7QKRfNStCU8-00000-00000101-00000526 you're lying good morning happy monday 7QKRfNStCU8-00001-00000527-00000817 and then it's got me this is crafted for 7QKRfNStCU8-00002-00000818-00001295 excellent man happy new year hope you 7QKRfNStCU8-00003-00001296-00001427 had a good New Year's Eve celebration 7QKRfNStCU8-00004-00001428-00001810 hope you had a good new year if you go 7QKRfNStCU8-00005-00001811-00001939 to church I'll help you enjoy church 7QKRfNStCU8-00006-00001941-00002432 yesterday so today I'm thinking about 7QKRfNStCU8-00007-00002433-00002860 reflection should be your past 2016 12 7QKRfNStCU8-00008-00002861-00003062 other challenges to a lot of people but 7QKRfNStCU8-00009-00003063-00003278 I hope that you don't dwell on those 7QKRfNStCU8-00010-00003279-00003458 when you reflect back on the year hope 7QKRfNStCU8-00011-00003459-00003688 you reflect back on all the good things 7QKRfNStCU8-00012-00003689-00003851 and positive things that happened to you 7QKRfNStCU8-00013-00003852-00003974 because I know that there was some good 7QKRfNStCU8-00014-00003975-00004424 in there that being set up is reflecting 7QKRfNStCU8-00015-00004425-00004747 us something else and I taught a lesson 7QKRfNStCU8-00016-00004748-00004985 one time and I spoke about the priest 7QKRfNStCU8-00017-00004986-00005474 ephod and the stones on particularly the 7QKRfNStCU8-00018-00005475-00005726 barrel and I came about I talked about 7QKRfNStCU8-00019-00005727-00005999 how imperfections in a semi-precious 7QKRfNStCU8-00020-00006000-00006503 stone make it precious I was watching a 7QKRfNStCU8-00021-00006504-00006791 show last night and they were discussing 7QKRfNStCU8-00022-00006792-00007181 some antiques and in particular one hot 7QKRfNStCU8-00023-00007181-00007734 rod char char on wheels karuturi it had 7QKRfNStCU8-00024-00007736-00008045 some scratches in it from the factory it 7QKRfNStCU8-00025-00008045-00008253 had the members of some casting 7QKRfNStCU8-00026-00008254-00008539 imperfections from the factory the 7QKRfNStCU8-00027-00008540-00008759 imperfections added to the value a 7QKRfNStCU8-00028-00008760-00008989 little bit a car sold for almost sixty 7QKRfNStCU8-00029-00008990-00009296 cents brand new and it was valued at 7QKRfNStCU8-00030-00009297-00009703 over a hundred thousand dollars now the 7QKRfNStCU8-00031-00009704-00009946 reason that it was valued at such a high 7QKRfNStCU8-00032-00009947-00010049 rate because 7QKRfNStCU8-00033-00010050-00010325 prototype and that is indicated by the 7QKRfNStCU8-00034-00010326-00010744 imperfections your imperfections 7QKRfNStCU8-00035-00010745-00011006 indicate your uniqueness there and 7QKRfNStCU8-00036-00011007-00011186 they're all part of who you are the part 7QKRfNStCU8-00037-00011187-00011423 of your unique value in your unique 7QKRfNStCU8-00038-00011424-00011759 place in the world I've talked about it 7QKRfNStCU8-00039-00011760-00011935 before I'll talk about it again and 7QKRfNStCU8-00040-00011936-00012310 again and again your imperfections do 7QKRfNStCU8-00041-00012311-00012548 not have any ability to take away from 7QKRfNStCU8-00042-00012549-00012977 your dimension value any perfections you 7QKRfNStCU8-00043-00012978-00013238 have to think that you have do not add 7QKRfNStCU8-00044-00013238-00013487 to your value your value is 7QKRfNStCU8-00045-00013488-00013679 predetermined before God's bahama 7QKRfNStCU8-00046-00013680-00013937 another began let there be stuff that 7QKRfNStCU8-00047-00013938-00014275 they're being robbed nothing be Jewish 7QKRfNStCU8-00048-00014276-00014654 let there be Samantha before God said 7QKRfNStCU8-00049-00014655-00014900 let there be any of us and he didn't 7QKRfNStCU8-00050-00014901-00015107 speak us into existence like he did the 7QKRfNStCU8-00051-00015108-00015293 trees and the fish and the dogs in the 7QKRfNStCU8-00052-00015294-00015593 mood the action scooped up a handful of 7QKRfNStCU8-00053-00015594-00015797 dust and conformed us and we're talking 7QKRfNStCU8-00054-00015797-00015950 about that before I'll talked about it 7QKRfNStCU8-00055-00015951-00016244 again in future videos before he made 7QKRfNStCU8-00056-00016244-00016442 you before to knit you together and your 7QKRfNStCU8-00057-00016443-00016597 mother's womb remember that were 7QKRfNStCU8-00058-00016598-00017006 crafting poem me up is where we get our 7QKRfNStCU8-00059-00017007-00017275 words pelham before he wrote you out of 7QKRfNStCU8-00060-00017276-00017744 course made the poem of you yama ninu 7QKRfNStCU8-00061-00017745-00017906 about your imperfections and he already 7QKRfNStCU8-00062-00017907-00018283 determined your stressful value 7QKRfNStCU8-00063-00018284-00018713 so whatever negativity 2016 has leave 7QKRfNStCU8-00064-00018714-00018922 that in the past take this with you 7QKRfNStCU8-00065-00018923-00019229 start off 2017 with the fact that you 7QKRfNStCU8-00066-00019230-00019439 are incredible you have been created in 7QKRfNStCU8-00067-00019440-00019784 the image of God whatever's wrong with 7QKRfNStCU8-00068-00019785-00020024 you whatever flaws you have whatever 7QKRfNStCU8-00069-00020025-00020234 flaws I have whatever flaws your 7QKRfNStCU8-00070-00020235-00020579 neighbor has your relative they don't 7QKRfNStCU8-00071-00020580-00020978 mean a thing well created in the image 7QKRfNStCU8-00072-00020979-00021362 of God dwell on that I'm going to be 7QKRfNStCU8-00073-00021363-00021587 fasting the social media for a week 7QKRfNStCU8-00074-00021588-00021803 beginning tomorrow so you can look on 7QKRfNStCU8-00075-00021804-00021995 crabs and tracks on facebook and see 7QKRfNStCU8-00076-00021996-00022292 schedule come show up and I'm going to 7QKRfNStCU8-00077-00022293-00022481 be further videos that will be scheduled 7QKRfNStCU8-00078-00022482-00022844 to show up also on next Monday god bless 7QKRfNStCU8-00079-00022845-00022958 you thank you for spending some time 7QKRfNStCU8-00080-00022959-00023207 with me i'm here at bass pro and i'm 7QKRfNStCU8-00081-00023208-00023345 about to go shoot with my shootin 7QKRfNStCU8-00082-00023346-00023636 partner and cameraman Danny net god 7QKRfNStCU8-00083-00023637-00023939 bless you have a great day 7RPE12Y4A5o-00000-00001526-00001850 okay uh when we were talking about this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00001-00001851-00002054 second topic about molecular orbitals 7RPE12Y4A5o-00002-00002055-00002225 there was a slide on there that I forgot 7RPE12Y4A5o-00003-00002226-00002447 total oversight I had shifted my notes 7RPE12Y4A5o-00004-00002448-00002669 around and so I wanted us to cover that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00005-00002670-00002894 before we go on back to this lecture on 7RPE12Y4A5o-00006-00002895-00003221 energies because it's an important part 7RPE12Y4A5o-00007-00003222-00003415 of our discussion of the interaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00008-00003417-00003568 between filled orbitals and unfilled 7RPE12Y4A5o-00009-00003569-00003793 orbitals and I want to bring you back to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00010-00003794-00004070 our explanation of the energetic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00011-00004071-00004268 consequences of having orbitals interact 7RPE12Y4A5o-00012-00004269-00004556 orbitals that are filled interacting 7RPE12Y4A5o-00013-00004557-00004777 with orbitals that are empty and I gave 7RPE12Y4A5o-00014-00004778-00005072 you this equation that said that you can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00015-00005073-00005267 approximate the energy get that you get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00016-00005268-00005441 when filled orbitals interact with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00017-00005442-00005615 unfilled orbitals with a simple equation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00018-00005616-00005822 that says orbital overlap in the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00019-00005823-00006050 numerator and the difference between 7RPE12Y4A5o-00020-00006051-00006290 filled and empty orbital energies in the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00021-00006291-00006587 denominator and we said in great detail 7RPE12Y4A5o-00022-00006588-00006743 about what happens is you raise the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00023-00006744-00006895 energy of filled orbitals the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00024-00006897-00007151 nucleophiles and you drop the energy of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00025-00007152-00007273 unfilled orbitals and that's the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00026-00007275-00007352 electrophile 7RPE12Y4A5o-00027-00007353-00007534 but I didn't say anything about this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00028-00007536-00007694 orbital overlap and so I want to stop 7RPE12Y4A5o-00029-00007695-00007868 and talk about that and the most 7RPE12Y4A5o-00030-00007869-00008084 important concept for us to consider is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00031-00008084-00008384 the importance of symmetry when we talk 7RPE12Y4A5o-00032-00008385-00008645 about this idea of orbital overlap so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00033-00008646-00008795 let's talk about the interaction of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00034-00008796-00009053 canonical atomic orbitals or or hybrid 7RPE12Y4A5o-00035-00009054-00009292 orbitals let's imagine some example 7RPE12Y4A5o-00036-00009293-00009485 where we have two s orbitals interacting 7RPE12Y4A5o-00037-00009486-00009716 with each other for example to make a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00038-00009717-00010003 hydrogen molecule two H's as long as I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00039-00010004-00010283 have two s orbitals those these are 1s 7RPE12Y4A5o-00040-00010284-00010474 orbitals interacting with each other 7RPE12Y4A5o-00041-00010475-00010685 I can imagine some combination where I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00042-00010686-00010937 have like phases and that's the kind of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00043-00010938-00011048 interaction that would lead to a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00044-00011049-00011324 hydrogen hydrogen bond or you can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00045-00011325-00011516 imagine the interaction of two P 7RPE12Y4A5o-00046-00011517-00011801 orbitals and what we have to imagine 7RPE12Y4A5o-00047-00011802-00011966 here is that there's two possible ways 7RPE12Y4A5o-00048-00011967-00012194 that this can interact one where we have 7RPE12Y4A5o-00049-00012195-00012485 like phases and what we expect is this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00050-00012486-00012724 overlap area should be even bigger in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00051-00012725-00012988 the products so the product molecule the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00052-00012989-00013175 hydrogen molecule has a lower energy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00053-00013176-00013418 orbital that looks like this that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00054-00013419-00013643 constructive interaction between the two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00055-00013644-00013880 orbitals here I can imagine an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00056-00013881-00014108 interaction where I where I make a PI 7RPE12Y4A5o-00057-00014109-00014375 bond and the symmetry of the PI bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00058-00014376-00014612 looks very big in the middle where we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00059-00014613-00014774 have constructive interaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00060-00014775-00014996 um and and so the end result looks like 7RPE12Y4A5o-00061-00014997-00015221 this and I can even imagine the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00062-00015222-00015431 interaction of a p-orbital with an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00063-00015432-00015691 s-orbital as long as I tilt this in this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00064-00015693-00015908 way so that everything is some sort of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00065-00015909-00016106 ends up with some sort of a positive 7RPE12Y4A5o-00066-00016107-00016421 constructive I guess in in terms of wave 7RPE12Y4A5o-00067-00016422-00016727 functions constructive interference if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00068-00016728-00016990 you call it inter well that's not a good 7RPE12Y4A5o-00069-00016991-00017267 here's what I intend to draw something 7RPE12Y4A5o-00070-00017268-00017498 that looks like this okay so that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00071-00017499-00017849 those are examples of forming bonds and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00072-00017850-00017972 in this case that would end up with some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00073-00017973-00018152 sort of a Sigma bond again so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00074-00018153-00018314 graphically when we graph out the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00075-00018315-00018512 energies as long as orbitals have the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00076-00018513-00018769 right symmetry I can produce two new 7RPE12Y4A5o-00077-00018770-00019322 orbitals a bonding combination and an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00078-00019323-00019541 anti-bonding combination and the bonding 7RPE12Y4A5o-00079-00019542-00019722 combination will be lower in energy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00080-00019723-00019928 because these interactions are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00081-00019929-00020165 productive so these are examples of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00082-00020166-00020297 things with the correct symmetry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00083-00020298-00020513 interacting but the symmetry doesn't 7RPE12Y4A5o-00084-00020514-00020807 have to be correct let's talk about an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00085-00020808-00021011 alternative situation where I try to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00086-00021012-00021385 interact an S orbital with a p orbital 7RPE12Y4A5o-00087-00021386-00021752 but I've got them aligned incorrectly so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00088-00021753-00022050 what I'll expect out of this interaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00089-00022051-00022310 if I look at the way I've chosen to fade 7RPE12Y4A5o-00090-00022311-00022466 these as I'll get a constructive 7RPE12Y4A5o-00091-00022467-00022727 interaction here but I'll get an equally 7RPE12Y4A5o-00092-00022728-00022967 destructive bonding interaction here an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00093-00022968-00023177 anti-bonding interaction on the bottom 7RPE12Y4A5o-00094-00023178-00023578 part every kcal per mole of energy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00095-00023579-00023800 benefit or electron volt of energy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00096-00023801-00023984 benefit I get here I'll get an equally 7RPE12Y4A5o-00097-00023985-00024203 destructive interaction there so the end 7RPE12Y4A5o-00098-00024204-00024509 result would be no net change and that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00099-00024510-00024662 would be an example of having two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00100-00024663-00024902 orbitals interact I can I can depict the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00101-00024903-00025078 energetic consequences of the wrong 7RPE12Y4A5o-00102-00025079-00025388 symmetry here simply by saying that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00103-00025389-00025633 there would be no interaction that the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00104-00025635-00025817 two new resulting orbitals I would get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00105-00025818-00026095 would have no essential difference so if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00106-00026097-00026336 you want to see some energy benefit you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00107-00026337-00026513 have to match the symmetry of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00108-00026514-00026723 orbitals that are interacting so that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00109-00026724-00026914 the hashed part interacts only with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00110-00026916-00027194 hashed part or at least more hash part 7RPE12Y4A5o-00111-00027195-00027425 than the none hashed part so I might get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00112-00027426-00027560 bonding interactions here but 7RPE12Y4A5o-00113-00027561-00027737 antibonding interactions there there's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00114-00027738-00027929 no net energetic benefit between mixing 7RPE12Y4A5o-00115-00027930-00027989 those or 7RPE12Y4A5o-00116-00027991-00028386 rulz okay so symmetry has to match in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00117-00028387-00028589 order to receive an energy benefit and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00118-00028591-00028866 you get an equally useless interaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00119-00028867-00029102 if I try to make a p-orbital interact 7RPE12Y4A5o-00120-00029104-00029580 edge on like this and there it's equally 7RPE12Y4A5o-00121-00029581-00029795 destructive and equally constructive 7RPE12Y4A5o-00122-00029795-00030060 interactions there's a simple rule that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00123-00030061-00030300 relates to this in organic chemistry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00124-00030301-00030600 that has to do with by cyclic molecules 7RPE12Y4A5o-00125-00030601-00030858 and it's called Brett's rule and let's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00126-00030858-00031047 talk about Brett's rule it's basically 7RPE12Y4A5o-00127-00031048-00031305 just a vocalization or some sort of a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00128-00031306-00034287 statement of this idea of symmetry so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00129-00034288-00034428 I'm going to draw out a bicyclic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00130-00034429-00034796 molecule this is a by cyclo to-to-to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00131-00034797-00035208 ring system and so there's all kinds of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00132-00035209-00035475 molecules and natural products and base 7RPE12Y4A5o-00133-00035476-00035670 reagents that have this kind of by 7RPE12Y4A5o-00134-00035671-00035880 cyclic structure and what this rule is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00135-00035881-00036015 saying is that if I look at this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00136-00036016-00036174 bridgehead here that's this point of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00137-00036175-00036465 intersection between the Rings what it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00138-00036466-00036693 says is I'm going to have a hard time 7RPE12Y4A5o-00139-00036694-00036918 creating a pie let me make that look a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00140-00036919-00036965 little better 7RPE12Y4A5o-00141-00036966-00037308 a pie bond there then any reaction where 7RPE12Y4A5o-00142-00037309-00037452 I try to generate that it's going to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00143-00037453-00037686 incredibly unstable and potentially 7RPE12Y4A5o-00144-00037687-00037878 impossible to isolate any molecule that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00145-00037879-00038010 looks like this this is what we would 7RPE12Y4A5o-00146-00038011-00038165 refer to as a bridgehead olefin and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00147-00038166-00038358 here's that bridgehead right there with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00148-00038359-00038676 that dot why is that let me go ahead and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00149-00038677-00039150 redraw this this PI bond in terms of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00150-00039151-00039369 P orbitals that are combining together 7RPE12Y4A5o-00151-00039370-00039528 or that would have to combine together 7RPE12Y4A5o-00152-00039529-00040215 to make a PI bond like that so I'm going 7RPE12Y4A5o-00153-00040216-00040443 to redraw this by cyclic molecule this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00154-00040444-00040565 time I'm going to draw that hydrogen 7RPE12Y4A5o-00155-00040566-00040857 atom at the two position of this of this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00156-00040858-00041100 by cyclooctane system now what I want to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00157-00041101-00041319 do is now that I can see all three of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00158-00041320-00041346 the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00159-00041347-00041460 things that are attached to this carbon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00160-00041461-00041661 atom I'm going to draw the M the p 7RPE12Y4A5o-00161-00041662-00041900 orbital that would have to interact or 7RPE12Y4A5o-00162-00041901-00042141 the way the p orbital would be aligned 7RPE12Y4A5o-00163-00042142-00042456 that set of atoms with that geometry so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00164-00042457-00042648 there's one p orbital and if i want to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00165-00042649-00042819 combine that with a with a p orbital 7RPE12Y4A5o-00166-00042820-00043002 over here in order to make a bond the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00167-00043003-00043182 problem is I look at the three things 7RPE12Y4A5o-00168-00043183-00043368 that are attached to this dotted carbon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00169-00043369-00043635 here's one here's one and here's one and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00170-00043636-00043806 they're almost in the plane of the board 7RPE12Y4A5o-00171-00043807-00044055 and what that means is that the p 7RPE12Y4A5o-00172-00044056-00044325 orbital that's on this carbon atom has 7RPE12Y4A5o-00173-00044326-00044490 to be sticking almost straight out of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00174-00044491-00044820 the board and i'll phase that back into 7RPE12Y4A5o-00175-00044821-00044928 that orbital like this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00176-00044929-00045111 and what you can see when I do that is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00177-00045112-00045399 those P orbitals or orthogonal it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00178-00045400-00045537 doesn't matter that they're close 7RPE12Y4A5o-00179-00045538-00045837 together it doesn't matter that the that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00180-00045838-00045984 they're both P orbitals and have the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00181-00045985-00046161 potential in theory to form a PI bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00182-00046162-00046383 but they have the wrong geometry and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00183-00046384-00046560 will interact with the wrong symmetry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00184-00046561-00046782 you'll get no significant PI bonding in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00185-00046783-00046938 fact a better resonance structure for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00186-00046939-00047112 this molecule right here would be to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00187-00047113-00047355 have two radicals at those two carbons 7RPE12Y4A5o-00188-00047356-00047529 and that's the way you would expect it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00189-00047530-00047652 to react it will end up undergoing 7RPE12Y4A5o-00190-00047653-00047825 radical reactions very easily 7RPE12Y4A5o-00191-00047826-00048105 okay so Bret's rule is an expression of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00192-00048106-00048528 this importance of symmetry and when two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00193-00048529-00048717 orbitals interact you won't get an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00194-00048718-00048930 energetic benefit unless you have 7RPE12Y4A5o-00195-00048931-00049236 significant overlap and that was part of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00196-00049237-00049446 this equation orbital overlap over here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00197-00049447-00049662 okay one last thing related to the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00198-00049663-00052137 importance of orbital overlap so I want 7RPE12Y4A5o-00199-00052138-00052302 to go and draw just an interaction of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00200-00052303-00052695 two P orbitals on carbon atoms and I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00201-00052696-00052928 want you to try to imagine what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00202-00052929-00053151 difference does it make if those two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00203-00053152-00053334 carbon atoms are close together or far 7RPE12Y4A5o-00204-00053335-00053541 apart what you have to imagine what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00205-00053541-00053715 happens is I bring these two carbon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00206-00053716-00053930 atoms closer together as I bring these 7RPE12Y4A5o-00207-00053932-00054126 two carbon atoms closer together I'll 7RPE12Y4A5o-00208-00054127-00054366 expect to see more and more overlap 7RPE12Y4A5o-00209-00054366-00054688 between those empty p-orbitals 7RPE12Y4A5o-00210-00054689-00054983 and you only get that with second row 7RPE12Y4A5o-00211-00054984-00055148 atoms where the P orbitals are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00212-00055149-00055412 approximately the same size you only get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00213-00055413-00055696 stable pi bonds with second row atoms 7RPE12Y4A5o-00214-00055697-00055997 boron carbon nitrogen oxygen and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00215-00055998-00056230 fluorine once you talk about transition 7RPE12Y4A5o-00216-00056232-00056585 metals all that PI bonding stuff ceases 7RPE12Y4A5o-00217-00056586-00056807 to have the this phenomenal strength of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00218-00056808-00057023 pi bonds among second rule atoms let me 7RPE12Y4A5o-00219-00057024-00057224 go and draw some bond lengths for you if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00220-00057225-00057383 you go back and you look at bunches and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00221-00057384-00057527 bunches and bunches of crystal 7RPE12Y4A5o-00222-00057528-00057811 structures for simple straightforward 7RPE12Y4A5o-00223-00057812-00058088 carbon-based compounds what you'll find 7RPE12Y4A5o-00224-00058089-00058589 is that typically bond links for alkenes 7RPE12Y4A5o-00225-00058590-00058855 are about one and a 1.46 angstroms is a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00226-00058857-00059033 good number there's not a huge degree of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00227-00059034-00059237 variation unless you strain the system 7RPE12Y4A5o-00228-00059238-00059650 in some way if I look at a simple alkyne 7RPE12Y4A5o-00229-00059651-00059945 there's more s character for those SP 7RPE12Y4A5o-00230-00059946-00060248 hybridized carbon atoms in an alkyne and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00231-00060249-00060604 they're substantially shorter bonds what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00232-00060605-00061004 that means is that the P orbitals and an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00233-00061004-00061279 alkyne are closer together and overlap 7RPE12Y4A5o-00234-00061280-00061484 more effectively so what are the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00235-00061485-00061748 chemical consequences of that shorter 7RPE12Y4A5o-00236-00061749-00062084 bond length of the better overlap the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00237-00062085-00062392 consequences are that PI bonds alkyne PI 7RPE12Y4A5o-00238-00062394-00062846 bonds are stronger and more stable so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00239-00062847-00062975 let's go ahead and take an example of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00240-00062976-00063191 that I'll go ahead and take a simple 7RPE12Y4A5o-00241-00063191-00063884 substrate molecule and we'll imagine 7RPE12Y4A5o-00242-00063885-00064273 treating this with an epoxy rising agent 7RPE12Y4A5o-00243-00064274-00064628 meta chloro peroxy benzoic acid I expect 7RPE12Y4A5o-00244-00064629-00064820 you to know that peroxy acids make up 7RPE12Y4A5o-00245-00064821-00065186 oxides and there's two different PI 7RPE12Y4A5o-00246-00065187-00065351 systems that you could make an epoxy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00247-00065352-00066224 with the product in this reaction the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00248-00066225-00066482 major product in this reaction results 7RPE12Y4A5o-00249-00066483-00066971 from attack on the alkyne and it has 7RPE12Y4A5o-00250-00066972-00067166 nothing to do with the fact that the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00251-00067167-00067343 oxirane the Epoque side you would make 7RPE12Y4A5o-00252-00067344-00067649 from the alkyne it would be unstable I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00253-00067650-00067847 mean sure it would be unstable but you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00254-00067848-00067968 would not get an 80s 7RPE12Y4A5o-00255-00067969-00068217 percent yield of this product if this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00256-00068218-00068406 were reacting faster what it tells you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00257-00068407-00068890 is that at least 86 out of 100 molecules 7RPE12Y4A5o-00258-00068891-00069180 was epoxy izing faster on the alkene 7RPE12Y4A5o-00259-00069181-00069547 than on the alkyne and you can't argue 7RPE12Y4A5o-00260-00069548-00069726 that that's happening because of steric 7RPE12Y4A5o-00261-00069727-00069876 hindrance because this is less hindered 7RPE12Y4A5o-00262-00069877-00070140 you can't argue that it's easier to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00263-00070141-00070392 approach just one of two phases here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00264-00070393-00070623 because the electron density in alkyne 7RPE12Y4A5o-00265-00070624-00070840 is is symmetrical all around you can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00266-00070841-00071059 approach the alkyne from any orientation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00267-00071060-00071376 you want there's no possible rationale 7RPE12Y4A5o-00268-00071377-00071613 for why this is true why this is the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00269-00071614-00071781 more nucleophilic of these two double 7RPE12Y4A5o-00270-00071782-00072266 bonds except the fact that this bond is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00271-00072267-00072705 weaker and more energetic so if you look 7RPE12Y4A5o-00272-00072706-00072924 at a CC pi bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00273-00072925-00073303 it's got an energy that's up here and if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00274-00073304-00073668 you look at a CC pi bond an alkyne it's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00275-00073669-00074043 more stable it's lower in energy this is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00276-00074044-00074235 supposed to be a triple bonded see here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00277-00074236-00074422 it's lower in energy and it's less 7RPE12Y4A5o-00278-00074423-00074634 nucleophilic even though there's two pi 7RPE12Y4A5o-00279-00074635-00074844 bonds in the alkyne it's still attacking 7RPE12Y4A5o-00280-00074845-00075129 less than the alkyne okay so that's all 7RPE12Y4A5o-00281-00075130-00075366 the importance of bond length and the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00282-00075367-00075654 more effective orbital overlap in this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00283-00075655-00075813 alkyne because those two carbon atoms 7RPE12Y4A5o-00284-00075814-00076005 are closer together and they make the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00285-00076006-00076167 bond more stable but also less 7RPE12Y4A5o-00286-00076168-00076401 nucleophilic okay so that's that missing 7RPE12Y4A5o-00287-00076402-00076743 slide that I had from lecture two so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00288-00076744-00076902 you'll have to sort of in your mind 7RPE12Y4A5o-00289-00076903-00077106 paste that back in and it was there on 7RPE12Y4A5o-00290-00077107-00077282 the lecture notes that I posted online 7RPE12Y4A5o-00291-00077283-00077568 but now let's return to this topic of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00292-00077569-00077790 energy that we were discussing when we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00293-00077791-00080538 left on Friday 7RPE12Y4A5o-00294-00080539-00080735 okay I want to start off with a very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00295-00080736-00080969 simple equation I want to want to talk 7RPE12Y4A5o-00296-00080970-00081382 about the reactivity of methane if you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00297-00081383-00081611 go over to Saudi Arabia or to Africa 7RPE12Y4A5o-00298-00081612-00081856 where they're drilling for for crude oil 7RPE12Y4A5o-00299-00081857-00082235 at night the skies are lit up because 7RPE12Y4A5o-00300-00082236-00082409 when you pump crude oil out of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00301-00082410-00082457 ground 7RPE12Y4A5o-00302-00082458-00082649 there's also methane gas coming out with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00303-00082650-00082901 it and it's too expensive to package up 7RPE12Y4A5o-00304-00082902-00083171 that methane gas and to ship it to other 7RPE12Y4A5o-00305-00083172-00083338 continents like our Connie even though 7RPE12Y4A5o-00306-00083339-00083516 we need that methane gas that's natural 7RPE12Y4A5o-00307-00083517-00083717 gas so they burn it off it's called 7RPE12Y4A5o-00308-00083718-00084019 flare off and so why is it so expensive 7RPE12Y4A5o-00309-00084020-00084272 to ship a gas it just takes a lot of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00310-00084273-00084809 infrastructure to ship gas to other 7RPE12Y4A5o-00311-00084810-00085142 continents now one thing that that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00312-00085143-00085298 people are trying very hard to do right 7RPE12Y4A5o-00313-00085299-00085742 now is to convert methane gas find ways 7RPE12Y4A5o-00314-00085743-00085988 to convert methane gas into liquids that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00315-00085989-00086153 can still serve as fuels that are easy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00316-00086154-00086332 to ship it's easy to ship liquids it's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00317-00086333-00086573 hard to ship gas and you can't do this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00318-00086574-00086834 at present you can't mix simple 7RPE12Y4A5o-00319-00086835-00087035 oxidizing agents with methane and make 7RPE12Y4A5o-00320-00087036-00087242 liquids like methanol out of them even 7RPE12Y4A5o-00321-00087243-00087457 though methanol is are a fantastic fuel 7RPE12Y4A5o-00322-00087458-00087707 for things like fuel cells and so why is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00323-00087708-00087887 this such a problem what's the problem 7RPE12Y4A5o-00324-00087888-00088154 with it with this equation here and what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00325-00088155-00088369 I'd like you to know how to do is at 7RPE12Y4A5o-00326-00088370-00088616 least assess in a simple way is the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00327-00088617-00088880 problem free energy is it that this is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00328-00088881-00089119 not thermodynamically possible for us to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00329-00089120-00089660 do anytime I give you some reaction I'd 7RPE12Y4A5o-00330-00089661-00089837 like you to have some idea about whether 7RPE12Y4A5o-00331-00089838-00090005 that's thermodynamically reasonable is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00332-00090006-00090181 that an exothermic process if you're 7RPE12Y4A5o-00333-00090182-00090311 talking about a reaction that's not 7RPE12Y4A5o-00334-00090312-00090647 exothermic then there's no real point 7RPE12Y4A5o-00335-00090648-00090805 talking about it actually 7RPE12Y4A5o-00336-00090806-00091085 so our criterion that you know from 7RPE12Y4A5o-00337-00091086-00091226 general chemistry is that the free 7RPE12Y4A5o-00338-00091227-00091379 energy change for the transformation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00339-00091380-00091512 needs to be negative and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00340-00091513-00091731 to be less than zero otherwise you'll be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00341-00091732-00092031 trying to go uphill and unfortunately 7RPE12Y4A5o-00342-00092032-00092429 it's very very hard to no free energies 7RPE12Y4A5o-00343-00092430-00092706 when I draw out reactions like this I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00344-00092707-00092949 don't have a good well maybe I have some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00345-00092950-00093261 intuition and the problem is is this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00346-00093262-00093453 that free energy is composed of an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00347-00093454-00093651 enthalpy term that means things like 7RPE12Y4A5o-00348-00093652-00093957 bond strengths strain issues like that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00349-00093958-00094182 but there's this other part a free 7RPE12Y4A5o-00350-00094183-00094359 energy that's entropic in nature and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00351-00094360-00094536 that's very hard to assess now 7RPE12Y4A5o-00352-00094537-00094836 fortunately if you're clever when you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00353-00094837-00095115 make comparisons of things comparisons 7RPE12Y4A5o-00354-00095116-00095241 of starting materials to products 7RPE12Y4A5o-00355-00095242-00095421 transition states to transition States 7RPE12Y4A5o-00356-00095422-00095940 as long as we keep things similar we can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00357-00095941-00097323 ignore that in Tropic term T Delta s if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00358-00097324-00097488 I compare two transition states that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00359-00097489-00097626 look sort of similar except you're just 7RPE12Y4A5o-00360-00097627-00097770 attacking different bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00361-00097771-00097938 I have reactions where I have two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00362-00097939-00098103 molecules reacting and I get two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00363-00098104-00098385 molecules out as products it's kind of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00364-00098386-00098610 similar in terms of molecularity so as 7RPE12Y4A5o-00365-00098611-00098742 long as I'm really careful to compare 7RPE12Y4A5o-00366-00098743-00099054 similar things I can ignore this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00367-00099055-00099306 entropic part of free energy and we can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00368-00099307-00099597 just focus on solving this Delta H part 7RPE12Y4A5o-00369-00099598-00099807 the enthalpy there is a simple way for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00370-00099808-00100026 you to estimate the enthalpy change in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00371-00100027-00100239 reactions and I'm going to show you how 7RPE12Y4A5o-00372-00100240-00100782 to do that it's going to require some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00373-00100783-00101115 upfront effort on your part and I'll 7RPE12Y4A5o-00374-00101116-00103742 make sure you put in that effort 7RPE12Y4A5o-00375-00103743-00104004 so Hess's law is actually very general 7RPE12Y4A5o-00376-00104005-00104121 but I'm going to show you how to apply 7RPE12Y4A5o-00377-00104122-00104369 Hess's law to estimate enthalpy change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00378-00104370-00104664 in reactions based on bond dissociation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00379-00104665-00105011 energies be des and so let's take an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00380-00105013-00105189 example and I'll try to explain what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00381-00105190-00105618 Hess's law means in terms that relate to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00382-00105619-00105858 this methanol this methane methanol 7RPE12Y4A5o-00383-00105858-00106133 equation so let's go back to this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00384-00106134-00106626 methanol equation where we really love 7RPE12Y4A5o-00385-00106627-00107619 to know whether we're asking too much of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00386-00107620-00107943 this oxidation reaction and so I don't 7RPE12Y4A5o-00387-00107944-00108102 really know what this enthalpy change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00388-00108103-00108363 here is but I have a pretty good idea 7RPE12Y4A5o-00389-00108364-00108645 for the energetic cost of breaking this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00390-00108646-00108852 oxygen oxygen bond and so I want to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00391-00108853-00109032 imagine that I don't know this number 7RPE12Y4A5o-00392-00109033-00109344 here but I can know this number what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00393-00109345-00109599 does it cost to break this hydroxyl 7RPE12Y4A5o-00394-00109600-00109899 hydroxyl bond to give two hydroxyl 7RPE12Y4A5o-00395-00109900-00110007 radicals in other words two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00396-00110008-00110364 homolytically dissociate that they have 7RPE12Y4A5o-00397-00110365-00110628 a reasonable idea about what it costs to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00398-00110629-00111300 break a CH bond to give two radicals and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00399-00111301-00111479 I also have a reasonable idea about what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00400-00111480-00111975 it takes to break this water h bond to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00401-00111976-00112310 give two radicals and I'm just going to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00402-00112311-00112979 continue on with this idea here and I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00403-00112980-00113175 hope I'm getting my my pieces right and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00404-00113176-00113568 so what you can see here is I can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00405-00113569-00113727 imagine some equation here where I've 7RPE12Y4A5o-00406-00113728-00113982 broken this bond to give these pieces 7RPE12Y4A5o-00407-00113983-00114168 and now I just have to imagine 7RPE12Y4A5o-00408-00114169-00114429 recombining these pieces and I've redone 7RPE12Y4A5o-00409-00114430-00114621 my pieces here so let me just say equals 7RPE12Y4A5o-00410-00114622-00114852 here that's all to be an equal sign what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00411-00114853-00115005 you can see is I get the same pieces 7RPE12Y4A5o-00412-00115006-00115302 this way is if I break the bonds over on 7RPE12Y4A5o-00413-00115303-00115342 the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00414-00115343-00115734 other way and we can construct a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00415-00115735-00115959 thermodynamic cycle from this in other 7RPE12Y4A5o-00416-00115960-00116107 words let's imagine that I take this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00417-00116108-00116326 piece over here this hydroxyl and make a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00418-00116327-00116685 bond you can see I'm going to get those 7RPE12Y4A5o-00419-00116686-00116908 that the methanol piece and the water 7RPE12Y4A5o-00420-00116908-00117079 piece on the other side so let me ignore 7RPE12Y4A5o-00421-00117080-00117274 this equivalent sign and I just want to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00422-00117275-00117608 imagine that in two steps breaking bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00423-00117609-00118311 I'll just write break and forming bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00424-00118313-00118993 I can imagine making those same products 7RPE12Y4A5o-00425-00118994-00119140 there even if that has nothing 7RPE12Y4A5o-00426-00119141-00119358 whatsoever to do with the actual 7RPE12Y4A5o-00427-00119359-00119692 reaction maybe I use a platinum catalyst 7RPE12Y4A5o-00428-00119693-00120009 for this or maybe I just simply heat it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00429-00120010-00120232 hot enough to happen doesn't matter as 7RPE12Y4A5o-00430-00120233-00120490 long as I know the enthalpy change here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00431-00120491-00120684 and the aunt will be changed there I can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00432-00120685-00120874 simply add them together and I will get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00433-00120875-00121129 the exactly right enthalpy change this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00434-00121130-00121339 is what Hess's law says that the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00435-00121340-00121573 mechanism doesn't matter as long as you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00436-00121574-00121699 can create some sort of a thermodynamic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00437-00121700-00121975 cycle some equivalent way to get to your 7RPE12Y4A5o-00438-00121976-00122179 products it doesn't matter whether the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00439-00122180-00122358 mechanisms are the same the enthalpy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00440-00122359-00122632 change will be correct so as long as we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00441-00122633-00122818 just memorize a few bond dissociation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00442-00122819-00123073 energies like this one and this one and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00443-00123074-00123316 this one and this one we can simply add 7RPE12Y4A5o-00444-00123317-00123510 and subtract them and we'll come out 7RPE12Y4A5o-00445-00123511-00123700 with the right enthalpy change so let's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00446-00123701-00123874 take a look at some bond energies and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00447-00123875-00124192 what we're really looking for here if we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00448-00124193-00124434 want this to be a favorable process what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00449-00124435-00124627 we'd like to do if we if we want to get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00450-00124628-00124822 more energy out of forming bonds than 7RPE12Y4A5o-00451-00124823-00124957 the energy we have to put in to break 7RPE12Y4A5o-00452-00124958-00125152 bonds we want to look for processes 7RPE12Y4A5o-00453-00125153-00125350 where we either break weak bonds that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00454-00125351-00125665 cheap or processes where we form very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00455-00125666-00125932 stable bonds because we get a lot out of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00456-00125933-00126199 that that's what we want to look for so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00457-00126200-00126403 let's review bond dissociation energies 7RPE12Y4A5o-00458-00126404-00126829 I'll give you some numbers that I want 7RPE12Y4A5o-00459-00126830-00127054 you to memorize and then you can do this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00460-00127055-00127546 at your leisure for any reaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00461-00127547-00130196 let me just summarize so reactions tend 7RPE12Y4A5o-00462-00130197-00130399 to be favorable if you break weak bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00463-00130400-00130804 or form stable bonds so let's review 7RPE12Y4A5o-00465-00134403-00134739 I'm going to give you a definition bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00466-00134740-00135061 dissociation energy is defined to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00467-00135062-00135331 bond strength and both of those are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00468-00135332-00135516 related to this equation I'll give you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00469-00135517-00135694 one example for an RH bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00470-00135695-00136098 it could be ch3 H or in ethane propane 7RPE12Y4A5o-00471-00136099-00136582 doesn't matter but by definition a bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00472-00136583-00136825 dissociation energy or if I use the word 7RPE12Y4A5o-00473-00136826-00137158 bond strength refers to a homolytic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00474-00137159-00137386 process that gives you two radicals by 7RPE12Y4A5o-00475-00137387-00137533 definition I didn't invent this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00476-00137534-00137734 definition I'm stuck with it just like 7RPE12Y4A5o-00477-00137735-00138078 you but this is the definition of bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00478-00138079-00138502 strength and that's super important so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00479-00138503-00138646 by definition the enthalpy change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00480-00138647-00138913 associated with this for this reaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00481-00138914-00139173 right here and that's a standard state 7RPE12Y4A5o-00482-00139174-00139447 free energy or free enthalpy change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00483-00139448-00139627 that's defined to be the bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00484-00139628-00139936 dissociation energy so why am i harping 7RPE12Y4A5o-00485-00139937-00140197 on this idea that of bond strength 7RPE12Y4A5o-00486-00140198-00140419 because I'm going to refer to strong 7RPE12Y4A5o-00487-00140420-00140635 bonds and weak bonds and one of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00488-00140636-00140851 unfortunate consequences of that is that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00489-00140852-00141046 I'm going to define a no H bond as a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00490-00141047-00141436 strong bond now you know as well as I do 7RPE12Y4A5o-00491-00141437-00141684 that protons exchange very rapidly in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00492-00141685-00141945 water or in proton transfer reactions 7RPE12Y4A5o-00493-00141946-00142258 but the word strength implies that I'm 7RPE12Y4A5o-00494-00142259-00142491 not talking about proton transfers when 7RPE12Y4A5o-00495-00142492-00142768 I say the word bond strength I'm talking 7RPE12Y4A5o-00496-00142769-00143028 about homolytic dissociation to give 7RPE12Y4A5o-00497-00143029-00143289 radicals and this is a very costly 7RPE12Y4A5o-00498-00143290-00143814 process the bond dissociation energy for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00499-00143815-00144228 water is about 110 kcals per mole that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00500-00144229-00144389 considered a strong bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00501-00144390-00144527 and I'll give you some more numbers to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00502-00144528-00144751 help you put that into perspective so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00503-00144752-00144872 again 7RPE12Y4A5o-00504-00144873-00145040 when as soon as I say the word bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00505-00145041-00145316 string I'm not talking about anions or 7RPE12Y4A5o-00506-00145317-00145652 bases or or acids I'm talking about 7RPE12Y4A5o-00507-00145653-00145901 radical reactions okay so let's take a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00508-00145902-00146180 look at some sample numbers we're going 7RPE12Y4A5o-00509-00146181-00146372 to start off by looking at CH bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00510-00146373-00146615 because those are very common and then 7RPE12Y4A5o-00511-00146616-00146793 we'll look at bonds between carbon and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00512-00146794-00147638 other second group atoms so start off by 7RPE12Y4A5o-00513-00147639-00147890 thinking about alkanes like ethane the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00514-00147891-00148040 bond dissociation energy there is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00515-00148041-00148214 nothing special there they're typically 7RPE12Y4A5o-00516-00148215-00148571 around 100 kcals per mole high 90s it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00517-00148572-00148871 varies a little bit the larger the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00518-00148872-00149252 alkanes get the weaker those bonds get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00519-00149253-00149429 by a little bit but they're around 100 7RPE12Y4A5o-00520-00149430-00149876 for a typical CH bond in an alkane but 7RPE12Y4A5o-00521-00149877-00149999 look what happens when I change the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00522-00150000-00150275 hybridization and I allow this carbon to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00523-00150276-00150452 contribute more s character to that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00524-00150453-00150866 Sigma bond it becomes more stable that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00525-00150867-00151293 becomes a stronger bond by 12 7RPE12Y4A5o-00526-00151294-00151502 kilocalories per mole how many times 7RPE12Y4A5o-00527-00151503-00151793 more stable is the CH bond in this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00528-00151794-00152419 alkyne this is in kcals per mole that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00529-00152420-00152675 means there's a 12 kilocalories per mole 7RPE12Y4A5o-00530-00152676-00152966 difference and if I divide that by 1.4 7RPE12Y4A5o-00531-00152967-00153128 how many factors of 10 is that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00532-00153129-00153847 instability about 8 about 10 to the 8th 7RPE12Y4A5o-00533-00153848-00154097 that's about a hundred million times and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00534-00154098-00154247 we're stable because of that extra s 7RPE12Y4A5o-00535-00154248-00154433 character and let's can you can see 7RPE12Y4A5o-00536-00154434-00154655 what's going to happen as I contribute 7RPE12Y4A5o-00537-00154656-00154898 even more s character to that CH bond I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00538-00154899-00155096 should expect it to get even stronger 7RPE12Y4A5o-00539-00155097-00155303 I've never seen any reaction where 7RPE12Y4A5o-00540-00155304-00155480 something plucks an H off the end of an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00541-00155481-00155663 alkyne an H atom leaves you with a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00542-00155664-00155915 carbon radical at the end of an alkyne 7RPE12Y4A5o-00543-00155916-00156122 those problems are too strong nothing 7RPE12Y4A5o-00544-00156123-00156335 does that that's not to say you couldn't 7RPE12Y4A5o-00545-00156336-00156536 prepare some Alki no radical some other 7RPE12Y4A5o-00546-00156537-00156677 way but you're not going to do it by 7RPE12Y4A5o-00547-00156678-00156908 plucking off this H so you can see all 7RPE12Y4A5o-00548-00156909-00157115 Ch bonds are not created equal pay 7RPE12Y4A5o-00549-00157116-00157295 attention to hybridization that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00550-00157296-00157677 essential now last I'll 7RPE12Y4A5o-00551-00157678-00157869 another thing that will have an obvious 7RPE12Y4A5o-00552-00157870-00158129 effect and I think you know this on CH 7RPE12Y4A5o-00553-00158130-00158564 bonds is nearby pi systems so probably 7RPE12Y4A5o-00554-00158565-00158757 some time back in in organic chemistry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00555-00158758-00158939 and undergraduate organic chemistry you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00556-00158940-00159104 learned that you could brominate the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00557-00159105-00159369 benzylic position of molecules and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00558-00159370-00159645 that's because this CH bond is weak and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00559-00159646-00159888 to put some numbers on that it's 85 7RPE12Y4A5o-00560-00159889-00160071 kcals per mole and it's very similar for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00561-00160072-00160379 an allylic CH as it is for a benzylic CH 7RPE12Y4A5o-00562-00160380-00160741 so resonance can affect bond strengths 7RPE12Y4A5o-00563-00160742-00160958 okay let's take a look at a few more 7RPE12Y4A5o-00564-00160959-00161250 other common bonds and bond dissociation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00565-00161251-00161544 energies let's take a look at some bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00566-00161545-00161891 not two hydrogen but between second row 7RPE12Y4A5o-00567-00161892-00162091 atoms carbon two carbon carbon to oxygen 7RPE12Y4A5o-00568-00162092-00162290 there's nothing special about a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00569-00162291-00162468 carbon-carbon bond the first thing I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00570-00162469-00162681 want you to note is that it's weaker 7RPE12Y4A5o-00571-00162682-00162936 than a CH bond a process that leaves H 7RPE12Y4A5o-00572-00162937-00163218 dot sucks that's why those bonds are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00573-00163219-00163359 higher in energy but if you generate two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00574-00163360-00163527 carbon-based radicals at least there's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00575-00163528-00163722 bonds that can help other orbitals that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00576-00163723-00163908 can help stabilize carbon-based radicals 7RPE12Y4A5o-00577-00163909-00164451 so a CC bond is weaker than a CH bond if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00578-00164452-00164688 I look at a CC pi bond of course now 7RPE12Y4A5o-00579-00164689-00164832 there's two bonds in there you should 7RPE12Y4A5o-00580-00164833-00165024 expect that to be a much more stable PI 7RPE12Y4A5o-00581-00165025-00165273 bond because to dissociate that to give 7RPE12Y4A5o-00582-00165274-00165594 two carbons I guess it doesn't cost 7RPE12Y4A5o-00583-00165595-00165977 exactly twice the energy but it's very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00584-00165978-00166200 expensive to simultaneously break both a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00585-00166201-00166443 sigma and a PI bond and if I look at an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00586-00166444-00166827 alkyne then of course it becomes very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00587-00166828-00167121 expensive now I want to compare this to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00588-00167122-00167366 two carbon oxygen bonds those are the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00589-00167367-00167532 main ones you'll think about or compare 7RPE12Y4A5o-00590-00167533-00167925 these with in organic chemistry and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00591-00167926-00168114 we're going to start off by by noting 7RPE12Y4A5o-00592-00168115-00168282 that there's nothing really 7RPE12Y4A5o-00593-00168283-00168501 significantly different between the bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00594-00168502-00168716 energy between the strength of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00595-00168717-00168861 carbon-carbon bond and the strength of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00596-00168862-00169122 the carbon oxygen bond what's important 7RPE12Y4A5o-00597-00169123-00169410 is when we look at the PI bond it is of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00598-00169411-00169851 course more expensive to break both of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00599-00169852-00170076 those bonds at once and I don't really 7RPE12Y4A5o-00600-00170077-00170208 want to focus on these energies 7RPE12Y4A5o-00601-00170209-00170513 individually there's a set of numbers I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00602-00170514-00170646 want to extract out of this that I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00603-00170647-00170873 expect you to use over and over again 7RPE12Y4A5o-00604-00170874-00171101 and it's it's the individual energy of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00605-00171102-00171359 just the PI bond here there's a sigma 7RPE12Y4A5o-00606-00171360-00171563 bond here there's a sigma bond here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00607-00171564-00171794 let's forget about that and just look at 7RPE12Y4A5o-00608-00171795-00171908 what's different what's different is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00609-00171909-00172160 there's that extra PI bond and I can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00610-00172161-00172319 create a number to help me think about 7RPE12Y4A5o-00611-00172320-00172823 that the energy of a CC PI bond is the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00612-00172824-00172985 difference between those two numbers and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00613-00172986-00173657 it's about 64 K Cal's per mole the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00614-00173658-00173924 obvious point here is that a PI bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00615-00173925-00174158 between two carbon atoms the second bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00616-00174159-00174502 is substantially weaker than a sigma 7RPE12Y4A5o-00617-00174503-00174884 bond carbon-carbon pi bonds are weak you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00618-00174885-00175075 want to look for reactions that break 7RPE12Y4A5o-00619-00175076-00175322 carbon-carbon PI bonds and trade them 7RPE12Y4A5o-00620-00175323-00175658 for carbon-carbon Sigma bonds reactions 7RPE12Y4A5o-00621-00175659-00175840 that break carbon-carbon bonds and trade 7RPE12Y4A5o-00622-00175841-00176018 them for carbon 7 Sigma bonds will tend 7RPE12Y4A5o-00623-00176019-00176246 to be favorable okay let's look at 7RPE12Y4A5o-00624-00176247-00176636 carbon oxygen PI bonds the strength of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00625-00176637-00176870 this of this pi bond between carbon and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00626-00176871-00177202 oxygen is the difference here and now 7RPE12Y4A5o-00627-00177203-00177963 we're talking about 94 K Cal's per mole 7RPE12Y4A5o-00628-00177964-00178378 that's stronger than a single bond the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00629-00178379-00178574 carbon oxygen PI bond that second bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00630-00178575-00178726 is stronger than the first one that was 7RPE12Y4A5o-00631-00178727-00178949 there this is considered a strong bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00632-00178950-00179257 you want to look for reactions that form 7RPE12Y4A5o-00633-00179258-00179657 carbon oxygen PI bonds reactions that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00634-00179658-00179822 form carbonyl groups will tend to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00635-00179823-00180391 thermodynamically favorable so when I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00636-00180392-00180541 look at reactions like that methane 7RPE12Y4A5o-00637-00180542-00180845 reaction I'm looking for reactions that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00638-00180846-00181025 break pi bonds between carbon and I'm 7RPE12Y4A5o-00639-00181026-00181226 looking that wasn't an example of one 7RPE12Y4A5o-00640-00181227-00181438 but in general when I look for reactions 7RPE12Y4A5o-00641-00181439-00181564 that I want to be thermodynamically 7RPE12Y4A5o-00642-00181565-00181760 driven I'm looking for things that trade 7RPE12Y4A5o-00643-00181761-00182135 SIA CC PI bonds for Co pi bonds and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00644-00182136-00182276 we'll talk about some of those examples 7RPE12Y4A5o-00645-00182277-00182588 later in in the course okay let's so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00646-00182589-00182744 those are examples of weak and strong 7RPE12Y4A5o-00647-00182745-00183838 bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00648-00183839-00184100 let's take a look at some of some single 7RPE12Y4A5o-00649-00184101-00184252 bonds that I would consider to be strong 7RPE12Y4A5o-00650-00184253-00184376 and I've already talked about one of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00651-00184377-00184771 those and that's an O H bond is strong 7RPE12Y4A5o-00652-00184772-00185021 110 K Cal's per mole for a typical 7RPE12Y4A5o-00653-00185022-00185404 alcohol Oh a CH bond that would be very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00654-00185405-00185582 unusual for you to have any reaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00655-00185583-00185750 that plucks that hydrogen atom off and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00656-00185751-00185929 that's not to say that there aren't 7RPE12Y4A5o-00657-00185930-00186119 reactions that generate our o dot but 7RPE12Y4A5o-00658-00186120-00186284 they don't proceed by plucking off an H 7RPE12Y4A5o-00659-00186285-00186674 and H atom so I already mentioned 7RPE12Y4A5o-00660-00186675-00186865 another example of a strong single bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00661-00186866-00187244 and that was this insanely strong CH 7RPE12Y4A5o-00662-00187245-00187463 bond at the end of an alkyne again I've 7RPE12Y4A5o-00663-00187464-00187613 never heard of any reaction where 7RPE12Y4A5o-00664-00187614-00187889 anything can pluck this H off of the end 7RPE12Y4A5o-00665-00187890-00188189 of an outcome okay things I have not yet 7RPE12Y4A5o-00666-00188190-00188812 talked about silicon fluorine oh my god 7RPE12Y4A5o-00667-00188813-00189445 crazy stability here 141 kcals per mole 7RPE12Y4A5o-00668-00189446-00189715 for the stability of a silicon fluorine 7RPE12Y4A5o-00669-00189716-00190070 bond this is why you use tetra butyl 7RPE12Y4A5o-00670-00190071-00190354 ammonium fluoride to D protect silyl 7RPE12Y4A5o-00671-00190355-00190547 ether because you get this huge 7RPE12Y4A5o-00672-00190548-00190714 thermodynamic driving force 7RPE12Y4A5o-00673-00190715-00190922 you also get kinetic speed associated 7RPE12Y4A5o-00674-00190923-00191093 with that process but it's hugely 7RPE12Y4A5o-00675-00191094-00191297 thermodynamically driven to form silicon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00676-00191298-00191675 fluorine bonds and then the last common 7RPE12Y4A5o-00677-00191676-00191963 example of a super stable bond I'm not 7RPE12Y4A5o-00678-00191964-00192371 even sure how to draw this um I can draw 7RPE12Y4A5o-00679-00192372-00192446 it like this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00680-00192447-00192674 and it doesn't matter whether I draw 7RPE12Y4A5o-00681-00192675-00192974 this I can have a fifth bond to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00682-00192975-00193114 phosphorous there's another resonance 7RPE12Y4A5o-00683-00193115-00193366 structure if you want you can draw it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00684-00193367-00193514 like this as a way to help you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00685-00193515-00193702 rationalize the stability but the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00686-00193703-00193907 importance is this bond is super stable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00687-00193908-00194093 if you have a reaction where you put in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00688-00194094-00194345 triphenylphosphine there is a massive 7RPE12Y4A5o-00689-00194346-00194519 thermodynamic driving force for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00690-00194520-00194732 somewhere in that process for you to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00691-00194733-00194975 generate triphenylphosphine oxide as the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00692-00194976-00195383 byproduct and so the energy there again 7RPE12Y4A5o-00693-00195384-00195778 is 136 kcals per mole hugely favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00694-00195779-00195991 so reactions like mitsunobu reactions 7RPE12Y4A5o-00695-00195992-00196151 appel reactions we'll talk about these 7RPE12Y4A5o-00696-00196152-00196514 later are driven by the formation of p o 7RPE12Y4A5o-00697-00196515-00196602 bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00698-00196603-00196839 okay so those are examples of very 7RPE12Y4A5o-00699-00196840-00196986 strong bonds you want to look for 7RPE12Y4A5o-00700-00196987-00197157 reactions that form those types of bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00701-00197158-00197277 they'll tend to be enthalpically 7RPE12Y4A5o-00702-00197278-00197457 favorable and they'll tend to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00703-00197458-00197691 thermodynamically favorable with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00704-00197692-00197964 negative Delta G's okay let's take a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00705-00197965-00198198 look at some weak single bonds let's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00707-00201684-00201963 okay so carbon silicon BA single bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00708-00201964-00202304 tend to be weak if you have a chance 7RPE12Y4A5o-00709-00202305-00202536 you'd like to trade a carbon and I don't 7RPE12Y4A5o-00710-00202537-00202695 have the number here a carbon silicon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00711-00202696-00202932 bond for an oxygen silicon bond or even 7RPE12Y4A5o-00712-00202933-00203145 better for a fluorine silicon bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00713-00203146-00203352 that'll be thermodynamically favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00714-00203353-00203634 look at all these bonds to halogens if 7RPE12Y4A5o-00715-00203635-00203868 you take a simple alkyl iodide and you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00716-00203869-00204099 put it under a TLC lamp you'll slowly 7RPE12Y4A5o-00717-00204100-00204243 see your spots start to turn brown 7RPE12Y4A5o-00718-00204244-00204468 because your home eliza that weak bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00719-00204469-00204660 the carbon iodine bond will start to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00720-00204661-00204879 homo lies and generate i dot and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00721-00204880-00205166 cyclohexyl dot carbon halogen bonds tend 7RPE12Y4A5o-00722-00205167-00205404 to be weak bonds to halogens tend to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00723-00205405-00205623 weak especially for halogens that are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00724-00205623-00205902 not second row atoms so those are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00725-00205903-00206100 examples of weak bonds you can expect 7RPE12Y4A5o-00726-00206101-00206361 those kinds of bonds to break in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00727-00206362-00207288 thermodynamically favorable reactions 7RPE12Y4A5o-00728-00207289-00207628 okay now let's look at bonds where the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00729-00207629-00207832 two atoms are the same carbon-carbon 7RPE12Y4A5o-00730-00207833-00208057 bonds are sort of unique in this respect 7RPE12Y4A5o-00731-00208058-00208429 because I mean they're not super weak 7RPE12Y4A5o-00732-00208430-00208780 but they're not strong they're just sort 7RPE12Y4A5o-00733-00208781-00209005 of right in between but if you stay in 7RPE12Y4A5o-00734-00209006-00209389 the second row where atoms are about the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00735-00209390-00209571 same size carbon nitrogen oxygen 7RPE12Y4A5o-00736-00209573-00210192 fluorine yeah 81 I'm using this is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00737-00210194-00210421 specifically ethane the 81 is an average 7RPE12Y4A5o-00738-00210421-00210717 so as you you know as you add 7RPE12Y4A5o-00739-00210719-00211077 substituents those numbers will change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00740-00211078-00211378 so let's go ahead and take this specific 7RPE12Y4A5o-00741-00211379-00211756 set of of molecules where you have the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00742-00211757-00211923 same atoms look what happens as I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00743-00211925-00212146 increase the electronegativity - 7RPE12Y4A5o-00744-00212146-00212332 nitrogen nitrogen now it's a weaker bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00745-00212333-00212491 and then I make it even more 7RPE12Y4A5o-00746-00212492-00212778 electronegative and it gets even worse 7RPE12Y4A5o-00747-00212779-00212989 so you can see what's happening with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00748-00212990-00213202 this hydrogen peroxide methane reaction 7RPE12Y4A5o-00749-00213203-00213508 I looked at that in half a second I had 7RPE12Y4A5o-00750-00213509-00213610 judged that that ought to be 7RPE12Y4A5o-00751-00213611-00213871 thermodynamically favorable it's summer 7RPE12Y4A5o-00752-00213871-00214048 dynamically favorable for hydrogen 7RPE12Y4A5o-00753-00214048-00214258 peroxide to react chemically with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00754-00214259-00214450 methane that's not to say that there's a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00755-00214451-00214603 kinetic pathway to do that without a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00756-00214604-00214873 catalyst but any reaction of breaks and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00757-00214873-00215110 a hydroxyl hydroxyl bond is going to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00758-00215111-00215281 tend to be thermodynamically favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00759-00215282-00215554 that's a weak crummy bond and then 7RPE12Y4A5o-00760-00215555-00215717 finally we get down to fluorine fluorine 7RPE12Y4A5o-00761-00215719-00216042 and that's very weak so there's a sort 7RPE12Y4A5o-00762-00216044-00216277 of trend in getting weaker and weaker so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00763-00216278-00216559 the reason why they flame off methane 7RPE12Y4A5o-00764-00216560-00216709 and they don't convert it to methanol 7RPE12Y4A5o-00765-00216710-00216856 using hydrogen peroxide is not a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00766-00216857-00217044 thermodynamic problem it's just that you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00767-00217046-00217348 can't stop at methanol any oxidant that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00768-00217348-00217521 can oxidize methane will continue to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00769-00217523-00217719 oxidize it further they can't figure out 7RPE12Y4A5o-00770-00217721-00217954 how to stop the oxidation of methane at 7RPE12Y4A5o-00771-00217955-00218202 methanol so let me continue to draw some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00772-00218203-00218469 some of these some of these diatomic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00773-00218471-00218646 molecules you already know and the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00774-00218648-00218815 reason why you already know these is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00775-00218816-00219060 because in sophomore organic chemistry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00776-00219061-00219310 you learn that you can Houma lies these 7RPE12Y4A5o-00777-00219311-00219535 with light or heat in order to generate 7RPE12Y4A5o-00778-00219536-00219766 radicals to do free radical allylic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00779-00219767-00220167 halogenation or free radical benzoyl 7RPE12Y4A5o-00780-00220169-00220344 ecology nation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00781-00220344-00220626 okay so that's Hess's law let's go ahead 7RPE12Y4A5o-00782-00220627-00220785 and use these numbers and we'll apply 7RPE12Y4A5o-00783-00220786-00221307 this to the to this methanol equation so 7RPE12Y4A5o-00784-00221308-00221475 you can see how we use these numbers and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00785-00221476-00221655 how we add up those those bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00786-00221656-00222115 dissociation energies and I think I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00787-00222116-00222306 erased my equation so I'll rewrite it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00788-00222307-00223837 here and what I want to do is I want to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00789-00223838-00224004 add up all the energies of the bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00790-00224005-00224508 broken and I want to add up all the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00791-00224509-00225051 energies of the bonds formed so what's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00792-00225052-00226325 the energy of this oxygen oxygen bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00793-00226326-00226990 and I'm wondering if I've written down 7RPE12Y4A5o-00794-00226991-00227256 the wrong number because sometimes I've 7RPE12Y4A5o-00795-00227257-00227490 written down numbers for specific 7RPE12Y4A5o-00796-00227491-00227667 molecules and then other times I've 7RPE12Y4A5o-00797-00227669-00227938 written down numbers for just generic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00798-00227939-00228375 bond types and it's 98 for the CH bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00799-00228376-00228579 which is relatively strong so we add up 7RPE12Y4A5o-00800-00228580-00228732 all the energy it costs us to break 7RPE12Y4A5o-00801-00228733-00228916 these bonds we'll come up with a number 7RPE12Y4A5o-00802-00228917-00229329 of 149 K Cal's per mole and then we come 7RPE12Y4A5o-00803-00229330-00229444 over here and we look at the bonds that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00804-00229444-00229902 we form not put that line there so the O 7RPE12Y4A5o-00805-00229903-00230325 H bond in water or just a generic o H 7RPE12Y4A5o-00806-00230326-00231479 bond so about 110 and then for a co bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00807-00231480-00231721 and so when we add these together we get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00808-00231721-00232098 189 you can you can tell already that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00809-00232100-00232275 you're generating more energy by forming 7RPE12Y4A5o-00810-00232276-00232524 bonds than you then you had to put in to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00811-00232525-00232707 break these bonds and so when we do our 7RPE12Y4A5o-00812-00232708-00233156 final calculation we're going to say 7RPE12Y4A5o-00813-00233157-00233565 Delta H is equal the bonds 7RPE12Y4A5o-00814-00233566-00234002 formed actually if we want this to turn 7RPE12Y4A5o-00815-00234003-00235096 out to have the right sign bonds broken 7RPE12Y4A5o-00816-00235098-00235350 and that's going to be equal to 149 7RPE12Y4A5o-00817-00235351-00235739 minus 189 which is equal to minus 40 7RPE12Y4A5o-00818-00235740-00236048 minus 40 kcals per mole down that means 7RPE12Y4A5o-00819-00236048-00236321 downhill enthalpically this is a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00820-00236323-00236937 favorable process that's enthalpy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00821-00236938-00237179 favorable for you to do this reaction we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00822-00237180-00237321 don't know anything about how fast this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00823-00237321-00237576 is in fact it's not fast you could store 7RPE12Y4A5o-00824-00237577-00237798 hydrogen peroxide in methane as long as 7RPE12Y4A5o-00825-00237798-00237959 there's no catalyst there button 7RPE12Y4A5o-00826-00237960-00238277 topically that's favorable so just some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00827-00238278-00238448 simple powerful numbers you can use 7RPE12Y4A5o-00828-00238450-00238614 anytime you want to judge whether 7RPE12Y4A5o-00829-00238615-00238880 reactions look likely off like they 7RPE12Y4A5o-00830-00238881-00239033 ought to be thermodynamically favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00831-00239034-00239255 and I put some problems on the problem 7RPE12Y4A5o-00832-00239256-00239494 set but you didn't add those together 7RPE12Y4A5o-00833-00239496-00239889 okay so let's go ahead and talk about 7RPE12Y4A5o-00834-00239890-00240110 energies from a different source that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00835-00240111-00240230 becoming more and more common and it's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00836-00240231-00240462 computers more and more often nowadays 7RPE12Y4A5o-00837-00240463-00240596 you're going to hear people refer to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00838-00240598-00240757 electronic structure calculations 7RPE12Y4A5o-00839-00240758-00241314 they'll say stuff like DFT b3 lip part 7RPE12Y4A5o-00840-00241315-00241563 Reebok these are all numbers that are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00841-00241564-00241875 basically enthalpies and let's talk 7RPE12Y4A5o-00842-00241876-00242394 about what those numbers mean 7RPE12Y4A5o-00843-00242395-00242722 you can use these this Hess's law and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00844-00242723-00243159 and and bond energy calculation anywhere 7RPE12Y4A5o-00845-00243160-00243451 sitting in a pub drinking beers while 7RPE12Y4A5o-00846-00243452-00243654 you're listening to a research seminar 7RPE12Y4A5o-00847-00243655-00243919 but energies from calculations you're 7RPE12Y4A5o-00848-00243920-00244033 going to have to sit in front of a 7RPE12Y4A5o-00849-00244034-00244423 computer and it's not hard nowadays you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00850-00244424-00244621 just draw the structure in hit go and it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00851-00244622-00244744 will pop out some energy so what are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00852-00244745-00245485 those energies mean and let me replace 7RPE12Y4A5o-00853-00245486-00246730 this so when you hear people here use 7RPE12Y4A5o-00854-00246731-00247168 terms like density functional theory or 7RPE12Y4A5o-00855-00247169-00247468 you see very strange-looking things like 7RPE12Y4A5o-00856-00247469-00248287 b3 limp I mean somebody did some density 7RPE12Y4A5o-00857-00248288-00248628 functional Theory calculation using 7RPE12Y4A5o-00858-00248629-00248995 Beck's third iteration of the Liang par 7RPE12Y4A5o-00859-00248996-00249316 using a Los Alamos National Labs B it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00860-00249317-00249463 doesn't matter what the letters are the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00861-00249464-00249664 general rule is the more letters you see 7RPE12Y4A5o-00862-00249665-00249883 here the more accurate the calculation 7RPE12Y4A5o-00863-00249884-00250405 is so you see something like this that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00864-00250406-00250621 like that's not as good 7RPE12Y4A5o-00865-00250623-00250883 is this generally true one of these what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00866-00250884-00251063 do these numbers mean the calculations 7RPE12Y4A5o-00867-00251064-00251260 are doing this they're there if you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00868-00251261-00251438 wanted to calculate the enthalpy change 7RPE12Y4A5o-00869-00251439-00251723 and what you get out of these you get 7RPE12Y4A5o-00870-00251723-00252032 out of these an energy and they're not 7RPE12Y4A5o-00871-00252033-00252223 going to say Delta H or Delta Chi 7RPE12Y4A5o-00872-00252225-00252334 they're just going to tell you it's an 7RPE12Y4A5o-00873-00252335-00252634 energy from these calculations that's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00874-00252635-00252830 approximately the same as an enthalpy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00875-00252831-00253028 value it means they did not take entropy 7RPE12Y4A5o-00876-00253029-00253280 into account they're just giving you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00877-00253281-00253529 like an enthalpy number and so if I went 7RPE12Y4A5o-00878-00253530-00253892 to a computer and I drew these four 7RPE12Y4A5o-00879-00253892-00254156 molecules in each one of these molecules 7RPE12Y4A5o-00880-00254157-00254473 has an energy associated with it water 7RPE12Y4A5o-00881-00254475-00254644 has an energy associated with it it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00882-00254646-00254873 doesn't matter which bond that's not 7RPE12Y4A5o-00883-00254873-00255044 what the computer tells you it just says 7RPE12Y4A5o-00884-00255044-00255269 you draw that structure in and I will 7RPE12Y4A5o-00885-00255269-00255452 tell you what the energies are and it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00886-00255453-00255716 would tell you something like like this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00887-00255717-00255905 like the energy of this of a methane 7RPE12Y4A5o-00888-00255906-00256157 molecule is minus twenty five point two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00889-00256158-00256519 two two point five seven two three eight 7RPE12Y4A5o-00890-00256521-00256829 to kcals per mole it used to be you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00891-00256830-00257092 needed very large that's not for the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00892-00257094-00257201 bond that's for the whole methane 7RPE12Y4A5o-00893-00257202-00257387 molecule it's like what do you do with 7RPE12Y4A5o-00894-00257388-00257627 that it doesn't mean anything by itself 7RPE12Y4A5o-00895-00257628-00257831 it's only when you add the energy of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00896-00257832-00258053 this and the energy of that the two 7RPE12Y4A5o-00897-00258054-00258242 starting materials and you compare it to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00898-00258242-00258409 the energies of the two products added 7RPE12Y4A5o-00899-00258410-00258596 together that's the only way that those 7RPE12Y4A5o-00900-00258596-00258839 numbers can be useful to you and this is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00901-00258840-00259069 another example of Hess's law so what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00902-00259071-00259285 are they doing what they're doing what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00903-00259286-00259451 the computer is doing is it's taking the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00904-00259452-00259654 energy as you get from all these nuclei 7RPE12Y4A5o-00905-00259655-00259919 I'll draw out these the nuclei of all 7RPE12Y4A5o-00906-00259919-00260126 these carbon and hydrogen atoms probably 7RPE12Y4A5o-00907-00260127-00260438 I've got too many and it's assessing how 7RPE12Y4A5o-00908-00260439-00260606 much energy do I get by taking a bunch 7RPE12Y4A5o-00909-00260607-00261019 of nuclei plus a bunch of electrons and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00910-00261019-00261215 combining them together to make this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00911-00261216-00261559 molecule and of course you'll come up 7RPE12Y4A5o-00912-00261560-00261692 with a different number here because 7RPE12Y4A5o-00913-00261692-00261821 you've got a different number of nuclei 7RPE12Y4A5o-00914-00261821-00262112 and electrons to make methanol and then 7RPE12Y4A5o-00915-00262113-00262313 you can ask the computer to tell me how 7RPE12Y4A5o-00916-00262314-00262448 much energy you get by making these 7RPE12Y4A5o-00917-00262449-00262688 types of things and then you can apply 7RPE12Y4A5o-00918-00262689-00262862 Hess's law that's why you can add the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00919-00262863-00263117 energy of this methanol energy of water 7RPE12Y4A5o-00920-00263118-00263315 and subtract from what the energy of the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00921-00263316-00263453 two starting trails added together and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00922-00263454-00263600 you'll come out with phenomenally 7RPE12Y4A5o-00923-00263601-00263801 accurate numbers for that 7RPE12Y4A5o-00924-00263802-00264020 now again it doesn't take enthalpy into 7RPE12Y4A5o-00925-00264021-00264449 account or sorry entropy into account 7RPE12Y4A5o-00926-00264450-00264923 but that's okay okay so use numbers from 7RPE12Y4A5o-00927-00264924-00265112 electronic structure calculations in the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00928-00265113-00265508 same kind of way that you use this entry 7RPE12Y4A5o-00929-00265509-00265688 in the same way to use enthalpy it 7RPE12Y4A5o-00930-00265689-00265868 doesn't take entropy into account and I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00931-00265869-00266030 want to talk about entropy before we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00932-00266031-00266387 leave today because it's it's a huge 7RPE12Y4A5o-00933-00266388-00267752 Bugaboo for us this term right here it's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00934-00267753-00268280 it's really going to to place everything 7RPE12Y4A5o-00935-00268281-00268610 we talked about on insecure footing okay 7RPE12Y4A5o-00936-00268611-00268963 so I want to draw a very simple 7RPE12Y4A5o-00937-00268964-00269201 interaction and what I'm trying to draw 7RPE12Y4A5o-00938-00269202-00269585 is an idealized hydrogen bond you can 7RPE12Y4A5o-00939-00269586-00269818 use electronic structure calculations 7RPE12Y4A5o-00940-00269819-00270008 phenomenally accurate electronic 7RPE12Y4A5o-00941-00270009-00270224 structure calculations to calculate out 7RPE12Y4A5o-00942-00270225-00270779 the ideal hydrogen bond and if we 7RPE12Y4A5o-00943-00270780-00271082 compare that and then I can draw a water 7RPE12Y4A5o-00944-00271083-00271322 molecule in a computer and get the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00945-00271323-00271451 energy out of that and say well what's 7RPE12Y4A5o-00946-00271452-00271584 the energy of just two water molecules 7RPE12Y4A5o-00947-00271585-00271949 added together energy of this and I add 7RPE12Y4A5o-00948-00271950-00272120 that to the energy that and what do I 7RPE12Y4A5o-00949-00272121-00272357 find out about what do I get out of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00950-00272358-00272744 making a hydrogen bond to seawater what 7RPE12Y4A5o-00951-00272745-00273155 I find here is that the energy for this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00952-00273156-00273272 by in and you can measure this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00953-00273273-00273647 accurately and get directly a delta H is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00954-00273648-00273970 that that's thermodynamically favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-00955-00273971-00274388 4.6 kcals per mole this hydrogen bond is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00956-00274389-00274673 enthalpically favorable relative to just 7RPE12Y4A5o-00957-00274674-00274877 two water molecules floating an infinite 7RPE12Y4A5o-00958-00274878-00275260 distance in space that's no good the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00959-00275261-00276667 problem here is this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00960-00276668-00276908 I'm not so good at math what's the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00961-00276909-00277040 difference between those numbers like 7RPE12Y4A5o-00962-00277041-00277409 1.7 or something like that what this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00963-00277410-00277607 tells you is that a hydrogen bond 7RPE12Y4A5o-00964-00277608-00278095 between two water molecules is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00965-00278096-00278393 thermodynamically unfavorable it is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00966-00278394-00278648 thermodynamically unfavorable for us to 7RPE12Y4A5o-00967-00278649-00279080 form this hydrogen bond this is the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00968-00279081-00279317 problem with entropy and this is why you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00969-00279318-00279647 have to exercise immense caution when 7RPE12Y4A5o-00970-00279648-00279872 you use enthalpy values what is this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00971-00279873-00280160 equation really saying here what this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00972-00280161-00280841 equation is really saying it should be - 7RPE12Y4A5o-00973-00280842-00281246 - Dobis sorry so here's what this 7RPE12Y4A5o-00974-00281247-00281408 equation is really saying and where did 7RPE12Y4A5o-00975-00281409-00281567 I get these numbers I wasn't really 7RPE12Y4A5o-00976-00281568-00281705 asking about the energy difference here 7RPE12Y4A5o-00977-00281706-00281921 I was asking about the energy difference 7RPE12Y4A5o-00978-00281922-00282239 between this idealized hydrogen bond and 7RPE12Y4A5o-00979-00282240-00282599 all other possibilities and there are 7RPE12Y4A5o-00980-00282600-00282872 many many many ways to make a non-ideal 7RPE12Y4A5o-00981-00282873-00283139 hydrogen bond make it maybe I could have 7RPE12Y4A5o-00982-00283140-00283298 some sort of distorted bond where the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00983-00283299-00283525 angle here doesn't look so good 7RPE12Y4A5o-00984-00283526-00283788 or maybe I can have these two water 7RPE12Y4A5o-00985-00283789-00284027 molecules poking at each other with the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00986-00284028-00284308 oxygens or maybe I can have some 7RPE12Y4A5o-00987-00284309-00284507 hydrogen bond where this molecule is 7RPE12Y4A5o-00988-00284508-00285005 bent at some not-so-good angle the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00989-00285006-00285272 number of ways to make the not perfect 7RPE12Y4A5o-00990-00285273-00285524 hydrogen bond the non-ideal hydrogen 7RPE12Y4A5o-00991-00285525-00285755 bond is so immense there are so many 7RPE12Y4A5o-00992-00285756-00285929 ways to make it something other than the 7RPE12Y4A5o-00993-00285930-00286148 perfect hydrogen bond that this becomes 7RPE12Y4A5o-00994-00286149-00286391 thermodynamically unfavorable what you 7RPE12Y4A5o-00995-00286392-00286625 find is if you take it a box full of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00996-00286626-00286874 zillions of water molecules that only 7RPE12Y4A5o-00997-00286875-00287039 one out here's what this number tells 7RPE12Y4A5o-00998-00287040-00287477 you that only one out of 16 pairs of 7RPE12Y4A5o-00999-00287478-00287882 water molecules will be in this ideal 7RPE12Y4A5o-01000-00287883-00288233 hydrogen bond state all the others will 7RPE12Y4A5o-01001-00288234-00288446 be in some other paired organization 7RPE12Y4A5o-01002-00288447-00288714 state so if you go to a computer and you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01003-00288715-00288826 draw this in and you can 7RPE12Y4A5o-01004-00288827-00288997 clewd that oh that's what water looks 7RPE12Y4A5o-01005-00288998-00289114 like you've come up with the wrong 7RPE12Y4A5o-01006-00289115-00289321 result because you didn't take into 7RPE12Y4A5o-01007-00289322-00289549 account entropy this is the problem with 7RPE12Y4A5o-01008-00289550-00289741 entropy it is very hard to draw every 7RPE12Y4A5o-01009-00289742-00289924 other possible configuration into a 7RPE12Y4A5o-01010-00289925-00290134 computer and get the energy out you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01011-00290135-00290398 don't have the time to do that nobody 7RPE12Y4A5o-01012-00290399-00290596 has the time to do that and that's what 7RPE12Y4A5o-01013-00290597-00290884 makes entropy hard okay one last I'm 7RPE12Y4A5o-01014-00290885-00291040 going to give you a number to keep in 7RPE12Y4A5o-01015-00291041-00291352 mind for entropy and this is a useful 7RPE12Y4A5o-01016-00291353-00291478 number it tells you how much in 7RPE12Y4A5o-01017-00291479-00291892 certainty you should have whenever you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01018-00291893-00293758 ignore entropy there's a very famous 7RPE12Y4A5o-01019-00293759-00294058 calculation that was published by Bill 7RPE12Y4A5o-01020-00294059-00294259 Jenks a famous physical organic chemist 7RPE12Y4A5o-01021-00294260-00294457 and he just took some numbers and a 7RPE12Y4A5o-01022-00294458-00294703 piece of paper and sat down and did some 7RPE12Y4A5o-01023-00294704-00295026 rough calculations and what he was able 7RPE12Y4A5o-01024-00295027-00295432 to demonstrate got him one of the most 7RPE12Y4A5o-01025-00295433-00295630 highly cited papers in the Proceedings 7RPE12Y4A5o-01026-00295631-00295945 of National Academy of Sciences so and I 7RPE12Y4A5o-01027-00295946-00296101 did not intend to do that I intended to 7RPE12Y4A5o-01028-00296102-00296272 draw the diels-alder product here so 7RPE12Y4A5o-01029-00296273-00296443 this is a 4 plus 2 cycloaddition 7RPE12Y4A5o-01030-00296444-00296842 reaction the point here is not who cares 7RPE12Y4A5o-01031-00296843-00296941 about the fact that you form 7RPE12Y4A5o-01032-00296942-00297079 carbon-carbon bonds the point is if you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01033-00297080-00297292 have any reaction where two molecules 7RPE12Y4A5o-01034-00297293-00297550 have to get close and align and orient 7RPE12Y4A5o-01035-00297551-00297844 correctly like ballroom dancers not 7RPE12Y4A5o-01036-00297845-00298054 forming any bonds just getting close to 7RPE12Y4A5o-01037-00298055-00298405 forming bonds pairing up one mole of a + 7RPE12Y4A5o-01038-00298406-00298609 1 mole of B so that everything is paired 7RPE12Y4A5o-01039-00298610-00299065 up costs a huge amount of energy and has 7RPE12Y4A5o-01040-00299066-00299281 nothing to do with enthalpy what you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01041-00299282-00299752 find here is that this is a favorable 7RPE12Y4A5o-01042-00299753-00299902 reaction and turns enthalpy you could 7RPE12Y4A5o-01043-00299903-00300031 have guessed that by looking at the fact 7RPE12Y4A5o-01044-00300032-00300328 that we just traded two pi bond CC PI 7RPE12Y4A5o-01045-00300329-00300598 bonds for four single bonds so just that 7RPE12Y4A5o-01046-00300599-00300754 bond analysis would have told you told 7RPE12Y4A5o-01047-00300755-00301006 you that enthalpically it's good the 7RPE12Y4A5o-01048-00301007-00301498 problem is that bringing two cyclo 7RPE12Y4A5o-01049-00301499-00301669 pentadiene COEs together not forming 7RPE12Y4A5o-01050-00301670-00301852 bonds no bonding yet and just getting 7RPE12Y4A5o-01051-00301853-00302107 them together and getting 6.02 7RPE12Y4A5o-01052-00302108-00302341 times 10 to the 23rd of these pairs 7RPE12Y4A5o-01053-00302342-00302569 ready to form bonds with just the right 7RPE12Y4A5o-01054-00302570-00302754 distances just the right orientation 7RPE12Y4A5o-01055-00302755-00303700 costs this tells you about how much it 7RPE12Y4A5o-01056-00303701-00303949 can cost you just to bring a molecule of 7RPE12Y4A5o-01057-00303950-00304189 a and a molecule of B together it can 7RPE12Y4A5o-01058-00304190-00304431 cost you up to 40 kilocalories per mole 7RPE12Y4A5o-01059-00304432-00304672 how many factors of 10 and dis 7RPE12Y4A5o-01060-00304673-00304929 favorability of that it's 10 to the 10th 7RPE12Y4A5o-01061-00304930-00305131 unfavorable just to bring pairs of 7RPE12Y4A5o-01062-00305132-00305422 molecules together so every time I see a 7RPE12Y4A5o-01063-00305423-00305620 reaction like methane plus hydrogen 7RPE12Y4A5o-01064-00305621-00305785 peroxide where two things have to come 7RPE12Y4A5o-01065-00305786-00306105 together I'm taking this into account 7RPE12Y4A5o-01066-00306106-00306481 now it can be less than that sometimes 7RPE12Y4A5o-01067-00306482-00306624 this is a reaction that has an high 7RPE12Y4A5o-01068-00306625-00306913 entropic component because this carbon 7RPE12Y4A5o-01069-00306914-00307159 has to get close to this carbon at the 7RPE12Y4A5o-01070-00307160-00307339 same time that this carbon has to get 7RPE12Y4A5o-01071-00307340-00307603 close to that one that has an intra 7RPE12Y4A5o-01072-00307604-00307816 higher in tropical form than two things 7RPE12Y4A5o-01073-00307817-00307957 is just simply have to collide with each 7RPE12Y4A5o-01074-00307958-00308278 other so entropy can cost you as little 7RPE12Y4A5o-01075-00308279-00308581 as zero but as much as this so there's 7RPE12Y4A5o-01076-00308582-00308743 this huge uncertainty somewhere between 7RPE12Y4A5o-01077-00308744-00309037 0 and 14 kcals per mole if we ignore 7RPE12Y4A5o-01078-00309038-00309268 entropy when we think about two things 7RPE12Y4A5o-01079-00309269-00309469 coming together the entropic costs for 7RPE12Y4A5o-01080-00309470-00309649 intramolecular molecules where two 7RPE12Y4A5o-01081-00309650-00309838 things don't have to collide that's a 7RPE12Y4A5o-01082-00309839-00310183 lot cheaper so entropically okay so 7RPE12Y4A5o-01083-00310184-00310459 energies use Hess's law memorize those 7RPE12Y4A5o-01084-00310460-00310669 bond dissociation energies I want you to 7RPE12Y4A5o-01085-00310670-00310849 know how to calculate enthalpy changes 7RPE12Y4A5o-01086-00310850-00311146 for reactions if you get energies from 7RPE12Y4A5o-01087-00311147-00311242 electronic structure calculations 7RPE12Y4A5o-01088-00311243-00311473 remember that ignores entropy because 7RPE12Y4A5o-01089-00311474-00311659 you didn't draw every other possible 7RPE12Y4A5o-01090-00311660-00311917 alternative in and then finally don't 7RPE12Y4A5o-01091-00311918-00312178 forget this entropy component because 7RPE12Y4A5o-01092-00312179-00312334 entropy can really kill you when you 7RPE12Y4A5o-01093-00312335-00313557 bring two things together 7RPE12Y4A5o-01094-00313558-00313765 you 7SgZOASEtVk-00000-00000050-00000401 if a pregnant woman goes swimming is she 7SgZOASEtVk-00001-00000401-00000678 a human submarine 7SgZOASEtVk-00002-00000679-00001270 [Music] 7SgZOASEtVk-00003-00001271-00001523 hello welcome in how are you 7SgZOASEtVk-00004-00001524-00001895 I'm just too much proud to handle 7SgZOASEtVk-00005-00001896-00002159 you're not I can handle you 7SgZOASEtVk-00006-00002160-00002363 I'll just I'll just I just put my foot 7SgZOASEtVk-00007-00002364-00002555 on you this should be the match to start 7SgZOASEtVk-00008-00002556-00002825 at midnight that we watch yeah yeah like 7SgZOASEtVk-00009-00002826-00003095 two like 12 a.m and 2 A.M time and I was 7SgZOASEtVk-00010-00003096-00003286 playing someone on FIFA a couple of 7SgZOASEtVk-00011-00003288-00003479 nights ago and because I kicked his bum 7SgZOASEtVk-00012-00003479-00003772 he rage quit on me 7SgZOASEtVk-00013-00003773-00004049 oh dear 7SgZOASEtVk-00014-00004050-00004433 yeah people got upset oh wow okay oh 7SgZOASEtVk-00015-00004434-00004636 okay thanks 7SgZOASEtVk-00016-00004637-00004775 oh 7SgZOASEtVk-00017-00004776-00004972 let's go to Goldfish Memory they have a 7SgZOASEtVk-00018-00004973-00005411 three second memory 7SgZOASEtVk-00019-00005412-00005591 seriously I wasn't told about something 7SgZOASEtVk-00020-00005592-00005838 I forgot 7SgZOASEtVk-00021-00005839-00006099 yeah 7SgZOASEtVk-00022-00006100-00006336 [Music] 7SgZOASEtVk-00023-00006337-00006634 so we know it wasn't as long and we're 7SgZOASEtVk-00024-00006636-00006964 doing our jobs lol it was just funny oh 7SgZOASEtVk-00025-00006965-00007042 yeah 7SgZOASEtVk-00026-00007043-00007289 yeah 7SgZOASEtVk-00027-00007290-00007553 emotions are Sky High if you're not 7SgZOASEtVk-00028-00007554-00007798 trying them with coffee no I have I just 7SgZOASEtVk-00029-00007800-00008164 forgot 2 am yeah two I'm fine right I 7SgZOASEtVk-00030-00008165-00008479 mean 7SgZOASEtVk-00031-00008480-00008657 [Music] 7SgZOASEtVk-00032-00008658-00008813 no I was gonna say something I really 7SgZOASEtVk-00033-00008814-00009173 forgot 7SgZOASEtVk-00034-00009174-00009365 I was talking about something before 7SgZOASEtVk-00035-00009366-00009539 [Music] 7SgZOASEtVk-00036-00009540-00009946 oh I remember what I'm saying now no I 7SgZOASEtVk-00037-00009947-00010169 don't I don't if you if you've put a bet 7SgZOASEtVk-00038-00010170-00010523 on it's betting gambling or not 7SgZOASEtVk-00039-00010524-00010735 is that singing gambling the same thing 7SgZOASEtVk-00040-00010736-00011171 literally I did say don't take my word I 7SgZOASEtVk-00041-00011172-00011417 will I will just say what I think don't 7SgZOASEtVk-00042-00011418-00011892 put don't put what I say okay 7SgZOASEtVk-00043-00011893-00012256 dokie it is the same battery and 7SgZOASEtVk-00044-00012257-00012419 gambling is the same I actually gambling 7SgZOASEtVk-00045-00012420-00012551 your money aren't you 7SgZOASEtVk-00046-00012552-00012905 don't ports 7SgZOASEtVk-00047-00012906-00013141 not loud 7SgZOASEtVk-00048-00013141-00013486 I'm not an influencer but not allowed 7SgZOASEtVk-00049-00013487-00013649 you've just asked me for my opinion 7SgZOASEtVk-00050-00013650-00013894 that's my opinion don't put what I say 7SgZOASEtVk-00051-00013895-00014183 you can you can put a you wanna put and 7SgZOASEtVk-00052-00014184-00014369 maybe you've just taken that's the best 7SgZOASEtVk-00053-00014369-00014641 thing is gambling 7VBsLNLUHTc-00000-00000012-00002680 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00001-00002681-00003233 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00002-00003234-00003815 welcome to Khulna 7VBsLNLUHTc-00003-00003815-00003961 Ami welcome to 7VBsLNLUHTc-00004-00003961-00004541 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00005-00004542-00005549 now 7VBsLNLUHTc-00006-00005550-00006247 um 7VBsLNLUHTc-00007-00006248-00006773 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00008-00006773-00007009 double 60 private 7VBsLNLUHTc-00009-00007011-00009527 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00010-00009528-00010163 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00011-00010164-00010367 start 7VBsLNLUHTc-00012-00010368-00010625 Ed 7VBsLNLUHTc-00014-00013891-00014105 thank you 7VBsLNLUHTc-00015-00014106-00014680 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00016-00014681-00015334 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00017-00015335-00016535 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00018-00016536-00017038 oh 7VBsLNLUHTc-00019-00017039-00018883 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00020-00018884-00019320 thank you 7VBsLNLUHTc-00021-00019321-00019967 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00022-00019968-00020181 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00023-00020182-00023044 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00024-00023045-00024183 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00025-00024184-00025642 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00026-00025643-00026020 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00027-00026022-00026308 exactly 7VBsLNLUHTc-00028-00026310-00026541 please 7VBsLNLUHTc-00029-00026542-00029150 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00030-00029151-00029602 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00031-00029604-00030064 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00032-00030066-00031302 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00033-00031302-00033199 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00034-00033200-00033437 I look 7VBsLNLUHTc-00035-00033438-00034252 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00036-00034253-00034383 like 7VBsLNLUHTc-00037-00034384-00035117 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00038-00035118-00036211 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00039-00036212-00037857 oh my God 7VBsLNLUHTc-00040-00037858-00039515 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00041-00039516-00040217 every day 7VBsLNLUHTc-00042-00040218-00040790 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00043-00040791-00041433 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00044-00041434-00042730 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00045-00042731-00042951 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00047-00046015-00046462 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00048-00046463-00046970 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00049-00046971-00049439 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00050-00049440-00049661 foreign 7VBsLNLUHTc-00051-00049662-00051599 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00052-00051600-00052565 [Music] 7VBsLNLUHTc-00053-00052566-00052992 here 7VBsLNLUHTc-00054-00052994-00053759 we go 7VBsLNLUHTc-00055-00053760-00054336 [Music] 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00000-00000008-00000199 we've seen the karate chop in countless 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00001-00000200-00000351 movies and shows over the years 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00002-00000352-00000607 typically in satirical fashion or an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00003-00000608-00000799 exaggeration to sell the deadliness of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00004-00000800-00000975 our heroes now while it's easy to 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00005-00000976-00001143 understand that using a karate chop on 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00006-00001144-00001262 fictional characters is done for 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00007-00001263-00001511 dramatic effect the question does remain 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00008-00001512-00002432 does the technique work in real life 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00009-00002433-00002607 [Music] 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00010-00002608-00002742 let's start off with addressing the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00011-00002743-00002934 exaggeration in the early days of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00012-00002935-00003126 television and film we did not see the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00013-00003127-00003335 diversity of martial arts on screen as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00014-00003336-00003599 we see today martial arts were exotic 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00015-00003600-00003790 and dramatic during the time when most 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00016-00003792-00003967 characters resorted to fisticuffs the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00017-00003968-00004167 karate chop also sometimes called the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00018-00004168-00004351 judo chop were reserved for the most 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00019-00004352-00004519 elite of heroes whether they were as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00020-00004520-00004670 distinguished as james bond or as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00021-00004671-00004886 comical as inspector cousseau the karate 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00022-00004887-00005047 chop was sold to us as a quick and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00023-00005048-00005254 effective way to neutralize the enemy 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00024-00005255-00005502 but does it work the short answer is yes 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00025-00005503-00005686 it works or at least it can be an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00026-00005687-00005895 effective technique the more appropriate 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00027-00005896-00006022 question would be 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00028-00006023-00006286 why and how it works and when to use it 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00029-00006287-00006495 the karate chop exists in some form or 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00030-00006495-00006631 another in many different fighting 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00031-00006631-00006846 disciplines it may simply be referred to 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00032-00006847-00007134 as karate a judo chop or knife hand or 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00033-00007136-00007383 sword hand shuto or a number of other 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00034-00007384-00007591 translations it can obviously be done as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00035-00007592-00007806 a clear and direct chop or it can be 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00036-00007808-00007998 hidden amongst other techniques and once 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00037-00008000-00008174 we have a very general understanding of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00038-00008175-00008374 what's happening anatomically we'll see 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00039-00008375-00008542 that the application can be deployed in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00040-00008543-00008742 a number of ways before we continue i 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00041-00008743-00008871 just want to say that there is an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00042-00008872-00009039 obscene number of videos across youtube 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00043-00009040-00009191 of people performing some version of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00044-00009192-00009367 this chop on each other and this is not 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00045-00009368-00009519 an endorsement for that behavior to 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00046-00009520-00009719 experiment and play around with striking 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00047-00009720-00009878 someone in the neck can be incredibly 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00048-00009879-00010087 dangerous even when taking precautions 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00049-00010088-00010214 so please don't play around with this 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00050-00010215-00010438 one the mechanics of the chop are pretty 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00051-00010439-00010623 basic and straightforward anyone who's 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00052-00010624-00010767 trains has probably already been exposed 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00053-00010768-00010974 to it of some form or another as a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00054-00010975-00011142 strike it offers a lot of advantages 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00055-00011143-00011367 such as a wide margin of error the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00056-00011368-00011542 striking surface could range from the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00057-00011543-00011719 muscular part of the hand down to the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00058-00011720-00011887 elbow so you don't always have to be as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00059-00011888-00012046 precise as the punch may need to be 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00060-00012047-00012206 ideally you'll try to land with the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00061-00012207-00012319 outer blade edge of the hand and the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00062-00012320-00012495 outer arm but if you're not directly on 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00063-00012496-00012646 target the strike can still deliver an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00064-00012647-00012879 effective impact utilizing body rotation 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00065-00012880-00013046 it can generate an exceptional amount of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00066-00013047-00013247 force behind it too using torque and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00067-00013247-00013422 rotating through the hips you can employ 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00068-00013423-00013575 a lot of energy into the mass of your 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00069-00013576-00013815 arm the chop also lends itself to being 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00070-00013816-00014022 able to use gravitational energy as well 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00071-00014023-00014215 the sword hand or chopping motion serves 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00072-00014216-00014422 well as a fitted weapon contouring and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00073-00014423-00014551 slicing quite nicely through the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00074-00014552-00014727 diagonal lines of the body targets on 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00075-00014728-00014958 the body are typically the collar area 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00076-00014959-00015166 which includes the carotid arteries 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00077-00015168-00015391 mastoids and throat the back of the neck 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00078-00015391-00015630 the base of the neck ribs chest and if 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00079-00015631-00015799 you reverse the path and travel upwards 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00080-00015800-00015983 it's great for groin strikes too we 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00081-00015984-00016127 actually see quite a few versions of the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00082-00016128-00016294 sword hand strikes and kenpo applied on 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00083-00016295-00016447 several different passing targets and it 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00084-00016448-00016622 can really be quite effective even more 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00085-00016623-00016750 so if you wanted to open up the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00086-00016751-00016886 boundaries a little bit and include 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00087-00016887-00017047 similar techniques such as the rich hand 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00088-00017048-00017239 or forearm strikes but as we've seen in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00089-00017240-00017415 the media the chops tend to be portrayed 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00090-00017416-00017663 as a cross collar or neck strike 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00091-00017664-00017927 so why is it so effective well for one 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00092-00017928-00018127 it hurts a lot 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00093-00018128-00018271 even though we have some strong muscles 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00094-00018272-00018455 in the neck there's a lot of soft tissue 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00095-00018456-00018671 in there as well the trachea nerves 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00096-00018672-00018879 blood vessels a lot of sensitive body 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00097-00018880-00019014 parts that really don't like being 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00098-00019015-00019199 struck many tactical training programs 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00099-00019200-00019391 in law enforcement will utilize chopping 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00100-00019392-00019550 or forearm strength to the neck to stun 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00101-00019551-00019711 an assailant quickly in order to be able 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00102-00019712-00019935 to subdue them this application is often 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00103-00019936-00020103 called the brachial stun 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00104-00020104-00020294 without diving too deep into the anatomy 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00105-00020295-00020478 the neck has a pretty important network 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00106-00020479-00020694 of nerves and blood supply the brachial 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00107-00020695-00020886 plexus is a branch of nerves that run 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00108-00020887-00021039 down the vertebrae and branch off 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00109-00021040-00021175 through the collar shoulder and down 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00110-00021176-00021399 your arms these nerves 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00111-00021400-00021558 are high functioning and they control 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00112-00021559-00021703 your ability to move your wrists hands 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00113-00021704-00021903 and arms they have sensory functions as 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00114-00021904-00022055 well helping to detect hot and cold 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00115-00022056-00022158 temperatures 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00116-00022159-00022311 it's pretty reasonable to understand 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00117-00022312-00022463 that delivering a heavy blow to these 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00118-00022464-00022630 nerves could cause a motor disruption in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00119-00022631-00022791 the body now even though this can be an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00120-00022792-00022958 effective way to submit someone it still 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00121-00022959-00023078 has a lot of risks and it can be 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00122-00023079-00023214 incredibly dangerous 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00123-00023215-00023383 you have carotid arteries on either side 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00124-00023384-00023550 of your neck and a sensitive spot right 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00125-00023551-00023727 in front called the carotid sinus 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00126-00023728-00023855 pressure to this area while in a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00127-00023856-00024055 hypertense state could cause some cardio 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00128-00024056-00024263 and functional disruption additionally 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00129-00024264-00024463 back behind both ears and jawline runs 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00130-00024464-00024663 another nerve called the vagus nerve and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00131-00024664-00024830 this nerve serves a very important 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00132-00024831-00024991 function which transitions into our next 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00133-00024992-00025158 talking point i've had the base with 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00134-00025159-00025271 people on whether or not you could 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00135-00025272-00025407 actually knock someone out with a judo 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00136-00025408-00025639 shop or strike to the neck in general 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00137-00025639-00025806 i believe the answer is yes because i 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00138-00025807-00026006 have seen it and there is also countless 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00139-00026007-00026174 evidence of it occurring on the street 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00140-00026175-00026358 