7Vk4pnSD9nc-00000-00000006-00000340 I won't report you but only under one 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00001-00000341-00000605 condition what what's that 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00002-00000606-00000875 I want you to continue being my model to 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00003-00000876-00001108 kamakisa no no no no no no no no no no 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00004-00001109-00001312 no no there's no need to do that's 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00005-00001313-00001493 that's exactly that it wasn't working 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00006-00001494-00001805 out today that's blackmails because I 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00007-00001805-00002039 was unconsciously being modest for your 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00008-00002039-00002260 sake however I have nothing to worry 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00009-00002261-00002476 about no you don't know him anything I'm 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00010-00002477-00002776 willing to Bear everything to me what I 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00011-00002777-00002992 will put my heart and soul into creating 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00012-00002993-00003677 the best nude painting ever 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00013-00003678-00003827 what 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00014-00003828-00004015 what the [__] 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00015-00004015-00004438 no what yeah me too ryuji meat come all 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00016-00004439-00004595 right we're getting out all right we're 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00017-00004596-00004822 leaving I'm Gonna Leave do you think I'd 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00018-00004823-00005045 be able to create a new painting with my 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00019-00005046-00005440 most ideal model I'm gonna throw up 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00020-00005441-00005722 [Music] 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00021-00005723-00006825 oh you take it back soon 7Vk4pnSD9nc-00022-00006826-00007326 [Music] 7YOquIb-oMo-00000-00002848-00002934 good morning 7YOquIb-oMo-00001-00002935-00003118 welcome to our communion service this 7YOquIb-oMo-00002-00003119-00003254 morning today 7YOquIb-oMo-00003-00003255-00003559 is the second sunday after trinity 7YOquIb-oMo-00004-00003560-00003903 and um we have the prayers prepared 7YOquIb-oMo-00005-00003904-00004222 by rosemary and elizabeth 7YOquIb-oMo-00006-00004223-00004535 will be reading the gospel and preach as 7YOquIb-oMo-00007-00004536-00004654 well 7YOquIb-oMo-00008-00004655-00005047 so let us celebrate together 7YOquIb-oMo-00009-00005048-00005318 the grace of our lord jesus christ the 7YOquIb-oMo-00010-00005319-00005438 love of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00011-00005439-00005654 and the fellowship of the holy spirit be 7YOquIb-oMo-00012-00005655-00005911 with you and also with you 7YOquIb-oMo-00013-00005912-00006318 and we pray together almighty god 7YOquIb-oMo-00014-00006319-00006678 to whom all hearts are open all desires 7YOquIb-oMo-00015-00006679-00006767 known 7YOquIb-oMo-00016-00006768-00007055 and from whom no secrets are hidden 7YOquIb-oMo-00017-00007056-00007278 cleanse the thoughts of our hearts 7YOquIb-oMo-00018-00007279-00007559 by the inspiration of your holy spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00019-00007559-00007631 that we may 7YOquIb-oMo-00020-00007631-00007927 perfectly love you and worthly magnify 7YOquIb-oMo-00021-00007928-00008063 your holy name 7YOquIb-oMo-00022-00008064-00008455 through christ our lord amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00023-00008456-00008783 our lord jesus christ said the first 7YOquIb-oMo-00024-00008784-00008959 commandment is this 7YOquIb-oMo-00025-00008960-00009287 hear o israel the lord our god 7YOquIb-oMo-00026-00009288-00009606 is the only lord you shall love the lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00027-00009607-00009783 your god 7YOquIb-oMo-00028-00009784-00010159 with all your hearts and all your soul 7YOquIb-oMo-00029-00010160-00010431 with all your mind and with all your 7YOquIb-oMo-00030-00010432-00010614 strength 7YOquIb-oMo-00031-00010615-00010863 the second is this love your neighbor as 7YOquIb-oMo-00032-00010864-00011023 yourself 7YOquIb-oMo-00033-00011024-00011199 there is no other commandment greater 7YOquIb-oMo-00034-00011200-00011335 than these 7YOquIb-oMo-00035-00011336-00011559 on these two commandments hang all the 7YOquIb-oMo-00036-00011560-00011799 law and the prophets 7YOquIb-oMo-00037-00011800-00012191 almond lord have mercy 7YOquIb-oMo-00038-00012192-00012399 just for a short moment let us reflect 7YOquIb-oMo-00039-00012400-00012838 on the past few days 7YOquIb-oMo-00040-00012839-00013158 have we followed christ have we been a 7YOquIb-oMo-00041-00013159-00013447 good disciple have we 7YOquIb-oMo-00042-00013447-00013647 prayed for each other cared for each 7YOquIb-oMo-00043-00013647-00013879 other 7YOquIb-oMo-00044-00013880-00014166 and also have we accepted god's will in 7YOquIb-oMo-00045-00014168-00015079 our own lives 7YOquIb-oMo-00046-00015080-00015319 so let us now confess our sins in 7YOquIb-oMo-00047-00015319-00015407 penitence and 7YOquIb-oMo-00048-00015408-00015694 faith firmly resolve to keep god's 7YOquIb-oMo-00049-00015695-00015838 commandments 7YOquIb-oMo-00050-00015840-00016327 and to live in love and peace with all 7YOquIb-oMo-00051-00016328-00016686 almighty god our heavenly father 7YOquIb-oMo-00052-00016687-00016919 we have sinned against you through our 7YOquIb-oMo-00053-00016920-00017039 own fault 7YOquIb-oMo-00054-00017040-00017391 in thought and word and deed and in what 7YOquIb-oMo-00055-00017392-00017471 we have left 7YOquIb-oMo-00056-00017472-00017839 and done we are hardly sorry and repent 7YOquIb-oMo-00057-00017840-00018014 of all our sins 7YOquIb-oMo-00058-00018015-00018230 for your son our lord jesus christ's 7YOquIb-oMo-00059-00018231-00018503 sake forgive us all that is fast 7YOquIb-oMo-00060-00018504-00018719 and grant that we may serve you in 7YOquIb-oMo-00061-00018720-00018879 newness of life 7YOquIb-oMo-00062-00018880-00019294 to the glory of your name amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00063-00019295-00019543 almighty god who forgives all who truly 7YOquIb-oMo-00064-00019544-00019679 repent 7YOquIb-oMo-00065-00019680-00020014 have mercy upon you pardon 7YOquIb-oMo-00066-00020015-00020311 and deliver you from all your sins 7YOquIb-oMo-00067-00020312-00020407 confirm 7YOquIb-oMo-00068-00020408-00020719 and strengthen you in all goodness 7YOquIb-oMo-00069-00020720-00020911 and keep you in life eternal through 7YOquIb-oMo-00070-00020912-00021319 jesus christ our lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00071-00021320-00021550 let us praise god by saying together the 7YOquIb-oMo-00072-00021551-00021735 gloria 7YOquIb-oMo-00073-00021736-00022086 glory to god in the highest and peace to 7YOquIb-oMo-00074-00022087-00022294 his people on earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00075-00022295-00022655 lord god heavenly king almighty god and 7YOquIb-oMo-00076-00022656-00022767 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00077-00022768-00023063 we worship you we give you thanks we 7YOquIb-oMo-00078-00023064-00023311 praise you for your glory 7YOquIb-oMo-00079-00023312-00023686 lord jesus christ only son of the father 7YOquIb-oMo-00080-00023687-00024007 lord god lamb of god you take away 7YOquIb-oMo-00081-00024008-00024335 the sin of the world have mercy on us 7YOquIb-oMo-00082-00024336-00024542 you are seated at the right hand of the 7YOquIb-oMo-00083-00024543-00024639 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00084-00024640-00024950 receive our prayer for you alone are the 7YOquIb-oMo-00085-00024951-00025063 holy one 7YOquIb-oMo-00086-00025064-00025367 you alone are the lord you alone are the 7YOquIb-oMo-00087-00025368-00025407 most 7YOquIb-oMo-00088-00025408-00025750 high jesus christ with the holy spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00089-00025751-00026351 in the glory of god the father amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00090-00026352-00026831 let us pray 7YOquIb-oMo-00091-00026832-00027095 lord you have taught us that all our 7YOquIb-oMo-00092-00027095-00027190 doings 7YOquIb-oMo-00093-00027191-00027543 without love are nothing worth 7YOquIb-oMo-00094-00027544-00027846 send your holy spirit and pour into our 7YOquIb-oMo-00095-00027847-00027958 hearts that most 7YOquIb-oMo-00096-00027960-00028246 excellent gift of love the true bond of 7YOquIb-oMo-00097-00028247-00028318 peace 7YOquIb-oMo-00098-00028319-00028631 and of all virtues without which 7YOquIb-oMo-00099-00028632-00029062 whoever lives is counted dead before you 7YOquIb-oMo-00100-00029063-00029302 grant this for your only sons jesus 7YOquIb-oMo-00101-00029304-00029455 christ's sake 7YOquIb-oMo-00102-00029456-00029702 who is alive and reigns with you in the 7YOquIb-oMo-00103-00029704-00029879 unity of the holy spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00104-00029880-00030423 one god now and forever amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00105-00030424-00030670 let us now listen to the gospel passage 7YOquIb-oMo-00106-00030672-00031470 for this sunday 7YOquIb-oMo-00107-00031472-00031751 hear the gospel of our lord jesus christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00108-00031752-00032055 according to mark 7YOquIb-oMo-00109-00032056-00032502 glory to you o lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00110-00032503-00032823 he also said this is what the kingdom of 7YOquIb-oMo-00111-00032824-00032990 god is like 7YOquIb-oMo-00112-00032991-00033311 a man scatters seed on the ground 7YOquIb-oMo-00113-00033312-00033559 night and day whether he sleeps or gets 7YOquIb-oMo-00114-00033560-00033623 up 7YOquIb-oMo-00115-00033624-00033927 the seed sprouts and grows though he 7YOquIb-oMo-00116-00033928-00034174 does not know how 7YOquIb-oMo-00117-00034175-00034574 all by itself the soil produces grain 7YOquIb-oMo-00118-00034575-00034855 first the stalk then the head then the 7YOquIb-oMo-00119-00034856-00035102 full kernel in the head 7YOquIb-oMo-00120-00035103-00035399 as soon as the grain is ripe he puts the 7YOquIb-oMo-00121-00035400-00035502 sickle to it 7YOquIb-oMo-00122-00035503-00035887 because the harvest has come 7YOquIb-oMo-00123-00035888-00036167 again he said what shall we say the 7YOquIb-oMo-00124-00036168-00036390 kingdom of god is like 7YOquIb-oMo-00125-00036391-00036639 or what parable shall we use to describe 7YOquIb-oMo-00126-00036640-00036855 it 7YOquIb-oMo-00127-00036856-00037151 it is like a mustard seed which is the 7YOquIb-oMo-00128-00037152-00037479 smallest of all seeds on earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00129-00037480-00037823 yet when planted it grows and becomes 7YOquIb-oMo-00130-00037824-00038118 the largest of all garden plants 7YOquIb-oMo-00131-00038119-00038374 with such big branches that the birds 7YOquIb-oMo-00132-00038375-00038783 can perch in its shade 7YOquIb-oMo-00133-00038784-00039030 with many similar parables jesus spoke 7YOquIb-oMo-00134-00039031-00039183 the word to them 7YOquIb-oMo-00135-00039184-00039559 as much as they could understand 7YOquIb-oMo-00136-00039560-00039830 he did not say anything to them without 7YOquIb-oMo-00137-00039831-00040055 using a parable 7YOquIb-oMo-00138-00040056-00040239 but when he was alone with his own 7YOquIb-oMo-00139-00040240-00040383 disciples he 7YOquIb-oMo-00140-00040384-00040743 explained everything 7YOquIb-oMo-00141-00040744-00041135 this is the gospel of the lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00142-00041136-00041983 praise to you o christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00143-00041984-00042255 now o lord take my lips and speak 7YOquIb-oMo-00144-00042256-00042399 through them 7YOquIb-oMo-00145-00042400-00042751 take our minds and think through them 7YOquIb-oMo-00146-00042752-00043039 take our hearts and set them on fire 7YOquIb-oMo-00147-00043040-00043483 with love for you 7YOquIb-oMo-00148-00043484-00043807 amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00149-00043808-00044118 in today's gospel mark presents us with 7YOquIb-oMo-00150-00044119-00044151 two 7YOquIb-oMo-00151-00044152-00044495 sixteen parables of jesus 7YOquIb-oMo-00152-00044496-00044767 both of them express jesus deep faith 7YOquIb-oMo-00153-00044768-00044839 his deep 7YOquIb-oMo-00154-00044840-00045279 trust in god his father 7YOquIb-oMo-00155-00045280-00045583 with them jesus wants to sow 7YOquIb-oMo-00156-00045584-00045911 this trust also in his listeners 7YOquIb-oMo-00157-00045912-00046279 in us the first 7YOquIb-oMo-00158-00046280-00046558 parable of the self-growing seat 7YOquIb-oMo-00159-00046559-00046655 concentrates 7YOquIb-oMo-00160-00046656-00046999 on the essentials sleeping 7YOquIb-oMo-00161-00047000-00047383 and rising and admiring the wonderful 7YOquIb-oMo-00162-00047384-00047646 growth 7YOquIb-oMo-00163-00047647-00048127 the one who lets grow is god 7YOquIb-oMo-00164-00048128-00048430 transferred to the kingdom of god the 7YOquIb-oMo-00165-00048431-00048486 one 7YOquIb-oMo-00166-00048487-00048935 who sows the kingdom of god is god 7YOquIb-oMo-00167-00048936-00049335 the one you can only marvel and rejoice 7YOquIb-oMo-00168-00049336-00049639 at the wonderful growth is the person 7YOquIb-oMo-00169-00049640-00049958 who receives it 7YOquIb-oMo-00170-00049959-00050295 by this we both belong to god's harvest 7YOquIb-oMo-00171-00050296-00050462 for his kingdom 7YOquIb-oMo-00172-00050463-00050951 and we also receive it 7YOquIb-oMo-00173-00050952-00051214 what is important is that all of jesus 7YOquIb-oMo-00174-00051215-00051382 parables 7YOquIb-oMo-00175-00051383-00051838 are about processes and these processes 7YOquIb-oMo-00176-00051839-00052350 are associated with the kingdom of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00177-00052351-00052591 so here too it is not so much about the 7YOquIb-oMo-00178-00052591-00052663 sower 7YOquIb-oMo-00179-00052664-00053038 or the seed but rather that something 7YOquIb-oMo-00180-00053039-00053103 grows 7YOquIb-oMo-00181-00053104-00053582 out of the seed when it is sown 7YOquIb-oMo-00182-00053583-00053919 it is about the miracle of growth 7YOquIb-oMo-00183-00053920-00054335 until the time of harvest 7YOquIb-oMo-00184-00054336-00054607 it is about the fact that this process 7YOquIb-oMo-00185-00054608-00054663 is 7YOquIb-oMo-00186-00054664-00055023 practically automatic guaranteed 7YOquIb-oMo-00187-00055024-00055407 by nature we 7YOquIb-oMo-00188-00055408-00055799 can just marvel and gratefully accept 7YOquIb-oMo-00189-00055800-00056159 from god who gives the growth 7YOquIb-oMo-00190-00056160-00056487 until the time of harvest the time 7YOquIb-oMo-00191-00056488-00056942 of completion has come 7YOquIb-oMo-00192-00056944-00057166 by transferring this process to the 7YOquIb-oMo-00193-00057167-00057382 kingdom of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00194-00057383-00057782 jesus expresses his firm trust 7YOquIb-oMo-00195-00057783-00058215 that god's kingdom will grow and mature 7YOquIb-oMo-00196-00058216-00058582 because god gives and guarantees 7YOquIb-oMo-00197-00058583-00058919 that kind of growing and maturing 7YOquIb-oMo-00198-00058920-00059254 that we cannot do ourselves 7YOquIb-oMo-00199-00059255-00059663 but can only accept 7YOquIb-oMo-00200-00059664-00060030 jesus expresses his firm trust 7YOquIb-oMo-00201-00060032-00060430 that god will surely bring his creation 7YOquIb-oMo-00202-00060432-00061006 to its good completion 7YOquIb-oMo-00203-00061007-00061238 the second parable is the more familiar 7YOquIb-oMo-00204-00061239-00061319 one 7YOquIb-oMo-00205-00061320-00061638 about the mustard seed which is 7YOquIb-oMo-00206-00061639-00061903 the smallest seed but from which 7YOquIb-oMo-00207-00061904-00062182 something great grows 7YOquIb-oMo-00208-00062183-00062454 towering above everything else that 7YOquIb-oMo-00209-00062455-00062830 grows in the garden 7YOquIb-oMo-00210-00062832-00063263 this parable wants to tell us a small 7YOquIb-oMo-00211-00063264-00063591 and inconspicuous beginning does not 7YOquIb-oMo-00212-00063591-00064159 stand in the way of the great end 7YOquIb-oMo-00213-00064160-00064494 by the way the parable sounded 7YOquIb-oMo-00214-00064495-00064942 different in galilee than it does now 7YOquIb-oMo-00215-00064944-00065215 because at the sea of genezarith they 7YOquIb-oMo-00216-00065216-00065247 are 7YOquIb-oMo-00217-00065248-00065526 mustard plants that grow to a height of 7YOquIb-oMo-00218-00065527-00065838 over 3 meters 7YOquIb-oMo-00219-00065839-00066287 so jesus is not talking about a utopia 7YOquIb-oMo-00220-00066288-00066679 but that the kingdom of god is visible 7YOquIb-oMo-00221-00066680-00067047 and real 7YOquIb-oMo-00222-00067048-00067287 with the contrast between the tiny 7YOquIb-oMo-00223-00067288-00067526 mustard seed at the beginning 7YOquIb-oMo-00224-00067527-00067894 and the huge plant at the end 7YOquIb-oMo-00225-00067895-00068350 jesus wants to say if god can make 7YOquIb-oMo-00226-00068351-00068655 such an enormous plant grow from such a 7YOquIb-oMo-00227-00068656-00068919 small seed 7YOquIb-oMo-00228-00068920-00069182 why wouldn't he also make something of 7YOquIb-oMo-00229-00069183-00069326 the small beginnings 7YOquIb-oMo-00230-00069327-00069815 of his kingdom on earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00231-00069816-00070079 the image of the branches and whose 7YOquIb-oMo-00232-00070080-00070343 shapes the birds can sit 7YOquIb-oMo-00233-00070344-00070615 is encountered quite often in the old 7YOquIb-oMo-00234-00070616-00070879 testament 7YOquIb-oMo-00235-00070880-00071135 it stands for god's home and for his 7YOquIb-oMo-00236-00071136-00071438 sheltering kingdom 7YOquIb-oMo-00237-00071439-00071662 the connection of this image with the 7YOquIb-oMo-00238-00071663-00071767 mustard seed 7YOquIb-oMo-00239-00071768-00072079 and the mustard plant is that god's 7YOquIb-oMo-00240-00072080-00072143 kingdom 7YOquIb-oMo-00241-00072144-00072591 begins subtly but it grows 7YOquIb-oMo-00242-00072592-00072967 because god gives the gift of growing 7YOquIb-oMo-00243-00072968-00073119 and maturing 7YOquIb-oMo-00244-00073120-00073494 into something mighty which offers home 7YOquIb-oMo-00245-00073495-00073799 and protection for all who live in its 7YOquIb-oMo-00246-00073800-00074191 shape 7YOquIb-oMo-00247-00074192-00074382 what else strikes me about the two 7YOquIb-oMo-00248-00074383-00074543 parables 7YOquIb-oMo-00249-00074544-00074775 is the reference to the creation 7YOquIb-oMo-00250-00074776-00074894 narratives 7YOquIb-oMo-00251-00074895-00075262 in the book of genesis the rhythm of 7YOquIb-oMo-00252-00075263-00075575 lying down and rising up recalls 7YOquIb-oMo-00253-00075576-00075838 the night day rhythm of the first 7YOquIb-oMo-00254-00075839-00076150 creation narrative 7YOquIb-oMo-00255-00076151-00076423 and there was evening and there was 7YOquIb-oMo-00256-00076424-00076662 morning 7YOquIb-oMo-00257-00076663-00077071 the growing of the seed reminds us of 7YOquIb-oMo-00258-00077072-00077415 the creation process 7YOquIb-oMo-00259-00077416-00077631 the great mustard plant in whose shape 7YOquIb-oMo-00260-00077632-00077767 the birds find 7YOquIb-oMo-00261-00077768-00078143 home and shelter we cause the garden 7YOquIb-oMo-00262-00078144-00078303 that god created 7YOquIb-oMo-00263-00078304-00078606 in the second creation narrative and 7YOquIb-oMo-00264-00078607-00079071 the tree of life in it 7YOquIb-oMo-00265-00079072-00079294 looking at the creation narratives helps 7YOquIb-oMo-00266-00079295-00079431 to understand 7YOquIb-oMo-00267-00079432-00079903 that the parables today in our reading 7YOquIb-oMo-00268-00079904-00080206 do not deny our cooperation 7YOquIb-oMo-00269-00080207-00080526 or involvement as god's instruments 7YOquIb-oMo-00270-00080527-00080926 and messengers it is just not mentioned 7YOquIb-oMo-00271-00080927-00081047 here 7YOquIb-oMo-00272-00081048-00081350 because the emphasis is on god's 7YOquIb-oMo-00273-00081351-00081615 activity 7YOquIb-oMo-00274-00081616-00081935 an activity which makes everything else 7YOquIb-oMo-00275-00081936-00082279 possible trust 7YOquIb-oMo-00276-00082280-00082582 in this reality trust in god's 7YOquIb-oMo-00277-00082583-00082679 faithfulness 7YOquIb-oMo-00278-00082680-00082999 and in his creative power 7YOquIb-oMo-00279-00083000-00083399 is the basis for everything else 7YOquIb-oMo-00280-00083400-00083767 also for our cooperation 7YOquIb-oMo-00281-00083768-00084262 in the vineyard of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00282-00084263-00084735 only if i dare to take the leap of faith 7YOquIb-oMo-00283-00084736-00085006 to take that very first step out of 7YOquIb-oMo-00284-00085007-00085206 trust 7YOquIb-oMo-00285-00085207-00085631 like abraham did for example only then 7YOquIb-oMo-00286-00085632-00086006 can i play my role within god's plan 7YOquIb-oMo-00287-00086007-00086503 for growth and love and life 7YOquIb-oMo-00288-00086504-00086711 it was only through this trust that 7YOquIb-oMo-00289-00086712-00086911 jesus was able to go 7YOquIb-oMo-00290-00086912-00087247 his way off the cross and 7YOquIb-oMo-00291-00087248-00087479 he did not end up in chaos and 7YOquIb-oMo-00292-00087480-00087638 destruction 7YOquIb-oMo-00293-00087639-00088071 he came to life 7YOquIb-oMo-00294-00088072-00088350 the past year has made it very clear to 7YOquIb-oMo-00295-00088351-00088399 the whole 7YOquIb-oMo-00296-00088400-00088862 world that very small things 7YOquIb-oMo-00297-00088863-00089126 which are not even visible can have a 7YOquIb-oMo-00298-00089127-00089182 very 7YOquIb-oMo-00299-00089183-00089615 big effect mostly however 7YOquIb-oMo-00300-00089616-00089991 we only ever become aware of this 7YOquIb-oMo-00301-00089992-00090423 when the effect is negative 7YOquIb-oMo-00302-00090424-00090694 the parables of today's gospel however 7YOquIb-oMo-00303-00090695-00090838 want to show us that this 7YOquIb-oMo-00304-00090839-00091182 principle of smallest course greatest 7YOquIb-oMo-00305-00091183-00091335 effect 7YOquIb-oMo-00306-00091336-00091655 also applies to the positive and 7YOquIb-oMo-00307-00091656-00092126 the good and to the kingdom of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00308-00092127-00092431 that means to our faith that the good 7YOquIb-oMo-00309-00092432-00092550 news of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00310-00092551-00093882 will prevail in the world 7YOquIb-oMo-00311-00093883-00095282 amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00312-00095283-00096682 oh 7YOquIb-oMo-00313-00096683-00098082 is 7YOquIb-oMo-00314-00098083-00098695 is 7YOquIb-oMo-00316-00102283-00102624 is 7YOquIb-oMo-00318-00106483-00108071 oh 7YOquIb-oMo-00319-00108072-00108447 thank you elizabeth let us now 7YOquIb-oMo-00320-00108448-00108751 profess our faith and this sunday as 7YOquIb-oMo-00321-00108752-00108983 it's been some time that we have used 7YOquIb-oMo-00322-00108983-00109263 the nineteen creed indeed we will use 7YOquIb-oMo-00323-00109264-00109423 the wording 7YOquIb-oMo-00324-00109424-00109751 of our creed with the words from the 7YOquIb-oMo-00325-00109752-00109958 ninth scene creed 7YOquIb-oMo-00326-00109959-00110415 so together we say we believe in one god 7YOquIb-oMo-00327-00110416-00110719 the father the almighty maker of heaven 7YOquIb-oMo-00328-00110720-00110807 and earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00329-00110808-00111110 of all that is seen and unseen 7YOquIb-oMo-00330-00111111-00111390 we believe in one lord jesus christ the 7YOquIb-oMo-00331-00111391-00111575 only son of god 7YOquIb-oMo-00332-00111576-00111863 eternally begotten of the father god 7YOquIb-oMo-00333-00111864-00111975 from god 7YOquIb-oMo-00334-00111976-00112319 light from light true god from true god 7YOquIb-oMo-00335-00112320-00112599 begotten not made of one being with the 7YOquIb-oMo-00336-00112600-00112710 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00337-00112711-00113015 through him all things were made for us 7YOquIb-oMo-00338-00113016-00113286 and for our salvation he came down from 7YOquIb-oMo-00339-00113288-00113383 heaven 7YOquIb-oMo-00340-00113383-00113615 was incarnate from the holy spirit and 7YOquIb-oMo-00341-00113616-00113751 the virgin mary 7YOquIb-oMo-00342-00113752-00114063 and was made man for our sake he was 7YOquIb-oMo-00343-00114064-00114319 crucified under pontius pilate 7YOquIb-oMo-00344-00114320-00114607 he suffered death and was buried on the 7YOquIb-oMo-00345-00114608-00114758 third day he rose again 7YOquIb-oMo-00346-00114759-00115007 in accordance with the scriptures he 7YOquIb-oMo-00347-00115008-00115166 ascended into heaven 7YOquIb-oMo-00348-00115167-00115375 and is seated at the right hand of the 7YOquIb-oMo-00349-00115376-00115486 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00350-00115488-00115775 he will come again in glory to judge the 7YOquIb-oMo-00351-00115776-00115831 living 7YOquIb-oMo-00352-00115832-00116095 and the dead and his kingdom will have 7YOquIb-oMo-00353-00116096-00116247 no end 7YOquIb-oMo-00354-00116248-00116543 we believe in the holy spirit the lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00355-00116544-00116702 the believer of life 7YOquIb-oMo-00356-00116703-00116990 who proceeds from the father and the son 7YOquIb-oMo-00357-00116991-00117183 who with the father and the son is 7YOquIb-oMo-00358-00117183-00117390 worshiped and glorified 7YOquIb-oMo-00359-00117391-00117663 who has spoken through the prophets we 7YOquIb-oMo-00360-00117664-00117863 believe in one holy catholic and 7YOquIb-oMo-00361-00117864-00118031 apostolic church 7YOquIb-oMo-00362-00118032-00118239 we acknowledge our baptism for the 7YOquIb-oMo-00363-00118240-00118415 forgiveness of sins 7YOquIb-oMo-00364-00118416-00118663 we look for the resurrection of the dead 7YOquIb-oMo-00365-00118664-00118871 and the life of the world to come 7YOquIb-oMo-00366-00118872-00119263 amen so let us now pray for the church 7YOquIb-oMo-00367-00119264-00119423 and for the world 7YOquIb-oMo-00368-00119424-00119783 and let us thank god for his goodness 7YOquIb-oMo-00369-00119783-00120110 thank you to rosemary for preparing the 7YOquIb-oMo-00370-00120111-00121271 prayers and to join us who will read 7YOquIb-oMo-00371-00121272-00121519 in the power of the spirit and in union 7YOquIb-oMo-00372-00121520-00121639 with christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00373-00121640-00122014 let us pray to the father 7YOquIb-oMo-00374-00122015-00122286 heavenly father we pray for all in 7YOquIb-oMo-00375-00122288-00122431 authority 7YOquIb-oMo-00376-00122432-00122710 in this and every land that they may 7YOquIb-oMo-00377-00122711-00122975 serve their peoples faithfully 7YOquIb-oMo-00378-00122976-00123383 give wisdom and insight integrity 7YOquIb-oMo-00379-00123383-00123478 strength 7YOquIb-oMo-00380-00123479-00123799 of purpose and passion 7YOquIb-oMo-00381-00123800-00124151 for justice so that all may be blessed 7YOquIb-oMo-00382-00124152-00124358 with adequate resources 7YOquIb-oMo-00383-00124359-00124895 to live their lives in peace and harmony 7YOquIb-oMo-00384-00124896-00125143 especially we ask your blessing on the 7YOquIb-oMo-00385-00125144-00125495 world leaders meeting at the g7 summit 7YOquIb-oMo-00386-00125496-00125775 this week grant that they may work 7YOquIb-oMo-00387-00125776-00125919 together in a spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00388-00125920-00126271 of real cooperation so that amicable 7YOquIb-oMo-00389-00126272-00126358 solutions 7YOquIb-oMo-00390-00126359-00126631 may be found for the problems facing us 7YOquIb-oMo-00391-00126632-00126847 today 7YOquIb-oMo-00392-00126848-00127247 lord hear us lord graciously hear 7YOquIb-oMo-00393-00127248-00127551 us heavenly father 7YOquIb-oMo-00394-00127552-00127719 we thank you for the wonderful world 7YOquIb-oMo-00395-00127720-00127902 that you have created 7YOquIb-oMo-00396-00127903-00128158 for the splendor of the lofty mountains 7YOquIb-oMo-00397-00128159-00128319 and wide oceans 7YOquIb-oMo-00398-00128320-00128558 for the beauty of nature in all its 7YOquIb-oMo-00399-00128559-00128695 myriad forms 7YOquIb-oMo-00400-00128696-00128910 and for the resources that bless our 7YOquIb-oMo-00401-00128911-00129110 daily lives 7YOquIb-oMo-00402-00129111-00129407 we confess our shame that at the way we 7YOquIb-oMo-00403-00129408-00129702 misuse and maltreat our environment 7YOquIb-oMo-00404-00129703-00129886 help us to find ways of combating 7YOquIb-oMo-00405-00129888-00130014 climate change 7YOquIb-oMo-00406-00130015-00130283 the earth's balance may be restored once 7YOquIb-oMo-00407-00130283-00130534 again 7YOquIb-oMo-00408-00130535-00130814 inspire all people to work both 7YOquIb-oMo-00409-00130815-00130943 individually 7YOquIb-oMo-00410-00130944-00131335 and cooperatively as good stewards 7YOquIb-oMo-00411-00131336-00131743 of earth's bounty 7YOquIb-oMo-00412-00131744-00132087 lord hear us lord graciously 7YOquIb-oMo-00413-00132088-00132407 hear us heavenly father 7YOquIb-oMo-00414-00132408-00132647 we thank you for the parables of jesus 7YOquIb-oMo-00415-00132648-00132823 which help us to understand 7YOquIb-oMo-00416-00132824-00133127 deep truths about your kingdom grant 7YOquIb-oMo-00417-00133128-00133302 that our understanding may lead us to 7YOquIb-oMo-00418-00133303-00133447 firm of faith in you 7YOquIb-oMo-00419-00133448-00133599 and commitment to spreading the good 7YOquIb-oMo-00420-00133600-00133831 news of the gospel in ways appropriate 7YOquIb-oMo-00421-00133832-00134054 for our time 7YOquIb-oMo-00422-00134055-00134302 inspire our faltering tongues and help 7YOquIb-oMo-00423-00134303-00134487 us to live lives that speak of your love 7YOquIb-oMo-00424-00134488-00134702 for all 7YOquIb-oMo-00425-00134703-00135135 lord hear us lord graciously hear us 7YOquIb-oMo-00426-00135136-00135390 heavenly father we thank you for our 7YOquIb-oMo-00427-00135391-00135566 families and friends and for all the 7YOquIb-oMo-00428-00135567-00135887 blessings we enjoy in the community 7YOquIb-oMo-00429-00135888-00136111 we pray for all who work to make this a 7YOquIb-oMo-00430-00136112-00136319 good place in which to live 7YOquIb-oMo-00431-00136320-00136583 our town council and all who provide 7YOquIb-oMo-00432-00136584-00136831 services on which we depend 7YOquIb-oMo-00433-00136832-00137078 especially we thank you for all who have 7YOquIb-oMo-00434-00137079-00137311 worked so hard during the pandemic 7YOquIb-oMo-00435-00137312-00137559 to make sure everyone is cared for and 7YOquIb-oMo-00436-00137560-00137759 we pray that key workers in hospitals 7YOquIb-oMo-00437-00137760-00137854 and clinics 7YOquIb-oMo-00438-00137855-00138031 may have strength and stamina for their 7YOquIb-oMo-00439-00138032-00138302 healing ministry 7YOquIb-oMo-00440-00138303-00138823 lord heal us lord graciously hear us 7YOquIb-oMo-00441-00138824-00139119 heavenly father we remember our sisters 7YOquIb-oMo-00442-00139120-00139190 and brothers 7YOquIb-oMo-00443-00139191-00139502 in nama lemba uganda and rachel and 7YOquIb-oMo-00444-00139503-00139631 livingston 7YOquIb-oMo-00445-00139632-00139990 who work with them we pray that they 7YOquIb-oMo-00446-00139991-00140214 all may be able to cope at this time of 7YOquIb-oMo-00447-00140215-00140414 pandemic 7YOquIb-oMo-00448-00140415-00140623 protect them in danger and ground them 7YOquIb-oMo-00449-00140624-00141087 all resources they desperately need 7YOquIb-oMo-00450-00141088-00141647 lord hear us lord graciously hear us 7YOquIb-oMo-00451-00141648-00141911 heavenly father we pray for all who are 7YOquIb-oMo-00452-00141912-00142111 ill at this time 7YOquIb-oMo-00453-00142112-00142463 we think of all those known to ourselves 7YOquIb-oMo-00454-00142464-00142543 and to god 7YOquIb-oMo-00455-00142544-00142839 in our community who are afflicted by 7YOquIb-oMo-00456-00142840-00143199 the pandemic 7YOquIb-oMo-00457-00143200-00143511 comfort them in their suffering 7YOquIb-oMo-00458-00143512-00144054 and grasp them a swift return to hell 7YOquIb-oMo-00459-00144055-00144263 give to all who have the care of the 7YOquIb-oMo-00460-00144264-00144454 sick at home or in hospital 7YOquIb-oMo-00461-00144455-00145159 the skills and patience they need 7YOquIb-oMo-00462-00145160-00145759 lord hear us lord graciously hear us 7YOquIb-oMo-00463-00145760-00145990 heavenly father we give thanks for the 7YOquIb-oMo-00464-00145991-00146247 lives of those who have died remembering 7YOquIb-oMo-00465-00146248-00147083 all those known to god and in our 7YOquIb-oMo-00466-00147084-00147231 community 7YOquIb-oMo-00467-00147232-00147647 grant them peaceful rest with you 7YOquIb-oMo-00468-00147648-00148566 and comfort all who mourn their passing 7YOquIb-oMo-00469-00148567-00149119 lord hear us lord graciously hear us 7YOquIb-oMo-00470-00149120-00149319 rejoicing in the fellowship of saint 7YOquIb-oMo-00471-00149320-00149502 mary and all the saints 7YOquIb-oMo-00472-00149503-00149678 we commend ourselves in the whole of 7YOquIb-oMo-00473-00149679-00150031 creation to your unfailing love 7YOquIb-oMo-00474-00150032-00150383 merciful father accept these prayers 7YOquIb-oMo-00475-00150384-00150687 for the sake of your son our savior 7YOquIb-oMo-00476-00150688-00151695 jesus christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00477-00151696-00152039 christ is our peace he has reconciled us 7YOquIb-oMo-00478-00152040-00152190 to god in one body 7YOquIb-oMo-00479-00152191-00152519 by the cross we meet in his name and 7YOquIb-oMo-00480-00152520-00152807 share his peace and the peace of the 7YOquIb-oMo-00481-00152808-00152887 lord be 7YOquIb-oMo-00482-00152888-00153239 always with you and also with you 7YOquIb-oMo-00483-00153240-00153487 and let us now offer one another a sign 7YOquIb-oMo-00484-00153488-00153575 of peace so 7YOquIb-oMo-00485-00153576-00153831 it's a moment for you to send messages 7YOquIb-oMo-00486-00153832-00154254 of peace to each other 7YOquIb-oMo-00487-00154255-00156883 peace be with you 7YOquIb-oMo-00488-00156884-00158366 so 7YOquIb-oMo-00489-00158367-00158639 lord jesus you nourish us at the table 7YOquIb-oMo-00490-00158640-00158783 of your word 7YOquIb-oMo-00491-00158784-00159095 as we feed on you the bread of life may 7YOquIb-oMo-00492-00159096-00159126 we 7YOquIb-oMo-00493-00159127-00159631 daily grow into your likeness amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00494-00159632-00159983 and together wherever you are at home or 7YOquIb-oMo-00495-00159984-00160271 other place let us make our spiritual 7YOquIb-oMo-00496-00160272-00160478 offering 7YOquIb-oMo-00497-00160479-00160775 lord jesus christ you said to your 7YOquIb-oMo-00498-00160776-00160895 disciples 7YOquIb-oMo-00499-00160896-00161199 i am with you always be with 7YOquIb-oMo-00500-00161200-00161590 me today as i offer myself to you 7YOquIb-oMo-00501-00161591-00161823 hear my prayers for others and for 7YOquIb-oMo-00502-00161824-00161926 myself 7YOquIb-oMo-00503-00161927-00162343 and keep me in your care amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00504-00162344-00162671 the lord is here his spirit is with us 7YOquIb-oMo-00505-00162672-00162887 lift up your hearts we lift them to the 7YOquIb-oMo-00506-00162888-00163159 lord let us give thanks to the lord our 7YOquIb-oMo-00507-00163160-00163199 god 7YOquIb-oMo-00508-00163200-00163478 it is right to give thanks and praise 7YOquIb-oMo-00509-00163479-00163583 father you made 7YOquIb-oMo-00510-00163584-00163863 the world and love your creation you 7YOquIb-oMo-00511-00163864-00164023 gave your son jesus christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00512-00164024-00164375 to be our savior his dying and rising 7YOquIb-oMo-00513-00164376-00164663 have set us free from sin and death and 7YOquIb-oMo-00514-00164664-00164878 so we gladly thank you 7YOquIb-oMo-00515-00164879-00165183 with saints and angels praising you 7YOquIb-oMo-00516-00165184-00165535 and saying holy holy 7YOquIb-oMo-00517-00165536-00165878 holy lord god of power and might 7YOquIb-oMo-00518-00165879-00166166 heaven and earth are full of your glory 7YOquIb-oMo-00519-00166167-00166254 hosanna 7YOquIb-oMo-00520-00166255-00166551 in the highest blessed is he who comes 7YOquIb-oMo-00521-00166552-00166711 in the name of the lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00522-00166712-00167031 hosanna in the highest 7YOquIb-oMo-00523-00167032-00167319 we praise and bless you loving father 7YOquIb-oMo-00524-00167320-00167599 through jesus christ our lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00525-00167600-00167919 and as we obey his command send your 7YOquIb-oMo-00526-00167920-00168063 holy spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00527-00168064-00168302 that broken bread and wine outpoured 7YOquIb-oMo-00528-00168303-00168383 maybe for us 7YOquIb-oMo-00529-00168384-00168831 the body and blood of your dear son 7YOquIb-oMo-00530-00168832-00169078 on the night before he died he had 7YOquIb-oMo-00531-00169079-00169254 supper with his friends 7YOquIb-oMo-00532-00169255-00169575 and taking bread he praised you 7YOquIb-oMo-00533-00169576-00169814 he broke the bread gave it to them and 7YOquIb-oMo-00534-00169815-00169895 said 7YOquIb-oMo-00535-00169896-00170199 take eat this is 7YOquIb-oMo-00536-00170200-00170583 my body which is given for you 7YOquIb-oMo-00537-00170584-00171414 do this in remembrance of me 7YOquIb-oMo-00538-00171415-00171631 when supper was ended he took the cup of 7YOquIb-oMo-00539-00171632-00171751 wine 7YOquIb-oMo-00540-00171752-00172023 again he praised you gave it to them and 7YOquIb-oMo-00541-00172024-00172119 said 7YOquIb-oMo-00542-00172120-00172511 drink this all of you this is my blood 7YOquIb-oMo-00543-00172512-00172687 of the new covenant 7YOquIb-oMo-00544-00172688-00172902 which is shared for you and for many for 7YOquIb-oMo-00545-00172903-00173151 the forgiveness of sins 7YOquIb-oMo-00546-00173152-00173414 do this as often as you drink it in 7YOquIb-oMo-00547-00173415-00174223 remembrance of me 7YOquIb-oMo-00548-00174224-00174566 so father we remember all that jesus did 7YOquIb-oMo-00549-00174567-00174799 in him we plead with confidence his 7YOquIb-oMo-00550-00174800-00174919 sacrifice 7YOquIb-oMo-00551-00174920-00175287 made once for all upon the cross 7YOquIb-oMo-00552-00175288-00175495 bringing before you the bread of life 7YOquIb-oMo-00553-00175496-00175695 and cup of salvation 7YOquIb-oMo-00554-00175696-00175975 we proclaim his death and resurrection 7YOquIb-oMo-00555-00175976-00176295 until he comes in glory 7YOquIb-oMo-00556-00176296-00176599 great is the mystery of faith 7YOquIb-oMo-00557-00176600-00176999 christ has died christ is risen 7YOquIb-oMo-00558-00177000-00177335 christ will come again 7YOquIb-oMo-00559-00177336-00177599 lord of all life help us to work 7YOquIb-oMo-00560-00177600-00177663 together 7YOquIb-oMo-00561-00177664-00177966 for that day when your kingdom comes and 7YOquIb-oMo-00562-00177967-00178159 justice and mercy will be seen in all 7YOquIb-oMo-00563-00178160-00178287 the earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00564-00178288-00178583 look with favor on your people gather us 7YOquIb-oMo-00565-00178584-00178766 in your loving arms and bring us 7YOquIb-oMo-00566-00178767-00179023 with all the saints to feast at your 7YOquIb-oMo-00567-00179024-00179087 table 7YOquIb-oMo-00568-00179088-00179414 in heaven through christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00569-00179415-00179695 and with christ and in christ in the 7YOquIb-oMo-00570-00179696-00179887 unity of the holy spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00571-00179888-00180159 all honor and glory are yours o loving 7YOquIb-oMo-00572-00180160-00180247 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00573-00180248-00180831 for ever and ever 7YOquIb-oMo-00574-00180832-00181054 and together let us now pray with 7YOquIb-oMo-00575-00181055-00181271 confidence as our savior 7YOquIb-oMo-00576-00181272-00181638 has taught us our father 7YOquIb-oMo-00577-00181639-00182054 who art in heaven hallowed be thy name 7YOquIb-oMo-00578-00182055-00182359 thy kingdom come thy will be done 7YOquIb-oMo-00579-00182360-00182678 on earth as it is in heaven give us this 7YOquIb-oMo-00580-00182679-00182871 day of our daily bread 7YOquIb-oMo-00581-00182872-00183159 and forgive us our trespasses as we 7YOquIb-oMo-00582-00183160-00183438 forgive those who trespass against us 7YOquIb-oMo-00583-00183439-00183695 and lead us not into temptation but 7YOquIb-oMo-00584-00183696-00183799 deliver us from 7YOquIb-oMo-00585-00183800-00184119 evil thine is the kingdom the power 7YOquIb-oMo-00586-00184120-00184654 and the glory for ever and ever amen 7YOquIb-oMo-00587-00184655-00185023 lamb of god you take away the sin of the 7YOquIb-oMo-00588-00185024-00185078 world 7YOquIb-oMo-00589-00185079-00185423 have mercy on us lamb of god you take 7YOquIb-oMo-00590-00185424-00185607 away the sin of the world 7YOquIb-oMo-00591-00185608-00185950 have mercy on us lamb of god you take 7YOquIb-oMo-00592-00185951-00186143 away the sin of the world 7YOquIb-oMo-00593-00186144-00188511 grant us peace 7YOquIb-oMo-00594-00188512-00189702 the body of christmas 7YOquIb-oMo-00595-00189703-00190126 thanks be to you lord jesus christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00596-00190127-00190383 for all the benefits you have given me 7YOquIb-oMo-00597-00190384-00190583 for the pains and insults you have borne 7YOquIb-oMo-00598-00190584-00190711 from me 7YOquIb-oMo-00599-00190712-00190863 since i cannot now receive you 7YOquIb-oMo-00600-00190864-00191063 sacramentally ask you to come 7YOquIb-oMo-00601-00191064-00191143 spiritually 7YOquIb-oMo-00602-00191144-00191502 into my heart my most merciful redeemer 7YOquIb-oMo-00603-00191503-00191743 friend and brother may i know you more 7YOquIb-oMo-00604-00191744-00191823 clearly 7YOquIb-oMo-00605-00191824-00192038 love you more dearly and follow you more 7YOquIb-oMo-00606-00192039-00192166 nearly day 7YOquIb-oMo-00607-00192167-00194941 by day 7YOquIb-oMo-00608-00194942-00196083 [Music] 7YOquIb-oMo-00609-00196084-00196590 so 7YOquIb-oMo-00610-00196591-00196887 loving father we thank you for feeding 7YOquIb-oMo-00611-00196888-00196919 us 7YOquIb-oMo-00612-00196920-00197207 at the supper of your son sustain us 7YOquIb-oMo-00613-00197208-00197350 with your spirit 7YOquIb-oMo-00614-00197351-00197614 that we may serve you here on earth 7YOquIb-oMo-00615-00197615-00197863 until our joy is complete in heaven 7YOquIb-oMo-00616-00197864-00198175 and we share in the eternal banquet with 7YOquIb-oMo-00617-00198176-00198823 jesus christ our lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00618-00198824-00199014 so let us now pray together the prayer 7YOquIb-oMo-00619-00199015-00199254 of the communion 7YOquIb-oMo-00620-00199255-00199575 god our guide you have fed us with the 7YOquIb-oMo-00621-00199576-00199711 bread from heaven 7YOquIb-oMo-00622-00199712-00200071 as you fed your people israel may we who 7YOquIb-oMo-00623-00200072-00200302 have been spiritually nourished 7YOquIb-oMo-00624-00200303-00200614 be ready to follow you all our days we 7YOquIb-oMo-00625-00200615-00200863 ask this in the name of jesus christ our 7YOquIb-oMo-00626-00200864-00201047 lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00627-00201048-00201278 and the lord bless you and watch over 7YOquIb-oMo-00628-00201279-00201375 you 7YOquIb-oMo-00629-00201376-00201695 the lord make his face shine upon you 7YOquIb-oMo-00630-00201696-00202054 