t4g3cUyjjr8-00000-00000080-00000347 metabolism from Greek metabolites abble t4g3cUyjjr8-00001-00000348-00000611 change is the set of life-sustaining t4g3cUyjjr8-00002-00000612-00000886 chemical reactions in organisms the t4g3cUyjjr8-00003-00000888-00001115 three main purposes of metabolism art t4g3cUyjjr8-00004-00001116-00001319 the conversion of food fuel to energy to t4g3cUyjjr8-00005-00001320-00001562 run cellular processes the conversion of t4g3cUyjjr8-00006-00001563-00001748 food fuel to building blocks for t4g3cUyjjr8-00007-00001748-00002012 proteins lipids nucleic acids and some t4g3cUyjjr8-00008-00002013-00002209 carbohydrates and the elimination of t4g3cUyjjr8-00009-00002210-00002474 nitrogenous wastes these enzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00010-00002475-00002708 catalyzed reactions allow organisms to t4g3cUyjjr8-00011-00002709-00002902 grow and reproduce maintain their t4g3cUyjjr8-00012-00002903-00003050 structures and respond to their t4g3cUyjjr8-00013-00003051-00003265 environments the word metabolism can t4g3cUyjjr8-00014-00003266-00003470 also refer to the sum of all chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00015-00003471-00003644 reactions that occur in living organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00016-00003645-00003908 including digestion and the transport of t4g3cUyjjr8-00017-00003909-00004070 substances into and between different t4g3cUyjjr8-00018-00004071-00004319 cells in which case the above described t4g3cUyjjr8-00019-00004320-00004513 set of reactions within the cells is t4g3cUyjjr8-00020-00004514-00004715 called intermediary metabolism or t4g3cUyjjr8-00021-00004716-00004975 intermediate metabolism metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00022-00004976-00005195 reactions may be categorized as t4g3cUyjjr8-00023-00005196-00005422 catabolic the breaking down of compounds t4g3cUyjjr8-00024-00005423-00005633 for example the breaking down of glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00025-00005634-00005863 to pyruvate by cellular respiration or t4g3cUyjjr8-00026-00005864-00006088 anabolic the building up synthesis of t4g3cUyjjr8-00027-00006089-00006313 compounds such as proteins carbohydrates t4g3cUyjjr8-00028-00006314-00006660 lipids and nucleic acids usually t4g3cUyjjr8-00029-00006661-00006920 catabolism releases energy and anabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00030-00006920-00007283 consumes energy the chemical reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00031-00007284-00007475 of metabolism are organized into t4g3cUyjjr8-00032-00007476-00007720 metabolic pathways in which one chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00033-00007722-00007909 is transformed through a series of steps t4g3cUyjjr8-00034-00007911-00008110 into another chemical each step being t4g3cUyjjr8-00035-00008111-00008441 facilitated by a specific enzyme enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00036-00008442-00008648 are crucial to metabolism because they t4g3cUyjjr8-00037-00008649-00008855 allow organisms to drive desirable t4g3cUyjjr8-00038-00008856-00009062 reactions that require energy that will t4g3cUyjjr8-00039-00009063-00009260 not occur by themselves by coupling them t4g3cUyjjr8-00040-00009261-00009439 to spontaneous reactions that release t4g3cUyjjr8-00041-00009440-00009778 energy enzymes act as catalysts they t4g3cUyjjr8-00042-00009779-00009980 allow a reaction to proceed more rapidly t4g3cUyjjr8-00043-00009981-00010169 and they also allow the regulation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00044-00010170-00010355 the rate of a metabolic reaction for t4g3cUyjjr8-00045-00010356-00010549 example in response to changes in the t4g3cUyjjr8-00046-00010550-00010730 cell's environment or to signals from t4g3cUyjjr8-00047-00010731-00011051 other cells the metabolic system of a t4g3cUyjjr8-00048-00011052-00011249 particular organism determines which t4g3cUyjjr8-00049-00011250-00011464 substances it will find nutritious and t4g3cUyjjr8-00050-00011465-00011728 which poisonous for example some t4g3cUyjjr8-00051-00011729-00011948 prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a t4g3cUyjjr8-00052-00011949-00012160 nutrient yet this gas is poisonous to t4g3cUyjjr8-00053-00012161-00012445 animals the basal metabolic rate of an t4g3cUyjjr8-00054-00012446-00012631 organism is the measure of the amount of t4g3cUyjjr8-00055-00012632-00012844 energy consumed by all of these chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00056-00012845-00012996 reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00057-00012997-00013230 a striking feature of metabolism as the t4g3cUyjjr8-00058-00013231-00013393 similarity of the basic metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00059-00013394-00013644 pathways among vastly different species t4g3cUyjjr8-00060-00013644-00013983 for example the set of carboxylic acids t4g3cUyjjr8-00061-00013984-00014158 that are best known as the intermediates t4g3cUyjjr8-00062-00014159-00014380 in the citric acid cycle are present in t4g3cUyjjr8-00063-00014381-00014563 all known organisms being found in t4g3cUyjjr8-00064-00014563-00014755 species as diverse as the unicellular t4g3cUyjjr8-00065-00014756-00015003 bacterium Escherichia coli and huge t4g3cUyjjr8-00066-00015004-00015222 multicellular organisms like elephants t4g3cUyjjr8-00067-00015223-00015525 these similarities in metabolic pathways t4g3cUyjjr8-00068-00015526-00015715 are likely due to their early appearance t4g3cUyjjr8-00069-00015716-00015888 in evolutionary history and their t4g3cUyjjr8-00070-00015890-00016567 retention because of their efficacy t4g3cUyjjr8-00071-00016568-00017146 topic key biochemicals t4g3cUyjjr8-00072-00017147-00017350 most of the structures that make up t4g3cUyjjr8-00073-00017351-00017557 animals plants and microbes are made t4g3cUyjjr8-00074-00017558-00017773 from three basic classes of molecule t4g3cUyjjr8-00075-00017774-00018016 amino acids carbohydrates and lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00076-00018017-00018349 often called fats as these molecules are t4g3cUyjjr8-00077-00018350-00018559 vital for life metabolic reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00078-00018560-00018760 either focus on making these molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00079-00018761-00018931 during the construction of cells and t4g3cUyjjr8-00080-00018932-00019123 tissues or by breaking them down and t4g3cUyjjr8-00081-00019124-00019303 using them as a source of energy by t4g3cUyjjr8-00082-00019304-00019576 their digestion these bio chemicals can t4g3cUyjjr8-00083-00019577-00019777 be joined together to make polymers such t4g3cUyjjr8-00084-00019778-00019977 as DNA and proteins essential t4g3cUyjjr8-00085-00019978-00020603 macromolecules of life t4g3cUyjjr8-00086-00020604-00021215 topic amino acids and proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00087-00021216-00021446 proteins are made of amino acids t4g3cUyjjr8-00088-00021447-00021623 arranged in a linear chain joined t4g3cUyjjr8-00089-00021624-00021935 together by peptide bonds many proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00090-00021936-00022133 are enzymes that catalyze the chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00091-00022134-00022388 reactions in metabolism other proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00092-00022389-00022601 have structural or mechanical functions t4g3cUyjjr8-00093-00022602-00022820 such as those that form the cytoskeleton t4g3cUyjjr8-00094-00022821-00023027 a system of scaffolding that maintains t4g3cUyjjr8-00095-00023028-00023261 the cell shape proteins are also t4g3cUyjjr8-00096-00023262-00023462 important in cell signaling immune t4g3cUyjjr8-00097-00023463-00023738 responses cell adhesion active transport t4g3cUyjjr8-00098-00023739-00023944 across membranes and the cell cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00099-00023945-00024248 amino acids also contribute to cellular t4g3cUyjjr8-00100-00024249-00024494 energy metabolism by providing a carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00101-00024495-00024677 source for entry into the citric acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00102-00024678-00024893 cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00103-00024894-00025130 especially when a primary source of t4g3cUyjjr8-00104-00025131-00025406 energy such as glucose is scarce or when t4g3cUyjjr8-00105-00025407-00026075 cells undergo metabolic stress t4g3cUyjjr8-00106-00026076-00026552 topic lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00107-00026552-00026780 lipids are the most diverse group of t4g3cUyjjr8-00108-00026781-00027044 biochemicals their main structural uses t4g3cUyjjr8-00109-00027045-00027269 are as part of biological membranes both t4g3cUyjjr8-00110-00027270-00027482 internal and external such as the cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00111-00027483-00027776 membrane or as a source of energy lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00112-00027777-00028001 are usually defined as hydrophobic or t4g3cUyjjr8-00113-00028002-00028247 amphipathic biological molecules but t4g3cUyjjr8-00114-00028248-00028442 will dissolve in organic solvents such t4g3cUyjjr8-00115-00028443-00028720 as benzene or chloroform the fats are a t4g3cUyjjr8-00116-00028722-00028895 large group of compounds that contain t4g3cUyjjr8-00117-00028895-00029144 fatty acids and glycerol a glycerol t4g3cUyjjr8-00118-00029145-00029360 molecule attached to three fatty acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00119-00029361-00029565 esters is called a triazole glycerine t4g3cUyjjr8-00120-00029566-00029819 several variations on this basic t4g3cUyjjr8-00121-00029820-00030011 structure exist including alternate t4g3cUyjjr8-00122-00030012-00030197 backbones such as sphingosine in the t4g3cUyjjr8-00123-00030198-00030368 sphingolipids and hydrophilic groups t4g3cUyjjr8-00124-00030369-00030633 such as phosphate as in phospholipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00125-00030635-00030893 steroids such as cholesterol are another t4g3cUyjjr8-00126-00030894-00031473 major class of lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00127-00031474-00032045 topic carbohydrates t4g3cUyjjr8-00128-00032045-00032240 carbohydrates are aldehydes or ketones t4g3cUyjjr8-00129-00032241-00032514 with many hydroxyl groups attached that t4g3cUyjjr8-00130-00032514-00032783 can exist as straight chains or rings t4g3cUyjjr8-00131-00032784-00032960 carbohydrates are the most abundant t4g3cUyjjr8-00132-00032961-00033212 biological molecules and fill numerous t4g3cUyjjr8-00133-00033213-00033432 roles such as the storage and transport t4g3cUyjjr8-00134-00033433-00033702 of energy starch glycogen and structural t4g3cUyjjr8-00135-00033703-00033951 components cellulose in plants chitin in t4g3cUyjjr8-00136-00033952-00034274 animals the basic carbohydrate units are t4g3cUyjjr8-00137-00034275-00034455 called monosaccharides and include t4g3cUyjjr8-00138-00034456-00034701 galactose fructose and most importantly t4g3cUyjjr8-00139-00034702-00034995 glucose monosaccharides can be linked t4g3cUyjjr8-00140-00034996-00035186 together to form polysaccharides in t4g3cUyjjr8-00141-00035187-00035792 almost limitless ways t4g3cUyjjr8-00142-00035793-00036314 topic nucleotides t4g3cUyjjr8-00143-00036315-00036674 the two nucleic acids DNA and RNA are t4g3cUyjjr8-00144-00036675-00036995 polymers of nucleotides each nucleotide t4g3cUyjjr8-00145-00036996-00037226 is composed of a phosphate attached to a t4g3cUyjjr8-00146-00037227-00037481 ribose or deoxyribose sugar group which t4g3cUyjjr8-00147-00037482-00037693 is attached to a nitrogenous base t4g3cUyjjr8-00148-00037694-00037946 nucleic acids are critical for the t4g3cUyjjr8-00149-00037947-00038120 storage and use of genetic information t4g3cUyjjr8-00150-00038121-00038312 and its interpretation through the t4g3cUyjjr8-00151-00038313-00038512 processes of transcription and protein t4g3cUyjjr8-00152-00038513-00038786 biosynthesis this information is t4g3cUyjjr8-00153-00038787-00039032 protected by DNA repair mechanisms and t4g3cUyjjr8-00154-00039033-00039335 propagated through DNA replication many t4g3cUyjjr8-00155-00039336-00039640 viruses have an RNA genome such as HIV t4g3cUyjjr8-00156-00039641-00039836 which uses reverse transcription to t4g3cUyjjr8-00157-00039837-00040093 create a DNA template from its viral RNA t4g3cUyjjr8-00158-00040094-00040415 genome RNA in ribozymes such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00159-00040416-00040646 spliceosomes and ribosomes is similar to t4g3cUyjjr8-00160-00040647-00040793 enzymes as it can catalyze chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00161-00040794-00041143 reactions individual nucleotides are t4g3cUyjjr8-00162-00041144-00041330 made by attaching a nucleobase to a t4g3cUyjjr8-00163-00041331-00041576 ribose sugar these bases are t4g3cUyjjr8-00164-00041577-00041783 heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen t4g3cUyjjr8-00165-00041784-00042082 classified as purines or pyrimidines t4g3cUyjjr8-00166-00042083-00042352 nucleotides also act as coenzymes in t4g3cUyjjr8-00167-00042353-00043004 metabolic group transfer reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00168-00043005-00043515 topic coenzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00169-00043516-00043767 metabolism involves a vast array of t4g3cUyjjr8-00170-00043768-00043995 chemical reactions but most fall under a t4g3cUyjjr8-00171-00043996-00044190 few basic types of reactions that t4g3cUyjjr8-00172-00044191-00044358 involve the transfer of functional t4g3cUyjjr8-00173-00044359-00044523 groups of atoms and their bonds within t4g3cUyjjr8-00174-00044524-00044820 molecules this common chemistry allows t4g3cUyjjr8-00175-00044821-00045039 cells to use a small set of metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00176-00045040-00045114 intermediates t4g3cUyjjr8-00177-00045115-00045255 to carry chemical groups between t4g3cUyjjr8-00178-00045256-00045531 different reactions these group transfer t4g3cUyjjr8-00179-00045532-00045789 intermediates are called coenzymes each t4g3cUyjjr8-00180-00045790-00046020 class of group transfer reactions is t4g3cUyjjr8-00181-00046021-00046218 carried out by a particular coenzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00182-00046219-00046392 which is the substrate for a set of t4g3cUyjjr8-00183-00046393-00046581 enzymes that produce it and a set of t4g3cUyjjr8-00184-00046582-00046839 enzymes that consume it these coenzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00185-00046840-00047109 are therefore continuously made consumed t4g3cUyjjr8-00186-00047110-00047340 and then recycled one central coenzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00187-00047341-00047607 as adenosine triphosphate ATP the t4g3cUyjjr8-00188-00047608-00047907 universal energy currency of cells this t4g3cUyjjr8-00189-00047908-00048150 nucleotide is used to transfer chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00190-00048151-00048318 energy between different chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-00191-00048319-00048558 reactions there is only a small amount t4g3cUyjjr8-00192-00048559-00048777 of ATP in cells but as it is t4g3cUyjjr8-00193-00048778-00049008 continuously regenerated the human body t4g3cUyjjr8-00194-00049009-00049230 can use about its own weight in ATP per t4g3cUyjjr8-00195-00049231-00049502 day ATP acts as a bridge between t4g3cUyjjr8-00196-00049503-00049797 catabolism and anabolism catabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00197-00049798-00050058 breaks down molecules and anabolism puts t4g3cUyjjr8-00198-00050059-00050289 them together catabolic reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00199-00050290-00050550 generate ATP and anabolic reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00200-00050551-00050835 consume it it also serves as a carrier t4g3cUyjjr8-00201-00050836-00051051 of phosphate groups and phosphorylation t4g3cUyjjr8-00202-00051052-00051360 reactions a vitamin as an organic t4g3cUyjjr8-00203-00051361-00051561 compound needed in small quantities that t4g3cUyjjr8-00204-00051562-00051842 cannot be made in cells in human t4g3cUyjjr8-00205-00051844-00052050 nutrition most vitamins function as t4g3cUyjjr8-00206-00052051-00052311 coenzymes after modification for example t4g3cUyjjr8-00207-00052312-00052494 all water soluble vitamins are t4g3cUyjjr8-00208-00052495-00052662 phosphorylated or are coupled to t4g3cUyjjr8-00209-00052663-00052910 nucleotides when they are used in cells t4g3cUyjjr8-00210-00052911-00053178 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nad t4g3cUyjjr8-00211-00053179-00053469 plus a derivative of vitamin b3 niacin t4g3cUyjjr8-00212-00053470-00053721 is an important coenzyme that acts as a t4g3cUyjjr8-00213-00053722-00054000 hydrogen acceptor hundreds of separate t4g3cUyjjr8-00214-00054001-00054240 types of dehydrogenases remove electrons t4g3cUyjjr8-00215-00054241-00054426 from their substrates and reduce nad t4g3cUyjjr8-00216-00054427-00054771 plus into NADH this reduced form of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00217-00054772-00054984 coenzyme is then a substrate for any of t4g3cUyjjr8-00218-00054985-00055173 the reductases in the cell that need to t4g3cUyjjr8-00219-00055174-00055434 reduce their substrates nicotinamide t4g3cUyjjr8-00220-00055435-00055686 adenine dinucleotide exists in two t4g3cUyjjr8-00221-00055687-00056027 related forms in the cell NADH and NADPH t4g3cUyjjr8-00222-00056028-00056421 the NAD+ NADH form is more important in t4g3cUyjjr8-00223-00056422-00056802 catabolic reactions while nadp+ NADPH is t4g3cUyjjr8-00224-00056803-00056896 used in animal t4g3cUyjjr8-00225-00056897-00057442 like reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00226-00057444-00058021 topic minerals and cofactors t4g3cUyjjr8-00227-00058022-00058261 in organic elements play critical roles t4g3cUyjjr8-00228-00058262-00058519 in metabolism some are abundant eg t4g3cUyjjr8-00229-00058520-00058657 sodium and potassium t4g3cUyjjr8-00230-00058658-00058789 while others function at minute t4g3cUyjjr8-00231-00058790-00059146 concentrations about 99% of a mammals t4g3cUyjjr8-00232-00059147-00059335 mass is made up of the elements carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00233-00059336-00059602 nitrogen calcium sodium chlorine t4g3cUyjjr8-00234-00059603-00059926 potassium hydrogen phosphorus oxygen and t4g3cUyjjr8-00235-00059927-00060253 sulfur organic compounds proteins lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00236-00060254-00060457 and carbohydrates contain the majority t4g3cUyjjr8-00237-00060458-00060694 of the carbon and nitrogen most of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00238-00060695-00060907 oxygen and hydrogen is present as water t4g3cUyjjr8-00239-00060908-00061141 the abundant inorganic elements act as t4g3cUyjjr8-00240-00061141-00061426 ionic electrolytes the most important t4g3cUyjjr8-00241-00061427-00061629 ions are sodium potassium calcium t4g3cUyjjr8-00242-00061630-00061915 magnesium chloride phosphate and the t4g3cUyjjr8-00243-00061916-00062197 organic ion bicarbonate the maintenance t4g3cUyjjr8-00244-00062198-00062410 of precise ion gradients across cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00245-00062411-00062647 membranes maintains osmotic pressure and t4g3cUyjjr8-00246-00062648-00062974 pH ions are also critical for nerve and t4g3cUyjjr8-00247-00062975-00063199 muscle function as action potentials in t4g3cUyjjr8-00248-00063200-00063337 these tissues are produced by the t4g3cUyjjr8-00249-00063338-00063526 exchange of electrolytes between the t4g3cUyjjr8-00250-00063527-00063739 extracellular fluid and the cell's fluid t4g3cUyjjr8-00251-00063740-00064039 the cytosol electrolytes enter and leave t4g3cUyjjr8-00252-00064040-00064210 cells through proteins in the cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00253-00064211-00064479 membrane called ion channels for example t4g3cUyjjr8-00254-00064480-00064720 muscle contraction depends upon the t4g3cUyjjr8-00255-00064721-00064921 movement of calcium sodium and potassium t4g3cUyjjr8-00256-00064922-00065128 through ion channels in the cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00257-00065129-00065383 membrane and t tubules transition metals t4g3cUyjjr8-00258-00065384-00065602 are usually present as trace elements in t4g3cUyjjr8-00259-00065603-00065821 organisms with zinc and iron being most t4g3cUyjjr8-00260-00065822-00066091 abundant of those these metals are used t4g3cUyjjr8-00261-00066092-00066298 in some proteins as cofactors and are t4g3cUyjjr8-00262-00066299-00066460 essential for the activity of enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00263-00066461-00066703 such as catalase and oxygen carrier t4g3cUyjjr8-00264-00066704-00066970 proteins such as hemoglobin metal t4g3cUyjjr8-00265-00066971-00067198 cofactors are bound tightly to specific t4g3cUyjjr8-00266-00067199-00067384 sites in proteins although enzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00267-00067385-00067555 cofactors can be modified during t4g3cUyjjr8-00268-00067556-00067765 catalysis they always return to their t4g3cUyjjr8-00269-00067766-00067915 original state by the end of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00270-00067916-00068233 reaction catalyzed metal micronutrients t4g3cUyjjr8-00271-00068234-00068461 are taken up into organisms by specific t4g3cUyjjr8-00272-00068462-00068632 transporters and bind to storage t4g3cUyjjr8-00273-00068633-00068794 proteins such as Feridun or t4g3cUyjjr8-00274-00068795-00069475 metallothionein when not in use t4g3cUyjjr8-00275-00069476-00070011 topic catabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00276-00070012-00070232 catabolism as the set of metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00277-00070233-00070418 processes that break down large t4g3cUyjjr8-00278-00070419-00070712 molecules these include breaking down t4g3cUyjjr8-00279-00070713-00071006 and oxidizing food molecules the purpose t4g3cUyjjr8-00280-00071007-00071217 of the catabolic reactions as to provide t4g3cUyjjr8-00281-00071218-00071399 the energy and components needed by t4g3cUyjjr8-00282-00071400-00071642 anabolic reactions which build molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00283-00071643-00071910 the exact nature of these catabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00284-00071911-00072117 reactions differ from organism to t4g3cUyjjr8-00285-00072118-00072348 organism and organisms can be classified t4g3cUyjjr8-00286-00072349-00072534 based on their sources of energy and t4g3cUyjjr8-00287-00072535-00072743 carbon their primary nutritional groups t4g3cUyjjr8-00288-00072744-00073031 as shown in the table below organic t4g3cUyjjr8-00289-00073032-00073254 molecules are used as a source of energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00290-00073255-00073463 by Organa troughs while Litha tropes use t4g3cUyjjr8-00291-00073464-00073673 inorganic substrates and phototrophs t4g3cUyjjr8-00292-00073674-00073892 capture sunlight as chemical energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00293-00073893-00074144 however all these different forms of t4g3cUyjjr8-00294-00074145-00074397 metabolism depend on redox reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00295-00074398-00074541 that involve the transfer of electrons t4g3cUyjjr8-00296-00074542-00074786 from reduced donor molecules such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00297-00074787-00075084 organic molecules water ammonia hydrogen t4g3cUyjjr8-00298-00075085-00075317 sulfide or ferrous ions to acceptor t4g3cUyjjr8-00299-00075318-00075551 molecules such as oxygen nitrate or t4g3cUyjjr8-00300-00075552-00075836 sulfate in animals these reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00301-00075837-00076071 involve complex organic molecules that t4g3cUyjjr8-00302-00076072-00076226 are broken down to simpler molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00303-00076227-00076538 such as carbon dioxide and water in t4g3cUyjjr8-00304-00076539-00076785 photosynthetic organisms such as plants t4g3cUyjjr8-00305-00076786-00077028 and cyanobacteria these electron t4g3cUyjjr8-00306-00077029-00077231 transfer reactions do not release energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00307-00077232-00077429 but are used as a way of storing energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00308-00077430-00077587 absorbed from sunlight t4g3cUyjjr8-00309-00077588-00077843 the most common set of catabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00310-00077844-00078068 reactions in animals can be separated t4g3cUyjjr8-00311-00078069-00078329 into three main stages in the first t4g3cUyjjr8-00312-00078330-00078587 stage large organic molecules such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00313-00078588-00078840 proteins polysaccharides or lipids are t4g3cUyjjr8-00314-00078841-00079043 digested into their smaller components t4g3cUyjjr8-00315-00079044-00079298 outside cells next these smaller t4g3cUyjjr8-00316-00079299-00079517 molecules are taken up by cells and t4g3cUyjjr8-00317-00079518-00079712 converted to smaller molecules usually t4g3cUyjjr8-00318-00079713-00079998 acetyl coenzyme a acetyl co ax which t4g3cUyjjr8-00319-00079999-00080135 releases some energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00320-00080136-00080409 finally the acetyl group on the koa is t4g3cUyjjr8-00321-00080410-00080669 oxidized to water and carbon dioxide in t4g3cUyjjr8-00322-00080670-00080836 the citric acid cycle and electron t4g3cUyjjr8-00323-00080837-00081050 transport chain releasing the energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00324-00081051-00081257 that is stored by reducing the coenzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00325-00081258-00081500 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide nad t4g3cUyjjr8-00326-00081501-00082153 plus into NADH t4g3cUyjjr8-00327-00082154-00082691 topic digestion t4g3cUyjjr8-00328-00082692-00082941 macromolecules such as starch cellulose t4g3cUyjjr8-00329-00082942-00083196 or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up t4g3cUyjjr8-00330-00083197-00083385 by cells and must be broken into their t4g3cUyjjr8-00331-00083386-00083582 smaller units before they can be used in t4g3cUyjjr8-00332-00083583-00083882 cell metabolism several common classes t4g3cUyjjr8-00333-00083883-00084141 of enzymes digest these polymers these t4g3cUyjjr8-00334-00084142-00084393 digestive enzymes include proteases that t4g3cUyjjr8-00335-00084394-00084650 digest proteins into amino acids as well t4g3cUyjjr8-00336-00084651-00084869 as glycoside hydrolases that digest t4g3cUyjjr8-00337-00084870-00085092 polysaccharides into simple sugars known t4g3cUyjjr8-00338-00085093-00085412 as monosaccharides microbes simply t4g3cUyjjr8-00339-00085413-00085611 secrete digestive enzymes into their t4g3cUyjjr8-00340-00085612-00085821 surroundings while animals only secrete t4g3cUyjjr8-00341-00085822-00086043 these enzymes from specialized cells in t4g3cUyjjr8-00342-00086044-00086211 their guts including the stomach and t4g3cUyjjr8-00343-00086212-00086523 pancreas and salivary glands the amino t4g3cUyjjr8-00344-00086524-00086706 acids are sugars released by these t4g3cUyjjr8-00345-00086707-00086906 extracellular enzymes are then pumped t4g3cUyjjr8-00346-00086907-00087618 into cells by active transport proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00347-00087619-00088285 topic energy from organic compounds t4g3cUyjjr8-00348-00088286-00088523 carbohydrate catabolism is the breakdown t4g3cUyjjr8-00349-00088524-00088786 of carbohydrates into smaller units t4g3cUyjjr8-00350-00088787-00089018 carbohydrates are usually taken into t4g3cUyjjr8-00351-00089019-00089207 cells once they have been digested into t4g3cUyjjr8-00352-00089208-00089504 monosaccharides once inside the major t4g3cUyjjr8-00353-00089505-00089735 root of breakdown is glycolysis where t4g3cUyjjr8-00354-00089736-00089960 sugars such as glucose and fructose are t4g3cUyjjr8-00355-00089961-00090206 converted into pyruvate and some ATP is t4g3cUyjjr8-00356-00090207-00090509 generated pyruvate is an intermediate in t4g3cUyjjr8-00357-00090510-00090710 several metabolic pathways but the t4g3cUyjjr8-00358-00090711-00090902 majority is converted to acetyl co t4g3cUyjjr8-00359-00090903-00091121 ethroo aerobic with oxygen glycolysis t4g3cUyjjr8-00360-00091122-00091309 and fed into the citric acid cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00361-00091310-00091631 although some more ATP is generated in t4g3cUyjjr8-00362-00091632-00091862 the citric acid cycle the most important t4g3cUyjjr8-00363-00091863-00092132 product as NADH which is made from NAD+ t4g3cUyjjr8-00364-00092133-00092411 as the acetyl COAS oxidized this t4g3cUyjjr8-00365-00092412-00092672 oxidation releases carbon dioxide as a t4g3cUyjjr8-00366-00092673-00092762 waste product t4g3cUyjjr8-00367-00092763-00092999 in anaerobic conditions glycolysis t4g3cUyjjr8-00368-00093000-00093197 produces lactate through the enzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00369-00093198-00093503 lactate dehydrogenase reoxidized NADH to t4g3cUyjjr8-00370-00093504-00093793 NAD+ for reusing glycolysis an t4g3cUyjjr8-00371-00093794-00094007 alternative route for glucose breakdown t4g3cUyjjr8-00372-00094008-00094262 as the pentose phosphate pathway which t4g3cUyjjr8-00373-00094263-00094562 reduces the coenzyme NADPH and produces t4g3cUyjjr8-00374-00094563-00094793 pentose sugars such as ribose the sugar t4g3cUyjjr8-00375-00094794-00095123 component of nucleic acids fats are t4g3cUyjjr8-00376-00095124-00095363 catabolized by hydrolysis to free fatty t4g3cUyjjr8-00377-00095364-00095627 acids and glycerol the glycerol enters t4g3cUyjjr8-00378-00095628-00095834 glycolysis and the fatty acids are t4g3cUyjjr8-00379-00095835-00096059 broken down by beta oxidation to release t4g3cUyjjr8-00380-00096060-00096269 acetyl co a which then is fed into the t4g3cUyjjr8-00381-00096270-00096578 citric acid cycle fatty acids release t4g3cUyjjr8-00382-00096579-00096770 more energy upon oxidation than t4g3cUyjjr8-00383-00096771-00096980 carbohydrates because carbohydrates t4g3cUyjjr8-00384-00096981-00097225 contain more oxygen in their structures t4g3cUyjjr8-00385-00097226-00097484 steroids are also broken down by some t4g3cUyjjr8-00386-00097485-00097706 bacteria in a process similar to beta t4g3cUyjjr8-00387-00097707-00097931 oxidation and this breakdown process t4g3cUyjjr8-00388-00097932-00098120 involves the release of significant t4g3cUyjjr8-00389-00098121-00098360 amounts of acetyl co a propionyl cohen t4g3cUyjjr8-00390-00098361-00098564 and peru Veit which can all be used by t4g3cUyjjr8-00391-00098565-00098873 the cell for energy M tuberculosis can t4g3cUyjjr8-00392-00098874-00099080 also grow on the lipid cholesterol as a t4g3cUyjjr8-00393-00099081-00099311 sole source of carbon and genes involved t4g3cUyjjr8-00394-00099312-00099494 in the cholesterol use pathways have t4g3cUyjjr8-00395-00099495-00099668 been validated as important during t4g3cUyjjr8-00396-00099669-00099860 various stages of the infection life t4g3cUyjjr8-00397-00099861-00100130 cycle of M tuberculosis amino acids are t4g3cUyjjr8-00398-00100131-00100322 either used to synthesize proteins and t4g3cUyjjr8-00399-00100323-00100577 other biomolecules or oxidize to urea t4g3cUyjjr8-00400-00100578-00100810 and carbon dioxide as a source of energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00401-00100811-00101099 the oxidation pathway starts with the t4g3cUyjjr8-00402-00101100-00101252 removal of the amino group by a t4g3cUyjjr8-00403-00101253-00101564 transaminase the amino group is fed into t4g3cUyjjr8-00404-00101565-00101636 the urea t4g3cUyjjr8-00405-00101637-00101819 Michael leaving a deaminated carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00406-00101820-00102040 skeleton in the form of Akito acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00407-00102041-00102275 several of these keto acids are t4g3cUyjjr8-00408-00102276-00102452 intermediates in the citric acid cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00409-00102453-00102704 for example the deamination of glutamate t4g3cUyjjr8-00410-00102705-00102982 forms alpha ketoglutarate the glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00411-00102983-00103204 any amino acids can also be converted t4g3cUyjjr8-00412-00103205-00103378 into glucose through gluconeogenesis t4g3cUyjjr8-00413-00103379-00104027 discussed below t4g3cUyjjr8-00414-00104028-00104632 topic energy transformations t4g3cUyjjr8-00415-00104633-00104983 you t4g3cUyjjr8-00416-00104984-00105581 topic oxidative phosphorylation t4g3cUyjjr8-00417-00105582-00105815 in oxidative phosphorylation the t4g3cUyjjr8-00418-00105816-00106046 electrons removed from organic molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00419-00106047-00106292 in areas such as the protagonist cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00420-00106293-00106493 are transferred to oxygen and the energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00421-00106494-00106781 released is used to make ATP this is t4g3cUyjjr8-00422-00106782-00106970 done in eukaryotes by a series of t4g3cUyjjr8-00423-00106971-00107110 proteins in the membranes of t4g3cUyjjr8-00424-00107111-00107282 mitochondria called the electron t4g3cUyjjr8-00425-00107283-00107573 transport chain in prokaryotes these t4g3cUyjjr8-00426-00107574-00107738 proteins are found in the cells inner t4g3cUyjjr8-00427-00107739-00108014 membrane these proteins use the energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00428-00108015-00108206 released from passing electrons from t4g3cUyjjr8-00429-00108207-00108440 reduced molecules like NADH onto oxygen t4g3cUyjjr8-00430-00108441-00108703 to pump protons across a membrane t4g3cUyjjr8-00431-00108704-00108977 pumping protons out of the mitochondria t4g3cUyjjr8-00432-00108978-00109108 creates a proton concentration t4g3cUyjjr8-00433-00109109-00109304 difference across the membrane and t4g3cUyjjr8-00434-00109305-00109517 generates an electrochemical gradient t4g3cUyjjr8-00435-00109518-00109808 this force drives protons back into the t4g3cUyjjr8-00436-00109808-00109970 mitochondrion through the base of an t4g3cUyjjr8-00437-00109971-00110288 enzyme called ATP synthase the flow of t4g3cUyjjr8-00438-00110289-00110519 protons makes the stock subunit rotate t4g3cUyjjr8-00439-00110520-00110708 causing the active site of the synthase t4g3cUyjjr8-00440-00110708-00110927 domain to change shape and phosphorylate t4g3cUyjjr8-00441-00110928-00111119 adenosine diphosphate turning it into t4g3cUyjjr8-00442-00111120-00111670 ATP t4g3cUyjjr8-00443-00111671-00112313 topic energy from inorganic compounds t4g3cUyjjr8-00444-00112314-00112520 qumola the trophy is a type of t4g3cUyjjr8-00445-00112521-00112754 metabolism found in prokaryotes where t4g3cUyjjr8-00446-00112755-00112964 energy is obtained from the oxidation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00447-00112965-00113264 inorganic compounds these organisms can t4g3cUyjjr8-00448-00113265-00113507 use hydrogen reduced sulfur compounds t4g3cUyjjr8-00449-00113508-00113726 such as sulfide hydrogen sulfide and t4g3cUyjjr8-00450-00113727-00113999 thiosulfate ferrous iron PHA or ammonia t4g3cUyjjr8-00451-00114000-00114218 as sources of reducing power and they t4g3cUyjjr8-00452-00114219-00114409 gain energy from the oxidation of these t4g3cUyjjr8-00453-00114410-00114617 compounds with electron acceptors such t4g3cUyjjr8-00454-00114618-00114908 as oxygen or nitrite these microbial t4g3cUyjjr8-00455-00114908-00115108 processes are important in global t4g3cUyjjr8-00456-00115109-00115346 biogeochemical cycles such as Osito t4g3cUyjjr8-00457-00115347-00115520 Genesis nitrification and t4g3cUyjjr8-00458-00115521-00115718 denitrification and are critical for t4g3cUyjjr8-00459-00115719-00116288 soil fertility t4g3cUyjjr8-00460-00116289-00116815 topic energy from light t4g3cUyjjr8-00461-00116816-00117043 the energy and sunlight is captured by t4g3cUyjjr8-00462-00117044-00117292 plants cyanobacteria purple bacteria t4g3cUyjjr8-00463-00117293-00117571 green sulfur bacteria and some protists t4g3cUyjjr8-00464-00117572-00117841 this process is often coupled to the t4g3cUyjjr8-00465-00117842-00118045 conversion of carbon dioxide into t4g3cUyjjr8-00466-00118046-00118219 organic compounds as part of t4g3cUyjjr8-00467-00118220-00118425 photosynthesis which is discussed below t4g3cUyjjr8-00468-00118426-00118696 the energy capture and carbon fixation t4g3cUyjjr8-00469-00118697-00118935 systems can however operate separately t4g3cUyjjr8-00470-00118936-00119194 in prokaryotes as purple bacteria and t4g3cUyjjr8-00471-00119195-00119416 green sulfur bacteria can use sunlight t4g3cUyjjr8-00472-00119417-00119590 as a source of energy while switching t4g3cUyjjr8-00473-00119591-00119776 between carbon fixation and the t4g3cUyjjr8-00474-00119777-00119985 fermentation of organic compounds in t4g3cUyjjr8-00475-00119986-00120186 many organisms the capture of solar t4g3cUyjjr8-00476-00120188-00120373 energy is similar in principle to t4g3cUyjjr8-00477-00120374-00120619 oxidative phosphorylation as it involves t4g3cUyjjr8-00478-00120620-00120802 the storage of energy as a proton t4g3cUyjjr8-00479-00120803-00121069 concentration gradient this proton t4g3cUyjjr8-00480-00121070-00121321 motive force then drives ATP synthesis t4g3cUyjjr8-00481-00121322-00121531 the electrons needed to drive this t4g3cUyjjr8-00482-00121532-00121723 electron transport chain come from t4g3cUyjjr8-00483-00121724-00121876 light-gathering proteins called t4g3cUyjjr8-00484-00121877-00122089 photosynthetic reaction centers or t4g3cUyjjr8-00485-00122090-00122383 rhodopsins reaction centers are classed t4g3cUyjjr8-00486-00122383-00122592 into two types depending on the type of t4g3cUyjjr8-00487-00122593-00122821 photosynthetic pigment present with most t4g3cUyjjr8-00488-00122822-00123046 photosynthetic bacteria only having one t4g3cUyjjr8-00489-00123047-00123283 type while plants and cyanobacteria have t4g3cUyjjr8-00490-00123283-00123582 two in plants algae and cyanobacteria t4g3cUyjjr8-00491-00123583-00123844 photosystem ii uses light energy to t4g3cUyjjr8-00492-00123845-00124051 remove electrons from water releasing t4g3cUyjjr8-00493-00124052-00124209 oxygen as a waste product t4g3cUyjjr8-00494-00124210-00124434 the electrons then flow to the t4g3cUyjjr8-00495-00124435-00124714 cytochrome b6f complex which uses their t4g3cUyjjr8-00496-00124715-00124897 energy to pump protons across the t4g3cUyjjr8-00497-00124898-00125088 thylakoid membrane in the chloroplasts t4g3cUyjjr8-00498-00125089-00125334 these protons move back through the t4g3cUyjjr8-00499-00125335-00125545 membrane as they drive the ATP synthase t4g3cUyjjr8-00500-00125546-00125839 as before the electrons then flowed t4g3cUyjjr8-00501-00125840-00126016 through photosystem I and can then t4g3cUyjjr8-00502-00126017-00126201 either be used to reduce the coenzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00503-00126202-00126505 nadp+ for use in the calvin cycle which t4g3cUyjjr8-00504-00126506-00126706 is discussed below or recycled for t4g3cUyjjr8-00505-00126707-00127369 further ATP generation t4g3cUyjjr8-00506-00127370-00127897 topic anabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00507-00127898-00128147 anabolism is the set of constructive t4g3cUyjjr8-00508-00128148-00128351 metabolic processes where the energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00509-00128352-00128543 released by catabolism is used to t4g3cUyjjr8-00510-00128544-00128867 synthesize complex molecules in general t4g3cUyjjr8-00511-00128868-00129044 the complex molecules that make up t4g3cUyjjr8-00512-00129045-00129259 cellular structures are constructed step t4g3cUyjjr8-00513-00129260-00129529 by step from small and simple precursors t4g3cUyjjr8-00514-00129530-00129827 anabolism involves three basic stages t4g3cUyjjr8-00515-00129828-00130052 first the production of precursors such t4g3cUyjjr8-00516-00130053-00130276 as amino acids monosaccharides t4g3cUyjjr8-00517-00130277-00130538 isoprenoids and nucleotides secondly t4g3cUyjjr8-00518-00130539-00130745 their activation into reactive forms t4g3cUyjjr8-00519-00130746-00131000 using energy from ATP and thirdly the t4g3cUyjjr8-00520-00131001-00131168 assembly of these precursors into t4g3cUyjjr8-00521-00131169-00131353 complex molecules such as proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00522-00131354-00131737 polysaccharides lipids and nucleic acids t4g3cUyjjr8-00523-00131738-00131969 organisms differ according to the number t4g3cUyjjr8-00524-00131970-00132217 of constructed molecules in their cells t4g3cUyjjr8-00525-00132218-00132473 autotrophs such as plants can construct t4g3cUyjjr8-00526-00132474-00132704 the complex organic molecules in cells t4g3cUyjjr8-00527-00132705-00132911 such as polysaccharides and proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00528-00132912-00133058 from simple molecules like carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00529-00133059-00133397 dioxide and water heterotrophs on the t4g3cUyjjr8-00530-00133398-00133586 other hand require a source of more t4g3cUyjjr8-00531-00133587-00133754 complex substances such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00532-00133755-00133991 monosaccharides and amino acids to t4g3cUyjjr8-00533-00133992-00134212 produce these complex molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00534-00134213-00134465 organisms can be further classified by t4g3cUyjjr8-00535-00134466-00134615 ultimate source of their energy t4g3cUyjjr8-00536-00134616-00134840 photoautotrophs and photo heterotrophs t4g3cUyjjr8-00537-00134841-00135014 obtain energy from light whereas t4g3cUyjjr8-00538-00135015-00135224 chemoautotrophs and chemo heterotrophs t4g3cUyjjr8-00539-00135225-00135467 obtain energy from inorganic oxidation t4g3cUyjjr8-00540-00135468-00136004 reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00541-00136005-00136585 topic carbon fixation t4g3cUyjjr8-00542-00136586-00136778 photosynthesis is the synthesis of t4g3cUyjjr8-00543-00136779-00137003 carbohydrates from sunlight and carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00544-00137004-00137428 dioxide co2 in plants cyanobacteria and t4g3cUyjjr8-00545-00137429-00137690 algae oxygenic photosynthesis splits t4g3cUyjjr8-00546-00137691-00137878 water with oxygen produced as a waste t4g3cUyjjr8-00547-00137879-00138229 product this process uses the ATP and t4g3cUyjjr8-00548-00138230-00138458 NADPH produced by the photosynthetic t4g3cUyjjr8-00549-00138459-00138713 reaction centers as described above to t4g3cUyjjr8-00550-00138714-00139001 convert co2 into glycerate 3 phosphate t4g3cUyjjr8-00551-00139002-00139191 which can then be converted into glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00552-00139192-00139490 this carbon fixation reaction is carried t4g3cUyjjr8-00553-00139491-00139718 out by the enzyme rubisco as part of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00554-00139719-00139985 Calvin Benson cycle three types of t4g3cUyjjr8-00555-00139986-00140264 photosynthesis occur in plants c3 carbon t4g3cUyjjr8-00556-00140265-00140552 fixation c4 carbon fixation and cam t4g3cUyjjr8-00557-00140553-00140825 photosynthesis these differ by the route t4g3cUyjjr8-00558-00140826-00141053 that carbon dioxide takes to the calvin t4g3cUyjjr8-00559-00141054-00141368 cycle with c3 plants fixing co2 directly t4g3cUyjjr8-00560-00141369-00141611 while c4 and cam photosynthesis t4g3cUyjjr8-00561-00141612-00141878 incorporate the co2 into other compounds t4g3cUyjjr8-00562-00141879-00142073 first as adaptations to deal with t4g3cUyjjr8-00563-00142074-00142271 intense sunlight in dry conditions in t4g3cUyjjr8-00564-00142272-00142460 photosynthetic prokaryotes the t4g3cUyjjr8-00565-00142461-00142658 mechanisms of carbon fixation are more t4g3cUyjjr8-00566-00142659-00142978 diverse here carbon dioxide can be fixed t4g3cUyjjr8-00567-00142979-00143198 by the Calvin Benson cycle a reversed t4g3cUyjjr8-00568-00143199-00143438 citric acid cycle or the carboxylation t4g3cUyjjr8-00569-00143439-00143681 of acetyl co a prokaryotic t4g3cUyjjr8-00570-00143682-00143972 chemoautotrophs also fix co2 through the t4g3cUyjjr8-00571-00143973-00144200 Calvin Benson cycle but use energy from t4g3cUyjjr8-00572-00144201-00144379 inorganic compounds to drive the t4g3cUyjjr8-00573-00144380-00144906 reaction t4g3cUyjjr8-00574-00144907-00145514 topic carbohydrates and glycans t4g3cUyjjr8-00575-00145515-00145832 in carbohydrate anabolism simple organic t4g3cUyjjr8-00576-00145833-00145970 acids can be converted into t4g3cUyjjr8-00577-00145971-00146204 monosaccharides such as glucose and then t4g3cUyjjr8-00578-00146205-00146423 used to assemble polysaccharides such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00579-00146424-00146711 starch the generation of glucose from t4g3cUyjjr8-00580-00146712-00146948 compounds like pyruvate lactate glycerol t4g3cUyjjr8-00581-00146949-00147236 glycerate 3 phosphate and amino acids is t4g3cUyjjr8-00582-00147237-00147542 called gluconeogenesis gluconeogenesis t4g3cUyjjr8-00583-00147543-00147782 converts pyruvate to glucose 6-phosphate t4g3cUyjjr8-00584-00147783-00148004 through a series of intermediates many t4g3cUyjjr8-00585-00148005-00148192 of which are shared with glycolysis t4g3cUyjjr8-00586-00148193-00148466 however this pathway is not simply t4g3cUyjjr8-00587-00148467-00148694 glycolysis run in Reverse as several t4g3cUyjjr8-00588-00148695-00148891 steps are catalyzed by non glycolytic t4g3cUyjjr8-00589-00148892-00149177 enzymes this is important as it allows t4g3cUyjjr8-00590-00149178-00149387 the formation and breakdown of glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00591-00149388-00149600 to be regulated separately and prevents t4g3cUyjjr8-00592-00149601-00149729 both pathways from running t4g3cUyjjr8-00593-00149730-00149909 simultaneously in a futile cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-00594-00149910-00150125 although fat is a common way of storing t4g3cUyjjr8-00595-00150126-00150356 energy in vertebrates such as humans the t4g3cUyjjr8-00596-00150357-00150560 fatty acids in these stores cannot be t4g3cUyjjr8-00597-00150561-00150683 converted to glucose through t4g3cUyjjr8-00598-00150684-00150875 gluconeogenesis as these organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00599-00150876-00151085 cannot convert a seed alcoa into t4g3cUyjjr8-00600-00151086-00151307 pyruvate plants do but animals do not t4g3cUyjjr8-00601-00151308-00151523 have the necessary enzymatic machinery t4g3cUyjjr8-00602-00151524-00151844 as a result after long-term starvation t4g3cUyjjr8-00603-00151845-00152021 vertebrates need to produce ketone t4g3cUyjjr8-00604-00152022-00152216 bodies from fatty acids to replace t4g3cUyjjr8-00605-00152217-00152393 glucose in tissues such as the brain t4g3cUyjjr8-00606-00152394-00152641 that cannot metabolize fatty acids in t4g3cUyjjr8-00607-00152642-00152912 other organisms such as plants and t4g3cUyjjr8-00608-00152913-00153140 bacteria this metabolic problem is t4g3cUyjjr8-00609-00153141-00153365 solved using the glyoxylate cycle which t4g3cUyjjr8-00610-00153366-00153623 bypasses the decarboxylation step in the t4g3cUyjjr8-00611-00153624-00153809 citric acid cycle and allows the t4g3cUyjjr8-00612-00153810-00153991 transformation of acetyl co a to t4g3cUyjjr8-00613-00153992-00154211 oxaloacetate where it can be used for t4g3cUyjjr8-00614-00154212-00154336 the production of glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00615-00154337-00154556 polysaccharides and glycans are made by t4g3cUyjjr8-00616-00154557-00154685 the sequential addition of t4g3cUyjjr8-00617-00154686-00154853 monosaccharides by glycosyltransferase t4g3cUyjjr8-00618-00154854-00155132 from a reactive sugar phosphate donors t4g3cUyjjr8-00619-00155133-00155411 such as uridine diphosphate glucose UDP t4g3cUyjjr8-00620-00155412-00155657 glucose to an acceptor hydroxyl group on t4g3cUyjjr8-00621-00155658-00155918 the growing polysaccharide as any of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00622-00155919-00156089 hydroxyl groups on the ring of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00623-00156090-00156257 substrate can be acceptors the t4g3cUyjjr8-00624-00156258-00156431 polysaccharides produced can have t4g3cUyjjr8-00625-00156432-00156671 straight or branched structures the t4g3cUyjjr8-00626-00156672-00156857 polysaccharides produced can have t4g3cUyjjr8-00627-00156858-00157037 structural or metabolic functions t4g3cUyjjr8-00628-00157038-00157247 themselves or be transferred to lipids t4g3cUyjjr8-00629-00157248-00157412 and proteins by enzymes called t4g3cUyjjr8-00630-00157413-00158056 oligosaccharide transfer ASIS t4g3cUyjjr8-00631-00158057-00158398 topic fatty-acids isoprenoids and t4g3cUyjjr8-00632-00158399-00158759 steroids t4g3cUyjjr8-00633-00158760-00159048 fatty acids are made by fatty acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00634-00159049-00159237 synthesis that polymerize and then t4g3cUyjjr8-00635-00159238-00159519 reduce acetyl co e units the acyl chains t4g3cUyjjr8-00636-00159520-00159744 in the fatty acids are extended by a t4g3cUyjjr8-00637-00159745-00159960 cycle of reactions that add the acyl t4g3cUyjjr8-00638-00159961-00160188 group reduce it to an alcohol dehydrate t4g3cUyjjr8-00639-00160189-00160379 it to an alkene group and then reduce it t4g3cUyjjr8-00640-00160380-00160662 again to an alkane group the enzymes of t4g3cUyjjr8-00641-00160663-00160914 fatty acid biosynthesis are divided into t4g3cUyjjr8-00642-00160915-00161136 two groups in animals and fungi all t4g3cUyjjr8-00643-00161137-00161370 these fatty acid synthase reactions are t4g3cUyjjr8-00644-00161371-00161565 carried out by a single multifunctional t4g3cUyjjr8-00645-00161566-00161796 type one protein while in plant plastids t4g3cUyjjr8-00646-00161797-00162009 and bacteria separate type two enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00647-00162010-00162165 perform each step in the pathway t4g3cUyjjr8-00648-00162166-00162402 terpenes and isoprenoids are a large t4g3cUyjjr8-00649-00162403-00162564 class of lipids that include the t4g3cUyjjr8-00650-00162565-00162765 carotenoids and form the largest class t4g3cUyjjr8-00651-00162766-00163016 of plant natural products these t4g3cUyjjr8-00652-00163017-00163206 compounds are made by the assembly and t4g3cUyjjr8-00653-00163207-00163452 modification of isoprene units donated t4g3cUyjjr8-00654-00163453-00163650 from the reactive precursors isopentenyl t4g3cUyjjr8-00655-00163651-00163827 pyrophosphate in dimethylallyl t4g3cUyjjr8-00656-00163828-00164121 pyrophosphate these precursors can be t4g3cUyjjr8-00657-00164122-00164352 made in different ways in animals in t4g3cUyjjr8-00658-00164353-00164595 archaea the malonate pathway produces t4g3cUyjjr8-00659-00164596-00164820 these compounds from acetyl koa while in t4g3cUyjjr8-00660-00164821-00164988 plants and bacteria the non-mobile t4g3cUyjjr8-00661-00164989-00165221 innate pathway uses pyruvate in t4g3cUyjjr8-00662-00165222-00165434 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate as substrates t4g3cUyjjr8-00663-00165435-00165704 one important reaction that uses these t4g3cUyjjr8-00664-00165705-00165927 activated isoprene donors is steroid t4g3cUyjjr8-00665-00165928-00166245 biosynthesis here the isoprene units are t4g3cUyjjr8-00666-00166246-00166431 joined together to make squalene and t4g3cUyjjr8-00667-00166432-00166623 then folded up and formed into a set of t4g3cUyjjr8-00668-00166624-00166923 rings to make lanosterol lanosterol can t4g3cUyjjr8-00669-00166924-00167082 then be converted into other steroids t4g3cUyjjr8-00670-00167083-00167776 such as cholesterol and ergosterol t4g3cUyjjr8-00671-00167777-00168281 topic proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00672-00168282-00168509 organisms vary in their ability to t4g3cUyjjr8-00673-00168510-00168763 synthesize the 20 common amino acids t4g3cUyjjr8-00674-00168764-00169046 most bacteria and plants can synthesize t4g3cUyjjr8-00675-00169047-00169304 all 20 but mammals can only synthesize t4g3cUyjjr8-00676-00169305-00169556 11 non-essential amino acids so 9 t4g3cUyjjr8-00677-00169557-00169772 essential amino acids must be obtained t4g3cUyjjr8-00678-00169773-00170093 from food some simple parasites such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00679-00170094-00170324 the bacteria mycoplasma pneumoniae lack t4g3cUyjjr8-00680-00170325-00170540 all amino acid synthesis and take their t4g3cUyjjr8-00681-00170541-00170750 amino acids directly from their hosts t4g3cUyjjr8-00682-00170751-00171026 all amino acids are synthesized from t4g3cUyjjr8-00683-00171027-00171263 intermediates in glycolysis the citric t4g3cUyjjr8-00684-00171264-00171440 acid cycle or the pentose phosphate t4g3cUyjjr8-00685-00171441-00171743 pathway nitrogen is provided by t4g3cUyjjr8-00686-00171744-00171992 glutamate in glutamine amino acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00687-00171993-00172190 synthesis depends on the formation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00688-00172191-00172418 the appropriate alpha keto acid which is t4g3cUyjjr8-00689-00172419-00172598 then transamination to form an amino t4g3cUyjjr8-00690-00172599-00172847 acid amino acids are made into proteins t4g3cUyjjr8-00691-00172848-00173027 by being joined together in a chain of t4g3cUyjjr8-00692-00173028-00173342 peptide bonds each different protein has t4g3cUyjjr8-00693-00173343-00173534 a unique sequence of amino acid residues t4g3cUyjjr8-00694-00173535-00173867 this is its primary structure just as t4g3cUyjjr8-00695-00173868-00174014 the letters of the alphabet can be t4g3cUyjjr8-00696-00174015-00174173 combined to form an almost endless t4g3cUyjjr8-00697-00174174-00174419 variety of words amino acids can be t4g3cUyjjr8-00698-00174420-00174617 linked in varying sequences to form a t4g3cUyjjr8-00699-00174618-00174911 huge variety of proteins proteins are t4g3cUyjjr8-00700-00174912-00175082 made from amino acids that have been t4g3cUyjjr8-00701-00175083-00175292 activated by attachment to a transfer t4g3cUyjjr8-00702-00175293-00175583 RNA molecule through an ester bond this t4g3cUyjjr8-00703-00175584-00175883 amino acyl tRNA precursor is produced in t4g3cUyjjr8-00704-00175884-00176132 an atp-dependent reaction carried out by t4g3cUyjjr8-00705-00176133-00176495 an aminoacyl-trna synthetase this amino t4g3cUyjjr8-00706-00176496-00176756 acyl tRNA is then a substrate for the t4g3cUyjjr8-00707-00176757-00176993 ribosome which joins the amino acid onto t4g3cUyjjr8-00708-00176994-00177197 the elongated protein chain using the t4g3cUyjjr8-00709-00177198-00177918 sequence information in a messenger RNA t4g3cUyjjr8-00710-00177919-00178567 topic nucleotide synthesis and salvage t4g3cUyjjr8-00711-00178568-00178838 nucleotides are made from amino acids t4g3cUyjjr8-00712-00178839-00179078 carbon dioxide and formic acid in t4g3cUyjjr8-00713-00179079-00179276 pathways that require large amounts of t4g3cUyjjr8-00714-00179277-00179567 metabolic energy consequently most t4g3cUyjjr8-00715-00179568-00179771 organisms have efficient systems to t4g3cUyjjr8-00716-00179772-00180032 salvage preformed nucleotides purines t4g3cUyjjr8-00717-00180033-00180272 are synthesized as nucleosides bases t4g3cUyjjr8-00718-00180273-00180515 attached to ribose both adenine and t4g3cUyjjr8-00719-00180516-00180680 guanine are made from the precursor t4g3cUyjjr8-00720-00180681-00180908 nucleoside inosine monophosphate which t4g3cUyjjr8-00721-00180909-00181094 is synthesized using atoms from the t4g3cUyjjr8-00722-00181095-00181313 amino acids glycine glutamine and t4g3cUyjjr8-00723-00181314-00181517 aspartic acid as well as formate t4g3cUyjjr8-00724-00181518-00181637 transferred from the coenzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00725-00181638-00181958 tetrahydrofolate pyrimidines on the t4g3cUyjjr8-00726-00181959-00182150 other hand are synthesized from the base t4g3cUyjjr8-00727-00182151-00182348 orotate which is formed from glutamine t4g3cUyjjr8-00728-00182349-00182932 and aspartate t4g3cUyjjr8-00729-00182933-00183652 topic xenobiotics and redox metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00730-00183653-00183931 all organisms are constantly exposed to t4g3cUyjjr8-00731-00183932-00184126 compounds that they cannot use as foods t4g3cUyjjr8-00732-00184127-00184309 and would be harmful if they accumulate t4g3cUyjjr8-00733-00184310-00184513 it in cells as they have no metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00734-00184514-00184768 function these potentially damaging t4g3cUyjjr8-00735-00184769-00184998 compounds are called xenobiotics t4g3cUyjjr8-00736-00184999-00185227 xenobiotics such as synthetic drugs t4g3cUyjjr8-00737-00185228-00185461 natural poisons and antibiotics our t4g3cUyjjr8-00738-00185462-00185686 detoxified by a set of xenobiotic t4g3cUyjjr8-00739-00185687-00185989 metabolizing enzymes in humans these t4g3cUyjjr8-00740-00185990-00186379 include cytochrome p450 oxidases UDP t4g3cUyjjr8-00741-00186380-00186562 glucose nestle transferases and t4g3cUyjjr8-00742-00186563-00186874 glutathione s transferases this system t4g3cUyjjr8-00743-00186875-00187069 of enzymes acts in three stages to t4g3cUyjjr8-00744-00187070-00187336 firstly oxidize the xenobiotic phase one t4g3cUyjjr8-00745-00187337-00187549 and then conjugate water-soluble groups t4g3cUyjjr8-00746-00187550-00187858 unto the molecule Phase two the modified t4g3cUyjjr8-00747-00187859-00188083 water-soluble xenobiotic can then be t4g3cUyjjr8-00748-00188084-00188284 pumped out of cells and in multicellular t4g3cUyjjr8-00749-00188285-00188458 organisms may be further metabolized t4g3cUyjjr8-00750-00188459-00188751 before being excreted Phase three in t4g3cUyjjr8-00751-00188752-00189010 ecology these reactions are particularly t4g3cUyjjr8-00752-00189011-00189265 important in microbial biodegradation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00753-00189266-00189454 pollutants and the bio remediation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00754-00189455-00189661 contaminated land and oil spills t4g3cUyjjr8-00755-00189662-00189931 many of these microbial reactions are t4g3cUyjjr8-00756-00189932-00190150 shared with multicellular organisms but t4g3cUyjjr8-00757-00190151-00190336 due to the incredible diversity of types t4g3cUyjjr8-00758-00190337-00190564 of microbes these organisms are able to t4g3cUyjjr8-00759-00190565-00190714 deal with a far wider range of t4g3cUyjjr8-00760-00190715-00190960 xenobiotics than multicellular organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00761-00190961-00191143 and can degrade even persistent organic t4g3cUyjjr8-00762-00191144-00191350 pollutants such as organic chloride t4g3cUyjjr8-00763-00191351-00191590 compounds a related problem for aerobic t4g3cUyjjr8-00764-00191591-00191875 organisms as oxidative stress here t4g3cUyjjr8-00765-00191876-00192061 processes including oxidative t4g3cUyjjr8-00766-00192062-00192247 phosphorylation and the formation of t4g3cUyjjr8-00767-00192248-00192475 disulfide bonds during protein folding t4g3cUyjjr8-00768-00192476-00192703 produce reactive oxygen species such as t4g3cUyjjr8-00769-00192704-00192988 hydrogen peroxide these damaging t4g3cUyjjr8-00770-00192989-00193195 oxidants are removed by antioxidant t4g3cUyjjr8-00771-00193196-00193381 metabolites such as glutathione and t4g3cUyjjr8-00772-00193382-00193564 enzymes such as catalases and t4g3cUyjjr8-00773-00193565-00194174 peroxidases t4g3cUyjjr8-00774-00194175-00194828 topic thermodynamics of living organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00775-00194829-00195114 living organisms must obey the laws of t4g3cUyjjr8-00776-00195115-00195285 thermodynamics which describe the t4g3cUyjjr8-00777-00195286-00195573 transfer of heat and work the second law t4g3cUyjjr8-00778-00195574-00195771 of thermodynamics states that in any t4g3cUyjjr8-00779-00195772-00195939 closed system the amount of entropy t4g3cUyjjr8-00780-00195940-00196275 disorder cannot decrease although living t4g3cUyjjr8-00781-00196276-00196519 organisms amazing complexity appears to t4g3cUyjjr8-00782-00196520-00196752 contradict this law life is possible as t4g3cUyjjr8-00783-00196753-00196950 all organisms are open systems that t4g3cUyjjr8-00784-00196951-00197131 exchange matter and energy with their t4g3cUyjjr8-00785-00197132-00197206 surroundings t4g3cUyjjr8-00786-00197207-00197427 thus living systems are not in t4g3cUyjjr8-00787-00197428-00197634 equilibrium but instead are dissipative t4g3cUyjjr8-00788-00197635-00197787 systems that maintain their state of t4g3cUyjjr8-00789-00197788-00197991 high complexity by causing a larger t4g3cUyjjr8-00790-00197992-00198133 increase in the entropy of their t4g3cUyjjr8-00791-00198134-00198414 environments the metabolism of a cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00792-00198415-00198564 achieves this by coupling the t4g3cUyjjr8-00793-00198565-00198808 spontaneous processes of catabolism to t4g3cUyjjr8-00794-00198809-00198990 the non spontaneous processes of t4g3cUyjjr8-00795-00198991-00199253 anabolism in thermodynamic terms t4g3cUyjjr8-00796-00199254-00199512 metabolism maintains order by creating t4g3cUyjjr8-00797-00199513-00200035 disorder t4g3cUyjjr8-00798-00200036-00200637 topic regulation and control t4g3cUyjjr8-00799-00200638-00200862 as the environments of most organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00800-00200863-00201093 are constantly changing the reactions of t4g3cUyjjr8-00801-00201094-00201324 metabolism must be finely regulated to t4g3cUyjjr8-00802-00201325-00201516 maintain a constant set of conditions t4g3cUyjjr8-00803-00201517-00201687 within cells a condition called t4g3cUyjjr8-00804-00201688-00202032 homeostasis metabolic regulation also t4g3cUyjjr8-00805-00202033-00202230 allows organisms to respond to signals t4g3cUyjjr8-00806-00202231-00202398 and interact actively with their t4g3cUyjjr8-00807-00202399-00202701 environments to closely linked concepts t4g3cUyjjr8-00808-00202702-00202878 are important for understanding how t4g3cUyjjr8-00809-00202879-00203087 metabolic pathways are controlled t4g3cUyjjr8-00810-00203088-00203361 firstly the regulation of an enzyme in a t4g3cUyjjr8-00811-00203362-00203580 pathway is how its activity is increased t4g3cUyjjr8-00812-00203581-00203810 and decreased in response to signals t4g3cUyjjr8-00813-00203811-00204048 secondly the control exerted by this t4g3cUyjjr8-00814-00204049-00204237 enzyme is the effect that these changes t4g3cUyjjr8-00815-00204238-00204456 in its activity have on the overall rate t4g3cUyjjr8-00816-00204457-00204612 of the pathway the flux through the t4g3cUyjjr8-00817-00204613-00204917 pathway for example an enzyme may show t4g3cUyjjr8-00818-00204919-00205142 large changes in activity ie it is t4g3cUyjjr8-00819-00205144-00205350 highly regulated but if these changes t4g3cUyjjr8-00820-00205351-00205511 have little effect on the flux of a t4g3cUyjjr8-00821-00205512-00205710 metabolic pathway then this enzyme is t4g3cUyjjr8-00822-00205711-00205884 not involved in the control of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00823-00205885-00206165 pathway there are multiple levels of t4g3cUyjjr8-00824-00206166-00206382 metabolic regulation in intrinsic t4g3cUyjjr8-00825-00206383-00206591 regulation the metabolic pathway t4g3cUyjjr8-00826-00206592-00206808 self-regulates to respond to changes in t4g3cUyjjr8-00827-00206809-00207036 the levels of substrates or products for t4g3cUyjjr8-00828-00207037-00207219 example a decrease in the amount of t4g3cUyjjr8-00829-00207219-00207389 product can increase the flux through t4g3cUyjjr8-00830-00207390-00207644 the pathway to compensate this type of t4g3cUyjjr8-00831-00207646-00207873 regulation often involves allosteric t4g3cUyjjr8-00832-00207873-00208094 regulation of the activities of multiple t4g3cUyjjr8-00833-00208096-00208407 enzymes in the pathway extrinsic control t4g3cUyjjr8-00834-00208408-00208560 involves a cell in a multicellular t4g3cUyjjr8-00835-00208561-00208814 organism changing its metabolism in t4g3cUyjjr8-00836-00208815-00209003 response to signals from other cells t4g3cUyjjr8-00837-00209004-00209288 these signals are usually in the form of t4g3cUyjjr8-00838-00209289-00209513 soluble messengers such as hormones and t4g3cUyjjr8-00839-00209514-00209673 growth factors and are detected by t4g3cUyjjr8-00840-00209673-00209885 specific receptors on the cell surface t4g3cUyjjr8-00841-00209886-00210141 these signals are then transmitted t4g3cUyjjr8-00842-00210142-00210333 inside the cell by second messenger t4g3cUyjjr8-00843-00210334-00210489 systems that often involve the t4g3cUyjjr8-00844-00210490-00210719 phosphorylation of proteins a very well t4g3cUyjjr8-00845-00210721-00210939 understood example of extrinsic control t4g3cUyjjr8-00846-00210940-00211116 as the regulation of glucose metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00847-00211117-00211416 by the hormone insulin insulin is t4g3cUyjjr8-00848-00211417-00211632 produced in response to rises in blood t4g3cUyjjr8-00849-00211633-00211890 glucose levels binding of the hormone to t4g3cUyjjr8-00850-00211891-00212067 insulin receptors on cells then t4g3cUyjjr8-00851-00212067-00212262 activates a cascade of protein kinases t4g3cUyjjr8-00852-00212263-00212492 that cause the cells to take up glucose t4g3cUyjjr8-00853-00212494-00212688 and convert it into storage molecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00854-00212689-00212967 such as fatty acids and glycogen the t4g3cUyjjr8-00855-00212967-00213189 metabolism of glycogen is controlled by t4g3cUyjjr8-00856-00213190-00213423 activity of phosphorylase the enzyme t4g3cUyjjr8-00857-00213423-00213627 that breaks down glycogen and glycogen t4g3cUyjjr8-00858-00213628-00213900 synthase the enzyme that makes it these t4g3cUyjjr8-00859-00213901-00214023 enzymes are regulated t4g3cUyjjr8-00860-00214023-00214182 in a reciprocal fashion with t4g3cUyjjr8-00861-00214183-00214380 phosphorylation inhibiting glycogen t4g3cUyjjr8-00862-00214381-00214625 synthase but activating phosphorylase t4g3cUyjjr8-00863-00214626-00214902 insulin causes glycogen synthesis by t4g3cUyjjr8-00864-00214903-00215117 activating protein phosphatases and t4g3cUyjjr8-00865-00215119-00215246 producing a decrease in the t4g3cUyjjr8-00866-00215248-00215927 phosphorylation of these enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00867-00215928-00216444 topic evolution t4g3cUyjjr8-00868-00216446-00216673 the central pathways of metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-00869-00216673-00216937 described above such as glycolysis and t4g3cUyjjr8-00870-00216938-00217159 the citric acid cycle are present in all t4g3cUyjjr8-00871-00217160-00217342 three domains of living things and were t4g3cUyjjr8-00872-00217342-00217507 present in the last Universal common t4g3cUyjjr8-00873-00217508-00217855 ancestor this universal ancestral cell t4g3cUyjjr8-00874-00217856-00218064 was prokaryotic and probably a t4g3cUyjjr8-00875-00218065-00218287 methanogenic stents of amino acid t4g3cUyjjr8-00876-00218288-00218494 nucleotide carbohydrate and lipid t4g3cUyjjr8-00877-00218494-00218752 metabolism the retention of these t4g3cUyjjr8-00878-00218753-00218973 ancient pathways during later evolution t4g3cUyjjr8-00879-00218975-00219148 may be the result of these reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00880-00219148-00219334 having been an optimal solution to their t4g3cUyjjr8-00881-00219335-00219532 particular metabolic problems with t4g3cUyjjr8-00882-00219533-00219723 pathways such as glycolysis and the t4g3cUyjjr8-00883-00219725-00219931 citric acid cycle producing their end t4g3cUyjjr8-00884-00219932-00220114 products highly efficiently and in a t4g3cUyjjr8-00885-00220115-00220348 minimal number of steps the first t4g3cUyjjr8-00886-00220348-00220603 pathways of enzyme based metabolism may t4g3cUyjjr8-00887-00220604-00220792 have been parts of purine nucleotide t4g3cUyjjr8-00888-00220792-00221014 metabolism while previous metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00889-00221015-00221233 pathways were a part of the ancient RNA t4g3cUyjjr8-00890-00221234-00221437 world many models have been proposed to t4g3cUyjjr8-00891-00221438-00221626 describe the mechanisms by which novel t4g3cUyjjr8-00892-00221627-00221929 metabolic pathways evolved these include t4g3cUyjjr8-00893-00221930-00222142 the sequential addition of novel enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00894-00222142-00222346 to a short ancestral pathway the t4g3cUyjjr8-00895-00222346-00222519 duplication and then divergence of t4g3cUyjjr8-00896-00222521-00222676 entire pathways as well as the t4g3cUyjjr8-00897-00222677-00222886 recruitment of pre-existing enzymes in t4g3cUyjjr8-00898-00222887-00223069 their assembly into a novel reaction t4g3cUyjjr8-00899-00223069-00223330 pathway the relative importance of these t4g3cUyjjr8-00900-00223331-00223546 mechanisms is unclear but genomic t4g3cUyjjr8-00901-00223546-00223729 studies have shown that enzymes in a t4g3cUyjjr8-00902-00223730-00223894 pathway are likely to have a shared t4g3cUyjjr8-00903-00223894-00224125 ancestry suggesting that many pathways t4g3cUyjjr8-00904-00224126-00224292 have evolved in a step-by-step fashion t4g3cUyjjr8-00905-00224294-00224512 with novel functions created from t4g3cUyjjr8-00906-00224513-00224744 pre-existing steps in the pathway an t4g3cUyjjr8-00907-00224746-00224973 alternative model comes from studies t4g3cUyjjr8-00908-00224975-00225160 that trace the evolution of protein t4g3cUyjjr8-00909-00225161-00225376 structures in metabolic networks this t4g3cUyjjr8-00910-00225377-00225546 has suggested that enzymes are t4g3cUyjjr8-00911-00225548-00225769 pervasively recruited borrowing enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00912-00225769-00225946 to perform similar functions in t4g3cUyjjr8-00913-00225946-00226156 different metabolic pathways evident in t4g3cUyjjr8-00914-00226157-00226267 the MANET database t4g3cUyjjr8-00915-00226267-00226552 these recruitment processes result in an t4g3cUyjjr8-00916-00226553-00226828 evolutionary enzymatic mosaic a third t4g3cUyjjr8-00917-00226829-00227008 possibility is that some parts of t4g3cUyjjr8-00918-00227009-00227353 metabolism might exist as modules that t4g3cUyjjr8-00919-00227354-00227560 can be reused in different pathways and t4g3cUyjjr8-00920-00227561-00227758 perform similar functions on different t4g3cUyjjr8-00921-00227759-00227962 molecules as well as the evolution of t4g3cUyjjr8-00922-00227963-00228184 new metabolic pathways evolution can t4g3cUyjjr8-00923-00228185-00228331 also cause the loss of metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00924-00228332-00228664 functions for example in some parasites t4g3cUyjjr8-00925-00228665-00228841 metabolic processes that are not t4g3cUyjjr8-00926-00228842-00229048 essential for survival are lost and t4g3cUyjjr8-00927-00229048-00229300 preformed amino acids nucleotides and t4g3cUyjjr8-00928-00229301-00229516 carbohydrates may instead be scavenged t4g3cUyjjr8-00929-00229517-00229837 from the host similar reduced metabolic t4g3cUyjjr8-00930-00229838-00230011 abilities are seen in endosymbiotic t4g3cUyjjr8-00931-00230012-00230576 organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00932-00230577-00231241 topic investigation and manipulation t4g3cUyjjr8-00933-00231242-00231505 classically metabolism is studied by a t4g3cUyjjr8-00934-00231506-00231716 reductionist approach that focuses on a t4g3cUyjjr8-00935-00231717-00232019 single metabolic pathway particularly t4g3cUyjjr8-00936-00232019-00232219 valuable as the use of radioactive t4g3cUyjjr8-00937-00232221-00232444 tracers at the whole organism tissue and t4g3cUyjjr8-00938-00232446-00232637 cellular levels which define the paths t4g3cUyjjr8-00939-00232638-00232849 from precursors to final products by t4g3cUyjjr8-00940-00232850-00233014 identifying radioactively-labeled t4g3cUyjjr8-00941-00233015-00233321 intermediates and products the enzymes t4g3cUyjjr8-00942-00233321-00233473 that catalyze these chemical reactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00943-00233474-00233719 can then be purified in their kinetics t4g3cUyjjr8-00944-00233721-00233950 and responses to inhibitors investigated t4g3cUyjjr8-00945-00233951-00234221 a parallel approach is to identify the t4g3cUyjjr8-00946-00234221-00234467 small molecules in a cell or tissue the t4g3cUyjjr8-00947-00234467-00234649 complete set of these molecules is t4g3cUyjjr8-00948-00234650-00234898 called the metabolome over all these t4g3cUyjjr8-00949-00234899-00235048 studies give a good view of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00950-00235049-00235207 structure and function of simple t4g3cUyjjr8-00951-00235208-00235388 metabolic pathways but are inadequate t4g3cUyjjr8-00952-00235389-00235613 when applied to more complex systems t4g3cUyjjr8-00953-00235614-00235810 such as the metabolism of a complete t4g3cUyjjr8-00954-00235811-00236021 cell an idea of the complexity of the t4g3cUyjjr8-00955-00236021-00236230 metabolic networks in cells that contain t4g3cUyjjr8-00956-00236231-00236434 thousands of different enzymes as given t4g3cUyjjr8-00957-00236435-00236602 by the figure showing the interactions t4g3cUyjjr8-00958-00236603-00236840 between just 43 proteins and 40 t4g3cUyjjr8-00959-00236841-00237038 metabolites to the right the sequences t4g3cUyjjr8-00960-00237039-00237239 of genomes provide lists containing t4g3cUyjjr8-00961-00237240-00237590 anything up to 45,000 genes however it t4g3cUyjjr8-00962-00237591-00237808 is now possible to use this genomic data t4g3cUyjjr8-00963-00237809-00238003 to reconstruct complete networks of t4g3cUyjjr8-00964-00238004-00238214 biochemical reactions and produce more t4g3cUyjjr8-00965-00238215-00238423 holistic mathematical models that may t4g3cUyjjr8-00966-00238424-00238684 explain and predict their behavior these t4g3cUyjjr8-00967-00238685-00238903 models are especially powerful when used t4g3cUyjjr8-00968-00238904-00239104 to integrate the pathway and metabolite t4g3cUyjjr8-00969-00239105-00239308 data obtained through classical methods t4g3cUyjjr8-00970-00239309-00239471 with data on gene expression from t4g3cUyjjr8-00971-00239471-00239730 proteomic and DNA microarray studies t4g3cUyjjr8-00972-00239731-00240025 using these techniques a model of human t4g3cUyjjr8-00973-00240026-00240239 metabolism has now been produced which t4g3cUyjjr8-00974-00240240-00240416 will guide future drug discovery and t4g3cUyjjr8-00975-00240417-00240703 biochemical research these models are t4g3cUyjjr8-00976-00240704-00240949 now used in network analysis to classify t4g3cUyjjr8-00977-00240950-00241147 human diseases into groups that share t4g3cUyjjr8-00978-00241148-00241415 common proteins or metabolites bacterial t4g3cUyjjr8-00979-00241416-00241576 metabolic networks are a striking t4g3cUyjjr8-00980-00241577-00241804 example of bowtie organization and t4g3cUyjjr8-00981-00241805-00242015 architecture able to input a wide range t4g3cUyjjr8-00982-00242016-00242203 of nutrients and produce a large variety t4g3cUyjjr8-00983-00242204-00242406 of products and complex macromolecules t4g3cUyjjr8-00984-00242407-00242656 using a relatively few intermediate t4g3cUyjjr8-00985-00242657-00242965 common currencies a major technological t4g3cUyjjr8-00986-00242966-00243175 application of this information as t4g3cUyjjr8-00987-00243176-00243430 metabolic engineering here organisms t4g3cUyjjr8-00988-00243431-00243655 such as yeast plants or bacteria are t4g3cUyjjr8-00989-00243656-00243835 genetically modified to make them more t4g3cUyjjr8-00990-00243836-00244054 useful in biotechnology and aid the t4g3cUyjjr8-00991-00244055-00244228 production of drugs such as antibiotics t4g3cUyjjr8-00992-00244229-00244519 or industrial chemicals such as 1-3 t4g3cUyjjr8-00993-00244521-00244617 propanediol and t4g3cUyjjr8-00994-00244619-00244840 ChiCom each acid these genetic t4g3cUyjjr8-00995-00244841-00245067 modifications usually aim to reduce the t4g3cUyjjr8-00996-00245069-00245242 amount of energy used to produce the t4g3cUyjjr8-00997-00245242-00245446 product increase yields and reduce the t4g3cUyjjr8-00998-00245446-00246059 production of wastes t4g3cUyjjr8-00999-00246060-00246563 topic history t4g3cUyjjr8-01000-00246564-00246817 the term metabolism is derived from the t4g3cUyjjr8-01001-00246819-00247146 Greek metabolism O's metabolism O's for t4g3cUyjjr8-01002-00247148-00247932 change or overthrow t4g3cUyjjr8-01003-00247933-00248491 topic Greek philosophy t4g3cUyjjr8-01004-00248492-00248726 aristotle's the parts of animals sets t4g3cUyjjr8-01005-00248727-00248896 out enough details of his views on t4g3cUyjjr8-01006-00248898-00249119 metabolism for an open flow model to be t4g3cUyjjr8-01007-00249119-00249161 made t4g3cUyjjr8-01008-00249162-00249383 he believed that at each stage of the t4g3cUyjjr8-01009-00249384-00249581 process materials from food were t4g3cUyjjr8-01010-00249582-00249782 transformed with heat being released as t4g3cUyjjr8-01011-00249783-00249962 the classical element of fire and t4g3cUyjjr8-01012-00249963-00250175 residual materials being excreted as t4g3cUyjjr8-01013-00250176-00250821 urine bile or feces t4g3cUyjjr8-01014-00250823-00251371 topic Islamic medicine t4g3cUyjjr8-01015-00251373-00251669 even al nafis described metabolism in t4g3cUyjjr8-01016-00251669-00251975 his 1260 ad work titled Al Ries ala al t4g3cUyjjr8-01017-00251976-00252221 camellia Phil Sierra alga booyah the t4g3cUyjjr8-01018-00252221-00252383 treatise of Camille on the prophets t4g3cUyjjr8-01019-00252384-00252560 biography which included the following t4g3cUyjjr8-01020-00252561-00252776 phrase both the body and its parts are t4g3cUyjjr8-01021-00252777-00252977 in a continuous state of dissolution and t4g3cUyjjr8-01022-00252978-00253103 nourishment so they are inevitably t4g3cUyjjr8-01023-00253104-00253752 undergoing permanent change t4g3cUyjjr8-01024-00253753-00254001 topic application of the scientific t4g3cUyjjr8-01025-00254002-00254405 method t4g3cUyjjr8-01026-00254406-00254639 the history of the scientific study of t4g3cUyjjr8-01027-00254640-00254891 metabolism spans several centuries and t4g3cUyjjr8-01028-00254892-00255086 has moved from examining whole animals t4g3cUyjjr8-01029-00255087-00255314 in early studies to examining individual t4g3cUyjjr8-01030-00255315-00255485 metabolic reactions in modern t4g3cUyjjr8-01031-00255486-00255737 biochemistry the first controlled t4g3cUyjjr8-01032-00255738-00255953 experiments in human metabolism were t4g3cUyjjr8-01033-00255954-00256277 published by santorio santorio in 1614 t4g3cUyjjr8-01034-00256278-00256385 in his book ARS t4g3cUyjjr8-01035-00256386-00256664 - static a medicina he described how he t4g3cUyjjr8-01036-00256665-00256850 weighed himself before and after eating t4g3cUyjjr8-01037-00256851-00257144 sleep working sex fasting drinking and t4g3cUyjjr8-01038-00257144-00257417 excreting he found that most of the food t4g3cUyjjr8-01039-00257417-00257573 he took in was lost through what he t4g3cUyjjr8-01040-00257573-00257990 called insensible perspiration in these t4g3cUyjjr8-01041-00257991-00258179 early studies the mechanisms of these t4g3cUyjjr8-01042-00258180-00258371 metabolic processes had not been t4g3cUyjjr8-01043-00258371-00258578 identified and a vital force was thought t4g3cUyjjr8-01044-00258579-00258857 to animate living tissue in the 19th t4g3cUyjjr8-01045-00258858-00259069 century when studying the fermentation t4g3cUyjjr8-01046-00259071-00259280 of sugar to alcohol by yeast Louis t4g3cUyjjr8-01047-00259281-00259478 Pasteur concluded that fermentation was t4g3cUyjjr8-01048-00259479-00259688 catalyzed by substances within the yeast t4g3cUyjjr8-01049-00259689-00260026 cells he called ferments he wrote that t4g3cUyjjr8-01050-00260027-00260264 alcoholic fermentation as an act t4g3cUyjjr8-01051-00260265-00260429 correlated with the life and t4g3cUyjjr8-01052-00260430-00260675 organization of the yeast cells not with t4g3cUyjjr8-01053-00260676-00260926 the death or putrefaction of the cells t4g3cUyjjr8-01054-00260927-00261164 this discovery along with the t4g3cUyjjr8-01055-00261165-00261431 publication by friedrich wöhler in 1828 t4g3cUyjjr8-01056-00261432-00261644 of a paper on the chemical synthesis of t4g3cUyjjr8-01057-00261644-00261827 urea and is notable for being the first t4g3cUyjjr8-01058-00261828-00262058 organic compound prepared from wholly t4g3cUyjjr8-01059-00262059-00262337 inorganic precursors this proved that t4g3cUyjjr8-01060-00262338-00262529 the organic compounds and chemical t4g3cUyjjr8-01061-00262530-00262706 reactions found in cells were no t4g3cUyjjr8-01062-00262707-00262877 different in principle than any other t4g3cUyjjr8-01063-00262878-00263174 part of chemistry it was the discovery t4g3cUyjjr8-01064-00263175-00263387 of enzymes at the beginning of the 20th t4g3cUyjjr8-01065-00263388-00263630 century by Eduard Buchner that separated t4g3cUyjjr8-01066-00263631-00263819 the study of the chemical reactions of t4g3cUyjjr8-01067-00263820-00264050 metabolism from the biological study of t4g3cUyjjr8-01068-00264051-00264209 cells and marked the beginnings of t4g3cUyjjr8-01069-00264210-00264506 biochemistry the mass of biochemical t4g3cUyjjr8-01070-00264507-00264671 knowledge grew rapidly throughout the t4g3cUyjjr8-01071-00264672-00264947 early 20th century one of the most t4g3cUyjjr8-01072-00264948-00265172 prolific of these modern biochemists was t4g3cUyjjr8-01073-00265173-00265325 Hans Krebs who made huge contributions t4g3cUyjjr8-01074-00265326-00265535 to the study of metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-01075-00265536-00265799 he discovered the urea cycle and later t4g3cUyjjr8-01076-00265800-00266018 working with Hans Kornberg the citric t4g3cUyjjr8-01077-00266019-00266248 acid cycle and the glyoxylate cycle t4g3cUyjjr8-01078-00266249-00266513 modern biochemical research has been t4g3cUyjjr8-01079-00266514-00266696 greatly aided by the development of new t4g3cUyjjr8-01080-00266697-00266951 techniques such as chromatography x-ray t4g3cUyjjr8-01081-00266952-00267215 diffraction NMR spectroscopy radio t4g3cUyjjr8-01082-00267216-00267440 isotopic labeling electron microscopy t4g3cUyjjr8-01083-00267441-00267737 and molecular dynamic simulations t4g3cUyjjr8-01084-00267738-00267887 these techniques have allowed the t4g3cUyjjr8-01085-00267888-00268094 discovery and detailed analysis of the t4g3cUyjjr8-01086-00268095-00268322 many molecules in metabolic pathways in t4g3cUyjjr8-01087-00268323-00268875 cells t4g3cUyjjr8-01088-00268876-00269408 topic see also t4g3cUyjjr8-01089-00269409-00269747 anthropogenic metabolism anti t4g3cUyjjr8-01090-00269748-00270152 metabolites basal metabolic rate keller t4g3cUyjjr8-01091-00270153-00270512 in the tree isothermal micro calorimetry t4g3cUyjjr8-01092-00270513-00270794 inborn errors of metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-01093-00270795-00271020 iron-sulfur world hypothesis t4g3cUyjjr8-01094-00271021-00271239 hypothetical scenario for the origin of t4g3cUyjjr8-01095-00271240-00271580 life metabolism first theory of the t4g3cUyjjr8-01096-00271581-00271919 origin of life metabolic disorder t4g3cUyjjr8-01097-00271920-00272271 primary nutritional groups respirometer t4g3cUyjjr8-01098-00272272-00272762 ii stream metabolism sulfur metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-01099-00272763-00273181 thermic effect of food urban metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-01100-00273182-00273503 water metabolism t4g3cUyjjr8-01101-00273504-00274067 low metabolism react ohm keg t4hZjhxJW44-00000-00000082-00000335 we're delighted to be able to welcome t4hZjhxJW44-00001-00000336-00000563 visitors back to Watson and we've missed t4hZjhxJW44-00002-00000564-00000611 you t4hZjhxJW44-00003-00000612-00000850 those who know as well may be surprised t4hZjhxJW44-00004-00000851-00001010 to find our gardens are a little t4hZjhxJW44-00005-00001011-00001279 different at the moment a tiny team of t4hZjhxJW44-00006-00001280-00001439 gardeners have been keeping things going t4hZjhxJW44-00007-00001440-00001702 during the last couple of months so we t4hZjhxJW44-00008-00001703-00001916 are without our usual colorful bedding t4hZjhxJW44-00009-00001917-00002174 displays on the parterre and at the t4hZjhxJW44-00010-00002175-00002414 Avery we're making a virtue out of t4hZjhxJW44-00011-00002415-00002591 necessity and trying different t4hZjhxJW44-00012-00002592-00002804 approaches to our gardening this year t4hZjhxJW44-00013-00002805-00003050 we've left the spring wall flowers and t4hZjhxJW44-00014-00003051-00003295 tulips in place but by cutting back t4hZjhxJW44-00015-00003296-00003545 mulching and sowing green manure we're t4hZjhxJW44-00016-00003546-00003784 improving and supporting the soil t4hZjhxJW44-00017-00003785-00004052 there's still lots to see those with t4hZjhxJW44-00018-00004053-00004261 sharp eyes will find some surprises in t4hZjhxJW44-00019-00004262-00004424 the long grass where we have been t4hZjhxJW44-00020-00004425-00004720 cultivating new wildflower areas look t4hZjhxJW44-00021-00004721-00004945 out for pyramidal bee and spotted t4hZjhxJW44-00022-00004946-00005279 orchids among the oxide daisies and our t4hZjhxJW44-00023-00005280-00005456 Avery which is Europe's smallest t4hZjhxJW44-00024-00005457-00005708 licensed zoo is open again and full of t4hZjhxJW44-00025-00005709-00006254 exotic inhabitants we're making visitor t4hZjhxJW44-00026-00006255-00006457 and staff safety our top priority so t4hZjhxJW44-00027-00006458-00006721 we're capping numbers requiring everyone t4hZjhxJW44-00028-00006722-00006910 to pre-book and we aren't running the t4hZjhxJW44-00029-00006911-00007130 shuttle buses at the moment we're also t4hZjhxJW44-00030-00007131-00007321 asking visitors to be aware of not t4hZjhxJW44-00031-00007322-00007546 overcrowding one another on some of our t4hZjhxJW44-00032-00007547-00007639 narrow footpaths t4hZjhxJW44-00033-00007640-00007996 and in the toilets we'd love you to t4hZjhxJW44-00034-00007997-00008216 support us by buying homemade sandwiches t4hZjhxJW44-00035-00008217-00008501 salads cakes and ice creams from the t4hZjhxJW44-00036-00008502-00008753 tree tree takeaway at the stables and t4hZjhxJW44-00037-00008754-00009077 wine and gifts from the manor shop we're t4hZjhxJW44-00038-00009078-00009242 not yet allowed to open the woodland t4hZjhxJW44-00039-00009243-00009403 playground the house t4hZjhxJW44-00040-00009404-00009631 the wine cellars our restaurants or the t4hZjhxJW44-00041-00009632-00009878 Roses exhibition by Nick Knight in the t4hZjhxJW44-00042-00009879-00010076 stables but we do hope that these t4hZjhxJW44-00043-00010077-00010271 restrictions will soon be relaxed so t4hZjhxJW44-00044-00010272-00010469 please do check our website before you t4hZjhxJW44-00045-00010470-00010700 book t7JUugtrAqg-00000-00003572-00003790 coming from you t7JUugtrAqg-00001-00003790-00004046 sorry t7JUugtrAqg-00002-00004047-00004426 sorry who are you t7JUugtrAqg-00003-00004427-00004851 oh so t7JUugtrAqg-00004-00004852-00005455 fine t7JUugtrAqg-00005-00005456-00005935 I don't care t7JUugtrAqg-00006-00005936-00006350 ok t7JUugtrAqg-00007-00006351-00006571 oh why not let be here because I'm the t7JUugtrAqg-00008-00006572-00007077 members Pensacola here ok t7JUugtrAqg-00009-00007078-00007816 both my protest t7JUugtrAqg-00010-00007817-00008931 what about t7JUugtrAqg-00011-00008932-00009323 I'm just recording this t7JUugtrAqg-00012-00009324-00009491 that's why you got a problem with this t7JUugtrAqg-00013-00009492-00009928 thing we call it here hi we don't like t7JUugtrAqg-00014-00009929-00010052 you don't have permission to film me t7JUugtrAqg-00015-00010053-00010346 okay but I'm not believe it's news by t7JUugtrAqg-00017-00014606-00015812 so t7JUugtrAqg-00018-00015813-00016429 Oh t7JUugtrAqg-00019-00016430-00017396 no thank your initial machinery is t7JUugtrAqg-00020-00017397-00017761 knowing you t7JUugtrAqg-00021-00017762-00017947 you can get for yourself how much t7JUugtrAqg-00022-00017948-00018274 employees who I am yeah well that's nuts t7JUugtrAqg-00023-00018275-00018600 you relax I'm not okay I guess have you t7JUugtrAqg-00024-00018601-00018868 with your hand boy I know identify t7JUugtrAqg-00025-00018869-00019039 yourself I can't away from me I don't t7JUugtrAqg-00026-00019040-00019353 want my church employer back away go to t7JUugtrAqg-00027-00019354-00019594 their phone back elation is I don't want t7JUugtrAqg-00028-00019595-00019780 anything to do with you back away please t7JUugtrAqg-00029-00019781-00020041 back away with the gramophone impressive t7JUugtrAqg-00030-00020042-00020256 charges against your bachelor self only t7JUugtrAqg-00031-00020257-00020446 meal pic yeah you can try that if you t7JUugtrAqg-00032-00020447-00020644 want you can find it if you want yeah t7JUugtrAqg-00033-00020645-00020769 you don't I don't need your permission t7JUugtrAqg-00034-00020770-00020968 for me there's a new story i'm not using t7JUugtrAqg-00035-00020969-00021178 the moccasin I'm citizen yeah i know i t7JUugtrAqg-00036-00021179-00021333 know the lord i know the wrong i'm not t7JUugtrAqg-00037-00021334-00021694 i'm us I should know Paul with like but t7JUugtrAqg-00038-00021695-00022183 I watching Avant is great I don't need t7JUugtrAqg-00039-00022184-00022447 to hear this is a nice story doesn't t7JUugtrAqg-00040-00022448-00022733 matter there's a new story you have to t7JUugtrAqg-00041-00022734-00022969 film people than you think you don't t7JUugtrAqg-00042-00022970-00023344 know why some of these nebulae I mean t7JUugtrAqg-00043-00023345-00023797 Lee unfired we can't I can't come into a t7JUugtrAqg-00044-00023798-00024019 private area you can yes and you cannot t7JUugtrAqg-00045-00024020-00024330 you can come over time you gotta say no t7JUugtrAqg-00046-00024331-00024669 yo T doorstep people know to just t7JUugtrAqg-00047-00024670-00024969 compete with you what's this hard work t7JUugtrAqg-00048-00024970-00025186 world's this all you're the [__] t7JUugtrAqg-00049-00025187-00025423 [__] to next week was going on t7JUugtrAqg-00050-00025424-00025881 ok boys here at the whole school boys my t7JUugtrAqg-00051-00025882-00026495 lady t7JUugtrAqg-00052-00026495-00027569 Oh t7JUugtrAqg-00053-00027570-00027776 you t9HUgPvyv7y-00000-00000115-00000961 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00001-00000961-00001359 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00002-00001360-00002086 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00003-00002087-00005076 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00004-00005077-00006175 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00005-00006176-00006926 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00007-00010936-00011055 uh t9HUgPvyv7y-00008-00011056-00011703 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00009-00011704-00012163 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00010-00012164-00012265 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00011-00012266-00012343 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00012-00012344-00012529 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00013-00012530-00012886 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00014-00012887-00013510 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00015-00013511-00014663 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00016-00014663-00015100 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00017-00015101-00016633 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00018-00016634-00016642 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00019-00016643-00017830 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00020-00017831-00018043 uh t9HUgPvyv7y-00021-00018044-00018519 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00022-00018520-00018984 oh t9HUgPvyv7y-00023-00018985-00021599 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00025-00027304-00027601 do t9HUgPvyv7y-00026-00027602-00028799 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00027-00028800-00029211 do t9HUgPvyv7y-00028-00029212-00030014 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00029-00030016-00030320 do t9HUgPvyv7y-00031-00035236-00035639 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00032-00035640-00036238 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00033-00036239-00038471 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00034-00038472-00038780 do t9HUgPvyv7y-00035-00038781-00040223 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00036-00040224-00040403 do t9HUgPvyv7y-00038-00043600-00044007 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00039-00044008-00044244 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00040-00044245-00045821 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00041-00045822-00046416 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00042-00046417-00046695 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00043-00046696-00047038 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00044-00047039-00048981 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00045-00048982-00050315 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00046-00050316-00051151 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00047-00051152-00051388 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00048-00051389-00053569 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00049-00053570-00054039 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00050-00054040-00054312 [Applause] t9HUgPvyv7y-00051-00054313-00056694 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00052-00056695-00056828 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00053-00056829-00057614 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00054-00057615-00059369 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00055-00059370-00060582 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00056-00060583-00060823 so t9HUgPvyv7y-00057-00060824-00062763 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00058-00062764-00064582 [Music] t9HUgPvyv7y-00059-00064583-00064791 you tqADfbkWBJ4-00000-00000596-00001069 you can't escape tqADfbkWBJ4-00001-00001070-00003173 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00002-00003174-00003828 foreign tqADfbkWBJ4-00004-00006845-00007042 for you for you and your mother and tqADfbkWBJ4-00005-00007043-00007084 daughter tqADfbkWBJ4-00006-00007084-00007939 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00007-00007940-00008264 meaning will ever show that you can ride tqADfbkWBJ4-00008-00008265-00009308 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00009-00009309-00010183 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00010-00010184-00010642 I'll burn away tqADfbkWBJ4-00011-00010643-00011013 yet tqADfbkWBJ4-00012-00011014-00011531 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00013-00011532-00012550 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00014-00012551-00013175 [Music] tqADfbkWBJ4-00015-00013176-00013366 me back here I was right your blood tqADfbkWBJ4-00016-00013368-00013666 across the walls tqADfbkWBJ4-00017-00013668-00014094 thank you tqADfbkWBJ4-00018-00014094-00014402 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00000-00001418-00002080 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00001-00002081-00002883 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00002-00002884-00004283 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00003-00004284-00004615 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00004-00004616-00006053 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00005-00006054-00007083 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00006-00007084-00008285 uh t_ZEox3tTm4-00007-00008286-00008483 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00008-00008484-00009883 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00010-00016884-00018283 just t_ZEox3tTm4-00011-00018284-00018647 do t_ZEox3tTm4-00012-00018648-00020121 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00013-00020122-00020673 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00014-00020674-00021908 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00015-00021909-00023490 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00016-00023491-00025184 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00017-00025185-00027288 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00018-00027289-00029483 [Music] t_ZEox3tTm4-00019-00029483-00030883 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00020-00030883-00031306 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00021-00031307-00032283 [Applause] t_ZEox3tTm4-00022-00032283-00033683 so t_ZEox3tTm4-00023-00033684-00033984 foreign tA3QQnT8hwg-00000-00000003-00000173 so cliff when I think of your work the tA3QQnT8hwg-00001-00000174-00000364 very first word which comes to my mind tA3QQnT8hwg-00002-00000365-00000623 is momentum could you first give us just tA3QQnT8hwg-00003-00000624-00000829 the super short version of what is a tA3QQnT8hwg-00004-00000830-00001045 momentum trading strategy sure a tA3QQnT8hwg-00005-00001046-00001277 momentum investing strategy is the tA3QQnT8hwg-00006-00001278-00001528 rather insane proposition that you can tA3QQnT8hwg-00007-00001529-00001789 buy a portfolio of what's been going up tA3QQnT8hwg-00008-00001791-00001930 for the last six to 12 months sell a tA3QQnT8hwg-00009-00001932-00002072 portfolio of what's been going down for tA3QQnT8hwg-00010-00002073-00002275 the last six to 12 months and you beat tA3QQnT8hwg-00011-00002276-00002504 the market unfortunately for sanity that tA3QQnT8hwg-00012-00002505-00002624 seems to be true tA3QQnT8hwg-00013-00002625-00002875 seems to be true now you call it insane tA3QQnT8hwg-00014-00002876-00003067 but if you were to give us a simple tA3QQnT8hwg-00015-00003068-00003313 example on average statistically tA3QQnT8hwg-00016-00003314-00003563 speaking not in a free lunch way but tA3QQnT8hwg-00017-00003564-00003899 what kinds of super normal returns might tA3QQnT8hwg-00018-00003900-00004058 you possibly earn through a momentum tA3QQnT8hwg-00019-00004059-00004336 trading strategy sure as one example if tA3QQnT8hwg-00020-00004337-00004601 you were running its large cap US equity tA3QQnT8hwg-00021-00004602-00004760 something like the Russell 1000 and you tA3QQnT8hwg-00022-00004761-00005027 bought the 1/3 of stocks with the tA3QQnT8hwg-00023-00005028-00005327 superior six to 12-month returns you tA3QQnT8hwg-00024-00005328-00005497 probably make a hundred hundred 25 basis tA3QQnT8hwg-00025-00005498-00005795 points extra long term on average if you tA3QQnT8hwg-00026-00005796-00005951 do that in small stocks it's more like tA3QQnT8hwg-00027-00005952-00006227 250 to 300 and why is it larger for tA3QQnT8hwg-00028-00006228-00006534 small stocks almost anything we find in tA3QQnT8hwg-00029-00006536-00006835 investing almost any regularity this tA3QQnT8hwg-00030-00006836-00007100 tends to be this seems to be smaller and tA3QQnT8hwg-00031-00007101-00007280 it seems to be larger excuse me for tA3QQnT8hwg-00032-00007281-00007580 small stocks uh that it's not quite as tA3QQnT8hwg-00033-00007581-00007781 good a deal as it sounds because the tA3QQnT8hwg-00034-00007781-00008020 risk is also larger small caps of bigger tA3QQnT8hwg-00035-00008022-00008285 fluctuations people have a lot of tA3QQnT8hwg-00036-00008286-00008560 theories analysts coverage Wall Street tA3QQnT8hwg-00037-00008561-00008699 doesn't cover them as much perhaps if tA3QQnT8hwg-00038-00008700-00008837 there's whatever degree of inefficiency tA3QQnT8hwg-00039-00008838-00009041 is in the market is larger for small tA3QQnT8hwg-00040-00009042-00009173 caps but it's a nearly ubiquitous tA3QQnT8hwg-00041-00009174-00009434 finding anything anything you find works tA3QQnT8hwg-00042-00009435-00009728 in large caps tends to work somewhat tA3QQnT8hwg-00043-00009729-00009998 better in small so a few of a in terms tA3QQnT8hwg-00044-00009999-00010246 of excess return a hundred hundred and tA3QQnT8hwg-00045-00010247-00010451 twenty five basis points compounded over tA3QQnT8hwg-00046-00010452-00010655 twenty thirty years obviously that's tA3QQnT8hwg-00047-00010656-00010756 going to be a lot of money tA3QQnT8hwg-00048-00010757-00010985 correct correct so what's the catch tA3QQnT8hwg-00049-00010986-00011188 what's the qualification why doesn't tA3QQnT8hwg-00050-00011189-00011410 everyone here run out they don't even tA3QQnT8hwg-00051-00011411-00011648 wait till the talk is over and as an tA3QQnT8hwg-00052-00011649-00011933 investment strategy follow what you have tA3QQnT8hwg-00053-00011934-00012080 done with momentum what's the trick tA3QQnT8hwg-00054-00012081-00012346 there there are a number of them one I tA3QQnT8hwg-00055-00012347-00012514 bought this is I'm really not very tA3QQnT8hwg-00056-00012515-00012997 convincing at all another is more people tA3QQnT8hwg-00057-00012998-00013253 do it these days and I'll I'll admit I tA3QQnT8hwg-00058-00013254-00013361 think the strategy tA3QQnT8hwg-00059-00013362-00013577 survive that but it's a concern it is tA3QQnT8hwg-00060-00013578-00013843 not something every investor can do I tA3QQnT8hwg-00061-00013844-00014086 get this question from clients sometimes tA3QQnT8hwg-00062-00014087-00014314 and I go are you gonna do it and they go tA3QQnT8hwg-00063-00014315-00014886 no and I go that's why with that said I tA3QQnT8hwg-00064-00014887-00015449 think it is a fairly unintuitive idea to tA3QQnT8hwg-00065-00015450-00015599 some it's very intuitive just by what's tA3QQnT8hwg-00066-00015600-00015836 going up to someone who studies markets tA3QQnT8hwg-00067-00015837-00015988 particularly for gene fama like I did tA3QQnT8hwg-00068-00015990-00016166 the idea that you can beat markets and tA3QQnT8hwg-00069-00016166-00016363 we do more than just momentum I'm Tyler tA3QQnT8hwg-00070-00016365-00016594 I promise he's promised me he'll get to tA3QQnT8hwg-00071-00016595-00016955 that but it's a very unintuitive idea if tA3QQnT8hwg-00072-00016956-00017147 you think markets are anywhere near tA3QQnT8hwg-00073-00017148-00017408 highly efficient and I think that tA3QQnT8hwg-00074-00017409-00017774 dissuade some and he no one nearly works tA3QQnT8hwg-00075-00017775-00017849 all the time tA3QQnT8hwg-00076-00017850-00018017 one thing I should really be careful tA3QQnT8hwg-00077-00018018-00018239 about I throw out the word works I say tA3QQnT8hwg-00078-00018240-00018569 this strategy works I mean in the tA3QQnT8hwg-00079-00018570-00018850 Cowardly statistician fashion it works tA3QQnT8hwg-00080-00018851-00018986 two out of three years for a hundred tA3QQnT8hwg-00081-00018987-00019196 years we get small p-values large T tA3QQnT8hwg-00082-00019197-00019397 statistics if anyone likes those kind of tA3QQnT8hwg-00083-00019398-00019636 numbers out there so we think we're tA3QQnT8hwg-00084-00019637-00019765 reasonably sure the average return is tA3QQnT8hwg-00085-00019766-00019987 positive it has horrible streaks within tA3QQnT8hwg-00086-00019988-00020284 that of not working if your car work tA3QQnT8hwg-00087-00020285-00020447 like this you'd fire your mechanic if it tA3QQnT8hwg-00088-00020448-00020656 worked like the word if it worked like I tA3QQnT8hwg-00089-00020657-00020927 use that word so I think it is harder tA3QQnT8hwg-00090-00020928-00021172 then you might guess even if something tA3QQnT8hwg-00091-00021173-00021430 works long term to have it go away tA3QQnT8hwg-00092-00021431-00021586 because a lot of investors can't live tA3QQnT8hwg-00093-00021587-00021821 through the bad periods they decide why tA3QQnT8hwg-00094-00021822-00021983 it's never going to work again at the tA3QQnT8hwg-00095-00021984-00022223 wrong time tAsLMFtNwwY-00000-00000134-00000482 foreign shut up tBVjuKwkTsM-00000-00000003-00000265 good eating chocolate gets you a Nobel tBVjuKwkTsM-00001-00000266-00000586 Prize it's not as crazy an idea as it tBVjuKwkTsM-00002-00000587-00000821 might sound research published in the tBVjuKwkTsM-00003-00000822-00001022 New England Journal of Medicine shows a tBVjuKwkTsM-00004-00001023-00001295 clear correlation between the amount of tBVjuKwkTsM-00005-00001296-00001469 chocolate each person in a country eats tBVjuKwkTsM-00006-00001470-00001691 and the number of Nobel Prize winners tBVjuKwkTsM-00007-00001692-00001939 that country has produced of course what tBVjuKwkTsM-00008-00001941-00002171 makes the research intriguing is that we tBVjuKwkTsM-00009-00002172-00002410 really want to believe it who wouldn't tBVjuKwkTsM-00010-00002411-00002597 want to get smart overdosing on Lindor tBVjuKwkTsM-00011-00002598-00002864 truffles and to make it all the more tBVjuKwkTsM-00012-00002865-00003014 compelling there are plausible tBVjuKwkTsM-00013-00003015-00003242 scientific reasons why chocolate might tBVjuKwkTsM-00014-00003243-00003472 increase cognitive ability in some cases tBVjuKwkTsM-00015-00003472-00003749 the trouble is the research just shows tBVjuKwkTsM-00016-00003750-00003950 an association between chocolate tBVjuKwkTsM-00017-00003951-00004202 consumption and that coveted call from tBVjuKwkTsM-00018-00004203-00004472 the Swedish Academy of Sciences what it tBVjuKwkTsM-00019-00004473-00004861 doesn't show is causation as the author tBVjuKwkTsM-00020-00004862-00005129 points out it could be that smart people tBVjuKwkTsM-00021-00005130-00005363 like eating chocolate or there could be tBVjuKwkTsM-00022-00005364-00005525 some other factor that's common to both tBVjuKwkTsM-00023-00005526-00005713 Nobel laureates and chocolate eating tBVjuKwkTsM-00024-00005714-00006097 take owning a cat for instance what if tBVjuKwkTsM-00025-00006098-00006442 cat owners eat chocolate and are smarter tBVjuKwkTsM-00026-00006443-00006694 than the average non cat fancier tBVjuKwkTsM-00027-00006695-00006946 amazingly the cat chocolate Nobel thing tBVjuKwkTsM-00028-00006947-00007205 works not only did the number of cats tBVjuKwkTsM-00029-00007206-00007396 per capita in a country correlate with tBVjuKwkTsM-00030-00007397-00007585 the amount of chocolate each person eats tBVjuKwkTsM-00031-00007586-00007828 but they also correlate with the number tBVjuKwkTsM-00032-00007829-00008028 of Nobel Prizes per head of population tBVjuKwkTsM-00033-00008029-00008360 the problem is without evidence of cause tBVjuKwkTsM-00034-00008361-00008642 and effect these data and nonsense and tBVjuKwkTsM-00035-00008643-00008984 this is where risk comes in it's easy to tBVjuKwkTsM-00036-00008985-00009155 see associations between different tBVjuKwkTsM-00037-00009156-00009377 things especially when we want to tBVjuKwkTsM-00038-00009378-00009646 believe it's much harder to identify tBVjuKwkTsM-00039-00009647-00009923 where those associations actually mean tBVjuKwkTsM-00040-00009924-00010181 anything and this is important if you're tBVjuKwkTsM-00041-00010182-00010360 trying to work out whether being exposed tBVjuKwkTsM-00042-00010361-00010634 to substance X for instance really is tBVjuKwkTsM-00043-00010635-00010921 dangerous or whether you're just having tBVjuKwkTsM-00044-00010922-00011238 a noble chokolate moment tBVjuKwkTsM-00045-00011239-00011532 for more bite-sized insights into the tBVjuKwkTsM-00046-00011533-00011769 science of risk don't forget to tBVjuKwkTsM-00047-00011770-00012117 subscribe to risk bites tDeXaxWUo8M-00000-00000183-00000390 thank you can i remind members that if tDeXaxWUo8M-00001-00000391-00000567 the amendment in the name of donald tDeXaxWUo8M-00002-00000568-00000782 cameron is agreed then the amendment in tDeXaxWUo8M-00003-00000783-00001039 the name of monica lennon will fall tDeXaxWUo8M-00004-00001040-00001399 the question is that amendment 1512.1 tDeXaxWUo8M-00005-00001400-00001566 in the name of donald cameron which tDeXaxWUo8M-00006-00001567-00001847 seeks to amend motion 1512 in the name tDeXaxWUo8M-00007-00001848-00002087 of michael matheson on legislative tDeXaxWUo8M-00008-00002088-00002342 consent to the environment bill bill be tDeXaxWUo8M-00009-00002343-00002542 agreed and members should cast their tDeXaxWUo8M-00010-00002543-00003622 votes now tDeXaxWUo8M-00012-00008143-00009631 somebody says tDeXaxWUo8M-00013-00009632-00011287 the vote is now closed tDeXaxWUo8M-00014-00011288-00011446 is tDeXaxWUo8M-00015-00011447-00013383 yeah tDeXaxWUo8M-00016-00013384-00013607 the result of the vote on amendment tDeXaxWUo8M-00017-00013608-00013763 number tDeXaxWUo8M-00018-00013763-00014071 1512.1 in the name of donald cameron is tDeXaxWUo8M-00019-00014072-00014238 yes 27 tDeXaxWUo8M-00020-00014240-00014535 no 92 there were no abstentions the tDeXaxWUo8M-00021-00014536-00014822 amendment is therefore not agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00022-00014823-00015030 and the next question is the amendment tDeXaxWUo8M-00023-00015031-00015230 1512.2 tDeXaxWUo8M-00024-00015231-00015430 in the name of monica lennon which seeks tDeXaxWUo8M-00025-00015431-00015694 to amend motion 1512 in the name of tDeXaxWUo8M-00026-00015695-00015975 michael matheson on legislative consent tDeXaxWUo8M-00027-00015976-00016222 to the environment will be agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00028-00016223-00016486 are we all agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00029-00016487-00016679 the parliament is not agreed therefore tDeXaxWUo8M-00030-00016680-00016839 we will move to vote and members should tDeXaxWUo8M-00032-00020256-00023094 this tDeXaxWUo8M-00033-00023095-00024511 hey tDeXaxWUo8M-00035-00027719-00028646 thank you tDeXaxWUo8M-00036-00028647-00028887 the result of the vote on amendment tDeXaxWUo8M-00037-00028888-00029151 number 1512.2 tDeXaxWUo8M-00038-00029152-00029535 in the name of monica lennon is yes 26 tDeXaxWUo8M-00039-00029536-00029831 no 92 there were no abstentions the tDeXaxWUo8M-00040-00029832-00030111 amendment is therefore not agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00041-00030112-00030455 the final question is that motion 1512 tDeXaxWUo8M-00042-00030456-00030631 in the name of michael matheson on tDeXaxWUo8M-00043-00030632-00030870 legislative consent to the environment tDeXaxWUo8M-00044-00030872-00031127 bill be agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00045-00031127-00031407 are we all agreed tDeXaxWUo8M-00046-00031408-00031614 the parliament is not agreed therefore tDeXaxWUo8M-00047-00031616-00031783 we will move to vote and members should tDeXaxWUo8M-00048-00031783-00033902 cast their votes now tDeXaxWUo8M-00049-00033903-00035231 yes tDeXaxWUo8M-00051-00039744-00041007 the vote is now closed tDeXaxWUo8M-00052-00041008-00042727 latest tDeXaxWUo8M-00053-00042728-00044687 oh tDeXaxWUo8M-00054-00044688-00044790 thank you tDeXaxWUo8M-00055-00044791-00045279 the result of the vote on motion 1512 tDeXaxWUo8M-00056-00045280-00045511 in the name of michael matheson tDeXaxWUo8M-00057-00045512-00045735 is yes 66 tDeXaxWUo8M-00058-00045736-00045895 no 30 tDeXaxWUo8M-00059-00045896-00046215 there were 23 abstentions the motion is tDeXaxWUo8M-00060-00046216-00046527 therefore agreed that concludes decision tDeXaxWUo8M-00061-00046528-00046711 time and will now move on to members tDeXaxWUo8M-00062-00046712-00046886 business i ask members who are leaving tDeXaxWUo8M-00063-00046887-00047291 the chamber to do so quietly tFkWArHPdno-00000-00001040-00001278 so last time we practiced some dialogue tFkWArHPdno-00001-00001279-00001550 let's see do you remember anything tFkWArHPdno-00002-00001551-00002039 so i will you greet each other in arabic tFkWArHPdno-00003-00002039-00002839 yes tFkWArHPdno-00004-00002840-00004886 yes tFkWArHPdno-00005-00004887-00005865 is tFkWArHPdno-00006-00005866-00007898 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00007-00007900-00010120 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00008-00010121-00011278 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00009-00011279-00012438 you tFkWArHPdno-00010-00012439-00012777 um tFkWArHPdno-00011-00012778-00015447 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00012-00015447-00015619 nice tFkWArHPdno-00013-00015619-00016871 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00014-00016872-00017703 my laptop tFkWArHPdno-00015-00017704-00017822 wait a minute tFkWArHPdno-00016-00017823-00020609 got hanged tFkWArHPdno-00017-00020610-00020847 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00018-00020848-00021094 okay now we have numbers so read the tFkWArHPdno-00019-00021095-00022199 numbers tFkWArHPdno-00020-00022200-00024374 four counts of five tFkWArHPdno-00021-00024375-00025191 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00022-00025192-00025367 now he's asking you to answer the tFkWArHPdno-00023-00025368-00025527 questions tFkWArHPdno-00024-00025528-00026358 so read the question and then answer it tFkWArHPdno-00025-00026360-00026623 what's the number what is the number of tFkWArHPdno-00026-00026624-00026790 your telephone what is your telephone tFkWArHPdno-00027-00026791-00026974 number tFkWArHPdno-00028-00026975-00027807 what's your telephone number tFkWArHPdno-00029-00027808-00027927 um tFkWArHPdno-00030-00027927-00029461 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00031-00029462-00030347 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00032-00030348-00030687 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00033-00030688-00030870 what's your tFkWArHPdno-00034-00030872-00031087 building number what is now your tFkWArHPdno-00035-00031088-00031311 hospital number what is the hospital tFkWArHPdno-00036-00031312-00031599 number tFkWArHPdno-00037-00031600-00032167 hospital number okay tFkWArHPdno-00038-00032168-00033275 is tFkWArHPdno-00039-00033276-00034111 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00040-00034112-00034383 what is your tFkWArHPdno-00041-00034384-00034671 what is that police number tFkWArHPdno-00042-00034672-00034943 what is the police number tFkWArHPdno-00043-00034944-00035639 sephirah waheed tFkWArHPdno-00044-00035640-00037174 hmm tFkWArHPdno-00045-00037175-00037471 nothing new you have already learnt it tFkWArHPdno-00046-00037472-00038311 okay so you both started tFkWArHPdno-00047-00038312-00040590 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00048-00040591-00041512 also tFkWArHPdno-00049-00041513-00041830 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00050-00041831-00042255 my name is khalid what is your name it's tFkWArHPdno-00051-00042256-00042383 me tFkWArHPdno-00052-00042384-00043183 kylie my name is tFkWArHPdno-00053-00043184-00044961 how are you because tFkWArHPdno-00054-00044962-00046246 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00055-00046247-00047735 is tFkWArHPdno-00056-00047736-00047911 translation tFkWArHPdno-00057-00047912-00048295 my name is tFkWArHPdno-00058-00048296-00048479 what is your name tFkWArHPdno-00059-00048480-00048679 it's me khadijah tFkWArHPdno-00060-00048680-00050367 my name is tFkWArHPdno-00061-00050368-00051775 i am also fine tFkWArHPdno-00062-00051776-00052647 okay decided without looking at column tFkWArHPdno-00063-00052648-00054166 do you need to revise it tFkWArHPdno-00064-00054167-00056023 more tFkWArHPdno-00065-00056024-00056278 yes tFkWArHPdno-00066-00056279-00056958 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00067-00056959-00058914 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00068-00058915-00061264 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00069-00061265-00061550 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00070-00061551-00061863 so you need to do it again okay tFkWArHPdno-00071-00061864-00061975 yes tFkWArHPdno-00072-00061976-00062182 now let me tell you one more thing that tFkWArHPdno-00073-00062183-00063447 you need to do tFkWArHPdno-00074-00063448-00063903 and so did you saw the pdf of my book tFkWArHPdno-00075-00063904-00064054 yes i saw it tFkWArHPdno-00076-00064055-00064135 so tFkWArHPdno-00077-00064136-00064206 when tFkWArHPdno-00078-00064207-00064638 when you will study that book tFkWArHPdno-00079-00064639-00064775 um tFkWArHPdno-00080-00064776-00065103 my mom is saying that we will keep a tFkWArHPdno-00081-00065104-00065399 particular time for studying for uh tFkWArHPdno-00082-00065400-00065567 separately for me tFkWArHPdno-00083-00065568-00065831 okay no problem tFkWArHPdno-00084-00065832-00066031 so you can make appointment for that and tFkWArHPdno-00085-00066032-00066294 we'll study at that time okay tFkWArHPdno-00086-00066295-00066967 okay tFkWArHPdno-00087-00066968-00067206 you can also take the class after the tFkWArHPdno-00088-00067207-00067294 time tFkWArHPdno-00089-00067295-00067582 i have no issue with it tFkWArHPdno-00090-00067583-00068015 yeah my mom was paying me today tFkWArHPdno-00091-00068016-00068191 so whenever you want you can take that tFkWArHPdno-00092-00068192-00068494 class on your availability tFkWArHPdno-00093-00068495-00068647 okay tFkWArHPdno-00094-00068648-00068847 so what do you need to do you want to go tFkWArHPdno-00095-00068848-00069111 to google classroom tFkWArHPdno-00096-00069112-00069391 and this is a new class so you tFkWArHPdno-00097-00069392-00069615 click on this plus icon you click on tFkWArHPdno-00098-00069616-00069750 join class tFkWArHPdno-00099-00069751-00069999 then you type this code no what not tFkWArHPdno-00100-00070000-00070423 discord tFkWArHPdno-00101-00070424-00070719 discord tFkWArHPdno-00102-00070720-00071406 okay okay tFkWArHPdno-00103-00071407-00071519 so tFkWArHPdno-00104-00071520-00071823 you will paste the code here tFkWArHPdno-00105-00071824-00072447 then you click on join tFkWArHPdno-00106-00072448-00072855 so then you will click on classwork tFkWArHPdno-00107-00072856-00073150 then you will go to tFkWArHPdno-00108-00073151-00073406 homework number one this is that you tFkWArHPdno-00109-00073407-00073526 already know tFkWArHPdno-00110-00073527-00073855 so you will click on view assignment tFkWArHPdno-00111-00073856-00074071 okay you can watch it if you want but it tFkWArHPdno-00112-00074072-00074303 is not required it is optional for you tFkWArHPdno-00113-00074304-00074559 so one thing that you will recite surah tFkWArHPdno-00114-00074560-00074838 fatiha without looking at quran tFkWArHPdno-00115-00074839-00075071 you will record your audio and you will tFkWArHPdno-00116-00075072-00075350 upload it here okay tFkWArHPdno-00117-00075351-00075535 and then i will take it tFkWArHPdno-00118-00075536-00075806 yes only audio is enough i will check tFkWArHPdno-00119-00075807-00076238 the correct demo streams okay tFkWArHPdno-00120-00076239-00076375 okay tFkWArHPdno-00121-00076376-00076615 you need to do it tFkWArHPdno-00122-00076616-00077071 now we have this tFkWArHPdno-00123-00077072-00077399 possibility tFkWArHPdno-00124-00077400-00077959 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00125-00077960-00079423 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00126-00079424-00079871 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00127-00079872-00080206 the ever living tFkWArHPdno-00128-00080207-00080575 the ever living tFkWArHPdno-00129-00080576-00080967 the sustainable of everything tFkWArHPdno-00130-00080968-00081231 the sustainer of everything tFkWArHPdno-00131-00081232-00081550 allah there is no god except him tFkWArHPdno-00132-00081551-00081815 he is the ever living the sustainer of tFkWArHPdno-00133-00081816-00082097 everything tFkWArHPdno-00134-00082098-00082567 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00135-00082568-00083413 our takes him tFkWArHPdno-00136-00083414-00084126 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00137-00084127-00084350 now means sleep tFkWArHPdno-00138-00084351-00084599 now means sleep tFkWArHPdno-00139-00084600-00084935 does not our takes him slumber does not tFkWArHPdno-00140-00084936-00085167 our takes him drowsiness tFkWArHPdno-00141-00085168-00085462 and neither the sleep tFkWArHPdno-00143-00088904-00089150 to him belongs whatever is in the tFkWArHPdno-00144-00089151-00089780 heavens and what is in the earth tFkWArHPdno-00145-00089781-00091143 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00146-00091144-00091375 can intercede tFkWArHPdno-00147-00091376-00091606 in the who with him tFkWArHPdno-00148-00091607-00091815 in thou with him tFkWArHPdno-00149-00091816-00092038 illah accept tFkWArHPdno-00150-00092039-00092231 illah accept tFkWArHPdno-00151-00092232-00092655 bisnihi by his permission tFkWArHPdno-00152-00092656-00093662 by his permission tFkWArHPdno-00153-00093663-00093838 who is the one tFkWArHPdno-00154-00093839-00093974 who can tFkWArHPdno-00155-00093975-00094231 intercede with him tFkWArHPdno-00156-00094232-00094374 except tFkWArHPdno-00157-00094375-00094694 by his permission tFkWArHPdno-00158-00094695-00094959 okay tFkWArHPdno-00159-00094960-00095262 he knows tFkWArHPdno-00160-00095263-00095849 he tFkWArHPdno-00161-00095850-00096455 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00162-00096456-00096687 is before them tFkWArHPdno-00163-00096688-00098087 mama tFkWArHPdno-00164-00098088-00098287 he knows what is tFkWArHPdno-00165-00098288-00098431 before them tFkWArHPdno-00166-00098432-00099447 and what is behind them tFkWArHPdno-00167-00099448-00099638 they understand tFkWArHPdno-00168-00099639-00100006 they encompass the graphs tFkWArHPdno-00169-00100007-00100343 be sharing of anything beside tFkWArHPdno-00170-00100344-00100535 of anything tFkWArHPdno-00171-00100536-00100671 mean tFkWArHPdno-00172-00100672-00100879 from his knowledge tFkWArHPdno-00173-00100880-00102975 meaning tFkWArHPdno-00174-00102976-00103263 and they don't understand they don't tFkWArHPdno-00175-00103264-00103606 grasp anything from his knowledge except tFkWArHPdno-00176-00103607-00103894 what he wills tFkWArHPdno-00177-00103895-00104327 vasya extends vasya extends tFkWArHPdno-00178-00104328-00104734 who see you who is throne tFkWArHPdno-00179-00104735-00104999 his throne tFkWArHPdno-00180-00105000-00105083 the tFkWArHPdno-00181-00105083-00105575 skies as samoa the skies tFkWArHPdno-00182-00105576-00105807 and the earth tFkWArHPdno-00183-00105808-00106415 one earth and the earth tFkWArHPdno-00184-00106416-00107088 ties him tFkWArHPdno-00185-00107089-00108234 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00186-00108235-00108471 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00187-00108472-00108734 his throne extends the heavens and the tFkWArHPdno-00188-00108735-00108831 earth tFkWArHPdno-00189-00108832-00109119 and does not ties him protecting both of tFkWArHPdno-00190-00109120-00110710 them tFkWArHPdno-00191-00110711-00111039 al azeem the most great tFkWArHPdno-00192-00111040-00111247 ali tFkWArHPdno-00193-00111248-00111710 and he is the most high the most great tFkWArHPdno-00194-00111711-00112119 or he's the most high the greatest tFkWArHPdno-00195-00112120-00112399 okay tFkWArHPdno-00196-00112400-00112695 any difficult one here tFkWArHPdno-00197-00112696-00112815 no tFkWArHPdno-00198-00112816-00113150 you need to memorize it well okay tFkWArHPdno-00199-00113151-00113278 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00200-00113279-00113543 and then you will go to again google tFkWArHPdno-00201-00113544-00113604 classroom tFkWArHPdno-00202-00113605-00113734 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00203-00113735-00113895 then tFkWArHPdno-00204-00113896-00114110 you will click on tFkWArHPdno-00205-00114111-00114447 classes here you will see this class are tFkWArHPdno-00206-00114448-00114663 grown and cream tFkWArHPdno-00207-00114664-00115007 then you will click on classwork tFkWArHPdno-00208-00115008-00115431 then you will click on homework number tFkWArHPdno-00209-00115432-00115639 three i think yes this is homework