paXYQIo0KTM-00000-00000459-00000730 well interesting enough with one of the paXYQIo0KTM-00001-00000731-00001027 books I tried the iBook version and I paXYQIo0KTM-00002-00001028-00001360 couldn't work with it on my iPad I I paXYQIo0KTM-00003-00001361-00001531 don't know why it was kind of paXYQIo0KTM-00004-00001532-00001696 complicated for me so I have to switch paXYQIo0KTM-00005-00001697-00002020 to a regular PDF which is what I'm used paXYQIo0KTM-00006-00002021-00002494 to so I could read it and okay so the paXYQIo0KTM-00007-00002495-00002652 guidebook version didn't work well for paXYQIo0KTM-00008-00002653-00003043 you know the iBook version no it was and paXYQIo0KTM-00009-00003044-00003504 I'm not used to know fair enough yeah so paXYQIo0KTM-00010-00003506-00003754 it was like I was trying to navigate and paXYQIo0KTM-00011-00003754-00004105 it will send me back and sometimes it paXYQIo0KTM-00012-00004106-00004375 will switch the page I mean it's just a paXYQIo0KTM-00013-00004376-00004558 matter of getting used to it I will have paXYQIo0KTM-00014-00004559-00004863 to but since we needed to focus on the paXYQIo0KTM-00015-00004864-00005029 reading I just said now I'm gonna read paXYQIo0KTM-00016-00005030-00005454 the PDF yes now the advantage of the paXYQIo0KTM-00017-00005455-00005635 guidebook version is that you can play paXYQIo0KTM-00018-00005636-00006028 videos and access links more easily than paXYQIo0KTM-00019-00006029-00006633 with the PDF version yes I noticed that paXYQIo0KTM-00020-00006634-00006960 are these books like they're not paXYQIo0KTM-00021-00006961-00007201 complete versions or the ones we're paXYQIo0KTM-00022-00007202-00007387 reading are just part so this is the paXYQIo0KTM-00023-00007388-00007755 whole book they're drafts essentially paXYQIo0KTM-00024-00007756-00007876 they're they haven't been published with paXYQIo0KTM-00025-00007877-00008194 the iBooks store but what you can do is paXYQIo0KTM-00026-00008195-00008584 you can produce your own iBooks and put paXYQIo0KTM-00027-00008585-00008748 them on your own server and share them paXYQIo0KTM-00028-00008749-00008892 that way which is what I've been doing paXYQIo0KTM-00029-00008893-00009099 with yours so they haven't gone through paXYQIo0KTM-00030-00009100-00009273 the full process of being made into a paXYQIo0KTM-00031-00009274-00010152 problem textbook paXYQIo0KTM-00032-00010153-00010460 Edge's yes you can only open the iBooks paXYQIo0KTM-00033-00010461-00010782 version if you have an Apple computer or paXYQIo0KTM-00034-00010783-00011226 an iPad device that's why I also provide paXYQIo0KTM-00035-00011227-00011660 the oh you do have that ok then you paXYQIo0KTM-00036-00011661-00012084 should be able to download them and then paXYQIo0KTM-00037-00012085-00012524 open them in iBooks Reader you may need paXYQIo0KTM-00038-00012525-00012756 to install that software if it's not paXYQIo0KTM-00039-00012757-00013466 part of the standard I iBook I saw paXYQIo0KTM-00040-00013466-00013890 MacBook configuration I can't quite paXYQIo0KTM-00041-00013891-00014193 recall whether or not it the iBook paXYQIo0KTM-00042-00014194-00014481 viewer is a standard part of the paXYQIo0KTM-00043-00014482-00014616 operating system or if you have to paXYQIo0KTM-00044-00014616-00014684 download it paXYQIo0KTM-00045-00014685-00015036 I suspect you might have to download paXYQIo0KTM-00046-00015037-00015579 that on iPads and so forth you have the paXYQIo0KTM-00047-00015580-00016022 iBooks reader as a standard app that I'm paXYQIo0KTM-00048-00016023-00016410 not certain about the actual laptop or paXYQIo0KTM-00049-00016411-00017865 PC equivalent and welcome Adrian ok well paXYQIo0KTM-00050-00017866-00018131 let's get started with some questions paXYQIo0KTM-00051-00018132-00018543 from our tix this evening the first one paXYQIo0KTM-00052-00018544-00018788 is on information and communication paXYQIo0KTM-00053-00018789-00019106 technologies most of these are still paXYQIo0KTM-00054-00019107-00019403 quite relevant today there's a few links paXYQIo0KTM-00055-00019404-00019743 sort of broken and things of that nature paXYQIo0KTM-00056-00019744-00020000 these books were developed a number of paXYQIo0KTM-00057-00020001-00020478 years ago now and they started off quite paXYQIo0KTM-00058-00020479-00020738 simply by going through the fundamental paXYQIo0KTM-00059-00020739-00021030 technologies that we generally have paXYQIo0KTM-00060-00021031-00021252 available such as PowerPoint and Keynote paXYQIo0KTM-00061-00021253-00021837 and things of that nature so do we have paXYQIo0KTM-00062-00021838-00022478 any questions please actually actually paXYQIo0KTM-00063-00022479-00022694 actually I don't have any questions paXYQIo0KTM-00064-00022695-00022836 because I think that book is pretty paXYQIo0KTM-00065-00022837-00022980 self-explanatory paXYQIo0KTM-00066-00022981-00023211 you know when you go through like how paXYQIo0KTM-00067-00023212-00023525 you could use a pricey and how it can be paXYQIo0KTM-00068-00023526-00023562 used paXYQIo0KTM-00069-00023563-00023712 classroom and things like that and paXYQIo0KTM-00070-00023713-00023928 actually how you can be a Ewing back paXYQIo0KTM-00071-00023929-00024075 Pressey you ambassador paXYQIo0KTM-00072-00024076-00024594 I used the Prezi several times for four paXYQIo0KTM-00073-00024595-00024900 presentations so I'm very familiar with paXYQIo0KTM-00074-00024901-00025131 that one because I never liked paXYQIo0KTM-00075-00025132-00025383 PowerPoint because for me PowerPoint paXYQIo0KTM-00076-00025384-00025844 tends to be kind of a static and like it paXYQIo0KTM-00077-00025845-00026010 says usually people tend to do the same paXYQIo0KTM-00078-00026011-00026313 you know isn't order list and things paXYQIo0KTM-00079-00026314-00026511 like that and a lot of graphics but paXYQIo0KTM-00080-00026512-00026736 sometimes it's just not enough paXYQIo0KTM-00081-00026737-00027033 while Prezi actually the movement I mean paXYQIo0KTM-00082-00027033-00027227 it gives a certain flow and you can work paXYQIo0KTM-00083-00027229-00027417 it actually it like a mindmap zone paXYQIo0KTM-00084-00027418-00027687 sometimes so you can go back to the paXYQIo0KTM-00085-00027688-00027804 center and then move in a different paXYQIo0KTM-00086-00027805-00028185 direction keynote is basically the same paXYQIo0KTM-00087-00028186-00028386 but I never used at the application and paXYQIo0KTM-00088-00028387-00028608 the iPad but I think it this is these paXYQIo0KTM-00089-00028608-00028842 are pretty self-explanatory I don't know paXYQIo0KTM-00090-00028843-00029013 if anyone has any questions regarding paXYQIo0KTM-00091-00029014-00029570 with Arden this I I remember at school paXYQIo0KTM-00092-00029572-00029879 we had the interactive whiteboards and paXYQIo0KTM-00093-00029880-00030219 basically right now they are obsolete paXYQIo0KTM-00094-00030220-00030426 and collecting dust because no teacher paXYQIo0KTM-00095-00030427-00030614 would use them the only teacher that paXYQIo0KTM-00096-00030616-00030825 would use it would be the technology paXYQIo0KTM-00097-00030826-00031086 teacher in his classroom so he had a paXYQIo0KTM-00098-00031087-00031368 laptop computer and everything and none paXYQIo0KTM-00099-00031369-00031995 of the rest of the stuff yes that can be paXYQIo0KTM-00100-00031995-00032168 a challenge paXYQIo0KTM-00101-00032169-00032400 unfortunately the barriers to using paXYQIo0KTM-00102-00032401-00032771 technology can present problems and paXYQIo0KTM-00103-00032772-00032997 interactive whiteboards required a paXYQIo0KTM-00104-00032998-00033294 certain approach they did provide paXYQIo0KTM-00105-00033295-00033474 classrooms with nice digital projectors paXYQIo0KTM-00106-00033475-00033683 and that tend to be the main purpose and paXYQIo0KTM-00107-00033684-00034061 benefit from their introduction that paXYQIo0KTM-00108-00034062-00034362 unless you got into the actual specific paXYQIo0KTM-00109-00034363-00034691 apps that were developed for different paXYQIo0KTM-00110-00034692-00035040 proprietary interactive whiteboard paXYQIo0KTM-00111-00035041-00035322 systems they didn't prove to be that paXYQIo0KTM-00112-00035323-00035661 popular with just casual use in paXYQIo0KTM-00113-00035662-00036187 classrooms paXYQIo0KTM-00114-00036188-00036427 so Adrienne answers these technologies paXYQIo0KTM-00115-00036428-00036610 are more common these days paXYQIo0KTM-00116-00036611-00037085 oops just lost your chat I've not seen a paXYQIo0KTM-00117-00037086-00037564 polling device anywhere somehow yes paXYQIo0KTM-00118-00037565-00037765 polling devices have come and gone paXYQIo0KTM-00119-00037766-00038105 because of the introduction of smart paXYQIo0KTM-00120-00038106-00038527 phones and tablets they were very paXYQIo0KTM-00121-00038528-00038727 popular a number of years ago when paXYQIo0KTM-00122-00038728-00038977 participants in lectures and classrooms paXYQIo0KTM-00123-00038978-00039189 didn't tend to have their own devices paXYQIo0KTM-00124-00039190-00039449 but now that most students have their paXYQIo0KTM-00125-00039450-00039745 own laptops or smartphones or tablet paXYQIo0KTM-00126-00039746-00040036 devices we tend to use those as polling paXYQIo0KTM-00127-00040037-00040301 devices more than the dedicated tools paXYQIo0KTM-00128-00040302-00040526 that were rolled out a number of years paXYQIo0KTM-00129-00040527-00040832 ago now but their time has pretty much paXYQIo0KTM-00130-00040833-00041108 come and gone of course they've really paXYQIo0KTM-00131-00041109-00041386 become redundant with the ubiquity of paXYQIo0KTM-00132-00041387-00042305 personal digital devices listen Adrian paXYQIo0KTM-00133-00042306-00042490 do you have any other comments about the paXYQIo0KTM-00134-00042491-00043439 first section of the ICT e-text I don't paXYQIo0KTM-00135-00043440-00043615 know if this has ever happened to any of paXYQIo0KTM-00136-00043616-00043943 you but in my classes that's when I paXYQIo0KTM-00137-00043944-00044120 stopped using the whiteboard altogether paXYQIo0KTM-00138-00044121-00044326 because I would copy something and they paXYQIo0KTM-00139-00044327-00044543 would not take notes instead they will paXYQIo0KTM-00140-00044544-00044798 take pictures and keep him on their paXYQIo0KTM-00141-00044799-00044971 phone so whenever I ask something that paXYQIo0KTM-00142-00044972-00045136 would just go back to the phone instead paXYQIo0KTM-00143-00045137-00045320 of browsing the pictures and give me paXYQIo0KTM-00144-00045321-00045652 answers so what I started doing was paXYQIo0KTM-00145-00045653-00046120 actually sending them the maps mind maps paXYQIo0KTM-00146-00046121-00046517 or screen captures or PDF files so they paXYQIo0KTM-00147-00046518-00046762 will read them at home and it turned to paXYQIo0KTM-00148-00046763-00047249 be quite effective yes an approach that paXYQIo0KTM-00149-00047250-00047557 I'm finding quite useful is to require paXYQIo0KTM-00150-00047558-00047879 students to create summaries and post paXYQIo0KTM-00151-00047880-00048280 those after lectures and classes and paXYQIo0KTM-00152-00048281-00048479 that then also incorporates the paXYQIo0KTM-00153-00048480-00048629 additional readings that they would find paXYQIo0KTM-00154-00048630-00048907 on their on their course webpages and paXYQIo0KTM-00155-00048908-00049226 learning management systems so forcing paXYQIo0KTM-00156-00049227-00049457 students to actually summarize and paXYQIo0KTM-00157-00049458-00049577 synthesize paXYQIo0KTM-00158-00049578-00049802 the various materials and presentations paXYQIo0KTM-00159-00049803-00050120 they receive does tend to engage them paXYQIo0KTM-00160-00050121-00050447 more than the passivity of a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00161-00050448-00050657 lectures and yes you're right if paXYQIo0KTM-00162-00050658-00051004 students can record what is presented paXYQIo0KTM-00163-00051005-00051490 using photos or video or more commonly paXYQIo0KTM-00164-00051491-00051620 at university now where they can paXYQIo0KTM-00165-00051621-00051764 actually have their lecture recorded paXYQIo0KTM-00166-00051765-00052045 automatically and provided as a digital paXYQIo0KTM-00167-00052046-00052214 video and the PowerPoint presentation paXYQIo0KTM-00168-00052215-00052499 slides provided that does reduce their paXYQIo0KTM-00169-00052500-00053041 their need to create notes but the paXYQIo0KTM-00170-00053042-00053228 research does show quite clearly that paXYQIo0KTM-00171-00053229-00053467 creating notes and going through the paXYQIo0KTM-00172-00053469-00053777 process of structuring and ordering what paXYQIo0KTM-00173-00053778-00054161 they've been exploring in the lesson or paXYQIo0KTM-00174-00054162-00054458 lecture does help students develop the paXYQIo0KTM-00175-00054459-00054724 understanding of those concepts paXYQIo0KTM-00176-00054725-00055076 note-taking mirrors to a certain extent paXYQIo0KTM-00177-00055077-00055379 the processes in the brain of creating paXYQIo0KTM-00178-00055379-00055739 connections between concepts and there's paXYQIo0KTM-00179-00055740-00055919 a lot of research that supports the paXYQIo0KTM-00180-00055920-00056294 effectiveness of note-taking but it is paXYQIo0KTM-00181-00056295-00056467 difficult because we do provide a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00182-00056469-00056741 technologies that means that students paXYQIo0KTM-00183-00056741-00057013 don't technically need to take notes so paXYQIo0KTM-00184-00057014-00057359 convincing them of the need or having paXYQIo0KTM-00185-00057360-00057713 mechanisms to encourage or force them to paXYQIo0KTM-00186-00057714-00057967 actually take notes can be an paXYQIo0KTM-00187-00057969-00058244 alternative but what do people think paXYQIo0KTM-00188-00058245-00059777 about that so adriĆ  mentions I would use paXYQIo0KTM-00189-00059778-00060089 simpler powerpoints or different slide paXYQIo0KTM-00190-00060090-00060367 contents then the ones I distributed to paXYQIo0KTM-00191-00060369-00060602 students after class so they would need paXYQIo0KTM-00192-00060603-00060839 to attend class take notes yes that's paXYQIo0KTM-00193-00060840-00061204 another good option paXYQIo0KTM-00194-00061204-00061403 how can anyone hear me paXYQIo0KTM-00195-00061404-00061823 yes we can right yeah I think sometimes paXYQIo0KTM-00196-00061824-00062101 students interpret things differently so paXYQIo0KTM-00197-00062102-00062366 and taking notes is also good because paXYQIo0KTM-00198-00062366-00062650 then they can relate the theory or a paXYQIo0KTM-00199-00062651-00062919 case study to go on paXYQIo0KTM-00200-00062920-00063312 the context again this applies paXYQIo0KTM-00201-00063313-00063539 differently at different levels like paXYQIo0KTM-00202-00063540-00063980 undergraduate compared to masters paXYQIo0KTM-00203-00063982-00064296 students master students will take notes paXYQIo0KTM-00204-00064297-00064515 in a different light how it relates to paXYQIo0KTM-00205-00064516-00064734 their own experiences whereas paXYQIo0KTM-00206-00064735-00065073 undergraduates they take notes for paXYQIo0KTM-00207-00065074-00065349 perhaps different purposes if they're paXYQIo0KTM-00208-00065350-00065558 going to be given a multiple choice paXYQIo0KTM-00209-00065559-00065943 based assessment later on so the purpose paXYQIo0KTM-00210-00065944-00066177 of taking notes could be different it paXYQIo0KTM-00211-00066178-00066528 could be more motivated by trying to get paXYQIo0KTM-00212-00066529-00066942 tips art from the lecturer instead so paXYQIo0KTM-00213-00066943-00067134 here I think taking notes has different paXYQIo0KTM-00214-00067135-00067526 dimensions to it in different purposes paXYQIo0KTM-00215-00067527-00067721 now you're absolutely correct paXYQIo0KTM-00216-00067722-00068045 and we do need to think about that cuz paXYQIo0KTM-00217-00068046-00068376 note-taking really evolved from the paXYQIo0KTM-00218-00068377-00068706 times when monks used to travel around paXYQIo0KTM-00219-00068707-00069129 universities and read out from very paXYQIo0KTM-00220-00069130-00069426 scarce texts and students would actually paXYQIo0KTM-00221-00069427-00069657 then copy those texts and that was the paXYQIo0KTM-00222-00069658-00069921 origin of the lecture and we sort of paXYQIo0KTM-00223-00069922-00070119 kept doing that all up until very recent paXYQIo0KTM-00224-00070120-00070461 times when instead of students having to paXYQIo0KTM-00225-00070462-00070698 buy textbooks students would copy down paXYQIo0KTM-00226-00070699-00071043 all of the notes that the lecturer paXYQIo0KTM-00227-00071044-00071274 presented and I remember in my own paXYQIo0KTM-00228-00071275-00071469 undergraduate days a lot of lectures paXYQIo0KTM-00229-00071470-00071733 were simply copying notes the lecturer paXYQIo0KTM-00230-00071734-00071895 would rarely speak they would simply paXYQIo0KTM-00231-00071896-00072246 just be writing notes onto the the paXYQIo0KTM-00232-00072247-00072498 blackboard or the or the projector paXYQIo0KTM-00233-00072499-00072792 system and our role was to make copies paXYQIo0KTM-00234-00072793-00073047 of those for our own use and study paXYQIo0KTM-00235-00073048-00073212 afterwards there was very little paXYQIo0KTM-00236-00073213-00073482 interactivity or performance in the paXYQIo0KTM-00237-00073483-00073758 lecture space that certainly has changed paXYQIo0KTM-00238-00073759-00074028 a lot nowadays mostly because of the paXYQIo0KTM-00239-00074029-00074238 introduction of PowerPoint so PowerPoint paXYQIo0KTM-00240-00074239-00074511 while it has its negatives has changed paXYQIo0KTM-00241-00074512-00074805 the dynamics of the lecture experience paXYQIo0KTM-00242-00074806-00075336 dramatically that you're you're totally paXYQIo0KTM-00243-00075337-00075501 correct it really does come down to what paXYQIo0KTM-00244-00075502-00075867 the purpose is of that lecture or paXYQIo0KTM-00245-00075868-00076077 note-taking process that we want to paXYQIo0KTM-00246-00076078-00076269 engage students with if paXYQIo0KTM-00247-00076270-00076491 simply memorization that's a very paXYQIo0KTM-00248-00076492-00076713 different purpose than engaging them in paXYQIo0KTM-00249-00076714-00076986 high water thinking or other concepts paXYQIo0KTM-00250-00076987-00077112 that we're trying to develop with paXYQIo0KTM-00251-00077113-00078632 students any other thoughts from anyone paXYQIo0KTM-00252-00078633-00078846 okay well let's look at this the next paXYQIo0KTM-00253-00078847-00079434 little section this is where we look at paXYQIo0KTM-00254-00079435-00079659 interactive whiteboards tables and paXYQIo0KTM-00255-00079660-00080361 tablets a lot of this has changed over paXYQIo0KTM-00256-00080362-00080643 the recent years interactive whiteboards paXYQIo0KTM-00257-00080644-00080858 have pretty much being now replaced with paXYQIo0KTM-00258-00080859-00081399 data screens big big screen TVs they can paXYQIo0KTM-00259-00081400-00081621 also have interactivity in terms of paXYQIo0KTM-00260-00081622-00081807 touch screen but tend to be more paXYQIo0KTM-00261-00081808-00082281 effective digital tablets or tables did paXYQIo0KTM-00262-00082282-00082449 prove popular for a few years and there paXYQIo0KTM-00263-00082450-00082593 are a couple of schools exploring them paXYQIo0KTM-00264-00082594-00083013 but generally only as showcase items in paXYQIo0KTM-00265-00083014-00083274 their libraries or special showcased paXYQIo0KTM-00266-00083275-00083568 spaces for their new buildings they paXYQIo0KTM-00267-00083569-00083811 don't tend to be implemented in large paXYQIo0KTM-00268-00083812-00084111 numbers in schools which is a little bit paXYQIo0KTM-00269-00084112-00084225 of a pity because they do have some paXYQIo0KTM-00270-00084226-00084417 affordances that many of the other paXYQIo0KTM-00271-00084418-00084591 technologies don't have around group paXYQIo0KTM-00272-00084592-00084966 work and engagement with the apps that paXYQIo0KTM-00273-00084967-00085244 are available on those surface devices paXYQIo0KTM-00274-00085245-00085536 but the biggest change has come because paXYQIo0KTM-00275-00085537-00085739 a lot of students now have their own paXYQIo0KTM-00276-00085740-00086028 digital devices so relying upon paXYQIo0KTM-00277-00086029-00086289 collective devices has become less paXYQIo0KTM-00278-00086290-00086616 important if every student has their own paXYQIo0KTM-00279-00086617-00086814 tablet then you don't need a big table paXYQIo0KTM-00280-00086815-00087045 tablet or even a tablet on a wall for paXYQIo0KTM-00281-00087046-00087225 them to interact with because they can paXYQIo0KTM-00282-00087226-00087680 all interact through their own devices paXYQIo0KTM-00283-00087681-00088133 but that said there is a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00284-00088134-00088383 consideration in the future that we may paXYQIo0KTM-00285-00088384-00088805 have almost every surface being paXYQIo0KTM-00286-00088806-00089082 interactive and as a display environment paXYQIo0KTM-00287-00089083-00089250 and there's a number of little video paXYQIo0KTM-00288-00089251-00089493 clips I've included if you're only using paXYQIo0KTM-00289-00089494-00089640 the pdf version and you paXYQIo0KTM-00290-00089641-00089924 want to see the video clips let me just paXYQIo0KTM-00291-00089925-00090469 share this with you so I can show you I paXYQIo0KTM-00292-00090470-00090822 do tend to provide access to the video paXYQIo0KTM-00293-00090823-00091109 clips but not where you would expect paXYQIo0KTM-00294-00091110-00091221 whoops paXYQIo0KTM-00295-00091222-00091805 have I gone sorry I seem to have just paXYQIo0KTM-00296-00091806-00093455 dropped it there a second okay so while paXYQIo0KTM-00297-00093456-00093761 there's little video clips in the text paXYQIo0KTM-00298-00093762-00094122 here if you scroll back up to the top paXYQIo0KTM-00299-00094123-00094769 and the here like movie 1.5 smart paXYQIo0KTM-00300-00094770-00094986 classrooms that should be a link that paXYQIo0KTM-00301-00094987-00095247 you could then click on even though paXYQIo0KTM-00302-00095248-00095492 you're using a PDF and if the video paXYQIo0KTM-00303-00095493-00095798 still exists it will then play for you paXYQIo0KTM-00304-00095799-00096030 so let's just as a way of getting access paXYQIo0KTM-00305-00096031-00096368 to the links that you can't click on paXYQIo0KTM-00306-00096369-00096838 because it's a PDF in the actual text paXYQIo0KTM-00307-00096839-00097161 whereas in the iBooks version you can paXYQIo0KTM-00308-00097162-00097762 click on those now the big part of the paXYQIo0KTM-00309-00097763-00098012 interactive tablet table devices and paXYQIo0KTM-00310-00098013-00098300 tablets and whiteboards and so forth was paXYQIo0KTM-00311-00098301-00098490 the use of these things called paXYQIo0KTM-00312-00098491-00098712 Interactive's which were small little paXYQIo0KTM-00313-00098713-00098963 applications that allowed students to paXYQIo0KTM-00314-00098964-00099317 play games and engage with various paXYQIo0KTM-00315-00099318-00099798 concepts and they were framed around a paXYQIo0KTM-00316-00099799-00100110 format called learning objects learning paXYQIo0KTM-00317-00100111-00100256 objects were seen it's the biggest thing paXYQIo0KTM-00318-00100257-00100485 in education for a number of years where paXYQIo0KTM-00319-00100486-00100716 we'd have all of these learning objects paXYQIo0KTM-00320-00100717-00100935 that teachers could combine in various paXYQIo0KTM-00321-00100936-00101253 ways and produce lessons by structuring paXYQIo0KTM-00322-00101254-00101499 how these learning objects are used and paXYQIo0KTM-00323-00101500-00101867 presented unfortunately the developers paXYQIo0KTM-00324-00101868-00102119 of the learning objects tended to paXYQIo0KTM-00325-00102120-00102366 combine them into more complex paXYQIo0KTM-00326-00102367-00102607 activities paXYQIo0KTM-00327-00102608-00102979 paym self-contained and so it wasn't paXYQIo0KTM-00328-00102980-00103240 easy to then use these activities in a paXYQIo0KTM-00329-00103241-00103472 mix-and-match way which was the original paXYQIo0KTM-00330-00103473-00103732 intent of learning objects and it was paXYQIo0KTM-00331-00103733-00103903 also that to make them work you had to paXYQIo0KTM-00332-00103904-00104136 record a lot of what is called metadata paXYQIo0KTM-00333-00104138-00104353 how the objects were meant to be used paXYQIo0KTM-00334-00104354-00104522 and what they could do so you could paXYQIo0KTM-00335-00104523-00104731 search for and find particular learning paXYQIo0KTM-00336-00104732-00104948 objects that you would like to use in a paXYQIo0KTM-00337-00104949-00105164 particular circumstance but paXYQIo0KTM-00338-00105165-00105299 unfortunately most people didn't want to paXYQIo0KTM-00339-00105300-00105634 spend the time to actually complete the paXYQIo0KTM-00340-00105635-00105920 metadata and so it never really got to paXYQIo0KTM-00341-00105921-00106157 the point where learning objects became paXYQIo0KTM-00342-00106158-00106970 very popular and usable what are some paXYQIo0KTM-00343-00106971-00107249 people's thoughts about that before we paXYQIo0KTM-00344-00107250-00107515 go on to drill and practice and other paXYQIo0KTM-00345-00107516-00107890 concepts I think that's one of the paXYQIo0KTM-00346-00107891-00108328 reasons why teachers are so apprehensive paXYQIo0KTM-00347-00108329-00108535 regarding learning objects because they paXYQIo0KTM-00348-00108536-00109054 can be quite difficult to elaborate you paXYQIo0KTM-00349-00109055-00109258 know to gather all the resources you may paXYQIo0KTM-00350-00109259-00109475 need for that and when you start paXYQIo0KTM-00351-00109476-00109789 thinking about things like metadata and paXYQIo0KTM-00352-00109790-00110033 other words that will just get scared paXYQIo0KTM-00353-00110033-00110185 it's like I don't know how I'm gonna paXYQIo0KTM-00354-00110186-00110653 handle that but I think sometimes paXYQIo0KTM-00355-00110654-00110846 learning objects is very similar to what paXYQIo0KTM-00356-00110847-00111154 you can use in Edmodo or Moodle if you paXYQIo0KTM-00357-00111155-00111334 know how to use the resources correctly paXYQIo0KTM-00358-00111335-00111616 although if I think if I can remember paXYQIo0KTM-00359-00111617-00111877 correctly on Moodle you use keywords paXYQIo0KTM-00360-00111878-00112106 instead of metadata so it's easier to paXYQIo0KTM-00361-00112107-00112534 locate the resources you do that it's paXYQIo0KTM-00362-00112535-00112783 still metadata it's just reframed as a paXYQIo0KTM-00363-00112784-00113301 different term and yes you're correct paXYQIo0KTM-00364-00113302-00113648 learning objects still exist and they paXYQIo0KTM-00365-00113649-00113890 can be used but they've never gone to paXYQIo0KTM-00366-00113891-00114139 the potential that was perceived the paXYQIo0KTM-00367-00114140-00114323 idea was that all learning activities paXYQIo0KTM-00368-00114324-00114478 would be an arrangement of learning paXYQIo0KTM-00369-00114479-00114758 objects and you would have every picture paXYQIo0KTM-00370-00114758-00114995 and video that you might want and you paXYQIo0KTM-00371-00114996-00115177 could drag those in and include them paXYQIo0KTM-00372-00115178-00115453 with quizzes and the idea that all of paXYQIo0KTM-00373-00115454-00115619 those things would be made by others and paXYQIo0KTM-00374-00115620-00115861 you would just really mix and match them paXYQIo0KTM-00375-00115863-00116000 as you wanted to frame paXYQIo0KTM-00376-00116001-00116560 a learning experience unfortunately the paXYQIo0KTM-00377-00116561-00116785 money went more towards the developers paXYQIo0KTM-00378-00116786-00117005 rather than identifying a lot of very paXYQIo0KTM-00379-00117006-00117445 small atomized learning objects and paXYQIo0KTM-00380-00117446-00117752 those developers tended to want to make paXYQIo0KTM-00381-00117753-00117989 self-contained learning experiences paXYQIo0KTM-00382-00117990-00118250 around a particular theme or learning paXYQIo0KTM-00383-00118251-00118472 outcome and they didn't want to break paXYQIo0KTM-00384-00118473-00118820 their that experience down into a whole paXYQIo0KTM-00385-00118821-00119072 lot of reusable objects which was the paXYQIo0KTM-00386-00119073-00119233 original intent of the learning object paXYQIo0KTM-00387-00119234-00119470 framework so the government has spent paXYQIo0KTM-00388-00119471-00119768 Australian government spent all probably paXYQIo0KTM-00389-00119769-00119915 close to 100 billion dollars over the paXYQIo0KTM-00390-00119916-00120184 last 10 years investing in learning paXYQIo0KTM-00391-00120185-00120416 objects because it was seen as a way of paXYQIo0KTM-00392-00120417-00120670 really advancing education in Australia paXYQIo0KTM-00393-00120671-00121028 but no-one really ended up wanting to paXYQIo0KTM-00394-00121029-00121157 use them of course they were always paXYQIo0KTM-00395-00121158-00121433 clumped together and most teachers want paXYQIo0KTM-00396-00121433-00121879 to design their own learning experiences paXYQIo0KTM-00397-00121880-00122243 or so then use the ones that other paXYQIo0KTM-00398-00122244-00122573 people have already created beginning paXYQIo0KTM-00399-00122574-00122780 teachers and teachers new to a subject paXYQIo0KTM-00400-00122781-00122951 area will certainly want to use existing paXYQIo0KTM-00401-00122952-00123235 resources but in the main the course paXYQIo0KTM-00402-00123236-00123494 curriculum changes so often and learning paXYQIo0KTM-00403-00123495-00123665 outcomes are required to change as a paXYQIo0KTM-00404-00123666-00123985 result of that the pre-existing material paXYQIo0KTM-00405-00123986-00124193 that's been created tends to have a paXYQIo0KTM-00406-00124194-00124556 fairly short life span Flash is a good paXYQIo0KTM-00407-00124557-00124697 example of that most of the resources paXYQIo0KTM-00408-00124698-00124909 were made using a technology called paXYQIo0KTM-00409-00124910-00125198 flash which is now relatively redundant paXYQIo0KTM-00410-00125199-00125390 it's no longer supported by a number of paXYQIo0KTM-00411-00125391-00125669 major platforms mostly apples fault that paXYQIo0KTM-00412-00125670-00125825 the course flash introduced a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00413-00125826-00126034 potential vulnerabilities into computer paXYQIo0KTM-00414-00126035-00126569 systems it became less users used by paXYQIo0KTM-00415-00126570-00126905 various systems and so hundreds of not paXYQIo0KTM-00416-00126906-00127060 hundreds movements but many millions of paXYQIo0KTM-00417-00127061-00127238 dollars worth of investment into paXYQIo0KTM-00418-00127239-00127565 learning objects was lost because of the paXYQIo0KTM-00419-00127566-00128359 platform that it was developed with and paXYQIo0KTM-00420-00128360-00128430 yes paXYQIo0KTM-00421-00128431-00128850 five is designed to address that and to paXYQIo0KTM-00422-00128851-00129168 make that less of a problem and a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00423-00129169-00129434 the material is slowly being reported paXYQIo0KTM-00424-00129435-00129774 into html5 format but that still costs paXYQIo0KTM-00425-00129775-00130014 money there's so many objects and paXYQIo0KTM-00426-00130015-00130184 resources that have been developed for paXYQIo0KTM-00427-00130185-00130708 the flash format that it's difficult to paXYQIo0KTM-00428-00130709-00131393 convert it all over quickly paXYQIo0KTM-00429-00131394-00131880 okay so let's then look at last little paXYQIo0KTM-00430-00131881-00132972 bit in that section okay so this is so paXYQIo0KTM-00431-00132973-00133215 the main Australian repository is called paXYQIo0KTM-00432-00133216-00133518 scoodle where there are lots and lots of paXYQIo0KTM-00433-00133519-00133694 learning objects available unfortunately paXYQIo0KTM-00434-00133695-00133958 you do have to be an Australian teacher paXYQIo0KTM-00435-00133959-00134205 generally to get access to that there paXYQIo0KTM-00436-00134206-00134511 are a few other ways in but the course paXYQIo0KTM-00437-00134512-00134670 of copyright restrictions it was fairly paXYQIo0KTM-00438-00134671-00134973 locked down and that was an unfortunate paXYQIo0KTM-00439-00134974-00135114 one of the reasons why it's pretty much paXYQIo0KTM-00440-00135115-00135483 failed because the resources there have paXYQIo0KTM-00441-00135484-00135936 barriers to easy access and the more paXYQIo0KTM-00442-00135937-00136122 barriers you put in place around systems paXYQIo0KTM-00443-00136123-00136481 the less likely teachers and others they paXYQIo0KTM-00444-00136482-00136782 are to engage with that system course as paXYQIo0KTM-00445-00136783-00137076 they come to barriers that tend tends to paXYQIo0KTM-00446-00137077-00137319 provide them an excuse not to continue paXYQIo0KTM-00447-00137320-00137709 to engage with that system but learning paXYQIo0KTM-00448-00137710-00137865 objects do exist there's lots of paXYQIo0KTM-00449-00137866-00138096 different formats for them but they tend paXYQIo0KTM-00450-00138097-00138356 to have sort of five main requirements paXYQIo0KTM-00451-00138357-00138561 most of them are around drilling paXYQIo0KTM-00452-00138562-00138783 practice activities but more and more paXYQIo0KTM-00453-00138784-00139170 that has merged into other tools such as paXYQIo0KTM-00454-00139171-00139446 mathematic online games and other paXYQIo0KTM-00455-00139447-00139662 systems that allow students to engage paXYQIo0KTM-00456-00139663-00139929 with lots of practice with their paXYQIo0KTM-00457-00139930-00140193 learning and increasingly we're seeing paXYQIo0KTM-00458-00140194-00140418 the rise of intelligence to intelligent paXYQIo0KTM-00459-00140419-00140784 tutoring systems now these have been paXYQIo0KTM-00460-00140785-00141096 around for decades but they're getting paXYQIo0KTM-00461-00141097-00141390 progressively more powerful as their paXYQIo0KTM-00462-00141391-00141630 understanding of AI and chat based paXYQIo0KTM-00463-00141631-00141839 systems is increasing paXYQIo0KTM-00464-00141840-00142065 the Khan Academy which many of you paXYQIo0KTM-00465-00142066-00142254 probably have heard of which started off paXYQIo0KTM-00466-00142255-00142488 as a collection of videos is now being paXYQIo0KTM-00467-00142489-00142656 turned into an intelligent tutoring paXYQIo0KTM-00468-00142657-00142863 system with a large investment by paXYQIo0KTM-00469-00142864-00143247 Microsoft to allow it to track student paXYQIo0KTM-00470-00143248-00143466 progress and adjust the presentation of paXYQIo0KTM-00471-00143467-00143715 concepts depending upon how students are paXYQIo0KTM-00472-00143716-00143913 learning and how they've gone with paXYQIo0KTM-00473-00143914-00144249 previous experiences so that's sort of paXYQIo0KTM-00474-00144250-00144465 where that state of play is just at the paXYQIo0KTM-00475-00144466-00145862 moment any thoughts paXYQIo0KTM-00476-00145863-00146127 so scoodle is supposed to be used by all paXYQIo0KTM-00477-00146128-00146346 teachers yes it was designed as the paXYQIo0KTM-00478-00146347-00146697 national repository of online learning paXYQIo0KTM-00479-00146698-00147021 objects and all teach all teachers in paXYQIo0KTM-00480-00147022-00147180 Australia have access to that through paXYQIo0KTM-00481-00147181-00147462 their various systems some systems such paXYQIo0KTM-00482-00147463-00147840 as education Queensland reframe they paXYQIo0KTM-00483-00147841-00147960 accesses so it looks as though you're paXYQIo0KTM-00484-00147961-00148041 accessing it through education paXYQIo0KTM-00485-00148042-00148326 Queensland but it's all accessing really paXYQIo0KTM-00486-00148327-00148611 a central repository in Canberra of all paXYQIo0KTM-00487-00148612-00148743 the learning objects that are developed paXYQIo0KTM-00488-00148744-00149094 and money is still being put into paXYQIo0KTM-00489-00149095-00149478 developing objects in particular getting paXYQIo0KTM-00490-00149479-00149652 access to large collections of existing paXYQIo0KTM-00491-00149653-00149955 objects so all of the ABC videos and paXYQIo0KTM-00492-00149956-00150239 images are now available through scoodle paXYQIo0KTM-00493-00150240-00150528 and other collections that are being paXYQIo0KTM-00494-00150529-00150756 made available and generally if the paXYQIo0KTM-00495-00150757-00150894 government invests money into creating paXYQIo0KTM-00496-00150895-00151299 resources it requires them to be made paXYQIo0KTM-00497-00151300-00151832 available through the scoodle platform paXYQIo0KTM-00498-00151833-00152103 now scoodle did have an experimentation paXYQIo0KTM-00499-00152104-00152439 with social media and as a forum to paXYQIo0KTM-00500-00152440-00152651 promote discussion between teachers paXYQIo0KTM-00501-00152652-00152883 unfortunately that's failed and it's now paXYQIo0KTM-00502-00152884-00153246 being shut down but that was an example paXYQIo0KTM-00503-00153247-00153477 whereby the idea was to get teachers paXYQIo0KTM-00504-00153478-00153690 discussing the resources that were paXYQIo0KTM-00505-00153691-00153870 available and providing a national paXYQIo0KTM-00506-00153871-00154570 framework to support that discussion paXYQIo0KTM-00507-00154571-00154684 some universities have their own paXYQIo0KTM-00508-00154685-00154996 collections they tend not to be very paXYQIo0KTM-00509-00154997-00155403 large ones and in the main people can paXYQIo0KTM-00510-00155404-00155623 just google and find lots of resources paXYQIo0KTM-00511-00155624-00155884 on their own without particularly paXYQIo0KTM-00512-00155885-00156210 needing the use of dedicated databases paXYQIo0KTM-00513-00156211-00156445 the only real advantage of dedicated paXYQIo0KTM-00514-00156446-00156607 databases are that they can negotiate paXYQIo0KTM-00515-00156608-00156864 copyright clearances and provide access paXYQIo0KTM-00516-00156865-00157360 to copyrighted material that just doing paXYQIo0KTM-00517-00157361-00158349 an open search may not provide access to paXYQIo0KTM-00518-00158350-00158587 okay any other questions in general paXYQIo0KTM-00519-00158588-00158964 about ok how popular is the Khan Academy paXYQIo0KTM-00520-00158965-00159262 resources in Australia I'm surprisingly paXYQIo0KTM-00521-00159263-00159453 popular particularly in our Senior paXYQIo0KTM-00522-00159454-00159663 School in the study of physics and paXYQIo0KTM-00523-00159664-00159898 mathematics they've got some very very paXYQIo0KTM-00524-00159899-00160326 high quality resources there that allow paXYQIo0KTM-00525-00160327-00160618 students to engage with independent paXYQIo0KTM-00526-00160619-00160987 learning I used to regularly terrify paXYQIo0KTM-00527-00160988-00161283 maths teachers by showing them how paXYQIo0KTM-00528-00161284-00161577 students can put in any mathematics paXYQIo0KTM-00529-00161578-00161938 problem into the card Academy resources paXYQIo0KTM-00530-00161939-00162298 and have it show up all the working for paXYQIo0KTM-00531-00162299-00162613 that problem so where maths teachers paXYQIo0KTM-00532-00162614-00162838 would commonly just set assignments and paXYQIo0KTM-00533-00162839-00163120 and homework tasks they could very paXYQIo0KTM-00534-00163121-00163458 easily be solved and solutions developed paXYQIo0KTM-00535-00163459-00163941 using Khan Academy and there's another paXYQIo0KTM-00536-00163942-00164284 one that I've just forgotten at the paXYQIo0KTM-00537-00164285-00165430 moment but also does a similar process paXYQIo0KTM-00538-00165431-00166719 let me just see if I made mention of it paXYQIo0KTM-00539-00166720-00167613 so there was the Khan Academy and okay paXYQIo0KTM-00540-00167614-00167809 no I didn't mention to you I'll probably paXYQIo0KTM-00541-00167810-00168061 mention it later on now as mentioned paXYQIo0KTM-00542-00168062-00168298 before manual polling systems have paXYQIo0KTM-00543-00168299-00168448 pretty much disappeared now with paXYQIo0KTM-00544-00168449-00168637 clickers where you had to purchase a paXYQIo0KTM-00545-00168638-00168826 whole set of these clickers and set them paXYQIo0KTM-00546-00168827-00169092 all up and students could respond to paXYQIo0KTM-00547-00169093-00169560 lectures and classes using those tools paXYQIo0KTM-00548-00169561-00169995 nowadays we tend to use online systems paXYQIo0KTM-00549-00169996-00170275 polleverywhere is very popular motor paXYQIo0KTM-00550-00170276-00170488 pedia was a free one developed by CSIRO paXYQIo0KTM-00551-00170489-00170883 and I think they're now closed down paXYQIo0KTM-00552-00170884-00171115 let's see if they're still open now yep paXYQIo0KTM-00553-00171116-00171307 they're closed they were really nice paXYQIo0KTM-00554-00171308-00171445 because it was free and you could use paXYQIo0KTM-00555-00171446-00171832 SMS messages to do your polling but poll paXYQIo0KTM-00556-00171833-00172095 everywhere now also supports free SMS paXYQIo0KTM-00557-00172096-00172540 services and there's a number of others paXYQIo0KTM-00558-00172541-00172789 that are also available they all do paXYQIo0KTM-00559-00172790-00172963 pretty much the same thing they allow paXYQIo0KTM-00560-00172964-00173436 students to respond to questions and paXYQIo0KTM-00561-00173437-00173677 some of the more advanced aspects now is paXYQIo0KTM-00562-00173678-00173923 being able to create a word cloud where paXYQIo0KTM-00563-00173924-00174157 student responses can generate a word paXYQIo0KTM-00564-00174158-00174565 cloud dynamically other tools are more paXYQIo0KTM-00565-00174566-00174913 interactive and game based such as paXYQIo0KTM-00566-00174914-00174973 cahoots paXYQIo0KTM-00567-00174974-00175276 well cahoots sorry it provides a more paXYQIo0KTM-00568-00175277-00175440 game based environment where students paXYQIo0KTM-00569-00175441-00175747 answer quiz questions and get scores as paXYQIo0KTM-00570-00175748-00176115 they progress through a lecture or class paXYQIo0KTM-00571-00176116-00176380 but the more common ones are more based paXYQIo0KTM-00572-00176381-00176668 around survey type responses where you paXYQIo0KTM-00573-00176669-00177082 ask questions and it generates a graph paXYQIo0KTM-00574-00177083-00177571 or a responses were made to various paXYQIo0KTM-00575-00177572-00178578 options paXYQIo0KTM-00576-00178579-00178852 okay Connie answers a question the paXYQIo0KTM-00577-00178853-00179056 personal learning environment in page 21 paXYQIo0KTM-00578-00179057-00179221 how does it help in learning I don't see paXYQIo0KTM-00579-00179222-00179539 how Twitter helps in learning okay we paXYQIo0KTM-00580-00179540-00179692 might just hold off on that a little bit paXYQIo0KTM-00581-00179693-00179866 Connie until we get to that section paXYQIo0KTM-00582-00179867-00180016 let's have a look at the next section paXYQIo0KTM-00583-00180017-00180328 though on web publishing or publishing paXYQIo0KTM-00584-00180329-00180598 in general most people now quite paXYQIo0KTM-00585-00180599-00180769 familiar with publishing websites paXYQIo0KTM-00586-00180770-00180973 there's lots of tools that can support paXYQIo0KTM-00587-00180974-00181171 that Google Sites are still around paXYQIo0KTM-00588-00181172-00181312 although it's gone through a bit of a paXYQIo0KTM-00589-00181313-00181708 transformation into new Google Sites but paXYQIo0KTM-00590-00181709-00182011 there's also portfolio based systems and paXYQIo0KTM-00591-00182012-00182352 where you can create a database of paXYQIo0KTM-00592-00182353-00182815 resources here at Griffith we're using paXYQIo0KTM-00593-00182816-00183058 the pebblepad portfolio system at the paXYQIo0KTM-00594-00183059-00183271 moment but there's lots of others and paXYQIo0KTM-00595-00183272-00183457 you can actually have students create paXYQIo0KTM-00596-00183458-00183859 their own digital portfolios but there's paXYQIo0KTM-00597-00183860-00184003 a range of advantages of digital paXYQIo0KTM-00598-00184004-00184258 portfolios students can create a record paXYQIo0KTM-00599-00184259-00184396 of all the learning that they've done paXYQIo0KTM-00600-00184397-00184630 and use that to provide evidence of paXYQIo0KTM-00601-00184631-00184840 their learning they can use it for when paXYQIo0KTM-00602-00184841-00184984 they want to go for jobs after the paXYQIo0KTM-00603-00184985-00185242 courses are finished they can all use it paXYQIo0KTM-00604-00185243-00185461 as a reflective process to reflect upon paXYQIo0KTM-00605-00185462-00185695 their learning and various other paXYQIo0KTM-00606-00185696-00185893 approaches that I mentioned throughout paXYQIo0KTM-00607-00185894-00186481 here but portfolios have in the main paXYQIo0KTM-00608-00186482-00186763 being replaced by personal learning paXYQIo0KTM-00609-00186764-00186832 environments paXYQIo0KTM-00610-00186833-00187066 this is where the idea that students paXYQIo0KTM-00611-00187067-00187261 might have their own web web pages or paXYQIo0KTM-00612-00187262-00187510 websites and they can use that to paXYQIo0KTM-00613-00187511-00187759 achieve a whole range of goals including paXYQIo0KTM-00614-00187760-00188122 a portfolio type approach there are a paXYQIo0KTM-00615-00188123-00188299 number of universities and schools that paXYQIo0KTM-00616-00188300-00188569 provide every student a personal website paXYQIo0KTM-00617-00188570-00188845 when they enroll and that they can keep paXYQIo0KTM-00618-00188846-00189265 after they leave the institution and the paXYQIo0KTM-00619-00189266-00189427 idea is that students can use it to paXYQIo0KTM-00620-00189428-00189639 craft their own digital presence and paXYQIo0KTM-00621-00189640-00189997 provide evidence or information about paXYQIo0KTM-00622-00189998-00190228 themselves as a learner they can be used paXYQIo0KTM-00623-00190229-00190426 by potential employers their own paXYQIo0KTM-00624-00190427-00190663 reflective practices or to meet paXYQIo0KTM-00625-00190664-00190843 assignment requirements and things of paXYQIo0KTM-00626-00190844-00191225 that nature and within that there's paXYQIo0KTM-00627-00191226-00191663 lots of tools available blogs have been paXYQIo0KTM-00628-00191664-00191849 around probably the longest which are paXYQIo0KTM-00629-00191850-00192207 web logs or basically a diary and each paXYQIo0KTM-00630-00192208-00192539 new entry into the diary goes at the paXYQIo0KTM-00631-00192540-00192788 front and people can look back through paXYQIo0KTM-00632-00192789-00193082 the diary to see previous posts to blogs paXYQIo0KTM-00633-00193083-00193484 over time they're not structured at any paXYQIo0KTM-00634-00193485-00193763 way more than that but people can paXYQIo0KTM-00635-00193764-00194069 subscribe to blogs and so whenever a new paXYQIo0KTM-00636-00194070-00194429 a new post is is made they will receive paXYQIo0KTM-00637-00194430-00194606 that and they can then read the update paXYQIo0KTM-00638-00194607-00194876 that the person or organization has paXYQIo0KTM-00639-00194877-00195104 wanted to share so there are nice paXYQIo0KTM-00640-00195105-00195341 effective way of sharing information paXYQIo0KTM-00641-00195342-00195883 that's relatively regular but time-based paXYQIo0KTM-00642-00195884-00196124 wiki's on the other hand have more of a paXYQIo0KTM-00643-00196125-00196298 structure they're more like an paXYQIo0KTM-00644-00196299-00196523 encyclopedia and indeed the most popular paXYQIo0KTM-00645-00196524-00196862 wiki is Wikipedia and they're structured paXYQIo0KTM-00646-00196863-00197144 around providing links between concepts paXYQIo0KTM-00647-00197145-00197447 generally each idea or concept or topic paXYQIo0KTM-00648-00197448-00197759 has its own page and it can link to paXYQIo0KTM-00649-00197760-00198008 other pages of different concepts and paXYQIo0KTM-00650-00198009-00198290 topics and over time that can build up paXYQIo0KTM-00651-00198291-00198451 into a very large collection of paXYQIo0KTM-00652-00198452-00198938 interrelated ideas and concepts various paXYQIo0KTM-00653-00198939-00199190 computer games and movies have had paXYQIo0KTM-00654-00199191-00199544 really quite extensive wiki's developed paXYQIo0KTM-00655-00199545-00199775 Minecraft and World of Warcraft have got paXYQIo0KTM-00656-00199776-00200106 very large ones numbering hundreds of paXYQIo0KTM-00657-00200107-00200268 thousands of pages of information and paXYQIo0KTM-00658-00200269-00200459 likewise the Lord of the Rings and paXYQIo0KTM-00659-00200460-00200933 Tolkien have got very large Wikipedia paXYQIo0KTM-00660-00200934-00201296 wiki start environments that people can paXYQIo0KTM-00661-00201297-00201575 then search through and explore now the paXYQIo0KTM-00662-00201576-00201740 real strength of wiki's have been though paXYQIo0KTM-00663-00201741-00202001 is that the course they're online they paXYQIo0KTM-00664-00202002-00202293 can allow open public open contributions paXYQIo0KTM-00665-00202294-00202607 so for example Wikipedia was originally paXYQIo0KTM-00666-00202608-00202835 set up so that anyone could add a new paXYQIo0KTM-00667-00202836-00203215 entry and through a voting process and paXYQIo0KTM-00668-00203216-00203570 collective editing process it could be paXYQIo0KTM-00669-00203571-00203840 improved upon and you may have some paXYQIo0KTM-00670-00203841-00203966 people come in and say no that's paXYQIo0KTM-00671-00203967-00204164 probably not correct and if enough paXYQIo0KTM-00672-00204165-00204335 people vote on that and say that that's paXYQIo0KTM-00673-00204336-00204688 so then it's changed so that it more paXYQIo0KTM-00674-00204689-00205116 what's currently occurring and Wikipedia paXYQIo0KTM-00675-00205117-00205494 and a couple other digital jalapenos paXYQIo0KTM-00676-00205496-00205732 have pretty much replaced printed paXYQIo0KTM-00677-00205733-00206013 encyclopedias at this point they still paXYQIo0KTM-00678-00206014-00206214 have their challenges there can be paXYQIo0KTM-00679-00206215-00206479 inaccuracies but there has been found paXYQIo0KTM-00680-00206480-00206632 through research that there is actually paXYQIo0KTM-00681-00206633-00206929 fewer inaccuracies in wiki based paXYQIo0KTM-00682-00206930-00207151 encyclopedias than in more traditional paXYQIo0KTM-00683-00207152-00207615 encyclopedias but wiki's are Wikipedia paXYQIo0KTM-00684-00207616-00207873 is evolving and it's using more and more paXYQIo0KTM-00685-00207873-00208282 experts that have got permission to edit paXYQIo0KTM-00686-00208283-00208687 the encyclopedia much as traditional paXYQIo0KTM-00687-00208688-00208954 encyclopedias used because particularly paXYQIo0KTM-00688-00208955-00209161 around issues that are controversial and paXYQIo0KTM-00689-00209162-00209613 may see a lot of public editing that is paXYQIo0KTM-00690-00209614-00210087 trying to sway people on other agendas paXYQIo0KTM-00691-00210088-00210331 so what do people think about wiki's and paXYQIo0KTM-00692-00210332-00211477 blogs paXYQIo0KTM-00693-00211478-00211628 does ever paXYQIo0KTM-00694-00211629-00212221 first with video usually it's like it paXYQIo0KTM-00695-00212223-00212459 guides you but you don't trust it paXYQIo0KTM-00696-00212460-00212606 completely because there's so many paXYQIo0KTM-00697-00212607-00212879 people there that you just don't know if paXYQIo0KTM-00698-00212880-00213035 they are actually doing a good job in paXYQIo0KTM-00699-00213036-00213269 editing or not they could be biased when paXYQIo0KTM-00700-00213269-00213401 they're a editing the information so paXYQIo0KTM-00701-00213402-00213592 that's why it's like a gateway you know paXYQIo0KTM-00702-00213594-00213875 it gives you an overall idea of whatever paXYQIo0KTM-00703-00213876-00214136 you're trying to understand and that's paXYQIo0KTM-00704-00214137-00214652 it but if you want to go more in depth paXYQIo0KTM-00705-00214653-00214996 usually does when you said no but it paXYQIo0KTM-00706-00214998-00215242 gives you like key words that you can paXYQIo0KTM-00707-00215244-00215435 start looking somewhere else and go to a paXYQIo0KTM-00708-00215436-00215819 more know like more respectable sources paXYQIo0KTM-00709-00215819-00216092 then you can start actually elaborating paXYQIo0KTM-00710-00216092-00216650 on that I never used wiki's because at paXYQIo0KTM-00711-00216651-00216884 the end of the term it will be just a paXYQIo0KTM-00712-00216885-00217217 mess everyone will start you know paXYQIo0KTM-00713-00217217-00217477 placing conflicting opinions inside the paXYQIo0KTM-00714-00217478-00217817 the text so it was like when people were paXYQIo0KTM-00715-00217817-00217991 reading they didn't know if actually paXYQIo0KTM-00716-00217992-00218131 there were agreeing or disagreeing paXYQIo0KTM-00717-00218132-00218387 because they could not elaborate paXYQIo0KTM-00718-00218388-00218627 properly so it was like I said no that's paXYQIo0KTM-00719-00218628-00218873 this the last time I use it because it paXYQIo0KTM-00720-00218873-00219059 needs training so you need to teach them paXYQIo0KTM-00721-00219060-00219287 how to be more critical about what they paXYQIo0KTM-00722-00219288-00219760 write and I approach in a different way paXYQIo0KTM-00723-00219761-00219973 yes now you're absolutely correct wiki's paXYQIo0KTM-00724-00219975-00220253 can be difficult to manage but that said paXYQIo0KTM-00725-00220254-00220444 they can be a useful assessment tool or paXYQIo0KTM-00726-00220446-00220754 used as more like a mind map throughout paXYQIo0KTM-00727-00220755-00220916 a course for students to structure their paXYQIo0KTM-00728-00220917-00221255 ideas and present their understanding by paXYQIo0KTM-00729-00221256-00221569 the complexity of the of the links and paXYQIo0KTM-00730-00221571-00221801 the structuring of how they're presented paXYQIo0KTM-00731-00221802-00222191 information in a wiki format trying to paXYQIo0KTM-00732-00222192-00222473 replicate Wikipedia in a course would be paXYQIo0KTM-00733-00222473-00222605 difficult because you would get paXYQIo0KTM-00734-00222606-00222869 conflicting perspectives but there has paXYQIo0KTM-00735-00222869-00223025 been quite a lot of success stunned by paXYQIo0KTM-00736-00223026-00223396 many teachers typically in K to 12 of paXYQIo0KTM-00737-00223398-00223700 having students create little little paXYQIo0KTM-00738-00223701-00223916 mini encyclopedias based around the paXYQIo0KTM-00739-00223917-00224126 concepts that are being taught and the paXYQIo0KTM-00740-00224127-00224288 teacher then assessing students on their paXYQIo0KTM-00741-00224289-00224498 contributions and the accuracy of those paXYQIo0KTM-00742-00224498-00224692 contributions so for example around paXYQIo0KTM-00743-00224694-00224992 astronomy or some aspects of physics paXYQIo0KTM-00744-00224994-00225259 where the students build out a more an paXYQIo0KTM-00745-00225260-00225682 increasingly complex wiki and the paXYQIo0KTM-00746-00225683-00225839 teacher monitors that progress and paXYQIo0KTM-00747-00225840-00226055 guides it and identifies errors as paXYQIo0KTM-00748-00226056-00226603 they're occurring but it is challenging paXYQIo0KTM-00749-00226604-00226819 now we also have a few mentions that paXYQIo0KTM-00750-00226821-00227069 blogs are good for personalized or paXYQIo0KTM-00751-00227069-00227296 thematic content and interest-based paXYQIo0KTM-00752-00227298-00227546 yes because of the diary nature of blogs paXYQIo0KTM-00753-00227546-00228046 they can be they can be challenging to paXYQIo0KTM-00754-00228048-00228442 use as a way of resourcing or providing paXYQIo0KTM-00755-00228444-00228658 access to resources they are difficult paXYQIo0KTM-00756-00228659-00228917 because good resources will eventually paXYQIo0KTM-00757-00228917-00229079 disappear down into the chain of the paXYQIo0KTM-00758-00229080-00229405 blog particularly if those resources are paXYQIo0KTM-00759-00229406-00229623 being shared over a long period of time paXYQIo0KTM-00760-00229625-00229946 but that said they can provide very paXYQIo0KTM-00761-00229946-00230167 up-to-date information and that's paXYQIo0KTM-00762-00230169-00230312 probably the biggest advantage of both paXYQIo0KTM-00763-00230313-00230528 wiki's and blogs in that as soon as paXYQIo0KTM-00764-00230529-00230864 things occur they tend to be updated paXYQIo0KTM-00765-00230865-00231077 much more quickly through these paXYQIo0KTM-00766-00231078-00231385 platforms than other forms of publishing paXYQIo0KTM-00767-00231386-00231791 and yes Adrian's tagging can be used but paXYQIo0KTM-00768-00231792-00232213 again the whole concept of search versus paXYQIo0KTM-00769-00232214-00232604 directories is an ongoing problem in paXYQIo0KTM-00770-00232605-00232850 computing Google has tried very hard to paXYQIo0KTM-00771-00232851-00233042 get people to move towards the idea of paXYQIo0KTM-00772-00233042-00233257 just searching rather than having a paXYQIo0KTM-00773-00233258-00233630 structure that you look through to get paXYQIo0KTM-00774-00233631-00233876 access to information and wiki's really paXYQIo0KTM-00775-00233877-00234130 do represent that structural approach paXYQIo0KTM-00776-00234131-00234362 which is sort of the opposite of where paXYQIo0KTM-00777-00234363-00234541 Google would like to see things move paXYQIo0KTM-00778-00234542-00234866 which you'd search through for keywords paXYQIo0KTM-00779-00234867-00235205 and things of that nature but that paXYQIo0KTM-00780-00235206-00235357 debates been around since the very paXYQIo0KTM-00781-00235358-00235546 beginning of the internet and the very paXYQIo0KTM-00782-00235548-00235748 beginning of search engines there was paXYQIo0KTM-00783-00235748-00235909 always two different types of search paXYQIo0KTM-00784-00235910-00236075 engines ones that had a directory and paXYQIo0KTM-00785-00236076-00236467 ones that simply had a search entry paXYQIo0KTM-00786-00236469-00236726 point where you typed in some text but paXYQIo0KTM-00787-00236727-00236873 it's generally been found that Google paXYQIo0KTM-00788-00236873-00237106 has won that battle with the idea of paXYQIo0KTM-00789-00237107-00237355 just searching for terms and most of the paXYQIo0KTM-00790-00237356-00237642 directory structures have died away paXYQIo0KTM-00791-00237644-00237905 Yahoo probably was one of the last ones paXYQIo0KTM-00792-00237906-00238142 to keep a very large directory structure paXYQIo0KTM-00793-00238142-00238421 going but because of the amount of paXYQIo0KTM-00794-00238421-00238529 Meishan and the complexity of paXYQIo0KTM-00795-00238530-00238723 information available on the internet paXYQIo0KTM-00796-00238725-00238969 the directories just became too unwieldy paXYQIo0KTM-00797-00238971-00239209 and it took too long to search through paXYQIo0KTM-00798-00239210-00239842 them to find effective information but paXYQIo0KTM-00799-00239844-00239971 they were good for a long time and lots paXYQIo0KTM-00800-00239973-00240071 of teachers really enjoyed it because paXYQIo0KTM-00801-00240071-00240164 they liked creating their own paXYQIo0KTM-00802-00240165-00240319 directories of course they were used to paXYQIo0KTM-00803-00240321-00240521 that in how they structured information paXYQIo0KTM-00804-00240521-00240839 from textbooks and presented information paXYQIo0KTM-00805-00240840-00241573 on their own websites to students now paXYQIo0KTM-00806-00241575-00241808 not quite like the operating system paXYQIo0KTM-00807-00241809-00242167 directories these are more list of of paXYQIo0KTM-00808-00242169-00242548 terms so what would be an equivalent paXYQIo0KTM-00809-00242550-00242852 today probably things like Netflix where paXYQIo0KTM-00810-00242853-00243094 you see a whole lot of pictures of the paXYQIo0KTM-00811-00243096-00243269 movies that you might want to look at paXYQIo0KTM-00812-00243269-00243413 and you could look at different paXYQIo0KTM-00813-00243414-00243610 categories of movies and those paXYQIo0KTM-00814-00243611-00243760 categories represent a directory paXYQIo0KTM-00815-00243761-00244048 structure now because there's only a few paXYQIo0KTM-00816-00244050-00244271 hundred movies the directory structure paXYQIo0KTM-00817-00244271-00244517 can sustain that but once you get to paXYQIo0KTM-00818-00244517-00244792 tens of thousands of movies it's takes paXYQIo0KTM-00819-00244794-00245017 too long to find what you want it want paXYQIo0KTM-00820-00245019-00245248 in that directory structure and then a paXYQIo0KTM-00821-00245250-00245446 search structure or search approach is paXYQIo0KTM-00822-00245448-00246508 more effective ok let's see what else paXYQIo0KTM-00823-00246509-00247207 we've got paXYQIo0KTM-00824-00247208-00247744 what's so they've got the whole idea of paXYQIo0KTM-00825-00247746-00247907 digital books these are very popular for paXYQIo0KTM-00826-00247908-00248196 a while particularly with apples iBooks paXYQIo0KTM-00827-00248198-00248573 and a lot of work was put into trying to paXYQIo0KTM-00828-00248573-00248792 make these effective and indeed they are paXYQIo0KTM-00829-00248792-00249084 proving very effective a lot of a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00830-00249085-00249428 our texts now are provided digitally of paXYQIo0KTM-00831-00249429-00249617 course it's just so much cheaper to paXYQIo0KTM-00832-00249617-00250073 distribute then previously the fact that paXYQIo0KTM-00833-00250073-00250277 it's cheaper to distribute doesn't mean paXYQIo0KTM-00834-00250278-00250448 though that publishers have given up the paXYQIo0KTM-00835-00250448-00250646 profit margins that they want to achieve paXYQIo0KTM-00836-00250646-00250829 and that's been one of the biggest paXYQIo0KTM-00837-00250830-00251105 problems with digital texts that they paXYQIo0KTM-00838-00251106-00251344 often cost as much or in some cases even paXYQIo0KTM-00839-00251346-00251644 more than the printed versions because paXYQIo0KTM-00840-00251644-00251833 publishers want to keep make paXYQIo0KTM-00841-00251834-00252117 the money that they can from the paXYQIo0KTM-00842-00252119-00252457 publishing process but it is now paXYQIo0KTM-00843-00252458-00252961 possible to self offer text far more paXYQIo0KTM-00844-00252962-00253233 easily than it has been in the past and paXYQIo0KTM-00845-00253234-00253567 iBooks and iTunes U and things of that paXYQIo0KTM-00846-00253567-00253935 nature have made that very very easy paXYQIo0KTM-00847-00253936-00254155 unfortunately with both iBooks Author paXYQIo0KTM-00848-00254156-00254431 and iTunes U their proprietary just to paXYQIo0KTM-00849-00254432-00254761 Apple Apple's platform which severely paXYQIo0KTM-00850-00254762-00255163 limits their usability it certainly paXYQIo0KTM-00851-00255164-00255517 helps enhance Apple's platform but it paXYQIo0KTM-00852-00255517-00255754 makes their use say in this course much paXYQIo0KTM-00853-00255755-00255928 more problematic because I have to paXYQIo0KTM-00854-00255929-00256177 provide a PDF version which is not as paXYQIo0KTM-00855-00256178-00256571 effective and an eye-to-eye books paXYQIo0KTM-00856-00256573-00256819 version which can have all the paXYQIo0KTM-00857-00256819-00257083 interactivity that can be achieved with paXYQIo0KTM-00858-00257084-00257413 iBooks where you can include quizzes and paXYQIo0KTM-00859-00257414-00257617 video clips and track student progress paXYQIo0KTM-00860-00257617-00257890 through their reading and do quite a lot paXYQIo0KTM-00861-00257891-00258123 as though it's effectively a mini paXYQIo0KTM-00862-00258125-00258481 learning management system but while it paXYQIo0KTM-00863-00258482-00258642 remains proprietary just to Apple as paXYQIo0KTM-00864-00258644-00258808 much as I love iBooks Author and I paXYQIo0KTM-00865-00258809-00259117 iBooks it really does limit what can be paXYQIo0KTM-00866-00259117-00259309 effectively used for that paXYQIo0KTM-00867-00259310-00259596 similarly with iTunes U as a learning paXYQIo0KTM-00868-00259598-00259909 management system providing access to paXYQIo0KTM-00869-00259910-00260239 iBooks and other resources it is again paXYQIo0KTM-00870-00260240-00260509 limited somewhat by being platform paXYQIo0KTM-00871-00260510-00260986 dependent now in iBooks there is the paXYQIo0KTM-00872-00260987-00261096 opportunity to include what are called paXYQIo0KTM-00873-00261098-00261369 widgets which small little applications paXYQIo0KTM-00874-00261371-00261538 that can do various things which might paXYQIo0KTM-00875-00261539-00261817 present a game or allow picking a thing paXYQIo0KTM-00876-00261817-00262177 to occur in that iBook far beyond what paXYQIo0KTM-00877-00262178-00262564 we would normally expect to see in a PDF paXYQIo0KTM-00878-00262565-00263305 type text paXYQIo0KTM-00879-00263306-00263473 then we have various aspects around paXYQIo0KTM-00880-00263474-00263680 increasing ability to create our own paXYQIo0KTM-00881-00263681-00264070 graphics and create our own video from paXYQIo0KTM-00882-00264071-00264337 the simple gift sequences of animated paXYQIo0KTM-00883-00264338-00264673 pictures through to creating screencasts paXYQIo0KTM-00884-00264674-00264891 which is what I do for your courses paXYQIo0KTM-00885-00264892-00265096 recording what is happening on my screen paXYQIo0KTM-00886-00265097-00265402 and sharing that to you through to video paXYQIo0KTM-00887-00265403-00265636 editing and creating quite professional paXYQIo0KTM-00888-00265637-00266287 video productions and then even moving paXYQIo0KTM-00889-00266288-00266569 into an area core of 3d modeling where paXYQIo0KTM-00890-00266570-00266728 instead of creating static images paXYQIo0KTM-00891-00266729-00267052 creating 3d models of objects and then paXYQIo0KTM-00892-00267053-00267402 recording those objects in different paXYQIo0KTM-00893-00267403-00267574 environments and in different paXYQIo0KTM-00894-00267575-00267862 configurations and so if you go to the paXYQIo0KTM-00895-00267863-00268189 process and the different and the the paXYQIo0KTM-00896-00268190-00268407 time to actually create a whole 3d model paXYQIo0KTM-00897-00268408-00268738 you can then record various walkthroughs paXYQIo0KTM-00898-00268739-00269152 and engagements with that and alter that paXYQIo0KTM-00899-00269153-00269302 in different ways it is far more paXYQIo0KTM-00900-00269303-00269644 difficult to do with single perspective paXYQIo0KTM-00901-00269645-00270193 video editing and then you can include paXYQIo0KTM-00902-00270194-00270358 things into your text like movable paXYQIo0KTM-00903-00270359-00270643 objects and things of that nature hasn't paXYQIo0KTM-00904-00270644-00270952 really taken off hugely but particularly paXYQIo0KTM-00905-00270953-00271111 in areas such as design and technology paXYQIo0KTM-00906-00271112-00271390 it's proving to be quite useful around paXYQIo0KTM-00907-00271391-00271993 some concepts the only thing I'll add to paXYQIo0KTM-00908-00271994-00272340 this is a few more recent advances paXYQIo0KTM-00909-00272341-00272770 primarily around 3d video where we can paXYQIo0KTM-00910-00272771-00273076 now record a video with cameras that can paXYQIo0KTM-00911-00273077-00273370 see all around them and so you can then paXYQIo0KTM-00912-00273371-00273670 change your point of view and look from paXYQIo0KTM-00913-00273671-00273886 different directions at what is paXYQIo0KTM-00914-00273887-00274117 occurring I'm using that a number of my paXYQIo0KTM-00915-00274118-00274315 courses at the moment took me for use in paXYQIo0KTM-00916-00274316-00274558 tutorials where a single point of view paXYQIo0KTM-00917-00274559-00274810 doesn't capture the experience paXYQIo0KTM-00918-00274811-00274948 particularly well because I move around paXYQIo0KTM-00919-00274949-00275224 the classroom quite a lot but a 3d paXYQIo0KTM-00920-00275225-00275494 camera can record the entire space and paXYQIo0KTM-00921-00275495-00275851 so viewers can move their perspective as paXYQIo0KTM-00922-00275852-00276205 I move around the classroom there's a paXYQIo0KTM-00923-00276206-00276409 number of other uses for it particularly paXYQIo0KTM-00924-00276410-00276526 if it's combined with virtual reality paXYQIo0KTM-00925-00276527-00276667 and stood paXYQIo0KTM-00926-00276668-00276898 can put on virtuality headsets and then paXYQIo0KTM-00927-00276899-00277105 look around the 3d space quite easily paXYQIo0KTM-00928-00277106-00277315 without having to use their mouse and paXYQIo0KTM-00929-00277316-00277963 other things of that nature okay paXYQIo0KTM-00930-00277964-00278343 any other questions comments or paXYQIo0KTM-00931-00278344-00278533 elaborations on anything we've talked paXYQIo0KTM-00932-00278534-00280934 about in the ICT text paXYQIo0KTM-00933-00280935-00281375 oh good sorry my apologies Connie's paXYQIo0KTM-00934-00281376-00281648 Twitter question yes the use of social paXYQIo0KTM-00935-00281649-00281894 media does present various challenges paXYQIo0KTM-00936-00281895-00282165 but it has proven to be quite effective paXYQIo0KTM-00937-00282166-00282674 in a number of learning spaces probably paXYQIo0KTM-00938-00282675-00282926 the space I find the most use is at paXYQIo0KTM-00939-00282927-00283178 conferences where we have a large number paXYQIo0KTM-00940-00283179-00283470 of people and annan lectures where paXYQIo0KTM-00941-00283471-00283610 you've got a large number of people paXYQIo0KTM-00942-00283611-00283847 observing and wanting to be able to paXYQIo0KTM-00943-00283848-00284153 comment on what is being discussed we've paXYQIo0KTM-00944-00284154-00284480 had it being more formal discussions so paXYQIo0KTM-00945-00284481-00284702 I tend to use twitter at almost any paXYQIo0KTM-00946-00284703-00284922 conference on that and I use it as a paXYQIo0KTM-00947-00284923-00285223 summary tool where by making comment on paXYQIo0KTM-00948-00285224-00285625 what's being presented taking photos and paXYQIo0KTM-00949-00285626-00285888 submitting those to Twitter or paXYQIo0KTM-00950-00285889-00286130 discussing whether or not I agree or paXYQIo0KTM-00951-00286131-00286320 disagree with various comments being paXYQIo0KTM-00952-00286321-00286572 made by the presenter I can then have a paXYQIo0KTM-00953-00286573-00286883 recording of that discussion but it's paXYQIo0KTM-00954-00286884-00287123 also then not my discussion it's can be paXYQIo0KTM-00955-00287124-00287306 a shared discussion where a number of paXYQIo0KTM-00956-00287307-00287570 people are commenting about what's being paXYQIo0KTM-00957-00287571-00288059 shared and quite complex what I call paXYQIo0KTM-00958-00288060-00288449 back-channel discussions can occur and paXYQIo0KTM-00959-00288450-00288672 the rosetta may be completely oblivious paXYQIo0KTM-00960-00288673-00288867 to this so are they are presenting a paXYQIo0KTM-00961-00288868-00289084 lesson or a presentation at a conference paXYQIo0KTM-00962-00289085-00289287 people can be having a quite heated paXYQIo0KTM-00963-00289288-00289422 discussion about what they're presenting paXYQIo0KTM-00964-00289423-00289716 and maybe being quite critical or very paXYQIo0KTM-00965-00289717-00289968 supportive of what the presenter is paXYQIo0KTM-00966-00289969-00290258 doing and that can worry a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-00967-00290259-00290667 presenters in the very early stages of paXYQIo0KTM-00968-00290668-00290838 Twitter there was a lot of presenters paXYQIo0KTM-00969-00290839-00290997 that didn't want it to be used while paXYQIo0KTM-00970-00290998-00291165 they were presenting of course they paXYQIo0KTM-00971-00291166-00291407 didn't have control of the learning paXYQIo0KTM-00972-00291408-00291635 space and what was occurring there but paXYQIo0KTM-00973-00291636-00291795 generally now it's quite accepted that paXYQIo0KTM-00974-00291796-00292268 Twitter is a effective tool for having a paXYQIo0KTM-00975-00292269-00292685 informal discussion about public events paXYQIo0KTM-00976-00292686-00293102 and things occurring that said there are paXYQIo0KTM-00977-00293103-00293214 people that use Twitter for other paXYQIo0KTM-00978-00293215-00293381 purposes a lot of people use it to paXYQIo0KTM-00979-00293382-00293565 follow personalities and things of that paXYQIo0KTM-00980-00293566-00293613 nature paXYQIo0KTM-00981-00293614-00293879 and in the main if there's been a paXYQIo0KTM-00982-00293880-00294149 significant event occurring people share paXYQIo0KTM-00983-00294150-00294319 things on Twitter before paXYQIo0KTM-00984-00294320-00294616 the mechanisms so if there's a paXYQIo0KTM-00985-00294617-00294889 revolution somewhere or a natural paXYQIo0KTM-00986-00294890-00295171 disaster you can generally find out paXYQIo0KTM-00987-00295172-00295345 about it and find out a lot of detail paXYQIo0KTM-00988-00295346-00295594 about that on Twitter now it doesn't paXYQIo0KTM-00989-00295595-00295825 necessarily mean that that detail is paXYQIo0KTM-00990-00295826-00296044 accurate and you have to go through a paXYQIo0KTM-00991-00296045-00296173 whole process of critical thinking paXYQIo0KTM-00992-00296174-00296647 around that but more than most other paXYQIo0KTM-00993-00296648-00296905 platforms it provides an opportunity for paXYQIo0KTM-00994-00296906-00297064 those that are eyewitnesses or paXYQIo0KTM-00995-00297065-00297229 experiencing the events that are paXYQIo0KTM-00996-00297230-00297775 occurring to share that now the paXYQIo0KTM-00997-00297776-00298137 atmosphere of Twitter is quite unique paXYQIo0KTM-00998-00298138-00298369 particularly when it was limited to 40 paXYQIo0KTM-00999-00298370-00298555 characters it had to be a very brief paXYQIo0KTM-01000-00298556-00298978 comment or statement and sometimes that paXYQIo0KTM-01001-00298979-00299432 doesn't promote a positive conversation paXYQIo0KTM-01002-00299433-00299781 because people resort to very simplistic paXYQIo0KTM-01003-00299782-00299998 arguments without going into a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-01004-00299999-00300732 detail but for what it's capable of paXYQIo0KTM-01005-00300733-00301143 doing it is quite popular for that and paXYQIo0KTM-01006-00301144-00301552 yes sometimes people can be rude but you paXYQIo0KTM-01007-00301553-00301720 don't necessarily have to follow those paXYQIo0KTM-01008-00301721-00302124 people and generally in a educational paXYQIo0KTM-01009-00302125-00302371 environment you maintain some control paXYQIo0KTM-01010-00302372-00302583 over that and by using what are called paXYQIo0KTM-01011-00302584-00302854 hashtags you set things up so that only paXYQIo0KTM-01012-00302855-00303055 the conversations where people are paXYQIo0KTM-01013-00303056-00303294 including that hashtag which might be paXYQIo0KTM-01014-00303295-00303858 hash new technologies so we had that and paXYQIo0KTM-01015-00303859-00304206 any tweets that we made included that paXYQIo0KTM-01016-00304207-00304477 hashtag then by following that hashtag paXYQIo0KTM-01017-00304478-00304798 we would only see messages that included paXYQIo0KTM-01018-00304799-00305106 that hashtag and that's how in an paXYQIo0KTM-01019-00305107-00305325 educational environment we can keep out paXYQIo0KTM-01020-00305326-00305737 random comments and random discussions paXYQIo0KTM-01021-00305738-00305965 like that or if they do occur we can paXYQIo0KTM-01022-00305966-00306073 then follow that up with particular paXYQIo0KTM-01023-00306074-00306357 students and provide them guidance with paXYQIo0KTM-01024-00306358-00306606 how they should be having that paXYQIo0KTM-01025-00306607-00307123 conversation but paXYQIo0KTM-01026-00307124-00307357 is a public environment and it is very paXYQIo0KTM-01027-00307358-00307702 public there can be quite rude comments paXYQIo0KTM-01028-00307703-00308134 and a lot of people do bullying through paXYQIo0KTM-01029-00308135-00308410 Twitter and other social media forms of paXYQIo0KTM-01030-00308411-00308585 course they do see it as a semi paXYQIo0KTM-01031-00308586-00308890 anonymous space of course you can make paXYQIo0KTM-01032-00308891-00309373 up your own name and use that in Twitter paXYQIo0KTM-01033-00309374-00309559 and it's very difficult for that thing paXYQIo0KTM-01034-00309560-00309843 to be traced back to a real person so paXYQIo0KTM-01035-00309844-00310635 that level of anonymity does does paXYQIo0KTM-01036-00310636-00310804 encourage some people to be quite rude paXYQIo0KTM-01037-00310805-00311038 and offensive and generally call those paXYQIo0KTM-01038-00311039-00311485 people trolls who they find pleasure in paXYQIo0KTM-01039-00311486-00311806 creating sensation and so the the ruder paXYQIo0KTM-01040-00311807-00311988 they are or the more offensive they are paXYQIo0KTM-01041-00311989-00312562 that is their intent but in the main paXYQIo0KTM-01042-00312563-00312889 they're relatively I can say a minority paXYQIo0KTM-01043-00312890-00313090 but in educational environments paXYQIo0KTM-01044-00313091-00313275 particularly through the use of hashtags paXYQIo0KTM-01045-00313276-00314605 we can sort of limit their impact so any paXYQIo0KTM-01046-00314606-00314794 other questions or comments about any of paXYQIo0KTM-01047-00314795-00316123 the material in the ICT text paXYQIo0KTM-01048-00316124-00316359 okay then let's look at the other text paXYQIo0KTM-01049-00316360-00317051 which is ICT integration here we focus paXYQIo0KTM-01050-00317052-00317300 less on the technologies and more on the paXYQIo0KTM-01051-00317301-00317633 processes of using those technologies to paXYQIo0KTM-01052-00317634-00318751 achieve various outcomes paXYQIo0KTM-01053-00318752-00318885 [Music] paXYQIo0KTM-01054-00318886-00321180 oops let me just refresh my page paXYQIo0KTM-01055-00321181-00321708 okay so the first aspect around most paXYQIo0KTM-01056-00321709-00321934 approaches of IT integration is that paXYQIo0KTM-01057-00321935-00322329 we're facing quite complex change and paXYQIo0KTM-01058-00322330-00322609 coping with that change is something paXYQIo0KTM-01059-00322610-00322870 that we have to learn to do ourselves paXYQIo0KTM-01060-00322871-00323155 and to support others in their attempts paXYQIo0KTM-01061-00323156-00323398 to cope with that change particularly paXYQIo0KTM-01062-00323399-00323656 our students but often our colleagues as paXYQIo0KTM-01063-00323657-00323867 well and a big part of your second paXYQIo0KTM-01064-00323868-00324070 assignment will be focusing on that paXYQIo0KTM-01065-00324071-00324320 change process and bringing others on paXYQIo0KTM-01066-00324321-00324494 board with the change that you would paXYQIo0KTM-01067-00324495-00324740 like to see happen in your educational paXYQIo0KTM-01068-00324741-00325231 organization and there are challenges paXYQIo0KTM-01069-00325232-00325420 we've talked a bit about the innovators paXYQIo0KTM-01070-00325421-00325630 in the early majority in late majority paXYQIo0KTM-01071-00325631-00325967 etc and a friend of mine Lindy McEwen paXYQIo0KTM-01072-00325968-00326398 developed this pencil metaphor where for paXYQIo0KTM-01073-00326399-00326666 any group of teachers there's a few at paXYQIo0KTM-01074-00326667-00326893 the very front who are leaders and paXYQIo0KTM-01075-00326894-00327188 they've represented by the lid at the paXYQIo0KTM-01076-00327189-00327478 very tip then there are the sharp ones paXYQIo0KTM-01077-00327479-00327676 who are the early adopters so they paXYQIo0KTM-01078-00327677-00327808 follow what the leaders are doing and paXYQIo0KTM-01079-00327809-00328024 are very quick to adopt those and paXYQIo0KTM-01080-00328025-00328418 explore them with their students then we paXYQIo0KTM-01081-00328419-00328804 have the majority who the would and if paXYQIo0KTM-01082-00328805-00329042 they're given support and the equipment paXYQIo0KTM-01083-00329043-00329267 and kept having everything working well paXYQIo0KTM-01084-00329268-00329728 they'll engage with the approaches but paXYQIo0KTM-01085-00329729-00329845 there's always a few that are the paXYQIo0KTM-01086-00329846-00329899 Deadwood paXYQIo0KTM-01087-00329900-00330130 who are the Lagarde's they're the ones paXYQIo0KTM-01088-00330131-00330314 that are very difficult to engage with paXYQIo0KTM-01089-00330315-00330559 and generally have to have everyone else paXYQIo0KTM-01090-00330560-00330790 moving before that they'll get involved paXYQIo0KTM-01091-00330791-00331166 and then there's a few that are opposed paXYQIo0KTM-01092-00331167-00331348 to what you may be doing they're Lea paXYQIo0KTM-01093-00331349-00331795 raisers they attempt to subvert and then paXYQIo0KTM-01094-00331796-00331948 there's the hanger-ons they're the ones paXYQIo0KTM-01095-00331949-00332383 that will they tend to go into the paXYQIo0KTM-01096-00332384-00332548 conference circuits and they present paXYQIo0KTM-01097-00332549-00332779 about these ideas but they never paXYQIo0KTM-01098-00332780-00333049 actually do them themselves they just paXYQIo0KTM-01099-00333050-00333202 sort of find out about all the good paXYQIo0KTM-01100-00333203-00333413 ideas and go around sharing those paXYQIo0KTM-01101-00333414-00333638 without ever really trying to experience paXYQIo0KTM-01102-00333639-00334109 them or put them into their own practice paXYQIo0KTM-01103-00334110-00334343 we have this hype cycle from the paXYQIo0KTM-01104-00334344-00334598 Gartner's research where every year or paXYQIo0KTM-01105-00334599-00334820 so they develop this hype cycle which paXYQIo0KTM-01106-00334821-00335108 tracks innovations in educational paXYQIo0KTM-01107-00335109-00335402 technologies and they've found that most paXYQIo0KTM-01108-00335403-00335605 new technologies go through a process paXYQIo0KTM-01109-00335606-00335849 where they're introduced and everyone paXYQIo0KTM-01110-00335850-00336122 gets really excited about them and then paXYQIo0KTM-01111-00336123-00336371 the expectations of what the technology paXYQIo0KTM-01112-00336372-00336629 is going to be able to achieve become paXYQIo0KTM-01113-00336630-00336935 very very high so for example virtual paXYQIo0KTM-01114-00336936-00337076 reality where every student be wearing paXYQIo0KTM-01115-00337077-00337292 virtual reality headsets and all the paXYQIo0KTM-01116-00337293-00337400 learning will occur through virtual paXYQIo0KTM-01117-00337401-00337643 reality and everyone will have it but as paXYQIo0KTM-01118-00337644-00338108 the technology is explored and people paXYQIo0KTM-01119-00338109-00338348 start trying to put it into practice we paXYQIo0KTM-01120-00338349-00338492 then go through what's called the trough paXYQIo0KTM-01121-00338493-00338813 of disillusionment where the illusions paXYQIo0KTM-01122-00338814-00339008 of what we thought were going to be paXYQIo0KTM-01123-00339009-00339428 possible become face the reality of the paXYQIo0KTM-01124-00339429-00339692 actual learning spaces and that can paXYQIo0KTM-01125-00339693-00339926 often almost kill off new advances and paXYQIo0KTM-01126-00339927-00340157 technologies and we drop down quite a paXYQIo0KTM-01127-00340158-00340382 lot and the technology becomes less and paXYQIo0KTM-01128-00340383-00340640 less popular the course of that but then paXYQIo0KTM-01129-00340641-00340937 over time we accept the limitations and paXYQIo0KTM-01130-00340938-00341171 we go slowly up the slope of paXYQIo0KTM-01131-00341172-00341366 enlightenment where the technology paXYQIo0KTM-01132-00341367-00341612 becomes increasingly incorporated into paXYQIo0KTM-01133-00341613-00341876 the learning spaces - when we get to the paXYQIo0KTM-01134-00341877-00342095 plateau of productivity where it starts paXYQIo0KTM-01135-00342096-00342260 being really effectively used by lots of paXYQIo0KTM-01136-00342261-00342689 people but almost every technology seems paXYQIo0KTM-01137-00342690-00343115 to go through this hype cycle and it's paXYQIo0KTM-01138-00343116-00343256 just something that's accepted nowadays paXYQIo0KTM-01139-00343257-00343589 that something new is going to get a lot paXYQIo0KTM-01140-00343590-00343814 of attention a lot of media a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-01141-00343815-00343949 people will be speaking about it as the paXYQIo0KTM-01142-00343950-00344222 latest big thing a lot of people will paXYQIo0KTM-01143-00344223-00344480 get behind it but then it'll go through paXYQIo0KTM-01144-00344481-00344858 a rapid decrease in popularity and if it paXYQIo0KTM-01145-00344859-00345143 survives that it'll then start slowly paXYQIo0KTM-01146-00345144-00345556 improving again paXYQIo0KTM-01147-00345557-00345788 we've talked about the horizon reports paXYQIo0KTM-01148-00345789-00346157 and those as a resource but what do paXYQIo0KTM-01149-00346158-00346342 people think about the general paXYQIo0KTM-01150-00346343-00346634 explanations of learning environments paXYQIo0KTM-01151-00346635-00346883 and the processes we go about introduct paXYQIo0KTM-01152-00346884-00347123 introducing new educational technologies paXYQIo0KTM-01153-00347124-00348009 as I've discussed here paXYQIo0KTM-01154-00348010-00349044 ideas thoughts comments arguments paXYQIo0KTM-01155-00349045-00349228 remembering you do have a mute off paXYQIo0KTM-01156-00349229-00349891 button well when you think about change paXYQIo0KTM-01157-00349892-00350179 and challenges and then you see the hype paXYQIo0KTM-01158-00350180-00350575 cycle it's understandable that sometimes paXYQIo0KTM-01159-00350576-00350833 technology gives you that pump like oh paXYQIo0KTM-01160-00350834-00351007 my god this is very interesting this paXYQIo0KTM-01161-00351008-00351241 looks like something I can do and then paXYQIo0KTM-01162-00351242-00351580 you have to praise reality and then you paXYQIo0KTM-01163-00351581-00351787 start seeing a lot of things coming up paXYQIo0KTM-01164-00351788-00352327 like resources budget funding policy paXYQIo0KTM-01165-00352328-00352588 depending on what's that there are paXYQIo0KTM-01166-00352589-00352888 multiple factors there well if it's paXYQIo0KTM-01167-00352889-00353035 system so there are a lot of things that paXYQIo0KTM-01168-00353036-00353224 will start affecting how these paXYQIo0KTM-01169-00353225-00353455 technologies can be implemented but some paXYQIo0KTM-01170-00353456-00353806 when you look at the hype cycle it's paXYQIo0KTM-01171-00353807-00354349 like everything that it's new goes up in paXYQIo0KTM-01172-00354350-00354652 the in the scale and those that actually paXYQIo0KTM-01173-00354653-00354997 seem to be more accessible tend to be paXYQIo0KTM-01174-00354998-00355309 lower like media tablets or tablets in paXYQIo0KTM-01175-00355310-00355480 general actually bringing your own paXYQIo0KTM-01176-00355481-00355672 device shouldn't be that hard because paXYQIo0KTM-01177-00355673-00355888 now most people have access to tablets paXYQIo0KTM-01178-00355889-00356137 or mobile devices even in developing paXYQIo0KTM-01179-00356138-00356494 countries that graph is about five years paXYQIo0KTM-01180-00356495-00356815 old there's been recent ones and produce paXYQIo0KTM-01181-00356816-00357172 since then that would yeah because it's paXYQIo0KTM-01182-00357173-00357412 like yeah the cycle is very interesting paXYQIo0KTM-01183-00357413-00357682 interesting and actually television is paXYQIo0KTM-01184-00357683-00357928 starting to die slowly because most paXYQIo0KTM-01185-00357929-00358102 people now prefer streaming services paXYQIo0KTM-01186-00358103-00358345 mm-hmm oh it's like people doesn't watch paXYQIo0KTM-01187-00358346-00358534 television instead the switch to Netflix paXYQIo0KTM-01188-00358535-00358849 or Google or Google movies or something paXYQIo0KTM-01189-00358850-00359002 that is responds more to what they paXYQIo0KTM-01190-00359003-00359218 actually want to see and there are paXYQIo0KTM-01191-00359219-00359545 streaming too you can actually go to CNN paXYQIo0KTM-01192-00359546-00359710 and other places and actually see a paXYQIo0KTM-01193-00359711-00359854 stream live instead of watching paXYQIo0KTM-01194-00359855-00360262 television so television is like one of paXYQIo0KTM-01195-00360263-00360484 those that at the beginning when he come paXYQIo0KTM-01196-00360485-00360634 came up paXYQIo0KTM-01197-00360635-00360823 all teachers start decent it and now paXYQIo0KTM-01198-00360824-00361081 it's like nobody thinks of television as paXYQIo0KTM-01199-00361082-00361351 a technological tool they think it's paXYQIo0KTM-01200-00361352-00361684 dated and no longer usable but it still paXYQIo0KTM-01201-00361685-00361765 has potential paXYQIo0KTM-01202-00361766-00362062 I mean Discovery Channel has a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-01203-00362063-00362200 very interesting things that you can use paXYQIo0KTM-01204-00362201-00362494 in a classroom too but people is like paXYQIo0KTM-01205-00362495-00362743 sometimes they look to technology and paXYQIo0KTM-01206-00362744-00362989 something that is really new tends to paXYQIo0KTM-01207-00362990-00363160 move something that's been going that's paXYQIo0KTM-01208-00363161-00363625 been around for a while so how do paXYQIo0KTM-01209-00363626-00364027 actually we can't or how we measure the paXYQIo0KTM-01210-00364028-00364210 effectiveness of these digital paXYQIo0KTM-01211-00364211-00364678 technologies it's only a matter of paXYQIo0KTM-01212-00364679-00364900 actually seeing why we're using and paXYQIo0KTM-01213-00364901-00365119 what's coming or actually working on paXYQIo0KTM-01214-00365120-00365446 what we already have and make a good use paXYQIo0KTM-01215-00365447-00365899 of it that's a very good point and there paXYQIo0KTM-01216-00365900-00366169 are a number of research studies that paXYQIo0KTM-01217-00366170-00366388 explore the uses of various technologies paXYQIo0KTM-01218-00366389-00366778 but in the main it's really because we paXYQIo0KTM-01219-00366779-00366886 can use them in so many different paXYQIo0KTM-01220-00366887-00367243 contexts as you mentioned with TV TV paXYQIo0KTM-01221-00367244-00367396 still has a great use for lots of paXYQIo0KTM-01222-00367397-00367629 different contexts and learning outcomes paXYQIo0KTM-01223-00367630-00367879 just the fact that there is that a paXYQIo0KTM-01224-00367880-00368164 replacement for television doesn't paXYQIo0KTM-01225-00368165-00368263 necessarily mean that it will paXYQIo0KTM-01226-00368264-00368425 automatically be replaced in all paXYQIo0KTM-01227-00368426-00368728 circumstances there may be times when it paXYQIo0KTM-01228-00368729-00369040 is still more preferable took me here in paXYQIo0KTM-01229-00369041-00369151 Australia where we've got free-to-air paXYQIo0KTM-01230-00369152-00369516 television and less than ideal internet paXYQIo0KTM-01231-00369517-00369781 television can be quite effective in a paXYQIo0KTM-01232-00369782-00369973 lot of circumstances whereas in the paXYQIo0KTM-01233-00369974-00370105 United States where the reverse is paXYQIo0KTM-01234-00370106-00370387 really true where they've got very poor paXYQIo0KTM-01235-00370388-00370615 free-to-air television about very good paXYQIo0KTM-01236-00370616-00370855 internet connectivity the take-up of paXYQIo0KTM-01237-00370856-00371059 alternatives to television there have paXYQIo0KTM-01238-00371060-00371290 been progressing quite a bit faster than paXYQIo0KTM-01239-00371291-00371667 here in Australia but yes there's paXYQIo0KTM-01240-00371668-00371974 there's lots of things about the paXYQIo0KTM-01241-00371975-00372265 advantages of certain technologies or paXYQIo0KTM-01242-00372266-00372505 other technologies I'm in the process of paXYQIo0KTM-01243-00372506-00372793 doing a major study throughout Australia paXYQIo0KTM-01244-00372794-00373113 where we're doing a doe fee study the paXYQIo0KTM-01245-00373114-00373357 Australian educational technologies paXYQIo0KTM-01246-00373358-00373660 trends surveying where we go through and paXYQIo0KTM-01247-00373661-00373935 rank all the different technologies paXYQIo0KTM-01248-00373936-00374212 what we think are the most effective the paXYQIo0KTM-01249-00374213-00374662 most how the value for money for various paXYQIo0KTM-01250-00374663-00374917 technologies and how effectively they paXYQIo0KTM-01251-00374918-00375288 approach and support different teaching paXYQIo0KTM-01252-00375289-00375681 approaches and pedagogy so those sorts paXYQIo0KTM-01253-00375682-00375885 of surveys do exist but they are fairly paXYQIo0KTM-01254-00375886-00376473 rare but you do make a good point around paXYQIo0KTM-01255-00376474-00376680 trying to identify whether or not a paXYQIo0KTM-01256-00376681-00376881 technology is the most appropriate for paXYQIo0KTM-01257-00376882-00376998 your particular circumstance paXYQIo0KTM-01258-00376999-00377229 and in your second assignment part of paXYQIo0KTM-01259-00377230-00377550 that will be justifying why you've paXYQIo0KTM-01260-00377551-00377802 chosen various technologies and you can paXYQIo0KTM-01261-00377803-00377965 use your first assignment the Delfy paXYQIo0KTM-01262-00377966-00378513 study to help provide that justification paXYQIo0KTM-01263-00378514-00378937 other aspects of that first pit of the paXYQIo0KTM-01264-00378938-00379776 integration text yes the NBN started off paXYQIo0KTM-01265-00379777-00380055 as a very good idea of giving the same paXYQIo0KTM-01266-00380056-00380266 level of access to everybody but paXYQIo0KTM-01267-00380267-00380505 unfortunately when that ideal paXYQIo0KTM-01268-00380506-00380820 disappeared a lot of its benefit has paXYQIo0KTM-01269-00380821-00381139 also gone and it's really near dissing a paXYQIo0KTM-01270-00381140-00381442 new monopoly that is replacing an paXYQIo0KTM-01271-00381443-00382437 existing monopoly paXYQIo0KTM-01272-00382438-00383043 okay yes I guess there are more paXYQIo0KTM-01273-00383044-00383372 practical implications of the NBN other paXYQIo0KTM-01274-00383373-00384110 Avengers Internet connectivity let's paXYQIo0KTM-01275-00384111-00384987 have a look at the next section so the paXYQIo0KTM-01276-00384988-00385133 whole idea of integration has been paXYQIo0KTM-01277-00385134-00385421 around for a number of years and this is paXYQIo0KTM-01278-00385422-00385850 the idea that we move to make the use of paXYQIo0KTM-01279-00385851-00386421 various ICTs and technologies seamless paXYQIo0KTM-01280-00386422-00386606 and ubiquitous but within our paXYQIo0KTM-01281-00386607-00386707 organizations paXYQIo0KTM-01282-00386708-00387005 so initially we'll often start with this paXYQIo0KTM-01283-00387006-00387305 idea of inaction where teachers are not paXYQIo0KTM-01284-00387306-00387560 engaged with the new technologies then paXYQIo0KTM-01285-00387561-00387908 they'll start investigating them then paXYQIo0KTM-01286-00387909-00388119 they'll start applying their use in paXYQIo0KTM-01287-00388120-00388419 certain circumstances but there's a paXYQIo0KTM-01288-00388420-00388577 particular critical use border where paXYQIo0KTM-01289-00388578-00388964 it's got to get to a certain level of paXYQIo0KTM-01290-00388965-00389220 requirement or effectiveness before paXYQIo0KTM-01291-00389221-00389471 teachers will move over that barrier to paXYQIo0KTM-01292-00389472-00389723 truly integrating it where they use the paXYQIo0KTM-01293-00389724-00390074 ICT seamlessly in all of their learning paXYQIo0KTM-01294-00390075-00390335 experiences so the idea is not to have paXYQIo0KTM-01295-00390336-00390524 it as an exception that just as a paXYQIo0KTM-01296-00390525-00390800 natural part of everyday use I've been paXYQIo0KTM-01297-00390801-00390929 like what we would think of as the paXYQIo0KTM-01298-00390930-00391379 internet or word processing software to paXYQIo0KTM-01299-00391380-00391518 a certain extent PowerPoint and paXYQIo0KTM-01300-00391519-00391767 presentation software those have passed paXYQIo0KTM-01301-00391768-00391928 over that critical use border and paXYQIo0KTM-01302-00391929-00392090 they're fully integrated in what we do paXYQIo0KTM-01303-00392091-00392333 but there are a lot of other IC T's that paXYQIo0KTM-01304-00392334-00392545 haven't passed that boundary yet and paXYQIo0KTM-01305-00392546-00392844 then eventually we move into an area paXYQIo0KTM-01306-00392845-00393056 called transformation and this is where paXYQIo0KTM-01307-00393057-00393219 we start looking for new ways of using paXYQIo0KTM-01308-00393220-00393516 that ICT to support learning ways that paXYQIo0KTM-01309-00393517-00393816 haven't been done before and that's paXYQIo0KTM-01310-00393817-00394041 quite rare because of the nature of that paXYQIo0KTM-01311-00394042-00394223 but it's where we would like to see paXYQIo0KTM-01312-00394224-00394715 teachers eventually getting to paXYQIo0KTM-01313-00394716-00394988 so ICT has been around as a term for a paXYQIo0KTM-01314-00394989-00395164 long time paXYQIo0KTM-01315-00395165-00395555 technically it means information and paXYQIo0KTM-01316-00395556-00395822 communications technologies but it has paXYQIo0KTM-01317-00395823-00395969 various other terms that have been paXYQIo0KTM-01318-00395970-00396203 applied to it but essentially it's just paXYQIo0KTM-01319-00396204-00396431 all of the tools that we use in everyday paXYQIo0KTM-01320-00396432-00396920 work and learning and so forth ICT paXYQIo0KTM-01321-00396921-00397334 capability is how students can have the paXYQIo0KTM-01322-00397335-00397607 capacity to use those tools to enhance paXYQIo0KTM-01323-00397608-00398098 their learning and various other uses paXYQIo0KTM-01324-00398099-00398420 and as a range of little video clips paXYQIo0KTM-01325-00398421-00398648 there that promote the use of ICT and paXYQIo0KTM-01326-00398649-00399332 support its integration ok there we get paXYQIo0KTM-01327-00399333-00399680 to this concept of modeling the first paXYQIo0KTM-01328-00399681-00399940 model that we have is the summer model paXYQIo0KTM-01329-00399941-00400189 this is substitution augmentation paXYQIo0KTM-01330-00400190-00400661 modification and redefinition the idea paXYQIo0KTM-01331-00400662-00400958 is that any use of technology will fall paXYQIo0KTM-01332-00400959-00401183 into one of those categories and that paXYQIo0KTM-01333-00401184-00401375 they're not necessarily better than one paXYQIo0KTM-01334-00401376-00401699 another but they're different but paXYQIo0KTM-01335-00401700-00401891 unfortunately most teachers stay within paXYQIo0KTM-01336-00401892-00402212 the substitution field without moving paXYQIo0KTM-01337-00402213-00402551 into exploring the other options but paXYQIo0KTM-01338-00402552-00402740 substitution is where we take a paXYQIo0KTM-01339-00402741-00402956 technology and we replace an existing paXYQIo0KTM-01340-00402957-00403145 way of doing things or an existing paXYQIo0KTM-01341-00403146-00403424 technology with that technology so a paXYQIo0KTM-01342-00403425-00403550 good example was the interactive paXYQIo0KTM-01343-00403551-00403784 whiteboard if it was simply being used paXYQIo0KTM-01344-00403785-00404036 to replace the blackboard or the paXYQIo0KTM-01345-00404037-00404357 whiteboard without using its video paXYQIo0KTM-01346-00404358-00404528 capabilities or its apps or anything paXYQIo0KTM-01347-00404529-00404732 like that then it was really just acting paXYQIo0KTM-01348-00404733-00405047 as a substitution and likewise if you paXYQIo0KTM-01349-00405048-00405350 just use an online word processor such paXYQIo0KTM-01350-00405351-00405599 as Google Docs without doing any of the paXYQIo0KTM-01351-00405600-00405857 sharing capabilities or group work paXYQIo0KTM-01352-00405858-00406139 capabilities but just use it as a paXYQIo0KTM-01353-00406140-00406364 replacement for word on your desktop paXYQIo0KTM-01354-00406365-00406744 machine then it really was simply just paXYQIo0KTM-01355-00406745-00407060 substitution if you started using some paXYQIo0KTM-01356-00407061-00407264 of the capabilities such as allowing paXYQIo0KTM-01357-00407265-00407447 multiple authors to work on a document paXYQIo0KTM-01358-00407448-00407696 at once or sharing that document to paXYQIo0KTM-01359-00407697-00407978 others around the world very easily by paXYQIo0KTM-01360-00407979-00408082 using paXYQIo0KTM-01361-00408083-00408287 share button then that would be things paXYQIo0KTM-01362-00408288-00408665 like augmentation where we're doing more paXYQIo0KTM-01363-00408666-00408934 than just substitution we're enhancing paXYQIo0KTM-01364-00408935-00409171 the use and excluding experience by paXYQIo0KTM-01365-00409172-00409445 using those capabilities but it's not paXYQIo0KTM-01366-00409446-00409592 really doing anything really different paXYQIo0KTM-01367-00409593-00409720 we're still just basically word paXYQIo0KTM-01368-00409721-00409945 processing but we're doing it more paXYQIo0KTM-01369-00409946-00410099 effectively and efficiently because of paXYQIo0KTM-01370-00410100-00410701 the capabilities of new technologies paXYQIo0KTM-01371-00410702-00410959 modification is where we can start doing paXYQIo0KTM-01372-00410960-00411184 things quite differently and doing paXYQIo0KTM-01373-00411185-00411443 things that we couldn't really do with paXYQIo0KTM-01374-00411443-00411614 the existing processes and existing paXYQIo0KTM-01375-00411614-00412084 technologies so let's have a look at paXYQIo0KTM-01376-00412085-00412210 some of the examples that I've listed paXYQIo0KTM-01377-00412211-00412739 here so this is looking at some of the paXYQIo0KTM-01378-00412739-00413195 tools that support modification but one paXYQIo0KTM-01379-00413196-00413551 example might be online polling in the paXYQIo0KTM-01380-00413552-00413983 past doing an online poll well doing a paXYQIo0KTM-01381-00413984-00414172 poll of your students would involve paXYQIo0KTM-01382-00414173-00414358 giving them all a piece of paper then paXYQIo0KTM-01383-00414359-00414599 filling that out handing back all those paXYQIo0KTM-01384-00414600-00414799 pieces of paper someone looking at them paXYQIo0KTM-01385-00414800-00415001 all and tallying things up and then paXYQIo0KTM-01386-00415002-00415214 letting everyone know what the results paXYQIo0KTM-01387-00415214-00415487 were now that was quite laborious and paXYQIo0KTM-01388-00415488-00415768 difficult and complicated online polling paXYQIo0KTM-01389-00415769-00415939 allows us to do things in a quite a paXYQIo0KTM-01390-00415940-00416137 different way from that we can have paXYQIo0KTM-01391-00416138-00416368 everyone contribute their results paXYQIo0KTM-01392-00416369-00416639 automatically through their devices we paXYQIo0KTM-01393-00416639-00416795 can have that automatically be tallied paXYQIo0KTM-01394-00416796-00417145 and automatically presented but beyond paXYQIo0KTM-01395-00417146-00417362 that we can also start structuring that paXYQIo0KTM-01396-00417363-00417526 information in ways that we couldn't in paXYQIo0KTM-01397-00417527-00417751 a manual system such as creating a paXYQIo0KTM-01398-00417752-00417997 dynamic word cloud so this is a paXYQIo0KTM-01399-00417998-00418258 modification that allows us to do things paXYQIo0KTM-01400-00418259-00418595 that weren't possible with a previous paXYQIo0KTM-01401-00418596-00419039 way of doing that same process and the paXYQIo0KTM-01402-00419039-00419203 final one would be what's called paXYQIo0KTM-01403-00419204-00419437 redefinition and this is where we paXYQIo0KTM-01404-00419438-00419770 completely redefine how we go about paXYQIo0KTM-01405-00419771-00420466 doing what we were doing again different paXYQIo0KTM-01406-00420467-00421079 examples and options there let me get paXYQIo0KTM-01407-00421080-00421503 into one of the examples in this matrix paXYQIo0KTM-01408-00421504-00421642 [Music] paXYQIo0KTM-01409-00421643-00422368 we have I got it okay paXYQIo0KTM-01410-00422370-00422618 the technology matrix takes this summer paXYQIo0KTM-01411-00422618-00422968 model and provides a structure around paXYQIo0KTM-01412-00422970-00423739 that so here if I go into one of them paXYQIo0KTM-01413-00423739-00424007 with a large one I can't do it on this paXYQIo0KTM-01414-00424008-00424487 computer in iBooks these wouldn't become paXYQIo0KTM-01415-00424488-00424718 larger as you tap on them unfortunately paXYQIo0KTM-01416-00424718-00425476 here all I can do is zoom in let me see paXYQIo0KTM-01417-00425477-00425912 and that's the limit of my zoom one paXYQIo0KTM-01418-00425913-00426938 second okay so here we're looking at paXYQIo0KTM-01419-00426939-00427181 various ways of integrating technology paXYQIo0KTM-01420-00427182-00427739 that might be transformative what's the paXYQIo0KTM-01421-00427739-00427939 approach here okay this is just looking paXYQIo0KTM-01422-00427941-00428285 pedagogical approaches but allowing paXYQIo0KTM-01423-00428285-00428672 students to transform let me find one on paXYQIo0KTM-01424-00428672-00428818 technology that was more related to what paXYQIo0KTM-01425-00428820-00429776 we're talking about okay let's grab an paXYQIo0KTM-01426-00429777-00430505 example that you'll understand okay so paXYQIo0KTM-01427-00430506-00430885 let's say in in science we're looking at paXYQIo0KTM-01428-00430887-00431351 mapping and testing we'll just jump to paXYQIo0KTM-01429-00431352-00432137 this example hopefully here we are no paXYQIo0KTM-01430-00432138-00432564 it's gone okay paXYQIo0KTM-01431-00432565-00432835 so here the example is using data paXYQIo0KTM-01432-00432835-00433476 collection and automated data devices paXYQIo0KTM-01433-00433477-00434043 data what have we call it data poling paXYQIo0KTM-01434-00434043-00434260 devices that can automatically capture paXYQIo0KTM-01435-00434260-00434443 information about the environment such paXYQIo0KTM-01436-00434443-00434941 as my B pH levels or temperature levels paXYQIo0KTM-01437-00434942-00435162 and students can carry these around and paXYQIo0KTM-01438-00435163-00435460 use them on an excursion and collect paXYQIo0KTM-01439-00435460-00435772 lots of data that would have been almost paXYQIo0KTM-01440-00435772-00436118 impossible to do by carrying around paXYQIo0KTM-01441-00436119-00436560 thermometers and pH meters and a whole paXYQIo0KTM-01442-00436562-00436837 lot of other equipment so in the past paXYQIo0KTM-01443-00436838-00436984 when we did that sort of thing in paXYQIo0KTM-01444-00436985-00437326 science we would have to invest a lot of paXYQIo0KTM-01445-00437327-00437622 money to go to a single location set up paXYQIo0KTM-01446-00437623-00437958 lots of equipment and collect that data paXYQIo0KTM-01447-00437959-00438232 nowadays they could have these this sort paXYQIo0KTM-01448-00438233-00438343 of equipment attached to almost any paXYQIo0KTM-01449-00438343-00438577 smart phone or smart device collect a paXYQIo0KTM-01450-00438578-00438772 huge amount of data that students can paXYQIo0KTM-01451-00438772-00438972 then actually start working with while paXYQIo0KTM-01452-00438973-00439180 they're on site so instead of having to paXYQIo0KTM-01453-00439181-00439362 collect a whole lot of raw data take it paXYQIo0KTM-01454-00439363-00439600 back to a laboratory analyze it all on paXYQIo0KTM-01455-00439601-00439810 the computers and then try to work out paXYQIo0KTM-01456-00439810-00440002 what it all meant students can start paXYQIo0KTM-01457-00440003-00440212 taking readings while they're in the paXYQIo0KTM-01458-00440213-00440466 environment seeing what's occurring and paXYQIo0KTM-01459-00440467-00440670 then looking around and exploring that paXYQIo0KTM-01460-00440671-00440922 environment to try to understand why it paXYQIo0KTM-01461-00440923-00441181 is occurring and so that's an example of paXYQIo0KTM-01462-00441182-00441391 a transformational technology that paXYQIo0KTM-01463-00441392-00441693 allows the process of science to occur paXYQIo0KTM-01464-00441694-00441910 differently to how it would have paXYQIo0KTM-01465-00441910-00442487 occurred previously to that technology paXYQIo0KTM-01466-00442488-00442797 any questions comments statements or paXYQIo0KTM-01467-00442797-00444012 arguments we can use one of these three paXYQIo0KTM-01468-00444013-00444435 models as our the one we can use for the paXYQIo0KTM-01469-00444437-00444625 intervention in the system we are paXYQIo0KTM-01470-00444626-00445003 analyzing life you can yes and you may paXYQIo0KTM-01471-00445004-00445225 find how various aspects of all of them paXYQIo0KTM-01472-00445226-00445303 that you might want to incorporate paXYQIo0KTM-01473-00445304-00445534 elements ogress they all provide certain paXYQIo0KTM-01474-00445535-00445927 advantages art is the only models or paXYQIo0KTM-01475-00445928-00446230 there are more models there are more but paXYQIo0KTM-01476-00446231-00446487 these are the most popular ones and by paXYQIo0KTM-01477-00446488-00446806 far the most commonly used ones lots of paXYQIo0KTM-01478-00446807-00446970 people lots of academics make up their paXYQIo0KTM-01479-00446971-00447289 own models but it tends to be only those paXYQIo0KTM-01480-00447289-00447454 that gain traction that became very paXYQIo0KTM-01481-00447455-00447660 popular all the models that I'm showing paXYQIo0KTM-01482-00447662-00447907 you are used by tens of thousands of paXYQIo0KTM-01483-00447908-00448081 academics throughout the world so paXYQIo0KTM-01484-00448082-00448306 they're the main models that are being paXYQIo0KTM-01485-00448307-00448489 used it's not to say that they're paXYQIo0KTM-01486-00448489-00448695 perfect and there are other models that paXYQIo0KTM-01487-00448696-00449022 exist but they're the ones that you most paXYQIo0KTM-01488-00449023-00449314 commonly come across in any research and paXYQIo0KTM-01489-00449314-00450945 text what do others think Connie Adrian paXYQIo0KTM-01490-00450946-00452284 or headus paXYQIo0KTM-01491-00452285-00452809 all y'all off watching Netflix paXYQIo0KTM-01492-00452810-00453089 yes Adrienne in it the TPAC model is paXYQIo0KTM-01493-00453089-00453337 also a nice tool that you can use paXYQIo0KTM-01494-00453338-00453959 good to hear Adrienne but the TPAC model paXYQIo0KTM-01495-00453960-00454160 is particularly useful for comparing paXYQIo0KTM-01496-00454160-00454447 approaches that's quite different ooh paXYQIo0KTM-01497-00454448-00454709 the sama model which is more useful in paXYQIo0KTM-01498-00454710-00455009 trying to understand the engagement paXYQIo0KTM-01499-00455010-00455282 people have with different levels of paXYQIo0KTM-01500-00455283-00455576 Technology TPACK doesn't provide levels paXYQIo0KTM-01501-00455577-00455870 it simply provides the interaction paXYQIo0KTM-01502-00455871-00456292 between technology content and pedagogy paXYQIo0KTM-01503-00456293-00456547 while the sama model provides you with paXYQIo0KTM-01504-00456548-00456758 four levels of engagement and so you can paXYQIo0KTM-01505-00456759-00456943 use that to try to make judgments about paXYQIo0KTM-01506-00456944-00457376 how effectively or to what degree your paXYQIo0KTM-01507-00457377-00457553 teachers or participants in your paXYQIo0KTM-01508-00457554-00457817 organization are engaging with what you paXYQIo0KTM-01509-00457818-00459101 wish to introduce okay let's look paXYQIo0KTM-01510-00459102-00460132 further on and so the t-back model paXYQIo0KTM-01511-00460133-00460270 to have discussed before but here it is paXYQIo0KTM-01512-00460271-00460495 again it provides you of a good paXYQIo0KTM-01513-00460496-00460825 structure for thinking about whether or paXYQIo0KTM-01514-00460826-00461172 not the technology you're using matches paXYQIo0KTM-01515-00461174-00461359 well with the content that you want to paXYQIo0KTM-01516-00461360-00461638 teach and the pedagogical approach you paXYQIo0KTM-01517-00461639-00462070 want to use for that teaching and again paXYQIo0KTM-01518-00462071-00462355 a very popular model but it does a paXYQIo0KTM-01519-00462356-00463010 different job to the Samer model and paXYQIo0KTM-01520-00463012-00463855 this model the what do they call it do paXYQIo0KTM-01521-00463856-00464008 they call the technologies integration paXYQIo0KTM-01522-00464009-00464371 matrix really is the summer model but paXYQIo0KTM-01523-00464372-00464605 elaborated on and so it gives you lots paXYQIo0KTM-01524-00464606-00464809 of examples of where things have been paXYQIo0KTM-01525-00464810-00465021 transformative and where they've been paXYQIo0KTM-01526-00465022-00465376 less transformative but it also brings paXYQIo0KTM-01527-00465377-00465658 in concepts of pedagogy so different paXYQIo0KTM-01528-00465659-00465889 approaches to teaching whether it's paXYQIo0KTM-01529-00465889-00466120 active teaching collaborative teaching paXYQIo0KTM-01530-00466121-00466333 constructive authentic or goal paXYQIo0KTM-01531-00466334-00466593 orientated and so it combines a little paXYQIo0KTM-01532-00466595-00466906 bit of the TPAC concept of pedagogy and paXYQIo0KTM-01533-00466907-00467281 technology but the main process is to paXYQIo0KTM-01534-00467282-00467522 look at whether or not teachers are paXYQIo0KTM-01535-00467524-00467847 engaging with different levels and types paXYQIo0KTM-01536-00467849-00468247 of engagement with technology where the paXYQIo0KTM-01537-00468247-00468414 TPAC model simply says whether or not paXYQIo0KTM-01538-00468416-00468703 they're engaging with technology in paXYQIo0KTM-01539-00468704-00469795 relationship to content and pedagogy and paXYQIo0KTM-01540-00469796-00469999 lots of examples here you can read about paXYQIo0KTM-01541-00470000-00470707 the TPAC model now the last bit to look paXYQIo0KTM-01542-00470708-00471052 at are the expectations we set for what paXYQIo0KTM-01543-00471053-00471256 teachers should be doing with technology paXYQIo0KTM-01544-00471257-00471625 and there are a number of expectations paXYQIo0KTM-01545-00471626-00471964 that we can have there's some paXYQIo0KTM-01546-00471964-00472213 professional standards in Australia we paXYQIo0KTM-01547-00472214-00472366 have a set of professional standards of paXYQIo0KTM-01548-00472367-00472756 what we expect teachers to do and part paXYQIo0KTM-01549-00472757-00473041 of that is ICTs and I've given you there paXYQIo0KTM-01550-00473042-00473407 the links to the eights or graduate ICT paXYQIo0KTM-01551-00473408-00473518 standards so paXYQIo0KTM-01552-00473520-00473666 what we would expect of all graduates paXYQIo0KTM-01553-00473667-00473963 and accomplished teachers etc in their paXYQIo0KTM-01554-00473964-00474512 use of technology and some elaborations paXYQIo0KTM-01555-00474513-00475042 here about what would be expected and paXYQIo0KTM-01556-00475043-00475520 various examples now in Queensland we paXYQIo0KTM-01557-00475521-00475937 did have for seven years or so a very paXYQIo0KTM-01558-00475938-00476237 comprehensive set of standards called paXYQIo0KTM-01559-00476238-00476588 the smart classrooms and teachers could paXYQIo0KTM-01560-00476589-00476939 apply to move up through three levels of paXYQIo0KTM-01561-00476939-00477278 certification within that and it was all paXYQIo0KTM-01562-00477279-00477547 linked to not only their promotion but paXYQIo0KTM-01563-00477549-00477854 also their principals promotion so it paXYQIo0KTM-01564-00477855-00478070 proved very very effective in doing so paXYQIo0KTM-01565-00478071-00478238 of course all of the principles paXYQIo0KTM-01566-00478239-00478514 encourage their staff to engage with the paXYQIo0KTM-01567-00478514-00478760 standards and they wanted to have as paXYQIo0KTM-01568-00478760-00479024 many staff as they could being advanced paXYQIo0KTM-01569-00479025-00479260 license holders because it increased paXYQIo0KTM-01570-00479262-00479720 their promotion prospects but it was paXYQIo0KTM-01571-00479721-00479957 quite a good standard but unfortunately paXYQIo0KTM-01572-00479958-00480197 was discontinued about five years ago paXYQIo0KTM-01573-00480197-00480572 now but for its time it was very very paXYQIo0KTM-01574-00480572-00480881 effective but there are also paXYQIo0KTM-01575-00480882-00481256 international standards the net standard paXYQIo0KTM-01576-00481257-00481589 and the esti standards probably the most paXYQIo0KTM-01577-00481589-00481934 popular took the United States which set paXYQIo0KTM-01578-00481935-00482105 out a whole series of standards of what paXYQIo0KTM-01579-00482106-00482327 teachers and principals and students paXYQIo0KTM-01580-00482328-00482660 should be aiming to in their integration paXYQIo0KTM-01581-00482660-00483026 and use of ICT but we also have the paXYQIo0KTM-01582-00483027-00483317 UNESCO standards UNESCO runs a probably paXYQIo0KTM-01583-00483318-00483521 a little bit behind in that they're more paXYQIo0KTM-01584-00483522-00484064 skill-based and focused more on gaining paXYQIo0KTM-01585-00484064-00484354 capacity around a set of ICT skills and paXYQIo0KTM-01586-00484355-00484589 demonstrating that while the EC paXYQIo0KTM-01587-00484589-00484747 standards and the Australian standards paXYQIo0KTM-01588-00484749-00485120 tend to be more around how well teachers paXYQIo0KTM-01589-00485121-00485372 use that ICT for teaching and learning paXYQIo0KTM-01590-00485372-00485597 how will they integrate it with pedagogy paXYQIo0KTM-01591-00485597-00486118 and things of that nature the unesco ICT paXYQIo0KTM-01592-00486120-00486293 standards which is by far more popular paXYQIo0KTM-01593-00486293-00486506 in europe tend to be more focused on paXYQIo0KTM-01594-00486507-00486614 whether or not teachers can demonstrate paXYQIo0KTM-01595-00486614-00486814 competency with various paXYQIo0KTM-01596-00486814-00487572 technologies and then in Australia in paXYQIo0KTM-01597-00487573-00487876 our k-12 schools we now also have the paXYQIo0KTM-01598-00487877-00488214 ICT general capabilities which set out a paXYQIo0KTM-01599-00488214-00488629 curriculum for developing ICT skills in paXYQIo0KTM-01600-00488630-00489034 our students from the years great paXYQIo0KTM-01601-00489035-00489429 basically one through to grade ten and paXYQIo0KTM-01602-00489430-00489709 it's a whole range of capacities that paXYQIo0KTM-01603-00489710-00489891 are built up and that's the general paXYQIo0KTM-01604-00489892-00490174 framework students need to know how to paXYQIo0KTM-01605-00490175-00490399 communicate with technology create with paXYQIo0KTM-01606-00490400-00490618 technology investigate with technology paXYQIo0KTM-01607-00490618-00490951 manage and operate technology but also paXYQIo0KTM-01608-00490952-00491110 to consider the social and ethical paXYQIo0KTM-01609-00491110-00491308 protocols and practices particularly paXYQIo0KTM-01610-00491309-00491452 around safe use of the internet and paXYQIo0KTM-01611-00491453-00491809 things of that nature and that forms a paXYQIo0KTM-01612-00491810-00492045 framework that all Australian school paXYQIo0KTM-01613-00492046-00492393 students now learn about this technology paXYQIo0KTM-01614-00492394-00492610 and they do so through all of their paXYQIo0KTM-01615-00492610-00493314 subjects Queensland has its own set of paXYQIo0KTM-01616-00493315-00493501 ICT expectations for students as well paXYQIo0KTM-01617-00493502-00493783 which is fairly similar to the national paXYQIo0KTM-01618-00493784-00494182 standards and there's also international paXYQIo0KTM-01619-00494183-00494779 standards for students so what do people paXYQIo0KTM-01620-00494780-00494910 think about the standards that are being paXYQIo0KTM-01621-00494912-00495499 set are they appropriate is that the paXYQIo0KTM-01622-00495500-00495628 sort of things that we would expect paXYQIo0KTM-01623-00495629-00495877 students nowadays to have an paXYQIo0KTM-01624-00495878-00496107 understanding of or they're things that paXYQIo0KTM-01625-00496108-00496389 we are missing out as students aren't paXYQIo0KTM-01626-00496390-00497014 developing last week paXYQIo0KTM-01627-00497014-00497343 talked about the new subject of digital paXYQIo0KTM-01628-00497343-00497629 technologies and the idea of learning paXYQIo0KTM-01629-00497630-00497918 about coding and other aspects of paXYQIo0KTM-01630-00497919-00498184 computer science but that's somewhat paXYQIo0KTM-01631-00498185-00498502 different to ICT ICT is how to use the paXYQIo0KTM-01632-00498503-00498832 technologies digital technologies is paXYQIo0KTM-01633-00498833-00498931 more about how to create the paXYQIo0KTM-01634-00498932-00499684 technologies and yes it's a big paXYQIo0KTM-01635-00499685-00499858 challenge and in fact the challenge for paXYQIo0KTM-01636-00499859-00500016 teachers is actually greater than for paXYQIo0KTM-01637-00500017-00500341 students because teachers have gone paXYQIo0KTM-01638-00500342-00500539 through their own schooling without paXYQIo0KTM-01639-00500539-00500905 having any real experience with this the paXYQIo0KTM-01640-00500906-00501109 students are going through and learning paXYQIo0KTM-01641-00501110-00501262 about it as part of their schooling paXYQIo0KTM-01642-00501263-00501547 where teachers have to come through to paXYQIo0KTM-01643-00501547-00501826 it and teach about something that paXYQIo0KTM-01644-00501827-00501952 they've never actually experienced paXYQIo0KTM-01645-00501953-00502627 themselves