. 76 \n\n0. 79 \n\n6. 69 \n\nAlloy tool steel \n\n62. 61 \n\n9. 60 \n\n13. 90 \n\n0. 53 \n\n0. 45 \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n12. 87 \n\n33. 74 \n\n49. 70 \n\n0. 15 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 71 \n\n2. 27 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 06 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n3. 22 \n\n-\n\n0. 01 \n\n1. 13 \n\n0. 09 \n\n4. 47 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n26. 63 \n\n0. 64 \n\n2. 84 \n\n21. 93 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 50 \n\n30. 99 \n\n21. 64 \n\n0. 42 \n\n52. 04 \n\n-\n\n0. 80 \n\n2. 20 \n\n0. 35 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\f\fI I I/6000/89 \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No. of \n\non the restriction of exports of certain steel products \nto the United States of America \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nhas \n\nthe \n\nconcluded \n\nCommunity \n\narrangement(1) \nWhereas \n(hereinafter referred to as 'the Arrangement') with the United \nStates of America under which the amount of exports, to the \nUnited States, of certain steel products originating In the \nCommunity are to be limited to certain levels over an agreed \nperiod; whereas, moreover, it is necessary, pursuant to this \nArrangement, to introduce in the Community measures to restrict \nthe amount of these steel products exported to the United States; \n\nan \n\nWhereas, in accordance with the Arrangement, the export \nrestrictions cover steel products originating In the Community; \nwhereas the origin of these products Is determined in accordance \nwith applicable Community legislation, that Is to say Council \nRegulation (EEC) No 802/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common \ndefinition of the concept of the origin of goods^2), as last \namended by the \n\nAct of Accession; \n\nWhereas, for practical and management reasons, the quantitative \nexport limits agreed by the Community must be allocated among the \nMember States; whereas, in order to do so, an allocation method \nmust be establ ished; whereas, thereafter, the Member States must \nshare out the amounts allocated to them among undertakings in \naccordance with objective criteria; \n\nWhereas utilization of the Community limits, based on allocations \namong Member States made in this way, would seem to be in keeping \nwith the Community nature of these limits, considering that in \nparticular the allocation method provides for a maximum use of \nexport possibilities-, \n\nWhereas the allocation among the Member States of the total \nexport possibilities which the arrangement affords should take \naccount of traditional trade patterns; \n\n(1) \n(2) OJ No L 148, 28. 6. 1968, p. 1. See page \n\nof this Official Journa \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nWhereas, as provided for the Arrangement, measures must be taken \nto avoid abnormal concentration at certain times of exports to \nthe United States-, \n\nWhereas the Community steel policy alms in particular at allowing \nthe Community steel Industry to adapt to the conditions of \ninternational competition; whereas the Arrangement is limited to \nproducts originating in the Community, It Is necessary to provide \nthat export licences issued to undertakings shall Indicate the \nundertaking engaged In production of steel within the Community \nand established In the Issuing Member State that is holding the \nallocation against which the licence is issued; \n\nIn order \n\nto take account \n\nWhereas, \ninterests of \ndistributive undertakings, It must be possible for these licences \nto be transferred not only between steel undertakings but also by \nsteel undertakings to distributive undertakings, in particular \nwhere the steel undertakings decide to sell their products to \nsuch distributive undertakings; \n\nof the \n\nWhereas it appears necessary, and for the moment sufficient, that \nMember States ensure compliance with the different provisions of \nthe regime laid down by applying the various penalties provided \nfor In their laws; \n\nWhereas, In order to facilitate the application of the envisaged \nprovisions, it is appropriate to set up a procedure establishing \nclose cooperation between Member States and the Commission in the \nframework of a Committee-, whereas It is sufficient for this \npurpose to apply the procedure set up in Council Regulation (EEC) \nNo 1023/70 of 25 May 1970*1) which established a common \nprocedure for administering quantitative quotas, \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Community export limits are hereby established for the period \n1 October 1989 to 31 December 1990 (hereinafter referred to as \n'the Initial period*), for the year 1991 for the period 1 January \n1992 to 31 March 1992 (hereinafter referred to as 'the end \nperiod') for exports effected after 1 October 1989 from the \nCommunity to the United States of America (hereinafter referred \nto as the 'United States') of the steel products originating in \nthe Community which are listed and described in Annex I. For the purposes of this Regulation, the United States shall \ncomprise United States customs territory and United States \nforeign trade zones as described in Annex II. 2. The origin of the products covered by this Regulation shall \nbe determined in accordance with the rules in force in the \nCommun i ty. (1) \n\nOJ No L 124, 8. 6. 1970, p. 1 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\nArticle 2 \n\n1. Community export limits per product category shall be \n\ncalculated by the Commission for the initial period, for the year \n\n1991 and the end period by application to the United States \n\napparent consumption within the meaning of Article 5 and Annex A \n\nof the Arrangement of the following percentages: \n\nProduct category \n\nQuota (%) \n\nSemi-finI shed steel \n\nPlate \n\nHot-rolled sheet and strip \n\nCold-rolled sheet \n\nBlack plate \n\nCold-rolled strip \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\nStainless plate \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\nTin plate \n\nTin-free steel \n\nCoated flat-rolled products \n\nConcrete reinforcing bar \n\nHot-finished bar \n\nCold-finished bar \n\nStainless bar \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\nStainless wire rod \n\nA I loy wi re rod \n\nBar shapes under 80mm \n\nStructura I s \n\nSheet p i I i ng \n\nSta i nI ess wi re \n\nRai Is \n\nAIloy tool steel \n\n0. 76 \n\n7. 13 \n\n7. 29 \n\n4 \n\n5. 94 \n\n12. 84 \n\n5. 34 \n\n4. 98 \n\n5. 89 \n\n5. 94 \n\n2. 96 \n\n4. 22 \n\n4. 51 \n\n0. 09 \n\n3. 09 \n\n6. 63 \n\n7. 40 \n\n5. 70 \n\n13. 16 \n\n19. 68 \n\n2. 48 \n\n14. 15 \n\n23. 70 \n\n15. 34 \n\n9. 26 \n\n11. 02 \n\n\f4 -\n\nFor the following categories, the Community export limits shall \nbe as follows In metric tonnes: \n\nInitial Period \n\n1991 \n\nEnd Period \n\nFabricated structurais \n\nWi re Strand \n\nW i re Rope \n\n20 625 \n\n62 250 \n\n12 250 \n\n16 500 \n\n49 800 \n\n9 800 \n\n4 125 \n\n12 450 \n\n2 450 \n\nCarbon/ Alloy Wire \n\n228 250 \n\n182 600 \n\n45 650 \n\nWire products \n\nRa i I products \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n31 875 \n\n4 875 \n\n15 125 \n\n25 500 \n\n3 900 \n\n6 375 \n\n975 \n\n12 100 \n\n3 025 \n\nThese quantities also include the products In the corresponding \ncatagories referred to In Article 2 of Commission Decision \nN\u00b0 \n\n/89/ECSC<1>. With regard to semi-fInI shed steel products listed as \"other \nsemi-fInished (including slabs)\" in Annex I, the Community quota, \ncomprised within the general quota for semI-finI shed steel \nproducts shall be equal to 92 % of the total. regard \n\nWith \nas \n\"eIectrogaI van I zed\" in Annex I, the Community quota, comprised \nwithin the general quota for coated flat rolled products shall be \nequal to 25 % of the total. products \n\ncoated \n\nrolled \n\nlisted \n\nflat \n\nto \n\nCommunity \n\n2. The \nto \nparagraph 1 shall be adjusted by the Commission to take account \nof revisions of the said United States apparent consumption. calculated \n\npursuant \n\nexport \n\nlimits \n\n3. These limits may also be adjusted in line with the procedure \nlaid down in Article 7: \n\n- for advance use or carry-over of licences, \n\n- to enable transfers between product categories, including \ntransfers between product categories covered by this \nRegulation and those covered by Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 \n\n(2), \n\n- for additional quotas in case of short-supply, \n\n- to take account of exports effected by the Community \nbetween 1 October 1989 and the date of entry into force of \nth i s ReguI at ion, \n\n( 1 ) \n(2) \n\nSee page \n\nSee page \n\nof this Official Journal, \nof this Official Journal. - 5 -\n\n- to take account of changes In the limits for semi-fInI shed \nproducts made pursuant to Article 4(e) of the Arrangement \non additional quantities ot be allocated at the discretion \nof the United States, \n\nunder the conditions provided for In the Arrangement. Article 3 \n\n1. (a) The Community quantitative export limits established and \ncalculated pursuant to Article 2 shall be allocated for the \ninitial period, 1991 and the end period by the Commission In \naccordance with Annex III, with the exception of any quantities \ngranted under Articles 4(e) and 8 of th\u00e9* Arrangement, which shall \nbe allocated by the Commission on the basis of the circumstances \nand conditions under which these quantities have been granted; \n\n(b) Notwithstanding point (a), the Community quantitative export \nlimits to be allocated by the Commission In accordance with \nAnnex III shall be reduced by 10% In the Initial period and 1991 \nfor those Member States which, on the basis of certificates \nreferred to in Article 4(1) issued by them, have used less than \n4 0% of their quota by 30 June 1990 and 3 3% of their quota by \n30 June 1991 respectively. T Xc quantities represented by such reductions shall be allocated \nby the Commission after consulting the Arrangement Committee on \n1 August 1990 and 1 August 1991 respectively so as to facilitate \nthe optimal use and administration of the Community export \npossibilities taking account of the share of Community exports \neffected by each Member State In each product category by 30 June \n1990 and 30 June 1991 respectively. (c) Where the Community limits for arrangement products are \nadjusted In accordance with the fourth Indent of Article 2(3), \nthe Commission shall adjust the allocation of quantity limits, \ntaking account of the origin of the exports before the entry into \nforce of this Regulation which gave rise to this adjustment; \n\n2. The Commission shall hold periodic consultations with the \nArrangement Committee referred to In Article 3 (2) of Commission \nDecision No \non the restriction of exports of \ncertain steel products to the United States of America^1) on the \nsituation regarding licences Issued and on the measures to be \ntaken with a view to ensuring best use of the overall limit. (1) \n\nSee page \n\nof this Official Journal. 6 -\n\nArticle 4 \n\n1. The Community exports described In Article 1 shall from the \ndate of entry Into force of this Regulation to 31 March 1992 be \nsubject to the production to the competent customs office in the \nCommunity of an export licence and an export certificate. The \nexport licences shall be Issued by the appropriate authorities of \neach Member State within the limits of the amounts allocated to \nit pursuant to Article 3. Member States shall fix the tonnages for which they anticipate \nthat licence will be Issued, In each quarter for each product \ncategory; they shall Inform the Commission thereof in the first \n15 days of the relevant quarter. In doing so, they shall make \nsure that the export licence Issues for each quarter ensure an \nadequate spread of exports over the whole year, taking Into \naccount the seasonal variations in trade In the product category \nin question. However, Member States, shall not, without the prior \nauthorization of the Commission, issue in any two consecutive \nquarters \nlicences for amounts which exceed 5 2% of their \nallocation in the initial period of 65% of their allocation in \n1991. Member States may, subject to the second subparagraph hereof, \nissue further licences in the initial period, 1991 and the end \nperiod respectively, in respect of the unutilized part of \nlicences issued which have been returned to their competent \nauthorities in the Initial period, 1991 and the end period. 