tFkWArHPdno-00210-00115640-00115823 number three so here tFkWArHPdno-00211-00115824-00115919 you will tFkWArHPdno-00212-00115920-00116102 write your answers tFkWArHPdno-00213-00116103-00116615 and you will submit okay tFkWArHPdno-00214-00116616-00116769 okay tFkWArHPdno-00215-00116770-00117383 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00216-00117383-00119519 now both share your screen tFkWArHPdno-00218-00126564-00128551 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00219-00128552-00129863 thank you tFkWArHPdno-00220-00129864-00130224 uh tFkWArHPdno-00221-00130225-00132902 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00223-00135967-00137687 yes tFkWArHPdno-00224-00137688-00139254 sure tFkWArHPdno-00226-00142408-00143871 everybody tFkWArHPdno-00227-00143872-00145783 um tFkWArHPdno-00229-00149640-00150047 thank you tFkWArHPdno-00230-00150048-00150439 mr ryan tFkWArHPdno-00231-00150440-00150678 at the top you see three dots click on tFkWArHPdno-00232-00150679-00151047 them tFkWArHPdno-00233-00151048-00151214 yes click on the tFkWArHPdno-00234-00151215-00151687 three dots at the top right side tFkWArHPdno-00235-00151688-00151783 yes tFkWArHPdno-00236-00151784-00152054 is there any option of full tFkWArHPdno-00237-00152055-00152223 screen tFkWArHPdno-00238-00152224-00152326 no tFkWArHPdno-00239-00152327-00152519 no no no tFkWArHPdno-00240-00152520-00152711 no there is no option of full screen tFkWArHPdno-00242-00155840-00156972 well tFkWArHPdno-00243-00156973-00158190 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00244-00158191-00159770 wait tFkWArHPdno-00245-00159771-00160999 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00246-00161000-00161231 just type anything it will correct your tFkWArHPdno-00248-00166120-00168054 all right tFkWArHPdno-00249-00168055-00170883 is tFkWArHPdno-00251-00176360-00177292 foreign tFkWArHPdno-00252-00177293-00178126 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00253-00178127-00178751 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00254-00178752-00181007 um tFkWArHPdno-00255-00181008-00183335 oh tFkWArHPdno-00256-00183336-00185383 thanks tFkWArHPdno-00257-00185384-00186159 minutes tFkWArHPdno-00258-00186160-00187119 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00259-00187120-00189447 wow tFkWArHPdno-00261-00193376-00195183 you tFkWArHPdno-00263-00200950-00201278 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00265-00204600-00205257 okay tFkWArHPdno-00266-00205258-00206255 [Music] tFkWArHPdno-00268-00210919-00211103 okay you both complete your daily goal tFkWArHPdno-00269-00211104-00211494 and i will continue next time okay tFkWArHPdno-00270-00211496-00211783 mashallah tFDprxWDNny-00000-00000008-00000191 what's up guys evil dear here today i tFDprxWDNny-00001-00000192-00000383 want to talk about a tikkla temple a tFDprxWDNny-00002-00000384-00000591 topic that can be quite sensitive tFDprxWDNny-00003-00000592-00000774 recently there was an article posted in tFDprxWDNny-00004-00000775-00000966 the bed of olio which is like the free tFDprxWDNny-00005-00000967-00001166 paper and the article was titled tFDprxWDNny-00006-00001167-00001407 esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00007-00001408-00001702 esperano is it a dying language now this tFDprxWDNny-00008-00001703-00001934 is obviously a clickbait title but the tFDprxWDNny-00009-00001935-00002087 topic of the article is basically tFDprxWDNny-00010-00002088-00002247 stating that esperanto is not a dying tFDprxWDNny-00011-00002248-00002415 language the esperanto community is tFDprxWDNny-00012-00002416-00002607 flourishing it's just association tFDprxWDNny-00013-00002608-00002807 numbers that are crashing and magazine tFDprxWDNny-00014-00002808-00002999 signups and crashing which is to be tFDprxWDNny-00015-00003000-00003215 expected anyway i went down looked at tFDprxWDNny-00016-00003215-00003343 the comments and it doesn't matter what tFDprxWDNny-00017-00003344-00003479 language you're in comments are usually tFDprxWDNny-00018-00003479-00003686 just toxic but most of the comments were tFDprxWDNny-00019-00003688-00003870 probably from very pessimistic esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00020-00003871-00004063 speakers saying things like well no the tFDprxWDNny-00021-00004064-00004215 association's dying where are all these tFDprxWDNny-00022-00004216-00004383 magical internet speaking espionages tFDprxWDNny-00023-00004384-00004543 because i don't see them anywhere well tFDprxWDNny-00024-00004544-00004735 my comment to that is association tFDprxWDNny-00025-00004736-00004911 numbers and magazine numbers are tFDprxWDNny-00026-00004912-00005167 crashing around the world in fact if you tFDprxWDNny-00027-00005168-00005351 look at the major newspapers i'm not tFDprxWDNny-00028-00005352-00005543 talking little like local newspapers i'm tFDprxWDNny-00029-00005544-00005751 talking the biggest newspapers in the tFDprxWDNny-00030-00005752-00005975 world they are literally begging for tFDprxWDNny-00031-00005976-00006247 money right now they are all burning tFDprxWDNny-00032-00006248-00006446 because no one wants to pay for stuff tFDprxWDNny-00033-00006447-00006678 anymore and no one sees the point in the tFDprxWDNny-00034-00006679-00006839 traditional structures when you can tFDprxWDNny-00035-00006840-00007039 literally go online and get your tFDprxWDNny-00036-00007040-00007246 information about something without a tFDprxWDNny-00037-00007247-00007414 problem think about it if you want tFDprxWDNny-00038-00007415-00007646 esperanto news or like a funny esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00039-00007647-00007934 article why pay some magazine to get tFDprxWDNny-00040-00007936-00008151 that when you can come just listen to me tFDprxWDNny-00041-00008152-00008374 or the other myriad of esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00042-00008375-00008567 speakers just tell you a funny story or tFDprxWDNny-00043-00008568-00008735 something like that like you literally tFDprxWDNny-00044-00008736-00008935 get the same content sometimes better tFDprxWDNny-00045-00008936-00009119 sometimes the same but it's completely tFDprxWDNny-00046-00009120-00009327 free so there's no reason to pay now tFDprxWDNny-00047-00009328-00009559 this led into another article an article tFDprxWDNny-00048-00009560-00009695 i saw coming out of china saying that tFDprxWDNny-00049-00009696-00009855 the esperanto community there is dying tFDprxWDNny-00050-00009856-00009951 and i read through it and it was the tFDprxWDNny-00051-00009952-00010135 same old stuff again and then it started tFDprxWDNny-00052-00010136-00010271 to speak about the fact that no one's tFDprxWDNny-00053-00010272-00010431 learning esperanto because you know tFDprxWDNny-00054-00010432-00010574 economic reasons they're all going to go tFDprxWDNny-00055-00010575-00010751 learn english and blah blah blah and tFDprxWDNny-00056-00010752-00010967 that leads into the the next question tFDprxWDNny-00057-00010968-00011119 that everyone always says or the next tFDprxWDNny-00058-00011120-00011278 thing that everyone always says and that tFDprxWDNny-00059-00011279-00011463 is oh well esperanto has no future tFDprxWDNny-00060-00011464-00011631 because english has already established tFDprxWDNny-00061-00011632-00011791 itself it's the international language tFDprxWDNny-00062-00011792-00011967 esperanto's now just on its death bed tFDprxWDNny-00063-00011968-00012246 well in fact i see this as the complete tFDprxWDNny-00064-00012247-00012478 opposite now let me explain myself this tFDprxWDNny-00065-00012479-00012703 comes from several different points okay tFDprxWDNny-00066-00012704-00012879 first you have people saying english is tFDprxWDNny-00067-00012880-00013079 already ruling there's no point for it tFDprxWDNny-00068-00013080-00013191 then you've got the people saying well tFDprxWDNny-00069-00013191-00013358 we've got automatic translators coming tFDprxWDNny-00070-00013359-00013463 very soon so we're going to have no tFDprxWDNny-00071-00013463-00013647 point for esperanto and all these people tFDprxWDNny-00072-00013647-00013791 basically come to the same conclusion tFDprxWDNny-00073-00013791-00014030 that esperanto is going to die because tFDprxWDNny-00074-00014031-00014191 we don't have the finance we don't have tFDprxWDNny-00075-00014191-00014399 the economic resources and translators tFDprxWDNny-00076-00014400-00014583 are on their way and not that far out in tFDprxWDNny-00077-00014584-00014815 fact for me it's completely the opposite tFDprxWDNny-00078-00014816-00014975 think about it like this all those tFDprxWDNny-00079-00014976-00015175 millions of people in china who are tFDprxWDNny-00080-00015176-00015350 learning english are they learning it tFDprxWDNny-00081-00015351-00015511 because they love the english language tFDprxWDNny-00082-00015512-00015799 and culture no i've met so many chinese tFDprxWDNny-00083-00015800-00015975 people and they're learning english for tFDprxWDNny-00084-00015976-00016279 economic reasons okay they're doing it tFDprxWDNny-00085-00016280-00016471 so that they can get themselves a job tFDprxWDNny-00086-00016472-00016663 now imagine when those magical tFDprxWDNny-00087-00016664-00016822 translators get to the point where they tFDprxWDNny-00088-00016823-00017039 can translate whatever you want on the tFDprxWDNny-00089-00017040-00017407 fly with near 100 accuracy why would you tFDprxWDNny-00090-00017408-00017686 go economically learn english if you can tFDprxWDNny-00091-00017687-00017847 just hold your phone and just talk and tFDprxWDNny-00092-00017848-00018007 have a full conversation with another tFDprxWDNny-00093-00018008-00018191 person you're just not going to do it so tFDprxWDNny-00094-00018192-00018422 those economic learners of languages of tFDprxWDNny-00095-00018423-00018622 the giant languages are going to tFDprxWDNny-00096-00018623-00018855 basically start massively shrinking and tFDprxWDNny-00097-00018856-00019063 over a few generations the majority tFDprxWDNny-00098-00019064-00019271 people the vast majority of people are tFDprxWDNny-00099-00019272-00019430 just going to speak one language or tFDprxWDNny-00100-00019431-00019591 whatever language they learned they tFDprxWDNny-00101-00019592-00019735 might not even speak the language of tFDprxWDNny-00102-00019736-00019886 their own country much anymore because tFDprxWDNny-00103-00019887-00019999 they won't have a need they'll just tFDprxWDNny-00104-00020000-00020135 speak whatever language that they learnt tFDprxWDNny-00105-00020136-00020311 as a child pull out their phone or tFDprxWDNny-00106-00020312-00020463 whatever device they've got at that tFDprxWDNny-00107-00020464-00020630 point and just talk into it so there's tFDprxWDNny-00108-00020631-00020767 going to be no need for learning tFDprxWDNny-00109-00020768-00020919 languages for an economic reason and tFDprxWDNny-00110-00020920-00021086 this is where esperanto comes into it no tFDprxWDNny-00111-00021087-00021271 one ever learned esperanto for economic tFDprxWDNny-00112-00021272-00021486 reasons the vast majority of people who tFDprxWDNny-00113-00021487-00021647 learned esperanto learned it for tFDprxWDNny-00114-00021648-00021822 idealistic reasons or because they tFDprxWDNny-00115-00021823-00021958 wanted to just see if they could learn tFDprxWDNny-00116-00021959-00022135 language or because they thought it had tFDprxWDNny-00117-00022136-00022358 a fascinating culture in history so i tFDprxWDNny-00118-00022359-00022527 have never met someone who's gone oh tFDprxWDNny-00119-00022528-00022655 yeah i learned esperanto because you tFDprxWDNny-00120-00022656-00022814 know can get me a job here here here tFDprxWDNny-00121-00022815-00023047 here and here it just never happened so tFDprxWDNny-00122-00023048-00023319 if translators come along and start tFDprxWDNny-00123-00023320-00023558 massively replacing all this like need tFDprxWDNny-00124-00023559-00023735 for learning languages people are still tFDprxWDNny-00125-00023736-00023935 gonna learn esperanto and in fact that tFDprxWDNny-00126-00023936-00024094 might be the thing that gives esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00127-00024095-00024239 the real boot because people will be tFDprxWDNny-00128-00024240-00024383 like oh well what language should i tFDprxWDNny-00129-00024384-00024591 learn well i don't have to learn english tFDprxWDNny-00130-00024592-00024847 because it's talking my phone so what tFDprxWDNny-00131-00024848-00025078 interests me maybe i'll learn french for tFDprxWDNny-00132-00025079-00025247 cultural reasons you know i just kind of tFDprxWDNny-00133-00025248-00025486 find it fascinating or maybe i just want tFDprxWDNny-00134-00025487-00025622 to speak another language i'll learn tFDprxWDNny-00135-00025623-00025767 esperanto because you know that's one of tFDprxWDNny-00136-00025768-00026014 the easiest so i think at that point tFDprxWDNny-00137-00026016-00026231 where translators take over and tFDprxWDNny-00138-00026232-00026390 seriously replace the economic tFDprxWDNny-00139-00026391-00026583 powerhouse languages that's where we're tFDprxWDNny-00140-00026583-00026751 going to see esperanto start taking off tFDprxWDNny-00141-00026752-00026870 because those chinese people aren't tFDprxWDNny-00142-00026872-00026974 gonna be learning english because tFDprxWDNny-00143-00026975-00027111 they're just talking to their phones and tFDprxWDNny-00144-00027112-00027231 those english speakers aren't gonna be tFDprxWDNny-00145-00027232-00027374 learning chinese even though not many of tFDprxWDNny-00146-00027375-00027535 them do uh because well they'll just tFDprxWDNny-00147-00027536-00027727 speak into their phones or they'll load tFDprxWDNny-00148-00027727-00027943 a movie and it'll real time translate it tFDprxWDNny-00149-00027944-00028118 like that will be a thing imagine that tFDprxWDNny-00150-00028119-00028270 you just open a chinese movie and it's tFDprxWDNny-00151-00028272-00028470 just in english because real-time tFDprxWDNny-00152-00028472-00028639 translation i don't think we have to tFDprxWDNny-00153-00028639-00028807 worry too much about the future of tFDprxWDNny-00154-00028808-00029014 esperanto in fact i think esperanto has tFDprxWDNny-00155-00029016-00029207 survived the points at which it could tFDprxWDNny-00156-00029208-00029374 have been killed off and those points tFDprxWDNny-00157-00029375-00029558 were its early years now it is tFDprxWDNny-00158-00029560-00029783 established it's growing and the tFDprxWDNny-00159-00029783-00029983 internet is definitely propelling it tFDprxWDNny-00160-00029983-00030207 forward like i've met so many esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00161-00030208-00030431 speakers since it started growing on the tFDprxWDNny-00162-00030432-00030718 internet just recently there was an a tFDprxWDNny-00163-00030719-00030967 video from tldr and that was talking tFDprxWDNny-00164-00030968-00031174 about esperanto that was like literally tFDprxWDNny-00165-00031175-00031462 yesterday and in it they mentioned that tFDprxWDNny-00166-00031463-00031718 learn who popped up in like 2000 and tFDprxWDNny-00167-00031719-00031967 then they saw duolingo in 2010 and then tFDprxWDNny-00168-00031968-00032143 you see that the timeline is actually tFDprxWDNny-00169-00032144-00032358 starting to speed up things are starting tFDprxWDNny-00170-00032360-00032543 to come out faster and faster because tFDprxWDNny-00171-00032544-00032774 we're starting to hit that upwards curve tFDprxWDNny-00172-00032775-00032983 now the internet has been the biggest tFDprxWDNny-00173-00032984-00033143 blessing for the esperanto community tFDprxWDNny-00174-00033144-00033407 when i first learned esperanto in 2009 tFDprxWDNny-00175-00033408-00033607 or 10 for the first two years there was tFDprxWDNny-00176-00033608-00033902 literally never one new face in my local tFDprxWDNny-00177-00033903-00034118 esperanto community then duolingo came tFDprxWDNny-00178-00034119-00034374 along and now i have seen so many new tFDprxWDNny-00179-00034375-00034615 people some stay some go but i am tFDprxWDNny-00180-00034616-00034855 constantly meeting new people in sydney tFDprxWDNny-00181-00034856-00035102 who speak the language and to varying tFDprxWDNny-00182-00035103-00035318 degrees and some of them very high level tFDprxWDNny-00183-00035319-00035495 and some of them become even active in tFDprxWDNny-00184-00035496-00035711 the associations now so i don't think tFDprxWDNny-00185-00035712-00035879 you can look at duolingo and go where tFDprxWDNny-00186-00035880-00036102 are all these learners i don't see them tFDprxWDNny-00187-00036103-00036335 or a for one most of them probably tFDprxWDNny-00188-00036336-00036551 disappear but those who do remain they tFDprxWDNny-00189-00036552-00036727 spend a few years just floating around tFDprxWDNny-00190-00036728-00036887 the internet doing things in esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00191-00036888-00037079 and then some of them start to become tFDprxWDNny-00192-00037080-00037271 more and more inactive like in our local tFDprxWDNny-00193-00037272-00037479 community we have a few esperanto tFDprxWDNny-00194-00037480-00037623 speakers who learn esperanto from tFDprxWDNny-00195-00037624-00037879 duolingo and now they literally run the tFDprxWDNny-00196-00037880-00038102 local association like i don't even turn tFDprxWDNny-00197-00038103-00038311 up anymore like i very rarely turn up tFDprxWDNny-00198-00038312-00038527 but they run it they do everything in it tFDprxWDNny-00199-00038528-00038735 and those people learn from duolingo and tFDprxWDNny-00200-00038736-00038943 i'm sure they they are not unique tFDprxWDNny-00201-00038944-00039102 there's at least two of them that are tFDprxWDNny-00202-00039103-00039318 two maybe three there's three that i can tFDprxWDNny-00203-00039319-00039527 think of off the top of my head so the tFDprxWDNny-00204-00039528-00039759 future for me for esperanto is very tFDprxWDNny-00205-00039760-00040271 strong esperanto estas tFDprxWDNny-00206-00040272-00040446 i think that esperanto will be a tFDprxWDNny-00207-00040447-00040759 language that will really flourish as tFDprxWDNny-00208-00040760-00040958 time passes anyway that's it if you like tFDprxWDNny-00209-00040959-00041095 this video like it share it around sub tFDprxWDNny-00210-00041096-00041239 to the channel and by the way if you tFDprxWDNny-00211-00041240-00041423 like my work i have a patreon page tFDprxWDNny-00212-00041424-00041646 because no one pays for anything anymore tFDprxWDNny-00213-00041647-00041830 so give me some support there link in tFDprxWDNny-00214-00041831-00042103 the description tGVOCUuFutU-00000-00000231-00000383 all right tGVOCUuFutU-00001-00000384-00000759 uh hi everyone some black boxes some tGVOCUuFutU-00002-00000760-00000975 faces here good to see you all tGVOCUuFutU-00003-00000976-00001191 um thank you thank you for being here tGVOCUuFutU-00004-00001192-00001454 and uh i just want to note before we get tGVOCUuFutU-00005-00001455-00001630 started before i forget tGVOCUuFutU-00006-00001632-00001951 that we're recording this event so tGVOCUuFutU-00007-00001952-00002295 just so you know um and if you tGVOCUuFutU-00008-00002296-00002526 don't know her name is jose vergara and tGVOCUuFutU-00009-00002527-00002655 i teach in the russian section of tGVOCUuFutU-00010-00002656-00002799 swarthmore college and then we have some tGVOCUuFutU-00011-00002800-00002958 people plenty of people from swarthmore tGVOCUuFutU-00012-00002959-00003007 nearby tGVOCUuFutU-00013-00003008-00003263 but some others i recognize and don't tGVOCUuFutU-00014-00003264-00003335 recognize tGVOCUuFutU-00015-00003336-00003647 from elsewhere and this evening tGVOCUuFutU-00016-00003647-00003815 really delighted to introduce alex tGVOCUuFutU-00017-00003815-00003967 halberstadt tGVOCUuFutU-00018-00003968-00004303 to swarthmore virtually as tGVOCUuFutU-00019-00004304-00004535 some of you may know and remember this tGVOCUuFutU-00020-00004536-00004767 event was actually going to happen tGVOCUuFutU-00021-00004768-00005079 almost a year ago and then we'll have to tGVOCUuFutU-00022-00005080-00005231 finish that story tGVOCUuFutU-00023-00005232-00005431 uh but i'm really really happy that we tGVOCUuFutU-00024-00005432-00005599 can invite and tGVOCUuFutU-00025-00005600-00005934 host alex in this new zoomified world tGVOCUuFutU-00026-00005935-00006047 and just to give you a sense of how tGVOCUuFutU-00027-00006048-00006238 things are going to run tonight alex tGVOCUuFutU-00028-00006239-00006367 will be reading briefly tGVOCUuFutU-00029-00006368-00006631 from his family memoir young heroes of tGVOCUuFutU-00030-00006631-00006831 the soviet union tGVOCUuFutU-00031-00006831-00007151 then bob weinberg from tGVOCUuFutU-00032-00007152-00007375 history it's worth more we'll offer some tGVOCUuFutU-00033-00007376-00007583 questions and we'll have a discussion tGVOCUuFutU-00034-00007584-00007710 for a little bit and after that we'll tGVOCUuFutU-00035-00007711-00007767 have tGVOCUuFutU-00036-00007768-00007991 plenty of time for audience q a so i tGVOCUuFutU-00037-00007992-00008134 hope you have questions tGVOCUuFutU-00038-00008136-00008503 um and throughout the conversation tGVOCUuFutU-00039-00008504-00008631 throughout the reading if anything comes tGVOCUuFutU-00040-00008632-00008687 to mind tGVOCUuFutU-00041-00008688-00008942 feel free to put it in the chat um we'll tGVOCUuFutU-00042-00008943-00009039 get to it tGVOCUuFutU-00043-00009040-00009319 at the end um i also wanted to mention tGVOCUuFutU-00044-00009320-00009455 for those of you who are tGVOCUuFutU-00045-00009456-00009767 on campus students or not um tGVOCUuFutU-00046-00009768-00010078 i have a box full tGVOCUuFutU-00047-00010079-00010487 of this book and a number of copies tGVOCUuFutU-00048-00010488-00010878 we had bought copies to give away tGVOCUuFutU-00049-00010879-00011223 at the event last last march tGVOCUuFutU-00050-00011224-00011367 and then when that didn't happen they've tGVOCUuFutU-00051-00011368-00011551 just been sitting in a box in my office tGVOCUuFutU-00052-00011552-00011703 so if you'd like a copy tGVOCUuFutU-00053-00011704-00011927 let me know i'm happy to get it to you tGVOCUuFutU-00054-00011928-00012006 somehow tGVOCUuFutU-00055-00012007-00012183 um so you can email me if you have my tGVOCUuFutU-00056-00012184-00012310 email or if you look it up or if you tGVOCUuFutU-00057-00012311-00012455 want to send me a private message in the tGVOCUuFutU-00058-00012456-00012503 chat tGVOCUuFutU-00059-00012504-00012791 i'll i'll take note um just send me a tGVOCUuFutU-00060-00012792-00012974 message with your email address and tGVOCUuFutU-00061-00012975-00013230 we'll make it happen um there's a bunch tGVOCUuFutU-00062-00013231-00013399 so really don't be shy about tGVOCUuFutU-00063-00013400-00013686 claiming a copy i'm sorry that alex tGVOCUuFutU-00064-00013687-00013815 won't be able to tGVOCUuFutU-00065-00013816-00014175 autograph but here we go and before we tGVOCUuFutU-00066-00014176-00014422 begin again alex will read and then a tGVOCUuFutU-00067-00014423-00014551 brief conversation and then q tGVOCUuFutU-00068-00014552-00014703 a i just want to introduce our two tGVOCUuFutU-00069-00014704-00014886 speakers very briefly tGVOCUuFutU-00070-00014887-00015127 um alex halberstadt is the author of the tGVOCUuFutU-00071-00015128-00015335 award-winning lonely avenue the unlike tGVOCUuFutU-00072-00015336-00015647 unlikely life and times of doc pomus tGVOCUuFutU-00073-00015647-00015879 hopefully pronounce that correctly his tGVOCUuFutU-00074-00015880-00016047 writing has appeared in the new yorker tGVOCUuFutU-00075-00016047-00016222 the new york times magazine tGVOCUuFutU-00076-00016223-00016511 travel and leisure gq and the paris tGVOCUuFutU-00077-00016512-00016607 review tGVOCUuFutU-00078-00016608-00016815 he's a two-time james beard award tGVOCUuFutU-00079-00016816-00016991 nominee and a recipient of fellowships tGVOCUuFutU-00080-00016992-00017127 from the mcdowell colony tGVOCUuFutU-00081-00017128-00017575 in yaddo and lives and works in new york tGVOCUuFutU-00082-00017576-00017879 and his interlocutor tonight is tGVOCUuFutU-00083-00017880-00018191 robert bob weinberg tGVOCUuFutU-00084-00018192-00018399 who is isaac h clothier professor of tGVOCUuFutU-00085-00018400-00018591 history and international relations tGVOCUuFutU-00086-00018592-00018855 department chair at swarthmore college tGVOCUuFutU-00087-00018856-00019150 bob teaches a variety of classes tGVOCUuFutU-00088-00019151-00019391 which students absolutely love about tGVOCUuFutU-00089-00019392-00019583 europe and russia since the 18th century tGVOCUuFutU-00090-00019584-00019775 with a particular emphasis on social tGVOCUuFutU-00091-00019776-00019975 movements revolutionary junctures tGVOCUuFutU-00092-00019976-00020319 in the jewish encounter with modernity tGVOCUuFutU-00093-00020320-00020471 his research interests have centered on tGVOCUuFutU-00094-00020472-00020711 revolution anti-semitism in russia tGVOCUuFutU-00095-00020712-00020967 in the kremlin's policies toward soviet tGVOCUuFutU-00096-00020968-00021255 jews in the 1920s and 1930s tGVOCUuFutU-00097-00021256-00021455 so there's a lot of overlap with alex's tGVOCUuFutU-00098-00021456-00021614 book in family history tGVOCUuFutU-00099-00021615-00021975 which i think is super fascinating um tGVOCUuFutU-00100-00021976-00022239 bob has a number of books i don't know tGVOCUuFutU-00101-00022240-00022319 if you want me to tGVOCUuFutU-00102-00022320-00022767 read them all out bob but there's plenty tGVOCUuFutU-00103-00022768-00022991 maybe we can just dive on it no need no tGVOCUuFutU-00104-00022992-00023158 need all right okay tGVOCUuFutU-00105-00023159-00023399 but just know you should read bob's work tGVOCUuFutU-00106-00023400-00023542 you can find it tGVOCUuFutU-00107-00023543-00023767 so with that alex do you wanna get tGVOCUuFutU-00108-00023768-00024030 started with the reading tGVOCUuFutU-00109-00024031-00024350 thank you jose can you hear me tGVOCUuFutU-00110-00024351-00024622 great um i'm thank you so much for tGVOCUuFutU-00111-00024623-00024719 having me i'm tGVOCUuFutU-00112-00024720-00024975 really delighted to be doing this at tGVOCUuFutU-00113-00024976-00025111 swarthmore tGVOCUuFutU-00114-00025112-00025342 um and i'm so excited to be talking to tGVOCUuFutU-00115-00025343-00025567 bob whose research interests tGVOCUuFutU-00116-00025568-00025831 kind of overlap so nicely with mine uh tGVOCUuFutU-00117-00025832-00025911 as you can guess tGVOCUuFutU-00118-00025912-00026031 this has been an interesting year in tGVOCUuFutU-00119-00026032-00026270 which to have a book out not exactly tGVOCUuFutU-00120-00026272-00026327 what i tGVOCUuFutU-00121-00026327-00026495 what i had envisioned but you know but tGVOCUuFutU-00122-00026495-00026702 that's true for pretty much everyone in tGVOCUuFutU-00123-00026704-00026887 the world so i feel like i have good tGVOCUuFutU-00124-00026888-00026990 company tGVOCUuFutU-00125-00026991-00027270 so as jose said i'd like to read uh for tGVOCUuFutU-00126-00027272-00027407 about 10 minutes from tGVOCUuFutU-00127-00027408-00027711 um my book uh young heroes of the soviet tGVOCUuFutU-00128-00027712-00027831 union and then i tGVOCUuFutU-00129-00027832-00028031 i look forward to the conversation so tGVOCUuFutU-00130-00028032-00028231 just to set this up a little bit this tGVOCUuFutU-00131-00028232-00028543 is a scene uh that takes place in 2007. tGVOCUuFutU-00132-00028544-00028758 uh basically it takes place in a tGVOCUuFutU-00133-00028760-00028974 ukrainian city called venezia tGVOCUuFutU-00134-00028975-00029190 it's in the middle of the country and i tGVOCUuFutU-00135-00029191-00029367 traveled there um tGVOCUuFutU-00136-00029368-00029590 to meet my grandfather for the first tGVOCUuFutU-00137-00029591-00029783 time my grandfather's name vasily tGVOCUuFutU-00138-00029783-00030095 he was in his younger years tGVOCUuFutU-00139-00030095-00030407 uh a bodyguard of joseph stalin also a tGVOCUuFutU-00140-00030408-00030599 major in the kgb tGVOCUuFutU-00141-00030600-00030911 um he's 93 in this scene i'm tGVOCUuFutU-00142-00030912-00031207 35 and we are meeting for the first time tGVOCUuFutU-00143-00031208-00031390 this is literally three days after i had tGVOCUuFutU-00144-00031391-00031567 met my grandfather for the first time tGVOCUuFutU-00145-00031568-00031735 this is my father's father tGVOCUuFutU-00146-00031736-00031895 and the other character who appears tGVOCUuFutU-00147-00031895-00032079 later in the book is sonia who is his tGVOCUuFutU-00148-00032080-00032423 uh who's his third wife who is 82 tGVOCUuFutU-00149-00032424-00032735 and so um tGVOCUuFutU-00150-00032736-00033215 i'll begin tGVOCUuFutU-00151-00033216-00033518 on our last day together vasily told me tGVOCUuFutU-00152-00033519-00033695 about the girl tGVOCUuFutU-00153-00033696-00033999 i could tell he'd been saving it waiting tGVOCUuFutU-00154-00034000-00034279 not sure he wanted to let it go the tGVOCUuFutU-00155-00034280-00034455 story took place in moscow tGVOCUuFutU-00156-00034456-00034799 in 1943. it was the worst year of the tGVOCUuFutU-00157-00034800-00034887 war tGVOCUuFutU-00158-00034888-00035087 and the city was a place i can scarcely tGVOCUuFutU-00159-00035088-00035231 imagine tGVOCUuFutU-00160-00035232-00035487 lead-colored barrage balloons protection tGVOCUuFutU-00161-00035488-00035655 from german pilots hovered above the tGVOCUuFutU-00162-00035656-00035759 kremlin tGVOCUuFutU-00163-00035760-00035959 and a decoy village of hammer together tGVOCUuFutU-00164-00035960-00036215 plywood occupied red square tGVOCUuFutU-00165-00036216-00036487 the streets were half deserted the city tGVOCUuFutU-00166-00036488-00036767 was mired in a perpetual brown out tGVOCUuFutU-00167-00036768-00037015 bred electricity and gas were rationed tGVOCUuFutU-00168-00037016-00037311 but factories operated through the night tGVOCUuFutU-00169-00037312-00037495 a woman or a man of working age who tGVOCUuFutU-00170-00037496-00037646 missed a day on the job tGVOCUuFutU-00171-00037647-00037839 received the mandatory prison sentence tGVOCUuFutU-00172-00037840-00038039 of five to eight years tGVOCUuFutU-00173-00038040-00038207 and even prisoners were taken to their tGVOCUuFutU-00174-00038208-00038383 offices and assembly lines tGVOCUuFutU-00175-00038384-00038662 six days a week to work 12-hour shifts tGVOCUuFutU-00176-00038663-00038959 before being returned to their cells tGVOCUuFutU-00177-00038960-00039215 sirens howled through nights i'm sorry tGVOCUuFutU-00178-00039216-00039479 sirens held during nightly air raids tGVOCUuFutU-00179-00039480-00039687 residents slept on tiled floors and tGVOCUuFutU-00180-00039688-00039927 subterranean metro stations tGVOCUuFutU-00181-00039928-00040239 radios were confiscated military law was tGVOCUuFutU-00182-00040240-00040367 in effect tGVOCUuFutU-00183-00040368-00040695 in 1943 in moscow twelve-year-old tGVOCUuFutU-00184-00040696-00040887 children were summarily executed for tGVOCUuFutU-00185-00040888-00041102 stealing bread tGVOCUuFutU-00186-00041103-00041318 on an overcast afternoon vasily was tGVOCUuFutU-00187-00041319-00041558 riding in the back of a black limousine tGVOCUuFutU-00188-00041559-00041767 one of the armored packards that stalin tGVOCUuFutU-00189-00041768-00041990 lavished on his deputies tGVOCUuFutU-00190-00041991-00042262 civilian cars were a rare sight and tGVOCUuFutU-00191-00042263-00042502 pedestrians along the embankment stopped tGVOCUuFutU-00192-00042503-00042790 to watch it pass the limousine slowed tGVOCUuFutU-00193-00042791-00043095 near the entrance to borodino bridge tGVOCUuFutU-00194-00043096-00043262 a girl was walking quickly on the tGVOCUuFutU-00195-00043263-00043487 sidewalk she looked as if she were tGVOCUuFutU-00196-00043488-00043655 hurrying home tGVOCUuFutU-00197-00043656-00043846 russell recalled that she appeared to be tGVOCUuFutU-00198-00043847-00044023 16 or 17 tGVOCUuFutU-00199-00044024-00044255 and was slender and tall with a round tGVOCUuFutU-00200-00044256-00044446 face and auburn bangs tGVOCUuFutU-00201-00044447-00044630 the car pulled to the curb and coasted tGVOCUuFutU-00202-00044631-00044855 for a time beside her tGVOCUuFutU-00203-00044856-00045071 a driver in a colonel's uniform leaned tGVOCUuFutU-00204-00045072-00045167 out the window tGVOCUuFutU-00205-00045168-00045446 and called to her the packard rolled to tGVOCUuFutU-00206-00045447-00045583 a stop tGVOCUuFutU-00207-00045584-00045774 the girl approached shyly and bent down tGVOCUuFutU-00208-00045775-00045958 to peer into the automobile's dark tGVOCUuFutU-00209-00045959-00046127 interior tGVOCUuFutU-00210-00046128-00046318 the man inside the car who studied her tGVOCUuFutU-00211-00046319-00046502 with the most interest was bald tGVOCUuFutU-00212-00046503-00046790 and pale he wore a nondescript uniform tGVOCUuFutU-00213-00046791-00046927 and upon snay tGVOCUuFutU-00214-00046928-00047255 over acute intelligent eyes not yet a tGVOCUuFutU-00215-00047256-00047511 full-fledged member of the politburo tGVOCUuFutU-00216-00047512-00047839 first deputy lavrenti beria commissar tGVOCUuFutU-00217-00047840-00048015 general of state security tGVOCUuFutU-00218-00048016-00048207 and warden of the prison system known by tGVOCUuFutU-00219-00048208-00048399 the acronym gulag tGVOCUuFutU-00220-00048400-00048590 was nonetheless the most feared person tGVOCUuFutU-00221-00048591-00048815 in the country tGVOCUuFutU-00222-00048816-00048983 the men unnerved the girl but as she tGVOCUuFutU-00223-00048984-00049295 backed away a 300 pound armenian who had tGVOCUuFutU-00224-00049296-00049486 gotten out of the limousine tGVOCUuFutU-00225-00049487-00049751 a deputy of barry is named kabulav tGVOCUuFutU-00226-00049752-00049918 enfolded her tGVOCUuFutU-00227-00049919-00050095 he lifted her off her feet and tossed tGVOCUuFutU-00228-00050096-00050302 her head first into the car tGVOCUuFutU-00229-00050303-00050486 as easily as she were a bundle of tGVOCUuFutU-00230-00050487-00050671 firewood tGVOCUuFutU-00231-00050672-00050846 all of this took no more than several tGVOCUuFutU-00232-00050847-00050983 seconds tGVOCUuFutU-00233-00050984-00051319 no one on the sidewalk stopped tGVOCUuFutU-00234-00051320-00051630 vasily sat in the back seat the youngest tGVOCUuFutU-00235-00051632-00051782 of the men in the packard he had been tGVOCUuFutU-00236-00051783-00052014 borrowed from stalin's detail tGVOCUuFutU-00237-00052015-00052182 the secret police chief enjoyed tGVOCUuFutU-00238-00052183-00052399 befriending stalin's bodyguards vasily tGVOCUuFutU-00239-00052400-00052479 told me tGVOCUuFutU-00240-00052479-00052694 an expression of his contempt for their tGVOCUuFutU-00241-00052695-00052799 boss tGVOCUuFutU-00242-00052800-00053038 stalin's slow-witted major domo nikolai tGVOCUuFutU-00243-00053039-00053175 vlasic tGVOCUuFutU-00244-00053176-00053375 vasily was taking his first ride with tGVOCUuFutU-00245-00053376-00053479 beria tGVOCUuFutU-00246-00053479-00053735 he knew he was being tested he sat in tGVOCUuFutU-00247-00053736-00053823 the back seat tGVOCUuFutU-00248-00053824-00054063 and watched the girls frightened rapidly tGVOCUuFutU-00249-00054064-00054271 moving eyes tGVOCUuFutU-00250-00054272-00054454 the limousine traveled to a mansion in tGVOCUuFutU-00251-00054455-00054615 malay nikitsuki street tGVOCUuFutU-00252-00054616-00054799 that had belonged to the tsarist general tGVOCUuFutU-00253-00054800-00054959 kurapatkin tGVOCUuFutU-00254-00054960-00055215 inside servants had laid out a gergen a tGVOCUuFutU-00255-00055216-00055366 georgian feast tGVOCUuFutU-00256-00055367-00055799 roast mutton satsidi bottles of red wine tGVOCUuFutU-00257-00055800-00055959 berries men sat around the table tGVOCUuFutU-00258-00055960-00056166 laughing getting drunker tGVOCUuFutU-00259-00056167-00056487 vasily stood in the corridor and watched tGVOCUuFutU-00260-00056488-00056671 there was one of the commissar senior tGVOCUuFutU-00261-00056672-00056926 bodyguards sir kisa vernadaria tGVOCUuFutU-00262-00056927-00057142 he didn't remember which the enormous tGVOCUuFutU-00263-00057144-00057382 kabula of a few others he didn't know tGVOCUuFutU-00264-00057383-00057535 and at the head of the table bury tGVOCUuFutU-00265-00057536-00057807 himself picking at the eggplant tGVOCUuFutU-00266-00057808-00058142 completely sober they'd nearly forgotten tGVOCUuFutU-00267-00058144-00058350 about the girl when kabula waddled in tGVOCUuFutU-00268-00058351-00058607 and hoisted her onto the table sending a tGVOCUuFutU-00269-00058608-00058854 plate crashing to the floor tGVOCUuFutU-00270-00058855-00059015 somewhere in the bowels of the house as tGVOCUuFutU-00271-00059016-00059311 chopin waltz warbled on a gramophone tGVOCUuFutU-00272-00059312-00059526 the girl stood frozen until kabula gave tGVOCUuFutU-00273-00059527-00059630 her a shove tGVOCUuFutU-00274-00059632-00059830 and she began to sway slightly to the tGVOCUuFutU-00275-00059832-00059959 music tGVOCUuFutU-00276-00059960-00060159 lucille recalled that she still had a tGVOCUuFutU-00277-00060160-00060335 child's face that had reminded him of tGVOCUuFutU-00278-00060336-00060575 his younger sisters tGVOCUuFutU-00279-00060576-00060759 he watched the awkward striptease the tGVOCUuFutU-00280-00060760-00060959 georgians jeering and laughing tGVOCUuFutU-00281-00060960-00061126 and he dug his fingernails into his tGVOCUuFutU-00282-00061127-00061319 palms because he wanted to shout tGVOCUuFutU-00283-00061320-00061582 to upend the table to unholster his gun tGVOCUuFutU-00284-00061583-00061830 and shoot into the air tGVOCUuFutU-00285-00061832-00062054 but he stood in the corridor and watched tGVOCUuFutU-00286-00062055-00062350 one of them carried the girl upstairs tGVOCUuFutU-00287-00062351-00062550 various stood and draped his napkin over tGVOCUuFutU-00288-00062551-00062687 the back of his chair tGVOCUuFutU-00289-00062688-00062911 and walked after them the ceiling knew tGVOCUuFutU-00290-00062912-00063103 the girl wouldn't return home or be seen tGVOCUuFutU-00291-00063104-00063247 again tGVOCUuFutU-00292-00063248-00063679 i just stood there he said watching tGVOCUuFutU-00293-00063679-00063863 vasily related the end of the story tGVOCUuFutU-00294-00063864-00064006 looking straight ahead tGVOCUuFutU-00295-00064007-00064223 without even a glance in my direction tGVOCUuFutU-00296-00064224-00064438 his jaw turning heart at the mention of tGVOCUuFutU-00297-00064439-00064550 her tGVOCUuFutU-00298-00064551-00064719 just then he looked less guarded than tGVOCUuFutU-00299-00064720-00064950 i'd seen him the performative air is tGVOCUuFutU-00300-00064951-00065063 forgotten tGVOCUuFutU-00301-00065064-00065319 the mild sunken cheeked face of the 93 tGVOCUuFutU-00302-00065320-00065487 year old shut-in tGVOCUuFutU-00303-00065488-00065919 took on its former severity tGVOCUuFutU-00304-00065920-00066199 it was nearly ten o'clock the only tGVOCUuFutU-00305-00066200-00066391 sounds were the ticking of a clock tGVOCUuFutU-00306-00066392-00066638 and outside vasily's apartment the tGVOCUuFutU-00307-00066639-00066759 ratchet-like were tGVOCUuFutU-00308-00066760-00067063 of a trolley the headlights of passing tGVOCUuFutU-00309-00067064-00067294 cars fluttered across the ceiling tGVOCUuFutU-00310-00067295-00067567 first yellow then red then a washed out tGVOCUuFutU-00311-00067568-00067687 pink tGVOCUuFutU-00312-00067688-00067879 with celie and i sat across a table and tGVOCUuFutU-00313-00067880-00068087 took each other's measure tGVOCUuFutU-00314-00068088-00068263 i sensed the weight of everything he had tGVOCUuFutU-00315-00068264-00068487 concealed or left and said tGVOCUuFutU-00316-00068488-00068743 everything he would take with him its tGVOCUuFutU-00317-00068744-00069031 presence was palpable between us tGVOCUuFutU-00318-00069032-00069231 i traveled five thousand miles to meet tGVOCUuFutU-00319-00069232-00069335 this man tGVOCUuFutU-00320-00069336-00069535 almost certainly stalin's last living tGVOCUuFutU-00321-00069536-00069767 bodyguard this man who happened to be my tGVOCUuFutU-00322-00069768-00069847 grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-00323-00069848-00070071 unwittingly thinking of myself as an tGVOCUuFutU-00324-00070072-00070335 amateur map maker of his life tGVOCUuFutU-00325-00070336-00070511 i imagine decoding his roles as tGVOCUuFutU-00326-00070512-00070687 perpetrator and victim tGVOCUuFutU-00327-00070688-00070838 trying to piece together and weigh his tGVOCUuFutU-00328-00070839-00071062 motives charting his involvement in tGVOCUuFutU-00329-00071063-00071287 decades-old events tGVOCUuFutU-00330-00071288-00071550 i realized how naive i'd been his tGVOCUuFutU-00331-00071551-00071759 culpability was an immense unknowable tGVOCUuFutU-00332-00071760-00071871 continent tGVOCUuFutU-00333-00071872-00072191 filled with indecipherable ambiguities tGVOCUuFutU-00334-00072192-00072391 vasily had merely permitted me into the tGVOCUuFutU-00335-00072392-00072638 vestibule of his past tGVOCUuFutU-00336-00072639-00072838 i was realizing too that vasily's role tGVOCUuFutU-00337-00072839-00073031 in these events affected all of us tGVOCUuFutU-00338-00073032-00073319 who were connected to him my mother my tGVOCUuFutU-00339-00073320-00073503 father had to nourish himself tGVOCUuFutU-00340-00073504-00073679 on the leavings of humanity vasily tGVOCUuFutU-00341-00073680-00073999 brought home and in his frightening past tGVOCUuFutU-00342-00074000-00074175 he cut off his communication with this tGVOCUuFutU-00343-00074176-00074367 man partly to shield my mother tGVOCUuFutU-00344-00074368-00074671 and me from his past this tGVOCUuFutU-00345-00074672-00074919 i understood finally was history not the tGVOCUuFutU-00346-00074920-00075087 ordered narrative of books tGVOCUuFutU-00347-00075088-00075247 but an affliction that spread from tGVOCUuFutU-00348-00075248-00075406 parent to child tGVOCUuFutU-00349-00075407-00075711 sister brother husband to wife tGVOCUuFutU-00350-00075712-00075879 it took my grandmother tomorrow from tGVOCUuFutU-00351-00075880-00076182 vasili vasily from my father tGVOCUuFutU-00352-00076183-00076479 and my father from my mother and me tGVOCUuFutU-00353-00076480-00076719 fifty years after his death stalin tGVOCUuFutU-00354-00076720-00076871 the scarecrow of black and white tGVOCUuFutU-00355-00076872-00077287 newsreels had reached into my life too tGVOCUuFutU-00356-00077288-00077487 vasily's wife sonya stood listening in tGVOCUuFutU-00357-00077488-00077631 the kitchen tGVOCUuFutU-00358-00077632-00077799 all night i could tell she wanted to say tGVOCUuFutU-00359-00077800-00077991 something and i want to when i walked to tGVOCUuFutU-00360-00077992-00078247 the stove to pour myself a cup of tea tGVOCUuFutU-00361-00078248-00078455 she beckoned me into a corner out of tGVOCUuFutU-00362-00078456-00078711 vaseli's earshot tGVOCUuFutU-00363-00078712-00078919 when i was 12 my mother was arrested she tGVOCUuFutU-00364-00078920-00079247 said her hand on my arm tGVOCUuFutU-00365-00079248-00079438 she owned a farm and was denounced by a tGVOCUuFutU-00366-00079439-00079559 neighbor tGVOCUuFutU-00367-00079560-00079926 my father ran away my brother was nine tGVOCUuFutU-00368-00079927-00080119 the orphanages didn't admit children of tGVOCUuFutU-00369-00080120-00080335 enemies so for three years we lived in tGVOCUuFutU-00370-00080336-00080406 the street tGVOCUuFutU-00371-00080407-00080759 begging then a pious orthodox family tGVOCUuFutU-00372-00080760-00080919 took us in tGVOCUuFutU-00373-00080920-00081103 and then one day they heard my brother tGVOCUuFutU-00374-00081104-00081294 singing a soviet song he'd learn in tGVOCUuFutU-00375-00081295-00081431 school tGVOCUuFutU-00376-00081432-00081726 and they made us leave two years later tGVOCUuFutU-00377-00081727-00081991 my brother was killed at the front tGVOCUuFutU-00378-00081992-00082159 she looked out the window at the empty tGVOCUuFutU-00379-00082160-00082335 sidewalk tGVOCUuFutU-00380-00082336-00082575 sometimes i hate this country she said tGVOCUuFutU-00381-00082576-00082767 with a fervor that made tears well up in tGVOCUuFutU-00382-00082768-00082926 her eyes tGVOCUuFutU-00383-00082927-00083087 out in the living room was celie was tGVOCUuFutU-00384-00083088-00083279 eating a piece of cake tGVOCUuFutU-00385-00083280-00083543 oblivious to our conversation they had tGVOCUuFutU-00386-00083544-00083791 been married for 35 years tGVOCUuFutU-00387-00083792-00084023 how did she manage caring in her old age tGVOCUuFutU-00388-00084024-00084367 for stalin's infirm bodyguard tGVOCUuFutU-00389-00084368-00084631 we lived in terrible times sonia said tGVOCUuFutU-00390-00084632-00084831 guessing my question tGVOCUuFutU-00391-00084832-00085015 all that is left now is to be kind to tGVOCUuFutU-00392-00085016-00085215 one another tGVOCUuFutU-00393-00085216-00085415 it was nearly midnight and i told vasili tGVOCUuFutU-00394-00085416-00085599 that i would stop by again tomorrow to tGVOCUuFutU-00395-00085600-00085838 say goodbye before catching the train tGVOCUuFutU-00396-00085839-00086047 back to moscow tGVOCUuFutU-00397-00086048-00086247 sonya handed me a stack of photographs i tGVOCUuFutU-00398-00086248-00086399 asked to copy tGVOCUuFutU-00399-00086400-00086615 keep them she said or they will just end tGVOCUuFutU-00400-00086616-00086799 up in the trash tGVOCUuFutU-00401-00086800-00087023 before leaving i sat beside vasili for a tGVOCUuFutU-00402-00087024-00087199 while studying his face tGVOCUuFutU-00403-00087200-00087350 trying to remember everything that had tGVOCUuFutU-00404-00087351-00087535 been said earlier tGVOCUuFutU-00405-00087536-00087711 when i told him good night he grasped my tGVOCUuFutU-00406-00087712-00087950 hands and didn't release them until we tGVOCUuFutU-00407-00087951-00088079 were alone tGVOCUuFutU-00408-00088080-00088303 and his face was so close to mine that i tGVOCUuFutU-00409-00088304-00088543 could smell his breath tGVOCUuFutU-00410-00088544-00088847 i was frightened every single day he tGVOCUuFutU-00411-00088848-00088926 whispered tGVOCUuFutU-00412-00088927-00089662 and let go tGVOCUuFutU-00413-00089663-00090343 thank you thank you tGVOCUuFutU-00414-00090344-00090647 okay uh that's tGVOCUuFutU-00415-00090648-00090975 quite a section to read and i tGVOCUuFutU-00416-00090976-00091215 encourage all of you listening in tGVOCUuFutU-00417-00091216-00091294 tonight tGVOCUuFutU-00418-00091295-00091567 to actually pick up his the book and tGVOCUuFutU-00419-00091568-00091655 read it tGVOCUuFutU-00420-00091656-00091918 uh because there are plenty other scenes tGVOCUuFutU-00421-00091919-00092094 that are just as moving tGVOCUuFutU-00422-00092095-00092399 and revealing about uh tGVOCUuFutU-00423-00092400-00092711 life and death in the soviet union tGVOCUuFutU-00424-00092712-00093126 so uh now am i correct that it's your tGVOCUuFutU-00425-00093127-00093303 mother that joined us tGVOCUuFutU-00426-00093304-00093623 alex um oh on the zoom call tGVOCUuFutU-00427-00093624-00093950 yeah i think anna i hadn't looked but tGVOCUuFutU-00428-00093951-00093999 yes i tGVOCUuFutU-00429-00094000-00094294 think okay that would be right well i i tGVOCUuFutU-00430-00094295-00094343 will tGVOCUuFutU-00431-00094344-00094631 i won't ask any questions about her in tGVOCUuFutU-00432-00094632-00094726 your life tGVOCUuFutU-00433-00094727-00095062 i appreciate it okay tGVOCUuFutU-00434-00095063-00095462 uh so thank you for taking the time to tGVOCUuFutU-00435-00095463-00095550 talk with us tGVOCUuFutU-00436-00095551-00095799 i i was just wondering if you could talk tGVOCUuFutU-00437-00095800-00095918 a little bit more about tGVOCUuFutU-00438-00095919-00096191 trauma in your memory because the tGVOCUuFutU-00439-00096192-00096431 prologue to the book begins with your tGVOCUuFutU-00440-00096432-00096823 discussion of how uh scientists tGVOCUuFutU-00441-00096824-00097055 researchers have been finding that tGVOCUuFutU-00442-00097056-00097238 trauma can be passed on through the tGVOCUuFutU-00443-00097239-00097406 generations not so much tGVOCUuFutU-00444-00097407-00097726 that it's uh passed down tGVOCUuFutU-00445-00097727-00097999 through genetic alterations but the tGVOCUuFutU-00446-00098000-00098206 experiences of one generation could tGVOCUuFutU-00447-00098207-00098447 certainly affect how tGVOCUuFutU-00448-00098448-00098791 the expression of someone else's genetic tGVOCUuFutU-00449-00098792-00098847 makeup tGVOCUuFutU-00450-00098848-00099438 could be expressed so i was just curious tGVOCUuFutU-00451-00099439-00099638 after meeting your grandfather after tGVOCUuFutU-00452-00099639-00099815 talking with your father tGVOCUuFutU-00453-00099816-00100038 uh and after obviously reflecting upon tGVOCUuFutU-00454-00100039-00100143 your tGVOCUuFutU-00455-00100144-00100438 uh grandparent both sets of grandparents tGVOCUuFutU-00456-00100439-00100535 lives tGVOCUuFutU-00457-00100536-00100871 in the age of stalin uh tGVOCUuFutU-00458-00100872-00101087 how that's how this has do you think has tGVOCUuFutU-00459-00101088-00101303 affected you in terms of tGVOCUuFutU-00460-00101304-00101647 uh your ability to tGVOCUuFutU-00461-00101648-00101974 uh respond to challenges in life in tGVOCUuFutU-00462-00101975-00102079 other words do you feel tGVOCUuFutU-00463-00102080-00102359 traumatized as a result of having a tGVOCUuFutU-00464-00102360-00102599 grandfather who tGVOCUuFutU-00465-00102600-00102878 was privy to what the reading your tGVOCUuFutU-00466-00102879-00103039 selection tGVOCUuFutU-00467-00103040-00103415 uh talked about thank you for that tGVOCUuFutU-00468-00103416-00103471 question tGVOCUuFutU-00469-00103472-00103854 um so actually the studies uh some of tGVOCUuFutU-00470-00103855-00104134 the the first study in this kind of body tGVOCUuFutU-00471-00104135-00104271 of work which was done at emory tGVOCUuFutU-00472-00104272-00104430 university in atlanta tGVOCUuFutU-00473-00104431-00104671 came out in 2013 when i was already at tGVOCUuFutU-00474-00104672-00104815 work on this book tGVOCUuFutU-00475-00104816-00105054 and it kind of reoriented the book a tGVOCUuFutU-00476-00105055-00105199 little bit because i was so tGVOCUuFutU-00477-00105200-00105510 struck by the study and what it had tGVOCUuFutU-00478-00105511-00105639 essentially tGVOCUuFutU-00479-00105640-00105927 and what it was saying about kind of you tGVOCUuFutU-00480-00105928-00106023 know tGVOCUuFutU-00481-00106024-00106199 children and parents and grandparents tGVOCUuFutU-00482-00106200-00106375 and the way that they tGVOCUuFutU-00483-00106376-00106719 um essentially carry this trauma from tGVOCUuFutU-00484-00106720-00106910 one generation to the next so tGVOCUuFutU-00485-00106911-00107071 essentially it was a study of mice that tGVOCUuFutU-00486-00107072-00107215 found that uh tGVOCUuFutU-00487-00107216-00107423 you know mice who were shocked while tGVOCUuFutU-00488-00107424-00107527 while being tGVOCUuFutU-00489-00107528-00107847 smelling a particular aroma uh would tGVOCUuFutU-00490-00107848-00107966 start to tremble and then they tGVOCUuFutU-00491-00107967-00108063 discovered that tGVOCUuFutU-00492-00108064-00108215 the same thing was true of their tGVOCUuFutU-00493-00108216-00108439 offspring even though they had never tGVOCUuFutU-00494-00108440-00108654 been shocked the aroma would trigger the tGVOCUuFutU-00495-00108655-00108807 same trembling and the same fear tGVOCUuFutU-00496-00108808-00108975 response in them tGVOCUuFutU-00497-00108976-00109134 and the third generation of mice who tGVOCUuFutU-00498-00109135-00109295 were raised in a laboratory tGVOCUuFutU-00499-00109296-00109551 across the campus at emory who had never tGVOCUuFutU-00500-00109552-00109710 even been exposed to their parents or tGVOCUuFutU-00501-00109711-00109831 grandparents tGVOCUuFutU-00502-00109832-00110110 they were fertilized in vitro actually tGVOCUuFutU-00503-00110111-00110271 had the same response and what this tGVOCUuFutU-00504-00110272-00110358 seemed to show tGVOCUuFutU-00505-00110359-00110671 is that we inherited fear we inherited tGVOCUuFutU-00506-00110672-00110766 trauma tGVOCUuFutU-00507-00110767-00110990 to put it in slightly more conventional tGVOCUuFutU-00508-00110991-00111071 terms tGVOCUuFutU-00509-00111072-00111247 genetically not through the alteration tGVOCUuFutU-00510-00111248-00111390 of the genetic makeup but actually tGVOCUuFutU-00511-00111391-00111695 through these markers called tGVOCUuFutU-00512-00111696-00111927 genetic markers that are kind of studied tGVOCUuFutU-00513-00111928-00112102 in a discipline of genetics called tGVOCUuFutU-00514-00112103-00112271 epigenetics they're called epigenetic tGVOCUuFutU-00515-00112272-00112431 markers and essentially they attach tGVOCUuFutU-00516-00112432-00112543 themselves tGVOCUuFutU-00517-00112544-00112854 to genes through you know in the course tGVOCUuFutU-00518-00112855-00113007 of one's life tGVOCUuFutU-00519-00113008-00113190 they we scientists have thought that tGVOCUuFutU-00520-00113191-00113319 they were cleared tGVOCUuFutU-00521-00113320-00113615 during the birth of a child but in fact tGVOCUuFutU-00522-00113616-00113790 it turned out that they weren't tGVOCUuFutU-00523-00113791-00114071 and um several other studies had have tGVOCUuFutU-00524-00114072-00114166 come out since tGVOCUuFutU-00525-00114167-00114415 uh essentially confirming these results tGVOCUuFutU-00526-00114416-00114502 these findings tGVOCUuFutU-00527-00114503-00115023 uh most recently uh on a group of tGVOCUuFutU-00528-00115024-00115183 children and grandchildren of holocaust tGVOCUuFutU-00529-00115183-00115375 survivors which found that these tGVOCUuFutU-00530-00115376-00115558 that this population even though many of tGVOCUuFutU-00531-00115559-00115751 them were raised in this particular tGVOCUuFutU-00532-00115752-00115934 study in the united states tGVOCUuFutU-00533-00115935-00116199 uh during peace time had a very high tGVOCUuFutU-00534-00116200-00116327 propensity for tGVOCUuFutU-00535-00116328-00116695 ptsd and other sort of trauma related tGVOCUuFutU-00536-00116696-00117063 conditions uh and i was really struck by tGVOCUuFutU-00537-00117064-00117199 these results because of what it tGVOCUuFutU-00538-00117200-00117590 seemed to show was that we didn't just tGVOCUuFutU-00539-00117591-00117766 you know we didn't just inherit stories tGVOCUuFutU-00540-00117767-00117983 from our parents and grandparents tGVOCUuFutU-00541-00117983-00118127 we didn't just inherit you know tGVOCUuFutU-00542-00118128-00118351 essentially attitudes or tGVOCUuFutU-00543-00118352-00118551 some you know kind of psychological tGVOCUuFutU-00544-00118552-00118695 inclinations that we tGVOCUuFutU-00545-00118696-00118943 we actually inherited the trauma itself tGVOCUuFutU-00546-00118944-00119102 uh in ways that were tGVOCUuFutU-00547-00119103-00119319 entirely physiological and i thought tGVOCUuFutU-00548-00119320-00119423 this was tGVOCUuFutU-00549-00119424-00119734 really incredible um and tGVOCUuFutU-00550-00119735-00120047 what it made me think about was how that tGVOCUuFutU-00551-00120048-00120190 applied in my own life tGVOCUuFutU-00552-00120191-00120478 you know and it sort of started to tGVOCUuFutU-00553-00120479-00120663 really inform the writing of this book tGVOCUuFutU-00554-00120664-00120734 and kind of tGVOCUuFutU-00555-00120735-00121110 rearranged and re-um re-sequenced parts tGVOCUuFutU-00556-00121111-00121199 of it tGVOCUuFutU-00557-00121200-00121343 and certainly made me think not only tGVOCUuFutU-00558-00121344-00121551 about how it affected me but also what tGVOCUuFutU-00559-00121552-00121743 it meant for an entire society of tGVOCUuFutU-00560-00121744-00121895 traumatized people tGVOCUuFutU-00561-00121896-00122134 you know and of course generations who tGVOCUuFutU-00562-00122135-00122390 had lived through the era of stalin can tGVOCUuFutU-00563-00122391-00122566 you know i think safely be said to be tGVOCUuFutU-00564-00122567-00122823 profoundly traumatized by war by famine tGVOCUuFutU-00565-00122824-00123023 by collectivization by tGVOCUuFutU-00566-00123024-00123231 you know circling by the the great tGVOCUuFutU-00567-00123232-00123454 terror of stalin tGVOCUuFutU-00568-00123455-00123647 how what effect that could have in an tGVOCUuFutU-00569-00123648-00123831 entire society tGVOCUuFutU-00570-00123832-00124102 and so the last section of my book was tGVOCUuFutU-00571-00124103-00124319 is really about that it's about tGVOCUuFutU-00572-00124320-00124575 considering how a society responds to tGVOCUuFutU-00573-00124576-00124710 trauma tGVOCUuFutU-00574-00124711-00124919 in light of these new findings but to tGVOCUuFutU-00575-00124920-00125143 answer your question tGVOCUuFutU-00576-00125144-00125454 to answer your short question um with my tGVOCUuFutU-00577-00125455-00125534 long answer tGVOCUuFutU-00578-00125535-00125886 i i you know i one of the tGVOCUuFutU-00579-00125888-00126023 part of the impetus for writing this tGVOCUuFutU-00580-00126024-00126295 book was also trying to think about tGVOCUuFutU-00581-00126296-00126454 you know my own life and my own tGVOCUuFutU-00582-00126455-00126599 attitudes and my own tGVOCUuFutU-00583-00126600-00126919 sort of you know emotional life because tGVOCUuFutU-00584-00126920-00127054 it contained a lot of things that i tGVOCUuFutU-00585-00127055-00127254 didn't understand and why i can't say tGVOCUuFutU-00586-00127255-00127351 that tGVOCUuFutU-00587-00127352-00127478 you know i think it's a little bit tGVOCUuFutU-00588-00127479-00127695 premature to say that i was traumatized tGVOCUuFutU-00589-00127696-00127902 by my grandparents lives tGVOCUuFutU-00590-00127903-00128054 it's tempting but i think there's the tGVOCUuFutU-00591-00128055-00128247 science isn't quite there to support tGVOCUuFutU-00592-00128248-00128399 such a statement tGVOCUuFutU-00593-00128400-00128623 i think it's it's a profoundly tGVOCUuFutU-00594-00128624-00128734 interesting question tGVOCUuFutU-00595-00128735-00129039 right it's really interesting to think tGVOCUuFutU-00596-00129040-00129310 of how that history you know impinges on tGVOCUuFutU-00597-00129311-00129510 our own ability to form relationships to tGVOCUuFutU-00598-00129511-00129614 do work tGVOCUuFutU-00599-00129615-00129823 to you know feel happy and safe in our tGVOCUuFutU-00600-00129824-00129958 lives so tGVOCUuFutU-00601-00129959-00130166 uh i i don't think i don't think i i tGVOCUuFutU-00602-00130167-00130439 want to come up with a answer tGVOCUuFutU-00603-00130440-00130607 direct answer to your question but it's tGVOCUuFutU-00604-00130608-00130831 certainly uh it's certainly something i tGVOCUuFutU-00605-00130832-00131007 grapple with in the book tGVOCUuFutU-00606-00131008-00131359 no i appreciate that that's i mean your tGVOCUuFutU-00607-00131360-00131543 discussion of trauma sort of gives new tGVOCUuFutU-00608-00131544-00131702 meaning to the notion that tGVOCUuFutU-00609-00131703-00131983 we all come with baggage from our tGVOCUuFutU-00610-00131984-00132078 parents and tGVOCUuFutU-00611-00132079-00132447 families so uh you know this is a tGVOCUuFutU-00612-00132448-00132551 different way tGVOCUuFutU-00613-00132552-00132759 of really trying to understand the tGVOCUuFutU-00614-00132760-00132919 impact tGVOCUuFutU-00615-00132920-00133023 you know your parents and your tGVOCUuFutU-00616-00133024-00133207 grandparents or your extended family may tGVOCUuFutU-00617-00133208-00133295 have on tGVOCUuFutU-00618-00133296-00133535 one's life elsewhere in the book you tGVOCUuFutU-00619-00133536-00133687 talk about tGVOCUuFutU-00620-00133688-00133927 let me see if i got the quote here so i tGVOCUuFutU-00621-00133928-00134351 get it exactly tGVOCUuFutU-00622-00134352-00134551 okay so you refer to your grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-00623-00134552-00134759 allowing you into the vestibule of his tGVOCUuFutU-00624-00134760-00134911 past tGVOCUuFutU-00625-00134912-00135263 and i was just curious what do you think tGVOCUuFutU-00626-00135264-00135439 you would have found had you entered tGVOCUuFutU-00627-00135440-00135487 into tGVOCUuFutU-00628-00135488-00135863 the you know dining room tGVOCUuFutU-00629-00135864-00136119 kitchen the dining room yeah in real tGVOCUuFutU-00630-00136120-00136247 terms but tGVOCUuFutU-00631-00136248-00136463 uh as a metaphor and what what would you tGVOCUuFutU-00632-00136464-00136599 hope to find tGVOCUuFutU-00633-00136600-00136999 hoping to find when you track them down tGVOCUuFutU-00634-00137000-00137366 well i mean you know i i think tGVOCUuFutU-00635-00137367-00137502 i don't i don't really know what i was tGVOCUuFutU-00636-00137503-00137735 expecting god to be honest you know tGVOCUuFutU-00637-00137736-00137927 we spent quite a bit of time together tGVOCUuFutU-00638-00137928-00138166 and of course tGVOCUuFutU-00639-00138167-00138343 in a way i don't blame him we were tGVOCUuFutU-00640-00138344-00138543 meeting for the first time he tGVOCUuFutU-00641-00138544-00138743 he kind of didn't know that i existed tGVOCUuFutU-00642-00138744-00138847 until tGVOCUuFutU-00643-00138848-00139087 a few a few weeks before our meeting you tGVOCUuFutU-00644-00139088-00139199 know tGVOCUuFutU-00645-00139200-00139559 and he was 93 and clearly he was tGVOCUuFutU-00646-00139560-00139751 you know i think like most people he was tGVOCUuFutU-00647-00139752-00139863 interested in tGVOCUuFutU-00648-00139864-00140047 being liked he was interested in having tGVOCUuFutU-00649-00140048-00140271 me think that he was a great guy tGVOCUuFutU-00650-00140272-00140423 and i had come you know being a tGVOCUuFutU-00651-00140424-00140566 journalist with this very different tGVOCUuFutU-00652-00140567-00140654 agenda tGVOCUuFutU-00653-00140655-00140807 of course i wanted to meet him i wanted tGVOCUuFutU-00654-00140808-00140999 to you know restore this tGVOCUuFutU-00655-00141000-00141223 kind of family relationship but i also tGVOCUuFutU-00656-00141224-00141390 really needed to know tGVOCUuFutU-00657-00141391-00141543 what he had done and what he had lived tGVOCUuFutU-00658-00141544-00141711 through and i tGVOCUuFutU-00659-00141712-00142078 and i kind of really you know tGVOCUuFutU-00660-00142079-00142383 sunk my teeth into his neck and hung on tGVOCUuFutU-00661-00142384-00142439 you know tGVOCUuFutU-00662-00142440-00142702 during his evasions and he was very tGVOCUuFutU-00663-00142703-00142878 evasive at first and kind of you know tGVOCUuFutU-00664-00142879-00143126 eventually sonia who was his wife tGVOCUuFutU-00665-00143127-00143431 who was this very kind of sweet um tGVOCUuFutU-00666-00143432-00143735 82 year old lady she kind of slammed her tGVOCUuFutU-00667-00143736-00144054 hand very you know struck kind of tGVOCUuFutU-00668-00144055-00144247 on the table and it kind of shocked both tGVOCUuFutU-00669-00144248-00144431 of us and she said vasili just stop tGVOCUuFutU-00670-00144432-00144663 it just tell him the truth and that tGVOCUuFutU-00671-00144664-00144935 that's kind of when he started to really tGVOCUuFutU-00672-00144936-00145135 come forth with the real stories i mean tGVOCUuFutU-00673-00145136-00145335 i think tGVOCUuFutU-00674-00145336-00145623 i think you know the to torture that tGVOCUuFutU-00675-00145624-00145726 metaphor some more tGVOCUuFutU-00676-00145727-00145902 i think in the in the dining room there tGVOCUuFutU-00677-00145903-00146054 was definitely tGVOCUuFutU-00678-00146055-00146295 unsavory things you know he had been a tGVOCUuFutU-00679-00146296-00146399 major tGVOCUuFutU-00680-00146400-00146647 in the kgb he had he had worked for the tGVOCUuFutU-00681-00146648-00146711 kgb tGVOCUuFutU-00682-00146712-00147054 for tGVOCUuFutU-00683-00147055-00147287 nine years before becoming a bodyguard tGVOCUuFutU-00684-00147288-00147543 and then tGVOCUuFutU-00685-00147544-00147751 told me that he had he had had an office tGVOCUuFutU-00686-00147752-00147959 in lubyanka which is the big kgb tGVOCUuFutU-00687-00147960-00148231 prison in and headquarters in moscow tGVOCUuFutU-00688-00148232-00148399 which is still occupied to this day by tGVOCUuFutU-00689-00148400-00148478 the fsb tGVOCUuFutU-00690-00148479-00148663 which are which is you know the new tGVOCUuFutU-00691-00148664-00148887 version of the kgb tGVOCUuFutU-00692-00148888-00149199 and you know had 55 officers report to tGVOCUuFutU-00693-00149200-00149239 him tGVOCUuFutU-00694-00149240-00149471 so i think what i would have found was tGVOCUuFutU-00695-00149472-00149631 you know torture tGVOCUuFutU-00696-00149632-00149935 killing you know um tGVOCUuFutU-00697-00149936-00150151 certainly the things that were deeply tGVOCUuFutU-00698-00150152-00150423 unsavory and awful you know i think tGVOCUuFutU-00699-00150424-00150735 uh i think that's kind of uh tGVOCUuFutU-00700-00150736-00151031 pretty clear from his biography um and tGVOCUuFutU-00701-00151032-00151175 of course he didn't want to talk about tGVOCUuFutU-00702-00151176-00151351 many of those things he you know tGVOCUuFutU-00703-00151352-00151583 wanted to talk about you know listening tGVOCUuFutU-00704-00151584-00151766 in on foreigners and you know and tGVOCUuFutU-00705-00151767-00151959 following tourists around but clearly a tGVOCUuFutU-00706-00151960-00152095 man of his rank tGVOCUuFutU-00707-00152096-00152495 in 1937 and 38 and 39 was not doing tGVOCUuFutU-00708-00152496-00152726 simply that he was doing a lot more tGVOCUuFutU-00709-00152727-00152895 which is you know beating confessions tGVOCUuFutU-00710-00152896-00153014 out of people tGVOCUuFutU-00711-00153015-00153278 uh which were understood to be false you tGVOCUuFutU-00712-00153279-00153319 know tGVOCUuFutU-00713-00153320-00153599 uh interestingly you know in lubanka at tGVOCUuFutU-00714-00153600-00153766 that time tGVOCUuFutU-00715-00153767-00153999 it wasn't a very the system was very tGVOCUuFutU-00716-00154000-00154151 poorly organized so tGVOCUuFutU-00717-00154152-00154471 uh you know there there were i think 12 tGVOCUuFutU-00718-00154472-00154631 subterranean level tGVOCUuFutU-00719-00154632-00154902 floors below the ground in that building tGVOCUuFutU-00720-00154903-00155111 the lowest of them containing crematoria tGVOCUuFutU-00721-00155112-00155326 where bodies were disposed of tGVOCUuFutU-00722-00155327-00155543 and interestingly there weren't tGVOCUuFutU-00723-00155544-00155759 executioners and there weren't tGVOCUuFutU-00724-00155760-00155966 sort of officers it wasn't like you know tGVOCUuFutU-00725-00155967-00156159 the the a western tGVOCUuFutU-00726-00156160-00156431 justice system sometimes the officers tGVOCUuFutU-00727-00156432-00156623 you know were the executioner sometimes tGVOCUuFutU-00728-00156624-00156663 the tGVOCUuFutU-00729-00156664-00156831 you know the so-called prosecutors were tGVOCUuFutU-00730-00156832-00157047 the executioners people kind of did a tGVOCUuFutU-00731-00157048-00157190 little bit of everything which tGVOCUuFutU-00732-00157191-00157414 you know seems to be the case from a lot tGVOCUuFutU-00733-00157415-00157566 of the memoirs that i've read and tGVOCUuFutU-00734-00157567-00157783 according to vasily as well tGVOCUuFutU-00735-00157784-00158087 so i think he did a lot of terrible tGVOCUuFutU-00736-00158088-00158214 things i think you know i know he tGVOCUuFutU-00737-00158215-00158471 participated in the tartar genocide tGVOCUuFutU-00738-00158472-00158863 uh in the in in the mid 40s where tGVOCUuFutU-00739-00158864-00159119 over 70 000 people died you know which tGVOCUuFutU-00740-00159120-00159263 was a terrible tGVOCUuFutU-00741-00159264-00159511 terrible event where the tartar minority tGVOCUuFutU-00742-00159512-00159583 was tGVOCUuFutU-00743-00159584-00159990 moved across the country to siberia tGVOCUuFutU-00744-00159991-00160366 but you know i guess what i realized as tGVOCUuFutU-00745-00160367-00160502 i was scratching the surface tGVOCUuFutU-00746-00160503-00160759 he told me a little bit and i knew that tGVOCUuFutU-00747-00160760-00160807 if i tGVOCUuFutU-00748-00160808-00160975 had gotten further there would be more tGVOCUuFutU-00749-00160976-00161126 and more and more tGVOCUuFutU-00750-00161127-00161359 and you know and in a way i can only tGVOCUuFutU-00751-00161360-00161471 guess of what it is tGVOCUuFutU-00752-00161472-00161647 but but that's what i think i was tGVOCUuFutU-00753-00161648-00161871 getting at is i wanted to know tGVOCUuFutU-00754-00161872-00162151 the entirety of what he had done and he tGVOCUuFutU-00755-00162152-00162239 made it clear tGVOCUuFutU-00756-00162240-00162414 at one point that that simply wasn't in tGVOCUuFutU-00757-00162415-00162566 the cards he just wasn't going to go tGVOCUuFutU-00758-00162567-00162663 there tGVOCUuFutU-00759-00162664-00162975 was he did he i you probably can't tGVOCUuFutU-00760-00162976-00163078 answer this and tGVOCUuFutU-00761-00163079-00163383 and also the answer may be very obvious tGVOCUuFutU-00762-00163384-00163614 did you get a sense that he felt ashamed tGVOCUuFutU-00763-00163615-00163847 or regretted what he did or he just tGVOCUuFutU-00764-00163848-00163999 figures i don't want to revisit i don't tGVOCUuFutU-00765-00164000-00164135 want to saddle my tGVOCUuFutU-00766-00164136-00164414 grandson that i've just met with this tGVOCUuFutU-00767-00164415-00164535 knowledge tGVOCUuFutU-00768-00164536-00164814 uh because i i understand it may be tGVOCUuFutU-00769-00164815-00165007 almost impossible here tGVOCUuFutU-00770-00165008-00165183 i mean it's hard to say because i did tGVOCUuFutU-00771-00165184-00165399 not find him to be tGVOCUuFutU-00772-00165400-00165702 an easy to read person he was not a he tGVOCUuFutU-00773-00165703-00165735 was tGVOCUuFutU-00774-00165736-00165959 just just because he was old did not tGVOCUuFutU-00775-00165960-00166071 mean that he was tGVOCUuFutU-00776-00166072-00166351 simple he was actually very complex and tGVOCUuFutU-00777-00166352-00166423 i tGVOCUuFutU-00778-00166424-00166575 i could tell there was a lot of shame tGVOCUuFutU-00779-00166576-00166895 there because i could see it on his face tGVOCUuFutU-00780-00166896-00167087 but there was also you know his attempts tGVOCUuFutU-00781-00167088-00167263 to justify himself you know he had told tGVOCUuFutU-00782-00167264-00167414 me many times that tGVOCUuFutU-00783-00167415-00167687 you know he he believed in the mission tGVOCUuFutU-00784-00167688-00167871 that that you know he believed he was tGVOCUuFutU-00785-00167872-00168119 you know he said that we you know we tGVOCUuFutU-00786-00168120-00168231 believe that it was tGVOCUuFutU-00787-00168232-00168407 our mission was to cut the rock from the tGVOCUuFutU-00788-00168408-00168671 apple's core you know to preserve tGVOCUuFutU-00789-00168672-00168887 you know soviet society but of course he tGVOCUuFutU-00790-00168888-00169078 he was too intelligent to tGVOCUuFutU-00791-00169079-00169399 really believe that entirely and i and i tGVOCUuFutU-00792-00169400-00169511 think tGVOCUuFutU-00793-00169512-00169902 in the in the ensuing years certainly he tGVOCUuFutU-00794-00169903-00170175 learned enough to know that he had been tGVOCUuFutU-00795-00170176-00170263 involved in tGVOCUuFutU-00796-00170264-00170407 some atrocities that he had been tGVOCUuFutU-00797-00170408-00170583 involved in genocide and torture you tGVOCUuFutU-00798-00170584-00170735 know tGVOCUuFutU-00799-00170736-00171023 because i think what complicated that tGVOCUuFutU-00800-00171024-00171151 story is that tGVOCUuFutU-00801-00171152-00171414 so many of his colleagues ended up dead tGVOCUuFutU-00802-00171415-00171454 uh tGVOCUuFutU-00803-00171455-00171678 were disappeared had committed suicide tGVOCUuFutU-00804-00171679-00171975 you know his essentially his entire tGVOCUuFutU-00805-00171976-00172343 uh you know collegium uh all of his tGVOCUuFutU-00806-00172344-00172654 fellow officers bodyguards most of them tGVOCUuFutU-00807-00172655-00172983 by 1953 when stalin died were tGVOCUuFutU-00808-00172984-00173295 you know gone as well you know and tGVOCUuFutU-00809-00173296-00173687 and he certainly you know he certainly tGVOCUuFutU-00810-00173688-00173743 was tGVOCUuFutU-00811-00173744-00174007 terrified of meeting the same fate so i tGVOCUuFutU-00812-00174008-00174078 think tGVOCUuFutU-00813-00174079-00174278 there's an interesting combination of tGVOCUuFutU-00814-00174279-00174390 shame and fear tGVOCUuFutU-00815-00174391-00174766 and you know justification it was really tGVOCUuFutU-00816-00174767-00174926 difficult to untangle all of these tGVOCUuFutU-00817-00174927-00175071 different threads tGVOCUuFutU-00818-00175072-00175254 but you know but it was interesting to tGVOCUuFutU-00819-00175255-00175431 try to think about what it must tGVOCUuFutU-00820-00175432-00175719 must have been like to be both you know tGVOCUuFutU-00821-00175720-00175895 a torture and an executioner tGVOCUuFutU-00822-00175896-00176207 as well as someone who is afraid for his tGVOCUuFutU-00823-00176208-00176375 life every single day tGVOCUuFutU-00824-00176376-00176575 you know the uh the secret police where tGVOCUuFutU-00825-00176576-00176759 he worked was purged three times tGVOCUuFutU-00826-00176760-00177054 in the 1930s so the fact that he tGVOCUuFutU-00827-00177055-00177238 survived it all was tGVOCUuFutU-00828-00177239-00177511 kind of impressive in a certain way and tGVOCUuFutU-00829-00177512-00177599 you know tGVOCUuFutU-00830-00177600-00177775 certainly the bodyguards after stalin's tGVOCUuFutU-00831-00177776-00178014 death did not most of them ended up tGVOCUuFutU-00832-00178015-00178335 working in penal colonies so he tGVOCUuFutU-00833-00178336-00178695 had quite an unusual fate so i think um tGVOCUuFutU-00834-00178696-00179014 but yeah in terms of his own feelings i tGVOCUuFutU-00835-00179015-00179111 think tGVOCUuFutU-00836-00179112-00179407 i think they were complex and tGVOCUuFutU-00837-00179408-00179654 conflicting and numerous tGVOCUuFutU-00838-00179655-00179887 great okay i just want to ask one more tGVOCUuFutU-00839-00179888-00180126 question and sort of shift the tone tGVOCUuFutU-00840-00180127-00180343 because uh you have this great scene tGVOCUuFutU-00841-00180344-00180511 where you're on a train tGVOCUuFutU-00842-00180512-00180783 with your look he's he was your tGVOCUuFutU-00843-00180784-00180935 step-brother right tGVOCUuFutU-00844-00180936-00181263 my step-brother yeah uh and there are tGVOCUuFutU-00845-00181264-00181311 these tGVOCUuFutU-00846-00181312-00181607 two men on the train clearly without tGVOCUuFutU-00847-00181608-00181671 tickets tGVOCUuFutU-00848-00181672-00181999 and a lot of vodka and tGVOCUuFutU-00849-00182000-00182271 it just made me think that one of the tGVOCUuFutU-00850-00182272-00182343 event tGVOCUuFutU-00851-00182344-00182678 having these kinds of adventures uh tGVOCUuFutU-00852-00182679-00182887 was something that i got used to when i tGVOCUuFutU-00853-00182888-00183031 started visiting the soviet tGVOCUuFutU-00854-00183032-00183375 1980s especially because americans were tGVOCUuFutU-00855-00183376-00183623 forbidding fruits when someone realized tGVOCUuFutU-00856-00183624-00183790 you were american we just had lots of tGVOCUuFutU-00857-00183791-00183943 questions but tGVOCUuFutU-00858-00183944-00184214 you know let's get into these situations tGVOCUuFutU-00859-00184215-00184271 that tGVOCUuFutU-00860-00184272-00184583 you would never see in the united states tGVOCUuFutU-00861-00184584-00184902 uh and i was just curious even though tGVOCUuFutU-00862-00184903-00185071 you're of russian background you came as tGVOCUuFutU-00863-00185072-00185166 a kid tGVOCUuFutU-00864-00185167-00185454 and certainly you know lots of uh adults tGVOCUuFutU-00865-00185455-00185623 who grew up tGVOCUuFutU-00866-00185624-00185911 in the soviet union what was your how tGVOCUuFutU-00867-00185912-00186087 did you understand that tGVOCUuFutU-00868-00186088-00186271 uh because if you experience it once or tGVOCUuFutU-00869-00186272-00186471 twice it's just normal tGVOCUuFutU-00870-00186472-00186687 but your first time i know it's got to tGVOCUuFutU-00871-00186688-00186959 be at times tGVOCUuFutU-00872-00186960-00187319 more than just a little surprising tGVOCUuFutU-00873-00187320-00187526 yeah i mean that wasn't my first trip to tGVOCUuFutU-00874-00187527-00187735 the soviet union since i left i'd been tGVOCUuFutU-00875-00187736-00187902 back before tGVOCUuFutU-00876-00187903-00188095 i guess yeah and this was at this point tGVOCUuFutU-00877-00188096-00188311 the russian federation but tGVOCUuFutU-00878-00188312-00188519 yeah you know i mean i i've i've tGVOCUuFutU-00879-00188520-00188719 returned a lot you know my my dad lives tGVOCUuFutU-00880-00188720-00188926 in moscow my my half sister and also tGVOCUuFutU-00881-00188927-00188959 i've tGVOCUuFutU-00882-00188960-00189238 i've gone on plenty of uh journalistic tGVOCUuFutU-00883-00189239-00189335 sort of assignments tGVOCUuFutU-00884-00189336-00189599 and you know it's i don't think it's tGVOCUuFutU-00885-00189600-00189790 that different now frankly you know that tGVOCUuFutU-00886-00189791-00189943 it's russia tGVOCUuFutU-00887-00189944-00190199 um i think getting into adventures is tGVOCUuFutU-00888-00190200-00190311 one of the tGVOCUuFutU-00889-00190312-00190463 great pleasures of being in russia you tGVOCUuFutU-00890-00190464-00190687 know and they're always a little tGVOCUuFutU-00891-00190688-00190831 you know they're always a little they tGVOCUuFutU-00892-00190832-00191054 can they always carry an element of risk tGVOCUuFutU-00893-00191055-00191278 and an element of you know kind of tGVOCUuFutU-00894-00191279-00191438 result you're always scraping a little tGVOCUuFutU-00895-00191439-00191623 bit you know but it's but they're tGVOCUuFutU-00896-00191624-00191895 incredibly fun i mean one of the uh the tGVOCUuFutU-00897-00191896-00192063 particular incident that you refer to tGVOCUuFutU-00898-00192064-00192287 yeah there were these two drunk eggs tGVOCUuFutU-00899-00192288-00192414 cons on a train who tGVOCUuFutU-00900-00192415-00192550 were traveling without tickets or tGVOCUuFutU-00901-00192551-00192790 passports and they sat down next to us tGVOCUuFutU-00902-00192791-00192983 in an empty dining car tGVOCUuFutU-00903-00192984-00193254 because they wanted to talk and uh and tGVOCUuFutU-00904-00193255-00193399 every time the conductor walked through tGVOCUuFutU-00905-00193400-00193647 they hid in the lavatory you know they tGVOCUuFutU-00906-00193648-00193847 because they were terrified of being tGVOCUuFutU-00907-00193848-00194207 caught and take and you know essentially tGVOCUuFutU-00908-00194208-00194478 put off the train but you know i think tGVOCUuFutU-00909-00194479-00194535 one of the tGVOCUuFutU-00910-00194536-00194847 great things about being in russia is tGVOCUuFutU-00911-00194848-00195111 you know the ability to you can get to tGVOCUuFutU-00912-00195112-00195263 know people so quickly tGVOCUuFutU-00913-00195264-00195566 you know you can befriend somebody in tGVOCUuFutU-00914-00195567-00195695 minutes you know not tGVOCUuFutU-00915-00195696-00195863 just because the culture sort of allows tGVOCUuFutU-00916-00195864-00196071 for it it's a much less tGVOCUuFutU-00917-00196072-00196247 cautious culture i think than you know tGVOCUuFutU-00918-00196248-00196431 that of the united states or the uk tGVOCUuFutU-00919-00196432-00196750 you know and i think it's it's it's tGVOCUuFutU-00920-00196751-00197014 there's a kind of easy i wouldn't say tGVOCUuFutU-00921-00197015-00197190 intimacy but i would say familiarity tGVOCUuFutU-00922-00197191-00197359 that you can get with people people tell tGVOCUuFutU-00923-00197360-00197575 you their stories much quicker tGVOCUuFutU-00924-00197576-00198014 and and i think in a way um tGVOCUuFutU-00925-00198015-00198263 you know getting involved in these tGVOCUuFutU-00926-00198264-00198399 unscripted situations tGVOCUuFutU-00927-00198400-00198623 sometimes they can be kind of scary or tGVOCUuFutU-00928-00198624-00198743 sometimes you know tGVOCUuFutU-00929-00198744-00198983 you get involved with characters who you tGVOCUuFutU-00930-00198984-00199111 know clearly tGVOCUuFutU-00931-00199112-00199343 maybe don't mean you very good you know tGVOCUuFutU-00932-00199344-00199535 they're they're sort of not the most tGVOCUuFutU-00933-00199536-00199743 benevolent characters but tGVOCUuFutU-00934-00199744-00199950 you know i i i'm comfortable enough in tGVOCUuFutU-00935-00199951-00200087 russia that that i tGVOCUuFutU-00936-00200088-00200238 you know i speak the language well tGVOCUuFutU-00937-00200239-00200399 enough and know enough of the culture tGVOCUuFutU-00938-00200400-00200663 that i can usually pass for a for a tGVOCUuFutU-00939-00200664-00200887 native if i don't open my mouth too much tGVOCUuFutU-00940-00200888-00201263 so uh you know usually i i love tGVOCUuFutU-00941-00201264-00201383 wandering around and having these tGVOCUuFutU-00942-00201384-00201575 adventures they are tGVOCUuFutU-00943-00201576-00201887 they probably sound more i don't know tGVOCUuFutU-00944-00201888-00202119 more scarier and more unsavory than they tGVOCUuFutU-00945-00202120-00202247 than they really are tGVOCUuFutU-00946-00202248-00202375 but i think that's one of the great tGVOCUuFutU-00947-00202376-00202566 pleasures of being in russia you know tGVOCUuFutU-00948-00202567-00202783 things are so much tGVOCUuFutU-00949-00202784-00203111 less controlled and ordered than they tGVOCUuFutU-00950-00203112-00203166 are tGVOCUuFutU-00951-00203167-00203431 here and i think part of the pleasure is tGVOCUuFutU-00952-00203432-00203566 just kind of sneaking through tGVOCUuFutU-00953-00203567-00203823 all of these gaps and the social order tGVOCUuFutU-00954-00203824-00203895 and tGVOCUuFutU-00955-00203896-00204111 you know having adventures and doing tGVOCUuFutU-00956-00204112-00204199 things that tGVOCUuFutU-00957-00204200-00204543 you might not you know otherwise um tGVOCUuFutU-00958-00204544-00204862 and yeah i think that's that's uh that's tGVOCUuFutU-00959-00204863-00205031 the best thing about being there tGVOCUuFutU-00960-00205032-00205327 at least that's my my perspective on it tGVOCUuFutU-00961-00205328-00205438 how do you feel bob tGVOCUuFutU-00962-00205439-00205766 well i you know the notion that people tGVOCUuFutU-00963-00205767-00206175 so in in public people are very tGVOCUuFutU-00964-00206176-00206398 sort of proper and they don't they sort tGVOCUuFutU-00965-00206400-00206614 of like look straight through you tGVOCUuFutU-00966-00206615-00206886 uh but once you get to meet them in tGVOCUuFutU-00967-00206887-00207079 their kitchen or somewhere tGVOCUuFutU-00968-00207080-00207310 they open up and they're very generous tGVOCUuFutU-00969-00207311-00207486 so they seem to have this tGVOCUuFutU-00970-00207487-00207766 these two personas one in the public tGVOCUuFutU-00971-00207767-00207814 where tGVOCUuFutU-00972-00207815-00208031 they're not going to express anything tGVOCUuFutU-00973-00208032-00208166 and then one at home tGVOCUuFutU-00974-00208167-00208446 where they're going to treat you as your tGVOCUuFutU-00975-00208448-00208542 one of the tGVOCUuFutU-00976-00208544-00208727 families no with these adventures i was tGVOCUuFutU-00977-00208728-00208919 there i was in odessa just tGVOCUuFutU-00978-00208919-00209286 you know six years ago and we had tGVOCUuFutU-00979-00209287-00209471 my friend and i an american we put our tGVOCUuFutU-00980-00209471-00209719 suitcases at the train station tGVOCUuFutU-00981-00209719-00209879 went to pick them up to get on the train tGVOCUuFutU-00982-00209880-00210119 to go back to kiev tGVOCUuFutU-00983-00210119-00210479 and when the man who was given running tGVOCUuFutU-00984-00210480-00210782 the uh tGVOCUuFutU-00985-00210783-00211031 baggage claim realized that we were tGVOCUuFutU-00986-00211032-00211191 foreigners he started asking us tGVOCUuFutU-00987-00211192-00211527 questions he said oh we're americans and tGVOCUuFutU-00988-00211528-00211727 my friend told a joker said something tGVOCUuFutU-00989-00211728-00211894 funny says i've never heard an american tGVOCUuFutU-00990-00211896-00211982 in russians tGVOCUuFutU-00991-00211983-00212198 say something funny next thing you know tGVOCUuFutU-00992-00212200-00212439 we called out his two other co-workers tGVOCUuFutU-00993-00212440-00212655 and for 45 minutes we were having shots tGVOCUuFutU-00994-00212656-00212823 of vodka tGVOCUuFutU-00995-00212823-00213215 while this line just grew tGVOCUuFutU-00996-00213216-00213519 right uh at a certain point i just said tGVOCUuFutU-00997-00213519-00213551 you know tGVOCUuFutU-00998-00213552-00213727 we had to catch a train if i keep doing tGVOCUuFutU-00999-00213728-00213951 this it's going to be very tGVOCUuFutU-01000-00213952-00214198 sloppy and i don't want to get too drunk tGVOCUuFutU-01001-00214200-00214271 and so we tGVOCUuFutU-01002-00214271-00214510 ended it but it was sort of like here we tGVOCUuFutU-01003-00214511-00214646 were having you know tGVOCUuFutU-01004-00214648-00214846 shots of vodka telling stories and tGVOCUuFutU-01005-00214848-00214982 anecdotes tGVOCUuFutU-01006-00214983-00215215 and this line of 30 40 people just tGVOCUuFutU-01007-00215216-00215406 waiting for their suitcases tGVOCUuFutU-01008-00215407-00215751 they paid no attention to them yeah tGVOCUuFutU-01009-00215752-00215910 everything about that story rings true tGVOCUuFutU-01010-00215911-00216142 to me yeah especially the terrible tGVOCUuFutU-01011-00216144-00216367 service yeah tGVOCUuFutU-01012-00216367-00216567 but but yeah that's that's very that's tGVOCUuFutU-01013-00216567-00216694 very very tGVOCUuFutU-01014-00216696-00216855 that's that's very familiar if tGVOCUuFutU-01015-00216856-00217006 especially vodka is involved you can tGVOCUuFutU-01016-00217007-00217103 really tGVOCUuFutU-01017-00217104-00217246 you know you can really strike up a tGVOCUuFutU-01018-00217248-00217415 great conversation with with total tGVOCUuFutU-01019-00217416-00217510 strangers and tGVOCUuFutU-01020-00217511-00217806 and it gets very sort of you know i'm tGVOCUuFutU-01021-00217807-00217998 sure anybody who's been to russia has tGVOCUuFutU-01022-00218000-00218175 probably had that experience somewhere tGVOCUuFutU-01023-00218176-00218303 so tGVOCUuFutU-01024-00218304-00218446 yeah i was glad to have that experience tGVOCUuFutU-01025-00218448-00218679 because i figured you know now 2013 tGVOCUuFutU-01026-00218680-00218798 americans are just tGVOCUuFutU-01027-00218800-00219046 nobody cares about us but they think tGVOCUuFutU-01028-00219048-00219231 this guy actually seemed to tGVOCUuFutU-01029-00219232-00219655 really want to engage us as americans uh tGVOCUuFutU-01030-00219656-00219839 anyway why don't we open up for tGVOCUuFutU-01031-00219840-00220006 questions from tGVOCUuFutU-01032-00220007-00220398 the other people in the uh zoom room tGVOCUuFutU-01033-00220400-00220734 okay uh jose i guess we'll monitor that tGVOCUuFutU-01034-00220735-00220846 right tGVOCUuFutU-01035-00220848-00221046 sure i can do that and if you want to tGVOCUuFutU-01036-00221048-00221223 raise a virtual hand tGVOCUuFutU-01037-00221223-00221503 using the reactions tab at the bottom or tGVOCUuFutU-01038-00221504-00221734 put your question in the chat tGVOCUuFutU-01039-00221735-00222015 or raise your real hand if you have your tGVOCUuFutU-01040-00222016-00222087 video on tGVOCUuFutU-01041-00222088-00222455 try to pay attention to that as well but tGVOCUuFutU-01042-00222456-00223223 feel free tGVOCUuFutU-01043-00223223-00223631 race yeah thank you so much for being tGVOCUuFutU-01044-00223632-00223679 here tGVOCUuFutU-01045-00223680-00224015 i'm curious about the how you approach tGVOCUuFutU-01046-00224016-00224110 the balance or tGVOCUuFutU-01047-00224111-00224310 the tension between the research process tGVOCUuFutU-01048-00224311-00224446 and then your role as tGVOCUuFutU-01049-00224448-00224734 writing narrative and in terms of like tGVOCUuFutU-01050-00224735-00224879 the stories of the people tGVOCUuFutU-01051-00224880-00225087 that you're featuring to what extent is tGVOCUuFutU-01052-00225088-00225271 there a barrier between you and their tGVOCUuFutU-01053-00225271-00225334 voices tGVOCUuFutU-01054-00225335-00225534 or to what extent are you trying to be tGVOCUuFutU-01055-00225535-00225639 immersed and tGVOCUuFutU-01056-00225640-00226006 how do you approach that responsibility tGVOCUuFutU-01057-00226007-00226223 thank you that's a really fantastic tGVOCUuFutU-01058-00226223-00226382 question because that was kind of you tGVOCUuFutU-01059-00226383-00226527 know really at the heart of writing this tGVOCUuFutU-01060-00226528-00226615 book tGVOCUuFutU-01061-00226616-00227071 um you know i i think tGVOCUuFutU-01062-00227071-00227271 you know this book as you can probably tGVOCUuFutU-01063-00227271-00227487 tell has a ton of history in it and tGVOCUuFutU-01064-00227488-00227719 and also a lot of it happens before i tGVOCUuFutU-01065-00227719-00227791 was born tGVOCUuFutU-01066-00227792-00228071 so i'm narrating events that i certainly tGVOCUuFutU-01067-00228071-00228215 wasn't present for tGVOCUuFutU-01068-00228216-00228510 a lot of which also aren't sort of big tGVOCUuFutU-01069-00228511-00228687 historical set pieces but tGVOCUuFutU-01070-00228688-00229023 are personal stories and family stories tGVOCUuFutU-01071-00229023-00229255 you know my approach to that is is you tGVOCUuFutU-01072-00229256-00229342 know i think tGVOCUuFutU-01073-00229344-00229694 your first job as a writer is to tGVOCUuFutU-01074-00229696-00229894 to write a compelling story and to keep tGVOCUuFutU-01075-00229896-00230110 that story sort of to keep the tGVOCUuFutU-01076-00230111-00230391 thematic and dramatic thread kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01077-00230392-00230558 going throughout because if you lose tGVOCUuFutU-01078-00230559-00230734 that thread the book becomes tGVOCUuFutU-01079-00230735-00230975 it starts to flounder you know tGVOCUuFutU-01080-00230976-00231110 especially in a book with a lot of tGVOCUuFutU-01081-00231111-00231231 moving parts that tGVOCUuFutU-01082-00231232-00231406 kind of goes back telescopes back and tGVOCUuFutU-01083-00231407-00231558 forth in time tGVOCUuFutU-01084-00231559-00231919 um so i always try to prioritize the tGVOCUuFutU-01085-00231919-00231975 story tGVOCUuFutU-01086-00231976-00232279 in the sense of you know trying to keep tGVOCUuFutU-01087-00232280-00232510 the research tGVOCUuFutU-01088-00232511-00232710 to you know trying to keep the research tGVOCUuFutU-01089-00232711-00232919 relevant by which i mean dramatically tGVOCUuFutU-01090-00232919-00233063 relevant right tGVOCUuFutU-01091-00233064-00233239 sometimes you read a book you know i'm tGVOCUuFutU-01092-00233240-00233439 thinking of some historical novels tGVOCUuFutU-01093-00233440-00233606 where you can tell somebody had done a tGVOCUuFutU-01094-00233607-00233734 lot of research in a period and they tGVOCUuFutU-01095-00233735-00233871 sort of presented to the reader on a tGVOCUuFutU-01096-00233871-00233951 tray tGVOCUuFutU-01097-00233952-00234158 where they go like i found i found this tGVOCUuFutU-01098-00234159-00234327 and i found that and i found that you tGVOCUuFutU-01099-00234328-00234431 know tGVOCUuFutU-01100-00234432-00234687 and and i think that always i always tGVOCUuFutU-01101-00234688-00234742 really tGVOCUuFutU-01102-00234744-00234910 dislike reading that because i think it tGVOCUuFutU-01103-00234911-00235087 always kind of seems tGVOCUuFutU-01104-00235088-00235287 showy and it always seems to kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01105-00235288-00235398 detract from tGVOCUuFutU-01106-00235400-00235639 you know the the action of the book and tGVOCUuFutU-01107-00235640-00235798 the kind of thematic tGVOCUuFutU-01108-00235800-00236006 thrust of it because you feel like tGVOCUuFutU-01109-00236007-00236142 somebody did the research and they want tGVOCUuFutU-01110-00236144-00236223 to get their like tGVOCUuFutU-01111-00236223-00236446 money's worth in a way you know and i tGVOCUuFutU-01112-00236448-00236655 think it's always much more tGVOCUuFutU-01113-00236656-00236975 interesting to kind of keep those set tGVOCUuFutU-01114-00236976-00237134 pieces you know tGVOCUuFutU-01115-00237135-00237358 pretty closely tethered to to the to the tGVOCUuFutU-01116-00237359-00237519 sort of foreground right tGVOCUuFutU-01117-00237519-00237823 so in in non-fiction book you like tGVOCUuFutU-01118-00237823-00238046 you know unless it's an outright history tGVOCUuFutU-01119-00238048-00238167 book i think you have tGVOCUuFutU-01120-00238167-00238406 the foreground the main characters and tGVOCUuFutU-01121-00238407-00238551 then you have the background which is tGVOCUuFutU-01122-00238552-00238742 sort of the large historical events that tGVOCUuFutU-01123-00238744-00238855 illuminate them tGVOCUuFutU-01124-00238856-00239063 and then they illuminate you know in tGVOCUuFutU-01125-00239064-00239231 turn and i think tGVOCUuFutU-01126-00239232-00239479 i think you have to be really sparing tGVOCUuFutU-01127-00239480-00239615 and really restrained tGVOCUuFutU-01128-00239616-00239782 with with presenting research and tGVOCUuFutU-01129-00239783-00239942 weaving research tGVOCUuFutU-01130-00239944-00240110 into the book because otherwise there's tGVOCUuFutU-01131-00240111-00240351 this kind of tendency and i know because tGVOCUuFutU-01132-00240352-00240551 i fell into this trap many many times tGVOCUuFutU-01133-00240552-00240734 while writing this book tGVOCUuFutU-01134-00240735-00241015 uh of sort of you know doing presenting tGVOCUuFutU-01135-00241016-00241103 these kind of mini tGVOCUuFutU-01136-00241104-00241342 mini lectures to the reader which you tGVOCUuFutU-01137-00241344-00241439 know i think is tGVOCUuFutU-01138-00241440-00241742 really not a great way to go because tGVOCUuFutU-01139-00241744-00241846 they feel tGVOCUuFutU-01140-00241848-00242015 they they really feel like these kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01141-00242016-00242230 gratuitous little oases of tGVOCUuFutU-01142-00242231-00242423 information that you're sort of tGVOCUuFutU-01143-00242423-00242671 presenting and i think tGVOCUuFutU-01144-00242671-00242910 so i tried in writing this book to to be tGVOCUuFutU-01145-00242911-00243103 kind of much more tGVOCUuFutU-01146-00243104-00243334 um you know much more sort of skeletal tGVOCUuFutU-01147-00243335-00243479 in the way that i did it i always wanted tGVOCUuFutU-01148-00243480-00243639 to keep the story in the front tGVOCUuFutU-01149-00243640-00243879 and present the weave in the research tGVOCUuFutU-01150-00243880-00243982 that i tGVOCUuFutU-01151-00243983-00244167 thought kind of more immediately tGVOCUuFutU-01152-00244167-00244382 impinged on it right and kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01153-00244383-00244727 put so there was a lot of research tGVOCUuFutU-01154-00244728-00244951 i mean i took 11 years to write this tGVOCUuFutU-01155-00244952-00245198 book and a lot of research ended up on tGVOCUuFutU-01156-00245200-00245358 the cutting room floor you know because tGVOCUuFutU-01157-00245359-00245430 i just tGVOCUuFutU-01158-00245431-00245606 there just wasn't a dramatically tGVOCUuFutU-01159-00245607-00245846 appropriate place in the book for it tGVOCUuFutU-01160-00245848-00246175 um but i think so i think it's always a tGVOCUuFutU-01161-00246176-00246351 balancing act and i think tGVOCUuFutU-01162-00246352-00246655 it's really and i think often it's easy tGVOCUuFutU-01163-00246656-00246815 to talk about it but i think you also tGVOCUuFutU-01164-00246816-00246887 have to tGVOCUuFutU-01165-00246888-00247191 you know it always proves itself in the tGVOCUuFutU-01166-00247192-00247239 making tGVOCUuFutU-01167-00247240-00247463 in this case in the writing right you tGVOCUuFutU-01168-00247464-00247542 write it and tGVOCUuFutU-01169-00247544-00247846 you have to see how it works uh it will tGVOCUuFutU-01170-00247848-00247958 you know i think it either feels tGVOCUuFutU-01171-00247959-00248006 relevant tGVOCUuFutU-01172-00248007-00248263 or it doesn't but i think you know i tGVOCUuFutU-01173-00248264-00248463 think tGVOCUuFutU-01174-00248464-00248679 in a book for a general reader like this tGVOCUuFutU-01175-00248680-00248775 one i think the tGVOCUuFutU-01176-00248776-00248991 i always think it's important to err on tGVOCUuFutU-01177-00248992-00249167 the side of less is more tGVOCUuFutU-01178-00249167-00249446 of you know not sort of suffocating the tGVOCUuFutU-01179-00249448-00249542 action with tGVOCUuFutU-01180-00249544-00249742 research you know and keeping that tGVOCUuFutU-01181-00249744-00249855 balance tGVOCUuFutU-01182-00249856-00250039 sort of a little bit lean did that tGVOCUuFutU-01183-00250040-00250223 answer your question tGVOCUuFutU-01184-00250223-00250423 yes thank you so much of course thank tGVOCUuFutU-01185-00250423-00251487 you for the question tGVOCUuFutU-01186-00251488-00251863 julia yes hi uh thank you for the tGVOCUuFutU-01187-00251864-00251991 reading first of all tGVOCUuFutU-01188-00251992-00252279 thank you um but i kind of wanted to tGVOCUuFutU-01189-00252280-00252471 follow up to grace's question tGVOCUuFutU-01190-00252471-00252751 because i was actually wondering like tGVOCUuFutU-01191-00252752-00252855 what was your tGVOCUuFutU-01192-00252856-00253015 approach to telling the story which you tGVOCUuFutU-01193-00253016-00253198 kind of answered as far as like a lot of tGVOCUuFutU-01194-00253200-00253279 the research tGVOCUuFutU-01195-00253280-00253463 but i was really wondering like did that tGVOCUuFutU-01196-00253464-00253655 approach like change tGVOCUuFutU-01197-00253656-00253815 ever like did you ever think like oh i tGVOCUuFutU-01198-00253816-00253982 want this to be more personal or i want tGVOCUuFutU-01199-00253983-00254142 to be more historical tGVOCUuFutU-01200-00254144-00254271 did that change when you found the tGVOCUuFutU-01201-00254271-00254455 information especially since you spent tGVOCUuFutU-01202-00254456-00254575 like a really long time writing the tGVOCUuFutU-01203-00254576-00254734 books tGVOCUuFutU-01204-00254735-00254934 yeah oh thank you for that question uh tGVOCUuFutU-01205-00254935-00255151 you know it it changed constantly tGVOCUuFutU-01206-00255152-00255319 it was it was a constant kind of you tGVOCUuFutU-01207-00255319-00255471 know back and forth tGVOCUuFutU-01208-00255471-00255782 um you know in the scene that i read you tGVOCUuFutU-01209-00255783-00255919 know tGVOCUuFutU-01210-00255919-00256142 um that was a scene that my grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-01211-00256144-00256271 told me tGVOCUuFutU-01212-00256271-00256503 you know and then the question became tGVOCUuFutU-01213-00256504-00256742 you know tGVOCUuFutU-01214-00256744-00257023 there was a question as to whether how tGVOCUuFutU-01215-00257023-00257110 true it was tGVOCUuFutU-01216-00257111-00257398 right because he was a 93 year old man tGVOCUuFutU-01217-00257400-00257471 kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01218-00257471-00257687 re recalling a story from 50 years tGVOCUuFutU-01219-00257688-00257782 earlier tGVOCUuFutU-01220-00257783-00258167 actually 60 years earlier i guess and tGVOCUuFutU-01221-00258167-00258367 you know and it had it had some major tGVOCUuFutU-01222-00258367-00258542 historical figures in it you know tGVOCUuFutU-01223-00258544-00258687 barrier and stalin tGVOCUuFutU-01224-00258688-00259127 and you know and and part of it was tGVOCUuFutU-01225-00259128-00259310 really considering how to carry that tGVOCUuFutU-01226-00259311-00259503 right because tGVOCUuFutU-01227-00259504-00259679 i could have sort of been a journalist tGVOCUuFutU-01228-00259680-00259927 and said this is the story he told me tGVOCUuFutU-01229-00259928-00260103 and this part checked out and this part tGVOCUuFutU-01230-00260104-00260294 didn't check out you know and sort of do tGVOCUuFutU-01231-00260296-00260398 it like that tGVOCUuFutU-01232-00260400-00260582 almost like like you know a professional tGVOCUuFutU-01233-00260583-00260742 historian might tGVOCUuFutU-01234-00260744-00260982 or present the story as a story kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01235-00260983-00261175 in the context of him telling me tGVOCUuFutU-01236-00261176-00261423 the story rather than paraphrasing him tGVOCUuFutU-01237-00261423-00261591 uh entirely tGVOCUuFutU-01238-00261592-00261855 and then sort of later on going on and tGVOCUuFutU-01239-00261856-00261919 kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01240-00261919-00262142 writing about trying to figure out the tGVOCUuFutU-01241-00262144-00262295 veracity of it you know tGVOCUuFutU-01242-00262296-00262582 consulting two experts to to historians tGVOCUuFutU-01243-00262583-00262615 who tGVOCUuFutU-01244-00262616-00262879 specialized in sort of stalin-era stuff tGVOCUuFutU-01245-00262880-00263110 and really trying to figure out tGVOCUuFutU-01246-00263111-00263351 whether the story was true so there was tGVOCUuFutU-01247-00263352-00263463 a constant tGVOCUuFutU-01248-00263464-00263719 tension between you know where do i fit tGVOCUuFutU-01249-00263720-00263879 into the story am i tGVOCUuFutU-01250-00263880-00264175 you know am i am i presenting am i tGVOCUuFutU-01251-00264176-00264239 supposed to tGVOCUuFutU-01252-00264240-00264479 vet this you know the way historian tGVOCUuFutU-01253-00264480-00264743 might am i supposed to just present it tGVOCUuFutU-01254-00264744-00265143 as as an event um so i found tGVOCUuFutU-01255-00265144-00265334 i know i'm i'm not exactly answering tGVOCUuFutU-01256-00265335-00265479 your question but i guess i'm trying to tGVOCUuFutU-01257-00265480-00265591 say that tGVOCUuFutU-01258-00265592-00265815 i found that balance very difficult and tGVOCUuFutU-01259-00265816-00266030 i found that at times really confusing tGVOCUuFutU-01260-00266031-00266271 because i think you know it's one thing tGVOCUuFutU-01261-00266272-00266439 to write about the personal lives of tGVOCUuFutU-01262-00266440-00266623 your family because that's tGVOCUuFutU-01263-00266624-00266847 essentially kind of in that category of tGVOCUuFutU-01264-00266848-00266991 things that don't really impact other tGVOCUuFutU-01265-00266992-00267127 people right not or tGVOCUuFutU-01266-00267128-00267406 not too many other people right but but tGVOCUuFutU-01267-00267407-00267534 when you're when you're writing about tGVOCUuFutU-01268-00267535-00267599 events that tGVOCUuFutU-01269-00267600-00267855 had kind of large historical tGVOCUuFutU-01270-00267856-00268079 reverberations you know tGVOCUuFutU-01271-00268080-00268295 there suddenly becomes this question of tGVOCUuFutU-01272-00268296-00268463 how much do i owe the reader tGVOCUuFutU-01273-00268464-00268695 am i supposed to be a historian am i tGVOCUuFutU-01274-00268696-00268882 just telling a story about people that i tGVOCUuFutU-01275-00268883-00269110 know um tGVOCUuFutU-01276-00269111-00269463 so that kind of yeah i i guess i'm not tGVOCUuFutU-01277-00269464-00269575 doing a great job of tGVOCUuFutU-01278-00269576-00269887 actually answering your question but i tGVOCUuFutU-01279-00269888-00269991 guess that yes tGVOCUuFutU-01280-00269992-00270334 so to answer it better that relationship tGVOCUuFutU-01281-00270335-00270503 did constantly change tGVOCUuFutU-01282-00270504-00270638 you know because um tGVOCUuFutU-01283-00270639-00270910 [Music] tGVOCUuFutU-01284-00270911-00271182 there was a temptation to become too tGVOCUuFutU-01285-00271183-00271319 familiar and too personal with tGVOCUuFutU-01286-00271320-00271447 narratives that happened to my tGVOCUuFutU-01287-00271448-00271615 grandparents for example tGVOCUuFutU-01288-00271616-00271855 long before i was born and i realized at tGVOCUuFutU-01289-00271856-00272039 some point that i couldn't do that tGVOCUuFutU-01290-00272040-00272327 that felt eventually that felt wrong you tGVOCUuFutU-01291-00272328-00272367 know tGVOCUuFutU-01292-00272368-00272534 to narrate their thoughts to talk about tGVOCUuFutU-01293-00272535-00272727 what they thought and felt tGVOCUuFutU-01294-00272728-00272967 um also my background is as a magazine tGVOCUuFutU-01295-00272968-00273055 writer tGVOCUuFutU-01296-00273056-00273367 this is my second book but i do a lot of tGVOCUuFutU-01297-00273368-00273551 a lot of journalism for places like the tGVOCUuFutU-01298-00273552-00273767 new york times magazine and tGVOCUuFutU-01299-00273768-00273919 you know i think in magazine writing tGVOCUuFutU-01300-00273920-00274127 there's a certain kind of humor and a tGVOCUuFutU-01301-00274128-00274399 certain kind of you know tGVOCUuFutU-01302-00274400-00274567 uh there's a certain kind of writing tGVOCUuFutU-01303-00274568-00274799 that's much showier that is much more tGVOCUuFutU-01304-00274800-00274927 sort of you know tGVOCUuFutU-01305-00274928-00275399 more antic more you know um tGVOCUuFutU-01306-00275400-00275710 more fun in a way and tonally that tGVOCUuFutU-01307-00275711-00275934 takes a lot more kind of you know gonzo tGVOCUuFutU-01308-00275935-00276023 turns tGVOCUuFutU-01309-00276024-00276351 where you can make jokes you can sort of tGVOCUuFutU-01310-00276352-00276558 uh play with the writing and in this tGVOCUuFutU-01311-00276559-00276734 book i really realized that i couldn't tGVOCUuFutU-01312-00276735-00276887 do any of that i couldn't use any of tGVOCUuFutU-01313-00276888-00277055 those tricks that i learned tGVOCUuFutU-01314-00277056-00277279 in journalism because i had to really tGVOCUuFutU-01315-00277280-00277447 restrain the tone of this book and make tGVOCUuFutU-01316-00277448-00277534 it very tGVOCUuFutU-01317-00277535-00277782 matter-of-fact which is very much unlike tGVOCUuFutU-01318-00277783-00277943 other things that i've written tGVOCUuFutU-01319-00277944-00278119 simply because i think the story here tGVOCUuFutU-01320-00278120-00278310 had to take priority over tGVOCUuFutU-01321-00278311-00278558 you know whatever whatever stylistic tGVOCUuFutU-01322-00278559-00278623 kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01323-00278624-00278823 things i was interested in doing and tGVOCUuFutU-01324-00278824-00278927 really tGVOCUuFutU-01325-00278928-00279239 i had to let the story tell itself and tGVOCUuFutU-01326-00279240-00279334 and really tGVOCUuFutU-01327-00279335-00279687 kind of you know essentially take on all tGVOCUuFutU-01328-00279688-00279863 the significance here tGVOCUuFutU-01329-00279864-00280023 uh and for a long time i really tGVOCUuFutU-01330-00280024-00280215 struggled to kind of on this tGVOCUuFutU-01331-00280216-00280527 disentangle my sort of style in a way tGVOCUuFutU-01332-00280528-00280710 from tGVOCUuFutU-01333-00280711-00280943 the story and i and i think so i think tGVOCUuFutU-01334-00280944-00281103 this is actually quite different from tGVOCUuFutU-01335-00281104-00281351 anything i've written and really it kind tGVOCUuFutU-01336-00281352-00281510 of forced me to learn how to write a tGVOCUuFutU-01337-00281511-00281727 different sort of book tGVOCUuFutU-01338-00281728-00281927 and write a different sort of narrative tGVOCUuFutU-01339-00281928-00282039 yeah so i mean i tGVOCUuFutU-01340-00282040-00282271 i think if you look at my journalism tGVOCUuFutU-01341-00282272-00282439 you'll find it to be very very different tGVOCUuFutU-01342-00282440-00282606 than what i've written here tGVOCUuFutU-01343-00282607-00282887 and part of that was also just trying to tGVOCUuFutU-01344-00282888-00282943 you know tGVOCUuFutU-01345-00282944-00283358 square my square my tGVOCUuFutU-01346-00283359-00283703 position as a narrator in a story tGVOCUuFutU-01347-00283704-00283910 that covers so many years and that tGVOCUuFutU-01348-00283911-00284087 touches on so many things tGVOCUuFutU-01349-00284088-00284295 and really making it much more matter of tGVOCUuFutU-01350-00284296-00284447 fact much more tGVOCUuFutU-01351-00284448-00284863 in a way um yeah much more restrained tGVOCUuFutU-01352-00284864-00284975 than something i tGVOCUuFutU-01353-00284976-00285110 thought i was going to write when i tGVOCUuFutU-01354-00285111-00285319 started writing this book is that that's tGVOCUuFutU-01355-00285320-00285358 a tGVOCUuFutU-01356-00285359-00285527 slightly tortured answer i know but does tGVOCUuFutU-01357-00285528-00285719 that get no that that definitely tGVOCUuFutU-01358-00285720-00285775 answered tGVOCUuFutU-01359-00285776-00286023 my question i think like just like tGVOCUuFutU-01360-00286024-00286191 hearing like i guess that it wasn't tGVOCUuFutU-01361-00286192-00286367 such an easy straightforward process tGVOCUuFutU-01362-00286368-00286503 like not at all yeah tGVOCUuFutU-01363-00286504-00286647 like that that definitely answered it so tGVOCUuFutU-01364-00286648-00287263 thank you cool i'm glad thank you tGVOCUuFutU-01365-00287264-00287654 liam tGVOCUuFutU-01366-00287655-00287919 hi um so you mentioned like sort of tGVOCUuFutU-01367-00287920-00288079 beginning the process of your book and i tGVOCUuFutU-01368-00288080-00288223 wanted to ask tGVOCUuFutU-01369-00288224-00288510 how how you would describe that because tGVOCUuFutU-01370-00288511-00288654 like so many of these projects just tGVOCUuFutU-01371-00288655-00288710 seemed tGVOCUuFutU-01372-00288711-00288927 like you know like like massive tGVOCUuFutU-01373-00288928-00289119 undertakings you said it was 11 years tGVOCUuFutU-01374-00289120-00289206 long tGVOCUuFutU-01375-00289207-00289430 um the process of writing this book so tGVOCUuFutU-01376-00289431-00289591 how does how does sort of tGVOCUuFutU-01377-00289592-00289919 the whole thing get off the ground tGVOCUuFutU-01378-00289920-00290254 thanks for that question um it it tGVOCUuFutU-01379-00290255-00290391 actually began with tGVOCUuFutU-01380-00290392-00290606 um strangely enough with the magazine tGVOCUuFutU-01381-00290607-00290751 story i tGVOCUuFutU-01382-00290752-00290895 was talking to a friend of mine who was tGVOCUuFutU-01383-00290896-00291054 a writer uh who tGVOCUuFutU-01384-00291055-00291439 wrote for um who's a writer at gq and i tGVOCUuFutU-01385-00291440-00291767 we were having a drinks one night and 15 tGVOCUuFutU-01386-00291768-00291934 years ago tGVOCUuFutU-01387-00291935-00292134 and i told him that i had a grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-01388-00292135-00292303 who had been stalin's bodyguard and he tGVOCUuFutU-01389-00292304-00292391 said tGVOCUuFutU-01390-00292392-00292606 well have you ever written about that tGVOCUuFutU-01391-00292607-00292758 and i said no tGVOCUuFutU-01392-00292759-00292910 and he said well you know and at that tGVOCUuFutU-01393-00292911-00293039 point i was just beginning as a tGVOCUuFutU-01394-00293040-00293206 journalist i was you know tGVOCUuFutU-01395-00293207-00293406 kind of coming into it from a slightly tGVOCUuFutU-01396-00293407-00293551 different career and tGVOCUuFutU-01397-00293552-00293703 he said well you know i think anybody tGVOCUuFutU-01398-00293704-00293943 would really be interested in reading tGVOCUuFutU-01399-00293944-00294151 that i said oh really you think so tGVOCUuFutU-01400-00294152-00294310 and the next day his editor called me tGVOCUuFutU-01401-00294311-00294503 and said do you want to do the story for tGVOCUuFutU-01402-00294504-00294703 us do you want to go to ukraine tGVOCUuFutU-01403-00294704-00294927 and find your grandfather and and write tGVOCUuFutU-01404-00294928-00295119 what happens we'll send you tGVOCUuFutU-01405-00295120-00295382 and and i said sure because you know it tGVOCUuFutU-01406-00295383-00295463 was just tGVOCUuFutU-01407-00295464-00295703 it was a way to do this that was tGVOCUuFutU-01408-00295704-00295854 manageable that i could afford tGVOCUuFutU-01409-00295855-00296087 you know i was very much sort of like a tGVOCUuFutU-01410-00296088-00296230 struggling tGVOCUuFutU-01411-00296231-00296439 struggling writer at that point and and tGVOCUuFutU-01412-00296440-00296687 i really so i took this opportunity tGVOCUuFutU-01413-00296688-00297006 and it became a magazine story tGVOCUuFutU-01414-00297007-00297319 but as but as i was doing the assignment tGVOCUuFutU-01415-00297320-00297415 as i was tGVOCUuFutU-01416-00297416-00297839 essentially interviewing my grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-01417-00297840-00298006 and then writing the story i realized tGVOCUuFutU-01418-00298007-00298151 that there were tGVOCUuFutU-01419-00298152-00298310 all these other things that i hadn't tGVOCUuFutU-01420-00298311-00298454 expected to find tGVOCUuFutU-01421-00298455-00298663 because what i realized wasn't just that tGVOCUuFutU-01422-00298664-00298839 i had this grandfather who had tGVOCUuFutU-01423-00298840-00299110 you know done some terrible things and tGVOCUuFutU-01424-00299111-00299295 you know seen some tGVOCUuFutU-01425-00299296-00299567 you know historical events what i tGVOCUuFutU-01426-00299568-00299710 realized is that i had essentially tGVOCUuFutU-01427-00299711-00299799 misunderstood my tGVOCUuFutU-01428-00299800-00300167 family i had understood misunderstood tGVOCUuFutU-01429-00300168-00300454 what you know the entire dynamics of my tGVOCUuFutU-01430-00300455-00300503 family tGVOCUuFutU-01431-00300504-00300695 because you know i had this difficult tGVOCUuFutU-01432-00300696-00300951 relationship with my father tGVOCUuFutU-01433-00300952-00301151 and i suddenly realized that his tGVOCUuFutU-01434-00301152-00301295 relationship with his father was tGVOCUuFutU-01435-00301296-00301399 completely tGVOCUuFutU-01436-00301400-00301743 terrible because his father you know tGVOCUuFutU-01437-00301744-00302054 by virtue of doing his job was just kind tGVOCUuFutU-01438-00302055-00302254 of an emotional cipher you know tGVOCUuFutU-01439-00302255-00302415 and that a lot of the events in my tGVOCUuFutU-01440-00302416-00302630 family that i thought had to do with tGVOCUuFutU-01441-00302631-00302830 personality and you know tGVOCUuFutU-01442-00302831-00303158 feelings and you know kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01443-00303159-00303415 these very personal things were in fact tGVOCUuFutU-01444-00303416-00303591 completely historical that that tGVOCUuFutU-01445-00303592-00303823 in fact that our family was shaped by tGVOCUuFutU-01446-00303824-00304015 his by history much more so tGVOCUuFutU-01447-00304016-00304215 than they were shaped by you know how tGVOCUuFutU-01448-00304216-00304430 people felt about one another you know tGVOCUuFutU-01449-00304431-00304591 and of course as i learned more about my tGVOCUuFutU-01450-00304592-00304847 family i realized that was true not only tGVOCUuFutU-01451-00304848-00305030 for my father but for my mother as well tGVOCUuFutU-01452-00305031-00305191 whose parents both tGVOCUuFutU-01453-00305192-00305367 barely survived the holocaust and had tGVOCUuFutU-01454-00305368-00305503 lost their entire families and tGVOCUuFutU-01455-00305504-00305734 concentration camps and ghettos tGVOCUuFutU-01456-00305735-00306143 so it kind of you know really tGVOCUuFutU-01457-00306144-00306334 made me curious about this relationship tGVOCUuFutU-01458-00306335-00306519 between the personal and the tGVOCUuFutU-01459-00306520-00306734 historical right that that actually tGVOCUuFutU-01460-00306735-00306847 those two things tGVOCUuFutU-01461-00306848-00307015 especially in a place like the soviet tGVOCUuFutU-01462-00307016-00307295 union which saw so much calamity and so tGVOCUuFutU-01463-00307296-00307391 much tGVOCUuFutU-01464-00307392-00307599 war and so so much sort of you know tGVOCUuFutU-01465-00307600-00307734 terror tGVOCUuFutU-01466-00307735-00308119 that you know those things were in fact tGVOCUuFutU-01467-00308120-00308439 far more decisive in choosing tGVOCUuFutU-01468-00308440-00308743 in in in sort of predetermining what tGVOCUuFutU-01469-00308744-00308903 kind of family you had and what kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01470-00308904-00309015 person you were tGVOCUuFutU-01471-00309016-00309334 and how you felt about your life uh tGVOCUuFutU-01472-00309335-00309519 than than i had ever actually ever tGVOCUuFutU-01473-00309520-00309806 considered and of course when tGVOCUuFutU-01474-00309807-00310054 finally when the epigenetic study came tGVOCUuFutU-01475-00310055-00310223 out that really kind of cemented that tGVOCUuFutU-01476-00310224-00310303 idea tGVOCUuFutU-01477-00310304-00310630 in in a really concrete way so it kind tGVOCUuFutU-01478-00310631-00310823 of grew out of a magazine article but tGVOCUuFutU-01479-00310824-00310967 eventually tGVOCUuFutU-01480-00310968-00311143 kind of you know grew into this larger tGVOCUuFutU-01481-00311144-00311303 thing because i realized the story i tGVOCUuFutU-01482-00311304-00311423 wanted to tell wasn't just my tGVOCUuFutU-01483-00311424-00311558 grandfather's story tGVOCUuFutU-01484-00311559-00311887 it was the story of my family but really tGVOCUuFutU-01485-00311888-00312047 it was an opportunity to tell the story tGVOCUuFutU-01486-00312048-00312295 of the soviet union through seven people tGVOCUuFutU-01487-00312296-00312495 and i always found that that history is tGVOCUuFutU-01488-00312496-00312671 really much more exciting tGVOCUuFutU-01489-00312672-00312847 when it is made personal when it's tGVOCUuFutU-01490-00312848-00313087 conveyed in you know personal specifics tGVOCUuFutU-01491-00313088-00313223 not in these kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01492-00313224-00313510 the generalities of textbooks right so tGVOCUuFutU-01493-00313511-00313591 that's kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01494-00313592-00314143 how the the books came about tGVOCUuFutU-01495-00314144-00314454 thank you so much thank you tGVOCUuFutU-01496-00314455-00314671 thanks liam for that question um tGVOCUuFutU-01497-00314672-00314823 elizabeth will get to you but if i could tGVOCUuFutU-01498-00314824-00314879 use my tGVOCUuFutU-01499-00314880-00315239 hosts tGVOCUuFutU-01500-00315240-00315567 a quick follow-up there um tGVOCUuFutU-01501-00315568-00315734 i guess one aspect of the book that tGVOCUuFutU-01502-00315735-00315975 hasn't come up is your story and how you tGVOCUuFutU-01503-00315976-00316030 integrate tGVOCUuFutU-01504-00316031-00316271 your experience um growing up in the tGVOCUuFutU-01505-00316272-00316479 united states primarily tGVOCUuFutU-01506-00316480-00316767 um so i'm curious sort of following up tGVOCUuFutU-01507-00316768-00316791 on tGVOCUuFutU-01508-00316792-00317015 this previous question and answer at tGVOCUuFutU-01509-00317016-00317119 what point did you tGVOCUuFutU-01510-00317120-00317295 decide to incorporate yourself and how tGVOCUuFutU-01511-00317296-00317510 did you like what differences are there tGVOCUuFutU-01512-00317511-00317599 about tGVOCUuFutU-01513-00317600-00317782 between writing about your grandfather tGVOCUuFutU-01514-00317783-00317982 and your family and then writing about tGVOCUuFutU-01515-00317983-00318039 yourself tGVOCUuFutU-01516-00318040-00318191 was that what challenges did that tGVOCUuFutU-01517-00318192-00318367 present yeah tGVOCUuFutU-01518-00318368-00318647 thanks for that question jose i think tGVOCUuFutU-01519-00318648-00318719 that was tGVOCUuFutU-01520-00318720-00318879 you know one of the really the hardest tGVOCUuFutU-01521-00318880-00319039 parts of the book because tGVOCUuFutU-01522-00319040-00319182 generally the difference between my tGVOCUuFutU-01523-00319183-00319406 grandfather my grandparents stories tGVOCUuFutU-01524-00319407-00319623 and my stories is that my story happened tGVOCUuFutU-01525-00319624-00319799 during peace time tGVOCUuFutU-01526-00319800-00319991 you know and it was a lot less dramatic tGVOCUuFutU-01527-00319992-00320182 you know i mean and so the challenge was tGVOCUuFutU-01528-00320183-00320358 how do you write a book tGVOCUuFutU-01529-00320359-00320551 in a tone that encompasses somebody you tGVOCUuFutU-01530-00320552-00320863 know being stalin's bodyguard and then tGVOCUuFutU-01531-00320864-00321230 you know and then escaping from tGVOCUuFutU-01532-00321231-00321503 hitler and you know living through world tGVOCUuFutU-01533-00321504-00321567 war ii tGVOCUuFutU-01534-00321568-00321895 and you know watching kind of these tGVOCUuFutU-01535-00321896-00322103 incredible events on life and death tGVOCUuFutU-01536-00322104-00322199 events unfold tGVOCUuFutU-01537-00322200-00322487 on a mass scale and then you know tGVOCUuFutU-01538-00322488-00322671 picking up the story in new york city in tGVOCUuFutU-01539-00322672-00322830 the 1980s when i was tGVOCUuFutU-01540-00322831-00323079 you know a kid and an immigrant and i tGVOCUuFutU-01541-00323080-00323230 think that had to that was really tGVOCUuFutU-01542-00323231-00323423 difficult because tGVOCUuFutU-01543-00323424-00323695 i didn't know how to essentially write tGVOCUuFutU-01544-00323696-00323854 the book in a town that honored tGVOCUuFutU-01545-00323855-00324110 all of those kind of registers of drama tGVOCUuFutU-01546-00324111-00324206 right tGVOCUuFutU-01547-00324207-00324543 um and and i think that also had to i tGVOCUuFutU-01548-00324544-00324703 think the solution had to do with the tGVOCUuFutU-01549-00324704-00324887 fact that tGVOCUuFutU-01550-00324888-00325151 you know the only parts of my story that tGVOCUuFutU-01551-00325152-00325295 i put in were the ones that seemed tGVOCUuFutU-01552-00325296-00325479 thematically bound to the rest of the tGVOCUuFutU-01553-00325480-00325695 story so one solution was really tGVOCUuFutU-01554-00325696-00325782 figuring out tGVOCUuFutU-01555-00325783-00326063 what this book was about what that what tGVOCUuFutU-01556-00326064-00326287 the thematic spine of it was because tGVOCUuFutU-01557-00326288-00326463 it couldn't just be a bunch of stories tGVOCUuFutU-01558-00326464-00326719 it had to it had to be about something tGVOCUuFutU-01559-00326720-00326975 and of course in the end it became about tGVOCUuFutU-01560-00326976-00327206 this idea of inheriting tGVOCUuFutU-01561-00327207-00327534 of inheriting trauma of inheriting tGVOCUuFutU-01562-00327535-00327743 essentially the lives of people who came tGVOCUuFutU-01563-00327744-00327847 before us tGVOCUuFutU-01564-00327848-00328158 and how those and how we hold those tGVOCUuFutU-01565-00328159-00328278 events tGVOCUuFutU-01566-00328279-00328503 in our own lives right and not just in tGVOCUuFutU-01567-00328504-00328775 the sense of you know tGVOCUuFutU-01568-00328776-00329023 feeling traumatized but really in terms tGVOCUuFutU-01569-00329024-00329239 of what those events mean what does it tGVOCUuFutU-01570-00329240-00329487 mean to kind of you know tGVOCUuFutU-01571-00329488-00329719 live through life in this country and tGVOCUuFutU-01572-00329720-00329871 then leave that country and come to tGVOCUuFutU-01573-00329872-00330030 another country you know where tGVOCUuFutU-01574-00330031-00330278 the value system and you know tGVOCUuFutU-01575-00330279-00330351 essentially tGVOCUuFutU-01576-00330352-00330495 the things want to aspire to are tGVOCUuFutU-01577-00330496-00330719 completely different right tGVOCUuFutU-01578-00330720-00331110 um so you know so so the spine of this tGVOCUuFutU-01579-00331111-00331247 book was always history tGVOCUuFutU-01580-00331248-00331551 and kind of our relation to that history tGVOCUuFutU-01581-00331552-00331599 at tGVOCUuFutU-01582-00331600-00331878 any point in our lives right um the tGVOCUuFutU-01583-00331879-00332047 sense that it that we were tGVOCUuFutU-01584-00332048-00332263 that history was always essentially with tGVOCUuFutU-01585-00332264-00332423 us even when we were tGVOCUuFutU-01586-00332424-00332710 in the you know even many years later tGVOCUuFutU-01587-00332711-00332799 you know and how tGVOCUuFutU-01588-00332800-00333087 how it might how it unfolds in our lives tGVOCUuFutU-01589-00333088-00333110 and tGVOCUuFutU-01590-00333111-00333351 in the way that we you know become tGVOCUuFutU-01591-00333352-00333447 adults tGVOCUuFutU-01592-00333448-00333791 um so that was one thing and the other tGVOCUuFutU-01593-00333792-00333854 thing again tGVOCUuFutU-01594-00333855-00334030 had to do with restraint it had to do tGVOCUuFutU-01595-00334031-00334263 with using a tone that was tGVOCUuFutU-01596-00334264-00334534 essentially didn't ever try to amplify tGVOCUuFutU-01597-00334535-00334719 