and be gracious to you the lord look 7YOquIb-oMo-00631-00202055-00202535 kindly on you and give you peace 7YOquIb-oMo-00632-00202536-00202775 and the blessing of god almighty the 7YOquIb-oMo-00633-00202776-00202838 father 7YOquIb-oMo-00634-00202839-00203214 the son and the holy spirit be among you 7YOquIb-oMo-00635-00203215-00203631 and remain with you always 7YOquIb-oMo-00636-00203632-00203926 go in peace to love and serve the lord 7YOquIb-oMo-00637-00203927-00204102 in the name of christ 7YOquIb-oMo-00638-00204103-00204431 amen i wish you all a good sunday and a 7YOquIb-oMo-00639-00204432-00204511 good week 7YOquIb-oMo-00640-00204512-00204783 tomorrow the prime minister will make 7YOquIb-oMo-00641-00204784-00204990 announcements about 7YOquIb-oMo-00642-00204991-00205223 whether or not the restrictions will be 7YOquIb-oMo-00643-00205223-00205406 lifted that will also 7YOquIb-oMo-00644-00205407-00205727 have implications for our church as we 7YOquIb-oMo-00645-00205728-00205838 are 7YOquIb-oMo-00646-00205839-00206103 preparing to reopen the church in a 7YOquIb-oMo-00647-00206104-00206238 fortnight 7YOquIb-oMo-00648-00206239-00206566 so keep watch it or keep 7YOquIb-oMo-00649-00206567-00206871 an eye on our website because usually a 7YOquIb-oMo-00650-00206871-00206942 few days 7YOquIb-oMo-00651-00206944-00207279 after the announcement by the government 7YOquIb-oMo-00652-00207280-00207631 we hear more what it means for services 7YOquIb-oMo-00653-00207632-00207766 in the church and 7YOquIb-oMo-00654-00207767-00208006 so by the end of this week we should be 7YOquIb-oMo-00655-00208007-00208103 able to 7YOquIb-oMo-00656-00208104-00208327 inform everyone what we are planning to 7YOquIb-oMo-00657-00208328-00208534 do we are definitely planning to have a 7YOquIb-oMo-00658-00208535-00208710 service on the 27th 7YOquIb-oMo-00659-00208711-00209023 of june but we can't 7YOquIb-oMo-00660-00209023-00209319 tell you at the moment under which 7YOquIb-oMo-00661-00209319-00209471 restrictions 7YOquIb-oMo-00662-00209471-00209782 we will have this these services on 7YOquIb-oMo-00663-00209783-00210031 sundays from the 27th of june 7YOquIb-oMo-00664-00210032-00210375 so keep an eye on the website and 7YOquIb-oMo-00665-00210376-00210606 otherwise give me ring if you have any 7YOquIb-oMo-00666-00210607-00210679 queries 7YOquIb-oMo-00667-00210680-00211031 or send me an email have a good week and 7YOquIb-oMo-00668-00211032-00212982 all the best to you bye-bye 7YOquIb-oMo-00669-00212983-00213192 you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00000-00001336-00001629 my name is Liz I'm inainte I'm software 7bwPyaAMgA8-00001-00001630-00001804 engineer here in Portland and last year 7bwPyaAMgA8-00002-00001805-00002034 find myself in a really terrible 7bwPyaAMgA8-00003-00002035-00002374 position my CEO had made a rape joke at 7bwPyaAMgA8-00004-00002375-00002535 an all-hands meeting and I reported it 7bwPyaAMgA8-00005-00002536-00002793 to HR lots of conversations with VP of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00006-00002794-00002974 HR and I was very upset about this a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00007-00002975-00003112 number of us have said about this a few 7bwPyaAMgA8-00008-00003113-00003376 people quit over this I could not quit 7bwPyaAMgA8-00009-00003377-00003532 over this was my first job is software 7bwPyaAMgA8-00010-00003533-00003742 engineer no experience outside of this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00011-00003743-00003925 job and I was like well I'm screwed this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00012-00003926-00004105 is it goose cooked I complained about 7bwPyaAMgA8-00013-00004106-00004552 the CEO and II the company was also 7bwPyaAMgA8-00014-00004553-00004861 eighty percent Mormon white men not a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00015-00004862-00005200 place you'd picture me working that's a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00016-00005201-00005542 different story so this complaint came 7bwPyaAMgA8-00017-00005543-00005722 up in our public engineering chat room 7bwPyaAMgA8-00018-00005723-00006022 and someone at work said well if you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00019-00006023-00006166 always act like a victim people are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00020-00006167-00006376 going to treat you like a victim it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00021-00006377-00006556 like well not going to work at a place 7bwPyaAMgA8-00022-00006556-00006811 like this again so how do i prevent this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00023-00006812-00007045 from happening so let's say you're 7bwPyaAMgA8-00024-00007045-00007320 looking for a new job and you're a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00025-00007322-00007431 little bit worried that you're going to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00026-00007433-00007666 end up working for say racist company or 7bwPyaAMgA8-00027-00007667-00007981 maybe a transphobic boss or with even 7bwPyaAMgA8-00028-00007981-00008203 misogynistic bros either way you're 7bwPyaAMgA8-00029-00008204-00008368 worried about being in a toxic 7bwPyaAMgA8-00030-00008369-00008554 environment place where you're not going 7bwPyaAMgA8-00031-00008555-00008668 to thrive you're not going to be happy 7bwPyaAMgA8-00032-00008669-00008788 you're probably going to be miserable 7bwPyaAMgA8-00033-00008789-00009121 and mad all the time how can you prevent 7bwPyaAMgA8-00034-00009122-00009451 this how can we find places to work that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00035-00009452-00009652 fulfill our needs technically culturally 7bwPyaAMgA8-00036-00009653-00009880 and mentally and you know give us health 7bwPyaAMgA8-00037-00009881-00010153 benefits that actually cover things so 7bwPyaAMgA8-00038-00010154-00010446 oh that's so tiny I'm so sorry I'll read 7bwPyaAMgA8-00039-00010447-00010764 it to you so I'm going to go over a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00040-00010765-00010951 couple things mostly just a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00041-00010952-00011242 multi-pronged approach to screening 7bwPyaAMgA8-00042-00011243-00011364 companies but also interviewing 7bwPyaAMgA8-00043-00011365-00011584 successfully that you can do before 7bwPyaAMgA8-00044-00011585-00011851 during and after the interview and I'm 7bwPyaAMgA8-00045-00011852-00011986 also going to give you some tips for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00046-00011987-00012175 finding places to interview all of this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00047-00012176-00012373 has been totally scientifically tested 7bwPyaAMgA8-00048-00012374-00012694 to quote somebody yesterday Stephanie or 7bwPyaAMgA8-00049-00012695-00012940 thursday by me I tested this last time I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00050-00012941-00013169 interviewed for a job i am employed so 7bwPyaAMgA8-00051-00013169-00013630 it works so before you actually go 7bwPyaAMgA8-00052-00013631-00013847 interview research research research 7bwPyaAMgA8-00053-00013847-00014230 research find people in your network or 7bwPyaAMgA8-00054-00014231-00014441 friends of your friends in your network 7bwPyaAMgA8-00055-00014441-00014638 that know people that work there if it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00056-00014640-00014755 like your brothers sisters cousins 7bwPyaAMgA8-00057-00014756-00015025 friends neighbor that's a connection 7bwPyaAMgA8-00058-00015026-00015254 this is what LinkedIn is for this is why 7bwPyaAMgA8-00059-00015255-00015566 we use LinkedIn and submit interview 7bwPyaAMgA8-00060-00015566-00015869 requests before your actual interview so 7bwPyaAMgA8-00061-00015869-00016007 when you get that hey we want you to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00062-00016008-00016172 come into the office and meet everybody 7bwPyaAMgA8-00063-00016172-00016478 cool we're gonna interview 48 hours it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00064-00016479-00016822 gonna be so fun reply lighting they'll 7bwPyaAMgA8-00065-00016823-00016997 be like great cool I've got these 7bwPyaAMgA8-00066-00016998-00017291 requests find an interview buddy at the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00067-00017292-00017653 company if you can and if you're 7bwPyaAMgA8-00068-00017654-00017792 somebody like me who likes to write 7bwPyaAMgA8-00069-00017793-00017905 things down bring a notebook with a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00070-00017906-00018155 bunch of questions and ask all of your 7bwPyaAMgA8-00071-00018156-00018449 questions multiple times to different 7bwPyaAMgA8-00072-00018450-00018641 people in different roles with different 7bwPyaAMgA8-00073-00018642-00018791 managers and different opinions and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00074-00018792-00019072 different identities answer their 7bwPyaAMgA8-00075-00019073-00019244 questions as real as you can and try to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00076-00019245-00019430 gauge their responses if you're not the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00077-00019431-00019603 kind of person who's really great at 7bwPyaAMgA8-00078-00019604-00019775 reading people that's okay we can 7bwPyaAMgA8-00079-00019776-00020069 practice this and if it's an office 7bwPyaAMgA8-00080-00020070-00020243 environment and not distributed company 7bwPyaAMgA8-00081-00020244-00020396 try to get a feel for the office 7bwPyaAMgA8-00082-00020397-00020627 environment if it's a remote company try 7bwPyaAMgA8-00083-00020628-00020800 to get a feel for how they communicate 7bwPyaAMgA8-00084-00020801-00021074 take breaks in the process and self-care 7bwPyaAMgA8-00085-00021075-00021287 this is what you should be doing loving 7bwPyaAMgA8-00086-00021288-00021467 yourself throughout this process don't 7bwPyaAMgA8-00087-00021468-00021784 stress yourself out take time so how do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00088-00021785-00021955 we find these places so we can actually 7bwPyaAMgA8-00089-00021956-00022309 do these things who do you know where do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00090-00022310-00022480 they work where have they worked before 7bwPyaAMgA8-00091-00022481-00022672 where do they never want to work again 7bwPyaAMgA8-00092-00022673-00022919 start with that list look for places 7bwPyaAMgA8-00093-00022920-00023246 friends and friends have worked or maybe 7bwPyaAMgA8-00094-00023247-00023455 if you're not super social or you're new 7bwPyaAMgA8-00095-00023456-00023644 to the industry do you have a favorite 7bwPyaAMgA8-00096-00023645-00023797 meet up or conference like maybe alter 7bwPyaAMgA8-00097-00023798-00024053 comp who sponsors that who goes to that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00098-00024054-00024253 what kind of employee presence is there 7bwPyaAMgA8-00099-00024254-00024662 and my most favorite thing to do in the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00100-00024663-00024821 entire world activate the whisper 7bwPyaAMgA8-00101-00024822-00025019 network if you are in tuck and you have 7bwPyaAMgA8-00102-00025020-00025358 a network of friends DM email tweet IRC 7bwPyaAMgA8-00103-00025359-00025574 whatever your method ask them where they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00104-00025575-00025868 worked and get the dish this is hot hot 7bwPyaAMgA8-00105-00025869-00026083 gossip and trust me everybody does this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00106-00026083-00026354 you should do it too 7bwPyaAMgA8-00107-00026355-00026643 so before the interview this is before 7bwPyaAMgA8-00108-00026644-00026811 you walk into that door and start asking 7bwPyaAMgA8-00109-00026812-00027042 all those questions let's talk about 7bwPyaAMgA8-00110-00027043-00027189 that research that you're supposed to be 7bwPyaAMgA8-00111-00027189-00027468 doing here who works there right now and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00112-00027469-00027666 again linkedin I'm telling you this is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00113-00027667-00027833 the only thing I use it for is finding 7bwPyaAMgA8-00114-00027835-00028092 jobs who works at this company but who 7bwPyaAMgA8-00115-00028093-00028289 used to work there and why don't they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00116-00028291-00028488 work there anymore did they leave of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00117-00028489-00028635 their own volition or were they fired 7bwPyaAMgA8-00118-00028636-00028944 and why were they fired if there's any 7bwPyaAMgA8-00119-00028945-00029244 negative press about this company can 7bwPyaAMgA8-00120-00029245-00029466 you find it what does it say if there's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00121-00029467-00029708 positive press who wrote it is it always 7bwPyaAMgA8-00122-00029710-00030077 the same person are they asleep all if 7bwPyaAMgA8-00123-00030079-00030389 it's a VC funded company who do they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00124-00030391-00030648 report to who's on their board who are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00125-00030649-00030777 you going to have to deal with when you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00126-00030777-00030933 have to file a complaint about the CEO 7bwPyaAMgA8-00127-00030933-00031287 and what does the demographic of this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00128-00031288-00031502 company look like to an outsider does it 7bwPyaAMgA8-00129-00031504-00031731 look like your friends or does it look 7bwPyaAMgA8-00130-00031732-00031958 like everybody works and the Berman's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00131-00031960-00032616 chamber at Dropbox so some tactics ask 7bwPyaAMgA8-00132-00032617-00032781 to be interviewed by person from an 7bwPyaAMgA8-00133-00032782-00032937 underrepresented group even if you do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00134-00032938-00033137 not belong to an underrepresented group 7bwPyaAMgA8-00135-00033138-00033378 ideally it would be someone in the role 7bwPyaAMgA8-00136-00033379-00033567 that you're looking to fill but if it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00137-00033568-00033687 a small company that's not always 7bwPyaAMgA8-00138-00033688-00034110 possible and then maybe interview with 7bwPyaAMgA8-00139-00034111-00034248 someone from a different Department I'm 7bwPyaAMgA8-00140-00034249-00034428 an engineer and I always ask doc 7bwPyaAMgA8-00141-00034429-00034617 somebody from customer support because 7bwPyaAMgA8-00142-00034618-00034794 how that person feels about their job is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00143-00034795-00035010 way more reflective than that engineer 7bwPyaAMgA8-00144-00035011-00035481 eating Cheetos I eat the Cheetos it's me 7bwPyaAMgA8-00145-00035482-00035739 I'm the cheetah reader so take note of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00146-00035740-00035895 what happens here who do they pick for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00147-00035896-00036138 you to talk to are they a token or are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00148-00036139-00036249 they actually somebody who's generally 7bwPyaAMgA8-00149-00036250-00036405 interested in talking to and caring 7bwPyaAMgA8-00150-00036406-00036705 about their job and these interview 7bwPyaAMgA8-00151-00036706-00036876 requests like i said earlier submit them 7bwPyaAMgA8-00152-00036877-00037143 as soon as you can how do they actually 7bwPyaAMgA8-00153-00037144-00037419 respond did they give you sass because 7bwPyaAMgA8-00154-00037420-00037563 they shouldn't give you sass like these 7bwPyaAMgA8-00155-00037564-00037680 should be normal things that should be 7bwPyaAMgA8-00156-00037681-00037893 accommodating do they actually fill all 7bwPyaAMgA8-00157-00037894-00038124 of your requests if they can't fill them 7bwPyaAMgA8-00158-00038125-00038355 why can't they fill them and I know for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00159-00038356-00038523 me I really wanted to meet with people 7bwPyaAMgA8-00160-00038524-00038757 who were not dudes having come from a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00161-00038758-00038901 company where I was the only woman in 7bwPyaAMgA8-00162-00038902-00039087 the engineering team for my first six 7bwPyaAMgA8-00163-00039088-00039357 months there don't do that uh I really 7bwPyaAMgA8-00164-00039358-00039501 wanted to meet some other women that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00165-00039502-00039612 worked at the company 7bwPyaAMgA8-00166-00039613-00039880 cuz you know friendship is magic and I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00167-00039881-00040065 got to meet someone who is on my team 7bwPyaAMgA8-00168-00040066-00040212 which is really great i interviewed with 7bwPyaAMgA8-00169-00040213-00040432 her but i interviewed at another company 7bwPyaAMgA8-00170-00040433-00040798 that said well we don't have any women 7bwPyaAMgA8-00171-00040799-00041196 we can't find any I'm like all right I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00172-00041197-00041364 think your values are probably not in 7bwPyaAMgA8-00173-00041365-00041637 line with mine and my barometer here was 7bwPyaAMgA8-00174-00041638-00041935 if you're about if you're big enough to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00175-00041936-00042186 where you start having managers VPS and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00176-00042187-00042385 these are things that matter to you and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00177-00042386-00042604 you're all one type of person and that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00178-00042605-00043080 one type of person is not diverse our 7bwPyaAMgA8-00179-00043081-00043285 values are not in line thank you but no 7bwPyaAMgA8-00180-00043286-00043686 thank you so prepare a list of cultural 7bwPyaAMgA8-00181-00043687-00043824 screening questions based on your 7bwPyaAMgA8-00182-00043825-00043986 requirements and I've got some sample 7bwPyaAMgA8-00183-00043987-00044187 questions for you we will talk about 7bwPyaAMgA8-00184-00044188-00044355 here shortly and all of them are on 7bwPyaAMgA8-00185-00044356-00044560 lines don't worry do they have a chart 7bwPyaAMgA8-00186-00044561-00044782 maybe you should talk to them I always 7bwPyaAMgA8-00187-00044783-00044976 tried to speak to somebody from HR and I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00188-00044977-00045162 send the same questions asked engineers 7bwPyaAMgA8-00189-00045163-00045274 and you don't always get the same 7bwPyaAMgA8-00190-00045275-00045711 response it's very interesting before 7bwPyaAMgA8-00191-00045712-00045895 you go in always ask about the interview 7bwPyaAMgA8-00192-00045896-00046099 format you don't want to go in whether 7bwPyaAMgA8-00193-00046100-00046293 it be an hour or eight hours or four 7bwPyaAMgA8-00194-00046294-00046595 hours or heaven forbid multiple days and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00195-00046596-00046857 have no idea what's gonna happen or you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00196-00046858-00047032 do you need to bring your own lunch I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00197-00047033-00047232 always wonder if it's cold in an office 7bwPyaAMgA8-00198-00047233-00047382 because like you know you don't want to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00199-00047383-00047542 be a little modest if you're a lady and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00200-00047543-00047712 like got to make sure you're comfortable 7bwPyaAMgA8-00201-00047713-00047895 so ask these questions ahead of time 7bwPyaAMgA8-00202-00047896-00048113 they're not going to think you're weird 7bwPyaAMgA8-00203-00048114-00048426 during the interview it's okay if you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00204-00048427-00048771 say a cuss word I promise prepare notes 7bwPyaAMgA8-00205-00048772-00048949 and make sure you have everything ready 7bwPyaAMgA8-00206-00048950-00049137 ahead of time I'm a person likes to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00207-00049138-00049314 write stuff down other people prefer to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00208-00049315-00049545 be more extemporaneous and just fly off 7bwPyaAMgA8-00209-00049546-00049705 the cuff but it would still recommend 7bwPyaAMgA8-00210-00049706-00049851 that you have something to reference 7bwPyaAMgA8-00211-00049852-00050101 because when you're nervous and you want 7bwPyaAMgA8-00212-00050102-00050317 to perform as good as you can or as well 7bwPyaAMgA8-00213-00050318-00050496 as you can you want to make sure you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00214-00050497-00050620 have something to reference from like I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00215-00050621-00050845 have these sweets lives to reference 7bwPyaAMgA8-00216-00050846-00051018 from and other speakers have had notes 7bwPyaAMgA8-00217-00051019-00051235 to reference from because while we trust 7bwPyaAMgA8-00218-00051236-00051483 our brilliant selves we would prefer to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00219-00051484-00051765 just be on the safe side if it's an 7bwPyaAMgA8-00220-00051766-00051915 office visit the different departments 7bwPyaAMgA8-00221-00051916-00052218 are there different floors where are the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00222-00052219-00052555 restrooms how do these things work 7bwPyaAMgA8-00223-00052557-00052763 and observe the actions happening around 7bwPyaAMgA8-00224-00052764-00053009 you as the environment changes if you go 7bwPyaAMgA8-00225-00053010-00053204 over to the design department is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00226-00053204-00053390 everybody super excited and happy to be 7bwPyaAMgA8-00227-00053391-00053513 there of course they are cuz they're 7bwPyaAMgA8-00228-00053514-00053987 playing with fonts I live for fonts I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00229-00053988-00054229 spent four hours picking this pond uh 7bwPyaAMgA8-00230-00054229-00054916 not a joke um or is it really sad and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00231-00054917-00055124 depressing over there the designers just 7bwPyaAMgA8-00232-00055125-00055352 huddled over there like working on their 7bwPyaAMgA8-00233-00055353-00055741 things and just my life or is it a party 7bwPyaAMgA8-00234-00055742-00055901 in engineering and depressing and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00235-00055902-00056066 customer support what's it like how do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00236-00056066-00056378 these departments very and take your 7bwPyaAMgA8-00237-00056379-00056573 time and provide real answers to their 7bwPyaAMgA8-00238-00056574-00056761 questions no I'm not talking about like 7bwPyaAMgA8-00239-00056762-00057032 make us reimplement the shuffle method 7bwPyaAMgA8-00240-00057033-00057194 how would you prove that something is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00241-00057195-00057344 random I don't give a if it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00242-00057345-00057641 random what I care about is answering 7bwPyaAMgA8-00243-00057641-00057800 the questions in a way that is as real 7bwPyaAMgA8-00244-00057801-00058115 to me as I can possibly answer but only 7bwPyaAMgA8-00245-00058116-00058448 do this if you feel like you can I am a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00246-00058449-00058733 married white lady and I'm married to a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00247-00058734-00058952 man so I'm very fortunate and that I can 7bwPyaAMgA8-00248-00058953-00059216 walk into a room be like Walt this is me 7bwPyaAMgA8-00249-00059216-00059549 what's up and I can do that but not 7bwPyaAMgA8-00250-00059550-00059779 everybody can so if you do not feel safe 7bwPyaAMgA8-00251-00059780-00060038 in emphasizing the things that are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00252-00060039-00060176 important to you or if you feel forced 7bwPyaAMgA8-00253-00060177-00060560 out yourself you do not have to you do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00254-00060561-00060884 not have to do this you can find 7bwPyaAMgA8-00255-00060885-00061025 somebody internally to ask those 7bwPyaAMgA8-00256-00061026-00061192 questions for you this is an interview 7bwPyaAMgA8-00257-00061194-00061469 buddy that I spoke about earlier in an 7bwPyaAMgA8-00258-00061470-00061625 ideal world we would all know at least 7bwPyaAMgA8-00259-00061626-00061787 one person at the company we were 7bwPyaAMgA8-00260-00061788-00062029 interviewing at but if you don't I might 7bwPyaAMgA8-00261-00062030-00062261 I can help you I'm sure lots of people 7bwPyaAMgA8-00262-00062262-00062432 here would be happy to do the same thing 7bwPyaAMgA8-00263-00062433-00062669 maybe that person feels comfortable 7bwPyaAMgA8-00264-00062670-00062816 asking those questions for you and they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00265-00062816-00062975 can ask them internally and get the real 7bwPyaAMgA8-00266-00062976-00063221 answer is not the PR hiring a new 7bwPyaAMgA8-00267-00063222-00063650 candidate answer and if you feel safe 7bwPyaAMgA8-00268-00063651-00063908 meeting with HR confidentially might be 7bwPyaAMgA8-00269-00063909-00064085 an option it also might not if you don't 7bwPyaAMgA8-00270-00064086-00064262 trust them I don't want you I don't 7bwPyaAMgA8-00271-00064263-00064616 always either or you can request 7bwPyaAMgA8-00272-00064616-00064790 interview mod of modifications that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00273-00064791-00064979 allow you to kind of like sniff things 7bwPyaAMgA8-00274-00064979-00065177 out without actually having to ask 7bwPyaAMgA8-00275-00065178-00065341 questions or put yourself in a situation 7bwPyaAMgA8-00276-00065342-00065681 where you feel unsafe so here's some of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00277-00065682-00065798 the sample questions they talked about 7bwPyaAMgA8-00278-00065799-00065887 earlier 7bwPyaAMgA8-00279-00065888-00066053 again these are all online so if they go 7bwPyaAMgA8-00280-00066054-00066250 through them a little quickly they will 7bwPyaAMgA8-00281-00066251-00066505 be available to you I break them down 7bwPyaAMgA8-00282-00066506-00066676 into three broad categories that are not 7bwPyaAMgA8-00283-00066677-00066841 distinctly different they are related to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00284-00066842-00067126 each other diversity employee value and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00285-00067127-00067519 retention and HR so for diversity I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00286-00067520-00067765 start out with the softballs the easy 7bwPyaAMgA8-00287-00067766-00067969 questions the things I expect people to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00288-00067970-00068197 answer with some nice beautiful PR 7bwPyaAMgA8-00289-00068198-00068467 sentence why do you think it's important 7bwPyaAMgA8-00290-00068468-00068635 and how do you define diversity what's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00291-00068636-00068929 going on here and then I ask them do you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00292-00068930-00069073 have trans inclusive health care and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00293-00069074-00069391 what exactly does it cover and you'd be 7bwPyaAMgA8-00294-00069392-00069590 surprised when you asked this question 7bwPyaAMgA8-00295-00069591-00069832 and you're not trans what answer you get 7bwPyaAMgA8-00296-00069833-00070180 I ask this question everywhere it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00297-00070181-00070462 interesting I also asked about parental 7bwPyaAMgA8-00298-00070463-00070660 leave and lactation rooms I also asked 7bwPyaAMgA8-00299-00070661-00070849 about what policies happen for working 7bwPyaAMgA8-00300-00070850-00071035 at home or bringing babies to the office 7bwPyaAMgA8-00301-00071036-00071251 I also asked about bringing dogs to the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00302-00071252-00071740 office but that's me and then I right as 7bwPyaAMgA8-00303-00071741-00071884 I'm about to leave right when I'm about 7bwPyaAMgA8-00304-00071885-00072136 to be done with this meeting what does 7bwPyaAMgA8-00305-00072137-00072492 diversity success look like to you and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00306-00072493-00072797 sometimes people say terrible terrible 7bwPyaAMgA8-00307-00072798-00073003 terrible things that erase everything 7bwPyaAMgA8-00308-00073004-00073201 good that they said before so just use 7bwPyaAMgA8-00309-00073202-00073315 caution if you're gonna ask them that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00310-00073316-00073618 question what kind of diversity focused 7bwPyaAMgA8-00311-00073619-00073807 initiatives do they have at that company 7bwPyaAMgA8-00312-00073808-00074015 what have they implemented recently and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00313-00074016-00074197 what are the results look like did they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00314-00074198-00074593 even measure results and what work do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00315-00074594-00074810 they think needs to be done still to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00316-00074811-00075049 make it a good and happy environment for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00317-00075050-00075391 underrepresented people employee Val 7bwPyaAMgA8-00318-00075392-00075529 your attention is really important to me 7bwPyaAMgA8-00319-00075530-00075671 which is why I always ask to talk to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00320-00075672-00075821 people in customer support it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00321-00075822-00076046 generally the last department to see it 7bwPyaAMgA8-00322-00076047-00076363 career paths and raises and anything 7bwPyaAMgA8-00323-00076364-00076552 other than talking on the phone or blind 7bwPyaAMgA8-00324-00076553-00076918 email all day so what kind of job train 7bwPyaAMgA8-00325-00076919-00077125 do they provide and are their budgets 7bwPyaAMgA8-00326-00077126-00077315 for different departments do some 7bwPyaAMgA8-00327-00077316-00077497 departments have much cosier budgets 7bwPyaAMgA8-00328-00077498-00077749 than others and what career paths are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00329-00077750-00077921 available from the position you are 7bwPyaAMgA8-00330-00077922-00078365 applying for versus all positions and do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00331-00078366-00078622 they track metrics on retention and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00332-00078623-00078809 satisfaction and do the cross-reference 7bwPyaAMgA8-00333-00078810-00079063 those with demographics do they even do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00334-00079064-00079097 any 7bwPyaAMgA8-00335-00079098-00079825 this HR our friends do they have HR this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00336-00079826-00080129 is like super basic and the answer is no 7bwPyaAMgA8-00337-00080130-00080447 I would recommend maybe just not unless 7bwPyaAMgA8-00338-00080448-00080612 you're interviewing for the HR position 7bwPyaAMgA8-00339-00080613-00080912 in which case please uh and who do they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00340-00080913-00081118 report to if they report to maybe like 7bwPyaAMgA8-00341-00081119-00081503 marketing that's probably a bad sign how 7bwPyaAMgA8-00342-00081504-00081787 do they handle internal complaints if 7bwPyaAMgA8-00343-00081788-00082022 like my last company they just tell the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00344-00082023-00082162 person that you complained about them 7bwPyaAMgA8-00345-00082163-00082637 maybe maybe don't and then this one is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00346-00082638-00082898 kind of a little pop quiz how much do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00347-00082899-00083150 you know about labor law you know unions 7bwPyaAMgA8-00348-00083151-00083498 our employees salaries confidential how 7bwPyaAMgA8-00349-00083499-00083654 often can you renegotiate can you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00350-00083655-00083825 renegotiate publicly these kinds of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00351-00083826-00084137 things and what is their charter which 7bwPyaAMgA8-00352-00084138-00084443 is their primary function and sometimes 7bwPyaAMgA8-00353-00084444-00084647 they give you an answer that implies 7bwPyaAMgA8-00354-00084648-00084809 their primary function is to protect a 7bwPyaAMgA8-00355-00084810-00085043 company which is not the case you should 7bwPyaAMgA8-00356-00085044-00085175 be looking for an answer that's to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00357-00085176-00085375 protect you as an individual not all 7bwPyaAMgA8-00358-00085376-00085693 workers but you they want to protect you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00359-00085694-00085910 so while you're asking these questions 7bwPyaAMgA8-00360-00085911-00086168 while you're doing this interview put on 7bwPyaAMgA8-00361-00086169-00086356 your scientist goggles I love my nerd 7bwPyaAMgA8-00362-00086357-00086573 goggles we should all have a pair put 7bwPyaAMgA8-00363-00086574-00086903 them on and do some observing who 7bwPyaAMgA8-00364-00086904-00087106 actually eats lunch together so 7bwPyaAMgA8-00365-00087107-00087278 everybody eat lunch at the same time do 7bwPyaAMgA8-00366-00087279-00087382 they socialize outside of their 7bwPyaAMgA8-00367-00087383-00087674 department or is it just everybody that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00368-00087675-00087959 sits together at work then moves and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00369-00087960-00088268 eats here and then goes back and then 7bwPyaAMgA8-00370-00088269-00088460 worse how does that happen what's the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00371-00088461-00088691 social dynamic do they have gender 7bwPyaAMgA8-00372-00088692-00088918 neutral bathrooms did they get confused 7bwPyaAMgA8-00373-00088919-00089251 when you ask them what they were what is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00374-00089252-00089384 the employee demographic look like 7bwPyaAMgA8-00375-00089385-00089699 what's the average age are they all sub 7bwPyaAMgA8-00376-00089700-00090137 30 mm-hmm I'm going to turn 30 this 7bwPyaAMgA8-00377-00090138-00090353 year's game great guys I'm sorry 7bwPyaAMgA8-00378-00090354-00090593 everyone are there people from 7bwPyaAMgA8-00379-00090594-00090755 underrepresented groups in upper 7bwPyaAMgA8-00380-00090756-00091048 management not I'm managing a team of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00381-00091049-00091298 product designers or a team of engineers 7bwPyaAMgA8-00382-00091299-00091592 or a team of whoever but I'm the SVP of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00383-00091593-00091850 this super-awesome department are those 7bwPyaAMgA8-00384-00091851-00091919 under uppers 7bwPyaAMgA8-00385-00091920-00092178 two groups or they all still dudes that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00386-00092179-00092691 are white real questions how are those 7bwPyaAMgA8-00387-00092692-00092910 low-level employees treated and do they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00388-00092911-00093123 get the same perks do they get to travel 7bwPyaAMgA8-00389-00093124-00093476 to conferences and are they promoting 7bwPyaAMgA8-00390-00093477-00093773 internally or externally and are they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00391-00093774-00093990 hiring experienced people are they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00392-00093991-00094142 hiring people with varying backgrounds 7bwPyaAMgA8-00393-00094143-00094355 do you have to have a college degree or 7bwPyaAMgA8-00394-00094356-00094566 as high school diploma sufficient or 7bwPyaAMgA8-00395-00094567-00094799 maybe you just did you ed or not at all 7bwPyaAMgA8-00396-00094800-00095249 what does it look like how hard is it to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00397-00095250-00095468 enact change and what changes have they 7bwPyaAMgA8-00398-00095469-00095729 made recently how long did it take pro 7bwPyaAMgA8-00399-00095730-00096032 tip if a company's public expect on the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00400-00096033-00096323 many many years market art level sorry 7bwPyaAMgA8-00401-00096324-00096666 sad sad fact and the Model View culture 7bwPyaAMgA8-00402-00096667-00096932 piece that came out a while ago look for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00403-00096933-00097116 HR anti-patterns the biggest of which is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00404-00097117-00097499 there's no HR so after interview you've 7bwPyaAMgA8-00405-00097500-00097722 gone in you have wild them with your 7bwPyaAMgA8-00406-00097723-00097953 brilliance you've asked all these 7bwPyaAMgA8-00407-00097954-00098237 questions what do you do now got all 7bwPyaAMgA8-00408-00098238-00098490 this information usually when you go and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00409-00098491-00098660 interview to just talk to one person and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00410-00098661-00098912 I find that I very rarely have follow-up 7bwPyaAMgA8-00411-00098913-00099086 questions for like say the hiring 7bwPyaAMgA8-00412-00099087-00099260 manager but I really want to talk to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00413-00099261-00099465 that one person that I had lunch with I 7bwPyaAMgA8-00414-00099466-00099648 email the hiring manager or the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00415-00099649-00099834 recruiter and ask to speak to that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00416-00099835-00100085 person directly I try not to go through 7bwPyaAMgA8-00417-00100086-00100253 a recruiter or hiring manager to ask 7bwPyaAMgA8-00418-00100254-00100376 questions to other people at the company 7bwPyaAMgA8-00419-00100377-00100578 and ask them their questions over email 7bwPyaAMgA8-00420-00100579-00100918 I always prefer to get things in writing 7bwPyaAMgA8-00421-00100919-00101138 gather all those notes and research and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00422-00101139-00101282 if you're me they're probably color 7bwPyaAMgA8-00423-00101283-00101472 coded if you're not me then they're 7bwPyaAMgA8-00424-00101473-00101663 probably easier to read because you were 7bwPyaAMgA8-00425-00101664-00101878 writing instead of getting pens and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00426-00101879-00102096 examine how everything comes together 7bwPyaAMgA8-00427-00102097-00102338 what was your perspective what did you 7bwPyaAMgA8-00428-00102339-00102503 observe and what are the actual policies 7bwPyaAMgA8-00429-00102504-00102890 where the differences guarantee you it's 7bwPyaAMgA8-00430-00102891-00103058 not always going to be what you expect 7bwPyaAMgA8-00431-00103059-00103323 their words match their actions 7bwPyaAMgA8-00432-00103324-00103572 sometimes not always on which issues 7bwPyaAMgA8-00433-00103573-00103899 where do they skip a beat and what 7bwPyaAMgA8-00434-00103900-00104046 stances do they take on the things that 7bwPyaAMgA8-00435-00104047-00104288 matter the most to you as an individual 7bwPyaAMgA8-00436-00104289-00104588 and say you have a list of 10 things 7bwPyaAMgA8-00437-00104589-00104789 that are the most important to you and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00438-00104790-00105011 on one of them your most important thing 7bwPyaAMgA8-00439-00105013-00105264 they knock it out of the park every 7bwPyaAMgA8-00440-00105265-00105453 exactly what you wanted and then on the 7bwPyaAMgA8-00441-00105454-00105560 other nine things they just fail 7bwPyaAMgA8-00442-00105561-00105744 miserably it's terrible it's kind of 7bwPyaAMgA8-00443-00105745-00105935 embarrassing you're like wow you can't 7bwPyaAMgA8-00444-00105936-00106146 even write checks to give people their 7bwPyaAMgA8-00445-00106147-00106596 salaries maybe that one thing alone is 7bwPyaAMgA8-00446-00106597-00106934 not important enough you have to balance 7bwPyaAMgA8-00447-00106935-00107142 what's most important to you and how 7bwPyaAMgA8-00448-00107143-00107258 they respond to the things that are most 7bwPyaAMgA8-00449-00107259-00107469 important to you put it all together to 7bwPyaAMgA8-00450-00107470-00107670 make a decision and it's not easy and 7bwPyaAMgA8-00451-00107671-00107952 I'm very sorry someday we'll have our 7bwPyaAMgA8-00452-00107953-00108174 lovely lovely tech cooperative that we 7bwPyaAMgA8-00453-00108175-00108354 can all work for it'll be great but for 7bwPyaAMgA8-00454-00108355-00108657 now we just have each other so good luck 7bwPyaAMgA8-00455-00108658-00109044 and go forth and prosper thank you 7c7h8RZcRWo-00000-00000352-00000519 i think you know what we're all working 7c7h8RZcRWo-00001-00000520-00000607 towards 7c7h8RZcRWo-00002-00000608-00000815 is you know how do we address white 7c7h8RZcRWo-00003-00000816-00000911 supremacy 7c7h8RZcRWo-00004-00000911-00001054 and the way it's kind of played out 7c7h8RZcRWo-00005-00001055-00001215 through our histories 7c7h8RZcRWo-00006-00001216-00001519 you know words really do matter and you 7c7h8RZcRWo-00007-00001520-00001647 know i think 7c7h8RZcRWo-00008-00001648-00001887 earlier on in in the pandemic when 7c7h8RZcRWo-00009-00001888-00002071 people were making jokes about you know 7c7h8RZcRWo-00010-00002072-00002310 the wu flu or what kung flu 7c7h8RZcRWo-00011-00002311-00002647 like you know that that wasn't taken as 7c7h8RZcRWo-00012-00002648-00002831 seriously and we've really seen 7c7h8RZcRWo-00013-00002832-00003071 that words do matter and they they can 7c7h8RZcRWo-00014-00003072-00003142 incite people 7c7h8RZcRWo-00015-00003143-00003415 to violence and it's happening you know 7c7h8RZcRWo-00016-00003415-00003479 in dc 7c7h8RZcRWo-00017-00003479-00004232 and in cities across america 7dkdtpXA4B4-00000-00000000-00000407 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00001-00000408-00000525 so 7dkdtpXA4B4-00002-00000526-00000938 [Applause] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00003-00000939-00003286 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00004-00003288-00003647 hey hello there good morning everyone 7dkdtpXA4B4-00005-00003647-00003943 i hope everyone is very happy today it's 7dkdtpXA4B4-00006-00003944-00004238 my weekend and i want to share something 7dkdtpXA4B4-00007-00004239-00004615 with you 7dkdtpXA4B4-00008-00004616-00004863 i just received this product from china 7dkdtpXA4B4-00009-00004864-00005038 the factory producing this product 7dkdtpXA4B4-00010-00005039-00005254 selling this only locally in china 7dkdtpXA4B4-00011-00005255-00005535 mainland it's not for exporting but once 7dkdtpXA4B4-00012-00005536-00005815 i re i heard about it i asked it to buy 7dkdtpXA4B4-00013-00005816-00005927 one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00014-00005928-00006159 and send it to me and i just received it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00015-00006160-00006486 last few days but i want to know 7dkdtpXA4B4-00016-00006487-00006751 how it's really practical this product 7dkdtpXA4B4-00017-00006752-00007070 