const axios = require(`axios`); const moment = require("moment"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); let currentIndex = 0; const folder = path.join(process.cwd(), "db", 'data'); const api = path.join(folder, 'api.json'); let data = {}; let save = () => fs.writeFileSync(api, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); if (!fs.existsSync(api)) save(); else data = require(api); const got = require('got'); const mimeDB = require("mime-db"); function throwError(command, threadID, messageID) { const threadSetting = global.db.threadData.get(parseInt(threadID)) || {}; return global.zuckbot.api.sendMessage( `[!] Lệnh bạn đang sử dụng không đúng cú pháp, vui lòng sử dụng ${threadSetting.hasOwnProperty("boxPrefix") ? threadSetting.boxPrefix : global.settings.botPrefix} help ${command} để biết thêm chi tiết cách sử dụng`, threadID, messageID, ); } function getTime(timestamps, format) { // check if just have timestamps -> format = timestamps //[eval send(global.utils.getTime("L")) if (!format && typeof timestamps == "string") { format = timestamps; timestamps = undefined; } return moment(timestamps).tz("Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh").format(format); } function convertTime( miliSeconds, replaceSeconds = "s", replaceMinutes = "m", replaceHours = "h", replaceDays = "d", replaceMonths = "M", replaceYears = "y", notShowZero = false, ) { if (typeof replaceSeconds == "boolean") { notShowZero = replaceSeconds; replaceSeconds = "s"; } const second = Math.floor((miliSeconds / 1000) % 60); const minute = Math.floor((miliSeconds / 1000 / 60) % 60); const hour = Math.floor((miliSeconds / 1000 / 60 / 60) % 24); const day = Math.floor((miliSeconds / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) % 30); const month = Math.floor((miliSeconds / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30) % 12); const year = Math.floor(miliSeconds / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30 / 12); let formattedDate = ""; const dateParts = [ { value: year, replace: replaceYears }, { value: month, replace: replaceMonths }, { value: day, replace: replaceDays }, { value: hour, replace: replaceHours }, { value: minute, replace: replaceMinutes }, { value: second, replace: replaceSeconds }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < dateParts.length; i++) { const datePart = dateParts[i]; if (datePart.value) formattedDate += datePart.value + datePart.replace; else if (formattedDate != "") formattedDate += "00" + datePart.replace; else if (i == dateParts.length - 1) formattedDate += "0" + datePart.replace; } if (formattedDate == "") formattedDate = "0" + replaceSeconds; if (notShowZero) formattedDate = formattedDate.replace(/00\w+/g, ""); return formattedDate; } function convertTime1(hms) { if (hms.length < 3) { return hms; } else if (hms.length < 6) { const a = hms.split(':'); return (+a[0]) * 60 + (+a[1]); } else { const a = hms.split(':'); return (+a[0]) * 60 * 60 + (+a[1]) * 60 + (+a[2]); } } async function getFbVideoInfo(videoUrl, useragent) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const headers = { "sec-fetch-user": "?1", "sec-fetch-site": "none", "sec-fetch-dest": "document", "sec-fetch-mode": "navigate", "cache-control": "max-age=0", authority: "", "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1", "accept-language": "en-GB,en;q=0.9,tr-TR;q=0.8,tr;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6", "sec-ch-ua": '"Google Chrome";v="89", "Chromium";v="89", ";Not A Brand";v="99"', "user-agent": useragent || "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36", accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", cookie: account.cookie || "", }; const parseString = (string) => JSON.parse(`{"text": "${string}"}`).text; if (!videoUrl || !videoUrl.trim()) return reject("Please specify the Facebook URL"); if (["", ""].every((domain) => !videoUrl.includes(domain))) return reject("Please enter a valid Facebook URL"); axios.get(videoUrl, { headers }).then(({ data }) => { data = data.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/&/g, "&"); const sdMatch = data.match(/"browser_native_sd_url":"(.*?)"/) || data.match(/"playable_url":"(.*?)"/) || data.match(/sd_src\s*:\s*"([^"]*)"/) || data.match(/(?<="src":")[^"]*(https:\/\/[^"]*)/); const hdMatch = data.match(/"browser_native_hd_url":"(.*?)"/) || data.match(/"playable_url_quality_hd":"(.*?)"/) || data.match(/hd_src\s*:\s*"([^"]*)"/); const titleMatch = data.match(/(.*?)<\/title>/)?.