the drama right because it's easy to tGVOCUuFutU-01598-00334720-00334806 kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01599-00334807-00335023 tell stories where people are getting tGVOCUuFutU-01600-00335024-00335127 killed and tGVOCUuFutU-01601-00335128-00335382 you know and really try to sort of you tGVOCUuFutU-01602-00335383-00335575 know fan those flames tGVOCUuFutU-01603-00335576-00335767 and i think what i had to come what i tGVOCUuFutU-01604-00335768-00335903 had to find was a tone that was tGVOCUuFutU-01605-00335904-00336030 essentially tGVOCUuFutU-01606-00336031-00336239 really just the facts right that was tGVOCUuFutU-01607-00336240-00336430 that that really allowed the story tGVOCUuFutU-01608-00336431-00336703 just to exist without any amplification tGVOCUuFutU-01609-00336704-00336823 without any tGVOCUuFutU-01610-00336824-00337071 you know fanning of the flame you know tGVOCUuFutU-01611-00337072-00337215 to just let it tGVOCUuFutU-01612-00337216-00337471 to just leave it alone and essentially tGVOCUuFutU-01613-00337472-00337551 so it tGVOCUuFutU-01614-00337552-00337782 for me i i think i had to find a tone tGVOCUuFutU-01615-00337783-00337991 that was that just had extreme restraint tGVOCUuFutU-01616-00337992-00338143 in it and sort of tGVOCUuFutU-01617-00338144-00338334 you know an ability to tell the story tGVOCUuFutU-01618-00338335-00338463 without tGVOCUuFutU-01619-00338464-00338823 too much imposition of my voice onto it tGVOCUuFutU-01620-00338824-00338903 you know tGVOCUuFutU-01621-00338904-00339127 to kind of let the facts breathe and let tGVOCUuFutU-01622-00339128-00339215 them tGVOCUuFutU-01623-00339216-00339606 you know uh and not try to work them up tGVOCUuFutU-01624-00339607-00339782 you know into a frenzied state i don't tGVOCUuFutU-01625-00339783-00339919 know if that makes tGVOCUuFutU-01626-00339920-00340239 sense um yes yeah yeah but tGVOCUuFutU-01627-00340240-00340558 but there's a kind of you know i i think tGVOCUuFutU-01628-00340559-00340782 i think when you're writing about really tGVOCUuFutU-01629-00340783-00340951 horrifying events tGVOCUuFutU-01630-00340952-00341199 you you as a writer it's always a good tGVOCUuFutU-01631-00341200-00341310 policy to just tGVOCUuFutU-01632-00341311-00341647 let the story just tell the story don't tGVOCUuFutU-01633-00341648-00341991 you know don't don't you know be tGVOCUuFutU-01634-00341992-00342223 the pitch man for those events don't you tGVOCUuFutU-01635-00342224-00342327 don't hype them just tGVOCUuFutU-01636-00342328-00342567 let them let them tell their own story tGVOCUuFutU-01637-00342568-00342671 let tGVOCUuFutU-01638-00342672-00343006 respect the reader enough to allow them tGVOCUuFutU-01639-00343007-00343087 to be moved tGVOCUuFutU-01640-00343088-00343382 just by the story you don't have to work tGVOCUuFutU-01641-00343383-00343447 uh tGVOCUuFutU-01642-00343448-00343734 as a writer to try to persuade them you tGVOCUuFutU-01643-00343735-00343863 know or use rhetoric tGVOCUuFutU-01644-00343864-00344095 just you know if you write with enough tGVOCUuFutU-01645-00344096-00344278 detail and enough tGVOCUuFutU-01646-00344279-00344519 richness i i you know i think that the tGVOCUuFutU-01647-00344520-00344751 the meaning and the emotional tGVOCUuFutU-01648-00344752-00344910 significance of the story will come tGVOCUuFutU-01649-00344911-00345399 through tGVOCUuFutU-01650-00345400-00345527 sorry i was having trouble in meeting tGVOCUuFutU-01651-00345528-00345782 myself um yeah i i thought tGVOCUuFutU-01652-00345783-00346143 it worked for me in that third section tGVOCUuFutU-01653-00346144-00346343 there's about your own story and your tGVOCUuFutU-01654-00346344-00346463 own experiences and tGVOCUuFutU-01655-00346464-00346703 um you know things that were moving but tGVOCUuFutU-01656-00346704-00346823 also the tGVOCUuFutU-01657-00346824-00347182 funnier lighter parts um tGVOCUuFutU-01658-00347183-00347478 and for me you know i immigrated from tGVOCUuFutU-01659-00347479-00347575 columbia tGVOCUuFutU-01660-00347576-00347878 at a young age similar to you i saw some tGVOCUuFutU-01661-00347879-00348030 parallels at least and tGVOCUuFutU-01662-00348031-00348382 it resonated with me on a key level tGVOCUuFutU-01663-00348383-00348487 there yeah tGVOCUuFutU-01664-00348488-00348695 um and i also thought it was just super tGVOCUuFutU-01665-00348696-00348815 important to tGVOCUuFutU-01666-00348816-00349063 have lighter parts because so much of tGVOCUuFutU-01667-00349064-00349127 the book tGVOCUuFutU-01668-00349128-00349358 is heavy you know that i wanted there to tGVOCUuFutU-01669-00349359-00349527 be some you know tGVOCUuFutU-01670-00349528-00349678 some lighter parts some parts that tGVOCUuFutU-01671-00349679-00349878 weren't you know about tGVOCUuFutU-01672-00349879-00350206 you know troops marching you know that tGVOCUuFutU-01673-00350207-00350375 they were just a little bit a little bit tGVOCUuFutU-01674-00350376-00350599 quieter and funnier tGVOCUuFutU-01675-00350600-00350910 but i'm glad it resonated tGVOCUuFutU-01676-00350911-00351215 elizabeth hi tGVOCUuFutU-01677-00351216-00351454 thank you so much for giving this talk i tGVOCUuFutU-01678-00351455-00351599 have a couple questions about tGVOCUuFutU-01679-00351600-00351751 your experience with meeting your tGVOCUuFutU-01680-00351752-00351910 grandfather so tGVOCUuFutU-01681-00351911-00352119 understandably as a journalist you would tGVOCUuFutU-01682-00352120-00352215 want to like tGVOCUuFutU-01683-00352216-00352415 get to the bottom of the story and find tGVOCUuFutU-01684-00352416-00352647 out like the intricacies and details tGVOCUuFutU-01685-00352648-00352871 but i was wondering if on some level you tGVOCUuFutU-01686-00352872-00352958 didn't want to know tGVOCUuFutU-01687-00352959-00353191 everything or perhaps some of the darker tGVOCUuFutU-01688-00353192-00353375 parts you didn't want to know about tGVOCUuFutU-01689-00353376-00353615 and then secondly was there an emotional tGVOCUuFutU-01690-00353616-00353710 impact on you tGVOCUuFutU-01691-00353711-00353927 as a result of finding about finding out tGVOCUuFutU-01692-00353928-00354087 about your family's past tGVOCUuFutU-01693-00354088-00354239 and i suppose that could relate to your tGVOCUuFutU-01694-00354240-00354775 ideas about inherited trauma as well tGVOCUuFutU-01695-00354776-00355015 thank you elizabeth for that question um tGVOCUuFutU-01696-00355016-00355271 i think um tGVOCUuFutU-01697-00355272-00355487 did i want to get to the bottom of it um tGVOCUuFutU-01698-00355488-00355815 yes i i mean tGVOCUuFutU-01699-00355816-00355975 as a journalist i definitely wanted to tGVOCUuFutU-01700-00355976-00356151 learn as much as i could tGVOCUuFutU-01701-00356152-00356463 um on the other hand tGVOCUuFutU-01702-00356464-00356575 you know there was a part of me that tGVOCUuFutU-01703-00356576-00356799 wanted to you know i was finding a tGVOCUuFutU-01704-00356800-00356975 grandfather you know i was finding tGVOCUuFutU-01705-00356976-00357167 a member of my family that i never met tGVOCUuFutU-01706-00357168-00357278 and tGVOCUuFutU-01707-00357279-00357454 you know what surprised me is you know tGVOCUuFutU-01708-00357455-00357671 my father really hated him tGVOCUuFutU-01709-00357672-00357910 my father hated his father and you know tGVOCUuFutU-01710-00357911-00358030 partly was because tGVOCUuFutU-01711-00358031-00358223 he was a really bad father but partly it tGVOCUuFutU-01712-00358224-00358367 was also because tGVOCUuFutU-01713-00358368-00358671 my father you know loved rock music and tGVOCUuFutU-01714-00358672-00358767 american movies tGVOCUuFutU-01715-00358768-00359078 and he hated stalin as me he he was tGVOCUuFutU-01716-00359079-00359223 deeply ashamed of the fact that his tGVOCUuFutU-01717-00359224-00359358 father had been tGVOCUuFutU-01718-00359359-00359615 you know a stalinist a member of the k tGVOCUuFutU-01719-00359616-00359767 of the secret police you know tGVOCUuFutU-01720-00359768-00359991 he thought this was absolutely terrible tGVOCUuFutU-01721-00359992-00360215 and he was very ashamed of that tGVOCUuFutU-01722-00360216-00360463 so i i think part of the surprise for me tGVOCUuFutU-01723-00360464-00360623 was how much i like my grandfather that tGVOCUuFutU-01724-00360624-00360767 he wasn't this monster that he was tGVOCUuFutU-01725-00360768-00360839 actually tGVOCUuFutU-01726-00360840-00361143 a smart well-spoken you know interesting tGVOCUuFutU-01727-00361144-00361303 guy tGVOCUuFutU-01728-00361304-00361471 and a part of me you know wanted him to tGVOCUuFutU-01729-00361472-00361671 turn out to be like a really great guy tGVOCUuFutU-01730-00361672-00361727 you know tGVOCUuFutU-01731-00361728-00362023 but of course i was also there in two tGVOCUuFutU-01732-00362024-00362223 capacities right one as a journalist one tGVOCUuFutU-01733-00362224-00362278 as tGVOCUuFutU-01734-00362279-00362543 a family member so yeah there was it was tGVOCUuFutU-01735-00362544-00362639 really conflicting tGVOCUuFutU-01736-00362640-00362991 because and also he really tGVOCUuFutU-01737-00362992-00363167 made it hard he really didn't want to tGVOCUuFutU-01738-00363168-00363303 tell me this stuff tGVOCUuFutU-01739-00363304-00363606 so and and at times he sort of kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01740-00363607-00363695 gave me tGVOCUuFutU-01741-00363696-00363847 he was like you know are you here to tGVOCUuFutU-01742-00363848-00364047 interrogate me and so tGVOCUuFutU-01743-00364048-00364215 a part of me really felt bad for him tGVOCUuFutU-01744-00364216-00364510 like why am i putting him through this tGVOCUuFutU-01745-00364511-00364703 so yeah it was it was really tough it tGVOCUuFutU-01746-00364704-00365078 was really difficult to tGVOCUuFutU-01747-00365079-00365230 sometimes i thought i was being really tGVOCUuFutU-01748-00365231-00365454 cruel like like what right do i have to tGVOCUuFutU-01749-00365455-00365575 just show up tGVOCUuFutU-01750-00365576-00365743 in this guy's life and be like tell me tGVOCUuFutU-01751-00365744-00365878 everything about your life everything tGVOCUuFutU-01752-00365879-00365958 that you did tGVOCUuFutU-01753-00365959-00366151 and i want i want you to tell me all the tGVOCUuFutU-01754-00366152-00366287 things you're ashamed of tGVOCUuFutU-01755-00366288-00366478 you know that's that's a lot to ask tGVOCUuFutU-01756-00366479-00366719 basically a stranger who's 93 years old tGVOCUuFutU-01757-00366720-00366815 right tGVOCUuFutU-01758-00366816-00367015 so yeah i mean sometimes being a tGVOCUuFutU-01759-00367016-00367223 journalist is really unsavory tGVOCUuFutU-01760-00367224-00367375 because you're basically manipulating tGVOCUuFutU-01761-00367376-00367575 people into giving you what you want tGVOCUuFutU-01762-00367576-00367767 i mean you know janet malcolm writes tGVOCUuFutU-01763-00367768-00367887 about this all the time tGVOCUuFutU-01764-00367888-00368199 you know it's and sometimes you feel tGVOCUuFutU-01765-00368200-00368382 sometimes i feel as a journalist really tGVOCUuFutU-01766-00368383-00368527 conflicted about that tGVOCUuFutU-01767-00368528-00368734 sometimes i feel like a creep because tGVOCUuFutU-01768-00368735-00368871 i'm essentially tGVOCUuFutU-01769-00368872-00369047 trying to you know wheel this tGVOCUuFutU-01770-00369048-00369206 information out of people tGVOCUuFutU-01771-00369207-00369375 and it feels even stranger when you're tGVOCUuFutU-01772-00369376-00369527 doing it with a member of your own tGVOCUuFutU-01773-00369528-00369682 family tGVOCUuFutU-01774-00369683-00369967 um in tGVOCUuFutU-01775-00369968-00370278 in terms of your second question i tGVOCUuFutU-01776-00370279-00370567 you know i really struggled with with tGVOCUuFutU-01777-00370568-00370647 learning tGVOCUuFutU-01778-00370648-00370927 more about him because it made me feel tGVOCUuFutU-01779-00370928-00371175 partly responsible and i know that's tGVOCUuFutU-01780-00371176-00371406 kind of dumb because i didn't do those tGVOCUuFutU-01781-00371407-00371502 things he did tGVOCUuFutU-01782-00371503-00371799 but in a sense you know when you learn tGVOCUuFutU-01783-00371800-00372015 that you're descended from a person who tGVOCUuFutU-01784-00372016-00372351 hurt a lot of people for a long time tGVOCUuFutU-01785-00372352-00372510 you know it makes you kind of question tGVOCUuFutU-01786-00372511-00372663 your own tGVOCUuFutU-01787-00372664-00372871 your own morality your own sort of you tGVOCUuFutU-01788-00372872-00373054 know who you are you know your own sort tGVOCUuFutU-01789-00373055-00373182 of fiber tGVOCUuFutU-01790-00373183-00373487 and you know tGVOCUuFutU-01791-00373488-00373687 and it also made me you know once the tGVOCUuFutU-01792-00373688-00373830 epigenetic stuff tGVOCUuFutU-01793-00373831-00374158 came out i did start to wonder like what tGVOCUuFutU-01794-00374159-00374399 what am i you know what did i inherit tGVOCUuFutU-01795-00374400-00374471 from him tGVOCUuFutU-01796-00374472-00374663 you know what am i carrying around in my tGVOCUuFutU-01797-00374664-00374878 in my genetic code you know tGVOCUuFutU-01798-00374879-00375223 because after reading a bunch of tGVOCUuFutU-01799-00375224-00375471 you know one is a sense of guilt because tGVOCUuFutU-01800-00375472-00375606 obviously tGVOCUuFutU-01801-00375607-00375919 he you know he he hurt a lot of people tGVOCUuFutU-01802-00375920-00376151 and deprived a lot of people of their tGVOCUuFutU-01803-00376152-00376399 parents and siblings and you know tGVOCUuFutU-01804-00376400-00376606 spouses tGVOCUuFutU-01805-00376607-00376806 i don't i don't know the entirety of it tGVOCUuFutU-01806-00376807-00377039 but i know it was tGVOCUuFutU-01807-00377040-00377287 you know there were atrocities you know tGVOCUuFutU-01808-00377288-00377406 but i also tGVOCUuFutU-01809-00377407-00377575 having really immersed myself in reading tGVOCUuFutU-01810-00377576-00377751 a lot of psychology and the psychology tGVOCUuFutU-01811-00377752-00377943 of trauma tGVOCUuFutU-01812-00377944-00378078 as it turned out people who had tGVOCUuFutU-01813-00378079-00378310 committed atrocities during war tGVOCUuFutU-01814-00378311-00378534 in places like prisons actually ended up tGVOCUuFutU-01815-00378535-00378782 as traumatized as the victims tGVOCUuFutU-01816-00378783-00378951 because and their lives they had the tGVOCUuFutU-01817-00378952-00379134 same propensity for ptsd tGVOCUuFutU-01818-00379135-00379447 for you know depersonalization tGVOCUuFutU-01819-00379448-00379727 for you know all kinds of schizoid tGVOCUuFutU-01820-00379728-00379791 symptoms tGVOCUuFutU-01821-00379792-00380071 as the victims it it turns out people tGVOCUuFutU-01822-00380072-00380143 don't really tGVOCUuFutU-01823-00380144-00380343 do well with being torturers and tGVOCUuFutU-01824-00380344-00380502 murderers you know tGVOCUuFutU-01825-00380503-00380727 it really takes a toll on you you know tGVOCUuFutU-01826-00380728-00380927 which maybe is not that surprising tGVOCUuFutU-01827-00380928-00381087 we don't often feel sorry for those tGVOCUuFutU-01828-00381088-00381358 people because you know they are the tGVOCUuFutU-01829-00381359-00381615 they are the perpetrators but um but tGVOCUuFutU-01830-00381616-00381702 it's still a fact tGVOCUuFutU-01831-00381703-00382006 so yeah there was i felt very guilty and tGVOCUuFutU-01832-00382007-00382127 i felt very weird tGVOCUuFutU-01833-00382128-00382343 for a long time just to put it really tGVOCUuFutU-01834-00382344-00382527 simply you know after learning what he tGVOCUuFutU-01835-00382528-00382575 had tGVOCUuFutU-01836-00382576-00382887 who he was and what he had done because tGVOCUuFutU-01837-00382888-00383158 it really made me you know question my tGVOCUuFutU-01838-00383159-00383199 own tGVOCUuFutU-01839-00383200-00383510 my own life my own relationship to those tGVOCUuFutU-01840-00383511-00383647 events you know tGVOCUuFutU-01841-00383648-00383999 um and sometimes i felt guilty about tGVOCUuFutU-01842-00384000-00384199 living in peacetime america tGVOCUuFutU-01843-00384200-00384406 and going to like a nice liberal arts tGVOCUuFutU-01844-00384407-00384519 college tGVOCUuFutU-01845-00384520-00384678 i went to oberlin and you know having tGVOCUuFutU-01846-00384679-00385006 this kind of really tGVOCUuFutU-01847-00385007-00385367 easy life you know in a way compared to tGVOCUuFutU-01848-00385368-00385527 my parents and my grandparents who tGVOCUuFutU-01849-00385528-00385887 really you know had it much harder tGVOCUuFutU-01850-00385888-00386078 so yeah there was a lot there was a lot tGVOCUuFutU-01851-00386079-00386343 of real misgivings and a lot of tGVOCUuFutU-01852-00386344-00386782 a lot of strangeness around this process tGVOCUuFutU-01853-00386783-00387382 thank you thank you questions tGVOCUuFutU-01854-00387383-00387606 i have one i'm not sure if it's been tGVOCUuFutU-01855-00387607-00387695 answered tGVOCUuFutU-01856-00387696-00388039 but hearing your recent uh your response tGVOCUuFutU-01857-00388040-00388295 to elizabeth's question i was wondering tGVOCUuFutU-01858-00388296-00388654 um since there was so tGVOCUuFutU-01859-00388655-00389015 since you felt a lot of um guilt in tGVOCUuFutU-01860-00389016-00389239 trying to uncover your grandfather's tGVOCUuFutU-01861-00389240-00389327 story tGVOCUuFutU-01862-00389328-00389534 may ask why your grandfather continued tGVOCUuFutU-01863-00389535-00389663 on um tGVOCUuFutU-01864-00389664-00389975 telling his story and um i guess the tGVOCUuFutU-01865-00389976-00390063 aftermath of tGVOCUuFutU-01866-00390064-00390439 having the story published tGVOCUuFutU-01867-00390440-00390719 um did you me do you mean the aftermath tGVOCUuFutU-01868-00390720-00390815 for him tGVOCUuFutU-01869-00390816-00391191 yes well he passed away in 2008 tGVOCUuFutU-01870-00391192-00391471 so part of part of writing a book for 11 tGVOCUuFutU-01871-00391472-00391639 years about very old people is they may tGVOCUuFutU-01872-00391640-00391702 not tGVOCUuFutU-01873-00391703-00392039 live to see it so um he actually did not tGVOCUuFutU-01874-00392040-00392143 see the book and tGVOCUuFutU-01875-00392144-00392558 um so i i don't know what his reaction tGVOCUuFutU-01876-00392559-00392654 to it would have been tGVOCUuFutU-01877-00392655-00393071 you know um it's getting translated into tGVOCUuFutU-01878-00393072-00393182 russian it hasn't yet tGVOCUuFutU-01879-00393183-00393406 it's being translated into polish i tGVOCUuFutU-01880-00393407-00393551 don't know if it'll be translated into tGVOCUuFutU-01881-00393552-00393687 ukrainian tGVOCUuFutU-01882-00393688-00394087 but um tGVOCUuFutU-01883-00394088-00394278 you know it's interesting the first part tGVOCUuFutU-01884-00394279-00394487 of your question i think tGVOCUuFutU-01885-00394488-00394663 and it kind of lies at the heart of tGVOCUuFutU-01886-00394664-00394910 journalism right because often people tGVOCUuFutU-01887-00394911-00395134 will tell you things about themselves tGVOCUuFutU-01888-00395135-00395295 when you're interviewing them tGVOCUuFutU-01889-00395296-00395415 that really aren't in their best tGVOCUuFutU-01890-00395416-00395575 interest where they're really putting tGVOCUuFutU-01891-00395576-00395791 themselves in a situation where tGVOCUuFutU-01892-00395792-00395958 they're they're not you know it's like tGVOCUuFutU-01893-00395959-00396182 why and as a journalist i often wonder tGVOCUuFutU-01894-00396183-00396415 like why are you telling me this like tGVOCUuFutU-01895-00396416-00396695 you you know you know i'm here to like tGVOCUuFutU-01896-00396696-00396854 you know write tGVOCUuFutU-01897-00396855-00397063 about your life and you know a good tGVOCUuFutU-01898-00397064-00397319 journalist is a person who's tGVOCUuFutU-01899-00397320-00397495 you know who doesn't play favorites you tGVOCUuFutU-01900-00397496-00397702 know you're as a journalist your tGVOCUuFutU-01901-00397703-00397878 allegiance is always to getting a good tGVOCUuFutU-01902-00397879-00398078 story and that good story and then tGVOCUuFutU-01903-00398079-00398287 getting a good story usually means tGVOCUuFutU-01904-00398288-00398463 capturing someone in a kind of tGVOCUuFutU-01905-00398464-00398687 undefended state you know where they're tGVOCUuFutU-01906-00398688-00398823 really vulnerable and they're showing tGVOCUuFutU-01907-00398824-00399071 who they really are you know tGVOCUuFutU-01908-00399072-00399327 people when they invited journalists tGVOCUuFutU-01909-00399328-00399510 into their life tGVOCUuFutU-01910-00399511-00399687 usually they that they have a press tGVOCUuFutU-01911-00399688-00399815 release version of themselves that tGVOCUuFutU-01912-00399816-00400006 they're trying to sell you right tGVOCUuFutU-01913-00400007-00400254 and they and they really believe i i tGVOCUuFutU-01914-00400255-00400391 really think that they really believe in tGVOCUuFutU-01915-00400392-00400534 some part of themselves that that is tGVOCUuFutU-01916-00400535-00400647 going to be tGVOCUuFutU-01917-00400648-00400839 what happens right because they really tGVOCUuFutU-01918-00400840-00401015 think that they're going to convince you tGVOCUuFutU-01919-00401016-00401191 that they're this like completely tGVOCUuFutU-01920-00401192-00401375 whitewashed you know tGVOCUuFutU-01921-00401376-00401534 kind of like person who's you know a tGVOCUuFutU-01922-00401535-00401775 great contributor to science or you know tGVOCUuFutU-01923-00401776-00401943 a pioneering artist and of course as a tGVOCUuFutU-01924-00401944-00402151 journalist you always want to get under tGVOCUuFutU-01925-00402152-00402302 beyond the press release you want to tGVOCUuFutU-01926-00402303-00402487 like have a peek behind the curtain tGVOCUuFutU-01927-00402488-00402702 at the weirdness or the vulnerability or tGVOCUuFutU-01928-00402703-00402791 the you know tGVOCUuFutU-01929-00402792-00402975 or whatever strange things this person tGVOCUuFutU-01930-00402976-00403239 does so tGVOCUuFutU-01931-00403240-00403487 you know with my grandfather i think he tGVOCUuFutU-01932-00403488-00403751 kept telling me the story because he tGVOCUuFutU-01933-00403752-00404006 right so just just to finish that sorry tGVOCUuFutU-01934-00404007-00404151 i got sidetracked tGVOCUuFutU-01935-00404152-00404367 i think people really want to be known tGVOCUuFutU-01936-00404368-00404551 like in a weird way people really tell tGVOCUuFutU-01937-00404552-00404687 these stories because they want to be tGVOCUuFutU-01938-00404688-00404758 known tGVOCUuFutU-01939-00404759-00404975 and they want someone to know the truth tGVOCUuFutU-01940-00404976-00405102 about who they are tGVOCUuFutU-01941-00405103-00405430 and sometimes that desire gets tGVOCUuFutU-01942-00405431-00405599 better of their self-preservation tGVOCUuFutU-01943-00405600-00405799 instinct you know tGVOCUuFutU-01944-00405800-00405943 unless they're celebrities or really tGVOCUuFutU-01945-00405944-00406087 famous people in which case they've done tGVOCUuFutU-01946-00406088-00406199 this so often that tGVOCUuFutU-01947-00406200-00406399 they're totally practiced at it and tGVOCUuFutU-01948-00406400-00406519 they're impregnable tGVOCUuFutU-01949-00406520-00406702 but with somebody like my grandfather i tGVOCUuFutU-01950-00406703-00406927 think he really wanted tGVOCUuFutU-01951-00406928-00407102 the story to be told i think he really tGVOCUuFutU-01952-00407103-00407287 wanted me to know who he was tGVOCUuFutU-01953-00407288-00407471 and i think sometimes even when he tGVOCUuFutU-01954-00407472-00407727 realized that he was telling me terrible tGVOCUuFutU-01955-00407728-00407815 things tGVOCUuFutU-01956-00407816-00408015 like you know being there for that tGVOCUuFutU-01957-00408016-00408151 girl's abduction tGVOCUuFutU-01958-00408152-00408351 from the scene that i read i think he tGVOCUuFutU-01959-00408352-00408591 continued talking because i think tGVOCUuFutU-01960-00408592-00408887 some you know he was an old man he he tGVOCUuFutU-01961-00408888-00409039 knew he wasn't going to be around for a tGVOCUuFutU-01962-00409040-00409175 very long time and tGVOCUuFutU-01963-00409176-00409319 i don't think anybody had asked him tGVOCUuFutU-01964-00409320-00409527 about this part of his life tGVOCUuFutU-01965-00409528-00409782 in probably 40 years you know and here i tGVOCUuFutU-01966-00409783-00409855 was tGVOCUuFutU-01967-00409856-00410063 this grandson from america who suddenly tGVOCUuFutU-01968-00410064-00410239 showed up and i was like tGVOCUuFutU-01969-00410239-00410399 sitting there with a notebook and i was tGVOCUuFutU-01970-00410400-00410574 saying tell me everything that tGVOCUuFutU-01971-00410575-00410934 has happened to you and i think tGVOCUuFutU-01972-00410935-00411134 i think that really part of that really tGVOCUuFutU-01973-00411135-00411310 loved it loved that you know he tGVOCUuFutU-01974-00411312-00411478 he finally had a chance to tell his tGVOCUuFutU-01975-00411479-00411639 story you know tGVOCUuFutU-01976-00411639-00411863 and and i and so i think there's a real tGVOCUuFutU-01977-00411864-00411982 conflict in people who are being tGVOCUuFutU-01978-00411983-00412070 interviewed tGVOCUuFutU-01979-00412071-00412247 about self-preservation and and tGVOCUuFutU-01980-00412247-00412382 preserving their tGVOCUuFutU-01981-00412383-00412687 you know their desire to be liked tGVOCUuFutU-01982-00412688-00412878 and approved of and their desire to tGVOCUuFutU-01983-00412879-00413087 actually tell their story as it really tGVOCUuFutU-01984-00413088-00413159 was tGVOCUuFutU-01985-00413160-00413551 so i i think i think somehow in him tGVOCUuFutU-01986-00413552-00413703 i mean it didn't win out completely tGVOCUuFutU-01987-00413704-00413878 because he didn't tell me a lot tGVOCUuFutU-01988-00413879-00414022 i mean he didn't tell me as much as i tGVOCUuFutU-01989-00414023-00414278 wanted him to but but i think that tGVOCUuFutU-01990-00414279-00414591 does that answer or get it that was very tGVOCUuFutU-01991-00414592-00414734 insightful thank you and and my tGVOCUuFutU-01992-00414735-00414855 condolences tGVOCUuFutU-01993-00414856-00415366 thank you very much tGVOCUuFutU-01994-00415367-00415703 uh nick tGVOCUuFutU-01995-00415704-00415863 um yeah i just want to start with tGVOCUuFutU-01996-00415864-00416055 reiterating all the thank yous of course tGVOCUuFutU-01997-00416056-00416239 it's been really great to hear from you tGVOCUuFutU-01998-00416239-00416495 um and one thing that particularly tGVOCUuFutU-01999-00416496-00416607 caught my attention tGVOCUuFutU-02000-00416608-00416799 um was the mention of the fact that from tGVOCUuFutU-02001-00416800-00416966 writing about your personal story and tGVOCUuFutU-02002-00416967-00417134 the story of your family you were able tGVOCUuFutU-02003-00417135-00417214 to tGVOCUuFutU-02004-00417215-00417439 write sort of a broader history of sorts tGVOCUuFutU-02005-00417439-00417607 as well and i'm wondering if tGVOCUuFutU-02006-00417608-00417926 in your writing process um any of it tGVOCUuFutU-02007-00417927-00418199 felt ethnographic likewise or if you tGVOCUuFutU-02008-00418200-00418359 felt like in writing about tGVOCUuFutU-02009-00418360-00418647 the personal story that you were that tGVOCUuFutU-02010-00418647-00418870 you were picking up on any cultural or tGVOCUuFutU-02011-00418871-00419087 social tendencies of the time especially tGVOCUuFutU-02012-00419088-00419191 as things that people tGVOCUuFutU-02013-00419192-00419439 often view as sort of inherited tGVOCUuFutU-02014-00419439-00419703 phenomena as well tGVOCUuFutU-02015-00419704-00419918 wow that's a really interesting question tGVOCUuFutU-02016-00419919-00420014 um yeah tGVOCUuFutU-02017-00420015-00420247 i think i think in you know i always tGVOCUuFutU-02018-00420247-00420510 thought of tGVOCUuFutU-02019-00420512-00420822 yeah it's interesting i mean in in a way tGVOCUuFutU-02020-00420823-00421118 i think in any good work of nonfiction tGVOCUuFutU-02021-00421119-00421255 you're trying to tGVOCUuFutU-02022-00421256-00421431 write about something larger than one tGVOCUuFutU-02023-00421432-00421614 person right even when you're telling a tGVOCUuFutU-02024-00421615-00421791 very personal story tGVOCUuFutU-02025-00421792-00422199 you're trying to capture tGVOCUuFutU-02026-00422200-00422351 something about the time and the place tGVOCUuFutU-02027-00422352-00422559 where this person lived right and about tGVOCUuFutU-02028-00422560-00422807 sort of the things that they felt as tGVOCUuFutU-02029-00422808-00422927 they are tGVOCUuFutU-02030-00422928-00423183 as they exist in sort of the larger tGVOCUuFutU-02031-00423184-00423310 society tGVOCUuFutU-02032-00423312-00423487 i think that's especially true when tGVOCUuFutU-02033-00423488-00423718 you're writing about the past right tGVOCUuFutU-02034-00423719-00424007 so a lot of these stories happened in tGVOCUuFutU-02035-00424008-00424127 places and times that i tGVOCUuFutU-02036-00424128-00424463 myself did not witness you know um tGVOCUuFutU-02037-00424464-00424814 much of the book in fact so tGVOCUuFutU-02038-00424815-00425039 i very much tried to kind of weave in tGVOCUuFutU-02039-00425039-00425239 enough ethnography and history tGVOCUuFutU-02040-00425239-00425566 and kind of you know um to tGVOCUuFutU-02041-00425567-00425743 to give a sense of what the place was tGVOCUuFutU-02042-00425743-00425943 who these people were you know tGVOCUuFutU-02043-00425943-00426166 i mean you know jews living in lithuania tGVOCUuFutU-02044-00426167-00426318 for example these were my mother's tGVOCUuFutU-02045-00426319-00426414 people tGVOCUuFutU-02046-00426415-00426695 you know had a very particular kind of tGVOCUuFutU-02047-00426696-00426870 culture and a very particular place in tGVOCUuFutU-02048-00426871-00427031 that society tGVOCUuFutU-02049-00427032-00427199 so in a way again there was this tGVOCUuFutU-02050-00427200-00427495 balancing act between trying to tGVOCUuFutU-02051-00427496-00427727 really provide enough historical tGVOCUuFutU-02052-00427728-00427855 illumination tGVOCUuFutU-02053-00427856-00428151 to really you know put these people in a tGVOCUuFutU-02054-00428152-00428239 you know in a kind of tGVOCUuFutU-02055-00428239-00428607 richer more resonant context to really tGVOCUuFutU-02056-00428608-00428727 tell the story tGVOCUuFutU-02057-00428728-00428918 of lit box you know these jews to tell tGVOCUuFutU-02058-00428919-00429055 the story of tGVOCUuFutU-02059-00429056-00429263 you know young people growing up in in tGVOCUuFutU-02060-00429264-00429455 moscow in the 70s tGVOCUuFutU-02061-00429456-00429727 in the case of in the 60s sorry in the tGVOCUuFutU-02062-00429728-00430087 case of my parents tGVOCUuFutU-02063-00430088-00430351 but also being careful not to make them tGVOCUuFutU-02064-00430352-00430463 into tGVOCUuFutU-02065-00430464-00430679 you know composites and into these kinds tGVOCUuFutU-02066-00430680-00430775 of like you know tGVOCUuFutU-02067-00430776-00430983 archetypes because they were very much tGVOCUuFutU-02068-00430984-00431095 unique people tGVOCUuFutU-02069-00431096-00431351 and i very much wanted them to retain tGVOCUuFutU-02070-00431352-00431575 their individuality and not be stand-ins tGVOCUuFutU-02071-00431576-00431639 for tGVOCUuFutU-02072-00431639-00431855 social tendencies or ethnographic traits tGVOCUuFutU-02073-00431856-00432070 right so i think that very much tGVOCUuFutU-02074-00432071-00432295 so it's it's it's a balancing act i tGVOCUuFutU-02075-00432296-00432479 think you have to tGVOCUuFutU-02076-00432480-00432751 uh you have to sort of be careful but at tGVOCUuFutU-02077-00432752-00432903 the same time tGVOCUuFutU-02078-00432904-00433063 you know the best biographies that i've tGVOCUuFutU-02079-00433064-00433247 ever read and the best memoirs tGVOCUuFutU-02080-00433247-00433559 all are partly histories because tGVOCUuFutU-02081-00433560-00433710 you know it's always far more tGVOCUuFutU-02082-00433712-00433918 interesting when you tGVOCUuFutU-02083-00433919-00434103 when you have such a you know a tGVOCUuFutU-02084-00434104-00434247 historically tGVOCUuFutU-02085-00434247-00434495 kind of like illuminated and rich book tGVOCUuFutU-02086-00434496-00434559 where tGVOCUuFutU-02087-00434560-00434710 you really learned something about the tGVOCUuFutU-02088-00434712-00434918 place and the culture and how tGVOCUuFutU-02089-00434919-00435183 people lived at a time that you may not tGVOCUuFutU-02090-00435184-00435351 have been around for tGVOCUuFutU-02091-00435352-00435639 and and you know so i i think i think tGVOCUuFutU-02092-00435639-00435775 that's incredibly important tGVOCUuFutU-02093-00435776-00435951 and i think you know because otherwise tGVOCUuFutU-02094-00435952-00436183 you just have a story of a person tGVOCUuFutU-02095-00436184-00436495 you know and and and i think the extent tGVOCUuFutU-02096-00436496-00436751 the ability to tie that person into tGVOCUuFutU-02097-00436752-00436839 larger tGVOCUuFutU-02098-00436839-00437070 larger events larger trends larger tGVOCUuFutU-02099-00437071-00437207 ethnographies tGVOCUuFutU-02100-00437208-00437463 is what makes a non-fiction book really tGVOCUuFutU-02101-00437464-00437518 resonant tGVOCUuFutU-02102-00437519-00437695 and makes it really kind of of interest tGVOCUuFutU-02103-00437696-00438014 to other people because you know i think tGVOCUuFutU-02104-00438015-00438239 family memoirs you know the challenge tGVOCUuFutU-02105-00438239-00438327 for me tGVOCUuFutU-02106-00438328-00438518 is why should i care right why should tGVOCUuFutU-02107-00438519-00438727 any of us care about somebody's family tGVOCUuFutU-02108-00438728-00438951 right unless they're you know unless tGVOCUuFutU-02109-00438952-00439231 they were famous in some way so i think tGVOCUuFutU-02110-00439232-00439510 for me this was always kind of kind of a tGVOCUuFutU-02111-00439512-00439735 history book masquerading as a memoir tGVOCUuFutU-02112-00439735-00439935 if i can kind of push it to that extent tGVOCUuFutU-02113-00439935-00440118 because i think that's where tGVOCUuFutU-02114-00440119-00440343 it gets really juicy and it gets really tGVOCUuFutU-02115-00440343-00440479 really good you know tGVOCUuFutU-02116-00440480-00440647 where you can really start to talk about tGVOCUuFutU-02117-00440647-00440879 these larger things tGVOCUuFutU-02118-00440880-00441214 does that answer your question yeah tGVOCUuFutU-02119-00441215-00441375 thank you so much that was great tGVOCUuFutU-02120-00441376-00441679 thank you i think tGVOCUuFutU-02121-00441680-00441814 we'll have time maybe for one more tGVOCUuFutU-02122-00441815-00442655 question is there any left tGVOCUuFutU-02123-00442656-00443135 there we go uh wendy tGVOCUuFutU-02124-00443135-00443455 yeah thank you tGVOCUuFutU-02125-00443456-00443751 uh thank you for the talk i just have tGVOCUuFutU-02126-00443752-00443903 can you comment on tGVOCUuFutU-02127-00443904-00444303 how you decide on the topic the young tGVOCUuFutU-02128-00444304-00444639 heroes in the soviet union oh you mean tGVOCUuFutU-02129-00444639-00444775 on the subject of the book tGVOCUuFutU-02130-00444776-00445031 yeah the subject uh how you name the you tGVOCUuFutU-02131-00445032-00445231 know how you came about the title of the tGVOCUuFutU-02132-00445232-00445463 oh you're asking about the title uh-huh tGVOCUuFutU-02133-00445464-00445791 yeah oh i see yeah okay got it got it um tGVOCUuFutU-02134-00445792-00446055 so uh the title of the book actually tGVOCUuFutU-02135-00446056-00446183 comes from a tGVOCUuFutU-02136-00446184-00446527 book that i had as a uh tGVOCUuFutU-02137-00446528-00446783 as a great grade school uh student in tGVOCUuFutU-02138-00446784-00446903 the soviet union tGVOCUuFutU-02139-00446904-00447191 so we had this book um that first tGVOCUuFutU-02140-00447192-00447255 graders tGVOCUuFutU-02141-00447256-00447575 were made to read in in you know tGVOCUuFutU-02142-00447576-00447766 pretty much in every school in the tGVOCUuFutU-02143-00447767-00447910 soviet union because it was a tGVOCUuFutU-02144-00447912-00448055 centralized system tGVOCUuFutU-02145-00448056-00448366 so you know in every every public school tGVOCUuFutU-02146-00448367-00448591 and there were no other kinds of schools tGVOCUuFutU-02147-00448592-00448966 uh we read this book called uh pianiere tGVOCUuFutU-02148-00448967-00449103 in russian which means tGVOCUuFutU-02149-00449104-00449366 pioneers heroes which i sort of which tGVOCUuFutU-02150-00449367-00449527 made it a little bit more understandable tGVOCUuFutU-02151-00449528-00449687 in english by calling it young heroes of tGVOCUuFutU-02152-00449688-00449807 the soviet union tGVOCUuFutU-02153-00449808-00450047 and what this book was was a it was a tGVOCUuFutU-02154-00450047-00450127 picture book tGVOCUuFutU-02155-00450128-00450366 because it was for seven-year-olds of tGVOCUuFutU-02156-00450367-00450551 young of actually tGVOCUuFutU-02157-00450552-00450743 children and teenagers who had given tGVOCUuFutU-02158-00450743-00450927 their lives for their country tGVOCUuFutU-02159-00450928-00451255 so so to make that clearer children and tGVOCUuFutU-02160-00451256-00451447 teenagers who were killed tGVOCUuFutU-02161-00451447-00451918 by tsarist white troops or by nazis tGVOCUuFutU-02162-00451919-00452127 so and this very much kind of for me tGVOCUuFutU-02163-00452128-00452310 captures the absurdity of tGVOCUuFutU-02164-00452312-00452455 the soviet union right because you have tGVOCUuFutU-02165-00452456-00452639 these seven-year-olds and they're me tGVOCUuFutU-02166-00452639-00452903 being made to read about children often tGVOCUuFutU-02167-00452904-00453151 children their own age who were murdered tGVOCUuFutU-02168-00453152-00453487 right for you know essentially for tGVOCUuFutU-02169-00453488-00453870 you know performing these heroic acts tGVOCUuFutU-02170-00453871-00454095 um i mean imagine a book like that in tGVOCUuFutU-02171-00454096-00454303 america right i mean tGVOCUuFutU-02172-00454304-00454543 people would lose their mind but and tGVOCUuFutU-02173-00454543-00454695 often these were illustrations tGVOCUuFutU-02174-00454696-00454935 the illustrations were of these children tGVOCUuFutU-02175-00454935-00454999 dying tGVOCUuFutU-02176-00455000-00455303 you know so and and this to me really tGVOCUuFutU-02177-00455304-00455470 symbolized something about the soviet tGVOCUuFutU-02178-00455471-00455543 union tGVOCUuFutU-02179-00455543-00455807 in the sense that it was really the idea tGVOCUuFutU-02180-00455808-00455879 of that book tGVOCUuFutU-02181-00455880-00456087 was that you were not important what was tGVOCUuFutU-02182-00456088-00456270 important was the collective tGVOCUuFutU-02183-00456271-00456583 what was important was you know the tGVOCUuFutU-02184-00456584-00456791 cause of communism and the cause tGVOCUuFutU-02185-00456792-00457007 of the soviet union right because the tGVOCUuFutU-02186-00457008-00457183 best thing you could do tGVOCUuFutU-02187-00457184-00457455 in your life was to die for your country tGVOCUuFutU-02188-00457456-00457591 so it was very much like tGVOCUuFutU-02189-00457592-00457735 in a way you know the stories of the tGVOCUuFutU-02190-00457735-00457999 catholic saints and that struck me as a tGVOCUuFutU-02191-00458000-00458359 really kind of tGVOCUuFutU-02192-00458360-00458710 symbolic book about tGVOCUuFutU-02193-00458712-00458903 this the soviet union right because it tGVOCUuFutU-02194-00458904-00459014 was like tGVOCUuFutU-02195-00459015-00459366 it was it was it was essentially tGVOCUuFutU-02196-00459367-00459559 you know the idea that you're constantly tGVOCUuFutU-02197-00459560-00459710 being taught tGVOCUuFutU-02198-00459712-00459895 in the soviet union was that what tGVOCUuFutU-02199-00459896-00460063 mattered was the country what mattered tGVOCUuFutU-02200-00460064-00460191 was the society tGVOCUuFutU-02201-00460192-00460327 what mattered was the cause of the tGVOCUuFutU-02202-00460328-00460575 proletariat and the communist system tGVOCUuFutU-02203-00460576-00460783 and that urine you as an individual tGVOCUuFutU-02204-00460784-00460991 didn't matter but of course tGVOCUuFutU-02205-00460992-00461183 the actual society of the soviet union tGVOCUuFutU-02206-00461184-00461327 was often quite different tGVOCUuFutU-02207-00461328-00461510 it was often about things like tGVOCUuFutU-02208-00461512-00461655 connections and tGVOCUuFutU-02209-00461656-00461879 you know all the you know the same tGVOCUuFutU-02210-00461880-00462079 things that is anywhere else tGVOCUuFutU-02211-00462080-00462399 so um it struck me as a kind of absurd tGVOCUuFutU-02212-00462400-00462495 and tGVOCUuFutU-02213-00462496-00462679 fun title to get to give this book tGVOCUuFutU-02214-00462680-00462831 because it really tGVOCUuFutU-02215-00462832-00463087 is is a title that has to do with you tGVOCUuFutU-02216-00463088-00463295 know i think it's both kind of ironic tGVOCUuFutU-02217-00463296-00463607 and and in a way you know serious you tGVOCUuFutU-02218-00463608-00463670 know it's tGVOCUuFutU-02219-00463671-00463959 it's it's sort of about what was tGVOCUuFutU-02220-00463960-00464095 expected of a person tGVOCUuFutU-02221-00464096-00464263 growing up in that country and living in tGVOCUuFutU-02222-00464264-00464479 that country and the kind of like tGVOCUuFutU-02223-00464480-00464751 psychological mindset that was tGVOCUuFutU-02224-00464752-00464822 encouraged tGVOCUuFutU-02225-00464823-00465095 so i thought it was and i like the idea tGVOCUuFutU-02226-00465096-00465303 of naming a book for another book tGVOCUuFutU-02227-00465304-00465510 i think that's kind of cool so that's tGVOCUuFutU-02228-00465512-00465710 how i came up with the title tGVOCUuFutU-02229-00465712-00465943 great that makes perfect sense because tGVOCUuFutU-02230-00465943-00466127 that also tGVOCUuFutU-02231-00466128-00466447 i think that draws some resemblance to tGVOCUuFutU-02232-00466447-00466687 the chinese context like the cultural tGVOCUuFutU-02233-00466688-00466799 revolution tGVOCUuFutU-02234-00466800-00467031 the collectivism there yeah so i can tGVOCUuFutU-02235-00467032-00467239 recognize that because we have a term tGVOCUuFutU-02236-00467239-00467335 for that tGVOCUuFutU-02237-00467335-00467631 in chinese uh not you know almost like tGVOCUuFutU-02238-00467632-00467727 young heroes tGVOCUuFutU-02239-00467728-00467918 you're like you're destructive and tGVOCUuFutU-02240-00467919-00468070 you're doing bad things but you have tGVOCUuFutU-02241-00468071-00468222 very good title tGVOCUuFutU-02242-00468223-00468583 thank you thank you yeah yeah i mean tGVOCUuFutU-02243-00468584-00468807 this is the the cover of the book is is tGVOCUuFutU-02244-00468808-00468918 a tGVOCUuFutU-02245-00468919-00469207 painting by my stepfather a guy named tGVOCUuFutU-02246-00469208-00469335 vitali komar who tGVOCUuFutU-02247-00469335-00469583 jose has met who was and essentially tGVOCUuFutU-02248-00469584-00469655 this was tGVOCUuFutU-02249-00469656-00469910 a a parody of socialist realism which tGVOCUuFutU-02250-00469912-00470031 was the official tGVOCUuFutU-02251-00470032-00470247 painting style of the soviet union which tGVOCUuFutU-02252-00470247-00470351 of course you know tGVOCUuFutU-02253-00470352-00470566 and i know that one of the things that tGVOCUuFutU-02254-00470567-00470718 the soviet union shared with china tGVOCUuFutU-02255-00470719-00470847 during the cultural revolution tGVOCUuFutU-02256-00470847-00471143 yes i think we copied that realism yeah tGVOCUuFutU-02257-00471143-00471310 it looks very familiar tGVOCUuFutU-02258-00471312-00471607 yeah yeah so it's you know it has very tGVOCUuFutU-02259-00471608-00471814 much the same kind of you know tGVOCUuFutU-02260-00471815-00471935 i think we grew up with similar tGVOCUuFutU-02261-00471935-00472159 propaganda yeah the mentality there yeah tGVOCUuFutU-02262-00472160-00472303 the same mentality so tGVOCUuFutU-02263-00472304-00472495 thank you for that question great thank tGVOCUuFutU-02264-00472496-00472831 you so much tGVOCUuFutU-02265-00472832-00473039 thank you alex thank you so much for tGVOCUuFutU-02266-00473039-00473327 this tGVOCUuFutU-02267-00473328-00473599 um i'm reading give a clap i invite tGVOCUuFutU-02268-00473600-00473799 others to clap heart whatever tGVOCUuFutU-02269-00473800-00474070 you feel like it's really wonderful um tGVOCUuFutU-02270-00474071-00474191 and i'll just remind tGVOCUuFutU-02271-00474192-00474407 people if you are on campus or near tGVOCUuFutU-02272-00474408-00474543 campus or tGVOCUuFutU-02273-00474543-00474807 maybe we can work it some other way um tGVOCUuFutU-02274-00474808-00474959 if you want a copy let me know i really tGVOCUuFutU-02275-00474960-00475022 have a bunch tGVOCUuFutU-02276-00475023-00475214 and as much as i like the book i really tGVOCUuFutU-02277-00475215-00475366 don't need an entire box tGVOCUuFutU-02278-00475367-00475703 full of them so are you sure well tGVOCUuFutU-02279-00475704-00475951 i'm happy to share that's the main thing tGVOCUuFutU-02280-00475952-00476079 thank you tGVOCUuFutU-02281-00476080-00476383 thanks so much thank you yeah tGVOCUuFutU-02282-00476384-00476856 i will need a copy thank you tIMOaS97i8I-00000-00000000-00000969 thank you tIMOaS97i8I-00001-00000971-00001192 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00000-00000000-00001062 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00001-00001063-00001495 you were always tNLY4YrcMVg-00002-00001496-00002702 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00003-00002703-00003635 i lost my life but you lost your mind tNLY4YrcMVg-00004-00003636-00004293 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00005-00004294-00005356 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00006-00005357-00005727 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00007-00005728-00006115 you lost is son today tNLY4YrcMVg-00008-00006116-00007455 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00009-00007456-00007656 um tNLY4YrcMVg-00010-00007656-00008591 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00011-00008592-00009682 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00012-00009683-00009799 [Applause] tNLY4YrcMVg-00013-00009800-00010731 i lost my life but you tNLY4YrcMVg-00014-00010732-00011078 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00015-00011079-00011255 you took away the pain the only way you tNLY4YrcMVg-00016-00011256-00011373 knew tNLY4YrcMVg-00017-00011374-00012475 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00018-00012476-00012623 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00019-00012624-00012932 what can i say tNLY4YrcMVg-00020-00012933-00013257 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00021-00013258-00013572 [Laughter] tNLY4YrcMVg-00022-00013572-00014111 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00023-00014112-00014521 okay i want to hear that again tNLY4YrcMVg-00024-00014522-00015258 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00025-00015259-00016143 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00026-00016144-00016349 is tNLY4YrcMVg-00027-00016350-00016451 [Applause] tNLY4YrcMVg-00028-00016452-00017059 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00029-00017060-00018051 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00030-00018052-00019175 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00031-00019176-00019660 is tNLY4YrcMVg-00032-00019661-00020822 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00033-00020823-00021007 okay tNLY4YrcMVg-00034-00021008-00023750 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00035-00023751-00024183 if you think about it tNLY4YrcMVg-00036-00024184-00024375 all around us tNLY4YrcMVg-00037-00024376-00025323 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00038-00025324-00025962 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00039-00025963-00026543 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00040-00026544-00027823 yo mama got your flags on tNLY4YrcMVg-00041-00027824-00028407 is tNLY4YrcMVg-00042-00028408-00029031 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00043-00029032-00029214 it drives me crazy feeling that you had tNLY4YrcMVg-00044-00029216-00029676 to go and make the choice tNLY4YrcMVg-00045-00029677-00032239 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00046-00032239-00032439 my heart hurts as i try to live my life tNLY4YrcMVg-00047-00032439-00032774 without my best friend and my brother tNLY4YrcMVg-00048-00032775-00033272 my heart tNLY4YrcMVg-00049-00033273-00033744 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00050-00033745-00035074 [Applause] tNLY4YrcMVg-00051-00035075-00036171 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00052-00036172-00036462 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00053-00036463-00036629 choice tNLY4YrcMVg-00054-00036630-00037229 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00055-00037230-00038371 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00056-00038372-00040425 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00057-00040426-00040896 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00058-00040897-00041232 [Applause] tNLY4YrcMVg-00059-00041233-00042196 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00060-00042197-00042495 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00061-00042496-00042793 you've got to tNLY4YrcMVg-00062-00042794-00043758 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00063-00043759-00044095 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00064-00044096-00044330 you've got to tNLY4YrcMVg-00065-00044331-00045687 let us tNLY4YrcMVg-00066-00045688-00046702 you've got to tNLY4YrcMVg-00067-00046703-00046895 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00068-00046896-00047375 you've got to let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00069-00047376-00047830 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00070-00047831-00048187 you've got tNLY4YrcMVg-00071-00048188-00049091 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00072-00049092-00049430 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00073-00049431-00050689 you've got to tNLY4YrcMVg-00074-00050690-00051023 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00075-00051024-00052035 you've got to tNLY4YrcMVg-00076-00052036-00052223 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00077-00052224-00053101 you've got to let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00078-00053102-00054783 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00079-00054784-00055079 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00080-00055079-00055757 ah tNLY4YrcMVg-00081-00055758-00057575 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00082-00057576-00058121 you tNLY4YrcMVg-00083-00058122-00059644 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00084-00059645-00060142 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00085-00060144-00061341 that's the best tNLY4YrcMVg-00086-00061341-00061606 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00087-00061607-00061838 sometimes but we made it out alive tNLY4YrcMVg-00088-00061839-00062038 just barely if you think about it we tNLY4YrcMVg-00089-00062039-00062223 woke me from the burning truck the boat tNLY4YrcMVg-00090-00062224-00062335 is cracked tNLY4YrcMVg-00091-00062336-00062534 all around us tNLY4YrcMVg-00092-00062535-00063482 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00093-00063483-00064120 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00094-00064121-00065623 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00095-00065624-00065784 just said today tNLY4YrcMVg-00096-00065785-00066831 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00097-00066832-00067988 you gotta let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00098-00067989-00068606 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00099-00068607-00068789 let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00100-00068790-00069741 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00101-00069742-00069943 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00102-00069944-00070393 let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00103-00070394-00071406 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00104-00071407-00071690 let it go tNLY4YrcMVg-00105-00071691-00072662 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00107-00075712-00075887 and my brother tNLY4YrcMVg-00108-00075888-00076094 my heart hurts as i try to live my life tNLY4YrcMVg-00109-00076095-00076423 without my best friend and my brother tNLY4YrcMVg-00110-00076424-00076623 my heart hurts as i try to live my life tNLY4YrcMVg-00111-00076624-00076929 without my best friend and my brother tNLY4YrcMVg-00112-00076930-00077401 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00113-00077402-00077737 [Applause] tNLY4YrcMVg-00114-00077738-00078023 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00115-00078024-00078303 without my best friend and my brother my tNLY4YrcMVg-00116-00078304-00079782 brother tNLY4YrcMVg-00117-00079783-00080126 okay so tNLY4YrcMVg-00118-00080127-00080294 this is tNLY4YrcMVg-00119-00080295-00080511 i'm gonna say this is it i don't really tNLY4YrcMVg-00120-00080512-00080638 want to do anything else with this tNLY4YrcMVg-00121-00080639-00080815 because it sounds pretty pretty tNLY4YrcMVg-00122-00080816-00080959 good tNLY4YrcMVg-00123-00080960-00081119 um tNLY4YrcMVg-00124-00081120-00081319 so this interest kind of makes you sound tNLY4YrcMVg-00125-00081320-00081647 kind of eerie tNLY4YrcMVg-00126-00081648-00081782 you know tNLY4YrcMVg-00127-00081783-00081982 so tNLY4YrcMVg-00128-00081983-00082147 i think it tNLY4YrcMVg-00129-00082148-00082455 doesn't kind of hops into the rhythm tNLY4YrcMVg-00130-00082456-00083316 to the first verse tNLY4YrcMVg-00131-00083317-00083999 [Music] tNLY4YrcMVg-00132-00084000-00084316 we got tpJWeBi9kIM-00000-00000343-00000543 jim thank you so much for joining us on tpJWeBi9kIM-00001-00000544-00000743 this is purdue oh thank you it's so good tpJWeBi9kIM-00002-00000744-00000999 to be back good well you're back in west tpJWeBi9kIM-00003-00001000-00001119 lafayette tpJWeBi9kIM-00004-00001120-00001303 how do you feel is there some nostalgia tpJWeBi9kIM-00005-00001304-00001519 coming back oh i love it this is you tpJWeBi9kIM-00006-00001520-00001726 know when when i think of west lafayette tpJWeBi9kIM-00007-00001727-00001951 i you know i think a family i think of tpJWeBi9kIM-00008-00001952-00002118 uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00009-00002119-00002287 all the good times we've had some of the tpJWeBi9kIM-00010-00002288-00002495 memories we've made you know around here tpJWeBi9kIM-00011-00002496-00002783 on and off the field are just um tpJWeBi9kIM-00012-00002784-00002934 remarkable so yeah every time i come tpJWeBi9kIM-00013-00002935-00003142 back it's it's like coming home tpJWeBi9kIM-00014-00003143-00003279 and you're here because you're being tpJWeBi9kIM-00015-00003279-00003463 inducted into the indiana football hall tpJWeBi9kIM-00016-00003464-00003711 of fame congrats thank you very much um tpJWeBi9kIM-00017-00003711-00003919 how does that make you feel are you tpJWeBi9kIM-00018-00003920-00004222 just overwhelmed or were you surprised tpJWeBi9kIM-00019-00004223-00004359 well you know i always looked at tpJWeBi9kIM-00020-00004360-00004567 football as a team sport and i know tpJWeBi9kIM-00021-00004568-00004719 there's individual honors and i've been tpJWeBi9kIM-00022-00004720-00004959 on the end of some fine honors and this tpJWeBi9kIM-00023-00004960-00005222 is absolutely one of the best so um tpJWeBi9kIM-00024-00005223-00005495 anyone i'm honored um but i also have a tpJWeBi9kIM-00025-00005496-00005743 lot of thanks thanks for my teammates my tpJWeBi9kIM-00026-00005744-00005927 coaches um tpJWeBi9kIM-00027-00005928-00006127 leon burtonette who passed away i mean tpJWeBi9kIM-00028-00006128-00006327 all these all these people in my life tpJWeBi9kIM-00029-00006328-00006527 who touched me and so it kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00030-00006528-00006719 motivates me to try to pay it forward tpJWeBi9kIM-00031-00006720-00006814 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00032-00006815-00007031 think about okay we've got this we're tpJWeBi9kIM-00033-00007031-00007183 doing these things but i couldn't have tpJWeBi9kIM-00034-00007184-00007351 gone there without my parents my tpJWeBi9kIM-00035-00007352-00007495 teammates uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00036-00007495-00007695 purdue the whole the whole deal so i'm tpJWeBi9kIM-00037-00007695-00008006 appreciative um of not only the award tpJWeBi9kIM-00038-00008008-00008271 but of a family i guess i don't want to tpJWeBi9kIM-00039-00008272-00008439 call it that it was all part of it with tpJWeBi9kIM-00040-00008440-00008855 me and that to me is super rewarding tpJWeBi9kIM-00041-00008856-00009142 and let's go back to your time at purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-00042-00009143-00009399 so you went to high school in new mexico tpJWeBi9kIM-00043-00009400-00009559 what brought you to purdue in the first tpJWeBi9kIM-00044-00009560-00009735 place well i was being recruited tpJWeBi9kIM-00045-00009736-00009999 nationally um we had a really good team tpJWeBi9kIM-00046-00010000-00010246 we were uh undefeated we had six guys go tpJWeBi9kIM-00047-00010247-00010423 division one for a new mexico team so tpJWeBi9kIM-00048-00010424-00010638 that was we were yeah we were tpJWeBi9kIM-00049-00010639-00010878 pretty good so it finally came down to tpJWeBi9kIM-00050-00010879-00011103 between stanford and purdue and both of tpJWeBi9kIM-00051-00011104-00011287 them are great quarterback schools and i tpJWeBi9kIM-00052-00011288-00011414 i just don't think i was ready for tpJWeBi9kIM-00053-00011415-00011663 california just yet tpJWeBi9kIM-00054-00011664-00011927 as you are there now okay tpJWeBi9kIM-00055-00011928-00012135 i'm a late bloomer tpJWeBi9kIM-00056-00012136-00012374 and it's pretty nice out there uh you tpJWeBi9kIM-00057-00012375-00012599 know there's there's good and bad in tpJWeBi9kIM-00058-00012600-00012838 every place that you live in and you tpJWeBi9kIM-00059-00012839-00013094 know i just i just found that that was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00060-00013095-00013327 nice place the weather's good the whole tpJWeBi9kIM-00061-00013328-00013575 thing but going back down how i got here tpJWeBi9kIM-00062-00013576-00013743 there was a lady named walnut deverman tpJWeBi9kIM-00063-00013744-00013919 who was an english teacher at el dorado tpJWeBi9kIM-00064-00013919-00014015 high school tpJWeBi9kIM-00065-00014016-00014215 and she was a purdue alumni and she tpJWeBi9kIM-00066-00014216-00014351 ended up getting on the phone with jim tpJWeBi9kIM-00067-00014352-00014479 young tpJWeBi9kIM-00068-00014480-00014751 she was instrumental on making sure jim tpJWeBi9kIM-00069-00014752-00014983 came out had a personal visit and i was tpJWeBi9kIM-00070-00014984-00015199 just you know at the time mark herman tpJWeBi9kIM-00071-00015200-00015343 all the success they were having at tpJWeBi9kIM-00072-00015344-00015591 purdue and cradle the quarterbacks was tpJWeBi9kIM-00073-00015591-00015758 all i'm like yeah i want to be part of tpJWeBi9kIM-00074-00015759-00015903 that you know i don't want to be an tpJWeBi9kIM-00075-00015904-00016111 astronaut yet but i don't want to be one tpJWeBi9kIM-00076-00016112-00016327 of those quarterbacks so uh and it tpJWeBi9kIM-00077-00016328-00016479 wasn't easy either because you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00078-00016480-00016671 there was there was the journey along tpJWeBi9kIM-00079-00016672-00016886 the way they had scott campbell there i tpJWeBi9kIM-00080-00016887-00017063 was a backup i was you know fourth tpJWeBi9kIM-00081-00017064-00017358 string so it wasn't like hey jim here's tpJWeBi9kIM-00082-00017359-00017558 you know just coming and you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00083-00017559-00017750 nowadays it's like guys jumping in out tpJWeBi9kIM-00084-00017751-00017927 of the portal they change stuff you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00085-00017928-00018111 we we didn't have it that easy back then tpJWeBi9kIM-00086-00018112-00018375 so there was a lot of uh endurance tpJWeBi9kIM-00087-00018376-00018575 patience tpJWeBi9kIM-00088-00018576-00018807 and a lot of hard work tpJWeBi9kIM-00089-00018808-00019030 that went into it and a lot of tpJWeBi9kIM-00090-00019031-00019199 stuff that each one of my teammates had tpJWeBi9kIM-00091-00019200-00019414 to push each other tpJWeBi9kIM-00092-00019415-00019679 for us to you know be in a time that we tpJWeBi9kIM-00093-00019680-00019830 could have a season where we beat a tpJWeBi9kIM-00094-00019831-00020094 michigan notre dame ohio state tpJWeBi9kIM-00095-00020095-00020327 and uh to me that's that's that was tpJWeBi9kIM-00096-00020328-00020430 really cool tpJWeBi9kIM-00097-00020431-00020575 yeah like how did that teach you you tpJWeBi9kIM-00098-00020576-00020743 know overall in life tpJWeBi9kIM-00099-00020744-00020983 a lot of guys nowadays would leave if tpJWeBi9kIM-00100-00020984-00021158 they had to wait to play quarterback for tpJWeBi9kIM-00101-00021159-00021311 three years like you did tpJWeBi9kIM-00102-00021312-00021486 how did that teach you like persistence tpJWeBi9kIM-00103-00021487-00021767 and and overall life lessons when you tpJWeBi9kIM-00104-00021768-00021903 think back on that well it was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00105-00021904-00022039 different mindset you know we didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00106-00022040-00022271 have phones in our pockets we didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00107-00022272-00022463 we didn't have instant media we didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00108-00022464-00022591 have all these different you know we tpJWeBi9kIM-00109-00022592-00022719 kind of had to figure i mean if you had tpJWeBi9kIM-00110-00022720-00022863 a question you have to actually look at tpJWeBi9kIM-00111-00022864-00023030 encyclopedia to find an answer but now tpJWeBi9kIM-00112-00023031-00023230 it's just instantaneous so tpJWeBi9kIM-00113-00023231-00023455 life was different um it was a different tpJWeBi9kIM-00114-00023456-00023647 pace and it was like if you were gonna tpJWeBi9kIM-00115-00023648-00023783 do something you kind of had to create tpJWeBi9kIM-00116-00023784-00023863 it tpJWeBi9kIM-00117-00023864-00024094 um you had to work really hard for it tpJWeBi9kIM-00118-00024095-00024335 and i'm not saying that that's still not tpJWeBi9kIM-00119-00024336-00024567 applies today because it does it's just tpJWeBi9kIM-00120-00024568-00024799 that um we had a coaching change from tpJWeBi9kIM-00121-00024800-00025078 jim jim young to leon burton that and tpJWeBi9kIM-00122-00025079-00025255 nowadays i think a lot of guys could tpJWeBi9kIM-00123-00025256-00025478 move with your coaches or you know move tpJWeBi9kIM-00124-00025479-00025702 instantaneously we we had it still had tpJWeBi9kIM-00125-00025704-00025950 the year penalty at our time so tpJWeBi9kIM-00126-00025951-00026118 it was one of those things that you just tpJWeBi9kIM-00127-00026119-00026279 don't do tpJWeBi9kIM-00128-00026280-00026455 off the cuff and just say hey i'm out of tpJWeBi9kIM-00129-00026456-00026727 here um so you work through it and plus tpJWeBi9kIM-00130-00026727-00026983 leon kept the staff with bob spoo and tpJWeBi9kIM-00131-00026983-00027158 jim coletto and all those guys so i was tpJWeBi9kIM-00132-00027160-00027399 very familiar with that i just had to tpJWeBi9kIM-00133-00027400-00027670 learn to earn their trust to be their tpJWeBi9kIM-00134-00027672-00027814 quarterback which tpJWeBi9kIM-00135-00027816-00028079 man it was it was a tough road and uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00136-00028080-00028255 but very rewarding tpJWeBi9kIM-00137-00028256-00028455 do you think your teammates helped you tpJWeBi9kIM-00138-00028456-00028687 within that too and kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00139-00028688-00028918 that team like spirit and boilermaker tpJWeBi9kIM-00140-00028919-00029023 spirit tpJWeBi9kIM-00141-00029024-00029343 it did i mean i like my roommates who tpJWeBi9kIM-00142-00029344-00029543 jack berry is the godparents of my kids tpJWeBi9kIM-00143-00029544-00029758 so still influential in my life tpJWeBi9kIM-00144-00029760-00029855 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00145-00029856-00029943 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00146-00029944-00030135 yeah i mean we had discussions and you tpJWeBi9kIM-00147-00030136-00030295 know i didn't want to leave my family to tpJWeBi9kIM-00148-00030295-00030590 go do something else tpJWeBi9kIM-00149-00030591-00030679 i tpJWeBi9kIM-00150-00030680-00030855 had thought about one time going to san tpJWeBi9kIM-00151-00030856-00031039 diego state and tpJWeBi9kIM-00152-00031039-00031246 the staff wanted me there and as much as tpJWeBi9kIM-00153-00031247-00031407 we could you know talk during those tpJWeBi9kIM-00154-00031408-00031558 times tpJWeBi9kIM-00155-00031560-00031695 but i really wanted to be a purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-00156-00031695-00031974 quarterback and maybe it's because tpJWeBi9kIM-00157-00031975-00032151 sometimes when you have a hard head it tpJWeBi9kIM-00158-00032152-00032390 pays off and sometimes it doesn't but tpJWeBi9kIM-00159-00032391-00032662 this one it did for you it paid off tpJWeBi9kIM-00160-00032663-00032735 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00161-00032736-00032918 we talked about you know that that tpJWeBi9kIM-00162-00032919-00033174 trifecta notre dame ohio state and tpJWeBi9kIM-00163-00033175-00033407 michigan that you led the team to those tpJWeBi9kIM-00164-00033408-00033543 three victories and it hasn't happened tpJWeBi9kIM-00165-00033544-00033662 since tpJWeBi9kIM-00166-00033663-00033855 were people doubting tpJWeBi9kIM-00167-00033856-00034023 the purdue team back then like were tpJWeBi9kIM-00168-00034024-00034174 people surprised that you and the team tpJWeBi9kIM-00169-00034175-00034518 were able to pull that off you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00170-00034519-00034735 it's it's the tradition people are gonna tpJWeBi9kIM-00171-00034736-00034879 doubt tpJWeBi9kIM-00172-00034880-00035199 it's the mindset of the team tpJWeBi9kIM-00173-00035200-00035351 that makes the difference tpJWeBi9kIM-00174-00035352-00035431 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00175-00035432-00035599 you know when you're talking about five tpJWeBi9kIM-00176-00035600-00035823 star recruiting athletes you know you're tpJWeBi9kIM-00177-00035824-00036062 competing with the alabamas you got ohio tpJWeBi9kIM-00178-00036063-00036351 state you've got and so we had to figure tpJWeBi9kIM-00179-00036352-00036518 out some other different ways that we tpJWeBi9kIM-00180-00036519-00036815 were gonna find victories tpJWeBi9kIM-00181-00036816-00037007 and that had to do with you know our tpJWeBi9kIM-00182-00037008-00037207 mentality um tpJWeBi9kIM-00183-00037208-00037295 maybe tpJWeBi9kIM-00184-00037296-00037567 not believing the box tpJWeBi9kIM-00185-00037568-00037807 that people want to put us at tpJWeBi9kIM-00186-00037808-00038087 tell us about a fun favorite memory that tpJWeBi9kIM-00187-00038088-00038423 you had playing at purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-00188-00038424-00038679 fun playing memory all right tpJWeBi9kIM-00189-00038680-00038887 i would say tpJWeBi9kIM-00190-00038888-00039127 one of my first starts my junior year we tpJWeBi9kIM-00191-00039128-00039599 were playing notre dame tpJWeBi9kIM-00192-00039600-00039815 the first game ever in indianapolis in tpJWeBi9kIM-00193-00039816-00040055 the hoosier dome which now has already tpJWeBi9kIM-00194-00040056-00040239 changed now but that's the nfl that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00195-00040240-00040367 all another tpJWeBi9kIM-00196-00040368-00040462 story tpJWeBi9kIM-00197-00040463-00040655 but uh so tpJWeBi9kIM-00198-00040656-00040830 notre dame agrees to have their home tpJWeBi9kIM-00199-00040831-00041046 game move down to indianapolis tpJWeBi9kIM-00200-00041047-00041230 this is a start that you know i've got tpJWeBi9kIM-00201-00041231-00041343 two tpJWeBi9kIM-00202-00041344-00041558 blue chip all-americans doug downing tpJWeBi9kIM-00203-00041559-00041783 jeff huber behind me and leon says you tpJWeBi9kIM-00204-00041784-00041911 know if you're not tpJWeBi9kIM-00205-00041912-00042102 heads and shoulders above these freshmen tpJWeBi9kIM-00206-00042103-00042271 i'm gonna start a freshman i'm like all tpJWeBi9kIM-00207-00042272-00042574 right so i better play good tpJWeBi9kIM-00208-00042575-00042687 little pressure tpJWeBi9kIM-00209-00042688-00042879 so we're playing i mean it's so funny tpJWeBi9kIM-00210-00042880-00042999 because a good friend of mine in tpJWeBi9kIM-00211-00043000-00043190 california steve berlin tpJWeBi9kIM-00212-00043191-00043390 anyway i talked to all the time was the tpJWeBi9kIM-00213-00043391-00043527 quarterback it was a freshman tpJWeBi9kIM-00214-00043528-00043702 quarterback for notre dame tpJWeBi9kIM-00215-00043703-00043830 and so tpJWeBi9kIM-00216-00043831-00044079 um they were ranked i believe number two tpJWeBi9kIM-00217-00044080-00044279 in the country or number two or eight tpJWeBi9kIM-00218-00044280-00044518 one of those uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00219-00044519-00044623 and so tpJWeBi9kIM-00220-00044624-00044846 you know again if the box they put us in tpJWeBi9kIM-00221-00044847-00045111 we didn't have a chance um tpJWeBi9kIM-00222-00045112-00045302 we ended up going down that stadium it tpJWeBi9kIM-00223-00045303-00045495 wasn't it wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00224-00045496-00045679 as like going into notre dame then tpJWeBi9kIM-00225-00045680-00045879 moving a home game to a neutral site was tpJWeBi9kIM-00226-00045880-00046158 very helpful um our and our fans showed tpJWeBi9kIM-00227-00046159-00046462 up and that's what purdue does um tpJWeBi9kIM-00228-00046463-00046655 and then you know we gave him a few tpJWeBi9kIM-00229-00046656-00046895 things to scream about tpJWeBi9kIM-00230-00046896-00047143 so after that game tpJWeBi9kIM-00231-00047144-00047318 job security wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00232-00047319-00047479 as much of an issue tpJWeBi9kIM-00233-00047480-00047671 as it was before tpJWeBi9kIM-00234-00047672-00047902 and so i could kind of relax and kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00235-00047903-00048102 get in my groove and it tpJWeBi9kIM-00236-00048103-00048327 built confidence and i think tpJWeBi9kIM-00237-00048328-00048535 you know you're looking at 20 year old tpJWeBi9kIM-00238-00048536-00048895 guys if you can build confidence tpJWeBi9kIM-00239-00048896-00049167 in young people tpJWeBi9kIM-00240-00049168-00049415 big things happen yeah i just had the tpJWeBi9kIM-00241-00049416-00049590 pleasure of talking to coach braum and tpJWeBi9kIM-00242-00049591-00049695 he tpJWeBi9kIM-00243-00049696-00049879 almost said those exact same words and tpJWeBi9kIM-00244-00049880-00050127 just building up these young men into tpJWeBi9kIM-00245-00050128-00050311 people that are good on and off the tpJWeBi9kIM-00246-00050312-00050527 field right right and i think in today's tpJWeBi9kIM-00247-00050528-00050902 age it's easy to criticize our leaders tpJWeBi9kIM-00248-00050903-00051167 easy to criticize mistakes easy to do tpJWeBi9kIM-00249-00051168-00051390 other stuff but uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00250-00051391-00051590 when you're in a position where you can tpJWeBi9kIM-00251-00051591-00051782 build somebody when they're and they're tpJWeBi9kIM-00252-00051783-00051966 young people believing in themselves tpJWeBi9kIM-00253-00051967-00052263 very powerful yeah so you won the big tpJWeBi9kIM-00254-00052264-00052511 ten medal of honor it's a huge huge tpJWeBi9kIM-00255-00052512-00052759 achievement um how did you feel at the tpJWeBi9kIM-00256-00052760-00053071 time when when you won that tpJWeBi9kIM-00257-00053072-00053263 at the time to be honest i i tpJWeBi9kIM-00258-00053264-00053463 you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00259-00053464-00053671 i don't know if i really understood all tpJWeBi9kIM-00260-00053672-00053871 the all the stuff i look back on it now tpJWeBi9kIM-00261-00053872-00054103 i look back at you know being two-time tpJWeBi9kIM-00262-00054104-00054326 purdue athlete of the year i i mean i tpJWeBi9kIM-00263-00054327-00054494 didn't really tpJWeBi9kIM-00264-00054495-00054623 you know when you're involved in tpJWeBi9kIM-00265-00054624-00054775 something and you're so engrossed in tpJWeBi9kIM-00266-00054776-00054935 what you're doing and focus and pro tpJWeBi9kIM-00267-00054936-00055182 football was and trying to try tpJWeBi9kIM-00268-00055183-00055375 i i don't think that stuff didn't really tpJWeBi9kIM-00269-00055376-00055535 hit me until later a little bit later in tpJWeBi9kIM-00270-00055536-00055791 life and going oh wow that was that was tpJWeBi9kIM-00271-00055791-00056079 pretty special oh wow that you know um tpJWeBi9kIM-00272-00056079-00056287 even sigma chi being a significant sig tpJWeBi9kIM-00273-00056288-00056550 hit me a little bit later it's like tpJWeBi9kIM-00274-00056551-00056703 maybe because this is the first year i'm tpJWeBi9kIM-00275-00056704-00056911 a grandpa maybe i'm reflecting a little tpJWeBi9kIM-00276-00056912-00057230 bit more but i'm looking at it tpJWeBi9kIM-00277-00057232-00057454 looking at things a little different and tpJWeBi9kIM-00278-00057455-00057735 way more appreciative of understanding tpJWeBi9kIM-00279-00057736-00057926 what all that is and what those what tpJWeBi9kIM-00280-00057927-00058175 those awards mean so i'm going to be tpJWeBi9kIM-00281-00058176-00058375 honest it took me some time to really tpJWeBi9kIM-00282-00058376-00058582 put that in perspective about where they tpJWeBi9kIM-00283-00058583-00058742 were because i felt like i was still in tpJWeBi9kIM-00284-00058744-00058950 the moment still making tpJWeBi9kIM-00285-00058951-00059126 advancements in other trying to be an tpJWeBi9kIM-00286-00059127-00059335 all-pro trying to be the best i could tpJWeBi9kIM-00287-00059336-00059566 um and then watching guys like drew tpJWeBi9kIM-00288-00059567-00059766 brees do it for 20 years i mean we had tpJWeBi9kIM-00289-00059767-00059935 different rules back then they actually tpJWeBi9kIM-00290-00059936-00060126 used to hit us tpJWeBi9kIM-00291-00060127-00060303 i couldn't imagine playing that game to tpJWeBi9kIM-00292-00060304-00060471 age 40 but now they're doing it i mean tpJWeBi9kIM-00293-00060472-00060606 tom brady tpJWeBi9kIM-00294-00060607-00060766 good luck man yeah tpJWeBi9kIM-00295-00060767-00061030 yeah it is different um so part of the tpJWeBi9kIM-00296-00061032-00061319 big ten medal of honor is academics tpJWeBi9kIM-00297-00061320-00061503 tell us about your academic life at tpJWeBi9kIM-00298-00061504-00061742 purdue and what you measured in well tpJWeBi9kIM-00299-00061744-00061903 that was one of the main reasons why i tpJWeBi9kIM-00300-00061904-00062119 came to peru i mean it was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00301-00062120-00062311 industrial management degree tpJWeBi9kIM-00302-00062312-00062606 from the business school at krannert um tpJWeBi9kIM-00303-00062607-00062887 a lot of the other schools i didn't feel tpJWeBi9kIM-00304-00062888-00063103 all right let me fill this in backstory tpJWeBi9kIM-00305-00063104-00063311 my parents my dad was a professor my mom tpJWeBi9kIM-00306-00063312-00063511 was a teacher so academics was always tpJWeBi9kIM-00307-00063512-00063671 kind of like you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00308-00063672-00063854 bringing home the a was automatic that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00309-00063855-00064023 what we did so tpJWeBi9kIM-00310-00064024-00064319 our expectations were up here and so tpJWeBi9kIM-00311-00064320-00064494 when i was looking at my school choices tpJWeBi9kIM-00312-00064495-00064759 between school like stanford and purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-00313-00064760-00064959 to me they were on par about what they tpJWeBi9kIM-00314-00064960-00065238 want to do stanford was more economics tpJWeBi9kIM-00315-00065239-00065471 purdue was a little bit more tpJWeBi9kIM-00316-00065472-00065703 business and i wanted computers tpJWeBi9kIM-00317-00065704-00065855 even though we were doing the computers tpJWeBi9kIM-00318-00065856-00066038 back in the day when we put the cards in tpJWeBi9kIM-00319-00066039-00066238 and all that stuff and not like today tpJWeBi9kIM-00320-00066239-00066438 what we have in our pocket was way more tpJWeBi9kIM-00321-00066439-00066631 stronger than what we could buy but i tpJWeBi9kIM-00322-00066632-00066806 always kind of like the tech star i tpJWeBi9kIM-00323-00066807-00066926 still do tpJWeBi9kIM-00324-00066927-00067126 um and it was a way for me to kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00325-00067127-00067350 hit my other love as far as being able tpJWeBi9kIM-00326-00067351-00067535 to be involved in business tpJWeBi9kIM-00327-00067536-00067638 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00328-00067639-00067815 which i ran an asset management company tpJWeBi9kIM-00329-00067816-00068031 for almost 15 years and so i got to tpJWeBi9kIM-00330-00068032-00068199 apply that and tpJWeBi9kIM-00331-00068200-00068382 of course we were one of the first in tpJWeBi9kIM-00332-00068383-00068711 the technology in to go all digital and tpJWeBi9kIM-00333-00068712-00068959 i think we're still moving all digital tpJWeBi9kIM-00334-00068960-00069231 to today and it's it's a transition that tpJWeBi9kIM-00335-00069232-00069487 i've got to see during my lifetime from tpJWeBi9kIM-00336-00069488-00069791 um you know first mac computers to tpJWeBi9kIM-00337-00069792-00070135 uh phones in your pocket to you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00338-00070136-00070431 possibly money being digital right tpJWeBi9kIM-00339-00070432-00070750 so when you look back at the draft tpJWeBi9kIM-00340-00070751-00070911 you know like you're saying there wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00341-00070912-00071143 social media there wasn't all of this tpJWeBi9kIM-00342-00071144-00071343 almost i mean there's hype around it tpJWeBi9kIM-00343-00071344-00071567 right but it's a different type of hype tpJWeBi9kIM-00344-00071568-00071767 what were you feeling like as a very tpJWeBi9kIM-00345-00071768-00071903 young man tpJWeBi9kIM-00346-00071904-00072150 as a first round draft pick tpJWeBi9kIM-00347-00072151-00072326 well first of all i didn't know where i tpJWeBi9kIM-00348-00072327-00072582 was going to go okay okay so the draft tpJWeBi9kIM-00349-00072583-00072823 is a as a you know as everybody knows tpJWeBi9kIM-00350-00072824-00072982 you you don't know if you're gonna be tpJWeBi9kIM-00351-00072983-00073262 playing in a cold weather place or tpJWeBi9kIM-00352-00073263-00073367 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00353-00073368-00073623 so as our draft went down tpJWeBi9kIM-00354-00073624-00073887 um bo jackson goes one and we all tpJWeBi9kIM-00355-00073888-00074047 everyone on the planet knew bo jackson tpJWeBi9kIM-00356-00074048-00074279 was going with atlanta has the next pick tpJWeBi9kIM-00357-00074280-00074399 they don't have a quarterback but they tpJWeBi9kIM-00358-00074400-00074582 decide to go to and i met with dan tpJWeBi9kIM-00359-00074583-00074806 henning on our way going down to uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00360-00074807-00074919 spring break tpJWeBi9kIM-00361-00074920-00075175 they picked tony casius and i'll hold tpJWeBi9kIM-00362-00075176-00075367 that back because tpJWeBi9kIM-00363-00075368-00075591 we played atlanta every year and i had tpJWeBi9kIM-00364-00075592-00075767 that in the back of my head the whole tpJWeBi9kIM-00365-00075768-00075967 time like atlanta tpJWeBi9kIM-00366-00075968-00076182 didn't pick me so when you see these tpJWeBi9kIM-00367-00076183-00076375 guys get drafted in the like dak tpJWeBi9kIM-00368-00076376-00076606 prescott you know teams passed on him tpJWeBi9kIM-00369-00076607-00076759 three times he didn't get drafted the tpJWeBi9kIM-00370-00076760-00076919 fourth round in tpJWeBi9kIM-00371-00076920-00077135 in by dallas so he's looking at every tpJWeBi9kIM-00372-00077136-00077431 team going i want them i want them tpJWeBi9kIM-00373-00077432-00077615 they help they make it personal and tpJWeBi9kIM-00374-00077616-00077815 don't think they don't tpJWeBi9kIM-00375-00077816-00078047 well houston has the third pick they got tpJWeBi9kIM-00376-00078048-00078247 warren moon and indianapolis has the tpJWeBi9kIM-00377-00078248-00078415 fourth one indianapolis needs a tpJWeBi9kIM-00378-00078416-00078591 quarterback my age is working with tpJWeBi9kIM-00379-00078592-00078831 indianapolis which tpJWeBi9kIM-00380-00078832-00079047 was maybe not as legal at the time but tpJWeBi9kIM-00381-00079048-00079255 we pretty much had a contract so i kind tpJWeBi9kIM-00382-00079256-00079367 of knew where i was going to be i tpJWeBi9kIM-00383-00079368-00079511 thought i was going to be a fourth pick tpJWeBi9kIM-00384-00079512-00079767 well houston ends up picking me tpJWeBi9kIM-00385-00079768-00079855 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00386-00079856-00080023 you know making a long story short they tpJWeBi9kIM-00387-00080024-00080262 ended up picking me to trade me tpJWeBi9kIM-00388-00080263-00080519 and uh while i thought i was preparing tpJWeBi9kIM-00389-00080520-00080719 to go 60 miles down the road and play tpJWeBi9kIM-00390-00080720-00080855 for the colts because they needed a tpJWeBi9kIM-00391-00080856-00081006 quarterback tpJWeBi9kIM-00392-00081007-00081223 my path went differently got drafted by tpJWeBi9kIM-00393-00081224-00081319 houston tpJWeBi9kIM-00394-00081320-00081503 ended up with trade bait tpJWeBi9kIM-00395-00081504-00081726 and it was kind of a i felt like a piece tpJWeBi9kIM-00396-00081727-00081935 of meat tpJWeBi9kIM-00397-00081936-00082199 and you know i ended up moving out to tpJWeBi9kIM-00398-00082200-00082350 their stories within that i almost went tpJWeBi9kIM-00399-00082351-00082479 to green bay i almost went to san tpJWeBi9kIM-00400-00082480-00082750 francisco ended up with the rams tpJWeBi9kIM-00401-00082751-00082943 and then it worked out from there but it tpJWeBi9kIM-00402-00082944-00083143 was kind of nice being able to go tpJWeBi9kIM-00403-00083144-00083391 be a high draft pick and go to a team tpJWeBi9kIM-00404-00083392-00083623 that was established so tpJWeBi9kIM-00405-00083624-00083767 it was a little easier some of these tpJWeBi9kIM-00406-00083768-00084079 guys coming out um joe burrow over in tpJWeBi9kIM-00407-00084080-00084391 cincinnati first pick goes to a bad team tpJWeBi9kIM-00408-00084392-00084526 troy aikman tpJWeBi9kIM-00409-00084527-00084838 uh first pick goes to dallas goes 1-15 tpJWeBi9kIM-00410-00084839-00085031 the first year there's a lot of things tpJWeBi9kIM-00411-00085032-00085238 that people could say oh you know troy tpJWeBi9kIM-00412-00085239-00085503 was a bust because that first year a lot tpJWeBi9kIM-00413-00085504-00085655 of things that would happen today or tpJWeBi9kIM-00414-00085656-00085887 they try to you know put you in that box tpJWeBi9kIM-00415-00085888-00086094 i'm talking about but this is this is tpJWeBi9kIM-00416-00086095-00086287 let's label him as a bust or this or tpJWeBi9kIM-00417-00086288-00086455 that well he might be playing for a bad tpJWeBi9kIM-00418-00086456-00086638 team and usually the number one pick tpJWeBi9kIM-00419-00086639-00086750 guys are tpJWeBi9kIM-00420-00086751-00087062 so i'm slow to judge on on quarterbacks tpJWeBi9kIM-00421-00087063-00087150 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00422-00087151-00087375 i think it takes a while to develop i tpJWeBi9kIM-00423-00087376-00087606 think uh we're gonna see tpJWeBi9kIM-00424-00087607-00087847 you know probably uh i think jack's tpJWeBi9kIM-00425-00087848-00088103 first start a plumber's first start or tpJWeBi9kIM-00426-00088104-00088206 you know for tpJWeBi9kIM-00427-00088207-00088455 and i'm gonna judge him on one game tpJWeBi9kIM-00428-00088456-00088750 but he needs to develop and if he is the tpJWeBi9kIM-00429-00088751-00088950 ticket then you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00430-00088951-00089182 purdue has a lot better chance tpJWeBi9kIM-00431-00089183-00089423 so were you bummed about not playing for tpJWeBi9kIM-00432-00089424-00089599 the colts were you was your heart set on tpJWeBi9kIM-00433-00089600-00089679 that tpJWeBi9kIM-00434-00089680-00089903 i i would i really you know because we tpJWeBi9kIM-00435-00089904-00090094 had a draft party tpJWeBi9kIM-00436-00090095-00090255 in the morning and we all knew it's tpJWeBi9kIM-00437-00090256-00090406 going to be indianapolis tpJWeBi9kIM-00438-00090407-00090518 and then when tpJWeBi9kIM-00439-00090519-00090711 houston calls me on the phone i'm like tpJWeBi9kIM-00440-00090712-00090950 what tpJWeBi9kIM-00441-00090951-00091094 and then i was like tpJWeBi9kIM-00442-00091095-00091294 okay i gotta fly down to houston and do tpJWeBi9kIM-00443-00091295-00091455 all these interviews and i'm not i was tpJWeBi9kIM-00444-00091456-00091631 just felt like i was just out of sorts tpJWeBi9kIM-00445-00091632-00091847 it was i was yeah i was prepared to play tpJWeBi9kIM-00446-00091848-00092071 for the colts i was looking forward they tpJWeBi9kIM-00447-00092072-00092231 needed a quarterback they needed someone tpJWeBi9kIM-00448-00092232-00092303 to tpJWeBi9kIM-00449-00092304-00092518 we led the offense uh the nation on tpJWeBi9kIM-00450-00092519-00092679 offense the last two years in the in tpJWeBi9kIM-00451-00092680-00092831 college of course i think i could have tpJWeBi9kIM-00452-00092832-00093031 done great things for the colts it would tpJWeBi9kIM-00453-00093032-00093247 have been you know an easy transition it tpJWeBi9kIM-00454-00093248-00093326 just tpJWeBi9kIM-00455-00093327-00093462 didn't work out that way tpJWeBi9kIM-00456-00093463-00093638 yeah like were you shell-shocked going tpJWeBi9kIM-00457-00093639-00093806 from west lafayette indiana to tpJWeBi9kIM-00458-00093807-00094062 eventually los angeles well it was not tpJWeBi9kIM-00459-00094063-00094223 that quick because i actually had to tpJWeBi9kIM-00460-00094224-00094382 hold out so tpJWeBi9kIM-00461-00094383-00094687 and then i had to really threaten to sit tpJWeBi9kIM-00462-00094688-00094935 out for the next draft and it was tpJWeBi9kIM-00463-00094936-00095126 three days before the deadline i didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00464-00095127-00095318 get traded so yeah there was a lot of tpJWeBi9kIM-00465-00095319-00095526 drama between tpJWeBi9kIM-00466-00095527-00095726 just just going from west lafayette tpJWeBi9kIM-00467-00095727-00096023 there i actually uh at the time uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00468-00096024-00096159 invited chuck long who was actually tpJWeBi9kIM-00469-00096160-00096350 holding out from detroit invited him to tpJWeBi9kIM-00470-00096351-00096615 go to hawaii with me so we both would tpJWeBi9kIM-00471-00096616-00096799 maybe hold up our contract values but he tpJWeBi9kIM-00472-00096800-00097094 caved and went we went to detroit and uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00473-00097095-00097279 but um tpJWeBi9kIM-00474-00097280-00097462 yeah it took a while a matter of fact tpJWeBi9kIM-00475-00097463-00097623 the first year i was in a hotel the tpJWeBi9kIM-00476-00097624-00097750 whole year just trying to learn an tpJWeBi9kIM-00477-00097751-00097918 offense and end up starting at the end tpJWeBi9kIM-00478-00097919-00098082 of the year so i mean i didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00479-00098083-00098343 have i didn't have any time to really tpJWeBi9kIM-00480-00098344-00098543 enjoy the california life it wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00481-00098544-00098735 until that next year i started you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00482-00098736-00098943 find a place to live try to get settled tpJWeBi9kIM-00483-00098944-00099247 really we brought in a new offense tpJWeBi9kIM-00484-00099248-00099367 but there's a lot of work and that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00485-00099368-00099518 when i when i look at the the pro tpJWeBi9kIM-00486-00099519-00099671 football and you see the games on tpJWeBi9kIM-00487-00099672-00099871 sundays there's a heck of a lot of work tpJWeBi9kIM-00488-00099872-00100055 that goes into it even with college tpJWeBi9kIM-00489-00100056-00100279 levels all the the stuff you see on tpJWeBi9kIM-00490-00100280-00100518 saturday the preparation that they do tpJWeBi9kIM-00491-00100519-00100591 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00492-00100592-00100791 the limitations now that you can have tpJWeBi9kIM-00493-00100792-00101038 with the athletes um very difficult your tpJWeBi9kIM-00494-00101039-00101231 system has to be clean has to be easy tpJWeBi9kIM-00495-00101232-00101406 has to be and then the guys have to tpJWeBi9kIM-00496-00101407-00101662 really want to self-do it tpJWeBi9kIM-00497-00101663-00101935 self and if you've got a team that can tpJWeBi9kIM-00498-00101936-00102118 motivate themselves to tpJWeBi9kIM-00499-00102119-00102326 try to get that extra practice reps in tpJWeBi9kIM-00500-00102327-00102599 because of the the rules they have now tpJWeBi9kIM-00501-00102600-00102839 um and even with the pros i mean i go to tpJWeBi9kIM-00502-00102840-00103015 the camps they don't have two days tpJWeBi9kIM-00503-00103016-00103239 anymore they have one but it's a lot of tpJWeBi9kIM-00504-00103240-00103430 mental reps and you have to have guys tpJWeBi9kIM-00505-00103431-00103630 that are disciplined tpJWeBi9kIM-00506-00103631-00103799 and do you think when we talk about tpJWeBi9kIM-00507-00103800-00104102 social media and how that's exploded tpJWeBi9kIM-00508-00104103-00104247 like would you have been able to play tpJWeBi9kIM-00509-00104248-00104430 now with all of these people with all tpJWeBi9kIM-00510-00104431-00104615 this hate that they what does it call tpJWeBi9kIM-00511-00104616-00104799 the monday oh tpJWeBi9kIM-00512-00104800-00105015 i would love social media don't get me tpJWeBi9kIM-00513-00105016-00105190 wrong i would have loved it i would i tpJWeBi9kIM-00514-00105191-00105375 would tpJWeBi9kIM-00515-00105376-00105543 no well this is the deal back in our tpJWeBi9kIM-00516-00105544-00105775 time if you if you had someone wrote a tpJWeBi9kIM-00517-00105776-00105895 story tpJWeBi9kIM-00518-00105896-00106054 you can't respond tpJWeBi9kIM-00519-00106055-00106319 right and so it would behooved you to be tpJWeBi9kIM-00520-00106320-00106543 friends with these guys so you could and tpJWeBi9kIM-00521-00106544-00106727 and we had we we would go out and have tpJWeBi9kIM-00522-00106728-00106951 beers with uh with jeff and tpJWeBi9kIM-00523-00106952-00107054 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00524-00107055-00107207 the stories that you would tell me hey tpJWeBi9kIM-00525-00107208-00107327 don't don't tell them i'm saying this tpJWeBi9kIM-00526-00107328-00107463 but this is what we're thinking you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00527-00107464-00107663 you kind of give them a little tpJWeBi9kIM-00528-00107664-00107871 well in the 90s when the whole media tpJWeBi9kIM-00529-00107872-00108063 bomb changed and we had sports tpJWeBi9kIM-00530-00108064-00108415 illustrated and and all these tpJWeBi9kIM-00531-00108416-00108631 new sporting news and all that and all tpJWeBi9kIM-00532-00108632-00108854 that became competition and it became tpJWeBi9kIM-00533-00108855-00109039 all these different stories tpJWeBi9kIM-00534-00109040-00109215 and it wasn't always someone writing tpJWeBi9kIM-00535-00109216-00109478 something friendly about you or maybe tpJWeBi9kIM-00536-00109479-00109623 i remember there was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00537-00109624-00109799 reporter in general tpJWeBi9kIM-00538-00109800-00110031 he had his own agenda tpJWeBi9kIM-00539-00110032-00110215 trying to either run out of coach one tpJWeBi9kIM-00540-00110216-00110375 time running me out tpJWeBi9kIM-00541-00110376-00110543 and so then you didn't have a way to tpJWeBi9kIM-00542-00110544-00110734 respond tpJWeBi9kIM-00543-00110735-00110919 it's unless you had another friend into tpJWeBi9kIM-00544-00110920-00111223 me now you just call it out tpJWeBi9kIM-00545-00111224-00111447 you go right to the public you say hey tpJWeBi9kIM-00546-00111448-00111719 no this isn't how it is now on the flip tpJWeBi9kIM-00547-00111720-00111847 side yeah you can say something really tpJWeBi9kIM-00548-00111848-00112415 stupid really quick right um so yeah but tpJWeBi9kIM-00549-00112416-00112607 if you're gonna ask me would jim would tpJWeBi9kIM-00550-00112608-00112775 you rather have a voice or not have a tpJWeBi9kIM-00551-00112776-00112975 voice i'll take the voice now tpJWeBi9kIM-00552-00112976-00113175 is there mistakes possible that young tpJWeBi9kIM-00553-00113176-00113358 men can make absolutely and i give them tpJWeBi9kIM-00554-00113359-00113543 a hall pass too because we're all human tpJWeBi9kIM-00555-00113544-00113766 right so i think there's tpJWeBi9kIM-00556-00113767-00113895 there's some goods and bads but i think tpJWeBi9kIM-00557-00113896-00114047 they're it's it's tpJWeBi9kIM-00558-00114048-00114271 very very cool tpJWeBi9kIM-00559-00114272-00114534 that's that's an interesting take tpJWeBi9kIM-00560-00114535-00114647 i love it tpJWeBi9kIM-00561-00114648-00114839 like i said you came from west lafayette tpJWeBi9kIM-00562-00114840-00115007 you know you lived here and then you tpJWeBi9kIM-00563-00115008-00115151 moved to l.a and i know it took some tpJWeBi9kIM-00564-00115152-00115327 time to adjust but tpJWeBi9kIM-00565-00115328-00115575 what about like how is it different for tpJWeBi9kIM-00566-00115576-00115790 you to immerse yourself on the west tpJWeBi9kIM-00567-00115791-00116047 coast you know well the east coast well tpJWeBi9kIM-00568-00116048-00116302 first first of all i was i came from tpJWeBi9kIM-00569-00116303-00116623 kansas went grew up in new mexico tpJWeBi9kIM-00570-00116624-00116839 coming to west lafayette was a was a was tpJWeBi9kIM-00571-00116840-00117023 an adjustment for me tpJWeBi9kIM-00572-00117024-00117215 going back out to california wasn't as tpJWeBi9kIM-00573-00117216-00117383 much as an adjustment for me i mean i tpJWeBi9kIM-00574-00117383-00117558 was used to the mountains the desert tpJWeBi9kIM-00575-00117559-00117927 being from new mexico um the sky being tpJWeBi9kIM-00576-00117928-00118031 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00577-00118032-00118223 you know a little bit tpJWeBi9kIM-00578-00118224-00118566 more clear so i mean i did the traffic tpJWeBi9kIM-00579-00118567-00118766 all the all the other you know busy tpJWeBi9kIM-00580-00118767-00118966 stuff the the competition with the tpJWeBi9kIM-00581-00118967-00119375 lakers and the dodgers i mean it's it's tpJWeBi9kIM-00582-00119376-00119558 there's a lot of stuff to do out there tpJWeBi9kIM-00583-00119559-00119743 and a lot of competition i didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00584-00119744-00119895 realize that i mean when you're in west tpJWeBi9kIM-00585-00119896-00120095 lafayette when you're the the show on tpJWeBi9kIM-00586-00120096-00120271 saturday you're the show tpJWeBi9kIM-00587-00120272-00120463 when you're in california you got a show tpJWeBi9kIM-00588-00120464-00120654 on set well you might you know you tpJWeBi9kIM-00589-00120655-00120878 you've got a bunch of shows going on tpJWeBi9kIM-00590-00120879-00121143 maybe not even maybe entertainment or tpJWeBi9kIM-00591-00121144-00121295 uh so tpJWeBi9kIM-00592-00121296-00121431 you're just tpJWeBi9kIM-00593-00121432-00121527 kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00594-00121528-00121702 kind of there's a tpJWeBi9kIM-00595-00121703-00121910 bigger pond out there so it was that was tpJWeBi9kIM-00596-00121911-00122151 an interesting part but uh i enjoyed it tpJWeBi9kIM-00597-00122152-00122454 i i enjoy the weather enjoy the tpJWeBi9kIM-00598-00122455-00122734 um i enjoy the fan base um tpJWeBi9kIM-00599-00122735-00122990 it's a little bit more of a melting pot tpJWeBi9kIM-00600-00122991-00123247 you have a lot more diversity in all tpJWeBi9kIM-00601-00123248-00123486 different facets of life um tpJWeBi9kIM-00602-00123488-00123734 so yeah i fit in fine with that and it tpJWeBi9kIM-00603-00123735-00123934 works out well but it was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00604-00123935-00124095 it wasn't as much of a transition i tpJWeBi9kIM-00605-00124096-00124239 thought it was a hard transition coming tpJWeBi9kIM-00606-00124240-00124375 from new mexico tpJWeBi9kIM-00607-00124376-00124671 to here and experiencing the like tpJWeBi9kIM-00608-00124672-00124871 third coldest day in purdue's history at tpJWeBi9kIM-00609-00124872-00125039 one point in time tpJWeBi9kIM-00610-00125040-00125223 after 20 inches of snow i'm like what tpJWeBi9kIM-00611-00125224-00125495 did i just get myself into tpJWeBi9kIM-00612-00125496-00125751 those are not fun days tpJWeBi9kIM-00613-00125752-00125966 they happen every once in a while not tpJWeBi9kIM-00614-00125967-00126143 not often but they used to have this tpJWeBi9kIM-00615-00126144-00126414 machine that would that would spin and tpJWeBi9kIM-00616-00126415-00126623 knock all the snow off well tpJWeBi9kIM-00617-00126624-00126766 sometimes that machine would go down and tpJWeBi9kIM-00618-00126767-00127007 all it would do is be like a zamboni for tpJWeBi9kIM-00619-00127008-00127134 the cycle tpJWeBi9kIM-00620-00127135-00127319 you'd see people just wiping out and i tpJWeBi9kIM-00621-00127320-00127607 was like oh this is this is good tpJWeBi9kIM-00622-00127608-00127814 we gotta set up the camera out here tpJWeBi9kIM-00623-00127815-00127927 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00624-00127928-00128007 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00625-00128008-00128190 tell us about a favorite experience or tpJWeBi9kIM-00626-00128191-00128390 story with the rams tpJWeBi9kIM-00627-00128391-00128663 a favorite experience with the rams i tpJWeBi9kIM-00628-00128664-00128839 i've got a ton of those i mean we spent tpJWeBi9kIM-00629-00128840-00129166 12 years in the seasons where tpJWeBi9kIM-00630-00129167-00129454 i probably probably have to talk about tpJWeBi9kIM-00631-00129455-00129639 playing new york tpJWeBi9kIM-00632-00129640-00129814 the giants and i don't care which game tpJWeBi9kIM-00633-00129815-00129958 you want to pick i just love playing the tpJWeBi9kIM-00634-00129959-00130119 giants tpJWeBi9kIM-00635-00130120-00130286 you know the giants are the type of team tpJWeBi9kIM-00636-00130288-00130486 that they their fans know more about tpJWeBi9kIM-00637-00130488-00130727 your mom than you know and so tpJWeBi9kIM-00638-00130728-00130886 when you play them tpJWeBi9kIM-00639-00130888-00131183 you you really want to you know just tpJWeBi9kIM-00640-00131184-00131351 just get after them because when when tpJWeBi9kIM-00641-00131352-00131583 they're quiet when there's fan it's the tpJWeBi9kIM-00642-00131584-00131678 best tpJWeBi9kIM-00643-00131679-00131814 so i would have to say there was a tpJWeBi9kIM-00644-00131815-00132039 championship game we were playing and tpJWeBi9kIM-00645-00132040-00132207 we were tpJWeBi9kIM-00646-00132208-00132471 going into overtime and you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00647-00132472-00132702 hip flipper for a touchdown and he keeps tpJWeBi9kIM-00648-00132703-00132887 running through the end zone and tpJWeBi9kIM-00649-00132888-00133087 man when when tpJWeBi9kIM-00650-00133088-00133319 that stadium was quiet tpJWeBi9kIM-00651-00133320-00133647 it was it was like the best tpJWeBi9kIM-00652-00133648-00133895 and there's always this new york la you tpJWeBi9kIM-00653-00133896-00134199 know big city thing but that was just i tpJWeBi9kIM-00654-00134200-00134319 mean we always tpJWeBi9kIM-00655-00134320-00134535 like playing dallas too tpJWeBi9kIM-00656-00134536-00134687 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00657-00134688-00134863 you always had the extra gear to play tpJWeBi9kIM-00658-00134864-00135063 dallas just because just tpJWeBi9kIM-00659-00135064-00135414 just because san francisco same thing so tpJWeBi9kIM-00660-00135415-00135623 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00661-00135624-00135783 but i'd have to say one of my favorite tpJWeBi9kIM-00662-00135784-00135943 moments would have to be against the tpJWeBi9kIM-00663-00135944-00136127 giants picking there was one time we tpJWeBi9kIM-00664-00136128-00136327 threw five touchdowns against them and tpJWeBi9kIM-00665-00136328-00136511 belichick was a defensive coordinator tpJWeBi9kIM-00666-00136512-00136719 and so that was that was kind of cool tpJWeBi9kIM-00667-00136720-00136878 they kept trying to play this cover too tpJWeBi9kIM-00668-00136879-00137127 we kept hitting the turkey hole on them tpJWeBi9kIM-00669-00137128-00137423 and he just couldn't stop it and well it tpJWeBi9kIM-00670-00137424-00137639 was there's tpJWeBi9kIM-00671-00137640-00137839 there's many many other ones i had such tpJWeBi9kIM-00672-00137840-00138023 a good relationship with ernie zampesey tpJWeBi9kIM-00673-00138024-00138190 our offensive coordinator and norv tpJWeBi9kIM-00674-00138191-00138439 turner and all the guys there and john tpJWeBi9kIM-00675-00138440-00138647 robinson i thought was tpJWeBi9kIM-00676-00138648-00138927 treated everyone like men um tpJWeBi9kIM-00677-00138928-00139054 and that's the coaching style that i tpJWeBi9kIM-00678-00139055-00139375 like i mean they worry it's respectful tpJWeBi9kIM-00679-00139376-00139454 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00680-00139455-00139614 you get the most out of you guys and you tpJWeBi9kIM-00681-00139615-00139759 treat them like men tpJWeBi9kIM-00682-00139760-00139990 did you speaking of men i mean did you tpJWeBi9kIM-00683-00139991-00140263 feel like you had to grow up fast tpJWeBi9kIM-00684-00140264-00140463 being in the nfl at that tpJWeBi9kIM-00685-00140464-00140743 young of an age tpJWeBi9kIM-00686-00140744-00140959 so honestly when i first got to the nfl tpJWeBi9kIM-00687-00140960-00141166 i thought purdue prepared me tpJWeBi9kIM-00688-00141167-00141295 very very well tpJWeBi9kIM-00689-00141296-00141423 it really did i mean i thought our tpJWeBi9kIM-00690-00141424-00141575 offense at purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-00691-00141576-00141751 initially when i first came and played tpJWeBi9kIM-00692-00141752-00141951 with eric dickerson tpJWeBi9kIM-00693-00141952-00142175 it was it was kind of mickey mouse tpJWeBi9kIM-00694-00142176-00142423 passing game i mean it was they were tpJWeBi9kIM-00695-00142424-00142623 that i mean you got a running back brand tpJWeBi9kIM-00696-00142624-00142807 for 2 000 yards on the ground you don't tpJWeBi9kIM-00697-00142808-00143047 really have to develop much else right tpJWeBi9kIM-00698-00143048-00143239 i'm sure i'm sure tennessee does that tpJWeBi9kIM-00699-00143240-00143319 with tpJWeBi9kIM-00700-00143320-00143478 derek henry you know it's it's a lot tpJWeBi9kIM-00701-00143479-00143678 less pressure but we got into the point tpJWeBi9kIM-00702-00143679-00143902 where we needed to step our passing game tpJWeBi9kIM-00703-00143903-00144126 and that's when i think that tpJWeBi9kIM-00704-00144127-00144359 our offense started started taking tpJWeBi9kIM-00705-00144360-00144511 office when we started getting more tpJWeBi9kIM-00706-00144512-00144743 complex uh some of the some of the stuff tpJWeBi9kIM-00707-00144744-00144966 coach braum is is using some of the west tpJWeBi9kIM-00708-00144967-00145207 coast offense some of the different tpJWeBi9kIM-00709-00145208-00145366 things and that's where our development tpJWeBi9kIM-00710-00145367-00145463 i think tpJWeBi9kIM-00711-00145464-00145719 from probably two to five years in the tpJWeBi9kIM-00712-00145720-00145926 league really really took off because we tpJWeBi9kIM-00713-00145927-00146095 were doing tpJWeBi9kIM-00714-00146096-00146351 a lot more complex things and that was tpJWeBi9kIM-00715-00146352-00146583 that was that was a fun part of this tpJWeBi9kIM-00716-00146584-00146759 league when you're doing things and the tpJWeBi9kIM-00717-00146760-00146999 defense can't figure it out tpJWeBi9kIM-00718-00147000-00147095 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00719-00147096-00147311 they eventually all do and then they tpJWeBi9kIM-00720-00147312-00147526 move to a different system or then they tpJWeBi9kIM-00721-00147527-00147702 have mobile quarterbacks or then they tpJWeBi9kIM-00722-00147703-00147935 have you know wildcat offense there's tpJWeBi9kIM-00723-00147936-00148087 always something new but if you look tpJWeBi9kIM-00724-00148088-00148278 through the history of sports you tpJWeBi9kIM-00725-00148279-00148478 usually pick and choose different eras tpJWeBi9kIM-00726-00148479-00148695 and you can bring something back and tpJWeBi9kIM-00727-00148696-00148911 coaches haven't seen it you know and tpJWeBi9kIM-00728-00148912-00149119 call high school they were doing all the tpJWeBi9kIM-00729-00149120-00149295 pistol offense that was new well that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00730-00149296-00149495 old that's uh the tpJWeBi9kIM-00731-00149496-00149766 wishbone will probably come back tpJWeBi9kIM-00732-00149767-00150111 so when you think about um tpJWeBi9kIM-00733-00150112-00150383 so now you're in southern california tpJWeBi9kIM-00734-00150384-00150743 the rams left they came back tpJWeBi9kIM-00735-00150744-00150919 are you involved with them now because tpJWeBi9kIM-00736-00150920-00151063 they're back tpJWeBi9kIM-00737-00151064-00151159 well tpJWeBi9kIM-00738-00151160-00151414 there was an interesting time um the tpJWeBi9kIM-00739-00151415-00151687 rams i left a year i went tpJWeBi9kIM-00740-00151688-00151926 to new orleans the year before they left tpJWeBi9kIM-00741-00151927-00152102 so we had a chance to come back and play tpJWeBi9kIM-00742-00152103-00152390 it and they were a bad team but tpJWeBi9kIM-00743-00152391-00152671 i was on a bad team it was we tpJWeBi9kIM-00744-00152672-00152814 just we killed them they didn't have a tpJWeBi9kIM-00745-00152815-00153054 chance and uh we talked about that off tpJWeBi9kIM-00746-00153055-00153231 so then they moved to st louis and if if tpJWeBi9kIM-00747-00153232-00153454 people know the economics tpJWeBi9kIM-00748-00153455-00153687 of the nfl it all makes sense it wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00749-00153688-00153935 about the fans it wasn't about the city tpJWeBi9kIM-00750-00153936-00154102 it was all about the money tpJWeBi9kIM-00751-00154103-00154487 and stadiums so if you have a stadium tpJWeBi9kIM-00752-00154488-00154775 you get revenue share 60 40. but tpJWeBi9kIM-00753-00154776-00154951 everything behind the glass goes to the tpJWeBi9kIM-00754-00154952-00155143 home team so that's why you see all tpJWeBi9kIM-00755-00155144-00155478 these stadiums with big glass all boxes tpJWeBi9kIM-00756-00155479-00155678 the home team gets to keep that money so tpJWeBi9kIM-00757-00155679-00155871 if you're playing in like the coliseum tpJWeBi9kIM-00758-00155872-00156047 there's no glass you're sharing all the tpJWeBi9kIM-00759-00156048-00156207 revenue with your opponent tpJWeBi9kIM-00760-00156208-00156375 jerry jones makes all the money at his tpJWeBi9kIM-00761-00156376-00156519 place and then he makes a lot more money tpJWeBi9kIM-00762-00156520-00156639 at your place so it doesn't make tpJWeBi9kIM-00763-00156640-00156807 economic sense unless you have a great tpJWeBi9kIM-00764-00156808-00156902 stadium tpJWeBi9kIM-00765-00156903-00157087 st louis had a great stadium tpJWeBi9kIM-00766-00157088-00157287 georgia could make a lot more money and tpJWeBi9kIM-00767-00157288-00157423 i don't know anybody that works that tpJWeBi9kIM-00768-00157424-00157614 wants to work for less tpJWeBi9kIM-00769-00157615-00157759 if there's an opportunity to make more tpJWeBi9kIM-00770-00157760-00158023 money like anybody else a plumber tpJWeBi9kIM-00771-00158024-00158159 electrician tpJWeBi9kIM-00772-00158160-00158335 anybody that's working they made perfect tpJWeBi9kIM-00773-00158336-00158439 sense for her to go it didn't have tpJWeBi9kIM-00774-00158440-00158647 anything to do with that tpJWeBi9kIM-00775-00158648-00158871 um as far as a california fan base or tpJWeBi9kIM-00776-00158872-00159087 this or that now california doesn't like tpJWeBi9kIM-00777-00159088-00159254 losers tpJWeBi9kIM-00778-00159255-00159487 and so she was losing it on that part tpJWeBi9kIM-00779-00159488-00159590 because they just didn't have a good tpJWeBi9kIM-00780-00159591-00159766 team and i was part of a team that tpJWeBi9kIM-00781-00159767-00160031 wasn't good at at the end um tpJWeBi9kIM-00782-00160032-00160223 so i went to new orleans it was you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00783-00160224-00160431 we ended up having a top-ranked offense tpJWeBi9kIM-00784-00160432-00160590 again for the next you know two or three tpJWeBi9kIM-00785-00160591-00160759 years and that was that was fun and then tpJWeBi9kIM-00786-00160760-00161014 uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00787-00161015-00161295 so then i stayed in la we were without a tpJWeBi9kIM-00788-00161296-00161454 team for 21 years tpJWeBi9kIM-00789-00161455-00161743 um i always thought it would be a tpJWeBi9kIM-00790-00161744-00161943 new franchise that came back or a you tpJWeBi9kIM-00791-00161944-00162054 know whatever what would they call them tpJWeBi9kIM-00792-00162055-00162247 what would it be and then jacksonville tpJWeBi9kIM-00793-00162248-00162423 there was rumors jackson i mean every tpJWeBi9kIM-00794-00162424-00162599 time a team needed a new stadium at tpJWeBi9kIM-00795-00162600-00162751 their home place they would say we're tpJWeBi9kIM-00796-00162752-00162935 going to la tpJWeBi9kIM-00797-00162936-00163095 there's no stadium in l.a that was they tpJWeBi9kIM-00798-00163096-00163263 were just using it for leverage and tpJWeBi9kIM-00799-00163264-00163447 that's what the nfl likes to do it tpJWeBi9kIM-00800-00163448-00163654 wasn't until cronkite came in staying tpJWeBi9kIM-00801-00163655-00163847 cronky and then he developed tpJWeBi9kIM-00802-00163848-00164190 he committed five billion dollars tpJWeBi9kIM-00803-00164191-00164471 to build this state i mean let that sink tpJWeBi9kIM-00804-00164472-00164751 in who runs around has five billion tpJWeBi9kIM-00805-00164752-00164911 dollars just for tpJWeBi9kIM-00806-00164912-00165111 you know a house i mean that's that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00807-00165112-00165295 pretty impressive and if it wasn't tpJWeBi9kIM-00808-00165296-00165471 someone like mr cronky it wasn't going tpJWeBi9kIM-00809-00165472-00165590 to happen tpJWeBi9kIM-00810-00165591-00165671 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00811-00165672-00165838 by him taking out tpJWeBi9kIM-00812-00165839-00166007 the race park putting in this tpJWeBi9kIM-00813-00166008-00166287 development his stadium tpJWeBi9kIM-00814-00166288-00166535 his personal commitment which was huge tpJWeBi9kIM-00815-00166536-00166814 that whole sofi stadium wouldn't happen tpJWeBi9kIM-00816-00166815-00167007 rams wouldn't be back the chargers tpJWeBi9kIM-00817-00167008-00167207 wouldn't be there though tpJWeBi9kIM-00818-00167208-00167375 so that was a huge commitment and jerry tpJWeBi9kIM-00819-00167376-00167551 jones knew that and that's why he tpJWeBi9kIM-00820-00167552-00167814 brought mr cronky in and so that's tpJWeBi9kIM-00821-00167815-00168038 very progressive tpJWeBi9kIM-00822-00168039-00168214 a lot of stuff that went down it was tpJWeBi9kIM-00823-00168215-00168414 very interesting and yeah i do when they tpJWeBi9kIM-00824-00168415-00168638 came back they would call us am i oh tpJWeBi9kIM-00825-00168639-00168783 totally i mean they're bringing the tpJWeBi9kIM-00826-00168784-00168887 horns back tpJWeBi9kIM-00827-00168888-00168966 i mean tpJWeBi9kIM-00828-00168967-00169151 i'm the all-time leading passer for the tpJWeBi9kIM-00829-00169152-00169383 last for the los angeles rams but all my tpJWeBi9kIM-00830-00169384-00169599 records are in st louis it was i'd show tpJWeBi9kIM-00831-00169600-00169759 up to saint louis and be like who's this tpJWeBi9kIM-00832-00169760-00169966 guy tpJWeBi9kIM-00833-00169967-00170166 so i just felt like i mean i was talking tpJWeBi9kIM-00834-00170167-00170295 to jack youngblood about that the other tpJWeBi9kIM-00835-00170296-00170471 days like we kind of felt like outcasts tpJWeBi9kIM-00836-00170472-00170678 just like we were like oh we had our we tpJWeBi9kIM-00837-00170679-00170902 had our time here have it all our tpJWeBi9kIM-00838-00170903-00171102 records are some in some other city tpJWeBi9kIM-00839-00171103-00171278 you know like warren moon he had all his tpJWeBi9kIM-00840-00171279-00171407 records in houston but now they're all tpJWeBi9kIM-00841-00171408-00171559 in tennessee it's kind of it's kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00842-00171560-00171847 weird right but tpJWeBi9kIM-00843-00171848-00172111 with having the home team come back uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00844-00172112-00172302 different management um different tpJWeBi9kIM-00845-00172303-00172519 mindset coach mcveigh's doing great tpJWeBi9kIM-00846-00172520-00172919 things um aaron donald is absolute beast tpJWeBi9kIM-00847-00172920-00173095 um i think tpJWeBi9kIM-00848-00173096-00173238 he was holding out in camps all these tpJWeBi9kIM-00849-00173239-00173399 years for contracts tpJWeBi9kIM-00850-00173400-00173566 they were glad but at least the tpJWeBi9kIM-00851-00173567-00173735 offensive side because he just blows up tpJWeBi9kIM-00852-00173736-00173999 practice i mean you can't block tpJWeBi9kIM-00853-00174000-00174159 so they were they were happy like yeah tpJWeBi9kIM-00854-00174160-00174295 aaron keep holding out for more mike tpJWeBi9kIM-00855-00174296-00174447 because we don't want we don't block you tpJWeBi9kIM-00856-00174448-00174647 during practice tpJWeBi9kIM-00857-00174648-00174783 and they can't block him during games tpJWeBi9kIM-00858-00174784-00175007 either he's so legit tpJWeBi9kIM-00859-00175008-00175207 so are you helping behind the scenes tpJWeBi9kIM-00860-00175208-00175359 there or just kind of you like to go tpJWeBi9kIM-00861-00175360-00175502 back for fun and tpJWeBi9kIM-00862-00175503-00175831 hang out well my role is uh somewhat of tpJWeBi9kIM-00863-00175832-00176054 an ambassador okay um they have a tpJWeBi9kIM-00864-00176055-00176311 legends program i'm trying to uh push tpJWeBi9kIM-00865-00176312-00176599 them on to uh develop some of the tpJWeBi9kIM-00866-00176600-00176895 rambassador issues going further but i tpJWeBi9kIM-00867-00176896-00177111 haven't had much success yet and i can tpJWeBi9kIM-00868-00177112-00177295 leave it at that but where there's tpJWeBi9kIM-00869-00177296-00177502 things going back and forth and you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00870-00177503-00177687 when a team just comes back there's tpJWeBi9kIM-00871-00177688-00177887 there's things that they have to develop tpJWeBi9kIM-00872-00177888-00178119 in the community tpJWeBi9kIM-00873-00178120-00178302 i think their focus has been so much on tpJWeBi9kIM-00874-00178303-00178566 stadium on developing the product on the tpJWeBi9kIM-00875-00178567-00178814 field i think some of the other issues tpJWeBi9kIM-00876-00178815-00178983 um probably tpJWeBi9kIM-00877-00178984-00179151 aren't on the hierarchy of where they're tpJWeBi9kIM-00878-00179152-00179311 at and tpJWeBi9kIM-00879-00179312-00179543 need beat i mean super bowl is site one tpJWeBi9kIM-00880-00179544-00179759 and i think that's the goal of all tpJWeBi9kIM-00881-00179760-00179943 32 teams and tpJWeBi9kIM-00882-00179944-00180095 you know if uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00883-00180096-00180175 you know tpJWeBi9kIM-00884-00180176-00180375 i do i still follow the colts i still tpJWeBi9kIM-00885-00180376-00180726 follow the saints tpJWeBi9kIM-00886-00180727-00180935 new england their success i i kind of tpJWeBi9kIM-00887-00180936-00181238 root for offenses when i see games so tpJWeBi9kIM-00888-00181239-00181454 you know i know i know the defensive tpJWeBi9kIM-00889-00181455-00181638 coordinators or i need at least i know tpJWeBi9kIM-00890-00181639-00181823 where they've come from so i know a tpJWeBi9kIM-00891-00181824-00181990 little bit so yeah i stay close to the tpJWeBi9kIM-00892-00181991-00182151 game as far as that goes tpJWeBi9kIM-00893-00182152-00182302 um tpJWeBi9kIM-00894-00182303-00182407 but yeah there's going to be some tpJWeBi9kIM-00895-00182408-00182631 involvement with the rams at some point tpJWeBi9kIM-00896-00182632-00182831 which is what the official capacity is tpJWeBi9kIM-00897-00182832-00183126 we we haven't determined yet okay tpJWeBi9kIM-00898-00183127-00183214 so tpJWeBi9kIM-00899-00183215-00183423 after you retired you kind of took a tpJWeBi9kIM-00900-00183424-00183638 route that a lot of nfl players don't tpJWeBi9kIM-00901-00183639-00183783 you went back to school and got your tpJWeBi9kIM-00902-00183784-00183919 masters tpJWeBi9kIM-00903-00183920-00184151 tell us about that experience and why tpJWeBi9kIM-00904-00184152-00184519 you just had to do that tpJWeBi9kIM-00905-00184520-00184775 the tpJWeBi9kIM-00906-00184776-00184951 education was always a big thing we tpJWeBi9kIM-00907-00184952-00185190 talked about earlier um in our life i tpJWeBi9kIM-00908-00185191-00185366 was the least educated in my family tpJWeBi9kIM-00909-00185367-00185447 having tpJWeBi9kIM-00910-00185448-00185823 been a bachelor's degree and so i had tpJWeBi9kIM-00911-00185824-00186014 somewhat of family peer pressure to get tpJWeBi9kIM-00912-00186015-00186159 my master's tpJWeBi9kIM-00913-00186160-00186463 also i need to transition from coming tpJWeBi9kIM-00914-00186464-00186663 out from the nfl tpJWeBi9kIM-00915-00186664-00186975 and i think it's very difficult for tpJWeBi9kIM-00916-00186976-00187199 some guys it was for me tpJWeBi9kIM-00917-00187200-00187383 to transition from tpJWeBi9kIM-00918-00187384-00187543 hey this is what i've wanted to do with tpJWeBi9kIM-00919-00187544-00187702 my whole life tpJWeBi9kIM-00920-00187703-00188078 and now i got to do that and then they tpJWeBi9kIM-00921-00188079-00188287 and no i don't people say i want to tpJWeBi9kIM-00922-00188288-00188543 retire on my own terms uh no one ever tpJWeBi9kIM-00923-00188544-00188750 really does that it's just you can say tpJWeBi9kIM-00924-00188751-00188935 that with some sort of pride to protect tpJWeBi9kIM-00925-00188936-00189063 your pride but tpJWeBi9kIM-00926-00189064-00189287 you're fired tpJWeBi9kIM-00927-00189288-00189447 let's just be real tpJWeBi9kIM-00928-00189448-00189583 and so tpJWeBi9kIM-00929-00189584-00189711 you know you're coming through this tpJWeBi9kIM-00930-00189712-00189926 point where tpJWeBi9kIM-00931-00189927-00190095 the thing you've done your whole life tpJWeBi9kIM-00932-00190096-00190278 and so then you transitioned saying you tpJWeBi9kIM-00933-00190279-00190471 know i need to reset tpJWeBi9kIM-00934-00190472-00190663 and i need a hard reset tpJWeBi9kIM-00935-00190664-00190854 right now because i as i don't want to tpJWeBi9kIM-00936-00190855-00191047 cling on to this or i could have gone tpJWeBi9kIM-00937-00191048-00191190 into coaching i could have gone into tpJWeBi9kIM-00938-00191191-00191423 announcing there were some other issues tpJWeBi9kIM-00939-00191424-00191623 we i had some family stuff i wanted to tpJWeBi9kIM-00940-00191624-00191847 resolve the best thing was for me to be tpJWeBi9kIM-00941-00191848-00192054 around and to tpJWeBi9kIM-00942-00192055-00192238 extend my education and i went to tpJWeBi9kIM-00943-00192239-00192663 pepperdine which is a fabulous school tpJWeBi9kIM-00944-00192664-00192895 it's uh it was a program their business tpJWeBi9kIM-00945-00192896-00193047 program where tpJWeBi9kIM-00946-00193048-00193319 it was pepperdines in malibu but i was tpJWeBi9kIM-00947-00193320-00193526 in the orange county campus so i got to tpJWeBi9kIM-00948-00193527-00193743 network with people in the orange county tpJWeBi9kIM-00949-00193744-00193966 area where i was living tpJWeBi9kIM-00950-00193967-00194247 i met some lifelong friends professors tpJWeBi9kIM-00951-00194248-00194399 and tpJWeBi9kIM-00952-00194400-00194590 still to this day tpJWeBi9kIM-00953-00194591-00194854 in contact so it was it was a good it tpJWeBi9kIM-00954-00194855-00195063 was a good transition and then i started tpJWeBi9kIM-00955-00195064-00195350 my asset management business um tpJWeBi9kIM-00956-00195351-00195566 it was a boutique firm it was i could tpJWeBi9kIM-00957-00195567-00195847 manage my time and and and manage our tpJWeBi9kIM-00958-00195848-00196087 our money and do the things that i love tpJWeBi9kIM-00959-00196088-00196383 to do and like i said with technology we tpJWeBi9kIM-00960-00196384-00196599 were on the edge and so it was tpJWeBi9kIM-00961-00196600-00196783 challenging on a tpJWeBi9kIM-00962-00196784-00197031 different fronts it was time consuming tpJWeBi9kIM-00963-00197032-00197183 more so tpJWeBi9kIM-00964-00197184-00197319 probably than all the football stuff tpJWeBi9kIM-00965-00197320-00197559 maybe not physically but the mental part tpJWeBi9kIM-00966-00197560-00197726 and it was uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00967-00197727-00197975 it was good i it was i ended up after 15 tpJWeBi9kIM-00968-00197976-00198199 years getting out of it i had some you tpJWeBi9kIM-00969-00198200-00198438 know health issues that we had to tpJWeBi9kIM-00970-00198439-00198607 resolve which we have tpJWeBi9kIM-00971-00198608-00198895 with with modern science tpJWeBi9kIM-00972-00198896-00199078 because you don't go through 12 years in tpJWeBi9kIM-00973-00199079-00199287 nfl scot-free tpJWeBi9kIM-00974-00199288-00199399 for sure tpJWeBi9kIM-00975-00199400-00199823 i mean replacement parts thank you tpJWeBi9kIM-00976-00199824-00199975 what appealed to you about assets tpJWeBi9kIM-00977-00199976-00200302 management i always liked i always tpJWeBi9kIM-00978-00200303-00200502 dibble dabble in finance tpJWeBi9kIM-00979-00200503-00200647 i think when i tpJWeBi9kIM-00980-00200648-00200878 hired matter of fact if my tpJWeBi9kIM-00981-00200879-00201047 my asset manager at the time was from tpJWeBi9kIM-00982-00201048-00201175 stanford tpJWeBi9kIM-00983-00201176-00201495 and chuck was uh tpJWeBi9kIM-00984-00201496-00201711 my mentor really and i was actually tpJWeBi9kIM-00985-00201712-00201887 going to go in business with their firm tpJWeBi9kIM-00986-00201888-00202095 until he suddenly passed and and we tpJWeBi9kIM-00987-00202096-00202247 talked about it so rather than joining a tpJWeBi9kIM-00988-00202248-00202447 firm without my mentor it was easier for tpJWeBi9kIM-00989-00202448-00202614 me to start my own and some of his tpJWeBi9kIM-00990-00202615-00202807 clients came with me and so it was it tpJWeBi9kIM-00991-00202808-00202975 was an easy transition but it was it was tpJWeBi9kIM-00992-00202976-00203271 tough because i lost my guy tpJWeBi9kIM-00993-00203272-00203399 but it was good because it forced me to tpJWeBi9kIM-00994-00203400-00203599 get out and sometimes you have to get tpJWeBi9kIM-00995-00203600-00203715 out of your comfort zone tpJWeBi9kIM-00996-00203716-00203831 [Music] tpJWeBi9kIM-00997-00203832-00204023 to really find out what things are all tpJWeBi9kIM-00998-00204024-00204231 about and tpJWeBi9kIM-00999-00204232-00204399 i was there tpJWeBi9kIM-01000-00204400-00204599 