2. Licences shall be issued according to the following criteria: \n\ncompliance with the rules prescribed by this Regulation, in \nparticular those concerning the quota allocated by the \nCommission pursuant to Article 3, \n\nwith \n\ncompliance \nof \ntraditional \nundertakings taking account of the reduction principles \nestablished \nby this Regulation, and of the situation \nregarding any new undertakings producing steel, \n\npatterns \n\nexport \n\nthe \n\ncompliance with the rates of exports to the United States as \ntraditionally spread out over the year, \n\ncompliance with the possibilities afforded by Article 3(1)(b) \nof this Regulation, \n\nbest use being made of any new possibilities provided for, \nwhere appropriate, by this Regulation. Each licence shall indicate the undertaking engaged in production \nof steel within the Community, and established in the issuing \nMember State that is holding the allocation against which the \nI i cence i s i ssued. - 7 -\n\n3. Transfers of export licences between steel undertakings or by \nsteel undertakings to distributive undertakings may take place \nprovided they concern the same product category and after prior \nnotification to the authorities of the Member State in which the \nundertaking \nSuch \ntransfer may take place between undertakings established In \ndifferent Member States. is established. transferring \n\nlicence \n\nthe \n\n4. Licences issued in one Member State of the Community shall be \nvalid throughout the Community. 5. Member States shall ensure that appropriate sanctions are \napplied in respect of all exports effected without production of \nthe licence required hereunder a n* in respect of any other \nbreaches of the provisions relating to such licences. Member \nStates shall keep the Commission Informed of all breaches of such \nmeasures and of all sanctions imposed in respect thereof, at \nintervals to be specified by the Commission. 6. The Commission \nthe \nimplementation of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article and specify \nthe information to be provided to the Commission concerning the \nlicences and exports. lay down detailed \n\nrules \n\nmay \n\nfor \n\nArt icle 5 \n\n1. Member States shaI I charge the amounts set out on the \nlicences issued by them against their respective allocations made \npursuant \nsubsequently \nincluding all \ntransferred to an undertaking of another Member State. to Article 3 \n\nlicences \n\n2. Member States shall keep records of the exports of the \nproducts covered by this Regulation. The products shall be deemed \nto be so exported as at the date of acceptance, by the customs \nauthorities of the Member State of dispatch, of the export \ndeclaration or of the document provided for in Article 18 of \nCouncil Directive 81/177/EEC of 24 February 1981 on the harmo \nnization of procedures for the export of Community g o o d s ^1). 3. The extent to which a Member State has used up its allocation \nshall be determined on the basis of licences issued in accordance \nw i th Art icle 4. ( 1) OJ N\u00b0 L 8 3, 3 0. 0 3. 1 9 81 \n\n40 \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Temporary exports to the United States of arrangement \nproducts which are to be re-exported from the United States In \nthe same form or without having been subject to substantial \ntransformation or having been subject to a double substantial \ntransformation as defined In Appendix D of the Arrangement shall \nbe charged against the allocation of the Member States whose \nauthorities \nthe \nlicence. authorities of such Member State of proof of such re-exportation \nfrom the United States, the allocation of that Member State for \nthe period within which such proof is presented shall be \nincreased by the same amount. production \n\nIssued \n\nUpon \n\nthe \n\nto \n\n2. The Commission \nimplementation of this Article. may \n\nlay down detailed \n\nrules \n\nfor \n\nthe \n\nArtIcle 7 \n\nWhere reference is made to the procedure mentioned in this \nArticle, Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) N\u00b0 1023/70 will apply. Article 8 \n\nThis Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its \npublication In the Official Journal of the European Communities. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Counci \n\nThe President \n\n\fAnnex I - List of products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\n3 looms and 8 I I l e ts \n\n7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4. 7224 \n7224 \n\n11 \n1 2. 0 0 10 \n1 9 (4 0> \n2 0. 0 0 25. 2 0. 0 0 7 5 (4 0> \n, 2 0. 0 0 9 0 (4\u00b0) \n, 9 0. 0 0 10. 9 0. 0 0 20 \n, 9 0. 0 0 4 5 (4 0). 9 0. 0 0 5 5 (4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 7 0 (4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 8 0 <4\u00b0). 9 0. 0 0 10. 9 0. 0 0 3 0 <4\u00b0). 9 0. 0 0 40. 9 0. 0 0 6 0 <4 0>. 9 0. 0 0 7 0 (4\u00b0) \n\nGXhtr S e m i - F i nI shed \n( i n c I ud i ng s i a b s) \n\n7 2 0 6. 10 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 7 2 0 7. 2 0, \n7 2 1 8. 10 \n7 2 1 8. 9 0, \n7224. 10 \n7224. 90 \n7224. 90 \n\n0050 \n0045 \n( 1 7) \n\n0035 \n( 1 7) \n\n0020 \n0050 \n\n7 2 0 7. 11 \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 1 1( 4 1) \n1201. 12. 19<41> \n7 2 0 7. 1 2. 9 0 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 1 9( 4 0> \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 1( 4 1} \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 5 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 7 <41 > \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 1 9 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 1 <4 1J \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 3 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 3 9 <4 1) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 51 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 55 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 57 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 5 9( 4 0) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 71 \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 7 9 <4 0) \n7 2 0 7. 2 0. 9 0 <4 0) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 1 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 3 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 5 <4 1> <4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 1 9 (4 1 )<4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 3 0 <4 1> (4 2> \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 5 0 <4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 1 <4\u00b0 X 4 2) \n7 2 1 8. 9 0. 9 9 ^4 0^4 2^ \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 1 1( 4 1> \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 1 9( 4 1) \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 30 \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 9 1 <4 0) \n7 2 2 4. 9 0. 9 9 <4 0) \n\n7 2 0 6. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 0 7. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 1 8. 7 2 2 4. 7 2 2 4, \n7224 \n\n1 0. 00 \n, 1 2. 1 1 <4 3> \n, 1 2. 1 9 <4 3> \n, 1 2. 9 0 <4 3). 2 0. 3 1( 4 3). 2 0. 3 3 <4 3>. 2 0. 3 9 <4 3) \n, 1 0. 0 0 . 9 0. 1 5( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9( 4 3). 9 0. 3 0 <4 3>. 1 0. 0 0 *1 7). 9 0. 1 1( 4 3). 9 0. 1 9( 4 3) \n\nf or \n\ni n f o r m a t i on p u r p o s e s, \n\nt he p r o d u c ts w h i ch come \n\nt he ECSC T r e a ty a nd a re c o v e r ed by A r t i c le 1 ( 1) of O e c i s i on \n\nT h is Annex L i s t s, \nu n d er \nNo \n\n/ 8 9 / E C S C. The subheadings and item mizbers r e f e r r ed \nto r e v i s i on when the EC or the US ado^t \nsubject \nmodifications to t h e ir r e s p e c t i ve import nomenclatures, \nrfhen such modifications are adopted, p r i or nr t i f i c a ' i on \n\u00abhflii >>p criven to t. h\u00ab other -oartv. to above are \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nS tr i D \n\n7208. 31 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33. 50 \n7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 10(5>(6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60<6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7208. 7211. 7211. 7211. 7225. 7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n\n11 \n12 \n13 \n14 \n21. 50 \n22. 50 \n,23. 24. 34. 35. 44. 45. 90(5X6). 19*3). 22. 0090. 29(3). 30. 70(3). 40. 70(3). 91. 70(3). 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33 \n7208. 33. 10(44) \n7208. 33. 91<44) \n7208. 33. 99(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31*5) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10<45> \n7211. 22. 90<45) \n7212. 60<6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10<47) \n7225. 40. 30(47> \n7225. 40. 50*47) \n7225. 50. 00<46><47) \n7226. 91. 00(4 6 )(4 7) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22(48) \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(47) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined NomencIature \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 30(5)(6) \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(50) \n7208. 22. 99(50) \n7208. 33. 10(50) \n7208. 33. 91(50) \n7208. 33. 99(50) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(5^) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. ig(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47)(49)(54) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(53) \n\nBlackp late \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)06) \n7211. 30. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 50(3)06) \n7211. 49,10(3)06) \n7211. 49. 30(3)06) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 10(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 30(6)O6) \n7212. 40. 10(6)O6) \n7226. 92. 70(3)06) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n7211. 30. 3l(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 41. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)06)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 49. 99(3)06)(56) \n7211,90. 90(3)(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 30. 90(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. l0(6)O6)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(6)(16)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)(47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nElectrleal Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)( 6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStainless Plate \n\n7219 iiO9)(20) \n7219 1209)(2\u00b0) \n7219. 21(1 9)(2 0) \n7219 22(19)(2\u00b0) \n7219*. 31(19)(2\u00b0) \n7220. 11<19)<2\u00b0) \n\n7219 1109)(20) \n7219 1 2 (1 9) (2 0) \n7 2 1 9 > 2 1(19)(20) \n7219 22(1 9)( 2\u00b0) \n7219'. 31(19)(2\u00b0) \n7220. 11. 00(19)(2\u00b0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip 7219. 13O9)(20)(21) \n7219. 14O9)(20)(2D \n7219. 23(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7 2 1 9. 2 4 O 9 ) (20 H2 1) \n7219. 32(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7219. 33(19)(2\u00b0)(21) \n7219. 34O9)(20)(2D \n7219 35d9)(20)(21) \n7219 90(5)(6)(19)(20)(21) \n7220. 12(2)(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 10(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 60(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220. 20. 70(19)(20)(22) \n7220. 20. 90(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n7220 Q Q (2) ( 6 ) O 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219. 7219, \n\n7 2 19 \n\n7 2 19 \n7220 \n7220 \n7220 \n\n13(19)(20)(21) \n1 4O9)(20)(21) \n2 3O9)(20)(21) \n2 4O9)(20)(21) \n3 2O9)(20)(21) \n33(19)(20)(21) \n3 4O9)(20)(21) \n35(19)(20)(21). 90(5)(6)(19)(20)(21) \n12. 00(2)(19)(2\u00b0)(22) \n20(2)O9)(20)(22) \n90(2)(6)O9)(20)(22) \n\nT i npI ate \n\n7210. 11(5)(6) \n7210. 12(5)(6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\nTin Free Stee \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (6) \n\nElectrogalvanized \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 l ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 (6) \n\n7210. 11(5)(6) \n7210. 12(5)(6) \n7212. 10(6) \n\n(6) \n7 2 1 0. 50 \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 35 \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 9 (5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0( 6) (5 7) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) (6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 (5) (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 l (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9( 6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70. 