in the ring and the demonstration we can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00141-00026360-00026511 understand why a blow to the head can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00142-00026512-00026735 knock you out any violent acceleration 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00143-00026736-00026895 and deceleration of the brain can cause 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00144-00026895-00027039 damage but why would it strike to the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00145-00027039-00027231 neck achieve a similar result it comes 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00146-00027232-00027446 back to that vagus nerve this nerve in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00147-00027447-00027583 addition to contributing to the motor 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00148-00027583-00027783 functions seen by the brachial plexus 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00149-00027783-00027951 also helps regulate blood pressure in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00150-00027952-00028118 the body it's a neural pathway to the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00151-00028119-00028311 brain to monitor potentially dangerous 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00152-00028312-00028479 blood pressure levels if your blood 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00153-00028480-00028662 pressure gets too high this nerve sends 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00154-00028663-00028814 a signal to the brain to lower it back 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00155-00028816-00029014 down to safe levels now imagine a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00156-00029016-00029167 violent sword hand chop to the side of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00157-00029168-00029374 the neck not only are you shocking all 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00158-00029375-00029567 the nerve clusters but a sudden impact 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00159-00029568-00029702 to the carotid artery could quickly 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00160-00029704-00029839 increase your blood pressure for just a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00161-00029839-00030023 moment triggering the vagus nerve in an 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00162-00030024-00030207 attempt to regulate it so you now have 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00163-00030208-00030358 your brain sending an additional message 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00164-00030360-00030502 to lower your blood pressure while it's 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00165-00030503-00030655 already normalizing in the aftermath of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00166-00030656-00030758 the strike 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00167-00030760-00030911 and that sudden dip in pressure can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00168-00030912-00031023 cause the person to dip out of 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00169-00031024-00031239 consciousness momentarily is it as easy 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00170-00031239-00031343 and simple as they make it out in the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00171-00031344-00031574 movies well no i mean it's one thing to 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00172-00031575-00031702 apply to somebody who's just standing 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00173-00031703-00031855 there for a demonstration but it's 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00174-00031856-00031990 another thing to try to land it on a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00175-00031991-00032190 resistant opponent one who's already 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00176-00032191-00032335 consciously already likely protecting 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00177-00032336-00032487 their head but with that being said 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00178-00032488-00032614 there are still ways to sneak it in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00179-00032616-00032758 there you know the chopping action can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00180-00032760-00032918 be done with either side of the arm so 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00181-00032919-00033055 there are many opportunities that you 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00182-00033056-00033215 might be able to deliver a solid forearm 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00183-00033216-00033502 strike so for example a redirected punch 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00184-00033503-00033655 or any jiu-jitsu throw that involves 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00185-00033656-00033815 reaching around the back of the head it 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00186-00033816-00033990 doesn't take a lot to kind of hammer 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00187-00033991-00034167 that arm in place and possibly achieve a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00188-00034168-00034367 brachial stun a variation of this can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00189-00034368-00034511 also be seen when striking someone on 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00190-00034512-00034607 the chin 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00191-00034608-00034743 why does a person get knocked out from 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00192-00034744-00034967 being struck on the chin well for one we 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00193-00034968-00035118 refer back to the trauma of the brain 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00194-00035119-00035311 dramatically shifting in the skull a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00195-00035312-00035462 solid strike on the chin can turn the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00196-00035463-00035671 head suddenly and that violent rotation 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00197-00035672-00035839 causes the brain to shake around 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00198-00035840-00036079 alternatively even a lighter strike can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00199-00036080-00036287 do something similar if the jaw is loose 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00200-00036288-00036495 when it struck it can shift back and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00201-00036496-00036639 apply pressure to the area behind the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00202-00036640-00036855 hinge which affects the vagus nerve and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00203-00036856-00037007 the right contact could result in a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00204-00037008-00037167 flash knockout similar to when we do the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00205-00037168-00037367 brachial stun i actually did this by 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00206-00037368-00037487 accident during my third degree black 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00207-00037488-00037687 belt test i was sparring a much larger 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00208-00037688-00037815 guy and trying to stay out of the range 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00209-00037816-00038062 of his swings at one point i felt he was 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00210-00038063-00038230 closing the distance so i went in on the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00211-00038231-00038415 offense and i moved in trying to jam him 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00212-00038416-00038583 up i ducked my head down and i delivered 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00213-00038584-00038751 a quick pop to his head but i got him 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00214-00038752-00038935 right on the button on the jaw and he 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00215-00038936-00039143 dropped instantly he was confused and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00216-00039144-00039295 disoriented and struggled to pull his 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00217-00039296-00039446 gloves off and later said he blacked out 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00218-00039447-00039599 for a second and just remembered being 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00219-00039600-00039790 on the ground it didn't take much at all 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00220-00039791-00039927 it was just the right contact on the 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00221-00039928-00040151 right spot so is the karate chop a real 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00222-00040152-00040423 effective technique yes of course it is 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00223-00040424-00040599 tv and film romanticize it and they make 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00224-00040600-00040774 it look a lot easier than it is but just 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00225-00040775-00040951 with any other striker technique it has 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00226-00040952-00041118 to be applied the right way at the right 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00227-00041119-00041318 time and with all that being said i just 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00228-00041319-00041479 want to repeat caution that this is not 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00229-00041480-00041590 something that should be practiced and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00230-00041591-00041815 tested striking a person in the neck can 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00231-00041816-00041999 be a serious risk and the last thing we 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00232-00042000-00042158 want to do is hurt each other in studio 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00233-00042159-00042302 it's also important to understand that 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00234-00042303-00042487 if you ever have to use it for real that 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00235-00042488-00042639 it's not just a quick and safe solution 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00236-00042640-00042815 that we see in the media there are real 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00237-00042816-00043007 consequences to using it if the person 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00238-00043008-00043143 stays knocked out for a while and gets 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00239-00043144-00043311 up later like we see in the movies then 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00240-00043312-00043455 they have suffered major trauma and 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00241-00043456-00043551 they're not going to just randomly 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00242-00043552-00043743 spring back into action in the best case 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00243-00043744-00043879 scenario a person is going to be 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00244-00043880-00044071 confused and disoriented but in worse 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00245-00044072-00044246 scenarios you could seriously hurt a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00246-00044247-00044527 person so please only resort to this in 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00247-00044528-00044735 the most necessary situations 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00248-00044736-00044879 i'd love to hear your thoughts theories 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00249-00044880-00045030 and experiences with this technique what 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00250-00045031-00045183 do you guys think is the karate chop 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00251-00045184-00045383 legit or not let us know in the comments 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00252-00045384-00045495 down below 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00253-00045496-00045646 it's a good job i was able to check my 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00254-00045647-00045830 reflexes i might have killed you with a 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00255-00045831-00046098 karate chop 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00256-00046099-00047102 [Music] 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00257-00047103-00048102 [Music] 7Yv7MrxuvwQ-00258-00048103-00048312 you 7bAVn4wnuok-00000-00000003-00000130 good morning Hank it's Tuesday greetings 7bAVn4wnuok-00001-00000131-00000292 from an undisclosed location where 7bAVn4wnuok-00002-00000293-00000386 they're filming the Looking for Alaska 7bAVn4wnuok-00003-00000387-00000574 who was show it's question Tuesday they 7bAVn4wnuok-00004-00000575-00000688 did that I answer real questions from 7bAVn4wnuok-00005-00000689-00000850 real nerdfighters let's get right to it 7bAVn4wnuok-00006-00000851-00000986 what would you nominate is the most 7bAVn4wnuok-00007-00000986-00001172 overrated fruit for me it's definitely 7bAVn4wnuok-00008-00001173-00001427 of the Loom I just think massively 7bAVn4wnuok-00009-00001428-00001660 overrated any good book recommendations 7bAVn4wnuok-00010-00001661-00001807 I really enjoyed this biography of 7bAVn4wnuok-00011-00001809-00001951 rosalind Franklin which I would show you 7bAVn4wnuok-00012-00001952-00002099 but it's currently part of my very 7bAVn4wnuok-00013-00002100-00002315 complicated tripod setup it's not so 7bAVn4wnuok-00014-00002316-00002513 much a tripod as it is a sculpture but 7bAVn4wnuok-00015-00002514-00002690 anyway there's the biography of rosalind 7bAVn4wnuok-00016-00002691-00002851 Franklin how do you stay happy when so 7bAVn4wnuok-00017-00002852-00003041 much of the news we hear about is bad oh 7bAVn4wnuok-00018-00003042-00003238 I don't stay happy I get really angry 7bAVn4wnuok-00019-00003239-00003401 and discouraged but I don't want to be 7bAVn4wnuok-00020-00003402-00003613 like merely angry and discouraged 7bAVn4wnuok-00021-00003614-00003772 because I don't think that reflects the 7bAVn4wnuok-00022-00003773-00003956 whole human story like a lot of people 7bAVn4wnuok-00023-00003957-00004163 got married today and wonderful babies 7bAVn4wnuok-00024-00004164-00004363 were born god I love babies I mean not 7bAVn4wnuok-00025-00004364-00004511 enough to have another one but in the 7bAVn4wnuok-00026-00004512-00004691 abstract my point is that lots of people 7bAVn4wnuok-00027-00004692-00004922 made their like best ever memories today 7bAVn4wnuok-00028-00004923-00005152 human life is vast and it contains 7bAVn4wnuok-00029-00005153-00005366 multitudes and I don't want to essential 7bAVn4wnuok-00030-00005367-00005600 eyes it into one narrative or another 7bAVn4wnuok-00031-00005601-00005761 what is your Myers Brigg personality 7bAVn4wnuok-00032-00005762-00005990 type and does it happen to be INFP I 7bAVn4wnuok-00033-00005991-00006158 don't really believe in personality 7bAVn4wnuok-00034-00006159-00006334 tests but it is nonetheless very 7bAVn4wnuok-00035-00006335-00006539 impressive that you correctly guessed my 7bAVn4wnuok-00036-00006540-00006719 myers-briggs result what's the best 7bAVn4wnuok-00037-00006720-00006842 thing that happened to you in the last 7bAVn4wnuok-00038-00006843-00007016 week meeting all the actors and seeing 7bAVn4wnuok-00039-00007017-00007130 all the sets for the Looking for Alaska 7bAVn4wnuok-00040-00007131-00007325 show has been really amazing also 7bAVn4wnuok-00041-00007326-00007505 vulture named the Anthropocene reviewed 7bAVn4wnuok-00042-00007506-00007694 one of their favorite podcasts which was 7bAVn4wnuok-00043-00007695-00007853 cool but the best thing that happened to 7bAVn4wnuok-00044-00007854-00007999 me this week was that my kids and I 7bAVn4wnuok-00045-00008000-00008177 planted peas in the garden I'm very 7bAVn4wnuok-00046-00008178-00008384 excited for my peas what are you 7bAVn4wnuok-00047-00008385-00008503 planning in the garden this year 7bAVn4wnuok-00048-00008504-00008687 lots of stuff how did you quit smoking 7bAVn4wnuok-00049-00008688-00008888 with nicotine gum the hard part was 7bAVn4wnuok-00050-00008889-00009044 actually quitting the nicotine gum 7bAVn4wnuok-00051-00009045-00009263 what song makes you cry sometimes I cry 7bAVn4wnuok-00052-00009264-00009395 when I listen to the best-ever death 7bAVn4wnuok-00053-00009396-00009556 metal band out of Denton by the mountain 7bAVn4wnuok-00054-00009557-00009746 goats I keep finding spiders in my 7bAVn4wnuok-00055-00009747-00009908 bedroom and bathroom and my parents have 7bAVn4wnuok-00056-00009909-00010064 told me they have no sympathy for my 7bAVn4wnuok-00057-00010065-00010246 situation how do I get them to care 7bAVn4wnuok-00058-00010247-00010412 enough to help me get rid of these 7bAVn4wnuok-00059-00010413-00010577 spiders so I think the most likely 7bAVn4wnuok-00060-00010578-00010796 underlying issue here is that your 7bAVn4wnuok-00061-00010797-00011013 parents may be human shaped 7bAVn4wnuok-00062-00011014-00011260 conglomerations of spiders in which case 7bAVn4wnuok-00063-00011261-00011374 I mean of course they're not going to 7bAVn4wnuok-00064-00011375-00011612 kill their own kind so you just got to 7bAVn4wnuok-00065-00011613-00011795 live with your spider parents what's 7bAVn4wnuok-00066-00011796-00011892 your favorite word right now 7bAVn4wnuok-00067-00011893-00012077 hermeneutics I don't really know what it 7bAVn4wnuok-00068-00012078-00012284 means but that's never slowed me down if 7bAVn4wnuok-00069-00012285-00012419 you could have the super powers of any 7bAVn4wnuok-00070-00012420-00012610 of the Avengers for a day which would 7bAVn4wnuok-00071-00012611-00012662 you choose 7bAVn4wnuok-00072-00012663-00012838 is there an Avenger who has the power to 7bAVn4wnuok-00073-00012839-00013007 think about like approximately what the 7bAVn4wnuok-00074-00013008-00013175 response to an email should be and then 7bAVn4wnuok-00075-00013176-00013340 have a fully formed email 7bAVn4wnuok-00076-00013341-00013580 appear in the compose box because that 7bAVn4wnuok-00077-00013581-00013778 one who's your favorite Catholic saint 7bAVn4wnuok-00078-00013779-00013963 probably st. Francis although if sister 7bAVn4wnuok-00079-00013965-00014156 Corita Kent were to be canonized she 7bAVn4wnuok-00080-00014157-00014338 would immediately become my favorite 7bAVn4wnuok-00081-00014340-00014486 Catholic saint as explained in this 7bAVn4wnuok-00082-00014487-00014651 recent art assignment video are you ever 7bAVn4wnuok-00083-00014652-00014822 gonna write a new book I hope so 7bAVn4wnuok-00084-00014822-00014936 have you ever considered writing a 7bAVn4wnuok-00085-00014937-00015191 memoir I sort of am monthly in the form 7bAVn4wnuok-00086-00015191-00015431 of the anthropocene reviewed over under 7bAVn4wnuok-00087-00015432-00015725 or in-between through as Robert Frost 7bAVn4wnuok-00088-00015726-00015938 put it the only way out is through 7bAVn4wnuok-00089-00015938-00016085 alright Hank I have to go back to 7bAVn4wnuok-00090-00016086-00016313 watching things that I imagined 15 years 7bAVn4wnuok-00091-00016313-00016361 ago 7bAVn4wnuok-00092-00016362-00016793 become visible I will see you on Friday 7cuZor-HbZI-00000-00000000-00000214 at the European Central Bank we 7cuZor-HbZI-00001-00000215-00000407 supervise Banks and ensure they manage 7cuZor-HbZI-00002-00000408-00000587 their risks so they can weather future 7cuZor-HbZI-00003-00000588-00000778 storms because stable banks are 7cuZor-HbZI-00004-00000779-00000983 essential to provide vital funding to 7cuZor-HbZI-00005-00000984-00001216 businesses and people 7cuZor-HbZI-00006-00001217-00001794 [Music] 7cGfx-xhhCQ-00001-00019712-00019920 you 7eO5iIIUdN0-00000-00000052-00000290 jugging is the process of stewing whole 7eO5iIIUdN0-00001-00000291-00000516 animals mainly game or fish for an 7eO5iIIUdN0-00002-00000517-00000711 extended period in a tightly covered 7eO5iIIUdN0-00003-00000712-00000906 container such as a casserole or an 7eO5iIIUdN0-00004-00000907-00001244 earthenware jug in French such a stew of 7eO5iIIUdN0-00005-00001245-00001379 a game animal thickened with the 7eO5iIIUdN0-00006-00001380-00002059 animal's blood is known as a civet 7eO5iIIUdN0-00007-00002060-00002389 topic jagged hair 7eO5iIIUdN0-00008-00002390-00002581 you 7eO5iIIUdN0-00009-00002582-00002793 one common traditional dish that 7eO5iIIUdN0-00010-00002794-00003006 involves jugging is jug at hoerr known 7eO5iIIUdN0-00011-00003007-00003210 as civet iliev in France which is a 7eO5iIIUdN0-00012-00003211-00003454 whole hair cut into pieces marinated and 7eO5iIIUdN0-00013-00003454-00003649 cooked with red wine and juniper berries 7eO5iIIUdN0-00014-00003650-00003847 in a tall jug that stands in a pan of 7eO5iIIUdN0-00015-00003847-00004099 water it is traditionally served with 7eO5iIIUdN0-00016-00004100-00004285 the hares blood or the blood is added 7eO5iIIUdN0-00017-00004286-00004447 right at the very end of the cooking 7eO5iIIUdN0-00018-00004448-00004761 process and port wine jug at Harrah's 7eO5iIIUdN0-00019-00004762-00004960 described in the influential 18th 7eO5iIIUdN0-00020-00004961-00005179 century cookbook the art of cookery by 7eO5iIIUdN0-00021-00005180-00005439 Hannah glass with a recipe titled a jug 7eO5iIIUdN0-00022-00005440-00005728 it hare that begins cut it into little 7eO5iIIUdN0-00023-00005729-00005793 pieces 7eO5iIIUdN0-00024-00005794-00006077 lard them here and there 7eO5iIIUdN0-00025-00006078-00006320 the recipe goes on to describe cooking 7eO5iIIUdN0-00026-00006321-00006506 the pieces of hair in water in a jug 7eO5iIIUdN0-00027-00006506-00006670 that is set within a bath of boiling 7eO5iIIUdN0-00028-00006672-00006946 water to cook for three hours beginning 7eO5iIIUdN0-00029-00006947-00007154 in the 19th century glass has been 7eO5iIIUdN0-00030-00007155-00007343 widely credited with having started the 7eO5iIIUdN0-00031-00007344-00007589 recipe with the words first catch your 7eO5iIIUdN0-00032-00007590-00007925 hair this attribution is apocryphal her 7eO5iIIUdN0-00033-00007926-00008146 actual directions are take your hair 7eO5iIIUdN0-00034-00008147-00008478 when it is cast and make up pudding 7eO5iIIUdN0-00035-00008479-00008820 - case means to take off the skin not to 7eO5iIIUdN0-00036-00008821-00009075 catch both the Oxford English Dictionary 7eO5iIIUdN0-00037-00009076-00009305 in the Dictionary of National Biography 7eO5iIIUdN0-00038-00009306-00009579 discussed the attribution however having 7eO5iIIUdN0-00039-00009580-00009801 a freshly caught or shot hair enables 7eO5iIIUdN0-00040-00009802-00010068 one to obtain its blood a freshly killed 7eO5iIIUdN0-00041-00010069-00010290 hair is prepared for judging by removing 7eO5iIIUdN0-00042-00010291-00010455 its entrails and then hanging it in a 7eO5iIIUdN0-00043-00010456-00010671 larder by its hind legs which causes the 7eO5iIIUdN0-00044-00010672-00010856 blood to accumulate in the chest cavity 7eO5iIIUdN0-00045-00010857-00011115 one method of preserving the blood after 7eO5iIIUdN0-00046-00011116-00011304 draining it from the hair since the hair 7eO5iIIUdN0-00047-00011305-00011502 itself is usually hung for a week or 7eO5iIIUdN0-00048-00011503-00011712 more is to mix it with red wine vinegar 7eO5iIIUdN0-00049-00011713-00011916 in order to prevent it coagulating and 7eO5iIIUdN0-00050-00011917-00012105 then to store it in a freezer many other 7eO5iIIUdN0-00051-00012106-00012291 British cookbooks from before the middle 7eO5iIIUdN0-00052-00012292-00012521 of the 20th century have recipes for jug 7eO5iIIUdN0-00053-00012522-00012771 at hair Murrell and reach have this to 7eO5iIIUdN0-00054-00012772-00013065 say about jug at hair for example in 7eO5iIIUdN0-00055-00013066-00013319 2006 a survey of twenty twenty-one 7eO5iIIUdN0-00056-00013321-00013578 people for the television channel UK TV 7eO5iIIUdN0-00057-00013579-00013844 food found that only 1.6 percent of the 7eO5iIIUdN0-00058-00013845-00014100 people aged under 25 recognised jagged 7eO5iIIUdN0-00059-00014101-00014361 hair by name seven out of ten of those 7eO5iIIUdN0-00060-00014362-00014544 people stated that they would refuse to 7eO5iIIUdN0-00061-00014544-00014724 eat jagged hair if it were served at the 7eO5iIIUdN0-00062-00014725-00015375 house of a friend or a relative 7eO5iIIUdN0-00063-00015376-00015903 topic juggy Drabek 7eO5iIIUdN0-00064-00015904-00016161 chugga dravite civet de lapin is an 7eO5iIIUdN0-00065-00016162-00016400 alternative to jug it hare it is 7eO5iIIUdN0-00066-00016401-00016605 considered a speciality of the cuisine 7eO5iIIUdN0-00067-00016606-00017146 of Martinique 7eO5iIIUdN0-00068-00017147-00017689 topic Jughead kippers 7eO5iIIUdN0-00069-00017690-00017961 another jug a dish also traditional in 7eO5iIIUdN0-00070-00017962-00018153 the United Kingdom is jug at kippers 7eO5iIIUdN0-00071-00018154-00018328 witches kippers with the heads and tails 7eO5iIIUdN0-00072-00018329-00018544 removed in a covered jug cooked in 7eO5iIIUdN0-00073-00018545-00018825 boiling water recipe books recommend 7eO5iIIUdN0-00074-00018826-00018997 jugging kippers as one way of avoiding 7eO5iIIUdN0-00075-00018998-00019699 the strong smell that kippers have 7eO5iIIUdN0-00076-00019700-00020239 topic see also 7eO5iIIUdN0-00077-00020240-00020580 list of cooking techniques list of meat 7eO5iIIUdN0-00078-00020581-00020989 dishes rabbit stew 7ghtTNpq_yc-00000-00000079-00000327 hello guys to another video 7ghtTNpq_yc-00001-00000328-00000559 today we're going to be playing one 7ghtTNpq_yc-00002-00000560-00000711 block skyblock 7ghtTNpq_yc-00003-00000712-00001087 left off it's loading it's a hundred 7ghtTNpq_yc-00004-00001088-00001174 percent 7ghtTNpq_yc-00005-00001175-00001623 loaded we forgot what 7ghtTNpq_yc-00006-00001623-00002207 oh yeah yeah it was just famous 7ghtTNpq_yc-00007-00002208-00002883 still that's always kind of it 7ghtTNpq_yc-00008-00002884-00003279 yeah we're going to be expanding our 7ghtTNpq_yc-00009-00003279-00003990 little theme a little bit 7ghtTNpq_yc-00010-00003992-00004238 also guys if you want to support me and 7ghtTNpq_yc-00011-00004239-00004438 make more videos 7ghtTNpq_yc-00012-00004439-00004647 and if you want to see me playing the 7ghtTNpq_yc-00013-00004648-00004767 different games 7ghtTNpq_yc-00014-00004768-00005111 actually then go support me on patreon 7ghtTNpq_yc-00015-00005112-00005199 so that i can 7ghtTNpq_yc-00016-00005200-00005599 so then yeah you know you don't 7ghtTNpq_yc-00017-00005600-00005991 just do it i know you want to 7ghtTNpq_yc-00018-00005992-00006459 all right yeah 7ghtTNpq_yc-00019-00006461-00007039 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00020-00007040-00008503 i only 7ghtTNpq_yc-00021-00008504-00008846 also guys you know i'm gonna i'm gonna 7ghtTNpq_yc-00022-00008847-00009095 have to 7ghtTNpq_yc-00023-00009096-00010078 yeah i'm gonna have to set it today 7ghtTNpq_yc-00024-00010079-00010367 yeah there we go wait that's the song 7ghtTNpq_yc-00025-00010368-00010463 okay 7ghtTNpq_yc-00026-00010464-00010942 also guys i have a cool texture 7ghtTNpq_yc-00027-00010943-00011246 there dark aura 7ghtTNpq_yc-00028-00011247-00011559 and so yeah we're gonna find 7ghtTNpq_yc-00029-00011560-00012038 this texture 7ghtTNpq_yc-00030-00012039-00012389 so yeah i have i have just 7ghtTNpq_yc-00031-00012390-00012567 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00032-00012568-00012902 if you might record one part the other 7ghtTNpq_yc-00033-00012903-00013222 part uh separate and 7ghtTNpq_yc-00034-00013223-00013543 with a separate video then 7ghtTNpq_yc-00035-00013544-00013783 yeah look at how much better this is 7ghtTNpq_yc-00036-00013784-00013935 there's mountains in them 7ghtTNpq_yc-00037-00013936-00014391 they're actually nerd oh who cares 7ghtTNpq_yc-00038-00014391-00014703 they're so cool so uh i'm gonna make 7ghtTNpq_yc-00039-00014704-00014822 some fences for 7ghtTNpq_yc-00040-00014823-00015222 firm animals 7ghtTNpq_yc-00041-00015223-00015607 trust me i know 7ghtTNpq_yc-00042-00015608-00015919 no this 7ghtTNpq_yc-00043-00015919-00016791 that's offense gay 7ghtTNpq_yc-00044-00016792-00017158 okay like this like that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00045-00017159-00017558 and we got ourselves a fence 7ghtTNpq_yc-00046-00017559-00018103 okay oh you guys uh go go over to that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00047-00018104-00019663 no no no not over there over 7ghtTNpq_yc-00048-00019664-00019983 we need to save every bit of wood so 7ghtTNpq_yc-00049-00019984-00020086 that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00050-00020087-00020294 because maybe in the future there's not 7ghtTNpq_yc-00051-00020295-00020399 going to be anyone 7ghtTNpq_yc-00052-00020400-00020663 so you have to save every single little 7ghtTNpq_yc-00053-00020664-00021022 bit and piece 7ghtTNpq_yc-00054-00021023-00021694 yeah this is going to be like a tiny 7ghtTNpq_yc-00055-00021695-00022191 tiny piece of space for all the 7ghtTNpq_yc-00056-00022192-00023135 you know so i'm just 7ghtTNpq_yc-00057-00023136-00024078 yeah i'm gonna do it like this 7ghtTNpq_yc-00058-00024079-00024942 my first oh well it's my second egg 7ghtTNpq_yc-00059-00024943-00025150 oh look the cow's already going in that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00060-00025151-00025263 direction i am 7ghtTNpq_yc-00061-00025264-00025575 so proud of you 7ghtTNpq_yc-00062-00025576-00026062 except i might need to make this 7ghtTNpq_yc-00063-00026063-00026574 yeah there we go there we go 7ghtTNpq_yc-00064-00026575-00026814 in the future when we get more cows 7ghtTNpq_yc-00065-00026816-00027062 actually 7ghtTNpq_yc-00066-00027063-00027255 yeah i should make this into seed so 7ghtTNpq_yc-00067-00027256-00027423 that i can attract the 7ghtTNpq_yc-00068-00027424-00027951 chicken 7ghtTNpq_yc-00069-00027952-00028158 these two pigs get to get to live a good 7ghtTNpq_yc-00070-00028160-00028351 life 7ghtTNpq_yc-00071-00028352-00028597 a conflict 7ghtTNpq_yc-00072-00028598-00028727 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00073-00028727-00029483 conflict free life 7ghtTNpq_yc-00074-00029483-00030488 so 7ghtTNpq_yc-00075-00030489-00030767 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00076-00030768-00031031 yes i made the very first fence gate or 7ghtTNpq_yc-00077-00031032-00031111 gigantic 7ghtTNpq_yc-00078-00031112-00031407 farm so guys if you didn't already 7ghtTNpq_yc-00079-00031408-00032062 notice i'm following the steps 7ghtTNpq_yc-00080-00032063-00032767 what happened to the slab here 7ghtTNpq_yc-00081-00032768-00033239 i guess not 7ghtTNpq_yc-00082-00033240-00033631 i always forget crafting recipes 7ghtTNpq_yc-00083-00033632-00034311 so like this 7ghtTNpq_yc-00084-00034312-00034518 and there we go now you can start next 7ghtTNpq_yc-00085-00034519-00035143 time 7ghtTNpq_yc-00086-00035144-00035479 hello sheep not some of you to drop by i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00087-00035480-00035543 was just 7ghtTNpq_yc-00088-00035544-00035855 making a farm 7ghtTNpq_yc-00089-00035856-00036295 getting their pig get 7ghtTNpq_yc-00090-00036296-00036495 in there okay there's only going to be 7ghtTNpq_yc-00091-00036496-00036718 one pig in one cheese 7ghtTNpq_yc-00092-00036719-00037359 actually 7ghtTNpq_yc-00093-00037360-00037807 i'm gonna be sure to speed this up later 7ghtTNpq_yc-00094-00037808-00037870 melon 7ghtTNpq_yc-00095-00037871-00039617 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00096-00039618-00039911 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00097-00039912-00040479 what is this thing this is a cow 7ghtTNpq_yc-00098-00040480-00040839 is that what a cow looks like no get 7ghtTNpq_yc-00099-00040840-00041630 get this bomb patient out of here 7ghtTNpq_yc-00100-00041631-00041902 get this stupid abomination out of my 7ghtTNpq_yc-00101-00041903-00042055 life 7ghtTNpq_yc-00102-00042056-00042383 uh axe oh yes 7ghtTNpq_yc-00103-00042384-00042718 yes that's a literal 7ghtTNpq_yc-00104-00042719-00043087 cow oh you oh you want in with your 7ghtTNpq_yc-00105-00043088-00043143 friends 7ghtTNpq_yc-00106-00043144-00043462 running with your friends there you go 7ghtTNpq_yc-00107-00043463-00043862 also how come you sheep are on top of 7ghtTNpq_yc-00108-00043863-00044367 no no i was just about 7ghtTNpq_yc-00109-00044368-00044551 now this will leave picking a teeth and 7ghtTNpq_yc-00110-00044552-00045807 my tree 7ghtTNpq_yc-00111-00045808-00047630 i need to pick up a pace 7ghtTNpq_yc-00112-00047631-00047943 how come it's didn't 7ghtTNpq_yc-00113-00047944-00050046 there we go now it won't be as long 7ghtTNpq_yc-00114-00050047-00050239 it's a chest and there's only an apple 7ghtTNpq_yc-00115-00050240-00050390 in a burst snapping but i'll take that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00116-00050391-00050981 burst slapping 7ghtTNpq_yc-00117-00050982-00051003 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00118-00051004-00051430 [Applause] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00119-00051432-00051735 and my thing bro okay you want you want 7ghtTNpq_yc-00120-00051736-00052087 in you want it is this the only place 7ghtTNpq_yc-00121-00052088-00052166 for you to be 7ghtTNpq_yc-00122-00052167-00052838 in oh look it's something 7ghtTNpq_yc-00123-00052839-00053342 oh look at the there's spring 7ghtTNpq_yc-00124-00053344-00053663 okay guys yes this is actually turning 7ghtTNpq_yc-00125-00053664-00053871 out pretty nicely i like how this is 7ghtTNpq_yc-00126-00053872-00054030 going 7ghtTNpq_yc-00127-00054032-00054335 and um and yeah guys 7ghtTNpq_yc-00128-00054336-00054711 uh um i am going to be right back 7ghtTNpq_yc-00129-00054712-00055135 after i dig a pull this dirt 7ghtTNpq_yc-00130-00055136-00055375 yeah i'm still here i'm still okay i was 7ghtTNpq_yc-00131-00055376-00055526 just digging this time 7ghtTNpq_yc-00132-00055527-00056082 so uh how many blocks 246 7ghtTNpq_yc-00133-00056083-00056399 blocks 7ghtTNpq_yc-00134-00056400-00056819 so 246 blocks each night 7ghtTNpq_yc-00135-00056820-00057103 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00136-00057104-00057471 you know you you go go on go into the 7ghtTNpq_yc-00137-00057472-00057679 the weir we the sooner there's going to 7ghtTNpq_yc-00138-00057679-00057911 be a cheap infestation 7ghtTNpq_yc-00139-00057912-00058287 and i'm going to have to focus 7ghtTNpq_yc-00140-00058288-00058607 also guys i think we should expand our 7ghtTNpq_yc-00141-00058608-00058999 a little bit more 7ghtTNpq_yc-00142-00059000-00059535 also because it's not a perfect circle 7ghtTNpq_yc-00143-00059536-00060282 ah there we go it's now a weird 7ghtTNpq_yc-00144-00060283-00060733 oval 7ghtTNpq_yc-00145-00060734-00061682 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00146-00061683-00062054 no i am not 7ghtTNpq_yc-00147-00062055-00062575 dying today 7ghtTNpq_yc-00148-00062576-00062887 how high are we oh i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00149-00062888-00063238 just missed the void 7ghtTNpq_yc-00150-00063239-00063494 god that was actually that was that was 7ghtTNpq_yc-00151-00063495-00063630 close 7ghtTNpq_yc-00152-00063632-00063879 that was actually really close i might 7ghtTNpq_yc-00153-00063879-00064142 have died there and lost all my stuff 7ghtTNpq_yc-00154-00064144-00064342 because i have a lot of good stuff i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00155-00064344-00064782 have the only potato i have 7ghtTNpq_yc-00156-00064783-00065311 you know what that means potato farm 7ghtTNpq_yc-00157-00065312-00065631 i'm going to start farming potatoes now 7ghtTNpq_yc-00158-00065632-00066053 also yeah i know taco blade 7ghtTNpq_yc-00159-00066054-00066677 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00160-00066678-00067282 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00161-00067283-00067638 okay so 7ghtTNpq_yc-00162-00067639-00068031 i'm going to create a home 7ghtTNpq_yc-00163-00068032-00068263 except i haven't gotten a water bucket 7ghtTNpq_yc-00164-00068264-00068638 no actually i have a water bucket 7ghtTNpq_yc-00165-00068639-00069047 okay so i think i think out 7ghtTNpq_yc-00166-00069048-00069375 i think out here will be the platform 7ghtTNpq_yc-00167-00069376-00069726 uh a farming platform so because we need 7ghtTNpq_yc-00168-00069727-00069838 to 7ghtTNpq_yc-00169-00069839-00070287 get food 7ghtTNpq_yc-00170-00070288-00070687 so it would only be necessary if 7ghtTNpq_yc-00171-00070688-00071055 if we had 7ghtTNpq_yc-00172-00071056-00071647 food platforms 7ghtTNpq_yc-00173-00071648-00072111 yes this is turning along nicely 7ghtTNpq_yc-00174-00072112-00072559 okay and uh yeah 7ghtTNpq_yc-00175-00072560-00073087 i actually like this like this a lot 7ghtTNpq_yc-00176-00073088-00073279 we have been doing this for i don't know 7ghtTNpq_yc-00177-00073280-00074431 how long because i uh 7ghtTNpq_yc-00178-00074432-00074694 and farming platform looking uh good we 7ghtTNpq_yc-00179-00074695-00074806 only use 7ghtTNpq_yc-00180-00074807-00075471 like i don't know uh 7ghtTNpq_yc-00181-00075472-00075694 should it i'm gonna i'm gonna be smart 7ghtTNpq_yc-00182-00075695-00075815 and i'm gonna put the 7ghtTNpq_yc-00183-00075816-00076503 bucket here water bucket i mean 7ghtTNpq_yc-00184-00076504-00076750 there oh my god imagine if there was an 7ghtTNpq_yc-00185-00076751-00076894 alternate universe where i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00186-00076895-00077191 accidentally put the block there that 7ghtTNpq_yc-00187-00077192-00077262 would be 7ghtTNpq_yc-00188-00077263-00077999 bye bye to my bucket 7ghtTNpq_yc-00189-00078000-00078391 yes i can finally start 7ghtTNpq_yc-00190-00078392-00078743 growing potatoes potatoes 7ghtTNpq_yc-00191-00078744-00079103 yes i'm following the steps 7ghtTNpq_yc-00192-00079104-00079535 of technoblade and 7ghtTNpq_yc-00193-00079536-00079926 where are all my others 7ghtTNpq_yc-00194-00079927-00080615 yeah there they are the seeds 7ghtTNpq_yc-00195-00080616-00080943 okay if you didn't count that as a seed 7ghtTNpq_yc-00196-00080944-00081415 that's okay with me yeah definitely 7ghtTNpq_yc-00197-00081416-00081879 i have four eggs 7ghtTNpq_yc-00198-00081880-00082126 i don't want these animals pick cows i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00199-00082127-00082255 need to make pickles 7ghtTNpq_yc-00200-00082256-00082735 really quick actually you know what 7ghtTNpq_yc-00201-00082736-00082959 i'll spare their lives also this is a 7ghtTNpq_yc-00202-00082960-00083318 big monster 7ghtTNpq_yc-00203-00083319-00083631 and also guys we haven't 7ghtTNpq_yc-00204-00083632-00083855 gotten any phone yet which i'm actually 7ghtTNpq_yc-00205-00083856-00084199 surprised about 7ghtTNpq_yc-00206-00084200-00084359 so guys if you want to go support me on 7ghtTNpq_yc-00207-00084360-00084591 patreon uh the links are going to be in 7ghtTNpq_yc-00208-00084592-00084735 the description i'm trying to get a new 7ghtTNpq_yc-00209-00084736-00084903 microphone so that i don't have to lower 7ghtTNpq_yc-00210-00084904-00085191 the volume of the game every time 7ghtTNpq_yc-00211-00085192-00085526 and uh yeah that'll be 7ghtTNpq_yc-00212-00085527-00085855 i will shout i will shout you out i will 7ghtTNpq_yc-00213-00085856-00086287 in every two chickens in a row are you 7ghtTNpq_yc-00214-00086288-00087087 kidding me i need to make 7ghtTNpq_yc-00215-00087088-00088799 come over here chickies chickens 7ghtTNpq_yc-00216-00088800-00089359 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00217-00089360-00089599 these two sheep they look like they're 7ghtTNpq_yc-00218-00089600-00090662 plotting something 7ghtTNpq_yc-00219-00090663-00091082 please let's be in the next phase 7ghtTNpq_yc-00220-00091083-00091335 already have been waiting for so long 7ghtTNpq_yc-00221-00091336-00091823 maybe that's a 300 block 7ghtTNpq_yc-00222-00091824-00092238 maybe that's a 500 maybe i've been 7ghtTNpq_yc-00223-00092239-00092777 cool oh i need 7ghtTNpq_yc-00224-00092778-00093432 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00225-00093433-00093882 [Music] 7ghtTNpq_yc-00226-00093883-00094391 300 7ghtTNpq_yc-00227-00094392-00094591 it's not the okay that's okay that's 7ghtTNpq_yc-00228-00094592-00094726 where i'm gonna leave it off if you 7ghtTNpq_yc-00229-00094727-00094847 enjoyed this video please 7ghtTNpq_yc-00230-00094848-00095143 like and subscribe also comment down 7ghtTNpq_yc-00231-00095144-00095223 below 7ghtTNpq_yc-00232-00095224-00095631 which part was your favorite and uh yeah 7ghtTNpq_yc-00233-00095632-00096006 also these also the oh also these uh 7ghtTNpq_yc-00234-00096007-00096135 videos take 7ghtTNpq_yc-00235-00096136-00096582 a long time to make oh yes upgraded 7ghtTNpq_yc-00236-00096583-00096918 okay yeah so these videos take a 7ghtTNpq_yc-00237-00096919-00097367 long time to make 7ghtTNpq_yc-00238-00097368-00097694 i mean a long time so if you were smash 7ghtTNpq_yc-00239-00097695-00097823 that subscribe button 7ghtTNpq_yc-00240-00097824-00098062 and comment down and then let me click 7ghtTNpq_yc-00241-00098063-00098143 that like button 7ghtTNpq_yc-00242-00098144-00098494 down below down right there and yeah i 7ghtTNpq_yc-00243-00098495-00098647 will see you all guys 7ghtTNpq_yc-00244-00098648-00099439 next time uh goodbye 7j8xiczChWy-00000-00000296-00000487 beware of charlie's game 7j8xiczChWy-00001-00000488-00000703 an article i received on whatsapp a few 7j8xiczChWy-00002-00000704-00000919 days ago from a friend and the article 7j8xiczChWy-00003-00000919-00001095 includes a severe warning against the 7j8xiczChWy-00004-00001096-00001350 game because it evokes gin and spirits 7j8xiczChWy-00005-00001351-00001550 the truth is i had never heard of this 7j8xiczChWy-00006-00001551-00001734 game before but when i wanted to know 7j8xiczChWy-00007-00001735-00001895 the details about it and did a quick 7j8xiczChWy-00008-00001896-00002079 search through the google search engine 7j8xiczChWy-00009-00002080-00002279 i was surprised by many articles about 7j8xiczChWy-00010-00002280-00002455 it in addition to videos spread on 7j8xiczChWy-00011-00002456-00002663 youtube some of which were downloaded 7j8xiczChWy-00012-00002664-00002839 only a few days ago and others 7j8xiczChWy-00013-00002840-00003023 downloaded just hours ago from writing 7j8xiczChWy-00014-00003024-00003134 this article 7j8xiczChWy-00015-00003135-00003327 i was amazed by all the fuss about the 7j8xiczChWy-00016-00003328-00003527 game so i was happy to search for the 7j8xiczChWy-00017-00003528-00003719 origin of the story and here's what i 7j8xiczChWy-00018-00003720-00003870 came up with 7j8xiczChWy-00019-00003871-00004047 what is charlie's game 7j8xiczChWy-00020-00004047-00004279 charlie's game or the pen game as some 7j8xiczChWy-00021-00004280-00004486 call it is a number and a number divided 7j8xiczChWy-00022-00004487-00004719 into four squares with yes no answers 7j8xiczChWy-00023-00004720-00004870 and through the inner borders of these 7j8xiczChWy-00024-00004871-00005095 four squares two intersecting lines are 7j8xiczChWy-00025-00005096-00005311 formed in the form of a large plus and 7j8xiczChWy-00026-00005312-00005511 two pencils are placed on the extension 7j8xiczChWy-00027-00005512-00005663 of these two lines so that they 7j8xiczChWy-00028-00005664-00005822 intersect with each other and one is 7j8xiczChWy-00029-00005823-00005951 above the other 7j8xiczChWy-00030-00005952-00006143 this is how the game looks and how to 7j8xiczChWy-00031-00006144-00006327 play it is by calling on charlie's name 7j8xiczChWy-00032-00006328-00006623 in english charlie charlie are you here 7j8xiczChWy-00033-00006623-00006855 its meaning is charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00034-00006856-00006959 charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00035-00006959-00007078 are you here 7j8xiczChWy-00036-00007079-00007239 for a moment nothing happens and the 7j8xiczChWy-00037-00007240-00007391 player might even think that the whole 7j8xiczChWy-00038-00007392-00007606 thing is a cheap trick but suddenly the 7j8xiczChWy-00039-00007608-00007806 tip of the pen on top moves towards the 7j8xiczChWy-00040-00007808-00007927 word yes 7j8xiczChWy-00041-00007928-00008127 which is both confusing and shocking and 7j8xiczChWy-00042-00008128-00008374 may make your neck hair erect in terror 7j8xiczChWy-00043-00008375-00008591 after receiving the response the player 7j8xiczChWy-00044-00008592-00008814 starts asking questions to charlie who 7j8xiczChWy-00045-00008815-00008991 answers them by moving the pen over the 7j8xiczChWy-00046-00008992-00009159 words yes or no 7j8xiczChWy-00047-00009160-00009399 as in the ouija game the player must not 7j8xiczChWy-00048-00009400-00009551 leave the game suddenly and without 7j8xiczChWy-00049-00009552-00009871 spending charlie properly saying charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00050-00009872-00010063 charlie can we stop 7j8xiczChWy-00051-00010064-00010374 that is charlie charlie can we stop 7j8xiczChWy-00052-00010375-00010503 playing now 7j8xiczChWy-00053-00010504-00010695 if the tip of the pen moves towards the 7j8xiczChWy-00054-00010696-00010887 word yes then the player can leave play 7j8xiczChWy-00055-00010888-00011103 after he says goodbye to charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00056-00011104-00011287 but if the game is left without 7j8xiczChWy-00057-00011288-00011510 charlie's consent he may be exposed to 7j8xiczChWy-00058-00011511-00011687 very bad things 7j8xiczChWy-00059-00011688-00011838 but who is charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00060-00011839-00012023 the game is of mexican origins and 7j8xiczChWy-00061-00012024-00012174 school students have been playing it 7j8xiczChWy-00062-00012175-00012374 there for a long time but it has not 7j8xiczChWy-00063-00012375-00012567 been popular among young people on the 7j8xiczChWy-00064-00012568-00012735 internet until recently 7j8xiczChWy-00065-00012736-00012943 there are many legends about charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00066-00012944-00013135 some of which say that he is an outcast 7j8xiczChWy-00067-00013136-00013343 man who was abused by people and died in 7j8xiczChWy-00068-00013344-00013583 mysterious circumstances and his sign is 7j8xiczChWy-00069-00013584-00013735 that each of his eyes has a color 7j8xiczChWy-00070-00013736-00013951 different one black and the other red 7j8xiczChWy-00071-00013952-00014135 and he wanders in this world in search 7j8xiczChWy-00072-00014136-00014327 of revenge searching for prey from 7j8xiczChWy-00073-00014328-00014503 reckless humans who knock on the doors 7j8xiczChWy-00074-00014504-00014679 of the other world and obtain a horrible 7j8xiczChWy-00075-00014680-00014799 black fate 7j8xiczChWy-00076-00014800-00014983 some old men and women in the bahamas 7j8xiczChWy-00077-00014984-00015207 claim that charlie was an evil pedophile 7j8xiczChWy-00078-00015208-00015383 which eventually led to his murder by 7j8xiczChWy-00079-00015384-00015583 the children's parents so he is looking 7j8xiczChWy-00080-00015584-00015766 for young school children in particular 7j8xiczChWy-00081-00015768-00015950 to take revenge on them 7j8xiczChWy-00082-00015951-00016158 another famous story claims that charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00083-00016159-00016350 is a poor mexican child who committed 7j8xiczChWy-00084-00016351-00016615 suicide in his misery at a young age 7j8xiczChWy-00085-00016616-00016847 some clergymen in south america say that 7j8xiczChWy-00086-00016848-00017063 charlie is not a human spirit but rather 7j8xiczChWy-00087-00017064-00017311 a demonic entity meaning like our jinn 7j8xiczChWy-00088-00017312-00017486 that manipulates people and deceives 7j8xiczChWy-00089-00017487-00017655 them in order to be able to get close to 7j8xiczChWy-00090-00017656-00017879 them wear their bodies and destroy them 7j8xiczChWy-00091-00017880-00018047 and for this they warn a lot against 7j8xiczChWy-00092-00018048-00018191 playing this game 7j8xiczChWy-00093-00018192-00018407 indeed there are explicit calls from 7j8xiczChWy-00094-00018408-00018591 some churches to ban the game and urge 7j8xiczChWy-00095-00018592-00018775 its followers to prevent their children 7j8xiczChWy-00096-00018776-00018935 from playing this game as a form of 7j8xiczChWy-00097-00018936-00019094 satanic seduction 7j8xiczChWy-00098-00019095-00019286 the worrying thing is that this game has 7j8xiczChWy-00099-00019287-00019479 recently begun to spread frighteningly 7j8xiczChWy-00100-00019480-00019711 on social networking sites especially 7j8xiczChWy-00101-00019712-00019911 among children and adolescents which 7j8xiczChWy-00102-00019912-00020158 caused according to some articles i read 7j8xiczChWy-00103-00020159-00020311 in the occurrence of symptoms and 7j8xiczChWy-00104-00020312-00020550 strange things such as seeing mysterious 7j8xiczChWy-00105-00020551-00020743 shadows that move quickly hearing the 7j8xiczChWy-00106-00020744-00020943 laughter of an invisible child and 7j8xiczChWy-00107-00020944-00021119 seeing nightmares and disturbing and 7j8xiczChWy-00108-00021120-00021311 terrifying dreams 7j8xiczChWy-00109-00021312-00021463 is the game real 7j8xiczChWy-00110-00021464-00021630 many who have played the game charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00111-00021631-00021799 say that it is real and that strange 7j8xiczChWy-00112-00021800-00021958 things happen to them during and after 7j8xiczChWy-00113-00021959-00022055 play 7j8xiczChWy-00114-00022056-00022239 the growing belief in the realism of the 7j8xiczChWy-00115-00022240-00022439 game is based mainly on the fact that no 7j8xiczChWy-00116-00022440-00022647 one touches the pens as they move on 7j8xiczChWy-00117-00022648-00022863 their own in contrast to the famous 7j8xiczChWy-00118-00022864-00023086 ouija game in which critics say that the 7j8xiczChWy-00119-00023087-00023335 pointer is moved by the player's fingers 7j8xiczChWy-00120-00023336-00023503 some of those who played the game said 7j8xiczChWy-00121-00023504-00023742 that it is 100 real and published their 7j8xiczChWy-00122-00023743-00023958 stories and experiences and some of them 7j8xiczChWy-00123-00023959-00024127 uploaded videos about the movement of 7j8xiczChWy-00124-00024128-00024278 the pen while playing to prove their 7j8xiczChWy-00125-00024279-00024375 words 7j8xiczChWy-00126-00024376-00024655 if you go to youtube now dear reader you 7j8xiczChWy-00127-00024656-00024847 will easily find dozens of videos about 7j8xiczChWy-00128-00024848-00024958 the game 7j8xiczChWy-00129-00024959-00025183 one of the sisters miriam from saudi 7j8xiczChWy-00130-00025184-00025407 arabia sent to the site her experience 7j8xiczChWy-00131-00025408-00025639 with the game as follows recently a game 7j8xiczChWy-00132-00025639-00025814 called charlie has spread 7j8xiczChWy-00133-00025816-00025983 my sister and i heard about it and we 7j8xiczChWy-00134-00025983-00026174 can't wait to play it so we drew a 7j8xiczChWy-00135-00026175-00026351 square with four boxes in which the 7j8xiczChWy-00136-00026352-00026623 words yes and no are distributed and we 7j8xiczChWy-00137-00026624-00026814 put two pens in the center of the square 7j8xiczChWy-00138-00026816-00027023 and across one above the other 7j8xiczChWy-00139-00027024-00027295 my sister and i started saying charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00140-00027295-00027479 charlie are you here 7j8xiczChWy-00141-00027480-00027687 in english of course and after waiting 7j8xiczChWy-00142-00027688-00027895 for about two minutes the pen moved to 7j8xiczChWy-00143-00027895-00028095 yes and i was afraid a lot 7j8xiczChWy-00144-00028095-00028302 then the door suddenly opened 7j8xiczChWy-00145-00028304-00028487 i screamed out of terror 7j8xiczChWy-00146-00028488-00028655 my sister screamed and we started 7j8xiczChWy-00147-00028656-00028814 calling for my mother 7j8xiczChWy-00148-00028816-00028983 then we got up while we were in great 7j8xiczChWy-00149-00028983-00029214 anxiety and terror and put the tv on the 7j8xiczChWy-00150-00029216-00029327 quran 7j8xiczChWy-00151-00029327-00029583 after hours we forgot about it but after 7j8xiczChWy-00152-00029583-00029767 midnight about three o'clock in the 7j8xiczChWy-00153-00029768-00029967 morning i was pressing my phone and the 7j8xiczChWy-00154-00029968-00030102 light was off 7j8xiczChWy-00155-00030103-00030374 suddenly i swear to you i saw a skinny 7j8xiczChWy-00156-00030375-00030567 black man smiling at me and his 7j8xiczChWy-00157-00030568-00030807 terrifying smile reached his ears 7j8xiczChWy-00158-00030808-00030999 i was shocked by the horror and closed 7j8xiczChWy-00159-00031000-00031199 my eyes and started reading the quran in 7j8xiczChWy-00160-00031200-00031446 my heart until i fell asleep and when i 7j8xiczChWy-00161-00031447-00031639 woke up in the daytime i told my 7j8xiczChWy-00162-00031639-00031814 brothers and they laughed at me and did 7j8xiczChWy-00163-00031816-00031951 not believe me 7j8xiczChWy-00164-00031952-00032135 i never cared until night came and i 7j8xiczChWy-00165-00032136-00032343 started to get scared again but nothing 7j8xiczChWy-00166-00032344-00032518 happened thank god 7j8xiczChWy-00167-00032519-00032687 i wish i hadn't tried it because that 7j8xiczChWy-00168-00032688-00032862 guy's looks were scary 7j8xiczChWy-00169-00032863-00033071 this is a realistic sample that arrived 7j8xiczChWy-00170-00033072-00033262 on the site about the game and there are 7j8xiczChWy-00171-00033263-00033415 hundreds and perhaps thousands of 7j8xiczChWy-00172-00033416-00033599 similar experiences and stories on the 7j8xiczChWy-00173-00033600-00033839 internet of people mostly young people 7j8xiczChWy-00174-00033840-00033983 who said that they played the game and 7j8xiczChWy-00175-00033984-00034127 were exposed to disturbing and 7j8xiczChWy-00176-00034128-00034311 frightening situations 7j8xiczChWy-00177-00034312-00034487 of course there are also those who 7j8xiczChWy-00178-00034488-00034646 played the game and nothing happened to 7j8xiczChWy-00179-00034647-00034895 them and perhaps the pen did not move 7j8xiczChWy-00180-00034896-00035071 but their stories were lost in the crowd 7j8xiczChWy-00181-00035072-00035239 of stories supporting the truth of the 7j8xiczChWy-00182-00035240-00035335 game 7j8xiczChWy-00183-00035336-00035511 well what does this mean 7j8xiczChWy-00184-00035512-00035662 is the game real 7j8xiczChWy-00185-00035663-00035862 is there really a genie or a ghost named 7j8xiczChWy-00186-00035863-00035959 charlie 7j8xiczChWy-00187-00035960-00036102 thanks for listening 7j8xiczChWy-00188-00036103-00036335 we hope you like the story if you like 7j8xiczChWy-00189-00036336-00036615 it do not forget to subscribe wait for 7j8xiczChWy-00190-00036616-00036807 another story or legend 7j8xiczChWy-00191-00036808-00037172 have a great night 7l-AEeV2f0I-00000-00000032-00000231 hey everyone welcome to another walk 7l-AEeV2f0I-00001-00000231-00000375 through wednesday we're going to talk 7l-AEeV2f0I-00002-00000376-00000423 about 7l-AEeV2f0I-00003-00000424-00000823 this bad boy right here this is a 174 7l-AEeV2f0I-00004-00000824-00001150 rk hideout really sharp like a lot of 7l-AEeV2f0I-00005-00001151-00001311 the other manufacturers 7l-AEeV2f0I-00006-00001312-00001599 hideout has updated their interior 7l-AEeV2f0I-00007-00001600-00001726 they've gone lighter 7l-AEeV2f0I-00008-00001727-00002047 brighter the camper weighs 4 000 pounds 7l-AEeV2f0I-00009-00002048-00002175 and some change so it's 7l-AEeV2f0I-00010-00002176-00002391 really lightweight a lot of suvs can 7l-AEeV2f0I-00011-00002392-00002518 pull this bad boy 7l-AEeV2f0I-00012-00002519-00002671 so you can get to your adventure you 7l-AEeV2f0I-00013-00002672-00002823 don't have to have a big tow vehicle but 7l-AEeV2f0I-00014-00002824-00002950 as you're going to see from the inside 7l-AEeV2f0I-00015-00002951-00003126 you still got a lot of room in this bad 7l-AEeV2f0I-00016-00003127-00003206 boy 7l-AEeV2f0I-00017-00003207-00003359 before we go in i want to talk about 7l-AEeV2f0I-00018-00003360-00003511 some of the stuff on the outside 7l-AEeV2f0I-00019-00003511-00003727 like i said it is a newer updated body 7l-AEeV2f0I-00020-00003728-00003903 style they have another newer updated 7l-AEeV2f0I-00021-00003904-00004070 body style coming out soon 7l-AEeV2f0I-00022-00004071-00004375 but really really sharp clean 7l-AEeV2f0I-00023-00004376-00004606 you have a pass-through storage up here 7l-AEeV2f0I-00024-00004607-00004719 at the front 7l-AEeV2f0I-00025-00004720-00004919 giving you ample room for some tables 7l-AEeV2f0I-00026-00004920-00005079 and chairs a nice 7l-AEeV2f0I-00027-00005080-00005351 big powered awning on the outside that 7l-AEeV2f0I-00028-00005352-00005559 does have led lights under it as you can 7l-AEeV2f0I-00029-00005560-00005735 see 7l-AEeV2f0I-00030-00005736-00006047 we have additional storage back here in 7l-AEeV2f0I-00031-00006048-00006111 the back 7l-AEeV2f0I-00032-00006112-00006238 so if you don't have enough room up 7l-AEeV2f0I-00033-00006239-00006406 there in the passenger storage you got 7l-AEeV2f0I-00034-00006408-00006575 some additional storage here 7l-AEeV2f0I-00035-00006576-00006814 you do have a spare tire back here 7l-AEeV2f0I-00036-00006815-00007006 nothing super fancy not a lot of bells 7l-AEeV2f0I-00037-00007008-00007175 and whistles on the outside you know 7l-AEeV2f0I-00038-00007176-00007310 they've made it affordable 7l-AEeV2f0I-00039-00007311-00007470 they've made it lightweight they've made 7l-AEeV2f0I-00040-00007472-00007623 it easy to travel with 7l-AEeV2f0I-00041-00007623-00007919 it does have the manual stabilizer jacks 7l-AEeV2f0I-00042-00007920-00008070 but i tell everybody hey 7l-AEeV2f0I-00043-00008072-00008231 don't worry about not being able to push 7l-AEeV2f0I-00044-00008232-00008423 a button get a drill and a drill bit or 7l-AEeV2f0I-00045-00008424-00008519 a socket 7l-AEeV2f0I-00046-00008520-00008663 you're done let's go check out the 7l-AEeV2f0I-00047-00008664-00008903 inside okay so as i was saying 7l-AEeV2f0I-00048-00008904-00009151 the inside is where this unit really 7l-AEeV2f0I-00049-00009152-00009295 shines because as you see 7l-AEeV2f0I-00050-00009296-00009527 it's bright it's beautiful and it's 7l-AEeV2f0I-00051-00009528-00009759 really roomy for as small as the camper 7l-AEeV2f0I-00052-00009760-00009831 is 7l-AEeV2f0I-00053-00009832-00010174 so starting off to my left 7l-AEeV2f0I-00054-00010175-00010463 we have the murphy bed or the mullet bed 7l-AEeV2f0I-00055-00010464-00010638 so you've got the business during the 7l-AEeV2f0I-00056-00010639-00010671 day 7l-AEeV2f0I-00057-00010672-00010942 you've got the party at night so on both 7l-AEeV2f0I-00058-00010943-00011119 sides you do have the his and hers 7l-AEeV2f0I-00059-00011120-00011183 closets 7l-AEeV2f0I-00060-00011184-00011438 or just additional storage closets and 7l-AEeV2f0I-00061-00011439-00011567 then during the day 7l-AEeV2f0I-00062-00011568-00011878 you have end tables with drawers on 7l-AEeV2f0I-00063-00011879-00011927 those 7l-AEeV2f0I-00064-00011928-00012214 at night those turn into nightstands as 7l-AEeV2f0I-00065-00012215-00012383 you can see you have usb 7l-AEeV2f0I-00066-00012384-00012631 as well as regular charging there and 7l-AEeV2f0I-00067-00012632-00012807 those his and hers closets are actually 7l-AEeV2f0I-00068-00012808-00013119 really deep so plenty of storage 7l-AEeV2f0I-00069-00013119-00013279 one of the nice things with the murphy 7l-AEeV2f0I-00070-00013280-00013471 bed like we were talking about you know 7l-AEeV2f0I-00071-00013472-00013655 a lot of people buy the smaller campers 7l-AEeV2f0I-00072-00013656-00013879 because it's all about the destination 7l-AEeV2f0I-00073-00013880-00014038 and they're going to be out hiking and 7l-AEeV2f0I-00074-00014040-00014207 fishing and biking and all that other 7l-AEeV2f0I-00075-00014208-00014247 stuff 7l-AEeV2f0I-00076-00014247-00014438 but you know on a rainy day or whatever 7l-AEeV2f0I-00077-00014440-00014583 it's really nice on these smaller 7l-AEeV2f0I-00078-00014584-00014719 campers when you have a murphy bed 7l-AEeV2f0I-00079-00014719-00014855 because you can fold that up and now you 7l-AEeV2f0I-00080-00014856-00014975 have more room 7l-AEeV2f0I-00081-00014976-00015175 during the day you've got a sofa at 7l-AEeV2f0I-00082-00015176-00015375 night you got a bed 7l-AEeV2f0I-00083-00015376-00015591 directly behind me is our booth dinette 7l-AEeV2f0I-00084-00015591-00015775 now this will turn into a bed also so if 7l-AEeV2f0I-00085-00015776-00015950 you've got a couple of young kids 7l-AEeV2f0I-00086-00015951-00016135 if you're not ready for a big big camper 7l-AEeV2f0I-00087-00016136-00016286 this is a perfect camper because you put 7l-AEeV2f0I-00088-00016287-00016430 this down at night for them 7l-AEeV2f0I-00089-00016431-00016727 now you've got an extra bed for them a 7l-AEeV2f0I-00090-00016728-00016822 really cool 7l-AEeV2f0I-00091-00016823-00017143 kitchen in this one as you see tons and 7l-AEeV2f0I-00092-00017144-00017327 tons of countertop space 7l-AEeV2f0I-00093-00017328-00017583 like a lot of countertop space as well 7l-AEeV2f0I-00094-00017584-00017694 as a lot of storage 7l-AEeV2f0I-00095-00017695-00017983 options down below do want to point out 7l-AEeV2f0I-00096-00017984-00018143 because i miss it most of the time right 7l-AEeV2f0I-00097-00018144-00018311 here's where you mount your tv so you 7l-AEeV2f0I-00098-00018312-00018471 can put that on a swivel you'll be able 7l-AEeV2f0I-00099-00018472-00018639 to watch that from the couch 7l-AEeV2f0I-00100-00018640-00018950 or the bed or the booth dinette so 7l-AEeV2f0I-00101-00018951-00019311 piece of cake there microwave two burner 7l-AEeV2f0I-00102-00019312-00019511 stove instead of a traditional three 7l-AEeV2f0I-00103-00019512-00019647 burner stove you see in a lot of the 7l-AEeV2f0I-00104-00019648-00019871 bigger models 7l-AEeV2f0I-00105-00019872-00020119 very nice sized refrigerator if i don't 7l-AEeV2f0I-00106-00020120-00020303 fall 7l-AEeV2f0I-00107-00020304-00020550 and then last but certainly not least 7l-AEeV2f0I-00108-00020551-00020694 we've got our bathroom 7l-AEeV2f0I-00109-00020695-00020855 very nice sized bathroom we have a 7l-AEeV2f0I-00110-00020856-00021063 stand-up shower we've got our sink with 7l-AEeV2f0I-00111-00021064-00021214 storage below 7l-AEeV2f0I-00112-00021215-00021407 no medicine cabinet but we do have some 7l-AEeV2f0I-00113-00021408-00021591 storage there on the side of the sink 7l-AEeV2f0I-00114-00021592-00021943 and of course a toilet so guys there you 7l-AEeV2f0I-00115-00021944-00022222 have it there's the 174 we haven't had 7l-AEeV2f0I-00116-00022223-00022414 these in a while we've got a few in 7l-AEeV2f0I-00117-00022415-00022494 stock 7l-AEeV2f0I-00118-00022495-00022863 so if you're looking for a really cool 7l-AEeV2f0I-00119-00022864-00023158 bright light travel trailer to get 7l-AEeV2f0I-00120-00023159-00023303 started on your camping adventures come 7l-AEeV2f0I-00121-00023304-00023375 take a look 7l-AEeV2f0I-00122-00023376-00024009 have a great day 7l-AEeV2f0I-00123-00024010-00025383 [Music] 7l-AEeV2f0I-00124-00025384-00025592 you 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00000-00000596-00001049 oh this you crazy mother 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00001-00001050-00002881 [Music] 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00002-00002882-00004311 I could be learning 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00004-00007856-00008213 thank you 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00005-00008214-00008428 behind 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00006-00008429-00009995 [Music] 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00007-00009996-00010305 me 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00008-00010306-00011475 [Music] 7nQ3Zv_qNrY-00009-00011476-00012780 [Music] 81hMQqF425U-00000-00000007-00000245 welcome back to our Channel where we 81hMQqF425U-00001-00000246-00000539 explore the best mods for Skyrim in this 81hMQqF425U-00002-00000540-00000749 video we'll be highlighting the freshest 81hMQqF425U-00003-00000750-00000904 and best must-have mods you should 81hMQqF425U-00004-00000905-00001223 download in March 2023 these mods will 81hMQqF425U-00005-00001224-00001457 enhance your gaming experience making it 81hMQqF425U-00006-00001458-00001667 more immersive and exciting 81hMQqF425U-00007-00001668-00001895 before watching the video If you press 81hMQqF425U-00008-00001896-00002123 subscribe and like once it will help the 81hMQqF425U-00009-00002124-00002237 channel grow 81hMQqF425U-00010-00002238-00002518 then let's get started 81hMQqF425U-00011-00002519-00002808 the first is paraphernalia anti-flicker 81hMQqF425U-00012-00002809-00003023 Skyrim's engine has some limitations 81hMQqF425U-00013-00003024-00003221 when it comes to lighting which can 81hMQqF425U-00014-00003222-00003395 cause lights to flicker on and off as 81hMQqF425U-00015-00003396-00003556 you move and look around in certain 81hMQqF425U-00016-00003557-00003713 areas of the game 81hMQqF425U-00017-00003714-00003947 this can be particularly noticeable when 81hMQqF425U-00018-00003947-00004085 there are a lot of lights in close 81hMQqF425U-00019-00004086-00004415 proximity such as in a city or dungeon 81hMQqF425U-00020-00004416-00004613 the anti-flicker mod aims to address 81hMQqF425U-00021-00004614-00004811 this issue by disabling many of the 81hMQqF425U-00022-00004812-00005051 vanilla light sources initially allowing 81hMQqF425U-00023-00005052-00005195 the engine's lighting limits more 81hMQqF425U-00024-00005196-00005393 breathing space before maxing out and 81hMQqF425U-00025-00005394-00005591 causing flickering lights 81hMQqF425U-00026-00005592-00005806 this helps to create a more stable and 81hMQqF425U-00027-00005807-00005981 consistent lighting experience for 81hMQqF425U-00028-00005982-00006095 players 81hMQqF425U-00029-00006096-00006293 in addition to addressing the flickering 81hMQqF425U-00030-00006294-00006532 light issue this mod also provides a 81hMQqF425U-00031-00006533-00006731 slight FPS boost 81hMQqF425U-00032-00006731-00006934 by reducing the number of active light 81hMQqF425U-00033-00006936-00007181 sources the engine has less work to do 81hMQqF425U-00034-00007181-00007360 and can allocate resources more 81hMQqF425U-00035-00007361-00007559 efficiently resulting in a smoother 81hMQqF425U-00036-00007559-00007739 gameplay experience 81hMQqF425U-00037-00007740-00007967 it's worth noting that this mod is not 81hMQqF425U-00038-00007968-00008242 intended for use on a vanilla-only setup 81hMQqF425U-00039-00008243-00008417 it's designed to be used with other 81hMQqF425U-00040-00008418-00008633 lighting mods available on the Nexus to 81hMQqF425U-00041-00008634-00008809 improve their performance and stability 81hMQqF425U-00042-00008810-00009071 to ensure that the mod works correctly 81hMQqF425U-00043-00009072-00009305 it's recommended to manually load it in 81hMQqF425U-00044-00009306-00009473 your mod manager immediately after 81hMQqF425U-00045-00009474-00009778 Skyrim PSM and before any other 81hMQqF425U-00046-00009779-00010024 applicable mods such as the unofficial 81hMQqF425U-00047-00010025-00010289 Skyrim special edition patch 81hMQqF425U-00048-00010290-00010546 the mod should be loaded in slot 5 or 6 81hMQqF425U-00049-00010547-00010942 depending on your version of Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00050-00010943-00011242 overall the paraphernalia anti-flicker 81hMQqF425U-00051-00011243-00011423 mod is a useful tool for anyone 81hMQqF425U-00052-00011424-00011609 experiencing issues with flickering 81hMQqF425U-00053-00011610-00011764 lights in Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00054-00011765-00011963 by reducing the number of active light 81hMQqF425U-00055-00011964-00012149 sources and giving the engine more room 81hMQqF425U-00056-00012150-00012395 to work with this mod can provide a more 81hMQqF425U-00057-00012396-00012606 stable and enjoyable gameplay experience 81hMQqF425U-00058-00012607-00012815 particularly when used in conjunction 81hMQqF425U-00059-00012816-00013111 with other lighting mods 81hMQqF425U-00060-00013112-00013433 the second is Morgan follower Morgan 81hMQqF425U-00061-00013434-00013630 follower is a mod that adds a new 81hMQqF425U-00062-00013631-00013901 follower to Skyrim named Morgan who is a 81hMQqF425U-00063-00013902-00014086 sorceress skilled in destruction magic 81hMQqF425U-00064-00014087-00014333 and alteration Magic 81hMQqF425U-00065-00014334-00014530 can join the player's adventure and help 81hMQqF425U-00066-00014531-00014825 defeat enemies using her magical powers 81hMQqF425U-00067-00014826-00015016 the mod can be found at the Winking 81hMQqF425U-00068-00015018-00015269 skeever in solitude and is available in 81hMQqF425U-00069-00015269-00015491 two versions Universal Edition and 81hMQqF425U-00070-00015491-00015635 complete edition 81hMQqF425U-00071-00015636-00015844 the universal Edition is performance 81hMQqF425U-00072-00015845-00016019 friendly and uses the player's own 81hMQqF425U-00073-00016019-00016253 female body mesh and female skin texture 81hMQqF425U-00074-00016254-00016480 supporting all kinds of female body 81hMQqF425U-00075-00016481-00016763 types the complete edition includes the 81hMQqF425U-00076-00016764-00017029 skin texture and cpbe 3ba body 81hMQqF425U-00077-00017030-00017272 recommended for those who want Morgan to 81hMQqF425U-00078-00017273-00017500 look for Best in her her body her is 81hMQqF425U-00079-00017501-00017800 based on the fantasy Beauty CBB e3ba 81hMQqF425U-00080-00017801-00018017 body slide preset and players can 81hMQqF425U-00081-00018018-00018208 download the preset and build the outfit 81hMQqF425U-00082-00018209-00018365 they want for her to match her naked 81hMQqF425U-00083-00018366-00018725 body shaper this mod ESP flagged as ESL 81hMQqF425U-00084-00018726-00018922 and can be manually loaded in the mod 81hMQqF425U-00085-00018923-00019213 manager 81hMQqF425U-00086-00019214-00019553 in summary the Morgan follower mod is an 81hMQqF425U-00087-00019554-00019786 excellent addition to Skyrim offering a 81hMQqF425U-00088-00019787-00019967 new follower with unique skills and 81hMQqF425U-00089-00019968-00020171 customizable appearance options for a 81hMQqF425U-00090-00020172-00020608 more personalized gameplay experience 81hMQqF425U-00091-00020609-00020825 the third is motionless rocks killing 81hMQqF425U-00092-00020826-00021113 people fix the motionless rocks killing 81hMQqF425U-00093-00021114-00021353 people fix mod addresses a bug in Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00094-00021354-00021557 where motionless rocks can still cause 81hMQqF425U-00095-00021558-00021821 damage to NPCs that bump into them even 81hMQqF425U-00096-00021822-00021983 after they have already fallen from 81hMQqF425U-00097-00021984-00022228 lockcast 81hMQqF425U-00098-00022229-00022457 this bug is not present when the player 81hMQqF425U-00099-00022458-00022655 character interacts with the Rocks as 81hMQqF425U-00100-00022656-00022847 they only take damage when the rocks are 81hMQqF425U-00101-00022848-00023333 actively falling or rolling on them 81hMQqF425U-00102-00023334-00023585 this mod fixes the issue by altering the 81hMQqF425U-00103-00023586-00023794 velocity passed into the untapped hit 81hMQqF425U-00104-00023795-00024011 start event for NPCs 81hMQqF425U-00105-00024012-00024221 the mod ensures that only the vertical 81hMQqF425U-00106-00024222-00024443 velocity is used in calculations for 81hMQqF425U-00107-00024444-00024664 NPCs which prevents them from being 81hMQqF425U-00108-00024665-00024893 damaged by Motionless watch 81hMQqF425U-00109-00024894-00025114 the mod author notes that this bug may 81hMQqF425U-00110-00025115-00025289 be a result of a difference in how the 81hMQqF425U-00111-00025290-00025505 game engine calculates velocities for 81hMQqF425U-00112-00025506-00025775 NPCs versus the player character 81hMQqF425U-00113-00025776-00026002 while the mod mostly resolves the issue 81hMQqF425U-00114-00026004-00026200 of motionless rocks causing damage to 81hMQqF425U-00115-00026201-00026483 NPCs there may still be cases where this 81hMQqF425U-00116-00026483-00026585 occurs 81hMQqF425U-00117-00026586-00026795 the mod author invites users to report 81hMQqF425U-00118-00026795-00027023 any such occurrences with as much detail 81hMQqF425U-00119-00027024-00027274 as possible including a video and map of 81hMQqF425U-00120-00027275-00027389 the battle 81hMQqF425U-00121-00027389-00027574 however the mod does not address 81hMQqF425U-00122-00027575-00027845 situations where NPCs run under falling 81hMQqF425U-00123-00027845-00028085 or rolling rocks and take damage 81hMQqF425U-00124-00028086-00028337 therefore the motionless rocks killing 81hMQqF425U-00125-00028338-00028570 people fix mod is a small but useful fix 81hMQqF425U-00126-00028572-00028781 for a frustrating Mark in Skyrim's 81hMQqF425U-00127-00028782-00028999 gameplay 81hMQqF425U-00128-00029000-00029267 the fourth is the inventory interface 81hMQqF425U-00129-00029268-00029549 information injector inventory interface 81hMQqF425U-00130-00029550-00029735 information injector is a mod that 81hMQqF425U-00131-00029736-00029890 allows for the insertion of custom 81hMQqF425U-00132-00029891-00030112 information and icons into the inventory 81hMQqF425U-00133-00030113-00030335 and favorites menus of Sky UI without 81hMQqF425U-00134-00030336-00030617 the need to edit the swf files 81hMQqF425U-00135-00030618-00030833 this means that various mods can 81hMQqF425U-00136-00030833-00031007 customize how their items are displayed 81hMQqF425U-00137-00031008-00031199 in Sky UI while remaining compatible 81hMQqF425U-00138-00031200-00031337 with each other 81hMQqF425U-00139-00031338-00031535 the mod includes improvements to the 81hMQqF425U-00140-00031536-00031739 base Sky UI such as correct 81hMQqF425U-00141-00031739-00031918 categorization of items from the 81hMQqF425U-00142-00031919-00032123 Dragonborn expansion and differentiation 81hMQqF425U-00143-00032124-00032446 of books and notes based on 3D models 81hMQqF425U-00144-00032447-00032681 it also includes an icon add-on that 81hMQqF425U-00145-00032682-00032939 restores cut Sky UI icons for items and 81hMQqF425U-00146-00032940-00033167 adds new icons for vanilla and creation 81hMQqF425U-00147-00033168-00033317 Club items 81hMQqF425U-00148-00033318-00033599 Additionally the icon add-on supports 81hMQqF425U-00149-00033600-00033796 various mods and includes keywords that 81hMQqF425U-00150-00033797-00034012 allow for easy assignment of icons to 81hMQqF425U-00151-00034013-00034355 mods importantly this Mod's innocuous 81hMQqF425U-00152-00034356-00034559 injection implementation intrinsically 81hMQqF425U-00153-00034560-00034721 ignores independently installed 81hMQqF425U-00154-00034722-00035093 interface improvements 81hMQqF425U-00155-00035094-00035417 the fifth is the New Horizons UI the New 81hMQqF425U-00156-00035418-00035651 Horizons UI mod is a complete user 81hMQqF425U-00157-00035652-00035849 interface replacer for the Skyrim game 81hMQqF425U-00158-00035850-00036071 designed to bring a modern and colorful 81hMQqF425U-00159-00036072-00036371 look to the game's UI it is a spiritual 81hMQqF425U-00160-00036372-00036605 successor to the original Horizons UI 81hMQqF425U-00161-00036606-00036851 mod but with a higher level of Polish in 81hMQqF425U-00162-00036852-00037012 a brand new style 81hMQqF425U-00163-00037013-00037235 the mod is built as a replacer for the 81hMQqF425U-00164-00037236-00037439 dear diary dark mode mod by urine 81hMQqF425U-00165-00037440-00037643 reactor which provides a solid 81hMQqF425U-00166-00037644-00037781 foundation of quality of life 81hMQqF425U-00167-00037782-00037973 improvements and mod support for other 81hMQqF425U-00168-00037974-00038081 mods 81hMQqF425U-00169-00038082-00038273 one of the key features of the New 81hMQqF425U-00170-00038274-00038471 Horizons UI mod as its modular 81hMQqF425U-00171-00038472-00038645 Installation System 81hMQqF425U-00172-00038646-00038902 the mod comes with a fomod installer 81hMQqF425U-00173-00038903-00039065 that allows users to choose which 81hMQqF425U-00174-00039066-00039287 features they want to install making it 81hMQqF425U-00175-00039288-00039455 easy to customize the mod to their 81hMQqF425U-00176-00039456-00039640 preferences 81hMQqF425U-00177-00039641-00039929 the mod also supports true HUD a popular 81hMQqF425U-00178-00039930-00040115 mod that allows players to toggle the 81hMQqF425U-00179-00040116-00040361 HUD on and off at will and retains all 81hMQqF425U-00180-00040362-00040559 the customization benefits of the dear 81hMQqF425U-00181-00040560-00040871 diary dark mode mod the mod replaces 81hMQqF425U-00182-00040872-00041068 various elements of the Skyrim UI 81hMQqF425U-00183-00041069-00041339 including the main menu inventory menu 81hMQqF425U-00184-00041340-00041627 map journal and more 81hMQqF425U-00185-00041628-00041896 it also introduces new category icons 81hMQqF425U-00186-00041897-00042130 based on the horizon video games which 81hMQqF425U-00187-00042131-00042395 give the UI a fresh and unique look 81hMQqF425U-00188-00042396-00042623 the mod uses a splash of color to make 81hMQqF425U-00189-00042624-00042809 the UI more visually appealing and 81hMQqF425U-00190-00042810-00043001 modern while still retaining the 81hMQqF425U-00191-00043002-00043187 functionality and ease of use of the 81hMQqF425U-00192-00043188-00043546 original UI take a look 81hMQqF425U-00193-00043547-00043852 overall the New Horizons UI mod is a 81hMQqF425U-00194-00043853-00044045 great choice for Skyrim players who want 81hMQqF425U-00195-00044046-00044212 to give their games UI a fresh and 81hMQqF425U-00196-00044213-00044446 modern look without sacrificing the 81hMQqF425U-00197-00044447-00044639 features and customization options of 81hMQqF425U-00198-00044640-00044843 other popular UI mods 81hMQqF425U-00199-00044844-00045067 with its modular Installation System 81hMQqF425U-00200-00045068-00045335 supports the true HUD and compatibility 81hMQqF425U-00201-00045336-00045580 with dear diary dark mode the New 81hMQqF425U-00202-00045581-00045815 Horizons UI mod is a great addition to 81hMQqF425U-00203-00045816-00046105 any Skyrim mod list 81hMQqF425U-00204-00046106-00046380 sixth as combat pathing Revolution 81hMQqF425U-00205-00046381-00046685 combat pathing Revolution is a skse 81hMQqF425U-00206-00046686-00046895 plugin that introduces modern action 81hMQqF425U-00207-00046896-00047243 game combat pathing AI into Skyrim the 81hMQqF425U-00208-00047244-00047465 vanilla melee combat pathway I was 81hMQqF425U-00209-00047466-00047585 designed for the skating attack 81hMQqF425U-00210-00047586-00047885 mechanism which used a single generic AI 81hMQqF425U-00211-00047886-00048083 data for all types of enemies in the 81hMQqF425U-00212-00048084-00048527 game 81hMQqF425U-00213-00048528-00048737 this caused a lack of diversity in 81hMQqF425U-00214-00048738-00048965 extending making it impossible to match 81hMQqF425U-00215-00048966-00049133 the modern action game moveset 81hMQqF425U-00216-00049134-00049367 introduced by MCO or any other modern 81hMQqF425U-00217-00049368-00049745 action game framework 81hMQqF425U-00218-00049746-00049967 PR fills in this missing piece of the 81hMQqF425U-00219-00049968-00050171 puzzle by introducing a dynamic and 81hMQqF425U-00220-00050172-00050405 highly customizable AI pathing framework 81hMQqF425U-00221-00050406-00050574 for melee combat 81hMQqF425U-00222-00050575-00050843 CPR allows modern action moveset 81hMQqF425U-00223-00050844-00051046 designers to apply specialized pathing 81hMQqF425U-00224-00051047-00051329 AI data for their moveset making Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00225-00051329-00051575 NPCs move in combat like those in modern 81hMQqF425U-00226-00051576-00051720 action games 81hMQqF425U-00227-00051721-00052030 CPR provides four types of AI moving 81hMQqF425U-00228-00052032-00052325 behavior for customization Advance back 81hMQqF425U-00229-00052326-00052582 off Circle and fallback 81hMQqF425U-00230-00052583-00052799 these behaviors determine how AI 81hMQqF425U-00231-00052800-00053015 performs When approaching short distance 81hMQqF425U-00232-00053016-00053266 retreating circling or long distance 81hMQqF425U-00233-00053267-00053521 retreating from its combat Target 81hMQqF425U-00234-00053522-00053866 CPR is an AI framework that teaches NPCs 81hMQqF425U-00235-00053867-00054059 how to path in combat when using modern 81hMQqF425U-00236-00054060-00054250 action game moveset 81hMQqF425U-00237-00054251-00054521 it works in conjunction with MCO which 81hMQqF425U-00238-00054522-00054682 is a behavior framework that brings 81hMQqF425U-00239-00054683-00054875 modern action game animations into 81hMQqF425U-00240-00054876-00055175 Skyrim and Scar which is an AI framework 81hMQqF425U-00241-00055176-00055397 that teaches NPCs how to utilize the 81hMQqF425U-00242-00055398-00055619 attack animations from MCO or other 81hMQqF425U-00243-00055620-00055835 Modern Combat Frameworks 81hMQqF425U-00244-00055836-00056104 CPR offers mod authors and moveset 81hMQqF425U-00245-00056105-00056309 designers the opportunity to customize 81hMQqF425U-00246-00056310-00056573 the AI pathing framework making it an 81hMQqF425U-00247-00056574-00056776 essential tool for improving combat in 81hMQqF425U-00248-00056777-00057004 Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00249-00057005-00057263 seventh as Atlantean landscape dirt 81hMQqF425U-00250-00057264-00057569 Cliffs Parallax Atlantean landscape dirt 81hMQqF425U-00251-00057570-00057803 Cliffs Parallax as a mod Skyrim that 81hMQqF425U-00252-00057804-00057971 replaces the default dirt Cliff's 81hMQqF425U-00253-00057972-00058187 textures with new high quality Parallax 81hMQqF425U-00254-00058188-00058319 textures 81hMQqF425U-00255-00058320-00058576 it is available in both 2K and 4K 81hMQqF425U-00256-00058577-00058787 options providing users with the 81hMQqF425U-00257-00058788-00058961 flexibility to choose the level of 81hMQqF425U-00258-00058962-00059123 detail they prefer 81hMQqF425U-00259-00059124-00059350 the mod features unique textures that 81hMQqF425U-00260-00059351-00059537 provide a more realistic and detailed 81hMQqF425U-00261-00059538-00059729 appearance to the dirt Cliffs giving 81hMQqF425U-00262-00059729-00059950 players a more immersive experience when 81hMQqF425U-00263-00059951-00060209 exploring the game's vast open world 81hMQqF425U-00264-00060210-00060449 The Parallax effect adds depth to the 81hMQqF425U-00265-00060450-00060665 textures making the dirt Cliffs appear 81hMQqF425U-00266-00060666-00060875 more three-dimensional and enhancing the 81hMQqF425U-00267-00060876-00061115 overall visual quality of the game 81hMQqF425U-00268-00061116-00061330 the textures included in the mod were 81hMQqF425U-00269-00061332-00061492 designed by the mod author to fit 81hMQqF425U-00270-00061494-00061661 seamlessly with the game's existing 81hMQqF425U-00271-00061662-00061907 landscape ensuring that the new textures 81hMQqF425U-00272-00061908-00062171 do not clash with the game's art style 81hMQqF425U-00273-00062172-00062387 the mod is also compatible with other 81hMQqF425U-00274-00062388-00062626 texture and Landscape mods allowing 81hMQqF425U-00275-00062627-00062813 users to further enhance their Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00276-00062814-00063029 experience by combining different mods 81hMQqF425U-00277-00063029-00063292 together 81hMQqF425U-00278-00063294-00063592 overall Atlantean landscape dirt Cliffs 81hMQqF425U-00279-00063594-00063766 is an excellent mod for players who are 81hMQqF425U-00280-00063767-00063971 looking to enhance the visual quality of 81hMQqF425U-00281-00063972-00064121 their Skyrim game 81hMQqF425U-00282-00064122-00064354 with its high quality Parallax textures 81hMQqF425U-00283-00064355-00064606 and compatibility with other mods it is 81hMQqF425U-00284-00064607-00064804 a great addition to any modded Skyrim 81hMQqF425U-00285-00064805-00064849 setup 81hMQqF425U-00286-00064850-00065137 [Music] 81hMQqF425U-00287-00065138-00065399 and that concludes our list of must-have 81hMQqF425U-00288-00065400-00065675 Skyrim mods for March 2023 81hMQqF425U-00289-00065676-00065897 we hope you found this video helpful in 81hMQqF425U-00290-00065898-00066071 discovering some new mods that you can 81hMQqF425U-00291-00066072-00066269 use to enhance your gameplay 81hMQqF425U-00292-00066270-00066461 be sure to leave a comment and let us 81hMQqF425U-00293-00066462-00066659 know which mod you are most excited to 81hMQqF425U-00294-00066660-00066947 try out don't forget to subscribe to our 81hMQqF425U-00295-00066948-00067187 channel for more Skyrim mod content and 81hMQqF425U-00296-00067188-00067694 we'll see you in the next video 81hMQqF425U-00297-00067695-00068153 [Music] 81hMQqF425U-00298-00068154-00068363 laughs 81hMQqF425U-00299-00068364-00068760 [Music] 81IclhfqQb0-00000-00007623-00007881 foreign 81IclhfqQb0-00001-00007883-00008493 [Music] 81IclhfqQb0-00002-00008494-00009967 [Music] 81IclhfqQb0-00003-00009968-00010184 m 81bkrzZgiWA-00000-00000032-00000366 i just gotta say this 81bkrzZgiWA-00001-00000367-00000686 it is no secret i'm feeling so great i'm 81bkrzZgiWA-00002-00000687-00000823 riding that star 81bkrzZgiWA-00003-00000824-00001150 that took me straight to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00004-00001151-00001311 highest place 81bkrzZgiWA-00005-00001312-00001671 on top of the world uh 81bkrzZgiWA-00006-00001672-00002007 welcome to week 14 we are now at 81bkrzZgiWA-00007-00002007-00002342 the final topics of advanced native 81bkrzZgiWA-00008-00002343-00002479 mobile programming course 81bkrzZgiWA-00009-00002480-00002831 okay so in this final topics i will 81bkrzZgiWA-00010-00002832-00003126 discuss mostly about knowledge and 81bkrzZgiWA-00011-00003127-00003286 concept of 81bkrzZgiWA-00012-00003288-00003767 how to make uh better android apps okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00013-00003768-00004086 so um we are going to discuss three 81bkrzZgiWA-00014-00004087-00004151 things 81bkrzZgiWA-00015-00004152-00004567 yeah first about how to publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00016-00004568-00004783 your app in the play stores and second 81bkrzZgiWA-00017-00004784-00004879 part is 81bkrzZgiWA-00018-00004880-00005070 about the app performance how to 81bkrzZgiWA-00019-00005071-00005359 increase or how to improve the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00020-00005360-00005599 performance and finally we need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00021-00005600-00005663 understand 81bkrzZgiWA-00022-00005664-00005967 some basic knowledge about application 81bkrzZgiWA-00023-00005968-00006054 security 81bkrzZgiWA-00024-00006055-00006359 in android okay so let's jump into our 81bkrzZgiWA-00025-00006360-00006414 first 81bkrzZgiWA-00026-00006415-00006791 topics with how to publish your app in 81bkrzZgiWA-00027-00006792-00007103 play store okay so um before we continue 81bkrzZgiWA-00028-00007104-00007255 i just need you 81bkrzZgiWA-00029-00007256-00007727 to know that um in this topic i'm not 81bkrzZgiWA-00030-00007728-00007951 doing any project yeah doing not 81bkrzZgiWA-00031-00007952-00008087 creating a new project 81bkrzZgiWA-00032-00008088-00008359 and this topic i just give you knowledge 81bkrzZgiWA-00033-00008360-00008399 to 81bkrzZgiWA-00034-00008400-00008823 give you a concept yeah and theory about 81bkrzZgiWA-00035-00008824-00009151 the content of the week 14 course okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00036-00009152-00009471 so to uh why we need to publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00037-00009472-00009759 our app in play stores yeah even though 81bkrzZgiWA-00038-00009760-00009831 you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00039-00009832-00010103 publish it elsewhere okay you can do 81bkrzZgiWA-00040-00010104-00010255 self-publishing here 81bkrzZgiWA-00041-00010256-00010574 so you can build your apps um 81bkrzZgiWA-00042-00010575-00010759 let me show you in the android studio 81bkrzZgiWA-00043-00010760-00010895 that you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00044-00010896-00011263 quickly build your app by um 81bkrzZgiWA-00045-00011264-00011614 by click this build and then 81bkrzZgiWA-00046-00011615-00011974 a build bundle apk and then you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00047-00011975-00012342 find the apk installer and then you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00048-00012343-00012463 install it 81bkrzZgiWA-00049-00012464-00012735 or drop it in whatever place that you 81bkrzZgiWA-00050-00012736-00012943 like then you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00051-00012944-00013255 share that installation to users 81bkrzZgiWA-00052-00013256-00013422 and the question is why we need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00053-00013423-00013655 publish our app in play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00054-00013656-00013951 right because first the google play 81bkrzZgiWA-00055-00013952-00014047 store is 81bkrzZgiWA-00056-00014047-00014311 one of the largest platforms for 81bkrzZgiWA-00057-00014312-00014551 distributing promoting and selling 81bkrzZgiWA-00058-00014552-00014871 your apps yeah mostly roughly roughly a 81bkrzZgiWA-00059-00014872-00014951 1 billion 81bkrzZgiWA-00060-00014952-00015335 users access the play store daily 81bkrzZgiWA-00061-00015336-00015727 so that's uh that statistics 81bkrzZgiWA-00062-00015728-00016094 um is so interesting for developers to 81bkrzZgiWA-00063-00016095-00016143 sell 81bkrzZgiWA-00064-00016144-00016463 their apps okay and since 81bkrzZgiWA-00065-00016464-00016791 uh you are need to publish to 81bkrzZgiWA-00066-00016792-00017047 this system or this environment so you 81bkrzZgiWA-00067-00017048-00017158 need to follow 81bkrzZgiWA-00068-00017159-00017494 several rules regulations restrictions 81bkrzZgiWA-00069-00017495-00017758 procedures and so on okay so you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00070-00017759-00017871 pay attention 81bkrzZgiWA-00071-00017872-00018283 because this policy this regulations 81bkrzZgiWA-00072-00018284-00018686 uh could change um dynamically i mean 81bkrzZgiWA-00073-00018687-00019007 um android sorry google tend to change 81bkrzZgiWA-00074-00019008-00019103 their 81bkrzZgiWA-00075-00019104-00019430 policy in uh in later time so you need 81bkrzZgiWA-00076-00019431-00019599 to pay attention about 81bkrzZgiWA-00077-00019600-00019814 whatever they announce about their 81bkrzZgiWA-00078-00019815-00019958 policy in 81bkrzZgiWA-00079-00019959-00020230 publishing app in their environment in 81bkrzZgiWA-00080-00020231-00020279 their 81bkrzZgiWA-00081-00020280-00020591 play store okay and next um 81bkrzZgiWA-00082-00020592-00020935 first you need to create the developer 81bkrzZgiWA-00083-00020936-00021103 account so you if you want to publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00084-00021104-00021199 your application you need 81bkrzZgiWA-00085-00021200-00021511 to create a new developer account if you 81bkrzZgiWA-00086-00021512-00021558 don't 81bkrzZgiWA-00087-00021559-00021863 uh if you not have that have one yet so 81bkrzZgiWA-00088-00021864-00022303 you can go to the playgoogle.com console 81bkrzZgiWA-00089-00022304-00022630 and select sign up and then you um 81bkrzZgiWA-00090-00022631-00022967 you um need to log in or sign in with 81bkrzZgiWA-00091-00022968-00023143 your gmail 81bkrzZgiWA-00092-00023144-00023430 and it will automatically detect if that 81bkrzZgiWA-00093-00023431-00023558 account if that email 81bkrzZgiWA-00094-00023559-00023839 already have a developer account or not 81bkrzZgiWA-00095-00023840-00023935 if not 81bkrzZgiWA-00096-00023936-00024311 then you will need to fill in 81bkrzZgiWA-00097-00024312-00024535 a basic information of your developer 81bkrzZgiWA-00098-00024536-00024719 account such as developer name 81bkrzZgiWA-00099-00024720-00025119 address email and so on okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00100-00025120-00025422 um the 81bkrzZgiWA-00101-00025423-00025790 developer account can have three kind 81bkrzZgiWA-00102-00025791-00026111 access level okay so the account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00103-00026112-00026335 the admin and the user so 81bkrzZgiWA-00104-00026336-00026599 the account owner is is the one that 81bkrzZgiWA-00105-00026600-00026702 create 81bkrzZgiWA-00106-00026704-00027014 the account developer accounts yeah so 81bkrzZgiWA-00107-00027016-00027318 um this person is considered as 81bkrzZgiWA-00108-00027319-00027567 the business owner or the app owners 81bkrzZgiWA-00109-00027568-00027646 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00110-00027647-00027918 so the account owner first registers 81bkrzZgiWA-00111-00027919-00027974 account in 81bkrzZgiWA-00112-00027975-00028311 google play consoles this account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00113-00028312-00028535 has full access to play console 81bkrzZgiWA-00114-00028536-00028751 can invite and remove user manage 81bkrzZgiWA-00115-00028752-00028943 individual permissions 81bkrzZgiWA-00116-00028944-00029207 and so on and so on you can read it by 81bkrzZgiWA-00117-00029208-00029302 yourself here 81bkrzZgiWA-00118-00029304-00029567 it means that this is the one like a 81bkrzZgiWA-00119-00029568-00029607 super 81bkrzZgiWA-00120-00029608-00029935 admin it can do every anything it can do 81bkrzZgiWA-00121-00029936-00030062 everything 81bkrzZgiWA-00122-00030063-00030439 any features in the play console okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00123-00030439-00030631 but actually this account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00124-00030632-00030783 basically is just the owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00125-00030783-00031167 of the publisher of the developer 81bkrzZgiWA-00126-00031168-00031487 yeah and these persons 81bkrzZgiWA-00127-00031488-00031758 he needs to pay 25 dollars to create the 81bkrzZgiWA-00128-00031760-00031855 account 81bkrzZgiWA-00129-00031856-00032046 and these persons yeah the account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00130-00032047-00032183 can 81bkrzZgiWA-00131-00032183-00032502 delegate or create access level for 81bkrzZgiWA-00132-00032503-00032855 admins and the user so admin um 81bkrzZgiWA-00133-00032856-00033167 it can it uh it can it have 81bkrzZgiWA-00134-00033168-00033390 management features yeah you can have 81bkrzZgiWA-00135-00033391-00033518 all permission 81bkrzZgiWA-00136-00033519-00033807 features and then can be set to 81bkrzZgiWA-00137-00033808-00033943 different apps so 81bkrzZgiWA-00138-00033944-00034215 so the account owner may have more than 81bkrzZgiWA-00139-00034216-00034343 one apps yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00140-00034344-00034607 more than one apps and then uh it they 81bkrzZgiWA-00141-00034608-00034718 can 81bkrzZgiWA-00142-00034719-00035039 assign or delegate admin for its 81bkrzZgiWA-00143-00035040-00035287 different apps yeah maybe maybe like 81bkrzZgiWA-00144-00035288-00035359 that so 81bkrzZgiWA-00145-00035360-00035607 the admin can handle different apps uh 81bkrzZgiWA-00146-00035608-00035662 one app 81bkrzZgiWA-00147-00035663-00035951 several apps yeah and the account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00148-00035952-00036007 can 81bkrzZgiWA-00149-00036008-00036327 change that okay so the admin can 81bkrzZgiWA-00150-00036328-00036607 be given access to all or specific apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00151-00036608-00036815 can invite and remove user 81bkrzZgiWA-00152-00036816-00037023 and manage individual permissions 81bkrzZgiWA-00153-00037024-00037311 doesn't need to pay 25 requestation 81bkrzZgiWA-00154-00037312-00037559 free okay 25 dollars i will talk about 81bkrzZgiWA-00155-00037560-00037695 the tester okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00156-00037696-00038039 and finally the um 81bkrzZgiWA-00157-00038040-00038239 the account owner also can invite user 81bkrzZgiWA-00158-00038240-00038479 and admin also can invite user usually 81bkrzZgiWA-00159-00038480-00038615 user is 81bkrzZgiWA-00160-00038616-00038799 um the one that develop your 81bkrzZgiWA-00161-00038800-00038935 applications you know 81bkrzZgiWA-00162-00038936-00039230 maybe you have an id theme id theme that 81bkrzZgiWA-00163-00039231-00039271 works 81bkrzZgiWA-00164-00039272-00039590 on the apps so the admin can create a 81bkrzZgiWA-00165-00039591-00039662 theme 81bkrzZgiWA-00166-00039663-00039935 several consists of several users and 81bkrzZgiWA-00167-00039936-00040151 this user can have access to 81bkrzZgiWA-00168-00040152-00040455 the applications play consoles okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00169-00040456-00040646 this user can have different level of 81bkrzZgiWA-00170-00040647-00040830 access to google play console 81bkrzZgiWA-00171-00040831-00041030 can be given access to all specific all 81bkrzZgiWA-00172-00041031-00041207 or specific apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00173-00041208-00041495 but this user cannot invite user or edit 81bkrzZgiWA-00174-00041496-00041590 permissions 81bkrzZgiWA-00175-00041591-00041767 and doesn't need to pay 25 dollar 81bkrzZgiWA-00176-00041768-00041918 registration free okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00177-00041919-00042183 this is um information and description 81bkrzZgiWA-00178-00042184-00042287 about 81bkrzZgiWA-00179-00042288-00042535 developer account account access level 81bkrzZgiWA-00180-00042536-00042615 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00181-00042616-00042951 so um yeah just like i 81bkrzZgiWA-00182-00042952-00043262 said previously as a account owner 81bkrzZgiWA-00183-00043263-00043567 you have to pay 25 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00184-00043568-00043879 this is a one-time registration fee and 81bkrzZgiWA-00185-00043880-00044158 it's lifetime no need to pay annually 81bkrzZgiWA-00186-00044159-00044367 there is no subscription fee 81bkrzZgiWA-00187-00044368-00044687 um and you may publish unlimited number 81bkrzZgiWA-00188-00044688-00044758 of apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00189-00044759-00045111 in the play stores okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00190-00045112-00045407 compared to the app stores which means 81bkrzZgiWA-00191-00045408-00045495 by 81bkrzZgiWA-00192-00045496-00045823 apple which uh as the developer and the 81bkrzZgiWA-00193-00045824-00045967 account owner you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00194-00045968-00046287 pay 99 per year 81bkrzZgiWA-00195-00046288-00046718 annually so the the strategy of google 81bkrzZgiWA-00196-00046719-00046767 is 81bkrzZgiWA-00197-00046768-00047135 to reduce the developer costs and 81bkrzZgiWA-00198-00047136-00047535 and to make more developers come 81bkrzZgiWA-00199-00047536-00047790 and listing their applications in the in 81bkrzZgiWA-00200-00047791-00047974 the google play stores okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00201-00047975-00048327 so this um this registration free is so 81bkrzZgiWA-00202-00048328-00048407 low i mean 81bkrzZgiWA-00203-00048408-00048743 so i mean it's not it's not pricey 81bkrzZgiWA-00204-00048744-00048830 enough 81bkrzZgiWA-00205-00048831-00049015 so make all the followers a lot of 81bkrzZgiWA-00206-00049016-00049151 developer comes 81bkrzZgiWA-00207-00049152-00049367 and listing their apps easily in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00208-00049368-00049502 play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00209-00049503-00049886 okay so let's jump to how to 81bkrzZgiWA-00210-00049887-00050086 publish your apps in the play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00211-00050087-00050367 after you have created developer account 81bkrzZgiWA-00212-00050368-00050758 you need to um compile your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00213-00050759-00050790 and 81bkrzZgiWA-00214-00050791-00051079 wrap your applications in the form of 81bkrzZgiWA-00215-00051080-00051207 installations 81bkrzZgiWA-00216-00051208-00051723 yeah and in the previous years in before 81bkrzZgiWA-00217-00051724-00052054 2021 you can simply create an 81bkrzZgiWA-00218-00052055-00052535 apk yeah you can compile and 81bkrzZgiWA-00219-00052536-00052838 i mean build and 81bkrzZgiWA-00220-00052839-00053207 build apk here and you simply can 81bkrzZgiWA-00221-00053208-00053359 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-00222-00053360-00053663 upload the apk to play stores to list it 81bkrzZgiWA-00223-00053664-00053807 on there but since 81bkrzZgiWA-00224-00053808-00054238 august 2021 new apps will be required to 81bkrzZgiWA-00225-00054239-00054342 publish with 81bkrzZgiWA-00226-00054344-00054679 the new android app bundle on google 81bkrzZgiWA-00227-00054679-00054750 play 81bkrzZgiWA-00228-00054751-00055063 okay so what is android app bundle it's 81bkrzZgiWA-00229-00055064-00055279 a new official android publishing format 81bkrzZgiWA-00230-00055279-00055623 yeah that offers a more efficient way to 81bkrzZgiWA-00231-00055624-00055815 build and release your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00232-00055816-00056082 okay so this app bundle have a lot 81bkrzZgiWA-00233-00056083-00056294 advantages compared to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00234-00056295-00056679 traditional pica apk okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00235-00056679-00056975 first thing is it's smaller it consists 81bkrzZgiWA-00236-00056976-00057094 of 81bkrzZgiWA-00237-00057095-00057303 several features such as smaller file 81bkrzZgiWA-00238-00057304-00057519 says compared to apk let's 81bkrzZgiWA-00239-00057520-00057759 take a look this animation so in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00240-00057760-00057823 legacy 81bkrzZgiWA-00241-00057824-00058223 of apk um if you create an applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00242-00058224-00058711 that can have a lot different features 81bkrzZgiWA-00243-00058712-00058991 yeah for example it can con your 81bkrzZgiWA-00244-00058991-00059063 application 81bkrzZgiWA-00245-00059064-00059382 have multi-language supports or 81bkrzZgiWA-00246-00059383-00059654 it can have hdbi xdbi different 81bkrzZgiWA-00247-00059655-00059799 resolutions here 81bkrzZgiWA-00248-00059800-00059991 it can load different resources for 81bkrzZgiWA-00249-00059991-00060223 different resources for example if 81bkrzZgiWA-00250-00060224-00060550 the smartphone users can handle hdbi 81bkrzZgiWA-00251-00060551-00060830 your app can choose image shows resource 81bkrzZgiWA-00252-00060832-00060999 with higher resolutions 81bkrzZgiWA-00253-00061000-00061382 but with a higher um 81bkrzZgiWA-00254-00061383-00061687 these usage okay and for 81bkrzZgiWA-00255-00061688-00061966 another features as well okay so in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00256-00061967-00062191 traditional apk every 81bkrzZgiWA-00257-00062191-00062511 features here every resource that 81bkrzZgiWA-00258-00062512-00062750 available in your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00259-00062751-00063071 no matter the the user's smartphone 81bkrzZgiWA-00260-00063072-00063423 can handle it or not it will be wrapped 81bkrzZgiWA-00261-00063424-00063903 with single apk make this apk 81bkrzZgiWA-00262-00063904-00064215 have a large size compared to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00263-00064216-00064519 bundle app okay and next 81bkrzZgiWA-00264-00064520-00064830 compared to the apb bundle google from 81bkrzZgiWA-00265-00064832-00065047 google play which is 81bkrzZgiWA-00266-00065048-00065311 have these dynamic delivery features so 81bkrzZgiWA-00267-00065312-00065511 the app bundle 81bkrzZgiWA-00268-00065512-00065894 will will be 81bkrzZgiWA-00269-00065895-00066247 taylormade specifically for 81bkrzZgiWA-00270-00066248-00066567 the smartphone user so when your 81bkrzZgiWA-00271-00066568-00066806 application listed on the play store and 81bkrzZgiWA-00272-00066807-00067126 some user downloaded it the play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00273-00067127-00067199 will 81bkrzZgiWA-00274-00067200-00067511 check it for the user's smartphones 81bkrzZgiWA-00275-00067512-00067871 and uh and the play store can prepare 81bkrzZgiWA-00276-00067872-00068199 your installations that consist only 81bkrzZgiWA-00277-00068200-00068406 that smartphone user can handle 81bkrzZgiWA-00278-00068407-00068775 for example if the user is from 81bkrzZgiWA-00279-00068776-00069135 china so it will include the language 81bkrzZgiWA-00280-00069136-00069463 chinese language and and for 81bkrzZgiWA-00281-00069464-00069719 another example if the users can only 81bkrzZgiWA-00282-00069720-00069879 handle sdbi 81bkrzZgiWA-00283-00069880-00070191 so the applications the installer will 81bkrzZgiWA-00284-00070192-00070359 consist only 81bkrzZgiWA-00285-00070360-00070694 for the sdbi resource files this makes 81bkrzZgiWA-00286-00070695-00070782 the apk 81bkrzZgiWA-00287-00070783-00071079 or the installations smaller have small 81bkrzZgiWA-00288-00071080-00071287 size compared to the traditional 81bkrzZgiWA-00289-00071288-00071591 apk okay so this is a nice thing uh nice 81bkrzZgiWA-00290-00071592-00071687 feature from 81bkrzZgiWA-00291-00071688-00071935 a play store and the question is how to 81bkrzZgiWA-00292-00071936-00072062 create a bundle 81bkrzZgiWA-00293-00072063-00072382 it's very easy and if you look at here 81bkrzZgiWA-00294-00072383-00072711 you can click build generate sign 81bkrzZgiWA-00295-00072712-00073087 bundle slash apk if you click that okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00296-00073088-00073271 yeah generate sound bundle apk you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00297-00073272-00073575 choose to android app bundle press next 81bkrzZgiWA-00298-00073576-00073959 and next um about git store okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00299-00073960-00074167 take a look at this keystore pad install 81bkrzZgiWA-00300-00074168-00074319 password and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00301-00074320-00074575 so android requires requires that all 81bkrzZgiWA-00302-00074576-00074719 apks 81bkrzZgiWA-00303-00074720-00074926 must be digitally signed with a 81bkrzZgiWA-00304-00074927-00075023 certificate 81bkrzZgiWA-00305-00075024-00075391 before they are installed on a device or 81bkrzZgiWA-00306-00075392-00075743 updated okay so if you use android app 81bkrzZgiWA-00307-00075744-00075871 bundles you need to sign 81bkrzZgiWA-00308-00075872-00076071 only your app bundle before you upload 81bkrzZgiWA-00309-00076072-00076223 it to the play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00310-00076224-00076471 and play app signing takes care of the 81bkrzZgiWA-00311-00076472-00076535 rest 81bkrzZgiWA-00312-00076536-00076799 means that you need to create a unique 81bkrzZgiWA-00313-00076800-00076919 key store 81bkrzZgiWA-00314-00076920-00077247 id that can sign 81bkrzZgiWA-00315-00077248-00077526 in your application before you upload it 81bkrzZgiWA-00316-00077527-00077591 to 81bkrzZgiWA-00317-00077592-00077919 the server 81bkrzZgiWA-00318-00077920-00078223 the keystore uh 81bkrzZgiWA-00319-00078224-00078479 is a kind of proof that the keystone 81bkrzZgiWA-00320-00078480-00078687 owner is the owner of the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00321-00078688-00079023 so only the owner of the keystone can 81bkrzZgiWA-00322-00079024-00079406 modify and update the applications okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00323-00079407-00079711 and this is very this is 81bkrzZgiWA-00324-00079712-00080111 this method is uh for security here for 81bkrzZgiWA-00325-00080112-00080359 double security that proposed by google 81bkrzZgiWA-00326-00080360-00080671 so um as you can see in this image 81bkrzZgiWA-00327-00080672-00081023 so the developer can create this a key 81bkrzZgiWA-00328-00081024-00081271 that's the keystore key and then sign 81bkrzZgiWA-00329-00081272-00081431 the app it is key 81bkrzZgiWA-00330-00081432-00081750 and after it after it upload it to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00331-00081751-00082079 play stores and google also generate 81bkrzZgiWA-00332-00082080-00082206 their own keys 81bkrzZgiWA-00333-00082207-00082518 and then this key is used to sign your 81bkrzZgiWA-00334-00082519-00082582 apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00335-00082583-00082999 with the google key and finally this 81bkrzZgiWA-00336-00083000-00083311 application this installer can download 81bkrzZgiWA-00337-00083312-00083406 it by users 81bkrzZgiWA-00338-00083407-00083767 so um you are unable to download this 81bkrzZgiWA-00339-00083768-00084023 key from google yeah because 81bkrzZgiWA-00340-00084024-00084350 it's very it's for security purpose 81bkrzZgiWA-00341-00084351-00084631 means that an um your application is 81bkrzZgiWA-00342-00084632-00084726 very secure 81bkrzZgiWA-00343-00084727-00085038 means that only you the 81bkrzZgiWA-00344-00085039-00085391 keystore owner can modify your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00345-00085392-00085718 yeah okay so this is a for double 81bkrzZgiWA-00346-00085719-00085815 security 81bkrzZgiWA-00347-00085816-00086111 which is a google propose for your 81bkrzZgiWA-00348-00086112-00086238 applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00349-00086239-00086543 listed in the play stores okay so how to 81bkrzZgiWA-00350-00086544-00086759 generate the keystore you can generate 81bkrzZgiWA-00351-00086760-00086911 the keystore with two 81bkrzZgiWA-00352-00086912-00087191 two methods first you can do the self 81bkrzZgiWA-00353-00087192-00087279 certificate 81bkrzZgiWA-00354-00087280-00087518 yeah create a self-certificate or the 81bkrzZgiWA-00355-00087519-00087647 second method you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00356-00087648-00087894 request the certificate from the 81bkrzZgiWA-00357-00087895-00088035 authorized 81bkrzZgiWA-00358-00088036-00088335 certifications vendors 81bkrzZgiWA-00359-00088336-00088591 yeah but let's let's say um you want to 81bkrzZgiWA-00360-00088592-00088791 create your own schedule kit with your 81bkrzZgiWA-00361-00088792-00088903 own computer 81bkrzZgiWA-00362-00088904-00089150 so you can click the create new here and 81bkrzZgiWA-00363-00089151-00089350 then for the keystore path 81bkrzZgiWA-00364-00089351-00089543 you need to store your password security 81bkrzZgiWA-00365-00089544-00089750 security so you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00366-00089751-00090062 find folder to store your key store 81bkrzZgiWA-00367-00090063-00090287 so for instance i'm going to put it on 81bkrzZgiWA-00368-00090288-00090582 download here 81bkrzZgiWA-00369-00090583-00090894 okay and then name your keystore like 81bkrzZgiWA-00370-00090895-00090991 whatever you like 81bkrzZgiWA-00371-00090992-00091391 so for example weak um 13 c 81bkrzZgiWA-00372-00091392-00091838 dot gks jafaki stores okay gks 81bkrzZgiWA-00373-00091839-00092143 so it has extension of dot tks and then 81bkrzZgiWA-00374-00092144-00092206 you have to 81bkrzZgiWA-00375-00092207-00092518 provide password for this 81bkrzZgiWA-00376-00092519-00092926 keystore and the key itself also have 81bkrzZgiWA-00377-00092927-00093182 passwords so you need to provide double 81bkrzZgiWA-00378-00093183-00093294 password here 81bkrzZgiWA-00379-00093295-00093543 for the first password to access the 81bkrzZgiWA-00380-00093544-00093606 keystore 81bkrzZgiWA-00381-00093607-00093815 for the second password is to access the 81bkrzZgiWA-00382-00093816-00093935 actual key 81bkrzZgiWA-00383-00093936-00094247 inside the keystore so um fill in 81bkrzZgiWA-00384-00094248-00094382 everything 81bkrzZgiWA-00385-00094383-00094735 it needed here in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00386-00094736-00095694 provided column here 81bkrzZgiWA-00387-00095695-00096111 so is i um this one is id just press ok 81bkrzZgiWA-00388-00096112-00096406 and then yep as you can see here it's 81bkrzZgiWA-00389-00096407-00096511 automatically 81bkrzZgiWA-00390-00096512-00096838 fill it here with your self sign key 81bkrzZgiWA-00391-00096839-00097167 and make sure this check box is checked 81bkrzZgiWA-00392-00097168-00097406 export and create the key for enrolling 81bkrzZgiWA-00393-00097407-00097550 publishers apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00394-00097551-00097823 in google play app signing and as you 81bkrzZgiWA-00395-00097824-00097918 see here 81bkrzZgiWA-00396-00097919-00098231 the exported key will put in the desktop 81bkrzZgiWA-00397-00098232-00098559 okay you may change that next um 81bkrzZgiWA-00398-00098560-00098879 you need to choose if you want to 81bkrzZgiWA-00399-00098880-00099126 publish the sd debug for all the release 81bkrzZgiWA-00400-00099127-00099206 of course 81bkrzZgiWA-00401-00099207-00099494 we're going to release the app so we 81bkrzZgiWA-00402-00099495-00099759 pick release here and finally you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00403-00099760-00100047 press finish wait for several seconds 81bkrzZgiWA-00404-00100048-00100118 because 81bkrzZgiWA-00405-00100119-00100526 it need cradles to finish its projects 81bkrzZgiWA-00406-00100527-00100879 okay after done finishing 81bkrzZgiWA-00407-00100880-00101199 building the google play app google 81bkrzZgiWA-00408-00101200-00101343 bundle i mean 81bkrzZgiWA-00409-00101344-00101679 you can locate your key stores in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00410-00101680-00101967 specified folders yeah with it in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00411-00101968-00102055 download folders 81bkrzZgiWA-00412-00102056-00102335 in for example for mine here and you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00413-00102336-00102542 see something like this this one 81bkrzZgiWA-00414-00102543-00102863 with 13 app.gks you need to store 81bkrzZgiWA-00415-00102864-00103175 this keystore somewhere places somewhere 81bkrzZgiWA-00416-00103176-00103239 safe yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00417-00103240-00103542 means that if you lose this key you 81bkrzZgiWA-00418-00103543-00103918 won't be able to update or upgrade your 81bkrzZgiWA-00419-00103919-00104110 application so be careful with these 81bkrzZgiWA-00420-00104111-00104278 files you need so you need 81bkrzZgiWA-00421-00104279-00104502 to store this securely in somewhere yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00422-00104503-00104727 for example you can upload in drive 81bkrzZgiWA-00423-00104728-00104910 folder and you can store in somewhere 81bkrzZgiWA-00424-00104911-00105151 else if make a double backup and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00425-00105152-00105239 and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00426-00105240-00105615 okay and the app bundle 81bkrzZgiWA-00427-00105616-00105919 should be located in the release folder 81bkrzZgiWA-00428-00105920-00106207 okay uh from the android studio project 81bkrzZgiWA-00429-00106208-00106310 your project name 81bkrzZgiWA-00430-00106311-00106615 app release folder and then you can find 81bkrzZgiWA-00431-00106616-00106719 these 81bkrzZgiWA-00432-00106720-00107071 files the dot aab double ap 81bkrzZgiWA-00433-00107072-00107407 file android app bundles okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00434-00107408-00107695 so you need to upload this file in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00435-00107696-00107839 play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00436-00107840-00108102 to be published in the play store so 81bkrzZgiWA-00437-00108103-00108310 this is very important 81bkrzZgiWA-00438-00108311-00108758 um bundles yeah so the format is not apk 81bkrzZgiWA-00439-00108759-00108863 anymore it's 81bkrzZgiWA-00440-00108864-00109199 it's a apb aab format 81bkrzZgiWA-00441-00109200-00109551 a bundle application format okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00442-00109552-00109895 after you create the developer account 81bkrzZgiWA-00443-00109896-00110158 and then you can sign in to your google 81bkrzZgiWA-00444-00110159-00110278 play consoles 81bkrzZgiWA-00445-00110279-00110695 this is how the preview or the ui of 81bkrzZgiWA-00446-00110696-00110919 google play console it's on the left of 81bkrzZgiWA-00447-00110920-00111102 the screen you can see different 81bkrzZgiWA-00448-00111103-00111375 menu access only the account owner can 81bkrzZgiWA-00449-00111376-00111471 see it 81bkrzZgiWA-00450-00111472-00111775 maybe for the other access level have 81bkrzZgiWA-00451-00111776-00111999 different menu rather than this 81bkrzZgiWA-00452-00112000-00112439 and to only the end or the owner of the 81bkrzZgiWA-00453-00112440-00112678 the account owner can create the app so 81bkrzZgiWA-00454-00112679-00112823 you can see here in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00455-00112824-00113071 right corner of the screen it has this 81bkrzZgiWA-00456-00113072-00113239 great app button 81bkrzZgiWA-00457-00113240-00113454 if you click that you can create your 81bkrzZgiWA-00458-00113455-00113719 your new app and 81bkrzZgiWA-00459-00113720-00114054 uh you need to fill a lot of information 81bkrzZgiWA-00460-00114055-00114286 for your three things apps yeah for 81bkrzZgiWA-00461-00114288-00114366 example 81bkrzZgiWA-00462-00114367-00114595 your app name your other app 81bkrzZgiWA-00463-00114596-00114766 informations 81bkrzZgiWA-00464-00114767-00115143 uh is the app for different 81bkrzZgiWA-00465-00115144-00115390 for kids or for adult yeah i mean the 81bkrzZgiWA-00466-00115391-00115463 target 81bkrzZgiWA-00467-00115464-00115710 edge users you need to provide that 81bkrzZgiWA-00468-00115711-00115823 information 81bkrzZgiWA-00469-00115824-00116023 and the most important one is also to 81bkrzZgiWA-00470-00116024-00116134 screenshot 81bkrzZgiWA-00471-00116135-00116351 so before you create an application make 81bkrzZgiWA-00472-00116352-00116486 sure you have 81bkrzZgiWA-00473-00116488-00116758 several screenshots of your apps yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00474-00116759-00116910 several screenshots and 81bkrzZgiWA-00475-00116911-00117263 on your the applications logo and 81bkrzZgiWA-00476-00117264-00117599 others requirements okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00477-00117600-00117871 and after you're done putting everything 81bkrzZgiWA-00478-00117872-00118015 every information it 81bkrzZgiWA-00479-00118016-00118263 and it's time you to publish the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00480-00118264-00118351 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00481-00118352-00118566 so before you really release the app for 81bkrzZgiWA-00482-00118567-00118751 public you should test your app with 81bkrzZgiWA-00483-00118752-00118886 specific group or 81bkrzZgiWA-00484-00118888-00119127 open your test to google play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00485-00119128-00119199 because 81bkrzZgiWA-00486-00119200-00119447 remember when it goes really to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00487-00119448-00119558 public 81bkrzZgiWA-00488-00119559-00119895 it can be read by users so all 81bkrzZgiWA-00489-00119896-00120239 users that download your app can can 81bkrzZgiWA-00490-00120240-00120647 give rating to your apps can uh 81bkrzZgiWA-00491-00120648-00120895 write a comment about your apps so we 81bkrzZgiWA-00492-00120896-00120983 don't want 81bkrzZgiWA-00493-00120983-00121199 bad writing right we don't want bad 81bkrzZgiWA-00494-00121200-00121431 comment right so therefore you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00495-00121432-00121734 carefully release your app make sure you 81bkrzZgiWA-00496-00121735-00122127 test it before you release to the public 81bkrzZgiWA-00497-00122128-00122390 so um the play store offer different 81bkrzZgiWA-00498-00122391-00122454 features 81bkrzZgiWA-00499-00122455-00122695 for testing purpose yeah there are three 81bkrzZgiWA-00500-00122696-00122783 testing phase 81bkrzZgiWA-00501-00122783-00123054 that you can try the internal testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00502-00123055-00123175 the closed testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00503-00123176-00123519 and the open testing so what is 81bkrzZgiWA-00504-00123520-00123854 the difference the internal testing is 81bkrzZgiWA-00505-00123855-00124263 a way to create your testing release 81bkrzZgiWA-00506-00124264-00124478 that quickly distribute your app to up 81bkrzZgiWA-00507-00124479-00124686 to 100 testers 81bkrzZgiWA-00508-00124688-00124934 100 persons for initial quality 81bkrzZgiWA-00509-00124935-00125071 assurance tax 81bkrzZgiWA-00510-00125072-00125327 yeah you need to manually add user as 81bkrzZgiWA-00511-00125328-00125423 tester 81bkrzZgiWA-00512-00125424-00125790 okay so um as the tester you will be 81bkrzZgiWA-00513-00125791-00125886 notified 81bkrzZgiWA-00514-00125888-00126231 by google from email that 81bkrzZgiWA-00515-00126232-00126551 this developer invite you to try 81bkrzZgiWA-00516-00126552-00126886 the application so the tester will be 81bkrzZgiWA-00517-00126888-00126990 given the 81bkrzZgiWA-00518-00126991-00127327 link to download the apps to install the 81bkrzZgiWA-00519-00127328-00127447 apps okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00520-00127448-00127775 so this is very limited testing yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00521-00127776-00128086 in this internal testing of course other 81bkrzZgiWA-00522-00128088-00128166 user 81bkrzZgiWA-00523-00128167-00128463 non-tester cannot see your apps your 81bkrzZgiWA-00524-00128464-00128551 apps is not 81bkrzZgiWA-00525-00128552-00128878 searchable from play stores okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00526-00128879-00129102 this is called internal testing so only 81bkrzZgiWA-00527-00129103-00129263 invited user can 81bkrzZgiWA-00528-00129264-00129614 test your apps remember in every 81bkrzZgiWA-00529-00129615-00129951 um release staging releases 81bkrzZgiWA-00530-00129952-00130247 on its release you need to upload the 81bkrzZgiWA-00531-00130248-00130334 double ap 81bkrzZgiWA-00532-00130335-00130614 file so in the play console you you have 81bkrzZgiWA-00533-00130615-00130799 to upload the wab 81bkrzZgiWA-00534-00130800-00131135 files here okay simply upload it 81bkrzZgiWA-00535-00131136-00131447 and and android 81bkrzZgiWA-00536-00131448-00131743 play store and we'll click on so i mean 81bkrzZgiWA-00537-00131744-00131966 will check your your aeb 81bkrzZgiWA-00538-00131967-00132302 for error or for other limitation 81bkrzZgiWA-00539-00132303-00132423 restrictions 81bkrzZgiWA-00540-00132424-00132735 stuff and it will inform you if 81bkrzZgiWA-00541-00132736-00132999 if your apps contains warning or error 81bkrzZgiWA-00542-00133000-00133239 that you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00543-00133240-00133583 carefully handle before 81bkrzZgiWA-00544-00133584-00133895 publish it okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00545-00133896-00134127 let's test about internal testing and 81bkrzZgiWA-00546-00134128-00134223 secondly 81bkrzZgiWA-00547-00134224-00134599 the closed testing what is that 81bkrzZgiWA-00548-00134600-00134911 close testing is to release the 81bkrzZgiWA-00549-00134912-00135214 playlist version pre-release version of 81bkrzZgiWA-00550-00135215-00135471 your app with a wider set of tester 81bkrzZgiWA-00551-00135472-00135775 to get more targeted feedback okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00552-00135776-00135895 with the closed test 81bkrzZgiWA-00553-00135896-00136111 you can create a list of testers by 81bkrzZgiWA-00554-00136112-00136223 email address 81bkrzZgiWA-00555-00136224-00136614 so for example list of 81bkrzZgiWA-00556-00136615-00136927 elder group lists of young adult 81bkrzZgiWA-00557-00136928-00137302 list of other friends lists and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00558-00137303-00137719 its list can contain up to 2000 81bkrzZgiWA-00559-00137720-00138078 users so you can create 200 list 81bkrzZgiWA-00560-00138079-00138383 and this close testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00561-00138384-00138695 to really test your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00562-00138696-00139071 on different target markets so this 81bkrzZgiWA-00563-00139072-00139366 is different than it's it's similar like 81bkrzZgiWA-00564-00139367-00139399 in 81bkrzZgiWA-00565-00139400-00139614 internal testing but the difference is 81bkrzZgiWA-00566-00139615-00139766 you can really 81bkrzZgiWA-00567-00139767-00139999 separate the target group by creating a 81bkrzZgiWA-00568-00140000-00140083 list of 81bkrzZgiWA-00569-00140084-00140423 targeted users okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00570-00140424-00140702 and you can finally can have an open 81bkrzZgiWA-00571-00140703-00140807 testings 81bkrzZgiWA-00572-00140808-00141095 open testing or usually called beta 81bkrzZgiWA-00573-00141096-00141166 tester 81bkrzZgiWA-00574-00141167-00141463 okay beta testing means that you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00575-00141464-00141566 test 81bkrzZgiWA-00576-00141567-00141814 your app with a large group and surface 81bkrzZgiWA-00577-00141815-00141935 your app destination 81bkrzZgiWA-00578-00141936-00142247 on google play as a beta version 81bkrzZgiWA-00579-00142248-00142559 it means that user can finally find your 81bkrzZgiWA-00580-00142560-00142631 app 81bkrzZgiWA-00581-00142632-00142871 your app is searchable in the play style 81bkrzZgiWA-00582-00142872-00143047 play store it will 81bkrzZgiWA-00583-00143048-00143263 shows up in the play store and user can 81bkrzZgiWA-00584-00143264-00143375 download 81bkrzZgiWA-00585-00143376-00143726 the apps and uh the 81bkrzZgiWA-00586-00143727-00144023 one thing is user cannot keep rating yet 81bkrzZgiWA-00587-00144024-00144095 yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00588-00144096-00144319 it can only download your apps try your 81bkrzZgiWA-00589-00144320-00144407 apps and give 81bkrzZgiWA-00590-00144408-00144702 feedback for your apps okay so the open 81bkrzZgiWA-00591-00144703-00144863 testing is not limited to 81bkrzZgiWA-00592-00144864-00145095 certain users it's really open for 81bkrzZgiWA-00593-00145096-00145295 public everyone can download 81bkrzZgiWA-00594-00145296-00145599 and test it in their devices and give a 81bkrzZgiWA-00595-00145600-00145814 feedback 81bkrzZgiWA-00596-00145815-00146175 a good feedback or bad feedback here 81bkrzZgiWA-00597-00146176-00146502 to the developers all right 81bkrzZgiWA-00598-00146503-00146799 so this is a public status from draft 81bkrzZgiWA-00599-00146800-00146911 means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00600-00146912-00147271 it's not yet a release 81bkrzZgiWA-00601-00147272-00147607 for certain channel internal testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00602-00147608-00147819 closed testing open testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00603-00147820-00148031 preregistrations 81bkrzZgiWA-00604-00148032-00148137 means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00605-00148138-00148351 