now do you keep up with the purdue tpJWeBi9kIM-01001-00204600-00204942 program today do you have any um tpJWeBi9kIM-01002-00204944-00205038 anything tpJWeBi9kIM-01003-00205039-00205327 that you think would be a good tpJWeBi9kIM-01004-00205328-00205606 tip for the team tpJWeBi9kIM-01005-00205607-00205719 well tpJWeBi9kIM-01006-00205719-00205982 i do follow i don't follow as intently tpJWeBi9kIM-01007-00205983-00206303 as as maybe i see some of the ram things tpJWeBi9kIM-01008-00206304-00206519 um and that's just a proximity thing if tpJWeBi9kIM-01009-00206519-00206846 i was closer here i absolutely would um tpJWeBi9kIM-01010-00206848-00207031 i totally believe in jeff brown tpJWeBi9kIM-01011-00207032-00207231 i think his program i don't think he has tpJWeBi9kIM-01012-00207232-00207398 the pieces to his puzzle and i think tpJWeBi9kIM-01013-00207400-00207638 that's been the issue the coveteer man tpJWeBi9kIM-01014-00207639-00207790 that was crazy tpJWeBi9kIM-01015-00207791-00207966 so tpJWeBi9kIM-01016-00207967-00208086 recruiting tpJWeBi9kIM-01017-00208087-00208382 um i think you know as far as tpJWeBi9kIM-01018-00208383-00208503 you know tpJWeBi9kIM-01019-00208504-00208719 jeff needs to have his guys i think it tpJWeBi9kIM-01020-00208719-00208879 starts at quarterback tpJWeBi9kIM-01021-00208880-00209086 rondell tpJWeBi9kIM-01022-00209087-00209327 rondell i love watching i just didn't tpJWeBi9kIM-01023-00209328-00209486 think that he had the pieces around him tpJWeBi9kIM-01024-00209487-00209679 to complement what he's going to do in tpJWeBi9kIM-01025-00209680-00209887 arizona is going to be phenomenal tpJWeBi9kIM-01026-00209888-00210134 kingsbury is going to take him and roll tpJWeBi9kIM-01027-00210135-00210319 um and he'll be a featured part it'd be tpJWeBi9kIM-01028-00210319-00210575 like he but you know he had these stats tpJWeBi9kIM-01029-00210576-00210806 at purdue but he didn't have the same tpJWeBi9kIM-01030-00210807-00210991 parts around him tpJWeBi9kIM-01031-00210992-00211319 and when you're talking about an offense tpJWeBi9kIM-01032-00211319-00211542 like i said when i played for purdue we tpJWeBi9kIM-01033-00211544-00211703 had six guys tpJWeBi9kIM-01034-00211704-00211927 yeah we had six guys drafted tpJWeBi9kIM-01035-00211928-00212087 on our offense tpJWeBi9kIM-01036-00212088-00212206 and tpJWeBi9kIM-01037-00212207-00212398 you know if it was just two guys drafted tpJWeBi9kIM-01038-00212400-00212534 on offense tpJWeBi9kIM-01039-00212535-00212694 that's not enough tpJWeBi9kIM-01040-00212696-00212879 so you need to have pieces around you tpJWeBi9kIM-01041-00212880-00213087 that compliment you the most my most tpJWeBi9kIM-01042-00213088-00213382 successful years in los angeles we had tpJWeBi9kIM-01043-00213383-00213671 pieces is when you start taking them out tpJWeBi9kIM-01044-00213671-00213863 you're not and so i think that would be tpJWeBi9kIM-01045-00213864-00214087 the thing that from uh from a thirty tpJWeBi9kIM-01046-00214088-00214351 thousand feet with with coach brahm is tpJWeBi9kIM-01047-00214352-00214606 he's got to get the his pieces in place tpJWeBi9kIM-01048-00214607-00214798 and i think that's you know the time is tpJWeBi9kIM-01049-00214800-00214998 is coming up to make sure and you know tpJWeBi9kIM-01050-00215000-00215231 at quarterback that's tpJWeBi9kIM-01051-00215232-00215367 that's a huge piece and i think that's tpJWeBi9kIM-01052-00215367-00215598 kind of been unsettled tpJWeBi9kIM-01053-00215600-00215887 what is the purdue community mean to you tpJWeBi9kIM-01054-00215888-00216087 after all these years tpJWeBi9kIM-01055-00216088-00216231 oh man tpJWeBi9kIM-01056-00216232-00216375 stability tpJWeBi9kIM-01057-00216376-00216591 um tpJWeBi9kIM-01058-00216592-00216823 reliability tpJWeBi9kIM-01059-00216823-00216942 faithful tpJWeBi9kIM-01060-00216944-00217119 family tpJWeBi9kIM-01061-00217119-00217446 um everywhere i go even when my daughter tpJWeBi9kIM-01062-00217448-00217703 was riding horses we had purdue people tpJWeBi9kIM-01063-00217704-00217934 in the horse industry and i mean there's tpJWeBi9kIM-01064-00217935-00218382 a contact that's that's or a base that's tpJWeBi9kIM-01065-00218383-00218567 whatever walk of life you're in you just tpJWeBi9kIM-01066-00218567-00218751 seem to run in the purdue people and tpJWeBi9kIM-01067-00218752-00218919 then there's a bond tpJWeBi9kIM-01068-00218919-00219142 and how to describe that to people that tpJWeBi9kIM-01069-00219144-00219519 don't have a purdue degree is is tpJWeBi9kIM-01070-00219519-00219846 is tough but the networking tpJWeBi9kIM-01071-00219848-00220039 and in the and the usually the people tpJWeBi9kIM-01072-00220040-00220279 that you meet that are boilermakers are tpJWeBi9kIM-01073-00220280-00220527 somewhat reasonable tpJWeBi9kIM-01074-00220528-00220871 maybe like you know jayhawks tpJWeBi9kIM-01075-00220871-00221110 my fiance over there tpJWeBi9kIM-01076-00221111-00221263 pretty good people those jayhawks are tpJWeBi9kIM-01077-00221264-00221534 pretty good people too tpJWeBi9kIM-01078-00221535-00221934 we'll allow it tpJWeBi9kIM-01079-00221935-00222167 um is there anything else you want to tpJWeBi9kIM-01080-00222167-00222398 tell our listeners some of them are tpJWeBi9kIM-01081-00222400-00222631 i'm sure faithful loyal fans of yours tpJWeBi9kIM-01082-00222632-00222934 from purdue to the rams to saints tpJWeBi9kIM-01083-00222935-00223142 well i think i'd like to you know tell tpJWeBi9kIM-01084-00223144-00223431 everybody i appreciate your support and tpJWeBi9kIM-01085-00223432-00223623 coming back for the indiana and state tpJWeBi9kIM-01086-00223623-00223855 football hall of fame is is tpJWeBi9kIM-01087-00223856-00224206 beyond my wildest dreams tpJWeBi9kIM-01088-00224207-00224463 i think that it's it's uh tpJWeBi9kIM-01089-00224464-00224679 you know purdue's a place where great tpJWeBi9kIM-01090-00224680-00224982 things happen and but we have patience tpJWeBi9kIM-01091-00224983-00225206 and we're reasonable but we also tpJWeBi9kIM-01092-00225207-00225575 want and desire and crave tpJWeBi9kIM-01093-00225576-00225831 you know good football and tpJWeBi9kIM-01094-00225832-00225967 you know i was tpJWeBi9kIM-01095-00225967-00226158 fortunate to be part of some of those tpJWeBi9kIM-01096-00226159-00226358 programs i was on some programs earlier tpJWeBi9kIM-01097-00226359-00226694 in my career that we we weren't um tpJWeBi9kIM-01098-00226696-00226919 but it takes a whole team effort and tpJWeBi9kIM-01099-00226919-00227087 getting the right i think tpJWeBi9kIM-01100-00227088-00227351 babinski's doing a good job trying to tpJWeBi9kIM-01101-00227352-00227527 put the right pieces together because it tpJWeBi9kIM-01102-00227528-00227710 goes all the way from the top tpJWeBi9kIM-01103-00227711-00227927 all the way down to the guys that walk tpJWeBi9kIM-01104-00227928-00228046 on tpJWeBi9kIM-01105-00228048-00228191 and tpJWeBi9kIM-01106-00228192-00228375 you know i think that you got to have tpJWeBi9kIM-01107-00228376-00228510 some belief tpJWeBi9kIM-01108-00228511-00228798 and i think people at purdue continue tpJWeBi9kIM-01109-00228800-00229211 to have belief and i love that tQBCfcZHnNk-00000-00000208-00001645 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00001-00001646-00002795 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00002-00002796-00003961 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00004-00006997-00009066 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00005-00009067-00009695 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00006-00009696-00009984 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00007-00009985-00010926 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00008-00010927-00012199 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00009-00012200-00013191 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00010-00013193-00013444 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00011-00013445-00014353 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00012-00014354-00016715 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00013-00016716-00018145 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00014-00018146-00019386 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00015-00019387-00020883 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00016-00020884-00021186 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00018-00024253-00024967 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00019-00024968-00025989 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00020-00025991-00027562 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00021-00027563-00027877 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00022-00027879-00029938 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00023-00029939-00030781 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00024-00030782-00031233 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00025-00031235-00033510 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00026-00033511-00033743 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00027-00033744-00033774 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00028-00033775-00034609 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00029-00034610-00036857 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00030-00036858-00038798 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00031-00038799-00041339 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00032-00041340-00041857 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00033-00041858-00041968 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00034-00041969-00042702 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00035-00042703-00043744 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00036-00043745-00044368 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00037-00044369-00045716 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00038-00045717-00047729 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00039-00047730-00048264 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00040-00048265-00050579 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00041-00050580-00053238 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00042-00053239-00053849 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00043-00053850-00056738 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00044-00056739-00057573 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00045-00057574-00057994 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00046-00057995-00058253 no no no no no no no no no no no no no tQBCfcZHnNk-00047-00058254-00058523 no no no no no no no no no no no no no tQBCfcZHnNk-00048-00058524-00058829 no no tQBCfcZHnNk-00049-00058829-00059800 no no tQBCfcZHnNk-00050-00059801-00060125 hi my name is tQBCfcZHnNk-00051-00060126-00060803 17 years old tQBCfcZHnNk-00052-00060804-00061415 okay tQBCfcZHnNk-00053-00061416-00061666 I'm 17 years old I am very similar to tQBCfcZHnNk-00054-00061667-00061915 you tQBCfcZHnNk-00055-00061916-00062629 guys tQBCfcZHnNk-00056-00062629-00064906 I'm 17 years old five years old tQBCfcZHnNk-00057-00064907-00065201 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00058-00065202-00067955 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00059-00067956-00068873 all right tQBCfcZHnNk-00060-00068874-00071293 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00061-00071294-00072215 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00062-00072216-00072811 definitely tQBCfcZHnNk-00063-00072812-00074399 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00064-00074400-00075256 um tQBCfcZHnNk-00066-00079127-00080361 nope tQBCfcZHnNk-00067-00080362-00081514 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00068-00081515-00082919 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00069-00082920-00083656 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00071-00086724-00086887 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00072-00086888-00087695 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00073-00087696-00089291 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00074-00089292-00089493 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00076-00092875-00093079 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00077-00093080-00093291 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00078-00093292-00094576 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00079-00094577-00095250 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00080-00095251-00095567 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00081-00095568-00096608 thank you tQBCfcZHnNk-00082-00096609-00097337 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00083-00097338-00098771 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00084-00098772-00101420 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00085-00101421-00102293 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00086-00102294-00102775 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00087-00102776-00105628 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00088-00105629-00106475 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00089-00106476-00107164 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00090-00107165-00108471 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00091-00108472-00109390 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00093-00112452-00113467 foreign tQBCfcZHnNk-00094-00113468-00114454 [Music] tQBCfcZHnNk-00095-00114455-00115467 [Music] tUMUrVMFCPk-00000-00000174-00000393 foreign tUMUrVMFCPk-00001-00000394-00001207 [Music] tUMUrVMFCPk-00002-00001208-00001361 lady tUMUrVMFCPk-00003-00001362-00001657 with another video to you this is my tUMUrVMFCPk-00004-00001657-00001937 first official video that I have tUMUrVMFCPk-00005-00001938-00002171 recorded in 2023 tUMUrVMFCPk-00006-00002172-00002483 Happy New Year to you I hope you had a tUMUrVMFCPk-00007-00002484-00002734 good news start of the year tUMUrVMFCPk-00008-00002735-00003034 and I hope you will continue on staying tUMUrVMFCPk-00009-00003035-00003365 healthy making progress be a good tUMUrVMFCPk-00010-00003365-00003695 citizen be good to your colleagues tUMUrVMFCPk-00011-00003696-00003983 friends and family members tUMUrVMFCPk-00012-00003984-00004145 so tUMUrVMFCPk-00013-00004146-00004486 have you ever heard me saying you should tUMUrVMFCPk-00014-00004487-00004733 tell people the fragrances that you are tUMUrVMFCPk-00015-00004734-00004895 wearing tell them about them when they tUMUrVMFCPk-00016-00004896-00005041 ask you hey what are you working today tUMUrVMFCPk-00017-00005042-00005422 and and don't be afraid to tell people tUMUrVMFCPk-00018-00005423-00005633 about your voice or they can buy it tUMUrVMFCPk-00019-00005634-00005897 this video is going to tell you to do tUMUrVMFCPk-00020-00005898-00006101 the complete opposite tUMUrVMFCPk-00021-00006102-00006377 of what I've been telling you only for tUMUrVMFCPk-00022-00006378-00006641 these five frequencies I'm gonna I'm tUMUrVMFCPk-00023-00006642-00006959 going to share with you in this video so tUMUrVMFCPk-00024-00006959-00007313 I believe that when you have a fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00025-00007314-00007589 on you smell great when people ask you tUMUrVMFCPk-00026-00007590-00007841 hey what are you wearing today you smell tUMUrVMFCPk-00027-00007842-00008117 really nice you should tell them because tUMUrVMFCPk-00028-00008118-00008435 you know like I've always said the tUMUrVMFCPk-00029-00008436-00008723 fragrances weren't made just for you for tUMUrVMFCPk-00030-00008724-00008867 your personal use they were made for tUMUrVMFCPk-00031-00008868-00009137 people to buy so if someone gives you a tUMUrVMFCPk-00032-00009138-00009328 compliment that tells you that you smell tUMUrVMFCPk-00033-00009329-00009563 wonderful you smell great you should tUMUrVMFCPk-00034-00009564-00009941 only share that with them what you are tUMUrVMFCPk-00035-00009942-00010139 wanting into the back in like a butthole tUMUrVMFCPk-00036-00010140-00010337 by saying oh I don't know what I'm tUMUrVMFCPk-00037-00010338-00010499 wearing I cannot remember or giving them tUMUrVMFCPk-00038-00010500-00010901 a completely different name so but this tUMUrVMFCPk-00039-00010902-00011260 video is about five fragrances that I tUMUrVMFCPk-00040-00011261-00011417 think you should keep a secret to tUMUrVMFCPk-00041-00011418-00011699 yourself just to yourself for your own tUMUrVMFCPk-00042-00011700-00011933 stash do not tell people what you are in tUMUrVMFCPk-00043-00011934-00012173 and just you know act like this this is tUMUrVMFCPk-00044-00012174-00012364 your own manufacturer that you tUMUrVMFCPk-00045-00012365-00012538 manufacture those five fragrances for tUMUrVMFCPk-00046-00012539-00012851 yourself because we all have some kind tUMUrVMFCPk-00047-00012852-00013253 of Secrets right so why not keep these tUMUrVMFCPk-00048-00013254-00013588 five frequencies a secret I'm going to tUMUrVMFCPk-00049-00013590-00013727 urge you tUMUrVMFCPk-00050-00013728-00013907 to you know tUMUrVMFCPk-00051-00013908-00014219 maybe look around your fragrance cabinet tUMUrVMFCPk-00052-00014219-00014507 you forgot wardrobe and say you know tUMUrVMFCPk-00053-00014508-00014765 what this fragrance here is my own tUMUrVMFCPk-00054-00014766-00015029 personal fragrance I love it so much I tUMUrVMFCPk-00055-00015030-00015166 don't want to tell anybody what I'm tUMUrVMFCPk-00056-00015168-00015322 wanting when they ask me I'm just going tUMUrVMFCPk-00057-00015323-00015563 to act like a butthole and that's tUMUrVMFCPk-00058-00015563-00015779 perfectly okay but with the rest of your tUMUrVMFCPk-00059-00015780-00015983 fragrances it's okay to tell everybody tUMUrVMFCPk-00060-00015984-00016300 what you're wearing all right I will be tUMUrVMFCPk-00061-00016301-00016565 back to share those five beautiful tUMUrVMFCPk-00062-00016566-00016967 fragrances with you tUMUrVMFCPk-00063-00016968-00017677 [Music] tUMUrVMFCPk-00064-00017678-00017921 all right we are back are you still with tUMUrVMFCPk-00065-00017922-00017999 me tUMUrVMFCPk-00066-00018000-00018317 if you haven't uh like comment and tUMUrVMFCPk-00067-00018318-00018467 subscribe to the video please don't tUMUrVMFCPk-00068-00018468-00018671 forget to do so if you are new here tUMUrVMFCPk-00069-00018672-00018983 welcome and I hope you will subscribe tUMUrVMFCPk-00070-00018984-00019289 and become part of this Channel and if tUMUrVMFCPk-00071-00019290-00019450 you would like to donate you can also tUMUrVMFCPk-00072-00019451-00019727 become a member by clicking on the tUMUrVMFCPk-00073-00019728-00019867 member link tUMUrVMFCPk-00074-00019868-00020255 and you will be able to maybe make a tUMUrVMFCPk-00075-00020256-00020453 monthly donation of maybe five dollars tUMUrVMFCPk-00076-00020454-00020622 ten dollars whichever one you can afford tUMUrVMFCPk-00077-00020623-00020963 uh and that will definitely help my tUMUrVMFCPk-00078-00020964-00021311 channel grow thank you all right the tUMUrVMFCPk-00079-00021312-00021599 first fragrance attack you should tUMUrVMFCPk-00080-00021600-00022036 personally keep a secret it's like tUMUrVMFCPk-00081-00022037-00022385 tell anybody about it the first one is tUMUrVMFCPk-00082-00022386-00022799 goal and sense by Carolina Herrera this tUMUrVMFCPk-00083-00022800-00023171 this is my secret Smoky kind of tUMUrVMFCPk-00084-00023172-00023494 incensive Woody uh fragrance that I do tUMUrVMFCPk-00085-00023495-00023728 not want to tell anyone about tUMUrVMFCPk-00086-00023729-00023971 the dry down on this this fragrance here tUMUrVMFCPk-00087-00023972-00024461 it's mesmerizing guys oh my God it goes tUMUrVMFCPk-00088-00024462-00024713 very well balanced with you know that tUMUrVMFCPk-00089-00024714-00025049 intensive dry Woody touches that it has tUMUrVMFCPk-00090-00025050-00025264 it has some cinnamon some Sandalwood tUMUrVMFCPk-00091-00025265-00025594 some incense and a little slight Touch tUMUrVMFCPk-00092-00025595-00025937 of vanilla Marigold and love them tUMUrVMFCPk-00093-00025938-00026237 it's quite beautiful indeed I remember tUMUrVMFCPk-00094-00026238-00026464 that I was really impressed by the first tUMUrVMFCPk-00095-00026466-00026783 time I tried this fragrance and I am tUMUrVMFCPk-00096-00026783-00027017 still impressed every time I wore it so tUMUrVMFCPk-00097-00027018-00027251 when people ask me what I'm wearing I do tUMUrVMFCPk-00098-00027252-00027473 not tell them my bottle is almost half tUMUrVMFCPk-00099-00027474-00027737 so I definitely need to start looking tUMUrVMFCPk-00100-00027738-00028079 for a new bottle because this will be in tUMUrVMFCPk-00101-00028080-00028445 my collection for a very long time tUMUrVMFCPk-00102-00028445-00028643 I mean you know tUMUrVMFCPk-00103-00028644-00028918 if you ever spray these fragrance the tUMUrVMFCPk-00104-00028919-00029081 minute you spray it people will be all tUMUrVMFCPk-00105-00029082-00029308 over you asking you you know what is tUMUrVMFCPk-00106-00029310-00029477 that you just mean and it's not it will tUMUrVMFCPk-00107-00029477-00029746 not be for for a bad thing it would have tUMUrVMFCPk-00108-00029747-00029999 definitely be because they love the tUMUrVMFCPk-00109-00030000-00030370 smell you know the dry down oh tUMUrVMFCPk-00110-00030372-00030731 it's so beautiful they dry down on this tUMUrVMFCPk-00111-00030732-00031068 fragrance so the first secretly tUMUrVMFCPk-00112-00031069-00031373 fragrance you need to keep to yourself tUMUrVMFCPk-00113-00031374-00031762 is goal and sense by Carolina Herrera tUMUrVMFCPk-00114-00031763-00032057 all right the second tUMUrVMFCPk-00115-00032058-00032224 secrets tUMUrVMFCPk-00116-00032225-00032518 fragrance you need to keep to yourself tUMUrVMFCPk-00117-00032519-00033052 is working in tUMUrVMFCPk-00118-00033053-00033361 oh these are some Rose tUMUrVMFCPk-00119-00033362-00033761 of Bergamot some Odin lots of peppery tUMUrVMFCPk-00120-00033762-00033871 notes tUMUrVMFCPk-00121-00033872-00034237 Jasmine oh this is so tUMUrVMFCPk-00122-00034238-00034540 absolutely gorgeous okay this is the tUMUrVMFCPk-00123-00034541-00034751 kind of fragrance that one person should tUMUrVMFCPk-00124-00034752-00034912 could die for okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00125-00034913-00035279 yeah I said it it's it's so sexy tUMUrVMFCPk-00126-00035280-00035633 this is just another Woody floor Moss tUMUrVMFCPk-00127-00035634-00035837 scent fragrance okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00128-00035838-00036196 just floored it with some superb notes tUMUrVMFCPk-00129-00036197-00036545 like the rose the burger mud the Ila tUMUrVMFCPk-00130-00036546-00036652 illa tUMUrVMFCPk-00131-00036653-00036940 you know and those really settled you tUMUrVMFCPk-00132-00036941-00037246 know to the heart of the fragrance and tUMUrVMFCPk-00133-00037247-00037583 the pepper Jasmine tUMUrVMFCPk-00134-00037584-00037817 not forget the sand or wood in this tUMUrVMFCPk-00135-00037818-00037918 fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00136-00037919-00038309 if you're a fan of vanilla based Rose tUMUrVMFCPk-00137-00038310-00038862 you know strong but yet very feminine tUMUrVMFCPk-00138-00038863-00039167 fragrances this is the fragrance to go tUMUrVMFCPk-00139-00039168-00039251 for tUMUrVMFCPk-00140-00039252-00039424 and look at the bottle tUMUrVMFCPk-00141-00039425-00039857 man this is just so beautiful you should tUMUrVMFCPk-00142-00039858-00040127 grab your yourself a bottle or try to tUMUrVMFCPk-00143-00040128-00040318 get a test of these fragrance look I tUMUrVMFCPk-00144-00040319-00040480 love it so much look look at my bottle tUMUrVMFCPk-00145-00040481-00040768 almost half and I have almost 300 tUMUrVMFCPk-00146-00040769-00041057 bottles of perfumes so for me to for tUMUrVMFCPk-00147-00041058-00041351 fragrance to go almost half already uh tUMUrVMFCPk-00148-00041352-00041561 it you know it tells you that I've used tUMUrVMFCPk-00149-00041562-00041824 it a lot or I've given it away a lot but tUMUrVMFCPk-00150-00041825-00042190 regardless this is such a masterpiece tUMUrVMFCPk-00151-00042191-00042521 this is you know they make some great tUMUrVMFCPk-00152-00042522-00042718 fragrances have yet to be disappointed tUMUrVMFCPk-00153-00042719-00042923 with anything that they've made and this tUMUrVMFCPk-00154-00042924-00043171 is one of those scents that I absolutely tUMUrVMFCPk-00155-00043172-00043589 love on the longevity on this thing is tUMUrVMFCPk-00156-00043590-00043829 eternal just like any of the order tUMUrVMFCPk-00157-00043830-00044105 throughout Disney fragrances you'll find tUMUrVMFCPk-00158-00044106-00044485 out there with uh you know enormous tUMUrVMFCPk-00159-00044486-00044861 this is sexy so you know so if you have tUMUrVMFCPk-00160-00044862-00045035 this woman actually what I want don't tUMUrVMFCPk-00161-00045036-00045335 tell them just say I not remember tUMUrVMFCPk-00162-00045336-00045683 all right so how many of you would have tUMUrVMFCPk-00163-00045684-00045827 thought that I would come out with tUMUrVMFCPk-00164-00045828-00046462 English Promenade number 19 from Quigley tUMUrVMFCPk-00165-00046463-00046780 done sexy don't tell people what you tUMUrVMFCPk-00166-00046781-00046949 want I want this tUMUrVMFCPk-00167-00046950-00047212 uh over the summer and this lady asked tUMUrVMFCPk-00168-00047213-00047405 me what I was one I did not tell her tUMUrVMFCPk-00169-00047406-00047746 yeah I know that was a bad bite and I tUMUrVMFCPk-00170-00047747-00047873 said thank you so much for the tUMUrVMFCPk-00171-00047874-00048017 compliment but I cannot remember what tUMUrVMFCPk-00172-00048018-00048227 I'm worried I did not tell her tUMUrVMFCPk-00173-00048228-00048745 this makes one person feel so good okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00174-00048746-00049085 it will makes you feel bold makes you tUMUrVMFCPk-00175-00049086-00049302 feel Regal it makes you feel confident tUMUrVMFCPk-00176-00049303-00049577 this is a totally different personality tUMUrVMFCPk-00177-00049578-00049883 type of a fragrance okay it has some tUMUrVMFCPk-00178-00049884-00050117 natural ingredients and those tUMUrVMFCPk-00179-00050118-00050302 ingredients are incorporated into this tUMUrVMFCPk-00180-00050303-00050596 beauty that makes it smell tUMUrVMFCPk-00181-00050597-00050927 so natural and so pretty precious this tUMUrVMFCPk-00182-00050928-00051124 is a precious fragrance it's one of tUMUrVMFCPk-00183-00051125-00051214 those tUMUrVMFCPk-00184-00051215-00051520 girly type of fragrances that you wear tUMUrVMFCPk-00185-00051521-00051929 just for yourself and you shouldn't care tUMUrVMFCPk-00186-00051929-00052096 whether someone tells you that you smell tUMUrVMFCPk-00187-00052097-00052378 good or you smell good because you know tUMUrVMFCPk-00188-00052379-00052541 [Music] tUMUrVMFCPk-00189-00052541-00052823 that you smell wonderful so they don't tUMUrVMFCPk-00190-00052824-00053009 need to tell you oh this is my tUMUrVMFCPk-00191-00053010-00053254 girlfriend but I'm boating on today I'm tUMUrVMFCPk-00192-00053255-00053542 going to smell like a French cooker tUMUrVMFCPk-00193-00053544-00053776 yes I said it tUMUrVMFCPk-00194-00053777-00053885 okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00195-00053886-00054094 so don't tell anybody what about this tUMUrVMFCPk-00196-00054095-00054304 footage when you're on it this is an tUMUrVMFCPk-00197-00054305-00054623 outstanding fragrance guys and it it is tUMUrVMFCPk-00198-00054624-00054965 basically more uh uh performance even tUMUrVMFCPk-00199-00054966-00055229 though it's a floral fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00200-00055229-00055457 you know with some orange blossom fresh tUMUrVMFCPk-00201-00055458-00055763 grapefruit some white Moss no Wally some tUMUrVMFCPk-00202-00055764-00056161 Ila Ila but it is still this mode okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00203-00056162-00056482 and this one outshines any other tUMUrVMFCPk-00204-00056483-00056729 fragrance of its kind there is there tUMUrVMFCPk-00205-00056729-00056921 isn't a replica for this out there if tUMUrVMFCPk-00206-00056922-00057130 there is one please tell me that you you tUMUrVMFCPk-00207-00057132-00057382 found one but I don't know that there is tUMUrVMFCPk-00208-00057383-00057671 another fragrance out there this is so tUMUrVMFCPk-00209-00057672-00058054 done sexy again English Promenade number tUMUrVMFCPk-00210-00058055-00058373 19 from quickler all right are you ready tUMUrVMFCPk-00211-00058374-00058726 for it this is like my newer newest one tUMUrVMFCPk-00212-00058727-00059026 uh into my collection uh one of the tUMUrVMFCPk-00213-00059027-00059182 latest fragrances that I purchased in tUMUrVMFCPk-00214-00059183-00059315 2022 tUMUrVMFCPk-00215-00059316-00059469 uh tUMUrVMFCPk-00216-00059470-00059650 [Music] tUMUrVMFCPk-00217-00059651-00059861 don't tell anybody about this fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00218-00059862-00059992 first of all they will not be able to tUMUrVMFCPk-00219-00059994-00060299 find it because that was there aren't tUMUrVMFCPk-00220-00060300-00060694 any more of it made right this is tUMUrVMFCPk-00221-00060695-00061469 Imagine by Gale balately tUMUrVMFCPk-00222-00061470-00061715 if you want to give something a secret tUMUrVMFCPk-00223-00061716-00061973 to yourself just like your it's the tUMUrVMFCPk-00224-00061974-00062242 number for your ATM card give this baby tUMUrVMFCPk-00225-00062244-00062435 a secret okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00226-00062436-00062638 you really want to keep a secret from tUMUrVMFCPk-00227-00062639-00062819 your children from your husband from tUMUrVMFCPk-00228-00062820-00063125 your friends from your spouse from your tUMUrVMFCPk-00229-00063126-00063304 significant other whatever we're calling tUMUrVMFCPk-00230-00063305-00063461 them these days tUMUrVMFCPk-00231-00063462-00063754 this is one of the most beautiful tUMUrVMFCPk-00232-00063755-00064073 fragrances that I have purchased in 2022 tUMUrVMFCPk-00233-00064074-00064337 and probably one of the most beautiful tUMUrVMFCPk-00234-00064338-00064637 fragrances in my collection tUMUrVMFCPk-00235-00064638-00065116 imagine again thanks to my friend Joanne tUMUrVMFCPk-00236-00065117-00065416 who you know told me this fragrance was tUMUrVMFCPk-00237-00065417-00065693 available and I was able to call someone tUMUrVMFCPk-00238-00065694-00065867 someone you up tUMUrVMFCPk-00239-00065868-00066131 and they found it for me and don't do tUMUrVMFCPk-00240-00066132-00066581 like I I just did my blood in the top on tUMUrVMFCPk-00241-00066582-00066803 your skin because this all in your skin tUMUrVMFCPk-00242-00066804-00067061 will get back into your fragrance so I tUMUrVMFCPk-00243-00067062-00067265 just wiped it on my dress get back into tUMUrVMFCPk-00244-00067266-00067450 into your fragrance and you don't want tUMUrVMFCPk-00245-00067451-00067709 to do that so you want you really want tUMUrVMFCPk-00246-00067710-00068015 to use a decanter to thicken this and tUMUrVMFCPk-00247-00068016-00068171 then carry the little decade because tUMUrVMFCPk-00248-00068172-00068405 when you purchase this it comes with a tUMUrVMFCPk-00249-00068406-00068753 really nice uh leathery case the candle tUMUrVMFCPk-00250-00068754-00069185 that you can carry on your person uh to tUMUrVMFCPk-00251-00069186-00069382 wear the fragrance so you don't ever tUMUrVMFCPk-00252-00069383-00069575 have to do like what I just did that was tUMUrVMFCPk-00253-00069576-00069988 nasty by the way this is this is sexy tUMUrVMFCPk-00254-00069989-00070165 sex in a bottle tUMUrVMFCPk-00255-00070166-00070385 absolutely gorgeous tUMUrVMFCPk-00256-00070386-00070571 do not tell anybody you have this tUMUrVMFCPk-00257-00070572-00070876 fragrance just keep it to yourself it's tUMUrVMFCPk-00258-00070877-00071099 a secret when you wear this your tUMUrVMFCPk-00259-00071100-00071285 significant order will be like what are tUMUrVMFCPk-00260-00071286-00071537 you wearing sweetheart you just say I tUMUrVMFCPk-00261-00071538-00071632 don't remember tUMUrVMFCPk-00262-00071633-00071759 it's one of the things that I have there tUMUrVMFCPk-00263-00071760-00071994 except tUMUrVMFCPk-00264-00071995-00072365 I know right by the way if I sound tUMUrVMFCPk-00265-00072366-00072587 really horsey it's because I have been tUMUrVMFCPk-00266-00072588-00072725 sick for the last tUMUrVMFCPk-00267-00072726-00072893 two weeks tUMUrVMFCPk-00268-00072894-00073150 the beginning of my New Year wasn't as tUMUrVMFCPk-00269-00073151-00073397 great as I would hope because I was tUMUrVMFCPk-00270-00073398-00073750 under the weather I ended up with that tUMUrVMFCPk-00271-00073751-00074059 really bad cough uh that was out there tUMUrVMFCPk-00272-00074060-00074471 no I did not have covered but it was so tUMUrVMFCPk-00273-00074472-00074843 bad I thought I feel like my chest was tUMUrVMFCPk-00274-00074844-00075113 going to just breathe apart that's how tUMUrVMFCPk-00275-00075114-00075281 sick I was and I'm still trying to get tUMUrVMFCPk-00276-00075282-00075503 over this is why I sound like a guy tUMUrVMFCPk-00277-00075504-00075653 today tUMUrVMFCPk-00278-00075654-00075821 that's okay though tUMUrVMFCPk-00279-00075822-00076115 still smell good right again tUMUrVMFCPk-00280-00076116-00076438 uh Imagine by galley tUMUrVMFCPk-00281-00076439-00076606 all right tUMUrVMFCPk-00282-00076607-00076829 fragrance number five tUMUrVMFCPk-00283-00076830-00077173 this is symphonium tUMUrVMFCPk-00284-00077174-00077461 my goodness tUMUrVMFCPk-00285-00077462-00077741 hmm Spanish Mandarin tUMUrVMFCPk-00286-00077742-00078059 orange nuts you have some Indian tUMUrVMFCPk-00287-00078060-00078503 cardamom and Belgian chocolate okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00288-00078504-00078887 this is one of a kind fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00289-00078888-00079121 uh I have never tUMUrVMFCPk-00290-00079122-00079288 tell anyone tUMUrVMFCPk-00291-00079289-00079673 uh whatever these fragrance they asked tUMUrVMFCPk-00292-00079674-00079835 me like I don't remember I'm sorry I tUMUrVMFCPk-00293-00079836-00080021 don't remember what I'm mine tUMUrVMFCPk-00294-00080022-00080267 well if you remember can you maybe text tUMUrVMFCPk-00295-00080268-00080471 me here's my number okay you know what tUMUrVMFCPk-00296-00080472-00080723 if you want to go that far for me to tUMUrVMFCPk-00297-00080724-00080897 give me your number a perfect stranger tUMUrVMFCPk-00298-00080898-00081041 to give me a number for me to text you tUMUrVMFCPk-00299-00081042-00081256 when I'm on I guess I'm going to do that tUMUrVMFCPk-00300-00081257-00081467 I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you but tUMUrVMFCPk-00301-00081468-00081581 otherwise tUMUrVMFCPk-00302-00081582-00081826 I'm not gonna go out of my way to tell tUMUrVMFCPk-00303-00081827-00082037 you but you know what I have texted two tUMUrVMFCPk-00304-00082038-00082306 people back with what I was going one of tUMUrVMFCPk-00305-00082307-00082481 them responded reply back to me oh my tUMUrVMFCPk-00306-00082482-00082619 God that's a little bit too pricey for tUMUrVMFCPk-00307-00082620-00082871 my days okay lady fine you asked me what tUMUrVMFCPk-00308-00082872-00083105 I was wanting I told you so I don't care tUMUrVMFCPk-00309-00083106-00083285 what is to pass it for your taste decide tUMUrVMFCPk-00310-00083286-00083476 what you want to do and I know the lady tUMUrVMFCPk-00311-00083477-00083656 asked me for example and I sent her a tUMUrVMFCPk-00312-00083657-00083885 sample and then two weeks later after tUMUrVMFCPk-00313-00083886-00084106 she receive it she called me and said tUMUrVMFCPk-00314-00084107-00084299 can I get another sample and I said no tUMUrVMFCPk-00315-00084300-00084556 I'm sorry you need to purchase it she tUMUrVMFCPk-00316-00084557-00084773 did not subscribe to my channel I'm just tUMUrVMFCPk-00317-00084774-00084871 kidding tUMUrVMFCPk-00318-00084872-00085138 uh I did not feel like I had to keep tUMUrVMFCPk-00319-00085139-00085397 giving her sample of my fragrance online tUMUrVMFCPk-00320-00085398-00085637 purchase anyway tUMUrVMFCPk-00321-00085638-00085931 this is delicious and unique tUMUrVMFCPk-00322-00085932-00086375 I mean orange and chocolate so perfectly tUMUrVMFCPk-00323-00086376-00086585 mixed together tUMUrVMFCPk-00324-00086586-00086987 created this Guma Perfection okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00325-00086988-00087226 honestly if someone told me that I would tUMUrVMFCPk-00326-00087227-00087394 go nuts over these nuts I would say I tUMUrVMFCPk-00327-00087395-00087635 would say are you crazy seriously orange tUMUrVMFCPk-00328-00087636-00087881 and chocolate who does that who mix that tUMUrVMFCPk-00329-00087882-00088150 together and to create a fragrance well tUMUrVMFCPk-00330-00088151-00088337 guess who did it tUMUrVMFCPk-00331-00088338-00088697 JoJo did it they created a masterpiece tUMUrVMFCPk-00332-00088698-00088997 this is so sexy okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00333-00088998-00089255 I mean you know to me it's kind of Linda tUMUrVMFCPk-00334-00089256-00089488 okay it doesn't change a lot after tUMUrVMFCPk-00335-00089489-00089723 you're worried it stays on your skin tUMUrVMFCPk-00336-00089724-00089968 just like the first time that you tUMUrVMFCPk-00337-00089969-00090287 smelled it and you sprayed it so people tUMUrVMFCPk-00338-00090288-00090491 will smell you hours and hours later tUMUrVMFCPk-00339-00090492-00090706 they still will smell the same fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00340-00090707-00090947 that you sprayed on at 7am before you tUMUrVMFCPk-00341-00090948-00091253 left your house okay I can pick up a tUMUrVMFCPk-00342-00091254-00091523 little bit of cardamom into this okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00343-00091524-00091882 but nothing from the list of the notes tUMUrVMFCPk-00344-00091883-00092117 that will make people think this is full tUMUrVMFCPk-00345-00092118-00092291 of cardamom okay tUMUrVMFCPk-00346-00092292-00092567 uh it's not bad the fact that I can tUMUrVMFCPk-00347-00092568-00092723 think of the little cardamom you know tUMUrVMFCPk-00348-00092724-00092944 it's turned up my nose my palate is tUMUrVMFCPk-00349-00092945-00093185 growing because I can detect notes now tUMUrVMFCPk-00350-00093186-00093371 in fragrances because prior to that I tUMUrVMFCPk-00351-00093372-00093461 couldn't tUMUrVMFCPk-00352-00093462-00093659 if it smells good I like it if you did tUMUrVMFCPk-00353-00093660-00093821 not smell good if like it I couldn't tUMUrVMFCPk-00354-00093822-00094067 tell notes apart from fragrances so now tUMUrVMFCPk-00355-00094068-00094325 that I've been a collector for a while tUMUrVMFCPk-00356-00094326-00094715 and I'm using more and more uh nicer tUMUrVMFCPk-00357-00094716-00095050 fragrances with nicer ingredients so I tUMUrVMFCPk-00358-00095051-00095435 think I'm learning and I'm growing with tUMUrVMFCPk-00359-00095436-00095656 my dread tUMUrVMFCPk-00360-00095657-00095921 you know someone said it's my little tUMUrVMFCPk-00361-00095922-00096185 animalic to me it doesn't smell animalic tUMUrVMFCPk-00362-00096186-00096438 at all at all I mean there's nothing tUMUrVMFCPk-00363-00096439-00096694 strangely about this fragrance that will tUMUrVMFCPk-00364-00096695-00096988 make people think that it's animalic all tUMUrVMFCPk-00365-00096989-00097343 you smell in this is greatness tUMUrVMFCPk-00366-00097344-00097661 and always blossom in the chocolate tUMUrVMFCPk-00367-00097662-00097961 you know it's a masterpiece guys you tUMUrVMFCPk-00368-00097962-00098135 know I can see why that lady called me a tUMUrVMFCPk-00369-00098136-00098344 second time wanted wanting another tUMUrVMFCPk-00370-00098345-00098668 tester because it is it's a masterpiece tUMUrVMFCPk-00371-00098669-00099076 I love this fragrance and you know the tUMUrVMFCPk-00372-00099077-00099371 more you wear this uh the more you feel tUMUrVMFCPk-00373-00099372-00099761 like you you're feeling uh like a tUMUrVMFCPk-00374-00099762-00100073 million bucks basically right you feel tUMUrVMFCPk-00375-00100074-00100391 sexy you feel powerful right you feel tUMUrVMFCPk-00376-00100392-00100876 like the wall cannot hurt me today no no tUMUrVMFCPk-00377-00100877-00101182 matter what you say hater you cannot tUMUrVMFCPk-00378-00101183-00101435 hurt me because I smell freaking tUMUrVMFCPk-00379-00101436-00101638 wonderful and I probably smell better tUMUrVMFCPk-00380-00101639-00101800 than you smell tUMUrVMFCPk-00381-00101801-00102143 I I actually have said that but tUMUrVMFCPk-00382-00102144-00102388 if you have this masterpiece on tUMUrVMFCPk-00383-00102389-00102616 you will smell amazing tUMUrVMFCPk-00384-00102617-00102886 people will wonder what is this lady tUMUrVMFCPk-00385-00102888-00103108 wearing today because this lady smells tUMUrVMFCPk-00386-00103109-00103247 so good tUMUrVMFCPk-00387-00103248-00103373 all right tUMUrVMFCPk-00388-00103374-00103601 This Is It For Me YouTube tUMUrVMFCPk-00389-00103602-00103894 I have shared with you five amazing tUMUrVMFCPk-00390-00103895-00104068 purposes that you should keep a secret tUMUrVMFCPk-00391-00104069-00104249 if you don't have those progresses in tUMUrVMFCPk-00392-00104250-00104423 your collection I'm not telling you to tUMUrVMFCPk-00393-00104424-00104597 go out and buy them tUMUrVMFCPk-00394-00104598-00104915 but look around your perfume cabinet and tUMUrVMFCPk-00395-00104916-00105166 pick five and say or maybe one and say tUMUrVMFCPk-00396-00105167-00105395 this is going to be my secret collection tUMUrVMFCPk-00397-00105396-00105634 I am never telling anyone about this tUMUrVMFCPk-00398-00105635-00105893 fragrance except if you know they give tUMUrVMFCPk-00399-00105894-00106066 you the phone number and ask you to text tUMUrVMFCPk-00400-00106067-00106258 it to them like that crazy lady did with tUMUrVMFCPk-00401-00106259-00106393 me tUMUrVMFCPk-00402-00106394-00106697 all right remember tUMUrVMFCPk-00403-00106698-00106954 eat the dessert tUMUrVMFCPk-00404-00106955-00107290 by the shoe buy the fragrance where the tUMUrVMFCPk-00405-00107291-00107434 fragrance tUMUrVMFCPk-00406-00107435-00107843 and forget about the haters live your tUMUrVMFCPk-00407-00107844-00108251 best life in 2023. thank you I will see tUMUrVMFCPk-00408-00108252-00108655 you later bye now tUMUrVMFCPk-00409-00108656-00109133 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00000-00000000-00000817 foreign tZh79Ul-oAg-00001-00000818-00000874 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00002-00000875-00000942 [Applause] tZh79Ul-oAg-00003-00000943-00002579 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00004-00002580-00003089 but who knows who can tell I just might tZh79Ul-oAg-00005-00003090-00003617 call some friend but you know if I pick tZh79Ul-oAg-00006-00003618-00003922 up that phone tZh79Ul-oAg-00007-00003923-00004261 and we meet up for drinks tZh79Ul-oAg-00008-00004262-00004619 the longer I Stay tZh79Ul-oAg-00009-00004620-00004804 I'll own tZh79Ul-oAg-00010-00004805-00005233 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00011-00005234-00005968 oh well oh well it's Christmas again tZh79Ul-oAg-00012-00005969-00006570 best if I spend it alone tZh79Ul-oAg-00013-00006572-00007327 oh well oh well I have no one to blame tZh79Ul-oAg-00014-00007328-00007878 nobody is fault but my own tZh79Ul-oAg-00015-00007879-00008381 and from what I can tell all the tales tZh79Ul-oAg-00016-00008382-00008842 are the same You Don't Know What You've tZh79Ul-oAg-00017-00008843-00009295 Got Till It's Gone tZh79Ul-oAg-00018-00009296-00009463 everything tZh79Ul-oAg-00019-00009464-00009895 crumbled and widowed away tZh79Ul-oAg-00020-00009896-00010432 I failed one more can I say tZh79Ul-oAg-00021-00010433-00010555 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00022-00010556-00011292 oh well oh well it's Christmas tZh79Ul-oAg-00023-00011293-00013272 I guess I will spend it along tZh79Ul-oAg-00024-00013273-00013715 ring them bells ring them bells for tZh79Ul-oAg-00025-00013716-00013991 woman and child tZh79Ul-oAg-00026-00013991-00014608 and maybe for a lost men like me tZh79Ul-oAg-00027-00014609-00015058 ring again ring for them who have tZh79Ul-oAg-00028-00015059-00015605 nothing but time the sad ones with no tZh79Ul-oAg-00029-00015606-00015922 place to be tZh79Ul-oAg-00030-00015924-00016044 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00031-00016045-00016943 ring for the losers tZh79Ul-oAg-00032-00016944-00017317 [Music] tZh79Ul-oAg-00033-00017318-00017833 and bells ring the bells for the mother tZh79Ul-oAg-00034-00017834-00018150 and child tZh79Ul-oAg-00035-00018151-00018630 ring for the absence tZh79Ul-oAg-00036-00018631-00019031 like me tZZCPrLMHhA-00000-00018540-00018858 should start so uh once again tZZCPrLMHhA-00001-00018859-00019079 distinguished guest dear ladies and tZZCPrLMHhA-00002-00019080-00019325 gentlemen welcome uh to the afternoon tZZCPrLMHhA-00003-00019326-00019607 session entitled the role of parliaments tZZCPrLMHhA-00004-00019608-00019853 in addressing cyber threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00005-00019854-00020147 today is a very special day because this tZZCPrLMHhA-00006-00020148-00020363 is a kind of a culmination of a very tZZCPrLMHhA-00007-00020364-00020593 long effort of work with tZZCPrLMHhA-00008-00020594-00020879 parliamentarians and engaging them in tZZCPrLMHhA-00009-00020880-00021143 the igf and it is my utmost pleasure to tZZCPrLMHhA-00010-00021144-00021353 be the moderator for today's discussion tZZCPrLMHhA-00011-00021354-00021611 my name is Teresa horaceova I work for tZZCPrLMHhA-00012-00021612-00021922 the global forum of cyber expertise tZZCPrLMHhA-00013-00021923-00022199 before we get into the question to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00014-00022200-00022444 session I would just like to say a few tZZCPrLMHhA-00015-00022445-00022714 words on the modus operandi as you might tZZCPrLMHhA-00016-00022715-00022930 have observed the session is being tZZCPrLMHhA-00017-00022931-00023272 interpreted in all un languages which is tZZCPrLMHhA-00018-00023273-00023471 also an invitation to our dear speakers tZZCPrLMHhA-00019-00023472-00023767 to bear that in mind and and speak tZZCPrLMHhA-00020-00023768-00024113 slowly we have one hour and 10 minutes tZZCPrLMHhA-00021-00024114-00024461 approximately left and this is a session tZZCPrLMHhA-00022-00024462-00024689 that will be a little bit different than tZZCPrLMHhA-00023-00024690-00024857 the previous parliamentary sessions tZZCPrLMHhA-00024-00024858-00025091 because what we are planning to do is to tZZCPrLMHhA-00025-00025092-00025342 really have a genuine Dialogue on the tZZCPrLMHhA-00026-00025343-00025594 issues that are at stake tZZCPrLMHhA-00027-00025595-00025822 uh before we get started with this tZZCPrLMHhA-00028-00025823-00026056 dialogue uh I would like to first of all tZZCPrLMHhA-00029-00026057-00026314 thank all the organizers of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00030-00026316-00026602 Parliamentary Trek who we will hear from tZZCPrLMHhA-00031-00026604-00026837 in their welcoming remarks at this tZZCPrLMHhA-00032-00026838-00027185 moment as a first Speaker uh we have Lee tZZCPrLMHhA-00033-00027186-00027449 yunhua under Secretary General for tZZCPrLMHhA-00034-00027450-00027670 economic and social Affairs at the tZZCPrLMHhA-00035-00027672-00027935 United Nations who will greet us via a tZZCPrLMHhA-00036-00027936-00028145 video message uh dear colleagues at the tZZCPrLMHhA-00037-00028145-00028331 tech team would you kindly played in a tZZCPrLMHhA-00038-00028332-00029339 message thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-00039-00029339-00029596 honorable members of the parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00040-00029597-00029837 distinguish the participants ladies and tZZCPrLMHhA-00041-00029838-00029964 gentlemen tZZCPrLMHhA-00042-00029966-00030323 the internet has been advanced in Europe tZZCPrLMHhA-00043-00030324-00030599 whether from the regulatory perspective tZZCPrLMHhA-00044-00030600-00030918 we are lagging behind tZZCPrLMHhA-00045-00030919-00031174 parliaments have the important role to tZZCPrLMHhA-00046-00031175-00031696 play in ensuring a safe open secure and tZZCPrLMHhA-00047-00031697-00031949 United internet for all tZZCPrLMHhA-00048-00031950-00032296 so I'm very grateful for your engagement tZZCPrLMHhA-00049-00032297-00032681 here today of 17th annual meeting of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00050-00032682-00032968 internet governance form tZZCPrLMHhA-00051-00032969-00033227 media participants tZZCPrLMHhA-00052-00033228-00033574 one of the issues under review is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00053-00033575-00033811 fibrous cure tZZCPrLMHhA-00054-00033812-00033989 cyberspace tZZCPrLMHhA-00055-00033990-00034312 has never been more at risk tZZCPrLMHhA-00056-00034313-00034690 runtime work well in for damage cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00057-00034691-00035105 attacks cyber bullying and other Farms tZZCPrLMHhA-00058-00035106-00035423 are on the rights tZZCPrLMHhA-00059-00035424-00035699 Global user platforms critical tZZCPrLMHhA-00060-00035700-00036011 infrastructure and Supply chains are tZZCPrLMHhA-00061-00036012-00036131 targeted tZZCPrLMHhA-00062-00036132-00036467 often words devastating and the massive tZZCPrLMHhA-00063-00036468-00036671 consequences tZZCPrLMHhA-00064-00036672-00036905 these affect the people and institutions tZZCPrLMHhA-00065-00036906-00037061 globally tZZCPrLMHhA-00066-00037062-00037451 they directly impacts Global Order peace tZZCPrLMHhA-00067-00037452-00037727 and the prosperity tZZCPrLMHhA-00068-00037728-00038062 at the same time we are witnessing a tZZCPrLMHhA-00069-00038063-00038302 positive contributions of the digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00070-00038303-00038471 Technologies tZZCPrLMHhA-00071-00038472-00038740 transforming lives and livelihoods or tZZCPrLMHhA-00072-00038741-00039035 sustainable developments tZZCPrLMHhA-00073-00039036-00039251 let's duality tZZCPrLMHhA-00074-00039252-00039496 of the internet tZZCPrLMHhA-00075-00039497-00039952 who was for what we want to act together tZZCPrLMHhA-00076-00039953-00040289 we must work together to ensure safer tZZCPrLMHhA-00077-00040290-00040583 and the most secure internet services tZZCPrLMHhA-00078-00040584-00040889 and make the digital connectivity tZZCPrLMHhA-00079-00040890-00041159 accessible and affordable for everyone tZZCPrLMHhA-00080-00041160-00041418 everywhere tZZCPrLMHhA-00081-00041419-00041735 legislators have a critical and tZZCPrLMHhA-00082-00041736-00042035 important role to paying less regard tZZCPrLMHhA-00083-00042036-00042305 your work helps to safeguard the tZZCPrLMHhA-00084-00042306-00042533 internet through the regulation and tZZCPrLMHhA-00085-00042534-00042712 standardization tZZCPrLMHhA-00086-00042713-00043096 you are hoping to shape God Lives it tZZCPrLMHhA-00087-00043097-00043307 guiders the law under the path to tZZCPrLMHhA-00088-00043308-00043535 resilience tZZCPrLMHhA-00089-00043536-00043757 I'm glad to see that the many tZZCPrLMHhA-00090-00043758-00044087 parliaments are represented and the igf tZZCPrLMHhA-00091-00044088-00044321 here in Arizona tZZCPrLMHhA-00092-00044322-00044561 it is a shining example of a modest tZZCPrLMHhA-00093-00044562-00044812 stakeholder model that brings all tZZCPrLMHhA-00094-00044813-00045101 disciplines together to discuss ways tZZCPrLMHhA-00095-00045102-00045449 forward and make informed decisions tZZCPrLMHhA-00096-00045450-00045730 I salute your commitment to this modest tZZCPrLMHhA-00097-00045731-00045952 stakeholder approach tZZCPrLMHhA-00098-00045953-00046267 and then I encourage you to continue tZZCPrLMHhA-00099-00046268-00046601 engaging in Global Market stakeholder tZZCPrLMHhA-00100-00046602-00046930 dialogue including through the igf and tZZCPrLMHhA-00101-00046931-00047212 the other um processes as well as tZZCPrLMHhA-00102-00047213-00047723 through National and Regional igfs tZZCPrLMHhA-00103-00047724-00048017 in closing I wish to thank the inter tZZCPrLMHhA-00104-00048018-00048299 parliamentary Union and the Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00105-00048300-00048635 of our host country Ethiopia for tZZCPrLMHhA-00106-00048636-00048887 cooperating with the UN desert in tZZCPrLMHhA-00107-00048888-00049265 hosting the parliamentarian track tZZCPrLMHhA-00108-00049266-00049558 I look forward to the outcomes of your tZZCPrLMHhA-00109-00049559-00049661 discussions tZZCPrLMHhA-00111-00054354-00054863 can you hear me tZZCPrLMHhA-00112-00054864-00055144 okay no it's okay thank you it gives me tZZCPrLMHhA-00113-00055145-00055463 a pleasure to be with you today and let tZZCPrLMHhA-00114-00055464-00055637 me start by thanking my colleague the tZZCPrLMHhA-00115-00055638-00055780 under Secretary General who has just tZZCPrLMHhA-00116-00055782-00056021 spoken before me for the strong tZZCPrLMHhA-00117-00056022-00056291 cooperation that we enjoy with you and tZZCPrLMHhA-00118-00056291-00056579 Desa especially in the context of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00119-00056579-00056932 integral internet governance forum uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00120-00056933-00057304 the Parliamentary track at this uh uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00121-00057305-00057665 Forum uh this year is focusing and tZZCPrLMHhA-00122-00057666-00057982 rightly so on addressing cyber threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00123-00057983-00058265 it comes at a time when our tZZCPrLMHhA-00124-00058266-00058559 International System of governance is tZZCPrLMHhA-00125-00058560-00058979 under pressure and this is evident uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00126-00058979-00059261 from the ipu's perspective in what we do tZZCPrLMHhA-00127-00059262-00059657 day to day uh day to day in contributing tZZCPrLMHhA-00128-00059658-00060053 to seeking peaceful uh solution to a tZZCPrLMHhA-00129-00060054-00060259 resolution to conflicts around the world tZZCPrLMHhA-00130-00060260-00060582 and just to name a few you have Ukraine tZZCPrLMHhA-00131-00060583-00061049 Yemen Libya Venezuela Mali just these tZZCPrLMHhA-00132-00061050-00061216 are some of the countries where we are tZZCPrLMHhA-00133-00061217-00061475 involved and we are trying to use the tZZCPrLMHhA-00134-00061476-00061763 tools of parliamentary diplomacy to try tZZCPrLMHhA-00135-00061764-00061966 to facilitate dialogue and political tZZCPrLMHhA-00136-00061967-00062261 Solutions and so I believe it is tZZCPrLMHhA-00137-00062262-00062537 appropriate that this forum takes up the tZZCPrLMHhA-00138-00062538-00062747 issue of cyber threats as one of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00139-00062748-00063047 causes of instability in our digitally tZZCPrLMHhA-00140-00063048-00063419 connected world it is clear that we need tZZCPrLMHhA-00141-00063420-00063623 a higher level of awareness at the tZZCPrLMHhA-00142-00063624-00063857 political level of the threats that tZZCPrLMHhA-00143-00063858-00064138 exist and coordinated action to counter tZZCPrLMHhA-00144-00064139-00064444 them we need to make good use of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00145-00064445-00064594 international instruments that have been tZZCPrLMHhA-00146-00064595-00064780 developed such as the Budapest tZZCPrLMHhA-00147-00064782-00065063 convention on cyber crime and the Malibu tZZCPrLMHhA-00148-00065064-00065332 convention on cyber security and tZZCPrLMHhA-00149-00065333-00065525 personal data protection tZZCPrLMHhA-00150-00065526-00065849 the ipu is making an active contribution tZZCPrLMHhA-00151-00065850-00066071 to the discussion on the comprehensive tZZCPrLMHhA-00152-00066072-00066353 International Convention or countering tZZCPrLMHhA-00153-00066354-00066682 the use of ICT for criminal purposes tZZCPrLMHhA-00154-00066683-00067019 on 6th December we will hold an online tZZCPrLMHhA-00155-00067020-00067259 discussion to hear the views of tZZCPrLMHhA-00156-00067260-00067438 parliamentarians from around the world tZZCPrLMHhA-00157-00067439-00067709 as part of our role to provide a tZZCPrLMHhA-00158-00067710-00067963 parliamentary voice to this un process tZZCPrLMHhA-00159-00067964-00068255 we are Keen to ensure that this tZZCPrLMHhA-00160-00068256-00068494 instrument is grounded in human rights tZZCPrLMHhA-00161-00068495-00068825 principles I would like to note that a tZZCPrLMHhA-00162-00068826-00069161 title of the IP event on 6th December is tZZCPrLMHhA-00163-00069162-00069421 creating a safe cyberspace for democracy tZZCPrLMHhA-00164-00069422-00069737 because this is a truly what is at stake tZZCPrLMHhA-00165-00069738-00070091 whether we are able to have a cyberspace tZZCPrLMHhA-00166-00070092-00070349 in which democracy can flourish and tZZCPrLMHhA-00167-00070350-00070600 international governance can be tZZCPrLMHhA-00168-00070601-00070955 strengthened meanwhile the IPS committee tZZCPrLMHhA-00169-00070956-00071176 and peace and International Security is tZZCPrLMHhA-00170-00071177-00071459 preparing as a resolution that will tZZCPrLMHhA-00171-00071460-00071609 Express the position of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00172-00071610-00071897 international parliamentary community on tZZCPrLMHhA-00173-00071898-00072232 the new risks to Global Security that tZZCPrLMHhA-00174-00072233-00072653 represent cyber attacks and cyber crimes tZZCPrLMHhA-00175-00072654-00073013 I acknowledge the participation in the tZZCPrLMHhA-00176-00073014-00073367 Parliamentary tract at this igf of one tZZCPrLMHhA-00177-00073368-00073565 of the reporters of that resolution Mr tZZCPrLMHhA-00178-00073566-00073823 Jose Cepeda of Spain tZZCPrLMHhA-00179-00073824-00074009 he will certainly want to make the tZZCPrLMHhA-00180-00074010-00074182 connections with the discussions taking tZZCPrLMHhA-00181-00074183-00074375 place this week tZZCPrLMHhA-00182-00074376-00074603 I want to believe that the conclusions tZZCPrLMHhA-00183-00074604-00074843 from today's Roundtable and the three tZZCPrLMHhA-00184-00074844-00075100 sessions of the Parliamentary track that tZZCPrLMHhA-00185-00075101-00075329 have already taken place will form tZZCPrLMHhA-00186-00075330-00075587 another step in the process of building tZZCPrLMHhA-00187-00075588-00075953 the political will to take action to tZZCPrLMHhA-00188-00075954-00076271 address cyber threats and create a safe tZZCPrLMHhA-00189-00076272-00076600 internet for everyone I thank you and tZZCPrLMHhA-00190-00076601-00076750 I'm looking forward to the conclusions tZZCPrLMHhA-00191-00076751-00076943 of your deliberations tZZCPrLMHhA-00192-00076944-00077182 Mr Secretary General thank you very much tZZCPrLMHhA-00193-00077183-00077525 for those kind and encouraging words tZZCPrLMHhA-00194-00077526-00077635 thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-00195-00077636-00077849 [Applause] tZZCPrLMHhA-00196-00077850-00078155 now uh let me invite in person very tZZCPrLMHhA-00197-00078156-00078479 valued guest Mr tagese shafo the Speaker tZZCPrLMHhA-00198-00078480-00078611 of the House of the people's tZZCPrLMHhA-00199-00078612-00078875 representation here in Ethiopia please tZZCPrLMHhA-00200-00078876-00080287 join us here on the stage tZZCPrLMHhA-00201-00080288-00080687 uh well let me Express the regrets of tZZCPrLMHhA-00202-00080688-00080938 the speaker of tZZCPrLMHhA-00203-00080939-00081167 the house of people's Representatives he tZZCPrLMHhA-00204-00081168-00081532 could it be here he is I so I am tZZCPrLMHhA-00205-00081533-00081832 representing him uh I am a member of tZZCPrLMHhA-00206-00081833-00082150 Parliament and I chair the Foreign tZZCPrLMHhA-00207-00082151-00082379 Affairs the foreign relations and peace tZZCPrLMHhA-00208-00082380-00082582 Affairs standing committee of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00209-00082583-00082882 federal Parliament thank you very much tZZCPrLMHhA-00210-00082883-00083326 well distinguished delegates tZZCPrLMHhA-00211-00083327-00083567 and ladies and gentlemen tZZCPrLMHhA-00212-00083568-00083861 on behalf of the House of people's tZZCPrLMHhA-00213-00083862-00084119 representatives of Ethiopia I would like tZZCPrLMHhA-00214-00084120-00084550 to welcome you all to Ethiopia and the tZZCPrLMHhA-00215-00084551-00085079 Parliamentary track of the igf 2022 tZZCPrLMHhA-00216-00085080-00085349 let me take this opportunity to express tZZCPrLMHhA-00217-00085350-00085582 my sincere appreciation tZZCPrLMHhA-00218-00085583-00085888 to all of you who have come to Ethiopia tZZCPrLMHhA-00219-00085889-00086255 to participate in the igf 2022 tZZCPrLMHhA-00220-00086256-00086561 and I thank the organizers tZZCPrLMHhA-00221-00086562-00086693 and tZZCPrLMHhA-00222-00086694-00087173 uh of the igf and the Parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-00223-00087174-00087437 track in particular for their efforts to tZZCPrLMHhA-00224-00087438-00087917 make this meeting convened successfully tZZCPrLMHhA-00225-00087918-00088175 I'm very glad to acknowledge tZZCPrLMHhA-00226-00088176-00088444 the presence of parliamentarians and tZZCPrLMHhA-00227-00088445-00088756 other high-level participants and tZZCPrLMHhA-00228-00088757-00089053 delegates as well as participants tZZCPrLMHhA-00229-00089054-00089356 representing various institutions tZZCPrLMHhA-00230-00089357-00089593 dear participants tZZCPrLMHhA-00231-00089594-00089956 allow me to begin my remarks by tZZCPrLMHhA-00232-00089957-00090215 indicating the role of parliaments in tZZCPrLMHhA-00233-00090216-00090394 the digital space tZZCPrLMHhA-00234-00090395-00090809 as technology is changing fast the legal tZZCPrLMHhA-00235-00090810-00091276 and Regulatory framework also needs to tZZCPrLMHhA-00236-00091277-00091517 cope up tZZCPrLMHhA-00237-00091518-00091756 as a result parliaments tZZCPrLMHhA-00238-00091757-00092171 are places where legislation including tZZCPrLMHhA-00239-00092172-00092399 those of the internet and the digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00240-00092400-00092717 space are developed and parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-00241-00092718-00092975 are important players in the debate tZZCPrLMHhA-00242-00092976-00093268 about internet governance and digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00243-00093269-00093388 policy tZZCPrLMHhA-00244-00093389-00093731 I am pleased that the igf is a place for tZZCPrLMHhA-00245-00093732-00094073 parliamentarians to in to engage with tZZCPrLMHhA-00246-00094074-00094294 other stakeholders and exchange tZZCPrLMHhA-00247-00094295-00094693 knowledge and best practices tZZCPrLMHhA-00248-00094694-00095099 and pressing issues pertaining to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00249-00095100-00095423 use Evolution governance of the internet tZZCPrLMHhA-00250-00095424-00095717 and digital Technologies tZZCPrLMHhA-00251-00095718-00095987 the objective of today's meeting is tZZCPrLMHhA-00252-00095988-00096221 strengthening the role of parliaments tZZCPrLMHhA-00253-00096222-00096547 in the dialogue in Internet governance tZZCPrLMHhA-00254-00096548-00096941 particularly through expanding the set tZZCPrLMHhA-00255-00096942-00097271 of intercessional activities dedicated tZZCPrLMHhA-00256-00097272-00097505 to fostering inter parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-00257-00097506-00097937 dialogue and cooperation on key digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00258-00097938-00098326 policy issues activities dedicated to tZZCPrLMHhA-00259-00098327-00098449 fostering tZZCPrLMHhA-00260-00098450-00098675 interparliamentary dialogue and tZZCPrLMHhA-00261-00098676-00098962 cooperation tZZCPrLMHhA-00262-00098963-00099281 as you all are aware the internet offers tZZCPrLMHhA-00263-00099282-00099443 an opportunity tZZCPrLMHhA-00264-00099444-00099773 to keep growth and ensure that every tZZCPrLMHhA-00265-00099774-00100150 citizen benefits from a more prosperous tZZCPrLMHhA-00266-00100151-00100337 future tZZCPrLMHhA-00267-00100338-00100685 Ethiopia has made great strides tZZCPrLMHhA-00268-00100686-00101111 towards developing a digital economy but tZZCPrLMHhA-00269-00101112-00101567 it has yet to fully tap into its digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00270-00101568-00101849 potential and use the internet to build tZZCPrLMHhA-00271-00101850-00102161 a more prosperous Society tZZCPrLMHhA-00272-00102162-00102568 we believe our country needs tZZCPrLMHhA-00273-00102569-00102971 urgent bold and coordinated action to tZZCPrLMHhA-00274-00102972-00103253 harvest the benefits and ensure digital tZZCPrLMHhA-00275-00103254-00103480 transformation tZZCPrLMHhA-00276-00103481-00103775 yet leveraging internet and other tZZCPrLMHhA-00277-00103776-00104128 digital Technologies Demands a new tZZCPrLMHhA-00278-00104129-00104249 mindset tZZCPrLMHhA-00279-00104250-00104777 and leadership style from lawmakers tZZCPrLMHhA-00280-00104778-00105053 as these are opportunities as there are tZZCPrLMHhA-00281-00105054-00105401 opportunities there are also challenges tZZCPrLMHhA-00282-00105402-00105583 since tZZCPrLMHhA-00283-00105583-00105863 and the safety the safety of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00284-00105864-00106195 internet and the role of governments tZZCPrLMHhA-00285-00106196-00106684 is of course of of concern there is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00286-00106685-00106997 clear governmental obligation to ensure tZZCPrLMHhA-00287-00106998-00107381 that the digital space is a safe place tZZCPrLMHhA-00288-00107382-00107758 as more people live their lives online tZZCPrLMHhA-00289-00107759-00108113 this requires political leadership to tZZCPrLMHhA-00290-00108114-00108502 take on challenges of the era tZZCPrLMHhA-00291-00108503-00108766 allow me to use this opportunity to tZZCPrLMHhA-00292-00108767-00108923 highlight tZZCPrLMHhA-00293-00108924-00109073 some of tZZCPrLMHhA-00294-00109074-00109360 what some of the Ethiopian government's tZZCPrLMHhA-00295-00109361-00109540 initiatives tZZCPrLMHhA-00296-00109541-00109823 in relation to this concern tZZCPrLMHhA-00297-00109824-00110099 our Parliament encourages the government tZZCPrLMHhA-00298-00110100-00110434 to invest in research and development of tZZCPrLMHhA-00299-00110435-00110789 future and emerging Technologies as well tZZCPrLMHhA-00300-00110790-00111160 as create and enabling environment for tZZCPrLMHhA-00301-00111161-00111371 entrepreneurs tZZCPrLMHhA-00302-00111372-00111593 the parliament of the federal Democratic tZZCPrLMHhA-00303-00111594-00111869 Republic of Ethiopia has been addressing tZZCPrLMHhA-00304-00111870-00112271 issues like consumer protection tZZCPrLMHhA-00305-00112272-00112823 content policy data security privacy and tZZCPrLMHhA-00306-00112824-00113057 others tZZCPrLMHhA-00307-00113058-00113483 are and other areas of concern in in tZZCPrLMHhA-00308-00113483-00113645 recent years tZZCPrLMHhA-00309-00113646-00113986 among the legal Frameworks we have so tZZCPrLMHhA-00310-00113988-00114365 far implemented are those that address tZZCPrLMHhA-00311-00114366-00114557 cyber crime tZZCPrLMHhA-00312-00114558-00114793 regulating hate speech tZZCPrLMHhA-00313-00114794-00114966 electronic tZZCPrLMHhA-00314-00114967-00115421 transactions and so forth tZZCPrLMHhA-00315-00115422-00115589 proclamations tZZCPrLMHhA-00316-00115590-00115878 efforts are made to maintain balance tZZCPrLMHhA-00317-00115879-00116225 between fundamental human rights such as tZZCPrLMHhA-00318-00116226-00116471 privacy and the right to freedom of tZZCPrLMHhA-00319-00116472-00116749 expression and access to information tZZCPrLMHhA-00320-00116750-00117154 while also taking into account other tZZCPrLMHhA-00321-00117155-00117473 important values such as consumer tZZCPrLMHhA-00322-00117474-00117821 protection Innovation and tZZCPrLMHhA-00323-00117822-00118043 business freedom tZZCPrLMHhA-00324-00118044-00118302 ladies and gentlemen tZZCPrLMHhA-00325-00118303-00118590 lastly finally tZZCPrLMHhA-00326-00118591-00118939 I wish you a successful tZZCPrLMHhA-00327-00118940-00119195 on-site and virtual meeting tZZCPrLMHhA-00328-00119196-00119428 the parliament of the federal Democratic tZZCPrLMHhA-00329-00119429-00119758 Ethiopia of Ethiopia remains committed tZZCPrLMHhA-00330-00119759-00120058 to ensure that the internet and the tZZCPrLMHhA-00331-00120059-00120328 broader digital space remain open tZZCPrLMHhA-00332-00120329-00120754 and at the same time safe and secure tZZCPrLMHhA-00333-00120755-00121054 and reaffirm that the resolution to tZZCPrLMHhA-00334-00121055-00121415 digital policy challenges need to be tZZCPrLMHhA-00335-00121416-00121558 human-centric tZZCPrLMHhA-00336-00121559-00122123 and have users at their core we wish you tZZCPrLMHhA-00337-00122124-00122363 all the best during these celebrations tZZCPrLMHhA-00338-00122364-00122734 and thank you very much tZZCPrLMHhA-00339-00122735-00122952 foreign tZZCPrLMHhA-00340-00122953-00123293 for uh sharing with us uh the words of tZZCPrLMHhA-00341-00123294-00123460 the speaker of the Ethiopian Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00342-00123461-00123743 it's very appreciated so I would like tZZCPrLMHhA-00343-00123744-00123989 now to continue with the discussion that tZZCPrLMHhA-00344-00123990-00124216 we have with a very excellent panel here tZZCPrLMHhA-00345-00124217-00124643 that actually uh also demonstrates the tZZCPrLMHhA-00346-00124644-00124997 kind of multi-stakeholder dimension of tZZCPrLMHhA-00347-00124998-00125128 the work that has been happening tZZCPrLMHhA-00348-00125129-00125369 throughout the Parliamentary Trek here tZZCPrLMHhA-00349-00125370-00125621 at the igf because we do have some tZZCPrLMHhA-00350-00125622-00125849 members of the parliament with us and we tZZCPrLMHhA-00351-00125850-00126119 also have other stakeholders with us so tZZCPrLMHhA-00352-00126120-00126371 if you allow me I would take it from tZZCPrLMHhA-00353-00126372-00126652 from the farthest speaker here which is tZZCPrLMHhA-00354-00126653-00127001 Mr Edmund Chung a member of the ican tZZCPrLMHhA-00355-00127002-00127373 board and the CEO of dot Asia tZZCPrLMHhA-00356-00127374-00127631 I also uh have with me here and other tZZCPrLMHhA-00357-00127632-00127919 panelists Mr Samuel Samuel George member tZZCPrLMHhA-00358-00127920-00128254 of the parliament in Ghana welcome tZZCPrLMHhA-00359-00128255-00128549 Mrs Mia Petra kumpula natre is the tZZCPrLMHhA-00360-00128550-00128866 member of the European Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00361-00128867-00129269 I follow here uh with uh with Carlos tZZCPrLMHhA-00362-00129270-00129490 Sebastian Garcia a member of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00363-00129491-00129677 parliament of Paraguay tZZCPrLMHhA-00364-00129678-00130036 and last but not least Mr Jameson olufia tZZCPrLMHhA-00365-00130038-00130390 from the Africa ICT Alliance based in tZZCPrLMHhA-00366-00130391-00130601 Abuja welcome tZZCPrLMHhA-00367-00130602-00130847 there are a few questions that I would tZZCPrLMHhA-00368-00130848-00131051 like to discuss with you and hear your tZZCPrLMHhA-00369-00131052-00131363 inputs they all of them relate to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00370-00131364-00131699 igf or related issues and the role of tZZCPrLMHhA-00371-00131700-00131902 the national uh parliaments especially tZZCPrLMHhA-00372-00131903-00132233 in addressing cyber threats the first tZZCPrLMHhA-00373-00132234-00132533 question I would like to ask you is what tZZCPrLMHhA-00374-00132534-00132821 roles do you think parliaments can or tZZCPrLMHhA-00375-00132822-00133073 should play in addressing cyber threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00376-00133074-00133264 and fostering strengthened tZZCPrLMHhA-00377-00133265-00133481 multi-stakeholder cooperation at tZZCPrLMHhA-00378-00133482-00133602 National tZZCPrLMHhA-00379-00133603-00134093 Regional and international level tZZCPrLMHhA-00380-00134094-00134483 so we do not have this prepared too much tZZCPrLMHhA-00381-00134484-00134716 so it really should be a conversation so tZZCPrLMHhA-00382-00134717-00135035 I would like to ask you who would like tZZCPrLMHhA-00383-00135036-00135121 to start tZZCPrLMHhA-00384-00135122-00135569 Jimson please tZZCPrLMHhA-00385-00135570-00135814 yeah thank you very much Teresa and tZZCPrLMHhA-00386-00135815-00136157 greetings everyone colleagues it's tZZCPrLMHhA-00387-00136158-00136409 really great great pleasure to be here tZZCPrLMHhA-00388-00136410-00136673 uh I think the first thing to do is to tZZCPrLMHhA-00389-00136674-00137099 Define what it's about threat cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00390-00137100-00137459 threat is characterized with adversaries tZZCPrLMHhA-00391-00137460-00137819 they have potentials of inflicting pain tZZCPrLMHhA-00392-00137820-00138233 or losses or loss could be Financial or tZZCPrLMHhA-00393-00138234-00138509 it could be reputational losses so they tZZCPrLMHhA-00394-00138510-00138773 have capability they have intent and tZZCPrLMHhA-00395-00138774-00139001 opportunity and we need to watch out for tZZCPrLMHhA-00396-00139002-00139337 them so this discussion is very very uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00397-00139338-00139828 important well in terms of you know the tZZCPrLMHhA-00398-00139829-00140154 Parliamentary importance in this regard tZZCPrLMHhA-00399-00140155-00140416 because of self-interest I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00400-00140417-00140590 parliaments need to take this very tZZCPrLMHhA-00401-00140591-00140957 seriously in Nigeria democracy has been tZZCPrLMHhA-00402-00140958-00141245 flourishing for quite a while now and we tZZCPrLMHhA-00403-00141246-00141401 from the private sector we wanted to tZZCPrLMHhA-00404-00141402-00141695 continue to succeed and I believe for tZZCPrLMHhA-00405-00141696-00141928 many other parliamentarians and other tZZCPrLMHhA-00406-00141929-00142187 countries so it's very important just tZZCPrLMHhA-00407-00142188-00142463 like the Secretary of IPC the tZZCPrLMHhA-00408-00142464-00142745 international inter-parliamentary Union tZZCPrLMHhA-00409-00142746-00142859 Mission tZZCPrLMHhA-00410-00142860-00143221 democracy needs to be sustained and tZZCPrLMHhA-00411-00143222-00143483 cyberspace is a challenge because of tZZCPrLMHhA-00412-00143484-00143897 fake news because of infrastration to tZZCPrLMHhA-00413-00143898-00144178 our data system and all sort of tZZCPrLMHhA-00414-00144179-00144366 misinformation tZZCPrLMHhA-00415-00144367-00144737 the the parliament of course like in tZZCPrLMHhA-00416-00144738-00144995 Nigeria we have various committees they tZZCPrLMHhA-00417-00144996-00145216 are responsible for appropriation of tZZCPrLMHhA-00418-00145217-00145552 budget so if we don't take care of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00419-00145553-00145775 threat issue it will affect the bottom tZZCPrLMHhA-00420-00145776-00145990 line okay so that's why the ICT tZZCPrLMHhA-00421-00145991-00146164 committee the cyber security committee tZZCPrLMHhA-00422-00146165-00146459 the finance committee need to take tZZCPrLMHhA-00423-00146460-00146716 proactive roles in engaging private tZZCPrLMHhA-00424-00146717-00146909 sector engaging all stakeholder and what tZZCPrLMHhA-00425-00146910-00147173 do we need to do so laws is very tZZCPrLMHhA-00426-00147174-00147395 important and if we come up with cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00427-00147396-00147725 security law that enables you know tZZCPrLMHhA-00428-00147726-00148102 compliance oversight that will go a long tZZCPrLMHhA-00429-00148103-00148373 way I think was yesterday uh Unica tZZCPrLMHhA-00430-00148374-00148793 launched the model law of cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00431-00148794-00149039 for African countries that will help a tZZCPrLMHhA-00432-00149040-00149333 lot so we can check it up you can check tZZCPrLMHhA-00433-00149334-00149597 it with existing cyber security or law tZZCPrLMHhA-00434-00149598-00149902 and see Improvement we need you know to tZZCPrLMHhA-00435-00149903-00150347 do and uh we even Interpol said that we tZZCPrLMHhA-00436-00150348-00150575 lose 10 percent tZZCPrLMHhA-00437-00150576-00150964 of our GDP to cyber crime which is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00438-00150965-00151163 very very huge number yeah so that's why tZZCPrLMHhA-00439-00151164-00151535 we need to take a look at the law to tZZCPrLMHhA-00440-00151536-00151769 ensure that we reduce our losses in fact tZZCPrLMHhA-00441-00151770-00151969 there was another study that showed that tZZCPrLMHhA-00442-00151970-00152431 if it takes security seriously about tZZCPrLMHhA-00443-00152432-00152957 0.66 to 5.4 percent increase in GDP will tZZCPrLMHhA-00444-00152958-00153233 result when we improve on our cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00445-00153234-00153485 security maturity so there is a relation tZZCPrLMHhA-00446-00153486-00153761 with the cyber security maturity and tZZCPrLMHhA-00447-00153762-00154097 development so these are very clear uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00448-00154098-00154349 indices to let us know parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-00449-00154350-00154499 that we need to take this trade very tZZCPrLMHhA-00450-00154500-00154678 seriously thank you very much that was tZZCPrLMHhA-00451-00154679-00154889 that was useful a special hearing from tZZCPrLMHhA-00452-00154890-00155104 you as different stakeholder that was a tZZCPrLMHhA-00453-00155105-00155261 member of the parliament Sebastian do tZZCPrLMHhA-00454-00155262-00155459 you have any Reflections on on this one tZZCPrLMHhA-00455-00155460-00155687 please good afternoon everyone thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-00456-00155688-00155866 thank you for the opportunity to share tZZCPrLMHhA-00457-00155867-00156143 some thoughts and thank you to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00458-00156144-00156401 organizers for for having us here today tZZCPrLMHhA-00459-00156402-00156616 in the first place from a parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-00460-00156617-00156737 point of view tZZCPrLMHhA-00461-00156738-00156911 it's important that members of tZZCPrLMHhA-00462-00156912-00157273 parliament learn what cyber threats are tZZCPrLMHhA-00463-00157274-00157499 bringing it from a technical Point of tZZCPrLMHhA-00464-00157500-00157757 View to a political and maybe a more tZZCPrLMHhA-00465-00157758-00158140 Humane point of view meaning that it has tZZCPrLMHhA-00466-00158141-00158411 to we we have to understand implications tZZCPrLMHhA-00467-00158412-00158704 from uh sovereignty point of view from a tZZCPrLMHhA-00468-00158705-00159047 defense Point of View to a citizen daily tZZCPrLMHhA-00469-00159048-00159190 life point of view tZZCPrLMHhA-00470-00159191-00159389 and understand what the possible tZZCPrLMHhA-00471-00159390-00159709 consequences are and from that point on tZZCPrLMHhA-00472-00159710-00160073 open spaces for conversations to try to tZZCPrLMHhA-00473-00160074-00160289 be proactive to proactively anticipate tZZCPrLMHhA-00474-00160290-00160607 to things that could happen we have a tZZCPrLMHhA-00475-00160608-00160866 big big challenge which is bringing tZZCPrLMHhA-00476-00160867-00161135 issues concerning cyber threats cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00477-00161136-00161345 security to a mainstream political tZZCPrLMHhA-00478-00161346-00161621 debate considering it is currently seen tZZCPrLMHhA-00479-00161622-00161825 as something something most likely tZZCPrLMHhA-00480-00161826-00162064 technical so bringing it to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00481-00162065-00162226 political debate would be really helpful tZZCPrLMHhA-00482-00162227-00162685 to enrich and to a to to tZZCPrLMHhA-00483-00162686-00163109 give it the proper support it needs also tZZCPrLMHhA-00484-00163110-00163331 from a budget point of view which is tZZCPrLMHhA-00485-00163332-00163493 which is a relevant point to mention as tZZCPrLMHhA-00486-00163494-00163721 well uh Mia Petra would you like to uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00487-00163722-00163871 reflect as well tZZCPrLMHhA-00488-00163872-00164111 thank you um representing European tZZCPrLMHhA-00489-00164112-00164290 Parliament here it means that we do tZZCPrLMHhA-00490-00164291-00164549 legislate give budgets also on the level tZZCPrLMHhA-00491-00164550-00164890 of the 27 countries uh whereas there are tZZCPrLMHhA-00492-00164891-00165226 also uh 27 National legislation but then tZZCPrLMHhA-00493-00165227-00165449 understanding cyberspace is something tZZCPrLMHhA-00494-00165450-00165678 that doesn't respect that much National tZZCPrLMHhA-00495-00165679-00166037 borders we feel kind of proudness that tZZCPrLMHhA-00496-00166038-00166211 having a little bit bigger shoulders tZZCPrLMHhA-00497-00166212-00166445 also when it comes to the difficult tZZCPrLMHhA-00498-00166446-00166781 legislation the one we are doing now is tZZCPrLMHhA-00499-00166782-00167137 also on the equipment cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00500-00167138-00167464 requirements and I hope once there is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00501-00167465-00167801 one market of 440 million people almost tZZCPrLMHhA-00502-00167802-00168149 one-fifth of the global markets that can tZZCPrLMHhA-00503-00168150-00168431 spread when the companies are providing tZZCPrLMHhA-00504-00168432-00168683 better equipment with the better cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00505-00168684-00168995 security but then also I think the role tZZCPrLMHhA-00506-00168996-00169157 of the for the parliaments and tZZCPrLMHhA-00507-00169158-00169414 multi-stakeholder is to look of your tZZCPrLMHhA-00508-00169415-00169614 Society we are responsible of the safe tZZCPrLMHhA-00509-00169615-00169949 society and it doesn't matter if fits tZZCPrLMHhA-00510-00169950-00170219 safety also only offline if your online tZZCPrLMHhA-00511-00170220-00170507 world is threatened it doesn't really tZZCPrLMHhA-00512-00170508-00170735 make difference if your water or energy tZZCPrLMHhA-00513-00170736-00170975 is bumped down like it happens in tZZCPrLMHhA-00514-00170976-00171245 ukrainia or if there is cyber attacks tZZCPrLMHhA-00515-00171246-00171557 from Russia to cut off the electricity tZZCPrLMHhA-00516-00171558-00171845 so this kind of security has to be tZZCPrLMHhA-00517-00171846-00172078 understand also to prevent and be tZZCPrLMHhA-00518-00172079-00172313 resilient for the risk of the society tZZCPrLMHhA-00519-00172314-00172559 and I very much agree with the colleague tZZCPrLMHhA-00520-00172560-00172871 from a Paraguay that it's not enough if tZZCPrLMHhA-00521-00172872-00173069 it's Engineers who happen to be members tZZCPrLMHhA-00522-00173070-00173290 of the parliament like we talked with tZZCPrLMHhA-00523-00173291-00173471 the many that we happen to be Engineers tZZCPrLMHhA-00524-00173472-00173711 we want the people on the educational tZZCPrLMHhA-00525-00173712-00174016 committee people on the health committee tZZCPrLMHhA-00526-00174017-00174221 people on the National Security tZZCPrLMHhA-00527-00174222-00174599 committee have this Readiness not to be tZZCPrLMHhA-00528-00174600-00174851 the engineer but to be aware that tZZCPrLMHhA-00529-00174852-00174949 without tZZCPrLMHhA-00530-00174950-00175169 digitalization there is no development tZZCPrLMHhA-00531-00175170-00175504 but the digitization brings along this tZZCPrLMHhA-00532-00175505-00175781 cyber life which also needs to be safe tZZCPrLMHhA-00533-00175782-00176063 otherwise we pay too much tZZCPrLMHhA-00534-00176064-00176285 thank you very much Mia Petra that was tZZCPrLMHhA-00535-00176286-00176488 certainly appealing some well a few tZZCPrLMHhA-00536-00176489-00176752 Reflections on that maybe well well let tZZCPrLMHhA-00537-00176753-00176993 me say thank you to the organizers of tZZCPrLMHhA-00538-00176994-00177275 this session and to my co-panelists I tZZCPrLMHhA-00539-00177276-00177407 think that the points that have been tZZCPrLMHhA-00540-00177408-00177623 made are very succinct as members of tZZCPrLMHhA-00541-00177624-00177785 parliament we have a responsibility to tZZCPrLMHhA-00542-00177786-00178049 our constituents we have direct contact tZZCPrLMHhA-00543-00178050-00178295 with the citizens as we represent them tZZCPrLMHhA-00544-00178296-00178535 in Parliament and like Mia Petra said we tZZCPrLMHhA-00545-00178536-00178697 have a responsibility to keep them safe tZZCPrLMHhA-00546-00178698-00178973 not just offline but online tZZCPrLMHhA-00547-00178974-00179225 how we can do this is by using laws and tZZCPrLMHhA-00548-00179226-00179440 passing legislations that will tZZCPrLMHhA-00549-00179441-00179645 institutionalize the fight against cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00550-00179646-00179902 security it's high time if there's any tZZCPrLMHhA-00551-00179903-00180052 country right now that doesn't have a tZZCPrLMHhA-00552-00180053-00180269 cyber security Authority tZZCPrLMHhA-00553-00180270-00180538 um then you are sleeping and will urge tZZCPrLMHhA-00554-00180539-00180857 you to wake up Ghana did same in 2020 tZZCPrLMHhA-00555-00180858-00181109 when we passed act 1038 the Cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00556-00181110-00181295 Security Act of Ghana which basically tZZCPrLMHhA-00557-00181296-00181540 set up a cyber security Authority and tZZCPrLMHhA-00558-00181541-00181714 did not just put it under the ministry tZZCPrLMHhA-00559-00181715-00182009 of ICT and Communications but also made tZZCPrLMHhA-00560-00182010-00182188 the head of the cyber security Authority tZZCPrLMHhA-00561-00182189-00182399 and the minister part of the joint tZZCPrLMHhA-00562-00182400-00182645 National Security architecture so it's tZZCPrLMHhA-00563-00182646-00182759 no longer just the ministry of tZZCPrLMHhA-00564-00182760-00182999 communication issue but it's also viewed tZZCPrLMHhA-00565-00183000-00183202 as a national security issue and that tZZCPrLMHhA-00566-00183203-00183431 gives more prominence to cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00567-00183432-00183604 another thing we need to do is because tZZCPrLMHhA-00568-00183605-00183899 cyber threats and and and and attacks tZZCPrLMHhA-00569-00183900-00184138 are not border bordered they're tZZCPrLMHhA-00570-00184139-00184354 borderless they come across you need to tZZCPrLMHhA-00571-00184355-00184588 work with other key stakeholders across tZZCPrLMHhA-00572-00184589-00184751 the Spectrum there's several key tZZCPrLMHhA-00573-00184752-00184931 stakeholders who we need to engage with tZZCPrLMHhA-00574-00184932-00185135 from time to time and then we also need tZZCPrLMHhA-00575-00185136-00185326 to pass the international protocols tZZCPrLMHhA-00576-00185327-00185543 which then enable us so the Budapest tZZCPrLMHhA-00577-00185544-00185776 convention sadly the Malibu convention tZZCPrLMHhA-00578-00185777-00186137 which has been signed by almost all tZZCPrLMHhA-00579-00186138-00186388 African countries but we have only 14 of tZZCPrLMHhA-00580-00186389-00186604 us who have ratified it that's a problem tZZCPrLMHhA-00581-00186605-00186802 into the Malibu convention 80 years old tZZCPrLMHhA-00582-00186803-00187025 has not yet been triggered because we tZZCPrLMHhA-00583-00187026-00187199 still need one more country maybe we tZZCPrLMHhA-00584-00187200-00187343 should use this platform to urge all tZZCPrLMHhA-00585-00187344-00187601 African Parliament to go ahead and sign tZZCPrLMHhA-00586-00187602-00187871 and ratify ratify the the Malibu tZZCPrLMHhA-00587-00187872-00188087 convention so we can trigger it and you tZZCPrLMHhA-00588-00188088-00188285 can you don't have to sign to ratify the tZZCPrLMHhA-00589-00188286-00188452 whole convention you can ratify with tZZCPrLMHhA-00590-00188453-00188651 reservations if there are portions of tZZCPrLMHhA-00591-00188652-00188747 the convention that you're not tZZCPrLMHhA-00592-00188748-00188897 comfortable with but these are all tZZCPrLMHhA-00593-00188898-00189035 conventions that were signed up by our tZZCPrLMHhA-00594-00189036-00189190 president and so they should be tZZCPrLMHhA-00595-00189191-00189304 comfortable with it and let's get tZZCPrLMHhA-00596-00189305-00189526 parliaments to to prove it the last tZZCPrLMHhA-00597-00189527-00189719 thing I want to say is that as tZZCPrLMHhA-00598-00189720-00189875 parliamentarians I think as part of even tZZCPrLMHhA-00599-00189876-00190085 our town hall engagements we must begin tZZCPrLMHhA-00600-00190086-00190343 to teach cyber hygiene to our citizens tZZCPrLMHhA-00601-00190344-00190540 Africa is beginning to increase its tZZCPrLMHhA-00602-00190541-00190726 cyber footprint with a lot of e-services tZZCPrLMHhA-00603-00190727-00190937 that government is offering and we're tZZCPrLMHhA-00604-00190938-00191207 asking our citizens to go online but tZZCPrLMHhA-00605-00191208-00191333 many of us don't even have data tZZCPrLMHhA-00606-00191334-00191495 protection laws in place to protect them tZZCPrLMHhA-00607-00191496-00191713 we have not done cyber hygiene awareness tZZCPrLMHhA-00608-00191714-00191945 campaigns as governments and so it's tZZCPrLMHhA-00609-00191946-00192119 important that as members of parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00610-00192120-00192352 and as Parliament as a body we begin to tZZCPrLMHhA-00611-00192353-00192526 prioritize the issues of cyber hygiene tZZCPrLMHhA-00612-00192527-00192785 awareness amongst our citizens Samuel tZZCPrLMHhA-00613-00192786-00193013 thank you very much let's stick a little tZZCPrLMHhA-00614-00193014-00193151 bit longer with the roles and tZZCPrLMHhA-00615-00193152-00193397 responsibilities but um also mentioned tZZCPrLMHhA-00616-00193398-00193540 the responsibilities of other tZZCPrLMHhA-00617-00193541-00193793 stakeholders yes it was actually quite tZZCPrLMHhA-00618-00193794-00194014 reassuring to hear you members of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00619-00194015-00194183 parliament Express the responsibilities tZZCPrLMHhA-00620-00194184-00194501 you feel that you have but edmon what tZZCPrLMHhA-00621-00194502-00194699 about other stakeholders if I may ask tZZCPrLMHhA-00622-00194700-00194938 you for your opinion right um thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-00623-00194939-00195143 first of all for for having me tZZCPrLMHhA-00624-00195144-00195395 um very excited to hear parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-00625-00195396-00195616 uh willing to to participate in this tZZCPrLMHhA-00626-00195617-00195887 this discussion I think um rather than tZZCPrLMHhA-00627-00195888-00196097 you know other other roles sometimes you tZZCPrLMHhA-00628-00196098-00196487 you know obviously uh uh um institutions tZZCPrLMHhA-00629-00196488-00196781 like icann or iettf they don't create tZZCPrLMHhA-00630-00196782-00197033 laws right I mean obviously uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00631-00197034-00197185 parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-00632-00197186-00197507 do but they don't develop and operate tZZCPrLMHhA-00633-00197508-00197759 the internet so there are many roles tZZCPrLMHhA-00634-00197760-00197999 that that different uh uh stakeholders tZZCPrLMHhA-00635-00198000-00198226 need to play in the internet governance tZZCPrLMHhA-00636-00198227-00198461 uh Community then tZZCPrLMHhA-00637-00198462-00198611 um one of the things that I think is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00638-00198612-00198838 very important and for internet is that tZZCPrLMHhA-00639-00198839-00199199 really trust is is the thing that binds tZZCPrLMHhA-00640-00199200-00199349 the internet and gives us the one tZZCPrLMHhA-00641-00199350-00199588 internet and when we tZZCPrLMHhA-00642-00199589-00199835 um uh when we do something like you know tZZCPrLMHhA-00643-00199836-00200093 a digital sovereignty for example is a tZZCPrLMHhA-00644-00200094-00200314 very you know a big concern for many uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00645-00200315-00200554 governments but if you apply that if you tZZCPrLMHhA-00646-00200555-00200783 try to apply that down to a technical tZZCPrLMHhA-00647-00200784-00201083 layer then there might be threats in tZZCPrLMHhA-00648-00201084-00201275 fact it creates threats when you try to tZZCPrLMHhA-00649-00201276-00201599 introduce uh incompatible protocols or tZZCPrLMHhA-00650-00201600-00201871 standards when you try to tZZCPrLMHhA-00651-00201872-00202181 replace multi-stakeholder model uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00652-00202182-00202445 operational protocols with legislation tZZCPrLMHhA-00653-00202446-00202823 then you actually create a you know a a tZZCPrLMHhA-00654-00202824-00203033 problem in Creative threat and you tZZCPrLMHhA-00655-00203034-00203231 breached a little bit you know the trust tZZCPrLMHhA-00656-00203232-00203519 and the technical community we often tZZCPrLMHhA-00657-00203520-00203669 like to say that there is no protocol tZZCPrLMHhA-00658-00203670-00203952 police right I mean nobody nobody tZZCPrLMHhA-00659-00203953-00204202 enforces but that's how the internet tZZCPrLMHhA-00660-00204203-00204545 works so I think one big part of it is tZZCPrLMHhA-00661-00204546-00204821 how we work together uh and allow me to tZZCPrLMHhA-00662-00204821-00205073 tangent off a little bit here to talk tZZCPrLMHhA-00663-00205073-00205331 about you know there are certain threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00664-00205332-00205690 like um a different type of threat on tZZCPrLMHhA-00665-00205691-00206173 online such as The Internet's Own uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00666-00206173-00206458 identifier system the domain names and tZZCPrLMHhA-00667-00206459-00206746 email addresses not being able to use be tZZCPrLMHhA-00668-00206748-00206986 used with Native languages right now is tZZCPrLMHhA-00669-00206987-00207269 still only English and this is one of tZZCPrLMHhA-00670-00207269-00207412 the threats that actually all the tZZCPrLMHhA-00671-00207413-00207616 players uh all the stakeholders can come tZZCPrLMHhA-00672-00207617-00207977 together right quite well uh governments tZZCPrLMHhA-00673-00207978-00208258 can can create procurement processes to tZZCPrLMHhA-00674-00208259-00208573 to get a system integrators to implement tZZCPrLMHhA-00675-00208573-00208757 multilingual domain names and email tZZCPrLMHhA-00676-00208758-00209038 addresses parliaments can reinforce that tZZCPrLMHhA-00677-00209039-00209332 with legislation that support the open tZZCPrLMHhA-00678-00209333-00209777 uh and uh multi-stakeholder uh standards tZZCPrLMHhA-00679-00209778-00210089 bodies uh at the technical industry the tZZCPrLMHhA-00680-00210090-00210203 the the tZZCPrLMHhA-00681-00210204-00210437 um the Civil Society can adopt the the tZZCPrLMHhA-00682-00210438-00210665 standards potent roadmap and I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00683-00210666-00210851 these are some these some of these tZZCPrLMHhA-00684-00210852-00210942 things tZZCPrLMHhA-00685-00210944-00211234 can actually you know really hopefully tZZCPrLMHhA-00686-00211235-00211481 illustrate and how the different tZZCPrLMHhA-00687-00211482-00211660 stakeholders can actually come together tZZCPrLMHhA-00688-00211661-00211894 and build a better internet tZZCPrLMHhA-00689-00211896-00212075 Edmund thank you very much especially tZZCPrLMHhA-00690-00212076-00212206 for stressing also the role of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00691-00212207-00212567 technical uh Community now Andrea and I tZZCPrLMHhA-00692-00212567-00212782 have to introduce Andrea Esther hoyson tZZCPrLMHhA-00693-00212783-00212956 who joined us a little bit later from tZZCPrLMHhA-00694-00212957-00213137 from the association for Progressive tZZCPrLMHhA-00695-00213138-00213401 Communications but Andrea you're quite tZZCPrLMHhA-00696-00213402-00213598 well placed to share with us what you tZZCPrLMHhA-00697-00213600-00213737 think is the roles and responsibilities tZZCPrLMHhA-00698-00213738-00213982 of Civil Society in addressing cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00699-00213983-00214192 threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00700-00214194-00214384 um thanks very much Teresa my apologies tZZCPrLMHhA-00701-00214385-00214655 for for being late everyone tZZCPrLMHhA-00702-00214656-00214798 um tZZCPrLMHhA-00703-00214800-00215027 I think maybe just to take a small step tZZCPrLMHhA-00704-00215028-00215308 backwards because uh before lunch we had tZZCPrLMHhA-00705-00215309-00215608 the main session on enabling Safety and tZZCPrLMHhA-00706-00215609-00215891 Security online in the same room tZZCPrLMHhA-00707-00215892-00216131 um I think one of the challenges we're tZZCPrLMHhA-00708-00216132-00216298 dealing with now is that we I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00709-00216300-00216479 there's a understanding that we need a tZZCPrLMHhA-00710-00216480-00216767 holistic approach to to cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00711-00216767-00217067 but I also think we still have much to tZZCPrLMHhA-00712-00217067-00217282 do in terms of defining the concept as tZZCPrLMHhA-00713-00217283-00217451 one of the participants in our session tZZCPrLMHhA-00714-00217452-00217744 said and what our respective roles are tZZCPrLMHhA-00715-00217746-00218003 and how we can contribute I think Civil tZZCPrLMHhA-00716-00218004-00218453 Society has a really particular role in tZZCPrLMHhA-00717-00218454-00218710 um demystifying what the impacts of tZZCPrLMHhA-00718-00218711-00219041 cyber security is and what the nature tZZCPrLMHhA-00719-00219042-00219305 and the range of the threats are tZZCPrLMHhA-00720-00219306-00219496 um the fact that many cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00721-00219498-00219694 threats actually tZZCPrLMHhA-00722-00219696-00219941 Target not State institutions but tZZCPrLMHhA-00723-00219942-00220271 individuals small businesses and Clinics tZZCPrLMHhA-00724-00220271-00220498 people that are delivering public tZZCPrLMHhA-00725-00220500-00220744 services or social services at the tZZCPrLMHhA-00726-00220746-00221056 community level and the other thing I tZZCPrLMHhA-00727-00221057-00221273 think Civil Society can help reveal is tZZCPrLMHhA-00728-00221273-00221519 that insecurity impacts different people tZZCPrLMHhA-00729-00221519-00221848 differently gendered disinformation for tZZCPrLMHhA-00730-00221850-00221998 example tZZCPrLMHhA-00731-00222000-00222275 um impact people of different genders or tZZCPrLMHhA-00732-00222276-00222473 different Sexes differently and I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00733-00222473-00222851 so that level of introducing evidence of tZZCPrLMHhA-00734-00222852-00223139 the diversity of cyber security threats tZZCPrLMHhA-00735-00223140-00223396 that the diversity of impacts that those tZZCPrLMHhA-00736-00223398-00223619 threats have tZZCPrLMHhA-00737-00223619-00223984 um certainly I think can can can inform tZZCPrLMHhA-00738-00223985-00224106 um cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-00739-00224107-00224381 debates if we want to have a whole of tZZCPrLMHhA-00740-00224382-00224675 society approach I think Civil Society tZZCPrLMHhA-00741-00224676-00225077 can also reveal some of the the the the tZZCPrLMHhA-00742-00225078-00225406 threats that come from cyber securing tZZCPrLMHhA-00743-00225407-00225629 efforts the threats of violating human tZZCPrLMHhA-00744-00225630-00226073 rights introducing efforts to establish tZZCPrLMHhA-00745-00226073-00226319 security through surveillance that don't tZZCPrLMHhA-00746-00226319-00226505 respect fundamental human rights that tZZCPrLMHhA-00747-00226506-00226727 might put journalists or activists at tZZCPrLMHhA-00748-00226728-00226915 level I think we even heard from tZZCPrLMHhA-00749-00226916-00227184 parliamentarians that in in many tZZCPrLMHhA-00750-00227185-00227410 multi-party democracies opposition tZZCPrLMHhA-00751-00227411-00227663 politicians are sometimes tZZCPrLMHhA-00752-00227664-00227723 um tZZCPrLMHhA-00753-00227723-00228071 abuse the the their privacy and tZZCPrLMHhA-00754-00228071-00228244 confidence of their security is abused tZZCPrLMHhA-00755-00228246-00228467 by surveillance which is taking place tZZCPrLMHhA-00756-00228467-00228706 under the guise of establishing cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00757-00228707-00228958 security so I think that Civil Society tZZCPrLMHhA-00758-00228959-00229175 ultimately can and I think collaborate tZZCPrLMHhA-00759-00229176-00229427 with parliaments in ensuring tZZCPrLMHhA-00760-00229428-00229660 accountability and oversight I think so tZZCPrLMHhA-00761-00229661-00229942 I would say that evidence impact and tZZCPrLMHhA-00762-00229944-00230134 oversight tZZCPrLMHhA-00763-00230135-00230332 thank you very much Andrea and also for tZZCPrLMHhA-00764-00230333-00230477 the leadership that you personally and tZZCPrLMHhA-00765-00230478-00230777 your organization uh has in this in this tZZCPrLMHhA-00766-00230778-00230998 space working with civil society any tZZCPrLMHhA-00767-00231000-00231148 other Reflections on the roles and tZZCPrLMHhA-00768-00231150-00231310 responsibilities of other stakeholders tZZCPrLMHhA-00769-00231311-00231701 Jimson yes thank you Teresa uh from the tZZCPrLMHhA-00770-00231702-00232079 private sector perspective uh we all do tZZCPrLMHhA-00771-00232080-00232325 know that at this point in time we are tZZCPrLMHhA-00772-00232326-00232523 collaborators work together with other tZZCPrLMHhA-00773-00232523-00232792 stakeholders such that private sector tZZCPrLMHhA-00774-00232794-00233117 has invested so much tZZCPrLMHhA-00775-00233117-00233458 into the infrastructure e-commerce tZZCPrLMHhA-00776-00233459-00233656 at the technical layer the private tZZCPrLMHhA-00777-00233657-00233819 sector has put tZZCPrLMHhA-00778-00233819-00234089 resources down and as such they have tZZCPrLMHhA-00779-00234090-00234317 vested interest in ensuring that it tZZCPrLMHhA-00780-00234317-00234587 remains secured and safe in fact the tZZCPrLMHhA-00781-00234588-00234875 Unica research I talked about earlier tZZCPrLMHhA-00782-00234876-00235156 shows a strong correlation between cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00783-00235157-00235432 security and internet penetration and so tZZCPrLMHhA-00784-00235433-00235696 Parliament need to always see the tZZCPrLMHhA-00785-00235698-00236098 private sector as you know stakeholders tZZCPrLMHhA-00786-00236100-00236465 as partners in improving the security tZZCPrLMHhA-00787-00236466-00236741 maturity of the nation we are partnering tZZCPrLMHhA-00788-00236742-00236981 in progress not only that because we're tZZCPrLMHhA-00789-00236982-00237244 talking about development jobs we tZZCPrLMHhA-00790-00237246-00237527 provide the job we are job creators and tZZCPrLMHhA-00791-00237528-00237701 that's why for any law they need to tZZCPrLMHhA-00792-00237702-00237851 create they have to consult with us and tZZCPrLMHhA-00793-00237852-00238192 we are ready we took to relate we have a tZZCPrLMHhA-00794-00238194-00238373 number of Frameworks but we also need to tZZCPrLMHhA-00795-00238373-00238660 uh enact law that ensure that we are tZZCPrLMHhA-00796-00238661-00238931 accountable okay so that we can comply tZZCPrLMHhA-00797-00238932-00239134 with standards we will stand out for tZZCPrLMHhA-00798-00239135-00239453 audit standard for cyber uh intelligence tZZCPrLMHhA-00799-00239454-00239723 because that is very important for tZZCPrLMHhA-00800-00239723-00239932 National Security it's fairly like a tZZCPrLMHhA-00801-00239933-00240106 country in Nigeria where a collection is tZZCPrLMHhA-00802-00240107-00240317 coming up under all sorts of news going tZZCPrLMHhA-00803-00240317-00240569 on so there has to be some collaboration tZZCPrLMHhA-00804-00240569-00240808 to ensure that mechanism for knocking tZZCPrLMHhA-00805-00240809-00241048 out fake news you know is put in place tZZCPrLMHhA-00806-00241050-00241294 so very sector is always ready to ensure tZZCPrLMHhA-00807-00241296-00241648 that the National Security ensure that tZZCPrLMHhA-00808-00241650-00241853 there is more businesses to ensure that tZZCPrLMHhA-00809-00241854-00242098 more jobs are created thank you thank tZZCPrLMHhA-00810-00242100-00242284 you very much nature for bringing tZZCPrLMHhA-00811-00242285-00242501 somewhere please go ahead yes I I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00812-00242502-00242627 a lot of tZZCPrLMHhA-00813-00242628-00242825 my colleagues on the panel have spoken tZZCPrLMHhA-00814-00242826-00243196 about the role of private sector but tZZCPrLMHhA-00815-00243198-00243431 we we tend to look at Parliament and say tZZCPrLMHhA-00816-00243432-00243539 government tZZCPrLMHhA-00817-00243540-00243725 but then the different layers of tZZCPrLMHhA-00818-00243726-00243953 government and even when it comes to tZZCPrLMHhA-00819-00243954-00244139 legislation Parliament can only be tZZCPrLMHhA-00820-00244140-00244367 triggered when the executive tZZCPrLMHhA-00821-00244367-00244601 takes the initiative because of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00822-00244602-00244846 National Security implications again the tZZCPrLMHhA-00823-00244848-00245027 threats in the cyber world are tZZCPrLMHhA-00824-00245028-00245248 multi-layered and multifaceted from the tZZCPrLMHhA-00825-00245250-00245446 little kids sitting in the garage in his tZZCPrLMHhA-00826-00245448-00245789 room and just running DNS attacks to tZZCPrLMHhA-00827-00245790-00246089 state-sponsored attacks and so private tZZCPrLMHhA-00828-00246090-00246346 sector in itself is limited if the tZZCPrLMHhA-00829-00246348-00246587 executive arms of our government do not tZZCPrLMHhA-00830-00246588-00246971 begin to play pay critical attention to tZZCPrLMHhA-00831-00246971-00247091 putting in place the infrastructure tZZCPrLMHhA-00832-00247092-00247282 including computer emergency response tZZCPrLMHhA-00833-00247283-00247373 teams tZZCPrLMHhA-00834-00247373-00247703 sectoral sets in various aspects and of tZZCPrLMHhA-00835-00247704-00247901 national livelihood and so it's tZZCPrLMHhA-00836-00247902-00248032 extremely important that when we're tZZCPrLMHhA-00837-00248033-00248182 talking about the multi-stakeholder tZZCPrLMHhA-00838-00248183-00248423 approach yes Parliament is one but the tZZCPrLMHhA-00839-00248423-00248603 executive government executive tZZCPrLMHhA-00840-00248604-00248855 governments themselves precedents prime tZZCPrLMHhA-00841-00248856-00249058 ministers have a responsibility to play tZZCPrLMHhA-00842-00249059-00249329 in initiating and placing this front and tZZCPrLMHhA-00843-00249330-00249598 center of national policy private sector tZZCPrLMHhA-00844-00249600-00249827 will continue to do its part of of of tZZCPrLMHhA-00845-00249828-00250073 engaging with us to make sure that the tZZCPrLMHhA-00846-00250073-00250271 the legislation that the executive tZZCPrLMHhA-00847-00250271-00250582 brings to Parliament is reflective of tZZCPrLMHhA-00848-00250583-00250787 first and foremost protection for the tZZCPrLMHhA-00849-00250788-00250925 citizens because when you're talking tZZCPrLMHhA-00850-00250926-00251110 about protection in the cyber world the tZZCPrLMHhA-00851-00251111-00251375 two protection of the state and tZZCPrLMHhA-00852-00251376-00251627 protection from the state because the tZZCPrLMHhA-00853-00251628-00251789 state has a responsibility to ensure tZZCPrLMHhA-00854-00251790-00252029 that the cyber world is safe enough for tZZCPrLMHhA-00855-00252030-00252263 its citizens but then the role of tZZCPrLMHhA-00856-00252264-00252587 private sector in the in the creation of tZZCPrLMHhA-00857-00252588-00252796 legislation is to ensure that in giving tZZCPrLMHhA-00858-00252798-00253037 the state the levers to protect the tZZCPrLMHhA-00859-00253038-00253277 citizens he also protect the citizens tZZCPrLMHhA-00860-00253278-00253492 from the abuse of their privacy by the tZZCPrLMHhA-00861-00253494-00253684 state so that's where I see private tZZCPrLMHhA-00862-00253685-00253882 sector linking it with the with the tZZCPrLMHhA-00863-00253883-00254003 legislature as we work with the tZZCPrLMHhA-00864-00254004-00254123 executive tZZCPrLMHhA-00865-00254123-00254279 thank you very much for those words tZZCPrLMHhA-00866-00254280-00254467 Sebastian tZZCPrLMHhA-00867-00254467-00254837 adding to what Samuel was mentioning I tZZCPrLMHhA-00868-00254838-00255082 would like to add the fact that there is tZZCPrLMHhA-00869-00255083-00255401 a very important component in involving tZZCPrLMHhA-00870-00255402-00255653 members of parliament which is political tZZCPrLMHhA-00871-00255654-00255917 support and actual political will tZZCPrLMHhA-00872-00255917-00256210 I understand that okay politicians again tZZCPrLMHhA-00873-00256211-00256427 and unfortunately sometimes it's not tZZCPrLMHhA-00874-00256428-00256739 seen with the best of the of eyes right tZZCPrLMHhA-00875-00256740-00257056 but it's the actual involvement of tZZCPrLMHhA-00876-00257057-00257296 private sector of civil society and the tZZCPrLMHhA-00877-00257298-00257548 the actual involvement of a University's tZZCPrLMHhA-00878-00257550-00257842 Academy overall which will make the tZZCPrLMHhA-00879-00257844-00258142 difference in generating awareness of tZZCPrLMHhA-00880-00258144-00258430 politicians and decision makers so I tZZCPrLMHhA-00881-00258431-00258660 think it's it's an important role to to tZZCPrLMHhA-00882-00258661-00258905 generate spaces in in Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-00883-00258906-00259330 committees in open debates and allow all tZZCPrLMHhA-00884-00259331-00259492 the stakeholders to be part because tZZCPrLMHhA-00885-00259494-00259744 obviously there are there will be tZZCPrLMHhA-00886-00259746-00259937 conflicts of interest in some aspects tZZCPrLMHhA-00887-00259938-00260153 but it's important to reach to reach tZZCPrLMHhA-00888-00260154-00260321 certain consensus tZZCPrLMHhA-00889-00260321-00260687 so I think those big conversations will tZZCPrLMHhA-00890-00260688-00260998 contribute to Bringing these issues this tZZCPrLMHhA-00891-00261000-00261251 cyber security cyber threat issues to tZZCPrLMHhA-00892-00261252-00261484 mainstream political debate and as we tZZCPrLMHhA-00893-00261485-00261706 mentioned in the in the Parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-00894-00261707-00261905 session this morning make it to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00895-00261906-00262139 headlines because today unfortunately tZZCPrLMHhA-00896-00262140-00262301 only tZZCPrLMHhA-00897-00262302-00262523 after it happens it makes it to the tZZCPrLMHhA-00898-00262524-00262721 headlines and after it happens after a tZZCPrLMHhA-00899-00262722-00262973 cyber threat happens it's it can be too tZZCPrLMHhA-00900-00262974-00263279 late so that that is when proactive tZZCPrLMHhA-00901-00263280-00263530 dialogue proactive debate can kind of tZZCPrLMHhA-00902-00263531-00263734 change the scenario and and give it a tZZCPrLMHhA-00903-00263735-00263999 more more positive perspective tZZCPrLMHhA-00904-00264000-00264167 yet uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00905-00264168-00264491 problem tZZCPrLMHhA-00906-00264492-00264701 are there any kind of tZZCPrLMHhA-00907-00264702-00264995 kind of stakeholder initiatives uh that tZZCPrLMHhA-00908-00264996-00265241 that could help uh in this Regard in tZZCPrLMHhA-00909-00265242-00265589 addressing cyber threats uh who would tZZCPrLMHhA-00910-00265590-00265891 like to okay Jensen please tZZCPrLMHhA-00911-00265892-00266158 okay yeah um tZZCPrLMHhA-00912-00266159-00266369 one of the the quite a number of tZZCPrLMHhA-00913-00266370-00266573 international stakeholders that we can tZZCPrLMHhA-00914-00266574-00266734 engage with tZZCPrLMHhA-00915-00266735-00266837 um tZZCPrLMHhA-00916-00266838-00266999 and I'm going to use Ghana as an example tZZCPrLMHhA-00917-00267000-00267227 we've used the freedom online Coalition tZZCPrLMHhA-00918-00267228-00267587 as a critical stakeholder because like I tZZCPrLMHhA-00919-00267588-00267863 said earlier on Cyber threats are tZZCPrLMHhA-00920-00267864-00268156 borderless they they they they're tZZCPrLMHhA-00921-00268157-00268337 transnational and they have no tZZCPrLMHhA-00922-00268338-00268505 boundaries and so working with a freedom tZZCPrLMHhA-00923-00268506-00268732 online Coalition what we've been able to tZZCPrLMHhA-00924-00268733-00268955 do is we've been able to open up a free tZZCPrLMHhA-00925-00268956-00269249 access to expression in Ghana especially tZZCPrLMHhA-00926-00269250-00269434 online again we work with the global tZZCPrLMHhA-00927-00269435-00269603 internet Forum to counter terrorism tZZCPrLMHhA-00928-00269604-00269893 that's another Terror tZZCPrLMHhA-00929-00269894-00270208 based or terror-focused Coalition that tZZCPrLMHhA-00930-00270209-00270401 helps us to track movement especially on tZZCPrLMHhA-00931-00270402-00270563 the African continent with the growing tZZCPrLMHhA-00932-00270564-00270784 threats in the Sahel part of of of tZZCPrLMHhA-00933-00270785-00271067 Africa and and what Transit poses so the tZZCPrLMHhA-00934-00271068-00271253 gift hat initiative is one of the things tZZCPrLMHhA-00935-00271254-00271463 that as a parliamentary body and as a tZZCPrLMHhA-00936-00271464-00271727 country we're using to do cross-border tZZCPrLMHhA-00937-00271728-00271984 uh tracking of cyber threats that happen tZZCPrLMHhA-00938-00271985-00272177 again the global forum on Cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-00939-00272178-00272423 expertise is another is another group tZZCPrLMHhA-00940-00272424-00272710 that we work with closely because tZZCPrLMHhA-00941-00272711-00272782 um tZZCPrLMHhA-00942-00272783-00273017 you look at the note that let's let's tZZCPrLMHhA-00943-00273018-00273256 call it the global North they seem to tZZCPrLMHhA-00944-00273257-00273545 have taking the lead in terms of putting tZZCPrLMHhA-00945-00273546-00273737 in place the infrastructure and the tZZCPrLMHhA-00946-00273738-00273869 mechanisms to protect themselves there's tZZCPrLMHhA-00947-00273870-00274060 no need for us in the global South to tZZCPrLMHhA-00948-00274061-00274271 reinvent the wheel when we can we can tZZCPrLMHhA-00949-00274272-00274480 basically learn from the mistakes that tZZCPrLMHhA-00950-00274481-00274732 they have made and work on the successes tZZCPrLMHhA-00951-00274733-00274895 that they have choked so those are some tZZCPrLMHhA-00952-00274896-00275177 of the the the initiatives that we used tZZCPrLMHhA-00953-00275178-00275339 I mean they're the UN working groups and tZZCPrLMHhA-00954-00275340-00275579 all that we're part of and and and that tZZCPrLMHhA-00955-00275580-00275855 opens us up to a lot of uh opportunities tZZCPrLMHhA-00956-00275856-00276095 the glaci plus project again under the tZZCPrLMHhA-00957-00276096-00276280 Council of Europe is another very tZZCPrLMHhA-00958-00276281-00276497 critical tool that we have used to tZZCPrLMHhA-00959-00276498-00276749 establish focal points and focal persons tZZCPrLMHhA-00960-00276750-00276917 especially for law enforcement because tZZCPrLMHhA-00961-00276918-00277079 previously it would be difficult for you tZZCPrLMHhA-00962-00277080-00277330 to deal with big Tech as a small country tZZCPrLMHhA-00963-00277331-00277553 in Africa but using the glacier plus tZZCPrLMHhA-00964-00277554-00277787 project and focal point persons is able tZZCPrLMHhA-00965-00277788-00278134 is is easy for you to escalate issues on tZZCPrLMHhA-00966-00278135-00278291 the other end of the world where where tZZCPrLMHhA-00967-00278292-00278584 where threats arise against our citizens tZZCPrLMHhA-00968-00278585-00278782 thank you Samuel for sharing which tZZCPrLMHhA-00969-00278783-00278945 initiatives have been useful for you and tZZCPrLMHhA-00970-00278946-00279167 Ghana Edmund over to you then we go to tZZCPrLMHhA-00971-00279168-00279382 Jimson then to Andrea yeah I mean tZZCPrLMHhA-00972-00279383-00279623 sitting here at igf of course a very tZZCPrLMHhA-00973-00279624-00279791 important part of uh uh tZZCPrLMHhA-00974-00279792-00280043 multi-stakeholder initiative is the igf tZZCPrLMHhA-00975-00280044-00280337 but not just the igf all the national tZZCPrLMHhA-00976-00280338-00280708 and Regional igf initiatives and I think tZZCPrLMHhA-00977-00280709-00280949 the it's very important to reinforce tZZCPrLMHhA-00978-00280950-00281153 them and strengthen them and you know tZZCPrLMHhA-00979-00281154-00281332 have them be part of the national tZZCPrLMHhA-00980-00281333-00281645 Regional and Global discussion on on tZZCPrLMHhA-00981-00281646-00281843 Cyber threats and these type of issues tZZCPrLMHhA-00982-00281844-00282143 and that is is a little bit on the tZZCPrLMHhA-00983-00282144-00282377 um I think a higher layer if you will tZZCPrLMHhA-00984-00282378-00282713 but on a more technical layer of course tZZCPrLMHhA-00985-00282714-00283055 the the key uh multi-stakeholder uh in tZZCPrLMHhA-00986-00283056-00283379 institutions are include like icann that tZZCPrLMHhA-00987-00283380-00283589 I mentioned that takes care of the tZZCPrLMHhA-00988-00283590-00283805 domain names the IP address and the tZZCPrLMHhA-00989-00283806-00283921 protocol tZZCPrLMHhA-00990-00283922-00284255 parameters and then the iutf the tZZCPrLMHhA-00991-00284256-00284458 internet engineering task force that tZZCPrLMHhA-00992-00284459-00284629 that deals with the tZZCPrLMHhA-00993-00284630-00284939 uh uh the the protocols that that we use tZZCPrLMHhA-00994-00284940-00285119 but also the regional internet tZZCPrLMHhA-00995-00285120-00285353 registries uh you know here in Africa tZZCPrLMHhA-00996-00285354-00285593 you know around the different regions I tZZCPrLMHhA-00997-00285594-00285869 think those are very key ones and you tZZCPrLMHhA-00998-00285870-00286060 know I think building on what what Sam tZZCPrLMHhA-00999-00286061-00286313 just mentioned a couple of things one is tZZCPrLMHhA-01000-00286314-00286534 local legislation needs to really take tZZCPrLMHhA-01001-00286535-00286643 care of tZZCPrLMHhA-01002-00286644-00286930 um protecting the the end users on that tZZCPrLMHhA-01003-00286931-00287189 and that level uh but also to protect tZZCPrLMHhA-01004-00287190-00287447 the global part of the internet and tZZCPrLMHhA-01005-00287448-00287795 they're they're on and that part on that tZZCPrLMHhA-01006-00287796-00288029 layer I think an important part that the tZZCPrLMHhA-01007-00288030-00288275 parliamentarians can can do is actually tZZCPrLMHhA-01008-00288276-00288593 to reinforce these multi-stakeholder uh tZZCPrLMHhA-01009-00288594-00288730 institutions that are globally tZZCPrLMHhA-01010-00288731-00288923 developing the technical layer of the tZZCPrLMHhA-01011-00288924-00289001 internet tZZCPrLMHhA-01012-00289002-00289145 you know thank you very much for again tZZCPrLMHhA-01013-00289146-00289306 stressing especially those from the tZZCPrLMHhA-01014-00289307-00289523 technical side we will go to dim sum now tZZCPrLMHhA-01015-00289524-00289715 please which ones have been most useful tZZCPrLMHhA-01016-00289716-00289955 for you thank you very much I would say tZZCPrLMHhA-01017-00289956-00290237 plus one to all that my colleagues have tZZCPrLMHhA-01018-00290238-00290560 said you know igf I can a phoenix when tZZCPrLMHhA-01019-00290561-00290849 it comes to uh Africa needs to be it tZZCPrLMHhA-01020-00290850-00291106 will be strengthened ITF we've not been tZZCPrLMHhA-01021-00291107-00291347 playing much role there uh Africa needs tZZCPrLMHhA-01022-00291348-00291623 to be encouraged to be there it costs a tZZCPrLMHhA-01023-00291624-00291917 lot okay in terms of capacity capability tZZCPrLMHhA-01024-00291918-00292156 and the financial resources so you can tZZCPrLMHhA-01025-00292157-00292349 encourage me to be there tZZCPrLMHhA-01026-00292350-00292553 um but permit me there's something tZZCPrLMHhA-01027-00292554-00292769 honorable mention you know that I would tZZCPrLMHhA-01028-00292770-00293069 like to respond to uh honorable you say tZZCPrLMHhA-01029-00293070-00293255 that the government executive need to tZZCPrLMHhA-01030-00293256-00293530 bring the bill okay how about the tZZCPrLMHhA-01031-00293531-00293656 private sector we are not encouraging tZZCPrLMHhA-01032-00293657-00293813 private sector to bring the bill too tZZCPrLMHhA-01033-00293814-00294143 anyway in Nigeria just to clarify that tZZCPrLMHhA-01034-00294144-00294430 maybe maybe my Ghanaian bias because any tZZCPrLMHhA-01035-00294431-00294751 in Ghana private members bills are tZZCPrLMHhA-01036-00294752-00295003 prohibited if they have a financial tZZCPrLMHhA-01037-00295004-00295247 implication and so once there's a tZZCPrLMHhA-01038-00295248-00295403 financial implication it must come from tZZCPrLMHhA-01039-00295404-00295601 government so maybe I'm speaking from my tZZCPrLMHhA-01040-00295602-00295817 limited Ghanaian parameter but if your tZZCPrLMHhA-01041-00295818-00296003 country allows private members bills tZZCPrLMHhA-01042-00296004-00296147 that have financial implications then tZZCPrLMHhA-01043-00296148-00296453 why not oh yes because in Nigeria we tZZCPrLMHhA-01044-00296454-00296687 have initiated a number of initiatives tZZCPrLMHhA-01045-00296688-00296851 variety tZZCPrLMHhA-01046-00296852-00297232 legislation even forensics uh Institute tZZCPrLMHhA-01047-00297233-00297545 to be created and uh they listen uh we tZZCPrLMHhA-01048-00297546-00297737 get with members of parliament they are tZZCPrLMHhA-01049-00297738-00297953 interested in what we propose and they tZZCPrLMHhA-01050-00297954-00298199 we are sitting in the round table and tZZCPrLMHhA-01051-00298200-00298391 they scale it up and before you know it tZZCPrLMHhA-01052-00298392-00298649 the lower house Upper House passes and tZZCPrLMHhA-01053-00298650-00298960 the executive two they love it so we get tZZCPrLMHhA-01054-00298961-00299171 things moving just to keep that in thank tZZCPrLMHhA-01055-00299172-00299351 you no but it's important you brought it tZZCPrLMHhA-01056-00299352-00299687 up Andrea and thanks Teresa and I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01057-00299688-00299879 the global process is I won't repeat tZZCPrLMHhA-01058-00299880-00300047 them I think they're all very useful tZZCPrLMHhA-01059-00300048-00300203 they build capacity they build tZZCPrLMHhA-01060-00300204-00300467 relationships they build cross-technical tZZCPrLMHhA-01061-00300468-00300737 community public policy Civil Society tZZCPrLMHhA-01062-00300738-00300995 other stakeholders parliamentarians but tZZCPrLMHhA-01063-00300996-00301241 I think at the national level we are tZZCPrLMHhA-01064-00301242-00301475 really lagging behind in having tZZCPrLMHhA-01065-00301476-00301745 effective conversations that are not tZZCPrLMHhA-01066-00301746-00301955 abstract about a collaborative approach tZZCPrLMHhA-01067-00301956-00302237 to cyber security threats but that are tZZCPrLMHhA-01068-00302238-00302495 real and that involve transparency and I tZZCPrLMHhA-01069-00302496-00302639 think yeah the private sector can tZZCPrLMHhA-01070-00302640-00302825 sometimes you know you could have a tZZCPrLMHhA-01071-00302826-00303071 cyber and I've seen this happen uh tZZCPrLMHhA-01072-00303072-00303275 ransomware attacks by the way the most tZZCPrLMHhA-01073-00303276-00303508 common threats that we face tZZCPrLMHhA-01074-00303509-00303713 um attacking public infrastructure held tZZCPrLMHhA-01075-00303714-00303847 by the government public information tZZCPrLMHhA-01076-00303848-00304091 infrastructure government doesn't know tZZCPrLMHhA-01077-00304092-00304295 what to do it brings in private sector tZZCPrLMHhA-01078-00304296-00304534 Security Consultants that help them fix tZZCPrLMHhA-01079-00304535-00304787 the problem and the public is none the tZZCPrLMHhA-01080-00304788-00305063 wiser that that that that that part of