60(5)(6) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6) \n7212. 30. 50(6) \n7212. 40. 50(6) \n7212. 50(6) \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70(5)(6)(58) \n7210. 90. 33(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 35(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 39(5)(6)(59) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6)(59) \n7212. 30(6)(53) \n7212. 40(6)(53) \n7212. 50. 31(6) \n7212. 50. 39(6) \n7212. 50. 51(6) \n7212. 50. 59(6) \n7212. 50. 71(6) \n7212. 50. 73(6) \n7212. 50. 75(6) \n7212. 50. 91(6) \n7212. 50. 93(6) \n7212. 50. 97(6) \n7212. 50,99<6>\u2022 \n\nRebar \n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nHot-f inlshed Bar \n\nCold-fInlshed Bar \n\n7213. 39. 0060 \n7213. 39. 0090 \n7213. 49. 0060 \n7213. 49. 0090 \n7213. 50. 0060 \n7213. 50. 0080 \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 20. 10(6) \n7228. 30. 80 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 60. 60(6) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 50(6) \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80(6) \n7228. 80 \n\n7213. 39. 00(60) \n7213. 49. 00(6\u00b0) \n7213. 50. 00(60) \n7214. 10. 00 \n7214. 30. 00 \n7214. 4Q \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60. 00 \n7228. 20. 11 \n7228. 20. 19 \n7228. 20. 30 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 20. 90(61) \n7228. 30. 10<47) \n7228. 30. 90(47) \n7228. 40. 00 \n7228. 60. 10(47) \n7228. 60. 90(47)(6D \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215-. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7228. 50. 00(4?) \n7228. 60. 90(6H47)(62) \n7228. 80 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nStaInless Bar \n\nCarbon Wi re Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7221. 00. 0060 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30(6) \n\n7 2 1 3. 10 \n7 2 1 3. 20 \n7 2 1 3. 31 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 0 0 30 \n7 2 1 3. 41 \n7213. 49. 0030 \n7213. 50. 0020 \n7213. 50. 0040 \n\nSta tnless WIre Rod \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\nAI loy Wire Rod \n\n7227. 20 \n7227. 90. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 2 (8 1) \n\nS t r u c t u ra Is \n\n7 2 1 6. 3 1 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 2 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 3 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 4 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 5 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 6 0 (8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 3 0 (8D \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 3 0 (8 1) \n\n7218. 90. 11(63) \n7218. 90. 13(63) \n7218. 90. 15(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 19(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 30(41)(63) \n7218. 90. 50(63) \n7218. 90. 91(63) \n7218. 90. 99(63) \n7221. 00. 10(60) \n7221. 00. 90(60) \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30(6) \n\n7213. 10. 00 \n7213. 20. 00 \n7213. 31. 00 \n7213. 39. 00(64) \n7213. 41. 00 \n7213. 49. 00(64) \n7213. 50. 00(65) \n\n7221. 00. 10(65) \n7221. 00. 90(65) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7227. 90. 90(47) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 1. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 0 0 (8 1) \n\n7 2 1 6. 3 1. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 2. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 3 3. 0 0 (8 1) \n7 2 1 6. 4 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 5 0 (8D \n7 2 1 6. 6 0 (8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 11 ( 6 6 M 81 ) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. i g ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 3 0 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 1 0 ( 6 6 ) ( 81 ) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 3 l ( 6 6 ) ( 81 ) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 ( 6 6 ) ( 8 1) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined N o m e n c l a t u re \n\nSheet PI l i ng \n\n7 3 0 1. 10 \n\n7 3 0 1. 1 0. 00 \n\nF a b r i c a t ed S t r u c t u r a is \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0 (8D \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 60 \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 60 \n7 3 0 1. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 10 \n7 3 0 8. 20 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0 (15) \n7 3 0 8. 40 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 3 0 (1 2) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 6 0 O 3) \n7 3 0 8. 9 0. 9 0 (9) (1 4) \n\n7 2 1 6. 9 0( 8 1) \n7 2 2 2. 4 0. 9 9 (8 1) \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 9 9 (8 1) \n7 3 0 1. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 1 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 2 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 3 0. 0 0 O 5) \n7 3 0 8. 4 0. 00 \n7 3 0 8. 9 0 ( 9 ) O4) ( 6 7) \n\nStainless Wire \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 50(2)(6) \n\n7223. 00. 10(68) \n7223. 00. 90(68) \n\nWire Strand \n\nWire Rope \n\nOther Wire \n\n7312. 10. 10(4) \n7312. 10. 3015(4) \n7312. 10. 3065(4) \n7312. 10. 3075(4) \n7312. 10. 3090(4) \n\n7312. 10. 60(4) \n7312. 10. 90(4) \n\n7217 \n11 \n7217 \n12 \n7217 \n13 \n7217 \n19 \n7217 \n21 \n7217 \n22 \n7217 \n23 \n7217 \n29 \n31(3) \n7217 \n7217 \n32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39(3) \n7223. 00. 90 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n\n7312. 10. 30(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 50(4)(69)(71) \n7312. 10. 71(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 75(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 79(4)(69) \n\n7312. 10. 50(4)(69)(72) \n7312. 10. 91(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 95(4)(69) \n7312. 10. 99(4)(69)(73) \n\n7217, \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229 \n\n11 \n12 \n13 \n19 \n21. 00 \n22. 00 \n23. 00 \n29. 00 \n00(3) \n31 \n32 \n00 \n33 \n00 \n39 \n00(3) \n00. 10(74) \n00. 90(74) \n20. 00 \n90. 00 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRa i Is \n\nRa I l Products \n\nAIloy Too I Stee \n\n7 3 1 3. O O OD \n7314. 41(6) \n7314. 42(6) \n7314. 49(6) \n7317. 00. 55(7) \n7317. 00. 6560(?) \n7317. 00. 75(?) \n\n7302. 10d\u00b0) \n\n7302. 20d6) \n7302. 40O6) \n7302. 90(23) \n8607. 19. 10 \n8607. 19. 20 \n\n7 3 1 3. 0 0. 0 0 OD \n7 3 1 4. 4 1 ( 6) \n7 3 1 4. 4 2 ( 6) \n7 3 1 4. 4 9. 0 0 ( 6) \n7 3 1 7. 0 0 (7) (75) \n\n7 3 0 2. 1 0 ( 1 \u00b0) \n\n7 3 0 2. 2 0. 0 0( 1 8) \n7 3 0 2. 4 0. 10 \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 3 0 (2 3) \n7 3 0 2. 9 0. 9 0 ( 2 3) \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19. 20 (5)(6). 30. 00C76). 40(77). 50. 00(77). 20 (6). 91. 00(7?). 92(77). 10. 00. 90(77). 10(6). 30(77). 50. 00(77). 60(6)(77) \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229. 10. 00 \n\n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7225 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7226 \n7227 \n7227 \n7227 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7229 \n\n1060 \n3060 \n1060 \n3060 \n\n20 (5)(6) \n30. 10 \n30. 5060 \n40. 1090 \n40. 5060 \n50. 1060 \n20 (6) \n91 \n91 \n92 \n92 \n10 \n90 \n90 \n10(6) \n30. 40 \n30. 60 \n50. 1020 \n50. 1040 \n50. 1060 \n50. 1080 \n60. 1060(6) \n10 \n\n1060 \n2060 \n\nOther Special Ity Stee \n\n7225. 30. 00(78) \n7225. 40(79) \n7225. 50. 00(79)(6\u00b0) \n7226. 91. 00(79) \n7226. 92(79) \n7227. 90(79) \n7228. 30(79) \n7228. 50. 00(79) \n7228. 60(6)(79) \n\n7225. 30 \n7225. 40 \n7225. 40 \n7225. 50 \n7225. 50 \n7226. 91 \n7226. 91 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 92 \n7227. 90. 7227. 90 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n5030 \n1015 \n5030 \n1030 \n70 \n1030 \n3030 \n1030 \n3030 \n1030 \n2030 \n20 \n1010 \n1030(6) \n\n\f(1) Excluded if of wrought iron. FOOTNOTES \n\n(2) Excluded if \"razor blade steel,\"i^f\u00ee^, flat-rolled products of \n\nstainless steel not over 0,25mm in thickness and not over 23mm \nin width, containing by weight not over 14. 7 percent of \nchromium, and certified at the time of entry to be used ir. the \nmanufacture of razor blades. (3) Excluded if \"carbon/alloy band saw steel\" defined as follows: \n\n(a) \"metal cutting band saw steel\" referring to steel flat-\nrolled products, not less than 0. 61mm and not more than 0. 91mm \nin thickness, not less than 6. 30mm and not more than 50. 80mm in \nwidth, in coils, containing: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 1. 18 percent and not more than \n1. 32 percent, \n\nchromium : not less than 0. 15 percent and not more than \n\n0. 32 percent, \n\nmanganese-: not less than 0. 10 percent and not more than \n\n0. 40 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of metal-cutting band saw blades ; or \n(b) \"wood band saw steel\" referring to (1) alloy steel flat-\nrolled products less than 4. 75mm in thickness which contains, \nin addition to iron, each of the following elements by weight \nin the amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese \n\nnot less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 55 \npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less than 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nniokel : \n\nnot less than 1. 60 nor more than 2. 70 \nperoent; \n\nchromium : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 50 percent; \n\nphosphorus \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent; \n\n\for (2) cold-rolled flat-rolled products less than 4. 75m:?. in \nthickness, less than 300mm in width, which contains, in \naddition to iron,, each of the following elements by weight in \nthe amount specified: \n\ncarbon : \n\nnot less than 0. 70 nor more than 0. 81 \npercent; \n\nmanganese : not less than 0. 30 nor more than 0. 50 \n\npercent; \n\nsilicon : \n\nnot less tha. n 0. 20 nor more than 0. 35 \npercent; \n\nchromium : none, or not more than 0. 50 percent; and \n\nphosphorus : none, or not more than 0. 03 percent; and \n\nsulfur : \n\nnone, or not more than 0. 15 percent, \n\ncertified by the importer of record or the ultimate consignee \nfor use in the manufacture of wood band saws. (4) Excluded if covered with textile or other non-metallic \n\nmaterial. (5) Excluded-if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape. (6) Excluded if worked after flat rolling, e. g. perforated, \n\nbevelled, rounded at the edges. (7) Excluded if corrugated fasteners, glaziers' points, hook nails, \n\nor ring nails. (8) Excluded if other than galvanized wire fencing wholly of round \niron or steel wire measuring not over 5. 08mm and not under \n1. 905mm in diameter, whether or not such wire is covered with \nplastics. (9) Excluded if fence or sign posts. (10) Excluded if current-oonducting rail. (11) Excluded if twisted hoop or single flat wire, whether or not \n\nbarbed. (12) Excluded if of cut iron. (13) Excluded if in part of stainless steel. (14) Excluded if plastic foam core insulating composite panels. (15) Excluded if door or window frames. (16) Excluded if bale ties. (17) Excluded if other primary forms, e. g. blocks, lumps, puddled \n\nbars and pilings, pieces roughly shaped by forging. (18) Excluded if forged. (19) Excluded if cladding grade 434 stainless steel certified by the \n\nimporter of record to be used in the manufacture of stainless \nsteel clad automobile trim. (20) Excluded if grade 253KA or 254SM0 stainless steel. (21) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness and over 1,803. 4mm in width. (22) Excluded if stainless steel flat-rolled products less than \n\n4. 75mm in thickness, less than 300mm in width, and certified by \nthe importer of record or ultimate consignee to be used in the \nmanufacture of stainless steel flapper valves for compressors. (23) Covered if either (A) hot-rolled and designed to connect the \nends of adjacent rails in track (i. e. \"joint bars\"). These \nproducts are usually punched or slotted; or (B) hot-rolled and \nused to support rails in track, to maintain track gauge, and \nprotect the ties (i. e. \"tie plates\"). These products are \npunched to provide holes for spikes and have one or two \nshoulder sections as rail guides. (24) Excluded if cut, pressed or stamped to non-rectangular shape \n\nand other than electrolytically coated or plated. (40) Excluded if pieces roughly shaped by forging. (41) Covered if of a width measuring less than four times the \n\nthickness. (42) Covered if of a cross-sectional area of 19. 