and that is tough and yes paXYQIo0KTM-01646-00502628-00502789 there is that aspect of old dogs and new paXYQIo0KTM-01647-00502789-00503137 tricks in the main most teachers do paXYQIo0KTM-01648-00503138-00503455 continuously learn but having to learn paXYQIo0KTM-01649-00503456-00503734 an entirely new subject is quite paXYQIo0KTM-01650-00503735-00504025 difficult we only the last time we paXYQIo0KTM-01651-00504026-00504168 introduced the new subject into schools paXYQIo0KTM-01652-00504169-00504441 was in the 60s which was geography and paXYQIo0KTM-01653-00504442-00504625 before that in the 50s we introduced paXYQIo0KTM-01654-00504626-00504939 science so it's quite rare for Cindy to paXYQIo0KTM-01655-00504940-00505335 introduce new subjects into k12 paXYQIo0KTM-01656-00505337-00505804 schooling and yes the whole I do digital paXYQIo0KTM-01657-00505805-00506047 natives is well it depends upon how you paXYQIo0KTM-01658-00506047-00506257 actually define digital natives and what paXYQIo0KTM-01659-00506258-00506527 you're trying to mean by that students paXYQIo0KTM-01660-00506528-00506695 nowadays do engage more with technology paXYQIo0KTM-01661-00506696-00506868 because they've got greater exposure to paXYQIo0KTM-01662-00506869-00507247 it and they are very confident in using paXYQIo0KTM-01663-00507247-00507687 technology far more so than adults but paXYQIo0KTM-01664-00507688-00507934 the expectation that the students will paXYQIo0KTM-01665-00507935-00508183 be able to master that technology and go paXYQIo0KTM-01666-00508184-00508399 to any level of depth and complexity in paXYQIo0KTM-01667-00508400-00508582 the use of that technology without paXYQIo0KTM-01668-00508583-00508837 education and without guidance is paXYQIo0KTM-01669-00508838-00509518 certainly a myth paXYQIo0KTM-01670-00509518-00509697 now Henry answers the question remember paXYQIo0KTM-01671-00509698-00509977 the idea is more about the access to paXYQIo0KTM-01672-00509978-00510168 technology during early development that paXYQIo0KTM-01673-00510169-00510309 transition happens far paXYQIo0KTM-01674-00510310-00510609 and we adapt quickly yes Henry that's paXYQIo0KTM-01675-00510610-00510825 really the hope and certainly we're seen paXYQIo0KTM-01676-00510826-00511050 it in most other industries pretty much paXYQIo0KTM-01677-00511051-00511230 every industry now is as embraced paXYQIo0KTM-01678-00511231-00511506 engaged with technology from medicine paXYQIo0KTM-01679-00511507-00511760 through the legal professions pretty paXYQIo0KTM-01680-00511762-00512085 much everywhere education has been the paXYQIo0KTM-01681-00512085-00512543 obvious holdout in that but because we paXYQIo0KTM-01682-00512545-00512751 are a knowledge industry it is very paXYQIo0KTM-01683-00512752-00512925 difficult for us to justify that and to paXYQIo0KTM-01684-00512926-00513234 sustain that to any real degree some paXYQIo0KTM-01685-00513235-00513417 teachers are trying but they don't paXYQIo0KTM-01686-00513418-00513660 really have any way of sustaining it in paXYQIo0KTM-01687-00513660-00514116 the long term now Adrian you mentioned a paXYQIo0KTM-01688-00514117-00514338 rural and marginalized context do you paXYQIo0KTM-01689-00514339-00515885 want to elaborate on that Oh in terms of paXYQIo0KTM-01690-00515887-00516102 access in inequity yes and that's an paXYQIo0KTM-01691-00516103-00516464 ongoing issue that we have to consider paXYQIo0KTM-01692-00516464-00516772 but again as we've discussed before paXYQIo0KTM-01693-00516774-00517080 while we do have to consider it and make paXYQIo0KTM-01694-00517081-00517395 as best allowance for it as we can we paXYQIo0KTM-01695-00517396-00517566 don't want to see it as the factor that paXYQIo0KTM-01696-00517567-00517953 holds us back because that would then be paXYQIo0KTM-01697-00517954-00518235 iniquitous to everybody so we have to paXYQIo0KTM-01698-00518235-00518553 consider how we can ensure that that paXYQIo0KTM-01699-00518554-00518826 inequity doesn't limit the opportunities paXYQIo0KTM-01700-00518827-00519174 of all learners but we don't want to paXYQIo0KTM-01701-00519175-00519491 limit all learners opportunities by paXYQIo0KTM-01702-00519492-00519878 focusing on inequity to the exclusion of paXYQIo0KTM-01703-00519879-00521230 advances in education paXYQIo0KTM-01704-00521231-00521491 okay if there's no other comments I want paXYQIo0KTM-01705-00521492-00521608 to spend a little bit of time talking paXYQIo0KTM-01706-00521609-00521945 about your assignment do any does anyone paXYQIo0KTM-01707-00521946-00522257 have any questions about the first paXYQIo0KTM-01708-00522258-00522520 assignment the Delfy study that I can paXYQIo0KTM-01709-00522521-00522943 address and help or you may want to paXYQIo0KTM-01710-00522944-00523060 share the approach that you're taking paXYQIo0KTM-01711-00523061-00523382 and we can give advice collectively to paXYQIo0KTM-01712-00523383-00523853 support you how this it's too paXYQIo0KTM-01713-00523854-00523933 complicated paXYQIo0KTM-01714-00523934-00524147 okay this which which bin is too paXYQIo0KTM-01715-00524147-00524347 complicated let me let me try to paXYQIo0KTM-01716-00524348-00525662 uncomplicated for you now there are a paXYQIo0KTM-01717-00525663-00525947 number of sections to it and what I paXYQIo0KTM-01718-00525948-00526130 would encourage you to do is a process paXYQIo0KTM-01719-00526131-00526322 of what's called deconstruction where paXYQIo0KTM-01720-00526323-00526495 you break things down into the smaller paXYQIo0KTM-01721-00526496-00526832 sections and focus on those they do tend paXYQIo0KTM-01722-00526833-00527116 to flow one tweet to each other and so paXYQIo0KTM-01723-00527117-00527239 you can complete them as like little paXYQIo0KTM-01724-00527240-00527474 mini tasks that will then collectively paXYQIo0KTM-01725-00527475-00528208 produce an overall result for you why paXYQIo0KTM-01726-00528209-00528491 should we take two surveys that's a good paXYQIo0KTM-01727-00528492-00528687 question paXYQIo0KTM-01728-00528688-00528902 essentially because we are modeling the paXYQIo0KTM-01729-00528903-00529175 Delfy process the dollfie process paXYQIo0KTM-01730-00529176-00529458 requires at least two rounds of paXYQIo0KTM-01731-00529459-00529766 surveying for it to be defined as a paXYQIo0KTM-01732-00529767-00529925 Delfy process otherwise it's just a paXYQIo0KTM-01733-00529926-00530204 survey so we're not really surveying paXYQIo0KTM-01734-00530205-00530447 we're engaging with the Delfy process paXYQIo0KTM-01735-00530448-00530780 and indeed some argue that the Delfy paXYQIo0KTM-01736-00530781-00530912 process should include at least three paXYQIo0KTM-01737-00530913-00531431 rounds yes you can out one another to be paXYQIo0KTM-01738-00531432-00531658 your experts you'll probably still need paXYQIo0KTM-01739-00531659-00531902 a few extra extra people but certainly paXYQIo0KTM-01740-00531903-00532178 yes you can do that and I suggest you do paXYQIo0KTM-01741-00532179-00532427 that through the facebook chat system paXYQIo0KTM-01742-00532428-00532535 where you can ask questions of each paXYQIo0KTM-01743-00532536-00532745 others and get some things happening paXYQIo0KTM-01744-00532746-00533231 there but yes you're more than welcome paXYQIo0KTM-01745-00533232-00534214 to help use each other as experts how do paXYQIo0KTM-01746-00534215-00534731 you make the survey okay we we generally paXYQIo0KTM-01747-00534732-00534958 we went through that process in our paXYQIo0KTM-01748-00534959-00535270 demonstrations assignment but let me paXYQIo0KTM-01749-00535271-00535414 share my screen and I'll take you paXYQIo0KTM-01750-00535415-00535729 through that very quickly paXYQIo0KTM-01751-00535730-00537041 where am I again no it's online so it's paXYQIo0KTM-01752-00537042-00537533 through a web page so I just need to go paXYQIo0KTM-01753-00537534-00537970 back to last week's actually it's paXYQIo0KTM-01754-00537971-00538564 probably here on this week no it's not paXYQIo0KTM-01755-00538565-00538993 okay so the last few weeks we've been paXYQIo0KTM-01756-00538994-00539391 going through a sample Delfy process and paXYQIo0KTM-01757-00539392-00540050 using the tool somewhere here here we paXYQIo0KTM-01758-00540051-00541072 are so to create your own let us go if paXYQIo0KTM-01759-00541073-00541895 you click on here up so you click paXYQIo0KTM-01760-00541896-00542122 corner of it and you can now go create paXYQIo0KTM-01761-00542123-00542572 I'm sort of in a little window here but paXYQIo0KTM-01762-00542573-00542870 this is the process you can give the paXYQIo0KTM-01763-00542871-00543170 question that you want to ask you can paXYQIo0KTM-01764-00543171-00543419 create your own URL so it makes a bit paXYQIo0KTM-01765-00543420-00543545 more sense than just having a random paXYQIo0KTM-01766-00543546-00543781 thing so related to the question and paXYQIo0KTM-01767-00543782-00544118 then you can add a few of your add your paXYQIo0KTM-01768-00544119-00544370 ten ideas or twelve ideas that you need paXYQIo0KTM-01769-00544371-00544610 to put in bet your participants are paXYQIo0KTM-01770-00544611-00544907 going to vote upon and then if you put paXYQIo0KTM-01771-00544908-00545135 in your email and password you'll then paXYQIo0KTM-01772-00545136-00545731 have created your own paXYQIo0KTM-01773-00545732-00546149 Delfy survey so that's pretty much all paXYQIo0KTM-01774-00546150-00546472 that's involved in that I'll put some paXYQIo0KTM-01775-00546473-00546926 instructions related to that on the paXYQIo0KTM-01776-00546927-00547154 email that I send out each week just to paXYQIo0KTM-01777-00547155-00547412 help clarify that for you now paXYQIo0KTM-01778-00547413-00547640 unfortunately Survey Monkey won't do the paXYQIo0KTM-01779-00547641-00547985 Delfy process there are other tools that paXYQIo0KTM-01780-00547986-00548122 I've used in the past that are far more paXYQIo0KTM-01781-00548123-00548543 complicated but this tool is extremely paXYQIo0KTM-01782-00548544-00548897 simple to use so it's much easier to use paXYQIo0KTM-01783-00548898-00549110 and almost any other tool that have been paXYQIo0KTM-01784-00549111-00549485 able to come across is there any paXYQIo0KTM-01785-00549486-00549701 guidelines we need to justify our 10 to paXYQIo0KTM-01786-00549702-00549944 12 answers well let's have a look at the paXYQIo0KTM-01787-00549945-00550795 criteria hello could you just explain paXYQIo0KTM-01788-00550796-00551111 the assignment one step by step for us I paXYQIo0KTM-01789-00551112-00551395 just want to make sure that we are in paXYQIo0KTM-01790-00551396-00552119 the right track so if you go to the paXYQIo0KTM-01791-00552120-00552464 assignment page you'll see there that paXYQIo0KTM-01792-00552465-00553106 there's six steps you need to decide paXYQIo0KTM-01793-00553107-00553418 upon an organization that you're going paXYQIo0KTM-01794-00553419-00554291 to be supporting and you can use system paXYQIo0KTM-01795-00554292-00554594 modelling that we looked at in week 2 to paXYQIo0KTM-01796-00554595-00554870 create a connection circle and flow map paXYQIo0KTM-01797-00554871-00555266 that explains your organization paXYQIo0KTM-01798-00555267-00555473 and from that flow map you should then paXYQIo0KTM-01799-00555474-00555629 identify a question that you want to paXYQIo0KTM-01800-00555630-00556179 arcs so that's the challenge that you paXYQIo0KTM-01801-00556180-00556616 select and you then develop ten paXYQIo0KTM-01802-00556617-00556989 questions two arcs your experts in paXYQIo0KTM-01803-00556990-00557570 relation to that challenge do we have to paXYQIo0KTM-01804-00557571-00558039 draw a flow map in the assignment you do paXYQIo0KTM-01805-00558040-00558500 have to explain let me check you do have paXYQIo0KTM-01806-00558501-00558806 to provide a systems model now the paXYQIo0KTM-01807-00558807-00558989 easiest way of providing a systems model paXYQIo0KTM-01808-00558990-00559356 is through a flow map there are other paXYQIo0KTM-01809-00559357-00559835 ways that a simple connection circle or paXYQIo0KTM-01810-00559836-00560016 flow map would be the easiest way of paXYQIo0KTM-01811-00560017-00560187 doing that it doesn't need to be paXYQIo0KTM-01812-00560188-00560535 absolutely correct in terms of making it paXYQIo0KTM-01813-00560536-00560937 into a simulation but it does need to be paXYQIo0KTM-01814-00560938-00561252 enough to help explain your organization paXYQIo0KTM-01815-00561253-00561579 and to allow you to identify a problem paXYQIo0KTM-01816-00561580-00562279 to be solved within that organization so paXYQIo0KTM-01817-00562280-00562554 review the material we went through in paXYQIo0KTM-01818-00562555-00562894 the in those first weeks looking at paXYQIo0KTM-01819-00562895-00563214 systems thinking and creating flow maps paXYQIo0KTM-01820-00563215-00563654 and connection circles and it's a fairly paXYQIo0KTM-01821-00563655-00564012 simple process to be able to identify a paXYQIo0KTM-01822-00564013-00564296 number of interconnections and to use paXYQIo0KTM-01823-00564297-00564548 that to identify a problem that you can paXYQIo0KTM-01824-00564549-00564933 ask your experts so in terms of acting paXYQIo0KTM-01825-00564934-00565179 your experts that's part of the criteria paXYQIo0KTM-01826-00565180-00565410 that there should be some relationship paXYQIo0KTM-01827-00565411-00565691 to the question that you've come up with paXYQIo0KTM-01828-00565692-00565916 and the system model that you've paXYQIo0KTM-01829-00565917-00566573 explored then you go through two rounds paXYQIo0KTM-01830-00566574-00566829 of the Delfy survey and the easiest way paXYQIo0KTM-01831-00566830-00567162 to do that is to create to separate all paXYQIo0KTM-01832-00567163-00567860 their ideas surveys and have you experts paXYQIo0KTM-01833-00567861-00568185 do them twice but do them once look at paXYQIo0KTM-01834-00568186-00568412 the results and then do the second paXYQIo0KTM-01835-00568413-00568626 survey reflecting upon paXYQIo0KTM-01836-00568627-00569040 what those that first survey said was paXYQIo0KTM-01837-00569041-00569364 the consensus of the group that really paXYQIo0KTM-01838-00569365-00569667 represents a Delfy study as opposed to paXYQIo0KTM-01839-00569668-00570036 simply a survey hi Jason paXYQIo0KTM-01840-00570037-00570417 yes yeah so what you're saying is based paXYQIo0KTM-01841-00570418-00570774 on the results of the first survey we paXYQIo0KTM-01842-00570775-00571026 modify the ten options for the second paXYQIo0KTM-01843-00571027-00571725 survey to adjust for for the female or paXYQIo0KTM-01844-00571726-00572157 for something you can although in paXYQIo0KTM-01845-00572158-00572481 general the DOE fee process doesn't say paXYQIo0KTM-01846-00572482-00572808 you have to so again you can just paXYQIo0KTM-01847-00572809-00573054 release him and the idea is that people paXYQIo0KTM-01848-00573055-00573297 may vote differently now that they've paXYQIo0KTM-01849-00573298-00573531 looked at what the consensus was of the paXYQIo0KTM-01850-00573532-00573858 first survey right okay so just give paXYQIo0KTM-01851-00573859-00573999 them a bit of opportunity to discuss paXYQIo0KTM-01852-00574000-00574449 what that first survey said and then paXYQIo0KTM-01853-00574450-00574725 they vote again and it really is a check paXYQIo0KTM-01854-00574726-00575085 because it changes the way people vote paXYQIo0KTM-01855-00575086-00575265 and that's the nature of the Dolphy paXYQIo0KTM-01856-00575266-00575550 process to try to narrow down and get a paXYQIo0KTM-01857-00575551-00575817 consensus just to get survey it doesn't paXYQIo0KTM-01858-00575818-00575934 really provide that consensus paXYQIo0KTM-01859-00575935-00576144 development process right sort of paXYQIo0KTM-01860-00576145-00576315 consensus is just to get them to think paXYQIo0KTM-01861-00576316-00576717 about the overall results and get them paXYQIo0KTM-01862-00576718-00577017 to vote again yes okay so we just can't paXYQIo0KTM-01863-00577018-00577218 keep the ten options the same length you paXYQIo0KTM-01864-00577219-00577551 can all right cool if you find that one paXYQIo0KTM-01865-00577552-00577767 was completely wrong or there was a lot paXYQIo0KTM-01866-00577768-00577911 of debate about a particular one you paXYQIo0KTM-01867-00577912-00578034 might want to break it up into two paXYQIo0KTM-01868-00578035-00578253 questions if it was there might be one paXYQIo0KTM-01869-00578254-00578517 that people couldn't really interpret paXYQIo0KTM-01870-00578518-00578703 correctly and so you may want to then paXYQIo0KTM-01871-00578704-00579006 make changes as a result of that but in paXYQIo0KTM-01872-00579007-00579258 the main if they're if they're well paXYQIo0KTM-01873-00579259-00579570 developed questions and responses rolled paXYQIo0KTM-01874-00579571-00579816 on a question and responses then you paXYQIo0KTM-01875-00579817-00580095 shouldn't need to make changes alright paXYQIo0KTM-01876-00580096-00580362 so the challenge then is to come up with paXYQIo0KTM-01877-00580363-00580797 a question there isn't to fake um but at paXYQIo0KTM-01878-00580798-00581076 the same time go straight to the point paXYQIo0KTM-01879-00581077-00581379 in trying to address a problem do you paXYQIo0KTM-01880-00581380-00581646 identify yes and remember you're giving paXYQIo0KTM-01881-00581647-00581904 people ten options and they're going to paXYQIo0KTM-01882-00581905-00582030 rank those ten paXYQIo0KTM-01883-00582031-00582415 so whatever problem you decide upon you paXYQIo0KTM-01884-00582416-00582691 need to give people tens possible paXYQIo0KTM-01885-00582692-00583012 solutions to that problem and then make paXYQIo0KTM-01886-00583013-00583276 a decision as to which of those is the paXYQIo0KTM-01887-00583277-00583657 best solution to the problem okay so paXYQIo0KTM-01888-00583658-00583891 then it leads to the future the future paXYQIo0KTM-01889-00583892-00584412 scenarios how do we go about that say paXYQIo0KTM-01890-00584413-00584755 okay so once you now have the advice paXYQIo0KTM-01891-00584756-00584989 from your experts as to what the best paXYQIo0KTM-01892-00584990-00585304 solutions are to your problem you now paXYQIo0KTM-01893-00585305-00585619 write two scenarios generally one will paXYQIo0KTM-01894-00585620-00585820 be positive and one will be negative so paXYQIo0KTM-01895-00585821-00586135 one if the advice is followed of the paXYQIo0KTM-01896-00586136-00586641 experts what is a good outcome from that paXYQIo0KTM-01897-00586642-00586954 occurring and the second one may be if paXYQIo0KTM-01898-00586955-00587236 the advice is not followed what is the paXYQIo0KTM-01899-00587237-00587557 possible outcome in your organization if paXYQIo0KTM-01900-00587558-00587731 that expert expert advice is not paXYQIo0KTM-01901-00587732-00588019 followed race yeah that's a lot clear paXYQIo0KTM-01902-00588020-00588798 enough Thanks does that make more sense paXYQIo0KTM-01903-00588799-00589156 yes actually it's better but about the paXYQIo0KTM-01904-00589157-00589477 future scenario I thought that it's paXYQIo0KTM-01905-00589478-00589921 going to be if why we are like going to paXYQIo0KTM-01906-00589922-00590185 talk about the positive things will paXYQIo0KTM-01907-00590186-00590662 happen if we follow that like voted you paXYQIo0KTM-01908-00590663-00590866 know at least we are going to get the paXYQIo0KTM-01909-00590867-00591166 one answer to the scenario and we are paXYQIo0KTM-01910-00591167-00591397 going to apply that things to our paXYQIo0KTM-01911-00591398-00591718 problem in our organization and the paXYQIo0KTM-01912-00591719-00592039 scenario too will be like if we don't do paXYQIo0KTM-01913-00592040-00592306 that these things might happen in the paXYQIo0KTM-01914-00592307-00592401 future paXYQIo0KTM-01915-00592402-00592759 yes that's essentially what I was trying paXYQIo0KTM-01916-00592760-00593023 to explain it doesn't have to be exactly paXYQIo0KTM-01917-00593024-00593170 like that there is some variation you paXYQIo0KTM-01918-00593171-00593299 can use but that would seem to be a paXYQIo0KTM-01919-00593300-00594271 valid approach the main and and we are paXYQIo0KTM-01920-00594272-00594499 going to predict something and how we paXYQIo0KTM-01921-00594500-00595081 can like supporting our ideas I mean we paXYQIo0KTM-01922-00595082-00595333 should supporting our ideas in just in paXYQIo0KTM-01923-00595334-00595399 scenario paXYQIo0KTM-01924-00595400-00595819 and in seventh scenario - yes in the paXYQIo0KTM-01925-00595820-00596161 main you can use your expert opinion to paXYQIo0KTM-01926-00596162-00596437 support what you're saying you may want paXYQIo0KTM-01927-00596438-00596605 to introduce other material if you wish paXYQIo0KTM-01928-00596606-00596917 and give a reference to that but the paXYQIo0KTM-01929-00596918-00597190 majority of your explanation should be paXYQIo0KTM-01930-00597191-00597490 supportable from the experts that you've paXYQIo0KTM-01931-00597491-00598183 used through the Delfy survey and if our paXYQIo0KTM-01932-00598184-00598441 organization is like because you are paXYQIo0KTM-01933-00598442-00598654 told before it's not about these paXYQIo0KTM-01934-00598655-00598947 students it's about something between paXYQIo0KTM-01935-00598948-00599224 teachers if I'm working with the young paXYQIo0KTM-01936-00599225-00599785 ages is it right or no I will like find paXYQIo0KTM-01937-00599786-00600013 something in the classroom because I'm paXYQIo0KTM-01938-00600014-00600322 not sure it is like something that I can paXYQIo0KTM-01939-00600323-00600610 apply like between colleagues at that paXYQIo0KTM-01940-00600611-00600886 organization or know something that I'm paXYQIo0KTM-01941-00600887-00601308 going to use to teach early ages okay paXYQIo0KTM-01942-00601309-00601525 because we have a lot of different paXYQIo0KTM-01943-00601526-00601738 participants in this course at different paXYQIo0KTM-01944-00601739-00602005 levels you could have your model your paXYQIo0KTM-01945-00602006-00602230 organization could be your classroom or paXYQIo0KTM-01946-00602231-00602500 it could be your school or it could be paXYQIo0KTM-01947-00602501-00602800 your country it depends upon where paXYQIo0KTM-01948-00602801-00602974 you're at and where your expertise lies paXYQIo0KTM-01949-00602975-00603178 or it could be at your university or paXYQIo0KTM-01950-00603179-00603514 university course so you just have to paXYQIo0KTM-01951-00603515-00603763 pick an organization and you can define paXYQIo0KTM-01952-00603764-00604009 that it can't really be so small as to paXYQIo0KTM-01953-00604010-00604216 be a single student but it can certainly paXYQIo0KTM-01954-00604217-00604438 be a small class it could be like an paXYQIo0KTM-01955-00604439-00604597 English language class that's a very paXYQIo0KTM-01956-00604598-00604840 common one it could be an Early paXYQIo0KTM-01957-00604841-00605092 Childhood Center but it needs to be an paXYQIo0KTM-01958-00605093-00605386 organization where you can look at how paXYQIo0KTM-01959-00605387-00605614 technology could be incorporated into paXYQIo0KTM-01960-00605615-00606139 that organization and then trickly the paXYQIo0KTM-01961-00606140-00606367 challenge that you explore and take up paXYQIo0KTM-01962-00606368-00606660 may not be how to integrate technology paXYQIo0KTM-01963-00606661-00606910 i'd suggest that's probably a good idea paXYQIo0KTM-01964-00606911-00607087 because it would lead in nicely into paXYQIo0KTM-01965-00607088-00607291 your second assignment but you may find paXYQIo0KTM-01966-00607292-00607519 other challenges so a challenge might be paXYQIo0KTM-01967-00607520-00607843 on how to address parental concern with paXYQIo0KTM-01968-00607844-00608077 the use of technology or it might be paXYQIo0KTM-01969-00608078-00608362 bullying through the use of technology paXYQIo0KTM-01970-00608363-00608608 in an organization it has to have some paXYQIo0KTM-01971-00608609-00608786 relationship to technology paXYQIo0KTM-01972-00608787-00609032 but the challenge that you explore can paXYQIo0KTM-01973-00609033-00609323 be quite open and that's where you use paXYQIo0KTM-01974-00609324-00609569 that initial system modeling to look at paXYQIo0KTM-01975-00609570-00609800 your organization and to try to paXYQIo0KTM-01976-00609801-00610055 understand what sort of challenges are paXYQIo0KTM-01977-00610056-00610535 facing that organization but only pick paXYQIo0KTM-01978-00610536-00610793 one challenge and develop that up into paXYQIo0KTM-01979-00610794-00610949 ten options of how to solve that paXYQIo0KTM-01980-00610950-00611281 challenge as questions for your experts paXYQIo0KTM-01981-00611282-00611792 and the very final part is you need to paXYQIo0KTM-01982-00611793-00612002 evaluate the usefulness of what you've paXYQIo0KTM-01983-00612003-00612326 come up with in terms of supporting paXYQIo0KTM-01984-00612327-00613588 decision making in your organization and paXYQIo0KTM-01985-00613589-00613835 in doing that you should refer back to paXYQIo0KTM-01986-00613836-00614075 your system model that you use to paXYQIo0KTM-01987-00614076-00614330 explain things that you develop up in paXYQIo0KTM-01988-00614331-00615656 stage one now there are criteria sheets paXYQIo0KTM-01989-00615657-00615890 associated with this somewhere that's paXYQIo0KTM-01990-00615891-00616220 probably on learning at Griffith let me paXYQIo0KTM-01991-00616221-00617964 just bring that up paXYQIo0KTM-01992-00617965-00618160 and this is also where you'll be paXYQIo0KTM-01993-00618161-00618550 submitting your assignment Connie has a paXYQIo0KTM-01994-00618551-00618868 question sorry for the point for initial paXYQIo0KTM-01995-00618869-00619129 expert perspectives do we have to paXYQIo0KTM-01996-00619130-00619312 discuss with our experts to know about paXYQIo0KTM-01997-00619313-00619695 their perception ah Connie in the main paXYQIo0KTM-01998-00619696-00619891 know you can draw that from the paXYQIo0KTM-01999-00619892-00620400 responses that they make to the survey paXYQIo0KTM-02000-00620401-00620677 in a true Delfy survey everything gets paXYQIo0KTM-02001-00620678-00620866 done anonymously and so there's not paXYQIo0KTM-02002-00620867-00621037 really an opportunity for that paXYQIo0KTM-02003-00621038-00621387 discussion sometimes there are anonymous paXYQIo0KTM-02004-00621388-00621672 forums set up where people can have more paXYQIo0KTM-02005-00621673-00621918 detailed conversations and there are paXYQIo0KTM-02006-00621919-00622134 some Delfy surveys that are done paXYQIo0KTM-02007-00622135-00622807 nononononono misleading but in the main paXYQIo0KTM-02008-00622808-00623053 your Delfy survey relies upon those paXYQIo0KTM-02009-00623054-00623356 survey questions as its main structure paXYQIo0KTM-02010-00623357-00623614 and the responses your participants give paXYQIo0KTM-02011-00623615-00624909 to those survey questions paXYQIo0KTM-02012-00624910-00625333 okay it looks like I've the criteria paXYQIo0KTM-02013-00625334-00625597 sheet not there at the moment are there paXYQIo0KTM-02014-00625598-00625798 there so if you go into the assignment paXYQIo0KTM-02015-00625799-00626080 and you click on View rubric it'll show paXYQIo0KTM-02016-00626081-00626425 you the actual criteria sheet or the paXYQIo0KTM-02017-00626426-00626750 marking rubric so here you can see the paXYQIo0KTM-02018-00626751-00627187 things that I'll be looking for the paXYQIo0KTM-02019-00627188-00627390 complexity of your initial systems model paXYQIo0KTM-02020-00627391-00627811 and how you've used that to demonstrate paXYQIo0KTM-02021-00627812-00628008 an understanding of your organization paXYQIo0KTM-02022-00628009-00628366 your experts and how they have used the paXYQIo0KTM-02023-00628367-00628585 Dolphy research method to answer your paXYQIo0KTM-02024-00628586-00628659 questions paXYQIo0KTM-02025-00628660-00628915 how will you've analyzed those questions paXYQIo0KTM-02026-00628916-00629177 and made scenarios out of those paXYQIo0KTM-02027-00629178-00629371 questions out of the responses from your paXYQIo0KTM-02028-00629372-00629662 Delfy participants and then how well paXYQIo0KTM-02029-00629663-00629905 you've reflected upon the effectiveness paXYQIo0KTM-02030-00629906-00630313 of the the model that you've explored to paXYQIo0KTM-02031-00630314-00631309 better understand your organization this paXYQIo0KTM-02032-00631310-00631386 will be paXYQIo0KTM-02033-00631387-00631552 extract from the results from the first paXYQIo0KTM-02034-00631553-00632058 round okay Connie if you're referring to paXYQIo0KTM-02035-00632059-00632163 weather don't you have a discussion paXYQIo0KTM-02036-00632164-00632436 about the first round yes you can if you paXYQIo0KTM-02037-00632437-00632664 wish or you can simply just present the paXYQIo0KTM-02038-00632665-00632898 participants with the results or have paXYQIo0KTM-02039-00632899-00633015 them look at the results because they paXYQIo0KTM-02040-00633016-00633285 can see them just as you could see the paXYQIo0KTM-02041-00633286-00633693 results on the sample one we did just paXYQIo0KTM-02042-00633694-00633912 have them look at those results think paXYQIo0KTM-02043-00633913-00634108 about what those results might mean and paXYQIo0KTM-02044-00634109-00634456 then give them the second survey to then paXYQIo0KTM-02045-00634457-00634821 engage with so you don't have to build paXYQIo0KTM-02046-00634822-00635085 in a discussion process between the two paXYQIo0KTM-02047-00635086-00635604 rounds of surveys and indeed a true paXYQIo0KTM-02048-00635605-00636294 Delfy survey would say not to do that is paXYQIo0KTM-02049-00636295-00638504 there any questions about the rubric paXYQIo0KTM-02050-00638505-00638772 so that initial systems model is fairly paXYQIo0KTM-02051-00638773-00639599 important it's worth 25% getting your paXYQIo0KTM-02052-00639600-00639858 participants and constructing your Delfy paXYQIo0KTM-02053-00639859-00640308 survey is worth 25% how you've then paXYQIo0KTM-02054-00640309-00640476 drawn the result of that Delfy survey paXYQIo0KTM-02055-00640477-00640778 into your scenarios is worth 25% and paXYQIo0KTM-02056-00640779-00641127 that final one is also worth 25% that's paXYQIo0KTM-02057-00641128-00641436 where you then explain how effective paXYQIo0KTM-02058-00641437-00641688 your the process you've been through and paXYQIo0KTM-02059-00641689-00641996 the use of the Delfy survey in the model paXYQIo0KTM-02060-00641997-00642342 gives you better perspective on the paXYQIo0KTM-02061-00642343-00642801 organization yes a this it is reasonably paXYQIo0KTM-02062-00642802-00643151 challenging but I can assure you it's paXYQIo0KTM-02063-00643152-00643425 it's half as difficult as it was last paXYQIo0KTM-02064-00643426-00643683 year and the previous year students paXYQIo0KTM-02065-00643684-00643896 didn't find it too bad then the tool paXYQIo0KTM-02066-00643897-00644040 you're using now is much much easier paXYQIo0KTM-02067-00644041-00644316 than the ones we use previously and they paXYQIo0KTM-02068-00644317-00644460 still had to do all the other aspects paXYQIo0KTM-02069-00644461-00644859 that you're looking at so I think once paXYQIo0KTM-02070-00644860-00645060 you find you start working through the paXYQIo0KTM-02071-00645061-00645537 process it's fairly iterative well it paXYQIo0KTM-02072-00645538-00645929 leads from one step to the next and paXYQIo0KTM-02073-00645930-00646158 you'll find that again with the second paXYQIo0KTM-02074-00646159-00646425 assignment again it'll move from one paXYQIo0KTM-02075-00646426-00646596 part of the assignment to the next part paXYQIo0KTM-02076-00646597-00646704 of the next and they'll build upon each paXYQIo0KTM-02077-00646705-00647904 other yes the management aspect is more paXYQIo0KTM-02078-00647905-00648072 around how you've structured the paXYQIo0KTM-02079-00648073-00648441 questions it used to be a lot more paXYQIo0KTM-02080-00648442-00648585 complicated the management but the tool paXYQIo0KTM-02081-00648586-00648737 we're using now is much easier so paXYQIo0KTM-02082-00648738-00648986 management is not so much of an issue paXYQIo0KTM-02083-00648987-00649215 now that we're using a very simple tool paXYQIo0KTM-02084-00649216-00649863 but identifying experts now they don't paXYQIo0KTM-02085-00649864-00650001 have to be international experts that paXYQIo0KTM-02086-00650002-00650190 enthymeme world-renowned experts but paXYQIo0KTM-02087-00650191-00650379 they do have to represent the ability to paXYQIo0KTM-02088-00650380-00650859 provide some considered expertise to the paXYQIo0KTM-02089-00650860-00651153 survey process to the dollfie process so paXYQIo0KTM-02090-00651154-00651315 they can't have no understanding at all paXYQIo0KTM-02091-00651316-00651710 of what you're talking about paXYQIo0KTM-02092-00651711-00651906 yes the systems model is paXYQIo0KTM-02093-00651907-00652512 systems-thinking in week 2 now you don't paXYQIo0KTM-02094-00652513-00652687 have to describe your preparation and paXYQIo0KTM-02095-00652688-00653329 how you've developed the the process paXYQIo0KTM-02096-00653330-00653702 simply go through describing your paXYQIo0KTM-02097-00653703-00654179 organization you may want to describe a paXYQIo0KTM-02098-00654180-00654327 little bit about how you've selected paXYQIo0KTM-02099-00654328-00655083 your experts but there's not a big focus paXYQIo0KTM-02101-00658965-00659214 what we do in this course is get started paXYQIo0KTM-02102-00659215-00659508 and you can share your progress and paXYQIo0KTM-02103-00659509-00659752 provide and will provide feedback on paXYQIo0KTM-02104-00659753-00660006 what you're suggesting you're going to paXYQIo0KTM-02105-00660007-00660387 do during the course so next week if paXYQIo0KTM-02106-00660388-00660597 you've already started you can share the paXYQIo0KTM-02107-00660598-00660845 approach you're doing and ask questions paXYQIo0KTM-02108-00660846-00660993 about that and we'll provide you a paXYQIo0KTM-02109-00660994-00661995 feedback on how you're going and for paXYQIo0KTM-02110-00661996-00662189 those watching this online that's a good paXYQIo0KTM-02111-00662190-00663083 reason to come along and participate paXYQIo0KTM-02112-00663084-00663318 okay then if there's nothing else we've paXYQIo0KTM-02113-00663319-00663558 gone a little bit over time so we'll paXYQIo0KTM-02114-00663559-00664895 wrap things up any final questions okay paXYQIo0KTM-02115-00664896-00665234 see you all next week pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00000-00003827-00004121 much of America's freshwater flows pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00001-00004122-00004468 through national forests 200,000 miles pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00002-00004469-00004754 of rivers and streams and watersheds and pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00003-00004755-00005182 provide habitat for aquatic species but pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00004-00005183-00005464 for every mile of waterway there are 2 pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00005-00005465-00005782 miles of roads and where roads cross the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00006-00005783-00006100 water you'll find culverts and problems pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00007-00006101-00006445 the USDA Forest Service says many pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00008-00006447-00006695 culverts are acting as dams that prevent pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00009-00006695-00007037 passage of fish and other organisms we pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00010-00007038-00007223 used to look at Rhodri stream crossings pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00011-00007223-00007364 is basically an engineering problem pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00012-00007365-00007652 today however though it's the health and pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00013-00007653-00008113 diversity of our watersheds is the issue pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00014-00008114-00008399 culverts can change water velocity and pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00015-00008400-00008656 flow rates and cause other problems that pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00016-00008657-00008984 block passage for aquatic life including pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00017-00008985-00009181 species that are threatened endangered pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00018-00009182-00009587 or of special concern the water pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00019-00009588-00009778 velocities inside of culverts often pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00020-00009779-00009985 exceed the swimming capabilities of most pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00021-00009986-00010285 adult trout and typically are far beyond pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00022-00010286-00010624 what most juveniles can sustain during pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00023-00010625-00010859 dry seasons the depths within the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00024-00010860-00011048 culvert can become so shallow that most pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00025-00011049-00011258 aquatic organisms can't get through the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00026-00011259-00011571 pipe pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00027-00011572-00011883 a muscle the size of your hand can pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00028-00011884-00012099 filter about a quarter of water per hour pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00029-00012100-00012375 their sedentary animals the only way pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00030-00012376-00012609 they can disperse is by means of the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00031-00012610-00012872 fishes on which their larvae lived for a pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00032-00012874-00013125 brief period before they metamorphosis pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00033-00013126-00013419 into adult mussels so most of their pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00034-00013419-00013647 movement is concentrated in this larval pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00035-00013647-00014025 stage as they hitchhike on fishes and so pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00036-00014026-00014388 barriers are to passage could limit the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00037-00014388-00014574 distribution of freshwater mussels and pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00038-00014575-00015038 strange systems in the Clearwater pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00039-00015040-00015291 National Forest about half the stream pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00040-00015291-00015569 crossings are accidental barriers but pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00041-00015570-00015816 fixing the culverts is restoring the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00042-00015816-00016247 habitat I did a spawning survey of the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00043-00016249-00016515 stream and found evidence of bull trout pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00044-00016516-00016719 spawning which hadn't been seen in a pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00045-00016720-00017106 while for about 50 years and just last pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00046-00017107-00017427 spring two steelhead were actually seen pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00047-00017428-00018282 in the creek spawning many of the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00048-00018283-00018543 streams with crossings contain little or pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00049-00018544-00018927 no gain fish but experts say improving pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00050-00018928-00019278 passages is a priority and an investment pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00051-00019279-00019544 in the future under the endangered pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00052-00019545-00019769 species and clean water acts were pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00053-00019770-00020016 responsible for ensuring free passage of pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00054-00020017-00020274 native aquatic species in the waterways pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00055-00020275-00020535 of the National Forest System not only pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00056-00020536-00020672 is it the right thing to do but I pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00057-00020673-00020934 believe we face substantial biological pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00058-00020935-00021255 legal and credibility risks if we fail pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00059-00021256-00021387 to redeem our stewardship pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00060-00021388-00021638 responsibilities to these resources pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00061-00021639-00021930 these access corridors they're the true pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00062-00021931-00022212 wealth of our nation that's that's how pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00063-00022213-00022434 we provide the standard of living that pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00064-00022435-00022824 is so important to Americans along with pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00065-00022825-00022977 that standard of living and the quality pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00066-00022978-00023272 of life though is our interrelationship pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00067-00023273-00023649 with our environment and Americans want pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00068-00023650-00023943 to have that relationship with the pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00069-00023944-00024147 out-of-doors they want to protect other pbh9Zr5Dv-8-00071-00031988-00032194 you pblacBez42o-00000-00000017-00000281 would you like a sandwich they say lunch pblacBez42o-00001-00000282-00000467 is the second most important meal of the pblacBez42o-00002-00000468-00000743 day third if you account dinner well I pblacBez42o-00003-00000744-00000941 am a big pack-ish then you're in luck pblacBez42o-00004-00000942-00001181 today's special is ham and swiss on pblacBez42o-00005-00001182-00001408 homemade potato bread I hope you like pblacBez42o-00006-00001409-00001757 smiling I do I do like smiling here you pblacBez42o-00007-00001757-00002039 go thanks pblacBez42o-00008-00002039-00002207 young woman pblacBez42o-00009-00002208-00002452 may I ask a major jacket pblacBez42o-00010-00002453-00002789 well you did I thought it looked pblacBez42o-00011-00002790-00002975 familiar but I don't recall the buttons pblacBez42o-00012-00002976-00003203 being Orange pblacBez42o-00013-00003204-00003575 they weren't I changed them good perfect pblacBez42o-00014-00003576-00003719 why pblacBez42o-00015-00003720-00003965 well originally they were blue but the pblacBez42o-00016-00003965-00004259 blue is just sort of pblacBez42o-00017-00004260-00004433 the orange makes it fun pblacBez42o-00018-00004434-00004763 Max elevator and the pants pblacBez42o-00019-00004764-00005069 they're yours too sorta I shortened them pblacBez42o-00020-00005070-00005333 Max pblacBez42o-00021-00005334-00005495 Amanda pblacBez42o-00022-00005496-00005645 who's the youngest person we have on pblacBez42o-00023-00005646-00005993 staff that would be me huh pblacBez42o-00024-00005994-00006167 why don't we have anyone really young pblacBez42o-00025-00006168-00006395 like that girl why doesn't a hundred pblacBez42o-00026-00006396-00006556 million dollar fashion Empire employ pblacBez42o-00027-00006558-00006814 children gee that's a tough one young pblacBez42o-00028-00006815-00007228 lady what are you doing pblacBez42o-00029-00007229-00007463 how would you like to be the newest vice pblacBez42o-00030-00007464-00007817 president of mad Style pblacBez42o-00031-00007818-00007973 I'm not playing pblacBez42o-00032-00007973-00008435 I want you to be my VP of Youth apparel pblacBez42o-00033-00008436-00008645 well I'll have to ask my mom but that pblacBez42o-00034-00008646-00008885 sounds great there are these girls in my pblacBez42o-00035-00008886-00009209 class we call them the pinks and they pblacBez42o-00036-00009210-00009359 think they're so awesome because they pblacBez42o-00037-00009360-00009514 stick together and make everyone around pblacBez42o-00038-00009515-00009755 them feel small pblacBez42o-00039-00009756-00009935 well you know what pblacBez42o-00040-00009936-00010289 they're not so hot was there a point pblacBez42o-00041-00010290-00010774 yeah neither are you pblacBez42o-00042-00010775-00011267 we showed them huh pblacBez42o-00043-00011268-00011651 do the uh put your pblacBez42o-00044-00011652-00011764 cricket pblacBez42o-00045-00011765-00012046 you're probably really nice somewhere pblacBez42o-00046-00012047-00012388 under all of that you but for right now pblacBez42o-00047-00012389-00012635 I need to be surrounded by friends pblacBez42o-00048-00012636-00012938 you're fired pblacBez42o-00049-00012940-00013666 [Music] pblacBez42o-00050-00013668-00014411 and there you have it pblacBez42o-00051-00014412-00014680 I like the belt how fast can you deliver pblacBez42o-00052-00014681-00015097 a thousand units immediately right no pblacBez42o-00053-00015097-00015341 I'm sorry pblacBez42o-00054-00015341-00015593 actually with its Flawless silhouette pblacBez42o-00055-00015594-00015880 and classic design the dress stays pblacBez42o-00056-00015881-00016150 constant but the belt is unique unique pblacBez42o-00057-00016151-00016241 how pblacBez42o-00058-00016241-00016469 no two are exactly the same some are pblacBez42o-00059-00016470-00016739 this pattern some are solid and some are pblacBez42o-00060-00016740-00016835 little both pblacBez42o-00061-00016836-00017008 thank you pblacBez42o-00062-00017009-00017207 you want me to sell something without pblacBez42o-00063-00017208-00017375 telling the buyer exactly what they're pblacBez42o-00064-00017376-00017530 getting pblacBez42o-00065-00017531-00018121 uncommon pblacBez42o-00066-00018122-00018599 we'll take five thousand units pblacBez42o-00067-00018600-00018736 what's your name pblacBez42o-00068-00018737-00019253 sure Jackson I like you true here pblacBez42o-00069-00019254-00019421 case of the silver Diablo in front of pblacBez42o-00070-00019422-00019708 the building it's yours pblacBez42o-00071-00019709-00019983 give them back pblacBez42o-00072-00019984-00020189 [Applause] pblacBez42o-00073-00020190-00020597 nice to meet you drew pblacBez42o-00074-00020598-00020977 let's go we're late pblacBez42o-00075-00020978-00021185 uncommon Couture where'd you pull that pblacBez42o-00076-00021186-00021563 out of my butt would you please Focus pblacBez42o-00077-00021564-00021761 the press conference is in five minutes pblacBez42o-00078-00021762-00021964 what am I gonna do I know how to juggle pblacBez42o-00079-00021965-00022144 want me to go stall them pblacBez42o-00080-00022145-00022421 no I might as well just face it I'm not pblacBez42o-00081-00022422-00022591 gonna be working here too much longer pblacBez42o-00082-00022592-00022950 well I like the sound of that pblacBez42o-00083-00022951-00023344 Amanda where's Dakota who hmm pblacBez42o-00084-00023345-00023680 oh I don't see her anywhere if you've pblacBez42o-00085-00023681-00023933 messed this up Mom I had it she's right pblacBez42o-00086-00023934-00024203 behind this changing thing oh what's pblacBez42o-00087-00024204-00024541 that Dakota okay I will pblacBez42o-00088-00024542-00024797 I didn't hear her say anything really pblacBez42o-00089-00024798-00025264 because she clearly said oh what's that pblacBez42o-00090-00025265-00025336 um pblacBez42o-00091-00025337-00025620 okay I'll tell her pblacBez42o-00092-00025622-00025906 she said she wants the area cleared and pblacBez42o-00093-00025907-00026134 if it isn't she's going to claw the pblacBez42o-00094-00026135-00026296 nearest executive pblacBez42o-00095-00026297-00026458 oh I can't get a clawed I have dinner pblacBez42o-00096-00026460-00026723 reservations pblacBez42o-00097-00026724-00027887 it's show time pblacBez42o-00098-00027888-00028223 why did Dakota get back she's not back pblacBez42o-00099-00028224-00028637 then who was talking to you pblacBez42o-00100-00028638-00029477 I've got a plan is it a good one nope pblacBez42o-00101-00029477-00029820 um pblacBez42o-00102-00029822-00030089 hi I'm True Jackson pblacBez42o-00103-00030089-00030346 um I know you're out there because I can pblacBez42o-00104-00030347-00030846 hear you breathing pblacBez42o-00105-00030847-00031096 oh come on that was hilarious this pblacBez42o-00106-00031097-00031396 audience is dead pblacBez42o-00107-00031397-00031618 trend for the upcoming year depend on pblacBez42o-00108-00031619-00031805 many factors which I will present to you pblacBez42o-00109-00031806-00032105 this afternoon in 17 bullet points pblacBez42o-00110-00032106-00032573 with four sub bullet points pblacBez42o-00111-00032574-00032885 it's awfully hot up here somebody bring pblacBez42o-00112-00032886-00034283 me a drink of water pblacBez42o-00113-00034284-00034499 I'm really sorry you people had to see pblacBez42o-00114-00034500-00034624 that pblacBez42o-00115-00034625-00035123 bet you are too pblacBez42o-00116-00035124-00035374 you know what I'm just gonna throw these pblacBez42o-00117-00035375-00035524 away pblacBez42o-00118-00035525-00035674 I know I'm supposed to talk about what pblacBez42o-00119-00035675-00035807 people gonna be wearing a year from now pblacBez42o-00120-00035808-00035987 but to tell you the truth I don't even pblacBez42o-00121-00035988-00036485 know what I'm gonna be wearing tomorrow pblacBez42o-00122-00036486-00036611 that's what I love about fashion fashion pblacBez42o-00123-00036612-00036833 the not knowing I can wake up and be all pblacBez42o-00124-00036834-00037096 I have a new mood for purple or these pblacBez42o-00125-00037097-00037337 pants look better shorts pblacBez42o-00126-00037338-00037787 okay I'm gonna do that when I get home pblacBez42o-00127-00037788-00038074 you know what you people aren't so bad I pblacBez42o-00128-00038075-00038227 think I'm gonna have fun talking to you pblacBez42o-00129-00038228-00038512 now let me tell you about six months ago pblacBez42o-00130-00038513-00040311 when I was selling sandwiches pblacBez42o-00131-00040312-00041477 [Music] pblacBez42o-00132-00041478-00043633 foreign pblacBez42o-00133-00043634-00043669 [Applause] pblacBez42o-00134-00043670-00045196 [Music] pblacBez42o-00135-00045197-00045395 you are really enjoying the show huh pblacBez42o-00136-00045396-00045580 Amanda no this light is about 2 000 pblacBez42o-00137-00045581-00046076 degrees pblacBez42o-00138-00046077-00046890 [Music] pblacBez42o-00139-00046891-00047299 ah nice tie for 20. pblacBez42o-00140-00047300-00047748 I said again pblacBez42o-00141-00047749-00048965 [Music] pblacBez42o-00142-00048966-00049271 oh that doesn't sound very good pblacBez42o-00143-00049272-00049596 translation genius what what pblacBez42o-00144-00049597-00049871 design is very pblacBez42o-00145-00049872-00049927 um pblacBez42o-00146-00049928-00050173 tripping pblacBez42o-00147-00050174-00050465 that means genius yeah we know what it pblacBez42o-00148-00050466-00050633 means pblacBez42o-00149-00050634-00050993 true Amanda thank you now if you'll just pblacBez42o-00150-00050994-00051185 give me a moment to wrap up with Mr de pblacBez42o-00151-00051186-00051449 burskin actually Mr Madigan can I speak pblacBez42o-00152-00051450-00051611 to you in the hall real fast for my pblacBez42o-00153-00051612-00051796 winning designer anything pblacBez42o-00154-00051797-00052073 Amanda will you fetch our guests some pblacBez42o-00155-00052074-00052402 tangerines pblacBez42o-00156-00052403-00052619 oh I'm sorry what did he just say oh pblacBez42o-00157-00052620-00053230 nothing he just burped pblacBez42o-00158-00053232-00053404 Mr Madigan I need to confess something pblacBez42o-00159-00053405-00053632 my dog chewed that dress pblacBez42o-00160-00053633-00053911 I'm not familiar with that phrase pblacBez42o-00161-00053912-00054215 my actual dog tore those shreds it pblacBez42o-00162-00054216-00054394 wasn't my idea so I didn't really win pblacBez42o-00163-00054395-00054604 the challenge against Amanda I wasn't pblacBez42o-00164-00054605-00054761 smart pblacBez42o-00165-00054762-00054916 I was just lucky pblacBez42o-00166-00054917-00055126 true let me tell you a little story pblacBez42o-00167-00055127-00055288 about luck pblacBez42o-00168-00055289-00055504 20 years ago I was walking down the pblacBez42o-00169-00055505-00055582 street pblacBez42o-00170-00055583-00055823 I came across a line of people so I got pblacBez42o-00171-00055824-00055949 on the end of it pblacBez42o-00172-00055950-00056213 did you know what it was for no I do pblacBez42o-00173-00056214-00056519 that sometimes anyway pblacBez42o-00174-00056520-00056711 next thing I know I'm being interviewed pblacBez42o-00175-00056712-00056992 for a job in fashion which I got pblacBez42o-00176-00056994-00057250 CeCe you never know where life will take pblacBez42o-00177-00057251-00057521 you and you can never underestimate the pblacBez42o-00178-00057522-00057832 magic of luck pblacBez42o-00179-00057833-00057982 thank you sir pblacBez42o-00180-00057983-00058103 and true pblacBez42o-00181-00058104-00058319 the day I hired you to work here pblacBez42o-00182-00058320-00059297 maybe I was the one that got lucky pblacBez42o-00183-00059298-00059423 oh pblacBez42o-00184-00059424-00059861 now this is inspired it's classic and pblacBez42o-00185-00059862-00060071 refined but the Paint Spot is very pblacBez42o-00186-00060072-00060257 fashion forward pblacBez42o-00187-00060258-00060544 where did you find this fabric it was pblacBez42o-00188-00060545-00060754 just something we had lying around pblacBez42o-00189-00060755-00060976 well it's going to look amazing on the pblacBez42o-00190-00060977-00061211 runway in Milan pblacBez42o-00191-00061212-00061565 good job true thank you but I can't take pblacBez42o-00192-00061566-00061919 all the credit pblacBez42o-00193-00061920-00061997 s pblacBez42o-00194-00061998-00062375 I'm talking about my little buddy pblacBez42o-00195-00062376-00062603 chainsaw can you send a memo out to all pblacBez42o-00196-00062604-00062735 our department heads and let them know pblacBez42o-00197-00062736-00062909 that from now on whoever eats the most pblacBez42o-00198-00062910-00063107 burritos on Friday gets their picture on pblacBez42o-00199-00063108-00063469 the wall will do thanks pblacBez42o-00200-00063470-00063694 well might as well call the morning pblacBez42o-00201-00063695-00064235 staff meeting pblacBez42o-00202-00064236-00064415 do you have any idea how long it took me pblacBez42o-00203-00064416-00064630 to get a cat ridiculous pblacBez42o-00204-00064632-00065069 good morning kid Amanda us pblacBez42o-00205-00065070-00066019 mail pblacBez42o-00206-00066020-00066323 good morning people in the past we've pblacBez42o-00207-00066324-00066461 designed clothes and predetermined pblacBez42o-00208-00066462-00066773 Cycles that's out from now on anytime pblacBez42o-00209-00066774-00066947 someone has an idea that's when we'll pblacBez42o-00210-00066948-00067055 hear it pblacBez42o-00211-00067056-00067247 true I have a question are you only pblacBez42o-00212-00067248-00067475 taking pictures from designers no from pblacBez42o-00213-00067476-00067673 now on anyone with an idea can present pblacBez42o-00214-00067674-00067787 it pblacBez42o-00215-00067788-00068050 unless it's a superhero outfit or a new pblacBez42o-00216-00068051-00068238 postal uniform pblacBez42o-00217-00068239-00068453 I think it'd be cool if we made a purple pblacBez42o-00218-00068454-00068687 dress with hearts all over it like the pblacBez42o-00219-00068688-00068921 one you're wearing now pblacBez42o-00220-00068922-00069588 never mind pblacBez42o-00221-00069589-00069856 all right pblacBez42o-00222-00069857-00070026 foreign pblacBez42o-00223-00070027-00070967 you can work here too pblacBez42o-00224-00070968-00071206 and now in this meeting the way we will pblacBez42o-00225-00071207-00071633 end all future meetings with pektl5wK_pQ-00000-00000017-00000412 foreign pektl5wK_pQ-00001-00000413-00000630 [Music] pektl5wK_pQ-00002-00000631-00000958 to another expert inside interview my pektl5wK_pQ-00003-00000959-00001133 name is John golden from sales pop pektl5wK_pQ-00004-00001134-00001469 online sales magazine and pipeliner CRM pektl5wK_pQ-00005-00001470-00001829 joining you as usual from San Diego and pektl5wK_pQ-00006-00001830-00002099 today I am delighted to be joined by pektl5wK_pQ-00007-00002100-00002351 Andrew fiebert who is in New Jersey how pektl5wK_pQ-00008-00002352-00002567 are you doing Andrew I'm good how are pektl5wK_pQ-00009-00002568-00002855 you John excellent excellent Andrew is a pektl5wK_pQ-00010-00002856-00003083 successful entrepreneur podcast hosts pektl5wK_pQ-00011-00003084-00003317 and affiliate marketer with over 10 pektl5wK_pQ-00012-00003318-00003665 years of experience building Niche sites pektl5wK_pQ-00013-00003665-00003922 you lately built lasso to help other pektl5wK_pQ-00014-00003923-00004199 Niche Niche or Niche whichever way you pektl5wK_pQ-00015-00004200-00004481 want to do site owners make more more pektl5wK_pQ-00016-00004482-00004661 affiliate income from their existing pektl5wK_pQ-00017-00004662-00004835 content pektl5wK_pQ-00018-00004836-00004943 um and what we're going to talk about pektl5wK_pQ-00019-00004944-00005219 today is optimizing your web content to pektl5wK_pQ-00020-00005220-00005585 earn more with less so um let's get pektl5wK_pQ-00021-00005586-00005783 straight into it Andrew pektl5wK_pQ-00022-00005784-00006047 um your web content has uh you know pektl5wK_pQ-00023-00006048-00006185 there's a lot of there's a lot of pektl5wK_pQ-00024-00006186-00006400 opinions around it there's algorithms pektl5wK_pQ-00025-00006401-00006634 from Google that keep changing and all pektl5wK_pQ-00026-00006636-00006887 of that so you have to adapt to it so pektl5wK_pQ-00027-00006888-00007145 how how can number one somebody look at pektl5wK_pQ-00028-00007145-00007373 what they're doing today and say okay pektl5wK_pQ-00029-00007373-00007589 this this needs optimization this isn't pektl5wK_pQ-00030-00007590-00007756 working pektl5wK_pQ-00031-00007758-00008105 so there's two pieces there's the um pektl5wK_pQ-00032-00008106-00008423 part where uh related to revenue and pektl5wK_pQ-00033-00008424-00008645 then you know related to actually pektl5wK_pQ-00034-00008646-00008891 getting traffic pektl5wK_pQ-00035-00008892-00009149 um I do SEO work I own my own content pektl5wK_pQ-00036-00009150-00009431 businesses as well as lasso pektl5wK_pQ-00037-00009432-00009623 um and so on that end if you're not pektl5wK_pQ-00038-00009624-00009803 ranking it's likely you're not good pektl5wK_pQ-00039-00009804-00009946 enough pektl5wK_pQ-00040-00009947-00010271 um backlinks are a piece of it but as it pektl5wK_pQ-00041-00010272-00010481 goes to revenue pektl5wK_pQ-00042-00010482-00010624 um I think that you should think about pektl5wK_pQ-00043-00010625-00010927 in terms of earnings per thousand visits pektl5wK_pQ-00044-00010928-00011153 uh and so that's typically what display pektl5wK_pQ-00045-00011154-00011471 ads are categorized as pektl5wK_pQ-00046-00011472-00011651 um I do a lot of affiliate marketing pektl5wK_pQ-00047-00011652-00011969 work that's what lasso focuses on pektl5wK_pQ-00048-00011970-00012353 um and so uh ads is like level one you pektl5wK_pQ-00049-00012354-00012587 know level two is selling your uh you pektl5wK_pQ-00050-00012588-00012724 know other people's products through pektl5wK_pQ-00051-00012725-00012905 affiliate marketing and level three pektl5wK_pQ-00052-00012906-00013211 being your own products and and level pektl5wK_pQ-00053-00013212-00013411 two and level three are many fold more pektl5wK_pQ-00054-00013412-00013775 uh lucrative than just display ads pektl5wK_pQ-00055-00013776-00014165 mm-hmm yeah so um so if somebody is if pektl5wK_pQ-00056-00014166-00014338 somebody is looking at where they should pektl5wK_pQ-00057-00014340-00014561 focus today like I mean where they pektl5wK_pQ-00058-00014562-00014741 should Place their bets where where do pektl5wK_pQ-00059-00014741-00014855 you think that is pektl5wK_pQ-00060-00014856-00015125 in terms of Revenue yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00061-00015126-00015533 so um I would look at the intent of the pektl5wK_pQ-00062-00015534-00015785 articles that you have so say you have pektl5wK_pQ-00063-00015786-00016079 something uh fun things to do on Friday pektl5wK_pQ-00064-00016080-00016211 night pektl5wK_pQ-00065-00016212-00016372 um you're not likely to make much money pektl5wK_pQ-00066-00016373-00016630 off that at all there is not much buying pektl5wK_pQ-00067-00016631-00016841 intent with that uh it's kind of just pektl5wK_pQ-00068-00016842-00017039 like an idea generation thing if you had pektl5wK_pQ-00069-00017040-00017279 an article how to write a check pektl5wK_pQ-00070-00017280-00017435 um it's probably just going to be a pektl5wK_pQ-00071-00017436-00017603 picture of a check this is the routing pektl5wK_pQ-00072-00017604-00017747 number this is the account not much pektl5wK_pQ-00073-00017748-00017872 money to make there you're not even pektl5wK_pQ-00074-00017873-00018100 going to sell checks honestly pektl5wK_pQ-00075-00018101-00018280 um however if there is buying intent pektl5wK_pQ-00076-00018281-00018647 like say uh this product versus that pektl5wK_pQ-00077-00018648-00019055 product what is the best laundry basket pektl5wK_pQ-00078-00019056-00019408 um gifts for 13 year olds that pektl5wK_pQ-00079-00019409-00019727 whatever love Dolphins like there's so pektl5wK_pQ-00080-00019728-00019997 much more intent there and so I would pektl5wK_pQ-00081-00019998-00020321 one limit it to those that you look to pektl5wK_pQ-00082-00020322-00020627 improve so a small subset pektl5wK_pQ-00083-00020628-00020836 um and I would I'll try and identify the pektl5wK_pQ-00084-00020837-00021041 products that this person would want so pektl5wK_pQ-00085-00021042-00021263 it's a a versus B like two product pektl5wK_pQ-00086-00021264-00021413 comparison pektl5wK_pQ-00087-00021414-00021605 create a financial relationship with pektl5wK_pQ-00088-00021606-00021767 both those companies through their pektl5wK_pQ-00089-00021768-00021977 affiliate program and just monetize pektl5wK_pQ-00090-00021978-00022303 those links it really is that simple pektl5wK_pQ-00091-00022304-00022571 yeah and and as you said I mean what's pektl5wK_pQ-00092-00022572-00022775 what's nice about that is that that is pektl5wK_pQ-00093-00022776-00022997 pretty simple and straightforward pektl5wK_pQ-00094-00022998-00023249 um but I noticed that uh you know uh pektl5wK_pQ-00095-00023250-00023464 Niche or Niche whichever way you want to pektl5wK_pQ-00096-00023465-00023578 pronounce it pektl5wK_pQ-00097-00023579-00023772 um being very targeted is obviously pektl5wK_pQ-00098-00023773-00024064 better right you know finding that Niche pektl5wK_pQ-00099-00024065-00024269 and really going after it pektl5wK_pQ-00100-00024270-00024436 yeah so pektl5wK_pQ-00101-00024437-00024611 um I don't want to necessarily wax pektl5wK_pQ-00102-00024612-00024958 poetic about uh SEO but uh people seem pektl5wK_pQ-00103-00024959-00025277 to be intoxicated with volume and volume pektl5wK_pQ-00104-00025278-00025625 tends to actually be rather bad where uh pektl5wK_pQ-00105-00025626-00025799 big head terms like saying if I wanted pektl5wK_pQ-00106-00025800-00026044 to rank for affiliate marketing uh that pektl5wK_pQ-00107-00026045-00026243 traffic probably is better suited for pektl5wK_pQ-00108-00026244-00026531 Wikipedia than my site and no one is pektl5wK_pQ-00109-00026532-00026740 really ready to buy then but the long pektl5wK_pQ-00110-00026741-00027124 tail super specific things often that uh pektl5wK_pQ-00111-00027125-00027335 enumerate a problem that a specific pektl5wK_pQ-00112-00027336-00027568 product can solve have very small volume pektl5wK_pQ-00113-00027569-00027761 but a very high percentage of those pektl5wK_pQ-00114-00027762-00028108 people are buyers and so I would look to pektl5wK_pQ-00115-00028110-00028414 very low volume like long tail terms pektl5wK_pQ-00116-00028416-00028624 with Incredible buying tent where you pektl5wK_pQ-00117-00028625-00028877 know that exact problem is being solved pektl5wK_pQ-00118-00028877-00029183 by this product your product whatever pektl5wK_pQ-00119-00029183-00029381 there's also likely to be no competition pektl5wK_pQ-00120-00029382-00029693 to rank there so I think like less pektl5wK_pQ-00121-00029694-00030112 people but maybe more sales per month on pektl5wK_pQ-00122-00030113-00030262 a hundred if a hundred people are pektl5wK_pQ-00123-00030263-00030574 visiting an article and 50 are gonna buy pektl5wK_pQ-00124-00030575-00030874 versus 50 000 people and point one pektl5wK_pQ-00125-00030875-00031031 percent are gonna buy the small articles pektl5wK_pQ-00126-00031032-00031139 better pektl5wK_pQ-00127-00031139-00031361 yeah yeah no I would agree with you I pektl5wK_pQ-00128-00031362-00031487 mean I think it's finding who your pektl5wK_pQ-00129-00031488-00031696 audience really is and then from the pektl5wK_pQ-00130-00031697-00031931 point of view of the content itself like pektl5wK_pQ-00131-00031932-00032177 what what makes for good content because pektl5wK_pQ-00132-00032177-00032405 let's face it I mean everybody and their pektl5wK_pQ-00133-00032406-00032633 uncle is a content creator today or pektl5wK_pQ-00134-00032633-00032843 thinks they are so used to say in pektl5wK_pQ-00135-00032844-00033005 Ireland if you threw a threw a rock out pektl5wK_pQ-00136-00033006-00033185 a window you'd hit a short story writer pektl5wK_pQ-00137-00033186-00033346 I think nowadays video rock out the pektl5wK_pQ-00138-00033347-00033562 window you'd hit a podcast or a blogger pektl5wK_pQ-00139-00033563-00033761 or somebody you create content of some pektl5wK_pQ-00140-00033762-00033965 kind so what makes for good content pektl5wK_pQ-00141-00033966-00034079 because there's an awful lot of noise pektl5wK_pQ-00142-00034080-00034312 out there pektl5wK_pQ-00143-00034313-00034739 um something that chat GPT can't provide pektl5wK_pQ-00144-00034740-00035196 which is Insight based on experience pektl5wK_pQ-00145-00035197-00035705 knowledge uh having physically owned a pektl5wK_pQ-00146-00035706-00036196 product been to a place done a thing pektl5wK_pQ-00147-00036197-00036527 um if you're gonna write a review on a pektl5wK_pQ-00148-00036528-00036785 grill and you pull all of your images pektl5wK_pQ-00149-00036786-00037079 off of Google Images and you read the pektl5wK_pQ-00150-00037080-00037289 top 10 articles to write your article pektl5wK_pQ-00151-00037290-00037499 you've added nothing new to the pektl5wK_pQ-00152-00037500-00037709 conversation and your article doesn't pektl5wK_pQ-00153-00037710-00037949 really need to exist and Google's become pektl5wK_pQ-00154-00037950-00038183 really good at identifying that and then pektl5wK_pQ-00155-00038184-00038411 essentially not letting your article pektl5wK_pQ-00156-00038412-00038789 exist in the search and so go buy the pektl5wK_pQ-00157-00038790-00039065 grill take your own pictures pektl5wK_pQ-00158-00039066-00039274 add in your Insight what did you cook pektl5wK_pQ-00159-00039275-00039437 show a picture of the thing you cooked pektl5wK_pQ-00160-00039438-00039617 and so I think pektl5wK_pQ-00161-00039618-00039905 um where you level up is in all the pektl5wK_pQ-00162-00039906-00040289 crevasses of it like the main uh pektl5wK_pQ-00163-00040290-00040552 storyline may be the same but you know pektl5wK_pQ-00164-00040553-00040793 the details are what matters and that's pektl5wK_pQ-00165-00040794-00041009 where like you as the expert pektl5wK_pQ-00166-00041010-00041243 um can set yourself apart pektl5wK_pQ-00167-00041244-00041423 yeah and I and I think that's a really pektl5wK_pQ-00168-00041424-00041549 important point that you made there pektl5wK_pQ-00169-00041550-00041873 because uh as we know there are tools pektl5wK_pQ-00170-00041874-00042065 coming out there are AI tools coming out pektl5wK_pQ-00171-00042066-00042299 around them right now with uh you know pektl5wK_pQ-00172-00042300-00042568 write your post for you all of this kind pektl5wK_pQ-00173-00042569-00042790 of thing and which is only going to add pektl5wK_pQ-00174-00042791-00043049 to the noise quite frankly but the point pektl5wK_pQ-00175-00043050-00043246 that you made is the is the really pektl5wK_pQ-00176-00043247-00043433 important one is that it's that your pektl5wK_pQ-00177-00043434-00043715 it's your expertise your insights AI is pektl5wK_pQ-00178-00043716-00043895 never going to be able to do that don't pektl5wK_pQ-00179-00043896-00044033 forget what people tell you they're pektl5wK_pQ-00180-00044034-00044177 never going to be able to bring your pektl5wK_pQ-00181-00044178-00044440 experiences and the react all all of pektl5wK_pQ-00182-00044441-00044615 that to it so pektl5wK_pQ-00183-00044616-00044861 um it is really important that people pektl5wK_pQ-00184-00044862-00045118 look at the quality of their content and pektl5wK_pQ-00185-00045119-00045455 don't fall prey to easy shortcuts that pektl5wK_pQ-00186-00045456-00045580 really aren't going to help them in the pektl5wK_pQ-00187-00045581-00045677 long run pektl5wK_pQ-00188-00045678-00045815 yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00189-00045816-00046001 and you know pektl5wK_pQ-00190-00046002-00046115 um pektl5wK_pQ-00191-00046116-00046421 you like the the anecdotes that you give pektl5wK_pQ-00192-00046422-00046751 being succinct in your answers knowing pektl5wK_pQ-00193-00046752-00047057 as a person what another person would pektl5wK_pQ-00194-00047058-00047249 want versus like a dictionary answer pektl5wK_pQ-00195-00047250-00047501 that's your advantage you know that's pektl5wK_pQ-00196-00047502-00047657 where you compete with the AI and pektl5wK_pQ-00197-00047658-00047837 honestly Google's doing everything they pektl5wK_pQ-00198-00047838-00048077 can to squash AI so I don't think pektl5wK_pQ-00199-00048078-00048274 there's much to worry about pektl5wK_pQ-00200-00048275-00048473 yeah and and that point that you made pektl5wK_pQ-00201-00048474-00048689 there I mean it's it's it's those key pektl5wK_pQ-00202-00048690-00048917 experiences and all of that that really pektl5wK_pQ-00203-00048918-00049193 come into play uh and that's where and pektl5wK_pQ-00204-00049194-00049361 obviously where you can differentiate pektl5wK_pQ-00205-00049362-00049552 yourself but you need to be authentic pektl5wK_pQ-00206-00049553-00049799 like you just said if I'm going to do if pektl5wK_pQ-00207-00049800-00050057 I'm going to talk about a grill and you pektl5wK_pQ-00208-00050058-00050285 never see me use it then I might you pektl5wK_pQ-00209-00050286-00050495 know the authenticity the validation pektl5wK_pQ-00210-00050496-00050783 isn't really there so you have to so I pektl5wK_pQ-00211-00050784-00051011 think today people crave authenticity pektl5wK_pQ-00212-00051012-00051202 because there's so much that pektl5wK_pQ-00213-00051203-00051401 80 is the word fake as it's thrown pektl5wK_pQ-00214-00051402-00051604 around so much but there's so much that pektl5wK_pQ-00215-00051605-00051869 perhaps isn't what isn't all that it pektl5wK_pQ-00216-00051870-00052079 seems and therefore people are really pektl5wK_pQ-00217-00052079-00052390 craving uh authenticity from other pektl5wK_pQ-00218-00052391-00052582 people they're CR you know they want to pektl5wK_pQ-00219-00052583-00052757 know that there's real people behind it pektl5wK_pQ-00220-00052758-00052894 and they want to know that you know pektl5wK_pQ-00221-00052895-00053063 they're this whatever product or service pektl5wK_pQ-00222-00053064-00053423 is actually going to to help them yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00223-00053424-00053650 and and I think that uh like again it's pektl5wK_pQ-00224-00053651-00053938 like to lean away from volume where pektl5wK_pQ-00225-00053939-00054263 people are becoming more skeptical as pektl5wK_pQ-00226-00054264-00054400 they learn that there's Financial pektl5wK_pQ-00227-00054401-00054682 incentives to things and why certain pektl5wK_pQ-00228-00054683-00054844 things are ranking or why people are pektl5wK_pQ-00229-00054845-00055169 saying to buy this thing and so pektl5wK_pQ-00230-00055170-00055307 um if you just have this like mass pektl5wK_pQ-00231-00055308-00055504 amount of people that are coming in to a pektl5wK_pQ-00232-00055505-00055738 disingenuous article they're not going pektl5wK_pQ-00233-00055739-00055930 to convert and I think your ultimate pektl5wK_pQ-00234-00055932-00056165 goal is to convert them to sales to your pektl5wK_pQ-00235-00056166-00056392 product or another and generate revenue pektl5wK_pQ-00236-00056394-00056885 and so the the money really is in being pektl5wK_pQ-00237-00056886-00057280 honest and providing like clear value so pektl5wK_pQ-00238-00057282-00057503 it's it's a little bit harder but pektl5wK_pQ-00239-00057504-00057749 honestly it's like the less 10 of the pektl5wK_pQ-00240-00057750-00058007 work and it matters the most pektl5wK_pQ-00241-00058008-00058247 yeah no I would agree and I think that pektl5wK_pQ-00242-00058248-00058565 that your your comment about volume is pektl5wK_pQ-00243-00058566-00058823 absolutely 100 correct because it's far pektl5wK_pQ-00244-00058824-00059087 better if you focus create good content pektl5wK_pQ-00245-00059088-00059423 and focus on on a targeted group of pektl5wK_pQ-00246-00059424-00059615 people rather than as we said just throw pektl5wK_pQ-00247-00059616-00059861 out General stuff that's probably yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00248-00059862-00060053 probably going to get uh buried by pektl5wK_pQ-00249-00060054-00060292 buried by Google anyway pektl5wK_pQ-00250-00060294-00060532 um so what are some in in your in your pektl5wK_pQ-00251-00060533-00060779 in your experiences what what are some pektl5wK_pQ-00252-00060779-00061126 great examples of of content that really pektl5wK_pQ-00253-00061127-00061385 works well that you've seen pektl5wK_pQ-00254-00061386-00061535 you know pektl5wK_pQ-00255-00061536-00061841 um it's really easy to use wire cutter pektl5wK_pQ-00256-00061841-00062099 as an example and and before even they pektl5wK_pQ-00257-00062100-00062219 were bought by the New York Times pektl5wK_pQ-00258-00062220-00062513 because they went they bought the pektl5wK_pQ-00259-00062514-00062704 products you know they gave you the pektl5wK_pQ-00260-00062705-00062866 answers at the top hey this is the pektl5wK_pQ-00261-00062867-00063047 upgrade pick this is you know our pektl5wK_pQ-00262-00063048-00063221 recommendation this is the budget but pektl5wK_pQ-00263-00063222-00063425 then they went into incredible detail on pektl5wK_pQ-00264-00063426-00063647 all the tests that they ran if there's a pektl5wK_pQ-00265-00063648-00063826 chair how many people sat in it they got pektl5wK_pQ-00266-00063827-00063982 up they got down they kicked it down a pektl5wK_pQ-00267-00063983-00064235 flight of stairs whatever they did and pektl5wK_pQ-00268-00064236-00064559 so it was the answers you know easy to pektl5wK_pQ-00269-00064560-00064744 find for the people who don't care about pektl5wK_pQ-00270-00064745-00064991 the story and the why but that is also pektl5wK_pQ-00271-00064991-00065213 included custom images pektl5wK_pQ-00272-00065214-00065476 that stuff wins pektl5wK_pQ-00273-00065477-00065759 um and then also uh sometimes it doesn't pektl5wK_pQ-00274-00065760-00065926 need to be this whole long drawn out pektl5wK_pQ-00275-00065927-00066167 thing uh one of the sites that I own pektl5wK_pQ-00276-00066168-00066437 it's and it's a bunch of pektl5wK_pQ-00277-00066438-00066611 gift lists and people who come to our pektl5wK_pQ-00278-00066612-00066791 site they just want the answer they just pektl5wK_pQ-00279-00066792-00067019 want ideas and so we just give them a pektl5wK_pQ-00280-00067020-00067306 list of ideas and you know the taste pektl5wK_pQ-00281-00067307-00067493 level of the list and the quality of the pektl5wK_pQ-00282-00067494-00067691 items in terms of what they're looking pektl5wK_pQ-00283-00067692-00067979 for matters more than me having to put pektl5wK_pQ-00284-00067980-00068321 you know 1500 words on a page that no pektl5wK_pQ-00285-00068322-00068471 one wants to read they just want to see pektl5wK_pQ-00286-00068472-00068687 the picture of the item and buy pektl5wK_pQ-00287-00068688-00068950 yeah no that's it that that's a great pektl5wK_pQ-00288-00068951-00069167 that's a great example I love that pektl5wK_pQ-00289-00069168-00069449 because uh as you said it's uh it's not pektl5wK_pQ-00290-00069450-00069647 just uh it's just giving you the pektl5wK_pQ-00291-00069648-00069809 information but it's putting it in pektl5wK_pQ-00292-00069810-00070055 context too and it's it's allowing you pektl5wK_pQ-00293-00070056-00070294 to it's layered right so you can get a pektl5wK_pQ-00294-00070295-00070456 little bit of information or you can go pektl5wK_pQ-00295-00070457-00070649 deeper if you want uh do you have any pektl5wK_pQ-00296-00070650-00070841 other examples like that pektl5wK_pQ-00297-00070842-00071141 I mean it really comes down to the pektl5wK_pQ-00298-00071142-00071267 intent pektl5wK_pQ-00299-00071268-00071567 um and so if for example you are looking pektl5wK_pQ-00300-00071568-00071843 to go on vacation pektl5wK_pQ-00301-00071844-00072047 um one of the things that Airbnb did pektl5wK_pQ-00302-00072048-00072185 recently I think it's really interesting pektl5wK_pQ-00303-00072186-00072503 is they started to Super Niche down how pektl5wK_pQ-00304-00072504-00072750 they categorize things like houses with pektl5wK_pQ-00305-00072751-00073144 cool pools like like really great pektl5wK_pQ-00306-00073145-00073438 architecture homes and so if you were a pektl5wK_pQ-00307-00073439-00073661 Blog creating in the travel space I pektl5wK_pQ-00308-00073662-00073979 think you can take that as a signal that pektl5wK_pQ-00309-00073980-00074159 they know that people are looking for pektl5wK_pQ-00310-00074160-00074303 these things and so you can start to pektl5wK_pQ-00311-00074304-00074603 segment your article categories or how pektl5wK_pQ-00312-00074604-00074855 you discuss things like that pektl5wK_pQ-00313-00074856-00075131 um and so while there's not like one pektl5wK_pQ-00314-00075132-00075305 formula what I think you should think pektl5wK_pQ-00315-00075306-00075569 about is the intent of the person who's pektl5wK_pQ-00316-00075570-00075767 visiting the page what do they really pektl5wK_pQ-00317-00075768-00076043 want and it's probably not a wall of pektl5wK_pQ-00318-00076044-00076325 text and so pektl5wK_pQ-00319-00076326-00076565 that's like an outdated mindset they pektl5wK_pQ-00320-00076566-00076762 just have to add words and that's you pektl5wK_pQ-00321-00076763-00076949 know what will solve the problem pektl5wK_pQ-00322-00076950-00077141 yeah and I love that that's a great pektl5wK_pQ-00323-00077142-00077417 example actually the Airbnb because yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00324-00077418-00077609 they and obviously they put a lot of pektl5wK_pQ-00325-00077610-00077800 money and research behind it but because pektl5wK_pQ-00326-00077801-00078029 they're now going for experiences and I pektl5wK_pQ-00327-00078030-00078221 think that's I think that's part of it pektl5wK_pQ-00328-00078222-00078479 is that people want to understand the pektl5wK_pQ-00329-00078480-00078665 people want experiences and they want to pektl5wK_pQ-00330-00078666-00078850 understand the experience they're going pektl5wK_pQ-00331-00078851-00079138 to have if they purchase uh you know a pektl5wK_pQ-00332-00079139-00079349 product or a service pektl5wK_pQ-00333-00079350-00079559 absolutely pektl5wK_pQ-00334-00079560-00079841 um it it's less especially after covet pektl5wK_pQ-00335-00079842-00079997 and all that is less about being showy pektl5wK_pQ-00336-00079998-00080243 than like is this the thing that I want pektl5wK_pQ-00337-00080244-00080482 does the thing that I want that will pektl5wK_pQ-00338-00080483-00080681 last or whatever and if it comes to a pektl5wK_pQ-00339-00080682-00080921 vacation it's it's pektl5wK_pQ-00340-00080922-00081094 if you care about pictures on social pektl5wK_pQ-00341-00081095-00081329 media then you will go for a home that pektl5wK_pQ-00342-00081330-00081532 is like that but your search intent or pektl5wK_pQ-00343-00081533-00081671 the you know how you've kind of arrived pektl5wK_pQ-00344-00081672-00081965 to the page will give clues for that you pektl5wK_pQ-00345-00081966-00082144 know and so it's pektl5wK_pQ-00346-00082145-00082361 um where a lot of people early in the pektl5wK_pQ-00347-00082362-00082487 internet you know and they're like I'm pektl5wK_pQ-00348-00082488-00082661 losing traffic I think what's happening pektl5wK_pQ-00349-00082662-00082835 is the keywords are going to more pektl5wK_pQ-00350-00082836-00083032 specific articles and it's not just like pektl5wK_pQ-00351-00083033-00083249 one article wins the whole game Google pektl5wK_pQ-00352-00083250-00083465 realized that intent is much more pektl5wK_pQ-00353-00083466-00083675 specific and so pektl5wK_pQ-00354-00083676-00083856 um creating those like long tail pektl5wK_pQ-00355-00083857-00084131 hyper-specific things tend to convert pektl5wK_pQ-00356-00084132-00084412 better and it's what people really want pektl5wK_pQ-00357-00084413-00084719 yeah it's interesting isn't it uh that pektl5wK_pQ-00358-00084720-00084941 sometimes we forget these things like pektl5wK_pQ-00359-00084942-00085325 we're all consumers and that's often how pektl5wK_pQ-00360-00085326-00085450 we want you know we want to get the pektl5wK_pQ-00361-00085451-00085655 information we want to see if it works pektl5wK_pQ-00362-00085656-00085829 we want to see some review whatever it pektl5wK_pQ-00363-00085830-00086165 is and we want to just you know be able pektl5wK_pQ-00364-00086166-00086326 to move as quickly as possible because pektl5wK_pQ-00365-00086327-00086579 we live in this short shortcut culture pektl5wK_pQ-00366-00086580-00086812 and short-term pektl5wK_pQ-00367-00086813-00087137 um easily distracted uh but yet when we pektl5wK_pQ-00368-00087138-00087425 when we create experiences for our own pektl5wK_pQ-00369-00087426-00087593 customers sometimes we forget all of pektl5wK_pQ-00370-00087594-00087838 that and we build something that's you pektl5wK_pQ-00371-00087839-00088049 know not so intuitive that that we pektl5wK_pQ-00372-00088050-00088187 wouldn't even like but for some reason pektl5wK_pQ-00373-00088188-00088361 we do it I mean that that always kind of pektl5wK_pQ-00374-00088362-00088499 baffles me pektl5wK_pQ-00375-00088500-00088726 yeah like effort doesn't necessarily pektl5wK_pQ-00376-00088727-00089194 equate to success or better you know pektl5wK_pQ-00377-00089195-00089518 um like you said brevity is is wins I pektl5wK_pQ-00378-00089519-00089717 think there's like some quote where it pektl5wK_pQ-00379-00089718-00089975 was like if you need me to write uh a pektl5wK_pQ-00380-00089976-00090221 16-hour presentation I could or you know pektl5wK_pQ-00381-00090222-00090382 give one I could do it now but if you pektl5wK_pQ-00382-00090383-00090581 needed to be 15 minutes I need a week to pektl5wK_pQ-00383-00090582-00090821 prepare being short and kind of like pektl5wK_pQ-00384-00090822-00091067 nailing the point is difficult which is pektl5wK_pQ-00385-00091068-00091229 why it's worthy of doing it's what pektl5wK_pQ-00386-00091230-00091379 people want pektl5wK_pQ-00387-00091380-00091565 yeah so and that's a great point you pektl5wK_pQ-00388-00091566-00091732 made there too because I don't think pektl5wK_pQ-00389-00091733-00091925 people often understand is that getting pektl5wK_pQ-00390-00091926-00092309 something down to a book it boiling it pektl5wK_pQ-00391-00092310-00092531 down to the Core Essence and and you pektl5wK_pQ-00392-00092532-00092741 know the keeping it brief and to the pektl5wK_pQ-00393-00092742-00092921 point and of that is it quite a pektl5wK_pQ-00394-00092922-00093161 difficult undertaking uh because that's pektl5wK_pQ-00395-00093162-00093317 facing people always think oh and add pektl5wK_pQ-00396-00093318-00093509 this in oh I need to add this or I must pektl5wK_pQ-00397-00093510-00093712 mention that as well and that's the kind pektl5wK_pQ-00398-00093713-00093850 of thing that you have to resist you pektl5wK_pQ-00399-00093851-00094067 have to really get down to what are the pektl5wK_pQ-00400-00094068-00094337 key Salient things that I need to to pektl5wK_pQ-00401-00094338-00094643 communicate because I can't communicate pektl5wK_pQ-00402-00094644-00094776 everything pektl5wK_pQ-00403-00094777-00094949 you know pektl5wK_pQ-00404-00094950-00095111 um Tesla and you could think whatever pektl5wK_pQ-00405-00095112-00095453 about the company or the owner pektl5wK_pQ-00406-00095454-00095638 um if you've been in one of the cars I pektl5wK_pQ-00407-00095639-00095826 think it's fascinating because pektl5wK_pQ-00408-00095827-00096094 everything is removed like there's like pektl5wK_pQ-00409-00096095-00096317 literally nothing there's a big screen a pektl5wK_pQ-00410-00096318-00096485 steering wheel that you need the pedals pektl5wK_pQ-00411-00096486-00096647 but for the most part it's all been pektl5wK_pQ-00412-00096648-00096941 completely redesigned uh and a lot of pektl5wK_pQ-00413-00096942-00097271 the BS that is unnecessary has been pektl5wK_pQ-00414-00097272-00097559 removed like RPMs most of us drive pektl5wK_pQ-00415-00097560-00097793 automatic cars so being dialed into the pektl5wK_pQ-00416-00097794-00098056 RPMs is not important for us and we pektl5wK_pQ-00417-00098057-00098368 don't care there's a niche piece of car pektl5wK_pQ-00418-00098369-00098543 owners who are really into that stuff pektl5wK_pQ-00419-00098544-00098818 and so they can buy cars for that but by pektl5wK_pQ-00420-00098819-00099100 and large removing all these things one pektl5wK_pQ-00421-00099101-00099287 makes the car cheaper for Tesla to pektl5wK_pQ-00422-00099288-00099587 produce and two makes the 80 of the pektl5wK_pQ-00423-00099588-00099838 people who are ideal buyers happy they pektl5wK_pQ-00424-00099839-00100132 don't want to have to find the button or pektl5wK_pQ-00425-00100133-00100271 the knob for the air conditioner it pektl5wK_pQ-00426-00100272-00100462 should be really clear pektl5wK_pQ-00427-00100463-00100762 yeah no that's a that that's a great pektl5wK_pQ-00428-00100763-00100900 Point uh because I remember a number of pektl5wK_pQ-00429-00100901-00101074 years ago when I was uh bringing back pektl5wK_pQ-00430-00101075-00101249 some car I think I was Leasing and pektl5wK_pQ-00431-00101250-00101549 getting leasing another one uh of the pektl5wK_pQ-00432-00101550-00101687 same and uh pektl5wK_pQ-00433-00101688-00101861 the guy was going to salesperson was pektl5wK_pQ-00434-00101862-00102005 going through some of the features and pektl5wK_pQ-00435-00102006-00102131 then he just mentioned one day and I pektl5wK_pQ-00436-00102132-00102323 said oh that's really cool pektl5wK_pQ-00437-00102324-00102527 um I'll use that he goes where was in pektl5wK_pQ-00438-00102528-00102803 your other one too I'm like oh wow yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00439-00102804-00102994 and to your point I mean who who can pektl5wK_pQ-00440-00102995-00103282 read at like a 5 000 page manual and go pektl5wK_pQ-00441-00103283-00103451 through every single thing I mean we pektl5wK_pQ-00442-00103452-00103751 just don't do that to your point is and pektl5wK_pQ-00443-00103752-00103949 I think that's a great Point overall is pektl5wK_pQ-00444-00103950-00104242 that I think the more we move forward pektl5wK_pQ-00445-00104243-00104549 the more people want Clarity and they pektl5wK_pQ-00446-00104550-00104716 don't want to be overwhelmed there's so pektl5wK_pQ-00447-00104717-00104866 much noise and everything that you know pektl5wK_pQ-00448-00104867-00105071 keeping as you said like Tesla does is pektl5wK_pQ-00449-00105072-00105310 is really kind of we're going more pektl5wK_pQ-00450-00105311-00105533 towards a I think there's a movement pektl5wK_pQ-00451-00105533-00105683 towards minimalism pektl5wK_pQ-00452-00105683-00105889 foreign pektl5wK_pQ-00453-00105890-00106240 is pulled in a million directions when pektl5wK_pQ-00454-00106241-00106421 when I grew up and there's not many pektl5wK_pQ-00455-00106422-00106673 people like this left I'm sure it's same pektl5wK_pQ-00456-00106674-00106852 for you there wasn't an internet there pektl5wK_pQ-00457-00106853-00107008 weren't cell phones you go when you ride pektl5wK_pQ-00458-00107009-00107201 your bike you're completely present but pektl5wK_pQ-00459-00107202-00107471 now everything is pulling our time and pektl5wK_pQ-00460-00107472-00107734 so we just have less time for all the pektl5wK_pQ-00461-00107735-00107975 things but you greatly respect the pektl5wK_pQ-00462-00107976-00108190 things that save you time or don't pektl5wK_pQ-00463-00108191-00108502 overly consume it and so pektl5wK_pQ-00464-00108503-00108778 um I think if you could just be that for pektl5wK_pQ-00465-00108779-00108947 your people pektl5wK_pQ-00466-00108948-00109025 um pektl5wK_pQ-00467-00109026-00109216 I think they'll appreciate it pektl5wK_pQ-00468-00109217-00109493 yeah and just and just let people know pektl5wK_pQ-00469-00109494-00109690 as very as we're coming to the end of pektl5wK_pQ-00470-00109691-00109883 this like affiliate marketing I mean pektl5wK_pQ-00471-00109883-00110039 sometimes people think oh say oh yeah pektl5wK_pQ-00472-00110040-00110158 well you know you can't really make pektl5wK_pQ-00473-00110159-00110315 money off of that pektl5wK_pQ-00474-00110316-00110584 um tell us a little bit about how how pektl5wK_pQ-00475-00110585-00110819 lucrative it can be pektl5wK_pQ-00476-00110820-00111190 yeah so uh last year my psych gift lab pektl5wK_pQ-00477-00111191-00111508 sold uh a little over 12 million dollars pektl5wK_pQ-00478-00111509-00111821 in merchandise just on Amazon uh if you pektl5wK_pQ-00479-00111822-00112043 go to the site it's a bunch pektl5wK_pQ-00480-00112044-00112240 of simple gift lists you're like a pektl5wK_pQ-00481-00112241-00112384 five-year-old can make this and I guess pektl5wK_pQ-00482-00112385-00112613 you'd be right but you know kind of the pektl5wK_pQ-00483-00112614-00112871 complicated thing is doing it at scale pektl5wK_pQ-00484-00112872-00113023 um pektl5wK_pQ-00485-00113024-00113351 there's a lot of Revenue to be had for pektl5wK_pQ-00486-00113352-00113531 selling your own product or other pektl5wK_pQ-00487-00113532-00113819 people's products and uh as you know pektl5wK_pQ-00488-00113820-00114058 owning a business the hardest part is pektl5wK_pQ-00489-00114059-00114245 getting customers in the door and that's pektl5wK_pQ-00490-00114246-00114413 what affiliate marketing does and so pektl5wK_pQ-00491-00114414-00114640 while everyone thinks like Google ads is pektl5wK_pQ-00492-00114641-00114827 the it or whatever and a lot of money pektl5wK_pQ-00493-00114828-00115001 goes through there the business owner pektl5wK_pQ-00494-00115002-00115169 takes all the risk whereas with pektl5wK_pQ-00495-00115170-00115319 affiliate marketing the business owner pektl5wK_pQ-00496-00115320-00115510 takes no risk because the content pektl5wK_pQ-00497-00115511-00115702 creators takes the risk in the sense pektl5wK_pQ-00498-00115703-00115883 that they think they can sell this and pektl5wK_pQ-00499-00115883-00116152 they only get paid if there's a sale pektl5wK_pQ-00500-00116153-00116386 um and I think if you talk to most pektl5wK_pQ-00501-00116388-00116728 businesses it really comes close to Word pektl5wK_pQ-00502-00116729-00117010 of Mouth where it's like how do you pektl5wK_pQ-00503-00117011-00117407 um you know militarize the the audience pektl5wK_pQ-00504-00117408-00117599 of people who want your product or know pektl5wK_pQ-00505-00117600-00117851 other people like that like uh if you pektl5wK_pQ-00506-00117852-00117983 could make money recommending Netflix pektl5wK_pQ-00507-00117983-00118199 that's easy you already like Netflix you pektl5wK_pQ-00508-00118200-00118360 already own it and that's what affiliate pektl5wK_pQ-00509-00118361-00118534 marketing is and so pektl5wK_pQ-00510-00118535-00118804 um if you know something really well pektl5wK_pQ-00511-00118805-00119045 and you can provide insights that are pektl5wK_pQ-00512-00119046-00119207 perhaps not clear out there there's pektl5wK_pQ-00513-00119208-00119458 quite a lot of money to be made I have pektl5wK_pQ-00514-00119459-00119710 made Millions with it pektl5wK_pQ-00515-00119711-00119975 yeah well this I I thank you for your pektl5wK_pQ-00516-00119976-00120113 insights I mean this has been fantastic pektl5wK_pQ-00517-00120114-00120521 uh so um all of uh all of Andrew's pektl5wK_pQ-00518-00120522-00120658 information is going to be below this pektl5wK_pQ-00519-00120659-00120851 video but before we go please do tell pektl5wK_pQ-00520-00120852-00120989 people a little bit more about you and pektl5wK_pQ-00521-00120990-00121108 what you do pektl5wK_pQ-00522-00121109-00121295 yeah once upon a time I was a DAT pektl5wK_pQ-00523-00121296-00121558 engineer now uh I know I've built a pektl5wK_pQ-00524-00121559-00121781 bunch of content sites that I've earned pektl5wK_pQ-00525-00121782-00122021 quite a bit and now I'm working on lasso pektl5wK_pQ-00526-00122022-00122333 and our mission is to help other content pektl5wK_pQ-00527-00122333-00122573 creators earn an honest living online pektl5wK_pQ-00528-00122574-00122807 and so if you want to make money with pektl5wK_pQ-00529-00122808-00123034 affiliate marketing uh we are the thing pektl5wK_pQ-00530-00123035-00123286 that you really really need and wish pektl5wK_pQ-00531-00123288-00123502 existed pektl5wK_pQ-00532-00123503-00123760 um we will be your monetization team pektl5wK_pQ-00533-00123761-00124151 perfect well go check it out uh as I pektl5wK_pQ-00534-00124152-00124289 said all the links will be below go pektl5wK_pQ-00535-00124290-00124504 check it out maybe it's for you uh and pektl5wK_pQ-00536-00124505-00124757 uh and obviously lassu makes it all very pektl5wK_pQ-00537-00124758-00124990 easy for you so go check it out and see pektl5wK_pQ-00538-00124991-00125260 uh and see if you can generate some pektl5wK_pQ-00539-00125261-00125566 income for yourself in 2023 using pektl5wK_pQ-00540-00125567-00125747 affiliate marketing so listen thanks pektl5wK_pQ-00541-00125748-00126034 again Andrew thank you for watching and pektl5wK_pQ-00542-00126035-00126178 listening and I'll see you all again pektl5wK_pQ-00543-00126179-00126373 soon thank you thanks John pektl5wK_pQ-00544-00126374-00127615 [Music] pgMHsg9BTio-00000-00000309-00000523 [Music] pgMHsg9BTio-00001-00000524-00000893 you say I make you nervous a tragedy I'm pgMHsg9BTio-00002-00000894-00001211 A Beautiful Disaster I Reckoning you pgMHsg9BTio-00003-00001212-00001605 wonder how I got this way pgMHsg9BTio-00004-00001607-00003390 [Music] pgMHsg9BTio-00005-00003392-00003820 and battle scars pgMHsg9BTio-00006-00003821-00005431 foreign pgMHsg9BTio-00007-00005432-00006923 [Music] pgMHsg9BTio-00008-00006923-00007541 [Music] pgMHsg9BTio-00009-00007542-00007842 foreign pmPwGx-mIc8-00000-00001355-00001997 hanging from the tree pmPwGx-mIc8-00001-00001998-00003335 drifting in the open breathe side pmPwGx-mIc8-00002-00003336-00004677 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00003-00004678-00006522 Oh pmPwGx-mIc8-00004-00006523-00007994 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00005-00007995-00009064 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00006-00009065-00009544 born from the same branch and leave pmPwGx-mIc8-00007-00009545-00009742 for me pmPwGx-mIc8-00008-00009743-00010017 living here in pmPwGx-mIc8-00009-00010018-00010205 don't pmPwGx-mIc8-00010-00010206-00011049 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00011-00011050-00011230 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00012-00011231-00011832 [Applause] pmPwGx-mIc8-00014-00014847-00015482 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00015-00015483-00017227 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00016-00017228-00018829 [Music] pmPwGx-mIc8-00017-00018830-00019141 [Music] qos9pG3B-Ey-00000-00000086-00000385 it is the Sutra of transcendence qos9pG3B-Ey-00001-00000386-00000808 [Music] qos9pG3B-Ey-00002-00000809-00001265 so this also leads to a state of nirbaya qos9pG3B-Ey-00003-00001266-00001393 or qos9pG3B-Ey-00004-00001394-00001745 fearlessness if you are not so physical qos9pG3B-Ey-00005-00001746-00001997 there's not much fear in you the Devi qos9pG3B-Ey-00006-00001998-00002290 Sutra is more like a protection qos9pG3B-Ey-00007-00002291-00003413 [Music] qos9pG3B-Ey-00008-00003414-00003574 oh qos9pG3B-Ey-00009-00003575-00003654 [Applause] qos9pG3B-Ey-00010-00003656-00003803 [Music] qos9pG3B-Ey-00011-00003804-00003967 foreign qos9pG3B-Ey-00012-00003968-00004241 science of yoga qos9pG3B-Ey-00013-00004242-00004709 itself is extrapolated in the form of qos9pG3B-Ey-00014-00004710-00004870 sutras qos9pG3B-Ey-00015-00004871-00005272 various kinds of sutras qos9pG3B-Ey-00016-00005273-00005770 over 200 sutras makes the whole body of qos9pG3B-Ey-00017-00005771-00006047 yogic knowledge qos9pG3B-Ey-00018-00006048-00006304 so when they say Sutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00019-00006305-00006773 in that context qos9pG3B-Ey-00020-00006773-00006983 they're talking about qos9pG3B-Ey-00021-00006984-00007589 just the basic qos9pG3B-Ey-00022-00007590-00007817 when the yoga sutras when we say yoga qos9pG3B-Ey-00023-00007818-00008213 sutras then patanjali qos9pG3B-Ey-00024-00008214-00008764 kind of assimilated press qos9pG3B-Ey-00025-00008765-00009292 Sutra means a threat qos9pG3B-Ey-00026-00009293-00009677 he gave only the threat qos9pG3B-Ey-00027-00009678-00009809 he left qos9pG3B-Ey-00028-00009810-00010199 the responsibility qos9pG3B-Ey-00029-00010200-00010546 the mastery qos9pG3B-Ey-00030-00010547-00010895 and Artistry of making the Garland qos9pG3B-Ey-00031-00010896-00011321 to each master qos9pG3B-Ey-00032-00011322-00011506 the Sutra is same qos9pG3B-Ey-00033-00011507-00011692 the thread is same qos9pG3B-Ey-00034-00011693-00011896 but what kind of Garland you make out of qos9pG3B-Ey-00035-00011897-00012383 it is different qos9pG3B-Ey-00036-00012384-00012659 there can never be a Garland without the qos9pG3B-Ey-00037-00012660-00012844 threat qos9pG3B-Ey-00038-00012845-00013271 but nobody ever wears a godlin for the qos9pG3B-Ey-00039-00013272-00013775 sake of the threat qos9pG3B-Ey-00040-00013776-00014015 we wear the Garland for the flowers that qos9pG3B-Ey-00041-00014016-00014333 it bears you can put flowers on it you qos9pG3B-Ey-00042-00014334-00014536 can put beets on it you can put pearls qos9pG3B-Ey-00043-00014537-00014872 in it you could put diamonds in it qos9pG3B-Ey-00044-00014873-00015119 but without the thread there is no qos9pG3B-Ey-00045-00015119-00015233 Garland qos9pG3B-Ey-00046-00015234-00015455 but you never wear qos9pG3B-Ey-00047-00015456-00015838 the Garland for the sake of the threat qos9pG3B-Ey-00048-00015840-00016013 thread is vital qos9pG3B-Ey-00049-00016013-00016253 but that's not it's it is not a purpose qos9pG3B-Ey-00050-00016254-00016847 by itself it's not a goal by itself qos9pG3B-Ey-00051-00016848-00017291 so qos9pG3B-Ey-00052-00017292-00017567 we found many other ways qos9pG3B-Ey-00053-00017568-00017891 to use the thread qos9pG3B-Ey-00054-00017892-00018149 you've heard of mangalsutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00055-00018150-00019163 you tied one qos9pG3B-Ey-00056-00019164-00019469 if it was properly done qos9pG3B-Ey-00057-00019470-00019699 the idea was qos9pG3B-Ey-00058-00019700-00020033 binding two beings as one qos9pG3B-Ey-00059-00020034-00020308 that was the idea today it's just become qos9pG3B-Ey-00060-00020309-00020675 a ritual that's different but if someone qos9pG3B-Ey-00061-00020676-00020994 is there who knows how to do this qos9pG3B-Ey-00062-00020995-00021580 you mix up the two dnas qos9pG3B-Ey-00063-00021581-00021893 in such a way that energy wise they qos9pG3B-Ey-00064-00021894-00022127 cannot be separated doesn't matter what qos9pG3B-Ey-00065-00022128-00022355 happens qos9pG3B-Ey-00066-00022356-00022558 many things may happen in the course of qos9pG3B-Ey-00067-00022559-00022739 life qos9pG3B-Ey-00068-00022740-00022997 you may quarrel over big things you may qos9pG3B-Ey-00069-00022998-00023236 quarrel over Petty things but you cannot qos9pG3B-Ey-00070-00023237-00023489 separate because the energies are bad in qos9pG3B-Ey-00071-00023490-00023627 a certain way you have to tear yourself qos9pG3B-Ey-00072-00023628-00024058 apart that's the only way you can go qos9pG3B-Ey-00073-00024059-00024419 it's not like shedding your clothes it's qos9pG3B-Ey-00074-00024420-00025392 like peeling your skin off qos9pG3B-Ey-00075-00025393-00025649 is not qos9pG3B-Ey-00076-00025650-00025956 made to bind you qos9pG3B-Ey-00077-00025957-00026212 two kinds of sutras qos9pG3B-Ey-00078-00026213-00026729 both are being called by a Sutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00079-00026730-00027035 the terminology abayya Sutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00080-00027036-00027370 goes better with the Devi Sutra which is qos9pG3B-Ey-00081-00027372-00027790 red in color qos9pG3B-Ey-00082-00027791-00028090 when you qos9pG3B-Ey-00083-00028091-00028451 get the Sutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00084-00028452-00028720 for the Pancha Buddha radhana qos9pG3B-Ey-00085-00028722-00029195 which is connected to Ludhiana linga qos9pG3B-Ey-00086-00029195-00029518 it is more to enhance qos9pG3B-Ey-00087-00029519-00029711 certain dimensions of who you are qos9pG3B-Ey-00088-00029712-00029896 fundamentally to enhance the spiritual qos9pG3B-Ey-00089-00029897-00030112 dimension qos9pG3B-Ey-00090-00030113-00030443 then why is it being called abayasutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00091-00030444-00030802 you need to understand by a means fear qos9pG3B-Ey-00092-00030804-00031174 the basis of fear is your physicality qos9pG3B-Ey-00093-00031175-00031408 if you are not physical would you have qos9pG3B-Ey-00094-00031410-00031612 fear qos9pG3B-Ey-00095-00031613-00031745 would you qos9pG3B-Ey-00096-00031745-00031955 no qos9pG3B-Ey-00097-00031956-00032140 it is the limitations of the physical qos9pG3B-Ey-00098-00032141-00032405 which causes fear qos9pG3B-Ey-00099-00032406-00032699 if you are not at all physical you qos9pG3B-Ey-00100-00032700-00033017 wouldn't be fearful of anything isn't it qos9pG3B-Ey-00101-00033018-00033449 so in that context it is qos9pG3B-Ey-00102-00033450-00033629 but essentially qos9pG3B-Ey-00103-00033630-00033977 it is the Sutra of transcendence qos9pG3B-Ey-00104-00033978-00034199 but he didn't we did not want to use too qos9pG3B-Ey-00105-00034200-00034367 many names qos9pG3B-Ey-00106-00034368-00034768 you'll get confused you know qos9pG3B-Ey-00107-00034769-00035224 so this also leads to a state of nirbaya qos9pG3B-Ey-00108-00035225-00035351 or qos9pG3B-Ey-00109-00035352-00035585 fearlessness qos9pG3B-Ey-00110-00035586-00035843 we can call this nearby Sutra that is qos9pG3B-Ey-00111-00035844-00036052 our biasutra qos9pG3B-Ey-00112-00036053-00036305 that is more like a protection qos9pG3B-Ey-00113-00036306-00036527 this is to enhance qos9pG3B-Ey-00114-00036528-00036743 the spiritual dimension of who you are qos9pG3B-Ey-00115-00036744-00037067 so that you become less physical qos9pG3B-Ey-00116-00037068-00037283 if you are not so physical qos9pG3B-Ey-00117-00037284-00037595 there's not much fear in you qos9pG3B-Ey-00118-00037596-00037931 that the Devi Sutra is more like a qos9pG3B-Ey-00119-00037932-00038290 protection qos9pG3B-Ey-00120-00038291-00038489 there are two ways qos9pG3B-Ey-00121-00038490-00038915 to be free of Thieves qos9pG3B-Ey-00122-00038916-00039143 if you're always afraid a burglar may qos9pG3B-Ey-00123-00039144-00039359 come into your house and steal qos9pG3B-Ey-00124-00039360-00039761 one way is to put a god outside qos9pG3B-Ey-00125-00039762-00040109 another ways not to have anything qos9pG3B-Ey-00126-00040110-00040571 and nobody will come qos9pG3B-Ey-00127-00040572-00040829 even if you invite him he won't come qos9pG3B-Ey-00128-00040830-00041068 he'll go somewhere else qos9pG3B-Ey-00129-00041069-00041423 so this is his way nothing so nobody qos9pG3B-Ey-00130-00041424-00041729 will come so Fearless qos9pG3B-Ey-00131-00041730-00041999 there you want to put a guard you still qos9pG3B-Ey-00132-00042000-00042124 have stuff qos9pG3B-Ey-00133-00042125-00042401 you want a god qos9pG3B-Ey-00134-00042402-00042539 I see qos9pG3B-Ey-00135-00042540-00042749 I see many many hands which have both qos9pG3B-Ey-00136-00042750-00043493 that's good qos9pG3B-Ey-00137-00043494-00043955 so how to dispose it qos9pG3B-Ey-00138-00043956-00044183 you can keep it for a minimum of 40 days qos9pG3B-Ey-00139-00044184-00044543 if you're not using soap too much soap qos9pG3B-Ey-00140-00044544-00044758 it will last much longer qos9pG3B-Ey-00141-00044759-00045058 if you're using a lot of soap at least qos9pG3B-Ey-00142-00045059-00045412 for 40 days it will remain vibrant qos9pG3B-Ey-00143-00045413-00045683 if you're using only cold water it will qos9pG3B-Ey-00144-00045684-00045929 last much longer if you're having bath qos9pG3B-Ey-00145-00045930-00046229 with warm water at least 40 days it will qos9pG3B-Ey-00146-00046230-00046595 last qos9pG3B-Ey-00147-00046596-00046829 it is if the thread maintains its qos9pG3B-Ey-00148-00046830-00046937 tenacity qos9pG3B-Ey-00149-00046938-00047374 then it will maintain the energy qos9pG3B-Ey-00150-00047375-00047639 so somewhere between 40 to 60 days if qos9pG3B-Ey-00151-00047640-00047795 it's just become a thread there's no qos9pG3B-Ey-00152-00047796-00048318 point wearing thread and walking around qos9pG3B-Ey-00153-00048319-00048617 so you can take it off qos9pG3B-Ey-00154-00048618-00048821 and put it somewhere where it will qos9pG3B-Ey-00155-00048822-00049049 disintegrate easily usually the qos9pG3B-Ey-00156-00049050-00049421 tradition is to dig a small hole near a qos9pG3B-Ey-00157-00049422-00049690 plant and put it because it gets watered qos9pG3B-Ey-00158-00049691-00049799 and qos9pG3B-Ey-00159-00049800-00050135 within three days it will be gone qos9pG3B-Ey-00160-00050136-00050357 it should not get into somebody else's qos9pG3B-Ey-00161-00050358-00050824 hands that's important qos9pG3B-Ey-00162-00050825-00051046 something that's been so intimately on qos9pG3B-Ey-00163-00051047-00051263 your body a certain marriage has qos9pG3B-Ey-00164-00051264-00051437 happened between you and Devi and qos9pG3B-Ey-00165-00051438-00051646 between you and Diana's small scale qos9pG3B-Ey-00166-00051647-00051982 marriage yes qos9pG3B-Ey-00167-00051983-00052211 when that has happened it's best that it qos9pG3B-Ey-00168-00052212-00052373 should not get into somebody else's qos9pG3B-Ey-00169-00052374-00052661 hands if they know how to use it qos9pG3B-Ey-00170-00052662-00052907 they can finger you qos9pG3B-Ey-00171-00052908-00053200 so you must always bury it qos9pG3B-Ey-00172-00053201-00053423 if you don't have a place to bury you qos9pG3B-Ey-00173-00053424-00053603 must burn it qos9pG3B-Ey-00174-00053604-00053854 you can burn it take the Ash and smell qos9pG3B-Ey-00175-00053855-00054071 it on your body from your way should be qos9pG3B-Ey-00176-00054072-00054142 done qos9pG3B-Ey-00177-00054144-00054437 that's a simple way of doing it qos9pG3B-Ey-00178-00054438-00055307 otherwise you buried qos9pG3B-Ey-00179-00055308-00056680 [Music] qo-nJDyqEVI-00000-00000006-00000289 Marty McFarlane again 1020 Hill Street qo-nJDyqEVI-00001-00000290-00000424 I'm one of those lucky people they have qo-nJDyqEVI-00002-00000425-00000614 two lots that are adjacent to each other qo-nJDyqEVI-00003-00000615-00000857 I did a rough count from looking at the qo-nJDyqEVI-00004-00000858-00001129 MPO overlay and based on the rough qo-nJDyqEVI-00005-00001130-00001370 sizing on here there is approximately qo-nJDyqEVI-00006-00001371-00001670 thirty to thirty two lots that are a qo-nJDyqEVI-00007-00001671-00001889 hundred one hundred and fifty roughly qo-nJDyqEVI-00008-00001889-00002032 fifteen thousand square feet qo-nJDyqEVI-00009-00002034-00002309 Thank You Commissioner Bryan any qo-nJDyqEVI-00010-00002310-00002500 additional questions or comments no that qo-nJDyqEVI-00011-00002501-00002717 was a great thank you sir qo-nJDyqEVI-00012-00002718-00002939 we've had we've had the question answer qo-nJDyqEVI-00013-00002940-00003529 so we're going to continue Thank You qo-nJDyqEVI-00014-00003530-00003665 commissioner Satterfield qo-nJDyqEVI-00015-00003665-00004181 no Commissioner Hornbuckle I just have a qo-nJDyqEVI-00016-00004182-00004645 few comments it this is always it's a qo-nJDyqEVI-00017-00004646-00004901 can something here it's a difficult qo-nJDyqEVI-00018-00004902-00005122 decision for us to make but more I just qo-nJDyqEVI-00019-00005123-00005254 hate to see how it divides the qo-nJDyqEVI-00020-00005255-00005426 neighborhood and I can see that this has qo-nJDyqEVI-00021-00005427-00005750 happened here but then again I look I qo-nJDyqEVI-00022-00005751-00005936 had a lot of memories of Western my qo-nJDyqEVI-00023-00005937-00006113 grandmother lived on Englewood qo-nJDyqEVI-00024-00006114-00006326 my uncle was an old Durham policeman qo-nJDyqEVI-00025-00006327-00006520 that live don't Alexander Avenue used to qo-nJDyqEVI-00026-00006522-00006698 coach ball down there monkey bottom qo-nJDyqEVI-00027-00006698-00007031 played many games down there but I'm in qo-nJDyqEVI-00028-00007031-00007331 total agreement that with the gentleman qo-nJDyqEVI-00029-00007331-00007742 you know that I think some of this needs qo-nJDyqEVI-00030-00007743-00007895 to be addressed to City Council and qo-nJDyqEVI-00031-00007895-00008117 County Commissioners the tax rates are qo-nJDyqEVI-00032-00008118-00008353 ridiculous and I'd be a bit upset too if qo-nJDyqEVI-00033-00008354-00008614 I had property there in western and I qo-nJDyqEVI-00034-00008615-00008867 wanted to sell it or you know take some qo-nJDyqEVI-00035-00008868-00009077 of these houses down and replace it with qo-nJDyqEVI-00036-00009078-00009256 something a little larger and and just qo-nJDyqEVI-00037-00009257-00009473 more restrictions on it I think there's qo-nJDyqEVI-00038-00009474-00009713 enough in place as it is now that there qo-nJDyqEVI-00039-00009714-00009998 doesn't need to be any more existing qo-nJDyqEVI-00040-00009999-00010171 ordinances put in place with more qo-nJDyqEVI-00041-00010172-00010456 restrictions so I'm totally gonna be in qo-nJDyqEVI-00042-00010457-00010769 opposition to this thank you Thank You qo-nJDyqEVI-00043-00010770-00011105 Commissioner Commissioner Gibbs hi and qo-nJDyqEVI-00044-00011106-00011371 thank you Commissioner Hornbuckle I I qo-nJDyqEVI-00045-00011372-00011858 won't belabor the issue but I that's qo-nJDyqEVI-00046-00011859-00012701 where I come down it I would like to qo-nJDyqEVI-00047-00012702-00013013 leave you folks with this thought you qo-nJDyqEVI-00048-00013013-00013312 are neighbors qo-nJDyqEVI-00049-00013313-00013727 I'm not one that's going to be swayed by qo-nJDyqEVI-00050-00013728-00014047 what percentage is for what percentages qo-nJDyqEVI-00051-00014049-00014369 against unless you can have a voting qo-nJDyqEVI-00052-00014369-00014846 booth set up that doesn't matter to me qo-nJDyqEVI-00053-00014847-00015335 because there is no way other than our qo-nJDyqEVI-00054-00015336-00015797 process like that that this a bottom qo-nJDyqEVI-00055-00015797-00016093 line can be reached but even at that I qo-nJDyqEVI-00056-00016094-00016505 think the the existing zoning works well qo-nJDyqEVI-00057-00016506-00016892 I took it upon myself twice to ride qo-nJDyqEVI-00058-00016893-00017348 around the neighborhood and I I don't qo-nJDyqEVI-00059-00017349-00017525 know who the owners were I didn't want qo-nJDyqEVI-00060-00017526-00017720 to know who the owners were I just qo-nJDyqEVI-00061-00017721-00017918 wanted to get a feel for the qo-nJDyqEVI-00062-00017919-00018173 neighborhood I didn't come across qo-nJDyqEVI-00063-00018174-00018725 anything that was overbearing there is a qo-nJDyqEVI-00064-00018726-00019043 big difference in the West the West End qo-nJDyqEVI-00065-00019044-00019586 of gaash I came think the name of the qo-nJDyqEVI-00066-00019587-00019859 street now but it's where the small lots qo-nJDyqEVI-00067-00019860-00020255 are when you come back up toward ninth qo-nJDyqEVI-00068-00020256-00020837 Street the Lots get and the houses get a qo-nJDyqEVI-00069-00020838-00021069 little bigger but nothing was qo-nJDyqEVI-00070-00021070-00021551 overbearing there were it mixed in well qo-nJDyqEVI-00071-00021552-00022049 with some of the existing big houses so qo-nJDyqEVI-00072-00022050-00022643 I I'm going to support the existing qo-nJDyqEVI-00073-00022644-00023180 zoning and you should there are other qo-nJDyqEVI-00074-00023181-00023537 ways to preserve the history of this qo-nJDyqEVI-00075-00023538-00023915 area and I encourage you to do those qo-nJDyqEVI-00076-00023916-00024169 those things to do it you don't need a qo-nJDyqEVI-00077-00024170-00024472 directive from from the city the county qo-nJDyqEVI-00078-00024473-00025103 or whatever just amongst yourselves and qo-nJDyqEVI-00079-00025104-00025391 and other supporters maybe you could qo-nJDyqEVI-00080-00025392-00025874 buddy with white cylinder people anyway qo-nJDyqEVI-00081-00025875-00026138 that's all thanks Thank You Commissioner qo-nJDyqEVI-00082-00026139-00026399 Commissioner Williams yeah I have qo-nJDyqEVI-00083-00026400-00026669 several comments about this particular qo-nJDyqEVI-00084-00026670-00026936 issue as it relates to the concern of qo-nJDyqEVI-00085-00026937-00027263 affordable housing and as we talk about qo-nJDyqEVI-00086-00027264-00027479 affordable housing we talk about density qo-nJDyqEVI-00087-00027480-00027830 currently it costs us one hundred and qo-nJDyqEVI-00088-00027831-00028010 fifty dollars per square foot to build a qo-nJDyqEVI-00089-00028011-00028264 2000 square foot home that's two hundred qo-nJDyqEVI-00090-00028266-00028420 eighty five thousand two hundred and qo-nJDyqEVI-00091-00028422-00028858 seventy nine dollars for one home qo-nJDyqEVI-00092-00028858-00029174 the average existing home there is about qo-nJDyqEVI-00093-00029175-00029525 1,300 square feet one-story brick-built qo-nJDyqEVI-00094-00029526-00029792 which means you have to compromise on a qo-nJDyqEVI-00095-00029793-00029933 few things qo-nJDyqEVI-00096-00029933-00030139 excuse me I'm very passionate about this qo-nJDyqEVI-00097-00030141-00030445 because eventually I will be losing my qo-nJDyqEVI-00098-00030447-00030869 home for a future land use map so I have qo-nJDyqEVI-00099-00030870-00031139 concerns that this issue has been made qo-nJDyqEVI-00100-00031139-00031399 about affordable housing and it's not qo-nJDyqEVI-00101-00031400-00031720 this is a control issue this is about qo-nJDyqEVI-00102-00031722-00032092 who wants to control what when and how I qo-nJDyqEVI-00103-00032093-00032318 respect the right of those that pay qo-nJDyqEVI-00104-00032319-00032567 taxes that want to do what they want to qo-nJDyqEVI-00105-00032568-00032855 with their land but I also respect the qo-nJDyqEVI-00106-00032856-00033023 right of neighbors they don't want to qo-nJDyqEVI-00107-00033024-00033271 have accessory dwelling units where they qo-nJDyqEVI-00108-00033272-00033494 can't enjoy their backyards because qo-nJDyqEVI-00109-00033495-00033713 people live above them now and can look qo-nJDyqEVI-00110-00033714-00034202 down um they pay property taxes too so I qo-nJDyqEVI-00111-00034203-00034462 think a compromise has to be had and qo-nJDyqEVI-00112-00034463-00034805 unfortunately this very strong issue is qo-nJDyqEVI-00113-00034806-00035129 before the city government because you qo-nJDyqEVI-00114-00035130-00035594 guys could not compromise and I feel qo-nJDyqEVI-00115-00035595-00036125 like right now I'm against overbearing qo-nJDyqEVI-00116-00036126-00036467 properties not in its entirety of the qo-nJDyqEVI-00117-00036468-00036740 MPO as is written I do believe it needs qo-nJDyqEVI-00118-00036741-00037315 to be revisited greatly I think that as qo-nJDyqEVI-00119-00037316-00037571 we talk about trees and tree qo-nJDyqEVI-00120-00037572-00037867 preservation qo-nJDyqEVI-00121-00037868-00038251 it was addressed in terms of not qo-nJDyqEVI-00122-00038252-00038446 necessarily just planes a good planting qo-nJDyqEVI-00123-00038447-00038740 a tree but trees were concerned with qo-nJDyqEVI-00124-00038741-00038980 over paving of backyards to make room qo-nJDyqEVI-00125-00038981-00039406 for 1,500 square foot properties as it qo-nJDyqEVI-00126-00039407-00039814 relates to a parking garage and overhead qo-nJDyqEVI-00127-00039815-00040143 unit at 1,500 square feet that's a qo-nJDyqEVI-00128-00040144-00040402 hundred and fifty thousand dollars for qo-nJDyqEVI-00129-00040403-00040821 that particular unit $3,500 per year qo-nJDyqEVI-00130-00040822-00040996 which would make the rent two hundred qo-nJDyqEVI-00131-00040997-00041176 and ninety one dollars and sixty six qo-nJDyqEVI-00132-00041177-00041427 cents a month how many people in here qo-nJDyqEVI-00133-00041428-00041583 actually think that you're going to qo-nJDyqEVI-00134-00041584-00041776 charge that for that particular property qo-nJDyqEVI-00135-00041777-00041974 I would think it would be upwards of qo-nJDyqEVI-00136-00041975-00042235 four times that so let's not talk about qo-nJDyqEVI-00137-00042236-00042696 affordable housing and density let's qo-nJDyqEVI-00138-00042697-00042901 just make this about how we can coexist qo-nJDyqEVI-00139-00042902-00043193 in Durham which is my city qo-nJDyqEVI-00140-00043194-00043665 born and raised let's figure out how to qo-nJDyqEVI-00141-00043666-00043983 get this done in the best interest of qo-nJDyqEVI-00142-00043984-00044674 everyone here that is my comment thank qo-nJDyqEVI-00143-00044675-00044887 you any additional comments Commissioner qo-nJDyqEVI-00144-00044888-00045232 Satterfield Thank You mr. chair I just qo-nJDyqEVI-00145-00045233-00045610 wanted to point out that the MPO is an qo-nJDyqEVI-00146-00045611-00045837 important tool I think it exists for a qo-nJDyqEVI-00147-00045838-00046273 reason and despite some of the concerns qo-nJDyqEVI-00148-00046274-00046564 reservations I respect everybody who's qo-nJDyqEVI-00149-00046565-00046882 spoken here tonight to express those I qo-nJDyqEVI-00150-00046883-00047068 think what we're looking at here is a qo-nJDyqEVI-00151-00047069-00047305 neighborhood that feels like it's under qo-nJDyqEVI-00152-00047306-00047568 siege and increasingly under siege and I qo-nJDyqEVI-00153-00047569-00047727 think it's important for the stability qo-nJDyqEVI-00154-00047728-00048187 of Old West Durham and for the strength qo-nJDyqEVI-00155-00048188-00048355 of the community even though there's qo-nJDyqEVI-00156-00048356-00048718 conflict today hoping that that's not qo-nJDyqEVI-00157-00048719-00048937 always going to be the case that they qo-nJDyqEVI-00158-00048938-00049171 need some tool like this that they can qo-nJDyqEVI-00159-00049172-00049486 put in place to make sure that Old West qo-nJDyqEVI-00160-00049487-00049689 Durham