tZZCPrLMHhA-01081-00305064-00305332 the piece which is to disclose what the tZZCPrLMHhA-01082-00305333-00305591 threats were what the impacts were to tZZCPrLMHhA-01083-00305592-00305782 build capacity from the bottom up to tZZCPrLMHhA-01084-00305783-00306058 make citizens aware companies aware to tZZCPrLMHhA-01085-00306059-00306299 make civil servants aware of how they tZZCPrLMHhA-01086-00306300-00306460 need to change their practice to tZZCPrLMHhA-01087-00306461-00306754 introduce more security tZZCPrLMHhA-01088-00306755-00306899 um you know across the whole whole tZZCPrLMHhA-01089-00306900-00307151 system that doesn't happen and I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01090-00307152-00307330 the private sector and this is why tZZCPrLMHhA-01091-00307331-00307523 parliaments are so important because tZZCPrLMHhA-01092-00307524-00307877 parliaments can can facilitate this kind tZZCPrLMHhA-01093-00307878-00308075 of transparency this kind of information tZZCPrLMHhA-01094-00308076-00308363 and sharing I think cyber resilience we tZZCPrLMHhA-01095-00308364-00308603 just have to remember the transparency tZZCPrLMHhA-01096-00308604-00308987 is part of creating a resilience against tZZCPrLMHhA-01097-00308988-00309263 cyber security threats tZZCPrLMHhA-01098-00309264-00309491 thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-01099-00309492-00309730 very general short remark here I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01100-00309731-00309910 that when we talk about the public tZZCPrLMHhA-01101-00309911-00310163 discussions then the prior Parliament is tZZCPrLMHhA-01102-00310164-00310379 is the one of course we could add here tZZCPrLMHhA-01103-00310380-00310649 to journalists and then the the news and tZZCPrLMHhA-01104-00310650-00310853 really echoing the colleagues from tZZCPrLMHhA-01105-00310854-00311141 different parts of the world uh it's too tZZCPrLMHhA-01106-00311142-00311315 late to act when something serious it tZZCPrLMHhA-01107-00311316-00311554 has happened so then also that when tZZCPrLMHhA-01108-00311555-00311765 something is happening to someone else tZZCPrLMHhA-01109-00311766-00311987 that normally should raise the concerns tZZCPrLMHhA-01110-00311988-00312245 and then interest so then then it comes tZZCPrLMHhA-01111-00312246-00312515 to and then uh from the for the private tZZCPrLMHhA-01112-00312516-00312815 sector public sector doesn't provide the tZZCPrLMHhA-01113-00312816-00313043 digital services that much themselves tZZCPrLMHhA-01114-00313044-00313241 it's most of the time with the private tZZCPrLMHhA-01115-00313242-00313493 equipment with the private companies as tZZCPrLMHhA-01116-00313494-00313691 these all sort of cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-01117-00313692-00314015 services so they are interlinked and and tZZCPrLMHhA-01118-00314016-00314249 just we need to be quite cool-headed tZZCPrLMHhA-01119-00314250-00314410 sometimes what is technically feasible tZZCPrLMHhA-01120-00314411-00314632 so that also requires some knowledge tZZCPrLMHhA-01121-00314633-00314789 that you don't easily get okay you tZZCPrLMHhA-01122-00314790-00314999 cannot do it that's too much so then tZZCPrLMHhA-01123-00315000-00315208 bring it to the part of the normal tZZCPrLMHhA-01124-00315209-00315460 political discussion and then the tZZCPrLMHhA-01125-00315461-00315647 response possibilities I liked very much tZZCPrLMHhA-01126-00315648-00315739 the word tZZCPrLMHhA-01127-00315740-00316067 demystifying it so what is cyberspace tZZCPrLMHhA-01128-00316068-00316403 how to define it it's the good life even tZZCPrLMHhA-01129-00316404-00316673 when you are connected tZZCPrLMHhA-01130-00316674-00316895 thank you Mark please have a stand on tZZCPrLMHhA-01131-00316896-00317093 this question a quick remark I don't tZZCPrLMHhA-01132-00317094-00317299 know if this is this would be a proper tZZCPrLMHhA-01133-00317300-00317477 multi-stakeholder initiative but we had tZZCPrLMHhA-01134-00317478-00317689 a very positive experience in Paraguay tZZCPrLMHhA-01135-00317690-00318227 with uh working with the modern law and tZZCPrLMHhA-01136-00318228-00318425 electronic transfer all records which tZZCPrLMHhA-01137-00318426-00318610 was proposed by the United Nations tZZCPrLMHhA-01138-00318611-00318851 Commission on International Trade law tZZCPrLMHhA-01139-00318852-00319091 and basically it set the ground roots tZZCPrLMHhA-01140-00319092-00319445 for a digitalization a digital economy tZZCPrLMHhA-01141-00319446-00319780 digital citizenship and it wouldn't have tZZCPrLMHhA-01142-00319781-00319960 been possible if there wouldn't have tZZCPrLMHhA-01143-00319961-00320206 been a conversation between a tZZCPrLMHhA-01144-00320207-00320477 legislative branch executive branch tZZCPrLMHhA-01145-00320478-00320656 still I would say I would have preferred tZZCPrLMHhA-01146-00320657-00321010 more political will to to maybe speed up tZZCPrLMHhA-01147-00321011-00321203 the implementation we are having a tZZCPrLMHhA-01148-00321204-00321539 similar approach with a data data tZZCPrLMHhA-01149-00321540-00321737 protection regulation which is based on tZZCPrLMHhA-01150-00321738-00322013 the EU gdpr which had support actually tZZCPrLMHhA-01151-00322014-00322379 from the gdpr data authorities but again tZZCPrLMHhA-01152-00322380-00322684 political will is slowing it down and we tZZCPrLMHhA-01153-00322685-00322906 are kind of altering the order of tZZCPrLMHhA-01154-00322907-00323123 operations we are having we're passing tZZCPrLMHhA-01155-00323124-00323423 one law before the other but it's what tZZCPrLMHhA-01156-00323424-00323669 the the political context allows us to tZZCPrLMHhA-01157-00323670-00323951 do so I I think these are two tZZCPrLMHhA-01158-00323952-00324160 interesting initiatives I heard Africa tZZCPrLMHhA-01159-00324161-00324406 had a African Union had a similar model tZZCPrLMHhA-01160-00324407-00324610 law hope we could get something similar tZZCPrLMHhA-01161-00324611-00324965 for maybe to adapt it to our context in tZZCPrLMHhA-01162-00324966-00325169 maybe South America Latin America tZZCPrLMHhA-01163-00325170-00325421 thank you very much Sebastian now let's tZZCPrLMHhA-01164-00325422-00325625 bring it back home several of you have tZZCPrLMHhA-01165-00325626-00325913 mentioned igf as a very important let's tZZCPrLMHhA-01166-00325914-00326154 say initiative platform tZZCPrLMHhA-01167-00326155-00326530 the Parliamentary track has been uh tZZCPrLMHhA-01168-00326531-00327053 amazing yes because uh before Berlin we tZZCPrLMHhA-01169-00327054-00327232 have not seen many of you and your tZZCPrLMHhA-01170-00327233-00327545 colleagues around and the fact that you tZZCPrLMHhA-01171-00327546-00327808 consider it worthwhile to travel often tZZCPrLMHhA-01172-00327809-00328115 far away such as your case Sebastian and tZZCPrLMHhA-01173-00328116-00328432 for others to the igf to spend the days tZZCPrLMHhA-01174-00328433-00328680 here and engage that's a good sign tZZCPrLMHhA-01175-00328681-00328997 uh so you know if I may kind of say um tZZCPrLMHhA-01176-00328998-00329213 because Serena terrano has been reading tZZCPrLMHhA-01177-00329214-00329506 for us also behind this uh but um one of tZZCPrLMHhA-01178-00329507-00329729 the uh objectives was to sensitize tZZCPrLMHhA-01179-00329730-00329891 members of the parliament more about the tZZCPrLMHhA-01180-00329892-00330137 work of the igf and if we now turn it tZZCPrLMHhA-01181-00330138-00330406 around a little bit what can you as tZZCPrLMHhA-01182-00330407-00331127 members of parliament bring to the igf tZZCPrLMHhA-01183-00331128-00331273 well tZZCPrLMHhA-01184-00331274-00331541 let me at Petro go ladies first okay tZZCPrLMHhA-01185-00331542-00331745 ladies first tZZCPrLMHhA-01186-00331746-00332104 oh yes uh we are so much United in our tZZCPrLMHhA-01187-00332105-00332332 it's there's no like a fight in this tZZCPrLMHhA-01188-00332333-00332579 panel which I find one reason uh to come tZZCPrLMHhA-01189-00332580-00332801 here that you can reflect with the tZZCPrLMHhA-01190-00332802-00333058 colleagues from Africa South America and tZZCPrLMHhA-01191-00333059-00333304 really have the same need for uh tZZCPrLMHhA-01192-00333305-00333491 protection of the citizens to get tZZCPrLMHhA-01193-00333492-00333701 citizens on board and they get the life tZZCPrLMHhA-01194-00333702-00334006 there but maybe as a cyber threats it's tZZCPrLMHhA-01195-00334007-00334180 also good to learn that what the others tZZCPrLMHhA-01196-00334181-00334415 have experienced and then which kind of tZZCPrLMHhA-01197-00334416-00334721 systems to build up to do that and as I tZZCPrLMHhA-01198-00334722-00334930 said the European Union is already one tZZCPrLMHhA-01199-00334931-00335189 level higher than the small member the tZZCPrLMHhA-01200-00335190-00335519 small single member states as we have tZZCPrLMHhA-01201-00335520-00335777 legislative power as a European tZZCPrLMHhA-01202-00335778-00335980 Parliament also to act and two together tZZCPrLMHhA-01203-00335981-00336239 but still some will mentioned here State tZZCPrLMHhA-01204-00336240-00336460 sponsor terrorism may be tZZCPrLMHhA-01205-00336461-00336677 parliamentarians find each other a tZZCPrLMHhA-01206-00336678-00336863 little bit more easier or facilitate tZZCPrLMHhA-01207-00336864-00337139 that one because we know also a very tZZCPrLMHhA-01208-00337140-00337384 good discussion we have the youth igf as tZZCPrLMHhA-01209-00337385-00337608 a members of European Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-01210-00337609-00337930 knowing that there are the tZZCPrLMHhA-01211-00337931-00338213 Talent is there but it's very young age tZZCPrLMHhA-01212-00338214-00338393 that people start looking whether they tZZCPrLMHhA-01213-00338394-00338710 work for the good or they go for the bad tZZCPrLMHhA-01214-00338711-00338980 and that's also very very important that tZZCPrLMHhA-01215-00338981-00339245 we get those good talent people to build tZZCPrLMHhA-01216-00339246-00339449 this globe tZZCPrLMHhA-01217-00339450-00339797 for more common Globe than building it tZZCPrLMHhA-01218-00339798-00339971 for the threats tZZCPrLMHhA-01219-00339972-00340301 War whether it's a cyber war or whether tZZCPrLMHhA-01220-00340302-00340529 it's a Florida Humanity tZZCPrLMHhA-01221-00340530-00340793 and and having this very basic questions tZZCPrLMHhA-01222-00340794-00341045 where our young people will go and I tZZCPrLMHhA-01223-00341046-00341287 very much of course appreciate the the tZZCPrLMHhA-01224-00341288-00341495 stakeholders that of course business tZZCPrLMHhA-01225-00341496-00341723 here but then tZZCPrLMHhA-01226-00341724-00342023 especially having the ngos because if tZZCPrLMHhA-01227-00342024-00342256 the ngos doesn't have a call if the tZZCPrLMHhA-01228-00342257-00342460 nobody is asking politicians government tZZCPrLMHhA-01229-00342461-00342706 or business to please provide is tZZCPrLMHhA-01230-00342707-00342880 something that is safe that I can trust tZZCPrLMHhA-01231-00342881-00343127 too that if there was a question from a tZZCPrLMHhA-01232-00343128-00343289 colleague from Africa that can read tZZCPrLMHhA-01233-00343290-00343510 trust the systems tZZCPrLMHhA-01234-00343511-00343680 I cannot let this late as the European tZZCPrLMHhA-01235-00343681-00343960 African countries but you have to do it tZZCPrLMHhA-01236-00343961-00344153 but then we have to find the common ways tZZCPrLMHhA-01237-00344154-00344345 as well as we are using the same tZZCPrLMHhA-01238-00344346-00344584 equipment we are using a lot of same in tZZCPrLMHhA-01239-00344585-00344860 infrastructure for internet and needs to tZZCPrLMHhA-01240-00344861-00345149 be later too so then let's be a tZZCPrLMHhA-01241-00345150-00345371 globalized world and one common internet tZZCPrLMHhA-01242-00345372-00345599 but then also having ideas how to make tZZCPrLMHhA-01243-00345600-00345832 our countries take the responsibilities tZZCPrLMHhA-01244-00345833-00346067 thank you very much we will go to Samuel tZZCPrLMHhA-01245-00346068-00346332 then yes so I was just going to say that tZZCPrLMHhA-01246-00346333-00346704 Berlin was the birth of tZZCPrLMHhA-01247-00346705-00346901 fantastic tZZCPrLMHhA-01248-00346902-00347147 initiative at the igf the Parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-01249-00347148-00347249 track tZZCPrLMHhA-01250-00347250-00347429 because you get to see a lot of Civil tZZCPrLMHhA-01251-00347430-00347615 Society groups and private sector groups tZZCPrLMHhA-01252-00347616-00347843 meet at various igfs and have tZZCPrLMHhA-01253-00347844-00348125 conversations you get to see the high tZZCPrLMHhA-01254-00348126-00348371 level conversations with the executive tZZCPrLMHhA-01255-00348372-00348671 governments but then there is never a tZZCPrLMHhA-01256-00348672-00348845 link between the high level tZZCPrLMHhA-01257-00348846-00349019 conversations that with ministers and tZZCPrLMHhA-01258-00349020-00349313 and presidents and private Society or tZZCPrLMHhA-01259-00349314-00349523 private private sector tZZCPrLMHhA-01260-00349524-00349756 the parliamentarians would act as that tZZCPrLMHhA-01261-00349757-00350032 link that bridge between those those two tZZCPrLMHhA-01262-00350033-00350332 tracks and what Ethiopia has been has tZZCPrLMHhA-01263-00350333-00350645 been a fantastic Revelation for us on tZZCPrLMHhA-01264-00350646-00350806 the African continent we realized that tZZCPrLMHhA-01265-00350807-00351053 we needed to have a concerted effort tZZCPrLMHhA-01266-00351054-00351287 because one of the dangers of the igf tZZCPrLMHhA-01267-00351288-00351460 let me quickly point out is it could tZZCPrLMHhA-01268-00351461-00351689 become very quickly a yearly talk show tZZCPrLMHhA-01269-00351690-00351917 for parliamentarians Where We Gather tZZCPrLMHhA-01270-00351918-00352103 ones every year have fantastic tZZCPrLMHhA-01271-00352104-00352282 conversations and wait till the next tZZCPrLMHhA-01272-00352283-00352463 year so on the African continent we tZZCPrLMHhA-01273-00352464-00352625 started a fantastic initiative called tZZCPrLMHhA-01274-00352626-00352828 the African parliamentary Network for tZZCPrLMHhA-01275-00352829-00353027 internet governance at Nick tZZCPrLMHhA-01276-00353028-00353267 which has brought about parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-01277-00353268-00353513 from different committees not just ICT tZZCPrLMHhA-01278-00353514-00353813 committees various committees Education tZZCPrLMHhA-01279-00353814-00354160 Health social work ICT from government tZZCPrLMHhA-01280-00354161-00354449 side to position sites from 25 African tZZCPrLMHhA-01281-00354450-00354725 countries and basically what we do is we tZZCPrLMHhA-01282-00354726-00354971 have a continuous engagement on the tZZCPrLMHhA-01283-00354972-00355121 issues that were raised at the Africa tZZCPrLMHhA-01284-00355122-00355360 igf that are being raised here during tZZCPrLMHhA-01285-00355361-00355541 this igf sessions we've had a meeting tZZCPrLMHhA-01286-00355542-00355715 with the members of the European tZZCPrLMHhA-01287-00355716-00356003 Parliament led by Mia Petra and and seen tZZCPrLMHhA-01288-00356004-00356327 how we can exchange best practices she tZZCPrLMHhA-01289-00356328-00356447 spoke about original equipment tZZCPrLMHhA-01290-00356448-00356669 manufacturers and the standards that are tZZCPrLMHhA-01291-00356670-00356932 based are created largely in Europe and tZZCPrLMHhA-01292-00356933-00357154 and North America we we use this tZZCPrLMHhA-01293-00357155-00357389 equipment but we don't legislate here in tZZCPrLMHhA-01294-00357390-00357634 Africa what the standards are but this tZZCPrLMHhA-01295-00357635-00357989 kind of cross-border or or across tZZCPrLMHhA-01296-00357990-00358247 group meetings helps us to lend best tZZCPrLMHhA-01297-00358248-00358451 practices from them and also helps us to tZZCPrLMHhA-01298-00358452-00358625 move forward and then we can learn from tZZCPrLMHhA-01299-00358626-00358799 each other's mistakes I made a critical tZZCPrLMHhA-01300-00358800-00358997 point about the Malibu convention and tZZCPrLMHhA-01301-00358998-00359123 I'm gonna stress on it again because tZZCPrLMHhA-01302-00359124-00359351 it's important we cannot as an African tZZCPrLMHhA-01303-00359352-00359567 continent say that we're fighting cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-01304-00359568-00359728 security and providing safety for our tZZCPrLMHhA-01305-00359729-00359951 citizens if we are not putting in place tZZCPrLMHhA-01306-00359952-00360191 the right legislations and framework tZZCPrLMHhA-01307-00360192-00360358 because even when law enforcement tZZCPrLMHhA-01308-00360359-00360682 decides to work on a criminal case there tZZCPrLMHhA-01309-00360683-00360887 are no legislations to help in the tZZCPrLMHhA-01310-00360888-00361103 prosecution and so please to the African tZZCPrLMHhA-01311-00361104-00361349 delegates in here let us go back to our tZZCPrLMHhA-01312-00361350-00361595 countries and let us make sure that we tZZCPrLMHhA-01313-00361596-00361775 begin the conversations put them front tZZCPrLMHhA-01314-00361776-00362027 and center for the ratification of the tZZCPrLMHhA-01315-00362028-00362243 malabo convention like I said in Ghana tZZCPrLMHhA-01316-00362244-00362434 on the The Budapest convention we've tZZCPrLMHhA-01317-00362435-00362758 ratified it but we decided not to ratify tZZCPrLMHhA-01318-00362759-00363004 the convention on xenophobia and hate tZZCPrLMHhA-01319-00363005-00363203 speech because there were issues in tZZCPrLMHhA-01320-00363204-00363371 there that were in conflict with our tZZCPrLMHhA-01321-00363372-00363563 local laws so we had reservations on tZZCPrLMHhA-01322-00363564-00363821 that so you can always ratify the tZZCPrLMHhA-01323-00363822-00364108 convention with reservation Kenya has tZZCPrLMHhA-01324-00364109-00364325 done a different route where they have tZZCPrLMHhA-01325-00364326-00364534 not ratified the conventions but they've tZZCPrLMHhA-01326-00364535-00364751 built their own digital roadmap based on tZZCPrLMHhA-01327-00364752-00364960 the conventions but failing to ratify tZZCPrLMHhA-01328-00364961-00365080 the convention means the convention tZZCPrLMHhA-01329-00365081-00365243 hasn't been triggered yet so please tZZCPrLMHhA-01330-00365244-00365465 let's have that triggering of the malaba tZZCPrLMHhA-01331-00365466-00366371 convention thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-01332-00366372-00366580 go to Andrea and then if I'm getting the tZZCPrLMHhA-01333-00366581-00366827 sign correctly Edmond yes and we need to tZZCPrLMHhA-01334-00366828-00367049 ratify it so we can amend it honorable tZZCPrLMHhA-01335-00367050-00367306 George but I absolutely agree with you I tZZCPrLMHhA-01336-00367307-00367487 want to reflect why I think and what tZZCPrLMHhA-01337-00367488-00367675 I've learned from parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-01338-00367676-00368063 firstly honorable Sam George a few tZZCPrLMHhA-01339-00368064-00368243 months ago I had a conversation with him tZZCPrLMHhA-01340-00368244-00368501 about how we in Civil Society see cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-01341-00368502-00368741 security and what is difficult for us tZZCPrLMHhA-01342-00368742-00368945 when we talk to governments and tZZCPrLMHhA-01343-00368946-00369203 government just see cyber security as tZZCPrLMHhA-01344-00369204-00369437 National Security and often just as tZZCPrLMHhA-01345-00369438-00369695 regime security and we often use the tZZCPrLMHhA-01346-00369696-00369827 language tZZCPrLMHhA-01347-00369828-00370006 um that cyber security is a national tZZCPrLMHhA-01348-00370007-00370306 security but I had a conversation with tZZCPrLMHhA-01349-00370307-00370499 with honorable George tZZCPrLMHhA-01350-00370500-00370708 and and it was so revealing to me tZZCPrLMHhA-01351-00370709-00370901 because it revealed to me that of course tZZCPrLMHhA-01352-00370902-00371189 it is National Security it's not only tZZCPrLMHhA-01353-00371190-00371495 National Security but if a civil society tZZCPrLMHhA-01354-00371496-00371723 we don't embrace the fact that it is a tZZCPrLMHhA-01355-00371724-00371980 national National Security concern that tZZCPrLMHhA-01356-00371981-00372137 governments that parliaments that other tZZCPrLMHhA-01357-00372138-00372443 stakeholders are going to relate to it tZZCPrLMHhA-01358-00372444-00372653 and actually should relate to it as tZZCPrLMHhA-01359-00372654-00372910 National Security we won't proceed very tZZCPrLMHhA-01360-00372911-00373097 deeply in our conversation with them tZZCPrLMHhA-01361-00373098-00373319 it's not only National Security but tZZCPrLMHhA-01362-00373320-00373571 National Security is part of it now I tZZCPrLMHhA-01363-00373572-00373715 learned that from talking to a tZZCPrLMHhA-01364-00373716-00374015 parliamentarian who's in this space I tZZCPrLMHhA-01365-00374016-00374147 think the other thing that we get from tZZCPrLMHhA-01366-00374148-00374327 parliamentarians I think we're all a tZZCPrLMHhA-01367-00374328-00374530 little bit disillusioned with democracy tZZCPrLMHhA-01368-00374531-00374730 sometimes I think we have this tZZCPrLMHhA-01369-00374731-00374932 multi-stakeholder approach that we have tZZCPrLMHhA-01370-00374933-00375191 in the internet governance Forum that tZZCPrLMHhA-01371-00375192-00375377 emerged from the world Summit on on the tZZCPrLMHhA-01372-00375378-00375575 information society which is a little tZZCPrLMHhA-01373-00375576-00375815 bit rigid it talks about business Civil tZZCPrLMHhA-01374-00375816-00376104 Society government technical community tZZCPrLMHhA-01375-00376105-00376378 and there's a lot of nuance and a lot of tZZCPrLMHhA-01376-00376379-00376606 specificity that's over looked in that tZZCPrLMHhA-01377-00376607-00376901 all of those groups are diverse within tZZCPrLMHhA-01378-00376902-00377260 themselves and and if we do not evolve tZZCPrLMHhA-01379-00377261-00377549 and and make our our multi-stakeholder tZZCPrLMHhA-01380-00377550-00377843 processes more subtle more sophisticated tZZCPrLMHhA-01381-00377844-00378113 more targeted and more inclusive we're tZZCPrLMHhA-01382-00378114-00378293 not actually going to reap the benefit tZZCPrLMHhA-01383-00378294-00378521 from this inclusive approaches to civil tZZCPrLMHhA-01384-00378522-00378767 society and I think parliamentarians tZZCPrLMHhA-01385-00378768-00379025 bring that to the table they bring the tZZCPrLMHhA-01386-00379026-00379360 complexity of multi-stakeholder of tZZCPrLMHhA-01387-00379361-00379684 multi-party democracy governance to the tZZCPrLMHhA-01388-00379685-00380003 table and they bring the diversity of tZZCPrLMHhA-01389-00380004-00380158 different perspectives from different tZZCPrLMHhA-01390-00380159-00380380 parts of the world who are not part of tZZCPrLMHhA-01391-00380381-00380519 government that who are close to tZZCPrLMHhA-01392-00380520-00380699 government and who play an oversight tZZCPrLMHhA-01393-00380700-00380897 role to the table I find that extremely tZZCPrLMHhA-01394-00380898-00381197 valuable Wendy sorry it's a really great tZZCPrLMHhA-01395-00381198-00381551 remarks Andrea Edmond please yeah um I tZZCPrLMHhA-01396-00381552-00381803 just want to ask uh offer an observation tZZCPrLMHhA-01397-00381804-00382030 especially really excited to see the tZZCPrLMHhA-01398-00382031-00382204 development of igf and the tZZCPrLMHhA-01399-00382205-00382439 parliamentarian track uh one thing that tZZCPrLMHhA-01400-00382440-00382654 I find really interesting is that I I tZZCPrLMHhA-01401-00382655-00382919 find a little bit of a parallel with the tZZCPrLMHhA-01402-00382920-00383177 gak at icann the government advisory tZZCPrLMHhA-01403-00383178-00383417 committee at icann as it develops a long tZZCPrLMHhA-01404-00383418-00383669 time ago uh gak usually have all these tZZCPrLMHhA-01405-00383670-00383867 closed sessions so to this time I was tZZCPrLMHhA-01406-00383868-00384137 looking at the the the the the you know tZZCPrLMHhA-01407-00384138-00384323 the schedule and we see all these closed tZZCPrLMHhA-01408-00384324-00384527 sessions for parliamentarians I'm not tZZCPrLMHhA-01409-00384528-00384695 dismissing you know I think closed tZZCPrLMHhA-01410-00384696-00384910 sessions are are necessary for a lot of tZZCPrLMHhA-01411-00384911-00385139 uh you know open open discussion but I tZZCPrLMHhA-01412-00385140-00385271 think one of the things that you know tZZCPrLMHhA-01413-00385272-00385528 you were saying how to continue to going tZZCPrLMHhA-01414-00385529-00385799 forward it would be great to see more tZZCPrLMHhA-01415-00385800-00386056 open sessions and and see proletarians tZZCPrLMHhA-01416-00386057-00386339 in action like we have here uh to talk tZZCPrLMHhA-01417-00386340-00386530 about some of some of the the pertinent tZZCPrLMHhA-01418-00386531-00386710 issues and on internet governance as tZZCPrLMHhA-01419-00386711-00386945 well so I think that's uh and it's not tZZCPrLMHhA-01420-00386946-00387203 just and the the global level also in tZZCPrLMHhA-01421-00387204-00387545 the National and Regional igf activities tZZCPrLMHhA-01422-00387546-00387760 they should have uh you know it was tZZCPrLMHhA-01423-00387761-00387947 great if parliamentarians would be tZZCPrLMHhA-01424-00387948-00388193 willing to participate at that level and tZZCPrLMHhA-01425-00388194-00388301 that's where tZZCPrLMHhA-01426-00388302-00388528 um as as Sam said tZZCPrLMHhA-01427-00388529-00388673 um you know it's not just a talk shop tZZCPrLMHhA-01428-00388674-00388937 you can turn it into a multi-stakeholder tZZCPrLMHhA-01429-00388938-00389237 uh discussion that can have results and tZZCPrLMHhA-01430-00389238-00389369 that relates to I don't just want to tZZCPrLMHhA-01431-00389370-00389610 touch on one thing I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01432-00389611-00389897 Andrea's point about resilience is is tZZCPrLMHhA-01433-00389898-00390145 very important I think uh cyber security tZZCPrLMHhA-01434-00390146-00390443 cyber security and threat I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01435-00390444-00390634 resilience is the number one thing you tZZCPrLMHhA-01436-00390635-00390821 know it's much more about resilience tZZCPrLMHhA-01437-00390822-00391060 than than blocking blocking things is tZZCPrLMHhA-01438-00391061-00391295 how you keep it up and running and tZZCPrLMHhA-01439-00391296-00391504 resilience has a international level a tZZCPrLMHhA-01440-00391505-00391715 global level there's a national level tZZCPrLMHhA-01441-00391716-00391954 and then I think Andreas mentioned that tZZCPrLMHhA-01442-00391955-00392303 at the uh at the content level the tZZCPrLMHhA-01443-00392304-00392560 people the resilience of the people is tZZCPrLMHhA-01444-00392561-00392753 really uh perhaps the most important tZZCPrLMHhA-01445-00392754-00392927 thing and that's also where the tZZCPrLMHhA-01446-00392928-00393127 multi-stake Illinois model with the tZZCPrLMHhA-01447-00393128-00393310 parliamentarians can actually get the tZZCPrLMHhA-01448-00393311-00393815 word out I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01449-00393816-00394019 how to how to get from polarians tZZCPrLMHhA-01450-00394020-00394108 involved in tZZCPrLMHhA-01451-00394109-00394391 the in the igf itself and maybe tZZCPrLMHhA-01452-00394392-00394739 reconsider appeal here tZZCPrLMHhA-01453-00394740-00394954 um to open up these sessions a little tZZCPrLMHhA-01454-00394955-00395213 bit more Sebastian please or yes sorry tZZCPrLMHhA-01455-00395214-00395369 it was you Jameson now very short tZZCPrLMHhA-01456-00395370-00395554 remarks now if I may all ask you thank tZZCPrLMHhA-01457-00395555-00395887 you okay uh well I'm from the private tZZCPrLMHhA-01458-00395888-00396167 sectorian but they sometimes I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01459-00396168-00396382 could be useful because if you cannot tZZCPrLMHhA-01460-00396383-00396575 measure something you cannot manage it tZZCPrLMHhA-01461-00396576-00396821 so it would be good to perhaps you can tZZCPrLMHhA-01462-00396822-00397115 have a parliamentary Global Observatory tZZCPrLMHhA-01463-00397116-00397475 index that will be able to measure how tZZCPrLMHhA-01464-00397476-00397684 we are faring at least since the tZZCPrLMHhA-01465-00397685-00398032 parliament group was commission uh are tZZCPrLMHhA-01466-00398033-00398206 we you know honorable just talk about tZZCPrLMHhA-01467-00398207-00398465 it's really wanted to be a talk show or tZZCPrLMHhA-01468-00398466-00398687 a talk show so we need to be measuring tZZCPrLMHhA-01469-00398688-00398993 progress down the line Thank you thank tZZCPrLMHhA-01470-00398994-00399169 you James tZZCPrLMHhA-01471-00399170-00399508 I think tZZCPrLMHhA-01472-00399509-00399773 igf is sort of like a safe haven for tZZCPrLMHhA-01473-00399774-00400073 politicians so but we have a lot to tZZCPrLMHhA-01474-00400074-00400247 share from a point of view that we can tZZCPrLMHhA-01475-00400248-00400456 each share a certain roadmap for other tZZCPrLMHhA-01476-00400457-00400708 certain experience in our case we had tZZCPrLMHhA-01477-00400709-00400889 our really positive positive experience tZZCPrLMHhA-01478-00400890-00401165 from Berlin which led to a tZZCPrLMHhA-01479-00401166-00401399 multi-stakeholder approach which led to tZZCPrLMHhA-01480-00401400-00401717 present uh a draft of a data protection tZZCPrLMHhA-01481-00401718-00401819 bill tZZCPrLMHhA-01482-00401820-00402089 still under discussion still hopefully tZZCPrLMHhA-01483-00402090-00402395 we will we we expect to to pass the bill tZZCPrLMHhA-01484-00402396-00402701 but it led to it came from a very tZZCPrLMHhA-01485-00402702-00402851 interesting consensus and I think it's tZZCPrLMHhA-01486-00402852-00403037 the kind of conversations that we should tZZCPrLMHhA-01487-00403038-00403223 keep tZZCPrLMHhA-01488-00403224-00403504 keep pushing keep keep making happen tZZCPrLMHhA-01489-00403505-00403804 for a concerning issues such as cyber tZZCPrLMHhA-01490-00403805-00403877 security tZZCPrLMHhA-01491-00403878-00404332 thank you Sebastian tZZCPrLMHhA-01492-00404333-00404584 cyber security index is very interesting tZZCPrLMHhA-01493-00404585-00404801 you can find it by Googling for the tZZCPrLMHhA-01494-00404802-00405023 countries uh but then I don't know I tZZCPrLMHhA-01495-00405024-00405208 don't know that all the details are um tZZCPrLMHhA-01496-00405209-00405430 if that can be trusted but then itu tZZCPrLMHhA-01497-00405431-00405743 normally I do trust uh but then uh on tZZCPrLMHhA-01498-00405744-00405965 the because I feel bad that you you feel tZZCPrLMHhA-01499-00405966-00406139 that it has been something behind the tZZCPrLMHhA-01500-00406140-00406384 door so I can reveal you something and tZZCPrLMHhA-01501-00406385-00406582 one was that I hope my colleagues don't tZZCPrLMHhA-01502-00406583-00406775 mind that because but it was one that tZZCPrLMHhA-01503-00406776-00406984 sometimes we in the parliaments think tZZCPrLMHhA-01504-00406985-00407201 that our foreign services are tZZCPrLMHhA-01505-00407202-00407399 negotiating something International tZZCPrLMHhA-01506-00407400-00407680 cyber security agreements and then it's tZZCPrLMHhA-01507-00407681-00407956 left there whereas it should be brought tZZCPrLMHhA-01508-00407957-00408239 to the National parliaments an open tZZCPrLMHhA-01509-00408240-00408467 discussion and commitments by the tZZCPrLMHhA-01510-00408468-00408832 private sector ngos and politicians that tZZCPrLMHhA-01511-00408833-00409132 now we have this one and and ratifying tZZCPrLMHhA-01512-00409133-00409306 this one it means that it's better life tZZCPrLMHhA-01513-00409307-00409541 for the citizens so that was something tZZCPrLMHhA-01514-00409542-00409678 that we were discussing as tZZCPrLMHhA-01515-00409679-00409870 parliamentarians that yeah we might even tZZCPrLMHhA-01516-00409871-00410122 vote and ratify it but public discussion tZZCPrLMHhA-01517-00410123-00410351 is not there and we know that we are now tZZCPrLMHhA-01518-00410352-00410668 close to U.N uh and and you impassured tZZCPrLMHhA-01519-00410669-00411028 us here un is doing great job but not tZZCPrLMHhA-01520-00411029-00411239 every parliamentarians are aware because tZZCPrLMHhA-01521-00411239-00411509 sometimes we work too much in silos I tZZCPrLMHhA-01522-00411510-00411724 work for the digitalization you work for tZZCPrLMHhA-01523-00411725-00411934 the development you work for the tZZCPrLMHhA-01524-00411935-00412157 national security and you work for the tZZCPrLMHhA-01525-00412158-00412372 journalism and you work for the female tZZCPrLMHhA-01526-00412373-00412841 uh gender issues it's all cyber space so tZZCPrLMHhA-01527-00412842-00413057 I hope that we didn't have too much tZZCPrLMHhA-01528-00413058-00413326 behind the Clusters because it was good tZZCPrLMHhA-01529-00413327-00413578 can I get 30 seconds please wait I I tZZCPrLMHhA-01530-00413579-00413716 think that in closing I'm just going to tZZCPrLMHhA-01531-00413717-00413872 make the point that tZZCPrLMHhA-01532-00413873-00414101 civil society and private sector should tZZCPrLMHhA-01533-00414102-00414418 see parliamentarians as your link to tZZCPrLMHhA-01534-00414419-00414689 getting your voices heard and and what tZZCPrLMHhA-01535-00414689-00414995 the I what does igf parliamentary track tZZCPrLMHhA-01536-00414996-00415210 does it gives us a once in a year tZZCPrLMHhA-01537-00415212-00415505 opportunity to interact I'm I'm all for tZZCPrLMHhA-01538-00415506-00415787 more engagements and more open sessions tZZCPrLMHhA-01539-00415788-00415991 with with the public where they can even tZZCPrLMHhA-01540-00415992-00416147 ask us questions where we can have round tZZCPrLMHhA-01541-00416147-00416422 tables to discuss policy initiatives but tZZCPrLMHhA-01542-00416423-00416597 for me I think one of the takeaways for tZZCPrLMHhA-01543-00416597-00416837 me from here is I've met with technical tZZCPrLMHhA-01544-00416838-00417095 private sector people from Ghana who are tZZCPrLMHhA-01545-00417096-00417347 attending the igf sat with them and said tZZCPrLMHhA-01546-00417347-00417551 okay because of this when I go back to tZZCPrLMHhA-01547-00417552-00417724 Parliament in Ghana the Parliamentary tZZCPrLMHhA-01548-00417725-00417899 select committee is going to hold one tZZCPrLMHhA-01549-00417900-00418205 session with private sector initiatives tZZCPrLMHhA-01550-00418206-00418445 in Ghana so we can hear more from them tZZCPrLMHhA-01551-00418446-00418618 so that when we're passing legislation tZZCPrLMHhA-01552-00418619-00418799 is not the stakeholder engagement done tZZCPrLMHhA-01553-00418800-00419009 by the ministry alone but Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-01554-00419010-00419249 itself will independently listen to tZZCPrLMHhA-01555-00419250-00419459 private sector and get your reflection tZZCPrLMHhA-01556-00419460-00419710 in the bills that we pass together we tZZCPrLMHhA-01557-00419712-00419939 can make better thank you thank you tZZCPrLMHhA-01558-00419939-00420143 somewhere also for mentioning this very tZZCPrLMHhA-01559-00420143-00420370 concrete takeaways if there are no tZZCPrLMHhA-01560-00420371-00420664 pressing last remarks please allow me to tZZCPrLMHhA-01561-00420666-00420814 conclude I would like to once again tZZCPrLMHhA-01562-00420816-00421139 remind us who was sitting at the podium tZZCPrLMHhA-01563-00421139-00421349 and sharing these great insights with tZZCPrLMHhA-01564-00421350-00421625 you first of all starting from produce tZZCPrLMHhA-01565-00421626-00421966 back we had the Mr Edmund Edmonton I can tZZCPrLMHhA-01566-00421967-00422314 a board member and the CEO of dot Asia tZZCPrLMHhA-01567-00422315-00422693 we had with us Mr Samuel George a member tZZCPrLMHhA-01568-00422693-00423085 of the parliament of Ghana tZZCPrLMHhA-01569-00423085-00424116 a member of the European Parliament tZZCPrLMHhA-01570-00424117-00424372 so let's do it now apologies for that tZZCPrLMHhA-01571-00424373-00424625 Carlos Sebastian Garcia member of the tZZCPrLMHhA-01572-00424626-00424979 parliament of Paraguay Jimson olufuya tZZCPrLMHhA-01573-00424980-00425357 from the Africa ICT Alliance and finally tZZCPrLMHhA-01574-00425358-00425783 Andrea esterhuizen from the APC the next tZZCPrLMHhA-01575-00425784-00426070 steps uh besides hopefully planning tZZCPrLMHhA-01576-00426071-00426322 parliamentary Trek for uh for next year tZZCPrLMHhA-01577-00426323-00426551 will be preparation of an output tZZCPrLMHhA-01578-00426552-00426910 document that will summarize uh this uh tZZCPrLMHhA-01579-00426912-00427181 Roundtable but also the many Preparatory tZZCPrLMHhA-01580-00427182-00427420 sessions that have been happening in the tZZCPrLMHhA-01581-00427421-00427799 past days and with that I would like to tZZCPrLMHhA-01582-00427800-00428129 uh thank you once again thank to all of tZZCPrLMHhA-01583-00428130-00428399 those joining us online uh here in the tZZCPrLMHhA-01584-00428400-00428735 room and of course the interpreters with tZZCPrLMHhA-01585-00428735-00428963 special thanks to the organizers of the tZZCPrLMHhA-01586-00428964-00429287 Parliamentary Trek have a good rest this tZZCPrLMHhA-01587-00429288-00429527 afternoon enjoy the rest of the igf and tZZCPrLMHhA-01588-00429528-00429747 see you soon bye tZZCPrLMHhA-01589-00429749-00430363 [Applause] tbBl_Eeu8RM-00003-00018295-00018896 foreign tonight tbBl_Eeu8RM-00004-00018897-00019444 [Music] tbBl_Eeu8RM-00005-00019445-00020044 someone that when the skin tbBl_Eeu8RM-00006-00020045-00020760 is tbBl_Eeu8RM-00007-00020761-00021683 [Music] tbBl_Eeu8RM-00008-00021684-00022808 um tbBl_Eeu8RM-00009-00022809-00023644 [Music] tbBl_Eeu8RM-00010-00023645-00025750 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00011-00025751-00026105 [Music] tbBl_Eeu8RM-00013-00029189-00029333 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00015-00033524-00034062 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00016-00034063-00034571 yes sir tbBl_Eeu8RM-00017-00034572-00035387 guys tbBl_Eeu8RM-00019-00040302-00041309 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00020-00041310-00044045 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00022-00047472-00049061 Sally tbBl_Eeu8RM-00024-00055116-00056129 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00025-00056129-00058865 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00027-00062286-00063880 foreign tbBl_Eeu8RM-00028-00063882-00064182 foreign tdnbpFnrLX8-00000-00000096-00001165 foreign tdnbpFnrLX8-00001-00001166-00001499 s to Total crypto updates bringing you tdnbpFnrLX8-00002-00001500-00001721 another video for real deep dives into tdnbpFnrLX8-00003-00001722-00001925 the crypto industry tdnbpFnrLX8-00004-00001926-00002123 I can't promise to only speak about tdnbpFnrLX8-00005-00002124-00002357 crypto but I can promise everything will tdnbpFnrLX8-00006-00002358-00002518 be overstood tdnbpFnrLX8-00007-00002519-00002729 let's dive into today's very dense tdnbpFnrLX8-00008-00002730-00002897 crypto update tdnbpFnrLX8-00009-00002898-00003137 today I want to start off with a video tdnbpFnrLX8-00010-00003138-00003370 on one of the federal reserve's plans to tdnbpFnrLX8-00011-00003371-00003670 raise inflation on the taxpayer's behalf tdnbpFnrLX8-00012-00003671-00003917 the video was published by crypto tips tdnbpFnrLX8-00013-00003918-00004204 just a few hours before this video so tdnbpFnrLX8-00014-00004205-00004451 right now I'm gonna go over this the tdnbpFnrLX8-00015-00004452-00004649 cost of a four hundred thousand dollar tdnbpFnrLX8-00016-00004650-00004751 house tdnbpFnrLX8-00017-00004752-00005261 with a 10 down payment uh in 2021 that tdnbpFnrLX8-00018-00005262-00005536 would have been you would had a 2.88 tdnbpFnrLX8-00019-00005537-00005938 interest rate that would have cost you 1 tdnbpFnrLX8-00020-00005939-00006095 000 essentially one thousand five tdnbpFnrLX8-00021-00006096-00006286 hundred dollars per month tdnbpFnrLX8-00022-00006287-00006641 in 2022 just a year later tdnbpFnrLX8-00023-00006642-00007013 at 6.7 interest rate that would have tdnbpFnrLX8-00024-00007014-00007259 cost you two thousand three hundred and tdnbpFnrLX8-00025-00007259-00007487 twenty three dollars a month so now a tdnbpFnrLX8-00026-00007488-00007655 four hundred thousand dollar home would tdnbpFnrLX8-00027-00007656-00007967 now cost eight hundred and thirty six tdnbpFnrLX8-00028-00007968-00008201 thousand two hundred eighty dollars over tdnbpFnrLX8-00029-00008202-00008405 thirty years tdnbpFnrLX8-00030-00008406-00008645 ouch yeah and guess what a lot of people tdnbpFnrLX8-00031-00008646-00008764 are going to be losing their houses tdnbpFnrLX8-00032-00008765-00009089 because they can't afford a double of of tdnbpFnrLX8-00033-00009090-00009364 a payment guess who's gonna buy it the tdnbpFnrLX8-00034-00009365-00009539 Federal Reserve they're going to add add tdnbpFnrLX8-00035-00009540-00009713 this to their mortgage-backed Securities tdnbpFnrLX8-00036-00009714-00009910 and they're going to print tons of tdnbpFnrLX8-00037-00009911-00010109 currency and that's going to go on to tdnbpFnrLX8-00038-00010110-00010373 the FED balance sheet creating a lot tdnbpFnrLX8-00039-00010374-00010577 more inflation which is going to hurt a tdnbpFnrLX8-00040-00010578-00010774 lot more people see this cycle that's tdnbpFnrLX8-00041-00010775-00011051 happening right now with that being said tdnbpFnrLX8-00042-00011052-00011338 let's move on to why the SNP Global tdnbpFnrLX8-00043-00011339-00011531 Executive suspects everything will be tdnbpFnrLX8-00044-00011532-00011728 tokenized eventually tdnbpFnrLX8-00045-00011729-00012041 Chuck mounts SNP Global's Chief defy tdnbpFnrLX8-00046-00012042-00012299 officer spoke to crypto Advocate Scott tdnbpFnrLX8-00047-00012300-00012574 melker this week about tokenization tdnbpFnrLX8-00048-00012575-00012844 in a summary of mount's statement tdnbpFnrLX8-00049-00012845-00013121 Mount stated to melker on October 11th tdnbpFnrLX8-00050-00013122-00013366 according to the Daily huddle tdnbpFnrLX8-00051-00013368-00013722 a token represents an asset or utility tdnbpFnrLX8-00052-00013723-00014003 tokenization converts a valuable asset tdnbpFnrLX8-00053-00014004-00014297 into a blockchain usable digital token tdnbpFnrLX8-00054-00014297-00014566 blockchain tokenized assets take two tdnbpFnrLX8-00055-00014568-00014693 forms tdnbpFnrLX8-00056-00014694-00014963 they can be tangible or intangible like tdnbpFnrLX8-00057-00014963-00015238 gold real estate and art tdnbpFnrLX8-00058-00015240-00015544 anything that can be owned has value and tdnbpFnrLX8-00059-00015545-00015772 can be incorporated into a larger asset tdnbpFnrLX8-00060-00015773-00016007 Market can be tokenized tdnbpFnrLX8-00061-00016008-00016313 tokenization predates blockchain tdnbpFnrLX8-00062-00016313-00016619 since the 1970s the financial industry tdnbpFnrLX8-00063-00016620-00016858 has used tokenization to protect client tdnbpFnrLX8-00064-00016859-00016972 data tdnbpFnrLX8-00065-00016973-00017177 this process converts sensitive tdnbpFnrLX8-00066-00017178-00017350 information like credit card numbers tdnbpFnrLX8-00067-00017351-00017680 Social Security numbers and other pii tdnbpFnrLX8-00068-00017681-00017891 into a string of alphanumeric characters tdnbpFnrLX8-00069-00017892-00018094 which is then processed by a tdnbpFnrLX8-00070-00018095-00018275 cryptographic function to create a tdnbpFnrLX8-00071-00018276-00018425 unique token tdnbpFnrLX8-00072-00018426-00018647 this method resembles blockchain's tdnbpFnrLX8-00073-00018648-00018857 tokenization process tdnbpFnrLX8-00074-00018858-00019108 blockchain enabled tokenization allows tdnbpFnrLX8-00075-00019109-00019277 for a more secure yet flexible tdnbpFnrLX8-00076-00019278-00019517 tokenization of assets which has tdnbpFnrLX8-00077-00019518-00019691 significantly broadened the potential tdnbpFnrLX8-00078-00019692-00019936 applications of digital tokens across a tdnbpFnrLX8-00079-00019937-00020147 wide array of Industries tdnbpFnrLX8-00080-00020148-00020500 here is a short clip from the interview tdnbpFnrLX8-00081-00020501-00020699 of course you guys obviously are in the tdnbpFnrLX8-00082-00020700-00020897 infancy of your team you said it's only tdnbpFnrLX8-00083-00020898-00021149 been a few months if you had to guess at tdnbpFnrLX8-00084-00021150-00021355 what point do we start actually seeing tdnbpFnrLX8-00085-00021356-00021622 ratings and reports coming to fruition tdnbpFnrLX8-00086-00021623-00021875 that are usable for institutions and the tdnbpFnrLX8-00087-00021876-00022085 general public well I would say we've tdnbpFnrLX8-00088-00022086-00022336 already started that with the rating of tdnbpFnrLX8-00089-00022337-00022733 compound Prime and Treasury and kind of tdnbpFnrLX8-00090-00022734-00023014 I think we're going to see more ratings tdnbpFnrLX8-00091-00023015-00023255 coming out from the Define crypto tdnbpFnrLX8-00092-00023256-00023521 landscape that harness our existing tdnbpFnrLX8-00093-00023522-00023753 infrastructure around risk assessments tdnbpFnrLX8-00094-00023754-00023957 so it could be corporate risk assessment tdnbpFnrLX8-00095-00023958-00024197 Sovereign risk assessments Structured tdnbpFnrLX8-00096-00024198-00024358 Products versus assessment and I think tdnbpFnrLX8-00097-00024359-00024503 you're going to see kind of more of that tdnbpFnrLX8-00098-00024504-00024808 rolling out in the near term uh kind of tdnbpFnrLX8-00099-00024809-00024989 building that longer stage risk tdnbpFnrLX8-00100-00024990-00025175 assessment framework that uh Charles and tdnbpFnrLX8-00101-00025176-00025380 I were talking about it's hard to say tdnbpFnrLX8-00102-00025381-00025612 kind of what that time frame is going to tdnbpFnrLX8-00103-00025613-00025744 look like you never even know what the tdnbpFnrLX8-00104-00025745-00025996 space is going to look like exactly yeah tdnbpFnrLX8-00105-00025997-00026177 and there's a there's still a lot of tdnbpFnrLX8-00106-00026177-00026374 also another notable partnership tdnbpFnrLX8-00107-00026375-00026608 recently presented in cointelegraph tdnbpFnrLX8-00108-00026610-00026789 crypto Digest tdnbpFnrLX8-00109-00026789-00027035 Google and coinbase have recently agreed tdnbpFnrLX8-00110-00027036-00027245 to new payment methods tdnbpFnrLX8-00111-00027245-00027508 coinbase payment service coinbase tdnbpFnrLX8-00112-00027510-00027743 Commerce will begin accepting crypto tdnbpFnrLX8-00113-00027744-00027917 payments for consumers purchasing tdnbpFnrLX8-00114-00027918-00028205 Google's cloud services in early 2023 tdnbpFnrLX8-00115-00028206-00028439 according to a partnership between the tdnbpFnrLX8-00116-00028439-00028595 two businesses tdnbpFnrLX8-00117-00028595-00028852 Google will accept just specific crypto tdnbpFnrLX8-00118-00028854-00029195 assets including Bitcoin as payment tdnbpFnrLX8-00119-00029195-00029446 the ability to pay using cryptocurrency tdnbpFnrLX8-00120-00029447-00029633 will be given to additional clients tdnbpFnrLX8-00121-00029633-00029824 later according to a Google Cloud tdnbpFnrLX8-00122-00029825-00029962 official tdnbpFnrLX8-00123-00029963-00030208 Google cloud has taken numerous further tdnbpFnrLX8-00124-00030210-00030383 moves toward its engagement in the tdnbpFnrLX8-00125-00030383-00030773 crypto and blockchain industries in 2022 tdnbpFnrLX8-00126-00030774-00031031 also on cointelegraph.com another tdnbpFnrLX8-00127-00031032-00031235 article brings attention to an ongoing tdnbpFnrLX8-00128-00031236-00031487 legal matter between grayscale's ETF tdnbpFnrLX8-00129-00031488-00031757 application and the SEC grayscale has tdnbpFnrLX8-00130-00031758-00031973 been screaming lawsuit to the SEC and tdnbpFnrLX8-00131-00031974-00032149 finally it's here tdnbpFnrLX8-00132-00032150-00032537 grayscale's BTC trust trades at a 36.7 tdnbpFnrLX8-00133-00032538-00032867 discount to their real BTC Holdings and tdnbpFnrLX8-00134-00032868-00033046 the disparity may be due to more than tdnbpFnrLX8-00135-00033047-00033251 the market-wide decline tdnbpFnrLX8-00136-00033252-00033551 since May 2014 when the Winklevoss tdnbpFnrLX8-00137-00033552-00033767 Bitcoin trust filed an amendment request tdnbpFnrLX8-00138-00033768-00034055 with the SEC U.S investors have waited tdnbpFnrLX8-00139-00034056-00034390 for a Bitcoin ETF approval sec tdnbpFnrLX8-00140-00034391-00034618 wisdom trees application for a spot tdnbpFnrLX8-00141-00034619-00035002 Bitcoin ETF was denied on October 11th tdnbpFnrLX8-00142-00035003-00035267 the SEC found that the offer lacked the tdnbpFnrLX8-00143-00035268-00035555 capacity to identify investigate and tdnbpFnrLX8-00144-00035556-00035818 deter fraud Market manipulation and tdnbpFnrLX8-00145-00035819-00036011 breaches of exchange regulations and tdnbpFnrLX8-00146-00036012-00036287 federal Securities laws tdnbpFnrLX8-00147-00036288-00036568 ETFs contain Commodities equities and tdnbpFnrLX8-00148-00036569-00036874 bonds as underlying assets tdnbpFnrLX8-00149-00036875-00037073 ETFs are pooled and managed by their tdnbpFnrLX8-00150-00037074-00037343 issuers like mutual funds tdnbpFnrLX8-00151-00037344-00037631 buying an ETF offers the investor actual tdnbpFnrLX8-00152-00037632-00037877 ownership of its contents resulting in tdnbpFnrLX8-00153-00037878-00038093 different taxes than Futures contracts tdnbpFnrLX8-00154-00038094-00038296 and leveraged Holdings tdnbpFnrLX8-00155-00038297-00038590 grayscale's gbtc is the market leader tdnbpFnrLX8-00156-00038591-00038921 despite being constituted as a business tdnbpFnrLX8-00157-00038922-00039143 the Investment Trust is closed end tdnbpFnrLX8-00158-00039144-00039427 therefore Shares are limited tdnbpFnrLX8-00159-00039428-00039743 gbtc Shares are not freely generated nor tdnbpFnrLX8-00160-00039744-00039874 redeemable tdnbpFnrLX8-00161-00039875-00040090 this inefficiency produces price tdnbpFnrLX8-00162-00040091-00040283 differences with the fund's Bitcoin tdnbpFnrLX8-00163-00040284-00040409 Holdings tdnbpFnrLX8-00164-00040410-00040685 an etf's Market maker can create and tdnbpFnrLX8-00165-00040686-00040895 redeem shares maintaining a small tdnbpFnrLX8-00166-00040896-00041099 premium or discount tdnbpFnrLX8-00167-00041100-00041357 now on the biggest riser in all crypto tdnbpFnrLX8-00168-00041358-00041812 this week the Hobie tokens HT 86 gain in tdnbpFnrLX8-00169-00041813-00042005 the previous seven days appears to have tdnbpFnrLX8-00170-00042006-00042251 taken another turn due to Justin's son's tdnbpFnrLX8-00171-00042252-00042383 revelation tdnbpFnrLX8-00172-00042384-00042623 as hubby Global finalizes a fresh tdnbpFnrLX8-00173-00042624-00042899 ownership transfer the poloniex CEO tdnbpFnrLX8-00174-00042900-00043217 believes he may be the largest HT holder tdnbpFnrLX8-00175-00043218-00043409 this was said by the controversial tdnbpFnrLX8-00176-00043410-00043583 figure in a recent interview with tdnbpFnrLX8-00177-00043584-00043727 Bloomberg tdnbpFnrLX8-00178-00043728-00043949 Sun had earlier stated that he would not tdnbpFnrLX8-00179-00043950-00044146 be taking over The Exchange but would tdnbpFnrLX8-00180-00044147-00044380 instead serve as an advisor tdnbpFnrLX8-00181-00044381-00044651 however recent Hobie exchange activity tdnbpFnrLX8-00182-00044652-00044999 May imply that the Tron TRX creator has tdnbpFnrLX8-00183-00045000-00045196 gained a share in The Firm tdnbpFnrLX8-00184-00045197-00045418 although certain parts had been steadily tdnbpFnrLX8-00185-00045419-00045724 improving others had reached new lows tdnbpFnrLX8-00186-00045725-00046001 according to sentiment the HT One Day tdnbpFnrLX8-00187-00046002-00046312 circulation has declined from 74.23 tdnbpFnrLX8-00188-00046313-00046565 million on October 13th tdnbpFnrLX8-00189-00046566-00046840 meanwhile it did not appear that HT tdnbpFnrLX8-00190-00046841-00047015 investors would suffer significant tdnbpFnrLX8-00191-00047016-00047315 losses if the token price fell somewhat tdnbpFnrLX8-00192-00047316-00047537 investors who have held the token from tdnbpFnrLX8-00193-00047538-00047705 the beginning of October would still be tdnbpFnrLX8-00194-00047706-00047921 in the black according to the 30-day tdnbpFnrLX8-00195-00047922-00048215 market value to realized value mvrv tdnbpFnrLX8-00196-00048216-00048371 ratio tdnbpFnrLX8-00197-00048372-00048808 despite a drop of 19.02 the mvrv tdnbpFnrLX8-00198-00048809-00049012 indicated that greater increases were tdnbpFnrLX8-00199-00049013-00049145 possible tdnbpFnrLX8-00200-00049146-00049379 that will conclude today's update on tdnbpFnrLX8-00201-00049380-00049624 trending news in the crypto world tdnbpFnrLX8-00202-00049625-00049912 remember the social media platforms will tdnbpFnrLX8-00203-00049913-00050135 be up and running next week tdnbpFnrLX8-00204-00050136-00050386 with the last Channel being deleted we tdnbpFnrLX8-00205-00050387-00050567 must now start over tdnbpFnrLX8-00206-00050568-00050830 don't forget we have a 50 giveaway for tdnbpFnrLX8-00207-00050831-00051089 when we hit 200 subs and followers on tdnbpFnrLX8-00208-00051090-00051292 all social platforms tdnbpFnrLX8-00209-00051294-00051544 we also raised the giveaway for 1 000 tdnbpFnrLX8-00210-00051545-00051899 Subs on YouTube to a 200 giveaway tdnbpFnrLX8-00211-00051900-00052138 don't miss out all you have to do is tdnbpFnrLX8-00212-00052139-00052414 like follow subscribe and tag as many tdnbpFnrLX8-00213-00052415-00052594 people as you can tdnbpFnrLX8-00214-00052595-00052816 we will be watching who tags who in tdnbpFnrLX8-00215-00052817-00053032 keeping tabs on which one of those tags tdnbpFnrLX8-00216-00053033-00053279 actually followed and subscribed tdnbpFnrLX8-00217-00053279-00053621 I repeat this is not a random drawing tdnbpFnrLX8-00218-00053622-00053825 anyone can compute the giveaways tdnbpFnrLX8-00219-00053826-00053969 themselves tdnbpFnrLX8-00220-00053970-00054398 good day good night and goodbye tgDcvucucvo-00001-00006419-00007719 [Music] tgDcvucucvo-00002-00007720-00007831 do tgDcvucucvo-00003-00007831-00009983 [Music] tgDcvucucvo-00004-00009984-00010192 you tgcevVLhWhM-00000-00000192-00000492 holy tgcevVLhWhM-00001-00000493-00002299 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00002-00002300-00004487 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00003-00004488-00004664 [Applause] tgcevVLhWhM-00004-00004665-00005672 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00005-00005673-00005847 [Applause] tgcevVLhWhM-00006-00005848-00006984 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00007-00006984-00008225 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00008-00008226-00010413 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00009-00010414-00010590 [Applause] tgcevVLhWhM-00010-00010591-00011601 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00011-00011602-00011783 [Applause] tgcevVLhWhM-00012-00011784-00012910 so tgcevVLhWhM-00013-00012911-00014151 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00014-00014152-00016340 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00015-00016341-00016516 [Applause] tgcevVLhWhM-00016-00016517-00017699 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00017-00017700-00018950 [Music] tgcevVLhWhM-00018-00018951-00019159 you tk2G2cX_Hok-00000-00000000-00000134 alright welcome to the tutorial on how tk2G2cX_Hok-00001-00000135-00000278 to play blackjack we're gonna start out tk2G2cX_Hok-00002-00000279-00000482 here with the basics the basic concepts tk2G2cX_Hok-00003-00000483-00000649 you want to have as a beginner blackjack tk2G2cX_Hok-00004-00000650-00000883 player is that you always play against tk2G2cX_Hok-00005-00000884-00001061 the dealer the dealer's card is more tk2G2cX_Hok-00006-00001062-00001244 important than your card and the best tk2G2cX_Hok-00007-00001245-00001450 way to learn is by doing so we're gonna tk2G2cX_Hok-00008-00001451-00001607 go ahead and start out here I have no tk2G2cX_Hok-00009-00001607-00001735 idea how these cards are gonna come out tk2G2cX_Hok-00010-00001736-00001916 my right hand here this is gonna be you tk2G2cX_Hok-00011-00001917-00002123 on the left hand here it's gonna be the tk2G2cX_Hok-00012-00002124-00002345 dealer so we're gonna start out the tk2G2cX_Hok-00013-00002346-00002531 dealer's gonna do a you card dealer is tk2G2cX_Hok-00014-00002532-00002741 gonna deal himself card down the dealer tk2G2cX_Hok-00015-00002742-00002900 is gonna deal you a card and you know tk2G2cX_Hok-00016-00002901-00003034 it's gonna deal himself a card face up tk2G2cX_Hok-00017-00003035-00003313 so in this situation you have no choice tk2G2cX_Hok-00018-00003314-00003506 you can't hit here because you're on 19 tk2G2cX_Hok-00019-00003507-00003677 and the objective of the game was to get tk2G2cX_Hok-00020-00003678-00004025 21 so you're pretty close to 21 if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00021-00004026-00004241 hit here you're almost 100% gonna bust tk2G2cX_Hok-00022-00004242-00004403 because the only card that you can't tk2G2cX_Hok-00023-00004404-00004706 bust with is a 2 but like I said we tk2G2cX_Hok-00024-00004707-00004925 always base our decision on what we do tk2G2cX_Hok-00025-00004926-00005129 based off the dealer's card if this is tk2G2cX_Hok-00026-00005130-00005465 the dealer's card they have a 2 a 2 is a tk2G2cX_Hok-00027-00005466-00005624 bust card but it's also known as the tk2G2cX_Hok-00028-00005625-00005804 dealer's ace what do I mean by a bus tk2G2cX_Hok-00029-00005805-00006056 card some cards that are showing up are tk2G2cX_Hok-00030-00006057-00006266 more likely with a dealer to bust on tk2G2cX_Hok-00031-00006267-00006464 than others and that's because we always tk2G2cX_Hok-00032-00006465-00006701 assume that cards that aren't seen so tk2G2cX_Hok-00033-00006702-00006839 this card right here I'm gonna assume tk2G2cX_Hok-00034-00006840-00007028 it's a face card so let's see how this tk2G2cX_Hok-00035-00007029-00007373 plays out here it is a face card I did tk2G2cX_Hok-00036-00007373-00007570 not actually know that so now the dealer tk2G2cX_Hok-00037-00007572-00007826 has 12 the dealer has to hit you stayed tk2G2cX_Hok-00038-00007827-00008027 you have 19 so the only thing that can tk2G2cX_Hok-00039-00008028-00008312 beat you is an 8 or a 9 and if he gets a tk2G2cX_Hok-00040-00008313-00008771 7 you tie you got a 4 so he has 16 the tk2G2cX_Hok-00041-00008772-00009103 dealer has to hit on 16 so he has to hit tk2G2cX_Hok-00042-00009104-00009545 and he busts so that is 16 plus 8 is 24 tk2G2cX_Hok-00043-00009546-00009905 so the dealer busted on that hand play tk2G2cX_Hok-00044-00009906-00010260 another want to see what happens here tk2G2cX_Hok-00045-00010261-00010648 another face car that's a good start tk2G2cX_Hok-00046-00010649-00011038 17 and let's see what the dealer has a 3 tk2G2cX_Hok-00047-00011039-00011356 so that's technically also another bust tk2G2cX_Hok-00048-00011357-00011723 card you have 17 17 is a hand you almost tk2G2cX_Hok-00049-00011724-00011992 always want to hold on because if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00050-00011993-00012305 get a 4 3 or 2 those are the only cards tk2G2cX_Hok-00051-00012306-00012503 that you won't bust with so there's a tk2G2cX_Hok-00052-00012504-00012667 very high chance of you busting if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00053-00012668-00012988 hit on this and we see over here that tk2G2cX_Hok-00054-00012988-00013315 the dealer has a bust card so you hold tk2G2cX_Hok-00055-00013316-00013512 the dealer doesn't hold tk2G2cX_Hok-00056-00013513-00013813 that's unfortunate seven and a three tk2G2cX_Hok-00057-00013813-00013969 that's ten so what we expect here is a tk2G2cX_Hok-00058-00013969-00014254 ten and you'll probably lose lucky tk2G2cX_Hok-00059-00014255-00014524 though and this is 16 again dealer has tk2G2cX_Hok-00060-00014525-00014881 to hit on 16 20 though so the dealer did tk2G2cX_Hok-00061-00014882-00015049 end up pointing that's unusual to have tk2G2cX_Hok-00062-00015050-00015352 four numbers like this so I would almost tk2G2cX_Hok-00063-00015353-00015556 guarantee the next card coming out is tk2G2cX_Hok-00064-00015557-00015790 going to be a face card so your 1 in 1 tk2G2cX_Hok-00065-00015791-00016206 right now tk2G2cX_Hok-00066-00016207-00016537 18 all right and let's see what the tk2G2cX_Hok-00067-00016538-00016792 dealer has neither has a 10 so this is tk2G2cX_Hok-00068-00016793-00017014 an interesting case as well here you tk2G2cX_Hok-00069-00017015-00017314 have 18 the dealer has 10 you have to tk2G2cX_Hok-00070-00017315-00017472 hold and basically at this point you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00071-00017473-00017692 just hoping that this card isn't also a tk2G2cX_Hok-00072-00017693-00017860 10 and that you don't lose because of tk2G2cX_Hok-00073-00017861-00018172 that but again your chances of if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00074-00018173-00018444 hit here are so high of busting that tk2G2cX_Hok-00075-00018445-00018628 there's literally no point hitting here tk2G2cX_Hok-00076-00018629-00018886 you want to hope that the dealer doesn't tk2G2cX_Hok-00077-00018887-00019042 have a high card so let's see what the tk2G2cX_Hok-00078-00019043-00019339 dealer has the dealer has 20 so you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00079-00019340-00019582 one and two right I don't see happens tk2G2cX_Hok-00080-00019583-00020194 here oh it's a good card to have there tk2G2cX_Hok-00081-00020195-00020413 the other has an eight this is a tk2G2cX_Hok-00082-00020414-00020641 situation where if you really feel like tk2G2cX_Hok-00083-00020642-00020896 this next card is gonna be a face card tk2G2cX_Hok-00084-00020897-00021072 you could double up on your bet whatever tk2G2cX_Hok-00085-00021073-00021307 your ante is out here but an 8 is an tk2G2cX_Hok-00086-00021308-00021415 interesting one I mean you could easily tk2G2cX_Hok-00087-00021416-00021688 if you double up you can't hit again so tk2G2cX_Hok-00088-00021689-00021889 if you get a 2 here you're gonna be tk2G2cX_Hok-00089-00021890-00022069 stuck with 13 and you're gonna have two tk2G2cX_Hok-00090-00022070-00022261 times your bet sitting out here that you tk2G2cX_Hok-00091-00022262-00022444 could lose two against this and we're tk2G2cX_Hok-00092-00022445-00022572 gonna assume that there's a 10 under tk2G2cX_Hok-00093-00022573-00022792 here so he has 18 so no matter what tk2G2cX_Hok-00094-00022793-00022944 you're obviously gonna hit here because tk2G2cX_Hok-00095-00022945-00023197 this is 7 plus 4 which is 11 and you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00096-00023198-00023338 gonna assume you're gonna get a 10 here tk2G2cX_Hok-00097-00023339-00023683 which would bring you to 21 and if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00098-00023684-00023809 had doubled up there you'd almost tk2G2cX_Hok-00099-00023810-00024016 guaranteed win this hand so let's see tk2G2cX_Hok-00100-00024017-00024433 what the dealer had the dealer at 18 so tk2G2cX_Hok-00101-00024434-00024571 you would have won that hand if you had tk2G2cX_Hok-00102-00024572-00024742 doubled up or not as long as you've tk2G2cX_Hok-00103-00024743-00024892 taken the hit there you would have won tk2G2cX_Hok-00104-00024893-00025421 all right so now you're 2 & 2 tk2G2cX_Hok-00105-00025422-00025833 this is where things get tough okay so tk2G2cX_Hok-00106-00025833-00026147 this is the situation where I'm talking tk2G2cX_Hok-00107-00026148-00026337 about you are playing against the deal a tk2G2cX_Hok-00108-00026338-00026511 lot of people feel differently about tk2G2cX_Hok-00109-00026512-00026697 twos because they do call twos the tk2G2cX_Hok-00110-00026698-00026850 dealer's ace but no matter what you have tk2G2cX_Hok-00111-00026851-00027095 to know that this is a bust card so you tk2G2cX_Hok-00112-00027097-00027270 have 15 right now we're assuming that tk2G2cX_Hok-00113-00027270-00027429 the dealer has 12 a lot of people will tk2G2cX_Hok-00114-00027430-00027564 go by their gut feeling here with twos tk2G2cX_Hok-00115-00027564-00027783 and they'll either hit always on twos or tk2G2cX_Hok-00116-00027783-00027831 they won't tk2G2cX_Hok-00117-00027832-00028056 I recommend staying with one strategy I tk2G2cX_Hok-00118-00028057-00028281 typically won't hit on two and just stay tk2G2cX_Hok-00119-00028282-00028502 consistent with that um but it does come tk2G2cX_Hok-00120-00028504-00028761 down to your gut feeling so with 15 it's tk2G2cX_Hok-00121-00028762-00028905 tough because this could easily be a tk2G2cX_Hok-00122-00028906-00029052 nine under here and they could end up tk2G2cX_Hok-00123-00029052-00029217 with 21 you just don't know how the tk2G2cX_Hok-00124-00029218-00029379 cards are gonna play out if you hold tk2G2cX_Hok-00125-00029380-00029627 here there's also a very high chance it tk2G2cX_Hok-00126-00029629-00029808 the dealer has a 10 here and then this tk2G2cX_Hok-00127-00029808-00030006 next card on the top of this deck could tk2G2cX_Hok-00128-00030007-00030152 be a 10 and they'll bust but I would tk2G2cX_Hok-00129-00030154-00030432 recommend is not hitting staying and tk2G2cX_Hok-00130-00030433-00030576 letting the dealer's hand play out tk2G2cX_Hok-00131-00030577-00030768 because 15 is still a pretty high hand tk2G2cX_Hok-00132-00030769-00030948 and you're most likely gonna bust and tk2G2cX_Hok-00133-00030949-00031251 there's that dreaded 9 so we expect the tk2G2cX_Hok-00134-00031252-00031752 21 here 13 all right and then 22 so they tk2G2cX_Hok-00135-00031752-00031911 did end up busting on that one so that's tk2G2cX_Hok-00136-00031912-00032091 a good round there for you so now you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00137-00032092-00032433 3 & 2 and holding on that 5 there did tk2G2cX_Hok-00138-00032433-00032877 play out just actually face-up it's also tk2G2cX_Hok-00139-00032878-00033213 face-up 6 & 5 that's a kid opportunity tk2G2cX_Hok-00140-00033214-00033414 to potentially double up now that you tk2G2cX_Hok-00141-00033415-00033669 see that the dealer has a 10 though and tk2G2cX_Hok-00142-00033670-00033933 we have 11 here I would not double up tk2G2cX_Hok-00143-00033934-00034080 because the only thing that's gonna beat tk2G2cX_Hok-00144-00034081-00034353 that I'm assuming this card that's not tk2G2cX_Hok-00145-00034354-00034515 showing is a 10 the only thing that'll tk2G2cX_Hok-00146-00034516-00034791 beat that is if I get face card there's tk2G2cX_Hok-00147-00034792-00034968 a high percentage chance that you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00148-00034969-00035139 gonna get a face card it's not as likely tk2G2cX_Hok-00149-00035140-00035301 that you're gonna beat the 10 so if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00150-00035302-00035478 might get a 9 or an 8 if you get an 8 tk2G2cX_Hok-00151-00035479-00035646 and there's a face card under here tk2G2cX_Hok-00152-00035647-00035778 you're gonna lose twice your bet so I tk2G2cX_Hok-00153-00035779-00036012 would just hit this and not double up on tk2G2cX_Hok-00154-00036013-00036246 this and there we are we have 18 we're tk2G2cX_Hok-00155-00036247-00036480 not gonna hit on 18 we're gonna see you tk2G2cX_Hok-00156-00036481-00036645 at the dealer house neither I was 20 so tk2G2cX_Hok-00157-00036646-00036822 you lost that one all right so now your tk2G2cX_Hok-00158-00036823-00037435 3 and 3 ain't conservative tk2G2cX_Hok-00159-00037436-00037919 18 and they have a three so obviously tk2G2cX_Hok-00160-00037920-00038045 you're gonna hold you at the dealer tk2G2cX_Hok-00161-00038046-00038180 house we're gonna hope for another ten tk2G2cX_Hok-00162-00038181-00038447 here 19 so that one you actually lost tk2G2cX_Hok-00163-00038448-00038648 and you're gonna see no matter what tk2G2cX_Hok-00164-00038649-00038864 strategy you stick with sometimes you're tk2G2cX_Hok-00165-00038865-00039008 just gonna get on like there's a lot of tk2G2cX_Hok-00166-00039009-00039185 strategies to change that luck tk2G2cX_Hok-00167-00039186-00039350 you can try and mix things up you can tk2G2cX_Hok-00168-00039351-00039512 switch tables you can play a little tk2G2cX_Hok-00169-00039513-00039731 unorthodox I would recommend staying tk2G2cX_Hok-00170-00039732-00039926 consistent in one strategy whatever it tk2G2cX_Hok-00171-00039927-00040472 is that you pick alright so nine the tk2G2cX_Hok-00172-00040473-00040601 dealer has a to show this is another tk2G2cX_Hok-00173-00040602-00040766 situation where you could double up on tk2G2cX_Hok-00174-00040767-00040958 your ante if you expect them the bust tk2G2cX_Hok-00175-00040959-00041147 and you expect to get a ten here you tk2G2cX_Hok-00176-00041148-00041321 have 19 you're most likely gonna beat tk2G2cX_Hok-00177-00041322-00041555 the two personally because I agree with tk2G2cX_Hok-00178-00041556-00041777 the case that those are the dealer's ace tk2G2cX_Hok-00179-00041778-00042224 I would not double up on this bed okay tk2G2cX_Hok-00180-00042225-00042401 so if I didn't double up I still have tk2G2cX_Hok-00181-00042402-00042638 the opportunity to hit here but since we tk2G2cX_Hok-00182-00042639-00042917 discussed earlier twos or a bust card I tk2G2cX_Hok-00183-00042918-00043091 would probably hold on this but some tk2G2cX_Hok-00184-00043092-00043268 people might hit like I talked about tk2G2cX_Hok-00185-00043269-00043757 earlier so I'm gonna hold I got 5 6 or tk2G2cX_Hok-00186-00043758-00044213 16 7 or 17 dealers have to hit on a soft tk2G2cX_Hok-00187-00044214-00044729 17 and let's see what do we got here six tk2G2cX_Hok-00188-00044730-00045175 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen tk2G2cX_Hok-00189-00045176-00045389 twenty-four sorry that was a queen there tk2G2cX_Hok-00190-00045390-00045620 so the dealer bust on that one hand tk2G2cX_Hok-00191-00045621-00045833 you're four and four right now so if you tk2G2cX_Hok-00192-00045834-00046106 kept your same bet out there you would tk2G2cX_Hok-00193-00046107-00046562 be exactly even with money right now and tk2G2cX_Hok-00194-00046563-00046709 that's just playing conservatively so tk2G2cX_Hok-00195-00046710-00047003 I'd like to continue these videos and tk2G2cX_Hok-00196-00047004-00047183 these tutorials on how to play blackjack tk2G2cX_Hok-00197-00047184-00047408 at the end of the day what I'd like to tk2G2cX_Hok-00198-00047409-00047585 remind you of is that at the end of the tk2G2cX_Hok-00199-00047586-00047789 day the game is luck and you can't rely tk2G2cX_Hok-00200-00047790-00047990 on a strategy to win you money so don't tk2G2cX_Hok-00201-00047991-00048212 gamble your rep money and you know be tk2G2cX_Hok-00202-00048213-00048413 smart have a little fun with it tk2G2cX_Hok-00203-00048414-00048554 make sure you know and yeah because you tk2G2cX_Hok-00204-00048555-00048704 know that that's the point is to have tk2G2cX_Hok-00205-00048705-00048860 some fun you'll do a lot better that way tk2G2cX_Hok-00206-00048861-00049001 so don't bet money you don't have this tk2G2cX_Hok-00207-00049002-00049199 if you'd like to see more blackjack or tk2G2cX_Hok-00208-00049200-00049415 gambling tutorials please subscribe to tk2G2cX_Hok-00209-00049416-00049733 my channel thank you for watching tkk59e0k2GM-00000-00000021-00002471 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00001-00002472-00002811 insomniac tkk59e0k2GM-00002-00002812-00004687 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00003-00004688-00005332 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00004-00005333-00006479 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00005-00006480-00007875 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00006-00007876-00008271 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00007-00008272-00008651 samia tkk59e0k2GM-00008-00008652-00010855 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00009-00010856-00011137 mommy tkk59e0k2GM-00010-00011138-00011760 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00011-00011761-00012418 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00012-00012419-00013044 [Music] tkk59e0k2GM-00013-00013046-00013487 [Music] tkMSXbp0zwM-00000-00000052-00000336 a schism pronounced seize em schism or tkMSXbp0zwM-00001-00000337-00000584 less commonly schism is a division tkMSXbp0zwM-00002-00000585-00000792 between people usually belonging to an tkMSXbp0zwM-00003-00000793-00000995 organization movement or religious tkMSXbp0zwM-00004-00000996-00001248 denomination the word is most frequently tkMSXbp0zwM-00005-00001249-00001425 applied to a split in what had tkMSXbp0zwM-00006-00001426-00001632 previously been a single religious body tkMSXbp0zwM-00007-00001632-00001842 such as the east-west schism or the tkMSXbp0zwM-00008-00001843-00002130 Great Western schism it is also used of tkMSXbp0zwM-00009-00002131-00002295 a split within a non religious tkMSXbp0zwM-00010-00002296-00002502 organization or movement or more broadly tkMSXbp0zwM-00011-00002503-00002715 of a separation between two or more tkMSXbp0zwM-00012-00002716-00003077 people be it brothers friends lovers etc tkMSXbp0zwM-00013-00003078-00003372 ashes mattock is a person who creates or tkMSXbp0zwM-00014-00003372-00003594 incites schism in an organization or who tkMSXbp0zwM-00015-00003595-00003740 is a member of a splinter group tkMSXbp0zwM-00016-00003740-00003984 schismatics as an adjective means tkMSXbp0zwM-00017-00003985-00004227 pertaining to a schism or schisms or to tkMSXbp0zwM-00018-00004228-00004455 those ideas policies etc that are tkMSXbp0zwM-00019-00004456-00004596 thought to lead towards or promote tkMSXbp0zwM-00020-00004597-00004929 schism in religion the charge of schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00021-00004930-00005106 is distinguished from that of heresy tkMSXbp0zwM-00022-00005107-00005319 since the offense of schism concerns not tkMSXbp0zwM-00023-00005320-00005531 differences a belief or doctrine but tkMSXbp0zwM-00024-00005532-00005720 promotion of or the state of division tkMSXbp0zwM-00025-00005721-00005994 however schisms frequently involve tkMSXbp0zwM-00026-00005995-00006281 mutual accusations of heresy in Roman tkMSXbp0zwM-00027-00006282-00006473 Catholic teaching every heresy is a tkMSXbp0zwM-00028-00006474-00006659 schism while there may be some schisms tkMSXbp0zwM-00029-00006660-00006844 free of the added guilt of heresy tkMSXbp0zwM-00030-00006845-00007148 liberal Protestantism however has often tkMSXbp0zwM-00031-00007149-00007319 preferred heresy over schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00032-00007320-00007538 Presbyterian scholar James the first tkMSXbp0zwM-00033-00007539-00007730 McCourt quoted with approval by the tkMSXbp0zwM-00034-00007731-00007952 Episcopalian Bishop of Virginia Peter tkMSXbp0zwM-00035-00007953-00008135 Lee drew a distinction between them tkMSXbp0zwM-00036-00008136-00008327 teaching if you must make a choice tkMSXbp0zwM-00037-00008328-00008594 between heresy and schism always choose tkMSXbp0zwM-00038-00008595-00008927 heresy as ashes mattock you have torn tkMSXbp0zwM-00039-00008928-00009133 and divided the body of Christ tkMSXbp0zwM-00040-00009134-00009698 choose heresy every time tkMSXbp0zwM-00041-00009699-00010192 topic Buddhism tkMSXbp0zwM-00042-00010193-00010561 topic in Buddhism the first schism was tkMSXbp0zwM-00043-00010562-00010834 set up by Java data during Buddha s life tkMSXbp0zwM-00044-00010835-00011116 this schism lasted only a short time tkMSXbp0zwM-00045-00011117-00011461 later after Buddha s death the early tkMSXbp0zwM-00046-00011462-00011650 Buddhist schools came into being but tkMSXbp0zwM-00047-00011651-00011842 were notches Matic only focusing on tkMSXbp0zwM-00048-00011843-00012022 different interpretations for the same tkMSXbp0zwM-00049-00012023-00012295 monastic community in the old texts tkMSXbp0zwM-00050-00012296-00012484 eighteen or twenty early schools are tkMSXbp0zwM-00051-00012485-00012736 mentioned later there were the Mahayana tkMSXbp0zwM-00052-00012737-00012937 and Vajrayana movements which can be tkMSXbp0zwM-00053-00012938-00013150 regarded as being schismatics in origin tkMSXbp0zwM-00054-00013151-00013422 each school has various subgroups which tkMSXbp0zwM-00055-00013424-00013675 often are schismatics in origin for tkMSXbp0zwM-00056-00013676-00013843 example in tight there've aid in tkMSXbp0zwM-00057-00013844-00014035 Buddhism there are two groups maha tkMSXbp0zwM-00058-00014036-00014230 nikaya and dom ayat of which the dom tkMSXbp0zwM-00059-00014231-00014431 ayat has its origin partly in the maha tkMSXbp0zwM-00060-00014432-00014616 nikaya and is the new inches mattock tkMSXbp0zwM-00061-00014618-00014919 group both maha nikaya and dom ayat have tkMSXbp0zwM-00062-00014920-00015124 many subgroups which usually do not have tkMSXbp0zwM-00063-00015125-00015352 schismatics origins but came into being tkMSXbp0zwM-00064-00015353-00015556 in a natural way through the popularity tkMSXbp0zwM-00065-00015557-00015841 of a leader monk tibetan buddhism has tkMSXbp0zwM-00066-00015841-00016060 seen schisms in the past of which most tkMSXbp0zwM-00067-00016061-00016119 were healed tkMSXbp0zwM-00068-00016120-00016291 although the Drukpa schools centered in tkMSXbp0zwM-00069-00016291-00016483 bhutan perhaps remains in a state of tkMSXbp0zwM-00070-00016484-00016762 schism since 1616 from the other Tibetan tkMSXbp0zwM-00071-00016763-00017123 schools tkMSXbp0zwM-00072-00017124-00017664 topic Christianity tkMSXbp0zwM-00073-00017665-00017978 topic the word schism and schismatics tkMSXbp0zwM-00074-00017979-00018177 have found their heaviest usage in the tkMSXbp0zwM-00075-00018178-00018411 history of Christianity to denote splits tkMSXbp0zwM-00076-00018412-00018591 within a church denomination or tkMSXbp0zwM-00077-00018592-00018858 religious body in this context tkMSXbp0zwM-00078-00018859-00019178 schismatics as a noun denotes a person tkMSXbp0zwM-00079-00019179-00019371 who creates or incites schism in a tkMSXbp0zwM-00080-00019372-00019569 church or a person who is a member of a tkMSXbp0zwM-00081-00019570-00019716 splinter Church as an adjective tkMSXbp0zwM-00082-00019717-00019994 schismatics refers to ideas and tkMSXbp0zwM-00083-00019995-00020180 activities that are thought to lead to tkMSXbp0zwM-00084-00020181-00020372 or constitute schism and ultimately tkMSXbp0zwM-00085-00020373-00020555 departure from what the user of the word tkMSXbp0zwM-00086-00020556-00020727 considers to be the true Christian tkMSXbp0zwM-00087-00020728-00020969 Church these words have been used to tkMSXbp0zwM-00088-00020970-00021161 denote both the phenomenon of Christian tkMSXbp0zwM-00089-00021162-00021327 groups splintering in general and tkMSXbp0zwM-00090-00021328-00021549 certain significant historical splits in tkMSXbp0zwM-00091-00021550-00021830 particular a distinction is made between tkMSXbp0zwM-00092-00021831-00022149 heresy and schism heresy is rejection of tkMSXbp0zwM-00093-00022150-00022325 a doctrine that a church considered to tkMSXbp0zwM-00094-00022326-00022611 be essential schism is a rejection of tkMSXbp0zwM-00095-00022612-00022772 communion with the authorities of a tkMSXbp0zwM-00096-00022773-00022971 church and not every break of Communion tkMSXbp0zwM-00097-00022972-00023175 as necessarily about doctrine as is tkMSXbp0zwM-00098-00023176-00023358 clear from examples such as the Western tkMSXbp0zwM-00099-00023359-00023547 schism and the breaking of communion tkMSXbp0zwM-00100-00023548-00023744 between patriarch bartholomew I of tkMSXbp0zwM-00101-00023745-00023961 Constantinople and Archbishop Christo tkMSXbp0zwM-00102-00023962-00024297 doulas of Athens in 2004 but when for tkMSXbp0zwM-00103-00024298-00024447 any reason people withdraw from tkMSXbp0zwM-00104-00024448-00024678 communion two distinct ecclesiastical tkMSXbp0zwM-00105-00024679-00024867 entities may result each of which then tkMSXbp0zwM-00106-00024868-00025053 or at least some of its members may tkMSXbp0zwM-00107-00025054-00025347 accuse the other of heresy in Roman tkMSXbp0zwM-00108-00025348-00025547 Catholic Church canon law an act of tkMSXbp0zwM-00109-00025548-00025796 schism like an act of apostasy or heresy tkMSXbp0zwM-00110-00025797-00025983 automatically brings the penalty of tkMSXbp0zwM-00111-00025983-00026177 excommunication on the individual who tkMSXbp0zwM-00112-00026178-00026483 commits it as stated in Canon 1312 tkMSXbp0zwM-00113-00026484-00026730 section 1 1 degree of the code of canon tkMSXbp0zwM-00114-00026731-00026921 law this penalty is intended to be tkMSXbp0zwM-00115-00026922-00027129 medicinal so as to lead to restoration tkMSXbp0zwM-00116-00027130-00027362 of unity Roman Catholic theology tkMSXbp0zwM-00117-00027363-00027596 considers formal schismatics to be tkMSXbp0zwM-00118-00027597-00027786 outside the church understanding by tkMSXbp0zwM-00119-00027787-00028145 formal schismatics persons who knowing tkMSXbp0zwM-00120-00028147-00028320 the true nature of the church have tkMSXbp0zwM-00121-00028320-00028520 personally and deliberately committed tkMSXbp0zwM-00122-00028522-00028851 the sin of schism the situation for tkMSXbp0zwM-00123-00028852-00029010 instance of those who have been brought tkMSXbp0zwM-00124-00029011-00029217 up from childhood within a group not in tkMSXbp0zwM-00125-00029218-00029387 full communion with Rome but who have tkMSXbp0zwM-00126-00029388-00029586 Orthodox faith is different these are tkMSXbp0zwM-00127-00029587-00029775 considered to be imperfectly though not tkMSXbp0zwM-00128-00029776-00030075 fully members of the church this nuanced tkMSXbp0zwM-00129-00030076-00030279 view applies especially to the churches tkMSXbp0zwM-00130-00030280-00030437 of Eastern Christianity more tkMSXbp0zwM-00131-00030438-00030612 particularly still to the Eastern tkMSXbp0zwM-00132-00030613-00030821 Orthodox Church the first Council of tkMSXbp0zwM-00133-00030822-00031038 Nicaea ad 320 tkMSXbp0zwM-00134-00031039-00031227 five distinguished between schism and tkMSXbp0zwM-00135-00031227-00031470 heresy it declared Aryan and tkMSXbp0zwM-00136-00031470-00031670 nontrinitarian teachings to be heretical tkMSXbp0zwM-00137-00031672-00031869 and excluded their adherence from the tkMSXbp0zwM-00138-00031870-00032130 church it also addressed the schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00139-00032131-00032295 between Peter of Alexandria and tkMSXbp0zwM-00140-00032295-00032517 malicious of lakopolous considering tkMSXbp0zwM-00141-00032518-00032639 their quarrel to be a matter of tkMSXbp0zwM-00142-00032641-00032940 discipline not of faith the divisions tkMSXbp0zwM-00143-00032941-00033117 that came to a head at the councils of tkMSXbp0zwM-00144-00033118-00033648 Ephesus ad 431 and Chalcedon ad 451 were tkMSXbp0zwM-00145-00033649-00033867 seen as matters of heresy not merely of tkMSXbp0zwM-00146-00033868-00034164 schism thus the eastern orthodox church tkMSXbp0zwM-00147-00034165-00034383 and oriental orthodoxy consider each tkMSXbp0zwM-00148-00034384-00034587 other to be heretical not orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00149-00034588-00034800 because of the oriental orthodox church tkMSXbp0zwM-00150-00034801-00035079 s rejection and the eastern orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00151-00035080-00035385 church s acceptance of the confession of tkMSXbp0zwM-00152-00035386-00035607 Chalcedon about the two natures human tkMSXbp0zwM-00153-00035608-00035919 and divine of christ however this view tkMSXbp0zwM-00154-00035920-00036072 has been challenged in the recent tkMSXbp0zwM-00155-00036073-00036270 ecumenical discussion between these two tkMSXbp0zwM-00156-00036271-00036468 groups bringing the matter of Chalcedon tkMSXbp0zwM-00157-00036469-00036744 as a matter of schism not of heresy in tkMSXbp0zwM-00158-00036745-00037020 its extended and final form possibly tkMSXbp0zwM-00159-00037021-00037179 derived from the first Council of tkMSXbp0zwM-00160-00037180-00037455 Constantinople in 381 although only tkMSXbp0zwM-00161-00037456-00037629 known from the acts of the Council of tkMSXbp0zwM-00162-00037630-00037839 Chalcedon seventy years later what is tkMSXbp0zwM-00163-00037840-00037974 commonly called the Nicene Creed tkMSXbp0zwM-00164-00037975-00038175 declares belief in the one Holy Catholic tkMSXbp0zwM-00165-00038176-00038499 and Apostolic Church some who accept tkMSXbp0zwM-00166-00038500-00038688 this Creed believe they should be united tkMSXbp0zwM-00167-00038689-00038865 in a single church or group of churches tkMSXbp0zwM-00168-00038866-00039129 in communion with each other others who tkMSXbp0zwM-00169-00039130-00039306 accept this Creed believe it does not tkMSXbp0zwM-00170-00039307-00039525 speak of a visible organization but of tkMSXbp0zwM-00171-00039526-00039681 all those baptized who hold the tkMSXbp0zwM-00172-00039682-00039825 Christian faith referred to as tkMSXbp0zwM-00173-00039826-00040068 christened 'm some churches consider tkMSXbp0zwM-00174-00040069-00040218 themselves to be the one Holy Catholic tkMSXbp0zwM-00175-00040219-00040560 and Apostolic Church for instance the tkMSXbp0zwM-00176-00040561-00040770 Roman Catholic Church claims that title tkMSXbp0zwM-00177-00040771-00040908 and considers the Eastern Orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00178-00040909-00041142 Church to be in schism while the Eastern tkMSXbp0zwM-00179-00041143-00041364 Orthodox Church also claims that title tkMSXbp0zwM-00180-00041365-00041523 and holds the view that the Catholic tkMSXbp0zwM-00181-00041524-00041775 Church is schismatics some Protestant tkMSXbp0zwM-00182-00041776-00041904 churches believe that they also tkMSXbp0zwM-00183-00041905-00042114 represent the one Holy Catholic and tkMSXbp0zwM-00184-00042115-00042297 Apostolic Church and consider the tkMSXbp0zwM-00185-00042298-00042504 Catholic and Orthodox churches to be an tkMSXbp0zwM-00186-00042505-00042714 error while others do not expect a union tkMSXbp0zwM-00187-00042715-00042972 of all Christian churches on earth see tkMSXbp0zwM-00188-00042973-00043268 also one true church in great apostasy a tkMSXbp0zwM-00189-00043269-00043488 current dispute with an acknowledged tkMSXbp0zwM-00190-00043489-00043653 risk of schism for the Anglican tkMSXbp0zwM-00191-00043654-00044042 Communion is that over homosexuality tkMSXbp0zwM-00192-00044043-00044333 in 2018 Eastern Orthodoxy has recently tkMSXbp0zwM-00193-00044334-00044573 Russian Orthodox Church has severe cut tkMSXbp0zwM-00194-00044574-00044768 ties from main church ecumenical tkMSXbp0zwM-00195-00044769-00044982 Patriarchate of Constantinople over tkMSXbp0zwM-00196-00044983-00045182 latter plans of granting autocephalous tkMSXbp0zwM-00197-00045183-00045657 to Orthodox Church in Ukraine tkMSXbp0zwM-00198-00045658-00046156 topic Islam tkMSXbp0zwM-00199-00046157-00046495 topic after the death of the Islamic tkMSXbp0zwM-00200-00046496-00046687 prophet Muhammad there have arisen many tkMSXbp0zwM-00201-00046688-00046882 Muslim sects by means of schools of tkMSXbp0zwM-00202-00046883-00047094 thought traditions and related faiths tkMSXbp0zwM-00203-00047095-00047356 according to a hadith report collections tkMSXbp0zwM-00204-00047357-00047533 of accounts of the life and teachings of tkMSXbp0zwM-00205-00047534-00047692 Muhammad Muhammad is said to have tkMSXbp0zwM-00206-00047693-00047959 prophesied my Ummah community or nation tkMSXbp0zwM-00207-00047960-00048289 will be fragmented into 73 sects and all tkMSXbp0zwM-00208-00048290-00048484 of them will be in the Hellfire except tkMSXbp0zwM-00209-00048485-00048838 one the Sahaba his companions asked him tkMSXbp0zwM-00210-00048839-00049021 which group that would be whereupon he tkMSXbp0zwM-00211-00049022-00049261 replied it is the one to which I and my tkMSXbp0zwM-00212-00049262-00049558 companions belong reported in Sun and tkMSXbp0zwM-00213-00049559-00049966 al-tirmidhi hadith number 171 Sunni tkMSXbp0zwM-00214-00049967-00050152 Muslims often referred to as all tkMSXbp0zwM-00215-00050153-00050383 as-sunnah wal Jamaa or all as Sunnah are tkMSXbp0zwM-00216-00050384-00050662 the largest denomination of Islam the tkMSXbp0zwM-00217-00050663-00050854 word Sunni comes from the word Sunnah tkMSXbp0zwM-00218-00050855-00051073 which means the teachings and actions or tkMSXbp0zwM-00219-00051074-00051313 examples of the Islamic prophet Muhammad tkMSXbp0zwM-00220-00051314-00051535 therefore the term Sunni refers to those tkMSXbp0zwM-00221-00051536-00051717 who follow or maintain the Sunna of tkMSXbp0zwM-00222-00051719-00051946 Mohammed the Sunni believed that tkMSXbp0zwM-00223-00051947-00052120 Muhammad died without appointing a tkMSXbp0zwM-00224-00052121-00052288 successor to lead the Muslim Ummah tkMSXbp0zwM-00225-00052289-00052566 community after an initial period of tkMSXbp0zwM-00226-00052567-00052774 confusion a group of his most prominent tkMSXbp0zwM-00227-00052775-00053016 companions gathered an elected Abu Bakr tkMSXbp0zwM-00228-00053017-00053188 Muhammad's close friend and tkMSXbp0zwM-00229-00053189-00053500 father-in-law as the first caliph Sunnis tkMSXbp0zwM-00230-00053501-00053734 regard the first four caliphs Abu Bakr tkMSXbp0zwM-00231-00053735-00054046 Umar backquote Umar ibn al-khattab booth tkMSXbp0zwM-00232-00054047-00054301 manip in a thong and Ali Ali ibn Abu tkMSXbp0zwM-00233-00054302-00054541 Talib as the all Kula four rashidun or tkMSXbp0zwM-00234-00054541-00054820 rashidun the rightly guided caliphs tkMSXbp0zwM-00235-00054821-00055027 sunnis believe that the position of tkMSXbp0zwM-00236-00055028-00055258 caliph may be democratically chosen but tkMSXbp0zwM-00237-00055259-00055399 after the first four rightly guided tkMSXbp0zwM-00238-00055400-00055594 caliphs the position turned into a tkMSXbp0zwM-00239-00055595-00055888 hereditary dynastic rule there has not tkMSXbp0zwM-00240-00055889-00056095 been another widely recognized Calif tkMSXbp0zwM-00241-00056096-00056271 since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in tkMSXbp0zwM-00242-00056272-00056679 1923 Shia Islam is the second largest tkMSXbp0zwM-00243-00056679-00056955 denomination of Islam Shia Muslims tkMSXbp0zwM-00244-00056957-00057141 believe that similar to the appointment tkMSXbp0zwM-00245-00057142-00057346 of prophet's imams after muhammad are tkMSXbp0zwM-00246-00057347-00057640 also chosen by God according to Shias tkMSXbp0zwM-00247-00057641-00057832 Ali was chosen by Allah and thus tkMSXbp0zwM-00248-00057833-00058024 appointed by Muhammad to be the direct tkMSXbp0zwM-00249-00058025-00058189 successor and leader of the Muslim tkMSXbp0zwM-00250-00058190-00058444 community they regard him as the first tkMSXbp0zwM-00251-00058445-00058621 Shia Imam which continued as a tkMSXbp0zwM-00252-00058622-00058834 hereditary position through Fatima and tkMSXbp0zwM-00253-00058835-00059158 Ali's descendants Sufism as a mystical tkMSXbp0zwM-00254-00059159-00059389 ascetic form of Islam practiced by both tkMSXbp0zwM-00255-00059390-00059564 Shia and Sunni Muslims tkMSXbp0zwM-00256-00059565-00059804 some Sufi followers consider themselves tkMSXbp0zwM-00257-00059804-00060035 Sunni or Shia while others consider tkMSXbp0zwM-00258-00060036-00060226 themselves as just Sufi or Sufi tkMSXbp0zwM-00259-00060227-00060517 influenced Sufism is usually considered tkMSXbp0zwM-00260-00060519-00060746 to be complementary to Orthodox Islam tkMSXbp0zwM-00261-00060747-00060959 although Sufism has often been accused tkMSXbp0zwM-00262-00060960-00061160 by the Salafi of being an injustice I'd tkMSXbp0zwM-00263-00061161-00061403 bitte or religious innovation by tkMSXbp0zwM-00264-00061404-00061622 focusing on the more spiritual aspects tkMSXbp0zwM-00265-00061623-00061792 of religion Sufis strive to obtain tkMSXbp0zwM-00266-00061794-00062039 direct experience of God by making use tkMSXbp0zwM-00267-00062040-00062303 of intuitive and emotional faculties tkMSXbp0zwM-00268-00062304-00062597 that one must be trained to use one tkMSXbp0zwM-00269-00062598-00062825 starts with Sharia Islamic law the tkMSXbp0zwM-00270-00062826-00063038 exoteric or mundane practice of Islam tkMSXbp0zwM-00271-00063039-00063272 and then is initiated into the mystical tkMSXbp0zwM-00272-00063273-00063576 esoteric path of a tariqa Sufi order tkMSXbp0zwM-00273-00063577-00063907 khariji Plitt those who seceded is a tkMSXbp0zwM-00274-00063908-00064126 general term embracing a variety of tkMSXbp0zwM-00275-00064127-00064310 Islamic sects which while originally tkMSXbp0zwM-00276-00064311-00064492 supporting the Caliphate of Ali tkMSXbp0zwM-00277-00064494-00064751 eventually rejected his legitimacy after tkMSXbp0zwM-00278-00064752-00065009 he negotiated with MU a Weah during the tkMSXbp0zwM-00279-00065010-00065326 7th century Islamic civil war 1st fitna tkMSXbp0zwM-00280-00065327-00065561 their complaint was that the Imam must tkMSXbp0zwM-00281-00065562-00065921 be spiritually pure whereas Ali s tkMSXbp0zwM-00282-00065922-00066101 compromise with mu'awiya was a tkMSXbp0zwM-00283-00066102-00066317 compromise of his spiritual purity and tkMSXbp0zwM-00284-00066318-00066536 therefore of his legitimacy as a mom or tkMSXbp0zwM-00285-00066537-00066773 caliph while there are few remaining tkMSXbp0zwM-00286-00066774-00066992 khariji tour carry jeep related groups tkMSXbp0zwM-00287-00066993-00067166 the term is sometimes used to denote tkMSXbp0zwM-00288-00067167-00067369 Muslims who refuse to compromise with tkMSXbp0zwM-00289-00067370-00067887 those with whom they disagree tkMSXbp0zwM-00290-00067888-00068385 topic Jainism tkMSXbp0zwM-00291-00068386-00068739 topic the first schism in jainism tkMSXbp0zwM-00292-00068740-00068943 happened around the 4th century BCE tkMSXbp0zwM-00293-00068944-00069162 leading to rise of two major sects tkMSXbp0zwM-00294-00069163-00069375 digambara and sveta mara which were tkMSXbp0zwM-00295-00069376-00069893 later subdivided in further sub sects tkMSXbp0zwM-00296-00069894-00070407 topic Judaism tkMSXbp0zwM-00297-00070408-00070788 topic throughout Jewish history Judaism tkMSXbp0zwM-00298-00070789-00070982 survived many schisms including the tkMSXbp0zwM-00299-00070983-00071280 emergence of Christianity today major tkMSXbp0zwM-00300-00071281-00071469 Jewish denominations are Orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00301-00071470-00071715 Judaism and non-orthodox reform tkMSXbp0zwM-00302-00071716-00072262 conservative and Reconstructionist tkMSXbp0zwM-00303-00072263-00072731 topic examples tkMSXbp0zwM-00304-00072732-00073099 topic tkMSXbp0zwM-00305-00073100-00073562 topic Jewish tkMSXbp0zwM-00306-00073563-00074149 topic Samaritan ISM 586 BCE Reform tkMSXbp0zwM-00307-00074150-00074974 Judaism 1810 Conservative Judaism 1886 tkMSXbp0zwM-00308-00074975-00075461 topic Islamic tkMSXbp0zwM-00309-00075462-00075782 topic the schism of the Shia and Sunni tkMSXbp0zwM-00310-00075783-00076343 see 632 680 SS the schism of the tkMSXbp0zwM-00311-00076344-00076691 Kharijites late 7th century the schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00312-00076692-00077000 of the Mutasa lights 8th century the tkMSXbp0zwM-00313-00077001-00077489 schism of the minute see 833 the schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00314-00077490-00077891 of Z Cree see 1500 the Schism of tkMSXbp0zwM-00315-00077892-00078206 ahmadiyya 19th century the moorish tkMSXbp0zwM-00316-00078207-00078680 science temple of america see 1913 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00317-00078681-00079121 Nation of Islam see 1930 the United tkMSXbp0zwM-00318-00079122-00079382 submitters International see mid 20th tkMSXbp0zwM-00319-00079383-00079754 century tkMSXbp0zwM-00320-00079755-00080229 topic Christian tkMSXbp0zwM-00321-00080230-00080556 topic Paul the Apostle refers to tkMSXbp0zwM-00322-00080557-00080832 factions or schisms Greek shiz modish is tkMSXbp0zwM-00323-00080833-00081108 Mata within the church at Corinth the tkMSXbp0zwM-00324-00081109-00081534 Schism of Marcion ism see 0.15 zero the tkMSXbp0zwM-00325-00081535-00081711 schism of Gnosticism which some tkMSXbp0zwM-00326-00081712-00082101 attribute to Valentinus see 150 others tkMSXbp0zwM-00327-00082102-00082412 much earlier the Schism of montón ism tkMSXbp0zwM-00328-00082413-00082935 the schism of monarchy anism see 200 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00329-00082936-00083091 many enter Pope's beginning with tkMSXbp0zwM-00330-00083092-00083343 Hippolytus of Rome in 217 tkMSXbp0zwM-00331-00083344-00083646 although Hippolytus later reconciled the tkMSXbp0zwM-00332-00083647-00084024 Donatists schism beginning in 311 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00333-00084025-00084246 schism with arianism and korto decima tkMSXbp0zwM-00334-00084247-00084584 nism at the first Council of Nicaea 325 tkMSXbp0zwM-00335-00084585-00084885 the Nestorian schism after the Council tkMSXbp0zwM-00336-00084886-00085161 of Ephesus in 431 between the state tkMSXbp0zwM-00337-00085162-00085317 Church of the Roman Empire and tkMSXbp0zwM-00338-00085318-00085626 nestorianism the oriental orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00339-00085627-00085824 schism and rejection of the council of tkMSXbp0zwM-00340-00085825-00085884 chalcedon tkMSXbp0zwM-00341-00085885-00086630 see 451 the occasion schism 484 to 519 tkMSXbp0zwM-00342-00086631-00086868 the schism of the Armenian Orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00343-00086869-00087093 between Patriarchate of Constantinople tkMSXbp0zwM-00344-00087094-00087345 and Armenian native-speaking Eastern tkMSXbp0zwM-00345-00087346-00087519 Christians which formed the Armenian tkMSXbp0zwM-00346-00087520-00088032 Apostolic Church 491 to 554 the Great tkMSXbp0zwM-00347-00088033-00088299 Schism of 1054 that led the split to tkMSXbp0zwM-00348-00088300-00088494 Latin Rite Roman Catholicism and tkMSXbp0zwM-00349-00088495-00088833 Byzantine Rite Eastern Orthodoxy Bosnian tkMSXbp0zwM-00350-00088834-00089003 Church CCA tkMSXbp0zwM-00351-00089004-00089606 1100 to CCA 1500 lollardy in the 1350 s tkMSXbp0zwM-00352-00089607-00089916 3 papal claimants at the same time Roman tkMSXbp0zwM-00353-00089917-00090135 Pope Gregory the 12th Avignon Pope tkMSXbp0zwM-00354-00090136-00090360 Benedict the 13th peas and pope john tkMSXbp0zwM-00355-00090361-00090444 xxiii tkMSXbp0zwM-00356-00090445-00090663 resolved at Council of Constance see tkMSXbp0zwM-00357-00090664-00091164 also Western schism 1378 2 14 17 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00358-00091165-00091542 Swiss Reformation beginning in 1516 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00359-00091543-00091877 Reformation beginning in 1517 tkMSXbp0zwM-00360-00091878-00092342 Anabaptist c 1525 the English tkMSXbp0zwM-00361-00092343-00092717 Reformation beginning in 1529 michael tkMSXbp0zwM-00362-00092718-00092957 servetus burned at the stake in 1553 tkMSXbp0zwM-00363-00092958-00093302 considered founder of Unitarianism the tkMSXbp0zwM-00364-00093303-00093662 Scottish Reformation in 1560 the Dutch tkMSXbp0zwM-00365-00093663-00094067 Reformation in 1571 so Simeon ISM in tkMSXbp0zwM-00366-00094068-00094679 1605 the jansenism schism of 1643 sealed tkMSXbp0zwM-00367-00094680-00094886 believers in rascal for schism within tkMSXbp0zwM-00368-00094887-00095216 the Russian Orthodox Church in 1666 over tkMSXbp0zwM-00369-00095217-00095528 ritual and liturgical changes the old tkMSXbp0zwM-00370-00095529-00095732 school new school controversy in the tkMSXbp0zwM-00371-00095733-00095945 Presbyterian Church in the United States tkMSXbp0zwM-00372-00095946-00096490 of America in 1837 disruption of 1843 tkMSXbp0zwM-00373-00096491-00096770 restoration ISM beginning in the 1850s tkMSXbp0zwM-00374-00096771-00097073 in the United States Christian Catholic tkMSXbp0zwM-00375-00097074-00097253 Church of Switzerland rejects first tkMSXbp0zwM-00376-00097254-00097433 Vatican Council doctrine of papal tkMSXbp0zwM-00377-00097434-00097673 infallibility see also old Catholic tkMSXbp0zwM-00378-00097674-00098051 Church 1868 the Crotty schism in Burke tkMSXbp0zwM-00379-00098052-00098366 County Offaly Ireland the schism between tkMSXbp0zwM-00380-00098367-00098537 the Anglican Communion and the tkMSXbp0zwM-00381-00098538-00098942 continuing Anglican movement in 1977 the tkMSXbp0zwM-00382-00098943-00099110 separation of the Anglican Church in tkMSXbp0zwM-00383-00099111-00099323 North America from the Episcopal Church tkMSXbp0zwM-00384-00099324-00099608 in the Anglican Church of Canada the tkMSXbp0zwM-00385-00099609-00099806 schism from the Roman Catholic Church of tkMSXbp0zwM-00386-00099807-00099986 the leaders of the Society of st. Pius tkMSXbp0zwM-00387-00099987-00100310 the tenth in 1988 when Archbishop Marcel tkMSXbp0zwM-00388-00100311-00100523 Lefebvre deigned for bishops despite a tkMSXbp0zwM-00389-00100524-00100844 prohibition by the Holy See most holy tkMSXbp0zwM-00390-00100845-00101060 Church of God in Christ Jesus splits tkMSXbp0zwM-00391-00101061-00101351 from iglesia ni cristo in 1922 when tkMSXbp0zwM-00392-00101352-00101597 teófilo ora and his friends disagreed tkMSXbp0zwM-00393-00101598-00101792 with felix Manolos decision to not tkMSXbp0zwM-00394-00101793-00101978 anoint the ministers despite their group tkMSXbp0zwM-00395-00101979-00102287 almost our all ministers members Church tkMSXbp0zwM-00396-00102288-00102467 of God International splits off from tkMSXbp0zwM-00397-00102468-00102875 iglesia indios k cristo jesus in 1977 tkMSXbp0zwM-00398-00102876-00103108 left after Eliseo Soriano and others tkMSXbp0zwM-00399-00103109-00103351 contested la vita google ins leadership tkMSXbp0zwM-00400-00103352-00103622 members church of god in jesus christ tkMSXbp0zwM-00401-00103623-00103820 worldwide splits off from Eliseo tkMSXbp0zwM-00402-00103821-00104018 Soriano's mcgi tkMSXbp0zwM-00403-00104019-00104240 when Willie Santiago left along with tkMSXbp0zwM-00404-00104241-00104564 other members the Moscow Constantinople tkMSXbp0zwM-00405-00104565-00104734 schism has Russian Orthodox Church tkMSXbp0zwM-00406-00104735-00104957 severe cut ties with main Church within tkMSXbp0zwM-00407-00104958-00105152 Eastern Orthodoxy over granting tkMSXbp0zwM-00408-00105153-00105257 autocephalous with tkMSXbp0zwM-00409-00105258-00105490 to ukrainian orthodox churches instead tkMSXbp0zwM-00410-00105491-00105661 keep recognized Ukrainian Orthodox tkMSXbp0zwM-00411-00105663-00105889 Church under Moscow patriarchy its tkMSXbp0zwM-00412-00105890-00106070 control as the canonical Church of tkMSXbp0zwM-00413-00106071-00106543 Ukraine in 2018 tkMSXbp0zwM-00414-00106544-00107066 topic see also tkMSXbp0zwM-00415-00107067-00107657 topic one true church secession old and tkMSXbp0zwM-00416-00107658-00107993 new light tkMSXbp0zwM-00417-00107994-00108530 topic notes tkMSXbp0zwM-00418-00108531-00108924 topic tkMSXbp0zwM-00419-00108925-00109441 topic references tkMSXbp0zwM-00420-00109442-00109777 topic Clark Peter Bayer tkMSXbp0zwM-00421-00109778-00110026 Peter 2009 the world's religions tkMSXbp0zwM-00422-00110027-00110266 continuities and transformations route tkMSXbp0zwM-00423-00110267-00111054 Lidge is B and O 2 O 3 8 7 2 1 2 6 tkMSXbp0zwM-00424-00111055-00111599 topic external links tkMSXbp0zwM-00425-00111600-00112110 topic Encyclopedia Brittanica schism tkMSXbp0zwM-00426-00112111-00112595 Catholic Encyclopedia schism tlzSTFoTJGy-00000-00000512-00000630 because tlzSTFoTJGy-00001-00000631-00001007 um you know uh living in beirut two tlzSTFoTJGy-00002-00001008-00001239 hours away from damascus tlzSTFoTJGy-00003-00001240-00001491 you know and being able to witness tlzSTFoTJGy-00004-00001492-00001655 firsthand tlzSTFoTJGy-00005-00001655-00001967 the war and how it spilled into lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-00006-00001968-00002302 and tlzSTFoTJGy-00007-00002303-00002471 our syrian brothers and sisters coming tlzSTFoTJGy-00008-00002472-00002671 into the country tlzSTFoTJGy-00009-00002672-00003031 becoming displaced in lebanon and tlzSTFoTJGy-00010-00003032-00003199 the whole context the whole political tlzSTFoTJGy-00011-00003200-00003406 context i really wanted to dig deeper tlzSTFoTJGy-00012-00003407-00003551 and look at how tlzSTFoTJGy-00013-00003552-00003783 the arab satellite television channels tlzSTFoTJGy-00014-00003784-00003927 were portraying tlzSTFoTJGy-00015-00003928-00004286 um these you know this war tlzSTFoTJGy-00016-00004287-00004495 and specifically how they were looking tlzSTFoTJGy-00017-00004496-00004711 at the displaced hearing communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00018-00004712-00004983 and women and what i wanted was not to tlzSTFoTJGy-00019-00004984-00005031 focus tlzSTFoTJGy-00020-00005032-00005222 just on you know the stereotypical tlzSTFoTJGy-00021-00005223-00005391 gender the stereotypical gender tlzSTFoTJGy-00022-00005392-00005551 representations in the media tlzSTFoTJGy-00023-00005552-00005791 but more on the experiences and how the tlzSTFoTJGy-00024-00005792-00005975 media talked about the experiences how tlzSTFoTJGy-00025-00005976-00006086 the arab television tlzSTFoTJGy-00026-00006087-00006478 talked about the experiences and how tlzSTFoTJGy-00027-00006479-00006703 the socio-political agenda of every tlzSTFoTJGy-00028-00006704-00007031 television channel kind of influenced tlzSTFoTJGy-00029-00007031-00007142 the way they talked about the tlzSTFoTJGy-00030-00007143-00007414 experiences um tlzSTFoTJGy-00031-00007415-00007710 looking at the news um there were three tlzSTFoTJGy-00032-00007711-00007855 concepts that tlzSTFoTJGy-00033-00007856-00008127 always i mean mostly occurred when tlzSTFoTJGy-00034-00008128-00008287 talking about the experiences tlzSTFoTJGy-00035-00008288-00008591 first was the violence so obviously tlzSTFoTJGy-00036-00008592-00008759 there's a war there are incidents of tlzSTFoTJGy-00037-00008760-00008919 violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00038-00008920-00009271 so when you're exposed to violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00039-00009272-00009439 obviously you are vulnerable tlzSTFoTJGy-00040-00009440-00009639 you're in a vulnerable state and tlzSTFoTJGy-00041-00009640-00009742 naturally you're tlzSTFoTJGy-00042-00009743-00010078 you you kind of um employ your tlzSTFoTJGy-00043-00010079-00010214 resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-00044-00010215-00010510 in this situation and also resist the tlzSTFoTJGy-00045-00010511-00010599 social tlzSTFoTJGy-00046-00010600-00010814 like the the the dominant social order tlzSTFoTJGy-00047-00010815-00010903 you're in so tlzSTFoTJGy-00048-00010904-00011103 these are the four concepts i will tlzSTFoTJGy-00049-00011104-00011231 explain them more tlzSTFoTJGy-00050-00011232-00011519 into in detail uh so the agenda i will tlzSTFoTJGy-00051-00011520-00011670 look at the context tlzSTFoTJGy-00052-00011671-00011878 the arab television the aims of the tlzSTFoTJGy-00053-00011879-00012006 study the tlzSTFoTJGy-00054-00012007-00012174 more in detail the four concepts the tlzSTFoTJGy-00055-00012175-00012519 main findings and then the conclusion tlzSTFoTJGy-00056-00012520-00012894 um so tlzSTFoTJGy-00057-00012895-00013215 yeah so the the syrian conflict um has tlzSTFoTJGy-00058-00013216-00013407 influenced the gender realities and the tlzSTFoTJGy-00059-00013408-00013486 gender tlzSTFoTJGy-00060-00013487-00013711 relations lived by internally and tlzSTFoTJGy-00061-00013712-00013975 externally displaced urine communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00062-00013976-00014247 um there was regime brutality in tlzSTFoTJGy-00063-00014247-00014375 detention centers tlzSTFoTJGy-00064-00014376-00014671 prisons and checkpoints there were other tlzSTFoTJGy-00065-00014672-00014863 war crimes committed by other militant tlzSTFoTJGy-00066-00014863-00014975 groups fighting against tlzSTFoTJGy-00067-00014976-00015207 regimes such as sexual violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00068-00015208-00015471 committed against women tlzSTFoTJGy-00069-00015472-00015630 there has been an increase in child tlzSTFoTJGy-00070-00015631-00015799 marriage cases tlzSTFoTJGy-00071-00015800-00016030 among the displaced tiering communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00072-00016031-00016230 there has been an increase in female-led tlzSTFoTJGy-00073-00016231-00016319 households tlzSTFoTJGy-00074-00016319-00016511 and this necessarily doesn't always tlzSTFoTJGy-00075-00016512-00016711 translate to more equal opportunity tlzSTFoTJGy-00076-00016712-00016830 among men and women tlzSTFoTJGy-00077-00016831-00017350 in fact it just for like furthers um tlzSTFoTJGy-00078-00017351-00017615 the burden of providing for for one's tlzSTFoTJGy-00079-00017616-00017719 family tlzSTFoTJGy-00080-00017720-00017999 and then uh the resilience building tlzSTFoTJGy-00081-00018000-00018055 program tlzSTFoTJGy-00082-00018056-00018222 so of course in every war there are tlzSTFoTJGy-00083-00018223-00018430 humanitarian initiatives happening the tlzSTFoTJGy-00084-00018431-00018479 yuan tlzSTFoTJGy-00085-00018480-00018855 creates you know um vocational programs tlzSTFoTJGy-00086-00018856-00019094 or skill building club programs to help tlzSTFoTJGy-00087-00019095-00019391 uh the the affected persons cope with tlzSTFoTJGy-00088-00019392-00019479 with the war tlzSTFoTJGy-00089-00019480-00019855 and with living in exile and then tlzSTFoTJGy-00090-00019856-00020255 the another another reality is the tlzSTFoTJGy-00091-00020256-00020471 is the fact is the formation of the tlzSTFoTJGy-00092-00020472-00020703 all-female military force by the tlzSTFoTJGy-00093-00020704-00020919 syrian regime so we saw in the news a tlzSTFoTJGy-00094-00020920-00021111 lot of female fighters tlzSTFoTJGy-00095-00021112-00021367 um also among the the kurdish tlzSTFoTJGy-00096-00021368-00021599 communities but also female fighters tlzSTFoTJGy-00097-00021600-00021927 fighting for the syrian regime and these tlzSTFoTJGy-00098-00021928-00022150 female fighters were either depicted as tlzSTFoTJGy-00099-00022151-00022343 victims of sexual and gender-based tlzSTFoTJGy-00100-00022344-00022486 violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00101-00022487-00022775 or on the opposite side as heroines tlzSTFoTJGy-00102-00022776-00022847 fighting tlzSTFoTJGy-00103-00022848-00023022 in the arms resistance of sierra so this tlzSTFoTJGy-00104-00023023-00023278 is this dichotomy and representation tlzSTFoTJGy-00105-00023279-00023767 makes an interesting context as well tlzSTFoTJGy-00106-00023768-00024119 um so given the fact that the syrian war tlzSTFoTJGy-00107-00024120-00024278 is also a proxy war tlzSTFoTJGy-00108-00024279-00024583 there has been a number of international tlzSTFoTJGy-00109-00024584-00024814 actors and regional interests in the war tlzSTFoTJGy-00110-00024815-00024999 and this led to an intersection of tlzSTFoTJGy-00111-00025000-00025135 ideologies tlzSTFoTJGy-00112-00025136-00025358 that um that has led to a fanatic tlzSTFoTJGy-00113-00025359-00025606 discourse and that has impacted tlzSTFoTJGy-00114-00025607-00025774 uh you know the trends of violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00115-00025775-00025911 against women tlzSTFoTJGy-00116-00025912-00026158 if we look at this access of course the tlzSTFoTJGy-00117-00026160-00026318 syrian conflict there are multiple tlzSTFoTJGy-00118-00026319-00026527 fighters but in this specific study i tlzSTFoTJGy-00119-00026527-00026727 just focus on two tlzSTFoTJGy-00120-00026727-00026974 the first one is the opposition as in tlzSTFoTJGy-00121-00026975-00027143 the free syrian army and the other tlzSTFoTJGy-00122-00027144-00027327 islamic fighters and this tlzSTFoTJGy-00123-00027327-00027558 fighting actor is supported by the arab tlzSTFoTJGy-00124-00027560-00027831 gulf states such as saudi arabia qatar tlzSTFoTJGy-00125-00027832-00027999 and the uae tlzSTFoTJGy-00126-00028000-00028143 on the other side of course is the tlzSTFoTJGy-00127-00028144-00028351 syrian regime uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00128-00028352-00028543 led by bashar al-assad and the bath tlzSTFoTJGy-00129-00028544-00028767 party the bath political party which is tlzSTFoTJGy-00130-00028768-00028951 the party of bashar al-assad tlzSTFoTJGy-00131-00028952-00029190 and the syrian regime is supported and tlzSTFoTJGy-00132-00029191-00029414 has allies such as russia iran and tlzSTFoTJGy-00133-00029416-00029527 hezbollah tlzSTFoTJGy-00134-00029527-00029727 so this study just focuses on these two tlzSTFoTJGy-00135-00029727-00029887 sides tlzSTFoTJGy-00136-00029888-00030118 um obviously these two fighting actors tlzSTFoTJGy-00137-00030119-00030190 have tlzSTFoTJGy-00138-00030191-00030367 arab satellite television channels that tlzSTFoTJGy-00139-00030368-00030502 speak on their behalf or tlzSTFoTJGy-00140-00030503-00030718 or that support them or are critical of tlzSTFoTJGy-00141-00030719-00030927 them tlzSTFoTJGy-00142-00030927-00031239 so when looking at the arab satellite tlzSTFoTJGy-00143-00031239-00031462 television during the conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-00144-00031463-00031711 we can list uh a number of television tlzSTFoTJGy-00145-00031712-00031879 channels that are critical of the syrian tlzSTFoTJGy-00146-00031880-00031967 regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00147-00031968-00032190 owned by political elites in the arab tlzSTFoTJGy-00148-00032191-00032383 gulf states that are also funding the tlzSTFoTJGy-00149-00032383-00032743 syrian opposition tlzSTFoTJGy-00150-00032744-00033127 those are the three channels i focus on tlzSTFoTJGy-00151-00033128-00033367 and then on the other side there are the tlzSTFoTJGy-00152-00033368-00033559 television channels that are owned tlzSTFoTJGy-00153-00033560-00033846 and controlled by the syrian regime such tlzSTFoTJGy-00154-00033847-00034235 as the three here tlzSTFoTJGy-00155-00034236-00034495 syracuse since russia is an ally there's tlzSTFoTJGy-00156-00034496-00034590 russian tv tlzSTFoTJGy-00157-00034591-00035023 arabic okay so tlzSTFoTJGy-00158-00035024-00035279 given the fact that in every war there tlzSTFoTJGy-00159-00035280-00035423 are humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00160-00035424-00035574 you know initiatives happening on the tlzSTFoTJGy-00161-00035575-00035830 ground and given the fact that tlzSTFoTJGy-00162-00035831-00036190 humanitarian workers are witnessing are tlzSTFoTJGy-00163-00036191-00036239 always tlzSTFoTJGy-00164-00036240-00036518 or most likely present in the war zones tlzSTFoTJGy-00165-00036519-00036783 and in the refugee camps tlzSTFoTJGy-00166-00036784-00037102 this has made them made the humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00167-00037103-00037423 workers tlzSTFoTJGy-00168-00037424-00037783 as a source of information so they tlzSTFoTJGy-00169-00037784-00038095 also play the role as the reputable tlzSTFoTJGy-00170-00038096-00038174 expert tlzSTFoTJGy-00171-00038175-00038318 that the journalists from the arab tlzSTFoTJGy-00172-00038319-00038559 satellite television may refer to tlzSTFoTJGy-00173-00038560-00038871 for um direct information tlzSTFoTJGy-00174-00038872-00039039 or to know what's happening on the tlzSTFoTJGy-00175-00039040-00039302 ground so there's also a humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00176-00039303-00039407 discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00177-00039408-00039655 that has also taken place that is very tlzSTFoTJGy-00178-00039656-00039855 dominant and has also taken place tlzSTFoTJGy-00179-00039856-00040111 uh in the news coverage of the conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-00180-00040112-00040271 so aside from the socio-political tlzSTFoTJGy-00181-00040272-00040351 agendas tlzSTFoTJGy-00182-00040352-00040551 uh that every television channel you tlzSTFoTJGy-00183-00040552-00040774 know follows there's also a humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00184-00040775-00040902 discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00185-00040903-00041223 so the aims of this study tlzSTFoTJGy-00186-00041224-00041439 as i already mentioned i focus on the tlzSTFoTJGy-00187-00041440-00041543 experiences tlzSTFoTJGy-00188-00041544-00041718 of the displaced syrian woman and i do tlzSTFoTJGy-00189-00041719-00041911 not limit the analysis to stereotypical tlzSTFoTJGy-00190-00041912-00042030 gender roles tlzSTFoTJGy-00191-00042031-00042246 or whether the news offered realistic tlzSTFoTJGy-00192-00042247-00042383 depictions or not tlzSTFoTJGy-00193-00042384-00042630 the four concepts i focus on are tlzSTFoTJGy-00194-00042631-00042823 violence vulnerability resilience and tlzSTFoTJGy-00195-00042824-00042902 resistance tlzSTFoTJGy-00196-00042903-00043230 and why it's because the news frequently tlzSTFoTJGy-00197-00043231-00043295 addressed tlzSTFoTJGy-00198-00043296-00043574 these concepts or talked about the tlzSTFoTJGy-00199-00043575-00043743 experiences of the displaced syrian tlzSTFoTJGy-00200-00043744-00043783 woman tlzSTFoTJGy-00201-00043784-00044046 under those four main concepts i look at tlzSTFoTJGy-00202-00044047-00044143 what has been tlzSTFoTJGy-00203-00044144-00044374 reproduced and perpetuated in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00204-00044375-00044587 and what has been left unreported and tlzSTFoTJGy-00205-00044588-00044790 decontextualized and i do that tlzSTFoTJGy-00206-00044791-00045023 by looking deeper at the social tlzSTFoTJGy-00207-00045024-00045255 political and the economic circumstances tlzSTFoTJGy-00208-00045256-00045862 the displaced syrian communities inhabit tlzSTFoTJGy-00209-00045863-00046190 so i employ a critical discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00210-00046191-00046271 analyses tlzSTFoTJGy-00211-00046272-00046646 and i specifically look at 32 television tlzSTFoTJGy-00212-00046647-00047007 news reports aired between january 2012 tlzSTFoTJGy-00213-00047008-00047599 and september 2018. tlzSTFoTJGy-00214-00047600-00047862 so when we think about violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00215-00047863-00048062 especially in tlzSTFoTJGy-00216-00048063-00048262 during war or conflict the first thing tlzSTFoTJGy-00217-00048263-00048471 that we think about tlzSTFoTJGy-00218-00048472-00048807 is you know physical violence such as tlzSTFoTJGy-00219-00048808-00049111 you know rape or torture so so it's a tlzSTFoTJGy-00220-00049112-00049415 form of bodily harm in this specific tlzSTFoTJGy-00221-00049416-00049527 study i always shut tlzSTFoTJGy-00222-00049528-00049727 i also shed light on a different type of tlzSTFoTJGy-00223-00049728-00049886 violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00224-00049887-00050199 um that usually does not have an tlzSTFoTJGy-00225-00050200-00050511 identifiable agent so tlzSTFoTJGy-00226-00050512-00050774 rape and torture there's an identifiable tlzSTFoTJGy-00227-00050775-00050967 agent the doer of the violent act tlzSTFoTJGy-00228-00050968-00051263 is is obvious and is usually present tlzSTFoTJGy-00229-00051264-00051446 when the news talks about it so tlzSTFoTJGy-00230-00051447-00051679 in case of rape it's the rapist in case tlzSTFoTJGy-00231-00051679-00051766 of torture tlzSTFoTJGy-00232-00051767-00052102 let's say the police um tlzSTFoTJGy-00233-00052103-00052414 but the study also conceives violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00234-00052415-00052726 through through tlzSTFoTJGy-00235-00052727-00052911 the term called objective violence and tlzSTFoTJGy-00236-00052912-00053038 this is when tlzSTFoTJGy-00237-00053039-00053279 um the doer of the violent act is not tlzSTFoTJGy-00238-00053279-00053479 always present in the narrative because tlzSTFoTJGy-00239-00053479-00053671 it's it's overlooked in the news because tlzSTFoTJGy-00240-00053672-00053887 the doer of the violent act is tlzSTFoTJGy-00241-00053888-00054191 um is not is not very obvious so when tlzSTFoTJGy-00242-00054191-00054423 displaced syrian communities are living tlzSTFoTJGy-00243-00054424-00054607 and so this the space station tlzSTFoTJGy-00244-00054608-00054799 communities in lebanon are forced to tlzSTFoTJGy-00245-00054800-00055135 live in tents in temporary tents or tlzSTFoTJGy-00246-00055136-00055399 are forced to destroy their own tents or tlzSTFoTJGy-00247-00055400-00055463 are tlzSTFoTJGy-00248-00055464-00056015 do not have access to any source of um tlzSTFoTJGy-00249-00056016-00056247 you know healthcare et cetera so living tlzSTFoTJGy-00250-00056248-00056454 in a state of impoverishment is a type tlzSTFoTJGy-00251-00056455-00056550 of violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00252-00056551-00056863 that the study uh perceives and focuses tlzSTFoTJGy-00253-00056864-00057191 on and does not limit it to you know the tlzSTFoTJGy-00254-00057191-00057519 the typical physical violence that we tlzSTFoTJGy-00255-00057520-00057679 see in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00256-00057679-00058079 as for vulnerability which is a word uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00257-00058079-00058335 that comes from uh the latin word for tlzSTFoTJGy-00258-00058336-00058391 wound tlzSTFoTJGy-00259-00058391-00058711 or vol volvos um tlzSTFoTJGy-00260-00058712-00059119 this so vulnerability in general means tlzSTFoTJGy-00261-00059120-00059350 the state of being open to injury or tlzSTFoTJGy-00262-00059351-00059550 open to attack and damage tlzSTFoTJGy-00263-00059551-00059871 and um i draw um tlzSTFoTJGy-00264-00059872-00060015 my understanding on vulnerability tlzSTFoTJGy-00265-00060016-00060182 through judith butler's tlzSTFoTJGy-00266-00060183-00060415 understanding where she says that tlzSTFoTJGy-00267-00060416-00060559 vulnerability tlzSTFoTJGy-00268-00060560-00060847 is born in relationship to precarity and tlzSTFoTJGy-00269-00060848-00060959 precarity here tlzSTFoTJGy-00270-00060960-00061215 means uncertainty and insecurity so when tlzSTFoTJGy-00271-00061216-00061271 you are tlzSTFoTJGy-00272-00061272-00061575 living in uncertain um tlzSTFoTJGy-00273-00061576-00061935 circumstances or when you are you are tlzSTFoTJGy-00274-00061936-00062230 you have an unsecure livelihood you are tlzSTFoTJGy-00275-00062232-00062438 automatically vulnerable tlzSTFoTJGy-00276-00062439-00062742 and vulnerability is not necessarily the tlzSTFoTJGy-00277-00062744-00062911 opposite of resistance tlzSTFoTJGy-00278-00062912-00063135 but in fact it goes hand in hand to it tlzSTFoTJGy-00279-00063136-00063447 so we cannot recognize tlzSTFoTJGy-00280-00063448-00063735 um we cannot resist the the the tlzSTFoTJGy-00281-00063736-00063919 difficult circumstances that we're tlzSTFoTJGy-00282-00063920-00064063 living in without tlzSTFoTJGy-00283-00064064-00064279 recognizing and without employing our tlzSTFoTJGy-00284-00064279-00064482 vulnerability tlzSTFoTJGy-00285-00064483-00064791 um as for tlzSTFoTJGy-00286-00064791-00065166 resilience um the general term is the tlzSTFoTJGy-00287-00065167-00065399 ability of an individual tlzSTFoTJGy-00288-00065400-00065687 to cope uh in certain situations to tlzSTFoTJGy-00289-00065688-00065887 recover in violent situations tlzSTFoTJGy-00290-00065888-00066238 and to make daily life as bearable as tlzSTFoTJGy-00291-00066239-00066591 possible by um adjusting the disruptions tlzSTFoTJGy-00292-00066592-00066823 so in this study i will take this basic tlzSTFoTJGy-00293-00066824-00066943 understanding and then tlzSTFoTJGy-00294-00066944-00067406 also um in the following in the upcoming tlzSTFoTJGy-00295-00067407-00067519 slides i will tlzSTFoTJGy-00296-00067520-00067743 explain how resilience acquires a tlzSTFoTJGy-00297-00067744-00067871 slightly different meaning in a tlzSTFoTJGy-00298-00067872-00068087 neoliberal society tlzSTFoTJGy-00299-00068088-00068431 and as for resistance i do not perceive tlzSTFoTJGy-00300-00068432-00068599 i do not limit i do not perceive tlzSTFoTJGy-00301-00068600-00068799 resistance as you know tlzSTFoTJGy-00302-00068800-00069038 uh taking part of an of the armed tlzSTFoTJGy-00303-00069039-00069199 resistance in syria so if you're a tlzSTFoTJGy-00304-00069200-00069391 female fighter and you're resisting tlzSTFoTJGy-00305-00069392-00069735 the opponent this is not the the the tlzSTFoTJGy-00306-00069736-00069911 the resistance i'm talking about here tlzSTFoTJGy-00307-00069912-00070167 but rather the resistance through a form tlzSTFoTJGy-00308-00070168-00070447 of speech so when the subject tlzSTFoTJGy-00309-00070448-00070663 performs a speech act in the news or in tlzSTFoTJGy-00310-00070664-00070782 their daily life tlzSTFoTJGy-00311-00070783-00071031 