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-00606-00148352-00148687 user can register for before the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00607-00148688-00148759 launch 81bkrzZgiWA-00608-00148760-00149111 and if the app launch it a user can get 81bkrzZgiWA-00609-00149112-00149383 can have notifications 81bkrzZgiWA-00610-00149384-00149607 when it's launched okay so the 81bkrzZgiWA-00611-00149608-00149726 productions 81bkrzZgiWA-00612-00149727-00150063 uh the production is is where the apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00613-00150064-00150095 is 81bkrzZgiWA-00614-00150096-00150366 finally released to the public not bad 81bkrzZgiWA-00615-00150367-00150487 anymore 81bkrzZgiWA-00616-00150488-00150663 be careful with products and release 81bkrzZgiWA-00617-00150664-00150847 because user can 81bkrzZgiWA-00618-00150848-00151231 give rating with your apps and user can 81bkrzZgiWA-00619-00151232-00151390 also give comment 81bkrzZgiWA-00620-00151391-00151702 about your apps be careful if your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00621-00151703-00152111 have achieved low score in the rating 81bkrzZgiWA-00622-00152112-00152454 to 2 stars or below 81bkrzZgiWA-00623-00152455-00152663 the google will take down your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00624-00152664-00152919 eventually okay be careful with that 81bkrzZgiWA-00625-00152920-00153175 okay so very important to make um 81bkrzZgiWA-00626-00153176-00153390 testing first before you really publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00627-00153391-00153535 your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00628-00153536-00153735 um you just want to unpublish your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00629-00153736-00153926 you can also un-publish your 81bkrzZgiWA-00630-00153927-00154311 for example if you publish your app and 81bkrzZgiWA-00631-00154312-00154383 you find 81bkrzZgiWA-00632-00154384-00154751 a a huge bug or huge hole 81bkrzZgiWA-00633-00154752-00155087 security holes that you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00634-00155088-00155559 fix before re-publish again your app you 81bkrzZgiWA-00635-00155560-00155854 can you can take down your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00636-00155855-00156111 for intentionally so you unpublish your 81bkrzZgiWA-00637-00156112-00156159 app 81bkrzZgiWA-00638-00156160-00156447 for example you want to uh fix that 81bkrzZgiWA-00639-00156448-00156647 whole fix that security 81bkrzZgiWA-00640-00156648-00156951 issues and re-publish again 81bkrzZgiWA-00641-00156952-00157390 to letter times okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00642-00157391-00157839 sometimes for if the apps um 81bkrzZgiWA-00643-00157840-00158183 uh not full or 81bkrzZgiWA-00644-00158184-00158551 i mean if you have 81bkrzZgiWA-00645-00158552-00159119 have a 81bkrzZgiWA-00646-00159120-00159407 complaint have complaints for the users 81bkrzZgiWA-00647-00159408-00159614 and not follow the regulations 81bkrzZgiWA-00648-00159615-00159807 sometimes you google will remove your 81bkrzZgiWA-00649-00159808-00159990 apps or 81bkrzZgiWA-00650-00159991-00160223 suspend by google so be careful with 81bkrzZgiWA-00651-00160224-00160295 that 81bkrzZgiWA-00652-00160296-00160583 remember to always pay attention about 81bkrzZgiWA-00653-00160584-00160695 um 81bkrzZgiWA-00654-00160696-00160975 the policy from the google play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00655-00160976-00161047 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00656-00161048-00161326 so when what happens when you submit 81bkrzZgiWA-00657-00161327-00161390 your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00658-00161391-00161751 for publishing yeah in whatever whether 81bkrzZgiWA-00659-00161752-00161966 it's for internal listing close testing 81bkrzZgiWA-00660-00161967-00161999 or 81bkrzZgiWA-00661-00162000-00162239 free leave projects and release so what 81bkrzZgiWA-00662-00162240-00162335 happened 81bkrzZgiWA-00663-00162336-00162695 so the thing is google will review 81bkrzZgiWA-00664-00162696-00163047 your apps okay google uh they have 81bkrzZgiWA-00665-00163048-00163454 themes consists of humans and others 81bkrzZgiWA-00666-00163455-00163838 artificial intelligence tester that can 81bkrzZgiWA-00667-00163839-00164175 test your apps okay and 81bkrzZgiWA-00668-00164176-00164590 because of it um the reviewing process 81bkrzZgiWA-00669-00164591-00164999 may take a longer time than usual okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00670-00165000-00165326 it can it can one one day two day 81bkrzZgiWA-00671-00165327-00165526 or one week or two week i don't know 81bkrzZgiWA-00672-00165527-00165663 okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-00673-00165664-00165959 be prepared with this time constraints 81bkrzZgiWA-00674-00165960-00166014 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00675-00166015-00166214 google review your apps so the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00676-00166215-00166326 update status 81bkrzZgiWA-00677-00166327-00166654 when you up uh when you upload the aab 81bkrzZgiWA-00678-00166655-00166871 and then submit your app you may have 81bkrzZgiWA-00679-00166872-00166966 this 81bkrzZgiWA-00680-00166967-00167383 status the in review status means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00681-00167384-00167647 your apps is being reviewed the update 81bkrzZgiWA-00682-00167648-00167775 rejected means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00683-00167776-00168054 your app update being rejected because 81bkrzZgiWA-00684-00168055-00168214 you're not complying with 81bkrzZgiWA-00685-00168215-00168495 google play plus i or the developer 81bkrzZgiWA-00686-00168496-00168751 distribution agreement and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00687-00168752-00169111 you can still fix it and re-submit 81bkrzZgiWA-00688-00169112-00169935 app rejected if you not comply 81bkrzZgiWA-00689-00169936-00170095 the differences within the update detect 81bkrzZgiWA-00690-00170096-00170343 that is the app detector is four 81bkrzZgiWA-00691-00170344-00170559 times for the first time when you submit 81bkrzZgiWA-00692-00170560-00170735 your app in the play store bar but the 81bkrzZgiWA-00693-00170736-00170902 update detect that means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00694-00170903-00171159 the app is already listed in play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00695-00171160-00171335 but you need to update the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00696-00171336-00171631 and the update being rejected really for 81bkrzZgiWA-00697-00171632-00171775 free review 81bkrzZgiWA-00698-00171776-00171983 yeah you've made one or more changes to 81bkrzZgiWA-00699-00171984-00172223 an update that was perfectly detected 81bkrzZgiWA-00700-00172224-00172399 attempt to resolve the issue is the best 81bkrzZgiWA-00701-00172400-00172566 your ability and you are ready to 81bkrzZgiWA-00702-00172567-00172919 submit your update for review okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00703-00172920-00173102 and these are several different status 81bkrzZgiWA-00704-00173103-00173254 and 81bkrzZgiWA-00705-00173255-00173614 um if your app doesn't have 81bkrzZgiWA-00706-00173615-00173902 issues means that your apps is finally 81bkrzZgiWA-00707-00173903-00173959 live 81bkrzZgiWA-00708-00173960-00174335 on the play stores okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00709-00174336-00174726 and when we should update or upgrading 81bkrzZgiWA-00710-00174727-00175031 our apps so you already have 81bkrzZgiWA-00711-00175032-00175263 app that listed on play store and you 81bkrzZgiWA-00712-00175264-00175383 need to update your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00713-00175384-00175719 or updating apps and because there is 81bkrzZgiWA-00714-00175720-00175887 three common reasons why we need to do 81bkrzZgiWA-00715-00175888-00176007 that first 81bkrzZgiWA-00716-00176008-00176238 you may fix some bugs in your 81bkrzZgiWA-00717-00176239-00176326 applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00718-00176327-00176638 you may add new features on your apps or 81bkrzZgiWA-00719-00176639-00176726 you may 81bkrzZgiWA-00720-00176727-00177023 remove some features because it's not 81bkrzZgiWA-00721-00177024-00177175 longer 81bkrzZgiWA-00722-00177176-00177343 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-00723-00177344-00177607 suitable for your purpose for your 81bkrzZgiWA-00724-00177608-00177863 purpose so you remove the 81bkrzZgiWA-00725-00177864-00178183 the features and other stuff okay so how 81bkrzZgiWA-00726-00178184-00178247 do we 81bkrzZgiWA-00727-00178248-00178583 upgrade our apps before you 81bkrzZgiWA-00728-00178584-00178951 um generate an app bundle 81bkrzZgiWA-00729-00178952-00179254 for your updated app you have to 81bkrzZgiWA-00730-00179255-00179551 find the app version so you can open the 81bkrzZgiWA-00731-00179552-00179695 build creator module 81bkrzZgiWA-00732-00179696-00180007 and look on the version code and 81bkrzZgiWA-00733-00180008-00180343 first name here so the default one is 81bkrzZgiWA-00734-00180344-00180375 the 81bkrzZgiWA-00735-00180376-00180759 version code1 and with version name 1.0 81bkrzZgiWA-00736-00180760-00181031 if you make something you make changes 81bkrzZgiWA-00737-00181032-00181190 in your app update your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00738-00181191-00181478 edit new features fix some bugs so you 81bkrzZgiWA-00739-00181479-00181702 need to update your applications and 81bkrzZgiWA-00740-00181703-00182038 re-upload resume to the play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00741-00182039-00182311 it means that you need to up increase 81bkrzZgiWA-00742-00182312-00182454 the first encode by 81bkrzZgiWA-00743-00182455-00182790 one and you can change the version name 81bkrzZgiWA-00744-00182791-00183126 by one like this or whatever you like 81bkrzZgiWA-00745-00183127-00183447 for example like this or like this 81bkrzZgiWA-00746-00183448-00183695 or whatever you like yeah it doesn't 81bkrzZgiWA-00747-00183696-00183919 matter because it's string that 81bkrzZgiWA-00748-00183920-00184214 you can you can write whatever you like 81bkrzZgiWA-00749-00184215-00184271 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00750-00184272-00184535 so it doesn't matter the matter is the 81bkrzZgiWA-00751-00184536-00184654 most important is 81bkrzZgiWA-00752-00184655-00185007 the fashion codes so the new 81bkrzZgiWA-00753-00185008-00185351 bundle app must have larger 81bkrzZgiWA-00754-00185352-00185750 version code compared to previous 81bkrzZgiWA-00755-00185751-00185966 application that lasted listed on the 81bkrzZgiWA-00756-00185967-00186102 play store be careful 81bkrzZgiWA-00757-00186103-00186343 if you've submitted same person code on 81bkrzZgiWA-00758-00186344-00186478 pillow version codes 81bkrzZgiWA-00759-00186479-00186702 that actually exist on the play store 81bkrzZgiWA-00760-00186703-00186902 the google play will recheck it 81bkrzZgiWA-00761-00186903-00187223 recheck it okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00762-00187224-00187463 so this is several tips publishing app 81bkrzZgiWA-00763-00187464-00187623 in the play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00764-00187624-00187831 avoid the default name android suite 81bkrzZgiWA-00765-00187832-00188038 project my application google will 81bkrzZgiWA-00766-00188039-00188207 reject it if you create a new project 81bkrzZgiWA-00767-00188208-00188359 you will find that 81bkrzZgiWA-00768-00188360-00188511 android studio provides you with the 81bkrzZgiWA-00769-00188512-00188702 default name my applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00770-00188703-00188902 you should change that yeah with your 81bkrzZgiWA-00771-00188903-00189014 whatever 81bkrzZgiWA-00772-00189015-00189319 picker's name that you like and if you 81bkrzZgiWA-00773-00189320-00189478 still use my application google will 81bkrzZgiWA-00774-00189479-00189599 recheck it 81bkrzZgiWA-00775-00189600-00189895 give consideration to target ap level do 81bkrzZgiWA-00776-00189896-00190054 some research for your target market and 81bkrzZgiWA-00777-00190055-00190271 review the statistic data of smartphone 81bkrzZgiWA-00778-00190272-00190471 targets so if you 81bkrzZgiWA-00779-00190472-00190814 want to target user in 81bkrzZgiWA-00780-00190815-00191143 indonesia or in your hometown you have 81bkrzZgiWA-00781-00191144-00191271 to some 81bkrzZgiWA-00782-00191272-00191599 research about the users in your 81bkrzZgiWA-00783-00191600-00191695 hometown 81bkrzZgiWA-00784-00191696-00192054 what can that smartphone they have 81bkrzZgiWA-00785-00192055-00192350 what kind of specification of their 81bkrzZgiWA-00786-00192351-00192471 smartphone they have 81bkrzZgiWA-00787-00192472-00192750 so you can really create application 81bkrzZgiWA-00788-00192751-00192950 that 81bkrzZgiWA-00789-00192951-00193199 designed specifically for your target 81bkrzZgiWA-00790-00193200-00193366 user 81bkrzZgiWA-00791-00193367-00193623 pay attention about local issues yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00792-00193624-00193790 like a restricted content 81bkrzZgiWA-00793-00193791-00194031 intellectual property for vision content 81bkrzZgiWA-00794-00194032-00194254 malware spam and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00795-00194255-00194535 the legal issue is there's a 81bkrzZgiWA-00796-00194536-00194743 documentation about it you can read it 81bkrzZgiWA-00797-00194744-00194807 manually 81bkrzZgiWA-00798-00194808-00195047 you can read it by yourself before you 81bkrzZgiWA-00799-00195048-00195271 publish your app make sure you're not 81bkrzZgiWA-00800-00195272-00195614 prohibit or not comply with any of 81bkrzZgiWA-00801-00195615-00195919 uh make sure you comply with any 81bkrzZgiWA-00802-00195920-00196247 uh listed local issue here 81bkrzZgiWA-00803-00196248-00196471 the target audience is important here so 81bkrzZgiWA-00804-00196472-00196638 you for example if you 81bkrzZgiWA-00805-00196639-00196902 if you're at targeting children younger 81bkrzZgiWA-00806-00196903-00197063 than 13 years old 81bkrzZgiWA-00807-00197064-00197311 you need to provide a privacy public 81bkrzZgiWA-00808-00197312-00197447 site you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00809-00197448-00197750 i mean you need to choose the privacy 81bkrzZgiWA-00810-00197751-00197902 poll site in your website 81bkrzZgiWA-00811-00197903-00198238 in your apps and make sure the parents 81bkrzZgiWA-00812-00198239-00198302 read it 81bkrzZgiWA-00813-00198303-00198623 make sure the parents accept it before 81bkrzZgiWA-00814-00198624-00198895 you can really publish your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00815-00198896-00199111 if the app is designed for both children 81bkrzZgiWA-00816-00199112-00199311 and adults it needs to comply with 81bkrzZgiWA-00817-00199312-00199423 family plus site 81bkrzZgiWA-00818-00199424-00199702 so um there's another policy that you 81bkrzZgiWA-00819-00199703-00199878 need to take considers off 81bkrzZgiWA-00820-00199879-00200283 okay so pay attention to target audience 81bkrzZgiWA-00821-00200284-00200711 okay apps usually require a website 81bkrzZgiWA-00822-00200712-00200975 the terms and condition privacy policy 81bkrzZgiWA-00823-00200976-00201295 should be accessible on the web so you 81bkrzZgiWA-00824-00201296-00201478 beside the apps you need to create a 81bkrzZgiWA-00825-00201479-00201735 website about your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00826-00201736-00202063 and put any necessary informations 81bkrzZgiWA-00827-00202064-00202366 in the website always allocate 81bkrzZgiWA-00828-00202367-00202583 extra time before planning to publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00829-00202584-00202799 the app additional time for the review 81bkrzZgiWA-00830-00202800-00203007 and resolving issue that might arise 81bkrzZgiWA-00831-00203008-00203311 so for instance if you plan if boss told 81bkrzZgiWA-00832-00203312-00203623 you to publish the app on this december 81bkrzZgiWA-00833-00203624-00203935 at least you have to um allocate two 81bkrzZgiWA-00834-00203936-00204031 months 81bkrzZgiWA-00835-00204032-00204359 extra before december so far 81bkrzZgiWA-00836-00204360-00204855 uh for uh october 81bkrzZgiWA-00837-00204856-00205127 you in the in the late of in the first 81bkrzZgiWA-00838-00205128-00205214 october 81bkrzZgiWA-00839-00205215-00205423 at least you already finished the app 81bkrzZgiWA-00840-00205423-00205566 and the app is 81bkrzZgiWA-00841-00205567-00205894 um ready to be submitted yeah you give 81bkrzZgiWA-00842-00205896-00206055 extra time okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00843-00206056-00206334 because we don't know what happened what 81bkrzZgiWA-00844-00206335-00206471 review will you get 81bkrzZgiWA-00845-00206471-00206879 yeah okay uh perfect information about 81bkrzZgiWA-00846-00206880-00207151 user access username and password if 81bkrzZgiWA-00847-00207152-00207398 your app request update is designing 81bkrzZgiWA-00848-00207400-00207775 so for example you create an application 81bkrzZgiWA-00849-00207776-00208142 that requires user to create account 81bkrzZgiWA-00850-00208144-00208390 or sign into your app to access the 81bkrzZgiWA-00851-00208391-00208534 feature inside the apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00852-00208535-00208798 so you need to create something like a 81bkrzZgiWA-00853-00208800-00208934 dummy account 81bkrzZgiWA-00854-00208935-00209206 you provide username and password to the 81bkrzZgiWA-00855-00209207-00209351 google reviewer 81bkrzZgiWA-00856-00209352-00209710 so the google reviewer can try your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-00857-00209711-00209942 and insert the username and password in 81bkrzZgiWA-00858-00209944-00210031 your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00859-00210032-00210303 and can have access to the whatever 81bkrzZgiWA-00860-00210304-00210358 features 81bkrzZgiWA-00861-00210359-00210703 inside the applications okay if you do 81bkrzZgiWA-00862-00210704-00210967 not provide this information you will 81bkrzZgiWA-00863-00210967-00211167 uh your release will be rejected by 81bkrzZgiWA-00864-00211167-00211271 google 81bkrzZgiWA-00865-00211271-00211606 okay 150 megabyte is the maximum app 81bkrzZgiWA-00866-00211607-00211998 size for google bundle if you still 81bkrzZgiWA-00867-00212000-00212287 find the app that more than 150 81bkrzZgiWA-00868-00212288-00212439 megabytes it's 81bkrzZgiWA-00869-00212440-00212734 because this app that's app probably at 81bkrzZgiWA-00870-00212735-00212834 least before 81bkrzZgiWA-00871-00212835-00213134 2021 august but for 81bkrzZgiWA-00872-00213135-00213463 2021 occurs above you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00873-00213464-00213767 um pay attention about this 81bkrzZgiWA-00874-00213767-00214031 maximum fastest so for instance you 81bkrzZgiWA-00875-00214032-00214183 create a game that 81bkrzZgiWA-00876-00214184-00214334 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-00877-00214335-00214663 take 500 megabytes for instance so what 81bkrzZgiWA-00878-00214664-00215127 should you do first you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-00879-00215128-00215575 create uh something like downloadable 81bkrzZgiWA-00880-00215576-00215791 in-app downloadable yeah in app 81bkrzZgiWA-00881-00215792-00215887 downloadable 81bkrzZgiWA-00882-00215888-00216246 sources so you put a 450 megabyte in 81bkrzZgiWA-00883-00216248-00216367 your server 81bkrzZgiWA-00884-00216367-00216655 and uh and you have your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00885-00216656-00216806 your main applications should 81bkrzZgiWA-00886-00216807-00217142 be smaller than 150 megabytes 81bkrzZgiWA-00887-00217144-00217310 and when you depend the user installs 81bkrzZgiWA-00888-00217311-00217471 your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00889-00217471-00217823 uh and it will require other users to 81bkrzZgiWA-00890-00217823-00217967 download 81bkrzZgiWA-00891-00217967-00218167 uh resources for yourself that's all 81bkrzZgiWA-00892-00218167-00218287 still okay okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00893-00218288-00218646 so the solution is called play asset 81bkrzZgiWA-00894-00218648-00218863 delivery means that you put the asset on 81bkrzZgiWA-00895-00218864-00218982 the server 81bkrzZgiWA-00896-00218983-00219271 and when user download and install your 81bkrzZgiWA-00897-00219271-00219382 app 81bkrzZgiWA-00898-00219383-00219679 and inside the app user may download the 81bkrzZgiWA-00899-00219680-00219791 rest of the 81bkrzZgiWA-00900-00219792-00220175 assets in within the app okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00901-00220176-00220494 right right that's about to publish 81bkrzZgiWA-00902-00220496-00220703 how to pop this app into play stores 81bkrzZgiWA-00903-00220704-00220806 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00904-00220807-00221191 next um the second part of this 81bkrzZgiWA-00905-00221192-00221591 week's topics i'm going to 81bkrzZgiWA-00906-00221592-00221831 give you knowledge about app performance 81bkrzZgiWA-00907-00221832-00221967 how to improve the 81bkrzZgiWA-00908-00221967-00222215 performance okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00909-00222216-00222367 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-00910-00222367-00222742 thankfully google record 81bkrzZgiWA-00911-00222744-00223103 or lock whatever happen with your app 81bkrzZgiWA-00912-00223104-00223446 in for the air when used by the users 81bkrzZgiWA-00913-00223448-00223727 and it locked as the android vehicles 81bkrzZgiWA-00914-00223728-00223767 these 81bkrzZgiWA-00915-00223767-00224134 android vehicles can be 81bkrzZgiWA-00916-00224135-00224446 views by developer account 81bkrzZgiWA-00917-00224448-00224806 or admin or users this report 81bkrzZgiWA-00918-00224807-00225127 can be accessible from the dashboard 81bkrzZgiWA-00919-00225128-00225463 and it highlight the class rate enr read 81bkrzZgiWA-00920-00225464-00225767 excessive wake up and so on and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00921-00225767-00226071 it means that it gives you uh detailed 81bkrzZgiWA-00922-00226071-00226158 information 81bkrzZgiWA-00923-00226159-00226479 about your application performance 81bkrzZgiWA-00924-00226480-00226815 okay i will discuss several uh term here 81bkrzZgiWA-00925-00226816-00227182 okay enrs what is that dnr 81bkrzZgiWA-00926-00227183-00227471 is application not responding things 81bkrzZgiWA-00927-00227471-00227542 okay 81bkrzZgiWA-00928-00227544-00227855 so if this is an example of enr so 81bkrzZgiWA-00929-00227856-00228223 um in the dashboard google can shows you 81bkrzZgiWA-00930-00228223-00228551 how many users 81bkrzZgiWA-00931-00228552-00228903 encounter enr with your applications 81bkrzZgiWA-00932-00228904-00229215 so what is an error in enr enr is 81bkrzZgiWA-00933-00229216-00229439 application of respondings case 81bkrzZgiWA-00934-00229440-00229679 is when the ui thread of your android 81bkrzZgiWA-00935-00229680-00229951 app is blocked for too long yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00936-00229952-00230263 probably um there's uh several calls 81bkrzZgiWA-00937-00230264-00230663 uh dnr costs yeah first is 81bkrzZgiWA-00938-00230664-00230942 maybe there is not handle exceptions 81bkrzZgiWA-00939-00230944-00231094 yeah for example 81bkrzZgiWA-00940-00231096-00231327 you try to set text for an ethics text 81bkrzZgiWA-00941-00231328-00231463 that doesn't exist 81bkrzZgiWA-00942-00231464-00231727 in your layout so you got the null 81bkrzZgiWA-00943-00231728-00231894 pointer exceptions 81bkrzZgiWA-00944-00231896-00232239 these unhandled exceptions will trigger 81bkrzZgiWA-00945-00232240-00232646 nr another example if you have 81bkrzZgiWA-00946-00232648-00233087 indefinite loop or um 81bkrzZgiWA-00947-00233088-00233327 a long loop yeah long process in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00948-00233328-00233519 main thread in the ui try it 81bkrzZgiWA-00949-00233519-00233879 it will trigger the enr basically if 81bkrzZgiWA-00950-00233880-00234287 the applications are not responding 81bkrzZgiWA-00951-00234288-00234510 for five seconds long because there's a 81bkrzZgiWA-00952-00234511-00234663 lot of processor 81bkrzZgiWA-00953-00234664-00234998 process happen in your app the enr will 81bkrzZgiWA-00954-00235000-00235246 trigger so be careful with this yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00955-00235248-00235415 make sure your program 81bkrzZgiWA-00956-00235416-00235831 doesn't uh trigger dnr how to prevent nr 81bkrzZgiWA-00957-00235832-00236031 stop doing heavy tasks on the main 81bkrzZgiWA-00958-00236032-00236151 thread yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00959-00236152-00236391 instead use threading yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-00960-00236392-00236534 multi-threading 81bkrzZgiWA-00961-00236535-00236742 features like intent service a 81bkrzZgiWA-00962-00236744-00236887 synchronous text handler 81bkrzZgiWA-00963-00236888-00237246 or thread from rx java and so on 81bkrzZgiWA-00964-00237248-00237615 so make sure you split your 81bkrzZgiWA-00965-00237616-00237910 long process in different threads check 81bkrzZgiWA-00966-00237911-00238079 android vitals in google play console to 81bkrzZgiWA-00967-00238080-00238198 get more insights of 81bkrzZgiWA-00968-00238200-00238663 the a and r so in the enr you can see 81bkrzZgiWA-00969-00238664-00239063 in what pages or what features that 81bkrzZgiWA-00970-00239064-00239471 trigger enr yeah in if you see here 81bkrzZgiWA-00971-00239471-00239742 so that's with that information you can 81bkrzZgiWA-00972-00239744-00239846 inspect 81bkrzZgiWA-00973-00239848-00240167 what pages what activity 81bkrzZgiWA-00974-00240167-00240519 or what features what codes that 81bkrzZgiWA-00975-00240519-00240934 that occasionally trigger anrs 81bkrzZgiWA-00976-00240935-00241271 okay so next what is 81bkrzZgiWA-00977-00241271-00241598 excessive wake ups okay to extend make 81bkrzZgiWA-00978-00241600-00241679 petrol life 81bkrzZgiWA-00979-00241680-00241887 after its screens turns off android 81bkrzZgiWA-00980-00241888-00242087 device enter a deep sleep mode by 81bkrzZgiWA-00981-00242088-00242198 disabling 81bkrzZgiWA-00982-00242200-00242542 the main cpu cores okay so this is 81bkrzZgiWA-00983-00242544-00242806 for extending battery life purpose 81bkrzZgiWA-00984-00242807-00243023 android automatically monitor apps for 81bkrzZgiWA-00985-00243023-00243215 excessive wake-up alarms and display the 81bkrzZgiWA-00986-00243216-00243423 information in android vitals 81bkrzZgiWA-00987-00243423-00243751 so means that if your applications tends 81bkrzZgiWA-00988-00243752-00243863 to 81bkrzZgiWA-00989-00243864-00244182 display the screens a lot of times 81bkrzZgiWA-00990-00244183-00244494 yeah longer than usual 81bkrzZgiWA-00991-00244496-00244782 it will record it and lock it in the 81bkrzZgiWA-00992-00244783-00244951 android files 81bkrzZgiWA-00993-00244952-00245342 the wake up is necessary if you create 81bkrzZgiWA-00994-00245344-00245694 a games yeah means that 81bkrzZgiWA-00995-00245696-00246079 your screen still waking up even user 81bkrzZgiWA-00996-00246080-00246303 not play with your game yeah i mean for 81bkrzZgiWA-00997-00246304-00246430 example 81bkrzZgiWA-00998-00246431-00246767 users put the apps in the table 81bkrzZgiWA-00999-00246767-00247046 your game is still playing on screen and 81bkrzZgiWA-01000-00247048-00247198 maybe user 81bkrzZgiWA-01001-00247200-00247510 um do something else and the 81bkrzZgiWA-01002-00247511-00247742 applications still you know wake up 81bkrzZgiWA-01003-00247744-00247919 screens yeah be careful with these 81bkrzZgiWA-01004-00247919-00248103 features because it can 81bkrzZgiWA-01005-00248104-00248446 drain to the battery fasters so wake up 81bkrzZgiWA-01006-00248448-00248694 seems like a good thing but 81bkrzZgiWA-01007-00248696-00248951 too many of them make your better life 81bkrzZgiWA-01008-00248952-00249039 suffers 81bkrzZgiWA-01009-00249040-00249415 so you have to check the titles 81bkrzZgiWA-01010-00249416-00249719 if your wake up is too excessive 81bkrzZgiWA-01011-00249719-00250110 you may consider to changing the apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01012-00250111-00250327 changing the features changing the habit 81bkrzZgiWA-01013-00250328-00250479 of your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01014-00250480-00250663 another excessive if excessive 81bkrzZgiWA-01015-00250664-00250815 background network usage 81bkrzZgiWA-01016-00250816-00251263 sometimes app can access in us 81bkrzZgiWA-01017-00251264-00251479 data on server through the mobile 81bkrzZgiWA-01018-00251480-00251646 network in the background 81bkrzZgiWA-01019-00251648-00251934 and doing so repeatedly can run down 81bkrzZgiWA-01020-00251935-00252063 device battery 81bkrzZgiWA-01021-00252064-00252279 yep that's right android details will 81bkrzZgiWA-01022-00252280-00252534 shows you lock about the users excessive 81bkrzZgiWA-01023-00252535-00252694 when the app is sending 81bkrzZgiWA-01024-00252696-00252975 and receiving combined total then more 81bkrzZgiWA-01025-00252976-00253015 than 81bkrzZgiWA-01026-00253016-00253327 50 megabytes per hour yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01027-00253328-00253623 it will signal or give you report about 81bkrzZgiWA-01028-00253623-00253823 it if your applications have 81bkrzZgiWA-01029-00253823-00254134 too much network usage access yeah for 81bkrzZgiWA-01030-00254135-00254279 example 81bkrzZgiWA-01031-00254280-00254742 you you try to connect to rest api 81bkrzZgiWA-01032-00254744-00255030 almost every second for example yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01033-00255031-00255079 this 81bkrzZgiWA-01034-00255080-00255423 um let's be careful with that because 81bkrzZgiWA-01035-00255423-00255727 um the excessive micro network 81bkrzZgiWA-01036-00255728-00256071 can trigger and me hamper to a better 81bkrzZgiWA-01037-00256071-00256198 life 81bkrzZgiWA-01038-00256200-00256510 okay now about apps launching time 81bkrzZgiWA-01039-00256511-00256719 yeah applause and can take place in one 81bkrzZgiWA-01040-00256719-00256846 of two states yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01041-00256848-00257103 it's a gold star means that the app 81bkrzZgiWA-01042-00257104-00257246 starting from the stretch 81bkrzZgiWA-01043-00257248-00257487 and one star means that the system 81bkrzZgiWA-01044-00257488-00257655 brings your activity to the foreground 81bkrzZgiWA-01045-00257656-00257758 means that the app 81bkrzZgiWA-01046-00257759-00257991 application your applications already in 81bkrzZgiWA-01047-00257992-00258094 background 81bkrzZgiWA-01048-00258096-00258334 and you switch back to your apps it's 81bkrzZgiWA-01049-00258335-00258494 called perform start 81bkrzZgiWA-01050-00258496-00258879 so how to create faster 81bkrzZgiWA-01051-00258880-00259191 apps launching time yeah because user 81bkrzZgiWA-01052-00259192-00259342 tends to like 81bkrzZgiWA-01053-00259344-00259694 um to see to use your app 81bkrzZgiWA-01054-00259696-00260063 faster okay first um 81bkrzZgiWA-01055-00260064-00260398 how to improve appliance in time um 81bkrzZgiWA-01056-00260400-00260591 the first thing is you need to consider 81bkrzZgiWA-01057-00260592-00260734 is do not 81bkrzZgiWA-01058-00260735-00261087 take a long time to choose your 81bkrzZgiWA-01059-00261088-00261310 application local at the beginning of 81bkrzZgiWA-01060-00261311-00261503 the time or splash screens 81bkrzZgiWA-01061-00261504-00261863 yeah do not uh yeah one second is 81bkrzZgiWA-01062-00261864-00262175 one second is maximum times if you want 81bkrzZgiWA-01063-00262176-00262279 to display your 81bkrzZgiWA-01064-00262280-00262639 logo okay and secondly 81bkrzZgiWA-01065-00262640-00262887 initialize only those objects that are 81bkrzZgiWA-01066-00262888-00263110 immediately needed yeah so 81bkrzZgiWA-01067-00263111-00263358 uh do not load off everything at once 81bkrzZgiWA-01068-00263359-00263575 you have to not load everything at once 81bkrzZgiWA-01069-00263576-00263823 avoid tested layout if possible means 81bkrzZgiWA-01070-00263824-00263967 that you have 81bkrzZgiWA-01071-00263968-00264310 um what is called relative layout and 81bkrzZgiWA-01072-00264311-00264543 under relative uh layout you have nested 81bkrzZgiWA-01073-00264544-00264751 scroll view under nested scroll view you 81bkrzZgiWA-01074-00264752-00264806 have 81bkrzZgiWA-01075-00264807-00265063 another linear layout inside the linear 81bkrzZgiWA-01076-00265064-00265247 layout you have another layout now this 81bkrzZgiWA-01077-00265248-00265375 is called nested layout 81bkrzZgiWA-01078-00265376-00265727 afford that if possible but sometimes 81bkrzZgiWA-01079-00265728-00266047 you you cannot avoid it yeah but 81bkrzZgiWA-01080-00266048-00266351 remember to not create deeper nested 81bkrzZgiWA-01081-00266352-00266406 layout 81bkrzZgiWA-01082-00266407-00266687 okay so for instance you have recycled 81bkrzZgiWA-01083-00266688-00266758 view 81bkrzZgiWA-01084-00266759-00267103 that's the that's the this is a another 81bkrzZgiWA-01085-00267104-00267158 example 81bkrzZgiWA-01086-00267159-00267391 of nested layout inside the second view 81bkrzZgiWA-01087-00267392-00267534 if you know it 81bkrzZgiWA-01088-00267535-00267799 it can consist another layout inside it 81bkrzZgiWA-01089-00267800-00268071 this is one example of tested layout 81bkrzZgiWA-01090-00268072-00268271 move all resources in installation too 81bkrzZgiWA-01091-00268272-00268503 so that the app can perform it lastly on 81bkrzZgiWA-01092-00268504-00268695 different threads means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01093-00268696-00268999 do not load all resources yeah put your 81bkrzZgiWA-01094-00269000-00269334 resources on the server and 81bkrzZgiWA-01095-00269335-00269599 your app should load it if needed yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01096-00269600-00269727 load if needed 81bkrzZgiWA-01097-00269728-00269999 okay allow the app to load and display 81bkrzZgiWA-01098-00270000-00270175 your views and then later update the 81bkrzZgiWA-01099-00270176-00270295 official property that 81bkrzZgiWA-01100-00270296-00270471 are dependent on bitmap and other 81bkrzZgiWA-01101-00270472-00270655 resources means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01102-00270656-00270879 loading bitmap and other resources 81bkrzZgiWA-01103-00270880-00271087 should be done in different threads 81bkrzZgiWA-01104-00271088-00271415 instead of the ui threads to make a 81bkrzZgiWA-01105-00271416-00271503 faster load 81bkrzZgiWA-01106-00271504-00271799 okay okay that's this this uh this is 81bkrzZgiWA-01107-00271800-00271910 the 81bkrzZgiWA-01108-00271911-00272239 the strategic uh tips if you want to 81bkrzZgiWA-01109-00272240-00272406 improve your abs launching 81bkrzZgiWA-01110-00272407-00272655 time okay that's it about the second 81bkrzZgiWA-01111-00272656-00272710 part 81bkrzZgiWA-01112-00272711-00272958 above app performance now we talk about 81bkrzZgiWA-01113-00272959-00273082 the application 81bkrzZgiWA-01114-00273083-00273439 security okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-01115-00273440-00273751 first thing is um if you 81bkrzZgiWA-01116-00273752-00274047 use intent yeah if you use intent you 81bkrzZgiWA-01117-00274048-00274167 want to trigger 81bkrzZgiWA-01118-00274168-00274455 i mean nothing then i mean uh implicit 81bkrzZgiWA-01119-00274456-00274510 intent 81bkrzZgiWA-01120-00274511-00274758 yeah you want to trigger different apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01121-00274759-00274934 you want to interact with different apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01122-00274935-00275263 make sure you always use the app user 81bkrzZgiWA-01123-00275264-00275591 app user is something like this when you 81bkrzZgiWA-01124-00275592-00275719 trigger an intent 81bkrzZgiWA-01125-00275720-00275982 um it shows you several different apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01126-00275983-00276182 that can handle your intent yeah make 81bkrzZgiWA-01127-00276183-00276319 sure 81bkrzZgiWA-01128-00276320-00276606 this interaction strategy allows user to 81bkrzZgiWA-01129-00276607-00276703 transfer 81bkrzZgiWA-01130-00276704-00277006 sensitive information to an empty trust 81bkrzZgiWA-01131-00277007-00277255 here for example 81bkrzZgiWA-01132-00277256-00277575 your app can store password yeah or your 81bkrzZgiWA-01133-00277576-00277734 app can share password to other 81bkrzZgiWA-01134-00277735-00277830 applications 81bkrzZgiWA-01135-00277831-00278158 be careful with that so um maybe user 81bkrzZgiWA-01136-00278159-00278351 can store the password in a memo 81bkrzZgiWA-01137-00278352-00278855 and so on make sure the user aware 81bkrzZgiWA-01138-00278856-00279247 about it yeah that user can choose uh 81bkrzZgiWA-01139-00279248-00279599 the app that they can trust okay 81bkrzZgiWA-01140-00279600-00279910 so how do we create the app user yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01141-00279911-00280079 for instance for instance here 81bkrzZgiWA-01142-00280080-00280406 i have intent action send and then you 81bkrzZgiWA-01143-00280407-00280447 can 81bkrzZgiWA-01144-00280448-00280758 create a list of um 81bkrzZgiWA-01145-00280759-00281103 query intent activities which is match 81bkrzZgiWA-01146-00281104-00281482 all of action sends means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01147-00281483-00281727 this code will list 81bkrzZgiWA-01148-00281728-00282047 every possible applications then can 81bkrzZgiWA-01149-00282048-00282399 handle the action send so you can check 81bkrzZgiWA-01150-00282400-00282615 the size of this list remember this one 81bkrzZgiWA-01151-00282616-00282758 is list release 81bkrzZgiWA-01152-00282759-00283047 you can check if the size more than one 81bkrzZgiWA-01153-00283048-00283151 mean that 81bkrzZgiWA-01154-00283152-00283447 mean that you can use chooser yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01155-00283448-00283543 intent dot 81bkrzZgiWA-01156-00283544-00283847 create chooser to display something like 81bkrzZgiWA-01157-00283848-00284110 this because 81bkrzZgiWA-01158-00284111-00284351 eventually it more than when i can 81bkrzZgiWA-01159-00284352-00284471 handle your 81bkrzZgiWA-01160-00284472-00284806 your intent otherwise otherwise if 81bkrzZgiWA-01161-00284807-00285134 only one app can handle the intent 81bkrzZgiWA-01162-00285135-00285406 you no need to create the user just call 81bkrzZgiWA-01163-00285407-00285682 the start activity intent like this 81bkrzZgiWA-01164-00285683-00285982 okay second about 81bkrzZgiWA-01165-00285983-00286287 security tips you need always use 81bkrzZgiWA-01166-00286288-00286615 the ssl traffics always uses 81bkrzZgiWA-01167-00286616-00287023 https uh secure 81bkrzZgiWA-01168-00287024-00287327 to access the res api server 81bkrzZgiWA-01169-00287328-00287727 if you use webview whenever possible 81bkrzZgiWA-01170-00287728-00287982 not only a low listed content in review 81bkrzZgiWA-01171-00287983-00288047 object 81bkrzZgiWA-01172-00288048-00288271 in other words the webview object in 81bkrzZgiWA-01173-00288272-00288423 your app should not allow user to 81bkrzZgiWA-01174-00288424-00288623 navigate to site that are outside of 81bkrzZgiWA-01175-00288624-00288743 your control 81bkrzZgiWA-01176-00288744-00289095 so do not click link that can 81bkrzZgiWA-01177-00289096-00289471 use by user to access 81bkrzZgiWA-01178-00289472-00289799 a website or source from 81bkrzZgiWA-01179-00289800-00290134 outside your own control your domains 81bkrzZgiWA-01180-00290135-00290439 okay provide the right permissions 81bkrzZgiWA-01181-00290440-00290647 your apps will request the only minimum 81bkrzZgiWA-01182-00290648-00290830 number of permission necessary 81bkrzZgiWA-01183-00290831-00291095 to function properly do not open every 81bkrzZgiWA-01184-00291096-00291327 permissions 81bkrzZgiWA-01185-00291328-00291654 only open permission when it's needed 81bkrzZgiWA-01186-00291655-00291943 okay when it needed yeah you should not 81bkrzZgiWA-01187-00291944-00292006 open 81bkrzZgiWA-01188-00292007-00292254 uh all permissions you have permission 81bkrzZgiWA-01189-00292255-00292375 for internet access 81bkrzZgiWA-01190-00292376-00292703 permission for accessing logbook 81bkrzZgiWA-01191-00292704-00292919 phone book and so on camera permission 81bkrzZgiWA-01192-00292920-00293039 and shown 81bkrzZgiWA-01193-00293040-00293303 okay store data security by default 81bkrzZgiWA-01194-00293304-00293471 files that you create on internal 81bkrzZgiWA-01195-00293472-00293654 storage are accessible 81bkrzZgiWA-01196-00293655-00293903 only to your app this is called sandbox 81bkrzZgiWA-01197-00293904-00294039 methods 81bkrzZgiWA-01198-00294040-00294239 and android implement this protection 81bkrzZgiWA-01199-00294240-00294406 and sufficient enough for both 81bkrzZgiWA-01200-00294407-00294591 applications yeah generally 81bkrzZgiWA-01201-00294592-00294823 avoid moderate word writable or motor 81bkrzZgiWA-01202-00294824-00294958 was treatable 81bkrzZgiWA-01203-00294959-00295263 when you work with internal store data 81bkrzZgiWA-01204-00295264-00295503 like shared preference share reference 81bkrzZgiWA-01205-00295504-00295599 library okay 81bkrzZgiWA-01206-00295600-00295919 remember that and always perform 81bkrzZgiWA-01207-00295920-00296119 input validation so for instance you 81bkrzZgiWA-01208-00296120-00296271 have um 81bkrzZgiWA-01209-00296272-00296534 what is called form when user can fill 81bkrzZgiWA-01210-00296535-00296743 in the information like name 81bkrzZgiWA-01211-00296744-00297103 ages phone number and so on always check 81bkrzZgiWA-01212-00297104-00297351 for the user inputs here make sure you 81bkrzZgiWA-01213-00297352-00297430 handle 81bkrzZgiWA-01214-00297431-00297751 your data properly before submitting to 81bkrzZgiWA-01215-00297752-00297895 the next process 81bkrzZgiWA-01216-00297896-00298247 example sent to the rest api stored into 81bkrzZgiWA-01217-00298248-00298430 the sqlite database 81bkrzZgiWA-01218-00298431-00298695 start into cell preference send through 81bkrzZgiWA-01219-00298696-00298895 intent and so on make sure you 81bkrzZgiWA-01220-00298896-00299254 validate user input make sure you handle 81bkrzZgiWA-01221-00299255-00299682 the user data before continue to next 81bkrzZgiWA-01222-00299683-00299799 process 81bkrzZgiWA-01223-00299800-00300223 okay the reverse engineering this one is 81bkrzZgiWA-01224-00300224-00300551 nightmares for developer yeah this one 81bkrzZgiWA-01225-00300552-00300806 uh to secure the issues about 31st 81bkrzZgiWA-01226-00300807-00301082 engineering is the one that 81bkrzZgiWA-01227-00301083-00301479 very it's a even that 81bkrzZgiWA-01228-00301480-00301839 very afraid by developer what is 81bkrzZgiWA-01229-00301840-00302143 reverse engineering reverse engineering 81bkrzZgiWA-01230-00302144-00302230 is a method 81bkrzZgiWA-01231-00302231-00302551 that can decompile your 81bkrzZgiWA-01232-00302552-00302910 installations your apk into 81bkrzZgiWA-01233-00302911-00303399 android codes in through the java codes 81bkrzZgiWA-01234-00303400-00303615 and then finally these java codes or 81bkrzZgiWA-01235-00303616-00303710 android codes 81bkrzZgiWA-01236-00303711-00304063 contain codes can be reopened 81bkrzZgiWA-01237-00304064-00304271 with android studio project yeah that's 81bkrzZgiWA-01238-00304272-00304382 a nightmare okay 81bkrzZgiWA-01239-00304383-00304743 because your codes your source codes 81bkrzZgiWA-01240-00304744-00305006 it can be obtained by hacker and a 81bkrzZgiWA-01241-00305007-00305110 hacker can see 81bkrzZgiWA-01242-00305111-00305479 your goods and by studying your codes 81bkrzZgiWA-01243-00305480-00305751 hacker can understand the whole the 81bkrzZgiWA-01244-00305752-00305863 security whole 81bkrzZgiWA-01245-00305864-00306199 world the question is why google 81bkrzZgiWA-01246-00306200-00306447 a low decompiling why google reverse 81bkrzZgiWA-01247-00306448-00306606 engineering 81bkrzZgiWA-01248-00306607-00306871 these situations happen because the 81bkrzZgiWA-01249-00306872-00306999 android itself 81bkrzZgiWA-01250-00307000-00307358 and google uh itself 81bkrzZgiWA-01251-00307359-00307695 is open sources yeah it means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01252-00307696-00308087 apk android build 81bkrzZgiWA-01253-00308088-00308447 applications is open source means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01254-00308448-00308679 i mean the virtual uh virtual missing 81bkrzZgiWA-01255-00308680-00308806 also open source so 81bkrzZgiWA-01256-00308807-00309054 everybody can see the code there's a 81bkrzZgiWA-01257-00309055-00309215 reason why 81bkrzZgiWA-01258-00309216-00309558 it can be decompiled easily okay so 81bkrzZgiWA-01259-00309559-00309943 this is very dangerous things to 81bkrzZgiWA-01260-00309944-00310263 understand because there's a tools that 81bkrzZgiWA-01261-00310264-00310519 can decompile your apk into direct codes 81bkrzZgiWA-01262-00310520-00310671 you have to be careful with that 81bkrzZgiWA-01263-00310672-00311039 and how to avoid it okay put important 81bkrzZgiWA-01264-00311040-00311247 code on a server means that 81bkrzZgiWA-01265-00311248-00311558 not every code should be put into 81bkrzZgiWA-01266-00311559-00311903 in your apps and sometimes you need to 81bkrzZgiWA-01267-00311904-00312158 put it in the server some and it means 81bkrzZgiWA-01268-00312159-00312239 that 81bkrzZgiWA-01269-00312240-00312647 user requires internet access to 81bkrzZgiWA-01270-00312648-00313039 a call or work with that code cl you 81bkrzZgiWA-01271-00313040-00313167 need to use that code 81bkrzZgiWA-01272-00313168-00313519 in the server therefore if user 81bkrzZgiWA-01273-00313520-00313847 hacker decompile your apk 81bkrzZgiWA-01274-00313848-00314230 yeah it on it's not all good can be 81bkrzZgiWA-01275-00314231-00314599 obtained by hacker so second solution 81bkrzZgiWA-01276-00314600-00314903 is use proguard program is 81bkrzZgiWA-01277-00314904-00315254 free java i class i think it's not free 81bkrzZgiWA-01278-00315255-00315334 anymore like 81bkrzZgiWA-01279-00315335-00315654 right now yeah this this 81bkrzZgiWA-01280-00315655-00316047 software is used to string your apps 81bkrzZgiWA-01281-00316048-00316367 into smaller sizes it can optimize your 81bkrzZgiWA-01282-00316368-00316606 ad and final and the most important 81bkrzZgiWA-01283-00316607-00316919 is it can obfuscate 81bkrzZgiWA-01284-00316920-00317239 your apps by changing the class name 81bkrzZgiWA-01285-00317240-00317567 changing the um variable name in 81bkrzZgiWA-01286-00317568-00317871 two different things 81bkrzZgiWA-01287-00317872-00318327 and different names like uh 81bkrzZgiWA-01288-00318328-00318639 like um cannabis 81bkrzZgiWA-01289-00318640-00319134 like a garbage or understandable 81bkrzZgiWA-01290-00319135-00319399 things yeah so your uh your variable 81bkrzZgiWA-01291-00319400-00319510 name is no longer 81bkrzZgiWA-01292-00319511-00319815 like the way you put it before the 81bkrzZgiWA-01293-00319816-00319887 variable name 81bkrzZgiWA-01294-00319888-00320247 changes into something that cannot be 81bkrzZgiWA-01295-00320248-00320439 easily readable by 81bkrzZgiWA-01296-00320440-00320751 others programmer yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01297-00320752-00321071 okay so the app will be 81bkrzZgiWA-01298-00321072-00321423 uh absolutely absolutely by this program 81bkrzZgiWA-01299-00321424-00321775 means that it will give more difficulty 81bkrzZgiWA-01300-00321776-00322071 for the hacker to understand the logic 81bkrzZgiWA-01301-00322072-00322167 flow of your 81bkrzZgiWA-01302-00322168-00322503 goods okay yes yeah 81bkrzZgiWA-01303-00322504-00322791 okay that's that's it about the reverse 81bkrzZgiWA-01304-00322792-00322951 engineering 81bkrzZgiWA-01305-00322952-00323247 okay i think that's all about today's 81bkrzZgiWA-01306-00323248-00323310 topic 81bkrzZgiWA-01307-00323311-00323663 here um i hope you can now 81bkrzZgiWA-01308-00323664-00323934 try to publish your app yeah understand 81bkrzZgiWA-01309-00323935-00324087 how to 81bkrzZgiWA-01310-00324088-00324310 improve your app performance and 81bkrzZgiWA-01311-00324311-00324567 understand about the whole the security 81bkrzZgiWA-01312-00324568-00324734 holes that might 81bkrzZgiWA-01313-00324735-00325103 happen in your app and you have 81bkrzZgiWA-01314-00325104-00325391 tools you have uh understanding how 81bkrzZgiWA-01315-00325392-00325663 about how to prevent that okay 81bkrzZgiWA-01316-00325664-00325982 thank you to follow this class 81bkrzZgiWA-01317-00325983-00326343 from week one week one until week 14th 81bkrzZgiWA-01318-00326344-00326519 my advanced native mobile programming i 81bkrzZgiWA-01319-00326520-00326671 hope this course 81bkrzZgiWA-01320-00326672-00327015 can have benefit to you and i hope you 81bkrzZgiWA-01321-00327016-00327151 can create better app 81bkrzZgiWA-01322-00327152-00327567 after you successfully um 81bkrzZgiWA-01323-00327568-00327871 pass this course okay thank you 81bkrzZgiWA-01324-00327872-00328158 and see you again in the next lecture in 81bkrzZgiWA-01325-00328159-00328230 the next 81bkrzZgiWA-01326-00328231-00329440 different courses and bye bye for now 81bkrzZgiWA-01327-00329441-00329967 [Music] 81bkrzZgiWA-01328-00329968-00330648 i'm feeling red 823O4wLCfCg-00000-00000024-00000254 welcome everyone in today's video i will 823O4wLCfCg-00001-00000256-00000599 share with you why i shut down my driver 823O4wLCfCg-00002-00000600-00001119 recruitment agency 823O4wLCfCg-00003-00001120-00001391 i'm proud to say that we ran one of the 823O4wLCfCg-00004-00001392-00001614 most successful truck driver recruitment 823O4wLCfCg-00005-00001616-00001910 agency in north america we were able and 823O4wLCfCg-00006-00001911-00002071 fortunate to work with some of the 823O4wLCfCg-00007-00002072-00002318 largest most reputable and all different 823O4wLCfCg-00008-00002319-00002550 kinds of trucking businesses from 823O4wLCfCg-00009-00002551-00002767 trekking companies hauling flatbed all 823O4wLCfCg-00010-00002768-00002918 the way to checking out means hauling 823O4wLCfCg-00011-00002919-00003166 pneumatic bulb or wind turbine 823O4wLCfCg-00012-00003167-00003454 components with 18 to 32 axle trailers 823O4wLCfCg-00013-00003455-00003654 and anything and everything in between 823O4wLCfCg-00014-00003655-00003886 in almost every single province of 823O4wLCfCg-00015-00003887-00004111 canada and every single state of united 823O4wLCfCg-00016-00004112-00004343 states there's a lot that we learned and 823O4wLCfCg-00017-00004344-00004543 found out in this journey and i'll go 823O4wLCfCg-00018-00004544-00004759 into all the details about what kind of 823O4wLCfCg-00019-00004760-00004959 agency we ran how did we find drivers 823O4wLCfCg-00020-00004960-00005143 what are we doing today and if you're 823O4wLCfCg-00021-00005144-00005318 somebody who's looking to start a driver 823O4wLCfCg-00022-00005319-00005543 recruitment agency what are the pros and 823O4wLCfCg-00023-00005544-00005670 what are the cons and if you're a 823O4wLCfCg-00024-00005671-00005838 trucking business why a driving 823O4wLCfCg-00025-00005839-00006031 recruitment agency cannot really help 823O4wLCfCg-00026-00006032-00006327 you find drivers to the degree you would 823O4wLCfCg-00027-00006328-00006550 like to see to grow your fleet or to see 823O4wLCfCg-00028-00006551-00006727 your trucks or whatever your goals may 823O4wLCfCg-00029-00006728-00006798 be 823O4wLCfCg-00030-00006800-00006967 where i started was as an outside 823O4wLCfCg-00031-00006968-00007142 recruiter i thought if i could talk to 823O4wLCfCg-00032-00007143-00007351 drivers and place them at a trucking 823O4wLCfCg-00033-00007352-00007495 company 823O4wLCfCg-00034-00007495-00007814 game over it's solved 823O4wLCfCg-00035-00007815-00007998 problem with that is any great driver 823O4wLCfCg-00036-00008000-00008151 wants to talk to the trucking company 823O4wLCfCg-00037-00008152-00008351 directly they do not want to go through 823O4wLCfCg-00038-00008352-00008503 a third party recruiter or anything like 823O4wLCfCg-00039-00008504-00008695 that because they want to know who's the 823O4wLCfCg-00040-00008696-00008791 trucking company they're going to be 823O4wLCfCg-00041-00008792-00008959 employed at what kind of trucks they run 823O4wLCfCg-00042-00008960-00009119 what do the trucks look like what is the 823O4wLCfCg-00043-00009120-00009287 culture like have they heard any good 823O4wLCfCg-00044-00009288-00009519 things about them bad things about them 823O4wLCfCg-00045-00009520-00009783 and most good drivers actually have a 823O4wLCfCg-00046-00009784-00009942 good sense of a lot of trucking 823O4wLCfCg-00047-00009943-00010095 companies they can ask in a lot of 823O4wLCfCg-00048-00010096-00010335 forums groups online people at truck 823O4wLCfCg-00049-00010336-00010478 stop other drivers that they're going to 823O4wLCfCg-00050-00010479-00010663 meet at truck stop they're not going to 823O4wLCfCg-00051-00010664-00010910 make it based on a third-party source 823O4wLCfCg-00052-00010911-00011055 that doesn't want to share details with 823O4wLCfCg-00053-00011056-00011183 them on what trucking company that 823O4wLCfCg-00054-00011184-00011342 they're going to go to so a lot of these 823O4wLCfCg-00055-00011343-00011510 drivers that would come to me i would 823O4wLCfCg-00056-00011511-00011606 tell them what trucking company they 823O4wLCfCg-00057-00011607-00011806 were gonna go or who who i was like 823O4wLCfCg-00058-00011807-00012070 talking on behalf of but they would ask 823O4wLCfCg-00059-00012071-00012238 a hundred different questions of like 823O4wLCfCg-00060-00012239-00012510 hey what is the cruise set at what is 823O4wLCfCg-00061-00012511-00012751 the pet policy are your cameras inward 823O4wLCfCg-00062-00012752-00013127 facing outward facing cameras 823O4wLCfCg-00063-00013128-00013463 no good facebook ad or video or 823O4wLCfCg-00064-00013463-00013727 marketing or craigslist or indeed or zip 823O4wLCfCg-00065-00013728-00014030 recruiter is gonna make that 46 cents 823O4wLCfCg-00066-00014031-00014207 win and that's not the only thing that 823O4wLCfCg-00067-00014208-00014430 drivers seek for there's also equipment 823O4wLCfCg-00068-00014431-00014719 the company culture benefits pay how 823O4wLCfCg-00069-00014719-00014894 long are you out on the road for all 823O4wLCfCg-00070-00014895-00015055 those things the checking up needs to 823O4wLCfCg-00071-00015056-00015286 we're like hey we just want drivers help 823O4wLCfCg-00072-00015287-00015622 us find drivers and we found out that a 823O4wLCfCg-00073-00015623-00015743 lot of these 823O4wLCfCg-00074-00015744-00015991 factors are not controlled by what we 823O4wLCfCg-00075-00015991-00016207 can do it's only trucking businesses 823O4wLCfCg-00076-00016208-00016439 that can actually fix that issue 823O4wLCfCg-00077-00016440-00016615 and really improve their trucking 823O4wLCfCg-00078-00016616-00016839 business so it's not the marketing or 823O4wLCfCg-00079-00016840-00016999 it's not the video it's not the 823O4wLCfCg-00080-00017000-00017158 advertising that's going to solve that 823O4wLCfCg-00081-00017159-00017447 problem the problem there is the offer 823O4wLCfCg-00082-00017448-00017655 now let's say a trucking business does 823O4wLCfCg-00083-00017656-00017919 have a good offer the marketing can help 823O4wLCfCg-00084-00017920-00018055 and the right kind of marketing is going 823O4wLCfCg-00085-00018056-00018239 to just take it to the moon 823O4wLCfCg-00086-00018240-00018486 i've been in this whole thing for over 823O4wLCfCg-00087-00018487-00018799 five years and in five years i feel say 823O4wLCfCg-00088-00018800-00019007 i'm still learning like every day we 823O4wLCfCg-00089-00019008-00019167 learn something new and the pay and the 823O4wLCfCg-00090-00019168-00019447 lifestyle where you live what state 823O4wLCfCg-00091-00019448-00019639 you're looking for drivers is going to 823O4wLCfCg-00092-00019640-00019750 be totally different right because the 823O4wLCfCg-00093-00019751-00019967 driver living in the southeast versus 823O4wLCfCg-00094-00019968-00020150 the driver living in new york 823O4wLCfCg-00095-00020151-00020335 the cost of living is too different 823O4wLCfCg-00096-00020336-00020511 right and then also the pay is going to 823O4wLCfCg-00097-00020512-00020647 be completely different for the same 823O4wLCfCg-00098-00020648-00020927 kind of runs or home time traffic lanes 823O4wLCfCg-00099-00020928-00021071 all that kind of stuff 823O4wLCfCg-00100-00021072-00021422 it's very hard as an outsider to control 823O4wLCfCg-00101-00021423-00021678 those variables that are controlled by 823O4wLCfCg-00102-00021679-00021871 the trucking business itself 823O4wLCfCg-00103-00021872-00022055 the other thing of that is that if you 823O4wLCfCg-00104-00022056-00022271 are a trucking business and we were an 823O4wLCfCg-00105-00022272-00022511 agency and if you got drivers and you 823O4wLCfCg-00106-00022512-00022775 lost them and you still got trucks open 823O4wLCfCg-00107-00022776-00023022 there's issues with your retention and 823O4wLCfCg-00108-00023023-00023303 as an outsider person as an agency you 823O4wLCfCg-00109-00023304-00023550 can't fix that only your driver managers 823O4wLCfCg-00110-00023551-00023686 and your recruiting or retention 823O4wLCfCg-00111-00023687-00023894 managers can't they're the ones who are 823O4wLCfCg-00112-00023895-00024103 actually influencing the lifestyle of a 823O4wLCfCg-00113-00024104-00024214 driver 823O4wLCfCg-00114-00024215-00024375 being at that 823O4wLCfCg-00115-00024376-00024630 company that flee in those trucks is 823O4wLCfCg-00116-00024631-00024878 going to be so a driver grouping agency 823O4wLCfCg-00117-00024879-00025191 can only fix a tiny bit of issues 823O4wLCfCg-00118-00025192-00025471 not the entire way to make a successful 823O4wLCfCg-00119-00025472-00025711 trucking business now what we do is we 823O4wLCfCg-00120-00025712-00025958 coach trucking businesses on how to find 823O4wLCfCg-00121-00025960-00026150 drivers how to recruit them and how to 823O4wLCfCg-00122-00026151-00026335 also retain them the good thing with 823O4wLCfCg-00123-00026336-00026518 that is we're able to 823O4wLCfCg-00124-00026519-00026683 basically 823O4wLCfCg-00125-00026683-00026935 rectify where is the ball getting 823O4wLCfCg-00126-00026936-00027158 dropped so it does not start with yeah 823O4wLCfCg-00127-00027160-00027374 let's start advertising and marketing 823O4wLCfCg-00128-00027375-00027527 that's not where the game begins it 823O4wLCfCg-00129-00027527-00027767 starts with what is your offer what does 823O4wLCfCg-00130-00027768-00027990 your company look like and can we help 823O4wLCfCg-00131-00027991-00028183 you from that point onwards do you need 823O4wLCfCg-00132-00028183-00028343 marketing do you need retention or do 823O4wLCfCg-00133-00028344-00028511 you need recruiting when i say the word 823O4wLCfCg-00134-00028512-00028687 recruiting i really mean like how good 823O4wLCfCg-00135-00028688-00028935 are your people on the phone if you get 823O4wLCfCg-00136-00028936-00029102 a driver application 823O4wLCfCg-00137-00029104-00029262 today and you follow up with them three 823O4wLCfCg-00138-00029263-00029383 days later 823O4wLCfCg-00139-00029383-00029558 your recruiting has a problem if your 823O4wLCfCg-00140-00029560-00029735 drivers only stay with you for two weeks 823O4wLCfCg-00141-00029736-00029927 and then they leave you have a retention 823O4wLCfCg-00142-00029927-00030143 problem if you have a good recruiting 823O4wLCfCg-00143-00030144-00030318 and good retention but you just don't 823O4wLCfCg-00144-00030319-00030535 have enough drivers coming to you you 823O4wLCfCg-00145-00030536-00030767 have an attraction problem but as a 823O4wLCfCg-00146-00030768-00030990 marketing agency or as a truck driver 823O4wLCfCg-00147-00030991-00031214 recruitment agency we're never able to 823O4wLCfCg-00148-00031216-00031431 fix all three pieces 823O4wLCfCg-00149-00031432-00031646 only just the front piece and that can't 823O4wLCfCg-00150-00031647-00031887 solve the other two pieces at all and 823O4wLCfCg-00151-00031888-00032127 that's the big reason why i shut down my 823O4wLCfCg-00152-00032127-00032358 own driver recruitment agency and most 823O4wLCfCg-00153-00032360-00032470 of the trucking companies that we work 823O4wLCfCg-00154-00032472-00032662 with were actually fairly great trekking 823O4wLCfCg-00155-00032663-00032887 businesses so most of them are still 823O4wLCfCg-00156-00032888-00033046 working with us and there's still a lot 823O4wLCfCg-00157-00033047-00033231 more trucking companies that we're 823O4wLCfCg-00158-00033232-00033495 actively consulting and showing them 823O4wLCfCg-00159-00033496-00033646 exactly where the ball is being dropped 823O4wLCfCg-00160-00033647-00033799 because sometimes it's not the marketing 823O4wLCfCg-00161-00033800-00034055 issue it's just a simple tweak of how 823O4wLCfCg-00162-00034056-00034183 long your drivers are out for on the 823O4wLCfCg-00163-00034184-00034327 road right some trucking companies have 823O4wLCfCg-00164-00034328-00034495 drivers out on the road for two weeks 823O4wLCfCg-00165-00034496-00034646 maybe you just need to keep them out on 823O4wLCfCg-00166-00034647-00034815 a week and that will help with 823O4wLCfCg-00167-00034816-00035111 attraction and retention so if you are a 823O4wLCfCg-00168-00035112-00035302 trucking business who wants to find 823O4wLCfCg-00169-00035303-00035551 qualified truck drivers and want to work 823O4wLCfCg-00170-00035552-00035759 closely with us i've included the link 823O4wLCfCg-00171-00035760-00035983 in the description for you to reach out 823O4wLCfCg-00172-00035984-00036271 we work with fleets that have one truck 823O4wLCfCg-00173-00036272-00036439 all the way to people and trucking 823O4wLCfCg-00174-00036440-00036623 businesses who run over three thousand 823O4wLCfCg-00175-00036624-00036846 fifteen hundred four thousand trucks we 823O4wLCfCg-00176-00036847-00037007 help them all we coach and consult them 823O4wLCfCg-00177-00037008-00037255 all so the link is in the description 823O4wLCfCg-00178-00037256-00037399 and if you like this video make sure you 823O4wLCfCg-00179-00037400-00037630 like comment and subscribe let me know 823O4wLCfCg-00180-00037631-00037759 in the comments what you liked and if 823O4wLCfCg-00181-00037760-00037935 there's more that you wanna know about 823O4wLCfCg-00182-00037936-00038159 driver recruitment how we find drivers 823O4wLCfCg-00183-00038160-00038327 what are the new ways what are the pros 823O4wLCfCg-00184-00038328-00038535 and cons i will personally reply to each 823O4wLCfCg-00185-00038536-00038727 one of them i'll see you in the next 823O4wLCfCg-00186-00038728-00038908 video 823O4wLCfCg-00187-00038909-00039600 [Music] 823O4wLCfCg-00188-00039601-00039927 [Music] 823O4wLCfCg-00189-00039928-00040136 you 82ek4qt8LhM-00000-00000000-00000152 last night the Financial Times unearthed 82ek4qt8LhM-00001-00000153-00000277 a story from the 19th century 82ek4qt8LhM-00002-00000278-00000476 documenting a historic case of 82ek4qt8LhM-00003-00000476-00000653 misogynist behavior by aristocratic 82ek4qt8LhM-00004-00000654-00000881 bores at a Victorian philanthropists 82ek4qt8LhM-00005-00000882-00001115 club last week 82ek4qt8LhM-00006-00001116-00001462 what the sake 82ek4qt8LhM-00007-00001463-00001691 last night the Financial Times broke a 82ek4qt8LhM-00008-00001692-00001892 story having sent an undercover reporter 82ek4qt8LhM-00009-00001893-00002072 to the president's club charity dinner 82ek4qt8LhM-00010-00002073-00002315 at the Dorchester Hotel the event was a 82ek4qt8LhM-00011-00002316-00002537 strictly men-only affair aside from the 82ek4qt8LhM-00012-00002538-00002822 presence of hostesses tall thin and 82ek4qt8LhM-00013-00002823-00003058 pretty women were paid just 150 pounds 82ek4qt8LhM-00014-00003059-00003317 for 10 hours work despite the black-tie 82ek4qt8LhM-00015-00003318-00003494 dinner raising two million pounds from 82ek4qt8LhM-00016-00003495-00003815 attendees instructed to wear black sexy 82ek4qt8LhM-00017-00003815-00004015 shoes matching underwear and tight black 82ek4qt8LhM-00018-00004017-00004184 dresses the women were told to hand in 82ek4qt8LhM-00019-00004185-00004358 their phones for the evening and signed 82ek4qt8LhM-00020-00004359-00004606 non-disclosure agreements time spent in 82ek4qt8LhM-00021-00004607-00004754 the bathroom was tightly monitored by a 82ek4qt8LhM-00022-00004755-00004967 security guard and an enforcement team 82ek4qt8LhM-00023-00004968-00005186 toward the ballroom to ensure that all 82ek4qt8LhM-00024-00005187-00005368 hostesses were keeping attendees happy 82ek4qt8LhM-00025-00005369-00005675 at all times so far so ominous and 82ek4qt8LhM-00026-00005676-00005893 despite a full page warning the events 82ek4qt8LhM-00027-00005894-00006026 pretty sure that guests were in no 82ek4qt8LhM-00028-00006027-00006274 circumstances to sexually harass staff 82ek4qt8LhM-00029-00006275-00006511 hostesses were groped propositioned and 82ek4qt8LhM-00030-00006512-00006683 one woman reported that a Dinah had 82ek4qt8LhM-00031-00006684-00006908 expose his penis to her to be honest 82ek4qt8LhM-00032-00006909-00006953 with you 82ek4qt8LhM-00033-00006954-00007133 I don't know what's more obscene the 82ek4qt8LhM-00034-00007134-00007358 sexist behavior the fact that access to 82ek4qt8LhM-00035-00007359-00007510 our foreign secretary and governor of 82ek4qt8LhM-00036-00007511-00007676 the Bank of England can literally be 82ek4qt8LhM-00037-00007677-00007937 bought at auction or that Nadeem Sahar 82ek4qt8LhM-00038-00007938-00008149 we a Child Protection Minister was in 82ek4qt8LhM-00039-00008150-00008306 attendance at an event which proudly 82ek4qt8LhM-00040-00008307-00008453 advertised that sleazeball put 82ek4qt8LhM-00041-00008454-00008708 credentials but what I do know is this 82ek4qt8LhM-00042-00008709-00008878 that wherever women are disempowered 82ek4qt8LhM-00043-00008879-00009098 wealthy men are able to take sexual 82ek4qt8LhM-00044-00009099-00009367 advantage from Dominique strauss-kahn to 82ek4qt8LhM-00045-00009368-00009530 Damian Green the gatekeepers of power 82ek4qt8LhM-00046-00009531-00009719 have shown time and again complete 82ek4qt8LhM-00047-00009720-00009892 disregard for women's basic right to 82ek4qt8LhM-00048-00009893-00010205 work unmolested in the UK one in five 82ek4qt8LhM-00049-00010206-00010441 women has been sexually harassed at work 82ek4qt8LhM-00050-00010442-00010699 58% of them never reported it to their 82ek4qt8LhM-00051-00010700-00010903 employer with more than half fighting 82ek4qt8LhM-00052-00010904-00011087 intimidation as the reason they didn't 82ek4qt8LhM-00053-00011088-00011413 speak up extreme inequality contributes 82ek4qt8LhM-00054-00011414-00011630 to a culture of sexual entitlement and 82ek4qt8LhM-00055-00011631-00011863 enforces women's silence unless it's a 82ek4qt8LhM-00056-00011864-00012088 Cobra meeting politicians have 82ek4qt8LhM-00057-00012089-00012251 no business attending an event where 82ek4qt8LhM-00058-00012252-00012416 women have been sworn to secrecy 82ek4qt8LhM-00059-00012417-00012685 the president's Club has no place in 82ek4qt8LhM-00060-00012686-00013076 2018 and we're calling times up on this 82ek4qt8LhM-00061-00013077-00013301 corrupt culture of money power and 82ek4qt8LhM-00062-00013302-00013573 misogyny 83sTO00UBKk-00000-00000003-00000302 Rosa billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim 83sTO00UBKk-00001-00000303-00000736 bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim 83sTO00UBKk-00002-00000737-00001010 Abu Hurairah radiyaallahu anhu take a 83sTO00UBKk-00003-00001011-00001258 bonito rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa 83sTO00UBKk-00004-00001259-00001558 sallam bulletin allah Janet's a stick or 83sTO00UBKk-00005-00001559-00002023 a Jibril Kabletown Joe that the hero she 83sTO00UBKk-00006-00002025-00002410 Janet dahi Bhalla hayama Rob Abner 83sTO00UBKk-00007-00002411-00002783 ajudar Qasim janitor peppery ko Yuni the 83sTO00UBKk-00008-00002784-00003000 probationer could attack the paavana 83sTO00UBKk-00009-00003001-00003353 tarpor allah Janet Kokoschka da de 83sTO00UBKk-00010-00003354-00003593 Khadijah bill kata about the hair stable 83sTO00UBKk-00011-00003594-00004010 low shia Bargello wooded area below hey 83sTO00UBKk-00012-00004011-00004328 Emma Rob Abner each other cousin amia 83sTO00UBKk-00013-00004329-00004529 shunga could see that the Archaea 83sTO00UBKk-00014-00004530-00004870 pravesh caught up our bina allah 83sTO00UBKk-00015-00004871-00005095 jahannum sista ecology brink ablution 83sTO00UBKk-00016-00005096-00005474 gel today he show she Jahannam the 83sTO00UBKk-00017-00005475-00005818 hashable law hayama rob Abner ajudar 83sTO00UBKk-00018-00005819-00006136 Qasim Jahan America Sunni that the 83sTO00UBKk-00019-00006137-00006445 Kahuna pravesh Corvina that word Allah 83sTO00UBKk-00020-00006447-00006703 the a caution but rule upon D take heed 83sTO00UBKk-00021-00006704-00007076 ye ji will get a body hast below Shia 83sTO00UBKk-00022-00007077-00007148 Bargello 83sTO00UBKk-00023-00007148-00007534 order the hashable law hammer Rob Abner 83sTO00UBKk-00024-00007536-00007808 it Judah Qasim amia shunga court see 83sTO00UBKk-00025-00007809-00008071 that a probation a curry are cute act 83sTO00UBKk-00026-00008072-00008510 Aparna Abu Daoud did Missy nah sorry 83sTO00UBKk-00027-00008511-00008816 Oh a hermit so he had a say could see 83sTO00UBKk-00028-00008817-00009152 Hadees no actually SH a shock or a video 83sTO00UBKk-00029-00009153-00009364 devotion to her say Watson hala ever 83sTO00UBKk-00030-00009365-00009574 shall like the Shere Khan even channel 83sTO00UBKk-00031-00009575-00009689 to subscribe : 83sTO00UBKk-00032-00009690-00009959 Donna wad 83xDRQN5l1Y-00000-00000003-00000164 welcome back everybody I guess we're 83xDRQN5l1Y-00001-00000165-00000313 gonna get started I know we're all full 83xDRQN5l1Y-00002-00000314-00000566 of tacos on this lovely day so but it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-00003-00000567-00000783 time we must press on for open science 83xDRQN5l1Y-00004-00000784-00001012 our first speaker in this session is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00005-00001013-00001247 Timothy bersonin he is the associate 83xDRQN5l1Y-00006-00001248-00001345 professor in the department of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00007-00001346-00001511 psychology and the Center for neural 83xDRQN5l1Y-00008-00001512-00001784 basis of cognition at Carnegie Mellon he 83xDRQN5l1Y-00009-00001785-00001930 relevant to his talk today he's the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00010-00001932-00002138 director of the cognitive axon lab and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00011-00002139-00002317 the co-director of the CMU pip bridge 83xDRQN5l1Y-00012-00002318-00003076 Center I thank you all for staying awake 83xDRQN5l1Y-00013-00003077-00003238 through the food coma to hear me talk 83xDRQN5l1Y-00014-00003239-00003488 this is gonna be kind of a soapbox talk 83xDRQN5l1Y-00015-00003489-00003836 about the the kind of state of the field 83xDRQN5l1Y-00016-00003836-00004111 and not necessarily a very focused on 83xDRQN5l1Y-00017-00004112-00004247 individual things that I've done 83xDRQN5l1Y-00018-00004248-00004495 although we'll get into what we're doing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00019-00004496-00004661 to kind of address some of the issues in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00020-00004662-00004934 the field so this is me kind of standing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00021-00004935-00005150 up and ranting for a little bit I work 83xDRQN5l1Y-00022-00005151-00005249 in the field of neural imaging 83xDRQN5l1Y-00023-00005250-00005366 particularly neuro 83xDRQN5l1Y-00024-00005367-00005711 sorry MRI neural imaging and MRI has 83xDRQN5l1Y-00025-00005712-00005945 become an incredibly important tool for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00026-00005946-00006193 understanding human cognition and the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00027-00006194-00006488 biological basis is there so you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00028-00006489-00006620 probably are all familiar with the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00029-00006620-00006839 concept of functional MRI or fMRI where 83xDRQN5l1Y-00030-00006840-00007042 we can look at task related activity 83xDRQN5l1Y-00031-00007043-00007205 patterns in the brain while you're 83xDRQN5l1Y-00032-00007206-00007502 thinking about you know thinking about 83xDRQN5l1Y-00033-00007503-00007823 nouns versus verbs let's say but we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-00034-00007823-00008134 also use MRI to look at activity flow or 83xDRQN5l1Y-00035-00008136-00008306 information flow in the brain by looking 83xDRQN5l1Y-00036-00008307-00008501 at correlations and hemodynamic signals 83xDRQN5l1Y-00037-00008502-00008689 so we can see which areas are talking to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00038-00008690-00008948 each other on a moment-by-moment basis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00039-00008949-00009233 we even have access to a lot of the kind 83xDRQN5l1Y-00040-00009234-00009395 of structural connectivity of the brain 83xDRQN5l1Y-00041-00009396-00009649 using MRI so this is a map of the white 83xDRQN5l1Y-00042-00009650-00009883 matter pathways measured using a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00043-00009884-00010067 technique called diffusion weighted 83xDRQN5l1Y-00044-00010068-00010285 imaging so we can actually start to look 83xDRQN5l1Y-00045-00010286-00010445 at the underlying circuit level 83xDRQN5l1Y-00046-00010446-00010673 architecture the human brain and we tend 83xDRQN5l1Y-00047-00010674-00010817 to put these all together so we try to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00048-00010818-00010994 look at the brain in these different 83xDRQN5l1Y-00049-00010995-00011224 ways using MRI try to understand how 83xDRQN5l1Y-00050-00011225-00011485 these large complex circuits give rise 83xDRQN5l1Y-00051-00011486-00011606 to human cognition 83xDRQN5l1Y-00052-00011607-00011824 and we're at kind of an inflection point 83xDRQN5l1Y-00053-00011825-00012083 in the field right now all right but to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00054-00012084-00012214 really understand what the inflection 83xDRQN5l1Y-00055-00012215-00012434 point is you kind of have to know where 83xDRQN5l1Y-00056-00012435-00012641 we've come from first so let me give you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00057-00012642-00012980 a brief history of the use of MRI as a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00058-00012981-00013308 research tool so in the prior two 83xDRQN5l1Y-00059-00013309-00013632 the 1990s MRI was largely a medical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00060-00013633-00013808 imaging technique for structure so this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00061-00013809-00014010 is an image of a pretty typical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00062-00014011-00014141 structural image that you would have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00063-00014143-00014403 gotten in the 1980s it was usually used 83xDRQN5l1Y-00064-00014404-00014766 as a proxy or a supplement for cat-scans 83xDRQN5l1Y-00065-00014766-00015097 I really just look at stroke or tumors 83xDRQN5l1Y-00066-00015098-00015453 but in 1991 a 92 there were two major 83xDRQN5l1Y-00067-00015454-00015644 discoveries that really kind of rebel I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00068-00015645-00015813 revolutionized this technique is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00069-00015813-00016038 research method that was the discovery 83xDRQN5l1Y-00070-00016038-00016283 in 1991 that MRI is actually sensitive 83xDRQN5l1Y-00071-00016284-00016512 to the direction and intensity of water 83xDRQN5l1Y-00072-00016513-00016665 diffusion and this allowed for us to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00073-00016666-00016833 start using it to map out the white 83xDRQN5l1Y-00074-00016834-00016974 matter pathways in the brain and build 83xDRQN5l1Y-00075-00016975-00017258 diffusion-weighted imaging in 1992 a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00076-00017259-00017436 series of papers it was a big 83xDRQN5l1Y-00077-00017437-00017613 competition between multiple groups to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00078-00017614-00017799 kind of get their papers out I started 83xDRQN5l1Y-00079-00017800-00018027 showing that the MRI signal is actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-00080-00018028-00018275 sensitive to the blood oxygenation 83xDRQN5l1Y-00081-00018276-00018525 changes that happen as neurons fire so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00082-00018526-00018747 this is the very first paper the one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00083-00018748-00018986 that won the race that came out in 1992 83xDRQN5l1Y-00084-00018987-00019164 showing that if you flashed a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00085-00019165-00019368 checkerboard on a screen you get this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00086-00019369-00019614 activation in the early visual cortex in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00087-00019615-00019800 areas that you would expect so really 83xDRQN5l1Y-00088-00019801-00020072 open the door to using MRI as a research 83xDRQN5l1Y-00089-00020073-00020400 tool then in the late 90s and early 83xDRQN5l1Y-00090-00020401-00020675 2000s there was a refinement and an 83xDRQN5l1Y-00091-00020676-00020886 advancement of this technique so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00092-00020887-00021080 including the rise of what's known as 83xDRQN5l1Y-00093-00021081-00021383 resting state fMRI which means that you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00094-00021384-00021561 just look at correlations in the MRI 83xDRQN5l1Y-00095-00021562-00021792 signal to see which regions form note 83xDRQN5l1Y-00096-00021793-00021987 networks so this is the first resting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00097-00021988-00022203 state fMRI paper showing that if you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00098-00022204-00022392 just look at what regions correlate with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00099-00022393-00022572 a voxel and the motor cortex you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-00100-00022573-00022743 recover the cortical motor networks of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00101-00022744-00023069 the brain and then over the last ten 83xDRQN5l1Y-00102-00023070-00023294 years we've seen this real big explosion 83xDRQN5l1Y-00103-00023295-00023465 and the types of ways we can look at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00104-00023466-00023669 this data so for example we've got 83xDRQN5l1Y-00105-00023670-00023862 refinement of tractography methods to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00106-00023863-00024036 actually do those maps of white matter 83xDRQN5l1Y-00107-00024037-00024321 pathways the rise of using machine 83xDRQN5l1Y-00108-00024322-00024528 learning to do decoding analysis so we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00109-00024529-00024714 can actually decode what people are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00110-00024715-00024905 thinking whether or not they're thinking 83xDRQN5l1Y-00111-00024906-00025062 of nouns and verbs or animate or 83xDRQN5l1Y-00112-00025063-00025203 inanimate objects we can actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-00113-00025204-00025415 reliably predict that from activation 83xDRQN5l1Y-00114-00025416-00025599 patterns what you're seeing here is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00115-00025600-00025794 actually a map of semantic relations in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00116-00025795-00025950 the brain as somebody listens to a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00117-00025951-00026304 podcast so we've really seen this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00118-00026305-00026538 explosion of very powerful tools we've 83xDRQN5l1Y-00119-00026539-00026700 also seen a rise in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00120-00026701-00027030 big population level research studies 83xDRQN5l1Y-00121-00027031-00027183 like the human connectome project where 83xDRQN5l1Y-00122-00027183-00027402 we're no longer collecting data from you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00123-00027402-00027582 know a few subjects or a few dozen 83xDRQN5l1Y-00124-00027583-00027777 subjects but to hundreds or thousands of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00125-00027777-00027889 subjects at a time 83xDRQN5l1Y-00126-00027891-00028145 so that gets us to the modern day and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00127-00028147-00028425 what we're faced with in our field is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00128-00028426-00028662 problem of size and complexity our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00129-00028663-00028836 datasets are getting bigger and the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00130-00028837-00028998 questions we're asking or getting more 83xDRQN5l1Y-00131-00028999-00029238 complex let me kind of show you the kind 83xDRQN5l1Y-00132-00029239-00029522 of scope of how big things are getting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00133-00029523-00029870 so first our datasets are just simply 83xDRQN5l1Y-00134-00029872-00030093 getting bigger themselves so this is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00135-00030094-00030357 review from Van Horn and toga that's now 83xDRQN5l1Y-00136-00030358-00030530 five years old but it turned out to be 83xDRQN5l1Y-00137-00030531-00030744 shockingly accurate in their predictions 83xDRQN5l1Y-00138-00030745-00030957 so this is just the raw size of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00139-00030958-00031161 individual data files coming off of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00140-00031162-00031407 MRI scanner and as we increase our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00141-00031408-00031652 spatial and temporal resolution of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00142-00031654-00031931 technique as well as add in things like 83xDRQN5l1Y-00143-00031932-00032145 multiband imaging which allows for you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00144-00032145-00032307 to kind of collect multiple images at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00145-00032308-00032562 the same time our dataset sizes are just 83xDRQN5l1Y-00146-00032563-00032925 getting physically bigger you add that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00147-00032926-00033132 to the fact that our sample sizes are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00148-00033133-00033249 also getting bigger 83xDRQN5l1Y-00149-00033250-00033600 um and so as a way to kind of show you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00150-00033601-00033885 this realist rate this Cristi Banuelos 83xDRQN5l1Y-00151-00033886-00034107 in the lab I just did a quick search 83xDRQN5l1Y-00152-00034108-00034326 through PubMed looking at the top ten 83xDRQN5l1Y-00153-00034327-00034503 fMRI studies that were published in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00154-00034504-00035244 journal neuroimaging them in 5-year bins 83xDRQN5l1Y-00155-00035245-00035568 is that before 2000 you were getting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00156-00035569-00035976 about 8 to 12 subjects per study and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00157-00035977-00036156 then in the early 2000s when I started 83xDRQN5l1Y-00158-00036157-00036333 graduate school the the average was 83xDRQN5l1Y-00159-00036334-00036657 about 12 to 16 subjects per study and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00160-00036658-00036891 we're quickly increasing the sample 83xDRQN5l1Y-00161-00036892-00037215 sizes so in the late 2000s we were 83xDRQN5l1Y-00162-00037216-00037578 averaging about 20 25 to 30 subjects per 83xDRQN5l1Y-00163-00037579-00037836 study and then we get this huge 83xDRQN5l1Y-00164-00037837-00037971 explosion and there are two reasons for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00165-00037972-00038319 this one is the rise of these big data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00166-00038320-00038541 analytic research programs like the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00167-00038542-00038709 human connectome project and other 83xDRQN5l1Y-00168-00038710-00038967 similar large research projects and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00169-00038968-00039075 that's actually what you're seeing here 83xDRQN5l1Y-00170-00039076-00039417 in the 2011 2015 jump is the first of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00171-00039418-00039546 these papers starting to get published 83xDRQN5l1Y-00172-00039547-00039825 in our image you will also start to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00173-00039826-00040089 become keenly aware of power issues 83xDRQN5l1Y-00174-00040090-00040467 studies so in the early days of MRI we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00175-00040468-00040641 were kind of in love with these big 83xDRQN5l1Y-00176-00040642-00040881 blobs we were seeing in our data and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00177-00040882-00041073 then we suddenly started realized that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00178-00041074-00041241 there's a huge problem with with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00179-00041242-00041634 statistical power and so we now have to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00180-00041635-00041790 do it with just to meet the power for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00181-00041791-00042006 the analysis we're using larger sample 83xDRQN5l1Y-00182-00042007-00042522 sizes so we're getting larger physical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00183-00042523-00042756 data files we're running more subjects 83xDRQN5l1Y-00184-00042757-00043080 and then on top of all this our analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00185-00043081-00043365 is getting more complex so for example 83xDRQN5l1Y-00186-00043366-00043728 when I started in fMRI in 2001 our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00187-00043729-00043935 average voxel size which is the spatial 83xDRQN5l1Y-00188-00043936-00044094 resolution of our data was about 83xDRQN5l1Y-00189-00044095-00044298 three-and-a-half millimeter voxels that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00190-00044299-00044469 meant we had about 20,000 or so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00191-00044470-00044712 analyzable units in the brain so if I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00192-00044713-00044880 would write about 20,000 regressions 83xDRQN5l1Y-00193-00044881-00045060 look at the blobs that was when I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00194-00045061-00045384 started as we improve the spatial 83xDRQN5l1Y-00195-00045385-00045594 resolution of fMRI with things like 83xDRQN5l1Y-00196-00045595-00045795 multiband imaging that number goes up to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00197-00045796-00046134 about 125,000 analyzable units per brain 83xDRQN5l1Y-00198-00046135-00046539 per subject now as we move into measures 83xDRQN5l1Y-00199-00046540-00046794 like connectivity for example resting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00200-00046795-00046923 state functional connectivity matrices 83xDRQN5l1Y-00201-00046924-00047127 we're not looking at covariance so that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00202-00047128-00047361 increases the number of analyzable units 83xDRQN5l1Y-00203-00047362-00047544 because we're looking at edges so for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00204-00047545-00047808 example this is just an example from one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00205-00047809-00048012 of my recent studies we have about a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00206-00048013-00048192 hundred ninety five thousand analyzable 83xDRQN5l1Y-00207-00048193-00048591 units per subject per brain and the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00208-00048592-00048717 biggest one we have so far is with in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00209-00048718-00048948 diffusion imaging this is an example 83xDRQN5l1Y-00210-00048949-00049146 from something known as connect doma 83xDRQN5l1Y-00211-00049147-00049452 tree we're on every individual subject 83xDRQN5l1Y-00212-00049453-00049563 we have four hundred thirty three 83xDRQN5l1Y-00213-00049564-00049926 thousand analyzable units so the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00214-00049927-00050166 complexity of our analysis is just 83xDRQN5l1Y-00215-00050167-00050484 increasing along with the size of both 83xDRQN5l1Y-00216-00050485-00050679 our samples and our physical data files 83xDRQN5l1Y-00217-00050680-00051057 and then finally along with the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00218-00051058-00051183 complexity of the analysis the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00219-00051184-00051309 complexity of just our standard 83xDRQN5l1Y-00220-00051310-00051542 pre-processing our data cleansing our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00221-00051544-00051789 data management is getting more complex 83xDRQN5l1Y-00222-00051790-00052290 so when I started doing fMRI the way we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00223-00052291-00052466 pre processed our data coming off the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00224-00052467-00052578 scanner was relatively straightforward 83xDRQN5l1Y-00225-00052579-00052890 we would just do some corrections for a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00226-00052891-00053112 head motion and a few other artifacts 83xDRQN5l1Y-00227-00053113-00053304 and call it a day and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00228-00053305-00053659 get our pretty papers published but you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00229-00053660-00053902 try to publish a paper that uses these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00230-00053903-00054226 standard practices now you wouldn't get 83xDRQN5l1Y-00231-00054227-00054567 past a basic journal now this is what 83xDRQN5l1Y-00232-00054569-00054736 our industry standard pre-processing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00233-00054737-00055003 looks like it you have to do surface 83xDRQN5l1Y-00234-00055004-00055300 rendering distortion artifact correction 83xDRQN5l1Y-00235-00055301-00055489 physiological noise artifact correction 83xDRQN5l1Y-00236-00055490-00055702 and this is actually a schematic of our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00237-00055703-00055870 industry standard pre-processing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00238-00055871-00056079 pipeline known as fMRI prep and it takes 83xDRQN5l1Y-00239-00056080-00056461 24 hours to run per subject so it's it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-00240-00056462-00056650 a it's a massive investment just in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00241-00056651-00056904 computational time to just get a data in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00242-00056905-00057064 a state where we can start working with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00243-00057065-00057436 it so we have this dilemma how do we as 83xDRQN5l1Y-00244-00057437-00057604 a field adapt the exponentially 83xDRQN5l1Y-00245-00057604-00057784 increasing size and complexity of our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00246-00057785-00058005 data well the answer is to build a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00247-00058007-00058171 stronger and more effective research 83xDRQN5l1Y-00248-00058172-00058471 community and I'm going to say that the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00249-00058472-00058605 only way that we can do this is by 83xDRQN5l1Y-00250-00058607-00058827 adopting open science practices and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00251-00058828-00059074 that's actually where we're going as a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00252-00059075-00059449 field so compared to it feels like 83xDRQN5l1Y-00253-00059450-00059659 genomics and and and astronomy and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00254-00059660-00059791 physics we're kind of a little bit 83xDRQN5l1Y-00255-00059791-00059986 behind the time in terms of things like 83xDRQN5l1Y-00256-00059987-00060175 data standardization but we're catching 83xDRQN5l1Y-00257-00060176-00060457 up so about three years ago an open 83xDRQN5l1Y-00258-00060458-00060591 science community out of Stanford 83xDRQN5l1Y-00259-00060591-00060841 proposed with the broader imaging 83xDRQN5l1Y-00260-00060841-00061120 community our first international data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00261-00061121-00061294 standard which is known as bids brain 83xDRQN5l1Y-00262-00061295-00061655 imaging data structure standard it's a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00263-00061657-00061882 simple an intuitive way to organize your 83xDRQN5l1Y-00264-00061883-00062119 neuroimaging and behavioral files and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00265-00062120-00062353 the idea behind bids is that you should 83xDRQN5l1Y-00266-00062354-00062614 have a way of organizing and naming your 83xDRQN5l1Y-00267-00062615-00062824 data and have the metadata in such a way 83xDRQN5l1Y-00268-00062825-00062971 that you can hand your data set to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00269-00062972-00063151 somebody without saying a word to them 83xDRQN5l1Y-00270-00063152-00063334 and they know everything they need to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00271-00063335-00063492 know about your study so it's meant to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00272-00063494-00063721 be a hundred percent shareable in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00273-00063722-00063879 absence of any other communication 83xDRQN5l1Y-00274-00063880-00064009 between the researcher who collected the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00275-00064010-00064174 data and the researcher who grabs the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00276-00064175-00064498 data it follows all international 83xDRQN5l1Y-00277-00064499-00064741 neuroinformatics standards it's flexible 83xDRQN5l1Y-00278-00064741-00064960 and easy to adopt works with multiple 83xDRQN5l1Y-00279-00064961-00065278 modalities and bids has allowed for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00280-00065279-00065488 expansion of data sharing in our field 83xDRQN5l1Y-00281-00065489-00065743 unlike anything I've seen in my academic 83xDRQN5l1Y-00282-00065744-00066028 lifetime so for example if you track 83xDRQN5l1Y-00283-00066029-00066253 open neuro which is our field standard 83xDRQN5l1Y-00284-00066254-00066433 data repository so you collected 83xDRQN5l1Y-00285-00066434-00066499 neuroimaging you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00286-00066500-00066679 you can put your data up on open neural 83xDRQN5l1Y-00287-00066680-00066892 what we're showing is the collective 83xDRQN5l1Y-00288-00066893-00067222 samples an opener across time and you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00289-00067223-00067348 see even in the last year and a half 83xDRQN5l1Y-00290-00067349-00067624 we've had over a doubling in submissions 83xDRQN5l1Y-00291-00067625-00067888 to open neuro open neuro only works if 83xDRQN5l1Y-00292-00067889-00068059 you submit your data in bits format so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00293-00068060-00068194 you have to have your data in bits 83xDRQN5l1Y-00294-00068195-00068440 format up already so this is just a way 83xDRQN5l1Y-00295-00068441-00068653 of kind of showing how fast the field is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00296-00068654-00068941 kind of adopting this industry standard 83xDRQN5l1Y-00297-00068942-00069292 data architecture along with data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00298-00069293-00069579 sharing bids allows for you to make 83xDRQN5l1Y-00299-00069580-00069997 easily shareable data tools so there is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00300-00069998-00070192 this concept that's been adopted the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00301-00070193-00070417 field known as bids apps and the idea is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00302-00070418-00070657 that if I write a data pipeline that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00303-00070658-00070909 assumes my data is written in the bids 83xDRQN5l1Y-00304-00070910-00071134 format and I want to share my pipeline 83xDRQN5l1Y-00305-00071135-00071353 with you I have all the same data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00306-00071354-00071554 architecture assumptions as you do so I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00307-00071555-00071734 should just be able to easily hand my 83xDRQN5l1Y-00308-00071735-00072001 code to you and at work and so what a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00309-00072002-00072184 bits app is is it takes these pipelines 83xDRQN5l1Y-00310-00072185-00072352 wraps them in a docker so you have this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00311-00072353-00072588 easy extensibility of sharing your code 83xDRQN5l1Y-00312-00072589-00072991 and weirdin basically boils down the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00313-00072992-00073177 execution logic to being a very basic 83xDRQN5l1Y-00314-00073178-00073399 run script run script point to your data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00315-00073400-00073600 in a bits format point to where you want 83xDRQN5l1Y-00316-00073601-00073756 your data to go maybe have a little bit 83xDRQN5l1Y-00317-00073757-00073978 of a flag and then you're done and it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00318-00073979-00074137 should work automatically it's platform 83xDRQN5l1Y-00319-00074138-00074275 independent because we're using docker 83xDRQN5l1Y-00320-00074276-00074503 you add it in with singularity this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00321-00074504-00074620 easily extends to high performance 83xDRQN5l1Y-00322-00074621-00074953 community centers as well so with the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00323-00074954-00075190 rise of bids and bits apps we now have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00324-00075191-00075355 an infrastructure that's being adopted 83xDRQN5l1Y-00325-00075356-00075595 by the research community that allows 83xDRQN5l1Y-00326-00075596-00076048 for data and tool sharing so how do we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00327-00076049-00076387 get to actually making this a king a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00328-00076388-00076656 completely community adopted standard 83xDRQN5l1Y-00329-00076657-00076936 and I'm gonna make the case that we need 83xDRQN5l1Y-00330-00076937-00077278 to foster these open science practices 83xDRQN5l1Y-00331-00077279-00077500 at the point of data access because 83xDRQN5l1Y-00332-00077501-00077698 right now this sits on the shoulders of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00333-00077699-00078097 the individual researchers so I run as a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00334-00078098-00078367 co-director the CMU pit bridge center 83xDRQN5l1Y-00335-00078368-00078532 which stands for brain imaging data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00336-00078533-00078721 generation and Education Center and it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-00337-00078722-00078835 down on the first floor of this building 83xDRQN5l1Y-00338-00078836-00079162 here and when we put together this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00339-00079163-00079312 collaborative imaging center we kind of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00340-00079313-00079477 adopted it based off of four core 83xDRQN5l1Y-00341-00079478-00079717 principles in imaging centers both the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00342-00079718-00079793 research to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00343-00079794-00080090 and an education tool an Imaging Center 83xDRQN5l1Y-00344-00080091-00080297 strives to remove barriers to access 83xDRQN5l1Y-00345-00080298-00080528 both to getting data and analyzing your 83xDRQN5l1Y-00346-00080529-00080795 data an Imaging Center serves as the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00347-00080796-00081113 research community hub and then an 83xDRQN5l1Y-00348-00081114-00081338 Imaging Center fosters innovation so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00349-00081339-00081530 under Knight underneath all these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00350-00081531-00081686 principles is the basic idea that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00351-00081687-00081851 should be adopting open science 83xDRQN5l1Y-00352-00081852-00082007 practices we should be sharing as a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00353-00082008-00082136 community our tools and our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00354-00082137-00082466 understanding of our data so in order to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00355-00082467-00082907 remove these kind of barriers to to kind 83xDRQN5l1Y-00356-00082908-00083021 of adopting these standards you kind of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00357-00083022-00083150 have to know what existing barriers 83xDRQN5l1Y-00358-00083151-00083459 there are in our community so right now 83xDRQN5l1Y-00359-00083460-00083624 everybody kind of treats an Imaging 83xDRQN5l1Y-00360-00083625-00083969 Center like a microscope so MRIs are too 83xDRQN5l1Y-00361-00083970-00084149 expensive for individual labs to have so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00362-00084150-00084347 we usually pool together we got one MRI 83xDRQN5l1Y-00363-00084348-00084533 that people share and use so this is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00364-00084534-00084860 Sarah Sarah as a researcher at CMU and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00365-00084861-00085079 her lab runs subjects down in the bridge 83xDRQN5l1Y-00366-00085080-00085247 Center and then typically what would 83xDRQN5l1Y-00367-00085248-00085508 happen is she'd get her raw data and her 83xDRQN5l1Y-00368-00085509-00085664 lab would have these internally 83xDRQN5l1Y-00369-00085665-00085913 developed analysis packages based off of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00370-00085914-00086204 some you know custom file naming 83xDRQN5l1Y-00371-00086205-00086357 convention and data architecture that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00372-00086358-00086666 her lab is adopted this is John John's a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00373-00086667-00086900 researcher a red pen his lab does the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00374-00086901-00087056 same thing they send their subjects down 83xDRQN5l1Y-00375-00087057-00087245 they get raw data up and they might have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00376-00087246-00087470 a different set of software packages 83xDRQN5l1Y-00377-00087471-00087845 that they analyze and in order for John 83xDRQN5l1Y-00378-00087846-00088139 to share any kind of code or data with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00379-00088140-00088385 Sarah he has to make a transformation 83xDRQN5l1Y-00380-00088386-00088532 function he has to find some way of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00381-00088533-00088763 transforming the logic of his analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00382-00088764-00088952 and the logic of his data into a way the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00383-00088953-00089258 Sarah's lab can use and for Sarah she 83xDRQN5l1Y-00384-00089259-00089495 needs to revert that process and the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00385-00089496-00089768 problem really sits with how these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00386-00089769-00090152 researchers get this data so the typical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00387-00090153-00090401 data access point for a neural imaging 83xDRQN5l1Y-00388-00090402-00090656 Center looks like this so here you have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00389-00090657-00090767 on the left 83xDRQN5l1Y-00390-00090768-00090980 basically the MRI system itself it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00391-00090981-00091196 reconstructs data and makes data in a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00392-00091197-00091385 format known as die comms which is just 83xDRQN5l1Y-00393-00091386-00091637 a very very very very raw unpolished 83xDRQN5l1Y-00394-00091638-00091967 data type usually what we do is we would 83xDRQN5l1Y-00395-00091968-00092321 SFTP or SCP that data over to a separate 83xDRQN5l1Y-00396-00092322-00092480 file server that might have a sort 83xDRQN5l1Y-00397-00092481-00092774 script researchers get that really raw 83xDRQN5l1Y-00398-00092775-00093005 sort of data and then they have to build 83xDRQN5l1Y-00399-00093006-00093165 their own internal pipelines and if 83xDRQN5l1Y-00400-00093166-00093363 want to make up their data bid standard 83xDRQN5l1Y-00401-00093364-00093594 they have to write a conversion code for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00402-00093595-00093741 each one of their experiments to make it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00403-00093742-00094056 bits compliant what we did at the BRIT 83xDRQN5l1Y-00404-00094057-00094281 centers we teamed up with flywheel to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00405-00094282-00094485 make this automatic cloud-based data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00406-00094486-00094662 server that immediately gets your data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00407-00094663-00094929 in a bits compliant manner so we have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00408-00094930-00095166 what's known as a reaper it reads data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00409-00095167-00095388 straight from the console live so as 83xDRQN5l1Y-00410-00095389-00095550 you're collecting data it's being pulled 83xDRQN5l1Y-00411-00095551-00095874 into the cloud and because we used it we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00412-00095875-00096366 adopted a basic file naming logic on the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00413-00096367-00096582 console itself we have an automatic tool 83xDRQN5l1Y-00414-00096583-00096786 that can use that logic and parse the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00415-00096787-00097014 files into bids when it hits our cloud 83xDRQN5l1Y-00416-00097015-00097235 server so with a single push of a button 83xDRQN5l1Y-00417-00097236-00097506 researchers get their data automatically 83xDRQN5l1Y-00418-00097507-00097698 in a bids compliant format we're also 83xDRQN5l1Y-00419-00097699-00097953 giving things like automatic quality 83xDRQN5l1Y-00420-00097954-00098100 control metrics and quality analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00421-00098101-00098289 metrics to the data and standardized 83xDRQN5l1Y-00422-00098290-00098556 pre-processing all for one so basically 83xDRQN5l1Y-00423-00098557-00098763 a researcher can push their data up 83xDRQN5l1Y-00424-00098764-00098930 they'll get it in a shareable format 83xDRQN5l1Y-00425-00098931-00099321 standard and a sorry pre-processed in a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00426-00099322-00099531 standardized way so that allows for them 83xDRQN5l1Y-00427-00099532-00099786 to share so essentially what we've done 83xDRQN5l1Y-00428-00099787-00100094 is as the center is we make it so that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00429-00100095-00100413 both Sarah and John get their data in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00430-00100414-00100644 the same format and processed and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00431-00100645-00100860 cleaned in the exact same way so that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00432-00100861-00101088 way all the tools they build from this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00433-00101089-00101349 followed those shared assumptions so it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00434-00101350-00101559 the barriers for allowing them to share 83xDRQN5l1Y-00435-00101560-00101919 and communicate are gone a tool that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00436-00101920-00102078 Sarah's lab develops can easily be 83xDRQN5l1Y-00437-00102079-00102252 ported to John's lab and they don't have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00438-00102253-00102381 to be now in the same Imaging Center 83xDRQN5l1Y-00439-00102382-00102546 they could work within this broader 83xDRQN5l1Y-00440-00102547-00103023 community so just to go back if we want 83xDRQN5l1Y-00441-00103024-00103173 to build if we want to kind of deal with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00442-00103174-00103446 this large data complex data problem we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00443-00103447-00103620 need stronger more effective community 83xDRQN5l1Y-00444-00103621-00103839 and I'm going to change what I what I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00445-00103840-00104036 said is the how-to saying adopt and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00446-00104038-00104217 foster over science data practices at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00447-00104218-00104558 the point of data access itself we have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00448-00104559-00104786 to put it at the point where you get 83xDRQN5l1Y-00449-00104788-00105042 your data because that way it's lives 83xDRQN5l1Y-00450-00105043-00105222 behind the scenes and it makes it easier 83xDRQN5l1Y-00451-00105223-00105378 for researchers to adopt these practices 83xDRQN5l1Y-00452-00105379-00105557 without really having to think about it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00453-00105558-00105813 okay I'm way over time so I apologize 83xDRQN5l1Y-00454-00105814-00106096 thank you everyone 83xDRQN5l1Y-00455-00106097-00106395 [Applause] 83xDRQN5l1Y-00456-00106396-00109066 do we have any questions for the opener 83xDRQN5l1Y-00457-00109067-00109600 repository or on our data server for the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00458-00109601-00109894 opener oh it's the it's the down both 83xDRQN5l1Y-00459-00109895-00110065 the raw and reprocessed 83xDRQN5l1Y-00460-00110066-00110259 so both the raw and you can access data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00461-00110260-00110554 you actually have original raw bids and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00462-00110555-00110713 then to pre-process data all of their at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00463-00110714-00111418 once that's great yeah alright up next 83xDRQN5l1Y-00464-00111419-00111622 we have Sarah Weston who is an assistant 83xDRQN5l1Y-00465-00111623-00111724 professor in the Department of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00466-00111725-00111856 Psychology at the University of Oregon 83xDRQN5l1Y-00467-00111857-00112108 go ducks where she studies how 83xDRQN5l1Y-00468-00112108-00112266 personality affects health outcomes 83xDRQN5l1Y-00469-00112267-00112599 often using publicly available data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00470-00112600-00112809 thank you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00471-00112810-00113008 so someone earlier this morning 83xDRQN5l1Y-00472-00113008-00113229 mentioned data parasites I am a data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00473-00113230-00113286 parasite 83xDRQN5l1Y-00474-00113288-00113479 I almost exclusively use data that were 83xDRQN5l1Y-00475-00113480-00113863 collected by other people and and in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00476-00113864-00114060 doing so and in thinking about how the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00477-00114061-00114210 work that I've done is influenced both 83xDRQN5l1Y-00478-00114211-00114382 by open science by the generosity of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00479-00114383-00114628 people making their data open to me I've 83xDRQN5l1Y-00480-00114629-00114856 been thinking about how I have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00481-00114857-00115018 responsibility then as a researcher to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00482-00115019-00115225 make sure I use those data in a way 83xDRQN5l1Y-00483-00115226-00115560 that's robust so I'm going to talk about 83xDRQN5l1Y-00484-00115561-00115761 some of the challenges that I think are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00485-00115763-00115999 unique to those of us data parasites who 83xDRQN5l1Y-00486-00116000-00116194 use other people's data things that were 83xDRQN5l1Y-00487-00116195-00116350 probably not considering right now but 83xDRQN5l1Y-00488-00116351-00116626 we should be before I start though this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00489-00116627-00116770 summer Tyler Kony wrote a blog post 83xDRQN5l1Y-00490-00116771-00117064 called I hate open science it was a very 83xDRQN5l1Y-00491-00117065-00117190 good blog post with a very provocative 83xDRQN5l1Y-00492-00117191-00117478 title it turns out tel did not hate open 83xDRQN5l1Y-00493-00117479-00117718 science he hated the term open science 83xDRQN5l1Y-00494-00117719-00117973 and what he said is that this label gets 83xDRQN5l1Y-00495-00117974-00118179 applied to many many different things 83xDRQN5l1Y-00496-00118180-00118458 including reproducibility replicability 83xDRQN5l1Y-00497-00118458-00118732 equity and inclusivity data sharing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00498-00118733-00118975 transparency diversity all kinds of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00499-00118976-00119101 stuff and he thinks that the term is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00500-00119102-00119293 often used as a cover for all of those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00501-00119294-00119358 things when 83xDRQN5l1Y-00502-00119359-00119557 be the person giving the talk or 83xDRQN5l1Y-00503-00119558-00119677 describing a point of view wants to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00504-00119678-00119947 focus on some of those so with that the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00505-00119948-00120073 goals of open science that I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00506-00120074-00120256 particularly interested in today are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00507-00120257-00120453 these three reproducibility 83xDRQN5l1Y-00508-00120454-00120676 replicability and equity and inclusion 83xDRQN5l1Y-00509-00120677-00120820 and again just to clarify 83xDRQN5l1Y-00510-00120821-00120966 reproducibility and replicability 83xDRQN5l1Y-00511-00120967-00121108 because these terms are often used 83xDRQN5l1Y-00512-00121108-00121321 differently by different fields or even 83xDRQN5l1Y-00513-00121322-00121489 different researchers in the same field 83xDRQN5l1Y-00514-00121490-00121716 when I speak about reproducibility I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00515-00121717-00121890 mean you should be able to use my data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00516-00121891-00122101 and my methods and get the exact same 83xDRQN5l1Y-00517-00122102-00122265 results there's no statistical test 83xDRQN5l1Y-00518-00122266-00122443 involves to check whether you got the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00519-00122444-00122604 same results it's did you get that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00520-00122605-00122901 number that I got in my paper whereas 83xDRQN5l1Y-00521-00122902-00123106 replicability is the idea that we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-00522-00123107-00123274 use different data and the same methods 83xDRQN5l1Y-00523-00123275-00123520 to get the same or similar results and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00524-00123521-00123670 those are slightly different and those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00525-00123671-00123804 are both distinguished a little bit from 83xDRQN5l1Y-00526-00123805-00124033 sensitivity and conceptual replications 83xDRQN5l1Y-00527-00124033-00124399 as well so secondary data analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00528-00124400-00124554 specifically the analysis of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00529-00124555-00124827 pre-existing data sets is the focus of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00530-00124828-00124959 my talk today and this is the idea that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00531-00124960-00125133 we're taking data sets that were either 83xDRQN5l1Y-00532-00125134-00125302 either designed to answer any different 83xDRQN5l1Y-00533-00125303-00125398 question than the one that we're 83xDRQN5l1Y-00534-00125399-00125620 answering or often they're datasets that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00535-00125621-00125829 are collected with the goal of answering 83xDRQN5l1Y-00536-00125830-00126015 many different questions by the people 83xDRQN5l1Y-00537-00126016-00126175 who were not the ones involved in data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00538-00126176-00126400 collection when I think of secondary 83xDRQN5l1Y-00539-00126401-00126552 data analysis and most of the work that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00540-00126553-00126772 I do is with large existing panel 83xDRQN5l1Y-00541-00126773-00127020 studies panel studies are often 83xDRQN5l1Y-00542-00127021-00127264 thousands if not tens of thousands of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00543-00127265-00127404 participants many of them are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00544-00127405-00127584 longitudinal in nature they're run by 83xDRQN5l1Y-00545-00127585-00127771 teams of researchers they often have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00546-00127772-00128044 ton of funding either from NIH or the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00547-00128045-00128182 National Science Foundation or 83xDRQN5l1Y-00548-00128183-00128470 consortium universities they're often 83xDRQN5l1Y-00549-00128471-00128626 cross-disciplinary meaning they have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00550-00128627-00128845 psychologists economists medical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00551-00128846-00129151 researchers epidemiologists lots of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00552-00129152-00129271 people are involved in collecting these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00553-00129272-00129519 datasets and they're meant to represent 83xDRQN5l1Y-00554-00129520-00129757 years of time and investment often 83xDRQN5l1Y-00555-00129758-00129946 millions of dollars of investment and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00556-00129947-00130099 they're made publicly available for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00557-00130100-00130302 researchers like me to go and use them 83xDRQN5l1Y-00558-00130303-00130509 to answer questions in a number of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00559-00130510-00130873 different domains when I when I give 83xDRQN5l1Y-00560-00130874-00131040 this talk today those are the datasets 83xDRQN5l1Y-00561-00131041-00131197 that I have in my mind that I'm sort of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00562-00131198-00131359 building these ideas off of but I also 83xDRQN5l1Y-00563-00131360-00131527 want to recognize that this applies to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00564-00131528-00131782 single lab studies so anytime your lab 83xDRQN5l1Y-00565-00131783-00131944 does a study and it adds it to one of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00566-00131945-00132064 the repositories we've talked about 83xDRQN5l1Y-00567-00132065-00132262 today any time you share data on 83xDRQN5l1Y-00568-00132263-00132364 something like the Open Science 83xDRQN5l1Y-00569-00132365-00132574 framework and someone else goes and uses 83xDRQN5l1Y-00570-00132575-00132700 those data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00571-00132701-00132978 these same ideas apply as well those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00572-00132979-00133252 studies might not represent the same 83xDRQN5l1Y-00573-00133253-00133498 amount of investment in terms of dollars 83xDRQN5l1Y-00574-00133499-00133723 and time but for those individual labs 83xDRQN5l1Y-00575-00133724-00133890 that collected that data that's probably 83xDRQN5l1Y-00576-00133891-00134062 a significant amount of dollars in time 83xDRQN5l1Y-00577-00134063-00134253 a significant amount of the labor that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00578-00134254-00134413 they put into it so we need to be 83xDRQN5l1Y-00579-00134414-00134584 treating all of these datasets with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00580-00134585-00134962 respect when we do so so at least in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00581-00134963-00135184 psychology there are a number of large 83xDRQN5l1Y-00582-00135185-00135387 panel studies that are used quite widely 83xDRQN5l1Y-00583-00135388-00135577 around the field these are some of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00584-00135578-00135784 ones that I'm most familiar with in your 83xDRQN5l1Y-00585-00135785-00135913 own field you probably have your own 83xDRQN5l1Y-00586-00135914-00136075 panel studies that you think of is like 83xDRQN5l1Y-00587-00136076-00136402 this is the thing that everybody uses in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00588-00136403-00136600 personality psychology those of us who 83xDRQN5l1Y-00589-00136601-00136750 study health rely quite heavily on the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00590-00136751-00136969 health and retirement study and the mid 83xDRQN5l1Y-00591-00136970-00137113 life in the United States study those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00592-00137114-00137314 come up quite frequently some of my 83xDRQN5l1Y-00593-00137315-00137485 friends who do work in cognition in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00594-00137486-00137778 genetics use the UK biobank sample again 83xDRQN5l1Y-00595-00137779-00138061 and again and we see these these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00596-00138062-00138235 datasets pop up quite frequently in our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00597-00138236-00138603 published literature secondary data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00598-00138604-00138784 analysis is already meeting some of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00599-00138785-00138946 goals of open science specifically 83xDRQN5l1Y-00600-00138947-00139126 equity and inclusion and reproducibility 83xDRQN5l1Y-00601-00139127-00139416 so in terms of equity and inclusion the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00602-00139417-00139552 fact that we have publicly available 83xDRQN5l1Y-00603-00139553-00139756 data sets you don't sometimes you have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00604-00139757-00139854 to pay for them but quite often you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00605-00139855-00140023 don't you can just register for access 83xDRQN5l1Y-00606-00140024-00140200 to them the fact that we have these data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00607-00140201-00140377 available means you don't have to have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00608-00140378-00140616 large grant to do good quality research 83xDRQN5l1Y-00609-00140617-00140829 you also don't have to sit around and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00610-00140830-00140974 wait for decades to do good quality 83xDRQN5l1Y-00611-00140975-00141141 research so I'm a health psychologist 83xDRQN5l1Y-00612-00141142-00141427 I'm interested in things like longevity 83xDRQN5l1Y-00613-00141428-00141607 or things like at what point in the life 83xDRQN5l1Y-00614-00141608-00141816 span someone develops a particular 83xDRQN5l1Y-00615-00141817-00142039 condition and I could start collecting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00616-00142040-00142240 data on people now and wait around 20 83xDRQN5l1Y-00617-00142241-00142333 years to be able to answer those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00618-00142334-00142573 questions that's not a bad thing to do 83xDRQN5l1Y-00619-00142574-00142684 but I can start answering those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00620-00142685-00142834 questions right now with some of these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00621-00142835-00143074 datasets it also means we're expanding 83xDRQN5l1Y-00622-00143075-00143221 equity and inclusion to include 83xDRQN5l1Y-00623-00143222-00143453 researchers who aren't in traditional 83xDRQN5l1Y-00624-00143454-00143785 grants driven or r1 institutions so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00625-00143786-00143904 researchers who work at teaching 83xDRQN5l1Y-00626-00143905-00144054 colleges who want to give access to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00627-00144055-00144169 their students who want to do research 83xDRQN5l1Y-00628-00144170-00144460 where students in in other fields that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00629-00144461-00144658 might not have the same resources that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00630-00144659-00144877 everybody else has they can still do 83xDRQN5l1Y-00631-00144878-00145140 rigorous robust interesting meaningful 83xDRQN5l1Y-00632-00145141-00145278 research because we've put these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00633-00145279-00145491 datasets online this is a part of it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00634-00145492-00145609 equity and inclusion that they don't 83xDRQN5l1Y-00635-00145610-00145866 think it's talked about and in terms of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00636-00145867-00145959 reproducibility 83xDRQN5l1Y-00637-00145960-00146303 nothing it should be very intuitive that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00638-00146304-00146469 if I use publicly available