remains the unique community that qo-nJDyqEVI-00161-00049690-00049945 it is now and for generations to come so qo-nJDyqEVI-00162-00049946-00050320 I'm going to be in favor of this thank qo-nJDyqEVI-00163-00050321-00050577 you any additional comments from any of qo-nJDyqEVI-00164-00050578-00050889 the commissioners Commissioner Brian I qo-nJDyqEVI-00165-00050890-00051163 would like to go ahead qo-nJDyqEVI-00166-00051164-00051583 and we move nice yes that we move case qo-nJDyqEVI-00167-00051584-00052192 number TC 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 Old West Durham qo-nJDyqEVI-00168-00052194-00053055 NPO with a favorable recommendation but qo-nJDyqEVI-00169-00053057-00053455 as its presently written I think it qo-nJDyqEVI-00170-00053457-00053753 needs more work so if we're going to qo-nJDyqEVI-00171-00053754-00054053 move it as its presently written I will qo-nJDyqEVI-00172-00054054-00054398 be voting against it I would prefer if qo-nJDyqEVI-00173-00054399-00054754 we can find a way to either defer it or qo-nJDyqEVI-00174-00054755-00055223 even send it back to let them work on it qo-nJDyqEVI-00175-00055224-00055466 some more I don't know if that's qo-nJDyqEVI-00176-00055466-00055946 possible the staff would like to comment qo-nJDyqEVI-00177-00055947-00056204 on that that's fine because I'm willing qo-nJDyqEVI-00178-00056204-00056455 to withdraw the motion provide it you qo-nJDyqEVI-00179-00056457-00056672 know there's an opportunity to do some qo-nJDyqEVI-00180-00056673-00056960 additional work because it definitely qo-nJDyqEVI-00181-00056961-00057224 needs some additional work but let's qo-nJDyqEVI-00182-00057225-00057359 hear from staff cos Commissioner Brian qo-nJDyqEVI-00183-00057360-00057512 I'm not even sure you actually seconded qo-nJDyqEVI-00184-00057513-00058061 that motion second okay thank you mr. qo-nJDyqEVI-00185-00058062-00058211 Brian because this is a text amendment qo-nJDyqEVI-00186-00058212-00058342 in his owning changes the you do qo-nJDyqEVI-00187-00058344-00058754 requires that you either vote on made or qo-nJDyqEVI-00188-00058754-00059153 can continue the item within 90 days we qo-nJDyqEVI-00189-00059154-00059285 would certainly recommend that you vote qo-nJDyqEVI-00190-00059286-00059476 on it tonight qo-nJDyqEVI-00191-00059477-00059747 it has been communicated to us by the qo-nJDyqEVI-00192-00059748-00059954 Old West Durham they were an association qo-nJDyqEVI-00193-00059954-00060142 board and they're welcome to correct me qo-nJDyqEVI-00194-00060144-00060296 if I'm wrong that they feel that they qo-nJDyqEVI-00195-00060297-00060512 are kind of at the best compromise they qo-nJDyqEVI-00196-00060513-00060719 can reach at this point and there's not qo-nJDyqEVI-00197-00060720-00060911 much more that they can do is that a qo-nJDyqEVI-00198-00060912-00061169 fair assessment from someone from the qo-nJDyqEVI-00199-00061170-00061679 board well at this point in Commissioner qo-nJDyqEVI-00200-00061679-00062711 Brian get a response from the qo-nJDyqEVI-00201-00062712-00063059 Association or I believe at this point qo-nJDyqEVI-00202-00063060-00063314 we've we've been here and it is it is qo-nJDyqEVI-00203-00063315-00063523 time for us to make our recommendation qo-nJDyqEVI-00204-00063524-00063898 Commissioner Hyman Commissioner Buzby qo-nJDyqEVI-00205-00063899-00064178 I'd like to make a motion that we moved qo-nJDyqEVI-00206-00064179-00064615 case number is e-180 zero qo-nJDyqEVI-00207-00064616-00064973 you see they text amendment first yes we qo-nJDyqEVI-00208-00064974-00065129 have to do both we have to do the text qo-nJDyqEVI-00209-00065129-00065303 amendment first okay takes amendment qo-nJDyqEVI-00210-00065304-00065384 first yes qo-nJDyqEVI-00211-00065385-00066011 case number TC 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 Old West qo-nJDyqEVI-00212-00066012-00066275 Durham NPO forward with a favorable qo-nJDyqEVI-00213-00066276-00066686 recommendation second properly moved and qo-nJDyqEVI-00214-00066687-00067153 seconded we will have a roll call vote qo-nJDyqEVI-00215-00067154-00068114 missioner al Turk yes sure Brian no mr. qo-nJDyqEVI-00216-00068115-00068768 field yes Commissioner Harris no mr. qo-nJDyqEVI-00217-00068769-00069361 Harmon no uh chair Busby yes qo-nJDyqEVI-00218-00069362-00069806 Commissioner Hornbuckle no Commissioner qo-nJDyqEVI-00219-00069807-00070900 Gibbs no and Commissioner Williams yes qo-nJDyqEVI-00220-00070901-00071291 motion fails 5 to 4 and we will still qo-nJDyqEVI-00221-00071292-00071683 have a motion on the zoning map change qo-nJDyqEVI-00222-00071684-00072050 chair Busby I like to make a motion that qo-nJDyqEVI-00223-00072051-00072644 we move item Z 1 8 0 0 0 0 to Old West qo-nJDyqEVI-00224-00072645-00072899 Durham NPO forward with a favorable qo-nJDyqEVI-00225-00072900-00073295 recommendation second properly moved and qo-nJDyqEVI-00226-00073296-00073481 seconded we will have a roll call vote qo-nJDyqEVI-00227-00073482-00073880 as well I just wanted to correct for the qo-nJDyqEVI-00228-00073881-00074515 record motion passes for 5 4 2 5 sorry qo-nJDyqEVI-00229-00074516-00075020 so it was and and for clarity and the qo-nJDyqEVI-00230-00075021-00075173 staff make sure I have this right and qo-nJDyqEVI-00231-00075174-00075332 then we will vote on the the zoning qo-nJDyqEVI-00232-00075333-00075584 motion this motion will be sent forward qo-nJDyqEVI-00233-00075585-00075929 to the City Council with a four to five qo-nJDyqEVI-00234-00075930-00076295 vote against so we are the the qo-nJDyqEVI-00235-00076296-00076553 recommendation is to deny and when this qo-nJDyqEVI-00236-00076554-00076745 comes to the City Council it still moves qo-nJDyqEVI-00237-00076746-00076913 for regardless we're an advisory body qo-nJDyqEVI-00238-00076914-00077171 only and we'll have the opportunity to qo-nJDyqEVI-00239-00077172-00077348 make comments for the City Council just qo-nJDyqEVI-00240-00077349-00077465 like all of you and I encourage all of qo-nJDyqEVI-00241-00077466-00077636 you to stay very active and engaged on qo-nJDyqEVI-00242-00077637-00077761 this issue as I know you qo-nJDyqEVI-00243-00077762-00078130 is that accurate stamp great thank you qo-nJDyqEVI-00244-00078131-00078463 so we have a second motion on the zoning qo-nJDyqEVI-00245-00078464-00078655 case it was properly moved and seconded qo-nJDyqEVI-00246-00078656-00078954 and we'll have a roll call vote please qo-nJDyqEVI-00247-00078955-00079869 mr. al Turk yes Mr Bryan no field yes qo-nJDyqEVI-00248-00079870-00080623 mr. Harris no Commissioner Hyman no mr. qo-nJDyqEVI-00249-00080624-00081481 buzzby yes no Commissioner Gibbs no and qo-nJDyqEVI-00250-00081482-00082630 Commissioner Williams thank you all very qo-nJDyqEVI-00251-00082631-00082798 much we appreciate your time and for qo-nJDyqEVI-00252-00082799-00083119 staying this late a commissioners we are qo-nJDyqEVI-00253-00083120-00083473 almost finished oh we don't have any qo-nJDyqEVI-00254-00083474-00083668 unfinished business and I don't believe qo-nJDyqEVI-00255-00083669-00083845 there is any new business but I do want qo-nJDyqEVI-00256-00083846-00084229 to give of the staff an opportunity to qo-nJDyqEVI-00257-00084230-00084778 speak a Commissioner brine we might want qo-nJDyqEVI-00258-00084779-00084982 to wait just a second or two to let qo-nJDyqEVI-00259-00084983-00085357 people leave so we can be heard yes qo-nJDyqEVI-00260-00085358-00085852 that's fair and if folks can head qo-nJDyqEVI-00261-00085853-00086014 outside and we actually have to still qo-nJDyqEVI-00262-00086015-00086188 finish business this evening so if you qo-nJDyqEVI-00263-00086189-00086332 can head out and you can speak out in qo-nJDyqEVI-00264-00086333-00086651 the lobby that would be appreciated qo-nJDyqEVI-00266-00090398-00090689 I'll recognize Commissioner Bryan again qo-nJDyqEVI-00267-00090690-00090818 if folks can head out into the lobby qo-nJDyqEVI-00268-00090819-00091106 please we'd appreciate it and I would qo-nJDyqEVI-00269-00091107-00091661 like to make a comment about the MPO and qo-nJDyqEVI-00270-00091662-00092090 the Planning Commission when tuscaloosa qo-nJDyqEVI-00271-00092091-00092438 like park was due to come through the qo-nJDyqEVI-00272-00092439-00092669 Planning Commission did receive a qo-nJDyqEVI-00273-00092670-00093122 briefing some months before it came to qo-nJDyqEVI-00274-00093123-00093428 us that helped us get familiar now it qo-nJDyqEVI-00275-00093429-00093722 was what an MPO was but with what was qo-nJDyqEVI-00276-00093723-00093989 going on with Tuscaloosa like park what qo-nJDyqEVI-00277-00093990-00094244 some of the issues were and I thought qo-nJDyqEVI-00278-00094245-00094505 that was very helpful I know I visited qo-nJDyqEVI-00279-00094506-00094706 out there several times and spent time qo-nJDyqEVI-00280-00094707-00094937 talking to people whether I had any qo-nJDyqEVI-00281-00094938-00095207 impact on what they came out with I I qo-nJDyqEVI-00282-00095208-00095717 doubt but still I think that had we been qo-nJDyqEVI-00283-00095718-00095915 briefed on a little West Durham some qo-nJDyqEVI-00284-00095916-00096143 time in advance we may have been able to qo-nJDyqEVI-00285-00096144-00096470 interact more with the neighbors and qo-nJDyqEVI-00286-00096471-00096710 maybe giving them some advice and we may qo-nJDyqEVI-00287-00096711-00097085 have seen something different in the qo-nJDyqEVI-00288-00097086-00097493 comments hey Thank You Commissioner qo-nJDyqEVI-00289-00097494-00097670 Brian if again if folks could head into qo-nJDyqEVI-00290-00097671-00097835 the lobby please we're still conducting qo-nJDyqEVI-00291-00097836-00098006 public business and we can't hear each qo-nJDyqEVI-00292-00098007-00098048 other qo-nJDyqEVI-00293-00098049-00098564 thank you while they're making noise qo-nJDyqEVI-00294-00098565-00098726 could I make a comment you made a qo-nJDyqEVI-00295-00098727-00098897 Commissioner gift of what he was just qo-nJDyqEVI-00296-00098898-00099710 talking about can you can you hear me qo-nJDyqEVI-00297-00099711-00100358 now is there I wish I'm just going to qo-nJDyqEVI-00298-00100359-00100700 make a statement I wish we had a copy of qo-nJDyqEVI-00299-00100701-00101647 your statement yeah qo-nJDyqEVI-00300-00101648-00101962 that was more beneficial get a good qo-nJDyqEVI-00301-00101963-00102304 overview of the pluses minuses and all qo-nJDyqEVI-00302-00102305-00102654 the hugs and all of that in this qo-nJDyqEVI-00303-00102655-00103276 particular item than all the stacks of qo-nJDyqEVI-00304-00103277-00103668 paper and emails that we got we tried qo-nJDyqEVI-00305-00103669-00103888 his staff to put together the thoughtful qo-nJDyqEVI-00306-00103889-00104130 although long staff memorandum that you qo-nJDyqEVI-00307-00104131-00104310 know tried to address the pros and cons qo-nJDyqEVI-00308-00104311-00104511 and give you a clean tick-tock so you're qo-nJDyqEVI-00309-00104513-00104661 able to make sense of some of the qo-nJDyqEVI-00310-00104663-00104857 correspondence that you received I'd qo-nJDyqEVI-00311-00104858-00105108 like to have had time to think about it qo-nJDyqEVI-00312-00105108-00105441 ahead of time but at any rate I don't qo-nJDyqEVI-00313-00105442-00105598 think the outcome would have been any qo-nJDyqEVI-00314-00105599-00105783 different but it sure would have saved a qo-nJDyqEVI-00315-00105784-00106258 lot of guesswork and but anyway thank qo-nJDyqEVI-00316-00106258-00106509 you so much for that and to all those qo-nJDyqEVI-00317-00106510-00106779 they have my pleasure absolutely any qo-nJDyqEVI-00318-00106780-00106957 other business for this evening or any qo-nJDyqEVI-00319-00106958-00107229 other staff reports great I'm gonna qo-nJDyqEVI-00320-00107230-00107443 thank you all for your time this meeting qo-nJDyqEVI-00321-00107444-00107665 is adjourned qoQOT-hYX4y-00000-00000086-00000713 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00001-00000714-00002288 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00002-00002289-00003904 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00004-00007159-00007869 [Applause] qoQOT-hYX4y-00005-00007870-00008098 so there it is the theme of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00006-00008098-00008380 conference in some ways I don't really qoQOT-hYX4y-00007-00008381-00008784 need to say more but I have more to say qoQOT-hYX4y-00008-00008785-00009103 so I want to tell you two very brief qoQOT-hYX4y-00009-00009104-00009547 stories that are uk-based the first one qoQOT-hYX4y-00010-00009548-00010108 was takes place in 1986 and I was on qoQOT-hYX4y-00011-00010109-00010438 sabbatical from my job at New York qoQOT-hYX4y-00012-00010439-00011076 University and it was in a very qoQOT-hYX4y-00013-00011077-00011371 transitional moment of my life my father qoQOT-hYX4y-00014-00011372-00011566 had just died I've been working very qoQOT-hYX4y-00015-00011567-00011815 very hard I just had finished my first qoQOT-hYX4y-00016-00011816-00012127 drama therapy textbook and I was very qoQOT-hYX4y-00017-00012128-00012444 very tired and I decided to base my qoQOT-hYX4y-00018-00012445-00012921 six-month sabbatical in London and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00019-00012922-00013168 planned it to be very spontaneous I qoQOT-hYX4y-00020-00013169-00013408 would just sort of show up see what qoQOT-hYX4y-00021-00013409-00013477 happens qoQOT-hYX4y-00022-00013478-00013716 I bought an open ticket on the British qoQOT-hYX4y-00023-00013718-00014218 railway and I plan to just not plan just qoQOT-hYX4y-00024-00014219-00014458 to see where the moment would take me qoQOT-hYX4y-00025-00014459-00014782 and I arrived in London one day feeling qoQOT-hYX4y-00026-00014783-00015259 very very lonely very sad and I didn't qoQOT-hYX4y-00027-00015260-00015397 know where I was gonna go when I went to qoQOT-hYX4y-00028-00015397-00015637 the I arrived that I think was Victoria qoQOT-hYX4y-00029-00015638-00016036 Station and I asked somebody do you qoQOT-hYX4y-00030-00016037-00016237 suggest a place to stay and somebody qoQOT-hYX4y-00031-00016238-00016546 said yeah this is B&B someplace in a qoQOT-hYX4y-00032-00016547-00016756 neighborhood I never heard of and so I qoQOT-hYX4y-00033-00016757-00017185 said fine and I got on the subway and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00034-00017186-00017365 went out I took I don't know three qoQOT-hYX4y-00035-00017366-00017659 trains and I got out and I found this qoQOT-hYX4y-00036-00017660-00017884 little place and it was at the top of qoQOT-hYX4y-00037-00017885-00018190 the stairway three floors out and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00038-00018191-00018343 dropped my bags and I think I fell qoQOT-hYX4y-00039-00018344-00018619 asleep and I woke up and I knew that qoQOT-hYX4y-00040-00018620-00018825 that night I wanted to go to choose a qoQOT-hYX4y-00041-00018826-00018999 National Theatre to see a very special qoQOT-hYX4y-00042-00019000-00019446 performance of the LEAs and Angeles and qoQOT-hYX4y-00043-00019447-00019762 I knew it was a it was a big hit in qoQOT-hYX4y-00044-00019763-00019888 London and I didn't know if I can get qoQOT-hYX4y-00045-00019889-00020067 tickets but I went qoQOT-hYX4y-00046-00020068-00020313 and I you know someone told me take this qoQOT-hYX4y-00047-00020314-00020492 subway in this subway in this subway and qoQOT-hYX4y-00048-00020493-00020769 I got there and I was told that the qoQOT-hYX4y-00049-00020770-00020939 performance is all sold out and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00050-00020940-00021261 couldn't get in and I was very insistent qoQOT-hYX4y-00051-00021262-00021503 and somebody appeared some very nice qoQOT-hYX4y-00052-00021504-00021734 person appeared and said listen I have qoQOT-hYX4y-00053-00021735-00021983 an extra ticket I said grade and at the qoQOT-hYX4y-00054-00021984-00022122 end of the performance which was qoQOT-hYX4y-00055-00022123-00022380 wonderful it was very late and I was qoQOT-hYX4y-00056-00022381-00022497 very very tired qoQOT-hYX4y-00057-00022498-00022739 not only jet-lagged but I was bone weary qoQOT-hYX4y-00058-00022740-00023219 and I thought okay time to go to bed and qoQOT-hYX4y-00059-00023220-00023502 I thought gee I don't number which train qoQOT-hYX4y-00060-00023503-00023871 I got on I don't remember where they B&B qoQOT-hYX4y-00061-00023872-00024147 was I had a key but there was no name qoQOT-hYX4y-00062-00024148-00024359 like this was no hotel with just a key qoQOT-hYX4y-00063-00024360-00024750 and all my things everything I had with qoQOT-hYX4y-00064-00024751-00025115 me all my clothing and money and qoQOT-hYX4y-00065-00025116-00025370 passport was all in this hotel room and qoQOT-hYX4y-00066-00025371-00025721 I had nowhere no idea where it was so I qoQOT-hYX4y-00067-00025722-00025937 thought okay let's see what happened so qoQOT-hYX4y-00068-00025938-00026310 I jumped on a the nearest - and it went qoQOT-hYX4y-00069-00026311-00026574 and I went on another one and got off qoQOT-hYX4y-00070-00026575-00026795 someplace and I looked around and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00071-00026797-00027024 didn't recognize anything and by this qoQOT-hYX4y-00072-00027025-00027218 time I was about 12 o'clock was about qoQOT-hYX4y-00073-00027219-00027614 midnight and I began to wander and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00074-00027615-00027849 thought well I'll come across it I must qoQOT-hYX4y-00075-00027850-00028050 be in the right neighborhood and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00076-00028051-00028257 walked and I walked for about three qoQOT-hYX4y-00077-00028258-00028602 hours and nothing nothing looked qoQOT-hYX4y-00078-00028602-00028851 familiar and I realized at the end of qoQOT-hYX4y-00079-00028852-00029232 the three hours I was deeply lost deeply qoQOT-hYX4y-00080-00029233-00029577 sad deeply alone and there was nothing I qoQOT-hYX4y-00081-00029577-00029880 could do so in front of me was a was a qoQOT-hYX4y-00082-00029881-00030215 green park and I just sat there and qoQOT-hYX4y-00083-00030216-00030507 began to sob I didn't know what else to qoQOT-hYX4y-00084-00030508-00030746 do and I sobbed and I sobbed then I saw qoQOT-hYX4y-00085-00030747-00031017 then I saw I wiped my eyes I looked up qoQOT-hYX4y-00086-00031018-00031314 and there was the B&B ready for I had qoQOT-hYX4y-00087-00031314-00031518 been going around in circles for three qoQOT-hYX4y-00088-00031519-00032058 hours it's my first circle story second qoQOT-hYX4y-00089-00032058-00032462 one is three days ago I arrived on the qoQOT-hYX4y-00090-00032463-00032720 Isle of Lewis and the Outer Hebrides and qoQOT-hYX4y-00091-00032722-00033117 I went to photograph the cow Enosh qoQOT-hYX4y-00092-00033118-00033370 standing stones the circle of stones qoQOT-hYX4y-00093-00033371-00033721 ah that my dear friend Aleta had told me qoQOT-hYX4y-00094-00033722-00033958 about and I checked it out on the qoQOT-hYX4y-00095-00033959-00034120 internet and I was very excited to go qoQOT-hYX4y-00096-00034121-00034540 there and I rented a car and I got off qoQOT-hYX4y-00097-00034541-00034819 the plane and again I was feeling tired qoQOT-hYX4y-00098-00034820-00035214 and I won't say lost but not quite qoQOT-hYX4y-00099-00035215-00035797 embodied and I got in the car and as I qoQOT-hYX4y-00100-00035798-00036061 was driving out again I I hadn't driven qoQOT-hYX4y-00101-00036062-00036262 a car on the left-hand side of the road qoQOT-hYX4y-00102-00036263-00036430 since 1986 qoQOT-hYX4y-00103-00036431-00036628 and I was feeling a little off-balance qoQOT-hYX4y-00104-00036629-00036955 and I got out so and I had a GPS and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00105-00036956-00037296 woman on the on the computer said to me qoQOT-hYX4y-00106-00037297-00037708 go to the go to the turn around turn qoQOT-hYX4y-00107-00037709-00037756 around qoQOT-hYX4y-00108-00037757-00038155 Circle roundabout go to the roundabout qoQOT-hYX4y-00109-00038156-00038572 and take the second exit now in my mind qoQOT-hYX4y-00110-00038573-00039133 a roundabout goes counterclockwise and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00111-00039134-00039316 had to say okay now this is this is qoQOT-hYX4y-00112-00039317-00039622 clockwise the way of the clock which qoQOT-hYX4y-00113-00039623-00039766 seems to make a lot of sense but I'm a qoQOT-hYX4y-00114-00039767-00039949 lefty so I always go against the clock qoQOT-hYX4y-00115-00039950-00040129 and it seemed to make perfect sense to qoQOT-hYX4y-00116-00040130-00040576 me so I went into the roundabout and got qoQOT-hYX4y-00117-00040577-00040834 completely confused and I had no idea qoQOT-hYX4y-00118-00040835-00041032 what the second exit meant it meant qoQOT-hYX4y-00119-00041033-00041275 nothing to me and I just got totally qoQOT-hYX4y-00120-00041276-00041599 lost and I veered off someplace and my qoQOT-hYX4y-00121-00041600-00041839 tire hit the side of the the road on the qoQOT-hYX4y-00122-00041840-00042328 curb and exploded so I called up the qoQOT-hYX4y-00123-00042329-00042583 rental place and I said listen I I saw qoQOT-hYX4y-00124-00042584-00042809 you about five minutes ago but qoQOT-hYX4y-00125-00042810-00042995 and they said okay you have to go to qoQOT-hYX4y-00126-00042996-00043268 this place to change the tire and it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00127-00043269-00043394 here and you have to make a left and a qoQOT-hYX4y-00128-00043395-00043664 right or left I said listen I'm qoQOT-hYX4y-00129-00043665-00043850 exhausted I don't know what you're qoQOT-hYX4y-00130-00043851-00043934 talking about qoQOT-hYX4y-00131-00043935-00044102 you probably are sending me to another qoQOT-hYX4y-00132-00044103-00044324 roundabout I'm gonna get lost can you qoQOT-hYX4y-00133-00044325-00044588 come and please take care no you have to qoQOT-hYX4y-00134-00044589-00044762 go there I said okay I said and qoQOT-hYX4y-00135-00044763-00044990 furthermore the tire is is it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00136-00044991-00045203 destroyed I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna qoQOT-hYX4y-00137-00045204-00045470 mess up the whole wheel the whole what qoQOT-hYX4y-00138-00045471-00046064 do you call it the the rim and he said qoQOT-hYX4y-00139-00046065-00046349 no this is what so I did it I found my qoQOT-hYX4y-00140-00046350-00046541 way and the people were very nice and qoQOT-hYX4y-00141-00046542-00046709 they said oh this happens all the time qoQOT-hYX4y-00142-00046710-00047045 to Yanks you know and I said great and qoQOT-hYX4y-00143-00047046-00047222 he said you know you're lucky you didn't qoQOT-hYX4y-00144-00047223-00047390 blow out two tires because most people qoQOT-hYX4y-00145-00047391-00047561 blow up blow out two tires as soon as qoQOT-hYX4y-00146-00047562-00047834 they get off the plane I said yeah I qoQOT-hYX4y-00147-00047835-00048233 guess I'm lucky so we did this and I the qoQOT-hYX4y-00148-00048234-00048455 woman in the in the play said now look qoQOT-hYX4y-00149-00048456-00048752 you've got to go to the office which is qoQOT-hYX4y-00150-00048753-00048992 near the ferry station in a different qoQOT-hYX4y-00151-00048993-00049163 place where you were before because you qoQOT-hYX4y-00152-00049164-00049430 have to sign some documents and I said qoQOT-hYX4y-00153-00049431-00049640 you know I really would like to go on my qoQOT-hYX4y-00154-00049641-00049868 way no no you have to do this is simple qoQOT-hYX4y-00155-00049869-00050189 you just go through the roundabout it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00156-00050190-00050366 right over you don't even have to just qoQOT-hYX4y-00157-00050367-00050522 go through the roundabout it's right qoQOT-hYX4y-00158-00050523-00050873 there so I went to the roundabout and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00159-00050874-00051047 was very I didn't know what through men qoQOT-hYX4y-00160-00051048-00051290 this is being countered does it mean qoQOT-hYX4y-00161-00051291-00051482 clockwise just being straight doesn't qoQOT-hYX4y-00162-00051483-00051790 mean food I had no I so I got totally qoQOT-hYX4y-00163-00051791-00051995 messed up on that roundabout the cars qoQOT-hYX4y-00164-00051996-00052202 that come in in either direction and I'm qoQOT-hYX4y-00165-00052203-00052429 really getting very very nervous so I qoQOT-hYX4y-00166-00052430-00052853 veered off some place and I went to it qoQOT-hYX4y-00167-00052854-00053144 you know a side road I missed the the qoQOT-hYX4y-00168-00053145-00053507 car place and again my tire hit the side qoQOT-hYX4y-00169-00053508-00053978 of the road and another tire blew so and qoQOT-hYX4y-00170-00053979-00054359 before when I was in London in 1986 I qoQOT-hYX4y-00171-00054360-00054515 just pulled on the side of the road and qoQOT-hYX4y-00172-00054516-00054872 I began to the Saab I just felt I can't qoQOT-hYX4y-00173-00054873-00055076 do this this is impossible qoQOT-hYX4y-00174-00055077-00055265 I shouldn't be doing this I didn't want qoQOT-hYX4y-00175-00055266-00055382 to rent the bloody car in the first qoQOT-hYX4y-00176-00055383-00055553 place qoQOT-hYX4y-00177-00055554-00055902 so I don't know somehow I was driving qoQOT-hYX4y-00178-00055903-00056066 around the people were yelling at me and qoQOT-hYX4y-00179-00056067-00056319 listen hey buddy your car is all blown qoQOT-hYX4y-00180-00056320-00056547 out you can try I said I know I know I'm qoQOT-hYX4y-00181-00056548-00056790 like so some guy appeared and pulled me qoQOT-hYX4y-00182-00056791-00057114 over and he said yeah it's pretty bad he qoQOT-hYX4y-00183-00057115-00057234 said you know you're gonna have to pay qoQOT-hYX4y-00184-00057235-00057491 you know a million pounds and and you qoQOT-hYX4y-00185-00057492-00057639 know we're gonna take you to jail and qoQOT-hYX4y-00186-00057640-00057842 and he said and the worst thing he said qoQOT-hYX4y-00187-00057844-00058107 in furthermore you can no longer have a qoQOT-hYX4y-00188-00058108-00058314 car from us and we're the only we're the qoQOT-hYX4y-00189-00058315-00058545 only rental place in town I said what do qoQOT-hYX4y-00190-00058546-00058710 you mean my place is a little village qoQOT-hYX4y-00191-00058711-00059066 you know an hour away no you had to you qoQOT-hYX4y-00192-00059067-00059424 had two accidents that's it I said well qoQOT-hYX4y-00193-00059425-00059586 what am I gonna do he said you know qoQOT-hYX4y-00194-00059587-00059712 you're on your own he said you could qoQOT-hYX4y-00195-00059713-00059898 take a bus but you know they they run qoQOT-hYX4y-00196-00059899-00060210 every three hours and so he threw a bus qoQOT-hYX4y-00197-00060211-00060591 schedule at me and he disappeared geez qoQOT-hYX4y-00198-00060591-00060939 you know so I got on the bus so at some qoQOT-hYX4y-00199-00060940-00061182 point later and you know eventually qoQOT-hYX4y-00200-00061183-00061491 wound up at this old fisherman official qoQOT-hYX4y-00201-00061491-00061695 in a little village in a fisherman's qoQOT-hYX4y-00202-00061696-00061911 house where I was staying and the woman qoQOT-hYX4y-00203-00061912-00062166 in the house was a guide she was an qoQOT-hYX4y-00204-00062166-00062385 angel and she took care of me and qoQOT-hYX4y-00205-00062386-00062595 everything was fine and she took me qoQOT-hYX4y-00206-00062596-00062792 right away to the stones and it was it qoQOT-hYX4y-00207-00062794-00063054 was it was just a beautiful moment not qoQOT-hYX4y-00208-00063054-00063222 only to be with the stones but to be qoQOT-hYX4y-00209-00063223-00063447 with these people and the man went qoQOT-hYX4y-00210-00063448-00063627 fishing and early in the day and he qoQOT-hYX4y-00211-00063628-00063795 caught the fish and I had it the other qoQOT-hYX4y-00212-00063796-00064089 time it was great so I was thinking qoQOT-hYX4y-00213-00064090-00064554 about circles as I do most days these qoQOT-hYX4y-00214-00064554-00064920 days and I was thinking that the circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00215-00064921-00065157 has brought me back to the UK after many qoQOT-hYX4y-00216-00065158-00065571 years and I'm still trying to negotiate qoQOT-hYX4y-00217-00065572-00066096 a circle and understand how how to be in qoQOT-hYX4y-00218-00066097-00066435 a circle how to be around a circle how qoQOT-hYX4y-00219-00066436-00066705 to negotiate a circle how to drive qoQOT-hYX4y-00220-00066706-00066963 through or around or inside of a circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00221-00066964-00067254 and how to hold myself in the circle and qoQOT-hYX4y-00222-00067255-00067644 the biggest question will I be held once qoQOT-hYX4y-00223-00067645-00068034 I am there and so I bring that story qoQOT-hYX4y-00224-00068035-00068388 those two stories to you in starting qoQOT-hYX4y-00225-00068389-00068601 this this presentation qoQOT-hYX4y-00226-00068602-00069032 and to tell you that like this amazing qoQOT-hYX4y-00227-00069033-00069354 puppetry presentation this is a story qoQOT-hYX4y-00228-00069355-00069740 about it's about circles qoQOT-hYX4y-00229-00069741-00070146 it's about snakes and it's about cells qoQOT-hYX4y-00230-00070147-00070448 and it's also about this notion of qoQOT-hYX4y-00231-00070449-00070830 alchemy and how can alchemy somehow qoQOT-hYX4y-00232-00070831-00071055 illuminate the process of drama therapy qoQOT-hYX4y-00233-00071056-00071373 and you know s play one of the one of qoQOT-hYX4y-00234-00071374-00071586 the main volumes of Col Young's qoQOT-hYX4y-00235-00071587-00071787 collected works is called alchemy and qoQOT-hYX4y-00236-00071788-00072015 psychoanalysis which is absolutely qoQOT-hYX4y-00237-00072016-00072249 profound and I used several years ago qoQOT-hYX4y-00238-00072250-00072462 you know I've studied young off and on qoQOT-hYX4y-00239-00072463-00072918 for 40 years or so or more and at one qoQOT-hYX4y-00240-00072919-00073146 point I was an analysis with with an qoQOT-hYX4y-00241-00073147-00073467 older man in the US who was analyzed by qoQOT-hYX4y-00242-00073468-00073671 young so I'm sort of one generation qoQOT-hYX4y-00243-00073672-00074097 right behind call young and I've been qoQOT-hYX4y-00244-00074098-00074363 away from him for a while but in qoQOT-hYX4y-00245-00074364-00074769 preparation for this this talk I wound qoQOT-hYX4y-00246-00074770-00075165 up engaging very deeply in the red book qoQOT-hYX4y-00247-00075166-00075447 so the red book sat on my table it took qoQOT-hYX4y-00248-00075448-00075654 up the whole table it's a giant book I qoQOT-hYX4y-00249-00075655-00075768 don't know if you know it you know the qoQOT-hYX4y-00250-00075769-00076122 red book this is big and it's very very qoQOT-hYX4y-00251-00076123-00076530 heavy and it's extremely dense it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00252-00076531-00077076 almost unreadable and unseeable it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00253-00077077-00077430 just full a young considered this is his qoQOT-hYX4y-00254-00077431-00077651 magnum opus his main his main work and qoQOT-hYX4y-00255-00077652-00077906 everything else he did from his point of qoQOT-hYX4y-00256-00077907-00078144 view came from the red book and the red qoQOT-hYX4y-00257-00078145-00078362 book is basically a dream journal is qoQOT-hYX4y-00258-00078363-00078549 conversations with God and various qoQOT-hYX4y-00259-00078550-00078828 prophets it's very very esoteric and qoQOT-hYX4y-00260-00078829-00079065 it's written in a style of an of an qoQOT-hYX4y-00261-00079066-00079356 ancient medieval illuminated manuscript qoQOT-hYX4y-00262-00079357-00079518 and you'll see you'll see some of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00263-00079519-00079713 things because a lot of a lot of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00264-00079714-00079894 preparation for this talk is around qoQOT-hYX4y-00265-00079895-00080136 Jung's work in the red book he wrote it qoQOT-hYX4y-00266-00080137-00080436 over 16 years and he only shared it with qoQOT-hYX4y-00267-00080437-00080601 very very very close friends and qoQOT-hYX4y-00268-00080602-00080841 colleagues and after he died he locked qoQOT-hYX4y-00269-00080842-00081093 his eras locked it in a safe for I don't qoQOT-hYX4y-00270-00081094-00081324 know 30 years after he died and just qoQOT-hYX4y-00271-00081325-00081606 came out about about 15 years ago was qoQOT-hYX4y-00272-00081607-00081718 something like that qoQOT-hYX4y-00273-00081719-00082255 so I I ask is your indulgence I'm going qoQOT-hYX4y-00274-00082256-00082642 to ask you to participate very much with qoQOT-hYX4y-00275-00082643-00082849 me in this presentation I'm gonna ask qoQOT-hYX4y-00276-00082850-00083134 you to read to perform to do all kinds qoQOT-hYX4y-00277-00083135-00083359 of things and I hope you're open to that qoQOT-hYX4y-00278-00083360-00083526 I've asked a couple of people who I met qoQOT-hYX4y-00279-00083527-00083797 along the way to engage in some of you qoQOT-hYX4y-00280-00083798-00083950 I'll ask you in the moment if that's qoQOT-hYX4y-00281-00083951-00084124 okay if you don't want to do it that's qoQOT-hYX4y-00282-00084125-00084403 fine you just say no and pass it on to qoQOT-hYX4y-00283-00084404-00084793 somebody else so shall we shall we dig qoQOT-hYX4y-00284-00084794-00085185 in so the theme of the conference is qoQOT-hYX4y-00285-00085186-00085504 it's complex but it has something to do qoQOT-hYX4y-00286-00085505-00085800 with coming back to self you know that qoQOT-hYX4y-00287-00085801-00086242 circular Ouroboros image of which I've qoQOT-hYX4y-00288-00086243-00086593 I've engaged I'd say with a thousand in qoQOT-hYX4y-00289-00086594-00086619 one qoQOT-hYX4y-00290-00086620-00086994 or a boride or a Boris's over the last qoQOT-hYX4y-00291-00086995-00087241 couple of months and it's been a delight qoQOT-hYX4y-00292-00087242-00087628 and and a little bit crazy making in a qoQOT-hYX4y-00293-00087629-00087981 way because when I first shared with my qoQOT-hYX4y-00294-00087982-00088218 very dear friend Aleta Kersey that I was qoQOT-hYX4y-00295-00088219-00088738 you know digging into MIDI medieval qoQOT-hYX4y-00296-00088739-00088981 alchemy and so forth she said she said qoQOT-hYX4y-00297-00088982-00089296 be very careful you're going into some qoQOT-hYX4y-00298-00089297-00089526 dark places and I had no idea what she qoQOT-hYX4y-00299-00089527-00089881 was talking about now I know so here we qoQOT-hYX4y-00300-00089882-00090892 go qoQOT-hYX4y-00302-00096302-00096672 and you can finish up your drawing and qoQOT-hYX4y-00303-00096673-00097272 here's a an old painting the original qoQOT-hYX4y-00304-00097273-00097647 idea of alchemy the chemical part of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00305-00097648-00098082 meaning of alchemy was to transform base qoQOT-hYX4y-00306-00098083-00098442 metals into silver or gold so here you qoQOT-hYX4y-00307-00098443-00098754 see an old alchemists over his learned qoQOT-hYX4y-00308-00098755-00099198 books is what his you know five books of qoQOT-hYX4y-00309-00099199-00099711 Moses or whatever transforming metal qoQOT-hYX4y-00310-00099712-00100047 into gold and the gold is shining and so qoQOT-hYX4y-00311-00100048-00100194 you can learn a little bit about you can qoQOT-hYX4y-00312-00100195-00100362 learn just a wee bit about alchemy qoQOT-hYX4y-00313-00100363-00100982 coming up so here it is just a little qoQOT-hYX4y-00314-00100983-00101225 bit because alchemy is kind of complex qoQOT-hYX4y-00315-00101226-00101522 so you have basically three primes qoQOT-hYX4y-00316-00101523-00101982 3-prime substances snow fur mercury and qoQOT-hYX4y-00317-00101983-00102321 salt mercury is the big one because qoQOT-hYX4y-00318-00102322-00102504 mercury does that and if you think of qoQOT-hYX4y-00319-00102505-00102836 mercury it's a solid and a liquid at the qoQOT-hYX4y-00320-00102838-00103065 same time and it brings about qoQOT-hYX4y-00321-00103066-00103314 transformation so look at the image of qoQOT-hYX4y-00322-00103315-00103479 mercury you're going to see it on a lot qoQOT-hYX4y-00323-00103480-00103796 of the images that come come neck qoQOT-hYX4y-00324-00103797-00104052 alright it looks like you know qoQOT-hYX4y-00325-00104053-00104364 male/female imagery so the four elements qoQOT-hYX4y-00326-00104365-00104783 you have earth water air and fire all of qoQOT-hYX4y-00327-00104784-00105035 which are trying triangles some inverted qoQOT-hYX4y-00328-00105036-00105308 and you'll see in many of the images qoQOT-hYX4y-00329-00105309-00105681 that the triangle has six points so qoQOT-hYX4y-00330-00105682-00105911 obviously it's you know Aaron fire put qoQOT-hYX4y-00331-00105913-00106131 together or earth and water put together qoQOT-hYX4y-00332-00106132-00106440 the seven primary metal the most qoQOT-hYX4y-00333-00106441-00106559 important I'm going to draw your qoQOT-hYX4y-00334-00106560-00106995 attention to are the the metals of gold qoQOT-hYX4y-00335-00106996-00107424 and silver and most alchemical imagery qoQOT-hYX4y-00336-00107425-00108011 has an image of silver and gold gold is qoQOT-hYX4y-00337-00108013-00108575 the Sun and gold is a male principle qoQOT-hYX4y-00338-00108576-00108972 silver is the moon and silver is the qoQOT-hYX4y-00339-00108973-00109139 female principle qoQOT-hYX4y-00340-00109140-00109526 the female principle is dark the male qoQOT-hYX4y-00341-00109527-00110096 principle is light just you to know and qoQOT-hYX4y-00342-00110097-00110284 then you have seven operations of qoQOT-hYX4y-00343-00110285-00110465 transformation which I'm not even going qoQOT-hYX4y-00344-00110466-00110693 to go into now other than you should qoQOT-hYX4y-00345-00110694-00111013 know that it was a whole system of qoQOT-hYX4y-00346-00111014-00111235 transforming one metal into the other qoQOT-hYX4y-00347-00111236-00111454 and we begin with the notion of qoQOT-hYX4y-00348-00111455-00111701 transforming metals and metaphorically qoQOT-hYX4y-00349-00111702-00112016 the system is about a philosophical qoQOT-hYX4y-00350-00112017-00112366 psychological psychic transformation of qoQOT-hYX4y-00351-00112367-00113491 souls so here here you see the Sun in qoQOT-hYX4y-00352-00113492-00113704 the moon the male principle the female qoQOT-hYX4y-00353-00113705-00113935 principle the light in the dark and in qoQOT-hYX4y-00354-00113936-00114182 the center of course is a circle and in qoQOT-hYX4y-00355-00114183-00114497 the circle is a triangle a square in a qoQOT-hYX4y-00356-00114498-00114766 circle the triangles where the circle is qoQOT-hYX4y-00357-00114767-00115040 is an image of the philosopher's stone qoQOT-hYX4y-00358-00115041-00115381 and pronounced the Philosopher's Stone qoQOT-hYX4y-00359-00115382-00115735 was the primary substance from which all qoQOT-hYX4y-00360-00115736-00116201 life derives the source of all life and qoQOT-hYX4y-00361-00116202-00116513 with that substance an alchemist can qoQOT-hYX4y-00362-00116514-00116771 carry on the transformation and from a qoQOT-hYX4y-00363-00116772-00116975 philosophical point of view with the qoQOT-hYX4y-00364-00116976-00117259 Philosopher's Stone we can heal the sick qoQOT-hYX4y-00365-00117260-00117484 we can I should say we I'm not a qoQOT-hYX4y-00366-00117485-00117874 Alchemist maybe I am maybe we all are qoQOT-hYX4y-00367-00117875-00118339 can carry on any kind of critical qoQOT-hYX4y-00368-00118340-00118616 transformation of the soul the spirit qoQOT-hYX4y-00369-00118617-00119177 the psyche remember that image of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00370-00119178-00119414 triangle square a circle so it's a qoQOT-hYX4y-00371-00119415-00119750 circle in the square within the triangle qoQOT-hYX4y-00372-00119751-00120206 within the circle now how many of you qoQOT-hYX4y-00373-00120207-00120403 have ever seen qoQOT-hYX4y-00374-00120404-00120910 Disney Fantasia and in Fantasia is one qoQOT-hYX4y-00375-00120911-00121100 piece which was always my favorite when qoQOT-hYX4y-00376-00121101-00121229 I was a little kid and I've seen it qoQOT-hYX4y-00377-00121230-00121447 since called The Sorcerer's Apprentice qoQOT-hYX4y-00378-00121448-00121786 right about this wild sorcerer who wore qoQOT-hYX4y-00379-00121788-00122058 big hat with the Sun and a moon on it by qoQOT-hYX4y-00380-00122059-00122347 way and he had all these magical powers qoQOT-hYX4y-00381-00122348-00122641 and when he's gone Mickey Mouse takes qoQOT-hYX4y-00382-00122642-00122929 over and tries it new the powers and and qoQOT-hYX4y-00383-00122930-00123186 causes havoc until the alchemist comes qoQOT-hYX4y-00384-00123188-00123475 back and makes everything right again so qoQOT-hYX4y-00385-00123476-00123619 the interesting thing you look at qoQOT-hYX4y-00386-00123620-00123895 Mickey's hat you know the the moon and qoQOT-hYX4y-00387-00123896-00124300 the stars the sorceress Prentiss is a qoQOT-hYX4y-00388-00124301-00124642 story about an alchemist and the fact qoQOT-hYX4y-00389-00124643-00124951 that an alchemist you can keep the qoQOT-hYX4y-00390-00124952-00125203 entire universe in check and when the qoQOT-hYX4y-00391-00125204-00125408 alchemist is gone qoQOT-hYX4y-00392-00125409-00125833 the sorcerer The Apprentice is in no way qoQOT-hYX4y-00393-00125833-00126133 prepared to control the chaos of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00394-00126133-00126799 universe the goal one major goal of qoQOT-hYX4y-00395-00126800-00127069 alchemy is creation and this is an image qoQOT-hYX4y-00396-00127070-00127270 this is a medieval image though a monk qoQOT-hYX4y-00397-00127271-00127582 ulis the idea of the fully formed human qoQOT-hYX4y-00398-00127583-00128005 or animal within a within a jar qoQOT-hYX4y-00399-00128006-00128101 test-tube qoQOT-hYX4y-00400-00128102-00128353 sound familiar I mean we're now you know qoQOT-hYX4y-00401-00128354-00128647 we can we can create life outside of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00402-00128648-00128875 outside of the human body and this idea qoQOT-hYX4y-00403-00128876-00129163 was around a long long time and again qoQOT-hYX4y-00404-00129164-00129360 you see and alchemy is also very much qoQOT-hYX4y-00405-00129361-00129652 about integration it's about two qoQOT-hYX4y-00406-00129653-00129933 principles finding a connection and you qoQOT-hYX4y-00407-00129934-00130273 see the integrating part is is a snake qoQOT-hYX4y-00408-00130274-00130573 like serpent like creature that holds qoQOT-hYX4y-00409-00130574-00130983 together the male and the female another qoQOT-hYX4y-00410-00130984-00131311 goal a very similar goal again holding qoQOT-hYX4y-00411-00131312-00131695 to two principles male and female Sun qoQOT-hYX4y-00412-00131696-00132151 and Moon is wholeness the integration of qoQOT-hYX4y-00413-00132152-00132376 opposites the holding together of qoQOT-hYX4y-00414-00132377-00132595 opposites which is the ultimate qoQOT-hYX4y-00415-00132596-00132790 transformation actually I make a qoQOT-hYX4y-00416-00132791-00132979 distinction and if you think about it qoQOT-hYX4y-00417-00132980-00133159 from a therapeutically I make a qoQOT-hYX4y-00418-00133160-00133384 distinction between transformation and qoQOT-hYX4y-00419-00133385-00133699 you know there's a whole theory practice qoQOT-hYX4y-00420-00133700-00133861 of drama therapy you know this whole qoQOT-hYX4y-00421-00133862-00134074 developmental presentations but the idea qoQOT-hYX4y-00422-00134075-00134434 is that life and and and human existence qoQOT-hYX4y-00423-00134435-00134866 is constantly in flux and that the way qoQOT-hYX4y-00424-00134867-00135276 to deal with the the the fluidity of qoQOT-hYX4y-00425-00135277-00135400 existence qoQOT-hYX4y-00426-00135401-00135571 is to help people find a way to qoQOT-hYX4y-00427-00135572-00135895 transform or one state of being to qoQOT-hYX4y-00428-00135896-00136090 another from one role to another so qoQOT-hYX4y-00429-00136091-00136204 forth qoQOT-hYX4y-00430-00136205-00136552 the idea here is that the ultimate goal qoQOT-hYX4y-00431-00136553-00136945 isn't transformation its wholeness its qoQOT-hYX4y-00432-00136946-00137299 its its integration being able to hold qoQOT-hYX4y-00433-00137300-00137692 the contradictions of existence within qoQOT-hYX4y-00434-00137693-00138559 one system within one body I shall miss qoQOT-hYX4y-00435-00138560-00138814 the obstacle the thing that stands in qoQOT-hYX4y-00436-00138815-00139057 the way for the outcome is reaching his qoQOT-hYX4y-00437-00139058-00139606 or her goals is destruction which brings qoQOT-hYX4y-00438-00139607-00139857 us back to the theme of our conference qoQOT-hYX4y-00439-00139858-00140158 destruction and creation and a lot of qoQOT-hYX4y-00440-00140159-00140524 the allocation out alchemical images are qoQOT-hYX4y-00441-00140525-00141007 brutal and they're about brutality and qoQOT-hYX4y-00442-00141008-00141076 destruction qoQOT-hYX4y-00443-00141077-00141289 one creature destroying another you'll qoQOT-hYX4y-00444-00141290-00141520 see more of that later and here we have qoQOT-hYX4y-00445-00141521-00141942 the Sun being devoured the bloody Sun qoQOT-hYX4y-00446-00141943-00142249 you guys even talked to you about a qoQOT-hYX4y-00447-00142250-00142468 system of guides and destruction and so qoQOT-hYX4y-00448-00142469-00142785 forth later but the two main guides are qoQOT-hYX4y-00449-00142786-00143188 Hermes and Mercury and these are two qoQOT-hYX4y-00450-00143189-00143520 ancient texts and again you see a qoQOT-hYX4y-00451-00143521-00143812 hermetic pack you see Hermes holding qoQOT-hYX4y-00452-00143813-00143998 together the Sun and the moon and you qoQOT-hYX4y-00453-00143999-00144307 see mercury holding the two images the qoQOT-hYX4y-00454-00144308-00144565 caduceus you know the staff with it the qoQOT-hYX4y-00455-00144566-00144907 two snakes and Schwein and holding off qoQOT-hYX4y-00456-00144908-00145246 the two principle of male and female or qoQOT-hYX4y-00457-00145247-00145951 integrating the two principle all right qoQOT-hYX4y-00458-00145952-00146423 by i-85 five voices I'm just gonna call qoQOT-hYX4y-00459-00146424-00146603 you out if you don't feel like reading qoQOT-hYX4y-00460-00146604-00146801 that's fine just pass it on to somebody qoQOT-hYX4y-00461-00146802-00147281 else so one two three four five okay qoQOT-hYX4y-00462-00147282-00147602 would you like to begin please and and qoQOT-hYX4y-00463-00147603-00147989 just project nice and loud oh this is qoQOT-hYX4y-00464-00147990-00148310 the Praxis chemical and spiritual this qoQOT-hYX4y-00466-00155703-00155972 the creation of the alchemical creation qoQOT-hYX4y-00467-00155973-00156478 is very very old graphics from ancient qoQOT-hYX4y-00468-00156479-00157460 texts medieval texts and you can see qoQOT-hYX4y-00469-00157461-00157666 this there's a lot of imagery in these qoQOT-hYX4y-00470-00157667-00157927 and I'm I can't even begin to explain qoQOT-hYX4y-00471-00157928-00158234 them I'm just asking you to see what you qoQOT-hYX4y-00472-00158235-00158474 can see just involved with whatever you qoQOT-hYX4y-00474-00168427-00168751 now generally in trauma therapy we don't qoQOT-hYX4y-00475-00168752-00169057 necessarily draw an image of trauma qoQOT-hYX4y-00476-00169058-00169480 therapy we might embody an image with qoQOT-hYX4y-00477-00169481-00169807 trauma therapy so if I can invite David qoQOT-hYX4y-00478-00169808-00170265 where are you David come on up and Anna qoQOT-hYX4y-00479-00170266-00170575 come up happen in front of the in front qoQOT-hYX4y-00480-00170576-00170848 of the called rooms and if I asked you qoQOT-hYX4y-00481-00170849-00171148 just in the moment you're two brilliant qoQOT-hYX4y-00482-00171149-00171550 improvisers create an image of trauma qoQOT-hYX4y-00483-00171551-00173722 therapy together hold that you can I qoQOT-hYX4y-00484-00173723-00174136 skip breath let it go let it go thank qoQOT-hYX4y-00485-00174137-00174604 you very much please have a seat thank qoQOT-hYX4y-00486-00174605-00177203 you qoQOT-hYX4y-00487-00177204-00177571 so I've been here on therapy for a long qoQOT-hYX4y-00488-00177572-00178200 time and I became aware of two critical qoQOT-hYX4y-00489-00178201-00178611 parts of the middie elixir yeah qoQOT-hYX4y-00490-00178612-00178858 chemical elixir of trauma therapy two qoQOT-hYX4y-00491-00178859-00179186 parts qoQOT-hYX4y-00492-00179187-00179466 now these these are my photographs these qoQOT-hYX4y-00493-00179467-00179731 two images so it was a time years ago qoQOT-hYX4y-00494-00179732-00179932 when I was first learning for qoQOT-hYX4y-00495-00179933-00180096 photography that I was working in qoQOT-hYX4y-00496-00180097-00180358 theater with Nass and so whenever qoQOT-hYX4y-00497-00180359-00180729 anybody stepped foot in my home or my qoQOT-hYX4y-00498-00180730-00181096 circle of space I would force a man I qoQOT-hYX4y-00499-00181097-00181308 forced them to permit I would invite qoQOT-hYX4y-00500-00181309-00181533 them I wouldn't force them but you know qoQOT-hYX4y-00501-00181534-00181870 very few people said no and I won one qoQOT-hYX4y-00502-00181871-00182052 I'm asked that I use it very often was qoQOT-hYX4y-00503-00182053-00182508 the clown mask and this this guy happens qoQOT-hYX4y-00504-00182509-00182679 to be one of the most famous living qoQOT-hYX4y-00505-00182680-00182940 poets in the english-speaking world his qoQOT-hYX4y-00506-00182941-00183261 name is Billy Collins and at the time he qoQOT-hYX4y-00507-00183262-00183469 was just a poker player in my living qoQOT-hYX4y-00508-00183470-00183876 room so that's the clown met on the on qoQOT-hYX4y-00509-00183877-00184200 the left hand side this is a mask that I qoQOT-hYX4y-00510-00184201-00184507 made on my myface so this is a mask of qoQOT-hYX4y-00511-00184508-00184884 myself a much earlier age and I would qoQOT-hYX4y-00512-00184885-00185199 put this mask on as you see on children qoQOT-hYX4y-00513-00185200-00185707 on old people on women on you know any qoQOT-hYX4y-00514-00185708-00186153 anybody who was not me and the idea was qoQOT-hYX4y-00515-00186154-00186549 at the time was to explore notions of qoQOT-hYX4y-00516-00186550-00186756 you know answer the question Who am I qoQOT-hYX4y-00517-00186757-00187134 what kind of roles if I took my face and qoQOT-hYX4y-00518-00187135-00187437 put it on another body who was I then qoQOT-hYX4y-00519-00187438-00187890 and how could I see myself he on or in qoQOT-hYX4y-00520-00187891-00188193 another body roll qoQOT-hYX4y-00521-00188194-00188709 and then story and side by side you see qoQOT-hYX4y-00522-00188710-00189078 an illuminated manuscript from I believe qoQOT-hYX4y-00523-00189079-00189354 the 15th century of the Odyssey in qoQOT-hYX4y-00524-00189355-00189729 ancient Greek anybody read that you know qoQOT-hYX4y-00525-00189730-00189885 I know there's some Greek speakers here qoQOT-hYX4y-00526-00189886-00189987 I don't know if you communitisation qoQOT-hYX4y-00527-00189988-00190367 Greek it might be difficult and qoQOT-hYX4y-00528-00190368-00190836 side-by-side is an image from the red qoQOT-hYX4y-00529-00190837-00191166 book which was also as I said to you qoQOT-hYX4y-00530-00191167-00191739 before created as a medieval illuminated qoQOT-hYX4y-00531-00191740-00191907 manuscript so you can see how similar qoQOT-hYX4y-00532-00191908-00192180 they are now young I don't know how many qoQOT-hYX4y-00533-00192181-00192489 of you noticed but Young was a very very qoQOT-hYX4y-00534-00192490-00192827 accomplished painter as much as he was a qoQOT-hYX4y-00535-00192828-00193125 philosopher psychologist a very very qoQOT-hYX4y-00536-00193126-00193293 accomplished painting a painting was qoQOT-hYX4y-00537-00193294-00193620 probably his first his first I would say qoQOT-hYX4y-00538-00193621-00194405 first art but it perhaps first location qoQOT-hYX4y-00539-00194406-00194541 okay ah qoQOT-hYX4y-00540-00194542-00194877 Rula are you here what would you read qoQOT-hYX4y-00541-00194878-00195234 hang on a second number one from The qoQOT-hYX4y-00542-00195235-00195483 Odyssey Aleta qoQOT-hYX4y-00543-00195484-00195780 would you read number two from the qoQOT-hYX4y-00544-00195781-00196329 Blackfoot tribe King James Bible I don't qoQOT-hYX4y-00545-00196330-00196475 know qoQOT-hYX4y-00546-00196476-00196740 it should where are you Richard Richard qoQOT-hYX4y-00547-00196741-00196874 horn qoQOT-hYX4y-00548-00196875-00197316 Richard okay so we should be number qoQOT-hYX4y-00549-00197317-00197781 three and then Ana again Anna would you qoQOT-hYX4y-00550-00197782-00197898 read number four please qoQOT-hYX4y-00551-00197899-00199083 but whenever you ready Lulla qoQOT-hYX4y-00552-00199084-00199318 hang on a second I just want to make qoQOT-hYX4y-00553-00199319-00199752 sure everybody's heard so if you if you qoQOT-hYX4y-00554-00199753-00199975 articulate well and I'm gonna stand qoQOT-hYX4y-00555-00199976-00200212 close to by you so my microphone could qoQOT-hYX4y-00556-00200213-00203182 take up your your voice number two and qoQOT-hYX4y-00557-00203183-00205371 number four very interesting I forgot qoQOT-hYX4y-00558-00205373-00205734 that the first Harry Potter book was qoQOT-hYX4y-00559-00205735-00205900 called Harry Potter and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00560-00205901-00206142 Philosopher's Stone I didn't even know qoQOT-hYX4y-00561-00206144-00206364 what a Philosopher's Stone was when I qoQOT-hYX4y-00562-00206365-00206554 was reading that book to my shows in a qoQOT-hYX4y-00563-00206555-00206805 long time ago qoQOT-hYX4y-00564-00206806-00207267 so something very interesting as I was qoQOT-hYX4y-00565-00207269-00207433 developing role theory qoQOT-hYX4y-00566-00207434-00207723 I became began to see the relationship qoQOT-hYX4y-00567-00207725-00207912 of role and his counterpart which I qoQOT-hYX4y-00568-00207913-00208351 called counter role now and female Sun qoQOT-hYX4y-00569-00208352-00208759 and Moon precious and despised as as qoQOT-hYX4y-00570-00208760-00209412 taking place in a in a space where there qoQOT-hYX4y-00571-00209413-00209742 was distance between one role any other qoQOT-hYX4y-00572-00209742-00210042 where there was a kind of transitional qoQOT-hYX4y-00573-00210044-00210358 space between the two that is and as you qoQOT-hYX4y-00574-00210359-00210556 as you see in the famous Michelangelo qoQOT-hYX4y-00575-00210557-00210841 painting I'm sure you all know this is qoQOT-hYX4y-00576-00210842-00211142 very famous and and as you can see qoQOT-hYX4y-00577-00211144-00211365 I'm sure you probably knew this but qoQOT-hYX4y-00578-00211366-00211567 maybe maybe you didn't think about it qoQOT-hYX4y-00579-00211569-00212016 between the finger of God and Adam it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00580-00212017-00212508 a space and that seems to me to make all qoQOT-hYX4y-00581-00212509-00212664 the difference in the world and to be qoQOT-hYX4y-00582-00212665-00213140 profoundly important for drama therapy qoQOT-hYX4y-00583-00213141-00213429 this is Brooklyn Bridge near by where I qoQOT-hYX4y-00584-00213430-00213600 live it's very close Maria lives in qoQOT-hYX4y-00585-00213601-00213783 Brooklyn how many other people here qoQOT-hYX4y-00586-00213784-00213936 listen have ever lived in Brooklyn qoQOT-hYX4y-00587-00213937-00214353 anybody so here's the Brooklyn Bridge in qoQOT-hYX4y-00588-00214354-00214704 its infancy so the space was a bridge qoQOT-hYX4y-00589-00214705-00215021 between two Shores touching each but qoQOT-hYX4y-00590-00215023-00215514 apart from both I called it the guy so qoQOT-hYX4y-00591-00215515-00215805 from two parts from one role in its qoQOT-hYX4y-00592-00215806-00216003 counter role from role and counter role qoQOT-hYX4y-00593-00216004-00216309 came three role counter roll and guide qoQOT-hYX4y-00594-00216310-00216510 I'm talking about role theory that I qoQOT-hYX4y-00595-00216511-00216663 developed over I don't know thirty qoQOT-hYX4y-00596-00216664-00218610 thirty some odd years here we go so in qoQOT-hYX4y-00597-00218611-00219071 role theory a healthy personality is qoQOT-hYX4y-00598-00219071-00219544 defined as one who is able to live among qoQOT-hYX4y-00599-00219546-00219915 the contradictory parts a contradictory qoQOT-hYX4y-00600-00219916-00220104 roles between role and countable qoQOT-hYX4y-00601-00220105-00220380 mediated by guys that's in the in all qoQOT-hYX4y-00602-00220381-00220500 three that's pretty much the definition qoQOT-hYX4y-00603-00220501-00220719 of a healthy personality in qoQOT-hYX4y-00604-00220719-00221076 contradictory roles as mediated by guide qoQOT-hYX4y-00605-00221077-00221346 and is taught and is expressed the roles qoQOT-hYX4y-00606-00221346-00221940 are expressed through story and very qoQOT-hYX4y-00607-00221941-00222234 obscure conversations with Philemon qoQOT-hYX4y-00608-00222235-00222741 conversations with God wild explorations qoQOT-hYX4y-00609-00222742-00222960 of Dreams and you don't worry about his qoQOT-hYX4y-00610-00222961-00223104 own dreams and he wrote about dreams of qoQOT-hYX4y-00611-00223105-00223341 his clients told to him by somebody else qoQOT-hYX4y-00612-00223342-00223656 so the you know it's it's it's a lot of qoQOT-hYX4y-00613-00223657-00224165 really burglary called the spear ium qoQOT-hYX4y-00614-00224166-00224676 encounter so I would like to invite qoQOT-hYX4y-00615-00224677-00225127 Sam you cut my place and I'm gonna win qoQOT-hYX4y-00616-00225128-00225376 by so you're gonna be stamps gonna play qoQOT-hYX4y-00617-00225377-00225984 Carl Gustav Jung Yeah right I mean so qoQOT-hYX4y-00618-00225985-00226246 it's hi casting of course I want to qoQOT-hYX4y-00619-00226246-00226444 invite I'll be hidari to come up on this qoQOT-hYX4y-00620-00226444-00227232 side of the stage achieving the state of qoQOT-hYX4y-00621-00227233-00227467 balance requires heroic journeys played qoQOT-hYX4y-00622-00227467-00227760 out in stories and again if the two qoQOT-hYX4y-00623-00227761-00228033 parts the rolling story this is how the qoQOT-hYX4y-00624-00228034-00228492 two parts connect a healthy personality qoQOT-hYX4y-00625-00228492-00228984 is one able to live among and here we qoQOT-hYX4y-00626-00228985-00229296 come I chose the story to work to work qoQOT-hYX4y-00627-00229298-00229650 with you today from the red book and qoQOT-hYX4y-00628-00229651-00229963 most of the stories are very very qoQOT-hYX4y-00629-00229964-00230271 difficult they're very dense complex qoQOT-hYX4y-00630-00230271-00230619 material so here's a here's a painting qoQOT-hYX4y-00631-00230621-00231016 from Jung in illuminated manuscript qoQOT-hYX4y-00632-00231017-00232398 style and once though on stage and this qoQOT-hYX4y-00633-00232400-00232594 is this is going to be new text to you qoQOT-hYX4y-00634-00232594-00232857 and if you can stand over here assume qoQOT-hYX4y-00635-00232858-00233128 you there'll be a slide on the a couple qoQOT-hYX4y-00636-00233129-00233394 slides on the screen and I like you but qoQOT-hYX4y-00637-00233396-00233563 if you can cheat a little bit this way qoQOT-hYX4y-00638-00233564-00233788 but also in a way that you can read the qoQOT-hYX4y-00639-00233789-00234028 slot I'll be here I'll be on it can you qoQOT-hYX4y-00640-00234029-00235210 come on this side and qoQOT-hYX4y-00641-00235211-00235544 play the role of the prophet Elijah and qoQOT-hYX4y-00642-00235546-00235861 I asked avi when I mean and I was qoQOT-hYX4y-00643-00235862-00236035 sitting at lunch and I said can you qoQOT-hYX4y-00644-00236036-00236365 choose somebody to be your daughter who qoQOT-hYX4y-00645-00236366-00236575 will play the role of Salome and he qoQOT-hYX4y-00646-00236576-00236898 chose I'm sorry I forgot your name okay qoQOT-hYX4y-00647-00236900-00237283 can you come up please Claire and stand qoQOT-hYX4y-00648-00237284-00237573 next to avi and you will be Stalin a and qoQOT-hYX4y-00649-00237575-00238021 you'll read the part of Salome just one qoQOT-hYX4y-00650-00238021-00238546 of the boys in this drama in this story qoQOT-hYX4y-00651-00238546-00238816 that just has this a single line it qoQOT-hYX4y-00652-00238817-00239107 comes comes in at the end a voice from qoQOT-hYX4y-00653-00239108-00239683 the distance I'm going to ask Maria can qoQOT-hYX4y-00654-00239684-00239902 I ask you to read that voice you don't qoQOT-hYX4y-00655-00239903-00240079 have to come up because it should come qoQOT-hYX4y-00656-00240080-00240519 up out of the out of the distance all qoQOT-hYX4y-00657-00240521-00240694 right so here we go so this is a story qoQOT-hYX4y-00658-00240694-00240892 from the red book and we'll just play it qoQOT-hYX4y-00659-00240892-00241507 out in in language here we go and so the qoQOT-hYX4y-00660-00241508-00241792 the young part is you know I I intended qoQOT-hYX4y-00661-00241792-00242005 originally to have different people play qoQOT-hYX4y-00662-00242006-00242377 young but you are the the I don't know qoQOT-hYX4y-00663-00242378-00242659 prototypical young in my mind so can you qoQOT-hYX4y-00664-00242660-00242857 read 1 through 7 the whole thing if you qoQOT-hYX4y-00665-00242858-00243316 don't mind the whole thing from 1 to 7 qoQOT-hYX4y-00666-00243317-00244057 and they'll be more on the nights when I qoQOT-hYX4y-00667-00244058-00244492 have to be as peasants of God I became qoQOT-hYX4y-00668-00244492-00244915 aware of the lineage I may in a drunk qoQOT-hYX4y-00669-00244916-00246096 yeah an old band stood before me lay qoQOT-hYX4y-00670-00246096-00246596 some distance away I saw a house with qoQOT-hYX4y-00671-00246598-00247092 polymers a beautiful maiden sex out of qoQOT-hYX4y-00672-00247092-00247694 the door I see that she is learned no qoQOT-hYX4y-00673-00247696-00248082 ban wave soon and I call her into the qoQOT-hYX4y-00674-00248083-00248682 house serving pizza highness darkness qoQOT-hYX4y-00675-00248683-00249198 rings inside vows a brightstone rise in qoQOT-hYX4y-00676-00249198-00249552 the background as I look into its qoQOT-hYX4y-00677-00249553-00250058 reflection the images of the tree and qoQOT-hYX4y-00678-00250059-00250698 the servants are easy after this I catch qoQOT-hYX4y-00679-00250698-00251637 the site and and well you know this is qoQOT-hYX4y-00680-00251638-00251869 young Elijah Gyung Elijah I'm Elijah qoQOT-hYX4y-00681-00251871-00252419 Solomon young something door opens onto qoQOT-hYX4y-00682-00252421-00252801 a garden go to bright sunshine we step qoQOT-hYX4y-00683-00252802-00253554 outside and the old man says to me I'm a qoQOT-hYX4y-00684-00253555-00254233 stranger here whatever is in strange qoQOT-hYX4y-00685-00254234-00254794 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00686-00254796-00256644 little hairy woman qoQOT-hYX4y-00687-00256644-00257888 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00688-00257889-00258387 your hands single of the hold on I dread qoQOT-hYX4y-00689-00258388-00260487 you you know temptation establish you an qoQOT-hYX4y-00690-00260488-00260763 idea who are profit machine a qoQOT-hYX4y-00691-00260764-00261114 bloodthirsty horror you are the symbol qoQOT-hYX4y-00692-00261115-00261596 of the most extreme contradiction now qoQOT-hYX4y-00693-00261598-00262101 tears me apart here seizes me I rush out qoQOT-hYX4y-00694-00262102-00262635 I am surrounded by the Black Knight I do qoQOT-hYX4y-00695-00262636-00263325 not love some I fear her then the spirit qoQOT-hYX4y-00696-00263326-00264612 of the deaths spoke to me and said apart qoQOT-hYX4y-00697-00264613-00264750 from in I Jensen qoQOT-hYX4y-00698-00264751-00265151 I found the serpent as a third principle qoQOT-hYX4y-00699-00265152-00265566 the serpent taught me the unconditional qoQOT-hYX4y-00700-00265567-00266021 difference between the two principles he qoQOT-hYX4y-00701-00266022-00266550 the way of life rides like this up from qoQOT-hYX4y-00702-00266551-00267071 thinking for pleasure and pleasure he qoQOT-hYX4y-00703-00267072-00267747 thus the serpent is a wine spring may qoQOT-hYX4y-00704-00267748-00268065 the thinking person accept his pleasure qoQOT-hYX4y-00705-00268066-00268860 and the feeling as though they are each qoQOT-hYX4y-00706-00268861-00269394 other's poison and maybe take a nice qoQOT-hYX4y-00707-00269395-00269555 deep breath qoQOT-hYX4y-00708-00269556-00269831 that the rolls go and is returned for qoQOT-hYX4y-00709-00269832-00269968 your seats thank you very much qoQOT-hYX4y-00710-00269969-00271126 [Applause] qoQOT-hYX4y-00711-00271127-00271559 so you all know this image it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00712-00271560-00271760 supposedly from China nobody knows for qoQOT-hYX4y-00713-00271761-00271992 sure where the image comes from but it's qoQOT-hYX4y-00714-00271993-00272324 associated with China around the third qoQOT-hYX4y-00715-00272325-00272621 century before Christ and you notice qoQOT-hYX4y-00716-00272622-00272940 that begin young begin as the female qoQOT-hYX4y-00717-00272941-00273288 principle that has a bit of and in this qoQOT-hYX4y-00718-00273289-00273533 case it's a lot it's it's light opposite qoQOT-hYX4y-00719-00273534-00273793 of the Sun and the moon and it has a qoQOT-hYX4y-00720-00273794-00274259 circle of darkness within it you Gong is qoQOT-hYX4y-00721-00274260-00274464 the dark and it has a circle of light in qoQOT-hYX4y-00722-00274465-00275466 it and now we come to the aura birth the qoQOT-hYX4y-00723-00275467-00275753 aura one of the earliest images in the qoQOT-hYX4y-00724-00275754-00276056 Western world of your borĆ„s appears in qoQOT-hYX4y-00725-00276057-00276254 just about every culture every almost qoQOT-hYX4y-00726-00276255-00276602 every traditional culture that I can qoQOT-hYX4y-00727-00276603-00276824 think of I found the orb or image qoQOT-hYX4y-00728-00276825-00277145 throughout all cultures Native American qoQOT-hYX4y-00729-00277146-00277726 cultures and in any in the US and Canada qoQOT-hYX4y-00730-00277727-00278060 Eastern cultures Japan China India and qoQOT-hYX4y-00731-00278061-00278289 so forth all around the world now this qoQOT-hYX4y-00732-00278290-00278565 particular image of the aura Bors was qoQOT-hYX4y-00733-00278566-00279050 drawn was appeared on a single page of qoQOT-hYX4y-00734-00279051-00279452 papyrus in the 3rd century AD so 600 qoQOT-hYX4y-00735-00279453-00279714 years later and it was created by a qoQOT-hYX4y-00736-00279715-00280193 woman thought to be the first Alchemist qoQOT-hYX4y-00737-00280194-00280495 in the Western world she was called qoQOT-hYX4y-00738-00280496-00280877 Cleopatra The Alchemist and she lived qoQOT-hYX4y-00739-00280878-00281083 initially in Egypt and then she qoQOT-hYX4y-00740-00281084-00281591 immigrated to to Greece and qoQOT-hYX4y-00741-00281592-00282007 interestingly you see as in the yin-yang qoQOT-hYX4y-00742-00282008-00282535 you see a black a black section with a qoQOT-hYX4y-00743-00282536-00282793 circle of white and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00744-00282794-00283134 and a white section with circles of qoQOT-hYX4y-00745-00283135-00283560 black and in the center in Asian Greek qoQOT-hYX4y-00746-00283561-00284178 or three words one is all and you also qoQOT-hYX4y-00747-00284179-00284512 notice that in the oral boards images qoQOT-hYX4y-00748-00284513-00284998 very early image the snake does not have qoQOT-hYX4y-00749-00284999-00285301 the tail in its mouth there is a space qoQOT-hYX4y-00750-00285302-00287253 between the mouth and the tail I wish I qoQOT-hYX4y-00751-00287254-00287446 could give you a lot of time to just sit qoQOT-hYX4y-00752-00287447-00287580 with these images there qoQOT-hYX4y-00753-00287581-00287851 I've sat with them from pretty many many qoQOT-hYX4y-00754-00287852-00288351 hours and it's actually quite powerful qoQOT-hYX4y-00755-00288352-00288769 so this is a quotation from from Carl qoQOT-hYX4y-00756-00288770-00288919 Jung qoQOT-hYX4y-00757-00288920-00289264 Laura where are you oh we get free qoQOT-hYX4y-00758-00289265-00289602 lawyer lawyers we have three lawyers or qoQOT-hYX4y-00759-00289603-00289765 would would you would you read this qoQOT-hYX4y-00761-00293666-00294384 opposites called Gustav Jung and here's qoQOT-hYX4y-00762-00294385-00294810 an Egyptian image of the Ouroboros 21st qoQOT-hYX4y-00763-00294811-00295077 dynasty I don't exactly know when in qoQOT-hYX4y-00764-00295078-00295380 time that is but it's a long time ago in qoQOT-hYX4y-00765-00295381-00295816 fact as part of my research for this I I qoQOT-hYX4y-00766-00295817-00296017 went to the Metropolitan qoQOT-hYX4y-00767-00296018-00296382 in New York and I spent time and it has qoQOT-hYX4y-00768-00296383-00296701 a quite amazing Egyptian collection just qoQOT-hYX4y-00769-00296702-00296944 photographic images of snake the snake qoQOT-hYX4y-00770-00296945-00297292 and the Ouroboros on the old cigar box qoQOT-hYX4y-00771-00297293-00297826 art but I this is a guy and the old qoQOT-hYX4y-00772-00297827-00298063 tombs and they're all over the place in qoQOT-hYX4y-00773-00298064-00299392 that in the Met Museum so here's one the qoQOT-hYX4y-00774-00299393-00299934 18th century and the the snake and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00775-00299935-00300265 dragon the serpent are one in the same qoQOT-hYX4y-00776-00300266-00300552 as an image especially medieval times qoQOT-hYX4y-00777-00300553-00300898 and premium medieval time these are the qoQOT-hYX4y-00778-00300899-00301237 crown the crowns dragons the crown qoQOT-hYX4y-00779-00301238-00301551 serpents and in the corners are the four qoQOT-hYX4y-00780-00301552-00301809 elements that you saw the alchemical qoQOT-hYX4y-00781-00301810-00302370 short earlier this one is I find qoQOT-hYX4y-00782-00302371-00302733 particularly beautiful and I don't know qoQOT-hYX4y-00783-00302734-00302910 what the text is it's an ancient Greek qoQOT-hYX4y-00784-00302911-00303295 and it's it's a it's a serpent and this qoQOT-hYX4y-00785-00303296-00303745 time you see the tail is in the mouth is qoQOT-hYX4y-00786-00303746-00304339 no space so here you see another qoQOT-hYX4y-00787-00304340-00304677 cultural representative of the oral qoQOT-hYX4y-00788-00304678-00304843 Boris I can't tell you what language qoQOT-hYX4y-00789-00304844-00305382 that's that's in my hunch is Southeast qoQOT-hYX4y-00790-00305383-00305620 Asia a Southeast Asian culture it could qoQOT-hYX4y-00791-00305621-00306006 be Cambodia or layout and you see again qoQOT-hYX4y-00792-00306007-00306351 this time an image of the Philosopher's qoQOT-hYX4y-00793-00306352-00306381 Stone qoQOT-hYX4y-00794-00306382-00306643 right yeah although this time the qoQOT-hYX4y-00795-00306644-00306871 triangle is within the circle and qoQOT-hYX4y-00796-00306872-00307399 there's a lot of variation in how the qoQOT-hYX4y-00797-00307400-00307801 images are drawn and this one is more of qoQOT-hYX4y-00798-00307802-00308109 a Christian image and a lot of times you qoQOT-hYX4y-00799-00308110-00308304 see with the Ouroboros image and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00800-00308305-00308505 alchemical images as they become more qoQOT-hYX4y-00801-00308506-00308800 later in the medieval times forward a qoQOT-hYX4y-00802-00308801-00309037 lot of them are combined with I'm a busy qoQOT-hYX4y-00803-00309038-00309382 person qoQOT-hYX4y-00804-00309383-00309854 all right now I asked two people to join qoQOT-hYX4y-00805-00309855-00310097 me to come up and do a little qoQOT-hYX4y-00806-00310098-00310418 improvisation could you both please come qoQOT-hYX4y-00807-00310419-00310970 up and one of you is going yeah you can qoQOT-hYX4y-00808-00310971-00311207 do this right in front of the cauldrons qoQOT-hYX4y-00809-00311208-00311585 one of you is to be one of you will take qoQOT-hYX4y-00810-00311586-00311777 on the role the orb or so who's gonna be qoQOT-hYX4y-00811-00311778-00312044 the orb Boris you bid your boss okay qoQOT-hYX4y-00812-00312045-00312374 good stasia is that right yeah Stacey qoQOT-hYX4y-00813-00312375-00312614 could you help him into role of aura qoQOT-hYX4y-00814-00312615-00312854 Boris and when he's there you're simply qoQOT-hYX4y-00815-00312855-00313106 gonna ask the question why do you eat qoQOT-hYX4y-00816-00313107-00313345 your tail and he will respond in qoQOT-hYX4y-00817-00313346-00313625 movement and words and words and qoQOT-hYX4y-00818-00313626-00313751 movement whatever you want to do with qoQOT-hYX4y-00819-00313752-00314006 this very brief a minute or two okay qoQOT-hYX4y-00820-00314007-00316198 please qoQOT-hYX4y-00821-00316199-00316528 you qoQOT-hYX4y-00823-00324685-00325576 let the rolls go qoQOT-hYX4y-00824-00325577-00327297 thank you very much so here we qoQOT-hYX4y-00825-00327298-00327709 another image and this time is a qoQOT-hYX4y-00826-00327710-00328085 transitional space between the mouth and qoQOT-hYX4y-00827-00328086-00328885 the tail and we have a Sun in the center qoQOT-hYX4y-00828-00328886-00329340 and I have another voice somebody would qoQOT-hYX4y-00829-00329341-00329735 somebody like to read a hand please qoQOT-hYX4y-00830-00329736-00332451 and and loud please thank you you saw qoQOT-hYX4y-00831-00332452-00332565 that didn't we qoQOT-hYX4y-00832-00332566-00332868 oh we did not okay this is a 16th qoQOT-hYX4y-00833-00332869-00333150 century drawing you're gonna move a qoQOT-hYX4y-00834-00333151-00333890 little quick another voice a hand please qoQOT-hYX4y-00835-00333891-00334017 please qoQOT-hYX4y-00836-00334018-00335398 loud Confucius and here we qoQOT-hYX4y-00837-00335399-00335870 mercury and a very very old manuscript qoQOT-hYX4y-00838-00335871-00336069 page of the caduceus mercury is holding qoQOT-hYX4y-00839-00336070-00337116 the conditions another voice please did qoQOT-hYX4y-00840-00337117-00337388 we have to eat oh I'm sorry I'm sorry qoQOT-hYX4y-00841-00337389-00338190 yes okay another voice please please and qoQOT-hYX4y-00842-00338191-00339066 back loud nice and loud beautiful and qoQOT-hYX4y-00843-00339067-00339284 here are some of the terrors I'm going qoQOT-hYX4y-00844-00339285-00339438 to move a little quicker because we're qoQOT-hYX4y-00845-00339439-00341210 about to run out of time the terrace so qoQOT-hYX4y-00846-00341211-00341434 at some point qoQOT-hYX4y-00847-00341435-00341893 2014 I stopped writing I was I've qoQOT-hYX4y-00848-00341894-00342148 written a lot in my in my professional qoQOT-hYX4y-00849-00342149-00342394 life and I needed to stop writing I had qoQOT-hYX4y-00850-00342395-00342820 I had become tired of words and so I qoQOT-hYX4y-00851-00342821-00343341 began to make circle I didn't know why qoQOT-hYX4y-00852-00343342-00343672 and when I say make them I created them qoQOT-hYX4y-00853-00343673-00343855 I drew them on pictures I did them at qoQOT-hYX4y-00854-00343856-00344080 photographs and photo shops and this qoQOT-hYX4y-00855-00344081-00345625 began to make a lot of circle I saw qoQOT-hYX4y-00856-00345626-00346231 circles everywhere in the street in my qoQOT-hYX4y-00857-00346232-00346428 wallet qoQOT-hYX4y-00858-00346429-00347638 people were the Sunnah in the sky as I qoQOT-hYX4y-00859-00347639-00347698 create qoQOT-hYX4y-00860-00347699-00348406 not a real one on top of buildings in my qoQOT-hYX4y-00861-00348407-00349315 kitchen and the elevator museums and qoQOT-hYX4y-00862-00349316-00349581 houses of worship qoQOT-hYX4y-00863-00349582-00349906 one day I shared my images with a friend qoQOT-hYX4y-00864-00349907-00350074 who asked why are you making these qoQOT-hYX4y-00865-00350075-00350310 circles I answered I don't know she qoQOT-hYX4y-00866-00350311-00350533 replied I think you are trying to find a qoQOT-hYX4y-00867-00350534-00350830 center the wholeness in your life that qoQOT-hYX4y-00868-00350831-00351067 is why young made mandalas I'm gonna qoQOT-hYX4y-00869-00351068-00351427 skip through this quickly but the idea qoQOT-hYX4y-00870-00351428-00351810 is that the mandala is a central point qoQOT-hYX4y-00871-00351811-00352051 within the psyche which everything is qoQOT-hYX4y-00872-00352052-00352231 related by which everything is arranged qoQOT-hYX4y-00873-00352232-00352464 and which is itself a source of energy a qoQOT-hYX4y-00874-00352465-00353137 sender a center ah a center ok here we qoQOT-hYX4y-00875-00353138-00353179 go qoQOT-hYX4y-00876-00353180-00354096 you can recognize these these images so qoQOT-hYX4y-00877-00354097-00354640 what that is how 2001 a Space Odyssey qoQOT-hYX4y-00878-00354641-00354832 that's a famous scene you I'm not gonna qoQOT-hYX4y-00879-00354833-00355084 go into this this is from I'm going to qoQOT-hYX4y-00880-00355085-00355354 skip over this pump on Yeats but Yates qoQOT-hYX4y-00881-00355355-00355630 says most importantly things fall apart qoQOT-hYX4y-00882-00355631-00355866 the center cannot hold qoQOT-hYX4y-00883-00355867-00356107 everywhere the ceremony of innocence is qoQOT-hYX4y-00884-00356108-00356314 drowned the best lack all conviction qoQOT-hYX4y-00885-00356315-00356604 while the worst are full of passionate qoQOT-hYX4y-00886-00356605-00357315 intensity qoQOT-hYX4y-00887-00357316-00357679 so at the Center for young at the center qoQOT-hYX4y-00888-00357680-00358102 of personality was a self remember the qoQOT-hYX4y-00889-00358103-00359101 one is all or to us all or three or four qoQOT-hYX4y-00890-00359102-00359431 and this brings us as we need we near qoQOT-hYX4y-00891-00359432-00359611 the close of this talk through the qoQOT-hYX4y-00892-00359612-00359836 notion of eternity which was the qoQOT-hYX4y-00893-00359837-00360082 ultimate configuration for young the qoQOT-hYX4y-00894-00360083-00360601 circle has four points homelessness qoQOT-hYX4y-00895-00360602-00360790 quarterly young said all things do not qoQOT-hYX4y-00896-00360791-00360994 live in three but in the four they marry qoQOT-hYX4y-00897-00360995-00361603 be here they are intuition sensation qoQOT-hYX4y-00898-00361604-00361864 feeling and thinking ancient qoQOT-hYX4y-00899-00361865-00362314 mathematicians believe that to square qoQOT-hYX4y-00900-00362315-00362485 the circle that is to conceive of a qoQOT-hYX4y-00901-00362486-00362671 formula to reconcile the area of the qoQOT-hYX4y-00902-00362672-00363073 circle and the square the attempt was qoQOT-hYX4y-00903-00363074-00363424 futile it was impossible and this is my qoQOT-hYX4y-00904-00363425-00363634 version of trying to square the circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00905-00363635-00364041 and as you know that Leonardo da Vinci qoQOT-hYX4y-00906-00364042-00364606 created the Vitruvian Man whoops that's qoQOT-hYX4y-00907-00364607-00364894 a very famous image of the man within qoQOT-hYX4y-00908-00364895-00365122 the square within a circle with writing qoQOT-hYX4y-00909-00365123-00365521 from Petronius who was a Roman architect qoQOT-hYX4y-00910-00365522-00365731 who believed that the dimensions of qoQOT-hYX4y-00911-00365732-00365953 buildings was equivalent of adventures qoQOT-hYX4y-00912-00365954-00366319 in the body and I discovered that the qoQOT-hYX4y-00913-00366320-00366763 sketch was a self-portrait so I placed qoQOT-hYX4y-00914-00366764-00367012 myself and the circles square and I qoQOT-hYX4y-00915-00367013-00367261 found my own texts like what me back to qoQOT-hYX4y-00916-00367262-00367447 writing I'm not even going to tell you qoQOT-hYX4y-00917-00367448-00367540 about this now qoQOT-hYX4y-00918-00367541-00367849 it asked me later and I wondered as the qoQOT-hYX4y-00919-00367850-00368074 truly a man who am i what am i reaching qoQOT-hYX4y-00920-00368075-00368272 for am i reaching backward or forward qoQOT-hYX4y-00921-00368273-00368494 what is stopping me from getting there qoQOT-hYX4y-00922-00368495-00368710 and who can guide me and this brings me qoQOT-hYX4y-00923-00368711-00369031 to the alchemy of drama therapy four qoQOT-hYX4y-00924-00369032-00369406 figures hero destination guy obstacle qoQOT-hYX4y-00925-00369407-00369649 and God a hero asks Who am I qoQOT-hYX4y-00926-00369650-00369993 I am vitruvian man woman on a journey a qoQOT-hYX4y-00927-00369994-00370261 hero asked what do I want qoQOT-hYX4y-00928-00370262-00370483 I want to square the circle to find a qoQOT-hYX4y-00929-00370484-00370895 home to be whole and open-hearted hero qoQOT-hYX4y-00930-00370896-00371083 ask what is stopping me from getting qoQOT-hYX4y-00931-00371084-00371296 there my obstacles include the qoQOT-hYX4y-00932-00371297-00371578 limitations of my limbs my nakedness the qoQOT-hYX4y-00933-00371579-00371797 limitations of my creativity and wisdom qoQOT-hYX4y-00934-00371798-00372058 my fear of failure and above all my qoQOT-hYX4y-00935-00372059-00372277 awareness of time passing and the qoQOT-hYX4y-00936-00372278-00372491 profound challenge of living every qoQOT-hYX4y-00937-00372492-00373159 moment in the present here I ask who can qoQOT-hYX4y-00938-00373160-00373354 help me my guides the artist Leonardo qoQOT-hYX4y-00939-00373355-00373657 the mystic psychotherapist philosopher a qoQOT-hYX4y-00940-00373658-00373946 young and the oral boris a snake circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00941-00373947-00374152 that holds all contradictions without qoQOT-hYX4y-00942-00374153-00374425 requiring resolution simply integration qoQOT-hYX4y-00943-00374426-00375028 and the areas was she in a happy end of qoQOT-hYX4y-00944-00375029-00375287 the story the hero returns home the qoQOT-hYX4y-00945-00375288-00375505 first man and woman leave the garden the qoQOT-hYX4y-00946-00375506-00375746 circle is squared the cold hard and qoQOT-hYX4y-00947-00375747-00375965 rigid mind a warm and flexible and qoQOT-hYX4y-00948-00375966-00376255 integrated the earth is temperate God is qoQOT-hYX4y-00949-00376256-00376435 in his heaven and all is right with the qoQOT-hYX4y-00950-00376436-00376763 world at the same time a shadow in the qoQOT-hYX4y-00951-00376764-00377035 snake the despot a bigot and the war qoQOT-hYX4y-00952-00377036-00377302 monger holding their darker purposes are qoQOT-hYX4y-00953-00377303-00377509 acknowledged and given their place at qoQOT-hYX4y-00954-00377510-00377594 the table qoQOT-hYX4y-00955-00377595-00377915 there was a reversal of selves but one qoQOT-hYX4y-00956-00377916-00378474 self is not all he all is one and is all qoQOT-hYX4y-00957-00378475-00378917 so I discovered in reading a Sufi master qoQOT-hYX4y-00958-00378918-00379139 that a circle is never complete from a qoQOT-hYX4y-00959-00379140-00379343 sufi point of view and I drew this and qoQOT-hYX4y-00960-00379344-00379804 it changed my life forever my friend qoQOT-hYX4y-00961-00379805-00380005 asked me when I returned home again why qoQOT-hYX4y-00962-00380006-00380299 do I make the circles or I asked why do qoQOT-hYX4y-00963-00380300-00380516 I make circles and she said you make qoQOT-hYX4y-00964-00380517-00380687 circles because you're trying to hold qoQOT-hYX4y-00965-00380688-00381348 the broken pieces of your life together qoQOT-hYX4y-00966-00381349-00382234 aren't you fast I'm sorry qoQOT-hYX4y-00967-00382235-00382351 going qoQOT-hYX4y-00968-00382352-00382594 hang on a second there's one more thing qoQOT-hYX4y-00969-00382595-00382800 I happen to have you do before you go qoQOT-hYX4y-00970-00382801-00383296 and you find it okay qoQOT-hYX4y-00971-00383297-00383524 can I ask everybody to stand please qoQOT-hYX4y-00972-00383525-00383944 suspend your disbelief if they stand I'm qoQOT-hYX4y-00973-00383945-00384193 gonna ask you all to close your eyes and qoQOT-hYX4y-00974-00384194-00384538 to reach out reach out in front of you qoQOT-hYX4y-00975-00384539-00384745 and reach with your eyes closed reach qoQOT-hYX4y-00976-00384746-00385072 out for a circle and hold it gently and qoQOT-hYX4y-00977-00385073-00385576 bring it into your body find the circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00978-00385577-00385963 bring it into your body bring it in qoQOT-hYX4y-00979-00385964-00386038 bring it in qoQOT-hYX4y-00980-00386039-00386416 break it and hold it there qoQOT-hYX4y-00981-00386417-00387196 and now we shout again or snake and hold qoQOT-hYX4y-00982-00387197-00387810 it gently and bring it to your body and qoQOT-hYX4y-00983-00387811-00388378 once more reach out for a self hold it qoQOT-hYX4y-00984-00388379-00389047 gently and bring it to your body and now qoQOT-hYX4y-00985-00389048-00389281 please open your eyes let it go let let qoQOT-hYX4y-00986-00389282-00389518 your arms go let it all go let it go and qoQOT-hYX4y-00987-00389519-00389722 I want you to make a circle in the room qoQOT-hYX4y-00988-00389723-00390049 and leaving a space in the circle just qoQOT-hYX4y-00989-00390050-00390217 with everybody find a way to make a qoQOT-hYX4y-00990-00390218-00390520 circle but not a closed circle an open qoQOT-hYX4y-00991-00390521-00390695 circle qoQOT-hYX4y-00992-00390696-00392203 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00993-00392204-00392453 it's fine a place for yourself very qoQOT-hYX4y-00994-00392454-00392536 quickly qoQOT-hYX4y-00995-00392537-00394514 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-00996-00394515-00395028 and look around the room and see the qoQOT-hYX4y-00997-00395029-00395520 others as parts of the hole and be aware qoQOT-hYX4y-00998-00395521-00396107 of the opening up top and see yourself qoQOT-hYX4y-00999-00396108-00396417 be aware of yourself standing and qoQOT-hYX4y-01000-00396418-00396942 looking and see for a moment that which qoQOT-hYX4y-01001-00396943-00397865 is unseen thank you all very very much qoQOT-hYX4y-01002-00397866-00399079 hito qoQOT-hYX4y-01003-00399080-00399525 [Applause] qoQOT-hYX4y-01004-00399526-00399998 sorry for doing a mini stage qoQOT-hYX4y-01005-00399999-00400566 [Applause] qoQOT-hYX4y-01006-00400567-00401006 okay qoQOT-hYX4y-01007-00401007-00403028 [Music] qoQOT-hYX4y-01008-00403029-00403235 you q2hmZfzSCUo-00000-00000054-00000297 the bio web is the connotation for a q2hmZfzSCUo-00001-00000298-00000509 network of web-enabled biological q2hmZfzSCUo-00002-00000510-00000761 devices eg trees plants and flowers q2hmZfzSCUo-00003-00000762-00000995 which extends an internet of things to q2hmZfzSCUo-00004-00000996-00001191 the Internet of living things of natural q2hmZfzSCUo-00005-00001192-00001520 sensory devices the bio web devices give q2hmZfzSCUo-00006-00001521-00001746 insights to real-time ecological data q2hmZfzSCUo-00007-00001747-00001923 and feedback to changes in the q2hmZfzSCUo-00008-00001923-00002235 environment the biodiversity of today as q2hmZfzSCUo-00009-00002236-00002469 one giant ecological mesh network of q2hmZfzSCUo-00010-00002470-00002664 information exchange and a resource q2hmZfzSCUo-00011-00002665-00002874 humanity should be able to access for a q2hmZfzSCUo-00012-00002875-00003057 better understanding of the state of our q2hmZfzSCUo-00013-00003058-00003677 global ecology q2hmZfzSCUo-00014-00003678-00004222 topic technology q2hmZfzSCUo-00015-00004223-00004475 the bio web information technologies q2hmZfzSCUo-00016-00004476-00004703 emerge from the interdisciplinary fields q2hmZfzSCUo-00017-00004704-00005027 of biotechnology and nanotechnology the q2hmZfzSCUo-00018-00005028-00005200 devices for reading individual q2hmZfzSCUo-00019-00005201-00005375 ecological systems can be either q2hmZfzSCUo-00020-00005376-00005597 wireless transmitters implemented into q2hmZfzSCUo-00021-00005598-00005770 the organic structure of seeds or q2hmZfzSCUo-00022-00005771-00005993 external inserted network nodes with the q2hmZfzSCUo-00023-00005994-00006167 ability to read information and q2hmZfzSCUo-00024-00006168-00006382 wirelessly transmit the information to q2hmZfzSCUo-00025-00006383-00006685 the internet or network for example the q2hmZfzSCUo-00026-00006686-00006929 botanical system transmits information q2hmZfzSCUo-00027-00006930-00007099 obtained from the devices to Twitter q2hmZfzSCUo-00028-00007100-00007316 which then forwards the messages on via q2hmZfzSCUo-00029-00007317-00007909 text message q2hmZfzSCUo-00030-00007909-00008462 topic C also q2hmZfzSCUo-00031-00008463-00008678 mesh networking a way to route q2hmZfzSCUo-00032-00008679-00008936 information between nodes q2hmZfzSCUo-00033-00008937-00009167 biotechnology technology based on q2hmZfzSCUo-00034-00009168-00009410 biology where technology as a concept q2hmZfzSCUo-00035-00009411-00010010 that deals with knowledge of skills q2hmZfzSCUo-00036-00010011-00010585 topic external links q2hmZfzSCUo-00037-00010586-00011071 sell-by all calm the bio web mrs. King's q2hmZfzSCUo-00038-00011072-00011425 bio web the bio web and bio news search q2hmZfzSCUo-00039-00011426-00011578 engines q2hmZfzSCUo-00040-00011579-00011845 botanicals q2Gz9R68u5g-00000-00001232-00001423 so i'm gonna q2Gz9R68u5g-00001-00001424-00001639 share my screen and take you through q2Gz9R68u5g-00002-00001639-00001830 some slides of another q2Gz9R68u5g-00003-00001832-00002102 uh app that we have uh developed at q2Gz9R68u5g-00004-00002103-00002263 ecraft q2Gz9R68u5g-00005-00002264-00002567 um and uh this is the q2Gz9R68u5g-00006-00002568-00002950 the regre the regreening africa app q2Gz9R68u5g-00007-00002951-00003295 uh basically uh this is an app that q2Gz9R68u5g-00008-00003296-00003335 we've q2Gz9R68u5g-00009-00003336-00003695 developed building on what you just saw q2Gz9R68u5g-00010-00003696-00003927 uh on the africa tree finder so with the q2Gz9R68u5g-00011-00003928-00004086 africa tree finder q2Gz9R68u5g-00012-00004087-00004351 you can in the countries that it covers q2Gz9R68u5g-00013-00004352-00004502 you can q2Gz9R68u5g-00014-00004503-00004815 find suitable species for planting for q2Gz9R68u5g-00015-00004816-00004991 different types of purposes as you saw q2Gz9R68u5g-00016-00004992-00005038 for q2Gz9R68u5g-00017-00005039-00005343 specific locations in the regreening q2Gz9R68u5g-00018-00005344-00005502 africa app q2Gz9R68u5g-00019-00005503-00005718 we've designed an app that then allows q2Gz9R68u5g-00020-00005719-00005959 you to to plan these interventions and q2Gz9R68u5g-00021-00005960-00005991 then q2Gz9R68u5g-00022-00005992-00006311 track the interventions on the ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00023-00006312-00006559 so the idea here is that what we're q2Gz9R68u5g-00024-00006559-00006710 doing is what we call q2Gz9R68u5g-00025-00006711-00007206 assisted crowdsourcing for monitoring q2Gz9R68u5g-00026-00007208-00007398 scale and for those of you who have been q2Gz9R68u5g-00027-00007400-00007567 on the on the whole uh q2Gz9R68u5g-00028-00007568-00007751 call today you will have you probably q2Gz9R68u5g-00029-00007752-00007887 heard uh q2Gz9R68u5g-00030-00007888-00008183 thomas uh krauther talking about uh sort q2Gz9R68u5g-00031-00008184-00008223 of q2Gz9R68u5g-00032-00008224-00008423 the bigger picture like in terms of it q2Gz9R68u5g-00033-00008424-00008646 not being only about planting trees q2Gz9R68u5g-00034-00008647-00008887 but also about land restoration in q2Gz9R68u5g-00035-00008888-00008974 general q2Gz9R68u5g-00036-00008975-00009167 so this is really what i'm going to be q2Gz9R68u5g-00037-00009168-00009342 talking about right now q2Gz9R68u5g-00038-00009343-00009639 and it's kind of around the recording q2Gz9R68u5g-00039-00009640-00009878 and tracking restoration efforts q2Gz9R68u5g-00040-00009879-00010055 and that includes tree planting it q2Gz9R68u5g-00041-00010056-00010191 includes farmer-managed q2Gz9R68u5g-00042-00010192-00010463 natural regeneration and nursery q2Gz9R68u5g-00043-00010464-00010623 establishment and availability of q2Gz9R68u5g-00044-00010624-00010783 planting materials so those are the q2Gz9R68u5g-00045-00010784-00011014 three modules in the app q2Gz9R68u5g-00046-00011015-00011238 and then i'll be linking it to work that q2Gz9R68u5g-00047-00011239-00011327 we're doing q2Gz9R68u5g-00048-00011328-00011519 with land health overlaying the q2Gz9R68u5g-00049-00011520-00011727 information that comes out of the app q2Gz9R68u5g-00050-00011728-00012006 onto maps of of land health indicators q2Gz9R68u5g-00051-00012007-00012342 that allows us to look at restoration q2Gz9R68u5g-00052-00012343-00012527 so in the tree planting module of the q2Gz9R68u5g-00053-00012528-00012678 app we basically q2Gz9R68u5g-00054-00012679-00013015 users basically can record q2Gz9R68u5g-00055-00013016-00013271 trees that they're planting in their in q2Gz9R68u5g-00056-00013272-00013383 farmer fields q2Gz9R68u5g-00057-00013384-00013671 so from this we can obviously then look q2Gz9R68u5g-00058-00013672-00013822 at q2Gz9R68u5g-00059-00013823-00014022 what types of trees are being planted we q2Gz9R68u5g-00060-00014023-00014279 can determine the diversity of the trees q2Gz9R68u5g-00061-00014280-00014391 planted q2Gz9R68u5g-00062-00014391-00014607 and we can look at the performance of q2Gz9R68u5g-00063-00014608-00014711 tree planting q2Gz9R68u5g-00064-00014712-00014935 which is really important so this q2Gz9R68u5g-00065-00014936-00015063 example here is from q2Gz9R68u5g-00066-00015063-00015519 rwanda where with data submitted in 2020 q2Gz9R68u5g-00067-00015519-00015686 alone so only in the last few months q2Gz9R68u5g-00068-00015687-00015807 where we have almost q2Gz9R68u5g-00069-00015808-00016071 half a million trees planted as part of q2Gz9R68u5g-00070-00016072-00016255 the regreening africa project q2Gz9R68u5g-00071-00016256-00016615 which is funded by the eu and so q2Gz9R68u5g-00072-00016616-00016791 in the app we not only can we look at q2Gz9R68u5g-00073-00016792-00016950 the trees that have been planted but we q2Gz9R68u5g-00074-00016951-00017063 can also q2Gz9R68u5g-00075-00017064-00017343 calculate survival rates and we can look q2Gz9R68u5g-00076-00017344-00017422 at q2Gz9R68u5g-00077-00017423-00017622 what trees are being planted across q2Gz9R68u5g-00078-00017623-00017830 different niches on farms q2Gz9R68u5g-00079-00017831-00018047 so whether they're planted in woodlots q2Gz9R68u5g-00080-00018048-00018279 home gardens in crop fields q2Gz9R68u5g-00081-00018280-00018494 internal boundaries external boundaries q2Gz9R68u5g-00082-00018495-00018727 etc and we can also look at the survival q2Gz9R68u5g-00083-00018728-00018911 rates within these niches and really q2Gz9R68u5g-00084-00018912-00019039 determine q2Gz9R68u5g-00085-00019040-00019239 uh the success of tree planting and q2Gz9R68u5g-00086-00019240-00019358 where we have q2Gz9R68u5g-00087-00019359-00019503 challenges and where we need q2Gz9R68u5g-00088-00019504-00019847 interventions to improve performance q2Gz9R68u5g-00089-00019848-00019991 and one thing here that you see from q2Gz9R68u5g-00090-00019992-00020263 rwanda in the tree planting is that q2Gz9R68u5g-00091-00020264-00020550 we have mostly exotic species and q2Gz9R68u5g-00092-00020551-00020655 relatively q2Gz9R68u5g-00093-00020656-00020871 low species diversity at least in terms q2Gz9R68u5g-00094-00020872-00021022 of the dominant species that are being q2Gz9R68u5g-00095-00021023-00021094 planted q2Gz9R68u5g-00096-00021095-00021335 so with this app we can address this and q2Gz9R68u5g-00097-00021336-00021511 go back to implementing partners and q2Gz9R68u5g-00098-00021512-00021678 stakeholders on the ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00099-00021679-00021999 and and discuss how we can improve q2Gz9R68u5g-00100-00022000-00022263 uh in on on the plan tree planting in q2Gz9R68u5g-00101-00022264-00022743 terms of diversification for example q2Gz9R68u5g-00102-00022744-00023055 also in the app the users delineate q2Gz9R68u5g-00103-00023056-00023222 their their field boundaries q2Gz9R68u5g-00104-00023223-00023494 and and then they count they have the q2Gz9R68u5g-00105-00023495-00023686 number of trees planted the locations of q2Gz9R68u5g-00106-00023687-00024007 the trees as you can see on the map here q2Gz9R68u5g-00107-00024008-00024142 and we have then as i mentioned the q2Gz9R68u5g-00108-00024143-00024358 survival of the trees so we have this q2Gz9R68u5g-00109-00024359-00024542 not only have this information but we q2Gz9R68u5g-00110-00024543-00024767 have it in a spatially explicit way for q2Gz9R68u5g-00111-00024768-00025055 each individual field q2Gz9R68u5g-00112-00025056-00025255 another example of the use of the app is q2Gz9R68u5g-00113-00025256-00025399 the farmer-managed natural q2Gz9R68u5g-00114-00025400-00025687 regeneration or fmnr module this example q2Gz9R68u5g-00115-00025688-00025839 is from senegal q2Gz9R68u5g-00116-00025839-00026039 and one of the things we notice here q2Gz9R68u5g-00117-00026039-00026150 right away is that q2Gz9R68u5g-00118-00026151-00026527 there's a lot more diversity in terms of q2Gz9R68u5g-00119-00026527-00026814 fmnr than there is in tree planting in q2Gz9R68u5g-00120-00026816-00026879 term q2Gz9R68u5g-00121-00026880-00027039 relative to the example we saw from q2Gz9R68u5g-00122-00027039-00027287 rwanda so here we see that q2Gz9R68u5g-00123-00027288-00027590 a lot of the most dominant species or q2Gz9R68u5g-00124-00027591-00027807 most of the most dominant species are q2Gz9R68u5g-00125-00027808-00028118 indigenous species so not exotics as we q2Gz9R68u5g-00126-00028119-00028262 saw with the tree planting q2Gz9R68u5g-00127-00028263-00028414 so that in itself is obviously an q2Gz9R68u5g-00128-00028416-00028623 important insight and again q2Gz9R68u5g-00129-00028624-00028918 with the fmr farmers record their field q2Gz9R68u5g-00130-00028919-00029135 boundaries and that allows us to do q2Gz9R68u5g-00131-00029136-00029214 assessments q2Gz9R68u5g-00132-00029216-00029462 spatial assessments as well in addition q2Gz9R68u5g-00133-00029463-00029662 we have the nursery module q2Gz9R68u5g-00134-00029663-00029999 uh where we uh track inventories q2Gz9R68u5g-00135-00030000-00030223 uh within nurseries of planting q2Gz9R68u5g-00136-00030224-00030431 materials and but also performance q2Gz9R68u5g-00137-00030432-00030646 and quality of the seeds and the q2Gz9R68u5g-00138-00030647-00030846 seedlings that go into this process q2Gz9R68u5g-00139-00030847-00031135 and the whole idea is to help the users q2Gz9R68u5g-00140-00031136-00031318 of the app to ensure that farmers have q2Gz9R68u5g-00141-00031319-00031527 access to quality planting materials and q2Gz9R68u5g-00142-00031527-00031695 a wide range of species for tree q2Gz9R68u5g-00143-00031695-00031790 planting q2Gz9R68u5g-00144-00031791-00031967 and so of course which of course is q2Gz9R68u5g-00145-00031968-00032118 really critical q2Gz9R68u5g-00146-00032119-00032439 for the success of restoration efforts q2Gz9R68u5g-00147-00032439-00032639 in addition to the app itself there's a q2Gz9R68u5g-00148-00032639-00032846 data reporting system q2Gz9R68u5g-00149-00032847-00033071 that's online and can be accessed by the q2Gz9R68u5g-00150-00033072-00033239 users of the app where they can look q2Gz9R68u5g-00151-00033240-00033431 globally at what's being collected so at q2Gz9R68u5g-00152-00033432-00033590 the top here we see q2Gz9R68u5g-00153-00033591-00033807 the countries where the app is being q2Gz9R68u5g-00154-00033808-00033935 applied or used q2Gz9R68u5g-00155-00033936-00034151 see rwanda is the dominant one in this q2Gz9R68u5g-00156-00034152-00034279 project and of course this q2Gz9R68u5g-00157-00034280-00034446 app was developed as part of a project q2Gz9R68u5g-00158-00034447-00034646 but it's available for anyone to use q2Gz9R68u5g-00159-00034647-00034887 from the google play store and followed q2Gz9R68u5g-00160-00034888-00035023 by senegal and kenya q2Gz9R68u5g-00161-00035024-00035207 and if we click on kenya for example q2Gz9R68u5g-00162-00035208-00035415 here we then can go in and look at what q2Gz9R68u5g-00163-00035416-00035551 types of interventions q2Gz9R68u5g-00164-00035552-00035807 whether it's fm in our tree planting etc q2Gz9R68u5g-00165-00035808-00036007 and we get information on q2Gz9R68u5g-00166-00036008-00036230 number of institutions and farmers etc q2Gz9R68u5g-00167-00036231-00036383 that have been q2Gz9R68u5g-00168-00036384-00036871 doing these interventions on the ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00169-00036872-00037207 when also really important here as i q2Gz9R68u5g-00170-00037208-00037383 mentioned in the beginning is how we can q2Gz9R68u5g-00171-00037384-00037415 now q2Gz9R68u5g-00172-00037416-00037599 link this information that comes from q2Gz9R68u5g-00173-00037600-00037718 the app q2Gz9R68u5g-00174-00037719-00037967 to spatial assessments that we do on the q2Gz9R68u5g-00175-00037968-00038062 ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00176-00038063-00038302 so this is a map of rwanda showing soil q2Gz9R68u5g-00177-00038303-00038390 organic carbon q2Gz9R68u5g-00178-00038391-00038630 at a meter at a resolution of 30 meters q2Gz9R68u5g-00179-00038631-00038727 on the ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00180-00038728-00038943 which means that we can go down to the q2Gz9R68u5g-00181-00038944-00039159 level of those individual polygons that q2Gz9R68u5g-00182-00039160-00039207 you see q2Gz9R68u5g-00183-00039208-00039487 so those farmer feels and extract this q2Gz9R68u5g-00184-00039488-00039583 information q2Gz9R68u5g-00185-00039584-00039790 so this is based on models developed at q2Gz9R68u5g-00186-00039791-00040023 ecraft over more than a decade of data q2Gz9R68u5g-00187-00040024-00040215 systematic data collection across the q2Gz9R68u5g-00188-00040216-00040367 global tropics q2Gz9R68u5g-00189-00040368-00040551 so it's based on a database with more q2Gz9R68u5g-00190-00040552-00040790 than 200 000 soil samples from across q2Gz9R68u5g-00191-00040791-00040927 the global tropics q2Gz9R68u5g-00192-00040928-00041255 and with this data we can by combining q2Gz9R68u5g-00193-00041256-00041423 the spatial assessments and the maps q2Gz9R68u5g-00194-00041424-00041607 that you see an example of here q2Gz9R68u5g-00195-00041608-00041887 we can apply the this uh this q2Gz9R68u5g-00196-00041888-00042083 information for example for soil carbon q2Gz9R68u5g-00197-00042084-00042262 monitoring and also q2Gz9R68u5g-00198-00042263-00042527 to in the in climate neutrality goals q2Gz9R68u5g-00199-00042528-00042567 and q2Gz9R68u5g-00200-00042568-00042767 for setting restoration targets and not q2Gz9R68u5g-00201-00042768-00042958 least of course for tracking q2Gz9R68u5g-00202-00042959-00043374 restoration performance over time q2Gz9R68u5g-00203-00043375-00043711 also we gain critical insights into q2Gz9R68u5g-00204-00043712-00043911 drivers of land degradation q2Gz9R68u5g-00205-00043912-00044199 that allow us to more effectively target q2Gz9R68u5g-00206-00044200-00044367 and design q2Gz9R68u5g-00207-00044368-00044718 in the restoration the actual sort of q2Gz9R68u5g-00208-00044719-00044951 options that we implement on the ground q2Gz9R68u5g-00209-00044952-00045111 and one of the reasons one of the things q2Gz9R68u5g-00210-00045112-00045262 that's really important for doing that q2Gz9R68u5g-00211-00045263-00045487 is understanding the interactions q2Gz9R68u5g-00212-00045488-00045558 between q2Gz9R68u5g-00213-00045559-00045767 different processes of for example land q2Gz9R68u5g-00214-00045768-00045887 degradation here q2Gz9R68u5g-00215-00045888-00046158 the example is with erosion prevalence q2Gz9R68u5g-00216-00046159-00046207 again q2Gz9R68u5g-00217-00046208-00046486 at a very high spatial resolution for q2Gz9R68u5g-00218-00046487-00046630 the different countries and what q2Gz9R68u5g-00219-00046631-00046790 included in the regreening africa q2Gz9R68u5g-00220-00046791-00046855 project q2Gz9R68u5g-00221-00046856-00047007 and then on the right hand side you see q2Gz9R68u5g-00222-00047008-00047215 solar organic carbon and by looking at q2Gz9R68u5g-00223-00047216-00047415 the interactions between erosion and q2Gz9R68u5g-00224-00047416-00047646 carbon for example we can determine and q2Gz9R68u5g-00225-00047647-00047871 other processes we can determine q2Gz9R68u5g-00226-00047872-00048079 what processes are driving carbon q2Gz9R68u5g-00227-00048080-00048239 dynamics in these landscapes q2Gz9R68u5g-00228-00048240-00048486 and that allows us to then target where q2Gz9R68u5g-00229-00048487-00048702 we need to put our interventions so what q2Gz9R68u5g-00230-00048703-00048935 processes in these systems do we have to q2Gz9R68u5g-00231-00048936-00049111 somehow influence or tweak q2Gz9R68u5g-00232-00049112-00049399 in order to obtain restoration targets q2Gz9R68u5g-00233-00049400-00049758 for example q2Gz9R68u5g-00234-00049759-00050023 so that's all on the regretting app back q2Gz9R68u5g-00235-00050024-00050223 to you vanya and feel free to contact us q2Gz9R68u5g-00236-00050224-00050343 on the email address q2Gz9R68u5g-00237-00050344-00050784 here on the slide thank you q6-qs1AcqEk-00000-00000052-00000311 as part of the design process Texas q6-qs1AcqEk-00001-00000312-00000540 Instruments TI decided to modify the q6-qs1AcqEk-00002-00000541-00000776 base latin-1 character set for use with q6-qs1AcqEk-00003-00000777-00001037 its calculator interface by adding q6-qs1AcqEk-00004-00001038-00001220 symbols to the character set it was q6-qs1AcqEk-00005-00001221-00001436 possible to reduce design complexity as q6-qs1AcqEk-00006-00001437-00001634 much more complex parsing would have to q6-qs1AcqEk-00007-00001635-00002113 have been used otherwise q6-qs1AcqEk-00008-00002114-00002808 topic ti-83 plus 84 plus series q6-qs1AcqEk-00009-00002809-00003381 topic TI 86 q6-qs1AcqEk-00010-00003382-00004112 topic ti- 89 90 seconds series q6-qs1AcqEk-00011-00004113-00004439 the 68k calculators use a character set q6-qs1AcqEk-00012-00004440-00004631 similar to Latin wand except that most q6-qs1AcqEk-00013-00004632-00004814 of the control characters are replaced q6-qs1AcqEk-00014-00004815-00004997 with mathematical symbols or Greek q6-qs1AcqEk-00015-00004998-00005252 letters all characters are printable q6-qs1AcqEk-00016-00005253-00005727 except the null character q6-qs1AcqEk-00017-00005728-00006253 topic see also q6-qs1AcqEk-00018-00006254-00006743 calculator character set q6-qs1AcqEk-00019-00006744-00007102 topic references q6-qs1AcqEk-00020-00007103-00007264 you q6-qs1AcqEk-00021-00007265-00007471 you q6AArFoazUE-00000-00000031-00000534 Saint Varys died CA 307 Alexandria Egypt q6AArFoazUE-00001-00000535-00000865 early Christian st. soldier and martyr q6AArFoazUE-00002-00000866-00001120 according to his generally reliable and q6AArFoazUE-00003-00001121-00001279 authentic acts he was a soldier q6AArFoazUE-00004-00001280-00001466 stationed in Upper Egypt who had the q6AArFoazUE-00005-00001467-00001630 task of guarding a group of monks q6AArFoazUE-00006-00001632-00001904 awaiting execution when one of the monks q6AArFoazUE-00007-00001905-00002120 died while incarcerated varus embraced q6AArFoazUE-00008-00002121-00002309 the Christian faith and asked to be able q6AArFoazUE-00009-00002310-00002480 to fill the place of the deceased q6AArFoazUE-00010-00002481-00002742 he was taken and hanged from a tree q6AArFoazUE-00011-00002743-00003297 feast day October 19 q6AArFoazUE-00012-00003297-00003825 topic see also q6AArFoazUE-00013-00003826-00004224 topic Saint Cleopatra witnessed the q6AArFoazUE-00014-00004225-00004531 suffering and execution of Saint varus q6AArFoazUE-00015-00004532-00004999 lectionary 211 q6AArFoazUE-00016-00005000-00005627 topic external links and references q6AArFoazUE-00017-00005628-00005977 topic the life of holy martyr varus q6AArFoazUE-00018-00005978-00006290 reprinted from orthodox life volume 44 q6AArFoazUE-00019-00006291-00006713 number 5 october 1994 catholic saints q6AArFoazUE-00020-00006714-00007033 saint varus the cult of Saint varus q6AArFoazUE-00021-00007034-00007498 Street varus the martyr q7QdS0vkd2Y-00000-00000024-00000519 behold the alolan sunrise q7QdS0vkd2Y-00001-00000520-00000759 freddie is so blatantly beautiful it q7QdS0vkd2Y-00002-00000760-00000894 makes my heart hurt q7QdS0vkd2Y-00003-00000896-00001119 so shiny it feels like my child's q7QdS0vkd2Y-00004-00001120-00001696 getting buff waxed by the universe q9aBgNGCnrM-00000-00000032-00000279 hello um so welcome to our webinar um q9aBgNGCnrM-00001-00000280-00000511 and thanks to everyone who's joined us q9aBgNGCnrM-00002-00000512-00000719 um so my name is jenny and i'm with uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00003-00000720-00000935 open rights group q9aBgNGCnrM-00004-00000936-00001174 and so we have uh offices in london and q9aBgNGCnrM-00005-00001175-00001366 um glasgow so this is obviously the q9aBgNGCnrM-00006-00001367-00001495 glasgow branch q9aBgNGCnrM-00007-00001496-00001710 um so just a bit of housekeeping first q9aBgNGCnrM-00008-00001711-00001871 we're just gonna just let you know that q9aBgNGCnrM-00009-00001872-00002023 we're going to um q9aBgNGCnrM-00010-00002023-00002302 record this session so uh including the q9aBgNGCnrM-00011-00002303-00002334 q q9aBgNGCnrM-00012-00002335-00002655 a so um but obviously your cameras q9aBgNGCnrM-00013-00002656-00002883 won't be on if you're asking questions q9aBgNGCnrM-00014-00002884-00002999 um q9aBgNGCnrM-00015-00003000-00003238 so this talk is about um surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-00016-00003239-00003406 and the right of dignity and so all q9aBgNGCnrM-00017-00003407-00003622 human beings have a right to dignity q9aBgNGCnrM-00018-00003623-00003806 um as described in the universal q9aBgNGCnrM-00019-00003807-00004086 declaration of human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00020-00004087-00004286 um this right must be protected and q9aBgNGCnrM-00021-00004287-00004415 respected yet q9aBgNGCnrM-00022-00004416-00004567 increasingly we're seeing that large q9aBgNGCnrM-00023-00004568-00004775 corporations systematically q9aBgNGCnrM-00024-00004776-00004975 trip people of their rights the q9aBgNGCnrM-00025-00004976-00005175 sociopathic data extraction q9aBgNGCnrM-00026-00005176-00005447 stalking monitoring and profiling of q9aBgNGCnrM-00027-00005448-00005575 tech companies q9aBgNGCnrM-00028-00005576-00005767 leads to breaches of privacy but more q9aBgNGCnrM-00029-00005768-00005902 importantly it leads to q9aBgNGCnrM-00030-00005903-00006231 a breach of dignity dignity is vital to q9aBgNGCnrM-00031-00006232-00006391 our sense of self-worth q9aBgNGCnrM-00032-00006392-00006614 on an individual level and accordingly q9aBgNGCnrM-00033-00006615-00006767 on a societal level q9aBgNGCnrM-00034-00006768-00007070 societies must value dignity and respect q9aBgNGCnrM-00035-00007072-00007391 if they're going to prosper um so q9aBgNGCnrM-00036-00007392-00007623 we've uh we welcome our three panelists q9aBgNGCnrM-00037-00007623-00007774 here and to discuss these q9aBgNGCnrM-00038-00007775-00007967 issues and provide uh provide their q9aBgNGCnrM-00039-00007968-00008174 perspective on this question q9aBgNGCnrM-00040-00008175-00008391 um so we have three speakers um and they q9aBgNGCnrM-00041-00008392-00008487 will provide q9aBgNGCnrM-00042-00008488-00008742 a good variety of perspectives um as i q9aBgNGCnrM-00043-00008743-00009006 do coming from different backgrounds q9aBgNGCnrM-00044-00009007-00009246 and so first of all i'll introduce um q9aBgNGCnrM-00045-00009247-00009478 the speakers uh one by one and then each q9aBgNGCnrM-00046-00009479-00009655 of them will give a short talk q9aBgNGCnrM-00047-00009656-00009991 on their work and so first of all we've q9aBgNGCnrM-00048-00009992-00010031 got q9aBgNGCnrM-00049-00010032-00010391 um howard io um howard is a doctoral q9aBgNGCnrM-00050-00010392-00010471 researcher q9aBgNGCnrM-00051-00010472-00010695 at the university of ulster um the q9aBgNGCnrM-00052-00010696-00010783 research q9aBgNGCnrM-00053-00010784-00010967 uh his research examines the national q9aBgNGCnrM-00054-00010968-00011287 action plan on business and human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00055-00011288-00011519 um in addition to his academic pursuit q9aBgNGCnrM-00056-00011520-00011678 howard has long been involved in the q9aBgNGCnrM-00057-00011679-00011838 practical human rights and development q9aBgNGCnrM-00058-00011839-00011959 policy work q9aBgNGCnrM-00059-00011960-00012246 from 2009 to 2018 howard joined the q9aBgNGCnrM-00060-00012247-00012423 united nations office of the high q9aBgNGCnrM-00061-00012424-00012623 commissioner for human rights in uganda q9aBgNGCnrM-00062-00012624-00012838 as a program officer his area's q9aBgNGCnrM-00063-00012839-00012991 responsibilities included q9aBgNGCnrM-00064-00012991-00013151 technical and advisory assistance to q9aBgNGCnrM-00065-00013152-00013294 state institutions q9aBgNGCnrM-00066-00013295-00013630 civil society and the grassroots and q9aBgNGCnrM-00067-00013631-00013943 second of all we've got um maria farrell q9aBgNGCnrM-00068-00013944-00014166 maria farrell is a writer and keynote q9aBgNGCnrM-00069-00014168-00014455 speaker and technology in the future q9aBgNGCnrM-00070-00014456-00014679 she's an irish citizen based in london q9aBgNGCnrM-00071-00014680-00014927 she's worked in technology policy for 20 q9aBgNGCnrM-00072-00014928-00015038 years q9aBgNGCnrM-00073-00015040-00015366 including the world bank ica nnn q9aBgNGCnrM-00074-00015368-00015535 the international chamber of commerce q9aBgNGCnrM-00075-00015536-00015758 paris the confederation of british q9aBgNGCnrM-00076-00015759-00015838 industry q9aBgNGCnrM-00077-00015840-00016119 and the law society of england and wales q9aBgNGCnrM-00078-00016119-00016215 her current focus q9aBgNGCnrM-00079-00016216-00016391 is on how to imagine and build q9aBgNGCnrM-00080-00016392-00016591 technological and political futures q9aBgNGCnrM-00081-00016592-00016903 most of us actively choose to live in q9aBgNGCnrM-00082-00016904-00017230 i'm rea taught politics and policy at q9aBgNGCnrM-00083-00017231-00017430 an oxford university's doctoral program q9aBgNGCnrM-00084-00017431-00017575 in cyber security q9aBgNGCnrM-00085-00017576-00017943 from 2014 to 2018. um she's completing a q9aBgNGCnrM-00086-00017944-00018135 phd in creative writing at goldsmiths q9aBgNGCnrM-00087-00018136-00018271 university london q9aBgNGCnrM-00088-00018272-00018455 uh maria has written for the guardian q9aBgNGCnrM-00089-00018456-00018647 and appeared as a tech expert on q9aBgNGCnrM-00090-00018648-00019014 bbc and sky news um so also here we've q9aBgNGCnrM-00091-00019015-00019158 got claire lewellen q9aBgNGCnrM-00092-00019159-00019439 um players interested in the development q9aBgNGCnrM-00093-00019440-00019679 and definition of cross-disciplinary q9aBgNGCnrM-00094-00019680-00019894 methodological and ethical techniques q9aBgNGCnrM-00095-00019895-00019999 and standards q9aBgNGCnrM-00096-00020000-00020303 in the gov tech domain she has extensive q9aBgNGCnrM-00097-00020304-00020499 experience in working in a collaborative q9aBgNGCnrM-00098-00020500-00020686 transdisciplinary environment q9aBgNGCnrM-00099-00020687-00020886 and has produced and co-authored papers q9aBgNGCnrM-00100-00020887-00020999 with academics from q9aBgNGCnrM-00101-00021000-00021286 informatics politics social work history q9aBgNGCnrM-00102-00021287-00021471 botany criminology linguistics q9aBgNGCnrM-00103-00021472-00021758 information studies and library science q9aBgNGCnrM-00104-00021759-00021863 specifically q9aBgNGCnrM-00105-00021864-00022071 she has developed a novel data analysis q9aBgNGCnrM-00106-00022072-00022286 techniques underpinned by data science q9aBgNGCnrM-00107-00022287-00022483 technologies such as natural language q9aBgNGCnrM-00108-00022484-00022743 processing supervised and unsupervised q9aBgNGCnrM-00109-00022744-00022863 machine learning q9aBgNGCnrM-00110-00022864-00023175 and statistical analysis my recent focus q9aBgNGCnrM-00111-00023176-00023375 has been on developing and implementing q9aBgNGCnrM-00112-00023376-00023463 studies q9aBgNGCnrM-00113-00023464-00023671 to gather and analyze social media data q9aBgNGCnrM-00114-00023672-00023822 and using these results q9aBgNGCnrM-00115-00023823-00024039 either in combination with or as an q9aBgNGCnrM-00116-00024040-00024222 underpinning for experimental q9aBgNGCnrM-00117-00024223-00024527 and quantitative social science research q9aBgNGCnrM-00118-00024528-00024758 so without further ado we'll have our q9aBgNGCnrM-00119-00024759-00024863 first speaker who q9aBgNGCnrM-00120-00024864-00025463 is howard so over to you howard q9aBgNGCnrM-00121-00025464-00025855 um thank you um q9aBgNGCnrM-00122-00025856-00026087 very much uh can you hear me from that q9aBgNGCnrM-00123-00026088-00026335 side q9aBgNGCnrM-00124-00026336-00027702 um in my screen too right q9aBgNGCnrM-00125-00027704-00027983 yeah can you hear me and the screen is q9aBgNGCnrM-00126-00027983-00028083 good to go q9aBgNGCnrM-00127-00028083-00028479 right thank you thank you very much q9aBgNGCnrM-00128-00028480-00028790 thank you everybody um good evening good q9aBgNGCnrM-00129-00028791-00028879 afternoon q9aBgNGCnrM-00130-00028880-00029158 good morning good night from wherever q9aBgNGCnrM-00131-00029160-00029295 the q9aBgNGCnrM-00132-00029295-00029679 participants are my name is howard ayo q9aBgNGCnrM-00133-00029680-00030062 um and i'm a phd researcher q9aBgNGCnrM-00134-00030063-00030246 examining the national action plan on q9aBgNGCnrM-00135-00030247-00030502 business and in human rights at ulster q9aBgNGCnrM-00136-00030503-00030839 university um but also q9aBgNGCnrM-00137-00030839-00031214 again as jenny i introduced me i have q9aBgNGCnrM-00138-00031216-00031502 about 14 years of experience in q9aBgNGCnrM-00139-00031503-00031662 development and q9aBgNGCnrM-00140-00031663-00031985 and in in human rights work um q9aBgNGCnrM-00141-00031986-00032118 [Music] q9aBgNGCnrM-00142-00032119-00032399 specifically the focus of uh the q9aBgNGCnrM-00143-00032400-00032590 discussion q9aBgNGCnrM-00144-00032591-00032999 this evening i shall be answering q9aBgNGCnrM-00145-00033000-00033239 trying to answer not of course q9aBgNGCnrM-00146-00033240-00033439 completely q9aBgNGCnrM-00147-00033440-00033839 the question of whether the uk q9aBgNGCnrM-00148-00033840-00034111 um has progressed through the adoption q9aBgNGCnrM-00149-00034112-00034199 of q9aBgNGCnrM-00150-00034200-00034415 uh a national action plan on business q9aBgNGCnrM-00151-00034416-00034615 and in human rights uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00152-00034616-00034967 regarding the right to dignity q9aBgNGCnrM-00153-00034968-00035246 or more specifically the right to q9aBgNGCnrM-00154-00035247-00035327 privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00155-00035328-00035999 which forms an integral component of q9aBgNGCnrM-00156-00036000-00036167 surveillance and the right to dignity q9aBgNGCnrM-00157-00036168-00036462 broadly q9aBgNGCnrM-00158-00036463-00036751 if we i take you slightly a little bit q9aBgNGCnrM-00159-00036752-00036799 back q9aBgNGCnrM-00160-00036800-00037215 um in in in 2011 q9aBgNGCnrM-00161-00037216-00037518 the un um q9aBgNGCnrM-00162-00037519-00037735 uh came up with an implementation q9aBgNGCnrM-00163-00037736-00037895 framework q9aBgNGCnrM-00164-00037896-00038199 of the un guiding uh principles on on on q9aBgNGCnrM-00165-00038200-00038430 business in in human rights uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00166-00038431-00038783 in a way to operationalize q9aBgNGCnrM-00167-00038784-00039127 um they protect respect and remedy q9aBgNGCnrM-00168-00039128-00039574 uh framework but immediately q9aBgNGCnrM-00169-00039575-00039799 after the launch in 2011 the uk q9aBgNGCnrM-00170-00039800-00039918 government q9aBgNGCnrM-00171-00039919-00040223 made the first proposal um q9aBgNGCnrM-00172-00040224-00040518 for a implementation framework and and q9aBgNGCnrM-00173-00040519-00040695 uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00174-00040696-00040999 the proposal focused on q9aBgNGCnrM-00175-00041000-00041223 um what we call the national action plan q9aBgNGCnrM-00176-00041224-00041367 on on business and q9aBgNGCnrM-00177-00041368-00041790 in human rights um the recommendation q9aBgNGCnrM-00178-00041791-00042174 uh came uh from um q9aBgNGCnrM-00179-00042175-00042343 the state process which had already q9aBgNGCnrM-00180-00042344-00042574 started a little bit earlier before the q9aBgNGCnrM-00181-00042575-00042702 uh the adoption of the guiding q9aBgNGCnrM-00182-00042703-00042911 principles uh on business and human q9aBgNGCnrM-00183-00042912-00042983 rights and q9aBgNGCnrM-00184-00042984-00043279 and that is the joint uh human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00185-00043280-00043518 committee q9aBgNGCnrM-00186-00043519-00044030 where they issued a report on um q9aBgNGCnrM-00187-00044031-00044367 a report called any of our business or q9aBgNGCnrM-00188-00044368-00044711 human rights in the uk private sector q9aBgNGCnrM-00189-00044712-00045023 and this report was very explicit on on q9aBgNGCnrM-00190-00045024-00045302 on the right to privacy as being one of q9aBgNGCnrM-00191-00045303-00045511 