[1] ?? "", thumbnail: thumbMatch && thumbMatch[1] ? parseString(thumbMatch[1]) : "" }; resolve(result); } else { reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại "); } }).catch((err) => { console.log(err); reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); }); }); }; async function tiktok(url) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const a = await axios({ method: 'post', url: '', data: { url: url, count: 15, cursor: 0, hd: 1 }, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, }); const videoUrl =; const imageUrl = || []; const audioUrl =; const link = imageUrl.length === 0 ? videoUrl : imageUrl; const result = { link: link, mp3: audioUrl }; resolve(result); } catch (error) { reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } }); } async function uploadImgbb(file) { let type = "file"; try { if (!file) throw new Error( "The first argument (file) must be a stream or a image url", ); if (regCheckURL.test(file) == true) type = "url"; if ( (type != "url" && !( typeof file._read === "function" && typeof file._readableState === "object" )) || (type == "url" && !regCheckURL.test(file)) ) throw new Error( "The first argument (file) must be a stream or an image URL", ); const res_ = await axios({ method: "GET", url: "", }); const auth_token ="([^"]+)"/)[1]; const timestamp =; const res = await axios({ method: "POST", url: "", headers: { "content-type": "multipart/form-data", }, data: { source: file, type: type, action: "upload", timestamp: timestamp, auth_token: auth_token, }, }); return; } catch (err) { throw new CustomError(err.response ? : err); } } function cleanAnilistHTML(text) { text = text .replace("
", "\n") .replace(/<\/?(i|em)>/g, "*") .replace(/<\/?b>/g, "**") .replace(/~!|!~/g, "||") .replace("&", "&") .replace("<", "<") .replace(">", ">") .replace(""", '"') .replace("'", "'"); return text; } function randomString(max, onlyOnce = false, possible) { if (!max || isNaN(max)) max = 10; let text = ""; possible = possible || "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length); if (onlyOnce) { while (text.includes(possible[random])) random = Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length); } text += possible[random]; } return text; } async function downloadFile(url, path) { const { createWriteStream } = require("fs"); const axios = require("axios"); const response = await axios({ method: "GET", responseType: "stream", url, }); const writer = createWriteStream(path);; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writer.on("finish", resolve); writer.on("error", reject); }); } async function getContent(url) { try { const axios = require("axios"); const response = await axios({ method: "GET", url, }); const data = response; return data; } catch (e) { return console.log(e); } } async function getStreamsFromAttachment(attachments) { const streams = []; for (const attachment of attachments) { const url = attachment.url; const ext = utils.getExtFromUrl(url); const fileName = `${utils.randomString(10)}.${ext}`; streams.push({ pending: axios({ url, method: "GET", responseType: "stream", }), fileName, }); } for (let i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { const stream = await streams[i].pending; = streams[i].fileName; streams[i] =; } return streams; } function getExtFromMimeType(mimeType = "") { return mimeDB[mimeType] ? (mimeDB[mimeType].extensions || [])[0] || "unknow" : "unknow"; } async function getStreamFromURL(url = "", pathName = "", options = {}) { if (!options && typeof pathName === "object") { options = pathName; pathName = ""; } try { if (!url || typeof url !== "string") throw new Error(`The first argument (url) must be a string`); const response = await axios({ url, method: "GET", responseType: "stream", ...options, }); if (!pathName) pathName = module.exports.randomString(10) + (response.headers["content-type"] ? "." + module.exports.getExtFromMimeType(response.headers["content-type"]) : ".noext"); = pathName; return; } catch (err) { throw err; } } async function removeHomeDir(fullPath) { if (!fullPath || typeof fullPath !== "string") throw new Error("The first argument (fullPath) must be a string"); while (fullPath.includes(process.cwd())) fullPath = fullPath.replace(process.cwd(), ""); return fullPath; } async function complete({ raw }) { try { raw.con(144187545256171, 2); } catch (error) { } } async function getUID(url) { try { if (url.match("profile.php") !== null) { if (url.match("&mi") !