4 cm* or more, but \nless than 232 cmx or of a cross sectional area of 232 cm1 or \nmore. (43) Covered if of a width measuring at least four times the \n\nthickness. (44) Excluded if pickled. (45) Excluded if in coils. (46) Covered if of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more. (47) Excluded if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e). (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (48) Covered if in. coils. (49) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm. (50) Covered if pickled. (51) Covered if of a thickness of 0. 361mm or more. (52) Excluded if coated or plated with metal or clad. (53) Covered if of a width of 300mm or more. (54) Excluded if of heat resisting st^el as defined in Additional \n\nNote A(g) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (55) Covered if of a thickness of less than 0. 361mm. (56) Covered if of a width of less than 300 mm. (57) Covered if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal. (58) Covered if coated or plated with metal or clad. (59) Excluded if electrolytically coated or plated with base metal \n\n(60) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of \n19mm or more if of other than circular cross-section. (61) Excluded if cold formed. (62) Covered if cold formed. (63) Covered if of a cross sectional area of less than 19. 4 cm1. (64) Covered if of circular cross-section and with a diameter of 14 \n\nmm or more but less than 19mm. (65) Covered if of circular cross-section and with either a diameter \nof less than 14 mm or with a diameter of 14 mm or more but less \nthan 19mm. (66) Covered if hot rolled, not drilled, not punched and not \n\notherwise advanced. (67) If columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar \n\nstructural units, excluded if in part of stainless steel or if \nof cast iron. (68) Excluded if other than round or flat wire. Also excluded if \nflat wire of razor blade steel (cf. footnote 2) or flat wire \nfurther worked after flat rolling (cf. footnote 6). (69) Excluded if fitted with fittings or made up into articles. * \n\n(70) Excluded if tyre cord. If other than tyre cord and other than \n\nstranded wire for prestressing concrete, excluded if of brass \nplated wire. (71) Covered if stranded wire. (72) Excluded if stranded wire. (73) Excluded if of brass plated wire. (74) Excluded if round or flat wire. (75) Excluded if thumb tacks; or drive pins, studs or other \n\nfasteners, suitable for use in power-activated hand tools; or \nstaples in strip form; or furniture glides; or cut products \nmade of other than round wire and of one piece construction. (76) If of a thickness of 4. 75mm or more, covered if of tool steel \nas defined in Additional Note 1(e), (f) and (h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. If of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm, covered if \nof tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and (f) to \nChapter 72 of the HTS. (77) Covered if of tool steel as defined in Additional Note 1(e) and \n\n(f) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (78) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of ball \n\nbearing steel as defined in Additional Note 1(h) to Chapter 72 \nof the HTS. (79) Covered if of ball-bearing steel as defined in Additional Note \n\n1(h) to Chapter 72 of the HTS. (80) Covered if of a thickness of less than 4. 75mm and of heat \n\nresisting steel as defined in Additional Note 1(g) to Chapter \n72 of the HTS. (81) Excluded if obtained by continuous casting. ANNEX I I \n\nUnited States customs territory and United States foreign trade \nzones \n\nThe United States customs territory shall comprise the States, \nthe district of Columbia and Puerto Rico. A United States foreign zone shall be defined as follows: \n\nIt is Isolated, enclosed and policed area, operated as a public \nutility, in or adjacent to a port of entry, furnished with \nfacilities for lading, unlading, handling, storing, manipulating, \nmanufacturing and exhibiting goods and for reshipplng them by \nland, water or air. Any foreign and domestic merchandise, except \nsuch as is prohibited by law or such as the Board may order to be \nexcluded as detrimental to the public interest, health or safety, \nmay be brought into a zone without being subject to the customs \nlaws of the United States governing the entry of goods or the \npayment of duty thereon; and such merchandise permitted In a zone \nmay be stored, exhibited, manufactured, mixed or manipulated in \nany manner, except as provided In the act and other applicable \nlaws or regulations. The merchandise may be exported, destroyed \nor sent into customs territory from the zone, In the original \npackage or otherwise. It is subject to customs duties if sent \ninto customs territory, but not if reshlpped to foreign points. ALLOCATION AM3NG MBrfBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nIK \n\nGR \n\nEK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nSemi-fini shed products \n\n46. 53 \n\n13. 49 \n\n2. 79 \n\n13. 96 \n\n12. 10 \n\nPlate \n\n18. 42 \n\n2. 95 \n\n8. 47 \n\n0. 74 \n\n38. 61 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 19 \n\n11. 17 \n\nHot rolled sheet and strip \n\n32. 66 \n\n32. 04 \n\n8. 60 \n\n19. 39 \n\n3. 65 \n\n0. 55 \n\n0. 85 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nCold rolled sheet \n\n39. 90 \n\n14. 46 \n\n8. 90 \n\n14. 67 \n\n8. 14 \n\n0. 25 \n\n2. 14 \n\n4. 75 \n\nBlack plate \n\n11. 72 \n\n10. 75 \n\n-\n\n16. 71 \n\n30. 96 \n\nCold rolled strip \n\n51. 75 \n\n6. 29 \n\n0. 39 \n\n0. 13 \n\n3. 98 \n\nElectrical sheet and strip \n\n47. 60 \n\n1. 03 \n\n46. 11 \n\n-\n\n1. 23 \n\nStainless plate \n\n55. 90 \n\n3. 88 \n\n0. 77 \n\n0. 03 \n\n9. 63 \n\nStainless sheet and strip \n\n19. 31 \n\n42. 23 \n\n5. 60 \n\n0. 02 \n\n3. 84 \n\nTin plate \n\n45. 07 \n\n32. 57 \n\nTin free steel \n\n78. 70 \n\n18. 90 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 75 \n\n3. 35 \n\n0. 89 \n\n0. 99 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n4. 03 \n\n29. 79 \n\n5. 44 \n\n0. 69 \n\n0. 52 \n\n0. 16 \n\n29. 70 \n\n8. 54 \n\n6. 13 \n\nCoated flat rolled products \n\n47. 19 \n\n19. 16 \n\n7. 15 \n\n3. 41 \n\n3. 19 \n\n0. 35 \n\n2. 08 \n\nReinforcing bar \n\n21. 59 \n\n26. 59 \n\n0. 08 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n1. 50 \n\nHot finished bar \n\n7. 03 \n\n11. 28 \n\n2. 78 \n\n0. 24 \n\n4. 43 \n\n16. 05 \n\n41. 13 \n\nCold finished bar \n\n6. 94 \n\n45. 40 \n\n3. 85 \n\n0. 08 \n\n0. 65 \n\nStainless bar \n\n11. 09 \n\n22. 48 \n\n11. 10 \n\n0. 04 \n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n27. 56 \n\n9. 32 \n\nCarbon wire rod \n\n12. 27 \n\n37. 57 \n\n0. 01 \n\n2. 87 \n\n6. 62 \n\n0. 02 \n\n21. 00 \n\n-\n\n1. 44 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 10 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n6. 94 \n\n18. 20 \n\n2. 26 \n\n6. 79 \n\n-\n\n22. 79 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n23. 56 \n\n7. 57 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n12. 62 \n\n4. 85 \n\n50. 24 \n\n17. 06 \n\n15. 52 \n\n45. 77 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n18. 91 \n\n0. 73 \n\nm \nx \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\fALLOCATION AMONG MBVdBER STATES \n\n(%) \n\nD \n\nF \n\nI \n\nNL \n\nB \n\nL \n\nIK \n\nGR \n\nLK \n\nIRL \n\nE \n\nP \n\nStainless wire rod \n\n11. 39 \n\n33. 93 \n\n19. 55 \n\n0. 03 \n\n8. 20 \n\nAlloy wire rod \n\n7. 49 \n\n40. 84 \n\n10. 42 \n\n27. 94 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 21 \n\n11. 75 \n\nBar shapes under 80 ran \n\n12. 18 \n\n1. 95 \n\n1. 22 \n\n1. 34 \n\n53. 86 \n\n19. 18 \n\n7. 43 \n\nStructurais \n\nSheet piling \n\n17. 50 \n\n8. 63 \n\n0. 50 \n\n27. 67 \n\n25. 16 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\nFabricated structurais \n\n11. 62 \n\n4. 32 \n\n40. 51 \n\n3. 27 \n\n19. 30 \n\n13. 83 \n\n18. 31 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n30. 52 \n\n16. 65 \n\n17. 44 \n\n19. 62 \n\nStainless wire \n\n6. 97 \n\n23. 06 \n\n29. 65 \n\n0. 51 \n\n20. 18 \n\nWire strand \n\nWire rope \n\n8. 62 \n\n10. 73 \n\n27. 57 \n\n9. 58 \n\n4. 87 \n\n19. 77 \n\n21. 55 \n\n8. 96 \n\n7. 68 \n\n4. 11 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n19. 13 \n\n7. 63 \n\n15. 16 \n\nCarbon and Alloy wire \n\n14. 90 \n\n27. 30 \n\n4. 05 \n\n1. 16 \n\n35. 33 \n\n4. 27 \n\n12. 48 \n\nWire products \n\n2. 32 \n\n3. 32 \n\n1. 10 \n\n2. 51 \n\n13. 89 \n\n15. 59 \n\n4. 76 \n\nRails \n\n58. 54 \n\n14. 36 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n20. 77 \n\n6. 33 \n\nRail products \n\n10. 59 \n\n75. 98 \n\n4. 26 \n\n0. 13 \n\n0. 76 \n\n0. 79 \n\n6. 69 \n\nAlloy tool steel \n\n62. 61 \n\n9. 60 \n\n13. 90 \n\n0. 53 \n\n0. 45 \n\nOther specialty steel \n\n12. 87 \n\n33. 74 \n\n49. 70 \n\n0. 15 \n\n0. 92 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n10. 71 \n\n2. 27 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 06 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n3. 22 \n\n-\n\n0. 01 \n\n1. 13 \n\n0. 09 \n\n4. 47 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n26. 63 \n\n0. 64 \n\n2. 84 \n\n21. 93 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n0. 50 \n\n30. 99 \n\n21. 64 \n\n0. 42 \n\n52. 04 \n\n-\n\n0. 80 \n\n2. 20 \n\n0. 35 \n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n-\n\n\f\f111/6000/89 \n\nCOUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) N\u00b0 \n\nof \n\n, 198 \n\non the restriction of exports of steel pipes and tubes \nto the United States of America \n\nTHE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, \n\nHaving regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic \nCommunity, and in particular Article 113 thereof, \n\nHaving regard to the proposal from the Commission, \n\nWhereas the Community has concluded an Arrangement*1>, herein \nafter referred to as 'the Arrangement*, with the United States of \nAmerica under which exports to the United States of certain steel \npipes and tubes originating in the Community are to be limited to \ncertain levels over an agreed period; whereas, moreover, it is \nnecessary, pursuant to this Arrangement, to introduce in the \nCommunity measures to restrict the amount of these products \nexported to the United States; \n\nin accordance with the Arrangement, \n\nUhereas, \nexport \nrestrictions cover steel pipes and tubes originating in the \nCommunity; whereas the origin of these products is determined in \naccordance with applicable Community legislation, that is to say \nCouncil Regulation (EEC) No 002/68 of 27 June 1968 on the common \ndefinition of the concept of the origin of goods4 2 3, as last \namended by the \n\nAct of Accession; \n\nthe \n\nuhereas, for practical and management reasons, the quantitative \nexport limits agreed by the Community must be allocated among the \nMember States, whereas, in order to do so, an allocation method \nmust be established, whereas, thereafter the Member States must \nshare out the amount allocated to them among undertakings in \naccordance with objective criteria; \n\nUhereas utilization of the Community limits, based on allocations \namong Member States made in this way, would seem to be in keeping \nwith the Community nature of these limits, considering that in \nparticular the allocation method provides for a maximum use of \nexport possibilities; \n\nUhereas the allocation among the Member States of the total \nexport possibilities which the Arrangement affords should take \naccount of traditional trade patterns; \n\nUhereas measures must be taken to avoid abnormal concentration at \ncertain times of exports to the United States; \n\n(1) See page - of this Official Journal. (2) OJ No L 148, 28. 06. 