the agenda areas that q9aBgNGCnrM-00192-00045512-00045839 a national action plan for the uk q9aBgNGCnrM-00193-00045840-00046190 should be exploring possible ways q9aBgNGCnrM-00194-00046191-00046502 how it can be q9aBgNGCnrM-00195-00046503-00046758 implemented or strengthened within the q9aBgNGCnrM-00196-00046759-00046902 domestic q9aBgNGCnrM-00197-00046903-00047374 protection framework um in 2013 then q9aBgNGCnrM-00198-00047375-00047886 they they in september q9aBgNGCnrM-00199-00047887-00048111 the first business and national action q9aBgNGCnrM-00200-00048112-00048271 plan on business and human rights was q9aBgNGCnrM-00201-00048272-00048399 launched q9aBgNGCnrM-00202-00048400-00048702 and purely focusing on q9aBgNGCnrM-00203-00048703-00049079 on on business and human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00204-00049080-00049423 areas largely in just a minute i'll be q9aBgNGCnrM-00205-00049424-00049511 trying to q9aBgNGCnrM-00206-00049512-00049862 to to give a snapshot of the commitment q9aBgNGCnrM-00207-00049863-00050327 that the uk government made there in q9aBgNGCnrM-00208-00050328-00050511 this plan was implemented for about two q9aBgNGCnrM-00209-00050512-00050655 and a half years uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00210-00050656-00050879 and it was reviewed and and then that q9aBgNGCnrM-00211-00050880-00051311 was in 2016 q9aBgNGCnrM-00212-00051312-00051663 nine um the commitment the first q9aBgNGCnrM-00213-00051664-00051735 commitment q9aBgNGCnrM-00214-00051736-00052070 uh i beg a bit of a passion because my q9aBgNGCnrM-00215-00052071-00052287 my my my slides here might be a little q9aBgNGCnrM-00216-00052288-00052519 bit small but i'll i'll read it q9aBgNGCnrM-00217-00052520-00052982 um they q9aBgNGCnrM-00218-00052983-00053359 um they they they they commit men q9aBgNGCnrM-00219-00053360-00053807 that came from the 2009 report q9aBgNGCnrM-00220-00053808-00054119 was the question of um the the q9aBgNGCnrM-00221-00054120-00054366 the business enterprises adopting a q9aBgNGCnrM-00222-00054367-00054647 human rights-based approach to business q9aBgNGCnrM-00223-00054648-00054950 it's it's a broad commitment that uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00224-00054951-00055359 that report recommended and and q9aBgNGCnrM-00225-00055360-00055582 and um it was supposed to govern q9aBgNGCnrM-00226-00055583-00055719 business uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00227-00055720-00056063 operations and practices generally now q9aBgNGCnrM-00228-00056064-00056447 in 2013 under the national action plan q9aBgNGCnrM-00229-00056448-00056671 um there was an explicit commitment by q9aBgNGCnrM-00230-00056672-00056815 the state to review q9aBgNGCnrM-00231-00056816-00057030 the degree to which the activities of q9aBgNGCnrM-00232-00057032-00057230 the uk state owned q9aBgNGCnrM-00233-00057232-00057559 uh controlled or supported enterprises q9aBgNGCnrM-00234-00057560-00057799 and of state contracting and purchasing q9aBgNGCnrM-00235-00057800-00058071 of goods and services are executed q9aBgNGCnrM-00236-00058072-00058279 with respect for human rights and make q9aBgNGCnrM-00237-00058279-00058487 recommendations to ensure q9aBgNGCnrM-00238-00058488-00058679 uh the compliance and this the q9aBgNGCnrM-00239-00058679-00058800 commitment that came q9aBgNGCnrM-00240-00058801-00058982 [Music] q9aBgNGCnrM-00241-00058983-00059230 with with with with this national action q9aBgNGCnrM-00242-00059232-00059423 uh plan on on on business and human q9aBgNGCnrM-00243-00059424-00059511 rights and if q9aBgNGCnrM-00244-00059512-00059719 you could you can look at this it's it's q9aBgNGCnrM-00245-00059720-00059919 very broad encompassing q9aBgNGCnrM-00246-00059920-00060175 that businesses generally whether large q9aBgNGCnrM-00247-00060176-00060287 or small q9aBgNGCnrM-00248-00060288-00060542 i should put human rights as as part of q9aBgNGCnrM-00249-00060544-00060638 uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00250-00060639-00060959 they they they call q9aBgNGCnrM-00251-00060960-00061279 a day-to-day work q9aBgNGCnrM-00252-00061279-00061815 in 2016 um after the review q9aBgNGCnrM-00253-00061816-00062094 of the train the first national action q9aBgNGCnrM-00254-00062095-00062311 plan on business and human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00255-00062312-00062599 the state went further committing to q9aBgNGCnrM-00256-00062600-00062791 adopt appropriate due diligence policies q9aBgNGCnrM-00257-00062791-00063038 to identify q9aBgNGCnrM-00258-00063039-00063391 prevent mitigate human rights risk and q9aBgNGCnrM-00259-00063391-00063566 commit to monitoring q9aBgNGCnrM-00260-00063567-00063919 and evaluating um uh the implementation q9aBgNGCnrM-00261-00063920-00064135 of of of this map q9aBgNGCnrM-00262-00064136-00064438 now this commitment is on the part of q9aBgNGCnrM-00263-00064439-00064526 the state is q9aBgNGCnrM-00264-00064527-00065230 what they intend to see happen q9aBgNGCnrM-00265-00065232-00065663 within any business enterprises q9aBgNGCnrM-00266-00065664-00066023 now um q9aBgNGCnrM-00267-00066024-00066391 if we go slightly um to look into q9aBgNGCnrM-00268-00066392-00066750 where the government is coming from q9aBgNGCnrM-00269-00066751-00067103 um article 12 q9aBgNGCnrM-00270-00067104-00067479 article 8 of the q9aBgNGCnrM-00271-00067480-00067806 european convention on human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00272-00067807-00068287 article sorry q9aBgNGCnrM-00273-00068288-00068567 article 17 of the international covenant q9aBgNGCnrM-00274-00068568-00068815 on civil and political rights an q9aBgNGCnrM-00275-00068816-00069199 article as 16 q9aBgNGCnrM-00276-00069200-00069367 of the convention on the rights of the q9aBgNGCnrM-00277-00069368-00069615 child are all very explicit q9aBgNGCnrM-00278-00069616-00069967 when it comes to the issue of q9aBgNGCnrM-00279-00069968-00070287 the right to privacy now q9aBgNGCnrM-00280-00070288-00070711 the uk ratified q9aBgNGCnrM-00281-00070712-00071071 all these treaties now q9aBgNGCnrM-00282-00071072-00071606 in 1998 the government went ahead q9aBgNGCnrM-00283-00071607-00071999 to give effect to a specific q9aBgNGCnrM-00284-00072000-00072182 instrument and that is the european q9aBgNGCnrM-00285-00072183-00072375 convention on human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00286-00072376-00072815 by enacting um a a legislation q9aBgNGCnrM-00287-00072816-00073031 that is the human rights act to give q9aBgNGCnrM-00288-00073032-00073159 further q9aBgNGCnrM-00289-00073160-00073599 effect to freedoms guaranteed and q9aBgNGCnrM-00290-00073600-00074006 this convention and the discussion i am q9aBgNGCnrM-00291-00074007-00074359 having here is specific to article q9aBgNGCnrM-00292-00074360-00074694 which is which is uh largely on q9aBgNGCnrM-00293-00074695-00075047 on on the right to q9aBgNGCnrM-00294-00075048-00075382 privacy and how it can be protected q9aBgNGCnrM-00295-00075383-00075726 uh domestically however q9aBgNGCnrM-00296-00075727-00076167 under article sex and and this is where q9aBgNGCnrM-00297-00076168-00076479 the novelty or the question of uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00298-00076480-00076750 how can uh i mean how far can this q9aBgNGCnrM-00299-00076751-00076919 legislation go q9aBgNGCnrM-00300-00076920-00077247 uh when it comes to uh um like q9aBgNGCnrM-00301-00077248-00077559 securing uh the text of q9aBgNGCnrM-00302-00077560-00077935 of of this convention now uh article six q9aBgNGCnrM-00303-00077936-00078303 uh gives a very broad um q9aBgNGCnrM-00304-00078304-00078679 uh responsibility especially when it q9aBgNGCnrM-00305-00078680-00078982 comes to um q9aBgNGCnrM-00306-00078983-00079415 um sorry uh i'm q9aBgNGCnrM-00307-00079416-00079703 i'm i'm trying to to to learn how to use q9aBgNGCnrM-00308-00079704-00079887 this webinar which i'm not so much q9aBgNGCnrM-00309-00079888-00080047 familiar with it q9aBgNGCnrM-00310-00080048-00080350 but under article 6 um there is q9aBgNGCnrM-00311-00080351-00080726 it is a there is a very broad q9aBgNGCnrM-00312-00080727-00080919 duty which which has been given and that q9aBgNGCnrM-00313-00080920-00081215 is that q9aBgNGCnrM-00314-00081216-00081550 acts of public uh authorities where q9aBgNGCnrM-00315-00081551-00081991 um section 3 is is saying a paragraph b q9aBgNGCnrM-00316-00081992-00082391 that any person q9aBgNGCnrM-00317-00082392-00082679 any person certain of those functions q9aBgNGCnrM-00318-00082680-00082887 are functions of a public nature q9aBgNGCnrM-00319-00082888-00083143 but does not include either house of q9aBgNGCnrM-00320-00083144-00083335 parliament or a person exercising q9aBgNGCnrM-00321-00083336-00083487 functions in connection q9aBgNGCnrM-00322-00083488-00083718 with proceedings of of of parliament are q9aBgNGCnrM-00323-00083719-00083791 bound q9aBgNGCnrM-00324-00083792-00084126 uh are duty-bound by this q9aBgNGCnrM-00325-00084127-00084487 act and and the question is um if q9aBgNGCnrM-00326-00084488-00084799 you are a private uh business then you q9aBgNGCnrM-00327-00084800-00084982 are performing a public function q9aBgNGCnrM-00328-00084983-00085326 does this act uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00329-00085327-00085694 are you bound by by by by q9aBgNGCnrM-00330-00085695-00085926 by the law and and this is a question q9aBgNGCnrM-00331-00085927-00086087 which i'm going to be discussing q9aBgNGCnrM-00332-00086088-00086455 uh slightly ahead of my presentation q9aBgNGCnrM-00333-00086456-00086606 but i want to bring this to the q9aBgNGCnrM-00334-00086607-00086782 attention that um q9aBgNGCnrM-00335-00086783-00087103 the question of public um q9aBgNGCnrM-00336-00087104-00087438 public authorities extending q9aBgNGCnrM-00337-00087439-00087718 to private businesses especially when q9aBgNGCnrM-00338-00087719-00087903 they are performing a function of the q9aBgNGCnrM-00339-00087904-00088006 public q9aBgNGCnrM-00340-00088007-00088206 nature would be very important to look q9aBgNGCnrM-00341-00088207-00088447 at it critically q9aBgNGCnrM-00342-00088448-00088750 so what is the current context q9aBgNGCnrM-00343-00088751-00088991 um there is largely a fragmentation of q9aBgNGCnrM-00344-00088992-00089055 policies q9aBgNGCnrM-00345-00089056-00089487 and and legislation uh broadly in the uk q9aBgNGCnrM-00346-00089488-00089726 and also the institutional framework i q9aBgNGCnrM-00347-00089727-00089879 mean institutions q9aBgNGCnrM-00348-00089880-00090111 that are supposed to be directly q9aBgNGCnrM-00349-00090112-00090191 engaging q9aBgNGCnrM-00350-00090192-00090462 or ensuring the implementation of these q9aBgNGCnrM-00351-00090463-00090647 frameworks uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00352-00090648-00090855 remain largely fragmented and q9aBgNGCnrM-00353-00090856-00091087 uncoordinated q9aBgNGCnrM-00354-00091088-00091367 and also there is a very big gap in q9aBgNGCnrM-00355-00091368-00091559 relation to capacity to enforce the q9aBgNGCnrM-00356-00091560-00091631 existing q9aBgNGCnrM-00357-00091632-00092079 framework i would of course say that um q9aBgNGCnrM-00358-00092080-00092247 the coming of the national action plan q9aBgNGCnrM-00359-00092248-00092391 on business and human rights has brought q9aBgNGCnrM-00360-00092392-00092543 a lot of discussion q9aBgNGCnrM-00361-00092544-00092887 uh in terms of how do these play out q9aBgNGCnrM-00362-00092888-00093143 so a lot of stakeholders are coming to q9aBgNGCnrM-00363-00093144-00093294 come q9aBgNGCnrM-00364-00093295-00093535 with the relationship between businesses q9aBgNGCnrM-00365-00093536-00093735 in in in human rights and q9aBgNGCnrM-00366-00093736-00094111 and likewise the fragmentation q9aBgNGCnrM-00367-00094112-00094438 so uh since uh the adoption q9aBgNGCnrM-00368-00094439-00094862 of of the national action plan in 2013 q9aBgNGCnrM-00369-00094863-00094926 and q9aBgNGCnrM-00370-00094927-00095238 the subsequent amendment i mean q9aBgNGCnrM-00371-00095239-00095582 a revision in 2016. q9aBgNGCnrM-00372-00095583-00095911 um i i would i would say q9aBgNGCnrM-00373-00095912-00096199 the coming into being the the human q9aBgNGCnrM-00374-00096200-00096343 rights act q9aBgNGCnrM-00375-00096344-00096687 um the data protection act as amended in q9aBgNGCnrM-00376-00096688-00096855 2018 of course q9aBgNGCnrM-00377-00096856-00097206 it came in in 1998 q9aBgNGCnrM-00378-00097207-00097471 the gang master act uh the european q9aBgNGCnrM-00379-00097472-00097606 convention q9aBgNGCnrM-00380-00097607-00097838 on on human rights which of course is q9aBgNGCnrM-00381-00097839-00097999 giving more q9aBgNGCnrM-00382-00098000-00098262 credence to the human rights act and and q9aBgNGCnrM-00383-00098263-00098462 the modern slavery q9aBgNGCnrM-00384-00098463-00098823 act and and lastly uh among others q9aBgNGCnrM-00385-00098824-00099111 the the companies act i've been very q9aBgNGCnrM-00386-00099112-00099231 instrumental in q9aBgNGCnrM-00387-00099232-00099503 shaping the discussion around uh the q9aBgNGCnrM-00388-00099504-00099599 relationship between q9aBgNGCnrM-00389-00099600-00099911 businesses and human rights uh in the in q9aBgNGCnrM-00390-00099912-00100247 in the uk um specific attention q9aBgNGCnrM-00391-00100248-00100503 i i i'm sorry i'm so sorry to interpret q9aBgNGCnrM-00392-00100504-00100687 just conscious of time if you can maybe q9aBgNGCnrM-00393-00100688-00100918 just start to sum up without your eyes q9aBgNGCnrM-00394-00100919-00101223 oh sure for sure um q9aBgNGCnrM-00395-00101224-00101462 specific attention should be extended to q9aBgNGCnrM-00396-00101463-00101815 the company's act q9aBgNGCnrM-00397-00101816-00102055 the companies the uk companies act is q9aBgNGCnrM-00398-00102056-00102206 very q9aBgNGCnrM-00399-00102207-00102494 explicit when it comes to incorporation q9aBgNGCnrM-00400-00102495-00102686 of businesses and one of q9aBgNGCnrM-00401-00102688-00102910 and one of the the issues that are q9aBgNGCnrM-00402-00102911-00103039 raised under q9aBgNGCnrM-00403-00103040-00103454 section 172 of this act is the duties to q9aBgNGCnrM-00404-00103455-00103702 promote success of the company by q9aBgNGCnrM-00405-00103703-00104151 by the director the directors are uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00406-00104152-00104463 under duty uh to ensure q9aBgNGCnrM-00407-00104464-00104727 that human rights form part of um is an q9aBgNGCnrM-00408-00104728-00104943 integral component of the company q9aBgNGCnrM-00409-00104944-00105271 uh not only in terms of uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00410-00105272-00105590 incorporation but also compliance and q9aBgNGCnrM-00411-00105591-00106047 um this act was amended in 2013 q9aBgNGCnrM-00412-00106048-00106343 and giving more powers to to to the q9aBgNGCnrM-00413-00106344-00106558 directors to include human rights as a q9aBgNGCnrM-00414-00106559-00106654 component q9aBgNGCnrM-00415-00106655-00106958 uh of of the functions of business q9aBgNGCnrM-00416-00106959-00107063 enterprises q9aBgNGCnrM-00417-00107064-00107319 and now what does this mean uh it is q9aBgNGCnrM-00418-00107320-00107415 unimplied q9aBgNGCnrM-00419-00107416-00107575 that businesses are supposed to have q9aBgNGCnrM-00420-00107576-00107766 human rights due diligence q9aBgNGCnrM-00421-00107767-00108175 uh as a mandatory or the duty bound q9aBgNGCnrM-00422-00108176-00108478 to have human rights due um due q9aBgNGCnrM-00423-00108479-00108623 diligence now q9aBgNGCnrM-00424-00108624-00108951 um some of the cases which have shaped q9aBgNGCnrM-00425-00108952-00109190 uh greatly the discussions around this q9aBgNGCnrM-00426-00109191-00109383 right to privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00427-00109383-00109702 recently is the case bridges versus q9aBgNGCnrM-00428-00109703-00109975 south wales you might have heard about q9aBgNGCnrM-00429-00109976-00110031 the q9aBgNGCnrM-00430-00110032-00110343 automated facial recognition locate q9aBgNGCnrM-00431-00110344-00110454 program q9aBgNGCnrM-00432-00110455-00110727 that has been ordered to be inconsistent q9aBgNGCnrM-00433-00110728-00110951 with uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00434-00110952-00111310 the data protection uh act um q9aBgNGCnrM-00435-00111311-00111671 specifically uh um q9aBgNGCnrM-00436-00111672-00111999 the the scope of of of the data that is q9aBgNGCnrM-00437-00112000-00112263 being extracted by uh by the police q9aBgNGCnrM-00438-00112264-00112358 force q9aBgNGCnrM-00439-00112359-00112758 um it's so broad that uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00440-00112759-00113102 it is it has been put to question that q9aBgNGCnrM-00441-00113103-00113390 uh that the police practice needs to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00442-00113391-00113631 reviewed q9aBgNGCnrM-00443-00113632-00113934 not to over infringe q9aBgNGCnrM-00444-00113935-00114247 on on these specific rights then q9aBgNGCnrM-00445-00114248-00114447 you might have heard about the big q9aBgNGCnrM-00446-00114448-00114883 brothers watch q9aBgNGCnrM-00447-00114883-00115183 case um where the european q9aBgNGCnrM-00448-00115183-00115590 uh court of human rights uh also phone q9aBgNGCnrM-00449-00115591-00115895 um the uk surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-00450-00115896-00116263 program uh especially q9aBgNGCnrM-00451-00116264-00116471 the one led by the government q9aBgNGCnrM-00452-00116472-00116727 communications uh headquarters q9aBgNGCnrM-00453-00116728-00116952 uh to be um q9aBgNGCnrM-00454-00116953-00117078 [Music] q9aBgNGCnrM-00455-00117079-00117286 very broad in terms of its application q9aBgNGCnrM-00456-00117288-00117543 and directly interfering with the q9aBgNGCnrM-00457-00117544-00117871 the right to to to to privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00458-00117872-00118158 uh and and the last case that i want to q9aBgNGCnrM-00459-00118159-00118310 bring on board and q9aBgNGCnrM-00460-00118311-00118543 and and again as i said earlier on what q9aBgNGCnrM-00461-00118544-00118727 what is arising under the human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00462-00118728-00118815 act q9aBgNGCnrM-00463-00118816-00119199 um uh is is the case of q9aBgNGCnrM-00464-00119200-00119478 let me use l versus birmingham city q9aBgNGCnrM-00465-00119479-00119607 council q9aBgNGCnrM-00466-00119608-00119934 where they were testing what it means by q9aBgNGCnrM-00467-00119935-00120199 functions of a public nature q9aBgNGCnrM-00468-00120200-00120439 if for example a company is given a q9aBgNGCnrM-00469-00120440-00120527 contract to q9aBgNGCnrM-00470-00120528-00121119 to work on to to to work on on a road q9aBgNGCnrM-00471-00121120-00121302 the question would be has the government q9aBgNGCnrM-00472-00121303-00121519 delegated the powers to q9aBgNGCnrM-00473-00121520-00121934 uh to the company or and are they q9aBgNGCnrM-00474-00121935-00122278 does the human rights act extend q9aBgNGCnrM-00475-00122279-00122639 the duty which is expected of the state q9aBgNGCnrM-00476-00122640-00123023 to uh the private company q9aBgNGCnrM-00477-00123024-00123271 the nuances around this has not yet been q9aBgNGCnrM-00478-00123272-00123439 resolved up to now q9aBgNGCnrM-00479-00123440-00123775 um um sorry i'm just conscious of time q9aBgNGCnrM-00480-00123776-00123919 if you could maybe just sum up in a q9aBgNGCnrM-00481-00123920-00124023 minute or two q9aBgNGCnrM-00482-00124024-00124302 right yeah yeah i am i am finalizing on q9aBgNGCnrM-00483-00124303-00124334 this q9aBgNGCnrM-00484-00124335-00124663 so the the discussion remains very very q9aBgNGCnrM-00485-00124664-00124799 broad around q9aBgNGCnrM-00486-00124800-00125110 what it means for a private uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00487-00125111-00125278 i mean private entities or business q9aBgNGCnrM-00488-00125279-00125486 enterprises to perform q9aBgNGCnrM-00489-00125488-00125854 uh activities of a public a public q9aBgNGCnrM-00490-00125855-00125943 nature q9aBgNGCnrM-00491-00125944-00126358 uh does they they act uh extend to q9aBgNGCnrM-00492-00126359-00126678 extend to them um in in q9aBgNGCnrM-00493-00126679-00126990 in conclusion um q9aBgNGCnrM-00494-00126991-00127486 whether there's been any progress or not q9aBgNGCnrM-00495-00127488-00127847 a lot of discussion needs to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00496-00127848-00128247 been made especially clarifying one q9aBgNGCnrM-00497-00128248-00128510 what it means for a private entity to q9aBgNGCnrM-00498-00128511-00128639 perform q9aBgNGCnrM-00499-00128640-00129007 services of the public nature and two um q9aBgNGCnrM-00500-00129008-00129310 to help um q9aBgNGCnrM-00501-00129311-00129647 um strengthen uh capacities broadly of q9aBgNGCnrM-00502-00129648-00129783 the stakeholders q9aBgNGCnrM-00503-00129783-00130214 to understand um especially companies q9aBgNGCnrM-00504-00130215-00130631 that they are and they are bound by um q9aBgNGCnrM-00505-00130632-00130831 by the company's act to have a human q9aBgNGCnrM-00506-00130832-00131023 rights due diligence policy q9aBgNGCnrM-00507-00131024-00131319 uh at the at the at the work places and q9aBgNGCnrM-00508-00131320-00131399 also q9aBgNGCnrM-00509-00131400-00131702 uh to take cognizance that uh the the q9aBgNGCnrM-00510-00131703-00132047 this policy framework gives ground for q9aBgNGCnrM-00511-00132048-00132366 a lot of uh different options that can q9aBgNGCnrM-00512-00132367-00132423 help q9aBgNGCnrM-00513-00132424-00132759 um achieve state obligations q9aBgNGCnrM-00514-00132760-00132927 especially when it comes to protecting q9aBgNGCnrM-00515-00132928-00133071 the right of privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00516-00133072-00133287 and we could be exploring a possibility q9aBgNGCnrM-00517-00133288-00133471 of a program on business and human q9aBgNGCnrM-00518-00133472-00133535 rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00519-00133536-00133790 to strengthen the rights of older q9aBgNGCnrM-00520-00133791-00133990 knowledge and skills in this specific q9aBgNGCnrM-00521-00133991-00134102 area q9aBgNGCnrM-00522-00134103-00134439 so that they can help us q9aBgNGCnrM-00523-00134440-00134711 in giving state and oversight function q9aBgNGCnrM-00524-00134712-00134839 and also demand q9aBgNGCnrM-00525-00134840-00135054 for much more accountability on the part q9aBgNGCnrM-00526-00135055-00135359 of the state and business enterprises q9aBgNGCnrM-00527-00135360-00135799 and also the promotional q9aBgNGCnrM-00528-00135800-00136071 element of this can be achieved through q9aBgNGCnrM-00529-00136072-00136223 this process so q9aBgNGCnrM-00530-00136224-00136543 um in a nutshell i would q9aBgNGCnrM-00531-00136544-00136895 stop here q9aBgNGCnrM-00532-00136896-00137166 thank you very much okay thanks very q9aBgNGCnrM-00533-00137167-00137302 much that was really interesting it's a q9aBgNGCnrM-00534-00137303-00137399 good kind of like q9aBgNGCnrM-00535-00137400-00137631 thorough legislative background there q9aBgNGCnrM-00536-00137632-00137751 that was really good q9aBgNGCnrM-00537-00137752-00137983 um i should have just said at the start q9aBgNGCnrM-00538-00137984-00138151 and if you have any questions for our q9aBgNGCnrM-00539-00138152-00138295 speakers you can just pop them in the q9aBgNGCnrM-00540-00138296-00138463 chat there and we'll hopefully q9aBgNGCnrM-00541-00138464-00138671 be able to answer a few of them at the q9aBgNGCnrM-00542-00138672-00138814 end um so q9aBgNGCnrM-00543-00138815-00139007 moving on we'll go on to our second q9aBgNGCnrM-00544-00139008-00139223 speaker who's dr claire llewellyn q9aBgNGCnrM-00545-00139224-00140647 over to you thanks q9aBgNGCnrM-00546-00140648-00142102 are you all right are you on muse q9aBgNGCnrM-00547-00142103-00142247 uh matt should be in the background q9aBgNGCnrM-00548-00142248-00142883 there helping if you have any technical q9aBgNGCnrM-00549-00142884-00143278 difficulties q9aBgNGCnrM-00550-00143279-00143535 yeah i've just switched them i've just q9aBgNGCnrM-00551-00143536-00143639 switched over to claire q9aBgNGCnrM-00552-00143640-00143814 we may be having the same problems we q9aBgNGCnrM-00553-00143815-00144151 had q9aBgNGCnrM-00554-00144152-00145423 earlier this evening q9aBgNGCnrM-00555-00145424-00145911 maria would you be willing to jump in or q9aBgNGCnrM-00556-00145912-00146159 yeah okay okay yeah i'll swap over to q9aBgNGCnrM-00557-00146160-00146999 maria q9aBgNGCnrM-00558-00147000-00147319 okay hi everyone and so my name is maria q9aBgNGCnrM-00559-00147320-00147375 farrell q9aBgNGCnrM-00560-00147376-00147671 and i am kind of coming to this both as q9aBgNGCnrM-00561-00147672-00147759 an q9aBgNGCnrM-00562-00147760-00147966 a policy advocate i've been involved q9aBgNGCnrM-00563-00147967-00148190 with open arts group for some years and q9aBgNGCnrM-00564-00148191-00148359 many other organizations going back q9aBgNGCnrM-00565-00148360-00148590 about 20 years but i'm also coming to q9aBgNGCnrM-00566-00148591-00148695 this as a writer q9aBgNGCnrM-00567-00148696-00149014 and as somebody who q9aBgNGCnrM-00568-00149015-00149159 kind of thinks a lot about the creative q9aBgNGCnrM-00569-00149160-00149383 process and how you continue to do it q9aBgNGCnrM-00570-00149384-00149663 um in a world where you're increasingly q9aBgNGCnrM-00571-00149664-00149735 surveilled q9aBgNGCnrM-00572-00149736-00150078 and potentially manipulated so um q9aBgNGCnrM-00573-00150079-00150214 so i'm going to tell just a quick really q9aBgNGCnrM-00574-00150215-00150414 quick story first and q9aBgNGCnrM-00575-00150415-00150711 um this one is about kind of why i do q9aBgNGCnrM-00576-00150712-00150766 what i do q9aBgNGCnrM-00577-00150767-00150990 i guess so a few years ago i was on a q9aBgNGCnrM-00578-00150991-00151119 panel in brussels q9aBgNGCnrM-00579-00151120-00151431 and it was with um a bunch of q9aBgNGCnrM-00580-00151432-00151735 um tech policy people lobbyists q9aBgNGCnrM-00581-00151736-00151926 and a couple of um the data protection q9aBgNGCnrM-00582-00151927-00152047 supervisors and q9aBgNGCnrM-00583-00152048-00152287 giovanni butterelli menu rest in peace q9aBgNGCnrM-00584-00152288-00152366 uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00585-00152367-00152519 at the time the european data protection q9aBgNGCnrM-00586-00152520-00152687 supervisor um q9aBgNGCnrM-00587-00152688-00153039 and also um voice check uh vive virofsky q9aBgNGCnrM-00588-00153040-00153247 um who was the assistant data protection q9aBgNGCnrM-00589-00153248-00153343 supervisor then q9aBgNGCnrM-00590-00153344-00153687 and is is in the the top job now um q9aBgNGCnrM-00591-00153688-00153887 we it was one of those kind of awkward q9aBgNGCnrM-00592-00153888-00154023 panels um q9aBgNGCnrM-00593-00154024-00154263 where um data protection came up against q9aBgNGCnrM-00594-00154264-00154407 um the tech lobby and q9aBgNGCnrM-00595-00154408-00154607 and i won't go into that but i will tell q9aBgNGCnrM-00596-00154608-00154807 you about at the very end of the panel q9aBgNGCnrM-00597-00154808-00155119 um uh all of this the lobbyists cleared q9aBgNGCnrM-00598-00155120-00155263 the stage pretty quickly q9aBgNGCnrM-00599-00155264-00155551 and it ended up with just being me uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00600-00155552-00155678 wojciech and giovanni q9aBgNGCnrM-00601-00155679-00155839 and just chatting really really q9aBgNGCnrM-00602-00155840-00155983 enthusiastically because it was one of q9aBgNGCnrM-00603-00155984-00156111 those panels where you've got lots of q9aBgNGCnrM-00604-00156112-00156343 things to talk about afterwards q9aBgNGCnrM-00605-00156344-00156478 and we were pretty pleased about some of q9aBgNGCnrM-00606-00156479-00156583 the things that have happened on the q9aBgNGCnrM-00607-00156584-00156671 panel q9aBgNGCnrM-00608-00156672-00156911 and and wojciech actually after about q9aBgNGCnrM-00609-00156912-00157047 two minutes and it felt like it was a q9aBgNGCnrM-00610-00157048-00157166 meeting of old friends although i'd q9aBgNGCnrM-00611-00157167-00157311 never actually talked to those two guys q9aBgNGCnrM-00612-00157312-00157414 before q9aBgNGCnrM-00613-00157415-00157599 and after about two minutes voice just q9aBgNGCnrM-00614-00157600-00157766 leaned in and he just said q9aBgNGCnrM-00615-00157767-00157975 why is it that it's always the catholics q9aBgNGCnrM-00616-00157976-00158278 who are so interested in privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00617-00158279-00158566 and and giovanni just kind of burst out q9aBgNGCnrM-00618-00158567-00158743 laughing and obviously i was laughing q9aBgNGCnrM-00619-00158744-00158871 too being an irish person i was like q9aBgNGCnrM-00620-00158872-00158919 yeah q9aBgNGCnrM-00621-00158920-00159102 why is it always the catholics so q9aBgNGCnrM-00622-00159103-00159287 obsessed with privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00623-00159288-00159463 um and i think there are kind of q9aBgNGCnrM-00624-00159464-00159599 possibly two reasons there q9aBgNGCnrM-00625-00159600-00159847 one of them is uh maybe some of us q9aBgNGCnrM-00626-00159848-00159902 anyway q9aBgNGCnrM-00627-00159903-00160078 know what it's like to grow up under q9aBgNGCnrM-00628-00160079-00160287 surveillance in a theocracy q9aBgNGCnrM-00629-00160288-00160607 um or something very close to one and um q9aBgNGCnrM-00630-00160608-00160775 but also kind of on the flip side of q9aBgNGCnrM-00631-00160776-00160966 that there's there's a lot of there's a q9aBgNGCnrM-00632-00160967-00161119 sort of a whole catholic doctrine about q9aBgNGCnrM-00633-00161120-00161311 the dignity of a human person q9aBgNGCnrM-00634-00161312-00161487 and i found this incredibly intensely q9aBgNGCnrM-00635-00161488-00161647 annoying as a teenager but i've looked q9aBgNGCnrM-00636-00161648-00161854 into it a bit more since and q9aBgNGCnrM-00637-00161855-00162063 actually i think it's there's something q9aBgNGCnrM-00638-00162064-00162231 to it and you don't have to be catholic q9aBgNGCnrM-00639-00162232-00162495 you know to to to find this compelling q9aBgNGCnrM-00640-00162496-00162599 um q9aBgNGCnrM-00641-00162600-00162751 but there's so i'm just going to read q9aBgNGCnrM-00642-00162752-00162895 something from a statement by the q9aBgNGCnrM-00643-00162896-00163054 catholic bishops of america q9aBgNGCnrM-00644-00163055-00163287 and something they said about economic q9aBgNGCnrM-00645-00163288-00163383 justice q9aBgNGCnrM-00646-00163384-00163511 and i think this really gets to the q9aBgNGCnrM-00647-00163512-00163671 heart of dignity and surveillance and q9aBgNGCnrM-00648-00163672-00163807 capitalism q9aBgNGCnrM-00649-00163808-00164078 and he said all human beings therefore q9aBgNGCnrM-00650-00164079-00164111 are q9aBgNGCnrM-00651-00164112-00164447 ends to be served that as in the humans q9aBgNGCnrM-00652-00164448-00164663 are the ends and rather than the means q9aBgNGCnrM-00653-00164664-00164790 okay i'm going to start that again q9aBgNGCnrM-00654-00164791-00165007 that's not obvious all human beings q9aBgNGCnrM-00655-00165008-00165247 therefore are ends to be served by the q9aBgNGCnrM-00656-00165248-00165495 institutions that make up the economy q9aBgNGCnrM-00657-00165496-00165726 not means to be exploited for more q9aBgNGCnrM-00658-00165727-00165871 narrowly defined q9aBgNGCnrM-00659-00165872-00166126 goals human personhood must be respected q9aBgNGCnrM-00660-00166127-00166366 with a reverence that is religious q9aBgNGCnrM-00661-00166367-00166478 and so i think what they're trying to q9aBgNGCnrM-00662-00166479-00166678 get at there is that we are q9aBgNGCnrM-00663-00166679-00166951 not uh widgets and we're not tools and q9aBgNGCnrM-00664-00166952-00167038 we're not kind of q9aBgNGCnrM-00665-00167039-00167302 objects to be instrumentalized for other q9aBgNGCnrM-00666-00167303-00167390 purposes q9aBgNGCnrM-00667-00167391-00167638 and but i think often you know under q9aBgNGCnrM-00668-00167639-00167719 capitalism q9aBgNGCnrM-00669-00167720-00167887 and in particularly surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-00670-00167888-00168102 capitalism we kind of do feel q9aBgNGCnrM-00671-00168103-00168263 like we are basically a set of q9aBgNGCnrM-00672-00168264-00168438 attributes or we're a role q9aBgNGCnrM-00673-00168439-00168614 we're a function we're something to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00674-00168615-00168863 exploited and and i think we can all q9aBgNGCnrM-00675-00168864-00168983 feel in our gut q9aBgNGCnrM-00676-00168984-00169238 that you know we're more than that and q9aBgNGCnrM-00677-00169239-00169335 so q9aBgNGCnrM-00678-00169336-00169487 i think a lot of people are involved in q9aBgNGCnrM-00679-00169488-00169695 tech policy because q9aBgNGCnrM-00680-00169696-00169807 uh you know not because they're q9aBgNGCnrM-00681-00169808-00169990 catholics but because they've got some q9aBgNGCnrM-00682-00169991-00170087 you know strong q9aBgNGCnrM-00683-00170088-00170366 feeling in their gut of humans exist for q9aBgNGCnrM-00684-00170367-00170454 our own q9aBgNGCnrM-00685-00170455-00170678 purposes we don't we're not here to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00686-00170679-00170847 instrumentalized by others q9aBgNGCnrM-00687-00170848-00171071 and i think that's why you know we so q9aBgNGCnrM-00688-00171072-00171295 strongly feel that there needs to be a q9aBgNGCnrM-00689-00171296-00171447 rebalancing of power q9aBgNGCnrM-00690-00171448-00171623 in in a society of increasingly q9aBgNGCnrM-00691-00171624-00171966 ubiquitous surveillance and manipulation q9aBgNGCnrM-00692-00171967-00172119 i think one of the things that that kind q9aBgNGCnrM-00693-00172120-00172319 of does that rebalancing is q9aBgNGCnrM-00694-00172320-00172526 having an equality of looking and being q9aBgNGCnrM-00695-00172527-00172726 looked at i mean the whole thing about q9aBgNGCnrM-00696-00172727-00172878 you know being being surveilled as you q9aBgNGCnrM-00697-00172879-00173031 walk down the street or q9aBgNGCnrM-00698-00173032-00173254 um having your phone track um data by q9aBgNGCnrM-00699-00173255-00173359 two the whole time and q9aBgNGCnrM-00700-00173360-00173566 and share it with parties with whom you q9aBgNGCnrM-00701-00173567-00173759 have no contract you know with uh q9aBgNGCnrM-00702-00173760-00174054 the whole ad ad network and it it's q9aBgNGCnrM-00703-00174055-00174151 incredibly q9aBgNGCnrM-00704-00174152-00174311 disempowering because you don't know q9aBgNGCnrM-00705-00174312-00174471 who's watching you um q9aBgNGCnrM-00706-00174472-00174807 and you can only suspect but um you know q9aBgNGCnrM-00707-00174808-00174926 kind of going back a little bit in q9aBgNGCnrM-00708-00174927-00175143 history to other people who have q9aBgNGCnrM-00709-00175144-00175326 need have had need of creative and q9aBgNGCnrM-00710-00175327-00175478 intellectual freedom q9aBgNGCnrM-00711-00175479-00175783 um emanuel kant famously q9aBgNGCnrM-00712-00175784-00175951 took a walk through koenigsberg where he q9aBgNGCnrM-00713-00175952-00176151 lived at the same time every single day q9aBgNGCnrM-00714-00176152-00176375 you could set your watch by this guy and q9aBgNGCnrM-00715-00176376-00176511 so you know on the one hand you could q9aBgNGCnrM-00716-00176512-00176711 say kant was surveilled q9aBgNGCnrM-00717-00176712-00176911 everybody knew you know where he was q9aBgNGCnrM-00718-00176912-00177038 going to be at a given moment and in q9aBgNGCnrM-00719-00177039-00177071 fact q9aBgNGCnrM-00720-00177072-00177238 the whole town it sort of became a bit q9aBgNGCnrM-00721-00177239-00177478 of an institution everybody goes to see q9aBgNGCnrM-00722-00177479-00177671 you know kant walking taking his walk at q9aBgNGCnrM-00723-00177672-00177863 the same time every day q9aBgNGCnrM-00724-00177864-00178063 but at the same time he was able to see q9aBgNGCnrM-00725-00178064-00178231 other people as they were able to see q9aBgNGCnrM-00726-00178232-00178287 him q9aBgNGCnrM-00727-00178288-00178454 so there's a sort of a fundamental q9aBgNGCnrM-00728-00178455-00178654 equality of seeing q9aBgNGCnrM-00729-00178655-00178943 and being seen that meant that he wasn't q9aBgNGCnrM-00730-00178944-00179175 disempowered by people by being seen q9aBgNGCnrM-00731-00179176-00179407 being known having his habits known q9aBgNGCnrM-00732-00179408-00179575 having people be able to infer things q9aBgNGCnrM-00733-00179576-00179735 about him from his behavior q9aBgNGCnrM-00734-00179736-00179966 in the same way as our bones and and you q9aBgNGCnrM-00735-00179967-00180223 know other companies do about us q9aBgNGCnrM-00736-00180224-00180463 so you didn't have that kind of anxious q9aBgNGCnrM-00737-00180464-00180631 you know this asymmetry q9aBgNGCnrM-00738-00180632-00180838 of of being observed by people you q9aBgNGCnrM-00739-00180839-00181031 yourself cannot observe q9aBgNGCnrM-00740-00181032-00181375 um but you know in our lives um a week q9aBgNGCnrM-00741-00181376-00181543 ago with the financial times reported q9aBgNGCnrM-00742-00181544-00181671 that clear channel q9aBgNGCnrM-00743-00181672-00181895 uh a big international company that runs q9aBgNGCnrM-00744-00181896-00182063 uh most of the billboards that you see q9aBgNGCnrM-00745-00182064-00182254 kind of around london where i live q9aBgNGCnrM-00746-00182255-00182407 and that they were going to start q9aBgNGCnrM-00747-00182408-00182631 collecting the unique mac addresses q9aBgNGCnrM-00748-00182632-00182895 uh mac identifiers on everybody's mobile q9aBgNGCnrM-00749-00182896-00182966 phone who q9aBgNGCnrM-00750-00182967-00183254 walks past their billboard now you can't q9aBgNGCnrM-00751-00183255-00183463 opt out walking past a billboard if it's q9aBgNGCnrM-00752-00183464-00183638 going to collect a unique identifier q9aBgNGCnrM-00753-00183639-00183743 about you q9aBgNGCnrM-00754-00183744-00183990 but they're collecting that data because q9aBgNGCnrM-00755-00183991-00184166 they want to track footfall and they q9aBgNGCnrM-00756-00184167-00184295 want to see where people go and they q9aBgNGCnrM-00757-00184296-00184431 want to see if they pick you up q9aBgNGCnrM-00758-00184432-00184631 you know passing another billboard later q9aBgNGCnrM-00759-00184632-00184735 in the day q9aBgNGCnrM-00760-00184736-00184983 um so we don't have that equality of q9aBgNGCnrM-00761-00184984-00185135 looking and being looked at q9aBgNGCnrM-00762-00185136-00185351 that i think is so powerful and so q9aBgNGCnrM-00763-00185352-00185447 necessary q9aBgNGCnrM-00764-00185448-00185631 um to have that feeling of kind of q9aBgNGCnrM-00765-00185632-00185766 dignity and agency q9aBgNGCnrM-00766-00185767-00186047 in your life and there are plenty of q9aBgNGCnrM-00767-00186048-00186214 writers who talk about this a lot q9aBgNGCnrM-00768-00186215-00186407 and you know the feeling the needing to q9aBgNGCnrM-00769-00186408-00186607 be private and to not be seen q9aBgNGCnrM-00770-00186608-00186838 virginia woolf famously wrote about oh q9aBgNGCnrM-00771-00186839-00187023 to be private to be alone to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00772-00187024-00187135 submerged q9aBgNGCnrM-00773-00187136-00187319 because she sensed and i think most of q9aBgNGCnrM-00774-00187320-00187550 us do that in order to do q9aBgNGCnrM-00775-00187551-00187711 really really good groundbreaking q9aBgNGCnrM-00776-00187712-00187935 creative work or in order to q9aBgNGCnrM-00777-00187936-00188271 do um really you know novel and pushing q9aBgNGCnrM-00778-00188272-00188583 forward um intellectual work we need q9aBgNGCnrM-00779-00188584-00188887 to create like nobody is watching that's q9aBgNGCnrM-00780-00188888-00188990 how we do this stuff q9aBgNGCnrM-00781-00188991-00189143 you know you don't come up with q9aBgNGCnrM-00782-00189144-00189302 fantastic new ideas q9aBgNGCnrM-00783-00189303-00189550 if um you're having to basically be in q9aBgNGCnrM-00784-00189551-00189687 public with them the whole time q9aBgNGCnrM-00785-00189688-00189831 you don't come up with good creative q9aBgNGCnrM-00786-00189832-00190054 work like with novels with poetry q9aBgNGCnrM-00787-00190055-00190295 if you have to kind of present your raw q9aBgNGCnrM-00788-00190296-00190447 thoughts all the time q9aBgNGCnrM-00789-00190448-00190654 so you know so when we talk about human q9aBgNGCnrM-00790-00190655-00190871 dignity we're also talking q9aBgNGCnrM-00791-00190872-00191214 about sort of a capacity or q9aBgNGCnrM-00792-00191215-00191447 be creative to make mistakes to get it q9aBgNGCnrM-00793-00191448-00191631 wrong to try again q9aBgNGCnrM-00794-00191632-00191807 those are things that we need for our q9aBgNGCnrM-00795-00191808-00191975 basic humanity and also q9aBgNGCnrM-00796-00191976-00192143 to come up with good artistic work and q9aBgNGCnrM-00797-00192144-00192438 to come up with new political ideas q9aBgNGCnrM-00798-00192439-00192599 zadie smith the british writer said q9aBgNGCnrM-00799-00192600-00192743 something along the lines of you know i q9aBgNGCnrM-00800-00192744-00192911 understand it's important q9aBgNGCnrM-00801-00192912-00193143 to be appropriate in public life in q9aBgNGCnrM-00802-00193144-00193223 social life q9aBgNGCnrM-00803-00193224-00193526 in political life but in your soul q9aBgNGCnrM-00804-00193527-00193807 no this is a different thing again you q9aBgNGCnrM-00805-00193808-00193895 know artists q9aBgNGCnrM-00806-00193896-00194071 and intellectuals have so often been the q9aBgNGCnrM-00807-00194072-00194326 people who protect that zone q9aBgNGCnrM-00808-00194327-00194543 around us that zone not just a privacy i q9aBgNGCnrM-00809-00194544-00194726 think privacy is the wrong word for it q9aBgNGCnrM-00810-00194727-00194871 because data protection is not going to q9aBgNGCnrM-00811-00194872-00195102 protect us it's a zone of autonomy that q9aBgNGCnrM-00812-00195103-00195263 allows us to move through the world for q9aBgNGCnrM-00813-00195264-00195383 our own purposes q9aBgNGCnrM-00814-00195384-00195487 not for the purpose of being q9aBgNGCnrM-00815-00195488-00195726 instrumentalized by others q9aBgNGCnrM-00816-00195727-00196063 so um i guess i'll probably probably q9aBgNGCnrM-00817-00196064-00196238 leave it leave it at that just um q9aBgNGCnrM-00818-00196239-00196383 because i know we're going to be running q9aBgNGCnrM-00819-00196384-00196623 a little short on time one final comment q9aBgNGCnrM-00820-00196624-00196838 um i saw somebody writing today that q9aBgNGCnrM-00821-00196839-00196990 there's a growing narrative in silicon q9aBgNGCnrM-00822-00196991-00197063 valley q9aBgNGCnrM-00823-00197064-00197207 that you know total surveillance is q9aBgNGCnrM-00824-00197208-00197431 going to be some kind of civilizational q9aBgNGCnrM-00825-00197432-00197550 next step q9aBgNGCnrM-00826-00197551-00197807 um peter schwartz of salesforce said q9aBgNGCnrM-00827-00197808-00197950 gradually we will accept q9aBgNGCnrM-00828-00197951-00198166 much much greater surveillance and in q9aBgNGCnrM-00829-00198167-00198423 the end we won't be too bothered by it q9aBgNGCnrM-00830-00198424-00198766 um i would say surveillance is not a q9aBgNGCnrM-00831-00198767-00198823 sign q9aBgNGCnrM-00832-00198824-00199087 of progress surveillance is going q9aBgNGCnrM-00833-00199088-00199263 backwards it's a regression q9aBgNGCnrM-00834-00199264-00199447 it's going back to feudalism it's going q9aBgNGCnrM-00835-00199448-00199566 back to theocracy q9aBgNGCnrM-00836-00199567-00199831 it's going back to totalitarianism and q9aBgNGCnrM-00837-00199832-00199959 when you add in the q9aBgNGCnrM-00838-00199960-00200150 manipulation that comes with data q9aBgNGCnrM-00839-00200151-00200375 collection and ubiquitous surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-00840-00200376-00200526 you're basically doing cognitive q9aBgNGCnrM-00841-00200527-00200614 imperialism q9aBgNGCnrM-00842-00200615-00200775 well guess what we tried imperialism q9aBgNGCnrM-00843-00200776-00200975 already it was a terrible idea q9aBgNGCnrM-00844-00200976-00201102 and you know we don't want to go back q9aBgNGCnrM-00845-00201103-00201278 there again so q9aBgNGCnrM-00846-00201279-00201502 broadly speaking i think you know in q9aBgNGCnrM-00847-00201503-00201607 order to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00848-00201608-00201814 thinking of new futures thinking of new q9aBgNGCnrM-00849-00201815-00201983 politics new art q9aBgNGCnrM-00850-00201984-00202311 new creation we need to preserve our q9aBgNGCnrM-00851-00202312-00202487 private zone the zone of dignity q9aBgNGCnrM-00852-00202488-00202607 whether you think of it in catholic q9aBgNGCnrM-00853-00202608-00202783 terms or whether you just think of it in q9aBgNGCnrM-00854-00202784-00202863 terms of q9aBgNGCnrM-00855-00202864-00203271 of your own intuition that we need to q9aBgNGCnrM-00856-00203272-00203535 create like nobody is watching to to you q9aBgNGCnrM-00857-00203536-00203702 know to create like nobody is there q9aBgNGCnrM-00858-00203703-00203902 and then we bring then we bring it out q9aBgNGCnrM-00859-00203903-00204038 then we share it with other people q9aBgNGCnrM-00860-00204039-00204175 that's how we've always done it and q9aBgNGCnrM-00861-00204176-00204390 that's how we move society forward q9aBgNGCnrM-00862-00204391-00204543 that's how we create progress q9aBgNGCnrM-00863-00204544-00204743 and that's how we create futures that we q9aBgNGCnrM-00864-00204744-00204910 actively want to live in q9aBgNGCnrM-00865-00204911-00205423 thanks q9aBgNGCnrM-00866-00205423-00205590 there's some really interesting ideas q9aBgNGCnrM-00867-00205591-00205766 there thank you so much for that that's q9aBgNGCnrM-00868-00205767-00205903 really interesting q9aBgNGCnrM-00869-00205904-00206127 um i'm just wondering if uh clearly q9aBgNGCnrM-00870-00206128-00206294 ready to go now q9aBgNGCnrM-00871-00206296-00206534 i think you can hear me which oh yeah we q9aBgNGCnrM-00872-00206535-00206814 can hear you q9aBgNGCnrM-00873-00206815-00207151 having terrible technical problems today q9aBgNGCnrM-00874-00207152-00207534 right hopefully i'm gonna share q9aBgNGCnrM-00875-00207535-00207886 some slides q9aBgNGCnrM-00876-00207887-00208471 and i will talk to you q9aBgNGCnrM-00877-00208471-00208623 and it seems to be working this is a q9aBgNGCnrM-00878-00208623-00208766 miracle we're bound to be bothered by q9aBgNGCnrM-00879-00208767-00208798 cats q9aBgNGCnrM-00880-00208800-00208982 and children in a second just so things q9aBgNGCnrM-00881-00208983-00209175 uh don't go according to plan q9aBgNGCnrM-00882-00209176-00209510 so my name is claire lawallen i work at q9aBgNGCnrM-00883-00209511-00209727 the university of edinburgh q9aBgNGCnrM-00884-00209728-00209942 and i'm a computer scientist a data q9aBgNGCnrM-00885-00209944-00210167 scientist so i process q9aBgNGCnrM-00886-00210167-00210375 in the main social media data i q9aBgNGCnrM-00887-00210376-00210534 originally worked in a computer science q9aBgNGCnrM-00888-00210535-00210742 department but now i work in a politics q9aBgNGCnrM-00889-00210744-00210831 department q9aBgNGCnrM-00890-00210832-00211110 so i'm looking to use data science to q9aBgNGCnrM-00891-00211111-00211303 answer political science questions so q9aBgNGCnrM-00892-00211304-00211358 looking at q9aBgNGCnrM-00893-00211359-00211598 referendum general elections that type q9aBgNGCnrM-00894-00211600-00211767 of thing q9aBgNGCnrM-00895-00211767-00212063 and i was thinking listening to maria q9aBgNGCnrM-00896-00212064-00212198 and thinking about what she was saying q9aBgNGCnrM-00897-00212200-00212323 about q9aBgNGCnrM-00898-00212323-00212631 instrumentalization and it's always q9aBgNGCnrM-00899-00212632-00212919 very important to remember that if q9aBgNGCnrM-00900-00212919-00213079 you're not paying for something online q9aBgNGCnrM-00901-00213080-00213231 you are the product you are the thing q9aBgNGCnrM-00902-00213232-00213358 that's being sold q9aBgNGCnrM-00903-00213359-00213551 so what i want to talk about today is a q9aBgNGCnrM-00904-00213552-00213703 little bit about how q9aBgNGCnrM-00905-00213704-00214006 our social media data is reused q9aBgNGCnrM-00906-00214007-00214287 how i reuse it and how it can be used in q9aBgNGCnrM-00907-00214288-00214415 a couple of different ways q9aBgNGCnrM-00908-00214416-00214567 but we'll try and jump through it really q9aBgNGCnrM-00909-00214567-00214758 quickly so we've got some time for q9aBgNGCnrM-00910-00214759-00215134 questions all right we want to actually q9aBgNGCnrM-00911-00215135-00215255 view full screen q9aBgNGCnrM-00912-00215256-00215703 and then i can actually do the slides q9aBgNGCnrM-00913-00215704-00215934 right so i'm going to skip past this q9aBgNGCnrM-00914-00215935-00216094 because it's not interesting q9aBgNGCnrM-00915-00216096-00216431 for today's discussion q9aBgNGCnrM-00916-00216432-00216798 so social media data is q9aBgNGCnrM-00917-00216800-00217046 can be accessed it isn't a public domain q9aBgNGCnrM-00918-00217048-00217206 so when you put something on social q9aBgNGCnrM-00919-00217207-00217471 media you own that piece of information q9aBgNGCnrM-00920-00217471-00217582 you're putting out there q9aBgNGCnrM-00921-00217583-00217823 but you actually sign away the rights q9aBgNGCnrM-00922-00217823-00217942 for that data to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00923-00217944-00218223 reused and in that way i sign up the q9aBgNGCnrM-00924-00218223-00218358 terms of service q9aBgNGCnrM-00925-00218359-00218623 of a social media company and it allows q9aBgNGCnrM-00926-00218623-00218831 me to reuse the data q9aBgNGCnrM-00927-00218832-00219206 i work at a university and i aim to be q9aBgNGCnrM-00928-00219207-00219534 ethical and moral in all use of this q9aBgNGCnrM-00929-00219535-00219615 data q9aBgNGCnrM-00930-00219616-00219882 but obviously that's not the case for q9aBgNGCnrM-00931-00219883-00220063 everyone q9aBgNGCnrM-00932-00220064-00220310 so we're going to quickly look at a q9aBgNGCnrM-00933-00220311-00220431 couple of things in the q9aBgNGCnrM-00934-00220432-00220615 twitter user agreement so that's the q9aBgNGCnrM-00935-00220616-00220758 thing you sign up to q9aBgNGCnrM-00936-00220759-00221046 when you sign up to use twitter and then q9aBgNGCnrM-00937-00221048-00221206 we'll look at the twitter development q9aBgNGCnrM-00938-00221207-00221279 agreement q9aBgNGCnrM-00939-00221280-00221598 so that's what i sign up to when um q9aBgNGCnrM-00940-00221600-00221815 i want to use your data and hopefully q9aBgNGCnrM-00941-00221816-00221910 it'll give you a bit q9aBgNGCnrM-00942-00221911-00222134 more of an idea of what's allowed and q9aBgNGCnrM-00943-00222135-00222310 how the data is used q9aBgNGCnrM-00944-00222311-00222558 so these are extremely long documents q9aBgNGCnrM-00945-00222559-00222734 and it's the kind of thing that people q9aBgNGCnrM-00946-00222735-00222991 don't read when they want to start using q9aBgNGCnrM-00947-00222992-00223103 any of these sites q9aBgNGCnrM-00948-00223104-00223334 people scroll through they tick accept q9aBgNGCnrM-00949-00223335-00223471 all and um q9aBgNGCnrM-00950-00223471-00223655 they don't actually read how things are q9aBgNGCnrM-00951-00223656-00223879 being used q9aBgNGCnrM-00952-00223880-00224223 um so you can see kind of q9aBgNGCnrM-00953-00224223-00224375 the most important things is that you q9aBgNGCnrM-00954-00224376-00224591 own the data they take no responsibility q9aBgNGCnrM-00955-00224592-00224727 for what you're putting there q9aBgNGCnrM-00956-00224728-00224967 but they own the rights to give sell or q9aBgNGCnrM-00957-00224967-00225031 reuse q9aBgNGCnrM-00958-00225032-00225358 any of your data q9aBgNGCnrM-00959-00225359-00225551 so by posting the content you agree to q9aBgNGCnrM-00960-00225552-00225671 to use this q9aBgNGCnrM-00961-00225671-00225982 and they agree to be able to make money q9aBgNGCnrM-00962-00225983-00226127 because you're getting a free service q9aBgNGCnrM-00963-00226128-00226271 they make money off the data that you're q9aBgNGCnrM-00964-00226271-00226663 putting there q9aBgNGCnrM-00965-00226664-00226934 on top of that not only do you agree q9aBgNGCnrM-00966-00226935-00226982 that q9aBgNGCnrM-00967-00226983-00227167 they can use your content you agree that q9aBgNGCnrM-00968-00227167-00227334 other people can use your content and q9aBgNGCnrM-00969-00227335-00227406 they can build q9aBgNGCnrM-00970-00227407-00227615 services on top of that so they can't q9aBgNGCnrM-00971-00227616-00227839 share your information directly q9aBgNGCnrM-00972-00227840-00228031 but they can build a service on top of q9aBgNGCnrM-00973-00228032-00228319 that which they can then monitor q9aBgNGCnrM-00974-00228319-00228582 so the developer agreement once again q9aBgNGCnrM-00975-00228583-00228694 huge huge q9aBgNGCnrM-00976-00228696-00228975 long pieces of text and that we actually q9aBgNGCnrM-00977-00228976-00229110 do read because we want to make sure q9aBgNGCnrM-00978-00229111-00229287 what we're doing is right q9aBgNGCnrM-00979-00229288-00229567 basically what i can't do is i cannot q9aBgNGCnrM-00980-00229567-00229631 conduct q9aBgNGCnrM-00981-00229632-00229942 surveillance on twitter users i cannot q9aBgNGCnrM-00982-00229944-00230142 use the data that i find to discriminate q9aBgNGCnrM-00983-00230144-00230263 in any way q9aBgNGCnrM-00984-00230264-00230519 i must be consistent with a twitter q9aBgNGCnrM-00985-00230519-00230823 user's reasonable expectation of privacy q9aBgNGCnrM-00986-00230823-00230967 which is quite a tricky one really q9aBgNGCnrM-00987-00230967-00231231 because i think twitter users expect q9aBgNGCnrM-00988-00231232-00231455 their data to be private unless q9aBgNGCnrM-00989-00231456-00231703 they are a verified user so we tend to q9aBgNGCnrM-00990-00231704-00231958 steer away from using individual data q9aBgNGCnrM-00991-00231959-00232167 and also you can't target individuals q9aBgNGCnrM-00992-00232167-00232279 based on sensitive q9aBgNGCnrM-00993-00232280-00232534 personal information and so for us that q9aBgNGCnrM-00994-00232535-00232734 means political profiling we can't q9aBgNGCnrM-00995-00232735-00232863 target someone depending on their q9aBgNGCnrM-00996-00232864-00232942 political q9aBgNGCnrM-00997-00232944-00233287 profile so we don't identify users q9aBgNGCnrM-00998-00233288-00233463 unless they're verified users q9aBgNGCnrM-00999-00233464-00233703 we don't present any results on q9aBgNGCnrM-01000-00233704-00233815 individuals q9aBgNGCnrM-01001-00233816-00234023 we don't reuse any specific text because q9aBgNGCnrM-01002-00234023-00234167 if you take a text from a tweet and q9aBgNGCnrM-01003-00234167-00234327 enter into google you get back to that q9aBgNGCnrM-01004-00234328-00234423 person q9aBgNGCnrM-01005-00234423-00234663 and we don't share any of the content q9aBgNGCnrM-01006-00234664-00234727 that we q9aBgNGCnrM-01007-00234728-00235031 we take from twitter but not q9aBgNGCnrM-01008-00235032-00235231 everyone does this i want to quickly q9aBgNGCnrM-01009-00235232-00235503 look at q9aBgNGCnrM-01010-00235504-00235703 the example of russian trolls and how q9aBgNGCnrM-01011-00235704-00235998 your data is reused by q9aBgNGCnrM-01012-00236000-00236310 russian trolls so russian trolls are q9aBgNGCnrM-01013-00236311-00236631 people who are employed by a company q9aBgNGCnrM-01014-00236632-00236791 that is instructed by the russian q9aBgNGCnrM-01015-00236792-00236871 government q9aBgNGCnrM-01016-00236871-00237151 to pretend to be certain people online q9aBgNGCnrM-01017-00237152-00237342 and they spend a lot of their time q9aBgNGCnrM-01018-00237344-00237398 creating q9aBgNGCnrM-01019-00237400-00237655 fake content so we're going to look at q9aBgNGCnrM-01020-00237656-00237855 how these users profile q9aBgNGCnrM-01021-00237856-00238031 profile you and how they integrate into q9aBgNGCnrM-01022-00238032-00238231 the groups that you're part of so this q9aBgNGCnrM-01023-00238232-00238382 was work we did q9aBgNGCnrM-01024-00238383-00238710 a couple of years ago there was a lot of q9aBgNGCnrM-01025-00238711-00238823 media attention q9aBgNGCnrM-01026-00238823-00239055 obviously we were looking i had a huge q9aBgNGCnrM-01027-00239056-00239246 data set that was q9aBgNGCnrM-01028-00239248-00239494 over i think it's 40 million tweets on q9aBgNGCnrM-01029-00239496-00239631 the brexit referendum q9aBgNGCnrM-01030-00239632-00239871 i was contacted by a journalist who q9aBgNGCnrM-01031-00239871-00240006 asked there was a q9aBgNGCnrM-01032-00240007-00240358 list of um russian trolls submitted q9aBgNGCnrM-01033-00240359-00240703 to the american senate for a hearing and q9aBgNGCnrM-01034-00240704-00240903 these were identified as russian trolls q9aBgNGCnrM-01035-00240904-00240934 by q9aBgNGCnrM-01036-00240935-00241110 twitter and he asked me to look in our q9aBgNGCnrM-01037-00241111-00241287 data set to see if they were tweeting q9aBgNGCnrM-01038-00241288-00241591 about brexit which they were we q9aBgNGCnrM-01039-00241592-00241775 were seeing they were tweeting a lot on q9aBgNGCnrM-01040-00241776-00241919 the day of the 23rd just before the q9aBgNGCnrM-01041-00241919-00242023 referendum q9aBgNGCnrM-01042-00242023-00242215 and kind of that aspect of this isn't q9aBgNGCnrM-01043-00242216-00242327 that important q9aBgNGCnrM-01044-00242328-00242663 it's more the fact of what the trolls q9aBgNGCnrM-01045-00242664-00242903 were trying to do q9aBgNGCnrM-01046-00242904-00243191 so they were run by the internet q9aBgNGCnrM-01047-00243192-00243310 research agency q9aBgNGCnrM-01048-00243311-00243598 there was many different accounts within q9aBgNGCnrM-01049-00243600-00243758 our data set q9aBgNGCnrM-01050-00243759-00243998 um twitter has deleted these tweets so q9aBgNGCnrM-01051-00244000-00244142 you can't actually see them online the q9aBgNGCnrM-01052-00244144-00244334 only place they exist is in places like q9aBgNGCnrM-01053-00244335-00244519 our data sets q9aBgNGCnrM-01054-00244519-00244791 and what we found is they were pushing q9aBgNGCnrM-01055-00244792-00244975 brexit but they were talking about it in q9aBgNGCnrM-01056-00244976-00245167 a way that was related to the trump q9aBgNGCnrM-01057-00245167-00245471 election campaign and the q9aBgNGCnrM-01058-00245471-00245710 germany election campaign and to do with q9aBgNGCnrM-01059-00245711-00245879 turkey in their election as well q9aBgNGCnrM-01060-00245880-00246210 so they were using brexit as a way to q9aBgNGCnrM-01061-00246211-00246446 destabilize the narrative around q9aBgNGCnrM-01062-00246448-00246734 european and american politics q9aBgNGCnrM-01063-00246735-00246879 um you can see they talked about q9aBgNGCnrM-01064-00246880-00247055 different things a lot on germany a lot q9aBgNGCnrM-01065-00247056-00247167 on refugees q9aBgNGCnrM-01066-00247167-00247406 and this was all related to brexit so q9aBgNGCnrM-01067-00247407-00247510 any of the tweets q9aBgNGCnrM-01068-00247511-00247742 with this content in also had something q9aBgNGCnrM-01069-00247744-00248103 about brexit in there and what this is q9aBgNGCnrM-01070-00248104-00248319 is it's it's what's termed as active q9aBgNGCnrM-01071-00248319-00248446 measures so q9aBgNGCnrM-01072-00248448-00248727 it's a way to spread disruptive q9aBgNGCnrM-01073-00248728-00248798 information q9aBgNGCnrM-01074-00248800-00249030 so no one really knows what their q9aBgNGCnrM-01075-00249031-00249127 reading is true q9aBgNGCnrM-01076-00249128-00249351 or what is right and everything feels q9aBgNGCnrM-01077-00249352-00249487 unsettled and that's q9aBgNGCnrM-01078-00249488-00249815 that's the idea behind it it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01079-00249816-00250175 also to create um what we call q9aBgNGCnrM-01080-00250176-00250479 astroturfing which is a fake grassroot q9aBgNGCnrM-01081-00250480-00250703 movement so these people pretend to be q9aBgNGCnrM-01082-00250704-00250798 in grassroots q9aBgNGCnrM-01083-00250800-00250958 movements we saw a lot that there was a q9aBgNGCnrM-01084-00250959-00251191 lot of they were posing as q9aBgNGCnrM-01085-00251192-00251455 american christians they were posing as q9aBgNGCnrM-01086-00251456-00251630 black lives matters q9aBgNGCnrM-01087-00251631-00251982 um activists they were posing as germans q9aBgNGCnrM-01088-00251983-00252303 italians mainly americans q9aBgNGCnrM-01089-00252304-00252519 but they weren't these people they were q9aBgNGCnrM-01090-00252519-00252694 pretending to be these people q9aBgNGCnrM-01091-00252696-00252927 they were integrating with people on q9aBgNGCnrM-01092-00252928-00253023 twitter q9aBgNGCnrM-01093-00253023-00253167 they were following them they were being q9aBgNGCnrM-01094-00253167-00253334 followed back some of them had millions q9aBgNGCnrM-01095-00253335-00253439 of followers q9aBgNGCnrM-01096-00253440-00253598 and they were pretending to be other q9aBgNGCnrM-01097-00253600-00253782 people and they were doing this q9aBgNGCnrM-01098-00253783-00253982 because they wanted to convince the type q9aBgNGCnrM-01099-00253983-00254191 of people they were pretending to be q9aBgNGCnrM-01100-00254192-00254398 to act in a different way they were q9aBgNGCnrM-01101-00254400-00254519 taking your data q9aBgNGCnrM-01102-00254519-00254719 from your user accounts they were trying q9aBgNGCnrM-01103-00254719-00254855 to become friends with you q9aBgNGCnrM-01104-00254856-00254991 and they were trying to change your q9aBgNGCnrM-01105-00254992-00255175 opinion we've also q9aBgNGCnrM-01106-00255176-00255398 heard of nudge theory so it's slowly q9aBgNGCnrM-01107-00255400-00255567 changing people's opinion q9aBgNGCnrM-01108-00255567-00255791 whilst being in the group essentially q9aBgNGCnrM-01109-00255792-00255958 it's a form of propaganda q9aBgNGCnrM-01110-00255959-00256479 and it's based on misleading information q9aBgNGCnrM-01111-00256480-00256791 just as the quick takeaways the idea q9aBgNGCnrM-01112-00256792-00256998 uncertainty increases no one trusts what q9aBgNGCnrM-01113-00257000-00257182 they read everything's fake news q9aBgNGCnrM-01114-00257183-00257367 nothing's fake news and that's the whole q9aBgNGCnrM-01115-00257367-00257582 idea behind all of these things q9aBgNGCnrM-01116-00257583-00257782 creates a normalizing effect so if you q9aBgNGCnrM-01117-00257783-00257975 see something a lot you start to believe q9aBgNGCnrM-01118-00257976-00258127 it's true q9aBgNGCnrM-01119-00258128-00258463 and because these accounts contain fake q9aBgNGCnrM-01120-00258464-00258694 information you are more likely to trust q9aBgNGCnrM-01121-00258696-00258863 people who are like you q9aBgNGCnrM-01122-00258864-00259158 so if you see that someone is like you q9aBgNGCnrM-01123-00259159-00259310 you're more likely to trust what they q9aBgNGCnrM-01124-00259311-00259463 say but they're not like you because q9aBgNGCnrM-01125-00259464-00259727 these are fake accounts q9aBgNGCnrM-01126-00259728-00259991 um and i will stop there so we have a q9aBgNGCnrM-01127-00259992-00260191 bit of time for questions i hope that's q9aBgNGCnrM-01128-00260192-00260327 okay with everyone q9aBgNGCnrM-01129-00260328-00260463 and there's a link to our paper if q9aBgNGCnrM-01130-00260464-00260646 anyone would like to have a look q9aBgNGCnrM-01131-00260648-00260958 at any point q9aBgNGCnrM-01132-00260959-00261079 okay you know that was really q9aBgNGCnrM-01133-00261080-00261327 interesting um i guess i don't see any q9aBgNGCnrM-01134-00261328-00261455 questions there at the moment i just q9aBgNGCnrM-01135-00261456-00261623 said i'll just kick off the questions q9aBgNGCnrM-01136-00261623-00261694 now q9aBgNGCnrM-01137-00261696-00261879 um just to start with i've got one there q9aBgNGCnrM-01138-00261880-00262063 for howard um q9aBgNGCnrM-01139-00262064-00262351 do you think that um gdpr would be q9aBgNGCnrM-01140-00262352-00262430 sufficient q9aBgNGCnrM-01141-00262431-00262767 to employ uh you know protect employees q9aBgNGCnrM-01142-00262768-00263591 from surveillance by their employers q9aBgNGCnrM-01143-00263592-00263839 it it's it's it's it's difficult to get q9aBgNGCnrM-01144-00263840-00264047 directly into that um q9aBgNGCnrM-01145-00264048-00264391 because the landscape is not conducive q9aBgNGCnrM-01146-00264392-00264791 um for for data to be q9aBgNGCnrM-01147-00264792-00265006 protected there is so much power that q9aBgNGCnrM-01148-00265007-00265151 has been vested in the hands of the q9aBgNGCnrM-01149-00265152-00265287 private sector q9aBgNGCnrM-01150-00265288-00265630 and and and it is trying to create an q9aBgNGCnrM-01151-00265631-00265815 imbalance a q9aBgNGCnrM-01152-00265816-00266295 um in terms of the state securing q9aBgNGCnrM-01153-00266296-00266703 the obligation to protect q9aBgNGCnrM-01154-00266704-00267143 but but but i think if you look into q9aBgNGCnrM-01155-00267144-00267334 moving from just commitment to q9aBgNGCnrM-01156-00267335-00267487 compliance q9aBgNGCnrM-01157-00267488-00267815 we in the current state uh companies are q9aBgNGCnrM-01158-00267816-00267958 an obligation q9aBgNGCnrM-01159-00267959-00268247 um to report on on on human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-01160-00268248-00268382 especially where this q9aBgNGCnrM-01161-00268383-00268719 potential uh risk high q9aBgNGCnrM-01162-00268720-00268967 high risk area should be made as part of q9aBgNGCnrM-01163-00268968-00269143 their strategic reports at the end of q9aBgNGCnrM-01164-00269144-00269167 the q9aBgNGCnrM-01165-00269168-00269406 at the end of the period so we could q9aBgNGCnrM-01166-00269407-00269710 easily q9aBgNGCnrM-01167-00269711-00270055 advocate for companies and q9aBgNGCnrM-01168-00270056-00270230 to have human rights due diligence as q9aBgNGCnrM-01169-00270231-00270439 part of their their processes q9aBgNGCnrM-01170-00270440-00270710 and this should come at the end of their q9aBgNGCnrM-01171-00270711-00270855 strategic reports q9aBgNGCnrM-01172-00270856-00271055 because the company directors are being q9aBgNGCnrM-01173-00271056-00271239 put to test q9aBgNGCnrM-01174-00271240-00271582 uh uh uh in in this regard q9aBgNGCnrM-01175-00271583-00271887 um that's that's the the only angle but q9aBgNGCnrM-01176-00271888-00272279 um the policy legislative and q9aBgNGCnrM-01177-00272280-00272695 an institutional um framework remains q9aBgNGCnrM-01178-00272696-00273030 largely fragmented um q9aBgNGCnrM-01179-00273031-00273358 to easily help uh in q9aBgNGCnrM-01180-00273359-00273623 i mean to get to your to your question q9aBgNGCnrM-01181-00273624-00273695 so q9aBgNGCnrM-01182-00273696-00274134 i would say not not now q9aBgNGCnrM-01183-00274135-00274303 okay and i'll throw that to the other q9aBgNGCnrM-01184-00274304-00274487 two uh panelists do you think just in q9aBgNGCnrM-01185-00274488-00274703 general that gdpr is sufficient q9aBgNGCnrM-01186-00274704-00275471 to protect people and from surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-01187-00275472-00275882 why do you want to answer that or q9aBgNGCnrM-01188-00275883-00276119 um from my aspect so q9aBgNGCnrM-01189-00276120-00276423 from taking it from a social media point q9aBgNGCnrM-01190-00276424-00276510 of view q9aBgNGCnrM-01191-00276511-00276863 certainly not barely touches the surface q9aBgNGCnrM-01192-00276864-00277127 and also whenever you sign up to a q9aBgNGCnrM-01193-00277128-00277271 social media account q9aBgNGCnrM-01194-00277272-00277510 you agree that the data doesn't can be q9aBgNGCnrM-01195-00277511-00277671 stored in different countries including q9aBgNGCnrM-01196-00277672-00277743 the us q9aBgNGCnrM-01197-00277744-00278103 so i mean there is some effort to comply q9aBgNGCnrM-01198-00278104-00278279 but i don't i think there's always a way q9aBgNGCnrM-01199-00278280-00278399 to get around it and q9aBgNGCnrM-01200-00278400-00278599 the problem is we have to do it it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01201-00278600-00278767 great that it's done at a european level q9aBgNGCnrM-01202-00278768-00278871 that's fantastic q9aBgNGCnrM-01203-00278872-00279095 but it's we almost have to agree this at q9aBgNGCnrM-01204-00279096-00279351 a world level it's got to be kind of a q9aBgNGCnrM-01205-00279352-00279655 fundamental thing and gdpr isn't there q9aBgNGCnrM-01206-00279656-00279791 yet q9aBgNGCnrM-01207-00279792-00280127 right i'm ready to q9aBgNGCnrM-01208-00280128-00280510 yeah briefly i suppose um q9aBgNGCnrM-01209-00280511-00280743 gdpr has a lot wrong with it and it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01210-00280744-00280887 it's done a lot of really really good q9aBgNGCnrM-01211-00280888-00281006 things as well q9aBgNGCnrM-01212-00281007-00281382 um so q9aBgNGCnrM-01213-00281383-00281551 the one i guess the one problem the q9aBgNGCnrM-01214-00281552-00281727 major problem with gdpr is it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01215-00281728-00281879 it's a somewhat cumbersome piece of q9aBgNGCnrM-01216-00281880-00282047 legislation um in that q9aBgNGCnrM-01217-00282048-00282182 you know you have to work quite hard to q9aBgNGCnrM-01218-00282183-00282367 comply with it and you should have to q9aBgNGCnrM-01219-00282368-00282567 because this stuff is really important q9aBgNGCnrM-01220-00282568-00282823 and that's not a criticism but there is q9aBgNGCnrM-01221-00282824-00283015 an indirect consequence of it and that q9aBgNGCnrM-01222-00283016-00283127 does mean that q9aBgNGCnrM-01223-00283128-00283423 larger companies with more resources and q9aBgNGCnrM-01224-00283424-00283527 capacity q9aBgNGCnrM-01225-00283528-00283799 may find it easier to comply with gdpr q9aBgNGCnrM-01226-00283800-00283847 and q9aBgNGCnrM-01227-00283848-00284023 you know the data is beginning to come q9aBgNGCnrM-01228-00284024-00284206 in that shows gdpr q9aBgNGCnrM-01229-00284207-00284527 does help to drive dominance by large q9aBgNGCnrM-01230-00284528-00284703 tech firms in particular who find it q9aBgNGCnrM-01231-00284704-00284830 easier to comply q9aBgNGCnrM-01232-00284831-00285119 so um so there's a competition aspect of q9aBgNGCnrM-01233-00285120-00285239 gdpr in that q9aBgNGCnrM-01234-00285240-00285487 of you know of many forms of regulation q9aBgNGCnrM-01235-00285488-00285682 if they're not carefully thought of q9aBgNGCnrM-01236-00285683-00286047 um to avoid uh giving more power q9aBgNGCnrM-01237-00286048-00286223 to companies that already have power q9aBgNGCnrM-01238-00286224-00286382 unfortunately they can they can tend to q9aBgNGCnrM-01239-00286383-00286534 amplify inequality q9aBgNGCnrM-01240-00286535-00286775 it's something we see a lot and i think q9aBgNGCnrM-01241-00286776-00286863 it just means we have to q9aBgNGCnrM-01242-00286864-00287071 we have to try harder on competition now q9aBgNGCnrM-01243-00287072-00287167 you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01244-00287168-00287303 there are ways and means we don't repeal q9aBgNGCnrM-01245-00287304-00287495 gdpr we just say okay we need to go q9aBgNGCnrM-01246-00287496-00287639 harder on competition q9aBgNGCnrM-01247-00287640-00287903 um but you are you know it is about how q9aBgNGCnrM-01248-00287904-00288015 data is treated q9aBgNGCnrM-01249-00288016-00288319 and i think with tech and surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-01250-00288320-00288447 and ubiquitous surveillance and q9aBgNGCnrM-01251-00288448-00288575 behavioral manipulation q9aBgNGCnrM-01252-00288576-00288791 this goes far beyond you know a tick box q9aBgNGCnrM-01253-00288792-00288951 for consent that lets q9aBgNGCnrM-01254-00288952-00289239 a company do that's what it will um it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01255-00289240-00289439 it's about power and power symmetry q9aBgNGCnrM-01256-00289440-00289591 and that's going to take a lot more work q9aBgNGCnrM-01257-00289592-00289882 over the next couple of decades q9aBgNGCnrM-01258-00289883-00290223 okay okay um we've got a question here q9aBgNGCnrM-01259-00290224-00290406 from attila so it's a question for q9aBgNGCnrM-01260-00290407-00290454 claire q9aBgNGCnrM-01261-00290455-00290791 um after the uk leaves the eu q9aBgNGCnrM-01262-00290792-00291030 european laws and gdpr regulations won't q9aBgNGCnrM-01263-00291031-00291182 be applicable anymore q9aBgNGCnrM-01264-00291183-00291358 do you expect an increase in mass q9aBgNGCnrM-01265-00291359-00291647 surveillance q9aBgNGCnrM-01266-00291648-00291799 i don't think that's just a question for q9aBgNGCnrM-01267-00291800-00291982 me actually i think it goes beyond it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01268-00291983-00292591 not just social media q9aBgNGCnrM-01269-00292592-00292839 i as far as social media i don't think q9aBgNGCnrM-01270-00292840-00292999 an awful lot will change because the q9aBgNGCnrM-01271-00293000-00293134 rules that we follow q9aBgNGCnrM-01272-00293135-00293415 are they are coming from the companies q9aBgNGCnrM-01273-00293416-00293567 that aren't being enforced by the q9aBgNGCnrM-01274-00293568-00293647 governments q9aBgNGCnrM-01275-00293648-00293934 and gdpr at the moment in the way that q9aBgNGCnrM-01276-00293935-00294087 the surveillance is done q9aBgNGCnrM-01277-00294088-00294310 that i see it i mean maybe someone else q9aBgNGCnrM-01278-00294311-00294519 can speak more to gdpr and what it means q9aBgNGCnrM-01279-00294520-00294639 with brexit q9aBgNGCnrM-01280-00294640-00294823 but it won't make any difference for the q9aBgNGCnrM-01281-00294824-00295103 social media companies q9aBgNGCnrM-01282-00295104-00295420 all right okay yeah q9aBgNGCnrM-01283-00295421-00295567 [Music] q9aBgNGCnrM-01284-00295568-00295710 yeah i think the uk is going to have a q9aBgNGCnrM-01285-00295711-00295879 very hard time um q9aBgNGCnrM-01286-00295880-00296063 achieving an adequacy finding that the q9aBgNGCnrM-01287-00296064-00296254 uk's implementation of gdpr q9aBgNGCnrM-01288-00296255-00296519 is compliant with um you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01289-00296520-00296671 sufficiently compliant that q9aBgNGCnrM-01290-00296672-00296879 data transfers can continue but i think q9aBgNGCnrM-01291-00296880-00296982 ultimately that's going to be a q9aBgNGCnrM-01292-00296983-00297087 political question q9aBgNGCnrM-01293-00297088-00297310 and the uk may somehow pull a rabbit out q9aBgNGCnrM-01294-00297311-00297430 of the hat and q9aBgNGCnrM-01295-00297431-00297647 um you know haven't decided politically q9aBgNGCnrM-01296-00297648-00297791 that for some q9aBgNGCnrM-01297-00297792-00298047 hand-wavy fig leaf reason um the q9aBgNGCnrM-01298-00298048-00298175 european commission q9aBgNGCnrM-01299-00298176-00298519 will agree to pretend that the gdpr q9aBgNGCnrM-01300-00298520-00298847 is is okay um so it's possible that q9aBgNGCnrM-01301-00298848-00299039 you know it it will continue in that q9aBgNGCnrM-01302-00299040-00299230 sense um q9aBgNGCnrM-01303-00299231-00299423 but i think going forward the uk is q9aBgNGCnrM-01304-00299424-00299534 going to be increasingly out of q9aBgNGCnrM-01305-00299535-00299791 compliance with the rest of europe and q9aBgNGCnrM-01306-00299792-00300151 that's for sure yeah q9aBgNGCnrM-01307-00300152-00300334 and and if you look at the very one q9aBgNGCnrM-01308-00300335-00300543 answer the recent order by q9aBgNGCnrM-01309-00300544-00300887 uh uh by by the court of i mean the case q9aBgNGCnrM-01310-00300888-00301054 which has just been disposed of q9aBgNGCnrM-01311-00301055-00301639 that was last week the code of appeal q9aBgNGCnrM-01312-00301640-00301958 the legitimacy of the automated facial q9aBgNGCnrM-01313-00301959-00302071 recovery q9aBgNGCnrM-01314-00302072-00302382 i mean recognition locate program it has q9aBgNGCnrM-01315-00302383-00302558 a very long name q9aBgNGCnrM-01316-00302559-00302758 they're trying to to to now start to q9aBgNGCnrM-01317-00302759-00302910 question the scope of q9aBgNGCnrM-01318-00302911-00303247 data to be collected and and q9aBgNGCnrM-01319-00303248-00303654 and this order the police has openly q9aBgNGCnrM-01320-00303655-00303823 come out to say q9aBgNGCnrM-01321-00303824-00304087 that we have not done anything we have q9aBgNGCnrM-01322-00304088-00304254 not breached any law q9aBgNGCnrM-01323-00304255-00304534 so we're gonna continue uh to move this q9aBgNGCnrM-01324-00304535-00304575 way q9aBgNGCnrM-01325-00304576-00304951 and this tells you how practice q9aBgNGCnrM-01326-00304952-00305391 and and and and the law is is getting q9aBgNGCnrM-01327-00305392-00305439 far q9aBgNGCnrM-01328-00305440-00305751 from from from from from each other q9aBgNGCnrM-01329-00305752-00305982 but the order is very explicit that look q9aBgNGCnrM-01330-00305983-00306087 here you have q9aBgNGCnrM-01331-00306088-00306406 you have to review um q9aBgNGCnrM-01332-00306407-00306727 the risk associated with uh the kind of q9aBgNGCnrM-01333-00306728-00306775 uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01334-00306776-00307167 uh uh program that that you are q9aBgNGCnrM-01335-00307168-00307439 uh coming up with and they're saying no q9aBgNGCnrM-01336-00307440-00307487 and q9aBgNGCnrM-01337-00307488-00307695 and this has not been piloted only once q9aBgNGCnrM-01338-00307696-00307943 all the way from 2018 q9aBgNGCnrM-01339-00307944-00308230 uh it's it's it's starting to gain more q9aBgNGCnrM-01340-00308231-00308351 prominence q9aBgNGCnrM-01341-00308352-00308727 but how far do you want uh uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01342-00308728-00309030 in terms of data to be collected uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01343-00309031-00309358 and maria talked about q9aBgNGCnrM-01344-00309359-00309606 uh how far can you go into our private q9aBgNGCnrM-01345-00309607-00309775 lives q9aBgNGCnrM-01346-00309776-00310110 the the facial i mean the in and the in q9aBgNGCnrM-01347-00310111-00310606 i i is called uh artificial intelligence q9aBgNGCnrM-01348-00310607-00310895 a system that they are being trained on q9aBgNGCnrM-01349-00310896-00311119 actual data which is being collected for q9aBgNGCnrM-01350-00311120-00311382 example my face your face q9aBgNGCnrM-01351-00311383-00311606 it's being trained on how to recognize q9aBgNGCnrM-01352-00311607-00311751 such kind of data q9aBgNGCnrM-01353-00311752-00312015 and we do not know what kind of data i q9aBgNGCnrM-01354-00312016-00312158 mean where are these data q9aBgNGCnrM-01355-00312159-00312447 being collected from to train the q9aBgNGCnrM-01356-00312448-00312606 artificial intelligence q9aBgNGCnrM-01357-00312607-00312967 and the question of discrimination and q9aBgNGCnrM-01358-00312968-00313143 equality q9aBgNGCnrM-01359-00313144-00313679 was also questioned q9aBgNGCnrM-01360-00313680-00314047 by by by by by the judges q9aBgNGCnrM-01361-00314048-00314375 um and and and and this tells you that q9aBgNGCnrM-01362-00314376-00314743 even if we move away from from q9aBgNGCnrM-01363-00314744-00315110 um from from the eu the question of q9aBgNGCnrM-01364-00315111-00315447 the domestic framework being effective q9aBgNGCnrM-01365-00315448-00315687 in terms of protecting the right q9aBgNGCnrM-01366-00315688-00315791 soldiers q9aBgNGCnrM-01367-00315792-00316287 will still be a long way to achieve q9aBgNGCnrM-01368-00316288-00316654 yeah yeah and that's true um so we'll q9aBgNGCnrM-01369-00316655-00316799 just take one more question so q9aBgNGCnrM-01370-00316800-00317039 for all the panelists from marta social q9aBgNGCnrM-01371-00317040-00317119 media q9aBgNGCnrM-01372-00317120-00317310 to what extent using alternative q9aBgNGCnrM-01373-00317311-00317479 services such as they asked for q9aBgNGCnrM-01374-00317480-00317703 could protect us from surveillance so q9aBgNGCnrM-01375-00317704-00317815 that's actually a really good question q9aBgNGCnrM-01376-00317816-00317934 i'm just going to ask my q9aBgNGCnrM-01377-00317935-00318103 like that question myself so what q9aBgNGCnrM-01378-00318104-00318399 practical steps and people actually take q9aBgNGCnrM-01379-00318400-00318767 you know to protect themselves q9aBgNGCnrM-01380-00318768-00319087 do you want to take that first maria uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01381-00319088-00319127 sure q9aBgNGCnrM-01382-00319128-00319295 and don't ever put facebook on your q9aBgNGCnrM-01383-00319296-00319654 mobile phone q9aBgNGCnrM-01384-00319655-00319854 don't use whatsapp don't use instagram i q9aBgNGCnrM-01385-00319855-00320015 mean you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01386-00320016-00320295 um so so there are steps that people can q9aBgNGCnrM-01387-00320296-00320343 take q9aBgNGCnrM-01388-00320344-00320534 um and many of them involve you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01389-00320535-00320710 cutting themselves off from social media q9aBgNGCnrM-01390-00320711-00320854 networks that they would like to be part q9aBgNGCnrM-01391-00320855-00320879 of q9aBgNGCnrM-01392-00320880-00321158 and i'm not i don't use whatsapp i don't q9aBgNGCnrM-01393-00321159-00321287 use a smartphone q9aBgNGCnrM-01394-00321288-00321527 um i'm not on my family whatsapp group q9aBgNGCnrM-01395-00321528-00321615 and i miss q9aBgNGCnrM-01396-00321616-00321919 so much stuff so you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01397-00321920-00322063 that makes me think this is not a q9aBgNGCnrM-01398-00322064-00322239 behavioral problem that i am going to q9aBgNGCnrM-01399-00322240-00322375 fix by myself q9aBgNGCnrM-01400-00322376-00322710 by being you know a refusing and this is q9aBgNGCnrM-01401-00322711-00322910 a political problem that we have to fix q9aBgNGCnrM-01402-00322911-00323482 via our governments and be a democratic q9aBgNGCnrM-01403-00323483-00323703 accountability q9aBgNGCnrM-01404-00323704-00323839 yeah i think it's it's really q9aBgNGCnrM-01405-00323840-00324071 interesting how you say that because q9aBgNGCnrM-01406-00324072-00324254 it's always a trade-off isn't it you q9aBgNGCnrM-01407-00324255-00324479 know we we're offered a service q9aBgNGCnrM-01408-00324480-00324743 and we are giving something away for q9aBgNGCnrM-01409-00324744-00324887 that service you know if you want to be q9aBgNGCnrM-01410-00324888-00325071 on facebook you want to be on twitter q9aBgNGCnrM-01411-00325072-00325310 you are being commoditized and they will q9aBgNGCnrM-01412-00325311-00325447 taking things from you q9aBgNGCnrM-01413-00325448-00325591 and they are taking that and they're q9aBgNGCnrM-01414-00325592-00325734 selling it to other people and you don't q9aBgNGCnrM-01415-00325735-00325806 know q9aBgNGCnrM-01416-00325807-00326182 where that's going and that can't be q9aBgNGCnrM-01417-00326183-00326334 because so many people are on these q9aBgNGCnrM-01418-00326335-00326510 sites it can't be regulated at an q9aBgNGCnrM-01419-00326511-00326710 individual level it has to be government q9aBgNGCnrM-01420-00326711-00327015 legislation and i can't understand q9aBgNGCnrM-01421-00327016-00327263 why that's not happening i mean after q9aBgNGCnrM-01422-00327264-00327439 the cambridge analytica scandal when q9aBgNGCnrM-01423-00327440-00327599 people suddenly woke up to the fact that q9aBgNGCnrM-01424-00327600-00327734 they were being q9aBgNGCnrM-01425-00327735-00327975 spied upon commoditized used you know q9aBgNGCnrM-01426-00327976-00328175 things were being based on their data i q9aBgNGCnrM-01427-00328176-00328295 thought we were going to see a change q9aBgNGCnrM-01428-00328296-00328439 and it's not really happened in the way q9aBgNGCnrM-01429-00328440-00328623 that i thought i would q9aBgNGCnrM-01430-00328624-00328854 yeah well unfortunately because the the q9aBgNGCnrM-01431-00328855-00329006 you know the electoral outcome which q9aBgNGCnrM-01432-00329007-00329151 that helped to secure q9aBgNGCnrM-01433-00329152-00329415 um has brought into place a political q9aBgNGCnrM-01434-00329416-00329606 constellation that is absolutely fine q9aBgNGCnrM-01435-00329607-00329695 with that outcome q9aBgNGCnrM-01436-00329696-00330023 and it's it's kind of tragic q9aBgNGCnrM-01437-00330024-00330167 but it doesn't mean we stop working you q9aBgNGCnrM-01438-00330168-00330295 know we keep working on it that's that's q9aBgNGCnrM-01439-00330296-00330863 why we're all here q9aBgNGCnrM-01440-00330864-00331191 strengthening um uh the regulative q9aBgNGCnrM-01441-00331192-00331534 i mean the regulation around q9aBgNGCnrM-01442-00331535-00331882 businesses broadly uh in q9aBgNGCnrM-01443-00331883-00332175 regarding um the respect for human q9aBgNGCnrM-01444-00332176-00332247 rights because it q9aBgNGCnrM-01445-00332248-00332599 remains it remains a voluntary component q9aBgNGCnrM-01446-00332600-00332887 businesses are not an obligation to q9aBgNGCnrM-01447-00332888-00333191 um to to to to to respect human rights q9aBgNGCnrM-01448-00333192-00333534 um uh and and and this is the lacuna q9aBgNGCnrM-01449-00333535-00333743 uh which which we are having right now q9aBgNGCnrM-01450-00333744-00333887 they will tell you that is the core q9aBgNGCnrM-01451-00333888-00334143 responsibility of the state uh and the q9aBgNGCnrM-01452-00334144-00334230 status to q9aBgNGCnrM-01453-00334231-00334463 the state has to deal to deal with it q9aBgNGCnrM-01454-00334464-00334591 now um q9aBgNGCnrM-01455-00334592-00334823 i i just gave you an example of of the q9aBgNGCnrM-01456-00334824-00335103 companies act which is trying to q9aBgNGCnrM-01457-00335104-00335423 explicitly tell companies that you have q9aBgNGCnrM-01458-00335424-00335599 to have a human rights due diligence as q9aBgNGCnrM-01459-00335600-00335654 part of q9aBgNGCnrM-01460-00335655-00335991 now imagine if this is a company q9aBgNGCnrM-01461-00335992-00336303 that is working across jurisdiction q9aBgNGCnrM-01462-00336304-00336623 it's not only working in the uk it has a q9aBgNGCnrM-01463-00336624-00336927 subsidiaries cut across goblet globally q9aBgNGCnrM-01464-00336928-00337239 how easy is it to regulate um q9aBgNGCnrM-01465-00337240-00337543 or apply uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01466-00337544-00337823 standards which not only govern them uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01467-00337824-00337934 domestically q9aBgNGCnrM-01468-00337935-00338382 but also their work outside uh um q9aBgNGCnrM-01469-00338383-00338703 the the home state um so q9aBgNGCnrM-01470-00338704-00339039 uh strengthening um the policy and q9aBgNGCnrM-01471-00339040-00339239 legislative environment q9aBgNGCnrM-01472-00339240-00339582 would go a long way and and because it's q9aBgNGCnrM-01473-00339583-00339703 at the end of the day q9aBgNGCnrM-01474-00339704-00340039 as maria and claire said human beings q9aBgNGCnrM-01475-00340040-00340223 can't be q9aBgNGCnrM-01476-00340224-00340543 treated as commodities but in reality q9aBgNGCnrM-01477-00340544-00340710 this is what is happening q9aBgNGCnrM-01478-00340711-00340982 the data about me and you is being is q9aBgNGCnrM-01479-00340983-00341030 being q9aBgNGCnrM-01480-00341031-00341351 is being used to profile or come up with q9aBgNGCnrM-01481-00341352-00341503 products or services q9aBgNGCnrM-01482-00341504-00341895 against your will q9aBgNGCnrM-01483-00341896-00342182 and this is this has to stop but but q9aBgNGCnrM-01484-00342183-00342295 more importantly q9aBgNGCnrM-01485-00342296-00342671 uh again strengthening um q9aBgNGCnrM-01486-00342672-00342982 right solder's capacity we need to q9aBgNGCnrM-01487-00342983-00343103 broaden awareness q9aBgNGCnrM-01488-00343104-00343430 or promotional activities that can help q9aBgNGCnrM-01489-00343431-00343678 at the right holders all the consumers q9aBgNGCnrM-01490-00343679-00343847 as businesses would want to q9aBgNGCnrM-01491-00343848-00344230 to to call them uh to understand q9aBgNGCnrM-01492-00344231-00344567 um their rights and they should be be q9aBgNGCnrM-01493-00344568-00344815 i mean we should create a platform for q9aBgNGCnrM-01494-00344816-00345006 recourse mechanism platforms which are q9aBgNGCnrM-01495-00345007-00345158 effective q9aBgNGCnrM-01496-00345159-00345534 um not abstract uh orders like q9aBgNGCnrM-01497-00345535-00345823 with the one which has just been issued q9aBgNGCnrM-01498-00345824-00345943 last week that q9aBgNGCnrM-01499-00345944-00346127 the police force should review their q9aBgNGCnrM-01500-00346128-00346303 practice how should they review that q9aBgNGCnrM-01501-00346304-00346391 practice q9aBgNGCnrM-01502-00346392-00346599 yet they they they still don't have q9aBgNGCnrM-01503-00346600-00346782 capacity adequate q9aBgNGCnrM-01504-00346783-00347071 enough for them especially in in the q9aBgNGCnrM-01505-00347072-00347134 area of q9aBgNGCnrM-01506-00347135-00347454 human rights so it's uh q9aBgNGCnrM-01507-00347455-00347758 um that's my opinion anyway uh based on q9aBgNGCnrM-01508-00347759-00348110 the data i'm seeing q9aBgNGCnrM-01509-00348111-00348278 okay that's true i think that's a good q9aBgNGCnrM-01510-00348279-00348423 note to add all of us there i'm really q9aBgNGCnrM-01511-00348424-00348487 sorry we q9aBgNGCnrM-01512-00348488-00348630 don't have any time for any more q9aBgNGCnrM-01513-00348631-00348775 questions or some really good questions q9aBgNGCnrM-01514-00348776-00348919 there unfortunately q9aBgNGCnrM-01515-00348920-00349182 um so just say thank you so much to all q9aBgNGCnrM-01516-00349183-00349287 the panelists they were really q9aBgNGCnrM-01517-00349288-00349406 interesting talk some really q9aBgNGCnrM-01518-00349407-00349710 interesting points that you've made so q9aBgNGCnrM-01519-00349711-00349982 i think the fundamental takeaway is q9aBgNGCnrM-01520-00349983-00350151 don't use social media q9aBgNGCnrM-01521-00350152-00350543 and implement your national action plans q9aBgNGCnrM-01522-00350544-00350767 okay thanks very much to everyone who q9aBgNGCnrM-01523-00350768-00350854 joined q9aBgNGCnrM-01524-00350855-00351015 uh it's been really interesting thank q9aBgNGCnrM-01525-00351016-00351243 you thanks everyone q9aBgNGCnrM-01526-00351244-00351544 bye qqThWiIv9_M-00000-00000012-00000371 in geometry a hyperplane is a subspace qqThWiIv9_M-00001-00000372-00000596 whose dimension is one less than that of qqThWiIv9_M-00002-00000597-00000907 its ambient space if a space is qqThWiIv9_M-00003-00000908-00001115 three-dimensional then it's hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00004-00001116-00001354 of the two dimensional planes while if qqThWiIv9_M-00005-00001355-00001589 the space is two-dimensional its hyper qqThWiIv9_M-00006-00001590-00001827 planes are the one-dimensional lines qqThWiIv9_M-00007-00001828-00002134 this notion can be used in any general qqThWiIv9_M-00008-00002135-00002326 space in which the concept of the qqThWiIv9_M-00009-00002327-00002617 dimension of a subspace is defined in qqThWiIv9_M-00010-00002618-00002891 machine learning hyper planes are a key qqThWiIv9_M-00011-00002892-00003125 tool to create support vector machines qqThWiIv9_M-00012-00003126-00003353 for such tasks as computer vision and qqThWiIv9_M-00013-00003354-00003713 natural language processing in different qqThWiIv9_M-00014-00003714-00003913 settings the objects which are hyper qqThWiIv9_M-00015-00003914-00004253 planes may have different properties for qqThWiIv9_M-00016-00004254-00004433 instance a hyper plane of an qqThWiIv9_M-00017-00004434-00004670 n-dimensional affine space is a flat qqThWiIv9_M-00018-00004671-00005047 subset with dimension n minus 1 by its qqThWiIv9_M-00019-00005048-00005302 nature it separates the space into two qqThWiIv9_M-00020-00005303-00005606 half spaces a hyperplane of an qqThWiIv9_M-00021-00005607-00005845 n-dimensional projective space does not qqThWiIv9_M-00022-00005846-00006161 have this property the difference in qqThWiIv9_M-00023-00006162-00006677 dimension between a subspace s display qqThWiIv9_M-00024-00006678-00006856 style s qqThWiIv9_M-00025-00006858-00007358 and it's ambient space X displaced qqThWiIv9_M-00026-00007359-00007744 dialects is known as the co dimension of qqThWiIv9_M-00027-00007745-00008422 s display style s with respect to qqThWiIv9_M-00028-00008423-00008998 X display style X therefore a necessary qqThWiIv9_M-00029-00008999-00009631 condition for s display style s to be a qqThWiIv9_M-00030-00009632-00009823 hyperplane in qqThWiIv9_M-00031-00009824-00010710 X display style X is 4s display style s qqThWiIv9_M-00032-00010711-00011299 to have Co dimension 1 in X displaced qqThWiIv9_M-00033-00011300-00011950 dialects qqThWiIv9_M-00034-00011951-00012556 topic technical description qqThWiIv9_M-00035-00012557-00012808 in geometry a hyperplane of an qqThWiIv9_M-00036-00012809-00013057 n-dimensional space V is a subspace of qqThWiIv9_M-00037-00013058-00013369 dimension n minus 1 or equivalently of qqThWiIv9_M-00038-00013369-00013672 Co dimension 1 in V the space V may be a qqThWiIv9_M-00039-00013672-00013888 Euclidean space or more generally an qqThWiIv9_M-00040-00013888-00014143 affine space or a vector space or a qqThWiIv9_M-00041-00014144-00014353 projective space and the notion of qqThWiIv9_M-00042-00014354-00014602 hyperplane varies correspondingly since qqThWiIv9_M-00043-00014603-00014821 the definition of subspace differs in qqThWiIv9_M-00044-00014822-00015082 these settings in all cases however any qqThWiIv9_M-00045-00015083-00015307 hyperplane can be given in coordinates qqThWiIv9_M-00046-00015308-00015519 as the solution of a single du to thee qqThWiIv9_M-00047-00015521-00015910 Co dimension one constraint algebraic qqThWiIv9_M-00048-00015911-00016243 equation of degree 1 if V is a vector qqThWiIv9_M-00049-00016244-00016582 space one distinguishes vector hyper qqThWiIv9_M-00050-00016583-00016903 planes which are linear subspaces and qqThWiIv9_M-00051-00016904-00017094 therefore must pass through the origin qqThWiIv9_M-00052-00017095-00017506 and affine hyperplanes which need not qqThWiIv9_M-00053-00017507-00017701 pass through the origin they can be qqThWiIv9_M-00054-00017702-00017908 obtained by translation of a vector qqThWiIv9_M-00055-00017909-00018232 hyperplane a hyperplane in a Euclidean qqThWiIv9_M-00056-00018233-00018499 space separates that space into two half qqThWiIv9_M-00057-00018500-00018744 spaces and defines a reflection that qqThWiIv9_M-00058-00018745-00018972 fixes the hyperplane and interchanges qqThWiIv9_M-00059-00018973-00019668 those two half spaces qqThWiIv9_M-00060-00019669-00020379 Topic special types of hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00061-00020380-00020634 several specific types of hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00062-00020635-00020835 are defined with properties that are qqThWiIv9_M-00063-00020836-00021189 well-suited for particular purposes some qqThWiIv9_M-00064-00021190-00021411 of these specializations are described qqThWiIv9_M-00065-00021412-00021914 here qqThWiIv9_M-00066-00021915-00022516 topic affine hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00067-00022517-00022765 and our fine hyperplane is an affine qqThWiIv9_M-00068-00022766-00023038 subspace of Co dimension 1 in an affine qqThWiIv9_M-00069-00023039-00023461 space in Cartesian coordinates such a qqThWiIv9_M-00070-00023462-00023653 hyperplane can be described with a qqThWiIv9_M-00071-00023654-00023863 single linear equation of the following qqThWiIv9_M-00072-00023864-00024288 form where at least one of thee a qqThWiIv9_M-00073-00024289-00024819 I display style or underscore i-s is non qqThWiIv9_M-00074-00024820-00025443 zero and B display style B is an qqThWiIv9_M-00075-00025444-00026257 arbitrary constant a 1x1 qqThWiIv9_M-00076-00026258-00026533 Plus qqThWiIv9_M-00077-00026533-00027242 - x2 + qqThWiIv9_M-00078-00027243-00028460 plus a n X n equals B display style or qqThWiIv9_M-00079-00028461-00028760 underscore one X underscore one plus a qqThWiIv9_M-00080-00028761-00029117 underscore two X underscore two plus CD qqThWiIv9_M-00081-00029118-00029474 OTS plus a underscore n X underscore M qqThWiIv9_M-00082-00029475-00029831 equals B in the case of a real a find qqThWiIv9_M-00083-00029832-00030023 space in other words when the qqThWiIv9_M-00084-00030024-00030271 coordinates are real numbers this affine qqThWiIv9_M-00085-00030272-00030520 space separates the space into two half qqThWiIv9_M-00086-00030522-00030710 spaces which are the connected qqThWiIv9_M-00087-00030711-00030883 components of the compliment of the qqThWiIv9_M-00088-00030885-00031049 hyperplane and are given by the qqThWiIv9_M-00089-00031050-00031400 inequalities a 1 by 1 plus a 2 by 2 plus qqThWiIv9_M-00090-00031401-00031727 plus ANX MB display style or underscore qqThWiIv9_M-00091-00031727-00032093 1 X underscore 1 plus a underscore 2 X qqThWiIv9_M-00092-00032094-00032462 underscore 2 plus C do TS plus a qqThWiIv9_M-00093-00032463-00032774 underscore n X underscore N and a 1 by 1 qqThWiIv9_M-00094-00032775-00033101 plus a 2 by 2 plus plus a and X M qqThWiIv9_M-00095-00033102-00033380 greater than B display style or qqThWiIv9_M-00096-00033381-00033677 underscore 1 X underscore 1 plus a qqThWiIv9_M-00097-00033678-00034115 underscore 2 X underscore 2 plus C do TS qqThWiIv9_M-00098-00034116-00034393 plus a underscore n X underscore M qqThWiIv9_M-00099-00034394-00034685 greater than B as an example a point is qqThWiIv9_M-00100-00034686-00034939 a hyperplane in one dimensional space a qqThWiIv9_M-00101-00034940-00035198 line is a hyperplane in two dimensional qqThWiIv9_M-00102-00035199-00035429 space and a plane is a hyperplane in qqThWiIv9_M-00103-00035430-00035777 three dimensional space a line in three qqThWiIv9_M-00104-00035778-00036008 dimensional space is not a hyperplane qqThWiIv9_M-00105-00036009-00036254 and does not separate the space into two qqThWiIv9_M-00106-00036255-00036490 parts the complement of such a line is qqThWiIv9_M-00107-00036491-00036793 connected any hyperplane of a Euclidean qqThWiIv9_M-00108-00036794-00037067 space has exactly two unit normal qqThWiIv9_M-00109-00037068-00037412 vectors affine hyperplanes are used to qqThWiIv9_M-00110-00037413-00037615 define decision boundaries in many qqThWiIv9_M-00111-00037616-00037802 machine learning algorithms such as qqThWiIv9_M-00112-00037803-00038057 linear combination oblique decision qqThWiIv9_M-00113-00038058-00038736 trees and perceptrons qqThWiIv9_M-00114-00038737-00039330 topic vector hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00115-00039331-00039639 in a vector space a vector hyperplane is qqThWiIv9_M-00116-00039640-00039879 a subspace of Co dimension one only qqThWiIv9_M-00117-00039880-00040083 possibly shifted from the origin by a qqThWiIv9_M-00118-00040084-00040326 vector in which case it is referred to qqThWiIv9_M-00119-00040327-00040629 as a flat such a hyperplane is the qqThWiIv9_M-00120-00040630-00041318 solution of a single linear equation qqThWiIv9_M-00121-00041319-00041943 topic projective hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00122-00041944-00042210 projective hyperplanes are used in qqThWiIv9_M-00123-00042211-00042462 projective geometry a projective qqThWiIv9_M-00124-00042463-00042675 subspace is a set of points with the qqThWiIv9_M-00125-00042676-00042879 property that for any two points of the qqThWiIv9_M-00126-00042880-00043026 set all the points on the line qqThWiIv9_M-00127-00043027-00043230 determined by the two points are qqThWiIv9_M-00128-00043231-00043572 contained in the set projective geometry qqThWiIv9_M-00129-00043573-00043788 can be viewed as a fine geometry with qqThWiIv9_M-00130-00043789-00044025 vanishing points points at infinity qqThWiIv9_M-00131-00044026-00044370 added an affine hyperplane together with qqThWiIv9_M-00132-00044371-00044637 The Associated points at infinity forms qqThWiIv9_M-00133-00044638-00044982 a projective hyperplane one special case qqThWiIv9_M-00134-00044983-00045180 of a projective hyperplane is the qqThWiIv9_M-00135-00045181-00045417 infinite or ideal hyperplane which is qqThWiIv9_M-00136-00045418-00045621 defined with the set of all points at qqThWiIv9_M-00137-00045622-00045797 infinity qqThWiIv9_M-00138-00045798-00046064 in projective space a hyperplane does qqThWiIv9_M-00139-00046065-00046286 not divide the space into two parts qqThWiIv9_M-00140-00046287-00046538 rather it takes two hyperplanes to qqThWiIv9_M-00141-00046539-00046795 separate points and divide up the space qqThWiIv9_M-00142-00046796-00047060 the reason for this is that the space qqThWiIv9_M-00143-00047061-00047384 essentially wraps around so that both qqThWiIv9_M-00144-00047385-00047627 sides of a lone hyperplane are connected qqThWiIv9_M-00145-00047628-00048218 to each other qqThWiIv9_M-00146-00048219-00048824 topic dihedral angles qqThWiIv9_M-00147-00048825-00049082 the dihedral angle between two non qqThWiIv9_M-00148-00049083-00049307 parallel hyperplanes of a Euclidean qqThWiIv9_M-00149-00049308-00049487 space is the angle between the qqThWiIv9_M-00150-00049488-00049820 corresponding normal vectors the product qqThWiIv9_M-00151-00049821-00049997 of the transformations in the two qqThWiIv9_M-00152-00049998-00050270 hyperplanes is a rotation whose axis is qqThWiIv9_M-00153-00050271-00050531 the subspace of co dimension 2 obtained qqThWiIv9_M-00154-00050532-00050738 by intersecting the hyper planes and qqThWiIv9_M-00155-00050739-00050945 whose angle is twice the angle between qqThWiIv9_M-00156-00050946-00051241 the hyper planes qqThWiIv9_M-00157-00051242-00051586 you qqThWiIv9_M-00158-00051587-00052197 topic support hyperplanes qqThWiIv9_M-00159-00052198-00052616 a hyper plane H is Calder support hyper qqThWiIv9_M-00160-00052617-00052860 plane of the polyhedron P if P is qqThWiIv9_M-00161-00052861-00053079 contained in one of the two closed half qqThWiIv9_M-00162-00053079-00053721 space is bounded by H and H P does not qqThWiIv9_M-00163-00053722-00054213 equal displaced style H cap p NE q VAR qqThWiIv9_M-00164-00054214-00054558 noting the intersection of between p and qqThWiIv9_M-00165-00054559-00054905 h is defined to be a face of the qqThWiIv9_M-00166-00054907-00055205 polyhedron the theory of polyhedrons and qqThWiIv9_M-00167-00055207-00055413 the dimension of the faces are analyzed qqThWiIv9_M-00168-00055414-00055608 by the looking at these intersections qqThWiIv9_M-00169-00055609-00056299 involving hyper planes qqThWiIv9_M-00170-00056300-00056853 topic see also qqThWiIv9_M-00171-00056854-00057370 hypersurface decision boundary ham qqThWiIv9_M-00172-00057371-00057676 sandwich theorem arrangement of qqThWiIv9_M-00173-00057677-00058033 hyperplanes separating hyperplane qqThWiIv9_M-00174-00058034-00058588 theorem supporting hyperplane theorem qtYQGyztZN8-00000-00000424-00000630 and he'd be honored to join you on a qtYQGyztZN8-00001-00000631-00000935 wild suicide run qtYQGyztZN8-00002-00000936-00001191 you me in our osaka tower qtYQGyztZN8-00003-00001192-00001423 kind of sounds like a uradine lyric i qtYQGyztZN8-00004-00001424-00001926 know but trust me we'll go [__] nova qtYQGyztZN8-00005-00001927-00002039 this plan qtYQGyztZN8-00006-00002039-00002318 what would it entail exactly qtYQGyztZN8-00007-00002319-00002510 plan well qtYQGyztZN8-00008-00002511-00002767 might be how rogue operates qtYQGyztZN8-00009-00002768-00002983 i see you grab the hottest iron you can qtYQGyztZN8-00010-00002984-00003222 find stride in the tower's front door qtYQGyztZN8-00011-00003223-00003447 and cut your own path down to the lower qtYQGyztZN8-00012-00003447-00003647 levels qtYQGyztZN8-00013-00003647-00003838 if mikoshi's deep underground like qtYQGyztZN8-00014-00003839-00004031 hanukkah claims it is qtYQGyztZN8-00015-00004032-00004447 you'll just have to find the elevator qtYQGyztZN8-00016-00004448-00004591 if i gotta die qtYQGyztZN8-00017-00004592-00004767 rather fall under my grave gun and hand qtYQGyztZN8-00018-00004768-00004919 it on fire qtYQGyztZN8-00019-00004920-00005206 and not drag anyone down with me qtYQGyztZN8-00020-00005207-00005463 huh you just discovered what it takes to qtYQGyztZN8-00021-00005464-00005767 become a legend grab your iron let's qtYQGyztZN8-00022-00005768-00006062 mobilize qtYQGyztZN8-00023-00006063-00006446 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00024-00006447-00006890 time to party like it's 2023 qtYQGyztZN8-00025-00006891-00007567 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00026-00007568-00007814 careful this is their house i've got a qtYQGyztZN8-00027-00007815-00009327 game plan all polished and rehearsed qtYQGyztZN8-00028-00009328-00010014 so qtYQGyztZN8-00029-00010015-00010231 for the first tower went up in smoke qtYQGyztZN8-00030-00010232-00010406 labs were underground qtYQGyztZN8-00031-00010407-00011118 elevators qtYQGyztZN8-00032-00011119-00011303 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00033-00011304-00011584 what we want qtYQGyztZN8-00034-00011585-00011983 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00035-00011984-00012335 [__] needs an access token qtYQGyztZN8-00036-00012336-00012535 need to find a guard with some chops qtYQGyztZN8-00037-00012536-00012638 status qtYQGyztZN8-00038-00012639-00014191 he'll have our access token qtYQGyztZN8-00039-00014191-00015983 so far so good qtYQGyztZN8-00040-00015984-00016830 she attacked me qtYQGyztZN8-00041-00016831-00016986 got it qtYQGyztZN8-00042-00016987-00017575 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00043-00017576-00017743 starting to think this plan wasn't qtYQGyztZN8-00044-00017744-00018511 batshit crazy after all qtYQGyztZN8-00045-00018512-00020071 come on qtYQGyztZN8-00046-00020072-00020375 let's run operations control qtYQGyztZN8-00047-00020376-00020583 sounds like a good place to run a mega qtYQGyztZN8-00048-00020584-00020822 facility from qtYQGyztZN8-00049-00020823-00021007 we plug in your output there qtYQGyztZN8-00050-00021008-00021175 see how she settles in qtYQGyztZN8-00051-00021176-00021422 i'd expect a very warm welcome down qtYQGyztZN8-00052-00021423-00021655 below if i were you good qtYQGyztZN8-00053-00021656-00021863 virgo now it better be with [__] qtYQGyztZN8-00054-00021864-00022063 fireworks qtYQGyztZN8-00055-00022064-00022303 gonna be an ambush no doubt qtYQGyztZN8-00056-00022304-00023303 just focus you're better than them qtYQGyztZN8-00057-00023304-00023583 [__] got no love for foreplay qtYQGyztZN8-00058-00023584-00024182 brace yourself qtYQGyztZN8-00059-00024183-00025007 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00060-00025008-00025463 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00061-00025464-00027127 oh qtYQGyztZN8-00062-00027127-00027214 hey qtYQGyztZN8-00063-00027216-00027518 over here qtYQGyztZN8-00064-00027519-00027711 ain't no expert but sure looks like the qtYQGyztZN8-00065-00027712-00027911 tower's mainframe to me qtYQGyztZN8-00066-00027912-00028079 yes we just see what happens when we qtYQGyztZN8-00067-00028080-00029308 jack alton qtYQGyztZN8-00068-00029310-00029887 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00069-00029888-00031066 oh qtYQGyztZN8-00070-00031067-00031439 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00071-00031439-00031820 surround the target qtYQGyztZN8-00072-00031820-00033223 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00073-00033224-00033927 i should enter qtYQGyztZN8-00074-00033928-00034696 you're only making yourself qtYQGyztZN8-00075-00034697-00036390 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00076-00036391-00036518 all right qtYQGyztZN8-00077-00036519-00036823 not exactly seeing any slots qtYQGyztZN8-00078-00036824-00037062 main frames under the floor most likely qtYQGyztZN8-00079-00037063-00037327 need to find a way to eject it yeah like qtYQGyztZN8-00080-00037328-00038999 a goddamn adventure game qtYQGyztZN8-00081-00039000-00039095 term qtYQGyztZN8-00082-00039096-00039279 think you can use it qtYQGyztZN8-00083-00039280-00039487 we'll find out qtYQGyztZN8-00084-00039488-00039711 damn could really use you right now qtYQGyztZN8-00085-00039712-00039871 spider qtYQGyztZN8-00086-00039872-00040032 this what we're looking for qtYQGyztZN8-00087-00040033-00040255 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00088-00040256-00043027 okay qtYQGyztZN8-00089-00043028-00043479 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00090-00043480-00044204 that's the slot let's make alt at home qtYQGyztZN8-00091-00044205-00044583 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00092-00044584-00044774 sure hope your ex output performs as qtYQGyztZN8-00093-00044775-00044918 advertised qtYQGyztZN8-00094-00044919-00045509 look on my work she mighty in despair qtYQGyztZN8-00095-00045510-00046023 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00096-00046024-00046942 come on let's go qtYQGyztZN8-00097-00046943-00047470 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00098-00047471-00049007 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00099-00049008-00049702 what's with the door qtYQGyztZN8-00100-00049703-00052261 don't strain yourself now qtYQGyztZN8-00101-00052262-00052663 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00102-00052664-00052887 he's got a point fee shut up and finish qtYQGyztZN8-00103-00052888-00053052 him be done with qtYQGyztZN8-00104-00053053-00053282 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00105-00053283-00053671 it took down johnny's arch enemy qtYQGyztZN8-00106-00053672-00053887 gotten good i guess qtYQGyztZN8-00107-00053888-00054140 damn it feels nice qtYQGyztZN8-00108-00054141-00057030 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00109-00057032-00057479 we saw this place in a dream qtYQGyztZN8-00110-00057479-00060206 come on not much further to go qtYQGyztZN8-00111-00060207-00062566 don't know how but it worked qtYQGyztZN8-00112-00062567-00063387 see you on the other side qtYQGyztZN8-00113-00063388-00063511 [Music] qtYQGyztZN8-00114-00063512-00063720 you qtZu7EXpTVU-00000-00000016-00000327 hi jen from yuli here to show you how to qtZu7EXpTVU-00001-00000328-00000511 brand your trip pages qtZu7EXpTVU-00002-00000512-00000726 by default there's no logo set and qtZu7EXpTVU-00003-00000727-00000950 yuli's logo is shown instead with our qtZu7EXpTVU-00004-00000951-00001062 brand colors qtZu7EXpTVU-00005-00001063-00001278 but that's so easy to change click set qtZu7EXpTVU-00006-00001279-00001487 your logo jump into branding qtZu7EXpTVU-00007-00001488-00001695 change your logo your colors but very qtZu7EXpTVU-00008-00001696-00001991 importantly link back to your website qtZu7EXpTVU-00009-00001992-00002223 when you're done the trip page will be qtZu7EXpTVU-00010-00002224-00002415 branded with your logo and clicking on qtZu7EXpTVU-00011-00002416-00002639 it takes you back to your website qtZu7EXpTVU-00012-00002640-00002815 and your colors will represent your qtZu7EXpTVU-00013-00002816-00003055 brand and make your trip pages an qtZu7EXpTVU-00014-00003056-00003270 extension of your website qtZu7EXpTVU-00015-00003271-00003632 it's just that easy qv3ifq_f0dE-00000-00002649-00004238 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00001-00004239-00004765 what's up qv3ifq_f0dE-00002-00004766-00005683 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00003-00005684-00007334 uh qv3ifq_f0dE-00004-00007334-00008483 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00005-00008484-00009883 is qv3ifq_f0dE-00006-00009884-00012767 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00007-00012768-00015246 a qv3ifq_f0dE-00008-00015247-00015483 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00011-00028063-00030883 he is qv3ifq_f0dE-00012-00030883-00033765 is qv3ifq_f0dE-00016-00047684-00050533 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00018-00054683-00055037 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00019-00055038-00056082 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00020-00056083-00058882 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00021-00058883-00059301 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00022-00059302-00060282 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00023-00060283-00061682 is qv3ifq_f0dE-00027-00077083-00079882 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00029-00086888-00089682 marijuana qv3ifq_f0dE-00030-00089683-00090512 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00031-00090513-00091423 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00032-00091424-00092077 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00033-00092078-00093882 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00035-00098237-00099482 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00036-00099483-00102061 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00039-00114541-00115741 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00040-00115742-00116283 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00041-00116283-00117411 okay qv3ifq_f0dE-00042-00117413-00119454 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00043-00119455-00120120 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00044-00120121-00120483 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00045-00120483-00120663 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00046-00120664-00123468 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00047-00123469-00124683 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00048-00124683-00127604 know qv3ifq_f0dE-00049-00127605-00128886 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00050-00128888-00130283 thank qv3ifq_f0dE-00051-00130283-00133083 um qv3ifq_f0dE-00052-00133084-00133908 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00054-00137284-00137655 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00055-00137656-00140083 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00056-00140084-00142883 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00057-00142884-00144287 is qv3ifq_f0dE-00058-00144288-00145683 oh qv3ifq_f0dE-00059-00145684-00148087 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00060-00148088-00150748 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00061-00150749-00151283 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00063-00154306-00155566 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00065-00159684-00161083 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00066-00161084-00162664 hello qv3ifq_f0dE-00067-00162665-00163906 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00068-00163907-00165283 [Music] qv3ifq_f0dE-00069-00165284-00165899 foreign qv3ifq_f0dE-00070-00165900-00166206 [Music] qw7-B-wy05k-00000-00000079-00000271 i'm going to just blow a puff of qw7-B-wy05k-00001-00000272-00000526 cornstarch into the air qw7-B-wy05k-00002-00000527-00000956 this looks better with the lights off so qwJyFeiLsUY-00000-00000029-00000530 my camera's gonna die that's great qwJyFeiLsUY-00001-00000531-00000933 I'm so hungry funny story I tried qwJyFeiLsUY-00002-00000934-00001227 smuggling some food today at work and I qwJyFeiLsUY-00003-00001228-00001639 got a cop be like me qwJyFeiLsUY-00004-00001641-00002025 hi guys and welcome back to my channel qwJyFeiLsUY-00005-00002026-00002193 okay people assume the weirdest things qwJyFeiLsUY-00006-00002194-00002343 about you and I really wanted to know qwJyFeiLsUY-00007-00002344-00002904 what people assumed about me don't even qwJyFeiLsUY-00008-00002905-00003540 think about it oh I asked Instagram to qwJyFeiLsUY-00009-00003540-00003761 send me assumptions of things that you qwJyFeiLsUY-00010-00003762-00003900 thought about me or things that you qwJyFeiLsUY-00011-00003901-00004247 wondered about me and I got a few which qwJyFeiLsUY-00012-00004248-00004379 is very surprising because normally qwJyFeiLsUY-00013-00004380-00004679 people just watch your story and don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00014-00004680-00004973 respond so I'm just gonna go ahead and qwJyFeiLsUY-00015-00004974-00005171 read some of the assumptions that I did qwJyFeiLsUY-00016-00005172-00005552 get or the first assumption I got this qwJyFeiLsUY-00017-00005553-00005766 person said I think you're perfect and qwJyFeiLsUY-00018-00005767-00005966 hilarious and funny as hell qwJyFeiLsUY-00019-00005967-00006266 holla at me okay thanks for coming to my qwJyFeiLsUY-00020-00006267-00006564 TED talk perfect qwJyFeiLsUY-00021-00006565-00006878 no I have so many flaws and working on qwJyFeiLsUY-00022-00006879-00007263 myself as we speak the farthest thing qwJyFeiLsUY-00023-00007264-00007809 from perfect yeah hilarious absolutely qwJyFeiLsUY-00024-00007809-00008097 feel like I laugh at my jokes more than qwJyFeiLsUY-00025-00008098-00008307 I laugh at anyone elses but there are a qwJyFeiLsUY-00026-00008308-00008550 select people in my life who can qwJyFeiLsUY-00027-00008551-00008733 literally bring me to tears because of qwJyFeiLsUY-00028-00008734-00009009 how funny they are and I just I don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00029-00009010-00009144 know what I would do without those qwJyFeiLsUY-00030-00009145-00009681 people um fine as hell when I want to be qwJyFeiLsUY-00031-00009682-00010145 which is very rare rare but thank you qwJyFeiLsUY-00032-00010146-00010446 okay for the second assumption this qwJyFeiLsUY-00033-00010447-00010757 person said you're the love of my life I qwJyFeiLsUY-00034-00010758-00011163 love you so much so that is true that is qwJyFeiLsUY-00035-00011164-00011339 not an assumption I feel like we have qwJyFeiLsUY-00036-00011340-00011580 come so far and it's the amount of time qwJyFeiLsUY-00037-00011581-00011793 that we've known each other and I feel qwJyFeiLsUY-00038-00011794-00012063 like you are gonna do so great in life qwJyFeiLsUY-00039-00012064-00012342 and never sell yourself short because qwJyFeiLsUY-00040-00012343-00012585 you literally deserve the world and I qwJyFeiLsUY-00041-00012586-00012654 love you so much qwJyFeiLsUY-00042-00012655-00012866 for the third assumption this person qwJyFeiLsUY-00043-00012867-00013163 said that a lot of insecure people hate qwJyFeiLsUY-00044-00013165-00013358 on you because you're gorgeous talented qwJyFeiLsUY-00045-00013359-00013438 and qwJyFeiLsUY-00046-00013440-00013822 confident um this is a whole new topic qwJyFeiLsUY-00047-00013823-00014080 and my biggest pet peeves is meeting a qwJyFeiLsUY-00048-00014081-00014321 group of girls and in those group of qwJyFeiLsUY-00049-00014322-00014450 girls you find someone who feel like qwJyFeiLsUY-00050-00014451-00014647 everything's a competition I don't know qwJyFeiLsUY-00051-00014648-00014908 I don't like when people are insecure qwJyFeiLsUY-00052-00014909-00015088 because of me because it's like I'm not qwJyFeiLsUY-00053-00015090-00015158 perfect qwJyFeiLsUY-00054-00015159-00015472 9 out of 10 I am ugly as hell it sucks qwJyFeiLsUY-00055-00015473-00015661 when you meet someone and it's like you qwJyFeiLsUY-00056-00015662-00015859 can't vibe because everything that they qwJyFeiLsUY-00057-00015860-00016231 do is like to be higher than you or to qwJyFeiLsUY-00058-00016232-00016444 be better than you and it's like why is qwJyFeiLsUY-00059-00016445-00016619 that your thought process like why can't qwJyFeiLsUY-00060-00016620-00016897 you just do things for yourself I feel qwJyFeiLsUY-00061-00016898-00017447 like I am myself 100% with no apologies qwJyFeiLsUY-00062-00017448-00017630 for that people hate on me because I'm qwJyFeiLsUY-00063-00017631-00017924 gorgeous I think it's really really qwJyFeiLsUY-00064-00017925-00018247 really shitty when people just don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00065-00018248-00018422 like you because of your features it's qwJyFeiLsUY-00066-00018423-00018628 like I wasn't always the cute kid oh my qwJyFeiLsUY-00067-00018629-00018805 god in middle school I had the biggest qwJyFeiLsUY-00068-00018806-00019127 crush on a guy who didn't even think qwJyFeiLsUY-00069-00019128-00019502 twice about me ever so it's like when qwJyFeiLsUY-00070-00019503-00019769 girls are like guys must have always qwJyFeiLsUY-00071-00019770-00020102 been drooling over you it's like no no I qwJyFeiLsUY-00072-00020103-00020344 think that started happening suffering qwJyFeiLsUY-00073-00020345-00020731 of high school I'm just kidding it qwJyFeiLsUY-00074-00020732-00020869 started happening last year qwJyFeiLsUY-00075-00020870-00021256 joke's on you kids without makeup girls qwJyFeiLsUY-00076-00021257-00021692 from really sure going I'm talented time qwJyFeiLsUY-00077-00021693-00021824 I see people from high school they're qwJyFeiLsUY-00078-00021825-00022025 like don't you have this amazing boys qwJyFeiLsUY-00079-00022026-00022297 and I'm like I did the talent show one qwJyFeiLsUY-00080-00022298-00022561 time I used to be so outgoing I don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00081-00022562-00022946 know what happened um she also thinks qwJyFeiLsUY-00082-00022947-00023209 that I'm confident I'm