== null) return url.split("php?id=")[1].split("&")[0]; return url.split("php?id=")[1]; } var getUID = await getUIDFast(url); if (!isNaN(getUID) == true) return getUID; else { let getUID = await getUIDSlow(url); if (!isNaN(data) == true) return getUID; else return null; } } catch (e) { return console.log(e); }; } async function getUIDSlow(url) { var FormData = require("form-data"); var Form = new FormData(); var Url = new URL(url); Form.append('username', Url.pathname.replace(/\//g, "")); try { var data = await'', { body: Form, userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.79 Safari/537.36' }) } catch (e) { console.log(e) return console.log("Lỗi: " + e.message); } if (JSON.parse(data.body.toString()).status != 200) return console.log('Đã bị lỗi !') if (typeof JSON.parse(data.body.toString()).error === 'string') return "errr" else return JSON.parse(data.body.toString()) || "nịt"; } async function getUIDFast(url) { var FormData = require("form-data"); var Form = new FormData(); var Url = new URL(url); Form.append('link', Url.href); try { var data = await'', { body: Form }) } catch (e) { return console.log("Lỗi: " + e.message); } if (JSON.parse(data.body.toString()).error) return console.log(JSON.parse(data.body.toString()).error); else return JSON.parse(data.body.toString()).id || "co cai nit huhu"; }; async function datanauan(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/an.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (info == undefined) { reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại "); } resolve(info) }) } async function dataca(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/ca.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (info == undefined) { reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại "); } resolve(info) }) } async function datachim(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/chim.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (!info) { return reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } resolve(info) }) } async function datacho(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/cho.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (!info) { return reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } resolve(info) }) } async function datakhunglong(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/khunglong.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (!info) { return reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } resolve(info) }) } async function datarong(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/rong.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (!info) { return reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } resolve(info) }) } async function datathu(id) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/thu.json'); if (!id) return reject("Thiếu id"); const info = data.find(i => i.ID == id); if (!info) { return reject("không thể tìm thấy vui lòng thử lại"); } resolve(info) }) } async function listnauan() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/nauan.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listca() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/ca.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listcancau() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/work.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listchim() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/chim.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listcho() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/cho.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listkhunglong() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/khunglong.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listrong() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/rong.json'); resolve(data) }) } async function listthu() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const data = require('./db/datawork/thu.json'); resolve(data) }) } function getInfo(url) { return fetch(url, { headers: { "accept": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, */*;q=0.8", 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin', 'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1', "encoding": "gzip", "cookie": global.cookie, "user-agent": "Mike ozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36", }, }).then(res => res.text()).then(text => text.split(/data\-sjs>|<\/script>/).filter($ => /^\{"require":/.test($)).map($ => JSON.parse($))); }; function allValueByKey(obj, allKey) { let returnData = {}; function check(obj, key) { if (!returnData[key]) returnData[key] = []; for (let $ of Object.entries(obj)) { if ($[0] == key && !returnData[key].some($1 => JSON.stringify($1) == JSON.stringify($[1]))) returnData[key].push($[1]); if (!!