this product is not using any of source 7dkdtpXA4B4-00018-00007072-00007239 of energy we know 7dkdtpXA4B4-00019-00007240-00007534 as you know every energy now these days 7dkdtpXA4B4-00020-00007536-00007751 have really jumped to sky 7dkdtpXA4B4-00021-00007752-00008006 very expensive if you want to gas 7dkdtpXA4B4-00022-00008008-00008183 electricity 7dkdtpXA4B4-00023-00008184-00008446 gasoline whatever it is it's really 7dkdtpXA4B4-00024-00008447-00008671 expensive these days so 7dkdtpXA4B4-00025-00008672-00008983 if you gonna make camping you have to 7dkdtpXA4B4-00026-00008984-00009239 try this one actually i didn't try it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00027-00009240-00009510 yet i have a bunch of videos how this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00028-00009511-00009735 product is work and i will try to do it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00029-00009736-00010078 in my balcony in home because outside is 7dkdtpXA4B4-00030-00010079-00010327 really hot these days i can't make any 7dkdtpXA4B4-00031-00010328-00010710 kind of gambling these days maybe later 7dkdtpXA4B4-00032-00010711-00011046 i will act like uncle lou to unboxing 7dkdtpXA4B4-00033-00011047-00011151 this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00034-00011152-00011367 product hello me 7dkdtpXA4B4-00035-00011368-00011687 unboxing therapy today 7dkdtpXA4B4-00036-00011688-00011783 today 7dkdtpXA4B4-00037-00011784-00011895 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00038-00011896-00012174 let's see why we got today 7dkdtpXA4B4-00039-00012175-00012374 and what is this product we are talking 7dkdtpXA4B4-00040-00012375-00013597 about all this time 7dkdtpXA4B4-00041-00013599-00013838 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00042-00013840-00014119 we just get out all the content of this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00043-00014119-00014351 package this device you can use it can 7dkdtpXA4B4-00044-00014352-00014655 be outside for barbecue or cooking what 7dkdtpXA4B4-00045-00014656-00014855 i notice here is the finishing this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00046-00014856-00015055 looks very elegant the material is 7dkdtpXA4B4-00047-00015056-00015294 really fine concept of this product is 7dkdtpXA4B4-00048-00015295-00015527 really simple this is a very small fan 7dkdtpXA4B4-00049-00015528-00015855 here and this fan is blowing air 7dkdtpXA4B4-00050-00015856-00015966 through 7dkdtpXA4B4-00051-00015968-00016135 tube i don't know if you can show it to 7dkdtpXA4B4-00052-00016136-00016439 you this tube is going to the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00053-00016440-00016711 second chamber here which is the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00054-00016712-00016967 the core of this uh device 7dkdtpXA4B4-00055-00016968-00017215 because he will put the wood here as i 7dkdtpXA4B4-00056-00017216-00017543 understand from the video has a folding 7dkdtpXA4B4-00057-00017544-00017608 legs 7dkdtpXA4B4-00058-00017609-00017735 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00059-00017736-00018094 this package is coming with 7dkdtpXA4B4-00060-00018095-00018335 well 7dkdtpXA4B4-00061-00018336-00018455 actually 7dkdtpXA4B4-00062-00018456-00018599 i think this is uh like a spare part or 7dkdtpXA4B4-00063-00018600-00018743 something for the fan but using it looks 7dkdtpXA4B4-00064-00018744-00018919 like a temporary though 7dkdtpXA4B4-00065-00018920-00019094 it's very funny 7dkdtpXA4B4-00066-00019095-00019358 yeah it's a fan yeah it's a it's like a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00067-00019359-00019535 spare part for the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00068-00019536-00019647 fan 7dkdtpXA4B4-00069-00019648-00019911 maybe your original fan is broken or 7dkdtpXA4B4-00070-00019912-00020175 something so you can replace it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00071-00020176-00020303 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00072-00020304-00020550 well put it back again on it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00073-00020551-00020711 we don't need 7dkdtpXA4B4-00074-00020712-00020886 and there is something else here which 7dkdtpXA4B4-00075-00020887-00021230 is oh you block this as i understand 7dkdtpXA4B4-00076-00021231-00021614 here now with the fan wire and you can 7dkdtpXA4B4-00077-00021615-00021711 use 7dkdtpXA4B4-00078-00021712-00021903 any power bank you just attach it in 7dkdtpXA4B4-00079-00021904-00022230 this usb and use it and there is a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00080-00022231-00022558 switch here has a three level of the fan 7dkdtpXA4B4-00081-00022559-00022855 so you can control how much the air 7dkdtpXA4B4-00082-00022856-00023127 blowing into the fire so it will be high 7dkdtpXA4B4-00083-00023128-00023367 low and medium here and there's some 7dkdtpXA4B4-00084-00023368-00023663 stuff like this i think this is for 7dkdtpXA4B4-00085-00023664-00023807 controlling the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00086-00023808-00024078 the water inside yeah it's fitting 7dkdtpXA4B4-00087-00024079-00024199 yeah 7dkdtpXA4B4-00088-00024200-00024494 i have no idea what is it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00089-00024495-00024919 what i will use this for 7dkdtpXA4B4-00090-00024920-00025094 um 7dkdtpXA4B4-00091-00025095-00025222 i can't tell you 7dkdtpXA4B4-00092-00025223-00025599 and i think this is for cleaning 7dkdtpXA4B4-00093-00025600-00025767 uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00094-00025768-00026014 as i understand this is 7dkdtpXA4B4-00095-00026016-00026158 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00096-00026160-00026367 this is for making barbecue 7dkdtpXA4B4-00097-00026368-00026687 oh there's a foam inside this one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00098-00026688-00026846 here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00099-00026847-00026989 and 7dkdtpXA4B4-00100-00026989-00027158 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00101-00027160-00027423 this one will 7dkdtpXA4B4-00102-00027424-00027623 oh yeah there is a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00103-00027624-00027887 shaky part 7dkdtpXA4B4-00104-00027888-00028239 there is a cut area here it should be as 7dkdtpXA4B4-00105-00028239-00028455 fit with the cut area front so you can 7dkdtpXA4B4-00106-00028456-00028679 keep controlling of the fire or adding 7dkdtpXA4B4-00107-00028680-00029014 more wood from this side so 7dkdtpXA4B4-00108-00029016-00029414 i think we will add it like this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00109-00029416-00029502 yeah 7dkdtpXA4B4-00110-00029504-00029758 so it would be like that 7dkdtpXA4B4-00111-00029760-00029846 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00112-00029847-00030062 all right thank goodness and the other 7dkdtpXA4B4-00113-00030063-00030287 part this one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00114-00030288-00030470 um should be 7dkdtpXA4B4-00115-00030472-00030583 on the top of it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00116-00030583-00030887 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00117-00030888-00030983 and this one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00118-00030983-00031111 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00119-00031112-00031367 on the top of it and there is a hole 7dkdtpXA4B4-00120-00031368-00031495 here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00121-00031495-00031807 and this tiny pen it's not the tiny this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00122-00031808-00032039 long pan here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00123-00032039-00032383 to attach with the center hole of this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00124-00032383-00032447 part 7dkdtpXA4B4-00125-00032448-00032639 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00126-00032639-00032743 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00127-00032744-00032983 i'm trying to discover this together 7dkdtpXA4B4-00128-00032984-00033206 oh it's a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00129-00033207-00033462 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00130-00033463-00033679 good idea i think 7dkdtpXA4B4-00131-00033680-00033871 we in the package also i 7dkdtpXA4B4-00132-00033872-00034167 so it's coming with the two bags 7dkdtpXA4B4-00133-00034168-00034351 one of them for the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00134-00034352-00034702 the device and the other for 7dkdtpXA4B4-00135-00034703-00034911 for the grill 7dkdtpXA4B4-00136-00034912-00035639 so you can put everything on them 7dkdtpXA4B4-00137-00035640-00036087 and here is a good point i discovered 7dkdtpXA4B4-00138-00036088-00036255 okay i want to tell you about the eyes 7dkdtpXA4B4-00139-00036256-00036390 discovered now 7dkdtpXA4B4-00140-00036391-00036615 as you see the fire to be coming from 7dkdtpXA4B4-00141-00036616-00036711 here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00142-00036712-00036895 so whatever i'm doing 7dkdtpXA4B4-00143-00036896-00037143 when i put this part i found this a big 7dkdtpXA4B4-00144-00037144-00037239 hole 7dkdtpXA4B4-00145-00037240-00037479 so that means if i'm cooking something 7dkdtpXA4B4-00146-00037480-00037743 and this fire is very high it will burn 7dkdtpXA4B4-00147-00037744-00038039 anything but once you put this i notice 7dkdtpXA4B4-00148-00038040-00038287 this place is solid there is no holes 7dkdtpXA4B4-00149-00038288-00038646 like other parts here so this that means 7dkdtpXA4B4-00150-00038647-00039007 it's preventing to get the fire attach 7dkdtpXA4B4-00151-00039008-00039318 it directly to what you are cooking here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00152-00039319-00039439 that's me 7dkdtpXA4B4-00153-00039440-00039655 it's a good idea actually i was thinking 7dkdtpXA4B4-00154-00039656-00039815 this is not 7dkdtpXA4B4-00155-00039816-00040118 not practical 7dkdtpXA4B4-00156-00040119-00040246 but it is 7dkdtpXA4B4-00157-00040247-00040351 anyway 7dkdtpXA4B4-00158-00040352-00040479 i just 7dkdtpXA4B4-00159-00040480-00040639 grabbed some 7dkdtpXA4B4-00160-00040640-00040943 old wood i have so as i understand the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00161-00040944-00041174 capacity for this is not that big 7dkdtpXA4B4-00162-00041175-00041551 and should be not that tall so i just 7dkdtpXA4B4-00163-00041552-00041807 cut it them to be matched with the size 7dkdtpXA4B4-00164-00041808-00042087 of this one and i get my power bank here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00165-00042088-00042390 so i will attach it here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00166-00042391-00042590 and 7dkdtpXA4B4-00167-00042591-00042679 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00168-00042680-00042767 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00169-00042768-00042911 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00170-00042912-00043039 and now 7dkdtpXA4B4-00171-00043040-00043311 as i understand it's really easy to 7dkdtpXA4B4-00172-00043312-00043751 to fire it up so i'll put some wood here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00173-00043752-00044023 inside 7dkdtpXA4B4-00174-00044024-00044351 i don't know how much it takes but i 7dkdtpXA4B4-00175-00044352-00044569 have a bunch of one here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00176-00044570-00044799 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00177-00044800-00044983 and every time 7dkdtpXA4B4-00178-00044984-00045207 this one might be 7dkdtpXA4B4-00179-00045208-00045302 finished 7dkdtpXA4B4-00180-00045303-00045567 totally burned you can add more so i 7dkdtpXA4B4-00181-00045568-00045790 will keep the other part here now 7dkdtpXA4B4-00182-00045791-00046046 and i want to start a fire i have this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00183-00046047-00046230 flame gun 7dkdtpXA4B4-00184-00046231-00046551 and also i have lighter for 7dkdtpXA4B4-00185-00046552-00046902 micro cubes and uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00186-00046903-00047127 and i will try to start 7dkdtpXA4B4-00187-00047128-00047262 just a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00188-00047263-00047446 simplifier for 7dkdtpXA4B4-00189-00047447-00047655 one of these 7dkdtpXA4B4-00190-00047656-00047777 and 7dkdtpXA4B4-00192-00053432-00053591 as you see the simplify from down there 7dkdtpXA4B4-00193-00053591-00053847 it's okay yeah till up 7dkdtpXA4B4-00194-00053848-00054054 okay let's try to use 7dkdtpXA4B4-00195-00054055-00054326 how much medium 7dkdtpXA4B4-00196-00054327-00054479 oh it's more 7dkdtpXA4B4-00197-00054479-00054694 higher yeah just sit fast 7dkdtpXA4B4-00198-00054695-00055087 that's why i gotta add more wood then 7dkdtpXA4B4-00199-00055088-00055301 that's that's why we have to use this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00200-00055302-00055535 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00201-00055536-00055638 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00202-00055639-00055782 i don't know what what i'm thinking 7dkdtpXA4B4-00203-00055783-00055975 about uh i think we have to make it low 7dkdtpXA4B4-00204-00055976-00056094 a little bit 7dkdtpXA4B4-00205-00056095-00056326 farther thank you so much 7dkdtpXA4B4-00206-00056327-00056658 oh yeah i understand how it's worked 7dkdtpXA4B4-00207-00056659-00057326 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00208-00057327-00057638 it's fascinating 7dkdtpXA4B4-00209-00057639-00057742 okay 7dkdtpXA4B4-00210-00057744-00057966 i think we've done here it's working 7dkdtpXA4B4-00211-00057967-00058126 with a low it's enough you know 7dkdtpXA4B4-00212-00058127-00058263 it's enough okay and we'll put this one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00213-00058264-00058391 here now and we'll see what we have i 7dkdtpXA4B4-00214-00058391-00058542 have a bunch of 7dkdtpXA4B4-00215-00058544-00058950 okay now i can show you this one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00216-00058951-00059350 i have a bunch of burger chicken burger 7dkdtpXA4B4-00217-00059351-00059487 chicken kebab 7dkdtpXA4B4-00218-00059488-00059566 and 7dkdtpXA4B4-00219-00059567-00059807 beef kebab and let's see how we can do 7dkdtpXA4B4-00220-00059808-00059935 that 7dkdtpXA4B4-00221-00059936-00060166 okay i will start with a chicken 7dkdtpXA4B4-00222-00060167-00060299 burger 7dkdtpXA4B4-00223-00060300-00062263 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00224-00062264-00062548 so 7dkdtpXA4B4-00225-00062549-00063671 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00226-00063672-00063919 and once i added more wood here 7dkdtpXA4B4-00227-00063920-00064326 i can control it like this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00228-00064327-00064550 now this is really 7dkdtpXA4B4-00229-00064551-00064687 good 7dkdtpXA4B4-00230-00064688-00065071 good tool 7dkdtpXA4B4-00231-00065072-00065350 and practical too 7dkdtpXA4B4-00232-00065351-00065479 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00233-00065479-00065655 you know what 7dkdtpXA4B4-00234-00065656-00065959 this shield has a two 7dkdtpXA4B4-00235-00065960-00066231 you see it's not hot because there is a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00236-00066232-00066367 two layer 7dkdtpXA4B4-00237-00066368-00066567 this layer is a really far from the 7dkdtpXA4B4-00238-00066568-00066806 inside chamber so this one is not that 7dkdtpXA4B4-00239-00066807-00066903 hot 7dkdtpXA4B4-00240-00066904-00067111 and the handle also 7dkdtpXA4B4-00241-00067112-00067234 it's 7dkdtpXA4B4-00242-00067235-00067703 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00243-00067704-00067822 uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00244-00067823-00069103 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00245-00069104-00069366 friends 7dkdtpXA4B4-00246-00069367-00071044 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00247-00071045-00071455 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00248-00071456-00072027 uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00249-00072028-00073767 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00250-00073768-00073967 actually it's work 7dkdtpXA4B4-00251-00073968-00074262 and uh it's working nicely you know 7dkdtpXA4B4-00252-00074263-00074479 it's very easy to set the fire very easy 7dkdtpXA4B4-00253-00074480-00074599 to 7dkdtpXA4B4-00254-00074600-00075006 control of uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00255-00075007-00075199 barbecue stuff 7dkdtpXA4B4-00256-00075200-00075431 result is really nice even though i'm 7dkdtpXA4B4-00257-00075432-00075682 not good in barbecue stuff but it's 7dkdtpXA4B4-00258-00075683-00075911 okay and 7dkdtpXA4B4-00259-00075912-00076182 i like that product 7dkdtpXA4B4-00260-00076183-00076271 yeah 7dkdtpXA4B4-00261-00076272-00076399 i like it 7dkdtpXA4B4-00262-00076400-00076591 i can make a barbecue anytime using a 7dkdtpXA4B4-00263-00076592-00076759 very 7dkdtpXA4B4-00264-00076760-00076982 unnecessary wood anything you can burn 7dkdtpXA4B4-00265-00076983-00077175 and you can make a barbecue anything 7dkdtpXA4B4-00266-00077176-00077431 literally 7dkdtpXA4B4-00267-00077432-00077711 so i hope you enjoy it with this 7dkdtpXA4B4-00268-00077712-00077991 video and if you like this product just 7dkdtpXA4B4-00269-00077992-00078199 call me i will tell you how you can get 7dkdtpXA4B4-00270-00078200-00078350 one 7dkdtpXA4B4-00271-00078351-00078579 see you 7dkdtpXA4B4-00272-00078580-00079172 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00273-00079173-00080079 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00274-00080080-00080361 uh 7dkdtpXA4B4-00275-00080362-00082132 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00276-00082133-00082647 [Music] 7dkdtpXA4B4-00277-00082648-00082856 you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00000-00000006-00000233 in today's how-to we're gonna show you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00001-00000234-00000428 how to add a team member because co 7d_XqjHm-vE-00002-00000429-00000824 planners make life easier simply click 7d_XqjHm-vE-00003-00000825-00001081 on your name then scroll to account and 7d_XqjHm-vE-00004-00001082-00001424 you'll see your account settings now 7d_XqjHm-vE-00005-00001425-00001553 just confirm that you have an account 7d_XqjHm-vE-00006-00001554-00001766 that allows Co planners which has to be 7d_XqjHm-vE-00007-00001767-00001976 at least crew then click on team members 7d_XqjHm-vE-00008-00001977-00002222 and you'll see here how many team 7d_XqjHm-vE-00009-00002223-00002384 members you're allowed to add and you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00010-00002385-00002542 can upgrade from here if you don't have 7d_XqjHm-vE-00011-00002543-00002902 enough you'll be prompted to enter their 7d_XqjHm-vE-00012-00002903-00003131 full name and the email address that 7d_XqjHm-vE-00013-00003132-00003397 you're adding you can also choose 7d_XqjHm-vE-00014-00003398-00003620 whether or not to have them listed as a 7d_XqjHm-vE-00015-00003621-00003865 contact on the travel page by default 7d_XqjHm-vE-00016-00003867-00004172 this can either be for new trips only 7d_XqjHm-vE-00017-00004173-00004400 which is the first example we'll try and 7d_XqjHm-vE-00018-00004401-00004667 this means that they are only shown on 7d_XqjHm-vE-00019-00004668-00004888 the travel page for any trips made after 7d_XqjHm-vE-00020-00004889-00005206 they are added you can see here that 7d_XqjHm-vE-00021-00005207-00005347 they're a member and that there are 7d_XqjHm-vE-00022-00005348-00005729 contact for zero trips once added they 7d_XqjHm-vE-00023-00005730-00005927 will receive an email automatically or 7d_XqjHm-vE-00024-00005928-00006101 you can click the plane to send again 7d_XqjHm-vE-00025-00006102-00006311 you can always edit them as well to 7d_XqjHm-vE-00026-00006312-00006587 change their email or their name or to 7d_XqjHm-vE-00027-00006588-00006784 change the listed as contact in this 7d_XqjHm-vE-00028-00006786-00007025 example changing it to no and you'll 7d_XqjHm-vE-00029-00007026-00007187 note that they are no longer shown as a 7d_XqjHm-vE-00030-00007188-00007427 contact for any when we then go back in 7d_XqjHm-vE-00031-00007428-00007606 and change them to yes for all existing 7d_XqjHm-vE-00032-00007608-00007849 trips you will note that they are now 7d_XqjHm-vE-00033-00007850-00008173 shown as a contact on all the trips that 7d_XqjHm-vE-00034-00008175-00008549 the team owns new team members will 7d_XqjHm-vE-00035-00008550-00008783 automatically receive emails instructing 7d_XqjHm-vE-00036-00008784-00008984 them to set their password and sending 7d_XqjHm-vE-00037-00008985-00009121 them to the videos so that they can 7d_XqjHm-vE-00038-00009122-00009278 learn how to make the most out of the 7d_XqjHm-vE-00039-00009279-00009494 yulie platform including an explanation 7d_XqjHm-vE-00040-00009495-00009649 of all the functionality now we'll 7d_XqjHm-vE-00041-00009650-00009842 quickly show you how it looks for them 7d_XqjHm-vE-00042-00009843-00010037 to be a contact on the travel page 7d_XqjHm-vE-00043-00010038-00010220 simply go to the trip and click on 7d_XqjHm-vE-00044-00010221-00010453 preview then go to the get in touch or 7d_XqjHm-vE-00045-00010454-00010649 contact section and you'll see the newly 7d_XqjHm-vE-00046-00010650-00010931 added team member listed if you didn't 7d_XqjHm-vE-00047-00010932-00011144 want them to be listed like that go back 7d_XqjHm-vE-00048-00011145-00011546 in edit them and set them to no this 7d_XqjHm-vE-00049-00011547-00011873 removes them from being contacted from 7d_XqjHm-vE-00050-00011874-00012152 the trip for all existing trips and all 7d_XqjHm-vE-00051-00012153-00012385 future trips if you wanted them to be 7d_XqjHm-vE-00052-00012386-00012595 only for future trips you can choose 7d_XqjHm-vE-00053-00012596-00012821 that setting from the Edit menu now 7d_XqjHm-vE-00054-00012822-00013018 you'll notice that it tells you how many 7d_XqjHm-vE-00055-00013019-00013328 team members you are able to add if you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00056-00013329-00013529 need to add more team members then you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00057-00013530-00013724 may need to upgrade to the next level 7d_XqjHm-vE-00058-00013725-00013991 account if you're an explorer or a guide 7d_XqjHm-vE-00059-00013991-00014249 you can upgrade to crew and get 7d_XqjHm-vE-00060-00014250-00014500 additional Co planners and your team you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00061-00014501-00014729 can select the number that you want and 7d_XqjHm-vE-00062-00014730-00015025 pay appropriately or if you prefer you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00063-00015026-00015182 can always upgrade all the way to pro 7d_XqjHm-vE-00064-00015183-00015440 which also drops your booking fee down 7d_XqjHm-vE-00065-00015441-00015694 to 0% if you need to remove a team 7d_XqjHm-vE-00066-00015695-00015925 member you can do so by clicking the 7d_XqjHm-vE-00067-00015926-00016225 trashcan and selecting remove this does 7d_XqjHm-vE-00068-00016226-00016447 not delete the actual account it simply 7d_XqjHm-vE-00069-00016448-00016628 changes them back to Explorer so if you 7d_XqjHm-vE-00070-00016629-00016736 do need to add them again in the future 7d_XqjHm-vE-00071-00016737-00016969 as long as they haven't upgraded you can 7d_XqjHm-vE-00072-00016970-00017240 add them back from here thanks for 7d_XqjHm-vE-00073-00017241-00017393 watching this out - if you have any 7d_XqjHm-vE-00074-00017394-00017522 questions you can leave them in the 7d_XqjHm-vE-00075-00017523-00017680 comments or ask them inside the 7d_XqjHm-vE-00076-00017681-00017983 application and as always let us know if 7d_XqjHm-vE-00077-00017984-00018164 you want us to make more videos be sure 7d_XqjHm-vE-00078-00018165-00018410 to subscribe to our YouTube channel and 7d_XqjHm-vE-00079-00018411-00018661 watch all the other videos to learn more 7d_XqjHm-vE-00080-00018662-00018940 about you Lee 7epJJpDhiMI-00000-00000000-00000303 i think um 7epJJpDhiMI-00001-00000304-00000455 on that first quarter they started off 7epJJpDhiMI-00002-00000456-00000615 fast but i think we still got back into 7epJJpDhiMI-00003-00000616-00000847 the game we cut to like six 7epJJpDhiMI-00004-00000848-00001023 at the end of the first but i feel like 7epJJpDhiMI-00005-00001024-00001199 just they just kept making timely shots 7epJJpDhiMI-00006-00001200-00001511 steph curry would hit a tough three uh 7epJJpDhiMI-00007-00001512-00001710 tobias i hit a tough three 7epJJpDhiMI-00008-00001711-00001879 so by the time the fourth quarter came i 7epJJpDhiMI-00009-00001880-00002071 think those shots didn't fall for him so 7epJJpDhiMI-00010-00002072-00002279 and we was able to stay the course and 7epJJpDhiMI-00011-00002280-00002447 stay with it not get down on ourselves 7epJJpDhiMI-00012-00002448-00002518 and 7epJJpDhiMI-00013-00002519-00002718 you know the game kind of we pulled it 7epJJpDhiMI-00014-00002719-00002926 even you know in the fourth quarter and 7epJJpDhiMI-00015-00002927-00003799 it was all off our intensity on defense 7epJJpDhiMI-00016-00003800-00003975 you had a triple-double tonight what 7epJJpDhiMI-00017-00003976-00004127 were you seeing out there that made you 7epJJpDhiMI-00018-00004128-00004359 feel like this 7epJJpDhiMI-00019-00004360-00004495 yeah is mean i think every game is 7epJJpDhiMI-00020-00004496-00004735 different you know you don't know how 7epJJpDhiMI-00021-00004736-00004863 some of these 7epJJpDhiMI-00022-00004864-00005063 contending teams like philly gonna play 7epJJpDhiMI-00023-00005064-00005335 defensively they're so versatile 7epJJpDhiMI-00024-00005336-00005527 defensively so going into the game i got 7epJJpDhiMI-00025-00005528-00005751 to just be prepared to do anything 7epJJpDhiMI-00026-00005752-00005918 it might not be my night scoring it 7epJJpDhiMI-00027-00005919-00006102 might not be my night assistant so i 7epJJpDhiMI-00028-00006103-00006279 just got to be ready you know to be to 7epJJpDhiMI-00029-00006280-00006431 do anything on the offensive end i think 7epJJpDhiMI-00030-00006431-00006614 i started off scoring fours 7epJJpDhiMI-00031-00006615-00006855 but my role tonight i felt was more 7epJJpDhiMI-00032-00006856-00007055 getting into the paint making plays 7epJJpDhiMI-00033-00007056-00007206 rebounding you know they're knocking 7epJJpDhiMI-00034-00007208-00007367 down shots if i had them i wish i'd made 7epJJpDhiMI-00035-00007368-00007463 a few 7epJJpDhiMI-00036-00007464-00007614 late but i felt like i rushed a lot of 7epJJpDhiMI-00037-00007615-00007798 shots too you know so 7epJJpDhiMI-00038-00007800-00007967 um but it was a great team win for us 7epJJpDhiMI-00039-00007968-00008191 you know everybody came and stepped up 7epJJpDhiMI-00040-00008192-00008446 defensively lamarcus was incredible for 7epJJpDhiMI-00041-00008447-00008567 us tonight 7epJJpDhiMI-00042-00008568-00008751 so happy that he got his legs up under 7epJJpDhiMI-00043-00008752-00008919 him you get more comfortable and you 7epJJpDhiMI-00044-00008920-00009174 know so we gotta keep building on this 7epJJpDhiMI-00045-00009175-00009351 to see if we can go 7epJJpDhiMI-00046-00009352-00009542 it was so similar to the milwaukee game 7epJJpDhiMI-00047-00009543-00009703 for three quarters 7epJJpDhiMI-00048-00009704-00009878 you guys never got more than three 7epJJpDhiMI-00049-00009879-00010063 consecutive stops in the first three 7epJJpDhiMI-00050-00010064-00010263 quarters and at the end 7epJJpDhiMI-00051-00010264-00010463 you got eight straight stops and they 7epJJpDhiMI-00052-00010464-00010638 and you made them miss their final nine 7epJJpDhiMI-00053-00010639-00010814 shots is that just 7epJJpDhiMI-00054-00010815-00011063 veteran resolved not to let it happen 7epJJpDhiMI-00055-00011064-00011278 again yeah i mean like i said i felt 7epJJpDhiMI-00056-00011279-00011510 like they were you know their talent 7epJJpDhiMI-00057-00011511-00011655 they were just making shots over us and 7epJJpDhiMI-00058-00011656-00011799 i knew sometimes good 7epJJpDhiMI-00059-00011800-00011935 well most of the time good offense is 7epJJpDhiMI-00060-00011936-00012199 going to be good defense so um 7epJJpDhiMI-00061-00012200-00012367 you got to get him credit for being nice 7epJJpDhiMI-00062-00012368-00012551 shot makers i felt like we could we had 7epJJpDhiMI-00063-00012552-00012742 a couple breakdowns there you know the 7epJJpDhiMI-00064-00012743-00012991 first few quarters but for the most part 7epJJpDhiMI-00065-00012991-00013158 uh we had good intentions on the 7epJJpDhiMI-00066-00013159-00013343 defensive side and you know and that's 7epJJpDhiMI-00067-00013344-00013486 how a game turned if you got good 7epJJpDhiMI-00068-00013487-00013622 intentions you've been playing the right 7epJJpDhiMI-00069-00013623-00013766 way it'll start to turn for you like 7epJJpDhiMI-00070-00013768-00013879 that and 7epJJpDhiMI-00071-00013880-00014007 you know 7epJJpDhiMI-00072-00014008-00014175 i like the i like the energy we came 7epJJpDhiMI-00073-00014176-00014375 with on both ends kevin did you guys 7epJJpDhiMI-00074-00014376-00014503 return the game to the fourth who's that 7epJJpDhiMI-00075-00014504-00014743 lineup of you james javon patty and 7epJJpDhiMI-00076-00014744-00014903 lamarcus that that really 7epJJpDhiMI-00077-00014904-00015255 do you think you work so well with that 7epJJpDhiMI-00078-00015256-00015430 yeah i mean the league is small now so 7epJJpDhiMI-00079-00015431-00015663 when you had two guards like patty and 7epJJpDhiMI-00080-00015663-00015830 jc that can either get in the paint 7epJJpDhiMI-00081-00015831-00016022 shoot the three then you got handlers 7epJJpDhiMI-00082-00016023-00016183 like james and myself 7epJJpDhiMI-00083-00016184-00016366 um that can also get into the painting 7epJJpDhiMI-00084-00016368-00016567 then lamarcus who can road to the room 7epJJpDhiMI-00085-00016568-00016719 or shoot the jump shot i think it just 7epJJpDhiMI-00086-00016720-00016879 makes us you know versatile on the 7epJJpDhiMI-00087-00016880-00017111 offensive side of the ball but jc and 7epJJpDhiMI-00088-00017112-00017271 his ball pressure was huge for us and 7epJJpDhiMI-00089-00017272-00017439 patty with his ball pressure as well was 7epJJpDhiMI-00090-00017440-00017575 huge for us so 7epJJpDhiMI-00091-00017576-00017671 um 7epJJpDhiMI-00092-00017672-00017855 you know those two you know you know 7epJJpDhiMI-00093-00017856-00018030 they play well with you know just about 7epJJpDhiMI-00094-00018031-00018319 anybody on the team and 7epJJpDhiMI-00095-00018320-00018471 coach did a good job of sticking with 7epJJpDhiMI-00096-00018472-00018728 that lineup 7gdj334DC5U-00000-00000102-00000192 [Music] 7gdj334DC5U-00001-00000193-00000228 [Applause] 7gdj334DC5U-00002-00000229-00000966 [Music] 7gdj334DC5U-00003-00000967-00001062 spreading 7gdj334DC5U-00004-00001063-00001407 all around my room my world's so bright 7gdj334DC5U-00005-00001408-00001639 it's hard to breathe but that's all 7gdj334DC5U-00006-00001639-00001751 right 7gdj334DC5U-00007-00001752-00002926 [Music] 7gdj334DC5U-00008-00002927-00003231 empty squad so i am 7gdj334DC5U-00009-00003232-00003551 here and i'm very very excited because 7gdj334DC5U-00010-00003552-00003815 i am back with the missing claire book 7gdj334DC5U-00011-00003815-00003870 but 7gdj334DC5U-00012-00003871-00004047 this time it's a bit different if you 7gdj334DC5U-00013-00004047-00004254 didn't know i made a journal 7gdj334DC5U-00014-00004255-00004486 for the girls to share and talk about 7gdj334DC5U-00015-00004487-00004702 random topics and all that stuff 7gdj334DC5U-00016-00004703-00005086 just because i can so yeah as i 7gdj334DC5U-00017-00005087-00005295 do more of in this book it's not 7gdj334DC5U-00018-00005296-00005502 complete yet i'm just doing progress 7gdj334DC5U-00019-00005503-00005583 reports 7gdj334DC5U-00020-00005584-00005759 every once in a while when i think i've 7gdj334DC5U-00021-00005760-00005983 added enough new things to show you guys 7gdj334DC5U-00022-00005984-00006031 so 7gdj334DC5U-00023-00006032-00006383 let's see what's inside what it beholds 7gdj334DC5U-00024-00006384-00006486 here 7gdj334DC5U-00025-00006487-00006846 so uh for the cover i use these ink 7gdj334DC5U-00026-00006847-00007014 uh things i don't remember what they're 7gdj334DC5U-00027-00007015-00007151 called because 7gdj334DC5U-00028-00007152-00007470 that's how i am but i got it 7gdj334DC5U-00029-00007472-00007798 for my birthday and so 7gdj334DC5U-00030-00007800-00008151 yeah okay it says this is a sacred book 7gdj334DC5U-00031-00008152-00008310 full of secrets and fun 7gdj334DC5U-00032-00008311-00008567 that only the mc squad can read please 7gdj334DC5U-00033-00008568-00008791 only share this info with those who 7gdj334DC5U-00034-00008792-00009103 are trusted mature safe and can keep 7gdj334DC5U-00035-00009104-00009206 secrets 7gdj334DC5U-00036-00009207-00009519 yes i also want to mention i got this 7gdj334DC5U-00037-00009520-00009559 book 7gdj334DC5U-00038-00009560-00009942 for my birthday um so i don't remember 7gdj334DC5U-00039-00009943-00010167 when i started writing in it however 7gdj334DC5U-00040-00010168-00010374 welcome if you are reading this you are 7gdj334DC5U-00041-00010375-00010542 a very special person 7gdj334DC5U-00042-00010543-00010855 let's begin with the basics intros first 7gdj334DC5U-00043-00010856-00011151 this is based on the book our parents 7gdj334DC5U-00044-00011152-00011183 made 7gdj334DC5U-00045-00011184-00011414 15 years ago gilva inspired this so 7gdj334DC5U-00046-00011415-00011535 thanks to you 7gdj334DC5U-00047-00011536-00011727 now let's get started this was written 7gdj334DC5U-00048-00011728-00011895 by leila as i'm sure you can guess from 7gdj334DC5U-00049-00011896-00012070 all of the explanation points 7gdj334DC5U-00050-00012071-00012423 anyway this is layla's page it says name 7gdj334DC5U-00051-00012424-00012822 layla preston her nicknames lalalia 7gdj334DC5U-00052-00012823-00013086 and bambi she's mostly called bambi 7gdj334DC5U-00053-00013087-00013199 because that's her 7gdj334DC5U-00054-00013200-00013463 band name in missing dream stay tuned 7gdj334DC5U-00055-00013463-00013615 for something i'm working on 7gdj334DC5U-00056-00013616-00013943 um parents claire adams and robin 7gdj334DC5U-00057-00013944-00014263 preston hence her last name band 7gdj334DC5U-00058-00014263-00014607 roll vocalist and leader identify 7gdj334DC5U-00059-00014608-00014830 um so you know who's writing if the 7gdj334DC5U-00060-00014831-00014958 writing is pink like 7gdj334DC5U-00061-00014959-00015247 this or just pink in general first 7gdj334DC5U-00062-00015247-00015343 friend was 7gdj334DC5U-00063-00015344-00015671 skylar she was born i don't know what i 7gdj334DC5U-00064-00015672-00015775 was doing there but 7gdj334DC5U-00065-00015776-00015999 she was born february 12th so a little 7gdj334DC5U-00066-00016000-00016135 bit after 7gdj334DC5U-00067-00016136-00016439 or before valentine's day actually birth 7gdj334DC5U-00068-00016440-00016622 place golden hills valley 7gdj334DC5U-00069-00016623-00016830 and i don't know what i can use as an 7gdj334DC5U-00070-00016831-00017071 excuse i just can't write sometimes 7gdj334DC5U-00071-00017072-00017279 favorite food italian favorite color 7gdj334DC5U-00072-00017280-00017463 pink favorite animal dear 7gdj334DC5U-00073-00017464-00017735 look at that little face i did favorite 7gdj334DC5U-00074-00017736-00017799 hobby 7gdj334DC5U-00075-00017800-00018071 shopping personality stubborn curious 7gdj334DC5U-00076-00018072-00018199 sweet adventurous 7gdj334DC5U-00077-00018200-00018503 and strong very similar to 7gdj334DC5U-00078-00018504-00018694 claire's personality except i wouldn't 7gdj334DC5U-00079-00018695-00018911 say claire is stubborn 7gdj334DC5U-00080-00018912-00019143 i mean she's very curious but i don't 7gdj334DC5U-00081-00019144-00019286 think i would 7gdj334DC5U-00082-00019287-00019494 necessarily say she was stubborn this is 7gdj334DC5U-00083-00019495-00019614 skyler's 7gdj334DC5U-00084-00019615-00019991 name skyler walters or skye um 7gdj334DC5U-00085-00019992-00020311 parents scarlett and alec of course 7gdj334DC5U-00086-00020312-00020550 um band roll vocalist and guitarist 7gdj334DC5U-00087-00020551-00020694 mostly cal stick of 7gdj334DC5U-00088-00020695-00020878 a cal state acoustic however you say i 7gdj334DC5U-00089-00020879-00021047 don't know identify by 7gdj334DC5U-00090-00021048-00021255 blue i just chose it because i mean it's 7gdj334DC5U-00091-00021256-00021414 her favorite color 7gdj334DC5U-00092-00021415-00021694 first friend katie just a third grader 7gdj334DC5U-00093-00021695-00021871 she kind of forgot about 7gdj334DC5U-00094-00021872-00022222 born um blue whale 7gdj334DC5U-00095-00022223-00022486 oh she did a very specific entry here 7gdj334DC5U-00096-00022487-00022639 who will hospital 7gdj334DC5U-00097-00022640-00022991 on december 7th very specific 7gdj334DC5U-00098-00022992-00023255 birthplace silver glade favorite food 7gdj334DC5U-00099-00023256-00023358 noodles 7gdj334DC5U-00100-00023359-00023567 favorite color blue favorite animal 7gdj334DC5U-00101-00023568-00023663 horses 7gdj334DC5U-00102-00023664-00023967 does he's favorite hobby 7gdj334DC5U-00103-00023968-00024207 riding horses personality shy creative 7gdj334DC5U-00104-00024208-00024430 stubborn smart and quirky 7gdj334DC5U-00105-00024431-00024807 yo her name is renata evans 7gdj334DC5U-00106-00024808-00025199 or rin or risky um parents alex evans 7gdj334DC5U-00107-00025200-00025263 and max 7gdj334DC5U-00108-00025264-00025639 diaz um alex has had a pretty hard 7gdj334DC5U-00109-00025639-00025878 love life she was with a guy named angus 7gdj334DC5U-00110-00025879-00026070 and then she broke up with him 7gdj334DC5U-00111-00026072-00026270 and then she got with max and then he 7gdj334DC5U-00112-00026272-00026407 divorced herself 7gdj334DC5U-00113-00026408-00026727 you know anyway band roll guitarist 7gdj334DC5U-00114-00026727-00026918 identify with red 7gdj334DC5U-00115-00026919-00027127 first friend you can't trust anyone 7gdj334DC5U-00116-00027127-00027255 mostly 7gdj334DC5U-00117-00027256-00027583 born november 2nd 7gdj334DC5U-00118-00027583-00027887 birthplace new hillcrest favorite food 7gdj334DC5U-00119-00027888-00028111 meat i couldn't read that for a second 7gdj334DC5U-00120-00028112-00028262 favorite color black 7gdj334DC5U-00121-00028263-00028518 favorite animal a wolf favorite hobby 7gdj334DC5U-00122-00028519-00028702 practicing roller skating and her 7gdj334DC5U-00123-00028704-00028902 personality is rebellious moody 7gdj334DC5U-00124-00028904-00029318 funny and witty very accurate 7gdj334DC5U-00125-00029319-00029718 next up is um alice's kid dana 7gdj334DC5U-00126-00029719-00030095 and her nicknames are witchy and dede 7gdj334DC5U-00127-00030095-00030423 parents alice cruz and jacob chandler 7gdj334DC5U-00128-00030424-00030767 band roll not name drummer and 7gdj334DC5U-00129-00030768-00031135 pan she plays piano identify 7gdj334DC5U-00130-00031136-00031455 purple first friend rin born 7gdj334DC5U-00131-00031456-00031718 october 2nd she was born november 2nd 7gdj334DC5U-00132-00031719-00031902 she was born october 2nd which 7gdj334DC5U-00133-00031903-00032143 tomorrow is her birthday happy birthday 7gdj334DC5U-00134-00032144-00032231 dana 7gdj334DC5U-00135-00032232-00032599 okay portland was her birthplace 7gdj334DC5U-00136-00032600-00032855 favorite food brand muffin yes i said 7gdj334DC5U-00137-00032856-00032974 waffen oh yeah 7gdj334DC5U-00138-00032975-00033183 i said waffen because you know it was 7gdj334DC5U-00139-00033184-00033367 like her childhood thing 7gdj334DC5U-00140-00033368-00033590 her favorite hobby is just reading 7gdj334DC5U-00141-00033591-00033702 really 7gdj334DC5U-00142-00033703-00033951 and of her her personality a bit 7gdj334DC5U-00143-00033952-00034062 annoying 7gdj334DC5U-00144-00034063-00034302 sometimes rude sarcastic professional 7gdj334DC5U-00145-00034303-00034383 and 7gdj334DC5U-00146-00034384-00034559 i know i shouldn't be here but why can't 7gdj334DC5U-00147-00034560-00034718 you spell i don't know 7gdj334DC5U-00148-00034719-00034951 okay i had to write that because i 7gdj334DC5U-00149-00034952-00035174 misspelled so many things 7gdj334DC5U-00150-00035175-00035511 alyssia which is emily's daughter 7gdj334DC5U-00151-00035512-00035815 parents emily dennison and bradley roy 7gdj334DC5U-00152-00035816-00036118 band roll almost a name drummer and 7gdj334DC5U-00153-00036119-00036271 vocalist 7gdj334DC5U-00154-00036272-00036623 identify by green first friend sophia 7gdj334DC5U-00155-00036624-00036839 palm just a random person she met 7gdj334DC5U-00156-00036840-00037255 from her family born may 31st 7gdj334DC5U-00157-00037256-00037518 birthplace miss fall um she was born a 7gdj334DC5U-00158-00037519-00037607 mistral like 7gdj334DC5U-00159-00037608-00037927 scarlet so that's nice favorite food 7gdj334DC5U-00160-00037928-00038183 salad favorite color green favorite 7gdj334DC5U-00161-00038184-00038246 animal 7gdj334DC5U-00162-00038247-00038527 hummingbirds favorite hobby gardening 7gdj334DC5U-00163-00038528-00038783 and her personalities kind shy generous 7gdj334DC5U-00164-00038784-00039030 and timid as i'm sure you could guess 7gdj334DC5U-00165-00039031-00039087 from 7gdj334DC5U-00166-00039088-00039287 being emily's daughter alright so we're 7gdj334DC5U-00167-00039288-00039399 gonna go into the more 7gdj334DC5U-00168-00039400-00039711 chit chatty kind of things now not gonna 7gdj334DC5U-00169-00039712-00039751 lie 7gdj334DC5U-00170-00039752-00039943 i didn't understand how this would work 7gdj334DC5U-00171-00039944-00040223 rin yeah i don't honestly know how this 7gdj334DC5U-00172-00040224-00040415 would work in real life 7gdj334DC5U-00173-00040416-00040615 like giving your friends a book and 7gdj334DC5U-00174-00040616-00040767 hoping they would fill in the blanks i 7gdj334DC5U-00175-00040768-00040943 guess 7gdj334DC5U-00176-00040944-00041262 we simply just talk lol even though we 7gdj334DC5U-00177-00041263-00041390 can easily text 7gdj334DC5U-00178-00041391-00041599 y'all have to be kidding i have like too 7gdj334DC5U-00179-00041600-00041718 much to say 7gdj334DC5U-00180-00041719-00042030 my mom finally got a good deal 7gdj334DC5U-00181-00042031-00042351 fashionista in the works layla yeah she 7gdj334DC5U-00182-00042352-00042527 talks a lot like me so 7gdj334DC5U-00183-00042528-00042783 that's great leah scar has been so busy 7gdj334DC5U-00184-00042784-00042830 lately 7gdj334DC5U-00185-00042831-00043143 she can't stop for me skye yeah skye had 7gdj334DC5U-00186-00043144-00043335 a little bit of a situation but then 7gdj334DC5U-00187-00043336-00043535 when she finds out that her mom has been 7gdj334DC5U-00188-00043536-00043639 working 7gdj334DC5U-00189-00043640-00044007 at a place that he'll learn eventually 7gdj334DC5U-00190-00044008-00044279 and it says skye you should really talk 7gdj334DC5U-00191-00044280-00044462 to your parents obvi you are talking 7gdj334DC5U-00192-00044463-00044646 about 7gdj334DC5U-00193-00044647-00044974 lacking memories with them dana and then 7gdj334DC5U-00194-00044975-00045215 rin said it's not that easy do 7gdj334DC5U-00195-00045216-00045455 dd parents can't stop their busy 7gdj334DC5U-00196-00045456-00045623 calendar for their children 7gdj334DC5U-00197-00045624-00045935 they they need to feed their stomachs 7gdj334DC5U-00198-00045936-00046295 not mental memories yeah rin's a little 7gdj334DC5U-00199-00046296-00046623 rough and then i don't know what was 7gdj334DC5U-00200-00046624-00046743 wrong with my spelling 7gdj334DC5U-00201-00046744-00047079 i omg i understand dede 7gdj334DC5U-00202-00047080-00047302 my parents are being busy but they still 7gdj334DC5U-00203-00047303-00047390 love me 