really learning qwJyFeiLsUY-00083-00023210-00023590 I'm learning to self-acceptance be a qwJyFeiLsUY-00084-00023591-00023833 better version of myself and I think qwJyFeiLsUY-00085-00023834-00023983 that is where confidence come from I qwJyFeiLsUY-00086-00023984-00024190 don't think it comes from oh you look qwJyFeiLsUY-00087-00024191-00024253 amazing qwJyFeiLsUY-00088-00024254-00024530 I would rather be complimented on my qwJyFeiLsUY-00089-00024531-00024899 soul than my face and I cannot stress qwJyFeiLsUY-00090-00024900-00024958 that enough qwJyFeiLsUY-00091-00024959-00025397 a honja assumption for I assume that you qwJyFeiLsUY-00092-00025398-00025864 actually don't poop like ever okay fun qwJyFeiLsUY-00093-00025866-00026285 fact I did not know that you were qwJyFeiLsUY-00094-00026286-00026606 supposed to poop every day like I don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00095-00026607-00026746 know if we talked about this in like qwJyFeiLsUY-00096-00026747-00027083 science class oh but I didn't know that qwJyFeiLsUY-00097-00027083-00027337 and for a long time I didn't which is qwJyFeiLsUY-00098-00027338-00027629 probably TMI but you know we all do so qwJyFeiLsUY-00099-00027630-00027871 whatever so I always thought something qwJyFeiLsUY-00100-00027872-00028136 was wrong with me and there probably is qwJyFeiLsUY-00101-00028137-00028336 because I still don't poop every day but qwJyFeiLsUY-00102-00028337-00028912 your girl poops so what all right for qwJyFeiLsUY-00103-00028913-00029120 the fifth assumption this person says qwJyFeiLsUY-00104-00029120-00029375 you're a pretty nice girl who loves to qwJyFeiLsUY-00105-00029376-00029558 spend all her time with friends people qwJyFeiLsUY-00106-00029558-00029750 probably think like I have so many qwJyFeiLsUY-00107-00029751-00030017 friends but I promise you I I literally qwJyFeiLsUY-00108-00030018-00030248 don't I take responsibility for a lot of qwJyFeiLsUY-00109-00030249-00030473 that because I get into this phase where qwJyFeiLsUY-00110-00030474-00030812 I need my space and so I push people qwJyFeiLsUY-00111-00030813-00031130 away or people will push me away qwJyFeiLsUY-00112-00031131-00031301 you kind of do me wrong I just want qwJyFeiLsUY-00113-00031302-00031508 nothing to do with you in that sense the qwJyFeiLsUY-00114-00031508-00031808 last person that I actually genuinely qwJyFeiLsUY-00115-00031808-00032204 hung out with just moved away and so sad qwJyFeiLsUY-00116-00032205-00032369 about it because it's like I don't go qwJyFeiLsUY-00117-00032370-00032624 out I don't go see movies and it's like qwJyFeiLsUY-00118-00032625-00032762 maybe I should learn and do something qwJyFeiLsUY-00119-00032763-00032924 about myself but at the same time it's qwJyFeiLsUY-00120-00032925-00033176 like how do you watch the ID channel qwJyFeiLsUY-00121-00033177-00033431 like these girls go missing all the time qwJyFeiLsUY-00122-00033432-00033656 because they either go out by themselves qwJyFeiLsUY-00123-00033657-00033824 or they got with girls that they don't qwJyFeiLsUY-00124-00033825-00034061 know and it's like you guys are not qwJyFeiLsUY-00125-00034062-00034319 gonna roofie me I have seen all the qwJyFeiLsUY-00126-00034320-00034967 movies no I hate being at home so it qwJyFeiLsUY-00127-00034968-00035177 sucks that I literally don't have anyone qwJyFeiLsUY-00128-00035178-00035420 to hang out with anymore a sense of like qwJyFeiLsUY-00129-00035421-00035546 her girlfriends like I don't have qwJyFeiLsUY-00130-00035547-00035740 girlfriends that I just go out with so qwJyFeiLsUY-00131-00035741-00036046 if you want to be girlfriends please hit qwJyFeiLsUY-00132-00036047-00036293 me up because I'm always down alright qwJyFeiLsUY-00133-00036294-00036527 for the fifth assumption this person qwJyFeiLsUY-00134-00036528-00037025 says you're seeing somebody no I am qwJyFeiLsUY-00135-00037026-00037382 always in a long-term relationship and qwJyFeiLsUY-00136-00037383-00037670 it's like oh I'm such a hopeless qwJyFeiLsUY-00137-00037671-00037986 romantic I'm a very independent woman qwJyFeiLsUY-00138-00037987-00038262 No all of this I love to do things for qwJyFeiLsUY-00139-00038263-00038301 myself qwJyFeiLsUY-00140-00038302-00038628 I hate being handed anything I like qwJyFeiLsUY-00141-00038629-00038988 earning things but I feel like this time qwJyFeiLsUY-00142-00038989-00039270 for myself is solid and I'm gonna take qwJyFeiLsUY-00143-00039271-00039552 full advantage of it for this sixth qwJyFeiLsUY-00144-00039553-00040163 assumption this person said you find as qwJyFeiLsUY-00145-00040164-00040470 thank you it's so cringy when I'm at qwJyFeiLsUY-00146-00040471-00040656 work and people will be like honey qwJyFeiLsUY-00147-00040657-00040944 you're so beautiful do you get that a qwJyFeiLsUY-00148-00040945-00041130 lot I bet you get that a lot and I'm qwJyFeiLsUY-00149-00041131-00041805 like that question is cringy and you qwJyFeiLsUY-00150-00041806-00042048 should never ask or say that to anyone qwJyFeiLsUY-00151-00042049-00042305 it's just so weird and I just don't I qwJyFeiLsUY-00152-00042306-00042561 don't like the next assumption this qwJyFeiLsUY-00153-00042562-00042975 person said in high school you always qwJyFeiLsUY-00154-00042976-00043494 skip glasses my sport senior year I will qwJyFeiLsUY-00155-00043495-00043857 say that I hated going to school and qwJyFeiLsUY-00156-00043858-00044109 it's like I had first period off and I qwJyFeiLsUY-00157-00044110-00044415 was always late and then my like fourth qwJyFeiLsUY-00158-00044416-00044802 I would just dodge golf cars for a qwJyFeiLsUY-00159-00044803-00045057 living because I didn't see the point qwJyFeiLsUY-00160-00045058-00045372 and staying for classes where I either qwJyFeiLsUY-00161-00045373-00046024 did the work there was no test or casas qwJyFeiLsUY-00162-00046025-00046284 so you might as well just go ahead and qwJyFeiLsUY-00163-00046285-00046546 risk getting caught by the golf people qwJyFeiLsUY-00164-00046547-00046888 and go get something to eat so that is a qwJyFeiLsUY-00165-00046889-00047359 true assumption I did skip a lot um my qwJyFeiLsUY-00166-00047360-00047551 mom now knows that so if she sees this qwJyFeiLsUY-00167-00047552-00048043 sorry mom um but I graduated got my qwJyFeiLsUY-00168-00048044-00048454 diploma so can I complain absolutely not qwJyFeiLsUY-00169-00048455-00048817 it's pretty much it I didn't have a lot qwJyFeiLsUY-00170-00048818-00049060 but I talk a lot so this video will be qwJyFeiLsUY-00171-00049061-00049429 long regardless I hope you guys enjoyed qwJyFeiLsUY-00172-00049430-00049678 this short little video and stay tuned qwJyFeiLsUY-00173-00049679-00049870 for the next one I know you guys are qwJyFeiLsUY-00174-00049871-00050104 dying to see an apartment tour and I qwJyFeiLsUY-00175-00050105-00050587 will film that as soon as possible like qwJyFeiLsUY-00176-00050588-00050713 that is it and I will see you in the qwJyFeiLsUY-00177-00050714-00051025 next video bye qzA5vZTCCh8-00000-00000074-00000403 and I do that okay I'm gonna do the qzA5vZTCCh8-00001-00000404-00001171 highlight I was qzAL0DJl1NM-00000-00001488-00001814 ok so welcome back ah today i would be qzAL0DJl1NM-00001-00001816-00002126 talking on this qzAL0DJl1NM-00002-00002127-00002342 microsystems fabrication by advanced qzAL0DJl1NM-00003-00002343-00002526 manufacturing processes and the section qzAL0DJl1NM-00004-00002527-00002726 that i would be dealing today is qzAL0DJl1NM-00005-00002727-00003007 what is silicon and how do you process qzAL0DJl1NM-00006-00003008-00003215 silicon using advanced qzAL0DJl1NM-00007-00003215-00003463 manufacturing techniques qzAL0DJl1NM-00008-00003464-00003703 so let us look at some of these qzAL0DJl1NM-00009-00003704-00003927 aminable materials so review of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00010-00003928-00004206 review of the previous qzAL0DJl1NM-00011-00004207-00004527 lecture okay briefly so qzAL0DJl1NM-00012-00004528-00004783 in the previous lecture we really qzAL0DJl1NM-00013-00004784-00004895 tried to qzAL0DJl1NM-00014-00004896-00005151 get a historical perspective of qzAL0DJl1NM-00015-00005152-00005270 machining qzAL0DJl1NM-00016-00005271-00005359 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00017-00005360-00005535 this was followed by qzAL0DJl1NM-00018-00005536-00005647 the description of some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00019-00005648-00005959 conventional and non-traditional qzAL0DJl1NM-00020-00005960-00006295 domains of manufacturing wherein qzAL0DJl1NM-00021-00006296-00006567 you know the machining processes qzAL0DJl1NM-00022-00006568-00006791 or metal cutting processes machining qzAL0DJl1NM-00023-00006792-00006959 processes were classified as metal qzAL0DJl1NM-00024-00006959-00007078 cutting qzAL0DJl1NM-00025-00007079-00007239 processes or mechanical abrasion qzAL0DJl1NM-00026-00007240-00007414 processes on one hand and the qzAL0DJl1NM-00027-00007415-00007655 non-traditional or the non conventional qzAL0DJl1NM-00028-00007656-00007823 machining processes were classified on qzAL0DJl1NM-00029-00007823-00008078 the basis of material removal mechanisms qzAL0DJl1NM-00030-00008079-00008327 based on either mechanical removal qzAL0DJl1NM-00031-00008328-00008527 thermal removal or chemical qzAL0DJl1NM-00032-00008528-00008639 electrochemical qzAL0DJl1NM-00033-00008640-00008831 removal on the other hand qzAL0DJl1NM-00034-00008832-00009014 and we also saw that qzAL0DJl1NM-00035-00009015-00009183 the course's basic intention is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00036-00009184-00009463 synergism between the microsystems qzAL0DJl1NM-00037-00009464-00009678 technology and the way to fabricate it qzAL0DJl1NM-00038-00009679-00009895 and the advanced manufacturing processes qzAL0DJl1NM-00039-00009896-00010127 and the integration between the two qzAL0DJl1NM-00040-00010128-00010351 so let us now see of some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00041-00010352-00010614 materials which are very amenable to the qzAL0DJl1NM-00042-00010615-00010774 use qzAL0DJl1NM-00043-00010775-00011006 you know in developing in to their use qzAL0DJl1NM-00044-00011007-00011231 of developing microsystems qzAL0DJl1NM-00045-00011232-00011463 so silicon of course is one of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00046-00011464-00011742 principal materials which are used for qzAL0DJl1NM-00047-00011743-00011951 micro system fabrication because as i qzAL0DJl1NM-00048-00011952-00012183 mentioned earlier that qzAL0DJl1NM-00049-00012184-00012278 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00050-00012279-00012559 the traditional processes qzAL0DJl1NM-00051-00012560-00012767 really are the qzAL0DJl1NM-00052-00012768-00012943 sorry the non-traditional processes on qzAL0DJl1NM-00053-00012944-00013038 silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00054-00013039-00013303 are nothing but borrowed from the micro qzAL0DJl1NM-00055-00013304-00013527 electronic industry and therefore being qzAL0DJl1NM-00056-00013528-00013719 a micro electronic material qzAL0DJl1NM-00057-00013719-00013911 the fallout processes which really qzAL0DJl1NM-00058-00013912-00014191 comprise of mems processes are amenable qzAL0DJl1NM-00059-00014191-00014415 to fabrication of silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00060-00014416-00014711 then of course quartz and glass because qzAL0DJl1NM-00061-00014712-00014903 in most of the cases of micro systems qzAL0DJl1NM-00062-00014904-00015158 you sometime need optical transparency qzAL0DJl1NM-00063-00015159-00015455 and therefore glasses and quads are the qzAL0DJl1NM-00064-00015456-00015686 next line of materials qzAL0DJl1NM-00065-00015687-00015966 amenable to the the qzAL0DJl1NM-00066-00015968-00016263 you know or can be classified as mems qzAL0DJl1NM-00067-00016263-00016511 materials or micro systems materials qzAL0DJl1NM-00068-00016512-00016711 then another whole lot of class of qzAL0DJl1NM-00069-00016712-00016903 materials which are nowadays qzAL0DJl1NM-00070-00016904-00017071 increasingly used for micro systems qzAL0DJl1NM-00071-00017072-00017230 fabrication at polymers and then qzAL0DJl1NM-00072-00017231-00017350 polymers qzAL0DJl1NM-00073-00017351-00017503 particularly qzAL0DJl1NM-00074-00017504-00017814 this pdms or polydimethylsiloxane which qzAL0DJl1NM-00075-00017815-00018039 is considered to be a very very bio qzAL0DJl1NM-00076-00018040-00018191 friendly qzAL0DJl1NM-00077-00018192-00018319 material qzAL0DJl1NM-00078-00018320-00018558 is most used particularly in biomedical qzAL0DJl1NM-00079-00018559-00018799 mems or biomedical micro devices qzAL0DJl1NM-00080-00018800-00019039 and then of course pmma polymethyl qzAL0DJl1NM-00081-00019040-00019230 methacrylate which is also an e beam qzAL0DJl1NM-00082-00019231-00019622 resist and it is used increasingly for qzAL0DJl1NM-00083-00019623-00019894 ev lithography and other applications qzAL0DJl1NM-00084-00019895-00020279 then this material of teflon okay where qzAL0DJl1NM-00085-00020280-00020558 teflon is actually a qzAL0DJl1NM-00086-00020559-00020775 commercial name of a material available qzAL0DJl1NM-00087-00020776-00021039 from dupont and the stefan is a very qzAL0DJl1NM-00088-00021040-00021311 very hydrophobic and it has excellent qzAL0DJl1NM-00089-00021312-00021478 applications again in the biological qzAL0DJl1NM-00090-00021479-00021767 world and so therefore teflon is another qzAL0DJl1NM-00091-00021768-00021983 very amenable material mems material qzAL0DJl1NM-00092-00021984-00022303 which is used mostly for fabrication of qzAL0DJl1NM-00093-00022304-00022455 micro systems qzAL0DJl1NM-00094-00022456-00022655 and then of course there is this whole qzAL0DJl1NM-00095-00022656-00022839 new domain of qzAL0DJl1NM-00096-00022840-00023135 microsystems which is using biological qzAL0DJl1NM-00097-00023136-00023439 entities like cells proteins qzAL0DJl1NM-00098-00023440-00023775 or dna and these are also some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00099-00023776-00024007 very very frontier research areas in the qzAL0DJl1NM-00100-00024008-00024278 biomes as to how to micro manipulate or qzAL0DJl1NM-00101-00024279-00024463 nano manipulate sometimes the biological qzAL0DJl1NM-00102-00024464-00024686 entities for fabrication or advanced qzAL0DJl1NM-00103-00024687-00025007 manufacturing of mems at this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00104-00025008-00025199 scale qzAL0DJl1NM-00105-00025200-00025439 so let us begin with the qzAL0DJl1NM-00106-00025440-00025646 silicon so qzAL0DJl1NM-00107-00025647-00025902 silicon of course is the most popular qzAL0DJl1NM-00108-00025904-00026190 mems material obtained so far qzAL0DJl1NM-00109-00026191-00026311 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00110-00026312-00026502 silicon and its compounds a variety of qzAL0DJl1NM-00111-00026504-00026783 compounds like oxides nitrides qzAL0DJl1NM-00112-00026783-00027031 polysilicon etcetera qzAL0DJl1NM-00113-00027032-00027246 can be very aminably used for qzAL0DJl1NM-00114-00027247-00027502 microsystems fabrication and not only qzAL0DJl1NM-00115-00027504-00027639 that qzAL0DJl1NM-00116-00027639-00027911 you can categorize qzAL0DJl1NM-00117-00027912-00028239 these whole class of materials qzAL0DJl1NM-00118-00028239-00028567 based on the amount of qzAL0DJl1NM-00119-00028568-00028870 you know their range of order into qzAL0DJl1NM-00120-00028872-00029223 crystalline polycrystalline or amorphous qzAL0DJl1NM-00121-00029224-00029483 materials where the qzAL0DJl1NM-00122-00029483-00030031 the definition of these terms are qzAL0DJl1NM-00123-00030032-00030279 kind of parallel to whatever qzAL0DJl1NM-00124-00030280-00030511 you know conventional definitions are qzAL0DJl1NM-00125-00030512-00030679 single crystalline means that there is qzAL0DJl1NM-00126-00030680-00030879 one qzAL0DJl1NM-00127-00030880-00031143 particular kind of crystal with the qzAL0DJl1NM-00128-00031144-00031335 reputation of unit cells qzAL0DJl1NM-00129-00031336-00031558 and there is no break of this crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00130-00031560-00031679 whatsoever qzAL0DJl1NM-00131-00031680-00031846 poly crystalline is that the crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00132-00031847-00032095 growth takes place at several centers qzAL0DJl1NM-00133-00032095-00032183 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00134-00032183-00032455 it formulates into grains of different qzAL0DJl1NM-00135-00032456-00032646 crystals with grain boundaries in qzAL0DJl1NM-00136-00032647-00032943 between and amorphouses where the range qzAL0DJl1NM-00137-00032944-00033183 of order is rather longer where the qzAL0DJl1NM-00138-00033184-00033431 shorter where there is no qzAL0DJl1NM-00139-00033432-00033607 orderliness at all and it is very qzAL0DJl1NM-00140-00033608-00033855 randomly deposited qzAL0DJl1NM-00141-00033856-00034046 and so these class of silicon oxide qzAL0DJl1NM-00142-00034047-00034279 nitride and silicon as such or qzAL0DJl1NM-00143-00034280-00034455 polysilicon can be categorized into qzAL0DJl1NM-00144-00034456-00034590 these various qzAL0DJl1NM-00145-00034591-00034839 forms and domains qzAL0DJl1NM-00146-00034840-00035015 so qzAL0DJl1NM-00147-00035016-00035199 material like silicon dioxide for qzAL0DJl1NM-00148-00035200-00035374 example are amorphous which means that qzAL0DJl1NM-00149-00035375-00035702 did not possess any long range order qzAL0DJl1NM-00150-00035703-00035799 ok qzAL0DJl1NM-00151-00035800-00035974 so that is what qzAL0DJl1NM-00152-00035975-00036190 is basically qzAL0DJl1NM-00153-00036191-00036407 the categorization of silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00154-00036408-00036630 and let us look or delve into a little qzAL0DJl1NM-00155-00036631-00036887 bit of crystallography and qzAL0DJl1NM-00156-00036888-00037190 crystal structures when we talk about qzAL0DJl1NM-00157-00037191-00037407 especially single crystalline silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00158-00037408-00037623 crystals are described by their their qzAL0DJl1NM-00159-00037624-00037839 most basic structural element the unit qzAL0DJl1NM-00160-00037840-00038127 cells as most of us know and it's a qzAL0DJl1NM-00161-00038128-00038335 regular array of such qzAL0DJl1NM-00162-00038336-00038535 units repeated in three dimensions in a qzAL0DJl1NM-00163-00038536-00038774 very regular manner which comprises of a qzAL0DJl1NM-00164-00038775-00038927 crystal and the unit cell of interest qzAL0DJl1NM-00165-00038928-00039223 have let's say cubic symmetry and each qzAL0DJl1NM-00166-00039224-00039415 edge of this unit cell has the same qzAL0DJl1NM-00167-00039416-00039559 length so you can divide these into qzAL0DJl1NM-00168-00039560-00039759 different classes of crystals like qzAL0DJl1NM-00169-00039760-00039927 simple cubic where you can see there are qzAL0DJl1NM-00170-00039928-00040102 about eight atoms on the eight corners qzAL0DJl1NM-00171-00040103-00040287 of this particular cube body centered qzAL0DJl1NM-00172-00040288-00040487 cubic where you have atoms on the qzAL0DJl1NM-00173-00040488-00040759 corners as well as one in the center of qzAL0DJl1NM-00174-00040760-00040990 the whole cubic lattice and this is what qzAL0DJl1NM-00175-00040991-00041207 one unit cell would comprise of a look qzAL0DJl1NM-00176-00041208-00041367 like and a repetition of all these unit qzAL0DJl1NM-00177-00041368-00041535 cells in the three dimensions would qzAL0DJl1NM-00178-00041536-00041727 typically result in what you call a qzAL0DJl1NM-00179-00041728-00041943 single crystal line material qzAL0DJl1NM-00180-00041944-00042087 and then you have face centered where qzAL0DJl1NM-00181-00042088-00042327 these faces also has some atoms apart qzAL0DJl1NM-00182-00042328-00042543 from the corners qzAL0DJl1NM-00183-00042544-00042751 and there is no qzAL0DJl1NM-00184-00042752-00042935 atom in the center of this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00185-00042936-00043118 unit cell so these are some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00186-00043119-00043367 classifications of how cubic crystals qzAL0DJl1NM-00187-00043368-00043567 can be divided as qzAL0DJl1NM-00188-00043568-00043662 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00189-00043663-00043990 just to reiterate or just to qzAL0DJl1NM-00190-00043991-00044135 you know qzAL0DJl1NM-00191-00044136-00044374 memorize some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00192-00044375-00044543 fundamentals which you probably may have qzAL0DJl1NM-00193-00044544-00044783 obtained earlier these qzAL0DJl1NM-00194-00044784-00045015 the crystals are really represented by qzAL0DJl1NM-00195-00045016-00045158 directions qzAL0DJl1NM-00196-00045159-00045302 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00197-00045303-00045487 they are identified qzAL0DJl1NM-00198-00045488-00045790 using cartesian coordinate system and qzAL0DJl1NM-00199-00045791-00045974 the square bracket here as you are qzAL0DJl1NM-00200-00045975-00046311 seeing is indicative of the direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00201-00046312-00046495 in which qzAL0DJl1NM-00202-00046496-00046583 so qzAL0DJl1NM-00203-00046584-00046783 the crystal would grow you know so it is qzAL0DJl1NM-00204-00046784-00046879 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00205-00046880-00047071 direction of growth of the particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00206-00047072-00047230 crystal so if i say qzAL0DJl1NM-00207-00047231-00047439 that it is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00208-00047440-00047630 1 0 0 qzAL0DJl1NM-00209-00047631-00047799 growth that means it is growing the qzAL0DJl1NM-00210-00047800-00048030 crystal is growing in the x direction ok qzAL0DJl1NM-00211-00048031-00048311 if it is 0 1 0 it is growing in the y qzAL0DJl1NM-00212-00048312-00048511 direction similarly if it is a 0 0 1 it qzAL0DJl1NM-00213-00048512-00048758 is growing in the z direction and not qzAL0DJl1NM-00214-00048759-00048967 only that if you know you can change the qzAL0DJl1NM-00215-00048968-00049246 planes if the growth is along a certain qzAL0DJl1NM-00216-00049247-00049335 plane qzAL0DJl1NM-00217-00049336-00049567 then it can be a 1 1 0 qzAL0DJl1NM-00218-00049568-00049758 or it can be let us say qzAL0DJl1NM-00219-00049759-00049846 you know qzAL0DJl1NM-00220-00049847-00050183 1 0 1 or 0 1 1 which corresponds to qzAL0DJl1NM-00221-00050184-00050318 different planes qzAL0DJl1NM-00222-00050319-00050518 of of the growth and then there can be a qzAL0DJl1NM-00223-00050519-00050686 very interesting growth along the one qzAL0DJl1NM-00224-00050687-00050935 one one direction which means that it is qzAL0DJl1NM-00225-00050936-00051127 something like a triangle here as you qzAL0DJl1NM-00226-00051128-00051335 can see qzAL0DJl1NM-00227-00051336-00051566 so the one one one direction typically qzAL0DJl1NM-00228-00051567-00051863 is perpendicular to this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00229-00051864-00052094 triangle so the direction of growth is qzAL0DJl1NM-00230-00052095-00052238 perpendicular to this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00231-00052239-00052454 direction so whatever it is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00232-00052455-00052647 directions are represented by these qzAL0DJl1NM-00233-00052648-00052871 square brackets and it is a sort of sign qzAL0DJl1NM-00234-00052872-00053166 convention to do that and qzAL0DJl1NM-00235-00053167-00053359 you know if you want to represent the qzAL0DJl1NM-00236-00053360-00053463 plane qzAL0DJl1NM-00237-00053464-00053687 a particular plane that is perpendicular qzAL0DJl1NM-00238-00053688-00053871 to the vector qzAL0DJl1NM-00239-00053872-00054103 square bracket x y z you represent that qzAL0DJl1NM-00240-00054104-00054342 by this round bracket x y z which qzAL0DJl1NM-00241-00054344-00054654 comprises of the plane of which x y z qzAL0DJl1NM-00242-00054655-00054926 was a direction of okay so this is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00243-00054927-00055030 plane qzAL0DJl1NM-00244-00055032-00055319 ground bracket and this is the direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00245-00055320-00055471 square bracket qzAL0DJl1NM-00246-00055472-00055719 and then of course a set of such planes qzAL0DJl1NM-00247-00055720-00056038 are represented by these third bracket qzAL0DJl1NM-00248-00056039-00056342 and the set of planes would be meaning qzAL0DJl1NM-00249-00056344-00056438 all qzAL0DJl1NM-00250-00056439-00056687 planes of type round bracket x y z qzAL0DJl1NM-00251-00056688-00056919 represented by the third bracket x y z qzAL0DJl1NM-00252-00056920-00057094 so that is a sort of nomenclature which qzAL0DJl1NM-00253-00057095-00057230 you use qzAL0DJl1NM-00254-00057232-00057487 for for you know systems or for qzAL0DJl1NM-00255-00057488-00057799 identifying silicon as such so let us qzAL0DJl1NM-00256-00057800-00057879 now qzAL0DJl1NM-00257-00057879-00058094 look into a little bit qzAL0DJl1NM-00258-00058095-00058415 different aspect of how you can actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00259-00058416-00058711 make a single crystalline silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00260-00058712-00058926 and in context of that the most qzAL0DJl1NM-00261-00058927-00059111 important method that is illustrated in qzAL0DJl1NM-00262-00059112-00059294 literature very often is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00263-00059295-00059463 zochralkey's qzAL0DJl1NM-00264-00059464-00059711 growth method in which silicon can be qzAL0DJl1NM-00265-00059712-00060191 obtained from polycrystalline qzAL0DJl1NM-00266-00060191-00060447 silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00267-00060448-00060619 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00268-00060620-00060975 99.99 percent pure polycrystalline qzAL0DJl1NM-00269-00060976-00061271 silicon which is fused and this fuse qzAL0DJl1NM-00270-00061272-00061615 this fusion process is by thermal means qzAL0DJl1NM-00271-00061616-00061806 there is a crucible which is indicated qzAL0DJl1NM-00272-00061807-00062047 here in this figure which comprises of a qzAL0DJl1NM-00273-00062048-00062359 central cavity and this cavity as i am qzAL0DJl1NM-00274-00062360-00062599 illustrating by this border here qzAL0DJl1NM-00275-00062600-00062759 contains qzAL0DJl1NM-00276-00062760-00062959 the silica material the silicon material qzAL0DJl1NM-00277-00062960-00063182 the polycrystalline silicon fused qzAL0DJl1NM-00278-00063183-00063487 material and qzAL0DJl1NM-00279-00063488-00063591 this qzAL0DJl1NM-00280-00063591-00063838 this crucible so called is is basically qzAL0DJl1NM-00281-00063839-00064087 capable of rotation so you can rotate qzAL0DJl1NM-00282-00064088-00064471 the whole crucible and also qzAL0DJl1NM-00283-00064472-00064559 it is qzAL0DJl1NM-00284-00064560-00064782 inertly filled so the temp chamber here qzAL0DJl1NM-00285-00064783-00065135 is evacuated using pumping mechanisms as qzAL0DJl1NM-00286-00065136-00065375 illustrated here and here and then you qzAL0DJl1NM-00287-00065376-00065575 can fill qzAL0DJl1NM-00288-00065576-00065750 the the whole qzAL0DJl1NM-00289-00065751-00066223 environment or atmosphere of this fused qzAL0DJl1NM-00290-00066224-00066503 silicon container with argon or an inert qzAL0DJl1NM-00291-00066504-00066799 gas so that it ensures qzAL0DJl1NM-00292-00066800-00067031 the non-inclusion of qzAL0DJl1NM-00293-00067032-00067311 material like oxygen and nitrogen qzAL0DJl1NM-00294-00067312-00067463 into the silicon lattice so it's qzAL0DJl1NM-00295-00067464-00067671 extremely pure process and there are qzAL0DJl1NM-00296-00067672-00067903 certain foundries in the world qzAL0DJl1NM-00297-00067904-00068159 like one example is memc qzAL0DJl1NM-00298-00068160-00068271 which is qzAL0DJl1NM-00299-00068272-00068503 based in san luis qzAL0DJl1NM-00300-00068504-00068719 missouri which actually manufactures qzAL0DJl1NM-00301-00068720-00068847 some of these qzAL0DJl1NM-00302-00068848-00068950 silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-00303-00068951-00069238 wafers high purity single crystalline qzAL0DJl1NM-00304-00069239-00069487 silicon wafers so the way the processing qzAL0DJl1NM-00305-00069488-00069671 goes is that when this crucible is qzAL0DJl1NM-00306-00069672-00069950 rotated and then qzAL0DJl1NM-00307-00069951-00070175 there is something called a seed crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00308-00070176-00070375 which has been obtained from an earlier qzAL0DJl1NM-00309-00070376-00070655 process and the seed can be probably a qzAL0DJl1NM-00310-00070656-00070806 very small qzAL0DJl1NM-00311-00070807-00071015 crystal of certain direction or grown in qzAL0DJl1NM-00312-00071016-00071215 a certain direction let us say the one qzAL0DJl1NM-00313-00071216-00071479 zero zero direction ok so this seed has qzAL0DJl1NM-00314-00071480-00071687 been grown from an earlier process it is qzAL0DJl1NM-00315-00071688-00072038 a pure crystal and the seed is inserted qzAL0DJl1NM-00316-00072039-00072367 into this melt somewhere here as can be qzAL0DJl1NM-00317-00072368-00072679 illustrated and as is illustrated here qzAL0DJl1NM-00318-00072680-00072815 and so therefore qzAL0DJl1NM-00319-00072816-00073023 the the rotation the relative rotation qzAL0DJl1NM-00320-00073024-00073359 between the seed and the crucible qzAL0DJl1NM-00321-00073360-00073543 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00322-00073544-00073775 you know can be varied by varying the qzAL0DJl1NM-00323-00073776-00074023 the relative rpm and qzAL0DJl1NM-00324-00074024-00074199 what is important here is that as the qzAL0DJl1NM-00325-00074200-00074567 seed goes and dips into the material qzAL0DJl1NM-00326-00074568-00074823 and the seed is slowly pulled out qzAL0DJl1NM-00327-00074824-00075159 it tries to drag along with it a part of qzAL0DJl1NM-00328-00075160-00075350 the silicon melt and the moment the qzAL0DJl1NM-00329-00075351-00075550 silicon melt comes out into the open qzAL0DJl1NM-00330-00075551-00075855 atmosphere it is no longer you know a qzAL0DJl1NM-00331-00075856-00076071 part of the crucible and therefore it qzAL0DJl1NM-00332-00076072-00076406 can as well solidify so only advantage qzAL0DJl1NM-00333-00076407-00076647 here is that the solidification the qzAL0DJl1NM-00334-00076648-00076847 rates of this pulling qzAL0DJl1NM-00335-00076848-00077087 can be balanced with the rate at which qzAL0DJl1NM-00336-00077088-00077247 the relative rotation happens between qzAL0DJl1NM-00337-00077248-00077455 the crucible and the seed and many other qzAL0DJl1NM-00338-00077456-00077647 parameters are in a controlled manner so qzAL0DJl1NM-00339-00077648-00077862 the rate at which qzAL0DJl1NM-00340-00077863-00077982 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00341-00077983-00078423 the the the solidification qzAL0DJl1NM-00342-00078424-00078535 front qzAL0DJl1NM-00343-00078536-00078711 sort of cools off qzAL0DJl1NM-00344-00078712-00078782 ah qzAL0DJl1NM-00345-00078783-00078950 you know you can really tailor it or qzAL0DJl1NM-00346-00078951-00079126 fine tailor it in a manner so that the qzAL0DJl1NM-00347-00079127-00079223 growth qzAL0DJl1NM-00348-00079224-00079487 takes place in the same direction as the qzAL0DJl1NM-00349-00079488-00079726 direction of the seed crystal okay so qzAL0DJl1NM-00350-00079727-00079959 this is the zokhra alkeys crucible qzAL0DJl1NM-00351-00079960-00080238 process so the seed is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00352-00080239-00080519 mother crystal which would qzAL0DJl1NM-00353-00080520-00080855 eventually result in formulation of qzAL0DJl1NM-00354-00080856-00081175 a bowl of material as can be indicated qzAL0DJl1NM-00355-00081176-00081447 by this outline that i am drawing here qzAL0DJl1NM-00356-00081448-00081631 ok and this all qzAL0DJl1NM-00357-00081632-00081806 material in this bowl is grown in the qzAL0DJl1NM-00358-00081807-00082006 direction of the seed crystal and the qzAL0DJl1NM-00359-00082007-00082262 parent direction is kind of grown into qzAL0DJl1NM-00360-00082263-00082487 this particular bowl so once this bowl qzAL0DJl1NM-00361-00082488-00082894 is extracted you can actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00362-00082895-00083199 cut this bowl into pieces and you can qzAL0DJl1NM-00363-00083200-00083391 fine polish qzAL0DJl1NM-00364-00083392-00083479 them and there are a lot of qzAL0DJl1NM-00365-00083480-00083662 methodologies like qzAL0DJl1NM-00366-00083663-00084006 cnc wire cut edm or some other qzAL0DJl1NM-00367-00084007-00084279 instruments which are used for fine qzAL0DJl1NM-00368-00084280-00084511 sizing or maybe even band saw which are qzAL0DJl1NM-00369-00084512-00084767 used for fine sizing these wafers qzAL0DJl1NM-00370-00084768-00085015 typically these wafers can vary between qzAL0DJl1NM-00371-00085016-00085279 400 microns thickness to about 900 qzAL0DJl1NM-00372-00085280-00085494 microns thickness so some other nitty qzAL0DJl1NM-00373-00085495-00085767 gritty of this process is that qzAL0DJl1NM-00374-00085768-00085935 the chamber is qzAL0DJl1NM-00375-00085936-00086279 actually filled with qzAL0DJl1NM-00376-00086280-00086503 you know its backfilled with inert gas qzAL0DJl1NM-00377-00086504-00086782 and the crucible is heated up till qzAL0DJl1NM-00378-00086783-00087191 1500 degree celsius okay and qzAL0DJl1NM-00379-00087192-00087350 the seed crystal is really small qzAL0DJl1NM-00380-00087351-00087526 chemically etched crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00381-00087527-00087694 and lowered into the contact with the qzAL0DJl1NM-00382-00087695-00087943 melt so that the melt can grow in that qzAL0DJl1NM-00383-00087944-00088047 direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00384-00088048-00088294 it has to be carefully oriented qzAL0DJl1NM-00385-00088295-00088471 because this sort of serves as a qzAL0DJl1NM-00386-00088472-00088687 template for growth of the much larger qzAL0DJl1NM-00387-00088688-00088838 crystals later on qzAL0DJl1NM-00388-00088839-00088918 okay qzAL0DJl1NM-00389-00088919-00089094 so that is how qzAL0DJl1NM-00390-00089095-00089247 the zukralki's qzAL0DJl1NM-00391-00089248-00089462 growth method or growth process qzAL0DJl1NM-00392-00089463-00089679 is actually executed qzAL0DJl1NM-00393-00089680-00089750 now qzAL0DJl1NM-00394-00089751-00089943 yeah let us do some mathematical qzAL0DJl1NM-00395-00089944-00090175 modeling for this process qzAL0DJl1NM-00396-00090176-00090494 ah which can give us an idea of how qzAL0DJl1NM-00397-00090495-00090671 you know the the liquid to solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00398-00090672-00090935 conversion can take place in terms of qzAL0DJl1NM-00399-00090936-00091247 latent heat of solidification okay and qzAL0DJl1NM-00400-00091248-00091415 we can just do a simple qzAL0DJl1NM-00401-00091416-00091615 one dimensional heat flow analogy to qzAL0DJl1NM-00402-00091616-00091838 understand the situations let us say you qzAL0DJl1NM-00403-00091839-00092103 have a crucible here in this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00404-00092104-00092318 example and we are considering this qzAL0DJl1NM-00405-00092319-00092582 particular zone here as you can see qzAL0DJl1NM-00406-00092583-00092767 which is also called the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00407-00092768-00093047 okay it was one of fusion because uh qzAL0DJl1NM-00408-00093048-00093287 sort of you know this is the zone where qzAL0DJl1NM-00409-00093288-00093503 the there is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00410-00093504-00093671 presence of both the states the liquid qzAL0DJl1NM-00411-00093672-00093926 state which is into the qzAL0DJl1NM-00412-00093927-00094103 the crucible and then the solid state qzAL0DJl1NM-00413-00094104-00094247 which is a part of the seed which is qzAL0DJl1NM-00414-00094248-00094479 getting withdrawn and so it is a sort of qzAL0DJl1NM-00415-00094480-00094726 semi solid semi liquid kind of zone that qzAL0DJl1NM-00416-00094727-00094879 we are considering qzAL0DJl1NM-00417-00094880-00095215 so if we apply the the fouriers qzAL0DJl1NM-00418-00095216-00095335 law qzAL0DJl1NM-00419-00095336-00095479 of qzAL0DJl1NM-00420-00095480-00095759 heat conduction so q dot x qzAL0DJl1NM-00421-00095760-00096079 or the rate of flow of heat as a qzAL0DJl1NM-00422-00096080-00096231 function of x qzAL0DJl1NM-00423-00096232-00096455 okay or in the direction of x qzAL0DJl1NM-00424-00096456-00096535 is qzAL0DJl1NM-00425-00096536-00096631 really qzAL0DJl1NM-00426-00096632-00096950 proportional to the interfacial area qzAL0DJl1NM-00427-00096951-00097143 across which the heat is flowing so the qzAL0DJl1NM-00428-00097144-00097311 interfacial area in this case can be qzAL0DJl1NM-00429-00097312-00097615 thought of as going into the plane of qzAL0DJl1NM-00430-00097616-00097879 this slide okay so this is the area qzAL0DJl1NM-00431-00097880-00098055 across which the heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00432-00098056-00098191 is flowing so this is also known as the qzAL0DJl1NM-00433-00098192-00098518 heat phase okay and then it's also qzAL0DJl1NM-00434-00098519-00098671 proportional to qzAL0DJl1NM-00435-00098672-00098855 the the temperature gradient which qzAL0DJl1NM-00436-00098856-00099087 exists in the material in the direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00437-00099088-00099326 of flow of heat so in this case for qzAL0DJl1NM-00438-00099327-00099574 example if the temperature here is qzAL0DJl1NM-00439-00099575-00099718 t qzAL0DJl1NM-00440-00099719-00099806 one qzAL0DJl1NM-00441-00099807-00100015 the temperature here is t two qzAL0DJl1NM-00442-00100016-00100167 so temperature here is qzAL0DJl1NM-00443-00100168-00100391 t one temperature here is t two and of qzAL0DJl1NM-00444-00100392-00100599 course qzAL0DJl1NM-00445-00100600-00100862 in this particular case t two is more qzAL0DJl1NM-00446-00100863-00100982 than t 1 qzAL0DJl1NM-00447-00100983-00101215 which enables the heat to flow from the qzAL0DJl1NM-00448-00101216-00101526 direction of t 2 to t 1 ok so let us say qzAL0DJl1NM-00449-00101527-00101918 in this particular zone of fusion that qzAL0DJl1NM-00450-00101919-00102055 is in question qzAL0DJl1NM-00451-00102056-00102159 we have qzAL0DJl1NM-00452-00102160-00102326 a temperature t 1 qzAL0DJl1NM-00453-00102327-00102502 which is actually higher than t 2 in qzAL0DJl1NM-00454-00102503-00102751 this particular case which is that of qzAL0DJl1NM-00455-00102752-00102902 the liquid qzAL0DJl1NM-00456-00102903-00103278 part of the zone of fusion right so qzAL0DJl1NM-00457-00103279-00103518 the temperature of the liquid part is t1 qzAL0DJl1NM-00458-00103519-00103839 and the temperature of the solid part of qzAL0DJl1NM-00459-00103840-00104023 the withdrawn seed qzAL0DJl1NM-00460-00104024-00104263 and the bowl formulated on the seed as a qzAL0DJl1NM-00461-00104264-00104551 template is basically t2 okay as qzAL0DJl1NM-00462-00104552-00104766 illustrated here and t1 of course is qzAL0DJl1NM-00463-00104767-00104966 greater than t2 which enables the qzAL0DJl1NM-00464-00104967-00105263 direction of heat flow in the positive y qzAL0DJl1NM-00465-00105264-00105502 direction as you can see here ok so the qzAL0DJl1NM-00466-00105503-00105927 heat flows from t 1 towards t 2 qzAL0DJl1NM-00467-00105928-00106023 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00468-00106024-00106271 we need to just investigate how qzAL0DJl1NM-00469-00106272-00106543 the rate of heat flow here qzAL0DJl1NM-00470-00106544-00106686 into qzAL0DJl1NM-00471-00106688-00106975 the zone of fusion from the liquid side qzAL0DJl1NM-00472-00106976-00107183 and the rate of flow out of the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00473-00107183-00107399 fusion to the solid side would be qzAL0DJl1NM-00474-00107400-00107695 balanced with each other and this heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00475-00107696-00107783 loss qzAL0DJl1NM-00476-00107783-00108015 which is happening qzAL0DJl1NM-00477-00108016-00108423 you know is is also a cause of qzAL0DJl1NM-00478-00108424-00108631 the formation of the solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00479-00108632-00108839 which means that you know in a solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00480-00108840-00109158 state as you know the bond energy is qzAL0DJl1NM-00481-00109159-00109390 always higher and therefore there is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00482-00109391-00109615 heat of formation of the solid which is qzAL0DJl1NM-00483-00109616-00109758 lost you know it is called the latent qzAL0DJl1NM-00484-00109759-00110007 heat of formation of the solid so the qzAL0DJl1NM-00485-00110008-00110278 the difference between the ah the rate qzAL0DJl1NM-00486-00110279-00110486 of heat flow into the zone of fusion and qzAL0DJl1NM-00487-00110488-00110878 out of the zone of fusion is really qzAL0DJl1NM-00488-00110879-00111134 the the quantity of heat which is lost qzAL0DJl1NM-00489-00111135-00111423 in formulating the solid from the liquid qzAL0DJl1NM-00490-00111424-00111719 state so if we model it in that manner qzAL0DJl1NM-00491-00111720-00111919 let us say for example qzAL0DJl1NM-00492-00111920-00112007 if we qzAL0DJl1NM-00493-00112008-00112254 assume completely one dimensional heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00494-00112255-00112543 flow in this particular case ah we can qzAL0DJl1NM-00495-00112544-00112966 write the heat equation as minus k l a d qzAL0DJl1NM-00496-00112967-00113263 t by d x in the liquid side the minus qzAL0DJl1NM-00497-00113264-00113502 shows that the heat is always from the qzAL0DJl1NM-00498-00113503-00113654 higher qzAL0DJl1NM-00499-00113655-00113815 the you know the qzAL0DJl1NM-00500-00113816-00113990 towards the lower temperature from the qzAL0DJl1NM-00501-00113991-00114247 higher temperature side which is also qzAL0DJl1NM-00502-00114248-00114502 redefined by the law of thermodynamics qzAL0DJl1NM-00503-00114503-00114710 so kl is qzAL0DJl1NM-00504-00114711-00114854 the conductivity the thermal qzAL0DJl1NM-00505-00114855-00115207 conductivity of the liquid melt a is of qzAL0DJl1NM-00506-00115208-00115383 course the interfacial area of the zone qzAL0DJl1NM-00507-00115383-00115654 of fusion and dt by dx is qzAL0DJl1NM-00508-00115655-00115799 the temperature gradient available qzAL0DJl1NM-00509-00115800-00116071 across that interface between the liquid qzAL0DJl1NM-00510-00116072-00116383 onto the crucible and the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00511-00116383-00116486 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00512-00116488-00116599 of course qzAL0DJl1NM-00513-00116600-00116886 this heat goes into the zone and the qzAL0DJl1NM-00514-00116888-00117071 heat which is lost from the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00515-00117072-00117375 fusion into the solid can be defined as qzAL0DJl1NM-00516-00117376-00117527 minus of qzAL0DJl1NM-00517-00117528-00118047 minus ka where k s sorry where k s is qzAL0DJl1NM-00518-00118048-00118278 basically the thermal conductivity of qzAL0DJl1NM-00519-00118279-00118454 the solid material qzAL0DJl1NM-00520-00118455-00118686 times of interfacial area between the qzAL0DJl1NM-00521-00118688-00118983 zone of fusion and the solid a we assume qzAL0DJl1NM-00522-00118983-00119175 the area to be same in both the cases qzAL0DJl1NM-00523-00119176-00119454 for simplicity of the model here times qzAL0DJl1NM-00524-00119455-00119663 of dt by dx qzAL0DJl1NM-00525-00119664-00119983 ah temperature gradient in the solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00526-00119983-00120151 while the heat flows from the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00527-00120152-00120454 fusion into the solid ok so that is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00528-00120455-00120702 difference of heat flow into the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00529-00120703-00120871 fusion and outside the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00530-00120872-00121166 and this net heat loss here is somewhere qzAL0DJl1NM-00531-00121167-00121486 recorded as the solid formation qzAL0DJl1NM-00532-00121488-00121775 ok or the you know the heat of formation qzAL0DJl1NM-00533-00121776-00122014 of the particular solid so if you assume qzAL0DJl1NM-00534-00122015-00122095 that qzAL0DJl1NM-00535-00122096-00122254 the rate at which qzAL0DJl1NM-00536-00122255-00122334 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00537-00122335-00122463 the solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00538-00122464-00122886 material gets formulated is dm by dt qzAL0DJl1NM-00539-00122888-00123102 as you can see in this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-00540-00123103-00123383 illustration here and l being the latent qzAL0DJl1NM-00541-00123383-00123623 heat of formation qzAL0DJl1NM-00542-00123624-00123902 which is in terms of how much mass per qzAL0DJl1NM-00543-00123903-00124014 kg qzAL0DJl1NM-00544-00124015-00124151 how much heat is qzAL0DJl1NM-00545-00124152-00124399 lost in order to formulate the solid so qzAL0DJl1NM-00546-00124400-00124663 l dm by dt is qzAL0DJl1NM-00547-00124664-00124951 really nothing but the amount of heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00548-00124952-00125190 the rate of heat or the the rate of heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00549-00125191-00125278 loss qzAL0DJl1NM-00550-00125279-00125519 ok in terms of formation of the solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00551-00125520-00125631 bonds qzAL0DJl1NM-00552-00125632-00125839 rate of heat loss can be equated in qzAL0DJl1NM-00553-00125840-00126078 terms of heat going qzAL0DJl1NM-00554-00126079-00126334 per unit time into the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00555-00126335-00126510 minus heat going away from the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00556-00126511-00126710 fusion per unit time so you can really qzAL0DJl1NM-00557-00126711-00126975 equate both these equations and that qzAL0DJl1NM-00558-00126976-00127254 formulates a basis of the zokral keys qzAL0DJl1NM-00559-00127255-00127399 growth process qzAL0DJl1NM-00560-00127400-00127519 because qzAL0DJl1NM-00561-00127520-00127710 you know qzAL0DJl1NM-00562-00127711-00127958 heat flowing in here represented by the qzAL0DJl1NM-00563-00127959-00128199 first term heat flowing out here qzAL0DJl1NM-00564-00128200-00128390 represented by the second term and in qzAL0DJl1NM-00565-00128391-00128534 between whatever is happening in qzAL0DJl1NM-00566-00128535-00128766 resulting in this formation of the solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00567-00128767-00129143 phase the ldl db dm by dt qzAL0DJl1NM-00568-00129144-00129263 so qzAL0DJl1NM-00569-00129264-00129463 that is really what qzAL0DJl1NM-00570-00129464-00129766 this zokral keys process is about dt by qzAL0DJl1NM-00571-00129767-00129951 dx of course is the thermal gradient in qzAL0DJl1NM-00572-00129952-00130247 the x direction from the either from qzAL0DJl1NM-00573-00130248-00130439 liquid to the zone qzAL0DJl1NM-00574-00130440-00130534 solid qzAL0DJl1NM-00575-00130535-00130695 zone of fusion or from the zone of qzAL0DJl1NM-00576-00130696-00131054 fusion to to the solid and k l and k s qzAL0DJl1NM-00577-00131055-00131166 are respectively the thermal qzAL0DJl1NM-00578-00131167-00131414 conductivities of the liquid state and qzAL0DJl1NM-00579-00131415-00131775 the solid state of the silicon so let us qzAL0DJl1NM-00580-00131776-00132023 refine this equation a little more by qzAL0DJl1NM-00581-00132024-00132263 assuming that you have qzAL0DJl1NM-00582-00132264-00132599 draw as the density of qzAL0DJl1NM-00583-00132600-00132935 the solid in this particular case and of qzAL0DJl1NM-00584-00132936-00133375 course a the area of qzAL0DJl1NM-00585-00133376-00133559 the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00586-00133560-00133775 defined by a constant a is the qzAL0DJl1NM-00587-00133776-00134159 interfacial area and if we assume that qzAL0DJl1NM-00588-00134160-00134327 dx length qzAL0DJl1NM-00589-00134328-00134831 of solid material is formulated qzAL0DJl1NM-00590-00134832-00134975 because of this qzAL0DJl1NM-00591-00134976-00135183 heat transfer process qzAL0DJl1NM-00592-00135184-00135414 so dm really qzAL0DJl1NM-00593-00135415-00135583 the differential amount of mass is qzAL0DJl1NM-00594-00135584-00135790 nothing but the density times of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00595-00135791-00136095 volume a d x which is created by virtue qzAL0DJl1NM-00596-00136096-00136351 of pull out from the zone of fusion into qzAL0DJl1NM-00597-00136352-00136831 the solid state so if we equate the qzAL0DJl1NM-00598-00136832-00137159 the the new term obtained for dm into qzAL0DJl1NM-00599-00137160-00137478 the earlier equation we have l times of qzAL0DJl1NM-00600-00137479-00137887 rho times of a times of dx by dt which qzAL0DJl1NM-00601-00137888-00138087 is nothing but the pull rate the pull qzAL0DJl1NM-00602-00138088-00138735 rate of the seed crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00603-00138736-00138990 in terms of qzAL0DJl1NM-00604-00138991-00139175 the rate of displacement qzAL0DJl1NM-00605-00139176-00139431 of the seed with respect to the crucible qzAL0DJl1NM-00606-00139432-00139711 so this is the pull rate okay so l times qzAL0DJl1NM-00607-00139712-00139943 rho times a times the pull rate is qzAL0DJl1NM-00608-00139944-00140183 nothing but this heat transfer equation qzAL0DJl1NM-00609-00140184-00140654 which is kx a dt by dx solid minus kl a qzAL0DJl1NM-00610-00140655-00140935 dt by dx liquid we have just taken the qzAL0DJl1NM-00611-00140936-00141102 negative of negative n so therefore that qzAL0DJl1NM-00612-00141103-00141311 is why the equation has changed sign so qzAL0DJl1NM-00613-00141312-00141383 if qzAL0DJl1NM-00614-00141384-00141614 we were to assume that our pull rate is qzAL0DJl1NM-00615-00141615-00141878 maximum for the purpose of high yield qzAL0DJl1NM-00616-00141879-00142087 production we should have a situation qzAL0DJl1NM-00617-00142088-00142319 where this negative component should go qzAL0DJl1NM-00618-00142320-00142614 to zero so therefore typically whatever qzAL0DJl1NM-00619-00142615-00142695 is qzAL0DJl1NM-00620-00142696-00143095 coming as heat into the zone of fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00621-00143096-00143302 is really qzAL0DJl1NM-00622-00143303-00143575 the amount of heat going away from the qzAL0DJl1NM-00623-00143576-00143823 heat of fusion zone of zone of fusion so qzAL0DJl1NM-00624-00143824-00143983 that is typically a case in one qzAL0DJl1NM-00625-00143984-00144247 dimensional heat transfer so this whole qzAL0DJl1NM-00626-00144248-00144559 equation is a maximum on the left side qzAL0DJl1NM-00627-00144560-00144695 only this qzAL0DJl1NM-00628-00144696-00144911 liquid qzAL0DJl1NM-00629-00144912-00145111 heat transfer from liquid into the zone qzAL0DJl1NM-00630-00145112-00145254 of fusion is zero qzAL0DJl1NM-00631-00145255-00145390 or qzAL0DJl1NM-00632-00145391-00145607 the latent heat really in the in in the qzAL0DJl1NM-00633-00145608-00145807 zone of fusion is the only heat that is qzAL0DJl1NM-00634-00145808-00146126 diffusing through the solid okay and so qzAL0DJl1NM-00635-00146127-00146431 therefore this is a one dimensional qzAL0DJl1NM-00636-00146432-00146623 case where you have the maximum pull qzAL0DJl1NM-00637-00146624-00146702 rate qzAL0DJl1NM-00638-00146703-00147014 v max represented by k a by l qzAL0DJl1NM-00639-00147015-00147135 times of qzAL0DJl1NM-00640-00147136-00147407 dt by qzAL0DJl1NM-00641-00147408-00147663 dm qzAL0DJl1NM-00642-00147664-00147823 or k qzAL0DJl1NM-00643-00147824-00148071 divided by rho l we are just putting the qzAL0DJl1NM-00644-00148072-00148175 value of qzAL0DJl1NM-00645-00148176-00148599 dm here rho adx times of dt by dx and qzAL0DJl1NM-00646-00148600-00148895 this dt by dx mind u is in the qzAL0DJl1NM-00647-00148896-00149143 solid domain as the heat emits from the qzAL0DJl1NM-00648-00149144-00149343 zone of fusion into the solid so the qzAL0DJl1NM-00649-00149344-00149678 maximum pull rate is really proportional qzAL0DJl1NM-00650-00149679-00149990 to dt by dx or the temperature gradient qzAL0DJl1NM-00651-00149991-00150135 from the zone qzAL0DJl1NM-00652-00150136-00150214 of qzAL0DJl1NM-00653-00150215-00150439 fusion qzAL0DJl1NM-00654-00150440-00150711 onto qzAL0DJl1NM-00655-00150712-00151071 the solid material qzAL0DJl1NM-00656-00151072-00151159 ok qzAL0DJl1NM-00657-00151160-00151343 and so therefore qzAL0DJl1NM-00658-00151344-00151623 one may argue that if you have a very qzAL0DJl1NM-00659-00151624-00151919 large dt by dx it would result in qzAL0DJl1NM-00660-00151920-00152166 maximum yield a maximum pull rate which qzAL0DJl1NM-00661-00152167-00152623 is actually not the case cut qzAL0DJl1NM-00662-00152624-00152926 ready qzAL0DJl1NM-00663-00152927-00153126 so normally qzAL0DJl1NM-00664-00153127-00153375 the maximum pull rate is never used qzAL0DJl1NM-00665-00153376-00153607 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00666-00153608-00153766 that's because qzAL0DJl1NM-00667-00153767-00154007 if you give it very less time to qzAL0DJl1NM-00668-00154008-00154126 formulate qzAL0DJl1NM-00669-00154127-00154302 then there is always a qzAL0DJl1NM-00670-00154303-00154423 tendency qzAL0DJl1NM-00671-00154424-00154639 of qzAL0DJl1NM-00672-00154640-00154959 a lot of point defects particularly qzAL0DJl1NM-00673-00154960-00155159 in in the zone of fusion near to the qzAL0DJl1NM-00674-00155160-00155390 melt and therefore the point effect qzAL0DJl1NM-00675-00155391-00155647 density would go up very high if the dt qzAL0DJl1NM-00676-00155648-00155990 by dx increases so quick cooling would qzAL0DJl1NM-00677-00155991-00156263 help to qzAL0DJl1NM-00678-00156264-00156439 sort of qzAL0DJl1NM-00679-00156440-00156526 on qzAL0DJl1NM-00680-00156527-00156711 one hand qzAL0DJl1NM-00681-00156712-00156823 create qzAL0DJl1NM-00682-00156824-00157078 a lot of defects into the next qzAL0DJl1NM-00683-00157079-00157302 formulating zone from the liquid ok qzAL0DJl1NM-00684-00157303-00157551 although the defects may not be going qzAL0DJl1NM-00685-00157552-00157831 into the solid crystal because you have qzAL0DJl1NM-00686-00157832-00158126 very less time given for the the cooling qzAL0DJl1NM-00687-00158127-00158239 process to take place or the qzAL0DJl1NM-00688-00158240-00158502 solidification to take place however the qzAL0DJl1NM-00689-00158503-00158702 another aspect of this qzAL0DJl1NM-00690-00158703-00158854 huge qzAL0DJl1NM-00691-00158855-00159095 too much thermal gradient is also qzAL0DJl1NM-00692-00159096-00159359 creation of large thermal stresses qzAL0DJl1NM-00693-00159360-00159590 within the solid which would rather qzAL0DJl1NM-00694-00159591-00159823 create dislocations and particularly qzAL0DJl1NM-00695-00159824-00160014 this is true for larger diameter wafers qzAL0DJl1NM-00696-00160015-00160207 that the dislocations are qzAL0DJl1NM-00697-00160208-00160390 very very prominent because of that so qzAL0DJl1NM-00698-00160391-00160766 it is really a trade-off between qzAL0DJl1NM-00699-00160767-00160902 the pull rate qzAL0DJl1NM-00700-00160903-00161175 and the way that qzAL0DJl1NM-00701-00161176-00161263 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00702-00161264-00161454 defects would go into formulating the qzAL0DJl1NM-00703-00161455-00161695 crystals or the amount of thermal qzAL0DJl1NM-00704-00161696-00161902 stresses that the crystals can handle qzAL0DJl1NM-00705-00161903-00162119 and this together would define how much qzAL0DJl1NM-00706-00162120-00162302 pull rate is really needed qzAL0DJl1NM-00707-00162303-00162526 and its really not a yield decision qzAL0DJl1NM-00708-00162527-00162687 sometimes yield based decisions qzAL0DJl1NM-00709-00162688-00162975 sometimes it is basing itself on the qzAL0DJl1NM-00710-00162976-00163175 purity of the material particularly when qzAL0DJl1NM-00711-00163176-00163278 because we are growing single qzAL0DJl1NM-00712-00163279-00163439 crystalline silicon here qzAL0DJl1NM-00713-00163440-00163631 purity of the material in terms of point qzAL0DJl1NM-00714-00163632-00163743 effects qzAL0DJl1NM-00715-00163744-00163854 high qzAL0DJl1NM-00716-00163855-00163926 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00717-00163927-00164143 density and also qzAL0DJl1NM-00718-00164144-00164311 thermal stress created dislocations qzAL0DJl1NM-00719-00164312-00164447 etcetera qzAL0DJl1NM-00720-00164448-00164743 uh so it is a it is a function of qzAL0DJl1NM-00721-00164744-00164999 a lot of other quality parameters for qzAL0DJl1NM-00722-00165000-00165278 the wafer apart from the yield so that qzAL0DJl1NM-00723-00165279-00165487 is how the zokralgi's growth process qzAL0DJl1NM-00724-00165488-00165607 works qzAL0DJl1NM-00725-00165608-00165719 okay qzAL0DJl1NM-00726-00165720-00165847 so qzAL0DJl1NM-00727-00165848-00166047 the other method which is of qzAL0DJl1NM-00728-00166048-00166295 some prominence is basically qzAL0DJl1NM-00729-00166296-00166407 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00730-00166408-00166638 the single you know it's called the qzAL0DJl1NM-00731-00166639-00166838 float zone method which is qzAL0DJl1NM-00732-00166839-00167151 again another very important method for qzAL0DJl1NM-00733-00167152-00167375 realizing single crystalline silicon so qzAL0DJl1NM-00734-00167376-00167551 in this particular method qzAL0DJl1NM-00735-00167552-00167871 also called the float zone method qzAL0DJl1NM-00736-00167872-00168087 you know it is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00737-00168088-00168278 it is basically used for extremely high qzAL0DJl1NM-00738-00168279-00168566 purity silicon growth although ah qzAL0DJl1NM-00739-00168567-00168759 downside of this qzAL0DJl1NM-00740-00168760-00169014 particular process is that you cannot qzAL0DJl1NM-00741-00169015-00169271 really go above a certain diameter qzAL0DJl1NM-00742-00169272-00169559 of production of wafer like in zokral qzAL0DJl1NM-00743-00169560-00169783 keys you could go up to any extent qzAL0DJl1NM-00744-00169784-00170054 including eight inches or you know qzAL0DJl1NM-00745-00170055-00170254 five inches bigger size wafers are also qzAL0DJl1NM-00746-00170255-00170519 possible in this particular case qzAL0DJl1NM-00747-00170520-00170726 it is only limited to smaller size qzAL0DJl1NM-00748-00170727-00170926 wafers and qzAL0DJl1NM-00749-00170927-00171038 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00750-00171039-00171214 the process for production really is qzAL0DJl1NM-00751-00171215-00171478 similar ah you have the concept of a qzAL0DJl1NM-00752-00171479-00171926 seed crystal in this method as well qzAL0DJl1NM-00753-00171927-00172175 as as we had in socralgis however in qzAL0DJl1NM-00754-00172176-00172471 this particular case as you can see qzAL0DJl1NM-00755-00172472-00172751 there is a poly crystalline rod qzAL0DJl1NM-00756-00172752-00172983 which is being pushed into the small qzAL0DJl1NM-00757-00172984-00173199 orifice here and qzAL0DJl1NM-00758-00173200-00173351 by means of qzAL0DJl1NM-00759-00173352-00173671 non contact mediated heating like an rf qzAL0DJl1NM-00760-00173672-00173919 mechanism maybe you heat qzAL0DJl1NM-00761-00173920-00174247 this particular surface of the wafer to qzAL0DJl1NM-00762-00174248-00174359 almost qzAL0DJl1NM-00763-00174360-00174583 its melting temperature qzAL0DJl1NM-00764-00174584-00174807 while pushing qzAL0DJl1NM-00765-00174808-00174911 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00766-00174912-00175151 the polycrystalline rod all the way into qzAL0DJl1NM-00767-00175152-00175471 the orifice okay and on the other side qzAL0DJl1NM-00768-00175472-00175654 you lower qzAL0DJl1NM-00769-00175655-00175783 the seed qzAL0DJl1NM-00770-00175784-00175887 crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00771-00175888-00176054 into the qzAL0DJl1NM-00772-00176055-00176343 into the qzAL0DJl1NM-00773-00176344-00176638 this orifice here and the seed crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00774-00176639-00176887 is actually used as a template for qzAL0DJl1NM-00775-00176888-00177095 formation of growth qzAL0DJl1NM-00776-00177096-00177190 of qzAL0DJl1NM-00777-00177191-00177351 this polycrystalline material being qzAL0DJl1NM-00778-00177352-00177551 pushed through the orifice onto the qzAL0DJl1NM-00779-00177552-00177735 other side so from the naked region qzAL0DJl1NM-00780-00177736-00177966 really in this particular region the qzAL0DJl1NM-00781-00177967-00178271 seed crystal grows and makes a you know qzAL0DJl1NM-00782-00178272-00178519 a single crystalline silicon of the type qzAL0DJl1NM-00783-00178520-00178647 of seed crystal from the poly qzAL0DJl1NM-00784-00178648-00178838 crystalline melt which you are pushing qzAL0DJl1NM-00785-00178839-00179031 through this particular orifice qzAL0DJl1NM-00786-00179032-00179254 the both the qzAL0DJl1NM-00787-00179255-00179495 the rod as well as the the feeding rod qzAL0DJl1NM-00788-00179496-00179775 as well as the the wafers are moving qzAL0DJl1NM-00789-00179776-00180087 at certain omega velocities and one good qzAL0DJl1NM-00790-00180088-00180326 advantage here is the uniform heating so qzAL0DJl1NM-00791-00180327-00180526 there are very less thermal stresses and qzAL0DJl1NM-00792-00180527-00180751 as such no thermal stress related qzAL0DJl1NM-00793-00180752-00180935 dislocations which is otherwise the case qzAL0DJl1NM-00794-00180936-00181126 in socralgis method where there is a qzAL0DJl1NM-00795-00181127-00181351 huge thermal gradient available because qzAL0DJl1NM-00796-00181352-00181583 it is essentially a contact mode heating qzAL0DJl1NM-00797-00181584-00181943 here most of the heating means are qzAL0DJl1NM-00798-00181944-00182175 rf based so that this non contact qzAL0DJl1NM-00799-00182176-00182366 mediated and there are no thermal qzAL0DJl1NM-00800-00182367-00182631 dislocations ah whatsoever qzAL0DJl1NM-00801-00182632-00182895 in the particular crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00802-00182896-00183199 so that is another method of formulation qzAL0DJl1NM-00803-00183200-00183431 of single crystalline silicon known as qzAL0DJl1NM-00804-00183432-00183654 float zone method qzAL0DJl1NM-00805-00183655-00183902 so the other material of qzAL0DJl1NM-00806-00183903-00184054 importance of you know for to the qzAL0DJl1NM-00807-00184055-00184238 microsystems fabrication has been qzAL0DJl1NM-00808-00184239-00184463 indicated is glass okay qzAL0DJl1NM-00809-00184464-00184551 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00810-00184552-00184759 glass is actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00811-00184760-00185119 chemically silicon oxide and qzAL0DJl1NM-00812-00185120-00185319 the content of silicon oxide however qzAL0DJl1NM-00813-00185320-00185471 varies qzAL0DJl1NM-00814-00185472-00185735 from different glasses for example qzAL0DJl1NM-00815-00185736-00185950 soda lime glass would contain qzAL0DJl1NM-00816-00185951-00186063 about qzAL0DJl1NM-00817-00186064-00186454 68 percent of silicon oxide borosilicate qzAL0DJl1NM-00818-00186455-00186687 another variety of glass would contain qzAL0DJl1NM-00819-00186688-00186975 about 81 percent and the highest and the qzAL0DJl1NM-00820-00186976-00187223 purest form of glass is the quads really qzAL0DJl1NM-00821-00187224-00187511 its fused silica which is actually 100 qzAL0DJl1NM-00822-00187512-00187654 percent qzAL0DJl1NM-00823-00187655-00187926 silicon oxide and ah qzAL0DJl1NM-00824-00187927-00188135 basically there are certain other metal qzAL0DJl1NM-00825-00188136-00188350 oxides along with silicon oxide which qzAL0DJl1NM-00826-00188351-00188454 are present qzAL0DJl1NM-00827-00188455-00188631 which would determine the optical qzAL0DJl1NM-00828-00188632-00188935 transparency or clarity of the glass qzAL0DJl1NM-00829-00188936-00189390 to um you know the whole uv vis uv qzAL0DJl1NM-00830-00189391-00189559 visible region of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00831-00189560-00189743 spectrum and so therefore qzAL0DJl1NM-00832-00189744-00189935 certain characteristic metal oxides and qzAL0DJl1NM-00833-00189936-00190111 metal ions would emit their own qzAL0DJl1NM-00834-00190112-00190375 signatures making glass unclean and qzAL0DJl1NM-00835-00190376-00190566 absorb at certain frequencies whereas qzAL0DJl1NM-00836-00190567-00190750 quartz being the qzAL0DJl1NM-00837-00190751-00190966 purest or the highest qzAL0DJl1NM-00838-00190967-00191247 form of glass will not absorb any of qzAL0DJl1NM-00839-00191248-00191463 these wavelengths and would have a clean qzAL0DJl1NM-00840-00191464-00191631 background as such qzAL0DJl1NM-00841-00191632-00191854 so glass itself has a variety of qzAL0DJl1NM-00842-00191855-00192150 desirable properties for example qzAL0DJl1NM-00843-00192151-00192431 it has a high mechanical strength qzAL0DJl1NM-00844-00192432-00192623 it has high electrical insulation qzAL0DJl1NM-00845-00192624-00192911 transparency high chemical resistance qzAL0DJl1NM-00846-00192912-00193102 which are all available to micro system qzAL0DJl1NM-00847-00193103-00193359 so therefore glass sometimes can be used qzAL0DJl1NM-00848-00193360-00193711 for packaging ah micro systems typically qzAL0DJl1NM-00849-00193712-00194087 and commercially available glasses qzAL0DJl1NM-00850-00194088-00194350 are now available freely like qzAL0DJl1NM-00851-00194351-00194583 you know which can be photo patterned qzAL0DJl1NM-00852-00194584-00194847 fought you run is one of one such glass qzAL0DJl1NM-00853-00194848-00194999 can be directly qzAL0DJl1NM-00854-00195000-00195247 photo patterned onto the substrates and qzAL0DJl1NM-00855-00195248-00195366 therefore qzAL0DJl1NM-00856-00195367-00195511 you know with glass also you can qzAL0DJl1NM-00857-00195512-00195614 actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00858-00195615-00195887 use photochemical machining or pcm qzAL0DJl1NM-00859-00195888-00195959 to qzAL0DJl1NM-00860-00195960-00196111 ah qzAL0DJl1NM-00861-00196112-00196278 you know result in a variety of features qzAL0DJl1NM-00862-00196279-00196511 and structures at the microscopic length qzAL0DJl1NM-00863-00196512-00196599 scale qzAL0DJl1NM-00864-00196600-00196895 so ah for etching glasses for creating qzAL0DJl1NM-00865-00196896-00197078 crevices cavities qzAL0DJl1NM-00866-00197079-00197366 features structures of the micro scale qzAL0DJl1NM-00867-00197367-00197614 within such glasses you normally use qzAL0DJl1NM-00868-00197615-00197959 buffer hf solution which is actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00869-00197960-00198190 a solution of hf along with qzAL0DJl1NM-00870-00198191-00198447 ammonium hydroxide and water so that is qzAL0DJl1NM-00871-00198448-00198543 hot qzAL0DJl1NM-00872-00198544-00198647 that is what qzAL0DJl1NM-00873-00198648-00198887 glasses are that is how qzAL0DJl1NM-00874-00198888-00199135 glasses are important for the micro qzAL0DJl1NM-00875-00199136-00199471 structure domains let us also look a qzAL0DJl1NM-00876-00199472-00199663 little bit into the the wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-00877-00199664-00199871 specifications qzAL0DJl1NM-00878-00199872-00200038 of silicon wafers qzAL0DJl1NM-00879-00200039-00200319 and so essentially how they are prepared qzAL0DJl1NM-00880-00200320-00200550 from the bowl which are being obtained qzAL0DJl1NM-00881-00200551-00200711 either by zokhralki's method or by the qzAL0DJl1NM-00882-00200712-00200990 float zone method so the bowel is first qzAL0DJl1NM-00883-00200991-00201223 characterized for resistivity and qzAL0DJl1NM-00884-00201224-00201390 crystal perfection qzAL0DJl1NM-00885-00201391-00201487 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00886-00201488-00201687 these are done by various electrical qzAL0DJl1NM-00887-00201688-00201950 tests on the bowl then the seed and tail qzAL0DJl1NM-00888-00201951-00202102 are cut off qzAL0DJl1NM-00889-00202103-00202375 the bowl and mechanically trimmed to qzAL0DJl1NM-00890-00202376-00202743 proper diameter and then of course qzAL0DJl1NM-00891-00202744-00202895 then finally there is a finished qzAL0DJl1NM-00892-00202896-00203095 trimming operation onto the final wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-00893-00203096-00203302 diameter since additional etching will qzAL0DJl1NM-00894-00203303-00203599 still need to be done on those bowels ok qzAL0DJl1NM-00895-00203600-00203799 so for wafers qzAL0DJl1NM-00896-00203800-00204190 150 mm or less flats are ground qzAL0DJl1NM-00897-00204191-00204463 through the entire length of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00898-00204464-00204711 the bowl to denote ah crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00899-00204712-00204919 orientation so if you have qzAL0DJl1NM-00900-00204919-00205134 one zero zero direction you will have qzAL0DJl1NM-00901-00205135-00205303 that flat qzAL0DJl1NM-00902-00205304-00205446 pointing out qzAL0DJl1NM-00903-00205448-00205719 ah as a plane towards the plane qzAL0DJl1NM-00904-00205719-00206031 perpendicular ah qzAL0DJl1NM-00905-00206032-00206190 to indicate the perpendicular direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00906-00206191-00206342 as the direction of growth of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00907-00206344-00206462 particular crystal so most of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00908-00206463-00206662 silicon wafers that you get from qzAL0DJl1NM-00909-00206663-00206823 industry would have qzAL0DJl1NM-00910-00206823-00206990 one or two cuts qzAL0DJl1NM-00911-00206991-00207223 indicative of certain specifications qzAL0DJl1NM-00912-00207223-00207342 particularly qzAL0DJl1NM-00913-00207344-00207558 growth related specifications of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00914-00207559-00207879 silicon wafer so qzAL0DJl1NM-00915-00207880-00208031 the thing that has to be remembered is qzAL0DJl1NM-00916-00208032-00208158 the largest qzAL0DJl1NM-00917-00208159-00208446 flat which is also known as the primary qzAL0DJl1NM-00918-00208448-00208727 flat in such a circular wafer is qzAL0DJl1NM-00919-00208728-00208838 oriented qzAL0DJl1NM-00920-00208839-00209255 always perpendicular to the 1 0 0 qzAL0DJl1NM-00921-00209256-00209582 direction so therefore it is actually qzAL0DJl1NM-00922-00209583-00209815 the x direction in a qzAL0DJl1NM-00923-00209816-00210039 right handed coordinate system cartesian qzAL0DJl1NM-00924-00210040-00210351 coordinate system and the flat is always qzAL0DJl1NM-00925-00210352-00210663 perpendicular to the x direction and qzAL0DJl1NM-00926-00210664-00210934 that indicates the direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00927-00210935-00211110 the other directions of the crystal so qzAL0DJl1NM-00928-00211111-00211375 in comparison to that flat you can qzAL0DJl1NM-00929-00211376-00211646 record what is the one one one direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00930-00211648-00211887 or one one zero direction or one zero qzAL0DJl1NM-00931-00211888-00212039 one direction or any other direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00932-00212040-00212334 with respect to this x direction so one qzAL0DJl1NM-00933-00212335-00212487 thing has to be very qzAL0DJl1NM-00934-00212488-00212623 carefully qzAL0DJl1NM-00935-00212623-00212903 seen or observed in any silicon wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-00936-00212904-00213134 which comes from such a foundry you will qzAL0DJl1NM-00937-00213135-00213342 have to first see what is the largest qzAL0DJl1NM-00938-00213344-00213623 flat and that is called the primary flat qzAL0DJl1NM-00939-00213623-00213863 and it is always oriented perpendicular qzAL0DJl1NM-00940-00213864-00214063 to the one zero zero direction qzAL0DJl1NM-00941-00214064-00214271 apart from that there are several other qzAL0DJl1NM-00942-00214271-00214503 specifications of qzAL0DJl1NM-00943-00214504-00214791 relative importance for example you can qzAL0DJl1NM-00944-00214792-00214982 actually have cleanliness qzAL0DJl1NM-00945-00214983-00215215 in terms of particles per centimeter qzAL0DJl1NM-00946-00215216-00215415 square on the surface area qzAL0DJl1NM-00947-00215416-00215639 you can have indication of oxygen qzAL0DJl1NM-00948-00215640-00215879 concentration per centimeter cube that qzAL0DJl1NM-00949-00215880-00216110 means this per unit volume carbon qzAL0DJl1NM-00950-00216111-00216351 concentration per unit volume metal qzAL0DJl1NM-00951-00216352-00216582 contaminants in terms of qzAL0DJl1NM-00952-00216583-00216791 parts per billion within the crystal qzAL0DJl1NM-00953-00216792-00217015 lattice and then also you can have qzAL0DJl1NM-00954-00217016-00217191 permanent area what are the growing qzAL0DJl1NM-00955-00217192-00217479 dislocations sometimes these are very qzAL0DJl1NM-00956-00217480-00217719 well measured using qzAL0DJl1NM-00957-00217719-00217855 sophisticated qzAL0DJl1NM-00958-00217856-00218119 non-contact mediated optical qzAL0DJl1NM-00959-00218119-00218255 characterization tools like qzAL0DJl1NM-00960-00218256-00218463 interferometry etcetera qzAL0DJl1NM-00961-00218464-00218758 then you can also have an idea of qzAL0DJl1NM-00962-00218759-00219110 oxidation induced stacking faults and qzAL0DJl1NM-00963-00219111-00219327 that can be in the bulk of the wafer so qzAL0DJl1NM-00964-00219328-00219542 that can be permanent volume apart from qzAL0DJl1NM-00965-00219544-00219734 that some normal specifications like qzAL0DJl1NM-00966-00219735-00220039 diameter and thickness of the wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-00967-00220040-00220303 or the bow which is nothing but the way qzAL0DJl1NM-00968-00220304-00220503 that the wafer is warped or bent qzAL0DJl1NM-00969-00220504-00220815 sometimes and then aspects like flatness qzAL0DJl1NM-00970-00220816-00221103 and cost so these are all indicated qzAL0DJl1NM-00971-00221104-00221255 in a wafer box qzAL0DJl1NM-00972-00221256-00221567 which comes from such a manufacturer qzAL0DJl1NM-00973-00221567-00221831 or a foundry of silicon so these are qzAL0DJl1NM-00974-00221832-00222015 some of the specifications qzAL0DJl1NM-00975-00222016-00222310 which normally the manufacturer supplies qzAL0DJl1NM-00976-00222311-00222510 and then with this specification on and qzAL0DJl1NM-00977-00222511-00222687 the direction of the flat one can qzAL0DJl1NM-00978-00222688-00222839 characterize the wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-00979-00222840-00222967 very well qzAL0DJl1NM-00980-00222967-00223287 ok so now qzAL0DJl1NM-00981-00223288-00223598 once we have had a good introduction to qzAL0DJl1NM-00982-00223600-00223823 silicon and glass let us look at some of qzAL0DJl1NM-00983-00223823-00223910 the qzAL0DJl1NM-00984-00223911-00224158 mems fabrication techniques which are qzAL0DJl1NM-00985-00224159-00224375 really available okay qzAL0DJl1NM-00986-00224376-00224463 so qzAL0DJl1NM-00987-00224464-00224655 it is really all about qzAL0DJl1NM-00988-00224656-00224991 fabrication of micro nano structures qzAL0DJl1NM-00989-00224992-00225287 inside silicon or glass or some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-00990-00225288-00225510 materials aminable for mems fabrication qzAL0DJl1NM-00991-00225511-00225734 that we are concerned with right so it qzAL0DJl1NM-00992-00225735-00226015 is formation of structures qzAL0DJl1NM-00993-00226016-00226271 which could be actually used for qzAL0DJl1NM-00994-00226271-00226639 sensing or actuation purposes at the qzAL0DJl1NM-00995-00226640-00226894 micro scale so that is qzAL0DJl1NM-00996-00226896-00227071 the purpose of this kind of fabrication qzAL0DJl1NM-00997-00227071-00227191 right qzAL0DJl1NM-00998-00227192-00227334 and qzAL0DJl1NM-00999-00227335-00227663 the idea is that this microstructure so qzAL0DJl1NM-01000-00227664-00227919 formulated should be able to process qzAL0DJl1NM-01001-00227919-00228103 some signals it can be electrical qzAL0DJl1NM-01002-00228104-00228351 signals or it can be non electrical like qzAL0DJl1NM-01003-00228352-00228591 mechanical signals which can be somehow qzAL0DJl1NM-01004-00228592-00228839 processed by means of transduction qzAL0DJl1NM-01005-00228840-00229063 of these features or you know qzAL0DJl1NM-01006-00229064-00229310 microstructured elements qzAL0DJl1NM-01007-00229311-00229406 and qzAL0DJl1NM-01008-00229407-00229639 for production of these qzAL0DJl1NM-01009-00229640-00229927 you have to use some conventional and qzAL0DJl1NM-01010-00229928-00230239 some new semiconductor manufacturing qzAL0DJl1NM-01011-00230240-00230398 techniques qzAL0DJl1NM-01012-00230400-00230646 for in the in the in the mems region and qzAL0DJl1NM-01013-00230648-00230815 some of these manufacturing techniques qzAL0DJl1NM-01014-00230816-00231006 could be something like qzAL0DJl1NM-01015-00231007-00231263 chemical machining like etching it could qzAL0DJl1NM-01016-00231264-00231463 be gas based or qzAL0DJl1NM-01017-00231464-00231582 based on qzAL0DJl1NM-01018-00231583-00231719 some chemicals qzAL0DJl1NM-01019-00231719-00231919 it could be deposition qzAL0DJl1NM-01020-00231919-00232215 where you can deposit a metal film or a qzAL0DJl1NM-01021-00232216-00232471 resist film on the top of qzAL0DJl1NM-01022-00232471-00232687 some of these wafers and then of course qzAL0DJl1NM-01023-00232688-00232934 photolithography where you can use the qzAL0DJl1NM-01024-00232935-00233303 power of optical signals or light qzAL0DJl1NM-01025-00233304-00233431 to actually qzAL0DJl1NM-01026-00233432-00233758 carve and find out different features qzAL0DJl1NM-01027-00233759-00234039 sizes and structures on to these qzAL0DJl1NM-01028-00234040-00234239 films and then you can use a variety of qzAL0DJl1NM-01029-00234240-00234591 other processes like oxidation epitaxy qzAL0DJl1NM-01030-00234592-00234863 etc which are planned like for example qzAL0DJl1NM-01031-00234864-00235071 epitaxy could be used for growth of qzAL0DJl1NM-01032-00235071-00235303 single crystal silicon or oxidation as a qzAL0DJl1NM-01033-00235304-00235503 matter of fact is thermal process qzAL0DJl1NM-01034-00235504-00235758 whereby you can actually entrap oxygen qzAL0DJl1NM-01035-00235759-00235942 in silicon at the cost of silicon you qzAL0DJl1NM-01036-00235944-00236198 can get a layer of silicon oxide or qzAL0DJl1NM-01037-00236200-00236382 silicon dioxide qzAL0DJl1NM-01038-00236383-00236494 so these are qzAL0DJl1NM-01039-00236496-00236687 sort of conventional semiconductor qzAL0DJl1NM-01040-00236688-00236910 manufacturing processes which have qzAL0DJl1NM-01041-00236911-00237015 been qzAL0DJl1NM-01042-00237016-00237303 merged into the mems domain or qzAL0DJl1NM-01043-00237304-00237551 microsystems fabrication domain apart qzAL0DJl1NM-01044-00237552-00237815 from that there are deep rie qzAL0DJl1NM-01045-00237816-00238063 or deep reactive ion etching which is a qzAL0DJl1NM-01046-00238064-00238255 very new technique in the micro systems qzAL0DJl1NM-01047-00238256-00238534 domain and then of course thick plating qzAL0DJl1NM-01048-00238535-00238719 which is also used qzAL0DJl1NM-01049-00238719-00238903 this is electroplating which is a sort qzAL0DJl1NM-01050-00238904-00239151 of electrochemical machining operation qzAL0DJl1NM-01051-00239152-00239382 where you can actually deposit qzAL0DJl1NM-01052-00239383-00239655 films of certain size and so therefore qzAL0DJl1NM-01053-00239656-00239887 these are the two other domains which qzAL0DJl1NM-01054-00239888-00240175 are very commonly used for mems systems qzAL0DJl1NM-01055-00240176-00240471 or microelectromechanical systems qzAL0DJl1NM-01056-00240471-00240639 apart from that of course there are qzAL0DJl1NM-01057-00240640-00240775 these qzAL0DJl1NM-01058-00240776-00240975 non-traditional qzAL0DJl1NM-01059-00240976-00241110 processes like qzAL0DJl1NM-01060-00241111-00241246 usm qzAL0DJl1NM-01061-00241248-00241406 ajm qzAL0DJl1NM-01062-00241407-00241519 edm qzAL0DJl1NM-01063-00241519-00241742 and ecm which have been very recently qzAL0DJl1NM-01064-00241744-00242030 incorporated for doing qzAL0DJl1NM-01065-00242031-00242334 activity in fabrication of the micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01066-00242335-00242623 system qzAL0DJl1NM-01067-00242623-00242887 or micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01068-00242888-00243151 manufactured components or devices qzAL0DJl1NM-01069-00243152-00243423 so if you look at all these machining qzAL0DJl1NM-01070-00243423-00243598 processes in qzAL0DJl1NM-01071-00243600-00243846 a bunch they can be categorized either qzAL0DJl1NM-01072-00243848-00243927 as qzAL0DJl1NM-01073-00243928-00244182 bulk micro machining processes qzAL0DJl1NM-01074-00244183-00244639 or surface micro machining processes and qzAL0DJl1NM-01075-00244640-00244894 the bulk processes really are qzAL0DJl1NM-01076-00244896-00245023 about qzAL0DJl1NM-01077-00245023-00245134 the qzAL0DJl1NM-01078-00245135-00245279 ah qzAL0DJl1NM-01079-00245280-00245358 the qzAL0DJl1NM-01080-00245359-00245663 subtractive removal of material or qzAL0DJl1NM-01081-00245664-00245806 subtractive qzAL0DJl1NM-01082-00245807-00245967 ah qzAL0DJl1NM-01083-00245967-00246279 processing of material from a wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-01084-00246280-00246591 surface for example in this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-01085-00246592-00246855 illustration here or cartoon here you qzAL0DJl1NM-01086-00246856-00247023 can see qzAL0DJl1NM-01087-00247023-00247342 this right here is a section a cross qzAL0DJl1NM-01088-00247344-00247582 section of the silicon wafer and you are qzAL0DJl1NM-01089-00247583-00247798 trying to selectively etch off the qzAL0DJl1NM-01090-00247800-00248151 material from this wafer so there can be qzAL0DJl1NM-01091-00248152-00248367 for example a protective layer here qzAL0DJl1NM-01092-00248367-00248575 which you have etched out and created a qzAL0DJl1NM-01093-00248576-00248846 small crevice or a cavity so another qzAL0DJl1NM-01094-00248848-00249119 example is this particular etch pit here qzAL0DJl1NM-01095-00249119-00249327 which is a high aspect ratio structure qzAL0DJl1NM-01096-00249328-00249510 and this can be obtained by a process qzAL0DJl1NM-01097-00249511-00249791 called deep reactive ion etching where qzAL0DJl1NM-01098-00249792-00250079 the power of plasma can be used for qzAL0DJl1NM-01099-00250080-00250271 driving atoms in a particular direction qzAL0DJl1NM-01100-00250271-00250494 so that they can knock off the surface qzAL0DJl1NM-01101-00250496-00250727 atoms here and then based on that high qzAL0DJl1NM-01102-00250728-00250863 aspect ratio structures can be qzAL0DJl1NM-01103-00250864-00251055 formulated qzAL0DJl1NM-01104-00251056-00251271 the third example as illustrated here is qzAL0DJl1NM-01105-00251271-00251479 again a very interesting example where qzAL0DJl1NM-01106-00251480-00251798 there is a p double plus qzAL0DJl1NM-01107-00251800-00252030 layer which has been impregnated here qzAL0DJl1NM-01108-00252031-00252223 using an implantation or some doping qzAL0DJl1NM-01109-00252223-00252558 technique and then as an isotropic etch qzAL0DJl1NM-01110-00252559-00252727 which actually goes on from the back qzAL0DJl1NM-01111-00252728-00252975 side here and the material is selective qzAL0DJl1NM-01112-00252976-00253046 to qzAL0DJl1NM-01113-00253048-00253367 only silicon and so to p double plus so qzAL0DJl1NM-01114-00253367-00253534 therefore whenever qzAL0DJl1NM-01115-00253535-00253791 the the etchant actually comes and and qzAL0DJl1NM-01116-00253792-00253942 hits this area qzAL0DJl1NM-01117-00253944-00254167 it actually leaves a membrane here a qzAL0DJl1NM-01118-00254167-00254342 thin membrane here because it is not qzAL0DJl1NM-01119-00254344-00254567 able to etch this part it is selective qzAL0DJl1NM-01120-00254567-00254767 to p double plus as i already mentioned qzAL0DJl1NM-01121-00254767-00254942 and the remaining silicon is etched away qzAL0DJl1NM-01122-00254944-00255255 so this is another way of qzAL0DJl1NM-01123-00255256-00255479 getting what you can say qzAL0DJl1NM-01124-00255480-00255591 thin film qzAL0DJl1NM-01125-00255592-00255758 pressure sensors qzAL0DJl1NM-01126-00255759-00255991 and this is qzAL0DJl1NM-01127-00255992-00256206 also known as bulk micro machined qzAL0DJl1NM-01128-00256207-00256494 pressure sensors ok so why it is bulk is qzAL0DJl1NM-01129-00256496-00256758 because you are subtractively removing qzAL0DJl1NM-01130-00256759-00257046 material from the volume of this qzAL0DJl1NM-01131-00257048-00257263 particular wafer and that is why bulk qzAL0DJl1NM-01132-00257264-00257534 micro machining is an subtractive qzAL0DJl1NM-01133-00257535-00257734 process it is a material removal qzAL0DJl1NM-01134-00257735-00257846 mechanism qzAL0DJl1NM-01135-00257848-00257998 on the other hand qzAL0DJl1NM-01136-00258000-00258215 surface micro machining qzAL0DJl1NM-01137-00258216-00258430 is an additive process where you do not qzAL0DJl1NM-01138-00258431-00258655 really remove the material from the bulk qzAL0DJl1NM-01139-00258656-00258879 of the wafer but you keep on adding qzAL0DJl1NM-01140-00258880-00259134 different layers of materials on to the qzAL0DJl1NM-01141-00259135-00259294 top of the wafer qzAL0DJl1NM-01142-00259296-00259455 because of which you can create these qzAL0DJl1NM-01143-00259456-00259646 features and structures to exemplify qzAL0DJl1NM-01144-00259648-00259903 some let us look at this illustration qzAL0DJl1NM-01145-00259904-00260215 here as can be represented so here for qzAL0DJl1NM-01146-00260216-00260567 example this is a polysilicon layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01147-00260567-00260863 which has been put in a manner so that qzAL0DJl1NM-01148-00260864-00261087 you had a sacrificial layer in this qzAL0DJl1NM-01149-00261088-00261358 particular region given by the dots it qzAL0DJl1NM-01150-00261359-00261558 could be a resist layer and then you qzAL0DJl1NM-01151-00261559-00261798 have deposited the polysilicon layer on qzAL0DJl1NM-01152-00261800-00262006 the top of this resist layer and then qzAL0DJl1NM-01153-00262007-00262199 later on you can remove the resist layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01154-00262200-00262343 away because poly silicon is a high qzAL0DJl1NM-01155-00262344-00262591 strength material so that you can have a qzAL0DJl1NM-01156-00262592-00262839 channel on the surface on one side and qzAL0DJl1NM-01157-00262840-00263015 buried within this polysilicon layer on qzAL0DJl1NM-01158-00263016-00263215 another side so you can remove away this qzAL0DJl1NM-01159-00263216-00263582 resist later on it just goes off thus qzAL0DJl1NM-01160-00263583-00263879 resulting in this channel into the qzAL0DJl1NM-01161-00263880-00264055 plane of the paper qzAL0DJl1NM-01162-00264056-00264182 or plane of the qzAL0DJl1NM-01163-00264183-00264351 this transparency slide qzAL0DJl1NM-01164-00264352-00264543 so this is an example of qzAL0DJl1NM-01165-00264544-00264758 surface micro machining or additive qzAL0DJl1NM-01166-00264759-00264975 micro machining other examples could be qzAL0DJl1NM-01167-00264976-00265206 deposition of these pillars and pores by qzAL0DJl1NM-01168-00265207-00265463 using either metals or photoresist where qzAL0DJl1NM-01169-00265464-00265679 the structures so realized can be of qzAL0DJl1NM-01170-00265680-00265934 some significance for example all the qzAL0DJl1NM-01171-00265935-00266327 metallic interconnects in qzAL0DJl1NM-01172-00266328-00266575 electronic microelectronic circuitry is qzAL0DJl1NM-01173-00266576-00266751 actually made qzAL0DJl1NM-01174-00266752-00266991 using such metal imprints it is called qzAL0DJl1NM-01175-00266992-00267287 printed electronics ok and qzAL0DJl1NM-01176-00267288-00267543 it is again an additive micro machining qzAL0DJl1NM-01177-00267544-00267782 process or a surface micro machining qzAL0DJl1NM-01178-00267783-00268015 process so in a nutshell machining can qzAL0DJl1NM-01179-00268016-00268247 be divided into bulk where you are qzAL0DJl1NM-01180-00268248-00268599 subtracting from the volume and qzAL0DJl1NM-01181-00268600-00268806 surface micro machining where you are qzAL0DJl1NM-01182-00268807-00269055 adding material on the surface qzAL0DJl1NM-01183-00269056-00269263 to do microstructures and features so qzAL0DJl1NM-01184-00269264-00269447 these are the two broad categories of qzAL0DJl1NM-01185-00269448-00269719 all machining processes that can be qzAL0DJl1NM-01186-00269720-00270006 assembled to realize micro systems or qzAL0DJl1NM-01187-00270007-00270255 micro fabricated architectures for qzAL0DJl1NM-01188-00270256-00270423 example is a slide which has been qzAL0DJl1NM-01189-00270424-00270751 borrowed from qzAL0DJl1NM-01190-00270752-00270927 dr mark madus qzAL0DJl1NM-01191-00270928-00271055 book qzAL0DJl1NM-01192-00271056-00271279 on micro fabrication qzAL0DJl1NM-01193-00271280-00271447 so here it is showing how you can qzAL0DJl1NM-01194-00271448-00271743 formulate a p double plus membrane and qzAL0DJl1NM-01195-00271744-00271951 this has already been illustrated so you qzAL0DJl1NM-01196-00271952-00272063 can actually qzAL0DJl1NM-01197-00272064-00272327 formulate a small cavity here using qzAL0DJl1NM-01198-00272328-00272623 resist and so this can be used as a h qzAL0DJl1NM-01199-00272624-00273063 window as and and there can be a qzAL0DJl1NM-01200-00273064-00273247 an agent which can be selective to p qzAL0DJl1NM-01201-00273248-00273503 double plus which is actually highly qzAL0DJl1NM-01202-00273504-00273679 doped uh qzAL0DJl1NM-01203-00273680-00273903 positive silicon on the other side qzAL0DJl1NM-01204-00273904-00274030 and qzAL0DJl1NM-01205-00274031-00274247 so the material starts etching away in qzAL0DJl1NM-01206-00274248-00274487 an isotropic manner thus formulating a qzAL0DJl1NM-01207-00274488-00274655 54 degree angle qzAL0DJl1NM-01208-00274656-00274767 and qzAL0DJl1NM-01209-00274768-00274999 based on this qzAL0DJl1NM-01210-00275000-00275071 the qzAL0DJl1NM-01211-00275072-00275167 uh qzAL0DJl1NM-01212-00275168-00275415 it just goes up to the selective layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01213-00275416-00275591 here which is the p double plus layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01214-00275592-00275751 and stop stretching process thus qzAL0DJl1NM-01215-00275752-00276103 creating a membrane the other hand this qzAL0DJl1NM-01216-00276104-00276255 side is showing how your micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01217-00276256-00276447 cantilever can be generated by additive qzAL0DJl1NM-01218-00276448-00276630 micro machining where you have let us qzAL0DJl1NM-01219-00276631-00276855 say a sacrificial layer over which you qzAL0DJl1NM-01220-00276856-00277119 have put let us say a polysilicon layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01221-00277120-00277287 like this and then you are removing the qzAL0DJl1NM-01222-00277288-00277487 sacrificial layer away so that you can qzAL0DJl1NM-01223-00277488-00277751 have a small cantilever which you have qzAL0DJl1NM-01224-00277752-00277999 illustrated here ah in this particular qzAL0DJl1NM-01225-00278000-00278255 example so these are some of the qzAL0DJl1NM-01226-00278256-00278510 process flow charts or logic diagrams qzAL0DJl1NM-01227-00278511-00278775 for formulating some of these micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01228-00278776-00278982 features and micro structures in qzAL0DJl1NM-01229-00278983-00279119 different qzAL0DJl1NM-01230-00279120-00279423 illustrations so if you look at qzAL0DJl1NM-01231-00279424-00279655 the bulk micro machining technique the qzAL0DJl1NM-01232-00279656-00279919 first qzAL0DJl1NM-01233-00279920-00280143 process that comes into existence is the qzAL0DJl1NM-01234-00280144-00280263 etching qzAL0DJl1NM-01235-00280264-00280471 and particularly wet etching where there qzAL0DJl1NM-01236-00280472-00280782 is a chemical which is used for etching qzAL0DJl1NM-01237-00280783-00280999 off the material qzAL0DJl1NM-01238-00281000-00281239 so it is a subtractive technique again qzAL0DJl1NM-01239-00281240-00281415 the agent is a qzAL0DJl1NM-01240-00281416-00281679 highly highly corroding or eroding agent qzAL0DJl1NM-01241-00281680-00281943 which engraves its qzAL0DJl1NM-01242-00281944-00282158 wherever it comes in contacts qzAL0DJl1NM-01243-00282159-00282423 contact with the wafer and removes the qzAL0DJl1NM-01244-00282424-00282575 material so that you can have these qzAL0DJl1NM-01245-00282576-00282903 features etcetera imprinted and qzAL0DJl1NM-01246-00282904-00283375 the etching solution is basically qzAL0DJl1NM-01247-00283376-00283503 very often used in all the qzAL0DJl1NM-01248-00283504-00283727 microelectronic processing and also in qzAL0DJl1NM-01249-00283728-00283871 mems processing qzAL0DJl1NM-01250-00283872-00284095 ah so etching can be divided into two qzAL0DJl1NM-01251-00284096-00284351 classes one can be isotropic or qzAL0DJl1NM-01252-00284352-00284463 homogeneous qzAL0DJl1NM-01253-00284464-00284654 etching where the the material removal qzAL0DJl1NM-01254-00284655-00284943 is uniform as a function of the volume qzAL0DJl1NM-01255-00284944-00285119 and there can be an isotropic etching qzAL0DJl1NM-01256-00285120-00285279 where etching can be in a particular qzAL0DJl1NM-01257-00285280-00285439 direction and qzAL0DJl1NM-01258-00285440-00285630 the differences are in terms of h qzAL0DJl1NM-01259-00285631-00285823 chemistries as i will illustrate in qzAL0DJl1NM-01260-00285824-00286095 detail in the following slides qzAL0DJl1NM-01261-00286096-00286367 so let us look at isotropic etching and qzAL0DJl1NM-01262-00286368-00286575 isotropic etching really qzAL0DJl1NM-01263-00286576-00286830 as i mentioned before the agent is qzAL0DJl1NM-01264-00286831-00287367 able to remove or erode away material at qzAL0DJl1NM-01265-00287368-00287575 uniform or homogeneous rate in all the qzAL0DJl1NM-01266-00287576-00287791 directions this for example is an qzAL0DJl1NM-01267-00287792-00287919 illustration where there is etch qzAL0DJl1NM-01268-00287920-00288263 protective layer which is qzAL0DJl1NM-01269-00288264-00288399 now qzAL0DJl1NM-01270-00288400-00288606 emboldened by the red highlight the red qzAL0DJl1NM-01271-00288607-00288710 pen here qzAL0DJl1NM-01272-00288711-00289079 ok and so this window here of the qzAL0DJl1NM-01273-00289080-00289263 edge protective layer qzAL0DJl1NM-01274-00289264-00289695 is able to give an access to the fluid qzAL0DJl1NM-01275-00289696-00289991 to go into and start etching away the qzAL0DJl1NM-01276-00289992-00290158 material which is underneath this qzAL0DJl1NM-01277-00290159-00290399 protective layer okay and in the process qzAL0DJl1NM-01278-00290400-00290654 because it is a homogeneous process the qzAL0DJl1NM-01279-00290655-00291071 the material actually goes qzAL0DJl1NM-01280-00291072-00291367 into the qzAL0DJl1NM-01281-00291368-00291558 into this etch cavity qzAL0DJl1NM-01282-00291559-00291782 and it starts etching in all directions qzAL0DJl1NM-01283-00291783-00292087 resulting in this undercut ok so this qzAL0DJl1NM-01284-00292088-00292351 layer here which has been formulated qzAL0DJl1NM-01285-00292352-00292575 lets say if this distance is x this is qzAL0DJl1NM-01286-00292576-00292727 also known as the qzAL0DJl1NM-01287-00292728-00292847 cut because qzAL0DJl1NM-01288-00292848-00293039 this was not really intended for it was qzAL0DJl1NM-01289-00293040-00293223 not planned and because of the qzAL0DJl1NM-01290-00293224-00293382 homogeneity of the etching the etching qzAL0DJl1NM-01291-00293383-00293567 would happen in the lateral as well as qzAL0DJl1NM-01292-00293568-00293695 the vertical direction which would qzAL0DJl1NM-01293-00293696-00293871 always result in this kind of an qzAL0DJl1NM-01294-00293872-00294079 undercut so when you design micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01295-00294080-00294247 systems and the masks for the micro qzAL0DJl1NM-01296-00294248-00294351 systems qzAL0DJl1NM-01297-00294352-00294558 this undercut allowance has to be taken qzAL0DJl1NM-01298-00294559-00294863 into account for the designing to happen qzAL0DJl1NM-01299-00294864-00295103 if the etching was not homogeneous for qzAL0DJl1NM-01300-00295104-00295310 example qzAL0DJl1NM-01301-00295311-00295734 as illustrated here the etching may be qzAL0DJl1NM-01302-00295735-00295887 a little more directional so in this qzAL0DJl1NM-01303-00295888-00296079 case for example you can see the h rates qzAL0DJl1NM-01304-00296080-00296303 are more towards the side so later qzAL0DJl1NM-01305-00296304-00296495 latching is more in the vertical etching qzAL0DJl1NM-01306-00296496-00296695 it would result in different shapes qzAL0DJl1NM-01307-00296696-00296919 based on what is the directionality of qzAL0DJl1NM-01308-00296920-00297230 the etching and so typically if you had qzAL0DJl1NM-01309-00297231-00297527 a very well stirred solution where qzAL0DJl1NM-01310-00297528-00297791 whatever is coming out is going away qzAL0DJl1NM-01311-00297792-00298030 from this etch window it would result in qzAL0DJl1NM-01312-00298031-00298239 a homogeneous profile like this if you qzAL0DJl1NM-01313-00298240-00298430 do not have a stirred very well stirred qzAL0DJl1NM-01314-00298431-00298647 solution it would rather result in this qzAL0DJl1NM-01315-00298648-00298903 because the amount of atoms which are qzAL0DJl1NM-01316-00298904-00299134 coming out of this material would have a qzAL0DJl1NM-01317-00299135-00299334 higher concentration here and thus qzAL0DJl1NM-01318-00299335-00299543 diffusional restrictions would prevent qzAL0DJl1NM-01319-00299544-00299743 further return to move away and so the qzAL0DJl1NM-01320-00299744-00299903 rate in the vertical direction would be qzAL0DJl1NM-01321-00299904-00300119 reduced in comparison to the horizontal qzAL0DJl1NM-01322-00300120-00300223 direction qzAL0DJl1NM-01323-00300224-00300454 let us look at some of these qzAL0DJl1NM-01324-00300455-00300591 materials qzAL0DJl1NM-01325-00300592-00300823 and the etchants which are used for the qzAL0DJl1NM-01326-00300824-00301087 materials and what it is selective to so qzAL0DJl1NM-01327-00301088-00301327 eth selectivity again is a term which is qzAL0DJl1NM-01328-00301328-00301615 used in reference to qzAL0DJl1NM-01329-00301616-00301879 the the fact that you know qzAL0DJl1NM-01330-00301880-00302047 the qzAL0DJl1NM-01331-00302048-00302215 there are certain materials which may qzAL0DJl1NM-01332-00302216-00302295 not qzAL0DJl1NM-01333-00302296-00302503 be able to get etched away by the h qzAL0DJl1NM-01334-00302504-00302782 solution and in that kind of a case this qzAL0DJl1NM-01335-00302783-00303030 this material which is not qzAL0DJl1NM-01336-00303031-00303239 affected by the etchant solution can be qzAL0DJl1NM-01337-00303240-00303479 used as a protective layer to stop the qzAL0DJl1NM-01338-00303480-00303623 etching process qzAL0DJl1NM-01339-00303624-00303791 very qzAL0DJl1NM-01340-00303792-00304087 accurately and therefore an etch stop qzAL0DJl1NM-01341-00304088-00304375 layer okay or a selective layer is qzAL0DJl1NM-01342-00304376-00304623 always preferred as the layer which qzAL0DJl1NM-01343-00304624-00304823 would prevent the etching from happening qzAL0DJl1NM-01344-00304824-00305071 any further so let us look at this table qzAL0DJl1NM-01345-00305072-00305327 back again here so the material qzAL0DJl1NM-01346-00305328-00305543 illustrated can be silicon silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-01347-00305544-00305847 dioxide silicon nitride aluminum so on qzAL0DJl1NM-01348-00305848-00306039 so forth and then there are these qzAL0DJl1NM-01349-00306040-00306254 etchants which are aminable to removal qzAL0DJl1NM-01350-00306255-00306495 of these materials for example qzAL0DJl1NM-01351-00306496-00306839 hf or hno3 or ch3coh qzAL0DJl1NM-01352-00306840-00307143 for example koh they can remove silicon qzAL0DJl1NM-01353-00307144-00307358 very easily but as soon as the etchant qzAL0DJl1NM-01354-00307359-00307606 meets a surface of sio2 it is selective qzAL0DJl1NM-01355-00307607-00307830 to sio2 so it will not qzAL0DJl1NM-01356-00307831-00308175 h sio2 anymore or it will not h s i qzAL0DJl1NM-01357-00308176-00308399 anymore in this particular illustration qzAL0DJl1NM-01358-00308400-00308654 where nh4 and hf combinations are used qzAL0DJl1NM-01359-00308655-00308895 so therefore there are certain materials qzAL0DJl1NM-01360-00308896-00309087 certain etches which are qzAL0DJl1NM-01361-00309088-00309247 etching away this material and its qzAL0DJl1NM-01362-00309248-00309519 selective to silicon or its etching away qzAL0DJl1NM-01363-00309520-00309710 the silicon and selective to sio2 so the qzAL0DJl1NM-01364-00309711-00309910 combination of these can be used for a qzAL0DJl1NM-01365-00309911-00310134 variety of etching architectures that qzAL0DJl1NM-01366-00310135-00310358 can be realized accordingly qzAL0DJl1NM-01368-00313768-00313976 you qzeMTmR-PcI-00000-00000515-00001019 hello thank you for having me I just qzeMTmR-PcI-00001-00001019-00001208 flew in here a couple days ago from San qzeMTmR-PcI-00002-00001209-00001493 Francisco and it's been wonderful so far qzeMTmR-PcI-00003-00001494-00001712 been really enjoying the sights and qzeMTmR-PcI-00004-00001713-00001880 having a great time so thanks for having qzeMTmR-PcI-00005-00001880-00002366 me here give you a little overview about qzeMTmR-PcI-00006-00002367-00002677 myself and I live in San Francisco I qzeMTmR-PcI-00007-00002678-00003010 first got started working in technology qzeMTmR-PcI-00008-00003011-00003329 in 1990 now working in technology I'm qzeMTmR-PcI-00009-00003329-00003635 only 34 years old but I got my first qzeMTmR-PcI-00010-00003636-00003917 computer in 1990 I came from kind of a qzeMTmR-PcI-00011-00003918-00004235 standard middle-class family we had one qzeMTmR-PcI-00012-00004236-00004445 computer in the household and for some qzeMTmR-PcI-00013-00004446-00004720 reason I wasn't very popular as a kid so qzeMTmR-PcI-00014-00004721-00004897 I got on the computer and that was kind qzeMTmR-PcI-00015-00004898-00005272 of my my outlet then in 1996 I qzeMTmR-PcI-00016-00005273-00005408 discovered the internet starting using qzeMTmR-PcI-00017-00005409-00005600 the internet and moved to San Francisco qzeMTmR-PcI-00018-00005601-00005818 and the reason I moved to san francisco qzeMTmR-PcI-00019-00005819-00006002 in two thousand is because the first qzeMTmR-PcI-00020-00006003-00006218 kind of dot-com boom was going on so a qzeMTmR-PcI-00021-00006219-00006374 lot of technology companies were just qzeMTmR-PcI-00022-00006375-00006648 getting off the ground this was when qzeMTmR-PcI-00023-00006650-00007021 and a handful of other of the qzeMTmR-PcI-00024-00007022-00007169 big tech giants were just getting qzeMTmR-PcI-00025-00007170-00007355 started and it kind of seemed like the qzeMTmR-PcI-00026-00007356-00007538 place to be I didn't know much about San qzeMTmR-PcI-00027-00007539-00007703 Francisco but I heard that the Bay Area qzeMTmR-PcI-00028-00007704-00007931 had a lot of innovation going on and qzeMTmR-PcI-00029-00007931-00008258 that as a computer science student in qzeMTmR-PcI-00030-00008259-00008516 school I knew that I had to get up there qzeMTmR-PcI-00031-00008517-00008666 because everything was happening up in qzeMTmR-PcI-00032-00008667-00008878 the bay area so I actually dropped out qzeMTmR-PcI-00033-00008879-00009263 of college to pursue working up in San qzeMTmR-PcI-00034-00009264-00009602 Francisco so everything fell apart qzeMTmR-PcI-00035-00009603-00009964 shortly after I got there and the whole qzeMTmR-PcI-00036-00009965-00010316 crash of the economy around the the qzeMTmR-PcI-00037-00010317-00010546 dot-com space went away and so I qzeMTmR-PcI-00038-00010547-00010862 eventually landed at tech TV and so tech qzeMTmR-PcI-00039-00010863-00011056 TV was a television network that was qzeMTmR-PcI-00040-00011057-00011180 dedicated to teaching people about qzeMTmR-PcI-00041-00011181-00011501 computers and technology I started off qzeMTmR-PcI-00042-00011502-00011828 as a very low-level employee there so I qzeMTmR-PcI-00043-00011829-00012074 was doing a lot of the technical kind of qzeMTmR-PcI-00044-00012075-00012245 behind the scenes work and then qzeMTmR-PcI-00045-00012246-00012574 eventually started hosting a show there qzeMTmR-PcI-00046-00012575-00012737 called the screen savers so I eventually qzeMTmR-PcI-00047-00012738-00012965 became one of the talent on on the qzeMTmR-PcI-00048-00012966-00013178 network which actually I heard was qzeMTmR-PcI-00049-00013179-00013297 broadcast out here we had a couple qzeMTmR-PcI-00050-00013298-00013338 people qzeMTmR-PcI-00051-00013338-00013440 but to me and said that they had watched qzeMTmR-PcI-00052-00013441-00013677 tech TV out here which was great so we qzeMTmR-PcI-00053-00013678-00013818 we had syndication all over the world qzeMTmR-PcI-00054-00013819-00014265 and then in around two thousand four you qzeMTmR-PcI-00055-00014266-00014460 know I had seen a lot of great people qzeMTmR-PcI-00056-00014461-00014646 come through tech TV so I'd interviewed qzeMTmR-PcI-00057-00014647-00014877 you know Steve Wozniak the co-founder of qzeMTmR-PcI-00058-00014878-00015219 Apple and just uh gosh dozens of people qzeMTmR-PcI-00059-00015219-00015450 come through and I think that I was qzeMTmR-PcI-00060-00015451-00015624 really inspired by a lot of them so qzeMTmR-PcI-00061-00015625-00015816 meeting these great technology giants qzeMTmR-PcI-00062-00015816-00015951 and seeing what they have created and qzeMTmR-PcI-00063-00015952-00016116 finding out that they were just normal qzeMTmR-PcI-00064-00016116-00016449 people like me and I I got to know you qzeMTmR-PcI-00065-00016450-00016626 know meet these people and know them I qzeMTmR-PcI-00066-00016627-00016815 realized this is something I can try on qzeMTmR-PcI-00067-00016816-00017040 my own like why not go out there and try qzeMTmR-PcI-00068-00017041-00017391 my own startup and so in late two qzeMTmR-PcI-00069-00017392-00017679 thousand four I founded a social news qzeMTmR-PcI-00070-00017680-00017991 website called digg com and dig was qzeMTmR-PcI-00071-00017992-00018204 really kind of the first sight that qzeMTmR-PcI-00072-00018205-00018525 allowed users to vote on content and it qzeMTmR-PcI-00073-00018526-00018753 would surface the best content on the qzeMTmR-PcI-00074-00018754-00019059 front page of the site and this site qzeMTmR-PcI-00075-00019060-00019188 this concept was kind of knew the qzeMTmR-PcI-00076-00019189-00019317 internet at the time this was before qzeMTmR-PcI-00077-00019318-00019530 there was like liking on facebook so you qzeMTmR-PcI-00078-00019531-00019825 know you click the like button and qzeMTmR-PcI-00079-00019826-00020040 before Twitter and a handful of other qzeMTmR-PcI-00080-00020041-00020331 things and this was my first startup and qzeMTmR-PcI-00081-00020332-00020619 it really kind of grew like crazy I had qzeMTmR-PcI-00082-00020620-00020847 no idea what I was getting into so we qzeMTmR-PcI-00083-00020848-00021044 grew the company from myself and one qzeMTmR-PcI-00084-00021045-00021312 other person to somewhere around 70 qzeMTmR-PcI-00085-00021313-00021642 employees and at our peak we had around qzeMTmR-PcI-00086-00021643-00021844 38 million monthly unique visitors qzeMTmR-PcI-00087-00021845-00022284 visiting the site and so that was a lot qzeMTmR-PcI-00088-00022285-00022608 of fun basically I stuck with that for qzeMTmR-PcI-00089-00022609-00022947 about six or seven years started angel qzeMTmR-PcI-00090-00022948-00023235 investing around 2006 so I was meeting a qzeMTmR-PcI-00091-00023236-00023472 lot of other entrepreneurs at the time I qzeMTmR-PcI-00092-00023473-00023721 got very lucky and got to know the qzeMTmR-PcI-00093-00023722-00023906 Twitter folks and some of the other qzeMTmR-PcI-00094-00023907-00024200 companies like Foursquare and ng moco qzeMTmR-PcI-00095-00024201-00024344 and chomp and all these companies and qzeMTmR-PcI-00096-00024345-00024555 was lucky enough to do some investing in qzeMTmR-PcI-00097-00024556-00024894 the space in the early days and then in qzeMTmR-PcI-00098-00024895-00025253 a 2011 I decided to start a mobile qzeMTmR-PcI-00099-00025254-00025506 incubator so a mobile startup just qzeMTmR-PcI-00100-00025507-00025743 because I felt as though now is the qzeMTmR-PcI-00101-00025744-00025922 right time to be getting into that space qzeMTmR-PcI-00102-00025923-00026195 just because mobile is exploding and so qzeMTmR-PcI-00103-00026197-00026547 why start something new right now well qzeMTmR-PcI-00104-00026548-00026793 device is like you know all these mobile qzeMTmR-PcI-00105-00026794-00026945 handsets that we have like the iPhone qzeMTmR-PcI-00106-00026947-00027174 and Android devices the prices are qzeMTmR-PcI-00107-00027175-00027393 continuing to fall so that's going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00108-00027394-00027567 continue to happen over some time now qzeMTmR-PcI-00109-00027568-00027786 there are even you know I believe the qzeMTmR-PcI-00110-00027787-00028326 iphone 3 or 3 or the other 3gs is now qzeMTmR-PcI-00111-00028327-00028539 free in the United States so people can qzeMTmR-PcI-00112-00028539-00028755 get it with a contract and so everyone qzeMTmR-PcI-00113-00028756-00029043 is jumping on smartphones you know and qzeMTmR-PcI-00114-00029044-00029238 so mobile is exploding 180 million qzeMTmR-PcI-00115-00029239-00029616 iphone sold 250 million Android devices qzeMTmR-PcI-00116-00029617-00029841 being activated and if you think about qzeMTmR-PcI-00117-00029842-00030138 how fast this is growing 50 million new qzeMTmR-PcI-00118-00030139-00030357 Android devices activated just since qzeMTmR-PcI-00119-00030358-00030702 november of last year so the obviously qzeMTmR-PcI-00120-00030702-00031086 this space is just exploding also why qzeMTmR-PcI-00121-00031087-00031332 mobile is a very exciting right now is qzeMTmR-PcI-00122-00031333-00031527 the barrier to entry is still falling so qzeMTmR-PcI-00123-00031527-00031698 the cost to get started and actually qzeMTmR-PcI-00124-00031699-00031929 launched something new continues to drop qzeMTmR-PcI-00125-00031930-00032177 so a single engineer can doubt now do qzeMTmR-PcI-00126-00032179-00032408 the work of many engineers so for qzeMTmR-PcI-00127-00032410-00032669 example if you talk about Windows 95 qzeMTmR-PcI-00128-00032670-00032898 here you know here back when it was qzeMTmR-PcI-00129-00032899-00033198 launched in 95 it required 300 plus qzeMTmR-PcI-00130-00033199-00033393 engineers working on this project three qzeMTmR-PcI-00131-00033394-00033594 years of development and they sold a qzeMTmR-PcI-00132-00033595-00033846 million copies of the software during qzeMTmR-PcI-00133-00033847-00034062 the first week very impressive numbers qzeMTmR-PcI-00134-00034063-00034164 but if you take a look at how that qzeMTmR-PcI-00135-00034165-00034440 compares today Instagram which is one of qzeMTmR-PcI-00136-00034441-00034700 the most popular iPhone apps right now qzeMTmR-PcI-00137-00034701-00035070 is now doing required to engineers to qzeMTmR-PcI-00138-00035071-00035361 launch this just to engineers six qzeMTmR-PcI-00139-00035362-00035565 hundred thousand downloads per week now qzeMTmR-PcI-00140-00035566-00035751 and this is of course a free application qzeMTmR-PcI-00141-00035752-00035994 so it's not making the revenue that qzeMTmR-PcI-00142-00035995-00036177 Windows is but there's still another qzeMTmR-PcI-00143-00036178-00036429 great example is you know camera + qzeMTmR-PcI-00144-00036430-00036720 camera pluses another application for qzeMTmR-PcI-00145-00036721-00037029 the iPhone that has actually paid it was qzeMTmR-PcI-00146-00037030-00037226 developed by a friend of mine Scott qzeMTmR-PcI-00147-00037227-00037616 Scott is 23 years old he doesn't live in qzeMTmR-PcI-00148-00037617-00037845 in the Bay Area are in San Francisco qzeMTmR-PcI-00149-00037846-00038052 he's actually in Minneapolis Minnesota qzeMTmR-PcI-00150-00038053-00038280 which doesn't doesn't have a tech scene qzeMTmR-PcI-00151-00038281-00038643 at all it's a very small tech scene but qzeMTmR-PcI-00152-00038644-00038973 he was able to develop this gets 20,000 qzeMTmR-PcI-00153-00038974-00039201 paid applications per day at a dollar 99 qzeMTmR-PcI-00154-00039202-00039405 price point and now he has a team of qzeMTmR-PcI-00155-00039406-00039621 four people so literally you can do this qzeMTmR-PcI-00156-00039622-00039843 anywhere it doesn't have to be in San qzeMTmR-PcI-00157-00039844-00039897 Francisco qzeMTmR-PcI-00158-00039898-00040173 in a tech hub you know as long as you qzeMTmR-PcI-00159-00040174-00040305 have an idea and you're willing to qzeMTmR-PcI-00160-00040306-00040437 coordinate getting engineers and other qzeMTmR-PcI-00161-00040438-00040632 people to work with you you can start qzeMTmR-PcI-00162-00040633-00040824 development on an application in any qzeMTmR-PcI-00163-00040825-00041223 part of the world so how can you build a qzeMTmR-PcI-00164-00041224-00041444 scale of service with limited resources qzeMTmR-PcI-00165-00041445-00041745 you know I'm a big fan of kind of qzeMTmR-PcI-00166-00041746-00041973 bootstrap startups at his startups that qzeMTmR-PcI-00167-00041974-00042183 you know don't go out and raise a lot of qzeMTmR-PcI-00168-00042184-00042399 money but they just do it very scrappy qzeMTmR-PcI-00169-00042400-00042603 so they use you know their own personal qzeMTmR-PcI-00170-00042604-00042867 savings or are they can borrow money qzeMTmR-PcI-00171-00042868-00043017 from friends to get things off the qzeMTmR-PcI-00172-00043018-00043383 ground when I first launched dig I was qzeMTmR-PcI-00173-00043384-00043530 working out of my own personal savings qzeMTmR-PcI-00174-00043531-00043908 and it I believe the first prototype ran qzeMTmR-PcI-00175-00043909-00044229 me around 2,000 u.s. dollars to get that qzeMTmR-PcI-00176-00044230-00044406 launched in about a month and a half of qzeMTmR-PcI-00177-00044407-00044754 time and I was able to self-fund that qzeMTmR-PcI-00178-00044755-00044940 but my girlfriend at the time was not qzeMTmR-PcI-00179-00044941-00045075 too happy because she wanted to use that qzeMTmR-PcI-00180-00045076-00045381 money as a down payment on a house but qzeMTmR-PcI-00181-00045382-00045843 that's okay it worked out so how can you qzeMTmR-PcI-00182-00045844-00045966 scale services with limited resources qzeMTmR-PcI-00183-00045967-00046278 there are now companies like Heroku and qzeMTmR-PcI-00184-00046279-00046566 Amazon Web Services these allow you to qzeMTmR-PcI-00185-00046567-00046953 actually build and deploy applications qzeMTmR-PcI-00186-00046954-00047283 rapidly so Heroku you know in the past qzeMTmR-PcI-00187-00047284-00047487 you would have to have a team of system qzeMTmR-PcI-00188-00047488-00047694 engineers that would help you set up the qzeMTmR-PcI-00189-00047695-00047853 servers that would help you scale the qzeMTmR-PcI-00190-00047854-00048189 servers Heroku outsources all of this so qzeMTmR-PcI-00191-00048190-00048405 all you have to do is get a software qzeMTmR-PcI-00192-00048406-00048651 engineer to hook into their api's and qzeMTmR-PcI-00193-00048652-00048804 they will handle the rest of the backend qzeMTmR-PcI-00194-00048805-00048936 scaling and system administration qzeMTmR-PcI-00195-00048937-00049128 software patches things of this nature qzeMTmR-PcI-00196-00049129-00049344 so these are ways that you really don't qzeMTmR-PcI-00197-00049345-00049602 have to employ additional people at your qzeMTmR-PcI-00198-00049603-00049812 own company you can just pass this off qzeMTmR-PcI-00199-00049813-00050124 to third parties also amazon ec2 and s3 qzeMTmR-PcI-00200-00050125-00050385 these are examples of great services qzeMTmR-PcI-00201-00050386-00050649 that we use at milk that allows you to qzeMTmR-PcI-00202-00050650-00050883 instantly deploy new servers so you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00203-00050884-00051093 at digg we had several hundred computers qzeMTmR-PcI-00204-00051094-00051282 servers and we would actually have to go qzeMTmR-PcI-00205-00051283-00051504 out purchase these machines you know get qzeMTmR-PcI-00206-00051504-00051696 them in the warehouse install all the qzeMTmR-PcI-00207-00051697-00051894 software rack them and put them in the qzeMTmR-PcI-00208-00051895-00052113 server racks ourselves it was just a qzeMTmR-PcI-00209-00052114-00052466 very labor-intensive process and so for qzeMTmR-PcI-00210-00052467-00052623 us to have to to be able to get around qzeMTmR-PcI-00211-00052624-00052854 that now and instantly deploy on demand qzeMTmR-PcI-00212-00052854-00053192 scaling is actually very helpful qzeMTmR-PcI-00213-00053194-00053429 it allows you to also you know if you qzeMTmR-PcI-00214-00053430-00053682 receive a huge new influx of traffic so qzeMTmR-PcI-00215-00053683-00053844 if a lot of people start coming and qzeMTmR-PcI-00216-00053845-00054021 using your service it's just a matter of qzeMTmR-PcI-00217-00054022-00054228 minutes to launch new servers and qzeMTmR-PcI-00218-00054229-00054477 instances so it's been very very very qzeMTmR-PcI-00219-00054478-00054828 helpful for us also hiring freelance qzeMTmR-PcI-00220-00054829-00055125 developers when I was first getting dig qzeMTmR-PcI-00221-00055126-00055365 off the ground you know I had study qzeMTmR-PcI-00222-00055366-00055517 computer science in school but it had qzeMTmR-PcI-00223-00055519-00055689 been a few years since I actually coded qzeMTmR-PcI-00224-00055690-00055965 so I decided to hire a developer to help qzeMTmR-PcI-00225-00055966-00056235 code the site for me it was just faster qzeMTmR-PcI-00226-00056236-00056511 I could have gone back and gone back to qzeMTmR-PcI-00227-00056512-00056745 school or most likely would have just qzeMTmR-PcI-00228-00056746-00056930 brushed up on my coding experience and qzeMTmR-PcI-00229-00056932-00057104 gone down and picked up some books on qzeMTmR-PcI-00230-00057104-00057375 PHP or Python or something but that qzeMTmR-PcI-00231-00057376-00057537 would have taken me too long and so I qzeMTmR-PcI-00232-00057538-00057791 actually went online in source to qzeMTmR-PcI-00233-00057792-00057966 develop or found a software engineer qzeMTmR-PcI-00234-00057966-00058101 that was willing to work as a contractor qzeMTmR-PcI-00235-00058102-00058391 and then you know paid them an hourly qzeMTmR-PcI-00236-00058392-00058551 rate and had them code the initial qzeMTmR-PcI-00237-00058552-00058797 version of dig so that actually saved me qzeMTmR-PcI-00238-00058798-00059605 a lot of time so fast forward to today qzeMTmR-PcI-00239-00059607-00060021 talk briefly about milk milk is our qzeMTmR-PcI-00240-00060022-00060230 software development company in San qzeMTmR-PcI-00241-00060232-00060423 Francisco that we launched here just qzeMTmR-PcI-00242-00060424-00060686 about eight months ago and the idea was qzeMTmR-PcI-00243-00060687-00060939 to build a small team so I now have a qzeMTmR-PcI-00244-00060940-00061095 team of seven people working on this qzeMTmR-PcI-00245-00061096-00061355 project and build two to three ideas per qzeMTmR-PcI-00246-00061357-00061691 year so go after big ideas try big bold qzeMTmR-PcI-00247-00061692-00062148 new things and see what sticks our first qzeMTmR-PcI-00248-00062149-00062380 idea an application is called I ink and qzeMTmR-PcI-00249-00062382-00062772 oink is a iphone app and the reason we qzeMTmR-PcI-00250-00062773-00062928 built wink is that we want to build a qzeMTmR-PcI-00251-00062929-00063111 platform that would allow you to rank qzeMTmR-PcI-00252-00063112-00063402 compared and share the things that you qzeMTmR-PcI-00253-00063403-00063648 discover throughout the day and not the qzeMTmR-PcI-00254-00063649-00063951 places so in the past there's been a lot qzeMTmR-PcI-00255-00063952-00064154 of applications out there here's an qzeMTmR-PcI-00256-00064155-00064482 example of Google using their places qzeMTmR-PcI-00257-00064483-00064746 data and this is a place that I like to qzeMTmR-PcI-00258-00064747-00064929 visit in San Francisco called samovar qzeMTmR-PcI-00259-00064929-00065166 tea lounge it's a great place if you qzeMTmR-PcI-00260-00065166-00065298 ever make it to the city they have great qzeMTmR-PcI-00261-00065299-00065703 tea but samovar Google is very good at qzeMTmR-PcI-00262-00065704-00065907 saying this is