a speech act that might challenge tlzSTFoTJGy-00312-00071032-00071199 certain social norms or tlzSTFoTJGy-00313-00071200-00071487 reinforce certain social norms uh this tlzSTFoTJGy-00314-00071488-00071679 form of speech is a form of tlzSTFoTJGy-00315-00071680-00072159 of of resistance in a way tlzSTFoTJGy-00316-00072160-00072487 resistance to social norms tlzSTFoTJGy-00317-00072488-00073062 okay so tlzSTFoTJGy-00318-00073063-00073247 looking at the main findings the first tlzSTFoTJGy-00319-00073248-00073494 concept is violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00320-00073495-00073735 so when the news talked about the tlzSTFoTJGy-00321-00073736-00073943 experiences of women in relationship to tlzSTFoTJGy-00322-00073944-00074055 violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00323-00074056-00074335 they mostly focused on how women were tlzSTFoTJGy-00324-00074336-00074406 exposed to tlzSTFoTJGy-00325-00074407-00075015 state violence and gender-based violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00326-00075016-00075438 the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00327-00075439-00075935 portrayed the female victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00328-00075936-00076206 that fell as you know the female victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00329-00076207-00076350 that were exposed to say tlzSTFoTJGy-00330-00076351-00076615 to to state violence as you know as tlzSTFoTJGy-00331-00076616-00076759 destit victims they tlzSTFoTJGy-00332-00076760-00077047 kind of normalized the violence that tlzSTFoTJGy-00333-00077048-00077215 happened against women tlzSTFoTJGy-00334-00077216-00077743 um and this happened tlzSTFoTJGy-00335-00077744-00078055 through associate associating tlzSTFoTJGy-00336-00078056-00078359 the victimhood of these women tlzSTFoTJGy-00337-00078360-00078599 to sexual difference or to the fact that tlzSTFoTJGy-00338-00078600-00078735 they are females tlzSTFoTJGy-00339-00078736-00079062 so here uh the female victim suffering tlzSTFoTJGy-00340-00079063-00079367 or the fact that she had fell as as a tlzSTFoTJGy-00341-00079368-00079631 as a victim as a victim to this violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00342-00079632-00079871 became naturalized in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00343-00079872-00080126 it's not all it became naturalized in tlzSTFoTJGy-00344-00080127-00080199 the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00345-00080200-00080550 but also became fixated uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00346-00080551-00080726 to a certain time period so when the tlzSTFoTJGy-00347-00080727-00080943 news talked about you know the incidence tlzSTFoTJGy-00348-00080944-00081006 of tlzSTFoTJGy-00349-00081007-00081287 rape and torture um they only talked tlzSTFoTJGy-00350-00081288-00081567 about it tlzSTFoTJGy-00351-00081568-00081887 within the context of the war they did tlzSTFoTJGy-00352-00081888-00082103 not really refer or question tlzSTFoTJGy-00353-00082104-00082303 whether gender-based violence or state tlzSTFoTJGy-00354-00082304-00082447 violence existed tlzSTFoTJGy-00355-00082448-00082759 in pre-conflict syria so there was no uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00356-00082760-00082926 reference to the past tlzSTFoTJGy-00357-00082927-00083143 and nor there was a reference to the fut tlzSTFoTJGy-00358-00083144-00083375 to the future so we the the the viewer tlzSTFoTJGy-00359-00083376-00083471 did not tlzSTFoTJGy-00360-00083472-00083726 see what happened what happened after tlzSTFoTJGy-00361-00083727-00083950 the violence has taken place tlzSTFoTJGy-00362-00083951-00084287 rather the viewer um tlzSTFoTJGy-00363-00084288-00084606 was only so the news only tlzSTFoTJGy-00364-00084607-00084935 um focused on the sexual difference that tlzSTFoTJGy-00365-00084936-00085062 the fact that tlzSTFoTJGy-00366-00085063-00085375 these victims are women and because they tlzSTFoTJGy-00367-00085376-00085447 are women tlzSTFoTJGy-00368-00085448-00085879 um the news greatly emphasized on the tlzSTFoTJGy-00369-00085880-00085991 fact that tlzSTFoTJGy-00370-00085992-00086247 they were shamed by their societies for tlzSTFoTJGy-00371-00086248-00086399 falling as victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00372-00086400-00086767 of violence and they also tlzSTFoTJGy-00373-00086768-00087079 emphasized how these victims became tlzSTFoTJGy-00374-00087080-00087335 victims for their previous imprisonment tlzSTFoTJGy-00375-00087336-00087399 so when tlzSTFoTJGy-00376-00087400-00087735 women were had so when woman was an tlzSTFoTJGy-00377-00087736-00087975 ex-prisoner in syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00378-00087976-00088326 the fact that she was an ex-prisoner tlzSTFoTJGy-00379-00088327-00088679 you know in her past life made her tlzSTFoTJGy-00380-00088680-00089087 not only a victim but also tlzSTFoTJGy-00381-00089088-00089415 she was stigmatized for this particular tlzSTFoTJGy-00382-00089416-00089671 lived experience the dominant media tlzSTFoTJGy-00383-00089672-00089911 frames here is that tlzSTFoTJGy-00384-00089912-00090223 women that were exposed to violence were tlzSTFoTJGy-00385-00090224-00090406 seen as a source of shame tlzSTFoTJGy-00386-00090407-00090599 and they were seen as victims of their tlzSTFoTJGy-00387-00090600-00090775 previous imprisonment tlzSTFoTJGy-00388-00090776-00091047 and these dominant media frames they tlzSTFoTJGy-00389-00091048-00091294 kind of came to life they were produced tlzSTFoTJGy-00390-00091295-00091567 when the news has when the news majorly tlzSTFoTJGy-00391-00091568-00091782 focused on the circulation of shame tlzSTFoTJGy-00392-00091783-00092015 of the victim and the stigmatization of tlzSTFoTJGy-00393-00092016-00092126 the victim tlzSTFoTJGy-00394-00092127-00092438 among her society so one tlzSTFoTJGy-00395-00092439-00092823 question yeah um like being tlzSTFoTJGy-00396-00092824-00093150 a shame for society or tlzSTFoTJGy-00397-00093151-00093511 for themselves um that's my question tlzSTFoTJGy-00398-00093512-00093574 yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-00399-00093575-00093903 okay no it it was not tlzSTFoTJGy-00400-00093904-00094094 you didn't go into the details i just tlzSTFoTJGy-00401-00094095-00094215 wanted to tlzSTFoTJGy-00402-00094216-00094623 ask if the women felt ashamed themselves tlzSTFoTJGy-00403-00094624-00094687 or were tlzSTFoTJGy-00404-00094688-00094950 presented as feeling ashamed themselves tlzSTFoTJGy-00405-00094951-00095023 or tlzSTFoTJGy-00406-00095024-00095311 is it the society that is a shame about tlzSTFoTJGy-00407-00095312-00095399 um tlzSTFoTJGy-00408-00095400-00095750 it's both so the news as you can see tlzSTFoTJGy-00409-00095751-00096055 in the photos the the woman that they do tlzSTFoTJGy-00410-00096056-00096094 not tlzSTFoTJGy-00411-00096095-00096406 um show their faces so this is another tlzSTFoTJGy-00412-00096407-00096655 sign of shame so we never know we never tlzSTFoTJGy-00413-00096656-00096806 know their identity tlzSTFoTJGy-00414-00096807-00097038 and when the news talked about these tlzSTFoTJGy-00415-00097039-00097215 incidents of violence they just tlzSTFoTJGy-00416-00097216-00097535 they most definitely focused on tlzSTFoTJGy-00417-00097536-00097911 or mostly focused on how these women tlzSTFoTJGy-00418-00097912-00098174 are ashamed by their societies for being tlzSTFoTJGy-00419-00098175-00098382 victims or for being prisoners in the tlzSTFoTJGy-00420-00098383-00098518 past tlzSTFoTJGy-00421-00098519-00098831 so the news was more interested tlzSTFoTJGy-00422-00098832-00099199 in speculating how society tlzSTFoTJGy-00423-00099200-00099535 treated them as ex-prisoners or as tlzSTFoTJGy-00424-00099536-00099694 victims of violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00425-00099695-00100103 rather than focusing on you know how tlzSTFoTJGy-00426-00100104-00100406 you know the state violated the human tlzSTFoTJGy-00427-00100407-00100518 rights and tlzSTFoTJGy-00428-00100519-00100767 kind of caused this violence so again tlzSTFoTJGy-00429-00100768-00100862 here the tlzSTFoTJGy-00430-00100863-00101062 the news was more interested in the fact tlzSTFoTJGy-00431-00101063-00101215 that they are women tlzSTFoTJGy-00432-00101216-00101399 and because they are women they have tlzSTFoTJGy-00433-00101400-00101623 become a source of shame in society tlzSTFoTJGy-00434-00101624-00101943 and they have been stigmatized so here tlzSTFoTJGy-00435-00101944-00102111 there's a focus on on the gender tlzSTFoTJGy-00436-00102112-00102534 difference in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00437-00102535-00102766 now looking at vulnerability when tlzSTFoTJGy-00438-00102767-00102878 talking about the states of tlzSTFoTJGy-00439-00102879-00103047 vulnerability the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00440-00103048-00103334 mostly focused on child rights and i was tlzSTFoTJGy-00441-00103335-00103551 a bit surprised in that because tlzSTFoTJGy-00442-00103552-00103815 you know child brides are not the only tlzSTFoTJGy-00443-00103816-00103990 vulnerable or the tlzSTFoTJGy-00444-00103991-00104223 vulnerable uh demographic group among tlzSTFoTJGy-00445-00104224-00104406 the displaced tier and woman tlzSTFoTJGy-00446-00104407-00104710 um they're not another group that tlzSTFoTJGy-00447-00104711-00104966 that was majorly underrepresented in the tlzSTFoTJGy-00448-00104967-00105158 news are sex workers tlzSTFoTJGy-00449-00105159-00105351 so a lot of displaced hearing women were tlzSTFoTJGy-00450-00105352-00105583 forced into sex work or had to tlzSTFoTJGy-00451-00105583-00105799 you know become sex workers in order to tlzSTFoTJGy-00452-00105800-00105943 survive in exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00453-00105944-00106254 however the news was more interested tlzSTFoTJGy-00454-00106255-00106551 and was most mostly portraying child tlzSTFoTJGy-00455-00106552-00106654 rights tlzSTFoTJGy-00456-00106655-00106863 i actually found only one news report tlzSTFoTJGy-00457-00106864-00107086 that talked about sex workers so tlzSTFoTJGy-00458-00107088-00107247 the most the news reports looked at tlzSTFoTJGy-00459-00107248-00107415 child rights tlzSTFoTJGy-00460-00107416-00107647 and when talking about child rights tlzSTFoTJGy-00461-00107648-00107919 usually that the mothers are portrayed tlzSTFoTJGy-00462-00107920-00108127 in the new story and they are portrayed tlzSTFoTJGy-00463-00108128-00108254 as desperate tlzSTFoTJGy-00464-00108255-00108583 as desperate mothers that are tlzSTFoTJGy-00465-00108583-00108854 you know sacrificing their daughters in tlzSTFoTJGy-00466-00108855-00108951 order to tlzSTFoTJGy-00467-00108952-00109302 lessen the economic burden of the family tlzSTFoTJGy-00468-00109303-00109871 um so if you look at the photos tlzSTFoTJGy-00469-00109872-00110143 the the identity of the child rights are tlzSTFoTJGy-00470-00110144-00110207 usually tlzSTFoTJGy-00471-00110208-00110671 very very much obvious we see a close-up tlzSTFoTJGy-00472-00110672-00110902 of their fa of of the child bride's face tlzSTFoTJGy-00473-00110903-00111063 we see that she's tlzSTFoTJGy-00474-00111064-00111302 emotional we we see that she's you know tlzSTFoTJGy-00475-00111303-00111383 suffering tlzSTFoTJGy-00476-00111383-00111623 and we also she see where she's living tlzSTFoTJGy-00477-00111624-00111734 so we see that tlzSTFoTJGy-00478-00111735-00111919 you know the circumstances she is living tlzSTFoTJGy-00479-00111920-00112083 in tlzSTFoTJGy-00480-00112083-00112423 um what the news what the arabs tlzSTFoTJGy-00481-00112424-00112783 what those news reports uh so when the tlzSTFoTJGy-00482-00112783-00112886 news reports tlzSTFoTJGy-00483-00112888-00113271 represented the child brides they tlzSTFoTJGy-00484-00113272-00113519 perceived her marriage or her early tlzSTFoTJGy-00485-00113520-00113775 marriage as the only way to survive in tlzSTFoTJGy-00486-00113776-00113927 exile so tlzSTFoTJGy-00487-00113928-00114254 the news was not open or did not tlzSTFoTJGy-00488-00114255-00114799 kind of give space tlzSTFoTJGy-00489-00114800-00115223 to imagine a different solution to tlzSTFoTJGy-00490-00115224-00115534 uh the state of vulnerability to the tlzSTFoTJGy-00491-00115535-00115823 the to this is to to these economically tlzSTFoTJGy-00492-00115824-00115966 struggling families tlzSTFoTJGy-00493-00115967-00116158 so the child bride's desire to lead a tlzSTFoTJGy-00494-00116159-00116271 different life tlzSTFoTJGy-00495-00116272-00116566 is portrayed as something unattainable tlzSTFoTJGy-00496-00116567-00116639 so they're tlzSTFoTJGy-00497-00116640-00116983 there the the the child marriage here tlzSTFoTJGy-00498-00116983-00117223 was portrayed as the only ultimatum or tlzSTFoTJGy-00499-00117224-00117366 the only solution tlzSTFoTJGy-00500-00117367-00117623 for these uh economically struggling tlzSTFoTJGy-00501-00117624-00117902 families to survive in exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00502-00117903-00118102 the news around sympathy and tlzSTFoTJGy-00503-00118103-00118271 understanding tlzSTFoTJGy-00504-00118272-00118510 towards the space union community but tlzSTFoTJGy-00505-00118511-00118758 this you know sentimentalism in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00506-00118759-00118934 did not really translate tlzSTFoTJGy-00507-00118935-00119251 into humanization in fact it tlzSTFoTJGy-00508-00119252-00119375 depoliticized tlzSTFoTJGy-00509-00119376-00119678 the plight of child rights by only tlzSTFoTJGy-00510-00119679-00119775 focusing tlzSTFoTJGy-00511-00119776-00120102 on their suffering so tlzSTFoTJGy-00512-00120103-00120399 the fact that the child bride's desire tlzSTFoTJGy-00513-00120400-00120543 to lead a different life tlzSTFoTJGy-00514-00120544-00120895 was not recognized in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00515-00120896-00121199 this automatic automatically dehumanized tlzSTFoTJGy-00516-00121200-00121471 the figure of the child bride regardless tlzSTFoTJGy-00517-00121472-00121590 of the fact that tlzSTFoTJGy-00518-00121591-00121919 the news tried to around sympathy uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00519-00121920-00122295 or not um so this personification did tlzSTFoTJGy-00520-00122296-00122351 not tlzSTFoTJGy-00521-00122352-00122599 necessarily translate to humanization tlzSTFoTJGy-00522-00122600-00122775 another interesting tlzSTFoTJGy-00523-00122776-00123183 frame is that tlzSTFoTJGy-00524-00123183-00123454 there was an absence of men in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00525-00123455-00123527 reports tlzSTFoTJGy-00526-00123528-00123831 so you know male figures tlzSTFoTJGy-00527-00123832-00124031 uh in traditional female society are tlzSTFoTJGy-00528-00124032-00124231 very dominant you know they're the tlzSTFoTJGy-00529-00124232-00124423 like there's they are sovereign norm tlzSTFoTJGy-00530-00124424-00124534 setters tlzSTFoTJGy-00531-00124535-00124910 um um and the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00532-00124911-00125166 did not really talk about the father or tlzSTFoTJGy-00533-00125167-00125383 the uncle or the brother or whether tlzSTFoTJGy-00534-00125383-00125734 these male figures had a say uh in tlzSTFoTJGy-00535-00125735-00126047 uh in the early marriage tlzSTFoTJGy-00536-00126048-00126414 rather they were more interested at um tlzSTFoTJGy-00537-00126415-00126671 focusing on how the desperate mother is tlzSTFoTJGy-00538-00126672-00126863 is the one and is the only one willing tlzSTFoTJGy-00539-00126864-00126910 to tlzSTFoTJGy-00540-00126911-00127127 sacrifice her daughter so again there tlzSTFoTJGy-00541-00127128-00127423 was also a focus on tlzSTFoTJGy-00542-00127424-00127631 on the female figure here and ignoring tlzSTFoTJGy-00543-00127632-00127839 the male figures tlzSTFoTJGy-00544-00127840-00128151 in the family so this is for tlzSTFoTJGy-00545-00128152-00128366 vulnerability tlzSTFoTJGy-00546-00128367-00128678 as for resilience um the experiences of tlzSTFoTJGy-00547-00128679-00128734 women tlzSTFoTJGy-00548-00128735-00129151 with resilience were mostly tlzSTFoTJGy-00549-00129152-00129454 portrayed under a humanitarian discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00550-00129455-00129734 and what do i mean by that when the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00551-00129735-00129966 talked about tlzSTFoTJGy-00552-00129967-00130254 this place here in women being resilient tlzSTFoTJGy-00553-00130255-00130447 while living in exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00554-00130448-00130710 the image the the news mostly focused on tlzSTFoTJGy-00555-00130711-00130934 how they were participating tlzSTFoTJGy-00556-00130935-00131127 in the programs funded by the tlzSTFoTJGy-00557-00131128-00131247 humanitarian uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00558-00131248-00131439 organizations and these programs are tlzSTFoTJGy-00559-00131440-00131695 usually you know skill building programs tlzSTFoTJGy-00560-00131696-00131895 or cash for work programs tlzSTFoTJGy-00561-00131896-00132166 that you know provide a temporary tlzSTFoTJGy-00562-00132167-00132335 solution for women tlzSTFoTJGy-00563-00132336-00132663 to you know tlzSTFoTJGy-00564-00132664-00132911 live on the bare minimum and provide an tlzSTFoTJGy-00565-00132912-00133159 income for her and her family tlzSTFoTJGy-00566-00133160-00133390 as you look at the photos we see the tlzSTFoTJGy-00567-00133391-00133502 participants tlzSTFoTJGy-00568-00133503-00133871 in the news the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00569-00133872-00134143 rarely engaged with the participants the tlzSTFoTJGy-00570-00134144-00134327 the attention was mostly on the tlzSTFoTJGy-00571-00134328-00134647 humanitarian initiatives tlzSTFoTJGy-00572-00134648-00134854 there's there was no contextual tlzSTFoTJGy-00573-00134855-00135039 background to the conflict for example tlzSTFoTJGy-00574-00135040-00135214 we don't know why these women tlzSTFoTJGy-00575-00135215-00135559 sought exile why they are there tlzSTFoTJGy-00576-00135560-00135895 how did they get there um the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00577-00135896-00136023 rather tlzSTFoTJGy-00578-00136024-00136295 displayed or represented the tlzSTFoTJGy-00579-00136296-00136407 participants as tlzSTFoTJGy-00580-00136408-00136831 a political as a group of women who are tlzSTFoTJGy-00581-00136832-00137039 poor and who are passive and who are tlzSTFoTJGy-00582-00137040-00137278 there to just participate tlzSTFoTJGy-00583-00137279-00137559 in the programs so here the plight of tlzSTFoTJGy-00584-00137560-00137731 the displaced student woman is again tlzSTFoTJGy-00585-00137732-00138054 de-politicized just like as i discussed tlzSTFoTJGy-00586-00138055-00138278 in the case of the child bride however tlzSTFoTJGy-00587-00138279-00138511 this time the depolitization tlzSTFoTJGy-00588-00138512-00138807 did not really happen through you know tlzSTFoTJGy-00589-00138808-00138959 through the news trying to arouse tlzSTFoTJGy-00590-00138960-00139039 sympathy tlzSTFoTJGy-00591-00139040-00139414 but rather through when the news try to tlzSTFoTJGy-00592-00139415-00139711 focus more on you know the humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00593-00139712-00139943 initiatives and the advantages they have tlzSTFoTJGy-00594-00139944-00140511 so again they're not really interested tlzSTFoTJGy-00595-00140512-00140695 in the plight of the displaced here in tlzSTFoTJGy-00596-00140696-00140902 women so tlzSTFoTJGy-00597-00140903-00141439 what happens here when tlzSTFoTJGy-00598-00141440-00141743 when when there is a very tlzSTFoTJGy-00599-00141744-00141927 strong focus on the humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00600-00141928-00142175 initiatives and how those initiatives tlzSTFoTJGy-00601-00142176-00142454 are helping women uh become more tlzSTFoTJGy-00602-00142455-00142671 resilient while in exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00603-00142672-00142854 in a context like lebanon where there's tlzSTFoTJGy-00604-00142855-00143111 no welfare state tlzSTFoTJGy-00605-00143112-00143375 resilience among the displaced hearing tlzSTFoTJGy-00606-00143376-00143519 communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00607-00143520-00143831 is not does not become just limited to tlzSTFoTJGy-00608-00143832-00143999 their ability to deal with tlzSTFoTJGy-00609-00144000-00144302 challenges and obstacles in fact tlzSTFoTJGy-00610-00144303-00144526 resilience here especially among this tlzSTFoTJGy-00611-00144527-00144702 demographic group becomes the only tlzSTFoTJGy-00612-00144703-00144911 source of security tlzSTFoTJGy-00613-00144912-00145239 uh that that these persons have in exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00614-00145240-00145607 so when resilience becomes the only tlzSTFoTJGy-00615-00145608-00145799 source of security a person tlzSTFoTJGy-00616-00145800-00146239 has it starts to acquire a kind of a tlzSTFoTJGy-00617-00146240-00146423 neoliberal meaning tlzSTFoTJGy-00618-00146424-00146871 in a way that self-resilience here tlzSTFoTJGy-00619-00146872-00147239 becomes separated from vulnerability so tlzSTFoTJGy-00620-00147240-00147407 it's very interesting because i think tlzSTFoTJGy-00621-00147408-00147583 resilience and vulnerability are pretty tlzSTFoTJGy-00622-00147584-00147743 much connected tlzSTFoTJGy-00623-00147744-00148007 vulnerable persons are most likely to tlzSTFoTJGy-00624-00148008-00148302 employ their resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-00625-00148303-00148623 more than a less vulnerable person but tlzSTFoTJGy-00626-00148624-00148814 in this case tlzSTFoTJGy-00627-00148815-00149143 under a humanitarian discourse that is tlzSTFoTJGy-00628-00149144-00149487 um less interested tlzSTFoTJGy-00629-00149488-00149663 in you know engaging with the tlzSTFoTJGy-00630-00149664-00149831 participants and understanding tlzSTFoTJGy-00631-00149832-00150119 why they are participating in those tlzSTFoTJGy-00632-00150120-00150366 programs and why they sold exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00633-00150367-00150695 this usually tlzSTFoTJGy-00634-00150696-00150831 you know makes their state of tlzSTFoTJGy-00635-00150832-00150999 vulnerability not so tlzSTFoTJGy-00636-00151000-00151519 present in the news um tlzSTFoTJGy-00637-00151520-00151895 this may this focus on on on tlzSTFoTJGy-00638-00151896-00152254 you know on how resilience is tlzSTFoTJGy-00639-00152255-00152471 how these women are participating in tlzSTFoTJGy-00640-00152472-00152647 these programs to learn how to become tlzSTFoTJGy-00641-00152648-00152887 more resilient this tlzSTFoTJGy-00642-00152888-00153295 automatically reduces um the tlzSTFoTJGy-00643-00153296-00153551 the fullness of of of their experience tlzSTFoTJGy-00644-00153552-00153726 and exile so we no longer tlzSTFoTJGy-00645-00153727-00153895 see that they are vulnerable we just see tlzSTFoTJGy-00646-00153896-00154054 that they are resilient tlzSTFoTJGy-00647-00154055-00154319 and and i and that becomes problematic tlzSTFoTJGy-00648-00154320-00154487 because here vulnerability and tlzSTFoTJGy-00649-00154488-00154751 resilience are no longer connected tlzSTFoTJGy-00650-00154752-00155054 and resilience here starts acquiring a tlzSTFoTJGy-00651-00155055-00155214 new liberal meaning tlzSTFoTJGy-00652-00155215-00155575 so what i found is that tlzSTFoTJGy-00653-00155576-00155775 the women were presented as neoliberal tlzSTFoTJGy-00654-00155776-00156007 subjects that rely on the resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-00655-00156008-00156199 as a source of security and the only tlzSTFoTJGy-00656-00156200-00156463 source of security tlzSTFoTJGy-00657-00156464-00156735 and there was strategic silencing this tlzSTFoTJGy-00658-00156736-00156807 happened tlzSTFoTJGy-00659-00156808-00156990 when the news did not engage with the tlzSTFoTJGy-00660-00156991-00157195 participant and of course tlzSTFoTJGy-00661-00157196-00157478 dehysterization so lack of history tlzSTFoTJGy-00662-00157479-00157671 when we do not know we when the the tlzSTFoTJGy-00663-00157672-00157878 viewer does not know why these women are tlzSTFoTJGy-00664-00157879-00158078 there in the first place tlzSTFoTJGy-00665-00158079-00158463 so again poor passive apolitical tlzSTFoTJGy-00666-00158464-00158895 this media frame is reproduced tlzSTFoTJGy-00667-00158896-00159239 and then the last concept tlzSTFoTJGy-00668-00159240-00159543 um resistance so usually when the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00669-00159544-00159751 talked about resistance it was usually tlzSTFoTJGy-00670-00159752-00159823 from this tlzSTFoTJGy-00671-00159824-00160023 the the television channels that are tlzSTFoTJGy-00672-00160024-00160199 owned that are owned by the syrian tlzSTFoTJGy-00673-00160200-00160477 regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00674-00160478-00160959 [Music] tlzSTFoTJGy-00675-00160960-00161383 so if you look at the photos here tlzSTFoTJGy-00676-00161384-00161735 we have female fighters and we have tlzSTFoTJGy-00677-00161736-00162111 syrian woman in a public uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00678-00162112-00162311 wedding ceremony in aleppo getting tlzSTFoTJGy-00679-00162312-00162454 married to tlzSTFoTJGy-00680-00162455-00162919 uh the the male fighters of the regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00681-00162920-00163335 so what i found is that tlzSTFoTJGy-00682-00163336-00163487 these groups these different groups of tlzSTFoTJGy-00683-00163488-00163831 women are not mothers in real life tlzSTFoTJGy-00684-00163832-00164166 however they were portrayed under tlzSTFoTJGy-00685-00164167-00164535 uh under the notion of motherhood so tlzSTFoTJGy-00686-00164536-00164743 whether these groups of women were tlzSTFoTJGy-00687-00164744-00164966 mothers in real life or not tlzSTFoTJGy-00688-00164967-00165278 they were they were portrayed tlzSTFoTJGy-00689-00165279-00165607 through uh their duty to fulfill three tlzSTFoTJGy-00690-00165608-00165759 national services tlzSTFoTJGy-00691-00165760-00166031 so the news talked about their duty to tlzSTFoTJGy-00692-00166032-00166199 bear children tlzSTFoTJGy-00693-00166200-00166414 the duty to transmit and maintain tlzSTFoTJGy-00694-00166415-00166663 culture and national identity tlzSTFoTJGy-00695-00166664-00166902 and the duty to to participate in the tlzSTFoTJGy-00696-00166903-00167190 armed and unarmed resistance in syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00697-00167191-00167502 so automatically tlzSTFoTJGy-00698-00167503-00167719 in those news reports whether you are a tlzSTFoTJGy-00699-00167720-00167863 mother in real life or not whether tlzSTFoTJGy-00700-00167864-00168054 you're on your way to become a mother tlzSTFoTJGy-00701-00168055-00168247 you know engaging in a wedding ceremony tlzSTFoTJGy-00702-00168248-00168414 or whether you're just fighting for the tlzSTFoTJGy-00703-00168415-00168678 motherland or the homeland as we can see tlzSTFoTJGy-00704-00168679-00169007 in the photo of the female fighters tlzSTFoTJGy-00705-00169008-00169190 these groups these different groups were tlzSTFoTJGy-00706-00169191-00169414 portrayed as the mothers of the nation tlzSTFoTJGy-00707-00169415-00169663 that will fulfill their national service tlzSTFoTJGy-00708-00169664-00169926 through those three duties this tlzSTFoTJGy-00709-00169927-00170054 automatically tlzSTFoTJGy-00710-00170055-00170590 so this this um has produced um tlzSTFoTJGy-00711-00170591-00170919 has put the the female body under uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00712-00170920-00171207 you know this notion of nationalization tlzSTFoTJGy-00713-00171208-00171247 and tlzSTFoTJGy-00714-00171248-00171638 what do i mean by that is that um tlzSTFoTJGy-00715-00171639-00171902 the body of the syrian woman in assad tlzSTFoTJGy-00716-00171903-00172007 syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00717-00172008-00172254 no longer remains in the private sphere tlzSTFoTJGy-00718-00172255-00172443 of the individual but is also tlzSTFoTJGy-00719-00172444-00172959 subordinated to national interests so tlzSTFoTJGy-00720-00172960-00173254 the role of the woman of the of the tlzSTFoTJGy-00721-00173255-00173447 different groups of women here tlzSTFoTJGy-00722-00173448-00173783 um are overshadowed tlzSTFoTJGy-00723-00173784-00174095 by their moral duty to tlzSTFoTJGy-00724-00174096-00174295 you know to serve for the betterment of tlzSTFoTJGy-00725-00174296-00174495 the nation and the people tlzSTFoTJGy-00726-00174496-00174823 um so given this analysis of tlzSTFoTJGy-00727-00174824-00175038 how motherhood was portrayed in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00728-00175039-00175151 and how it's tlzSTFoTJGy-00729-00175152-00175447 you know um is being imposed on the on tlzSTFoTJGy-00730-00175448-00175671 the female body in assad syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00731-00175672-00175999 would it be fair to just limit our tlzSTFoTJGy-00732-00176000-00176207 analysis of motherhood to just tlzSTFoTJGy-00733-00176208-00176559 a patriotic duty or a social obligation tlzSTFoTJGy-00734-00176560-00176935 um i would say no tlzSTFoTJGy-00735-00176936-00177247 um i would say this is where i tlzSTFoTJGy-00736-00177248-00177447 kind of give a you know a counter tlzSTFoTJGy-00737-00177448-00177599 argument or tlzSTFoTJGy-00738-00177600-00177807 or kind of look at the those tlzSTFoTJGy-00739-00177808-00177975 representations from two different tlzSTFoTJGy-00740-00177976-00178111 perspectives tlzSTFoTJGy-00741-00178112-00178423 and and say that yes motherhood tlzSTFoTJGy-00742-00178424-00178775 can be an oppressive and patriarchal tlzSTFoTJGy-00743-00178776-00179111 uh norm however tlzSTFoTJGy-00744-00179112-00179535 um we cannot uh neglect tlzSTFoTJGy-00745-00179536-00179871 how in arab muslim society and tlzSTFoTJGy-00746-00179872-00180111 especially in the context of syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00747-00180112-00180335 how motherhood among many women tlzSTFoTJGy-00748-00180336-00180423 especially tlzSTFoTJGy-00749-00180424-00180735 a woman from from tlzSTFoTJGy-00750-00180736-00181031 lower middle class lower middle social tlzSTFoTJGy-00751-00181032-00181143 classes tlzSTFoTJGy-00752-00181144-00181454 um they strive tlzSTFoTJGy-00753-00181455-00181783 to acquire maternal roles in their daily tlzSTFoTJGy-00754-00181784-00181854 life tlzSTFoTJGy-00755-00181855-00182102 because these maternal roles or tlzSTFoTJGy-00756-00182103-00182263 matriarchal roles tlzSTFoTJGy-00757-00182264-00182471 provide them with the source of security tlzSTFoTJGy-00758-00182472-00182711 and dominance tlzSTFoTJGy-00759-00182712-00183047 in their domestic spheres and this tlzSTFoTJGy-00760-00183048-00183483 is when i just talk briefly about tlzSTFoTJGy-00761-00183484-00183895 motherhood so there is a quote by sabah tlzSTFoTJGy-00762-00183896-00183975 bahamud tlzSTFoTJGy-00763-00183976-00184311 that says in the 1990s in respond to the tlzSTFoTJGy-00764-00184312-00184390 call tlzSTFoTJGy-00765-00184391-00184614 by white middle-class feminists to tlzSTFoTJGy-00766-00184615-00184735 dismantle tlzSTFoTJGy-00767-00184736-00184990 uh the institution of the nuclear family tlzSTFoTJGy-00768-00184991-00185135 which they believed to be a tlzSTFoTJGy-00769-00185136-00185399 key source of women's oppression native tlzSTFoTJGy-00770-00185400-00185631 and african american feminists argued tlzSTFoTJGy-00771-00185632-00185735 that freedom tlzSTFoTJGy-00772-00185736-00185999 for them consisted in being able to form tlzSTFoTJGy-00773-00186000-00186102 families tlzSTFoTJGy-00774-00186103-00186343 since the long history of slavery tlzSTFoTJGy-00775-00186344-00186423 genocide tlzSTFoTJGy-00776-00186424-00186726 and racism had operated precisely by tlzSTFoTJGy-00777-00186727-00186895 breaking up their communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00778-00186896-00187119 and social networks and i find this tlzSTFoTJGy-00779-00187120-00187287 quote very interesting because if you tlzSTFoTJGy-00780-00187288-00187478 look at the syrian conflict one of the tlzSTFoTJGy-00781-00187479-00187526 major tlzSTFoTJGy-00782-00187527-00187823 aftermath one of one big aftermath here tlzSTFoTJGy-00783-00187824-00187895 in conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-00784-00187896-00188238 is the fact that many syrian families tlzSTFoTJGy-00785-00188239-00188423 were dismantled were breaking up tlzSTFoTJGy-00786-00188424-00188926 broken up because of the war so tlzSTFoTJGy-00787-00188927-00189511 from a non-liberal feminist perspective tlzSTFoTJGy-00788-00189512-00189831 i would say that yes tlzSTFoTJGy-00789-00189832-00190087 the body of the syrian woman is not is tlzSTFoTJGy-00790-00190088-00190287 no longer in the private sphere and tlzSTFoTJGy-00791-00190288-00190599 is being nationalized through the tlzSTFoTJGy-00792-00190600-00191047 national narratives however tlzSTFoTJGy-00793-00191048-00191335 marriage and motherhood in the context tlzSTFoTJGy-00794-00191336-00191438 of syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00795-00191439-00191743 remains an instrument an instrument tlzSTFoTJGy-00796-00191744-00192047 that kind of transfers control to women tlzSTFoTJGy-00797-00192048-00192231 so the syrian woman's domestic tlzSTFoTJGy-00798-00192232-00192502 obligations may become a source of power tlzSTFoTJGy-00799-00192503-00192654 and control in a way tlzSTFoTJGy-00800-00192655-00192911 so repressive as they are the syrian tlzSTFoTJGy-00801-00192912-00192966 state's tlzSTFoTJGy-00802-00192967-00193190 policies that encourage the tlzSTFoTJGy-00803-00193191-00193359 domestication of women tlzSTFoTJGy-00804-00193360-00193583 and a society that grants men for tlzSTFoTJGy-00805-00193584-00193687 instance the right tlzSTFoTJGy-00806-00193688-00193943 to forbid their wives in holding a waged tlzSTFoTJGy-00807-00193944-00194135 employment and to work in a tlzSTFoTJGy-00808-00194136-00194383 mixed labor market which is the context tlzSTFoTJGy-00809-00194384-00194502 of syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00810-00194503-00194702 makes the role of the mother valued and tlzSTFoTJGy-00811-00194703-00194911 appreciated among women tlzSTFoTJGy-00812-00194912-00195223 so this is just tlzSTFoTJGy-00813-00195224-00195559 you know two different perspectives on tlzSTFoTJGy-00814-00195560-00195759 how we can look at motherhood in the tlzSTFoTJGy-00815-00195760-00196126 context of the syrian conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-00816-00196127-00196383 so now that i've presented presented my tlzSTFoTJGy-00817-00196384-00196495 main findings tlzSTFoTJGy-00818-00196496-00196823 i will try i will give the tlzSTFoTJGy-00819-00196824-00197031 interpretation tlzSTFoTJGy-00820-00197032-00197350 so the television channels that are tlzSTFoTJGy-00821-00197351-00197559 critical of the syrian regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00822-00197560-00197807 that are owned by political elites of tlzSTFoTJGy-00823-00197808-00197999 the arab gulf states that are funding tlzSTFoTJGy-00824-00198000-00198166 the syrian opposition tlzSTFoTJGy-00825-00198167-00198359 obviously the news here was tlzSTFoTJGy-00826-00198360-00198543 sensationalist tlzSTFoTJGy-00827-00198544-00198726 when reporting on the violent crimes tlzSTFoTJGy-00828-00198727-00198902 committed by the assad tlzSTFoTJGy-00829-00198903-00199071 and at the same time they kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-00830-00199072-00199254 ignored the violent tlzSTFoTJGy-00831-00199255-00199447 the violence inflicted on syrian women tlzSTFoTJGy-00832-00199448-00199631 by the opposition tlzSTFoTJGy-00833-00199632-00199878 on the other hand the television tlzSTFoTJGy-00834-00199879-00200095 channels that are owned or controlled by tlzSTFoTJGy-00835-00200096-00200335 the syrian regime or supporting it tlzSTFoTJGy-00836-00200336-00200535 acted as a mouthpiece to the government tlzSTFoTJGy-00837-00200536-00200638 policies tlzSTFoTJGy-00838-00200639-00200871 and the political agendas of the regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00839-00200872-00200959 they ignored tlzSTFoTJGy-00840-00200960-00201199 syrian women living in exile these news tlzSTFoTJGy-00841-00201200-00201390 these television channels tlzSTFoTJGy-00842-00201391-00201726 just they think that you know women tlzSTFoTJGy-00843-00201727-00201847 there are no displaced hearing tlzSTFoTJGy-00844-00201848-00202047 communities for them these communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00845-00202048-00202183 do not exist tlzSTFoTJGy-00846-00202184-00202366 and only focused on the positive tlzSTFoTJGy-00847-00202367-00202559 experiences of women tlzSTFoTJGy-00848-00202560-00202895 in the war tlzSTFoTJGy-00849-00202896-00203183 so given all that i would argue that tlzSTFoTJGy-00850-00203184-00203311 there were three logics tlzSTFoTJGy-00851-00203312-00203543 circulating throughout all of that there tlzSTFoTJGy-00852-00203544-00203671 was the media logic tlzSTFoTJGy-00853-00203672-00203847 there was the gender logic and then tlzSTFoTJGy-00854-00203848-00204247 there was the war logic tlzSTFoTJGy-00855-00204248-00204575 when talking about the media logic tlzSTFoTJGy-00856-00204576-00204831 mostly it means the militarization of tlzSTFoTJGy-00857-00204832-00204903 the media tlzSTFoTJGy-00858-00204904-00205279 or the you know using tlzSTFoTJGy-00859-00205280-00205519 the news reports or the media to kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-00860-00205519-00205655 justify tlzSTFoTJGy-00861-00205656-00205951 uh one's interference in the war so when tlzSTFoTJGy-00862-00205952-00206142 the arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-00863-00206144-00206471 um that are you know outspoken about tlzSTFoTJGy-00864-00206471-00206686 their support of the syrian opposition tlzSTFoTJGy-00865-00206687-00206903 that have majorly contributed to this tlzSTFoTJGy-00866-00206904-00207151 proxy war in syria by providing weapons tlzSTFoTJGy-00867-00207152-00207279 to armed groups tlzSTFoTJGy-00868-00207280-00207494 that are fighting the regime the media tlzSTFoTJGy-00869-00207496-00207671 logic here tlzSTFoTJGy-00870-00207671-00208031 becomes quite obvious especially when tlzSTFoTJGy-00871-00208032-00208342 those particular news channels tlzSTFoTJGy-00872-00208344-00208694 were mostly interested tlzSTFoTJGy-00873-00208696-00208934 in revealing how the regime violated tlzSTFoTJGy-00874-00208935-00209071 human rights tlzSTFoTJGy-00875-00209071-00209358 um to show how their enemy which is tlzSTFoTJGy-00876-00209359-00209479 their regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00877-00209480-00209742 is doing so but then at the same time tlzSTFoTJGy-00878-00209744-00209967 ignoring the violence committed by the tlzSTFoTJGy-00879-00209967-00210110 groups that they are funding and tlzSTFoTJGy-00880-00210111-00210294 supporting politically tlzSTFoTJGy-00881-00210296-00210639 um when they talked about how the enemy tlzSTFoTJGy-00882-00210640-00210831 or the syrian regime is violating human tlzSTFoTJGy-00883-00210832-00210967 rights tlzSTFoTJGy-00884-00210967-00211439 they were more focused on how tlzSTFoTJGy-00885-00211440-00211806 the violation of human rights and tlzSTFoTJGy-00886-00211807-00212127 the violence inflicted on women um kind tlzSTFoTJGy-00887-00212128-00212167 of tlzSTFoTJGy-00888-00212167-00212506 uh produced this shaming shaming and tlzSTFoTJGy-00889-00212507-00212671 stigmatization tlzSTFoTJGy-00890-00212671-00213031 of of the victim so tlzSTFoTJGy-00891-00213032-00213334 this kind of reduced the complexity of tlzSTFoTJGy-00892-00213335-00213639 of the the human rights violations uh tlzSTFoTJGy-00893-00213640-00213710 when they tlzSTFoTJGy-00894-00213711-00214023 when they mostly focused on how the tlzSTFoTJGy-00895-00214023-00214246 victims were female and how the victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00896-00214248-00214279 were tlzSTFoTJGy-00897-00214280-00214615 shamed and stigmatized this tlzSTFoTJGy-00898-00214616-00214806 induced an emotional rather than tlzSTFoTJGy-00899-00214807-00215031 analytical response tlzSTFoTJGy-00900-00215032-00215310 and again restricted the experiences of tlzSTFoTJGy-00901-00215311-00215446 female victims to tlzSTFoTJGy-00902-00215448-00215671 gender binary constructions and this tlzSTFoTJGy-00903-00215671-00215871 kind of leads us to the gender logic tlzSTFoTJGy-00904-00215871-00215927 here tlzSTFoTJGy-00905-00215928-00216206 that is more that is focused on how the tlzSTFoTJGy-00906-00216207-00216287 news tlzSTFoTJGy-00907-00216288-00216606 constructs the dichotomy of male versus tlzSTFoTJGy-00908-00216607-00216719 female tlzSTFoTJGy-00909-00216719-00217023 so most of the figures the different tlzSTFoTJGy-00910-00217023-00217351 the different uh figures of syrian women tlzSTFoTJGy-00911-00217352-00217446 in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00912-00217448-00217646 were placed in the context of tlzSTFoTJGy-00913-00217648-00217831 traditional femininity tlzSTFoTJGy-00914-00217832-00218031 so they were the helpless victims the tlzSTFoTJGy-00915-00218032-00218167 female victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00916-00218167-00218382 that are destined to fall as victims tlzSTFoTJGy-00917-00218383-00218558 simply because they are female so here tlzSTFoTJGy-00918-00218559-00218623 the tlzSTFoTJGy-00919-00218623-00218798 the the suffering and the violence tlzSTFoTJGy-00920-00218800-00219094 against women is naturalized in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00921-00219096-00219351 then there are the child rights that are tlzSTFoTJGy-00922-00219352-00219446 destined tlzSTFoTJGy-00923-00219448-00219815 uh to fall as child rights and tlzSTFoTJGy-00924-00219816-00220046 are portrayed as you know their their tlzSTFoTJGy-00925-00220048-00220206 desire to lead a different life tlzSTFoTJGy-00926-00220207-00220503 is um portrayed as something tlzSTFoTJGy-00927-00220504-00220742 unattainable or not even in the question tlzSTFoTJGy-00928-00220744-00220887 so they don't they don't even question tlzSTFoTJGy-00929-00220888-00221134 that and then the desperate mothers in tlzSTFoTJGy-00930-00221135-00221239 exile tlzSTFoTJGy-00931-00221240-00221551 the mothers of the nation so women in tlzSTFoTJGy-00932-00221552-00221671 syria tlzSTFoTJGy-00933-00221671-00221823 have to pray the laurel of the mother tlzSTFoTJGy-00934-00221823-00222023 whether they are mothers in real life or tlzSTFoTJGy-00935-00222023-00222182 not so again this is traditional tlzSTFoTJGy-00936-00222183-00222334 femininity tlzSTFoTJGy-00937-00222335-00222567 and even the female fighters that what tlzSTFoTJGy-00938-00222567-00222703 that one would expect tlzSTFoTJGy-00939-00222704-00223055 to you know to be portrayed under moscow tlzSTFoTJGy-00940-00223056-00223439 a masculine type of imagery tlzSTFoTJGy-00941-00223440-00223871 uh were actually um compared to flowers tlzSTFoTJGy-00942-00223871-00224167 ornamented flowers so again traditional tlzSTFoTJGy-00943-00224167-00224446 femininity tlzSTFoTJGy-00944-00224448-00224791 the last logic here is the war logic and tlzSTFoTJGy-00945-00224792-00224982 when we talk about the war logic tlzSTFoTJGy-00946-00224983-00225482 it usually means how the news tlzSTFoTJGy-00947-00225483-00225751 um legitimate gives tlzSTFoTJGy-00948-00225752-00226055 a sort of legitimatization of the war tlzSTFoTJGy-00949-00226056-00226415 by constructing the self and the other tlzSTFoTJGy-00950-00226416-00226694 um so what do i mean by the self and the tlzSTFoTJGy-00951-00226696-00226894 other tlzSTFoTJGy-00952-00226896-00227110 so when we look at the arab satellite tlzSTFoTJGy-00953-00227111-00227255 television channels tlzSTFoTJGy-00954-00227256-00227527 that are owned by arab gulf states these tlzSTFoTJGy-00955-00227528-00227663 channels mostly tlzSTFoTJGy-00956-00227664-00228023 prioritize the humanitarian initiatives tlzSTFoTJGy-00957-00228023-00228263 over the political meaning of the tlzSTFoTJGy-00958-00228264-00228455 displaced hearing communities tlzSTFoTJGy-00959-00228456-00228775 so they mostly talked about tlzSTFoTJGy-00960-00228776-00229127 um how you know tlzSTFoTJGy-00961-00229128-00229479 um how the humanitarian initiatives are tlzSTFoTJGy-00962-00229480-00229775 there to help the syrian woman tlzSTFoTJGy-00963-00229776-00230046 how there is an evil other which is the tlzSTFoTJGy-00964-00230048-00230110 regime tlzSTFoTJGy-00965-00230111-00230455 so the enemy is the evil other and tlzSTFoTJGy-00966-00230456-00230879 again under the humanitarian discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00967-00230880-00231103 the syrian women were portrayed as the tlzSTFoTJGy-00968-00231104-00231206 needy refugee tlzSTFoTJGy-00969-00231207-00231510 or the poor arabs so in this case the tlzSTFoTJGy-00970-00231511-00231719 syrian woman becomes portrayed as the tlzSTFoTJGy-00971-00231719-00231839 other arab tlzSTFoTJGy-00972-00231840-00232071 so the self here is the rich arab gulf tlzSTFoTJGy-00973-00232071-00232191 states tlzSTFoTJGy-00974-00232192-00232639 and how they portrayed tlzSTFoTJGy-00975-00232640-00232951 the the the displaced syrian woman as tlzSTFoTJGy-00976-00232952-00233055 the other tlzSTFoTJGy-00977-00233056-00233391 that is apolitical that is passive tlzSTFoTJGy-00978-00233392-00233591 and that is participating in the tlzSTFoTJGy-00979-00233592-00233798 humanitarian initiative tlzSTFoTJGy-00980-00233800-00234039 in a poor import arab countries such as tlzSTFoTJGy-00981-00234040-00234198 lebanon so this kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-00982-00234200-00234415 makes creates a divide between the self tlzSTFoTJGy-00983-00234416-00234598 the rich arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-00984-00234600-00234846 and the other the the other arab the tlzSTFoTJGy-00985-00234848-00235198 poor arab tlzSTFoTJGy-00986-00235200-00235406 displaced in another poor country and tlzSTFoTJGy-00987-00235407-00235598 participating in the humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00988-00235600-00235846 initiatives tlzSTFoTJGy-00989-00235848-00236198 um before tlzSTFoTJGy-00990-00236200-00236471 this is the last slide so before i tlzSTFoTJGy-00991-00236471-00236606 discuss this slide i would like to tlzSTFoTJGy-00992-00236607-00237055 mention that tlzSTFoTJGy-00993-00237056-00237271 under war logic when talking about the tlzSTFoTJGy-00994-00237271-00238015 self and the other tlzSTFoTJGy-00995-00238016-00238327 when the arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-00996-00238328-00238655 portray self-resilience among the space tlzSTFoTJGy-00997-00238656-00238823 tier and women through a humanitarian tlzSTFoTJGy-00998-00238823-00239175 discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-00999-00239176-00239482 this does not only create a neo-liberal tlzSTFoTJGy-01000-00239483-00239671 uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01001-00239671-00240031 neoliberal definition of resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-01002-00240032-00240398 but it also has a more tlzSTFoTJGy-01003-00240400-00240646 social political meaning in a way that tlzSTFoTJGy-01004-00240648-00240951 you know the arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-01005-00240952-00241198 are rich arab countries that did not tlzSTFoTJGy-01006-00241200-00241319 offer any tlzSTFoTJGy-01007-00241319-00241558 uh resettlement places to the space tlzSTFoTJGy-01008-00241559-00241694 syrian communities tlzSTFoTJGy-01009-00241696-00241934 so they contributed to this the proxy tlzSTFoTJGy-01010-00241935-00242134 war in syria they provided weapons to tlzSTFoTJGy-01011-00242135-00242455 the syrian opposition they they tlzSTFoTJGy-01012-00242456-00242863 had a direct role in causing the tlzSTFoTJGy-01013-00242864-00242934 displaced tlzSTFoTJGy-01014-00242935-00243255 displacement of the syrian families but tlzSTFoTJGy-01015-00243256-00243319 on the same tlzSTFoTJGy-01016-00243319-00243479 at the same time when looking at the tlzSTFoTJGy-01017-00243480-00243682 political discourse of the arab gulf tlzSTFoTJGy-01018-00243683-00243855 states tlzSTFoTJGy-01019-00243856-00244223 there is an assumption that there is no tlzSTFoTJGy-01020-00244223-00244294 need tlzSTFoTJGy-01021-00244296-00244563 to to to assume or to offer tlzSTFoTJGy-01022-00244564-00244694 responsibility tlzSTFoTJGy-01023-00244696-00244951 or to offer uh resettlement places to tlzSTFoTJGy-01024-00244952-00245158 the space syrian communities tlzSTFoTJGy-01025-00245159-00245398 through the fact that these arab gulf tlzSTFoTJGy-01026-00245400-00245503 states are tlzSTFoTJGy-01027-00245504-00245767 are pitching and or are paying for those tlzSTFoTJGy-01028-00245767-00245951 humanitarian initiatives tlzSTFoTJGy-01029-00245952-00246230 so when the syrian women are are tlzSTFoTJGy-01030-00246231-00246342 portrayed as the tlzSTFoTJGy-01031-00246344-00246510 other arab who is better fitted to tlzSTFoTJGy-01032-00246511-00246742 remain in economically struggling arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01033-00246744-00246991 countries such as lebanon and jordan tlzSTFoTJGy-01034-00246992-00247351 this indirectly uh spares tlzSTFoTJGy-01035-00247352-00247655 the arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-01036-00247656-00247894 from the responsibility of offering tlzSTFoTJGy-01037-00247896-00248030 asylum to these tlzSTFoTJGy-01038-00248031-00248342 to these um to these uh displaced tlzSTFoTJGy-01039-00248344-00248558 space communities so anyway the tlzSTFoTJGy-01040-00248559-00248727 humanitarian initiatives or the tlzSTFoTJGy-01041-00248728-00248919 humanitarian discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-01042-00248919-00249215 are is there to serve the political tlzSTFoTJGy-01043-00249216-00249310 agenda tlzSTFoTJGy-01044-00249311-00249527 of the arab gulf states which is that tlzSTFoTJGy-01045-00249528-00249742 we're not going to offer asylum to those tlzSTFoTJGy-01046-00249744-00249927 groups because they are the other arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01047-00249928-00250079 and they are the poor arab and they are tlzSTFoTJGy-01048-00250080-00250182 better fitted tlzSTFoTJGy-01049-00250183-00250503 um to stay to stay in you know countries tlzSTFoTJGy-01050-00250504-00250710 like lebanon and jordan tlzSTFoTJGy-01051-00250711-00250958 so this is the neoliberal discourse that tlzSTFoTJGy-01052-00250959-00251127 took place hand-in-hand with the tlzSTFoTJGy-01053-00251128-00251391 humanitarian discourse in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01054-00251392-00251710 and then on the other side the assad tlzSTFoTJGy-01055-00251711-00251967 regime and its allies tlzSTFoTJGy-01056-00251967-00252191 the the newsroom the the television tlzSTFoTJGy-01057-00252192-00252358 channels that are tlzSTFoTJGy-01058-00252359-00252663 um controlled or that are uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01059-00252664-00252942 that are acting as a mouthpiece to this tlzSTFoTJGy-01060-00252944-00253071 to the regime tlzSTFoTJGy-01061-00253071-00253471 um they reproduce the images of syrian tlzSTFoTJGy-01062-00253471-00253551 women tlzSTFoTJGy-01063-00253552-00253871 as the mothers of the nation and this tlzSTFoTJGy-01064-00253871-00254255 imagery is part of a greater political tlzSTFoTJGy-01065-00254256-00254342 agenda tlzSTFoTJGy-01066-00254344-00254582 that is influenced by the communist tlzSTFoTJGy-01067-00254583-00254782 imageries of people so tlzSTFoTJGy-01068-00254783-00255110 the the assad regime and the bath party tlzSTFoTJGy-01069-00255111-00255391 politically they are anti-western and tlzSTFoTJGy-01070-00255392-00255639 they are anti-arab gulf states tlzSTFoTJGy-01071-00255640-00255967 um so when the tlzSTFoTJGy-01072-00255967-00256127 the image of the syrian woman is tlzSTFoTJGy-01073-00256128-00256319 portrayed through the duties to serve tlzSTFoTJGy-01074-00256319-00256439 the nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01075-00256440-00256806 um this automatically reproduces the the tlzSTFoTJGy-01076-00256807-00257071 the political agenda and the ideology of tlzSTFoTJGy-01077-00257071-00257182 baath and assad tlzSTFoTJGy-01078-00257183-00257382 which is to resist western imperialism tlzSTFoTJGy-01079-00257383-00257582 and the unite the syrian people and the tlzSTFoTJGy-01080-00257583-00257719 arab umma tlzSTFoTJGy-01081-00257719-00257991 so again the figure of the syrian woman tlzSTFoTJGy-01082-00257992-00258079 becomes tlzSTFoTJGy-01083-00258080-00258271 at the forefront of the geopolitical tlzSTFoTJGy-01084-00258271-00258542 tensions so there are two ideologies tlzSTFoTJGy-01085-00258544-00258742 um that are fighting each other here tlzSTFoTJGy-01086-00258744-00258919 first the arab gulf states that are tlzSTFoTJGy-01087-00258919-00259082 capitalists they are capitalist tlzSTFoTJGy-01088-00259083-00259223 societies um tlzSTFoTJGy-01089-00259223-00259527 they are you know anti-syrian regime tlzSTFoTJGy-01090-00259528-00259846 pro-western and neo-liberal tlzSTFoTJGy-01091-00259848-00260094 and this this ideology was reproduced in tlzSTFoTJGy-01092-00260096-00260206 the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01093-00260207-00260398 through reproducing the images of tlzSTFoTJGy-01094-00260400-00260591 dyslexia and women as the other arab or tlzSTFoTJGy-01095-00260592-00260687 the poor arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01096-00260688-00260871 and on the other hand as i've already tlzSTFoTJGy-01097-00260871-00261063 explained the mothers of the nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01098-00261064-00261446 now these um these media frames or the tlzSTFoTJGy-01099-00261448-00261591 figure of the syrian woman in this tlzSTFoTJGy-01100-00261592-00261742 particular context tlzSTFoTJGy-01101-00261744-00262030 is very contextual and you know in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01102-00262031-00262127 future tlzSTFoTJGy-01103-00262128-00262430 there will probably maybe be a different tlzSTFoTJGy-01104-00262431-00262567 regime in syria tlzSTFoTJGy-01105-00262568-00262782 it will maybe no longer be influenced by tlzSTFoTJGy-01106-00262783-00262895 communist imagery tlzSTFoTJGy-01107-00262896-00263087 or the arab gulf states might shift tlzSTFoTJGy-01108-00263088-00263287 their political agenda etc tlzSTFoTJGy-01109-00263288-00263591 so these images are contextual tlzSTFoTJGy-01110-00263592-00263855 they may shift in the future but they tlzSTFoTJGy-01111-00263856-00263895 are tlzSTFoTJGy-01112-00263896-00264206 always you know symptoms tlzSTFoTJGy-01113-00264207-00264463 of broader issues around nationalism tlzSTFoTJGy-01114-00264464-00264647 around gender tlzSTFoTJGy-01115-00264648-00265015 polit uh gender uh politics and conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-01116-00265016-00265127 so there will always be tlzSTFoTJGy-01117-00265128-00265439 symptoms tlzSTFoTJGy-01118-00265440-00265871 of these factors and then the last tlzSTFoTJGy-01119-00265872-00266239 the last um slide is so tlzSTFoTJGy-01120-00266240-00266447 what can we conclude was there a tlzSTFoTJGy-01121-00266448-00266623 fabulous logic in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01122-00266624-00266799 of course not will there be in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01123-00266800-00266958 future tlzSTFoTJGy-01124-00266959-00267239 most likely not in arab satellite tlzSTFoTJGy-01125-00267240-00267479 television media funded by arab gulf tlzSTFoTJGy-01126-00267480-00267671 states or the syrian regime tlzSTFoTJGy-01127-00267672-00267919 but the question i would like to ask is tlzSTFoTJGy-01128-00267920-00268167 where can refugees migrants women tlzSTFoTJGy-01129-00268168-00268358 minorities and any marginalized tlzSTFoTJGy-01130-00268359-00268471 community tlzSTFoTJGy-01131-00268472-00268710 gain a political voice rather than be tlzSTFoTJGy-01132-00268711-00268791 represented tlzSTFoTJGy-01133-00268792-00269134 as objects of a choir in the media um tlzSTFoTJGy-01134-00269135-00269447 so spaces of appearances or spaces where tlzSTFoTJGy-01135-00269448-00269630 you know marginalized communities can tlzSTFoTJGy-01136-00269631-00269782 articulate their voices tlzSTFoTJGy-01137-00269783-00270071 without being silenced or without having tlzSTFoTJGy-01138-00270072-00270191 their voices tlzSTFoTJGy-01139-00270192-00270430 uh you know overshadowed by political tlzSTFoTJGy-01140-00270431-00270582 agendas and ideologies tlzSTFoTJGy-01141-00270583-00270782 so where do the spaces of appearance tlzSTFoTJGy-01142-00270783-00270903 that challenge hierarchies of tlzSTFoTJGy-01143-00270904-00271103 representations and empower voices tlzSTFoTJGy-01144-00271104-00271543 exist um in a study done in austria tlzSTFoTJGy-01145-00271544-00271775 uh on contemporary artistic practices tlzSTFoTJGy-01146-00271776-00272063 the study found that tlzSTFoTJGy-01147-00272064-00272310 spaces of appearances or spaces where tlzSTFoTJGy-01148-00272311-00272519 hierarchies of representations could be tlzSTFoTJGy-01149-00272520-00272727 undone and voices are enabled tlzSTFoTJGy-01150-00272728-00273071 do exist and do not exist in the press tlzSTFoTJGy-01151-00273072-00273134 coverage tlzSTFoTJGy-01152-00273135-00273399 for example but exist in contemporary tlzSTFoTJGy-01153-00273400-00273599 artistic practices so this is where the tlzSTFoTJGy-01154-00273600-00273791 the counter hegemonic discourse might tlzSTFoTJGy-01155-00273792-00274103 exist also social media contexts where tlzSTFoTJGy-01156-00274104-00274310 civil society protests and grassroots tlzSTFoTJGy-01157-00274311-00274391 movements tlzSTFoTJGy-01158-00274392-00274606 are channeled is another space where tlzSTFoTJGy-01159-00274607-00274719 where where tlzSTFoTJGy-01160-00274720-00274919 marginalized communities can can gain a tlzSTFoTJGy-01161-00274920-00275158 political voice tlzSTFoTJGy-01162-00275159-00275495 that's it thank you yeah thank you very tlzSTFoTJGy-01163-00275496-00275591 much for this tlzSTFoTJGy-01164-00275592-00275934 really in-depth presentation yeah thank tlzSTFoTJGy-01165-00275935-00276095 you tlzSTFoTJGy-01166-00276096-00276487 um so i would ask one thing uh which tlzSTFoTJGy-01167-00276488-00276806 maybe you can tell us some more details tlzSTFoTJGy-01168-00276807-00277119 um could you explain the tlzSTFoTJGy-01169-00277120-00277527 neoliberal ideology in the arab context tlzSTFoTJGy-01170-00277528-00277575 of it tlzSTFoTJGy-01171-00277576-00277903 more in detail as i said that in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01172-00277904-00278127 context of lebanon for example where tlzSTFoTJGy-01173-00278128-00278334 there's no welfare state tlzSTFoTJGy-01174-00278335-00278782 but among marginalized communities tlzSTFoTJGy-01175-00278783-00279063 person's self-resilience or a person's tlzSTFoTJGy-01176-00279064-00279319 resilience in everyday life becomes the tlzSTFoTJGy-01177-00279320-00279647 the only way to survive tlzSTFoTJGy-01178-00279648-00280167 and tlzSTFoTJGy-01179-00280168-00280487 when the news talks about resilience for tlzSTFoTJGy-01180-00280488-00280599 example tlzSTFoTJGy-01181-00280600-00280903 and how those participants are engaging tlzSTFoTJGy-01182-00280904-00281406 in the humanitarian programs that tlzSTFoTJGy-01183-00281407-00281791 that are there to kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-01184-00281792-00282071 help the participants strengthen their tlzSTFoTJGy-01185-00282072-00282375 resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-01186-00282376-00282639 in this context resilience becomes tlzSTFoTJGy-01187-00282640-00282855 separated from vulnerability tlzSTFoTJGy-01188-00282856-00283199 because the news no longer perceives uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01189-00283200-00283487 these groups of women as vulnerable but tlzSTFoTJGy-01190-00283488-00283558 rather tlzSTFoTJGy-01191-00283559-00283927 perceives them as people who are tlzSTFoTJGy-01192-00283928-00284158 you know the news kind of presents them tlzSTFoTJGy-01193-00284159-00284358 as those heroic subjects that will tlzSTFoTJGy-01194-00284359-00284551 recover no matter what tlzSTFoTJGy-01195-00284552-00284767 and i think this is very problematic tlzSTFoTJGy-01196-00284768-00284903 because tlzSTFoTJGy-01197-00284904-00285230 um it just depoliticizes tlzSTFoTJGy-01198-00285231-00285615 um their plight tlzSTFoTJGy-01199-00285616-00285879 or or the fact that that they are they tlzSTFoTJGy-01200-00285880-00286110 are vulnerable and they are displaced tlzSTFoTJGy-01201-00286111-00286454 um another example is other from this tlzSTFoTJGy-01202-00286455-00286695 other another example on this uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01203-00286696-00286887 neoliberal resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-01204-00286888-00287263 uh could be seen in in the explosion in tlzSTFoTJGy-01205-00287264-00287415 lebanon so i don't know if tlzSTFoTJGy-01206-00287416-00287599 any of you heard the news in august tlzSTFoTJGy-01207-00287600-00287791 there was a big explosion tlzSTFoTJGy-01208-00287792-00288199 in beirut that destroyed you know tlzSTFoTJGy-01209-00288200-00288519 a huge part of the city and when the tlzSTFoTJGy-01210-00288520-00288751 news talked about tlzSTFoTJGy-01211-00288752-00289071 you know how the lebanese or tlzSTFoTJGy-01212-00289072-00289423 how anyone living in beirut is hoping tlzSTFoTJGy-01213-00289424-00289791 they kind of um said that tlzSTFoTJGy-01214-00289792-00290054 you know these people will recover no tlzSTFoTJGy-01215-00290055-00290191 matter what tlzSTFoTJGy-01216-00290192-00290382 um because they are resilient so they tlzSTFoTJGy-01217-00290383-00290534 will rebuild the country that by tlzSTFoTJGy-01218-00290535-00290758 themselves they don't need anyone to tlzSTFoTJGy-01219-00290759-00290863 help them tlzSTFoTJGy-01220-00290864-00291282 um this becomes problematic because tlzSTFoTJGy-01221-00291283-00291534 um the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01222-00291535-00291847 stopped through by focusing on how tlzSTFoTJGy-01223-00291848-00291982 resilient uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01224-00291983-00292199 the lebanese communities are then the tlzSTFoTJGy-01225-00292200-00292447 news forgets that they should question tlzSTFoTJGy-01226-00292448-00292703 why are these people forced to be this tlzSTFoTJGy-01227-00292704-00292958 resilient in the first place tlzSTFoTJGy-01228-00292959-00293151 why did this explosion happen in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01229-00293152-00293271 first place tlzSTFoTJGy-01230-00293272-00293743 um so no one is held accountable tlzSTFoTJGy-01231-00293744-00293951 the same for the the displacement of tlzSTFoTJGy-01232-00293952-00294247 syrian syrian syrian woman tlzSTFoTJGy-01233-00294248-00294439 the arab gulf states are not held tlzSTFoTJGy-01234-00294440-00294623 accountable for contributing to the tlzSTFoTJGy-01235-00294624-00294727 proxy war tlzSTFoTJGy-01236-00294728-00294895 the the lebanese state is not held tlzSTFoTJGy-01237-00294896-00295158 accountable for forcing for forcing tlzSTFoTJGy-01238-00295159-00295367 uh displaced syrian communities to live tlzSTFoTJGy-01239-00295368-00295463 in temporary tlzSTFoTJGy-01240-00295464-00295767 uh tends to to destroy their own tents tlzSTFoTJGy-01241-00295768-00295910 for having these laws tlzSTFoTJGy-01242-00295911-00296119 that you know are basically a violation tlzSTFoTJGy-01243-00296120-00296223 of human rights tlzSTFoTJGy-01244-00296224-00296663 so um again it's the depolitization tlzSTFoTJGy-01245-00296664-00296823 of the whole situation and the tlzSTFoTJGy-01246-00296824-00297006 separation of vulnerability from tlzSTFoTJGy-01247-00297007-00297095 resilience tlzSTFoTJGy-01248-00297096-00297495 is when resilience starts becoming a new tlzSTFoTJGy-01249-00297496-00297799 it starts acquiring a new liberal um tlzSTFoTJGy-01250-00297800-00298087 definition and i think it's it becomes tlzSTFoTJGy-01251-00298088-00298279 harmful in this context tlzSTFoTJGy-01252-00298280-00298463 because no one is held accountable for tlzSTFoTJGy-01253-00298464-00298663 the violence or the conflict or tlzSTFoTJGy-01254-00298664-00298975 or the injustice that these groups tlzSTFoTJGy-01255-00298976-00299351 have to deal with every day tlzSTFoTJGy-01256-00299352-00299582 what came to my mind when you explained tlzSTFoTJGy-01257-00299583-00299775 especially the part of the motherhood tlzSTFoTJGy-01258-00299776-00300087 was the tlzSTFoTJGy-01259-00300088-00300406 the similarity to national socialism in tlzSTFoTJGy-01260-00300407-00300591 austria and germany where also tlzSTFoTJGy-01261-00300592-00300919 women were tlzSTFoTJGy-01262-00300920-00301295 shown as as mothers of nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01263-00301296-00301599 so i was thinking if it's typical tlzSTFoTJGy-01264-00301600-00301910 for syrian people to show women tlzSTFoTJGy-01265-00301911-00302151 or arab culture to show women in that tlzSTFoTJGy-01266-00302152-00302423 way or if it's tlzSTFoTJGy-01267-00302424-00302727 a patriarchal image tlzSTFoTJGy-01268-00302728-00303103 that is not attached to any culture at tlzSTFoTJGy-01269-00303104-00303158 all but tlzSTFoTJGy-01270-00303159-00303479 to the system against women tlzSTFoTJGy-01271-00303480-00303782 what is the question in that is tlzSTFoTJGy-01272-00303783-00304175 the idea of the imaging women as victims tlzSTFoTJGy-01273-00304176-00304319 as tlzSTFoTJGy-01274-00304320-00304703 well mothers with ex explicit roles tlzSTFoTJGy-01275-00304704-00305087 in war is more patriarchal tlzSTFoTJGy-01276-00305088-00305551 culture than any other culture tlzSTFoTJGy-01277-00305552-00305775 yeah so i don't know if you have tlzSTFoTJGy-01278-00305776-00305854 observation tlzSTFoTJGy-01279-00305855-00306071 made up observations about that because tlzSTFoTJGy-01280-00306072-00306230 also your tlzSTFoTJGy-01281-00306231-00306615 observations about the neoliberal tlzSTFoTJGy-01282-00306616-00307023 system and the syrian system is quite tlzSTFoTJGy-01283-00307024-00307206 coming to the same conclusion that women tlzSTFoTJGy-01284-00307207-00307399 are suppressed tlzSTFoTJGy-01285-00307400-00307791 and shown in a weak tlzSTFoTJGy-01286-00307792-00308103 image yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01287-00308104-00308399 so the interesting part is that yes um tlzSTFoTJGy-01288-00308400-00308679 the assad regime and the bath ideology tlzSTFoTJGy-01289-00308680-00309015 is quite similar to um tlzSTFoTJGy-01290-00309016-00309343 you know the tlzSTFoTJGy-01291-00309344-00309482 i don't know what it was called in tlzSTFoTJGy-01292-00309483-00309654 germany that tlzSTFoTJGy-01293-00309655-00309879 or or something like that so so the tlzSTFoTJGy-01294-00309880-00309967 woman tlzSTFoTJGy-01295-00309968-00310279 um living under under under the nazi tlzSTFoTJGy-01296-00310280-00310406 regime and how tlzSTFoTJGy-01297-00310407-00310630 everything they they had to do in their tlzSTFoTJGy-01298-00310631-00310751 life was tlzSTFoTJGy-01299-00310752-00311030 to serve the nation in a way so yes it's tlzSTFoTJGy-01300-00311031-00311239 very similar to that actually some of tlzSTFoTJGy-01301-00311240-00311375 the sources i tlzSTFoTJGy-01302-00311376-00311679 i used in the dissertation was tlzSTFoTJGy-01303-00311680-00311999 uh from this context of uh germany and tlzSTFoTJGy-01304-00312000-00312087 austria under tlzSTFoTJGy-01305-00312088-00312423 the nazi regime um and tlzSTFoTJGy-01306-00312424-00312671 well then when the news talked about uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01307-00312672-00312823 the mothers of the nations tlzSTFoTJGy-01308-00312824-00312958 they are not poor they were not tlzSTFoTJGy-01309-00312959-00313158 portrayed as weak they were actually tlzSTFoTJGy-01310-00313159-00313382 portrayed as heroic tlzSTFoTJGy-01311-00313383-00313591 um that they are you know they are tlzSTFoTJGy-01312-00313592-00313703 heroes they are tlzSTFoTJGy-01313-00313704-00313991 our only hope to maintain our culture tlzSTFoTJGy-01314-00313992-00314167 and our ideology tlzSTFoTJGy-01315-00314168-00314519 um but then again um tlzSTFoTJGy-01316-00314520-00314782 they even though they were portrayed as tlzSTFoTJGy-01317-00314783-00314982 heroic they are were used as tlzSTFoTJGy-01318-00314983-00315399 objects to reproduce tlzSTFoTJGy-01319-00315400-00315823 the state ideology so tlzSTFoTJGy-01320-00315824-00316182 their the individualization of the woman tlzSTFoTJGy-01321-00316183-00316567 is kind of lost so the the regime or the tlzSTFoTJGy-01322-00316568-00316663 the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01323-00316664-00316847 produced by the regime does did not tlzSTFoTJGy-01324-00316848-00316967 really care tlzSTFoTJGy-01325-00316968-00317147 does not really care about tlzSTFoTJGy-01326-00317148-00317430 individualistic issues of women tlzSTFoTJGy-01327-00317431-00317647 these issues are considered as trivial tlzSTFoTJGy-01328-00317648-00317806 as unimportant tlzSTFoTJGy-01329-00317807-00318023 what they only care about is how they tlzSTFoTJGy-01330-00318024-00318143 could serve the nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01331-00318144-00318487 and yes i think that this is weak tlzSTFoTJGy-01332-00318488-00318743 even though they are um portrayed as tlzSTFoTJGy-01333-00318744-00318887 heroic tlzSTFoTJGy-01334-00318888-00319247 thank you okay um i had also a question tlzSTFoTJGy-01335-00319248-00319279 uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01336-00319280-00319454 yeah thank you for your very interesting tlzSTFoTJGy-01337-00319455-00319710 talk regarding the formation of the tlzSTFoTJGy-01338-00319711-00319863 female troops tlzSTFoTJGy-01339-00319864-00320054 where such troops meant to fight tlzSTFoTJGy-01340-00320055-00320271 separated from the male troops or were tlzSTFoTJGy-01341-00320272-00320487 they meant to fight together as mixed tlzSTFoTJGy-01342-00320488-00320575 troops tlzSTFoTJGy-01343-00320576-00320775 were there any interviews conducted with tlzSTFoTJGy-01344-00320776-00320991 male troops on their view tlzSTFoTJGy-01345-00320992-00321263 of the female troops so in this tlzSTFoTJGy-01346-00321264-00321454 particular news report that talked about tlzSTFoTJGy-01347-00321455-00321623 the female tlzSTFoTJGy-01348-00321624-00321934 female troops the speaker of tlzSTFoTJGy-01349-00321935-00322199 the news report was asma al-assad who is tlzSTFoTJGy-01350-00322200-00322430 the wife of bashar al-assad so tlzSTFoTJGy-01351-00322431-00322679 um it wasn't bashar al-assad that was tlzSTFoTJGy-01352-00322680-00322854 talking about them they assigned his tlzSTFoTJGy-01353-00322855-00322927 wife so tlzSTFoTJGy-01354-00322928-00323482 it's female and female in this way um tlzSTFoTJGy-01355-00323483-00323815 the the arab satellite television tlzSTFoTJGy-01356-00323816-00323887 channels tlzSTFoTJGy-01357-00323888-00324119 that are owned by the syrian regime did tlzSTFoTJGy-01358-00324120-00324247 not conduct any tlzSTFoTJGy-01359-00324248-00324463 did not conduct any interviews with male tlzSTFoTJGy-01360-00324464-00324647 troops or on their view of tlzSTFoTJGy-01361-00324648-00324951 female troops however the tlzSTFoTJGy-01362-00324952-00325247 the news reports that are opposing the tlzSTFoTJGy-01363-00325248-00325343 syrian regime tlzSTFoTJGy-01364-00325344-00325591 such as the arab gulf states um they tlzSTFoTJGy-01365-00325592-00325775 talked about how these women were being tlzSTFoTJGy-01366-00325776-00325854 raped tlzSTFoTJGy-01367-00325855-00326175 and sexually harassed while serving as tlzSTFoTJGy-01368-00326176-00326463 as female fighters on the battlefield so tlzSTFoTJGy-01369-00326464-00326558 again tlzSTFoTJGy-01370-00326559-00326895 um this tlzSTFoTJGy-01371-00326896-00327047 this focus on the male and female tlzSTFoTJGy-01372-00327048-00327327 dichotomy and tlzSTFoTJGy-01373-00327328-00327567 again the arab satellite television tlzSTFoTJGy-01374-00327568-00327639 channels tlzSTFoTJGy-01375-00327640-00327927 wanted to talk about how the enemy is tlzSTFoTJGy-01376-00327928-00328071 evil etc tlzSTFoTJGy-01377-00328072-00328423 and yeah so there was a news report on tlzSTFoTJGy-01378-00328424-00328695 how these female troops were harassed tlzSTFoTJGy-01379-00328696-00328887 and how they were are just used as tlzSTFoTJGy-01380-00328888-00329143 instruments by their regime to kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-01381-00329144-00329343 appeal to the west that they are modern tlzSTFoTJGy-01382-00329344-00329430 and that they have tlzSTFoTJGy-01383-00329431-00329734 female fighters etc um tlzSTFoTJGy-01384-00329735-00330030 or or something something around those tlzSTFoTJGy-01385-00330031-00330247 lines um there are also female fighters tlzSTFoTJGy-01386-00330248-00330482 for the kurdish tlzSTFoTJGy-01387-00330483-00330710 um uh the kurdish tlzSTFoTJGy-01388-00330711-00331030 militias i do not um analyze tlzSTFoTJGy-01389-00331031-00331391 um those news reports i do not speak tlzSTFoTJGy-01390-00331392-00331599 kurdish so i couldn't really analyze the tlzSTFoTJGy-01391-00331600-00331758 the television channels tlzSTFoTJGy-01392-00331759-00332087 run by kurdish uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01393-00332088-00332423 uh political parties um tlzSTFoTJGy-01394-00332424-00332671 but the current the female the female tlzSTFoTJGy-01395-00332672-00332751 fighters tlzSTFoTJGy-01396-00332752-00333030 uh the kurdish female fighters uh were tlzSTFoTJGy-01397-00333031-00333087 mostly tlzSTFoTJGy-01398-00333088-00333454 portrayed um as also as heroic tlzSTFoTJGy-01399-00333455-00334006 uh but um tlzSTFoTJGy-01400-00334007-00334495 and as as if they are you know tlzSTFoTJGy-01401-00334496-00334863 sexually liberated etc um but tlzSTFoTJGy-01402-00334864-00335215 obviously this is not the case i mean um tlzSTFoTJGy-01403-00335216-00335430 a lot of these uh female fighters in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01404-00335431-00335623 kurdish communities they need tlzSTFoTJGy-01405-00335624-00335791 their father's approval to join the tlzSTFoTJGy-01406-00335792-00335943 military so tlzSTFoTJGy-01407-00335944-00336127 obviously also it's it's more tlzSTFoTJGy-01408-00336128-00336303 complicated than that so when the west tlzSTFoTJGy-01409-00336304-00336471 talked about these women being so tlzSTFoTJGy-01410-00336472-00336575 liberated tlzSTFoTJGy-01411-00336576-00336887 etc um tlzSTFoTJGy-01412-00336888-00337103 that obviously is not the case in tlzSTFoTJGy-01413-00337104-00337303 reality so there's al there's still a tlzSTFoTJGy-01414-00337304-00337471 male figure tlzSTFoTJGy-01415-00337472-00337647 in the whole situation that is very tlzSTFoTJGy-01416-00337648-00338175 dominant tlzSTFoTJGy-01417-00338176-00338487 i also have one more question tlzSTFoTJGy-01418-00338488-00338775 um because you were talking like oh i tlzSTFoTJGy-01419-00338776-00339103 wondered if there may be or does there tlzSTFoTJGy-01420-00339104-00339430 exist anything like a political neutral tlzSTFoTJGy-01421-00339431-00339743 platform where women can speak up like tlzSTFoTJGy-01422-00339744-00339895 because you're told they're like these tlzSTFoTJGy-01423-00339896-00340071 two opposite channels tlzSTFoTJGy-01424-00340072-00340351 and for pro atheroshe more like the tlzSTFoTJGy-01425-00340352-00340415 opposite tlzSTFoTJGy-01426-00340416-00340727 but always like reporting about the tlzSTFoTJGy-01427-00340728-00341015 women's situation from the point of view tlzSTFoTJGy-01428-00341016-00341247 but i think it would be like interesting tlzSTFoTJGy-01429-00341248-00341430 if there's anything where you can like tlzSTFoTJGy-01430-00341431-00341478 get tlzSTFoTJGy-01431-00341479-00341703 off also for women or for like the tlzSTFoTJGy-01432-00341704-00341799 people tlzSTFoTJGy-01433-00341800-00342082 and what women speak up and tell their tlzSTFoTJGy-01434-00342083-00342199 experiences tlzSTFoTJGy-01435-00342200-00342430 like from their point of view from there tlzSTFoTJGy-01436-00342431-00342647 like what they experience and not like tlzSTFoTJGy-01437-00342648-00342951 from something above like reporting tlzSTFoTJGy-01438-00342952-00343103 about them tlzSTFoTJGy-01439-00343104-00343375 yeah so i actually mentioned that in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01440-00343376-00343582 dissertation and i've already mentioned tlzSTFoTJGy-01441-00343583-00343806 i think social media is a great platform tlzSTFoTJGy-01442-00343807-00344023 for that there are a lot of facebook tlzSTFoTJGy-01443-00344024-00344239 groups and instagram pages tlzSTFoTJGy-01444-00344240-00344487 that are you know feminists that are tlzSTFoTJGy-01445-00344488-00344551 arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01446-00344552-00344815 arab that is basically about arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01447-00344816-00344919 feminism tlzSTFoTJGy-01448-00344920-00345103 um the only problem is that the tlzSTFoTJGy-01449-00345104-00345247 demographic group that i tlzSTFoTJGy-01450-00345248-00345430 mostly that are mostly represented in tlzSTFoTJGy-01451-00345431-00345623 the news reports are from tlzSTFoTJGy-01452-00345624-00346054 you know from very lower tlzSTFoTJGy-01453-00346055-00346415 lower social class tlzSTFoTJGy-01454-00346416-00346671 groups of women who are very much tlzSTFoTJGy-01455-00346672-00346758 economic tlzSTFoTJGy-01456-00346759-00346999 struggling economically and they might tlzSTFoTJGy-01457-00347000-00347206 not even own a smartphone tlzSTFoTJGy-01458-00347207-00347591 so again there's the digital divide tlzSTFoTJGy-01459-00347592-00347847 so there would there are spaces on tlzSTFoTJGy-01460-00347848-00347991 social media that tlzSTFoTJGy-01461-00347992-00348343 um challenge uh the hierarchies tlzSTFoTJGy-01462-00348344-00348695 uh but i have my doubts that tlzSTFoTJGy-01463-00348696-00348975 you know the child bride that is living tlzSTFoTJGy-01464-00348976-00349047 in a tent tlzSTFoTJGy-01465-00349048-00349399 is is the one that is in control of the tlzSTFoTJGy-01466-00349400-00349599 social media account tlzSTFoTJGy-01467-00349600-00350054 due to this digital divide tlzSTFoTJGy-01468-00350055-00350295 that's why we need more engagement uh in tlzSTFoTJGy-01469-00350296-00350471 the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01470-00350472-00350751 so i think that's the solution yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01471-00350752-00350934 additionally i would tlzSTFoTJGy-01472-00350935-00351303 ask um what is the role of um female tlzSTFoTJGy-01473-00351304-00351606 media producers who are working for tlzSTFoTJGy-01474-00351607-00351934 newspaper television in tlzSTFoTJGy-01475-00351935-00352278 this reporting and yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01476-00352279-00352615 do they speak up or are they such tlzSTFoTJGy-01477-00352616-00353039 uncritical as um yeah mentioned here tlzSTFoTJGy-01478-00353040-00353278 um to me personally i don't think if you tlzSTFoTJGy-01479-00353279-00353382 are a woman then tlzSTFoTJGy-01480-00353383-00353606 then you will automatically bring in a tlzSTFoTJGy-01481-00353607-00353687 feminist tlzSTFoTJGy-01482-00353688-00354078 perspective on the situation for example tlzSTFoTJGy-01483-00354079-00354287 um there was a news report that was tlzSTFoTJGy-01484-00354288-00354399 talking about the child tlzSTFoTJGy-01485-00354400-00354751 brides and the news reporter interviewed tlzSTFoTJGy-01486-00354752-00354830 a female tlzSTFoTJGy-01487-00354831-00355158 lawyer in jordan and she was asking her tlzSTFoTJGy-01488-00355159-00355223 about tlzSTFoTJGy-01489-00355224-00355575 the law of child marriage in children so tlzSTFoTJGy-01490-00355576-00355695 before the tlzSTFoTJGy-01491-00355696-00355991 the syrian conflict started the law and tlzSTFoTJGy-01492-00355992-00356191 jordan said that you should be 18 years tlzSTFoTJGy-01493-00356192-00356247 old tlzSTFoTJGy-01494-00356248-00356454 in order to get married once the tlzSTFoTJGy-01495-00356455-00356623 displacer in communities arrived and tlzSTFoTJGy-01496-00356624-00356823 there was a riot in child marriage tlzSTFoTJGy-01497-00356824-00357039 cases a lot of girls were getting tlzSTFoTJGy-01498-00357040-00357167 married illegally tlzSTFoTJGy-01499-00357168-00357534 so uh this lawyer this female lawyer tlzSTFoTJGy-01500-00357535-00357767 was explaining how it's an it it was an tlzSTFoTJGy-01501-00357768-00357863 advantage tlzSTFoTJGy-01502-00357864-00358095 that the government decided to change tlzSTFoTJGy-01503-00358096-00358382 the legal age from 18 to 15 years old tlzSTFoTJGy-01504-00358383-00358582 so they actually changed the so now it's tlzSTFoTJGy-01505-00358583-00358751 legal if you are 15 years old you are tlzSTFoTJGy-01506-00358752-00358815 illegally tlzSTFoTJGy-01507-00358816-00359087 you can legally get married in jordan tlzSTFoTJGy-01508-00359088-00359143 and tlzSTFoTJGy-01509-00359144-00359334 i think her her narrative or her tlzSTFoTJGy-01510-00359335-00359463 discourse is tlzSTFoTJGy-01511-00359464-00359719 very patriarchal because she was trying tlzSTFoTJGy-01512-00359720-00359919 to justify how this law tlzSTFoTJGy-01513-00359920-00360151 is serving the child rights because you tlzSTFoTJGy-01514-00360152-00360334 know when you get married tlzSTFoTJGy-01515-00360335-00360710 in islam the man has to provide tlzSTFoTJGy-01516-00360711-00361071 money to the family so she was kind of tlzSTFoTJGy-01517-00361072-00361230 justifying it she's like yeah now they tlzSTFoTJGy-01518-00361231-00361406 can do it legally the family will get tlzSTFoTJGy-01519-00361407-00361471 money tlzSTFoTJGy-01520-00361472-00361791 and uh the whole thing is legal etc so tlzSTFoTJGy-01521-00361792-00362063 i don't know yes we need more women tlzSTFoTJGy-01522-00362064-00362151 journalists tlzSTFoTJGy-01523-00362152-00362471 of course but this doesn't your your tlzSTFoTJGy-01524-00362472-00362703 your sex does not necessarily i don't tlzSTFoTJGy-01525-00362704-00362854 think necessarily translate to a tlzSTFoTJGy-01526-00362855-00363071 feminist discourse tlzSTFoTJGy-01527-00363072-00363415 but how is it like um how many women tlzSTFoTJGy-01528-00363416-00363719 um can work as journalists is there a tlzSTFoTJGy-01529-00363720-00363927 high rate or is it tlzSTFoTJGy-01530-00363928-00364215 rather i think there is a high rate in tlzSTFoTJGy-01531-00364216-00364382 lebanon i think tlzSTFoTJGy-01532-00364383-00364551 i think so i don't really have the tlzSTFoTJGy-01533-00364552-00364727 numbers but tlzSTFoTJGy-01534-00364728-00364975 um in a place like lebanon there are a tlzSTFoTJGy-01535-00364976-00365175 lot of female journalists tlzSTFoTJGy-01536-00365176-00365495 um in arab gulf states probably not at tlzSTFoTJGy-01537-00365496-00365575 all tlzSTFoTJGy-01538-00365576-00365878 maybe zero but um tlzSTFoTJGy-01539-00365879-00366199 in lebanon there is and um tlzSTFoTJGy-01540-00366200-00366478 yeah i mean in a country like syria tlzSTFoTJGy-01541-00366479-00366671 where there's like this ideology of tlzSTFoTJGy-01542-00366672-00366727 nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01543-00366728-00367023 this national socialist ideology that is tlzSTFoTJGy-01544-00367024-00367254 based on the idea that men and women are tlzSTFoTJGy-01545-00367255-00367351 equal tlzSTFoTJGy-01546-00367352-00367534 but is also based on the idea that they tlzSTFoTJGy-01547-00367535-00367703 are equal because they are there to tlzSTFoTJGy-01548-00367704-00367839 serve the nation tlzSTFoTJGy-01549-00367840-00368158 in a way there are a lot of tlzSTFoTJGy-01550-00368159-00368343 women that have high government tlzSTFoTJGy-01551-00368344-00368510 positions but tlzSTFoTJGy-01552-00368511-00368847 again they are part of a ideology that tlzSTFoTJGy-01553-00368848-00369143 oppresses tlzSTFoTJGy-01554-00369144-00369575 women in a way i think tlzSTFoTJGy-01555-00369576-00369791 that he also mentioned the arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01556-00369792-00369991 feminists um tlzSTFoTJGy-01557-00369992-00370319 what role do they have do they gain tlzSTFoTJGy-01558-00370320-00370734 more power or is it less tlzSTFoTJGy-01559-00370735-00371151 yeah i mean i would consider myself an tlzSTFoTJGy-01560-00371152-00371254 arab feminist tlzSTFoTJGy-01561-00371255-00371510 and i think this project kind of brought tlzSTFoTJGy-01562-00371511-00371663 a perspective of tlzSTFoTJGy-01563-00371664-00371919 you know a non-liberal type of feminism tlzSTFoTJGy-01564-00371920-00372015 i think tlzSTFoTJGy-01565-00372016-00372239 you know feminism that was born in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01566-00372240-00372423 us and europe does not really tlzSTFoTJGy-01567-00372424-00372639 necessarily translate to feminism tlzSTFoTJGy-01568-00372640-00372934 in arab muslim societies as we saw in tlzSTFoTJGy-01569-00372935-00373015 the quote tlzSTFoTJGy-01570-00373016-00373367 by sabah bahamud tlzSTFoTJGy-01571-00373368-00373654 so yes i think it's very important that tlzSTFoTJGy-01572-00373655-00373775 more tlzSTFoTJGy-01573-00373776-00374119 you know women tlzSTFoTJGy-01574-00374120-00374430 in arab muslim societies tlzSTFoTJGy-01575-00374431-00374663 kind of bring their own perspective in tlzSTFoTJGy-01576-00374664-00374751 academia tlzSTFoTJGy-01577-00374752-00375015 and in the political discourse and talk tlzSTFoTJGy-01578-00375016-00375287 about what feminism is to them tlzSTFoTJGy-01579-00375288-00375534 and how they define it and i think it's tlzSTFoTJGy-01580-00375535-00375719 different in every context i tlzSTFoTJGy-01581-00375720-00376087 i think and how was it for you in bahrut tlzSTFoTJGy-01582-00376088-00376375 did you get access to this knowledge or tlzSTFoTJGy-01583-00376376-00376558 was it hard tlzSTFoTJGy-01584-00376559-00376871 well i think i tlzSTFoTJGy-01585-00376872-00377230 i mean since i studied at a tlzSTFoTJGy-01586-00377231-00377391 at a well-known university i think it tlzSTFoTJGy-01587-00377392-00377551 was very easy to tlzSTFoTJGy-01588-00377552-00377878 to kind of articulate my my my opinion tlzSTFoTJGy-01589-00377879-00377999 in that way tlzSTFoTJGy-01590-00378000-00378406 um but tlzSTFoTJGy-01591-00378407-00378702 i mean i would say i can just speak to tlzSTFoTJGy-01592-00378703-00378887 to my experience so yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01593-00378888-00379167 i think i had the platform because of tlzSTFoTJGy-01594-00379168-00379295 the university tlzSTFoTJGy-01595-00379296-00379543 but i mean if you if you look at egypt tlzSTFoTJGy-01596-00379544-00379782 right now it tlzSTFoTJGy-01597-00379783-00379999 i really don't know i think i don't tlzSTFoTJGy-01598-00380000-00380271 think i can answer this question tlzSTFoTJGy-01599-00380272-00380495 but it was accessible for you yourself tlzSTFoTJGy-01600-00380496-00380591 and yes tlzSTFoTJGy-01601-00380592-00380830 mostly because of my studies mostly tlzSTFoTJGy-01602-00380831-00380982 because of my studies tlzSTFoTJGy-01603-00380983-00381278 and because there are ngos in lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-01604-00381279-00381454 that fight for women's rights and it's tlzSTFoTJGy-01605-00381455-00381543 totally okay tlzSTFoTJGy-01606-00381544-00381743 so there is a law that allows it but tlzSTFoTJGy-01607-00381744-00381934 there are other countries in the region tlzSTFoTJGy-01608-00381935-00382151 that do not allow such things tlzSTFoTJGy-01609-00382152-00382430 like iran for example it's impossible to tlzSTFoTJGy-01610-00382431-00382551 have that tlzSTFoTJGy-01611-00382552-00382710 so this is just a special case to tlzSTFoTJGy-01612-00382711-00382854 lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-01613-00382855-00383127 and of course in syria it's not allowed tlzSTFoTJGy-01614-00383128-00383239 either because tlzSTFoTJGy-01615-00383240-00383454 every political party or every tlzSTFoTJGy-01616-00383455-00383639 organization that has to exist tlzSTFoTJGy-01617-00383640-00383967 should be there to kind of support tlzSTFoTJGy-01618-00383968-00384206 the regime so you cannot you know tlzSTFoTJGy-01619-00384207-00384351 articulate a different tlzSTFoTJGy-01620-00384352-00384695 uh a different opinion or criticize it tlzSTFoTJGy-01621-00384696-00384895 marie thank you for being here mary i'm tlzSTFoTJGy-01622-00384896-00385047 really happy you came tlzSTFoTJGy-01623-00385048-00385234 did you think about including tlzSTFoTJGy-01624-00385235-00385430 documentaries tlzSTFoTJGy-01625-00385431-00385791 about syrian women into your analyses tlzSTFoTJGy-01626-00385792-00386127 oh yeah i was thinking about um like the tlzSTFoTJGy-01627-00386128-00386310 i'm sure you know the tlzSTFoTJGy-01628-00386311-00386671 famous documentary not who we are tlzSTFoTJGy-01629-00386672-00386958 because it's also portraying the woman tlzSTFoTJGy-01630-00386959-00387110 and child tlzSTFoTJGy-01631-00387111-00387415 brides and i was just wondering tlzSTFoTJGy-01632-00387416-00387623 if you can maybe talk about the tlzSTFoTJGy-01633-00387624-00387823 differences between these documentaries tlzSTFoTJGy-01634-00387824-00387919 and your tlzSTFoTJGy-01635-00387920-00388254 findings um in the media tlzSTFoTJGy-01636-00388255-00388399 reports what's the name of the tlzSTFoTJGy-01637-00388400-00388558 documentary not who tlzSTFoTJGy-01638-00388559-00388895 not to er it's um tlzSTFoTJGy-01639-00388896-00389206 okay i'm sorry but i was not or maybe tlzSTFoTJGy-01640-00389207-00389447 other documentaries because i think they tlzSTFoTJGy-01641-00389448-00389751 might be similar on the topics they are tlzSTFoTJGy-01642-00389752-00390078 focusing okay and was tlzSTFoTJGy-01643-00390079-00390423 well i have not seen this documentary tlzSTFoTJGy-01644-00390424-00390606 i was just um because this was a tlzSTFoTJGy-01645-00390607-00390863 documentary and it was also tlzSTFoTJGy-01646-00390864-00391230 um talking about this topic of child tlzSTFoTJGy-01647-00391231-00391623 brides but was not at all um tlzSTFoTJGy-01648-00391624-00391958 like contextual or putting it into tlzSTFoTJGy-01649-00391959-00392127 context that tlzSTFoTJGy-01650-00392128-00392439 um yeah in how how far this is also or tlzSTFoTJGy-01651-00392440-00392471 this tlzSTFoTJGy-01652-00392472-00392647 also happened before the war and you tlzSTFoTJGy-01653-00392648-00392863 also mentioned like the role of men this tlzSTFoTJGy-01654-00392864-00392967 was also not tlzSTFoTJGy-01655-00392968-00393263 covered at all so maybe you can just tlzSTFoTJGy-01656-00393264-00393351 from your tlzSTFoTJGy-01657-00393352-00393687 experience or knowledge or other studies tlzSTFoTJGy-01658-00393688-00394015 talk about like the context of tlzSTFoTJGy-01659-00394016-00394302 child rights for instance in lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-01660-00394303-00394439 there are no laws tlzSTFoTJGy-01661-00394440-00394719 against child marriage i mean i think tlzSTFoTJGy-01662-00394720-00394999 there was a huge movement that wanted to tlzSTFoTJGy-01663-00395000-00395199 raise the age to 18 but it never tlzSTFoTJGy-01664-00395200-00395302 happened tlzSTFoTJGy-01665-00395303-00395599 um so again when the news reports talked tlzSTFoTJGy-01666-00395600-00395687 about tlzSTFoTJGy-01667-00395688-00396047 the the child marriages they mostly tlzSTFoTJGy-01668-00396048-00396351 kind of portrayed it as if that oh yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01669-00396352-00396430 look at those tlzSTFoTJGy-01670-00396431-00396702 poor displaced steering communities look tlzSTFoTJGy-01671-00396703-00396902 at how they're sacrificing their kids tlzSTFoTJGy-01672-00396903-00397087 and their daughters in order to cope and tlzSTFoTJGy-01673-00397088-00397158 exile tlzSTFoTJGy-01674-00397159-00397367 and there was no mention to how there tlzSTFoTJGy-01675-00397368-00397487 are no laws tlzSTFoTJGy-01676-00397488-00397719 that protect those child rights from tlzSTFoTJGy-01677-00397720-00397847 this phenomenon tlzSTFoTJGy-01678-00397848-00398127 child marriage existed in pre-conflict tlzSTFoTJGy-01679-00398128-00398358 syria but not to that extent tlzSTFoTJGy-01680-00398359-00398558 it increased drastically after the tlzSTFoTJGy-01681-00398559-00398767 conflict and this tells us that tlzSTFoTJGy-01682-00398768-00399167 yes child marriages became a coping tlzSTFoTJGy-01683-00399168-00399415 mechanism among many families in a way tlzSTFoTJGy-01684-00399416-00399478 so tlzSTFoTJGy-01685-00399479-00399782 it was a way to say that when we give tlzSTFoTJGy-01686-00399783-00399975 away our daughter tlzSTFoTJGy-01687-00399976-00400167 when we sacrifice our daughter as a tlzSTFoTJGy-01688-00400168-00400375 child bride there is one less mouth to tlzSTFoTJGy-01689-00400376-00400527 feed tlzSTFoTJGy-01690-00400528-00400767 in the family so it's it was a way to tlzSTFoTJGy-01691-00400768-00400967 lessen the economic burden tlzSTFoTJGy-01692-00400968-00401327 and um i don't think the news um tlzSTFoTJGy-01693-00401328-00401647 talks about this tlzSTFoTJGy-01694-00401648-00401895 through a perspective of injustice it tlzSTFoTJGy-01695-00401896-00402078 just talks about it in a way that oh tlzSTFoTJGy-01696-00402079-00402295 it's a misery it's a tragedy tlzSTFoTJGy-01697-00402296-00402495 look at these girls they're falling as tlzSTFoTJGy-01698-00402496-00402806 child brides oh what is that situation tlzSTFoTJGy-01699-00402807-00403182 um but they don't really address it as tlzSTFoTJGy-01700-00403183-00403463 uh as a consequence of injustice in tlzSTFoTJGy-01701-00403464-00403591 society and i think tlzSTFoTJGy-01702-00403592-00403854 that was the lack of context that tlzSTFoTJGy-01703-00403855-00403982 existed tlzSTFoTJGy-01704-00403983-00404310 um in the news and what is the tlzSTFoTJGy-01705-00404311-00404702 role of men in this decision yeah so tlzSTFoTJGy-01706-00404703-00405023 i mean i was surprised because i mean tlzSTFoTJGy-01707-00405024-00405375 i mean men men tlzSTFoTJGy-01708-00405376-00405671 in syrian society said the norms in a tlzSTFoTJGy-01709-00405672-00405710 way tlzSTFoTJGy-01710-00405711-00406095 and um the news did not really tlzSTFoTJGy-01711-00406096-00406263 was not interested in interviewing how tlzSTFoTJGy-01712-00406264-00406454 the father or the uncle or the older tlzSTFoTJGy-01713-00406455-00406567 brother tlzSTFoTJGy-01714-00406568-00406830 was willing to sacrifice their daughter tlzSTFoTJGy-01715-00406831-00406871 so tlzSTFoTJGy-01716-00406872-00407199 there was a total absence of the male tlzSTFoTJGy-01717-00407200-00407278 figure and tlzSTFoTJGy-01718-00407279-00407454 they were just more interested in tlzSTFoTJGy-01719-00407455-00407623 portraying how the mother tlzSTFoTJGy-01720-00407624-00407758 you know the mother is there to tlzSTFoTJGy-01721-00407759-00407951 sacrifice her daughter so tlzSTFoTJGy-01722-00407952-00408263 i think it's very problematic that that tlzSTFoTJGy-01723-00408264-00408423 the male figure is not interviewed tlzSTFoTJGy-01724-00408424-00408582 because they are they obviously have tlzSTFoTJGy-01725-00408583-00408806 a big say in this and not just the tlzSTFoTJGy-01726-00408807-00408887 mother tlzSTFoTJGy-01727-00408888-00409134 and i think there's a bias in the news tlzSTFoTJGy-01728-00409135-00409334 when they're not interested in looking tlzSTFoTJGy-01729-00409335-00409567 at what the father has to say the mother tlzSTFoTJGy-01730-00409568-00409695 is kind of the one tlzSTFoTJGy-01731-00409696-00409895 that is being portrayed i'm i'm not tlzSTFoTJGy-01732-00409896-00410030 going to say that she's portrayed like tlzSTFoTJGy-01733-00410031-00410110 as like the tlzSTFoTJGy-01734-00410112-00410382 the evil parent that is willing to give tlzSTFoTJGy-01735-00410383-00410566 away her daughter but she was definitely tlzSTFoTJGy-01736-00410567-00410703 portrayed as desperate tlzSTFoTJGy-01737-00410704-00411030 and uh is there to willing to sacrifice tlzSTFoTJGy-01738-00411031-00411295 her daughter so there is a bias there tlzSTFoTJGy-01739-00411296-00411607 i think in the documentary do they tlzSTFoTJGy-01740-00411608-00411822 portray the men the male figures tlzSTFoTJGy-01741-00411823-00412030 not at all and that's oh with the tlzSTFoTJGy-01742-00412031-00412247 documentary tlzSTFoTJGy-01743-00412247-00412582 you assume that it is more uh closer to tlzSTFoTJGy-01744-00412583-00412670 what is tlzSTFoTJGy-01745-00412671-00413030 happening but yeah it's it's similar to tlzSTFoTJGy-01746-00413031-00413414 what you read in the news so yeah yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01747-00413415-00413614 but i wanted to ask you if you have some tlzSTFoTJGy-01748-00413615-00413839 empirical experiences tlzSTFoTJGy-01749-00413839-00414159 of how fathers brothers react tlzSTFoTJGy-01750-00414160-00414482 when their daughter are married in this tlzSTFoTJGy-01751-00414483-00414630 age i mean tlzSTFoTJGy-01752-00414631-00414822 i i i don't know it depends on the tlzSTFoTJGy-01753-00414823-00414951 family tlzSTFoTJGy-01754-00414952-00415351 i guess how how they how they react when tlzSTFoTJGy-01755-00415352-00415559 they're when their daughter becomes a tlzSTFoTJGy-01756-00415560-00415814 child bride do you mean tlzSTFoTJGy-01757-00415815-00416022 i mean it depends on the family i mean tlzSTFoTJGy-01758-00416023-00416159 obviously tlzSTFoTJGy-01759-00416160-00416382 if the if the syrian girl wants to get tlzSTFoTJGy-01760-00416383-00416639 married at the age of 15 tlzSTFoTJGy-01761-00416639-00416870 it's her right but i think becomes tlzSTFoTJGy-01762-00416871-00417095 problematic when this marriage tlzSTFoTJGy-01763-00417096-00417382 uh becomes a and you know like a tlzSTFoTJGy-01764-00417383-00417599 monetary exchange tlzSTFoTJGy-01765-00417600-00417982 um so when the the girl it becomes tlzSTFoTJGy-01766-00417983-00418278 sold kind of to the to the to the to the tlzSTFoTJGy-01767-00418279-00418366 family tlzSTFoTJGy-01768-00418367-00418743 uh in return of money or in return so in tlzSTFoTJGy-01769-00418743-00419039 the case of in the case of uh for tlzSTFoTJGy-01770-00419039-00419207 example hanifa tlzSTFoTJGy-01771-00419208-00419414 uh this the syrian girl that got married tlzSTFoTJGy-01772-00419415-00419518 at the age of 15 tlzSTFoTJGy-01773-00419519-00419703 one of the girls that were shown in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01774-00419704-00419847 news tlzSTFoTJGy-01775-00419847-00420127 she was she was married to the landlord tlzSTFoTJGy-01776-00420128-00420214 to the lebanese tlzSTFoTJGy-01777-00420215-00420527 landlord who was 44 years old so her tlzSTFoTJGy-01778-00420528-00420647 family is renting tlzSTFoTJGy-01779-00420647-00420910 their one-room apartment from this man tlzSTFoTJGy-01780-00420912-00421110 and they no longer were able to pay the tlzSTFoTJGy-01781-00421112-00421207 rent tlzSTFoTJGy-01782-00421208-00421455 so he said okay i can marry your tlzSTFoTJGy-01783-00421456-00421647 daughter and you can just stay there for tlzSTFoTJGy-01784-00421647-00421695 free tlzSTFoTJGy-01785-00421696-00422087 um so again kind of slavery no tlzSTFoTJGy-01786-00422088-00422391 so again yeah so again um the landlord tlzSTFoTJGy-01787-00422392-00422510 was not interviewed tlzSTFoTJGy-01788-00422512-00422727 in the news reports we don't we don't tlzSTFoTJGy-01789-00422728-00422895 know who he is we just know he's 44 tlzSTFoTJGy-01790-00422896-00423022 years old and he's going to marry the tlzSTFoTJGy-01791-00423023-00423159 girl tlzSTFoTJGy-01792-00423160-00423479 he's lebanese they are living in lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-01793-00423480-00423727 there are no laws in lebanon tlzSTFoTJGy-01794-00423728-00424022 that prevent this this whole marriage tlzSTFoTJGy-01795-00424023-00424207 however the news does not mention any of tlzSTFoTJGy-01796-00424208-00424270 that tlzSTFoTJGy-01797-00424271-00424470 does not interview the landlord nor any tlzSTFoTJGy-01798-00424471-00424655 male figure and just focuses on how tlzSTFoTJGy-01799-00424656-00424775 hanifa is like tlzSTFoTJGy-01800-00424776-00425110 crying and how she says that she has to tlzSTFoTJGy-01801-00425112-00425231 do this tlzSTFoTJGy-01802-00425232-00425463 or otherwise her family will end up on tlzSTFoTJGy-01803-00425464-00425639 the street and how her mother says you tlzSTFoTJGy-01804-00425639-00425670 know tlzSTFoTJGy-01805-00425671-00425791 everyone wants the best for their tlzSTFoTJGy-01806-00425792-00425975 daughter but i have no other solution so tlzSTFoTJGy-01807-00425976-00426039 again tlzSTFoTJGy-01808-00426039-00426463 the bias and the decontextualization tlzSTFoTJGy-01809-00426464-00426951 in the news um yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01810-00426952-00427327 okay um i think we will we are already tlzSTFoTJGy-01811-00427328-00427591 running over the time and but standula tlzSTFoTJGy-01812-00427592-00427703 has tlzSTFoTJGy-01813-00427704-00427966 one last question i would also add that tlzSTFoTJGy-01814-00427967-00428007 one tlzSTFoTJGy-01815-00428008-00428287 from my side because it's fitting uh tlzSTFoTJGy-01816-00428288-00428487 what would you advise foreign media tlzSTFoTJGy-01817-00428488-00428759 interpreting the stories of syrian arab tlzSTFoTJGy-01818-00428760-00428918 women in order to form tlzSTFoTJGy-01819-00428919-00429207 the right picture and my question would tlzSTFoTJGy-01820-00429208-00429366 be what can we do here tlzSTFoTJGy-01821-00429367-00429855 for ameliorating this situation tlzSTFoTJGy-01822-00429856-00430207 i think the whole point of this whole tlzSTFoTJGy-01823-00430208-00430399 study is to show the importance of tlzSTFoTJGy-01824-00430400-00430703 engaging uh with the subject you are tlzSTFoTJGy-01825-00430704-00430839 representing tlzSTFoTJGy-01826-00430839-00431110 and not employing one's political agenda tlzSTFoTJGy-01827-00431112-00431327 into the narrative so what you can do tlzSTFoTJGy-01828-00431328-00431614 what we can do here whether foreign tlzSTFoTJGy-01829-00431615-00431687 media or tlzSTFoTJGy-01830-00431688-00431887 local media is more engagement with the tlzSTFoTJGy-01831-00431888-00432199 subject tlzSTFoTJGy-01832-00432200-00432566 providing a space for their voice tlzSTFoTJGy-01833-00432567-00432910 and not using the subject tlzSTFoTJGy-01834-00432912-00433231 as a way to uh you know tlzSTFoTJGy-01835-00433232-00433487 justify someone's interference in the tlzSTFoTJGy-01836-00433488-00433543 war tlzSTFoTJGy-01837-00433543-00433943 or uh you know portray them tlzSTFoTJGy-01838-00433943-00434295 as you know objects of the orient let's tlzSTFoTJGy-01839-00434296-00434414 say tlzSTFoTJGy-01840-00434415-00434791 so yeah again so just more engagement tlzSTFoTJGy-01841-00434792-00435118 uh and more spaces for voice tlzSTFoTJGy-01842-00435119-00435414 and without silencing or or or or tlzSTFoTJGy-01843-00435415-00435527 framing tlzSTFoTJGy-01844-00435528-00435887 the narrative for one's own interest tlzSTFoTJGy-01845-00435888-00436079 what would be your contribution on the tlzSTFoTJGy-01846-00436080-00436270 issue within the arab springs that tlzSTFoTJGy-01847-00436271-00436487 challenge the political status of the tlzSTFoTJGy-01848-00436488-00436703 arab world tlzSTFoTJGy-01849-00436704-00436991 bringing more inclusiveness of human tlzSTFoTJGy-01850-00436992-00437191 into political sphere however the return tlzSTFoTJGy-01851-00437192-00437399 of fanaticism and the role of media on tlzSTFoTJGy-01852-00437400-00437583 those issues tlzSTFoTJGy-01853-00437584-00437918 you want to explain it more yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01854-00437919-00438351 i would like to tlzSTFoTJGy-01855-00438352-00438543 i think you did a great job concerning tlzSTFoTJGy-01856-00438543-00438687 the topic of tlzSTFoTJGy-01857-00438688-00439063 women in arab world but my tlzSTFoTJGy-01858-00439064-00439366 question is what would you say how the tlzSTFoTJGy-01859-00439367-00439510 revolution has tlzSTFoTJGy-01860-00439512-00439847 bring more women into political fear of tlzSTFoTJGy-01861-00439847-00439983 the world um tlzSTFoTJGy-01862-00439984-00440375 um of the region precisely tlzSTFoTJGy-01863-00440376-00440647 yeah i think the the arab uprisings that tlzSTFoTJGy-01864-00440647-00440791 happened in the region tlzSTFoTJGy-01865-00440792-00441127 exposed all the inequalities yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01866-00441128-00441510 in society so women were before the the tlzSTFoTJGy-01867-00441512-00441559 upper tlzSTFoTJGy-01868-00441560-00441814 the uprisings were already you know tlzSTFoTJGy-01869-00441815-00441943 vulnerable we're already tlzSTFoTJGy-01870-00441943-00442295 living in uh you know in countries that tlzSTFoTJGy-01871-00442296-00442470 have no laws that protect them or tlzSTFoTJGy-01872-00442471-00442614 empowers them etc tlzSTFoTJGy-01873-00442615-00442991 i just think those uprisings they gave tlzSTFoTJGy-01874-00442992-00443199 they gave those inequalities more tlzSTFoTJGy-01875-00443200-00443310 appearance they tlzSTFoTJGy-01876-00443312-00443583 brought them into the to the forefront tlzSTFoTJGy-01877-00443584-00443631 and tlzSTFoTJGy-01878-00443632-00444022 they exposed everything um tlzSTFoTJGy-01879-00444023-00444366 so yeah yeah yeah tlzSTFoTJGy-01880-00444367-00444735 thank you very much tlzSTFoTJGy-01881-00444735-00445110 thank you mary yeah thank you very much tlzSTFoTJGy-01882-00445112-00445399 for the link um yes so i think we will tlzSTFoTJGy-01883-00445400-00445463 go tlzSTFoTJGy-01884-00445464-00445751 we will close now the whole session but tlzSTFoTJGy-01885-00445752-00445870 thank you very much tlzSTFoTJGy-01886-00445871-00446127 thank you very much great presentation tlzSTFoTJGy-01887-00446128-00446335 and i will also take with me tlzSTFoTJGy-01888-00446335-00446663 um for future um tlzSTFoTJGy-01889-00446664-00446991 work maybe some campaign against child tlzSTFoTJGy-01890-00446992-00447214 bride in the near east because it wasn't tlzSTFoTJGy-01891-00447215-00447383 the topic i wasn't so tlzSTFoTJGy-01892-00447384-00447647 present in my consciousness until now tlzSTFoTJGy-01893-00447647-00447695 maybe tlzSTFoTJGy-01894-00447696-00448014 i can find some campaigns and another tlzSTFoTJGy-01895-00448015-00448222 thing is like maybe really tlzSTFoTJGy-01896-00448223-00448591 respond to media tlzSTFoTJGy-01897-00448592-00449039 accounts also here in austria if they tlzSTFoTJGy-01898-00449039-00449431 shed a false light onto women's role i tlzSTFoTJGy-01899-00449432-00449607 think this is maybe something everybody tlzSTFoTJGy-01900-00449608-00449670 can do tlzSTFoTJGy-01901-00449671-00450070 somehow yeah yeah thank you very much tlzSTFoTJGy-01902-00450071-00450143 once more tlzSTFoTJGy-01903-00450143-00450439 and thank you i hope it was mostly clear tlzSTFoTJGy-01904-00450439-00450663 i mean it was very long but i tlzSTFoTJGy-01905-00450664-00450847 at some point it got a bit complicated tlzSTFoTJGy-01906-00450847-00451047 but i hope it was mostly clear for us no tlzSTFoTJGy-01907-00451047-00451191 very well structured tlzSTFoTJGy-01908-00451192-00451479 i think and um i think for i think most tlzSTFoTJGy-01909-00451480-00451599 of you have somehow tlzSTFoTJGy-01910-00451600-00451966 um pre-knowledge to the issue so tlzSTFoTJGy-01911-00451967-00452351 i think it was very fine i would say tlzSTFoTJGy-01912-00452352-00452607 thank you and good luck for your future tlzSTFoTJGy-01913-00452608-00452766 i would say tlzSTFoTJGy-01914-00452767-00452943 thank you thank you for attending and tlzSTFoTJGy-01915-00452943-00453159 giving this uh your attention and tlzSTFoTJGy-01916-00453160-00453207 interest tlzSTFoTJGy-01917-00453208-00453518 it really means a lot to me so tlzSTFoTJGy-01918-00453519-00453735 goodbye to everybody have a nice evening tlzSTFoTJGy-01919-00453735-00453999 and bye tlzSTFoTJGy-01920-00454000-00454288 bye tmeT2LyHI0E-00000-00000093-00000247 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00001-00000248-00001073 without him tmeT2LyHI0E-00002-00001074-00001822 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00003-00001823-00002579 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00004-00002580-00004655 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00005-00004656-00005461 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00006-00005462-00006263 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00007-00006264-00006368 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00008-00006369-00007151 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00009-00007152-00007867 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00010-00007868-00008675 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00011-00008676-00009503 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00012-00009504-00010138 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00013-00010139-00012265 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00014-00012266-00012677 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00015-00012678-00013019 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00016-00013021-00013912 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00017-00013913-00016867 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00018-00016868-00017001 in audio tmeT2LyHI0E-00020-00021644-00022297 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00021-00022298-00022568 in audio tmeT2LyHI0E-00023-00025823-00027114 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00024-00027116-00029327 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00025-00029327-00029462 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00027-00032468-00032754 in audio tmeT2LyHI0E-00028-00032755-00035140 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00029-00035141-00035411 thank you tmeT2LyHI0E-00030-00035412-00036155 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00031-00036156-00037053 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00032-00037054-00039361 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00033-00039362-00039962 an audio tmeT2LyHI0E-00034-00039963-00040821 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00035-00040822-00042287 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00036-00042288-00042634 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00037-00042635-00043329 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00038-00043330-00044921 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00039-00044922-00045630 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00040-00045631-00045745 [Applause] tmeT2LyHI0E-00041-00045746-00046609 I know you tmeT2LyHI0E-00042-00046610-00047224 [Applause] tmeT2LyHI0E-00043-00047225-00047354 know tmeT2LyHI0E-00044-00047355-00049924 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00045-00049925-00050064 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00046-00050065-00052196 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00047-00052197-00053416 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00048-00053417-00053753 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00049-00053754-00055365 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00050-00055366-00056315 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00051-00056316-00057071 foreign tmeT2LyHI0E-00052-00057072-00058191 [Music] tmeT2LyHI0E-00053-00058192-00058584 [Music] uo3nbpxRNZc-00000-00000046-00000409 Fabio querella Italian pronunciation fa uo3nbpxRNZc-00001-00000411-00000713 b jo qua are you on the 31st of January uo3nbpxRNZc-00002-00000714-00000928 1983 is an Italian professional uo3nbpxRNZc-00003-00000930-00001148 footballer who plays as a forward for uo3nbpxRNZc-00004-00001149-00001414 San Doria and the Italy national team uo3nbpxRNZc-00005-00001415-00001651 throughout his career he has played for uo3nbpxRNZc-00006-00001652-00001852 eight different Italian clubs winning uo3nbpxRNZc-00007-00001853-00002063 three consecutive Serie A titles from uo3nbpxRNZc-00008-00002064-00002405 the 2011-2012 to 2013-14 season with uo3nbpxRNZc-00009-00002406-00002701 Juventus with the Turin based club he uo3nbpxRNZc-00010-00002702-00003005 also won two supercoppa italiana in 2012 uo3nbpxRNZc-00011-00003006-00003419 in 2013 he also won the 2002 oh-three uo3nbpxRNZc-00012-00003420-00003733 Serie c2 with Florence Avila at uo3nbpxRNZc-00013-00003734-00003988 international level he represented Italy uo3nbpxRNZc-00014-00003989-00004250 from under 18 to under-21 youth levels uo3nbpxRNZc-00015-00004251-00004466 before his debut for the senior national uo3nbpxRNZc-00016-00004467-00004826 team in 2007 he was part of the UEFA uo3nbpxRNZc-00017-00004827-00005183 Euro 2008 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup uo3nbpxRNZc-00018-00005184-00005529 and 2010 FIFA World Cup squads uo3nbpxRNZc-00019-00005530-00005765 individually he was awarded the Serie A uo3nbpxRNZc-00020-00005766-00006050 goal of the year in 2009 achieved during uo3nbpxRNZc-00021-00006051-00006320 his time at wooden AZ and in 2018 he uo3nbpxRNZc-00022-00006321-00006509 obtained the Saraya career award while uo3nbpxRNZc-00023-00006509-00006713 playing for Sam Doria which pertains to uo3nbpxRNZc-00024-00006714-00006925 both personality and playing ability uo3nbpxRNZc-00025-00006926-00007292 during the 2018-19 season he scored for uo3nbpxRNZc-00026-00007293-00007526 11 consecutive games a record previously uo3nbpxRNZc-00027-00007527-00007781 achieved in Serie A only by Gabriel uo3nbpxRNZc-00028-00007781-00009410 Batistuta topic club career topic early uo3nbpxRNZc-00029-00009411-00009948 career querella grew uo3nbpxRNZc-00030-00009949-00010155 youth ranks of granny honor then Torino uo3nbpxRNZc-00031-00010156-00010371 where he made his debut in Serie A on uo3nbpxRNZc-00032-00010372-00010610 the 14th of May 2000 in a two-to-one uo3nbpxRNZc-00033-00010611-00011049 victory over Pierre chenza in 2002 given uo3nbpxRNZc-00034-00011050-00011210 his limited playing opportunities uo3nbpxRNZc-00035-00011211-00011469 querella was sent on loan to Fiorentina uo3nbpxRNZc-00036-00011470-00011844 at that time in Serie C 2 in Florence he uo3nbpxRNZc-00037-00011845-00012063 scored just one goal in 12 games in uo3nbpxRNZc-00038-00012064-00012171 January uo3nbpxRNZc-00039-00012172-00012413 head coach Alberto cavesson decided to uo3nbpxRNZc-00040-00012414-00012612 cease the loan whereupon Torino then uo3nbpxRNZc-00041-00012613-00012857 sent him on loan to key ad in Serie c1 uo3nbpxRNZc-00042-00012858-00013125 he also remained in Abruzzo the uo3nbpxRNZc-00043-00013126-00013377 following season and scored 17 goals in uo3nbpxRNZc-00044-00013378-00013697 32 games during the 2003 owe for Serie uo3nbpxRNZc-00045-00013698-00014043 c1 season his time in key ad ended with uo3nbpxRNZc-00046-00014044-00014337 a total of 19 goals in 43 games at the uo3nbpxRNZc-00047-00014338-00014525 end of the season he returned to Torino uo3nbpxRNZc-00048-00014526-00014853 in view of the 2004 o-5 season in Serie uo3nbpxRNZc-00049-00014854-00015219 B at Torino querella was an occasional uo3nbpxRNZc-00050-00015219-00015471 starter and with seven goals in 34 games uo3nbpxRNZc-00051-00015472-00015696 contributed to the club's promotion to uo3nbpxRNZc-00052-00015697-00015975 Serie A however as a result of the uo3nbpxRNZc-00053-00015976-00016221 bankruptcy of Torino calcio in August uo3nbpxRNZc-00054-00016222-00016475 2005 he was released on a free transfer uo3nbpxRNZc-00055-00016476-00016697 and accepted a contract with a scollay uo3nbpxRNZc-00056-00016698-00016856 with Ascoli uo3nbpxRNZc-00057-00016857-00017046 he was ensured a starting spot in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00058-00017047-00017316 lineup during the 2005 oh-6 season uo3nbpxRNZc-00059-00017317-00017550 scoring his first goal in Serie A on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00060-00017551-00017892 21st of December 2005 a won 2-0 home win uo3nbpxRNZc-00061-00017893-00018609 over Trevizo topic uo3nbpxRNZc-00062-00018610-00019205 Budhan as a Ascoli and Sam Doria uo3nbpxRNZc-00063-00019206-00019452 querella signed with wooden AZ in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00064-00019453-00019809 summer of 2005 however Udinese a uo3nbpxRNZc-00065-00019810-00019965 immediately sold half of his uo3nbpxRNZc-00066-00019966-00020124 registration rights to newly promoted uo3nbpxRNZc-00067-00020125-00020480 Ascoli as part of a co-ownership deal he uo3nbpxRNZc-00068-00020481-00020669 stayed at escala for just one season uo3nbpxRNZc-00069-00020670-00020912 scoring just three times in 33 uo3nbpxRNZc-00070-00020913-00021087 appearances and his rights were bought uo3nbpxRNZc-00071-00021088-00021396 back in full by wooden AZ in June 2006 uo3nbpxRNZc-00072-00021397-00021717 for an undisclosed fee on the 7th of uo3nbpxRNZc-00073-00021718-00022041 July 2006 he was sold in co-ownership to uo3nbpxRNZc-00074-00022042-00022259 Sam Doria in exchange for the transfer uo3nbpxRNZc-00075-00022260-00022677 of Salvatore fod during the 2006 Oh 7 uo3nbpxRNZc-00076-00022678-00022905 season with the Pluto chiotti querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00077-00022906-00023124 scored 13 goals in league play and uo3nbpxRNZc-00078-00023125-00023297 earned attention worldwide due to the uo3nbpxRNZc-00079-00023298-00023328 speck uo3nbpxRNZc-00080-00023329-00023616 tacular nature of many of his goals his uo3nbpxRNZc-00081-00023617-00023831 breakout season at Sam Berea led to a uo3nbpxRNZc-00082-00023832-00024053 call-up to the Italian national team and uo3nbpxRNZc-00083-00024054-00024228 numerous rumors of a high-profile uo3nbpxRNZc-00084-00024229-00024445 transfer abroad following his breakout uo3nbpxRNZc-00085-00024446-00024731 2006 o 7th season both wouldnae Zay and uo3nbpxRNZc-00086-00024732-00024953 Sam Dario were unable to comes to terms uo3nbpxRNZc-00087-00024954-00025158 on his co-ownership deal and went to a uo3nbpxRNZc-00088-00025159-00025469 blind auction on the 21st of June 2007 uo3nbpxRNZc-00089-00025470-00025631 in the auction uo3nbpxRNZc-00090-00025632-00025931 Sam Dario bid 6.5 million euros but were uo3nbpxRNZc-00091-00025932-00026229 outbid by wooden a Zay who paid 7.1 5 uo3nbpxRNZc-00092-00026230-00026552 million euros at wooden as a he started uo3nbpxRNZc-00093-00026553-00026846 the 2007 o eight seasons slowly scoring uo3nbpxRNZc-00094-00026847-00027086 just once in the season's first 11 games uo3nbpxRNZc-00095-00027087-00027374 however he soon found his footing at the uo3nbpxRNZc-00096-00027375-00027543 club forming a dangerous strike uo3nbpxRNZc-00097-00027544-00027786 partnership with Antonio Di Natale and uo3nbpxRNZc-00098-00027787-00028098 scoring a total of 12 goals in the 2007 uo3nbpxRNZc-00099-00028099-00028370 or eight season this led to quarrel of uo3nbpxRNZc-00100-00028372-00028577 securing a place in the Italian squad uo3nbpxRNZc-00101-00028578-00028874 for the UEFA Euro 2008 competition uo3nbpxRNZc-00102-00028875-00029142 Fabio continued his goals scoring at uo3nbpxRNZc-00103-00029143-00029457 Udinese in the 2008 o.9 season reaching uo3nbpxRNZc-00104-00029458-00029708 21 goals in all competitions including uo3nbpxRNZc-00105-00029709-00029880 eight goals in the UEFA Cup where uo3nbpxRNZc-00106-00029881-00030557 ordinay they reached the quarterfinals uo3nbpxRNZc-00107-00030558-00031275 topic Napoli on the first of June 2009 uo3nbpxRNZc-00108-00031276-00031506 querella moved to his hometown club uo3nbpxRNZc-00109-00031507-00031743 Napoli for a transfer fee of 18 million uo3nbpxRNZc-00110-00031744-00031939 euros where he signed a five-year deal uo3nbpxRNZc-00111-00031940-00032256 at Napoli he was partnered with Ezequiel uo3nbpxRNZc-00112-00032257-00032493 Lavezzi an attacking midfielder Marek am uo3nbpxRNZc-00113-00032494-00032702 sick and managed to score 11 goals in uo3nbpxRNZc-00114-00032703-00032921 Serie A to help Napoli qualify for the uo3nbpxRNZc-00115-00032922-00033198 2010-11 UEFA Europa League with a sixth uo3nbpxRNZc-00116-00033199-00033452 place finish in the league he played his uo3nbpxRNZc-00117-00033453-00033651 last match for Napoli in the Europa uo3nbpxRNZc-00118-00033652-00033889 League in a 1 2-0 win over if Elfsborg uo3nbpxRNZc-00119-00033890-00034173 he was an unused bench in the second leg uo3nbpxRNZc-00120-00034174-00034392 which Walter Mazzarri used new signing uo3nbpxRNZc-00121-00034393-00034587 Edinson Cavani partnered with Lavezzi uo3nbpxRNZc-00122-00034588-00034787 who the former scored a brace to help uo3nbpxRNZc-00123-00034788-00035964 the team qualifier topic Juventus on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00124-00035965-00036173 27th of August 2010 uo3nbpxRNZc-00125-00036174-00036362 Burrell assigned for you vendors on loan uo3nbpxRNZc-00126-00036363-00036626 for a fee of 4.5 million euros with the uo3nbpxRNZc-00127-00036627-00036836 Bianconeri having the option to sign him uo3nbpxRNZc-00128-00036837-00037093 permanently for 10.5 million euros uo3nbpxRNZc-00129-00037094-00037324 before the winter break he was the uo3nbpxRNZc-00130-00037325-00037529 team's top scorer with nine League goals uo3nbpxRNZc-00131-00037530-00037886 in 17 appearances however he injured his uo3nbpxRNZc-00132-00037887-00038083 right anterior cruciate ligament on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00133-00038084-00038327 6th of January 2011 in the first match uo3nbpxRNZc-00134-00038328-00038552 after the winter break losing to Parma 1 uo3nbpxRNZc-00135-00038553-00038843 to 4 he would miss the rest of season on uo3nbpxRNZc-00136-00038844-00039137 the 22nd of June 2011 his contract was uo3nbpxRNZc-00137-00039138-00039377 redeemed by Aventis for 10.5 million uo3nbpxRNZc-00138-00039378-00039677 euros querella signed a three-year uo3nbpxRNZc-00139-00039678-00039871 contract extension to stay with Juventus uo3nbpxRNZc-00140-00039872-00040283 until 2014 on the 1st of April 2012 he uo3nbpxRNZc-00141-00040284-00040451 scored his third goal of the season uo3nbpxRNZc-00142-00040452-00040673 against former club Napoli and refused uo3nbpxRNZc-00143-00040674-00040886 to celebrate due to his Neapolitan roots uo3nbpxRNZc-00144-00040887-00041233 on the 30th of April 2012 querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00145-00041234-00041437 signed a 12-month extension that would uo3nbpxRNZc-00146-00041438-00041593 keep him tied to the club until the uo3nbpxRNZc-00147-00041594-00041999 summer of 2015 on the 22nd of September uo3nbpxRNZc-00148-00042000-00042277 2012 querella scored his first brace of uo3nbpxRNZc-00149-00042278-00042626 the 2012-13 season against Cuba on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00150-00042627-00042895 10th of November 2012 querella scored uo3nbpxRNZc-00151-00042896-00043012 his first hat-trick of the season uo3nbpxRNZc-00152-00043013-00043274 against Pescara in a match Juventus won uo3nbpxRNZc-00153-00043275-00043570 6 to 1 in the Champions League he scored uo3nbpxRNZc-00154-00043571-00043799 his first goal in the competition in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00155-00043800-00044039 club's opening to 2-2 away draw against uo3nbpxRNZc-00156-00044040-00044360 defending champions Chelsea querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00157-00044361-00044573 opened the scoring in the March 2013 uo3nbpxRNZc-00158-00044574-00044752 Derby d'Italia game against uo3nbpxRNZc-00159-00044753-00044957 Internazionale a with a curled shot from uo3nbpxRNZc-00160-00044958-00045274 25 yards 23 metres and made the pass for uo3nbpxRNZc-00161-00045275-00046012 Alessandro matarese winner topic uo3nbpxRNZc-00162-00046013-00046649 returned to Torino on the 17th of July uo3nbpxRNZc-00163-00046650-00046754 2014 uo3nbpxRNZc-00164-00046755-00046976 Torino purchased querella outright for uo3nbpxRNZc-00165-00046977-00047239 3.5 million euros payable over