7gdj334DC5U-00204-00047391-00047702 risky i just hide my struggles because 7gdj334DC5U-00205-00047703-00047855 it's better that way 7gdj334DC5U-00206-00047856-00048102 my mom has a life too let's respect that 7gdj334DC5U-00207-00048103-00048190 sky 7gdj334DC5U-00208-00048191-00048495 yeah but you can't be sad either rin so 7gdj334DC5U-00209-00048496-00048702 yeah those are some of the pages 7gdj334DC5U-00210-00048703-00048943 um i might have more but i want to save 7gdj334DC5U-00211-00048944-00049127 them for the next progress report 7gdj334DC5U-00212-00049128-00049295 i hope you guys are enjoying and i'll 7gdj334DC5U-00213-00049296-00049486 see you next time 7gdj334DC5U-00214-00049487-00049830 bye mc squad out for now 7gdj334DC5U-00215-00049831-00049990 bye 7gdj334DC5U-00216-00049991-00050207 [Music] 7gdj334DC5U-00217-00050208-00051011 i must be dreaming cause i don't believe 7gdj334DC5U-00218-00051012-00051799 [Music] 7gKRSWX_hT8-00000-00000102-00000443 this may not be true about you but if it 7gKRSWX_hT8-00001-00000444-00000886 is true it is true 7gKRSWX_hT8-00002-00000888-00001391 why do you get drunk so much 7gKRSWX_hT8-00003-00001392-00001984 why do you get high so much like why 7gKRSWX_hT8-00004-00001985-00002392 are you taking these things 7gKRSWX_hT8-00005-00002393-00002584 As It Seems 7gKRSWX_hT8-00006-00002585-00002945 to make yourself feel numb or to make 7gKRSWX_hT8-00007-00002946-00003563 yourself feel different than normally 7gKRSWX_hT8-00008-00003564-00003965 why are you doing this 7gKRSWX_hT8-00009-00003965-00004463 are you trying to escape something 7gKRSWX_hT8-00010-00004464-00004751 what are you trying to escape 7gKRSWX_hT8-00011-00004752-00005009 is it possible 7gKRSWX_hT8-00012-00005010-00005381 you are trying to escape the way that 7gKRSWX_hT8-00013-00005382-00005711 you feel 7gKRSWX_hT8-00014-00005712-00006017 if you are trying to escape the way that 7gKRSWX_hT8-00015-00006018-00006125 you feel 7gKRSWX_hT8-00016-00006126-00006450 why do you believe alcohol 7gKRSWX_hT8-00017-00006451-00006817 and drugs 7gKRSWX_hT8-00018-00006818-00006996 will 7gKRSWX_hT8-00019-00006997-00007541 be like a good solution 7gKRSWX_hT8-00020-00007542-00007955 to your problems 7gKRSWX_hT8-00021-00007956-00008423 you may have received trauma in the past 7gKRSWX_hT8-00022-00008424-00008783 maybe when you were younger 7gKRSWX_hT8-00023-00008784-00009305 a family member did this or that to you 7gKRSWX_hT8-00024-00009306-00009778 maybe you were abused a lot maybe you 7gKRSWX_hT8-00025-00009779-00010103 were neglected maybe you saw some things 7gKRSWX_hT8-00026-00010104-00010673 that really messed with your mind 7gKRSWX_hT8-00027-00010674-00011153 how long have you been abusing 7gKRSWX_hT8-00028-00011154-00011777 alcohol and drugs and other harmful 7gKRSWX_hT8-00029-00011778-00011945 stuff 7gKRSWX_hT8-00030-00011946-00012401 how long have you been doing this and 7gKRSWX_hT8-00031-00012402-00012706 like 7gKRSWX_hT8-00032-00012707-00012971 it may work 7gKRSWX_hT8-00033-00012972-00013349 I guess while you do it but 7gKRSWX_hT8-00034-00013350-00013721 what happens afterward I believe those 7gKRSWX_hT8-00035-00013722-00014129 feelings I believe those emotions come 7gKRSWX_hT8-00036-00014130-00014243 back 7gKRSWX_hT8-00037-00014244-00014605 perhaps those thoughts come back too 7gKRSWX_hT8-00038-00014606-00014957 have you ever tried 7gKRSWX_hT8-00039-00014958-00015293 living for Jesus Christ 7gKRSWX_hT8-00040-00015294-00015577 have you ever tried 7gKRSWX_hT8-00041-00015578-00015994 given giving your life to him 7gKRSWX_hT8-00042-00015995-00016229 you have tried 7gKRSWX_hT8-00043-00016230-00016517 all that other stuff 7gKRSWX_hT8-00044-00016518-00016757 you have tried 7gKRSWX_hT8-00045-00016758-00017008 doing the wrong things 7gKRSWX_hT8-00046-00017009-00017507 why not live for Jesus Christ now 7gKRSWX_hT8-00047-00017508-00017858 may God bless us all 7hRDsFWTjog-00000-00000000-00000175 yo what's going on guys and welcome back 7hRDsFWTjog-00001-00000176-00000390 to design reality hottest design show on 7hRDsFWTjog-00002-00000391-00000567 youtube and that's that's facts 7hRDsFWTjog-00003-00000568-00000678 basically we end up taking eight 7hRDsFWTjog-00004-00000679-00000782 different designers that go ahead to 7hRDsFWTjog-00005-00000783-00000975 have the same exact brief after the 7hRDsFWTjog-00006-00000976-00001143 first round only four people after the 7hRDsFWTjog-00007-00001144-00001287 second round there's two people and then 7hRDsFWTjog-00008-00001288-00001431 those two will go head to head for a 7hRDsFWTjog-00009-00001432-00001623 nice dope 1v1 it's gonna be great it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00010-00001623-00001823 gonna be dope and uh today we have logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00011-00001823-00002007 design episode number two starting off 7hRDsFWTjog-00012-00002007-00002175 with our first contestant enzo who's 7hRDsFWTjog-00013-00002176-00002326 apparently been practicing at perfection 7hRDsFWTjog-00014-00002327-00002558 since 2003. then we have michael who's a 7hRDsFWTjog-00015-00002559-00002695 freelance social media and brand 7hRDsFWTjog-00016-00002696-00002863 designer debonair who is a freelance 7hRDsFWTjog-00017-00002864-00003055 designer working with vbi axel who is a 7hRDsFWTjog-00018-00003056-00003166 graphic designer what they love for 7hRDsFWTjog-00019-00003167-00003343 branding and typography hendrick who is 7hRDsFWTjog-00020-00003344-00003527 a graphic designer for team liquid then 7hRDsFWTjog-00021-00003528-00003711 we have a returning fan favorite home 7hRDsFWTjog-00022-00003711-00003854 scope who is a graphic design content 7hRDsFWTjog-00023-00003855-00004086 creator with over 150k on tick tock nick 7hRDsFWTjog-00024-00004087-00004231 creates who is a branding and social 7hRDsFWTjog-00025-00004232-00004406 media designer and then last up we have 7hRDsFWTjog-00026-00004407-00004583 mike goldfields with self-proclaimed 7hRDsFWTjog-00027-00004584-00004767 shape peddlers and with that comes the 7hRDsFWTjog-00028-00004768-00004902 brief that these guys can be working 7hRDsFWTjog-00029-00004903-00005047 with and that's known as a brand known 7hRDsFWTjog-00030-00005048-00005238 as physique now physique is an upcoming 7hRDsFWTjog-00031-00005239-00005415 gym inspired by greek history and 7hRDsFWTjog-00032-00005416-00005606 aesthetics our mission is to create a 7hRDsFWTjog-00033-00005607-00005783 brand directed towards bodybuilders and 7hRDsFWTjog-00034-00005784-00005983 gym rats we are looking for a logo mark 7hRDsFWTjog-00035-00005984-00006143 or type to use for our new brand 7hRDsFWTjog-00036-00006144-00006318 identity and provided keywords to help 7hRDsFWTjog-00037-00006319-00006559 with your direction herculean legendary 7hRDsFWTjog-00038-00006559-00006767 and respected these guys have one hour 7hRDsFWTjog-00039-00006768-00006951 to design in 15 minutes to mock up so 7hRDsFWTjog-00040-00006952-00007327 let's see what these guys create 7hRDsFWTjog-00041-00007328-00007703 all right guys are you ready yes yes 7hRDsFWTjog-00042-00007704-00007831 three 7hRDsFWTjog-00043-00007831-00007951 two 7hRDsFWTjog-00044-00007952-00008327 one design so the idea i'm going for is 7hRDsFWTjog-00045-00008328-00008591 a fist clenching a dumbbell i'm gonna go 7hRDsFWTjog-00046-00008592-00008823 with like a helmet design integrated 7hRDsFWTjog-00047-00008824-00009006 into like a p logo it's always important 7hRDsFWTjog-00048-00009007-00009206 to create a mood board for your designs 7hRDsFWTjog-00049-00009207-00009487 so we got herculean legendary and 7hRDsFWTjog-00050-00009488-00009814 respected big inspo right there huge i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00051-00009815-00010055 kind of kind of nervous not gonna lie 7hRDsFWTjog-00052-00010056-00010455 bro i came prepared for this one 7hRDsFWTjog-00053-00010456-00010655 full of inspiration george can you 7hRDsFWTjog-00054-00010656-00010983 believe we got all sabotages 7hRDsFWTjog-00055-00010984-00011142 we're back yo 7hRDsFWTjog-00056-00011143-00011367 it's gonna be a fun episode first we're 7hRDsFWTjog-00057-00011368-00011599 back this group is fantastic the vibes 7hRDsFWTjog-00058-00011600-00011799 are ripe but they also chose sabotage 7hRDsFWTjog-00059-00011800-00011903 which is 7hRDsFWTjog-00060-00011904-00012103 kind of crazy we have no input in this 7hRDsFWTjog-00061-00012104-00012303 entire thing for the first round uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00062-00012304-00012487 that's that's gonna be kind of scary i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00063-00012488-00012678 thinking about like this this weird just 7hRDsFWTjog-00064-00012679-00012902 like floral shape but i don't really 7hRDsFWTjog-00065-00012903-00013063 know how the physique would work into 7hRDsFWTjog-00066-00013063-00013255 this so i want to include like the 7hRDsFWTjog-00067-00013256-00013407 warrior feeds i'd love to include 7hRDsFWTjog-00068-00013408-00013638 weights on both sides since it's a gym i 7hRDsFWTjog-00069-00013640-00013783 think it will be better to have a word 7hRDsFWTjog-00070-00013784-00014038 mark let's look through this book i 7hRDsFWTjog-00071-00014040-00014430 dislike this i dislike this it's not 7hRDsFWTjog-00072-00014431-00014686 myself branding i will start with kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00073-00014687-00014894 of a greek looking pee with uh some 7hRDsFWTjog-00074-00014895-00015207 serif i'll try the kind of herculean 7hRDsFWTjog-00075-00015208-00015358 style with the wreath that goes above 7hRDsFWTjog-00076-00015359-00015519 here kind of looks like the uh the 7hRDsFWTjog-00077-00015519-00015679 pokemon fighting symbol that's the kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00078-00015680-00015838 of idea we're going for i kind of want 7hRDsFWTjog-00079-00015840-00016007 to make this look like a uh a stack of 7hRDsFWTjog-00080-00016008-00016150 weights on like a barbell with like the 7hRDsFWTjog-00081-00016151-00016343 p looks like a nipple it looks like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00082-00016344-00016550 nipple is that demonetizable i'm sorry 7hRDsFWTjog-00083-00016551-00016839 ceso our only concern would be make it 7hRDsFWTjog-00084-00016840-00017055 too wide that's the first that's the 7hRDsFWTjog-00085-00017056-00017271 first draft that's actually pretty cool 7hRDsFWTjog-00086-00017272-00017527 wait make it look like a bicep flexing 7hRDsFWTjog-00087-00017528-00017727 okay okay i think i got it i think i got 7hRDsFWTjog-00088-00017728-00018071 it maybe only this this hand what i want 7hRDsFWTjog-00089-00018072-00018207 to do that i think will make this look 7hRDsFWTjog-00090-00018208-00018343 really solid make it feel like it's like 7hRDsFWTjog-00091-00018344-00018486 a podium so we got the podium we got the 7hRDsFWTjog-00092-00018487-00018647 p but then also this almost looks like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00093-00018648-00018863 water bottle keywords herculean we can 7hRDsFWTjog-00094-00018864-00019086 do kind of like a zeus 7hRDsFWTjog-00095-00019087-00019286 hercules type deal have a bolt it will 7hRDsFWTjog-00096-00019287-00019471 help with the colors as well oh i gotta 7hRDsFWTjog-00097-00019472-00019750 i gotta sabotage homescope is looking to 7hRDsFWTjog-00098-00019751-00019839 sabotage 7hRDsFWTjog-00099-00019840-00020167 enzo oh he gonna be so stressed out 7hRDsFWTjog-00100-00020168-00020383 oh fist oh no this is this is where it 7hRDsFWTjog-00101-00020384-00020622 starts this is asking to sabotage 7hRDsFWTjog-00102-00020623-00020927 homeschool oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00103-00020928-00021191 let's go yep immediate payback i mean 7hRDsFWTjog-00104-00021192-00021358 it's not from enzo it's from this four 7hRDsFWTjog-00105-00021359-00021455 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00106-00021456-00021791 to think and reflect i wasted 30 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00107-00021792-00021999 on basically nothing what the 7hRDsFWTjog-00108-00022000-00022271 how am i supposed to do this so 15 7hRDsFWTjog-00109-00022272-00022399 minutes roughly just went by and these 7hRDsFWTjog-00110-00022400-00022575 guys are all looking pretty good it's a 7hRDsFWTjog-00111-00022576-00022822 very dynamic pose it screams athleticism 7hRDsFWTjog-00112-00022823-00023030 without necessarily saying burr i wanna 7hRDsFWTjog-00113-00023031-00023247 on a lift away i'm gonna create a 7hRDsFWTjog-00114-00023248-00023486 lightning bolt for zeus going through a 7hRDsFWTjog-00115-00023487-00023655 pee that's gonna be my thesis why is 7hRDsFWTjog-00116-00023656-00023814 this so much more stressful than i would 7hRDsFWTjog-00117-00023815-00024063 ever think that it is holy hell if there 7hRDsFWTjog-00118-00024064-00024150 is 7hRDsFWTjog-00119-00024151-00024311 one man i know 7hRDsFWTjog-00120-00024312-00024535 that is inspired by the gym greek 7hRDsFWTjog-00121-00024536-00024799 history and culture 7hRDsFWTjog-00122-00024800-00024991 and what does he have on the uh blackout 7hRDsFWTjog-00123-00024992-00025158 merch look at that pattern we're gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-00124-00025159-00025327 try that out baby you have these two 7hRDsFWTjog-00125-00025328-00025494 assets i think we can really work with 7hRDsFWTjog-00126-00025495-00025622 that i'm going to actually throw 7hRDsFWTjog-00127-00025623-00025887 together a kind of like a fun i want to 7hRDsFWTjog-00128-00025888-00026087 be quite bold that's the thing this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00129-00026088-00026311 going to be hell to vector this i don't 7hRDsFWTjog-00130-00026312-00026462 know why i'm struggling so much about 7hRDsFWTjog-00131-00026463-00026774 this my brain is not processing this 7hRDsFWTjog-00132-00026775-00026967 and so unfortunately the first sabotage 7hRDsFWTjog-00133-00026968-00027167 but now he's getting sabotaged twice in 7hRDsFWTjog-00134-00027168-00027414 the same time so oh now you can't design 7hRDsFWTjog-00135-00027416-00027679 for eight minutes bro i got 7hRDsFWTjog-00136-00027680-00027958 you bro it's all love enzo it's part of 7hRDsFWTjog-00137-00027960-00028183 the game we had to what if we made him 7hRDsFWTjog-00138-00028183-00028367 peas oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00139-00028368-00028567 wait i'm so gassed over this man wait 7hRDsFWTjog-00140-00028568-00028758 this is such a good idea this is painful 7hRDsFWTjog-00141-00028760-00028974 i'm gonna sabotage home scope this bro 7hRDsFWTjog-00142-00028975-00029239 deserves it someone sabotaged me again 7hRDsFWTjog-00143-00029239-00029518 oh my god very sad i'm very upset you 7hRDsFWTjog-00144-00029519-00029695 want to sabotage me huh 7hRDsFWTjog-00145-00029695-00029895 and guess what you're getting unfollowed 7hRDsFWTjog-00146-00029895-00030079 on twitter now we're back on that grunt 7hRDsFWTjog-00147-00030080-00030302 presentation no we need to do colors bro 7hRDsFWTjog-00148-00030303-00030583 what am i on oh my god i'm an idiot 7hRDsFWTjog-00149-00030583-00030839 ah i don't i don't know i don't like it 7hRDsFWTjog-00150-00030839-00031062 not gonna lie i don't like it half the 7hRDsFWTjog-00151-00031063-00031239 time it's gone it's gonna have 30 7hRDsFWTjog-00152-00031239-00031470 minutes left all right so here we go 7hRDsFWTjog-00153-00031472-00031695 does this work the orange i'm not sure 7hRDsFWTjog-00154-00031695-00031911 about i think it's too orange okay this 7hRDsFWTjog-00155-00031912-00032055 i'm gonna keep with this one i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00156-00032056-00032255 finalizing this one if i don't come up 7hRDsFWTjog-00157-00032256-00032414 with anything else then this is gonna be 7hRDsFWTjog-00158-00032416-00032599 the thing that i stick with because i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00159-00032600-00032790 low-key running auto for these oh my 7hRDsFWTjog-00160-00032791-00033118 illustrator is freezing no oh dude oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00161-00033119-00033318 wait i should probably save this 7hRDsFWTjog-00162-00033319-00033487 dude i don't even have any font style on 7hRDsFWTjog-00163-00033488-00033767 this computer where's my uh hard drive 7hRDsFWTjog-00164-00033768-00033887 and i genuinely don't know what's in 7hRDsFWTjog-00165-00033888-00034183 here like this is from so long ago 2018. 7hRDsFWTjog-00166-00034184-00034367 oh my god dude this is just a waste of 7hRDsFWTjog-00167-00034368-00034598 time 7hRDsFWTjog-00168-00034599-00034927 [Music] 7hRDsFWTjog-00169-00034928-00035183 apparently nick's like power went out in 7hRDsFWTjog-00170-00035184-00035439 his office dude why am i laughing it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00171-00035440-00035615 not funny uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00172-00035616-00035855 oof why is my photoshop frozen now what 7hRDsFWTjog-00173-00035856-00036030 the hell is that allowed to like 7hRDsFWTjog-00174-00036031-00036199 physically take up your keyboard and 7hRDsFWTjog-00175-00036200-00036527 like slam it into your pc 14 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00176-00036528-00036767 remaining i think this i think the fist 7hRDsFWTjog-00177-00036768-00037015 isn't square i've only just realized 7hRDsFWTjog-00178-00037016-00037190 that's fine that's fine 7hRDsFWTjog-00179-00037191-00037439 don't panic my goal going into this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00180-00037440-00037687 to go further than i did before 7hRDsFWTjog-00181-00037688-00037967 that's it i'm currently trying a bunch 7hRDsFWTjog-00182-00037968-00038246 of stuff to see if i can fix up the logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00183-00038247-00038487 more this current branding is this sucks 7hRDsFWTjog-00184-00038488-00038695 come on fonts i built a badass computer 7hRDsFWTjog-00185-00038696-00038887 and i fostered it's like this is worse 7hRDsFWTjog-00186-00038888-00039046 than downloading a game hadron has to 7hRDsFWTjog-00187-00039047-00039199 stop designing we'll only have 10 7hRDsFWTjog-00188-00039200-00039471 minutes left to finish oh no with that 7hRDsFWTjog-00189-00039472-00039567 said though that means the people who 7hRDsFWTjog-00190-00039568-00039783 did not sabotage kind of wasted a 7hRDsFWTjog-00191-00039784-00039943 critique they could have had so all 7hRDsFWTjog-00192-00039944-00040343 right we got sabotaged 7hRDsFWTjog-00193-00040344-00040518 i i hate to say i specialize in 7hRDsFWTjog-00194-00040519-00040662 adjusting fonts like this but i 7hRDsFWTjog-00195-00040663-00040799 absolutely love it oh no that doesn't 7hRDsFWTjog-00196-00040800-00041143 look good i lied i lied oh i'm screwed i 7hRDsFWTjog-00197-00041144-00041318 am so screwed 7hRDsFWTjog-00198-00041319-00041502 oh my god 7hRDsFWTjog-00199-00041503-00041687 oh this is sick wait it's like the 7hRDsFWTjog-00200-00041688-00041943 olympic torch i'm in my bag right now 7hRDsFWTjog-00201-00041944-00042174 that's not sad dude what am i doing i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00202-00042175-00042455 actually throwing i'm confident dude i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00203-00042456-00042615 confident okay so i have two minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00204-00042616-00042807 left and i need to do a ton of stuff is 7hRDsFWTjog-00205-00042808-00043071 it dynamic yes is it strong 7hRDsFWTjog-00206-00043072-00043358 yes i think i imagine right now i've 7hRDsFWTjog-00207-00043359-00043655 probably spelt something wrong i do like 7hRDsFWTjog-00208-00043656-00043887 the bright green but i feel like to 7hRDsFWTjog-00209-00043888-00044111 stick with the brief i like this color 7hRDsFWTjog-00210-00044112-00044335 the best i think it's not perfect i know 7hRDsFWTjog-00211-00044336-00044583 that oh fitness more there's two 7hRDsFWTjog-00212-00044584-00044790 m's that could have been catastrophic 7hRDsFWTjog-00213-00044791-00044951 boys i don't think i've been stressed 7hRDsFWTjog-00214-00044952-00045246 like this in a long while oh holy 7hRDsFWTjog-00215-00045247-00045615 that's that was 7hRDsFWTjog-00216-00045616-00045927 and with that time is up all right so 7hRDsFWTjog-00217-00045928-00046102 now you guys will have 15 minutes to 7hRDsFWTjog-00218-00046103-00046335 mock up so uh just 7hRDsFWTjog-00219-00046336-00046527 gonna go right into it three 7hRDsFWTjog-00220-00046528-00046623 two 7hRDsFWTjog-00221-00046624-00046846 one start your mock-ups i guess the idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00222-00046847-00047151 now is to find a stock image of a gym 7hRDsFWTjog-00223-00047152-00047383 this is extremely stressful um wait i 7hRDsFWTjog-00224-00047384-00047462 think i might just found something 7hRDsFWTjog-00225-00047463-00047718 perfect this dude looks hard i i want to 7hRDsFWTjog-00226-00047719-00047918 see how this would look oh this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00227-00047919-00048190 looking a little bright i got my mock-up 7hRDsFWTjog-00228-00048191-00048511 pretty much ready this is some easy okay 7hRDsFWTjog-00229-00048512-00048871 he is massive what that even possible 7hRDsFWTjog-00230-00048872-00049135 like my photoshop just doesn't work 7hRDsFWTjog-00231-00049136-00049279 this whole episode is just going to be 7hRDsFWTjog-00232-00049280-00049462 reaching i'm sorry just see if we can 7hRDsFWTjog-00233-00049463-00049679 work with showcasing the logo a little 7hRDsFWTjog-00234-00049680-00049830 bit more just like the variations now 7hRDsFWTjog-00235-00049831-00049990 we're going to do this the classic makes 7hRDsFWTjog-00236-00049991-00050167 it look like i used rulers technique 7hRDsFWTjog-00237-00050168-00050383 here but i didn't at all no i think it 7hRDsFWTjog-00238-00050384-00050574 looks good but the presentation i'm not 7hRDsFWTjog-00239-00050575-00050767 sure about this let's hope this looks 7hRDsFWTjog-00240-00050768-00051046 decent it looks awful holy oh happy with 7hRDsFWTjog-00241-00051047-00051350 that relax for a minute oh my god i must 7hRDsFWTjog-00242-00051351-00051487 delete the whole thing dude this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00243-00051488-00051726 gonna be so jank it's the time frame man 7hRDsFWTjog-00244-00051727-00051894 that's it guys that's what we're gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-00245-00051895-00052087 go with this will be all i have i just 7hRDsFWTjog-00246-00052088-00052407 choked us time's up god damn it time is 7hRDsFWTjog-00247-00052408-00052703 up that is it so uh george can you uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00248-00052704-00052838 let them know they gotta do real quick 7hRDsFWTjog-00249-00052839-00053054 to uh complete this whole thing elevator 7hRDsFWTjog-00250-00053055-00053247 pitches so we just need a little bit 7hRDsFWTjog-00251-00053248-00053494 more information some context on your 7hRDsFWTjog-00252-00053495-00053782 process decisions and basically why you 7hRDsFWTjog-00253-00053783-00053950 think your design works we'll start with 7hRDsFWTjog-00254-00053951-00054135 debonair uh straight off the bat i knew 7hRDsFWTjog-00255-00054136-00054303 what i was gonna do because one of the 7hRDsFWTjog-00256-00054304-00054463 key words was herculean and i really 7hRDsFWTjog-00257-00054464-00054615 like that word so i was kind of like 7hRDsFWTjog-00258-00054616-00054735 first idea that came to mind was just 7hRDsFWTjog-00259-00054736-00054999 like a zeus a typical zeus hand with the 7hRDsFWTjog-00260-00055000-00055142 lightning and i feel like that just 7hRDsFWTjog-00261-00055144-00055335 worked handcrafted the 7hRDsFWTjog-00262-00055336-00055519 the font as well which is very nice uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00263-00055520-00055759 next up is enzo for the symbology behind 7hRDsFWTjog-00264-00055760-00055999 the logo i went with using the letter p 7hRDsFWTjog-00265-00056000-00056230 but also it representing a curled bicep 7hRDsFWTjog-00266-00056232-00056423 which obviously connects to it being a 7hRDsFWTjog-00267-00056424-00056711 gym used sharp lines to convey like 7hRDsFWTjog-00268-00056712-00056982 sharpness and agility uh go for your 7hRDsFWTjog-00269-00056983-00057279 next mine i i really took inspiration 7hRDsFWTjog-00270-00057279-00057479 from the herculean kind of aspect of it 7hRDsFWTjog-00271-00057479-00057647 i tried to leverage both kind of like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00272-00057648-00057854 p logo as well as like a spartan helmet 7hRDsFWTjog-00273-00057855-00058103 it goes hand in hand with their ideology 7hRDsFWTjog-00274-00058104-00058303 of you know looking good and strength is 7hRDsFWTjog-00275-00058304-00058487 everything when you think hercules you 7hRDsFWTjog-00276-00058488-00058638 think kind of zeus kind of you know 7hRDsFWTjog-00277-00058639-00058871 lightning bolts strength wise awesome 7hRDsFWTjog-00278-00058872-00059103 okay hendrick what about you i went for 7hRDsFWTjog-00279-00059104-00059294 kind of the most elegant way i could 7hRDsFWTjog-00280-00059295-00059471 present something that represents 7hRDsFWTjog-00281-00059472-00059742 athleticism while keeping a very dynamic 7hRDsFWTjog-00282-00059744-00059926 pose uh i searched up a lot of greek 7hRDsFWTjog-00283-00059927-00060126 mythology reference images and ended up 7hRDsFWTjog-00284-00060127-00060287 with hermes who is a lot of times 7hRDsFWTjog-00285-00060288-00060438 depicted with kind of this jumping 7hRDsFWTjog-00286-00060439-00060638 motion combined with this sort of staff 7hRDsFWTjog-00287-00060639-00060791 that he's holding i i went with the 7hRDsFWTjog-00288-00060791-00060991 slabby font as well as the slab 7hRDsFWTjog-00289-00060991-00061175 underneath to kind of frame it in a way 7hRDsFWTjog-00290-00061176-00061375 that tied back to that creek kind of a 7hRDsFWTjog-00291-00061376-00061623 little bit more sweet okay uh home scope 7hRDsFWTjog-00292-00061624-00061766 you're up next with mine i initially 7hRDsFWTjog-00293-00061767-00061894 wanted to create the p that's right in 7hRDsFWTjog-00294-00061895-00062038 the middle of this shape that i created 7hRDsFWTjog-00295-00062039-00062223 uh before but the p idea was basically 7hRDsFWTjog-00296-00062224-00062375 that i wanted it to look like weights 7hRDsFWTjog-00297-00062376-00062559 stacked on top of each other while also 7hRDsFWTjog-00298-00062560-00062766 creating a podium when when it flipped 7hRDsFWTjog-00299-00062767-00062975 upside down it has like a a water bottle 7hRDsFWTjog-00300-00062976-00063159 hidden in it as well for like hydration 7hRDsFWTjog-00301-00063160-00063279 and then when you flip it a certain way 7hRDsFWTjog-00302-00063279-00063454 it also looks like an olympic torch the 7hRDsFWTjog-00303-00063455-00063599 pattern all around is made up by peas 7hRDsFWTjog-00304-00063600-00063799 but it's also inspired by a greco 7hRDsFWTjog-00305-00063800-00064023 pattern sweet okay michael you're up 7hRDsFWTjog-00306-00064024-00064254 next so i was going through a spartan 7hRDsFWTjog-00307-00064255-00064454 when i was doing research through like 7hRDsFWTjog-00308-00064455-00064654 legendary respected um included the 7hRDsFWTjog-00309-00064655-00064854 weights of a gym but i feel like i 7hRDsFWTjog-00310-00064855-00064991 should have done it differently but 7hRDsFWTjog-00311-00064991-00065191 mock-ups i kind of choked on that also 7hRDsFWTjog-00312-00065191-00065526 okay and then last would be this okay so 7hRDsFWTjog-00313-00065527-00065743 my internality was kind of similar to 7hRDsFWTjog-00314-00065744-00065999 the nurse with the zeus and the 7hRDsFWTjog-00315-00066000-00066182 lightning bolts and i tried to 7hRDsFWTjog-00316-00066183-00066423 incorporate the lightning bolt into the 7hRDsFWTjog-00317-00066424-00066663 p i kinda just choked on this whole 7hRDsFWTjog-00318-00066664-00066863 thing to be honest so with that me and 7hRDsFWTjog-00319-00066864-00067023 george gonna go ahead and just critique 7hRDsFWTjog-00320-00067024-00067175 and figure out who's gonna be moving on 7hRDsFWTjog-00321-00067176-00067350 okay george so honestly these are some 7hRDsFWTjog-00322-00067351-00067591 pretty like not even pretty good they're 7hRDsFWTjog-00323-00067592-00067782 really good really thought out ideas 7hRDsFWTjog-00324-00067783-00067887 like the theories behind some of these 7hRDsFWTjog-00325-00067888-00068071 are like really dope like let's just 7hRDsFWTjog-00326-00068072-00068231 like start off really quickly with kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00327-00068232-00068455 of how hendrick went and tackled his 7hRDsFWTjog-00328-00068456-00068726 concept hendrix i was a little bit 7hRDsFWTjog-00329-00068727-00069006 hesitant on with just the logo design 7hRDsFWTjog-00330-00069007-00069191 but i think seeing it with the mock-ups 7hRDsFWTjog-00331-00069192-00069279 makes 7hRDsFWTjog-00332-00069280-00069431 sense and i could definitely see it 7hRDsFWTjog-00333-00069432-00069615 being like an official logo okay let's 7hRDsFWTjog-00334-00069616-00069767 look at homeschools for a second home 7hRDsFWTjog-00335-00069768-00069991 scope definitely had probably the most 7hRDsFWTjog-00336-00069992-00070199 unique idea using the pattern so 7hRDsFWTjog-00337-00070200-00070399 stepping away from things that you would 7hRDsFWTjog-00338-00070400-00070543 normally think of like lightning bolts 7hRDsFWTjog-00339-00070544-00070743 we saw a lot we all appreciate those 7hRDsFWTjog-00340-00070744-00070935 happy little mistakes like a little 7hRDsFWTjog-00341-00070936-00071094 shout out to bob ross but like you know 7hRDsFWTjog-00342-00071095-00071343 the olympic torch hydration podium thing 7hRDsFWTjog-00343-00071344-00071575 brilliant to notice it and talk about it 7hRDsFWTjog-00344-00071576-00071767 and the fact that it's a p an actual 7hRDsFWTjog-00345-00071768-00071903 pattern he made the pattern itself 7hRDsFWTjog-00346-00071904-00072087 brilliant honestly brilliant seeing 7hRDsFWTjog-00347-00072088-00072287 debonair's process was really really 7hRDsFWTjog-00348-00072288-00072462 awesome especially in the time given i 7hRDsFWTjog-00349-00072463-00072647 mean there's so many variations i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00350-00072648-00072967 he definitely proved that this logo can 7hRDsFWTjog-00351-00072968-00073206 be used in a lot of different ways and 7hRDsFWTjog-00352-00073207-00073406 my eyes may be one of the most refined 7hRDsFWTjog-00353-00073407-00073655 logos in the entire list so next would 7hRDsFWTjog-00354-00073656-00073855 be enzo for me and i'm not gonna lie it 7hRDsFWTjog-00355-00073856-00074006 took me a little bit to bite down on 7hRDsFWTjog-00356-00074007-00074287 this whole like sort of uh bicep thing 7hRDsFWTjog-00357-00074288-00074471 going on here it's not as clear as i'd 7hRDsFWTjog-00358-00074472-00074631 want it to be like i i can see that i 7hRDsFWTjog-00359-00074632-00074767 can understand it in the sense of where 7hRDsFWTjog-00360-00074768-00074911 he wanted to go but i don't know if it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00361-00074912-00075143 executed appropriately this looks like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00362-00075144-00075431 decent direction for a generic gym but i 7hRDsFWTjog-00363-00075432-00075623 think in the brief we specifically 7hRDsFWTjog-00364-00075624-00075823 pointed out that we wanted it to be 7hRDsFWTjog-00365-00075824-00076071 influenced by greek aesthetics so my 7hRDsFWTjog-00366-00076072-00076303 question is does this relate enough to 7hRDsFWTjog-00367-00076304-00076591 the prompt goldfield he has a really 7hRDsFWTjog-00368-00076592-00076847 really nice logo type and i think the 7hRDsFWTjog-00369-00076848-00077167 the mark pairs really well as well the p 7hRDsFWTjog-00370-00077168-00077319 and the shape of the helmet it's very 7hRDsFWTjog-00371-00077320-00077494 subtle but i think people would 7hRDsFWTjog-00372-00077495-00077735 understand it and even if they don't the 7hRDsFWTjog-00373-00077736-00078006 overall concept is very easy to grasp so 7hRDsFWTjog-00374-00078007-00078182 i think it works really well now i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00375-00078183-00078375 this concept here is probably the most 7hRDsFWTjog-00376-00078376-00078647 sort of like equinoxy sort of like you 7hRDsFWTjog-00377-00078648-00078887 know that style approach i think this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00378-00078888-00079159 like a true definition of minimalism for 7hRDsFWTjog-00379-00079160-00079471 logo design which is possible and it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00380-00079472-00079655 worked before especially for like a lot 7hRDsFWTjog-00381-00079656-00079871 of companies the way i see it mocked up 7hRDsFWTjog-00382-00079872-00080111 currently it could be for like an 7hRDsFWTjog-00383-00080112-00080287 electrical company it could be for 7hRDsFWTjog-00384-00080288-00080462 attack a whole bunch of different things 7hRDsFWTjog-00385-00080463-00080687 had a lot of potential i don't know if 7hRDsFWTjog-00386-00080688-00080967 the mock-ups really help it in this case 7hRDsFWTjog-00387-00080968-00081135 so i feel like michael's concept for me 7hRDsFWTjog-00388-00081136-00081326 actually it was it was really strong at 7hRDsFWTjog-00389-00081327-00081455 first i seemed kind of building a part 7hRDsFWTjog-00390-00081456-00081623 with this kind of like helmet slash it 7hRDsFWTjog-00391-00081624-00081831 still is strong the slits and the 7hRDsFWTjog-00392-00081832-00082006 dumbbells right these little miniature 7hRDsFWTjog-00393-00082007-00082167 slits i almost feel as if you kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00394-00082168-00082287 you know executed this without the 7hRDsFWTjog-00395-00082288-00082494 actual use of slits and maybe hadn't 7hRDsFWTjog-00396-00082495-00082638 spent more time on the effect of making 7hRDsFWTjog-00397-00082639-00082799 sure these shapes more like dumbbells 7hRDsFWTjog-00398-00082800-00082950 making sure that helmet kind of fit more 7hRDsFWTjog-00399-00082951-00083126 into the circle framing and it feels 7hRDsFWTjog-00400-00083127-00083406 powerful it definitely fits i think the 7hRDsFWTjog-00401-00083407-00083599 mood that we're looking for but like you 7hRDsFWTjog-00402-00083600-00083831 said i don't know if the concept is 7hRDsFWTjog-00403-00083832-00084023 fully executed on 7hRDsFWTjog-00404-00084024-00084399 in the best way so with that debonair 7hRDsFWTjog-00405-00084400-00084687 hendrick goldfield and home scope will 7hRDsFWTjog-00406-00084688-00084879 be moving on to the second round we have 7hRDsFWTjog-00407-00084880-00085223 a really cool brief for you guys 7hRDsFWTjog-00408-00085224-00085367 all right guys so the next breather 7hRDsFWTjog-00409-00085368-00085511 they're working with is a brand known as 7hRDsFWTjog-00410-00085512-00085743 erased now race is a streetwear brand 7hRDsFWTjog-00411-00085744-00085950 centered around hype and exclusivity our 7hRDsFWTjog-00412-00085951-00086118 brand is to create limited drops of time 7hRDsFWTjog-00413-00086119-00086303 availability in order to tap into the 7hRDsFWTjog-00414-00086304-00086471 recent streetwear scarcity once a 7hRDsFWTjog-00415-00086472-00086711 product is sold out it is erased with no 7hRDsFWTjog-00416-00086712-00086887 intention of restocking we are in need 7hRDsFWTjog-00417-00086888-00087062 of a logo marker type that aligns with 7hRDsFWTjog-00418-00087063-00087206 the streetwear and hypebeast community 7hRDsFWTjog-00419-00087207-00087350 we want to make sure we lean towards 7hRDsFWTjog-00420-00087351-00087503 luxury streetwear brands such as 7hRDsFWTjog-00421-00087504-00087743 off-white supreme and vape they will 7hRDsFWTjog-00422-00087744-00087967 have 45 minutes of design and 30 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00423-00087968-00088159 to mock up and let's just see what 7hRDsFWTjog-00424-00088160-00088479 happens let's do it all right three 7hRDsFWTjog-00425-00088480-00088591 two 7hRDsFWTjog-00426-00088592-00088943 one design we gotta figure this out so 7hRDsFWTjog-00427-00088944-00089167 let's figure out the shapes first oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00428-00089168-00089367 dude i literally have no idea the logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00429-00089368-00089511 itself i kind of want to be kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00430-00089512-00089767 luxurious by adding like an exotic u the 7hRDsFWTjog-00431-00089768-00089926 kind of thing that above the e don't 7hRDsFWTjog-00432-00089927-00090094 really have anything in mind i'm just 7hRDsFWTjog-00433-00090095-00090343 gonna mock up a couple of econ steps so 7hRDsFWTjog-00434-00090344-00090543 what i want to do is create this uh this 7hRDsFWTjog-00435-00090544-00090703 kind of style that i started developing 7hRDsFWTjog-00436-00090704-00090847 however it does take a while to work 7hRDsFWTjog-00437-00090848-00091055 with this style a lot of clothing brands 7hRDsFWTjog-00438-00091056-00091318 nowadays are super 7hRDsFWTjog-00439-00091319-00091511 minimalistic like something like like 7hRDsFWTjog-00440-00091512-00091711 this that's just kind of getting erased 7hRDsFWTjog-00441-00091712-00091838 or something 7hRDsFWTjog-00442-00091839-00092071 for most of this you can just think 7hRDsFWTjog-00443-00092072-00092318 about half of the letters that are gone 7hRDsFWTjog-00444-00092319-00092518 this arm might need some work i think i 7hRDsFWTjog-00445-00092519-00092694 can go into illustrator already be quick 7hRDsFWTjog-00446-00092695-00092838 quick quick quick quick now one thing 7hRDsFWTjog-00447-00092839-00092999 that we see significantly especially 7hRDsFWTjog-00448-00093000-00093238 with this style is using like a star 7hRDsFWTjog-00449-00093239-00093423 design i do want to kind of emphasize 7hRDsFWTjog-00450-00093424-00093543 that so i kind of really want to go for 7hRDsFWTjog-00451-00093544-00093750 something super super minimal i see a 7hRDsFWTjog-00452-00093751-00093943 lot of um streetwear 7hRDsFWTjog-00453-00093944-00094199 shoot our brands like box logos i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00454-00094200-00094462 gonna mess with the endings of these a 7hRDsFWTjog-00455-00094463-00094726 lot to kind of get them to fit in a way 7hRDsFWTjog-00456-00094727-00094935 that reads like an e without having all 7hRDsFWTjog-00457-00094936-00095118 the things visible so we're gonna make 7hRDsFWTjog-00458-00095119-00095382 this french dude erased it's gonna be a 7hRDsFWTjog-00459-00095383-00095647 french streetwear brand let's see how 7hRDsFWTjog-00460-00095648-00095823 that goes i always find this is the most 7hRDsFWTjog-00461-00095824-00096006 difficult part is finding the text i 7hRDsFWTjog-00462-00096007-00096191 have to draw it again i don't know if i 7hRDsFWTjog-00463-00096192-00096303 have time to vector it that's the 7hRDsFWTjog-00464-00096304-00096487 problem see the thing that i want to do 7hRDsFWTjog-00465-00096488-00096662 is have almost like a mixture of 7hRDsFWTjog-00466-00096663-00096855 everything curves to straight lines and 7hRDsFWTjog-00467-00096856-00097031 have this real funky look to it we can 7hRDsFWTjog-00468-00097032-00097238 have the e by itself i have a little dot 7hRDsFWTjog-00469-00097239-00097471 next to it kind of similar to this down 7hRDsFWTjog-00470-00097472-00097623 here kind of like this and then i have 7hRDsFWTjog-00471-00097624-00097743 to get rid of these guys i don't need 7hRDsFWTjog-00472-00097744-00097967 these don't eat these i'm taking out 7hRDsFWTjog-00473-00097968-00098111 we're taking way more from the logo than 7hRDsFWTjog-00474-00098112-00098326 i should be that looks pretty good it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00475-00098327-00098438 certainly ambitious to go for something 7hRDsFWTjog-00476-00098439-00098591 like this typically this type of design 7hRDsFWTjog-00477-00098592-00098750 takes me a long time but i mean we're 7hRDsFWTjog-00478-00098751-00098879 starting to see it really come together 7hRDsFWTjog-00479-00098880-00098991 you know this might be a little 7hRDsFWTjog-00480-00098992-00099223 skaterish but on the other hand it 7hRDsFWTjog-00481-00099224-00099374 screams that kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00482-00099375-00099518 removed from 7hRDsFWTjog-00483-00099519-00099743 the world tombstone thing i think once 7hRDsFWTjog-00484-00099744-00099926 we get to it we might have something we 7hRDsFWTjog-00485-00099927-00100094 might just have something if we don't 7hRDsFWTjog-00486-00100095-00100247 we'll just use that 7hRDsFWTjog-00487-00100248-00100494 27 minutes remaining i'm not too sure 7hRDsFWTjog-00488-00100495-00100711 why i said 27 minutes and not 25 but 7hRDsFWTjog-00489-00100712-00100871 just a spiced up a little bit there's 7hRDsFWTjog-00490-00100872-00101087 not really rhyme or reason right now to 7hRDsFWTjog-00491-00101088-00101262 what i'm doing i'm just trying to create 7hRDsFWTjog-00492-00101263-00101438 something that kind of works i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00493-00101439-00101599 actually pretty happy with the direction 7hRDsFWTjog-00494-00101600-00101759 that this is going in if i flip the e 7hRDsFWTjog-00495-00101760-00101982 this way i might be able to really close 7hRDsFWTjog-00496-00101983-00102143 it out and make the d go in the same 7hRDsFWTjog-00497-00102144-00102359 direction i'd love to actually make a 7hRDsFWTjog-00498-00102360-00102527 pattern trying to figure out how to do 7hRDsFWTjog-00499-00102528-00102782 that this is going to be so giant man 7hRDsFWTjog-00500-00102783-00102975 should i do that i should do the a 7hRDsFWTjog-00501-00102976-00103166 i should a let's do the a i don't know 7hRDsFWTjog-00502-00103167-00103366 which one i should use man now i also 7hRDsFWTjog-00503-00103367-00103542 have to keep in mind that the brief also 7hRDsFWTjog-00504-00103543-00103671 asked for something that was more of 7hRDsFWTjog-00505-00103672-00103886 like a off-white and supreme if we want 7hRDsFWTjog-00506-00103888-00104063 to bring it back to that style what we 7hRDsFWTjog-00507-00104064-00104263 could do frame it and all those brands 7hRDsFWTjog-00508-00104264-00104415 everything is framed know how to make 7hRDsFWTjog-00509-00104416-00104663 this arc without making it arc badly if 7hRDsFWTjog-00510-00104664-00104871 that makes any sense at all i kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00511-00104872-00105031 want this to be like the surface of the 7hRDsFWTjog-00512-00105032-00105271 earth in a sense i guess that would just 7hRDsFWTjog-00513-00105272-00105519 showcase the 7hRDsFWTjog-00514-00105520-00105702 potential pattern that we can use the 7hRDsFWTjog-00515-00105703-00105847 reason i did this e is because it kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00516-00105848-00106007 of resembles that one the one that was 7hRDsFWTjog-00517-00106008-00106151 kind of bitten off all right so this 7hRDsFWTjog-00518-00106152-00106351 could work really well as like a trim 7hRDsFWTjog-00519-00106352-00106478 pattern i wanna see how else the heat 7hRDsFWTjog-00520-00106479-00106599 could look it does help with the 7hRDsFWTjog-00521-00106600-00106743 legibility having it this way all right 7hRDsFWTjog-00522-00106744-00106886 now we need to focus on one thing and 7hRDsFWTjog-00523-00106888-00107031 one thing only we need to focus on a 7hRDsFWTjog-00524-00107032-00107215 mark with just the e i think this is 7hRDsFWTjog-00525-00107216-00107423 gonna be my design uh i think i could do 7hRDsFWTjog-00526-00107424-00107686 a lot about like weird extras i just 7hRDsFWTjog-00527-00107688-00107854 think that the execution of this could 7hRDsFWTjog-00528-00107855-00108023 have been a lot better like the 7hRDsFWTjog-00529-00108024-00108254 execution of the design is not great but 7hRDsFWTjog-00530-00108255-00108463 