data and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00639-00146470-00146685 then I give you my code you can go and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00640-00146686-00146865 test whether I actually got the results 83xDRQN5l1Y-00641-00146866-00147057 I got from that publicly available data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00642-00147058-00147225 it saves researchers the step of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00643-00147226-00147372 actually making their data available 83xDRQN5l1Y-00644-00147373-00147665 because it's already available so by 83xDRQN5l1Y-00645-00147666-00147878 second by doing secondary data analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00646-00147879-00148040 and by encouraging that in our fields 83xDRQN5l1Y-00647-00148041-00148272 and making it easier for people to do 83xDRQN5l1Y-00648-00148273-00148487 we're meeting both of these goals 83xDRQN5l1Y-00649-00148488-00148896 however there are some as I as I said in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00650-00148897-00149040 my the title of my talk there are some 83xDRQN5l1Y-00651-00149041-00149214 unique challenges to using these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00652-00149215-00149568 datasets so a paper earlier this year by 83xDRQN5l1Y-00653-00149569-00149718 Thompson right visit and pulled rec 83xDRQN5l1Y-00654-00149719-00150018 pointed out what I think should should 83xDRQN5l1Y-00655-00150019-00150128 be an obvious statement but 83xDRQN5l1Y-00656-00150129-00150314 unfortunately it took 2019 to point this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00657-00150315-00150531 out that if multiple researchers use the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00658-00150532-00150843 same dataset we're increasing the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00659-00150844-00151032 familywize error rate for that data set 83xDRQN5l1Y-00660-00151033-00151272 so if this hopefully at this point it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-00661-00151273-00151452 not a surprise to you that if you a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00662-00151453-00151662 single researcher analyze one data set 83xDRQN5l1Y-00663-00151663-00151904 multiple times and only publish the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00664-00151905-00152088 significant findings we call that pea 83xDRQN5l1Y-00665-00152089-00152264 hacking you're inflating the type one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00666-00152265-00152418 error rate because you're doing multiple 83xDRQN5l1Y-00667-00152419-00152757 tests on the same data set data don't 83xDRQN5l1Y-00668-00152758-00152879 care where they come from they also 83xDRQN5l1Y-00669-00152880-00153096 don't care who analyzes them so if 83xDRQN5l1Y-00670-00153097-00153306 multiple researchers each do a single 83xDRQN5l1Y-00671-00153307-00153546 analysis on the same data set that's the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00672-00153547-00153750 same computationally as one researcher 83xDRQN5l1Y-00673-00153751-00154011 doing multiple analyses so if we have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00674-00154012-00154263 large panel study like this and 20 83xDRQN5l1Y-00675-00154264-00154446 different labs all go and do one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00676-00154447-00154689 analysis each on that single data set 83xDRQN5l1Y-00677-00154690-00154887 we've increased our Taekwon error rate 83xDRQN5l1Y-00678-00154888-00155046 we're probably gonna find some false 83xDRQN5l1Y-00679-00155047-00155256 positives in there just just because 83xDRQN5l1Y-00680-00155257-00155595 that's how probability works again it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00681-00155596-00155793 took until 2019 for someone to point 83xDRQN5l1Y-00682-00155794-00156014 this I think fairly intuitive thing out 83xDRQN5l1Y-00683-00156015-00156210 but it's something worth considering and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00684-00156211-00156423 the reality is we don't have researchers 83xDRQN5l1Y-00685-00156424-00156669 each using these data sets once I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00686-00156670-00156870 gonna suggest in just the very next 83xDRQN5l1Y-00687-00156871-00157016 slide that researchers tend to return 83xDRQN5l1Y-00688-00157017-00157185 over and over and over again to these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00689-00157186-00157425 panel studies further increasing our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00690-00157426-00157677 inflation of the type 1 error rate but 83xDRQN5l1Y-00691-00157678-00157881 even if you did only use that study once 83xDRQN5l1Y-00692-00157882-00158037 even if you only used for the health and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00693-00158038-00158286 retirement study one time you still have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00694-00158287-00158472 a problem which I'm going to refer to as 83xDRQN5l1Y-00695-00158473-00158619 the curse of knowledge because these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00696-00158620-00158811 data sets tend to be used by the same 83xDRQN5l1Y-00697-00158812-00159039 small communities of people so the data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00698-00159040-00159183 sets I threw up there at the beginning 83xDRQN5l1Y-00699-00159184-00159325 these are things that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00700-00159326-00159499 either I have used her colleagues of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00701-00159500-00159694 mine have used when I was a first-year 83xDRQN5l1Y-00702-00159695-00159853 grad student learning the literature of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00703-00159854-00160087 psychology and personality and health I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00704-00160088-00160267 was reading articles that used those 83xDRQN5l1Y-00705-00160268-00160486 datasets meaning before I had even 83xDRQN5l1Y-00706-00160487-00160708 downloaded the data themselves I knew 83xDRQN5l1Y-00707-00160709-00160825 what some of the relationships were 83xDRQN5l1Y-00708-00160826-00161076 inside that dataset and so any to any 83xDRQN5l1Y-00709-00161077-00161284 analytic choices I made with that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00710-00161285-00161530 dataset were no longer data blind they 83xDRQN5l1Y-00711-00161531-00161710 were no longer just based on theory they 83xDRQN5l1Y-00712-00161711-00161854 were based on knowledge of the dataset 83xDRQN5l1Y-00713-00161855-00162082 whether I as a first year graduate 83xDRQN5l1Y-00714-00162083-00162274 student understood that or not I was 83xDRQN5l1Y-00715-00162275-00162445 making choices based on what I knew 83xDRQN5l1Y-00716-00162446-00162703 where it's in these data sets so we have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00717-00162704-00162817 this curse of knowledge that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00718-00162818-00163042 understand the data before we've even 83xDRQN5l1Y-00719-00163043-00163243 analyzed them and we have this problem 83xDRQN5l1Y-00720-00163244-00163420 where multiple researchers are using the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00721-00163421-00163579 same data sets over and over and over 83xDRQN5l1Y-00722-00163580-00163912 again I don't like calling out other 83xDRQN5l1Y-00723-00163913-00164071 people I'm gonna call out myself here 83xDRQN5l1Y-00724-00164072-00164317 this is a bunch of articles looking at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00725-00164318-00164485 personality trait conscientiousness and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00726-00164486-00164761 health all of these studies use the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00727-00164762-00165031 health and retirement study data set two 83xDRQN5l1Y-00728-00165032-00165232 of those are mine so calling myself out 83xDRQN5l1Y-00729-00165233-00165457 here these are things that I either read 83xDRQN5l1Y-00730-00165458-00165616 when I was a graduate student or worked 83xDRQN5l1Y-00731-00165617-00165775 on when I was a graduate student or came 83xDRQN5l1Y-00732-00165776-00166072 out very recently meaning any researcher 83xDRQN5l1Y-00733-00166073-00166297 now in personality even if they're a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00734-00166298-00166486 currently a first-year graduate student 83xDRQN5l1Y-00735-00166487-00166735 who's in my subfield before they even 83xDRQN5l1Y-00736-00166736-00166891 touch data they're probably going to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00737-00166892-00167077 read or be aware of these studies and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00738-00167078-00167266 they're gonna know a lot about this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00739-00167267-00167458 particular relationship inside that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00740-00167459-00167596 dataset 83xDRQN5l1Y-00741-00167597-00167833 just I do this with psychology groups 83xDRQN5l1Y-00742-00167834-00168043 how many people have I have used one of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00743-00168044-00168199 these like large panel studies these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00744-00168200-00168409 publicly available pre-existing data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00745-00168410-00168589 sets help people how many people think 83xDRQN5l1Y-00746-00168590-00168748 they've read a paper that has one of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00747-00168749-00168985 them in it yeah there we go right so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00748-00168986-00169105 even though you're not using these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00749-00169106-00169267 datasets yourself you're aware of these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00750-00169268-00169498 relationships and that biases you before 83xDRQN5l1Y-00751-00169499-00169756 you even go in and analyze the data so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00752-00169757-00170008 we need solutions to this challenge that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00753-00170009-00170188 are unique to secondary data analysis 83xDRQN5l1Y-00754-00170189-00170569 and that helped us not solve but at 83xDRQN5l1Y-00755-00170570-00170731 least to deal with this issue this curse 83xDRQN5l1Y-00756-00170732-00170974 of knowledge problem that we have so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00757-00170975-00171154 there's sort of two routes we can go we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00758-00171155-00171463 can increase transparency so we can do 83xDRQN5l1Y-00759-00171464-00171709 things like one simple thing that's not 83xDRQN5l1Y-00760-00171710-00171892 done in our field right now is providing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00761-00171893-00172039 links to code books for publicly 83xDRQN5l1Y-00762-00172040-00172267 available data often our research 83xDRQN5l1Y-00763-00172268-00172435 articles don't tell people how do I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00764-00172436-00172633 understand what is water in these data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00765-00172634-00172855 what variables were available for you to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00766-00172856-00173095 use how are those variables coded it's a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00767-00173096-00173314 very simple very easy thing to just 83xDRQN5l1Y-00768-00173315-00173476 include a link to a codebook in your 83xDRQN5l1Y-00769-00173477-00173842 manuscript putting a little bit more 83xDRQN5l1Y-00770-00173843-00174031 burden on the researchers themselves we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00771-00174032-00174160 should be disclosing the times that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00772-00174161-00174298 we've used that data set before 83xDRQN5l1Y-00773-00174299-00174445 regardless of whether it was published 83xDRQN5l1Y-00774-00174446-00174622 or not we should disclose the fact that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00775-00174623-00174838 we do return to these data sets over and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00776-00174839-00175009 over again if I ever use the health and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00777-00175010-00175249 retirement study I better be sure that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00778-00175250-00175396 somewhere in my documentation I've said 83xDRQN5l1Y-00779-00175397-00175537 by the way here are the four other 83xDRQN5l1Y-00780-00175538-00175788 studies that I looked at these data for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00781-00175789-00176059 more difficult might be disclosing the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00782-00176060-00176185 times that we've read about this data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00783-00176186-00176335 set but clearly it's a problem that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00784-00176336-00176509 we're all aware of these relationships 83xDRQN5l1Y-00785-00176510-00176698 before we've even downloaded the data so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00786-00176699-00176905 finding some way to track and catalog 83xDRQN5l1Y-00787-00176906-00177106 and report how many times have you read 83xDRQN5l1Y-00788-00177107-00177244 about this study before what are the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00789-00177245-00177400 instances in which you already came 83xDRQN5l1Y-00790-00177401-00177583 across this study how might that be 83xDRQN5l1Y-00791-00177584-00177766 biasing the choices that you made in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00792-00177767-00178023 your analysis and then finally 83xDRQN5l1Y-00793-00178024-00178246 pre-registering our analyses prior to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00794-00178247-00178453 data analysis so writing down before 83xDRQN5l1Y-00795-00178454-00178657 ideally before you get access to the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00796-00178658-00178815 data but at any point in the process 83xDRQN5l1Y-00797-00178816-00179056 writing down this is what I plan to do 83xDRQN5l1Y-00798-00179057-00179224 with the data so we can do a better job 83xDRQN5l1Y-00799-00179225-00179443 of differentiating when we're making 83xDRQN5l1Y-00800-00179444-00179575 choices based on what we knew before 83xDRQN5l1Y-00801-00179576-00179803 looking at the data versus the choices 83xDRQN5l1Y-00802-00179804-00180193 we made after we looked at the data some 83xDRQN5l1Y-00803-00180194-00180331 of these changes are already making its 83xDRQN5l1Y-00804-00180332-00180457 way into the system at least in 83xDRQN5l1Y-00805-00180458-00180727 psychology I want to point out here 83xDRQN5l1Y-00806-00180728-00180886 Jarrett illogical science next week 83xDRQN5l1Y-00807-00180887-00181042 there's a conference the Geological 83xDRQN5l1Y-00808-00181043-00181138 Society of America 83xDRQN5l1Y-00809-00181139-00181390 this has psychologists medical 83xDRQN5l1Y-00810-00181391-00181570 researchers epidemiologists people 83xDRQN5l1Y-00811-00181571-00181780 involved in public policy and they have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00812-00181781-00181999 a number of talks this year just on open 83xDRQN5l1Y-00813-00182000-00182200 science and a couple people specifically 83xDRQN5l1Y-00814-00182201-00182368 talking about open science and secondary 83xDRQN5l1Y-00815-00182369-00182620 data analysis so this field I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00816-00182621-00182746 encouraged because I see this field 83xDRQN5l1Y-00817-00182747-00182911 taking it very seriously and trying to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00818-00182912-00183289 engage more with this issue so we're 83xDRQN5l1Y-00819-00183290-00183447 starting to see some of these practices 83xDRQN5l1Y-00820-00183448-00183730 encouraged and incentivized and rewarded 83xDRQN5l1Y-00821-00183731-00183907 in at least some of the subfields that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00822-00183908-00184201 we're looking at we also see at least 83xDRQN5l1Y-00823-00184202-00184366 among psychology that many of our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00824-00184367-00184489 journals are starting to accept 83xDRQN5l1Y-00825-00184490-00184660 registered reports with secondary data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00826-00184661-00184936 analysis so that's maybe controversial 83xDRQN5l1Y-00827-00184937-00185131 in some places the idea that you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-00828-00185132-00185374 even pre-register data that is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00829-00185375-00185569 pre-existing but we see journals that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00830-00185570-00185779 are willing to work with authors and try 83xDRQN5l1Y-00831-00185780-00185917 to develop systems 83xDRQN5l1Y-00832-00185918-00186100 allow for them to engage in some of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00833-00186101-00186304 these open science practices even while 83xDRQN5l1Y-00834-00186305-00186589 they're using pre-existing data the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00835-00186590-00186703 other route that we can take when it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00836-00186704-00186919 comes to improving our inferences or I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00837-00186920-00187081 sorry to dealing with challenges of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00838-00187082-00187240 secondary data analysis are to improve 83xDRQN5l1Y-00839-00187241-00187477 our inferences and there's a number of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00840-00187478-00187633 ways we can do that some of which are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00841-00187634-00187903 really exciting so especially computer 83xDRQN5l1Y-00842-00187904-00188227 scientists involved in machine learning 83xDRQN5l1Y-00843-00188228-00188356 have pointed out a number of new 83xDRQN5l1Y-00844-00188357-00188529 techniques that I see adopted more and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00845-00188530-00188653 more frequently in personality 83xDRQN5l1Y-00846-00188654-00188824 psychology including things like data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00847-00188825-00189028 blind analysis cross-validation holdout 83xDRQN5l1Y-00848-00189029-00189223 samples we can borrow some of these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00849-00189224-00189331 practices that are being developed 83xDRQN5l1Y-00850-00189332-00189541 elsewhere and use them specifically with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00851-00189542-00189838 secondary data analysis as a way to just 83xDRQN5l1Y-00852-00189839-00190000 improve our inference to make sure that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00853-00190001-00190129 we're being more conservative with our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00854-00190130-00190372 estimates to let the to use a more 83xDRQN5l1Y-00855-00190373-00190579 data-driven driven approach in to sort 83xDRQN5l1Y-00856-00190580-00190699 of differentiate when we're making 83xDRQN5l1Y-00857-00190700-00190873 choices based on what we already know 83xDRQN5l1Y-00858-00190874-00191241 there are a couple other ideas that have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00859-00191242-00191488 been coming out recently so I guess it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00860-00191489-00191652 was like two or three years ago 83xDRQN5l1Y-00861-00191653-00191857 psychology had the Alpha Wars where we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00862-00191858-00191974 argued about whether or not we should 83xDRQN5l1Y-00863-00191975-00192190 keep using P less than 0.05 as our 83xDRQN5l1Y-00864-00192191-00192388 cutoff I don't think that was ever 83xDRQN5l1Y-00865-00192389-00192529 resolved but we still hear people 83xDRQN5l1Y-00866-00192530-00192763 talking about it as a potential way to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00867-00192764-00193029 deal with some of these issues with null 83xDRQN5l1Y-00868-00193030-00193285 hypothesis significance testing I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00869-00193286-00193414 seeing more and more coordinated 83xDRQN5l1Y-00870-00193415-00193597 analyses this is where people are taking 83xDRQN5l1Y-00871-00193598-00193779 multiple pre-existing data sets and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00872-00193780-00193948 doing the exact same analysis in each 83xDRQN5l1Y-00873-00193949-00194170 one and pooling the results so now my 83xDRQN5l1Y-00874-00194171-00194359 knowledge maybe of the hrs and my 83xDRQN5l1Y-00875-00194360-00194545 knowledge of the mid-life in the united 83xDRQN5l1Y-00876-00194546-00194812 states study and my knowledge of you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00877-00194813-00195025 know three or four other studies all of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00878-00195026-00195166 those idiosyncrasies of those studies 83xDRQN5l1Y-00879-00195167-00195325 will be wiped out if I have to pick one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00880-00195326-00195502 analysis that works in all of them it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-00881-00195503-00195775 harder to pick analyses that are going 83xDRQN5l1Y-00882-00195776-00195916 to be in your favor when you have to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00883-00195917-00196093 repeat the exact same analysis in four 83xDRQN5l1Y-00884-00196094-00196246 or five different data sets and pull 83xDRQN5l1Y-00885-00196247-00196564 those together and then finally and this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00886-00196565-00196786 one I don't see happen as much but I'd 83xDRQN5l1Y-00887-00196787-00196999 like to see more of it is just being 83xDRQN5l1Y-00888-00197000-00197200 more accepting of exploratory analyses 83xDRQN5l1Y-00889-00197201-00197371 not everything has to be confirmatory 83xDRQN5l1Y-00890-00197372-00197581 never not everything has to have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00891-00197582-00197746 significance test attached to it it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00892-00197747-00197979 should be okay that we just explore data 83xDRQN5l1Y-00893-00197980-00198169 and that can be the beauty of some of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00894-00198170-00198331 these data sets as they let us explore 83xDRQN5l1Y-00895-00198332-00198664 new relationships I am starting to also 83xDRQN5l1Y-00896-00198665-00198886 see some changes in the research that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00897-00198887-00198994 we're doing in the practice 83xDRQN5l1Y-00898-00198995-00199186 that psychologists are engaging in so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00899-00199187-00199360 for example this article that came out 83xDRQN5l1Y-00900-00199361-00199529 at the beginning of this calendar year 83xDRQN5l1Y-00901-00199530-00199822 by Amy Orban and Andy Prez Bilski looked 83xDRQN5l1Y-00902-00199823-00199999 at screen time and adolescent well-being 83xDRQN5l1Y-00903-00200000-00200536 and they used multiverse analysis to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00904-00200537-00200656 look at a whole bunch of different 83xDRQN5l1Y-00905-00200657-00200877 models they could use to predict these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00906-00200878-00201043 and compare the results across all these 83xDRQN5l1Y-00907-00201044-00201121 different models 83xDRQN5l1Y-00908-00201122-00201327 that's not favoring one specific model 83xDRQN5l1Y-00909-00201328-00201469 that might be driven based on what 83xDRQN5l1Y-00910-00201470-00201663 people know the data set but allow for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00911-00201664-00201883 the whole possible universe of models to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00912-00201884-00202045 speak for themselves and look at the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00913-00202046-00202329 results in aggregate this and one of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00914-00202330-00202495 things I want to just point out about 83xDRQN5l1Y-00915-00202496-00202636 this study is it was very well received 83xDRQN5l1Y-00916-00202637-00202791 by the field meaning I think we're being 83xDRQN5l1Y-00917-00202792-00203068 were more attuned to the problems that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00918-00203069-00203245 come with secondary data analysis and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00919-00203246-00203443 more excited about the innovations that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00920-00203444-00203719 we have to deal with it the last thing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00921-00203720-00203995 that I want to add in my last 20 seconds 83xDRQN5l1Y-00922-00203996-00204175 here is that I think we need to do a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00923-00204176-00204370 better job of exercising judgment so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00924-00204371-00204537 it's very easy to want to come up with 83xDRQN5l1Y-00925-00204538-00204796 some sort of method or model or way of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00926-00204797-00205041 doing our analyses or system of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00927-00205042-00205198 pre-registering high data where we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-00928-00205198-00205419 say yes this researcher did this thing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00929-00205421-00205630 so it must be a good study and know this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00930-00205631-00205771 researcher did not do this thing so it 83xDRQN5l1Y-00931-00205771-00205969 must be a bad study and there's nothing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00932-00205969-00206094 that we can come up with that's gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-00933-00206096-00206283 solve the problem there's nothing that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00934-00206284-00206479 we can do where we can say yes this is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00935-00206480-00206739 good and yes this is bad all of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00936-00206740-00206923 things for developing our tools to help 83xDRQN5l1Y-00937-00206923-00207202 us do a better job of evaluating the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00938-00207203-00207408 research as readers of that research and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00939-00207409-00207621 so I just want to put in a little plug 83xDRQN5l1Y-00940-00207623-00207796 for you using these tools as a way to 83xDRQN5l1Y-00941-00207796-00207990 evaluate the credibility and robustness 83xDRQN5l1Y-00942-00207991-00208180 of research not as a way to solve any of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00943-00208181-00208359 these problems so I just want to thank 83xDRQN5l1Y-00944-00208360-00208482 my collaborators who have been working 83xDRQN5l1Y-00945-00208483-00208758 on this work with me and you for 83xDRQN5l1Y-00946-00208759-00210117 listening I think this was a really 83xDRQN5l1Y-00947-00210119-00210352 interesting talk so um to go back to the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00948-00210353-00210625 research parasites I think you know 83xDRQN5l1Y-00949-00210626-00210853 thinking about data reuse in that way 83xDRQN5l1Y-00950-00210854-00211066 sort of suggests that using data is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00951-00211067-00211230 consumptive act that there's a certain 83xDRQN5l1Y-00952-00211231-00211465 amount of knowledge in the data and when 83xDRQN5l1Y-00953-00211466-00211651 someone extracts it that removes some of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00954-00211652-00211917 that knowledge and I have I disagree 83xDRQN5l1Y-00955-00211919-00212152 with that but the point that you've 83xDRQN5l1Y-00956-00212153-00212356 raised here about this 83xDRQN5l1Y-00957-00212357-00212554 of curse of knowledge and and having so 83xDRQN5l1Y-00958-00212555-00212698 many different Studies on a particular 83xDRQN5l1Y-00959-00212698-00213031 data set I think maybe is a different 83xDRQN5l1Y-00960-00213032-00213157 way of thinking about that so I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-00961-00213158-00213307 wondering like do you think there is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00962-00213308-00213555 point at which a data set is used up 83xDRQN5l1Y-00963-00213556-00213948 yeah that's a good question um and one 83xDRQN5l1Y-00964-00213950-00214123 no one has yet asked me but when I lie 83xDRQN5l1Y-00965-00214123-00214579 awake thinking about it at night maybe I 83xDRQN5l1Y-00966-00214580-00214714 mean so some of these longitudinal 83xDRQN5l1Y-00967-00214715-00214966 studies these panel studies I keep 83xDRQN5l1Y-00968-00214967-00215035 picking on the health and retirement 83xDRQN5l1Y-00969-00215036-00215236 study because it's the one I've used the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00970-00215237-00215404 most they started to eat with collection 83xDRQN5l1Y-00971-00215405-00215542 early 90s and they're still collecting 83xDRQN5l1Y-00972-00215542-00215833 data today meaning there might be ways 83xDRQN5l1Y-00973-00215834-00215994 in which you could say I'm going to only 83xDRQN5l1Y-00974-00215996-00216217 use new waves of the data that come out 83xDRQN5l1Y-00975-00216217-00216352 and not rely on old ones although you 83xDRQN5l1Y-00976-00216353-00216505 still have some of this course of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00977-00216506-00216631 knowledge because the participants are 83xDRQN5l1Y-00978-00216632-00216802 the same there's no reason to think that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00979-00216803-00217030 the relationships between variables 83xDRQN5l1Y-00980-00217031-00217180 within people are going to change that 83xDRQN5l1Y-00981-00217181-00217906 dramatically over time so this is being 83xDRQN5l1Y-00982-00217907-00218071 recorded so I don't want to say yes yes 83xDRQN5l1Y-00983-00218071-00218200 there is important which to dataset is 83xDRQN5l1Y-00984-00218201-00218341 used but there are limits right and and 83xDRQN5l1Y-00985-00218342-00218425 I think it's a point of diminishing 83xDRQN5l1Y-00986-00218426-00218632 returns so the first couple times the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00987-00218633-00218794 data set is used that's going to have 83xDRQN5l1Y-00988-00218794-00219106 more new or credible information and as 83xDRQN5l1Y-00989-00219107-00219280 we move further further and further down 83xDRQN5l1Y-00990-00219281-00219573 that we're getting less and less quality 83xDRQN5l1Y-00991-00219575-00219829 information out of it the pulled rock 83xDRQN5l1Y-00992-00219830-00220017 paper that I think I linked to it in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-00993-00220019-00220150 slides and the slides are gonna be an 83xDRQN5l1Y-00994-00220151-00220269 OSF 83xDRQN5l1Y-00995-00220271-00220471 so go check out that paper because they 83xDRQN5l1Y-00996-00220471-00220660 did a really nice job they used a lot of 83xDRQN5l1Y-00997-00220661-00220842 simulations to show again I think is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-00998-00220844-00221002 very intuitive point that the more we 83xDRQN5l1Y-00999-00221003-00221200 use this these datasets the more type 1 83xDRQN5l1Y-01000-00221201-00221383 error we have but I think they also sort 83xDRQN5l1Y-01001-00221384-00221605 of demonstrate that point at which early 83xDRQN5l1Y-01002-00221606-00221935 on we can have more faith in these 83xDRQN5l1Y-01003-00221936-00222106 results than we do later in later and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01004-00222107-00222319 maybe that's the point at which in terms 83xDRQN5l1Y-01005-00222319-00222478 of confirmatory testing these datasets 83xDRQN5l1Y-01006-00222479-00222733 are used up but that doesn't mean we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01007-00222734-00223550 still can't use them for other things 83xDRQN5l1Y-01008-00223551-00223921 hi I have a question about perfect using 83xDRQN5l1Y-01009-00223923-00224153 pre-existing data sets since the talks 83xDRQN5l1Y-01010-00224154-00224432 this morning I'm so I'm open to anyone 83xDRQN5l1Y-01011-00224433-00224852 commenting on it so there are if a paper 83xDRQN5l1Y-01012-00224853-00225128 is retracted you get a retraction notice 83xDRQN5l1Y-01013-00225129-00225287 and that isn't always followed through 83xDRQN5l1Y-01014-00225288-00225446 and that data can be used or the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01015-00225446-00225590 information that paper can be used again 83xDRQN5l1Y-01016-00225591-00225833 what safeguards are in place for data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01017-00225834-00226106 that could be retracted 83xDRQN5l1Y-01018-00226107-00226567 is there anything right um so to preface 83xDRQN5l1Y-01019-00226569-00226721 this with again I'm not someone who has 83xDRQN5l1Y-01020-00226721-00226880 done a lot of data collection actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-01021-00226881-00227138 my mic OPI is a research sim Bianchi and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01022-00227139-00227269 I work really well together because he 83xDRQN5l1Y-01023-00227271-00227591 collects lots of data and I use it so he 83xDRQN5l1Y-01024-00227592-00227809 most of what I know I know from him but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01025-00227810-00228029 there are great repositories where you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01026-00228030-00228203 can put data so some that are built 83xDRQN5l1Y-01027-00228204-00228367 specifically things like for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01028-00228369-00228566 neuroimaging or for genetics but there's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01029-00228567-00228779 also data repositories that anybody can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01030-00228780-00228985 upload any kind of data to so the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01031-00228986-00229181 Harvard data verse is a great one some 83xDRQN5l1Y-01032-00229182-00229364 of those data repositories are peer 83xDRQN5l1Y-01033-00229365-00229553 reviewed so in order to put your data on 83xDRQN5l1Y-01034-00229554-00229742 those repositories you have to write up 83xDRQN5l1Y-01035-00229742-00229960 a very detailed description of how the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01036-00229961-00230134 data were collected what's inside the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01037-00230135-00230306 data you have to basically write a very 83xDRQN5l1Y-01038-00230307-00230507 detailed codebook and those get peer 83xDRQN5l1Y-01039-00230508-00230729 reviewed for things like readability 83xDRQN5l1Y-01040-00230730-00230879 before they're published so I imagine 83xDRQN5l1Y-01041-00230880-00231077 that if you were to post data in those 83xDRQN5l1Y-01042-00231078-00231302 repositories and then we find something 83xDRQN5l1Y-01043-00231303-00231467 is problematic with it there might be a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01044-00231467-00231704 mechanism there for data to be retracted 83xDRQN5l1Y-01045-00231705-00231863 or for some sort of notice on those data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01046-00231864-00232250 to be put whereas other mechanisms like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01047-00232251-00232403 posting your dataset on a personal 83xDRQN5l1Y-01048-00232404-00232556 website or even on the Open Science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01049-00232557-00232751 framework doesn't have peer review 83xDRQN5l1Y-01050-00232752-00232973 involved and doesn't seem to have those 83xDRQN5l1Y-01051-00232973-00233380 checks one of the things that I've been 83xDRQN5l1Y-01052-00233381-00233642 especially concerned with as someone who 83xDRQN5l1Y-01053-00233642-00233831 uses publicly available data is I think 83xDRQN5l1Y-01054-00233832-00234001 we need to do a better job of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01055-00234002-00234266 incentivizing posting data and rewarding 83xDRQN5l1Y-01056-00234267-00234515 posting data and part of that comes with 83xDRQN5l1Y-01057-00234516-00234725 creating standards for what is a good 83xDRQN5l1Y-01058-00234726-00234878 data set and what does it mean to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01059-00234879-00235130 properly document a data set in order 83xDRQN5l1Y-01060-00235131-00235292 for us to be able to reward people who 83xDRQN5l1Y-01061-00235292-00235517 go through the effort of doing that and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01062-00235517-00235679 making research possible for people who 83xDRQN5l1Y-01063-00235680-00235819 might not be able to collect their own 83xDRQN5l1Y-01064-00235821-00236150 and that of the ability to retract a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01065-00236151-00236309 data center to flag data sets that are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01066-00236310-00236473 problematic in some ways should go along 83xDRQN5l1Y-01067-00236475-00236821 with that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01068-00236823-00236987 next we have Danielle Alisa dairy and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01069-00236988-00237152 she is the co-founder and project 83xDRQN5l1Y-01070-00237153-00237344 director at pre-review a platform for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01071-00237344-00237866 crowdsourcing preprint reviews all right 83xDRQN5l1Y-01072-00237867-00238157 thank you everyone for holding on in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01073-00238158-00238382 this afternoon I'm pretty tired but I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-01074-00238383-00238944 sure we talked in a pretty speedy time 83xDRQN5l1Y-01075-00238946-00239264 so before I start these slides are gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-01076-00239265-00239633 be available on picture but for now just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01077-00239634-00239890 on under the CRL and our licensed under 83xDRQN5l1Y-01078-00239891-00240409 Creative Commons by four zero so yeah 83xDRQN5l1Y-01079-00240410-00240659 I'm Daniella I am a neuroscientist by 83xDRQN5l1Y-01080-00240660-00240944 training I finished my PhD nine months 83xDRQN5l1Y-01081-00240944-00241112 ago now at Oregon Health and Science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01082-00241113-00241577 University I'm Italian and during my PhD 83xDRQN5l1Y-01083-00241578-00241889 have been working with Keith Ferris on 83xDRQN5l1Y-01084-00241890-00242101 studying how the auditory system 83xDRQN5l1Y-01085-00242102-00242294 integrates sounds coming from multiple 83xDRQN5l1Y-01086-00242294-00242588 directions but somehow throughout my 83xDRQN5l1Y-01087-00242589-00242777 peers throughout my PhD I also came 83xDRQN5l1Y-01088-00242778-00243005 across an amazing community of open 83xDRQN5l1Y-01089-00243006-00243289 science and open scholarship advocates 83xDRQN5l1Y-01090-00243290-00243533 that I've really opened up the doors to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01091-00243534-00243827 what I'm actually doing right now that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01092-00243828-00244091 is my what I call dream team I'm Monica 83xDRQN5l1Y-01093-00244092-00244246 granados and some handle it work with me 83xDRQN5l1Y-01094-00244248-00244571 a pre review I'm also a mozillian just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01095-00244571-00244763 finished a fellowship last year that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01096-00244764-00244883 allowed me to do this work 83xDRQN5l1Y-01097-00244884-00245204 after my PhD and I also love organizing 83xDRQN5l1Y-01098-00245205-00245384 things like this and community and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01099-00245385-00245528 hackathons and so that's just one 83xDRQN5l1Y-01100-00245529-00245975 example shine shock day in 2016-17 moved 83xDRQN5l1Y-01101-00245976-00246188 on in both years 83xDRQN5l1Y-01102-00246189-00246559 so yeah open con 26 2016 was the first 83xDRQN5l1Y-01103-00246560-00246704 time in which I heard the world open 83xDRQN5l1Y-01104-00246705-00247040 science rubbing shampoo who some of you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01105-00247041-00247234 might know from OHSU she's really my 83xDRQN5l1Y-01106-00247235-00247538 open science mentor and she gave me a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01107-00247539-00247676 scholarship to attend this conference I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01108-00247677-00247850 had no idea what was gonna go to an 83xDRQN5l1Y-01109-00247851-00248150 attend that I found this amazing group 83xDRQN5l1Y-01110-00248151-00248437 of international activists researchers 83xDRQN5l1Y-01111-00248438-00248654 librarians that would really try to make 83xDRQN5l1Y-01112-00248655-00248984 science better and I was shocked 83xDRQN5l1Y-01113-00248985-00249362 excited overwhelmed I remember all this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01114-00249363-00249602 feeling and one of the most important 83xDRQN5l1Y-01115-00249603-00249776 ones is that for the first time I could 83xDRQN5l1Y-01116-00249777-00249910 actually put a finger or something that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01117-00249911-00250096 I felt 83xDRQN5l1Y-01118-00250096-00250366 but I didn't really quite realize which 83xDRQN5l1Y-01119-00250367-00250633 is that science is really not that open 83xDRQN5l1Y-01120-00250634-00250831 and exciting collaborative thing that I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01121-00250832-00251271 imagined before I joined academia but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01122-00251273-00251646 the a lot of scientific knowledge and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01123-00251648-00251842 not just science but I really want to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01124-00251842-00251971 open it up to the whole corpus of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01125-00251971-00252232 scholarship it's generally locked behind 83xDRQN5l1Y-01126-00252233-00252480 closed doors the Fulton cities this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01127-00252481-00252921 state of fakeness and in closeness and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01128-00252923-00253144 so we are in this room earlier 83xDRQN5l1Y-01129-00253144-00253282 definitely to try to change that but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01130-00253283-00253560 that was like a new concept for me and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01131-00253561-00253833 so take peer review for example which is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01132-00253834-00254046 a very essential part of the research 83xDRQN5l1Y-01133-00254048-00254251 lifecycle I wish I could take credit for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01134-00254252-00254673 this awesome drawing but it's supposed 83xDRQN5l1Y-01135-00254675-00254980 to really be that that's like a process 83xDRQN5l1Y-01136-00254981-00255304 that allows for us to check the the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01137-00255305-00255463 research and the science that comes out 83xDRQN5l1Y-01138-00255464-00255664 and it gets disseminated so the other 83xDRQN5l1Y-01139-00255665-00255862 scientists can really build upon it and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01140-00255863-00256053 grow our understanding towards knowledge 83xDRQN5l1Y-01141-00256054-00256291 but in reality it's really a process 83xDRQN5l1Y-01142-00256292-00256732 that as mostly things are changing but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01143-00256733-00257167 the default dominated by or kind of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01144-00257167-00257551 controlled by journals and in a way that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01145-00257552-00257992 is pretty opaque to what we my more even 83xDRQN5l1Y-01146-00257992-00258187 more than we might realize so just think 83xDRQN5l1Y-01147-00258188-00258459 about we have general editors so I as 83xDRQN5l1Y-01148-00258460-00258714 far as I understand it is not real 83xDRQN5l1Y-01149-00258715-00259006 protocol to actually hire it's not even 83xDRQN5l1Y-01150-00259007-00259237 hired because most of them not in notes 83xDRQN5l1Y-01151-00259238-00259330 or not so I'm gonna make some 83xDRQN5l1Y-01152-00259331-00259477 generalization here but they're also 83xDRQN5l1Y-01153-00259478-00259798 researchers who do it for for free and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01154-00259798-00259996 for the good of knowledge and they get 83xDRQN5l1Y-01155-00259996-00260203 in this position of being editors and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01156-00260204-00260479 then their role is to find reviewers to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01157-00260480-00260689 produce our science right and these 83xDRQN5l1Y-01158-00260690-00261069 reviewers are found through personal 83xDRQN5l1Y-01159-00261071-00261292 connections and lists that are not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01160-00261292-00261457 shared across journals this is a very 83xDRQN5l1Y-01161-00261458-00261885 like not transparent process in that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01162-00261886-00262057 sense and on top of that it's very slow 83xDRQN5l1Y-01163-00262058-00262246 as you all know it is on average six 83xDRQN5l1Y-01164-00262247-00262410 months to a year depends on the four 83xDRQN5l1Y-01165-00262411-00262606 different disciplines to really get your 83xDRQN5l1Y-01166-00262607-00262954 work out and the major issue I have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01167-00262955-00263296 peer review is that it very effectively 83xDRQN5l1Y-01168-00263297-00263479 reinforces the inequality 83xDRQN5l1Y-01169-00263480-00263629 have been dominating academia for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01170-00263630-00264003 centuries which is having the power to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01171-00264004-00264289 really unlock science and and and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01172-00264290-00264517 knowledge in concentrate the hands of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01173-00264518-00264829 very few people this is an old picture 83xDRQN5l1Y-01174-00264830-00265126 but if you look at the makeup of editors 83xDRQN5l1Y-01175-00265127-00265450 and reviewers and this is I should have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01176-00265451-00265681 put here citations but it's been shown 83xDRQN5l1Y-01177-00265682-00265981 to be predominantly male and white from 83xDRQN5l1Y-01178-00265982-00266209 countries in like North America in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01179-00266210-00266662 Europe so last but not least even though 83xDRQN5l1Y-01180-00266663-00266866 peer review such an important process in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01181-00266867-00267097 our research cycle there is lack of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01182-00267098-00267277 formal training how to provide 83xDRQN5l1Y-01183-00267278-00267439 constructive feedback to other 83xDRQN5l1Y-01184-00267440-00267577 researchers you basically just are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01185-00267578-00267742 supposed to know how to review just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01186-00267743-00267916 because you've published yourself which 83xDRQN5l1Y-01187-00267917-00268207 is absurd to me and so we have a system 83xDRQN5l1Y-01188-00268208-00268351 that is so important there is a peak 83xDRQN5l1Y-01189-00268352-00268675 flow unrewarded lacks diversity in Lux 83xDRQN5l1Y-01190-00268676-00268921 trainings table that for a second 83xDRQN5l1Y-01191-00268922-00269182 another thing that I learned at open con 83xDRQN5l1Y-01192-00269183-00269482 is about footprints and they were 83xDRQN5l1Y-01193-00269483-00269647 probably the most exciting thing that I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01194-00269648-00269929 came back home with and preprints as 83xDRQN5l1Y-01195-00269930-00270091 most of you know our manuscripts that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01196-00270092-00270217 are proof really they are freely 83xDRQN5l1Y-01197-00270218-00270469 available online before john organized 83xDRQN5l1Y-01198-00270470-00270673 peer-review so now physicists have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01199-00270674-00270877 started this as was mentioned before in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01200-00270878-00271159 1991 with the archive but now more and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01201-00271160-00271374 more scientists are actually adopting 83xDRQN5l1Y-01202-00271375-00271681 this process we have the internet we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01203-00271682-00271867 do it we can just put our researchers 83xDRQN5l1Y-01204-00271868-00272122 out there ourselves without waiting for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01205-00272123-00272416 general to go through the peer long peer 83xDRQN5l1Y-01206-00272417-00272629 review process and what's also about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01207-00272630-00272773 this this is a really complete 83xDRQN5l1Y-01208-00272774-00272971 manuscripts they're permanent or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01209-00272972-00273178 versions and their site of all they have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01210-00273179-00273370 this is also identifiers in the most 83xDRQN5l1Y-01211-00273371-00273718 cases but my favorite quality of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01212-00273719-00273853 references that can be reviewed by 83xDRQN5l1Y-01213-00273854-00274060 anyone that you can get feedback by 83xDRQN5l1Y-01214-00274061-00274399 anyone and so this is something that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01215-00274400-00274582 came out yesterday I'm sorry it's cut 83xDRQN5l1Y-01216-00274583-00274798 off there but it's a it's a from the bio 83xDRQN5l1Y-01217-00274799-00275146 archive team it finally put out I have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01218-00275147-00275311 to say it was a lot of work so I'm not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01219-00275312-00275542 complaining but they were that data that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01220-00275543-00275704 have been collecting over the past few 83xDRQN5l1Y-01221-00275705-00275893 years and also reports of their impact 83xDRQN5l1Y-01222-00275894-00276238 and they this is just to show why the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01223-00276239-00276525 researcher post preference 83xDRQN5l1Y-01224-00276526-00276777 here in the 4th you know the main one 83xDRQN5l1Y-01225-00276778-00276903 seems to increase awareness of your 83xDRQN5l1Y-01226-00276904-00277122 research but like my I'm interested in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01227-00277123-00277230 the feedback part that I was very 83xDRQN5l1Y-01228-00277231-00277362 surprised to see that I was too little 83xDRQN5l1Y-01229-00277363-00277638 fourth category here so this I think 83xDRQN5l1Y-01230-00277639-00277836 that the sample size was pretty high 83xDRQN5l1Y-01231-00277837-00278115 about 4000 researchers of course biased 83xDRQN5l1Y-01232-00278116-00278271 these are all people that have Proust 83xDRQN5l1Y-01233-00278272-00278490 appropriate and bio archive there is a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01234-00278491-00278715 geographical and gender bias but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01235-00278716-00279081 nonetheless this is the data however 83xDRQN5l1Y-01236-00279082-00279303 when I came back from open con excited 83xDRQN5l1Y-01237-00279304-00279573 about this feedback possibility and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01238-00279574-00279792 looked at bond by archive again just to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01239-00279793-00279924 buy a thing but like the amount of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01240-00279925-00280107 commenting like the users of the public 83xDRQN5l1Y-01241-00280108-00280323 commenting box was like 10 11 percent 83xDRQN5l1Y-01242-00280324-00280596 and this has not changed very much 83xDRQN5l1Y-01243-00280597-00280800 especially has not changed considering 83xDRQN5l1Y-01244-00280801-00280941 the fact that we are changing so much in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01245-00280942-00281217 the adoption of preference and and this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01246-00281218-00281358 is the last image that I show for in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01247-00281359-00281574 this study has that it seems like most 83xDRQN5l1Y-01248-00281575-00281799 of the feedback happens on Twitter which 83xDRQN5l1Y-01249-00281800-00282093 I love Twitter but it also makes me a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01250-00282094-00282441 fear of missing out that I don't know 83xDRQN5l1Y-01251-00282442-00282609 when I saw that or like oh my god most 83xDRQN5l1Y-01252-00282610-00282759 of the discussions around my science are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01253-00282760-00282897 going to if think that I'm not checking 83xDRQN5l1Y-01254-00282898-00283284 24 hours a day and so I wish that were 83xDRQN5l1Y-01255-00283285-00283551 the first system to actually get 83xDRQN5l1Y-01256-00283552-00283797 conversations around preferences and so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01257-00283798-00284025 one thing that the first thing that I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01258-00284026-00284157 did when I came back from Oakland from 83xDRQN5l1Y-01259-00284158-00284433 open con was to what I could which I was 83xDRQN5l1Y-01260-00284434-00284571 running a journal Club in neuroscience 83xDRQN5l1Y-01261-00284572-00284817 and I was like can we stop reviewing 83xDRQN5l1Y-01262-00284818-00285000 already published or talking about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01263-00285001-00285219 already published work and then we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01264-00285220-00285357 talked about all these things that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01265-00285358-00285525 found it but we can do anything about it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01266-00285526-00285699 and it's frustrating can we just talk 83xDRQN5l1Y-01267-00285700-00285849 about for prints and then send an email 83xDRQN5l1Y-01268-00285850-00286203 to the authors but even better 83xDRQN5l1Y-01269-00286204-00286389 can we actually post to this just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01270-00286390-00286542 comments on the comment box of why 83xDRQN5l1Y-01271-00286543-00286740 archival or so on and so forth and this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01272-00286741-00286944 is not it was not my idea something that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01273-00286945-00287178 I read from crashy about dr. Pratt chef 83xDRQN5l1Y-01274-00287179-00287496 Ashley on Twitter and I was like this is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01275-00287497-00287970 great so it kind of molded into us into 83xDRQN5l1Y-01276-00287971-00288207 a project that some handle the woman in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01277-00288208-00288501 the middle and I started in 2017 and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01278-00288502-00288834 because we were so open on Twitter and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01279-00288835-00289119 we got al thoria that at the time was an 83xDRQN5l1Y-01280-00289120-00289368 independent startup now it's bought by 83xDRQN5l1Y-01281-00289369-00289641 Whaley but they offer this platform for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01282-00289642-00289872 us in less than 24 hours we had a way 83xDRQN5l1Y-01283-00289873-00290132 for researchers to post and negate the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01284-00290133-00290388 eyes for their reviews and you know of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01285-00290389-00290558 course there's a small project ran by 83xDRQN5l1Y-01286-00290559-00290933 two early career researchers we we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01287-00290934-00291072 didn't have a ton of engagement but we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01288-00291073-00291323 have things so far we had like about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01289-00291324-00291738 sixty per interviews that I'm putting 83xDRQN5l1Y-01290-00291739-00292017 out put out and 200 members but this was 83xDRQN5l1Y-01291-00292018-00292221 not a platform designed to actually do 83xDRQN5l1Y-01292-00292222-00292539 what we wanted to do right and I I do 83xDRQN5l1Y-01293-00292540-00292737 think that software can actually help 83xDRQN5l1Y-01294-00292738-00292890 make things easier and there is that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01295-00292891-00293132 time barrier that Lenny talked about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01296-00293133-00293333 this is totally right we there's no 83xDRQN5l1Y-01297-00293334-00293627 incentives to actually review preprints 83xDRQN5l1Y-01298-00293628-00293880 although we are very committed to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01299-00293881-00294107 finding them I thought the idea that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01300-00294108-00294273 think that anyone should be any 83xDRQN5l1Y-01301-00294274-00294528 researcher should be able to post a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01302-00294529-00294701 comment a review or whatever you call it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01303-00294702-00294924 and we can talk about how that looks 83xDRQN5l1Y-01304-00294925-00295164 like to really help make the peer-review 83xDRQN5l1Y-01305-00295165-00295326 process more open more diverse and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01306-00295327-00295629 possibly faster if we connect the pieces 83xDRQN5l1Y-01307-00295630-00295985 of the puzzles in an efficient way so in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01308-00295986-00296298 the past year amazingly we got an 83xDRQN5l1Y-01309-00296299-00296451 actually very nice support from the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01310-00296452-00296660 community and founders like the Alfred P 83xDRQN5l1Y-01311-00296661-00296885 sloan Foundation and Mozilla have helped 83xDRQN5l1Y-01312-00296886-00297308 us fund some of the ideas that we had 83xDRQN5l1Y-01313-00297309-00297530 most of to say have been related to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01314-00297531-00297723 software it's much easier to get money 83xDRQN5l1Y-01315-00297724-00297903 for software there is for community 83xDRQN5l1Y-01316-00297904-00298089 building and I'm gonna argue that maybe 83xDRQN5l1Y-01317-00298090-00298401 they need some change but we're really 83xDRQN5l1Y-01318-00298402-00298743 grateful and so we just put out a beta 83xDRQN5l1Y-01319-00298744-00298998 version of this the new peer review 83xDRQN5l1Y-01320-00298999-00299226 which was designed after series of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01321-00299227-00299589 surveys and Sprint's that we ran with 83xDRQN5l1Y-01322-00299590-00299751 researchers from in different parts of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01323-00299752-00299916 the world in which we're really trying 83xDRQN5l1Y-01324-00299917-00300027 to understand like what are the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01325-00300028-00300180 incentives that the things that we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01326-00300181-00300354 create here that can make this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01327-00300355-00300635 experience more valuable so I'm gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-01328-00300636-00300755 show a couple of screenshots from the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01329-00300756-00301017 platform it's the UI is gonna change 83xDRQN5l1Y-01330-00301018-00301541 very soon so don't just that too harshly 83xDRQN5l1Y-01331-00301542-00301875 so actually before I do that I just want 83xDRQN5l1Y-01332-00301876-00302135 to mention that really our goal a peer 83xDRQN5l1Y-01333-00302136-00302289 review now is not just focusing on 83xDRQN5l1Y-01334-00302290-00302489 journal cards really really to empower 83xDRQN5l1Y-01335-00302490-00302703 researchers especially researchers from 83xDRQN5l1Y-01336-00302704-00302922 early careers and their careers and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01337-00302923-00303155 researchers from 83xDRQN5l1Y-01338-00303156-00303288 munities that are not currently engaged 83xDRQN5l1Y-01339-00303289-00303683 in peer review in becoming in raising 83xDRQN5l1Y-01340-00303684-00303959 their voices and kind of bring 83xDRQN5l1Y-01341-00303960-00304058 constructive feedback to their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01342-00304059-00304293 colleagues and connect them through this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01343-00304294-00304475 platform we're developing a training 83xDRQN5l1Y-01344-00304476-00304703 program that is a cohort based similarly 83xDRQN5l1Y-01345-00304704-00305006 to what I was mentioned that Julia did 83xDRQN5l1Y-01346-00305007-00305217 phone opens gates which is gonna pair 83xDRQN5l1Y-01347-00305218-00305378 mentors and mentees to really learn 83xDRQN5l1Y-01348-00305379-00305640 about implicit bias and how to defeat 83xDRQN5l1Y-01349-00305641-00305894 back after receive feedback so that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01350-00305895-00306050 don't get those oh you should go back to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01351-00306051-00306398 Collins reviews from reviewers which I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01352-00306399-00306840 write it wasn't to me but review and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01353-00306841-00307068 we're hoping to connect researchers not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01354-00307069-00307242 just with each other but also to journal 83xDRQN5l1Y-01355-00307243-00307478 editors that are willing to accept these 83xDRQN5l1Y-01356-00307479-00307788 reviews as potentially helping their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01357-00307789-00308040 their own process and this is not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01358-00308041-00308171 something that we are only doing by the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01359-00308172-00308279 way there are a lot of things that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01360-00308280-00308582 everyday are coming up now and but I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01361-00308583-00308747 think we're all the only one who say 83xDRQN5l1Y-01362-00308748-00308900 that anyone in your researcher should 83xDRQN5l1Y-01363-00308901-00309227 review and I'm happy to have asked 83xDRQN5l1Y-01364-00309228-00309387 questions from the audience to challenge 83xDRQN5l1Y-01365-00309388-00309695 that concept so any researcher with an 83xDRQN5l1Y-01366-00309696-00309983 orchid ID can come here whose you need 83xDRQN5l1Y-01367-00309984-00310259 an orchid ID which doesn't really ensure 83xDRQN5l1Y-01368-00310260-00310496 that you're not a troll but what we hope 83xDRQN5l1Y-01369-00310497-00310655 that will ensure that idea not a troll 83xDRQN5l1Y-01370-00310656-00310808 is that you have to agree to a code of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01371-00310809-00311118 conduct and even then of course you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01372-00311119-00311316 go in and and dry and constructive 83xDRQN5l1Y-01373-00311317-00311793 feedback but we have the ability to kick 83xDRQN5l1Y-01374-00311794-00311843 you out 83xDRQN5l1Y-01375-00311844-00312143 not that that might deter anyone but we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01376-00312144-00312332 are very serious about wanting to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01377-00312333-00312516 increase inclusivity and so we'll 83xDRQN5l1Y-01378-00312517-00312731 realize after the first three months and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01379-00312732-00312857 we wanted to have everything open and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01380-00312858-00313041 transparent inclusive identities that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01381-00313042-00313226 couldn't do that so we needed a way to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01382-00313227-00313570 actually give the option of pseudonymity 83xDRQN5l1Y-01383-00313571-00313893 to our users which means that the first 83xDRQN5l1Y-01384-00313894-00314156 date is actually the name is not you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01385-00314157-00314489 choose I don't know like Panda 64 and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01386-00314490-00314801 that is your persona on parade of you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01387-00314802-00314988 and then at any point in time you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01388-00314989-00315170 choose to go public in that it's because 83xDRQN5l1Y-01389-00315171-00315482 a you might as an early career not feel 83xDRQN5l1Y-01390-00315483-00315615 very and this is what came out in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01391-00315616-00315880 survey it's very comfortable doing it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01392-00315881-00316127 immediately being in public and the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01393-00316128-00316264 other thing is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01394-00316265-00316562 that we would like to track how this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01395-00316563-00317003 kind of confidence or how this state 83xDRQN5l1Y-01396-00317004-00317138 actually changes with the change of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01397-00317139-00317306 culture so we're going to see other 83xDRQN5l1Y-01398-00317307-00317495 words and we can always go back to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01399-00317496-00317684 panelist 64 and say you violate a code 83xDRQN5l1Y-01400-00317685-00317990 of conduct you can get kicked out so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01401-00317991-00318146 there is a search engine I'm not gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-01402-00318147-00318344 dwell on this too much we have a way 83xDRQN5l1Y-01403-00318345-00318434 that we're going to change it a little 83xDRQN5l1Y-01404-00318435-00318629 bit but like we're gonna have reviews 83xDRQN5l1Y-01405-00318630-00318989 happening in context of the actual prep 83xDRQN5l1Y-01406-00318990-00319172 print and again the only thing we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01407-00319173-00319349 continue to remark on is be constructive 83xDRQN5l1Y-01408-00319350-00319655 so we are all now working on some text 83xDRQN5l1Y-01409-00319656-00319871 mining that can actually suggest the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01410-00319872-00320297 language well the reviewer is writing so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01411-00320298-00320450 last thing I want to talk about and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01412-00320451-00320630 don't have much time is that we're also 83xDRQN5l1Y-01413-00320631-00320807 working for the outbreak science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01414-00320808-00321143 community well is it just a slide to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01415-00321144-00321269 show that there is a lot of reasons like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01416-00321270-00321515 free prints are actually great for break 83xDRQN5l1Y-01417-00321516-00321641 science because you have an outbreak 83xDRQN5l1Y-01418-00321642-00321812 going on out there in the three 83xDRQN5l1Y-01419-00321813-00322019 countries and then that's the literature 83xDRQN5l1Y-01420-00322020-00322169 that comes up with the same time access 83xDRQN5l1Y-01421-00322170-00322415 it's kind of delayed and you wish that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01422-00322416-00322673 that didn't happen so we kind of quite 83xDRQN5l1Y-01423-00322674-00322850 weak I paired up with outbreak science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01424-00322851-00323125 it's a nonprofit organization working in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01425-00323126-00323375 promoting footprints in that space and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01426-00323376-00323546 we're coming up with a new way of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01427-00323547-00323810 actually a new platform to rapidly 83xDRQN5l1Y-01428-00323811-00324140 review preference and has incredible you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01429-00324141-00324469 I'm going to demo this to this afternoon 83xDRQN5l1Y-01430-00324470-00324764 and I'm gonna show it right now 83xDRQN5l1Y-01431-00324765-00325010 and I want to end with the fact that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01432-00325011-00325295 really it's about a people I really 83xDRQN5l1Y-01433-00325296-00325445 realized the more and more I do this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01434-00325446-00325586 work that it's not a software problem 83xDRQN5l1Y-01435-00325587-00325877 software helps but it's really community 83xDRQN5l1Y-01436-00325878-00326086 building challenge and it is exhausting 83xDRQN5l1Y-01437-00326087-00326444 and also I we decided to make a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01438-00326445-00326663 conscious decision a creative you to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01439-00326664-00326969 really shift their concepts towards like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01440-00326970-00327122 how can we make this space more 83xDRQN5l1Y-01441-00327123-00327437 equitable because I think has equity 83xDRQN5l1Y-01442-00327438-00327671 inclusion our diversity inclusion our 83xDRQN5l1Y-01443-00327672-00327884 this kind of parts of open science but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01444-00327885-00328043 not always are the first thing that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01445-00328044-00328274 people think about now that we are doing 83xDRQN5l1Y-01446-00328275-00328511 it we are actually doing sometimes a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01447-00328512-00328631 poor job and that's why we want to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01448-00328632-00328826 challenge our assumptions so I had the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01449-00328827-00328982 first meeting with this incredible 83xDRQN5l1Y-01450-00328983-00329261 international group last week 83xDRQN5l1Y-01451-00329262-00329456 last month at angle science we were 83xDRQN5l1Y-01452-00329457-00329580 really challenging L 83xDRQN5l1Y-01453-00329581-00329757 even is that preprint good in any case 83xDRQN5l1Y-01454-00329758-00329934 like I discovered and I'm gonna just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01455-00329935-00330315 live with this that in Kenya I think in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01456-00330316-00330615 two years ago they all every University 83xDRQN5l1Y-01457-00330616-00330792 in Kenya try to put together money to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01458-00330793-00330984 pay for one student well severe for one 83xDRQN5l1Y-01459-00330985-00331230 year and they couldn't so the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01460-00331231-00331398 implication of public not publishing 83xDRQN5l1Y-01461-00331399-00331566 open access is not oh I want to be 83xDRQN5l1Y-01462-00331567-00331710 against Elsevier it's like they have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01463-00331711-00331854 entire countries not gonna be able to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01464-00331855-00331998 read your research so those implications 83xDRQN5l1Y-01465-00331999-00332139 are things that I don't even 83xDRQN5l1Y-01466-00332140-00332337 we don't even sometimes I mean I didn't 83xDRQN5l1Y-01467-00332338-00332523 even think about I didn't even know so I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01468-00332524-00332664 really think that there is space there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01469-00332665-00332982 to improve and he's won over the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01470-00332983-00333147 collaborators are referring before in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01471-00333148-00333360 Kenya and he just wrote a piece and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01472-00333361-00333471 think I love this quote it's like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01473-00333472-00333609 without addressing the lack of diversity 83xDRQN5l1Y-01474-00333610-00333801 we cannot hope to achieve achieve equity 83xDRQN5l1Y-01475-00333802-00334080 no matter how much we open our science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01476-00334081-00334257 so I really want to keep these things in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01477-00334258-00334434 mind as we continue to develop these 83xDRQN5l1Y-01478-00334435-00334620 things and try to get money for actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-01479-00334621-00334821 collaborations that are meaningful with 83xDRQN5l1Y-01480-00334822-00335193 organizations across the world so yeah 83xDRQN5l1Y-01481-00335194-00335454 my hope is kind of restored science 83xDRQN5l1Y-01482-00335455-00335676 could be an open collaborative mean 83xDRQN5l1Y-01483-00335677-00335931 diverse enterprise but we really need to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01484-00335932-00336153 work together and that it's and so I'm 83xDRQN5l1Y-01485-00336154-00336324 glad that there are meetings like this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01486-00336325-00336450 that can really put us together in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01487-00336451-00336705 same room and talk about it so thank you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01488-00336706-00336909 all and also thanks to the funding and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01489-00336910-00337050 cultural science and society is our 83xDRQN5l1Y-01490-00337051-00337233 fiscal sponsor we operated a non profit 83xDRQN5l1Y-01491-00337234-00337599 through them which is amazing and some 83xDRQN5l1Y-01492-00337600-00337764 Hindle monica Grinnell's are my 83xDRQN5l1Y-01493-00337765-00337971 collaborators and they work in my team 83xDRQN5l1Y-01494-00337972-00338262 and Michael Hanson is the director of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01495-00338263-00338457 outbreak science thank you so much for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01496-00338458-00339402 your attention there was a question I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01497-00339403-00339726 think during Sara's talk about is it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01498-00339727-00339879 possible that we're over using some 83xDRQN5l1Y-01499-00339880-00340104 datasets and that got me to thinking 83xDRQN5l1Y-01500-00340105-00340419 about I think I mentioned it before like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01501-00340420-00340821 if we had a standardized benchmark data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01502-00340822-00341103 set and the idea will hold out he 83xDRQN5l1Y-01503-00341104-00341220 mentioned like holdouts from a machine 83xDRQN5l1Y-01504-00341221-00341535 or community were important where we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01505-00341536-00341766 have a holdout set and we have this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01506-00341767-00341907 standardized data set that a lot of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01507-00341908-00342275 people might be using but we check up on 83xDRQN5l1Y-01508-00342276-00342516 how those models are performing on the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01509-00342517-00342636 holdout set and then we can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01510-00342637-00342837 that's whether we're fitting or not is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01511-00342838-00343149 that something that you think is useful 83xDRQN5l1Y-01512-00343150-00343299 and a lot of scientific communities or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01513-00343300-00343581 is that also not a good idea to have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01514-00343582-00343929 people a set of like an organization you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01515-00343930-00344058 know being in charge of like this fold 83xDRQN5l1Y-01516-00344059-00345054 outside or something okay so it's it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01517-00345055-00345213 sort of like anything else there's not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01518-00345214-00345378 gonna be any one thing that we do that's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01519-00345379-00345579 gonna solve the problem but I also don't 83xDRQN5l1Y-01520-00345580-00345711 think hold out samples are necessarily 83xDRQN5l1Y-01521-00345712-00346080 bad I have heard of some of these larger 83xDRQN5l1Y-01522-00346081-00346338 organizations considering that idea as 83xDRQN5l1Y-01523-00346339-00346524 well like will release a part of the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01524-00346525-00346764 data that people can hack away at to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01525-00346765-00346875 their heart's content and then when 83xDRQN5l1Y-01526-00346876-00347013 they're ready they register this is the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01527-00347014-00347259 analysis I want to do we run it on our 83xDRQN5l1Y-01528-00347260-00347400 servers and give them the results not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01529-00347401-00347823 the data and I think that can get us 83xDRQN5l1Y-01530-00347824-00348078 farther than just using the data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01531-00348079-00348255 collectively we still get to that point 83xDRQN5l1Y-01532-00348256-00348444 where enough people have analyzed the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01533-00348445-00348711 holdout sample and suddenly you know you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01534-00348712-00348999 know what's in it um you can you can you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01535-00349000-00349146 know conceive of ways to take that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01536-00349147-00349263 further and further like we're gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-01537-00349264-00349518 only analyze part of the holdout sample 83xDRQN5l1Y-01538-00349519-00349683 and it's a random part every time and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01539-00349684-00349962 each of those steps can get us can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01540-00349963-00350169 preserve the longevity of these data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01541-00350170-00350502 sets but nothing's ever gonna stop the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01542-00350503-00350658 fact that we will know too much it's um 83xDRQN5l1Y-01543-00350659-00350808 I I don't think someone else should 83xDRQN5l1Y-01544-00350809-00350964 should give their to me too I don't 83xDRQN5l1Y-01545-00350965-00351078 think there's gonna be a point at which 83xDRQN5l1Y-01546-00351079-00351339 a data set can live forever 83xDRQN5l1Y-01547-00351340-00351612 nor should it because people change over 83xDRQN5l1Y-01548-00351613-00351888 time brands to change over time people 83xDRQN5l1Y-01549-00351889-00352221 change but we can we should we should be 83xDRQN5l1Y-01550-00352222-00352341 thinking about these things right we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01551-00352342-00352482 should be thinking about those kinds of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01552-00352483-00352638 options and how far they'll get us and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01553-00352639-00352764 which ones are worth implementing I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01554-00352765-00352983 think those kinds of questions of would 83xDRQN5l1Y-01555-00352984-00353199 this work are the right ones that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01556-00353200-00353689 need to be asking right now 83xDRQN5l1Y-01557-00353690-00353955 so I would say from the field of neuro 83xDRQN5l1Y-01558-00353956-00354145 imaging we've been cursed with the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01559-00354146-00354501 overfitting problem for decades and it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01560-00354502-00354705 something that we really as a community 83xDRQN5l1Y-01561-00354706-00354924 just started addressing in the last 5 83xDRQN5l1Y-01562-00354925-00355138 years or so and so I think the concept 83xDRQN5l1Y-01563-00355139-00355392 of benchmark data sets that have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01564-00355393-00355612 protective holdout set that can be 83xDRQN5l1Y-01565-00355613-00355891 independently validated it's critical 83xDRQN5l1Y-01566-00355892-00356250 especially as we move to more decoding 83xDRQN5l1Y-01567-00356251-00356403 or representational and the type of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01568-00356404-00356712 analyses that have become very popular 83xDRQN5l1Y-01569-00356713-00357040 using proper cross validation is a good 83xDRQN5l1Y-01570-00357041-00357217 tool internally but if you're gonna say 83xDRQN5l1Y-01571-00357218-00357450 I'm building a decoder for detecting 83xDRQN5l1Y-01572-00357451-00357633 nouns versus verbs you should have a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01573-00357634-00357825 holdout set that they don't have access 83xDRQN5l1Y-01574-00357826-00358005 to that you can kind of test against it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01575-00358006-00358246 I think the field wants to move in that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01576-00358247-00358506 direction but it requires a group to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01577-00358507-00358747 kind of stand up and curate it and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01578-00358748-00358993 that's a that's an actual big investment 83xDRQN5l1Y-01579-00358994-00359188 to ask so it would be easier if there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01580-00359189-00359382 was a funding agency you or some other 83xDRQN5l1Y-01581-00359383-00359559 kind of complain and it's not for NIH 83xDRQN5l1Y-01582-00359560-00359829 who we kind of adopt these kinds of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01583-00359830-00360045 standards for different fields for DARPA 83xDRQN5l1Y-01584-00360046-00360279 to be able to say okay these are the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01585-00360280-00360426 data sets kind of benchmark or to use 83xDRQN5l1Y-01586-00360427-00360922 against I have a question excuse me 83xDRQN5l1Y-01587-00360923-00361107 prompted by Timothy's talk but you all 83xDRQN5l1Y-01588-00361108-00361288 might have comment on it an idea of seen 83xDRQN5l1Y-01589-00361289-00361374 in a couple places 83xDRQN5l1Y-01590-00361375-00361500 most recently out of the climate 83xDRQN5l1Y-01591-00361501-00361731 community is as we think about these two 83xDRQN5l1Y-01592-00361732-00361902 researchers trying to share data and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01593-00361903-00362151 love that so I'm visualizing that we may 83xDRQN5l1Y-01594-00362152-00362331 need to get away from files all together 83xDRQN5l1Y-01595-00362332-00362529 and think about file access is just one 83xDRQN5l1Y-01596-00362530-00362781 kind of interface and with the metadata 83xDRQN5l1Y-01597-00362782-00362949 and the file names and all the formats 83xDRQN5l1Y-01598-00362950-00363225 giving people some sort of web-based 83xDRQN5l1Y-01599-00363226-00363426 access or programmatic access to data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01600-00363427-00363640 where they never even get to see how 83xDRQN5l1Y-01601-00363641-00363787 it's stored and how it's stored might 83xDRQN5l1Y-01602-00363788-00364032 change over time invisibly to them is is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01603-00364033-00364206 the future do you see that in the near 83xDRQN5l1Y-01604-00364207-00364305 future in your field 83xDRQN5l1Y-01605-00364306-00364813 do you see cultural barriers to that so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01606-00364814-00365095 academia moves really slowly because we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01607-00365096-00365347 moved by retirements and funerals so I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01608-00365348-00365668 would say that I see it in the future 83xDRQN5l1Y-01609-00365669-00365914 it's been you know we've had scientific 83xDRQN5l1Y-01610-00365915-00366204 clouds for a decade now and it's very 83xDRQN5l1Y-01611-00366205-00366582 slow for centers and groups to move to a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01612-00366583-00366723 cloud especially in neuroimaging where 83xDRQN5l1Y-01613-00366724-00367067 there's lots of health information 83xDRQN5l1Y-01614-00367068-00367505 concerns so for example we have our data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01615-00367506-00367652 instance in the Google cloud and it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01616-00367653-00367796 would be you know everything technically 83xDRQN5l1Y-01617-00367797-00367910 just sits up there so it would be very 83xDRQN5l1Y-01618-00367911-00368090 easy to have these web-based interfaces 83xDRQN5l1Y-01619-00368091-00368198 where you don't actually download the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01620-00368199-00368456 data you get analyze them there one of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01621-00368457-00368735 our partner imaging centers here in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01622-00368736-00368879 Pittsburgh who's run out of the hospital 83xDRQN5l1Y-01623-00368880-00369179 and you try to tell the administrators 83xDRQN5l1Y-01624-00369180-00369356 the hospital that you want to push their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01625-00369357-00369506 image you did up to the cloud and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01626-00369507-00369704 think three of them died of a stroke you 83xDRQN5l1Y-01627-00369705-00369812 know it's just one of these things where 83xDRQN5l1Y-01628-00369813-00369962 it's very hard to get people to think 83xDRQN5l1Y-01629-00369963-00370109 about that but I think you know 83xDRQN5l1Y-01630-00370110-00370238 especially for this concept of having 83xDRQN5l1Y-01631-00370239-00370475 very large big datasets like human 83xDRQN5l1Y-01632-00370476-00370619 connecting projects it's on the Amazon 83xDRQN5l1Y-01633-00370620-00370841 Web Services so you can mount your hard 83xDRQN5l1Y-01634-00370842-00371039 drive I'm out to the s3 and then grab 83xDRQN5l1Y-01635-00371040-00371270 the data from there but more and more it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01636-00371271-00371381 would be better if you had a data 83xDRQN5l1Y-01637-00371382-00371786 curating group and if you had you know 83xDRQN5l1Y-01638-00371787-00371981 tools that you could upload and run in a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01639-00371982-00372164 cloud instance rather than screaming get 83xDRQN5l1Y-01640-00372165-00372371 it down that's gonna make things move 83xDRQN5l1Y-01641-00372372-00372638 very quickly in our field but again not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01642-00372639-00372773 to be looking at it saying that would be 83xDRQN5l1Y-01643-00372774-00372902 great for everybody to do but I think 83xDRQN5l1Y-01644-00372903-00373034 it's gonna take a long time for a field 83xDRQN5l1Y-01645-00373035-00373892 to move in that direction how do we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01646-00373893-00374254 distinguish between datasets that are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01647-00374255-00374507 subject to this overuse versus something 83xDRQN5l1Y-01648-00374508-00374663 like the human genome or the yeast 83xDRQN5l1Y-01649-00374664-00374851 genome which becomes more movies 83xDRQN5l1Y-01650-00374852-00375137 resource like I don't think you can 83xDRQN5l1Y-01651-00375138-00375527 overuse the NCBI use genome right like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01652-00375528-00376265 the number of papers it's probability 83xDRQN5l1Y-01653-00376266-00376436 right so no hypothesis significance 83xDRQN5l1Y-01654-00376437-00376694 testing in Bayesian analysis and all of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01655-00376695-00376958 those the assumptions underlying both of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01656-00376959-00377174 those ways of thinking about probability 83xDRQN5l1Y-01657-00377175-00377390 are that the analyses are chosen 83xDRQN5l1Y-01658-00377391-00377614 independent of the data and that tests 83xDRQN5l1Y-01659-00377615-00377822 statistical tests are independent of one 83xDRQN5l1Y-01660-00377823-00377858 another 83xDRQN5l1Y-01661-00377859-00378035 and those are the assumptions that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01662-00378036-00378230 violate when we return to data sets 83xDRQN5l1Y-01663-00378231-00378401 again and again and again now if you're 83xDRQN5l1Y-01664-00378402-00378659 using a data set is like a standard or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01665-00378660-00378836 even exploratory or just descriptive if 83xDRQN5l1Y-01666-00378837-00379037 you're not doing a hypothesis test then 83xDRQN5l1Y-01667-00379038-00379174 you don't have to worry about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01668-00379175-00379363 probability because you're not invoking 83xDRQN5l1Y-01669-00379364-00379751 probability in that way I'm the stats 83xDRQN5l1Y-01670-00379752-00379898 teacher sir yeah I think about it in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01671-00379899-00380144 terms of like how do how do I explain to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01672-00380145-00380884 my students that what their advisers 83xDRQN5l1Y-01673-00380885-00381110 so I think I think there are some cases 83xDRQN5l1Y-01674-00381111-00381281 in which yet we can't overuse a dataset 83xDRQN5l1Y-01675-00381282-00381443 if we're trying to describe things or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01676-00381444-00381665 build on it or just show what is there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01677-00381666-00381842 and not infer then to a broader 83xDRQN5l1Y-01678-00381843-00382130 population I think that's that's the key 83xDRQN5l1Y-01679-00382131-00382636 stuff is when we start making inferences 83xDRQN5l1Y-01680-00382637-00382937 I said when you were saying it's just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01681-00382938-00383273 what's a student last week so I actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-01682-00383274-00383474 introduced in my lab was computational 83xDRQN5l1Y-01683-00383475-00383741 neuroscience and we did a lot of what we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01684-00383742-00383903 would say data exploration right we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01685-00383904-00384077 collect this UTF at something like look 83xDRQN5l1Y-01686-00384078-00384302 at what since you thing but we it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01687-00384303-00384470 really rare that we can actually like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01688-00384471-00384611 maybe that one now is changing we've 83xDRQN5l1Y-01689-00384612-00384827 actually write that in a proposal or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01690-00384828-00385085 neck right like they want like no day 83xDRQN5l1Y-01691-00385086-00385205 but like they found theirs and then 83xDRQN5l1Y-01692-00385206-00385352 people want to read like oh this was my 83xDRQN5l1Y-01693-00385353-00385493 part of this since I feel like you're 83xDRQN5l1Y-01694-00385494-00385622 frog when I'm going back because 83xDRQN5l1Y-01695-00385623-00385826 actually it would it would completely 83xDRQN5l1Y-01696-00385827-00386012 change the way how we we look at the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01697-00386013-00386153 office but it's interesting how like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01698-00386154-00386363 even if you are doing that exploration 83xDRQN5l1Y-01699-00386364-00386552 sometimes they're like forced to convert 83xDRQN5l1Y-01700-00386553-00387389 into an A+ testing any other questions 83xDRQN5l1Y-01701-00387390-00388481 okay so one of my questions 83xDRQN5l1Y-01702-00388482-00388658 something is kind of come up a lot 83xDRQN5l1Y-01703-00388659-00388892 during the day was about data curation 83xDRQN5l1Y-01704-00388893-00389243 and also the other another side of that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01705-00389244-00389542 is software and both of those things 83xDRQN5l1Y-01706-00389543-00389855 take quite a bit of effort either to do 83xDRQN5l1Y-01707-00389856-00390047 the curation or to maintain the software 83xDRQN5l1Y-01708-00390048-00390263 and so a few different people have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01709-00390264-00390407 mentioned that it's easier to get grants 83xDRQN5l1Y-01710-00390408-00390596 for software but I my understanding is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01711-00390597-00390686 that's not easy to get grants to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01712-00390687-00390899 maintain the software after you write it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01713-00390900-00391262 and then similarly for curation creating 83xDRQN5l1Y-01714-00391263-00391412 these standards maybe in the first place 83xDRQN5l1Y-01715-00391413-00391583 you could get a grant for but then how 83xDRQN5l1Y-01716-00391584-00391769 do you maintain them over time and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01717-00391770-00391943 guess it comes back to the community 83xDRQN5l1Y-01718-00391944-00392207 question but I'd kind of like to hear 83xDRQN5l1Y-01719-00392208-00392393 from probably all of you your thoughts 83xDRQN5l1Y-01720-00392394-00392600 on on those issues and sustainability 83xDRQN5l1Y-01721-00392601-00393023 for these I mean I can just give it a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01722-00393024-00393209 shot but it's always a hard enough thing 83xDRQN5l1Y-01723-00393210-00393476 like I actually putting in a grant only 83xDRQN5l1Y-01724-00393477-00393652 like this is only when I dedicate 83xDRQN5l1Y-01725-00393653-00393938 it's time and money to our consultant to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01726-00393939-00394084 help us with the question because it's 83xDRQN5l1Y-01727-00394085-00394357 like it's really hard and I think there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01728-00394358-00394510 are a few things funding is small 83xDRQN5l1Y-01729-00394511-00394642 funding agency Europe that are only 83xDRQN5l1Y-01730-00394643-00394834 focusing on like they're not they don't 83xDRQN5l1Y-01731-00394835-00395012 fund things at the beginning but they 83xDRQN5l1Y-01732-00395013-00395284 fund kind of a lot more long term 83xDRQN5l1Y-01733-00395285-00395734 maintenance but maybe setting it up as 83xDRQN5l1Y-01734-00395735-00395915 an open source community is really hard 83xDRQN5l1Y-01735-00395916-00396079 and so that's what we're trying to do 83xDRQN5l1Y-01736-00396080-00396274 for the softer point-of-view and there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01737-00396275-00396413 is actually a specific set of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01738-00396414-00396665 consultants that can help communities 83xDRQN5l1Y-01739-00396666-00396955 build groups build there's an ability 83xDRQN5l1Y-01740-00396956-00397129 plan around how can you actually then 83xDRQN5l1Y-01741-00397130-00397412 engage other people to continue not just 83xDRQN5l1Y-01742-00397413-00397657 using it but continue investing the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01743-00397658-00397852 software and it's it's really hard there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01744-00397853-00398209 and it's not something that came up 83xDRQN5l1Y-01745-00398210-00398356 earlier today was thinking specifically 83xDRQN5l1Y-01746-00398357-00398554 about training for graduate students I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01747-00398555-00398687 think there's another answer to that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01748-00398688-00398827 question which also answers your 83xDRQN5l1Y-01749-00398828-00399091 question which is we need to we need to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01750-00399092-00399328 not just train people on how to like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01751-00399329-00399529 create standards or create software or 83xDRQN5l1Y-01752-00399530-00399703 uphold those standards we need to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01753-00399704-00399904 incentivize it so that language needs to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01754-00399905-00400078 make its way into job ads and when 83xDRQN5l1Y-01755-00400079-00400297 people are hiring people at universities 83xDRQN5l1Y-01756-00400298-00400477 or in industry one of the things they 83xDRQN5l1Y-01757-00400478-00400627 should evaluate is not just how many 83xDRQN5l1Y-01758-00400628-00400801 publications you have but whether or not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01759-00400802-00401020 you post your data online whether the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01760-00401021-00401233 data you posted our data other people 83xDRQN5l1Y-01761-00401234-00401524 can use and we look at we evaluate the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01762-00401525-00401701 quality of people's published articles 83xDRQN5l1Y-01763-00401702-00401866 we can evaluate the quality of their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01764-00401867-00402064 data my department right now is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01765-00402065-00402268 currently adding language to its tenure 83xDRQN5l1Y-01766-00402269-00402563 and promotion sections to say we hear 83xDRQN5l1Y-01767-00402564-00402790 new things that were considering worthy 83xDRQN5l1Y-01768-00402791-00403032 of productivity that are things like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01769-00403033-00403231 giving workshops to teach people about 83xDRQN5l1Y-01770-00403232-00403562 open science creating software creating 83xDRQN5l1Y-01771-00403563-00403756 just tools that people can use to make 83xDRQN5l1Y-01772-00403757-00403891 their data more rigorous and we're also 83xDRQN5l1Y-01773-00403892-00404087 adding language to the way that we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01774-00404088-00404251 evaluate the research that people are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01775-00404252-00404479 doing to say it's not it's not just that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01776-00404480-00404590 you need to have a lot of publications 83xDRQN5l1Y-01777-00404591-00404755 and good journals but we also are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01778-00404756-00404941 evaluating you on whether or not you're 83xDRQN5l1Y-01779-00404942-00405157 using pre-registration or whether or not 83xDRQN5l1Y-01780-00405158-00405310 you're posting preprints and making this 83xDRQN5l1Y-01781-00405311-00405646 transparent so if it won't be as much of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01782-00405647-00405814 a burden on our students and it won't be 83xDRQN5l1Y-01783-00405815-00406009 as much of a leap for people to push 83xDRQN5l1Y-01784-00406010-00406150 forward on these activities if we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01785-00406151-00406360 actively report it in the places that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01786-00406361-00406567 matter most which is whether we have 83xDRQN5l1Y-01787-00406568-00407286 jobs 83xDRQN5l1Y-01788-00407287-00407520 a valley that your Valley mate the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01789-00407521-00407670 quality of not just the papers but also 83xDRQN5l1Y-01790-00407671-00407844 the quality of the data right what 83xDRQN5l1Y-01791-00407845-00408239 metric do you use to evaluate data right 83xDRQN5l1Y-01792-00408240-00408678 so the research symbiont award already 83xDRQN5l1Y-01793-00408679-00408843 has figured out how do we evaluate the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01794-00408844-00409080 quality of data you know things like our 83xDRQN5l1Y-01795-00409081-00409218 people using this data set is it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01796-00409219-00409320 available and how many people are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01797-00409321-00409440 actually using it and what is the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01798-00409441-00409581 quality of the publications that are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01799-00409582-00409772 coming out of this data set that you're 83xDRQN5l1Y-01800-00409774-00410016 not necessarily a part of is it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01801-00410017-00410178 something that someone else can open the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01802-00410179-00410313 data set and read is it the kind of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01803-00410314-00410472 thing I can send to a collaborator and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01804-00410472-00410607 they don't need to have no kind of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01805-00410608-00410805 processing software I used or what 83xDRQN5l1Y-01806-00410806-00411051 standard I use to get that data can they 83xDRQN5l1Y-01807-00411052-00411312 start doing stuff with it there there 83xDRQN5l1Y-01808-00411313-00411456 are much smarter people than I who are 83xDRQN5l1Y-01809-00411457-00411621 already thinking about how we can do 83xDRQN5l1Y-01810-00411622-00411804 this machine we should ask them but we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01811-00411805-00412034 should try to start pulling those ideas 83xDRQN5l1Y-01812-00412035-00413505 together I think this is for the Neela 83xDRQN5l1Y-01813-00413506-00413628 you mentioned that you have the option 83xDRQN5l1Y-01814-00413629-00413937 on pre review of either being synonymous 83xDRQN5l1Y-01815-00413938-00414267 or making it open but once you make it 83xDRQN5l1Y-01816-00414268-00414657 open you can't go back right now yeah so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01817-00414658-00415005 I always sign my reviews but for one of 83xDRQN5l1Y-01818-00415006-00415172 the articles the editor actually wrote 83xDRQN5l1Y-01819-00415174-00415422 to me saying I find you signing reviews 83xDRQN5l1Y-01820-00415422-00415682 noble but in this particular instance I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01821-00415683-00415959 the senior author is a vindictive jerk 83xDRQN5l1Y-01822-00415960-00416274 and I strongly urge you to reconsider so 83xDRQN5l1Y-01823-00416275-00416499 maybe that's a tricky line maybe 83xDRQN5l1Y-01824-00416500-00416802 sometimes you actually mostly public but 83xDRQN5l1Y-01825-00416803-00417081 maybe there's some instances where is 83xDRQN5l1Y-01826-00417082-00417381 that way right now it's because so we 83xDRQN5l1Y-01827-00417382-00417588 had a limited amount of funds it's for 83xDRQN5l1Y-01828-00417589-00417888 that MVP and actually making sure that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01829-00417889-00418422 we could do it in a there could be their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01830-00418422-00418641 private and security but once you go 83xDRQN5l1Y-01831-00418642-00418839 public there is a moment in time in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01832-00418839-00419009 which in the internet the name has been 83xDRQN5l1Y-01833-00419010-00419372 associated to that to the piece of text 83xDRQN5l1Y-01834-00419374-00419679 or like and and so I know you're talking 83xDRQN5l1Y-01835-00419680-00419960 about about like for a peer review based 83xDRQN5l1Y-01836-00419960-00420143 so it was more 83xDRQN5l1Y-01837-00420143-00420284 about like that the software engineer 83xDRQN5l1Y-01838-00420285-00420455 that was doing it was not sure that the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01839-00420456-00420614 way he was doing it could actually 83xDRQN5l1Y-01840-00420614-00420901 absolutely ensure that if you go back 83xDRQN5l1Y-01841-00420902-00421345 you can you can you know retain that 83xDRQN5l1Y-01842-00421346-00421625 privacy but with a new group at Albrecht 83xDRQN5l1Y-01843-00421626-00421810 science we actually found a way and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01844-00421812-00422050 we're gonna have that way to like switch 83xDRQN5l1Y-01845-00422051-00422435 not in a peer review way barrymore in 83xDRQN5l1Y-01846-00422435-00422642 like you can book go back and forth and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01847-00422643-00422872 so we're doing also user testing to see 83xDRQN5l1Y-01848-00422873-00423164 how people react to this I don't know 83xDRQN5l1Y-01849-00423164-00423343 there is a little bit I also thought 83xDRQN5l1Y-01850-00423344-00423626 that it would be more interesting for me 83xDRQN5l1Y-01851-00423627-00423868 just like study like how people their 83xDRQN5l1Y-01852-00423869-00424025 behavior like I just having it better 83xDRQN5l1Y-01853-00424026-00424166 anything so I was like selfishly 83xDRQN5l1Y-01854-00424167-00424352 thinking about it but when we interview 83xDRQN5l1Y-01855-00424353-00424547 people actually was incredible like most 83xDRQN5l1Y-01856-00424547-00424709 of it was bias because we interview 83xDRQN5l1Y-01857-00424710-00424835 people that were already brought into 83xDRQN5l1Y-01858-00424835-00424960 the open science and they were like oh 83xDRQN5l1Y-01859-00424962-00425239 I'm gonna be public from day one and I 83xDRQN5l1Y-01860-00425241-00425375 was like really you know like first-year 83xDRQN5l1Y-01861-00425376-00425741 students but I think when we did a shot 83xDRQN5l1Y-01862-00425742-00425963 that is the survey there was anonymous 83xDRQN5l1Y-01863-00425964-00426089 we got a lot of people that were like 83xDRQN5l1Y-01864-00426089-00426203 super concerned they were like I've 83xDRQN5l1Y-01865-00426204-00426479 never put my name so I don't know we're 83xDRQN5l1Y-01866-00426480-00426632 gonna see how it works but yeah the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01867-00426633-00426841 reason why it is like that is more for a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01868-00426842-00427232 technical point okay I think we're gonna 83xDRQN5l1Y-01869-00427233-00427391 have to wrap it up now but please feel 83xDRQN5l1Y-01870-00427392-00427547 free to continue a conversation over the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01871-00427547-00427789 break we will come back about 2:35 and 83xDRQN5l1Y-01872-00427791-00427988 there's fresh coffee and popcorn in the 83xDRQN5l1Y-01873-00427989-00428168 lobby um and if you want to talk to 83xDRQN5l1Y-01874-00428168-00428381 Hodgins about a demo you can do that now 83xDRQN5l1Y-01875-00428382-00428839 - thank you so anybody presenting a 83xDRQN5l1Y-01876-00428841-00429050 poster or a demo please come to see me 83xDRQN5l1Y-01877-00429051-00429320 at the back of that table I do need your 83xDRQN5l1Y-01878-00429321-00429638 to set up and I need your keywords after 83xDRQN5l1Y-01879-00429639-00429866 a demo 83avxoREHRg-00000-00000031-00000407 [Music] 83avxoREHRg-00001-00000408-00000567 hi i'm bruce case with case design 83avxoREHRg-00002-00000568-00000759 remodeling i'm excited today to share 83avxoREHRg-00003-00000760-00000902 with you some best practices if you're 83avxoREHRg-00004-00000903-00001254 considering renovating your home 83avxoREHRg-00005-00001255-00001415 remodeling is a big investment and it's 83avxoREHRg-00006-00001416-00001535 something you want to do once and you 83avxoREHRg-00007-00001536-00001647 want to do right and you don't want to 83avxoREHRg-00008-00001648-00001830 make the wrong decisions a lot of people 83avxoREHRg-00009-00001832-00001998 are tempted to focus on the budget for 83avxoREHRg-00010-00002000-00002199 this specific renovation but think more 83avxoREHRg-00011-00002200-00002350 holistically about your home and what 83avxoREHRg-00012-00002351-00002534 you think is smart to invest over the 83avxoREHRg-00013-00002535-00002671 life that you'll be in that home in 83avxoREHRg-00014-00002672-00002879 terms of return on investment take it to 83avxoREHRg-00015-00002880-00003039 the budgeting process as well and the 83avxoREHRg-00016-00003040-00003183 partner that you're working with to 83avxoREHRg-00017-00003184-00003367 develop that master plan should be able 83avxoREHRg-00018-00003368-00003543 to talk you through budgeting the next 83avxoREHRg-00019-00003544-00003727 step is to get inspired think about 83avxoREHRg-00020-00003728-00003967 yourself in the space go to magazines go 83avxoREHRg-00021-00003968-00004191 to websites find things that inspire you 83avxoREHRg-00022-00004192-00004391 to refine your vision but also so you 83avxoREHRg-00023-00004392-00004543 can share that vision and discuss it 83avxoREHRg-00024-00004544-00004695 with family members with loved ones and 83avxoREHRg-00025-00004696-00004870 good friends the next step is to find a 83avxoREHRg-00026-00004871-00005079 team of remodeling experts that brings 83avxoREHRg-00027-00005080-00005247 architectural and interior design 83avxoREHRg-00028-00005248-00005438 specialists but also bring tools on how 83avxoREHRg-00029-00005439-00005583 to communicate those in ways that 83avxoREHRg-00030-00005584-00005767 everyone can understand because at the 83avxoREHRg-00031-00005768-00005918 end of the day remodeling isn't just 83avxoREHRg-00032-00005919-00006118 about a project it's about you your 83avxoREHRg-00033-00006119-00006484 family and your home 85JtAxMp_KE-00000-00000000-00000030 foreign 85JtAxMp_KE-00001-00000031-00002567 [Music] 85JtAxMp_KE-00002-00002568-00002957 foreign 85JtAxMp_KE-00003-00002958-00003281 [Music] 85JtAxMp_KE-00004-00003282-00003579 foreign 85JtAxMp_KE-00005-00003581-00005107 [Music] 85JtAxMp_KE-00006-00005108-00006189 [Music] 8rlpKJCX9M8-00000-00000003-00000380 a scientific equipment optician is an 8rlpKJCX9M8-00001-00000381-00000649 individual who makes and adjusts other 8rlpKJCX9M8-00002-00000650-00000958 optical aids including telescope optics 8rlpKJCX9M8-00003-00000959-00001212 and microscope lenses 8rlpKJCX9M8-00004-00001213-00001598 see also optician for individuals who 8rlpKJCX9M8-00005-00001599-00002322 make and adjust eyeglasses 8rlpKJCX9M8-00006-00002323-00002999 topic telescope opticians 8rlpKJCX9M8-00007-00003000-00003568 James Gilbert Baker Dennis Albert bardu 8rlpKJCX9M8-00008-00003569-00004220 John a brassy Laurent Cassegrain Henry 8rlpKJCX9M8-00009-00004221-00004936 Alvin Clarke John Doland Charles 8rlpKJCX9M8-00010-00004937-00005304 Wesley Elmer and Richard Scott Perkin 8rlpKJCX9M8-00011-00005305-00005908 galileo galilei James Gregory 8rlpKJCX9M8-00012-00005909-00006432 on Hadley Chester Moore Hall Robert 8rlpKJCX9M8-00013-00006433-00006955 Hooke Johannes Keplar Frederick James 8rlpKJCX9M8-00014-00006956-00007543 Hargreaves Christian Huygens hands lip 8rlpKJCX9M8-00015-00007544-00008037 Hershey Raymond August and Mail hat 8rlpKJCX9M8-00016-00008038-00008506 Dmitriy Dmitrievich max it off James 8rlpKJCX9M8-00017-00008507-00008784 Henry Mariette 8rlpKJCX9M8-00018-00008785-00009387 Jacob maecius Isaac Newton Georg Simon 8rlpKJCX9M8-00019-00009388-00010274 pasal Russell W Porter Jesse ramsden 8rlpKJCX9M8-00020-00010275-00010741 George Willis Richie Christoph Scheiner 8rlpKJCX9M8-00021-00010742-00011186 Burnage Schmitt James short see also 8rlpKJCX9M8-00022-00011187-00011495 timeline of telescope technology and 8rlpKJCX9M8-00023-00011496-00012244 list of astronomical instrument makers 8rlpKJCX9M8-00024-00012245-00012934 topic microscope opticians 8rlpKJCX9M8-00025-00012935-00013512 Ernst Karl Abby Dennis Albert bardu 8rlpKJCX9M8-00026-00013513-00014052 Christopher Koch Siegfried zovsky 8rlpKJCX9M8-00027-00014053-00014387 Cornelius treble 8rlpKJCX9M8-00028-00014388-00014912 Leo Galilee Robert Hooke Christian 8rlpKJCX9M8-00029-00014913-00015458 Huygens Karl Kellner Anton van 8rlpKJCX9M8-00030-00015459-00015857 Leeuwenhoek Moritz von Rawls a also 8rlpKJCX9M8-00031-00015858-00016355 timeline of microscope technology 8sg8OctJeX0-00000-00000016-00000231 make a date with reverend dr ebenezer 8sg8OctJeX0-00001-00000231-00000311 mark way 8sg8OctJeX0-00002-00000312-00000630 at 6 00 a.m from monday to saturday on 8sg8OctJeX0-00003-00000631-00000751 graphic online 8sg8OctJeX0-00004-00000752-00001039 via facebook and youtube as he expounds 8sg8OctJeX0-00005-00001040-00001199 on matters of faith 8sg8OctJeX0-00006-00001200-00001535 graphic online truth and accuracy 8sg8OctJeX0-00007-00001536-00001916 every day 8sg8OctJeX0-00008-00001917-00002679 [Music] 8sg8OctJeX0-00009-00002680-00002863 hello this is reverend doctor is the 8sg8OctJeX0-00010-00002864-00003007 market of living students international 8sg8OctJeX0-00011-00003008-00003191 bringing new matters of faith with 8sg8OctJeX0-00012-00003192-00003311 graphic online 8sg8OctJeX0-00013-00003311-00003479 and this morning i like to capture my 8sg8OctJeX0-00014-00003479-00003847 thoughts with the words killer desires 8sg8OctJeX0-00015-00003847-00003990 you know i was reading the story of 8sg8OctJeX0-00016-00003992-00004167 sodom and gomorrah 8sg8OctJeX0-00017-00004168-00004535 you know in genesis where where i mean 8sg8OctJeX0-00018-00004536-00004991 um god sends angels to destroy the city 8sg8OctJeX0-00019-00004992-00005302 and lot takes those angels in 8sg8OctJeX0-00020-00005303-00005575 angels of destruction have been sent and 8sg8OctJeX0-00021-00005576-00005927 the bible says the man of sodom saw 8sg8OctJeX0-00022-00005928-00006231 those angels and they wanted to reverse 8sg8OctJeX0-00023-00006232-00006399 scripture you remember the bible says 8sg8OctJeX0-00024-00006400-00006527 and when the sons of god saw that the 8sg8OctJeX0-00025-00006528-00006631 daughters of men 8sg8OctJeX0-00026-00006631-00007031 were were were beautiful and pretty 8sg8OctJeX0-00027-00007031-00007183 they began to have affairs with them and 8sg8OctJeX0-00028-00007184-00007383 then they gave birth to to 8sg8OctJeX0-00029-00007384-00007663 all sorts of people you know now this 8sg8OctJeX0-00030-00007664-00007934 time the the the men of sudan saw angels 8sg8OctJeX0-00031-00007936-00008183 so the sons of men saw that the sons of 8sg8OctJeX0-00032-00008184-00008239 god 8sg8OctJeX0-00033-00008240-00008631 were were handsome and decided to have 8sg8OctJeX0-00034-00008632-00008871 uh can all the knowledge of them and the 8sg8OctJeX0-00035-00008872-00008991 bible said 8sg8OctJeX0-00036-00008992-00009278 that something happened dramatically 8sg8OctJeX0-00037-00009279-00009391 happened 8sg8OctJeX0-00038-00009392-00009823 now when lot stood in between the men of 8sg8OctJeX0-00039-00009824-00009974 sodom and then the angels and said 8sg8OctJeX0-00040-00009975-00010238 listen you you you can't i can give you 8sg8OctJeX0-00041-00010239-00010414 my daughters my daughters are friends 8sg8OctJeX0-00042-00010415-00010551 they're not married i give them my 8sg8OctJeX0-00043-00010552-00010806 there's no no no no no we want the men 8sg8OctJeX0-00044-00010807-00010951 and guess what 8sg8OctJeX0-00045-00010952-00011199 the angels then said to uh lot eastern 8sg8OctJeX0-00046-00011200-00011319 assad we're going to teach these people 8sg8OctJeX0-00047-00011320-00011399 a lesson 8sg8OctJeX0-00048-00011400-00011646 and struck them all blind and all those 8sg8OctJeX0-00049-00011647-00011791 people who are pushing the angels who 8sg8OctJeX0-00050-00011792-00011951 have the kind of knowledge of them 8sg8OctJeX0-00051-00011952-00012287 go blind now my biggest shock 8sg8OctJeX0-00052-00012288-00012495 you want to to damage somebody you want 8sg8OctJeX0-00053-00012496-00012631 to rape somebody 8sg8OctJeX0-00054-00012632-00012902 and then the person may says abracadabra 8sg8OctJeX0-00055-00012903-00012983 you go blind 8sg8OctJeX0-00056-00012984-00013255 huh what will you do yours is to go down 8sg8OctJeX0-00057-00013256-00013399 your knees and back i beg you please 8sg8OctJeX0-00058-00013400-00013494 restore my side 8sg8OctJeX0-00059-00013495-00013679 but the bible says look at the men of 8sg8OctJeX0-00060-00013680-00013879 sodom and gomorrah the bible said 8sg8OctJeX0-00061-00013880-00014038 even though they have been struck blind 8sg8OctJeX0-00062-00014040-00014247 by an act of the supernatural 8sg8OctJeX0-00063-00014247-00014535 by a supernatural act of the angel by it 8sg8OctJeX0-00064-00014536-00014583 was a 8sg8OctJeX0-00065-00014584-00014879 for me it was a big issue it didn't even 8sg8OctJeX0-00066-00014880-00015119 face them but even in their blindness 8sg8OctJeX0-00067-00015119-00015311 they they still craved and they were 8sg8OctJeX0-00068-00015312-00015471 still looking in their blindness 8sg8OctJeX0-00069-00015472-00015719 they were groping in the dark to find 8sg8OctJeX0-00070-00015719-00015879 the angels to sleep with them 8sg8OctJeX0-00071-00015880-00016199 oh boy desire with i mean here's the 8sg8OctJeX0-00072-00016200-00016247 point 8sg8OctJeX0-00073-00016247-00016399 god has given you indications 8sg8OctJeX0-00074-00016400-00016630 indications indications that be careful 8sg8OctJeX0-00075-00016631-00016799 and all the and things have happened 8sg8OctJeX0-00076-00016800-00016919 adversely and things have happened 8sg8OctJeX0-00077-00016920-00017007 negatively 8sg8OctJeX0-00078-00017008-00017158 and all the warning signs are there 8sg8OctJeX0-00079-00017159-00017358 those men they were so blinded by lust 8sg8OctJeX0-00080-00017359-00017607 they were so blundered by desire that it 8sg8OctJeX0-00081-00017608-00017839 it fudged their mental faculties 8sg8OctJeX0-00082-00017840-00018071 and and colored their brain with with 8sg8OctJeX0-00083-00018072-00018191 milk 8sg8OctJeX0-00084-00018192-00018358 of desire now they couldn't think 8sg8OctJeX0-00085-00018359-00018558 straight and they were in danger 8sg8OctJeX0-00086-00018559-00018758 their lives were imperiled their eyes 8sg8OctJeX0-00087-00018759-00018927 have been removed they have been struck 8sg8OctJeX0-00088-00018928-00019039 blind 8sg8OctJeX0-00089-00019040-00019183 and they were still grouped these are 8sg8OctJeX0-00090-00019184-00019367 killer desires 8sg8OctJeX0-00091-00019368-00019591 you know what you have a choice to mess 8sg8OctJeX0-00092-00019592-00019830 around with killer desires i don't get 8sg8OctJeX0-00093-00019831-00020039 to fight to only get you in death 8sg8OctJeX0-00094-00020040-00020303 in the end the whole city was wiped out 8sg8OctJeX0-00095-00020304-00020430 it was wiped out 8sg8OctJeX0-00096-00020431-00020663 because i can't even tell already wipe 8sg8OctJeX0-00097-00020664-00020830 them out don't be a candidate for the 8sg8OctJeX0-00098-00020831-00021063 wipeout because you gave 8sg8OctJeX0-00099-00021064-00021358 vent to the killer desires choice is 8sg8OctJeX0-00100-00021359-00021478 always yours 8sg8OctJeX0-00101-00021479-00022504 see you later 8w4qC99lH8E-00000-00000791-00001062 overnights with tony amos oh 800 8w4qC99lH8E-00001-00001063-00001383 804 747 magic talk 8w4qC99lH8E-00002-00001384-00001535 talking about television before well 8w4qC99lH8E-00003-00001536-00001679 media in general terms but ask the 8w4qC99lH8E-00004-00001680-00001814 question about tv you know 8w4qC99lH8E-00005-00001816-00002039 television like the print media in its 8w4qC99lH8E-00006-00002039-00002159 sun set years 8w4qC99lH8E-00007-00002160-00002415 traditional television is pretty well 8w4qC99lH8E-00008-00002416-00002591 accepted it's not it's not spiraling 8w4qC99lH8E-00009-00002592-00002791 down but it's it's on the sink because 8w4qC99lH8E-00010-00002792-00002883 of you know 8w4qC99lH8E-00011-00002884-00003191 competition good competition around 8w4qC99lH8E-00012-00003192-00003359 like online and netflix and all those 8w4qC99lH8E-00013-00003360-00003495 things anyway 8w4qC99lH8E-00014-00003496-00003695 we did have the conversation about most 8w4qC99lH8E-00015-00003696-00003854 of us still watch freeway tv at some 8w4qC99lH8E-00016-00003855-00004031 strange watch something i mean i watch a 8w4qC99lH8E-00017-00004032-00004206 lot of live sports 8w4qC99lH8E-00018-00004207-00004375 that comes on television not always on 8w4qC99lH8E-00019-00004376-00004567 free to wear of course it comes on on 8w4qC99lH8E-00020-00004568-00005079 pay tv your live sports i like that 8w4qC99lH8E-00021-00005080-00005295 have a text though it says um where's 8w4qC99lH8E-00022-00005296-00005454 this one from this one's from 8w4qC99lH8E-00023-00005455-00005638 from sarah sarah says tony my goodness 8w4qC99lH8E-00024-00005639-00005831 is siri we haven't watched mainstream tv 8w4qC99lH8E-00025-00005832-00005991 for ten or more years we don't read 8w4qC99lH8E-00026-00005992-00006095 newspapers or watch 8w4qC99lH8E-00027-00006096-00006302 six o'clock news as we get this 8w4qC99lH8E-00028-00006303-00006470 information online 8w4qC99lH8E-00029-00006472-00006623 sarah says the leaders debates the first 8w4qC99lH8E-00030-00006623-00006814 time we've turned on television for 8w4qC99lH8E-00031-00006815-00006942 years 8w4qC99lH8E-00032-00006943-00007246 regards from sarah cheers sarah 8w4qC99lH8E-00033-00007247-00007423 oh don't you miss sports sarah or don't 8w4qC99lH8E-00034-00007423-00007591 you watch sport nice to have your 8w4qC99lH8E-00035-00007592-00007727 company thank you for your ticks sheldon 8w4qC99lH8E-00036-00007728-00007919 says hi tony hello sheila 8w4qC99lH8E-00037-00007920-00008095 shirley says the poll should have been 8w4qC99lH8E-00038-00008095-00008327 taken after tonight 8w4qC99lH8E-00039-00008328-00008678 sheila says judith one easy 8w4qC99lH8E-00040-00008679-00008959 thank you sheila i i think that um i 8w4qC99lH8E-00041-00008960-00009119 think that that comment from dale you 8w4qC99lH8E-00042-00009120-00009231 know there might have a little bit of 8w4qC99lH8E-00043-00009232-00009335 relevance 8w4qC99lH8E-00044-00009336-00009487 quite a lot of relevance with respect to 8w4qC99lH8E-00045-00009488-00009687 that that perhaps 8w4qC99lH8E-00046-00009688-00009831 labor party people might have thought 8w4qC99lH8E-00047-00009832-00009999 that jacinda raden did okay a national 8w4qC99lH8E-00048-00010000-00010135 party people might have thought 8w4qC99lH8E-00049-00010136-00010367 judith collins said okay but neither may 8w4qC99lH8E-00050-00010368-00010519 have swayed 8w4qC99lH8E-00051-00010520-00010687 anybody from the position that they've 8w4qC99lH8E-00052-00010688-00010855 already taken a little bit of the side 8w4qC99lH8E-00053-00010856-00011031 question tonight what was your totally 8w4qC99lH8E-00054-00011032-00011342 absolute favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00055-00011343-00011591 well roger in rangiora just down the 8w4qC99lH8E-00056-00011592-00011767 road from sheldon rogers says tony 8w4qC99lH8E-00057-00011768-00012055 my favorite meal as a kid steaming hot 8w4qC99lH8E-00058-00012056-00012174 corned beef 8w4qC99lH8E-00059-00012175-00012423 with a cheesy white parsley sauce and 8w4qC99lH8E-00060-00012424-00012551 boiled carrots 8w4qC99lH8E-00061-00012552-00012927 and mashed potatoes yum 8w4qC99lH8E-00062-00012928-00013271 says roger in the rangiora sounds pretty 8w4qC99lH8E-00063-00013272-00013566 good roger 8w4qC99lH8E-00064-00013568-00013886 we'll have some too thank you it is 26 8w4qC99lH8E-00065-00013887-00014079 to midnight this is magic hello cameron 8w4qC99lH8E-00066-00014080-00014230 how are you 8w4qC99lH8E-00067-00014231-00014430 hi tony i'm very well thank you very 8w4qC99lH8E-00068-00014431-00014615 much i'm getting very hungry and i'm 8w4qC99lH8E-00069-00014616-00014775 just looking at the time 8w4qC99lH8E-00070-00014776-00015055 the midnight hour is a fast approaching 8w4qC99lH8E-00071-00015056-00015230 um and that of course means time for the 8w4qC99lH8E-00072-00015231-00015463 midnight snacks so that's quite relevant 8w4qC99lH8E-00073-00015463-00015638 there you go so it's your own little 8w4qC99lH8E-00074-00015640-00015807 game your own version of the hunger 8w4qC99lH8E-00075-00015808-00016022 games about the saturn just over 25 8w4qC99lH8E-00076-00016023-00016191 minutes time hey cam 8w4qC99lH8E-00077-00016191-00016422 yesterday was your birthday may i say 8w4qC99lH8E-00078-00016423-00016694 happy birthday to you for yesterday cam 8w4qC99lH8E-00079-00016695-00016903 oh thank you very much fortunately we've 8w4qC99lH8E-00080-00016904-00017143 still got to be up let me see about 27 8w4qC99lH8E-00081-00017144-00017311 minutes to go i would say oh we are in 8w4qC99lH8E-00082-00017312-00017422 the day of your birthday 8w4qC99lH8E-00083-00017423-00017639 well even better so i'm not late i'm 8w4qC99lH8E-00084-00017640-00017839 saying happy birthday to you 8w4qC99lH8E-00085-00017840-00017983 have you had a happy birthday has it 8w4qC99lH8E-00086-00017984-00018199 been a happy birthday for you 8w4qC99lH8E-00087-00018200-00018550 