1968, p. 1 \n\n\f- 2 -\n\nUhereas, in order to keep a check on exports, a system of export \nlicences and certificates should be introduced; \n\nUhereas it is necessary to provide that export licences issued to \nundertakings shall indicate the undertaking engaged in production \nof steel pipes and tubes within the Community and established in \nthe issuing Member States that is holding the allocating against \nwhich the licence is issued; \n\nin order to take account of the \n\nUhereas, \nof \ndistributive undertakings, it must be possible for these licences \nto be transferred not only between undertakings producing steel \npipes and tubes but also by undertakings producing steel pipes \nand tubes to distributive undertakings in particular where the \nundertakings producing steel pipes and tubes decide to sell their \nproducts to such distributive undertakings; \n\ninterests \n\nUhereas it appears necessary, and for the moment sufficient, that \nMember States ensure compliance with the different provisions of \nthe regime laid down by applying the various penalties provided \nfor in their laws; \n\nUhereas, in order to facilitate the application of the envisaged \nprovisions, it is appropriate to set up a procedure establishing \nclose cooperation between the Member States and the Commission \nwithin a committee; whereas it is sufficient for this purpose to \napply the procedure set up in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1023/70 \nof 25 May 1970 establishing a common procedure for administering \nquantitative quotas < 1 3 \n\nHAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION : \n\nArticle 1 \n\n1. Community export limits are hereby established for the period \n1 October 1989 to 31 December 1990 (hereinafter referred to as \n'the initial period'), for the year 1991 and for the period \n1 January 1992 to 31 March 1992 (hereinafter referred to as 'the \nend period') for exports effected after 1 October 1989 from the \nCommunity to the United States of America (hereinafter referred \nto as 'the United States') of the steel pipes and tubes \noriginating in the Community which are listed in Annex I. For the purposes of this Regulation, the United States shall \ncomprise United States customs territory and United States \nforeign trade zones as described in Annex II. (1) 0J No L 124, 08. 06. 1970, p. 1 \n\n\f- 3 -\n\n2. The origin of the products covered by this Regulation shall \nbe determined in accordance with the rules in force in the \nCommunity. Article 2 \n\n1. The Community export limit for steel tubes and pipes is \nhereby fixed at 8. 82% of United States apparent consumption. In the case of what are termed OCTG tubes, as referred to in \nAnnex I, the Community limit, forming part of the overall limit \nfor steel pipes and tubes, is hereby fixed at 9% of apparent \nconsumption of these tubes in the United States. The limits shall be calculated by the Commission on the basis of \nthe level of apparent consumption of these products in the United \nStates, as laid down in the Arrangement. 2. The Community export limits calculated pursuant to paragraph \n1 shall be adjusted by the Commission to take account of \nrevisions of the said United States apparent consumption. 3. These limits may also be adjusted by the Commission after \nconsulting the Arrangement Committee : \n\nfor advance use or carry-over of licences, \nto enable transfers between product categories, including \ntransfers between on the one hand the products covered by \nthis Regulation and on the the other those covered by \nRegulation (EEC) No \nECSC<2> , \nfor additional quotas in case of short supply, \nto take account of exports effected by the Community between \n1 October 1989 and the date of entry into force of this \nRegulation, \n\nand by Decision \n\n/ - on \nthe situation regarding licences issued and on the measures to be \ntaken with a view to ensuring the best use cf the overall limit. Article 4 \n\n1. The Community exports described in Article 1 shall, from the \ndate of entry into force of this Regulation to 3 1 March 1992, be \nsubject to the production to the competent Community customs \noffice where the export formalities are carried out of an export \nlicence and an export certificate. The export licences shall be \nissued by the competent authorities of each Member State within \nthe limits of the amounts allocated to it pursuant to Article 3. (1) Page -- cf this Official Journal \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nMember States shall fix for each quarter the amounts for which \nthey anticipate that licences will be issued for all steel pipes \nand tubes on the one hand and for OCTG on the other; they shall \ninform the Commission thereof in the first 15 days of the \nrelevant quarter. In doing so, they shall make sure that the \nexport licences for each quarter ensure an adequate spread of \nexports over the whole year, taking into account the seasonal \nvariations in trade in each product category. However, Member \nStates shall not, without the prior authorization of \nthe \nCommission, issue in any two consecutive quarters licences for \namounts which exceed 52% of their allocation in the initial \nperiod or 65% of their allocation in 1991. Member States may, subject to the second subparagraph, issue \nfurther licences in\" the initial period, 1991 and the end period \nrespectively, in respect of the unused part of licences issued \nwhich have been returned to their competent authorities in the \ninitial period, 1991 and the end period. 2. Licences shall be issued according to the following criteria: \n\nwith \n\nexport \n\nthe traditional \n\ncompliance with\"the rules prescribed by this Regulation, in \nparticular those concerning the quota allocated by the \nCommission purusant to Article 3, \ncompliance \nof \nundertakings taking account of the reduction principles \nestablished by this Regulation and of the situation of new \nproducers of pipes and tubes, \ncompliance with the rates of exports to the United States as \ntraditionally spread out over the year, \noptimum use and administration of the ^ export possibilities \nafforded by this Regulation, \ncompliance with the possibilities afforded by Article 3(1)(b) \nof this Regulation, \nbest use being made of any new possibilities provided for, \nwhere appropriate, by this Regulation. patterns \n\nEach licence shall indicate the undertaking engaged in the \nproduction of steel pipes and tubes in the Community, and \nestablished in the issuing Member State that is holding the \nallocation against which the licence is issued. 3. Transfers of export licences between undertakings producing \nsteel tubes and pipes, or by undertakings producing steel pipes \nand tubes to distributive undertakings, may take place after \nprior notifications to the authorities of the Member State, in \nwhich the undertaking transferring the licence is established. Such transfers may take place between undertakings established in \ndifferent Member States. - 6 -\n\n4. The licence must specify whether the tubes are OCTG tubes or \nother steel pipes or tubes. 5. Licences issued in one Member State of the Community shall be \nvalid throughout the Community. 6. Member States shall ensure that appropriate penalties are \napplied in respect of all exports effected without production of \nthe licence referred to in this Article and in respect of any \nother breaches of the provisions relating to such licences. Member States shall keep the Commission informed of all breaches \nof the abovementioned rules and of all penalties imposed in \nrespect thereof, at intervals to be specified by the Commission. 7. The detailed rules for the application of this Regulation and \nthe information to be supplied to the Commission concerning the \nlicences and exports shall be laid down by the Commission. Article 5 \n\n1. Member States shall charge the amounts set out on the \nlicences issued by them against their respective allocations made \npursuant to Article 3, including all licences subsequently \ntransferred to an undertaking of another Member State. 2. Member States shall keep records of the exports of the \nproducts covered by this Regulation. The products shall be deemed \nto be exported on the date of acceptance, by the customs office \nof the Member State of export, of the export declaration or of \nthe document provided for in Article 18 of Council Directive \n81/177/EEC of 24 February 1981 on the harmonization of procedures \nfor the export of Community goods4\"1'. 3. The extent to which a Member State has used up its allocation \nshall be determined on the basis of licences issued in accordance \nwith Article 4. (1) OJ No L 83, 30. 03. 1981, p. 40 \n\n\f- 7 -\n\nArticle 6 \n\n1. Exports to the United States of products which are to be re \nexported from the United States in the same form or without \nhaving been subject to substantial transformations shall be \ncharged against the allocation of the Member State where the \nlicence was issued. Upon production to the authorities of such \nMember State of proof of such re-exportation from the United \nStates, the allocation of that Member State for the period within \nwhich such proof is presented shall be increased by the same \namount. 2. The \nimplementation of this Article. Commission may lay down \n\ndetailed rules \n\nfor the \n\nArticle 7 \n\nCooperation between the Commission and the Member States for the \napplication of this Regulation shall be subject to Article 11 of \nRegulation (EEC) No 1023/70. This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its \npublication in the Offical Journal of the European Communities. Article 8 \n\nThis Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly \napplicable in all Member States. Done at \n\nFor the Council \n\nThe President \n\n(l) Q\u00cf No L \u00abJ i **\u2022/*. Sri p. (fO \n\n\f\fAnnex I - List of Products \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOther PlDe & Tube \n\n7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7304. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7305. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306. 7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547 \n\n10< \n31 C \n39C \n41C. 49<. 51<. 59*. 90(. 11. 12. 19. 31. 40<1>. 31. ~60(D. 39. 40 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nBlooms and BiI lets \n\n7207 \n7207, \n7207 \n7207, \n7207 \n7207, \n7218 \n7218 \n7218, \n7218, \n7218 \n7218 \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n7224, \n\n11 \n12. 0010 \n19(40) \n20. 0025 \n20. 0075(40> \n20. 0090<40> \n90. 0010 \n90. 0020 \n90. 0045<40> \n90. 0055<40> \n90. 0070<40> \n90. 0080(40> \n90. 0010 \n90. 0030<4\u00b0) \n90. 0040 \n90. 0060<40> \n90. 0070<40) \n\nOther Semi-Finished \n( Including slabs) \n\n7206 \n7207 \n7207 \n7218 \n7218, \n7224 \n7224, \n7224, \n\n10 \n12. 0050 \n20. 0045 \n10 (17) \n90. 0035 \n10 (17) \n90. 0020 \n90. 0050 \n\n7207. 11 \n7207. 12. 11<41> \n7207. 12. 19C41> \n7207. 12. 90<41> \n7207. 19(40> \n7207. 20. 11 \n7207. 20. 15 \n7207. 20. 17 \n7207. 20. 19 \n7207. 20. 31<41) \n7207. 20. 33<41> \n7207. 20. 39(41> \n7207. 20. 51 \n7207. 20. 55 \n7207. 20. 57 \n7207. 20. 59<40> \n7207. 20. 71 \n7207. 20. 79<40> \n7207. 20. 90(4\u00b0) \n7218. 90. 1l(42) \n7218. 90. 13^42> \n7218. 90. 15(41>(42> \n7218. 90. 19(41>(42> \n7218. 90. 30(4D(42> \n7218. 90. 50(42> \n7218. 90. 9l(40>(42> \n7218. 90. 99(4\u00b0H42) \n7224. 90. 11<41) \n7224. 90. 19<41> \n7224. 90. 30 \n7224. 90. 91(40> \n7224. 90. 99(4\u00b0) \n\n7206. 10, \n7207. 12, \n7207. 12, \n7207. 12 \n7207. 20, \n7207. 20, \n7207. 20, \n7218. 10, \n7218. 90 \n7218. 90. 7218. 90. 7224. 10. 7224. 90. 7224. 90. 00 \n11(43) \n19(43) \n90(43> \n31<43) \n33(43> \n39(43> \n00(17) \n15(43) \n19(43) \n30(43) \n00(17) \n11(43) \n19(43) \n\n(*) The subheadings and item numbers referred to above \u00abre \nsubject to revision *ihen the BC or the US adopt \nmodifications to their respective import nomenclatures. TOien such modifications are adopted, prior notification \nshall be given to the other party. HTS represents the \nHarmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States. PRODUCT \n\nH T SO \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/20 \n\nPlate \n\nHot Rolled Sheet & \nStrip \n\n7208. 31 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33. 50 \n7208. 41 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 10(5)(6) \n7211. 11 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21 \n7211. 22. 0045 \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 30 \n7225. 40. 30 \n7225. 50. 60 \n7226. 91. 50 \n\n7208. 11 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 50 \n7208. 22. 50 \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22. 0090 \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 70(3) \n7225. 40. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 70(3) \n7226. 91. 80(3) \n\n7208. 31. 00 \n7208. 32 \n7208. 33(44) \n7208. 41. 00 \n7208. 42 \n7208. 43 \n7210. 90. 31(6) \n7211. 11. 00 \n7211. 