samovar this is the qzeMTmR-PcI-00263-00065908-00066060 number of ratings that it has on it but qzeMTmR-PcI-00264-00066061-00066147 it doesn't really tell you anything qzeMTmR-PcI-00265-00066148-00066426 about what's on the inside so I feel qzeMTmR-PcI-00266-00066427-00066543 like that's a whole nother qzeMTmR-PcI-00267-00066544-00066747 of data data that isn't yet exposed to qzeMTmR-PcI-00268-00066748-00066909 the consumer you have no idea what qzeMTmR-PcI-00269-00066910-00067089 you're about to experience once you go qzeMTmR-PcI-00270-00067090-00067311 inside of that place sometimes there are qzeMTmR-PcI-00271-00067312-00067497 review sites out there that talk about qzeMTmR-PcI-00272-00067498-00067830 you know the give reviews of what the qzeMTmR-PcI-00273-00067831-00068001 different types of courses or meals or qzeMTmR-PcI-00274-00068002-00068127 things like that are inside but you have qzeMTmR-PcI-00275-00068128-00068391 to read very long lengthy reviews to qzeMTmR-PcI-00276-00068392-00068658 actually get at what's good so we want qzeMTmR-PcI-00277-00068659-00068889 to focus here's example of yelp and they qzeMTmR-PcI-00278-00068890-00069141 have very long reviews so we want to qzeMTmR-PcI-00279-00069142-00069323 focus on answering a few questions qzeMTmR-PcI-00280-00069324-00069675 excuse me what is the best thing here qzeMTmR-PcI-00281-00069676-00069896 what is the best thing at that location qzeMTmR-PcI-00282-00069897-00070200 one of my friends tried here and what do qzeMTmR-PcI-00283-00070201-00070401 they liked or disliked so if I walk into qzeMTmR-PcI-00284-00070402-00070581 a place and even if I'm not with a qzeMTmR-PcI-00285-00070582-00070770 friend I'll be able to know if I have qzeMTmR-PcI-00286-00070771-00070935 other T friends if they've enjoyed qzeMTmR-PcI-00287-00070936-00071127 something there and it might help qzeMTmR-PcI-00288-00071128-00071322 encourage me to try something that I may qzeMTmR-PcI-00289-00071323-00071577 not have already tried and where can I qzeMTmR-PcI-00290-00071578-00071763 find the best and then just kind of fill qzeMTmR-PcI-00291-00071764-00071994 in the blanks so where can I find the qzeMTmR-PcI-00292-00071995-00072216 best coffee the best tea the best pizza qzeMTmR-PcI-00293-00072217-00072546 you name it and so this is a screenshot qzeMTmR-PcI-00294-00072547-00072729 of our application and here you see this qzeMTmR-PcI-00295-00072730-00072912 is how we like to view Sam of our tea qzeMTmR-PcI-00296-00072913-00073194 lounge so it shows you very clearly what qzeMTmR-PcI-00297-00073195-00073383 the most popular item is there so that's qzeMTmR-PcI-00298-00073384-00073641 the first placed item is the essential T qzeMTmR-PcI-00299-00073642-00073902 there then the egg bowl is number two qzeMTmR-PcI-00300-00073903-00074154 the chai tea is number three and you can qzeMTmR-PcI-00301-00074155-00074301 instantly see when you walk into that qzeMTmR-PcI-00302-00074302-00074685 place what you should be trying also we qzeMTmR-PcI-00303-00074686-00074859 give you a way to rate the things once qzeMTmR-PcI-00304-00074860-00074997 you're there so you can say that you qzeMTmR-PcI-00305-00074998-00075249 love something by giving it a heart you qzeMTmR-PcI-00306-00075250-00075381 can say that you like it by giving it a qzeMTmR-PcI-00307-00075382-00075642 thumbs up kind of a sideway thumb is qzeMTmR-PcI-00308-00075643-00075780 you're not so sure whether you like it qzeMTmR-PcI-00309-00075781-00075921 or not and then you can give it a thumb qzeMTmR-PcI-00310-00075922-00076149 down if you don't like it at all so qzeMTmR-PcI-00311-00076150-00076353 giving you the power to rate and rank qzeMTmR-PcI-00312-00076354-00076512 and say that I this is how i feel about qzeMTmR-PcI-00313-00076513-00076836 this object also we show you which what qzeMTmR-PcI-00314-00076837-00076935 your friends have thought of that qzeMTmR-PcI-00315-00076936-00077097 whether they've liked it or loved it or qzeMTmR-PcI-00316-00077098-00077271 what they think of that particular item qzeMTmR-PcI-00317-00077272-00077556 and then we give you the ability to see qzeMTmR-PcI-00318-00077557-00077919 how that ranks inside of a place so that qzeMTmR-PcI-00319-00077920-00078207 is number 17 at samovar or it's also qzeMTmR-PcI-00320-00078208-00078636 ranked number 10 in T so that's not just qzeMTmR-PcI-00321-00078637-00078857 inside the samovar but that's in all of qzeMTmR-PcI-00322-00078858-00079074 San Francisco so it allows you to see qzeMTmR-PcI-00323-00079075-00079239 what is the best tea in San Francisco qzeMTmR-PcI-00324-00079240-00079446 just that one item and how does it qzeMTmR-PcI-00325-00079447-00079638 compare against all other teas in San qzeMTmR-PcI-00326-00079639-00079904 Francisco so that's something that qzeMTmR-PcI-00327-00079905-00080132 but we think is pretty unique so here qzeMTmR-PcI-00328-00080133-00080297 you can see as an example of the T tag qzeMTmR-PcI-00329-00080298-00080504 it's sorted it's kind of hard to see on qzeMTmR-PcI-00330-00080505-00080642 the display there but that little dot qzeMTmR-PcI-00331-00080643-00080840 that you see is that it's sort of within qzeMTmR-PcI-00332-00080841-00081080 five miles so those the best T's within qzeMTmR-PcI-00333-00081081-00081296 five miles this is the best chocolate qzeMTmR-PcI-00334-00081297-00081563 within five miles and that allows you to qzeMTmR-PcI-00335-00081564-00081782 make buying decisions so when you use qzeMTmR-PcI-00336-00081783-00081938 the application you can say well should qzeMTmR-PcI-00337-00081939-00082199 I go over here and try this chai latte qzeMTmR-PcI-00338-00082200-00082460 which is ranked number 50 and 50 is kind qzeMTmR-PcI-00339-00082461-00082694 of pretty far down the list or should I qzeMTmR-PcI-00340-00082695-00082880 go down the other street and have this qzeMTmR-PcI-00341-00082881-00083102 chai latte which is ranked number 15 and qzeMTmR-PcI-00342-00083103-00083240 most likely you'll walk the other qzeMTmR-PcI-00343-00083241-00083471 direction to try this one because it's qzeMTmR-PcI-00344-00083472-00083633 more people have said that this is qzeMTmR-PcI-00345-00083634-00083804 something of quality that you should be qzeMTmR-PcI-00346-00083805-00084182 trying out people are ranking all qzeMTmR-PcI-00347-00084183-00084281 different types of things with the qzeMTmR-PcI-00348-00084282-00084545 application so right now you know this qzeMTmR-PcI-00349-00084546-00084710 is an example of roller coasters of all qzeMTmR-PcI-00350-00084711-00084902 things so at amusement parks people go qzeMTmR-PcI-00351-00084903-00085109 in and say one of my favorite things at qzeMTmR-PcI-00352-00085110-00085286 Disneyland or you name it and it allows qzeMTmR-PcI-00353-00085287-00085463 you to quickly see what they should be qzeMTmR-PcI-00354-00085464-00085757 trying out their ranking where they like qzeMTmR-PcI-00355-00085758-00086162 to sit so balcony seating this is an qzeMTmR-PcI-00356-00086163-00086279 example of something that's ranked qzeMTmR-PcI-00357-00086280-00086435 really bad someone said I don't like the qzeMTmR-PcI-00358-00086436-00086645 Flies in this restaurant so they took a qzeMTmR-PcI-00359-00086646-00086843 picture of a fly on the wall it's pretty qzeMTmR-PcI-00360-00086844-00087011 funny I had no idea this was actually qzeMTmR-PcI-00361-00087012-00087197 going to happen but it's it's cool to qzeMTmR-PcI-00362-00087198-00087347 see the original content that people are qzeMTmR-PcI-00363-00087348-00087758 putting in there so link here's where it qzeMTmR-PcI-00364-00087759-00087974 stands today we've been out for about qzeMTmR-PcI-00365-00087975-00088189 four and a half months or so now we have qzeMTmR-PcI-00366-00088190-00088619 200,000 downloads we're very happy and qzeMTmR-PcI-00367-00088620-00088859 honored that Apple gave us the best and qzeMTmR-PcI-00368-00088860-00089177 travel award for 2011 but the funny qzeMTmR-PcI-00369-00089178-00089372 thing about this is that we might fail qzeMTmR-PcI-00370-00089373-00089621 with this application it's still too qzeMTmR-PcI-00371-00089622-00089834 early to tell and that's something that qzeMTmR-PcI-00372-00089835-00090062 I think that we really embrace we're qzeMTmR-PcI-00373-00090063-00090233 okay with that we're okay with failing qzeMTmR-PcI-00374-00090234-00090422 because we want to try big new things qzeMTmR-PcI-00375-00090423-00090598 and and we want to see what will happen qzeMTmR-PcI-00376-00090599-00090860 so some of the things that that we qzeMTmR-PcI-00377-00090861-00091127 believe in from a philosophy level at qzeMTmR-PcI-00378-00091128-00091319 the company is that we want to learn qzeMTmR-PcI-00379-00091320-00091502 from our mistakes and we want to share qzeMTmR-PcI-00380-00091503-00091751 those mistakes so if we if we figure out qzeMTmR-PcI-00381-00091752-00092093 that our new user registration process qzeMTmR-PcI-00382-00092094-00092303 is not working correctly that's qzeMTmR-PcI-00383-00092304-00092405 something that we want to be very qzeMTmR-PcI-00384-00092406-00092621 transparent with and tell our users that qzeMTmR-PcI-00385-00092622-00092726 we're going to fix it and be upfront qzeMTmR-PcI-00386-00092727-00092906 with them and also share that with the qzeMTmR-PcI-00387-00092907-00093113 rest of the community I would say that's qzeMTmR-PcI-00388-00093114-00093339 one thing that I really enjoy about the qzeMTmR-PcI-00389-00093340-00093498 Bay Area about being around San qzeMTmR-PcI-00390-00093499-00093687 Francisco is that because there are so qzeMTmR-PcI-00391-00093688-00093858 many startups and is kind of a startup qzeMTmR-PcI-00392-00093859-00094161 culture people are very willing to share qzeMTmR-PcI-00393-00094162-00094347 with each other even though you might be qzeMTmR-PcI-00394-00094348-00094539 competitors you talk about the qzeMTmR-PcI-00395-00094540-00094788 challenges that you're facing with each qzeMTmR-PcI-00396-00094789-00094965 other which i think is is pretty unique qzeMTmR-PcI-00397-00094966-00095181 and the other thing that we want to do qzeMTmR-PcI-00398-00095182-00095307 is we want to build ideas that could qzeMTmR-PcI-00399-00095308-00095460 potentially change the world so we're qzeMTmR-PcI-00400-00095461-00095757 going after big bold new ideas not just qzeMTmR-PcI-00401-00095758-00096072 kind of rehashing old ideas so we won't qzeMTmR-PcI-00402-00096073-00096240 tackle it or we won't develop it unless qzeMTmR-PcI-00403-00096241-00096384 we think it's something new and in a qzeMTmR-PcI-00404-00096385-00096573 different direction than we've seen done qzeMTmR-PcI-00405-00096574-00096939 before some of the common mistakes that qzeMTmR-PcI-00406-00096940-00097170 i see i meet with a lot of startups and qzeMTmR-PcI-00407-00097171-00097359 I and I talked to new entrepreneurs and qzeMTmR-PcI-00408-00097360-00097449 people that are getting off the ground qzeMTmR-PcI-00409-00097450-00097650 for the first time and one of the things qzeMTmR-PcI-00410-00097651-00097872 that I hear a lot of is people say I'm qzeMTmR-PcI-00411-00097873-00098172 going to build the next Facebook and I qzeMTmR-PcI-00412-00098173-00098325 think this is the wrong approach because qzeMTmR-PcI-00413-00098326-00098712 i feel as though the the entrepreneur qzeMTmR-PcI-00414-00098713-00098940 that starts the the project for the qzeMTmR-PcI-00415-00098941-00099078 first time like the person that actually qzeMTmR-PcI-00416-00099079-00099321 invented the technology they are the one qzeMTmR-PcI-00417-00099322-00099471 that's going to be most passionate about qzeMTmR-PcI-00418-00099472-00099696 that technology and so I you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00419-00099697-00099939 oftentimes I will see a lot of clone qzeMTmR-PcI-00420-00099940-00100230 like sites and they just keep following qzeMTmR-PcI-00421-00100231-00100569 the leader and I feel as though that may qzeMTmR-PcI-00422-00100570-00100746 work sometimes but it's not necessarily qzeMTmR-PcI-00423-00100747-00100941 there's not a lot of innovation going on qzeMTmR-PcI-00424-00100942-00101184 there because it's just copying what qzeMTmR-PcI-00425-00101185-00101409 someone else is doing and I think that qzeMTmR-PcI-00426-00101410-00101535 the most interesting projects at least qzeMTmR-PcI-00427-00101536-00101682 for me personally are the ones that are qzeMTmR-PcI-00428-00101683-00101846 trying something new and something qzeMTmR-PcI-00429-00101847-00102129 distinct I also hear things like we're qzeMTmR-PcI-00430-00102130-00102363 going to build Twitter for cats which is qzeMTmR-PcI-00431-00102364-00102618 just weird things like that where people qzeMTmR-PcI-00432-00102619-00102747 say where is this slight different qzeMTmR-PcI-00433-00102748-00103041 variation of that or I think this will qzeMTmR-PcI-00434-00103042-00103200 make me rich that's another one that I qzeMTmR-PcI-00435-00103201-00103317 hear a lot of like people think that qzeMTmR-PcI-00436-00103318-00103476 well if I build this idea i'm going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00437-00103477-00103704 make a lot of money doing it and one of qzeMTmR-PcI-00438-00103705-00103989 the things that i will say is um the qzeMTmR-PcI-00439-00103990-00104148 projects that we like to take on and qzeMTmR-PcI-00440-00104149-00104373 especially with dig when i launched dig qzeMTmR-PcI-00441-00104374-00104607 a few years ago I remember thinking well qzeMTmR-PcI-00442-00104608-00104823 eventually if this will pay for my rent qzeMTmR-PcI-00443-00104824-00105048 to live in in my room when I can work qzeMTmR-PcI-00444-00105049-00105305 out of my house and work on this project qzeMTmR-PcI-00445-00105306-00105560 I'll be happy because it was something I qzeMTmR-PcI-00446-00105561-00105726 was really truly personally passionate qzeMTmR-PcI-00447-00105727-00105969 about so it really didn't matter how big qzeMTmR-PcI-00448-00105970-00106152 it grew and I was really shocked to see qzeMTmR-PcI-00449-00106153-00106425 it take off the way it did but you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00450-00106426-00106665 it never felt like work yeah it wasn't qzeMTmR-PcI-00451-00106666-00106717 like I have qzeMTmR-PcI-00452-00106718-00106831 woke up in the morning and says like oh qzeMTmR-PcI-00453-00106832-00107068 I have to go back to work at this and it qzeMTmR-PcI-00454-00107069-00107371 was just something i really truly loved qzeMTmR-PcI-00455-00107372-00107581 and so it just came naturally to want to qzeMTmR-PcI-00456-00107582-00107845 pursue that and so for us also i feel as qzeMTmR-PcI-00457-00107846-00107992 though we're working on projects that qzeMTmR-PcI-00458-00107993-00108322 that really were excited and impassioned qzeMTmR-PcI-00459-00108323-00108649 to be working on so i've done a bunch of qzeMTmR-PcI-00460-00108650-00108796 mobile investments over the last few qzeMTmR-PcI-00461-00108797-00109141 years here's a handful of the companies qzeMTmR-PcI-00462-00109142-00109354 that i've invested in that that do qzeMTmR-PcI-00463-00109355-00109627 mobile and I feel as though one of the qzeMTmR-PcI-00464-00109628-00109828 things that I look for as an investor is qzeMTmR-PcI-00465-00109829-00110023 I'm looking for new distinct ideas that qzeMTmR-PcI-00466-00110024-00110218 I spoke about earlier and so I'll give qzeMTmR-PcI-00467-00110219-00110479 you a few of those examples so chomp is qzeMTmR-PcI-00468-00110480-00110722 a service that they were launched around qzeMTmR-PcI-00469-00110723-00110961 the premise of search for the app store qzeMTmR-PcI-00470-00110963-00111309 so Apple if you played around with their qzeMTmR-PcI-00471-00111310-00111607 search engine they're not naturally a qzeMTmR-PcI-00472-00111608-00111922 search company and so they had a problem qzeMTmR-PcI-00473-00111923-00112129 with search relevance and returning the qzeMTmR-PcI-00474-00112130-00112270 right types of applications when you qzeMTmR-PcI-00475-00112271-00112516 type in certain queries and so they said qzeMTmR-PcI-00476-00112517-00112669 well you know no one's really doing this qzeMTmR-PcI-00477-00112670-00112831 well even Google is having problem with qzeMTmR-PcI-00478-00112832-00113023 their Android search we're going to go qzeMTmR-PcI-00479-00113024-00113227 out there and solve search for mobile qzeMTmR-PcI-00480-00113228-00113392 applications because it's different than qzeMTmR-PcI-00481-00113393-00113650 web based websites where you can qzeMTmR-PcI-00482-00113651-00113910 actually crawl that content and they qzeMTmR-PcI-00483-00113911-00114132 built the mobile experience around that qzeMTmR-PcI-00484-00114133-00114439 batch was an example of a company saying qzeMTmR-PcI-00485-00114440-00114658 you have all these pictures that you qzeMTmR-PcI-00486-00114658-00114838 take on your iPhone and oftentimes qzeMTmR-PcI-00487-00114839-00115033 you'll be out taking multiple photos of qzeMTmR-PcI-00488-00115033-00115195 different things but you never share qzeMTmR-PcI-00489-00115196-00115311 them they just sit on your phone and qzeMTmR-PcI-00490-00115313-00115519 they're never shared anywhere how can we qzeMTmR-PcI-00491-00115520-00115809 create a private area for you to be able qzeMTmR-PcI-00492-00115810-00116023 to take the collection of photos and qzeMTmR-PcI-00493-00116024-00116239 share those with close personal friends qzeMTmR-PcI-00494-00116240-00116464 you know Foursquare was an example of qzeMTmR-PcI-00495-00116465-00116668 people wanting to say where are my qzeMTmR-PcI-00496-00116669-00116806 friends I don't know where they are I'd qzeMTmR-PcI-00497-00116807-00116950 like to potentially meet up with them qzeMTmR-PcI-00498-00116951-00117163 you know how can I check in to these qzeMTmR-PcI-00499-00117164-00117367 places and tell someone I'm here at this qzeMTmR-PcI-00500-00117368-00117544 conference and maybe they'll see that qzeMTmR-PcI-00501-00117545-00117664 they're only a couple blocks away and qzeMTmR-PcI-00502-00117665-00117850 come meet up with me so these are a qzeMTmR-PcI-00503-00117851-00118209 bunch of different examples of of just qzeMTmR-PcI-00504-00118210-00118357 people doing things differently in the qzeMTmR-PcI-00505-00118358-00118513 mobile space and why they were qzeMTmR-PcI-00506-00118514-00118771 interesting in investments a couple of qzeMTmR-PcI-00507-00118772-00119010 the ones that I like square Jack qzeMTmR-PcI-00508-00119011-00119170 Dorsey's of course a brilliant guy he qzeMTmR-PcI-00509-00119171-00119377 was one of the cofounders of Twitter his qzeMTmR-PcI-00510-00119378-00119605 new project square really enabled a qzeMTmR-PcI-00511-00119606-00119767 whole nother level of mobile payments to qzeMTmR-PcI-00512-00119768-00120107 occur at a variety of different places qzeMTmR-PcI-00513-00120108-00120440 square the reason i really like square qzeMTmR-PcI-00514-00120441-00120634 is it was such out-of-the-box thinking qzeMTmR-PcI-00515-00120635-00120878 it was so different to say i'm going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00516-00120879-00121183 take a component of the iphone a piece qzeMTmR-PcI-00517-00121184-00121435 of the hardware that is the audio input qzeMTmR-PcI-00518-00121436-00121633 into the iphone and make it so that when qzeMTmR-PcI-00519-00121634-00121838 you swipe the card it converts that to qzeMTmR-PcI-00520-00121839-00122021 audio and then listens to it through the qzeMTmR-PcI-00521-00122022-00122243 microphone jack and then turns that into qzeMTmR-PcI-00522-00122244-00122594 the actual number on the on the phone so qzeMTmR-PcI-00523-00122595-00122768 it was figuring out how to take an qzeMTmR-PcI-00524-00122769-00122990 actual hardware piece of the phone and qzeMTmR-PcI-00525-00122991-00123245 you use that device to translate credit qzeMTmR-PcI-00526-00123246-00123413 cards it was just a brilliant idea at qzeMTmR-PcI-00527-00123414-00123590 the time and has taken off like crazy qzeMTmR-PcI-00528-00123591-00123932 for for mobile payments this is an qzeMTmR-PcI-00529-00123933-00124076 industry that i think is really going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00530-00124077-00124292 explode in the next few years that is qzeMTmR-PcI-00531-00124293-00124544 just starting to take off now this is qzeMTmR-PcI-00532-00124545-00124877 the Nike FuelBand and this is a this qzeMTmR-PcI-00533-00124878-00125243 idea of being able to the quantified qzeMTmR-PcI-00534-00125244-00125419 self like the idea of being able to qzeMTmR-PcI-00535-00125420-00125801 track your personal activity and how qzeMTmR-PcI-00536-00125802-00126047 much exercise that you perform and have qzeMTmR-PcI-00537-00126048-00126245 that sink back to a mobile device is qzeMTmR-PcI-00538-00126246-00126581 just getting off the ground jawbone has qzeMTmR-PcI-00539-00126582-00126800 a similar device out there called the up qzeMTmR-PcI-00540-00126801-00127148 I also have another device that that I qzeMTmR-PcI-00541-00127149-00127394 wear on me called the Fitbit and it qzeMTmR-PcI-00542-00127395-00127580 tracks your steps attracts how many qzeMTmR-PcI-00543-00127581-00127724 stairs that you climb it tracks how many qzeMTmR-PcI-00544-00127725-00127970 miles that you've walked how many qzeMTmR-PcI-00545-00127971-00128177 calories you've burned and I think that qzeMTmR-PcI-00546-00128178-00128381 the idea that you could quickly glanced qzeMTmR-PcI-00547-00128382-00128621 down at your wrist and know how active qzeMTmR-PcI-00548-00128622-00128798 you are for the day or and it also qzeMTmR-PcI-00549-00128799-00129061 tracks your sleep activity and then qzeMTmR-PcI-00550-00129063-00129200 being able to translate that into the qzeMTmR-PcI-00551-00129201-00129377 charts and graphs on the mobile device qzeMTmR-PcI-00552-00129378-00129535 and share it with your friends when you qzeMTmR-PcI-00553-00129536-00129752 hit certain milestones I think is really qzeMTmR-PcI-00554-00129753-00129980 unique being able to say that you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00555-00129981-00130196 set goals for you and your friends and qzeMTmR-PcI-00556-00130197-00130340 say okay we're going to walk 10,000 qzeMTmR-PcI-00557-00130341-00130574 steps a day and then have that spread qzeMTmR-PcI-00558-00130575-00130834 and have to be a competition I think is qzeMTmR-PcI-00559-00130835-00131084 a lot of fun so this device is going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00560-00131085-00131252 be shipping later this month and I think qzeMTmR-PcI-00561-00131253-00131420 this is a really interesting space to qzeMTmR-PcI-00562-00131421-00131849 watch also you know looking forward to qzeMTmR-PcI-00563-00131850-00131984 other things like the apple television qzeMTmR-PcI-00564-00131985-00132293 coming out later this year you know and qzeMTmR-PcI-00565-00132294-00132515 how a mobile device can communicate with qzeMTmR-PcI-00566-00132516-00132698 that television over Bluetooth or over qzeMTmR-PcI-00567-00132699-00132923 Wi-Fi and can then act as a separate qzeMTmR-PcI-00568-00132924-00133151 control controller to control games on qzeMTmR-PcI-00569-00133152-00133364 the Apple TV I mean there's just going qzeMTmR-PcI-00570-00133365-00133478 to be a lot of qzeMTmR-PcI-00571-00133479-00133766 of new ideas and new innovations coming qzeMTmR-PcI-00572-00133767-00134015 out of mobile devices talking to other qzeMTmR-PcI-00573-00134016-00134174 devices we're already starting to see qzeMTmR-PcI-00574-00134175-00134498 that work on on the on the iPad with qzeMTmR-PcI-00575-00134499-00134702 using your your phone as controllers to qzeMTmR-PcI-00576-00134703-00135071 control the ipad so one of the things qzeMTmR-PcI-00577-00135072-00135215 that I really enjoy doing with qzeMTmR-PcI-00578-00135216-00135386 entrepreneurs is brainstorming new ideas qzeMTmR-PcI-00579-00135387-00135728 and so we get together for four on fine qzeMTmR-PcI-00580-00135729-00135962 thank you add some water we get together qzeMTmR-PcI-00581-00135963-00136313 for tea and we'll sit down and we'll qzeMTmR-PcI-00582-00136314-00136568 talk about how can we come up with new qzeMTmR-PcI-00583-00136569-00136814 ideas what are what are new things that qzeMTmR-PcI-00584-00136815-00137087 are exciting and cool and so this is how qzeMTmR-PcI-00585-00137088-00137327 we spend a lot of our time these are my qzeMTmR-PcI-00586-00137328-00137558 kind of three favorite favorite ways to qzeMTmR-PcI-00587-00137559-00137867 brainstorm new ideas one of the things I qzeMTmR-PcI-00588-00137868-00138044 like to do is I like to catalog my day qzeMTmR-PcI-00589-00138045-00138416 and what I mean by that is I take down qzeMTmR-PcI-00590-00138417-00138548 you know you can take down on the sheet qzeMTmR-PcI-00591-00138549-00138716 of paper and you can write down every qzeMTmR-PcI-00592-00138717-00138869 single thing that you do throughout the qzeMTmR-PcI-00593-00138870-00139130 day and what potential pain points there qzeMTmR-PcI-00594-00139131-00139376 are and where you can potentially build qzeMTmR-PcI-00595-00139377-00139604 a new product or service to to help with qzeMTmR-PcI-00596-00139605-00139862 those pain points so an example of that qzeMTmR-PcI-00597-00139863-00140153 is that you know I'll say okay I woke up qzeMTmR-PcI-00598-00140154-00140450 in the morning how do I feel my warm my qzeMTmR-PcI-00599-00140451-00140849 cold okay I sit up I brush my teeth the qzeMTmR-PcI-00600-00140850-00141056 toothbrush do i have a dr a toothbrush i qzeMTmR-PcI-00601-00141057-00141218 have an electric toothbrush and i think qzeMTmR-PcI-00602-00141219-00141422 about every little step of the day and qzeMTmR-PcI-00603-00141423-00141605 you think about is there any personal qzeMTmR-PcI-00604-00141606-00141755 struggles that you're experiencing qzeMTmR-PcI-00605-00141756-00141998 throughout your day that can be solved qzeMTmR-PcI-00606-00141999-00142190 with technology and so it's just like qzeMTmR-PcI-00607-00142191-00142394 thinking and cataloging hundreds of qzeMTmR-PcI-00608-00142395-00142490 things that you do throughout the day qzeMTmR-PcI-00609-00142491-00142673 can help help you potentially brainstorm qzeMTmR-PcI-00610-00142674-00143174 new ideas and new products also looking qzeMTmR-PcI-00611-00143175-00143408 to disrupt old industries i'll give you qzeMTmR-PcI-00612-00143409-00143558 an example of a new service that's qzeMTmR-PcI-00613-00143559-00143774 launched about a year and a half ago in qzeMTmR-PcI-00614-00143775-00144121 San Francisco that is really taking off qzeMTmR-PcI-00615-00144122-00144290 one of the things that's really qzeMTmR-PcI-00616-00144291-00144488 difficult in San Francisco right now is qzeMTmR-PcI-00617-00144489-00144764 ordering a cab to come and pick you up qzeMTmR-PcI-00618-00144765-00145109 and drive you around they have a limited qzeMTmR-PcI-00619-00145110-00145256 number of cabs that they give licenses qzeMTmR-PcI-00620-00145257-00145625 to in San Francisco and so it's really qzeMTmR-PcI-00621-00145626-00145847 hard to flag down a cab and sometimes qzeMTmR-PcI-00622-00145848-00145979 you'll call them on the phone and say qzeMTmR-PcI-00623-00145980-00146153 you know I need to take a taxi across qzeMTmR-PcI-00624-00146154-00146429 town and they the taxi just won't show qzeMTmR-PcI-00625-00146430-00146932 up they just the service is not the best qzeMTmR-PcI-00626-00146933-00147296 what happened is a this guy Travis he qzeMTmR-PcI-00627-00147297-00147569 came up with an idea they have all these qzeMTmR-PcI-00628-00147570-00147899 these rented cars he's like nicer luxury qzeMTmR-PcI-00629-00147900-00148136 cars like the black cars that you can qzeMTmR-PcI-00630-00148137-00148399 pay and they're only available they were qzeMTmR-PcI-00631-00148400-00148556 currently only available to rent them qzeMTmR-PcI-00632-00148557-00148741 out by the day but the nice thing about qzeMTmR-PcI-00633-00148742-00148994 taxis is you get into a taxi you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00634-00148995-00149149 you pay them a fair and they drop you qzeMTmR-PcI-00635-00149150-00149278 off and you're done you don't have to qzeMTmR-PcI-00636-00149279-00149554 keep in a car for the entire day so he qzeMTmR-PcI-00637-00149555-00149735 was able to go out and say I'm going to qzeMTmR-PcI-00638-00149736-00150103 give all of these nicer black cars an qzeMTmR-PcI-00639-00150104-00150415 iphone and in the iphone they will have qzeMTmR-PcI-00640-00150416-00150632 the ability to say I'm available for qzeMTmR-PcI-00641-00150633-00150908 some to pick up someone and then I can qzeMTmR-PcI-00642-00150909-00151145 take my iphone out at any time in san qzeMTmR-PcI-00643-00151146-00151382 francisco and i could say i need a taxi qzeMTmR-PcI-00644-00151383-00151639 right now i can push a button it will qzeMTmR-PcI-00645-00151640-00151828 know where my gps is and know where my qzeMTmR-PcI-00646-00151829-00152062 coordinates are and it will send a black qzeMTmR-PcI-00647-00152063-00152294 car service will pull up in front of in qzeMTmR-PcI-00648-00152295-00152435 front of the house in just a couple qzeMTmR-PcI-00649-00152436-00152648 minutes i can then get in the car and qzeMTmR-PcI-00650-00152649-00152890 get dropped off well this really upset qzeMTmR-PcI-00651-00152891-00153122 the taxi industry because they had a qzeMTmR-PcI-00652-00153123-00153497 complete they have the they have the qzeMTmR-PcI-00653-00153498-00153691 exclusive rights to have all the taxis qzeMTmR-PcI-00654-00153692-00153949 in in the bay area and they were issuing qzeMTmR-PcI-00655-00153950-00154124 any new taxis and so they were kind of qzeMTmR-PcI-00656-00154125-00154312 getting disrupted in a way by a qzeMTmR-PcI-00657-00154313-00154484 different car service but they weren't qzeMTmR-PcI-00658-00154485-00154718 taxis they were different so it was qzeMTmR-PcI-00659-00154719-00154898 really a way of saying how can I use qzeMTmR-PcI-00660-00154899-00155151 technology to solve a problem and qzeMTmR-PcI-00661-00155152-00155432 provide a better service a service that qzeMTmR-PcI-00662-00155433-00155624 is on demand so I push a button and it qzeMTmR-PcI-00663-00155625-00155986 instantly happens you don't have to pay qzeMTmR-PcI-00664-00155987-00156323 the fee is already calculated into your qzeMTmR-PcI-00665-00156324-00156524 phone and so you don't have to pull out qzeMTmR-PcI-00666-00156525-00156688 any currency of any type it just qzeMTmR-PcI-00667-00156689-00156886 automatically happens you get in the car qzeMTmR-PcI-00668-00156887-00157118 and you get out and it just it really qzeMTmR-PcI-00669-00157119-00157307 exploded and now you know they have qzeMTmR-PcI-00670-00157308-00157574 dozens of cars they've launched in qzeMTmR-PcI-00671-00157575-00157801 several cities in the world now and it's qzeMTmR-PcI-00672-00157802-00157954 really starting to take off so that was qzeMTmR-PcI-00673-00157955-00158191 an example of someone saying well I have qzeMTmR-PcI-00674-00158192-00158498 a problem I can't get a taxi how many qzeMTmR-PcI-00675-00158499-00158665 other people are having this problem and qzeMTmR-PcI-00676-00158666-00158834 how can we solve this problem with qzeMTmR-PcI-00677-00158835-00159061 technology it was a great example of qzeMTmR-PcI-00678-00159062-00159439 that and the last thing I do is I like qzeMTmR-PcI-00679-00159440-00159577 to look towards the future and think qzeMTmR-PcI-00680-00159578-00159761 about devices and where they're going qzeMTmR-PcI-00681-00159762-00160070 and and where we'll be you know five and qzeMTmR-PcI-00682-00160071-00160162 ten years from now qzeMTmR-PcI-00683-00160163-00160390 and one of the things that is I've qzeMTmR-PcI-00684-00160391-00160645 noticed in the last few years is I have qzeMTmR-PcI-00685-00160646-00161047 a nice and she is seven years old now qzeMTmR-PcI-00686-00161048-00161566 and she was lucky and got an ipad for qzeMTmR-PcI-00687-00161567-00161905 the holidays here about a year ago and qzeMTmR-PcI-00688-00161906-00162064 one of the things that I noticed is that qzeMTmR-PcI-00689-00162065-00162439 she doesn't use the computer she only qzeMTmR-PcI-00690-00162440-00162709 uses the iPad and she is so fast on the qzeMTmR-PcI-00691-00162710-00162949 iPad much faster than I am it's kind of qzeMTmR-PcI-00692-00162950-00163258 scary and one of the things that I qzeMTmR-PcI-00693-00163259-00163501 started thinking about was this is her qzeMTmR-PcI-00694-00163502-00163837 main device to input data and to surf qzeMTmR-PcI-00695-00163838-00164136 the web and to launch applications and qzeMTmR-PcI-00696-00164137-00164398 she doesn't want to ever use a laptop qzeMTmR-PcI-00697-00164399-00164596 she doesn't like the keyboard on the qzeMTmR-PcI-00698-00164597-00164791 laptop she doesn't like these things and qzeMTmR-PcI-00699-00164792-00165169 it's kind of um I thought to myself it qzeMTmR-PcI-00700-00165170-00165361 worries me that maybe in five ten years qzeMTmR-PcI-00701-00165362-00165580 from now I'm going to be that old guy qzeMTmR-PcI-00702-00165581-00165775 that uses the laptop and all the young qzeMTmR-PcI-00703-00165776-00166024 kids will just be using the iPads and qzeMTmR-PcI-00704-00166025-00166249 all these touch devices and so you know qzeMTmR-PcI-00705-00166250-00166435 what type of technologies and how does qzeMTmR-PcI-00706-00166436-00166603 that change what we develop for the qzeMTmR-PcI-00707-00166604-00166948 future how did the data input obviously qzeMTmR-PcI-00708-00166949-00167157 changes the front-facing camera all the qzeMTmR-PcI-00709-00167158-00167347 accelerometer another hardware that's in qzeMTmR-PcI-00710-00167348-00167557 the device changes you know how will qzeMTmR-PcI-00711-00167558-00167749 application change and get smarter on qzeMTmR-PcI-00712-00167750-00168079 that device versus the ipad and and qzeMTmR-PcI-00713-00168080-00168325 maybe we should consider focusing our qzeMTmR-PcI-00714-00168326-00168460 development efforts on these future qzeMTmR-PcI-00715-00168461-00168667 devices so those are some of the things qzeMTmR-PcI-00716-00168668-00168886 that that I like to brainstorm ideas qzeMTmR-PcI-00717-00168887-00169306 around with other entrepreneurs one of qzeMTmR-PcI-00718-00169307-00169417 the things i want to do is leave some qzeMTmR-PcI-00719-00169418-00169696 time for some questions do some Q&A as qzeMTmR-PcI-00720-00169697-00169945 so if you have any questions at all i'd qzeMTmR-PcI-00721-00169946-00170164 love to take them and chat with you and qzeMTmR-PcI-00722-00170165-00170506 hopefully answer them qzHg00HJfG0-00000-00000192-00000449 one of Newton's laws of motion states qzHg00HJfG0-00001-00000450-00000719 that an object in motion remains in qzHg00HJfG0-00002-00000720-00000971 motion at a constant speed in a straight qzHg00HJfG0-00003-00000972-00001420 line unless acted on by a force qzHg00HJfG0-00004-00001421-00001751 in this view gravity is a force that can qzHg00HJfG0-00005-00001752-00001997 act on light and divert it from its qzHg00HJfG0-00006-00001998-00002392 usual straight line motion qzHg00HJfG0-00007-00002393-00002663 Einstein on the other hand had massive qzHg00HJfG0-00008-00002664-00002968 objects curving the space around them an qzHg00HJfG0-00009-00002969-00003166 object in motion traveling through this qzHg00HJfG0-00010-00003167-00003467 curved space follows geodesics the qzHg00HJfG0-00011-00003468-00003677 shortest path between two points unless qzHg00HJfG0-00012-00003678-00003970 acted on by a force qzHg00HJfG0-00013-00003971-00004133 it's important to remember that in qzHg00HJfG0-00014-00004134-00004385 general relativity gravity is not a qzHg00HJfG0-00015-00004386-00004475 force qzHg00HJfG0-00016-00004476-00004906 but light will bend qzHg00HJfG0-00017-00004907-00005104 both theories have light bending when qzHg00HJfG0-00018-00005105-00005327 traveling near a massive object qzHg00HJfG0-00019-00005328-00005572 the larger the mass of the object the qzHg00HJfG0-00020-00005573-00005806 larger the bending and the closer to the qzHg00HJfG0-00021-00005807-00006004 center of the object the larger the qzHg00HJfG0-00022-00006005-00006161 bending qzHg00HJfG0-00023-00006162-00006334 but the two theories predict different qzHg00HJfG0-00024-00006335-00006598 amounts of bending for the same mass and qzHg00HJfG0-00025-00006600-00006953 distance measurements qzHg00HJfG0-00026-00006954-00007139 for light passing near the surface of qzHg00HJfG0-00027-00007140-00007373 the Sun Newton's theory predicts a qzHg00HJfG0-00028-00007373-00007914 deflection angle of 0.87 Arc seconds qzHg00HJfG0-00029-00007915-00008134 Einstein's theory predicts a deflection qzHg00HJfG0-00030-00008136-00008459 angle of 1.74 Arc seconds qzHg00HJfG0-00031-00008460-00008789 twice Newton's prediction qzHg00HJfG0-00032-00008790-00008987 Einstein pointed out that the best way qzHg00HJfG0-00033-00008988-00009281 to test his theory was to study apparent qzHg00HJfG0-00034-00009282-00009533 star locations during a total eclipse of qzHg00HJfG0-00035-00009534-00009785 the Sun qzHg00HJfG0-00036-00009786-00010133 in 1919 a solar eclipse was slated to qzHg00HJfG0-00037-00010134-00010355 occur with the sun silhouetted against qzHg00HJfG0-00038-00010356-00010595 the high 80s star cluster the nearest qzHg00HJfG0-00039-00010596-00010895 open cluster to our solar system qzHg00HJfG0-00040-00010896-00011110 the British astrophysicist Arthur qzHg00HJfG0-00041-00011111-00011201 Eddington qzHg00HJfG0-00042-00011202-00011399 took up positions off the coast of qzHg00HJfG0-00043-00011400-00011746 Africa and Brazil and simultaneously qzHg00HJfG0-00044-00011747-00012028 measured the cluster's light as it qzHg00HJfG0-00045-00012029-00012292 brushed past the Sun qzHg00HJfG0-00046-00012293-00012551 the images were then superimposed on top qzHg00HJfG0-00047-00012552-00012778 of an image taken at night earlier in qzHg00HJfG0-00048-00012779-00012874 the year qzHg00HJfG0-00049-00012875-00013102 when the eclipse and night images were qzHg00HJfG0-00050-00013103-00013408 compared a gap was found qzHg00HJfG0-00051-00013409-00013643 and when the Gap was measured it qzHg00HJfG0-00052-00013644-00013871 confirmed that Einstein's prediction was qzHg00HJfG0-00053-00013872-00014315 correct qzHg00HJfG0-00054-00014316-00014543 here's an enhanced picture produced a qzHg00HJfG0-00055-00014544-00014747 hundred years later by the Heidelberg qzHg00HJfG0-00056-00014747-00015011 digitized astronomical plates project qzHg00HJfG0-00057-00015012-00015215 and released by the European Southern qzHg00HJfG0-00058-00015216-00015461 Observatory they scanned one of qzHg00HJfG0-00059-00015462-00015665 eddington's photographic glass plates qzHg00HJfG0-00060-00015666-00015905 and applied modern image processing qzHg00HJfG0-00061-00015906-00016247 techniques like noise reduction qzHg00HJfG0-00062-00016247-00016469 this version identifies some of the qzHg00HJfG0-00063-00016470-00016997 Stars used in eddington's analysis qzHg00HJfG0-00064-00016998-00017236 but the sun's Corona is strong qzHg00HJfG0-00065-00017237-00017507 it interferes with all the measurements qzHg00HJfG0-00066-00017508-00017722 it is estimated that errors as large as qzHg00HJfG0-00067-00017723-00017969 20 percent are inherent in eddington's qzHg00HJfG0-00068-00017970-00018203 and other visible Starlight bending qzHg00HJfG0-00069-00018204-00018400 experiments around the Sun qzHg00HJfG0-00070-00018401-00018605 but other tests have produced much more qzHg00HJfG0-00071-00018606-00018803 accurate results qzHg00HJfG0-00072-00018804-00019085 for example the European space agency's qzHg00HJfG0-00073-00019086-00019471 hipparchus satellite from 1989 to 93 qzHg00HJfG0-00074-00019472-00019714 designed to measure Parallax distances qzHg00HJfG0-00075-00019715-00019985 to a hundred thousand stars charted the qzHg00HJfG0-00076-00019986-00020249 positions of stars so accurately that no qzHg00HJfG0-00077-00020250-00020447 Eclipse was needed to see the effect of qzHg00HJfG0-00078-00020448-00020644 the Sun's gravity they produce numbers qzHg00HJfG0-00079-00020645-00021167 with only a 0.1 percent error qzHg00HJfG0-00080-00021168-00021580 in 2003 using radio frequency light and qzHg00HJfG0-00081-00021581-00021761 measuring techniques that eliminated the qzHg00HJfG0-00082-00021762-00022085 air producing impact to the sun's Corona qzHg00HJfG0-00083-00022086-00022330 astronomers measured how much waves sent qzHg00HJfG0-00084-00022331-00022535 from the Earth to the Cassini satellite qzHg00HJfG0-00085-00022536-00022847 and Back Again were deflected by the Sun qzHg00HJfG0-00086-00022848-00023141 their error rates were around 0.03 qzHg00HJfG0-00087-00023142-00023321 percent qzHg00HJfG0-00088-00023322-00023507 these are many other light bending qzHg00HJfG0-00089-00023508-00023717 experiments have confirmed that qzHg00HJfG0-00090-00023718-00024092 Einstein's equations are correct q-p2zV-kbt8-00000-00000816-00001007 these are different stages of stellar q-p2zV-kbt8-00001-00001008-00001166 evolution because we're going to be q-p2zV-kbt8-00002-00001167-00001415 talking about stellar evolution today so q-p2zV-kbt8-00003-00001416-00001582 you can put in the chat if you're q-p2zV-kbt8-00004-00001583-00001855 feeling like a red giant a sun-like star q-p2zV-kbt8-00005-00001855-00002095 a white dwarf a black hole q-p2zV-kbt8-00006-00002096-00002279 and even though these aren't exactly q-p2zV-kbt8-00007-00002280-00002583 scientific you can certainly explain q-p2zV-kbt8-00008-00002584-00002926 a little bit more about them q-p2zV-kbt8-00009-00002927-00003559 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00010-00003560-00003879 all right q-p2zV-kbt8-00011-00003879-00003967 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00012-00003968-00004079 let's q-p2zV-kbt8-00013-00004079-00004286 um this is a real oh great somewhat q-p2zV-kbt8-00014-00004287-00004543 someone put red giant yes yes and we had q-p2zV-kbt8-00015-00004544-00004767 a couple of white dwarfs earlier q-p2zV-kbt8-00016-00004768-00004951 it's a it's a fun way to kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-00017-00004952-00005222 introduce a topic and so i wanted to q-p2zV-kbt8-00018-00005223-00005479 give you more options for virtual q-p2zV-kbt8-00019-00005480-00005591 settings q-p2zV-kbt8-00020-00005592-00005983 we talked about annotating and um q-p2zV-kbt8-00021-00005984-00006247 astronomy picture of the day so q-p2zV-kbt8-00022-00006248-00006399 just a couple of different options for q-p2zV-kbt8-00023-00006400-00006775 you q-p2zV-kbt8-00024-00006776-00006927 today q-p2zV-kbt8-00025-00006928-00007198 we have a few things going on as our q-p2zV-kbt8-00026-00007200-00007391 usual format we q-p2zV-kbt8-00027-00007392-00007567 will talk about what's happening with q-p2zV-kbt8-00028-00007568-00007774 girls at this age q-p2zV-kbt8-00029-00007775-00007934 although they're growing and heading in q-p2zV-kbt8-00030-00007936-00008103 different directions they're almost q-p2zV-kbt8-00031-00008104-00008383 adults at this stage in high school q-p2zV-kbt8-00032-00008384-00008583 they can do all the things that adults q-p2zV-kbt8-00033-00008584-00008678 can do q-p2zV-kbt8-00034-00008679-00008951 they still have a girlish side as well q-p2zV-kbt8-00035-00008952-00009103 we're gonna follow up with some q-p2zV-kbt8-00036-00009104-00009342 presentation tools and then discuss q-p2zV-kbt8-00037-00009343-00009495 badge activities q-p2zV-kbt8-00038-00009496-00009583 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00039-00009584-00009878 this session is the third q-p2zV-kbt8-00040-00009879-00010055 session of three q-p2zV-kbt8-00041-00010056-00010399 the first one was about uh daisies q-p2zV-kbt8-00042-00010400-00010710 brownies and juniors um then i'm sorry q-p2zV-kbt8-00043-00010711-00010919 daisies and brownies then we did juniors q-p2zV-kbt8-00044-00010920-00011246 and cadets and then we are now doing q-p2zV-kbt8-00045-00011247-00011774 seniors and ambassadors q-p2zV-kbt8-00046-00011775-00011951 each we want to q-p2zV-kbt8-00047-00011952-00012110 level three q-p2zV-kbt8-00048-00012111-00012303 do we want to find out who they are q-p2zV-kbt8-00049-00012304-00012574 oh yes let's do that all right let's um q-p2zV-kbt8-00050-00012575-00012846 another really great and easy q-p2zV-kbt8-00051-00012847-00013038 way to interact with girls even if q-p2zV-kbt8-00052-00013039-00013183 you're q-p2zV-kbt8-00053-00013184-00013479 on a webinar is to launch a poll so we q-p2zV-kbt8-00054-00013480-00013630 just like to get a q-p2zV-kbt8-00055-00013631-00013855 kind of find out who you all are so q-p2zV-kbt8-00056-00013856-00014022 there should be a poll that shows up and q-p2zV-kbt8-00057-00014023-00014175 you can q-p2zV-kbt8-00058-00014176-00014319 let us know who you are you can check as q-p2zV-kbt8-00059-00014319-00014775 many as you'd like i believe q-p2zV-kbt8-00060-00014776-00014871 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00061-00014872-00015022 great it gives us a better idea as q-p2zV-kbt8-00062-00015023-00015175 presenters about what kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-00063-00015176-00015486 information you might need and um q-p2zV-kbt8-00064-00015487-00015766 and let's you all know who's here q-p2zV-kbt8-00065-00015768-00015919 so let's see we'll just give it another q-p2zV-kbt8-00066-00015919-00016207 second then we'll share that q-p2zV-kbt8-00067-00016208-00016358 be many things q-p2zV-kbt8-00068-00016359-00016791 to many people q-p2zV-kbt8-00069-00016792-00016911 all right q-p2zV-kbt8-00070-00016912-00017111 let's go ahead and share it one second q-p2zV-kbt8-00071-00017112-00017263 so it looks like we have a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00072-00017264-00017415 informal educators and amateur q-p2zV-kbt8-00073-00017416-00017591 astronomers it's really nice to see you q-p2zV-kbt8-00074-00017592-00017839 all with a smattering of girl scout q-p2zV-kbt8-00075-00017840-00018071 volunteer and staff so that's perfect q-p2zV-kbt8-00076-00018072-00018207 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00077-00018208-00018463 one other i was gonna share q-p2zV-kbt8-00078-00018464-00018671 um let me see q-p2zV-kbt8-00079-00018672-00018871 um it's kind of a q-p2zV-kbt8-00080-00018872-00019039 again a little bit q-p2zV-kbt8-00081-00019040-00019222 of the fun piece q-p2zV-kbt8-00082-00019223-00019471 let's let's try one more q-p2zV-kbt8-00083-00019472-00019671 of the oops q-p2zV-kbt8-00084-00019672-00019919 let's see relaunch the poll there we go q-p2zV-kbt8-00085-00019920-00020158 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00086-00020159-00020391 how about this one who else are you q-p2zV-kbt8-00087-00020392-00020494 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00088-00020495-00020622 one of the things that we do when we're q-p2zV-kbt8-00089-00020623-00020830 sharing astronomy is also sharing the q-p2zV-kbt8-00090-00020831-00020958 other parts of ourselves it's really q-p2zV-kbt8-00091-00020959-00021127 important to show girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00092-00021128-00021430 um that we are full well-rounded people q-p2zV-kbt8-00093-00021431-00021727 i'm also a mom i'm also a potter you're q-p2zV-kbt8-00094-00021728-00021919 also many other things so q-p2zV-kbt8-00095-00021920-00022167 um are you able to see that one oh yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00096-00022168-00022367 good you can who else are you what other q-p2zV-kbt8-00097-00022368-00022550 things are you if you don't find q-p2zV-kbt8-00098-00022551-00022703 anything on here that fits you go ahead q-p2zV-kbt8-00099-00022704-00022855 and throw something in the chat or you q-p2zV-kbt8-00100-00022856-00023071 can add lots of other q-p2zV-kbt8-00101-00023072-00023358 anything else oh a musician excellent q-p2zV-kbt8-00102-00023359-00023663 and i love to read books so i would put q-p2zV-kbt8-00103-00023664-00023791 that in there q-p2zV-kbt8-00104-00023792-00023958 yes q-p2zV-kbt8-00105-00023959-00024207 i know i like to bake but i wouldn't q-p2zV-kbt8-00106-00024208-00024447 call myself a baker but i could call q-p2zV-kbt8-00107-00024448-00024648 myself an eater of baked goods q-p2zV-kbt8-00108-00024649-00024767 [Laughter] q-p2zV-kbt8-00109-00024768-00024983 with you on that q-p2zV-kbt8-00110-00024984-00025086 so you're going to put these in and then q-p2zV-kbt8-00111-00025087-00025247 i think you do have to q-p2zV-kbt8-00112-00025248-00025463 push enter or something like that oh an q-p2zV-kbt8-00113-00025464-00025734 archer that's exciting and a crafter q-p2zV-kbt8-00114-00025735-00026094 wonderful i'm an awesome q-p2zV-kbt8-00115-00026095-00026239 and a napper q-p2zV-kbt8-00116-00026239-00026479 yeah me too all right we're gonna q-p2zV-kbt8-00117-00026480-00026639 share the results we have a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00118-00026639-00026862 artists and siblings q-p2zV-kbt8-00119-00026863-00027095 that's a really good one q-p2zV-kbt8-00120-00027095-00027358 and athletes and bakers and nappers i'm q-p2zV-kbt8-00121-00027360-00027558 with you on the napping so having some q-p2zV-kbt8-00122-00027560-00027727 fun polls like this to get them thinking q-p2zV-kbt8-00123-00027727-00028079 about how full um and and also just to q-p2zV-kbt8-00124-00028080-00028246 have a very low stakes q-p2zV-kbt8-00125-00028247-00028479 um where you might want to just have fun q-p2zV-kbt8-00126-00028480-00028718 pieces of letting them share themselves q-p2zV-kbt8-00127-00028719-00028879 all right so i'll stop sharing that you q-p2zV-kbt8-00128-00028880-00029014 might have to close the poll for q-p2zV-kbt8-00129-00029016-00029127 yourself q-p2zV-kbt8-00130-00029127-00029255 and let you get on with it theresa q-p2zV-kbt8-00131-00029256-00029383 thanks q-p2zV-kbt8-00132-00029383-00029455 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00133-00029456-00029687 i appreciate that i think it's fun to q-p2zV-kbt8-00134-00029688-00029887 show all of the full pictures of q-p2zV-kbt8-00135-00029888-00030174 ourselves and share that with the people q-p2zV-kbt8-00136-00030175-00030558 in our audience right because we are q-p2zV-kbt8-00137-00030560-00030695 our big are q-p2zV-kbt8-00138-00030695-00030831 our big q-p2zV-kbt8-00139-00030832-00031199 world pictures my big uh big people with q-p2zV-kbt8-00140-00031200-00031535 lots of different relationships q-p2zV-kbt8-00141-00031536-00031855 so getting back to our um content we q-p2zV-kbt8-00142-00031856-00032135 also have the sixth level of badges and q-p2zV-kbt8-00143-00032136-00032383 i wanted to show you the badge booklets q-p2zV-kbt8-00144-00032383-00032614 you can kind of see a little bit of the q-p2zV-kbt8-00145-00032616-00032902 age um q-p2zV-kbt8-00146-00032903-00033062 increasing q-p2zV-kbt8-00147-00033063-00033318 like in the graphics and the names and q-p2zV-kbt8-00148-00033319-00033415 that's q-p2zV-kbt8-00149-00033416-00033807 a pretty cool um part of the badges you q-p2zV-kbt8-00150-00033808-00033999 can get these badge booklets on the girl q-p2zV-kbt8-00151-00034000-00034246 scout uh usa site and we can put that q-p2zV-kbt8-00152-00034247-00034502 and when we post the youtube video we'll q-p2zV-kbt8-00153-00034503-00034631 add that q-p2zV-kbt8-00154-00034632-00034759 i'm just gonna go ahead and add that q-p2zV-kbt8-00155-00034760-00034959 link now just so you have it right now q-p2zV-kbt8-00156-00034960-00035151 but um it will also be on the youtube q-p2zV-kbt8-00157-00035152-00035374 site q-p2zV-kbt8-00158-00035375-00035559 yeah and you don't need to go there now q-p2zV-kbt8-00159-00035560-00035743 no no q-p2zV-kbt8-00160-00035744-00036030 so um i'm just gonna give you a whole q-p2zV-kbt8-00161-00036031-00036215 lot of um q-p2zV-kbt8-00162-00036216-00036367 virtual tips q-p2zV-kbt8-00163-00036368-00036735 that you can use to help out with q-p2zV-kbt8-00164-00036736-00037007 where high school girls are at and what q-p2zV-kbt8-00165-00037008-00037311 you can do to encourage that for example q-p2zV-kbt8-00166-00037312-00037511 if you're craving a sense of belonging q-p2zV-kbt8-00167-00037512-00037630 and you're in q-p2zV-kbt8-00168-00037631-00037846 a virtual room q-p2zV-kbt8-00169-00037847-00038055 in a virtual setting rather you can use q-p2zV-kbt8-00170-00038056-00038287 breakout rooms they can turn on their q-p2zV-kbt8-00171-00038288-00038718 camera and unmute or use the chat um or q-p2zV-kbt8-00172-00038719-00038902 use the polls like we just did there's q-p2zV-kbt8-00173-00038903-00039095 lots of ways that you can have q-p2zV-kbt8-00174-00039096-00039279 interaction and i would really encourage q-p2zV-kbt8-00175-00039280-00039527 you to do that another thing is that q-p2zV-kbt8-00176-00039528-00039687 girls are really confident with q-p2zV-kbt8-00177-00039688-00039927 technology at this age and so if they q-p2zV-kbt8-00178-00039928-00040190 have a favorite um thing that they would q-p2zV-kbt8-00179-00040191-00040343 like to do it's q-p2zV-kbt8-00180-00040344-00040574 it's great to get their input on what q-p2zV-kbt8-00181-00040575-00040862 they like to share what tools they like q-p2zV-kbt8-00182-00040863-00041087 to use um and all of the rest of these q-p2zV-kbt8-00183-00041088-00041279 tips are also pretty good but i'm not q-p2zV-kbt8-00184-00041280-00041479 going to read them all to you you can q-p2zV-kbt8-00185-00041480-00041823 check them out later as well q-p2zV-kbt8-00186-00041824-00042030 i can tell you holographic with a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00187-00042031-00042407 words yeah i'm gonna um q-p2zV-kbt8-00188-00042408-00042590 if you want to go on to the next part of q-p2zV-kbt8-00189-00042591-00042846 this this is all of them and you'll have q-p2zV-kbt8-00190-00042847-00043039 access to these but since we're focusing q-p2zV-kbt8-00191-00043040-00043223 on the seniors and ambassadors this q-p2zV-kbt8-00192-00043224-00043479 gives you some specifics about q-p2zV-kbt8-00193-00043480-00043567 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00194-00043568-00043743 some of the activities like the virtual q-p2zV-kbt8-00195-00043744-00043951 activities that you can do the kahoot q-p2zV-kbt8-00196-00043952-00044174 and the netflix watch parties and q-p2zV-kbt8-00197-00044175-00044390 jeopardy so they will have a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00198-00044391-00044558 experience with these kind of things q-p2zV-kbt8-00199-00044559-00044774 it's great to let them lead at this q-p2zV-kbt8-00200-00044775-00044918 point because they are old enough to q-p2zV-kbt8-00201-00044919-00045143 know what kinds of things they'd like to q-p2zV-kbt8-00202-00045144-00045423 do and they've had experience and can q-p2zV-kbt8-00203-00045424-00045607 often run some of these q-p2zV-kbt8-00204-00045608-00045839 um pieces of technology so i encourage q-p2zV-kbt8-00205-00045840-00046030 you as teresa was saying q-p2zV-kbt8-00206-00046031-00046215 to let them lead q-p2zV-kbt8-00207-00046216-00046390 yeah and if you're doing astronomy you q-p2zV-kbt8-00208-00046391-00046743 can definitely have the um one girl q-p2zV-kbt8-00209-00046744-00046935 talk about what's in the sky q-p2zV-kbt8-00210-00046936-00047174 uh and also a different girl talk about q-p2zV-kbt8-00211-00047175-00047462 what news is going on with the space the q-p2zV-kbt8-00212-00047463-00047758 research uh there's so many q-p2zV-kbt8-00213-00047759-00047974 um things you can do to have them q-p2zV-kbt8-00214-00047975-00048199 prepare even a little bit q-p2zV-kbt8-00215-00048200-00048399 beforehand so q-p2zV-kbt8-00216-00048400-00048623 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00217-00048624-00048751 thanks q-p2zV-kbt8-00218-00048752-00048951 okay another great tool is asking q-p2zV-kbt8-00219-00048952-00049295 questions right um and i would love for q-p2zV-kbt8-00220-00049296-00049518 you to not only do this in the virtual q-p2zV-kbt8-00221-00049519-00049711 realm but in when we get back to real q-p2zV-kbt8-00222-00049712-00049815 person q-p2zV-kbt8-00223-00049816-00050102 interactions that um q-p2zV-kbt8-00224-00050103-00050302 learning about where the girls are at q-p2zV-kbt8-00225-00050303-00050535 and their experiences q-p2zV-kbt8-00226-00050536-00050718 making a connection q-p2zV-kbt8-00227-00050719-00051086 and encouraging them to engage with what q-p2zV-kbt8-00228-00051087-00051319 you're presenting all of those are good q-p2zV-kbt8-00229-00051320-00051566 uses for questions vivian would you like q-p2zV-kbt8-00230-00051567-00052038 to tell us the story about um q-p2zV-kbt8-00231-00052039-00052350 oh yeah yeah absolutely so um q-p2zV-kbt8-00232-00052351-00052503 there there are a lot of telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00233-00052504-00052703 conventions that happen around the world q-p2zV-kbt8-00234-00052704-00052838 and um q-p2zV-kbt8-00235-00052839-00053150 and i was at one many years ago where i q-p2zV-kbt8-00236-00053151-00053382 was in line q-p2zV-kbt8-00237-00053383-00053591 waiting to view the sun and i was q-p2zV-kbt8-00238-00053591-00053823 talking to the woman uh behind me and q-p2zV-kbt8-00239-00053824-00053975 she was a solar physicist and we were q-p2zV-kbt8-00240-00053976-00054126 having these great conversations she q-p2zV-kbt8-00241-00054127-00054335 knew so much and i was learning so much q-p2zV-kbt8-00242-00054336-00054638 and um the guy in front of me q-p2zV-kbt8-00243-00054639-00054766 uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00244-00054767-00055015 said something like the q-p2zV-kbt8-00245-00055016-00055238 the gentleman who was showing off the q-p2zV-kbt8-00246-00055239-00055391 sun and the telescope was talking to the q-p2zV-kbt8-00247-00055391-00055599 man in front of him in front of me q-p2zV-kbt8-00248-00055600-00055694 saying q-p2zV-kbt8-00249-00055695-00055935 yeah that's a prominence and you can see q-p2zV-kbt8-00250-00055936-00056135 there's a filament across the front and q-p2zV-kbt8-00251-00056136-00056342 the bottom left and was telling this man q-p2zV-kbt8-00252-00056344-00056654 about what was going on and then q-p2zV-kbt8-00253-00056655-00056942 i got up there and he was like okay so q-p2zV-kbt8-00254-00056944-00057238 do you see that big ball that is q-p2zV-kbt8-00255-00057239-00057487 do you see the the um the big circle q-p2zV-kbt8-00256-00057488-00057766 that's the sun i was like yeah yeah very q-p2zV-kbt8-00257-00057767-00057999 cool and um he did the same to the woman q-p2zV-kbt8-00258-00058000-00058238 behind me who was a solar physicist and q-p2zV-kbt8-00259-00058239-00058454 um i feel like he really missed out on a q-p2zV-kbt8-00260-00058455-00058647 chance to learn from her q-p2zV-kbt8-00261-00058648-00058799 uh about q-p2zV-kbt8-00262-00058800-00059015 what was going on on the sun he kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-00263-00059016-00059223 made an assumption that we would have q-p2zV-kbt8-00264-00059224-00059342 maybe not even looked through a q-p2zV-kbt8-00265-00059344-00059542 telescope before so he was give he was q-p2zV-kbt8-00266-00059544-00059782 explaining it very simply for me for q-p2zV-kbt8-00267-00059783-00059935 us maybe because we were young women q-p2zV-kbt8-00268-00059936-00060087 maybe because q-p2zV-kbt8-00269-00060088-00060391 um it just didn't have the time right we q-p2zV-kbt8-00270-00060391-00060559 don't know but q-p2zV-kbt8-00271-00060560-00060830 it's really really lovely to when you're q-p2zV-kbt8-00272-00060832-00060966 showing something through a telescope to q-p2zV-kbt8-00273-00060967-00061094 just ask q-p2zV-kbt8-00274-00061095-00061223 everyone have you ever looked through a q-p2zV-kbt8-00275-00061224-00061399 telescope before because many people q-p2zV-kbt8-00276-00061400-00061606 have not that's a completely reasonable q-p2zV-kbt8-00277-00061607-00061871 question um but if they have q-p2zV-kbt8-00278-00061872-00062047 they might say well i own a telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00279-00062048-00062342 where my mom's an astronomer q-p2zV-kbt8-00280-00062344-00062542 and you can give them q-p2zV-kbt8-00281-00062544-00062750 they can give you a better idea of what q-p2zV-kbt8-00282-00062751-00063047 level to begin talking about these q-p2zV-kbt8-00283-00063048-00063142 things q-p2zV-kbt8-00284-00063144-00063479 um yeah so i encourage you to ask them q-p2zV-kbt8-00285-00063479-00063550 uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00286-00063551-00063750 by question asking you can learn a lot q-p2zV-kbt8-00287-00063751-00063879 about where they are and what kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-00288-00063879-00064071 interests they have q-p2zV-kbt8-00289-00064072-00064294 yeah and if you're not using a telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00290-00064295-00064494 it's still okay to ask where people are q-p2zV-kbt8-00291-00064495-00064799 out like have you heard of q-p2zV-kbt8-00292-00064800-00064879 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00293-00064879-00065119 whatever you're presenting yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00294-00065120-00065366 supernovas you know because q-p2zV-kbt8-00295-00065367-00065638 um there's so many things that people q-p2zV-kbt8-00296-00065639-00065863 know and have experience with and and we q-p2zV-kbt8-00297-00065864-00066063 don't know and it can ask very quickly q-p2zV-kbt8-00298-00066064-00066238 and get an answer really quickly and it q-p2zV-kbt8-00299-00066239-00066382 helps you gauge q-p2zV-kbt8-00300-00066383-00066575 uh where you're at q-p2zV-kbt8-00301-00066576-00066711 and something that you usually bring up q-p2zV-kbt8-00302-00066712-00066863 theresa which i really appreciate is q-p2zV-kbt8-00303-00066864-00067023 that um q-p2zV-kbt8-00304-00067024-00067238 you know gauging your audience by their q-p2zV-kbt8-00305-00067239-00067535 interest not by what they already know q-p2zV-kbt8-00306-00067536-00067694 because there's could be very different q-p2zV-kbt8-00307-00067695-00067950 access to resources maybe q-p2zV-kbt8-00308-00067951-00068143 your mom's an astronomer and you look q-p2zV-kbt8-00309-00068144-00068423 through telescopes all the time or maybe q-p2zV-kbt8-00310-00068424-00068615 you know your mom works nights and can't q-p2zV-kbt8-00311-00068616-00068879 take you to the amateur astronomy club q-p2zV-kbt8-00312-00068880-00069103 to go look through telescopes so you q-p2zV-kbt8-00313-00069104-00069399 don't have access to that um so q-p2zV-kbt8-00314-00069400-00069599 while there may be a lot of interest not q-p2zV-kbt8-00315-00069600-00069791 knowing something doesn't mean q-p2zV-kbt8-00316-00069792-00069950 that there's not interest there it just q-p2zV-kbt8-00317-00069951-00070206 might be a difference of access q-p2zV-kbt8-00318-00070207-00070367 right right q-p2zV-kbt8-00319-00070368-00070479 different people have different q-p2zV-kbt8-00320-00070480-00070726 resources yeah yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00321-00070727-00070831 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00322-00070832-00070991 so then there's another thing you can do q-p2zV-kbt8-00323-00070992-00071135 with questioning which is make a q-p2zV-kbt8-00324-00071136-00071247 connection q-p2zV-kbt8-00325-00071248-00071471 similar to what we were saying with who q-p2zV-kbt8-00326-00071472-00071782 else are you you can um find out about q-p2zV-kbt8-00327-00071783-00071991 girls by asking how long have you been a q-p2zV-kbt8-00328-00071992-00072247 girl scout have you seen the new space q-p2zV-kbt8-00329-00072248-00072447 movie because there's always a new space q-p2zV-kbt8-00330-00072448-00072750 movie out um there's a lot of new star q-p2zV-kbt8-00331-00072751-00073071 wars movies that are out um and a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00332-00073072-00073326 times people have a favorite movie that q-p2zV-kbt8-00333-00073327-00073494 they enjoy q-p2zV-kbt8-00334-00073495-00073782 hidden figures or interstellar or the q-p2zV-kbt8-00335-00073783-00074047 martian so if you have a favorite space q-p2zV-kbt8-00336-00074048-00074823 movie put it in the chat now q-p2zV-kbt8-00337-00074824-00075006 and that's just a nice way to make a q-p2zV-kbt8-00338-00075007-00075119 connection q-p2zV-kbt8-00339-00075120-00075406 um wally yes q-p2zV-kbt8-00340-00075407-00075550 one of the q-p2zV-kbt8-00341-00075551-00075767 guardians of the galaxy the martian yes q-p2zV-kbt8-00342-00075768-00076087 so many so many great space movies and q-p2zV-kbt8-00343-00076088-00076311 so it's a it's a good way to connect q-p2zV-kbt8-00344-00076312-00076519 with people q-p2zV-kbt8-00345-00076520-00076615 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00346-00076616-00076862 i want to say that pause up on the top q-p2zV-kbt8-00347-00076863-00077159 spaceballs q-p2zV-kbt8-00348-00077160-00077479 yes um spaceballs is a wonderful movie q-p2zV-kbt8-00349-00077480-00077879 so funny um when you ask a question q-p2zV-kbt8-00350-00077880-00078031 pause q-p2zV-kbt8-00351-00078032-00078262 it's really hard for me to do it but i q-p2zV-kbt8-00352-00078263-00078487 sometimes will just count to ten in my q-p2zV-kbt8-00353-00078488-00078638 head because q-p2zV-kbt8-00354-00078639-00078862 what happens is people have to q-p2zV-kbt8-00355-00078863-00079047 become aware that you're asking a q-p2zV-kbt8-00356-00079048-00079326 question and then figure out what the q-p2zV-kbt8-00357-00079327-00079575 question is and then figure out what q-p2zV-kbt8-00358-00079576-00079943 their answer is and then say it or write q-p2zV-kbt8-00359-00079944-00080087 it in the chat q-p2zV-kbt8-00360-00080088-00080399 and it takes people even time to type so q-p2zV-kbt8-00361-00080400-00080679 give people time to absorb what's going q-p2zV-kbt8-00362-00080680-00080950 on if you're wanting feedback don't just q-p2zV-kbt8-00363-00080951-00081215 jump from one question to the next q-p2zV-kbt8-00364-00081216-00081423 so that counting to 10 tip really helped q-p2zV-kbt8-00365-00081424-00081494 me q-p2zV-kbt8-00366-00081495-00081903 vivian told me that so thanks q-p2zV-kbt8-00367-00081904-00082079 okay um q-p2zV-kbt8-00368-00082080-00082318 one last thing that you can do is really q-p2zV-kbt8-00369-00082319-00082503 connect back to the material that you're q-p2zV-kbt8-00370-00082504-00082759 sharing um and in girl scouts we really q-p2zV-kbt8-00371-00082760-00082959 want to keep things girl-led q-p2zV-kbt8-00372-00082960-00083071 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00373-00083072-00083359 having them engage with um what's going q-p2zV-kbt8-00374-00083360-00083543 on is really great like q-p2zV-kbt8-00375-00083544-00083735 what do you like best in the sky what do q-p2zV-kbt8-00376-00083736-00084038 you know about jupiter or um q-p2zV-kbt8-00377-00084039-00084318 what's your favorite object to look at q-p2zV-kbt8-00378-00084319-00084511 in the sky q-p2zV-kbt8-00379-00084512-00084855 so those questions can help you decide q-p2zV-kbt8-00380-00084856-00085094 what you're going to show if you have a q-p2zV-kbt8-00381-00085095-00085318 telescope nr um and q-p2zV-kbt8-00382-00085319-00085543 sometimes those objects aren't up q-p2zV-kbt8-00383-00085544-00085743 in the north in the night sky right then q-p2zV-kbt8-00384-00085744-00085862 they're in the q-p2zV-kbt8-00385-00085863-00085999 summer and q-p2zV-kbt8-00386-00086000-00086359 where in the winter or vice versa so um q-p2zV-kbt8-00387-00086360-00086559 you could even talk about that q-p2zV-kbt8-00388-00086560-00086743 yeah a lot of people know greek q-p2zV-kbt8-00389-00086744-00086982 mythology you can make constellation q-p2zV-kbt8-00390-00086983-00087167 connections also you can make q-p2zV-kbt8-00391-00087168-00087382 connections um with other cultures and q-p2zV-kbt8-00392-00087383-00087791 share the stories that you know or um q-p2zV-kbt8-00393-00087792-00087950 that's them to share the stories that q-p2zV-kbt8-00394-00087951-00088615 they know q-p2zV-kbt8-00395-00088616-00088735 all right q-p2zV-kbt8-00396-00088736-00088935 now a lot of people think when we're q-p2zV-kbt8-00397-00088936-00089094 talking about questions that it's just q-p2zV-kbt8-00398-00089095-00089175 about q-p2zV-kbt8-00399-00089176-00089447 answering questions right um q-p2zV-kbt8-00400-00089448-00089694 so we can use connection and uh excuse q-p2zV-kbt8-00401-00089695-00089903 me we can use q-p2zV-kbt8-00402-00089904-00090231 questions to connect but we can also try q-p2zV-kbt8-00403-00090232-00090471 with when we're responding to questions q-p2zV-kbt8-00404-00090472-00090743 to build up scientific thinking q-p2zV-kbt8-00405-00090744-00090879 so um q-p2zV-kbt8-00406-00090880-00091238 a lot of the times that means um trying q-p2zV-kbt8-00407-00091239-00091550 and failing and um failing is called the q-p2zV-kbt8-00408-00091551-00091743 first attempt at learning q-p2zV-kbt8-00409-00091744-00091959 sometimes that's what the abbreviation q-p2zV-kbt8-00410-00091960-00092087 is sometimes q-p2zV-kbt8-00411-00092088-00092375 as an acronym right so uh partner with q-p2zV-kbt8-00412-00092376-00092711 the girl to answer her own question and q-p2zV-kbt8-00413-00092712-00092823 have her q-p2zV-kbt8-00414-00092824-00093006 think about q-p2zV-kbt8-00415-00093007-00093262 what she knows about the object q-p2zV-kbt8-00416-00093263-00093535 so she might ask how many moons does q-p2zV-kbt8-00417-00093536-00093750 saturn have q-p2zV-kbt8-00418-00093751-00093959 and you can say well what do you know q-p2zV-kbt8-00419-00093960-00094167 about saturn oh i know that there's lots q-p2zV-kbt8-00420-00094168-00094318 of rings q-p2zV-kbt8-00421-00094319-00094606 right and the rings are um q-p2zV-kbt8-00422-00094607-00094799 may have little tiny shepherd moons q-p2zV-kbt8-00423-00094800-00094967 around them you could tell there you q-p2zV-kbt8-00424-00094968-00095191 know just uh encourage them to talk q-p2zV-kbt8-00425-00095192-00095350 about what they know q-p2zV-kbt8-00426-00095351-00095623 and really if they're um q-p2zV-kbt8-00427-00095624-00095767 saying something q-p2zV-kbt8-00428-00095768-00096015 it's kind of like a gift to you and you q-p2zV-kbt8-00429-00096016-00096271 don't want to jump in with saying q-p2zV-kbt8-00430-00096272-00096559 that's wrong or that's uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00431-00096560-00096774 where did you hear that you know there's q-p2zV-kbt8-00432-00096775-00096967 a lot of crazy things on the internet q-p2zV-kbt8-00433-00096968-00097231 like flat earth and uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00434-00097232-00097462 all of those different topics we get q-p2zV-kbt8-00435-00097463-00097750 presented with a lot right so q-p2zV-kbt8-00436-00097751-00097950 think of it as like a conversational q-p2zV-kbt8-00437-00097951-00098199 gift and you don't want to say oh this q-p2zV-kbt8-00438-00098200-00098350 is the worst sweater i've ever seen q-p2zV-kbt8-00439-00098351-00098543 right you want to say q-p2zV-kbt8-00440-00098544-00098623 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00441-00098624-00098726 thanks q-p2zV-kbt8-00442-00098727-00099006 this is that's really interesting right q-p2zV-kbt8-00443-00099007-00099135 which brings up addressing q-p2zV-kbt8-00444-00099136-00099294 misunderstandings q-p2zV-kbt8-00445-00099295-00099494 you don't want to jump to what that's q-p2zV-kbt8-00446-00099495-00099750 wrong right find out what's right about q-p2zV-kbt8-00447-00099751-00099831 it q-p2zV-kbt8-00448-00099832-00100126 this is kind of tricky but it helps you q-p2zV-kbt8-00449-00100127-00100382 to gently guide someone to the right q-p2zV-kbt8-00450-00100383-00100559 answer and also q-p2zV-kbt8-00451-00100560-00100662 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00452-00100663-00100855 they're not coming to us with really q-p2zV-kbt8-00453-00100856-00101111 hard beliefs they might be just trying q-p2zV-kbt8-00454-00101112-00101318 to share their interest in space by q-p2zV-kbt8-00455-00101319-00101638 talking about flat earth or astrology or q-p2zV-kbt8-00456-00101639-00101894 whatever those topics are and so we just q-p2zV-kbt8-00457-00101895-00102159 want to come with them with a welcoming q-p2zV-kbt8-00458-00102160-00102303 response q-p2zV-kbt8-00459-00102304-00102494 of sometimes it's q-p2zV-kbt8-00460-00102495-00102815 in the things we're doing as well um q-p2zV-kbt8-00461-00102816-00103134 so if a lot of you might have seen q-p2zV-kbt8-00462-00103135-00103342 girls when they come out of from the q-p2zV-kbt8-00463-00103343-00103766 telescope they're like blank q-p2zV-kbt8-00464-00103767-00103975 or you say oh what did you see and q-p2zV-kbt8-00465-00103976-00104223 they're like q-p2zV-kbt8-00466-00104224-00104327 uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00467-00104328-00104518 you know you know you can tell by their q-p2zV-kbt8-00468-00104519-00104727 face they haven't seen anything q-p2zV-kbt8-00469-00104728-00104895 um so q-p2zV-kbt8-00470-00104896-00105151 then you can say hmm q-p2zV-kbt8-00471-00105152-00105439 let's see if you move your eye around a q-p2zV-kbt8-00472-00105440-00105543 little bit q-p2zV-kbt8-00473-00105544-00105758 you might be able to see different q-p2zV-kbt8-00474-00105759-00105910 things q-p2zV-kbt8-00475-00105911-00106095 in the telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00476-00106096-00106310 right you don't want to say q-p2zV-kbt8-00477-00106311-00106483 you're looking in the wrong q-p2zV-kbt8-00478-00106483-00106751 spot you want to confirm that they had a q-p2zV-kbt8-00479-00106752-00106951 good experience their eyes still work q-p2zV-kbt8-00480-00106952-00107183 they can see things they could maybe see q-p2zV-kbt8-00481-00107183-00107471 the mirror in the back of the telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00482-00107472-00107678 but they aren't seeing the q-p2zV-kbt8-00483-00107679-00107871 the stars yet q-p2zV-kbt8-00484-00107872-00108158 so it's really important to try to find q-p2zV-kbt8-00485-00108159-00108447 something that's right even if it's just q-p2zV-kbt8-00486-00108448-00108663 that's interesting or q-p2zV-kbt8-00487-00108664-00108958 people used to think that the sun went q-p2zV-kbt8-00488-00108959-00109223 around the earth for a long time people q-p2zV-kbt8-00489-00109224-00109551 thought that but we know now that the q-p2zV-kbt8-00490-00109552-00109751 earth goes around the sun and all the q-p2zV-kbt8-00491-00109752-00109990 planets too would you like to see q-p2zV-kbt8-00492-00109991-00110254 jupiter in a telescope and that's kind q-p2zV-kbt8-00493-00110255-00110519 of the way i think about it is just like q-p2zV-kbt8-00494-00110520-00110639 saying q-p2zV-kbt8-00495-00110640-00110934 yes you're reasonable to think like this q-p2zV-kbt8-00496-00110935-00111166 giving the correct information and then q-p2zV-kbt8-00497-00111167-00111366 turning back towards q-p2zV-kbt8-00498-00111367-00111631 what you're doing um q-p2zV-kbt8-00499-00111632-00111807 vivian you're nodding did you have an q-p2zV-kbt8-00500-00111808-00112127 example of something you wanted to share q-p2zV-kbt8-00501-00112128-00112366 um yeah somebody said astrologer i i get q-p2zV-kbt8-00502-00112367-00112607 called astrologer a lot um and i don't q-p2zV-kbt8-00503-00112608-00112854 know anything about reading palms or q-p2zV-kbt8-00504-00112855-00113095 how to divine the night sky so i often q-p2zV-kbt8-00505-00113096-00113271 say you know that's a really reasonable q-p2zV-kbt8-00506-00113272-00113558 mistake i'm an astronomer um but you q-p2zV-kbt8-00507-00113559-00113647 know q-p2zV-kbt8-00508-00113648-00113951 geology and biology are all ologies i q-p2zV-kbt8-00509-00113952-00114175 can see why astrology would roll off the q-p2zV-kbt8-00510-00114176-00114390 tongue but astronomy is the actual q-p2zV-kbt8-00511-00114391-00114631 science of the night sky q-p2zV-kbt8-00512-00114632-00114758 and q-p2zV-kbt8-00513-00114759-00115102 kind of go with that so and carry on to q-p2zV-kbt8-00514-00115103-00115223 talk about whatever we were talking q-p2zV-kbt8-00515-00115224-00115343 about q-p2zV-kbt8-00516-00115344-00115695 no i i appreciate that i i usually try q-p2zV-kbt8-00517-00115696-00115975 to say you know astrologers did a great q-p2zV-kbt8-00518-00115976-00116078 job q-p2zV-kbt8-00519-00116079-00116158 in q-p2zV-kbt8-00520-00116159-00116423 the olden times in ancient history they q-p2zV-kbt8-00521-00116424-00116695 hit really good positions of the planets q-p2zV-kbt8-00522-00116696-00117007 that kepler used to help us q-p2zV-kbt8-00523-00117008-00117286 understand what's going on in the sky um q-p2zV-kbt8-00524-00117288-00117590 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00525-00117591-00117871 yeah building on the shoulders of giants q-p2zV-kbt8-00526-00117872-00118190 exactly exactly q-p2zV-kbt8-00527-00118191-00118478 remember that people will forget what q-p2zV-kbt8-00528-00118479-00118823 you say um they might not know the facts q-p2zV-kbt8-00529-00118824-00118999 that you're talking about but they will q-p2zV-kbt8-00530-00119000-00119102 remember q-p2zV-kbt8-00531-00119103-00119527 how you make them feel and we want them q-p2zV-kbt8-00532-00119528-00119807 to be more open to trying these new q-p2zV-kbt8-00533-00119808-00119919 things q-p2zV-kbt8-00534-00119920-00120071 and they will when they sense that q-p2zV-kbt8-00535-00120072-00120471 you're genuinely listening to them q-p2zV-kbt8-00536-00120472-00120710 one thing i also want to point out is q-p2zV-kbt8-00537-00120711-00120958 that it's okay to say i don't know q-p2zV-kbt8-00538-00120959-00121183 so um because no one knows everything q-p2zV-kbt8-00539-00121183-00121431 right you want to show them how you find q-p2zV-kbt8-00540-00121432-00121783 out um there's a whole outreach um q-p2zV-kbt8-00541-00121783-00121975 tips that you can look at on the night q-p2zV-kbt8-00542-00121976-00122183 sky network called um sharing the q-p2zV-kbt8-00543-00122183-00122399 universe i'm going to just show you a q-p2zV-kbt8-00544-00122400-00122583 quick clip of this q-p2zV-kbt8-00545-00122583-00122831 video and that's just about q-p2zV-kbt8-00546-00122832-00122951 two minutes q-p2zV-kbt8-00547-00122952-00123063 so you can q-p2zV-kbt8-00548-00123064-00123214 just think about different ways that you q-p2zV-kbt8-00549-00123215-00123814 could say i don't know q-p2zV-kbt8-00550-00123815-00124007 i can run away q-p2zV-kbt8-00551-00124008-00124254 faster than the audience hold on i'll be q-p2zV-kbt8-00552-00124255-00125431 ready q-p2zV-kbt8-00553-00125432-00125631 there's no need to panic q-p2zV-kbt8-00554-00125632-00125799 by sharing the general principles that q-p2zV-kbt8-00555-00125800-00125999 you do know using terms that are easy to q-p2zV-kbt8-00556-00126000-00126119 understand q-p2zV-kbt8-00557-00126120-00126247 then engage the visitor in a q-p2zV-kbt8-00558-00126248-00126431 conversation and discover what their q-p2zV-kbt8-00559-00126432-00126702 interests are like this q-p2zV-kbt8-00560-00126703-00127078 how long would it be q-p2zV-kbt8-00561-00127079-00127286 oh theresa you have to q-p2zV-kbt8-00562-00127288-00127439 unmute yourself because we just lost q-p2zV-kbt8-00563-00127440-00127727 your just i like to travel q-p2zV-kbt8-00564-00127728-00127999 looking at our neighboring galaxy and q-p2zV-kbt8-00565-00128000-00128175 she knows a lot about the big research q-p2zV-kbt8-00566-00128176-00128334 television q-p2zV-kbt8-00567-00128335-00128534 i went back too far q-p2zV-kbt8-00568-00128535-00128719 now here's one more question that should q-p2zV-kbt8-00569-00128720-00128919 sound familiar q-p2zV-kbt8-00570-00128920-00129102 we're looking at a cluster of young q-p2zV-kbt8-00571-00129103-00129327 stars how far away are they q-p2zV-kbt8-00572-00129328-00129527 i don't have a clue i couldn't possibly q-p2zV-kbt8-00573-00129528-00129639 know that q-p2zV-kbt8-00574-00129640-00129847 so that's what you don't want to say how q-p2zV-kbt8-00575-00129848-00130127 far away are they well since the cluster q-p2zV-kbt8-00576-00130128-00130358 is here in our own milky way galaxy it's q-p2zV-kbt8-00577-00130359-00130534 less than a hundred thousand light years q-p2zV-kbt8-00578-00130535-00130678 away q-p2zV-kbt8-00579-00130679-00130758 here q-p2zV-kbt8-00580-00130759-00130951 hold out your hand q-p2zV-kbt8-00581-00130952-00131207 let's shrink the solar system the sun q-p2zV-kbt8-00582-00131208-00131431 and all the planets so that it would fit q-p2zV-kbt8-00583-00131432-00131671 in the palm of your hand q-p2zV-kbt8-00584-00131672-00131871 the star cluster would be at least a few q-p2zV-kbt8-00585-00131872-00132247 miles away on that scale wow q-p2zV-kbt8-00586-00132248-00132390 it sure is q-p2zV-kbt8-00587-00132391-00132607 what else have you seen tonight q-p2zV-kbt8-00588-00132608-00132711 awesome q-p2zV-kbt8-00589-00132712-00132878 he really gave the visitors something q-p2zV-kbt8-00590-00132879-00133127 interesting to think about q-p2zV-kbt8-00591-00133128-00133366 so those videos are great and um i would q-p2zV-kbt8-00592-00133367-00133519 encourage you to check them out if q-p2zV-kbt8-00593-00133520-00133766 you're just getting started in outreach q-p2zV-kbt8-00594-00133767-00134031 um because they have a lot of really q-p2zV-kbt8-00595-00134032-00134414 good tips q-p2zV-kbt8-00596-00134415-00134702 um another thing i want to mention is q-p2zV-kbt8-00597-00134703-00134839 that um q-p2zV-kbt8-00598-00134840-00135023 a lot of times people are worried about q-p2zV-kbt8-00599-00135024-00135359 what if i get stuck or um who am i to q-p2zV-kbt8-00600-00135360-00135647 present information or be um q-p2zV-kbt8-00601-00135648-00135847 the superstar that everybody's looking q-p2zV-kbt8-00602-00135848-00136166 at um and everyone is a beginner at q-p2zV-kbt8-00603-00136167-00136390 first and everyone has those moments of q-p2zV-kbt8-00604-00136391-00136478 doubt q-p2zV-kbt8-00605-00136479-00136775 that's messages from society saying that q-p2zV-kbt8-00606-00136776-00137127 we're not enough but we are i um don't q-p2zV-kbt8-00607-00137128-00137295 listen to those messages because you q-p2zV-kbt8-00608-00137296-00137566 belong here you belong in astronomy i q-p2zV-kbt8-00609-00137567-00137766 know a lot of you are already educators q-p2zV-kbt8-00610-00137767-00137975 and doing an amazing job but i just want q-p2zV-kbt8-00611-00137976-00138183 to talk to you about whatever stage q-p2zV-kbt8-00612-00138184-00138359 you're at these moments of doubt can q-p2zV-kbt8-00613-00138360-00138543 creep in so q-p2zV-kbt8-00614-00138544-00138847 just know you're not alone and um q-p2zV-kbt8-00615-00138848-00138959 that's q-p2zV-kbt8-00616-00138960-00139151 you know but it's part of being q-p2zV-kbt8-00617-00139152-00139311 astronomy and q-p2zV-kbt8-00618-00139312-00139511 it's okay q-p2zV-kbt8-00619-00139512-00139695 you belong and you can demonstrate q-p2zV-kbt8-00620-00139696-00139878 learning while you're at it q-p2zV-kbt8-00621-00139879-00139966 yes q-p2zV-kbt8-00622-00139967-00140063 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00623-00140064-00140431 um i want to tell you about um q-p2zV-kbt8-00624-00140432-00140607 sharing the science and why that's q-p2zV-kbt8-00625-00140608-00140854 important because um q-p2zV-kbt8-00626-00140855-00141111 when people think about astronomers they q-p2zV-kbt8-00627-00141112-00141447 often think about um galileo probably q-p2zV-kbt8-00628-00141448-00141799 the most um well-known astronomer q-p2zV-kbt8-00629-00141800-00141927 arguably q-p2zV-kbt8-00630-00141928-00142039 but um q-p2zV-kbt8-00631-00142040-00142335 he published his findings and that was a q-p2zV-kbt8-00632-00142336-00142543 lot of the reason why q-p2zV-kbt8-00633-00142544-00142671 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00634-00142672-00142990 people know him but he also published q-p2zV-kbt8-00635-00142991-00143254 them in italian which was the language q-p2zV-kbt8-00636-00143255-00143383 of the day q-p2zV-kbt8-00637-00143384-00143463 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00638-00143464-00143711 most of the q-p2zV-kbt8-00639-00143712-00144047 academic thinking was written in latin q-p2zV-kbt8-00640-00144048-00144454 and only the very educated um q-p2zV-kbt8-00641-00144455-00144799 new latin but he wrote in italian which q-p2zV-kbt8-00642-00144800-00145047 was the common uh language and so q-p2zV-kbt8-00643-00145048-00145287 everyone was able to read it q-p2zV-kbt8-00644-00145288-00145590 and learn from it it was a very q-p2zV-kbt8-00645-00145591-00145839 egalitarian way to q-p2zV-kbt8-00646-00145840-00146207 share his science and we still think of q-p2zV-kbt8-00647-00146208-00146423 him today q-p2zV-kbt8-00648-00146424-00146639 and we have that same opportunity to q-p2zV-kbt8-00649-00146640-00146783 share q-p2zV-kbt8-00650-00146784-00147295 well excuse me just one sec q-p2zV-kbt8-00651-00147296-00147519 right um a lot of times we have our q-p2zV-kbt8-00652-00147520-00147814 jargon and our special vocabulary but if q-p2zV-kbt8-00653-00147815-00148095 we use the common language of the people q-p2zV-kbt8-00654-00148096-00148687 we're gonna have a lot more connections q-p2zV-kbt8-00655-00148688-00148902 let's get back to the badges q-p2zV-kbt8-00656-00148903-00149014 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00657-00149015-00149295 we're talking today about the q-p2zV-kbt8-00658-00149296-00149566 oldest level of girl scouts the seniors q-p2zV-kbt8-00659-00149567-00149735 and ambassadors q-p2zV-kbt8-00660-00149736-00149871 in high school q-p2zV-kbt8-00661-00149872-00150214 uh the seniors have this expert badge q-p2zV-kbt8-00662-00150215-00150459 which is all about stars q-p2zV-kbt8-00663-00150460-00150719 astrophotography citizen science and q-p2zV-kbt8-00664-00150720-00150975 really the life cycle of stars i think q-p2zV-kbt8-00665-00150976-00151175 that that's a really um q-p2zV-kbt8-00666-00151176-00151302 interesting q-p2zV-kbt8-00667-00151303-00151551 topic i could spend my whole life q-p2zV-kbt8-00668-00151552-00151663 researching q-p2zV-kbt8-00669-00151664-00151951 stellar evolution q-p2zV-kbt8-00670-00151952-00152263 then the ambassador badge has q-p2zV-kbt8-00671-00152264-00152447 more with telescopes q-p2zV-kbt8-00672-00152448-00152590 also q-p2zV-kbt8-00673-00152591-00152966 exoplanets and careers right these are q-p2zV-kbt8-00674-00152967-00153126 girls that are looking towards the q-p2zV-kbt8-00675-00153127-00153231 future q-p2zV-kbt8-00676-00153232-00153487 um they're in 11th and 12th grade and q-p2zV-kbt8-00677-00153488-00153695 they're thinking about their careers q-p2zV-kbt8-00678-00153696-00153887 they also are at a stage where they want q-p2zV-kbt8-00679-00153888-00154063 to share their knowledge and help their q-p2zV-kbt8-00680-00154064-00154175 community q-p2zV-kbt8-00681-00154176-00154254 and q-p2zV-kbt8-00682-00154255-00154511 they've done astronomy a lot of them are q-p2zV-kbt8-00683-00154512-00154759 building telescopes or using remote q-p2zV-kbt8-00684-00154760-00154999 telescopes so uh take advantage of their q-p2zV-kbt8-00685-00155000-00155199 knowledge and have them share q-p2zV-kbt8-00686-00155200-00155326 some of q-p2zV-kbt8-00687-00155327-00155502 their tips and things that they've been q-p2zV-kbt8-00688-00155503-00155951 doing q-p2zV-kbt8-00689-00155952-00156190 you want to go over this overview sure i q-p2zV-kbt8-00690-00156191-00156343 just wanted to let you know it's a q-p2zV-kbt8-00691-00156344-00156535 spectrum there's a continuum and we q-p2zV-kbt8-00692-00156536-00156790 build on concepts so some of these q-p2zV-kbt8-00693-00156791-00156966 concepts that we've explored with the q-p2zV-kbt8-00694-00156967-00157190 younger girls in middle school the q-p2zV-kbt8-00695-00157191-00157439 stellar revolution piece we get into q-p2zV-kbt8-00696-00157440-00157575 much more q-p2zV-kbt8-00697-00157576-00157807 detail at this point because the girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00698-00157808-00157990 are old enough to really think q-p2zV-kbt8-00699-00157991-00158175 critically and q-p2zV-kbt8-00700-00158176-00158335 they have enough of the probably q-p2zV-kbt8-00701-00158336-00158526 background and some q-p2zV-kbt8-00702-00158527-00158702 chemistry and things like that that they q-p2zV-kbt8-00703-00158703-00158831 need to q-p2zV-kbt8-00704-00158832-00158966 to think about q-p2zV-kbt8-00705-00158967-00159126 stellar evolution in a new way but the q-p2zV-kbt8-00706-00159127-00159311 citizen science projects get more q-p2zV-kbt8-00707-00159312-00159495 interesting the astrophotography gets q-p2zV-kbt8-00708-00159496-00159678 more interesting q-p2zV-kbt8-00709-00159679-00159902 builds on knowledge that they may or may q-p2zV-kbt8-00710-00159903-00160102 not have had in the younger grades with q-p2zV-kbt8-00711-00160103-00160278 the other badges but um they're q-p2zV-kbt8-00712-00160279-00160414 definitely ready to take on some big q-p2zV-kbt8-00713-00160415-00160647 projects and they're really fun q-p2zV-kbt8-00714-00160648-00160878 um one that i really love is the next q-p2zV-kbt8-00715-00160879-00161111 one the astrophotography q-p2zV-kbt8-00716-00161112-00161351 the both the senior and ambassadors q-p2zV-kbt8-00717-00161352-00161526 cover astrophotography which is q-p2zV-kbt8-00718-00161527-00161751 basically just nighttime photography it q-p2zV-kbt8-00719-00161752-00161847 can be q-p2zV-kbt8-00720-00161848-00162078 anything from you know taking beautiful q-p2zV-kbt8-00721-00162079-00162302 images of the stars as they move q-p2zV-kbt8-00722-00162303-00162502 throughout the night which is fairly q-p2zV-kbt8-00723-00162503-00162726 technical but you can also have a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00724-00162727-00162831 fun with q-p2zV-kbt8-00725-00162832-00163078 taking a nighttime picture and drawing q-p2zV-kbt8-00726-00163079-00163302 with light you could put your name with q-p2zV-kbt8-00727-00163303-00163502 a flashlight there are lots of different q-p2zV-kbt8-00728-00163503-00163814 ways that you can do astrophotography q-p2zV-kbt8-00729-00163815-00164078 and have fun with it this image right q-p2zV-kbt8-00730-00164079-00164399 here is uh from international observe q-p2zV-kbt8-00731-00164400-00164575 the moon night that's coming up this q-p2zV-kbt8-00732-00164576-00164743 october 16th q-p2zV-kbt8-00733-00164744-00165063 um and they have a really great so q-p2zV-kbt8-00734-00165064-00165238 i should say that both the badges have q-p2zV-kbt8-00735-00165239-00165407 instructions with great links on how to q-p2zV-kbt8-00736-00165408-00165607 do astrophotography but i also just q-p2zV-kbt8-00737-00165608-00165814 found this one i wanted to mention q-p2zV-kbt8-00738-00165815-00166047 they've got a lunar photography guide q-p2zV-kbt8-00739-00166048-00166247 specifically for taking great images of q-p2zV-kbt8-00740-00166248-00166335 the moon q-p2zV-kbt8-00741-00166336-00166543 from you know with your q-p2zV-kbt8-00742-00166544-00166871 with your smartphone or with a camera or q-p2zV-kbt8-00743-00166872-00167007 through a telescope so there are lots of q-p2zV-kbt8-00744-00167008-00167223 different ways q-p2zV-kbt8-00745-00167224-00167407 to do astrophotography and it's an awful q-p2zV-kbt8-00746-00167408-00167575 lot of fun q-p2zV-kbt8-00747-00167576-00167759 to practice q-p2zV-kbt8-00748-00167760-00167999 yeah it doesn't actually take as much as q-p2zV-kbt8-00749-00168000-00168287 you one might think that was all yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00750-00168288-00168375 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00751-00168376-00168623 yeah and a lot of girls in high school q-p2zV-kbt8-00752-00168624-00168895 have their own cell phones and it's q-p2zV-kbt8-00753-00168896-00169231 there's even uh docking mechanisms to q-p2zV-kbt8-00754-00169232-00169471 put a telescope towards the eyepiece q-p2zV-kbt8-00755-00169472-00169671 when oh yeah when we're all together q-p2zV-kbt8-00756-00169672-00169823 again but q-p2zV-kbt8-00757-00169824-00170023 if they have their own phone they can go q-p2zV-kbt8-00758-00170024-00170254 out and take a picture and then share it q-p2zV-kbt8-00759-00170255-00170502 the next time you're together um either q-p2zV-kbt8-00760-00170503-00170871 in person or virtually q-p2zV-kbt8-00761-00170872-00171071 and as i was mentioning stellar q-p2zV-kbt8-00762-00171072-00171287 evolution there's a q-p2zV-kbt8-00763-00171288-00171463 lot of different pieces of stellar q-p2zV-kbt8-00764-00171464-00171711 evolution that are that's in this badge q-p2zV-kbt8-00765-00171712-00172078 it's actually two of the five steps q-p2zV-kbt8-00766-00172079-00172311 so um q-p2zV-kbt8-00767-00172312-00172535 hold on just a second this is the senior q-p2zV-kbt8-00768-00172536-00172743 badge that we're talking about so q-p2zV-kbt8-00769-00172744-00173007 um the younger high school girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00770-00173008-00173311 yeah really fun one and two so freshmen q-p2zV-kbt8-00771-00173312-00173551 and sophomores will do this badge and q-p2zV-kbt8-00772-00173552-00173871 this is to like i said two of the q-p2zV-kbt8-00773-00173872-00173983 five q-p2zV-kbt8-00774-00173984-00174238 right um so the first one is all about q-p2zV-kbt8-00775-00174239-00174526 the stuff you're made of and then the q-p2zV-kbt8-00776-00174527-00174743 second one is all about viewing the q-p2zV-kbt8-00777-00174744-00175126 stars so um in astronomy when we're q-p2zV-kbt8-00778-00175127-00175319 talking about the stuff we we're made of q-p2zV-kbt8-00779-00175320-00175590 we're talking about the stars right q-p2zV-kbt8-00780-00175591-00175887 if you have any ideas about the elements q-p2zV-kbt8-00781-00175888-00176183 that our bodies are made of you can add q-p2zV-kbt8-00782-00176184-00176414 them in the chat q-p2zV-kbt8-00783-00176415-00176614 [Music] q-p2zV-kbt8-00784-00176615-00176902 i know i breathe in oxygen q-p2zV-kbt8-00785-00176903-00176983 so q-p2zV-kbt8-00786-00176984-00177175 there's got to be some oxygen carbon q-p2zV-kbt8-00787-00177176-00177414 says cynthia yeah absolutely we are q-p2zV-kbt8-00788-00177415-00177647 carbon based life forms we've heard that q-p2zV-kbt8-00789-00177648-00177783 and often girls will have heard q-p2zV-kbt8-00790-00177784-00178159 something like oh we are q-p2zV-kbt8-00791-00178160-00178351 70 water q-p2zV-kbt8-00792-00178352-00178583 or something along those lines um q-p2zV-kbt8-00793-00178584-00178838 anybody else like what's your what are q-p2zV-kbt8-00794-00178839-00179063 your q-p2zV-kbt8-00795-00179064-00179431 what are your bones or your uh blood q-p2zV-kbt8-00796-00179432-00179607 made out of what kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-00797-00179608-00179863 atoms are in there q-p2zV-kbt8-00798-00179864-00180175 yeah calcium yeah a lot of you guys are q-p2zV-kbt8-00799-00180176-00180438 already educators and know these q-p2zV-kbt8-00800-00180439-00180711 breakdowns right but there actually is a q-p2zV-kbt8-00801-00180712-00180935 step where you can do q-p2zV-kbt8-00802-00180936-00181143 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00803-00181144-00181287 an infographic q-p2zV-kbt8-00804-00181288-00181495 about it and so i'm just going to show q-p2zV-kbt8-00805-00181496-00181863 you this really quick this video q-p2zV-kbt8-00806-00181864-00182063 my name is erin and q-p2zV-kbt8-00807-00182064-00182414 it's done by a girl scout and so they q-p2zV-kbt8-00808-00182415-00182559 have q-p2zV-kbt8-00809-00182560-00182783 she has lots of great information about q-p2zV-kbt8-00810-00182784-00182999 how to do an infographic and having the q-p2zV-kbt8-00811-00183000-00183126 girls see q-p2zV-kbt8-00812-00183127-00183278 themselves q-p2zV-kbt8-00813-00183279-00183419 in q-p2zV-kbt8-00814-00183420-00183671 presentations or through working with q-p2zV-kbt8-00815-00183672-00183983 other kid girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00816-00183984-00184183 it's really good for them q-p2zV-kbt8-00817-00184184-00184407 okay so here we go numbers into a q-p2zV-kbt8-00818-00184408-00184663 compelling visual image it makes your q-p2zV-kbt8-00819-00184664-00184902 data more interesting appealing and a q-p2zV-kbt8-00820-00184903-00185143 lot easier to understand the four q-p2zV-kbt8-00821-00185144-00185359 chemical elements that make up most of q-p2zV-kbt8-00822-00185360-00185623 the atoms in your body are hydrogen at q-p2zV-kbt8-00823-00185624-00185983 62 percent oxygen at 24 q-p2zV-kbt8-00824-00185984-00186190 carbon 12 q-p2zV-kbt8-00825-00186191-00186526 nitrogen 1.1 q-p2zV-kbt8-00826-00186527-00186814 and then you also have traces of calcium q-p2zV-kbt8-00827-00186815-00187223 phosphorus potassium sulfur sodium and q-p2zV-kbt8-00828-00187224-00187671 chlorine that collectively make up 0.6 q-p2zV-kbt8-00829-00187672-00187847 and then there's a variety of trace q-p2zV-kbt8-00830-00187848-00188190 elements adding up to about 0.3 q-p2zV-kbt8-00831-00188191-00188463 so how to use this data to create an q-p2zV-kbt8-00832-00188464-00188695 infographic of yourself q-p2zV-kbt8-00833-00188696-00188871 before you begin q-p2zV-kbt8-00834-00188872-00189054 go and take a look at infographic q-p2zV-kbt8-00835-00189055-00189287 examples to inspire you q-p2zV-kbt8-00836-00189288-00189566 next think about your audience so who q-p2zV-kbt8-00837-00189567-00189790 will you show your self-portrait to q-p2zV-kbt8-00838-00189791-00190054 how will that impact the design of your q-p2zV-kbt8-00839-00190055-00190326 infograph how will you show your data q-p2zV-kbt8-00840-00190327-00190526 will your audience respond better to q-p2zV-kbt8-00841-00190527-00190814 exact numbers or estimations q-p2zV-kbt8-00842-00190815-00191054 so begin by drawing an outline of q-p2zV-kbt8-00843-00191055-00191207 yourself or a different shape that q-p2zV-kbt8-00844-00191208-00191359 represents you q-p2zV-kbt8-00845-00191360-00191559 once you've decided on your audience q-p2zV-kbt8-00846-00191560-00191854 calculate or estimate how much space q-p2zV-kbt8-00847-00191855-00192038 each element will take up and then q-p2zV-kbt8-00848-00192039-00192254 divide your shape accordingly q-p2zV-kbt8-00849-00192255-00192550 then label and fill in each section q-p2zV-kbt8-00850-00192551-00192854 using a different color or path q-p2zV-kbt8-00851-00192855-00193007 so here's what i did q-p2zV-kbt8-00852-00193008-00193366 very very basic q-p2zV-kbt8-00853-00193367-00193550 okay great yeah there's actually a whole q-p2zV-kbt8-00854-00193551-00193766 series of those we'll put those in the q-p2zV-kbt8-00855-00193767-00194047 notes from with this video as well q-p2zV-kbt8-00856-00194048-00194135 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00857-00194136-00194414 i just think it's great when they can q-p2zV-kbt8-00858-00194415-00194638 relate to a peer who's sharing their q-p2zV-kbt8-00859-00194639-00194990 astronomy knowledge as well as um q-p2zV-kbt8-00860-00194991-00195166 the person in front of them who might q-p2zV-kbt8-00861-00195167-00195399 not be their peer but q-p2zV-kbt8-00862-00195400-00195911 um there's lots of those videos q-p2zV-kbt8-00863-00195912-00196087 oh okay can i take this one this is one q-p2zV-kbt8-00864-00196088-00196311 of my favorites q-p2zV-kbt8-00865-00196312-00196346 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00866-00196347-00196478 [Music] q-p2zV-kbt8-00867-00196479-00196759 uh so this is senior step two q-p2zV-kbt8-00868-00196760-00196950 and uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00869-00196951-00197150 it's a really great way for the girls to q-p2zV-kbt8-00870-00197151-00197447 act like scientists these young women q-p2zV-kbt8-00871-00197448-00197535 they q-p2zV-kbt8-00872-00197536-00197719 are going to look at a lot of different q-p2zV-kbt8-00873-00197720-00198054 objects and start to notice patterns and q-p2zV-kbt8-00874-00198055-00198383 sort them this is a sorting game um q-p2zV-kbt8-00875-00198384-00198711 that it comes in the badge booklets q-p2zV-kbt8-00876-00198712-00198863 and you can sort q-p2zV-kbt8-00877-00198864-00199047 based on what they are what they look q-p2zV-kbt8-00878-00199048-00199414 like what they're made of um q-p2zV-kbt8-00879-00199415-00199599 when we're in person we can just cut q-p2zV-kbt8-00880-00199600-00199854 these up and uh and there's a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-00881-00199855-00200047 background information also i should say q-p2zV-kbt8-00882-00200048-00200223 in the badge booklet so you won't have q-p2zV-kbt8-00883-00200224-00200407 to guess on these q-p2zV-kbt8-00884-00200408-00200607 necessarily as a presenter q-p2zV-kbt8-00885-00200608-00200790 there will be places to look up the q-p2zV-kbt8-00886-00200791-00200950 information about the life cycle of q-p2zV-kbt8-00887-00200951-00201071 stars and q-p2zV-kbt8-00888-00201072-00201350 where it starts and where it ends q-p2zV-kbt8-00889-00201351-00201678 there's also if you has anyone ever seen q-p2zV-kbt8-00890-00201679-00201919 astronomy picture of the day we q-p2zV-kbt8-00891-00201920-00202143 highlighted it last week i believe q-p2zV-kbt8-00892-00202144-00202302 um it q-p2zV-kbt8-00893-00202303-00202511 shortened to a pod q-p2zV-kbt8-00894-00202512-00202695 and it's one of my favorite websites q-p2zV-kbt8-00895-00202696-00202926 every day there is a new amazing q-p2zV-kbt8-00896-00202927-00203111 astronomy picture you i sometimes keep q-p2zV-kbt8-00897-00203112-00203447 it as my background on my computer q-p2zV-kbt8-00898-00203448-00203590 but they have lots of great pictures of q-p2zV-kbt8-00899-00203591-00203863 all of these uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00900-00203864-00204023 life all the q-p2zV-kbt8-00901-00204024-00204302 stages in the life cycle of a star so q-p2zV-kbt8-00902-00204303-00204438 when you're in person you can cut them q-p2zV-kbt8-00903-00204439-00204614 up if you go to the next slide we've q-p2zV-kbt8-00904-00204615-00204790 made a jam board q-p2zV-kbt8-00905-00204791-00204982 i should say our colleague jessica q-p2zV-kbt8-00906-00204983-00205214 henricks has made a jam board that q-p2zV-kbt8-00907-00205215-00205423 allows you to do the sorting virtually q-p2zV-kbt8-00908-00205423-00205623 if you haven't used jamboard q-p2zV-kbt8-00909-00205623-00205758 we'll put that link in there as well q-p2zV-kbt8-00910-00205759-00205942 it's a very fun resource you just make a q-p2zV-kbt8-00911-00205944-00206134 copy of this and then you can q-p2zV-kbt8-00912-00206135-00206271 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00913-00206271-00206462 you can take it and run with it and have q-p2zV-kbt8-00914-00206463-00206606 the girls sorted if we're doing if q-p2zV-kbt8-00915-00206607-00206751 you're doing things online it's a really q-p2zV-kbt8-00916-00206752-00206894 fun one q-p2zV-kbt8-00917-00206896-00207014 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00918-00207015-00207238 oh are you doing oh yeah okay great yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00919-00207239-00207494 i just was showing that picture right q-p2zV-kbt8-00920-00207496-00207703 and also another thing you can do in q-p2zV-kbt8-00921-00207704-00208079 this step is sort of showing a baby book q-p2zV-kbt8-00922-00208080-00208382 life of the stars where they have um q-p2zV-kbt8-00923-00208383-00208655 starting with the nebula or protostar q-p2zV-kbt8-00924-00208656-00208846 and going all the way up to q-p2zV-kbt8-00925-00208848-00209198 a supernova or um q-p2zV-kbt8-00926-00209200-00209438 whatever um yeah there are a few q-p2zV-kbt8-00927-00209439-00209631 different ways that you can share that q-p2zV-kbt8-00928-00209632-00209727 yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00929-00209728-00209839 yeah yeah q-p2zV-kbt8-00930-00209840-00209958 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00931-00209959-00210110 if you're an amateur astronomer and you q-p2zV-kbt8-00932-00210111-00210342 like to look through a telescope or even q-p2zV-kbt8-00933-00210344-00210463 if you don't consider yourself an q-p2zV-kbt8-00934-00210464-00210591 amateur astronomer and you like to look q-p2zV-kbt8-00935-00210592-00210727 through the telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-00936-00210728-00211015 the nasa night sky network has a very q-p2zV-kbt8-00937-00211016-00211151 cool uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00938-00211152-00211319 celestial treasure hunt that goes q-p2zV-kbt8-00939-00211319-00211510 through finding q-p2zV-kbt8-00940-00211511-00211806 each of these types of things in the q-p2zV-kbt8-00941-00211807-00211967 night sky there's the handout which is q-p2zV-kbt8-00942-00211967-00212094 this that i'm showing now but there's q-p2zV-kbt8-00943-00212096-00212334 also a whole backup packet if you don't q-p2zV-kbt8-00944-00212335-00212479 know the sky super well that will show q-p2zV-kbt8-00945-00212480-00212719 you where things are q-p2zV-kbt8-00946-00212719-00213015 yeah so i apologize that uh link is q-p2zV-kbt8-00947-00213016-00213167 broken today but it will be back up q-p2zV-kbt8-00948-00213167-00213367 tomorrow q-p2zV-kbt8-00949-00213367-00213582 uh we're just having a little trouble q-p2zV-kbt8-00950-00213583-00213846 with the website today q-p2zV-kbt8-00951-00213848-00213991 but we'll put it on the q-p2zV-kbt8-00952-00213992-00214303 also on this recording q-p2zV-kbt8-00953-00214304-00214606 uh one other one that you can do this is q-p2zV-kbt8-00954-00214607-00214839 uh also senior step one q-p2zV-kbt8-00955-00214840-00214951 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00956-00214952-00215103 oh sorry the last one was senior step q-p2zV-kbt8-00957-00215104-00215310 two but this is senior step one and and q-p2zV-kbt8-00958-00215311-00215494 relates back to that we are made of q-p2zV-kbt8-00959-00215496-00215710 stardust piece that they have maybe q-p2zV-kbt8-00960-00215711-00215942 already explored a little bit q-p2zV-kbt8-00961-00215944-00216103 with the infographic q-p2zV-kbt8-00962-00216104-00216439 this is um yes we are made of star stuff q-p2zV-kbt8-00963-00216440-00216751 but so is everything that we see well q-p2zV-kbt8-00964-00216752-00217134 most um so there's a girl scout version q-p2zV-kbt8-00965-00217135-00217310 here in the q-p2zV-kbt8-00966-00217311-00217479 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00967-00217480-00217687 in the q-p2zV-kbt8-00968-00217688-00217927 packets badge booklets thanks q-p2zV-kbt8-00969-00217928-00218167 it's a great activity because uh it's a q-p2zV-kbt8-00970-00218167-00218391 good one to do with a group of girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00971-00218392-00218487 and q-p2zV-kbt8-00972-00218488-00218719 each person gets to be a q-p2zV-kbt8-00973-00218719-00218942 an element or two q-p2zV-kbt8-00974-00218944-00219191 and then you hold up a thing such as uh q-p2zV-kbt8-00975-00219192-00219463 okay would we have sharks and the girls q-p2zV-kbt8-00976-00219464-00219582 look on their q-p2zV-kbt8-00977-00219583-00219694 um q-p2zV-kbt8-00978-00219696-00219894 on their cards and like okay a shark q-p2zV-kbt8-00979-00219896-00220198 takes iron it takes calcium all of these q-p2zV-kbt8-00980-00220200-00220510 things are made in very large stars that q-p2zV-kbt8-00981-00220511-00220831 go supernova um so after they've talked q-p2zV-kbt8-00982-00220832-00221055 about this life cycle of stars it takes q-p2zV-kbt8-00983-00221056-00221303 these really big explosions to make the q-p2zV-kbt8-00984-00221304-00221534 heavier elements that make up almost q-p2zV-kbt8-00985-00221535-00221655 everything q-p2zV-kbt8-00986-00221656-00221831 that is out there and q-p2zV-kbt8-00987-00221832-00222023 um you go all the way through and you q-p2zV-kbt8-00988-00222023-00222239 get down to what is left if there were q-p2zV-kbt8-00989-00222240-00222487 no supernova if these life cycle of q-p2zV-kbt8-00990-00222488-00222639 stars didn't happen and it's not much q-p2zV-kbt8-00991-00222640-00222839 i'll tell you q-p2zV-kbt8-00992-00222840-00223006 yeah so that's a fun one to do with a q-p2zV-kbt8-00993-00223007-00223198 group of girls especially in person i q-p2zV-kbt8-00994-00223200-00223510 think q-p2zV-kbt8-00995-00223511-00223646 okay q-p2zV-kbt8-00996-00223648-00223951 cool um i want to talk about the worlds q-p2zV-kbt8-00997-00223952-00224255 beyond earth because exoplanets and q-p2zV-kbt8-00998-00224256-00224487 aliens are such a fun q-p2zV-kbt8-00999-00224488-00224679 topic and so many people are really q-p2zV-kbt8-01000-00224680-00224887 interested in them so we could talk q-p2zV-kbt8-01001-00224888-00225198 about the science of exoplanets with q-p2zV-kbt8-01002-00225200-00225342 this um q-p2zV-kbt8-01003-00225344-00225671 natural interest that people have in um q-p2zV-kbt8-01004-00225671-00225894 little green people q-p2zV-kbt8-01005-00225896-00226182 though q-p2zV-kbt8-01006-00226183-00226510 one of the steps is about q-p2zV-kbt8-01007-00226511-00226751 exoplanets and worlds beyond earth and q-p2zV-kbt8-01008-00226752-00226942 this is in the ambassador badge which is q-p2zV-kbt8-01009-00226944-00227175 the older girls badge q-p2zV-kbt8-01010-00227176-00227479 juniors and senior level or 11th and q-p2zV-kbt8-01011-00227480-00227719 12th grade and you can q-p2zV-kbt8-01012-00227719-00228103 um use your art skills to make a q-p2zV-kbt8-01013-00228104-00228406 brochure or like a tourist brochure of q-p2zV-kbt8-01014-00228407-00228606 like come see q-p2zV-kbt8-01015-00228607-00228703 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01016-00228704-00228991 this planet that's around a uh q-p2zV-kbt8-01017-00228992-00229255 a rogue planet that has no star and it's q-p2zV-kbt8-01018-00229256-00229494 dark all the time on this planet or all q-p2zV-kbt8-01019-00229496-00229687 of those interesting worlds that are out q-p2zV-kbt8-01020-00229688-00229879 there supposedly there's one made of q-p2zV-kbt8-01021-00229880-00230175 diamonds i mean such so many interesting q-p2zV-kbt8-01022-00230176-00230351 things and they could make a brochure q-p2zV-kbt8-01023-00230352-00230519 for that or why you would want to go q-p2zV-kbt8-01024-00230519-00230791 there or they can also um design a q-p2zV-kbt8-01025-00230792-00231046 habitat where they could use it q-p2zV-kbt8-01026-00231048-00231294 materials that they have or just draw it q-p2zV-kbt8-01027-00231296-00231615 or even autocad and those computer-aided q-p2zV-kbt8-01028-00231616-00232055 things there's lots of q-p2zV-kbt8-01029-00232056-00232367 different apps that explore worlds one q-p2zV-kbt8-01030-00232367-00232623 of them is infiniscope which i'm not q-p2zV-kbt8-01031-00232623-00232846 gonna show you now but um they have this q-p2zV-kbt8-01032-00232848-00233119 uh interactive called small worlds and q-p2zV-kbt8-01033-00233119-00233391 it is really fun um q-p2zV-kbt8-01034-00233392-00233663 and the girl scout version has uh female q-p2zV-kbt8-01035-00233664-00233879 role models that are doing research in q-p2zV-kbt8-01036-00233880-00234158 this area so deborah fisher and books q-p2zV-kbt8-01037-00234159-00234406 like that so it's really fun q-p2zV-kbt8-01038-00234407-00234606 and speaking of research i want to talk q-p2zV-kbt8-01039-00234607-00234871 about some nasa science which is also a q-p2zV-kbt8-01040-00234871-00234958 step q-p2zV-kbt8-01041-00234959-00235294 so i am wondering which is your favorite q-p2zV-kbt8-01042-00235296-00235623 nasa emblem some people like the worm q-p2zV-kbt8-01043-00235623-00235831 which is the original q-p2zV-kbt8-01044-00235832-00236103 nasa emblem from the q-p2zV-kbt8-01045-00236104-00236503 70s 60s 50s q-p2zV-kbt8-01046-00236504-00236742 right and some people like the meatball q-p2zV-kbt8-01047-00236744-00236903 which is the updated version that q-p2zV-kbt8-01048-00236904-00237182 they've had for the last 30 40 years as q-p2zV-kbt8-01049-00237183-00237463 well so it's a really um q-p2zV-kbt8-01050-00237464-00237710 personal preference but this is a again q-p2zV-kbt8-01051-00237711-00237863 a low stake q-p2zV-kbt8-01052-00237864-00238142 uh thing it's and you can be a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-01053-00238144-00238406 people on on team meatballs some people q-p2zV-kbt8-01054-00238407-00238703 are on team worm yep q-p2zV-kbt8-01055-00238704-00238927 yeah i just want to say thanks so much i q-p2zV-kbt8-01056-00238928-00239127 have to run but uh teresa's going to q-p2zV-kbt8-01057-00239128-00239351 take you from here thanks all thank you q-p2zV-kbt8-01058-00239352-00239482 thanks for joining q-p2zV-kbt8-01059-00239483-00239942 us so um this is a great way to just q-p2zV-kbt8-01060-00239944-00240094 include q-p2zV-kbt8-01061-00240096-00240206 people's q-p2zV-kbt8-01062-00240207-00240742 preferences q-p2zV-kbt8-01063-00240744-00241006 about nasa science there are so many q-p2zV-kbt8-01064-00241007-00241167 different fields q-p2zV-kbt8-01065-00241167-00241382 if you go to q-p2zV-kbt8-01066-00241383-00241615 stem which is science technology q-p2zV-kbt8-01067-00241616-00241839 engineering and math i'm sure a lot of q-p2zV-kbt8-01068-00241840-00242046 you know that q-p2zV-kbt8-01069-00242048-00242294 you can find different activities there q-p2zV-kbt8-01070-00242296-00242582 another piece you can do is the science q-p2zV-kbt8-01071-00242583-00242830 and research that is in q-p2zV-kbt8-01072-00242831-00242958 the nasa q-p2zV-kbt8-01073-00242959-00243271 science mission directorates there q-p2zV-kbt8-01074-00243271-00243351 is q-p2zV-kbt8-01075-00243352-00243455 they q-p2zV-kbt8-01076-00243456-00243703 have these four on the graphic there but q-p2zV-kbt8-01077-00243704-00243919 heliophysics just looking at the sun q-p2zV-kbt8-01078-00243919-00244167 earth science looking down at the earth q-p2zV-kbt8-01079-00244167-00244367 planetary science which is comparing q-p2zV-kbt8-01080-00244367-00244598 different planets and astrophysics which q-p2zV-kbt8-01081-00244600-00244823 is looking at the stars all of these q-p2zV-kbt8-01082-00244823-00245191 different pieces of what nasa does can q-p2zV-kbt8-01083-00245192-00245446 be something that the girls can really q-p2zV-kbt8-01084-00245448-00245558 explore q-p2zV-kbt8-01085-00245559-00245846 and also regardless of which one they q-p2zV-kbt8-01086-00245848-00245998 pick q-p2zV-kbt8-01087-00246000-00246206 mass women at nasa is a really great q-p2zV-kbt8-01088-00246207-00246479 site because it's very inspiring and q-p2zV-kbt8-01089-00246480-00246775 there's a whole step on careers at nasa q-p2zV-kbt8-01090-00246776-00247023 that um they're really interested in q-p2zV-kbt8-01091-00247023-00247191 that and when they're in their junior q-p2zV-kbt8-01092-00247192-00247391 and senior year of high school like q-p2zV-kbt8-01093-00247392-00247558 thinking about what they're going to do q-p2zV-kbt8-01094-00247559-00247758 where they're going to college all of q-p2zV-kbt8-01095-00247759-00248015 those pieces is really important to them q-p2zV-kbt8-01096-00248016-00248175 at that stage so q-p2zV-kbt8-01097-00248176-00248463 um having some inspiring role models is q-p2zV-kbt8-01098-00248464-00248582 great q-p2zV-kbt8-01099-00248583-00248975 um here's two missions that um are sort q-p2zV-kbt8-01100-00248976-00249294 of recent um osiris-rex is gonna q-p2zV-kbt8-01101-00249296-00249623 return in 2024 so that's a mission you q-p2zV-kbt8-01102-00249623-00249846 could talk about for a long time q-p2zV-kbt8-01103-00249848-00250182 or um the mars 2020 q-p2zV-kbt8-01104-00250183-00250463 perseverance a lot of girls saw that q-p2zV-kbt8-01105-00250464-00250598 launch or q-p2zV-kbt8-01106-00250600-00250815 know about it since it happened recently q-p2zV-kbt8-01107-00250816-00251030 so there's lots of missions you can q-p2zV-kbt8-01108-00251031-00251551 explore and that's a bad step as well q-p2zV-kbt8-01109-00251552-00251767 also if you can q-p2zV-kbt8-01110-00251767-00251934 try to connect it to things that are q-p2zV-kbt8-01111-00251935-00252255 going on in their world so this summer q-p2zV-kbt8-01112-00252256-00252494 there was a ridiculous heat wave going q-p2zV-kbt8-01113-00252496-00252775 on and one of the things that nasa does q-p2zV-kbt8-01114-00252776-00252975 is look down use their satellites to q-p2zV-kbt8-01115-00252976-00253198 look down at earth as well as looking up q-p2zV-kbt8-01116-00253200-00253558 into the sky so um this is a super quick q-p2zV-kbt8-01117-00253559-00253742 seven second video q-p2zV-kbt8-01118-00253744-00253910 about um q-p2zV-kbt8-01119-00253911-00254006 how q-p2zV-kbt8-01120-00254007-00254334 hot it was and how hot it was where q-p2zV-kbt8-01121-00254335-00254671 right so you can see like there's uh in q-p2zV-kbt8-01122-00254671-00254910 portland and all of those uh areas of q-p2zV-kbt8-01123-00254911-00255182 seattle where it was so unusually warm q-p2zV-kbt8-01124-00255183-00255430 there was that heat wave going on that's q-p2zV-kbt8-01125-00255431-00255703 something that they q-p2zV-kbt8-01126-00255704-00255887 can relate to because it just happened q-p2zV-kbt8-01127-00255888-00256055 some of them might relate to it because q-p2zV-kbt8-01128-00256056-00256239 that's where they're from q-p2zV-kbt8-01129-00256240-00256382 they definitely heard about it in the q-p2zV-kbt8-01130-00256383-00256679 news but also the bigger picture of q-p2zV-kbt8-01131-00256680-00256879 climate change is something that today's q-p2zV-kbt8-01132-00256880-00257206 youth is really concerned about um as we q-p2zV-kbt8-01133-00257207-00257430 all should be and so there's lots of q-p2zV-kbt8-01134-00257431-00257682 really good um q-p2zV-kbt8-01135-00257683-00258030 climate short movies you can watch on q-p2zV-kbt8-01136-00258031-00258294 q-p2zV-kbt8-01137-00258296-00258542 and q-p2zV-kbt8-01138-00258544-00258758 that kind of brings us back into the q-p2zV-kbt8-01139-00258759-00258991 research right um there's so much q-p2zV-kbt8-01140-00258992-00259375 citizen science we can do q-p2zV-kbt8-01141-00259376-00259639 cadets also have the citizen science q-p2zV-kbt8-01142-00259640-00259855 piece in their badge q-p2zV-kbt8-01143-00259856-00260039 and we talked about that last week if q-p2zV-kbt8-01144-00260040-00260367 you are interested but these are all q-p2zV-kbt8-01145-00260367-00260591 resources for helping to conserve the q-p2zV-kbt8-01146-00260592-00260830 night sky q-p2zV-kbt8-01147-00260831-00260998 but there's a whole lot more you can do q-p2zV-kbt8-01148-00261000-00261255 with citizen science there's lots of q-p2zV-kbt8-01149-00261256-00261503 different projects q-p2zV-kbt8-01150-00261504-00261815 where you can look at eclipses or meteor q-p2zV-kbt8-01151-00261816-00262055 showers or q-p2zV-kbt8-01152-00262056-00262206 so many different pieces and i would q-p2zV-kbt8-01153-00262207-00262391 encourage you to go to either q-p2zV-kbt8-01154-00262392-00262655 the citizen science link with nasa or q-p2zV-kbt8-01155-00262656-00262879 q-p2zV-kbt8-01156-00262880-00263039 they are q-p2zV-kbt8-01157-00263040-00263223 two sites that have great citizen q-p2zV-kbt8-01158-00263224-00263623 science projects that girls can do q-p2zV-kbt8-01159-00263624-00263967 and then another part of this step is to q-p2zV-kbt8-01160-00263968-00264191 about the competitions i'm not sure how q-p2zV-kbt8-01161-00264192-00264430 many of you know but there are nasa has q-p2zV-kbt8-01162-00264431-00264727 contests and challenges from drawing to q-p2zV-kbt8-01163-00264728-00265039 writing to original research there's so q-p2zV-kbt8-01164-00265040-00265279 many of them on the site and so if you q-p2zV-kbt8-01165-00265280-00265551 go to this q-p2zV-kbt8-01166-00265552-00265799 you can find this whole listing of q-p2zV-kbt8-01167-00265800-00265991 different contests q-p2zV-kbt8-01168-00265992-00266087 and q-p2zV-kbt8-01169-00266088-00266343 challenges celebrations things that they q-p2zV-kbt8-01170-00266344-00266799 can do as well q-p2zV-kbt8-01171-00266800-00267047 uh one other piece i want to mention is q-p2zV-kbt8-01172-00267048-00267247 about this women in space science q-p2zV-kbt8-01173-00267248-00267447 there's some beautiful q-p2zV-kbt8-01174-00267448-00267703 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01175-00267704-00268143 posters that chandra made the telescope q-p2zV-kbt8-01176-00268144-00268319 the team q-p2zV-kbt8-01177-00268320-00268623 made these great pictures um and q-p2zV-kbt8-01178-00268624-00269087 those are in recoloring the universe um q-p2zV-kbt8-01179-00269088-00269175 there's q-p2zV-kbt8-01180-00269176-00269351 just a lot of really