i have um and i i better 8w4qC99lH8E-00088-00018551-00018855 um say thank you very much to everybody 8w4qC99lH8E-00089-00018856-00018894 because 8w4qC99lH8E-00090-00018895-00019127 a heck of a lot of people listening um 8w4qC99lH8E-00091-00019128-00019343 have sent me texts or 8w4qC99lH8E-00092-00019344-00019511 messages for 8w4qC99lH8E-00093-00019512-00019694 [Music] 8w4qC99lH8E-00094-00019695-00019839 your birthday and admissions care about 8w4qC99lH8E-00095-00019840-00020063 people's birthdays so happy birthday to 8w4qC99lH8E-00096-00020064-00020222 you good morning i hope you celebrated 8w4qC99lH8E-00097-00020223-00020439 well i hope you had a nice lunch 8w4qC99lH8E-00098-00020440-00020639 certainly did i i had lunch at the 8w4qC99lH8E-00099-00020640-00020822 moment my favorite coffee shop in town 8w4qC99lH8E-00100-00020823-00020975 so that was lovely 8w4qC99lH8E-00101-00020976-00021327 yes um why well why we're on the matter 8w4qC99lH8E-00102-00021328-00021535 can i very quickly say thank you very 8w4qC99lH8E-00103-00021536-00021614 much to 8w4qC99lH8E-00104-00021615-00021983 um a friend of us both uh dulles 8w4qC99lH8E-00105-00021984-00022303 um who uh recorded a video not too long 8w4qC99lH8E-00106-00022304-00022358 ago 8w4qC99lH8E-00107-00022359-00022655 uh on his piano and that has to be one 8w4qC99lH8E-00108-00022656-00022807 of the best renditions 8w4qC99lH8E-00109-00022808-00023111 of happy birthday i can recall uh 8w4qC99lH8E-00110-00023112-00023367 in recent years that i've heard so thank 8w4qC99lH8E-00111-00023368-00023414 you 8w4qC99lH8E-00112-00023415-00023591 oh there you go well well done and well 8w4qC99lH8E-00113-00023592-00023863 said yes thank you 8w4qC99lH8E-00114-00023864-00024199 yes um did you know and you probably um 8w4qC99lH8E-00115-00024200-00024535 may not uh but tonight is also a very 8w4qC99lH8E-00116-00024536-00024822 uh important historic occasion and and 8w4qC99lH8E-00117-00024823-00025022 you're part of it 8w4qC99lH8E-00118-00025023-00025303 well you better tell me what it is well 8w4qC99lH8E-00119-00025304-00025494 because 32 8w4qC99lH8E-00120-00025495-00025894 years ago tonight at the very grand old 8w4qC99lH8E-00121-00025895-00026318 age of just 12 back in 1988 8w4qC99lH8E-00122-00026319-00026639 i made my very first call to talk back 8w4qC99lH8E-00123-00026639-00027087 there you go hmm 32 years ago 8w4qC99lH8E-00124-00027088-00027262 that's quite well it was a long time ago 8w4qC99lH8E-00125-00027263-00027479 it wasn't that i had 32 years ago that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00126-00027480-00027718 that's ages ago cam and the good thing 8w4qC99lH8E-00127-00027719-00027911 is mate you are still doing it so that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00128-00027912-00028095 a good result as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00129-00028095-00028452 oh it is i look forward to the next 32 8w4qC99lH8E-00130-00028452-00028679 [Laughter] 8w4qC99lH8E-00131-00028680-00029087 good luck yes i thought that may be the 8w4qC99lH8E-00132-00029088-00029151 case 8w4qC99lH8E-00133-00029152-00029511 but um we do live in hope after all 8w4qC99lH8E-00134-00029512-00029846 i may not i may not be involved in 32 8w4qC99lH8E-00135-00029847-00030046 years time cam but i wish you well 8w4qC99lH8E-00136-00030047-00030287 and when you get to that point you may 8w4qC99lH8E-00137-00030288-00030358 toast 8w4qC99lH8E-00138-00030360-00030527 and think of me as well in that in that 8w4qC99lH8E-00139-00030527-00030679 brief moment 8w4qC99lH8E-00140-00030680-00031031 i will do so um yes i 8w4qC99lH8E-00141-00031032-00031367 certainly will um and and 8w4qC99lH8E-00142-00031368-00031623 others that have uh gone gone before us 8w4qC99lH8E-00143-00031624-00031711 of course 8w4qC99lH8E-00144-00031712-00032127 um now i not surprisingly i was glued 8w4qC99lH8E-00145-00032127-00032431 to the first leaders debate tonight 8w4qC99lH8E-00146-00032432-00032702 um i thought it was more pertinent to uh 8w4qC99lH8E-00147-00032703-00032839 to watch that 8w4qC99lH8E-00148-00032840-00033135 than my usual indulgence of shortland 8w4qC99lH8E-00149-00033136-00033190 street 8w4qC99lH8E-00150-00033191-00033518 in three words in three words can you 8w4qC99lH8E-00151-00033519-00033711 can you give a very brief summary of 8w4qC99lH8E-00152-00033712-00033862 three words on the leaders debate that 8w4qC99lH8E-00153-00033863-00033983 you watched 8w4qC99lH8E-00154-00033984-00034462 um well use four words if you need to 8w4qC99lH8E-00155-00034463-00034831 i'd say somewhat like master 8w4qC99lH8E-00156-00034832-00035207 me too yeah i was a bit homo on it 8w4qC99lH8E-00157-00035208-00035646 um some have said journalist 8w4qC99lH8E-00158-00035647-00035999 came out about i think i saw 8w4qC99lH8E-00159-00036000-00036462 about 54 others for claiming jacinda 8w4qC99lH8E-00160-00036463-00036871 got 40 of it but then depending on which 8w4qC99lH8E-00161-00036872-00036935 way 8w4qC99lH8E-00162-00036936-00037151 your bias is because i'm not a national 8w4qC99lH8E-00163-00037152-00037246 person 8w4qC99lH8E-00164-00037247-00037559 but there were times that journalist was 8w4qC99lH8E-00165-00037560-00037687 performing well 8w4qC99lH8E-00166-00037688-00037911 i'm performing well sorry and of course 8w4qC99lH8E-00167-00037912-00038055 there were times that jacinda was 8w4qC99lH8E-00168-00038056-00038127 performing 8w4qC99lH8E-00169-00038128-00038527 well um but i don't know 8w4qC99lH8E-00170-00038528-00038807 i don't know i was expecting a bit a bit 8w4qC99lH8E-00171-00038808-00038983 more 8w4qC99lH8E-00172-00038984-00039239 yeah maybe we maybe we've looked at our 8w4qC99lH8E-00173-00039240-00039430 expectations too high maybe there have 8w4qC99lH8E-00174-00039431-00039479 been 8w4qC99lH8E-00175-00039480-00039655 better performances in the past i don't 8w4qC99lH8E-00176-00039656-00039823 know but i think that one of the things 8w4qC99lH8E-00177-00039824-00039918 that that 8w4qC99lH8E-00178-00039919-00040271 left the room feeling a bit flat 8w4qC99lH8E-00179-00040272-00040543 was the lack of a live studio audience 8w4qC99lH8E-00180-00040544-00040615 oh yes 8w4qC99lH8E-00181-00040616-00040927 that does always help um 8w4qC99lH8E-00182-00040928-00041062 because then of course they'd be 8w4qC99lH8E-00183-00041063-00041215 standing up asking questions and all 8w4qC99lH8E-00184-00041216-00041335 that sort of thing 8w4qC99lH8E-00185-00041336-00041623 um whether or not we see the studio 8w4qC99lH8E-00186-00041624-00041687 audience 8w4qC99lH8E-00187-00041688-00041846 in a couple of weeks i think the next 8w4qC99lH8E-00188-00041847-00042007 one is um 8w4qC99lH8E-00189-00042008-00042390 that will be interesting to see yeah 8w4qC99lH8E-00190-00042391-00042687 so it's interesting the way the numbers 8w4qC99lH8E-00191-00042688-00042751 are going 8w4qC99lH8E-00192-00042752-00043055 with uh for david seymour i'm watching 8w4qC99lH8E-00193-00043056-00043279 that quite closely i've it's been a long 8w4qC99lH8E-00194-00043280-00043439 time since active had 8w4qC99lH8E-00195-00043440-00043783 any number inside the house yeah i mean 8w4qC99lH8E-00196-00043784-00044039 act a little bit like like um new 8w4qC99lH8E-00197-00044040-00044174 zealand first they've been up and down 8w4qC99lH8E-00198-00044175-00044311 with their numbers 8w4qC99lH8E-00199-00044312-00044471 you know they've they've had they have 8w4qC99lH8E-00200-00044472-00044646 similar science corpuses at different 8w4qC99lH8E-00201-00044647-00044735 times 8w4qC99lH8E-00202-00044736-00044879 and been up and down their numbers and 8w4qC99lH8E-00203-00044880-00045071 and david seymour has been the sole 8w4qC99lH8E-00204-00045072-00045423 mp for some time now from in epsom and 8w4qC99lH8E-00205-00045424-00045646 only there really at the um 8w4qC99lH8E-00206-00045647-00045943 because the national party allow him to 8w4qC99lH8E-00207-00045944-00046030 be there 8w4qC99lH8E-00208-00046031-00046223 but this time of course they've got 8w4qC99lH8E-00209-00046224-00046335 their own 8w4qC99lH8E-00210-00046336-00046518 their own tracks in the act party and 8w4qC99lH8E-00211-00046519-00046695 polling at seven percent 8w4qC99lH8E-00212-00046696-00046839 that's that's good news for them good 8w4qC99lH8E-00213-00046840-00047007 news for david seymour good news for 8w4qC99lH8E-00214-00047008-00047167 those who run the party and of course 8w4qC99lH8E-00215-00047168-00047302 great news for the supporters who like 8w4qC99lH8E-00216-00047303-00047383 the party as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00217-00047384-00047543 and he's had that mentioned it before 8w4qC99lH8E-00218-00047544-00047702 he's had the welcome door open 8w4qC99lH8E-00219-00047703-00047943 for disappointed or disaffected or just 8w4qC99lH8E-00220-00047944-00048111 brass off national party supporters 8w4qC99lH8E-00221-00048112-00048215 because they've been a few this year 8w4qC99lH8E-00222-00048216-00048302 because of the 8w4qC99lH8E-00223-00048303-00048415 the chaos that's been around the 8w4qC99lH8E-00224-00048416-00048583 national party with leadership changes 8w4qC99lH8E-00225-00048584-00048671 and other 8w4qC99lH8E-00226-00048672-00048830 circumstances and scandals that have 8w4qC99lH8E-00227-00048831-00049023 happened so a lot of blokes rushed off 8w4qC99lH8E-00228-00049024-00049158 to the act party 8w4qC99lH8E-00229-00049159-00049327 and of course the other part that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00230-00049328-00049495 helped the egg party is 8w4qC99lH8E-00231-00049496-00049767 what we term loosely as the gun lobby 8w4qC99lH8E-00232-00049768-00049823 which 8w4qC99lH8E-00233-00049824-00050015 needed a ho a political home to go to 8w4qC99lH8E-00234-00050016-00050174 and and they found one 8w4qC99lH8E-00235-00050175-00050343 with the ag party and by droves that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00236-00050344-00050511 given them some good support and then 8w4qC99lH8E-00237-00050512-00050630 seven percent would 8w4qC99lH8E-00238-00050631-00050935 translate into about nine members 8w4qC99lH8E-00239-00050936-00051167 of parliament for the act parties so for 8w4qC99lH8E-00240-00051168-00051246 them mate 8w4qC99lH8E-00241-00051247-00051390 they'll be they'll be celebrating 8w4qC99lH8E-00242-00051391-00051607 tonight unlike new zealand first on two 8w4qC99lH8E-00243-00051608-00051775 percent because two percent translates 8w4qC99lH8E-00244-00051776-00051958 into nothing in parliament 8w4qC99lH8E-00245-00051959-00052287 yeah i was about to say you know um 8w4qC99lH8E-00246-00052288-00052582 two percent boy um we've seen numbers 8w4qC99lH8E-00247-00052583-00052687 like that 8w4qC99lH8E-00248-00052688-00052991 um several times over the years um 8w4qC99lH8E-00249-00052991-00053254 and with the exception of just once i've 8w4qC99lH8E-00250-00053255-00053359 always 8w4qC99lH8E-00251-00053360-00053687 made a return so yeah it's going to be 8w4qC99lH8E-00252-00053688-00053823 interesting to see what 8w4qC99lH8E-00253-00053824-00054047 what happens there somebody told me 8w4qC99lH8E-00254-00054048-00054238 recently somebody told me recently about 8w4qC99lH8E-00255-00054239-00054303 the uh 8w4qC99lH8E-00256-00054304-00054454 about the new zealand first bus you know 8w4qC99lH8E-00257-00054455-00054719 it's on the road like willie nelson 8w4qC99lH8E-00258-00054720-00054887 but i'm sure what happens inside the bus 8w4qC99lH8E-00259-00054888-00055007 isn't what happens inside willie 8w4qC99lH8E-00260-00055008-00055150 nelson's bus i'm sure that's a different 8w4qC99lH8E-00261-00055151-00055271 experience but 8w4qC99lH8E-00262-00055272-00055526 the national first bus has been has been 8w4qC99lH8E-00263-00055527-00055615 on the road 8w4qC99lH8E-00264-00055616-00055854 and and of course you know accompanying 8w4qC99lH8E-00265-00055855-00055950 the bus 8w4qC99lH8E-00266-00055951-00056230 is the backup vehicle the van and the 8w4qC99lH8E-00267-00056232-00056279 van 8w4qC99lH8E-00268-00056279-00056582 carries several suits for the 8w4qC99lH8E-00269-00056583-00056799 very dapper leader of the universe the 8w4qC99lH8E-00270-00056800-00056950 right honorable winston peter so he can 8w4qC99lH8E-00271-00056951-00057079 have a suit changes 8w4qC99lH8E-00272-00057079-00057311 for different destinations and i had 8w4qC99lH8E-00273-00057312-00057399 this funny thought 8w4qC99lH8E-00274-00057400-00057511 when i heard about that and i was 8w4qC99lH8E-00275-00057512-00057719 thinking about you know the political 8w4qC99lH8E-00276-00057720-00057863 fortunes aren't flash for new zealand 8w4qC99lH8E-00277-00057864-00058023 first and perhaps 8w4qC99lH8E-00278-00058024-00058191 perhaps there's an analogy there with 8w4qC99lH8E-00279-00058191-00058366 elton john who 8w4qC99lH8E-00280-00058367-00058575 who got part right through his final 8w4qC99lH8E-00281-00058576-00058671 tour 8w4qC99lH8E-00282-00058672-00058838 um with costume changes happening of 8w4qC99lH8E-00283-00058839-00058959 course and i wondered about national 8w4qC99lH8E-00284-00058960-00059054 affairs as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00285-00059055-00059350 is winston peters halfway through his 8w4qC99lH8E-00286-00059351-00059479 final tour 8w4qC99lH8E-00287-00059479-00059847 with costume changes quite possibly 8w4qC99lH8E-00288-00059848-00060079 i'm not sure if you know but uh i think 8w4qC99lH8E-00289-00060079-00060330 it was 8w4qC99lH8E-00290-00060332-00060654 saturday i think it was saturday morning 8w4qC99lH8E-00291-00060655-00060991 um the new zealand bus team were um 8w4qC99lH8E-00292-00060991-00061294 in inside the nissan first bus and 8w4qC99lH8E-00293-00061295-00061606 winston and all the hangars on uh were 8w4qC99lH8E-00294-00061607-00061887 visiting the coromandel you see and they 8w4qC99lH8E-00295-00061888-00062063 just so happened to visit 8w4qC99lH8E-00296-00062064-00062375 a particular art shop in the main street 8w4qC99lH8E-00297-00062376-00062415 of 8w4qC99lH8E-00298-00062416-00062775 hams and a uh a very fantastic 8w4qC99lH8E-00299-00062776-00062975 news reading friend of ours having to 8w4qC99lH8E-00300-00062976-00063142 have a nice photo 8w4qC99lH8E-00301-00063144-00063391 with winston i didn't see that that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00302-00063391-00063454 around 8w4qC99lH8E-00303-00063455-00063735 and her business is called art and it's 8w4qC99lH8E-00304-00063736-00063871 in thames and it has 8w4qC99lH8E-00305-00063872-00064038 wonderful new zealand art and if you 8w4qC99lH8E-00306-00064039-00064206 ever go to thames 8w4qC99lH8E-00307-00064207-00064582 araha's art shop is a must stop actually 8w4qC99lH8E-00308-00064583-00064775 i'm planning a repeat visit 8w4qC99lH8E-00309-00064776-00065063 not not this year um but but at some 8w4qC99lH8E-00310-00065064-00065311 stage i'm i definitely need to get back 8w4qC99lH8E-00311-00065312-00065382 up to 10 8w4qC99lH8E-00312-00065383-00065767 teams to see leslie and steve of course 8w4qC99lH8E-00313-00065768-00066047 good on you cam so we'll have to drop in 8w4qC99lH8E-00314-00066048-00066111 and see 8w4qC99lH8E-00315-00066112-00066326 her and uh we'll have to pop next door 8w4qC99lH8E-00316-00066327-00066575 to the uh brilliant solar cafe who does 8w4qC99lH8E-00317-00066576-00066679 fantastic 8w4qC99lH8E-00318-00066680-00066887 coffee there you go you're a coffee 8w4qC99lH8E-00319-00066888-00067023 fiend and you know where to find them 8w4qC99lH8E-00320-00067024-00067150 but mate i'm glad you've had a great 8w4qC99lH8E-00321-00067151-00067359 birthday it's nice to hear from you 8w4qC99lH8E-00322-00067360-00067550 enjoy the last around about quarter hour 8w4qC99lH8E-00323-00067551-00067767 of it make the most of it 8w4qC99lH8E-00324-00067768-00067943 now before you do sneak off into the 8w4qC99lH8E-00325-00067944-00068063 last bit of your birthday they've been 8w4qC99lH8E-00326-00068064-00068223 on the side question for you cam 8w4qC99lH8E-00327-00068224-00068479 what was your totally absolutely 8w4qC99lH8E-00328-00068480-00068726 favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00329-00068727-00068999 oh good grief i'm i'm going to be hungry 8w4qC99lH8E-00330-00069000-00069055 um 8w4qC99lH8E-00331-00069056-00069431 real before five o'clock um i 8w4qC99lH8E-00332-00069432-00069687 yeah i think it was roger that had me um 8w4qC99lH8E-00333-00069688-00069823 before with 8w4qC99lH8E-00334-00069824-00069982 the corned beef and all the rest of it 8w4qC99lH8E-00335-00069983-00070199 don't forget the mustard sauce water 8w4qC99lH8E-00336-00070200-00070438 um but for me it would be roast lamb 8w4qC99lH8E-00337-00070439-00070703 with the love the mince sauce 8w4qC99lH8E-00338-00070704-00071015 rather it was either grand 8w4qC99lH8E-00339-00071016-00071247 grandad or nana on dead side of the 8w4qC99lH8E-00340-00071248-00071343 family 8w4qC99lH8E-00341-00071344-00071679 or nano on mum's side uh 8w4qC99lH8E-00342-00071680-00071991 they they could both um put off 8w4qC99lH8E-00343-00071992-00072359 a fantastic sunday roast fantastic 8w4qC99lH8E-00344-00072360-00072511 sounds like port noise complaint 8w4qC99lH8E-00345-00072512-00072838 a lovely lovely sound there cam nice 8w4qC99lH8E-00346-00072839-00073047 combo yeah real kiwi meal today roast 8w4qC99lH8E-00347-00073048-00073103 lamb with 8w4qC99lH8E-00348-00073104-00073431 mint sauce jade says bit of a change of 8w4qC99lH8E-00349-00073432-00073526 subject hi jay 8w4qC99lH8E-00350-00073527-00073767 jane says 11 cars run out of petrol 8w4qC99lH8E-00351-00073768-00073926 across the auckland motorway grid during 8w4qC99lH8E-00352-00073927-00074103 last friday night's gridlock 8w4qC99lH8E-00353-00074104-00074271 and many people i know have already 8w4qC99lH8E-00354-00074272-00074438 blown their weekly budget to run their 8w4qC99lH8E-00355-00074439-00074615 cars to and from work and school because 8w4qC99lH8E-00356-00074616-00074799 of the muck up on the auckland roads 8w4qC99lH8E-00357-00074800-00075006 jay says it's going to be tough and 8w4qC99lH8E-00358-00075007-00075182 tough at christmas for many 8w4qC99lH8E-00359-00075183-00075431 it's been a hard year for humankind 8w4qC99lH8E-00360-00075432-00075575 regards from jade 8w4qC99lH8E-00361-00075576-00075838 what it has been jade thank you for your 8w4qC99lH8E-00362-00075839-00075894 text 8w4qC99lH8E-00363-00075895-00076143 good to have you company elaine says hi 8w4qC99lH8E-00364-00076144-00076238 tony 8w4qC99lH8E-00365-00076239-00076511 hi elaine elaine says i used to love 8w4qC99lH8E-00366-00076512-00076687 eggs with fried bread 8w4qC99lH8E-00367-00076688-00077038 and baked beans followed by homemade 8w4qC99lH8E-00368-00077039-00077375 apple pie and whipped cream best regards 8w4qC99lH8E-00369-00077376-00077486 from elaine 8w4qC99lH8E-00370-00077487-00077799 [Laughter] 8w4qC99lH8E-00371-00077800-00077935 that'll have people wanting a bit of a 8w4qC99lH8E-00372-00077936-00078103 snack tonight homemade apple pie and 8w4qC99lH8E-00373-00078104-00078199 whipped cream by 8w4qC99lH8E-00374-00078200-00078535 jobs you're in the pound ct lane nice to 8w4qC99lH8E-00375-00078536-00078750 get to dick's thomas is all the 8w4qC99lH8E-00376-00078751-00079015 food's on the floor hi tama who says hey 8w4qC99lH8E-00377-00079016-00079079 tony 8w4qC99lH8E-00378-00079080-00079311 lamb's fried with bacon mushrooms and 8w4qC99lH8E-00379-00079312-00079415 cream 8w4qC99lH8E-00380-00079416-00079767 awesome says tama does sound awesome 8w4qC99lH8E-00381-00079768-00079903 actually timer thank you for that add a 8w4qC99lH8E-00382-00079904-00080038 texture from amy 8w4qC99lH8E-00383-00080039-00080271 good evening amy amy says tony my 8w4qC99lH8E-00384-00080272-00080471 favorite meal was mum's roast 8w4qC99lH8E-00385-00080472-00080791 dinners but second 8w4qC99lH8E-00386-00080792-00081015 was a simple meal of what used to be 8w4qC99lH8E-00387-00081016-00081182 sunday's bread 8w4qC99lH8E-00388-00081183-00081438 it was so warm when you brought it home 8w4qC99lH8E-00389-00081439-00081550 and sliced 8w4qC99lH8E-00390-00081551-00081750 or mashed bananas on it with a generous 8w4qC99lH8E-00391-00081751-00081999 spread of butter 8w4qC99lH8E-00392-00082000-00082359 mmm regards from amy the warm sundae 8w4qC99lH8E-00393-00082360-00082535 bread amy 8w4qC99lH8E-00394-00082536-00082887 gee i can almost smell it from here 8w4qC99lH8E-00395-00082888-00083071 oh eight hundred eight four four seven 8w4qC99lH8E-00396-00083072-00083191 four seven give me a call 8w4qC99lH8E-00397-00083192-00083406 or if you can't do it amy did no not the 8w4qC99lH8E-00398-00083407-00083567 sunday bread send a text 8w4qC99lH8E-00399-00083568-00083879 to three nine two zero when i say 8w4qC99lH8E-00400-00083880-00084111 kiwi kids are what's the first thing 8w4qC99lH8E-00401-00084112-00084471 that pops into your head 8w4qC99lH8E-00402-00084472-00084679 yeah i thought so it's a pretty good 8w4qC99lH8E-00403-00084680-00084815 effort to make it to 90 8w4qC99lH8E-00404-00084816-00085047 and new zealand's favorite breakfast has 8w4qC99lH8E-00405-00085048-00085167 done just that 8w4qC99lH8E-00406-00085168-00085359 everyone's got a weak fix moment that 8w4qC99lH8E-00407-00085360-00085623 pops in mine and now the am show wants 8w4qC99lH8E-00408-00085624-00085735 to hear yours 8w4qC99lH8E-00409-00085736-00085943 every entry will go on the draw to win a 8w4qC99lH8E-00410-00085944-00086103 year's supply of wheat picks 8w4qC99lH8E-00411-00086104-00086247 and the seas may even come to your 8w4qC99lH8E-00412-00086248-00086471 hometown and have breakfast with you 8w4qC99lH8E-00413-00086472-00086815 head to magic.com and share your moment 8w4qC99lH8E-00414-00086816-00086935 with us now 8w4qC99lH8E-00415-00086936-00087279 magic talk it's double deal magic talk 8w4qC99lH8E-00416-00087280-00087438 great to have you coming tonight thank 8w4qC99lH8E-00417-00087439-00087599 you for listening always good to know 8w4qC99lH8E-00418-00087600-00087711 you're there and if you're traveling 8w4qC99lH8E-00419-00087712-00087775 anywhere and 8w4qC99lH8E-00420-00087776-00087967 anything to report let us know i hope 8w4qC99lH8E-00421-00087968-00088103 it's a safe journey for you but if 8w4qC99lH8E-00422-00088104-00088223 there's any conditions 8w4qC99lH8E-00423-00088224-00088415 road conditions or weather conditions 8w4qC99lH8E-00424-00088416-00088559 that we need to know about that you can 8w4qC99lH8E-00425-00088560-00088615 share 8w4qC99lH8E-00426-00088616-00088950 you can call me and tell me 800 844 747 8w4qC99lH8E-00427-00088951-00089103 if you're working tonight 8w4qC99lH8E-00428-00089104-00089287 well you're in reasonable company loads 8w4qC99lH8E-00429-00089288-00089575 of a sale so i hope you're working hard 8w4qC99lH8E-00430-00089576-00089806 pace yourself but working hard and if 8w4qC99lH8E-00431-00089807-00089887 you're resting 8w4qC99lH8E-00432-00089888-00090006 i hope you're resting well you're 8w4qC99lH8E-00433-00090007-00090215 feeling good too thank you for listening 8w4qC99lH8E-00434-00090216-00090382 here the weather changes developing in 8w4qC99lH8E-00435-00090383-00090550 parts of the south island 8w4qC99lH8E-00436-00090551-00090718 moving north as well so the north island 8w4qC99lH8E-00437-00090719-00090894 gets to experience it too 8w4qC99lH8E-00438-00090895-00091055 what's it like where you are anything to 8w4qC99lH8E-00439-00091056-00091223 report so far a bit of rain 8w4qC99lH8E-00440-00091224-00091526 i'm told not cold bits of wind 8w4qC99lH8E-00441-00091527-00091743 here and there and loads of rain in 8w4qC99lH8E-00442-00091744-00091855 different places 8w4qC99lH8E-00443-00091856-00092071 but the temperatures are pretty mild 8w4qC99lH8E-00444-00092072-00092247 it's interesting isn't it 8w4qC99lH8E-00445-00092248-00092359 it's a good time of the year i like 8w4qC99lH8E-00446-00092360-00092494 spring as it delivers all these 8w4qC99lH8E-00447-00092495-00092638 different dynamics 8w4qC99lH8E-00448-00092639-00092799 except the wind i'm not a big fan of the 8w4qC99lH8E-00449-00092800-00093055 wind it's a bit destructive 8w4qC99lH8E-00450-00093056-00093255 anyway we can discuss those things too 8w4qC99lH8E-00451-00093256-00093415 and a bit on the side question 8w4qC99lH8E-00452-00093416-00093735 here what was your totally absolutely 8w4qC99lH8E-00453-00093736-00094206 favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00454-00094207-00094374 we'll talk about that too when you call 8w4qC99lH8E-00455-00094375-00094694 10800 844 747 8w4qC99lH8E-00456-00094695-00094911 mary rose good morning good evening how 8w4qC99lH8E-00457-00094912-00095062 are you good 8w4qC99lH8E-00458-00095063-00095447 good thank you good you're 8w4qC99lH8E-00459-00095448-00095782 asking about favorite meals yeah when 8w4qC99lH8E-00460-00095783-00095831 you 8w4qC99lH8E-00461-00095832-00096055 well a long time ago mary rose when 8w4qC99lH8E-00462-00096056-00096215 you're a less what was your 8w4qC99lH8E-00463-00096216-00096438 favorite your absolutely over-the-top 8w4qC99lH8E-00464-00096439-00096687 favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00465-00096688-00097038 one was going to go through the cosy tea 8w4qC99lH8E-00466-00097039-00097255 rooms and having 8w4qC99lH8E-00467-00097256-00097559 peas and potatoes and pies 8w4qC99lH8E-00468-00097560-00097862 with a mint sauce 8w4qC99lH8E-00469-00097863-00098143 peas potato and pies and mint sauce i 8w4qC99lH8E-00470-00098144-00098271 remember when you could get 8w4qC99lH8E-00471-00098272-00098567 peas and potato and pies at a cafe or 8w4qC99lH8E-00472-00098568-00098638 something it was 8w4qC99lH8E-00473-00098639-00098943 it was a jolly fine comfort food snack 8w4qC99lH8E-00474-00098944-00099079 meal wasn't it 8w4qC99lH8E-00475-00099080-00099423 yes the cozy tea rooms put on good meals 8w4qC99lH8E-00476-00099424-00099647 in those days and what a great name what 8w4qC99lH8E-00477-00099648-00099847 a great name for the team the cozy tea 8w4qC99lH8E-00478-00099848-00099943 rooms where about 8w4qC99lH8E-00479-00099944-00100631 was where was the cosy tea rooms 8w4qC99lH8E-00480-00100632-00101062 it's not there anymore no not 8w4qC99lH8E-00481-00101063-00101503 unfortunately and i always enjoyed mum's 8w4qC99lH8E-00482-00101504-00101862 roast dinners with 8w4qC99lH8E-00483-00101863-00102294 all the trimmings mint sauce included 8w4qC99lH8E-00484-00102295-00102606 and then there would be pineapple foam 8w4qC99lH8E-00485-00102607-00102966 ice cream whipped cream 8w4qC99lH8E-00486-00102967-00103399 fruit salad flummery spanish cream 8w4qC99lH8E-00487-00103400-00103742 that works absolutely delightful like 8w4qC99lH8E-00488-00103743-00103966 you you've described a banquet merry 8w4qC99lH8E-00489-00103967-00104110 rose 8w4qC99lH8E-00490-00104111-00104342 and then mum would have a fruit cake 8w4qC99lH8E-00491-00104343-00104534 made as well we'd have a piece of that 8w4qC99lH8E-00492-00104535-00104671 as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00493-00104672-00104975 yum we had the good old cold ranges in 8w4qC99lH8E-00494-00104976-00105151 those days 8w4qC99lH8E-00495-00105152-00105358 which made the best fruitcakes there 8w4qC99lH8E-00496-00105359-00105534 were 8w4qC99lH8E-00497-00105535-00105775 pretty good and and mums got and ads too 8w4qC99lH8E-00498-00105776-00105951 but usually it was mums 8w4qC99lH8E-00499-00105952-00106166 they got to know his mum they got to 8w4qC99lH8E-00500-00106167-00106334 know how those ovens work those those 8w4qC99lH8E-00501-00106335-00106510 wood or coal-fired ovens 8w4qC99lH8E-00502-00106511-00106671 there was a neck and getting them to the 8w4qC99lH8E-00503-00106672-00106839 right temperature and maintaining that 8w4qC99lH8E-00504-00106840-00106951 especially for doing something like 8w4qC99lH8E-00505-00106952-00107175 baking 8w4qC99lH8E-00506-00107176-00107358 but you could never get that to make a 8w4qC99lH8E-00507-00107359-00107519 um do a meal because 8w4qC99lH8E-00508-00107520-00107823 all he did was pull a jug and it would 8w4qC99lH8E-00509-00107824-00108190 pull dry 8w4qC99lH8E-00510-00108191-00108431 what my granddad used to say about one 8w4qC99lH8E-00511-00108432-00108510 of one of 8w4qC99lH8E-00512-00108511-00108743 my uncles he said he could burn water 8w4qC99lH8E-00513-00108744-00108919 sounds like your husband 8w4qC99lH8E-00514-00108920-00109286 yes yes i'll give you a bit of a laugh 8w4qC99lH8E-00515-00109288-00109527 i've been having a think about it for 8w4qC99lH8E-00516-00109528-00109678 ages 8w4qC99lH8E-00517-00109679-00110047 when um a few years back 8w4qC99lH8E-00518-00110048-00110366 my husband and i were working with 8w4qC99lH8E-00519-00110367-00110686 an elderly couple who had a jersey stud 8w4qC99lH8E-00520-00110688-00111078 right cows and he used to show 8w4qC99lH8E-00521-00111079-00111383 cattle well from christchurch down to 8w4qC99lH8E-00522-00111383-00111495 dunedin 8w4qC99lH8E-00523-00111496-00111727 sometimes in the carical but this 8w4qC99lH8E-00524-00111728-00112023 particular day was in ashburton 8w4qC99lH8E-00525-00112024-00112239 and i went up with them and i was 8w4qC99lH8E-00526-00112240-00112366 standing there 8w4qC99lH8E-00527-00112367-00112558 watching them listening to what was 8w4qC99lH8E-00528-00112559-00112766 going on and this woman and this man who 8w4qC99lH8E-00529-00112767-00112878 arrived 8w4qC99lH8E-00530-00112879-00113223 and she said to me she said where do you 8w4qC99lH8E-00531-00113224-00113263 live 8w4qC99lH8E-00532-00113264-00113478 and i said omarou oh she said you're 8w4qC99lH8E-00533-00113479-00113599 having neil's 8w4qC99lH8E-00534-00113600-00113927 country i said yes but i wouldn't i 8w4qC99lH8E-00535-00113928-00114271 liked alec neil better than i did 8w4qC99lH8E-00536-00114272-00114607 jenny shipley and i 8w4qC99lH8E-00537-00114608-00115023 thought okay so then i went back to 8w4qC99lH8E-00538-00115024-00115223 the elderly man and i said who was that 8w4qC99lH8E-00539-00115224-00115407 i was talking to 8w4qC99lH8E-00540-00115408-00115583 he said don't you know i said no i've 8w4qC99lH8E-00541-00115583-00115807 got no idea in the wild world 8w4qC99lH8E-00542-00115808-00116095 he said that was jenny's a pleasure had 8w4qC99lH8E-00543-00116096-00116302 to be done 8w4qC99lH8E-00544-00116303-00116543 and i went red from my chest right up to 8w4qC99lH8E-00545-00116544-00116839 my head 8w4qC99lH8E-00546-00116840-00117031 and i still giggled about that the 8w4qC99lH8E-00547-00117032-00117278 figures 8w4qC99lH8E-00548-00117279-00117439 that must have been the way back in the 8w4qC99lH8E-00549-00117440-00117615 90s 8w4qC99lH8E-00550-00117616-00117919 so it's a good long time ago when it all 8w4qC99lH8E-00551-00117920-00117966 happened 8w4qC99lH8E-00552-00117967-00118199 20 something years ago 20 something 8w4qC99lH8E-00553-00118200-00118366 years ago you still record it and 8w4qC99lH8E-00554-00118367-00118543 you can still i bet you can still feel 8w4qC99lH8E-00555-00118544-00118686 that embarrassment as well when you 8w4qC99lH8E-00556-00118688-00118743 blush 8w4qC99lH8E-00557-00118744-00119095 yes yes 8w4qC99lH8E-00558-00119096-00119343 i've never felt so embarrassed all my 8w4qC99lH8E-00559-00119344-00119439 life 8w4qC99lH8E-00560-00119440-00119734 i don't think see it's i thought it was 8w4qC99lH8E-00561-00119735-00119839 quite a clever one 8w4qC99lH8E-00562-00119840-00120095 it's a big reminder to all of us about 8w4qC99lH8E-00563-00120096-00120231 be careful what you're saying to 8w4qC99lH8E-00564-00120232-00120495 strangers hey 8w4qC99lH8E-00565-00120496-00120847 that's right absolutely well i didn't 8w4qC99lH8E-00566-00120848-00121063 know who she was i had no idea in the 8w4qC99lH8E-00567-00121064-00121207 wide world 8w4qC99lH8E-00568-00121208-00121883 who she was well you did after that 8w4qC99lH8E-00569-00121883-00122151 absolutely nothing i 8w4qC99lH8E-00570-00122152-00122527 thought that was quite clever but 8w4qC99lH8E-00571-00122528-00122878 that's just uh things that sort of keep 8w4qC99lH8E-00572-00122879-00123007 in my mind 8w4qC99lH8E-00573-00123008-00123190 all these funny things and it's 8w4qC99lH8E-00574-00123191-00123471 marvelous how it's they come out 8w4qC99lH8E-00575-00123472-00123719 every now and again and though and it's 8w4qC99lH8E-00576-00123720-00123807 interesting and it's 8w4qC99lH8E-00577-00123808-00124047 and it's a time it's a it's a where we 8w4qC99lH8E-00578-00124048-00124263 are in the election mode so to go to the 8w4qC99lH8E-00579-00124264-00124423 tail when you talk about politicians 8w4qC99lH8E-00580-00124424-00124527 like that as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00581-00124528-00124854 mary rose how's your um 8w4qC99lH8E-00582-00124855-00125031 how's your decision making going with 8w4qC99lH8E-00583-00125032-00125231 regard to the upcoming election have you 8w4qC99lH8E-00584-00125232-00125302 decided 8w4qC99lH8E-00585-00125303-00125463 have you made your decision on how 8w4qC99lH8E-00586-00125464-00125663 you're going to vote in the election and 8w4qC99lH8E-00587-00125664-00125927 in the referenda as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00588-00125928-00126190 i don't know i really don't know how i'm 8w4qC99lH8E-00589-00126191-00126351 going with that 8w4qC99lH8E-00590-00126352-00126654 it's um a real 8w4qC99lH8E-00591-00126655-00127039 push and pull type of thing i guess 8w4qC99lH8E-00592-00127040-00127390 and i'm not um i don't know 8w4qC99lH8E-00593-00127391-00127583 how i'll go with it so how do you think 8w4qC99lH8E-00594-00127583-00127751 you're going to get to make a decision 8w4qC99lH8E-00595-00127752-00127886 what are you going to do what sort of 8w4qC99lH8E-00596-00127888-00128031 information you're going to see 8w4qC99lH8E-00597-00128032-00128495 well they're going to have to um 8w4qC99lH8E-00598-00128496-00128799 work out what they're going to do i 8w4qC99lH8E-00599-00128800-00128886 don't mean 8w4qC99lH8E-00600-00128888-00129158 for myself but for a lot of the elderly 8w4qC99lH8E-00601-00129159-00129231 people 8w4qC99lH8E-00602-00129232-00129390 they're going to have to think about 8w4qC99lH8E-00603-00129391-00129599 them as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00604-00129600-00130031 and they're not doing that 8w4qC99lH8E-00605-00130032-00130310 the elderly people have been around for 8w4qC99lH8E-00606-00130311-00130439 decades 8w4qC99lH8E-00607-00130440-00130583 and they've done a lot of things for 8w4qC99lH8E-00608-00130583-00130831 these young for younger people 8w4qC99lH8E-00609-00130832-00131190 but that that they haven't recognized 8w4qC99lH8E-00610-00131191-00131487 and i think that's sad we need we need 8w4qC99lH8E-00611-00131488-00131631 to value everybody don't we and 8w4qC99lH8E-00612-00131632-00131687 everybody 8w4qC99lH8E-00613-00131688-00131911 really has the same value mary right now 8w4qC99lH8E-00614-00131912-00132071 we need to have good respect 8w4qC99lH8E-00615-00132072-00132254 when people get a bit more vulnerable in 8w4qC99lH8E-00616-00132255-00132463 life we need to step up and give them 8w4qC99lH8E-00617-00132464-00132631 more support as required as well 8w4qC99lH8E-00618-00132632-00132799 yeah you know nice nice comment did you 8w4qC99lH8E-00619-00132800-00132935 bring mary rose 8w4qC99lH8E-00620-00132936-00133095 thank you for that hey very quickly just 8w4qC99lH8E-00621-00133096-00133231 before you go you've already told us a 8w4qC99lH8E-00622-00133232-00133359 bit on the side and there was a very 8w4qC99lH8E-00623-00133360-00133454 long list 8w4qC99lH8E-00624-00133455-00133687 of wonderful foods that you could share 8w4qC99lH8E-00625-00133688-00133783 at home when 8w4qC99lH8E-00626-00133784-00133983 mum did the baking and the cooking and 8w4qC99lH8E-00627-00133984-00134199 even get off with the fruit cake 8w4qC99lH8E-00628-00134200-00134359 but just just very quickly talked about 8w4qC99lH8E-00629-00134360-00134543 television before you know 8w4qC99lH8E-00630-00134544-00134695 some people some people are sort of 8w4qC99lH8E-00631-00134696-00134847 easing off the tv because of the 8w4qC99lH8E-00632-00134848-00134975 internet and other things 8w4qC99lH8E-00633-00134976-00135119 you still watch a bit of television do 8w4qC99lH8E-00634-00135120-00135359 you yes i do 8w4qC99lH8E-00635-00135360-00135566 do you have a favorite show is there a 8w4qC99lH8E-00636-00135567-00135783 tv show that you really don't like to 8w4qC99lH8E-00637-00135784-00135863 miss that you 8w4qC99lH8E-00638-00135864-00136175 feel that you have to see yes 8w4qC99lH8E-00639-00136176-00136463 there is one and i've only just spotted 8w4qC99lH8E-00640-00136464-00136614 it in the last 8w4qC99lH8E-00641-00136615-00136863 few months it was my eldest boy that 8w4qC99lH8E-00642-00136864-00137014 told me all about it 8w4qC99lH8E-00643-00137015-00137454 do you remember chips i do well i 8w4qC99lH8E-00644-00137455-00137678 sit and watch that california highway 8w4qC99lH8E-00645-00137679-00137831 patrol 8w4qC99lH8E-00646-00137832-00138159 yes absolutely nothing do you and you've 8w4qC99lH8E-00647-00138160-00138335 rediscovered it after all these decades 8w4qC99lH8E-00648-00138336-00138423 have you 8w4qC99lH8E-00649-00138424-00138783 yes yes because the children and i used 8w4qC99lH8E-00650-00138784-00138983 to sit and watch that when it was on 8w4qC99lH8E-00651-00138984-00139287 years and years ago when they were young 8w4qC99lH8E-00652-00139288-00139511 and now you're watching it again and i'm 8w4qC99lH8E-00653-00139512-00139687 watching it again 8w4qC99lH8E-00654-00139688-00139959 fantastic and some of some of the things 8w4qC99lH8E-00655-00139960-00140071 that's been on 8w4qC99lH8E-00656-00140072-00140366 i don't remember ever seeing it in those 8w4qC99lH8E-00657-00140367-00140575 days 8w4qC99lH8E-00658-00140576-00140766 oh what it's like it's like a new fresh 8w4qC99lH8E-00659-00140767-00140887 look isn't it right so 8w4qC99lH8E-00660-00140888-00141135 chips oh it's lovely now chips isn't 8w4qC99lH8E-00661-00141136-00141271 your favorite food from your childhood 8w4qC99lH8E-00662-00141272-00141439 but it's your favorite program 8w4qC99lH8E-00663-00141440-00141695 from your young adulthood need to talk 8w4qC99lH8E-00664-00141696-00141807 mary rose 8w4qC99lH8E-00665-00141808-00142047 thank you for your call cheers says tony 8w4qC99lH8E-00666-00142048-00142207 you make me hungry now 8w4qC99lH8E-00667-00142208-00142359 my favorite meal was mum steak and 8w4qC99lH8E-00668-00142360-00142551 kidney stew with carrots and parsnip 8w4qC99lH8E-00669-00142552-00142823 mash and lots of butter and pepper 8w4qC99lH8E-00670-00142824-00143014 leeks and white sauce and creamy mashed 8w4qC99lH8E-00671-00143015-00143231 potatoes with onion and parsley in it 8w4qC99lH8E-00672-00143232-00143359 and we always had either bread and 8w4qC99lH8E-00673-00143360-00143623 butter or sago or pearl barley or 8w4qC99lH8E-00674-00143624-00143839 tapioca pudding afterwards 8w4qC99lH8E-00675-00143840-00144190 yum says cheese 8w4qC99lH8E-00676-00144191-00144471 sounds very yum actually juice kirsty 8w4qC99lH8E-00677-00144472-00144631 says good evening tony 8w4qC99lH8E-00678-00144632-00144887 good evening kirsty kesha says it's 14 8w4qC99lH8E-00679-00144888-00145063 degrees in eden diamond present with the 8w4qC99lH8E-00680-00145064-00145278 norwester blowing 8w4qC99lH8E-00681-00145279-00145526 that's pretty much 14 degrees that's 8w4qC99lH8E-00682-00145527-00145663 warm eh 8w4qC99lH8E-00683-00145664-00145887 for this time thank you kirsty and a 8w4qC99lH8E-00684-00145888-00146078 texture from pauline 8w4qC99lH8E-00685-00146079-00146271 good evening pauline who says hi tony my 8w4qC99lH8E-00686-00146272-00146423 favorite meal when i was a child was 8w4qC99lH8E-00687-00146424-00146543 fish and chips 8w4qC99lH8E-00688-00146544-00146759 still wrapped in the paper we tore a 8w4qC99lH8E-00689-00146760-00146926 hole in the top of the packet 8w4qC99lH8E-00690-00146927-00147254 and ate them with our fingers yummy 8w4qC99lH8E-00691-00147255-00147519 regards from pauline the beast pulled in 8w4qC99lH8E-00692-00147520-00147678 i remember during that day the fish and 8w4qC99lH8E-00693-00147679-00147863 chips were rolled up in the white paper 8w4qC99lH8E-00694-00147864-00148054 then wrapped in the newspaper 8w4qC99lH8E-00695-00148055-00148319 and you tore one end open and it was as 8w4qC99lH8E-00696-00148320-00148439 hot as 8w4qC99lH8E-00697-00148440-00148607 it was almost like an endless supply of 8w4qC99lH8E-00698-00148608-00148735 chips wasn't the day you stuck your 8w4qC99lH8E-00699-00148736-00148902 fingers in and pulled another hot 8w4qC99lH8E-00700-00148903-00149175 chip out lovely memory that you share 8w4qC99lH8E-00701-00149176-00149295 pauline 8w4qC99lH8E-00702-00149296-00149519 thank you for your text oh eight hundred 8w4qC99lH8E-00703-00149520-00149663 eight four four seven four seven the 8w4qC99lH8E-00704-00149664-00149759 text number is 8w4qC99lH8E-00705-00149760-00150095 three nine two zero angie's here 8w4qC99lH8E-00706-00150096-00150263 there's angie spirit she's a news hub 8w4qC99lH8E-00707-00150264-00150471 she's going to be here at midnight 8w4qC99lH8E-00708-00150472-00150607 to give us another bonus and tell us 8w4qC99lH8E-00709-00150608-00150775 what we need to know and then we'll come 8w4qC99lH8E-00710-00150776-00150871 back and talk okay 8w4qC99lH8E-00711-00150872-00151054 talk with mike and we'll talk with you 8w4qC99lH8E-00712-00151055-00151383 too when you call me on oh 800 844 8w4qC99lH8E-00713-00151384-00151566 and we'll also discuss whatever we talk 8w4qC99lH8E-00714-00151567-00151766 about we'll also discuss a bit on the 8w4qC99lH8E-00715-00151767-00151887 side question 8w4qC99lH8E-00716-00151888-00152263 which is what was your totally absolute 8w4qC99lH8E-00717-00152264-00152671 favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00718-00152672-00152847 every meal some would say breakfast 8w4qC99lH8E-00719-00152848-00152999 lunch and dinner every day no but what 8w4qC99lH8E-00720-00153000-00153190 was it was there a particular childhood 8w4qC99lH8E-00721-00153191-00153431 meal if it's a great one so far tonight 8w4qC99lH8E-00722-00153432-00153614 your absolute favorite childhood meal 8w4qC99lH8E-00723-00153615-00153743 you can tell me about that when you call 8w4qC99lH8E-00724-00153744-00153807 me 8w4qC99lH8E-00725-00153808-00154095 i know 800. eight four four seven four 8w4qC99lH8E-00726-00154096-00154214 seven 8w4qC99lH8E-00727-00154215-00154511 right now it's midnight news up time at 8w4qC99lH8E-00728-00154512-00155440 magic talk 8y8rLuvhFxA-00000-00000003-00000343 a screwdriver as a tool manual are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00001-00000344-00000534 powered for screwing and unscrewing 8y8rLuvhFxA-00002-00000535-00000919 inserting and removing screws a typical 8y8rLuvhFxA-00003-00000921-00001154 simple screwdriver has a handle and a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00004-00001155-00001415 shaft ending in a tip the user puts into 8y8rLuvhFxA-00005-00001416-00001625 the screw head before turning the handle 8y8rLuvhFxA-00006-00001626-00001942 the shaft is usually made of tough steel 8y8rLuvhFxA-00007-00001943-00002284 to resist bending or twisting the tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00008-00002285-00002527 may be hardened to resist we're treated 8y8rLuvhFxA-00009-00002528-00002720 with a dark tip coating for improved 8y8rLuvhFxA-00010-00002721-00003056 visual contrast between tip and screw or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00011-00003057-00003328 ridged or treated for additional grip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00012-00003329-00003617 handles are typically wood metal or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00013-00003618-00003950 plastic and usually hexagonal square or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00014-00003951-00004213 oval in cross-section to improve grip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00015-00004214-00004424 and prevent the tool from rolling when 8y8rLuvhFxA-00016-00004425-00004769 set down some manual screwdrivers have 8y8rLuvhFxA-00017-00004770-00004963 interchangeable tips that fit into a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00018-00004964-00005177 socket on the end of the shaft and are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00019-00005178-00005413 held in mechanically or magnetically 8y8rLuvhFxA-00020-00005414-00005699 these often have a hollow handle that 8y8rLuvhFxA-00021-00005700-00005972 contains various types and sizes of tips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00022-00005973-00006197 and a reversible ratchet action that 8y8rLuvhFxA-00023-00006198-00006386 allows multiple full turns without 8y8rLuvhFxA-00024-00006387-00006736 repositioning the tip or the users hand 8y8rLuvhFxA-00025-00006737-00007018 a screwdriver is classified by its tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00026-00007019-00007201 which is shaped to fit the driving 8y8rLuvhFxA-00027-00007202-00007630 surfaces slots grooves recesses etc on 8y8rLuvhFxA-00028-00007631-00007995 the corresponding screw head proper use 8y8rLuvhFxA-00029-00007997-00008215 requires that the screwdrivers tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00030-00008216-00008416 engage the head of a screw of the same 8y8rLuvhFxA-00031-00008417-00008641 size and type designation as the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00032-00008642-00008956 screwdriver tip screwdriver tips are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00033-00008957-00009226 available in a wide variety of types and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00034-00009227-00009577 sizes list of screw drives the two most 8y8rLuvhFxA-00035-00009578-00009811 common are the simple blade type 4 8y8rLuvhFxA-00036-00009812-00010054 slotted screws and Phillips generically 8y8rLuvhFxA-00037-00010055-00010531 called cross recess a wide variety of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00038-00010532-00010777 power screwdrivers range from a simple 8y8rLuvhFxA-00039-00010778-00011083 stick type with batteries a motor and a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00040-00011084-00011407 tip holder all inline to powerful pistol 8y8rLuvhFxA-00041-00011408-00011764 type vs are variable speed reversible 8y8rLuvhFxA-00042-00011765-00011998 cordless drills that also function as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00043-00011999-00012301 screwdrivers this is particularly useful 8y8rLuvhFxA-00044-00012302-00012574 as drilling a pilot hole before driving 8y8rLuvhFxA-00045-00012575-00012904 a screw as a common operation special 8y8rLuvhFxA-00046-00012905-00013135 combination drill driver bits and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00047-00013136-00013363 adapters let an operator rapidly 8y8rLuvhFxA-00048-00013363-00013638 alternate between the two variations 8y8rLuvhFxA-00049-00013640-00013960 include impact drivers which provide two 8y8rLuvhFxA-00050-00013961-00014172 types of hammering force for improved 8y8rLuvhFxA-00051-00014173-00014413 performance in certain situations and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00052-00014413-00014779 right angle drivers for use in tight 8y8rLuvhFxA-00053-00014780-00015091 spaces many options and enhancements 8y8rLuvhFxA-00054-00015091-00015358 such as built-in bubble levels high-low 8y8rLuvhFxA-00055-00015359-00015625 gear selection magnetic screw holders 8y8rLuvhFxA-00056-00015626-00015862 adjustable torque clutches keyless 8y8rLuvhFxA-00057-00015863-00016168 Chuck's gyroscopic control etc are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00058-00016169-00016399 available 8y8rLuvhFxA-00059-00016400-00016763 you 8y8rLuvhFxA-00060-00016764-00017092 topic history 8y8rLuvhFxA-00061-00017093-00017291 you 8y8rLuvhFxA-00062-00017292-00017561 the earliest documented screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00063-00017562-00017828 were used in the late Middle Ages they 8y8rLuvhFxA-00064-00017829-00018068 were probably invented in the late 15th 8y8rLuvhFxA-00065-00018069-00018416 century either in Germany or France the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00066-00018417-00018644 tools original names in German and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00067-00018645-00018860 French were Schrauben Dreier screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00068-00018861-00019064 turner and turn of 'us turn screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00069-00019065-00019415 respectively the first documentation of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00070-00019416-00019619 the tool as in the medieval house book 8y8rLuvhFxA-00071-00019620-00019874 of wolf egg Castle a manuscript written 8y8rLuvhFxA-00072-00019875-00020342 sometime between 1475 and 1490 these 8y8rLuvhFxA-00073-00020343-00020582 earliest screwdrivers had pear-shaped 8y8rLuvhFxA-00074-00020583-00020857 handles and were made for slotted screws 8y8rLuvhFxA-00075-00020858-00021065 diversification of the many types of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00076-00021066-00021299 screwdrivers did not emerge until the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00077-00021300-00021590 Gilded Age the screwdriver remained 8y8rLuvhFxA-00078-00021591-00021704 inconspicuous 8y8rLuvhFxA-00079-00021705-00021887 however as evidence of its existence 8y8rLuvhFxA-00080-00021888-00022181 throughout the next 300 years is based 8y8rLuvhFxA-00081-00022182-00022471 primarily on the presence of screws 8y8rLuvhFxA-00082-00022472-00022799 screws were used in the 15th century to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00083-00022800-00023015 construct screw cutting lathe for 8y8rLuvhFxA-00084-00023016-00023249 securing breastplates back plates and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00085-00023250-00023512 helmets on medieval jousting armor and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00086-00023513-00023756 eventually for multiple parts of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00087-00023757-00024011 emerging firearms particularly the match 8y8rLuvhFxA-00088-00024012-00024374 lock screws hence screwdrivers were not 8y8rLuvhFxA-00089-00024375-00024677 used in full combat armor most likely to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00090-00024678-00024884 give the wearer freedom of movement the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00091-00024885-00025121 jaws that hold the pyrites inside wheel 8y8rLuvhFxA-00092-00025122-00025358 lock guns were secured with screws and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00093-00025359-00025556 the need to constantly replace the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00094-00025557-00025753 pyrites resulted in considerable 8y8rLuvhFxA-00095-00025754-00026053 refinement of the screwdriver the tool 8y8rLuvhFxA-00096-00026054-00026327 is more documented in France and took on 8y8rLuvhFxA-00097-00026327-00026555 many shapes and sizes though all four 8y8rLuvhFxA-00098-00026556-00026807 slotted screws there were large 8y8rLuvhFxA-00099-00026808-00027074 heavy-duty screwdrivers for building and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00100-00027075-00027299 repairing large machines and smaller 8y8rLuvhFxA-00101-00027300-00027589 screwdrivers for refined cabinet work 8y8rLuvhFxA-00102-00027589-00027929 the screwdriver depended entirely on the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00103-00027930-00028169 screw and it took several advances to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00104-00028170-00028390 make the screw easy enough to produce to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00105-00028391-00028702 become popular in widespread the most 8y8rLuvhFxA-00106-00028703-00028949 popular door hinge at the time was the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00107-00028950-00029135 butt hinge but it was considered a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00108-00029136-00029468 luxury the butt hinge was handmade and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00109-00029469-00029677 its constant motion required the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00110-00029678-00029889 security of a screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00111-00029891-00030181 screws were very hard to produce before 8y8rLuvhFxA-00112-00030182-00030333 the first Industrial Revolution 8y8rLuvhFxA-00113-00030333-00030666 requiring manufacture of a conical helix 8y8rLuvhFxA-00114-00030667-00030997 the brothers job and William Wyatt found 8y8rLuvhFxA-00115-00030998-00031225 a way to produce a screw on a novel 8y8rLuvhFxA-00116-00031226-00031438 machine that first cut the slotted head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00117-00031439-00031723 and then cut the helix though their 8y8rLuvhFxA-00118-00031724-00031924 business ultimately failed their 8y8rLuvhFxA-00119-00031925-00032179 contribution to low-cost manufacturing 8y8rLuvhFxA-00120-00032180-00032401 of the screw ultimately led to a vast 8y8rLuvhFxA-00121-00032402-00032569 increase in the screw and the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00122-00032570-00032893 screwdrivers popularity the increase in 8y8rLuvhFxA-00123-00032894-00033172 popularity gradually led to refinement 8y8rLuvhFxA-00124-00033173-00033379 and eventually diversification of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00125-00033380-00033700 screwdriver refinement of the precision 8y8rLuvhFxA-00126-00033701-00033979 of screws also significantly contributed 8y8rLuvhFxA-00127-00033980-00034210 to the boom in production mostly by 8y8rLuvhFxA-00128-00034211-00034369 increasing its efficiency and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00129-00034370-00034672 standardizing sizes important precursors 8y8rLuvhFxA-00130-00034673-00035106 to industrial manufacture Canadian pl 8y8rLuvhFxA-00131-00035107-00035338 Robertson though he was not the first 8y8rLuvhFxA-00132-00035339-00035590 person to patent the idea of socket head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00133-00035591-00035824 screws was the first to successfully 8y8rLuvhFxA-00134-00035825-00036156 commercialize them starting in 1908 8y8rLuvhFxA-00135-00036157-00036472 socket screws rapidly grew in popularity 8y8rLuvhFxA-00136-00036473-00036709 and are still used for their resistance 8y8rLuvhFxA-00137-00036710-00036979 to wear and tear compatibility with hex 8y8rLuvhFxA-00138-00036980-00037237 keys and ability to stop a power tool 8y8rLuvhFxA-00139-00037238-00037521 when set though immensely popular 8y8rLuvhFxA-00140-00037522-00037762 Robertson had trouble marketing his 8y8rLuvhFxA-00141-00037763-00037954 invention to the newly booming auto 8y8rLuvhFxA-00142-00037955-00038152 industry for he was unwilling to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00143-00038153-00038385 relinquish his patents 8y8rLuvhFxA-00144-00038386-00038700 meanwhile in Portland Oregon Henry F 8y8rLuvhFxA-00145-00038701-00038943 Phillips patented his own invention an 8y8rLuvhFxA-00146-00038944-00039186 improved version of a deep socket with a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00147-00039187-00039405 cruciform slot today known as the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00148-00039406-00039690 Phillips screw Phillips offered his 8y8rLuvhFxA-00149-00039691-00039924 screw to the American screw company and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00150-00039925-00040224 after a successful trial on the 1936 8y8rLuvhFxA-00151-00040225-00040452 Cadillac it quickly swept through the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00152-00040453-00040719 American auto industry with the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00153-00040720-00040926 industrial revival at the end of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00154-00040927-00041142 Great Depression and the appeal of World 8y8rLuvhFxA-00155-00041143-00041436 War 2 the Phillips screw quickly became 8y8rLuvhFxA-00156-00041437-00041691 and remains the most popular screw in 8y8rLuvhFxA-00157-00041692-00041964 the world a main attraction for the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00158-00041965-00042171 screw was that conventional slotted 8y8rLuvhFxA-00159-00042172-00042405 screwdrivers could also be used on them 8y8rLuvhFxA-00160-00042406-00042588 which was not possible with the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00161-00042589-00042942 Robertson screw gunsmith still call a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00162-00042943-00043173 screwdriver a turn screw under which 8y8rLuvhFxA-00163-00043174-00043404 name it is an important part of a set of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00164-00043405-00043722 pistols the name was common in earlier 8y8rLuvhFxA-00165-00043723-00043965 centuries used by cabinet makers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00166-00043966-00044313 shipwrights and perhaps other trades the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00167-00044314-00044550 cabinet makers screwdriver as one of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00168-00044551-00044757 longest established handle forms 8y8rLuvhFxA-00169-00044758-00045000 somewhat oval or ellipsoid in cross 8y8rLuvhFxA-00170-00045001-00045336 section this is variously attributed to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00171-00045337-00045564 improving grip or preventing the tool 8y8rLuvhFxA-00172-00045565-00045855 rolling off the bench the shape has been 8y8rLuvhFxA-00173-00045856-00046155 popular for a couple of hundred years it 8y8rLuvhFxA-00174-00046156-00046419 is usually associated with a plane head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00175-00046420-00046650 four slotted screws but has been used 8y8rLuvhFxA-00176-00046651-00046952 with many head forms modern plastic 8y8rLuvhFxA-00177-00046953-00047223 screwdrivers use a handle with a roughly 8y8rLuvhFxA-00178-00047224-00047472 hexagonal cross-section to achieve these 8y8rLuvhFxA-00179-00047473-00047715 same two goals a far cry from the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00180-00047716-00047970 pear-shaped handle of the original 15th 8y8rLuvhFxA-00181-00047971-00048264 century screwdriver 8y8rLuvhFxA-00182-00048265-00048539 topic handle the handle and shaft of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00183-00048540-00048721 screwdrivers have changed considerably 8y8rLuvhFxA-00184-00048722-00049102 over time the design is influenced by 8y8rLuvhFxA-00185-00049103-00049304 both purpose and manufacturing 8y8rLuvhFxA-00186-00049305-00049592 requirements the perfect pattern handle 8y8rLuvhFxA-00187-00049593-00049910 screwdriver was first manufactured by HD 8y8rLuvhFxA-00188-00049911-00050164 Smith and company which operated from 8y8rLuvhFxA-00189-00050165-00050660 1850 to 1900 many manufacturers adopted 8y8rLuvhFxA-00190-00050661-00050899 this handle design the flat bladed 8y8rLuvhFxA-00191-00050900-00051164 screwdriver was another design composed 8y8rLuvhFxA-00192-00051165-00051427 of drop forged steel with riveted wood 8y8rLuvhFxA-00193-00051428-00051749 handles the shape and material of many 8y8rLuvhFxA-00194-00051750-00051986 modern screwdriver handles are designed 8y8rLuvhFxA-00195-00051987-00052246 to fit comfortably in the users hand for 8y8rLuvhFxA-00196-00052247-00052499 user comfort and to facilitate maximum 8y8rLuvhFxA-00197-00052500-00052811 control and torque designs include 8y8rLuvhFxA-00198-00052812-00053060 indentations for the users fingers and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00199-00053061-00053304 surfaces of a soft material such as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00200-00053305-00053546 thermoplastic elastomer to increase 8y8rLuvhFxA-00201-00053547-00053875 comfort and grip composite handles of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00202-00053876-00054146 rigid plastic and rubber are also common 8y8rLuvhFxA-00203-00054147-00054430 many screwdriver handles are not smooth 8y8rLuvhFxA-00204-00054432-00054688 and often not round but have flats or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00205-00054689-00054950 other irregularities to improve grip and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00206-00054951-00055163 to prevent the tool from rolling when on 8y8rLuvhFxA-00207-00055164-00055499 a flat surface some screwdrivers have a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00208-00055500-00055729 short hexagonal section at the top of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00209-00055730-00055973 the blade adjacent to the handle so that 8y8rLuvhFxA-00210-00055974-00056191 a ring spanner or open wrench can be 8y8rLuvhFxA-00211-00056192-00056498 used to increase the applied torque the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00212-00056499-00056762 offset screwdriver has a handle set at 8y8rLuvhFxA-00213-00056763-00056936 right angles to the small blade 8y8rLuvhFxA-00214-00056937-00057224 providing access to narrow spaces and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00215-00057225-00057498 giving extra torque 8y8rLuvhFxA-00216-00057499-00057861 you 8y8rLuvhFxA-00217-00057862-00058187 topic drive tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00218-00058188-00058446 you 8y8rLuvhFxA-00219-00058447-00058702 screwdrivers come in a large range of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00220-00058703-00059032 sizes to accommodate various screws from 8y8rLuvhFxA-00221-00059033-00059277 tiny jeweler's screwdrivers up a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00222-00059278-00059541 screwdriver that is not the right size 8y8rLuvhFxA-00223-00059542-00059758 and type for the screw may damage the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00224-00059759-00060039 screw in the process of tightening it 8y8rLuvhFxA-00225-00060040-00060370 some screwdriver tips are magnetic so 8y8rLuvhFxA-00226-00060371-00060565 that the screw unless non-magnetic 8y8rLuvhFxA-00227-00060566-00060784 remains attached to the screwdriver 8y8rLuvhFxA-00228-00060785-00061141 without requiring external force this is 8y8rLuvhFxA-00229-00061141-00061390 particularly useful in small screws 8y8rLuvhFxA-00230-00061391-00061623 which are otherwise difficult to handle 8y8rLuvhFxA-00231-00061624-00061951 many screwdriver designs have a handle 8y8rLuvhFxA-00232-00061952-00062154 with detachable tip the part of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00233-00062155-00062362 screwdriver that engages the screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00234-00062363-00062671 called bits as with drill bits this 8y8rLuvhFxA-00235-00062672-00062926 provides a set of one handle and several 8y8rLuvhFxA-00236-00062927-00063148 bits that can drive a variety of screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00237-00063149-00063431 sizes and types 8y8rLuvhFxA-00238-00063432-00063772 you 8y8rLuvhFxA-00239-00063773-00064317 topic drive types 8y8rLuvhFxA-00240-00064319-00064587 the tool used to drive a slotted screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00241-00064588-00064828 head is called a standard common blade 8y8rLuvhFxA-00242-00064829-00065157 flat blade slot head straight flat flat 8y8rLuvhFxA-00243-00065158-00065517 tip or flat head screwdriver 8y8rLuvhFxA-00244-00065519-00065791 this last usage can be confusing because 8y8rLuvhFxA-00245-00065792-00066049 the term flat head also describes a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00246-00066050-00066274 screw with a flat top designed to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00247-00066275-00066494 install in a countersunk hole 8y8rLuvhFxA-00248-00066495-00066744 furthermore the term implies that a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00249-00066745-00067137 screwdriver has a head it does not such 8y8rLuvhFxA-00250-00067138-00067372 a flat headed screw may have a slotted 8y8rLuvhFxA-00251-00067373-00067636 cross Square recessed or combination 8y8rLuvhFxA-00252-00067637-00067924 head before the development of the newer 8y8rLuvhFxA-00253-00067925-00068175 bit types the flat blade was called the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00254-00068176-00068473 common blade because it was the most 8y8rLuvhFxA-00255-00068474-00068769 common one depending on the application 8y8rLuvhFxA-00256-00068770-00069032 the name of this screwdriver may differ 8y8rLuvhFxA-00257-00069033-00069306 within the automotive heavy electric 8y8rLuvhFxA-00258-00069307-00069582 industries it is known as a flathead 8y8rLuvhFxA-00259-00069583-00069886 screwdriver with in the avionics and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00260-00069887-00070096 mining industries it is known as a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00261-00070097-00070435 standard screwdriver though there are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00262-00070436-00070759 many names the original device from 1908 8y8rLuvhFxA-00263-00070760-00071046 was known as a flat head screw turner 8y8rLuvhFxA-00264-00071047-00071406 among slotted screwdrivers variations at 8y8rLuvhFxA-00265-00071407-00071649 the blade orbit end involved the profile 8y8rLuvhFxA-00266-00071650-00071887 of the blade as viewed faced on from the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00267-00071888-00072207 side of the tool the more common type as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00268-00072208-00072426 sometimes called Keystone where the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00269-00072427-00072673 blade profile is slightly flared before 8y8rLuvhFxA-00270-00072674-00072888 tapering off at the end which provides 8y8rLuvhFxA-00271-00072889-00073117 extra stiffness to the work face and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00272-00073118-00073321 makes it capable of withstanding more 8y8rLuvhFxA-00273-00073322-00073654 torque to maximize access in space 8y8rLuvhFxA-00274-00073655-00073909 restricted applications the cabinet 8y8rLuvhFxA-00275-00073910-00074130 variant screwdriver blade sides are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00276-00074131-00074341 straight and parallel reaching the end 8y8rLuvhFxA-00277-00074342-00074613 of the blade at a right angle this 8y8rLuvhFxA-00278-00074614-00074856 design is also frequently used in 8y8rLuvhFxA-00279-00074857-00075081 jewelers screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00280-00075082-00075351 many textbooks and vocational schools 8y8rLuvhFxA-00281-00075352-00075612 instruct mechanics to grind down the tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00282-00075613-00075801 of the blade which due to the taper 8y8rLuvhFxA-00283-00075802-00076056 increases its thickness and consequently 8y8rLuvhFxA-00284-00076057-00076296 allows more precise engagement with the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00285-00076297-00076605 slot in the screw this approach creates 8y8rLuvhFxA-00286-00076606-00076875 a set of graduated slotted screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00287-00076876-00077070 that fit a particular screw for a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00288-00077071-00077310 tighter engagement and reduce screw head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00289-00077311-00077676 deformation however many better quality 8y8rLuvhFxA-00290-00077677-00077916 screwdriver blades are already induction 8y8rLuvhFxA-00291-00077917-00078144 hardened surface heat treated and tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00292-00078145-00078411 grinding after manufacture compromises 8y8rLuvhFxA-00293-00078412-00078512 their durability 8y8rLuvhFxA-00294-00078513-00078840 thus it is best to select a tip made to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00295-00078841-00079068 fit precisely to begin with and avoid 8y8rLuvhFxA-00296-00079069-00079331 weakening the factory heat treatment 8y8rLuvhFxA-00297-00079332-00079602 Phillips screwdrivers come in several 8y8rLuvhFxA-00298-00079603-00079856 standard sizes ranging from tiny 8y8rLuvhFxA-00299-00079857-00080193 jewelers to those used for automobile 8y8rLuvhFxA-00300-00080194-00080535 frame assembly our number ooo to number 8y8rLuvhFxA-00301-00080536-00080853 4 respectively this size number is 8y8rLuvhFxA-00302-00080854-00081123 usually stamped onto the shank shaft or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00303-00081124-00081294 handle for identification 8y8rLuvhFxA-00304-00081295-00081606 each bit size fits a range of screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00305-00081607-00081942 sizes more or less well each Phillips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00306-00081943-00082194 screwdriver size also has a related 8y8rLuvhFxA-00307-00082195-00082521 shank diameter the driver has a 57 8y8rLuvhFxA-00308-00082522-00082737 degrees point and tapered unsharp 8y8rLuvhFxA-00309-00082738-00083046 rounded flutes the number one and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00310-00083047-00083301 smaller bits come to a blunt point but 8y8rLuvhFxA-00311-00083302-00083520 the number two and above have no point 8y8rLuvhFxA-00312-00083521-00083748 but rather in nearly squared off tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00313-00083749-00083997 making each size incompatible with the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00314-00083998-00084125 other 8y8rLuvhFxA-00315-00084126-00084380 the design is often criticized for its 8y8rLuvhFxA-00316-00084381-00084593 tendency to come out at lower torque 8y8rLuvhFxA-00317-00084594-00084956 levels than other crosshead designs an 8y8rLuvhFxA-00318-00084957-00085214 effect caused by the tapered profile of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00319-00085215-00085394 the flutes which makes them easier to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00320-00085395-00085631 insert into the screw than other similar 8y8rLuvhFxA-00321-00085632-00085913 styles there has long been a popular 8y8rLuvhFxA-00322-00085914-00086132 belief that this was actually a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00323-00086133-00086347 deliberate feature of the design 8y8rLuvhFxA-00324-00086348-00086615 evidence is lacking for this specific 8y8rLuvhFxA-00325-00086616-00086789 narrative and the feature is not 8y8rLuvhFxA-00326-00086790-00087013 mentioned in the original patents 8y8rLuvhFxA-00327-00087014-00087314 however a subsequent refinement to the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00328-00087315-00087593 original design described in u.s. patent 8y8rLuvhFxA-00329-00087594-00087809 number two million four hundred seventy 8y8rLuvhFxA-00330-00087810-00088046 four thousand nine hundred ninety-four 8y8rLuvhFxA-00331-00088047-00088445 describes this feature robertson also 8y8rLuvhFxA-00332-00088446-00088685 known as a square or screw lock screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00333-00088686-00088928 drive has a square-shaped socket in the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00334-00088929-00089135 screw head and a square protrusion on 8y8rLuvhFxA-00335-00089136-00089435 the tool both the tool in the socket 8y8rLuvhFxA-00336-00089436-00089657 have a taper which makes inserting the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00337-00089658-00089918 tool easier and also tends to help keep 8y8rLuvhFxA-00338-00089919-00090119 the screw on the tool tip without the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00339-00090120-00090434 user needing to hold it there the tapers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00340-00090435-00090650 earliest reason for being was to make 8y8rLuvhFxA-00341-00090651-00090890 the manufacture of the screws practical 8y8rLuvhFxA-00342-00090891-00091133 using cold forming of the heads but it's 8y8rLuvhFxA-00343-00091134-00091373 other advantages helped popularize the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00344-00091374-00091604 drive robertson screws are commonplace 8y8rLuvhFxA-00345-00091605-00091814 in canada though they have been used 8y8rLuvhFxA-00346-00091815-00091988 elsewhere and have become much more 8y8rLuvhFxA-00347-00091989-00092237 common in other countries in recent 8y8rLuvhFxA-00348-00092238-00092567 decades robertson screwdrivers are easy 8y8rLuvhFxA-00349-00092568-00092810 to use one-handed because the tapered 8y8rLuvhFxA-00350-00092811-00093068 socket tends to retain the screw even if 8y8rLuvhFxA-00351-00093069-00093359 it is shaken they also allow for the use 8y8rLuvhFxA-00352-00093360-00093608 of angled screwdrivers and trim head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00353-00093609-00093914 screws the socket headed Robertson 8y8rLuvhFxA-00354-00093915-00094181 screws are self centering reduce cam out 8y8rLuvhFxA-00355-00094182-00094451 stop a power tool when set and can be 8y8rLuvhFxA-00356-00094452-00094727 removed if painted over or old and rusty 8y8rLuvhFxA-00357-00094728-00095066 in industry they speed up production and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00358-00095067-00095342 reduce product damage one of their first 8y8rLuvhFxA-00359-00095343-00095618 major industrial uses was the Ford Motor 8y8rLuvhFxA-00360-00095619-00095935 Company's Model A & Model T production 8y8rLuvhFxA-00361-00095936-00096209 Henry Ford found them highly reliable 8y8rLuvhFxA-00362-00096210-00096464 and saved considerable production time 8y8rLuvhFxA-00363-00096465-00096686 but when he couldn't secure licensing 8y8rLuvhFxA-00364-00096687-00096914 for them in the United States limited 8y8rLuvhFxA-00365-00096915-00097109 their production use to his Canadian 8y8rLuvhFxA-00366-00097110-00097424 division Robertson head screwdrivers are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00367-00097425-00097673 available in a standard range of tip 8y8rLuvhFxA-00368-00097674-00098084 sizes from 1.77 millimeters to 4.85 8y8rLuvhFxA-00369-00098085-00098465 millimetres Reed and prints also called 8y8rLuvhFxA-00370-00098466-00098726 Frierson is another historic cross head 8y8rLuvhFxA-00371-00098727-00099290 screw conveyor and less rounded than a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00372-00099291-00099545 Phillips and the bit has 45 degrees 8y8rLuvhFxA-00373-00099546-00099893 flukes and a sharper pointed end also 8y8rLuvhFxA-00374-00099894-00100130 the Phillips screw slot as not as deep 8y8rLuvhFxA-00375-00100131-00100454 as the read and print slot in theory 8y8rLuvhFxA-00376-00100455-00100778 different sized R and P screws fit any R 8y8rLuvhFxA-00377-00100779-00101120 and P bit size positive and the related 8y8rLuvhFxA-00378-00101121-00101390 SuperDrive are widely used in Europe and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00379-00101391-00101675 most of the Far East while positive 8y8rLuvhFxA-00380-00101676-00101927 screws have cross heads like Phillips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00381-00101928-00102128 and are sometimes thought effectively 8y8rLuvhFxA-00382-00102129-00102371 the same the positive design allows 8y8rLuvhFxA-00383-00102372-00102614 higher torque application than Phillips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00384-00102615-00102890 it is often claimed that they can apply 8y8rLuvhFxA-00385-00102891-00103073 more torque than any of the other 8y8rLuvhFxA-00386-00103074-00103264 commonly used cross head screwdriver 8y8rLuvhFxA-00387-00103265-00103606 systems due to a complex fluting mating 8y8rLuvhFxA-00388-00103607-00103925 configuration Japanese industrial 8y8rLuvhFxA-00389-00103926-00103984 standard 8y8rLuvhFxA-00390-00103985-00104255 G's cross head screwdrivers are still 8y8rLuvhFxA-00391-00104256-00104471 another standard often inaccurately 8y8rLuvhFxA-00392-00104472-00104801 called Japanese Phillips compatible 8y8rLuvhFxA-00393-00104802-00105080 screw heads are usually identifiable by 8y8rLuvhFxA-00394-00105081-00105347 a single depressed dot or an X to one 8y8rLuvhFxA-00395-00105348-00105661 side of the cross slot this is a screw 8y8rLuvhFxA-00396-00105663-00105893 standard throughout the Asia market and 8y8rLuvhFxA-00397-00105894-00106285 Japanese imports the driver has a 57 8y8rLuvhFxA-00398-00106286-00106493 degrees point with a flat tip many 8y8rLuvhFxA-00399-00106494-00106745 modern electrical appliances if they 8y8rLuvhFxA-00400-00106746-00106988 contain screws use screws with heads 8y8rLuvhFxA-00401-00106989-00107174 other than the typical slotted or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00402-00107175-00107516 Phillips styles Torx as one such pattern 8y8rLuvhFxA-00403-00107517-00107774 that has become widespread it is a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00404-00107775-00108020 spline tip with a corresponding recess 8y8rLuvhFxA-00405-00108021-00108326 in the screw head the main cause of this 8y8rLuvhFxA-00406-00108327-00108610 trend is manufacturing efficiency Torx 8y8rLuvhFxA-00407-00108611-00108842 screwdriver tips do not slip out of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00408-00108843-00109067 fastener as easily as would a Phillips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00409-00109068-00109391 or slotted driver slotted screws are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00410-00109392-00109636 rarely used in mass-produced devices 8y8rLuvhFxA-00411-00109638-00109844 since the driver is not inherently 8y8rLuvhFxA-00412-00109845-00110063 centered on the fastener non-typical 8y8rLuvhFxA-00413-00110064-00110321 fasteners are commonplace in consumer 8y8rLuvhFxA-00414-00110322-00110570 devices for their ability to make 8y8rLuvhFxA-00415-00110571-00110783 Assembly more difficult which is seen as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00416-00110783-00111034 a benefit for manufacturers but is 8y8rLuvhFxA-00417-00111035-00111289 considered a disadvantage by users than 8y8rLuvhFxA-00418-00111290-00111577 if more common head types were used in 8y8rLuvhFxA-00419-00111578-00111910 microwave ovens such screws deny casual 8y8rLuvhFxA-00420-00111911-00112121 access to the high-power kilovolt 8y8rLuvhFxA-00421-00112122-00112333 electrical components which are very 8y8rLuvhFxA-00422-00112334-00112438 dangerous 8y8rLuvhFxA-00423-00112439-00112735 however torques and other drivers have 8y8rLuvhFxA-00424-00112736-00112933 become widely available to the consumer 8y8rLuvhFxA-00425-00112934-00113168 due to their increasing use in the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00426-00113169-00113450 industry some other styles fit a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00427-00113451-00113672 three-pointed star recess and a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00428-00113673-00113873 five-lobed spline with rounded edges 8y8rLuvhFxA-00429-00113874-00114083 instead of the square edges of the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00430-00114083-00114382 torques this is called a pentalobe 8y8rLuvhFxA-00431-00114383-00114658 specialized patterns of security screws 8y8rLuvhFxA-00432-00114659-00114947 are also used such as the line head LH 8y8rLuvhFxA-00433-00114948-00115339 style by osg system products japan as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00434-00115340-00115609 used in many Nintendo consoles though 8y8rLuvhFxA-00435-00115610-00115783 drivers for the more common security 8y8rLuvhFxA-00436-00115784-00116085 heads are again readily available 8y8rLuvhFxA-00437-00116086-00116410 another type of security head has smooth 8y8rLuvhFxA-00438-00116411-00116641 curved surfaces instead of the slot 8y8rLuvhFxA-00439-00116642-00116831 edges that would permit loosening the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00440-00116832-00117076 screw it is found in public restroom 8y8rLuvhFxA-00441-00117077-00117332 privacy partitions and cannot be removed 8y8rLuvhFxA-00442-00117333-00118055 by conventional screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00443-00118056-00118976 topic variations 8y8rLuvhFxA-00444-00118977-00119601 topic torque screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00445-00119602-00119899 screwdrivers are available manual 8y8rLuvhFxA-00446-00119900-00120183 electric and pneumatic with a clutch 8y8rLuvhFxA-00447-00120184-00120514 that slips at a preset torque this helps 8y8rLuvhFxA-00448-00120515-00120763 the user tighten screws to a specified 8y8rLuvhFxA-00449-00120764-00121052 torque without damage or over tightening 8y8rLuvhFxA-00450-00121053-00121318 cordless drills designed to use as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00451-00121319-00122058 screwdrivers often have such a clutch 8y8rLuvhFxA-00452-00122058-00122665 topic powered screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00453-00122666-00122895 interchangeable bits allow the use of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00454-00122896-00123164 powered screwdrivers commonly using an 8y8rLuvhFxA-00455-00123165-00123451 electric or air motor to rotate the bit 8y8rLuvhFxA-00456-00123452-00123704 cordless drills with speed and torque 8y8rLuvhFxA-00457-00123705-00123914 control are commonly used as power 8y8rLuvhFxA-00458-00123915-00124518 screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00459-00124519-00125132 topic ratcheting screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00460-00125133-00125420 some manual screwdrivers have a ratchet 8y8rLuvhFxA-00461-00125421-00125635 action whereby the screwdriver blade 8y8rLuvhFxA-00462-00125636-00125824 locks to the handle for clockwise 8y8rLuvhFxA-00463-00125825-00126032 rotation but uncouples for 8y8rLuvhFxA-00464-00126033-00126283 counterclockwise rotation when set for 8y8rLuvhFxA-00465-00126284-00126553 tightening screws and vice versa for 8y8rLuvhFxA-00466-00126554-00126908 loosening spiral ratchet screwdrivers 8y8rLuvhFxA-00467-00126908-00127133 often colloquially called Yankee 8y8rLuvhFxA-00468-00127133-00127375 screwdrivers a brand name provide a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00469-00127376-00127646 special mechanism that transforms linear 8y8rLuvhFxA-00470-00127647-00128008 motion into rotational motion originally 8y8rLuvhFxA-00471-00128009-00128357 the Yankee name was used on all tools 8y8rLuvhFxA-00472-00128358-00128608 sold by the North Brothers manufacturing 8y8rLuvhFxA-00473-00128609-00128836 company but later after stanley 8y8rLuvhFxA-00474-00128837-00129016 purchased the company it became 8y8rLuvhFxA-00475-00129017-00129214 synonymous with only this type of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00476-00129215-00129511 screwdriver the user pushes the handle 8y8rLuvhFxA-00477-00129512-00129790 toward the workpiece causing a pall in a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00478-00129791-00130031 spiral groove to rotate the shank in the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00479-00130032-00130327 removable bit the ratchet can be set to 8y8rLuvhFxA-00480-00130328-00130588 rotate left or right with each push or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00481-00130589-00130769 can be locked so that the tool can be 8y8rLuvhFxA-00482-00130770-00131093 used like a conventional screwdriver one 8y8rLuvhFxA-00483-00131094-00131345 disadvantage of this design is that if 8y8rLuvhFxA-00484-00131346-00131536 the bit slips out of the screw the 8y8rLuvhFxA-00485-00131537-00131747 resultant sudden extension of the spring 8y8rLuvhFxA-00486-00131748-00131947 may cause the bit to scratch or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00487-00131948-00132224 otherwise damage the workpiece 8y8rLuvhFxA-00488-00132225-00132488 once very popular versions of these 8y8rLuvhFxA-00489-00132489-00132715 spiral ratchet drivers using proprietary 8y8rLuvhFxA-00490-00132716-00132995 bits have been largely discontinued by 8y8rLuvhFxA-00491-00132996-00133319 manufacturers such as Stanley some 8y8rLuvhFxA-00492-00133320-00133538 companies now offer a modernized version 8y8rLuvhFxA-00493-00133539-00133862 that uses standard 1/4 inch hex shank 8y8rLuvhFxA-00494-00133863-00134215 power tool bits since a wide variety of 8y8rLuvhFxA-00495-00134216-00134468 drill bits are available in this format 8y8rLuvhFxA-00496-00134469-00134752 the tool can do double duty as a push 8y8rLuvhFxA-00497-00134753-00135438 drill or Persian drill 8y8rLuvhFxA-00498-00135439-00135978 topic misuse 8y8rLuvhFxA-00499-00135979-00136197 manual straight screwdrivers are 8y8rLuvhFxA-00500-00136198-00136398 commonly abused as improvised 8y8rLuvhFxA-00501-00136399-00136632 substitutes for other tools such as 8y8rLuvhFxA-00502-00136633-00137007 crowbars or chisels screwdrivers are not 8y8rLuvhFxA-00503-00137008-00137256 designed for these purposes and such use 8y8rLuvhFxA-00504-00137257-00137499 can damage the tip then the shaft or 8y8rLuvhFxA-00505-00137500-00137748 injure the user if the screwdriver slips 8y8rLuvhFxA-00506-00137749-00138015 or breaks screwdrivers have also been 8y8rLuvhFxA-00507-00138016-00138231 used as stabbing weapons and are usually 8y8rLuvhFxA-00508-00138232-00138647 tightly restricted in prisons incredibly 8y8rLuvhFxA-00509-00138648-00138894 screwdrivers have also been used as a 8y8rLuvhFxA-00510-00138895-00139179 tool to avoid radioactive material from 8y8rLuvhFxA-00511-00139180-00139796 becoming critical 8y8rLuvhFxA-00512-00139797-00140360 topic see also 8y8rLuvhFxA-00513-00140361-00140963 list of screw drives wheel and axle 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00000-00000000-00000440 folks for those who don't know like I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00001-00000441-00000586 said my name is Mark Levine I'm a lot 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00002-00000587-00000749 less famous than Jason Mraz but that's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00003-00000750-00000932 okay that's not about they absorb at bar 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00004-00000933-00001150 right here former NBA star because 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00005-00001151-00002092 you're not I do don't have a very 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00006-00002093-00002366 important job I am one of 100 members of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00007-00002367-00002617 the Virginia House of Delegates and we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00008-00002618-00002938 have an election in Virginia on Tuesday 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00009-00002939-00003242 and that election could change history 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00010-00003243-00003470 as I said we're 400 years old we've 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00011-00003471-00003636 never had a progressive majority 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00012-00003638-00003872 Virginia's always been conservative it 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00013-00003872-00004036 was conservative under segregationist 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00014-00004037-00004166 Democrats if the conservative on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00015-00004167-00004427 Republicans the last 25 years but now we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00016-00004428-00004613 can have a progressive majority and that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00017-00004614-00005006 means that give us 51 Democrat we have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00018-00005007-00005243 49 Democrats out of 100 so we're this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00019-00005244-00005281 close 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00020-00005282-00005543 Leyna majority Republicans gerrymandered 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00021-00005544-00005747 it so it you need to kind of need about 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00022-00005748-00006029 56% a boat board to get 50 but I think 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00023-00006030-00006263 we're gonna do it this Tuesday if we do 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00024-00006264-00006571 that come January this surge and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00025-00006572-00006701 February we will pass the Equal Rights 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00026-00006702-00007110 Amendment 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00027-00007111-00007601 I'm sure the room just give an idea in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00028-00007602-00007653 the room 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00029-00007654-00007964 wave hello everybody this is this is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00030-00007965-00009833 this is Mary anyway we are waiting for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00031-00009834-00010006 Jason Mraz to join us and then hopefully 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00032-00010007-00010445 this will be shared on his his account 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00033-00010446-00010681 and all but anyway it's really important 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00034-00010682-00010792 and one of the reasons were here is that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00035-00010793-00011837 magics everybody so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00036-00011838-00012092 you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00037-00012093-00012371 Jason Mraz who has just joined us that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00038-00012372-00012686 is fantastic let me add him invite him 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00039-00012687-00012985 to join us that is really cool 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00040-00012986-00013676 and he's joining us now so Jason I guess 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00041-00013677-00013874 JC can hear me now but you get your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00042-00013875-00014003 chance to join us he has to push a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00043-00014004-00015743 button to join us and there he is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00044-00015744-00015994 can you hear me take a look yes Jason 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00045-00015996-00017513 Mraz Ian's a big form of him thanks can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00046-00017514-00017855 you guys hear me Jason I gave you fun to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00047-00017856-00018020 really appreciate your yeah your your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00048-00018021-00018296 image is a little vague it's it's a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00049-00018297-00018536 little I think heresy buffering your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00050-00018537-00018680 little fuzzy Jason but he's handsome 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00051-00018681-00018824 enough to make you honor 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00052-00018825-00018994 you're gonna look even I am even fuzzy 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00053-00018995-00019319 so that works that looks well Grayson 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00054-00019320-00019666 thank you for doing this I know you're a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00055-00019667-00020869 native Virginian yeah really appreciate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00056-00020870-00021062 your helping us out so for folks who 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00057-00021063-00021200 don't know there's an election on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00058-00021201-00021464 Tuesday and Jason has been really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00059-00021465-00021671 helpful to a lot of our candidates so I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00060-00021672-00021833 don't know whether you got a guitar with 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00061-00021834-00022231 you or something Jason or you just I do 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00062-00022232-00022544 your guitar you get lots of Hearts for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00063-00022545-00022946 your guitar of course yeah I'm much less 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00064-00022947-00023108 you know I'm Virginia state delegate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00065-00023109-00023429 Mark Levine I'm just here as Jason's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00066-00023430-00023633 friends know I'm here because we have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00067-00023634-00023837 election on Tuesday where if the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00068-00023838-00024158 Democrats win we will have a progressive 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00069-00024159-00024281 majority will pass Equal Rights 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00070-00024282-00024544 Amendment will do some really good laws 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00071-00024545-00024782 to restrict guns which are way too 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00072-00024783-00024919 prevalent Virginia will raise the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00073-00024920-00025103 minimum wage do something about climate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00074-00025104-00025297 change finally which will help the folks 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00075-00025298-00025460 out in California 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00076-00025461-00025814 host of things and and the main reason 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00077-00025814-00026147 that we're here is a bill of mine called 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00078-00026148-00026306 the national popular vote bill which 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00079-00026307-00026539 would allow people to elect the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00080-00026541-00026750 president directly instead of going to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00081-00026751-00026885 the Electoral College which is what got 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00082-00026886-00027074 Donald Trump there I'm gonna stop 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00083-00027075-00027248 talking because they like didn't come to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00084-00027249-00027602 see me Jason not only want to sing for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00085-00027602-00027773 us to tell us what what you think about 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00086-00027774-00028114 all this what he's doing in Virginia 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00087-00028114-00028427 sure well hopefully you can hear me I'm 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00088-00028427-00028856 sitting in a corridor as close to the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00089-00028857-00029144 outside world as possible I'm in Eugene 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00090-00029145-00029452 Oregon on tour I've been through two 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00091-00029454-00029657 different Wi-Fi devices and I'm trying 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00092-00029658-00029816 to get a good signal to reach you guys 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00093-00029817-00030139 here today but I do have my guitar in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00094-00030141-00030491 hand because I'm on tour at the moment I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00095-00030492-00030710 hope you can hear me can you guys still 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00096-00030711-00032695 hear me say yes to write about what they 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00097-00032697-00032879 know right about whatever's going on in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00098-00032880-00033077 their life so whether that's a breakup 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00099-00033078-00033323 or they've learned a new life lesson and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00100-00033324-00033587 of course right now in today's climate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00101-00033588-00033827 there's a whole lot going on in the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00102-00033828-00034100 headlines so I can't help but find 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00103-00034101-00034301 myself writing about my own personal 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00104-00034302-00034541 life questions and how I fit into 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00105-00034542-00034864 today's politics and ever-changing 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00106-00034865-00035258 chaotic environment and I try to look 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00107-00035259-00035522 for the good but sometimes songs come up 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00108-00035523-00035756 that are just filled with questions like 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00109-00035757-00035979 for example 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00110-00035980-00036245 what's it gonna be for the future of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00111-00036246-00036561 America another four years of atwitter 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00112-00036562-00036804 tyrants karen.yeung more billionaires 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00113-00036805-00037080 getting much more wealthier can we get 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00114-00037081-00037239 some health care and make our country 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00115-00037240-00037487 healthier can't we get that green New 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00116-00037488-00037740 Deal and regenerate and we lose our 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00117-00037741-00037965 student loan debt and freely educate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00118-00037966-00038162 can't we use some changes in the way we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00119-00038163-00038379 choose to separate that's proven in the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00120-00038380-00038643 colors of the humans we incarcerate here 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00121-00038644-00038837 we see that love is still the only way 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00122-00038838-00039074 to combat hate empathy begets us to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00123-00039075-00039321 become someone compassionate exercise 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00124-00039322-00039614 your freedom anarchie or activism won't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00125-00039615-00039821 louder bolt louder louder than your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00126-00039822-00041771 voice can get so mark I've got a handful 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00127-00041772-00041999 of songs now that are armed and ready 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00128-00042000-00042252 alright litical revolution man that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00129-00042253-00042426 sounds good and desert your lectures in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00130-00042427-00042630 Kentucky Mississippi New Jersey and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00131-00042631-00042906 Louisiana also on November 5th but in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00132-00042907-00043083 Virginia we're the only state they can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00133-00043084-00043352 flip from Republican to democratic so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00134-00043353-00043527 folks in Virginia really need to get out 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00135-00043528-00043733 and vote and frankly if you want to help 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00136-00043734-00044108 our efforts if you can go to ma RK for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00137-00044109-00044465 delegate ma RK / de le GA t e if you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00138-00044466-00044696 donate now every penny will go to the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00139-00044697-00044971 most competitive Democratic races 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00140-00044972-00045143 there's a whole bunch of things we're 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00141-00045144-00045333 gonna do x equal rights amendment and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00142-00045334-00045549 guns way to help people vote because 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00143-00045550-00045683 they make it really hard for young 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00144-00045684-00045885 people to vote and we'll make you laugh 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00145-00045886-00046127 for them and then of course we gotta 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00146-00046128-00046239 give her that time at the White House 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00147-00046240-00046493 and right Lee Beesley got in power in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00148-00046494-00046658 the first place is this stupid election 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00149-00046659-00046949 college and you know Hillary Clinton 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00150-00046950-00047168 beat Trump by more than three million 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00151-00047169-00047396 votes and yet he became president 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00152-00047397-00047586 because of this you know that's all part 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00153-00047587-00047855 of the US Constitution so we gotta fix 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00154-00047856-00048018 that yeah you're gonna help us out mark 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00155-00048019-00048239 mark tell me how tell me how this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00156-00048240-00048680 election can help fix gerrymandering so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00157-00048681-00048948 that we can determine that constituents 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00158-00048949-00049146 in their districts are getting too 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00159-00049147-00049437 they're their representative family that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00160-00049438-00049584 they're getting to vote fairly how do we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00161-00049585-00049734 eliminate gerrymandering through this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00162-00049735-00049965 next election but Jeremy's actually 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00163-00049966-00050163 tougher we could we can focus on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00164-00050164-00050319 electoral college gerrymander we just 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00165-00050320-00050487 had a US Supreme Court decision that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00166-00050488-00050721 basically said I disagree with it that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00167-00050722-00050940 said gerrymandering is okay a terrible 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00168-00050941-00051192 5-4 decision that they just ruled on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00169-00051193-00051411 this year which makes it really really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00170-00051412-00051633 hard what we can do though that can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00171-00051634-00051815 encourage States to do something that I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00172-00051816-00052089 support called the wasted vote model 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00173-00052090-00052257 let's cut the complex but basically what 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00174-00052258-00052626 it does is it says that you more people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00175-00052627-00052730 get you choose to our elected 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00176-00052732-00052878 representatives the sub states have been 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00177-00052879-00053076 if any Commission's there are lots of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00178-00053077-00053214 different ways to do that we might do 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00179-00053215-00053454 that in Virginia but that gerrymandering 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00180-00053454-00053769 is a tough one because you're right that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00181-00053770-00054167 you know people who people like me 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00182-00054169-00054360 shouldn't be choosing my districts it 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00183-00054361-00054501 should be the people out there who 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00184-00054502-00054708 decide and this should be fair I'm 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00185-00054709-00054846 fidgeting face I'll just I'll be in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00186-00054847-00055050 Virginia just give you an example we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00187-00055051-00055476 have in 2017 Democrats got 55% of the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00188-00055477-00055515 vote 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00189-00055516-00055800 we only got 49 out of 100 seats because 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00190-00055801-00056049 the way the lines were drawn so we need 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00191-00056050-00056196 we need to have fair lines and that's a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00192-00056197-00056330 battle on every state in the United 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00193-00056332-00056694 States but stuff in about River so he 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00194-00056695-00056855 brought up another good point in that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00195-00056857-00057003 you said this was a Supreme Court 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00196-00057004-00057372 decision recently that was 5-4 and I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00197-00057373-00057846 know that the next president the next 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00198-00057847-00058035 presidential term is likely going to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00199-00058036-00058287 choose another Supreme Court or two or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00200-00058288-00058764 three or two or three so making sure you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00201-00058765-00059064 have compassionate progressive 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00202-00059065-00059250 leadership and what I mean by 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00203-00059251-00059475 progressive leadership are are people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00204-00059476-00059721 who are willing to help create restore a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00205-00059722-00060084 government by and for the people the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00206-00060085-00060294 current agenda seems that it's every man 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00207-00060295-00060369 for himself 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00208-00060370-00060600 therefore the rich get richer the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00209-00060601-00060903 capitalism is unfettered whereas if you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00210-00060904-00061086 can get progressive leadership that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00211-00061087-00061359 cares about all citizens united states 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00212-00061360-00061679 then perhaps we can even elect 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00213-00061679-00062007 compassionate progressive Supreme Court 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00214-00062008-00062274 justices in the next term to which will 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00215-00062275-00062420 help protect 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00216-00062421-00062747 a lot of Supreme Court decisions of the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00217-00062748-00062992 past that have gotten us to the currents 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00218-00062994-00063275 the amount of Rights that we do have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00219-00063276-00063485 today you know one of the problems we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00220-00063486-00063623 have is that we shouldn't have the US 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00221-00063624-00063829 Supreme Court choosing our president IRA 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00222-00063830-00064040 back in 2000 when the people elected 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00223-00064041-00064262 outdoor he won the popular vote he won 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00224-00064263-00064463 the electoral vote but the United States 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00225-00064464-00064595 Supreme Court said we're not gonna count 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00226-00064596-00064772 the votes in Florida we're gonna put two 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00227-00064773-00064982 a bush in there and then just recently 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00228-00064983-00065276 as you know we won that election by 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00229-00065277-00065423 three million votes the people in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00230-00065424-00065654 California voted are they not Americans 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00231-00065655-00065855 do they not get a count but they didn't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00232-00065856-00066011 count them because of this electro 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00233-00066012-00066134 College which comes from the US 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00234-00066135-00066338 Constitution and it's just basically I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00235-00066339-00066482 got the government from me I carry 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00236-00066483-00066797 wherever I go read it on there but the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00237-00066798-00067064 Electoral College was designed 200 odd 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00238-00067065-00067127 years ago 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00239-00067128-00067394 by a bunch of people that wanted white 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00240-00067395-00067688 men with property and that means not not 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00241-00067689-00067868 women and not people without property 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00242-00067869-00068186 and certainly not non-white people to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00243-00068187-00068369 control everything and it was before 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00244-00068370-00068585 parties and whatever you think of when 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00245-00068586-00068762 it was written it definitely doesn't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00246-00068763-00068876 belong there now it's just not 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00247-00068877-00069080 democratic the people chose Hillary 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00248-00069081-00069218 Clinton the people should get the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00249-00069219-00069374 president they want so one of the things 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00250-00069375-00069539 we're gonna do here in Virginia if we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00251-00069540-00069746 get 51 Democrats from November 5th is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00252-00069747-00069920 I'm introducing a bill called the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00253-00069921-00070175 national popular vote bill and what this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00254-00070176-00070364 bill does is we don't need to have a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00255-00070365-00070538 constitutional amendments really hard to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00256-00070539-00070679 change the Constitution you need 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00257-00070680-00070817 two-thirds of the house two-thirds of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00258-00070818-00070958 the Senate three-quarters of all the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00259-00070959-00071147 state legislatures really hard to do 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00260-00071148-00071303 that but what we can do for this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00261-00071304-00071576 national popular vote compact we can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00262-00071577-00071726 join with other states throughout the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00263-00071727-00071954 United States and if enough of us 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00264-00071955-00072287 representing 270 electoral votes agree 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00265-00072288-00072596 we can go around the old electoral 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00266-00072597-00072806 college and interesting there's already 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00267-00072807-00073031 16 states in DC that have done this we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00268-00073032-00073289 actually already have 196 of the 270 we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00269-00073290-00073553 need we can add Virginia's 30 electoral 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00270-00073554-00073919 votes and get to 209 just b61 way that's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00271-00073920-00074087 a lot of math the heart of it is this if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00272-00074088-00074261 you help us in Virginia I'm gonna give 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00273-00074262-00074396 the website one more time mark for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00274-00074397-00074774 delegate comm ma RK fo r TL e GH e e 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00275-00074775-00075041 comm click the donate button if you can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00276-00075042-00075303 give us to help us in Virginia weekend 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00277-00075304-00075638 comes away to helping the whole nation 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00278-00075639-00075776 finally be able to choose their 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00279-00075777-00075984 president where the most votes counts 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00280-00075985-00076187 the only fair way to choose the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00281-00076188-00076524 demanders purpose you're a hero for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00282-00076525-00076665 helping bring this issue to people's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00283-00076666-00076769 attention because a lot of people don't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00284-00076770-00076929 know about this most people don't know 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00285-00076930-00077201 that yeah well I think it's definitely 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00286-00077202-00077397 worth exploring worth asking about you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00287-00077398-00077562 know there's an argument that says you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00288-00077563-00077699 know if we didn't have an electoral 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00289-00077700-00078005 college then candidates would only 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00290-00078006-00078299 campaign in New York in California where 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00291-00078300-00078722 where the population is the most dense 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00292-00078723-00079011 what with that we're not saying we're 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00293-00079012-00079175 doing away with the electoral college 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00294-00079176-00079353 what we're saying what what you're 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00295-00079354-00079797 suggesting is that each state is going 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00296-00079798-00080348 to give its electoral votes to the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00297-00080349-00080640 candidate that that state voted for by 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00298-00080641-00081042 populace actually the whole nation we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00299-00081043-00081234 count every vote in the entire nation 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00300-00081235-00081480 and the states in the compact would give 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00301-00081481-00081579 their vote 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00302-00081580-00081725 whoever wins the national popular vote 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00303-00081726-00082125 to the national so you're right the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00304-00082126-00082278 candidates would campaign in New York 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00305-00082279-00082434 and LA frankly they don't campaign in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00306-00082435-00082619 New York and LA right now because today 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00307-00082620-00082929 unless you live in New Hampshire or Ohio 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00308-00082930-00083207 or Iowa you don't get any funds a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00309-00083208-00083403 process it's not just liberal states you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00310-00083404-00083606 live in Texas or Oklahoma or Idaho or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00311-00083607-00083813 Wyoming you don't get to be part this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00312-00083814-00084056 way every single person counts and it's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00313-00084057-00084218 not just the folks to the cities there's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00314-00084219-00084401 a lot of rural America out there and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00315-00084402-00084642 their votes count to so we need 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00316-00084643-00084903 candidates that appeal to everybody to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00317-00084904-00085112 the whole of this diverse country and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00318-00085113-00085325 not just a few people and select States 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00319-00085326-00085623 so yeah it is for the national public 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00320-00085624-00085836 you know in the vast majority of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00321-00085837-00086063 democracies on the planet the person 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00322-00086064-00086300 with the most votes wins it's kind of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00323-00086301-00086496 how you just I don't know of any student 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00324-00086497-00086700 council race where the second place 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00325-00086701-00086892 finisher wins that doesn't make any 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00326-00086893-00087101 sense and frankly I don't think we would 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00327-00087102-00087380 have had this racist abusive corrupt 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00328-00087381-00087573 president we have right now if the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00329-00087574-00087717 American people have been allowed to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00330-00087718-00087996 choose our choice rather than this old 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00331-00087997-00088272 electoral college choice which whatever 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00332-00088273-00088572 you should had went out 100 years ago if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00333-00088573-00088605 I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00334-00088606-00088866 have been chasin that used to be that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00335-00088867-00089058 the thinking was oh we have to protect 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00336-00089059-00089235 all states or we have to protect the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00337-00089236-00089457 rural states and what mark is saying is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00338-00089458-00089715 true there really are two classes of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00339-00089716-00089940 citizenship in this country there are 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00340-00089941-00090174 people who happen to live in states like 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00341-00090175-00090498 Ohio and Iowa and Florida and Michigan 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00342-00090499-00090741 and Wisconsin and then everyone else so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00343-00090742-00091008 what that means is approximately 44 or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00344-00091009-00091443 45 states have no voice and only five or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00345-00091444-00091650 six so that's way worse than the rural 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00346-00091651-00091923 versus the urban areas who really don't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00347-00091924-00092139 have the equal protection and equal 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00348-00092140-00092322 voting and there we need to go to a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00349-00092323-00092583 one-person one-vote my dream and this is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00350-00092584-00092745 how I want people to think about this is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00351-00092746-00093087 that the last person voting an eighteen 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00352-00093088-00093342 year old man or woman who was in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00353-00093343-00093618 Honolulu Hawaii who is the last person 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00354-00093619-00093831 to vote in the 2020 election could 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00355-00093832-00094092 decide who the president is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00356-00094093-00094311 that's incredibly exciting and apparent 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00357-00094312-00094542 that we can do that if we pass mark snow 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00358-00094543-00094778 in Virginia and then get 61 more 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00359-00094779-00095118 so Jason yeah think about this or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00360-00095119-00095679 something every person is both County 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00361-00095680-00095874 equal to every other person's vote which 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00362-00095875-00096063 i think is what this country's supposed 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00363-00096064-00096654 to be about see about that and I I think 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00364-00096655-00096906 you know from my perspective to you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00365-00096907-00097184 people turn off their listening if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00366-00097185-00097428 because their party oriented they only 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00367-00097429-00098175 want to be on a party or and and I feel 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00368-00098176-00098679 a little I've been a little frustrated 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00369-00098680-00098868 myself the last couple of elections with 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00370-00098869-00099237 party quarreling and the power brokers 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00371-00099238-00099510 within each party I sir just making sure 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00372-00099511-00099726 each party can can maintain their power 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00373-00099727-00100119 and so this election especially I've 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00374-00100120-00100365 just been looking at issues I'm gonna 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00375-00100366-00100533 vote for issues I don't care what side 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00376-00100534-00100839 of the aisle they're on and and even in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00377-00100840-00101016 next year's presidential race I don't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00378-00101017-00101238 feel like I'm voting for a party I feel 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00379-00101239-00101492 like I'm voting for Bernie Sanders