i think with the right mock-ups it can 7hRDsFWTjog-00531-00108464-00108599 look decent 7hRDsFWTjog-00532-00108600-00108799 okay well we'll play around with it i 7hRDsFWTjog-00533-00108800-00108999 think having white in here would be 7hRDsFWTjog-00534-00109000-00109183 pretty clean there we go i think that 7hRDsFWTjog-00535-00109183-00109302 that's that's good enough guys what do 7hRDsFWTjog-00536-00109303-00109527 you think i wish it was stronger i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00537-00109528-00109734 i should have made it bolder but on the 7hRDsFWTjog-00538-00109735-00109927 other hand i think it works for what it 7hRDsFWTjog-00539-00109928-00110151 is that should be everything i need wow 7hRDsFWTjog-00540-00110152-00110310 to get from 7hRDsFWTjog-00541-00110311-00110423 this 7hRDsFWTjog-00542-00110424-00110543 to this 7hRDsFWTjog-00543-00110544-00110775 we literally came around full circle all 7hRDsFWTjog-00544-00110776-00111199 right time is up that is it that is done 7hRDsFWTjog-00545-00111200-00111375 so you know just for the record i want 7hRDsFWTjog-00546-00111376-00111558 to break your focus too much but now i 7hRDsFWTjog-00547-00111559-00111686 just want you guys to head right into 7hRDsFWTjog-00548-00111688-00111847 the mock-ups okay 7hRDsFWTjog-00549-00111848-00111934 three 7hRDsFWTjog-00550-00111935-00112031 two 7hRDsFWTjog-00551-00112032-00112239 one get going 7hRDsFWTjog-00552-00112240-00112486 try find some more cops 7hRDsFWTjog-00553-00112488-00112647 this one's gonna be fun right back in 7hRDsFWTjog-00554-00112648-00112847 the mock-ups boys now i have a badass 7hRDsFWTjog-00555-00112848-00113071 computer can handle this this logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00556-00113072-00113254 needs to have like a softer color to it 7hRDsFWTjog-00557-00113255-00113407 so i'm just gonna mess around with the 7hRDsFWTjog-00558-00113408-00113558 color a bit so i wanted to kind of add 7hRDsFWTjog-00559-00113559-00113727 to that natural feel should i try the 7hRDsFWTjog-00560-00113728-00113886 light blue on it that might look a 7hRDsFWTjog-00561-00113888-00114031 little weird might work 7hRDsFWTjog-00562-00114032-00114199 actually wow would you look at that i 7hRDsFWTjog-00563-00114200-00114454 wonder if we can do a tag tag here i 7hRDsFWTjog-00564-00114455-00114719 have no idea how to warp this stuff 7hRDsFWTjog-00565-00114720-00114943 probably i want a puffer jacket as well 7hRDsFWTjog-00566-00114944-00115166 a guy in a puffer jacket 18 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00567-00115167-00115286 remaining i think the strongest thing 7hRDsFWTjog-00568-00115288-00115407 these guys can do is make sure that 7hRDsFWTjog-00569-00115408-00115575 they're selling the culture and they'll 7hRDsFWTjog-00570-00115576-00115783 be all right sweet this one looks good 7hRDsFWTjog-00571-00115783-00115910 boys this one looks good i want to give 7hRDsFWTjog-00572-00115911-00116031 it like a chrome effect i mean 7hRDsFWTjog-00573-00116032-00116175 especially with this style ready for 7hRDsFWTjog-00574-00116176-00116295 this ready for this ready for this this 7hRDsFWTjog-00575-00116296-00116447 is gonna send it to a whole nother level 7hRDsFWTjog-00576-00116448-00116599 that looks pretty sweet i don't hate 7hRDsFWTjog-00577-00116600-00116815 this i think this is a good move three 7hRDsFWTjog-00578-00116816-00117039 minutes remaining uh i think i'll grab i 7hRDsFWTjog-00579-00117040-00117207 think i'll go ahead and grab this one i 7hRDsFWTjog-00580-00117208-00117447 really do like how minimal this one is i 7hRDsFWTjog-00581-00117448-00117575 might be working up until the very last 7hRDsFWTjog-00582-00117576-00117719 second with this one i think i would i 7hRDsFWTjog-00583-00117720-00117831 thought 30 minutes would be enough time 7hRDsFWTjog-00584-00117832-00117927 but i think i spent a little bit too 7hRDsFWTjog-00585-00117928-00118047 much time on the stuff that wasn't 7hRDsFWTjog-00586-00118048-00118327 necessary they were pretty sad 7hRDsFWTjog-00587-00118328-00118447 it'll do 7hRDsFWTjog-00588-00118448-00118647 it'll do we're done guys all right we're 7hRDsFWTjog-00589-00118648-00118902 done uh i think i like this integration 7hRDsFWTjog-00590-00118903-00119175 of the cross it reinforces the strength 7hRDsFWTjog-00591-00119176-00119366 of it it was tense though i'm clenched 7hRDsFWTjog-00592-00119367-00119639 all right guys that is it that is all 7hRDsFWTjog-00593-00119640-00119902 the time that's it that's just all oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00594-00119903-00120127 okay that that breath scared are you 7hRDsFWTjog-00595-00120128-00120454 good bro i'm sorry yeah that was loud my 7hRDsFWTjog-00596-00120455-00120663 bad no i i just want to make sure you're 7hRDsFWTjog-00597-00120664-00120878 okay i just needed that extra i don't 7hRDsFWTjog-00598-00120879-00121039 think i breathed that whole last 30 7hRDsFWTjog-00599-00121040-00121151 minutes 7hRDsFWTjog-00600-00121152-00121495 so we're back doing elevator pitches 30 7hRDsFWTjog-00601-00121496-00121671 seconds to a minute pitching your idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00602-00121672-00121895 we're gonna start again with debonair 7hRDsFWTjog-00603-00121896-00122158 honestly my idea was i didn't have 7hRDsFWTjog-00604-00122159-00122431 anything going into this um my main goal 7hRDsFWTjog-00605-00122432-00122599 for this was to create the icon a 7hRDsFWTjog-00606-00122600-00122823 legible word mark and have some form of 7hRDsFWTjog-00607-00122824-00123086 pattern very similar to how off-white do 7hRDsFWTjog-00608-00123088-00123351 in their brand so that's kind of how i 7hRDsFWTjog-00609-00123352-00123583 went about this gotcha okay so go 7hRDsFWTjog-00610-00123583-00123719 through you're up next imagine you're 7hRDsFWTjog-00611-00123720-00123902 sitting at like a coffee shop or 7hRDsFWTjog-00612-00123903-00124078 something in france this skater guy 7hRDsFWTjog-00613-00124079-00124343 comes by draped in some badass like 7hRDsFWTjog-00614-00124344-00124486 t-shirt he's on a skateboard he's 7hRDsFWTjog-00615-00124488-00124631 smoking a cigarette that's what came to 7hRDsFWTjog-00616-00124632-00124790 my mind when i thought streetwear brand 7hRDsFWTjog-00617-00124791-00125071 i created an e that kind of is being 7hRDsFWTjog-00618-00125072-00125327 erased i went with kind of a gold black 7hRDsFWTjog-00619-00125328-00125566 and uh white theme because uh when i 7hRDsFWTjog-00620-00125567-00125727 think streetwear i think kind of like 7hRDsFWTjog-00621-00125728-00125990 sunset big city that's that's all i have 7hRDsFWTjog-00622-00125991-00126183 uh hendrick you're up next all right so 7hRDsFWTjog-00623-00126183-00126375 i went into this with kind of limited 7hRDsFWTjog-00624-00126376-00126551 knowledge about what streetwear 7hRDsFWTjog-00625-00126552-00126751 necessarily meant to people because 7hRDsFWTjog-00626-00126752-00126983 obviously the limited supply is 7hRDsFWTjog-00627-00126983-00127134 something that in streetwear is very 7hRDsFWTjog-00628-00127135-00127327 common and i think that i came up with a 7hRDsFWTjog-00629-00127328-00127527 concept that embraces that in a very 7hRDsFWTjog-00630-00127528-00127783 kind of dark gloomy but also a way that 7hRDsFWTjog-00631-00127783-00127943 the the industry is actually trending 7hRDsFWTjog-00632-00127944-00128063 towards which is 7hRDsFWTjog-00633-00128064-00128239 sustainability the time on the earth is 7hRDsFWTjog-00634-00128240-00128463 limited for anything everything decays 7hRDsFWTjog-00635-00128464-00128671 over time and that's kind of what this 7hRDsFWTjog-00636-00128672-00128886 cross alludes to stylistically it's very 7hRDsFWTjog-00637-00128888-00129047 minimal it's much more about the 7hRDsFWTjog-00638-00129048-00129239 materials everything about the product 7hRDsFWTjog-00639-00129240-00129495 that makes it sustainable super dope 7hRDsFWTjog-00640-00129496-00129743 okay uh last up would be home scope hey 7hRDsFWTjog-00641-00129744-00129966 sharks well i hope that you are really 7hRDsFWTjog-00642-00129967-00130175 into streetwear because going into this 7hRDsFWTjog-00643-00130176-00130310 right now i want to take a much more 7hRDsFWTjog-00644-00130311-00130527 futuristic take on it one that is feels 7hRDsFWTjog-00645-00130528-00130678 like it's like an emerging style but 7hRDsFWTjog-00646-00130679-00130910 still has a very unique look to it for 7hRDsFWTjog-00647-00130911-00131039 me personally i created this whole 7hRDsFWTjog-00648-00131040-00131207 customized logo type for it but i knew 7hRDsFWTjog-00649-00131208-00131343 immediately going into it that when i 7hRDsFWTjog-00650-00131344-00131463 created this whole thing that i wanted 7hRDsFWTjog-00651-00131464-00131695 the e to separate itself and be used as 7hRDsFWTjog-00652-00131696-00131854 a monogram for it and almost just a 7hRDsFWTjog-00653-00131855-00132031 skilled logo mark i would need to create 7hRDsFWTjog-00654-00132032-00132166 a color palette that kind of matched 7hRDsFWTjog-00655-00132167-00132319 that same style the same vibe so i did 7hRDsFWTjog-00656-00132320-00132599 that by creating this almost stone nude 7hRDsFWTjog-00657-00132600-00132743 color palette that i thought would work 7hRDsFWTjog-00658-00132744-00132831 very well for it and i think it 7hRDsFWTjog-00659-00132832-00132951 continues to do that especially when you 7hRDsFWTjog-00660-00132952-00133087 see it in the mock-ups when you see it 7hRDsFWTjog-00661-00133088-00133239 on the shirts themselves and then seeing 7hRDsFWTjog-00662-00133240-00133463 it in this chrome look that i did for 7hRDsFWTjog-00663-00133464-00133614 the logo type itself and also that 7hRDsFWTjog-00664-00133615-00133814 e-mark just shows how dynamic this logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00665-00133815-00134031 can be i i genuinely think you guys all 7hRDsFWTjog-00666-00134032-00134247 did a fantastic job even at least 7hRDsFWTjog-00667-00134248-00134366 illustrating the narrative between what 7hRDsFWTjog-00668-00134367-00134487 your brand's supposed to be actually you 7hRDsFWTjog-00669-00134488-00134695 know proposing of course me and george 7hRDsFWTjog-00670-00134696-00135078 now have to go and critique this um 7hRDsFWTjog-00671-00135079-00135175 yep 7hRDsFWTjog-00672-00135176-00135319 yep 7hRDsFWTjog-00673-00135320-00135527 i'll see you guys soon all right george 7hRDsFWTjog-00674-00135528-00135943 um this one this one um this one 7hRDsFWTjog-00675-00135944-00136278 hard yep the designs are basically all 7hRDsFWTjog-00676-00136279-00136511 in completely different directions so we 7hRDsFWTjog-00677-00136512-00136702 really need to analyze the brief and 7hRDsFWTjog-00678-00136703-00136927 figure out like which one is as close as 7hRDsFWTjog-00679-00136928-00137111 possible to what we had listed out let's 7hRDsFWTjog-00680-00137112-00137278 start off with breaking down deminar's 7hRDsFWTjog-00681-00137279-00137543 concept i think to me 7hRDsFWTjog-00682-00137544-00137719 feels like it leans more towards like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00683-00137720-00137935 balance between supreme and off-white so 7hRDsFWTjog-00684-00137936-00138135 like he said he's got the pattern i 7hRDsFWTjog-00685-00138136-00138319 think the logo mark the word mark and 7hRDsFWTjog-00686-00138320-00138535 like the alternative logo mark that all 7hRDsFWTjog-00687-00138536-00138759 work well together as a system and i 7hRDsFWTjog-00688-00138760-00139063 think that his design works really well 7hRDsFWTjog-00689-00139064-00139223 with those photos taking mention to 7hRDsFWTjog-00690-00139224-00139390 actually breaking down the idea like the 7hRDsFWTjog-00691-00139391-00139551 ideology between the logo mark but the 7hRDsFWTjog-00692-00139552-00139719 fact that you know he has this sort of 7hRDsFWTjog-00693-00139720-00139871 square you might be like why is the 7hRDsFWTjog-00694-00139872-00139990 square there well obviously if you put 7hRDsFWTjog-00695-00139991-00140231 the whole thing there it would then be a 7hRDsFWTjog-00696-00140232-00140414 full like line that makes the e but it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00697-00140415-00140590 a race obviously just so you guys know 7hRDsFWTjog-00698-00140591-00140727 there's a lot of thought still in this 7hRDsFWTjog-00699-00140728-00140935 as simplistic as it is like taking a 7hRDsFWTjog-00700-00140936-00141111 look at hendrix for a second hendrick 7hRDsFWTjog-00701-00141112-00141366 has more more like fear of god cactus 7hRDsFWTjog-00702-00141367-00141566 jack you know aesthetic and appeal with 7hRDsFWTjog-00703-00141567-00141727 this modernized sort of like more modern 7hRDsFWTjog-00704-00141728-00141847 sweatshirts ideas how you see in his 7hRDsFWTjog-00705-00141848-00141975 mock-up kind of putting the whole story 7hRDsFWTjog-00706-00141976-00142102 behind it with like sustainability 7hRDsFWTjog-00707-00142103-00142302 bringing in the word of race into like 7hRDsFWTjog-00708-00142303-00142463 not a literal standpoint almost but even 7hRDsFWTjog-00709-00142464-00142614 you can kind of see it literally but to 7hRDsFWTjog-00710-00142615-00142863 a more psychological what happens when 7hRDsFWTjog-00711-00142864-00143054 you go away kind of thing he really 7hRDsFWTjog-00712-00143055-00143231 saved it with the mock-ups i think the 7hRDsFWTjog-00713-00143232-00143495 logo mark itself would not have worked 7hRDsFWTjog-00714-00143496-00143671 but seeing it with the context and that 7hRDsFWTjog-00715-00143672-00144007 he had a really killer explanation 7hRDsFWTjog-00716-00144008-00144287 i think it saves it a lot taking a look 7hRDsFWTjog-00717-00144288-00144454 at gold feels he he kind of had this 7hRDsFWTjog-00718-00144455-00144647 whole vision he kind of gave us a whole 7hRDsFWTjog-00719-00144648-00144807 vision in his head and like illustrated 7hRDsFWTjog-00720-00144808-00144983 it i think fairly well this kind of like 7hRDsFWTjog-00721-00144984-00145223 you know french culture idea the logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00722-00145224-00145478 overall is very simple concept as well 7hRDsFWTjog-00723-00145479-00145639 however illustrated very very nicely and 7hRDsFWTjog-00724-00145640-00145823 neatly and the idea of erase with this 7hRDsFWTjog-00725-00145824-00145919 sort of like 7hRDsFWTjog-00726-00145920-00146071 paint kind of splatter kind of really 7hRDsFWTjog-00727-00146072-00146326 helps tone into the streetwear culture i 7hRDsFWTjog-00728-00146327-00146519 think that for the most part it works 7hRDsFWTjog-00729-00146520-00146790 i'm slightly leaning towards this logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00730-00146791-00146935 maybe looking 7hRDsFWTjog-00731-00146936-00147119 a bit more corporate than what you'd 7hRDsFWTjog-00732-00147120-00147335 expect from a street brand 7hRDsFWTjog-00733-00147336-00147583 but i think that the presentation 7hRDsFWTjog-00734-00147584-00147783 definitely like i said along with all 7hRDsFWTjog-00735-00147784-00147887 these other 7hRDsFWTjog-00736-00147888-00148159 designs like the mock-ups help a lot now 7hRDsFWTjog-00737-00148160-00148359 of course looking now at homeschools 7hRDsFWTjog-00738-00148360-00148487 where he kind of has this more he gets 7hRDsFWTjog-00739-00148488-00148751 like futuristic almost techwear vibe i 7hRDsFWTjog-00740-00148752-00148887 can't ignore the fact that this is also 7hRDsFWTjog-00741-00148888-00149054 incredibly dope there's a universe where 7hRDsFWTjog-00742-00149055-00149223 i can see this also being shipped out 7hRDsFWTjog-00743-00149224-00149414 today and like working as well i mean it 7hRDsFWTjog-00744-00149415-00149726 definitely fits the kind of like y2k 7hRDsFWTjog-00745-00149727-00149959 like you said techwear aesthetic so it 7hRDsFWTjog-00746-00149960-00150199 definitely targets a specific audience 7hRDsFWTjog-00747-00150200-00150366 that i think has been proven in 7hRDsFWTjog-00748-00150367-00150543 streetwear there's a lot of brands out 7hRDsFWTjog-00749-00150544-00150695 here that like 7hRDsFWTjog-00750-00150696-00150990 use this style now my question is if we 7hRDsFWTjog-00751-00150991-00151223 look at the brief and we are kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00752-00151224-00151478 considering more along the sides of like 7hRDsFWTjog-00753-00151479-00151719 this is a luxury brand i don't know if i 7hRDsFWTjog-00754-00151720-00151975 see luxury following this aesthetic 7hRDsFWTjog-00755-00151976-00152239 exactly but at least we know that 7hRDsFWTjog-00756-00152240-00152543 this look and feel exists in street 7hRDsFWTjog-00757-00152544-00152799 culture even though it's very killer 7hRDsFWTjog-00758-00152800-00153063 very dope does it hit the brief probably 7hRDsFWTjog-00759-00153064-00153351 not is it amazing absolutely we're 7hRDsFWTjog-00760-00153352-00153590 having a fight between i guess execution 7hRDsFWTjog-00761-00153591-00153839 plus also brief heavily all the logos 7hRDsFWTjog-00762-00153840-00153983 are great this is this is where we're at 7hRDsFWTjog-00763-00153984-00154190 this is this is the struggle that we're 7hRDsFWTjog-00764-00154191-00154454 in i think we know what we want to lean 7hRDsFWTjog-00765-00154455-00154566 toward 7hRDsFWTjog-00766-00154567-00154919 and that's probably gonna end up being 7hRDsFWTjog-00767-00154920-00155263 that was not fun in in any scenario ever 7hRDsFWTjog-00768-00155264-00155390 so i just want you guys to know i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00769-00155391-00155614 you guys all genuinely killed it kill 7hRDsFWTjog-00770-00155615-00155823 your narratives killed your logos that's 7hRDsFWTjog-00771-00155824-00155999 just that's just plain and simple but 7hRDsFWTjog-00772-00156000-00156254 moving on jumping straight into it 7hRDsFWTjog-00773-00156255-00156519 moving on to the 1v1s crowning 7hRDsFWTjog-00774-00156520-00156702 themselves so well maybe crowning 7hRDsFWTjog-00775-00156703-00156878 themselves design a real champion will 7hRDsFWTjog-00776-00156879-00157454 end up being 7hRDsFWTjog-00777-00157455-00157663 debonair oh so 7hRDsFWTjog-00778-00157664-00157966 we felt as if debonair kind of had this 7hRDsFWTjog-00779-00157967-00158183 concept where there's there's a lot more 7hRDsFWTjog-00780-00158184-00158311 thought that i feel like people may be 7hRDsFWTjog-00781-00158312-00158431 giving them credit see we kind of talk 7hRDsFWTjog-00782-00158432-00158575 about the critique however the idea the 7hRDsFWTjog-00783-00158576-00158783 logo mark the pattern and the word mark 7hRDsFWTjog-00784-00158784-00158983 all kind of accentuate this how do you 7hRDsFWTjog-00785-00158984-00159214 say sort of supreme esque logo idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00786-00159215-00159390 right uh but also making sure that the 7hRDsFWTjog-00787-00159391-00159590 erase was not this sort of like heavy 7hRDsFWTjog-00788-00159591-00159766 appeal but more this 7hRDsFWTjog-00789-00159767-00159926 subconsciously that's always there if 7hRDsFWTjog-00790-00159927-00160039 you guys pay attention to which is a 7hRDsFWTjog-00791-00160040-00160175 very brilliant way to kind of navigate 7hRDsFWTjog-00792-00160176-00160439 the branding so debinar you're moving on 7hRDsFWTjog-00793-00160440-00160687 to uh 1v1 someone here this is where it 7hRDsFWTjog-00794-00160688-00160926 gets tough so 7hRDsFWTjog-00795-00160927-00161263 initially cesso and i had basically like 7hRDsFWTjog-00796-00161264-00161551 a three-way tie between 7hRDsFWTjog-00797-00161552-00161726 all of you i mean 7hRDsFWTjog-00798-00161727-00161959 i would say there there are things that 7hRDsFWTjog-00799-00161960-00162190 we would improve for all of the logos 7hRDsFWTjog-00800-00162191-00162375 but there's also i think what you guys 7hRDsFWTjog-00801-00162376-00162559 did that was especially nice to see i 7hRDsFWTjog-00802-00162560-00162839 mean i stressed early on how important 7hRDsFWTjog-00803-00162840-00163095 mock-ups and context would be for a 7hRDsFWTjog-00804-00163096-00163278 streetwear brand i think that all of 7hRDsFWTjog-00805-00163279-00163551 these are valid explanations that ended 7hRDsFWTjog-00806-00163552-00163823 up leading me to assess the brief that 7hRDsFWTjog-00807-00163824-00164023 we made when i looked at the brief and i 7hRDsFWTjog-00808-00164024-00164311 saw that we were leaning towards luxury 7hRDsFWTjog-00809-00164312-00164599 streetwear brands so off-white supreme 7hRDsFWTjog-00810-00164600-00164687 vape 7hRDsFWTjog-00811-00164688-00164895 rather than underground or affordable 7hRDsFWTjog-00812-00164896-00165207 brands and i think that someone who was 7hRDsFWTjog-00813-00165208-00165478 the most successful in doing that 7hRDsFWTjog-00814-00165479-00165702 would be 7hRDsFWTjog-00815-00165703-00166390 [Music] 7hRDsFWTjog-00816-00166391-00166535 goldfield 7hRDsFWTjog-00817-00166536-00166614 so 7hRDsFWTjog-00818-00166615-00166863 the explanation made sense like i said 7hRDsFWTjog-00819-00166864-00167014 the designs for everything work you'll 7hRDsFWTjog-00820-00167015-00167343 be moving forward 1v1 against debonair 7hRDsFWTjog-00821-00167344-00167502 to be the champion so that's what we 7hRDsFWTjog-00822-00167503-00167759 have so with that goldfield and devon 7hRDsFWTjog-00823-00167760-00167911 are you competing against each other a 7hRDsFWTjog-00824-00167912-00168095 nice really cool brief we got set up uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00825-00168096-00168254 and one of them are gonna be crown logo 7hRDsFWTjog-00826-00168255-00168438 royale champion so are you guys ready 7hRDsFWTjog-00827-00168439-00168631 for that though i'm more than pretty not 7hRDsFWTjog-00828-00168632-00168783 really but we're gonna we're gonna give 7hRDsFWTjog-00829-00168784-00169031 it that college try dude nice two 7hRDsFWTjog-00830-00169032-00169238 different spectrum ideas of ready but 7hRDsFWTjog-00831-00169239-00169390 like i feel like they're they're gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-00832-00169391-00169551 be fine so let's see what's gonna see 7hRDsFWTjog-00833-00169552-00169814 what happens 7hRDsFWTjog-00834-00169815-00170054 for the 1v1 brief these guys are going 7hRDsFWTjog-00835-00170055-00170263 to work with a brand known as mind thief 7hRDsFWTjog-00836-00170264-00170463 mind thief is a voice and text app that 7hRDsFWTjog-00837-00170464-00170607 uses artificial intelligence to 7hRDsFWTjog-00838-00170608-00170766 summarize rambling and lengthy 7hRDsFWTjog-00839-00170767-00170975 commentary it is catered to designers 7hRDsFWTjog-00840-00170976-00171159 artists writers and entrepreneurs are 7hRDsFWTjog-00841-00171160-00171351 looking to declutter their thoughts we 7hRDsFWTjog-00842-00171352-00171502 are looking for a logo that illustrates 7hRDsFWTjog-00843-00171503-00171711 the idea of thinking and collaborating 7hRDsFWTjog-00844-00171712-00171926 our keywords are innovative inspiring 7hRDsFWTjog-00845-00171927-00172087 and portraying a sense of helpfulness 7hRDsFWTjog-00846-00172088-00172271 while at the same time being motivating 7hRDsFWTjog-00847-00172272-00172463 goldfield and debonair have one hour to 7hRDsFWTjog-00848-00172464-00172654 design and 20 minutes to mock up 7hRDsFWTjog-00849-00172655-00172814 basically no time at all so let's see 7hRDsFWTjog-00850-00172815-00173063 what happens all right guys so uh this 7hRDsFWTjog-00851-00173064-00173214 is this is time this is it that we have 7hRDsFWTjog-00852-00173215-00173383 a pretty freaking dope brief so i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00853-00173384-00173583 excited what you guys do debonair uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00854-00173584-00173823 goldfield are you guys ready i am ready 7hRDsFWTjog-00855-00173824-00174095 but i've lost my pen oh i've got it 7hRDsFWTjog-00856-00174096-00174335 pause the timer okay three 7hRDsFWTjog-00857-00174336-00174438 two 7hRDsFWTjog-00858-00174439-00174759 one start designing so instantly word 7hRDsFWTjog-00859-00174760-00174999 mind i think of brain i don't really 7hRDsFWTjog-00860-00175000-00175190 want to necessarily concentrating the 7hRDsFWTjog-00861-00175191-00175390 thief part just yet man this is gonna be 7hRDsFWTjog-00862-00175391-00175559 tough honestly what i think i'm gonna do 7hRDsFWTjog-00863-00175560-00175726 is i'm gonna do an m and a t integrated 7hRDsFWTjog-00864-00175727-00175895 in the middle gives for collaboration 7hRDsFWTjog-00865-00175896-00176119 like merging together so george i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00866-00176120-00176263 this brief is really strong in my 7hRDsFWTjog-00867-00176264-00176495 opinion do you lean more into the thief 7hRDsFWTjog-00868-00176496-00176678 or the mind part if you were to do this 7hRDsFWTjog-00869-00176679-00176823 logo or try to find a way to combine 7hRDsFWTjog-00870-00176824-00176943 both which one is like what's your 7hRDsFWTjog-00871-00176944-00177311 percentage my initial impression is 7hRDsFWTjog-00872-00177312-00177583 finding a logo that showcases the idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00873-00177584-00177783 of like collaboration i'm thinking if 7hRDsFWTjog-00874-00177784-00178047 this was to be like a real app you'd 7hRDsFWTjog-00875-00178048-00178231 want it to feel a little bit friendlier 7hRDsFWTjog-00876-00178232-00178471 right the idea that i've got is having 7hRDsFWTjog-00877-00178472-00178751 the brain as the main part of the icon 7hRDsFWTjog-00878-00178752-00178926 but just to the right of it almost like 7hRDsFWTjog-00879-00178927-00179119 this text marker so it kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00880-00179120-00179431 represents that brain is now text so i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-00881-00179432-00179607 competing against debonair this is gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-00882-00179608-00179807 be super tough because i know he was uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00883-00179808-00180071 super excited about this brief and i was 7hRDsFWTjog-00884-00180072-00180343 lost so hopefully this gives me some 7hRDsFWTjog-00885-00180344-00180431 kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00886-00180432-00180583 chance here find out whatever you've 7hRDsFWTjog-00887-00180584-00180759 designed i feel like always been 7hRDsFWTjog-00888-00180760-00180959 designed before it's very hard to kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00889-00180960-00181063 of come up with something that's 7hRDsFWTjog-00890-00181064-00181278 completely completely new then again i 7hRDsFWTjog-00891-00181279-00181423 am just using the brain this is the 7hRDsFWTjog-00892-00181424-00181575 basic design we can mess with it in 7hRDsFWTjog-00893-00181576-00181726 illustrator we don't have that much time 7hRDsFWTjog-00894-00181727-00181902 i think one thing that we can do is 7hRDsFWTjog-00895-00181903-00182135 split the brain use this to separate it 7hRDsFWTjog-00896-00182136-00182343 if we make the left part of the brain 7hRDsFWTjog-00897-00182344-00182559 organize the right part really like 7hRDsFWTjog-00898-00182560-00182751 scruffy man i wish i had like an ipad or 7hRDsFWTjog-00899-00182752-00182887 something to draw on but i guess it is 7hRDsFWTjog-00900-00182888-00183207 what it is 7hRDsFWTjog-00901-00183208-00183423 i don't think it's gonna work 7hRDsFWTjog-00902-00183424-00183575 i don't think it's gonna work let's uh 7hRDsFWTjog-00903-00183576-00183759 let's kind of revert back to what we we 7hRDsFWTjog-00904-00183760-00183975 originally planned 15 minutes already 7hRDsFWTjog-00905-00183976-00184119 went by we already kind of have like 7hRDsFWTjog-00906-00184120-00184271 really cool ideas from both of these 7hRDsFWTjog-00907-00184272-00184438 guys i have no idea what's gonna happen 7hRDsFWTjog-00908-00184439-00184543 but 7hRDsFWTjog-00909-00184544-00184766 time sucks i think we're actually on the 7hRDsFWTjog-00910-00184767-00184990 right path we just have to uh we just 7hRDsFWTjog-00911-00184991-00185190 have to land really so i'm going to take 7hRDsFWTjog-00912-00185191-00185359 this i'm not going to copy it exactly 7hRDsFWTjog-00913-00185360-00185502 i'm just going to kind of use as a 7hRDsFWTjog-00914-00185503-00185702 reference we're going to just 7hRDsFWTjog-00915-00185703-00185902 add this line 7hRDsFWTjog-00916-00185903-00186183 containing everything it almost be head 7hRDsFWTjog-00917-00186184-00186326 i think this is going pretty well if i 7hRDsFWTjog-00918-00186327-00186519 just move these a little bit and just to 7hRDsFWTjog-00919-00186520-00186607 organize them it's going to look a 7hRDsFWTjog-00920-00186608-00186807 little bit better if we get to about 30 7hRDsFWTjog-00921-00186808-00187078 to 20 minutes and things aren't looking 7hRDsFWTjog-00922-00187079-00187254 how we intend we'll whip up something 7hRDsFWTjog-00923-00187255-00187399 super quick i don't know what i want to 7hRDsFWTjog-00924-00187400-00187631 do here i think the font is gonna be 7hRDsFWTjog-00925-00187632-00187902 pretty integral i wonder if we can add 7hRDsFWTjog-00926-00187903-00188126 almost like a speech ball here maybe 7hRDsFWTjog-00927-00188127-00188231 this 7hRDsFWTjog-00928-00188232-00188407 maybe something like that kind of do 7hRDsFWTjog-00929-00188408-00188590 something beneath it that comes across 7hRDsFWTjog-00930-00188591-00188783 as like someone's having a chat all 7hRDsFWTjog-00931-00188784-00188990 right so midway check-ins let's actually 7hRDsFWTjog-00932-00188991-00189166 go ahead and like bring in goldfield and 7hRDsFWTjog-00933-00189167-00189319 like see where his brain and mindset 7hRDsFWTjog-00934-00189320-00189447 staff so we're gonna pause the timer 7hRDsFWTjog-00935-00189448-00189566 okay with the brief i said like 7hRDsFWTjog-00936-00189567-00189719 integration seamless integration so this 7hRDsFWTjog-00937-00189720-00189871 is a t for the microphone clearly 7hRDsFWTjog-00938-00189872-00190054 integrate your voice and i'm trying to 7hRDsFWTjog-00939-00190055-00190287 do kind of like a chat app kind of idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00940-00190288-00190454 as well i actually really enjoy the idea 7hRDsFWTjog-00941-00190455-00190590 of the tm i actually didn't notice the 7hRDsFWTjog-00942-00190591-00190823 fact that it is tm for for mine thief so 7hRDsFWTjog-00943-00190824-00190926 i can appreciate that immediately with 7hRDsFWTjog-00944-00190927-00191078 the actual speech bubble and the mic i 7hRDsFWTjog-00945-00191079-00191311 think in a really good track there my my 7hRDsFWTjog-00946-00191312-00191487 comments right now is that it maybe 7hRDsFWTjog-00947-00191488-00191711 feels a little bit bottom heavy i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00948-00191712-00191902 because of the amount of negative space 7hRDsFWTjog-00949-00191903-00192111 being cut out in like the microphone 7hRDsFWTjog-00950-00192112-00192278 area all right we'll let you get back to 7hRDsFWTjog-00951-00192279-00192438 it so let's go ahead and check out what 7hRDsFWTjog-00952-00192439-00192671 debian air debiter's mindset's at so the 7hRDsFWTjog-00953-00192672-00192847 idea i've gone with now is kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00954-00192848-00193071 representing speech bubbles and i'm kind 7hRDsFWTjog-00955-00193072-00193254 of double layering these so the one 7hRDsFWTjog-00956-00193255-00193519 behind is going to have like a mess in 7hRDsFWTjog-00957-00193520-00193695 it so it's kind of like scribbles and 7hRDsFWTjog-00958-00193696-00193847 stuff then the one above is going to be 7hRDsFWTjog-00959-00193848-00194063 a clear brain okay i mean we're going to 7hRDsFWTjog-00960-00194064-00194199 let you keep to it i think you're doing 7hRDsFWTjog-00961-00194200-00194431 a pretty incredible job i'ma let you go 7hRDsFWTjog-00962-00194432-00194614 you got 30 minutes remaining good luck 7hRDsFWTjog-00963-00194615-00194807 brother and i'll see you in a bit that 7hRDsFWTjog-00964-00194808-00195038 looks a lot better i'll see a lot better 7hRDsFWTjog-00965-00195039-00195207 the recommendations from george there oh 7hRDsFWTjog-00966-00195208-00195343 immediately by the way i see goldfields 7hRDsFWTjog-00967-00195344-00195471 doing what you actually asked for and it 7hRDsFWTjog-00968-00195472-00195687 actually feels immediately better i will 7hRDsFWTjog-00969-00195688-00195878 communicate that and i also do love 7hRDsFWTjog-00970-00195879-00196007 debonair's idea i mean these guys are 7hRDsFWTjog-00971-00196008-00196166 doing pretty fantastic right now with 30 7hRDsFWTjog-00972-00196167-00196350 minutes left these are both very very 7hRDsFWTjog-00973-00196351-00196559 surprising especially because the brief 7hRDsFWTjog-00974-00196560-00196847 is a little bit unusual but i think that 7hRDsFWTjog-00975-00196848-00196990 they're able to 7hRDsFWTjog-00976-00196991-00197159 take like their own creative spin on it 7hRDsFWTjog-00977-00197160-00197326 and i like that their ideas are both 7hRDsFWTjog-00978-00197327-00197487 completely different ones kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-00979-00197488-00197647 including more of like the mic thought 7hRDsFWTjog-00980-00197648-00197823 of it and more ones more including the 7hRDsFWTjog-00981-00197824-00197950 actual brain thought of it so i can 7hRDsFWTjog-00982-00197951-00198166 appreciate both concepts i'm not gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-00983-00198167-00198502 lie yeah mike's got mics 7hRDsFWTjog-00984-00198503-00198687 max 7hRDsFWTjog-00985-00198688-00198783 don't know 7hRDsFWTjog-00986-00198784-00199119 what else to do here i think let's go to 7hRDsFWTjog-00987-00199120-00199311 dribble it's my favorite uh color 7hRDsFWTjog-00988-00199312-00199487 stealing website i'm hoping it comes 7hRDsFWTjog-00989-00199488-00199638 across like a brain because i feel like 7hRDsFWTjog-00990-00199639-00199823 it people might not understand that it's 7hRDsFWTjog-00991-00199824-00199999 the front version should we use comic 7hRDsFWTjog-00992-00200000-00200254 sans i feel like but that might work i 7hRDsFWTjog-00993-00200255-00200431 might actually work this time and just 7hRDsFWTjog-00994-00200432-00200654 like that five minutes remaining i like 7hRDsFWTjog-00995-00200655-00200823 that a lot i think that looks good i 7hRDsFWTjog-00996-00200824-00200983 mean that's that's really nice i like 7hRDsFWTjog-00997-00200984-00201190 this it's it kind of feels like a 7hRDsFWTjog-00998-00201191-00201366 nursery actually you know what i think 7hRDsFWTjog-00999-00201367-00201502 even without this 7hRDsFWTjog-01000-00201503-00201663 thing i think it works this will be 7hRDsFWTjog-01001-00201664-00201790 interesting if you guys can't tell what 7hRDsFWTjog-01002-00201791-00201975 i'm doing i'm making little chat bubbles 7hRDsFWTjog-01003-00201976-00202087 something like this what do you guys 7hRDsFWTjog-01004-00202088-00202238 think about that i mean this is it guys 7hRDsFWTjog-01005-00202239-00202350 i think i could just start downloading 7hRDsFWTjog-01006-00202351-00202566 more mock-ups i'm happy with what i've 7hRDsFWTjog-01007-00202567-00202871 done i think now focus on the execution 7hRDsFWTjog-01008-00202872-00203071 of the mock-ups i think we can do a 7hRDsFWTjog-01009-00203072-00203390 solid job and just like that we are we 7hRDsFWTjog-01010-00203391-00203647 are done that's it stop designing let's 7hRDsFWTjog-01011-00203648-00203887 do this all right guys so realistically 7hRDsFWTjog-01012-00203888-00204023 you guys know what to do now we're going 7hRDsFWTjog-01013-00204024-00204183 to go ahead and hop into 20 minutes of 7hRDsFWTjog-01014-00204184-00204311 mock-ups where you guys get to finish up 7hRDsFWTjog-01015-00204312-00204559 your designs no change the actual logo 7hRDsFWTjog-01016-00204560-00204687 and i'm just gonna let you guys dive 7hRDsFWTjog-01017-00204688-00204823 right back into it so i'll see you guys 7hRDsFWTjog-01018-00204823-00205134 in a second three two one start your 7hRDsFWTjog-01019-00205135-00205334 mock-ups with mock-ups i don't really 7hRDsFWTjog-01020-00205335-00205510 want to go like too in-depth with like 7hRDsFWTjog-01021-00205511-00205679 putting on clothing or anything like 7hRDsFWTjog-01022-00205680-00205831 that so i'm gonna kind of stick to an 7hRDsFWTjog-01023-00205832-00206134 app dude i literally have no idea how 7hRDsFWTjog-01024-00206135-00206294 i'm going to do this and i want to go 7hRDsFWTjog-01025-00206296-00206551 for nothing technical for the background 7hRDsFWTjog-01026-00206552-00206727 but i want to go for almost like a 7hRDsFWTjog-01027-00206728-00207023 liquid marble dude i whip dude really i 7hRDsFWTjog-01028-00207023-00207127 guess i guess i can't delete the 7hRDsFWTjog-01029-00207128-00207255 background i don't know why someone 7hRDsFWTjog-01030-00207256-00207342 would make a mock-up that you can't 7hRDsFWTjog-01031-00207344-00207534 delete the background but that's cool 7hRDsFWTjog-01032-00207535-00207710 four minutes left to mock up then that's 7hRDsFWTjog-01033-00207711-00207919 it let's do it how the hell do you spell 7hRDsFWTjog-01034-00207919-00208246 speech it's not ea is it 7hRDsFWTjog-01035-00208248-00208494 i did not have to google that i think i 7hRDsFWTjog-01036-00208496-00208679 think i mean there's not much 7hRDsFWTjog-01037-00208680-00209031 left here that i can do honestly 7hRDsFWTjog-01038-00209032-00209279 i think we need to add much more i guess 7hRDsFWTjog-01039-00209280-00209423 the explanation will have to do i think 7hRDsFWTjog-01040-00209423-00209646 it looks pretty good for what it is okay 7hRDsFWTjog-01041-00209648-00209887 with it guys i'm happy with it i'm happy 7hRDsFWTjog-01042-00209888-00210063 with it maybe not so confident but i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-01043-00210064-00210423 happy with it that's it time is up real 7hRDsFWTjog-01044-00210423-00210582 quick what's gonna happen here is i want 7hRDsFWTjog-01045-00210583-00210703 you guys to give your quick little 7hRDsFWTjog-01046-00210704-00210823 elevator pitches starting off with 7hRDsFWTjog-01047-00210823-00210991 debonair in a second here about what 7hRDsFWTjog-01048-00210992-00211119 your kind of process was what your 7hRDsFWTjog-01049-00211119-00211334 execution felt like and uh just so the 7hRDsFWTjog-01050-00211335-00211479 audience can get an idea of what your 7hRDsFWTjog-01051-00211480-00211623 what the thought process was so one 7hRDsFWTjog-01052-00211623-00211823 thing i took from the brief was that it 7hRDsFWTjog-01053-00211823-00211975 was going to be an app and it was using 7hRDsFWTjog-01054-00211976-00212134 artificial intelligence that was kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-01055-00212135-00212319 the main idea that i wanted to go behind 7hRDsFWTjog-01056-00212319-00212494 with this ultimately i kind of went with 7hRDsFWTjog-01057-00212496-00212782 this very super simple speech bubble 7hRDsFWTjog-01058-00212783-00212982 with a brain icon in the middle which 7hRDsFWTjog-01059-00212983-00213246 kind of to me represented speaking clear 7hRDsFWTjog-01060-00213248-00213446 thoughts with within my markup i've kind 7hRDsFWTjog-01061-00213448-00213671 of provided an example of how it would 7hRDsFWTjog-01062-00213671-00213855 look as an app like the whole app is 7hRDsFWTjog-01063-00213856-00214071 super clean kind of decluttering and 7hRDsFWTjog-01064-00214071-00214206 that was the kind of the vibe i went for 7hRDsFWTjog-01065-00214207-00214494 for this amazing okay uh mike my thought 7hRDsFWTjog-01066-00214496-00214751 process was let's create a simple icon 7hRDsFWTjog-01067-00214752-00214903 kind of like instagram and i thought to 7hRDsFWTjog-01068-00214904-00215087 myself let's do something that lets 7hRDsFWTjog-01069-00215088-00215263 people indicate that it's like an app 7hRDsFWTjog-01070-00215264-00215439 that allows you to speak your mind and 7hRDsFWTjog-01071-00215440-00215631 maybe open it up for other people like 7hRDsFWTjog-01072-00215632-00215823 an inspirational podcast kind of thing 7hRDsFWTjog-01073-00215823-00216158 as well it symbolizes unity so t 7hRDsFWTjog-01074-00216159-00216358 microphone m all coming together in a 7hRDsFWTjog-01075-00216359-00216606 collaboration having the the mind thief 7hRDsFWTjog-01076-00216607-00216775 right here that the type with the little 7hRDsFWTjog-01077-00216776-00216951 chat bubbles kind of indicates as well 7hRDsFWTjog-01078-00216952-00217119 that you can communicate 7hRDsFWTjog-01079-00217119-00217287 within this app it's it's it's kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-01080-00217288-00217446 like the modern day designer kick i 7hRDsFWTjog-01081-00217448-00217631 guess yeah that pretty much summarizes 7hRDsFWTjog-01082-00217632-00217887 it amazing i think this is pretty 7hRDsFWTjog-01083-00217888-00218079 brilliant you guys both did a fantastic 7hRDsFWTjog-01084-00218080-00218223 job but now it's tough for me and george 7hRDsFWTjog-01085-00218223-00218431 to kind of like uh take this and and 7hRDsFWTjog-01086-00218432-00218663 critique it and you know because the 7hRDsFWTjog-01087-00218664-00218791 usual it's going to be difficult but 7hRDsFWTjog-01088-00218792-00218927 we'll see you guys in a second all right 7hRDsFWTjog-01089-00218928-00219079 george so let's go and break this down 7hRDsFWTjog-01090-00219080-00219215 real quick for ourselves let's start off 7hRDsFWTjog-01091-00219216-00219334 with gold through for a second what are 7hRDsFWTjog-01092-00219335-00219503 you thinking when you look at gold field 7hRDsFWTjog-01093-00219504-00219742 concepts i definitely think that he 7hRDsFWTjog-01094-00219744-00219934 fixed a lot of the balancing issues with 7hRDsFWTjog-01095-00219935-00220151 the mark so i think that compared to 7hRDsFWTjog-01096-00220152-00220310 what we saw for the midway check-in it 7hRDsFWTjog-01097-00220311-00220519 definitely looks like it's been improved 7hRDsFWTjog-01098-00220519-00220758 yeah i like that he rounded the corners 7hRDsFWTjog-01099-00220759-00221119 slightly on the typography i maybe would 7hRDsFWTjog-01100-00221119-00221342 have stuck with a tight face that 7hRDsFWTjog-01101-00221344-00221527 emphasized that roundness maybe a little 7hRDsFWTjog-01102-00221528-00221806 bit more the logo type the logo mark it 7hRDsFWTjog-01103-00221807-00221998 pairs pretty well together the only 7hRDsFWTjog-01104-00222000-00222175 thing i would say like i'm not too sure 7hRDsFWTjog-01105-00222176-00222382 of the the sort of like speech bubble 7hRDsFWTjog-01106-00222383-00222567 eyes in this i get the idea and the 7hRDsFWTjog-01107-00222567-00222710 concept to it but i feel like it doesn't 7hRDsFWTjog-01108-00222711-00222887 relate too much when you like look at 7hRDsFWTjog-01109-00222888-00223079 both these logos like together right 7hRDsFWTjog-01110-00223080-00223239 separately it makes sense but together 7hRDsFWTjog-01111-00223240-00223382 i'm a little bit like ah a little 7hRDsFWTjog-01112-00223383-00223567 confused on that part however i do 7hRDsFWTjog-01113-00223567-00223775 appreciate the mic i uh i also do kind 7hRDsFWTjog-01114-00223776-00223958 of see a lot of podcast vibes in here 7hRDsFWTjog-01115-00223959-00224071 which you kind of like reference i 7hRDsFWTjog-01116-00224071-00224231 didn't actually see it that way but the 7hRDsFWTjog-01117-00224232-00224446 actual big microphone 7hRDsFWTjog-01118-00224448-00224615 does it feel a little bit too podcast 7hRDsFWTjog-01119-00224616-00224815 like i'm not too sure does it feel like 7hRDsFWTjog-01120-00224816-00225023 this mind speaking app more than a 7hRDsFWTjog-01121-00225023-00225158 podcast at that point cause i don't know 7hRDsFWTjog-01122-00225159-00225367 something about big mics and in podcast 7hRDsFWTjog-01123-00225367-00225527 who knows let's say okay when you look 7hRDsFWTjog-01124-00225528-00225687 at debonair's concept what are you 7hRDsFWTjog-01125-00225688-00225846 thinking over there what i really 7hRDsFWTjog-01126-00225848-00226063 