three uo3nbpxRNZc-00166-00047240-00047495 years this signaled his returned to uo3nbpxRNZc-00167-00047496-00047695 Torino after 9 years signing a uo3nbpxRNZc-00168-00047696-00047968 three-year contract upon his return uo3nbpxRNZc-00169-00047969-00048214 querella scored the three 2-0 goal on uo3nbpxRNZc-00170-00048215-00048445 the 7th of August 2014 from a penalty uo3nbpxRNZc-00171-00048446-00048701 kick in the 3rd round of the 2014-15 uo3nbpxRNZc-00172-00048702-00048939 Europa League against Brahma picanha uo3nbpxRNZc-00173-00048940-00049235 in his first Serie A match back at the uo3nbpxRNZc-00174-00049236-00049451 club he won a penalty after being felt uo3nbpxRNZc-00175-00049452-00049559 by Inter's pneumonia uo3nbpxRNZc-00176-00049560-00049760 village but Marcello llorando missed it uo3nbpxRNZc-00177-00049761-00049994 and the game finished goalless the uo3nbpxRNZc-00178-00049995-00050201 following round querella scored his uo3nbpxRNZc-00179-00050202-00050444 first goal in Serie A for Torino against uo3nbpxRNZc-00180-00050445-00050723 Cagliari on the 24th of September 2014 uo3nbpxRNZc-00181-00050724-00051008 to secure a two-to-one win he then uo3nbpxRNZc-00182-00051009-00051191 scored his first goal in Europe with uo3nbpxRNZc-00183-00051192-00051415 Torino on the 2nd of October 2014 uo3nbpxRNZc-00184-00051416-00051652 against Copenhagen with a penalty in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00185-00051653-00051904 93rd minute to secure a 1 2-0 win for uo3nbpxRNZc-00186-00051905-00052279 the Granada on the 1st of February 2015 uo3nbpxRNZc-00187-00052280-00052469 he scored his first hat-trick for Torino uo3nbpxRNZc-00188-00052470-00052741 in Serie A against Sampdoria ending 5 to uo3nbpxRNZc-00189-00052742-00053096 1 on the 26th of April 2015 he scored uo3nbpxRNZc-00190-00053097-00053366 the decisive goal against Juventus 2 to uo3nbpxRNZc-00191-00053366-00053576 1 which handed a victory to Torino in uo3nbpxRNZc-00192-00053577-00054325 the Turin derby after exactly 20 years uo3nbpxRNZc-00193-00054326-00054986 topic returned to Sam Doria after a uo3nbpxRNZc-00194-00054987-00055184 series of controversies with Torinos uo3nbpxRNZc-00195-00055185-00055421 fans resulting from quarrel as failure uo3nbpxRNZc-00196-00055422-00055637 to celebrate after a goal scored against uo3nbpxRNZc-00197-00055638-00055844 his former club Napoli on the 1st of uo3nbpxRNZc-00198-00055845-00056108 February 2016 he was loaned to Sam Doria uo3nbpxRNZc-00199-00056109-00056387 with an obligation to bar he scored his uo3nbpxRNZc-00200-00056388-00056627 first goal upon his return on the 20th uo3nbpxRNZc-00201-00056628-00056825 of February against Inter Milan in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00202-00056826-00057083 92nd minute in a 3-2 one away loss on uo3nbpxRNZc-00203-00057084-00057347 the 20th of November querella scored his uo3nbpxRNZc-00204-00057348-00057616 100th syria goal in the 84th minute of uo3nbpxRNZc-00205-00057617-00057899 his 343 th league appearance and uo3nbpxRNZc-00206-00057900-00058112 subsequently set up a goal for teammate uo3nbpxRNZc-00207-00058113-00058325 luis muriel as Sam Doria came from uo3nbpxRNZc-00208-00058326-00058583 behind to defeat Sassuolo 3-2 to at home uo3nbpxRNZc-00209-00058584-00058889 on the 13th of January 2017 he signed a uo3nbpxRNZc-00210-00058890-00059080 new contract with Sam Doria that would uo3nbpxRNZc-00211-00059082-00059321 keep him with the club until June 2019 uo3nbpxRNZc-00212-00059322-00059621 on the 21st of January 2018 querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00213-00059622-00059842 scored a hat-trick in a 3-2 one home win uo3nbpxRNZc-00214-00059844-00060023 over Fiorentina that was later uo3nbpxRNZc-00215-00060024-00060260 substituted in the 75th minute after uo3nbpxRNZc-00216-00060261-00060446 picking up a knock his hat-trick saw him uo3nbpxRNZc-00217-00060447-00060662 set a new personal career seasonal best uo3nbpxRNZc-00218-00060663-00060886 in Serie A with 15 goals uo3nbpxRNZc-00219-00060887-00061199 he finished the 2017-18 Serie A uo3nbpxRNZc-00220-00061200-00061445 championship with 19 goals in 35 uo3nbpxRNZc-00221-00061446-00061649 appearances among the best scorers of uo3nbpxRNZc-00222-00061650-00061976 the championship during the 2018-19 uo3nbpxRNZc-00223-00061977-00062258 Serie A season on the 2nd of September uo3nbpxRNZc-00224-00062259-00062534 2018 querella scored the final goal of uo3nbpxRNZc-00225-00062535-00062789 a320 home win against Napoli with what uo3nbpxRNZc-00226-00062790-00062957 was described by the BBC uo3nbpxRNZc-00227-00062958-00063301 a sensational back hill volley he later uo3nbpxRNZc-00228-00063302-00063482 cited the goal as the best of his career uo3nbpxRNZc-00229-00063483-00063728 during the same match he had previously uo3nbpxRNZc-00230-00063729-00063988 also set up grégoire default second goal uo3nbpxRNZc-00231-00063989-00064294 on the 26th of January 2019 querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00232-00064295-00064562 scored two goals from penalties his 13th uo3nbpxRNZc-00233-00064563-00064796 and 14th league goals in the past 11 uo3nbpxRNZc-00234-00064797-00065026 games in a 4 2-0 home win over his uo3nbpxRNZc-00235-00065027-00065246 former club órdenes a also setting up uo3nbpxRNZc-00236-00065247-00065462 Manolo Gaby 18 his final goal as a uo3nbpxRNZc-00237-00065463-00065672 result he equalled Gabrielle Batista uo3nbpxRNZc-00238-00065673-00065900 tutors all time record of scoring in 11 uo3nbpxRNZc-00239-00065901-00066125 consecutive Serie A matches in a single uo3nbpxRNZc-00240-00066126-00066334 season which the Argentine had said in uo3nbpxRNZc-00241-00066335-00066706 1994 with Fiorentina during the 1994-95 uo3nbpxRNZc-00242-00066707-00067112 season with his 140 third Serie A goal uo3nbpxRNZc-00243-00067113-00067369 querella also overtook Christian Vieri uo3nbpxRNZc-00244-00067370-00067643 in 28th place in the Serie A all-time uo3nbpxRNZc-00245-00067644-00067913 goalscoring charts by the end of the uo3nbpxRNZc-00246-00067914-00068165 season he scored 26 Syria goals for uo3nbpxRNZc-00247-00068166-00068356 Sampdoria achieving the capocannoniere uo3nbpxRNZc-00248-00068357-00069519 title topic international career uo3nbpxRNZc-00249-00069520-00069755 querella played for the Italian youth uo3nbpxRNZc-00250-00069756-00069962 sides known as the azzurrini from the uo3nbpxRNZc-00251-00069963-00070363 2001 season up until the 2004 o-5 season uo3nbpxRNZc-00252-00070364-00070681 he made his debut for the Italy u-17 uo3nbpxRNZc-00253-00070682-00070922 team equivalent to the current Italy u18 uo3nbpxRNZc-00254-00070923-00071159 side on the 5th of September 2000 uo3nbpxRNZc-00255-00071160-00071465 against Slovakia the following season he uo3nbpxRNZc-00256-00071466-00071690 was a member of the Italy u19 team uo3nbpxRNZc-00257-00071691-00071998 during their 2002 UEFA European under-19 uo3nbpxRNZc-00258-00071999-00072212 Championship qualifying campaign uo3nbpxRNZc-00259-00072213-00072406 following his impressive performances uo3nbpxRNZc-00260-00072407-00072716 with Sam Daria in the 2006 Oh 7 season uo3nbpxRNZc-00261-00072717-00072926 querella was called up to the Italian uo3nbpxRNZc-00262-00072927-00073121 senior squad known as the Azzurri uo3nbpxRNZc-00263-00073122-00073306 for a friendly against Romania in uo3nbpxRNZc-00264-00073307-00073669 February 2007 however his senior uo3nbpxRNZc-00265-00073670-00073882 international debut was delayed as the uo3nbpxRNZc-00266-00073883-00074072 match was cancelled as a result of fan uo3nbpxRNZc-00267-00074073-00074405 riots in Serie A that weekend querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00268-00074406-00074626 finally made his senior debut for Italy uo3nbpxRNZc-00269-00074627-00075035 on the 28th of March 2007 in Euro 2008 uo3nbpxRNZc-00270-00075036-00075238 qualifier against Scotland in Bari uo3nbpxRNZc-00271-00075239-00075467 coming on as a substitute for Luca Toni uo3nbpxRNZc-00272-00075468-00075692 in the final minutes of the two 2-0 win uo3nbpxRNZc-00273-00075693-00076055 in calais on the 6th of June 2007 he uo3nbpxRNZc-00274-00076056-00076253 made his first start for Italy in a uo3nbpxRNZc-00275-00076254-00076301 vital uo3nbpxRNZc-00276-00076302-00076546 Euro 2008 qualifier against Lithuania uo3nbpxRNZc-00277-00076547-00076823 also scoring his first two goals for the uo3nbpxRNZc-00278-00076824-00077069 national side in the eventual - 2-0 win uo3nbpxRNZc-00279-00077070-00077423 on the 6th of February 2008 he scored uo3nbpxRNZc-00280-00077424-00077642 his third goal for Italy and his nations uo3nbpxRNZc-00281-00077643-00077798 third goal of the match in their uo3nbpxRNZc-00282-00077799-00078014 three-to-one triumph over Portugal in an uo3nbpxRNZc-00283-00078015-00078200 international friendly in Zurich this uo3nbpxRNZc-00284-00078201-00078482 was also the 1000 and 200th goals scored uo3nbpxRNZc-00285-00078483-00078776 by the Italian national side querella uo3nbpxRNZc-00286-00078777-00078998 was subsequently included in the Italian uo3nbpxRNZc-00287-00078999-00079307 UEFA Euro 2008 squad by manager Roberto uo3nbpxRNZc-00288-00079308-00079550 Donadoni he made his only appearance of uo3nbpxRNZc-00289-00079551-00079724 the tournament in Italy's second group uo3nbpxRNZc-00290-00079725-00079946 match a one-to-one draw against Romania uo3nbpxRNZc-00291-00079947-00080096 coming on as a second-half substitute uo3nbpxRNZc-00292-00080097-00080471 for Alessandro Del Piero Italy then uo3nbpxRNZc-00293-00080472-00080657 bowed out of the tournament on penalties uo3nbpxRNZc-00294-00080658-00080846 to eventual champions Spain in the uo3nbpxRNZc-00295-00080847-00081071 quarterfinals querella was subsequently uo3nbpxRNZc-00296-00081072-00081302 called up to Italy's 23-man squad for uo3nbpxRNZc-00297-00081303-00081593 the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup in uo3nbpxRNZc-00298-00081594-00081800 South Africa under returning manager uo3nbpxRNZc-00299-00081801-00081968 Marcello Lippi his only appearance uo3nbpxRNZc-00300-00081969-00082145 throughout the tournament came in uo3nbpxRNZc-00301-00082146-00082358 Italy's second group match a 1 2-0 uo3nbpxRNZc-00302-00082359-00082604 defeat to Egypt Italy were uo3nbpxRNZc-00303-00082605-00082778 disappointingly eliminated from the uo3nbpxRNZc-00304-00082779-00082961 tournament in the group stage following uo3nbpxRNZc-00305-00082962-00083201 a 3 2-0 defeat to eventual champions uo3nbpxRNZc-00306-00083202-00083351 Brazil in their final group match uo3nbpxRNZc-00307-00083352-00083606 querella was also included in the final uo3nbpxRNZc-00308-00083607-00083903 23-man Italian 2010 FIFA World Cup squad uo3nbpxRNZc-00309-00083904-00084146 by coach Marcello Lippi on the 5th of uo3nbpxRNZc-00310-00084147-00084353 June 2010 he scored a header in a uo3nbpxRNZc-00311-00084354-00084524 one-to-one away draw against Switzerland uo3nbpxRNZc-00312-00084525-00084743 in Italy's final friendly before the uo3nbpxRNZc-00313-00084744-00084989 tournament in Italy's final match of uo3nbpxRNZc-00314-00084990-00085229 Group F at the 2010 World Cup against uo3nbpxRNZc-00315-00085230-00085445 Slovakia querella came on at the uo3nbpxRNZc-00316-00085446-00085631 beginning of the second half for Gennaro uo3nbpxRNZc-00317-00085632-00085883 Gattuso with Italy trailing 1 to 0 and uo3nbpxRNZc-00318-00085884-00086084 in the space of 45 minutes he uo3nbpxRNZc-00319-00086085-00086291 contributed to teammate Antonio Di uo3nbpxRNZc-00320-00086292-00086516 Natale as goal who scored from a rebound uo3nbpxRNZc-00321-00086517-00086738 and subsequently executed a beautiful uo3nbpxRNZc-00322-00086739-00086996 25-yard chip in injury time to bring the uo3nbpxRNZc-00323-00086997-00087230 score to 3 to 2 furthermore throughout uo3nbpxRNZc-00324-00087231-00087428 the match he also had a volley cleared uo3nbpxRNZc-00325-00087429-00087632 off the line by Slovak defender Martin uo3nbpxRNZc-00326-00087633-00087818 Skrtel and had an equalizing goal uo3nbpxRNZc-00327-00087819-00088022 controversially ruled offside although uo3nbpxRNZc-00328-00088023-00088208 he was ultimately unable to prevent the uo3nbpxRNZc-00329-00088209-00088466 Italians from losing 3-2 - resulting in uo3nbpxRNZc-00330-00088467-00088655 one of Italy's most shocking World Cup uo3nbpxRNZc-00331-00088656-00088991 eliminations the match was his 21st cap uo3nbpxRNZc-00332-00088992-00089204 for Italy while his goal was his seventh uo3nbpxRNZc-00333-00089205-00089266 overall uo3nbpxRNZc-00334-00089267-00089507 although the Italian team was widely uo3nbpxRNZc-00335-00089508-00089702 criticised in the media uo3nbpxRNZc-00336-00089703-00089816 ella was praised for his performance uo3nbpxRNZc-00337-00089817-00090044 under Italy's new manager Cesare uo3nbpxRNZc-00338-00090045-00090302 Prandelli querella scored Italy's fourth uo3nbpxRNZc-00339-00090303-00090602 goal in a 5 2-0 home win in a Euro 2012 uo3nbpxRNZc-00340-00090603-00090782 qualifying match against the Faroe uo3nbpxRNZc-00341-00090783-00091118 Islands on the 7th of September 2010 he uo3nbpxRNZc-00342-00091119-00091286 later also appeared in a friendly uo3nbpxRNZc-00343-00091287-00091508 against Romania held in Klagenfurt on uo3nbpxRNZc-00344-00091509-00091718 the 17th of November scoring the uo3nbpxRNZc-00345-00091719-00091916 equalizing goal in the 1 to 1 draw uo3nbpxRNZc-00346-00091917-00092132 although some sources cite Italy's gold uo3nbpxRNZc-00347-00092133-00092303 as a known goal the Italian Football uo3nbpxRNZc-00348-00092304-00092543 Federation recognizes the goal as Choir uo3nbpxRNZc-00349-00092544-00092891 Ellis on the 2nd of September 2014 uo3nbpxRNZc-00350-00092892-00093044 choir ella was recalled to the national uo3nbpxRNZc-00351-00093045-00093254 team for a friendly match against the uo3nbpxRNZc-00352-00093255-00093449 Netherlands and UEFA Euro 2016 uo3nbpxRNZc-00353-00093450-00093728 qualifying matches against Azerbaijan in uo3nbpxRNZc-00354-00093729-00093956 Norway under new Italy manager Antonio uo3nbpxRNZc-00355-00093957-00094169 Conte although he did not appear during uo3nbpxRNZc-00356-00094170-00094439 the matches on the 3rd of October 2015 uo3nbpxRNZc-00357-00094440-00094640 choir illah earned another caller once uo3nbpxRNZc-00358-00094641-00094910 again for Italy's Euro 2016 qualifying uo3nbpxRNZc-00359-00094911-00095129 matches against Azerbaijan in Norway uo3nbpxRNZc-00360-00095130-00095336 once again he did not appear during the uo3nbpxRNZc-00361-00095337-00095618 matches on the 15th of March 2019 he uo3nbpxRNZc-00362-00095619-00095804 received a call-up from Roberto Mancini uo3nbpxRNZc-00363-00095805-00096104 for UEFA Euro 2020 qualifying matches uo3nbpxRNZc-00364-00096105-00096401 against Finland and Liechtenstein on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00365-00096402-00096722 23rd of March 2019 querella came off the uo3nbpxRNZc-00366-00096723-00096941 bench in the 80th minute for Italy in a uo3nbpxRNZc-00367-00096942-00097201 2 2-0 home win over Finland this was uo3nbpxRNZc-00368-00097202-00097448 3048 days since his last appearance uo3nbpxRNZc-00369-00097449-00097763 which had come in November 2010 on the uo3nbpxRNZc-00370-00097764-00098009 26th of March choir eller was handed his uo3nbpxRNZc-00371-00098010-00098228 first international start since the 5th uo3nbpxRNZc-00372-00098229-00098444 of June 2010 and his first competitive uo3nbpxRNZc-00373-00098445-00098774 start since the 14th of October 2009 a uo3nbpxRNZc-00374-00098775-00099068 3-2 home victory over Cyprus in a 2010 uo3nbpxRNZc-00375-00099069-00099308 World Cup qualifier which was also held uo3nbpxRNZc-00376-00099309-00099527 at the Stadio Ennio Tartini in Parma uo3nbpxRNZc-00377-00099528-00099746 scoring twice from the penalty spot in a uo3nbpxRNZc-00378-00099747-00099983 6 2-0 home win over Liechtenstein to uo3nbpxRNZc-00379-00099984-00100145 become Italy's all-time oldest uo3nbpxRNZc-00380-00100146-00100451 goalscorer at the age of 36 years and 54 uo3nbpxRNZc-00381-00100452-00100691 days he also set up moiez Keens goal uo3nbpxRNZc-00382-00100692-00101878 during the match topic style of play an uo3nbpxRNZc-00383-00101879-00102065 opportunistic yet hard work uo3nbpxRNZc-00384-00102066-00102215 looking forward with an eye for goal uo3nbpxRNZc-00385-00102216-00102418 good off the ball movement and a strong uo3nbpxRNZc-00386-00102419-00102652 positional sense querella is primarily uo3nbpxRNZc-00387-00102653-00102832 known for his accurate and powerful uo3nbpxRNZc-00388-00102833-00103049 striking ability from distance as well uo3nbpxRNZc-00389-00103050-00103252 as his ability in the air both with his uo3nbpxRNZc-00390-00103253-00103366 head and acrobatically uo3nbpxRNZc-00391-00103367-00103577 and his penchant for scoring spectacular uo3nbpxRNZc-00392-00103578-00103765 goals from volleys and shots anywhere uo3nbpxRNZc-00393-00103766-00104110 outside the area usually a striker he is uo3nbpxRNZc-00394-00104111-00104321 a versatile forward capable of playing uo3nbpxRNZc-00395-00104322-00104513 anywhere along the front line and has uo3nbpxRNZc-00396-00104514-00104692 also been deployed as a winger as a uo3nbpxRNZc-00397-00104693-00104911 second striker and even as an attacking uo3nbpxRNZc-00398-00104913-00105133 midfielder due to his technical skills uo3nbpxRNZc-00399-00105134-00105332 and ability to create space and provide uo3nbpxRNZc-00400-00105333-00105533 assists for teammates in addition to uo3nbpxRNZc-00401-00105533-00105827 scoring goals himself he is also an uo3nbpxRNZc-00402-00105828-00106615 accurate penalty taker topic personal uo3nbpxRNZc-00403-00106616-00107254 life querella wears the number 27 in uo3nbpxRNZc-00404-00107255-00107444 honor of Nicola galley a childhood uo3nbpxRNZc-00405-00107445-00107659 friend and youth academy teammate of his uo3nbpxRNZc-00406-00107660-00107866 who used to wear this number galle died uo3nbpxRNZc-00407-00107867-00108158 in a road accident in 2001 in February uo3nbpxRNZc-00408-00108158-00108425 2017 querella revealed in an interview uo3nbpxRNZc-00409-00108426-00108620 with media set that during his time at uo3nbpxRNZc-00410-00108621-00108811 Napoli he and his family were threatened uo3nbpxRNZc-00411-00108813-00108998 by a stalker over a period of five years uo3nbpxRNZc-00412-00108999-00109210 which eventually led to his departure uo3nbpxRNZc-00413-00109211-00110727 from the club topic career statistics uo3nbpxRNZc-00414-00110728-00111419 topic club as of match played the 26th uo3nbpxRNZc-00415-00111420-00111743 of May 20,000 190 1includes coppa italia uo3nbpxRNZc-00416-00111744-00112013 coppa italia serie c and supercoppa uo3nbpxRNZc-00417-00112014-00112132 italiana uo3nbpxRNZc-00418-00112133-00112463 - includes UEFA cup UEFA Champions uo3nbpxRNZc-00419-00112464-00113229 League and UEFA Europa League topic uo3nbpxRNZc-00420-00113230-00113843 international as of the 26th of March uo3nbpxRNZc-00421-00113844-00114952 2019 topic international goals scores uo3nbpxRNZc-00422-00114953-00115108 and results list Italy's goal tally uo3nbpxRNZc-00423-00115109-00115672 first uo3nbpxRNZc-00424-00115673-00117259 topic honest topic Club Torino Serie B uo3nbpxRNZc-00425-00117260-00117722 mm no one knew Ventus Syria 2011-12 uo3nbpxRNZc-00426-00117723-00118263 2012-13 2013-14 supercoppa italiana uo3nbpxRNZc-00427-00118264-00119172 2012-2013 Coppa Italia runner-up 2011-12 uo3nbpxRNZc-00428-00119173-00119850 topic individual Syria goal of the year uo3nbpxRNZc-00429-00119851-00120387 2009 premio gentleman Fairplay 2017 uo3nbpxRNZc-00430-00120388-00120700 premio nazione Lika Riera esse Blair uo3nbpxRNZc-00431-00120701-00121249 Gaetano scirea 2018 Syria best forward uo3nbpxRNZc-00432-00121250-00121808 2018-19 Syria top scorer 2018 19 26 uo3nbpxRNZc-00433-00121808-00122029 goals u0lqqqS3vLE-00000-00000026-00000657 good news I've created a cure for death u0lqqqS3vLE-00001-00000658-00000989 really yes u0lqqqS3vLE-00002-00000990-00001850 I'll show you Bella's is no cure for u0lqqqS3vLE-00003-00001851-00002231 death um that was like yo forget it u0lqqqS3vLE-00004-00002232-00002752 wasn't it deter the death cure into u0lqqqS3vLE-00005-00002753-00003058 there they're the same thing right right u0lqqqS3vLE-00006-00003059-00003149 right u0lqqqS3vLE-00007-00003150-00003646 oh man u1HFRtQsFAu-00000-00000289-00000628 Dear Dad I'm taking some Eva time again u1HFRtQsFAu-00001-00000629-00001061 today and why well I just love looking u1HFRtQsFAu-00002-00001062-00001235 at the star bow u1HFRtQsFAu-00003-00001236-00001511 it's just amazing I wish you could have u1HFRtQsFAu-00004-00001512-00001763 seen it before you died u1HFRtQsFAu-00005-00001764-00002149 all the universe every Star every Galaxy u1HFRtQsFAu-00006-00002150-00002525 all compressed into a brilliant point of u1HFRtQsFAu-00007-00002526-00002842 multi-colored light so small I can u1HFRtQsFAu-00008-00002843-00003066 Eclipse it with my outstretched hand u1HFRtQsFAu-00009-00003067-00003370 everything that ever was everything that u1HFRtQsFAu-00010-00003371-00003629 ever lived is in that lonely patch of u1HFRtQsFAu-00011-00003629-00003970 light in an Endless Sea of Darkness u1HFRtQsFAu-00012-00003971-00004277 okay maybe that's not the reason maybe u1HFRtQsFAu-00013-00004278-00004486 it's just because I'm feeling lonelier u1HFRtQsFAu-00014-00004487-00004781 than I ever have because I just found u1HFRtQsFAu-00015-00004782-00005188 out today dad that Jennifer Stannis yeah u1HFRtQsFAu-00016-00005189-00005422 that hard driving task master who taught u1HFRtQsFAu-00017-00005423-00005759 me everything I know well she decided to u1HFRtQsFAu-00018-00005760-00005849 retire u1HFRtQsFAu-00019-00005850-00006106 a couple days ago well a couple days u1HFRtQsFAu-00020-00006107-00006395 from my perspective anyway and then the u1HFRtQsFAu-00021-00006396-00006664 old bat went and died on me leaving me u1HFRtQsFAu-00022-00006665-00006910 as the oldest human being in the u1HFRtQsFAu-00023-00006911-00007192 universe it wouldn't be so bad if I u1HFRtQsFAu-00024-00007193-00007439 still had my family with me but ever u1HFRtQsFAu-00025-00007440-00007792 since I lost Fujiko and Aiden well my u1HFRtQsFAu-00026-00007793-00008063 little girl had to blame somebody and u1HFRtQsFAu-00027-00008064-00008314 she chose me and we ended up going our u1HFRtQsFAu-00028-00008315-00008591 separate ways and now I found out that u1HFRtQsFAu-00029-00008592-00008831 she's decided to give up being a Lancer u1HFRtQsFAu-00030-00008832-00009142 decided to get married to some guy she u1HFRtQsFAu-00031-00009143-00009437 met on a star system almost 50 light u1HFRtQsFAu-00032-00009438-00009683 years away what does she have in common u1HFRtQsFAu-00033-00009684-00009935 with him he's got to be at least a u1HFRtQsFAu-00034-00009936-00010199 century younger than her so I gotta get u1HFRtQsFAu-00035-00010200-00010492 to her dad I gotta somehow get what's u1HFRtQsFAu-00036-00010493-00010745 left of my family back together while I u1HFRtQsFAu-00037-00010746-00010996 still have time and she's gonna be in u1HFRtQsFAu-00038-00010997-00011242 her 40s by the time I finally get there u1HFRtQsFAu-00039-00011243-00011596 will almost be the same age I hope I can u1HFRtQsFAu-00040-00011597-00011914 patch things up well that's about it man u1HFRtQsFAu-00041-00011915-00012067 I miss you u1HFRtQsFAu-00042-00012068-00014422 [Music] u1HFRtQsFAu-00043-00014423-00014685 foreign u1HFRtQsFAu-00044-00014686-00016086 [Music] u1HFRtQsFAu-00045-00016087-00016379 so as some of you may be aware I'm going u1HFRtQsFAu-00046-00016380-00016594 to be starting another channel that will u1HFRtQsFAu-00047-00016595-00016889 focus on science fiction stories I hope u1HFRtQsFAu-00048-00016890-00017111 you guys enjoyed that little snippet u1HFRtQsFAu-00049-00017112-00017380 from my first piece of content that I'll u1HFRtQsFAu-00050-00017381-00017657 be releasing on that channel and also u1HFRtQsFAu-00051-00017658-00017921 I've got a voice actress to help me out u1HFRtQsFAu-00052-00017922-00018221 I think a lot of you know her Ellie in u1HFRtQsFAu-00053-00018222-00018472 space so I'm very excited about u1HFRtQsFAu-00054-00018473-00018647 everything that's going to be happening u1HFRtQsFAu-00055-00018648-00018880 with that new channel when I finally get u1HFRtQsFAu-00056-00018881-00019186 it all put together stay tuned but in u1HFRtQsFAu-00057-00019187-00019408 the meantime I hope I gave all of you u1HFRtQsFAu-00058-00019409-00019655 some food for thought because I don't u1HFRtQsFAu-00059-00019656-00019877 believe that something like warp drive u1HFRtQsFAu-00060-00019878-00020075 is going to solve all of our u1HFRtQsFAu-00061-00020076-00020393 Interstellar travel problems for us I do u1HFRtQsFAu-00062-00020394-00020621 believe that the light barrier is going u1HFRtQsFAu-00063-00020622-00020885 to be a significant problem that we may u1HFRtQsFAu-00064-00020886-00021179 never overcome and why do I believe this u1HFRtQsFAu-00065-00021180-00021443 well if warp drive was a realistic u1HFRtQsFAu-00066-00021444-00021694 possibility I think we would be up to u1HFRtQsFAu-00067-00021695-00022007 our armpits and Aliens right now unless u1HFRtQsFAu-00068-00022008-00022258 we are are truly alone in the universe u1HFRtQsFAu-00069-00022259-00022522 the Fermi Paradox becomes much more u1HFRtQsFAu-00070-00022523-00022786 difficult to explain if the vastness of u1HFRtQsFAu-00071-00022787-00023099 space is no real obstacle if warp drive u1HFRtQsFAu-00072-00023100-00023369 allows us to jump from star to star in u1HFRtQsFAu-00073-00023370-00023633 the space of weeks or even months there u1HFRtQsFAu-00074-00023634-00023927 has to be a much more difficult barrier u1HFRtQsFAu-00075-00023928-00024167 that other civilizations have to u1HFRtQsFAu-00076-00024168-00024364 overcome that's keeping them from u1HFRtQsFAu-00077-00024365-00024664 reaching us on a daily basis there may u1HFRtQsFAu-00078-00024665-00024953 be somebody watching us right now but I u1HFRtQsFAu-00079-00024954-00025186 think they're probably very few in u1HFRtQsFAu-00080-00025187-00025450 number that if a civilization stumbles u1HFRtQsFAu-00081-00025451-00025775 across us they do so by accident because u1HFRtQsFAu-00082-00025776-00026008 the light barrier prevents anybody u1HFRtQsFAu-00083-00026010-00026351 Beyond 50 or 100 light years away from u1HFRtQsFAu-00084-00026352-00026602 visiting us on purpose all of that u1HFRtQsFAu-00085-00026604-00026890 having been said then if the only way to u1HFRtQsFAu-00086-00026891-00027155 practically travel from star to star in u1HFRtQsFAu-00087-00027156-00027383 a reasonable amount of times to take u1HFRtQsFAu-00088-00027383-00027695 advantage of time dilation and the other u1HFRtQsFAu-00089-00027695-00027952 phenomena that take place very close to u1HFRtQsFAu-00090-00027954-00028151 the speed of light that's going to u1HFRtQsFAu-00091-00028152-00028427 create lots of unique problems for u1HFRtQsFAu-00092-00028427-00028733 future Interstellar Travelers what sort u1HFRtQsFAu-00093-00028733-00028912 of people would make the conscious u1HFRtQsFAu-00094-00028913-00029152 decision to leave their lives on Earth u1HFRtQsFAu-00095-00029154-00029440 or wherever they happen to live behind u1HFRtQsFAu-00096-00029441-00029723 forever because by the time they travel u1HFRtQsFAu-00097-00029724-00030023 to a star system that's even very close u1HFRtQsFAu-00098-00030024-00030358 by say 20 light years away almost an u1HFRtQsFAu-00099-00030360-00030623 entire generation will have passed on u1HFRtQsFAu-00100-00030624-00030862 the system they left behind and if they u1HFRtQsFAu-00101-00030863-00031127 were to return almost half a century u1HFRtQsFAu-00102-00031127-00031420 will have passed after a few trips the u1HFRtQsFAu-00103-00031422-00031631 only people in interstellar traveler u1HFRtQsFAu-00104-00031632-00031858 would know and still have around would u1HFRtQsFAu-00105-00031860-00032051 be the people who traveled on the same u1HFRtQsFAu-00106-00032052-00032314 ship with him or perhaps people who u1HFRtQsFAu-00107-00032316-00032579 traveled on different ships experiencing u1HFRtQsFAu-00108-00032580-00032879 the same time dilation effects everybody u1HFRtQsFAu-00109-00032880-00033202 else would be lost to time crumbled to u1HFRtQsFAu-00110-00033203-00033485 dust as time mercilessly wipes out u1HFRtQsFAu-00111-00033486-00033743 everything they've ever known indeed u1HFRtQsFAu-00112-00033744-00033971 even humans on different planets u1HFRtQsFAu-00113-00033972-00034223 orbiting different Stars would have more u1HFRtQsFAu-00114-00034224-00034499 in common with each other than they u1HFRtQsFAu-00115-00034500-00034751 would with these mysterious Interstellar u1HFRtQsFAu-00116-00034752-00034949 Travelers because they would only be u1HFRtQsFAu-00117-00034950-00035212 separated by the few years that it takes u1HFRtQsFAu-00118-00035213-00035561 Communications to travel between Stars u1HFRtQsFAu-00119-00035562-00035902 questions cultural changes all of those u1HFRtQsFAu-00120-00035903-00036161 things would only be separated by a few u1HFRtQsFAu-00121-00036162-00036473 years or perhaps a generation for stars u1HFRtQsFAu-00122-00036474-00036677 that lie a little further away from u1HFRtQsFAu-00123-00036678-00036952 Earth whereas these people well just u1HFRtQsFAu-00124-00036953-00037168 like our fictional character in the u1HFRtQsFAu-00125-00037169-00037421 story I just read to you they would u1HFRtQsFAu-00126-00037422-00037757 become centuries out of touch after just u1HFRtQsFAu-00127-00037758-00038027 a few Journeys so what kind of people u1HFRtQsFAu-00128-00038028-00038315 would consciously decide to make these u1HFRtQsFAu-00129-00038316-00038507 kinds of Journeys well first of all u1HFRtQsFAu-00130-00038508-00038759 let's return to Dr ensman's book to u1HFRtQsFAu-00131-00038760-00038993 assess some of his goals of starflight u1HFRtQsFAu-00132-00038994-00039262 number one The increased likelihood of u1HFRtQsFAu-00133-00039263-00039461 the survival and development of the u1HFRtQsFAu-00134-00039462-00039707 human species not very different from u1HFRtQsFAu-00135-00039708-00039952 what Elon Musk thinks about going to u1HFRtQsFAu-00136-00039953-00040229 Mars to the enhanced power of a group u1HFRtQsFAu-00137-00040230-00040487 such as an ethnic or religious minority u1HFRtQsFAu-00138-00040488-00040787 an endangered Nation or an ideologically u1HFRtQsFAu-00139-00040788-00041051 oriented movement to determine its own u1HFRtQsFAu-00140-00041052-00041273 destiny by freeing itself from the u1HFRtQsFAu-00141-00041274-00041429 shackles that have restricted its u1HFRtQsFAu-00142-00041430-00041657 development on Earth by freeing it to u1HFRtQsFAu-00143-00041658-00041909 become what it chooses to be kind of u1HFRtQsFAu-00144-00041910-00042137 like the pilgrims in England who decided u1HFRtQsFAu-00145-00042138-00042424 to go to the new world number three the u1HFRtQsFAu-00146-00042425-00042629 enormous wealth available from virtually u1HFRtQsFAu-00147-00042630-00042880 unlimited resources combined with u1HFRtQsFAu-00148-00042881-00043145 technological skill number four the u1HFRtQsFAu-00149-00043146-00043355 adventure excitement and thrill of u1HFRtQsFAu-00150-00043356-00043589 beginning afresh and even working to u1HFRtQsFAu-00151-00043590-00043924 create utopian societies number five the u1HFRtQsFAu-00152-00043925-00044087 greatly expanded knowledge and u1HFRtQsFAu-00153-00044088-00044345 opportunities for ongoing scientific u1HFRtQsFAu-00154-00044346-00044596 research and number six the life u1HFRtQsFAu-00155-00044597-00044830 extension for Crews aboard Starships u1HFRtQsFAu-00156-00044831-00045040 which could be made luxurious with u1HFRtQsFAu-00157-00045041-00045233 profits derived from transporting u1HFRtQsFAu-00158-00045234-00045437 passengers and cargo u1HFRtQsFAu-00159-00045438-00045665 now on the other side of the coin let's u1HFRtQsFAu-00160-00045666-00045868 look at the hazards of staying number u1HFRtQsFAu-00161-00045869-00046133 one collision with any of the near-earth u1HFRtQsFAu-00162-00046134-00046373 asteroids that cross Earth's orbit or u1HFRtQsFAu-00163-00046374-00046589 with a large meteorite now of course u1HFRtQsFAu-00164-00046590-00046793 that's something that can be avoided by u1HFRtQsFAu-00165-00046794-00046996 going to a different planet in the solar u1HFRtQsFAu-00166-00046997-00047224 system not to a different star system u1HFRtQsFAu-00167-00047225-00047518 but if a different star system had a u1HFRtQsFAu-00168-00047519-00047746 planet that already had an oxygen u1HFRtQsFAu-00169-00047747-00048023 nitrogen atmosphere or at least a less u1HFRtQsFAu-00170-00048024-00048245 hostile environment than Mars it would u1HFRtQsFAu-00171-00048246-00048521 still be attractive number two radiation u1HFRtQsFAu-00172-00048522-00048785 from a relatively nearby Supernova u1HFRtQsFAu-00173-00048786-00048977 that's something you could not escape u1HFRtQsFAu-00174-00048978-00049162 from if you went to a different planet u1HFRtQsFAu-00175-00049163-00049423 in the same solar system number three u1HFRtQsFAu-00176-00049424-00049667 encounter with a galactic dust cloud u1HFRtQsFAu-00177-00049668-00049967 that could First Shadow the sun thus u1HFRtQsFAu-00178-00049968-00050207 freezing Earth and ice and then stoke u1HFRtQsFAu-00179-00050208-00050435 the sun with fresh fuel by falling into u1HFRtQsFAu-00180-00050436-00050783 it thereby roasting the Earth not a big u1HFRtQsFAu-00181-00050784-00051035 possibility but still one that I haven't u1HFRtQsFAu-00182-00051036-00051299 given a great deal of thought to until I u1HFRtQsFAu-00183-00051300-00051604 read it number four the sun becoming a u1HFRtQsFAu-00184-00051605-00051857 variable star number five the u1HFRtQsFAu-00185-00051858-00052049 possibility that the heart of the Milky u1HFRtQsFAu-00186-00052050-00052330 Way galaxy may become an active Quasar u1HFRtQsFAu-00187-00052332-00052625 now of course that's not very likely but u1HFRtQsFAu-00188-00052626-00052859 what if some sort of cataclysm like that u1HFRtQsFAu-00189-00052860-00053129 were to strike the Galaxy as we saw in u1HFRtQsFAu-00190-00053129-00053369 part one of this series you could escape u1HFRtQsFAu-00191-00053370-00053687 the Galaxy and go to a planetary system u1HFRtQsFAu-00192-00053688-00054011 in an entirely different galaxy in about u1HFRtQsFAu-00193-00054012-00054347 20 years time if you take time dilation u1HFRtQsFAu-00194-00054348-00054611 into account this is something that u1HFRtQsFAu-00195-00054612-00054869 frees us from the confines of our own u1HFRtQsFAu-00196-00054870-00055109 solar system ensuring the long-term u1HFRtQsFAu-00197-00055110-00055397 survival of the species so what kind of u1HFRtQsFAu-00198-00055398-00055600 people would actually make the journey u1HFRtQsFAu-00199-00055601-00055888 will it be a combination of different u1HFRtQsFAu-00200-00055889-00056176 types of colonists colonists who intend u1HFRtQsFAu-00201-00056177-00056459 to settle on a new world or colonists u1HFRtQsFAu-00202-00056460-00056704 who have decided to make a spaceship u1HFRtQsFAu-00203-00056705-00056957 their permanent home they would probably u1HFRtQsFAu-00204-00056958-00057250 be married couples with a proportion of u1HFRtQsFAu-00205-00057251-00057509 extra disinterested personnel owls such u1HFRtQsFAu-00206-00057510-00057749 as older people or very young people u1HFRtQsFAu-00207-00057750-00058066 including children who are born on board u1HFRtQsFAu-00208-00058067-00058325 ship the older people could be included u1HFRtQsFAu-00209-00058326-00058529 for their special skills and would u1HFRtQsFAu-00210-00058529-00058775 essentially retire to end their days u1HFRtQsFAu-00211-00058776-00059015 aboard a spacecraft and some of them u1HFRtQsFAu-00212-00059016-00059273 would live to see the entry into an u1HFRtQsFAu-00213-00059274-00059566 alien system this might be a very good u1HFRtQsFAu-00214-00059567-00059849 way for people to retire coming towards u1HFRtQsFAu-00215-00059850-00060088 the ends of their lives given the short u1HFRtQsFAu-00216-00060089-00060394 amount of time that passes on board ship u1HFRtQsFAu-00217-00060395-00060611 because of time dilation they could u1HFRtQsFAu-00218-00060612-00060863 still end their days on some strange u1HFRtQsFAu-00219-00060864-00061097 alien world that could be a very u1HFRtQsFAu-00220-00061098-00061379 compelling thing to some people as Dr u1HFRtQsFAu-00221-00061379-00061666 ensman pointed out courageous volunteers u1HFRtQsFAu-00222-00061667-00061909 and explorers are compelled to explore u1HFRtQsFAu-00223-00061910-00062219 sometimes a great personal risk and u1HFRtQsFAu-00224-00062220-00062423 sometimes with the end being almost u1HFRtQsFAu-00225-00062424-00062675 certain personal destruction the public u1HFRtQsFAu-00226-00062676-00062926 forever patronizes and supports with u1HFRtQsFAu-00227-00062927-00063197 enthusiasm and endless variety of u1HFRtQsFAu-00228-00063198-00063419 hazardous Sports including type rope u1HFRtQsFAu-00229-00063420-00063700 walking sword swallowing Hindu u1HFRtQsFAu-00230-00063701-00064000 asceticism demolition derbies cliff u1HFRtQsFAu-00231-00064001-00064342 diving and many others children born on u1HFRtQsFAu-00232-00064344-00064553 such ships would become acquainted with u1HFRtQsFAu-00233-00064554-00064823 ship systems at a very early age working u1HFRtQsFAu-00234-00064824-00065135 on flight simulators and various ship u1HFRtQsFAu-00235-00065136-00065387 systems while they're still young and u1HFRtQsFAu-00236-00065388-00065615 getting very accustomed to shipborne u1HFRtQsFAu-00237-00065616-00065891 life until eventually a different life u1HFRtQsFAu-00238-00065892-00066185 on a planetary surface might seem alien u1HFRtQsFAu-00239-00066186-00066526 and uncomfortable creating an entirely u1HFRtQsFAu-00240-00066527-00066773 different subspecies of the human race u1HFRtQsFAu-00241-00066774-00067000 that is better suited to space travel u1HFRtQsFAu-00242-00067001-00067300 lives longer than everybody else and u1HFRtQsFAu-00243-00067301-00067517 considers themselves to be a different u1HFRtQsFAu-00244-00067518-00067800 breed apart from the rest of the species u1HFRtQsFAu-00245-00067801-00068069 indeed you might even have ships u1HFRtQsFAu-00246-00068070-00068297 governments or city-state type u1HFRtQsFAu-00247-00068298-00068585 governments aboard each individual ship u1HFRtQsFAu-00248-00068586-00068837 with ships companies forming separate u1HFRtQsFAu-00249-00068838-00069076 societies from their passengers who u1HFRtQsFAu-00250-00069077-00069305 would be very different people in almost u1HFRtQsFAu-00251-00069306-00069623 every respect and also these companies u1HFRtQsFAu-00252-00069624-00069863 choosing their own captains because keep u1HFRtQsFAu-00253-00069864-00070132 in mind a ship's Captain would outlive u1HFRtQsFAu-00254-00070133-00070385 all of their superiors on the planets u1HFRtQsFAu-00255-00070386-00070643 they left behind sometimes by many u1HFRtQsFAu-00256-00070644-00070894 centuries how then would these so-called u1HFRtQsFAu-00257-00070895-00071188 superiors be in any way qualified to u1HFRtQsFAu-00258-00071189-00071488 make any decisions about officer choices u1HFRtQsFAu-00259-00071489-00071800 or even captaincy choices when the u1HFRtQsFAu-00260-00071801-00072065 company on board ship would be much u1HFRtQsFAu-00261-00072066-00072275 better suited to make these kinds of u1HFRtQsFAu-00262-00072276-00072544 decisions indeed separate governments u1HFRtQsFAu-00263-00072545-00072767 would no doubt be set up on every u1HFRtQsFAu-00264-00072768-00073097 planetary system separated by many light u1HFRtQsFAu-00265-00073098-00073361 years or even four or five light years u1HFRtQsFAu-00266-00073362-00073625 it would be very difficult for any u1HFRtQsFAu-00267-00073626-00073894 Earthbound government to establish any u1HFRtQsFAu-00268-00073895-00074225 meaningful authority over a colony that u1HFRtQsFAu-00269-00074226-00074500 far away separated not only by distance u1HFRtQsFAu-00270-00074501-00074819 but also by a significant amount of time u1HFRtQsFAu-00271-00074820-00075179 now this is not necessarily the case an u1HFRtQsFAu-00272-00075180-00075419 extremely authoritative and repressive u1HFRtQsFAu-00273-00075420-00075671 government on Earth might be able to u1HFRtQsFAu-00274-00075672-00075923 dispatch their own planetary Governors u1HFRtQsFAu-00275-00075924-00076217 with very strict instructions and also a u1HFRtQsFAu-00276-00076218-00076529 sizable military force to impose Earth's u1HFRtQsFAu-00277-00076530-00076823 will on her colonies however this would u1HFRtQsFAu-00278-00076824-00077069 be a difficult thing to do given the u1HFRtQsFAu-00279-00077070-00077212 fact that they would need the u1HFRtQsFAu-00280-00077213-00077555 cooperation of the various Crews on u1HFRtQsFAu-00281-00077556-00077771 these ships who would be entirely u1HFRtQsFAu-00282-00077772-00078041 different people and uniquely qualified u1HFRtQsFAu-00283-00078042-00078287 to carry these Governors and these u1HFRtQsFAu-00284-00078288-00078605 troops to these various colonies in many u1HFRtQsFAu-00285-00078606-00078923 ways this separate subdivision of human u1HFRtQsFAu-00286-00078924-00079337 civilization these spacers or Lancers as u1HFRtQsFAu-00287-00079338-00079619 I call them in my particular story would u1HFRtQsFAu-00288-00079620-00079912 be very similar to the spacing Guilds of u1HFRtQsFAu-00289-00079913-00080159 the Dune Universe people who are u1HFRtQsFAu-00290-00080160-00080381 uniquely qualified to handle u1HFRtQsFAu-00291-00080382-00080644 Interstellar travel for anybody who u1HFRtQsFAu-00292-00080645-00080867 wants to make use of their services and u1HFRtQsFAu-00293-00080868-00081025 if these ships were largely u1HFRtQsFAu-00294-00081026-00081275 self-sufficient as the echo Lance u1HFRtQsFAu-00295-00081276-00081521 definitely is it would be very u1HFRtQsFAu-00296-00081522-00081700 challenging for a repressive government u1HFRtQsFAu-00297-00081701-00081982 to enforce its will on any particular u1HFRtQsFAu-00298-00081983-00082253 ship or crew they could simply head out u1HFRtQsFAu-00299-00082254-00082511 to a distant star system for your 50 u1HFRtQsFAu-00300-00082512-00082787 light years away and wait for a u1HFRtQsFAu-00301-00082788-00082961 repressive Governor or president u1HFRtQsFAu-00302-00082962-00083225 dictator whatever to die of old age u1HFRtQsFAu-00303-00083226-00083488 before they returned once the heat died u1HFRtQsFAu-00304-00083489-00083699 down and of course during that time u1HFRtQsFAu-00305-00083700-00083926 Earth would not have use of their u1HFRtQsFAu-00306-00083927-00084238 extremely valuable ship and skills in my u1HFRtQsFAu-00307-00084239-00084503 opinion if the speed of light remains a u1HFRtQsFAu-00308-00084504-00084767 barrier that we simply cannot overcome u1HFRtQsFAu-00309-00084768-00085079 than Interstellar Empires are going to u1HFRtQsFAu-00310-00085080-00085337 be a difficult thing to establish even u1HFRtQsFAu-00311-00085338-00085582 though individual governments on u1HFRtQsFAu-00312-00085583-00085788 different planets might be repressive u1HFRtQsFAu-00313-00085789-00086135 overall this kind of system affords u1HFRtQsFAu-00314-00086136-00086512 itself very well to independent and free u1HFRtQsFAu-00315-00086513-00086776 societies rather than repressive u1HFRtQsFAu-00316-00086777-00086981 governments an Interstellar human u1HFRtQsFAu-00317-00086982-00087281 civilization is likely to be a loose u1HFRtQsFAu-00318-00087282-00087521 Association of colony days that come u1HFRtQsFAu-00319-00087522-00087797 together in times of need but otherwise u1HFRtQsFAu-00320-00087798-00088132 operate pretty much independently and u1HFRtQsFAu-00321-00088133-00088349 different planetary systems would have u1HFRtQsFAu-00322-00088350-00088600 different requirements for example if u1HFRtQsFAu-00323-00088601-00088799 we're talking about a planet tidally u1HFRtQsFAu-00324-00088800-00089123 locked orbiting a red dwarf a very harsh u1HFRtQsFAu-00325-00089124-00089399 place to live they might be more reliant u1HFRtQsFAu-00326-00089400-00089626 on other colonies for their survival u1HFRtQsFAu-00327-00089627-00089885 than a society fortunate enough to be u1HFRtQsFAu-00328-00089886-00090118 living on a twin of Earth orbiting a u1HFRtQsFAu-00329-00090119-00090388 G-Class star but in the midst of all of u1HFRtQsFAu-00330-00090389-00090593 it the glue that would hold human u1HFRtQsFAu-00331-00090594-00090923 civilization together would be this u1HFRtQsFAu-00332-00090924-00091165 unique and different group of people u1HFRtQsFAu-00333-00091166-00091517 manning these ships these apparently u1HFRtQsFAu-00334-00091518-00091805 Immortal people living for centuries u1HFRtQsFAu-00335-00091806-00092038 while the rest of us live out our normal u1HFRtQsFAu-00336-00092039-00092309 everyday lives who make transportation u1HFRtQsFAu-00337-00092310-00092603 between the Stars possible this would be u1HFRtQsFAu-00338-00092604-00092879 a unique and amazing lifestyle that u1HFRtQsFAu-00339-00092880-00093100 might prove attractive to some although u1HFRtQsFAu-00340-00093101-00093329 I admit that most humans would have a u1HFRtQsFAu-00341-00093330-00093544 very difficult time I'm adjusting to u1HFRtQsFAu-00342-00093545-00093797 this sort of life that being the case u1HFRtQsFAu-00343-00093798-00094091 though it is possible this is something u1HFRtQsFAu-00344-00094092-00094355 that we can accomplish sometime in our u1HFRtQsFAu-00345-00094356-00094594 future we aren't working aggressively u1HFRtQsFAu-00346-00094595-00094835 towards achieving Interstellar travel at u1HFRtQsFAu-00347-00094836-00095117 this point even interplanetary travel is u1HFRtQsFAu-00348-00095118-00095297 something that's eluded us for quite u1HFRtQsFAu-00349-00095298-00095518 some time but it's something we should u1HFRtQsFAu-00350-00095519-00095806 work towards in the long run those who u1HFRtQsFAu-00351-00095807-00096047 scoff at the notion of colonizing the u1HFRtQsFAu-00352-00096048-00096305 solar system are right in one important u1HFRtQsFAu-00353-00096306-00096623 respect there is no planet or moon in u1HFRtQsFAu-00354-00096624-00096809 the solar system that nearly as u1HFRtQsFAu-00355-00096810-00097109 attractive as our own every other u1HFRtQsFAu-00356-00097110-00097312 environment in the solar system is u1HFRtQsFAu-00357-00097313-00097576 extremely hostile and will remain so u1HFRtQsFAu-00358-00097577-00097859 until we can manage to terraform them a u1HFRtQsFAu-00359-00097860-00098081 process that will likely take centuries u1HFRtQsFAu-00360-00098082-00098429 if not Millennia the only way to find a u1HFRtQsFAu-00361-00098430-00098699 planet similar to Earth is to explore u1HFRtQsFAu-00362-00098700-00098981 other star systems and the only way to u1HFRtQsFAu-00363-00098982-00099250 do that is by using relativistic u1HFRtQsFAu-00364-00099251-00099521 spacecraft like the ends an echo Lance u1HFRtQsFAu-00365-00099522-00099838 and by means of the types of people that u1HFRtQsFAu-00366-00099839-00100097 will choose to crew them smash that like u1HFRtQsFAu-00367-00100098-00100337 hit that subscribe thank you very much u1HFRtQsFAu-00368-00100338-00100565 for watching if you haven't seen part u1HFRtQsFAu-00369-00100566-00100817 one of this series by the way I'll have u1HFRtQsFAu-00370-00100818-00100997 it linked at the end of this video u1HFRtQsFAu-00371-00100998-00101231 please check the description for various u1HFRtQsFAu-00372-00101232-00101538 ways to support my content and as always u1HFRtQsFAu-00373-00101539-00101857 stay angry about space u1HFRtQsFAu-00374-00101858-00103549 [Music] u1HFRtQsFAu-00375-00103550-00103850 thank you u2l4bGAPciY-00000-00000012-00000378 this is Dennis McMahon and welcome to u2l4bGAPciY-00001-00000379-00000767 positively Vermont and today we are u2l4bGAPciY-00002-00000768-00000994 going to be exploring the Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00003-00000996-00001235 Folklife Center uh which is u2l4bGAPciY-00004-00001236-00001516 headquartered in Middlebury Vermont and u2l4bGAPciY-00005-00001517-00001714 explore a number of this very u2l4bGAPciY-00006-00001716-00001937 interesting projects that are going to u2l4bGAPciY-00007-00001938-00002201 be going on in the in the current months u2l4bGAPciY-00008-00002202-00002557 we have two guests uh from the Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00009-00002558-00002908 Folklife Center Ian Drury and Mary u2l4bGAPciY-00010-00002909-00003221 Wesley welcome u2l4bGAPciY-00011-00003222-00003443 thanks so much Dennis u2l4bGAPciY-00012-00003444-00003695 thanks for having us excellent now what u2l4bGAPciY-00013-00003696-00003881 I'd like you to do each one of you is u2l4bGAPciY-00014-00003882-00004031 you just tell us a little bit about u2l4bGAPciY-00015-00004032-00004283 yourself your background and what you do u2l4bGAPciY-00016-00004284-00004636 for the Vermont Folklife Center u2l4bGAPciY-00017-00004637-00004804 Ian want to start u2l4bGAPciY-00018-00004805-00005027 yeah thank you um thanks for having us u2l4bGAPciY-00019-00005028-00005225 Dennis I really appreciate it u2l4bGAPciY-00020-00005226-00005459 um yeah I've just uh recently uh u2l4bGAPciY-00021-00005460-00005668 recently hired uh director of young u2l4bGAPciY-00022-00005669-00005981 tradition Vermont at Vermont Folklife u2l4bGAPciY-00023-00005982-00006365 um and I I come to the to the job u2l4bGAPciY-00024-00006366-00006556 um after 20 years working in early u2l4bGAPciY-00025-00006558-00006773 childhood education and various music u2l4bGAPciY-00026-00006773-00007025 programs and running summer camps and u2l4bGAPciY-00027-00007026-00007205 grew up with u2l4bGAPciY-00028-00007206-00007564 um a uh life full of traditional music u2l4bGAPciY-00029-00007565-00007828 and uh touring with my parents who are u2l4bGAPciY-00030-00007829-00008128 both in bands um when I was young u2l4bGAPciY-00031-00008129-00008363 that's great Mary tell us a little bit u2l4bGAPciY-00032-00008364-00008495 about yourself u2l4bGAPciY-00033-00008496-00008645 yes u2l4bGAPciY-00034-00008646-00008992 um so happy to be here I am also a u2l4bGAPciY-00035-00008993-00009178 lifelong vermonter grew up in Addison u2l4bGAPciY-00036-00009179-00009364 County u2l4bGAPciY-00037-00009365-00009719 um and I have been working with the u2l4bGAPciY-00038-00009720-00009910 Vermont folk Life Center or we should u2l4bGAPciY-00039-00009911-00010121 share our new name is is Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00040-00010122-00010396 Folklife which we I'll talk a little bit u2l4bGAPciY-00041-00010397-00010696 later about that that change u2l4bGAPciY-00042-00010697-00010931 um so I've been with Vermont Folklife u2l4bGAPciY-00043-00010932-00011219 since 2018. I have a background in u2l4bGAPciY-00044-00011220-00011531 anthropology and also documentary media u2l4bGAPciY-00045-00011532-00011692 production u2l4bGAPciY-00046-00011693-00011981 um so my like many small non-profit u2l4bGAPciY-00047-00011982-00012251 employees I I wear a lot of different u2l4bGAPciY-00048-00012252-00012496 hats but my official job title is the u2l4bGAPciY-00049-00012497-00012827 media and education specialist u2l4bGAPciY-00050-00012828-00013066 um so I support a lot of our education u2l4bGAPciY-00051-00013067-00013319 programs both in schools and out in the u2l4bGAPciY-00052-00013319-00013480 community u2l4bGAPciY-00053-00013481-00013919 um I teach media skills and also uh u2l4bGAPciY-00054-00013919-00014185 create a lot of different multimedia u2l4bGAPciY-00055-00014186-00014615 presentations for the center so u2l4bGAPciY-00056-00014616-00014825 that's great well tell us a little bit u2l4bGAPciY-00057-00014826-00015065 about the history uh I'm still going to u2l4bGAPciY-00058-00015066-00015233 call it Vermont Folklife Center because u2l4bGAPciY-00059-00015234-00015401 that's where it appears everywhere but u2l4bGAPciY-00060-00015402-00015580 now it's Vermont Folklife and we'll u2l4bGAPciY-00061-00015581-00015803 emphasize that at some point but tell us u2l4bGAPciY-00062-00015804-00015983 a little bit about the history uh and u2l4bGAPciY-00063-00015984-00016211 how it got spotted who was involved and u2l4bGAPciY-00064-00016212-00016511 what the intentions were either one of u2l4bGAPciY-00065-00016512-00016685 you u2l4bGAPciY-00066-00016686-00016907 sure sure I'll jump in a little bit on u2l4bGAPciY-00067-00016908-00017003 that u2l4bGAPciY-00068-00017004-00017279 um so yeah we were founded as the u2l4bGAPciY-00069-00017280-00017627 Vermont folk Life Center in 1984 u2l4bGAPciY-00070-00017628-00017825 um and we're a cultural arts and u2l4bGAPciY-00071-00017826-00018107 education non-profit u2l4bGAPciY-00072-00018108-00018358 um we were founded by folklorist Jane u2l4bGAPciY-00073-00018359-00018772 Beck who started as the state folklorist u2l4bGAPciY-00074-00018773-00019013 embedded at the Arts Council the Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00075-00019014-00019450 Vermont Arts Council but she struck out u2l4bGAPciY-00076-00019451-00019949 to create a whole organization around u2l4bGAPciY-00077-00019950-00020171 um the work that she was doing traveling u2l4bGAPciY-00078-00020172-00020543 around the state trying to engage with u2l4bGAPciY-00079-00020544-00020722 communities and understand the everyday u2l4bGAPciY-00080-00020723-00021035 lives of vermonters and so the u2l4bGAPciY-00081-00021036-00021293 organization has grown since then we u2l4bGAPciY-00082-00021294-00021569 currently have four programs u2l4bGAPciY-00083-00021570-00021791 um I'd say the heart of Vermont Folklife u2l4bGAPciY-00084-00021792-00022085 is our archive and the archive started u2l4bGAPciY-00085-00022086-00022414 when Jane started interviewing people in u2l4bGAPciY-00086-00022415-00022786 the 80s and today we have a over 6 000 u2l4bGAPciY-00087-00022787-00022985 interviews with people from all walks of u2l4bGAPciY-00088-00022986-00023263 life from all across the state u2l4bGAPciY-00089-00023264-00023699 and so the archive is both a repository u2l4bGAPciY-00090-00023700-00024041 for those materials to be preserved for u2l4bGAPciY-00091-00024042-00024485 the future but it's also a catalyst to u2l4bGAPciY-00092-00024486-00024803 encourage us to continue to go out and u2l4bGAPciY-00093-00024804-00025050 document and understand u2l4bGAPciY-00094-00025051-00025325 the many diverse cultures and u2l4bGAPciY-00095-00025326-00025505 communities that exist in this wonderful u2l4bGAPciY-00096-00025506-00025608 State u2l4bGAPciY-00097-00025610-00025870 all of our programs have some connection u2l4bGAPciY-00098-00025872-00026351 to field work to ethnographic field work u2l4bGAPciY-00099-00026352-00026537 which is a way of studying Human u2l4bGAPciY-00100-00026538-00026740 Experience u2l4bGAPciY-00101-00026741-00026939 um so we continue growing the archive u2l4bGAPciY-00102-00026939-00027251 our education programs teach people how u2l4bGAPciY-00103-00027252-00027443 to do the kind of field work that all u2l4bGAPciY-00104-00027444-00027695 our staff is trained in to do that kind u2l4bGAPciY-00105-00027695-00028007 of field interviewing long-form u2l4bGAPciY-00106-00028008-00028145 interviewing trying to understand u2l4bGAPciY-00107-00028145-00028433 someone's life story u2l4bGAPciY-00108-00028433-00028505 um u2l4bGAPciY-00109-00028506-00028733 we also teach different documentation u2l4bGAPciY-00110-00028733-00029039 techniques like audio recording and u2l4bGAPciY-00111-00029039-00029464 editing sometimes video or photography u2l4bGAPciY-00112-00029466-00029687 um so our education programs happen both u2l4bGAPciY-00113-00029688-00029879 in schools but also for the general u2l4bGAPciY-00114-00029880-00030070 community u2l4bGAPciY-00115-00030072-00030455 um we also have a a gallery and exhibit u2l4bGAPciY-00116-00030456-00030623 program called the vision and voice u2l4bGAPciY-00117-00030624-00030946 program at Vermont Folklife that u2l4bGAPciY-00118-00030947-00031324 produces exhibits and a podcast and and u2l4bGAPciY-00119-00031325-00031667 uh shares about life in Vermont in many u2l4bGAPciY-00120-00031668-00031918 different formats and then we have our u2l4bGAPciY-00121-00031919-00032111 apprenticeship program which supports u2l4bGAPciY-00122-00032112-00032345 traditional artists in the community who u2l4bGAPciY-00123-00032345-00032783 are passing on what they know to uh to u2l4bGAPciY-00124-00032784-00032939 the Next Generation in many different u2l4bGAPciY-00125-00032940-00033071 forms u2l4bGAPciY-00126-00033072-00033143 um u2l4bGAPciY-00127-00033144-00033401 so that's what we've been doing for the u2l4bGAPciY-00128-00033402-00033745 past you know almost 40 years and u2l4bGAPciY-00129-00033746-00034067 recently just in this past year because u2l4bGAPciY-00130-00034068-00034379 we are our our building is in Middlebury u2l4bGAPciY-00131-00034380-00034535 but we're really a Statewide u2l4bGAPciY-00132-00034536-00034829 organization we travel a lot u2l4bGAPciY-00133-00034830-00035062 um to bring our programs to many u2l4bGAPciY-00134-00035063-00035261 different places and so that's why we u2l4bGAPciY-00135-00035262-00035537 chose to drop the center u2l4bGAPciY-00136-00035538-00035771 um to just convey that that yes we have u2l4bGAPciY-00137-00035772-00036017 we have one building but our work is u2l4bGAPciY-00138-00036018-00036317 throughout the state Vermont Folklife is u2l4bGAPciY-00139-00036318-00036671 is everywhere or we're trying to be u2l4bGAPciY-00140-00036672-00036965 um another really exciting thing in our u2l4bGAPciY-00141-00036966-00037193 history in our more recent history is u2l4bGAPciY-00142-00037194-00037552 that as Ian is is evidence u2l4bGAPciY-00143-00037553-00037823 um we have joined forces with young u2l4bGAPciY-00144-00037824-00038189 tradition Vermont which it uh has been a u2l4bGAPciY-00145-00038190-00038393 non-profit organization in its own right u2l4bGAPciY-00146-00038394-00038652 for many years it's um u2l4bGAPciY-00147-00038653-00038999 uh it was founded by Mark sustick who u2l4bGAPciY-00148-00039000-00039190 has been a long time u2l4bGAPciY-00149-00039191-00039467 um champion of supporting traditional u2l4bGAPciY-00150-00039468-00039809 music and dance especially for young u2l4bGAPciY-00151-00039810-00040133 people across the state and u2l4bGAPciY-00152-00040134-00040211 um u2l4bGAPciY-00153-00040212-00040552 that Vermont folk life and Jane Beck u2l4bGAPciY-00154-00040553-00040768 worked very closely with Mark on the u2l4bGAPciY-00155-00040769-00041015 Champlain Valley Folk Festival we've had u2l4bGAPciY-00156-00041016-00041189 many wonderful connections with young u2l4bGAPciY-00157-00041190-00041567 tradition Vermont and as Mark uh u2l4bGAPciY-00158-00041568-00041939 deservedly is working towards taking a u2l4bGAPciY-00159-00041940-00042167 little retirement after many years of u2l4bGAPciY-00160-00042168-00042407 hard work we're very grateful that young u2l4bGAPciY-00161-00042408-00042629 tradition Vermont has come on board as u2l4bGAPciY-00162-00042630-00042785 the newest program u2l4bGAPciY-00163-00042786-00043079 at Vermont Folklife and we needed u2l4bGAPciY-00164-00043080-00043355 someone to direct that program and u2l4bGAPciY-00165-00043356-00043657 that's when we got to hire Ian so that's u2l4bGAPciY-00166-00043658-00043955 yeah that sounds like a perfect segue u2l4bGAPciY-00167-00043956-00044195 into the end tell us about what you're u2l4bGAPciY-00168-00044196-00044452 doing and particularly during the next u2l4bGAPciY-00169-00044453-00044674 few weeks months uh years of what you u2l4bGAPciY-00170-00044675-00044879 hope to be accomplishing down at the uh u2l4bGAPciY-00171-00044880-00045046 well throughout the state with the u2l4bGAPciY-00172-00045047-00045280 Vermont folkladder yes exactly yeah it's u2l4bGAPciY-00173-00045281-00045568 definitely a Statewide uh Outreach u2l4bGAPciY-00174-00045569-00045845 um with Vermont Folklife and with young u2l4bGAPciY-00175-00045846-00046079 Tradition at Vermont float life um yeah u2l4bGAPciY-00176-00046080-00046324 so uh you know I've recently been hired u2l4bGAPciY-00177-00046325-00046499 this past January is when I started and u2l4bGAPciY-00178-00046500-00046789 I've been working with Mark sustick um u2l4bGAPciY-00179-00046790-00047045 uh up you know through this coming July u2l4bGAPciY-00180-00047046-00047243 and and I'm sure Bianca will continue to u2l4bGAPciY-00181-00047244-00047518 tap onto his wealth of resources u2l4bGAPciY-00182-00047519-00047867 um to uh really kind of get to learn all u2l4bGAPciY-00183-00047868-00048052 of the various programs that that he's u2l4bGAPciY-00184-00048053-00048305 created over the years and help carry u2l4bGAPciY-00185-00048306-00048455 those forward u2l4bGAPciY-00186-00048456-00048623 um so I've been u2l4bGAPciY-00187-00048624-00048857 um you know we we have kind of like u2l4bGAPciY-00188-00048858-00049024 seven staple programs that we've been u2l4bGAPciY-00189-00049025-00049157 focusing on u2l4bGAPciY-00190-00049158-00049417 um we've got a instrument Loan program u2l4bGAPciY-00191-00049418-00049751 which provides free instruments to young u2l4bGAPciY-00192-00049752-00049907 people throughout the state u2l4bGAPciY-00193-00049908-00050111 um where somebody can reach out and u2l4bGAPciY-00194-00050112-00050327 request an instrument that they're u2l4bGAPciY-00195-00050328-00050645 interested in learning and then I will u2l4bGAPciY-00196-00050646-00050795 deliver that to them and then try to u2l4bGAPciY-00197-00050796-00051167 connect them with an educator for that u2l4bGAPciY-00198-00051168-00051304 um that instrument u2l4bGAPciY-00199-00051305-00051629 um and it's a free program they can keep u2l4bGAPciY-00200-00051629-00051796 um the instrument as long as they want u2l4bGAPciY-00201-00051797-00052030 and if they grow out of that size we can u2l4bGAPciY-00202-00052032-00052246 get them a new one so it's a really u2l4bGAPciY-00203-00052247-00052516 great way to make traditional u2l4bGAPciY-00204-00052517-00052709 instruments accessible for the Youth of u2l4bGAPciY-00205-00052710-00053044 our state we also have an instrument u2l4bGAPciY-00206-00053045-00053291 petting zoo which will bring a bunch of u2l4bGAPciY-00207-00053291-00053566 instruments uh whether that's to schools u2l4bGAPciY-00208-00053567-00053987 or to festivals to events to provide an u2l4bGAPciY-00209-00053988-00054191 opportunity for u2l4bGAPciY-00210-00054191-00054250 um u2l4bGAPciY-00211-00054251-00054497 young people but also I find that the u2l4bGAPciY-00212-00054498-00054635 grown-ups and parents really enjoy u2l4bGAPciY-00213-00054636-00054773 coming and playing the instruments as u2l4bGAPciY-00214-00054774-00055030 well to come and try all kinds of u2l4bGAPciY-00215-00055032-00055157 different instruments u2l4bGAPciY-00216-00055158-00055265 um u2l4bGAPciY-00217-00055266-00055492 and uh u2l4bGAPciY-00218-00055494-00055679 we have u2l4bGAPciY-00219-00055679-00055930 um every year we we host a track Camp u2l4bGAPciY-00220-00055932-00056285 which is a an opportunity for u2l4bGAPciY-00221-00056286-00056675 um people to come and for a week this u2l4bGAPciY-00222-00056676-00057047 year it's from July 24th u2l4bGAPciY-00223-00057048-00057263 um to the 28th u2l4bGAPciY-00224-00057264-00057611 and it's for ages 8 to 18 and it u2l4bGAPciY-00225-00057612-00057838 provides an opportunity to be inspired u2l4bGAPciY-00226-00057839-00058109 learn about perform Tunes songs and u2l4bGAPciY-00227-00058110-00058282 dances from a variety of traditional u2l4bGAPciY-00228-00058283-00058450 Styles u2l4bGAPciY-00229-00058451-00058679 um campers will participate in group u2l4bGAPciY-00230-00058679-00058853 sessions each day with a variety of u2l4bGAPciY-00231-00058854-00059116 course staff and guest instructors and u2l4bGAPciY-00232-00059117-00059363 the you can be a beginner you can be u2l4bGAPciY-00233-00059364-00059507 intermediate and advanced levels and we u2l4bGAPciY-00234-00059508-00059788 provide content for you to engage in u2l4bGAPciY-00235-00059789-00059879 those u2l4bGAPciY-00236-00059879-00060041 those various u2l4bGAPciY-00237-00060041-00060209 um u2l4bGAPciY-00238-00060210-00060394 activities and this year we've got u2l4bGAPciY-00239-00060395-00060629 amazing instructors we've got Brian u2l4bGAPciY-00240-00060629-00060971 Perkins Laurel Swift Rob Rohr Rachel u2l4bGAPciY-00241-00060972-00061288 Bell Heidi Wilson j Kulu and the drum u2l4bGAPciY-00242-00061289-00061541 theater Joanne Garden Nick Mart searing u2l4bGAPciY-00243-00061541-00061900 Oliver Scanlon and Paulo and so there's u2l4bGAPciY-00244-00061901-00062116 really just like a wonderful group of u2l4bGAPciY-00245-00062117-00062363 people oh and Sam Amidon is also joining u2l4bGAPciY-00246-00062364-00062729 us this year which is really exciting u2l4bGAPciY-00247-00062729-00062813 um u2l4bGAPciY-00248-00062814-00062959 go ahead u2l4bGAPciY-00249-00062960-00063215 I think I saw a concert at his coming up u2l4bGAPciY-00250-00063216-00063550 in Essex Junction uh possibly okay oh u2l4bGAPciY-00251-00063551-00063773 wonderful u2l4bGAPciY-00252-00063774-00064241 yes um and then go ahead oh you go ahead u2l4bGAPciY-00253-00064241-00064444 um I was uh just also going to follow up u2l4bGAPciY-00254-00064445-00064679 that in the in the coming weeks u2l4bGAPciY-00255-00064679-00064888 um one of the one of our our biggest u2l4bGAPciY-00256-00064889-00065129 projects is the young tradition Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00257-00065129-00065344 touring group and this past weekend we u2l4bGAPciY-00258-00065345-00065549 performed at the Chandler and Randolph u2l4bGAPciY-00259-00065550-00065759 um which was wonderful and and then we u2l4bGAPciY-00260-00065760-00065921 performed yesterday at the stone Corral u2l4bGAPciY-00261-00065922-00066281 Brewery and in less than a week we are u2l4bGAPciY-00262-00066282-00066467 getting all of us on a bus and traveling u2l4bGAPciY-00263-00066468-00066599 to Cape Breton u2l4bGAPciY-00264-00066600-00066941 um to uh go on a on a tour u2l4bGAPciY-00265-00066942-00067169 um okay Breton and connect with Master u2l4bGAPciY-00266-00067170-00067361 artists u2l4bGAPciY-00267-00067362-00067613 um in Cape Breton to learn from them to u2l4bGAPciY-00268-00067614-00067973 learn dances and songs and uh and tour u2l4bGAPciY-00269-00067974-00068165 the island which is um an incredible u2l4bGAPciY-00270-00068166-00068393 opportunity for this group of of I think u2l4bGAPciY-00271-00068394-00068579 amazingly talented u2l4bGAPciY-00272-00068580-00068926 um Young Artists uh so we leave on on u2l4bGAPciY-00273-00068927-00069203 Friday for that and then when we return u2l4bGAPciY-00274-00069204-00069569 we are getting right into the young u2l4bGAPciY-00275-00069570-00069761 tradition Vermont Festival which is u2l4bGAPciY-00276-00069762-00070073 going to be held um from May 4th through u2l4bGAPciY-00277-00070074-00070241 the 7th u2l4bGAPciY-00278-00070242-00070715 um and it is uh hosted and u2l4bGAPciY-00279-00070716-00071117 um by the La Familia Blanc this year u2l4bGAPciY-00280-00071118-00071249 um and there'll be performances from u2l4bGAPciY-00281-00071250-00071500 them and the touring group and the young u2l4bGAPciY-00282-00071501-00071867 tradition uh youth Commission as well u2l4bGAPciY-00283-00071868-00072071 and they'll be on May 7th they'll also u2l4bGAPciY-00284-00072072-00072353 be a tribute concert to uh the late Pete u2l4bGAPciY-00285-00072354-00072455 Sutherland u2l4bGAPciY-00286-00072456-00072617 um which will be a wonderful opportunity u2l4bGAPciY-00287-00072618-00073049 to connect and celebrate uh him u2l4bGAPciY-00288-00073050-00073325 that's great well uh give us an idea of u2l4bGAPciY-00289-00073326-00073697 what type of groups uh traditional or u2l4bGAPciY-00290-00073698-00074176 new uh with music art and dance are part u2l4bGAPciY-00291-00074177-00074453 of this Vermont fabric right now this u2l4bGAPciY-00292-00074454-00074656 old Vermont folk life I know we have u2l4bGAPciY-00293-00074657-00074938 immigrants from from Asia we have our u2l4bGAPciY-00294-00074939-00075281 traditional uh quebecois uh elements and u2l4bGAPciY-00295-00075282-00075473 and also traditional wine give us an u2l4bGAPciY-00296-00075474-00075773 idea of the diversity of people that are u2l4bGAPciY-00297-00075774-00075971 involved in this u2l4bGAPciY-00298-00075972-00076223 yeah I can jump in and talk a little bit u2l4bGAPciY-00299-00076224-00076415 about that and u2l4bGAPciY-00300-00076416-00076715 and Dennis you're right u2l4bGAPciY-00301-00076716-00076943 you're right drive to be very inclusive u2l4bGAPciY-00302-00076944-00077321 when we uh think and talk about what's u2l4bGAPciY-00303-00077322-00077567 traditional in in Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00304-00077568-00077800 um because there are people from so many u2l4bGAPciY-00305-00077801-00078094 different backgrounds in our state u2l4bGAPciY-00306-00078095-00078250 um and that's something that I have u2l4bGAPciY-00307-00078251-00078665 really uh admired is I you know in my u2l4bGAPciY-00308-00078666-00078850 years working with Vermont Folklife and u2l4bGAPciY-00309-00078851-00079025 in particular getting to work on our u2l4bGAPciY-00310-00079026-00079397 traditional Arts apprenticeship program u2l4bGAPciY-00311-00079398-00079588 um which has been running for over 30 u2l4bGAPciY-00312-00079589-00079937 years and every state has a program like u2l4bGAPciY-00313-00079938-00080069 this it's funded through the National u2l4bGAPciY-00314-00080070-00080291 Endowment on the Arts u2l4bGAPciY-00315-00080292-00080788 um and the Nea provides some some money u2l4bGAPciY-00316-00080789-00081238 for an organization in every state to to u2l4bGAPciY-00317-00081239-00081425 build relationships with traditional u2l4bGAPciY-00318-00081426-00081725 artists and provide stipends u2l4bGAPciY-00319-00081726-00082006 um for apprenticeships so you know it u2l4bGAPciY-00320-00082007-00082175 feels like kind of an old-fashioned word u2l4bGAPciY-00321-00082176-00082456 but an apprenticeship is a one-on-one u2l4bGAPciY-00322-00082457-00082685 learning experience u2l4bGAPciY-00323-00082686-00082997 um where someone who's you know a u2l4bGAPciY-00324-00082998-00083200 community recognized artist in some u2l4bGAPciY-00325-00083201-00083488 traditional art form so this could be u2l4bGAPciY-00326-00083489-00083806 um the Tibetan dranyen Ian mentioned Mig u2l4bGAPciY-00327-00083807-00084076 marsaring is teaching at Trad Camp he's u2l4bGAPciY-00328-00084077-00084335 teaching this Tibetan stringed u2l4bGAPciY-00329-00084336-00084491 instrument which is really important in u2l4bGAPciY-00330-00084492-00084694 tibetan music u2l4bGAPciY-00331-00084695-00084762 um u2l4bGAPciY-00332-00084763-00084994 mikmar has been in our apprenticeship u2l4bGAPciY-00333-00084995-00085253 program for years teaching this in his u2l4bGAPciY-00334-00085254-00085426 community u2l4bGAPciY-00335-00085427-00085673 um the apprenticeship program has u2l4bGAPciY-00336-00085674-00086071 supported Stone Carvers in Barrie u2l4bGAPciY-00337-00086072-00086323 Nepali dance group u2l4bGAPciY-00338-00086324-00086729 abnaki artists uh u2l4bGAPciY-00339-00086730-00086981 um people who u2l4bGAPciY-00340-00086982-00087281 um sew or we've uh and there's lots of u2l4bGAPciY-00341-00087282-00087443 different Traditions u2l4bGAPciY-00342-00087444-00087706 um Burmese weaving Somali Bantu u2l4bGAPciY-00343-00087707-00088018 embroidery uh burundian Dance I mean the u2l4bGAPciY-00344-00088019-00088288 list just goes on and on and u2l4bGAPciY-00345-00088289-00088732 um so we just do our best to to build u2l4bGAPciY-00346-00088733-00088888 relationships with the in those u2l4bGAPciY-00347-00088889-00089038 communities and make sure that people u2l4bGAPciY-00348-00089039-00089338 are aware of this opportunity u2l4bGAPciY-00349-00089339-00089782 um and the next round to where people u2l4bGAPciY-00350-00089783-00089975 could apply to participate in the u2l4bGAPciY-00351-00089976-00090197 apprenticeship program will be opening u2l4bGAPciY-00352-00090198-00090388 up at the beginning of summer so folks u2l4bGAPciY-00353-00090389-00090641 should keep an eye on our website u2l4bGAPciY-00354-00090642-00090862 um if anyone is interested in learning u2l4bGAPciY-00355-00090863-00091055 more about that program u2l4bGAPciY-00356-00091056-00091343 um and so there's a lot of ties through u2l4bGAPciY-00357-00091344-00091505 the apprenticeship program which will be u2l4bGAPciY-00358-00091506-00091756 present at Trad camp u2l4bGAPciY-00359-00091757-00092093 um and young tradition Vermont has also u2l4bGAPciY-00360-00092094-00092350 been really instrumental no pun intended u2l4bGAPciY-00361-00092351-00092699 in in supporting a lot of those uh those u2l4bGAPciY-00362-00092700-00092885 communities as well so it's just another u2l4bGAPciY-00363-00092886-00093118 reason why we're so grateful that those u2l4bGAPciY-00364-00093119-00093281 programs are u2l4bGAPciY-00365-00093282-00093491 are with us now u2l4bGAPciY-00366-00093492-00093791 you know there's archives uh um do you u2l4bGAPciY-00367-00093792-00094085 have uh what form of the archives in uh u2l4bGAPciY-00368-00094086-00094259 and how are you contributing to the u2l4bGAPciY-00369-00094260-00094487 archives are you doing uh videos or u2l4bGAPciY-00370-00094488-00094661 collecting albums tell us a little bit u2l4bGAPciY-00371-00094662-00094900 about that u2l4bGAPciY-00372-00094901-00095255 yeah the the archives are in you know u2l4bGAPciY-00373-00095256-00095459 kind of as many different recording u2l4bGAPciY-00374-00095460-00095800 formats as as exist we don't go quite so u2l4bGAPciY-00375-00095801-00096059 far back as to have too many wax u2l4bGAPciY-00376-00096060-00096262 cylinders but we do have one I'm pretty u2l4bGAPciY-00377-00096263-00096526 sure so there's a lot of analog media u2l4bGAPciY-00378-00096527-00096923 you know things on on cassette tapes or u2l4bGAPciY-00379-00096924-00097318 um VHS and then you know currently a lot u2l4bGAPciY-00380-00097319-00097721 of stuff comes to us as as digital media u2l4bGAPciY-00381-00097722-00097888 um The Collection is largely interview u2l4bGAPciY-00382-00097889-00098050 based but there's a lot of music u2l4bGAPciY-00383-00098051-00098194 recordings u2l4bGAPciY-00384-00098195-00098518 um including recordings from Ian's mom u2l4bGAPciY-00385-00098519-00098711 I don't know Ian if you want to talk a u2l4bGAPciY-00386-00098712-00098873 little bit about your mom's work she was u2l4bGAPciY-00387-00098874-00099011 a really important u2l4bGAPciY-00388-00099012-00099347 connector with Vermont Folklife as well u2l4bGAPciY-00389-00099348-00099599 let's hear about it yeah my mother oh go u2l4bGAPciY-00390-00099600-00099809 ahead Dennis let's hear about that again u2l4bGAPciY-00391-00099810-00100103 yeah my uh my mother was uh Martha u2l4bGAPciY-00392-00100104-00100481 Pellerin um she uh ran a non-profit when u2l4bGAPciY-00393-00100482-00100726 I was young called frangley Enterprise u2l4bGAPciY-00394-00100727-00101071 and Enterprises rather and she um u2l4bGAPciY-00395-00101072-00101317 collected and u2l4bGAPciY-00396-00101318-00101650 uh and shared u2l4bGAPciY-00397-00101651-00101921 um traditional quebecois tunes and ended u2l4bGAPciY-00398-00101922-00102244 up collecting over 1100 or more I can u2l4bGAPciY-00399-00102245-00102544 think it's that ballpark of songs and u2l4bGAPciY-00400-00102545-00102749 she would collect them by in a very u2l4bGAPciY-00401-00102750-00102923 similar fashion to how we connect with u2l4bGAPciY-00402-00102924-00103066 people now of just going to people's u2l4bGAPciY-00403-00103067-00103234 houses building relationships singing u2l4bGAPciY-00404-00103235-00103451 with them hosting soirees and having u2l4bGAPciY-00405-00103452-00103666 people come together and and asking u2l4bGAPciY-00406-00103667-00103799 about the stories of where these songs u2l4bGAPciY-00407-00103800-00104027 come from and finding many many u2l4bGAPciY-00408-00104028-00104182 different versions or different verses u2l4bGAPciY-00409-00104183-00104518 of of songs so she compiled this big u2l4bGAPciY-00410-00104519-00104836 collection and and after she passed u2l4bGAPciY-00411-00104838-00105208 um her uh collection was was shared and u2l4bGAPciY-00412-00105209-00105334 is is now u2l4bGAPciY-00413-00105335-00105665 um has been digitally uploaded online uh u2l4bGAPciY-00414-00105666-00105833 and that could be found on Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00415-00105833-00106066 folklife's website it's pretty amazing u2l4bGAPciY-00416-00106067-00106240 that's great because I've been seeing u2l4bGAPciY-00417-00106241-00106499 some artists uh quebecois artists on u2l4bGAPciY-00418-00106500-00106757 Twitter uh frequently and also u2l4bGAPciY-00419-00106758-00106984 Newfoundland artists uh on on Twitter u2l4bGAPciY-00420-00106985-00107231 and I've been sharing their performances u2l4bGAPciY-00421-00107232-00107477 so it's very interesting to get some see u2l4bGAPciY-00422-00107478-00107693 some of that do you share that on u2l4bGAPciY-00423-00107694-00107993 Twitter or do it uh on other forms of u2l4bGAPciY-00424-00107994-00108125 media u2l4bGAPciY-00425-00108126-00108340 it's a good question it's it that's u2l4bGAPciY-00426-00108341-00108575 always I think the u2l4bGAPciY-00427-00108576-00108833 um the big work of any organization with u2l4bGAPciY-00428-00108833-00109193 an archive is is you know how can we get u2l4bGAPciY-00429-00109194-00109402 it out into the world and keep it a u2l4bGAPciY-00430-00109403-00109823 living archive and make it accessible u2l4bGAPciY-00431-00109824-00109957 um so u2l4bGAPciY-00432-00109958-00110254 we use material from the archive in a u2l4bGAPciY-00433-00110255-00110423 lot of different ways sometimes we do u2l4bGAPciY-00434-00110424-00110639 share little Clips on our social media u2l4bGAPciY-00435-00110640-00110908 on on Facebook or Instagram I have to u2l4bGAPciY-00436-00110909-00111089 admit we have not u2l4bGAPciY-00437-00111090-00111304 figured out how to use Twitter but u2l4bGAPciY-00438-00111305-00111665 they're we're on Facebook and Instagram u2l4bGAPciY-00439-00111666-00111886 um we also draw in the archive for our u2l4bGAPciY-00440-00111888-00112121 podcast Vermont untapped which you can u2l4bGAPciY-00441-00112122-00112307 subscribe to anywhere you listen to u2l4bGAPciY-00442-00112308-00112504 podcasts u2l4bGAPciY-00443-00112505-00112854 um the archive comes into exhibit work u2l4bGAPciY-00444-00112855-00113207 uh a lot and we sometimes share Clips u2l4bGAPciY-00445-00113208-00113521 with Vermont public or other media u2l4bGAPciY-00446-00113522-00113795 centers so we try to get it out there as u2l4bGAPciY-00447-00113796-00113934 much as possible u2l4bGAPciY-00448-00113935-00114310 we've also been working in collaboration u2l4bGAPciY-00449-00114311-00114490 through a grant from the Library of u2l4bGAPciY-00450-00114491-00114647 Congress u2l4bGAPciY-00451-00114648-00114940 um on a project called teaching with u2l4bGAPciY-00452-00114941-00115145 primary sources which is trying to bring u2l4bGAPciY-00453-00115146-00115540 primary source material from folk folk u2l4bGAPciY-00454-00115541-00115799 lore archives like ours u2l4bGAPciY-00455-00115800-00115949 um and get them into the hands of u2l4bGAPciY-00456-00115950-00116254 teachers and students so that's another u2l4bGAPciY-00457-00116255-00116458 great way that the archives are are u2l4bGAPciY-00458-00116459-00116639 getting out there into the world these u2l4bGAPciY-00459-00116640-00116773 days u2l4bGAPciY-00460-00116774-00117016 sounds like a lot of work approximately u2l4bGAPciY-00461-00117017-00117184 how many people do you have involved in u2l4bGAPciY-00462-00117185-00117316 this u2l4bGAPciY-00463-00117317-00117623 we have 10 people on staff right now u2l4bGAPciY-00464-00117624-00117869 and we have one and we're lucky to have u2l4bGAPciY-00465-00117870-00118133 one youth uh youth media fellow who's u2l4bGAPciY-00466-00118133-00118319 been working with us for a year so she's u2l4bGAPciY-00467-00118320-00118708 brought us up to 11. u2l4bGAPciY-00468-00118709-00118925 you mentioned traveling exhibits now how u2l4bGAPciY-00469-00118926-00119134 does that work do you have a van or you u2l4bGAPciY-00470-00119135-00119375 do you bring them to various venues how u2l4bGAPciY-00471-00119376-00119657 do you handle your traveling exits u2l4bGAPciY-00472-00119658-00119921 yeah it's a it's a whole mix u2l4bGAPciY-00473-00119922-00120295 um again for many years we u2l4bGAPciY-00474-00120296-00120652 had a gallery at the at the our building u2l4bGAPciY-00475-00120653-00120869 in Middlebury u2l4bGAPciY-00476-00120870-00121078 um which is wonderful but we felt like u2l4bGAPciY-00477-00121079-00121301 you know it was just kind of in one u2l4bGAPciY-00478-00121302-00121781 space and and a fairly limited you know u2l4bGAPciY-00479-00121782-00121858 um u2l4bGAPciY-00480-00121859-00122219 reach and so in order to bring more u2l4bGAPciY-00481-00122220-00122423 exhibits to more places and and u2l4bGAPciY-00482-00122424-00122699 hopefully to more audiences we started u2l4bGAPciY-00483-00122700-00122939 designing exhibits so that they could u2l4bGAPciY-00484-00122940-00123113 travel u2l4bGAPciY-00485-00123114-00123419 um and it can be you know very u2l4bGAPciY-00486-00123420-00123736 Grassroots yeah sometimes it's just you u2l4bGAPciY-00487-00123738-00124133 know our uh our hero Bob hooker our u2l4bGAPciY-00488-00124133-00124354 colleague Bob who will just load up his u2l4bGAPciY-00489-00124355-00124654 Subaru and and drive u2l4bGAPciY-00490-00124655-00125015 um you know 15 photo panels somewhere u2l4bGAPciY-00491-00125016-00125158 um we're experimenting with having u2l4bGAPciY-00492-00125159-00125416 things be even more portable u2l4bGAPciY-00493-00125417-00125578 um the exhibit we're working on u2l4bGAPciY-00494-00125579-00125790 currently was through a partnership with u2l4bGAPciY-00495-00125791-00126065 cvoeo the Champlain u2l4bGAPciY-00496-00126066-00126215 uh u2l4bGAPciY-00497-00126216-00126539 office oh boy Champlain Economic u2l4bGAPciY-00498-00126540-00126802 Opportunity yes Champlain Valley office u2l4bGAPciY-00499-00126803-00127115 of Economic Opportunity you got it u2l4bGAPciY-00500-00127116-00127301 um and we've been doing interviews with u2l4bGAPciY-00501-00127302-00127510 their staff and clients and u2l4bGAPciY-00502-00127511-00127721 collaborating with those folks to to u2l4bGAPciY-00503-00127722-00127997 create an exhibit about both people who u2l4bGAPciY-00504-00127998-00128333 are experiencing homelessness and u2l4bGAPciY-00505-00128333-00128543 um support supporting that community in u2l4bGAPciY-00506-00128544-00128836 Vermont and that exhibit will be on u2l4bGAPciY-00507-00128838-00129143 display in City Hall Park this spring u2l4bGAPciY-00508-00129144-00129334 um and so the exhibit materials there u2l4bGAPciY-00509-00129335-00129563 are photographs and also audio clips u2l4bGAPciY-00510-00129564-00129754 from the interviews u2l4bGAPciY-00511-00129755-00129947 um and that will that's being printed on u2l4bGAPciY-00512-00129948-00130445 a lightweight you know plastic foam core u2l4bGAPciY-00513-00130446-00130621 um that will be on display in the park u2l4bGAPciY-00514-00130622-00130943 so we're you know we're trying lots of u2l4bGAPciY-00515-00130944-00131249 different ways to to make our exhibits u2l4bGAPciY-00516-00131250-00131549 go farther that's amazing well tell us a u2l4bGAPciY-00517-00131550-00131759 little bit about about what you need you u2l4bGAPciY-00518-00131760-00132047 really have a very ambitious set of u2l4bGAPciY-00519-00132048-00132437 projects and that is website a lot of u2l4bGAPciY-00520-00132438-00132599 resources on that we're going to put u2l4bGAPciY-00521-00132600-00132923 that on the screen or in the video so u2l4bGAPciY-00522-00132924-00133204 people can refer to that but but tell us u2l4bGAPciY-00523-00133205-00133475 what you need whether it's uh volunteers u2l4bGAPciY-00524-00133476-00133781 or people to come forth with materials u2l4bGAPciY-00525-00133782-00134057 they may have or uh or funding sources u2l4bGAPciY-00526-00134058-00134225 of anything of that nature give us an u2l4bGAPciY-00527-00134226-00134573 idea of how our listeners can help I see u2l4bGAPciY-00528-00134574-00134716 Ian you're ready I see you're ready to u2l4bGAPciY-00529-00134717-00135089 talk yes yeah I I um I appreciate I u2l4bGAPciY-00530-00135090-00135275 appreciate the question uh we are indeed u2l4bGAPciY-00531-00135276-00135502 need in need of having uh some u2l4bGAPciY-00532-00135503-00135766 volunteers for the upcoming festival and u2l4bGAPciY-00533-00135767-00135931 people can visit our website at u2l4bGAPciY-00534-00135932-00136289 vermontfolklife.org slash YT Fest u2l4bGAPciY-00535-00136290-00136547 to find a link to the volunteer sign up u2l4bGAPciY-00536-00136548-00136763 form uh yeah that would be that's super u2l4bGAPciY-00537-00136764-00136889 helpful u2l4bGAPciY-00538-00136890-00137069 um also you know very appreciative of u2l4bGAPciY-00539-00137070-00137219 anyone willing to spread the word about u2l4bGAPciY-00540-00137220-00137549 our upcoming events so our our Festival u2l4bGAPciY-00541-00137550-00137783 um would be super happy uh to have that u2l4bGAPciY-00542-00137784-00138095 spread around and and also uh our track u2l4bGAPciY-00543-00138096-00138425 Camp from July 24th to 28th u2l4bGAPciY-00544-00138426-00138623 um so that would be great and all the u2l4bGAPciY-00545-00138624-00138814 information and registering for that is u2l4bGAPciY-00546-00138815-00139037 is on the website u2l4bGAPciY-00547-00139038-00139373 that's great well it says that the the u2l4bGAPciY-00548-00139374-00139673 uh Vermont Folklife is nationally known u2l4bGAPciY-00549-00139674-00139943 uh do you have any uh relationships with u2l4bGAPciY-00550-00139944-00140140 any uh a national or International u2l4bGAPciY-00551-00140141-00140440 perhaps a Canadian organizations that u2l4bGAPciY-00552-00140441-00140890 you share information and resources with u2l4bGAPciY-00553-00140891-00141161 yeah I mean there's certainly u2l4bGAPciY-00554-00141162-00141259 um u2l4bGAPciY-00555-00141260-00141599 many like-minded organizations across u2l4bGAPciY-00556-00141600-00141827 the country that we you know stay in u2l4bGAPciY-00557-00141828-00142013 touch with because we're doing similar u2l4bGAPciY-00558-00142014-00142127 work u2l4bGAPciY-00559-00142128-00142540 um and you know we're a pretty there's a u2l4bGAPciY-00560-00142541-00142714 lot of different disciplines represented u2l4bGAPciY-00561-00142715-00142871 in our work u2l4bGAPciY-00562-00142872-00143123 um but we are you know at our core u2l4bGAPciY-00563-00143124-00143345 Vermont folk life and so the American u2l4bGAPciY-00564-00143346-00143621 Folklife Center u2l4bGAPciY-00565-00143622-00143933 um is a National Organization that you u2l4bGAPciY-00566-00143934-00144113 know hosts the conference once a year u2l4bGAPciY-00567-00144114-00144437 which is a wonderful way for for our our u2l4bGAPciY-00568-00144438-00144695 colleagues to come together u2l4bGAPciY-00569-00144696-00144923 um we are also connected with the u2l4bGAPciY-00570-00144924-00145145 National Endowment on the Arts through u2l4bGAPciY-00571-00145146-00145414 our apprenticeship program u2l4bGAPciY-00572-00145415-00145727 um so yeah there's definitely a wider u2l4bGAPciY-00573-00145728-00145864 Network u2l4bGAPciY-00574-00145865-00146147 um out outside the state u2l4bGAPciY-00575-00146148-00146219 um u2l4bGAPciY-00576-00146220-00146477 and across the border you know we u2l4bGAPciY-00577-00146478-00146735 certainly have a lot of relationships uh u2l4bGAPciY-00578-00146736-00146993 in Quebec with musicians I'm trying to u2l4bGAPciY-00579-00146994-00147209 think if there's any organizations in in u2l4bGAPciY-00580-00147210-00147323 particular u2l4bGAPciY-00581-00147324-00147514 another coming to mind like immediately u2l4bGAPciY-00582-00147515-00147719 in terms of a specific organization but u2l4bGAPciY-00583-00147720-00147901 there is a lot of Partnerships with u2l4bGAPciY-00584-00147902-00148121 individual artists u2l4bGAPciY-00585-00148122-00148264 um and u2l4bGAPciY-00586-00148265-00148511 um you know people reaching out to Young u2l4bGAPciY-00587-00148512-00148811 tradition Vermont of looking at uh ways u2l4bGAPciY-00588-00148812-00149069 that we can participate or have youth u2l4bGAPciY-00589-00149070-00149278 participate in their events so there's a u2l4bGAPciY-00590-00149279-00149495 lot of and vice versa like one of the u2l4bGAPciY-00591-00149496-00149614 things that's amazing about the touring u2l4bGAPciY-00592-00149615-00149837 group is we u2l4bGAPciY-00593-00149838-00150077 um not only go and visit but we have u2l4bGAPciY-00594-00150078-00150287 people come and visit us as well u2l4bGAPciY-00595-00150288-00150443 um so there's there's kind of an u2l4bGAPciY-00596-00150444-00150737 exchange there of of of across the u2l4bGAPciY-00597-00150738-00150904 border there's u2l4bGAPciY-00598-00150905-00151181 um you know the the touring group has in u2l4bGAPciY-00599-00151182-00151409 the past before before I was a part of u2l4bGAPciY-00600-00151410-00151469 um u2l4bGAPciY-00601-00151470-00151721 young tradition in this capacity u2l4bGAPciY-00602-00151722-00151919 um has traveled to Scotland u2l4bGAPciY-00603-00151920-00152095 um they've gone to England they've u2l4bGAPciY-00604-00152096-00152278 they've traveled around the United u2l4bGAPciY-00605-00152279-00152393 States u2l4bGAPciY-00606-00152394-00152554 um to connect on all kinds of various u2l4bGAPciY-00607-00152555-00152897 music and and sharing of of music of of u2l4bGAPciY-00608-00152898-00153154 our music but also learning and u2l4bGAPciY-00609-00153155-00153485 listening to others music as well u2l4bGAPciY-00610-00153486-00153647 that's great u2l4bGAPciY-00611-00153648-00153983 it's really something else uh and what u2l4bGAPciY-00612-00153984-00154313 what major uh events were you looking to u2l4bGAPciY-00613-00154314-00154739 uh work on Beyond this this year perhaps u2l4bGAPciY-00614-00154740-00154990 uh something really into the future if u2l4bGAPciY-00615-00154991-00155104 you're thinking about that right now u2l4bGAPciY-00616-00155105-00155399 just let us know u2l4bGAPciY-00617-00155400-00155537 yeah u2l4bGAPciY-00618-00155538-00155813 um as Ian has mentioned we have you know u2l4bGAPciY-00619-00155814-00156040 this spring it's kind of a lot of focus u2l4bGAPciY-00620-00156041-00156214 on young tradition Vermont we're very u2l4bGAPciY-00621-00156215-00156407 excited for that u2l4bGAPciY-00622-00156408-00156701 um later in the summer we have a couple u2l4bGAPciY-00623-00156702-00156947 of learning opportunities u2l4bGAPciY-00624-00156948-00157283 um so we have a a public Workshop called u2l4bGAPciY-00625-00157284-00157559 documenting everyday life which will u2l4bGAPciY-00626-00157560-00157769 take place in Berry at the Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00627-00157770-00157913 History Center u2l4bGAPciY-00628-00157914-00158207 um that's June 27th and 28th and it's a u2l4bGAPciY-00629-00158208-00158452 two-day in-person workshop that kind of u2l4bGAPciY-00630-00158453-00158837 presents the foundations of the we kind u2l4bGAPciY-00631-00158838-00159059 of call it the ethnographic toolkit it's u2l4bGAPciY-00632-00159060-00159275 kind of how we approach our our u2l4bGAPciY-00633-00159276-00159587 community documentation work u2l4bGAPciY-00634-00159588-00159826 um so that's a great opportunity and u2l4bGAPciY-00635-00159827-00159989 then later in August we have another u2l4bGAPciY-00636-00159990-00160187 Workshop that's geared especially for u2l4bGAPciY-00637-00160188-00160528 teachers and is presenting that teaching u2l4bGAPciY-00638-00160529-00160769 with primary sources curriculum material u2l4bGAPciY-00639-00160770-00161057 that I mentioned earlier and that has a u2l4bGAPciY-00640-00161058-00161290 focus on Farming and food ways so that's u2l4bGAPciY-00641-00161291-00161476 drawing on materials u2l4bGAPciY-00642-00161477-00161693 um from our archive interviews with u2l4bGAPciY-00643-00161694-00161935 Farmers migrant workers u2l4bGAPciY-00644-00161936-00162263 and people who are you know involved in u2l4bGAPciY-00645-00162264-00162557 kind of agricultural life in Vermont u2l4bGAPciY-00646-00162558-00162623 um u2l4bGAPciY-00647-00162624-00162928 so some educational opportunities in the u2l4bGAPciY-00648-00162929-00163313 summer and we don't have anything in u2l4bGAPciY-00649-00163314-00163535 place well we have lots of ideas in the u2l4bGAPciY-00650-00163536-00163804 works but next year 2024 will be our u2l4bGAPciY-00651-00163805-00164063 40th anniversary so u2l4bGAPciY-00652-00164064-00164290 we'll definitely be looking for ways to u2l4bGAPciY-00653-00164291-00164507 celebrate that and hopefully invite even u2l4bGAPciY-00654-00164508-00164759 more people in to participate in in many u2l4bGAPciY-00655-00164760-00165011 ways with our organization well that's u2l4bGAPciY-00656-00165012-00165190 wonderful and certainly keep in touch u2l4bGAPciY-00657-00165191-00165407 and we'll maybe get the another show u2l4bGAPciY-00658-00165408-00165689 going when those events get closer what u2l4bGAPciY-00659-00165690-00165971 I wanted to do today is give people an u2l4bGAPciY-00660-00165972-00166216 overview and we certainly have some very u2l4bGAPciY-00661-00166217-00166469 interesting uh things to look at in the u2l4bGAPciY-00662-00166470-00166769 near future and also on your website and u2l4bGAPciY-00663-00166770-00167014 hopefully uh people will volunteer and u2l4bGAPciY-00664-00167015-00167309 assist in other ways possible so I want u2l4bGAPciY-00665-00167310-00167590 to thank you for watching uh positively u2l4bGAPciY-00666-00167591-00167807 Vermont my guests have been Ian Drury u2l4bGAPciY-00667-00167808-00168221 and Mary Wesley of Vermont Folklife u2l4bGAPciY-00668-00168222-00168502 this is Dennis McMahon thank you for u2l4bGAPciY-00669-00168503-00168740 watching u412_CFpnhQ-00000-00000450-00000701 after sweet gives you the ability to u412_CFpnhQ-00001-00000702-00000999 instantly find any content in any niche u412_CFpnhQ-00002-00001000-00001394 from Facebook Twitter reddit YouTube and u412_CFpnhQ-00003-00001395-00001689 even competitor pages in seconds while u412_CFpnhQ-00004-00001689-00001920 then categorizing that content from most u412_CFpnhQ-00005-00001921-00002271 viral most liked recent post and so on u412_CFpnhQ-00006-00002272-00002505 so you can see what works for others and u412_CFpnhQ-00007-00002506-00002841 most importantly what doesn't I've dose u412_CFpnhQ-00008-00002842-00003000 sweet then allows you to take that u412_CFpnhQ-00009-00003001-00003251 content and edit it accordingly so it's u412_CFpnhQ-00010-00003252-00003513 unique to you and your brand by adding u412_CFpnhQ-00011-00003514-00003752 call to actions editing the text and in u412_CFpnhQ-00012-00003753-00004021 graphics and even filters to your images u412_CFpnhQ-00013-00004022-00004320 opto suite allows you to then select u412_CFpnhQ-00014-00004321-00004613 unlimited fan pages 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u412_CFpnhQ-00055-00015094-00015316 discovered was a way for users to then u412_CFpnhQ-00056-00015316-00015535 track their posts and monitor their u412_CFpnhQ-00057-00015536-00015862 progress of their pages well after sweet u412_CFpnhQ-00058-00015863-00016108 has that covered for you also in a very u412_CFpnhQ-00059-00016109-00016639 clean simple easy-to-use dashboard u5KknSRJKLA-00000-00000000-00000275 so Fallout 84 has finally gone into u5KknSRJKLA-00001-00000276-00000515 Global you can now find it on your iOS u5KknSRJKLA-00002-00000516-00000707 and your Google Play Store you can u5KknSRJKLA-00003-00000708-00000844 download it for free now and you can u5KknSRJKLA-00004-00000846-00001031 play it anywhere in the world it's a u5KknSRJKLA-00005-00001032-00001229 super cool fast-paced BR and today boys u5KknSRJKLA-00006-00001230-00001373 I'm gonna sort you out with some free u5KknSRJKLA-00007-00001374-00001787 free u5KknSRJKLA-00008-00001788-00001991 uh I'm gonna sort you out with some free u5KknSRJKLA-00009-00001992-00002159 diamonds boys so when you're in a Lobby u5KknSRJKLA-00010-00002160-00002297 screen after you created your brand new u5KknSRJKLA-00011-00002298-00002423 account if you click the three little u5KknSRJKLA-00012-00002424-00002650 lines at the top of the screen click CD u5KknSRJKLA-00013-00002651-00002825 key on the left hand side and in that u5KknSRJKLA-00014-00002826-00003125 box type the code roast Smiths yes roast u5KknSRJKLA-00015-00003126-00003322 Smiths with an s on the end which stands u5KknSRJKLA-00016-00003323-00003467 for Sim hit okay and you're gonna get u5KknSRJKLA-00017-00003468-00003779 yourself 23 diamonds don't say I don't u5KknSRJKLA-00018-00003779-00003940 do anything for you the game has brought u5KknSRJKLA-00019-00003942-00004186 some upscaled game graphics and it looks u5KknSRJKLA-00020-00004187-00004397 absolutely clean it feels super smooth u5KknSRJKLA-00021-00004398-00004625 super optimized for any device even the u5KknSRJKLA-00022-00004626-00004811 low end devices the global launchers u5KknSRJKLA-00023-00004812-00005027 bought a brand new rank system and a u5KknSRJKLA-00024-00005028-00005311 brand new battle pack u5KknSRJKLA-00025-00005312-00005549 is super cheap and you can get some u5KknSRJKLA-00026-00005550-00005729 absolutely insane skins just like mummy u5KknSRJKLA-00027-00005730-00005927 here I mean uh the in-game character u5KknSRJKLA-00028-00005928-00006252 right there u5KknSRJKLA-00029-00006253-00006478 so hit the like and drop a comment down u5KknSRJKLA-00030-00006479-00006617 below with your in-game name and I'll u5KknSRJKLA-00031-00006618-00006760 get you added up and you know your boys u5KknSRJKLA-00032-00006761-00006959 just casually dropping 24 kills in Solo u5KknSRJKLA-00033-00006959-00007391 squads u5KknSRJKLA-00034-00007392-00008159 Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00035-00008159-00008537 goodbye my friend okay u5KknSRJKLA-00036-00008538-00009574 just do really gotta know u5KknSRJKLA-00037-00009575-00010049 Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00038-00010050-00011128 oh my God the bar u5KknSRJKLA-00039-00011129-00011483 this just Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00041-00015923-00016628 foreign u5KknSRJKLA-00042-00016629-00017675 [Music] u5KknSRJKLA-00043-00017676-00018730 my God oh my God oh u5KknSRJKLA-00044-00018731-00019505 come on reload u5KknSRJKLA-00045-00019506-00020435 I'm cracking all of them with the irons u5KknSRJKLA-00046-00020436-00021017 oh please just die u5KknSRJKLA-00047-00021018-00022408 no u5KknSRJKLA-00048-00022409-00022817 oh my God I almost died u5KknSRJKLA-00049-00022818-00023200 oh my God he's triggered he's so u5KknSRJKLA-00050-00023201-00023627 triggered u5KknSRJKLA-00051-00023628-00025775 he's so triggered u5KknSRJKLA-00052-00025776-00027095 Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00053-00027095-00027383 Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00054-00027383-00027967 Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00055-00027968-00029218 oh my God Bodied u5KknSRJKLA-00056-00029219-00029639 where you running bro u5KknSRJKLA-00057-00029639-00030287 oh this game's so good bro u5KknSRJKLA-00058-00030288-00030695 what on Earth is this Manta ear Iron Man u5KknSRJKLA-00059-00030695-00030983 not Superman I'm freaking Iron Man what u5KknSRJKLA-00060-00030983-00031408 is this u5KknSRJKLA-00061-00031410-00031985 oh my God u5KknSRJKLA-00062-00031986-00032411 yo what's up bro I'm Iron Man u5KknSRJKLA-00063-00032412-00032795 what the f what is this suit u5KknSRJKLA-00064-00032796-00033437 the movement in it is crazy u5KknSRJKLA-00065-00033438-00033749 oh my God it actually is quite powerful u5KknSRJKLA-00066-00033750-00034024 how fast it is bro no this thing is u5KknSRJKLA-00067-00034025-00035327 actually crazy bro u5KknSRJKLA-00068-00035328-00036046 you can't catch me bro I'm too fast u5KknSRJKLA-00069-00036047-00036821 yo this shit's too fast bro u5KknSRJKLA-00070-00036822-00037031 this is actually nuts you got a place u5KknSRJKLA-00071-00037032-00037211 that you can go across water on it u5KknSRJKLA-00072-00037212-00037517 oh my God you can u5KknSRJKLA-00073-00037518-00037829 yo what's up boys don't mind me just u5KknSRJKLA-00074-00037830-00039739 Iron Man u5KknSRJKLA-00075-00039740-00040318 oh what a clean slide u5KknSRJKLA-00076-00040319-00041117 that your army kills 23 kills chat u5KknSRJKLA-00077-00041118-00041915 oh I see them u5KknSRJKLA-00078-00041916-00042083 crack them again u5KknSRJKLA-00079-00042084-00042293 crack them again u5KknSRJKLA-00080-00042294-00042551 just chill chill here one even over here u5KknSRJKLA-00081-00042552-00042796 don't even Peak Moon Peak u5KknSRJKLA-00082-00042797-00043399 vehicle u5KknSRJKLA-00083-00043400-00043637 no it's not nice is that yeah that was u5KknSRJKLA-00084-00043638-00043757 it that was it it's just one more team u5KknSRJKLA-00085-00043758-00043865 boys u5KknSRJKLA-00086-00043866-00044123 that's one now this one's 14. one full u5KknSRJKLA-00087-00044124-00044351 team try and get on top of this mountain u5KknSRJKLA-00088-00044352-00044579 no it isn't u5KknSRJKLA-00089-00044580-00044746 it there's three people three people u5KknSRJKLA-00090-00044747-00044957 left boys u5KknSRJKLA-00091-00044958-00045089 yeah yeah they're in the vehicles over u5KknSRJKLA-00092-00045090-00045268 there u5KknSRJKLA-00093-00045269-00045601 they're down here right in front of me u5KknSRJKLA-00094-00045602-00046037 all right guys u5KknSRJKLA-00095-00046038-00046751 hit him 60. u5KknSRJKLA-00096-00046752-00046955 oh I'm dead guys I'm there I got the u5KknSRJKLA-00097-00046956-00047105 grenade u5KknSRJKLA-00098-00047106-00047411 I hate this pillow u5KknSRJKLA-00099-00047412-00047801 oh he's playing the world u5KknSRJKLA-00100-00047802-00048474 myself I can't get him boys u5KknSRJKLA-00101-00048475-00048718 nice nice u5KknSRJKLA-00102-00048719-00048905 I'm here no I'm down I'm down I'm down u5KknSRJKLA-00103-00048906-00049043 it's just yeah that's last one boys kill u5KknSRJKLA-00104-00049044-00049805 him nice good boys let's go u5KknSRJKLA-00105-00049806-00050165 oh I'm so having like bad luck so bad u5KknSRJKLA-00106-00050166-00050429 it's fine man we won boys let's go u5KknSRJKLA-00107-00050430-00050649 that's good kills as well u5KknSRJKLA-00108-00050650-00051649 [Music] u5KknSRJKLA-00109-00051650-00051838 thank you u5KknSRJKLA-00110-00051839-00052102 foreign u5KknSRJKLA-00111-00052103-00052358 foreign u6M2EsfdhRU-00000-00001063-00001223 well good afternoon everybody it's great u6M2EsfdhRU-00001-00001224-00001431 to see you all here this afternoon for u6M2EsfdhRU-00002-00001432-00001718 our session on access and affordability u6M2EsfdhRU-00003-00001719-00001847 please u6M2EsfdhRU-00004-00001848-00002087 i'd like to request that we all take our u6M2EsfdhRU-00005-00002088-00002334 seats my name is julie ishirov coming u6M2EsfdhRU-00006-00002335-00002526 from east africa and it's great honor to u6M2EsfdhRU-00007-00002527-00002823 be with you all today let me introduce u6M2EsfdhRU-00008-00002824-00003134 our panel to you also from my region um u6M2EsfdhRU-00009-00003135-00003479 on the far end uh is judith akita who is u6M2EsfdhRU-00010-00003479-00003743 the ig coordinator from the free u6M2EsfdhRU-00011-00003744-00003943 software and open source foundation for u6M2EsfdhRU-00012-00003944-00004295 africa phospha and she's based in kenya u6M2EsfdhRU-00013-00004296-00004527 right next to judith u6M2EsfdhRU-00014-00004528-00004799 we have sonia u6M2EsfdhRU-00015-00004800-00004959 jorge u6M2EsfdhRU-00016-00004960-00005191 george oh okay u6M2EsfdhRU-00017-00005192-00005359 i was trying u6M2EsfdhRU-00018-00005360-00005502 but sonja is u6M2EsfdhRU-00019-00005503-00005670 the executive director of the alliance u6M2EsfdhRU-00020-00005671-00005870 for affordable internet great to see you u6M2EsfdhRU-00021-00005871-00006127 both with us this afternoon u6M2EsfdhRU-00022-00006128-00006399 and uh next to sonia we have with us u6M2EsfdhRU-00023-00006400-00006534 milka u6M2EsfdhRU-00024-00006536-00006727 milka you need to to help me pronounce u6M2EsfdhRU-00025-00006728-00006927 your second name before i make another u6M2EsfdhRU-00026-00006928-00007083 terrible error no u6M2EsfdhRU-00027-00007084-00007310 problem cannon piety kainen yes thank u6M2EsfdhRU-00028-00007311-00007703 you milka joins us um from milicom um u6M2EsfdhRU-00029-00007704-00007887 and we'll be sharing quite a few u6M2EsfdhRU-00030-00007888-00008207 insights on business um and and and u6M2EsfdhRU-00031-00008208-00008446 efforts to really access u6M2EsfdhRU-00032-00008447-00008678 um that next billion we're talking about u6M2EsfdhRU-00033-00008679-00008942 this afternoon and last but certainly u6M2EsfdhRU-00034-00008943-00009310 not least we have with us off persian is u6M2EsfdhRU-00035-00009311-00009487 that correct perfect thank you doing u6M2EsfdhRU-00036-00009488-00009703 well vice president erickson based right u6M2EsfdhRU-00037-00009704-00009903 here in sweden we're going to have it u6M2EsfdhRU-00038-00009904-00010087 exciting discussion this afternoon u6M2EsfdhRU-00039-00010088-00010351 because we are talking about the next u6M2EsfdhRU-00040-00010352-00010591 billion now on on your u6M2EsfdhRU-00041-00010592-00010767 uh on your little sheets it probably u6M2EsfdhRU-00042-00010768-00011046 says the last billion does it u6M2EsfdhRU-00043-00011047-00011191 but i think we'll start talking about u6M2EsfdhRU-00044-00011192-00011351 the next billion u6M2EsfdhRU-00045-00011352-00011527 and then get to the last billion because u6M2EsfdhRU-00046-00011528-00011759 we're assuming we've got more than one u6M2EsfdhRU-00047-00011760-00011983 billion to reach um i'm going to start u6M2EsfdhRU-00048-00011984-00012119 with you sonia u6M2EsfdhRU-00049-00012120-00012214 give us u6M2EsfdhRU-00050-00012215-00012446 the research the data u6M2EsfdhRU-00051-00012447-00012687 what have you discovered in terms of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00052-00012688-00013143 patterns of access and affordability u6M2EsfdhRU-00053-00013144-00013343 across the globe u6M2EsfdhRU-00054-00013344-00013566 thank you thank you for having me here u6M2EsfdhRU-00055-00013568-00013830 well um i think the most starking uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00056-00013831-00014111 finding from our research which i urge u6M2EsfdhRU-00057-00014112-00014391 you to look at our affordability report u6M2EsfdhRU-00058-00014391-00014543 on our website u6M2EsfdhRU-00059-00014544-00014711 is that u6M2EsfdhRU-00060-00014712-00014951 for the 46 countries that we covered in u6M2EsfdhRU-00061-00014952-00015271 our research about 2 billion people live u6M2EsfdhRU-00062-00015272-00015575 under the 2 a day poverty line u6M2EsfdhRU-00063-00015576-00015775 that means that for that two billion u6M2EsfdhRU-00064-00015776-00015894 people u6M2EsfdhRU-00065-00015895-00016199 affordable internet is by far u6M2EsfdhRU-00066-00016200-00016471 a dream not even even close to be a u6M2EsfdhRU-00067-00016472-00016758 dream yet it's far from being attainable u6M2EsfdhRU-00068-00016759-00017007 and that's a problem that's why we are u6M2EsfdhRU-00069-00017008-00017127 working u6M2EsfdhRU-00070-00017128-00017327 on policy and regulatory reformity for u6M2EsfdhRU-00071-00017328-00017639 ai to try to create the conditions and u6M2EsfdhRU-00072-00017640-00017758 through working with the different u6M2EsfdhRU-00073-00017759-00018063 stakeholders in the countries to u6M2EsfdhRU-00074-00018064-00018294 create the conditions that will then u6M2EsfdhRU-00075-00018295-00018558 allow and make affordable internet a u6M2EsfdhRU-00076-00018559-00018727 reality in the countries u6M2EsfdhRU-00077-00018728-00018950 so the research not only shows that u6M2EsfdhRU-00078-00018951-00019247 there's a large majority of populations u6M2EsfdhRU-00079-00019248-00019447 in the developing world that u6M2EsfdhRU-00080-00019448-00019750 cannot afford but even those that we u6M2EsfdhRU-00081-00019751-00019950 believe may be as you said the next u6M2EsfdhRU-00082-00019951-00020207 billion that may be able to afford u6M2EsfdhRU-00083-00020208-00020527 the internet is still very expensive for u6M2EsfdhRU-00084-00020528-00020622 them u6M2EsfdhRU-00085-00020623-00020871 first of all access is still an issue so u6M2EsfdhRU-00086-00020872-00021071 it's not even accessible in many u6M2EsfdhRU-00087-00021072-00021286 countries but then when it's exitable u6M2EsfdhRU-00088-00021287-00021639 affordability remains the key barrier uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00089-00021640-00021783 to users u6M2EsfdhRU-00090-00021784-00022175 in most of the developing world and so u6M2EsfdhRU-00091-00022176-00022391 i think you know those are u6M2EsfdhRU-00092-00022392-00022550 figures that are very important for us u6M2EsfdhRU-00093-00022551-00022878 to consider as well as the fact that u6M2EsfdhRU-00094-00022879-00023239 in most of the developing world about u6M2EsfdhRU-00095-00023240-00023447 the prices of the internet are about 30 u6M2EsfdhRU-00096-00023448-00023550 percent u6M2EsfdhRU-00097-00023551-00023807 of monthly incomes and in many countries u6M2EsfdhRU-00098-00023808-00024078 in africa and in southeast asia it can u6M2EsfdhRU-00099-00024079-00024286 be as high as 100 u6M2EsfdhRU-00100-00024287-00024542 so again for those populations uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00101-00024543-00024694 there's a lot of work that needs to be u6M2EsfdhRU-00102-00024695-00024967 done uh for them to be able to enjoy the u6M2EsfdhRU-00103-00024968-00025119 kind of benefits that all of us here in u6M2EsfdhRU-00104-00025120-00025303 this room are enjoying and take for u6M2EsfdhRU-00105-00025304-00025655 granted and that's the kind of work that u6M2EsfdhRU-00106-00025656-00025911 we are advocating for so u6M2EsfdhRU-00107-00025912-00026127 we work on policy and regulatory reform u6M2EsfdhRU-00108-00026127-00026351 as i mentioned earlier in many different u6M2EsfdhRU-00109-00026352-00026631 ways but working closely with the all u6M2EsfdhRU-00110-00026632-00026774 the stakeholders not just at the u6M2EsfdhRU-00111-00026775-00027046 international level but primarily and u6M2EsfdhRU-00112-00027047-00027239 most importantly at the national level u6M2EsfdhRU-00113-00027239-00027374 at the country u6M2EsfdhRU-00114-00027375-00027574 level so that we can u6M2EsfdhRU-00115-00027575-00027767 understand first of all what are the u6M2EsfdhRU-00116-00027768-00028039 priorities so that we can connect u6M2EsfdhRU-00117-00028039-00028151 the next u6M2EsfdhRU-00118-00028152-00028511 masses of people uh to the internet but u6M2EsfdhRU-00119-00028512-00028702 also what are the key barriers in their u6M2EsfdhRU-00120-00028704-00028879 countries that need to be addressed from u6M2EsfdhRU-00121-00028880-00029118 a policy and regulatory perspective and u6M2EsfdhRU-00122-00029119-00029367 we work through a multi-stakeholder u6M2EsfdhRU-00123-00029368-00029574 model that we've been talking a lot u6M2EsfdhRU-00124-00029575-00029679 about u6M2EsfdhRU-00125-00029680-00029879 here today u6M2EsfdhRU-00126-00029880-00030031 and we believe that that is a very u6M2EsfdhRU-00127-00030032-00030190 important model to make sure that the u6M2EsfdhRU-00128-00030191-00030487 dialogue is informed inclusive and also u6M2EsfdhRU-00129-00030488-00030655 one where u6M2EsfdhRU-00130-00030656-00030974 the policy process is one that is built u6M2EsfdhRU-00131-00030975-00031295 at the same time not just through uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00132-00031295-00031511 good research that we also provide and u6M2EsfdhRU-00133-00031512-00031758 many others that are our members and u6M2EsfdhRU-00134-00031760-00032070 partners but also that um u6M2EsfdhRU-00135-00032072-00032190 you know the u6M2EsfdhRU-00136-00032191-00032399 the kind of concrete proposals and u6M2EsfdhRU-00137-00032400-00032687 recommendations for reforms are informed u6M2EsfdhRU-00138-00032688-00033007 by lessons by experiences and also by u6M2EsfdhRU-00139-00033008-00033287 the desires that the stakeholders in u6M2EsfdhRU-00140-00033288-00033471 those particular countries u6M2EsfdhRU-00141-00033472-00033711 have as far as their priorities if the u6M2EsfdhRU-00142-00033712-00034007 priority is for example focusing on u6M2EsfdhRU-00143-00034008-00034223 infrastructure versus focusing on u6M2EsfdhRU-00144-00034224-00034455 spectrum policy or at the same time u6M2EsfdhRU-00145-00034456-00034695 focusing on some of those issues and so u6M2EsfdhRU-00146-00034696-00034918 we work through that very strong u6M2EsfdhRU-00147-00034919-00035083 coalition model u6M2EsfdhRU-00148-00035084-00035255 to u6M2EsfdhRU-00149-00035256-00035479 really focus on creating those u6M2EsfdhRU-00150-00035480-00035695 conditions for healthy competitive u6M2EsfdhRU-00151-00035696-00035999 markets and markets where affordability u6M2EsfdhRU-00152-00036000-00036295 and access can be a reality for all not u6M2EsfdhRU-00153-00036296-00036527 just for those that have the incomes now u6M2EsfdhRU-00154-00036528-00036743 but especially for marginalized u6M2EsfdhRU-00155-00036744-00036999 populations that live under poverty and u6M2EsfdhRU-00156-00037000-00037239 that are more likely not to have access u6M2EsfdhRU-00157-00037240-00037390 including women u6M2EsfdhRU-00158-00037391-00037662 and many others rural populations etc u6M2EsfdhRU-00159-00037663-00037823 we'll be talking more about that by the u6M2EsfdhRU-00160-00037824-00037990 way i just want to let everybody know u6M2EsfdhRU-00161-00037991-00038167 that you are able to tweet your u6M2EsfdhRU-00162-00038168-00038359 questions we will take questions from u6M2EsfdhRU-00163-00038360-00038543 the floor but you can also tweet them u6M2EsfdhRU-00164-00038544-00038755 it's hashtag u6M2EsfdhRU-00165-00038756-00038911 sif14a u6M2EsfdhRU-00166-00038912-00039055 please that's what you'll use we have u6M2EsfdhRU-00167-00039056-00039335 our digital curators on the team there u6M2EsfdhRU-00168-00039336-00039462 and they'll be sharing some of your u6M2EsfdhRU-00169-00039463-00039662 questions in just a short while before i u6M2EsfdhRU-00170-00039663-00039927 leave you sonia very briefly i want to u6M2EsfdhRU-00171-00039928-00040111 get an indication of what kind of u6M2EsfdhRU-00172-00040112-00040359 cooperation you get from regulatory u6M2EsfdhRU-00173-00040360-00040527 authorities in the national environments u6M2EsfdhRU-00174-00040528-00040727 you work in very briefly please u6M2EsfdhRU-00175-00040728-00041007 we actually have been really u6M2EsfdhRU-00176-00041008-00041167 well supported by the regulatory u6M2EsfdhRU-00177-00041168-00041367 agencies we are now already actively u6M2EsfdhRU-00178-00041368-00041751 working in nigeria ghana and mozambique u6M2EsfdhRU-00179-00041752-00041974 all of the countries not only we've u6M2EsfdhRU-00180-00041975-00042135 signed and we use with each of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00181-00042136-00042415 respective governments but also have the u6M2EsfdhRU-00182-00042416-00042567 commitment and the support of not only u6M2EsfdhRU-00183-00042568-00042783 the regulatory agencies ministries u6M2EsfdhRU-00184-00042784-00043007 across the different sectors that we see u6M2EsfdhRU-00185-00043008-00043255 as very critical in the dialogue because u6M2EsfdhRU-00186-00043256-00043462 we see the internet and icts as a u6M2EsfdhRU-00187-00043463-00043727 platform for development in general so u6M2EsfdhRU-00188-00043728-00043855 it's not just about access to the u6M2EsfdhRU-00189-00043856-00044015 internet but what are the possibilities u6M2EsfdhRU-00190-00044016-00044158 that the internet brings about to u6M2EsfdhRU-00191-00044159-00044343 development so we also work with u6M2EsfdhRU-00192-00044344-00044623 education health agriculture industry u6M2EsfdhRU-00193-00044624-00044887 etc and then of course we bring together u6M2EsfdhRU-00194-00044888-00045127 as an alliance ourselves and within the u6M2EsfdhRU-00195-00045128-00045462 countries uh also other stakeholders u6M2EsfdhRU-00196-00045463-00045655 within the private sector and very u6M2EsfdhRU-00197-00045656-00045918 importantly civil society organizations u6M2EsfdhRU-00198-00045919-00046190 that work also across the board not just u6M2EsfdhRU-00199-00046191-00046439 for icts within icts but also u6M2EsfdhRU-00200-00046440-00046735 in sectors that are very much using icts u6M2EsfdhRU-00201-00046736-00047071 as a platform for service delivery for u6M2EsfdhRU-00202-00047072-00047335 uh product delivery what have you u6M2EsfdhRU-00203-00047336-00047599 and that brings me to judith your u6M2EsfdhRU-00204-00047600-00047846 experience on the ground and we know u6M2EsfdhRU-00205-00047847-00048067 access to the internet has been u6M2EsfdhRU-00206-00048068-00048374 transformational across sectors um on u6M2EsfdhRU-00207-00048375-00048599 the african continent but there are huge u6M2EsfdhRU-00208-00048600-00048799 challenges even in countries where you u6M2EsfdhRU-00209-00048800-00049023 know there's been huge efforts to make u6M2EsfdhRU-00210-00049024-00049279 sure that broadband is available u6M2EsfdhRU-00211-00049280-00049479 across the country so let's let's just u6M2EsfdhRU-00212-00049480-00049599 talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-00213-00049600-00049951 what the challenges are on the ground u6M2EsfdhRU-00214-00049952-00050167 and what the best practices are to u6M2EsfdhRU-00215-00050168-00050318 address those challenges give us some u6M2EsfdhRU-00216-00050319-00050479 instances of things that you've seen u6M2EsfdhRU-00217-00050480-00050711 that have been transformational u6M2EsfdhRU-00218-00050712-00050918 oh thank you very much julie u6M2EsfdhRU-00219-00050919-00051127 it's good to be here this afternoon i u6M2EsfdhRU-00220-00051128-00051270 will u6M2EsfdhRU-00221-00051271-00051558 approach it from accessibility for u6M2EsfdhRU-00222-00051559-00051911 persons with disability okay u6M2EsfdhRU-00223-00051912-00052094 this is the one billion u6M2EsfdhRU-00224-00052095-00052319 that is actually forgotten u6M2EsfdhRU-00225-00052320-00052414 right u6M2EsfdhRU-00226-00052415-00052542 um u6M2EsfdhRU-00227-00052544-00052887 you talk about accessibility it's about u6M2EsfdhRU-00228-00052888-00053079 being able to u6M2EsfdhRU-00229-00053079-00053326 get a product and a service u6M2EsfdhRU-00230-00053327-00053550 like any other person u6M2EsfdhRU-00231-00053551-00053711 but does not happen when it comes to the u6M2EsfdhRU-00232-00053712-00053919 persons with disability u6M2EsfdhRU-00233-00053920-00054087 and so u6M2EsfdhRU-00234-00054088-00054391 what has been happening on ground u6M2EsfdhRU-00235-00054391-00054575 very few u6M2EsfdhRU-00236-00054576-00054838 persons with disability are able u6M2EsfdhRU-00237-00054839-00055007 to actually u6M2EsfdhRU-00238-00055008-00055150 get the service and the product that u6M2EsfdhRU-00239-00055151-00055263 they need u6M2EsfdhRU-00240-00055264-00055438 so as much as the world is moving u6M2EsfdhRU-00241-00055439-00055550 forward u6M2EsfdhRU-00242-00055551-00055815 with the privacy issues u6M2EsfdhRU-00243-00055816-00056094 we have a whole stakeholder left behind u6M2EsfdhRU-00244-00056095-00056303 that is not connected u6M2EsfdhRU-00245-00056304-00056503 yeah and this is because of u6M2EsfdhRU-00246-00056504-00056719 infrastructure issues what what are the u6M2EsfdhRU-00247-00056720-00056838 challenges u6M2EsfdhRU-00248-00056839-00056999 um u6M2EsfdhRU-00249-00057000-00057199 affordability because there are u6M2EsfdhRU-00250-00057200-00057375 instances that will need assistive u6M2EsfdhRU-00251-00057376-00057526 technology u6M2EsfdhRU-00252-00057527-00057726 so to make them available more u6M2EsfdhRU-00253-00057727-00057847 especially in u6M2EsfdhRU-00254-00057848-00058111 developing countries and make them u6M2EsfdhRU-00255-00058112-00058375 not only available but affordable u6M2EsfdhRU-00256-00058376-00058679 and then secondly also u6M2EsfdhRU-00257-00058679-00058903 i mean the stakeholders really need to u6M2EsfdhRU-00258-00058904-00059103 to come together the technical community u6M2EsfdhRU-00259-00059104-00059294 they need to understand u6M2EsfdhRU-00260-00059295-00059566 uh when i have my website up there u6M2EsfdhRU-00261-00059567-00059726 who is my target u6M2EsfdhRU-00262-00059727-00060150 yeah what percentage is going to achieve u6M2EsfdhRU-00263-00060151-00060326 is going to receive the information that u6M2EsfdhRU-00264-00060327-00060463 i'm putting online u6M2EsfdhRU-00265-00060464-00060782 and which percentage am i leaving out u6M2EsfdhRU-00266-00060783-00060911 and u6M2EsfdhRU-00267-00060912-00061247 not to bash out even the sif that we are u6M2EsfdhRU-00268-00061248-00061519 in right now we don't have captioning so u6M2EsfdhRU-00269-00061520-00061879 if there's anybody here with a hearing u6M2EsfdhRU-00270-00061879-00062079 disability they're not able to follow u6M2EsfdhRU-00271-00062079-00062182 this u6M2EsfdhRU-00272-00062183-00062359 right if they can't read and you know u6M2EsfdhRU-00273-00062360-00062511 these are the things we forget and we u6M2EsfdhRU-00274-00062512-00062703 appreciate that we have you here because u6M2EsfdhRU-00275-00062704-00062959 you are reminding us and telling us that u6M2EsfdhRU-00276-00062960-00063247 technologies must also be adaptable yes u6M2EsfdhRU-00277-00063248-00063454 we must be able to consider these issues u6M2EsfdhRU-00278-00063455-00063647 i'll come back to you judy on that in u6M2EsfdhRU-00279-00063648-00063863 just a short while let's talk uh from a u6M2EsfdhRU-00280-00063864-00064103 commercial perspective now u6M2EsfdhRU-00281-00064104-00064399 and um it's great to have both ericsson u6M2EsfdhRU-00282-00064400-00064654 and also millicom on board to share your u6M2EsfdhRU-00283-00064655-00064935 experiences particularly with respect to u6M2EsfdhRU-00284-00064936-00065150 accessing the people that sonya has been u6M2EsfdhRU-00285-00065151-00065326 talked talking about those who are u6M2EsfdhRU-00286-00065327-00065526 finding it you know a huge challenge u6M2EsfdhRU-00287-00065527-00065823 even just to afford to get on the u6M2EsfdhRU-00288-00065824-00066159 internet what's teego doing about it u6M2EsfdhRU-00289-00066160-00066415 um so so melecom is a telecommunications u6M2EsfdhRU-00290-00066416-00066615 company that works in in 15 markets u6M2EsfdhRU-00291-00066616-00066815 across africa and latin america under u6M2EsfdhRU-00292-00066816-00066950 the brand name of tigo so i think most u6M2EsfdhRU-00293-00066951-00067103 of you might know tigo but not u6M2EsfdhRU-00294-00067104-00067782 normallycom how many know teego u6M2EsfdhRU-00295-00067783-00067926 we also have very strong links to sweden u6M2EsfdhRU-00296-00067927-00068079 we are listed in sweden our founder was u6M2EsfdhRU-00297-00068080-00068271 swedish so that's probably why we're u6M2EsfdhRU-00298-00068272-00068399 also here u6M2EsfdhRU-00299-00068400-00068655 so affordable access is really for us u6M2EsfdhRU-00300-00068656-00068887 everyday life because of the markets u6M2EsfdhRU-00301-00068888-00069055 where we operate i think just to give u6M2EsfdhRU-00302-00069056-00069191 you a little bit of idea what we talk u6M2EsfdhRU-00303-00069192-00069431 about affordability what we mean in in u6M2EsfdhRU-00304-00069432-00069655 africa the average revenue of our u6M2EsfdhRU-00305-00069656-00069894 customers in africa is three and a half u6M2EsfdhRU-00306-00069895-00070047 dollars u6M2EsfdhRU-00307-00070048-00070143 per month u6M2EsfdhRU-00308-00070144-00070359 um and actually 40 of our all of our u6M2EsfdhRU-00309-00070360-00070575 customers across our our footprint uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00310-00070576-00070806 bring uh revenue of less than one dollar u6M2EsfdhRU-00311-00070807-00070903 a month u6M2EsfdhRU-00312-00070904-00071159 so this is the kind of prices that um