and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00380-00101493-00101877 that each of me does not feel like your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00381-00101878-00101990 typical 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00382-00101991-00102185 Democratic Party establishment or any 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00383-00102186-00102368 party establishment feel like it's going 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00384-00102369-00102616 back to equal rights for all citizens 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00385-00102617-00102842 and having the type of progressive 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00386-00102843-00103294 leadership that cares about you know 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00387-00103295-00103505 ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00388-00103506-00104014 gun control healthcare doing something 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00389-00104015-00104233 acknowledging there's a climate crisis 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00390-00104234-00104536 let alone trying to solve it with new 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00391-00104538-00104741 technologies but to at least have a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00392-00104742-00104935 candidate and/or a party back that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00393-00104936-00105239 person that says we do have a climate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00394-00105240-00105455 crisis and we should be investing in new 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00395-00105456-00105701 energies so that we can all get on board 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00396-00105702-00105926 with it and be a leader in the world not 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00397-00105927-00106108 not someone behind or one of the major 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00398-00106109-00106670 pollutants these are all the types of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00399-00106671-00106880 things that are on my mind I guess Jason 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00400-00106881-00107141 I just say this um cuz I do watch a lot 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00401-00107142-00107330 of Democratic debates and Bernie 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00402-00107331-00107471 certainly does a very good job in those 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00403-00107472-00107798 debates I'll tell you this any of them 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00404-00107799-00108259 Bernie Elizabeth Joe Pete Carla I have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00405-00108260-00108464 liked Cory Booker no hotter than a B 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00406-00108465-00108725 Club which are the differences among 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00407-00108726-00109006 them while they're real are tiny 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00408-00109007-00109202 compared to the differences between them 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00409-00109203-00109309 in the current occupant of the White 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00410-00109310-00109585 House we all have our favorite 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00411-00109586-00109925 candidates in the primary my rule is I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00412-00109926-00110905 will vote for a venomous toad now I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00413-00110906-00111158 understand why people voted for because 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00414-00111158-00111371 I feel like the establishment wasn't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00415-00111372-00111647 listening to every citizen in the US and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00416-00111648-00111920 so most you know almost half-asses in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00417-00111921-00112166 the US that did vote I mean a fraction 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00418-00112167-00112976 of citizens even voted period they 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00419-00112977-00113231 didn't feel like they counted they and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00420-00113232-00113485 so they went with this other idea like 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00421-00113486-00113644 hey let's do something to shake up 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00422-00113645-00114122 politics and like this reality show guy 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00423-00114123-00114383 who seems like a wheeler and dealer and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00424-00114383-00114617 then unfortunately they've been let down 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00425-00114618-00114845 by him and many many people have been 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00426-00114846-00115046 led to him through his bigotry his 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00427-00115047-00115220 racist remarks through his fear through 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00428-00115221-00115433 his narcissus 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00429-00115434-00115827 through his foreign dealings I mean so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00430-00115828-00116064 much of it has put our safety our health 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00431-00116065-00116666 our welfare at risk so but the good 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00432-00116667-00116850 thing is if I can look for the good in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00433-00116851-00117075 all of this it's that a political 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00434-00117076-00117390 revolution has begun more people are 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00435-00117391-00117629 awake more people want to know tell me 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00436-00117630-00117846 more about the Virginia elections and on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00437-00117847-00118140 November 5th and 2019 you know how how 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00438-00118141-00118446 can I run for office in 2020 more people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00439-00118447-00118569 are getting involved and we're seeing 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00440-00118570-00118806 not only a blue way but a new wave of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00441-00118807-00119013 young people getting involved and that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00442-00119014-00119163 to me is very very exciting 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00443-00119164-00119303 that's the kinds of things that I'm 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00444-00119304-00119516 tuned into that I'm looking forward to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00445-00119517-00119765 voting for and as a songwriter looking 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00446-00119766-00119909 forward to expressed so that I can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00447-00119910-00120353 provide the kind of musical landscape to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00448-00120354-00120602 support these marches these revolutions 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00449-00120603-00120873 these new ways of thinking and ways of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00450-00120874-00121119 being because every citizen needs the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00451-00121120-00121446 courage to stand up and act and be a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00452-00121447-00121616 part of the process so let me get em 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00453-00121617-00121743 Pilar what we've done at Virginia 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00454-00121744-00122100 already two years ago we only had 34 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00455-00122101-00122307 Democrats about a third out of a hundred 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00456-00122308-00122613 and two years ago in 2017 just up there 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00457-00122614-00122909 Donald Trump came to power we flipped 15 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00458-00122910-00123203 seats now of the 15 new members we got 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00459-00123204-00123624 11 more women we have the first Latina 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00460-00123625-00123783 in Virginia history the first 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00461-00123783-00124065 asian-american woman in in Virginia 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00462-00124066-00124347 history we have the first transgendered 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00463-00124348-00124559 woman actually to Danika Rome who I've 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00464-00124560-00124851 mentored in Virginia history the first 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00465-00124852-00125240 lesbian woman we are changing we're now 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00466-00125241-00125427 almost equal gender parity of the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00467-00125428-00125789 Democrats the Republicans have no blacks 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00468-00125790-00126120 and and I think for women out of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00469-00126121-00126483 fifty-some-odd we represent Virginia 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00470-00126483-00126774 they represent a very small class of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00471-00126775-00126996 Virginia and so we've already brought in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00472-00126997-00127128 its diversity and I'll taste something 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00473-00127129-00127379 else we have more Millennials we have a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00474-00127380-00127608 lot of our new people are in their 20s 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00475-00127608-00127760 and 30s people who are running for the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00476-00127761-00127985 first time and this is the end a lot of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00477-00127986-00128160 cabinets in Virginia right now on 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00478-00128161-00128395 ballot are diverse they're younger 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00479-00128396-00128602 they're they're men and women there 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00480-00128603-00128965 they're all races and genders and a lot 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00481-00128966-00129175 of people who are who are grew up very 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00482-00129176-00129370 poor are running as well we have our 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00483-00129371-00129526 first socialist you'll appreciate that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00484-00129527-00129703 Bernie Sanders appreciate that my 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00485-00129704-00129913 colleague Lee Carter joined us two years 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00486-00129914-00130153 ago our first socialist member of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00487-00130154-00130399 Virginia House of Delegates so we we are 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00488-00130400-00130627 the party of diversity so I would just 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00489-00130628-00130915 say this I know some people don't like 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00490-00130916-00131173 party labels and people are individuals 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00491-00131174-00131320 and you gotta look at individual 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00492-00131321-00131614 candidate but I would say that among 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00493-00131615-00131881 Democrats we have a lot of diversity in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00494-00131882-00132088 America and I don't see that among 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00495-00132089-00132325 Republicans so I must admit I'm a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00496-00132326-00132574 Democrat I'm pushing Democrats but if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00497-00132575-00132769 Republicans would represent all of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00498-00132770-00132976 America I think they'd get more votes 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00499-00132977-00133213 but they don't do that right I will 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00500-00133214-00133414 introduce some not morons former NBA 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00501-00133415-00133816 star the Lakers the Clippers and he's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00502-00133817-00134049 got a ring from those warriors and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00503-00134050-00134404 amazing fourthly if not more so he was 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00504-00134405-00134599 very involved in getting it bill passed 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00505-00134600-00135121 in Sacramento on social justice really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00506-00135122-00135577 glad to have him here with us incredible 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00507-00135578-00135718 hey Matt how you doing man 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00508-00135719-00135931 I think you hit it on the head were you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00509-00135932-00136144 uh you know the one thing that you can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00510-00136145-00136333 take from Trump is deep smoke a lot of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00511-00136334-00136465 people up and brought a lot of people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00512-00136466-00136716 together you know I mean um and I think 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00513-00136717-00136987 that's the key in getting this password 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00514-00136988-00137119 but you know I think is important 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00515-00137120-00137359 because we don't feel our voice matters 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00516-00137360-00137575 so a lot of people say why both you know 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00517-00137576-00137982 I mean and had no millennial you know 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00518-00137983-00138184 I'll be 40 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00519-00138185-00138382 even people my age we're just you know 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00520-00138383-00138562 gets lazy and especially if you don't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00521-00138563-00138694 feel like you're doing something that's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00522-00138695-00138883 gonna you know in result of something 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00523-00138884-00139191 [__] so I think you know the new wave 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00524-00139192-00139704 and the national popular vote we knew 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00525-00139705-00140011 that our voice are both in our voice 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00526-00140012-00140236 matter and we can ask the world with 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00527-00140237-00140461 that oh yeah I think more people would 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00528-00140462-00140833 show us to vote right yeah I'd be enough 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00529-00140834-00141085 a lot of athletes are you know involved 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00530-00141086-00141172 in interesting 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00531-00141173-00141355 you just don't know where to start and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00532-00141356-00141508 you don't know where to go and how to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00533-00141509-00141661 really educate ourselves because our 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00534-00141662-00141835 life is moving so fast with everything 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00535-00141836-00142006 else but realizing and slowing down that 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00536-00142007-00142255 you know politics is a huge part of our 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00537-00142256-00142561 lives as well so no this is new I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00538-00142562-00142843 retired for me two years ago three years 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00539-00142844-00143029 now when I want to champ killed with the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00540-00143030-00143226 waters and it just kind of really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00541-00143227-00143401 understanding everything else is going 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00542-00143402-00143686 on around me I've really been talking to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00543-00143687-00143863 a lot of friends of mine I mentioned for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00544-00143864-00144157 interpolation and I'm gonna reach out to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00545-00144158-00144322 John Wall and Bradley Beal who played 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00546-00144323-00144454 for the Wizards they're friends of mine 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00547-00144455-00144628 and you know kind of educate them a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00548-00144629-00144799 little bit on this and see if they can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00549-00144800-00144961 you know do some social medias posting 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00550-00144962-00145108 for us as well just to kind of get word 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00551-00145109-00145357 out there because like I said I'm done 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00552-00145358-00145501 playing and I didn't really know about 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00553-00145502-00146704 this or next two days so you can vote 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00554-00146705-00146872 for November 5th and you should vote 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00555-00146873-00147070 greets and I'm talking about Virginia's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00556-00147071-00147274 because obviously Virginia is more 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00557-00147275-00147820 likely to flip from Virginia been around 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00558-00147821-00147958 since the House of Burgesses in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00559-00147959-00148465 Jamestown 819 we've never had and this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00560-00148466-00148705 will give ask to do that for the first 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00561-00148706-00148954 time in 400 years and here's what I like 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00562-00148955-00149098 about this for those of you who aren't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00563-00149099-00149272 big fans in the president and I'm 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00564-00149273-00149476 certainly not one of them we are the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00565-00149477-00149743 only election between now and the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00566-00149744-00150034 impeachment of Donald Donald Trump is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00567-00150035-00150175 going to be impeached by the United 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00568-00150176-00150307 States House representatives before 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00569-00150308-00150490 Christmas Wow there's gonna be a trial 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00570-00150491-00150720 in the Senate next January and February 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00571-00150721-00151060 there's a number of Republicans who will 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00572-00151061-00151296 decide whether or not this corrupt 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00573-00151297-00151945 lunatic remains anonymous they talk to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00574-00151946-00152110 Republicans privately all the time they 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00575-00152111-00152278 know he's corrupt they know he's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00576-00152279-00152503 terrible they know he but they're afraid 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00577-00152504-00152785 the people support him if we do really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00578-00152786-00153025 well in Virginia and these other states 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00579-00153026-00153196 but just like Virginia cuz it's a purple 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00580-00153197-00153439 state and we show a lot of Democratic 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00581-00153440-00153661 support what we do is we actually give 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00582-00153662-00153889 courage these Republicans who want to do 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00583-00153890-00154024 the right thing who want to follow the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00584-00154025-00154249 Constitution but are afraid that Donald 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00585-00154250-00154421 Trump has too much support 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00586-00154422-00154571 so it's really important if you live in 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00587-00154572-00154757 Virginia if you get out and vote if you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00588-00154758-00154958 don't live in Virginia if you can help 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00589-00154959-00155174 us with our ad campaign we've got about 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00590-00155175-00155404 12 to 15 candidates that are really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00591-00155405-00155648 really tight races you can donate I give 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00592-00155649-00155789 every penny away to these competitive 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00593-00155790-00156032 Democrats just one more time mark for 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00594-00156033-00156289 delegate ma RK fo our delegate doctrine 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00595-00156290-00156548 click on donate whatever you can give is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00596-00156549-00156739 really appreciated there's a Washington 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00597-00156740-00156908 Post article today these are the most 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00598-00156909-00157133 expensive races in Virginia history the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00599-00157134-00157331 National Rifle Association gave two 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00600-00157332-00157481 hundred thousand dollars to oppose us 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00601-00157482-00157811 this one rich billionaire in Illinois 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00602-00157812-00158060 gave half a million dollars to a single 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00603-00158061-00158246 candidate I'm not expecting that from 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00604-00158247-00158416 the folks here but you can give five or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00605-00158417-00158645 ten or fifteen dollars whatever you can 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00606-00158646-00158839 do one things actual I want to do if we 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00607-00158840-00158999 get in charge it's actually put 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00608-00159000-00159221 limitations so we don't have rich people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00609-00159222-00159364 controlling the process and that's 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00610-00159365-00159488 actually one of my bills but I'm gonna 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00611-00159489-00159790 put in if we get elected in your part of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00612-00159791-00159952 helping us do that tell what happened 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00613-00159953-00160550 two years ago with the one vote two 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00614-00160551-00160850 years ago poor Shelly Simon is my friend 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00615-00160851-00161139 choice I'm Vincent elegant down in the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00616-00161140-00161498 Hampton Roads area of Virginia she won 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00617-00161499-00161689 by one vote we were very proud of her 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00618-00161690-00161882 the counters of votes she wins by one 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00619-00161883-00162083 vote we were all praising her talking 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00620-00162084-00162569 about landslide Shelley and then the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00621-00162570-00162872 Republicans found the vote that hadn't 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00622-00162873-00163114 been counted and they said look this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00623-00163115-00163291 this one which had a bunch of cross outs 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00624-00163292-00163504 in it and everything struck out this is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00625-00163505-00163718 a Republican vote and then judge is 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00626-00163719-00163934 chosen by the Republican delegate 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00627-00163935-00164126 running against Shelley said yeah we're 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00628-00164127-00164329 gonna count this vote and that made it a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00629-00164330-00164546 try and then they pull the name out of a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00630-00164547-00165040 bowling that's the reason why we are a 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00631-00165041-00165170 minority the Virginia House of Delegates 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00632-00165171-00165500 today with only 49 cuz Shelley's bone so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00633-00165501-00165809 every I'm seriously every frickin every 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00634-00165810-00166015 vote counts if Shelley had gotten two 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00635-00166016-00166211 more votes you know it's easy maybe to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00636-00166212-00166331 manufacture one boat 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00637-00166332-00166535 we have to win beyond the margin of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00638-00166536-00166796 cheating and that means everyone has to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00639-00166797-00166982 get out and vote and repeat the other 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00640-00166983-00167227 states where people cuz Jason you have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00641-00167228-00167410 fans who live in true 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00642-00167411-00167908 Jerzy in Mississippi we had a tidal wave 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00643-00167909-00168228 of young progressive voters 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00644-00168229-00168466 let's show Mitch McConnell in Kentucky 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00645-00168467-00168654 that he is in deep trouble man he might 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00646-00168655-00168862 change his mind on that hmm the other 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00647-00168863-00169249 thing is that young young people you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00648-00169250-00169414 know people mention that young people 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00649-00169415-00169597 don't vote that's traditionally true but 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00650-00169598-00169861 in 2017 in Virginia young people came 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00651-00169862-00170098 out like they never have before in 2018 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00652-00170099-00170344 and the midterms young people are going 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00653-00170345-00170473 like you never have before 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00654-00170474-00170815 I think people Millennials 2030s if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00655-00170816-00171163 you're 18 and you can vote show those 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00656-00171164-00171370 older than you that you care and they 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00657-00171371-00171571 will listen to you otherwise all you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00658-00171572-00171748 listen to people that are in their 70s 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00659-00171749-00171964 and 80s because they're voting you have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00660-00171965-00172203 rights too you want maybe college to be 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00661-00172204-00172270 more affordable 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00662-00172271-00172411 you know what student loans should be so 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00663-00172412-00172636 expensive you want to have housing to be 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00664-00172637-00172798 more affordable what the minimum wage 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00665-00172799-00172921 should be higher there are a lot of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00666-00172922-00173083 issues that young people care about paid 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00667-00173084-00173302 families and Google D legalizing 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00668-00173303-00174249 marijuana which by the way I support 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00669-00174250-00174579 don't work we need to lay on studying 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00670-00174580-00174697 the spy from head to toe they're trying 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00671-00174698-00174793 to change the regulations of 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00672-00174794-00175456 professional sports we've talked a lot I 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00673-00175457-00175566 don't know if you want to say support or 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00674-00175567-00176798 sing some 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00675-00176799-00178109 [Music] 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00676-00178110-00178578 check it out World War three might be 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00677-00178579-00178803 true versus TV it's hard to know the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00678-00178804-00179015 story that's owned by private media 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00679-00179016-00179216 blu-rays blasting through these 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00680-00179217-00179427 radioactive screens we have people [__] 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00681-00179428-00179646 commercials of the pizza-maker sleepier 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00682-00179647-00179883 World War three won't be nuclear 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00683-00179884-00180108 catastrophe it won't be an extreme 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00684-00180109-00180318 religious radical shouted a blasphemy it 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00685-00180319-00180546 won't even make it to the news in this 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00686-00180547-00180779 country the war that is poverty versus 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00687-00180780-00180972 those who have the money if corporations 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00688-00180973-00181170 played along and put back in their 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00689-00181171-00181362 dividends and currency but remain in the 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00690-00181363-00181548 current and go back to the deficit if 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00691-00181549-00181758 everyone's like that and just everyone 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00692-00181759-00181953 would benefit one more thing there now 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00693-00181954-00183645 shut up mark for delegates according 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00694-00183646-00183870 money to Democrats that are in really 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00695-00183871-00184164 racist man that's really noble and 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00696-00184165-00184284 generous of you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00697-00184285-00184518 everything is he friends with Jason have 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00698-00184519-00184821 a great show really appreciate your 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00699-00184822-00184863 support 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00700-00184864-00185058 let's give it let's give a big hand to 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00701-00185059-00185411 Jason Mraz thank you guys thank you 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00702-00185412-00185820 thank you thanks for the time and good 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00703-00185821-00185976 luck mark and we'll spread the word 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00704-00185977-00186486 about the November 5th elections 8ys6_Xd5MSQ-00705-00186487-00187185 thanks again take care you got it Wow 8zRAeGime4Y-00000-00000003-00000262 good morning warriors we are live from 8zRAeGime4Y-00001-00000263-00000428 the quarantine zone 8zRAeGime4Y-00002-00000429-00000773 it's Friday we've got a fun fun workout 8zRAeGime4Y-00003-00000774-00000911 lined up for you we're going to do a lot 8zRAeGime4Y-00004-00000911-00001214 of a lot of mobility today to get loose 8zRAeGime4Y-00005-00001215-00001439 for our hurricane that we're going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00006-00001440-00001670 knock out this morning so I'm really 8zRAeGime4Y-00007-00001671-00001993 excited get that blood pumping burn burn 8zRAeGime4Y-00008-00001994-00002300 some energy bird soup calories have a 8zRAeGime4Y-00009-00002301-00002600 lot of fun and get that mind mindset 8zRAeGime4Y-00010-00002601-00002998 strengthen for for the weekend ahead and 8zRAeGime4Y-00011-00002999-00003229 the story that I'm going to share with 8zRAeGime4Y-00012-00003230-00003365 you today is one of my favorite stories 8zRAeGime4Y-00013-00003365-00003788 being a coach and a business owner and 8zRAeGime4Y-00014-00003789-00004095 you know life is a lot about mindset and 8zRAeGime4Y-00015-00004096-00004613 this is a story of a salesman who sells 8zRAeGime4Y-00016-00004614-00005192 Cutco knives and this is basically to to 8zRAeGime4Y-00017-00005193-00005291 get you up to speed 8zRAeGime4Y-00018-00005292-00005563 he lives off of what he sells so he's 8zRAeGime4Y-00019-00005564-00005738 got to sell knives in order to pay his 8zRAeGime4Y-00020-00005739-00006020 rent and he's he's not that great of a 8zRAeGime4Y-00021-00006021-00006284 Salesman he's going doridori's making 8zRAeGime4Y-00022-00006285-00006421 his phone calls he's trying to get in 8zRAeGime4Y-00023-00006422-00006628 front of people to sell these knives and 8zRAeGime4Y-00024-00006629-00006878 he's coming up on the first of the month 8zRAeGime4Y-00025-00006879-00007025 his rents due he doesn't have the money 8zRAeGime4Y-00026-00007026-00007319 so he really really needs to move some 8zRAeGime4Y-00027-00007320-00007570 knives in order to to figure out to 8zRAeGime4Y-00028-00007572-00007717 figure out how he's gonna how he's gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00029-00007718-00008159 get along and he he wakes up you know on 8zRAeGime4Y-00030-00008159-00008485 Friday the last day of the week he's got 8zRAeGime4Y-00031-00008486-00008627 three appointments in the morning three 8zRAeGime4Y-00032-00008628-00008852 appointments in the afternoon he's 8zRAeGime4Y-00033-00008853-00009002 feeling pretty discouraged he goes to 8zRAeGime4Y-00034-00009003-00009185 his his morning appointments he doesn't 8zRAeGime4Y-00035-00009186-00009449 sell any knives he's he's kind of beat 8zRAeGime4Y-00036-00009450-00009680 himself up he he doesn't even want to 8zRAeGime4Y-00037-00009681-00009941 finish the day he's like man I just need 8zRAeGime4Y-00038-00009942-00010114 to find a new job I need to I need to 8zRAeGime4Y-00039-00010115-00010421 get out of this business and he he calls 8zRAeGime4Y-00040-00010422-00010748 home calls his wife and he's just 8zRAeGime4Y-00041-00010749-00010942 complaining it's like honey like you 8zRAeGime4Y-00042-00010943-00011096 know I don't know if I can do it I don't 8zRAeGime4Y-00043-00011097-00011278 think like I don't think I'm cut out for 8zRAeGime4Y-00044-00011279-00011483 this I don't think that yeah it's good 8zRAeGime4Y-00045-00011484-00011638 you know I don't think this is working I 8zRAeGime4Y-00046-00011639-00011777 don't know what to do I don't know we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00047-00011778-00012017 ready to about money and she's listening 8zRAeGime4Y-00048-00012018-00012364 and she's like why I get it honey I 8zRAeGime4Y-00049-00012365-00012569 understand and I was I have some good 8zRAeGime4Y-00050-00012570-00012776 news for you I was gonna wait until you 8zRAeGime4Y-00051-00012777-00012971 got home to tell you but since you're 8zRAeGime4Y-00052-00012972-00013127 clearly upset I just thought I'll cheer 8zRAeGime4Y-00053-00013128-00013251 you up all right for the rest 8zRAeGime4Y-00054-00013252-00013746 you know my my my uncle died about six 8zRAeGime4Y-00055-00013747-00013824 months ago 8zRAeGime4Y-00056-00013825-00014169 his estate finally cleared and I just I 8zRAeGime4Y-00057-00014169-00014334 just got a pretty significant 8zRAeGime4Y-00058-00014335-00014519 inheritance so we don't have to worry 8zRAeGime4Y-00059-00014521-00014706 about money for some time it's a pretty 8zRAeGime4Y-00060-00014707-00014949 significant check so I just want to 8zRAeGime4Y-00061-00014950-00015249 cheer you up and and and and make you 8zRAeGime4Y-00062-00015250-00015486 feel a little bit better so you don't 8zRAeGime4Y-00063-00015487-00015651 you know you're not so depressed and 8zRAeGime4Y-00064-00015652-00015966 he's relieved he's he's excited he's 8zRAeGime4Y-00065-00015966-00016266 happy he's although the press the 8zRAeGime4Y-00066-00016266-00016437 weights lifted off your shoulders and 8zRAeGime4Y-00067-00016438-00016614 she's like it doesn't matter whether or 8zRAeGime4Y-00068-00016615-00016884 not you sell any more knives just I'll 8zRAeGime4Y-00069-00016885-00016980 see you when you get home from work 8zRAeGime4Y-00070-00016981-00017349 tonight so he goes to his final three 8zRAeGime4Y-00071-00017350-00017505 appointments he's like how didn't care 8zRAeGime4Y-00072-00017506-00017643 if I you know who cares about these 8zRAeGime4Y-00073-00017644-00017991 knives and then he he sells he sells you 8zRAeGime4Y-00074-00017992-00018183 know all three of his appointments and 8zRAeGime4Y-00075-00018184-00018480 you know it gets a little Commission and 8zRAeGime4Y-00076-00018481-00018813 he's he's just you know elated comes 8zRAeGime4Y-00077-00018814-00018990 home grabs a bottle of wine from the 8zRAeGime4Y-00078-00018991-00019212 store you know busts open the door and 8zRAeGime4Y-00079-00019213-00019587 said honey let's celebrate and his wife 8zRAeGime4Y-00080-00019588-00019683 looks at him goes Oh 8zRAeGime4Y-00081-00019684-00019908 celebrate what and he's like they 8zRAeGime4Y-00082-00019909-00020112 inherited that you got it she was like 8zRAeGime4Y-00083-00020113-00020391 oh I just made that up to make you feel 8zRAeGime4Y-00084-00020392-00020991 better honey and what you might find 8zRAeGime4Y-00085-00020992-00021407 after you murder your spouse is is that 8zRAeGime4Y-00086-00021408-00021744 just deciding to to feel like everything 8zRAeGime4Y-00087-00021745-00021975 is okay just having that sense that 8zRAeGime4Y-00088-00021976-00022155 you're you're gonna be alright that 8zRAeGime4Y-00089-00022156-00022434 things are going to work out that that 8zRAeGime4Y-00090-00022435-00022656 taking away that sense of desperate need 8zRAeGime4Y-00091-00022657-00022947 for a certainty it's a it's a choice 8zRAeGime4Y-00092-00022948-00023190 right and once you click flick that 8zRAeGime4Y-00093-00023191-00023469 switch then all that pressure and all 8zRAeGime4Y-00094-00023470-00023703 that anxiety and all that stuff it goes 8zRAeGime4Y-00095-00023704-00024210 away and it's it's it's challenging to 8zRAeGime4Y-00096-00024211-00024459 do on your own right but oftentimes when 8zRAeGime4Y-00097-00024460-00024684 we have permission from outside sources 8zRAeGime4Y-00098-00024685-00024978 or from the external we can get there 8zRAeGime4Y-00099-00024979-00025278 but if it's a choice if you're just if 8zRAeGime4Y-00100-00025279-00025452 it's just a belief you could choose to 8zRAeGime4Y-00101-00025453-00025745 believe that everything is okay and then 8zRAeGime4Y-00102-00025747-00026067 you're better Cutco knives salesperson 8zRAeGime4Y-00103-00026068-00026175 you're a better parent 8zRAeGime4Y-00104-00026176-00026389 you're a better 8zRAeGime4Y-00105-00026391-00026895 espouse your a better son or daughter so 8zRAeGime4Y-00106-00026895-00027048 having that sense of certainty in that 8zRAeGime4Y-00107-00027049-00027261 just in that inside of you that compass 8zRAeGime4Y-00108-00027262-00027522 that everything is going to be alright 8zRAeGime4Y-00109-00027523-00027882 that that empowers you to then be free 8zRAeGime4Y-00110-00027883-00028029 to do all the other things a part of the 8zRAeGime4Y-00111-00028030-00028320 way that you do that is by taking care 8zRAeGime4Y-00112-00028320-00028557 of yourself by filling your cup first by 8zRAeGime4Y-00113-00028558-00028767 getting that exercise in the sleep the 8zRAeGime4Y-00114-00028768-00029048 the food the water and making sure that 8zRAeGime4Y-00115-00029049-00029345 your your ship is ready to sail at all 8zRAeGime4Y-00116-00029347-00029589 times so let's get ready to sail let's 8zRAeGime4Y-00117-00029589-00029913 let's fill our cup and let's kick some 8zRAeGime4Y-00118-00029914-00030189 butt on this workout today trying to 8zRAeGime4Y-00119-00030189-00030330 announce the things that you'll need for 8zRAeGime4Y-00120-00030331-00030576 the workout today all you're going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00121-00030577-00030741 need is a weight a kettlebell or 8zRAeGime4Y-00122-00030742-00030885 dumbbell if you've got one so you can do 8zRAeGime4Y-00123-00030886-00031077 some kettlebell swings but we're going 8zRAeGime4Y-00124-00031077-00031233 to do a lot of stretches on the floor so 8zRAeGime4Y-00125-00031233-00031389 if you have a mat or a soft floor at 8zRAeGime4Y-00126-00031389-00031569 that that'll be good too but you won't 8zRAeGime4Y-00127-00031570-00031883 need a couch in unless you're doing 8zRAeGime4Y-00128-00031885-00032045 push-ups off a countertop or anything 8zRAeGime4Y-00129-00032047-00032241 you shouldn't need any other equipment 8zRAeGime4Y-00130-00032242-00032466 for this extra for this workout we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00131-00032467-00032832 gonna start by warming up our arms 8zRAeGime4Y-00132-00032833-00033063 shoulders hips we're going to do some 8zRAeGime4Y-00133-00033064-00033285 inchworms so when I'm doing the inchworm 8zRAeGime4Y-00134-00033286-00033729 I'm standing heels about hips width 8zRAeGime4Y-00135-00033730-00033774 apart 8zRAeGime4Y-00136-00033775-00034008 so not far apart I'm gonna reach down 8zRAeGime4Y-00137-00034009-00034242 keep my legs straight and I'm going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00138-00034243-00034563 walk out into a plank and then I'm gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00139-00034564-00035064 walk back touch the toe and then I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00140-00035065-00035454 gonna walk out walk back one of the 8zRAeGime4Y-00141-00035455-00035610 great things about this inchworm that 8zRAeGime4Y-00142-00035611-00035808 we're doing you can add a push-up to it 8zRAeGime4Y-00143-00035809-00036081 if you're you're really hardcore but 8zRAeGime4Y-00144-00036082-00036204 when you're coming back you're going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00145-00036205-00036432 push your hips up in the air and so now 8zRAeGime4Y-00146-00036433-00036669 I'm stretching that arm overhead and I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00147-00036670-00036981 getting getting more overhead mobility 8zRAeGime4Y-00148-00036982-00037205 out of that shoulder which is great 8zRAeGime4Y-00149-00037206-00037437 because we don't do a lot of overhead 8zRAeGime4Y-00150-00037438-00037638 stuff in our everyday lives so we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00151-00037639-00038104 gonna do 10 inch worms 8zRAeGime4Y-00152-00038105-00038601 coming up and out 8zRAeGime4Y-00153-00038602-00039709 getting that heart rate going once 8zRAeGime4Y-00154-00039710-00039943 you're done with those inchworms we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00155-00039944-00040438 going to do a Cossack lunge what is that 8zRAeGime4Y-00156-00040439-00040918 you ask I'll show you this is fun so I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00157-00040919-00041416 gonna step out and do a deep lunge I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00158-00041417-00041704 gonna drop down towards my heel with the 8zRAeGime4Y-00159-00041705-00041911 goal of putting my hamstring on my calf 8zRAeGime4Y-00160-00041912-00042244 I'm gonna pull my toe back on the 8zRAeGime4Y-00161-00042245-00042597 opposite foot so I'm gonna drop down 8zRAeGime4Y-00162-00042598-00043135 into this hamstring groin stretch and 8zRAeGime4Y-00163-00043136-00043432 I'm gonna stand up well then I'm gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00164-00043433-00043621 switch to the other side pulling that 8zRAeGime4Y-00165-00043622-00043861 toe back towards me as they drop keeping 8zRAeGime4Y-00166-00043862-00044425 that chest up standing back up we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00167-00044426-00044542 gonna go back and forth we're gonna do 8zRAeGime4Y-00168-00044543-00044809 five per side I'm dropping down you want 8zRAeGime4Y-00169-00044810-00044908 to make sure that your weights in your 8zRAeGime4Y-00170-00044909-00045226 heel chest stays vertical I'm gonna get 8zRAeGime4Y-00171-00045227-00045595 as low as you can back to the center all 8zRAeGime4Y-00172-00045596-00045883 the way through chest up 8zRAeGime4Y-00173-00045884-00046237 oh yeah so really opening up the 8zRAeGime4Y-00174-00046238-00046492 hamstrings groin letting that pelvis 8zRAeGime4Y-00175-00046493-00047157 separate and this lateral plane the 8zRAeGime4Y-00176-00047158-00047809 coronal plane because the actual term no 8zRAeGime4Y-00177-00047810-00048172 transverse wow I don't really talk like 8zRAeGime4Y-00178-00048173-00048352 that anymore to go look up some stuff 8zRAeGime4Y-00179-00048353-00048986 one more on each side and then oh yeah 8zRAeGime4Y-00180-00048987-00049645 haha shake it off nice now we're going 8zRAeGime4Y-00181-00049646-00049905 to do some lunge and windmills what this 8zRAeGime4Y-00182-00049906-00050139 means is I'm going to get in a deep 8zRAeGime4Y-00183-00050140-00050476 lunge stretching out my palms are gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00184-00050477-00050776 be in the same line as my heel of the 8zRAeGime4Y-00185-00050777-00051345 lead leg so I'm here so my back leg is 8zRAeGime4Y-00186-00051346-00051540 stiff so I'm pushing my back heel back 8zRAeGime4Y-00187-00051541-00051738 away from me my lead knee is driving 8zRAeGime4Y-00188-00051739-00051949 forward my pelvis is doing and going in 8zRAeGime4Y-00189-00051950-00052077 two different directions on each side 8zRAeGime4Y-00190-00052078-00052179 that's good 8zRAeGime4Y-00191-00052180-00052387 that's what I want then I'm gonna take 8zRAeGime4Y-00192-00052388-00052600 my inside arm reaching all the way 8zRAeGime4Y-00193-00052601-00053065 forward I'm gonna rotate hand to the sky 8zRAeGime4Y-00194-00053066-00053410 eyes following the hands I'm gonna spin 8zRAeGime4Y-00195-00053411-00053616 that arm around till it becomes 8zRAeGime4Y-00196-00053616-00053866 perpendicular I'm sorry parallel to the 8zRAeGime4Y-00197-00053866-00054172 floor bend in the elbow dropping that 8zRAeGime4Y-00198-00054173-00054488 elbow all the way down to the foot 8zRAeGime4Y-00199-00054489-00055129 planting switching up same thing back 8zRAeGime4Y-00200-00055129-00055384 leg is pushing back lead lead leg is 8zRAeGime4Y-00201-00055385-00055731 pushing away my inside arm is here now 8zRAeGime4Y-00202-00055732-00056456 I'm gonna push out reach up rotate 8zRAeGime4Y-00203-00056457-00056807 parallel to the floor bend the elbow 8zRAeGime4Y-00204-00056808-00057340 drop it down yeah switching feet back to 8zRAeGime4Y-00205-00057341-00057400 the beginning 8zRAeGime4Y-00206-00057401-00058094 this is our second round all the way out 8zRAeGime4Y-00207-00058095-00058655 rotating through bend that elbow coming 8zRAeGime4Y-00208-00058657-00059054 back down into the perfect stretch our 8zRAeGime4Y-00209-00059055-00059294 world's greatest stretches some call it 8zRAeGime4Y-00210-00059295-00060166 switching out left foot forward for me 8zRAeGime4Y-00211-00060166-00060369 lon 8zRAeGime4Y-00212-00060370-00060675 up rotate at the shoulder like a 8zRAeGime4Y-00213-00060676-00061391 rotisserie chicken bending drop-down 8zRAeGime4Y-00214-00061391-00061661 alright we're gonna do one more time 8zRAeGime4Y-00215-00061662-00062105 kick him through this one is for Sarah 8zRAeGime4Y-00216-00062107-00062454 this is your favorite stretch all the 8zRAeGime4Y-00217-00062454-00063075 way up rotate back down elbow comes down 8zRAeGime4Y-00218-00063076-00063479 to that lead heel 8zRAeGime4Y-00219-00063480-00064351 drop switch through 8zRAeGime4Y-00220-00064352-00064841 [__] it out 8zRAeGime4Y-00221-00064841-00065353 down yeah 8zRAeGime4Y-00222-00065354-00065941 nice walking back out of the windmill 8zRAeGime4Y-00223-00065942-00066377 whoo okay now we're loosening up our 8zRAeGime4Y-00224-00066378-00066668 hips groin quads we're going to do a 8zRAeGime4Y-00225-00066669-00066914 teaspoon plank so going to fire up the 8zRAeGime4Y-00226-00066915-00067076 core just a little bit before we get 8zRAeGime4Y-00227-00067077-00067556 this party really started and I'm going 8zRAeGime4Y-00228-00067557-00068030 to use my pad here to help me out I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00229-00068031-00068309 going to be on my toes feet are pretty 8zRAeGime4Y-00230-00068310-00068645 wide so I'm stable I'm here on the 8zRAeGime4Y-00231-00068646-00068864 ground hips of the same height as the 8zRAeGime4Y-00232-00068865-00069182 shoulders reaching my elbow up dropping 8zRAeGime4Y-00233-00069183-00069554 it down other side I'm rotating at the 8zRAeGime4Y-00234-00069555-00069920 upper back that's we're going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00235-00069921-00070099 prettified I want to do five per side 8zRAeGime4Y-00236-00070100-00070565 just to get that the ABS arms everything 8zRAeGime4Y-00237-00070566-00070763 warmed up for this training we're about 8zRAeGime4Y-00238-00070764-00071319 to do three 8zRAeGime4Y-00239-00071320-00071961 I'm going for five reps per side 8zRAeGime4Y-00240-00071962-00073012 haha whoo okay now it's time to warm up 8zRAeGime4Y-00241-00073013-00073213 those legs we're going to be doing a lot 8zRAeGime4Y-00242-00073214-00073693 of swings this the circuit so I have a 8zRAeGime4Y-00243-00073694-00074101 kettlebell here if you have a kettlebell 8zRAeGime4Y-00244-00074102-00074341 you can use it at home I know that not 8zRAeGime4Y-00245-00074342-00074515 everybody has all the weights that they 8zRAeGime4Y-00246-00074516-00074722 need so if you need to do more I'm gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00247-00074723-00074887 do ten swings if you have a light 8zRAeGime4Y-00248-00074888-00075094 kettlebell and you want to do 20 or if 8zRAeGime4Y-00249-00075095-00075223 you have a kettlebell it's heavy for you 8zRAeGime4Y-00250-00075224-00075406 if you only do five or eight or ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00251-00075407-00075513 that's fine 8zRAeGime4Y-00252-00075514-00075850 but you don't have a kettlebell you're 8zRAeGime4Y-00253-00075851-00076147 going to do squats so I'll demonstrate 8zRAeGime4Y-00254-00076148-00076390 the the tool for the swing or the 8zRAeGime4Y-00255-00076391-00076642 execution for the swing and if you're 8zRAeGime4Y-00256-00076643-00076861 following along with nothing you're just 8zRAeGime4Y-00257-00076862-00077008 going to do squats every time I do our 8zRAeGime4Y-00258-00077009-00077338 warm-up you'll do 10 squats so we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00259-00077339-00077656 starting out here in front of my 8zRAeGime4Y-00260-00077657-00077866 kettlebell and I'm going to warm up the 8zRAeGime4Y-00261-00077867-00078139 hinge pattern by doing 10 reps of 8zRAeGime4Y-00262-00078140-00078424 touching that touching that handle 8zRAeGime4Y-00263-00078425-00078748 putting my butt drift back my knees are 8zRAeGime4Y-00264-00078749-00079147 bending but just enough to allow me to 8zRAeGime4Y-00265-00079148-00079507 hinge over without falling over so chest 8zRAeGime4Y-00266-00079508-00079789 stays up touching that handle I'm going 8zRAeGime4Y-00267-00079790-00079975 to do 10 reps here I'm going to squeeze 8zRAeGime4Y-00268-00079976-00080275 my glutes on the way up driving my butt 8zRAeGime4Y-00269-00080276-00080533 forward getting that warmed up I'm going 8zRAeGime4Y-00270-00080534-00080942 to do 10 reps of that 8zRAeGime4Y-00271-00080943-00081326 powering through my toes I heels are 8zRAeGime4Y-00272-00081327-00081546 about shoulder-width apart toes are 8zRAeGime4Y-00273-00081547-00081883 pointed out at 20 degrees just like this 8zRAeGime4Y-00274-00081884-00082247 so I've done that 10 wraps now I'm going 8zRAeGime4Y-00275-00082248-00082550 to stand over the kettlebell and I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00276-00082551-00082706 doing 10 reps again this time it's 8zRAeGime4Y-00277-00082707-00082823 underneath me so I don't have to go as 8zRAeGime4Y-00278-00082824-00083246 far so I'm warming up that position 8zRAeGime4Y-00279-00083247-00083366 again 8zRAeGime4Y-00280-00083367-00083711 toes out 20 degrees crusher is on the 8zRAeGime4Y-00281-00083712-00083924 heel of the foot the ball of the big toe 8zRAeGime4Y-00282-00083925-00084269 the ball of the pinky toe driving 8zRAeGime4Y-00283-00084270-00084547 through 8zRAeGime4Y-00284-00084548-00084715 [Music] 8zRAeGime4Y-00285-00084716-00085736 ten reps there now once I've done that 8zRAeGime4Y-00286-00085737-00085868 I'm going to start to do my kettlebell 8zRAeGime4Y-00287-00085869-00086000 deadlift so if you're doing squats 8zRAeGime4Y-00288-00086001-00086180 you're gonna keep doing squats to warm 8zRAeGime4Y-00289-00086181-00086381 this up and now we're picking up our 8zRAeGime4Y-00290-00086382-00086699 kettlebell and sitting it down so that's 8zRAeGime4Y-00291-00086700-00086891 one it's almost the same exact movement 8zRAeGime4Y-00292-00086892-00087047 that we were just doing this time I've 8zRAeGime4Y-00293-00087048-00087587 got the weight in my hand 8zRAeGime4Y-00294-00087588-00087773 [Music] 8zRAeGime4Y-00295-00087774-00088076 so I'm going to do 10 reps here chest is 8zRAeGime4Y-00296-00088077-00088350 up eyes are forward squeezing the glutes 8zRAeGime4Y-00297-00088351-00089124 on the way through 8zRAeGime4Y-00298-00089125-00089695 nice so we've done a bunch of these 8zRAeGime4Y-00299-00089696-00089851 hinge warm-ups now we're going to do our 8zRAeGime4Y-00300-00089852-00090310 first swings so I'm gonna stand behind 8zRAeGime4Y-00301-00090311-00090576 the kettlebell so I'm I'm about one step 8zRAeGime4Y-00302-00090577-00090865 backwards from it again same position 8zRAeGime4Y-00303-00090866-00091393 toes pointed out to about 20 degrees I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00304-00091394-00091618 gonna tilt the kettlebell back to me I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00305-00091619-00091821 gonna throw it and it's standing up 8zRAeGime4Y-00306-00091822-00092140 firing it through and I'm pushing that 8zRAeGime4Y-00307-00092141-00092407 kettlebell back down throwing it at my 8zRAeGime4Y-00308-00092408-00092725 groin exhaling forcefully 8zRAeGime4Y-00309-00092726-00093138 as I squeeze the glutes together for ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00310-00093139-00094282 swings boom so ten swings or ten more 8zRAeGime4Y-00311-00094283-00094575 squats if you're doing those and so 8zRAeGime4Y-00312-00094576-00094822 we're gonna do a circuit of exercises 8zRAeGime4Y-00313-00094823-00095080 we're going to start with ten swings 8zRAeGime4Y-00314-00095081-00095388 then we're going to go into all leg B 8zRAeGime4Y-00315-00095389-00095878 ups from the floor and push-ups so our 8zRAeGime4Y-00316-00095879-00096400 push up if you if you need a box or 8zRAeGime4Y-00317-00096401-00096661 sorry a couch or chair or something to 8zRAeGime4Y-00318-00096662-00096826 do push-ups from set it set it up for 8zRAeGime4Y-00319-00096827-00097111 yourself but you do it just like you do 8zRAeGime4Y-00320-00097112-00097411 it on the floor your feet and knees are 8zRAeGime4Y-00321-00097412-00097639 together hand's underneath the shoulders 8zRAeGime4Y-00322-00097640-00097894 and you're going to corkscrew that 8zRAeGime4Y-00323-00097895-00098209 shoulder into your ribcage as you pull 8zRAeGime4Y-00324-00098210-00098542 yourself to the floor or the couch so 8zRAeGime4Y-00325-00098543-00098878 here I am pulling myself down to the 8zRAeGime4Y-00326-00098879-00099126 floor exploding up pulling myself down 8zRAeGime4Y-00327-00099127-00099500 to the floor exploding up 8zRAeGime4Y-00328-00099501-00099757 so you're priming that pushup give me 8zRAeGime4Y-00329-00099758-00100119 ten good reps finding that appropriate 8zRAeGime4Y-00330-00100120-00100399 surface if you're almost able to do a 8zRAeGime4Y-00331-00100400-00100550 push-up from the floor but not quite 8zRAeGime4Y-00332-00100551-00100822 what you can do is you can do at 8zRAeGime4Y-00333-00100823-00101131 eccentric so you're here and you do the 8zRAeGime4Y-00334-00101132-00101467 down but instead of doing a kneeling 8zRAeGime4Y-00335-00101468-00101643 push-up you just get back up to the top 8zRAeGime4Y-00336-00101644-00101965 we're using your legs and arms and then 8zRAeGime4Y-00337-00101966-00102268 you're gonna drop down slowly so then 8zRAeGime4Y-00338-00102269-00102394 you could practice the technique that 8zRAeGime4Y-00339-00102395-00102480 you're going to need it for the real 8zRAeGime4Y-00340-00102481-00102649 push-up and you're building up that 8zRAeGime4Y-00341-00102650-00103158 strength for the alt leg view all we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00342-00103159-00103893 gonna do is we're going to lie down keep 8zRAeGime4Y-00343-00103894-00104192 your leg locked out 8zRAeGime4Y-00344-00104193-00104342 [Music] 8zRAeGime4Y-00345-00104343-00104758 pick up that foot over your hip touch 8zRAeGime4Y-00346-00104759-00104981 and then I'm trying to bring my shoulder 8zRAeGime4Y-00347-00104982-00105308 blades up off the ground alternating 8zRAeGime4Y-00348-00105308-00106322 back and forth alright so you're gonna 8zRAeGime4Y-00349-00106323-00106553 do five reps on each side just to 8zRAeGime4Y-00350-00106554-00106799 practice that out leg me up make sure 8zRAeGime4Y-00351-00106800-00107075 that foot goes above your hip leg is 8zRAeGime4Y-00352-00107076-00107330 locked out if you lock out that quad it 8zRAeGime4Y-00353-00107331-00107492 forces that hamstring to stretch and 8zRAeGime4Y-00354-00107493-00107583 that's what we want 8zRAeGime4Y-00355-00107584-00107804 alright we're gonna start the hurricane 8zRAeGime4Y-00356-00107805-00108224 so we're gonna go swings B ups push ups 8zRAeGime4Y-00357-00108225-00108533 and then we're gonna rest I'm gonna rest 8zRAeGime4Y-00358-00108533-00108760 for about 30 seconds before I go if 8zRAeGime4Y-00359-00108761-00109067 you're hardcore and you like to keep 8zRAeGime4Y-00360-00109068-00109202 your heart rate up you can go faster 8zRAeGime4Y-00361-00109203-00109355 than that if you need more rest you can 8zRAeGime4Y-00362-00109356-00109633 go slower I'm gonna go about a 30-second 8zRAeGime4Y-00363-00109634-00110003 rest before I start each circuit I'll do 8zRAeGime4Y-00364-00110004-00110228 we'll do the circuit three times they'll 8zRAeGime4Y-00365-00110229-00110378 move on to the next circuit 8zRAeGime4Y-00366-00110379-00110696 so again ten swings eight aunt leg B ups 8zRAeGime4Y-00367-00110697-00110959 per side for a total of sixteen if you'd 8zRAeGime4Y-00368-00110960-00111173 like to count every single rep and ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00369-00111174-00111808 push-ups alright let's get going 8zRAeGime4Y-00370-00111808-00112492 and one two three so I'm swinging and 8zRAeGime4Y-00371-00112493-00113233 I'm forcing that exhale that sound of 8zRAeGime4Y-00372-00113233-00113671 the air escaping the tire is me pushing 8zRAeGime4Y-00373-00113672-00113910 the air out of my mouth and using that 8zRAeGime4Y-00374-00113911-00114033 back pressure to create more abdominal 8zRAeGime4Y-00375-00114034-00114430 tension I'm on the ground doing my old 8zRAeGime4Y-00376-00114431-00114991 leg be up that's one that's two 8zRAeGime4Y-00377-00114992-00115300 keep that leg locked mobilize that 8zRAeGime4Y-00378-00115301-00115696 hamstring keep rocking and rolling 8zRAeGime4Y-00379-00115697-00115870 shoulder blades got to get up off the 8zRAeGime4Y-00380-00115871-00116571 ground gotta stretch that hammy six 8zRAeGime4Y-00381-00116572-00117485 seven eight on each side ten push-ups 8zRAeGime4Y-00382-00117486-00117841 feet together knees together drop it 8zRAeGime4Y-00383-00117842-00119073 down two three four five six seven eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00384-00119074-00119779 nine ten all right thirty Seconds rest 8zRAeGime4Y-00385-00119780-00120283 so are you doing this you get a little 8zRAeGime4Y-00386-00120283-00121006 bit of water whatever makes you feel 8zRAeGime4Y-00387-00121007-00121584 good again if you're like Chris or 8zRAeGime4Y-00388-00121585-00121809 Francie maybe you're already on to your 8zRAeGime4Y-00389-00121810-00122068 second circuit that's that's fine I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00390-00122069-00122578 gonna get started in five four three two 8zRAeGime4Y-00391-00122579-00123729 and I'm swinging one two three four five 8zRAeGime4Y-00392-00123730-00124750 six seven eight nine ten back to y'all 8zRAeGime4Y-00393-00124751-00125409 leg yep 8zRAeGime4Y-00394-00125410-00126245 one two three 8zRAeGime4Y-00395-00126246-00127907 four five six seven eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00396-00127908-00128244 all right going into the push-up once 8zRAeGime4Y-00397-00128245-00128493 you've done your 8 reps per side making 8zRAeGime4Y-00398-00128494-00128921 that push-up look good oh way down 8zRAeGime4Y-00399-00128922-00130729 explode up 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 whoo-hoo 8zRAeGime4Y-00400-00130730-00131361 all right we're at 2 so the kettlebell 8zRAeGime4Y-00401-00131362-00131552 swing which we're gonna be doing a lot 8zRAeGime4Y-00402-00131553-00131781 of today it doesn't just train the 8zRAeGime4Y-00403-00131782-00132060 glutes and the abs it trains the lats as 8zRAeGime4Y-00404-00132061-00132288 well big muscles on the side of your 8zRAeGime4Y-00405-00132289-00132698 body when you're holding on think about 8zRAeGime4Y-00406-00132699-00133090 trying to bend the handle of that 8zRAeGime4Y-00407-00133091-00133422 kettlebell but not with the wrist with 8zRAeGime4Y-00408-00133423-00133829 the shoulder when you do that it forces 8zRAeGime4Y-00409-00133830-00133986 that kettlebell to swing a little bit 8zRAeGime4Y-00410-00133987-00134283 faster and it also keeps the tension in 8zRAeGime4Y-00411-00134284-00134808 the ABS and in that core all that is 8zRAeGime4Y-00412-00134809-00135093 made possible because of the lat which 8zRAeGime4Y-00413-00135094-00135363 connects the shoulder and the arm to the 8zRAeGime4Y-00414-00135364-00135774 hip so it's like a super muscle don't 8zRAeGime4Y-00415-00135775-00136052 leave it out speaking of which time to 8zRAeGime4Y-00416-00136053-00136340 swing again all right third set 8zRAeGime4Y-00417-00136341-00137846 last set boom 8zRAeGime4Y-00418-00137847-00137993 yeah 8zRAeGime4Y-00419-00137994-00139760 yes all right now we're moving 8zRAeGime4Y-00420-00139761-00140378 all right halfway home it Prasad keep 8zRAeGime4Y-00421-00140379-00140829 that leg locked 8zRAeGime4Y-00422-00140830-00141203 boo boo from there you're rolling into 8zRAeGime4Y-00423-00141204-00141590 the push-up again feet together knees 8zRAeGime4Y-00424-00141591-00143649 together squeezing those glutes 8zRAeGime4Y-00425-00143650-00144087 ah ten reps Wow Tim push-ups never felt 8zRAeGime4Y-00426-00144088-00145239 so hard okay so get your win back grab 8zRAeGime4Y-00427-00145240-00145306 some water 8zRAeGime4Y-00428-00145307-00146479 we're about to start our second circuit 8zRAeGime4Y-00429-00146480-00146887 so we're gonna do the cowbell swing and 8zRAeGime4Y-00430-00146888-00147298 then we're gonna do the squat and the 8zRAeGime4Y-00431-00147299-00147940 speed skater now squat heels at shoulder 8zRAeGime4Y-00432-00147941-00148312 width toes out to a 20 degree that's the 8zRAeGime4Y-00433-00148313-00148531 kind of a default stance if you know 8zRAeGime4Y-00434-00148532-00148690 what works best for you stick with that 8zRAeGime4Y-00435-00148691-00148996 for now and you're going to do 12 reps 8zRAeGime4Y-00436-00148997-00149272 chest up dropping the hips down 8zRAeGime4Y-00437-00149273-00149647 driving the glutes forward so the only 8zRAeGime4Y-00438-00149648-00149848 difference between the squat and a 8zRAeGime4Y-00439-00149849-00150103 kettlebell swing or a hinges on a squat 8zRAeGime4Y-00440-00150104-00150385 the butt goes down on a kind of swing 8zRAeGime4Y-00441-00150386-00150787 the butt goes back back and forth first 8zRAeGime4Y-00442-00150788-00151159 up and down so we'll be doing squats if 8zRAeGime4Y-00443-00151160-00151375 you don't have a kettlebell you guessed 8zRAeGime4Y-00444-00151376-00151522 it you'll be doing two sets of squats in 8zRAeGime4Y-00445-00151523-00152158 a row gotta get those legs trained speed 8zRAeGime4Y-00446-00152159-00152664 skaters this is fun 8zRAeGime4Y-00447-00152665-00152985 so what we're going to do is you're 8zRAeGime4Y-00448-00152986-00153336 going to have if you have a mat it's 8zRAeGime4Y-00449-00153337-00153594 actually works really well you're going 8zRAeGime4Y-00450-00153595-00153897 to hop from one side to the other when 8zRAeGime4Y-00451-00153898-00154116 we land you're gonna kind of do a curtsy 8zRAeGime4Y-00452-00154117-00154707 lunge and go side to side just like us 8zRAeGime4Y-00453-00154708-00155613 speed skater I'm back and forth and then 8zRAeGime4Y-00454-00155614-00155874 if you're super athletic and you want do 8zRAeGime4Y-00455-00155875-00156258 a big jump that's great but side to side 8zRAeGime4Y-00456-00156259-00156678 you're gonna do 10 reps on each side and 8zRAeGime4Y-00457-00156679-00157197 that is our speed skater exercise so 8zRAeGime4Y-00458-00157198-00157488 we're going to do swings squats speed 8zRAeGime4Y-00459-00157489-00157782 skaters on a row take a 30 second break 8zRAeGime4Y-00460-00157783-00158183 and then get back after it swings squats 8zRAeGime4Y-00461-00158184-00158591 speed skaters mmm good 8zRAeGime4Y-00462-00158592-00159063 all right my heart rate is almost fully 8zRAeGime4Y-00463-00159064-00159297 recovered so we're going to rest about 8zRAeGime4Y-00464-00159298-00159561 10 more seconds and then we're going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00465-00159562-00160116 start our third circuit we were starting 8zRAeGime4Y-00466-00160117-00160601 in three two one and go 8zRAeGime4Y-00467-00160602-00161571 boom boom three four six 8zRAeGime4Y-00468-00161572-00161952 eight nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00469-00161953-00162736 yes ten swings 12 squats going back to 8zRAeGime4Y-00470-00162737-00162996 basics when you're squatting chest up 8zRAeGime4Y-00471-00162997-00163206 pressure on the outside of your foot 8zRAeGime4Y-00472-00163207-00163806 driving your glutes forward Sun 8zRAeGime4Y-00473-00163807-00164050 squeezing that wallet in your butt 8zRAeGime4Y-00474-00164051-00164722 cheeks exhaling as you go up boom then 8zRAeGime4Y-00475-00164723-00166212 the speed skater haha 10 per side 2 3 4 8zRAeGime4Y-00476-00166213-00166725 curtsy lunge yeah 8zRAeGime4Y-00477-00166726-00167241 back and forth 8zRAeGime4Y-00478-00167242-00167925 nine and ten all right so you notice 8zRAeGime4Y-00479-00167926-00168164 when you do three leg drills in a row 8zRAeGime4Y-00480-00168165-00168611 that heart rate gets going great so 8zRAeGime4Y-00481-00168612-00168807 we're letting it calm down 8zRAeGime4Y-00482-00168808-00169017 I'm gonna take 30 seconds of rest you 8zRAeGime4Y-00483-00169018-00169170 can't take more 8zRAeGime4Y-00484-00169171-00171036 you can't take less me v-v stance 8zRAeGime4Y-00485-00171037-00171281 superhero stance if you're resting if 8zRAeGime4Y-00486-00171282-00171651 you're done with your rest period get it 8zRAeGime4Y-00487-00171652-00171975 back after it with your second set I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00488-00171976-00172302 starting mine right about meow okay 8zRAeGime4Y-00489-00172303-00172697 about back chest up I'm bending that bar 8zRAeGime4Y-00490-00172698-00172950 using my lats speeding up that 8zRAeGime4Y-00491-00172951-00173520 kettlebell swing exhales forcefully at 8zRAeGime4Y-00492-00173521-00174306 the tops and then from there going right 8zRAeGime4Y-00493-00174307-00174857 into the squat so drop it down one two 8zRAeGime4Y-00494-00174858-00176135 three four five six seven eight nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00495-00176136-00176574 eleven twelve excellent you wanna make 8zRAeGime4Y-00496-00176575-00176805 that squat harder do that coach booties 8zRAeGime4Y-00497-00176806-00177102 doing prisoner version elbows behind 8zRAeGime4Y-00498-00177103-00177399 your head fingertips interlace squeezing 8zRAeGime4Y-00499-00177400-00177665 those shoulder blades together that will 8zRAeGime4Y-00500-00177666-00177906 pick up the space that will pick up your 8zRAeGime4Y-00501-00177907-00178260 heart rate now speed skater back and 8zRAeGime4Y-00502-00178261-00178674 forth 8zRAeGime4Y-00503-00178675-00179488 yeah yeah 8zRAeGime4Y-00504-00179489-00179797 six I don't know why but I always feel 8zRAeGime4Y-00505-00179798-00180591 like I'm dancing when I do this nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00506-00180592-00180678 on each side 8zRAeGime4Y-00507-00180679-00181435 oh yeah that's around two again letting 8zRAeGime4Y-00508-00181436-00181660 that heart rate calm down Sutton the 8zRAeGime4Y-00509-00181661-00181891 interval and high-intensity interval 8zRAeGime4Y-00510-00181892-00182518 training is the work to rest ratio now 8zRAeGime4Y-00511-00182519-00182743 it's rest you're getting but what if you 8zRAeGime4Y-00512-00182744-00183118 look at an EKG what you're seeing is the 8zRAeGime4Y-00513-00183119-00183646 heart rate climb and then drop climb and 8zRAeGime4Y-00514-00183647-00184194 then drop climb and then drop and that 8zRAeGime4Y-00515-00184195-00184546 that pattern of training birds up all 8zRAeGime4Y-00516-00184547-00184708 kinds of different energy systems of the 8zRAeGime4Y-00517-00184709-00184939 body short term energy systems medium 8zRAeGime4Y-00518-00184940-00185434 term lactic acid threshold what does 8zRAeGime4Y-00519-00185435-00185668 that mean that means that workout is 8zRAeGime4Y-00520-00185669-00185857 taxing all the body systems at the same 8zRAeGime4Y-00521-00185858-00186097 time so that you're building coming back 8zRAeGime4Y-00522-00186098-00186279 stronger when you go through a proper 8zRAeGime4Y-00523-00186280-00186511 recovery phase which we will do after 8zRAeGime4Y-00524-00186512-00186868 this third set last set back to the 8zRAeGime4Y-00525-00186869-00188070 swing two three four five six seven 8zRAeGime4Y-00526-00188071-00189138 eight nine ten high twelve squats 8zRAeGime4Y-00527-00189139-00190287 two three four five six seven eight nine 8zRAeGime4Y-00528-00190288-00190785 ten eleven twelve 8zRAeGime4Y-00529-00190786-00191263 whoo then the speed skater coming down 8zRAeGime4Y-00530-00191264-00191845 the mountain finishing strong 8zRAeGime4Y-00531-00191846-00193353 one two three four five six seven eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00532-00193354-00193983 nine and one zero 8zRAeGime4Y-00533-00193984-00194668 boom superhero pose victory get your 8zRAeGime4Y-00534-00194669-00196985 water get that rest all right 8zRAeGime4Y-00535-00196986-00197453 so for our third phase our third circuit 8zRAeGime4Y-00536-00197454-00197848 we're gonna do yes for a metabolic 8zRAeGime4Y-00537-00197849-00198106 driver the kettlebell swing we will also 8zRAeGime4Y-00538-00198107-00198762 do the sit out so sit out it's old 8zRAeGime4Y-00539-00198763-00199025 wrestling move I'm here on all fours 8zRAeGime4Y-00540-00199026-00199447 pivoting the outside foot toes pointed 8zRAeGime4Y-00541-00199448-00199834 out dropping through coming right back 8zRAeGime4Y-00542-00199835-00199918 to where I started 8zRAeGime4Y-00543-00199919-00200197 pivoting my knees won't touch the ground 8zRAeGime4Y-00544-00200198-00200698 I'm going to go through kicking eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00545-00200699-00200916 per side so it's quite a few sit-outs 8zRAeGime4Y-00546-00200917-00201161 stay strong and finish strong 8zRAeGime4Y-00547-00201162-00201411 we're going to go from that to the side 8zRAeGime4Y-00548-00201412-00202024 crunch so the side crunch 8zRAeGime4Y-00549-00202025-00202539 I'm here lying on my on the mat and what 8zRAeGime4Y-00550-00202540-00202711 I'm doing is I'm just lifting my 8zRAeGime4Y-00551-00202712-00202933 shoulders up off the ground trying to 8zRAeGime4Y-00552-00202934-00203398 touch my ribcage to my cap so I'm doing 8zRAeGime4Y-00553-00203399-00203650 that their knees are at a 90 degree 8zRAeGime4Y-00554-00203651-00203862 angle to balance so you don't roll over 8zRAeGime4Y-00555-00203863-00204097 while you're lifting that Boulder up 8zRAeGime4Y-00556-00204098-00204235 around the difference between moving 8zRAeGime4Y-00557-00204236-00204511 your head getting that shoulder up is a 8zRAeGime4Y-00558-00204512-00204888 lot so get your torso off the ground you 8zRAeGime4Y-00559-00204889-00205300 can at that extra in matters your 8zRAeGime4Y-00560-00205301-00205662 obliques to your abs it is going to do 8zRAeGime4Y-00561-00205663-00205833 10 per side and then switch to the other 8zRAeGime4Y-00562-00205834-00206176 side and do it so we're to do swings 8zRAeGime4Y-00563-00206177-00206715 sit-outs side crunches all in a row all 8zRAeGime4Y-00564-00206716-00207159 right third circuit let's get this party 8zRAeGime4Y-00565-00207160-00208069 started and begin ten reps on that swing 8zRAeGime4Y-00566-00208069-00208281 you should be used to it by now two 8zRAeGime4Y-00567-00208282-00209333 three four five six seven eight nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00568-00209334-00209907 haha ten reps then rolling into the sit 8zRAeGime4Y-00569-00209908-00210454 out I'm here I'm gonna go to the right 8zRAeGime4Y-00570-00210455-00210877 first the left is one this trains the 8zRAeGime4Y-00571-00210878-00211896 arms the legs the core three four five 8zRAeGime4Y-00572-00211896-00213400 six seven eight hot side crunch so 8zRAeGime4Y-00573-00213401-00213978 here on the ground not just the head 8zRAeGime4Y-00574-00213979-00214750 shoulders two three four five six seven 8zRAeGime4Y-00575-00214751-00216564 eight nine ten other side one two three 8zRAeGime4Y-00576-00216565-00217705 four five six seven eight nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00577-00217706-00218212 all right no problem 8zRAeGime4Y-00578-00218213-00218605 one down two more to go swings 8zRAeGime4Y-00579-00218606-00219265 sit-outs side crunch so I'm getting my 8zRAeGime4Y-00580-00219266-00219688 water hopefully you're feeling hydrated 8zRAeGime4Y-00581-00219689-00220534 feeling rested feeling strong 8zRAeGime4Y-00582-00220535-00220846 all right I'm gonna start my next round 8zRAeGime4Y-00583-00220846-00221060 when you're ready to be powerful and 8zRAeGime4Y-00584-00221061-00221273 strong you get back after it only the 8zRAeGime4Y-00585-00221273-00221582 good reps I save the bad ones for later 8zRAeGime4Y-00586-00221583-00222425 - one two three four five six seven 8zRAeGime4Y-00587-00222426-00224614 eight nine ten ha sit-outs one two three 8zRAeGime4Y-00588-00224615-00226301 four five six seven eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00589-00226302-00228026 haha and side crunch two three four five 8zRAeGime4Y-00590-00228027-00229655 six seven eight nine ten one two three 8zRAeGime4Y-00591-00229656-00230923 four five six seven eight nine ten hah 8zRAeGime4Y-00592-00230925-00231531 all right second round down whatever I'm 8zRAeGime4Y-00593-00231532-00231750 feeling pretty tired I'm I'm feeling 8zRAeGime4Y-00594-00231751-00232083 challenged I don't forget my grit like 8zRAeGime4Y-00595-00232084-00232476 Sisu my intestinal fortitude endurance 8zRAeGime4Y-00596-00232477-00232863 the ability to endure and Finland they 8zRAeGime4Y-00597-00232864-00233169 have a word for that it's Sisu and they 8zRAeGime4Y-00598-00233169-00233511 have a saying I got this that doesn't 8zRAeGime4Y-00599-00233512-00233730 just mean like I can do it that means if 8zRAeGime4Y-00600-00233731-00234330 anybody can do it I can do it so we say 8zRAeGime4Y-00601-00234331-00234528 it together it sounds like this huh 8zRAeGime4Y-00602-00234529-00235073 Lucilla I'll lose say it's a beautiful 8zRAeGime4Y-00603-00235075-00235338 sound so is that sound of that breakfast 8zRAeGime4Y-00604-00235339-00235500 bell ring and I can hear it let's finish 8zRAeGime4Y-00605-00235501-00236221 strong last set and go one two three 8zRAeGime4Y-00606-00236223-00237176 four five six seven eight nine ten 8zRAeGime4Y-00607-00237177-00237506 microphone in the mouth extra training 8zRAeGime4Y-00608-00237507-00237690 love it 8zRAeGime4Y-00609-00237691-00238185 get that extra training okay sit out get 8zRAeGime4Y-00610-00238186-00238866 back after one - trying to keep my hip 8zRAeGime4Y-00611-00238867-00239992 close to that hand three four five six 8zRAeGime4Y-00612-00239994-00240421 seven eight 8zRAeGime4Y-00613-00240423-00241769 ha ha ha ha ha side crunches one two 8zRAeGime4Y-00615-00246579-00246896 not quite that you still have to do the 8zRAeGime4Y-00616-00246898-00247107 finishing to the desert which is no 8zRAeGime4Y-00617-00247108-00247239 comment the desert instead of all 8zRAeGime4Y-00618-00247240-00247602 markets because it really does it put 8zRAeGime4Y-00619-00247603-00247932 the cherry on top and that sounds great 8zRAeGime4Y-00620-00247933-00248181 because we're working on things that we 8zRAeGime4Y-00621-00248182-00248561 need so we're back success WAP 20 reps 8zRAeGime4Y-00622-00248562-00248784 your heart rates coming down this will 8zRAeGime4Y-00623-00248785-00249402 hook your heart one two three four we're 8zRAeGime4Y-00624-00249403-00249588 training for those birthday squats and 8zRAeGime4Y-00625-00249589-00249756 that would be we're gonna have to do be 8zRAeGime4Y-00626-00249757-00250521 back dojo those of those legs boots he 8zRAeGime4Y-00627-00250521-00250629 was just talking about how much she 8zRAeGime4Y-00628-00250630-00250838 loves obtaining this 8zRAeGime4Y-00629-00250839-00251396 if I feel at their legs to Zimbardo just 8zRAeGime4Y-00630-00251396-00251866 wasn't feeling it now she's doing that 8zRAeGime4Y-00631-00251867-00252183 man's reps in 20 reps 8zRAeGime4Y-00632-00252184-00252671 jessica is up but comes down attendee 8zRAeGime4Y-00633-00252671-00253289 grabs here on the ground hands in the 8zRAeGime4Y-00634-00253290-00255854 chest shoulders back two three four five 8zRAeGime4Y-00635-00255855-00256350 [Applause] 8zRAeGime4Y-00636-00256351-00257010 good new our computer posture and our 8zRAeGime4Y-00637-00257011-00257312 couch sitting muscles here runner back 8zRAeGime4Y-00638-00257313-00257612 pushing choices into the ground lifting 8zRAeGime4Y-00639-00257613-00258492 with that head chest one two three four 8zRAeGime4Y-00640-00258494-00258850 five hundred twenty of these not 8zRAeGime4Y-00641-00258851-00259027 touching the floor keeping those 8zRAeGime4Y-00642-00259028-00259348 fingertips spread one of the shoulder 8zRAeGime4Y-00643-00259349-00259544 blades up and then down so your 8zRAeGime4Y-00644-00259544-00259657 shoulders drift 8zRAeGime4Y-00645-00259658-00259927 max was it on the dress how to make 8zRAeGime4Y-00646-00259928-00260176 anything to put your body in the right 8zRAeGime4Y-00647-00260177-00260242 position 8zRAeGime4Y-00648-00260244-00260548 I'll just go there so I'm going to 8zRAeGime4Y-00649-00260549-00260959 create any adaptations interfere bodies 8zRAeGime4Y-00650-00260960-00261349 order facts check your score think 8zRAeGime4Y-00651-00261350-00261737 mistake we used to do before we attract 8zRAeGime4Y-00652-00261738-00262172 of cage all day long so that's the best 8zRAeGime4Y-00653-00262173-00262423 forest floor we're coming up pops our 8zRAeGime4Y-00654-00262424-00263167 muscles back black oh wow 8zRAeGime4Y-00655-00263168-00263483 as you can see I got a little bit of a 8zRAeGime4Y-00656-00263484-00263801 workout in and I I think some of you did 8zRAeGime4Y-00657-00263802-00264752 too so in conclusion to the C go back to 8zRAeGime4Y-00658-00264753-00265316 the beginning back to Act one what the 8zRAeGime4Y-00659-00265317-00265781 salesman's mindset had been such that he 8zRAeGime4Y-00660-00265782-00265988 knew he was going to be okay he knew 8zRAeGime4Y-00661-00265989-00266153 everything was going to work out for him 8zRAeGime4Y-00662-00266154-00266627 yet face deposited in his brain for one 8zRAeGime4Y-00663-00266628-00266917 from one conversation with his wife now 8zRAeGime4Y-00664-00266918-00267485 can you keep the face and can you insert 8zRAeGime4Y-00665-00267486-00267812 that idea into your own head so that you 8zRAeGime4Y-00666-00267813-00268214 can continue to show up for yourself for 8zRAeGime4Y-00667-00268215-00268544 your kids for your families and continue 8zRAeGime4Y-00668-00268545-00269229 to bring out the Warrior Within 8zRAeGime4Y-00669-00269230-00269569 no it's all mind game it's all mind 8zRAeGime4Y-00670-00269570-00269827 games 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00001-00003320-00003629 la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00002-00003629-00003743 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00003-00003744-00005992 la la la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00004-00005993-00006454 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00005-00006455-00007979 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00006-00007980-00009510 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00007-00009511-00010223 la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00008-00010224-00013102 la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00009-00013103-00015857 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00010-00015858-00016219 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00011-00016221-00017267 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00012-00017268-00019230 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00013-00019231-00019643 thank you 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00015-00023168-00024314 thank you 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00016-00024315-00025850 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00017-00025851-00026140 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00018-00026141-00027710 thank you 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00019-00027711-00029302 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00022-00040896-00041140 noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00023-00041141-00041845 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00024-00041846-00042502 get Noob get Noob get new 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00025-00042503-00043483 get get news 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00027-00046634-00047130 get 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00028-00047131-00047730 Noob get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00029-00047731-00047893 YouTube 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00030-00047894-00048629 get Noob get new get new 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00032-00052458-00052588 yeah 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00033-00052589-00052816 get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00034-00052816-00053229 [Laughter] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00035-00053230-00054023 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00036-00054024-00055780 s 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00038-00059444-00060676 la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00039-00060677-00062237 la la la la la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00041-00065582-00065784 come on 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00042-00065785-00068261 [Applause] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00043-00068262-00070036 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00044-00070037-00071508 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00045-00071509-00071693 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00046-00071694-00073380 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00047-00073381-00074531 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00048-00074532-00074831 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00052-00085572-00086599 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00053-00086600-00089123 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00054-00089124-00091960 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00055-00091961-00092303 [Applause] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00057-00096674-00097150 la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00059-00100169-00100717 hmm 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00060-00100718-00103134 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00061-00103135-00104236 la la la la la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00062-00104238-00104629 get new 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00063-00104630-00106228 [Laughter] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00064-00106229-00107391 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00065-00107392-00109364 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00066-00109365-00110101 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00067-00110102-00111502 la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00068-00111503-00111773 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00069-00111774-00112402 get new get get Noob get new get new get 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00070-00112403-00112823 Noob get getting it get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00071-00112824-00113969 get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00073-00118520-00120360 get Noob get new get new 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00074-00120361-00122428 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00079-00140508-00141317 happy birthday 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00080-00141318-00144257 [Music] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00082-00147408-00150395 foreign 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00085-00159572-00159761 la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00086-00159762-00160043 la la la la la la 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00087-00160044-00160290 no no no no no no 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00088-00160291-00160677 get Noob PPT 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00089-00160678-00161945 [Laughter] 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00090-00161946-00162169 all right 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00091-00162170-00165119 get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00092-00165120-00165497 get noob 8-zQ8Ei4BWg-00094-00169810-00170119 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00000-00000013-00000137 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00001-00000138-00002987 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00002-00002988-00005893 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00003-00005894-00006134 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00004-00006135-00007491 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00005-00007492-00009246 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00006-00009247-00009750 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00007-00009751-00011778 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00008-00011779-00012485 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00009-00012486-00014137 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00010-00014138-00016403 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00011-00016404-00016901 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00013-00020886-00021002 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00014-00021003-00021775 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00015-00021776-00024119 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00016-00024120-00024915 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00018-00028074-00028794 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00019-00028795-00030857 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00020-00030858-00031468 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00021-00031469-00031625 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00022-00031626-00032538 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00023-00032539-00032622 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00024-00032623-00034853 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00025-00034854-00036059 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00026-00036060-00036540 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00027-00036541-00038024 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00028-00038025-00039855 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00029-00039856-00040895 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00030-00040896-00040970 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00031-00040971-00042087 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00032-00042088-00044027 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00033-00044028-00044368 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00034-00044369-00044667 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00035-00044668-00045935 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00036-00045936-00046578 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00037-00046579-00047919 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00038-00047920-00049907 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00039-00049908-00052177 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00040-00052178-00054238 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00041-00054239-00054574 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00042-00054575-00055476 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00043-00055477-00057746 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00044-00057747-00058624 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00045-00058625-00059116 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00046-00059117-00060191 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00047-00060192-00061719 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00048-00061720-00062303 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00049-00062304-00062941 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00050-00062941-00063123 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00051-00063124-00063207 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00052-00063208-00063503 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00053-00063504-00064073 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00054-00064074-00065084 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00055-00065085-00065607 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00056-00065608-00067217 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00057-00067218-00067253 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00058-00067254-00068097 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00059-00068098-00069051 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00060-00069052-00069936 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00061-00069937-00070813 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00062-00070814-00071712 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00063-00071713-00072288 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00064-00072289-00072588 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00065-00072589-00073679 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00066-00073680-00073911 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00067-00073912-00075882 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00069-00079653-00081322 [Laughter] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00070-00081323-00082273 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00071-00082274-00083291 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00072-00083292-00083605 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00073-00083606-00085325 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00074-00085326-00085429 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00075-00085430-00088097 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00076-00088098-00088831 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00077-00088832-00089567 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00078-00089568-00090209 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00079-00090210-00090892 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00081-00094439-00096020 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00082-00096021-00098429 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00083-00098430-00098484 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00084-00098485-00099291 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00085-00099292-00100479 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00086-00100480-00101576 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00087-00101577-00102268 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00088-00102269-00102455 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00089-00102456-00103717 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00090-00103718-00105031 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00091-00105032-00106481 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00092-00106482-00106639 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00093-00106640-00107683 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00094-00107684-00109793 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00095-00109794-00111965 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00096-00111966-00113566 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00097-00113567-00113679 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00098-00113680-00115560 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00099-00115561-00117153 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00100-00117154-00118240 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00101-00118241-00118429 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00102-00118430-00118785 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00103-00118786-00118835 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00104-00118836-00119825 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00105-00119826-00119975 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00106-00119976-00120271 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00107-00120272-00122420 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00108-00122421-00123119 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00109-00123120-00123258 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00111-00126929-00127094 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00112-00127095-00128596 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00113-00128597-00129923 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00114-00129924-00130249 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00115-00130250-00131665 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00116-00131666-00132470 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00117-00132471-00132916 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00118-00132917-00133407 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00119-00133408-00133975 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00120-00133976-00134326 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00122-00148504-00148819 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00123-00148820-00149821 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00124-00149822-00150078 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00125-00150079-00150400 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00126-00150401-00151127 [Laughter] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00127-00151128-00151828 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00128-00151829-00152183 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00129-00152184-00152362 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00130-00152363-00152845 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00131-00152846-00153372 [Laughter] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00132-00153373-00153555 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00133-00153556-00154619 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00135-00157853-00159262 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00136-00159263-00159821 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00137-00159822-00159945 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00138-00159946-00162885 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00139-00162886-00163463 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00140-00163464-00163784 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00141-00163785-00165775 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00142-00165776-00167033 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00144-00170361-00171178 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00145-00171179-00173194 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00146-00173195-00174355 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00147-00174356-00174499 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00148-00174500-00174854 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00149-00174855-00176417 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00150-00176418-00176543 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00151-00176544-00177000 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00152-00177001-00177343 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00153-00177344-00177433 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00154-00177434-00177768 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00155-00177769-00179197 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00156-00179198-00180451 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00157-00180452-00180725 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00158-00180726-00181510 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00159-00181511-00183107 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00160-00183108-00185597 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00161-00185598-00186119 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00162-00186120-00186888 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00163-00186889-00187638 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00164-00187639-00189185 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00165-00189186-00189557 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00166-00189558-00190482 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00167-00190483-00193334 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00168-00193335-00193643 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00169-00193644-00194401 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00170-00194402-00197320 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00171-00197321-00199001 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00172-00199002-00199246 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00173-00199247-00201203 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00175-00205915-00207545 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00176-00207546-00208392 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00178-00211755-00212854 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00179-00212855-00213605 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00180-00213606-00213946 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00182-00218561-00219219 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00183-00219219-00221182 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00185-00224567-00226040 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00186-00226041-00228053 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00187-00228054-00228580 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00188-00228581-00230266 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00189-00230267-00230892 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00190-00230892-00231215 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00191-00231216-00231392 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00193-00235598-00235834 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00194-00235835-00237934 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00195-00237935-00238616 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00196-00238617-00239944 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00197-00239946-00241569 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00198-00241569-00242203 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00199-00242204-00243209 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00200-00243210-00244565 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00201-00244566-00244781 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00202-00244782-00247660 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00203-00247661-00247712 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00204-00247713-00249244 [Laughter] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00205-00249244-00249996 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00206-00249998-00251225 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00207-00251226-00251289 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00209-00255317-00255989 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00210-00255990-00256469 foreign 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00211-00256469-00257484 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00212-00257485-00258085 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00213-00258086-00258832 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00214-00258833-00259276 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00215-00259277-00259335 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00216-00259336-00260125 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00217-00260126-00261085 thank you 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00218-00261086-00261896 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00219-00261896-00262028 [Applause] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00220-00262029-00263636 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00221-00263637-00264934 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00222-00264935-00265375 [Music] 8_PwNjPAAWQ-00223-00265376-00265700 thank you 8AMWdMwOtq4-00000-00000016-00000335 that's electric terrain hey ash electric 8AMWdMwOtq4-00001-00000336-00000543 type moves become more powerful 8AMWdMwOtq4-00002-00000544-00000767 while electric terrain is in effect 8AMWdMwOtq4-00003-00000768-00000886 that's lucky for us 8AMWdMwOtq4-00004-00000888-00001128 all right 8CByu_3-LBy-00000-00001071-00002207 any traffic 8CByu_3-LBy-00001-00002208-00003279 huh 8CByu_3-LBy-00002-00003279-00004047 [Music] 8CByu_3-LBy-00003-00004047-00005983 gladly it's ahead of time 8CByu_3-LBy-00005-00010400-00012078 any trouble 8CByu_3-LBy-00006-00012079-00013453 gladly 8CByu_3-LBy-00007-00013454-00015335 [Music] 8CByu_3-LBy-00008-00015336-00016749 trouble 8CByu_3-LBy-00009-00016750-00017063 [Music] 8CByu_3-LBy-00010-00017064-00018107 gladly 8CByu_3-LBy-00011-00018108-00018663 [Music] 8CByu_3-LBy-00012-00018664-00018872 you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00000-00000000-00000724 [Music] 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00001-00000725-00001195 so case one is you know this lab seems 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00002-00001196-00001364 like they have some sort of donut 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00003-00001365-00001721 session every Friday I don't have person 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00004-00001722-00001895 but they like donuts in this case study 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00005-00001896-00002234 and I'm and it seems like you know the P 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00006-00002235-00002540 I and this postdoc that are both from 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00007-00002541-00002765 Germany and have that heritage in common 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00008-00002766-00002915 are speaking in German and then other 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00009-00002916-00003155 folks are coming into the interaction 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00010-00003156-00003356 and are showing body language at least 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00011-00003357-00003524 from we can read here that they're 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00012-00003525-00003761 uncomfortable so Emily sits really far 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00013-00003761-00004136 away and the narrator is is you know 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00014-00004137-00004502 feeling guilty about you know should I 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00015-00004503-00004747 be having this special relationship with 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00016-00004748-00004972 my advisor but at the same time that's 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00017-00004973-00005249 exactly you know what I think helps them 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00018-00005250-00005404 do their science and feel included 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00019-00005405-00005675 themselves so I think this is really 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00020-00005676-00005897 complicated what kinds of issues does 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00021-00005898-00006125 this specific case raise for you I mean 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00022-00006126-00006295 clearly this example that you just 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00023-00006296-00006452 brought up is really pertinent what do 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00024-00006453-00006752 you think yeah I mean I think there's a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00025-00006753-00007073 question of you know your interpersonal 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00026-00007073-00007241 interactions with the supervisor and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00027-00007242-00007358 then thinking about the more general 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00028-00007359-00007601 dynamics of the lab and what's best for 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00029-00007602-00007802 the lab group and when you have times 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00030-00007803-00007991 that are more for the lab group versus 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00031-00007992-00008092 more for kind of interpersonal 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00032-00008093-00008399 interactions I think the worst thing to 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00033-00008400-00008630 do in my opinion would be to just leave 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00034-00008631-00008927 it like that if you don't want to kind 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00035-00008928-00009185 of confront your PII what I would do for 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00036-00009186-00009320 example would be to talk to the person 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00037-00009321-00009719 that you felt you alienated by not doing 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00038-00009720-00010035 anything for example and then you can 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00039-00010036-00010448 for example you could agree that if that 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00040-00010449-00010751 happens next time if that person doesn't 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00041-00010752-00010996 do something like oh hi good morning is 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00042-00010997-00011413 this the now donut coffee session so 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00043-00011414-00011735 that you kind of bring yourself into the 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00044-00011736-00012035 conversation the other person is like oh 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00045-00012036-00012328 hi see ya welcome just grab a chair sit 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00046-00012329-00012503 with us and then you switch language for 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00047-00012504-00012796 example and that could be agreed upon 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00048-00012797-00013001 even if you don't want to include the P 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00049-00013002-00013294 I if you don't want to create conflict 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00050-00013295-00013577 and then the P I will get it I mean it's 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00051-00013578-00013741 a highly educated person it will get 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00052-00013743-00014479 that I should have done that themselves 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00053-00014480-00014726 what I'm hearing is like agreed ground 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00054-00014727-00014894 rules in the lab itself and so in this 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00055-00014894-00015191 case the narrator would approach Susan 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00056-00015191-00015371 who kind of came and turned away and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00057-00015372-00015583 then Emily who went to the far end of 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00058-00015584-00015833 the table and kind of bring them and or 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00059-00015834-00016097 maybe unpack it and say oh I'm sorry if 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00060-00016097-00016319 that was super weird next time yeah you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00061-00016319-00016675 know we'll have this norm so working 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00062-00016676-00016868 with them as colleagues yes exactly I 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00063-00016869-00016994 think this is also a really like 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00064-00016995-00017207 appropriate thing to bring up to your 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00065-00017208-00017438 supervisor if you have like you know a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00066-00017439-00017644 weekly or bi-weekly or monthly meeting 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00067-00017645-00017774 just be like oh hey I don't know if you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00068-00017775-00017936 notice but maybe we should keep the 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00069-00017937-00018179 German to purely when it's the two of us 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00070-00018180-00018338 because I'm afraid that you know this 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00071-00018339-00018542 Susan and Emily didn't feel like they 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00072-00018543-00018775 were participating and I think you know 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00073-00018776-00019016 language differences are certainly a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00074-00019017-00019277 salient and can be like a complex and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00075-00019278-00019414 kind of frost thing but I think that 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00076-00019415-00019718 also the same situation applies if you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00077-00019719-00019944 like I know I have a friend who's on 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00078-00019945-00020158 supervisor had a really hard time with 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00079-00020159-00020438 I'm using days and pronouns for a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00080-00020439-00020627 particular member of the lab group and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00081-00020628-00020908 she was that my friend who was a postdoc 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00082-00020909-00021146 was like trying to figure out if it was 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00083-00021147-00021400 better to say something directly to the 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00084-00021401-00021733 supervisors you know PII about you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00085-00021734-00021958 should really be you know work harder to 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00086-00021959-00022127 use data and pronouns but I think that 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00087-00022128-00022358 you can kind of take this and apply it 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00088-00022359-00022583 to a variety of situations where as a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00089-00022584-00022796 postdoc you have some amount of 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00090-00022797-00023075 responsibility and power in a lab 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00091-00023076-00023333 setting and you have I think that you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00092-00023334-00023510 can use your privilege to advocate for 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00093-00023511-00023657 the other members of your lab group who 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00094-00023658-00023852 aren't feeling included and who might 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00095-00023853-00024113 need somebody a little bit more powerful 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00096-00024114-00024325 than them to you know elbow your PII and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00097-00024326-00024539 make them kind of keep track of things 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00098-00024540-00024785 and be better in the future no I totally 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00099-00024786-00025039 agree I think there's I mean as you say 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00100-00025040-00025271 this is a the person that is in the 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00101-00025272-00025457 position of privileged the postdoc I 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00102-00025458-00025765 mean that is shares the same identity 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00103-00025766-00025927 language perhaps 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00104-00025927-00026233 country with with the pi2 kind of stand 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00105-00026233-00026467 up and be a role model in that sense and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00106-00026468-00026682 talking to the colleague could be one 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00107-00026683-00026944 definitely doing it with the P I could 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00108-00026945-00027195 be another one and try to be more 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00109-00027197-00027598 inclusive yeah I totally reach where ya 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00110-00027599-00027823 know it would be much worse or much 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00111-00027824-00028081 harder for Susan or Emily to approach 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00112-00028082-00028389 the P I so I agree I think the fact that 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00113-00028391-00028614 the narrator here is in that position of 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00114-00028616-00028906 commonality you know presents an 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00115-00028907-00029044 opportunity assuming that their 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00116-00029045-00029214 relationship with the P is healthy and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00117-00029216-00029382 they're able to have that conversation 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00118-00029383-00029632 do you have any thoughts about so if we 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00119-00029633-00029935 pursue the strategy of talking to Emily 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00120-00029936-00030274 and Susan is colleagues you know how 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00121-00030275-00030472 would you open that conversation so if 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00122-00030473-00030697 you're the narrator and and it's your 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00123-00030698-00030852 cultural experience that you share with 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00124-00030854-00031014 the P I one way or the other what might 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00125-00031016-00031360 you say hi Susan hi Emily I'm sorry if 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00126-00031361-00031642 you felt excluded next time just come 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00127-00031643-00031855 closer to us and I'll just invite you to 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00128-00031856-00032170 sit with us as well I'm just welcoming I 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00129-00032170-00032350 think that's that's the best thing that 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00130-00032351-00032686 I would do yeah yeah I mean I feel like 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00131-00032687-00032953 that's it I reasonable yeah don't make 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00132-00032954-00033100 it a situation I wouldn't make it a 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00133-00033101-00033373 situation if yeah if the other person 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00134-00033374-00033577 doesn't feel like it's a situation we 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00135-00033578-00033790 need to I mean we don't want to alienate 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00136-00033791-00034111 that person further by saying okay you 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00137-00034112-00034258 did this wrong you should have come to 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00138-00034259-00034474 us it's like no just grab a chair like 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00139-00034475-00034590 next time just go much better 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00140-00034591-00034801 yeah sit with us and I mean since 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00141-00034802-00034965 they're saying this is a new grad 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00142-00034966-00035173 student who's here a new postdoc like I 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00143-00035174-00035320 think you can say like oh sorry you know 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00144-00035321-00035490 normally we we do speak English when 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00145-00035491-00035629 we're in these big lab groups we just 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00146-00035630-00035782 you know got carried away and next time 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00147-00035783-00035989 you know we'll be more mindful of it and 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00148-00035990-00036088 make sure that you're part of the 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00149-00036089-00037212 conversation too 8DJ0dfX2VBU-00150-00037213-00037419 you 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00000-00000013-00000351 [Music] 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00001-00000352-00000455 the only way 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00002-00000456-00000638 to bring the pandemic to a close and 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00003-00000639-00000847 improve all of our lives 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00004-00000848-00001079 is to make the vaccines available to 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00005-00001080-00001150 everybody 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00006-00001151-00001343 so i would rather vaccinate some people 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00007-00001344-00001470 in every country 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00008-00001471-00001679 than all people in some countries 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00009-00001680-00001879 vaccinating a lot of people in a small 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00010-00001880-00001982 number of countries 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00011-00001984-00002183 will not bring the pandemic to a close 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00012-00002184-00002367 and in fact it will encourage the 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00013-00002368-00002518 development of new variants 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00014-00002519-00002726 that may escape those very vaccines 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00015-00002727-00002871 governments they're in very difficult 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00016-00002872-00002958 positions 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00017-00002959-00003254 but what i would say to them is that it 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00018-00003255-00003454 