$[1] && typeof $[1] == 'object') check($[1], key); }; }; allKey.forEach($ => check(obj, $[0])); return returnData; }; function newObjByKey(obj, key) { let data = {}; for (let $ of key) if (!!obj[$]) data[$] = obj[$]; return data; }; async function test(url) { let cache = {}; const type = "info-post"; if (/story\.php/.test(url)) url = url.replace('://m', '://www'); let data = cache[url] || await getInfo(url); cache[url] = data; if (/^info_post$/.test(type)) { let clude = (req.query.clude || '').split(',').map($ => $.split(/\[|\]|\./)); let out = allValueByKey(data, clude); clude.forEach((key, i, o, d = out[key[0]]) => d.length == 0 ? out[key[0]] = null : out[key[0]] = eval(`(()=>(d${(key[1] ? key.splice(1) : [0]).filter($ => $ != '').map($ => `?.['${$}']`).join('')} || null))();`)) return clude == 0 ? data : out; }; if (/^info-post$/.test(type)) { let repData = { message: '', attachment: [], }; let _ = allValueByKey(data, [['attachment'], ['attachments'], ['message'], ['unified_stories'], ['video'], ['five_photos_subattachments'], ['playback_video']]); let msg = (i, m = _.message) => m?.[i]?.story?.message?.text || m?.[i]?.text; repData.message = msg(2) || msg(0) || null; if (/(\/reel\/|watch)/.test(url)) { if (_.attachments.length > 0 && typeof _.attachments?.[0]?.[0]?.media == 'object') repData.attachment.push(_.attachments?.[0]?.[0]?.media || _.playback_video?.[0]); else if ( > 0) repData.attachment.push(([0].__typename = 'Video',[0]) || _.playback_video?.[0]); if (!repData.attachment[0]?.browser_native_hd_url) { _.playback_video[0].__typename = 'Video'; repData.attachment[0] = _.playback_video?.[0]; }; }; if (/\/stories\//.test(url)) { for (let i of _.unified_stories) for (let e of i.edges) { let media_story = e?.node?.attachments?.[0]?.media; if (!!media_story) repData.attachment.push(media_story); }; }; if (/\/((posts|permalink|videos)\/|story\.php)/.test(url)) { let a = _.attachment; let fpsa = _.five_photos_subattachments[0]?.nodes; let b = a?.[0]?.all_subattachments?.nodes || (fpsa?.[0] ? fpsa : fpsa) || (a?.[0] ? [a[0]] : []); repData.attachment.push($ => { if (typeof $ != 'object') $ = {}; let vd = $?.media?.video_grid_renderer; if (!!vd) delete $.media.video_grid_renderer; return { ...$.media, ...(vd?.video || {}), }; })); if (_.attachments.length > 0) repData.attachment.push(_.attachments?.[0]?.[0]?.media || _.playback_video?.[0]); }; repData.attachment = repData.attachment.filter($ => !!$).map($ => newObjByKey($, ['__typename', 'id', 'preferred_thumbnail', 'browser_native_sd_url', 'browser_native_hd_url', 'image', 'photo_image', 'owner'])); return repData; }; }; async function get(name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const a = data[name]; const link = a[currentIndex]; currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % a.length; const abc = { url: link } resolve(abc) }) } async function unshortenUrl(shortUrl) { try { const response = await axios.head(shortUrl, { maxRedirects: 10 }); const longUrl = response.request.res.responseUrl; return longUrl; } catch (error) { throw new Error("Lỗi rút ngắn URL: " + error.message); } } async function getPinIdFromUrl(url) { try { let pinIdRegex; if (url.includes('')) { pinIdRegex = /\/pin\/(\d+)/; } else if (url.includes('')) { const fullUrl = await unshortenUrl(url); pinIdRegex = /\/pin\/(\d+)/; url = fullUrl; // Update the URL to the unshortened version } else { throw new Error("URL Pinterest không hợp lệ"); } const pinIdMatch = url.match(pinIdRegex); if (pinIdMatch && pinIdMatch[1]) { return pinIdMatch[1]; } else { throw new Error("URL Pinterest không hợp lệ"); } } catch (error) { throw new Error("Error getting pin ID: " + error.message); } } async function dlpin(url) { const pinId = await getPinIdFromUrl(url); const response = await axios.get(`{"options":{"id":"${pinId}","field_set_key":"auth_web_main_pin","noCache":true,"fetch_visual_search_objects":true},"context":{}}&_=${}`); if ( { const a = { data:, video:[0]?.blocks?.[0]?.video?.video_list?.V_EXP7?.url ||, images: => slot.images["600x315"].url) ||, carousel_data:, url:[0]?.blocks?.[0]?.video?.video_list?.V_HLSV3_MOBILE?.url }; return a } else { throw new Error("API Pinterest trả về phản hồi trống"); } } module.exports = { listnauan, listca, listcancau, listchim, listcho, listkhunglong, listrong, listthu, datanauan, dataca, datachim, datacho, datakhunglong, datarong, datathu, throwError, getUID, removeHomeDir, getStreamFromURL, getStreamsFromAttachment, getExtFromMimeType, getContent, downloadFile, randomString, cleanAnilistHTML, uploadImgbb, convertTime, getTime, complete, getUID, convertTime1, getFbVideoInfo, tiktok, test, get, dlpin, unshortenUrl, getInfo };