great resources i q-p2zV-kbt8-01181-00269352-00269615 have a whole bunch of them written here q-p2zV-kbt8-01182-00269616-00269799 in the link so we'll have to include q-p2zV-kbt8-01183-00269800-00270095 those links on the recording on the q-p2zV-kbt8-01184-00270096-00270310 under the youtube recording we'll put q-p2zV-kbt8-01185-00270311-00270863 the links there q-p2zV-kbt8-01186-00270864-00271134 and here's just a couple of refreshers q-p2zV-kbt8-01187-00271135-00271230 from q-p2zV-kbt8-01188-00271231-00271510 the different activities q-p2zV-kbt8-01189-00271511-00271734 we want to remember that it's okay to q-p2zV-kbt8-01190-00271735-00272023 say i don't know and ask questions q-p2zV-kbt8-01191-00272024-00272351 and to bring these topics down to earth q-p2zV-kbt8-01192-00272352-00272663 to show the girls um q-p2zV-kbt8-01193-00272664-00272903 things that are relevant to their life q-p2zV-kbt8-01194-00272904-00273055 um there's just a whole bunch of q-p2zV-kbt8-01195-00273056-00273351 different tips we like for steam we did q-p2zV-kbt8-01196-00273352-00273495 the art um q-p2zV-kbt8-01197-00273496-00273679 the infographics and we talked about the q-p2zV-kbt8-01198-00273680-00273927 taurus brochure there's lots of ways you q-p2zV-kbt8-01199-00273928-00274006 can q-p2zV-kbt8-01200-00274007-00274255 connect art and science together and q-p2zV-kbt8-01201-00274256-00274487 most importantly keep it girl-led and q-p2zV-kbt8-01202-00274488-00274655 have fun q-p2zV-kbt8-01203-00274656-00274839 these are the topics that we went over q-p2zV-kbt8-01204-00274840-00275343 at all three sessions um for um q-p2zV-kbt8-01205-00275344-00275527 presentation tools and of course the q-p2zV-kbt8-01206-00275528-00275767 badges so you're welcome to watch the q-p2zV-kbt8-01207-00275768-00276023 other two if you weren't able to attend q-p2zV-kbt8-01208-00276024-00276110 these q-p2zV-kbt8-01209-00276111-00276310 the sessions altogether q-p2zV-kbt8-01210-00276311-00276479 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01211-00276480-00276647 i also want to tell you about the night q-p2zV-kbt8-01212-00276648-00276799 sky network q-p2zV-kbt8-01213-00276800-00277047 page which is specifically about girl q-p2zV-kbt8-01214-00277048-00277310 scouts and the space science badges is q-p2zV-kbt8-01215-00277311-00277551 dot lee slash astro all q-p2zV-kbt8-01216-00277552-00277799 again with the night sky network site q-p2zV-kbt8-01217-00277800-00277975 being down today you might want to wait q-p2zV-kbt8-01218-00277976-00278334 till tomorrow but they have all kinds of q-p2zV-kbt8-01219-00278335-00278606 um activity kits and ways that you can q-p2zV-kbt8-01220-00278607-00278782 connect with your local girl scout q-p2zV-kbt8-01221-00278783-00279199 council and how to have a star party um q-p2zV-kbt8-01222-00279200-00279534 just lots of really um cool tips that q-p2zV-kbt8-01223-00279535-00279910 you can find on how to match a badge to q-p2zV-kbt8-01224-00279911-00280151 a telescope viewing object and those q-p2zV-kbt8-01225-00280152-00280255 kind of q-p2zV-kbt8-01226-00280256-00280455 pieces that you can use for your next q-p2zV-kbt8-01227-00280456-00280567 event q-p2zV-kbt8-01228-00280568-00280871 and i really want to say um thank you q-p2zV-kbt8-01229-00280872-00281143 because we don't know how far q-p2zV-kbt8-01230-00281144-00281327 these this will go q-p2zV-kbt8-01231-00281328-00281734 um you just take what you learn and keep q-p2zV-kbt8-01232-00281735-00282006 growing and sharing and noticing and as q-p2zV-kbt8-01233-00282007-00282263 we know better we do better you never q-p2zV-kbt8-01234-00282264-00282415 know how far q-p2zV-kbt8-01235-00282416-00282703 your interaction with the girls will go q-p2zV-kbt8-01236-00282704-00282919 um because sometimes q-p2zV-kbt8-01237-00282920-00283191 all of us remember either a teacher or a q-p2zV-kbt8-01238-00283192-00283487 planetarium trip or something that was q-p2zV-kbt8-01239-00283488-00283815 meaningful that got us into astronomy q-p2zV-kbt8-01240-00283816-00284079 and so you can be that q-p2zV-kbt8-01241-00284080-00284199 that q-p2zV-kbt8-01242-00284200-00284279 right q-p2zV-kbt8-01243-00284280-00284663 so i want to encourage you to um q-p2zV-kbt8-01244-00284664-00284895 keep keep doing research and keep trying q-p2zV-kbt8-01245-00284896-00285095 to make astronomy accessible for q-p2zV-kbt8-01246-00285096-00285239 everyone q-p2zV-kbt8-01247-00285240-00285406 i'm so glad q-p2zV-kbt8-01248-00285407-00285591 um that you guys have been enjoying the q-p2zV-kbt8-01249-00285592-00285943 series i just saw that in the chat q-p2zV-kbt8-01250-00285944-00286223 um i'm putting in the chat also the q-p2zV-kbt8-01251-00286224-00286510 forum for feedback um we would love it q-p2zV-kbt8-01252-00286511-00286679 if you can fill it out it's just two q-p2zV-kbt8-01253-00286680-00286927 questions oh i'm so glad you enjoyed it q-p2zV-kbt8-01254-00286928-00287087 thank you um q-p2zV-kbt8-01255-00287088-00287310 so this the recording for the second one q-p2zV-kbt8-01256-00287311-00287663 has not been posted yet but it will be q-p2zV-kbt8-01257-00287664-00287991 this week we just have to um q-p2zV-kbt8-01258-00287992-00288199 we've had a busy week q-p2zV-kbt8-01259-00288200-00288671 so um thanks i'm going to um stop my q-p2zV-kbt8-01260-00288672-00288967 share now but i also want to q-p2zV-kbt8-01261-00288968-00289199 see if there's any cues and a's that you q-p2zV-kbt8-01262-00289200-00289567 are interested in q-p2zV-kbt8-01263-00289568-00289823 in hearing responses to any questions q-p2zV-kbt8-01264-00289824-00290047 you have challenges you've q-p2zV-kbt8-01265-00290048-00290191 had when you're q-p2zV-kbt8-01266-00290192-00290399 having a girl scout event q-p2zV-kbt8-01267-00290400-00290599 or any um q-p2zV-kbt8-01268-00290600-00290767 success stories if you want to share q-p2zV-kbt8-01269-00290768-00291015 your success stories would be q-p2zV-kbt8-01270-00291016-00292143 be great to hear about those as well q-p2zV-kbt8-01271-00292144-00292375 and seeing a lot of thank yous and and q-p2zV-kbt8-01272-00292376-00292543 and great information i really q-p2zV-kbt8-01273-00292544-00292782 appreciate q-p2zV-kbt8-01274-00292783-00293071 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01275-00293072-00293310 so tammy davis says i'm sorry i didn't q-p2zV-kbt8-01276-00293311-00293534 mean to say your last name um q-p2zV-kbt8-01277-00293535-00293695 that she's trying to find an astronomer q-p2zV-kbt8-01278-00293696-00293854 that is a person of color and having a q-p2zV-kbt8-01279-00293855-00294082 very difficult time and it's q-p2zV-kbt8-01280-00294083-00294599 um it's true there are not a lot of uh q-p2zV-kbt8-01281-00294600-00294823 astronomers that are people of color q-p2zV-kbt8-01282-00294824-00295247 it's both um q-p2zV-kbt8-01283-00295248-00295599 it's very sad in our field um but there q-p2zV-kbt8-01284-00295600-00295823 are a lot of people of color who are q-p2zV-kbt8-01285-00295824-00296087 doing astronomy they're just not as well q-p2zV-kbt8-01286-00296088-00296367 known often and q-p2zV-kbt8-01287-00296368-00296599 in addition they are getting q-p2zV-kbt8-01288-00296600-00296871 kind of forced out of our q-p2zV-kbt8-01289-00296872-00297119 science because of the systemic racism q-p2zV-kbt8-01290-00297120-00297430 and issues they have to deal with um q-p2zV-kbt8-01291-00297431-00297639 on a regular basis so q-p2zV-kbt8-01292-00297640-00297887 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01293-00297888-00298095 i'm not sure what your question is tammy q-p2zV-kbt8-01294-00298096-00298358 but i wanted to you know say that i q-p2zV-kbt8-01295-00298359-00298591 understand having a difficult time and q-p2zV-kbt8-01296-00298592-00298671 if q-p2zV-kbt8-01297-00298672-00298863 there is um q-p2zV-kbt8-01298-00298864-00299134 a topic that you're interested in i can q-p2zV-kbt8-01299-00299135-00299639 point you to a person q-p2zV-kbt8-01300-00299640-00299847 chrissy says to find female astronomers q-p2zV-kbt8-01301-00299848-00300079 sometimes they do a google image search q-p2zV-kbt8-01302-00300080-00300303 for that interest yes q-p2zV-kbt8-01303-00300304-00300495 um q-p2zV-kbt8-01304-00300496-00300751 yeah so there's a few people um you can q-p2zV-kbt8-01305-00300752-00301167 reach out to um i'm not sure if you know q-p2zV-kbt8-01306-00301168-00301503 fab femmes it's short for fabulous q-p2zV-kbt8-01307-00301504-00301623 feminine q-p2zV-kbt8-01308-00301624-00301854 scientists but um q-p2zV-kbt8-01309-00301855-00302047 they have all different stem fields q-p2zV-kbt8-01310-00302048-00302279 there they have engineers and lots of q-p2zV-kbt8-01311-00302280-00302495 people so you it's a database of women q-p2zV-kbt8-01312-00302496-00302663 that you can search through for your q-p2zV-kbt8-01313-00302664-00302839 different categories q-p2zV-kbt8-01314-00302840-00302973 and everybody q-p2zV-kbt8-01315-00302974-00303095 [Music] q-p2zV-kbt8-01316-00303096-00303415 does zoom presentations or q-p2zV-kbt8-01317-00303416-00303719 is interested in connecting with q-p2zV-kbt8-01318-00303720-00303903 kids and sharing their q-p2zV-kbt8-01319-00303904-00304175 info and careers so that's a really good q-p2zV-kbt8-01320-00304176-00304703 website um to connect with someone um q-p2zV-kbt8-01321-00304704-00304910 i know i know lots of people in the q-p2zV-kbt8-01322-00304911-00305287 field so um i'm gonna share my email in q-p2zV-kbt8-01323-00305288-00305551 the chat so you can send me more q-p2zV-kbt8-01324-00305552-00305782 information about what field you're q-p2zV-kbt8-01325-00305783-00307079 looking for q-p2zV-kbt8-01326-00307080-00307239 yeah just send me um q-p2zV-kbt8-01327-00307240-00307334 there's a q-p2zV-kbt8-01328-00307335-00307591 um email and i'll be happy to share my q-p2zV-kbt8-01329-00307592-00308103 resources that i have q-p2zV-kbt8-01330-00308104-00308327 oh and chrissy put a good link in there q-p2zV-kbt8-01331-00308328-00309230 the 500 q-p2zV-kbt8-01332-00309231-00309543 also there's a whole website called q-p2zV-kbt8-01333-00309544-00309719 women at nasa q-p2zV-kbt8-01334-00309720-00310127 that gov q-p2zV-kbt8-01335-00310128-00310934 good question thank you q-p2zV-kbt8-01336-00310935-00311158 does anyone else have another question q-p2zV-kbt8-01337-00311159-00311254 or a q-p2zV-kbt8-01338-00311255-00312279 success story that they want to share q-p2zV-kbt8-01339-00312280-00312503 okay i'm gonna stop the recording now q-p2zV-kbt8-01340-00312504-00312775 and um maybe that will also embolden q-p2zV-kbt8-01341-00312776-00313527 some folks to um share their stories q-p2zV-kbt8-01342-00313528-00313687 for those of you watching on youtube q-p2zV-kbt8-01343-00313688-00314072 thank you so much for joining us qAPEwOLyUMU-00000-00000041-00000313 Latin liturgical rites or Western qAPEwOLyUMU-00001-00000314-00000482 liturgical rites our Christian qAPEwOLyUMU-00002-00000483-00000674 liturgical rites of Latin tradition qAPEwOLyUMU-00003-00000675-00000824 employed by the catholic church's qAPEwOLyUMU-00004-00000825-00001016 liturgical rites within the latin church qAPEwOLyUMU-00005-00001017-00001225 that originated in the area where the qAPEwOLyUMU-00006-00001226-00001469 latin language once dominated its qAPEwOLyUMU-00007-00001470-00001691 language is now known as ecclesiastical qAPEwOLyUMU-00008-00001692-00001922 latin the most used right as the roman qAPEwOLyUMU-00009-00001923-00002195 rite the latin rites were for many qAPEwOLyUMU-00010-00002196-00002375 centuries no less numerous than the qAPEwOLyUMU-00011-00002376-00002531 liturgical rites of the eastern qAPEwOLyUMU-00012-00002532-00002798 autonomous particular churches their qAPEwOLyUMU-00013-00002799-00003014 number is now much reduced in the qAPEwOLyUMU-00014-00003015-00003208 aftermath of the Council of Trent in qAPEwOLyUMU-00015-00003209-00003622 1568 and 1570 pope pius v suppressed the qAPEwOLyUMU-00016-00003623-00003809 Riviera's and missiles that could not be qAPEwOLyUMU-00017-00003810-00003974 shown to have an antiquity of at least qAPEwOLyUMU-00018-00003975-00004199 two centuries CE Tridentine mass and qAPEwOLyUMU-00019-00004200-00004460 Roman Missal many local rites that qAPEwOLyUMU-00020-00004461-00004627 remained legitimate even after this qAPEwOLyUMU-00021-00004628-00004804 decree were abandoned voluntarily qAPEwOLyUMU-00022-00004805-00005113 especially in the 19th century in the qAPEwOLyUMU-00023-00005114-00005347 second half of the 20th century most of qAPEwOLyUMU-00024-00005348-00005534 the religious orders that had a distinct qAPEwOLyUMU-00025-00005535-00005735 liturgical Rite chose to adopt in its qAPEwOLyUMU-00026-00005736-00005924 place the Roman Rite as revised in qAPEwOLyUMU-00027-00005925-00006065 accordance with the decrees of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00028-00006066-00006295 Second Vatican Council see massive paul qAPEwOLyUMU-00029-00006296-00006638 ii 6 a few such liturgical rites persist qAPEwOLyUMU-00030-00006639-00006870 today for the celebration of mass since qAPEwOLyUMU-00031-00006872-00007234 1965 to 1970 in revised forms but the qAPEwOLyUMU-00032-00007236-00007391 distinct liturgical rites for qAPEwOLyUMU-00033-00007392-00007556 celebrating the other sacraments have qAPEwOLyUMU-00034-00007556-00008010 been almost completely abandoned qAPEwOLyUMU-00035-00008011-00008320 topic liturgical rites currently in use qAPEwOLyUMU-00036-00008321-00008785 within the Latin Church qAPEwOLyUMU-00037-00008786-00009274 topic Roman right qAPEwOLyUMU-00038-00009275-00009499 the roman rite is by far the most widely qAPEwOLyUMU-00039-00009500-00009772 used like other liturgical rites it qAPEwOLyUMU-00040-00009773-00009973 developed over time with newer forms qAPEwOLyUMU-00041-00009974-00010237 replacing the older it underwent many qAPEwOLyUMU-00042-00010238-00010426 changes in the first millennium and a qAPEwOLyUMU-00043-00010427-00010633 half of its existence see pretreat qAPEwOLyUMU-00044-00010634-00010942 denting mass the forms that pope pius v qAPEwOLyUMU-00045-00010943-00011130 as requested by the council of trent qAPEwOLyUMU-00046-00011131-00011467 established in the 1560s and 1570s qAPEwOLyUMU-00047-00011468-00011692 underwent repeated minor variations in qAPEwOLyUMU-00048-00011693-00011941 the centuries immediately following each qAPEwOLyUMU-00049-00011942-00012154 new typical addition the addition to qAPEwOLyUMU-00050-00012155-00012340 which other printings are to conform of qAPEwOLyUMU-00051-00012341-00012574 the roman missal see Tridentine mass and qAPEwOLyUMU-00052-00012575-00012784 of the other liturgical books superseded qAPEwOLyUMU-00053-00012785-00013105 the previous one the 20th century saw qAPEwOLyUMU-00054-00013106-00013354 more profound changes Pope Pius the qAPEwOLyUMU-00055-00013355-00013561 tenth radically rearranged the Psalter qAPEwOLyUMU-00056-00013562-00013750 of the breviary and altered the rubrics qAPEwOLyUMU-00057-00013751-00014022 of the mass later Pope's continued to qAPEwOLyUMU-00058-00014024-00014224 make such changes beginning with Pope qAPEwOLyUMU-00059-00014225-00014452 Pius the 12th who significantly revised qAPEwOLyUMU-00060-00014453-00014653 the Holy Week ceremonies and certain qAPEwOLyUMU-00061-00014654-00014838 other aspects of the Roman Missal in qAPEwOLyUMU-00062-00014838-00015344 1955 the Second Vatican Council 1962 to qAPEwOLyUMU-00063-00015345-00015622 1965 was followed by a general revision qAPEwOLyUMU-00064-00015622-00015787 of the rites of all the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00065-00015788-00015993 sacraments including the Eucharist as qAPEwOLyUMU-00066-00015994-00016269 before each new typical addition of an qAPEwOLyUMU-00067-00016270-00016489 official liturgical book supersedes the qAPEwOLyUMU-00068-00016490-00016837 previous one thus the 1970 roman missal qAPEwOLyUMU-00069-00016838-00017149 which superseded the 1962 edition was qAPEwOLyUMU-00070-00017150-00017506 superseded by the addition of 1975 the qAPEwOLyUMU-00071-00017507-00017893 2002 edition in turn supersedes the 1975 qAPEwOLyUMU-00072-00017894-00018118 edition both in Latin and as official qAPEwOLyUMU-00073-00018119-00018319 translations into each language appear qAPEwOLyUMU-00074-00018320-00018610 also in the vernacular languages under qAPEwOLyUMU-00075-00018611-00018775 the terms of summer Ampang to fit qAPEwOLyUMU-00076-00018776-00019021 combined pope benedict xvi the mass of qAPEwOLyUMU-00077-00019022-00019246 paul 2/6 is known as the ordinary form qAPEwOLyUMU-00078-00019247-00019561 of the roman rite the Tridentine mass as qAPEwOLyUMU-00079-00019562-00019846 in the 1962 roman missal is still qAPEwOLyUMU-00080-00019847-00020017 authorized for use as an extraordinary qAPEwOLyUMU-00081-00020018-00020200 form of the roman rite under the qAPEwOLyUMU-00082-00020201-00020386 conditions indicated in the document qAPEwOLyUMU-00083-00020387-00020814 some or Ampang qAPEwOLyUMU-00084-00020815-00021236 topic Anglican use qAPEwOLyUMU-00085-00021237-00021521 the Anglican use as a use variation of qAPEwOLyUMU-00086-00021522-00021697 the Roman Rite rather than a unique qAPEwOLyUMU-00087-00021698-00021950 right itself during the Liturgy of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00088-00021951-00022163 Eucharist especially the Eucharistic qAPEwOLyUMU-00089-00022164-00022364 prayer it is closest to the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00090-00022365-00022553 while it differs more during the Liturgy qAPEwOLyUMU-00091-00022554-00022744 of the word and the penitential Rite the qAPEwOLyUMU-00092-00022745-00022985 language used which differs from that of qAPEwOLyUMU-00093-00022986-00023236 the ICEL translation of the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00094-00023237-00023447 of mass is based upon the Book of Common qAPEwOLyUMU-00095-00023448-00023663 Prayer originally written in the 16th qAPEwOLyUMU-00096-00023664-00023983 century Anglican use parishes originally qAPEwOLyUMU-00097-00023984-00024158 used the book of divine worship an qAPEwOLyUMU-00098-00024159-00024352 adaptation of the Book of Common Prayer qAPEwOLyUMU-00099-00024353-00024611 the book of divine worship has been qAPEwOLyUMU-00100-00024612-00024788 replaced with the similar divine worship qAPEwOLyUMU-00101-00024789-00025033 the Missal for use in the ordinary ins qAPEwOLyUMU-00102-00025034-00025274 Anglican liturgical rituals whether qAPEwOLyUMU-00103-00025275-00025456 those used in the Anglican use of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00104-00025457-00025652 Catholic Church or in the various prayer qAPEwOLyUMU-00105-00025652-00025795 books and missiles of the Anglican qAPEwOLyUMU-00106-00025797-00026020 Communion and other denominations trace qAPEwOLyUMU-00107-00026022-00026192 their origin back to the serum right qAPEwOLyUMU-00108-00026193-00026393 which was a variation of the Latin Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00109-00026394-00026600 used in England before introduction the qAPEwOLyUMU-00110-00026601-00026890 1549 Book of Common Prayer following the qAPEwOLyUMU-00111-00026891-00027056 break from the Roman Church under the qAPEwOLyUMU-00112-00027057-00027251 previous monarch Henry the eighth an qAPEwOLyUMU-00113-00027252-00027443 early version of the Anglican use was qAPEwOLyUMU-00114-00027444-00027635 introduced in the United States under a qAPEwOLyUMU-00115-00027636-00027911 pastoral provision in 1980 establishing qAPEwOLyUMU-00116-00027912-00028085 personal parishes that introduced qAPEwOLyUMU-00117-00028086-00028264 adapted Anglican traditions to the qAPEwOLyUMU-00118-00028266-00028445 Catholic Church from members former qAPEwOLyUMU-00119-00028445-00028724 Episcopal parishes that provision also qAPEwOLyUMU-00120-00028725-00028910 permitted as an exception and on a qAPEwOLyUMU-00121-00028911-00029144 case-by-case basis the ordination of qAPEwOLyUMU-00122-00029145-00029348 married former Episcopal ministers as qAPEwOLyUMU-00123-00029349-00029648 Catholic priests as personal parishes qAPEwOLyUMU-00124-00029649-00029821 these parishes were part of the local qAPEwOLyUMU-00125-00029822-00030070 Roman Catholic Diocese but accepted as qAPEwOLyUMU-00126-00030072-00030269 members any Anglican convert who wished qAPEwOLyUMU-00127-00030270-00030536 to make use of the provision on the 9th qAPEwOLyUMU-00128-00030537-00030814 of November 2009 pope benedict xvi qAPEwOLyUMU-00129-00030814-00031049 established a worldwide provision for qAPEwOLyUMU-00130-00031050-00031292 Anglicans who joined the church this qAPEwOLyUMU-00131-00031293-00031535 process set up personal Ordinariate for qAPEwOLyUMU-00132-00031536-00031714 former Anglicans and other converts qAPEwOLyUMU-00133-00031714-00031964 these ordinary 'its would be similar to qAPEwOLyUMU-00134-00031964-00032221 diocese but encompassing entire regions qAPEwOLyUMU-00135-00032222-00032495 or nations parishes belonging to an qAPEwOLyUMU-00136-00032495-00032648 ordinary 'it would not be part of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00137-00032649-00032942 local diocese these ordinary 'its are qAPEwOLyUMU-00138-00032943-00033119 charged with maintaining the Anglican qAPEwOLyUMU-00139-00033120-00033326 liturgical spiritual and pastoral qAPEwOLyUMU-00140-00033327-00033518 traditions and they have full faculties qAPEwOLyUMU-00141-00033519-00033695 to celebrate the Eucharist and the other qAPEwOLyUMU-00142-00033696-00033908 sacraments the Liturgy of the hours and qAPEwOLyUMU-00143-00033909-00034102 other liturgical functions in accordance qAPEwOLyUMU-00144-00034103-00034289 with the liturgical books proper to qAPEwOLyUMU-00145-00034290-00034499 Anglican tradition in revisions approved qAPEwOLyUMU-00146-00034500-00034617 by the holy qAPEwOLyUMU-00147-00034618-00034868 this faculty does not exclude liturgical qAPEwOLyUMU-00148-00034869-00035093 celebrations according to the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00149-00035094-00035315 the personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of qAPEwOLyUMU-00150-00035316-00035508 Walsingham was set up for England and qAPEwOLyUMU-00151-00035509-00035784 Wales on the 15th of January 2011 and qAPEwOLyUMU-00152-00035785-00035982 the personal Ordinariate of the chair of qAPEwOLyUMU-00153-00035983-00036177 st. Peter for the United States and qAPEwOLyUMU-00154-00036178-00036443 Canada on the 1st of January 2012 and qAPEwOLyUMU-00155-00036444-00036630 the personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of qAPEwOLyUMU-00156-00036631-00036810 the Southern Cross for Australia on the qAPEwOLyUMU-00157-00036811-00037212 15th of June 2012 as of 2017 it was qAPEwOLyUMU-00158-00037213-00037410 decreed that all parishes in the United qAPEwOLyUMU-00159-00037411-00037599 States established under the pastoral qAPEwOLyUMU-00160-00037600-00037743 provision be transferred to the qAPEwOLyUMU-00161-00037744-00038052 Ordinariate qAPEwOLyUMU-00162-00038053-00038651 topic Algonquian and iroquois in uses qAPEwOLyUMU-00163-00038652-00039023 all so-called Indian masses a number of qAPEwOLyUMU-00164-00039024-00039230 variations on the Roman Rite developed qAPEwOLyUMU-00165-00039231-00039416 in the Indian Missions of Canada in the qAPEwOLyUMU-00166-00039417-00039692 United States these originated in the qAPEwOLyUMU-00167-00039693-00039923 17th century and some remained in use qAPEwOLyUMU-00168-00039924-00040103 until the Second Vatican Council qAPEwOLyUMU-00169-00040104-00040355 the priests parts remained in Latin qAPEwOLyUMU-00170-00040356-00040532 while the ordinary sung by the schola qAPEwOLyUMU-00171-00040533-00040775 were translated into the vernacular eg qAPEwOLyUMU-00172-00040776-00041135 Mohawk Algonquin Mi'kmaq and Huron they qAPEwOLyUMU-00173-00041136-00041342 also generally featured a reduced cycle qAPEwOLyUMU-00174-00041343-00041633 of native language propers in hymns at qAPEwOLyUMU-00175-00041634-00042037 present they are rarely used qAPEwOLyUMU-00176-00042038-00042524 topic Zaire use qAPEwOLyUMU-00177-00042525-00042746 the zyre use as an enculturated qAPEwOLyUMU-00178-00042747-00042953 variation of the ordinary form of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00179-00042954-00043118 Roman Rite of the Roman Catholic Church qAPEwOLyUMU-00180-00043119-00043445 it is used to a very limited extent in qAPEwOLyUMU-00181-00043446-00043619 some African countries since the late qAPEwOLyUMU-00182-00043620-00044046 1970s qAPEwOLyUMU-00183-00044047-00044729 topic Western rights of Gallican type qAPEwOLyUMU-00184-00044730-00045059 topic Ambrose and right qAPEwOLyUMU-00185-00045060-00045214 you qAPEwOLyUMU-00186-00045215-00045479 the amrosen Rite is celebrated in most qAPEwOLyUMU-00187-00045480-00045730 of the Archdiocese of Milan Italy and in qAPEwOLyUMU-00188-00045731-00045910 parts of some neighboring dioceses in qAPEwOLyUMU-00189-00045911-00046186 Italy and Switzerland the language used qAPEwOLyUMU-00190-00046187-00046435 is now usually Italian rather than Latin qAPEwOLyUMU-00191-00046436-00046630 with some variant texts and minor qAPEwOLyUMU-00192-00046631-00046807 difference in the order of readings it qAPEwOLyUMU-00193-00046808-00047091 is similar in form to the Roman Rite its qAPEwOLyUMU-00194-00047092-00047317 classification as Gallic and related is qAPEwOLyUMU-00195-00047318-00047706 disputed qAPEwOLyUMU-00196-00047707-00048107 pick right of braga qAPEwOLyUMU-00197-00048108-00048355 the right of braga is used but since the qAPEwOLyUMU-00198-00048356-00048640 18th of november 1971 only on an qAPEwOLyUMU-00199-00048641-00048854 optional basis in the Archdiocese of qAPEwOLyUMU-00200-00048855-00049332 Braga in northern Portugal qAPEwOLyUMU-00201-00049333-00049825 topic m'as Arabic right qAPEwOLyUMU-00202-00049826-00050020 the Moe's Arabic right which was qAPEwOLyUMU-00203-00050021-00050227 prevalent throughout Spain in Visigothic qAPEwOLyUMU-00204-00050228-00050473 times is now celebrated only in limited qAPEwOLyUMU-00205-00050474-00050677 locations principally the Cathedral of qAPEwOLyUMU-00206-00050678-00051028 Toledo qAPEwOLyUMU-00207-00051029-00051476 topic Carthusian right qAPEwOLyUMU-00208-00051477-00051719 the Carthusian right is in use in a qAPEwOLyUMU-00209-00051720-00052057 version revised in 1981 apart from the qAPEwOLyUMU-00210-00052058-00052238 new elements in this revision it is qAPEwOLyUMU-00211-00052239-00052420 substantially the right of Grenoble in qAPEwOLyUMU-00212-00052421-00052601 the 12th century with some admixture qAPEwOLyUMU-00213-00052602-00052826 from other sources among other qAPEwOLyUMU-00214-00052827-00053024 differences from the Roman order of mass qAPEwOLyUMU-00215-00053025-00053225 the deacon prepares the gifts while the qAPEwOLyUMU-00216-00053226-00053435 epistle is being sung the celebrating qAPEwOLyUMU-00217-00053436-00053621 priest washes his hands twice at the qAPEwOLyUMU-00218-00053622-00053813 offer tours and says the Eucharistic qAPEwOLyUMU-00219-00053814-00054011 prayer with arms extended in the form of qAPEwOLyUMU-00220-00054012-00054212 a cross except when using his hands for qAPEwOLyUMU-00221-00054213-00054388 some specific action and there is no qAPEwOLyUMU-00222-00054389-00054584 blessing at the end of Mass this is now qAPEwOLyUMU-00223-00054585-00054794 the only extant mass ride of a Catholic qAPEwOLyUMU-00224-00054795-00054982 religious order but by virtue of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00225-00054983-00055211 ecclesia day adult some individuals or qAPEwOLyUMU-00226-00055212-00055405 small groups are authorized to use some qAPEwOLyUMU-00227-00055407-00055828 now-defunct right qAPEwOLyUMU-00228-00055829-00056059 topic Western right of soui generous qAPEwOLyUMU-00229-00056060-00056408 type qAPEwOLyUMU-00230-00056409-00056892 topic benedictine right qAPEwOLyUMU-00231-00056894-00057141 the order of st. Benedict has never had qAPEwOLyUMU-00232-00057142-00057330 a write of the mask peculiar to it but qAPEwOLyUMU-00233-00057332-00057520 it keeps its very ancient Benedictine qAPEwOLyUMU-00234-00057521-00057971 right of the Liturgy of the hours qAPEwOLyUMU-00235-00057972-00058241 Topic defunct Catholic Western qAPEwOLyUMU-00236-00058241-00058690 liturgical rites qAPEwOLyUMU-00237-00058691-00059190 topic African right qAPEwOLyUMU-00238-00059191-00059451 in Africa proconsul air located in qAPEwOLyUMU-00239-00059452-00059658 present-day Tunisia of which Carthage qAPEwOLyUMU-00240-00059659-00059853 was the capital the African Rite was qAPEwOLyUMU-00241-00059854-00060041 used before the seventh century Arab qAPEwOLyUMU-00242-00060042-00060336 conquest it was very close to the Roman qAPEwOLyUMU-00243-00060337-00060534 Rite so much so that Western liturgical qAPEwOLyUMU-00244-00060535-00060729 traditions have been classified as qAPEwOLyUMU-00245-00060729-00060915 belonging to two streams the North qAPEwOLyUMU-00246-00060916-00061125 African Rome tradition and the Gallican qAPEwOLyUMU-00247-00061126-00061280 in the broad sense tradition qAPEwOLyUMU-00248-00061282-00061440 encompassing the rest of the Western qAPEwOLyUMU-00249-00061441-00061945 Roman Empire including northern Italy qAPEwOLyUMU-00250-00061946-00062433 topic celtic right qAPEwOLyUMU-00251-00062434-00062670 the ancient Celtic Rite was a composite qAPEwOLyUMU-00252-00062671-00062930 of non Roman ritual structures possibly qAPEwOLyUMU-00253-00062932-00063135 Antiochian and texts not exempt from qAPEwOLyUMU-00254-00063136-00063348 Roman influence that was similar to the qAPEwOLyUMU-00255-00063349-00063558 Mo's Arabic right in many respects and qAPEwOLyUMU-00256-00063559-00063711 would have been used at least in parts qAPEwOLyUMU-00257-00063712-00063933 of Ireland Scotland the northern part of qAPEwOLyUMU-00258-00063934-00064173 England and perhaps even Wales Cornwall qAPEwOLyUMU-00259-00064174-00064263 and Somerset qAPEwOLyUMU-00260-00064264-00064442 before being authoritative Lee replaced qAPEwOLyUMU-00261-00064444-00064616 by the Roman Rite in the early Middle qAPEwOLyUMU-00262-00064617-00064971 Ages Celtic is possibly a misnomer and qAPEwOLyUMU-00263-00064972-00065151 it may owe its origins to Augustine's qAPEwOLyUMU-00264-00065152-00065394 realizations of the British Isles in the qAPEwOLyUMU-00265-00065395-00065676 6th century little is known of it though qAPEwOLyUMU-00266-00065677-00066000 several texts and liturgy survived some qAPEwOLyUMU-00267-00066001-00066192 Christians typically groups not in qAPEwOLyUMU-00268-00066193-00066378 communion with the Roman Catholic Church qAPEwOLyUMU-00269-00066379-00066579 especially some Western Orthodox qAPEwOLyUMU-00270-00066580-00066765 Christian communities in communion with qAPEwOLyUMU-00271-00066766-00067023 Eastern Orthodox churches eg Celtic qAPEwOLyUMU-00272-00067024-00067224 orthodoxy have attempted to breathe life qAPEwOLyUMU-00273-00067225-00067404 into a reconstruction of the Celtic qAPEwOLyUMU-00274-00067405-00067596 right the historical accuracy of which qAPEwOLyUMU-00275-00067597-00067869 is debated historical evidence of this qAPEwOLyUMU-00276-00067870-00068034 Rite is found in the remnants of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00277-00068035-00068420 stove Laure missile qAPEwOLyUMU-00278-00068421-00068922 topic Gallican right qAPEwOLyUMU-00279-00068923-00069117 the gala can write as a retrospective qAPEwOLyUMU-00280-00069118-00069345 term applied to the some of the local qAPEwOLyUMU-00281-00069346-00069528 variants on similar lines to that qAPEwOLyUMU-00282-00069529-00069729 designated elsewhere as the Celtic right qAPEwOLyUMU-00283-00069730-00069918 above and the Moe's Arabic right which qAPEwOLyUMU-00284-00069919-00070119 faded from use in France by the end of qAPEwOLyUMU-00285-00070120-00070338 the first millennium it should not be qAPEwOLyUMU-00286-00070339-00070598 confused with the so called neo qAPEwOLyUMU-00287-00070599-00070872 galaxy-eyes din various French dioceses qAPEwOLyUMU-00288-00070873-00071058 after the Council of Trent which had qAPEwOLyUMU-00289-00071059-00071516 little or nothing to do with it qAPEwOLyUMU-00290-00071517-00072060 topic regional Latin writes or uses qAPEwOLyUMU-00291-00072061-00072371 several local writes more properly uses qAPEwOLyUMU-00292-00072372-00072578 our variants of the Roman Rite most with qAPEwOLyUMU-00293-00072579-00072754 Gallic and elements some with Byzantine qAPEwOLyUMU-00294-00072755-00072949 liturgical and tradition elements of qAPEwOLyUMU-00295-00072950-00073138 limited scope existed but are now qAPEwOLyUMU-00296-00073139-00073327 defunct qAPEwOLyUMU-00297-00073328-00073588 the serum right more properly serum use qAPEwOLyUMU-00298-00073589-00073789 a defunct variant on the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00299-00073790-00074008 originating in the Diocese of Salisbury qAPEwOLyUMU-00300-00074009-00074209 which had come to be widely practiced in qAPEwOLyUMU-00301-00074210-00074419 England and Scotland around the 1530s qAPEwOLyUMU-00302-00074420-00074635 while the Protestant Reformation swept qAPEwOLyUMU-00303-00074636-00074821 across continental Europe practiced qAPEwOLyUMU-00304-00074822-00075025 alongside limited other variants such as qAPEwOLyUMU-00305-00075026-00075280 the use of York Lincoln use Bangor use qAPEwOLyUMU-00306-00075281-00075637 and Hereford use the Cologne use used in qAPEwOLyUMU-00307-00075638-00075859 the diocese of Cologne German : qAPEwOLyUMU-00308-00075860-00076249 prior to 1570 the Mets use created by qAPEwOLyUMU-00309-00076250-00076468 Arnulf of Metz and a malarious of Metz qAPEwOLyUMU-00310-00076469-00076669 in the ninth century used in Alsace qAPEwOLyUMU-00311-00076670-00076864 Lorraine the Netherlands and Flemish and qAPEwOLyUMU-00312-00076865-00077047 Wallonia lands until the beginning of qAPEwOLyUMU-00313-00077048-00077383 the 20th century the limeys right of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00314-00077384-00077596 diocese of lyon france which some qAPEwOLyUMU-00315-00077597-00077737 considered to have been rather than qAPEwOLyUMU-00316-00077738-00077920 milan the center of diffusion of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00317-00077921-00078121 Gallic and liturgy it is maintained in a qAPEwOLyUMU-00318-00078122-00078439 few parishes in lyon the new da rose use qAPEwOLyUMU-00319-00078440-00078673 long defunct based mainly on imported qAPEwOLyUMU-00320-00078674-00078868 english liturgical books used in qAPEwOLyUMU-00321-00078869-00079192 pre-reformation Norway won the Uppsala qAPEwOLyUMU-00322-00079193-00079390 use suppressed during the Reformation qAPEwOLyUMU-00323-00079391-00079579 formerly the dominant variant of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00324-00079580-00079870 Roman Rite used in northern Sweden the qAPEwOLyUMU-00325-00079871-00080050 aqualen right a defunct right qAPEwOLyUMU-00326-00080051-00080251 originating in the former patriarchate qAPEwOLyUMU-00327-00080252-00080530 of aquileia in northern Italy the qAPEwOLyUMU-00328-00080531-00080740 Benevento right a defunct Latin Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00329-00080741-00081043 originated in this city in Italy the qAPEwOLyUMU-00330-00081044-00081373 durum right to funked Durham England the qAPEwOLyUMU-00331-00081374-00081610 ester gum use defunct archdiocese of qAPEwOLyUMU-00332-00081611-00081859 ester gum used between the 12th and 17th qAPEwOLyUMU-00333-00081860-00082081 centuries primarily in the archdiocese qAPEwOLyUMU-00334-00082082-00082231 of Esther gone and in its suffragan qAPEwOLyUMU-00335-00082232-00082540 dioceses similar rights were also in qAPEwOLyUMU-00336-00082541-00082756 Slovakia and in southern central and qAPEwOLyUMU-00337-00082757-00083050 western Poland these usages of Roman qAPEwOLyUMU-00338-00083051-00083272 liturgy was the closest to Roman today qAPEwOLyUMU-00339-00083273-00083497 vatican rites with some small byzantine qAPEwOLyUMU-00340-00083498-00083899 slavic elements qAPEwOLyUMU-00341-00083900-00084319 topic rights of religious orders qAPEwOLyUMU-00342-00084320-00084474 you qAPEwOLyUMU-00343-00084475-00084723 some religious orders celebrated mass qAPEwOLyUMU-00344-00084724-00084911 according to rights of their own dating qAPEwOLyUMU-00345-00084912-00085100 from more than 200 years before the qAPEwOLyUMU-00346-00085101-00085343 papal bull quote primum these rights qAPEwOLyUMU-00347-00085344-00085562 were based on local usages and combined qAPEwOLyUMU-00348-00085563-00085792 elements of the Roman and Gallican rites qAPEwOLyUMU-00349-00085793-00085992 following the Second Vatican Council qAPEwOLyUMU-00350-00085993-00086229 they have mostly been abandoned except qAPEwOLyUMU-00351-00086230-00086425 for the Carthusian right see above qAPEwOLyUMU-00352-00086426-00086661 religious orders of more recent origin qAPEwOLyUMU-00353-00086662-00086951 have never had special rights qAPEwOLyUMU-00354-00086952-00087194 the following previously existing rights qAPEwOLyUMU-00355-00087195-00087386 of mass distinct from the Roman Rite qAPEwOLyUMU-00356-00087387-00087607 continued to be used on a limited basis qAPEwOLyUMU-00357-00087608-00087797 by the permission of ecclesiastical qAPEwOLyUMU-00358-00087798-00088205 superiors Carmelite right Cistercian qAPEwOLyUMU-00359-00088206-00088592 right Dominican right / monstre tension qAPEwOLyUMU-00360-00088593-00088751 or Norbertine right thethe Catholic qAPEwOLyUMU-00361-00088752-00089078 Encyclopedia applied the word right also qAPEwOLyUMU-00362-00089079-00089285 to the practices followed to some extent qAPEwOLyUMU-00363-00089286-00089507 even now a century later by certain qAPEwOLyUMU-00364-00089508-00089696 Catholic religious orders while at the qAPEwOLyUMU-00365-00089697-00089840 same time stating that they in fact qAPEwOLyUMU-00366-00089841-00090201 followed the Roman Rite Franciscan right qAPEwOLyUMU-00367-00090202-00090578 Friars Minor Capetian right Servite qAPEwOLyUMU-00368-00090579-00090951 right qAPEwOLyUMU-00369-00090952-00091499 topic see also qAPEwOLyUMU-00370-00091500-00091871 Alexandrian right Antiochian right qAPEwOLyUMU-00371-00091872-00092298 Armenian right Byzantine right East qAPEwOLyUMU-00372-00092299-00092724 Syriac right West Syriac right list of qAPEwOLyUMU-00373-00092725-00093012 Catholic rites and churches general qAPEwOLyUMU-00374-00093013-00093401 Roman calendar qAPEwOLyUMU-00375-00093402-00093966 topic references qAPEwOLyUMU-00376-00093967-00094501 topic external links qAPEwOLyUMU-00377-00094502-00094738 Don Fernando brawls the mass of the qAPEwOLyUMU-00378-00094739-00095035 Western rights non-roman Latin or qAPEwOLyUMU-00379-00095036-00095353 Western rights an African interpretation qAPEwOLyUMU-00380-00095354-00095554 of liturgical enculturation the right qAPEwOLyUMU-00381-00095555-00095797 zihua qAbNKJDS5zu-00000-00000065-00000275 foreign qAbNKJDS5zu-00001-00000276-00001007 [Music] qAbNKJDS5zu-00002-00001008-00001547 license qAbNKJDS5zu-00003-00001548-00001787 obtaining a Main Auction license is not qAbNKJDS5zu-00004-00001788-00001979 hard you just need to complete some qAbNKJDS5zu-00005-00001980-00002302 actions and fill in some request forms qAbNKJDS5zu-00006-00002303-00002537 how do I get my dealer permit it is qAbNKJDS5zu-00007-00002538-00002729 Maine's Board of Licensing that issues qAbNKJDS5zu-00008-00002730-00002963 licenses you should pass through five qAbNKJDS5zu-00009-00002964-00003269 steps to obtain one qAbNKJDS5zu-00010-00003270-00003593 Step 1 complete the application provide qAbNKJDS5zu-00011-00003594-00003785 rent form if you are not the owner of qAbNKJDS5zu-00012-00003786-00003886 the building qAbNKJDS5zu-00013-00003888-00004115 provide plot plan and proof of checked qAbNKJDS5zu-00014-00004116-00004319 background notarized applicant qAbNKJDS5zu-00015-00004320-00004679 questionnaire and notarized zoning form qAbNKJDS5zu-00016-00004680-00004919 Step 2 mail the request and pay a qAbNKJDS5zu-00017-00004920-00005602 non-refundable 150 filing fee qAbNKJDS5zu-00018-00005603-00005836 3. f after receiving your application qAbNKJDS5zu-00019-00005837-00006065 the BMB sends an inspector to your qAbNKJDS5zu-00020-00006066-00006202 business location qAbNKJDS5zu-00021-00006203-00006370 once you pass the inspection qAbNKJDS5zu-00022-00006371-00006713 successfully pay a 150 fee for each type qAbNKJDS5zu-00023-00006714-00007403 of automobile you want to sell qAbNKJDS5zu-00024-00007404-00007720 4. you are to pay a 10 surety bond when qAbNKJDS5zu-00025-00007722-00008014 applying you must also buy a car dealer qAbNKJDS5zu-00026-00008015-00008303 liability which is a type of surety bond qAbNKJDS5zu-00027-00008304-00008507 it aims to guarantee that you would deal qAbNKJDS5zu-00028-00008508-00008753 with customers honestly get acquainted qAbNKJDS5zu-00029-00008754-00008981 with the liability amount it depends on qAbNKJDS5zu-00030-00008982-00009155 the number of automobiles you are to qAbNKJDS5zu-00031-00009156-00009577 trade qAbNKJDS5zu-00032-00009578-00009899 liability amount under 50 machines per qAbNKJDS5zu-00033-00009900-00010174 year five thousand dollars 51 to 100 qAbNKJDS5zu-00034-00010175-00010410 machines per year 10 000 qAbNKJDS5zu-00035-00010411-00010763 101 to 150 machines per year fifteen qAbNKJDS5zu-00036-00010764-00011092 thousand dollars minus 151 and more per qAbNKJDS5zu-00037-00011093-00011399 year twenty thousand dollars qAbNKJDS5zu-00038-00011400-00011651 five submit your dealer liability to the qAbNKJDS5zu-00039-00011652-00012023 BMV qAbNKJDS5zu-00040-00012024-00012287 after succeeding in all these stages you qAbNKJDS5zu-00041-00012288-00012520 obtain your Trader permit this qAbNKJDS5zu-00042-00012521-00012719 certificate is valid for exactly 12 qAbNKJDS5zu-00043-00012720-00013283 months from the issuance date qAbNKJDS5zu-00044-00013284-00013529 after this period you should pay again a qAbNKJDS5zu-00045-00013530-00013805 150 renewal fee annually qAbNKJDS5zu-00046-00013806-00013985 your certificate will be renewed qAbNKJDS5zu-00047-00013986-00014585 automatically qAbNKJDS5zu-00048-00014586-00014855 to receive a Trader privilege in me you qAbNKJDS5zu-00049-00014856-00014980 have to provide the following qAbNKJDS5zu-00050-00014981-00015191 self-information and business company qAbNKJDS5zu-00051-00015191-00015329 information qAbNKJDS5zu-00052-00015330-00015544 applicant questionnaire and training qAbNKJDS5zu-00053-00015545-00015808 class your business location notarized qAbNKJDS5zu-00054-00015809-00016033 lease agreement liability insurance qAbNKJDS5zu-00055-00016034-00016553 insurity bond qAbNKJDS5zu-00056-00016554-00016757 after fulfilling these criteria qAbNKJDS5zu-00057-00016758-00016972 correctly you can get your Auto Broker qAbNKJDS5zu-00058-00016973-00017249 certificate qAbNKJDS5zu-00059-00017250-00017494 may I transfer my out-of-state permit to qAbNKJDS5zu-00060-00017495-00017729 Maine you can do it only if you transfer qAbNKJDS5zu-00061-00017730-00017944 ownership of at least 12 automobiles or qAbNKJDS5zu-00062-00017945-00018425 motorcycles within 12 months qAbNKJDS5zu-00063-00018426-00018611 aren't allowed to make a transfer if qAbNKJDS5zu-00064-00018612-00018821 your business is limited to providing qAbNKJDS5zu-00065-00018822-00019091 transportation services for machines qAbNKJDS5zu-00066-00019092-00019300 you are issued any other certificate qAbNKJDS5zu-00067-00019301-00019511 type qAbNKJDS5zu-00068-00019512-00019739 as a result to run a car selling qAbNKJDS5zu-00069-00019740-00019936 business legally in this state it is qAbNKJDS5zu-00070-00019937-00020447 mandatory to obtain a Emmy Trader permit qAbNKJDS5zu-00071-00020448-00020755 thank you for watching visit our website qAbNKJDS5zu-00072-00020756-00020917 for more information qAbNKJDS5zu-00073-00020918-00021172 please like And subscribe to our YouTube qAbNKJDS5zu-00074-00021173-00021415 channel qB8bHkk1mZc-00000-00000112-00000366 hi my name is angela zass i work as an qB8bHkk1mZc-00001-00000367-00000519 assessment and data visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00002-00000520-00000854 analyst at duke university libraries qB8bHkk1mZc-00003-00000855-00001054 duke university sits on land that has qB8bHkk1mZc-00004-00001055-00001223 long served as the site of meeting and qB8bHkk1mZc-00005-00001224-00001431 exchange amongst a number of indigenous qB8bHkk1mZc-00006-00001432-00001726 peoples historically the shikori catawba qB8bHkk1mZc-00007-00001727-00001895 and eno people qB8bHkk1mZc-00008-00001896-00002079 i honor these people today by qB8bHkk1mZc-00009-00002080-00002255 recognizing that this institution of qB8bHkk1mZc-00010-00002256-00002502 higher education is built on unseated qB8bHkk1mZc-00011-00002503-00002647 land qB8bHkk1mZc-00012-00002648-00002839 it is also important to recognize that qB8bHkk1mZc-00013-00002840-00003071 the eight tribes that currently reside qB8bHkk1mZc-00014-00003072-00003222 in north carolina qB8bHkk1mZc-00015-00003223-00003606 these include the kohari lumbee maharan qB8bHkk1mZc-00016-00003607-00003847 okonichi band of the saponi nation qB8bHkk1mZc-00017-00003847-00004031 hollywood saponi qB8bHkk1mZc-00018-00004032-00004399 wakamasuan saponi and the eastern band qB8bHkk1mZc-00019-00004400-00004543 of cherokee qB8bHkk1mZc-00020-00004544-00004743 i honor and respect the diverse qB8bHkk1mZc-00021-00004744-00004902 indigenous peoples connected to this qB8bHkk1mZc-00022-00004903-00005215 territory on which i live and work qB8bHkk1mZc-00023-00005216-00005367 i honor these people today by qB8bHkk1mZc-00024-00005368-00005551 recognizing them in order to break the qB8bHkk1mZc-00025-00005552-00005751 cycle of colonization and the continued qB8bHkk1mZc-00026-00005752-00006006 erasure of indigenous peoples qB8bHkk1mZc-00027-00006007-00006167 as part of this acknowledgement i am qB8bHkk1mZc-00028-00006168-00006359 taking time to learn more about the qB8bHkk1mZc-00029-00006360-00006542 history of the area where i live and qB8bHkk1mZc-00030-00006543-00006767 work the role of my institution in the qB8bHkk1mZc-00031-00006768-00006991 colonization of this area and the ways qB8bHkk1mZc-00032-00006992-00007239 that both higher education institutions qB8bHkk1mZc-00033-00007240-00007470 and disciplines like data visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00034-00007472-00007639 and information science qB8bHkk1mZc-00035-00007640-00007887 create and perpetuate harm to indigenous qB8bHkk1mZc-00036-00007888-00008023 peoples qB8bHkk1mZc-00037-00008023-00008239 i encourage you to join me in exploring qB8bHkk1mZc-00038-00008240-00008439 ways to support indigenous peoples near qB8bHkk1mZc-00039-00008440-00008639 your home and workplace and through the qB8bHkk1mZc-00040-00008640-00008783 work you do qB8bHkk1mZc-00041-00008784-00009214 thank you qB8bHkk1mZc-00042-00009215-00009431 reproducibility means that a research or qB8bHkk1mZc-00043-00009432-00009639 data analysis project has been designed qB8bHkk1mZc-00044-00009640-00009839 so that it can be precisely regenerated qB8bHkk1mZc-00045-00009840-00010046 from start to finish with exactly the qB8bHkk1mZc-00046-00010047-00010246 same result each time qB8bHkk1mZc-00047-00010247-00010423 while reproducibility is increasingly qB8bHkk1mZc-00048-00010424-00010567 important to the design of research qB8bHkk1mZc-00049-00010568-00010742 projects in part because of the changing qB8bHkk1mZc-00050-00010743-00010903 standards of the research community and qB8bHkk1mZc-00051-00010904-00011014 the requirements of funding qB8bHkk1mZc-00052-00011015-00011255 organizations reproducibility should qB8bHkk1mZc-00053-00011256-00011399 also be built into the design of qB8bHkk1mZc-00054-00011400-00011551 visualizations from the beginning of the qB8bHkk1mZc-00055-00011552-00011670 project qB8bHkk1mZc-00056-00011671-00011846 in this lecture we will cover the basics qB8bHkk1mZc-00057-00011847-00012046 of reproducibility for both data qB8bHkk1mZc-00058-00012047-00012255 analysis projects and for visualizations qB8bHkk1mZc-00059-00012256-00012871 that result from those projects qB8bHkk1mZc-00060-00012872-00013007 many of the reasons to create qB8bHkk1mZc-00061-00013008-00013207 reproducible research projects apply to qB8bHkk1mZc-00062-00013208-00013430 data visualizations themselves qB8bHkk1mZc-00063-00013431-00013655 reproducibility promotes transparency of qB8bHkk1mZc-00064-00013656-00013911 the sources analysis process and design qB8bHkk1mZc-00065-00013912-00014038 choices that go into a data qB8bHkk1mZc-00066-00014040-00014175 visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00067-00014176-00014407 transparency helps empower visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00068-00014408-00014558 users to understand how the qB8bHkk1mZc-00069-00014559-00014735 visualization was produced and what qB8bHkk1mZc-00070-00014736-00014951 conclusions it supports qB8bHkk1mZc-00071-00014952-00015127 there are also practical reasons to qB8bHkk1mZc-00072-00015128-00015255 approach data visualization with qB8bHkk1mZc-00073-00015256-00015455 reproducibility in mind qB8bHkk1mZc-00074-00015456-00015655 a reproducible visualization design qB8bHkk1mZc-00075-00015656-00015903 process makes it easier both to recreate qB8bHkk1mZc-00076-00015904-00016207 the same figure over again and also to qB8bHkk1mZc-00077-00016208-00016391 create variations of that figure that qB8bHkk1mZc-00078-00016392-00016591 all have a similar style qB8bHkk1mZc-00079-00016592-00016750 while this can save the visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00080-00016751-00016943 creator time it also promotes a qB8bHkk1mZc-00081-00016944-00017263 consistent style of across figures which qB8bHkk1mZc-00082-00017264-00017455 makes it easier for users to learn how qB8bHkk1mZc-00083-00017456-00017639 to read the visualizations as a group qB8bHkk1mZc-00084-00017640-00017855 and may improve comparisons across qB8bHkk1mZc-00085-00017856-00018135 visualizations qB8bHkk1mZc-00086-00018136-00018303 designing visualizations such that they qB8bHkk1mZc-00087-00018304-00018486 are reproducible can make it slightly qB8bHkk1mZc-00088-00018487-00018679 harder to customize those visualizations qB8bHkk1mZc-00089-00018680-00018783 however qB8bHkk1mZc-00090-00018784-00019014 for example manually adding or moving qB8bHkk1mZc-00091-00019015-00019191 chart elements like labels and qB8bHkk1mZc-00092-00019192-00019439 annotations can happen based on expert qB8bHkk1mZc-00093-00019440-00019671 review of the data trends and the design qB8bHkk1mZc-00094-00019672-00019919 sense of the visualization creator qB8bHkk1mZc-00095-00019920-00020079 that part of the work may be more qB8bHkk1mZc-00096-00020080-00020247 challenging to incorporate into a qB8bHkk1mZc-00097-00020248-00020686 reproducible workflow qB8bHkk1mZc-00098-00020687-00020919 this checklist covers the major steps qB8bHkk1mZc-00099-00020920-00021055 for creating a reproducible qB8bHkk1mZc-00100-00021056-00021367 visualization organize your project qB8bHkk1mZc-00101-00021368-00021558 document your data sources qB8bHkk1mZc-00102-00021559-00021775 use scripts to analyze and visualize qB8bHkk1mZc-00103-00021776-00021878 data qB8bHkk1mZc-00104-00021879-00022143 thoroughly document any manual steps qB8bHkk1mZc-00105-00022144-00022391 save outputs in archival quality open qB8bHkk1mZc-00106-00022392-00022950 formats and share everything publicly qB8bHkk1mZc-00107-00022951-00023207 the first step organizing your project qB8bHkk1mZc-00108-00023208-00023391 relates to reproducibility because it qB8bHkk1mZc-00109-00023392-00023567 ensures that anyone trying to reproduce qB8bHkk1mZc-00110-00023568-00023791 your work including yourself qB8bHkk1mZc-00111-00023792-00023983 can make sense of the project files and qB8bHkk1mZc-00112-00023984-00024119 steps qB8bHkk1mZc-00113-00024120-00024319 various systems for organizing project qB8bHkk1mZc-00114-00024320-00024614 files exist including the tier protocol qB8bHkk1mZc-00115-00024615-00024791 but the most important thing is to be qB8bHkk1mZc-00116-00024792-00025063 consistent additional best practices can qB8bHkk1mZc-00117-00025064-00025230 offer advice when there are different qB8bHkk1mZc-00118-00025231-00025702 options for organizing the project qB8bHkk1mZc-00119-00025704-00025902 in a data visualization project you may qB8bHkk1mZc-00120-00025904-00026111 work with multiple data sets or multiple qB8bHkk1mZc-00121-00026112-00026311 versions of the same data set qB8bHkk1mZc-00122-00026312-00026495 the original data set sometimes called qB8bHkk1mZc-00123-00026495-00026662 the raw data qB8bHkk1mZc-00124-00026663-00026831 might be something you create yourself qB8bHkk1mZc-00125-00026832-00026974 or you might have gotten it from someone qB8bHkk1mZc-00126-00026975-00027095 else qB8bHkk1mZc-00127-00027095-00027295 for reproducible data visualization and qB8bHkk1mZc-00128-00027295-00027518 for general data use best practices it qB8bHkk1mZc-00129-00027519-00027774 is important to generate a full citation qB8bHkk1mZc-00130-00027775-00027958 for any data set you obtain from another qB8bHkk1mZc-00131-00027960-00028062 source qB8bHkk1mZc-00132-00028063-00028223 there are various styles for data qB8bHkk1mZc-00133-00028224-00028431 citation but no matter what style you qB8bHkk1mZc-00134-00028432-00028711 use it is crucial to find and include a qB8bHkk1mZc-00135-00028712-00028902 persistent unique identifier for the qB8bHkk1mZc-00136-00028904-00029095 data set from wherever it has been qB8bHkk1mZc-00137-00029095-00029399 published for example a digital object qB8bHkk1mZc-00138-00029400-00029711 identifier or doi qB8bHkk1mZc-00139-00029712-00029958 website urls can change over time so you qB8bHkk1mZc-00140-00029960-00030118 want to make sure you can always track qB8bHkk1mZc-00141-00030119-00030470 the raw data back to its original source qB8bHkk1mZc-00142-00030472-00030655 whether you obtain the data from another qB8bHkk1mZc-00143-00030656-00030902 source or create the data yourself you qB8bHkk1mZc-00144-00030903-00031151 must also fully document the data both qB8bHkk1mZc-00145-00031152-00031414 the raw data and any processed versions qB8bHkk1mZc-00146-00031416-00031551 of the data qB8bHkk1mZc-00147-00031552-00031718 again there are different styles of qB8bHkk1mZc-00148-00031719-00031990 documentation for data but is important qB8bHkk1mZc-00149-00031991-00032167 that the basic properties of the data qB8bHkk1mZc-00150-00032168-00032358 and all of the fields in the data set qB8bHkk1mZc-00151-00032360-00032558 are fully documented qB8bHkk1mZc-00152-00032560-00032767 proper interpretation of a visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00153-00032768-00032959 is based on understanding exactly how qB8bHkk1mZc-00154-00032960-00033159 the data used in the visualization were qB8bHkk1mZc-00155-00033160-00033487 created qB8bHkk1mZc-00156-00033488-00033702 a data visualization project commonly qB8bHkk1mZc-00157-00033703-00033902 includes additional data cleaning and qB8bHkk1mZc-00158-00033903-00034062 processing qB8bHkk1mZc-00159-00034063-00034223 the original data sets may be in the qB8bHkk1mZc-00160-00034224-00034407 wrong format or structure for the data qB8bHkk1mZc-00161-00034408-00034615 visualization software or the data may qB8bHkk1mZc-00162-00034616-00034887 need additional analysis filtering or qB8bHkk1mZc-00163-00034888-00035199 aggregation before it can be visualized qB8bHkk1mZc-00164-00035200-00035423 scripting or programming languages like qB8bHkk1mZc-00165-00035424-00035767 python r javascript or unix shell qB8bHkk1mZc-00166-00035768-00035999 scripting are common ways of ensuring qB8bHkk1mZc-00167-00036000-00036295 that a data project is reproducible qB8bHkk1mZc-00168-00036296-00036471 these languages are often powerful qB8bHkk1mZc-00169-00036472-00036639 enough to be able to accomplish every qB8bHkk1mZc-00170-00036640-00036846 step of the data cleaning and analysis qB8bHkk1mZc-00171-00036847-00036983 workflow qB8bHkk1mZc-00172-00036984-00037151 using scripting languages instead of qB8bHkk1mZc-00173-00037152-00037327 manually cleaning data qB8bHkk1mZc-00174-00037328-00037583 means that the code serves as the record qB8bHkk1mZc-00175-00037584-00037783 of the analysis and reproducing the qB8bHkk1mZc-00176-00037784-00037983 project won't rely on another person qB8bHkk1mZc-00177-00037984-00038223 having to decipher a reach researcher's qB8bHkk1mZc-00178-00038224-00038446 notes or publications to figure out qB8bHkk1mZc-00179-00038447-00038702 exactly what was done qB8bHkk1mZc-00180-00038703-00038871 to make sure that the project is fully qB8bHkk1mZc-00181-00038872-00039079 reproducible you should use a scripting qB8bHkk1mZc-00182-00039080-00039302 language to accomplish all the tasks in qB8bHkk1mZc-00183-00039303-00039439 the project qB8bHkk1mZc-00184-00039440-00039630 it is also best practice to leave your qB8bHkk1mZc-00185-00039631-00039879 raw data in its original form qB8bHkk1mZc-00186-00039880-00040071 any cleaning steps you undertake should qB8bHkk1mZc-00187-00040072-00040239 create a new data set instead of qB8bHkk1mZc-00188-00040240-00040446 overwriting the original qB8bHkk1mZc-00189-00040447-00040639 finally to make sure the scripts can be qB8bHkk1mZc-00190-00040640-00040879 used for a long time include additional qB8bHkk1mZc-00191-00040880-00041130 documentation where the code is not qB8bHkk1mZc-00192-00041131-00041343 self-explanatory and make sure you qB8bHkk1mZc-00193-00041344-00041574 capture the exact versions of the tools qB8bHkk1mZc-00194-00041575-00042039 you're using to run the script qB8bHkk1mZc-00195-00042040-00042223 note that different scripting languages qB8bHkk1mZc-00196-00042224-00042390 have different features qB8bHkk1mZc-00197-00042391-00042551 one thing to consider is whether the qB8bHkk1mZc-00198-00042552-00042758 tool you're using is freely available or qB8bHkk1mZc-00199-00042759-00042895 not qB8bHkk1mZc-00200-00042896-00043118 while using proprietary tools might be qB8bHkk1mZc-00201-00043119-00043287 fine if you are reproducing your own qB8bHkk1mZc-00202-00043288-00043518 code it does make it harder for others qB8bHkk1mZc-00203-00043519-00043767 to reproduce your work and you may also qB8bHkk1mZc-00204-00043768-00043958 lose access to those tools if you leave qB8bHkk1mZc-00205-00043959-00044623 your institution or place of business qB8bHkk1mZc-00206-00044624-00044799 if you're unable to script all of the qB8bHkk1mZc-00207-00044800-00044999 work you are doing you can manually qB8bHkk1mZc-00208-00045000-00045183 document your steps qB8bHkk1mZc-00209-00045184-00045471 this should be as thorough as possible qB8bHkk1mZc-00210-00045472-00045671 include the tool version the data qB8bHkk1mZc-00211-00045672-00045895 cleaning and analysis steps you took and qB8bHkk1mZc-00212-00045896-00046135 the chart creation steps qB8bHkk1mZc-00213-00046136-00046318 excellent documentation may include qB8bHkk1mZc-00214-00046319-00046543 screenshots and intermediate versions of qB8bHkk1mZc-00215-00046544-00046815 the data sets and visualizations qB8bHkk1mZc-00216-00046816-00046999 imagine you're trying to help a future qB8bHkk1mZc-00217-00047000-00047215 member of your lab or even a family qB8bHkk1mZc-00218-00047216-00047462 member redo exactly what you did to qB8bHkk1mZc-00219-00047463-00047727 create the visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00220-00047728-00047951 don't rely on the methods section of a qB8bHkk1mZc-00221-00047952-00048118 publication to be sufficient for qB8bHkk1mZc-00222-00048119-00048367 reproducibility it is very difficult to qB8bHkk1mZc-00223-00048368-00048599 include enough detail in a publication qB8bHkk1mZc-00224-00048600-00048783 for someone else to truly reproduce a qB8bHkk1mZc-00225-00048784-00049062 project and method sections seldom cover qB8bHkk1mZc-00226-00049063-00049615 the creation of the visualization qB8bHkk1mZc-00227-00049616-00049862 it is also important to save the outputs qB8bHkk1mZc-00228-00049863-00050151 of your work in archival quality open qB8bHkk1mZc-00229-00050152-00050446 formats these formats vary depending on qB8bHkk1mZc-00230-00050447-00050718 the type of output for example qB8bHkk1mZc-00231-00050719-00050983 documentation files should be saved in a qB8bHkk1mZc-00232-00050984-00051302 plain text format for example markdown qB8bHkk1mZc-00233-00051303-00051554 data files should be saved in a non qB8bHkk1mZc-00234-00051555-00051823 proprietary format like a comma qB8bHkk1mZc-00235-00051824-00052102 separated value file or other plain text qB8bHkk1mZc-00236-00052103-00052366 formats and so forth qB8bHkk1mZc-00237-00052367-00052511 make sure that you're using best qB8bHkk1mZc-00238-00052512-00052759 practices to name the output files such qB8bHkk1mZc-00239-00052760-00052911 that they make sense outside of their qB8bHkk1mZc-00240-00052912-00053079 folder context qB8bHkk1mZc-00241-00053079-00053263 and also make sure that wherever qB8bHkk1mZc-00242-00053264-00053430 possible you embed the project qB8bHkk1mZc-00243-00053432-00053694 information in each output so that when qB8bHkk1mZc-00244-00053695-00053823 the output qB8bHkk1mZc-00245-00053824-00054103 file is separated from its original qB8bHkk1mZc-00246-00054104-00054254 project folder qB8bHkk1mZc-00247-00054255-00054391 it becomes qB8bHkk1mZc-00248-00054391-00054615 easy to track that file back to its qB8bHkk1mZc-00249-00054616-00055111 original project qB8bHkk1mZc-00250-00055112-00055319 finally you should make sure to share qB8bHkk1mZc-00251-00055320-00055494 everything related to your project with qB8bHkk1mZc-00252-00055495-00055623 the public qB8bHkk1mZc-00253-00055624-00055815 there are a variety of formats that make qB8bHkk1mZc-00254-00055816-00056135 it easy to share projects from osf to qB8bHkk1mZc-00255-00056136-00056423 figshare to github qB8bHkk1mZc-00256-00056424-00056591 different platforms have different qB8bHkk1mZc-00257-00056591-00056759 features and different intended qB8bHkk1mZc-00258-00056760-00056982 audiences so it's important to consider qB8bHkk1mZc-00259-00056983-00057207 what will work best for you for the kind qB8bHkk1mZc-00260-00057208-00057382 of project you're doing and for the qB8bHkk1mZc-00261-00057383-00057550 community that will need to find and qB8bHkk1mZc-00262-00057551-00058215 reuse your work qB8bHkk1mZc-00263-00058216-00058382 this video is part of a series of qB8bHkk1mZc-00264-00058383-00058550 lectures recorded to teach about basic qB8bHkk1mZc-00265-00058551-00058766 data visualization concepts it was qB8bHkk1mZc-00266-00058767-00058919 designed by members of the visualizing qB8bHkk1mZc-00267-00058920-00059142 the future symposia project and was made qB8bHkk1mZc-00268-00059144-00059326 possible in part by a national forum qB8bHkk1mZc-00269-00059327-00059535 grant from the institute of museum and qB8bHkk1mZc-00270-00059536-00059679 library services qB8bHkk1mZc-00271-00059679-00059863 this content is designed to be used qB8bHkk1mZc-00272-00059864-00059959 freely qB8bHkk1mZc-00273-00059960-00060103 see the video description for more qB8bHkk1mZc-00274-00060104-00060287 information about this lecture series qB8bHkk1mZc-00275-00060288-00060463 and the visualizing the future symposia qB8bHkk1mZc-00276-00060464-00060764 project qC3sKypXuAk-00000-00001162-00001428 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00001-00001429-00002014 thank you qC3sKypXuAk-00002-00002016-00003897 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00003-00003897-00004069 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00004-00004070-00004469 thank you foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00005-00004470-00005794 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00006-00005795-00007277 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00007-00007278-00007552 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00008-00007553-00008989 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00009-00008990-00010781 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00010-00010782-00011078 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00011-00011079-00012813 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00012-00012815-00013668 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00013-00013669-00015550 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00014-00015551-00015972 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00015-00015973-00016121 thank you qC3sKypXuAk-00016-00016122-00017447 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00017-00017448-00017914 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00018-00017915-00018465 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00019-00018466-00020647 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00020-00020648-00021550 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00021-00021551-00022741 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00022-00022742-00024467 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00023-00024468-00025322 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00024-00025323-00025949 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00025-00025950-00027201 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00026-00027202-00028985 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00027-00028986-00029100 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00029-00032297-00033077 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00030-00033078-00034394 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00031-00034395-00036120 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00032-00036121-00036975 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00033-00036976-00037729 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00034-00037730-00038857 thank you qC3sKypXuAk-00035-00038858-00040753 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00036-00040754-00042330 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00037-00042331-00042511 thank you qC3sKypXuAk-00038-00042512-00043949 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00039-00043950-00044843 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00040-00044844-00046037 foreign qC3sKypXuAk-00041-00046038-00048090 [Music] qC3sKypXuAk-00042-00048091-00048391 thank you qGuN084Jqgu-00000-00000021-00001327 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00001-00001328-00001577 watch out qGuN084Jqgu-00002-00001578-00002668 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00003-00002669-00003421 cut them qGuN084Jqgu-00004-00003422-00004104 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00005-00004105-00004256 oh my God qGuN084Jqgu-00006-00004257-00005086 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00007-00005087-00005620 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00008-00005621-00006256 thank you qGuN084Jqgu-00009-00006257-00006902 awesome qGuN084Jqgu-00010-00006903-00007488 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00011-00007489-00007960 [Applause] qGuN084Jqgu-00012-00007961-00008194 foreign qGuN084Jqgu-00013-00008195-00010074 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00014-00010075-00010801 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00015-00010802-00011221 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00016-00011222-00011460 thank you qGuN084Jqgu-00017-00011461-00013877 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00018-00013878-00014055 help me qGuN084Jqgu-00019-00014056-00015005 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00020-00015006-00015203 foreign qGuN084Jqgu-00021-00015204-00015391 bye have a great time qGuN084Jqgu-00022-00015393-00016996 [Music] qGuN084Jqgu-00023-00016997-00017002 [Applause] qGuN084Jqgu-00024-00017003-00018331 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00000-00000024-00000407 someplace to charge my cell phone qLMBG5cxF70-00001-00000408-00000519 i don't know why qLMBG5cxF70-00002-00000520-00000815 they can't make those things last qLMBG5cxF70-00003-00000816-00001119 oh well that's the way it goes qLMBG5cxF70-00004-00001120-00001423 i hope you like this song by again qLMBG5cxF70-00005-00001424-00003310 get down on right qLMBG5cxF70-00006-00003311-00004038 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00007-00004039-00004135 hey qLMBG5cxF70-00008-00004136-00004327 what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00009-00004328-00004567 you want to get down qLMBG5cxF70-00010-00004568-00004775 tell me what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00011-00004776-00005022 you wanna get down qLMBG5cxF70-00012-00005023-00005215 what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00013-00005216-00005454 you wanna get down qLMBG5cxF70-00014-00005455-00005647 what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00015-00005648-00006156 you wanna get down qLMBG5cxF70-00016-00006157-00007033 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00017-00007034-00008463 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00018-00008464-00008735 tell me how you gonna do if you really qLMBG5cxF70-00019-00008736-00009031 don't wanna dance by standing on the qLMBG5cxF70-00020-00009032-00009263 wall qLMBG5cxF70-00021-00009264-00009631 i heard all the people say it qLMBG5cxF70-00022-00009632-00009806 come on now qLMBG5cxF70-00023-00009807-00010039 if you really want it qLMBG5cxF70-00024-00010040-00010246 you gotta feel it qLMBG5cxF70-00025-00010247-00010503 get down on it qLMBG5cxF70-00026-00010504-00010687 come on down qLMBG5cxF70-00027-00010688-00010887 baby baby qLMBG5cxF70-00028-00010888-00011159 get on it qLMBG5cxF70-00029-00011160-00011435 i say people qLMBG5cxF70-00030-00011436-00011599 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00031-00011600-00012038 what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00032-00012039-00012438 you gotta get on the ground qLMBG5cxF70-00033-00012439-00012751 if you want your body to move qLMBG5cxF70-00034-00012752-00012991 tell me baby qLMBG5cxF70-00035-00012991-00013166 how you gonna do if you really don't qLMBG5cxF70-00036-00013168-00013472 wanna dance by standing on the wall qLMBG5cxF70-00037-00013472-00013735 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00038-00013736-00013871 tell me qLMBG5cxF70-00039-00013872-00014055 how you gonna do if you really don't qLMBG5cxF70-00040-00014056-00014558 take the chance by standing on the wall qLMBG5cxF70-00041-00014559-00014880 i heard all the people saying qLMBG5cxF70-00042-00014881-00015844 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00043-00015846-00016686 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00044-00016687-00016847 come on now qLMBG5cxF70-00045-00016848-00017103 baby baby qLMBG5cxF70-00046-00017104-00017575 get on it qLMBG5cxF70-00047-00017576-00017767 what you want to do qLMBG5cxF70-00048-00017768-00017983 you want to get down qLMBG5cxF70-00049-00017984-00018239 but what you gonna do qLMBG5cxF70-00050-00018240-00019303 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00051-00019304-00019486 oh come on now qLMBG5cxF70-00052-00019487-00020158 you really want it qLMBG5cxF70-00053-00020159-00020814 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00054-00020815-00021045 get down on it qLMBG5cxF70-00055-00021046-00021343 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00056-00021344-00021583 oh yeah qLMBG5cxF70-00057-00021584-00022003 you move me baby qLMBG5cxF70-00058-00022004-00022853 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00059-00022854-00023127 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00060-00023128-00023212 get down qLMBG5cxF70-00061-00023213-00023439 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00062-00023440-00023658 get down on it qLMBG5cxF70-00063-00023659-00024007 [Music] qLMBG5cxF70-00064-00024008-00024368 get down qLMBG5cxF70-00065-00024369-00024974 [Music] qMoBL07vABE-00000-00000057-00000308 the Thomas Cup sometimes called the qMoBL07vABE-00001-00000309-00000536 world men's team championships is an qMoBL07vABE-00002-00000537-00000740 international badminton competition qMoBL07vABE-00003-00000741-00000968 among teams representing member nations qMoBL07vABE-00004-00000969-00001265 of the Badminton World Federation bwf qMoBL07vABE-00005-00001266-00001579 the sports global governing body the qMoBL07vABE-00006-00001580-00001778 championships have been conducted every qMoBL07vABE-00007-00001779-00002066 two years since the 1982 tournament qMoBL07vABE-00008-00002067-00002285 amended from being conducted every three qMoBL07vABE-00009-00002286-00002518 years since the first tournament held in qMoBL07vABE-00010-00002519-00002999 1948 1949 the final phase of the qMoBL07vABE-00011-00003000-00003254 tournament involves 12 teams competing qMoBL07vABE-00012-00003254-00003467 at venues within a host nation and is qMoBL07vABE-00013-00003468-00003665 played concurrently with the final phase qMoBL07vABE-00014-00003665-00003893 of the world Women's Team Championships qMoBL07vABE-00015-00003894-00004354 the uber Cup first held in 1956 1957 qMoBL07vABE-00016-00004355-00004718 since 1984 the two competitions have qMoBL07vABE-00017-00004719-00004913 been held jointly at the various stages qMoBL07vABE-00018-00004914-00005099 of play qMoBL07vABE-00019-00005100-00005345 of the 30 Thomas Cup tournaments held qMoBL07vABE-00020-00005346-00005765 since 1948 1949 only five nations have qMoBL07vABE-00021-00005766-00006059 won the title Indonesia is the most qMoBL07vABE-00022-00006060-00006254 successful team having won the qMoBL07vABE-00023-00006255-00006620 tournament 13 times China which did not qMoBL07vABE-00024-00006620-00006917 begin to compete until the 1982 series qMoBL07vABE-00025-00006918-00007175 follows Indonesia with ten titles while qMoBL07vABE-00026-00007176-00007534 Malaysia has won five titles Japan and qMoBL07vABE-00027-00007536-00007859 Denmark both have won Thomas Cup in to a qMoBL07vABE-00028-00007859-00007964 lesser extent qMoBL07vABE-00029-00007965-00008141 'Ć¼ber Cup are some of the world's qMoBL07vABE-00030-00008142-00008465 biggest and most prestigious regularly qMoBL07vABE-00031-00008466-00008708 held badminton events in terms of player qMoBL07vABE-00032-00008709-00009085 and fan interest Japan became the fourth qMoBL07vABE-00033-00009086-00009281 nation to win the Thomas Cup after qMoBL07vABE-00034-00009282-00009590 beating Malaysia 3 to 2 in the 2014 qMoBL07vABE-00035-00009591-00009929 final traditionally the Thomas Cup had qMoBL07vABE-00036-00009930-00010187 always been won by Asian countries until qMoBL07vABE-00037-00010188-00010406 Denmark became the fifth nation and the qMoBL07vABE-00038-00010407-00010631 first European nation in history to win qMoBL07vABE-00039-00010632-00010904 the Thomas Cup after beating Indonesia 3 qMoBL07vABE-00040-00010905-00011646 to 2 in the 2016 final qMoBL07vABE-00041-00011647-00012510 topic history qMoBL07vABE-00042-00012511-00013082 topic first Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00043-00013083-00013363 the Thomas Cup competition was the idea qMoBL07vABE-00044-00013365-00013594 of Sir George Allen Thomas a highly qMoBL07vABE-00045-00013596-00013813 successful English badminton player of qMoBL07vABE-00046-00013815-00014075 the early 1900's who was inspired by qMoBL07vABE-00047-00014076-00014303 Tennessee's Davis Cup and footballs qMoBL07vABE-00048-00014304-00014619 soccer's World Cup first held in 1930 qMoBL07vABE-00049-00014621-00014897 his idea was well received at the qMoBL07vABE-00050-00014897-00015086 general meeting of the International qMoBL07vABE-00051-00015087-00015335 badminton Federation now badminton world qMoBL07vABE-00052-00015336-00015691 federation in 1939 in the same year qMoBL07vABE-00053-00015693-00015881 Sir George presented the Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00054-00015882-00016066 officially known as the International qMoBL07vABE-00055-00016068-00016301 badminton championship Challenge Cup qMoBL07vABE-00056-00016302-00016541 produced by Atkin Bros of London at a qMoBL07vABE-00057-00016542-00016919 cost of 40,000 United States dollars the qMoBL07vABE-00058-00016920-00017243 Cup stands 28 inches high and 16 inches qMoBL07vABE-00059-00017244-00017468 across at its widest and consists of qMoBL07vABE-00060-00017469-00017753 three parts a plinth pedestal a bowl and qMoBL07vABE-00061-00017754-00017957 a lid with player figure the first qMoBL07vABE-00062-00017958-00018160 tournament was originally planned for qMoBL07vABE-00063-00018161-00018536 1941 1942 badminton seasons in the qMoBL07vABE-00064-00018537-00018737 northern hemisphere traditionally ran qMoBL07vABE-00065-00018738-00018956 from the autumn of one calendar year to qMoBL07vABE-00066-00018957-00019154 the spring of the next but was delayed qMoBL07vABE-00067-00019155-00019409 when World War Two exploded across the qMoBL07vABE-00068-00019410-00019742 continent sir George's dream was finally qMoBL07vABE-00069-00019743-00020171 realized in 1948 1949 when ten national qMoBL07vABE-00070-00020172-00020411 teams participated in the first Thomas qMoBL07vABE-00071-00020412-00020738 Cup competition three qualifying zones qMoBL07vABE-00072-00020739-00021005 were established Pan America Europe and qMoBL07vABE-00073-00021006-00021086 the Pacific qMoBL07vABE-00074-00021087-00021314 though Malaya now Malaysia was the only qMoBL07vABE-00075-00021315-00021644 Pacific Zone participant in a format qMoBL07vABE-00076-00021645-00021950 that would last until 1984 all ties qMoBL07vABE-00077-00021951-00022222 matches between nations would consist of qMoBL07vABE-00078-00022223-00022472 nine individual matches the victorious qMoBL07vABE-00079-00022473-00022676 nation needing to win at least five of qMoBL07vABE-00080-00022677-00023000 these contests the top two singles qMoBL07vABE-00081-00023001-00023234 players for each side faced both of the qMoBL07vABE-00082-00023235-00023447 top two players for the opposite side qMoBL07vABE-00083-00023448-00023753 accounting for four matches a fifth qMoBL07vABE-00084-00023754-00023972 singles match took place between the qMoBL07vABE-00085-00023973-00024182 third ranked singles players for each qMoBL07vABE-00086-00024183-00024497 team finally two doubles pairings for qMoBL07vABE-00087-00024498-00024704 each side played both of the doubles qMoBL07vABE-00088-00024705-00024863 pairings for the opposite side qMoBL07vABE-00089-00024864-00025172 accounting for four more matches each qMoBL07vABE-00090-00025173-00025433 tie was normally contested over two days qMoBL07vABE-00091-00025434-00025682 four matches on the first day and five qMoBL07vABE-00092-00025683-00025895 on the next the United States and qMoBL07vABE-00093-00025895-00026083 Denmark won their respective zone qMoBL07vABE-00094-00026085-00026306 qualifications and thus joined Malaya qMoBL07vABE-00095-00026307-00026544 for the Interzone qMoBL07vABE-00096-00026545-00026802 the Interzone ties were held in the qMoBL07vABE-00097-00026802-00027081 United Kingdom as the tournament used a qMoBL07vABE-00098-00027082-00027294 knockout single elimination system qMoBL07vABE-00099-00027295-00027555 rather than a round-robin system one qMoBL07vABE-00100-00027556-00027813 country Denmark was given a bye in the qMoBL07vABE-00101-00027814-00028197 first round Malaya defeated the USA six qMoBL07vABE-00102-00028198-00028401 to three in a highly competitive match qMoBL07vABE-00103-00028402-00028614 played in Glasgow Scotland qMoBL07vABE-00104-00028614-00028830 curiously none of the players on either qMoBL07vABE-00105-00028831-00029061 side had previously seen any of the qMoBL07vABE-00106-00029062-00029364 players on the other side play of note qMoBL07vABE-00107-00029364-00029610 this time arced the first of only three qMoBL07vABE-00108-00029611-00029852 ever matches between the USA's Dave qMoBL07vABE-00109-00029854-00030111 Freeman and Malaya's Wang Poong soon the qMoBL07vABE-00110-00030112-00030308 two greatest singles players of the qMoBL07vABE-00111-00030310-00030642 early post-war period in the final round qMoBL07vABE-00112-00030643-00030908 held in Preston England Malaya beat qMoBL07vABE-00113-00030910-00031143 Denmark 8 to 1 and became the first qMoBL07vABE-00114-00031144-00031814 nation to win a Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00115-00031815-00032326 topic development qMoBL07vABE-00116-00032327-00032572 during the next several Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00117-00032573-00032794 competitions the number of participating qMoBL07vABE-00118-00032795-00033064 nations grew in a fourth qualifying zone qMoBL07vABE-00119-00033065-00033388 was added the former Pacific zone was qMoBL07vABE-00120-00033389-00033607 converted into Asian and Australasian qMoBL07vABE-00121-00033608-00034017 zones for the 1954 1955 tournament qMoBL07vABE-00122-00034018-00034278 beginning with the second tournament in qMoBL07vABE-00123-00034279-00034687 1951 1952 zone winners contested to qMoBL07vABE-00124-00034688-00034879 determine a challenger for the reigning qMoBL07vABE-00125-00034880-00035269 champion nation until 1964 the cup qMoBL07vABE-00126-00035270-00035464 holding nation always hosted these qMoBL07vABE-00127-00035465-00035716 Interzone ties but was exempt from them qMoBL07vABE-00128-00035717-00035938 and from the earlier entry zone matches qMoBL07vABE-00129-00035939-00036193 needing only to defend its title at home qMoBL07vABE-00130-00036194-00036436 in a single conclusive challenge round qMoBL07vABE-00131-00036437-00036835 tie with veterans such as Wang pong soon qMoBL07vABE-00132-00036836-00037165 Hui take hock and on PO Lim leading the qMoBL07vABE-00133-00037166-00037387 way Malaya comfortably retained the cup qMoBL07vABE-00134-00037388-00037657 in Singapore against the USA seven to qMoBL07vABE-00135-00037658-00038055 two in 1952 and Denmark eight to one in qMoBL07vABE-00136-00038056-00038497 1955 Malaya's reign however was ended in qMoBL07vABE-00137-00038498-00038824 1958 three matches to six by upstart qMoBL07vABE-00138-00038825-00039046 indonesia led by ferry sana ville and qMoBL07vABE-00139-00039047-00039424 tanjo hok indonesia successfully qMoBL07vABE-00140-00039425-00039727 defended its title in 1961 against a qMoBL07vABE-00141-00039728-00039916 young team from thailand which had qMoBL07vABE-00142-00039917-00040171 surprised denmark in the Interzone final qMoBL07vABE-00143-00040172-00040363 amid some complaints of home court qMoBL07vABE-00144-00040364-00040723 advantage and home climate advantage as qMoBL07vABE-00145-00040724-00040948 far as the Europeans were concerned a qMoBL07vABE-00146-00040949-00041293 rules change effective in 1964 prevented qMoBL07vABE-00147-00041294-00041467 the reigning champion nation from qMoBL07vABE-00148-00041468-00041671 defending the cup at home twice in qMoBL07vABE-00149-00041672-00041977 succession the challenge round played in qMoBL07vABE-00150-00041978-00042202 Tokyo Japan that year was nonetheless qMoBL07vABE-00151-00042203-00042406 controversial because the Danish qMoBL07vABE-00152-00042407-00042601 challengers were bericht and severely qMoBL07vABE-00153-00042602-00042862 harassed during play by young Indonesian qMoBL07vABE-00154-00042863-00043235 fans a narrow 5:2 for indonesian victory qMoBL07vABE-00155-00043236-00043600 was upheld by the IBF bwf / danish qMoBL07vABE-00156-00043601-00043849 protest when the challenge round qMoBL07vABE-00157-00043850-00044191 returned to jakarta in 1967 a resurgent qMoBL07vABE-00158-00044192-00044419 malaysia led indonesia four to three qMoBL07vABE-00159-00044420-00044608 despite the spectacular debut of qMoBL07vABE-00160-00044609-00044845 Indonesia's young rudy hartano when qMoBL07vABE-00161-00044846-00045025 crowd interference during the eighth qMoBL07vABE-00162-00045026-00045220 match prompted tournament referee qMoBL07vABE-00163-00045221-00045505 Herbert shield to halt play when qMoBL07vABE-00164-00045506-00045710 Indonesia rejected an IBA qMoBL07vABE-00165-00045711-00046016 bwf decision to resume the contest in qMoBL07vABE-00166-00046017-00046229 New Zealand Malaysia was awarded the qMoBL07vABE-00167-00046230-00046457 outstanding matches six to three and qMoBL07vABE-00168-00046458-00046787 with them the Thomas Cup after 1967 the qMoBL07vABE-00169-00046788-00047126 IBF bwf further reduced the advantages qMoBL07vABE-00170-00047127-00047345 accorded to the defending champion by qMoBL07vABE-00171-00047346-00047540 eliminating the old challenge round qMoBL07vABE-00172-00047541-00047873 system instead the cup defender would qMoBL07vABE-00173-00047874-00048092 receive a bye only to an inter sown qMoBL07vABE-00174-00048093-00048308 semifinal berth and then have to earn qMoBL07vABE-00175-00048309-00048559 its way into the decisive final match qMoBL07vABE-00176-00048560-00048899 this change however proved to be little qMoBL07vABE-00177-00048900-00049199 obstacle for a rampant Indonesia with a qMoBL07vABE-00178-00049200-00049427 cadre of talented players including qMoBL07vABE-00179-00049428-00049700 Hartono and doubles wizards such as TJ u qMoBL07vABE-00180-00049701-00049967 n TJ UN and Christian had anata qMoBL07vABE-00181-00049968-00050192 Indonesia dominated Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00182-00050193-00050489 competition throughout the 70s its qMoBL07vABE-00183-00050490-00050728 successful effort to regain the Cup in qMoBL07vABE-00184-00050729-00051071 1969 1970 was a struggle but in the qMoBL07vABE-00185-00051072-00051502 competition's ending in 1973 1976 and qMoBL07vABE-00186-00051503-00051857 1979 Indonesia swept its ties by winning qMoBL07vABE-00187-00051858-00052196 a remarkable 51 of 54 individual matches qMoBL07vABE-00188-00052197-00052532 in 1982 however China burst onto the qMoBL07vABE-00189-00052533-00052888 scene as a new member of the IBF bwf qMoBL07vABE-00190-00052889-00053179 having long before developed players as qMoBL07vABE-00191-00053180-00053408 good as or better than any in the world qMoBL07vABE-00192-00053409-00053669 especially in singles China defeated qMoBL07vABE-00193-00053670-00053954 Indonesia in a classic 5:2 for final in qMoBL07vABE-00194-00053954-00054287 London thus began an era continuing to qMoBL07vABE-00195-00054288-00054479 the present which has generally seen qMoBL07vABE-00196-00054479-00054713 either China or Indonesia capture or qMoBL07vABE-00197-00054714-00054967 retained the cup the pattern has been qMoBL07vABE-00198-00054969-00055330 broken three times by Malaysia in 1992 qMoBL07vABE-00199-00055332-00056241 Japan in 2014 and Denmark in 2016 qMoBL07vABE-00200-00056241-00056834 topic revised format qMoBL07vABE-00201-00056835-00057263 in the early 1980s the IBF bwf revamped qMoBL07vABE-00202-00057264-00057488 the format of both Thomas Cup and the qMoBL07vABE-00203-00057489-00057734 Women's World Team Championship the uber qMoBL07vABE-00204-00057735-00058082 Cup starting in 1984 they were held qMoBL07vABE-00205-00058083-00058328 concurrently every two years not three qMoBL07vABE-00206-00058329-00058523 with equivalent phases of the two qMoBL07vABE-00207-00058524-00058775 competitions held at the same venues and qMoBL07vABE-00208-00058776-00059111 times ties at all stages of the Thomas qMoBL07vABE-00209-00059112-00059324 Cup were trimmed from nine matches to qMoBL07vABE-00210-00059325-00059678 five played in one day not two lineups qMoBL07vABE-00211-00059679-00059894 continue to consist of three singles qMoBL07vABE-00212-00059895-00060125 players and two doubles teams but each qMoBL07vABE-00213-00060126-00060347 now played a single match against the qMoBL07vABE-00214-00060348-00060721 opposing teams counterpart qMoBL07vABE-00215-00060722-00060952 topic qualification the old knockout qMoBL07vABE-00216-00060953-00061216 single-elimination zone qualification qMoBL07vABE-00217-00061216-00061447 system in which each tie was played at a qMoBL07vABE-00218-00061448-00061710 separate venue and time was eliminated qMoBL07vABE-00219-00061711-00062026 instead common qualifying venues brought qMoBL07vABE-00220-00062027-00062275 many teams together to contend in group qMoBL07vABE-00221-00062276-00062521 round-robin ties followed by playoffs qMoBL07vABE-00222-00062522-00062863 between group leaders as few as one or qMoBL07vABE-00223-00062864-00063079 as many as three teams from a given qMoBL07vABE-00224-00063079-00063283 venue depending on the previously qMoBL07vABE-00225-00063284-00063472 assessed strength of its field would qMoBL07vABE-00226-00063473-00063679 qualify for the final phase of the qMoBL07vABE-00227-00063679-00063997 competition which until 2004 was limited qMoBL07vABE-00228-00063998-00064297 to eight teams the number of qualifying qMoBL07vABE-00229-00064298-00064627 venues prior to 2004 varied between two qMoBL07vABE-00230-00064628-00064786 and four in their sites basically qMoBL07vABE-00231-00064787-00065041 reflected the long existent low sigh of qMoBL07vABE-00232-00065041-00065257 badminton strength in the far east and qMoBL07vABE-00233-00065258-00065500 to a lesser extent in Europe see chart qMoBL07vABE-00234-00065501-00065824 below the European qualifying venue qMoBL07vABE-00235-00065825-00066034 usually hosted the greatest number of qMoBL07vABE-00236-00066035-00066274 teams and to streamline play and create qMoBL07vABE-00237-00066275-00066502 more competitive ties a two-tiered qMoBL07vABE-00238-00066503-00066768 system was eventually instituted their qMoBL07vABE-00239-00066769-00067060 weaker badminton nations played off in qMoBL07vABE-00240-00067061-00067264 groups for the right to contest with the qMoBL07vABE-00241-00067265-00067558 stronger national teams to have an qMoBL07vABE-00242-00067559-00067804 easier road to the Interzone competition qMoBL07vABE-00243-00067805-00068065 strong Asian teams sometimes competed qMoBL07vABE-00244-00068066-00068290 outside of their natural qualification qMoBL07vABE-00245-00068291-00068623 venue rising power South Korea for qMoBL07vABE-00246-00068624-00068899 example won qualifications held in North qMoBL07vABE-00247-00068900-00069451 America in 1986 and in 1988 in 2014 the qMoBL07vABE-00248-00069452-00069676 qualification format was changed to qMoBL07vABE-00249-00069677-00069928 include a total of 16 teams in the qMoBL07vABE-00250-00069929-00070243 Thomas and Ober Cup Finals the normal qMoBL07vABE-00251-00070244-00070453 earlier used Thomas and uber Cup qMoBL07vABE-00252-00070454-00070696 qualification was discontinued for one qMoBL07vABE-00253-00070697-00070993 year with the argument from the bwf that qMoBL07vABE-00254-00070994-00071236 basically the Thomas and uber Cup finals qMoBL07vABE-00255-00071237-00071422 had too many matches that were not qMoBL07vABE-00256-00071423-00071635 competitive due to teams qualifying qMoBL07vABE-00257-00071636-00071953 through a continental quota system teams qMoBL07vABE-00258-00071954-00072256 were invited to the 2014 Thomas and uber qMoBL07vABE-00259-00072257-00072463 Cup finals from their world ranking qMoBL07vABE-00260-00072464-00072742 position a continental quota was qMoBL07vABE-00261-00072743-00072964 introduced so a minimum of one team qMoBL07vABE-00262-00072965-00073234 either Thomas Cup or uber Cup team from qMoBL07vABE-00263-00073235-00073537 each continent would qualify furthermore qMoBL07vABE-00264-00073538-00073765 a minimum of three team from Asia and qMoBL07vABE-00265-00073766-00074011 Europe would qualify in both Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00266-00074012-00074129 in uber qMoBL07vABE-00267-00074130-00074462 the total number of teams from 2014 on qMoBL07vABE-00268-00074463-00074720 would be 16 in both Thomas and uber Cup qMoBL07vABE-00269-00074721-00075008 finals from 2016 on however teams qMoBL07vABE-00270-00075009-00075239 qualified once again based on their qMoBL07vABE-00271-00075240-00075446 performances in the Continental Team qMoBL07vABE-00272-00075447-00075764 Championships all five continental qMoBL07vABE-00273-00075765-00076007 winners besides semi-finalists from Asia qMoBL07vABE-00274-00076008-00076229 and Europe and the hosts and defending qMoBL07vABE-00275-00076230-00076577 champions automatically qualify the rest qMoBL07vABE-00276-00076578-00076844 of the 16 places will be taken by teams qMoBL07vABE-00277-00076845-00077099 according to their bwf world team qMoBL07vABE-00278-00077100-00077324 ranking cumulative world ranking of qMoBL07vABE-00279-00077325-00077522 their top three singles and top two qMoBL07vABE-00280-00077523-00077828 doubles pairs if the trophy holder qMoBL07vABE-00281-00077829-00078110 and/or host member Association also take qMoBL07vABE-00282-00078111-00078365 part and occupy a qualifying position in qMoBL07vABE-00283-00078366-00078569 its respective continental qualifying qMoBL07vABE-00284-00078570-00078794 tournament the next one or two highest qMoBL07vABE-00285-00078795-00078881 ranked teams qMoBL07vABE-00286-00078882-00079070 excluding already automatically qMoBL07vABE-00287-00079071-00079385 qualified teams from the bwf world team qMoBL07vABE-00288-00079386-00079583 rankings in the same continent would qMoBL07vABE-00289-00079584-00079877 also qualify below shows the qMoBL07vABE-00290-00079878-00080087 qualification slots in tournament qMoBL07vABE-00291-00080088-00080539 history qMoBL07vABE-00292-00080540-00081081 topic final tournament qMoBL07vABE-00293-00081082-00081486 from 1984 through 2002 the final phase qMoBL07vABE-00294-00081487-00081714 of Thomas Cup competition brought eight qMoBL07vABE-00295-00081715-00081881 competing teams together qMoBL07vABE-00296-00081882-00082173 these included the defending champion qMoBL07vABE-00297-00082174-00082398 nation and the host nation exempt from qMoBL07vABE-00298-00082399-00082752 earlier qualification ties the format of qMoBL07vABE-00299-00082753-00082971 this final phase largely mirrored that qMoBL07vABE-00300-00082972-00083280 of the qualifying venues the eight teams qMoBL07vABE-00301-00083281-00083517 were divided into pools or groups of qMoBL07vABE-00302-00083518-00083781 four round-robin play within each group qMoBL07vABE-00303-00083782-00084054 determined first and second place group qMoBL07vABE-00304-00084055-00084243 finishers who then advanced to the qMoBL07vABE-00305-00084244-00084597 semifinals each semifinal tie pitted the qMoBL07vABE-00306-00084598-00084816 top finisher in one group against the qMoBL07vABE-00307-00084817-00085032 second place finisher in the other with qMoBL07vABE-00308-00085033-00085176 the winners proceeding to the qMoBL07vABE-00309-00085177-00085482 championship match a playoff for third qMoBL07vABE-00310-00085483-00085740 place between losing semi-finalists was qMoBL07vABE-00311-00085741-00086043 instituted in 1984 but was dropped in qMoBL07vABE-00312-00086044-00086245 1990 qMoBL07vABE-00313-00086246-00086596 in 2004 the bwf increased the number of qMoBL07vABE-00314-00086597-00086890 Thomas Cup qualifying venues to five one qMoBL07vABE-00315-00086891-00087132 for each of five regional Confederations qMoBL07vABE-00316-00087133-00087448 Africa Asia Europe Oceania and Pan qMoBL07vABE-00317-00087449-00087778 America that it had established it also qMoBL07vABE-00318-00087779-00088012 increased the number of teams qualifying qMoBL07vABE-00319-00088013-00088297 for the final phase of competition to 12 qMoBL07vABE-00320-00088298-00088576 while all Confederations were guaranteed qMoBL07vABE-00321-00088577-00088807 to send at least one qualifier to the qMoBL07vABE-00322-00088808-00089062 final phase strong regions such as Asia qMoBL07vABE-00323-00089063-00089382 might send several see chart above at qMoBL07vABE-00324-00089383-00089626 the finals the twelve qualifying teams qMoBL07vABE-00325-00089627-00089830 were divided into four groups of three qMoBL07vABE-00326-00089831-00090103 teams with round-robin play within each qMoBL07vABE-00327-00090104-00090382 group round-robin winners were then qMoBL07vABE-00328-00090383-00090592 placed in separate quarterfinal berths qMoBL07vABE-00329-00090593-00090778 of a knockout single elimination qMoBL07vABE-00330-00090779-00091024 tournament to await opponents determined qMoBL07vABE-00331-00091025-00091210 by matches between the second place qMoBL07vABE-00332-00091211-00091405 finisher of one group and the third qMoBL07vABE-00333-00091406-00091713 place finisher of another the draw was qMoBL07vABE-00334-00091714-00091867 played out and the winner of this qMoBL07vABE-00335-00091868-00092065 tournament with in a tournament became qMoBL07vABE-00336-00092066-00092538 the Thomas Cup champion in 2007 bwf qMoBL07vABE-00337-00092539-00092757 decided to have Thomas and uber Cup qMoBL07vABE-00338-00092758-00092998 finals separated again but the proposal qMoBL07vABE-00339-00092999-00093334 was abandoned from 2014 16 teams were qMoBL07vABE-00340-00093335-00093616 presented in the tournament teams no qMoBL07vABE-00341-00093617-00093838 longer qualifying via the continental qMoBL07vABE-00342-00093839-00093928 championships qMoBL07vABE-00343-00093929-00094165 instead teams will be invited based from qMoBL07vABE-00344-00094166-00094447 their world ranking position the new qMoBL07vABE-00345-00094448-00094693 structure also ensured a minimum of one qMoBL07vABE-00346-00094694-00094912 team from each continent and three teams qMoBL07vABE-00347-00094913-00095160 from Asia and Europe will qualify qMoBL07vABE-00348-00095161-00095544 however bwf revert to old qualifying qMoBL07vABE-00349-00095545-00096292 system in 2016 tournament qMoBL07vABE-00350-00096293-00097156 topic results qMoBL07vABE-00351-00097157-00098080 topic thomas cup summaries qMoBL07vABE-00352-00098081-00099144 topic 1949 to 1982 qMoBL07vABE-00353-00099145-00100168 topic 1984 to 1988 qMoBL07vABE-00354-00100169-00101097 topic 1990 onwards qMoBL07vABE-00355-00101098-00101759 topic successful national teams qMoBL07vABE-00356-00101760-00102038 only five Nations Malaysia formerly qMoBL07vABE-00357-00102039-00102389 Malaya Indonesia China Japan and Denmark qMoBL07vABE-00358-00102390-00102698 have ever won the Thomas Cup curiously qMoBL07vABE-00359-00102699-00102902 the first three each one the first qMoBL07vABE-00360-00102903-00103121 Thomas Cup competition that it entered qMoBL07vABE-00361-00103122-00103429 Malaya the initial contest in 1949 qMoBL07vABE-00362-00103430-00103781 Indonesia the 1958 contest against qMoBL07vABE-00363-00103782-00104123 Malaya and China the 1982 contest over qMoBL07vABE-00364-00104124-00104465 Indonesia Indonesia leads in total qMoBL07vABE-00365-00104466-00104755 titles with 13 it won four consecutive qMoBL07vABE-00366-00104756-00105182 titles from 1970 through 1979 and five qMoBL07vABE-00367-00105183-00105499 consecutive titles from 1994 through qMoBL07vABE-00368-00105500-00105883 2002 Indonesia's 10-year reign as qMoBL07vABE-00369-00105884-00106106 champions was ended by the resurgence of qMoBL07vABE-00370-00106107-00106424 China in 2004 when the Chinese won the qMoBL07vABE-00371-00106425-00106766 title in Jakarta Indonesia has played in qMoBL07vABE-00372-00106767-00107083 the decisive final tie team match on 19 qMoBL07vABE-00373-00107084-00107393 occasions for the first time since their qMoBL07vABE-00374-00107394-00107723 first entrance in 1958 Indonesia failed qMoBL07vABE-00375-00107724-00108143 to reach the top four in 2012 China has qMoBL07vABE-00376-00108144-00108313 captured the Cup on nine occasions qMoBL07vABE-00377-00108314-00108700 including five consecutive times in 2004 qMoBL07vABE-00378-00108701-00109349 2006 2008 2010 and 2012 since 1982 when qMoBL07vABE-00379-00109350-00109553 it first entered the competition China qMoBL07vABE-00380-00109554-00109763 has won the most titles and has always qMoBL07vABE-00381-00109764-00110033 placed among the top four teams except qMoBL07vABE-00382-00110033-00110383 in 2016 when they lost in quarterfinal qMoBL07vABE-00383-00110383-00110690 Malaysia has won five times the last qMoBL07vABE-00384-00110691-00111122 being in 1992 it has played in the final qMoBL07vABE-00385-00111123-00111413 tie on 14 occasions qMoBL07vABE-00386-00111414-00111722 in 2014 Japan became the fourth nation qMoBL07vABE-00387-00111723-00111953 to have captured the cup doing so in its qMoBL07vABE-00388-00111954-00112079 first appearance in the championship qMoBL07vABE-00389-00112080-00112532 round Japan had finished among the final qMoBL07vABE-00390-00112533-00113005 four on four previous occasions 1967 qMoBL07vABE-00391-00113006-00113492 1979 2010 and 2012 and in 1970 it had qMoBL07vABE-00392-00113493-00113705 given the eventual champion Indonesia qMoBL07vABE-00393-00113706-00113951 its toughest battle going down four to qMoBL07vABE-00394-00113952-00114256 five in the final of the Asian qualifier qMoBL07vABE-00395-00114257-00114581 despite its small population Denmark has qMoBL07vABE-00396-00114582-00114749 traditionally been Europe's strongest qMoBL07vABE-00397-00114750-00114983 power in men's badminton and the only qMoBL07vABE-00398-00114984-00115223 non Asian team to have won the Thomas qMoBL07vABE-00399-00115224-00115535 Cup being the only European nation to qMoBL07vABE-00400-00115536-00115745 have played in the final tie it had qMoBL07vABE-00401-00115746-00115952 previously finished second eight times qMoBL07vABE-00402-00115953-00116191 spanning from the first competition in qMoBL07vABE-00403-00116192-00116696 1949 through the 2006 tournament the USA qMoBL07vABE-00404-00116697-00116891 a power in the early days of qMoBL07vABE-00405-00116892-00117110 international badminton especially in qMoBL07vABE-00406-00117111-00117329 women's competition finished second to qMoBL07vABE-00407-00117330-00117656 Malaya in 1952 but thereafter steadily qMoBL07vABE-00408-00117657-00117842 fell behind the leading badminton qMoBL07vABE-00409-00117843-00118178 nations among all the other contending qMoBL07vABE-00410-00118179-00118480 Nations South Korea has the best record qMoBL07vABE-00411-00118481-00118793 rising to prominence in the 1980s and qMoBL07vABE-00412-00118794-00119018 especially strong in doubles it had qMoBL07vABE-00413-00119019-00119342 reached the final four seven times qMoBL07vABE-00414-00119343-00119737 before finishing second in 2008 and 2012 qMoBL07vABE-00415-00119738-00120044 India nearly reached the final twice in qMoBL07vABE-00416-00120045-00120182 the 1950s qMoBL07vABE-00417-00120183-00120452 despite some fine individual players it qMoBL07vABE-00418-00120453-00120644 has lacked the depth particularly in qMoBL07vABE-00419-00120645-00120896 doubles to seriously contend for the cup qMoBL07vABE-00420-00120897-00121220 in Europe England and Sweden have often qMoBL07vABE-00421-00121221-00121466 joined Denmark in advancing to the final qMoBL07vABE-00422-00121467-00121714 phase of Thomas Cup competition since qMoBL07vABE-00423-00121715-00122069 1984 England traditionally more qMoBL07vABE-00424-00122070-00122294 successful in women's play than in men's qMoBL07vABE-00425-00122295-00122594 had its best showing in 1984 with a qMoBL07vABE-00426-00122595-00122918 third place finish Sweden whose greatest qMoBL07vABE-00427-00122919-00123157 badminton success spanned from the late qMoBL07vABE-00428-00123158-00123485 1960s to the mid 1980s has yet to qMoBL07vABE-00429-00123486-00123737 advance to the semifinal round of Thomas qMoBL07vABE-00430-00123738-00124100 Cups final phase below as the list of qMoBL07vABE-00431-00124101-00124283 eight nations that have finished in the qMoBL07vABE-00432-00124284-00124596 top two in Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00433-00124597-00125008 asterisk equals Hosts asterisk asterisk qMoBL07vABE-00434-00125009-00125769 equals including Millea equals qMoBL07vABE-00435-00125770-00126083 topic team appearances at the final qMoBL07vABE-00436-00126084-00126522 stages qMoBL07vABE-00437-00126523-00126993 equals as of the 2018 championship 28 qMoBL07vABE-00438-00126994-00127221 teams have advanced to the final venue qMoBL07vABE-00439-00127222-00127412 over the history of the Thomas Cup qMoBL07vABE-00440-00127413-00127703 competition among them Denmark has qMoBL07vABE-00441-00127704-00127923 reached this final stage in all 30 qMoBL07vABE-00442-00127924-00128118 competitions and without ever receiving qMoBL07vABE-00443-00128119-00128477 a bye to it Indonesia and China have qMoBL07vABE-00444-00128478-00128729 also advanced to the final stage in each qMoBL07vABE-00445-00128730-00128975 competition that they have entered qMoBL07vABE-00446-00128976-00129225 geographically 10 Asian Nations have qMoBL07vABE-00447-00129226-00129560 qualified to play at the final venue 9 qMoBL07vABE-00448-00129561-00129894 European nations have done so the United qMoBL07vABE-00449-00129895-00130163 States Canada Peru and Mexico are the qMoBL07vABE-00450-00130164-00130379 only pan-american teams to have reached qMoBL07vABE-00451-00130380-00130581 this stage and New Zealand and Australia qMoBL07vABE-00452-00130582-00130845 as one might expect have been the only qMoBL07vABE-00453-00130846-00131232 teams to represent Oceania South Africa qMoBL07vABE-00454-00131233-00131528 Nigeria and Algeria have qualified from qMoBL07vABE-00455-00131529-00131741 the African zone qMoBL07vABE-00456-00131742-00132036 20-18 saw algeria debuted in the qMoBL07vABE-00457-00132037-00132369 championship below as the list of teams qMoBL07vABE-00458-00132370-00132597 that have appeared in the final stage of qMoBL07vABE-00459-00132598-00133372 Thomas Cup as of the 2018 tournament qMoBL07vABE-00460-00133373-00134362 topic references and footnotes qMoBL07vABE-00461-00134363-00134996 topic external links qMoBL07vABE-00462-00134997-00135387 bwf Thomas Cup qMPcmy-E-nA-00000-00000048-00000295 welcome to the second episode for series qMPcmy-E-nA-00001-00000296-00000415 11. qMPcmy-E-nA-00002-00000416-00000599 some real quick announcements and we'll qMPcmy-E-nA-00003-00000600-00000871 be ready to hop right into the episode qMPcmy-E-nA-00004-00000872-00001119 just a reminder i'll be at midwinter qMPcmy-E-nA-00005-00001120-00001383 gaming convention on saturday january qMPcmy-E-nA-00006-00001384-00001470 12th qMPcmy-E-nA-00007-00001471-00001782 in milwaukee wisconsin almost exactly qMPcmy-E-nA-00008-00001784-00001951 one month from the release of this qMPcmy-E-nA-00009-00001952-00002239 episode i'll be running two games of my qMPcmy-E-nA-00010-00002240-00002302 game qMPcmy-E-nA-00011-00002303-00002583 chimera so if you want to get in on some qMPcmy-E-nA-00012-00002584-00002734 fantasy superhero qMPcmy-E-nA-00013-00002735-00003063 magical girls gameplay definitely check qMPcmy-E-nA-00014-00003064-00003142 it out and qMPcmy-E-nA-00015-00003143-00003495 sign up if you are able to attend also qMPcmy-E-nA-00016-00003496-00003759 amelia is gearing up for her launch of qMPcmy-E-nA-00017-00003760-00003799 her qMPcmy-E-nA-00018-00003800-00004167 l5r podcast detailing the history of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00019-00004168-00004215 lore qMPcmy-E-nA-00020-00004216-00004599 of l5r which sounds really amazing qMPcmy-E-nA-00021-00004600-00004967 you can find them at g5rpodcast qMPcmy-E-nA-00022-00004968-00005431 on twitter or qMPcmy-E-nA-00023-00005432-00005735 finally come check us out at our discord qMPcmy-E-nA-00024-00005736-00005799 server qMPcmy-E-nA-00025-00005800-00006175 at qMPcmy-E-nA-00026-00006176-00006414 we'd love to hear from you oh and qMPcmy-E-nA-00027-00006415-00006631 speaking of hearing from you qMPcmy-E-nA-00028-00006631-00006855 don't forget to leave a rating or review qMPcmy-E-nA-00029-00006856-00007039 on apple podcasts qMPcmy-E-nA-00030-00007040-00007375 stitcher or our facebook page in order qMPcmy-E-nA-00031-00007376-00007583 to help others find the podcast qMPcmy-E-nA-00032-00007584-00007903 as well it really does help us out and qMPcmy-E-nA-00033-00007904-00008078 really does help us feel amazing qMPcmy-E-nA-00034-00008079-00008255 whenever we read them qMPcmy-E-nA-00035-00008256-00008503 with all of that said let's get on with qMPcmy-E-nA-00036-00008504-00008706 the show qMPcmy-E-nA-00037-00008707-00009883 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-00038-00009884-00010153 enjoy qMPcmy-E-nA-00039-00010154-00011863 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-00040-00011864-00012159 in the last episode amelia was making a qMPcmy-E-nA-00041-00012160-00012263 whisper qMPcmy-E-nA-00042-00012264-00012710 i was making a slide josie was making a qMPcmy-E-nA-00043-00012711-00013086 hound ree was making a lurk qMPcmy-E-nA-00044-00013087-00013471 and minna was creating a leech qMPcmy-E-nA-00045-00013472-00013703 we'll be picking up right where we left qMPcmy-E-nA-00046-00013704-00013783 off qMPcmy-E-nA-00047-00013784-00014158 so let's get right to it enjoy the show qMPcmy-E-nA-00048-00014159-00014430 okay so the next step is where we qMPcmy-E-nA-00049-00014431-00014503 actually qMPcmy-E-nA-00050-00014504-00014751 uh get to talk about uh those action qMPcmy-E-nA-00051-00014752-00014855 dots qMPcmy-E-nA-00052-00014856-00015199 uh there are the action skills so um qMPcmy-E-nA-00053-00015200-00015358 over on kind of the right side of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00054-00015359-00015671 character sheet there's a list of of 12 qMPcmy-E-nA-00055-00015672-00015838 items broken up into three big qMPcmy-E-nA-00056-00015840-00016111 categories those are your actions qMPcmy-E-nA-00057-00016112-00016279 that is how you interact with everything qMPcmy-E-nA-00058-00016280-00016479 in blades in the dark qMPcmy-E-nA-00059-00016480-00016839 they are hunt study survey qMPcmy-E-nA-00060-00016840-00017222 tinker finesse prowl skirmish qMPcmy-E-nA-00061-00017223-00017615 wreck attune command consort and sway qMPcmy-E-nA-00062-00017616-00017943 every playbook starts with three qMPcmy-E-nA-00063-00017944-00018247 dots already assigned and then you can qMPcmy-E-nA-00064-00018248-00018319 assign qMPcmy-E-nA-00065-00018320-00018575 another four however you want there are qMPcmy-E-nA-00066-00018576-00018735 no class skills qMPcmy-E-nA-00067-00018736-00019063 or anything you can just put things qMPcmy-E-nA-00068-00019064-00019230 wherever you want so if you want to be qMPcmy-E-nA-00069-00019231-00019279 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00070-00019280-00019591 a really charming uh whisperer who's qMPcmy-E-nA-00071-00019592-00019727 very good at talking to people qMPcmy-E-nA-00072-00019728-00019903 you can put a bunch of stuff into sway qMPcmy-E-nA-00073-00019904-00020135 and consort the one kind of limiting qMPcmy-E-nA-00074-00020136-00020343 factor is that at character creation you qMPcmy-E-nA-00075-00020344-00020614 can't put more than two dots in anything qMPcmy-E-nA-00076-00020615-00020767 but otherwise you can just kind of put qMPcmy-E-nA-00077-00020768-00020935 stuff wherever you want although qMPcmy-E-nA-00078-00020936-00021158 it does recommend as a guideline in the qMPcmy-E-nA-00079-00021159-00021303 book that qMPcmy-E-nA-00080-00021304-00021550 you put a dot down that reflects the qMPcmy-E-nA-00081-00021551-00021694 heritage of your character qMPcmy-E-nA-00082-00021695-00021855 one that reflects the background of your qMPcmy-E-nA-00083-00021856-00022055 character and then just two wherever you qMPcmy-E-nA-00084-00022056-00022367 want yeah but that's just a guideline qMPcmy-E-nA-00085-00022368-00022494 i like doing that because it kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00086-00022495-00022839 helps like make that experience qMPcmy-E-nA-00087-00022840-00023135 be reflected in the mechanics yeah yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00088-00023136-00023278 well speaking of qMPcmy-E-nA-00089-00023279-00023583 like this never comes up like what's the qMPcmy-E-nA-00090-00023584-00023822 best skill for like riding a horse i qMPcmy-E-nA-00091-00023823-00024119 think it's finesse yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00092-00024120-00024375 yeah finesse is the one you might handle qMPcmy-E-nA-00093-00024376-00024511 the controls of the vehicle a direct qMPcmy-E-nA-00094-00024512-00024686 amount that's one of the things listed qMPcmy-E-nA-00095-00024687-00024967 on page 58 under finesse now we know i qMPcmy-E-nA-00096-00024968-00025191 think i made you guys ride horses once qMPcmy-E-nA-00097-00025192-00025342 and you didn't have to roll for it qMPcmy-E-nA-00098-00025343-00025535 because you were writing with people qMPcmy-E-nA-00099-00025536-00025855 yeah it's fine yeah finesse is like the qMPcmy-E-nA-00100-00025856-00026039 weirdest skill because like nobody can qMPcmy-E-nA-00101-00026039-00026262 ever figure out where to apply it qMPcmy-E-nA-00102-00026263-00026607 yeah um so yeah if people have qMPcmy-E-nA-00103-00026608-00026774 questions about like what the different qMPcmy-E-nA-00104-00026775-00026958 actions kind of cover qMPcmy-E-nA-00105-00026960-00027207 i can talk about them in a little more qMPcmy-E-nA-00106-00027208-00027287 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00107-00027288-00027655 um but yeah i'm trying to figure out um qMPcmy-E-nA-00108-00027656-00027862 because it because i i start with one qMPcmy-E-nA-00109-00027863-00028151 consort and two sway qMPcmy-E-nA-00110-00028152-00028479 yes okay so yeah so qMPcmy-E-nA-00111-00028480-00028823 sway those are both like social skills qMPcmy-E-nA-00112-00028824-00028902 that qMPcmy-E-nA-00113-00028904-00029143 overlap a little bit are are distinct so qMPcmy-E-nA-00114-00029144-00029287 sway is being qMPcmy-E-nA-00115-00029288-00029599 manipulative and deceitful and qMPcmy-E-nA-00116-00029600-00029911 you don't really care about what happens qMPcmy-E-nA-00117-00029912-00030070 to the other person after you're done qMPcmy-E-nA-00118-00030072-00030199 talking to them qMPcmy-E-nA-00119-00030200-00030414 considering that so just be like a good qMPcmy-E-nA-00120-00030416-00030583 argument such persuasion qMPcmy-E-nA-00121-00030583-00031111 technically but yeah um can consort is qMPcmy-E-nA-00122-00031112-00031246 you actually care about this other qMPcmy-E-nA-00123-00031247-00031439 person you are having an open honest qMPcmy-E-nA-00124-00031439-00031590 connection with them qMPcmy-E-nA-00125-00031591-00031823 so that is something that you would use qMPcmy-E-nA-00126-00031824-00031895 where you do qMPcmy-E-nA-00127-00031895-00032087 care about what happens to this person qMPcmy-E-nA-00128-00032088-00032199 after uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00129-00032200-00032423 sway is you're using people to get what qMPcmy-E-nA-00130-00032424-00032646 you want consort is you're building a qMPcmy-E-nA-00131-00032647-00032743 connection qMPcmy-E-nA-00132-00032744-00033102 to get what you want um so like similar qMPcmy-E-nA-00133-00033103-00033359 they they can you could have somebody qMPcmy-E-nA-00134-00033360-00033462 say the exact qMPcmy-E-nA-00135-00033463-00033743 same thing but it would have very qMPcmy-E-nA-00136-00033744-00033911 different implications depending on qMPcmy-E-nA-00137-00033912-00034055 which skill you rolled qMPcmy-E-nA-00138-00034056-00034351 yeah that makes sense in those cases um qMPcmy-E-nA-00139-00034352-00034462 so yeah that's qMPcmy-E-nA-00140-00034463-00034679 with with the slide you you are you are qMPcmy-E-nA-00141-00034680-00034855 pretty good at both qMPcmy-E-nA-00142-00034856-00035151 yeah so first survey is that like your qMPcmy-E-nA-00143-00035152-00035239 sort of qMPcmy-E-nA-00144-00035240-00035559 perception like your ability to yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00145-00035560-00035790 yeah that that is sort of high level qMPcmy-E-nA-00146-00035791-00035879 scanning qMPcmy-E-nA-00147-00035880-00036230 of an area survey and study kind of are qMPcmy-E-nA-00148-00036231-00036359 the two perception qMPcmy-E-nA-00149-00036360-00036607 skills study has some other applications qMPcmy-E-nA-00150-00036608-00036695 as well but qMPcmy-E-nA-00151-00036696-00036943 like survey is i'm going to look over qMPcmy-E-nA-00152-00036944-00037046 something broadly qMPcmy-E-nA-00153-00037047-00037230 study is i'm going to do a really deep qMPcmy-E-nA-00154-00037231-00037455 narrow focus on something qMPcmy-E-nA-00155-00037456-00037751 okay i'm assuming command is commanding qMPcmy-E-nA-00156-00037752-00037887 people to do things qMPcmy-E-nA-00157-00037888-00038127 yeah yeah that that's kind of the yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00158-00038128-00038215 being qMPcmy-E-nA-00159-00038216-00038535 giving orders being intimidating um qMPcmy-E-nA-00160-00038536-00038799 things like that what would it and then qMPcmy-E-nA-00161-00038800-00038918 a tune qMPcmy-E-nA-00162-00038919-00039183 um that is the one that you use for qMPcmy-E-nA-00163-00039184-00039439 spooky occult stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-00164-00039440-00039743 so another thing about this setting is qMPcmy-E-nA-00165-00039744-00039967 there is something called the ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00166-00039968-00040046 field qMPcmy-E-nA-00167-00040047-00040279 that kind of overlays everything it qMPcmy-E-nA-00168-00040280-00040351 contains qMPcmy-E-nA-00169-00040352-00040655 it's it contains qMPcmy-E-nA-00170-00040656-00040911 ghosts it contains memories it contains qMPcmy-E-nA-00171-00040912-00041215 echoes of the city as it used to be qMPcmy-E-nA-00172-00041216-00041646 um it it's kind of loosely defined so qMPcmy-E-nA-00173-00041647-00041823 in a game you can do sort of whatever qMPcmy-E-nA-00174-00041824-00042023 you want with it to a degree qMPcmy-E-nA-00175-00042024-00042335 but generally speaking in order to do qMPcmy-E-nA-00176-00042336-00042655 any kind of um occult stuff you're going qMPcmy-E-nA-00177-00042656-00042783 to be doing a tune qMPcmy-E-nA-00178-00042784-00042958 and it's usually like attuning to the qMPcmy-E-nA-00179-00042959-00043174 ghost field okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00180-00043175-00043407 which like the whisper is especially qMPcmy-E-nA-00181-00043408-00043502 good at it qMPcmy-E-nA-00182-00043503-00043758 and has abilities that support that but qMPcmy-E-nA-00183-00043759-00043879 anyone can do it qMPcmy-E-nA-00184-00043880-00044255 anybody can manipulate the ghost field qMPcmy-E-nA-00185-00044256-00044479 and and interact with ghosts for better qMPcmy-E-nA-00186-00044480-00044599 or worse qMPcmy-E-nA-00187-00044600-00044927 yeah i think i have my thoughts figured qMPcmy-E-nA-00188-00044928-00045158 out i have three of my four qMPcmy-E-nA-00189-00045159-00045511 i know i'm debating on this last one qMPcmy-E-nA-00190-00045512-00045783 i have three out of four as well yeah i qMPcmy-E-nA-00191-00045784-00045846 only have qMPcmy-E-nA-00192-00045847-00046223 one in resolve so far which is wild yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00193-00046224-00046558 for me i think i got it okay i think i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-00194-00046559-00046623 good qMPcmy-E-nA-00195-00046624-00046935 yeah okay i think i'm good too uh me too qMPcmy-E-nA-00196-00046936-00047215 i guess my last question um when it says qMPcmy-E-nA-00197-00047216-00047295 hunt qMPcmy-E-nA-00198-00047296-00047646 yes is that is that hunting prey or qMPcmy-E-nA-00199-00047647-00048007 um can you hunt for other things qMPcmy-E-nA-00200-00048008-00048215 yeah that is basically that is both kind qMPcmy-E-nA-00201-00048216-00048415 of your tracking skill so like if you're qMPcmy-E-nA-00202-00048416-00048583 trying to follow somebody through the qMPcmy-E-nA-00203-00048584-00048662 city qMPcmy-E-nA-00204-00048663-00048862 you would use hunt but you also would qMPcmy-E-nA-00205-00048863-00049039 use hunt for qMPcmy-E-nA-00206-00049040-00049390 um long-ranged attacks interesting okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00207-00049391-00049502 so like if you were qMPcmy-E-nA-00208-00049503-00049727 you know trying to do sniping at a qMPcmy-E-nA-00209-00049728-00049830 distance qMPcmy-E-nA-00210-00049831-00050135 okay you would use hunt then whereas qMPcmy-E-nA-00211-00050136-00050446 yes skirmish is the like up close qMPcmy-E-nA-00212-00050447-00050823 fighting very cool um so do we want to qMPcmy-E-nA-00213-00050824-00051079 go through what what we all assigned qMPcmy-E-nA-00214-00051080-00051174 what you've got qMPcmy-E-nA-00215-00051175-00051535 yeah please i can start so for the lurk qMPcmy-E-nA-00216-00051536-00051790 i started with one dot in finesse and qMPcmy-E-nA-00217-00051791-00051950 two dots in prowl qMPcmy-E-nA-00218-00051951-00052270 and then i gave myself one dot each in qMPcmy-E-nA-00219-00052271-00052663 hunt study tanker and consort qMPcmy-E-nA-00220-00052664-00053142 so i i have i've i spread out a lot qMPcmy-E-nA-00221-00053144-00053479 i have