is in their interests 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00019-00003455-00003631 that we drive down transmission 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00020-00003632-00003831 everywhere if we don't we will see 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00021-00003832-00004086 new variants we then go back into this 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00022-00004087-00004286 awful pandemic of 2020 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00023-00004287-00004495 i think that is the message to put to to 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00024-00004496-00004670 policymakers and politicians the world 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00025-00004671-00004711 over 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00026-00004712-00004951 leadership really matters that's what 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00027-00004952-00005070 leadership needs to 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00028-00005071-00005351 come out and say make the case for it 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00029-00005352-00005502 and then make it happen 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00030-00005503-00005695 and then i believe those leaders would 8E8ZoL0cV-U-00031-00005696-00006831 be on the right side of history 8EV3BKFTq-I-00000-00000000-00000136 foreign 8EV3BKFTq-I-00002-00004880-00005110 so 8EV3BKFTq-I-00003-00005111-00006141 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00004-00006142-00006530 [Applause] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00005-00006531-00008574 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00006-00008575-00008660 bye 8EV3BKFTq-I-00007-00008661-00010414 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00008-00010415-00010831 so 8EV3BKFTq-I-00009-00010832-00011870 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00010-00011871-00012332 so 8EV3BKFTq-I-00011-00012333-00013224 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00012-00013225-00013619 [Applause] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00013-00013621-00014672 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00014-00014672-00014863 [Applause] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00015-00014863-00015001 so 8EV3BKFTq-I-00016-00015002-00017543 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00017-00017544-00017708 don't 8EV3BKFTq-I-00018-00017709-00019975 [Music] 8EV3BKFTq-I-00019-00019976-00020184 you 8FoMgfMzBIg-00000-00000006-00000134 when scientists want to know the current 8FoMgfMzBIg-00001-00000135-00000262 state of research for a topic they're 8FoMgfMzBIg-00002-00000263-00000386 interested in they turn to the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00003-00000387-00000617 literature but what is the literature 8FoMgfMzBIg-00004-00000618-00000784 and why is it so difficult for normal 8FoMgfMzBIg-00005-00000785-00000974 people to access I'm Carolyn Bischoff a 8FoMgfMzBIg-00006-00000975-00001108 science librarian at the University of 8FoMgfMzBIg-00007-00001109-00001307 Minnesota libraries and let's figure out 8FoMgfMzBIg-00008-00001308-00001702 what's going on here the scientific 8FoMgfMzBIg-00009-00001703-00001859 literature is an enormous body of 8FoMgfMzBIg-00010-00001860-00002066 writing primarily by scientists for 8FoMgfMzBIg-00011-00002067-00002249 scientists the most important form of 8FoMgfMzBIg-00012-00002250-00002423 scientific communication in most fields 8FoMgfMzBIg-00013-00002424-00002551 is the journal article which is a 8FoMgfMzBIg-00014-00002552-00002690 research paper that reports on the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00015-00002691-00002798 results of original scientific 8FoMgfMzBIg-00016-00002799-00002954 experiments these are considered the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00017-00002955-00003089 most important because they're screened 8FoMgfMzBIg-00018-00003090-00003247 by journal editors and reviewed by other 8FoMgfMzBIg-00019-00003248-00003415 scientists before it's even published 8FoMgfMzBIg-00020-00003417-00003584 this process is called peer review 8FoMgfMzBIg-00021-00003585-00003728 conference proceedings are papers and 8FoMgfMzBIg-00022-00003729-00003863 abstracts that are presented and trot 8FoMgfMzBIg-00023-00003864-00003992 out the live audience at scientific 8FoMgfMzBIg-00024-00003993-00004169 conferences these can be peer reviewed 8FoMgfMzBIg-00025-00004170-00004313 but not always it depends on the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00026-00004314-00004445 conference researchers might also 8FoMgfMzBIg-00027-00004446-00004579 consult other types of scientific 8FoMgfMzBIg-00028-00004580-00004847 information there are so many I listed 8FoMgfMzBIg-00029-00004848-00005042 them here as you continue to explore the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00030-00005043-00005204 literature you'll notice that library 8FoMgfMzBIg-00031-00005205-00005395 systems are complex and they're complex 8FoMgfMzBIg-00032-00005396-00005572 because scientific information is 8FoMgfMzBIg-00033-00005573-00005768 complex it's why you can't just look in 8FoMgfMzBIg-00034-00005769-00005906 one place to find everything ever 8FoMgfMzBIg-00035-00005907-00006022 published about an interesting 8FoMgfMzBIg-00036-00006023-00006211 scientific topic and it's why if you're 8FoMgfMzBIg-00037-00006212-00006352 a college student you probably won't 8FoMgfMzBIg-00038-00006353-00006520 have access to all the same literature 8FoMgfMzBIg-00039-00006522-00006737 after you graduate so ideally what would 8FoMgfMzBIg-00040-00006738-00006898 happen is a group of scientists gets a 8FoMgfMzBIg-00041-00006900-00007031 paper published in a scientific journal 8FoMgfMzBIg-00042-00007031-00007208 and that paper which includes the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00043-00007209-00007381 citation and the PDF of the article 8FoMgfMzBIg-00044-00007383-00007601 would go into a massive database of all 8FoMgfMzBIg-00045-00007602-00007771 scientific information where other 8FoMgfMzBIg-00046-00007772-00007919 scientists and regular people could 8FoMgfMzBIg-00047-00007920-00008203 access and read it easily that's not 8FoMgfMzBIg-00048-00008204-00008389 what happens but usually happens is that 8FoMgfMzBIg-00049-00008390-00008528 scientists publish a paper in a journal 8FoMgfMzBIg-00050-00008529-00008728 and that PDF is available on the journal 8FoMgfMzBIg-00051-00008729-00008891 website but most of the time you have to 8FoMgfMzBIg-00052-00008892-00009026 have a subscription to the journal or 8FoMgfMzBIg-00053-00009027-00009155 pay a fee to read that article 8FoMgfMzBIg-00054-00009156-00009349 information about the article like the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00055-00009350-00009571 title and abstract nathers are indexed 8FoMgfMzBIg-00056-00009572-00009734 in many specialized databases that 8FoMgfMzBIg-00057-00009735-00009928 libraries and companies pay to access if 8FoMgfMzBIg-00058-00009929-00010067 it's published online like most 8FoMgfMzBIg-00059-00010068-00010246 scientific articles usually are the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00060-00010247-00010406 articles website is also indexed in 8FoMgfMzBIg-00061-00010407-00010577 search engines and places like Google 8FoMgfMzBIg-00062-00010578-00010735 Scholar Google Scholar is probably the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00063-00010736-00010906 closest thing we have to that massive 8FoMgfMzBIg-00064-00010907-00011089 scientific database but usually you 8FoMgfMzBIg-00065-00011090-00011260 still can't access the articles for free 8FoMgfMzBIg-00066-00011261-00011446 which means that the large majority of 8FoMgfMzBIg-00067-00011447-00011651 regular people can't access the article 8FoMgfMzBIg-00068-00011652-00011831 without paying for it even if the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00069-00011832-00011966 research was funded with public money 8FoMgfMzBIg-00070-00011967-00012206 even if it was widely reported on the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00071-00012207-00012431 news even if the research is important 8FoMgfMzBIg-00072-00012432-00012617 to a doctor or a person who has to make 8FoMgfMzBIg-00073-00012618-00012821 a medical decision about themselves or a 8FoMgfMzBIg-00074-00012822-00012977 loved one other scientists around the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00075-00012978-00013130 world might not be able to access it 8FoMgfMzBIg-00076-00013131-00013318 either depending on what journals 8FoMgfMzBIg-00077-00013319-00013528 company or university subscribes to if 8FoMgfMzBIg-00078-00013529-00013654 you want to learn more about open access 8FoMgfMzBIg-00079-00013655-00013840 an alternative publishing model to the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00080-00013841-00014086 incredibly complex system of contracts 8FoMgfMzBIg-00081-00014087-00014230 and subscriptions we have now in the 8FoMgfMzBIg-00082-00014231-00014512 libraries go to la Vida um netu and 8FoMgfMzBIg-00083-00014513-00014716 search the library's website for open 8FoMgfMzBIg-00084-00014716-00014938 access 8IeuLqOwl18-00000-00000005-00000361 the atmospheric chemistry suite acts is 8IeuLqOwl18-00001-00000362-00000617 a science payload consisting of three 8IeuLqOwl18-00002-00000618-00000853 infrared spectrometer channels aboard 8IeuLqOwl18-00003-00000855-00001145 the X OMERS trace gas orbiter TGO 8IeuLqOwl18-00004-00001146-00001574 orbiting Mars since October 2016 the 8IeuLqOwl18-00005-00001575-00001747 three channels are the near-infrared 8IeuLqOwl18-00006-00001748-00002057 channel near the mid infrared channel 8IeuLqOwl18-00007-00002058-00002317 Mir and the far infrared channel fur 8IeuLqOwl18-00008-00002318-00002816 also called TIR VI m the ax was proposed 8IeuLqOwl18-00009-00002817-00003140 in 2011 by russian academy section and 8IeuLqOwl18-00010-00003141-00003374 eventually accepted by the European 8IeuLqOwl18-00011-00003375-00003740 Space Agency ESA and Roscosmos as one of 8IeuLqOwl18-00012-00003740-00004033 two Russian instruments onboard TG o 8IeuLqOwl18-00013-00004034-00004376 the instrument was funded by Ross cosmos 8IeuLqOwl18-00014-00004377-00004633 and centre national de Jude spatial z' 8IeuLqOwl18-00015-00004634-00004979 CNES of France and has components of 8IeuLqOwl18-00016-00004980-00005311 both Russia and France its development 8IeuLqOwl18-00017-00005312-00005540 and fabrication was under Russian 8IeuLqOwl18-00018-00005541-00005822 leadership the functionality of all the 8IeuLqOwl18-00019-00005823-00006029 three channels was confirmed during 8IeuLqOwl18-00020-00006030-00007177 cruise to Mars topic objectives 8IeuLqOwl18-00021-00007178-00007513 the main objective of the ax suite is to 8IeuLqOwl18-00022-00007514-00007694 make an inventory and map minor 8IeuLqOwl18-00023-00007695-00007984 atmospheric species or trace gases in 8IeuLqOwl18-00024-00007986-00008159 the atmosphere of Mars 8IeuLqOwl18-00025-00008159-00008464 this will allow scientists to profile 8IeuLqOwl18-00026-00008465-00008720 the upper limits on the methane contents 8IeuLqOwl18-00027-00008721-00009010 and to possibly to detect sulfur dioxide 8IeuLqOwl18-00028-00009011-00009910 so2 a gas of volcanic origin topic 8IeuLqOwl18-00029-00009911-00010564 channel's the near-infrared channel near 8IeuLqOwl18-00030-00010565-00010852 is a compact spectrometer operating in 8IeuLqOwl18-00031-00010853-00011396 the range of 0.7 to 1.7 micrometers with 8IeuLqOwl18-00032-00011397-00011617 a resolving power of lambda DL 8IeuLqOwl18-00033-00011618-00011917 approximately 20,000 and with a spectral 8IeuLqOwl18-00034-00011918-00012280 range of 10 to 20 nanometers it is 8IeuLqOwl18-00035-00012281-00012508 designed to operate in nadir and in 8IeuLqOwl18-00036-00012509-00012763 solar occultation modes the mid infrared 8IeuLqOwl18-00037-00012764-00013066 channel Mir is an S shell spectrometer 8IeuLqOwl18-00038-00013067-00013258 with cross dispersion designed 8IeuLqOwl18-00039-00013259-00013556 exclusively for solar occultation 8IeuLqOwl18-00040-00013557-00013922 measurements in the 2.2 to 4.4 8IeuLqOwl18-00041-00013922-00014131 micrometers spectral range with a 8IeuLqOwl18-00042-00014132-00014453 resolving power of approximately 50,000 8IeuLqOwl18-00043-00014454-00014680 the far infrared channel covers the 8IeuLqOwl18-00044-00014681-00014927 thermal infrared spectroscopy it is a 8IeuLqOwl18-00045-00014928-00015283 furry a spectrometer called the TIR VI M 8IeuLqOwl18-00046-00015284-00015625 it has an aperture of approximately 5 8IeuLqOwl18-00047-00015626-00015875 centimeters and it measures the spectrum 8IeuLqOwl18-00048-00015876-00016375 of 1.7 to 17 micrometers its main task 8IeuLqOwl18-00049-00016376-00016619 will be for temperature sounding of the 8IeuLqOwl18-00050-00016620-00016928 Martian atmosphere in the 15 M um co2 8IeuLqOwl18-00051-00016929-00017497 band TIR VI mm has 10 times higher 8IeuLqOwl18-00052-00017498-00017783 performances than the PFS spectrometer 8IeuLqOwl18-00053-00017784-00018973 of Mars Express orbiter topic methane 8IeuLqOwl18-00054-00018974-00019209 of particular interest to this 8IeuLqOwl18-00055-00019210-00019450 astrobiology mission is the detection 8IeuLqOwl18-00056-00019451-00019726 and characterization of the atmospheric 8IeuLqOwl18-00057-00019727-00020095 methane ch4 as it may be of geological 8IeuLqOwl18-00058-00020096-00020455 or biological nature large differences 8IeuLqOwl18-00059-00020456-00020664 in the abundances were measured between 8IeuLqOwl18-00060-00020665-00021184 observations taken in 2003 2006 and on 8IeuLqOwl18-00061-00021185-00021517 2014 NASA reported that the Curiosity 8IeuLqOwl18-00062-00021518-00021811 rover detected a tenfold increase spike 8IeuLqOwl18-00063-00021812-00022054 in methane in the atmosphere in late 8IeuLqOwl18-00064-00022055-00022525 2013 and early 2014 this suggests is 8IeuLqOwl18-00065-00022526-00022702 that the methane was locally 8IeuLqOwl18-00066-00022703-00022980 concentrated and is probably seasonal 8IeuLqOwl18-00067-00022981-00023251 because methane on Mars would quickly 8IeuLqOwl18-00068-00023252-00023539 break down due to ultraviolet radiation 8IeuLqOwl18-00069-00023540-00023779 from the Sun and chemical reactions with 8IeuLqOwl18-00070-00023780-00024040 other gases its persistent presence in 8IeuLqOwl18-00071-00024041-00024253 the atmosphere also implies the 8IeuLqOwl18-00072-00024254-00024457 existence of an unknown source to 8IeuLqOwl18-00073-00024458-00024715 continually replenish the gas measuring 8IeuLqOwl18-00074-00024716-00024979 the ratio of hydrogen and methane levels 8IeuLqOwl18-00075-00024980-00025174 on Mars may help determine the 8IeuLqOwl18-00076-00025175-00025546 likelihood of life on Mars according to 8IeuLqOwl18-00077-00025547-00026161 the scientists low h2 ch4 ratios less 8IeuLqOwl18-00078-00026162-00026445 than approximately 40 indicate that life 8IeuLqOwl18-00079-00026447-00026848 is likely present and active 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00000-00000038-00000350 hangar seven as a building in salzburg 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00001-00000351-00000593 austria hosting a collection of 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00002-00000594-00000875 historical airplanes helicopters and 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00003-00000876-00001154 Formula One racing cars and serving as 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00004-00001155-00001397 home for the flying bulls a private 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00005-00001398-00001677 aircraft fleet stationed in Salzburg 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00006-00001678-00002012 hangar seven is owned by redbull founder 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00007-00002013-00002266 Dietrich Mateschitz it houses the 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00008-00002267-00002525 michelin-starred restaurant Icarus two 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00009-00002526-00002652 bars in a lounge 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00010-00002653-00002924 the building is airfoil shaped 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00011-00002925-00003354 constructed of 1,200 tons of steel and 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00012-00003355-00003774 75,000 sq ft of glass surface 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00013-00003775-00004119 hangar 8 is the name of the maintenance 8J1t1-pwH3Q-00014-00004120-00004344 facility 8JLrjChlAJA-00000-00000003-00000419 what's good Boies so uh 4090 has a new 8JLrjChlAJA-00001-00000420-00000688 map from the very low D days a fortnight 8JLrjChlAJA-00002-00000689-00000860 I actually only got to experience this 8JLrjChlAJA-00003-00000861-00001214 very specific tilted once or twice in my 8JLrjChlAJA-00004-00001215-00001403 whole time so playing for night and now 8JLrjChlAJA-00005-00001404-00003290 it is back tilted town baby truckers up 8JLrjChlAJA-00006-00003290-00003863 in these parts 8JLrjChlAJA-00007-00003864-00006392 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00008-00006393-00006566 Wow 8JLrjChlAJA-00009-00006567-00007256 that's tough [__] you three 8JLrjChlAJA-00010-00007258-00007514 all right I've taken a bit of a break 8JLrjChlAJA-00011-00007515-00007719 I've been really heated 8JLrjChlAJA-00012-00007720-00007946 I'm not going tilt to town anymore guys 8JLrjChlAJA-00013-00007947-00008151 I'm sorry I will be going there to get 8JLrjChlAJA-00014-00008152-00008628 only the double barrel but I'm tired of 8JLrjChlAJA-00015-00008629-00008760 dying that way and there's so many 8JLrjChlAJA-00016-00008761-00008921 people on there I'm gonna just go Viking 8JLrjChlAJA-00017-00008922-00009156 village oh I hope I run into some people 8JLrjChlAJA-00018-00009157-00009294 here and hopefully I can get a gun or 8JLrjChlAJA-00019-00009295-00009456 like a shotgun I got some room look we 8JLrjChlAJA-00020-00009457-00010455 already know a very ChaCha Christina 8JLrjChlAJA-00021-00010456-00011526 this tailgate neutralized all right I 8JLrjChlAJA-00022-00011527-00011805 don't know I don't know that one ain't 8JLrjChlAJA-00023-00011806-00013274 it [__] you 8JLrjChlAJA-00024-00013275-00013810 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00025-00013811-00014933 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00026-00014934-00015288 that was a soccer skin to [__] just a 8JLrjChlAJA-00027-00015288-00015331 meal 8JLrjChlAJA-00029-00019706-00020027 and you not practical now 8JLrjChlAJA-00030-00020028-00020416 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00031-00020417-00020732 practical now 8JLrjChlAJA-00032-00020733-00021200 I swear those they just freakin annoying 8JLrjChlAJA-00033-00021201-00021738 can you stop back there now some d right 8JLrjChlAJA-00034-00021739-00021961 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00035-00021962-00024053 now and I mean zircon he's strong stop 8JLrjChlAJA-00036-00024054-00024938 dear IT man my boy ran this one out 8JLrjChlAJA-00037-00024939-00025625 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00038-00025626-00025835 the one 8JLrjChlAJA-00040-00029345-00029668 I better have a lunch that I don't 8JLrjChlAJA-00041-00029669-00030548 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00042-00030549-00030920 I got a don't look 8JLrjChlAJA-00043-00030922-00031075 don't eat it 8JLrjChlAJA-00044-00031076-00032551 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00045-00032552-00032939 here you going dummy 8JLrjChlAJA-00046-00032940-00033473 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00047-00033474-00033664 right knocking others 8JLrjChlAJA-00048-00033665-00033870 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00049-00033871-00034119 where's my chart what 8JLrjChlAJA-00050-00034120-00035164 oh you got that with you 8JLrjChlAJA-00051-00035165-00036117 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00052-00036118-00036339 wanna go gun 8JLrjChlAJA-00053-00036340-00036768 where you're done tomorrow now get the 8JLrjChlAJA-00054-00036769-00037015 [__] down 8JLrjChlAJA-00055-00037016-00037335 target your [__] [__] Wow 8JLrjChlAJA-00056-00037336-00037784 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00057-00037785-00039554 I got my desk in a row 8JLrjChlAJA-00058-00039555-00042016 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00059-00042017-00042648 [Music] 8JLrjChlAJA-00060-00042649-00042945 okay man we can talk about this 8JLrjChlAJA-00061-00042946-00043141 see you bet I mean though I'm a little 8JLrjChlAJA-00062-00043142-00043252 worried about the mechs and I am my own 8JLrjChlAJA-00063-00043253-00043749 master huh party by the way 8JLrjChlAJA-00064-00043750-00044629 [__] 8JLrjChlAJA-00065-00044630-00045505 so get to watch it later [__] mm my boy 8JLrjChlAJA-00066-00045506-00045871 I really just helped us whole lobby 8JLrjChlAJA-00067-00045872-00046150 I mean GG that was a far rest night but 8JLrjChlAJA-00068-00046151-00049122 man thanks to me I sought that neck 8JLrjChlAJA-00070-00053099-00054686 and gentlemen we got him I got you 8JLrjChlAJA-00071-00054687-00054988 turn a whole life into 8JLrjChlAJA-00072-00054989-00055399 peddle that you write back in Iowa 8KqmfQuf4bc-00000-00000479-00000730 welcome PK to this chat thanks for 8KqmfQuf4bc-00001-00000731-00000994 taking time out and thank you for thank 8KqmfQuf4bc-00002-00000996-00001193 you to all of you for being patient and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00003-00001194-00001499 uh you know Shashi is very vocal and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00004-00001500-00001702 very candid honest thanks to that and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00005-00001703-00001913 she has already answered you know most 8KqmfQuf4bc-00006-00001914-00002129 of the industry related issues so me and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00007-00002130-00002333 PK will perhaps stick to you know more 8KqmfQuf4bc-00008-00002334-00002518 broad stacks and you know where the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00009-00002519-00002771 business is headed and and also try in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00010-00002772-00003052 the process not to bore you so PK uh I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00011-00003053-00003203 want to Center this around you know two 8KqmfQuf4bc-00012-00003204-00003431 pillars this conversation there's a lot 8KqmfQuf4bc-00013-00003432-00003617 that's gone on in the media agency 8KqmfQuf4bc-00014-00003618-00003904 ecosystem uh you know in the last 20 odd 8KqmfQuf4bc-00015-00003905-00004201 years from uh you know from the days of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00016-00004202-00004529 HTA media when media slides used to be 8KqmfQuf4bc-00017-00004530-00004817 the last to be presented to now be at 8KqmfQuf4bc-00018-00004818-00005075 the Forefront of you know what clients 8KqmfQuf4bc-00019-00005076-00005315 are doing the first line item that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00020-00005316-00005447 clients look at 8KqmfQuf4bc-00021-00005448-00005783 ah and now with all the you know rapid 8KqmfQuf4bc-00022-00005784-00005981 growth of Technology digital and what 8KqmfQuf4bc-00023-00005982-00006167 have you in the last five seven years 8KqmfQuf4bc-00024-00006168-00006413 the entire face of this business has 8KqmfQuf4bc-00025-00006414-00006784 changed uh there are two sort of large 8KqmfQuf4bc-00026-00006786-00007037 you know umbrella trends that are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00027-00007038-00007337 colliding at the top one is the agencies 8KqmfQuf4bc-00028-00007338-00007564 that are trying to learn advertising 8KqmfQuf4bc-00029-00007565-00007853 technology at a very fast pace on the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00030-00007854-00008195 other hand uh clients are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00031-00008196-00008392 you know driving their businesses very 8KqmfQuf4bc-00032-00008393-00008746 fast to kind of get technology to drive 8KqmfQuf4bc-00033-00008747-00008974 their entire marketing sort of function 8KqmfQuf4bc-00034-00008975-00009257 so there is a collision is not the right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00035-00009258-00009431 word but perhaps there is a sort of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00036-00009432-00009683 merger of martech and attack happening 8KqmfQuf4bc-00037-00009684-00009881 at the top agencies are very focused on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00038-00009882-00009983 ad Tech 8KqmfQuf4bc-00039-00009984-00010169 martek is the other pillar where the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00040-00010170-00010378 clients are focusing a lot of you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00041-00010379-00010673 energies and time effort on how do you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00042-00010674-00010913 think it agency is in the current form 8KqmfQuf4bc-00043-00010914-00011278 are equipped to kind of also 8KqmfQuf4bc-00044-00011279-00011555 gets seriously into martech and help 8KqmfQuf4bc-00045-00011556-00011746 clients there 8KqmfQuf4bc-00046-00011747-00012071 lovely question 8KqmfQuf4bc-00047-00012072-00012359 it's true especially that in the last 8KqmfQuf4bc-00048-00012360-00012520 two to three years 8KqmfQuf4bc-00049-00012521-00012737 I think this observation which you said 8KqmfQuf4bc-00050-00012738-00013108 has only accelerated right I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00051-00013109-00013516 we have you know real Dynamic changes 8KqmfQuf4bc-00052-00013518-00013858 happening on a daily basis right and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00053-00013859-00014038 that's also because 8KqmfQuf4bc-00054-00014040-00014236 I think the business models have changed 8KqmfQuf4bc-00055-00014237-00014579 I think a lot of Technology Indulgence 8KqmfQuf4bc-00056-00014580-00014927 into doing business has just uh you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00057-00014928-00015149 has been accelerated and the momentum is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00058-00015150-00015401 completely on on a daily basis 8KqmfQuf4bc-00059-00015402-00015677 as far as our learning goes I think a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00060-00015678-00015772 lot of it 8KqmfQuf4bc-00061-00015773-00016055 stems from you know what is the client's 8KqmfQuf4bc-00062-00016056-00016241 business what is the model 8KqmfQuf4bc-00063-00016241-00016469 how is the business done which category 8KqmfQuf4bc-00064-00016470-00016630 you know what consumers are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00065-00016631-00016822 understanding of all of that so I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00066-00016823-00016955 a lot of it 8KqmfQuf4bc-00067-00016956-00017285 is to really put an effort to know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00068-00017286-00017465 about the consumers and about the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00069-00017466-00017689 client's business right and there again 8KqmfQuf4bc-00070-00017690-00018035 these days you know if we compare two 8KqmfQuf4bc-00071-00018036-00018257 decades back I think a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00072-00018258-00018583 information a lot of insights 8KqmfQuf4bc-00073-00018584-00018922 a lot of data which is real time 8KqmfQuf4bc-00074-00018923-00019127 available is today available in your 8KqmfQuf4bc-00075-00019128-00019307 hands and technology is helping us to do 8KqmfQuf4bc-00076-00019308-00019403 that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00077-00019404-00019764 so essentially this means that multiple 8KqmfQuf4bc-00078-00019765-00020063 you know efforts which allows us to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00079-00020064-00020261 learn and get insights and therefore 8KqmfQuf4bc-00080-00020262-00020572 investing into tools investing into Data 8KqmfQuf4bc-00081-00020573-00020830 understanding and primarily investing 8KqmfQuf4bc-00082-00020831-00021172 into you know the right Talent uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00083-00021173-00021358 upgrading our talent to understand that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00084-00021359-00021725 is all stitched up you know formula 8KqmfQuf4bc-00085-00021726-00022000 which is evolving but that's where the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00086-00022001-00022313 time has to go in from most of the you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00087-00022314-00022450 know organization which is really trying 8KqmfQuf4bc-00088-00022451-00022655 to stitch up the matak potential 8KqmfQuf4bc-00089-00022656-00022828 incabilities along with the active 8KqmfQuf4bc-00090-00022829-00022997 potential capabilities because we also 8KqmfQuf4bc-00091-00022998-00023164 have a partner ecosystem 8KqmfQuf4bc-00092-00023165-00023422 uh which is evolving very fast and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00093-00023423-00023585 sometimes I feel the partner ecosystem 8KqmfQuf4bc-00094-00023586-00023867 is more evolving than anybody right and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00095-00023868-00024083 that's because the hunger and the urge 8KqmfQuf4bc-00096-00024084-00024400 to leverage many of this technology put 8KqmfQuf4bc-00097-00024401-00024605 into understanding consumers and use 8KqmfQuf4bc-00098-00024606-00024893 them to business growth across multiple 8KqmfQuf4bc-00099-00024894-00025163 businesses you know probably displayed 8KqmfQuf4bc-00100-00025164-00025541 so it's very exciting time I think every 8KqmfQuf4bc-00101-00025542-00025762 organization need to deeply think about 8KqmfQuf4bc-00102-00025763-00025972 how to invest in you know and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00103-00025973-00026189 proactively work on future aspects on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00104-00026189-00026501 this so you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00105-00026502-00026746 the important adjunct to that question 8KqmfQuf4bc-00106-00026747-00026987 is that how do you attract talent to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00107-00026988-00027281 work for you uh which is well equipped 8KqmfQuf4bc-00108-00027282-00027574 to deal with you know the ecosystem of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00109-00027575-00027827 AD Tech and martech because you know the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00110-00027827-00028146 truth is today uh advertising agencies 8KqmfQuf4bc-00111-00028147-00028451 uh are not necessarily the first Port of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00112-00028452-00028612 Call for the brightest you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00113-00028613-00028799 especially in the technology space so 8KqmfQuf4bc-00114-00028800-00028961 what do you do as a you know media 8KqmfQuf4bc-00115-00028962-00029195 agency as a media services company that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00116-00029195-00029405 makes it exciting for them to be part of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00117-00029406-00029657 because you know like you yourself said 8KqmfQuf4bc-00118-00029658-00029957 platforms know more than you do or there 8KqmfQuf4bc-00119-00029958-00030190 is a you know whole lot of ecosystem 8KqmfQuf4bc-00120-00030191-00030383 outside you know there are independent 8KqmfQuf4bc-00121-00030383-00030527 companies or youngsters are starting 8KqmfQuf4bc-00122-00030527-00030695 their own agencies there are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00123-00030695-00030857 consultancies who offer top dollar 8KqmfQuf4bc-00124-00030858-00031024 higher from the you know top most 8KqmfQuf4bc-00125-00031025-00031246 institutes where do the media Services 8KqmfQuf4bc-00126-00031247-00031445 where does the media Services ecosystem 8KqmfQuf4bc-00127-00031445-00031649 stand in terms of being able able to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00128-00031650-00031835 attract the student 8KqmfQuf4bc-00129-00031836-00032195 ah again let me be very candid I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00130-00032195-00032387 we are on the learning process in that I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00131-00032388-00032543 don't think anybody has a perfect answer 8KqmfQuf4bc-00132-00032544-00032807 to you know to that question 8KqmfQuf4bc-00133-00032808-00033101 but I think um what I can say is that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00134-00033102-00033431 you know in order to attract this Talent 8KqmfQuf4bc-00135-00033432-00033671 I think what is very much I mean some of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00136-00033672-00033821 it I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00137-00033822-00034067 she mentioned to have the culture and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00138-00034068-00034235 the ambience which is very important I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00139-00034236-00034355 feel 8KqmfQuf4bc-00140-00034356-00034696 but I think the ability to you know or 8KqmfQuf4bc-00141-00034697-00034912 an opportunity to do some fantastic work 8KqmfQuf4bc-00142-00034913-00035255 is definitely a very inspirational or 8KqmfQuf4bc-00143-00035256-00035435 aspirational aspect for many of the new 8KqmfQuf4bc-00144-00035436-00035645 talent because today is the world as you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00145-00035646-00035824 see especially in given the last two to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00146-00035825-00036035 three years we all know that the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00147-00036036-00036268 industry has gone through a great change 8KqmfQuf4bc-00148-00036269-00036545 I mean some are some are new some of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00149-00036546-00036755 them gone to new roles some are new 8KqmfQuf4bc-00150-00036756-00037007 businesses some are all categories new 8KqmfQuf4bc-00151-00037008-00037205 businesses everything has happened right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00152-00037206-00037355 I mean we have seen how the startup 8KqmfQuf4bc-00153-00037356-00037552 ecosystem has really created that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00154-00037553-00037662 momentum 8KqmfQuf4bc-00155-00037663-00037924 ah and because of that I think it's 8KqmfQuf4bc-00156-00037925-00038183 important to keep a lot of open mind uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00157-00038184-00038423 one is to accept that there is a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00158-00038424-00038633 newness which will come and hit us right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00159-00038634-00038896 and therefore learning and sharing is a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00160-00038897-00039077 mutual aspect which has to come in right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00161-00039078-00039352 I think at that kind of an attitude and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00162-00039353-00039568 that kind of really openness will 8KqmfQuf4bc-00163-00039569-00039821 actually give a lot more open door for 8KqmfQuf4bc-00164-00039822-00040109 many more great talent to come in first 8KqmfQuf4bc-00165-00040110-00040415 I think a lot of uh I must I mean I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00166-00040416-00040577 don't know the exact number but I'm sure 8KqmfQuf4bc-00167-00040578-00040901 it must be about 30 to 35 percent of the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00168-00040902-00041080 people in today in our industry probably 8KqmfQuf4bc-00169-00041081-00041261 are new 8KqmfQuf4bc-00170-00041262-00041573 and if they are new they should stick on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00171-00041574-00041771 and they are the people who will 8KqmfQuf4bc-00172-00041772-00041987 probably give patents to more new people 8KqmfQuf4bc-00173-00041988-00042268 coming into the industry right today we 8KqmfQuf4bc-00174-00042269-00042461 see a lot of versatile talent coming to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00175-00042462-00042652 the industry they should stick on to our 8KqmfQuf4bc-00176-00042653-00042868 Industries what's in it for them so one 8KqmfQuf4bc-00177-00042869-00043049 is obviously the culture Ambience but 8KqmfQuf4bc-00178-00043050-00043289 also doing some great work right ability 8KqmfQuf4bc-00179-00043290-00043589 to I think being afraid of doing 8KqmfQuf4bc-00180-00043590-00043709 mistakes 8KqmfQuf4bc-00181-00043710-00044021 and rather than being afraid of trying I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00182-00044022-00044158 think we should I mean these are not 8KqmfQuf4bc-00183-00044159-00044315 words of mine these are words from the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00184-00044316-00044561 famous and greatest Roger Federer so I'm 8KqmfQuf4bc-00185-00044562-00044818 just quoting from him but we should not 8KqmfQuf4bc-00186-00044819-00045040 be afraid to try we should have space to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00187-00045041-00045233 do mistakes right and therefore newness 8KqmfQuf4bc-00188-00045234-00045533 and Innovations can come right so I feel 8KqmfQuf4bc-00189-00045534-00045755 the more we do that and the more we are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00190-00045756-00046018 able to you know demonstrate some of the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00191-00046019-00046439 examples inspire people uh you know make 8KqmfQuf4bc-00192-00046440-00046768 it much more uh you know much more go 8KqmfQuf4bc-00193-00046769-00046955 and talk to more people tell them what's 8KqmfQuf4bc-00194-00046956-00047129 the industry is about how the industry 8KqmfQuf4bc-00195-00047130-00047368 is changing what's in it for them I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00196-00047369-00047602 think this can be a a different change 8KqmfQuf4bc-00197-00047603-00047843 which we can see and and media service 8KqmfQuf4bc-00198-00047844-00047980 companies have made a lot of progress 8KqmfQuf4bc-00199-00047981-00048155 also in the last 10 years I remember a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00200-00048156-00048365 lot of conversations used to be centered 8KqmfQuf4bc-00201-00048366-00048599 around how these big consultancies will 8KqmfQuf4bc-00202-00048600-00048857 sort of eat up the sort of businesses of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00203-00048858-00049043 media com agencies but that's not 8KqmfQuf4bc-00204-00049044-00049289 happened uh reinvention has happened 8KqmfQuf4bc-00205-00049290-00049552 clients have reposed more faith a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00206-00049553-00049805 agencies have you know gone where the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00207-00049806-00050021 customer is hence being with the client 8KqmfQuf4bc-00208-00050022-00050218 let me now come to you know the other 8KqmfQuf4bc-00209-00050219-00050440 aspect of you know what's happening in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00210-00050441-00050602 this entire space everybody talks about 8KqmfQuf4bc-00211-00050603-00050855 digital right growth of digital growth 8KqmfQuf4bc-00212-00050856-00051035 of Technology the platform and the last 8KqmfQuf4bc-00213-00051036-00051376 uh seven or eight odd years we've seen 8KqmfQuf4bc-00214-00051377-00051670 so much of mushrooming right digital is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00215-00051671-00051916 unlike any other linear or you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00216-00051917-00052211 Legacy Media I often use this example 25 8KqmfQuf4bc-00217-00052212-00052432 years back if you know a client wanted 8KqmfQuf4bc-00218-00052433-00052607 to put an ad on a TV channel all he 8KqmfQuf4bc-00219-00052608-00052811 needed was two agencies right a media 8KqmfQuf4bc-00220-00052812-00053009 agency and a you know creative agencies 8KqmfQuf4bc-00221-00053010-00053207 and most likely both of them were under 8KqmfQuf4bc-00222-00053208-00053525 one you know roof so one agency today if 8KqmfQuf4bc-00223-00053526-00053741 a you know client wants to be on say 8KqmfQuf4bc-00224-00053741-00053980 Facebook you need what you know maybe 10 8KqmfQuf4bc-00225-00053982-00054125 companies to work with somebody's doing 8KqmfQuf4bc-00226-00054126-00054359 influencer marketing and other guys you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00227-00054360-00054526 know doing ad targeting a third one is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00228-00054527-00054665 doing you know programmatic buying 8KqmfQuf4bc-00229-00054666-00054880 another guy is creating the 10 second or 8KqmfQuf4bc-00230-00054882-00055066 somebody is doing data analytics so you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00231-00055067-00055361 know the entire ecosystem is really boom 8KqmfQuf4bc-00232-00055362-00055553 and you know you guys have also done a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00233-00055554-00055823 lot of work from doing influencer 8KqmfQuf4bc-00234-00055824-00056116 marketing content and you know now I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00235-00056117-00056344 understand work in the CTV space where 8KqmfQuf4bc-00236-00056345-00056513 is this future headed how do you see it 8KqmfQuf4bc-00237-00056514-00056741 panning out three years five years out 8KqmfQuf4bc-00238-00056741-00056957 from today because all the mushrooming 8KqmfQuf4bc-00239-00056958-00057304 that has happened uh has been uh you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00240-00057305-00057497 know if you look at TV TV is linear so 8KqmfQuf4bc-00241-00057498-00057761 mushrooming of TV channels in some way 8KqmfQuf4bc-00242-00057762-00058025 was just cloning of the same model here 8KqmfQuf4bc-00243-00058026-00058229 this is not cloning right this is like 8KqmfQuf4bc-00244-00058229-00058523 new models spawning every year so what 8KqmfQuf4bc-00245-00058524-00058726 does it do to your business three five 8KqmfQuf4bc-00246-00058727-00058942 years out what does it do to the you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00247-00058944-00059123 know brands that want to reach out to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00248-00059124-00059279 Consumers 8KqmfQuf4bc-00249-00059279-00059554 again a great question I wish I had all 8KqmfQuf4bc-00250-00059555-00059729 the answers for this 8KqmfQuf4bc-00251-00059729-00059963 but I think it'll um 8KqmfQuf4bc-00252-00059964-00060347 take a lot more you know efforts on what 8KqmfQuf4bc-00253-00060348-00060509 we do today 8KqmfQuf4bc-00254-00060510-00060803 to really recognize you know what the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00255-00060804-00061073 next couple of years can be and what I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00256-00061074-00061216 mean by that is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00257-00061217-00061576 I think uh as you said you know at every 8KqmfQuf4bc-00258-00061577-00061738 single space there is mushrooming 8KqmfQuf4bc-00259-00061739-00061925 happening there is an evolving product 8KqmfQuf4bc-00260-00061926-00062123 or a service or an opportunity which is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00261-00062124-00062279 coming up 8KqmfQuf4bc-00262-00062279-00062554 we all need to be completely you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00263-00062555-00062813 years eyes on it right as obviously 8KqmfQuf4bc-00264-00062814-00063059 picking up Trends and practically trying 8KqmfQuf4bc-00265-00063060-00063299 some of the aspects which can really you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00266-00063300-00063538 know give best solutions to the entire 8KqmfQuf4bc-00267-00063539-00063761 task itself right I mean in that I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00268-00063762-00063899 entirely mean by the client's business 8KqmfQuf4bc-00269-00063900-00064175 right I think learning expertise I mean 8KqmfQuf4bc-00270-00064176-00064444 if somebody is able to you know learn 8KqmfQuf4bc-00271-00064445-00064637 about influencer marketing somebody they 8KqmfQuf4bc-00272-00064638-00064841 would learn about CTV or you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00273-00064841-00065080 different technology related products I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00274-00065082-00065249 think it just adds to the advantage of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00275-00065250-00065411 how we are able to you know come with 8KqmfQuf4bc-00276-00065412-00065638 the solutions for that business 8KqmfQuf4bc-00277-00065639-00066011 and when we are able to spend more time 8KqmfQuf4bc-00278-00066012-00066197 on the preparation of you know what is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00279-00066198-00066371 really working for the cons you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00280-00066372-00066565 with with the consumers for the business 8KqmfQuf4bc-00281-00066566-00066893 I think definitely we'll be able to you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00282-00066894-00067144 know do the good rally with how the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00283-00067145-00067421 evolution can come in right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00284-00067422-00067649 um yes digital space has only got more 8KqmfQuf4bc-00285-00067650-00068021 exciting right I if you take it you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00286-00068022-00068213 you don't need to go 10 years back but 8KqmfQuf4bc-00287-00068214-00068369 if you take a media plan 8KqmfQuf4bc-00288-00068370-00068626 say seven eight years back and if you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00289-00068627-00068867 compare that to the media plan today you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00290-00068868-00068999 will probably have another some seven 8KqmfQuf4bc-00291-00069000-00069221 eight lines more as Solutions which 8KqmfQuf4bc-00292-00069222-00069347 maybe we would have never thought about 8KqmfQuf4bc-00293-00069348-00069550 it you know previously 8KqmfQuf4bc-00294-00069551-00069779 and I think that will only grow more 8KqmfQuf4bc-00295-00069780-00070091 right because Solutions will will only 8KqmfQuf4bc-00296-00070092-00070367 get more Innovative and you know there 8KqmfQuf4bc-00297-00070368-00070535 are much more sharper way to you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00298-00070536-00070750 find solutions to it with all the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00299-00070751-00071003 different Evolution happening so I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00300-00071004-00071213 we should be our eyes and eyes our eyes 8KqmfQuf4bc-00301-00071214-00071369 and ears need to be on the ground to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00302-00071370-00071717 learn the trends and never stop uh you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00303-00071718-00071941 know proactively experimenting and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00304-00071942-00072203 learning that expertise on each of the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00305-00072204-00072299 aspects 8KqmfQuf4bc-00306-00072300-00072706 you uh I I recently sort of read what 8KqmfQuf4bc-00307-00072707-00072929 you and Ashu have been speaking about in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00308-00072930-00073126 the last few months group have had a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00309-00073127-00073499 fantastic 2021 uh this year your you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00310-00073500-00073793 know Ty and why report uh also projected 8KqmfQuf4bc-00311-00073794-00074009 good growth for the industry but all 8KqmfQuf4bc-00312-00074010-00074141 that has happened in the environment in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00313-00074142-00074435 the last six months has thrown a spanner 8KqmfQuf4bc-00314-00074436-00074603 in the work so to say 8KqmfQuf4bc-00315-00074604-00074843 ah you know inflation has picked up 8KqmfQuf4bc-00316-00074844-00075113 growth across many Western economies 8KqmfQuf4bc-00317-00075114-00075382 slow down India is very impacted as well 8KqmfQuf4bc-00318-00075383-00075815 oil prices uh supply chain issues uh you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00319-00075816-00075959 think this will make an impact on the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00320-00075960-00076097 addicts overall 8KqmfQuf4bc-00321-00076098-00076319 and how does it how does it specifically 8KqmfQuf4bc-00322-00076320-00076541 impact companies like yours 8KqmfQuf4bc-00323-00076542-00076726 now of course 8KqmfQuf4bc-00324-00076727-00076997 it's true the challenges are 8KqmfQuf4bc-00325-00076998-00077237 they are here and now right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00326-00077238-00077350 um 8KqmfQuf4bc-00327-00077351-00077531 I think it I mean we have a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00328-00077532-00077665 Partners here 8KqmfQuf4bc-00329-00077666-00077950 we discussed this in a daily manner 8KqmfQuf4bc-00330-00077951-00078197 about the challenges yes it's true that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00331-00078198-00078347 inflationary pressures are there in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00332-00078348-00078617 different businesses and of course 8KqmfQuf4bc-00333-00078618-00078917 uh other challenges like you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00334-00078918-00079109 different categories some categories may 8KqmfQuf4bc-00335-00079110-00079367 be not spending some categories may have 8KqmfQuf4bc-00336-00079368-00079612 changed the strategy 8KqmfQuf4bc-00337-00079613-00079787 uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00338-00079788-00079931 you know all these challenges really 8KqmfQuf4bc-00339-00079932-00080135 also give you an opportunity to think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00340-00080136-00080344 you know much more harder on how we can 8KqmfQuf4bc-00341-00080345-00080749 really find results to this right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00342-00080750-00081088 globally yes it's quite similar or even 8KqmfQuf4bc-00343-00081089-00081365 probably grave in some of the markets 8KqmfQuf4bc-00344-00081366-00081767 but I think uh my my bets are still on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00345-00081768-00082006 India I think we have had a fantastic 8KqmfQuf4bc-00346-00082007-00082337 opportunity right we had the you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00347-00082338-00082594 the pandemic really actually I mean we 8KqmfQuf4bc-00348-00082595-00082756 were in a time where the pandemic did 8KqmfQuf4bc-00349-00082757-00083044 not know I mean none of us knew that uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00350-00083045-00083176 probably we could have done an even like 8KqmfQuf4bc-00351-00083177-00083344 this novel right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00352-00083345-00083644 but I think uh a lot of uh ketchup has 8KqmfQuf4bc-00353-00083645-00083987 happened and you know we all got so 8KqmfQuf4bc-00354-00083988-00084155 adaptive to learn the new ways of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00355-00084156-00084335 looking at things I think the entire 8KqmfQuf4bc-00356-00084336-00084556 marketing aspect and finding Solutions 8KqmfQuf4bc-00357-00084557-00084725 between businesses 8KqmfQuf4bc-00358-00084726-00084941 Etc got caught up and we all moved in a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00359-00084942-00085121 good momentum on that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00360-00085122-00085337 if you were to given given those 8KqmfQuf4bc-00361-00085338-00085529 challenges I think these are challenges 8KqmfQuf4bc-00362-00085530-00085750 which are post effect and it is true 8KqmfQuf4bc-00363-00085751-00086093 that maybe we are we are hurrying it up 8KqmfQuf4bc-00364-00086094-00086303 and trying to find an answer for a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00365-00086304-00086531 question you know it's pandemic is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00366-00086532-00086776 probably not over yet because there is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00367-00086777-00086938 post pandemic issues which are there 8KqmfQuf4bc-00368-00086939-00087161 globally domestic in every business 8KqmfQuf4bc-00369-00087162-00087293 aspect 8KqmfQuf4bc-00370-00087294-00087479 so I think a lot of patience and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00371-00087480-00087676 resilience is required right to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00372-00087677-00087941 understand each of the momentum maybe 8KqmfQuf4bc-00373-00087942-00088193 there are impacts of different seasons 8KqmfQuf4bc-00374-00088194-00088325 and different quarters which may be 8KqmfQuf4bc-00375-00088326-00088517 changing right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00376-00088518-00088697 um and those are aspects which we need 8KqmfQuf4bc-00377-00088698-00088835 to really think on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00378-00088836-00089038 maybe I mean definitely there are newer 8KqmfQuf4bc-00379-00089039-00089212 categories of started coming we never 8KqmfQuf4bc-00380-00089213-00089417 had a fintech and we never had an eight 8KqmfQuf4bc-00381-00089418-00089632 tank actually doing so much you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00382-00089633-00089800 even in the advertising aspect right so 8KqmfQuf4bc-00383-00089801-00089981 there's newer aspects which have come in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00384-00089982-00090203 I think we should allow it to again 8KqmfQuf4bc-00385-00090204-00090437 further evolve and every month every two 8KqmfQuf4bc-00386-00090438-00090556 months there are multiple new things 8KqmfQuf4bc-00387-00090557-00090893 happening so being concluding faster is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00388-00090894-00091115 I think I don't want to be in that space 8KqmfQuf4bc-00389-00091116-00091367 but finding an opportunity within the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00390-00091368-00091517 challenge I think it's an interesting 8KqmfQuf4bc-00391-00091518-00091853 riddle to solve right and I think in a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00392-00091854-00092050 span of every two months we are finding 8KqmfQuf4bc-00393-00092051-00092212 those opportunities come in 8KqmfQuf4bc-00394-00092213-00092405 the ecosystem 8KqmfQuf4bc-00395-00092406-00092525 um you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00396-00092526-00092717 um like how the digital is growing or 8KqmfQuf4bc-00397-00092718-00092909 how the TV is growing or print and radio 8KqmfQuf4bc-00398-00092910-00093065 and lot of form even 8KqmfQuf4bc-00399-00093066-00093418 all the I mean growth as such is as of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00400-00093419-00093761 yesterday so it'll be interesting to see 8KqmfQuf4bc-00401-00093762-00093947 that you know this year will also pass 8KqmfQuf4bc-00402-00093948-00094132 where next year will come I mean hardly 8KqmfQuf4bc-00403-00094133-00094367 three more months to go and the growth 8KqmfQuf4bc-00404-00094368-00094643 is where it is constant right there is a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00405-00094644-00094841 consistency on growth story and I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00406-00094842-00095021 that better still on India 8KqmfQuf4bc-00407-00095022-00095291 uh definitely you know we're a very 8KqmfQuf4bc-00408-00095292-00095537 large consuming Market definitely the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00409-00095538-00095803 room for many more things to be tried 8KqmfQuf4bc-00410-00095804-00096094 it's not just in different categories 8KqmfQuf4bc-00411-00096095-00096335 but even in media and marketing and I'm 8KqmfQuf4bc-00412-00096336-00096538 sure that that will actually you know be 8KqmfQuf4bc-00413-00096539-00096803 true for many more years to come I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00414-00096804-00097103 this decade this 2020 to 2030 I mean 8KqmfQuf4bc-00415-00097104-00097385 especially 22 to 2030. is a great decade 8KqmfQuf4bc-00416-00097386-00097631 to watch out for in this market 8KqmfQuf4bc-00417-00097632-00097835 yeah I think as a leader very important 8KqmfQuf4bc-00418-00097836-00098105 to remember always you know while we get 8KqmfQuf4bc-00419-00098106-00098285 swamped by this uh you know in this 8KqmfQuf4bc-00420-00098286-00098693 daily tin of uh news Cycles uh a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00421-00098694-00098861 which might not be very positive in the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00422-00098862-00099065 economy to have a slightly long-term 8KqmfQuf4bc-00423-00099066-00099250 perspective on where all of this is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00424-00099251-00099473 headed and continue to invest in the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00425-00099474-00099682 capabilities that you require to be you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00426-00099683-00099838 know competitive few years down the line 8KqmfQuf4bc-00427-00099839-00100067 is very important last two questions 8KqmfQuf4bc-00428-00100068-00100271 speak uh you know you've been part of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00429-00100272-00100655 this company uh wpp in many of tars for 8KqmfQuf4bc-00430-00100656-00100781 a good part of you know more than 10 8KqmfQuf4bc-00431-00100782-00101062 years now uh you've been you're an 8KqmfQuf4bc-00432-00101063-00101249 Insider who's sort of you know grown 8KqmfQuf4bc-00433-00101250-00101537 through the ranks and last four or five 8KqmfQuf4bc-00434-00101538-00101782 years have been sort of spectacularly 8KqmfQuf4bc-00435-00101783-00102023 successful for you know group M 8KqmfQuf4bc-00436-00102024-00102268 specifically what are the three pillars 8KqmfQuf4bc-00437-00102269-00102592 that you think you will attribute these 8KqmfQuf4bc-00438-00102593-00102827 sort of this success story to uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00439-00102828-00103078 capabilities that you built uh things 8KqmfQuf4bc-00440-00103079-00103294 that you've done which are which also 8KqmfQuf4bc-00441-00103295-00103571 did not come naturally to you know media 8KqmfQuf4bc-00442-00103572-00103732 agencies 8KqmfQuf4bc-00443-00103733-00103966 uh it did not probably come naturally to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00444-00103967-00104303 me also I'm actually speaking amid some 8KqmfQuf4bc-00445-00104304-00104590 of my you know bosses here so a lot of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00446-00104591-00104734 learning has definitely happened from 8KqmfQuf4bc-00447-00104735-00104854 there 8KqmfQuf4bc-00448-00104855-00105136 uh but yeah I think uh one is I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00449-00105138-00105281 definitely made sure that I should have 8KqmfQuf4bc-00450-00105282-00105383 fun 8KqmfQuf4bc-00451-00105383-00105743 Okay so it is so important to you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00452-00105744-00105934 genuinely keep trying and create some 8KqmfQuf4bc-00453-00105935-00106199 great Solutions and have fun and share 8KqmfQuf4bc-00454-00106200-00106415 it with the team you know you're only as 8KqmfQuf4bc-00455-00106416-00106673 good as your team right so definitely 8KqmfQuf4bc-00456-00106674-00106865 work on the team I mean spend more time 8KqmfQuf4bc-00457-00106866-00107093 the more you share the more you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00458-00107094-00107399 you know rally with them more and some 8KqmfQuf4bc-00459-00107400-00107663 good space for them to challenge you Etc 8KqmfQuf4bc-00460-00107664-00107975 I think your game steadily improves 8KqmfQuf4bc-00461-00107976-00108197 so there's no doubt about that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00462-00108198-00108436 so I think I've been very lucky 8KqmfQuf4bc-00463-00108438-00108652 um you know I had good bosses uh I had 8KqmfQuf4bc-00464-00108653-00108952 good colleagues I had many new you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00465-00108953-00109163 new people who I interacted made some 8KqmfQuf4bc-00466-00109164-00109277 good friends 8KqmfQuf4bc-00467-00109278-00109504 so all that learning and advice is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00468-00109505-00109666 definitely so we have to be you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00469-00109667-00109901 really work on that that's one 8KqmfQuf4bc-00470-00109902-00110147 I think the second point you said three 8KqmfQuf4bc-00471-00110148-00110339 I'll try and see for the second Point 8KqmfQuf4bc-00472-00110340-00110621 second point is very clearly I think 8KqmfQuf4bc-00473-00110622-00110986 it is uh you know aspect of win-win uh 8KqmfQuf4bc-00474-00110988-00111299 is I think uh is to be practiced right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00475-00111300-00111502 uh I mean I don't think there is 8KqmfQuf4bc-00476-00111503-00111701 anything wrong in negotiation 8KqmfQuf4bc-00477-00111702-00112013 but you know ability to find Souls when 8KqmfQuf4bc-00478-00112014-00112223 challenges are on your you know on your 8KqmfQuf4bc-00479-00112224-00112475 on a table is something which if you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00480-00112476-00112660 focus more I think it will allow you to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00481-00112661-00112907 get more opportunities to really work on 8KqmfQuf4bc-00482-00112908-00113008 right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00483-00113009-00113260 and the third thing is that you know you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00484-00113261-00113483 need to commit to yourself 8KqmfQuf4bc-00485-00113483-00113634 um you know do your best 8KqmfQuf4bc-00486-00113635-00113915 uh we you know integrated to be the 8KqmfQuf4bc-00487-00113916-00114197 highest P integral to yourself right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00488-00114198-00114407 um be open to you know try different 8KqmfQuf4bc-00489-00114408-00114683 things newer things uh I think it'll pay 8KqmfQuf4bc-00490-00114683-00114940 off that's it fantastic one last 8KqmfQuf4bc-00491-00114941-00115145 question you know we all get inspired 8KqmfQuf4bc-00492-00115146-00115378 daily by you know people around us 8KqmfQuf4bc-00493-00115379-00115673 people we look up to uh companies that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00494-00115674-00115858 are doing well who's your role model 8KqmfQuf4bc-00495-00115859-00116039 who's somebody that you know you look up 8KqmfQuf4bc-00496-00116040-00116266 to uh by the way there's not a trick 8KqmfQuf4bc-00497-00116267-00116393 question to get you to choose one of 8KqmfQuf4bc-00498-00116394-00116602 your clients but you know it could be 8KqmfQuf4bc-00499-00116603-00116789 outside the business domain whom do you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00500-00116790-00116999 look up to and sort of you know get your 8KqmfQuf4bc-00501-00117000-00117154 inspiration from 8KqmfQuf4bc-00502-00117155-00117383 there are many whom I look up to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00503-00117383-00117443 um 8KqmfQuf4bc-00504-00117444-00117802 as I said and I've learned you know few 8KqmfQuf4bc-00505-00117803-00117928 things from everyone 8KqmfQuf4bc-00506-00117929-00118145 including my partner including my 8KqmfQuf4bc-00507-00118146-00118452 clients my bosses my you know Juniors 8KqmfQuf4bc-00508-00118453-00118769 peers everyone 8KqmfQuf4bc-00509-00118770-00119045 um I think it's very interesting to also 8KqmfQuf4bc-00510-00119046-00119249 pick and learn and you know observe and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00511-00119250-00119386 learn few things which you want to 8KqmfQuf4bc-00512-00119388-00119789 imbibe right such as many are there I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00513-00119790-00120023 mean some of them are sitting here right 8KqmfQuf4bc-00514-00120024-00120184 and 8KqmfQuf4bc-00515-00120185-00120497 uh you know definitely that's a that's 8KqmfQuf4bc-00516-00120498-00120658 something which you know probably I 8KqmfQuf4bc-00517-00120659-00120749 didn't have 8KqmfQuf4bc-00518-00120750-00121078 but it got just got developed you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00519-00121079-00121271 um I worked with multiple people here 8KqmfQuf4bc-00520-00121272-00121415 and I'm interacted with multiple 8KqmfQuf4bc-00521-00121416-00121558 partners here 8KqmfQuf4bc-00522-00121559-00121810 and everyone has been able to you know 8KqmfQuf4bc-00523-00121811-00122045 it's been a very good experience 8KqmfQuf4bc-00524-00122046-00122219 uh but yeah 8KqmfQuf4bc-00525-00122220-00122495 um you know this is also from the aspect 8KqmfQuf4bc-00526-00122496-00122825 of you should have an interest to learn 8KqmfQuf4bc-00527-00122826-00123149 right if you are able to imbibe that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00528-00123150-00123436 I think you know you will definitely be 8KqmfQuf4bc-00529-00123438-00123677 happy and you can have many role models 8KqmfQuf4bc-00530-00123678-00123886 on different things right and my best 8KqmfQuf4bc-00531-00123888-00124193 analogy goes in sports right and I mean 8KqmfQuf4bc-00532-00124194-00124360 for a particular sport you can have 8KqmfQuf4bc-00533-00124361-00124528 multiple load models on different shots 8KqmfQuf4bc-00534-00124529-00124847 right and that has helped me to that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00535-00124848-00125123 Outlook has helped me and my gratitude 8KqmfQuf4bc-00536-00125124-00125399 is always to each and every one on that 8KqmfQuf4bc-00537-00125400-00125590 absolutely as they say businesses keep 8KqmfQuf4bc-00538-00125591-00125797 growing but the learning never stops 8KqmfQuf4bc-00539-00125798-00126065 it's like you know I was doing maths 8KqmfQuf4bc-00540-00126066-00126245 with my son yesterday array is a line 8KqmfQuf4bc-00541-00126246-00126484 with one end point on the side but 8KqmfQuf4bc-00542-00126485-00126695 indefinite on the other side right so 8KqmfQuf4bc-00543-00126696-00126869 that's how learning should be for every 8KqmfQuf4bc-00544-00126870-00127054 business leader thank you PK thank you 8KqmfQuf4bc-00545-00127055-00127228 for taking time out I hope it was a 8KqmfQuf4bc-00546-00127229-00127358 worthwhile session to everyone 8KqmfQuf4bc-00547-00127358-00127574 [Applause] 8MM3YWR3CA8-00000-00000065-00000377 chronic Souls is a new age connecting 8MM3YWR3CA8-00001-00000378-00000688 platform for cannabis enthusiasts find 8MM3YWR3CA8-00002-00000689-00000875 your perfect partner based on your 8MM3YWR3CA8-00003-00000876-00001193 common chronic interests whether you're 8MM3YWR3CA8-00004-00001194-00001394 looking for love or just want to meet 8MM3YWR3CA8-00005-00001395-00001544 new people in the industry 8MM3YWR3CA8-00006-00001545-00001838 chronic Souls is your one-stop shop for 8MM3YWR3CA8-00007-00001839-00002167 cannabis enthusiasts chronic solace 8MM3YWR3CA8-00008-00002168-00002381 makes it easy for you to book dates or 8MM3YWR3CA8-00009-00002382-00002602 plan events either on your own or with 8MM3YWR3CA8-00010-00002603-00002870 your partner using the built-in Google 8MM3YWR3CA8-00011-00002871-00003170 Calendar you can reserve tables at your 8MM3YWR3CA8-00012-00003171-00003397 favorite restaurant using open table 8MM3YWR3CA8-00013-00003397-00003722 schedule a ride with uber have flowers 8MM3YWR3CA8-00014-00003722-00003935 sent or buy tickets to the hottest 8MM3YWR3CA8-00015-00003936-00004247 events using Ticketmaster it's all 8MM3YWR3CA8-00016-00004248-00004541 available on chronic Souls available 8MM3YWR3CA8-00017-00004542-00004897 online or as map subscribe today and 8MM3YWR3CA8-00018-00004898-00005108 both let you know when we go live 8MM3YWR3CA8-00019-00005109-00005459 [Music] 8pBu3njdebY-00000-00000142-00000424 fooling is a Quran T language spoken in 8pBu3njdebY-00001-00000425-00000692 parts of Nepal and Sikkim it is also 8pBu3njdebY-00002-00000693-00000841 known as thule on dry 8pBu3njdebY-00003-00000842-00001231 Loulou Lua fooling lazuli gemü Taku LW a 8pBu3njdebY-00004-00001232-00001880 total population 30 3313 fooling 8pBu3njdebY-00005-00001880-00002716 language geographical distribution 8pBu3njdebY-00006-00002717-00002935 fooling is spoken in the following 8pBu3njdebY-00007-00002936-00003160 locations of Nepal most of which are 8pBu3njdebY-00008-00003161-00003570 located in sagarmatha zone ethnologue 8pBu3njdebY-00009-00003571-00003895 southeastern sola kombu district de us a 8pBu3njdebY-00010-00003896-00004250 locum buckley jubu Tingler Salian fen 8pBu3njdebY-00011-00004251-00004575 qián and metro VDCs 8pBu3njdebY-00012-00004576-00004864 cocaine district Sal Jolla sori 8pBu3njdebY-00013-00004865-00005368 Maheswari VDCs Oh call hung a district 8pBu3njdebY-00014-00005369-00005821 to and thar VDC in six or seven villages 8pBu3njdebY-00015-00005822-00006110 votes per district cozies own one 8pBu3njdebY-00016-00006111-00006491 village west of the slopes highest 8pBu3njdebY-00017-00006492-00006737 ridges to do Cosi north of mesh agenda 8pBu3njdebY-00018-00006738-00006959 and hail side onto ranges east of upper 8pBu3njdebY-00019-00006959-00007148 solu river and south of the coca-cola 8pBu3njdebY-00020-00007148-00007364 and the confluence of inca kola and do 8pBu3njdebY-00021-00007365-00007979 co c references 8pBu3njdebY-00022-00007980-00008365 me she she you she'll yi lang 1 989 see 8pBu3njdebY-00023-00008366-00008669 Turin you cooling to lunch 8pBu3njdebY-00024-00008670-00008960 Bologna LSI cooling cooling ride joy 8pBu3njdebY-00025-00008961-00009272 Solly in blade Gingka me Xiao Tong ku 8pBu3njdebY-00026-00009273-00009509 Shi ke ko no Liu Lang Roker Oh 8pBu3njdebY-00027-00009510-00009836 Chia Nietzsche no wrong ye i chi san 8pBu3njdebY-00028-00009837-00010127 Shang Tang Yan use a dossier on the San 8pBu3njdebY-00029-00010128-00010349 Sato encyclopedia of linguistics in 8pBu3njdebY-00030-00010350-00010703 Japanese - Tokyo sansheng tanks an Saito 8pBu3njdebY-00031-00010704-00011288 press pp 1 2 6 9 a 1 2 7 8 be ISBN for 8pBu3njdebY-00032-00011289-00012101 billion 385 million 150 mm 160 external 8pBu3njdebY-00033-00012102-00012716 links alan NJ sketch of fooling grammar 8pBu3njdebY-00034-00012717-00012983 with three texts in a glossary Cornell 8pBu3njdebY-00035-00012984-00013355 East Asia series Ithaca New York 1975 8pBu3njdebY-00036-00013356-00013808 full text closing parentheses 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00000-00000169-00002321 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00001-00002322-00005219 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00002-00005220-00007786 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00003-00007787-00008933 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00004-00008934-00010913 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00005-00010914-00011693 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00006-00011694-00012342 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00007-00012343-00013971 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00009-00019919-00020643 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00010-00020644-00021559 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00011-00021560-00022861 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00012-00022862-00025807 [Laughter] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00013-00025808-00026056 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00014-00026057-00028705 Oh 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00015-00028706-00031274 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00016-00031275-00032422 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00017-00032423-00034401 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00018-00034402-00035166 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00019-00035167-00035831 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00020-00035832-00037460 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00022-00043403-00044133 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00023-00044134-00045049 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00024-00045050-00045772 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00025-00045773-00046222 [Music] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00026-00046223-00047783 [Laughter] 8pGXTSJzQ_c-00027-00047784-00048342 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00000-00000041-00002159 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00001-00002160-00003131 do 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00002-00003132-00003915 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00003-00003915-00005399 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00004-00005400-00005574 hmm 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00005-00005575-00007130 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00006-00007131-00007623 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00007-00007623-00007770 so 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00008-00007770-00008886 [Music] 8pO0Y3cIRrg-00010-00012200-00012407 you 8P4Zsr_LChg-00000-00000008-00000175 i've always wondered what would happen 8P4Zsr_LChg-00001-00000176-00000311 if everybody in ireland did crack 8P4Zsr_LChg-00002-00000312-00000455 cocaine at the same time 8P4Zsr_LChg-00003-00000456-00000591 would we start enjoying all child 8P4Zsr_LChg-00004-00000592-00000759 support videos will we start to become a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00005-00000760-00000950 violent animalistic species will we 8P4Zsr_LChg-00006-00000951-00001495 start 8P4Zsr_LChg-00007-00001496-00001623 this is worse than i could have ever 8P4Zsr_LChg-00008-00001623-00001855 imagined the eurovision song contest is 8P4Zsr_LChg-00009-00001855-00001998 one of the leading causes of irish 8P4Zsr_LChg-00010-00002000-00002151 people switching off their televisions 8P4Zsr_LChg-00011-00002152-00002295 in the month of may which is a strange 8P4Zsr_LChg-00012-00002296-00002463 fact considering ireland's illustrious 8P4Zsr_LChg-00013-00002464-00002567 eurovision history 8P4Zsr_LChg-00014-00002568-00002718 sure we haven't achieved anything 8P4Zsr_LChg-00015-00002719-00002871 remarkable in the contest for two 8P4Zsr_LChg-00016-00002872-00002926 decades 8P4Zsr_LChg-00017-00002927-00003126 but on paper ireland is still the most 8P4Zsr_LChg-00018-00003127-00003303 successful eurovision entrant of all 8P4Zsr_LChg-00019-00003304-00003335 time 8P4Zsr_LChg-00020-00003336-00003519 ireland has emerged victorious a record 8P4Zsr_LChg-00021-00003520-00003719 of seven times our first win occurred in 8P4Zsr_LChg-00022-00003720-00003943 1970 and our last victory thus far was 8P4Zsr_LChg-00023-00003944-00004079 back in 1996. 8P4Zsr_LChg-00024-00004079-00004238 ireland was well known for its reign of 8P4Zsr_LChg-00025-00004239-00004422 terror on the eurovision in the 90s 8P4Zsr_LChg-00026-00004423-00004591 winning three contests back to back in 8P4Zsr_LChg-00027-00004592-00004822 1992 93 and 94 8P4Zsr_LChg-00028-00004823-00005015 which no other country has replicated to 8P4Zsr_LChg-00029-00005016-00005247 this day ireland was unstoppable in the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00030-00005248-00005415 eurovision in this time period to the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00031-00005416-00005567 point where they deliberately tried to 8P4Zsr_LChg-00032-00005568-00005718 lose the competition to avoid the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00033-00005719-00005879 expense of hosting it every year 8P4Zsr_LChg-00034-00005880-00006031 and this was addressed in a classic 8P4Zsr_LChg-00035-00006032-00006247 episode of father ted in the episode a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00036-00006248-00006343 song for europe 8P4Zsr_LChg-00037-00006344-00006510 ted and dougal write a song called my 8P4Zsr_LChg-00038-00006511-00006695 lovely horse hoping to represent ireland 8P4Zsr_LChg-00039-00006695-00006855 in the eurovision despite being the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00040-00006856-00007031 clear worst performance of the night the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00041-00007031-00007191 song is ultimately selected as the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00042-00007192-00007351 winner of the eurosong contest 8P4Zsr_LChg-00043-00007352-00007519 and it is implied that ted and dougal 8P4Zsr_LChg-00044-00007520-00007703 were chosen because ireland did not want 8P4Zsr_LChg-00045-00007704-00007863 to win the eurovision yet again for 8P4Zsr_LChg-00046-00007864-00007974 financial reasons 8P4Zsr_LChg-00047-00007975-00008191 this episode references the 1994 8P4Zsr_LChg-00048-00008192-00008319 eurovision song contest 8P4Zsr_LChg-00049-00008320-00008487 where ireland allegedly tried to lose 8P4Zsr_LChg-00050-00008488-00008671 with the song rock and roll kids by paul 8P4Zsr_LChg-00051-00008672-00008839 harrington and charlie mcghettigan but 8P4Zsr_LChg-00052-00008840-00009006 those mad men went ahead and won the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00053-00009007-00009278 whole competition securing a record 226 8P4Zsr_LChg-00054-00009279-00009431 points and a hat trick for ireland 8P4Zsr_LChg-00055-00009432-00009591 this would be the second last time that 8P4Zsr_LChg-00056-00009592-00009774 ireland would enjoy eurovision glory 8P4Zsr_LChg-00057-00009775-00010006 before one more victory in 1996 8P4Zsr_LChg-00058-00010007-00010151 just a couple of weeks after this 8P4Zsr_LChg-00059-00010152-00010319 episode of father ted was broadcast 8P4Zsr_LChg-00060-00010320-00010503 on the other hand ted and dougal weren't 8P4Zsr_LChg-00061-00010504-00010695 as successful and ireland achieved their 8P4Zsr_LChg-00062-00010696-00010846 goal of losing the contest with the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00063-00010847-00011063 ridiculous entry my lovely horse 8P4Zsr_LChg-00064-00011064-00011263 this was just a silly joke in an irish 8P4Zsr_LChg-00065-00011264-00011431 sitcom which poked fun at ireland 8P4Zsr_LChg-00066-00011432-00011606 overachieving in the eurovision but 8P4Zsr_LChg-00067-00011607-00011806 nobody knew that ireland would actually 8P4Zsr_LChg-00068-00011807-00011935 pull a stunt like this 8P4Zsr_LChg-00069-00011936-00012223 12 years later and that it would be so 8P4Zsr_LChg-00070-00012224-00012278 much 8P4Zsr_LChg-00071-00012279-00012631 worse you know i was just about to utter 8P4Zsr_LChg-00072-00012632-00012703 the words 8P4Zsr_LChg-00073-00012704-00012863 ireland sent dust into turkey to the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00074-00012863-00013046 eurovision in 2008 8P4Zsr_LChg-00075-00013047-00013263 but i think i experienced ptsd as soon 8P4Zsr_LChg-00076-00013263-00013366 as i remember this 8P4Zsr_LChg-00077-00013368-00013615 we have definitely had better ideas and 8P4Zsr_LChg-00078-00013616-00013783 please do not ask me what we were 8P4Zsr_LChg-00079-00013784-00013958 smoking back in 2008 8P4Zsr_LChg-00080-00013959-00014135 but this is one of ireland's most iconic 8P4Zsr_LChg-00081-00014136-00014271 eurovision performances 8P4Zsr_LChg-00082-00014272-00014391 because it marked the point where we 8P4Zsr_LChg-00083-00014391-00014566 essentially cancelled the eurovision we 8P4Zsr_LChg-00084-00014568-00014694 have already discussed ireland's 8P4Zsr_LChg-00085-00014695-00014886 eurovision dominance in the 90s with an 8P4Zsr_LChg-00086-00014887-00015030 impressive track record of 8P4Zsr_LChg-00087-00015031-00015391 first first first 14th first and second 8P4Zsr_LChg-00088-00015391-00015591 before the era of mediocre results the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00089-00015591-00015775 year that we stopped giving a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00090-00015776-00015927 and the current decade where we failed 8P4Zsr_LChg-00091-00015928-00016111 to qualify four years in a row 8P4Zsr_LChg-00092-00016112-00016279 ireland's stranglehold on the eurovision 8P4Zsr_LChg-00093-00016280-00016447 is a distant nostalgic memory at this 8P4Zsr_LChg-00094-00016448-00016494 point 8P4Zsr_LChg-00095-00016495-00016655 and it leaves us wondering what went 8P4Zsr_LChg-00096-00016656-00016855 wrong along the way after peaking in the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00097-00016856-00016911 90s 8P4Zsr_LChg-00098-00016912-00017071 ireland gradually fell from grace 8P4Zsr_LChg-00099-00017072-00017255 throughout the years until they hit rock 8P4Zsr_LChg-00100-00017256-00017486 bottom with a last place finish in 2007. 8P4Zsr_LChg-00101-00017487-00017639 it was clear that there was no hope for 8P4Zsr_LChg-00102-00017640-00017799 us at this point and we knew that our 8P4Zsr_LChg-00103-00017800-00017943 previous success would remain in the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00104-00017944-00018079 past for all eternity 8P4Zsr_LChg-00105-00018080-00018319 so in 2008 everybody in the country 8P4Zsr_LChg-00106-00018320-00018399 collectively lost 8P4Zsr_LChg-00107-00018400-00018614 their minds and we gave a huge middle 8P4Zsr_LChg-00108-00018615-00018750 finger to the eurovision 8P4Zsr_LChg-00109-00018751-00018927 by sending dust in the turkey to 8P4Zsr_LChg-00110-00018928-00019094 represent irish music 8P4Zsr_LChg-00111-00019095-00019358 on an international stage now if you're 8P4Zsr_LChg-00112-00019359-00019543 lucky enough not to be from ireland 8P4Zsr_LChg-00113-00019544-00019711 you may be confused at our decision to 8P4Zsr_LChg-00114-00019712-00019886 send a mechanical turkey instead of an 8P4Zsr_LChg-00115-00019887-00020071 up-and-coming talented musician 8P4Zsr_LChg-00116-00020072-00020271 but let's just put this in context 8P4Zsr_LChg-00117-00020272-00020455 ireland was almost torn apart by a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00118-00020456-00020630 country singer not coming to croke park 8P4Zsr_LChg-00119-00020631-00020727 in 2014. 8P4Zsr_LChg-00120-00020728-00020943 ireland accidentally legalized ecstasy 8P4Zsr_LChg-00121-00020944-00021111 and crystal meth in 2015 8P4Zsr_LChg-00122-00021112-00021358 and dustin the turkey himself campaigned 8P4Zsr_LChg-00123-00021359-00021430 to become 8P4Zsr_LChg-00124-00021431-00021750 the president of ireland twice 8P4Zsr_LChg-00125-00021751-00021958 so all things considered sending him to 8P4Zsr_LChg-00126-00021959-00022135 the eurovision isn't extremely out of 8P4Zsr_LChg-00127-00022136-00022255 the ordinary for us 8P4Zsr_LChg-00128-00022256-00022447 dustin's eurovision performance may seem 8P4Zsr_LChg-00129-00022448-00022655 like an innocuous parody but myself and 8P4Zsr_LChg-00130-00022656-00022814 a team of researchers has some shocking 8P4Zsr_LChg-00131-00022815-00022958 information regarding doesn't the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00132-00022959-00023094 turkey's dark secrets 8P4Zsr_LChg-00133-00023095-00023294 and the repercussions of his performance 8P4Zsr_LChg-00134-00023295-00023486 i am officially calling out dustin the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00135-00023487-00023550 turkey 8P4Zsr_LChg-00136-00023551-00023686 because he represented us in the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00137-00023687-00023903 eurovision in may 2008 8P4Zsr_LChg-00138-00023904-00024047 and the irish governments declared a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00139-00024048-00024263 recession in september 2000 days 8P4Zsr_LChg-00140-00024264-00024463 and i think that is no coincidence some 8P4Zsr_LChg-00141-00024464-00024639 members of my team have accused doesn't 8P4Zsr_LChg-00142-00024640-00024719 the turkey of 8P4Zsr_LChg-00143-00024720-00024935 committing tax fraud trying to legalize 8P4Zsr_LChg-00144-00024936-00025222 the oaks and being a member of the ira 8P4Zsr_LChg-00145-00025223-00025422 but there's no concrete evidence to back 8P4Zsr_LChg-00146-00025423-00025575 up these claims just yet 8P4Zsr_LChg-00147-00025576-00025750 however the point stands that doesn't 8P4Zsr_LChg-00148-00025751-00025927 the turkey performing in the eurovision 8P4Zsr_LChg-00149-00025927-00026078 was ireland's biggest bra 8P4Zsr_LChg-00150-00026079-00026287 moment and probably one of the darkest 8P4Zsr_LChg-00151-00026288-00026414 points in irish history 8P4Zsr_LChg-00152-00026416-00026590 it wasn't a completely nonsensical 8P4Zsr_LChg-00153-00026591-00026751 decision though because doesn't the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00154-00026752-00026799 turkey 8P4Zsr_LChg-00155-00026800-00026967 actually has some musical experience 8P4Zsr_LChg-00156-00026968-00027151 under his belt he has released six 8P4Zsr_LChg-00157-00027152-00027390 albums with fan favorite hits such as 8P4Zsr_LChg-00158-00027391-00027614 where do you go to you're ugly don't 8P4Zsr_LChg-00159-00027616-00027718 blame the cultures 8P4Zsr_LChg-00160-00027719-00027999 and patricia the stripper none of these 8P4Zsr_LChg-00161-00028000-00028095 albums are good 8P4Zsr_LChg-00162-00028095-00028262 so nobody was expecting a winning 8P4Zsr_LChg-00163-00028263-00028374 performance from dustin in the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00164-00028375-00028479 eurovision 8P4Zsr_LChg-00165-00028480-00028687 and we were right dustin performed a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00166-00028688-00028902 brand new single ireland they do spa 8P4Zsr_LChg-00167-00028904-00029062 where he essentially spent three minutes 8P4Zsr_LChg-00168-00029063-00029255 in a trolley shouting give ireland 12 8P4Zsr_LChg-00169-00029256-00029327 points 8P4Zsr_LChg-00170-00029327-00029543 which nobody did if you're looking for 8P4Zsr_LChg-00171-00029544-00029711 genuinely entertaining music 8P4Zsr_LChg-00172-00029712-00029927 i'm not sure if this is the right choice 8P4Zsr_LChg-00173-00029927-00030079 but if you want to simulate the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00174-00030080-00030223 experience of having a stroke 8P4Zsr_LChg-00175-00030224-00030414 then i cannot recommend it enough 8P4Zsr_LChg-00176-00030416-00030567 looking back on this disaster 8P4Zsr_LChg-00177-00030568-00030767 it's actually amusing how a seven time 8P4Zsr_LChg-00178-00030768-00030943 winner of the contest stopped caring 8P4Zsr_LChg-00179-00030944-00031007 about 8P4Zsr_LChg-00180-00031008-00031270 having a reputation so we sent a novelty 8P4Zsr_LChg-00181-00031272-00031462 act to protest against this circus of a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00182-00031463-00031574 competition 8P4Zsr_LChg-00183-00031575-00031727 while making ourselves look like the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00184-00031727-00031935 clowns ireland could have been a normal 8P4Zsr_LChg-00185-00031936-00032143 country in 2008 and we could have sent 8P4Zsr_LChg-00186-00032144-00032270 an actual musician 8P4Zsr_LChg-00187-00032272-00032470 but we just had to be smart and look 8P4Zsr_LChg-00188-00032472-00032574 where that got us 8P4Zsr_LChg-00189-00032575-00032751 but in retrospect it makes sense that 8P4Zsr_LChg-00190-00032752-00032902 ireland would send the joke entry 8P4Zsr_LChg-00191-00032903-00033087 because the eurovision song contest is a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00192-00033088-00033183 complete first 8P4Zsr_LChg-00193-00033184-00033343 and good performances are few and far 8P4Zsr_LChg-00194-00033344-00033543 between sending dozen to turkey was a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00195-00033544-00033646 rebellious move 8P4Zsr_LChg-00196-00033647-00033862 because historically ireland is very 8P4Zsr_LChg-00197-00033863-00033974 good at rebellions 8P4Zsr_LChg-00198-00033975-00034143 refusing to take part in the contest 8P4Zsr_LChg-00199-00034144-00034327 properly was an act of defiance 8P4Zsr_LChg-00200-00034328-00034511 and it definitely wasn't out of spite 8P4Zsr_LChg-00201-00034512-00034646 because we're bitter that we're never 8P4Zsr_LChg-00202-00034647-00034767 going to win it again 8P4Zsr_LChg-00203-00034768-00034935 boycotting the eurovision has become a 8P4Zsr_LChg-00204-00034936-00035095 global trend this year though 8P4Zsr_LChg-00205-00035096-00035262 and i have never been a big fan of the 8P4Zsr_LChg-00206-00035263-00035439 contest myself so i think i should 8P4Zsr_LChg-00207-00035440-00035535 support the cause 8P4Zsr_LChg-00208-00035536-00035743 i will protest against the eurovision by 8P4Zsr_LChg-00209-00035744-00035967 refusing to watch rte ever again 8P4Zsr_LChg-00210-00035968-00036143 and i will never give up no matter what 8P4Zsr_LChg-00211-00036144-00036767 they put on that television 8P4Zsr_LChg-00212-00036768-00037927 yeah never mind i give up number one 8P4Zsr_LChg-00213-00037928-00038183 you have to chase a superhero on that 8P4Zsr_LChg-00214-00038184-00038447 run 8P_EXdEM8QU-00000-00000017-00000330 laughs 8P_EXdEM8QU-00001-00000331-00001521 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00002-00001522-00002200 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00003-00002201-00002213 [Applause] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00004-00002214-00002957 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00005-00002958-00003092 foreign 8P_EXdEM8QU-00006-00003093-00003281 [Applause] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00007-00003282-00003754 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00008-00003755-00004295 foreign 8P_EXdEM8QU-00009-00004296-00005220 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00010-00005221-00005351 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00011-00005352-00005519 [Applause] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00012-00005520-00007253 [Music] 8P_EXdEM8QU-00013-00007254-00007353 foreign 8P_EXdEM8QU-00014-00007354-00007748 [Music] 8PPFgTFSgzo-00000-00000007-00000407 the Pakistan green party Oh do paxton 8PPFgTFSgzo-00001-00000408-00000641 green pari also known as the Pakistan 8PPFgTFSgzo-00002-00000642-00000908 greens is a green political party in 8PPFgTFSgzo-00003-00000909-00001439 Pakistan it was founded on April 28 2002 8PPFgTFSgzo-00004-00001440-00001693 and is currently led by Liaquat Ali 8PPFgTFSgzo-00005-00001694-00002950 shake topic platform the ten basic 8PPFgTFSgzo-00006-00002951-00003206 values or policy positions of the 8PPFgTFSgzo-00007-00003207-00003463 Pakistan Greens are similar to the 10 8PPFgTFSgzo-00008-00003464-00003786 principles of other Green Party's 8PPFgTFSgzo-00009-00003787-00004244 grassroots democracy social justice and 8PPFgTFSgzo-00010-00004245-00004691 equal opportunity ecological wisdom eco 8PPFgTFSgzo-00011-00004692-00005272 sofy non-violence decentralization of 8PPFgTFSgzo-00012-00005273-00005599 authority from power to the people 8PPFgTFSgzo-00013-00005600-00005900 community based economics and economic 8PPFgTFSgzo-00014-00005901-00006428 justice gender equity respect for 8PPFgTFSgzo-00015-00006429-00006784 diversity personal and global 8PPFgTFSgzo-00016-00006784-00007717 responsibility sustainability topic 8PPFgTFSgzo-00017-00007718-00008366 controversy the Green Party of Pakistan 8PPFgTFSgzo-00018-00008367-00008648 has had members and activists physically 8PPFgTFSgzo-00019-00008649-00008834 attacked and killed as part of a 8PPFgTFSgzo-00020-00008835-00009211 campaign of political intimidation 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00000-00000016-00000786 [Music] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00002-00004370-00007084 I mean you know 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00003-00007084-00007342 I like the whole idea that you enter 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00004-00007343-00007612 nebula real nitin Ornella llamo do me 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00005-00007613-00007717 Nell a family 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00006-00007718-00008038 what are you enough no more talk my neck 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00007-00008039-00008179 and then that we decide we are moo 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00008-00008180-00008497 moo-moo-moo McCann saga for Lana 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00009-00008498-00008665 think about that your day going well 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00010-00008666-00008869 neatly note that about me I'm coming 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00011-00008870-00009379 Nagamani what on your Union in Lusaka 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00012-00009380-00009598 Monday in the sand and a Alma not a 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00013-00009599-00009850 coffin Lolo from equality 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00014-00009851-00010015 yeah I mean you guys are the saga 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00015-00010016-00010135 felonious know we're different of all 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00016-00010136-00010351 linden police why not my light enough 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00017-00010352-00010513 Sagaponack an operative in millennium 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00018-00010514-00010834 police how many ochika so will I need to 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00019-00010835-00011028 do to you give me a yellow Bobo Kennedy 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00020-00011029-00011284 me I'm gonna fit be my love now how did 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00021-00011285-00011509 he post huh laughs Tony Fallone Africa 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00022-00011510-00011929 saga is a small harem no not more than I 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00023-00011930-00012126 like more you bulls 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00024-00012127-00012510 you're a cop normally you boo like them 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00025-00012511-00012745 no default anchors a felon or them y'all 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00026-00012746-00012894 sallying a sag a fungal cortex for 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00027-00012895-00013122 unpruned Illuminati on for longer 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00028-00013124-00013368 saddening 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00029-00013369-00013857 huh like might already know a little 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00030-00013858-00014058 kinder than for them onto the moves like 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00031-00014059-00014130 yes sure 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00032-00014131-00014376 Norman I'm a cyclist a girl it be the 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00033-00014377-00014612 neighborhood when do you go for that 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00034-00014613-00014910 number like that photo so my partner got 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00035-00014911-00015347 some wonderful you began an affair 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00036-00015347-00015869 normally they're passing day pasyati 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00037-00015869-00016169 much deficit no see the money deposit it 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00038-00016171-00016565 is a horrible wa hangman be fully 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00039-00016566-00017184 Rahman who live Melanie Sarris 11 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00040-00017185-00017817 different um present assume none go to 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00041-00017818-00018122 my auditory ankle 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00042-00018123-00019394 mi amo el Ojo de la man put a second to 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00043-00019395-00019836 myself was not Japan have acquired much 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00044-00019837-00020055 respect to a digital respect to come a 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00045-00020056-00020331 little did you design you know ah boy 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00046-00020332-00020598 ocean on the mat a total black men Alana 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00047-00020599-00020778 Tony the Buckley they all look the 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00048-00020779-00021012 yarrow suit lighting a comment on the 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00049-00021013-00021180 lava you have come to my London 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00050-00021181-00021513 young Harlem but you want a mosaic of my 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00051-00021514-00021600 citizens 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00052-00021601-00022056 yo let me submit you exact month make 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00055-00031387-00032223 well we are but when I don't like wha 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00056-00032224-00033211 when you're wrong 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00057-00033212-00033895 no balls in the law to fill out a system 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00058-00033896-00034940 look to miss Amelia what's the time 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00059-00034941-00035672 except what I will do now a cancer 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00060-00035673-00035810 you're gonna live for nothing 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00061-00035811-00036083 go over it Yomi I don't wanna don't go 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00062-00036084-00036284 after I mean the house book me again 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00063-00036285-00038007 reckon I'll get you delegate 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00066-00051946-00053283 [Laughter] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00067-00053284-00054474 [Laughter] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00068-00054475-00054941 [Laughter] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00070-00060562-00061854 [Music] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00071-00061854-00062735 yeah 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00075-00078704-00080497 [Laughter] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00076-00080498-00082467 [Applause] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00077-00082468-00084290 [Music] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00079-00087922-00088240 Madame Interpol Katya Bell the vimana 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00080-00088241-00088705 song the Britannia sauce meow supper can 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00081-00088706-00088933 you buy gold ala right now gotta give me 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00082-00088934-00090397 another job but it'll hardly ever you 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00083-00090398-00090718 know video for them 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00084-00090719-00091192 there are both elected of Aloha yeah a 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00085-00091193-00092505 little bit 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00086-00092506-00093594 mom lied ever Madame Adam Savage Wow I'm 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00087-00093595-00093796 Lissa but this house is gonna mean I 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00089-00097675-00099798 [Music] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00093-00113613-00114201 you're not ideal I love you even though 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00095-00121347-00121670 maybe I can pad you're late for the book 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00096-00121671-00122405 campanula I'm Alan gonna book the money 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00097-00122406-00122708 no no no no don't want wonder my dog 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00098-00122709-00123255 over everything 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00099-00123256-00124026 [Music] 8Tuk8u2PVKo-00100-00124027-00124334 [Applause] 8azY5mgpzu8-00000-00000324-00000611 welcome to this session on open phone 8azY5mgpzu8-00001-00000612-00000869 tutorials here we'll see how to install 8azY5mgpzu8-00002-00000869-00001211 open form on Windows 10. 8azY5mgpzu8-00003-00001212-00001595 in all the tutorials we'll have screen 8azY5mgpzu8-00004-00001596-00001852 like this there are two sections to it 8azY5mgpzu8-00005-00001853-00002039 on the left hand side you will see what 8azY5mgpzu8-00006-00002039-00002297 you must do basically these are actions 8azY5mgpzu8-00007-00002298-00002584 that you may have to read and execute on 8azY5mgpzu8-00008-00002585-00002897 your computer or there might be commands 8azY5mgpzu8-00009-00002898-00003089 which you have to copy and paste on your 8azY5mgpzu8-00010-00003090-00003191 computer 8azY5mgpzu8-00011-00003192-00003449 on the right hand side you will see the 8azY5mgpzu8-00012-00003450-00003713 snapshots or visuals of what will happen 8azY5mgpzu8-00013-00003714-00003959 when you carry out this action so you 8azY5mgpzu8-00014-00003960-00004193 can use it to verify if you have done it 8azY5mgpzu8-00015-00004194-00004529 right or wrong 8azY5mgpzu8-00016-00004530-00004738 in this slide you see that these are set 8azY5mgpzu8-00017-00004739-00004931 of actions and these are the 8azY5mgpzu8-00018-00004932-00005302 corresponding uh display that is seen on 8azY5mgpzu8-00019-00005303-00005422 the computer 8azY5mgpzu8-00020-00005423-00005717 firstly you need to update your Windows 8azY5mgpzu8-00021-00005718-00006077 operating system you need a Windows 10 8azY5mgpzu8-00022-00006078-00006436 or higher even in that you might have to 8azY5mgpzu8-00023-00006437-00006853 apply the latest updates so go to uh 8azY5mgpzu8-00024-00006854-00007139 Windows start settings and Windows 8azY5mgpzu8-00025-00007140-00007420 update and check for updates 8azY5mgpzu8-00026-00007422-00007624 and in that you have to click on this 8azY5mgpzu8-00027-00007625-00007948 install updates after that you have to 8azY5mgpzu8-00028-00007950-00008381 in restart Windows usually a couple of 8azY5mgpzu8-00029-00008382-00008728 times it might require you to 8azY5mgpzu8-00030-00008729-00008910 um 8azY5mgpzu8-00031-00008911-00009364 till the final updates are installed 8azY5mgpzu8-00032-00009365-00009664 finally after all the installation is 8azY5mgpzu8-00033-00009665-00009833 completed you can check the current 8azY5mgpzu8-00034-00009834-00010092 version of Windows if you type 8azY5mgpzu8-00035-00010093-00010528 Windows logo key plus r and type win 8azY5mgpzu8-00036-00010529-00010751 word that is Windows version 8azY5mgpzu8-00037-00010752-00011110 and then select OK you will see the 8azY5mgpzu8-00038-00011111-00011296 versions of the version of the current 8azY5mgpzu8-00039-00011297-00011638 Windows operating system 8azY5mgpzu8-00040-00011639-00011999 firstly for uh installing open phone we 8azY5mgpzu8-00041-00012000-00012287 need to use this utility called as 8azY5mgpzu8-00042-00012288-00012563 Powershell Powershell is a command line 8azY5mgpzu8-00043-00012564-00012863 utility in Windows So to that you type 8azY5mgpzu8-00044-00012863-00013372 for Powershell on the Windows taskbar 8azY5mgpzu8-00045-00013373-00013666 the taskbar is here 8azY5mgpzu8-00046-00013668-00014080 and once you type partial you will find 8azY5mgpzu8-00047-00014081-00014351 the partial Windows partial app 8azY5mgpzu8-00048-00014352-00014603 instead of clicking on it directly you 8azY5mgpzu8-00049-00014604-00014872 must right click on it and run as 8azY5mgpzu8-00050-00014873-00015058 administrator that is very important 8azY5mgpzu8-00051-00015059-00015533 right click and run as administrator 8azY5mgpzu8-00052-00015534-00015761 then it will ask you for permissions if 8azY5mgpzu8-00053-00015762-00015977 it can allow you to make changes except 8azY5mgpzu8-00054-00015978-00016391 yes and then you will get a Windows 8azY5mgpzu8-00055-00016392-00016643 shell or a commercial like this called 8azY5mgpzu8-00056-00016644-00016936 as Windows partial with a prompt this is 8azY5mgpzu8-00057-00016937-00017236 called as shell product 8azY5mgpzu8-00058-00017237-00017519 on that you have to type the following 8azY5mgpzu8-00059-00017520-00017758 commands sometimes you might find that 8azY5mgpzu8-00060-00017759-00017929 the windows 8azY5mgpzu8-00061-00017930-00018275 terminal is having very small fonts if 8azY5mgpzu8-00062-00018276-00018503 you can't see them then you can right 8azY5mgpzu8-00063-00018504-00018791 click on this top small blue button icon 8azY5mgpzu8-00064-00018792-00018880 here 8azY5mgpzu8-00065-00018881-00019157 and then increase the font size by going 8azY5mgpzu8-00066-00019158-00019361 to properties 8azY5mgpzu8-00067-00019362-00019600 and then the font tab you can select the 8azY5mgpzu8-00068-00019601-00019769 size of the font 8azY5mgpzu8-00069-00019770-00020027 now once you are satisfied with that in 8azY5mgpzu8-00070-00020028-00020285 the windows prompt 8azY5mgpzu8-00071-00020286-00020422 which is 8azY5mgpzu8-00072-00020423-00020705 C colon Windows system 32 greater than 8azY5mgpzu8-00073-00020706-00020980 symbol up to this is called as a prompt 8azY5mgpzu8-00074-00020981-00021180 on that you have to type the following 8azY5mgpzu8-00075-00021181-00021749 WSL space minus minus installed so WSL 8azY5mgpzu8-00076-00021750-00022030 space minus minus installed now note 8azY5mgpzu8-00077-00022031-00022283 that this greater than symbol means that 8azY5mgpzu8-00078-00022284-00022486 this is a prompt you should not type the 8azY5mgpzu8-00079-00022487-00022685 greater than symbol on your this is 8azY5mgpzu8-00080-00022686-00023014 greater than symbol is already there 8azY5mgpzu8-00081-00023015-00023399 event here after a couple of once you 8azY5mgpzu8-00082-00023400-00023700 start installing uh WSL 8azY5mgpzu8-00083-00023701-00024022 WSL stands for Windows subsystem Linux 8azY5mgpzu8-00084-00024023-00024335 so on which you can install Ubuntu or 8azY5mgpzu8-00085-00024336-00024544 any other flavor of Linux 8azY5mgpzu8-00086-00024545-00024767 so uh when you do this for the first 8azY5mgpzu8-00087-00024768-00025042 time again you you will not get it 8azY5mgpzu8-00088-00025043-00025217 installed completely you might have to 8azY5mgpzu8-00089-00025218-00025433 do it couple of times at the end you 8azY5mgpzu8-00090-00025434-00025643 will see a message like this if you see 8azY5mgpzu8-00091-00025644-00025931 the changes will not be affected unless 8azY5mgpzu8-00092-00025932-00026164 the system is rebooted then you have to 8azY5mgpzu8-00093-00026166-00026446 reboot your system again and then repeat 8azY5mgpzu8-00094-00026447-00026831 from here to this WSL minus install and 8azY5mgpzu8-00095-00026832-00027052 then keep doing this unless you this 8azY5mgpzu8-00096-00027054-00027302 message reboot messages 8azY5mgpzu8-00097-00027302-00027683 [Music] 8azY5mgpzu8-00098-00027683-00027911 now we have to do 8azY5mgpzu8-00099-00027912-00028114 um installation of Ubuntu so once the 8azY5mgpzu8-00100-00028116-00028318 WSL is ready we have we can go and 8azY5mgpzu8-00101-00028319-00028570 install Ubuntu for that you have to go 8azY5mgpzu8-00102-00028572-00028914 to the uh app called as Microsoft store 8azY5mgpzu8-00103-00028916-00029285 on the Microsoft store app search for 8azY5mgpzu8-00104-00029286-00029567 uh Ubuntu and pick the latest version 8azY5mgpzu8-00105-00029568-00029902 the current latest version is 22.04 and 8azY5mgpzu8-00106-00029904-00030227 if you are seeing this video later it 8azY5mgpzu8-00107-00030227-00030461 might be a different version prefer to 8azY5mgpzu8-00108-00030462-00030790 use one LTS version LTS means long time 8azY5mgpzu8-00109-00030791-00031135 support so the current LTS version is 8azY5mgpzu8-00110-00031136-00031543 22.04.1 LTS so select that and say get 8azY5mgpzu8-00111-00031544-00031943 and this will download the basic of 8azY5mgpzu8-00112-00031944-00032087 [Music] 8azY5mgpzu8-00113-00032088-00032368 the Linux operating system and then 8azY5mgpzu8-00114-00032369-00032651 click on open so 8azY5mgpzu8-00115-00032652-00032896 um when you click on open then the 8azY5mgpzu8-00116-00032897-00033209 whatever was downloaded goes into this 8azY5mgpzu8-00117-00033210-00033437 unpacking the distro so if you click on 8azY5mgpzu8-00118-00033438-00033755 this button here you can see the 8azY5mgpzu8-00119-00033756-00033935 progress of what is happening so it 8azY5mgpzu8-00120-00033936-00034318 takes quite some time to unpack Linux 8azY5mgpzu8-00121-00034319-00034523 and then it'll ask you for certain 8azY5mgpzu8-00122-00034524-00034733 things to be carried out 8azY5mgpzu8-00123-00034734-00035051 the first thing that comes up during 8azY5mgpzu8-00124-00035052-00035357 setup of Ubuntu is it will ask you for 8azY5mgpzu8-00125-00035358-00035639 the language that you want to use select 8azY5mgpzu8-00126-00035640-00035735 English 8azY5mgpzu8-00127-00035736-00035915 and then it will ask you for certain 8azY5mgpzu8-00128-00035916-00036112 configuration options for the mount 8azY5mgpzu8-00129-00036113-00036335 location just leave this as default 8azY5mgpzu8-00130-00036336-00036677 nothing to change here then in all these 8azY5mgpzu8-00131-00036678-00036971 things this is uh terminal so you cannot 8azY5mgpzu8-00132-00036972-00037211 use your mouse to move up and down you 8azY5mgpzu8-00133-00037212-00037396 cannot click on this and move up and 8azY5mgpzu8-00134-00037397-00037607 down so what you have to do is to move 8azY5mgpzu8-00135-00037608-00037865 the cursor Keys the keyboard cursor case 8azY5mgpzu8-00136-00037866-00038171 up down left right you can use them and 8azY5mgpzu8-00137-00038172-00038429 move your cursor from top to down once 8azY5mgpzu8-00138-00038430-00038615 you make all these collection selections 8azY5mgpzu8-00139-00038616-00038885 at the bottom you will see this when 8azY5mgpzu8-00140-00038886-00039199 this cursor comes to the bottom done 8azY5mgpzu8-00141-00039200-00039479 section then that will change to Green 8azY5mgpzu8-00142-00039480-00039767 so when it change to Green hit enter and 8azY5mgpzu8-00143-00039768-00039952 this setup this settings will get 8azY5mgpzu8-00144-00039953-00040180 accepted then in the next screen it will 8azY5mgpzu8-00145-00040181-00040337 ask you for your name 8azY5mgpzu8-00146-00040338-00040655 uh and a username a name is a full name 8azY5mgpzu8-00147-00040656-00040895 you can have spaces in them like please 8azY5mgpzu8-00148-00040896-00041099 under is my full name 8azY5mgpzu8-00149-00041100-00041393 uh this is called as a display name but 8azY5mgpzu8-00150-00041394-00041633 a username should always be in small 8azY5mgpzu8-00151-00041634-00041921 letters and there should be no spaces or 8azY5mgpzu8-00152-00041922-00042137 special characters here so keep a short 8azY5mgpzu8-00153-00042138-00042340 name usually your first name or your 8azY5mgpzu8-00154-00042341-00042701 last name as your username 8azY5mgpzu8-00155-00042702-00042905 after that you have to select a password 8azY5mgpzu8-00156-00042906-00043168 choose a strong password as usual and 8azY5mgpzu8-00157-00043169-00043421 confirm the password again at the end of 8azY5mgpzu8-00158-00043422-00043727 the screen you will see a done section 8azY5mgpzu8-00159-00043728-00043967 move down using your cursors to the done 8azY5mgpzu8-00160-00043968-00044374 section and accept the press enter 8azY5mgpzu8-00161-00044375-00044793 foreign 8azY5mgpzu8-00162-00044794-00045108 [Music] 8azY5mgpzu8-00163-00045109-00045346 depending on your Net Connection and 8azY5mgpzu8-00164-00045347-00045574 installation time all this installation 8azY5mgpzu8-00165-00045575-00046030 of Ubuntu can take uh about 20 to 30 8azY5mgpzu8-00166-00046031-00046271 minutes sometimes more if it is a slower 8azY5mgpzu8-00167-00046272-00046529 Network 8azY5mgpzu8-00168-00046530-00046757 so once the Ubuntu installation is 8azY5mgpzu8-00169-00046758-00047015 complete then you have to launch the 8azY5mgpzu8-00170-00047016-00047351 Ubuntu now Ubuntu remember was an app 8azY5mgpzu8-00171-00047352-00047608 Ubuntu was an app and we did this 8azY5mgpzu8-00172-00047609-00047861 installation inside that and once the 8azY5mgpzu8-00173-00047862-00048023 installation is complete you can search 8azY5mgpzu8-00174-00048024-00048317 for the Ubuntu app in the windows 8azY5mgpzu8-00175-00048318-00048593 taskbar so you go to Windows taskbar 8azY5mgpzu8-00176-00048594-00048815 here and say Ubuntu 8azY5mgpzu8-00177-00048816-00049396 and you will see the Ubuntu app here 8azY5mgpzu8-00178-00049397-00049702 so once you select Ubuntu app and launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00179-00049703-00049955 it you will get the terminal which looks 8azY5mgpzu8-00180-00049956-00050230 like this 8azY5mgpzu8-00181-00050231-00050608 this is the Ubuntu launched terminal so 8azY5mgpzu8-00182-00050609-00050771 this is a small window 8azY5mgpzu8-00183-00050772-00051311 so this window again has a prompt 8azY5mgpzu8-00184-00051312-00051719 so in Ubuntu by default The Prompt has 8azY5mgpzu8-00185-00051720-00051988 got your username which you selected uh 8azY5mgpzu8-00186-00051989-00052192 in the previous screen 8azY5mgpzu8-00187-00052194-00052463 I had selected a username assume there 8azY5mgpzu8-00188-00052464-00052823 so my username comes as uh Sundar here 8azY5mgpzu8-00189-00052824-00053092 and the computer name whatever name that 8azY5mgpzu8-00190-00053094-00053338 you had given to your computer maybe in 8azY5mgpzu8-00191-00053339-00053537 Windows installation or here that will 8azY5mgpzu8-00192-00053538-00053754 or some random number will 8azY5mgpzu8-00193-00053755-00054173 attach to your computer 8azY5mgpzu8-00194-00054174-00054575 so in Linux The Prompt ends with the 8azY5mgpzu8-00195-00054576-00054911 dollar symbol like in Windows the 8azY5mgpzu8-00196-00054912-00055150 prompts shell prompt was symbol was 8azY5mgpzu8-00197-00055151-00055366 greater than symbol here it is a dollar 8azY5mgpzu8-00198-00055367-00055625 symbol and in this tutorial and all 8azY5mgpzu8-00199-00055626-00055853 other tutorials if you see a dollar 8azY5mgpzu8-00200-00055854-00056176 symbol that means you have to type this 8azY5mgpzu8-00201-00056177-00056741 text on a window uh Ubuntu terminal just 8azY5mgpzu8-00202-00056741-00056999 called as a Ubuntu terminal this is the 8azY5mgpzu8-00203-00057000-00057275 Ubuntu terminal on this Ubuntu terminal 8azY5mgpzu8-00204-00057276-00057616 you have to type this commands like for 8azY5mgpzu8-00205-00057617-00057737 example 8azY5mgpzu8-00206-00057738-00058054 I can type sudo app update so I go to 8azY5mgpzu8-00207-00058055-00058541 the terminal I type sudo at update 8azY5mgpzu8-00208-00058541-00058780 so first time when you install Ubuntu 8azY5mgpzu8-00209-00058782-00059015 the latest updates will be installed if 8azY5mgpzu8-00210-00059016-00059237 you do this so when I type this and type 8azY5mgpzu8-00211-00059238-00059404 hit enter 8azY5mgpzu8-00212-00059405-00059638 It'll ask for my password this is only 8azY5mgpzu8-00213-00059639-00059854 one time I need to type password so I'll 8azY5mgpzu8-00214-00059855-00060353 type my password now 8azY5mgpzu8-00215-00060354-00060580 so then when if you need to have the 8azY5mgpzu8-00216-00060582-00060791 network connection so once the network 8azY5mgpzu8-00217-00060791-00061019 connection is there then it will 8azY5mgpzu8-00218-00061020-00061444 download all the required updates 8azY5mgpzu8-00219-00061445-00061763 it checks for all the dependencies and 8azY5mgpzu8-00220-00061764-00061966 tells you whether anything needs to be 8azY5mgpzu8-00221-00061967-00062219 update so it says that all packages are 8azY5mgpzu8-00222-00062220-00062399 outputed because I had already updated 8azY5mgpzu8-00223-00062400-00062632 my Ubuntu in your case the first time 8azY5mgpzu8-00224-00062633-00062861 when you do a class for several things 8azY5mgpzu8-00225-00062862-00063197 to be done so this is just initial 8azY5mgpzu8-00226-00063198-00063419 update but this actually does not 8azY5mgpzu8-00227-00063420-00063604 install the packages to install the 8azY5mgpzu8-00228-00063605-00063754 packages you need to type the second 8azY5mgpzu8-00229-00063755-00064187 command sudo Arc minus by upgrade sudo 8azY5mgpzu8-00230-00064188-00064582 at minus by upgrade so first is update 8azY5mgpzu8-00231-00064583-00064894 second is upgrade so in this case 8azY5mgpzu8-00232-00064895-00065123 and hit enter it will not ask for a 8azY5mgpzu8-00233-00065124-00065356 password and in my case since I have 8azY5mgpzu8-00234-00065357-00065567 already updated Ubuntu recently there is 8azY5mgpzu8-00235-00065568-00065794 nothing to upgrade and nothing to newly 8azY5mgpzu8-00236-00065795-00065975 installed so 8azY5mgpzu8-00237-00065976-00066232 but in your case when it was the first 8azY5mgpzu8-00238-00066233-00066413 time a lot of packages will be 8azY5mgpzu8-00239-00066414-00066647 downloaded and updated again that will 8azY5mgpzu8-00240-00066648-00066887 take that can take about 15-20 minutes 8azY5mgpzu8-00241-00066888-00067175 or half an hour or more 8azY5mgpzu8-00242-00067176-00067415 remember that don't type dollar dollar 8azY5mgpzu8-00243-00067416-00067606 means the prompt and you are not you 8azY5mgpzu8-00244-00067607-00067781 don't have to type that so you just need 8azY5mgpzu8-00245-00067782-00067961 now when you whenever you see a dollar 8azY5mgpzu8-00246-00067962-00068188 symbol it means the commands that appear 8azY5mgpzu8-00247-00068189-00068441 here have to be typed on this 8azY5mgpzu8-00248-00068442-00068950 uh terminal window 8azY5mgpzu8-00249-00068951-00069155 now we are going to go and install open 8azY5mgpzu8-00250-00069156-00069419 phone now we have got Linux system 8azY5mgpzu8-00251-00069420-00069725 running on Windows as a Windows app 8azY5mgpzu8-00252-00069726-00069994 inside that we are going to install open 8azY5mgpzu8-00253-00069995-00070415 phone now a lot of things uh instead of 8azY5mgpzu8-00254-00070416-00070625 typing all these things you can do a 8azY5mgpzu8-00255-00070626-00070876 copy pasting now you can copy it from 8azY5mgpzu8-00256-00070877-00071317 the this slides there is a link to the 8azY5mgpzu8-00257-00071318-00071638 slides of this video given in this 8azY5mgpzu8-00258-00071639-00071915 section below as well as on your mobile 8azY5mgpzu8-00259-00071916-00072137 course so what you can do is you can 8azY5mgpzu8-00260-00072138-00072299 open those slides 8azY5mgpzu8-00261-00072300-00072550 and copy this text so I'm going to do 8azY5mgpzu8-00262-00072551-00072838 that now 8azY5mgpzu8-00263-00072839-00073199 I can copy this text 8azY5mgpzu8-00264-00073200-00073397 like that 8azY5mgpzu8-00265-00073398-00073835 I hit Ctrl C for copy 8azY5mgpzu8-00266-00073836-00074153 and then I go to my 8azY5mgpzu8-00267-00074154-00074344 terminal window 8azY5mgpzu8-00268-00074345-00074579 on the terminal window I can type 8azY5mgpzu8-00269-00074580-00074812 everything but it's a lot to type so 8azY5mgpzu8-00270-00074813-00075035 just make sure you copy the entire line 8azY5mgpzu8-00271-00075036-00075299 and then go to your terminal window and 8azY5mgpzu8-00272-00075300-00075575 on your mouse click on the right button 8azY5mgpzu8-00273-00075576-00075797 so as you do the right button whatever 8azY5mgpzu8-00274-00075798-00076115 you copied there will get pasted here so 8azY5mgpzu8-00275-00076116-00076306 copy is Ctrl C 8azY5mgpzu8-00276-00076307-00076649 and paste this right button on the 8azY5mgpzu8-00277-00076650-00076921 terminal window so then I can hit enter 8azY5mgpzu8-00278-00076922-00077225 then it will do this so similarly once 8azY5mgpzu8-00279-00077226-00077417 this command is done you have to copy 8azY5mgpzu8-00280-00077418-00077591 this command and paste this command 8azY5mgpzu8-00281-00077592-00077843 paste and this command paste so all 8azY5mgpzu8-00282-00077844-00077975 these things 8azY5mgpzu8-00283-00077976-00078250 it's easier if you get used to this Ctrl 8azY5mgpzu8-00284-00078251-00078593 C and right click most of the tutorials 8azY5mgpzu8-00285-00078594-00078821 that you see here or you see on the web 8azY5mgpzu8-00286-00078822-00079031 will tell you a series of commands to be 8azY5mgpzu8-00287-00079032-00079325 executed so if you go to Google and 8azY5mgpzu8-00288-00079326-00079541 search for a certain help that you want 8azY5mgpzu8-00289-00079542-00079697 they'll tell you please do these these 8azY5mgpzu8-00290-00079698-00079894 six things instead of actually typing 8azY5mgpzu8-00291-00079895-00080050 all those things what you can do is just 8azY5mgpzu8-00292-00080051-00080338 copy them and paste them using right 8azY5mgpzu8-00293-00080339-00080615 awesome button 8azY5mgpzu8-00294-00080616-00080917 once you have done 8azY5mgpzu8-00295-00080918-00081143 installation of so this actually 8azY5mgpzu8-00296-00081144-00081444 installs an app get install open phone 8azY5mgpzu8-00297-00081445-00081767 installs the latest version currently 8azY5mgpzu8-00298-00081768-00081959 the latest version of open form is 8azY5mgpzu8-00299-00081960-00082312 version 10. there are actually two 8azY5mgpzu8-00300-00082313-00082553 flavors of open foam one from 8azY5mgpzu8-00301-00082554-00082695 openphone.org 8azY5mgpzu8-00302-00082696-00082882 [Music] 8azY5mgpzu8-00303-00082883-00083118 and other from open 8azY5mgpzu8-00304-00083119-00083512 phone.com one is org other is com we'll 8azY5mgpzu8-00305-00083513-00083968 be using org here but the uh 8azY5mgpzu8-00306-00083969-00084203 for certain cases you might also want to 8azY5mgpzu8-00307-00084204-00084556 try the com version and you can it will 8azY5mgpzu8-00308-00084557-00084737 all use a very similar command except 8azY5mgpzu8-00309-00084738-00084976 for instead of this you will be using 8azY5mgpzu8-00310-00084977-00085332 some other repository so this is the 8azY5mgpzu8-00311-00085333-00085703 location where you can download the open 8azY5mgpzu8-00312-00085704-00085823 phone 8azY5mgpzu8-00313-00085824-00086129 from this repository for openphone.com 8azY5mgpzu8-00314-00086130-00086315 there will be a corresponding different 8azY5mgpzu8-00315-00086316-00086753 repository here 8azY5mgpzu8-00316-00086754-00087047 now firstly once Workman form is 8azY5mgpzu8-00317-00087048-00087268 installed correctly we have to set up 8azY5mgpzu8-00318-00087269-00087575 the open form only for the first time 8azY5mgpzu8-00319-00087576-00087856 again for that copy paste this command 8azY5mgpzu8-00320-00087857-00088193 using Ctrl C and then paste it on your 8azY5mgpzu8-00321-00088194-00088432 this one press it on your early next 8azY5mgpzu8-00322-00088433-00088511 Target 8azY5mgpzu8-00323-00088512-00088697 after that again you have to do this 8azY5mgpzu8-00324-00088698-00089075 Source home dot bashless note that in 8azY5mgpzu8-00325-00089076-00089261 many of these cases this dot is very 8azY5mgpzu8-00326-00089262-00089500 important so that's why it is better you 8azY5mgpzu8-00327-00089501-00089771 copy and paste and not just type it out 8azY5mgpzu8-00328-00089772-00089932 yourself if you're typing out make sure 8azY5mgpzu8-00329-00089933-00090118 that you don't miss out all these dots 8azY5mgpzu8-00330-00090119-00090485 and quotes and these are very sensitive 8azY5mgpzu8-00331-00090486-00090743 now to check if the open form has been 8azY5mgpzu8-00332-00090744-00091012 installed correctly again go to the 8azY5mgpzu8-00333-00091013-00091276 terminal and type simple form minus 8azY5mgpzu8-00334-00091277-00091499 space minus help 8azY5mgpzu8-00335-00091500-00091894 so not this uh cap f is capital and 8azY5mgpzu8-00336-00091895-00092147 there is a space here so if I type on 8azY5mgpzu8-00337-00092148-00092375 the terminal simple form minus help it 8azY5mgpzu8-00338-00092376-00092573 will tell you the instructions how to 8azY5mgpzu8-00339-00092574-00092825 use simple form uh we are not going to 8azY5mgpzu8-00340-00092826-00092999 tell you about how to use simple form 8azY5mgpzu8-00341-00093000-00093262 now this is just to make sure that all 8azY5mgpzu8-00342-00093263-00093473 that open form has been installed and 8azY5mgpzu8-00343-00093474-00093785 the initial setup has been done properly 8azY5mgpzu8-00344-00093786-00093976 if this does not work if it says this 8azY5mgpzu8-00345-00093977-00094229 command not found you have to do this 8azY5mgpzu8-00346-00094230-00094391 properly and go back to the previous 8azY5mgpzu8-00347-00094392-00094649 step and make sure you have done all of 8azY5mgpzu8-00348-00094650-00094888 these things and then come to this and 8azY5mgpzu8-00349-00094889-00094993 you should get this 8azY5mgpzu8-00350-00094994-00095194 [Music] 8azY5mgpzu8-00351-00095195-00095459 now we also need another application 8azY5mgpzu8-00352-00095460-00095944 called as X server now X server is 8azY5mgpzu8-00353-00095945-00096161 um 8azY5mgpzu8-00354-00096162-00096467 application which runs on Windows which 8azY5mgpzu8-00355-00096468-00096838 can display uh graphic applications of 8azY5mgpzu8-00356-00096839-00097223 Linux so like if you open a Windows uh 8azY5mgpzu8-00357-00097224-00097397 you open your word or you want your 8azY5mgpzu8-00358-00097398-00097588 PowerPoint you get a graphic user 8azY5mgpzu8-00359-00097589-00097829 interface now the graphic user interface 8azY5mgpzu8-00360-00097830-00098074 from Linux if you want to display it on 8azY5mgpzu8-00361-00098075-00098374 Windows you need to do this first now 8azY5mgpzu8-00362-00098375-00098621 all the for running open form you don't 8azY5mgpzu8-00363-00098622-00098812 need any graphic you send it interface 8azY5mgpzu8-00364-00098813-00099094 but for displaying the results using 8azY5mgpzu8-00365-00099095-00099337 para view we need this 8azY5mgpzu8-00366-00099338-00099665 x server so what you do is to this calls 8azY5mgpzu8-00367-00099666-00099982 VC Excel you can get the latest version 8azY5mgpzu8-00368-00099983-00100276 from here sourceforce.net and the 8azY5mgpzu8-00369-00100277-00100609 current latest version is this 64. 