appreciate about debonairs is that it's 7hRDsFWTjog-01127-00226064-00226358 a simple idea but i think it fits as an 7hRDsFWTjog-01128-00226359-00226631 app concept very very well so it seems 7hRDsFWTjog-01129-00226632-00226894 very refined it looks official in my 7hRDsFWTjog-01130-00226896-00227119 eyes i think it hits the brief really 7hRDsFWTjog-01131-00227119-00227319 really well i i would agree in that 7hRDsFWTjog-01132-00227319-00227534 sense i do i do see it kind of feeling 7hRDsFWTjog-01133-00227535-00227703 very inspiring it might be the text 7hRDsFWTjog-01134-00227704-00227831 something about this more rounded 7hRDsFWTjog-01135-00227832-00228023 boldish kind of text kind of feels i 7hRDsFWTjog-01136-00228023-00228134 don't know what it just reminds me of 7hRDsFWTjog-01137-00228135-00228246 something like i just want to do 7hRDsFWTjog-01138-00228248-00228398 something i don't know i don't know if 7hRDsFWTjog-01139-00228400-00228615 that's like a universal thought um 7hRDsFWTjog-01140-00228616-00228782 however i do like it i do wish though 7hRDsFWTjog-01141-00228783-00228967 however he kind of did the the 7hRDsFWTjog-01142-00228967-00229134 decluttering idea with that actual like 7hRDsFWTjog-01143-00229135-00229255 you know below the brain because i feel 7hRDsFWTjog-01144-00229256-00229423 like that would more translate the idea 7hRDsFWTjog-01145-00229423-00229558 of taking your clutter decluttered 7hRDsFWTjog-01146-00229559-00229734 thoughts into like this mind thing but 7hRDsFWTjog-01147-00229735-00229894 of course that's just like the concept 7hRDsFWTjog-01148-00229896-00230055 that he didn't end up going with i will 7hRDsFWTjog-01149-00230056-00230182 agree though and say this is a really 7hRDsFWTjog-01150-00230183-00230358 dope concept i gotta be the devil's 7hRDsFWTjog-01151-00230359-00230519 advocate because it doesn't feel too 7hRDsFWTjog-01152-00230519-00230751 generalized i was thinking the same 7hRDsFWTjog-01153-00230752-00230991 thing i think the fact that it's in a 7hRDsFWTjog-01154-00230992-00231255 speech bubble is what saves it to me as 7hRDsFWTjog-01155-00231256-00231494 being like a customized design but that 7hRDsFWTjog-01156-00231496-00231646 that that turns to a question of like 7hRDsFWTjog-01157-00231648-00231846 which one do we think actually fits the 7hRDsFWTjog-01158-00231848-00232294 brief the most i probably have to say 7hRDsFWTjog-01159-00232296-00232551 all right guys this was uh no joke unfun 7hRDsFWTjog-01160-00232552-00232734 and really really something i i was not 7hRDsFWTjog-01161-00232735-00232879 anticipating to be so hard to kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-01162-00232880-00233023 pick through you guys both did 7hRDsFWTjog-01163-00233023-00233246 incredible for the record um i will say 7hRDsFWTjog-01164-00233248-00233423 an hour's a joke for the record for any 7hRDsFWTjog-01165-00233423-00233598 like logo designers out there or for any 7hRDsFWTjog-01166-00233600-00233710 other people who are looking for logos 7hRDsFWTjog-01167-00233711-00233894 don't come to these guys saying like yo 7hRDsFWTjog-01168-00233896-00234055 i see that one hour logo that's not a 7hRDsFWTjog-01169-00234056-00234255 thing that is not a thing for anyone in 7hRDsFWTjog-01170-00234256-00234375 this video just so you guys know i'm 7hRDsFWTjog-01171-00234376-00234551 gonna reiterate that 40 billion times 7hRDsFWTjog-01172-00234552-00234719 and with that an hour is definitely a 7hRDsFWTjog-01173-00234719-00234831 challenge so i think you guys both did 7hRDsFWTjog-01174-00234832-00235119 incredible i genuinely mean that um with 7hRDsFWTjog-01175-00235119-00235319 that though one of you guys at this very 7hRDsFWTjog-01176-00235319-00235439 moment in time we're gonna be crowned a 7hRDsFWTjog-01177-00235440-00235767 local royale champion so what i will say 7hRDsFWTjog-01178-00235767-00236063 is the winner for episode two for design 7hRDsFWTjog-01179-00236064-00236310 royale logo royale 7hRDsFWTjog-01180-00236311-00236942 is 7hRDsFWTjog-01181-00236944-00237094 debonair 7hRDsFWTjog-01182-00237096-00237294 we believe deminer's constant was really 7hRDsFWTjog-01183-00237296-00237415 freaking dope and really cool i've 7hRDsFWTjog-01184-00237416-00237558 honestly gold fill out mike i'm just 7hRDsFWTjog-01185-00237559-00237710 gonna call you mike now mike your 7hRDsFWTjog-01186-00237711-00237855 console is also really dope but i think 7hRDsFWTjog-01187-00237856-00237967 george has a really good explanation of 7hRDsFWTjog-01188-00237967-00238079 how we actually end up choosing our 7hRDsFWTjog-01189-00238080-00238310 winner um but yo debonair you won 7hRDsFWTjog-01190-00238311-00238558 brother that is you are our champion for 7hRDsFWTjog-01191-00238559-00238863 episode two i'm speechless oh yeah dude 7hRDsFWTjog-01192-00238864-00239015 congratulations i'm speechless i feel 7hRDsFWTjog-01193-00239016-00239167 like it's been a long time coming we've 7hRDsFWTjog-01194-00239167-00239358 obviously postponed this but you know 7hRDsFWTjog-01195-00239359-00239446 it's 7hRDsFWTjog-01196-00239448-00239631 it's been fun it's been really fun i've 7hRDsFWTjog-01197-00239632-00239767 loved it and just for the record just 7hRDsFWTjog-01198-00239767-00239894 you guys know both these guys will be 7hRDsFWTjog-01199-00239896-00240046 competing again in the champions of 7hRDsFWTjog-01200-00240048-00240215 champions of logo royale so don't worry 7hRDsFWTjog-01201-00240216-00240358 you'll see goldfield you'll see uh 7hRDsFWTjog-01202-00240359-00240503 debonair again once just so you guys 7hRDsFWTjog-01203-00240504-00240687 know you'll see both of them once again 7hRDsFWTjog-01204-00240688-00240823 in like two more episodes of the 7hRDsFWTjog-01205-00240823-00241023 logarithm for the record but real quick 7hRDsFWTjog-01206-00241023-00241198 mike what are your thoughts you got you 7hRDsFWTjog-01207-00241200-00241334 got any thoughts in the sense like what 7hRDsFWTjog-01208-00241335-00241455 are you feeling right now i know it's 7hRDsFWTjog-01209-00241456-00241630 not that it's it's second place not bad 7hRDsFWTjog-01210-00241631-00241742 you still beat out seven other people 7hRDsFWTjog-01211-00241744-00241975 but what are you thinking i honestly i i 7hRDsFWTjog-01212-00241976-00242198 i'm with you on that decision there i 7hRDsFWTjog-01213-00242200-00242406 thought kind of the ai aspect that he 7hRDsFWTjog-01214-00242407-00242663 did like encompassed it perfectly when i 7hRDsFWTjog-01215-00242664-00242830 once once i saw it i was like dude damn 7hRDsFWTjog-01216-00242831-00242998 it 7hRDsFWTjog-01217-00243000-00243310 but like i i honestly i'm i'm totally 7hRDsFWTjog-01218-00243311-00243510 comfortable with this is like you know 7hRDsFWTjog-01219-00243511-00243687 designer recognized designer at this 7hRDsFWTjog-01220-00243688-00243830 point if i see something that i'm like 7hRDsFWTjog-01221-00243831-00244087 dude this is badass i'm i'm totally okay 7hRDsFWTjog-01222-00244088-00244279 taking an l to something that's 7hRDsFWTjog-01223-00244280-00244375 you know 7hRDsFWTjog-01224-00244376-00244551 superior in that sense 7hRDsFWTjog-01225-00244552-00244751 i don't think anyone here took an l 7hRDsFWTjog-01226-00244752-00244863 gonna i'm gonna let you i'm gonna 7hRDsFWTjog-01227-00244864-00245055 retract that one i don't think anyone 7hRDsFWTjog-01228-00245056-00245230 here took an l uh george you want to 7hRDsFWTjog-01229-00245231-00245391 kind of like comment on what we kind of 7hRDsFWTjog-01230-00245392-00245567 talked about a little bit yeah so the 7hRDsFWTjog-01231-00245567-00245758 main thing that we always keep in mind 7hRDsFWTjog-01232-00245759-00245958 is the brief obviously you guys know 7hRDsFWTjog-01233-00245959-00246151 that but i think when we're looking at 7hRDsFWTjog-01234-00246152-00246423 debonair's concept the main question we 7hRDsFWTjog-01235-00246423-00246671 had in mind was is it enough to to 7hRDsFWTjog-01236-00246671-00246830 compare to like if this was an actual 7hRDsFWTjog-01237-00246831-00247023 brand yeah obviously given the timeline 7hRDsFWTjog-01238-00247023-00247215 you don't have as much time to come up 7hRDsFWTjog-01239-00247216-00247430 with like unique concepts but i think 7hRDsFWTjog-01240-00247431-00247639 what really sold it for us was the 7hRDsFWTjog-01241-00247640-00247919 amount of refinement for the general 7hRDsFWTjog-01242-00247919-00248142 like theme of the design it's almost a 7hRDsFWTjog-01243-00248144-00248279 testament to the actual skill itself 7hRDsFWTjog-01244-00248280-00248423 where it feels so refined you have to 7hRDsFWTjog-01245-00248423-00248591 like think it really through so it's 7hRDsFWTjog-01246-00248592-00248767 almost like a blessing and a curse and 7hRDsFWTjog-01247-00248767-00248934 mike we loved your concept too we just 7hRDsFWTjog-01248-00248935-00249094 felt as if you mentioned the word 7hRDsFWTjog-01249-00249096-00249310 podcast for me and i was like 7hRDsFWTjog-01250-00249311-00249558 dang i don't know the word podcast sort 7hRDsFWTjog-01251-00249559-00249687 of like put me in this it does feel like 7hRDsFWTjog-01252-00249688-00249927 more of a podcasty logo not a bad player 7hRDsFWTjog-01253-00249928-00250039 not a bad thing if you want to 7hRDsFWTjog-01254-00250040-00250279 transition mind like mine thief to be a 7hRDsFWTjog-01255-00250280-00250463 podcast thing however that wasn't where 7hRDsFWTjog-01256-00250464-00250655 the brief lied and that's kind of how he 7hRDsFWTjog-01257-00250656-00250879 chose toward uh the demon er concept but 7hRDsFWTjog-01258-00250880-00251103 again you guys both did incredible i 7hRDsFWTjog-01259-00251104-00251246 just want to reiterate that one more 7hRDsFWTjog-01260-00251248-00251455 time and uh with that though guys if you 7hRDsFWTjog-01261-00251456-00251615 guys like this episode please follow 7hRDsFWTjog-01262-00251616-00251806 debonair and mike and of course our 7hRDsFWTjog-01263-00251807-00252015 co-host george noah um who's always 7hRDsFWTjog-01264-00252016-00252206 amazing always credible but also follow 7hRDsFWTjog-01265-00252207-00252367 everybody else in the video too i'm not 7hRDsFWTjog-01266-00252367-00252479 gonna forget about them they're they 7hRDsFWTjog-01267-00252480-00252679 also clutched up too uh but yeah that is 7hRDsFWTjog-01268-00252680-00252823 all i got for you guys today so that 7hRDsFWTjog-01269-00252823-00253015 that being said since the hq ouch are 7hRDsFWTjog-01270-00253016-00253206 you gonna keep smiling and stay positive 7hRDsFWTjog-01271-00253207-00253391 and stay a freaking product guys later 7hRDsFWTjog-01272-00253392-00253598 much love and don't forget to check out 7hRDsFWTjog-01273-00253600-00253734 all the other series and episodes we 7hRDsFWTjog-01274-00253735-00253887 have so many other ones like enjoy it 7hRDsFWTjog-01275-00253888-00255046 that's all i got peace 7hRDsFWTjog-01276-00255048-00255256 you 7i0Jw1fScTE-00000-00000111-00000719 [Music] 7i0Jw1fScTE-00001-00000720-00001007 [Music] 7i0Jw1fScTE-00002-00001008-00001284 in my last video we started to explore 7i0Jw1fScTE-00003-00001285-00001539 what might explain the higher stroke 7i0Jw1fScTE-00004-00001540-00001851 risk in vegetarians found the epic 7i0Jw1fScTE-00005-00001852-00002094 oxford study a lower risk of heart 7i0Jw1fScTE-00006-00002095-00002265 disease and lower risk of cardiovascular 7i0Jw1fScTE-00007-00002266-00002559 disease overall but higher risk of 7i0Jw1fScTE-00008-00002560-00002637 stroke 7i0Jw1fScTE-00009-00002638-00002877 we looked into vitamin D levels as a 7i0Jw1fScTE-00010-00002878-00003099 potential mechanism but that didn't seem 7i0Jw1fScTE-00011-00003100-00003233 to be the case 7i0Jw1fScTE-00012-00003234-00003522 what about long-chain omega-3s the fish 7i0Jw1fScTE-00013-00003522-00003797 fats like EPA and DHA found not 7i0Jw1fScTE-00014-00003798-00004079 surprisingly in markedly lower levels in 7i0Jw1fScTE-00015-00004080-00004346 vegetarians and vegans about 30% lower 7i0Jw1fScTE-00016-00004347-00004556 in vegetarians and more like half is low 7i0Jw1fScTE-00017-00004557-00004772 and vegans but according to the most 7i0Jw1fScTE-00018-00004773-00005034 extensive systematic assessment of 7i0Jw1fScTE-00019-00005035-00005216 effects of omega-3 fats on 7i0Jw1fScTE-00020-00005217-00005480 cardiovascular health to date there is 7i0Jw1fScTE-00021-00005481-00005873 no benefit for stroke combining 28 or 7i0Jw1fScTE-00022-00005874-00006053 randomized controlled trials and in fact 7i0Jw1fScTE-00023-00006054-00006203 there was evidence that taking fish oil 7i0Jw1fScTE-00024-00006204-00006380 didn't help with heart disease or 7i0Jw1fScTE-00025-00006381-00006638 overall mortality either this may be 7i0Jw1fScTE-00026-00006639-00006858 because on one hand the omega-3s may be 7i0Jw1fScTE-00027-00006859-00007070 helping but the mercury and fish may be 7i0Jw1fScTE-00028-00007071-00007349 making things worse that's the constant 7i0Jw1fScTE-00029-00007350-00007481 challenge among public health 7i0Jw1fScTE-00030-00007482-00007673 professionals balancing the benefits 7i0Jw1fScTE-00031-00007675-00008009 with the contaminant risks for example 7i0Jw1fScTE-00032-00008010-00008238 dietary exposure to PCBs may be 7i0Jw1fScTE-00033-00008239-00008412 associated with increased risk of stroke 7i0Jw1fScTE-00034-00008413-00008658 in this study for instance neither fish 7i0Jw1fScTE-00035-00008659-00008963 nor intake of PCBs was related to stroke 7i0Jw1fScTE-00036-00008964-00009185 risk however at the same fish intake 7i0Jw1fScTE-00037-00009186-00009423 Dietary PCBs were associated with an 7i0Jw1fScTE-00038-00009424-00009542 increased risk of stroke 7i0Jw1fScTE-00039-00009543-00009870 so the PCB pollutants may be masking the 7i0Jw1fScTE-00040-00009871-00010139 fish benefit thus if we had a time 7i0Jw1fScTE-00041-00010140-00010338 machine and could go back before the 7i0Jw1fScTE-00042-00010339-00010527 Industrial Revolution and find you know 7i0Jw1fScTE-00043-00010528-00010731 fishing and unpolluted state it might 7i0Jw1fScTE-00044-00010732-00010923 protect against stroke but you know 7i0Jw1fScTE-00045-00010924-00011184 looking at the data if it really was 7i0Jw1fScTE-00046-00011185-00011480 protected then we might expect that the 7i0Jw1fScTE-00047-00011481-00011720 pescetarians those who eat fish but no 7i0Jw1fScTE-00048-00011721-00012077 other meat to be down here or something 7i0Jw1fScTE-00049-00012078-00012263 right since they would have the fish 7i0Jw1fScTE-00050-00012264-00012509 benefit without the meat risk but now 7i0Jw1fScTE-00051-00012510-00012891 they're stuck out here right so it 7i0Jw1fScTE-00052-00012891-00013110 doesn't seem to be the Omega threes 7i0Jw1fScTE-00053-00013111-00013497 either let's take a closer look at what 7i0Jw1fScTE-00054-00013497-00013797 vegetarians were actually eating when it 7i0Jw1fScTE-00055-00013797-00013944 comes to plant-based diets for 7i0Jw1fScTE-00056-00013944-00014130 cardiovascular disease prevention all 7i0Jw1fScTE-00057-00014131-00014460 plant foods are not created equal there 7i0Jw1fScTE-00058-00014461-00014688 are basically two types of vegetarians 7i0Jw1fScTE-00059-00014688-00014850 those that do it for their health and 7i0Jw1fScTE-00060-00014851-00015099 those who do it for ethical reasons 7i0Jw1fScTE-00061-00015100-00015261 right if we're like global warming or 7i0Jw1fScTE-00062-00015262-00015471 animals and they tend to eat different 7i0Jw1fScTE-00063-00015472-00015713 diets right so for example health vegans 7i0Jw1fScTE-00064-00015715-00016038 tend eat more fruit and less sweets 7i0Jw1fScTE-00065-00016038-00016244 you don't tend to you know see those 7i0Jw1fScTE-00066-00016245-00016332 doing it for health 7i0Jw1fScTE-00067-00016333-00016644 chowing down on vegan don't answer it in 7i0Jw1fScTE-00068-00016645-00016775 the United States the primary 7i0Jw1fScTE-00069-00016776-00016974 motivations for meat reduction or health 7i0Jw1fScTE-00070-00016975-00017208 and cost middle-class American families 7i0Jw1fScTE-00071-00017209-00017447 four times more likely to reduce meat 7i0Jw1fScTE-00072-00017448-00017637 for health reasons compared to you know 7i0Jw1fScTE-00073-00017638-00017814 environmental or animal welfare concerns 7i0Jw1fScTE-00074-00017815-00018135 but in the UK where the stroke study was 7i0Jw1fScTE-00075-00018136-00018347 done the number-one reason given for 7i0Jw1fScTE-00076-00018348-00018705 becoming a vegetarian or vegan is ethics 7i0Jw1fScTE-00077-00018706-00018950 we know plant-based diets that emphasize 7i0Jw1fScTE-00078-00018951-00019133 higher intakes of plant foods and lower 7i0Jw1fScTE-00079-00019134-00019319 intakes of animal foods are associated 7i0Jw1fScTE-00080-00019320-00019436 with a lower risk of incident 7i0Jw1fScTE-00081-00019437-00019665 cardiovascular diseases a lower risk of 7i0Jw1fScTE-00082-00019666-00019989 dying from all causes put together but 7i0Jw1fScTE-00083-00019990-00020259 that's only for healthy plant foods 7i0Jw1fScTE-00084-00020260-00020472 eating lotsa oh you wonder bread soda 7i0Jw1fScTE-00085-00020473-00020727 and apple pie isn't gonna be doing you 7i0Jw1fScTE-00086-00020728-00020930 many favors right for all types of 7i0Jw1fScTE-00087-00020931-00021102 plant-based diets is crucial that the 7i0Jw1fScTE-00088-00021103-00021350 choice of plant foods is given careful 7i0Jw1fScTE-00089-00021351-00021509 consideration right we should be 7i0Jw1fScTE-00090-00021510-00021662 choosing whole grains over refined 7i0Jw1fScTE-00091-00021663-00021915 grains whole fruits avoiding trans fats 7i0Jw1fScTE-00092-00021916-00022119 and added sugars like could it be that 7i0Jw1fScTE-00093-00022120-00022362 that the veggie Brits were just eating 7i0Jw1fScTE-00094-00022363-00023175 more chips we'll find out next 7i0Jw1fScTE-00095-00023176-00024303 [Music] 7i0Jw1fScTE-00096-00024304-00024509 you 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00000-00000022-00000505 [Music] 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00001-00000505-00000761 uniquely topic one day there will a the 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00002-00000762-00000994 poor color name of our killer and I kept 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00003-00000996-00001265 to the number on the watch our show 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00004-00001266-00001603 Paula Paula monitor po1 goons heliport 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00005-00001604-00001742 leave in their console apparently you 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00006-00001743-00001817 safe on bottom 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00007-00001818-00002051 Narae bored clothespin a motto as a brie 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00008-00002052-00002264 Whittle over at like a taco bar animal 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00009-00002265-00002606 like a taco or in Gaza connected does to 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00010-00002607-00002816 create porno Hitler Nick or simple rule 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00011-00002817-00003113 edit the comment or arm a small port or 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00012-00003114-00003320 latina is the cap running at the 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00013-00003321-00003490 respondent the kana opportunity and room 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00014-00003492-00003647 becoming so on the pool and a written 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00015-00003647-00004001 bit on self anything a la la da una 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00016-00004002-00004184 cultura to keep order in the poor lung I 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00017-00004185-00004328 told your partner in the mother in 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00018-00004329-00004636 openin Buddha I'm 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7jYVcZLYYzQ-00032-00007625-00007846 claw or a pariah a cd-player our class 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00033-00007847-00008195 yell kg1 the progress report our ha ni 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00034-00008196-00008438 use other maybe when I wonder no no it's 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00035-00008439-00008621 converter I'm not somebody bulk the 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00036-00008622-00008819 party I think that stood upon the water 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00037-00008820-00009014 louder get Kincaid mana or get the 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00038-00009015-00009271 Kincaid Allah may lay no benefit on cuz 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00039-00009272-00009542 it no more poor Lamar could come both 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00040-00009543-00009746 donation on cookin bothered unbelief 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00041-00009747-00009956 Accord mother member lorrog mo 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00042-00009957-00010199 monochromatic mod in a Cell Levela 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00043-00010200-00010430 happiness and re model in the either 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00044-00010431-00010567 when I tried so many but one output 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00045-00010568-00010874 tetenal 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7jYVcZLYYzQ-00059-00013869-00014183 health mind health nursery oral health 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00060-00014184-00014432 the city la paloma angle I think Marvin 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00061-00014433-00014575 and money will become a better human 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00062-00014576-00014882 being nocturnal aura making the unborn 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00063-00014883-00015143 Maryam a cradle Maryam Allah overall 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00064-00015144-00015353 life held on the improvement Murray 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00065-00015354-00015466 laundry 7jYVcZLYYzQ-00066-00015468-00016702 [Music] 7k3UB-hiV5o-00000-00000192-00000890 [Music] 7k3UB-hiV5o-00001-00000891-00001095 hello everyone I'm Sean Ferrari here in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00002-00001096-00001314 the cube studios in Palo Alto for a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00003-00001315-00001548 special cube conversation breaking news 7k3UB-hiV5o-00004-00001549-00001767 here in Silicon Valley and at Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00005-00001768-00002082 Systems news around Cisco partnering 7k3UB-hiV5o-00006-00002083-00002247 with Amazon Web Services and here to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00007-00002248-00002418 talk about Fabio gory senior director of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00008-00002419-00002618 cloud solutions marketing at Cisco good 7k3UB-hiV5o-00009-00002619-00002775 to see you welcome to the cube hello 7k3UB-hiV5o-00010-00002776-00002946 it's Jonah how you doing so big news 7k3UB-hiV5o-00011-00002947-00003108 Cisco Anita is a collaborate to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00012-00003109-00003386 accelerate innovation a first kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00013-00003387-00003536 his kind of announcement loved the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00014-00003537-00003796 pioneering aspect of this announcement 7k3UB-hiV5o-00015-00003797-00004004 obviously Amazon Web Services the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00016-00004005-00004293 leading cloud provider who's been into 7k3UB-hiV5o-00017-00004294-00004439 hybrid cloud lately because they've been 7k3UB-hiV5o-00018-00004440-00004643 talking about that as their their 7k3UB-hiV5o-00019-00004644-00004814 connection point into the enterprise you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00020-00004815-00004961 guys are the leader in the enterprise 7k3UB-hiV5o-00021-00004962-00005141 that networking and other services I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00022-00005142-00005318 don't even know like how much market 7k3UB-hiV5o-00023-00005319-00005459 share you have these days but you guys 7k3UB-hiV5o-00024-00005460-00005579 pretty much only interpersonal one kind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00025-00005580-00005816 of knows that this deal with Amazon you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00026-00005817-00006013 guys are doing the first hybrid 7k3UB-hiV5o-00027-00006014-00006486 kubernetes on AWS talk about the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00028-00006487-00006642 announcement what's the why is this such 7k3UB-hiV5o-00029-00006643-00006816 so important to Cisco so you're naming 7k3UB-hiV5o-00030-00006817-00006978 the solution name is actually a bit of a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00031-00006979-00007191 mouthful but you mentioned the three key 7k3UB-hiV5o-00032-00007192-00007497 words is hybrid it's Cuban Eddie's is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00033-00007498-00007745 the ws and this is the first solution of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00034-00007747-00007902 this kind that really integrates this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00035-00007903-00008109 two environment in a way that will be 7k3UB-hiV5o-00036-00008109-00008256 exceptionally beneficial for 7k3UB-hiV5o-00037-00008257-00008481 organizations that want to accelerate 7k3UB-hiV5o-00038-00008482-00008703 their in their innovation path which 7k3UB-hiV5o-00039-00008704-00008940 ultimately means delivering application 7k3UB-hiV5o-00040-00008941-00009189 faster without having to worry about 7k3UB-hiV5o-00041-00009190-00009471 constraints in terms of where to develop 7k3UB-hiV5o-00042-00009472-00009735 where to deploy this is really set them 7k3UB-hiV5o-00043-00009736-00010020 free to take their decisions one of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00044-00010021-00010155 things we've been speculating on the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00045-00010156-00010392 cube of water on cloud there's been tons 7k3UB-hiV5o-00046-00010393-00010539 of debates hybrid cloud private cloud 7k3UB-hiV5o-00047-00010540-00010794 multi-cloud public cloud all this that's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00048-00010795-00010938 been going on one thing that's been very 7k3UB-hiV5o-00049-00010939-00011049 clear is the public cloud has 7k3UB-hiV5o-00050-00011050-00011358 demonstrated speed agility faster times 7k3UB-hiV5o-00051-00011359-00011550 of value and for app developers that's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00052-00011551-00011703 been great cloud native if you're born 7k3UB-hiV5o-00053-00011704-00011844 in the cloud it's just a great 7k3UB-hiV5o-00054-00011845-00012033 environment if you've been on premise 7k3UB-hiV5o-00055-00012034-00012219 and you had that legacy and or existing 7k3UB-hiV5o-00056-00012220-00012471 pre pre cloud environment that trend has 7k3UB-hiV5o-00057-00012472-00012720 been more towards cloud operations so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00058-00012721-00012902 not so much everything's moving to the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00059-00012903-00013103 cloud although you know Andy Jax we'd 7k3UB-hiV5o-00060-00013104-00013214 love to see everything move to the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00061-00013215-00013332 Amazon and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00062-00013333-00013524 and that's his goal but stuff stays on 7k3UB-hiV5o-00063-00013525-00013697 prem it's gonna be for a while but the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00064-00013699-00013965 cloud operations on premise is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00065-00013966-00014235 essentially cloud but on-premise so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00066-00014236-00014469 that's this new hybrid dynamic this is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00067-00014469-00014655 what enterprises have been been re 7k3UB-hiV5o-00068-00014656-00014862 reimagining their infrastructure on this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00069-00014863-00015012 is where a lot of the energy has been 7k3UB-hiV5o-00070-00015013-00015299 how does that your solution for 7k3UB-hiV5o-00071-00015300-00015563 kubernetes with Amazon solve that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00072-00015565-00015713 problem because it helped customers get 7k3UB-hiV5o-00073-00015715-00015828 to the cloud faster 7k3UB-hiV5o-00074-00015829-00016022 is it an operating model explained that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00075-00016024-00016278 new ones so it's fundamentally all of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00076-00016279-00016476 that if you think about it and your your 7k3UB-hiV5o-00077-00016477-00016782 introduction is spot-on is customers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00078-00016783-00016926 really want to use the public cloud 7k3UB-hiV5o-00079-00016927-00017121 right the services in the public cloud 7k3UB-hiV5o-00080-00017122-00017313 why because it gives them speed I think 7k3UB-hiV5o-00081-00017314-00017556 that's a big change that we seen since I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00082-00017557-00017775 would say a few quarters right where 7k3UB-hiV5o-00083-00017776-00018054 people started really trading off speed 7k3UB-hiV5o-00084-00018055-00018305 and innovation for cost right he 7k3UB-hiV5o-00085-00018306-00018555 originally was like I want to shut down 7k3UB-hiV5o-00086-00018556-00018714 my datacenter the cloud is gonna be 7k3UB-hiV5o-00087-00018715-00018891 cheaper well it's not about cheaper it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00088-00018892-00019179 faster and people want to develop new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00089-00019180-00019398 digital experiences which was down to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00090-00019399-00019647 building application faster so what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00091-00019648-00019937 ultimately they want to do is making the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00092-00019938-00020160 infrastructure on Prem looking like a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00093-00020161-00020334 bit more like the public cloud now it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00094-00020335-00020484 never gonna be just like the public 7k3UB-hiV5o-00095-00020485-00020640 cloud with all the bells and whistles 7k3UB-hiV5o-00096-00020641-00020862 and innovation but it's gotta be such 7k3UB-hiV5o-00097-00020863-00021132 that you can actually take the best 7k3UB-hiV5o-00098-00021133-00021381 innovation of the public cloud Q Burnett 7k3UB-hiV5o-00099-00021382-00021684 is first to the on Prem rather than the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00100-00021685-00021861 other way around right that's our North 7k3UB-hiV5o-00101-00021862-00022089 Star that's our belief and Q Burnett is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00102-00022090-00022275 clearly a big winner in the container 7k3UB-hiV5o-00103-00022276-00022503 market the way to develop new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00104-00022504-00022785 application is based on containers q 7k3UB-hiV5o-00105-00022786-00023000 Burnett is is the orchestrator right now 7k3UB-hiV5o-00106-00023001-00023190 in the marketplace every single big 7k3UB-hiV5o-00107-00023191-00023399 cloud providers launch kubernetes base 7k3UB-hiV5o-00108-00023400-00023682 services in various in various forms and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00109-00023683-00023907 so the enterprise's are now looking at 7k3UB-hiV5o-00110-00023908-00024210 and businesses of every size they are 7k3UB-hiV5o-00111-00024211-00024425 trying to figure out how to really 7k3UB-hiV5o-00112-00024426-00024672 develop this capability on Prem because 7k3UB-hiV5o-00113-00024673-00024885 in the end as you know is never kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00114-00024886-00025089 black and white right we're still 7k3UB-hiV5o-00115-00025090-00025275 working with mainframes long life to the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00116-00025276-00025443 mainframe is gonna be around for 20 7k3UB-hiV5o-00117-00025444-00025602 years probably we're gonna have 7k3UB-hiV5o-00118-00025602-00025847 traditional databases ERP systems and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00119-00025848-00026031 the likes for very very long time what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00120-00026032-00026246 do you do write everything that you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00121-00026247-00026373 develop new in the cloud needs to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00122-00026374-00026564 ultimately connect back to the existing 7k3UB-hiV5o-00123-00026566-00026656 systems 7k3UB-hiV5o-00124-00026657-00026755 cuz that's what you need so the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00125-00026756-00026883 simplicity things interesting ones just 7k3UB-hiV5o-00126-00026885-00027016 just rewind that for a second so you're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00127-00027017-00027264 taking the best of Amazon container 7k3UB-hiV5o-00128-00027264-00027505 service less container service with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00129-00027506-00027691 kubernetes bringing making that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00130-00027692-00028020 available on premises through the Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00131-00028022-00028252 container platform correct so this is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00132-00028252-00028411 the linchpin so it's almost like I'm 7k3UB-hiV5o-00133-00028412-00028585 trying to take Cisco and saying oh we're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00134-00028586-00028774 cloud if I'd current you're taking the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00135-00028775-00028960 Cisco environment which everyone's runs 7k3UB-hiV5o-00136-00028961-00029161 and some people think it runs great and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00137-00029162-00029266 they're not going to change that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00138-00029267-00029506 overnight but you now enable them to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00139-00029507-00029776 take what they're doing here and make it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00140-00029777-00029992 compatible with the cloud and on-ramp to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00141-00029993-00030232 the cloud so the idea the idea is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00142-00030233-00030460 fundamentally not so much taking eks on 7k3UB-hiV5o-00143-00030461-00030622 print that's not the thing but the idea 7k3UB-hiV5o-00144-00030623-00030814 is having a container platform that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00145-00030814-00031057 fundamentally gives you pretty much a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00146-00031058-00031320 transparent way of interacting with with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00147-00031322-00031525 with the other side and when I say it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00148-00031526-00031714 transparent I really mean the the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00149-00031714-00031864 linchpin of the solution which is around 7k3UB-hiV5o-00150-00031864-00032245 the identity and authentication right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00151-00032245-00032377 what we've done there really 7k3UB-hiV5o-00152-00032377-00032569 differentiates this the mix is so unique 7k3UB-hiV5o-00153-00032570-00032842 right now is that we have integrated I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00154-00032843-00033087 am in you know identity and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00155-00033088-00033298 authorization identity sorry and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00156-00033299-00033532 authentication in common so you're going 7k3UB-hiV5o-00157-00033533-00033733 to use the same set of keys on both 7k3UB-hiV5o-00158-00033734-00033916 sides which of course is the developer 7k3UB-hiV5o-00159-00033917-00034225 dream because you don't have to use 7k3UB-hiV5o-00160-00034226-00034456 different different type of keys and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00161-00034457-00034645 authentication models if your user is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00162-00034646-00034822 the same thing and it's a dream for IT 7k3UB-hiV5o-00163-00034823-00035005 operation because of course this is much 7k3UB-hiV5o-00164-00035006-00035191 simpler as well as for the CSO and the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00165-00035192-00035377 security team this makes it extremely 7k3UB-hiV5o-00166-00035378-00035701 secure and you it reduces the risk so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00167-00035702-00035902 that you have really a very consistent 7k3UB-hiV5o-00168-00035903-00036073 integrator kind of solution which is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00169-00036074-00036325 which is engineering involve on Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00170-00036326-00036502 side can you elaborate it's been a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00171-00036503-00036679 collaboration between the two sides okay 7k3UB-hiV5o-00172-00036680-00036844 Wayne explain the partnership so it been 7k3UB-hiV5o-00173-00036845-00037024 absolutely it's actually a collaboration 7k3UB-hiV5o-00174-00037025-00037264 so we we've been collaborating to build 7k3UB-hiV5o-00175-00037265-00037486 this integrated architecture right it is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00176-00037487-00037648 a cisco solution but developed in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00177-00037649-00037969 collaboration with AWS right and so what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00178-00037970-00038161 we've been doing is fundamentally 7k3UB-hiV5o-00179-00038162-00038572 looking at how eks was going to be 7k3UB-hiV5o-00180-00038573-00038749 available to the container platform 7k3UB-hiV5o-00181-00038750-00038923 right so that you'll be able to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00182-00038924-00039046 fundamentally orchestrate your 7k3UB-hiV5o-00183-00039047-00039297 containers in the most efficient way 7k3UB-hiV5o-00184-00039298-00039505 regardless so where the containers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00185-00039506-00039667 actually end up being which is actually 7k3UB-hiV5o-00186-00039668-00039745 what we're hearing from customers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00187-00039746-00039976 customers want to just take the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00188-00039977-00040036 containers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00189-00040037-00040212 coming from the developers and being 7k3UB-hiV5o-00190-00040213-00040435 free to develop whatever they want sorry 7k3UB-hiV5o-00191-00040436-00040624 to deploy whatever they want so the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00192-00040625-00040753 containers are key here so the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00193-00040754-00040882 containers service and kubernetes 7k3UB-hiV5o-00194-00040883-00041080 orchestrates containers works across 7k3UB-hiV5o-00195-00041081-00041296 with the identity layer allows for what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00196-00041297-00041506 seamless interaction is that the key for 7k3UB-hiV5o-00197-00041507-00041698 developers is that I could through a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00198-00041699-00041887 quick use case explain it with an 7k3UB-hiV5o-00199-00041888-00042052 example I don't know you may take a new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00200-00042053-00042373 application in the banking on the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00201-00042374-00042559 banking side you can take some new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00202-00042560-00042802 artificial intelligence kind of kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00203-00042803-00042937 applications you know or machine 7k3UB-hiV5o-00204-00042938-00043129 learning what you fundamentally can do 7k3UB-hiV5o-00205-00043130-00043371 now is the deciding well first of all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00206-00043372-00043642 what kind of tools you want to use do 7k3UB-hiV5o-00207-00043643-00043852 you want to use the WS cloud whether all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00208-00043853-00043969 the development tools you want to use 7k3UB-hiV5o-00209-00043970-00044196 yours it doesn't matter at the end there 7k3UB-hiV5o-00210-00044197-00044398 is an end over between the developers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00211-00044399-00044578 and yet the operations team and yet the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00212-00044579-00044715 operations team now with this solution 7k3UB-hiV5o-00213-00044716-00044987 can fundamentally quickly and easily 7k3UB-hiV5o-00214-00044988-00045292 provision clusters whatever they want 7k3UB-hiV5o-00215-00045293-00045471 right and they do it on the basis of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00216-00045472-00045739 their their specific parameters their 7k3UB-hiV5o-00217-00045740-00045946 specific goals what do you want 7k3UB-hiV5o-00218-00045947-00046180 it could be cost it could be security it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00219-00046181-00046357 could be reliability whatever it is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00220-00046358-00046564 right it doesn't matter this is not 7k3UB-hiV5o-00221-00046565-00046837 about the religion whether it's public 7k3UB-hiV5o-00222-00046838-00046993 cloud or on Prem 7k3UB-hiV5o-00223-00046994-00047149 it's just using the best of both worlds 7k3UB-hiV5o-00224-00047150-00047389 and deploying whatever it makes sense 7k3UB-hiV5o-00225-00047390-00047605 nearly Jesse and I always talk when we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00226-00047606-00047815 reinvent and he always comes back to the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00227-00047816-00047992 same refrain he always hits the same 7k3UB-hiV5o-00228-00047993-00048246 same notes we listen to our customers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00229-00048247-00048418 we're driven by the customers they take 7k3UB-hiV5o-00230-00048419-00048615 us where we want to go yeah I know Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00231-00048616-00048771 has been very customer centric as well 7k3UB-hiV5o-00232-00048772-00048979 how is the customer's reaction what are 7k3UB-hiV5o-00233-00048980-00049137 they been telling you around why this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00234-00049138-00049339 solutions to develop I mean because we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00235-00049340-00049471 know shadow I t's been going on with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00236-00049472-00049624 them as well you know almost a decade 7k3UB-hiV5o-00237-00049625-00049821 put their credit card they sneak up on 7k3UB-hiV5o-00238-00049822-00050032 