one diet a lot of things yeah i qMPcmy-E-nA-00222-00053479-00053647 felt like i had to give this character qMPcmy-E-nA-00223-00053648-00053854 study because of the academic background qMPcmy-E-nA-00224-00053855-00054030 i think she's very good at qMPcmy-E-nA-00225-00054032-00054430 doing research and deep dives on stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-00226-00054432-00054919 uh not great at talking to people though qMPcmy-E-nA-00227-00054920-00055111 not not very good at particularly not qMPcmy-E-nA-00228-00055112-00055247 very good at being manipulative or qMPcmy-E-nA-00229-00055248-00055342 deceitful qMPcmy-E-nA-00230-00055344-00055766 which see how that works out qMPcmy-E-nA-00231-00055767-00056047 can i just jump into contrast with your qMPcmy-E-nA-00232-00056048-00056199 character since we have qMPcmy-E-nA-00233-00056200-00056511 so similar uh so actually my only qMPcmy-E-nA-00234-00056512-00056799 resolve skill is one dot and sway i i qMPcmy-E-nA-00235-00056800-00056887 started with qMPcmy-E-nA-00236-00056888-00057247 two tanker and one rec i'd put a dot qMPcmy-E-nA-00237-00057248-00057630 in sway a dot in study a dot in qMPcmy-E-nA-00238-00057632-00057919 finesse and a dot and prowl i think the qMPcmy-E-nA-00239-00057920-00058015 studying qMPcmy-E-nA-00240-00058016-00058279 comes from her temple heritage is that qMPcmy-E-nA-00241-00058279-00058391 she would have been qMPcmy-E-nA-00242-00058391-00058694 educated quite young and her time as a qMPcmy-E-nA-00243-00058695-00058823 healer on the road qMPcmy-E-nA-00244-00058824-00059087 um i want to say actually the finesse qMPcmy-E-nA-00245-00059088-00059166 came from there qMPcmy-E-nA-00246-00059167-00059375 she learned to do a little bit of like qMPcmy-E-nA-00247-00059376-00059750 pickpocketing qMPcmy-E-nA-00248-00059751-00060015 just ways to survive on the road yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00249-00060016-00060175 and then i think the others qMPcmy-E-nA-00250-00060176-00060375 um yeah i kind of centered her as a qMPcmy-E-nA-00251-00060376-00060535 little bit more of a physical character qMPcmy-E-nA-00252-00060536-00060671 along with her insight qMPcmy-E-nA-00253-00060672-00060966 oh very cool josie do you want to go qMPcmy-E-nA-00254-00060967-00061023 yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00255-00061024-00061350 um as a hound i start off with two hunt qMPcmy-E-nA-00256-00061351-00061654 which is good because we're i'm rolling qMPcmy-E-nA-00257-00061655-00061847 with sort of the horse archer thing qMPcmy-E-nA-00258-00061848-00062166 um and then a dotted survey uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00259-00062167-00062447 which is useful to have for surveying qMPcmy-E-nA-00260-00062448-00062542 surroundings qMPcmy-E-nA-00261-00062544-00062879 um i put a dot and finesse for again the qMPcmy-E-nA-00262-00062879-00063182 horse aspect of it um prowl qMPcmy-E-nA-00263-00063183-00063503 because if you're out without lightning qMPcmy-E-nA-00264-00063504-00063703 barriers in the death lands you need to qMPcmy-E-nA-00265-00063704-00063919 know how to get around out there and not qMPcmy-E-nA-00266-00063920-00064015 be seen qMPcmy-E-nA-00267-00064016-00064375 um and then because of her qMPcmy-E-nA-00268-00064376-00064766 status as like a warlord princess i put qMPcmy-E-nA-00269-00064767-00065006 my two remaining dots in command nice qMPcmy-E-nA-00270-00065007-00065071 nice qMPcmy-E-nA-00271-00065072-00065230 the only way she knows how to interact qMPcmy-E-nA-00272-00065232-00065399 with people is to qMPcmy-E-nA-00273-00065400-00065631 give them orders oh this really is qMPcmy-E-nA-00274-00065632-00065943 stretching yourself qMPcmy-E-nA-00275-00065944-00066238 oh that's amazing so i started out with qMPcmy-E-nA-00276-00066239-00066303 two qMPcmy-E-nA-00277-00066304-00066647 in a tune and one in study nice um and qMPcmy-E-nA-00278-00066648-00066743 then i put one qMPcmy-E-nA-00279-00066744-00067103 in survey one in command one in consort qMPcmy-E-nA-00280-00067104-00067519 and one in sway qMPcmy-E-nA-00281-00067520-00067726 just talk your way out of everything qMPcmy-E-nA-00282-00067727-00067926 yeah that's really interesting qMPcmy-E-nA-00283-00067927-00068255 um so as the slide i started with qMPcmy-E-nA-00284-00068256-00068599 one in consort and two in sway um qMPcmy-E-nA-00285-00068600-00068806 and i was debating and putting a second qMPcmy-E-nA-00286-00068807-00068991 one in consort but i decided i don't qMPcmy-E-nA-00287-00068992-00069238 care about anybody else qMPcmy-E-nA-00288-00069239-00069599 um except for my friends um qMPcmy-E-nA-00289-00069600-00069911 so i went ahead and put a one in command qMPcmy-E-nA-00290-00069912-00070182 uh because she would be used to command qMPcmy-E-nA-00291-00070183-00070294 as a princess qMPcmy-E-nA-00292-00070295-00070606 um one in study qMPcmy-E-nA-00293-00070607-00070967 because she wants to know how to qMPcmy-E-nA-00294-00070968-00071294 study people up close individuals qMPcmy-E-nA-00295-00071295-00071479 as she is trying to talk to them and qMPcmy-E-nA-00296-00071480-00071599 manipulate them qMPcmy-E-nA-00297-00071600-00071911 a survey to survey a room and find easy qMPcmy-E-nA-00298-00071912-00071975 marks qMPcmy-E-nA-00299-00071976-00072319 and finesse uh just for fun qMPcmy-E-nA-00300-00072320-00072623 not just for fun qMPcmy-E-nA-00301-00072624-00072838 sure yeah gotta have a little bit qMPcmy-E-nA-00302-00072839-00072943 finesse qMPcmy-E-nA-00303-00072944-00073303 yeah um so the next thing that qMPcmy-E-nA-00304-00073304-00073519 we do for character creation is choose a qMPcmy-E-nA-00305-00073520-00073655 special ability qMPcmy-E-nA-00306-00073656-00073823 so there's a list of of special qMPcmy-E-nA-00307-00073824-00074006 abilities that that your character has qMPcmy-E-nA-00308-00074007-00074159 access to that qMPcmy-E-nA-00309-00074160-00074431 will kind of give them some some fun qMPcmy-E-nA-00310-00074432-00074559 bonuses qMPcmy-E-nA-00311-00074560-00074879 uh for what they're able to do and qMPcmy-E-nA-00312-00074880-00075126 you pick one if you're not sure what to qMPcmy-E-nA-00313-00075127-00075311 pick the first one on the list qMPcmy-E-nA-00314-00075312-00075671 is is kind of the like it's a good first qMPcmy-E-nA-00315-00075672-00075887 special ability if you're not uh sure of qMPcmy-E-nA-00316-00075888-00076015 what else to go with qMPcmy-E-nA-00317-00076016-00076175 um and if you have questions about what qMPcmy-E-nA-00318-00076176-00076406 any of them mean i can qMPcmy-E-nA-00319-00076407-00076638 explain like is that really the case qMPcmy-E-nA-00320-00076639-00076903 because mine are in alphabetical order qMPcmy-E-nA-00321-00076904-00077247 um i mean it's yeah it says in the book qMPcmy-E-nA-00322-00077248-00077471 that yeah maybe yours just ended up that qMPcmy-E-nA-00323-00077472-00077559 way qMPcmy-E-nA-00324-00077560-00077775 weird yeah yeah mine are definitely in qMPcmy-E-nA-00325-00077776-00077903 alphabetical order too qMPcmy-E-nA-00326-00077904-00078126 hmm and i would not choose alchemist as qMPcmy-E-nA-00327-00078127-00078255 my first qMPcmy-E-nA-00328-00078256-00078415 oh no no i do know that that one is qMPcmy-E-nA-00329-00078416-00078615 listed first on for the qMPcmy-E-nA-00330-00078616-00078919 the leech though interesting yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00331-00078920-00079199 maybe it's the cruci no that's not right qMPcmy-E-nA-00332-00079200-00079311 yeah i don't know qMPcmy-E-nA-00333-00079312-00079599 shrugs yeah so like i said if if there's qMPcmy-E-nA-00334-00079600-00079719 something where you're looking at and be qMPcmy-E-nA-00335-00079720-00079943 like i don't know what this means just qMPcmy-E-nA-00336-00079944-00080215 ask and i can i can explain i think i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-00337-00080216-00080391 actually because i did give her that qMPcmy-E-nA-00338-00080392-00080494 healer background qMPcmy-E-nA-00339-00080495-00080631 i'm going to give her the physical qMPcmy-E-nA-00340-00080632-00080903 special ability that makes sense qMPcmy-E-nA-00341-00080904-00081031 which means you guys have a built-in qMPcmy-E-nA-00342-00081032-00081206 healer yay qMPcmy-E-nA-00343-00081207-00081391 you get plus one to all of your healing qMPcmy-E-nA-00344-00081392-00081591 treatment rolls we don't have to go to a qMPcmy-E-nA-00345-00081592-00081767 weird chemist or a weird qMPcmy-E-nA-00346-00081768-00082079 whatever sawtooth is qMPcmy-E-nA-00347-00082080-00082423 listen i love sawtooth sawtooth is a qMPcmy-E-nA-00348-00082424-00082599 sketchy back alley doctor qMPcmy-E-nA-00349-00082600-00082767 who is overcharging us who is qMPcmy-E-nA-00350-00082768-00082911 overcharging you but qMPcmy-E-nA-00351-00082912-00083126 never reports you and your many many qMPcmy-E-nA-00352-00083127-00083359 crimes qMPcmy-E-nA-00353-00083360-00083550 because he's very good and also scruffy qMPcmy-E-nA-00354-00083551-00083750 tom hardy yes qMPcmy-E-nA-00355-00083751-00084326 well then qMPcmy-E-nA-00356-00084327-00084559 all right i think i'm gonna go with like qMPcmy-E-nA-00357-00084560-00084718 looking into a mirror qMPcmy-E-nA-00358-00084719-00084879 you can always tell when someone is qMPcmy-E-nA-00359-00084880-00085159 lying to you that's my favorite slide qMPcmy-E-nA-00360-00085160-00085294 ability qMPcmy-E-nA-00361-00085295-00085535 it has so many so but here's the thing qMPcmy-E-nA-00362-00085536-00085711 you can tell when someone is lying to qMPcmy-E-nA-00363-00085712-00085935 you no matter what you see through every qMPcmy-E-nA-00364-00085936-00086006 lie qMPcmy-E-nA-00365-00086007-00086255 even the kind ones even the ones meant qMPcmy-E-nA-00366-00086256-00086359 to protect you qMPcmy-E-nA-00367-00086360-00086647 you know they're lying brutal there's an qMPcmy-E-nA-00368-00086648-00086847 ability like that in qMPcmy-E-nA-00369-00086848-00087135 l5r um it's like the first look qMPcmy-E-nA-00370-00087136-00087255 basically you have a conversation with qMPcmy-E-nA-00371-00087256-00087415 somebody for a little while qMPcmy-E-nA-00372-00087416-00087575 and then you can discern whether they're qMPcmy-E-nA-00373-00087576-00087806 lying to you or not but like it makes qMPcmy-E-nA-00374-00087807-00087968 dating really terrible qMPcmy-E-nA-00375-00087969-00088318 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-00376-00088319-00088631 you're gonna get yeah handed to you yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00377-00088632-00089038 so i uh i took ghost veil qMPcmy-E-nA-00378-00089039-00089279 which says you may shift partially into qMPcmy-E-nA-00379-00089280-00089367 the ghost field qMPcmy-E-nA-00380-00089368-00089606 becoming shadowy and insubstantial for a qMPcmy-E-nA-00381-00089607-00089743 few moments qMPcmy-E-nA-00382-00089744-00090118 um and then i spend some stress and then qMPcmy-E-nA-00383-00090119-00090382 i can spend additional stress to kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00384-00090383-00090550 get extra features like qMPcmy-E-nA-00385-00090551-00090799 it lasts for a few minutes i'm invisible qMPcmy-E-nA-00386-00090800-00090975 i can float through the air like a ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00387-00090976-00091150 basically i can kind of become a ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00388-00091151-00091399 for a couple seconds if i want oh wow qMPcmy-E-nA-00389-00091400-00091567 yeah so like i could literally just like qMPcmy-E-nA-00390-00091568-00091791 oh the store is locked qMPcmy-E-nA-00391-00091792-00091950 i'm on the other side all of the ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00392-00091951-00092111 special abilities because every playbook qMPcmy-E-nA-00393-00092112-00092199 has a ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00394-00092200-00092455 ability yeah they're all good and one of qMPcmy-E-nA-00395-00092456-00092559 them is just qMPcmy-E-nA-00396-00092560-00092761 you can punch ghosts yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00397-00092762-00093047 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-00398-00093048-00093374 i think i want to take ritual qMPcmy-E-nA-00399-00093375-00093582 um you can study an occult ritual or qMPcmy-E-nA-00400-00093583-00093735 create a new one to summon a qMPcmy-E-nA-00401-00093736-00093967 supernatural effect or being qMPcmy-E-nA-00402-00093968-00094271 that's cool yeah there's a whole i qMPcmy-E-nA-00403-00094272-00094599 i i'll leave it to you there is like a qMPcmy-E-nA-00404-00094600-00094711 whole like kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00405-00094712-00094967 mechanic in the book for how to create a qMPcmy-E-nA-00406-00094968-00095118 ritual i don't know if we want to get qMPcmy-E-nA-00407-00095119-00095247 into that qMPcmy-E-nA-00408-00095248-00095718 i mean probably not but yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00409-00095719-00096023 if there's time gosh qMPcmy-E-nA-00410-00096024-00096223 i'm having a hard time deciding between qMPcmy-E-nA-00411-00096224-00096367 two here qMPcmy-E-nA-00412-00096368-00096711 my options are sharpshooter which is you qMPcmy-E-nA-00413-00096712-00096887 can push yourself to do crazy stuff with qMPcmy-E-nA-00414-00096888-00097006 ranged weapons qMPcmy-E-nA-00415-00097007-00097247 which is fun but there's one called qMPcmy-E-nA-00416-00097248-00097343 ghost hunter qMPcmy-E-nA-00417-00097344-00097543 where your hunting pet is good at qMPcmy-E-nA-00418-00097544-00097662 fighting goose qMPcmy-E-nA-00419-00097663-00097911 that's a ghost ability yeah definitely qMPcmy-E-nA-00420-00097912-00097999 take that one qMPcmy-E-nA-00421-00098000-00098206 yeah okay yeah i'm taking that one oh my qMPcmy-E-nA-00422-00098207-00098406 goodness you can talk to your ghostbud qMPcmy-E-nA-00423-00098407-00098511 in your mind qMPcmy-E-nA-00424-00098512-00098662 well and that's that's the thing is with qMPcmy-E-nA-00425-00098663-00098831 the like if you're qMPcmy-E-nA-00426-00098832-00099126 um see that was the the silver nails qMPcmy-E-nA-00427-00099127-00099262 remember where i told you that they had qMPcmy-E-nA-00428-00099263-00099326 the the qMPcmy-E-nA-00429-00099327-00099550 horses that fight ghosts that's what you qMPcmy-E-nA-00430-00099551-00099671 have qMPcmy-E-nA-00431-00099672-00100094 oh with a ghost horse qMPcmy-E-nA-00432-00100095-00100343 yeah you have you have a horse that qMPcmy-E-nA-00433-00100344-00100615 fights ghosts qMPcmy-E-nA-00434-00100616-00100838 no no we're not we're not doing that qMPcmy-E-nA-00435-00100839-00101447 again qMPcmy-E-nA-00436-00101448-00101703 um but it says yeah your hunting pet is qMPcmy-E-nA-00437-00101704-00101855 imbued with spirit energy it gains qMPcmy-E-nA-00438-00101856-00101950 potency qMPcmy-E-nA-00439-00101951-00102047 which i actually don't know what that qMPcmy-E-nA-00440-00102048-00102191 means uh it means you're tracking or qMPcmy-E-nA-00441-00102192-00102262 fighting the super qMPcmy-E-nA-00442-00102263-00102527 you have improved effect uh okay and qMPcmy-E-nA-00443-00102528-00102686 gains an arcane ability qMPcmy-E-nA-00444-00102688-00103071 ghost form mind link or aeroswift qMPcmy-E-nA-00445-00103072-00103271 aeroswift specifically says it can qMPcmy-E-nA-00446-00103272-00103471 travel faster than any creature or qMPcmy-E-nA-00447-00103472-00103534 vehicle qMPcmy-E-nA-00448-00103535-00103782 crap i love that it's so cool i hope qMPcmy-E-nA-00449-00103783-00103859 silver away qMPcmy-E-nA-00450-00103860-00104015 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-00451-00104016-00104294 like in the tight confines of dusk fall qMPcmy-E-nA-00452-00104295-00104463 like i imagine like qMPcmy-E-nA-00453-00104464-00104686 a horse alone is hard to justify but it qMPcmy-E-nA-00454-00104688-00104839 would be awesome to have that qMPcmy-E-nA-00455-00104840-00105143 gotta go fast but qMPcmy-E-nA-00456-00105144-00105407 i i kind of want to do like a ghost form qMPcmy-E-nA-00457-00105408-00105471 horse qMPcmy-E-nA-00458-00105472-00105702 so it's just i can take surprise i can qMPcmy-E-nA-00459-00105703-00105807 ride your horse qMPcmy-E-nA-00460-00105808-00106134 into a room we can both turn into ghosts qMPcmy-E-nA-00461-00106135-00106278 and just be in a room qMPcmy-E-nA-00462-00106279-00106551 oh wow yep i'm gonna go with that i qMPcmy-E-nA-00463-00106552-00106678 think it's oh that qMPcmy-E-nA-00464-00106679-00107183 that that is so many high drinks qMPcmy-E-nA-00465-00107183-00107334 i need to know the backstory of this qMPcmy-E-nA-00466-00107335-00107510 horse that you obviously found out in qMPcmy-E-nA-00467-00107511-00107815 like the summer of sea wastes qMPcmy-E-nA-00468-00107816-00107983 also do we have two princesses in our qMPcmy-E-nA-00469-00107983-00108143 party so we qMPcmy-E-nA-00470-00108144-00108327 i think is everybody have everybody's qMPcmy-E-nA-00471-00108328-00108566 got a special ability yep right mm-hmm qMPcmy-E-nA-00472-00108567-00108919 okay so next um we choose qMPcmy-E-nA-00473-00108920-00109263 a friend and a rival so on your sheet qMPcmy-E-nA-00474-00109264-00109423 you have a list of qMPcmy-E-nA-00475-00109424-00109631 there'll be some descriptor for mine qMPcmy-E-nA-00476-00109632-00109766 it's shady friends qMPcmy-E-nA-00477-00109767-00109878 everyone i think has a different qMPcmy-E-nA-00478-00109879-00110231 descriptor um that's a list of five qMPcmy-E-nA-00479-00110232-00110447 characters which is basically a name and qMPcmy-E-nA-00480-00110448-00110551 a short qMPcmy-E-nA-00481-00110552-00110871 description and next to each of them qMPcmy-E-nA-00482-00110872-00111190 is uh like an up arrow and a down arrow qMPcmy-E-nA-00483-00111191-00111439 you know all of these people these are qMPcmy-E-nA-00484-00111440-00111599 all contacts of yours qMPcmy-E-nA-00485-00111600-00111766 one of them is somebody who you are qMPcmy-E-nA-00486-00111767-00112007 really close to they're a best friend qMPcmy-E-nA-00487-00112008-00112183 they're a sibling there's you know you qMPcmy-E-nA-00488-00112183-00112423 did time together and we're cell mates qMPcmy-E-nA-00489-00112424-00112671 um these are that's somebody who who you qMPcmy-E-nA-00490-00112672-00112927 have a very strong positive bond with qMPcmy-E-nA-00491-00112928-00113175 there is someone who you uh is is your qMPcmy-E-nA-00492-00113176-00113231 rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00493-00113232-00113599 this is somebody who you have crossed qMPcmy-E-nA-00494-00113600-00113895 in the past uh they are holding a grudge qMPcmy-E-nA-00495-00113896-00114127 or you're holding a grudge qMPcmy-E-nA-00496-00114128-00114366 so you you pick you pick one friend and qMPcmy-E-nA-00497-00114367-00114471 one rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00498-00114472-00114766 okay i've got mine i love this section qMPcmy-E-nA-00499-00114767-00114990 because it just lets you uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00500-00114991-00115223 figure out relationships with npcs which qMPcmy-E-nA-00501-00115224-00115439 is like my dumb favorite thing qMPcmy-E-nA-00502-00115440-00115751 it's very good what is a spirit qMPcmy-E-nA-00503-00115752-00115927 trafficker qMPcmy-E-nA-00504-00115928-00116110 okay so here's a really fun thing about qMPcmy-E-nA-00505-00116111-00116334 the setting okay so qMPcmy-E-nA-00506-00116335-00116743 so you know how there's ghosts yes qMPcmy-E-nA-00507-00116744-00117015 you can capture ghosts in spirit jars qMPcmy-E-nA-00508-00117016-00117047 and qMPcmy-E-nA-00509-00117048-00117351 some people like to take those ghosts qMPcmy-E-nA-00510-00117352-00117510 some people just keep them to ask them qMPcmy-E-nA-00511-00117511-00117751 for advice but some people qMPcmy-E-nA-00512-00117752-00117863 have figured out how to take those qMPcmy-E-nA-00513-00117864-00118095 ghosts and turn them into ghost drugs qMPcmy-E-nA-00514-00118096-00118431 oh geez oh man there are drugs ghosts qMPcmy-E-nA-00515-00118432-00118734 made out of ghosts oh that's so good qMPcmy-E-nA-00516-00118735-00119054 it's so good so a spirit trafficker qMPcmy-E-nA-00517-00119055-00119295 is someone who deals in the illegal qMPcmy-E-nA-00518-00119296-00119431 trade of spirits qMPcmy-E-nA-00519-00119432-00119815 wow it's the best that's so good qMPcmy-E-nA-00520-00119816-00120158 i love this setting so much you guys qMPcmy-E-nA-00521-00120159-00120510 also like 80 of these like weird things qMPcmy-E-nA-00522-00120511-00120727 that it's like it gives an occupation qMPcmy-E-nA-00523-00120728-00120871 and you don't know what it is qMPcmy-E-nA-00524-00120872-00121054 most of the time the book won't tell you qMPcmy-E-nA-00525-00121055-00121214 it's just you make it up qMPcmy-E-nA-00526-00121215-00121399 yeah i think the first time i played i qMPcmy-E-nA-00527-00121400-00121519 asked you what's a sentinel and you're qMPcmy-E-nA-00528-00121520-00121551 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00529-00121552-00122119 i don't know make it yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00530-00122120-00122383 yeah the um the very very first blades qMPcmy-E-nA-00531-00122383-00122607 game i ran they were smugglers and one qMPcmy-E-nA-00532-00122608-00122734 of the smuggler crew qMPcmy-E-nA-00533-00122735-00122990 special abilities is you can smuggle qMPcmy-E-nA-00534-00122991-00123183 ghosts which is you can like qMPcmy-E-nA-00535-00123183-00123375 carry a ghost inside yourself without qMPcmy-E-nA-00536-00123376-00123510 being possessed qMPcmy-E-nA-00537-00123511-00123751 so they were like we are ghost smugglers qMPcmy-E-nA-00538-00123752-00123823 and that we mo qMPcmy-E-nA-00539-00123824-00124031 we smuggle ghosts and trade them to the qMPcmy-E-nA-00540-00124032-00124263 spirit trafficker in exchange for money qMPcmy-E-nA-00541-00124264-00124823 oh wow it was awesome qMPcmy-E-nA-00542-00124824-00125054 and spirits can be exchanged for money qMPcmy-E-nA-00543-00125055-00125175 yes qMPcmy-E-nA-00544-00125176-00125414 well i got mine i got mine too same i qMPcmy-E-nA-00545-00125415-00125551 have my rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00546-00125552-00125695 you know what i'll go with that from my qMPcmy-E-nA-00547-00125696-00125871 friend i think that'll be kind of an qMPcmy-E-nA-00548-00125872-00126014 interesting arrangement qMPcmy-E-nA-00549-00126015-00126214 does everybody have all of their all of qMPcmy-E-nA-00550-00126215-00126327 their people qMPcmy-E-nA-00551-00126328-00126702 i think so qMPcmy-E-nA-00552-00126703-00126943 um i'm kind of excited about this yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00553-00126944-00127023 oh you go qMPcmy-E-nA-00554-00127024-00127214 first you should go you go first then i qMPcmy-E-nA-00555-00127215-00127334 want to know about qMPcmy-E-nA-00556-00127335-00127478 your people that you are so excited qMPcmy-E-nA-00557-00127479-00127647 about okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00558-00127648-00128023 um so for my was it a nemesis or an qMPcmy-E-nA-00559-00128024-00128078 enemy or qMPcmy-E-nA-00560-00128079-00128486 a rival okay um i have i can't read this qMPcmy-E-nA-00561-00128488-00128607 tiny writing qMPcmy-E-nA-00562-00128608-00130302 um it's a professor ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00563-00130303-00130695 oh hi lyrics nerix is a very unique qMPcmy-E-nA-00564-00130696-00130799 character uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00565-00130800-00130934 ryan if you'll look at your playbook qMPcmy-E-nA-00566-00130935-00131095 i've got your scenes on my playlist too qMPcmy-E-nA-00567-00131096-00131302 you do have lyrics on your playbook as qMPcmy-E-nA-00568-00131303-00131366 well qMPcmy-E-nA-00569-00131367-00131943 as my best friend oh qMPcmy-E-nA-00570-00131944-00132263 so here's the thing nerix is one of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00571-00132264-00132447 coolest npcs in this qMPcmy-E-nA-00572-00132448-00132614 because she shows up on two playbooks qMPcmy-E-nA-00573-00132615-00132775 with two different descriptors qMPcmy-E-nA-00574-00132776-00133078 yeah on the whisper playbook nerix is a qMPcmy-E-nA-00575-00133079-00133231 possessor ghost okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00576-00133232-00133407 on the slide playbook nyrix is a qMPcmy-E-nA-00577-00133408-00133535 prostitute yep qMPcmy-E-nA-00578-00133536-00133823 so the book does not that is the only qMPcmy-E-nA-00579-00133824-00133966 instance of this character qMPcmy-E-nA-00580-00133967-00134214 showing up they do not explain how this qMPcmy-E-nA-00581-00134215-00134366 works it is left up to qMPcmy-E-nA-00582-00134367-00134614 everybody to decide how what what this qMPcmy-E-nA-00583-00134615-00134863 means how this arrangement is happening qMPcmy-E-nA-00584-00134864-00135239 okay so she's both a prostitute and a qMPcmy-E-nA-00585-00135240-00135431 possessor ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00586-00135432-00135663 there there there is someone it sounds qMPcmy-E-nA-00587-00135664-00135775 like a qMPcmy-E-nA-00588-00135776-00136166 very uh lucrative uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00589-00136167-00136487 kink market going on there i mean qMPcmy-E-nA-00590-00136488-00136639 honestly that would be my qMPcmy-E-nA-00591-00136640-00137014 estimation yeah so it is a ghost who is qMPcmy-E-nA-00592-00137015-00137223 a prostitute who makes money qMPcmy-E-nA-00593-00137224-00137487 by indulging people's kink of being qMPcmy-E-nA-00594-00137488-00137566 possessed qMPcmy-E-nA-00595-00137567-00137663 is that what we're going with that's qMPcmy-E-nA-00596-00137664-00137847 what i'm saying i mean that's i don't qMPcmy-E-nA-00597-00137848-00137887 know that's qMPcmy-E-nA-00598-00137888-00138207 not what i went with at all i want to qMPcmy-E-nA-00599-00138208-00138263 know what qMPcmy-E-nA-00600-00138264-00138599 did you go with um so so qMPcmy-E-nA-00601-00138600-00138887 i was 100 on the same page as ryan in in qMPcmy-E-nA-00602-00138888-00139111 the magpies qMPcmy-E-nA-00603-00139112-00139278 this isn't spoilers anymore yeah no no qMPcmy-E-nA-00604-00139279-00139511 no this is all this is all come out qMPcmy-E-nA-00605-00139512-00139695 everybody realized i think in the most qMPcmy-E-nA-00606-00139696-00139814 recent episode qMPcmy-E-nA-00607-00139815-00140159 yeah it came out except for yeah so in qMPcmy-E-nA-00608-00140160-00140302 in the magpies nyrix qMPcmy-E-nA-00609-00140303-00140599 is um minx's on-again off-again qMPcmy-E-nA-00610-00140600-00140719 girlfriend qMPcmy-E-nA-00611-00140720-00141111 who is um sex worker qMPcmy-E-nA-00612-00141112-00141502 yeah she she is possessed by a a ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00613-00141503-00141807 who has like retained their qMPcmy-E-nA-00614-00141808-00142078 their mind and personality so she's just qMPcmy-E-nA-00615-00142079-00142183 kind of like qMPcmy-E-nA-00616-00142184-00142511 it's like having a roommate in your head qMPcmy-E-nA-00617-00142512-00142759 oh she just she just has a ghost hanging qMPcmy-E-nA-00618-00142760-00142975 out with her qMPcmy-E-nA-00619-00142976-00143254 and uh i don't the episode where she qMPcmy-E-nA-00620-00143255-00143319 kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00621-00143320-00143551 explains why she she did this hasn't qMPcmy-E-nA-00622-00143552-00143695 come out yet but qMPcmy-E-nA-00623-00143696-00144014 um almost everybody in the crew knows qMPcmy-E-nA-00624-00144015-00144175 or i think everybody in the crew knows qMPcmy-E-nA-00625-00144176-00144359 about it except minx qMPcmy-E-nA-00626-00144360-00144647 no um finn doesn't because you didn't qMPcmy-E-nA-00627-00144648-00144854 know until our season one q a episode qMPcmy-E-nA-00628-00144855-00145054 yeah because she missed all of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00629-00145055-00145247 sessions that that happened qMPcmy-E-nA-00630-00145248-00145559 yeah so so yeah um qMPcmy-E-nA-00631-00145560-00145935 that's gonna be a fun thing to deal with qMPcmy-E-nA-00632-00145936-00145999 when qMPcmy-E-nA-00633-00146000-00146263 that that's josie that's part of why i qMPcmy-E-nA-00634-00146264-00146399 really want minx qMPcmy-E-nA-00635-00146400-00146726 to have that ability because qMPcmy-E-nA-00636-00146727-00146895 can i also point out in the whisper qMPcmy-E-nA-00637-00146896-00147087 playbook another fun one qMPcmy-E-nA-00638-00147088-00147359 it just throws skurlock and sitar no qMPcmy-E-nA-00639-00147360-00147487 scurlock and um qMPcmy-E-nA-00640-00147488-00147799 yeah sitaras satara qMPcmy-E-nA-00641-00147800-00148151 they so lord scurlock is a um qMPcmy-E-nA-00642-00148152-00148502 an extremely powerful npc in the game qMPcmy-E-nA-00643-00148503-00148783 who like has his own faction listing and qMPcmy-E-nA-00644-00148784-00148847 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00645-00148848-00149326 is super detailed uh and qMPcmy-E-nA-00646-00149327-00149478 you can just be enemies with him like qMPcmy-E-nA-00647-00149479-00149702 right off the bat if you are so inclined qMPcmy-E-nA-00648-00149703-00150014 or best friend or better qMPcmy-E-nA-00649-00150015-00150414 are like locked in some kind of demonic qMPcmy-E-nA-00650-00150415-00150719 bargain thing yeah uh and vying for qMPcmy-E-nA-00651-00150720-00150790 power and qMPcmy-E-nA-00652-00150791-00150999 none of this uh suggests that they are qMPcmy-E-nA-00653-00151000-00151175 linked in that playbook qMPcmy-E-nA-00654-00151176-00151414 so you could just choose to be friends qMPcmy-E-nA-00655-00151415-00151551 with one and enemies with another and qMPcmy-E-nA-00656-00151552-00151702 not realize oh yeah they're kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00657-00151703-00152047 low-key the same person but not qMPcmy-E-nA-00658-00152048-00152263 interesting so so your your friend is qMPcmy-E-nA-00659-00152264-00152359 nerix qMPcmy-E-nA-00660-00152360-00152590 yes yes oh you're freaking out your qMPcmy-E-nA-00661-00152591-00152671 friend is qMPcmy-E-nA-00662-00152672-00152878 yeah well both of you have lyrics as a qMPcmy-E-nA-00663-00152879-00152990 friend no qMPcmy-E-nA-00664-00152991-00153239 i picked new york's as an enemy oh qMPcmy-E-nA-00665-00153240-00153454 that's even better qMPcmy-E-nA-00666-00153455-00153719 okay so nerix is your rival who is your qMPcmy-E-nA-00667-00153720-00153823 friend qMPcmy-E-nA-00668-00153824-00154071 uh i picked flint as my friend is that qMPcmy-E-nA-00669-00154072-00154271 the spirit trafficker spirit trafficker qMPcmy-E-nA-00670-00154272-00154478 excellent you're hooking them up qMPcmy-E-nA-00671-00154479-00154663 interesting qMPcmy-E-nA-00672-00154664-00155190 yeah so so you're you're bestie qMPcmy-E-nA-00673-00155191-00155471 look i'm just like not into that well qMPcmy-E-nA-00674-00155472-00155575 you know qMPcmy-E-nA-00675-00155576-00155919 sometimes don't think shame we'll get to qMPcmy-E-nA-00676-00155920-00156031 that when we get to my qMPcmy-E-nA-00677-00156032-00156399 just like not into it who is your qMPcmy-E-nA-00678-00156400-00156719 uh your rival ryan um uh my character's qMPcmy-E-nA-00679-00156720-00156766 rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00680-00156767-00157287 is bazzo a game leader qMPcmy-E-nA-00681-00157288-00157543 you picked the exact same pair that minx qMPcmy-E-nA-00682-00157544-00157623 has qMPcmy-E-nA-00683-00157624-00157966 in the exact same way that's amazing qMPcmy-E-nA-00684-00157967-00158287 that is really amazing yeah bazo is the qMPcmy-E-nA-00685-00158288-00158755 head qMPcmy-E-nA-00686-00158756-00159326 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-00687-00159327-00159631 that's amazing that's hilarious that you qMPcmy-E-nA-00688-00159632-00159807 oh man qMPcmy-E-nA-00689-00159808-00160199 oh god um qMPcmy-E-nA-00690-00160200-00160439 i don't know who wants to go next i have qMPcmy-E-nA-00691-00160440-00160511 mine qMPcmy-E-nA-00692-00160512-00160854 go for it all right so my friend well qMPcmy-E-nA-00693-00160855-00160999 i'm gonna start with my enemy my enemies qMPcmy-E-nA-00694-00161000-00161271 melissa a priestess and i think she's a qMPcmy-E-nA-00695-00161272-00161431 priestess of the church of the ecstasy qMPcmy-E-nA-00696-00161432-00161711 of the flesh qMPcmy-E-nA-00697-00161712-00162023 i don't like them um and my friend is qMPcmy-E-nA-00698-00162024-00162078 veldren qMPcmy-E-nA-00699-00162079-00162366 a psychonaut and i think she's my sister qMPcmy-E-nA-00700-00162367-00162519 and just when we came to the city we qMPcmy-E-nA-00701-00162520-00162678 went in different directions with being qMPcmy-E-nA-00702-00162679-00162814 displaced from our qMPcmy-E-nA-00703-00162815-00163231 um origins our temple cool qMPcmy-E-nA-00704-00163232-00163575 so i think she just takes mental cruises qMPcmy-E-nA-00705-00163576-00163887 in she does ghost drugs yeah she does qMPcmy-E-nA-00706-00163888-00164014 ghost drugs and qMPcmy-E-nA-00707-00164015-00164463 goes on weird time vending trips qMPcmy-E-nA-00708-00164464-00164775 oh man that's fun um qMPcmy-E-nA-00709-00164776-00165135 for my rival i chose uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00710-00165136-00165551 celine a sentinel um which is just like qMPcmy-E-nA-00711-00165552-00165871 a protector um she's my rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00712-00165872-00166102 because what with my whole exiled qMPcmy-E-nA-00713-00166103-00166287 princess thing i think she's like my qMPcmy-E-nA-00714-00166288-00166495 sworn protector or something and came qMPcmy-E-nA-00715-00166496-00166631 with me ooh qMPcmy-E-nA-00716-00166632-00168047 but and qMPcmy-E-nA-00717-00168048-00168302 and you are making it really hard qMPcmy-E-nA-00718-00168303-00168351 exactly qMPcmy-E-nA-00719-00168352-00168663 so good tense bodyguard charge qMPcmy-E-nA-00720-00168664-00168783 relationships are like qMPcmy-E-nA-00721-00168784-00169102 the best oh god that's really good qMPcmy-E-nA-00722-00169103-00169471 um and then my friend is uh my friend is qMPcmy-E-nA-00723-00169472-00169823 melvier uh physiker um or you know what qMPcmy-E-nA-00724-00169824-00169943 no i'm gonna change my mind qMPcmy-E-nA-00725-00169944-00170263 it's gonna be valeris uh a spy qMPcmy-E-nA-00726-00170264-00170454 i think when i first came to the city i qMPcmy-E-nA-00727-00170455-00170599 joined up with the blue coats or qMPcmy-E-nA-00728-00170600-00170735 something because i'm like qMPcmy-E-nA-00729-00170736-00171063 i can put my violence to use and qMPcmy-E-nA-00730-00171064-00171319 ascend the chain of the command um and qMPcmy-E-nA-00731-00171320-00171463 polaris was just someone who qMPcmy-E-nA-00732-00171464-00171711 latched on to me and like just followed qMPcmy-E-nA-00733-00171712-00172007 in my wake to get promotions qMPcmy-E-nA-00734-00172008-00172278 and then i left eventually because i was qMPcmy-E-nA-00735-00172279-00172414 too stubborn and qMPcmy-E-nA-00736-00172415-00172766 indignant but were still chill i guess qMPcmy-E-nA-00737-00172767-00173095 nice so i picked qMPcmy-E-nA-00738-00173096-00173447 rosalind kellis a noble as my rival qMPcmy-E-nA-00739-00173448-00173831 um i think this was somebody that i uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00740-00173832-00174095 kind of ran in the same circles as uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00741-00174096-00174166 back when qMPcmy-E-nA-00742-00174167-00174438 my you know i was doing the whole qMPcmy-E-nA-00743-00174439-00174623 diplomat family thing qMPcmy-E-nA-00744-00174624-00174966 uh and we had some kind of i think that qMPcmy-E-nA-00745-00174967-00175311 i got my i think i'm coming together of qMPcmy-E-nA-00746-00175312-00175454 how my character got her start with qMPcmy-E-nA-00747-00175455-00175647 being kind of like the sneak thief lurk qMPcmy-E-nA-00748-00175648-00175702 type qMPcmy-E-nA-00749-00175703-00175959 she would like steal blackmail material qMPcmy-E-nA-00750-00175960-00176126 on on the nobility that she was qMPcmy-E-nA-00751-00176127-00176302 affiliated with qMPcmy-E-nA-00752-00176303-00176551 i love it and just be like so i found qMPcmy-E-nA-00753-00176552-00176631 out about this qMPcmy-E-nA-00754-00176632-00176847 thing and unless you want it to go qMPcmy-E-nA-00755-00176848-00176951 public qMPcmy-E-nA-00756-00176952-00177247 here's my demands oh my gosh she's just qMPcmy-E-nA-00757-00177248-00177335 like the worst qMPcmy-E-nA-00758-00177336-00177663 gossip um qMPcmy-E-nA-00759-00177664-00177943 i love this and then her friend is qMPcmy-E-nA-00760-00177944-00177999 darmat qMPcmy-E-nA-00761-00178000-00178302 a blue coat um which is one of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00762-00178303-00178638 a member of the the city uh police qMPcmy-E-nA-00763-00178639-00178895 um and i think that this is somebody qMPcmy-E-nA-00764-00178896-00179047 that she just like qMPcmy-E-nA-00765-00179048-00179343 has had him on the take for so long that qMPcmy-E-nA-00766-00179344-00179599 like now they're friends qMPcmy-E-nA-00767-00179600-00179838 she's just been bribing this guy to like qMPcmy-E-nA-00768-00179839-00180038 keep her her out of prison and her qMPcmy-E-nA-00769-00180039-00180247 friends that now it's just kind of like qMPcmy-E-nA-00770-00180248-00180454 yeah we meet up for like weekly drinks qMPcmy-E-nA-00771-00180455-00180607 and hang out and catch up on what's qMPcmy-E-nA-00772-00180608-00180751 going on each other's lives and then qMPcmy-E-nA-00773-00180752-00180911 like at the end of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00774-00180912-00181287 hangout like i hand them a sack of money qMPcmy-E-nA-00775-00181288-00181614 is she working on converting him qMPcmy-E-nA-00776-00181615-00181823 i think it's well oh yeah because we are qMPcmy-E-nA-00777-00181824-00182231 a cult maybe i might be qMPcmy-E-nA-00778-00182232-00182575 um so uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00779-00182576-00182743 the the next step after that which is qMPcmy-E-nA-00780-00182744-00182919 step seven out of eight so we're almost qMPcmy-E-nA-00781-00182920-00183031 done with the characters qMPcmy-E-nA-00782-00183032-00183335 is choosing your vice um qMPcmy-E-nA-00783-00183336-00183487 so this was what i mentioned earlier qMPcmy-E-nA-00784-00183488-00183711 when i was talking about uh stress qMPcmy-E-nA-00785-00183712-00184014 where you have to have a way of of qMPcmy-E-nA-00786-00184015-00184231 dealing with the stress that your life qMPcmy-E-nA-00787-00184232-00184535 um this life of crime qMPcmy-E-nA-00788-00184536-00184790 causes so similar to kind of the qMPcmy-E-nA-00789-00184791-00184959 heritage and background qMPcmy-E-nA-00790-00184960-00185471 there are broad categories of vice qMPcmy-E-nA-00791-00185472-00185759 faith gambling luxury obligation qMPcmy-E-nA-00792-00185760-00185838 pleasure qMPcmy-E-nA-00793-00185839-00186175 stupor or weird and then you can kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-00794-00186176-00186478 pick a description for uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00795-00186479-00186854 or a detail for for what that is um qMPcmy-E-nA-00796-00186855-00187071 obligation is kind of the odd one out qMPcmy-E-nA-00797-00187072-00187223 and that it like qMPcmy-E-nA-00798-00187224-00187535 it's not exactly a vice obligation is qMPcmy-E-nA-00799-00187536-00187647 more of like qMPcmy-E-nA-00800-00187648-00187975 um helping people like it's you you qMPcmy-E-nA-00801-00187976-00188254 help a family or a charity or an qMPcmy-E-nA-00802-00188255-00188390 organization qMPcmy-E-nA-00803-00188391-00188702 um i feel like basically vice is like qMPcmy-E-nA-00804-00188703-00188966 it's a way that you recharge but it can qMPcmy-E-nA-00805-00188967-00189007 also qMPcmy-E-nA-00806-00189008-00189319 get in the way if you let it yes so qMPcmy-E-nA-00807-00189320-00189390 everybody qMPcmy-E-nA-00808-00189391-00189647 picks a vice and uh kind of the the qMPcmy-E-nA-00809-00189648-00189895 specifics of how that vice manifests qMPcmy-E-nA-00810-00189896-00190119 i know mine because it's one i discarded qMPcmy-E-nA-00811-00190120-00190390 for a recent one-shot character qMPcmy-E-nA-00812-00190391-00190599 i have the vice of pleasure and i think qMPcmy-E-nA-00813-00190600-00190759 there's like a bath house qMPcmy-E-nA-00814-00190760-00191095 spa type thing in um what's it called qMPcmy-E-nA-00815-00191096-00191183 silk shore qMPcmy-E-nA-00816-00191184-00191478 yeah yeah and i think she goes there qMPcmy-E-nA-00817-00191479-00191535 nice qMPcmy-E-nA-00818-00191536-00191814 just need to have your spot yeah i think qMPcmy-E-nA-00819-00191815-00192023 she is like a big affinity with water at qMPcmy-E-nA-00820-00192024-00192095 the qMPcmy-E-nA-00821-00192096-00192271 the temple that she used to belong to i qMPcmy-E-nA-00822-00192272-00192607 think was to some kind of water deity so qMPcmy-E-nA-00823-00192608-00192959 just just steaming that in there yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00824-00192960-00193302 that's generally my brand um but qMPcmy-E-nA-00825-00193303-00193647 i also went with pleasure uh but i went qMPcmy-E-nA-00826-00193648-00193687 with qMPcmy-E-nA-00827-00193688-00194031 the gratification from lovers yes qMPcmy-E-nA-00828-00194032-00194271 does that include do you want does that qMPcmy-E-nA-00829-00194272-00194350 include qMPcmy-E-nA-00830-00194351-00195038 ghost most definitely qMPcmy-E-nA-00831-00195039-00195414 that's a perfect voice honestly i think qMPcmy-E-nA-00832-00195415-00195750 uh my advice is going to be faith and i qMPcmy-E-nA-00833-00195751-00195790 think qMPcmy-E-nA-00834-00195791-00196111 the cult itself is the vice qMPcmy-E-nA-00835-00196112-00196471 here like i'm totally totally bought qMPcmy-E-nA-00836-00196472-00196726 into it qMPcmy-E-nA-00837-00196727-00197014 and just get into a lot of trouble by qMPcmy-E-nA-00838-00197015-00197087 being so qMPcmy-E-nA-00839-00197088-00197311 openly devoted to this faith and pissing qMPcmy-E-nA-00840-00197312-00197719 off celine some more so i like i engage qMPcmy-E-nA-00841-00197720-00197895 in like ritual or whatever qMPcmy-E-nA-00842-00197896-00198223 whenever i need to calm down or get qMPcmy-E-nA-00843-00198224-00198407 guidance that's a good point i'm really qMPcmy-E-nA-00844-00198408-00198599 bad about vices in that i qMPcmy-E-nA-00845-00198600-00198799 often choose vices that don't actually qMPcmy-E-nA-00846-00198800-00198935 cause that much trouble qMPcmy-E-nA-00847-00198936-00199319 outside of uh indulging them qMPcmy-E-nA-00848-00199320-00199511 um and i don't think that's how you're qMPcmy-E-nA-00849-00199512-00199623 supposed to do it qMPcmy-E-nA-00850-00199624-00199790 i think it could be interpreted either qMPcmy-E-nA-00851-00199791-00199966 way from what it's called yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00852-00199967-00200231 i've just never ever once marked xp for qMPcmy-E-nA-00853-00200232-00200287 my qMPcmy-E-nA-00854-00200288-00200402 vice getting in the way qMPcmy-E-nA-00855-00200403-00200726 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-00856-00200727-00200975 i i'm i'm thinking like hopefully i get qMPcmy-E-nA-00857-00200976-00201126 in trouble for like qMPcmy-E-nA-00858-00201127-00201471 using our colts phrases qMPcmy-E-nA-00859-00201472-00201671 like the sign of the cross in public or qMPcmy-E-nA-00860-00201672-00201814 something you're really good at like qMPcmy-E-nA-00861-00201815-00201943 vices that like qMPcmy-E-nA-00862-00201944-00202135 challenge your character in the midst of qMPcmy-E-nA-00863-00202136-00202414 scores yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00864-00202415-00202607 i feel like i want to like make a qMPcmy-E-nA-00865-00202608-00202799 combination of things qMPcmy-E-nA-00866-00202800-00203078 can i do that yeah what are you thinking qMPcmy-E-nA-00867-00203079-00203366 well because i want to mix qMPcmy-E-nA-00868-00203367-00203671 i want to make it super and weird yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00869-00203672-00203911 because i feel like i want to have qMPcmy-E-nA-00870-00203912-00204483 like weird ghost lsd qMPcmy-E-nA-00871-00204484-00204607 trips qMPcmy-E-nA-00872-00204608-00204750 yeah you can definitely do hang out with qMPcmy-E-nA-00873-00204751-00205158 my sister qMPcmy-E-nA-00874-00205159-00205286 yeah i just want to snort some ghost qMPcmy-E-nA-00875-00205287-00205519 studios yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00876-00205519-00205814 but not my goals but it's it's for qMPcmy-E-nA-00877-00205815-00205919 research oh okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00878-00205919-00206119 well that's fine as long as the ghosts qMPcmy-E-nA-00879-00206119-00206246 are okay qMPcmy-E-nA-00880-00206248-00206471 i think i'm actually gonna go really qMPcmy-E-nA-00881-00206471-00206566 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00882-00206567-00206871 basic with mine um qMPcmy-E-nA-00883-00206871-00207190 my my character just likes to drink she qMPcmy-E-nA-00884-00207191-00207319 goes out to bars qMPcmy-E-nA-00885-00207319-00207646 and and drinks a lot after scores qMPcmy-E-nA-00886-00207648-00207894 all right there you go yeah just qMPcmy-E-nA-00887-00207896-00208062 sometimes you just gotta unwind qMPcmy-E-nA-00888-00208063-00208286 yeah just i love like creative qMPcmy-E-nA-00889-00208287-00208519 interpretations of advices i think oh my qMPcmy-E-nA-00890-00208519-00208582 god qMPcmy-E-nA-00891-00208583-00208806 it's like it's an example in the book qMPcmy-E-nA-00892-00208807-00208951 but i love like qMPcmy-E-nA-00893-00208952-00209190 for stupor like getting beaten no pulp qMPcmy-E-nA-00894-00209191-00209342 in the funny pits it's like qMPcmy-E-nA-00895-00209344-00209598 flavorful and like intro i don't know qMPcmy-E-nA-00896-00209600-00209679 yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00897-00209680-00209855 some of these get really interesting qMPcmy-E-nA-00898-00209856-00209982 yeah um qMPcmy-E-nA-00899-00209983-00210342 so then the the last thing um qMPcmy-E-nA-00900-00210344-00210655 is after we've all got our vices is qMPcmy-E-nA-00901-00210656-00210967 uh your your character's name uh alias qMPcmy-E-nA-00902-00210967-00211215 if you've got one and uh what they look qMPcmy-E-nA-00903-00211216-00211367 like qMPcmy-E-nA-00904-00211367-00211687 we have to name people yes qMPcmy-E-nA-00905-00211688-00211998 welcome to my house yeah there's there's qMPcmy-E-nA-00906-00212000-00212167 a whole it's become a running gag at qMPcmy-E-nA-00907-00212167-00212327 this point where qMPcmy-E-nA-00908-00212328-00212487 on the magpies they'll be like so what's qMPcmy-E-nA-00909-00212488-00212719 this npc's name and there's just a long qMPcmy-E-nA-00910-00212719-00212903 silence there's like glare at my monitor qMPcmy-E-nA-00911-00212904-00213094 like how dare you qMPcmy-E-nA-00912-00213096-00213375 ask me for a name do you have any idea qMPcmy-E-nA-00913-00213376-00213582 how hard it is for me to come up with a qMPcmy-E-nA-00914-00213583-00213751 name on the list of things that redis qMPcmy-E-nA-00915-00213752-00213791 likes qMPcmy-E-nA-00916-00213792-00214175 coming up with names qMPcmy-E-nA-00917-00214176-00214351 yeah and my favorite i left my favorite qMPcmy-E-nA-00918-00214352-00214542 naming book in the other room too um qMPcmy-E-nA-00919-00214544-00214703 there is like a little list of qMPcmy-E-nA-00920-00214704-00214903 of names in the character creation qMPcmy-E-nA-00921-00214904-00215046 section that you can qMPcmy-E-nA-00922-00215048-00215287 use um on i don't know if you have the qMPcmy-E-nA-00923-00215288-00215455 books but it's on page 56 qMPcmy-E-nA-00924-00215456-00215671 or it's also in the free character qMPcmy-E-nA-00925-00215671-00215806 creation i i qMPcmy-E-nA-00926-00215807-00215991 sent them the the character creation qMPcmy-E-nA-00927-00215992-00216263 sheets yeah um there's a list there qMPcmy-E-nA-00928-00216264-00216542 um the fun thing about the family names qMPcmy-E-nA-00929-00216544-00216582 though qMPcmy-E-nA-00930-00216583-00216798 is that a lot of them are like in qMPcmy-E-nA-00931-00216800-00216919 existence in the qMPcmy-E-nA-00932-00216919-00217094 book so some of them you can end up qMPcmy-E-nA-00933-00217096-00217246 accidentally like linked to these qMPcmy-E-nA-00934-00217248-00217391 families in desk wall qMPcmy-E-nA-00935-00217392-00217694 yep it's a fun time like i found out qMPcmy-E-nA-00936-00217696-00217782 that uh qMPcmy-E-nA-00937-00217783-00217975 i have my rakeel on the magpies and qMPcmy-E-nA-00938-00217976-00218087 there's like a qMPcmy-E-nA-00939-00218088-00218391 surname it's very similar it's like qMPcmy-E-nA-00940-00218392-00218791 mina or mirrors something really close qMPcmy-E-nA-00941-00218792-00219142 to myra kiel uh who exists qMPcmy-E-nA-00942-00219144-00219351 somewhere in the city yep gunsloth or qMPcmy-E-nA-00943-00219352-00219479 something qMPcmy-E-nA-00944-00219480-00219710 yeah she she's in barrelcleft oh barrow qMPcmy-E-nA-00945-00219711-00219823 cliff that's it qMPcmy-E-nA-00946-00219823-00219967 somewhere down on that end of the scene qMPcmy-E-nA-00947-00219967-00220151 mara mara is her name qMPcmy-E-nA-00948-00220152-00220439 a former yeah i haven't done anything qMPcmy-E-nA-00949-00220440-00220530 with that yet qMPcmy-E-nA-00950-00220531-00220639 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-00951-00220640-00220951 yet being the operative word i have had qMPcmy-E-nA-00952-00220952-00221282 a list of names open since i decided oh qMPcmy-E-nA-00953-00221283-00221415 well the qMPcmy-E-nA-00954-00221416-00221758 the the heritage so i've got some stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-00955-00221759-00221991 picked out qMPcmy-E-nA-00956-00221992-00222334 because foresight um uh her qMPcmy-E-nA-00957-00222335-00222694 real name is alton sarnai which is qMPcmy-E-nA-00958-00222696-00223015 mongolian for golden rose um qMPcmy-E-nA-00959-00223016-00223255 but her alias and more common name i qMPcmy-E-nA-00960-00223256-00223391 think is just gonna be writer qMPcmy-E-nA-00961-00223392-00223646 nice that's a little bit on the nose but qMPcmy-E-nA-00962-00223648-00223927 it's probably not a name she picked qMPcmy-E-nA-00963-00223928-00224246 yeah um and then for look qMPcmy-E-nA-00964-00224248-00224455 i ignored the formatting so i could put qMPcmy-E-nA-00965-00224456-00224703 down tall dark and books qMPcmy-E-nA-00966-00224704-00225079 perfect nice good good one thing i just qMPcmy-E-nA-00967-00225080-00225231 realized is i haven't qMPcmy-E-nA-00968-00225232-00225471 fully defined my hunting pet yet yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-00969-00225471-00225598 you got it that's important qMPcmy-E-nA-00970-00225600-00225887 it's vitally important so i'm i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-00971-00225888-00226079 obviously going with a horse qMPcmy-E-nA-00972-00226080-00226382 um but i'm but it has qMPcmy-E-nA-00973-00226383-00226687 ghost form so it can phase through stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-00974-00226688-00226998 um and i'm thinking it's an a black qMPcmy-E-nA-00975-00227000-00227351 horse with al alban albinism qMPcmy-E-nA-00976-00227352-00227687 so it's a white black horse um qMPcmy-E-nA-00977-00227688-00227934 which is like an omen yeah and i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-00978-00227935-00228110 thinking it's carnivorous qMPcmy-E-nA-00979-00228111-00228327 oh my god i love it so much it's qMPcmy-E-nA-00980-00228328-00228527 horrifying qMPcmy-E-nA-00981-00228528-00228734 but it's great because you ride into qMPcmy-E-nA-00982-00228735-00228951 battle shoot something down and your qMPcmy-E-nA-00983-00228952-00229006 horse qMPcmy-E-nA-00984-00229007-00229406 can just come up qMPcmy-E-nA-00985-00229407-00229663 it's also horrifying sharp tooth qMPcmy-E-nA-00986-00229664-00229734 ghostland qMPcmy-E-nA-00987-00229735-00230071 that's a good way to feed horses in qMPcmy-E-nA-00988-00230071-00230446 the severose wasteland yeah it deals qMPcmy-E-nA-00989-00230448-00230606 with the fact that there's not really qMPcmy-E-nA-00990-00230607-00230751 grass anymore qMPcmy-E-nA-00991-00230752-00231031 oh my yeah and i'm thinking the meat qMPcmy-E-nA-00992-00231032-00231255 eating part is the normal part qMPcmy-E-nA-00993-00231256-00231558 um the weird omen that makes her qMPcmy-E-nA-00994-00231559-00231951 her special ruler horse is the white guy qMPcmy-E-nA-00995-00231952-00232351 i'm so that's so horrified qMPcmy-E-nA-00996-00232352-00232663 white hair red eyes i love this setting qMPcmy-E-nA-00997-00232664-00232982 it's this is i'm i'm really enjoying qMPcmy-E-nA-00998-00232983-00233031 this qMPcmy-E-nA-00999-00233032-00233206 and you can just go so many weird qMPcmy-E-nA-01000-00233207-00233367 directions and qMPcmy-E-nA-01001-00233367-00233534 it's beautiful like the more you dig qMPcmy-E-nA-01002-00233535-00233687 into it the more fun yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01003-00233688-00233958 i have at least oh this name thing i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-01004-00233959-00233998 just like qMPcmy-E-nA-01005-00234000-00234334 really i know i've got my name qMPcmy-E-nA-01006-00234335-00234639 alias and look i've got my i'm not doing qMPcmy-E-nA-01007-00234640-00234734 an alias for qMPcmy-E-nA-01008-00234735-00235103 for my girl okay i've got an a because i qMPcmy-E-nA-01009-00235104-00235463 one name is it's enough qMPcmy-E-nA-01010-00235464-00235782 i i leaned heavily into uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01011-00235783-00236094 this whole like um i don't know qMPcmy-E-nA-01012-00236096-00236510 manipulator type um so i chose baelias qMPcmy-E-nA-01013-00236511-00236575 first qMPcmy-E-nA-01014-00236576-00236958 uh vixen female fox qMPcmy-E-nA-01015-00236959-00237271 and uh went for the name of kitsune qMPcmy-E-nA-01016-00237271-00237598 vale um qMPcmy-E-nA-01017-00237600-00237919 and then for the look uh woman qMPcmy-E-nA-01018-00237919-00238223 striking copper skin dark red hair qMPcmy-E-nA-01019-00238223-00238455 deep green eyes with a fitted dress and qMPcmy-E-nA-01020-00238456-00238551 a half cape qMPcmy-E-nA-01021-00238552-00239046 it's very good that's a very good look qMPcmy-E-nA-01022-00239048-00239307 um i can go qMPcmy-E-nA-01023-00239308-00239482 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-01024-00239483-00239767 next um so qMPcmy-E-nA-01025-00239767-00240127 uh my character is um nasrin qMPcmy-E-nA-01026-00240128-00240575 zarya uh and qMPcmy-E-nA-01027-00240576-00240927 her her look is um qMPcmy-E-nA-01028-00240928-00241230 i didn't use the kind of formatting here qMPcmy-E-nA-01029-00241231-00241503 um although i would say probably uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01030-00241504-00241606 delicate qMPcmy-E-nA-01031-00241607-00241758 for for sort of the the one word qMPcmy-E-nA-01032-00241759-00242006 description but she has um qMPcmy-E-nA-01033-00242007-00242198 long dark hair that she usually wears in qMPcmy-E-nA-01034-00242200-00242406 a braid um qMPcmy-E-nA-01035-00242407-00242758 and has tattoos on both qMPcmy-E-nA-01036-00242759-00242967 arms from like the back of her hands all qMPcmy-E-nA-01037-00242967-00243134 the way up to her shoulders qMPcmy-E-nA-01038-00243135-00243439 that are just um i think i haven't quite qMPcmy-E-nA-01039-00243440-00243534 decided what they qMPcmy-E-nA-01040-00243535-00243942 are of yet um qMPcmy-E-nA-01041-00243944-00244319 but i i think it's cult related yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01042-00244319-00244534 so it's like i think when she's out and qMPcmy-E-nA-01043-00244535-00244719 about she has to wear like qMPcmy-E-nA-01044-00244719-00244894 long sleeves and fingerless gloves if qMPcmy-E-nA-01045-00244896-00245127 she wants to be incognito at all qMPcmy-E-nA-01046-00245128-00245439 um so yeah that's qMPcmy-E-nA-01047-00245440-00245782 that is my person the names are still qMPcmy-E-nA-01048-00245783-00245991 kicking my butt qMPcmy-E-nA-01049-00245992-00246279 um i keep like finding them and then qMPcmy-E-nA-01050-00246280-00246375 losing them qMPcmy-E-nA-01051-00246376-00246687 i've decided on a first name last names qMPcmy-E-nA-01052-00246688-00246815 are hard qMPcmy-E-nA-01053-00246816-00247094 yeah last names are very hard i just qMPcmy-E-nA-01054-00247096-00247367 went without one qMPcmy-E-nA-01055-00247367-00247615 i'm going to make one up i'm going to qMPcmy-E-nA-01056-00247616-00247879 say first name is arden qMPcmy-E-nA-01057-00247880-00248223 and family name i'm going to say swell qMPcmy-E-nA-01058-00248223-00248455 because that sounds good yeah arden qMPcmy-E-nA-01059-00248456-00248623 swell that's a good name qMPcmy-E-nA-01060-00248623-00248919 that's just swept um for an alias i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-01061-00248919-00248998 going to go qMPcmy-E-nA-01062-00249000-00249415 with crow nice qMPcmy-E-nA-01063-00249416-00249782 spoopy and i think for looks qMPcmy-E-nA-01064-00249783-00250127 i'm gonna go with um ambiguous qMPcmy-E-nA-01065-00250128-00250510 and i'm gonna say can i qMPcmy-E-nA-01066-00250511-00250887 can i say disquieting yes qMPcmy-E-nA-01067-00250888-00251294 i like that perfect qMPcmy-E-nA-01068-00251296-00251719 so also with um crows qMPcmy-E-nA-01069-00251719-00252087 another fun thing about this setting um qMPcmy-E-nA-01070-00252088-00252446 so when people die it's a little bit of qMPcmy-E-nA-01071-00252448-00252527 a problem qMPcmy-E-nA-01072-00252528-00252734 because ghosts come out of you when you qMPcmy-E-nA-01073-00252735-00252942 die not right away there's usually like qMPcmy-E-nA-01074-00252944-00253110 one to three days qMPcmy-E-nA-01075-00253111-00253471 um but it's very important that qMPcmy-E-nA-01076-00253471-00253646 uh the spirit wardens who are kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-01077-00253648-00253798 responsible for qMPcmy-E-nA-01078-00253800-00254127 um squelching all supernatural qMPcmy-E-nA-01079-00254128-00254487 uh ghostly activity in the city um qMPcmy-E-nA-01080-00254488-00254655 the spirit wardens need to recover the qMPcmy-E-nA-01081-00254656-00254839 body so it can be properly destroyed so qMPcmy-E-nA-01082-00254840-00255023 the spirit doesn't come out qMPcmy-E-nA-01083-00255023-00255334 so the way that they do this is um qMPcmy-E-nA-01084-00255335-00255582 through magic anytime somebody in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01085-00255583-00255767 city dies qMPcmy-E-nA-01086-00255767-00256071 the bell at bellwether crematorium where qMPcmy-E-nA-01087-00256071-00256206 the bodies are destroyed qMPcmy-E-nA-01088-00256207-00256542 begins to ring and what is called a qMPcmy-E-nA-01089-00256544-00256742 death seeker crow qMPcmy-E-nA-01090-00256744-00257071 sets out from the crematorium and qMPcmy-E-nA-01091-00257071-00257351 circles in getting slow like spiraling qMPcmy-E-nA-01092-00257352-00257519 in closer and closer to the location of qMPcmy-E-nA-01093-00257519-00257606 the body qMPcmy-E-nA-01094-00257607-00257839 um for the spirit wardens to follow this qMPcmy-E-nA-01095-00257840-00257942 this crow qMPcmy-E-nA-01096-00257944-00258142 to where the body is so it can be qMPcmy-E-nA-01097-00258144-00258391 recovered and taken away qMPcmy-E-nA-01098-00258392-00258791 so one that's just cool qMPcmy-E-nA-01099-00258792-00259158 yes and two um kind of from a qMPcmy-E-nA-01100-00259159-00259430 for a game play perspective it means qMPcmy-E-nA-01101-00259431-00259551 that any time you qMPcmy-E-nA-01102-00259552-00259815 kill someone on a score you immediately qMPcmy-E-nA-01103-00259816-00260055 start a clock ticking down to a qMPcmy-E-nA-01104-00260056-00260271 representatives of an extremely powerful qMPcmy-E-nA-01105-00260271-00260534 organization kicking down the door qMPcmy-E-nA-01106-00260535-00260887 so like you don't want to go around qMPcmy-E-nA-01107-00260888-00261063 doing a lot of murders because it's qMPcmy-E-nA-01108-00261064-00261287 going to cause a lot of problems qMPcmy-E-nA-01109-00261288-00261542 right well it looks like i'm set up to qMPcmy-E-nA-01110-00261544-00261579 cause qMPcmy-E-nA-01111-00261580-00261967 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-01112-00261967-00262254 i it mina were we oh god please qMPcmy-E-nA-01113-00262255-00262463 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-01114-00262464-00262663 i don't know why names are tripping me qMPcmy-E-nA-01115-00262664-00262830 up so much it's because i'm such a geek qMPcmy-E-nA-01116-00262831-00262943 about names qMPcmy-E-nA-01117-00262944-00263119 so like i really love to like dig in and qMPcmy-E-nA-01118-00263120-00263263 like get weird about it qMPcmy-E-nA-01119-00263264-00263455 having trouble with that okay let's go qMPcmy-E-nA-01120-00263456-00263639 back to the name list qMPcmy-E-nA-01121-00263640-00264055 um it's also bugging me because i named qMPcmy-E-nA-01122-00264056-00264230 so i made someone named feldrin my qMPcmy-E-nA-01123-00264231-00264399 sister and that doesn't fit the naming qMPcmy-E-nA-01124-00264400-00264630 convention for rubia it's fine qMPcmy-E-nA-01125-00264631-00265006 we're fine it's okay qMPcmy-E-nA-01126-00265007-00265206 i don't have a last name i think her qMPcmy-E-nA-01127-00265207-00265430 name is madri qMPcmy-E-nA-01128-00265431-00265695 and last names are for people who have qMPcmy-E-nA-01129-00265696-00266006 time to dig into names qMPcmy-E-nA-01130-00266007-00266319 what is what does she look like she qMPcmy-E-nA-01131-00266320-00266703 looks oh god the look list qMPcmy-E-nA-01132-00266704-00267063 um i think she tends to be like qMPcmy-E-nA-01133-00267064-00267310 very non-descript if that makes sense qMPcmy-E-nA-01134-00267311-00267487 like that's my first qMPcmy-E-nA-01135-00267488-00267663 thought for her and i think she likes qMPcmy-E-nA-01136-00267664-00267871 like hoods and like scarves qMPcmy-E-nA-01137-00267872-00268047 and like hiding her hair not for any qMPcmy-E-nA-01138-00268048-00268182 particular reason beyond that qMPcmy-E-nA-01139-00268183-00268463 it hides her more um she likes to be qMPcmy-E-nA-01140-00268464-00268582 unnoticed qMPcmy-E-nA-01141-00268583-00268847 and i know she's not a lurk but she does qMPcmy-E-nA-01142-00268848-00268927 like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01143-00268928-00269182 yeah so yes i suppose the look would be qMPcmy-E-nA-01144-00269183-00269367 something like qMPcmy-E-nA-01145-00269368-00269727 concealed yeah concealed um qMPcmy-E-nA-01146-00269728-00270103 cold i think and we're gonna go with qMPcmy-E-nA-01147-00270104-00270375 what's the clothes i actually like loose qMPcmy-E-nA-01148-00270376-00270663 silks a lot qMPcmy-E-nA-01149-00270664-00270895 nice so like you almost noticed her qMPcmy-E-nA-01150-00270896-00271047 clothes more than you notice the person qMPcmy-E-nA-01151-00271048-00271158 underneath qMPcmy-E-nA-01152-00271159-00271479 nice yeah uh so that is it qMPcmy-E-nA-01153-00271480-00271630 that's that's character creation and qMPcmy-E-nA-01154-00271631-00271806 blades that is how you you qMPcmy-E-nA-01155-00271807-00272039 make a blades person very cool we did it qMPcmy-E-nA-01156-00272040-00272175 although do we want to do it yes qMPcmy-E-nA-01157-00272176-00272439 we do yes because here at basically we qMPcmy-E-nA-01158-00272440-00272495 like to qMPcmy-E-nA-01159-00272496-00272727 create backgrounds of how we all got qMPcmy-E-nA-01160-00272728-00272855 together qMPcmy-E-nA-01161-00272856-00273119 um so the the crew sheet doesn't exactly qMPcmy-E-nA-01162-00273120-00273303 define how we came together qMPcmy-E-nA-01163-00273304-00273663 we get to make stuff up still yes yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01164-00273664-00273967 we get to make the links yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01165-00273968-00274358 um let me look at how we build a crew qMPcmy-E-nA-01166-00274359-00274591 um but some of the the kind of like as qMPcmy-E-nA-01167-00274592-00274743 we build the crew that might lead to qMPcmy-E-nA-01168-00274744-00274791 some qMPcmy-E-nA-01169-00274792-00275087 um some ideas for how we came together qMPcmy-E-nA-01170-00275088-00275143 so qMPcmy-E-nA-01171-00275144-00275487 we are a cult i have the cult sheet open qMPcmy-E-nA-01172-00275488-00275799 um the first thing that we do qMPcmy-E-nA-01173-00275800-00276223 is pick a crew reputation and a lair qMPcmy-E-nA-01174-00276224-00276463 um so the reputation is kind of like qMPcmy-E-nA-01175-00276464-00276558 when people qMPcmy-E-nA-01176-00276559-00276871 out in the city are describing us what qMPcmy-E-nA-01177-00276872-00277215 adjectives do they use um qMPcmy-E-nA-01178-00277216-00277551 so like what's that adjective um qMPcmy-E-nA-01179-00277552-00277927 amelia joe's disclaiming yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01180-00277928-00278255 unsettling yeah um qMPcmy-E-nA-01181-00278256-00278423 so yeah when when people are talking qMPcmy-E-nA-01182-00278424-00278647 about us how do they qMPcmy-E-nA-01183-00278648-00279039 uh so heretical qMPcmy-E-nA-01184-00279040-00279351 disquieting i like unsettling qMPcmy-E-nA-01185-00279352-00279510 unsettling once they find out what we're qMPcmy-E-nA-01186-00279511-00279743 about it's very unsettling qMPcmy-E-nA-01187-00279744-00280079 i think unsettling just works in general qMPcmy-E-nA-01188-00280080-00280287 all right we're all kind of a little bit qMPcmy-E-nA-01189-00280288-00280406 foreign somehow qMPcmy-E-nA-01190-00280407-00280751 none of us like share like the more is qMPcmy-E-nA-01191-00280752-00280999 prominent in dusk wall and we're all so qMPcmy-E-nA-01192-00281000-00281087 weird qMPcmy-E-nA-01193-00281088-00281391 yeah oh i didn't describe like qMPcmy-E-nA-01194-00281392-00281719 how i'm i'm weird because i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-01195-00281720-00281910 yeah oh yeah you're taking rosie what's qMPcmy-E-nA-01196-00281911-00282182 here to tell us their demonic tails qMPcmy-E-nA-01197-00282183-00282519 yeah i feel like qMPcmy-E-nA-01198-00282520-00282767 i have hair that moves on its own oh qMPcmy-E-nA-01199-00282768-00282863 yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01200-00282864-00283230 you have a permanent dramatic wind qMPcmy-E-nA-01201-00283231-00283534 no i almost think like anything qMPcmy-E-nA-01202-00283535-00283871 i no i almost think like medusa style qMPcmy-E-nA-01203-00283872-00284110 snakes except not actual snakes but it qMPcmy-E-nA-01204-00284111-00284254 it acts that way qMPcmy-E-nA-01205-00284255-00284639 that's cool oh i love that qMPcmy-E-nA-01206-00284640-00284991 you have prehensile hair yes qMPcmy-E-nA-01207-00284992-00285334 i do that's very good okay use it to qMPcmy-E-nA-01208-00285335-00285415 like qMPcmy-E-nA-01209-00285416-00285719 grasp things or like wrap around things qMPcmy-E-nA-01210-00285720-00285871 i don't know yeah well i think the qMPcmy-E-nA-01211-00285872-00286071 question is very easy to style in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01212-00286072-00286110 morning qMPcmy-E-nA-01213-00286111-00286399 how much question do you or how about qMPcmy-E-nA-01214-00286400-00286695 how much control do you have over it qMPcmy-E-nA-01215-00286696-00286982 um i think not that much yeah that's qMPcmy-E-nA-01216-00286983-00287030 nice qMPcmy-E-nA-01217-00287031-00287367 i like that idea a lot oh man qMPcmy-E-nA-01218-00287368-00287758 okay so our reputation is unsettling um qMPcmy-E-nA-01219-00287759-00288015 and then we pick a lair which is like qMPcmy-E-nA-01220-00288016-00288095 our our qMPcmy-E-nA-01221-00288096-00288230 i think in this case it would kind of be qMPcmy-E-nA-01222-00288231-00288463 like our temple um qMPcmy-E-nA-01223-00288464-00288775 so some examples are um qMPcmy-E-nA-01224-00288776-00288982 a half sunken grotto in the cities qMPcmy-E-nA-01225-00288983-00289119 canals qMPcmy-E-nA-01226-00289120-00289367 um the unassuming back rooms of a qMPcmy-E-nA-01227-00289368-00289510 merchant's shop qMPcmy-E-nA-01228-00289511-00289782 a a small abandoned house at the end of qMPcmy-E-nA-01229-00289783-00289871 a dark lane qMPcmy-E-nA-01230-00289872-00290103 like it could be really just kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-01231-00290104-00290206 anything qMPcmy-E-nA-01232-00290207-00290351 but where do where do you think we hang qMPcmy-E-nA-01233-00290352-00290527 out and do cult stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01234-00290528-00290663 i think it's gotta be the thing that qMPcmy-E-nA-01235-00290664-00290839 we've designated as our temple qMPcmy-E-nA-01236-00290840-00291030 but what does that look like where have qMPcmy-E-nA-01237-00291031-00291239 we set up a little temple qMPcmy-E-nA-01238-00291240-00291382 it might help to figure out what our qMPcmy-E-nA-01239-00291383-00291575 cults about yeah we could jump qMPcmy-E-nA-01240-00291576-00291919 up to that so yeah one of the steps for qMPcmy-E-nA-01241-00291920-00292175 the cult is picking our forgotten god qMPcmy-E-nA-01242-00292176-00292279 and let me find qMPcmy-E-nA-01243-00292280-00292487 oh the forgotten god table yeah let me qMPcmy-E-nA-01244-00292488-00292647 find that list um qMPcmy-E-nA-01245-00292648-00292847 oh there's a table yeah forgotten god qMPcmy-E-nA-01246-00292848-00293087 table it's a really long list is the qMPcmy-E-nA-01247-00293088-00293158 problem qMPcmy-E-nA-01248-00293159-00293510 i think you could roll on it it's a 66 qMPcmy-E-nA-01249-00293511-00293727 66 item list i don't know it's not qMPcmy-E-nA-01250-00293728-00293919 actually 66 items that's just if you're qMPcmy-E-nA-01251-00293920-00294047 gonna roll oh you're right qMPcmy-E-nA-01252-00294048-00294358 okay so you roll 2d6 so it's qMPcmy-E-nA-01253-00294359-00294758 one two three four it's 36. yeah that qMPcmy-E-nA-01254-00294759-00294839 would make sense qMPcmy-E-nA-01255-00294840-00295134 so is it basically like uh we did we qMPcmy-E-nA-01256-00295135-00295167 just qMPcmy-E-nA-01257-00295168-00295430 the the life pass system uh where you qMPcmy-E-nA-01258-00295431-00295679 roll 2d6 once the tenths place one's the qMPcmy-E-nA-01259-00295680-00295734 mm-hmm qMPcmy-E-nA-01260-00295735-00296071 yeah okay yeah so we could do that i qMPcmy-E-nA-01261-00296072-00296143 could just qMPcmy-E-nA-01262-00296144-00296358 roll some dice and we could see we could qMPcmy-E-nA-01263-00296359-00296495 do a quick randomization qMPcmy-E-nA-01264-00296496-00296647 yeah what kind of god we come up with qMPcmy-E-nA-01265-00296648-00296839 okay qMPcmy-E-nA-01266-00296840-00296991 yeah let's roll and then if we don't qMPcmy-E-nA-01267-00296992-00297191 like it we're gonna okay so qMPcmy-E-nA-01268-00297192-00297767 um the throne of judgment qMPcmy-E-nA-01269-00297768-00297919 i feel like that fits with all of us qMPcmy-E-nA-01270-00297920-00298119 having like a uh some kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-01271-00298120-00298399 noble high-class background except me qMPcmy-E-nA-01272-00298400-00298623 what am i doing here qMPcmy-E-nA-01273-00298624-00298782 should we roll and pick like best of qMPcmy-E-nA-01274-00298783-00298991 three okay yeah so we've got the three i qMPcmy-E-nA-01275-00298992-00299071 mean i like to qMPcmy-E-nA-01276-00299072-00299215 yeah yeah i have some options we have qMPcmy-E-nA-01277-00299216-00299447 the throne of judgment qMPcmy-E-nA-01278-00299448-00299799 we have the reconciler qMPcmy-E-nA-01279-00299800-00300254 no and we have qMPcmy-E-nA-01280-00300255-00300399 ah this is one that actually came up in qMPcmy-E-nA-01281-00300400-00300591 the magpies briefly the father of the qMPcmy-E-nA-01282-00300592-00300710 abyss qMPcmy-E-nA-01283-00300711-00301103 oh god uh does it describe any of them qMPcmy-E-nA-01284-00301104-00301223 or that's just qMPcmy-E-nA-01285-00301224-00301471 it it gives names and then it gives a qMPcmy-E-nA-01286-00301472-00301558 suggested qMPcmy-E-nA-01287-00301559-00301751 cult practice but it doesn't you don't qMPcmy-E-nA-01288-00301752-00301895 actually have to follow that qMPcmy-E-nA-01289-00301896-00302127 so it's like a mix and match as you see qMPcmy-E-nA-01290-00302128-00302254 fit yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01291-00302255-00302599 um so the throne of judgment uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01292-00302600-00302799 their recommended cult practice is qMPcmy-E-nA-01293-00302800-00302903 desecration qMPcmy-E-nA-01294-00302904-00303087 manipulation of authorities and qMPcmy-E-nA-01295-00303088-00303343 institutions to appropriate their power qMPcmy-E-nA-01296-00303344-00303647 again that feels very on brand qMPcmy-E-nA-01297-00303648-00303895 oh yeah yeah i think we nailed it yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01298-00303896-00304119 yeah i think so yeah do we just want to qMPcmy-E-nA-01299-00304120-00304191 go with that qMPcmy-E-nA-01300-00304192-00304510 please throw a judgment okay so qMPcmy-E-nA-01301-00304511-00304830 we are a cult of the throne of judgment qMPcmy-E-nA-01302-00304831-00305215 so that goes under deity right yep qMPcmy-E-nA-01303-00305216-00305519 judgment yeah uh uh where'd it go qMPcmy-E-nA-01304-00305520-00305663 that was desiccant and our crew could qMPcmy-E-nA-01305-00305664-00305967 just be the cult of the throne yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01306-00305968-00306358 um and then the broken thrones qMPcmy-E-nA-01307-00306359-00306679 we um we pick qMPcmy-E-nA-01308-00306680-00307015 two features of our deity um qMPcmy-E-nA-01309-00307016-00307215 basically just kind of descriptions and qMPcmy-E-nA-01310-00307216-00307495 and so the features listed are qMPcmy-E-nA-01311-00307496-00307830 alluring cruel ferocious qMPcmy-E-nA-01312-00307831-00308158 monstrous radiant sinister qMPcmy-E-nA-01313-00308159-00308471 serene transcendent qMPcmy-E-nA-01314-00308472-00308758 i think ferocious almost has to be there qMPcmy-E-nA-01315-00308759-00308887 yeah or qMPcmy-E-nA-01316-00308888-00309071 i like ferocious and ferocious and qMPcmy-E-nA-01317-00309072-00309263 radiant yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01318-00309264-00309415 i like that i don't know i kind of like qMPcmy-E-nA-01319-00309416-00309751 ferocious look like an alluring as well qMPcmy-E-nA-01320-00309752-00309967 they're both yeah ferocious and alluring qMPcmy-E-nA-01321-00309968-00310175 actually i like those qMPcmy-E-nA-01322-00310176-00310454 yeah okay because we lure you in and qMPcmy-E-nA-01323-00310455-00310510 then qMPcmy-E-nA-01324-00310511-00310882 sprain our treasure yeah oh man we're qMPcmy-E-nA-01325-00310883-00311039 terrible yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01326-00311040-00311351 yep um okay so qMPcmy-E-nA-01327-00311352-00311679 that that is the uh so that's our deity qMPcmy-E-nA-01328-00311680-00311830 so going back to the lair qMPcmy-E-nA-01329-00311831-00312167 what kind of temple have we set up for qMPcmy-E-nA-01330-00312168-00312334 the throne of judgment qMPcmy-E-nA-01331-00312335-00312575 bearing in mind that we we do not have a qMPcmy-E-nA-01332-00312576-00312854 lot in the way of resources qMPcmy-E-nA-01333-00312855-00313158 um this is a little bit on the nose but qMPcmy-E-nA-01334-00313159-00313230 like qMPcmy-E-nA-01335-00313231-00313430 is there just like one courthouse in qMPcmy-E-nA-01336-00313431-00313599 dusk fall or are they qMPcmy-E-nA-01337-00313600-00313775 like spread there's an abandoned qMPcmy-E-nA-01338-00313776-00313975 courthouse in six towers qMPcmy-E-nA-01339-00313976-00314167 because that used to be a fancy pants qMPcmy-E-nA-01340-00314168-00314295 district before qMPcmy-E-nA-01341-00314296-00314534 yeah like the plague well not the plate qMPcmy-E-nA-01342-00314535-00314654 but before qMPcmy-E-nA-01343-00314655-00314871 now it just kind of fell out of qMPcmy-E-nA-01344-00314872-00314991 popularity qMPcmy-E-nA-01345-00314992-00315191 people stopped living there yeah i would qMPcmy-E-nA-01346-00315192-00315351 i was thinking like a basement qMPcmy-E-nA-01347-00315352-00315510 but like the basement of an abandoned qMPcmy-E-nA-01348-00315511-00315703 courthouse is kind of cool qMPcmy-E-nA-01349-00315704-00316006 i was thinking a basement as well um qMPcmy-E-nA-01350-00316007-00316191 i was too but i think it was i was qMPcmy-E-nA-01351-00316192-00316327 thinking that it's something like qMPcmy-E-nA-01352-00316328-00316543 kind of like plain and simple that we qMPcmy-E-nA-01353-00316544-00316727 have attempted to qMPcmy-E-nA-01354-00316728-00317199 yeah decorate appropriately yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01355-00317200-00317495 i feel like a key aesthetic is hammers qMPcmy-E-nA-01356-00317496-00317543 and qMPcmy-E-nA-01357-00317544-00317863 fancy hairs interesting qMPcmy-E-nA-01358-00317864-00318110 i'm for it what about like a yeah i qMPcmy-E-nA-01359-00318111-00318310 really like it being like those like qMPcmy-E-nA-01360-00318311-00318567 really meaty mallet type hammers that qMPcmy-E-nA-01361-00318568-00318710 you could break up stones yeah what qMPcmy-E-nA-01362-00318711-00318791 about like a qMPcmy-E-nA-01363-00318792-00319175 like a basement of um like a tool shop qMPcmy-E-nA-01364-00319176-00319263 like an qMPcmy-E-nA-01365-00319264-00319463 abandoned tool shop or or something like qMPcmy-E-nA-01366-00319464-00319615 that qMPcmy-E-nA-01367-00319616-00319927 yeah basically yeah it could be like qMPcmy-E-nA-01368-00319928-00320103 yeah i was going to say like a medicine qMPcmy-E-nA-01369-00320104-00320279 or something yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01370-00320280-00320447 yeah i imagine whatever it is it has a qMPcmy-E-nA-01371-00320448-00320606 lot of like iron qMPcmy-E-nA-01372-00320607-00320999 and so like metal stuff but then there's qMPcmy-E-nA-01373-00321000-00321079 also like qMPcmy-E-nA-01374-00321080-00321351 these like draped silks maybe it's the qMPcmy-E-nA-01375-00321352-00321543 basement of like an abandoned blacksmith qMPcmy-E-nA-01376-00321544-00321687 shop oh yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01377-00321688-00321919 yeah that we've just like dragged a qMPcmy-E-nA-01378-00321920-00322006 bunch of that qMPcmy-E-nA-01379-00322007-00322334 stuff down for our purposes i like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01380-00322335-00322527 i just want our aesthetic to be iron and qMPcmy-E-nA-01381-00322528-00322758 silk that's very important to me qMPcmy-E-nA-01382-00322759-00322999 it's a good aesthetic it's a good qMPcmy-E-nA-01383-00323000-00323110 aesthetic qMPcmy-E-nA-01384-00323111-00323495 all right um i had the page for how to qMPcmy-E-nA-01385-00323496-00323630 do crew building qMPcmy-E-nA-01386-00323631-00323895 open and then i closed the book like a qMPcmy-E-nA-01387-00323896-00323991 dummy qMPcmy-E-nA-01388-00323992-00324343 so we okay qMPcmy-E-nA-01389-00324344-00324543 this works a little bit differently for qMPcmy-E-nA-01390-00324544-00324695 a cult qMPcmy-E-nA-01391-00324696-00325023 where we are picking not so much hunting qMPcmy-E-nA-01392-00325024-00325271 ground as sacred sites qMPcmy-E-nA-01393-00325272-00325543 okay so this is picking a location in qMPcmy-E-nA-01394-00325544-00325679 the city qMPcmy-E-nA-01395-00325680-00325975 that is kind of a uh that we have qMPcmy-E-nA-01396-00325976-00326303 determined as a sacred site to us qMPcmy-E-nA-01397-00326304-00326710 um what if this one is like related to qMPcmy-E-nA-01398-00326711-00326982 authority somehow like our our home qMPcmy-E-nA-01399-00326983-00327030 temple qMPcmy-E-nA-01400-00327031-00327382 is like just the the blacksmith shop but qMPcmy-E-nA-01401-00327383-00327503 like it could be qMPcmy-E-nA-01402-00327504-00327599 because there's like all these like qMPcmy-E-nA-01403-00327600-00327767 underground tunnels and things in desk qMPcmy-E-nA-01404-00327768-00327878 wall it could be something like qMPcmy-E-nA-01405-00327879-00328030 underneath a courthouse or something qMPcmy-E-nA-01406-00328031-00328103 like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01407-00328104-00328463 yeah what was the um what was the text qMPcmy-E-nA-01408-00328464-00328582 for our qMPcmy-E-nA-01409-00328583-00328806 throne of judgment um do you remember qMPcmy-E-nA-01410-00328807-00328975 the our qMPcmy-E-nA-01411-00328976-00329271 our rituals involve manipulating qMPcmy-E-nA-01412-00329272-00329367 authorities and qMPcmy-E-nA-01413-00329368-00329591 institutions in order to appropriate qMPcmy-E-nA-01414-00329592-00329703 their power qMPcmy-E-nA-01415-00329704-00329863 i'm just having a sudden like mental qMPcmy-E-nA-01416-00329864-00330071 image of almost like like there's this qMPcmy-E-nA-01417-00330072-00330134 scene in qMPcmy-E-nA-01418-00330135-00330391 that guy ritchie sherlock holmes film qMPcmy-E-nA-01419-00330392-00330503 where there's like qMPcmy-E-nA-01420-00330504-00330710 weird stuff happening almost like qMPcmy-E-nA-01421-00330711-00330934 underneath a session of parliament qMPcmy-E-nA-01422-00330935-00331119 and i just imagine that happening with qMPcmy-E-nA-01423-00331120-00331295 us i might be misremembering that movie qMPcmy-E-nA-01424-00331296-00331599 also qMPcmy-E-nA-01425-00331600-00331839 like the the idea of like the people in qMPcmy-E-nA-01426-00331840-00332039 power meeting above us while we plan qMPcmy-E-nA-01427-00332040-00332158 beneath qMPcmy-E-nA-01428-00332159-00332382 yeah wouldn't it i don't know i feel qMPcmy-E-nA-01429-00332383-00332623 like the lord governor's stronghold qMPcmy-E-nA-01430-00332624-00332958 it's gonna be so hard to get to qMPcmy-E-nA-01431-00332959-00333119 but we don't have to play this game qMPcmy-E-nA-01432-00333120-00333439 that's true you're right but qMPcmy-E-nA-01433-00333440-00333687 it could also be like a place qMPcmy-E-nA-01434-00333688-00333806 overlooking it qMPcmy-E-nA-01435-00333807-00334006 or something where it's promising oh qMPcmy-E-nA-01436-00334007-00334319 yeah like where you have it like qMPcmy-E-nA-01437-00334320-00334519 yeah i feel like i would want our sacred qMPcmy-E-nA-01438-00334520-00334663 space to be something that is a qMPcmy-E-nA-01439-00334664-00334999 like physically above qMPcmy-E-nA-01440-00335000-00335343 okay that would make it so even if it's qMPcmy-E-nA-01441-00335344-00335543 not in a place that's particularly nice qMPcmy-E-nA-01442-00335544-00335710 like i just wanted to be like qMPcmy-E-nA-01443-00335711-00335975 so the the rule if you look at the map qMPcmy-E-nA-01444-00335976-00336143 of of desk wall qMPcmy-E-nA-01445-00336144-00336334 the rulers of the city live in white qMPcmy-E-nA-01446-00336335-00336567 crown which is on qMPcmy-E-nA-01447-00336568-00336943 a little island uh that's removed from qMPcmy-E-nA-01448-00336944-00337199 the rest of the city qMPcmy-E-nA-01449-00337200-00337599 so maybe it's maybe our place is like qMPcmy-E-nA-01450-00337600-00337910 a tall building in the docks like it's qMPcmy-E-nA-01451-00337911-00338134 the top floor or the roof of a building qMPcmy-E-nA-01452-00338135-00338382 in the docks so that we can look out on qMPcmy-E-nA-01453-00338383-00338543 a white crown qMPcmy-E-nA-01454-00338544-00338847 i have like a lighthouse qMPcmy-E-nA-01455-00338848-00339030 a lighthouse should be rad as hell yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01456-00339031-00339215 it would qMPcmy-E-nA-01457-00339216-00339558 those exist so i like the idea that it's qMPcmy-E-nA-01458-00339559-00339775 an abandoned lighthouse qMPcmy-E-nA-01459-00339776-00339982 because like you've got the lightning qMPcmy-E-nA-01460-00339983-00340215 barrier goes out around the bay so like qMPcmy-E-nA-01461-00340216-00340423 that provides enough light for ships qMPcmy-E-nA-01462-00340424-00340543 coming in qMPcmy-E-nA-01463-00340544-00340751 so they don't use the lighthouse anymore qMPcmy-E-nA-01464-00340752-00340910 need it yeah and it could be in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01465-00340911-00340991 docks qMPcmy-E-nA-01466-00340992-00341270 which is not as hard a territory yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01467-00341271-00341567 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-01468-00341568-00341719 i like that a lot an abandoned qMPcmy-E-nA-01469-00341720-00341903 lighthouse overlooking white crown still qMPcmy-E-nA-01470-00341904-00342071 has like enough power adjacent stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01471-00342072-00342199 like that's where all the journalists qMPcmy-E-nA-01472-00342200-00342334 are and that's where the big qMPcmy-E-nA-01473-00342335-00342647 bank is and the leviathan hunters qMPcmy-E-nA-01474-00342648-00342958 and the leviathan hunters so yeah powers qMPcmy-E-nA-01475-00342959-00343247 in the city yeah the um the the demon qMPcmy-E-nA-01476-00343248-00343423 blood that was previously mentioned that qMPcmy-E-nA-01477-00343424-00343599 fuels the lightning barrier and a whole qMPcmy-E-nA-01478-00343600-00343782 lot of technology in the city qMPcmy-E-nA-01479-00343783-00343999 um is collected from these immortal qMPcmy-E-nA-01480-00344000-00344215 demons called leviathans that are out in qMPcmy-E-nA-01481-00344216-00344327 the void sea qMPcmy-E-nA-01482-00344328-00344687 it's basically whaling except qMPcmy-E-nA-01483-00344688-00345039 with demons demon whaling yeah cool qMPcmy-E-nA-01484-00345040-00345358 you know every prominent family in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01485-00345359-00345447 city qMPcmy-E-nA-01486-00345448-00345791 runs leviathan hunting chefs yeah yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01487-00345792-00346030 like they have fleets yeah and that's qMPcmy-E-nA-01488-00346031-00346110 how they are qMPcmy-E-nA-01489-00346111-00346423 so rich yeah they're they're the qMPcmy-E-nA-01490-00346424-00346551 captains of industry qMPcmy-E-nA-01491-00346552-00346919 um fun not intended qMPcmy-E-nA-01492-00346920-00347287 uh okay always a center of energy qMPcmy-E-nA-01493-00347288-00347630 needs so qMPcmy-E-nA-01494-00347631-00347951 then so so as i mentioned earlier qMPcmy-E-nA-01495-00347952-00348295 everybody every scrap of territory qMPcmy-E-nA-01496-00348296-00348606 in the city is already claimed so qMPcmy-E-nA-01497-00348607-00348799 this site that we have i actually think qMPcmy-E-nA-01498-00348800-00348951 i should have done this for qMPcmy-E-nA-01499-00348952-00349110 i should have done this for no i qMPcmy-E-nA-01500-00349111-00349239 shouldn't have done this for the layer i qMPcmy-E-nA-01501-00349240-00349310 don't think qMPcmy-E-nA-01502-00349311-00349430 let me double check something i might qMPcmy-E-nA-01503-00349431-00349630 have skipped a step i think glare qMPcmy-E-nA-01504-00349631-00349854 and hunting grounds right no lair does qMPcmy-E-nA-01505-00349855-00349975 not oh qMPcmy-E-nA-01506-00349976-00350406 yeah okay so like so every scrap qMPcmy-E-nA-01507-00350407-00350558 of territory in the city is already qMPcmy-E-nA-01508-00350559-00350887 claimed so our our hunting grounds this qMPcmy-E-nA-01509-00350888-00351063 this lighthouse qMPcmy-E-nA-01510-00351064-00351415 somebody else controlled it before qMPcmy-E-nA-01511-00351416-00351782 we did we took it from somebody um qMPcmy-E-nA-01512-00351783-00352054 so there's a whole bunch of factions in qMPcmy-E-nA-01513-00352055-00352143 the city qMPcmy-E-nA-01514-00352144-00353047 yeah real quick bazos are enemies uh-huh qMPcmy-E-nA-01515-00353048-00353239 oh that's a really good idea so they qMPcmy-E-nA-01516-00353240-00353367 must have used to run qMPcmy-E-nA-01517-00353368-00353734 the lighthouse like way back before uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01518-00353735-00354199 yeah whatever so so one of the criminal qMPcmy-E-nA-01519-00354200-00354391 uh organizations in the city as a group qMPcmy-E-nA-01520-00354392-00354582 called the lamp blacks who are are run qMPcmy-E-nA-01521-00354583-00355039 by bazobaz the lan yeah the lamp blacks qMPcmy-E-nA-01522-00355040-00355375 used to be the lamplighters guild they qMPcmy-E-nA-01523-00355376-00355663 were um you know they would go around qMPcmy-E-nA-01524-00355664-00355839 and light all of like the gas and coal qMPcmy-E-nA-01525-00355840-00355927 lanterns qMPcmy-E-nA-01526-00355928-00356278 or lights throughout the city and then qMPcmy-E-nA-01527-00356279-00356591 electric lighting happened and they qMPcmy-E-nA-01528-00356592-00356910 basically like went out of business so qMPcmy-E-nA-01529-00356911-00357310 as you do they turned to crime so qMPcmy-E-nA-01530-00357311-00357543 i like that idea that they used to be qMPcmy-E-nA-01531-00357544-00357799 responsible for this lighthouse qMPcmy-E-nA-01532-00357800-00358103 and we ganked it from them yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01533-00358104-00358375 and so they don't like us as a result i qMPcmy-E-nA-01534-00358376-00358482 like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01535-00358483-00358863 yeah we also get friends right qMPcmy-E-nA-01536-00358864-00359119 yeah we'll we'll yeah okay i don't qMPcmy-E-nA-01537-00359120-00359254 remember what order this happens qMPcmy-E-nA-01538-00359255-00359558 it's been a while yeah so the next thing qMPcmy-E-nA-01539-00359559-00359710 after we we've picked our qMPcmy-E-nA-01540-00359711-00359991 our sacred sites is we choose a special qMPcmy-E-nA-01541-00359992-00360182 ability for the crew qMPcmy-E-nA-01542-00360183-00360382 um this is kind of similar to the qMPcmy-E-nA-01543-00360383-00360558 special abilities that we picked qMPcmy-E-nA-01544-00360559-00360806 for our characters but this is something qMPcmy-E-nA-01545-00360807-00360919 that will give qMPcmy-E-nA-01546-00360920-00361223 all of the crew members um qMPcmy-E-nA-01547-00361224-00361558 some kind of bonus so um qMPcmy-E-nA-01548-00361559-00361823 do you want me to just read off the the qMPcmy-E-nA-01549-00361824-00361919 different qMPcmy-E-nA-01550-00361920-00362310 options um or do people have the page qMPcmy-E-nA-01551-00362311-00362567 open i have it open okay yeah i'm qMPcmy-E-nA-01552-00362568-00362695 looking at the crew sheet qMPcmy-E-nA-01553-00362696-00363087 that you sent yeah yeah so any of these qMPcmy-E-nA-01554-00363088-00363454 jumping out at people um qMPcmy-E-nA-01555-00363455-00363678 glory incarnate is really fun for this qMPcmy-E-nA-01556-00363679-00363799 crew qMPcmy-E-nA-01557-00363800-00364006 your deity sometimes manifests in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01558-00364007-00364230 physical world qMPcmy-E-nA-01559-00364231-00364575 oh yep this can be a great boon but the qMPcmy-E-nA-01560-00364576-00364751 priorities and values of a god are not qMPcmy-E-nA-01561-00364752-00364863 those of mortals qMPcmy-E-nA-01562-00364864-00365143 you have been warned that is literally qMPcmy-E-nA-01563-00365144-00365463 what the description says qMPcmy-E-nA-01564-00365464-00365710 i mean i feel bad not picking sealed in qMPcmy-E-nA-01565-00365711-00365878 blood qMPcmy-E-nA-01566-00365879-00366223 i guess we could go with that one qMPcmy-E-nA-01567-00366224-00366510 glory incarnate we can just manifest the qMPcmy-E-nA-01568-00366511-00366758 throne of judgment in this world qMPcmy-E-nA-01569-00366759-00367503 yeah i mean that's a little crazy qMPcmy-E-nA-01570-00367504-00367678 we can't think in terms of advance qMPcmy-E-nA-01571-00367679-00367815 advancements because we're not going to qMPcmy-E-nA-01572-00367816-00367951 play so qMPcmy-E-nA-01573-00367952-00368158 yeah don't don't think about how qMPcmy-E-nA-01574-00368159-00368430 terrible of an idea any of this is qMPcmy-E-nA-01575-00368431-00368558 i'm just going to say that glory qMPcmy-E-nA-01576-00368559-00368743 incarnate sounds like a really fun thing qMPcmy-E-nA-01577-00368744-00368975 to have as like a later advancement qMPcmy-E-nA-01578-00368976-00369254 but now man we're starting with that qMPcmy-E-nA-01579-00369255-00369367 yeah we're starting qMPcmy-E-nA-01580-00369368-00369799 we're building for a one shot qMPcmy-E-nA-01581-00369800-00370271 the next thing we do is um crew upgrades qMPcmy-E-nA-01582-00370272-00370543 so the cult starts with it's not qMPcmy-E-nA-01583-00370544-00370751 actually one of them is missing qMPcmy-E-nA-01584-00370752-00371134 um we start with a co oh it is on here qMPcmy-E-nA-01585-00371135-00371175 actually qMPcmy-E-nA-01586-00371176-00371519 we start with a cohort um a a gang of qMPcmy-E-nA-01587-00371520-00371654 adepts qMPcmy-E-nA-01588-00371655-00371934 um which basically means we have like we qMPcmy-E-nA-01589-00371935-00372071 are the cult leaders qMPcmy-E-nA-01590-00372072-00372263 and we have we have a handful of qMPcmy-E-nA-01591-00372264-00372495 worshipers already oh wow qMPcmy-E-nA-01592-00372496-00372815 yeah um who because they're so dedicated qMPcmy-E-nA-01593-00372816-00372887 to us qMPcmy-E-nA-01594-00372888-00373206 will uh go out and do stuff for us qMPcmy-E-nA-01595-00373207-00373534 perfect yeah so um qMPcmy-E-nA-01596-00373535-00373839 crew upgrades are um qMPcmy-E-nA-01597-00373840-00374119 kind of over bottom right of the the qMPcmy-E-nA-01598-00374120-00374158 thing qMPcmy-E-nA-01599-00374159-00374615 we get to pick two of these so qMPcmy-E-nA-01600-00374616-00374854 yeah we've got you we can upgrade uh we qMPcmy-E-nA-01601-00374855-00374919 can pick qMPcmy-E-nA-01602-00374920-00375302 cult specific ones we can pick qMPcmy-E-nA-01603-00375303-00375534 things to upgrade our lair we can pick qMPcmy-E-nA-01604-00375535-00375654 stuff to qMPcmy-E-nA-01605-00375655-00376047 um make various like pieces of equipment qMPcmy-E-nA-01606-00376048-00376351 better for us uh or qMPcmy-E-nA-01607-00376352-00376654 we could um increase kind of our our qMPcmy-E-nA-01608-00376655-00376727 training qMPcmy-E-nA-01609-00376728-00377054 resources which basically allows us to qMPcmy-E-nA-01610-00377055-00377447 to get more xp for certain actions qMPcmy-E-nA-01611-00377448-00377702 so what are we what are we thinking i qMPcmy-E-nA-01612-00377703-00377887 love the idea of a ritual sanctum in the qMPcmy-E-nA-01613-00377888-00377951 lair qMPcmy-E-nA-01614-00377952-00378199 i do too which means we can do like qMPcmy-E-nA-01615-00378200-00378302 rituals qMPcmy-E-nA-01616-00378303-00378558 and stuff yeah without going somewhere qMPcmy-E-nA-01617-00378559-00378734 else to do them we can do them right at qMPcmy-E-nA-01618-00378735-00378943 home qMPcmy-E-nA-01619-00378944-00379127 summon your god from the comfort of your qMPcmy-E-nA-01620-00379128-00379254 own home qMPcmy-E-nA-01621-00379255-00379487 i mean especially because i can like qMPcmy-E-nA-01622-00379488-00379599 make makeup rituals qMPcmy-E-nA-01623-00379600-00379847 yeah yeah that's a really good point qMPcmy-E-nA-01624-00379848-00380023 yeah it really fits well with what we've qMPcmy-E-nA-01625-00380024-00380191 got going qMPcmy-E-nA-01626-00380192-00380534 i'm gonna put in a vote for uh for our qMPcmy-E-nA-01627-00380535-00380647 lair either being qMPcmy-E-nA-01628-00380648-00381071 secure or hidden yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01629-00381072-00381367 i feel like it almost has to be like i qMPcmy-E-nA-01630-00381368-00381430 don't know qMPcmy-E-nA-01631-00381431-00381582 because we could we could tell acolytes qMPcmy-E-nA-01632-00381583-00381791 how to get to a hidden layer yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01633-00381792-00382095 yeah yeah i like hidden okay like i have qMPcmy-E-nA-01634-00382096-00382254 a feeling we're not the most subtle of qMPcmy-E-nA-01635-00382255-00382447 colts but we still need to have some qMPcmy-E-nA-01636-00382448-00382839 yeah yeah okay um qMPcmy-E-nA-01637-00382840-00383167 so with these upgrades um qMPcmy-E-nA-01638-00383168-00383534 these uh there's one faction qMPcmy-E-nA-01639-00383535-00383839 out in the world that helped us get one qMPcmy-E-nA-01640-00383840-00383943 of these upgrades qMPcmy-E-nA-01641-00383944-00384151 and and they they like us they are qMPcmy-E-nA-01642-00384152-00384319 friendly towards us qMPcmy-E-nA-01643-00384320-00384678 um and then another faction was qMPcmy-E-nA-01644-00384679-00384999 uh in some way inconvenienced by the qMPcmy-E-nA-01645-00385000-00385030 other qMPcmy-E-nA-01646-00385031-00385302 upgrade uh and they don't like us so qMPcmy-E-nA-01647-00385303-00385406 much qMPcmy-E-nA-01648-00385407-00385839 so um this is it says that the gm will qMPcmy-E-nA-01649-00385840-00385958 tell you qMPcmy-E-nA-01650-00385959-00386343 um so i'm gonna say instead of that qMPcmy-E-nA-01651-00386344-00386630 i'm gonna let's let's go with there's qMPcmy-E-nA-01652-00386631-00386815 kind of four broad categories of qMPcmy-E-nA-01653-00386816-00386951 factions qMPcmy-E-nA-01654-00386952-00387110 so i'll just sort of give those qMPcmy-E-nA-01655-00387111-00387334 categories and we can decide sort of qMPcmy-E-nA-01656-00387335-00387663 like from there we can narrow it down so qMPcmy-E-nA-01657-00387664-00387943 uh well first do we think that someone qMPcmy-E-nA-01658-00387944-00387999 helped us qMPcmy-E-nA-01659-00388000-00388382 get the ritual sanctum or was someone uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01660-00388383-00388702 is someone upset did we inconvenience qMPcmy-E-nA-01661-00388703-00388982 someone in getting our rich i like the qMPcmy-E-nA-01662-00388983-00389047 idea qMPcmy-E-nA-01663-00389048-00389343 of us in in convincing inconveniencing qMPcmy-E-nA-01664-00389344-00389423 some other qMPcmy-E-nA-01665-00389424-00389591 arcane church of the ecstasy of the qMPcmy-E-nA-01666-00389592-00389782 flesh qMPcmy-E-nA-01667-00389783-00389999 oh yeah oh god that would be really good qMPcmy-E-nA-01668-00390000-00390102 yeah yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01669-00390103-00390367 i already don't like them yeah okay so qMPcmy-E-nA-01670-00390368-00390406 yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01671-00390407-00390671 we we stole some stuff from the church qMPcmy-E-nA-01672-00390672-00390871 of ecstasy yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01673-00390872-00391078 well that's yeah to build our ritual qMPcmy-E-nA-01674-00391079-00391206 sanctum qMPcmy-E-nA-01675-00391207-00391606 that checks out okay and then yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01676-00391607-00391919 who do we think so we have so somebody qMPcmy-E-nA-01677-00391920-00392175 helped us get our make our lair hidden qMPcmy-E-nA-01678-00392176-00392367 so we have underworld which is a bunch qMPcmy-E-nA-01679-00392368-00392527 of other criminals qMPcmy-E-nA-01680-00392528-00392743 institutions which are like the the qMPcmy-E-nA-01681-00392744-00392967 legitimate institutions of the city qMPcmy-E-nA-01682-00392968-00393271 um labor and trade which are kind of the qMPcmy-E-nA-01683-00393272-00393343 the qMPcmy-E-nA-01684-00393344-00393519 working people of the city in different qMPcmy-E-nA-01685-00393520-00393663 organizations and qMPcmy-E-nA-01686-00393664-00394023 the fringe which is weird stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01687-00394024-00394343 french i want to say uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01688-00394344-00394630 the actual legitimate institutions qMPcmy-E-nA-01689-00394631-00394806 helped us become hidden qMPcmy-E-nA-01690-00394807-00395143 um because we've manipulated them qMPcmy-E-nA-01691-00395144-00395582 into doing so oh oh that's very good qMPcmy-E-nA-01692-00395583-00395839 yes what if it was the dagger isles qMPcmy-E-nA-01693-00395840-00395999 consulate qMPcmy-E-nA-01694-00396000-00396399 or like what if our slide like yeah i qMPcmy-E-nA-01695-00396400-00396591 was also going to suggest sort of qMPcmy-E-nA-01696-00396592-00396799 similarly the blue coats because i do qMPcmy-E-nA-01697-00396800-00397030 have that blue coat contacts qMPcmy-E-nA-01698-00397031-00397271 that they maybe helped us find a place qMPcmy-E-nA-01699-00397272-00397510 but both of those are good qMPcmy-E-nA-01700-00397511-00397847 what do we think i i kind of like qMPcmy-E-nA-01701-00397848-00398167 um the idea of the dagger vials qMPcmy-E-nA-01702-00398168-00398319 like being able to pull on that qMPcmy-E-nA-01703-00398320-00398567 connection that's really fun yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01704-00398568-00398758 okay so yeah we we have we have a qMPcmy-E-nA-01705-00398759-00398887 friendly connection with the dagger qMPcmy-E-nA-01706-00398888-00399030 isles consulate qMPcmy-E-nA-01707-00399031-00399302 yeah who who is your character again on qMPcmy-E-nA-01708-00399303-00399391 the slide uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01709-00399392-00399799 like i'm a uh dagger isles uh princess qMPcmy-E-nA-01710-00399800-00400167 ah yes so that would yeah i got a few qMPcmy-E-nA-01711-00400168-00400295 connections qMPcmy-E-nA-01712-00400296-00400815 yeah in your room springer starting qMPcmy-E-nA-01713-00400816-00401175 um okay so then qMPcmy-E-nA-01714-00401176-00401399 the last thing we do for crew creation qMPcmy-E-nA-01715-00401400-00401710 is we choose a favorite contact again qMPcmy-E-nA-01716-00401711-00402030 kind of like with the um qMPcmy-E-nA-01717-00402031-00402263 the character sheets we know all of qMPcmy-E-nA-01718-00402264-00402375 these people qMPcmy-E-nA-01719-00402376-00402782 but um one of them is is somebody who qMPcmy-E-nA-01720-00402783-00403151 uh we are are much closer to um qMPcmy-E-nA-01721-00403152-00403367 we don't have necessarily a rival in qMPcmy-E-nA-01722-00403368-00403519 this group so is that who qMPcmy-E-nA-01723-00403520-00403823 who do we think out of all of these qMPcmy-E-nA-01724-00403824-00404158 fine people here uh is is our close qMPcmy-E-nA-01725-00404159-00404278 contact qMPcmy-E-nA-01726-00404279-00404439 i like the idea of hutchins the qMPcmy-E-nA-01727-00404440-00404663 antiquarian like someone who qMPcmy-E-nA-01728-00404664-00405047 a likes these traditional ways of qMPcmy-E-nA-01729-00405048-00405134 thinking qMPcmy-E-nA-01730-00405135-00405415 and like old power structures and stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01731-00405416-00405591 and can like put us in contact with our qMPcmy-E-nA-01732-00405592-00405663 history qMPcmy-E-nA-01733-00405664-00405806 this is so interesting that we're qMPcmy-E-nA-01734-00405807-00406030 actually almost like qMPcmy-E-nA-01735-00406031-00406343 we're kind of like going for like old qMPcmy-E-nA-01736-00406344-00406415 style qMPcmy-E-nA-01737-00406416-00406702 authority yeah we're like a monarchist qMPcmy-E-nA-01738-00406703-00406830 cult qMPcmy-E-nA-01739-00406831-00407215 yeah yeah we're like neil neof yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01740-00407216-00407351 i mean that is kind of how i envision it qMPcmy-E-nA-01741-00407352-00407606 like we are all sort of uppity rich kids qMPcmy-E-nA-01742-00407607-00407999 yeah it's just god we suck qMPcmy-E-nA-01743-00408000-00408278 i've never played blaze as that kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-01744-00408279-00408430 like looking back qMPcmy-E-nA-01745-00408431-00408775 and drawing from the past for power yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01746-00408776-00409030 kind of thing i like that so we want to qMPcmy-E-nA-01747-00409031-00409167 go with the antiquarian qMPcmy-E-nA-01748-00409168-00409495 hutchins i think so um qMPcmy-E-nA-01749-00409496-00409774 let me check yeah that's that is the qMPcmy-E-nA-01750-00409775-00409895 last qMPcmy-E-nA-01751-00409896-00410207 step for for crew creation so qMPcmy-E-nA-01752-00410208-00410463 yeah we've we've got this group well oh qMPcmy-E-nA-01753-00410464-00410630 i'm sorry take that back the last qMPcmy-E-nA-01754-00410631-00410910 step is naming the crew well we kind of qMPcmy-E-nA-01755-00410912-00410959 did qMPcmy-E-nA-01756-00410960-00411159 didn't we yeah i thought we went with uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01757-00411160-00411334 what cult of the throne qMPcmy-E-nA-01758-00411335-00411518 or do we want something different qMPcmy-E-nA-01759-00411519-00411726 although i think reena said like cult of qMPcmy-E-nA-01760-00411727-00411863 the broken throne qMPcmy-E-nA-01761-00411864-00412055 or the broken king yeah i said something qMPcmy-E-nA-01762-00412056-00412199 like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01763-00412200-00412430 i was just throwing that out there no i qMPcmy-E-nA-01764-00412431-00412503 like it yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01765-00412504-00412807 the broken throne yeah so we're a bunch qMPcmy-E-nA-01766-00412808-00412895 of qMPcmy-E-nA-01767-00412896-00413199 like exiled nobles and rich kids qMPcmy-E-nA-01768-00413200-00413422 we're almost trying to bring back the qMPcmy-E-nA-01769-00413423-00413718 world that died in the cataclysm yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01770-00413719-00413903 or at least or at least the power qMPcmy-E-nA-01771-00413904-00414470 structures thereof qMPcmy-E-nA-01772-00414471-00414782 oh man we are we're very bad qMPcmy-E-nA-01773-00414783-00414982 right it's not like things are going so qMPcmy-E-nA-01774-00414983-00415151 great without us yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01775-00415152-00415430 i think also an important question is qMPcmy-E-nA-01776-00415431-00415503 like qMPcmy-E-nA-01777-00415504-00415774 how actually sincere is everyone in qMPcmy-E-nA-01778-00415775-00415887 their move qMPcmy-E-nA-01779-00415888-00416199 like are we all like way deep in it qMPcmy-E-nA-01780-00416200-00416478 or some are some of us using it or some qMPcmy-E-nA-01781-00416479-00416607 of us just qMPcmy-E-nA-01782-00416608-00416870 sympathetic but not especially dedicated qMPcmy-E-nA-01783-00416871-00417063 oh man yeah that would be qMPcmy-E-nA-01784-00417064-00417239 i'm thinking i'm a total religious qMPcmy-E-nA-01785-00417239-00417430 zealot like i've completely bought into qMPcmy-E-nA-01786-00417431-00417495 it qMPcmy-E-nA-01787-00417496-00417791 yeah oh yeah it's definitely interesting qMPcmy-E-nA-01788-00417792-00417982 the idea of some people using it as a qMPcmy-E-nA-01789-00417983-00418118 means to an end qMPcmy-E-nA-01790-00418119-00418310 because i mean we are spoiled rich kids qMPcmy-E-nA-01791-00418312-00418487 it's just sort of like oh this is a way qMPcmy-E-nA-01792-00418488-00419055 for us qMPcmy-E-nA-01793-00419056-00419207 yeah i mean i'm definitely just here for qMPcmy-E-nA-01794-00419208-00419296 the spooky stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01795-00419297-00419421 [Laughter] qMPcmy-E-nA-01796-00419422-00419639 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-01797-00419639-00419807 whispers here for the spooky almost like qMPcmy-E-nA-01798-00419808-00420014 the idea of my character like qMPcmy-E-nA-01799-00420015-00420247 having become really loyal to one of the qMPcmy-E-nA-01800-00420247-00420470 royals in our group qMPcmy-E-nA-01801-00420471-00420751 oh yeah and like pledge oh that's fun qMPcmy-E-nA-01802-00420752-00420927 fealty qMPcmy-E-nA-01803-00420928-00421287 well you're you and we are both qMPcmy-E-nA-01804-00421288-00421599 right but i'm not i'm not royalty also qMPcmy-E-nA-01805-00421600-00421807 i don't i think that our characters are qMPcmy-E-nA-01806-00421808-00421918 odds qMPcmy-E-nA-01807-00421919-00422255 yeah i think so okay yeah like qMPcmy-E-nA-01808-00422256-00422439 i think it's more of a matter of then qMPcmy-E-nA-01809-00422439-00422670 like do you respect like qMPcmy-E-nA-01810-00422671-00422895 the political player sort of ruler or qMPcmy-E-nA-01811-00422896-00422999 the iron fist qMPcmy-E-nA-01812-00423000-00423255 sort of ruler i think my character's qMPcmy-E-nA-01813-00423256-00423375 just using it qMPcmy-E-nA-01814-00423376-00423607 to get money i don't think i don't think qMPcmy-E-nA-01815-00423608-00423839 she's i mean i think she qMPcmy-E-nA-01816-00423839-00424070 the god literally she does not have a qMPcmy-E-nA-01817-00424071-00424199 choice but to believe qMPcmy-E-nA-01818-00424200-00424399 in the god because the god literally can qMPcmy-E-nA-01819-00424400-00424527 manifest qMPcmy-E-nA-01820-00424528-00424879 so like she believes in it but she's qMPcmy-E-nA-01821-00424880-00425166 not i don't think she's as interested in qMPcmy-E-nA-01822-00425167-00425247 in qMPcmy-E-nA-01823-00425247-00425495 propagating the cult i think that she is qMPcmy-E-nA-01824-00425496-00425663 interested in qMPcmy-E-nA-01825-00425664-00425887 well she she wants the cult to succeed qMPcmy-E-nA-01826-00425888-00425975 and spread qMPcmy-E-nA-01827-00425976-00426263 so that her position and privilege can qMPcmy-E-nA-01828-00426264-00426479 can rise again because i think that she qMPcmy-E-nA-01829-00426480-00426710 i think she probably got disowned by her qMPcmy-E-nA-01830-00426712-00426910 family at some point qMPcmy-E-nA-01831-00426912-00427151 and so this is kind of her it's an qMPcmy-E-nA-01832-00427152-00427335 alternate path qMPcmy-E-nA-01833-00427335-00427639 back to power and privilege qMPcmy-E-nA-01834-00427639-00427966 so i okay no go ahead i was gonna say i qMPcmy-E-nA-01835-00427967-00428007 i qMPcmy-E-nA-01836-00428008-00428318 think that my character is more like qMPcmy-E-nA-01837-00428319-00428999 accidentally doing qMPcmy-E-nA-01838-00429000-00429199 they're just making it up as they go and qMPcmy-E-nA-01839-00429200-00429566 it seems to be working qMPcmy-E-nA-01840-00429567-00429735 and like we're just gonna keep snorting qMPcmy-E-nA-01841-00429735-00430263 these ghosts and hoping for the best qMPcmy-E-nA-01842-00430264-00430607 so this is really oh yeah what if the qMPcmy-E-nA-01843-00430608-00430822 of a big thing of this is like ancestor qMPcmy-E-nA-01844-00430823-00431014 worship and stuff qMPcmy-E-nA-01845-00431015-00431199 because like you're you're like taking qMPcmy-E-nA-01846-00431200-00431391 the spirits of the ancestors into qMPcmy-E-nA-01847-00431392-00431599 yourself and assuming they're not alive qMPcmy-E-nA-01848-00431600-00431927 oh my gosh that's so good i love that qMPcmy-E-nA-01849-00431928-00432214 yeah so i had this like this this feels qMPcmy-E-nA-01850-00432215-00432407 like our spire episodes where we were qMPcmy-E-nA-01851-00432408-00433143 talking about eating grandma qMPcmy-E-nA-01852-00433143-00433407 so i have this idea swimming around and qMPcmy-E-nA-01853-00433408-00433479 uh qMPcmy-E-nA-01854-00433480-00433670 i did not come up with this tonight i qMPcmy-E-nA-01855-00433671-00433822 was having thinky thoughts about qMPcmy-E-nA-01856-00433823-00434095 something that got discarded last night qMPcmy-E-nA-01857-00434096-00434407 finky thoughts i like that term but i qMPcmy-E-nA-01858-00434408-00434543 think that um qMPcmy-E-nA-01859-00434543-00434703 my character is from like a city in qMPcmy-E-nA-01860-00434704-00434910 arubia it's kind of on the coast qMPcmy-E-nA-01861-00434912-00435079 and there was an island that dreamed the qMPcmy-E-nA-01862-00435080-00435366 cataclysm sank into the sea qMPcmy-E-nA-01863-00435367-00435599 and her people are some of the last qMPcmy-E-nA-01864-00435600-00435783 survivors of that and they remain like a qMPcmy-E-nA-01865-00435784-00436014 somewhat separate community in that city qMPcmy-E-nA-01866-00436015-00436191 so i think they had like severozi qMPcmy-E-nA-01867-00436192-00436335 heritage and qMPcmy-E-nA-01868-00436335-00436679 so she is loyal to josie's character qMPcmy-E-nA-01869-00436680-00436966 because she's loyal to like that qMPcmy-E-nA-01870-00436967-00437151 connection that ancestral connection qMPcmy-E-nA-01871-00437152-00437655 was cool yeah i really like that hooray qMPcmy-E-nA-01872-00437656-00437918 that's awesome um i think for my qMPcmy-E-nA-01873-00437919-00438031 character qMPcmy-E-nA-01874-00438032-00438487 um huh how to put this um qMPcmy-E-nA-01875-00438488-00438839 she wants to see qMPcmy-E-nA-01876-00438839-00439159 if she can become good enough qMPcmy-E-nA-01877-00439160-00439470 to manipulate the physical incarnation qMPcmy-E-nA-01878-00439471-00440543 of a god qMPcmy-E-nA-01879-00440543-00440927 that's so good i love this group qMPcmy-E-nA-01880-00440928-00441495 so much qMPcmy-E-nA-01881-00441496-00441718 oh man um qMPcmy-E-nA-01882-00441718-00441847 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-01883-00441847-00442110 that that is one thing like our beliefs qMPcmy-E-nA-01884-00442112-00442287 are not going to be like patriarchal qMPcmy-E-nA-01885-00442288-00442366 about yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01886-00442367-00442670 anyway no i think that's everything for qMPcmy-E-nA-01887-00442671-00442991 for our our characters and our crew oh qMPcmy-E-nA-01888-00442992-00443103 man qMPcmy-E-nA-01889-00443104-00443318 these look at these bad kids they're so qMPcmy-E-nA-01890-00443319-00443422 terrible qMPcmy-E-nA-01891-00443423-00443927 they're very bad oh man qMPcmy-E-nA-01892-00443928-00444351 wow we went like the entire opposite qMPcmy-E-nA-01893-00444352-00444559 i love that yeah i love that like we qMPcmy-E-nA-01894-00444560-00444670 just created some qMPcmy-E-nA-01895-00444671-00444983 horrible people and also just in terms qMPcmy-E-nA-01896-00444984-00445055 of like qMPcmy-E-nA-01897-00445056-00445383 ideals so different like the things that qMPcmy-E-nA-01898-00445384-00445503 they cleveland qMPcmy-E-nA-01899-00445504-00445870 are completely separate from i love this qMPcmy-E-nA-01900-00445871-00446439 yeah this is really good yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01901-00446439-00446607 we still got to do we still have the qMPcmy-E-nA-01902-00446608-00446807 discussion phase qMPcmy-E-nA-01903-00446808-00447079 yes that part usually goes pretty quiet qMPcmy-E-nA-01904-00447080-00447151 yeah qMPcmy-E-nA-01905-00447152-00447391 well thank you so much for joining us qMPcmy-E-nA-01906-00447392-00447591 for our blades in the dark character qMPcmy-E-nA-01907-00447592-00447663 creation qMPcmy-E-nA-01908-00447664-00447966 episodes reid do you want to remind qMPcmy-E-nA-01909-00447967-00448151 people where they can find you qMPcmy-E-nA-01910-00448152-00448431 yes uh you can find my personal twitter qMPcmy-E-nA-01911-00448432-00448495 is qMPcmy-E-nA-01912-00448496-00448903 at rhiannon42 and uh i also run qMPcmy-E-nA-01913-00448904-00449166 the magpies twitter account which is at qMPcmy-E-nA-01914-00449167-00449414 magpies underscore pod qMPcmy-E-nA-01915-00449415-00449718 and josie what about you uh yeah you can qMPcmy-E-nA-01916-00449719-00449991 find me at the magpies places as well qMPcmy-E-nA-01917-00449992-00450047 and qMPcmy-E-nA-01918-00450047-00450335 on my twitter at dragongirljosie all qMPcmy-E-nA-01919-00450335-00450375 right qMPcmy-E-nA-01920-00450376-00450607 and mina how about yourself uh you can qMPcmy-E-nA-01921-00450608-00450799 find me on twitter qMPcmy-E-nA-01922-00450800-00451655 at minaminar qMPcmy-E-nA-01923-00451656-00451831 a nightmare of a twitter handle none of qMPcmy-E-nA-01924-00451832-00452110 my usual handles were available qMPcmy-E-nA-01925-00452112-00452295 it's not as bad as send us though send qMPcmy-E-nA-01926-00452296-00452463 us is still really hard to qMPcmy-E-nA-01927-00452464-00452727 i i will i will also add i'm not used to qMPcmy-E-nA-01928-00452728-00452863 uh promoting this yet qMPcmy-E-nA-01929-00452864-00453063 our our brand new patreon for the qMPcmy-E-nA-01930-00453064-00453295 magpies oh yes you just started qMPcmy-E-nA-01931-00453296-00453535 today yesterday yesterday it launched qMPcmy-E-nA-01932-00453535-00453622 yesterday qMPcmy-E-nA-01933-00453623-00453927 um so yes you can also find the magpies qMPcmy-E-nA-01934-00453928-00454143 um i guess i'll do all of the magpies qMPcmy-E-nA-01935-00454143-00454414 things qMPcmy-E-nA-01936-00454415-00454787 is our main website and qMPcmy-E-nA-01937-00454788-00455022 magpiespodcast is where you can check qMPcmy-E-nA-01938-00455023-00455079 that out qMPcmy-E-nA-01939-00455080-00455391 if you uh decide that you listen to our qMPcmy-E-nA-01940-00455392-00455455 podcast qMPcmy-E-nA-01941-00455456-00455743 and want to support us very cool awesome qMPcmy-E-nA-01942-00455743-00455775 well qMPcmy-E-nA-01943-00455776-00456022 thank you so much everyone for joining qMPcmy-E-nA-01944-00456023-00456087 us and qMPcmy-E-nA-01945-00456088-00456295 thank you for listening we will be back qMPcmy-E-nA-01946-00456296-00456676 for our discussion episode next week qMPcmy-E-nA-01947-00456677-00458103 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-01948-00458104-00458318 character creation cast is a production qMPcmy-E-nA-01949-00458319-00458510 of the one shot podcast network qMPcmy-E-nA-01950-00458512-00458851 and can be found online at qMPcmy-E-nA-01951-00458852-00459007 qMPcmy-E-nA-01952-00459008-00459135 head to the website to get more qMPcmy-E-nA-01953-00459135-00459359 information on our hosts and guests qMPcmy-E-nA-01954-00459360-00459575 or even some of our character sheets qMPcmy-E-nA-01955-00459576-00459735 character creation cast can be found on qMPcmy-E-nA-01956-00459735-00459959 twitter at creationcast qMPcmy-E-nA-01957-00459960-00460175 i'm one of your hosts ryan boulter and i qMPcmy-E-nA-01958-00460176-00460327 can be found on twitter at qMPcmy-E-nA-01959-00460328-00460559 lord neptune our other host amelia qMPcmy-E-nA-01960-00460560-00460759 antrim can be found on twitter at qMPcmy-E-nA-01961-00460760-00461022 gingerreckoning music for this episode qMPcmy-E-nA-01962-00461023-00461239 is used with a creative commons license qMPcmy-E-nA-01963-00461239-00461431 or with permission from the podcast they qMPcmy-E-nA-01964-00461432-00461559 originated from qMPcmy-E-nA-01965-00461560-00461751 further information can be found within qMPcmy-E-nA-01966-00461752-00461863 the show notes qMPcmy-E-nA-01967-00461864-00462214 our main theme music is hero remix by qMPcmy-E-nA-01968-00462215-00462327 steve combs qMPcmy-E-nA-01969-00462328-00462487 and is used with a creative commons qMPcmy-E-nA-01970-00462488-00462735 license this podcast is owned by us qMPcmy-E-nA-01971-00462735-00462975 under creative commons this episode was qMPcmy-E-nA-01972-00462976-00463183 edited by ryan bolter qMPcmy-E-nA-01973-00463184-00463366 further information for the game systems qMPcmy-E-nA-01974-00463367-00463575 used in today's guests can also be found qMPcmy-E-nA-01975-00463576-00463695 in the show notes qMPcmy-E-nA-01976-00463696-00463855 if you like the systems discussed and qMPcmy-E-nA-01977-00463856-00464047 wish to purchase them links to the qMPcmy-E-nA-01978-00464047-00464263 product can be found in the show notes qMPcmy-E-nA-01979-00464264-00464455 also check the notes or the website for qMPcmy-E-nA-01980-00464456-00464647 cool stuff to go with each character qMPcmy-E-nA-01981-00464647-00464903 such as dice or mix tapes thanks for qMPcmy-E-nA-01982-00464904-00465070 joining us and remember qMPcmy-E-nA-01983-00465071-00465222 we find that the best part of any qMPcmy-E-nA-01984-00465223-00465455 role-playing game is character creation qMPcmy-E-nA-01985-00465456-00465647 so go out there and create some amazing qMPcmy-E-nA-01986-00465647-00466718 people we will see you next time qMPcmy-E-nA-01987-00466720-00467855 [Music] qMPcmy-E-nA-01988-00467856-00468103 now we gotta read some show blurbs show qMPcmy-E-nA-01989-00468104-00468318 blurbs qMPcmy-E-nA-01990-00468319-00468670 show blurbs show blurbs qMPcmy-E-nA-01991-00468671-00468887 character creation cast is hosted by the qMPcmy-E-nA-01992-00468888-00469095 one shot podcast network qMPcmy-E-nA-01993-00469096-00469347 if you enjoyed our show visit qMPcmy-E-nA-01994-00469347-00469479 qMPcmy-E-nA-01995-00469480-00469647 where you will find other great shows qMPcmy-E-nA-01996-00469647-00469822 like modifier qMPcmy-E-nA-01997-00469823-00470031 modifier is an interview show hosted by qMPcmy-E-nA-01998-00470032-00470151 megan dornbrock qMPcmy-E-nA-01999-00470152-00470366 all about why and how people change qMPcmy-E-nA-02000-00470367-00470455 games qMPcmy-E-nA-02001-00470456-00470631 from the hobbyist to the professional qMPcmy-E-nA-02002-00470632-00470814 from house rules to publication qMPcmy-E-nA-02003-00470815-00471047 we all have in mind a better way to play qMPcmy-E-nA-02004-00471047-00471528 what's yours