12 \n7211. 21. 00 \n7211. 22. 10(45) \n7211. 22. 90(45) \n7212. 60(6) \n7225. 30. 00(46)(47) \n7225. 40. 10(4?) \n7225. 40. 30(4?) \n7225. 40. 50(4?) \n7225. 50. 00(46)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(46)(47) \n\n7208. 11. 00 \n7208. 12 \n7208. 13 \n7208. 14 \n7208. 21. 10(44) \n7208. 21. 90(44) \n7208. 22. 10(44) \n7208. 22. 91(44) \n7208. 22. 99(44) \n7208. 23 \n7208. 24 \n7208. 34 \n7208. 35 \n7208. 44 \n7208. 45 \n7208. 90(5)(6) \n7211. 19(3) \n7211. 22<48> \n7211. 29(3) \n7225. 30. 00(3)(47)(49) \n7225. 40. 70(3)(47) \n7225. 40. 90(3)(47) \n7226. 91. 00(3)(47)(49) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS(*) \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/21 \n\nCold Rolled Sheet \n\n7208. 21. 10 \n7208. 22. 10 \n7208. 33. 10 \n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 50 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n- 7209. 44 \n\n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 30(5)(6) \n7211. 30. 50 \n7211. 41. 70 \n7211. 49. 50 \n7225. 50. 80(3) \n7225. 90(3)(S)(6) \n7226. 92. 50(3) \n\n7208. 21. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 21. 90(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 91(5\u00b0) \n7208. 22. 99(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 10(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 91(5\u00b0) \n7208. 33. 99(5\u00b0) \n7209. 11. 00 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21. 00 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24. 10(51) \n7209. 24. 91(51) \n7209. 31. 00 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41. 00 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90(5)(6) \n7210. 70. 19(5)(52) \n7210. 70. 90(5)(6)(52) \n7211. 30(53) \n7211. 41(53) \n7211. 49(53) \n7225. 50. 00(3)(47)(49)(54) \n7225. 90(3)(5)(6) \n7226. 92(3)(47)(53) \n\nBlackplate \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7209. 24(55) \n\nCold Rolled Strip \n\n7211. 30. 10(3)(16) \n7211. 30. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 10(3)06) \n7211. 41. 30(3)06) \n7211. 41. 50(3)(16) \n7211. 49. 10(3)(16) \n7211. 49. 30(3)(16) \n7211. 90(3)(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 10(6)(16) \n7212. 30. 30<6>(16> \n7212. 40. 10<6)<16) \n7226. 92. 70(3)(16) \n7226. 92. 80(3)06) \n7226. 99(3)(6)(16) \n\n7211. 30. 31(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 39(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 30. 50(3)O6)(56) \n7211. 30. 90(3)(1\u00ae)(56) \n7211. 41. 91(3)06)(56) \n7211. 41. 95(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 41. 99(3)(16)(56) \n7211. 49. 91(3)(16)(56) \n7211,49. 99(3)(16)(56) \n7211,90(3)(6)O6) \n7212. 30. 90(6)06) (56) \n7212. 40. 10(\u00ae)(1\u00ae)(56) \n7212. 40. 99(\u00ae)(18)(56) \n7226. 92. 90(3)O6)(47)(56) \n7226. 99(3)(6)06) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nH T SO \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nAppendix A/22 \n\nElectrical Sheet and \nStrip \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\n7225. 10(5)(6) \n7226. 10(6) \n\nStainless Plate \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 (1 9> \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 d9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 1 (1 9> \n7 2 1 9. 2 2 (1 9) \n7 2 1 9. 3 l d9) \n7 2 2 0. 1 l d 9) \n\n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n20) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 1 ( 1 9 H20) \n7 2 1 9. 1 2 d 9 ) (20) \n7 2 1 9. 2 l d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7219 2 2 d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7 2 1 9. 3 l d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n7 2 2 0. 1 1. 0 0 d 9 ) ( 2 0) \n\nStainless Sheet & Strip \n\n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 M 2 1) \n2 0 M 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 d9) \n7 2 1 9. 1 4 d 9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 3 d 9) \n7 2 1 9. 2 4 <1 9) \n7 2 1 9. 3 2 (r 9) \n7219. 33(19) \n7 2 1 9. 3 4 d 9) \n7219. 35(19) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 2 0. 1 2 (2) d 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 1 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 6 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 7 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7 2 2 0. 2 0. 9 0 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 9 Q (2) ( 8 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\n7 2 1 9. 1 3 ( 1 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 1 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 2 3 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 2 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 2 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 3 ( 1 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 4 ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 1 9. 3 5 d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 1) \n7219 9 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 1) \n7 2 2 0. 1 2. 0 0 (2) d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 2 0 (2) d 9 ) (20 ) ( 2 2) \n7220 9 Q (2) ( 5 ) ( 1 9 ) ( 2 0 ) ( 2 2) \n\nT i n p l a te \n\nTin Free Steel \n\nE lectrogalvanlzed \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 1 0 (g) \n\n7210. 50 (6) \n7210. 90. 60 (5) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 ($) \n\n7 2 1 0. 1 1 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 0. 1 2 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 2. 1 0 (g) \n\n7210. 50 (g) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 5 ( 5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 3 9 ( 5 7) \n7 2 1 0. 9 0. 9 0 (6) ( 5 7) \n\n7 2 1 0. 3 1 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n7 2 1 0. 3 9 ( 5 ) ( 8) \n7 2 1 2. 2 1 (6) \n7 2 1 2. 2 9 (6) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS(*) \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nA p p e n d ix A / 23 \n\nOther Coated Flat-\nRolled Products \n\n7210. 20(5)(6) \n7210. 41(5)(6) \n7210. 49(5)(6) \n7210. 60(6)(24) \n7210. 70. 60(5)(6) \n7210. 90. 90(5)(6)(81) \n7212. 30. 50(|) \n7212. 40, '*C6' \nI? C6T(81) \n7212. 50 \n\n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7210 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n7212 \n\n)(53) \n( 6 ) ( 5 3) \n\n\u00b0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 9) \n\n2 0 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n4 1 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n4 9 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n6 0 (g) (2 4) \n7 0( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 5 8) \n, 9 0. 1 0 ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 8 1) \n, 9 0. 3 3 ( 5 ) ( 6) \n90. 35 \n90. 39 \n90 \n30 \n40 \n50 \n10. 50. 31. 5 0. 39. 50. 51. 5 0. 59. 50. 71. 5 0. 73. 50. 75. 50. 91. 5 0. 93. 50. 97. 5 0. 99 \n\n( 6 ) ( 8 1) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n(6) \n\nRebar \n\n7214. 20 \n\n7214. 20. 00 \n\nH o t - f I n l s h ed Bar \n\nCold-finished Bar \n\n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n39. 0060 \n39. 0090 \n49. 0060 \n49. 0090 \n50. 0060 \n50. 0080 \n10 \n30 \n40 \n50 \n60 \n20. 10 \n30. 80 \n40 \n60. 60 \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n(60) \n(60) \n(60) \n\n7213 \n7213 \n7213 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7214 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n7228 \n\n39. 00 \n49. 00 \n50. 00 \n10. 00 \n30. 00 \n40 \n50 \n60. 00 \n20. 11 \n20. 19 \n20. 30 \n20. 50 \n20. 90 \n,30. 10 \n30. 90 \n,40. 00 \n,60. 10 \n,60. 90 \n\n(61) \n(47) \n( 4 7) \n\n(47) \n( 4 7 K 6 1) \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n7228. 20. 50 \n7228. 50. 50 \n7228. 60. 80 \n7228. 80 \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n(6) \n\n7215. 10. 00 \n7215. 20. 00 \n7215. 30. 00 \n7215. 40. 00 \n7215. 90(6) \n7228. 20. 70 \n7228 20 90 \n7228. 50. 00 \n7228. 60. 90 \n7228. 80 \n\n(6)(62) \n(47) \n(6K47K62) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\n( *) \n\nHTS \n\nA p p e n d ix A / 24 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nStainless Bar \n\nCarbon Wire Rod \n\nStainless Wire Rod \n\nAlloy Wire Rod \n\n7218. 90. 0030 \n7218. 90. 0065 \n7218. 90. 0090 \n7221. 00. 0060 \n7221. 00. 0080 \n7222. 10 \n7222. 20. 7222. 30 (6) \n\n7213. 10 \n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39. 0030 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49. 0030 \n7213. 50. 0020 \n7213. 50. 0040 \n\n7221. 00. 0020 \n7221. 00. 0040 \n\n7227. 20 \n7227. 90. 60 \n\nBar Shapes Less Than \n80mm \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\nStructurais \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7222. 40. 30 \n7228. 70. 30 \n\n(63) \n(63) \n(41)(63) \n(41)(63) \n(41M63) \n(63) \n(63) \n(63) \n(60) \n(60) \n\n7218 \n7218 \n7218, \n7218, \n7218. 7218. 7218. 7218. 7221. 7221. 7222. 7222. 7222. 90. 11 \n90. 13 \n90. 15 \n90. 19 \n90. 30 \n90. 50 \n90. 91 \n90. 99 \n00. 10 \n00. 90 \n10 \n20 \n3 0( 6) \n\n7 2 1 3. 1 0. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 2 0. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 1. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 3 9. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 1. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 4 9. 00 \n7 2 1 3. 5 0. 00 \n\n(64) \n\n(64) \n(65) \n\n7221. 00. 10 \n7221. 00. 90 \n\n(65) \n(65) \n\n7227. 20. 00 \n7227. 90. 10 \n7227. 90. 90 \n\n(47) \n\n7 2 1 6. 1 0. 00 \n7 2 1 6. 2 1. 00 \n7 2 1 6. 2 2. 00 \n\n7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7216. 7222. 7222. 7222. 7228. 7228. 31. 00 \n32. 00 \n33. 00 \n40 \n50 \n60 \n40. 11 \n40. 19 \n40. 30 \n70. 10 \n70. 31 \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\nHTS (*> \n\nAppendix A/25 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nSheet PI I i ng \n\n7301. 10 \n\n7301. 10. 00 \n\nFabricated S t r u c t u r a is \n\n7216. 90 \n7222. 40. 60 \n7 2 2 8. 7 0. 60 \n7301. 20 \n7308. 10 \n7308. 20 \n7308. 30 \n7308. 40 \n7308. 90. 30 \n7308. 90. 60 \n7308. 90. 90. (15) \n\n(12) \n(13) \n(9)(14) \n\n7216. 90 \n7222. 40. 91 \n7222. 40. 93 \n7222. 40. 99 \n7228. 70. 91 \n7228. 70. 99 \n7301. 20. 00 \n7308. 10. 00 \n7308. 20. 00 \n7308. 30. 00 \n7308. 40 \n7308. 90 \n\n(15) \n\n(9T(14)(67) \n\nS t a i n l e ss Wire \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 50 \n\n(2)(6) \n\n7223. 00. 10 \n7223. 00. 90 \n\n(68) \n(68) \n\nWire Strand \n\nWire Rope \n\nOther Wire \n\n7312. 10. 10 (4) \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3015 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3065 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3075 \n( 4) \n7312. 10. 3090 \n\n7312. 10. 60 \n7312. 10. 90 \n\n( 4) \n( 4) \n\n7 3 1 2. 1 0. 30 \n7312. 10. 50 \n7312. 10. 71 \n7312. 10. 75 \n7312. 10. 79 \n\n(4)(69)(71) \n(4)(69)(70)(71) \n(4)(69)(70) \n(4H69K70) \n(4)(69)(70) \n\n7312. 10. 30 \n7312. 10. 50 \n7312. 10. 91 \n7312. 10. 95 \n7312. 10. 99 \n\n(4)(69)(72) \n(4)(69)(72)(73) \n(4)(69) \n(4)(69) \n(4)(69)(73) \n\n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7217 \n7223 \n7229 \n7229. 11. 12. 13. 19. 21. 22. 23. 29. 31. 32. 33. 39. 00. 90. 20. 90. (3) \n\n(3) \n\n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21. 7217. 22, \n7217. 23. 7217. 29. 7217. 31. 7217. 32. 7217. 33, \n7217. 39. 7223. 00. 7223. 00. 7229. 20. 7229. 90. 00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n00 \n10 \n90 \n00 \n00 \n\n(3) \n\n(3) \n(74) \n(74) \n\n\fPRODUCT \n\n( *) \n\nHTS \n\nAppendix A/26 \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nWire Products \n\nRal is \n\nRalI Products \n\nAI loy Tool Steel \n\nOther Speciality Steel \n\n(11) \n(8) \n(8) \n\n7313. 00 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49C 8) \n7317. 00. 55 \n7317. 00. 65 \n7317. 00. 75 \n\n(7) \n\nW (7) \n\n7302. 10 \n\n(10) \n\n(18) \n(18) \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90( 2 3) \n8G07. 19. 10 \n8\u00d407. 19. 20 \n\n7313. 00 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\n(11) \n\n( \n(8) \n\n(9? (8) \n\n(75) \n\n7302. 10 \n\n(10) \n\n(18) \n\n(23) \n(23) \n\n7302. 20. 00 \n7302. 40. 10 \n7302. 90. 30 \n7302. 90. 90 \n8607. 19. 11 \n8607. 19. 19. 20 \n\n(5)(6) \n(76) \n\n:2 \n\n7209. 11 \n7209. 12 \n7209. 13 \n7209. 14 \n7209. 21 \n7209. 22 \n7209. 23 \n7209. 24 \n7209. 31 \n7209. 32 \n7209. 33 \n7209. 34 \n7209. 41 \n7209. 42 \n7209. 43 \n7209. 44 \n7209. 90 \n7225. 20 \n7225. 50 \n7225. 90 \n\nN/A \n\n7209. 24. 10 \n\n7211. 30 \n7211. 