8azY5mgpzu8-00370-00100610-00100918 uh if you check this video at some time 8azY5mgpzu8-00371-00100919-00101081 later you might find a different version 8azY5mgpzu8-00372-00101082-00101297 so whatever it is just download the 8azY5mgpzu8-00373-00101298-00101447 latest version 8azY5mgpzu8-00374-00101448-00101794 and uh do the usual installation after 8azY5mgpzu8-00375-00101795-00101993 installation is complete go to the 8azY5mgpzu8-00376-00101994-00102353 Windows task bar and type X launch so 8azY5mgpzu8-00377-00102354-00102610 I'm going to the windows taskbar now and 8azY5mgpzu8-00378-00102611-00102875 typing X launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00379-00102876-00103168 so you can see this x launch app 8azY5mgpzu8-00380-00103169-00103702 so you have to click on the X launch app 8azY5mgpzu8-00381-00103703-00103913 so when you click on the It'll ask you 8azY5mgpzu8-00382-00103914-00104254 first time it'll ask you whether you can 8azY5mgpzu8-00383-00104255-00104518 allow changes allow access to this so 8azY5mgpzu8-00384-00104519-00104723 please allow access 8azY5mgpzu8-00385-00104724-00105113 and then uh sorry this uh sorry Ally 8azY5mgpzu8-00386-00105114-00105634 access will come during installation of 8azY5mgpzu8-00387-00105635-00105965 X server uh once that is you have to 8azY5mgpzu8-00388-00105966-00106151 allow access and after you do this you 8azY5mgpzu8-00389-00106152-00106481 have to launch the uh X server X launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00390-00106482-00106733 so X launch also a couple of questions 8azY5mgpzu8-00391-00106733-00106913 it will ask you just use the default 8azY5mgpzu8-00392-00106914-00107207 settings and finally you will get this 8azY5mgpzu8-00393-00107208-00107531 uh extra settings I'll show you how in 8azY5mgpzu8-00394-00107532-00107699 the extra settings only you have to make 8azY5mgpzu8-00395-00107700-00107866 some changes 8azY5mgpzu8-00396-00107867-00108334 so I type go to x launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00397-00108335-00108766 so it first asked me for 8azY5mgpzu8-00398-00108767-00109031 multiple windows I just accept the 8azY5mgpzu8-00399-00109032-00109313 default start is also default and it is 8azY5mgpzu8-00400-00109314-00109516 extra setting I just need to uncheck 8azY5mgpzu8-00401-00109517-00109997 this native overgl and check the disable 8azY5mgpzu8-00402-00109998-00110231 access control and say next and then 8azY5mgpzu8-00403-00110232-00110369 finish 8azY5mgpzu8-00404-00110370-00110651 so this means your X server is nothing 8azY5mgpzu8-00405-00110652-00110986 else you can see now but the X server is 8azY5mgpzu8-00406-00110988-00111178 running you can check the X server down 8azY5mgpzu8-00407-00111179-00111431 here if you go down and check for this 8azY5mgpzu8-00408-00111432-00111665 this one you will see this x launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00409-00111666-00112331 server that is running here 8azY5mgpzu8-00410-00112332-00112463 now 8azY5mgpzu8-00411-00112464-00112751 come to to open Linux application that 8azY5mgpzu8-00412-00112752-00113063 is Linux graphic user application you 8azY5mgpzu8-00413-00113064-00113428 have to come to the Ubuntu terminal and 8azY5mgpzu8-00414-00113429-00113621 copy paste the following note this 8azY5mgpzu8-00415-00113622-00113849 entire thing is one single line it is 8azY5mgpzu8-00416-00113850-00114107 just coming in two lines here you should 8azY5mgpzu8-00417-00114108-00114389 not give a new line here it's just one 8azY5mgpzu8-00418-00114390-00114634 single line so just copy this entire 8azY5mgpzu8-00419-00114635-00114952 thing from the slides and then paste it 8azY5mgpzu8-00420-00114953-00115283 using right click on your Ubuntu shell 8azY5mgpzu8-00421-00115283-00115589 so when you paste this you will not say 8azY5mgpzu8-00422-00115590-00115721 anything 8azY5mgpzu8-00423-00115722-00116057 then you have to say dot form slash dot 8azY5mgpzu8-00424-00116058-00116321 Bashas again again there is no output 8azY5mgpzu8-00425-00116322-00116531 for that this you just have to do this 8azY5mgpzu8-00426-00116532-00116908 now once this is done all your 8azY5mgpzu8-00427-00116909-00117178 Linux graphic user interface now will 8azY5mgpzu8-00428-00117179-00117508 appear in your Windows X launch so these 8azY5mgpzu8-00429-00117509-00117701 are two operating systems so whatever is 8azY5mgpzu8-00430-00117702-00117840 coming from 8azY5mgpzu8-00431-00117841-00118097 Linux has to be displayed here and 8azY5mgpzu8-00432-00118098-00118427 that's why we are using this x launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00433-00118428-00118643 there are some other helper applications 8azY5mgpzu8-00434-00118644-00119002 which also you need to install these are 8azY5mgpzu8-00435-00119003-00119249 useful when you do analysis using open 8azY5mgpzu8-00436-00119250-00119669 phone some of them are gated these are 8azY5mgpzu8-00437-00119670-00119915 um files so these are just basically a 8azY5mgpzu8-00438-00119916-00120257 file editor you can use it to edit files 8azY5mgpzu8-00439-00120258-00120634 then you can also use install gme plot 8azY5mgpzu8-00440-00120635-00120916 and GNE plot X11 which is used to plot 8azY5mgpzu8-00441-00120917-00121234 some simple graphs and then this is a 8azY5mgpzu8-00442-00121235-00121547 impact player so just do an install of 8azY5mgpzu8-00443-00121548-00121793 all these things on your Ubuntu tab 8azY5mgpzu8-00444-00121794-00122008 now once all this is done you can check 8azY5mgpzu8-00445-00122009-00122278 if your graphics is working and go to 8azY5mgpzu8-00446-00122279-00122483 your Ubuntu terminal prompt dollar and 8azY5mgpzu8-00447-00122483-00122693 type para view then you will see a 8azY5mgpzu8-00448-00122694-00122890 graphic user interface like this I'll 8azY5mgpzu8-00449-00122891-00123247 show you that so I go to terminal window 8azY5mgpzu8-00450-00123248-00125071 type para View and hit enter 8azY5mgpzu8-00451-00125072-00125314 I'm running two different applications 8azY5mgpzu8-00452-00125315-00126928 that's why this problem is there I'll 8azY5mgpzu8-00453-00126929-00127204 okay 8azY5mgpzu8-00454-00127205-00127510 so I had started two terminals two x 8azY5mgpzu8-00455-00127511-00127666 launches by mistake that's why it didn't 8azY5mgpzu8-00456-00127667-00127913 work now when you have a single X launch 8azY5mgpzu8-00457-00127914-00128345 application which is running here 8azY5mgpzu8-00458-00128346-00128608 you come come to this and type go to 8azY5mgpzu8-00459-00128609-00128695 your 8azY5mgpzu8-00460-00128696-00129078 Linux Ubuntu 8azY5mgpzu8-00461-00129079-00129586 prompt and type para View 8azY5mgpzu8-00462-00129588-00129857 and that will open this para view window 8azY5mgpzu8-00463-00129858-00130066 okay so this is the better view window I 8azY5mgpzu8-00464-00130067-00130289 can where we can use it to visualize 8azY5mgpzu8-00465-00130290-00130451 we'll have a separate tutorial on this 8azY5mgpzu8-00466-00130452-00130751 later I'm just exiting this 8azY5mgpzu8-00467-00130752-00131039 okay so that's the end of this talk to 8azY5mgpzu8-00468-00131040-00131285 summarize we saw that we need to update 8azY5mgpzu8-00469-00131286-00131609 Ubuntu first so update Windows first get 8azY5mgpzu8-00470-00131610-00131878 the latest patches and Bug fixes then 8azY5mgpzu8-00471-00131879-00132257 install WSL Ubuntu and then open format 8azY5mgpzu8-00472-00132258-00132407 related applications 8azY5mgpzu8-00473-00132408-00132686 thank you 8dn568UTu88-00000-00000000-00000227 the man weighs 200 pounds and is leaning 8dn568UTu88-00001-00000228-00000394 back so we can pull on that door handle 8dn568UTu88-00002-00000395-00000559 as hard as you can how hard can you pull 8dn568UTu88-00003-00000560-00000755 and how far back to ceiling first thing 8dn568UTu88-00004-00000756-00000925 to do of course is our free body diagram 8dn568UTu88-00005-00000926-00001097 of your free body diagram you're going 8dn568UTu88-00006-00001098-00001366 to consider two for two or three forces 8dn568UTu88-00007-00001367-00001537 acting on the man clearly there's going 8dn568UTu88-00008-00001538-00001718 to be this normal force here at his feet 8dn568UTu88-00009-00001719-00001909 and present mean he's not actually 8dn568UTu88-00010-00001910-00002123 sliding toward the door there's going to 8dn568UTu88-00011-00002124-00002345 be this force friction force now in 8dn568UTu88-00012-00002346-00002495 terms of trying to figure out which way 8dn568UTu88-00013-00002496-00002705 that friction force goes consider the 8dn568UTu88-00014-00002706-00003020 handle itself the man is pulling on the 8dn568UTu88-00015-00003021-00003313 handle that means essentially the handle 8dn568UTu88-00016-00003314-00003629 is pulling on the man the mint as you 8dn568UTu88-00017-00003629-00003854 pull on a door handle your feet want to 8dn568UTu88-00018-00003854-00004049 slide toward the door so friction 8dn568UTu88-00019-00004050-00004288 opposes the sliding toward the door so 8dn568UTu88-00020-00004289-00004502 friction points to the left three feet 8dn568UTu88-00021-00004503-00004697 off the ground is our P and we've got 8dn568UTu88-00022-00004698-00004972 this d has a distance between N and the 8dn568UTu88-00023-00004973-00005161 center of gravity which produces the 8dn568UTu88-00024-00005162-00005315 weight that's our free body diagram 8dn568UTu88-00025-00005316-00005611 equations of equilibrium say F equals P 8dn568UTu88-00026-00005612-00005900 W equals N and the sum of the moments at 8dn568UTu88-00027-00005901-00006238 say his foot gives me w times D equals P 8dn568UTu88-00028-00006239-00006442 times three so the distance he wants to 8dn568UTu88-00029-00006443-00006646 lean back it's going to be three p / w 8dn568UTu88-00030-00006647-00006812 whatever those numbers are we don't 8dn568UTu88-00031-00006813-00006944 actually know any of them until we 8dn568UTu88-00032-00006945-00007214 consider that he needs to not slide 8dn568UTu88-00033-00007215-00007466 toward the door f cannot exceed mu times 8dn568UTu88-00034-00007467-00007748 n so the maximum f is 0 point five 8dn568UTu88-00035-00007748-00008003 that's our static coefficient pens n or 8dn568UTu88-00036-00008004-00008267 point five times 200 pounds so the 8dn568UTu88-00037-00008268-00008503 maximum friction force I can have is 100 8dn568UTu88-00038-00008504-00008780 pounds f is equal to P so this is my P 8dn568UTu88-00039-00008781-00009017 that as hard as he can pull I want to 8dn568UTu88-00040-00009018-00009338 plug that into D to get 1.5 feet now I 8dn568UTu88-00041-00009339-00009556 can answer the question the man can pull 8dn568UTu88-00042-00009557-00009824 at a hundred pounds by positioning his 8dn568UTu88-00043-00009825-00010106 center of gravity one point five feet 8dn568UTu88-00044-00010107-00010489 behind his feet 8f61HawHQ8u-00000-00001151-00002839 [Music] 8f61HawHQ8u-00001-00002840-00002975 hello everyone 8f61HawHQ8u-00002-00002976-00003286 welcome to writescon online asia keynote 8f61HawHQ8u-00003-00003288-00003519 my name is lisa garcia i am the 8f61HawHQ8u-00004-00003520-00003735 executive director of the foundation for 8f61HawHQ8u-00005-00003736-00003879 media alternatives 8f61HawHQ8u-00006-00003879-00004095 an ngo based in the philippines that 8f61HawHQ8u-00007-00004096-00004311 advances human rights perspectives in 8f61HawHQ8u-00008-00004312-00004415 policy advocacy 8f61HawHQ8u-00009-00004416-00004695 around the internet its governance 8f61HawHQ8u-00010-00004696-00004911 communities and resources 8f61HawHQ8u-00011-00004912-00005143 and i will be moderating this session on 8f61HawHQ8u-00012-00005144-00005447 asia keynote 8f61HawHQ8u-00013-00005448-00005695 now asia occupies a third of the earth's 8f61HawHQ8u-00014-00005696-00005934 land area and is home to more than half 8f61HawHQ8u-00015-00005935-00006167 of the world's population 8f61HawHQ8u-00016-00006168-00006454 china and india two of the world's most 8f61HawHQ8u-00017-00006455-00006646 populous and largest economies in the 8f61HawHQ8u-00018-00006647-00006710 world 8f61HawHQ8u-00019-00006711-00007023 are in asia now given this region size 8f61HawHQ8u-00020-00007023-00007206 it is no wonder that the cultures 8f61HawHQ8u-00021-00007208-00007319 beliefs 8f61HawHQ8u-00022-00007320-00007542 language politics and economy of the 8f61HawHQ8u-00023-00007543-00007655 countries within it 8f61HawHQ8u-00024-00007656-00008006 are very much diverse asia also accounts 8f61HawHQ8u-00025-00008008-00008151 for more than half of the world's 8f61HawHQ8u-00026-00008152-00008287 internet users 8f61HawHQ8u-00027-00008288-00008567 and the number continues to grow and it 8f61HawHQ8u-00028-00008568-00008727 is important to mention this 8f61HawHQ8u-00029-00008728-00008967 because being in the internet and the 8f61HawHQ8u-00030-00008968-00009135 break next speed by which 8f61HawHQ8u-00031-00009136-00009431 technology is developing are impacting 8f61HawHQ8u-00032-00009432-00009574 on people's rights 8f61HawHQ8u-00033-00009575-00009839 from our civil and political rights as 8f61HawHQ8u-00034-00009840-00009974 well as our economic 8f61HawHQ8u-00035-00009975-00010287 social and cultural rights we have seen 8f61HawHQ8u-00036-00010288-00010438 how being connected 8f61HawHQ8u-00037-00010439-00010719 has increased people's participation 8f61HawHQ8u-00038-00010720-00010974 allowed many including the marginalized 8f61HawHQ8u-00039-00010975-00011167 to be seen and to have their voices 8f61HawHQ8u-00040-00011168-00011406 heard and contributed to the creation of 8f61HawHQ8u-00041-00011407-00011510 new jobs and 8f61HawHQ8u-00042-00011511-00011735 livelihood but at the same time 8f61HawHQ8u-00043-00011736-00011959 technology is increasing the risks that 8f61HawHQ8u-00044-00011960-00012063 people face 8f61HawHQ8u-00045-00012064-00012327 we have digital attacks identity theft 8f61HawHQ8u-00046-00012328-00012470 and the like 8f61HawHQ8u-00047-00012471-00012638 and sideways by side with the 8f61HawHQ8u-00048-00012639-00012855 development of the internet we have also 8f61HawHQ8u-00049-00012856-00012935 witnessed 8f61HawHQ8u-00050-00012936-00013143 the rise of populist authoritarian 8f61HawHQ8u-00051-00013144-00013327 states including 8f61HawHQ8u-00052-00013328-00013727 in asia democracy is under pressure 8f61HawHQ8u-00053-00013728-00013886 globally 8f61HawHQ8u-00054-00013887-00014207 civic space is under attack 8f61HawHQ8u-00055-00014208-00014391 repressive laws are spreading with 8f61HawHQ8u-00056-00014391-00014591 increased restrictions and freedoms to 8f61HawHQ8u-00057-00014591-00014647 express 8f61HawHQ8u-00058-00014647-00014991 participate assemble and associate 8f61HawHQ8u-00059-00014991-00015191 and while new technologies have helped 8f61HawHQ8u-00060-00015191-00015430 civil society networks to grow 8f61HawHQ8u-00061-00015431-00015630 technologies are also being used by 8f61HawHQ8u-00062-00015631-00015838 governments to control civil society 8f61HawHQ8u-00063-00015840-00016038 movements and media freedoms 8f61HawHQ8u-00064-00016040-00016375 often under the guise of security so in 8f61HawHQ8u-00065-00016376-00016527 this session 8f61HawHQ8u-00066-00016528-00016775 we will be focusing on the situation in 8f61HawHQ8u-00067-00016776-00016847 asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00068-00016848-00017071 and look at how civil society is pushing 8f61HawHQ8u-00069-00017072-00017271 back against repression 8f61HawHQ8u-00070-00017272-00017503 threats to democracy and authoritarian 8f61HawHQ8u-00071-00017504-00017727 populism 8f61HawHQ8u-00072-00017728-00017975 our keynote speaker will rate us her 8f61HawHQ8u-00073-00017976-00018283 inspiring story of resistance and 8f61HawHQ8u-00074-00018284-00018422 resilience 8f61HawHQ8u-00075-00018423-00018607 it is my pleasure to introduce to you 8f61HawHQ8u-00076-00018608-00018863 our keynote speaker for this session 8f61HawHQ8u-00077-00018864-00019222 miss bina lakshmi napram bina hails from 8f61HawHQ8u-00078-00019223-00019286 manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-00079-00019287-00019575 in northeast india she's an indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00080-00019576-00019694 scholar 8f61HawHQ8u-00081-00019695-00019975 an author and the human rights defender 8f61HawHQ8u-00082-00019976-00020150 whose work focuses on deepening 8f61HawHQ8u-00083-00020151-00020222 democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-00084-00020223-00020591 and championing women-led peace security 8f61HawHQ8u-00085-00020592-00020839 and disarmament in manipur as well as in 8f61HawHQ8u-00086-00020840-00021030 south asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00087-00021031-00021255 dina is the founder of the manipur gun 8f61HawHQ8u-00088-00021256-00021422 survivors network 8f61HawHQ8u-00089-00021423-00021719 the control arms foundation of india the 8f61HawHQ8u-00090-00021720-00021967 global alliance of indigenous peoples 8f61HawHQ8u-00091-00021968-00022278 gender justice and peace and peace and 8f61HawHQ8u-00092-00022279-00022383 for her work 8f61HawHQ8u-00093-00022384-00022614 veena has received numerous awards 8f61HawHQ8u-00094-00022615-00022847 including the annapolis politkovskaya 8f61HawHQ8u-00095-00022848-00023014 award in 2018 8f61HawHQ8u-00096-00023015-00023367 the women of wings award in 2016 the cnn 8f61HawHQ8u-00097-00023368-00023647 ibn rail heroes award in 2011 8f61HawHQ8u-00098-00023648-00023886 and the sean mcbride peace prize in 8f61HawHQ8u-00099-00023887-00024047 2013. 8f61HawHQ8u-00100-00024048-00024286 she was also named one of 100 most 8f61HawHQ8u-00101-00024287-00024486 influential people in the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00102-00024487-00024775 working in armed violence reduction by 8f61HawHQ8u-00103-00024776-00025022 the uk-based organization 8f61HawHQ8u-00104-00025023-00025319 action on armed violence and she's also 8f61HawHQ8u-00105-00025320-00025399 a board member 8f61HawHQ8u-00106-00025400-00025606 of the international peace bureau the 8f61HawHQ8u-00107-00025607-00025887 1910 nobel peace laureate 8f61HawHQ8u-00108-00025888-00026143 ladies and gentlemen our asia keynote 8f61HawHQ8u-00109-00026144-00026246 speaker 8f61HawHQ8u-00110-00026247-00027255 dina lakshmi nephram dina 8f61HawHQ8u-00111-00027256-00027590 um and good afternoon good evening and 8f61HawHQ8u-00112-00027591-00027695 good morning 8f61HawHQ8u-00113-00027695-00027911 to everyone who has tuned in from around 8f61HawHQ8u-00114-00027912-00027999 the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00115-00028000-00028295 for our fire judge session on civil 8f61HawHQ8u-00116-00028295-00028558 society resistance and resilience 8f61HawHQ8u-00117-00028560-00028879 my name is bina napram i was born in the 8f61HawHQ8u-00118-00028880-00029007 state of manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-00119-00029008-00029295 in northeast of india that borders burma 8f61HawHQ8u-00120-00029295-00029351 and i 8f61HawHQ8u-00121-00029352-00029623 would like to welcome all of you with an 8f61HawHQ8u-00122-00029624-00029814 indigenous money pricing 8f61HawHQ8u-00123-00029816-00030135 mayan buddha ramna okjari 8f61HawHQ8u-00124-00030136-00030431 so today it's been a whole day i think 8f61HawHQ8u-00125-00030432-00030623 some of you must have been watching 8f61HawHQ8u-00126-00030624-00030870 the inaugural it's been an amazing day 8f61HawHQ8u-00127-00030872-00031118 at ridescon and i'm truly thankful 8f61HawHQ8u-00128-00031119-00031367 to the rightscon team for having 8f61HawHQ8u-00129-00031368-00031583 assembled this incredible array 8f61HawHQ8u-00130-00031583-00031862 of more than seven thousand participants 8f61HawHQ8u-00131-00031863-00032087 from more than a hundred countries 8f61HawHQ8u-00132-00032088-00032390 so it is a historic momentous time for 8f61HawHQ8u-00133-00032391-00032574 the people of manipur and northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-00134-00032575-00032639 india 8f61HawHQ8u-00135-00032639-00032855 that you have included our voice in this 8f61HawHQ8u-00136-00032856-00033039 meeting 8f61HawHQ8u-00137-00033040-00033302 so i'll be sharing about uh what is 8f61HawHQ8u-00138-00033303-00033479 happening in terms of women and 8f61HawHQ8u-00139-00033480-00033615 indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00140-00033616-00033887 at this particular rights con and then 8f61HawHQ8u-00141-00033888-00033974 look at how 8f61HawHQ8u-00142-00033975-00034255 the digital revolution and divide has 8f61HawHQ8u-00143-00034256-00034343 sort of 8f61HawHQ8u-00144-00034344-00034590 impeded many of our works and then i 8f61HawHQ8u-00145-00034591-00034799 look into what in manipur and northeast 8f61HawHQ8u-00146-00034800-00034887 of india how 8f61HawHQ8u-00147-00034888-00035031 women indigenous women have been 8f61HawHQ8u-00148-00035032-00035239 resilience and resistance 8f61HawHQ8u-00149-00035240-00035415 what are the threats that human rights 8f61HawHQ8u-00150-00035416-00035623 defenders have faced 8f61HawHQ8u-00151-00035624-00035823 in this digital world and what the 8f61HawHQ8u-00152-00035824-00036055 united nations and many of us 8f61HawHQ8u-00153-00036056-00036318 and and have done on this issue and what 8f61HawHQ8u-00154-00036319-00036390 are my 8f61HawHQ8u-00155-00036391-00036727 recommendations as lisa said 8f61HawHQ8u-00156-00036728-00036990 asia is home to more than 60 percent of 8f61HawHQ8u-00157-00036991-00037246 the world's population 8f61HawHQ8u-00158-00037247-00037471 and it has more than so there is one of 8f61HawHQ8u-00159-00037472-00037639 the largest and most popular 8f61HawHQ8u-00160-00037640-00037887 populated continent in the world but 8f61HawHQ8u-00161-00037888-00038135 then asia where we are from 8f61HawHQ8u-00162-00038136-00038446 is also a place where boy child is 8f61HawHQ8u-00163-00038447-00038615 preferred than girls 8f61HawHQ8u-00164-00038616-00038846 we have female infanticide we have honor 8f61HawHQ8u-00165-00038847-00038927 killings 8f61HawHQ8u-00166-00038928-00039118 we're brave and acid throwing bright 8f61HawHQ8u-00167-00039119-00039439 burning in 2000 8f61HawHQ8u-00168-00039440-00039655 female fetuses are killed in a mother's 8f61HawHQ8u-00169-00039656-00039815 womb even before they are born 8f61HawHQ8u-00170-00039816-00040167 every single day in india and according 8f61HawHQ8u-00171-00040168-00040390 to professor amirthesen nobel laureate 8f61HawHQ8u-00172-00040391-00040502 and economist 8f61HawHQ8u-00173-00040503-00040855 a hundred million women are missing 8f61HawHQ8u-00174-00040856-00041151 in this continent so this is just to 8f61HawHQ8u-00175-00041152-00041215 share 8f61HawHQ8u-00176-00041216-00041462 what is happening in terms of human 8f61HawHQ8u-00177-00041463-00041583 rights situation 8f61HawHQ8u-00178-00041584-00041990 in this part of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00179-00041991-00042230 you know india and asia is a land which 8f61HawHQ8u-00180-00042231-00042415 gave yoga non-violence 8f61HawHQ8u-00181-00042416-00042558 spiritualism so there's a lot of 8f61HawHQ8u-00182-00042559-00042751 positive things we have 20 world 8f61HawHQ8u-00183-00042752-00042927 heritage sites here 8f61HawHQ8u-00184-00042928-00043183 but in this continent we have one in two 8f61HawHQ8u-00185-00043184-00043295 girls are married off 8f61HawHQ8u-00186-00043296-00043646 before the age of 18 and more than 68 8f61HawHQ8u-00187-00043647-00043895 women in asia have faced experienced 8f61HawHQ8u-00188-00043896-00044039 physical and sexual 8f61HawHQ8u-00189-00044040-00044390 violence in pakistan couple of years ago 8f61HawHQ8u-00190-00044391-00044695 460 reported cases of honor killing 8f61HawHQ8u-00191-00044696-00044943 and in the past couple of years women's 8f61HawHQ8u-00192-00044944-00045127 labor force and participation 8f61HawHQ8u-00193-00045128-00045423 has tremendously fallen in south asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00194-00045424-00045751 which is really really a shame 8f61HawHQ8u-00195-00045752-00046151 in this context what is the situation of 8f61HawHQ8u-00196-00046152-00046287 indigenous people i 8f61HawHQ8u-00197-00046288-00046551 am a person who is indigenous person 8f61HawHQ8u-00198-00046552-00046774 from manipur in northeast of india 8f61HawHQ8u-00199-00046775-00046983 so what is the situation of indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00200-00046984-00047199 people and for right scon 8f61HawHQ8u-00201-00047200-00047390 uh it is really important to bring the 8f61HawHQ8u-00202-00047391-00047543 voices of 8f61HawHQ8u-00203-00047544-00047886 of all of us here asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00204-00047887-00048102 uh is home to two by third of the 8f61HawHQ8u-00205-00048103-00048279 world's indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00206-00048280-00048558 we have over 380 plus million indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00207-00048559-00048735 people across the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00208-00048736-00048983 and 260 of them are in asia where i'm 8f61HawHQ8u-00209-00048984-00049135 speaking from 8f61HawHQ8u-00210-00049136-00049455 and but what is interesting is 8f61HawHQ8u-00211-00049456-00049686 two of the biggest worlds nations india 8f61HawHQ8u-00212-00049687-00049895 and china 8f61HawHQ8u-00213-00049896-00050174 have not recognized existence of 8f61HawHQ8u-00214-00050175-00050399 indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00215-00050400-00050599 china for example does not recognize the 8f61HawHQ8u-00216-00050600-00050830 term indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00217-00050831-00051046 and so and and what happened in asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00218-00051047-00051190 today is 8f61HawHQ8u-00219-00051191-00051423 that it the different terms given are 8f61HawHQ8u-00220-00051424-00051582 ethnic minorities 8f61HawHQ8u-00221-00051583-00051887 hill tribes tribal people native people 8f61HawHQ8u-00222-00051888-00052102 that's the way people call us 8f61HawHQ8u-00223-00052103-00052287 many of them refer to indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00224-00052288-00052447 in asia as inferior 8f61HawHQ8u-00225-00052448-00052742 for example in india indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00226-00052744-00052887 from northeast are given the term 8f61HawHQ8u-00227-00052888-00052959 chinkies 8f61HawHQ8u-00228-00052960-00053335 chow mean momos and during covet 19 8f61HawHQ8u-00229-00053336-00053591 indigenous people have faced so much of 8f61HawHQ8u-00230-00053591-00053671 racism 8f61HawHQ8u-00231-00053672-00054079 that our network noted 200 cases of 8f61HawHQ8u-00232-00054079-00054223 racial violence 8f61HawHQ8u-00233-00054224-00054438 against indigenous people of northeast 8f61HawHQ8u-00234-00054439-00054575 india 8f61HawHQ8u-00235-00054576-00054726 where people have been asked to leave 8f61HawHQ8u-00236-00054727-00054887 their homes 8f61HawHQ8u-00237-00054888-00055199 stop from entering grocery stores and 8f61HawHQ8u-00238-00055200-00055559 spat upon in india's metropolitan cities 8f61HawHQ8u-00239-00055560-00055750 and asked to go back to china 8f61HawHQ8u-00240-00055751-00056015 because we the indigenous people look 8f61HawHQ8u-00241-00056016-00056182 like chinese or people with chinese 8f61HawHQ8u-00242-00056183-00056271 features so 8f61HawHQ8u-00243-00056272-00056663 there's a deep-seated issue of racism 8f61HawHQ8u-00244-00056664-00056950 against indigenous people in asia so 8f61HawHQ8u-00245-00056951-00057150 this is something that i really want 8f61HawHQ8u-00246-00057151-00057511 our audience uh to hear about so 8f61HawHQ8u-00247-00057512-00057830 for me personally as a woman and then on 8f61HawHQ8u-00248-00057832-00057919 top of that as an 8f61HawHQ8u-00249-00057920-00058263 indigenous woman what are we doing about 8f61HawHQ8u-00250-00058264-00058447 it and what is it that we are feeling 8f61HawHQ8u-00251-00058448-00058766 living in this kind of situation 8f61HawHQ8u-00252-00058767-00059030 so i would like to share that the story 8f61HawHQ8u-00253-00059032-00059254 of indigenous people and women in asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00254-00059255-00059494 is not just one of sadness 8f61HawHQ8u-00255-00059495-00059847 we have created a story of resistance 8f61HawHQ8u-00256-00059848-00060166 and resilience and i will demonstrate 8f61HawHQ8u-00257-00060167-00060247 how 8f61HawHQ8u-00258-00060248-00060550 as i mentioned i was born in manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-00259-00060551-00060823 a former asiatic nation state which 8f61HawHQ8u-00260-00060824-00061006 merged with india under duress 8f61HawHQ8u-00261-00061007-00061375 in the year 1949 and since that time 8f61HawHQ8u-00262-00061376-00061471 because of this 8f61HawHQ8u-00263-00061472-00061679 the way in which money for joining india 8f61HawHQ8u-00264-00061679-00061799 was under duress 8f61HawHQ8u-00265-00061800-00061966 there was a political conflict which 8f61HawHQ8u-00266-00061967-00062223 emerged and so too in the neighboring 8f61HawHQ8u-00267-00062224-00062511 states of uh you know nagaland um you 8f61HawHQ8u-00268-00062512-00062719 know assam and other states 8f61HawHQ8u-00269-00062720-00063006 there were conflict which came about as 8f61HawHQ8u-00270-00063007-00063142 a result 8f61HawHQ8u-00271-00063144-00063399 uh you know more than for more than 70 8f61HawHQ8u-00272-00063400-00063494 years there's a 8f61HawHQ8u-00273-00063495-00063719 conflict going on in the northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-00274-00063720-00063942 india which borders myanmar 8f61HawHQ8u-00275-00063944-00064159 this is home and area that i come from 8f61HawHQ8u-00276-00064160-00064299 is home to 8f61HawHQ8u-00277-00064300-00064615 272 beautiful indigenous communities 8f61HawHQ8u-00278-00064616-00064991 speaking more than 400 languages 8f61HawHQ8u-00279-00064991-00065335 and in this part of india if you think 8f61HawHQ8u-00280-00065336-00065494 india land of yoga 8f61HawHQ8u-00281-00065495-00065847 in the land of gandhi think twice 8f61HawHQ8u-00282-00065848-00066087 in this part of india we have a 8f61HawHQ8u-00283-00066088-00066343 draconian martial local the armed forces 8f61HawHQ8u-00284-00066344-00066511 specialist powers act 8f61HawHQ8u-00285-00066512-00066738 claimed in this indigenous area since 8f61HawHQ8u-00286-00066739-00066926 1958 8f61HawHQ8u-00287-00066927-00067279 we have more than 350 military stations 8f61HawHQ8u-00288-00067280-00067550 and a lot of population engineering and 8f61HawHQ8u-00289-00067551-00067606 and 8f61HawHQ8u-00290-00067607-00067879 women trafficking of indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00291-00067880-00068071 being sold into sexual slavery and 8f61HawHQ8u-00292-00068072-00068303 exploitation has been going on 8f61HawHQ8u-00293-00068304-00068479 so in this part of india that i come 8f61HawHQ8u-00294-00068480-00068726 from more than 50 000 people have been 8f61HawHQ8u-00295-00068727-00068831 killed 8f61HawHQ8u-00296-00068832-00069071 and in my home state of manipur 20 000 8f61HawHQ8u-00297-00069072-00069279 women have been widowed because of this 8f61HawHQ8u-00298-00069280-00069423 conflict 8f61HawHQ8u-00299-00069424-00069663 now what did the indigenous women of 8f61HawHQ8u-00300-00069664-00069847 northeast india do in this part of 8f61HawHQ8u-00301-00069848-00070150 the world we have an extraordinary 8f61HawHQ8u-00302-00070151-00070326 women's movement 8f61HawHQ8u-00303-00070327-00070526 we had our grandmothers and mother's 8f61HawHQ8u-00304-00070527-00070991 generation in the 1904 in 1939 we have a 8f61HawHQ8u-00305-00070992-00071111 historic 8f61HawHQ8u-00306-00071112-00071479 women's war of nupilal where women 8f61HawHQ8u-00307-00071480-00071719 protested non-violently against british 8f61HawHQ8u-00308-00071720-00071855 colonial rule 8f61HawHQ8u-00309-00071856-00072182 and and their exploitative policies 8f61HawHQ8u-00310-00072183-00072367 and when armed insurgencies started 8f61HawHQ8u-00311-00072368-00072679 coming then indigenous women of manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-00312-00072680-00073071 got together and formed myra means 8f61HawHQ8u-00313-00073072-00073303 with bamboo torches and started 8f61HawHQ8u-00314-00073304-00073503 patrolling the streets of manipur at 8f61HawHQ8u-00315-00073504-00073679 night with bamboo torches 8f61HawHQ8u-00316-00073680-00073903 so that they can protect our indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00317-00073904-00073982 women 8f61HawHQ8u-00318-00073983-00074238 men and youth for from being taken away 8f61HawHQ8u-00319-00074239-00074447 by indian paramilitary because we have 8f61HawHQ8u-00320-00074448-00074694 more than 1528 8f61HawHQ8u-00321-00074695-00074871 extrajudicial killing in this part of 8f61HawHQ8u-00322-00074872-00075062 the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00323-00075063-00075279 we also in other parts of north eastern 8f61HawHQ8u-00324-00075280-00075503 india the resilience of the naga mothers 8f61HawHQ8u-00325-00075504-00075647 the cookie mothers 8f61HawHQ8u-00326-00075648-00075935 the sms mothers and so many of the women 8f61HawHQ8u-00327-00075936-00075999 we have 8f61HawHQ8u-00328-00076000-00076326 have their stories so 8f61HawHQ8u-00329-00076327-00076535 what is happening is just giving in 8f61HawHQ8u-00330-00076536-00076647 context 8f61HawHQ8u-00331-00076648-00076911 so we are in this conference called 8f61HawHQ8u-00332-00076912-00077087 human rights in digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00333-00077088-00077350 world so let me take you to what is 8f61HawHQ8u-00334-00077351-00077431 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00335-00077432-00077694 with in terms of digital rights here in 8f61HawHQ8u-00336-00077695-00077862 manipur and northeast of india which i 8f61HawHQ8u-00337-00077863-00077982 just described 8f61HawHQ8u-00338-00077983-00078223 a region which is south asia's longest 8f61HawHQ8u-00339-00078224-00078543 running violence conflict 8f61HawHQ8u-00340-00078544-00078847 in the entire india we have more than 8f61HawHQ8u-00341-00078848-00079055 the highest number of internet shutdowns 8f61HawHQ8u-00342-00079056-00079247 in india is not in kashmir 8f61HawHQ8u-00343-00079248-00079519 it is in my region northeast of india 8f61HawHQ8u-00344-00079520-00079567 seen 8f61HawHQ8u-00345-00079568-00079879 more than 19 internet shutdowns this is 8f61HawHQ8u-00346-00079880-00079975 the highest 8f61HawHQ8u-00347-00079976-00080311 in india and and as a result the freedom 8f61HawHQ8u-00348-00080312-00080471 of speech and expression has been 8f61HawHQ8u-00349-00080472-00080631 constantly curtailed so 8f61HawHQ8u-00350-00080632-00080894 for us imagine think for a moment an 8f61HawHQ8u-00351-00080895-00080959 area as 8f61HawHQ8u-00352-00080960-00081247 militarized as india's northeast already 8f61HawHQ8u-00353-00081248-00081406 with a martial law 8f61HawHQ8u-00354-00081407-00081591 on top of that you have an internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00355-00081592-00081887 shutdown for us here in covit 19 the 8f61HawHQ8u-00356-00081888-00082038 lockdowns that we have seen 8f61HawHQ8u-00357-00082039-00082343 we have seen lockdowns all my life of 8f61HawHQ8u-00358-00082344-00082423 100 days 8f61HawHQ8u-00359-00082424-00082655 couldn't go to school nobody could move 8f61HawHQ8u-00360-00082656-00082862 out of the house so 8f61HawHQ8u-00361-00082863-00083126 this is currently happening so many 8f61HawHQ8u-00362-00083127-00083199 journalists 8f61HawHQ8u-00363-00083200-00083462 in manipur arrested and detained at the 8f61HawHQ8u-00364-00083463-00083631 national security law 8f61HawHQ8u-00365-00083632-00083959 for posting critiques criticism of 8f61HawHQ8u-00366-00083960-00084294 the bjp government on facebook post 8f61HawHQ8u-00367-00084295-00084647 so as a result freedom of expression 8f61HawHQ8u-00368-00084648-00084871 absent in the indigenous areas of 8f61HawHQ8u-00369-00084872-00085055 manipur and northeast india where i come 8f61HawHQ8u-00370-00085056-00085118 from 8f61HawHQ8u-00371-00085119-00085335 because of martial law internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00372-00085336-00085423 lockdowns 8f61HawHQ8u-00373-00085424-00085855 and now compounded with covet 19. 8f61HawHQ8u-00374-00085856-00086111 so um this is what's happening and i'll 8f61HawHQ8u-00375-00086112-00086294 take you a little bit about the larger 8f61HawHQ8u-00376-00086295-00086382 context 8f61HawHQ8u-00377-00086383-00086631 of india where northeast of india falls 8f61HawHQ8u-00378-00086632-00086847 apart it is a part of 8f61HawHQ8u-00379-00086848-00087118 india is home to the second largest 8f61HawHQ8u-00380-00087119-00087294 internet user base 8f61HawHQ8u-00381-00087295-00087494 but then and then a lot of id people 8f61HawHQ8u-00382-00087495-00087662 come from india they work in united 8f61HawHQ8u-00383-00087663-00087735 states 8f61HawHQ8u-00384-00087736-00087926 they're working around the world i.t is 8f61HawHQ8u-00385-00087927-00088094 synonymous to india 8f61HawHQ8u-00386-00088095-00088431 uh professionals too but guess what 8f61HawHQ8u-00387-00088432-00088711 india's digital sprint is living 8f61HawHQ8u-00388-00088712-00088903 millions behind 8f61HawHQ8u-00389-00088904-00089087 and so for every one indian who has 8f61HawHQ8u-00390-00089088-00089215 access to internet there's 8f61HawHQ8u-00391-00089216-00089399 another indian who does not have 8f61HawHQ8u-00392-00089400-00089543 internet mostly 8f61HawHQ8u-00393-00089544-00089871 living in the rural areas so this is 8f61HawHQ8u-00394-00089872-00090215 the issue and india the world's 8f61HawHQ8u-00395-00090216-00090550 largest democracy since the coming of 8f61HawHQ8u-00396-00090551-00090862 prime minister modi do power has seen 8f61HawHQ8u-00397-00090863-00091143 internet suspended guess what how many 8f61HawHQ8u-00398-00091144-00091387 times 8f61HawHQ8u-00399-00091388-00091759 269 i repeat 269 times 8f61HawHQ8u-00400-00091760-00092262 internet shutdown in india since 2015. 8f61HawHQ8u-00401-00092263-00092591 80 of all internet clampdowns in south 8f61HawHQ8u-00402-00092592-00092655 asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00403-00092656-00092967 is in india and unesco 8f61HawHQ8u-00404-00092968-00093159 uh you know sort of did a calculation 8f61HawHQ8u-00405-00093160-00093311 and said the loss that 8f61HawHQ8u-00406-00093312-00093623 india has faced economically due to the 8f61HawHQ8u-00407-00093624-00093871 internet shutdown is close to 3 billion 8f61HawHQ8u-00408-00093872-00094111 us dollars 8f61HawHQ8u-00409-00094112-00094359 and some of the sessions this morning 8f61HawHQ8u-00410-00094360-00094526 also spoke about internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00411-00094527-00094847 shutdowns in the world and in india 8f61HawHQ8u-00412-00094848-00095047 the government can direct telecom 8f61HawHQ8u-00413-00095048-00095294 companies to shut down services 8f61HawHQ8u-00414-00095295-00095599 so that's why in kashmir we had more 8f61HawHQ8u-00415-00095600-00095823 than 200 days of internet shutdown 8f61HawHQ8u-00416-00095824-00096031 and as i mentioned more than 19 times 8f61HawHQ8u-00417-00096032-00096150 internet shutdown 8f61HawHQ8u-00418-00096151-00096343 in the indigenous areas of northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-00419-00096344-00096711 india where i come from 8f61HawHQ8u-00420-00096712-00097023 now what is the situation of women in 8f61HawHQ8u-00421-00097024-00097191 this digital india 8f61HawHQ8u-00422-00097192-00097455 i would like to say digital india is no 8f61HawHQ8u-00423-00097456-00097743 country for women 8f61HawHQ8u-00424-00097744-00098055 so in india we have uh uh you know it's 8f61HawHQ8u-00425-00098056-00098111 it's as 8f61HawHQ8u-00426-00098112-00098294 as a woman in india as indigenous women 8f61HawHQ8u-00427-00098295-00098535 in india where there are so many things 8f61HawHQ8u-00428-00098536-00098662 which have improved at the same time 8f61HawHQ8u-00429-00098663-00098823 there are so many challenges 8f61HawHQ8u-00430-00098824-00099143 that we face india 8f61HawHQ8u-00431-00099144-00099399 has more than a hundred thousand pending 8f61HawHQ8u-00432-00099400-00099559 rape cases 8f61HawHQ8u-00433-00099560-00099823 we cannot go in a public transport after 8f61HawHQ8u-00434-00099824-00100094 say 8 30 or 9 at night 8f61HawHQ8u-00435-00100095-00100311 women in india pay taxes but then we 8f61HawHQ8u-00436-00100312-00100567 cannot use the public transport 8f61HawHQ8u-00437-00100568-00100743 after a certain time because we'll be 8f61HawHQ8u-00438-00100744-00101047 labeled as you are asking for violence 8f61HawHQ8u-00439-00101048-00101167 if you are going out 8f61HawHQ8u-00440-00101168-00101487 in a public space so in such a country 8f61HawHQ8u-00441-00101488-00101687 what is the situation of women and in 8f61HawHQ8u-00442-00101688-00101926 the digital world here 8f61HawHQ8u-00443-00101927-00102271 while 43 of men own a cell phone in 8f61HawHQ8u-00444-00102272-00102374 india 8f61HawHQ8u-00445-00102375-00102751 only 28 percent women or cent phones in 8f61HawHQ8u-00446-00102752-00102958 this country 8f61HawHQ8u-00447-00102959-00103182 and as a result what is happening is 8f61HawHQ8u-00448-00103183-00103390 there are extreme patriarchal attitudes 8f61HawHQ8u-00449-00103391-00103478 and beliefs in 8f61HawHQ8u-00450-00103479-00103782 india which has resulted for example in 8f61HawHQ8u-00451-00103783-00103990 mathura in a village a panchayat in 8f61HawHQ8u-00452-00103991-00104102 madura 8f61HawHQ8u-00453-00104103-00104406 announced that girls using if girls use 8f61HawHQ8u-00454-00104407-00104518 mobile phones 8f61HawHQ8u-00455-00104519-00104678 outside their homes they could be fined 8f61HawHQ8u-00456-00104679-00104871 two thousand one hundred indian rupees 8f61HawHQ8u-00457-00104872-00105102 which is about twenty eight dollars so 8f61HawHQ8u-00458-00105103-00105295 cup and giants and other conservative 8f61HawHQ8u-00459-00105296-00105375 groups 8f61HawHQ8u-00460-00105376-00105566 ban women and girls they think that if 8f61HawHQ8u-00461-00105567-00105719 women use mobile phone 8f61HawHQ8u-00462-00105720-00105951 they are morally loose they will start 8f61HawHQ8u-00463-00105952-00106031 dating 8f61HawHQ8u-00464-00106032-00106190 so they said they will control the 8f61HawHQ8u-00465-00106191-00106423 sexuality of indian women and girls 8f61HawHQ8u-00466-00106424-00106686 so this is and by stopping them from 8f61HawHQ8u-00467-00106688-00106790 getting access 8f61HawHQ8u-00468-00106791-00107166 to mobile phones and other forms of data 8f61HawHQ8u-00469-00107167-00107423 so this is i'm just describing what's 8f61HawHQ8u-00470-00107424-00107502 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00471-00107503-00107686 more in my new detail about in my 8f61HawHQ8u-00472-00107688-00107847 country but 8f61HawHQ8u-00473-00107848-00108071 let's see let's take a moment and come 8f61HawHQ8u-00474-00108072-00108278 back to where are we 8f61HawHQ8u-00475-00108279-00108583 we all welcome the digital revolution in 8f61HawHQ8u-00476-00108583-00108734 every part of the world when it happened 8f61HawHQ8u-00477-00108735-00108910 in the 20th century 8f61HawHQ8u-00478-00108911-00109207 it ushered the age of information age 8f61HawHQ8u-00479-00109208-00109319 and currently 8f61HawHQ8u-00480-00109320-00109590 59 percent of the world's population has 8f61HawHQ8u-00481-00109591-00109751 access to internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00482-00109752-00110127 but guess what this has a huge digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00483-00110128-00110334 divide 8f61HawHQ8u-00484-00110335-00110551 between the global north and the global 8f61HawHQ8u-00485-00110552-00110743 south for example 8f61HawHQ8u-00486-00110744-00111047 in the global north 87 percent people 8f61HawHQ8u-00487-00111048-00111207 use internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00488-00111208-00111471 and how much of that in global south in 8f61HawHQ8u-00489-00111472-00111583 developing countries 8f61HawHQ8u-00490-00111583-00111975 only 47 47 8f61HawHQ8u-00491-00111976-00112254 versus 87 percent in developing worlds 8f61HawHQ8u-00492-00112255-00112431 in pakistan for instance 8f61HawHQ8u-00493-00112432-00112686 only 22 percent have access to internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00494-00112688-00112902 whereas in bangladesh 41 8f61HawHQ8u-00495-00112903-00113247 has access to internet so the digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00496-00113248-00113423 device is so huge 8f61HawHQ8u-00497-00113424-00113671 men in urban residents young people are 8f61HawHQ8u-00498-00113672-00113927 more likely to be online than women 8f61HawHQ8u-00499-00113928-00114254 rural dwellers indigenous people older 8f61HawHQ8u-00500-00114255-00114415 the marginalized and many other 8f61HawHQ8u-00501-00114416-00114623 communities so this is 8f61HawHQ8u-00502-00114624-00114839 what we stand around the world in terms 8f61HawHQ8u-00503-00114840-00114975 of where are we with this 8f61HawHQ8u-00504-00114976-00115263 information age and the digital divide 8f61HawHQ8u-00505-00115264-00115502 and the united nations actually shared 8f61HawHQ8u-00506-00115503-00115790 that if you want to attain and poverty 8f61HawHQ8u-00507-00115791-00115951 in the world by 2030 8f61HawHQ8u-00508-00115952-00116119 which is called sustainable development 8f61HawHQ8u-00509-00116120-00116254 goals then 8f61HawHQ8u-00510-00116255-00116471 we should be able to address that 8f61HawHQ8u-00511-00116472-00116558 everyone 8f61HawHQ8u-00512-00116559-00116847 is able to access and use the internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00513-00116848-00117143 till now in 2020 as we speak right now 8f61HawHQ8u-00514-00117144-00117390 that's not the case and particularly i 8f61HawHQ8u-00515-00117391-00117615 would like to note that in today's world 8f61HawHQ8u-00516-00117616-00117919 90 of the jobs worldwide do require a 8f61HawHQ8u-00517-00117920-00118071 digital component 8f61HawHQ8u-00518-00118072-00118319 and someone once told me that vina if 8f61HawHQ8u-00519-00118320-00118502 you don't exist on internet into this 8f61HawHQ8u-00520-00118503-00118566 world 8f61HawHQ8u-00521-00118567-00118790 we don't exist at all such is the 8f61HawHQ8u-00522-00118791-00119095 importance of the digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-00523-00119096-00119254 let's see what's the gender divide i 8f61HawHQ8u-00524-00119255-00119454 just shared with you the digital divide 8f61HawHQ8u-00525-00119455-00119639 between the developed and the developing 8f61HawHQ8u-00526-00119640-00119686 like 8f61HawHQ8u-00527-00119688-00119919 between the north and south divide what 8f61HawHQ8u-00528-00119920-00120071 about gender 8f61HawHQ8u-00529-00120072-00120351 women form half the world's population 8f61HawHQ8u-00530-00120352-00120471 don't we 8f61HawHQ8u-00531-00120472-00120839 but we only only 48 women have access to 8f61HawHQ8u-00532-00120840-00120919 internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00533-00120920-00121119 compared to how much percent of women of 8f61HawHQ8u-00534-00121120-00121358 men 58 8f61HawHQ8u-00535-00121359-00121695 and worldwide uh you know 8f61HawHQ8u-00536-00121696-00121919 software is a hugely male dominated 8f61HawHQ8u-00537-00121920-00122134 worlds only 15 percent 8f61HawHQ8u-00538-00122135-00122327 female software authors can be found 8f61HawHQ8u-00539-00122328-00122439 worldwide 8f61HawHQ8u-00540-00122440-00122751 so this is the kind of divide that we 8f61HawHQ8u-00541-00122752-00122934 are seeing both in terms of 8f61HawHQ8u-00542-00122935-00123327 region as well as in gender 8f61HawHQ8u-00543-00123328-00123583 now coming to what's happening with 8f61HawHQ8u-00544-00123583-00123702 indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00545-00123703-00123990 and uh this digital world what is it 8f61HawHQ8u-00546-00123991-00124263 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00547-00124264-00124534 15 of the world's poor are indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00548-00124535-00124623 people 8f61HawHQ8u-00549-00124624-00124854 as i mentioned 15 of the world's poor 8f61HawHQ8u-00550-00124855-00125110 are indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00551-00125111-00125358 and as a result as i describe what's 8f61HawHQ8u-00552-00125359-00125527 happening in manipur in northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-00553-00125528-00125631 india 8f61HawHQ8u-00554-00125632-00125958 parts of the places where northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-00555-00125959-00126134 indigenous people live are highly 8f61HawHQ8u-00556-00126135-00126286 colonized 8f61HawHQ8u-00557-00126288-00126686 militarized weaponized women trafficked 8f61HawHQ8u-00558-00126688-00126999 our children forced into labor so much 8f61HawHQ8u-00559-00127000-00127047 of 8f61HawHQ8u-00560-00127048-00127366 these exploitation going on so imagine 8f61HawHQ8u-00561-00127367-00127543 and in many parts of manipur where i 8f61HawHQ8u-00562-00127544-00127695 come from forget 8f61HawHQ8u-00563-00127696-00127878 access to internet we don't even have 8f61HawHQ8u-00564-00127879-00128071 electricity 8f61HawHQ8u-00565-00128072-00128390 we don't even have roads so this is the 8f61HawHQ8u-00566-00128391-00128566 half the world that we are still here to 8f61HawHQ8u-00567-00128567-00128663 reach 8f61HawHQ8u-00568-00128664-00128854 so indigenous people have been actually 8f61HawHQ8u-00569-00128855-00129110 left out in many parts of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00570-00129111-00129295 out from the indigent of this digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00571-00129296-00129510 world while many of us are connected 8f61HawHQ8u-00572-00129511-00129663 during covet lockdown 8f61HawHQ8u-00573-00129664-00129934 through internet i also feel my heart 8f61HawHQ8u-00574-00129935-00130023 goes out 8f61HawHQ8u-00575-00130024-00130358 to million others who don't even have 8f61HawHQ8u-00576-00130359-00130639 forget internet electricity not have 8f61HawHQ8u-00577-00130640-00130823 never right to the life forget about 8f61HawHQ8u-00578-00130824-00131007 freedom of expression 8f61HawHQ8u-00579-00131008-00131278 so on the other hand indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00580-00131279-00131478 are also concerned like many other 8f61HawHQ8u-00581-00131479-00131807 communities in the world of what is to 8f61HawHQ8u-00582-00131808-00131959 be done with the transmission and 8f61HawHQ8u-00583-00131960-00132047 protection of the 8f61HawHQ8u-00584-00132048-00132295 industrial knowledge because as we know 8f61HawHQ8u-00585-00132296-00132502 since the beginning of the great scone 8f61HawHQ8u-00586-00132503-00132631 we've been discussing 8f61HawHQ8u-00587-00132632-00132863 what are the laws and regulations that 8f61HawHQ8u-00588-00132864-00132959 nations have to do 8f61HawHQ8u-00589-00132960-00133166 un has to do to protect because there's 8f61HawHQ8u-00590-00133167-00133278 still no 8f61HawHQ8u-00591-00133279-00133566 no protection till now on our data so 8f61HawHQ8u-00592-00133567-00133783 indigenous people are wary 8f61HawHQ8u-00593-00133784-00134078 that the digital world is an extension 8f61HawHQ8u-00594-00134079-00134327 might be a part of a colonization 8f61HawHQ8u-00595-00134328-00134535 process there's no protection of 8f61HawHQ8u-00596-00134536-00134663 traditional knowledge 8f61HawHQ8u-00597-00134664-00134854 what about intellectual property rights 8f61HawHQ8u-00598-00134855-00135078 what about collective guardianship 8f61HawHQ8u-00599-00135079-00135271 and about compromising communities so 8f61HawHQ8u-00600-00135272-00135423 these are the different concerns 8f61HawHQ8u-00601-00135424-00135814 that indigenous people have 8f61HawHQ8u-00602-00135815-00136119 again take a moment to say the whole 8f61HawHQ8u-00603-00136120-00136214 digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-00604-00136215-00136487 is as i mentioned deeply deeply divided 8f61HawHQ8u-00605-00136488-00136654 as i have just shared in the last couple 8f61HawHQ8u-00606-00136655-00136854 of minutes 8f61HawHQ8u-00607-00136855-00137039 the other aspect that i would really 8f61HawHQ8u-00608-00137040-00137214 like to touch upon is 8f61HawHQ8u-00609-00137215-00137535 in today's world digital world human 8f61HawHQ8u-00610-00137536-00137678 rights defenders 8f61HawHQ8u-00611-00137679-00137959 last year 300 human rights defenders 8f61HawHQ8u-00612-00137960-00138223 were killed in 2019 8f61HawHQ8u-00613-00138224-00138511 out of which just in latin america 8f61HawHQ8u-00614-00138512-00138678 american countries alone 8f61HawHQ8u-00615-00138679-00138887 28 of them indigenous people were 8f61HawHQ8u-00616-00138888-00138999 murdered 8f61HawHQ8u-00617-00139000-00139311 for defending your rights my rights the 8f61HawHQ8u-00618-00139312-00139399 rights of 8f61HawHQ8u-00619-00139400-00139854 all of us to stay in safe environments 8f61HawHQ8u-00620-00139855-00140207 as i mentioned women worldwide have 8f61HawHQ8u-00621-00140208-00140366 accessed only 48 8f61HawHQ8u-00622-00140367-00140623 of women have access to internet but 8f61HawHQ8u-00623-00140624-00140719 guess what 8f61HawHQ8u-00624-00140720-00141047 when it comes to online harassment 8f61HawHQ8u-00625-00141048-00141399 women are likely to face 27 times more 8f61HawHQ8u-00626-00141400-00141478 harris 8f61HawHQ8u-00627-00141479-00141790 than men online 8f61HawHQ8u-00628-00141791-00142126 for many of us like myself we use 8f61HawHQ8u-00629-00142127-00142359 for example the stories in the history 8f61HawHQ8u-00630-00142360-00142551 of indigenous people of manipur is not 8f61HawHQ8u-00631-00142552-00142735 in the textbooks of india 8f61HawHQ8u-00632-00142736-00143031 we are not in the narrative in new delhi 8f61HawHQ8u-00633-00143032-00143302 or in washington dc or in geneva 8f61HawHQ8u-00634-00143303-00143687 our history our language our way of life 8f61HawHQ8u-00635-00143688-00143999 our civilization our culture is not 8f61HawHQ8u-00636-00144000-00144263 a part of the narrative of our national 8f61HawHQ8u-00637-00144264-00144326 as well as 8f61HawHQ8u-00638-00144327-00144726 global narratives and as a result 8f61HawHQ8u-00639-00144727-00145054 uh we used social media platforms for 8f61HawHQ8u-00640-00145055-00145214 example twitter we opened twitter 8f61HawHQ8u-00641-00145215-00145399 account in 2019 8f61HawHQ8u-00642-00145400-00145623 and today we have half a million 8f61HawHQ8u-00643-00145624-00145831 followers on twitter 8f61HawHQ8u-00644-00145832-00146126 and in 140 words characters we were able 8f61HawHQ8u-00645-00146127-00146278 to tell our story 8f61HawHQ8u-00646-00146279-00146551 but that also comes with a price over 8f61HawHQ8u-00647-00146552-00146711 twitter we have also 8f61HawHQ8u-00648-00146712-00147014 face attacks uh threats 8f61HawHQ8u-00649-00147015-00147343 and so much a couple of years like 8f61HawHQ8u-00650-00147344-00147607 two years ago i personally face a lot of 8f61HawHQ8u-00651-00147608-00147671 violence 8f61HawHQ8u-00652-00147672-00147919 on twitter where i have been called a 8f61HawHQ8u-00653-00147920-00148143 secessionist separatist for just doing 8f61HawHQ8u-00654-00148144-00148326 the kind of work that i described 8f61HawHQ8u-00655-00148327-00148559 ensuring democracy rule of law and 8f61HawHQ8u-00656-00148560-00149199 gender justice in my part of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00657-00149200-00149478 and of late in in different parts of our 8f61HawHQ8u-00658-00149479-00149639 country and the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00659-00149640-00149799 governments have been targeting human 8f61HawHQ8u-00660-00149800-00149966 rights defenders they have been cyber 8f61HawHQ8u-00661-00149967-00150014 threats 8f61HawHQ8u-00662-00150015-00150247 and trolling going on which all of us 8f61HawHQ8u-00663-00150248-00150495 were tuning in today have seen 8f61HawHQ8u-00664-00150496-00150735 so cyber threats and a monopoly of 8f61HawHQ8u-00665-00150736-00150814 strategies 8f61HawHQ8u-00666-00150815-00151014 used by government authorities or 8f61HawHQ8u-00667-00151015-00151159 non-state bad actors 8f61HawHQ8u-00668-00151160-00151463 to be able websites have been censored 8f61HawHQ8u-00669-00151464-00151775 fake accounts created and so all of 8f61HawHQ8u-00670-00151776-00151895 these are happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00671-00151896-00152343 side by side and i'll come to personal 8f61HawHQ8u-00672-00152344-00152502 data now 8f61HawHQ8u-00673-00152503-00152854 a couple of years months ago 8f61HawHQ8u-00674-00152855-00153102 prime minister modi spoke in texas and 8f61HawHQ8u-00675-00153103-00153319 then he spoke about the new oil 8f61HawHQ8u-00676-00153320-00153607 of the digital age what is the new oil 8f61HawHQ8u-00677-00153608-00153719 of the digital age 8f61HawHQ8u-00678-00153720-00154039 anyone here the new oil of the digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00679-00154040-00154135 age 8f61HawHQ8u-00680-00154136-00154454 is the data of you and 8f61HawHQ8u-00681-00154455-00154790 mine personal data is the new oil of the 8f61HawHQ8u-00682-00154791-00154990 digital age 8f61HawHQ8u-00683-00154991-00155399 how sad it is that in 2020 8f61HawHQ8u-00684-00155400-00155623 so much of knowledge out there in the 8f61HawHQ8u-00685-00155624-00155823 world we are connected at the 8f61HawHQ8u-00686-00155824-00156007 at our fingertips by just a click of a 8f61HawHQ8u-00687-00156008-00156263 button at the same time we have lost it 8f61HawHQ8u-00688-00156264-00156335 all 8f61HawHQ8u-00689-00156336-00156647 we don't have privacy anymore and these 8f61HawHQ8u-00690-00156648-00156975 personal data have been misused and 8f61HawHQ8u-00691-00156976-00157159 collected 8f61HawHQ8u-00692-00157160-00157414 the fundamental human right enshrined in 8f61HawHQ8u-00693-00157415-00157575 the constitution of india instead of 8f61HawHQ8u-00694-00157576-00157735 constant universal declaration human 8f61HawHQ8u-00695-00157736-00157847 rights 8f61HawHQ8u-00696-00157848-00158111 all of this have been taken away in the 8f61HawHQ8u-00697-00158112-00158271 digital sphere 8f61HawHQ8u-00698-00158272-00158463 human rights defenders have been put at 8f61HawHQ8u-00699-00158464-00158583 a heightened risk 8f61HawHQ8u-00700-00158584-00158766 because of the way our data has been 8f61HawHQ8u-00701-00158767-00158966 stolen attackers can 8f61HawHQ8u-00702-00158967-00159295 carry it take away our data and use this 8f61HawHQ8u-00703-00159296-00159551 to attack us and this is what is 8f61HawHQ8u-00704-00159552-00159702 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00705-00159703-00160031 and as i mentioned and i really love the 8f61HawHQ8u-00706-00160032-00160231 campaign of access now on keep it on 8f61HawHQ8u-00707-00160232-00160366 campaign in which 8f61HawHQ8u-00708-00160367-00160590 it it says as countries face financial 8f61HawHQ8u-00709-00160591-00160695 downs 8f61HawHQ8u-00710-00160696-00161071 must be work ensure we remain connected 8f61HawHQ8u-00711-00161072-00161271 be able to exercise our fundamental 8f61HawHQ8u-00712-00161272-00161399 human rights 8f61HawHQ8u-00713-00161400-00161559 including the right to access 8f61HawHQ8u-00714-00161560-00161702 information and 8f61HawHQ8u-00715-00161703-00161983 express ourselves every single day 8f61HawHQ8u-00716-00161984-00162111 democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-00717-00162112-00162478 cannot run if our voice is silence 8f61HawHQ8u-00718-00162479-00162743 resistance and resilience is a part of a 8f61HawHQ8u-00719-00162744-00162926 good democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-00720-00162927-00163223 and shutting internet shuts our 8f61HawHQ8u-00721-00163224-00163366 decision-making power 8f61HawHQ8u-00722-00163367-00163599 and our freedom of expression and this 8f61HawHQ8u-00723-00163600-00163926 is what we got to end together 8f61HawHQ8u-00724-00163927-00164159 so and in terms of the gendered 8f61HawHQ8u-00725-00164160-00164254 implication of 8f61HawHQ8u-00726-00164255-00164575 all these challenges as i mentioned that 8f61HawHQ8u-00727-00164576-00164759 it is really important that we got to 8f61HawHQ8u-00728-00164760-00164838 involve 8f61HawHQ8u-00729-00164839-00165095 technology which can be a powerful tools 8f61HawHQ8u-00730-00165096-00165214 as i mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-00731-00165215-00165383 for women and girls and people of other 8f61HawHQ8u-00732-00165384-00165583 gender to become activists we can use 8f61HawHQ8u-00733-00165584-00165751 there are good sides of technology that 8f61HawHQ8u-00734-00165752-00166014 we can also make use of 8f61HawHQ8u-00735-00166015-00166287 in fact as i mentioned 90 of the jobs 8f61HawHQ8u-00736-00166288-00166383 worldwide 8f61HawHQ8u-00737-00166384-00166719 already have a digital component and 8f61HawHQ8u-00738-00166720-00167038 if you bring 600 million girls and women 8f61HawHQ8u-00739-00167039-00167119 online 8f61HawHQ8u-00740-00167120-00167319 it could boost global gross domestic 8f61HawHQ8u-00741-00167320-00167478 product by a whopping 8f61HawHQ8u-00742-00167479-00167814 18 billion us dollar so when we are 8f61HawHQ8u-00743-00167815-00167895 arguing for 8f61HawHQ8u-00744-00167896-00168247 gender inclusion in the digital space 8f61HawHQ8u-00745-00168248-00168478 it is important that we are doing it to 8f61HawHQ8u-00746-00168479-00168623 be able to 8f61HawHQ8u-00747-00168624-00168959 all of us that we could be beneficiaries 8f61HawHQ8u-00748-00168960-00169214 of a global progress and not that only 8f61HawHQ8u-00749-00169215-00169366 one person of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00750-00169367-00169678 owns 99 of this globe currently which is 8f61HawHQ8u-00751-00169679-00169871 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00752-00169872-00170111 and for us the indigenous people what is 8f61HawHQ8u-00753-00170112-00170231 the way forward 8f61HawHQ8u-00754-00170232-00170478 as i mentioned indigenous people are 8f61HawHQ8u-00755-00170479-00170671 distinctly disadvantaged 8f61HawHQ8u-00756-00170672-00170871 with regards to digital information 8f61HawHQ8u-00757-00170872-00171071 excess and distribution 8f61HawHQ8u-00758-00171072-00171311 and a digital world can also be a 8f61HawHQ8u-00759-00171312-00171454 powerful tool you know 8f61HawHQ8u-00760-00171455-00171743 during covet 19 i was a part of many of 8f61HawHQ8u-00761-00171744-00171911 the online meetings 8f61HawHQ8u-00762-00171912-00172095 where we had discussions of indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00763-00172096-00172295 people and covet and how do we 8f61HawHQ8u-00764-00172296-00172566 safeguard ourselves but then obstacles 8f61HawHQ8u-00765-00172567-00172823 to connectivity remain as i mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-00766-00172824-00173095 there are so many parts of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00767-00173096-00173238 which are not connected by 8f61HawHQ8u-00768-00173239-00173535 roads by electricity by internet so 8f61HawHQ8u-00769-00173536-00173614 there is 8f61HawHQ8u-00770-00173615-00173911 all of these challenges still exist and 8f61HawHQ8u-00771-00173912-00174047 um 8f61HawHQ8u-00772-00174048-00174471 in fact uh jack panashi uh uh he's from 8f61HawHQ8u-00773-00174472-00174543 labrador 8f61HawHQ8u-00774-00174544-00174766 once said in order for our children to 8f61HawHQ8u-00775-00174767-00174951 participate in an equal level with 8f61HawHQ8u-00776-00174952-00175135 leaders of the future 8f61HawHQ8u-00777-00175136-00175335 they need to have the same access and 8f61HawHQ8u-00778-00175336-00175607 training with computers and the internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00779-00175608-00175838 as children of other cultures so it's 8f61HawHQ8u-00780-00175839-00176063 really really important 8f61HawHQ8u-00781-00176064-00176383 and to end with the last few words let 8f61HawHQ8u-00782-00176384-00176463 us see 8f61HawHQ8u-00783-00176464-00176726 you know i call united nations as our 8f61HawHQ8u-00784-00176727-00176919 grandparents if our nations are not 8f61HawHQ8u-00785-00176920-00177023 doing the right thing 8f61HawHQ8u-00786-00177024-00177295 let's go the united nations so what does 8f61HawHQ8u-00787-00177296-00177407 united nations do 8f61HawHQ8u-00788-00177408-00177711 and in fact for indigenous people access 8f61HawHQ8u-00789-00177712-00177838 to technology 8f61HawHQ8u-00790-00177839-00178199 as early as 200 2001 united nations 8f61HawHQ8u-00791-00178200-00178399 general assembly resolution 15 8f61HawHQ8u-00792-00178400-00178759 56 183 endorse a holding of a world 8f61HawHQ8u-00793-00178760-00178966 summit of information systems 8f61HawHQ8u-00794-00178967-00179175 according to this there were two 8f61HawHQ8u-00795-00179176-00179359 important meetings held in geneva in 8f61HawHQ8u-00796-00179360-00179487 2003 8f61HawHQ8u-00797-00179488-00179799 and in tunis plan of 2005. 8f61HawHQ8u-00798-00179800-00180078 and in this it was very clear that in 8f61HawHQ8u-00799-00180079-00180287 the evolution it was declared at this 8f61HawHQ8u-00800-00180288-00180511 forums that the evolution of an 8f61HawHQ8u-00801-00180512-00180671 information society 8f61HawHQ8u-00802-00180672-00180871 particular attention must be given to 8f61HawHQ8u-00803-00180872-00181054 the special situation of indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00804-00181055-00181126 people 8f61HawHQ8u-00805-00181127-00181359 as well as the preservation of the our 8f61HawHQ8u-00806-00181360-00181447 heritage 8f61HawHQ8u-00807-00181448-00181807 and our cultural legacy and then uh 8f61HawHQ8u-00808-00181808-00181983 following these two important meetings 8f61HawHQ8u-00809-00181984-00182166 that's why the importance 8f61HawHQ8u-00810-00182167-00182414 when we build resistance and resilience 8f61HawHQ8u-00811-00182415-00182575 global solidarity is an 8f61HawHQ8u-00812-00182576-00182902 absolute must and so civil society 8f61HawHQ8u-00813-00182903-00183151 coming together indigenous people came 8f61HawHQ8u-00814-00183152-00183423 together for the first global forum 8f61HawHQ8u-00815-00183424-00183626 and the information society in the year 8f61HawHQ8u-00816-00183627-00183783 2003. 8f61HawHQ8u-00817-00183784-00184102 so this was uh you know supported by the 8f61HawHQ8u-00818-00184103-00184159 government 8f61HawHQ8u-00819-00184160-00184335 canada and others united nations 8f61HawHQ8u-00820-00184336-00184535 permanent forum and indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00821-00184536-00184863 was a part of and so as a result 8f61HawHQ8u-00822-00184864-00185071 they had a adoption of the geneva 8f61HawHQ8u-00823-00185072-00185278 declaration of the global forum 8f61HawHQ8u-00824-00185279-00185495 of indigenous people and information 8f61HawHQ8u-00825-00185496-00185607 society 8f61HawHQ8u-00826-00185608-00185799 so really kudos to the indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00827-00185800-00185911 who formed 8f61HawHQ8u-00828-00185912-00186214 and then an international indigenous ict 8f61HawHQ8u-00829-00186215-00186407 task force was formed 8f61HawHQ8u-00830-00186408-00186711 so it continues to pursue the mandate of 8f61HawHQ8u-00831-00186712-00187054 ensuring inclusion in the digital age 8f61HawHQ8u-00832-00187055-00187375 so my final words are recommendations so 8f61HawHQ8u-00833-00187376-00187631 here we are in 2020 we're here at 8f61HawHQ8u-00834-00187632-00187759 wright's con 8f61HawHQ8u-00835-00187760-00187950 grateful to excel now for the fantastic 8f61HawHQ8u-00836-00187951-00188111 work they've been doing over the years 8f61HawHQ8u-00837-00188112-00188166 on 8f61HawHQ8u-00838-00188167-00188390 on digital uh you know human rights in 8f61HawHQ8u-00839-00188391-00188502 the digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-00840-00188503-00188887 it's so important that we got to engage 8f61HawHQ8u-00841-00188888-00189214 the united nations in this we need as 8f61HawHQ8u-00842-00189215-00189247 many 8f61HawHQ8u-00843-00189248-00189478 have stated before an annual digital 8f61HawHQ8u-00844-00189479-00189638 gender 8f61HawHQ8u-00845-00189639-00189919 equality report is needed i feel and 8f61HawHQ8u-00846-00189920-00190014 then we need 8f61HawHQ8u-00847-00190015-00190271 to foster policies and projects and 8f61HawHQ8u-00848-00190272-00190366 approaches 8f61HawHQ8u-00849-00190367-00190647 to this digital which are developed by 8f61HawHQ8u-00850-00190648-00190878 including women and indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00851-00190879-00191199 do not speak for us about us without 8f61HawHQ8u-00852-00191200-00191423 us we've got to involve indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00853-00191424-00191583 people find out where the indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-00854-00191584-00191759 people in our countries 8f61HawHQ8u-00855-00191760-00192007 do not make us as tokens in your 8f61HawHQ8u-00856-00192008-00192126 decision making 8f61HawHQ8u-00857-00192127-00192431 when you make digital policies 8f61HawHQ8u-00858-00192432-00192678 and we need as i mentioned to expand 8f61HawHQ8u-00859-00192679-00192895 internet and wireless technology 8f61HawHQ8u-00860-00192896-00193119 and nations need to have their own 8f61HawHQ8u-00861-00193120-00193399 digital set of strategy and e-strategies 8f61HawHQ8u-00862-00193400-00193623 we've got to evolve them because it's a 8f61HawHQ8u-00863-00193624-00193750 very important part as 8f61HawHQ8u-00864-00193751-00193999 nations adhere themselves to sustainable 8f61HawHQ8u-00865-00194000-00194247 development goals by 2030 8f61HawHQ8u-00866-00194248-00194447 national digital strategy is a must for 8f61HawHQ8u-00867-00194448-00194599 including and ensuring 8f61HawHQ8u-00868-00194600-00194854 no one is left behind and i'll end with 8f61HawHQ8u-00869-00194855-00195047 this beautiful quote 8f61HawHQ8u-00870-00195048-00195359 and this was actually unesco states 8f61HawHQ8u-00871-00195360-00195559 stated a couple of years ago in which it 8f61HawHQ8u-00872-00195560-00195719 said the rise 8f61HawHQ8u-00873-00195720-00195863 which is really important okay we are 8f61HawHQ8u-00874-00195864-00196047 connected by uh 8f61HawHQ8u-00875-00196048-00196311 you know a click of a button uh we are 8f61HawHQ8u-00876-00196312-00196575 having this global conference right now 8f61HawHQ8u-00877-00196576-00196911 but let us not you know sort of 8f61HawHQ8u-00878-00196912-00197263 confuse that as unesco said 8f61HawHQ8u-00879-00197264-00197511 the rise of a global information society 8f61HawHQ8u-00880-00197512-00197607 must not 8f61HawHQ8u-00881-00197608-00197919 overshadow the fact that it is valuable 8f61HawHQ8u-00882-00197920-00198087 only as a means 8f61HawHQ8u-00883-00198088-00198343 so global information society is a means 8f61HawHQ8u-00884-00198344-00198407 to achieve 8f61HawHQ8u-00885-00198408-00198695 genuine knowledge societies in other 8f61HawHQ8u-00886-00198696-00198854 words 8f61HawHQ8u-00887-00198855-00199119 information communication technology are 8f61HawHQ8u-00888-00199120-00199231 recognized 8f61HawHQ8u-00889-00199232-00199463 we recognize as knowledge generating 8f61HawHQ8u-00890-00199464-00199535 tools 8f61HawHQ8u-00891-00199536-00199775 but i repeat they should not constitute 8f61HawHQ8u-00892-00199776-00199959 knowledge itself 8f61HawHQ8u-00893-00199960-00200326 and i end with the words wise words of 8f61HawHQ8u-00894-00200327-00200535 chief george shirley of the navajo 8f61HawHQ8u-00895-00200536-00200807 nation state in which he said 8f61HawHQ8u-00896-00200808-00201175 information is not wisdom information is 8f61HawHQ8u-00897-00201176-00201311 without value 8f61HawHQ8u-00898-00201312-00201599 is without value if it is not available 8f61HawHQ8u-00899-00201600-00201814 to those who need it 8f61HawHQ8u-00900-00201815-00202023 knowledge combined with the wisdom of 8f61HawHQ8u-00901-00202024-00202126 our peoples 8f61HawHQ8u-00902-00202127-00202454 is what creates true opportunity 8f61HawHQ8u-00903-00202455-00202783 this is what we call upon nation states 8f61HawHQ8u-00904-00202784-00203031 the united nations and the global civil 8f61HawHQ8u-00905-00203032-00203238 society and the global digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-00906-00203239-00203414 to include the voices of women and 8f61HawHQ8u-00907-00203415-00203575 indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-00908-00203576-00203950 thank you so much and thank you so much 8f61HawHQ8u-00909-00203951-00204063 for giving this platform 8f61HawHQ8u-00910-00204064-00204599 and for listening to us thank you 8f61HawHQ8u-00911-00204600-00204927 you very much bina for that 8f61HawHQ8u-00912-00204928-00205134 wonderful keynote message that you 8f61HawHQ8u-00913-00205135-00205238 delivered 8f61HawHQ8u-00914-00205239-00205590 uh that was actually a lot of issues 8f61HawHQ8u-00915-00205591-00205942 for us to chew um and i think the 8f61HawHQ8u-00916-00205944-00206198 the issues that the two mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-00917-00206200-00206334 they're happening that 8f61HawHQ8u-00918-00206335-00206631 they're happening not just in um your 8f61HawHQ8u-00919-00206632-00206846 part of the world not just in manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-00920-00206848-00207119 but also in other parts of asia in other 8f61HawHQ8u-00921-00207119-00207310 parts of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00922-00207311-00207598 and it was quite disheartening to note 8f61HawHQ8u-00923-00207600-00207646 that 8f61HawHQ8u-00924-00207648-00207975 the situation of uh indigenous peoples 8f61HawHQ8u-00925-00207976-00208175 not just in your part of the world but 8f61HawHQ8u-00926-00208176-00208566 also in other parts of asia 8f61HawHQ8u-00927-00208567-00208823 the discrimination the depression the 8f61HawHQ8u-00928-00208823-00209062 trafficking that's going on 8f61HawHQ8u-00929-00209063-00209294 yeah and the status of women we really 8f61HawHQ8u-00930-00209296-00209519 have to do something about it 8f61HawHQ8u-00931-00209519-00209758 because as we know um whenever there are 8f61HawHQ8u-00932-00209759-00209951 conflicts in conflict situation 8f61HawHQ8u-00933-00209952-00210175 even in emergencies such as the kovind 8f61HawHQ8u-00934-00210176-00210271 pandemic 8f61HawHQ8u-00935-00210271-00210455 it is always the women who bear the 8f61HawHQ8u-00936-00210456-00210731 grant the women who bear the 8f61HawHQ8u-00937-00210732-00210887 consequences 8f61HawHQ8u-00938-00210888-00211119 and who has to the women who have to 8f61HawHQ8u-00939-00211119-00211303 take case when something 8f61HawHQ8u-00940-00211304-00211663 happens when tragedy starts and yet um 8f61HawHQ8u-00941-00211664-00212023 in many parts of the yeah the 8f61HawHQ8u-00942-00212023-00212358 internet being connected is very much um 8f61HawHQ8u-00943-00212359-00212710 helpful and that you also mentioned that 8f61HawHQ8u-00944-00212711-00213031 um in many parts of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-00945-00213032-00213334 uh there's still a digital divide that 8f61HawHQ8u-00946-00213335-00213446 exists 8f61HawHQ8u-00947-00213448-00213767 uh and and this is very stark when when 8f61HawHQ8u-00948-00213767-00213831 you 8f61HawHQ8u-00949-00213832-00214055 zero in on the sector of women and 8f61HawHQ8u-00950-00214056-00214255 indigenous peoples 8f61HawHQ8u-00951-00214256-00214671 so um bina um 8f61HawHQ8u-00952-00214671-00215006 uh maybe why why should we include why 8f61HawHQ8u-00953-00215007-00215055 is it 8f61HawHQ8u-00954-00215056-00215398 important that uh women especially the 8f61HawHQ8u-00955-00215400-00215551 marginalized ones 8f61HawHQ8u-00956-00215552-00215855 indigenous peoples why should they be 8f61HawHQ8u-00957-00215856-00216246 uh included uh when when 8f61HawHQ8u-00958-00216248-00216455 uh why should they have access why 8f61HawHQ8u-00959-00216456-00216575 should they be 8f61HawHQ8u-00960-00216576-00216927 included in in the internet 8f61HawHQ8u-00961-00216928-00217263 and um uh 8f61HawHQ8u-00962-00217264-00217623 how can we how can technology be used 8f61HawHQ8u-00963-00217623-00217871 how can this access be used to empower 8f61HawHQ8u-00964-00217871-00218110 women 8f61HawHQ8u-00965-00218111-00218415 yes um actually my the question would be 8f61HawHQ8u-00966-00218416-00218655 why shouldn't we be included 8f61HawHQ8u-00967-00218656-00218958 as i mentioned that women 8f61HawHQ8u-00968-00218959-00219279 form 50 of the world's population 8f61HawHQ8u-00969-00219280-00219598 half the world's population but only 48 8f61HawHQ8u-00970-00219600-00219887 women have access to internet uh excess 8f61HawHQ8u-00971-00219888-00219967 and 8f61HawHQ8u-00972-00219967-00220151 and even in countries as i mentioned in 8f61HawHQ8u-00973-00220152-00220351 india only 28 8f61HawHQ8u-00974-00220352-00220623 women have access to the internet uh so 8f61HawHQ8u-00975-00220623-00220655 this 8f61HawHQ8u-00976-00220656-00220958 is really and whether it's about 8f61HawHQ8u-00977-00220959-00221271 um in the economy as i mentioned uh 8f61HawHQ8u-00978-00221271-00221439 if you boost economy or even in 8f61HawHQ8u-00979-00221440-00221687 democracy working of a democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-00980-00221688-00221975 uh if you exclude the women and the 8f61HawHQ8u-00981-00221976-00222110 marginalized 8f61HawHQ8u-00982-00222111-00222415 and other minority communities uh you 8f61HawHQ8u-00983-00222416-00222519 cannot 8f61HawHQ8u-00984-00222519-00222863 say that we are truly having uh you know 8f61HawHQ8u-00985-00222864-00223063 the deepening of our democracies in 8f61HawHQ8u-00986-00223064-00223294 various asiatic nation states 8f61HawHQ8u-00987-00223296-00223615 what is really tragic in asia today is 8f61HawHQ8u-00988-00223616-00223758 this a rise 8f61HawHQ8u-00989-00223759-00224082 democracy is a backsliding of democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-00990-00224083-00224198 happening 8f61HawHQ8u-00991-00224200-00224463 all around the world and including asian 8f61HawHQ8u-00992-00224464-00224591 nation states 8f61HawHQ8u-00993-00224592-00224734 there's a rise of religious 8f61HawHQ8u-00994-00224735-00224894 fundamentalism 8f61HawHQ8u-00995-00224896-00225127 religious conversion happening in many 8f61HawHQ8u-00996-00225128-00225342 parts of south asia and pakistan 8f61HawHQ8u-00997-00225344-00225606 in india and other parts where there is 8f61HawHQ8u-00998-00225607-00225719 fundamental 8f61HawHQ8u-00999-00225719-00225982 uh ways of using religion as a means to 8f61HawHQ8u-01000-00225983-00226167 build nationalism 8f61HawHQ8u-01001-00226167-00226471 that's why in in india 8f61HawHQ8u-01002-00226471-00226775 uh you know we a lot of internet 8f61HawHQ8u-01003-00226776-00226855 shutdowns 8f61HawHQ8u-01004-00226856-00227158 happen during the time of the protests 8f61HawHQ8u-01005-00227159-00227246 against 8f61HawHQ8u-01006-00227248-00227663 the citizenship you know amendment act 8f61HawHQ8u-01007-00227664-00227934 and what does this act says and as well 8f61HawHQ8u-01008-00227935-00228206 as a national register of citizens 8f61HawHQ8u-01009-00228207-00228582 these were two really uh discriminatory 8f61HawHQ8u-01010-00228583-00228798 policies which was brought about 8f61HawHQ8u-01011-00228800-00229071 by the modi government in which under 8f61HawHQ8u-01012-00229071-00229303 the national register of citizens 8f61HawHQ8u-01013-00229304-00229494 it was said that you have to show 8f61HawHQ8u-01014-00229496-00229703 documents to prove that you're an indian 8f61HawHQ8u-01015-00229704-00229863 citizen 8f61HawHQ8u-01016-00229864-00230094 and it was this exercise was done the 8f61HawHQ8u-01017-00230096-00230271 past couple of years 8f61HawHQ8u-01018-00230271-00230487 so imagine think for a moment today 8f61HawHQ8u-01019-00230488-00230679 whichever country you're watching this 8f61HawHQ8u-01020-00230680-00231039 right scorn fire chat from if today even 8f61HawHQ8u-01021-00231040-00231223 if you're in a passport 8f61HawHQ8u-01022-00231223-00231479 you have your identity cards yet the 8f61HawHQ8u-01023-00231480-00231679 government of your country comes and 8f61HawHQ8u-01024-00231680-00231798 tells you 8f61HawHQ8u-01025-00231800-00232046 proof that you have ancestry records 8f61HawHQ8u-01026-00232048-00232367 from 1971 or 1950s 8f61HawHQ8u-01027-00232367-00232623 prove that you you and your ancestors 8f61HawHQ8u-01028-00232623-00232679 voted 8f61HawHQ8u-01029-00232680-00232958 in the last 30 years in this country and 8f61HawHQ8u-01030-00232959-00233182 if you do not have documents to prove 8f61HawHQ8u-01031-00233183-00233375 that you can vote 8f61HawHQ8u-01032-00233376-00233687 then you are called registered as a 8f61HawHQ8u-01033-00233688-00233815 foreigner in your own 8f61HawHQ8u-01034-00233816-00234134 country this is what happened in assam 8f61HawHQ8u-01035-00234135-00234479 in northeast of india in which 2 million 8f61HawHQ8u-01036-00234480-00234758 people were left out of the national 8f61HawHQ8u-01037-00234759-00234942 register of citizens 8f61HawHQ8u-01038-00234944-00235239 and we did an analysis of who were left 8f61HawHQ8u-01039-00235240-00235342 out of it 8f61HawHQ8u-01040-00235344-00235727 and we found out that 69 8f61HawHQ8u-01041-00235728-00235958 of the people left out from the national 8f61HawHQ8u-01042-00235959-00236127 register of citizens 8f61HawHQ8u-01043-00236128-00236551 in india where women i repeat 69 8f61HawHQ8u-01044-00236552-00236863 because in asia in south asia women 8f61HawHQ8u-01045-00236864-00237134 are the properties of their fathers of 8f61HawHQ8u-01046-00237135-00237215 their brothers 8f61HawHQ8u-01047-00237216-00237455 or their husbands or some male member of 8f61HawHQ8u-01048-00237456-00237551 a family 8f61HawHQ8u-01049-00237552-00237846 this is a patriarchy which we live in 8f61HawHQ8u-01050-00237848-00238039 and as a result when a woman gets 8f61HawHQ8u-01051-00238040-00238127 married 8f61HawHQ8u-01052-00238128-00238327 then except for her name and the clothes 8f61HawHQ8u-01053-00238328-00238463 she wear there's nothing that 8f61HawHQ8u-01054-00238464-00238751 she can call her own forget documents 8f61HawHQ8u-01055-00238752-00238942 forget documents 8f61HawHQ8u-01056-00238944-00239382 so as a result um in this uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01057-00239383-00239719 in the human rights in the digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-01058-00239719-00240055 if we do not include the voices of women 8f61HawHQ8u-01059-00240056-00240255 and indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-01060-00240256-00240575 then we are not we cannot say we are 8f61HawHQ8u-01061-00240576-00240687 living in 8f61HawHQ8u-01062-00240688-00240982 global democracies if you exclude half 8f61HawHQ8u-01063-00240983-00241079 the women 8f61HawHQ8u-01064-00241080-00241263 if you include the marginalized the 8f61HawHQ8u-01065-00241264-00241439 lgbtq communities you 8f61HawHQ8u-01066-00241440-00241679 exclude the minorities the dalits we 8f61HawHQ8u-01067-00241680-00241991 cannot say this is a true democracy so 8f61HawHQ8u-01068-00241992-00242271 inclusion of gender and minorities 8f61HawHQ8u-01069-00242271-00242455 indigenous people is a must 8f61HawHQ8u-01070-00242456-00242710 in strengthening democracies and the 8f61HawHQ8u-01071-00242711-00242879 digital world can help 8f61HawHQ8u-01072-00242880-00243158 you can help how how long does it take 8f61HawHQ8u-01073-00243159-00243319 to get electricity to 8f61HawHQ8u-01074-00243319-00243567 mountain regions in manipur or in 8f61HawHQ8u-01075-00243567-00243751 tripura i have visited all these 8f61HawHQ8u-01076-00243752-00243879 mountain regions 8f61HawHQ8u-01077-00243880-00244142 in the last many many years i've been to 8f61HawHQ8u-01078-00244144-00244271 many of these points 8f61HawHQ8u-01079-00244271-00244430 but they have been totally totally 8f61HawHQ8u-01080-00244431-00244727 excluded inclusion 8f61HawHQ8u-01081-00244728-00245015 a diversity policy in the digital sphere 8f61HawHQ8u-01082-00245016-00245094 as well as in 8f61HawHQ8u-01083-00245096-00245327 every sphere of social economic 8f61HawHQ8u-01084-00245328-00245534 inclusion is what we are asking through 8f61HawHQ8u-01085-00245535-00245910 this platform 8f61HawHQ8u-01086-00245911-00246206 yes thank you vina um great to hear that 8f61HawHQ8u-01087-00246207-00246487 you mentioned about the id 8f61HawHQ8u-01088-00246488-00246679 because um a lot of countries are 8f61HawHQ8u-01089-00246680-00246903 looking up to the adhar system in india 8f61HawHQ8u-01090-00246904-00247087 even the philippines has its own 8f61HawHQ8u-01091-00247088-00247223 national id 8f61HawHQ8u-01092-00247223-00247510 and it is great to hear that there are 8f61HawHQ8u-01093-00247511-00247582 challenges 8f61HawHQ8u-01094-00247583-00247894 there which we have to look into 8f61HawHQ8u-01095-00247896-00248127 before embarking on issues such as 8f61HawHQ8u-01096-00248128-00248479 already using digital id and profiling 8f61HawHQ8u-01097-00248480-00248823 now you also mentioned about um internet 8f61HawHQ8u-01098-00248823-00248903 shutdowns 8f61HawHQ8u-01099-00248904-00249198 we know that internet shutdowns are 8f61HawHQ8u-01100-00249200-00249279 being used 8f61HawHQ8u-01101-00249280-00249510 to silence descent as you mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-01102-00249511-00249598 access now 8f61HawHQ8u-01103-00249600-00249839 is monitoring these shutdowns under the 8f61HawHQ8u-01104-00249840-00250006 keep it on campaign 8f61HawHQ8u-01105-00250007-00250271 they happen most of the time during 8f61HawHQ8u-01106-00250271-00250510 conflict situations 8f61HawHQ8u-01107-00250511-00250767 and of course india taps the list of 8f61HawHQ8u-01108-00250767-00250846 internet 8f61HawHQ8u-01109-00250848-00251191 shutdowns and then also in some targeted 8f61HawHQ8u-01110-00251192-00251406 areas they happen for instance in 8f61HawHQ8u-01111-00251407-00251598 bangladesh in the camps where 8f61HawHQ8u-01112-00251600-00251951 the rohingya refugees reside 8f61HawHQ8u-01113-00251952-00252255 in the uh rakhine 8f61HawHQ8u-01114-00252256-00252455 and chin states in myanmar where there's 8f61HawHQ8u-01115-00252456-00252655 military where the military is in 8f61HawHQ8u-01116-00252656-00252839 conflict with some armed routes 8f61HawHQ8u-01117-00252840-00253039 in indonesia as well they there was 8f61HawHQ8u-01118-00253040-00253151 internet shutdown 8f61HawHQ8u-01119-00253152-00253351 in an attempt to disconnect the people 8f61HawHQ8u-01120-00253352-00253455 of papua 8f61HawHQ8u-01121-00253456-00253719 new governments would say that they do 8f61HawHQ8u-01122-00253719-00253775 this 8f61HawHQ8u-01123-00253776-00254015 uh they justify internet shutdowns by 8f61HawHQ8u-01124-00254016-00254094 saying that 8f61HawHQ8u-01125-00254096-00254423 uh this is in order to fight fake news 8f61HawHQ8u-01126-00254423-00254767 which is yeah uh hate speech 8f61HawHQ8u-01127-00254767-00254982 a lot of hate speech happening and also 8f61HawHQ8u-01128-00254983-00255351 um to 8f61HawHQ8u-01129-00255352-00255694 to so that violence can be um 8f61HawHQ8u-01130-00255696-00256015 uh curbed that uh governments are also 8f61HawHQ8u-01131-00256016-00256127 saying that this is 8f61HawHQ8u-01132-00256128-00256415 a uh precautionary measure for public 8f61HawHQ8u-01133-00256416-00256494 security 8f61HawHQ8u-01134-00256496-00256830 national security so do you think that 8f61HawHQ8u-01135-00256831-00257039 in a way governments are also justified 8f61HawHQ8u-01136-00257040-00257158 when they say this 8f61HawHQ8u-01137-00257159-00257367 and why should we keep the internet on 8f61HawHQ8u-01138-00257367-00257671 especially for women 8f61HawHQ8u-01139-00257671-00257967 yes uh lisa this is really something 8f61HawHQ8u-01140-00257967-00258182 which has been troubling all of us 8f61HawHQ8u-01141-00258183-00258494 so imagine freedom of expression is the 8f61HawHQ8u-01142-00258496-00258655 phenomenal right 8f61HawHQ8u-01143-00258656-00258894 enshrine in our constitutions enshrined 8f61HawHQ8u-01144-00258896-00259255 in universal declaration of human rights 8f61HawHQ8u-01145-00259256-00259558 you know growing up in a conflict area 8f61HawHQ8u-01146-00259559-00259758 in manipur as a child i was 8f61HawHQ8u-01147-00259759-00260119 always told be not don't ask questions 8f61HawHQ8u-01148-00260119-00260367 we were always asked to keep going this 8f61HawHQ8u-01149-00260367-00260471 was like 8f61HawHQ8u-01150-00260471-00260791 15 20 years ago and today 8f61HawHQ8u-01151-00260792-00261127 lisa we can't even post on facebook 8f61HawHQ8u-01152-00261128-00261558 or on twitter in manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-01153-00261559-00261775 journalists have been arrested for a 8f61HawHQ8u-01154-00261776-00262006 facebook post 8f61HawHQ8u-01155-00262007-00262271 we can't express freedom of expressions 8f61HawHQ8u-01156-00262272-00262430 completely completely 8f61HawHQ8u-01157-00262431-00262710 scuttled and as i mentioned since prime 8f61HawHQ8u-01158-00262711-00262910 minister modi came to power india being 8f61HawHQ8u-01159-00262911-00263030 the land of 8f61HawHQ8u-01160-00263031-00263367 iit uh so many i.t professionals even 8f61HawHQ8u-01161-00263368-00263487 then 8f61HawHQ8u-01162-00263488-00263806 uh you know we had 259 internet shutdown 8f61HawHQ8u-01163-00263807-00264095 since the year 2015. 8f61HawHQ8u-01164-00264096-00264495 so this is a great tragedy for india as 8f61HawHQ8u-01165-00264496-00264639 a nation state 8f61HawHQ8u-01166-00264640-00264887 as well as many other nation states who 8f61HawHQ8u-01167-00264888-00264967 think 8f61HawHQ8u-01168-00264968-00265343 that by what are nations made of by the 8f61HawHQ8u-01169-00265344-00265551 way nations are made of people like you 8f61HawHQ8u-01170-00265552-00265758 and me 8f61HawHQ8u-01171-00265759-00265982 you cannot you can rule and govern a 8f61HawHQ8u-01172-00265983-00266334 nation well if we listen to each other 8f61HawHQ8u-01173-00266335-00266679 we express ourselves through 8f61HawHQ8u-01174-00266680-00267055 our writing our research our posting 8f61HawHQ8u-01175-00267056-00267351 and of course into this world where a 8f61HawHQ8u-01176-00267352-00267415 lot of 8f61HawHQ8u-01177-00267416-00267710 you know as i mentioned it is not for 8f61HawHQ8u-01178-00267711-00267879 people of access to troll 8f61HawHQ8u-01179-00267880-00268223 armies who pays to do the trolling 8f61HawHQ8u-01180-00268224-00268510 who pays to do all of these uh threats i 8f61HawHQ8u-01181-00268511-00268567 mean it 8f61HawHQ8u-01182-00268568-00268903 requires a strategy someone organized to 8f61HawHQ8u-01183-00268904-00268967 do it 8f61HawHQ8u-01184-00268968-00269191 and nation states have been doing it 8f61HawHQ8u-01185-00269192-00269334 this is wrong 8f61HawHQ8u-01186-00269335-00269527 and we need to tell them squarely in the 8f61HawHQ8u-01187-00269528-00269703 face that we can't 8f61HawHQ8u-01188-00269704-00269951 we have a a very interesting example in 8f61HawHQ8u-01189-00269952-00270103 in assam 8f61HawHQ8u-01190-00270104-00270439 where the government of assam actually 8f61HawHQ8u-01191-00270440-00270639 shut down the internet and it was the 8f61HawHQ8u-01192-00270640-00270767 gohati high court 8f61HawHQ8u-01193-00270768-00271023 we ensured that the internet ban is 8f61HawHQ8u-01194-00271024-00271143 lifted 8f61HawHQ8u-01195-00271144-00271479 so we should litigate we should work 8f61HawHQ8u-01196-00271480-00271687 with lawyers we should ensure 8f61HawHQ8u-01197-00271688-00271903 that our freedom of expression is 8f61HawHQ8u-01198-00271904-00271991 protected 8f61HawHQ8u-01199-00271992-00272279 every single day right now it's being 8f61HawHQ8u-01200-00272280-00272391 taken away 8f61HawHQ8u-01201-00272392-00272719 and in fact can you imagine the the 8f61HawHQ8u-01202-00272720-00272903 beginning of the digital age which is 8f61HawHQ8u-01203-00272904-00273006 the information 8f61HawHQ8u-01204-00273007-00273506 age and today in 2020 we are discussing 8f61HawHQ8u-01205-00273507-00273806 disinformation from information 8f61HawHQ8u-01206-00273807-00274151 to disinformation we have to know and 8f61HawHQ8u-01207-00274152-00274463 ask as experts who have created this 8f61HawHQ8u-01208-00274464-00274663 how did this come about who is 8f61HawHQ8u-01209-00274664-00274934 responsible it is not people like me 8f61HawHQ8u-01210-00274935-00275223 or people the marginalized indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-01211-00275224-00275255 for 8f61HawHQ8u-01212-00275256-00275471 us all we are doing is to deepen 8f61HawHQ8u-01213-00275472-00275575 democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-01214-00275576-00275879 and share rule of law in our villages in 8f61HawHQ8u-01215-00275880-00275910 our 8f61HawHQ8u-01216-00275911-00276255 regions in our nation states and 8f61HawHQ8u-01217-00276256-00276527 we are being threatened repeatedly by 8f61HawHQ8u-01218-00276528-00276623 just doing 8f61HawHQ8u-01219-00276624-00276895 the right thing because of what i call 8f61HawHQ8u-01220-00276896-00277110 the criminalization of a democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-01221-00277111-00277487 is happening and in when we discuss 8f61HawHQ8u-01222-00277488-00277679 digital right human rights digital world 8f61HawHQ8u-01223-00277680-00277847 we should also realize 8f61HawHQ8u-01224-00277848-00278039 how important it is to look into these 8f61HawHQ8u-01225-00278040-00278158 aspects 8f61HawHQ8u-01226-00278159-00278375 while we do other human rights how we 8f61HawHQ8u-01227-00278376-00278475 ensure that 8f61HawHQ8u-01228-00278476-00278839 kleptocracies we are it's not democracy 8f61HawHQ8u-01229-00278840-00278927 anymore it's 8f61HawHQ8u-01230-00278928-00279127 kleptocracy which is now ruling the 8f61HawHQ8u-01231-00279128-00279455 world it's a rising authority in regimes 8f61HawHQ8u-01232-00279456-00279815 from asia to you know europe 8f61HawHQ8u-01233-00279816-00280167 to americas so i think civil society 8f61HawHQ8u-01234-00280168-00280439 as well as experts thinkers you know 8f61HawHQ8u-01235-00280440-00280663 good people or policymakers we got to 8f61HawHQ8u-01236-00280664-00280743 unite 8f61HawHQ8u-01237-00280744-00281006 to confront this otherwise it'll keep 8f61HawHQ8u-01238-00281007-00281358 going on 8f61HawHQ8u-01239-00281359-00281703 yes it's sad that um even during this 8f61HawHQ8u-01240-00281704-00281879 time of the pandemic 8f61HawHQ8u-01241-00281880-00282199 uh even states are using um 8f61HawHQ8u-01242-00282200-00282503 uh the issue of kovit 19 to repress 8f61HawHQ8u-01243-00282504-00282734 freedom such as freedom of information 8f61HawHQ8u-01244-00282735-00282927 and assembly as you mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-01245-00282928-00283134 and this is true for for many countries 8f61HawHQ8u-01246-00283135-00283303 like my country in the philippines 8f61HawHQ8u-01247-00283304-00283519 where they pass the anti-terror law 8f61HawHQ8u-01248-00283520-00283623 there's hong kong 8f61HawHQ8u-01249-00283624-00283919 also with the national security law and 8f61HawHQ8u-01250-00283920-00283991 yeah 8f61HawHQ8u-01251-00283992-00284215 because of this repressive laws being 8f61HawHQ8u-01252-00284216-00284303 passed 8f61HawHQ8u-01253-00284304-00284582 activists and critics of government uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01254-00284583-00284854 fear that it might be used against them 8f61HawHQ8u-01255-00284855-00285143 and yeah soviet 19 has really affected 8f61HawHQ8u-01256-00285144-00285351 the work of human rights defenders like 8f61HawHQ8u-01257-00285352-00285423 us 8f61HawHQ8u-01258-00285424-00285806 so given that how can we as a 8f61HawHQ8u-01259-00285807-00286158 civil society how can we as activists 8f61HawHQ8u-01260-00286159-00286439 push back what resilience strategies do 8f61HawHQ8u-01261-00286440-00286623 you see that we can employ 8f61HawHQ8u-01262-00286624-00286975 so that we can restore the semblance of 8f61HawHQ8u-01263-00286976-00287230 democracy that we want to see 8f61HawHQ8u-01264-00287231-00287551 yes but this is a great question how are 8f61HawHQ8u-01265-00287552-00287671 we doing resilience 8f61HawHQ8u-01266-00287672-00287903 and resistance during this time of the 8f61HawHQ8u-01267-00287904-00288095 pandemic of it 19 8f61HawHQ8u-01268-00288096-00288358 and all of us everyone tuning in here 8f61HawHQ8u-01269-00288359-00288495 every part of the world 8f61HawHQ8u-01270-00288496-00288839 have been affected by kovite 19 and 8f61HawHQ8u-01271-00288840-00289182 india just crossed 1.4 million and 8f61HawHQ8u-01272-00289183-00289519 so what i have seen during this 8f61HawHQ8u-01273-00289520-00289791 as i mentioned in many parts of india 8f61HawHQ8u-01274-00289792-00289951 for example manipur in northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-01275-00289952-00290167 india that i come from as i mentioned 8f61HawHQ8u-01276-00290168-00290534 much before this perfect lockdown we had 8f61HawHQ8u-01277-00290535-00290727 so many lockdowns i've seen so many 8f61HawHQ8u-01278-00290728-00290871 lockdowns in my life 8f61HawHQ8u-01279-00290872-00291191 combing operations we have seen buns 8f61HawHQ8u-01280-00291192-00291471 her towels and where we couldn't like 8f61HawHQ8u-01281-00291472-00291679 step out of our home so 8f61HawHQ8u-01282-00291680-00291910 we the indigenous people in northeastern 8f61HawHQ8u-01283-00291911-00292030 they have seen 8f61HawHQ8u-01284-00292031-00292382 so much of lockdowns in our life before 8f61HawHQ8u-01285-00292383-00292534 covet 19 8f61HawHQ8u-01286-00292535-00292879 and now we are seeing undercover 19. 8f61HawHQ8u-01287-00292880-00293030 and i used to joke with my friend saying 8f61HawHQ8u-01288-00293031-00293199 oh my god we have seen 8f61HawHQ8u-01289-00293200-00293430 lockdowns before so this is not new for 8f61HawHQ8u-01290-00293431-00293615 us these lockdowns 8f61HawHQ8u-01291-00293616-00293958 and what i saw during covit 19 a couple 8f61HawHQ8u-01292-00293959-00294127 of trends 8f61HawHQ8u-01293-00294128-00294334 first not just as you mentioned the 8f61HawHQ8u-01294-00294335-00294543 internet lockdown 8f61HawHQ8u-01295-00294544-00294895 but during covet 19 8f61HawHQ8u-01296-00294896-00295239 government of india also tried to 8f61HawHQ8u-01297-00295240-00295495 give order to build dams all across the 8f61HawHQ8u-01298-00295496-00295606 northeast of india 8f61HawHQ8u-01299-00295607-00295943 given environmental clearances 8f61HawHQ8u-01300-00295944-00296239 in northeast of india there is a plan to 8f61HawHQ8u-01301-00296240-00296463 build over 160 dams all across 8f61HawHQ8u-01302-00296464-00296719 indigenous parts of northeast of india 8f61HawHQ8u-01303-00296720-00296934 and during covet 19 in the middle of 8f61HawHQ8u-01304-00296935-00297079 kovit 19 8f61HawHQ8u-01305-00297080-00297343 when everyone was just trying to survive 8f61HawHQ8u-01306-00297344-00297415 trying to stay 8f61HawHQ8u-01307-00297416-00297719 safe and alive suddenly there was a 8f61HawHQ8u-01308-00297720-00298023 a thing which says you know they are 8f61HawHQ8u-01309-00298024-00298087 going to give 8f61HawHQ8u-01310-00298088-00298319 the the green tribunal is given a 8f61HawHQ8u-01311-00298320-00298543 go-ahead site for this dams 8f61HawHQ8u-01312-00298544-00298782 and what was so critical was at that 8f61HawHQ8u-01313-00298783-00298887 time was 8f61HawHQ8u-01314-00298888-00299182 there was a whole array of resistance 8f61HawHQ8u-01315-00299183-00299303 online 8f61HawHQ8u-01316-00299304-00299606 by a lot of young environmentalists 8f61HawHQ8u-01317-00299607-00299823 in india from the northeast of india as 8f61HawHQ8u-01318-00299824-00300047 well as fridays of future 8f61HawHQ8u-01319-00300048-00300358 who actually push back we 8f61HawHQ8u-01320-00300359-00300654 took to internet we took to social media 8f61HawHQ8u-01321-00300655-00300710 and 8f61HawHQ8u-01322-00300711-00300991 i tried my best to amplify through my 8f61HawHQ8u-01323-00300992-00301175 twitter and other social media accounts 8f61HawHQ8u-01324-00301176-00301287 and 8f61HawHQ8u-01325-00301288-00301591 and and it was temporarily stalled so 8f61HawHQ8u-01326-00301592-00301871 this is a very beautiful example of how 8f61HawHQ8u-01327-00301872-00302058 when the young people were 8f61HawHQ8u-01328-00302059-00302223 inter-generational we 8f61HawHQ8u-01329-00302224-00302519 come together and use whatever energy we 8f61HawHQ8u-01330-00302520-00302639 have 8f61HawHQ8u-01331-00302640-00302910 to be able to push back governments must 8f61HawHQ8u-01332-00302911-00303006 not forget 8f61HawHQ8u-01333-00303007-00303182 that they are made of people like you 8f61HawHQ8u-01334-00303183-00303439 and me young and old 8f61HawHQ8u-01335-00303440-00303758 uh and we uh some of us we are 8f61HawHQ8u-01336-00303759-00303839 continuing to 8f61HawHQ8u-01337-00303840-00304199 watch that you know nations and our 8f61HawHQ8u-01338-00304200-00304382 countries are governed according to rule 8f61HawHQ8u-01339-00304383-00304503 of law 8f61HawHQ8u-01340-00304504-00304710 and we do not want authoritarian regimes 8f61HawHQ8u-01341-00304711-00304815 lawlessness 8f61HawHQ8u-01342-00304816-00304991 we don't want this information which 8f61HawHQ8u-01343-00304992-00305143 will you know 8f61HawHQ8u-01344-00305144-00305391 ensure me against my sister me against 8f61HawHQ8u-01345-00305392-00305534 my brother 8f61HawHQ8u-01346-00305535-00305791 inter-ethnic fights through this social 8f61HawHQ8u-01347-00305792-00305999 media where a lot of 8f61HawHQ8u-01348-00306000-00306239 disinformation has been spread about 8f61HawHQ8u-01349-00306240-00306327 communities 8f61HawHQ8u-01350-00306328-00306567 and all of that so that was one thing 8f61HawHQ8u-01351-00306568-00306751 not just internet shutdown during covet 8f61HawHQ8u-01352-00306752-00306830 19 8f61HawHQ8u-01353-00306831-00307095 there were attempts by our governments 8f61HawHQ8u-01354-00307096-00307199 to push 8f61HawHQ8u-01355-00307200-00307558 uh you know environmental uh you know 8f61HawHQ8u-01356-00307559-00307806 passes to ensure that dams are built 8f61HawHQ8u-01357-00307807-00307982 there was also in assam 8f61HawHQ8u-01358-00307983-00308175 they tried to give clearance for coal 8f61HawHQ8u-01359-00308176-00308463 mining during covet 19. 8f61HawHQ8u-01360-00308464-00308767 this was a a elephant reserve which they 8f61HawHQ8u-01361-00308768-00308887 tried to 8f61HawHQ8u-01362-00308888-00309230 you know use it for mining exploitation 8f61HawHQ8u-01363-00309231-00309510 and because of the resilience and 8f61HawHQ8u-01364-00309511-00309647 resistance 8f61HawHQ8u-01365-00309648-00309958 by the uh by the communities uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01366-00309959-00310110 young the all the indigenous and the 8f61HawHQ8u-01367-00310111-00310271 women communities in the northeast of 8f61HawHQ8u-01368-00310272-00310415 india it was pushed back 8f61HawHQ8u-01369-00310416-00310734 all happening 19. so that is one thing 8f61HawHQ8u-01370-00310735-00310854 and the third thing 8f61HawHQ8u-01371-00310855-00311151 which is happening in many parts of the 8f61HawHQ8u-01372-00311152-00311223 indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-01373-00311224-00311703 as well as in in asia during covet 19 is 8f61HawHQ8u-01374-00311704-00311871 um i don't know whether it's done in 8f61HawHQ8u-01375-00311872-00312175 philippines but today in manipur 8f61HawHQ8u-01376-00312176-00312479 if you step out of the house 8f61HawHQ8u-01377-00312480-00312791 during the lockdown it's not a lockdown 8f61HawHQ8u-01378-00312792-00312951 it's a curfew 8f61HawHQ8u-01379-00312952-00313206 so they will find you 10 000 rupees 8f61HawHQ8u-01380-00313207-00313303 which is about 8f61HawHQ8u-01381-00313304-00313630 300 if you disobey 8f61HawHQ8u-01382-00313631-00313927 the lockdown order so it's literally a 8f61HawHQ8u-01383-00313928-00314047 curfew so if you 8f61HawHQ8u-01384-00314048-00314303 do not have a piece of paper which says 8f61HawHQ8u-01385-00314304-00314447 you can move about 8f61HawHQ8u-01386-00314448-00314630 which only the rich and the powerful 8f61HawHQ8u-01387-00314631-00314782 will have so 8f61HawHQ8u-01388-00314783-00315054 many many poor marginalized people are 8f61HawHQ8u-01389-00315055-00315182 on the total 8f61HawHQ8u-01390-00315183-00315471 lockdown in manipur as we speak i have 8f61HawHQ8u-01391-00315472-00315671 been in touch with many many villagers 8f61HawHQ8u-01392-00315672-00315943 uh in manipur during this time and this 8f61HawHQ8u-01393-00315944-00316047 curfew 8f61HawHQ8u-01394-00316048-00316215 which we saw earlier in the conflict 8f61HawHQ8u-01395-00316216-00316519 areas it is about military curfew now on 8f61HawHQ8u-01396-00316520-00316751 the kovit 19 is a curfew 8f61HawHQ8u-01397-00316752-00316958 imposed by the government whether when 8f61HawHQ8u-01398-00316959-00317079 the national disaster 8f61HawHQ8u-01399-00317080-00317439 law has been used to put people behind 8f61HawHQ8u-01400-00317440-00317823 bars for disobeying and one of the 8f61HawHQ8u-01401-00317824-00318054 funniest thing which happened last 20 72 8f61HawHQ8u-01402-00318055-00318143 hours was 8f61HawHQ8u-01403-00318144-00318439 a state of india i think jharkhand said 8f61HawHQ8u-01404-00318440-00318479 that 8f61HawHQ8u-01405-00318480-00318743 if you are found without a mast you 8f61HawHQ8u-01406-00318744-00318830 would refine 8f61HawHQ8u-01407-00318831-00318991 a hundred thousand indian rupees which 8f61HawHQ8u-01408-00318992-00319254 is about 1 300 us dollar 8f61HawHQ8u-01409-00319255-00319623 for not wearing a mask so on one hand 8f61HawHQ8u-01410-00319624-00319982 uh the fault of the government which did 8f61HawHQ8u-01411-00319983-00320023 not 8f61HawHQ8u-01412-00320024-00320303 put india on a proper lockdown initially 8f61HawHQ8u-01413-00320304-00320558 we were busy clanging pots and pans 8f61HawHQ8u-01414-00320559-00320734 but we did not have a scientific 8f61HawHQ8u-01415-00320735-00320887 approach towards 8f61HawHQ8u-01416-00320888-00321279 handling kovitt 19 resulting in millions 8f61HawHQ8u-01417-00321280-00321639 millions of poor migrant laborers 8f61HawHQ8u-01418-00321640-00321887 fleeing india's metropolitan cities 8f61HawHQ8u-01419-00321888-00322039 working for days 8f61HawHQ8u-01420-00322040-00322367 months to reach their villages 8f61HawHQ8u-01421-00322368-00322606 and so as a result huge community 8f61HawHQ8u-01422-00322607-00322830 failure of the central government 8f61HawHQ8u-01423-00322831-00323239 to ensure has resulted in a massive 8f61HawHQ8u-01424-00323240-00323479 community curve transmission from 8f61HawHQ8u-01425-00323480-00323671 india's metropolitan cities 8f61HawHQ8u-01426-00323672-00323847 to rural areas of india which is 8f61HawHQ8u-01427-00323848-00323999 happening right now so 8f61HawHQ8u-01428-00324000-00324206 india is now in the top three kovite 8f61HawHQ8u-01429-00324207-00324406 affected nations in the world 8f61HawHQ8u-01430-00324407-00324806 so we have a lesson to learn that how 8f61HawHQ8u-01431-00324807-00325095 authoritarian autocritic nations like 8f61HawHQ8u-01432-00325096-00325230 brazil and india 8f61HawHQ8u-01433-00325231-00325430 actually have failed to contain kovit 8f61HawHQ8u-01434-00325431-00325591 19. 8f61HawHQ8u-01435-00325592-00325854 and it is important for us as uh you 8f61HawHQ8u-01436-00325855-00325934 know 8f61HawHQ8u-01437-00325935-00326182 people and communities who are building 8f61HawHQ8u-01438-00326183-00326399 democracies working egyptian rule of law 8f61HawHQ8u-01439-00326400-00326758 to ensure that we stay in solidarity 8f61HawHQ8u-01440-00326759-00326967 to ensure as i mentioned in the earlier 8f61HawHQ8u-01441-00326968-00327063 part of my 8f61HawHQ8u-01442-00327064-00327375 uh sharing that a national plan is built 8f61HawHQ8u-01443-00327376-00327487 to look into 8f61HawHQ8u-01444-00327488-00327703 all these issues a national diversity 8f61HawHQ8u-01445-00327704-00327895 policy ensuring 8f61HawHQ8u-01446-00327896-00328215 that we work on an anti-racial law so 8f61HawHQ8u-01447-00328216-00328271 that 8f61HawHQ8u-01448-00328272-00328478 indigenous people do not face racism 8f61HawHQ8u-01449-00328479-00328678 during covet 19 as well as 8f61HawHQ8u-01450-00328679-00329030 at other times and to ensure that 8f61HawHQ8u-01451-00329031-00329239 women and indigenous people and the 8f61HawHQ8u-01452-00329240-00329478 marginalized are not left out of this 8f61HawHQ8u-01453-00329479-00329727 and as i mentioned for this we got to 8f61HawHQ8u-01454-00329728-00329854 work at the local level 8f61HawHQ8u-01455-00329855-00330151 galvanized community local level uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01456-00330152-00330278 number two we got to work on the 8f61HawHQ8u-01457-00330279-00330439 regional national level 8f61HawHQ8u-01458-00330440-00330654 and and like as we're doing in writes on 8f61HawHQ8u-01459-00330655-00330751 right now 8f61HawHQ8u-01460-00330752-00331023 we've got to galvanize together to learn 8f61HawHQ8u-01461-00331024-00331127 from each other 8f61HawHQ8u-01462-00331128-00331375 from different global communities to be 8f61HawHQ8u-01463-00331376-00331463 able to hold 8f61HawHQ8u-01464-00331464-00332030 our governments and nations accountable 8f61HawHQ8u-01465-00332031-00332271 yes uh thank you bina and i think what 8f61HawHQ8u-01466-00332272-00332399 you were saying is true 8f61HawHQ8u-01467-00332400-00332615 actually for a lot of governments a lot 8f61HawHQ8u-01468-00332616-00332806 of states who are not prepared 8f61HawHQ8u-01469-00332807-00333063 for this pandemic even as you call 8f61HawHQ8u-01470-00333064-00333199 little curfew 8f61HawHQ8u-01471-00333200-00333367 some call it lockdown in the philippines 8f61HawHQ8u-01472-00333368-00333575 we call it community quarantine 8f61HawHQ8u-01473-00333576-00333791 but they all amount to the same thing 8f61HawHQ8u-01474-00333792-00334103 lockdown so our movements are really um 8f61HawHQ8u-01475-00334104-00334415 restricted so yes um 8f61HawHQ8u-01476-00334416-00334647 information is very much important 8f61HawHQ8u-01477-00334648-00334871 especially at this time 8f61HawHQ8u-01478-00334872-00335206 because we we need to know what's 8f61HawHQ8u-01479-00335207-00335423 happening and we need to know what to do 8f61HawHQ8u-01480-00335424-00335647 yes so so because it's almost time or 8f61HawHQ8u-01481-00335648-00335815 almost out of time dina 8f61HawHQ8u-01482-00335816-00336087 uh i'll i'll give you um two minutes for 8f61HawHQ8u-01483-00336088-00336134 your 8f61HawHQ8u-01484-00336135-00336382 last words before we wrap up this 8f61HawHQ8u-01485-00336383-00336623 session 8f61HawHQ8u-01486-00336624-00336943 yes um 8f61HawHQ8u-01487-00336944-00337271 first of all just to thank you lisa for 8f61HawHQ8u-01488-00337272-00337599 moderating this asia keynote 8f61HawHQ8u-01489-00337600-00337815 thankful to the accessnow team for 8f61HawHQ8u-01490-00337816-00338015 including our voices 8f61HawHQ8u-01491-00338016-00338295 uh at this incredible one of the world's 8f61HawHQ8u-01492-00338296-00338439 largest gathering 8f61HawHQ8u-01493-00338440-00338695 on human rights in the digital world we 8f61HawHQ8u-01494-00338696-00338895 were all supposed to meet at costa rica 8f61HawHQ8u-01495-00338896-00339158 but because of kovit 19. i think the 8f61HawHQ8u-01496-00339159-00339287 good thing is 8f61HawHQ8u-01497-00339288-00339503 that i listened to this incredible 8f61HawHQ8u-01498-00339504-00339639 speech by the 8f61HawHQ8u-01499-00339640-00339895 in the inaugural this morning by the 8f61HawHQ8u-01500-00339896-00339991 information 8f61HawHQ8u-01501-00339992-00340247 technology minister from costa rica a 8f61HawHQ8u-01502-00340248-00340543 woman engineer she was she was a shining 8f61HawHQ8u-01503-00340544-00340671 example of how 8f61HawHQ8u-01504-00340672-00340975 women and girls need to be in the field 8f61HawHQ8u-01505-00340976-00341063 of stem 8f61HawHQ8u-01506-00341064-00341287 we need to get more into be more 8f61HawHQ8u-01507-00341288-00341463 software ingenious we got to 8f61HawHQ8u-01508-00341464-00341847 get into let's not leave tech to men 8f61HawHQ8u-01509-00341848-00342271 okay let men enjoy cooking 8f61HawHQ8u-01510-00342272-00342519 let women also enjoy how to you know 8f61HawHQ8u-01511-00342520-00342599 code 8f61HawHQ8u-01512-00342600-00342903 how to ensure that we are a part of that 8f61HawHQ8u-01513-00342904-00343103 whole process because we still have a 8f61HawHQ8u-01514-00343104-00343310 very gender skewed world 8f61HawHQ8u-01515-00343311-00343623 of digital divide of technology divide 8f61HawHQ8u-01516-00343624-00343847 divide between different genders and 8f61HawHQ8u-01517-00343848-00344078 this is what we've got to bridge for 8f61HawHQ8u-01518-00344079-00344158 that 8f61HawHQ8u-01519-00344159-00344375 as i mentioned we need a digital uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01520-00344376-00344478 policy for 8f61HawHQ8u-01521-00344479-00344734 um for for all of us to make this 8f61HawHQ8u-01522-00344735-00344871 possible 8f61HawHQ8u-01523-00344872-00345078 and work very closely with policy makers 8f61HawHQ8u-01524-00345079-00345182 in india and 8f61HawHQ8u-01525-00345183-00345375 at the at with governments around the 8f61HawHQ8u-01526-00345376-00345551 world particularly the united nations 8f61HawHQ8u-01527-00345552-00345799 so that our voices are heard it's so 8f61HawHQ8u-01528-00345800-00346023 important to prevail upon our nations 8f61HawHQ8u-01529-00346024-00346247 that we live in a very unequal world 8f61HawHQ8u-01530-00346248-00346334 today 8f61HawHQ8u-01531-00346335-00346671 and we got to bridge that first and uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01532-00346672-00346919 to be inclusive of women and indigenous 8f61HawHQ8u-01533-00346920-00347023 people 8f61HawHQ8u-01534-00347024-00347182 as one of the earliest speakers in the 8f61HawHQ8u-01535-00347183-00347382 panel said 8f61HawHQ8u-01536-00347383-00347695 it is indigenous the digital world needs 8f61HawHQ8u-01537-00347696-00347887 indigenous people 8f61HawHQ8u-01538-00347888-00348223 our wisdom our indigenous knowledge 8f61HawHQ8u-01539-00348224-00348510 our way of life will illuminate the 8f61HawHQ8u-01540-00348511-00348758 digital world if you include us 8f61HawHQ8u-01541-00348759-00348958 so in your decision making in your 8f61HawHQ8u-01542-00348959-00349063 planning 8f61HawHQ8u-01543-00349064-00349391 if not uh then we will continue to have 8f61HawHQ8u-01544-00349392-00349719 protests resistance violence if we have 8f61HawHQ8u-01545-00349720-00349767 to bring 8f61HawHQ8u-01546-00349768-00350071 peace to our villages in our hearts our 8f61HawHQ8u-01547-00350072-00350223 minds our communities 8f61HawHQ8u-01548-00350224-00350591 we've got to build inclusive 8f61HawHQ8u-01549-00350592-00350958 you know you know inclusive diverse 8f61HawHQ8u-01550-00350959-00351295 gender just world without that we cannot 8f61HawHQ8u-01551-00351296-00351343 build 8f61HawHQ8u-01552-00351344-00351510 any world whether it's digital or 8f61HawHQ8u-01553-00351511-00351743 otherwise and this is what 8f61HawHQ8u-01554-00351744-00352015 i would like to work with all of us 8f61HawHQ8u-01555-00352016-00352127 around the world 8f61HawHQ8u-01556-00352128-00352367 to be able to breathe a change that we 8f61HawHQ8u-01557-00352368-00352823 wish to see 8f61HawHQ8u-01558-00352824-00353039 thank you very much bina for those 8f61HawHQ8u-01559-00353040-00353215 wonderful words of wisdom 8f61HawHQ8u-01560-00353216-00353639 coming from you a very much experienced 8f61HawHQ8u-01561-00353640-00353903 activist and it's really important that 8f61HawHQ8u-01562-00353904-00353975 we include 8f61HawHQ8u-01563-00353976-00354319 everyone um whenever we do planning 8f61HawHQ8u-01564-00354320-00354575 whenever we do decision making 8f61HawHQ8u-01565-00354576-00354919 yeah especially women and ips 8f61HawHQ8u-01566-00354920-00355151 civil society as well we need them 8f61HawHQ8u-01567-00355152-00355351 because they play an important part in 8f61HawHQ8u-01568-00355352-00355527 strengthening democracies in our 8f61HawHQ8u-01569-00355528-00355639 countries 8f61HawHQ8u-01570-00355640-00355895 and we need of course the solidarity of 8f61HawHQ8u-01571-00355896-00355999 other 8f61HawHQ8u-01572-00356000-00356287 uh nations other groups so there were 8f61HawHQ8u-01573-00356288-00356543 many things that we really touched on so 8f61HawHQ8u-01574-00356544-00356791 um there's a lot that is happening in 8f61HawHQ8u-01575-00356792-00356863 the region 8f61HawHQ8u-01576-00356864-00357071 and i'm sure that those who viewed uh 8f61HawHQ8u-01577-00357072-00357230 this uh session 8f61HawHQ8u-01578-00357231-00357510 have questions of their own also but but 8f61HawHQ8u-01579-00357511-00357719 hopefully those will also be answered in 8f61HawHQ8u-01580-00357720-00357854 the different sessions here at 8f61HawHQ8u-01581-00357855-00358006 writespawn online 8f61HawHQ8u-01582-00358007-00358287 so on behalf of writescon thank you very 8f61HawHQ8u-01583-00358288-00358551 much to our asia keynote speaker um 8f61HawHQ8u-01584-00358552-00358823 dina for being with us for sharing with 8f61HawHQ8u-01585-00358824-00358991 us your expertise 8f61HawHQ8u-01586-00358992-00359254 your experience and your insights it was 8f61HawHQ8u-01587-00359255-00359447 really a pleasure to have you here and 8f61HawHQ8u-01588-00359448-00359663 thank you everyone for tuning in to this 8f61HawHQ8u-01589-00359664-00359871 session 8f61HawHQ8u-01590-00359872-00361282 thank you lisa and thank you access now 8f61HawHQ8u-01592-00366255-00366464 you 8fuKg2GNr9M-00000-00000051-00000409 [Music] 8fuKg2GNr9M-00001-00000410-00000711 love the event first of all a lot of 8fuKg2GNr9M-00002-00000712-00000876 content a very original that's not 8fuKg2GNr9M-00003-00000877-00001058 something that you can find on the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00004-00001059-00001179 Internet 8fuKg2GNr9M-00005-00001180-00001425 what a challenge we have is is creatives 8fuKg2GNr9M-00006-00001426-00001735 hiring professional videographers and 8fuKg2GNr9M-00007-00001736-00001976 models are very expensive so one of the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00008-00001977-00002097 things we learned from one of the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00009-00002098-00002313 speaker's was basically reach out to 8fuKg2GNr9M-00010-00002314-00002549 these by crane for answers and using 8fuKg2GNr9M-00011-00002550-00002798 their sort of average for of good 8fuKg2GNr9M-00012-00002799-00003215 authentic photo shots just seeing kind 8fuKg2GNr9M-00013-00003216-00003356 of some of the creative deals that 8fuKg2GNr9M-00014-00003357-00003558 they're putting together for influencers 8fuKg2GNr9M-00015-00003559-00003809 gave me some ideas on how we could we 8fuKg2GNr9M-00016-00003810-00003986 could be more creative some of the deals 8fuKg2GNr9M-00017-00003987-00004247 that we do as well so that's really was 8fuKg2GNr9M-00018-00004248-00004565 my focus coming here today 8fuKg2GNr9M-00019-00004566-00004824 it is totally valuable guys if you 8fuKg2GNr9M-00020-00004825-00004974 really want to increase your Facebook 8fuKg2GNr9M-00021-00004975-00005142 ROI you want to learn from the expert 8fuKg2GNr9M-00022-00005143-00005565 this is the place to be in being here in 8fuKg2GNr9M-00023-00005566-00005766 one day it has taken my level from here 8fuKg2GNr9M-00024-00005767-00006306 to here it's an opportunity to network 8fuKg2GNr9M-00025-00006307-00006579 with like-minded individuals people that 8fuKg2GNr9M-00026-00006580-00006768 are in it every single day that 8fuKg2GNr9M-00027-00006769-00007098 understand it and able to connect on not 8fuKg2GNr9M-00028-00007098-00007191 just business 8fuKg2GNr9M-00029-00007192-00007419 business level but really on the things 8fuKg2GNr9M-00030-00007420-00007701 that happen behind the scenes this event 8fuKg2GNr9M-00031-00007702-00007898 became very positive for me within the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00032-00007900-00008112 first speech the first speaker that came 8fuKg2GNr9M-00033-00008113-00008334 out he was amazing you're not just here 8fuKg2GNr9M-00034-00008335-00008588 to like you know see strategies your 8fuKg2GNr9M-00035-00008589-00008885 future also here the best apps to use 8fuKg2GNr9M-00036-00008886-00009162 the best technology what's working for 8fuKg2GNr9M-00037-00009163-00009333 others especially when it comes to ad 8fuKg2GNr9M-00038-00009334-00009579 buying it's not just about what you know 8fuKg2GNr9M-00039-00009580-00009771 to be true in your panel you need to 8fuKg2GNr9M-00040-00009772-00009951 know what others know too because the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00041-00009952-00010155 more that you understand and the more 8fuKg2GNr9M-00042-00010156-00010341 insights that you can see you can make 8fuKg2GNr9M-00043-00010342-00010485 them work in your world and you can 8fuKg2GNr9M-00044-00010486-00010666 leverage other people's success and 8fuKg2GNr9M-00045-00010667-00010779 absolutely 8fuKg2GNr9M-00046-00010780-00011028 FastTrack everywhere you want to go this 8fuKg2GNr9M-00047-00011029-00011189 is the fast track when you come to an 8fuKg2GNr9M-00048-00011190-00011406 event like this I've already gotten you 8fuKg2GNr9M-00049-00011407-00011541 know more out of it than I even expected 8fuKg2GNr9M-00050-00011542-00011853 so it's great definitely something I'd 8fuKg2GNr9M-00051-00011854-00012066 come back to I mean it's one of those 8fuKg2GNr9M-00052-00012067-00012183 things where you come you get so much 8fuKg2GNr9M-00053-00012184-00012408 information I don't even know if I'll be 8fuKg2GNr9M-00054-00012409-00012621 able to apply it all but yeah I've 8fuKg2GNr9M-00055-00012622-00012767 already gotten a lot of stuff just day 8fuKg2GNr9M-00056-00012768-00012916 one 8fuKg2GNr9M-00057-00012916-00013419 today you're not on the edge of where 8fuKg2GNr9M-00058-00013420-00013561 you need to be to understand where you 8fuKg2GNr9M-00059-00013562-00013678 need to be to take your business to the 8fuKg2GNr9M-00060-00013679-00014119 next level 8fuKg2GNr9M-00061-00014119-00014430 [Music] 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00000-00000051-00000284 this is a list of kings of Pontus an 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00001-00000285-00000491 ancient Hellenistic kingdom of Persian 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00002-00000492-00000966 origin in Asia Minor 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00003-00000967-00001462 topic kings of Pontus 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00004-00001463-00001813 Mithridates the first Katti stays 281 to 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00005-00001814-00002571 266 bc area bar Zayn's 266 c 250 BC 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00006-00002572-00003131 Mithridates the second C 250 C to 20 BC 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00007-00003132-00003699 Mithridates the third C 220 C 185 BC 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00008-00003700-00004387 furnaces IC 185 c1 70 BC Mithridates the 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00009-00004388-00004732 fourth Phillip patter philadelphus e 170 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00010-00004733-00005140 C 150 BC Mithridates the fifth yer get 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00011-00005141-00005680 c1 501 200 BC Mithridates the sixth you 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00012-00005681-00006402 Pater 120 to 63 BC furnaces to 63 247 BC 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00013-00006403-00006924 Darius of Pontus 39 to 37 BC arse asses 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00014-00006925-00007359 of Pontus 37 BC Pia Zadora die lemon I 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00015-00007361-00007656 37 - 8 BC 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00016-00007658-00008050 pythor door to 8 BC to 38 ad the lemon 8hWJUX_aHbQ-00017-00008051-00008428 to 38 to 64 AD 8lMbaK3G-2c-00000-00000050-00001474 yes No hi I'm Eileen and this is the 8lMbaK3G-2c-00001-00001475-00001673 lazy millennial today we're gonna talk 8lMbaK3G-2c-00002-00001673-00001855 about how to survive the holiday season 8lMbaK3G-2c-00003-00001857-00002278 without losing your mind 8lMbaK3G-2c-00004-00002279-00002662 [Music] 8lMbaK3G-2c-00005-00002663-00003050 the holidays are great in fact today 8lMbaK3G-2c-00006-00003051-00003308 instead of my usual coffee I am drinking 8lMbaK3G-2c-00007-00003309-00003590 eggnog but getting ready for the 8lMbaK3G-2c-00008-00003590-00003908 holidays can be such a challenge usually 8lMbaK3G-2c-00009-00003909-00004163 my parents help but adulting means 8lMbaK3G-2c-00010-00004164-00004502 letting go of their support I don't want 8lMbaK3G-2c-00011-00004503-00004925 to do that sir no sir no no no no plane 8lMbaK3G-2c-00012-00004926-00005152 tickets and presents are expensive and 8lMbaK3G-2c-00013-00005153-00005375 there's never enough time there are so 8lMbaK3G-2c-00014-00005376-00005572 many people to see and events to go to 8lMbaK3G-2c-00015-00005573-00005884 and stuff to buy but for the sake of 8lMbaK3G-2c-00016-00005885-00006179 love friendship and social capital it 8lMbaK3G-2c-00017-00006180-00006453 all has to be juggled one big scary 8lMbaK3G-2c-00018-00006454-00006681 inescapable fact of the world is 8lMbaK3G-2c-00019-00006683-00007019 scarcity most people think that this has 8lMbaK3G-2c-00020-00007020-00007253 to do with money and physical resources 8lMbaK3G-2c-00021-00007254-00007580 but the most scarce resource of all is 8lMbaK3G-2c-00022-00007581-00008105 your time so with all this pressure to 8lMbaK3G-2c-00023-00008106-00008542 see everyone and do all the things how 8lMbaK3G-2c-00024-00008543-00008777 do I get the most value out of the 8lMbaK3G-2c-00025-00008778-00009067 limited time that I have back home you 8lMbaK3G-2c-00026-00009068-00009137 know what 8lMbaK3G-2c-00027-00009138-00009470 I know you were a gift for my aunt but I 8lMbaK3G-2c-00028-00009471-00009871 don't actually have to worry there's 8lMbaK3G-2c-00029-00009872-00010206 this idea in economics called 8lMbaK3G-2c-00030-00010207-00010506 opportunity costs or ring I know 8lMbaK3G-2c-00031-00010507-00010802 basically this just means that every 8lMbaK3G-2c-00032-00010803-00011035 choice you make is an opportunity that 8lMbaK3G-2c-00033-00011036-00011285 comes at the cost of all the other stuff 8lMbaK3G-2c-00034-00011286-00011498 you can't do at the same time the 8lMbaK3G-2c-00035-00011499-00011699 holidays are the worst because there are 8lMbaK3G-2c-00036-00011700-00011878 endless demands on your time and 8lMbaK3G-2c-00037-00011879-00012106 balancing all your obligations is tough 8lMbaK3G-2c-00038-00012107-00012670 but dude so ok take a deep breath 8lMbaK3G-2c-00039-00012671-00012969 holidays are about what you value for me 8lMbaK3G-2c-00040-00012971-00013266 that's family and Christmas Eve Mass and 8lMbaK3G-2c-00041-00013268-00013572 the food and the desserts and breakfast 8lMbaK3G-2c-00042-00013574-00013903 and the whole 48 hours of food but I 8lMbaK3G-2c-00043-00013904-00014053 also want to spend a little time with 8lMbaK3G-2c-00044-00014054-00014335 friends since I know that going in I can 8lMbaK3G-2c-00045-00014336-00014518 make sure everyone's okay ahead of time 8lMbaK3G-2c-00046-00014519-00014728 with me ducking out for a little while 8lMbaK3G-2c-00047-00014729-00014974 the thing about opportunity cost is that 8lMbaK3G-2c-00048-00014975-00015157 it's everywhere all the time 8lMbaK3G-2c-00049-00015158-00015571 thus FOMO there is no single answer on 8lMbaK3G-2c-00050-00015572-00015712 how to handle all of this 8lMbaK3G-2c-00051-00015713-00015934 everyone's values are different so you 8lMbaK3G-2c-00052-00015935-00016216 do you but maybe knowing these 8lMbaK3G-2c-00053-00016216-00016414 trade-offs are unavoidable actually 8lMbaK3G-2c-00054-00016415-00016630 makes it easier to prioritize knowing we 8lMbaK3G-2c-00055-00016631-00016858 have limited time actually makes it more 8lMbaK3G-2c-00056-00016859-00017155 important to make the most of it okay 8lMbaK3G-2c-00057-00017156-00017699 family here I come sweaters for everyone 8lMbaK3G-2c-00058-00017700-00018000 [Music] 8lMbaK3G-2c-00059-00018001-00018427 happy holidays everyone thanks for 8lMbaK3G-2c-00060-00018428-00018619 watching the lazy millennial today leave 8lMbaK3G-2c-00061-00018620-00018805 a comment below and let me know how you 8lMbaK3G-2c-00062-00018806-00019009 make tough choices when you have too 8lMbaK3G-2c-00063-00019010-00019243 much going on and if you want to learn 8lMbaK3G-2c-00064-00019244-00019444 more about how opportunity cost affects 8lMbaK3G-2c-00065-00019445-00019528 all our lives 8lMbaK3G-2c-00066-00019529-00019708 check out the foundation for economic 8lMbaK3G-2c-00067-00019709-00020053 education free online course economics 8lMbaK3G-2c-00068-00020054-00020155 in one day 8lMbaK3G-2c-00069-00020156-00020527 available at courses fee org or don't 8lMbaK3G-2c-00070-00020528-00020728 and the Grinch might steal all your 8lMbaK3G-2c-00071-00020729-00020976 presents 8lMbaK3G-2c-00072-00020977-00021610 [Music]