u6M2EsfdhRU-00313-00071160-00071423 broadband should come to um for it to be u6M2EsfdhRU-00314-00071424-00071791 available to to the broader masses u6M2EsfdhRU-00315-00071792-00071950 and there was talk about a lot of most u6M2EsfdhRU-00316-00071951-00072135 of our customers are prepaid customers u6M2EsfdhRU-00317-00072136-00072423 um because i think one another very u6M2EsfdhRU-00318-00072424-00072591 defining factor of our customer base is u6M2EsfdhRU-00319-00072592-00072806 the irregularity of income u6M2EsfdhRU-00320-00072807-00072943 of people so that's something that we u6M2EsfdhRU-00321-00072944-00073159 need to address in the way that we bring u6M2EsfdhRU-00322-00073160-00073350 the services to them u6M2EsfdhRU-00323-00073351-00073575 so 93 u6M2EsfdhRU-00324-00073576-00073711 are u6M2EsfdhRU-00325-00073712-00074231 sorry prepaid customers u6M2EsfdhRU-00326-00074232-00074359 and u6M2EsfdhRU-00327-00074360-00074711 we have 52 million customers u6M2EsfdhRU-00328-00074712-00074894 across our markets um half of those u6M2EsfdhRU-00329-00074895-00075135 about our are are in africa and i would u6M2EsfdhRU-00330-00075136-00075359 like to talk about more about this um u6M2EsfdhRU-00331-00075360-00075479 innovation u6M2EsfdhRU-00332-00075480-00075671 around access u6M2EsfdhRU-00333-00075672-00075894 and exactly on on um u6M2EsfdhRU-00334-00075895-00076079 how do you address the reality of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00335-00076080-00076335 irregularity of the incomes but also the u6M2EsfdhRU-00336-00076336-00076655 um the affordability um side um i think u6M2EsfdhRU-00337-00076656-00076862 we're quite stuck in our western way of u6M2EsfdhRU-00338-00076863-00077087 understanding um u6M2EsfdhRU-00339-00077088-00077255 broadband and u6M2EsfdhRU-00340-00077256-00077543 and having a limited access um u6M2EsfdhRU-00341-00077544-00077711 in um u6M2EsfdhRU-00342-00077712-00077838 for for u6M2EsfdhRU-00343-00077839-00078150 one that we pay on a monthly basis um u6M2EsfdhRU-00344-00078151-00078319 our customers buy u6M2EsfdhRU-00345-00078320-00078535 data prepaid u6M2EsfdhRU-00346-00078536-00078735 so we are for example introducing data u6M2EsfdhRU-00347-00078736-00078919 to our customers when they're buying u6M2EsfdhRU-00348-00078920-00079055 bundles of u6M2EsfdhRU-00349-00079056-00079399 voice and sms for example so they get u6M2EsfdhRU-00350-00079400-00079662 a couple of megabytes of data at the u6M2EsfdhRU-00351-00079663-00079894 same time as they buy the usual voice u6M2EsfdhRU-00352-00079895-00080215 and sms and they can try out services u6M2EsfdhRU-00353-00080216-00080343 we put on u6M2EsfdhRU-00354-00080344-00080519 gaps for daily usage u6M2EsfdhRU-00355-00080520-00080679 so that people don't u6M2EsfdhRU-00356-00080680-00080919 overuse and spend u6M2EsfdhRU-00357-00080920-00081103 too much than that than than they can u6M2EsfdhRU-00358-00081104-00081271 afford u6M2EsfdhRU-00359-00081272-00081399 and then it's it's i think it's very u6M2EsfdhRU-00360-00081400-00081599 kind of everyday barriers to to access u6M2EsfdhRU-00361-00081600-00081743 as well what is preventing people from u6M2EsfdhRU-00362-00081744-00081862 trying u6M2EsfdhRU-00363-00081863-00082126 um internet and trying new services data u6M2EsfdhRU-00364-00082127-00082231 services u6M2EsfdhRU-00365-00082232-00082479 um a lot of it is down to education um u6M2EsfdhRU-00366-00082480-00082694 we have 700 000 points of sale across u6M2EsfdhRU-00367-00082695-00082887 our 15 markets u6M2EsfdhRU-00368-00082888-00083038 and so there's a lot of daily u6M2EsfdhRU-00369-00083039-00083255 interaction with our customers and and u6M2EsfdhRU-00370-00083256-00083447 helping them to understand how they can u6M2EsfdhRU-00371-00083448-00083775 take use of data value-added services um u6M2EsfdhRU-00372-00083776-00083999 etc do you think there's also a u6M2EsfdhRU-00373-00084000-00084255 challenge of relevant content u6M2EsfdhRU-00374-00084256-00084455 yes absolutely the african market u6M2EsfdhRU-00375-00084456-00084743 yes um absolutely um obviously we talked u6M2EsfdhRU-00376-00084744-00084903 about in in some of the previous u6M2EsfdhRU-00377-00084904-00085087 discussions about local language and how u6M2EsfdhRU-00378-00085088-00085311 important that is um we are part of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00379-00085312-00085543 facebook zero campaign so in in tanzania u6M2EsfdhRU-00380-00085544-00085638 and paraguay u6M2EsfdhRU-00381-00085639-00085815 we offer facebook for free to our u6M2EsfdhRU-00382-00085816-00085975 customers and very importantly when u6M2EsfdhRU-00383-00085976-00086143 we've launched that service it's been in u6M2EsfdhRU-00384-00086144-00086447 in local languages in inquiry and and in u6M2EsfdhRU-00385-00086448-00086615 kiswahili u6M2EsfdhRU-00386-00086616-00086838 and that has obviously lowered the u6M2EsfdhRU-00387-00086839-00087047 barrier also for for people to access u6M2EsfdhRU-00388-00087048-00087206 that but also that you know you don't u6M2EsfdhRU-00389-00087207-00087447 necessarily even need broadband or 3g to u6M2EsfdhRU-00390-00087448-00087606 access the internet that's another thing u6M2EsfdhRU-00391-00087607-00087782 there's a lot of innovation that i think u6M2EsfdhRU-00392-00087783-00088087 we are ignoring in in these countries um u6M2EsfdhRU-00393-00088088-00088231 also a round of different ways of u6M2EsfdhRU-00394-00088232-00088431 accessing the internet people are u6M2EsfdhRU-00395-00088432-00088726 surfing by sms very simple ussd menus u6M2EsfdhRU-00396-00088727-00088855 for example u6M2EsfdhRU-00397-00088856-00089062 and then we have voice services so u6M2EsfdhRU-00398-00089063-00089343 people are accessing information u6M2EsfdhRU-00399-00089344-00089550 with voice they use voice commands and u6M2EsfdhRU-00400-00089551-00089726 and they have information read to them u6M2EsfdhRU-00401-00089727-00089918 so that's also you know addressing some u6M2EsfdhRU-00402-00089919-00090150 of the the accessibility issues around u6M2EsfdhRU-00403-00090151-00090303 people who are literally u6M2EsfdhRU-00404-00090304-00090479 thank you for that and you know let's u6M2EsfdhRU-00405-00090480-00090775 come to ericsson now um u6M2EsfdhRU-00406-00090776-00090959 the big challenge i think the growth on u6M2EsfdhRU-00407-00090960-00091238 on the african continent in terms of you u6M2EsfdhRU-00408-00091239-00091511 know use of digital platforms has been u6M2EsfdhRU-00409-00091512-00091726 phenomenal and i think unexpected in u6M2EsfdhRU-00410-00091727-00092047 many ways uh globally um what's your u6M2EsfdhRU-00411-00092048-00092247 strategy now we talk about getting to u6M2EsfdhRU-00412-00092248-00092406 the last mile u6M2EsfdhRU-00413-00092407-00092647 what is the ericsson strategy and and u6M2EsfdhRU-00414-00092648-00092950 who for you who are the next billion u6M2EsfdhRU-00415-00092951-00093191 okay let's uh just remind ourselves that u6M2EsfdhRU-00416-00093192-00093494 that affordability is is the key factor u6M2EsfdhRU-00417-00093495-00093687 of course and ericsson is a proud member u6M2EsfdhRU-00418-00093688-00093894 of the alliance of course but we've been u6M2EsfdhRU-00419-00093895-00094143 working on on affordability for for more u6M2EsfdhRU-00420-00094144-00094326 than 100 years all through the ericsson u6M2EsfdhRU-00421-00094327-00094623 history to to connect uh the next u6M2EsfdhRU-00422-00094624-00094855 million or billion or whatever but i u6M2EsfdhRU-00423-00094856-00095015 think we have to remind ourselves that u6M2EsfdhRU-00424-00095016-00095318 affordability is very much about uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00425-00095319-00095526 scale otherwise u6M2EsfdhRU-00426-00095527-00095759 you won't reach affordability globally u6M2EsfdhRU-00427-00095760-00095967 we have now reached some 7 billion u6M2EsfdhRU-00428-00095968-00096182 mobile subscriptions u6M2EsfdhRU-00429-00096183-00096303 but u6M2EsfdhRU-00430-00096304-00096503 still a minority of those are mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-00431-00096504-00096711 broadband making it possible to access u6M2EsfdhRU-00432-00096712-00096862 the internet so the challenge is of u6M2EsfdhRU-00433-00096863-00097126 course to not only grow the number of u6M2EsfdhRU-00434-00097127-00097311 mobile subscriptions and they will grow u6M2EsfdhRU-00435-00097312-00097455 in the next five years by some two u6M2EsfdhRU-00436-00097456-00097647 billion or so to reach more than nine u6M2EsfdhRU-00437-00097648-00097862 billion but the proportion that will be u6M2EsfdhRU-00438-00097863-00098031 on mobile broadband will actually be u6M2EsfdhRU-00439-00098032-00098255 very high some eighty ninety percent u6M2EsfdhRU-00440-00098256-00098471 will actually be on on mobile broadband u6M2EsfdhRU-00441-00098472-00098718 but still going to the africa situation u6M2EsfdhRU-00442-00098719-00098982 still we only have a penetration of some u6M2EsfdhRU-00443-00098983-00099318 70 72 percent in africa and the majority u6M2EsfdhRU-00444-00099319-00099559 of them are still on 2g i mean voice and u6M2EsfdhRU-00445-00099560-00099647 sms u6M2EsfdhRU-00446-00099648-00099903 so the challenge then is to reach u6M2EsfdhRU-00447-00099904-00100087 uh of course 100 u6M2EsfdhRU-00448-00100088-00100335 but also a much higher proportion on on u6M2EsfdhRU-00449-00100336-00100591 mobile broadband and we the technologies u6M2EsfdhRU-00450-00100592-00100799 are there and the u6M2EsfdhRU-00451-00100800-00101047 affordability is coming especially u6M2EsfdhRU-00452-00101048-00101231 through the smartphone most people on u6M2EsfdhRU-00453-00101232-00101311 this u6M2EsfdhRU-00454-00101312-00101535 planet will access u6M2EsfdhRU-00455-00101536-00101782 the internet over their smartphone and u6M2EsfdhRU-00456-00101783-00102031 we have forecasted that the number of u6M2EsfdhRU-00457-00102032-00102262 smartphone subscriptions will grow three u6M2EsfdhRU-00458-00102263-00102374 times u6M2EsfdhRU-00459-00102375-00102551 in the next five years from less than u6M2EsfdhRU-00460-00102552-00102823 two billion to close to six billion and u6M2EsfdhRU-00461-00102824-00103039 that will be the way to access the u6M2EsfdhRU-00462-00103040-00103327 internet and coming to affordability uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00463-00103328-00103527 we know that for and and we see of u6M2EsfdhRU-00464-00103528-00103710 course the prices on mobile devices u6M2EsfdhRU-00465-00103711-00104006 smartphones actually uh coming down so u6M2EsfdhRU-00466-00104007-00104254 for every ten dollars this price of a u6M2EsfdhRU-00467-00104255-00104478 smartphone comes down there will be u6M2EsfdhRU-00468-00104479-00104766 maybe 100 150 million people globally u6M2EsfdhRU-00469-00104767-00104934 that will be able to access this u6M2EsfdhRU-00470-00104935-00105199 technology so we look very positively to u6M2EsfdhRU-00471-00105200-00105358 to to the uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00472-00105359-00105534 development the next few years so this u6M2EsfdhRU-00473-00105535-00105807 is an aggressive move towards making it u6M2EsfdhRU-00474-00105808-00106086 more and more affordable for customers u6M2EsfdhRU-00475-00106088-00106271 and let's talk about other interesting u6M2EsfdhRU-00476-00106272-00106390 patterns we're going to come to the u6M2EsfdhRU-00477-00106391-00106631 digital curators in a moment to get some u6M2EsfdhRU-00478-00106632-00106902 of the the twitter feedback um but i u6M2EsfdhRU-00479-00106903-00107271 just want a quick overview um from from u6M2EsfdhRU-00480-00107272-00107534 sonya you first what other global u6M2EsfdhRU-00481-00107535-00107839 patterns are interesting to note u6M2EsfdhRU-00482-00107840-00108054 uh in terms of affordability or you mean u6M2EsfdhRU-00483-00108055-00108223 in terms of the second house success in u6M2EsfdhRU-00484-00108224-00108486 terms of access yes affordability what i u6M2EsfdhRU-00485-00108488-00108631 think what i would like to share with u6M2EsfdhRU-00486-00108632-00108823 you is that uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00487-00108824-00109078 i mean there's a few patterns that are u6M2EsfdhRU-00488-00109079-00109310 consistent with what at a4i we call it u6M2EsfdhRU-00489-00109311-00109583 best practices in policy and regulation u6M2EsfdhRU-00490-00109583-00109863 and basically they give you guidance on u6M2EsfdhRU-00491-00109864-00110063 the kinds of things really the kinds of u6M2EsfdhRU-00492-00110064-00110263 conditions that we're trying to achieve u6M2EsfdhRU-00493-00110264-00110510 when we work on reform processes in u6M2EsfdhRU-00494-00110511-00110727 different countries so you know some u6M2EsfdhRU-00495-00110728-00111023 things may seem very uh kind of obvious u6M2EsfdhRU-00496-00111024-00111254 you know everyone knows that we trying u6M2EsfdhRU-00497-00111255-00111478 to move towards very healthy effective u6M2EsfdhRU-00498-00111479-00111751 competitive markets however u6M2EsfdhRU-00499-00111752-00111934 just simply having a market that is u6M2EsfdhRU-00500-00111935-00112110 competitive it doesn't necessarily mean u6M2EsfdhRU-00501-00112111-00112278 that you will be effective or that it u6M2EsfdhRU-00502-00112279-00112534 will result in true affordable prices u6M2EsfdhRU-00503-00112535-00112727 simply because a number of operators are u6M2EsfdhRU-00504-00112728-00113023 competing so we have examples in africa u6M2EsfdhRU-00505-00113024-00113286 where you have a new a large amount of u6M2EsfdhRU-00506-00113288-00113607 operators in a particular market and u6M2EsfdhRU-00507-00113608-00113895 instead of that kind of competition or u6M2EsfdhRU-00508-00113896-00114166 expected competition because of seven or u6M2EsfdhRU-00509-00114167-00114358 eight or nine operators as you have you u6M2EsfdhRU-00510-00114359-00114631 know in ghana or uganda resulting in u6M2EsfdhRU-00511-00114632-00114999 true affordable prices you end up having u6M2EsfdhRU-00512-00115000-00115239 quite serious imbalances in the market u6M2EsfdhRU-00513-00115240-00115534 because of you know access operators u6M2EsfdhRU-00514-00115535-00115847 when uh which then leads regulators and u6M2EsfdhRU-00515-00115848-00116095 policy makers to realize well what was u6M2EsfdhRU-00516-00116096-00116302 wrong it's not just about the number of u6M2EsfdhRU-00517-00116303-00116463 operators it's about the rules of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00518-00116464-00116754 market it's about having very clear u6M2EsfdhRU-00519-00116755-00116999 anti-competitive safeguards it's also u6M2EsfdhRU-00520-00117000-00117207 about clear u6M2EsfdhRU-00521-00117208-00117375 guidelines on how the different u6M2EsfdhRU-00522-00117376-00117558 operators and all the different pieces u6M2EsfdhRU-00523-00117559-00117695 of the puzzle are working in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00524-00117696-00117839 marketplace u6M2EsfdhRU-00525-00117840-00118190 and so for example having uh allowing u6M2EsfdhRU-00526-00118191-00118407 operators that already have licenses for u6M2EsfdhRU-00527-00118408-00118671 specific kinds of spectrum to be able to u6M2EsfdhRU-00528-00118672-00118854 use their spectrum for different kinds u6M2EsfdhRU-00529-00118855-00119143 of technologies is one ways in what you u6M2EsfdhRU-00530-00119144-00119447 make operators being more flexible being u6M2EsfdhRU-00531-00119448-00119631 more neem and u6M2EsfdhRU-00532-00119632-00119902 nimble as to how they can u6M2EsfdhRU-00533-00119903-00120175 change and adapt and also innovate u6M2EsfdhRU-00534-00120176-00120334 within the conditions that they have in u6M2EsfdhRU-00535-00120335-00120534 the market to then serve u6M2EsfdhRU-00536-00120535-00120734 those in the market in ways that are u6M2EsfdhRU-00537-00120735-00120863 more u6M2EsfdhRU-00538-00120864-00121015 interesting and u6M2EsfdhRU-00539-00121016-00121263 ultimately more affordable also so the u6M2EsfdhRU-00540-00121264-00121423 way we look at u6M2EsfdhRU-00541-00121424-00121639 an effective healthy market is not just u6M2EsfdhRU-00542-00121640-00121854 simply about the number of operators but u6M2EsfdhRU-00543-00121855-00121958 is about u6M2EsfdhRU-00544-00121959-00122271 is the licensing regime one that uh is u6M2EsfdhRU-00545-00122272-00122607 technology neutral is service neutral is u6M2EsfdhRU-00546-00122608-00122710 uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00547-00122711-00122951 you know are such issues as u6M2EsfdhRU-00548-00122952-00123207 anti-competitive safeguards clear are u6M2EsfdhRU-00549-00123208-00123495 the market behaviors clear are we u6M2EsfdhRU-00550-00123496-00123823 allowing price wars to actually destroy u6M2EsfdhRU-00551-00123824-00124054 some of the progress that has taken u6M2EsfdhRU-00552-00124055-00124327 place in the market or are we preventing u6M2EsfdhRU-00553-00124328-00124575 that to take place so those are some of u6M2EsfdhRU-00554-00124576-00124895 the ways in which you look at uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00555-00124896-00125110 and and we hope to see these trends u6M2EsfdhRU-00556-00125111-00125327 moving in many different countries and u6M2EsfdhRU-00557-00125328-00125478 regulators that's why we work very u6M2EsfdhRU-00558-00125479-00125702 closely with them being very aware and u6M2EsfdhRU-00559-00125703-00125934 monitoring their markets very clearly so u6M2EsfdhRU-00560-00125935-00126302 that they can quickly uh not react to u6M2EsfdhRU-00561-00126303-00126590 the problem but anticipate some of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00562-00126591-00126751 issues and some of the problems that are u6M2EsfdhRU-00563-00126752-00126966 taking place so they can u6M2EsfdhRU-00564-00126967-00127183 fix some of those imbalances and that u6M2EsfdhRU-00565-00127183-00127343 also takes place you know some other u6M2EsfdhRU-00566-00127344-00127495 trends as you asked you know it's not u6M2EsfdhRU-00567-00127496-00127799 just about the level of competition and u6M2EsfdhRU-00568-00127800-00127966 you know really the u6M2EsfdhRU-00569-00127967-00128302 effective competitive outcomes but also u6M2EsfdhRU-00570-00128303-00128495 other ways which i think are very much u6M2EsfdhRU-00571-00128496-00128751 related to what wolf was mentioning u6M2EsfdhRU-00572-00128752-00128951 as far as how do you reduce the cost u6M2EsfdhRU-00573-00128952-00129190 structures to then u6M2EsfdhRU-00574-00129191-00129431 impact on price i mean we're talking u6M2EsfdhRU-00575-00129432-00129719 about affordability uh it's not just u6M2EsfdhRU-00576-00129720-00129983 about competition but what can we do u6M2EsfdhRU-00577-00129983-00130207 beforehand so we can reduce the entire u6M2EsfdhRU-00578-00130208-00130471 cost structure to provide the service u6M2EsfdhRU-00579-00130472-00130702 and ultimately have better prices to u6M2EsfdhRU-00580-00130703-00130975 everyone and so one of the many areas u6M2EsfdhRU-00581-00130976-00131207 that we work to try to reduce those cost u6M2EsfdhRU-00582-00131208-00131431 structures is for example infrastructure u6M2EsfdhRU-00583-00131432-00131735 sharing and how can we not only u6M2EsfdhRU-00584-00131736-00132054 encourage but be very clear about how u6M2EsfdhRU-00585-00132055-00132247 infrastructure sharing u6M2EsfdhRU-00586-00132248-00132614 can reduce not only investment costs for u6M2EsfdhRU-00587-00132615-00132951 each single operator but how can it also u6M2EsfdhRU-00588-00132952-00133302 reduce operating costs for operators and u6M2EsfdhRU-00589-00133303-00133527 some operators actually not just in u6M2EsfdhRU-00590-00133528-00133702 african latin america and asia have been u6M2EsfdhRU-00591-00133703-00133983 quite innovative uh around u6M2EsfdhRU-00592-00133984-00134231 infrastructure sharing uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00593-00134232-00134463 you know deals including uh milicom and u6M2EsfdhRU-00594-00134464-00134766 tego and a few others but we we haven't u6M2EsfdhRU-00595-00134767-00135054 done enough we there's quite a bit more u6M2EsfdhRU-00596-00135055-00135239 that needs to take place so these are u6M2EsfdhRU-00597-00135240-00135527 some of the trends let's say that we see u6M2EsfdhRU-00598-00135528-00135687 but we want to see more and we want to u6M2EsfdhRU-00599-00135688-00135935 push further ahead right i want to just u6M2EsfdhRU-00600-00135936-00136127 investigate further the whole idea of u6M2EsfdhRU-00601-00136128-00136287 infrastructure sharing because teego u6M2EsfdhRU-00602-00136288-00136454 you've mentioned is one of the companies u6M2EsfdhRU-00603-00136455-00136654 that has done that um u6M2EsfdhRU-00604-00136655-00136807 most operators will resist it u6M2EsfdhRU-00605-00136808-00137014 immediately you know they don't u6M2EsfdhRU-00606-00137015-00137151 ordinarily want to work with the u6M2EsfdhRU-00607-00137152-00137383 competition um there's just a lot of u6M2EsfdhRU-00608-00137384-00137559 suspicion around those kinds of issues u6M2EsfdhRU-00609-00137560-00137766 so how have you made it work where where u6M2EsfdhRU-00610-00137767-00137935 it is working u6M2EsfdhRU-00611-00137936-00138159 well we must be among the exceptions u6M2EsfdhRU-00612-00138160-00138359 because we we embrace that uh very much u6M2EsfdhRU-00613-00138360-00138495 maybe it's because we are one of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00614-00138496-00138663 smaller players as well u6M2EsfdhRU-00615-00138664-00138823 so we see a lot of advantage we're able u6M2EsfdhRU-00616-00138824-00139014 to increase our our penetration our u6M2EsfdhRU-00617-00139015-00139166 coverage geographical coverage in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00618-00139167-00139375 countries much faster by sharing u6M2EsfdhRU-00619-00139376-00139559 infrastructure with our competitors that u6M2EsfdhRU-00620-00139560-00139878 we would be able to do on our own um u6M2EsfdhRU-00621-00139879-00140054 what we've done actually in in africa u6M2EsfdhRU-00622-00140055-00140287 and three of our markets we've actually u6M2EsfdhRU-00623-00140288-00140511 sold out the physical structures tower u6M2EsfdhRU-00624-00140512-00140735 structures to a separate company to u6M2EsfdhRU-00625-00140736-00140966 actually facilitate our sharing u6M2EsfdhRU-00626-00140967-00141078 um so u6M2EsfdhRU-00627-00141079-00141287 and that way everyone is comfortable yes u6M2EsfdhRU-00628-00141288-00141543 exactly yes so we all have our we still u6M2EsfdhRU-00629-00141544-00141727 have our antennas on that on that tower u6M2EsfdhRU-00630-00141728-00141895 but um it's also you know uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00631-00141896-00142175 environmentally uh much uh but also u6M2EsfdhRU-00632-00142176-00142351 relating to operational costs as well u6M2EsfdhRU-00633-00142352-00142519 are going to be much slower when when u6M2EsfdhRU-00634-00142520-00142711 you're you know fueling or u6M2EsfdhRU-00635-00142712-00142919 um that base station together okay so u6M2EsfdhRU-00636-00142920-00143102 it's also about implementing it in such u6M2EsfdhRU-00637-00143103-00143223 a way that all the partners are just u6M2EsfdhRU-00638-00143224-00143383 comfortable with the relationship and u6M2EsfdhRU-00639-00143384-00143607 you have somebody managing the process u6M2EsfdhRU-00640-00143608-00143887 um and so no partner seems to have the u6M2EsfdhRU-00641-00143888-00143999 upper hand u6M2EsfdhRU-00642-00144000-00144143 over the other u6M2EsfdhRU-00643-00144144-00144423 um okay i'm gonna come back to you u6M2EsfdhRU-00644-00144424-00144639 coming to you with a big one judy i'm on u6M2EsfdhRU-00645-00144640-00144783 the way there u6M2EsfdhRU-00646-00144784-00145014 let's talk a little bit about what u6M2EsfdhRU-00647-00145015-00145278 you've seen in terms of u6M2EsfdhRU-00648-00145279-00145551 best practice uh globally you know u6M2EsfdhRU-00649-00145552-00145719 things that maybe yourselves or other u6M2EsfdhRU-00650-00145720-00145878 companies have implemented that have u6M2EsfdhRU-00651-00145879-00146239 been game changers in terms of cost and u6M2EsfdhRU-00652-00146240-00146414 and access u6M2EsfdhRU-00653-00146415-00146671 i think we have to to look at a number u6M2EsfdhRU-00654-00146672-00146799 of issues here and i think it's u6M2EsfdhRU-00655-00146800-00146975 important to understand that this is not u6M2EsfdhRU-00656-00146976-00147231 something that we can deliver a loan u6M2EsfdhRU-00657-00147232-00147478 from from industry as as an operator or u6M2EsfdhRU-00658-00147479-00147663 as a vendor as ericsson u6M2EsfdhRU-00659-00147664-00147863 delivering the the the u6M2EsfdhRU-00660-00147864-00148047 technical infrastructure u6M2EsfdhRU-00661-00148048-00148254 sonya already alluded to i think the the u6M2EsfdhRU-00662-00148255-00148526 realtor environment is absolutely key u6M2EsfdhRU-00663-00148527-00148831 but not only then for the supply side i u6M2EsfdhRU-00664-00148832-00149047 mean the fact that we are we need to u6M2EsfdhRU-00665-00149048-00149254 build out the infrastructure so everyone u6M2EsfdhRU-00666-00149255-00149471 is actually covered and have access to u6M2EsfdhRU-00667-00149472-00149695 technology in that sense i think we need u6M2EsfdhRU-00668-00149696-00149943 to work a lot on the demand side to u6M2EsfdhRU-00669-00149944-00150166 speak and here governments have at least u6M2EsfdhRU-00670-00150167-00150383 as an important role to develop the u6M2EsfdhRU-00671-00150384-00150671 content if you like and erickson as a u6M2EsfdhRU-00672-00150672-00150863 member of the broadband commission for u6M2EsfdhRU-00673-00150864-00151159 for uh digital development which was set u6M2EsfdhRU-00674-00151160-00151439 up some four years ago in order to to u6M2EsfdhRU-00675-00151440-00151663 to reach the millennium development u6M2EsfdhRU-00676-00151664-00151990 goals with the aid of ict uh i think u6M2EsfdhRU-00677-00151991-00152151 what what the broadband commission has u6M2EsfdhRU-00678-00152152-00152431 concluded and recommended is not only i u6M2EsfdhRU-00679-00152432-00152639 mean to work on the on the exercise i u6M2EsfdhRU-00680-00152640-00152839 mean to build out the infrastructure but u6M2EsfdhRU-00681-00152840-00153126 also to integrate ict in areas like u6M2EsfdhRU-00682-00153127-00153463 health in education in gender equality u6M2EsfdhRU-00683-00153464-00153751 so you integrate ict in the national u6M2EsfdhRU-00684-00153752-00153966 development plans i think that's u6M2EsfdhRU-00685-00153967-00154239 absolutely key if we are to to u6M2EsfdhRU-00686-00154240-00154447 to achieve affordability and u6M2EsfdhRU-00687-00154448-00154711 accessibility so yes of course the u6M2EsfdhRU-00688-00154712-00154887 supply side i mean the infrastructure u6M2EsfdhRU-00689-00154888-00155151 yes we are a proud contributor there but u6M2EsfdhRU-00690-00155152-00155423 also from the u6M2EsfdhRU-00691-00155424-00155566 demand side you need to work from u6M2EsfdhRU-00692-00155567-00155775 governments on the right ict policies u6M2EsfdhRU-00693-00155776-00155983 and not only for the sort of ict sector u6M2EsfdhRU-00694-00155984-00156183 but for all sectors because we know of u6M2EsfdhRU-00695-00156184-00156343 course that ict u6M2EsfdhRU-00696-00156344-00156687 will enable uh health u6M2EsfdhRU-00697-00156688-00156814 education u6M2EsfdhRU-00698-00156815-00157095 and many other sectors to to develop u6M2EsfdhRU-00699-00157096-00157271 i think some very interesting programs i u6M2EsfdhRU-00700-00157272-00157519 was looking recently at a an educational u6M2EsfdhRU-00701-00157520-00157766 program for schools where it keeps track u6M2EsfdhRU-00702-00157767-00158023 of school attendance is able to monitor u6M2EsfdhRU-00703-00158024-00158183 the performance of students in schools u6M2EsfdhRU-00704-00158184-00158359 but this was particularly implemented to u6M2EsfdhRU-00705-00158360-00158575 keep the girl child in school but you u6M2EsfdhRU-00706-00158576-00158766 can see the scope of it widens and it u6M2EsfdhRU-00707-00158767-00158983 starts to impact on so many other things u6M2EsfdhRU-00708-00158984-00159239 and that brings me to uh my question for u6M2EsfdhRU-00709-00159240-00159487 you judy you've explained the challenges u6M2EsfdhRU-00710-00159488-00159735 that uh people who live with special u6M2EsfdhRU-00711-00159736-00159959 needs have when it comes to use of u6M2EsfdhRU-00712-00159960-00160183 technology and access to the internet i u6M2EsfdhRU-00713-00160184-00160407 want to widen that group a little bit u6M2EsfdhRU-00714-00160408-00160695 and talk about the rural woman who again u6M2EsfdhRU-00715-00160696-00160951 speaks one vernacular language u6M2EsfdhRU-00716-00160952-00161199 doesn't know how to use u6M2EsfdhRU-00717-00161200-00161471 these gadgets but she's a farmer and she u6M2EsfdhRU-00718-00161472-00161695 needs to access markets let's talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-00719-00161696-00161959 the young man you know maybe the maasai u6M2EsfdhRU-00720-00161960-00162063 who is u6M2EsfdhRU-00721-00162064-00162295 looking after some some cattle but is u6M2EsfdhRU-00722-00162296-00162471 just learning how to use the phone but u6M2EsfdhRU-00723-00162472-00162695 what is he going to do on this gadget u6M2EsfdhRU-00724-00162696-00162871 can he access a market with it what is u6M2EsfdhRU-00725-00162872-00163071 he going to do so let's just take a look u6M2EsfdhRU-00726-00163072-00163271 at the challenges they face u6M2EsfdhRU-00727-00163272-00163519 in affordability first and foremost and u6M2EsfdhRU-00728-00163520-00163711 what needs to be done are you doing u6M2EsfdhRU-00729-00163712-00163854 anything do you know of people doing u6M2EsfdhRU-00730-00163855-00164102 proactive things but second of all in in u6M2EsfdhRU-00731-00164103-00164326 training u6M2EsfdhRU-00732-00164327-00164519 um thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-00733-00164520-00164678 indeed a lot needs to be done in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00734-00164679-00164895 capacity building area u6M2EsfdhRU-00735-00164896-00164983 um u6M2EsfdhRU-00736-00164984-00165111 just like it was shared here in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00737-00165112-00165231 morning though we were talking about u6M2EsfdhRU-00738-00165232-00165423 privacy u6M2EsfdhRU-00739-00165424-00165735 when people get online then um u6M2EsfdhRU-00740-00165736-00165863 do they know how much information u6M2EsfdhRU-00741-00165864-00166095 they're giving online yeah that was what u6M2EsfdhRU-00742-00166096-00166399 was being discussed here in the morning u6M2EsfdhRU-00743-00166400-00166623 but now i am looking at this u6M2EsfdhRU-00744-00166624-00166790 lady who is out there in the market i u6M2EsfdhRU-00745-00166791-00166966 know that in kenya u6M2EsfdhRU-00746-00166967-00167199 there are initiatives that deal with u6M2EsfdhRU-00747-00167200-00167343 farmers u6M2EsfdhRU-00748-00167344-00167623 um that they have their coffee and they u6M2EsfdhRU-00749-00167624-00167847 can quickly just to use their u6M2EsfdhRU-00750-00167848-00168087 little mobile phone and send an sms and u6M2EsfdhRU-00751-00168088-00168375 like i have this amount of coffee and u6M2EsfdhRU-00752-00168376-00168559 they can get it sold without really a u6M2EsfdhRU-00753-00168560-00169007 third party being in between u6M2EsfdhRU-00754-00169008-00169207 and so i'll take it from the approach of u6M2EsfdhRU-00755-00169208-00169366 a lot of u6M2EsfdhRU-00756-00169367-00169687 capacity building is still needed u6M2EsfdhRU-00757-00169688-00169847 it's not just a matter of having your u6M2EsfdhRU-00758-00169848-00169975 mobile phone u6M2EsfdhRU-00759-00169976-00170159 but u6M2EsfdhRU-00760-00170160-00170302 how do you use it u6M2EsfdhRU-00761-00170303-00170559 how effective is it going to be apart u6M2EsfdhRU-00762-00170560-00170726 from u6M2EsfdhRU-00763-00170727-00170935 yes i can talk to judy yes i can find u6M2EsfdhRU-00764-00170936-00171047 her u6M2EsfdhRU-00765-00171048-00171271 how much further can you use it and i u6M2EsfdhRU-00766-00171272-00171526 think i would encourage even the u6M2EsfdhRU-00767-00171527-00171751 the technical community with their u6M2EsfdhRU-00768-00171752-00172087 applications yeah to be able to put up u6M2EsfdhRU-00769-00172088-00172263 applications in as u6M2EsfdhRU-00770-00172264-00172438 basic of a phone u6M2EsfdhRU-00771-00172439-00172663 as possible that u6M2EsfdhRU-00772-00172664-00173031 we can be able like if i'm in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00773-00173032-00173183 farming u6M2EsfdhRU-00774-00173184-00173454 um what can i be able to um u6M2EsfdhRU-00775-00173455-00173783 to access with my u6M2EsfdhRU-00776-00173784-00174078 000 that could be a few dollars um bob u6M2EsfdhRU-00777-00174079-00174311 off a telephone yeah u6M2EsfdhRU-00778-00174312-00174414 so u6M2EsfdhRU-00779-00174415-00174719 just um talking about capacity u6M2EsfdhRU-00780-00174720-00174966 there remains a gap so we've got these u6M2EsfdhRU-00781-00174967-00175214 we do have organizations mukulima you u6M2EsfdhRU-00782-00175215-00175326 know u6M2EsfdhRU-00783-00175327-00175559 there's you know here another one from u6M2EsfdhRU-00784-00175560-00175854 kenya or from uganda doing innovative u6M2EsfdhRU-00785-00175855-00176119 things icao i think is one of them u6M2EsfdhRU-00786-00176120-00176366 trying to remember the names but u6M2EsfdhRU-00787-00176367-00176711 are they reaching enough of the targeted u6M2EsfdhRU-00788-00176712-00176814 market u6M2EsfdhRU-00789-00176815-00177031 and and if not where's the disconnect u6M2EsfdhRU-00790-00177032-00177143 and maybe i could bring that very u6M2EsfdhRU-00791-00177144-00177511 briefly to each of you u6M2EsfdhRU-00792-00177512-00177883 i think i'll approach it from the u6M2EsfdhRU-00793-00177884-00178175 affordability i remember a few years ago u6M2EsfdhRU-00794-00178176-00178343 uh before u6M2EsfdhRU-00795-00178344-00178623 uh the fiber optic landed in kenya u6M2EsfdhRU-00796-00178624-00178878 i mean the conversation was like oh we u6M2EsfdhRU-00797-00178879-00179063 need to get online we need to get you u6M2EsfdhRU-00798-00179064-00179295 know we need to get our act together and u6M2EsfdhRU-00799-00179296-00179526 then it was online and do what u6M2EsfdhRU-00800-00179527-00179614 yeah u6M2EsfdhRU-00801-00179615-00179799 and i remember um u6M2EsfdhRU-00802-00179800-00180143 the former permanent secretary dr demo u6M2EsfdhRU-00803-00180144-00180471 saying that he is very afraid that that u6M2EsfdhRU-00804-00180472-00180719 the fiber will land and will have u6M2EsfdhRU-00805-00180720-00180863 nothing to do with it u6M2EsfdhRU-00806-00180864-00180990 yeah u6M2EsfdhRU-00807-00180991-00181263 and i remember um the conversation at u6M2EsfdhRU-00808-00181264-00181438 that point was like u6M2EsfdhRU-00809-00181439-00181695 once the fiber lands it's gonna be cheap u6M2EsfdhRU-00810-00181696-00181878 it's gonna be cheap it's gonna be cheap u6M2EsfdhRU-00811-00181879-00182175 internet but unfortunately yes the fiber u6M2EsfdhRU-00812-00182176-00182271 landed u6M2EsfdhRU-00813-00182272-00182495 and it wasn't cheap why because it was u6M2EsfdhRU-00814-00182496-00182823 there was return of investment u6M2EsfdhRU-00815-00182824-00183095 there has to be return of investment the u6M2EsfdhRU-00816-00183096-00183278 investor wants to know u6M2EsfdhRU-00817-00183279-00183511 how will i be able to cover what i have u6M2EsfdhRU-00818-00183512-00183814 used so you find it that the costs u6M2EsfdhRU-00819-00183815-00184126 remain high we have the 3g in kenya but u6M2EsfdhRU-00820-00184127-00184351 the uptake is very small why because of u6M2EsfdhRU-00821-00184352-00184575 the costs why because of the return of u6M2EsfdhRU-00822-00184576-00184807 investment that the u6M2EsfdhRU-00823-00184808-00185199 providers have to get yeah okay so roi u6M2EsfdhRU-00824-00185200-00185326 is is that a big challenge so it comes u6M2EsfdhRU-00825-00185327-00185511 back to cost i see everyone nodding it u6M2EsfdhRU-00826-00185512-00185663 comes back to cost is that what we're u6M2EsfdhRU-00827-00185664-00185951 all saying yes once we start to see but u6M2EsfdhRU-00828-00185952-00186087 shouldn't we be looking at this from a u6M2EsfdhRU-00829-00186088-00186271 long term perspective rather than yes u6M2EsfdhRU-00830-00186272-00186454 sonia you know that's a good question i u6M2EsfdhRU-00831-00186455-00186663 mean i mean obviously everyone i mean i u6M2EsfdhRU-00832-00186664-00186895 can tell you that uh i mean that's a u6M2EsfdhRU-00833-00186896-00187063 very important question and you know u6M2EsfdhRU-00834-00187064-00187335 understanding how uh policymakers but u6M2EsfdhRU-00835-00187336-00187511 also especially the private sector u6M2EsfdhRU-00836-00187512-00187687 governments and all of us you know civil u6M2EsfdhRU-00837-00187688-00187863 society can come together u6M2EsfdhRU-00838-00187864-00188063 and see the benefits the long-term u6M2EsfdhRU-00839-00188064-00188311 benefits of these investments and u6M2EsfdhRU-00840-00188312-00188526 realize we don't have simply because the u6M2EsfdhRU-00841-00188527-00188759 sector has been so dynamic and growing u6M2EsfdhRU-00842-00188760-00188975 so fast in the last few years we don't u6M2EsfdhRU-00843-00188976-00189207 necessarily have to have 100 return on u6M2EsfdhRU-00844-00189208-00189502 investment in three years you know uh u6M2EsfdhRU-00845-00189503-00189743 not too many years ago 15 years ago it u6M2EsfdhRU-00846-00189744-00189919 was expected the return investment in u6M2EsfdhRU-00847-00189920-00190214 our sector was 15 20 years u6M2EsfdhRU-00848-00190215-00190438 and all of a sudden because of the u6M2EsfdhRU-00849-00190439-00190663 fast-paced development u6M2EsfdhRU-00850-00190664-00190895 everything has to be in three five years u6M2EsfdhRU-00851-00190896-00191166 well that really especially now where we u6M2EsfdhRU-00852-00191167-00191423 are in our sector as far as development u6M2EsfdhRU-00853-00191424-00191623 really uh puts a lot of pressure on u6M2EsfdhRU-00854-00191624-00191814 costs so one of the things that i'm u6M2EsfdhRU-00855-00191815-00192047 hoping we can also work not just with u6M2EsfdhRU-00856-00192048-00192383 our members many of women of whom are u6M2EsfdhRU-00857-00192384-00192695 here in this room uh but to make sure u6M2EsfdhRU-00858-00192696-00192983 that uh we can think of innovative ways u6M2EsfdhRU-00859-00192984-00193150 of also thinking of investment and u6M2EsfdhRU-00860-00193151-00193390 return investment you know people like u6M2EsfdhRU-00861-00193391-00193647 using the the cash cow u6M2EsfdhRU-00862-00193648-00193807 you know um u6M2EsfdhRU-00863-00193808-00193975 concept for u6M2EsfdhRU-00864-00193976-00194150 our sector you know it's the easy one to u6M2EsfdhRU-00865-00194151-00194463 tax it's growing uh let's you know u6M2EsfdhRU-00866-00194464-00194735 squeeze it as much as we can out of it u6M2EsfdhRU-00867-00194736-00195047 the problem is when you do that you have u6M2EsfdhRU-00868-00195048-00195311 impact in many different ways including u6M2EsfdhRU-00869-00195312-00195566 on investments if that's the case and u6M2EsfdhRU-00870-00195567-00195814 and we can't allow that we need to u6M2EsfdhRU-00871-00195815-00196031 sustain the sector as well in the long u6M2EsfdhRU-00872-00196032-00196207 term so you're losing out on so many u6M2EsfdhRU-00873-00196208-00196414 other gains and possible revenue u6M2EsfdhRU-00874-00196415-00196663 collection from from other businesses by u6M2EsfdhRU-00875-00196664-00196911 i mean the same way i don't wish to see u6M2EsfdhRU-00876-00196912-00197111 and i hope governments will be u6M2EsfdhRU-00877-00197112-00197287 thoughtful when they think about taxing u6M2EsfdhRU-00878-00197288-00197550 the sector taxing the users taxing the u6M2EsfdhRU-00879-00197551-00197638 equipment u6M2EsfdhRU-00880-00197639-00197831 taxing the infrastructure i mean the u6M2EsfdhRU-00881-00197832-00198190 equipment that comes into the country to u6M2EsfdhRU-00882-00198191-00198399 to be laid out u6M2EsfdhRU-00883-00198400-00198671 for networks the same way u6M2EsfdhRU-00884-00198672-00198895 investors should think well if we're u6M2EsfdhRU-00885-00198896-00199054 going to be able to do this right u6M2EsfdhRU-00886-00199055-00199231 perhaps we need to be a little bit more u6M2EsfdhRU-00887-00199232-00199502 flexible about our return on investment u6M2EsfdhRU-00888-00199503-00199750 time frames right i see milk kind of u6M2EsfdhRU-00889-00199751-00199975 nodding their hands u6M2EsfdhRU-00890-00199976-00200054 um u6M2EsfdhRU-00891-00200055-00200302 so we are we're one of the investors so u6M2EsfdhRU-00892-00200303-00200519 um yes um so obviously you know and then u6M2EsfdhRU-00893-00200520-00200654 we are a business so of course we're u6M2EsfdhRU-00894-00200655-00200831 looking for return on investment uh just u6M2EsfdhRU-00895-00200832-00200966 to give you a picture on what kind of u6M2EsfdhRU-00896-00200967-00201087 investments we're talking about u6M2EsfdhRU-00897-00201088-00201214 particularly in these markets where u6M2EsfdhRU-00898-00201215-00201350 you're still building the basic u6M2EsfdhRU-00899-00201351-00201535 infrastructure so you're still u6M2EsfdhRU-00900-00201536-00201750 both building the geographical coverage u6M2EsfdhRU-00901-00201751-00201959 of the countries to to the more remote u6M2EsfdhRU-00902-00201960-00202199 areas but you also building capacity as u6M2EsfdhRU-00903-00202200-00202350 3g is coming u6M2EsfdhRU-00904-00202351-00202543 so there's a lot of investment last year u6M2EsfdhRU-00905-00202544-00202783 24 of all of our revenues went into u6M2EsfdhRU-00906-00202784-00203014 capital investments into infrastructure u6M2EsfdhRU-00907-00203015-00203223 200 million of those went to spectrum so u6M2EsfdhRU-00908-00203224-00203399 we also pay obviously spectrum and u6M2EsfdhRU-00909-00203400-00203590 licenses on on top of the the u6M2EsfdhRU-00910-00203591-00203790 infrastructure investments so so the u6M2EsfdhRU-00911-00203791-00204007 investments are not insignificant but i u6M2EsfdhRU-00912-00204008-00204214 think um we need to look at the kind of u6M2EsfdhRU-00913-00204215-00204495 i think the total cost of ownership um u6M2EsfdhRU-00914-00204496-00204719 here like what what sony was was saying u6M2EsfdhRU-00915-00204720-00204966 it it's not just about us getting a u6M2EsfdhRU-00916-00204967-00205231 return on our investment it it's about u6M2EsfdhRU-00917-00205232-00205486 the government having u6M2EsfdhRU-00918-00205487-00205751 policies in place that are favorable um u6M2EsfdhRU-00919-00205752-00206062 for for people to take up take these u6M2EsfdhRU-00920-00206063-00206271 technologies into use u6M2EsfdhRU-00921-00206271-00206558 taxes yes of course companies should pay u6M2EsfdhRU-00922-00206559-00206710 income taxes and employment taxes et u6M2EsfdhRU-00923-00206711-00206838 cetera but we're seeing increasing u6M2EsfdhRU-00924-00206839-00207055 amount of taxes on services that we u6M2EsfdhRU-00925-00207056-00207231 provide minutes of use u6M2EsfdhRU-00926-00207232-00207558 megabytes of use um we have we are taxed u6M2EsfdhRU-00927-00207559-00207751 on on the money that that moves in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00928-00207752-00207910 mobile financial services we are big u6M2EsfdhRU-00929-00207911-00208079 provider of mobile financial services as u6M2EsfdhRU-00930-00208080-00208294 well we're paying a percentage on those u6M2EsfdhRU-00931-00208296-00208455 um and we're starting to see also some u6M2EsfdhRU-00932-00208456-00208631 very prohibitive u6M2EsfdhRU-00933-00208632-00208846 actions as well for example specific u6M2EsfdhRU-00934-00208848-00209134 amounts um per user per month type of u6M2EsfdhRU-00935-00209135-00209390 taxation which is really going to u6M2EsfdhRU-00936-00209391-00209558 not not help the u6M2EsfdhRU-00937-00209559-00209758 the next billion uh to come in and then u6M2EsfdhRU-00938-00209759-00209951 it comes down to devices and smartphones u6M2EsfdhRU-00939-00209952-00210167 and and those the device prices going u6M2EsfdhRU-00940-00210167-00210342 down which is it they are coming down u6M2EsfdhRU-00941-00210344-00210558 quite significantly but i would say more u6M2EsfdhRU-00942-00210559-00210791 so in latin america at the moment um so u6M2EsfdhRU-00943-00210792-00211094 we're approaching about 50 dollars for u6M2EsfdhRU-00944-00211096-00211327 for the lower end smartphones and and u6M2EsfdhRU-00945-00211328-00211510 what we're seeing is that when you get u6M2EsfdhRU-00946-00211511-00211703 to those levels u6M2EsfdhRU-00947-00211704-00211958 there's a really big acceleration in in u6M2EsfdhRU-00948-00211959-00212079 in the pickup u6M2EsfdhRU-00949-00212080-00212206 of those and of course we're also u6M2EsfdhRU-00950-00212207-00212358 heavily subsidizing because we're seeing u6M2EsfdhRU-00951-00212359-00212542 that there is a huge demand in the u6M2EsfdhRU-00952-00212544-00212687 markets for u6M2EsfdhRU-00953-00212688-00212879 for social media for internet to to u6M2EsfdhRU-00954-00212880-00213087 access thank you for your thoughts yes u6M2EsfdhRU-00955-00213088-00213319 just to say that i agree with with the u6M2EsfdhRU-00956-00213319-00213510 risk of over taxing this fast growing u6M2EsfdhRU-00957-00213511-00213655 sector because it can bring such u6M2EsfdhRU-00958-00213656-00213846 tremendous benefits when networks are u6M2EsfdhRU-00959-00213848-00213982 being rolled out and u6M2EsfdhRU-00960-00213983-00214142 obviously costs are coming down but but u6M2EsfdhRU-00961-00214144-00214455 not not fast enough as we see it and of u6M2EsfdhRU-00962-00214456-00214646 course as ericsson we can provide u6M2EsfdhRU-00963-00214648-00214831 different solutions how to i mean we u6M2EsfdhRU-00964-00214832-00215015 talk about share networks and manage u6M2EsfdhRU-00965-00215016-00215231 capacity etc i think it's interesting u6M2EsfdhRU-00966-00215232-00215415 what we have been doing in in particular u6M2EsfdhRU-00967-00215416-00215567 in africa in so-called millennium u6M2EsfdhRU-00968-00215567-00215727 villages where together with the earth u6M2EsfdhRU-00969-00215728-00215958 institute and millennium promise we have u6M2EsfdhRU-00970-00215959-00216103 actually connected together with u6M2EsfdhRU-00971-00216104-00216431 customers uh uh villages rural villages u6M2EsfdhRU-00972-00216432-00216606 in 12 african countries for the first u6M2EsfdhRU-00973-00216607-00216919 time actually connecting 500 000 people u6M2EsfdhRU-00974-00216919-00217119 uh with both voice communication then u6M2EsfdhRU-00975-00217119-00217327 and internet connectivity over mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-00976-00217328-00217527 networks and u6M2EsfdhRU-00977-00217528-00217663 i think that's an excellent example u6M2EsfdhRU-00978-00217664-00217910 where you can showcase the the u6M2EsfdhRU-00979-00217911-00218151 tremendous positive development impact u6M2EsfdhRU-00980-00218152-00218423 of connectivity and i think that in this u6M2EsfdhRU-00981-00218423-00218615 partnership and it needs to be sort of a u6M2EsfdhRU-00982-00218616-00218791 public partner public private u6M2EsfdhRU-00983-00218792-00218975 partnership and we're working here u6M2EsfdhRU-00984-00218976-00219175 together our customers and they are u6M2EsfdhRU-00985-00219176-00219398 things sometimes are being surprised to u6M2EsfdhRU-00986-00219400-00219663 see this strong demand and also u6M2EsfdhRU-00987-00219664-00219942 willingness to pay for these services u6M2EsfdhRU-00988-00219944-00220175 that being brought to to to people in u6M2EsfdhRU-00989-00220176-00220382 these rural areas for the first time so u6M2EsfdhRU-00990-00220383-00220631 i think it's an underestimation also of u6M2EsfdhRU-00991-00220632-00220887 the willingness to invest quite a large u6M2EsfdhRU-00992-00220888-00221071 proportion i mean of course i i can u6M2EsfdhRU-00993-00221071-00221279 agree that we need to bring down the the u6M2EsfdhRU-00994-00221280-00221487 the proportion of disposable lincoln u6M2EsfdhRU-00995-00221488-00221710 that you should spend on on on broadband u6M2EsfdhRU-00996-00221711-00221879 connectivity but still there's a strong u6M2EsfdhRU-00997-00221880-00222182 willingness of people uh to to invest in u6M2EsfdhRU-00998-00222183-00222415 these services to get that access u6M2EsfdhRU-00999-00222416-00222694 because they bring such tremendous uh uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01000-00222696-00222975 benefits to you privately but also u6M2EsfdhRU-01001-00222976-00223206 in in your jobs and so on two very u6M2EsfdhRU-01002-00223207-00223375 interesting things one of the counties u6M2EsfdhRU-01003-00223376-00223679 uh in kenya actually tried to u6M2EsfdhRU-01004-00223680-00223798 make sure that u6M2EsfdhRU-01005-00223800-00223982 access to the internet was available for u6M2EsfdhRU-01006-00223983-00224198 all i'm told it went up and then went u6M2EsfdhRU-01007-00224200-00224439 down and now goes up and down we'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01008-00224440-00224639 follow up that story and see what impact u6M2EsfdhRU-01009-00224640-00225023 that does have on on the county but also u6M2EsfdhRU-01010-00225023-00225255 on a tour of turkana where the horn of u6M2EsfdhRU-01011-00225256-00225463 africa drought the epicenter of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01012-00225464-00225582 drought u6M2EsfdhRU-01013-00225583-00225791 we happened to go with one of our mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01014-00225792-00225927 operator u6M2EsfdhRU-01015-00225928-00226294 ceos the people begged for a u6M2EsfdhRU-01016-00226296-00226510 mass to be put up and and and to have u6M2EsfdhRU-01017-00226511-00226871 access to to the network and they did so u6M2EsfdhRU-01018-00226871-00227110 and went back a year later and found u6M2EsfdhRU-01019-00227111-00227319 these people said thank you because u6M2EsfdhRU-01020-00227319-00227551 every time we got raided the cattle u6M2EsfdhRU-01021-00227552-00227646 raids u6M2EsfdhRU-01022-00227648-00227934 we had no way to call anyone and it was u6M2EsfdhRU-01023-00227935-00228223 days before anybody knew the situation u6M2EsfdhRU-01024-00228223-00228575 was dire and and that just understanding u6M2EsfdhRU-01025-00228576-00228815 the responsibility of our mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01026-00228816-00228951 operators u6M2EsfdhRU-01027-00228952-00229182 even when it comes to security for the u6M2EsfdhRU-01028-00229183-00229406 people and and so the balance i guess u6M2EsfdhRU-01029-00229407-00229623 between profits and and also a social u6M2EsfdhRU-01030-00229623-00229831 responsibility is are huge balance u6M2EsfdhRU-01031-00229832-00230134 digital curators over to you please what u6M2EsfdhRU-01032-00230135-00230527 do we have coming in on twitter u6M2EsfdhRU-01033-00230528-00231023 the mic please u6M2EsfdhRU-01034-00231023-00231598 not yet could you keep trying u6M2EsfdhRU-01035-00231600-00231806 okay in the mean are there am i hurt now u6M2EsfdhRU-01036-00231807-00232087 okay thanks julie there are some um u6M2EsfdhRU-01037-00232088-00232246 responses from the digital audience as u6M2EsfdhRU-01038-00232248-00232382 well and u6M2EsfdhRU-01039-00232383-00232606 mostly they reflect what is being taught u6M2EsfdhRU-01040-00232607-00232742 here and discussed u6M2EsfdhRU-01041-00232744-00232887 but let me raise them nevertheless and u6M2EsfdhRU-01042-00232888-00233151 we can maybe uh get a sense of what the u6M2EsfdhRU-01043-00233152-00233391 digital audience want to hear and want u6M2EsfdhRU-01044-00233392-00233646 to share digital as well u6M2EsfdhRU-01045-00233648-00233767 excuse me u6M2EsfdhRU-01046-00233767-00234071 so some people are seeing affordable u6M2EsfdhRU-01047-00234071-00234310 internet as a dream which is the most u6M2EsfdhRU-01048-00234311-00234455 pessimistic and u6M2EsfdhRU-01049-00234456-00234567 you know u6M2EsfdhRU-01050-00234567-00234727 most pessimistic u6M2EsfdhRU-01051-00234728-00234863 view u6M2EsfdhRU-01052-00234864-00235142 shared on online so we can see quite a u6M2EsfdhRU-01053-00235144-00235415 lot of them who think that affordable u6M2EsfdhRU-01054-00235416-00235679 internet uh especially for the the u6M2EsfdhRU-01055-00235680-00235903 developing world is is a dream to a u6M2EsfdhRU-01056-00235904-00236158 large majority um u6M2EsfdhRU-01057-00236159-00236375 and most of the people want to see more u6M2EsfdhRU-01058-00236376-00236615 concrete measures u6M2EsfdhRU-01059-00236616-00236719 than u6M2EsfdhRU-01060-00236719-00236982 the ones discussed or raised here for u6M2EsfdhRU-01061-00236983-00237239 instance i think one question tackled u6M2EsfdhRU-01062-00237240-00237423 erickson's role u6M2EsfdhRU-01063-00237423-00237687 to take the initiative to face u6M2EsfdhRU-01064-00237688-00237855 the challenges u6M2EsfdhRU-01065-00237856-00238151 for innovation for affordable technology u6M2EsfdhRU-01066-00238152-00238334 to reduce the costs especially in rural u6M2EsfdhRU-01067-00238335-00238503 africa of course there are thematic u6M2EsfdhRU-01068-00238504-00238727 concerns as well one of them is gender u6M2EsfdhRU-01069-00238728-00238927 and africa is all u6M2EsfdhRU-01070-00238928-00239198 is also very a big concern for the u6M2EsfdhRU-01071-00239200-00239406 audience digital audience i'm we can u6M2EsfdhRU-01072-00239407-00239646 sense i can i can see that most comment u6M2EsfdhRU-01073-00239648-00239863 commentary are coming from africa which u6M2EsfdhRU-01074-00239864-00240415 is uh nice actually um it's great but um u6M2EsfdhRU-01075-00240416-00240598 for instance one question says what can u6M2EsfdhRU-01076-00240600-00240751 be done to make sure that more people u6M2EsfdhRU-01077-00240752-00241006 are online especially in the developing u6M2EsfdhRU-01078-00241007-00241094 world u6M2EsfdhRU-01079-00241096-00241182 and u6M2EsfdhRU-01080-00241183-00241327 also u6M2EsfdhRU-01081-00241328-00241519 there are some alternative views that u6M2EsfdhRU-01082-00241519-00241758 you know people think that affordable u6M2EsfdhRU-01083-00241759-00241982 internet and also access to internet are u6M2EsfdhRU-01084-00241983-00242231 not only about infrastructure and prices u6M2EsfdhRU-01085-00242232-00242519 but it also requires uh more info u6M2EsfdhRU-01086-00242519-00242831 education and contents for uh people u6M2EsfdhRU-01087-00242832-00243046 with less free time so it's an u6M2EsfdhRU-01088-00243048-00243319 alternative alternative view of u6M2EsfdhRU-01089-00243319-00243542 access to internet which um kind of u6M2EsfdhRU-01090-00243544-00243719 transcends the u6M2EsfdhRU-01091-00243719-00243975 the money m and the cost and and u6M2EsfdhRU-01092-00243976-00244255 infrastructure uh point of view u6M2EsfdhRU-01093-00244256-00244446 and people share of course as you speak u6M2EsfdhRU-01094-00244448-00244655 here people share a really valuable u6M2EsfdhRU-01095-00244656-00244903 stats to see the bigger picture to to u6M2EsfdhRU-01096-00244904-00245142 understand the bigger picture um u6M2EsfdhRU-01097-00245144-00245327 statistics about u6M2EsfdhRU-01098-00245328-00245542 numbers about mobile subscription u6M2EsfdhRU-01099-00245544-00245639 especially u6M2EsfdhRU-01100-00245640-00245903 in in in africa and sub-saharan africa u6M2EsfdhRU-01101-00245904-00246198 and the gender divide between the males u6M2EsfdhRU-01102-00246200-00246415 and females and their access to internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01103-00246416-00246775 in sahara u6M2EsfdhRU-01104-00246776-00247094 45 which is a major major concern for u6M2EsfdhRU-01105-00247096-00247391 our digital audience as well and lastly u6M2EsfdhRU-01106-00247392-00247606 um but not least actually u6M2EsfdhRU-01107-00247607-00247823 people are also asked about u6M2EsfdhRU-01108-00247823-00248071 this one billion who are the next u6M2EsfdhRU-01109-00248071-00248310 billion we need to get online are they u6M2EsfdhRU-01110-00248311-00248598 defined or should they be defined by a u6M2EsfdhRU-01111-00248600-00248967 gender region or profession um and we'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01112-00248967-00249175 keep keep on monitoring the digital u6M2EsfdhRU-01113-00249176-00249327 world for you thank you thank you to u6M2EsfdhRU-01114-00249328-00249510 everyone sending tweets in i think sonia u6M2EsfdhRU-01115-00249511-00249710 you had tried to define them but we'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01116-00249711-00249879 delve into that a little bit more in a u6M2EsfdhRU-01117-00249880-00250030 short while first i want to go to the u6M2EsfdhRU-01118-00250031-00250230 floor i see a hand over there gentlemen u6M2EsfdhRU-01119-00250231-00250415 i think in a great jacket we'll start u6M2EsfdhRU-01120-00250416-00250630 there i see some hands on this end u6M2EsfdhRU-01121-00250631-00250951 as well u6M2EsfdhRU-01122-00250952-00251103 please introduce yourself tell us what u6M2EsfdhRU-01123-00251104-00251263 you do and ask your question or make u6M2EsfdhRU-01124-00251264-00251439 your comments very much my name is ali u6M2EsfdhRU-01125-00251440-00251663 akbar moon u6M2EsfdhRU-01126-00251664-00251846 i'm from iran but i live in the united u6M2EsfdhRU-01127-00251848-00252215 states since 2009 i'm a human rights uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01128-00252216-00252391 activist u6M2EsfdhRU-01129-00252392-00252655 mike i have two questions uh the first u6M2EsfdhRU-01130-00252656-00252887 question is that from especially from u6M2EsfdhRU-01131-00252888-00252991 sonia u6M2EsfdhRU-01132-00252992-00253071 uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01133-00253071-00253303 as you know recently facebook and google u6M2EsfdhRU-01134-00253304-00253615 has now have announced the u6M2EsfdhRU-01135-00253616-00253879 about a project u6M2EsfdhRU-01136-00253880-00253975 to u6M2EsfdhRU-01137-00253976-00254342 cover a whole whole world u6M2EsfdhRU-01138-00254344-00254551 with drones u6M2EsfdhRU-01139-00254552-00254703 what do you think about u6M2EsfdhRU-01140-00254704-00254871 this project because the u6M2EsfdhRU-01141-00254871-00255175 the main purpose of that projects u6M2EsfdhRU-01142-00255176-00255415 are about affordability u6M2EsfdhRU-01143-00255416-00255782 and also you know that previously google u6M2EsfdhRU-01144-00255783-00256134 has done a project balloons what was the u6M2EsfdhRU-01145-00256135-00256319 result of that and the second question u6M2EsfdhRU-01146-00256319-00256567 is about since asian countries u6M2EsfdhRU-01147-00256567-00256879 have produced more affordable products u6M2EsfdhRU-01148-00256880-00257094 services around the world u6M2EsfdhRU-01149-00257096-00257367 what's the their role like like india u6M2EsfdhRU-01150-00257367-00257727 china or other countries like you know u6M2EsfdhRU-01151-00257728-00257855 indonesia u6M2EsfdhRU-01152-00257856-00258079 in that regard to make internet more u6M2EsfdhRU-01153-00258080-00258246 affordable thank you thank you very much u6M2EsfdhRU-01154-00258248-00258479 there's two ladies here i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01155-00258480-00258558 um u6M2EsfdhRU-01156-00258559-00258751 can we bring the mics to this side and u6M2EsfdhRU-01157-00258752-00258871 we'll get the two comments from the u6M2EsfdhRU-01158-00258871-00259087 ladies is there anyone on this side i'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01159-00259088-00259446 come i'll come here next thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01160-00259448-00259679 um hi everyone i'm nanchira from nairobi u6M2EsfdhRU-01161-00259680-00259887 kenya um my question is u6M2EsfdhRU-01162-00259888-00260119 um on the issue of net neutrality that u6M2EsfdhRU-01163-00260119-00260287 is not coming up in this particular u6M2EsfdhRU-01164-00260288-00260510 panel as we talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-01165-00260511-00260775 you know making affordable um internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01166-00260776-00260982 for all we must talk about who's making u6M2EsfdhRU-01167-00260983-00261182 it affordable and what then people will u6M2EsfdhRU-01168-00261183-00261382 be able to access and i think this is u6M2EsfdhRU-01169-00261383-00261527 part of the problem of these people the u6M2EsfdhRU-01170-00261528-00261751 next billion being faceless that we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01171-00261752-00262006 then not talking about who has them the u6M2EsfdhRU-01172-00262007-00262263 right or who makes them the u6M2EsfdhRU-01173-00262264-00262582 who um avails a point of um u6M2EsfdhRU-01174-00262583-00262791 access and what they are able to access u6M2EsfdhRU-01175-00262792-00262967 so i would really like to hear that from u6M2EsfdhRU-01176-00262968-00263134 the panelists here because i think it u6M2EsfdhRU-01177-00263135-00263303 would be a bit disingenuous not to talk u6M2EsfdhRU-01178-00263304-00263615 about it thank you the lady in just in u6M2EsfdhRU-01179-00263616-00263999 front thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01180-00264000-00264367 thank you uh dorothy aquila from uganda u6M2EsfdhRU-01181-00264368-00264695 my question is actually for the telcos u6M2EsfdhRU-01182-00264696-00264991 in many of our countries the telcos have u6M2EsfdhRU-01183-00264992-00265295 uh good access to our governments u6M2EsfdhRU-01184-00265296-00265582 have the good air to our governments u6M2EsfdhRU-01185-00265583-00265839 and in the context of internet freedom u6M2EsfdhRU-01186-00265840-00266079 for development and affordable access u6M2EsfdhRU-01187-00266080-00266343 what role do you believe you can play in u6M2EsfdhRU-01188-00266344-00266606 promoting a balance between internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01189-00266607-00266903 freedom and security given the favored u6M2EsfdhRU-01190-00266904-00267119 position you have in our countries thank u6M2EsfdhRU-01191-00267120-00267199 you u6M2EsfdhRU-01192-00267200-00267343 powerful questions and i think i'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01193-00267344-00267510 start with that question posed by u6M2EsfdhRU-01194-00267511-00267719 dorothy and it's a critical question we u6M2EsfdhRU-01195-00267720-00268103 hadn't addressed the issue of security u6M2EsfdhRU-01196-00268104-00268423 which is a serious concern in in quite a u6M2EsfdhRU-01197-00268424-00268606 number of states u6M2EsfdhRU-01198-00268607-00268855 and of course therefore access becomes u6M2EsfdhRU-01199-00268856-00268975 an issue u6M2EsfdhRU-01200-00268976-00269151 and what dorothy is asking is you know u6M2EsfdhRU-01201-00269152-00269447 the telcos and a lot of the big business u6M2EsfdhRU-01202-00269448-00269655 players have good relationships with u6M2EsfdhRU-01203-00269656-00269895 governments what are you doing um and u6M2EsfdhRU-01204-00269896-00270110 what role can you play in this space let u6M2EsfdhRU-01205-00270111-00270319 me start with you milka u6M2EsfdhRU-01206-00270320-00270534 um yes we have relationships with the u6M2EsfdhRU-01207-00270535-00270719 governments obviously because as mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01208-00270720-00270934 operators we operate under a license u6M2EsfdhRU-01209-00270935-00271087 that is granted by u6M2EsfdhRU-01210-00271088-00271382 by uh by the government um what leverage u6M2EsfdhRU-01211-00271383-00271551 do we have in that situation is another u6M2EsfdhRU-01212-00271552-00271682 question u6M2EsfdhRU-01213-00271683-00271839 um u6M2EsfdhRU-01214-00271840-00272110 which isn't i i think which isn't um u6M2EsfdhRU-01215-00272111-00272263 particular to u6M2EsfdhRU-01216-00272264-00272455 our markets or in the developing world i u6M2EsfdhRU-01217-00272456-00272606 think it applies supplies everywhere u6M2EsfdhRU-01218-00272607-00272806 what leverage do operators have who u6M2EsfdhRU-01219-00272807-00272927 operate under a license from the u6M2EsfdhRU-01220-00272928-00273151 government and who are obliged obviously u6M2EsfdhRU-01221-00273152-00273399 to respect local law um at the same time u6M2EsfdhRU-01222-00273400-00273606 i have to say that in in particular in u6M2EsfdhRU-01223-00273607-00273767 some markets in particular which i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01224-00273768-00273943 are more mature and where you have more u6M2EsfdhRU-01225-00273944-00274175 uh more competition and more operators u6M2EsfdhRU-01226-00274176-00274479 in one place there is quite um u6M2EsfdhRU-01227-00274480-00274863 good discussions on number of issues um u6M2EsfdhRU-01228-00274864-00275087 whether it's on child online protection u6M2EsfdhRU-01229-00275088-00275167 or u6M2EsfdhRU-01230-00275168-00275279 or u6M2EsfdhRU-01231-00275280-00275519 electronic waste or whether it's on u6M2EsfdhRU-01232-00275520-00275703 around privacy and freedom of expression u6M2EsfdhRU-01233-00275704-00275871 one of the challenges for us in many of u6M2EsfdhRU-01234-00275872-00276039 our markets is that there aren't u6M2EsfdhRU-01235-00276040-00276215 particularly in africa there aren't many u6M2EsfdhRU-01236-00276216-00276406 laws in place or regulations in place u6M2EsfdhRU-01237-00276407-00276582 regarding these issues u6M2EsfdhRU-01238-00276583-00276703 so obviously that's something where we u6M2EsfdhRU-01239-00276704-00276871 do have an interest in in having a u6M2EsfdhRU-01240-00276872-00277030 discussion with the government and u6M2EsfdhRU-01241-00277031-00277263 making sure that whenever those measures u6M2EsfdhRU-01242-00277264-00277415 or those laws are being discussed or u6M2EsfdhRU-01243-00277416-00277695 implemented that they are as transparent u6M2EsfdhRU-01244-00277696-00277943 and as clear as possible in in the u6M2EsfdhRU-01245-00277944-00278151 process in the due process so that it is u6M2EsfdhRU-01246-00278152-00278399 as easy as possible for us to u6M2EsfdhRU-01247-00278400-00278630 to not only assess the legality of u6M2EsfdhRU-01248-00278631-00278823 requests but then also be able to reject u6M2EsfdhRU-01249-00278824-00278991 requests that are not fitting into the u6M2EsfdhRU-01250-00278992-00279223 law of your thoughts on this issue yes u6M2EsfdhRU-01251-00279224-00279415 just to to to start out by saying of u6M2EsfdhRU-01252-00279416-00279599 course we play somewhat different roles u6M2EsfdhRU-01253-00279600-00279799 in the value chain here uh we don't work u6M2EsfdhRU-01254-00279800-00279951 under a license from a government we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01255-00279952-00280143 a provider to operators that work under u6M2EsfdhRU-01256-00280144-00280310 a license from the government so we have u6M2EsfdhRU-01257-00280311-00280463 different roles because the issue of u6M2EsfdhRU-01258-00280464-00280743 security is a very wide one one is of u6M2EsfdhRU-01259-00280744-00280934 course resilience of the networks and u6M2EsfdhRU-01260-00280935-00281134 because and there i can guarantee you u6M2EsfdhRU-01261-00281135-00281391 that that's a top priority for a company u6M2EsfdhRU-01262-00281392-00281671 like erickson to ensure the the that the u6M2EsfdhRU-01263-00281672-00281879 networks are stable that they are not u6M2EsfdhRU-01264-00281880-00282110 collapsing we have what we call the five u6M2EsfdhRU-01265-00282111-00282399 ninths ninety nine point nine nine nine u6M2EsfdhRU-01266-00282400-00282558 percent of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01267-00282559-00282751 of the time the network should be up and u6M2EsfdhRU-01268-00282752-00282934 running that allows us for five minutes u6M2EsfdhRU-01269-00282935-00283206 downtime so that's one important aspect u6M2EsfdhRU-01270-00283207-00283415 privacy is another one which was the the u6M2EsfdhRU-01271-00283416-00283630 subject of a previous debate here this u6M2EsfdhRU-01272-00283631-00283903 morning and in some countries we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01273-00283904-00284095 acting on behalf of the operators in u6M2EsfdhRU-01274-00284096-00284263 what we call managed services or we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01275-00284264-00284558 actually running the networks 24 7 u6M2EsfdhRU-01276-00284559-00284743 and maintaining them on behalf of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01277-00284744-00284943 operators and there i can assure you as u6M2EsfdhRU-01278-00284944-00285191 well i mean company like erickson the u6M2EsfdhRU-01279-00285192-00285510 privacy of the data that relate to u6M2EsfdhRU-01280-00285511-00285671 the u6M2EsfdhRU-01281-00285672-00285975 subscribers is uh absolutely fundamental u6M2EsfdhRU-01282-00285976-00286199 to two to us in that role so so i mean u6M2EsfdhRU-01283-00286200-00286463 we do our utmost there and then i just u6M2EsfdhRU-01284-00286464-00286671 can agree that when it comes to uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01285-00286672-00286887 although we are not the the object of u6M2EsfdhRU-01286-00286888-00287191 and and not sort of targeted with with u6M2EsfdhRU-01287-00287192-00287439 with requests from governments on on u6M2EsfdhRU-01288-00287440-00287679 data et cetera u6M2EsfdhRU-01289-00287680-00287895 i can just agree with with u6M2EsfdhRU-01290-00287896-00288079 with milka here that that needs to be u6M2EsfdhRU-01291-00288080-00288391 handled in a very uh transparent and and u6M2EsfdhRU-01292-00288392-00288679 clear process based in law and so on u6M2EsfdhRU-01293-00288680-00288887 right i think it's interesting you say u6M2EsfdhRU-01294-00288888-00289071 with respect to privacy you do your u6M2EsfdhRU-01295-00289072-00289367 utmost and i'd love to prod and u6M2EsfdhRU-01296-00289368-00289743 investigate what what is utmost yes how u6M2EsfdhRU-01297-00289744-00290023 far does utmost go it goes very very far u6M2EsfdhRU-01298-00290024-00290158 i mean of course u6M2EsfdhRU-01299-00290159-00290254 yeah u6M2EsfdhRU-01300-00290255-00290519 absolutely yeah okay because i mean i u6M2EsfdhRU-01301-00290520-00290727 mean we i mean we are a listed company i u6M2EsfdhRU-01302-00290728-00290991 mean we we have uh we have investors we u6M2EsfdhRU-01303-00290992-00291103 have uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01304-00291104-00291454 uh ngos that care about how we handle u6M2EsfdhRU-01305-00291455-00291591 this you're saying you have to be u6M2EsfdhRU-01306-00291592-00291815 transparent no we want to be transparent u6M2EsfdhRU-01307-00291816-00292119 but we have expectations on us as well u6M2EsfdhRU-01308-00292120-00292367 okay so u6M2EsfdhRU-01309-00292368-00292591 we we could delve into this it's not the u6M2EsfdhRU-01310-00292592-00292847 focal point of this discussion today but u6M2EsfdhRU-01311-00292848-00293030 but it is interesting if we have time u6M2EsfdhRU-01312-00293031-00293199 i'll come back to it u6M2EsfdhRU-01313-00293200-00293343 sorry yes u6M2EsfdhRU-01314-00293344-00293503 i may say one word on that i think the u6M2EsfdhRU-01315-00293504-00293695 equipment manufacturers i think they do u6M2EsfdhRU-01316-00293696-00293887 play an important part is not only the u6M2EsfdhRU-01317-00293888-00294015 physical equipment there's also a lot of u6M2EsfdhRU-01318-00294016-00294287 software services that we buy from them u6M2EsfdhRU-01319-00294288-00294423 and i think they do play an important u6M2EsfdhRU-01320-00294424-00294687 part in privacy in data privacy creating u6M2EsfdhRU-01321-00294688-00294999 systems and and products that do keep u6M2EsfdhRU-01322-00295000-00295215 data secure so from from that u6M2EsfdhRU-01323-00295216-00295406 perspective there is definitely an u6M2EsfdhRU-01324-00295407-00295599 important i think huge huge issues u6M2EsfdhRU-01325-00295600-00295799 around data security and privacy and u6M2EsfdhRU-01326-00295800-00295982 this has been discussed already today so u6M2EsfdhRU-01327-00295983-00296175 rather than go back into it u6M2EsfdhRU-01328-00296176-00296447 let's move to nanjira's question now and u6M2EsfdhRU-01329-00296448-00296630 nanjira says you know let's talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-01330-00296631-00296903 net neutrality let's talk about whose u6M2EsfdhRU-01331-00296904-00297351 role is it exactly to make access u6M2EsfdhRU-01332-00297352-00297479 affordable u6M2EsfdhRU-01333-00297480-00297639 where does the bucks stop i'm going to u6M2EsfdhRU-01334-00297640-00297839 start with you off and milka and then u6M2EsfdhRU-01335-00297840-00298063 sonia coming to you and jude yeah there u6M2EsfdhRU-01336-00298064-00298215 are different things in here so net u6M2EsfdhRU-01337-00298216-00298399 neutrality first i think we could we can u6M2EsfdhRU-01338-00298400-00298575 spend probably half an hour just u6M2EsfdhRU-01339-00298576-00298823 debating what net neutrality is u6M2EsfdhRU-01340-00298824-00299063 but i mean of course uh ericsson we u6M2EsfdhRU-01341-00299064-00299295 would be against any blocking or u6M2EsfdhRU-01342-00299296-00299551 discrimination etc in the networks uh so u6M2EsfdhRU-01343-00299552-00299839 that's absolutely clear uh and i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01344-00299840-00300143 affordability is is a different issue u6M2EsfdhRU-01345-00300144-00300415 but i mean net neutrality yes as i u6M2EsfdhRU-01346-00300416-00300743 defined it we're definitely for that and u6M2EsfdhRU-01347-00300744-00300910 at the same time we have to recognize u6M2EsfdhRU-01348-00300911-00300999 and u6M2EsfdhRU-01349-00301000-00301239 being a provider to probably 40 percent u6M2EsfdhRU-01350-00301240-00301463 of the mobile networks around the world u6M2EsfdhRU-01351-00301464-00301791 in order for any operator to be able to u6M2EsfdhRU-01352-00301792-00302110 deliver high quality services to you as u6M2EsfdhRU-01353-00302111-00302495 the subscriber as the end user uh the u6M2EsfdhRU-01354-00302496-00302710 and because these are highly sort of u6M2EsfdhRU-01355-00302711-00302863 complex uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01356-00302864-00303110 technologically uh these networks uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01357-00303111-00303351 especially the mobile networks uh there u6M2EsfdhRU-01358-00303352-00303575 there is a room for for the operator in u6M2EsfdhRU-01359-00303576-00303782 order to deliver that quality of service u6M2EsfdhRU-01360-00303783-00303999 you need to manage traffic in in a u6M2EsfdhRU-01361-00304000-00304167 responsible way and there should be u6M2EsfdhRU-01362-00304168-00304351 clear rules about that and i think there u6M2EsfdhRU-01363-00304352-00304527 are in in most places around the world u6M2EsfdhRU-01364-00304528-00304623 okay u6M2EsfdhRU-01365-00304624-00304799 yeah that's an actual an excellent u6M2EsfdhRU-01366-00304800-00305079 question um so who who should decide u6M2EsfdhRU-01367-00305080-00305295 what internet and and and who obviously u6M2EsfdhRU-01368-00305296-00305503 we're talking about affordability so and u6M2EsfdhRU-01369-00305504-00305663 i think we're all working towards more u6M2EsfdhRU-01370-00305664-00305799 affordability and making internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01371-00305800-00305967 available to as wide a population as u6M2EsfdhRU-01372-00305968-00306158 possible as an operator that's of course u6M2EsfdhRU-01373-00306159-00306358 what we want we want more customers u6M2EsfdhRU-01374-00306359-00306519 um u6M2EsfdhRU-01375-00306520-00306727 yes the net neutrality is a complex u6M2EsfdhRU-01376-00306728-00306999 issue on you know managing data in the u6M2EsfdhRU-01377-00307000-00307287 networks ensuring quality of service u6M2EsfdhRU-01378-00307288-00307630 when it comes to affordability yes u6M2EsfdhRU-01379-00307631-00307847 this is something that i also debate u6M2EsfdhRU-01380-00307848-00307999 myself u6M2EsfdhRU-01381-00308000-00308143 because when we when we talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-01382-00308144-00308319 value-added services which is one of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01383-00308320-00308510 main ways i would say that our many of u6M2EsfdhRU-01384-00308511-00308727 our customers are now accessing data u6M2EsfdhRU-01385-00308728-00308958 what we call data services so the u6M2EsfdhRU-01386-00308959-00309191 next generation from voice and voice and u6M2EsfdhRU-01387-00309192-00309319 sms u6M2EsfdhRU-01388-00309320-00309454 they're still they're limited to the u6M2EsfdhRU-01389-00309455-00309639 services that we provide u6M2EsfdhRU-01390-00309640-00309934 so that does you know of course uh bring u6M2EsfdhRU-01391-00309935-00310119 bring the limits so that's why i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01392-00310120-00310319 3g and moving into that u6M2EsfdhRU-01393-00310320-00310575 space and and having the device prices u6M2EsfdhRU-01394-00310576-00310830 come down on the smartphone side and u6M2EsfdhRU-01395-00310831-00311015 and and expanding the the mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01396-00311016-00311254 broadband in general is really going to u6M2EsfdhRU-01397-00311255-00311479 be key for for that universal access but u6M2EsfdhRU-01398-00311480-00311727 with respect to the question who where u6M2EsfdhRU-01399-00311728-00311934 who is respect you said it's a u6M2EsfdhRU-01400-00311935-00312087 disability that you have do you not have u6M2EsfdhRU-01401-00312088-00312247 an answer from our perspective the u6M2EsfdhRU-01402-00312248-00312447 customer should be the ones who decide u6M2EsfdhRU-01403-00312448-00312591 and and u6M2EsfdhRU-01404-00312592-00312806 from what we see now is is that there is u6M2EsfdhRU-01405-00312807-00312991 a huge demand for from our customers for u6M2EsfdhRU-01406-00312992-00313175 example for social media is extremely u6M2EsfdhRU-01407-00313176-00313415 popular with our customers so a lot of u6M2EsfdhRU-01408-00313416-00313558 the services that we bring to them at u6M2EsfdhRU-01409-00313559-00313806 this point are very focused on on that u6M2EsfdhRU-01410-00313807-00314006 facebook twitter on different methods u6M2EsfdhRU-01411-00314007-00314239 whether it is with through internet or u6M2EsfdhRU-01412-00314240-00314463 something else and that's the first okay u6M2EsfdhRU-01413-00314464-00314815 so sonia you had a specific question um u6M2EsfdhRU-01414-00314816-00315015 yes for you but before you come to it u6M2EsfdhRU-01415-00315016-00315191 maybe you'd like to comment on the other u6M2EsfdhRU-01416-00315192-00315399 two as well um i'll start with the u6M2EsfdhRU-01417-00315400-00315606 questions i mean with i i mean i can u6M2EsfdhRU-01418-00315607-00315823 tell you just generally so we don't go u6M2EsfdhRU-01419-00315824-00316119 into too many details uh just as we u6M2EsfdhRU-01420-00316120-00316263 believe in u6M2EsfdhRU-01421-00316264-00316503 technic technologically neutral licenses u6M2EsfdhRU-01422-00316504-00316703 and service neutral licenses we also u6M2EsfdhRU-01423-00316704-00316895 think the networks need to be as neutral u6M2EsfdhRU-01424-00316896-00317110 as possible and net neutrality is a very u6M2EsfdhRU-01425-00317111-00317279 important issue u6M2EsfdhRU-01426-00317280-00317591 um in many regards so but going to u6M2EsfdhRU-01427-00317592-00317815 there's a few questions to me from you u6M2EsfdhRU-01428-00317816-00318079 and from the audience u6M2EsfdhRU-01429-00318080-00318319 i'm not going to speak uh on behalf of u6M2EsfdhRU-01430-00318320-00318487 google i think there might be some u6M2EsfdhRU-01431-00318488-00318695 googlers here in the room so hopefully u6M2EsfdhRU-01432-00318696-00318991 they can are you represented here share u6M2EsfdhRU-01433-00318992-00319271 what i would like to say is that a4i and u6M2EsfdhRU-01434-00319272-00319463 google is one of our members u6M2EsfdhRU-01435-00319464-00319727 as well as well as facebook and many u6M2EsfdhRU-01436-00319728-00319815 other u6M2EsfdhRU-01437-00319816-00320015 companies u6M2EsfdhRU-01438-00320016-00320327 but what we the way i see it is that u6M2EsfdhRU-01439-00320328-00320599 innovation is important in all respects u6M2EsfdhRU-01440-00320600-00320751 especially when you're thinking about u6M2EsfdhRU-01441-00320752-00321039 affordability uh it's important that u6M2EsfdhRU-01442-00321040-00321206 innovation is there that is supported u6M2EsfdhRU-01443-00321207-00321367 that is encouraged u6M2EsfdhRU-01444-00321368-00321582 especially the kinds of innovative u6M2EsfdhRU-01445-00321583-00321782 solutions that will indeed drive down u6M2EsfdhRU-01446-00321783-00321895 the costs u6M2EsfdhRU-01447-00321896-00322015 however u6M2EsfdhRU-01448-00322016-00322223 and this is why one of the things that i u6M2EsfdhRU-01449-00322224-00322454 always say to you know our colleagues at u6M2EsfdhRU-01450-00322455-00322727 facebook at google or any other company u6M2EsfdhRU-01451-00322728-00322927 regardless of the innovation that you u6M2EsfdhRU-01452-00322928-00323095 have if you don't have the right policy u6M2EsfdhRU-01453-00323096-00323319 framework or regulatory framework your u6M2EsfdhRU-01454-00323320-00323567 technological innovation cannot go very u6M2EsfdhRU-01455-00323568-00323647 far u6M2EsfdhRU-01456-00323648-00323895 and so it's very important for us u6M2EsfdhRU-01457-00323896-00324151 that those innovations are supported but u6M2EsfdhRU-01458-00324152-00324287 at the same time the deserves a u6M2EsfdhRU-01459-00324288-00324582 framework that you can benefit from them u6M2EsfdhRU-01460-00324583-00324847 if i'm thinking if i'm focusing as i u6M2EsfdhRU-01461-00324848-00325103 mentioned earlier which is our focus on u6M2EsfdhRU-01462-00325104-00325351 populations that have very limited u6M2EsfdhRU-01463-00325352-00325703 incomes they're leaving rural areas u6M2EsfdhRU-01464-00325704-00325934 etc you want to make sure that those u6M2EsfdhRU-01465-00325935-00326199 populations are reached by innovative u6M2EsfdhRU-01466-00326200-00326343 solutions and u6M2EsfdhRU-01467-00326344-00326551 the the ones that you mentioned u6M2EsfdhRU-01468-00326552-00326767 in your question are some of them it u6M2EsfdhRU-01469-00326768-00326975 would be wonderful to see good results u6M2EsfdhRU-01470-00326976-00327295 from them uh in the near future but such u6M2EsfdhRU-01471-00327296-00327663 are also innovations around uh spectrum u6M2EsfdhRU-01472-00327664-00327895 that many companies are exploring to u6M2EsfdhRU-01473-00327896-00328127 figure out ways of providing uh more u6M2EsfdhRU-01474-00328128-00328367 affordable mobile broadband u6M2EsfdhRU-01475-00328368-00328703 and that's that's really what is our u6M2EsfdhRU-01476-00328704-00328951 focus is pushing innovation that is u6M2EsfdhRU-01477-00328952-00329254 going to provide solutions there are u6M2EsfdhRU-01478-00329255-00329471 creative but at the same time are really u6M2EsfdhRU-01479-00329472-00329710 focusing on lowering the cost u6M2EsfdhRU-01480-00329711-00329975 of provision and with that i also wanted u6M2EsfdhRU-01481-00329976-00330103 to add that u6M2EsfdhRU-01482-00330104-00330343 uh you know we were talking about u6M2EsfdhRU-01483-00330344-00330551 spectrum earlier in mobile broadband and u6M2EsfdhRU-01484-00330552-00330815 the fact that one of you mentioned that u6M2EsfdhRU-01485-00330816-00331095 for the most part many people will first u6M2EsfdhRU-01486-00331096-00331247 access the internet through a mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01487-00331248-00331471 device while the reality even the very u6M2EsfdhRU-01488-00331472-00331687 recent numbers that the itu published u6M2EsfdhRU-01489-00331688-00332071 two weeks ago about uh put the numbers u6M2EsfdhRU-01490-00332072-00332303 on mobile broadband very low as far as u6M2EsfdhRU-01491-00332304-00332591 penetration even though there are some u6M2EsfdhRU-01492-00332592-00332903 more users of the internet in through u6M2EsfdhRU-01493-00332904-00333319 many different platforms the truth is u6M2EsfdhRU-01494-00333320-00333599 either fix or even mobile broadband it's u6M2EsfdhRU-01495-00333600-00333775 a very very small percentage of people u6M2EsfdhRU-01496-00333776-00334039 who actually can afford purchasing it so u6M2EsfdhRU-01497-00334040-00334271 in africa you have i think the new newer u6M2EsfdhRU-01498-00334272-00334534 statistics are about 19 of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01499-00334535-00334895 population uh actually can and purchases u6M2EsfdhRU-01500-00334896-00335127 subscriptions of mobile broadband what u6M2EsfdhRU-01501-00335128-00335343 is the pattern of growth though u6M2EsfdhRU-01502-00335344-00335510 the pattern of growth in africa is quite u6M2EsfdhRU-01503-00335511-00335734 large but what i would like to say is u6M2EsfdhRU-01504-00335735-00336006 that africa is a large continent of 50 u6M2EsfdhRU-01505-00336007-00336127 something u6M2EsfdhRU-01506-00336128-00336406 countries and so the countries that i'm u6M2EsfdhRU-01507-00336407-00336799 working in uh nigeria ghana mozambique u6M2EsfdhRU-01508-00336800-00337023 and others that we are uh working with u6M2EsfdhRU-01509-00337024-00337127 already u6M2EsfdhRU-01510-00337128-00337239 as well u6M2EsfdhRU-01511-00337240-00337495 we see penetration rates are far below u6M2EsfdhRU-01512-00337496-00337791 that even the the continent average so u6M2EsfdhRU-01513-00337792-00338030 in mozambique there's not even one u6M2EsfdhRU-01514-00338031-00338327 percent uh mobile broadband penetration u6M2EsfdhRU-01515-00338328-00338575 in uh nigeria we're getting close to u6M2EsfdhRU-01516-00338576-00338910 about 18 19 in ghana we you know if u6M2EsfdhRU-01517-00338911-00339063 we're lucky maybe by the end of this u6M2EsfdhRU-01518-00339064-00339334 year we'll be in the 10 percent and when u6M2EsfdhRU-01519-00339335-00339510 you think of affordability in fact u6M2EsfdhRU-01520-00339511-00339806 allison was here earlier on the on stage u6M2EsfdhRU-01521-00339807-00340071 from research ict africa their research u6M2EsfdhRU-01522-00340072-00340278 has shown clearly that u6M2EsfdhRU-01523-00340279-00340519 it's not just about the barrier of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01524-00340520-00340710 cost which is one of the most important u6M2EsfdhRU-01525-00340711-00341039 barriers to many in africa but it's also u6M2EsfdhRU-01526-00341040-00341254 the fact that women make about 40 u6M2EsfdhRU-01527-00341255-00341447 percent less u6M2EsfdhRU-01528-00341448-00341799 incomes than men and so they they have u6M2EsfdhRU-01529-00341800-00342015 an even additional barrier to get to u6M2EsfdhRU-01530-00342016-00342295 those to be able to afford those kinds u6M2EsfdhRU-01531-00342296-00342478 of services that are now available if u6M2EsfdhRU-01532-00342479-00342615 you think about u6M2EsfdhRU-01533-00342616-00342871 people with special needs we're working u6M2EsfdhRU-01534-00342872-00343071 with some coalitions in nigeria for u6M2EsfdhRU-01535-00343072-00343263 example of u6M2EsfdhRU-01536-00343264-00343519 advocates for people with special needs u6M2EsfdhRU-01537-00343520-00343599 and u6M2EsfdhRU-01538-00343600-00343878 their statistics show that a larger u6M2EsfdhRU-01539-00343879-00344103 percentage of populations with special u6M2EsfdhRU-01540-00344104-00344343 needs are also poor a much larger u6M2EsfdhRU-01541-00344344-00344639 percentage so those to me it always u6M2EsfdhRU-01542-00344640-00344871 comes down to costs and u6M2EsfdhRU-01543-00344872-00345119 innovation is very important u6M2EsfdhRU-01544-00345120-00345358 as far as it's going to hopefully allow u6M2EsfdhRU-01545-00345359-00345575 for that but if right now it's an u6M2EsfdhRU-01546-00345576-00345767 experimentation okay just just very u6M2EsfdhRU-01547-00345768-00345919 quickly sonia the other question that u6M2EsfdhRU-01548-00345920-00346119 was put was you know asia seems to be u6M2EsfdhRU-01549-00346120-00346439 doing better at managing costs um what u6M2EsfdhRU-01550-00346440-00346647 can we learn from asia u6M2EsfdhRU-01551-00346648-00346903 well in fact yes and i guess one of you u6M2EsfdhRU-01552-00346904-00347030 asked the question about some other u6M2EsfdhRU-01553-00347031-00347239 countries one of the things that we do u6M2EsfdhRU-01554-00347240-00347478 in the regions is that we work with some u6M2EsfdhRU-01555-00347479-00347663 of the countries where some good lessons u6M2EsfdhRU-01556-00347664-00347887 can be learned and some of you mentioned u6M2EsfdhRU-01557-00347888-00348254 malaysia kenya in africa colombia in u6M2EsfdhRU-01558-00348255-00348534 latin america india as far as rural u6M2EsfdhRU-01559-00348535-00348806 development as well and we also um u6M2EsfdhRU-01560-00348807-00348975 hoping to work with many of those u6M2EsfdhRU-01561-00348976-00349191 governments some of which we are already u6M2EsfdhRU-01562-00349192-00349519 uh engaging with so that we can exchange u6M2EsfdhRU-01563-00349520-00349815 those lessons and uh facilitate a more u6M2EsfdhRU-01564-00349816-00349999 south-south dialogue really with the u6M2EsfdhRU-01565-00350000-00350263 countries that we work in so that we can u6M2EsfdhRU-01566-00350264-00350447 learn from each other about those u6M2EsfdhRU-01567-00350448-00350647 experiences malaysia for example was u6M2EsfdhRU-01568-00350648-00350823 considered i mean in our research and u6M2EsfdhRU-01569-00350824-00351023 our affordability report was actually u6M2EsfdhRU-01570-00351024-00351230 ranked number one in the developing u6M2EsfdhRU-01571-00351231-00351495 world and one of the reasons why that u6M2EsfdhRU-01572-00351496-00351758 was the case was precisely because of u6M2EsfdhRU-01573-00351759-00352039 their very innovative policy of using u6M2EsfdhRU-01574-00352040-00352182 government u6M2EsfdhRU-01575-00352183-00352519 funds to support not only investment but u6M2EsfdhRU-01576-00352520-00352847 to support content development as well u6M2EsfdhRU-01577-00352848-00353127 as devices and the ability of purchasing u6M2EsfdhRU-01578-00353128-00353351 devices by youth u6M2EsfdhRU-01579-00353352-00353591 not just at schools but actually special u6M2EsfdhRU-01580-00353592-00353806 subsidies for youth to be able to u6M2EsfdhRU-01581-00353807-00354103 purchase devices and that's some another u6M2EsfdhRU-01582-00354104-00354278 area that we can talk about it's the u6M2EsfdhRU-01583-00354279-00354582 role of government of increasing and u6M2EsfdhRU-01584-00354583-00354830 making sure that that demand is there u6M2EsfdhRU-01585-00354831-00355103 and is supported and actually is also u6M2EsfdhRU-01586-00355104-00355334 subsidized because for the most part you u6M2EsfdhRU-01587-00355335-00355558 need that support creating capacity oof u6M2EsfdhRU-01588-00355559-00355678 i know you want to address the issue of u6M2EsfdhRU-01589-00355679-00355847 technology but judy first i want to come u6M2EsfdhRU-01590-00355848-00356095 with you and um i think dorothy raised u6M2EsfdhRU-01591-00356096-00356319 the issue of the balance between some of u6M2EsfdhRU-01592-00356320-00356575 the security issues and and you know u6M2EsfdhRU-01593-00356576-00356823 we're talking about access and u6M2EsfdhRU-01594-00356824-00357078 affordability but we're not talking u6M2EsfdhRU-01595-00357079-00357358 about perhaps not talking enough about u6M2EsfdhRU-01596-00357359-00357534 the capacity that needs to be created u6M2EsfdhRU-01597-00357535-00357703 around that even when you look at the u6M2EsfdhRU-01598-00357704-00358047 morality of a society you know and and i u6M2EsfdhRU-01599-00358048-00358399 speak specifically uh because in very u6M2EsfdhRU-01600-00358400-00358575 many of the environments that we're u6M2EsfdhRU-01601-00358576-00358791 speaking of when sonia explains who the u6M2EsfdhRU-01602-00358792-00358991 next billion are u6M2EsfdhRU-01603-00358992-00359239 there are they are volatile environments u6M2EsfdhRU-01604-00359240-00359527 very many of them are socially unstable u6M2EsfdhRU-01605-00359528-00359863 um you know have maybe governance issues u6M2EsfdhRU-01606-00359864-00360134 therefore where is the balance and whose u6M2EsfdhRU-01607-00360135-00360439 responsibility is it to ensure that as u6M2EsfdhRU-01608-00360440-00360630 people get access u6M2EsfdhRU-01609-00360631-00360723 it is u6M2EsfdhRU-01610-00360724-00360887 responsible u6M2EsfdhRU-01611-00360888-00361230 access u6M2EsfdhRU-01612-00361231-00361319 wow u6M2EsfdhRU-01613-00361320-00361534 uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01614-00361535-00361830 responsibility i guess um u6M2EsfdhRU-01615-00361831-00362134 lies on every internet stakeholder u6M2EsfdhRU-01616-00362135-00362415 we will we will police ourselves yes a u6M2EsfdhRU-01617-00362416-00362582 responsibility lies u6M2EsfdhRU-01618-00362583-00362951 with every one of us u6M2EsfdhRU-01619-00362952-00363471 about u6M2EsfdhRU-01620-00363472-00363647 can i just jump over to civil society u6M2EsfdhRU-01621-00363648-00363782 and i might just shoot myself on the u6M2EsfdhRU-01622-00363783-00363975 foot so u6M2EsfdhRU-01623-00363976-00364071 jump u6M2EsfdhRU-01624-00364072-00364382 jump over u6M2EsfdhRU-01625-00364383-00364527 i guess like the earlier question that u6M2EsfdhRU-01626-00364528-00364815 had been asked about net neutrality u6M2EsfdhRU-01627-00364816-00364927 um u6M2EsfdhRU-01628-00364928-00365151 my take is u6M2EsfdhRU-01629-00365152-00365351 the technology that we have right now u6M2EsfdhRU-01630-00365352-00365606 it's very difficult to have a yes or no u6M2EsfdhRU-01631-00365607-00365703 answer u6M2EsfdhRU-01632-00365704-00365999 yeah like who is to give us this and i u6M2EsfdhRU-01633-00366000-00366263 can easily say no it's the telcos u6M2EsfdhRU-01634-00366264-00366527 because as he said earlier i'm sorry i'm u6M2EsfdhRU-01635-00366528-00366743 not able to pronounce your name u6M2EsfdhRU-01636-00366744-00367167 oh my my colleague i can tell you that u6M2EsfdhRU-01637-00367168-00367647 yeah as he said earlier um u6M2EsfdhRU-01638-00367648-00367887 we cannot be able to do it by ourselves u6M2EsfdhRU-01639-00367888-00368143 telco cannot be able to achieve what we u6M2EsfdhRU-01640-00368144-00368382 are expecting by itself they'll need the u6M2EsfdhRU-01641-00368383-00368567 service providers they'll need u6M2EsfdhRU-01642-00368568-00368687 government u6M2EsfdhRU-01643-00368688-00368910 they'll need the civil society u6M2EsfdhRU-01644-00368911-00369215 so i guess it's u6M2EsfdhRU-01645-00369216-00369327 it's not u6M2EsfdhRU-01646-00369328-00369503 it's not under one umbrella that we can u6M2EsfdhRU-01647-00369504-00369767 be able to to fit on all this it's a u6M2EsfdhRU-01648-00369768-00369943 responsibility for each and every other u6M2EsfdhRU-01649-00369944-00370182 person self-regulation we're gonna have u6M2EsfdhRU-01650-00370183-00370319 to do it we're gonna have to play that u6M2EsfdhRU-01651-00370320-00370519 game i saw two hands here so i'm coming u6M2EsfdhRU-01652-00370520-00370727 to you in just a moment very briefly if u6M2EsfdhRU-01653-00370728-00370895 you wanted to contribute on the issue a u6M2EsfdhRU-01654-00370896-00371087 few words about the technology because i u6M2EsfdhRU-01655-00371088-00371247 think we have to to recognize as i u6M2EsfdhRU-01656-00371248-00371415 started out by saying that that we have u6M2EsfdhRU-01657-00371416-00371615 now reached seven billion mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01658-00371616-00371871 subscriptions in the world and and that u6M2EsfdhRU-01659-00371872-00372030 is based on u6M2EsfdhRU-01660-00372031-00372239 open global standards not based on an u6M2EsfdhRU-01661-00372240-00372463 ericsson technology or a huawei u6M2EsfdhRU-01662-00372464-00372743 technology or a nokia technology it's u6M2EsfdhRU-01663-00372744-00372934 commonly owned i mean we are all u6M2EsfdhRU-01664-00372935-00373127 invested in this technology as the u6M2EsfdhRU-01665-00373128-00373382 operators and it's open and everyone can u6M2EsfdhRU-01666-00373383-00373591 can anyone can build a phone based on u6M2EsfdhRU-01667-00373592-00373806 those there's open standards and that u6M2EsfdhRU-01668-00373807-00374030 has brought the scale and scale brings u6M2EsfdhRU-01669-00374031-00374223 affordability i think it's important to u6M2EsfdhRU-01670-00374224-00374375 remind ourselves whether it's a debate u6M2EsfdhRU-01671-00374376-00374551 of well there comes some some new u6M2EsfdhRU-01672-00374552-00374743 innovative technology i mean we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01673-00374744-00374934 investing five billion dollars a year in u6M2EsfdhRU-01674-00374935-00375175 in innovation in ericsson and and so are u6M2EsfdhRU-01675-00375176-00375406 our peers in the industry so so i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01676-00375407-00375591 that that there's a u6M2EsfdhRU-01677-00375592-00375799 uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01678-00375800-00376054 pace is not uh as high as it should be u6M2EsfdhRU-01679-00376055-00376263 probably uh because we still have these u6M2EsfdhRU-01680-00376264-00376430 gaps in in affordability and u6M2EsfdhRU-01681-00376431-00376719 accessibility but i think that u6M2EsfdhRU-01682-00376720-00376903 the answer will not come from niche u6M2EsfdhRU-01683-00376904-00377039 technologies or something like that that u6M2EsfdhRU-01684-00377040-00377319 will revolutionize it but just to uh on u6M2EsfdhRU-01685-00377320-00377503 on the scale as well and answered that u6M2EsfdhRU-01686-00377504-00377758 was the question on innovation uh can we u6M2EsfdhRU-01687-00377759-00377934 learn from asia et cetera i think we can u6M2EsfdhRU-01688-00377935-00378103 all learn from each other we can learn a u6M2EsfdhRU-01689-00378104-00378391 lot from africa we've seen that with u6M2EsfdhRU-01690-00378392-00378591 connectivity with access to this u6M2EsfdhRU-01691-00378592-00378854 technology innovation starts and we've u6M2EsfdhRU-01692-00378855-00379110 seen them not least in your home country u6M2EsfdhRU-01693-00379111-00379327 when it comes to mobile payments etc and u6M2EsfdhRU-01694-00379328-00379463 we know that there are two and a half u6M2EsfdhRU-01695-00379464-00379719 billion people in the world that u6M2EsfdhRU-01696-00379720-00379927 don't have a bank account right two u6M2EsfdhRU-01697-00379928-00380087 thirds of those actually have a mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01698-00380088-00380319 phone and the technology is there so u6M2EsfdhRU-01699-00380320-00380567 with the right regulation etc u6M2EsfdhRU-01700-00380568-00380830 we can see a large u6M2EsfdhRU-01701-00380831-00381119 a fast growth of of mobile services over u6M2EsfdhRU-01702-00381120-00381327 mobile devices yes and and that was u6M2EsfdhRU-01703-00381328-00381415 actually u6M2EsfdhRU-01704-00381416-00381647 started out in in in u6M2EsfdhRU-01705-00381648-00381975 in africa right so we saw m-pesa and now u6M2EsfdhRU-01706-00381976-00382223 the unbanked are being banked on there u6M2EsfdhRU-01707-00382224-00382415 on their mobile phones the two questions u6M2EsfdhRU-01708-00382416-00382599 please on this side the gentleman there u6M2EsfdhRU-01709-00382600-00382799 in the classes please julie three u6M2EsfdhRU-01710-00382800-00382967 questions also some people on that side u6M2EsfdhRU-01711-00382968-00383167 oh there i see okay we're going to try u6M2EsfdhRU-01712-00383168-00383295 and come around please make them as u6M2EsfdhRU-01713-00383296-00383527 brief as possible thank you yes i'm tony u6M2EsfdhRU-01714-00383528-00383687 from the philippines u6M2EsfdhRU-01715-00383688-00383878 i have two questions for the civil u6M2EsfdhRU-01716-00383879-00384006 society u6M2EsfdhRU-01717-00384007-00384134 panelists u6M2EsfdhRU-01718-00384135-00384271 what do you think is the role of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01719-00384272-00384367 state u6M2EsfdhRU-01720-00384368-00384687 in bridging the digital divide u6M2EsfdhRU-01721-00384688-00384887 we've been focusing on the private u6M2EsfdhRU-01722-00384888-00384991 sector u6M2EsfdhRU-01723-00384992-00385287 and civil society cooperation u6M2EsfdhRU-01724-00385288-00385471 what do you think should be the role of u6M2EsfdhRU-01725-00385472-00385663 government or the state thank you give u6M2EsfdhRU-01726-00385664-00385910 us your next one and uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01727-00385911-00386039 in your view u6M2EsfdhRU-01728-00386040-00386351 what's the nature of internet access u6M2EsfdhRU-01729-00386352-00386671 is it a value-added service is it a u6M2EsfdhRU-01730-00386672-00386839 product u6M2EsfdhRU-01731-00386840-00387199 is it a public utility u6M2EsfdhRU-01732-00387200-00387567 because that would color everything u6M2EsfdhRU-01733-00387568-00387734 how we view u6M2EsfdhRU-01734-00387735-00387967 how we define affordability thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01735-00387968-00388119 thank you so much gentlemen just in u6M2EsfdhRU-01736-00388120-00388247 front of him and then we'll go to the u6M2EsfdhRU-01737-00388248-00388375 middle of the room u6M2EsfdhRU-01738-00388376-00388582 as quickly as possible please ask your u6M2EsfdhRU-01739-00388583-00388695 question u6M2EsfdhRU-01740-00388696-00388895 okay i have a very quick question i just u6M2EsfdhRU-01741-00388896-00389078 want to ask but you may tell us who you u6M2EsfdhRU-01742-00389079-00389358 are my name is kiss kiss abraham from u6M2EsfdhRU-01743-00389359-00389567 from zambia working with an organization u6M2EsfdhRU-01744-00389568-00389815 called kba innovations u6M2EsfdhRU-01745-00389816-00390119 one billion new people using technology u6M2EsfdhRU-01746-00390120-00390263 means u6M2EsfdhRU-01747-00390264-00390567 over one billion new tools u6M2EsfdhRU-01748-00390568-00390775 how far are we going with the fair phone u6M2EsfdhRU-01749-00390776-00390919 because uh because i know that there's u6M2EsfdhRU-01750-00390920-00391006 still u6M2EsfdhRU-01751-00391007-00391239 this issue of conflict minerals u6M2EsfdhRU-01752-00391240-00391463 and we i i don't think this has been u6M2EsfdhRU-01753-00391464-00391599 resolved yet u6M2EsfdhRU-01754-00391600-00391775 so i just want to know maybe from eric's u6M2EsfdhRU-01755-00391776-00391982 on how far we're going with that u6M2EsfdhRU-01756-00391983-00392223 process thank you someone in the middle u6M2EsfdhRU-01757-00392224-00392519 had their hand up the lady thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01758-00392520-00392823 hi i'm sarah cortez from tor project an u6M2EsfdhRU-01759-00392824-00392967 ipv tech u6M2EsfdhRU-01760-00392968-00393158 and tour project provides online u6M2EsfdhRU-01761-00393159-00393439 anonymity anonymity tools and research u6M2EsfdhRU-01762-00393440-00393695 as you know an ipv tech seeks to involve u6M2EsfdhRU-01763-00393696-00393951 girls and women in technology training u6M2EsfdhRU-01764-00393952-00394102 and u6M2EsfdhRU-01765-00394103-00394206 bridge u6M2EsfdhRU-01766-00394207-00394558 the technology world providing u6M2EsfdhRU-01767-00394559-00394806 access and help to girls and women and u6M2EsfdhRU-01768-00394807-00395015 so we're interested in involving girls u6M2EsfdhRU-01769-00395016-00395254 and women in technology training and u6M2EsfdhRU-01770-00395255-00395439 implementation and my question is with u6M2EsfdhRU-01771-00395440-00395734 respect to implementing the internet uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01772-00395735-00395910 in developing nations what is your u6M2EsfdhRU-01773-00395911-00396143 advice on some of the best way to u6M2EsfdhRU-01774-00396144-00396319 involve girls and women in technology u6M2EsfdhRU-01775-00396320-00396495 training and actual hands-on u6M2EsfdhRU-01776-00396496-00396775 participation in implementation thank u6M2EsfdhRU-01777-00396776-00396943 you so much for that i'm going to take u6M2EsfdhRU-01778-00396944-00397143 just one more and i have to take it u6M2EsfdhRU-01779-00397144-00397519 right from the back of the room u6M2EsfdhRU-01780-00397520-00397695 okay i see this gentleman here we'll fit u6M2EsfdhRU-01781-00397696-00397863 you in as well as as she walks to the u6M2EsfdhRU-01782-00397864-00398006 lady at the back go ahead with your u6M2EsfdhRU-01783-00398007-00398134 comments thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01784-00398135-00398327 it's very quick my name is carlos dada i u6M2EsfdhRU-01785-00398328-00398502 am from el salvador u6M2EsfdhRU-01786-00398503-00398775 and and i was wondering if uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01787-00398776-00398991 internet is so important these days in u6M2EsfdhRU-01788-00398992-00399295 our societies if shouldn't we consider u6M2EsfdhRU-01789-00399296-00399478 it a public good u6M2EsfdhRU-01790-00399479-00399654 and make the states guarantee u6M2EsfdhRU-01791-00399655-00399839 accessibility to it instead of leaving u6M2EsfdhRU-01792-00399840-00400006 it only in the hands of private u6M2EsfdhRU-01793-00400007-00400215 companies thank you for that thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01794-00400216-00400430 the lady at the back u6M2EsfdhRU-01795-00400431-00400830 my name is lydia from uganda my question u6M2EsfdhRU-01796-00400831-00401127 is to the lady from tigo u6M2EsfdhRU-01797-00401128-00401351 from your u6M2EsfdhRU-01798-00401352-00401463 from your u6M2EsfdhRU-01799-00401464-00401678 understanding of the market do you think u6M2EsfdhRU-01800-00401679-00401887 there's any risk that as we move the u6M2EsfdhRU-01801-00401888-00402119 next billion online u6M2EsfdhRU-01802-00402120-00402278 they'll actually u6M2EsfdhRU-01803-00402279-00402415 lose u6M2EsfdhRU-01804-00402416-00402702 some of the advantages we had got from u6M2EsfdhRU-01805-00402703-00403039 non-online connectivity for instance u6M2EsfdhRU-01806-00403040-00403358 when the next billion move online what u6M2EsfdhRU-01807-00403359-00403519 happens u6M2EsfdhRU-01808-00403520-00403599 to u6M2EsfdhRU-01809-00403600-00403791 m-pesa u6M2EsfdhRU-01810-00403792-00404071 you know is it do you see any products u6M2EsfdhRU-01811-00404072-00404343 being built to make sure that u6M2EsfdhRU-01812-00404344-00404575 what they're doing on m-pesa they'll u6M2EsfdhRU-01813-00404576-00404919 still be able to do online u6M2EsfdhRU-01814-00404920-00405006 you know u6M2EsfdhRU-01815-00405007-00405182 okay thank you everything there's one u6M2EsfdhRU-01816-00405183-00405351 more question u6M2EsfdhRU-01817-00405352-00405543 we don't have time u6M2EsfdhRU-01818-00405544-00405751 sonia has taken the session over we're u6M2EsfdhRU-01819-00405752-00406023 gonna finish on time sadly i'm so sorry u6M2EsfdhRU-01820-00406024-00406287 to everybody else who had questions um u6M2EsfdhRU-01821-00406288-00406358 so u6M2EsfdhRU-01822-00406359-00406495 i'm gonna start with you on this side u6M2EsfdhRU-01823-00406496-00406663 off um you've heard the various u6M2EsfdhRU-01824-00406664-00406775 different questions and i'm going to u6M2EsfdhRU-01825-00406776-00406934 allow you simply because we have only u6M2EsfdhRU-01826-00406935-00407151 seven minutes less left to address the u6M2EsfdhRU-01827-00407152-00407519 ones that are of most interest um to you u6M2EsfdhRU-01828-00407520-00407775 so um yeah that first that was a direct u6M2EsfdhRU-01829-00407776-00407943 question from gentlemen over there on u6M2EsfdhRU-01830-00407944-00408167 conflict minerals and and uh i can u6M2EsfdhRU-01831-00408168-00408319 assure you that the industry including u6M2EsfdhRU-01832-00408320-00408534 ericsson is is uh working hard on this u6M2EsfdhRU-01833-00408535-00408767 issue we know that there is legislation u6M2EsfdhRU-01834-00408768-00408951 already in the united states on that u6M2EsfdhRU-01835-00408952-00409167 there is legislation or recommendations u6M2EsfdhRU-01836-00409168-00409367 be being prepared within the european u6M2EsfdhRU-01837-00409368-00409591 union of that of course it's a difficult u6M2EsfdhRU-01838-00409592-00409903 uh subject uh and uh but i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01839-00409904-00410191 industry is committed to uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01840-00410192-00410495 avoid be being complicit in in any way u6M2EsfdhRU-01841-00410496-00410703 in in action that would u6M2EsfdhRU-01842-00410704-00410951 uh aggravate the situation in in those u6M2EsfdhRU-01843-00410952-00411143 areas where where these minerals are be u6M2EsfdhRU-01844-00411143-00411303 being uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01845-00411304-00411566 are coming from so so i can assure you u6M2EsfdhRU-01846-00411567-00411766 that industry is strongly committed on u6M2EsfdhRU-01847-00411767-00411966 this area i'm happy to to talk details u6M2EsfdhRU-01848-00411967-00412207 about that can you just yes yes u6M2EsfdhRU-01849-00412208-00412518 just as you go on one billion new tools u6M2EsfdhRU-01850-00412519-00412774 where are we sorry the one billion new u6M2EsfdhRU-01851-00412775-00412999 tools as we connect the one billion new u6M2EsfdhRU-01852-00413000-00413239 people next yes the next billion yeah we u6M2EsfdhRU-01853-00413239-00413422 need new tools where are we is one of u6M2EsfdhRU-01854-00413423-00413607 the questions tools you mean devices or u6M2EsfdhRU-01855-00413608-00413943 what i think do you mean the software do u6M2EsfdhRU-01856-00413943-00414174 you mean applications where is the u6M2EsfdhRU-01857-00414175-00414287 zambian u6M2EsfdhRU-01858-00414288-00414534 i think yes yes what do you mean u6M2EsfdhRU-01859-00414535-00415382 specifically u6M2EsfdhRU-01860-00415383-00415718 ah okay more devices okay okay u6M2EsfdhRU-01861-00415719-00415951 sustainability i mean if we talk about u6M2EsfdhRU-01862-00415952-00416143 waste etc i think that's an awesome area u6M2EsfdhRU-01863-00416143-00416310 where where we are working hard in the u6M2EsfdhRU-01864-00416312-00416518 industry and ericsson actually we took a u6M2EsfdhRU-01865-00416519-00416751 decision already before european u6M2EsfdhRU-01866-00416752-00416966 legislation on waste handling of u6M2EsfdhRU-01867-00416967-00417174 electronic devices to to actually offer u6M2EsfdhRU-01868-00417175-00417343 to our customers the operators that we u6M2EsfdhRU-01869-00417343-00417670 will bring back and recycle equipment in u6M2EsfdhRU-01870-00417671-00417926 a responsible way in order to to avoid u6M2EsfdhRU-01871-00417927-00418095 e-waste we're also involved in e-waste u6M2EsfdhRU-01872-00418096-00418326 projects in ghana for example just a few u6M2EsfdhRU-01873-00418327-00418463 words about u6M2EsfdhRU-01874-00418464-00418663 education and and i think the gender u6M2EsfdhRU-01875-00418664-00418847 issue on female education u6M2EsfdhRU-01876-00418847-00419022 and here erickson is actively involved u6M2EsfdhRU-01877-00419023-00419151 in something called connector learn u6M2EsfdhRU-01878-00419152-00419343 which is about it's a global education u6M2EsfdhRU-01879-00419343-00419663 project where we are not only we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01880-00419664-00419839 connecting villages as we do in the u6M2EsfdhRU-01881-00419839-00420063 millennium villages but we're also u6M2EsfdhRU-01882-00420064-00420455 ensuring that that ict is used to u6M2EsfdhRU-01883-00420456-00420735 provide what we call 21st century u6M2EsfdhRU-01884-00420735-00420895 education u6M2EsfdhRU-01885-00420896-00421159 because ict will revolutionize education u6M2EsfdhRU-01886-00421160-00421359 as it will start to do that but we are u6M2EsfdhRU-01887-00421360-00421575 prioritizing girls here because we see u6M2EsfdhRU-01888-00421576-00421927 that secondary education for girls is a u6M2EsfdhRU-01889-00421928-00422191 challenging area and we are working hard u6M2EsfdhRU-01890-00422192-00422422 on that to bring 40 000 u6M2EsfdhRU-01891-00422423-00422607 students in our projects thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01892-00422608-00422799 educating girls transforms communities u6M2EsfdhRU-01893-00422800-00422927 yes milk are your thoughts on the u6M2EsfdhRU-01894-00422928-00423110 different questions we've had the one on u6M2EsfdhRU-01895-00423112-00423191 on u6M2EsfdhRU-01896-00423192-00423487 girls and access to uh tech training for u6M2EsfdhRU-01897-00423488-00423631 them address but do you have any other u6M2EsfdhRU-01898-00423632-00423863 ideas on that um i think what we've seen u6M2EsfdhRU-01899-00423864-00423991 obviously we recognize that there is u6M2EsfdhRU-01900-00423992-00424166 this gender gap in adoption of mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01901-00424167-00424310 devices so a lot of the customers that u6M2EsfdhRU-01902-00424312-00424487 we still have to gain in u6M2EsfdhRU-01903-00424488-00424751 for fortego are are going to be women so u6M2EsfdhRU-01904-00424752-00424895 this is uh something that we are looking u6M2EsfdhRU-01905-00424896-00425063 into and um we have a very interesting u6M2EsfdhRU-01906-00425064-00425247 project we will uh happy to talk to you u6M2EsfdhRU-01907-00425247-00425414 about um which relates to mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01908-00425415-00425614 financial services so it's called tico u6M2EsfdhRU-01909-00425615-00426055 pesa not empire u6M2EsfdhRU-01910-00426056-00426255 on where we're actually training women u6M2EsfdhRU-01911-00426256-00426495 um we're providing micro loans to to u6M2EsfdhRU-01912-00426496-00426663 women become entrepreneurs in in the u6M2EsfdhRU-01913-00426664-00426879 mobile financial services space and this u6M2EsfdhRU-01914-00426880-00427103 is really to to see whether this has an u6M2EsfdhRU-01915-00427104-00427318 effect on women's adoption of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01916-00427319-00427414 service u6M2EsfdhRU-01917-00427415-00427495 um u6M2EsfdhRU-01918-00427496-00427599 itself we're working with the cherry u6M2EsfdhRU-01919-00427600-00427783 player foundation thank you and lydia u6M2EsfdhRU-01920-00427784-00428031 lydia had a specific question yes on u6M2EsfdhRU-01921-00428032-00428239 russia u6M2EsfdhRU-01922-00428239-00428375 i don't know i don't think there is a u6M2EsfdhRU-01923-00428376-00428543 danger of losing these services that are u6M2EsfdhRU-01924-00428543-00428727 working very well on the country i think u6M2EsfdhRU-01925-00428728-00428935 they will just exist in different types u6M2EsfdhRU-01926-00428935-00429110 of technology platforms they will exist u6M2EsfdhRU-01927-00429112-00429270 in smartphones we already see that in u6M2EsfdhRU-01928-00429271-00429431 some of the most advanced markets in in u6M2EsfdhRU-01929-00429432-00429614 tanzania we already have that in in u6M2EsfdhRU-01930-00429615-00429783 smartphones half of our customers in u6M2EsfdhRU-01931-00429784-00430183 tanzania are using using tico pesa u6M2EsfdhRU-01932-00430184-00430351 so i think you know some of it will u6M2EsfdhRU-01933-00430352-00430566 evolve with the technology but it will u6M2EsfdhRU-01934-00430567-00430751 still be available you shouldn't fear u6M2EsfdhRU-01935-00430752-00430895 that it's not going to be available on u6M2EsfdhRU-01936-00430896-00431175 the lower end devices that is available u6M2EsfdhRU-01937-00431176-00431295 now thank you u6M2EsfdhRU-01938-00431296-00431439 sonia let me bring to you the question u6M2EsfdhRU-01939-00431439-00431647 from the gentleman from el salvador and u6M2EsfdhRU-01940-00431647-00431895 he says shouldn't we view the internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01941-00431896-00432166 as a public good but also u6M2EsfdhRU-01942-00432167-00432343 another very interesting question was u6M2EsfdhRU-01943-00432343-00432607 posed and somebody asks you know how do u6M2EsfdhRU-01944-00432608-00432822 we view you know what's the nature of u6M2EsfdhRU-01945-00432823-00433047 internet access uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01946-00433047-00433263 what are your thoughts on those okay so u6M2EsfdhRU-01947-00433264-00433351 uh u6M2EsfdhRU-01948-00433352-00433566 on internet as a public good i think you u6M2EsfdhRU-01949-00433567-00433910 know what's very obvious to to us and to u6M2EsfdhRU-01950-00433912-00434247 me is that uh just as uh mobile u6M2EsfdhRU-01951-00434247-00434487 telephony and telephony in the old days u6M2EsfdhRU-01952-00434488-00434710 was seen as a public good it was really u6M2EsfdhRU-01953-00434712-00434983 uh the essence the beginnings of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01954-00434984-00435110 reason why u6M2EsfdhRU-01955-00435112-00435407 uh policy and regulation came into being u6M2EsfdhRU-01956-00435408-00435647 was because we understood that u6M2EsfdhRU-01957-00435647-00435935 just as any other public utility uh the u6M2EsfdhRU-01958-00435935-00436231 services in our sector are a public good u6M2EsfdhRU-01959-00436232-00436495 and as a public good they should be u6M2EsfdhRU-01960-00436496-00436727 insured they should be affordable and u6M2EsfdhRU-01961-00436728-00437087 they should be widely available to the u6M2EsfdhRU-01962-00437088-00437359 the greatest amount of people and so yes u6M2EsfdhRU-01963-00437360-00437670 indeed that's very much at the core u6M2EsfdhRU-01964-00437671-00438039 of any policy and regulatory framework u6M2EsfdhRU-01965-00438039-00438318 uh anywhere in the world uh today i u6M2EsfdhRU-01966-00438319-00438463 don't think there's any doubt that some u6M2EsfdhRU-01967-00438464-00438670 countries better than others but also u6M2EsfdhRU-01968-00438671-00439031 very much at the core of our advocacy u6M2EsfdhRU-01969-00439032-00439231 as far as there was another question u6M2EsfdhRU-01970-00439232-00439335 also u6M2EsfdhRU-01971-00439335-00439543 from the philippines on the role of the u6M2EsfdhRU-01972-00439543-00439759 government right on providing internet u6M2EsfdhRU-01973-00439760-00439910 and also definition of the internet i u6M2EsfdhRU-01974-00439912-00440135 think one thing i would like to say is u6M2EsfdhRU-01975-00440135-00440447 that uh as you have heard earlier we u6M2EsfdhRU-01976-00440447-00440710 work very closely across the different u6M2EsfdhRU-01977-00440712-00440831 sectors across the different u6M2EsfdhRU-01978-00440832-00441039 constituencies as an alliance we u6M2EsfdhRU-01979-00441039-00441207 ourselves see our see ourselves as a u6M2EsfdhRU-01980-00441208-00441422 multi-stakeholder alliance but we also u6M2EsfdhRU-01981-00441423-00441599 work with multi-stakeholder coalitions u6M2EsfdhRU-01982-00441600-00441847 that we establish in the countries um u6M2EsfdhRU-01983-00441847-00442031 that include public the private and u6M2EsfdhRU-01984-00442032-00442247 civil society organizations very u6M2EsfdhRU-01985-00442247-00442503 strongly exactly because we see that all u6M2EsfdhRU-01986-00442504-00442695 of them have a role to play a very u6M2EsfdhRU-01987-00442696-00442966 important role to play just as women's u6M2EsfdhRU-01988-00442967-00443207 organizations or u6M2EsfdhRU-01989-00443208-00443447 education organizations or what have you u6M2EsfdhRU-01990-00443447-00443679 have a role to play in making sure that u6M2EsfdhRU-01991-00443680-00443903 we understand the vision of icts and the u6M2EsfdhRU-01992-00443904-00444166 internet for those groups the government u6M2EsfdhRU-01993-00444167-00444414 also needs to have a role has a one u6M2EsfdhRU-01994-00444415-00444710 critical role to play so that they can u6M2EsfdhRU-01995-00444712-00445039 uh transform their policies in a way u6M2EsfdhRU-01996-00445039-00445310 that leads to achieving their visions of u6M2EsfdhRU-01997-00445312-00445559 ict and the internet for their countries u6M2EsfdhRU-01998-00445560-00445695 and for the development of their u6M2EsfdhRU-01999-00445696-00445910 countries at the social level at the u6M2EsfdhRU-02000-00445912-00446175 economic level at you know if some u6M2EsfdhRU-02001-00446176-00446335 people would argue even at the cultural u6M2EsfdhRU-02002-00446335-00446543 level because the internet is changing u6M2EsfdhRU-02003-00446543-00446839 our culture as well and so it has an u6M2EsfdhRU-02004-00446839-00447079 important role also as a key partner u6M2EsfdhRU-02005-00447080-00447295 with the private sector uh we don't have u6M2EsfdhRU-02006-00447296-00447495 time to speak about that but i urge you u6M2EsfdhRU-02007-00447496-00447727 to look at our affordability report that u6M2EsfdhRU-02008-00447728-00447870 actually has very specific u6M2EsfdhRU-02009-00447871-00448118 recommendations on how civil society u6M2EsfdhRU-02010-00448119-00448439 specifically as someone asked me as well u6M2EsfdhRU-02011-00448439-00448655 how civil society can engage in this u6M2EsfdhRU-02012-00448656-00448847 process and we have very detailed u6M2EsfdhRU-02013-00448847-00449022 recommendations on how to go about that u6M2EsfdhRU-02014-00449023-00449159 so look at it u6M2EsfdhRU-02015-00449160-00449318 and i'm happy to talk to any of you u6M2EsfdhRU-02016-00449319-00449559 after this okay judy u6M2EsfdhRU-02017-00449560-00449718 you have the last word u6M2EsfdhRU-02018-00449719-00449927 um and i want you to paint a picture for u6M2EsfdhRU-02019-00449928-00450135 us okay what would you want to see u6M2EsfdhRU-02020-00450135-00450366 what's the ideal situation what's the u6M2EsfdhRU-02021-00450367-00450527 transformation it impact u6M2EsfdhRU-02022-00450528-00450695 transformational impact it would have on u6M2EsfdhRU-02023-00450696-00451143 the ground if indeed we gave access u6M2EsfdhRU-02024-00451143-00451470 to the next billion u6M2EsfdhRU-02025-00451471-00452014 um u6M2EsfdhRU-02026-00452015-00452279 wow okay i'll begin from there as i u6M2EsfdhRU-02027-00452280-00452535 think it through okay we we're actually u6M2EsfdhRU-02028-00452535-00452703 at the end u6M2EsfdhRU-02029-00452704-00452910 but it would it be transformational you u6M2EsfdhRU-02030-00452912-00453095 talked about your challenges in 30 u6M2EsfdhRU-02031-00453096-00453343 seconds how would it transform the life u6M2EsfdhRU-02032-00453343-00453583 of somebody who's struggling to access u6M2EsfdhRU-02033-00453584-00453831 can't use the technologies that exist u6M2EsfdhRU-02034-00453832-00453991 how would it transform their lives just u6M2EsfdhRU-02035-00453992-00454303 in 30 seconds okay i think u6M2EsfdhRU-02036-00454304-00454527 what i'd like to leave here u6M2EsfdhRU-02037-00454528-00454727 uh and let everybody know is that we u6M2EsfdhRU-02038-00454728-00454879 need u6M2EsfdhRU-02039-00454880-00455103 accessibility champions from whatever u6M2EsfdhRU-02040-00455104-00455287 positions that we are in u6M2EsfdhRU-02041-00455288-00455551 uh we need to realize that there's u6M2EsfdhRU-02042-00455552-00455783 a billion people that are being left out u6M2EsfdhRU-02043-00455784-00455966 that needs to be included u6M2EsfdhRU-02044-00455967-00456279 yeah okay so we we end with that but u6M2EsfdhRU-02045-00456280-00456495 finally actually we're giving our u6M2EsfdhRU-02046-00456496-00456751 twitter feed a chance to wrap up the u6M2EsfdhRU-02047-00456752-00456839 session u6M2EsfdhRU-02048-00456839-00457047 there are so many questions we must u6M2EsfdhRU-02049-00457047-00457407 leave uh uh actually a site but uh u6M2EsfdhRU-02050-00457408-00457599 although the physical panel ends here u6M2EsfdhRU-02051-00457600-00457870 the the hashtag will always be open so u6M2EsfdhRU-02052-00457871-00458135 right for such an important topic please u6M2EsfdhRU-02053-00458135-00458399 let's get in touch with our hashtag u6M2EsfdhRU-02054-00458400-00458551 sif14a u6M2EsfdhRU-02055-00458552-00458710 to keep on discussing keep the u6M2EsfdhRU-02056-00458712-00458839 conversation yeah and there's so many u6M2EsfdhRU-02057-00458839-00459047 other questions that our participants u6M2EsfdhRU-02058-00459047-00459118 and u6M2EsfdhRU-02059-00459119-00459391 the audience can consult and and see and u6M2EsfdhRU-02060-00459392-00459575 and i think we should we should keep on u6M2EsfdhRU-02061-00459576-00459783 discussing this very vital issue thank u6M2EsfdhRU-02062-00459784-00459943 you so much for being part of this i u6M2EsfdhRU-02063-00459943-00460183 want to thank all of you for spending u6M2EsfdhRU-02064-00460184-00460391 time with us and engaging let's give a u6M2EsfdhRU-02065-00460392-00460647 big hand to our panel please u6M2EsfdhRU-02066-00460647-00460879 for taking the time it's been an u6M2EsfdhRU-02067-00460880-00461280 absolute pleasure thank you