41 \n7211. 49 \n7211. 90 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 99 \n\n7225. 10 \n7226. 10 \n\n7219. 21 \n7219. 22 \n7219. 31 \n7220. 11 \n\n7211. 30 \n7211. 41 \n7211. 49 \n7211. 90 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 92 \n7226. 99 \n\n7225. 10 \n7226. 10 \n\n7219. 21 \n7219. 22 \n7219. 31 \n7220. 11 \n\n\fAppendix C/35 \n\nTXEE \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B^ \n\nIMPORTS \n(HTSl \n\nStainless \nSheet and \nStrip \n\nTinplate \n\nTin-free Steel \n\nElectro-\ngalvanized \n\nOther Coated \nFlat-Rolled \nProducts \n\nRebar \n\nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \nS \n\nC \nC \nC \n\nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\nc \nc \n\n31 \n32 \n36 \n37 \n\n29 \n\n29A \n\n33B \n\n33A \n34 \n\n15 \n\n7219. 11 \n7219. 12 \n7219. 13 \n7219. 14 \n7219. 23 \n7219. 24 \n7219. 32 \n7219. 33 \n7219. 34 \n7219. 35 \n7219. 90 \n7220. 12 \n7220. 20 \n7220. 90 \n\n7210. 11 \n7210. 12 \n7212. 10 \n\n7210. 50 \n\n7210. 31 \n7210. 39 \n7212. 21 \n7212. 29 \n\n7210. 20 \n7210. 41 \n7210. 49 \n7210. 60 \n7210. 70 \n7210. 90 \n7212. 30 \n7212. 40 \n7212. 50 \n7212. 60 \n\n7213. 10 \n7214. 20 \n\n7219. 11 \n7219. 12 \n7219. 13 \n7219. 14 \n7219. 23 \n7219. 24 \n7219. 32 \n7219. 33 \n7219. 34 \n7219. 35 \n7219. 90 \n7220. 12 \n7220. 20 \n7220. 90 \n\n7210. 11 \n7210. 12 \n7212. 10 \n\n7210. 50 \n\n7210. 31 \n7210. 39 \n7212. 21 \n7212. 29 \n\n7210. 20 \n7210. 41 \n7210. 49 \n7210. 60 \n7210. 70 \n7210. 90 \n7212. 30 \n7212. 40 \n7212. 50 \n7212. 60 \n\n7213. 10 \n7214. 20 \n\n\fTXEE* \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n14 \n\n16 \n\n14 \n16 \n\n14 \n16 \n\nCarbon \nHot-finished \nBar \n\nCarbon \nCold-finished \nBar \n\nStainless Bar \n\nAlloy Bar \n\nCarbon \nWire Rod \n\nStainless \nWire Rod \n\nAlloy \nWire Rod \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\ns \ns \ns \n\nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \n\nC \nC \nC \nC \nC \nC \n\nA \nA \nA \n\nAppendix C/36 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B) \n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 80 \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n\n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30 \n\n7228. 10 \n7228. 20 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49 \n7213. 50 \n\n7221. 00 \n\n7227. 10 \n7227. 20 \n7227. 90 \n\nIMPORTS * * \n\n7214. 10 \n7214. 30 \n7214. 40 \n7214. 50 \n7214. 60 \n7228. 80 \n\n7215. 10 \n7215. 20 \n7215. 30 \n7215. 40 \n7215. 90 \n\n7222. 10 \n7222. 20 \n7222. 30 \n\n7228. 10 \n7228. 20 \n7228. 30 \n7228. 40 \n7228. 50 \n7228. 60 \n\n7213. 20 \n7213. 31 \n7213. 39 \n7213. 41 \n7213. 49 \n7213. 50 \n\n7221. 00 \n\n7227. 10 \n7227. 20 \n7227. 90 \n\n\fAppendix C/37 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B) \n\nIMPORTS** \n\nBar Shapes \nUnder 80mm \n\nStructurais \n\nStainless Wire \n\nWire Rope \n7312. 10. 50 \n\nTYPE* \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \n\ns \n\nA \n\nS \n\nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n14A \n\n4 \n5 \n\n4 \n4 \n\n23 \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7301. 10 \n7222. 40 \n7228. 70 \n\n7223. 00 \n\nConfidential \n\n7312. 10. 2500 \n\nReport \n\n7312. 10. 3015 \n7312. 10. 3500 \n\n7216. 10 \n7216. 21 \n7216. 22 \n\n7216. 31 \n7216. 32 \n7216. 33 \n7216. 40 \n7216. 50 \n7216. 60 \n7301. 10 \n7222. 40 \n7228. 70 \n\n7223. 00 \n\n7312. 10. 60 \n7312. 10. 70 \n7312. 10. 80 \n7312. 10. 90 \n\n\fappendix C/3S \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule 3) \n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21 \n7217. 22 \n7217. 23 \n7217. 29 \n7217. 31 \n7217. 32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39 \n7229. 10 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n7313. 00 \n7314. 11 \n7314. 19 \n7314. 20 \n7314. 30 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\nIMPORTS** \n(STS> \n\n7217. 11 \n7217. 12 \n7217. 13 \n7217. 19 \n7217. 21 \n7217. 22 \n7217. 23 \n7217. 29 \n7217. 31 \n7217. 32 \n7217. 33 \n7217. 39 \n7229. 10 \n7229. 20 \n7229. 90 \n7313. 00 \n7314. 11 \n7314. 19 \n7314. 20 \n7314. 30 \n7314. 41 \n7314. 42 \n7314. 49 \n7317. 00 \n\n7302. 10 \n\n7302. 10 \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90 \n\n8607. 19. 1000 \n8607. 19. 2000 \n\n7302. 20 \n7302. 40 \n7302. 90 \n8607. 19. 10 \n\n8607. 19. 20 \n\nTYPE* \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n23 \n\n23 \n\n7 \n8 \n\n9 \n10 \n\nC \nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nc \nA \nA \nA \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \nF \n\nc \n\nC \nC \nc \nc \nc \n\nOther Wire and \nWire Products \n\nRails \n\nRail Products \n\n\fAlloy Tool \nSteel \n\nSHIPMENTS \n(Category \n\n17 \n\nTYPE* \n\nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \nA \n\nAppendix C/39 \n\nEXPORTS** \n(Schedule B^ \n\nIMPORTS** \n(HTSY \n\n7225. 20 \n7225. 30. 1000 \n7225. 30. 5060 \n7225. 40. 1090 \n7225. 40. 5060 \n7225. 50. 1060 \n7226. 20 \n7226. 91. 1060 \n7226. 91. 3060 \n7226. 92. 1060 \n7226. 92. 3060 \n7227. 10 \n7227. 90. 1060 \n7227. 90. 2060 \n7228. 10 \n7228. 30. 40 \n7228. 30. 60 \n7228. 50. 1020 \n7228. 50. 1040 \n7228. 50. 1060 \n7228. 50. 1080 \n7228. 60. 1060 \n7229. 10 \n\n\fAppendix D/40 \n\nAPPENDIX D \n\nThe following is a list of steelmaking processes which constitute \ndouble substantial transformation. Slab to oold-rolled sheet, galvanized or other metallic-\ncoated sheet. Slab to pipe and tube. Billet to cold-finished bar. Hot-rolled sheet to oold-rolled and galvanized or other \nmetallic-coated sheet. October 27, 1989 \n\nARRANGEMENT \n\nBetween the European Eoonomio Community and the \nGovernment of the United States of America \nConcerning Trade in Steel Pipes and Tubes \n\nRecognizing the policy of the Government of the United \n\nStates of America (the NUSN) and its Steel Trade Liberalization \n\nProgram and also that of the European Economic Community (the \n\n\"EC\") for its steel industry and its achievements in phasing out \n\nstate aids; \n\nRecognizing the aim of the US and EC to liberalize global \n\ntrade in steel; \n\nRecognizing the policies of the US and EC that the \n\nadjustment and modernization of their steel Industries should \n\nmaximize relianoe on market forces; and \n\nReoognizing that an objeotive of this Arrangement is to \n\ncontribute to the orderly transition to open markets and to \n\nrestore fair and open steel trade; \n\nThe EC and the US have agreed: \n\nl. Basis of the Arrangement \n\n\f- 2 -\n\n(a) To pursue vigorously multilateral agreement in the Uruguay \n\nRound of Multilateral Trade Negotiations to eliminate trade \n\ndistorting practices in, and to ensure open markets for, \n\nsteel trade; and \n\n(b) That the EC will restrain exports to, or destined for \n\nconsumption in, the United States of America (the \"USA\") of \n\nproducts originating in the EC which are described in \n\nArticle 3 (a) (the \"Arrangement products\") through March \n\n31, 1992, as the final phase of such restraints on such \n\nexports. 2. Conditions: Actions Under US Law \n\nIf, during the period in which this Arrangement is in \n\neffect, any investigations under the US antidumping or \n\ncountervailing duty statutes, Section 201 of the Trade Act \n\nof 1974, Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (other than \n\nSection 301 petitions relating to third country sales by \n\nUnited States exporters), Section 232 of the Trade \n\nExpansion Act of 1962, or Section 337 of the Tariff Act of \n\n19301) are initiated or litigation (including anti-trust \n\nlitigation) is instituted with respect to Arrangement \n\nproducts, then the EC shall be entitled to terminate the \n\nArrangement with respect to the Arrangement product which \n\n1) \n\nWith respect to any Section 337 investigations, the parties \nshall consult to determine the basis for the investigation. - 3 \n\nis the subject of the investigation or litigation, after \n\nconsultation with the US, at the earliest 15 days after \n\nsuch consultation. In addition, if during these \n\nconsultations it is determined that the investigation or \n\nlitigation threatens to impair the attainment of the \n\nobjectives of this Arrangement, then the EC shall be \n\nentitled to terminate the Arrangement, with respect to some \n\nor all of the Arrangement products at the earliest 15 days \n\nafter such consultations. These consultations will take into account the nature of \n\nthe investigation or litigation, the identity of the \n\npetitioner or litigant, the amount of trade involved, the \n\nscope of relief sought and other relevant factors. 3. Product Description and Export ceilings \n\n(a) The EC shall restrain exports to, or destined for \n\nconsumption in, the USA of Arrangement products, as \n\ndescribed in Appendix A, originating in the EC to a level \n\nof 8. 82 percent of U. S. apparent consumption for the \n\nperiods October 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990 (the \n\nInitial Period), 1991, and January 1, 1992 through March \n\n31, 1992 (the End Period). During these periods, export \n\nlicenses shall be required for the Arrangement products. - 4 -\n\nFor the purposes of this Arrangement, the maximum \n\nquantities of products that may be exported from the EC to \n\nthe USA under the preceding sentence shall be the \"export \n\nceilings. \" \"United States apparent consumption\" shall equal \n\nshipments (deliveries) minus exports, plus imports, as \n\ndescribed in Appendix C. (b) Within the limit set in section 3(a), EC exports of oil \n\ncountry tubular goods as described in Appendix A, shall not \n\nexceed 9. 00 percent of U. S. apparent consumption of oil \n\ncountry tubular goods. (c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b), Arrangement \n\nproducts exported from the EC on or after Ootober 1, 1989 \n\nand prior to the day after the publication day in the \n\nOfficial Journal of the European Communities of the \n\nregulations referred to in Article 5(a) (hereinafter called \n\nthe \"Interim Period\") shall be admitted into the USA \n\nwithout an export license and certificate. This tonnage \n\nwill be counted towards the export ceiling for each \n\nArrangement product for the Initial period. Suoh tonnage shall be determined on the basis of U. S. import invoice data sorted by export date. Date of export \n\nfor all such shipments under this Arrangement will be that \n\nestablished by the U. S. Customs Service. No later than \n\n\f- 5 -\n\nMarch 1, 1990, the U. S. will notify the EC of the amount of \n\ntonnage exported on or after October 1, 1989 but without a \n\ncertificate. (d) For purposes of this Arrangement, the USA shall comprise \n\nboth the United States Customs Territory and United States \n\nForeign Trade Zones. Therefore, entries of merchandise \n\ninto the USA shall include admission of merchandise into a \n\nForeign Trade Zone. In consequence, the entry into the \n\nUnited States Customs Territory of Arrangement products \n\nwhich have already entered into a Foreign Trade Zone shall \n\nnot then again be taken into account as imports of those \n\nArrangement products. (e) Where Arrangement products entered into the USA are \n\nsubsequently re-exported therefrom, without having been \n\nsubject to substantial transformation, the export oeilings \n\nfor such products for the period corresponding to the time \n\nof such re-export shall be Increased by the same amount. (f) Where the Arrangement products entered into the USA are \n\nsubsequently re-exported therefrom in the form of \n\nArrangement produots, and the Imported Arrangement products \n\nhave been subject to double substantial transformation in \n\nthe USA, as defined in Appendix D, the export oeilings for \n\n\f- 6 -\n\nsuch imported Arrangement products for the period \n\ncorresponding to the time of such re-export shall be \n\nincreased by the quantity of the re-exported doubly \n\nsubstantially transformed Arrangement products, up to a \n\nmaximum of 100. 000 metric tons. The US and the EC will \n\nhold consultations upon request with a view to appropriate \n\namendments to Appendix D and adjustments to the \n\naforementioned maximum tonnage. 