Amazon build some stuff and look how 7k3UB-hiV5o-00239-00050033-00050158 easy and then bring back to the IT 7k3UB-hiV5o-00240-00050159-00050314 department say hey look what I did it in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00241-00050315-00050458 the cloud now you implement it well 7k3UB-hiV5o-00242-00050459-00050695 we've got network policies so there's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00243-00050696-00050883 been kind of that kind of tension kind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00244-00050884-00051025 of R&D if you will but it's still 7k3UB-hiV5o-00245-00051026-00051201 happening that kind of goes away here 7k3UB-hiV5o-00246-00051202-00051448 with this kind of announcement how is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00247-00051449-00051792 the customer needs been profiled as you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00248-00051794-00051919 look at the announcement what's the key 7k3UB-hiV5o-00249-00051920-00052174 reasons why they want this solution and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00250-00052175-00052444 why did Amazon collab onto it because 7k3UB-hiV5o-00251-00052445-00052600 they're not gonna do something unless 7k3UB-hiV5o-00252-00052601-00052840 it's a customer needs talk about that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00253-00052841-00053077 well I would say you know it's it's it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00254-00053078-00053272 really meeting the customer where they 7k3UB-hiV5o-00255-00053273-00053336 are 7k3UB-hiV5o-00256-00053337-00053587 and again we have two environments that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00257-00053588-00053921 you know I have been inspired by 7k3UB-hiV5o-00258-00053922-00054122 different kind of criterias right as a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00259-00054123-00054350 lot about application modernization is a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00260-00054351-00054599 lot about securities or about compliance 7k3UB-hiV5o-00261-00054600-00054805 on-prem of course the cloud is also very 7k3UB-hiV5o-00262-00054807-00054965 secure I think we're over this kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00263-00054966-00055211 artificial discussions but as AWS will 7k3UB-hiV5o-00264-00055212-00055361 say is a share responsibility model 7k3UB-hiV5o-00265-00055362-00055700 right they guarantee the security of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00266-00055701-00055877 cloud and you're responsible for the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00267-00055878-00056075 security in the cloud and so ultimately 7k3UB-hiV5o-00268-00056076-00056321 what people want to have is how can we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00269-00056322-00056641 actually integrate this two worlds in a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00270-00056642-00056834 consistent fashion right so that I have 7k3UB-hiV5o-00271-00056835-00057104 a consistent environment that's really 7k3UB-hiV5o-00272-00057104-00057257 the key word Eirik consistent 7k3UB-hiV5o-00273-00057258-00057437 environment where I have common me know 7k3UB-hiV5o-00274-00057438-00057623 networking between these things wherever 7k3UB-hiV5o-00275-00057624-00057827 they are common - securing them 7k3UB-hiV5o-00276-00057828-00058145 including authentication identity in an 7k3UB-hiV5o-00277-00058146-00058400 authentication kimono monitoring this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00278-00058401-00058616 application because the alternative is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00279-00058616-00058847 building another silo and that's what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00280-00058848-00059099 people don't want to do right if I add 7k3UB-hiV5o-00281-00059100-00059333 another silo I may add innovation but it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00282-00059334-00059609 comes to a very high cost people want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00283-00059610-00059876 add innovation without disruption they 7k3UB-hiV5o-00284-00059877-00060154 want to have this consistency occur and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00285-00060155-00060355 just extend the way that do things of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00286-00060357-00060551 course going into a devolve smaller and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00287-00060552-00060713 getting faster and faster because that's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00288-00060714-00060920 the way to compete I think IT operations 7k3UB-hiV5o-00289-00060921-00061190 is an area with the development enabled 7k3UB-hiV5o-00290-00061191-00061397 and you guys have had and with the work 7k3UB-hiV5o-00291-00061398-00061529 you guys been doing with dev net and Deb 7k3UB-hiV5o-00292-00061529-00061676 net create this notion of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00293-00061677-00061913 programmability yeah you're you're right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00294-00061914-00062171 in line with the wave that everyone 7k3UB-hiV5o-00295-00062172-00062476 wants to ride which is lower the cost of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00296-00062477-00062879 mundane tasks and or you know scripts 7k3UB-hiV5o-00297-00062879-00063002 and things of that nature command-line 7k3UB-hiV5o-00298-00063003-00063098 interface that's kind of like a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00299-00063099-00063344 hodgepodge make the network programmable 7k3UB-hiV5o-00300-00063345-00063563 and automate and make the developer 7k3UB-hiV5o-00301-00063564-00063836 freer to do better things seems to be 7k3UB-hiV5o-00302-00063837-00064085 the trend line so with that in mind does 7k3UB-hiV5o-00303-00064086-00064255 this fit that horizontally scalable 7k3UB-hiV5o-00304-00064257-00064523 vision of the cloud do you see this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00305-00064524-00064897 having impact in to say network sales 7k3UB-hiV5o-00306-00064898-00065155 application where's the key impact 7k3UB-hiV5o-00307-00065157-00065300 points for the customer what what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00308-00065301-00065537 impacts them it's a huge impact right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00309-00065538-00065690 and depends whether you're taking like a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00310-00065691-00065942 tactical view of things like literally 7k3UB-hiV5o-00311-00065943-00066125 application by application or classes of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00312-00066126-00066299 application we're usually thinking about 7k3UB-hiV5o-00313-00066300-00066623 where where is this trend kind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00314-00066624-00067009 taking you right now if you take the the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00315-00067010-00067261 former kind of approach then you're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00316-00067262-00067391 starting kind of identifying a whole 7k3UB-hiV5o-00317-00067392-00067573 bunch of different issues like again for 7k3UB-hiV5o-00318-00067574-00067721 instance the security one the networking 7k3UB-hiV5o-00319-00067722-00067916 one is huge right people go I don't know 7k3UB-hiV5o-00320-00067917-00068149 office365 and they get disappointed why 7k3UB-hiV5o-00321-00068150-00068443 because all the traffic gets from born 7k3UB-hiV5o-00322-00068444-00068635 through the data center because that's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00323-00068636-00068893 how things went right now you're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00324-00068894-00069059 completely changing the application on 7k3UB-hiV5o-00325-00069060-00069241 top and you discover that infrastructure 7k3UB-hiV5o-00326-00069242-00069391 and then it hasn't been designed to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00327-00069392-00069641 accommodate those kind of traffic flows 7k3UB-hiV5o-00328-00069642-00069811 right and so you're starting solving 7k3UB-hiV5o-00329-00069812-00070028 problem by problem the fact of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00330-00070029-00070357 matter is we rise to the cloud the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00331-00070358-00070559 infrastructure and the processes in IT 7k3UB-hiV5o-00332-00070560-00070774 need to change altogether its 7k3UB-hiV5o-00333-00070775-00070981 infrastructure is processors with of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00334-00070982-00071147 course the rise of DevOps it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00335-00071148-00071471 relentless automation right potentially 7k3UB-hiV5o-00336-00071472-00071656 driven by you know more and more machine 7k3UB-hiV5o-00337-00071657-00071863 learning and and you know AI you kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00338-00071864-00072004 lose this I want that because this is a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00339-00072005-00072307 big big discussion because because I I'm 7k3UB-hiV5o-00340-00072308-00072505 interviewing a lot of CIOs or cxos or 7k3UB-hiV5o-00341-00072506-00072769 senior IT practitioners and the ones 7k3UB-hiV5o-00342-00072770-00072959 that are successful the ones who 7k3UB-hiV5o-00343-00072960-00073328 recognize the wave some people take 7k3UB-hiV5o-00344-00073329-00073460 different steps they'll experimental do 7k3UB-hiV5o-00345-00073461-00073660 some tests some will just go all in and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00346-00073661-00073978 revamp but they all recognize the one 7k3UB-hiV5o-00347-00073979-00074210 point they got to re-architect and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00348-00074211-00074471 reimagine the IT infrastructure yeah up 7k3UB-hiV5o-00349-00074472-00074690 and down and the cloud is a big forcing 7k3UB-hiV5o-00350-00074691-00074953 function a role of data program ability 7k3UB-hiV5o-00351-00074954-00075166 automation not new concepts in some 7k3UB-hiV5o-00352-00075167-00075290 cases containers we all have been around 7k3UB-hiV5o-00353-00075291-00075493 for a while but how do you guys talk to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00354-00075494-00075604 your customers because this is something 7k3UB-hiV5o-00355-00075605-00075694 that first well do you believe in that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00356-00075695-00075955 and to what do you talk to your 7k3UB-hiV5o-00357-00075956-00076081 customers right when you're saying look 7k3UB-hiV5o-00358-00076082-00076294 at the hard truth is where we how we got 7k3UB-hiV5o-00359-00076295-00076513 here is not how we go forward absolutely 7k3UB-hiV5o-00360-00076514-00076738 well you know there are different ways 7k3UB-hiV5o-00361-00076739-00076930 you can either boil the ocean or for 7k3UB-hiV5o-00362-00076931-00077053 instance you take a solution like this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00363-00077054-00077341 if you take a solution like this you can 7k3UB-hiV5o-00364-00077342-00077536 actually sit down and discuss how to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00365-00077537-00077741 build a solution and architect a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00366-00077742-00077909 solution like this in collaboration with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00367-00077910-00078205 AWS it took establishing four key 7k3UB-hiV5o-00368-00078206-00078478 principles right the first one has got 7k3UB-hiV5o-00369-00078479-00078757 to be hybrid right which means you need 7k3UB-hiV5o-00370-00078758-00078916 to strive to build this consisted 7k3UB-hiV5o-00371-00078917-00079132 environment between the two domains 7k3UB-hiV5o-00372-00079133-00079413 second it has to be a production grade 7k3UB-hiV5o-00373-00079414-00079642 we're speaking with customers adopting 7k3UB-hiV5o-00374-00079643-00079796 kubernetes they're saying that they get 7k3UB-hiV5o-00375-00079797-00079924 to a point where they need to integrate 7k3UB-hiV5o-00376-00079925-00079985 20 7k3UB-hiV5o-00377-00079986-00080171 the open-source tools now I wonder 7k3UB-hiV5o-00378-00080172-00080294 whether that's going to take you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00379-00080295-00080498 anywhere over the long term once you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00380-00080499-00080699 scale you know the your operation can 7k3UB-hiV5o-00381-00080700-00080813 you actually do it with a kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00382-00080814-00081197 approach third and this is a big one you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00383-00081198-00081404 have to be able to manage this new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00384-00081405-00081746 hybrid reality manage you know just the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00385-00081747-00081974 new apps by the old ups as well and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00386-00081975-00082213 fourth is going to be extensible you're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00387-00082214-00082418 starting from like containers and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00388-00082419-00082586 authentication how about everything else 7k3UB-hiV5o-00389-00082587-00082643 right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00390-00082644-00082760 how about cloud management or 7k3UB-hiV5o-00391-00082761-00082979 orchestration how about application 7k3UB-hiV5o-00392-00082980-00083162 performance management cuz now apps are 7k3UB-hiV5o-00393-00083163-00083387 getting everywhere and of course you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00394-00083388-00083600 know that's probably next episode of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00395-00083601-00083735 cube that we can do together they're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00396-00083736-00084053 going to the edge so it's it's getting 7k3UB-hiV5o-00397-00084054-00084263 very very complicated so even even with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00398-00084264-00084526 a simple or simple quote-unquote example 7k3UB-hiV5o-00399-00084527-00084704 like this you started seeing some 7k3UB-hiV5o-00400-00084705-00084830 principles that you need to establish 7k3UB-hiV5o-00401-00084831-00085172 and they should inspire how you actually 7k3UB-hiV5o-00402-00085173-00085418 transform your infrastructure and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00403-00085419-00085673 operation the worst thing that you can 7k3UB-hiV5o-00404-00085674-00085817 do is taking a tactical approach and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00405-00085818-00085994 just going step by step and then you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00406-00085995-00086192 know let's definitely do that cube and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00407-00086193-00086342 couple of segments love to do more of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00408-00086343-00086492 more of a deep dive with some slides 7k3UB-hiV5o-00409-00086493-00086687 certainly the edge is gonna be a big 7k3UB-hiV5o-00410-00086688-00086875 point but I want to ask you the impact 7k3UB-hiV5o-00411-00086876-00087074 to your customer base because I think 7k3UB-hiV5o-00412-00087075-00087232 this is a game-changing announcement 7k3UB-hiV5o-00413-00087233-00087437 I mean Amazon Web Services they're they 7k3UB-hiV5o-00414-00087438-00087568 don't do a lot of Barney deals they 7k3UB-hiV5o-00415-00087569-00087716 don't do a you know a lot of deals that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00416-00087717-00087875 look good on paper they're very specific 7k3UB-hiV5o-00417-00087876-00088091 about how they do their business 7k3UB-hiV5o-00418-00088092-00088418 development so it's a huge win for them 7k3UB-hiV5o-00419-00088419-00088580 I think and for you guys but I think 7k3UB-hiV5o-00420-00088581-00088763 Cisco customers are gonna be impacted so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00421-00088764-00089060 please explain the impact that Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00422-00089061-00089249 customers what does it mean to me I'm a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00423-00089250-00089375 Cisco customer I got routers it got 7k3UB-hiV5o-00424-00089376-00089597 switches I got UCS servers I got all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00425-00089598-00089690 kinds of stuff in there 7k3UB-hiV5o-00426-00089691-00089849 how does this impact my life what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00427-00089850-00090100 changes do I throw away gear do I buy 7k3UB-hiV5o-00428-00090101-00090299 new gear do I buy software how do I buy 7k3UB-hiV5o-00429-00090300-00090473 the service my buying Amazon do I have 7k3UB-hiV5o-00430-00090474-00090650 now gonna explain all that how does the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00431-00090651-00090890 customer engage with the solution and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00432-00090891-00091069 what's the impact of their environment 7k3UB-hiV5o-00433-00091070-00091265 well that's a very big question let me 7k3UB-hiV5o-00434-00091266-00091550 let me frame it a little bit right first 7k3UB-hiV5o-00435-00091551-00091748 of all how are they impacted they 7k3UB-hiV5o-00436-00091749-00091940 impacted by the cloud all together right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00437-00091941-00092056 I'm very often they're using multiple 7k3UB-hiV5o-00438-00092057-00092318 clouds we know it's multiple services so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00439-00092319-00092447 the leaders are thinking in terms of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00440-00092448-00092593 those principles that we said before 7k3UB-hiV5o-00441-00092594-00092867 from a company standpoint of course we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00442-00092868-00093076 being well known over the last 30 35 7k3UB-hiV5o-00443-00093077-00093292 years right not to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00444-00093293-00093595 leave everybody behind we're trying to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00445-00093596-00093766 of course accommodate the change of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00446-00093767-00093963 infrastructure and for instance how do 7k3UB-hiV5o-00447-00093964-00094120 you move from CLI to more 7k3UB-hiV5o-00448-00094121-00094378 programmability through for instance in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00449-00094379-00094690 other eyes and of Ibn which is in turn 7k3UB-hiV5o-00450-00094691-00094903 based networking where you have more 7k3UB-hiV5o-00451-00094904-00095200 policy based models that help you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00452-00095201-00095365 fundamentally automating the network 7k3UB-hiV5o-00453-00095366-00095566 whether it's about you know connecting 7k3UB-hiV5o-00454-00095567-00095746 your data centers or connecting your 7k3UB-hiV5o-00455-00095747-00096040 your branches you have to fundamentally 7k3UB-hiV5o-00456-00096041-00096342 adopt more and more automation into your 7k3UB-hiV5o-00457-00096343-00096628 into your strategy and so what we're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00458-00096629-00096898 doing is we're fundamentally helping 7k3UB-hiV5o-00459-00096899-00097150 customers making this kind of this kind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00460-00097151-00097234 of transformation 7k3UB-hiV5o-00461-00097235-00097384 you mentioned definite I think that's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00462-00097385-00097735 like the tip of the iceberg of also a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00463-00097736-00098047 new Cisco wave right where it's all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00464-00098048-00098392 about if you want transforming the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00465-00098393-00098607 talent as we're working with us in the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00466-00098608-00098763 company and outside the company and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00467-00098764-00098982 having them taking it to the next level 7k3UB-hiV5o-00468-00098983-00099181 where instead of you know going 7k3UB-hiV5o-00469-00099182-00099385 classical CLI you're more and more kind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00470-00099386-00099588 of thinking you know to me the fashion 7k3UB-hiV5o-00471-00099589-00099898 because you have to get fast the only 7k3UB-hiV5o-00472-00099899-00100075 thing the only thing that really matters 7k3UB-hiV5o-00473-00100076-00100318 it is getting faster I know you guys 7k3UB-hiV5o-00474-00100319-00100459 I'll just give you guys a lot of props 7k3UB-hiV5o-00475-00100460-00100657 here because you guys have a lot of meat 7k3UB-hiV5o-00476-00100658-00100885 on the bonus announcement simplifying 7k3UB-hiV5o-00477-00100886-00101071 container orchestration with the Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00478-00101072-00101296 hybrid solution for for coober days on a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00479-00101297-00101554 TBS you know Linux Foundation wants to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00480-00101555-00101731 see it that way Amazon's that way you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00481-00101732-00101893 guys have a lot of code up and running 7k3UB-hiV5o-00482-00101894-00102148 on the sandboxes and for the folks 7k3UB-hiV5o-00483-00102149-00102483 watching developer dot cisco.com slash 7k3UB-hiV5o-00484-00102484-00102816 AWS developer dot cisco.com so anyways 7k3UB-hiV5o-00485-00102817-00103096 already got sandboxes up already so live 7k3UB-hiV5o-00486-00103097-00103356 labs for cloud native you've got the e 7k3UB-hiV5o-00487-00103357-00103789 KS cloud yeah i will continue and we'll 7k3UB-hiV5o-00488-00103790-00104022 continue adding more and more material 7k3UB-hiV5o-00489-00104023-00104268 we the cloud is different world right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00490-00104269-00104428 people want to experiment it and by the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00491-00104429-00104563 way if you think about how we're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00492-00104564-00104797 packaging and pricing the solution you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00493-00104798-00104943 can actually start you know in a very 7k3UB-hiV5o-00494-00104944-00105214 very modular way right you can just go 7k3UB-hiV5o-00495-00105215-00105349 with the software if you want or you can 7k3UB-hiV5o-00496-00105350-00105457 buy the software and the hardware 7k3UB-hiV5o-00497-00105458-00105733 underneath you can go with one three or 7k3UB-hiV5o-00498-00105733-00106059 five years you can get demos of this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00499-00106060-00106132 solution 7k3UB-hiV5o-00500-00106133-00106372 it's if you want is a different 7k3UB-hiV5o-00501-00106373-00106596 different way of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00502-00106597-00106857 experiment in Cisco but we're there I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00503-00106858-00107114 mean we we made the change 7k3UB-hiV5o-00504-00107115-00107439 we're totally for adding a software 7k3UB-hiV5o-00505-00107440-00107633 motion to an already strong kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00506-00107634-00107796 hardware component that there is being 7k3UB-hiV5o-00507-00107797-00108014 traditionally our strength and if you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00508-00108015-00108231 think about it having the full stack we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00509-00108232-00108461 can do some magic if you buy a Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00510-00108463-00108614 software like this solution and then you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00511-00108615-00108774 put it on Cisco hardware such as I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00512-00108775-00108939 reflect an ACI our data center 7k3UB-hiV5o-00513-00108940-00109089 infrastructure that law customers are 7k3UB-hiV5o-00514-00109090-00109374 using you get fundamentally a greater 7k3UB-hiV5o-00515-00109375-00109575 performance you get a single number to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00516-00109576-00109784 call which is actually you know it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00517-00109785-00109944 interesting Fabio and I talked with blue 7k3UB-hiV5o-00518-00109945-00110148 Tucker years ago and then continued 7k3UB-hiV5o-00519-00110149-00110298 about them every year as well as Susie 7k3UB-hiV5o-00520-00110299-00110523 we and we see this on the cloud native 7k3UB-hiV5o-00521-00110524-00110789 born in the cloud side IT doesn't exist 7k3UB-hiV5o-00522-00110790-00110939 in a lot of these cloud native companies 7k3UB-hiV5o-00523-00110940-00111270 because the developers do all the IT so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00524-00111271-00111498 you guys are seeing a surge indefinite 7k3UB-hiV5o-00525-00111499-00111758 and definite create where the Cisco 7k3UB-hiV5o-00526-00111758-00112004 ecosystem your customers are turning 7k3UB-hiV5o-00527-00112005-00112281 into developers now absolutely and so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00528-00112282-00112506 we've seen that shift at Cisco that has 7k3UB-hiV5o-00529-00112507-00112689 happened internally you guys recognize 7k3UB-hiV5o-00530-00112690-00112964 that the developer ecosystem not the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00531-00112965-00113111 cloud native but application roles and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00532-00113113-00113402 that your command line interface guys 7k3UB-hiV5o-00533-00113403-00113597 yeah our turn and gals are turning into 7k3UB-hiV5o-00534-00113598-00113834 developers because playing code these 7k3UB-hiV5o-00535-00113835-00114072 days I can look at our actually my 7k3UB-hiV5o-00536-00114073-00114239 friend Susie we and how is she is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00537-00114240-00114396 pitching this this change she talks 7k3UB-hiV5o-00538-00114397-00114665 about dev net ops others talk about dev 7k3UB-hiV5o-00539-00114666-00114900 sack ops whatever that is you know 7k3UB-hiV5o-00540-00114901-00115040 whatever kind of terminology you're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00541-00115041-00115233 using it boils down to the same concept 7k3UB-hiV5o-00542-00115233-00115506 you have to automate the way that you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00543-00115507-00115658 manage the infrastructure right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00544-00115659-00115778 infrastructure needs to become more 7k3UB-hiV5o-00545-00115779-00116084 responsive and faster you can open five 7k3UB-hiV5o-00546-00116085-00116232 or six trouble tickets just the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00547-00116233-00116483 provision you know a container to a tow 7k3UB-hiV5o-00548-00116484-00116676 developer that does not going to cut it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00549-00116677-00116915 in the future it's got to be fast yeah 7k3UB-hiV5o-00550-00116916-00117033 and then you know making the network 7k3UB-hiV5o-00551-00117033-00117306 programmable is the DevOps DevOps 7k3UB-hiV5o-00552-00117307-00117576 movement that's coming 2.0 I've seen you 7k3UB-hiV5o-00553-00117577-00117783 guys are aware of I know you are it's 7k3UB-hiV5o-00554-00117783-00117948 interesting to see how Amazon relates to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00555-00117949-00118146 that when you talk about that to AWS 7k3UB-hiV5o-00556-00118147-00118314 what's the conversations like they like 7k3UB-hiV5o-00557-00118315-00118484 they obviously get it and in their smart 7k3UB-hiV5o-00558-00118485-00118685 they they must get it immediately I mean 7k3UB-hiV5o-00559-00118686-00118958 absolutely the reason why we were having 7k3UB-hiV5o-00560-00118959-00119183 this this collaboration is very simple I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00561-00119184-00119325 mean they get the same requests from 7k3UB-hiV5o-00562-00119326-00119510 from the customer what fundamentally 7k3UB-hiV5o-00563-00119511-00119682 speaking to the same people yeah there 7k3UB-hiV5o-00564-00119683-00119813 may be differences in terms of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00565-00119814-00119986 developer versus the IT operation 7k3UB-hiV5o-00566-00119987-00120184 but in the end it was down to the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00567-00120185-00120493 request hey you know the public college 7k3UB-hiV5o-00568-00120494-00120679 is fantastic but I also want to have a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00569-00120680-00120868 solution for a pram right I have my 7k3UB-hiV5o-00570-00120869-00121078 needs and if you're not totally born 7k3UB-hiV5o-00571-00121079-00121381 into the cloud you have to you want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00572-00121382-00121543 have investment protection you want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00573-00121544-00121723 have you know your own prime environment 7k3UB-hiV5o-00574-00121724-00121918 for whatever reason right and it's not 7k3UB-hiV5o-00575-00121919-00122035 about religion it's about you can all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00576-00122036-00122275 make this about you know viability or 7k3UB-hiV5o-00577-00122276-00122455 certain solutions and the likes well 7k3UB-hiV5o-00578-00122456-00122679 great news congratulations 7k3UB-hiV5o-00579-00122680-00122890 probably a great great announcement of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00580-00122891-00123109 Amazon Web Services good deal hybrid 7k3UB-hiV5o-00581-00123110-00123319 cloud now you guys also Cisco you guys 7k3UB-hiV5o-00582-00123320-00123481 aren't married to one cloud so I got to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00583-00123482-00123688 ask the hard question with impact to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00584-00123689-00123870 Google Microsoft do you guys have 7k3UB-hiV5o-00585-00123871-00124102 relationships how does this match up 7k3UB-hiV5o-00586-00124103-00124399 from a integration standpoint with other 7k3UB-hiV5o-00587-00124400-00124714 clouds it's a deeper is it more coming 7k3UB-hiV5o-00588-00124715-00124849 on the other clouds can you just kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00589-00124850-00125044 give us a description of the evolution 7k3UB-hiV5o-00590-00125045-00125290 of Cisco with the other clouds in this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00591-00125291-00125512 hybrid architecture yeah you know I want 7k3UB-hiV5o-00592-00125513-00125693 to stay true to one of the principles 7k3UB-hiV5o-00593-00125694-00125893 that we mentioned and we will be there 7k3UB-hiV5o-00594-00125894-00126133 around around this conversation right 7k3UB-hiV5o-00595-00126134-00126364 for the last 50 minutes and that is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00596-00126365-00126670 where customer centric right customers 7k3UB-hiV5o-00597-00126671-00126847 want to use the clouds that they want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00598-00126848-00127096 use we're there to help them right now 7k3UB-hiV5o-00599-00127097-00127306 AWS is of course if you look at the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00600-00127307-00127477 share is is it's a pretty big market 7k3UB-hiV5o-00601-00127478-00127741 leader but we will work with all the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00602-00127742-00127915 providers that our customers want to use 7k3UB-hiV5o-00603-00127916-00128119 that's actually the North Star that we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00604-00128120-00128347 have now if you look at the the kind of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00605-00128348-00128566 if you want products or stacks or 7k3UB-hiV5o-00606-00128567-00128812 architectures you will see that there is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00607-00128813-00129115 a huge degree of commonality across all 7k3UB-hiV5o-00608-00129116-00129337 of this right so we're using kind of the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00609-00129338-00129589 same baseline software but configure in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00610-00129590-00129784 slightly different ways for us different 7k3UB-hiV5o-00611-00129785-00129991 way for a simple reason right because 7k3UB-hiV5o-00612-00129992-00130171 the clouds are different and not just 7k3UB-hiV5o-00613-00130172-00130270 the clouds are different the claw 7k3UB-hiV5o-00614-00130271-00130573 providers are different so we playing in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00615-00130574-00130861 full respect you sit down you discuss 7k3UB-hiV5o-00616-00130862-00131251 objectives and then you actually walk to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00617-00131252-00131393 the work integrated so you have to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00618-00131394-00131553 expect a slightly degree of integration 7k3UB-hiV5o-00619-00131554-00131854 because of the nature of the cloud 7k3UB-hiV5o-00620-00131855-00132106 business and the cloud providers but I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00621-00132107-00132274 think when you look at from a customer 7k3UB-hiV5o-00622-00132275-00132424 standpoint what they want and what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00623-00132425-00132619 they're asking Cisco to do they want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00624-00132620-00132826 have commonalities right they want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00625-00132827-00133003 have the same mean of networking the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00626-00133004-00133193 same mean of securing these environments 7k3UB-hiV5o-00627-00133194-00133276 they want to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00628-00133277-00133507 have the same way of extracting 7k3UB-hiV5o-00629-00133508-00133762 analytics especially for application 7k3UB-hiV5o-00630-00133763-00133987 performance anyone have a common mean of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00631-00133988-00134146 managing and orchestrating all of these 7k3UB-hiV5o-00632-00134147-00134502 resources because the alternative is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00633-00134503-00134692 fundamentally getting lost in two 7k3UB-hiV5o-00634-00134693-00134845 different tools in different clouds that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00635-00134846-00135019 by design cannot work in other 7k3UB-hiV5o-00636-00135020-00135253 environments and so that's what 7k3UB-hiV5o-00637-00135254-00135493 customers want and and that's what we're 7k3UB-hiV5o-00638-00135494-00135715 pursuing as company if I talk about the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00639-00135716-00135814 announcement in terms of just 7k3UB-hiV5o-00640-00135815-00135955 summarizing it real quick you talk to a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00641-00135956-00136129 lot of customers you were doing press 7k3UB-hiV5o-00642-00136130-00136378 tours all day today analysts financial 7k3UB-hiV5o-00643-00136379-00136504 Wall Street all the whole nine yard now 7k3UB-hiV5o-00644-00136505-00136756 you're in the queue what's the summary 7k3UB-hiV5o-00645-00136757-00136918 what's the big walk away looking back 7k3UB-hiV5o-00646-00136919-00137371 now after the announcement talk about 7k3UB-hiV5o-00647-00137372-00137524 the impact what it what is this about 7k3UB-hiV5o-00648-00137525-00137677 what is actually happening in your mind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00649-00137678-00137911 how are people reacting to it how big 7k3UB-hiV5o-00650-00137912-00138022 will this be you know I have to think 7k3UB-hiV5o-00651-00138023-00138223 soon might when I I give myself that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00652-00138224-00138430 kind of question right the first one is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00653-00138431-00138697 I have this concept in my mind of making 7k3UB-hiV5o-00654-00138698-00138886 kubernetes the engine of your innovation 7k3UB-hiV5o-00655-00138887-00139282 right this is about really transforming 7k3UB-hiV5o-00656-00139283-00139606 this new container orchestration 7k3UB-hiV5o-00657-00139607-00139963 technology that sounded esoteric until a 7k3UB-hiV5o-00658-00139964-00140173 few months ago into the cornerstone of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00659-00140174-00140338 the innovation right we've been talking 7k3UB-hiV5o-00660-00140339-00140593 about hybrid for a long while but we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00661-00140594-00140881 believe that is about mostly taking the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00662-00140882-00141034 best of the public cloud and making it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00663-00141035-00141199 work on Prem rather than going the other 7k3UB-hiV5o-00664-00141200-00141442 way around that's for sure and I was in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00665-00141443-00141756 general is this is a big first step into 7k3UB-hiV5o-00666-00141757-00142012 closing that gap between the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00667-00142013-00142162 infrastructure and the applications 7k3UB-hiV5o-00668-00142163-00142420 which is kind of by definition closed in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00669-00142421-00142555 the public cloud but when it comes to 7k3UB-hiV5o-00670-00142556-00142729 the on-prem world was still pretty far 7k3UB-hiV5o-00671-00142730-00143017 away right and so clearly there's a that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00672-00143018-00143218 there's there's a lot of competition in 7k3UB-hiV5o-00673-00143219-00143416 the marketplace and we want to we want 7k3UB-hiV5o-00674-00143417-00143656 to win that battle to close this gap and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00675-00143657-00143878 closing that gap means fundamentally 7k3UB-hiV5o-00676-00143879-00144057 enabling customers to innovate and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00677-00144058-00144262 developing the their new digital 7k3UB-hiV5o-00678-00144263-00144463 experience faster and that's actually 7k3UB-hiV5o-00679-00144464-00144616 the nature of their business yeah I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00680-00144617-00144787 think it's not an 80 conversation 7k3UB-hiV5o-00681-00144788-00144979 anymore it's a business and the value 7k3UB-hiV5o-00682-00144980-00145162 extraction and creation from new 7k3UB-hiV5o-00683-00145163-00145348 applications I think I got to give 7k3UB-hiV5o-00684-00145349-00145489 credit to the kubernetes community 7k3UB-hiV5o-00685-00145490-00145666 because what's great about kubernetes 7k3UB-hiV5o-00686-00145667-00145855 and watching that evolve we were there 7k3UB-hiV5o-00687-00145856-00146017 for the queue president at creation when 7k3UB-hiV5o-00688-00146018-00146176 it started you know hanging around 7k3UB-hiV5o-00689-00146177-00146287 OpenStack and all the different 7k3UB-hiV5o-00690-00146288-00146401 activities around Linux Foundation 7k3UB-hiV5o-00691-00146402-00146662 before it went there was that 7k3UB-hiV5o-00692-00146663-00146887 he had containers obviously happening 7k3UB-hiV5o-00693-00146888-00147148 but the industry got behind kind of a de 7k3UB-hiV5o-00694-00147149-00147343 facto standard yeah we've seen this 7k3UB-hiV5o-00695-00147344-00147382 before 7k3UB-hiV5o-00696-00147383-00147622 tcp/ip sounds like one of those things 7k3UB-hiV5o-00697-00147623-00147802 it just became a de facto standard and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00698-00147803-00148027 then it became another example with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00699-00148028-00148255 Linux itself right I mean once you know 7k3UB-hiV5o-00700-00148256-00148540 big companies started going behind it 7k3UB-hiV5o-00701-00148541-00148720 and offering enterprise class support we 7k3UB-hiV5o-00702-00148721-00149071 saw a really very very rapid ramp up I 7k3UB-hiV5o-00703-00149072-00149254 think we're seeing the same with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00704-00149255-00149530 kubernetes I think now there are a bit 7k3UB-hiV5o-00705-00149531-00149731 less doubts about where the world is 7k3UB-hiV5o-00706-00149732-00150025 going this is clearly a winner and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00707-00150026-00150280 people I think are now and it's clear 7k3UB-hiV5o-00708-00150281-00150433 you guys are getting behind is this the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00709-00150434-00150637 Amazon doesn't do deals like I said 7k3UB-hiV5o-00710-00150638-00150835 unless they're it's a serious thing so 7k3UB-hiV5o-00711-00150836-00150991 congratulations you guys getting behind 7k3UB-hiV5o-00712-00150992-00151279 kubernetes congratulations yeah thank 7k3UB-hiV5o-00713-00151280-00151480 you for that all right Fabio Gauri here 7k3UB-hiV5o-00714-00151481-00151675 inside the studio with Cisco breaking 7k3UB-hiV5o-00715-00151676-00151885 down the hot news game-changing news 7k3UB-hiV5o-00716-00151886-00152212 Cisco's partnering with AWS with 7k3UB-hiV5o-00717-00152213-00152434 kubernetes to really bring a level of 7k3UB-hiV5o-00718-00152435-00152611 industry standard and seamless 7k3UB-hiV5o-00719-00152612-00152812 integration between on premises and the 7k3UB-hiV5o-00720-00152813-00153082 cloud and suddenly keep bringing a more 7k3UB-hiV5o-00721-00153083-00153244 action coming up gonna be at the CN CF 7k3UB-hiV5o-00722-00153245-00153532 event coop con check us out there and 7k3UB-hiV5o-00723-00153533-00153739 also Amazon reinvent people have 7k3UB-hiV5o-00724-00153740-00153883 multiple sets there I'm Sean per year 7k3UB-hiV5o-00725-00153884-00154087 here in Palo Alto for this cube 7k3UB-hiV5o-00726-00154088-00154429 conversation thanks for watching 7k3UB-hiV5o-00727-00154430-00154804 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00000-00000091-00001648 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00001-00001648-00002012 Atena number nine nine which is known as 7l45ttoWfly-00002-00002013-00002333 the third the third third time's the 7l45ttoWfly-00003-00002334-00002616 charm 7l45ttoWfly-00004-00002617-00002829 and this is the third time I've said the 7l45ttoWfly-00005-00002830-00003069 third third time because six was also 7l45ttoWfly-00006-00003070-00003340 six was the second third third time 7l45ttoWfly-00007-00003342-00003672 fifth I was the first third third time 7l45ttoWfly-00008-00003672-00003876 in this so he's got the third third 7l45ttoWfly-00009-00003877-00004113 third time so the third third third time 7l45ttoWfly-00010-00004114-00004449 but yes it [__] is the third third 7l45ttoWfly-00011-00004450-00004676 third time's the charm 7l45ttoWfly-00012-00004677-00004983 okay are you ready I'm ready 7l45ttoWfly-00013-00004984-00005361 three two one yeah attempt number nine 7l45ttoWfly-00014-00005362-00005429 here we are 7l45ttoWfly-00015-00005430-00005622 and my first flick was a Miss click Rock 7l45ttoWfly-00016-00005623-00006420 to read started although yeah