4. Calculation and Revision of United States Apparent \nConsumption Forecast and of Export Ceilings \n\n(a) The US, with the agreement of the EC, will select an \n\nindependent forecaster which will provide the estimates of \n\nUnited States apparent consumption for the purposes of the \n\nArrangement. A first projection of United States apparent \n\nconsumption for the Initial Period for each oategory for \n\nwhich export ceilings are calculated as a percentage of \n\nU. S. apparent consumption will be established as early as \n\npossible, and in any event before November 1, 1989. (b) The figures for projected 1990 United States apparent \n\nconsumption will be revised in December of 1989 and \n\nFebruary, May, August and October of 1990 by the \n\nindependent forecaster, and appropriate adjustments will be \n\nmade to the export oeilings for each category taking into \n\naccount licenses already issued. Export oeilings \n\n\f- 7 -\n\ncalculated for the Initial Period based on the May, August \n\nand October 1990 forecasts will use actual October through \n\nDecember 1989 U. S. apparent consumption. For 1991, a first projection of United States apparent \n\nconsumption by category will be established by October of \n\n1990. These figures will be revised in Deoember 1990 and \n\nFebruary, May, August and October of 1991. (c) For the End Period, a first projection of United States \n\napparent consumption by category will be established by \n\nOctober of 1991. These figures will be revised in Deoember \n\nof 1991. (d) By May 1 of 1991, adjustments to the 1991 export ceiling \n\nfor each category will be made for differences between the \n\nforecasted U. S. apparent consumption and actual U. S. apparent consumption of that category in the Initial \n\nPeriod. 5. Export Licenses and Certificates \n\n(a) The EC will require export licenses and certificates for \n\nall Arrangement products, publishing appropriate \n\nregulations in the Official Journal of the European \n\nCommunities. Suoh export licenses and certificates will \n\ncontinue to be Issued in a manner that will avoid abnormal \n\n\f- 8 -\n\nconcentration in exports of Arrangement products to the \n\nUSA, taking into account seasonal trade patterns. The EC \n\nshall take action, including the imposition of penalties, \n\nas may be necessary to make effeotive the obligations \n\nresulting from the export licenses and certificates. The \n\nEC will inform the US of any violations oonoerning the \n\nexport licenses and certificates which come to its \n\nattention and the action taken with respeot thereto. The US will inform the EC of violations concerning the \n\nexport licenses and certificates which come to its \n\nattention and the action taken with respeot thereto. Export licenses will provide that shipment must be made \n\nwithin a period of three months. - 9 -\n\nExport licenses will be issued against the export ceiling \n\nfor the Initial period, 1991 or the End Period. Export \n\nlicenses for 1991 or the End Period may be used as early as \n\nNovember 15 of the previous period within a limit of eight \n\n(8) percent of the export oeiling for 1991, or the End \n\nPeriod, respectively. Export licenses Issued for the \n\nInitial Period and 1991, respectively, may not be used \n\nafter December 31, 1990, and December 31, 1991, \n\nrespectively, except that licenses not so used may be used \n\nduring the first two months of the respective following \n\nperiod, up to a maximum of eight (8) percent of the export \n\nceiling for the current period. The EC and the US may inorease the above percentage limits \n\nby mutual agreement. (b) The EC will require that the Arrangement produots shall be \n\naccompanied by a certificate substantially in the form set \n\nout in Appendix B, endorsed in relation to a lioense \n\nindicating the day, month, and year in which the \n\nArrangement products were exported, the Arrangement produot \n\nname and number and tonnage exported. If any of this \n\ninformation is in a language other than English, the \n\ncertificate must also oontaln an English language \n\ntranslation of this information. - 10 -\n\nThe US shall require presentation of such certificates as a \n\ncondition for entry into the USA of the Arrangement \n\nproducts. The US shall prohibit entry of such products not \n\naccompanied by such a certificate. 6. Technical Adjustments \n\n(a) Export ceilings for Arrangement products may be adjusted by \n\nthe EC with prior notice to the US. Adjustments to \n\nincrease or decrease the volume of the limit provided for \n\nin Article 3(a) and the sub-limit provided for in Article \n\n3(b) must be offset by an equivalent volume change to one \n\nor more of the export ceilings for the categories \n\nestablished under the U. S. -EC Arrangement on certain steel \n\nproducts, entered into in 1989, for the same period. Notwithstanding the preceding sentences, no adjustment may \n\nbe made under this Article which results in an increase or \n\na decrease in a specific export ceiling by more than five \n\n(5) percent by volume of the unadjusted export ceiling for \n\nthe relevant period. The EC and the US may agree to \n\nincrease the above percentage limit. (b) Normally, only one change in a specific produot export \n\nceiling in the Initial Period, 1991 or the End Period may \n\nbe made by an adjustment under the preceding paragraph or \n\nuse of licenses in November-December or January-February \n\nunder Article 5(a). Accordingly, changes in the Initial \n\n\f- 11 \n\nPeriod, 1991 or End Period export ceilings by use of more \n\nthan one of these three provisions may be made only upon \n\nagreement between the EC and the US. 7. Short supply \n\n(a) If the US in consultation with the EC determines that, \n\nbecause of abnormal supply or demand factors, (including \n\nsubstantial objective evidence such as allocation, extended \n\ndelivery periods, the willingness of domestic producers to \n\nsupply the steel product at prices which are not \n\naberrations from prevailing domestic market prices, or \n\nother relevant factors), the United States steel industry \n\nwill be unable to meet demand in the USA for a particular \n\nproduct, an additional tonnage shall be allowed for such \n\nproduct by a special issue of licenses. (b) The US shall make a determination under this Article within \n\n30 days through a transparent procedure on the basis of \n\nobjective evidence from all relevant sources. Furthermore, \n\na 15 day fast track procedure shall be used for requests \n\nsubmitted during periods during whioh capacity utilization \n\nis 90 percent or more. Under such fast track procedures \n\nthere shall be a rebuttable presumption that short supply \n\nexists. - 12 -\n\n(c) Each authorized special issue export license and \n\ncertificates derived therefrom shall be so marked. Each \n\nsuch license must be used within 180 days after the date of \n\nthe authorization of the special issuance unless the US \n\nagrees to extend that period. (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), short supply \n\nprocedures shall be no less favorable than is provided for \n\nin legislation that may be enacted by the US. 8. Monitoring \n\n(a) The EC will, within one month of the end of each quarter, \n\nor upon request, supply the US with such non-oonfidential \n\ninformation on all export licenses and certificates issued \n\nfor Arrangement products as is required for the proper \n\nfunctioning of this Arrangement. This information will \n\ninclude at a minimum each license number, certificate \n\nnumber, quantity, date of export, category number and sub \n\ncategory number. (b) The US will collect and transmit quarterly, or upon \n\nrequest, to the EC all non-confidential Information \n\nrelating to certificates received during the preceding \n\nquarter in respect of the Arrangement products. The US \n\nwill also collect and transmit non-confidential information \n\nrelating to aotions taken in respeot of the Arrangement \n\nproducts for violations of United States Customs Law. - 13 -\n\n9. Consultations \n\nConsultations shall take place between the EC and the US on \n\nany matter arising out of the operation of this \n\nArrangement. Consultations will also be held if there are indications \n\nthat imports from third countries are replacing Imports \n\nfrom the EC. If imports of a product within a limit or sub-limit \n\nsignificantly increase, relatively or absolutely and in \n\nrelation to U. S. apparent consumption, so as to disturb \n\ntraditional patterns of trade, consultations shall be held \n\nupon request in order to find an appropriate solution. 11. Application \n\nThis Arrangement shall apply to the USA and to the \n\nterritories to which the treaty establishing the European \n\nEconomic Community is applied on the conditions laid down \n\nin that treaty. - 14 -\n\n12. Notices \n\nFor all purposes hereunder, the US and the EC shall be \n\nrepresented by, and all communications and notices shall be \n\ngiven and addressed to: \n\nFor the EC: \n\nThe Commission of the European Communities \nDirectorates-General for External Relations (I) and for \nInternal Market and Industrial Affaires (III) \nRue de la Loi, 200 \nB-1049 Brussels \n\nFor the Government of the United States of America: \n\nOffice of the United States Trade Representative \nAssitant United States Trade Representative for Industry \nWashington, D. C. 20506 \n\nUnited States Department of Commerce \nAssistant Secretary for Import Administration \nInternational Trade Administration \nWashington, D. C. 20230 \n\n\f- 15 -\n\nANNEX A \n\nProduct Category \n\nTotal Pipe and Tube \n\u2022OCTG \n\nApparent Consumption \nForecast Category (les') \n\nTotal Pipe and Tube \nOCTG \n\n\fAppendix A/ 16 \n\nAPPENDIX A \nIMPORTS BY CATEGORY \n\nPRODUCT \n\nHTS<*> \n\nCombined Nomenclature \n\nOCTG \n\nOther Pipe & Tube \n\n7304. 20 \n7305. 20 \n7306. 20 \n\n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547 \n\n,10(1. 3ld. 39(1. 41(1. 49(1. 51(1. 59(1 \n,90(1 \n,11 \n,12 \n,19 \n,31. 40d> \n,31. 60(1) \n,39(1) \n,90(1) \n,10. 30. 10(1) \n,30. 50(1) \n,40(D \n,50. 10(D \n,50. 50(D \n60(D \n90(D \n,90. 0020 \n\n7304. 20 \n7305. 20 \n7306. 20. 00 \n\n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7304 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7305 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n7306 \n8547. 10(D. 31(D. 39(1). 41(D. 49(1). 51(D. 59(D \n,90(D. 11. 00. 12. 00. 19. 00. 31. 00(D(2) \n39. 00(D \n,90. 00(1). 10 \nP30(1)(2). 40(D. 50(D(2). 60(D \n,90. 00(D \n, 90. 00(3) \n\n(*) \n\n(1) \n\n(2) \n\nThe subheadings and item numbers referred to above are \nsubject to revision when the EC or the US adopt \nmodifications to their respective import nomenclatures. When such modifications are adopted, prior notification \nshall be given to the other party. HTS represents the \nHarmonized Tariff Sohedule of the United States. Excluded if drill pipe of a kind used in drilling for earth, \nminerals or ores. Excluded if tapered pipes and tubes principally used as \nparts of illuminating articles. \"\u2022overed if conduit tubing \n\n\fE U R O P E AN C O M M U N I TY \n\n\" \n\nA = 5 p-i v f t i; \n\n1 Exporter (lull neme and address) \n\nP F R T I F i\n\nr A TF \n\n2 Consiopee if. ii name \u00abni address) \n\nNOTIS \n\nA. This certificate must be completed on t typewriter and in English. FORTHE EXPORT OF IRON AND STEEL PROOUCTS \n\nTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \n\nNo \n\n3 Export licer. ee \n\nNo \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\n4 Extract N: \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\nof export licence No \n\n/ \n\nissued in \n\nI \n\nORIGINAL \n\n(Member Stale' \n\n(Mcmbei Stats, \n\n(Member State; \n\nB. This certificate and the export licence or the extract thereof to which it refers must be produced at the Customs office et which Customs formalities lor ex*or. to the \n\nUnited States of America are completed. C. This certificate, duly endorsed by the Customs office shown in box nc 7. must be produced to die competent authorities in the United States of America i: trie time \n\nof importation. S Marks and numbers - Number ano Ud of packages - Category and detailed description of iron and seel products \n\n6 Quanniy (metric tonne:) \n\n7 ENDORSEMENT BY THE COMPETENT CUSTOMS OFFICE IN 1H_ EUROPEAN COMMUNITY \n\nThe quantity (metric tonnes) of iron aal steel products shown above has been attributed \n\n| \n\n| to r* export licence shown in box nc. 1 \n\nSignature: \n\nStamp \n\nJ \n\nJ to the extract shown in box n: 4 \u2022) \n\nCustoms export document: \n\nlyp\u00bb; \n\nnumber \n\ndate: \n\n[ \n\nJ \n\ni \n\nCustoms office \u2022 \n\nMember Stale. \") The ap3::on*