they are 7l45ttoWfly-00017-00006420-00006821 way more forgiving with clicking on the 7l45ttoWfly-00018-00006822-00007067 ring than they are with clicking a Ryan 7l45ttoWfly-00019-00007068-00007641 bookstore I hate that I can't filter 7l45ttoWfly-00020-00007642-00007908 through my clicks while he's doing this 7l45ttoWfly-00021-00007909-00009387 yeah dude Oh 7l45ttoWfly-00022-00009388-00010362 Amir sham nozzle oh [__] I thought there 7l45ttoWfly-00023-00010363-00011266 was one more dialog box bring this on 7l45ttoWfly-00024-00011267-00012370 goddamn it yeah like fifth time [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00025-00012371-00012885 we're good 7l45ttoWfly-00026-00012886-00013027 [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00027-00013028-00013341 I guess adjust things surrounding the 7l45ttoWfly-00028-00013343-00013561 ferryman all right yeah this whole thing 7l45ttoWfly-00029-00013562-00014215 is just off you know what that music 7l45ttoWfly-00030-00014216-00014371 kind of sounds like but it clearly isn't 7l45ttoWfly-00031-00014372-00014608 because this predates it by a goddamn 7l45ttoWfly-00032-00014609-00015219 while is the if I touch a burning candle 7l45ttoWfly-00033-00015219-00015766 from front price pride like the tune it 7l45ttoWfly-00034-00015766-00015958 just reminds me of that I'm sure I 7l45ttoWfly-00035-00015959-00016102 completely botched it while singing it 7l45ttoWfly-00036-00016103-00016330 because I I'm not technically Tom deaf 7l45ttoWfly-00037-00016331-00016687 but I'm not good ah yes I'm a cutscene 7l45ttoWfly-00038-00016688-00016807 but it's okay because you're the only 7l45ttoWfly-00039-00016808-00017089 person who's seen corpse right oh good I 7l45ttoWfly-00040-00017090-00017461 mean that's there are only four songs in 7l45ttoWfly-00041-00017462-00017694 it and that's the third that's ranked 7l45ttoWfly-00042-00017695-00018000 third in my book because the wedding 7l45ttoWfly-00043-00018001-00018494 song while fine is nothing special and 7l45ttoWfly-00044-00018495-00018897 the the other two songs are just 7l45ttoWfly-00045-00018898-00019228 fantastic okay don't let me forget the 7l45ttoWfly-00046-00019229-00019555 Mint's or the invisible ink I can get it 7l45ttoWfly-00047-00019556-00020371 all BAM mint mint [__] okay I 7l45ttoWfly-00048-00020372-00020797 just lost some time there what am I at 7l45ttoWfly-00049-00020798-00021049 like 250 237 Oh 7l45ttoWfly-00050-00021050-00021388 okay so oh but I got to go back I almost 7l45ttoWfly-00051-00021389-00022505 forgot and just blew off the island 7l45ttoWfly-00052-00022506-00022797 what are we at now - your 55 7l45ttoWfly-00053-00022798-00023145 PUC see that that last bit there takes 7l45ttoWfly-00054-00023146-00023316 longer because there's just a couple 7l45ttoWfly-00055-00023317-00023628 animations so it's I'm trying to get off 7l45ttoWfly-00056-00023629-00023769 the island in three minutes that was my 7l45ttoWfly-00057-00023770-00023982 goal and I haven't made it happen yet 7l45ttoWfly-00058-00023983-00024249 I've come close your gotten closer than 7l45ttoWfly-00059-00024250-00024516 this but yeah I think what three minutes 7l45ttoWfly-00060-00024517-00024882 four seconds was my fastest and I 7l45ttoWfly-00061-00024883-00025146 counted once I'm done operating here so 7l45ttoWfly-00062-00025147-00025739 what do we at like 3:20 we are at 324 7l45ttoWfly-00063-00025741-00026003 yeah so that's I think the slowest I've 7l45ttoWfly-00064-00026004-00026157 done it so I was one of it to the other 7l45ttoWfly-00065-00026158-00026292 tab because I was prepping for the 7l45ttoWfly-00066-00026293-00026577 alright for the lissa logic but I guess 7l45ttoWfly-00067-00026577-00026748 we don't need those yet because we yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00068-00026749-00026925 yeah I forgot we hadn't done the gnome 7l45ttoWfly-00069-00026926-00027219 cuts yet in this room on the ninth 7l45ttoWfly-00070-00027220-00027444 attempt you start to lose track of what 7l45ttoWfly-00071-00027445-00027630 you have and I haven't done and my brain 7l45ttoWfly-00072-00027631-00027825 is actively leaking out of my ears and 7l45ttoWfly-00073-00027826-00027993 also what just happened the screen 7l45ttoWfly-00074-00027994-00028190 what did something happen it's a 7l45ttoWfly-00075-00028191-00028311 different aspect ratio than it was a 7l45ttoWfly-00076-00028312-00028557 second ago wait what I admit I didn't 7l45ttoWfly-00077-00028558-00028640 even notice 7l45ttoWfly-00078-00028641-00028788 well I'm not sure if that will transfer 7l45ttoWfly-00079-00028789-00029145 I throw the recording anyway so so we 7l45ttoWfly-00080-00029145-00029355 might be talking nonsense yeah I just 7l45ttoWfly-00081-00029356-00029451 hope that doesn't get it stopped 7l45ttoWfly-00082-00029452-00029835 recording that would be bad there's no 7l45ttoWfly-00083-00029836-00030024 way to like pause and check is there I 7l45ttoWfly-00084-00030025-00030243 mean not without resetting not without 7l45ttoWfly-00085-00030244-00030663 having to reset everything yeah cool so 7l45ttoWfly-00086-00030664-00030833 we're just gonna pray that it's still 7l45ttoWfly-00087-00030835-00031161 recording for that I die if I die we 7l45ttoWfly-00088-00031162-00031967 will check ears ears ears ears okay 7l45ttoWfly-00089-00031968-00032900 years oh [__] I let the mouse wander up 7l45ttoWfly-00090-00032901-00033080 to the top of the screen and stalled it 7l45ttoWfly-00091-00033081-00033893 for a second 7l45ttoWfly-00092-00033894-00035221 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00093-00035222-00035693 tastebuds doesn't taste my hand holding 7l45ttoWfly-00094-00035694-00036026 it you would think I also hate that the 7l45ttoWfly-00095-00036027-00036332 mint leaf doesn't work like that's some 7l45ttoWfly-00096-00036333-00036436 [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00097-00036437-00036671 yeah it doesn't does it like get me 7l45ttoWfly-00098-00036672-00036926 through the he knows like the processed 7l45ttoWfly-00099-00036927-00037149 mint that is the only one that works 7l45ttoWfly-00100-00037150-00038551 unprocessed and it's like no sorry 7l45ttoWfly-00101-00038552-00039499 excuse me 7l45ttoWfly-00102-00039500-00039860 no [__] I forgot I'm not supposed to do 7l45ttoWfly-00103-00039861-00040001 this yet okay that was a waste of like 7l45ttoWfly-00104-00040002-00041258 five seconds go back to the flute but I 7l45ttoWfly-00105-00041259-00042258 remembered my mistake in time 7l45ttoWfly-00106-00042259-00043368 it's like huge I hate getting but I 7l45ttoWfly-00107-00043369-00043664 really cuz I love it 7l45ttoWfly-00108-00043665-00044071 I'm a big fan I don't think I deserve 7l45ttoWfly-00109-00044072-00044354 nice things to clarify for the audience 7l45ttoWfly-00110-00044355-00044642 if we say random things like that it 7l45ttoWfly-00111-00044643-00044818 usually means that's what the character 7l45ttoWfly-00112-00044819-00044951 was saying in that scene 7l45ttoWfly-00113-00044952-00045152 yes we're usually referencing things not 7l45ttoWfly-00114-00045153-00045898 always put like more - what the [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00115-00045899-00046108 yeah I would like to run down in the 7l45ttoWfly-00116-00046109-00046364 comments how many of you is this like 7l45ttoWfly-00117-00046365-00046667 your first time watching King's Quest 60 7l45ttoWfly-00118-00046668-00047005 plays please yes we would love to know 7l45ttoWfly-00119-00047006-00047293 how many of you are using [__] I just 7l45ttoWfly-00120-00047294-00047608 pasted like eight seconds not know 7l45ttoWfly-00121-00047609-00047879 actually maybe that many I problem maybe 7l45ttoWfly-00122-00047880-00048149 10 that was I just wasted a lot of time 7l45ttoWfly-00123-00048150-00048493 by miss clicking that [__] what do we 7l45ttoWfly-00124-00048494-00048808 have 7 minutes and 14 seconds god damn 7l45ttoWfly-00125-00048809-00049177 ok actually don't even know if that's 7l45ttoWfly-00126-00049178-00049315 good or bad I'm just assuming it's bad 7l45ttoWfly-00127-00049316-00049474 because I haven't been quite on my game 7l45ttoWfly-00128-00049475-00049868 this is the 9th attempt right is it it's 7l45ttoWfly-00129-00049869-00050339 gotta be gotta switch to audio here cuz 7l45ttoWfly-00130-00050340-00051011 there's a glitch we found flute on the 7l45ttoWfly-00131-00051012-00051577 flowers [__] we just enjoyed the 7l45ttoWfly-00132-00051578-00051980 sweet soundtrack for a second 7l45ttoWfly-00133-00051982-00054303 [Laughter] 7l45ttoWfly-00134-00054304-00055498 coming up on the end here good getting 7l45ttoWfly-00135-00055499-00055851 rid of that nonsense so it okay it's not 7l45ttoWfly-00136-00055852-00056041 actually definitively confirmed that 7l45ttoWfly-00137-00056041-00056256 it's faster with text like it might be 7l45ttoWfly-00138-00056257-00056665 just as easy to skip through things with 7l45ttoWfly-00139-00056666-00056907 the voices but for me it's easier cuz 7l45ttoWfly-00140-00056908-00057148 when I start to hear the voices I want 7l45ttoWfly-00141-00057149-00057525 to hear the audio clip so when I see the 7l45ttoWfly-00142-00057526-00057787 text that's something annoying that 7l45ttoWfly-00143-00057788-00057988 imposes on my gameplay so it's easy for 7l45ttoWfly-00144-00057989-00058141 me to instinctively click through it 7l45ttoWfly-00145-00058141-00058399 whereas it's not instinctive for me to 7l45ttoWfly-00146-00058400-00058837 click through the audio so that's why 7l45ttoWfly-00147-00058838-00059076 we're doing it on text when I first 7l45ttoWfly-00148-00059077-00059344 timed out the run I was under the 7l45ttoWfly-00149-00059345-00059526 impression that I could skip faster on 7l45ttoWfly-00150-00059527-00059844 text and that might be true but it also 7l45ttoWfly-00151-00059845-00060463 might not there are some the thing about 7l45ttoWfly-00152-00060464-00060760 the text is it does where am I going I 7l45ttoWfly-00153-00060761-00061054 all the beast yes okay because you got 7l45ttoWfly-00154-00061054-00061773 the 7l45ttoWfly-00155-00061774-00061953 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00156-00061954-00062311 yeah with the audio you have to wait 7l45ttoWfly-00157-00062312-00062497 between there's a gap between the 7l45ttoWfly-00158-00062498-00062787 dialogues as it loads and with the text 7l45ttoWfly-00159-00062788-00062974 it just automatically loads the next 7l45ttoWfly-00160-00062975-00063207 text when there's multiple text so I do 7l45ttoWfly-00161-00063208-00063397 think in that regard it's probably a 7l45ttoWfly-00162-00063398-00063762 little faster but really it's more about 7l45ttoWfly-00163-00063763-00063961 my own mentality including meeting my 7l45ttoWfly-00164-00063962-00064500 head in the game although clearly I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00165-00064501-00064636 not totally in the game cuz I keep 7l45ttoWfly-00166-00064637-00064917 [__] up simple [__] like what cursor 7l45ttoWfly-00167-00064919-00065599 am I trying to use so we're just a 7l45ttoWfly-00168-00065600-00065925 little over ten minutes in okay then 7l45ttoWfly-00169-00065926-00066087 after this it's back for the tinderbox 7l45ttoWfly-00170-00066088-00066343 right yes and then the cliffs of logic 7l45ttoWfly-00171-00066344-00067324 yes okay feel like a couple runs ago I 7l45ttoWfly-00172-00067325-00067573 was finding a nice sweet spot with the 7l45ttoWfly-00173-00067574-00067792 precision of the mouse movement and it's 7l45ttoWfly-00174-00067793-00068037 starting to it's starting to go I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00175-00068038-00069286 loose and bottom right bottom right 7l45ttoWfly-00176-00069287-00069426 bottom right bottom right bottom right I 7l45ttoWfly-00177-00069427-00069756 gotta click the bottom right [__] is it 7l45ttoWfly-00178-00069757-00070330 the flute 7l45ttoWfly-00179-00070331-00072026 bam bam the game really does create the 7l45ttoWfly-00180-00072027-00072293 need to keep coming back to its island 7l45ttoWfly-00181-00072294-00072616 when there shouldn't be a need 7l45ttoWfly-00182-00072617-00072929 alright cliffs of logic let's do this it 7l45ttoWfly-00183-00072930-00073211 does again it's nice to have like a home 7l45ttoWfly-00184-00073212-00073472 island when you're not trying to 7l45ttoWfly-00185-00073473-00073595 speedrun it when you're playing the game 7l45ttoWfly-00186-00073596-00073826 properly it's not bad cuz especially 7l45ttoWfly-00187-00073827-00074108 when you have it beat it yet a lot of 7l45ttoWfly-00188-00074109-00074267 the game is going from island to island 7l45ttoWfly-00189-00074268-00074420 seeing if you missed something 7l45ttoWfly-00190-00074421-00074684 it's where I get puzzles so there's a 7l45ttoWfly-00191-00074685-00074906 sense of you're gonna be back at the 7l45ttoWfly-00192-00074907-00075079 Isle of the crown anyway it's not like 7l45ttoWfly-00193-00075080-00075308 it's not like you weren't going back 7l45ttoWfly-00194-00075309-00075686 there to look at [__] so it's not as 7l45ttoWfly-00195-00075687-00076013 much of an inconvenience to like go back 7l45ttoWfly-00196-00076014-00076483 and try to do it okay so for this one 7l45ttoWfly-00197-00076484-00076628 what are they 7l45ttoWfly-00198-00076629-00076892 it's a diagonal guy boom at your face 7l45ttoWfly-00199-00076893-00077236 tennis court and right I know guy 7l45ttoWfly-00200-00077237-00077845 stashed escort and Bert yeah cool and 7l45ttoWfly-00201-00077846-00078089 for the next symbols one it's gonna be 7l45ttoWfly-00202-00078090-00078344 the face the caterpillar 7l45ttoWfly-00203-00078345-00078862 the castle and n yes and the letter n 7l45ttoWfly-00204-00078863-00079235 I'm a really botched and cliff some 7l45ttoWfly-00205-00079236-00079391 cliffs of logic are brought to you by 7l45ttoWfly-00206-00079392-00081364 the letter n logic puzzles quest yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00207-00081365-00081701 even though that wasn't a parody of this 7l45ttoWfly-00208-00081702-00081971 era of Sierra games it was a parody of 7l45ttoWfly-00209-00081972-00082475 this franchise the youngest the oldest 7l45ttoWfly-00210-00082476-00082757 and the second son third from the left 7l45ttoWfly-00211-00082758-00082904 and down you go there's a whole poem 7l45ttoWfly-00212-00082905-00083138 that's supposed to teach you the correct 7l45ttoWfly-00213-00083139-00083468 two solution to that one I only remember 7l45ttoWfly-00214-00083469-00083674 the two lines that are 7l45ttoWfly-00215-00083675-00083942 necessary yeah that are actual like 7l45ttoWfly-00216-00083943-00084326 clues it's an entire poem built around 7l45ttoWfly-00217-00084327-00084569 that was a weird step embedding these 7l45ttoWfly-00218-00084570-00084891 two helpful lines so third from the left 7l45ttoWfly-00219-00084892-00085019 and down you go means if you click the 7l45ttoWfly-00220-00085020-00085325 third circle and the stair beneath you 7l45ttoWfly-00221-00085326-00085510 disappears and you fall to your death 7l45ttoWfly-00222-00085511-00085832 it's just a cruel way to kill you for no 7l45ttoWfly-00223-00085833-00086028 reason it's kind of funny though yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00224-00086029-00086255 case bus is great at those cruel oh [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00225-00086256-00086453 I'm too far away good for a second I 7l45ttoWfly-00226-00086454-00086543 thought he was gonna reach for it in 7l45ttoWfly-00227-00086544-00087200 fall okay so it's this one this one this 7l45ttoWfly-00228-00087201-00087605 one and this one awesome and then ascend 7l45ttoWfly-00229-00087606-00087836 and then just don't miss and I hope the 7l45ttoWfly-00230-00087837-00088016 glitch doesn't happen at the top of the 7l45ttoWfly-00231-00088017-00088284 cliffs there's some [__] glitch where 7l45ttoWfly-00232-00088285-00088592 you can click on the step to go back 7l45ttoWfly-00233-00088593-00088943 down and what happens is you stand in 7l45ttoWfly-00234-00088944-00089160 midair and don't fall but the next time 7l45ttoWfly-00235-00089161-00089403 you try to walk anywhere you fall I'd 7l45ttoWfly-00236-00089404-00089555 also like to point out that the Space 7l45ttoWfly-00237-00089556-00089813 Quest games had even crueler deaths but 7l45ttoWfly-00238-00089814-00090021 they were even funnier to make up for 7l45ttoWfly-00239-00090022-00090338 hit I played the first one but never 7l45ttoWfly-00240-00090339-00090573 beat it cuz I couldn't find the space 7l45ttoWfly-00241-00090574-00090848 suit like some where you're supposed to 7l45ttoWfly-00242-00090849-00090992 get a space suit and that's something 7l45ttoWfly-00243-00090993-00091193 that [__] you up like way at the end of 7l45ttoWfly-00244-00091194-00091365 the game like there's a space suit you 7l45ttoWfly-00245-00091366-00091601 need to get way at the beginning and you 7l45ttoWfly-00246-00091602-00091803 can make it like 90% of the way through 7l45ttoWfly-00247-00091804-00091941 the game and that's what happened to me 7l45ttoWfly-00248-00091942-00092168 I got to the point where it's like I got 7l45ttoWfly-00249-00092169-00092513 out of the spaceship to jump to the 7l45ttoWfly-00250-00092514-00092673 other spaceship but didn't have a space 7l45ttoWfly-00251-00092674-00092843 suit and died and it was just like I was 7l45ttoWfly-00252-00092844-00093200 stuck there with nothing and but also 7l45ttoWfly-00253-00093201-00093341 like when you have the space suit like 7l45ttoWfly-00254-00093342-00093593 it's not like your character changes at 7l45ttoWfly-00255-00093594-00094007 all like that visually yeah so so all of 7l45ttoWfly-00256-00094008-00094335 the the visuals if you've seen other 7l45ttoWfly-00257-00094336-00094493 people play there's no indication that 7l45ttoWfly-00258-00094494-00095121 you need the space suit 7l45ttoWfly-00259-00095122-00095428 don't [__] it up at this point the 7l45ttoWfly-00260-00095429-00095580 visual that sticks with me from the 7l45ttoWfly-00261-00095581-00095834 first Space Quest is there's a cantina 7l45ttoWfly-00262-00095835-00096122 that's you know a parody of Mos Eisley 7l45ttoWfly-00263-00096123-00096429 but sometimes when you go up in it on 7l45ttoWfly-00264-00096430-00096765 the stage is like a faker and Dan you 7l45ttoWfly-00265-00096766-00096978 know modal nodes look alike but 7l45ttoWfly-00266-00096979-00097171 sometimes it's a Blues Brothers on the 7l45ttoWfly-00267-00097172-00097335 stage there and that's just one of those 7l45ttoWfly-00268-00097336-00097578 wacky Ciara reference Jeremy it's the 7l45ttoWfly-00269-00097579-00097904 spider image because in the Space Quest 7l45ttoWfly-00270-00097905-00098440 commercial good no glitch uh they show 7l45ttoWfly-00271-00098441-00098607 you walking and then the spider 7l45ttoWfly-00272-00098608-00098805 following you and I used to have an 7l45ttoWfly-00273-00098806-00098913 intense fear of spiders 7l45ttoWfly-00274-00098914-00099123 I still hate spiders and don't like them 7l45ttoWfly-00275-00099124-00099387 and they creep me out but I no longer 7l45ttoWfly-00276-00099388-00099553 will run screaming from the room when I 7l45ttoWfly-00277-00099554-00099891 see one I used to like run screaming 7l45ttoWfly-00278-00099892-00100246 from the room when I saw a spider and so 7l45ttoWfly-00279-00100247-00100453 seeing this it stands to reason that 7l45ttoWfly-00280-00100454-00100603 that would be what stuck with you from 7l45ttoWfly-00281-00100604-00101115 the demo hope yeah I should replay the 7l45ttoWfly-00282-00101116-00101316 Space Quest games I never played them as 7l45ttoWfly-00283-00101317-00101469 much as I played the King's Quest games 7l45ttoWfly-00284-00101470-00101610 oh I guess I didn't just play the first 7l45ttoWfly-00285-00101611-00101884 one cuz we had uh was at the twelfth one 7l45ttoWfly-00286-00101885-00102081 the eighth one the sixth one it was I 7l45ttoWfly-00287-00102082-00102243 think it was the fourth one but the 7l45ttoWfly-00288-00102244-00102510 thing is it's a time travel one so like 7l45ttoWfly-00289-00102511-00102729 at the beginning of it you're trapped in 7l45ttoWfly-00290-00102730-00103161 like space quest go oh it's there it is 7l45ttoWfly-00291-00103163-00103317 okay I was looking in the wrong spot you 7l45ttoWfly-00292-00103318-00103668 are 16 minutes and 23 seconds into this 7l45ttoWfly-00293-00103669-00103905 playthrough I don't know oh you know 7l45ttoWfly-00294-00103906-00104085 basically until we get closer to the end 7l45ttoWfly-00295-00104086-00104226 I'm not not gonna know what that means 7l45ttoWfly-00296-00104227-00104529 because I just know I haven't been doing 7l45ttoWfly-00297-00104530-00105031 great like I don't actually know I think 7l45ttoWfly-00298-00105032-00105362 you're only a minute or so behind you're 7l45ttoWfly-00299-00105363-00105856 the one other time you got this far so 7l45ttoWfly-00300-00105857-00106161 maybe if I could make up some time but 7l45ttoWfly-00301-00106163-00106701 uh okay get the labyrinth [__] ready oh 7l45ttoWfly-00302-00106702-00106953 yeah we drew a left our Nick drew a map 7l45ttoWfly-00303-00106954-00107356 of the labyrinth yep because that's how 7l45ttoWfly-00304-00107357-00108077 you save time 7l45ttoWfly-00305-00108078-00108653 so much cutscene see ok this is like the 7l45ttoWfly-00306-00108654-00108882 cutscene from King's Quest 5 with the 7l45ttoWfly-00307-00108883-00109103 Yeti where you have like the Wicked 7l45ttoWfly-00308-00109104-00109320 Witch or no like the White Witch and all 7l45ttoWfly-00309-00109321-00109389 that [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00310-00109390-00109694 oh yeah I'm an ice queen except 7l45ttoWfly-00311-00109695-00110066 game-playing that is one plate it's the 7l45ttoWfly-00312-00110067-00110390 [__] pie on the yetis face whereas 7l45ttoWfly-00313-00110391-00110564 here you have an entire labyrinth 7l45ttoWfly-00314-00110565-00110858 between the two things but yeah like 7l45ttoWfly-00315-00110859-00111086 it's the similar story beat of like 7l45ttoWfly-00316-00111088-00111231 here's this royalty like you're 7l45ttoWfly-00317-00111232-00111675 trespassed like now defeat the beast in 7l45ttoWfly-00318-00111676-00111882 a way that will kill you and is 7l45ttoWfly-00319-00111883-00112152 basically in execution and then you go 7l45ttoWfly-00320-00112153-00112572 back to the previous throne rooms like 7l45ttoWfly-00321-00112573-00112806 the parallels are striking ok don't miss 7l45ttoWfly-00322-00112807-00113295 click here come on three one two three 7l45ttoWfly-00323-00113296-00113765 one two okay now I'm going forward get 7l45ttoWfly-00324-00113766-00114474 the shield get shield no that's not what 7l45ttoWfly-00325-00114475-00114513 I want 7l45ttoWfly-00326-00114514-00115431 go forward go forward to the back see 7l45ttoWfly-00327-00115432-00115595 this isn't as exciting as the 7l45ttoWfly-00328-00115596-00115818 most-played they're like speed runs 7l45ttoWfly-00329-00115819-00116309 because it's still not and it is not 7l45ttoWfly-00330-00116310-00116552 it's not a dead stick it's not like a 7l45ttoWfly-00331-00116553-00116834 showing off of dexterity or anything 7l45ttoWfly-00332-00116835-00116907 like that 7l45ttoWfly-00333-00116908-00117300 okay where am i I'm here so up over it's 7l45ttoWfly-00334-00117301-00117858 still beating puzzles and like that kind 7l45ttoWfly-00335-00117858-00118038 of thing but without the part that makes 7l45ttoWfly-00336-00118039-00118488 beating puzzles cool basically I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00337-00118489-00118722 explaining why y'all are fools for 7l45ttoWfly-00338-00118723-00118914 watching this bit exciting the whole 7l45ttoWfly-00339-00118915-00119196 meta joke behind doing this behind speed 7l45ttoWfly-00340-00119197-00119382 running a game yes let's call it a 7l45ttoWfly-00341-00119383-00119508 manage okay not a mistake 7l45ttoWfly-00342-00119508-00119688 I prefer that that's a better a better 7l45ttoWfly-00343-00119689-00120000 idea the whole prank behind this video 7l45ttoWfly-00344-00120001-00120219 oh there you go there you go okay so not 7l45ttoWfly-00345-00120220-00120274 the four 7l45ttoWfly-00346-00120275-00120496 I go down but the second time I can go 7l45ttoWfly-00347-00120497-00120952 down first time will kill me that's a 7l45ttoWfly-00348-00120953-00121402 death trap don't go down the second time 7l45ttoWfly-00349-00121403-00121654 will free me well not directly but you 7l45ttoWfly-00350-00121655-00122083 know I think you should be right here 7l45ttoWfly-00351-00122083-00122500 yep and this is why we need that goddamn 7l45ttoWfly-00352-00122501-00124006 hole in the wall hold meat wall well 7l45ttoWfly-00353-00124007-00124233 that's creepy as hell 7l45ttoWfly-00354-00124233-00124483 see there are some items that even 7l45ttoWfly-00355-00124483-00124857 though you don't use them to you don't 7l45ttoWfly-00356-00124858-00125085 spend them all so we're used to exhaust 7l45ttoWfly-00357-00125086-00125257 it deplete them you don't delete then 7l45ttoWfly-00358-00125258-00125449 when you use them you still lose them 7l45ttoWfly-00359-00125450-00125647 like the hole in the wall that crawls 7l45ttoWfly-00360-00125648-00125902 away that unita deplete them nor give 7l45ttoWfly-00361-00125903-00126157 them to somebody then they not on the I 7l45ttoWfly-00362-00126158-00126442 never switched to the next wait all 7l45ttoWfly-00363-00126443-00126655 right I'm down here okay Your Honor I 7l45ttoWfly-00364-00126656-00126814 think it's on the right way no I am I 7l45ttoWfly-00365-00126815-00127063 just I realized I was still looking at 7l45ttoWfly-00366-00127064-00127297 the other map I because I did that first 7l45ttoWfly-00367-00127298-00128459 part from memory so 7l45ttoWfly-00368-00128460-00128779 this is also before we figured out how 7l45ttoWfly-00369-00128780-00128932 to get the hole in the wall we did we 7l45ttoWfly-00370-00128933-00129145 sort of mapped out okay so what's on the 7l45ttoWfly-00371-00129146-00129336 other side of that wall well I guess 7l45ttoWfly-00372-00129338-00129532 been your friend who also played the 7l45ttoWfly-00373-00129533-00129660 game the only other person we knew who 7l45ttoWfly-00374-00129661-00129885 ever played this game told us oh the 7l45ttoWfly-00375-00129886-00130054 hole in the wall and then the Minotaur 7l45ttoWfly-00376-00130055-00130410 and stuff and so like gave us a sense of 7l45ttoWfly-00377-00130411-00130666 what plays out but we've thought well 7l45ttoWfly-00378-00130667-00130795 how do we do that without the hole in 7l45ttoWfly-00379-00130796-00130924 the wall yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00380-00130925-00131143 what's the alternate solution and there 7l45ttoWfly-00381-00131144-00131530 is none but and so if you don't have the 7l45ttoWfly-00382-00131531-00131740 hole in the wall what happens is the 7l45ttoWfly-00383-00131741-00131893 Minotaur just kills you in that room 7l45ttoWfly-00384-00131894-00132007 where you're supposed to use the hole in 7l45ttoWfly-00385-00132008-00132265 the wall so the depth does not help you 7l45ttoWfly-00386-00132266-00132547 figure out how to not get killed 7l45ttoWfly-00387-00132548-00132847 usually deaths in King's Quest will like 7l45ttoWfly-00388-00132848-00133072 there will be a lot you'll die and 7l45ttoWfly-00389-00133073-00133213 you'll learn oh I don't want to die next 7l45ttoWfly-00390-00133214-00133459 time so logically how do I not die the 7l45ttoWfly-00391-00133460-00133594 one hint you get from the death 7l45ttoWfly-00392-00133595-00133792 narration was if only Alexander could 7l45ttoWfly-00393-00133793-00133969 have seen what was coming which god is 7l45ttoWfly-00394-00133970-00134281 thinking okay so narrative Lee that 7l45ttoWfly-00395-00134282-00134518 doesn't track but like gameplay wise 7l45ttoWfly-00396-00134519-00134701 okay if we could see what's on the other 7l45ttoWfly-00397-00134702-00135037 side of the wall we're safe but but like 7l45ttoWfly-00398-00135038-00135166 we didn't even come to it cuz it was 7l45ttoWfly-00399-00135167-00135361 like in our minds we were like woah what 7l45ttoWfly-00400-00135362-00135535 if we get more invisible ink so that he 7l45ttoWfly-00401-00135536-00135922 doesn't see us cuz like we didn't 7l45ttoWfly-00402-00135923-00136129 realize he just doesn't show up I was 7l45ttoWfly-00403-00136130-00136408 also thinking though like I mean we 7l45ttoWfly-00404-00136409-00136531 thought it was weird that like if you go 7l45ttoWfly-00405-00136532-00136678 in there without the hole in the wall 7l45ttoWfly-00406-00136679-00136945 it's just cutscene like he's right yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00407-00136946-00137173 because we had the red sash you're like 7l45ttoWfly-00408-00137174-00137374 why won't it let us use that this is 7l45ttoWfly-00409-00137375-00137545 part of what was so stupid about that 7l45ttoWfly-00410-00137546-00137950 death is um they shouldn't just let you 7l45ttoWfly-00411-00137951-00138055 be trapped in there they shouldn't have 7l45ttoWfly-00412-00138056-00138286 killed you they're killing you there was 7l45ttoWfly-00413-00138287-00138535 misleading well killing you there it's 7l45ttoWfly-00414-00138536-00138658 just so you know that that room is 7l45ttoWfly-00415-00138659-00138910 important but like I was thinking we 7l45ttoWfly-00416-00138911-00139039 were thinking both how do you disguise 7l45ttoWfly-00417-00139040-00139189 yourself invisible like oh wait where am 7l45ttoWfly-00418-00139190-00139277 I going where am I going 7l45ttoWfly-00419-00139278-00139421 [Applause] 7l45ttoWfly-00420-00139422-00139574 to the aisle back to the night of the 7l45ttoWfly-00421-00139575-00139772 crown right no I'm going to the Isle of 7l45ttoWfly-00422-00139773-00139990 missed eyelid miss I like oh yeah miss 7l45ttoWfly-00423-00139991-00140135 the sickle miss to get the sickle then 7l45ttoWfly-00424-00140136-00140573 beast right Iowa miss which didn't exist 7l45ttoWfly-00425-00140574-00140953 a minute ago oh I guess technically 7l45ttoWfly-00426-00140954-00141154 existed but we definitely didn't have it 7l45ttoWfly-00427-00141155-00141376 oh yeah I was also because I also 7l45ttoWfly-00428-00141377-00141616 thought as a kid okay if we could keep 7l45ttoWfly-00429-00141617-00141719 the invisible ink 7l45ttoWfly-00430-00141720-00141899 what if we could splash that on the wall 7l45ttoWfly-00431-00141900-00142291 to see through it right okay so I we 7l45ttoWfly-00432-00142292-00142591 yeah I was thinking also we could use it 7l45ttoWfly-00433-00142592-00142760 it he wouldn't see us anyone wouldn't 7l45ttoWfly-00434-00142761-00143182 kill us and like but we were very like 7l45ttoWfly-00435-00143183-00143478 the fact that he doesn't show up least 7l45ttoWfly-00436-00143479-00143945 yes is [__] because we're still 7l45ttoWfly-00437-00143946-00144293 talking about the lab because it's miss 7l45ttoWfly-00438-00144294-00144518 Lee it throws you off the scent it 7l45ttoWfly-00439-00144519-00144782 doesn't help you acquire the scent they 7l45ttoWfly-00440-00144783-00144901 should have just let you be trapped or 7l45ttoWfly-00441-00144902-00145160 he should have killed you in the the 7l45ttoWfly-00442-00145161-00145413 room with the with the tap the tapestry 7l45ttoWfly-00443-00145414-00145745 although even that would have been like 7l45ttoWfly-00444-00145746-00146187 I have the sash why can't I use the sash 7l45ttoWfly-00445-00146188-00146381 it should have been you could have used 7l45ttoWfly-00446-00146382-00146629 this - but he just kept coming at you 7l45ttoWfly-00447-00146630-00146795 and eventually killed you but but the 7l45ttoWfly-00448-00146796-00146977 fact is that the scene starts with like 7l45ttoWfly-00449-00146978-00147119 Alexander hears it right on the other 7l45ttoWfly-00450-00147120-00147289 side of the east wall so he spent time 7l45ttoWfly-00451-00147290-00147443 tracking okay what's right on the other 7l45ttoWfly-00452-00147444-00147623 side of the east wall yep and it was the 7l45ttoWfly-00453-00147624-00147763 [__] tab free room and we were like 7l45ttoWfly-00454-00147764-00148061 well this is nothing yep we didn't end 7l45ttoWfly-00455-00148062-00148346 so weak eyes that the key was we're 7l45ttoWfly-00456-00148347-00148484 supposed to see the secret passage 7l45ttoWfly-00457-00148485-00148654 something else we need to make clear if 7l45ttoWfly-00458-00148655-00148915 you clicked on the tapestry without 7l45ttoWfly-00459-00148916-00149164 having seen the Beast go or the other 7l45ttoWfly-00460-00149165-00149468 Minotaur go Andrew you looked behind it 7l45ttoWfly-00461-00149469-00149626 but didn't feel behind it so you 7l45ttoWfly-00462-00149627-00149831 couldn't open the secret passage yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00463-00149832-00150076 there are things that there are things 7l45ttoWfly-00464-00150077-00150221 in this you can't something if you're on 7l45ttoWfly-00465-00150222-00150426 it like the thing about speedruns 7l45ttoWfly-00466-00150427-00150661 narrative games is it's all about the 7l45ttoWfly-00467-00150662-00150811 fact that you know more than the player 7l45ttoWfly-00468-00150812-00151073 character does and there are some things 7l45ttoWfly-00469-00151074-00151382 the game will not allow Alexander to 7l45ttoWfly-00470-00151383-00151591 know without learning about it right 7l45ttoWfly-00471-00151592-00151773 okay I gotta get the nightingale 7l45ttoWfly-00472-00151774-00152598 when I'm gonna get hurt yes so there's a 7l45ttoWfly-00473-00152599-00152829 beauty in the Beast sequence goddamn it 7l45ttoWfly-00474-00152830-00153021 I keep hitting that [__] sickle and I 7l45ttoWfly-00475-00153022-00153285 still have not figured out if the Beauty 7l45ttoWfly-00476-00153286-00153489 and the Beast sequence if they put it in 7l45ttoWfly-00477-00153490-00153704 because Robby Benson is the voice or if 7l45ttoWfly-00478-00153705-00153846 that was always gonna be there or 7l45ttoWfly-00479-00153847-00154023 probably Benson is the voice because 7l45ttoWfly-00480-00154024-00154164 there's a beauty and the beast' sequence 7l45ttoWfly-00481-00154165-00154527 yeah or or if it's just a coincidence 7l45ttoWfly-00482-00154528-00154875 because they're both popular at in 1992 7l45ttoWfly-00483-00154876-00155829 right uh night girl like I have no doubt 7l45ttoWfly-00484-00155830-00155988 that Robby Benson is in this game 7l45ttoWfly-00485-00155989-00156191 because he was in Beauty and the Beast 7l45ttoWfly-00486-00156192-00156429 but the fact that Beauty and the Beast 7l45ttoWfly-00487-00156430-00156552 are also in this game might be 7l45ttoWfly-00488-00156553-00156777 immaterial yeah that might be just 7l45ttoWfly-00489-00156778-00157011 coincidence it works out nicely 7l45ttoWfly-00490-00157012-00157503 yep not my ring I would love to trade 7l45ttoWfly-00491-00157504-00157698 this for my ring and just be like [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00492-00157699-00158046 off beast I got my ring back I can't 7l45ttoWfly-00493-00158047-00158211 remember like it might say Alexander 7l45ttoWfly-00494-00158212-00158412 doesn't want to get rid of the B string 7l45ttoWfly-00495-00158413-00158607 or else he'll that's entirely possible 7l45ttoWfly-00496-00158608-00158874 they often just don't let you do stupid 7l45ttoWfly-00497-00158875-00159135 things sometimes they encourage you to 7l45ttoWfly-00498-00159136-00159300 do stupid things for comedic effect 7l45ttoWfly-00499-00159301-00159513 other times they don't let you what's my 7l45ttoWfly-00500-00159514-00159854 time at 25 minutes and 45 seconds okay 7l45ttoWfly-00501-00159855-00160089 so maybe it's you might be able to get 7l45ttoWfly-00502-00160090-00160251 this the goal I want to do it in under 7l45ttoWfly-00503-00160252-00160541 35 so you have nine you have about nine 7l45ttoWfly-00504-00160542-00160833 minutes left to reach that goal yeah and 7l45ttoWfly-00505-00160834-00161082 I mean I just got to blitz the castle 7l45ttoWfly-00506-00161083-00161793 now and the castle let's do this [__] I 7l45ttoWfly-00507-00161794-00161877 was on the right one 7l45ttoWfly-00508-00161878-00162416 it's okay only lost a second or two I 7l45ttoWfly-00509-00162417-00162597 hit that I have to click it twice 7l45ttoWfly-00510-00162598-00162789 because crossing that is a move in and 7l45ttoWfly-00511-00162790-00162843 of itself 7l45ttoWfly-00512-00162844-00163122 oh yeah that's annoying but I figured 7l45ttoWfly-00513-00163123-00163278 out that I have to do that while while 7l45ttoWfly-00514-00163279-00163431 doing this speed road so I I do 7l45ttoWfly-00515-00163432-00163614 repairing for it I do like the animation 7l45ttoWfly-00516-00163615-00163862 of that move yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00517-00163863-00164066 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00518-00164067-00164588 okay we got okay foot foot there we go 7l45ttoWfly-00519-00164589-00165336 we're so close hearing not gonna good 7l45ttoWfly-00520-00165337-00165471 thing with mics not on here that would 7l45ttoWfly-00521-00165472-00165999 sound like every time I just like the 7l45ttoWfly-00522-00166000-00166152 audio on this is already going to be not 7l45ttoWfly-00523-00166153-00166650 great yeah come on [__] I want you to 7l45ttoWfly-00524-00166651-00166953 walk in here stop staring at the pretty 7l45ttoWfly-00525-00166954-00167096 girls you're here to win your woman back 7l45ttoWfly-00526-00167097-00167487 stop getting distracted stop staring at 7l45ttoWfly-00527-00167488-00167709 the pretty girls and become one minute 7l45ttoWfly-00528-00167710-00167966 in the 90s cross-dressing was the height 7l45ttoWfly-00529-00167967-00168687 of comedy I'm only slightly exaggerating 7l45ttoWfly-00530-00168688-00168816 because this would have been like six 7l45ttoWfly-00531-00168817-00169140 years before you know John Peters 7l45ttoWfly-00532-00169141-00169329 insisted on Kevin Kline cross-dressing 7l45ttoWfly-00533-00169330-00169686 in the wild wild west movie forgot that 7l45ttoWfly-00534-00169687-00170004 was a thing the whole movie yeah now but 7l45ttoWfly-00535-00170005-00170193 good that I forgot that sequence I saw 7l45ttoWfly-00536-00170194-00170490 that movie once and I guess I'm glad I 7l45ttoWfly-00537-00170491-00170784 saw it because I can attest that it's 7l45ttoWfly-00538-00170785-00171165 real but god damn at what price and then 7l45ttoWfly-00539-00171166-00171441 I watched the pilot of the original TV 7l45ttoWfly-00540-00171442-00171687 series I've never seen yes I watched the 7l45ttoWfly-00541-00171688-00172014 first maybe two episodes it uh it is not 7l45ttoWfly-00542-00172015-00172374 H well but it's not aged worse than the 7l45ttoWfly-00543-00172375-00172731 movie yeah no no no it's the ways it 7l45ttoWfly-00544-00172732-00172908 hasn't aged well or different from the 7l45ttoWfly-00545-00172909-00173094 way the movie hasn't aged well because 7l45ttoWfly-00546-00173095-00173220 the show hasn't aged well 7l45ttoWfly-00547-00173221-00173544 because it was trying to be slow enough 7l45ttoWfly-00548-00173545-00173874 for the audience to keep up so like in 7l45ttoWfly-00549-00173875-00174048 the end of the pilot there's this move 7l45ttoWfly-00550-00174049-00174387 where there's a hang on a second bat 7l45ttoWfly-00551-00174388-00175125 [__] there-there's a ball what is it 7l45ttoWfly-00552-00175126-00175509 it's a pool a pool cue that um a pool 7l45ttoWfly-00553-00175510-00175866 cue ball that's a bomb and they remind 7l45ttoWfly-00554-00175867-00176094 you of it like 30 times and close-ups 7l45ttoWfly-00555-00176095-00176376 that it's a bomb before the move happens 7l45ttoWfly-00556-00176377-00176751 where like they use it as a bomb 7l45ttoWfly-00557-00176752-00176978 so it's not just yes I was worried I 7l45ttoWfly-00558-00176979-00177104 accidentally clicked the thing and was 7l45ttoWfly-00559-00177105-00177243 gonna hang it back up it's not just 7l45ttoWfly-00560-00177244-00177476 check offs done it's checked off like 7l45ttoWfly-00561-00177477-00177794 really brandishing his gun yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00562-00177795-00178541 check offs gun show I like that I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00563-00178542-00178703 still not sure a nail could do this 7l45ttoWfly-00564-00178704-00178865 although I suppose that's a big-ass Rock 7l45ttoWfly-00565-00178866-00179235 so maybe okay no we got to give the 7l45ttoWfly-00566-00179236-00179985 knife - Cosima [__] go around the okay 7l45ttoWfly-00567-00179986-00180171 if this is your first exposure to King's 7l45ttoWfly-00568-00180172-00180558 Quest 6 like if you've never played the 7l45ttoWfly-00569-00180559-00180860 game or watched another playthrough or 7l45ttoWfly-00570-00180861-00181098 even watch my obsession at the moment on 7l45ttoWfly-00571-00181099-00181413 it I want you to in the comments based 7l45ttoWfly-00572-00181414-00181638 on the moves you are doing explain what 7l45ttoWfly-00573-00181639-00182019 you think the store six is yeah exactly 7l45ttoWfly-00574-00182020-00182232 what you think we're doing narrative 7l45ttoWfly-00575-00182233-00183490 with it with each move Nick makes here 7l45ttoWfly-00576-00183491-00183760 so something that you guys probably 7l45ttoWfly-00577-00183761-00183889 don't care about but I'm gonna explain 7l45ttoWfly-00578-00183890-00184171 anyway when trying to blitz through this 7l45ttoWfly-00579-00184172-00184573 I right click while uh stuff is 7l45ttoWfly-00580-00184574-00184768 happening so that because I'm going to 7l45ttoWfly-00581-00184769-00185155 click after it's done and I don't want 7l45ttoWfly-00582-00185156-00185341 to accidentally do something after it's 7l45ttoWfly-00583-00185342-00185386 done 7l45ttoWfly-00584-00185387-00185560 that's literally what got me killed here 7l45ttoWfly-00585-00185561-00185824 last time I made it this far was I was 7l45ttoWfly-00586-00185825-00185959 trying to blitz through the dialog 7l45ttoWfly-00587-00185960-00186154 that's about to happened but I was left 7l45ttoWfly-00588-00186155-00186337 clicking and I clicked one too many 7l45ttoWfly-00589-00186338-00186745 times and instead of right here doing 7l45ttoWfly-00590-00186746-00187131 this and showing him the thing I 7l45ttoWfly-00591-00187132-00187423 accidentally tried to run past him and 7l45ttoWfly-00592-00187424-00187951 he stabbed me so that's why I have but 7l45ttoWfly-00593-00187952-00188107 the thing is right clicking changes the 7l45ttoWfly-00594-00188108-00188290 cursor it's like right there where I did 7l45ttoWfly-00595-00188291-00188431 it too many times and it was no longer 7l45ttoWfly-00596-00188432-00188662 on the cursor I needed that's why I was 7l45ttoWfly-00597-00188663-00188851 left clicking last time ok what's my 7l45ttoWfly-00598-00188852-00189168 time at 30 minutes and 38 seconds oh 7l45ttoWfly-00599-00189169-00189772 this this oh I don't want to jinx this 7l45ttoWfly-00600-00189773-00190393 [__] but oh my god ok I got to give him 7l45ttoWfly-00601-00190394-00190447 the mints 7l45ttoWfly-00602-00190448-00190579 don't let me forget to give him the mint 7l45ttoWfly-00603-00190580-00190711 I don't want to die because I didn't do 7l45ttoWfly-00604-00190712-00190762 the mints 7l45ttoWfly-00605-00190763-00191200 alright and I have the mints because we 7l45ttoWfly-00606-00191201-00192191 did the cave and I got the mints 7l45ttoWfly-00607-00192192-00192470 given the MIT okay it wasn't letting me 7l45ttoWfly-00608-00192471-00193594 yet okay I think you're gonna do this I 7l45ttoWfly-00609-00193595-00193853 swear if the recording [__] up on this 7l45ttoWfly-00610-00193854-00194053 one I'm gonna be that'll be oh yeah we 7l45ttoWfly-00611-00194054-00194245 weren't sure about that 7l45ttoWfly-00612-00194246-00195326 okay so [__] there we go you only have 7l45ttoWfly-00613-00195327-00195514 to click two more times 7l45ttoWfly-00614-00195515-00195856 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00615-00195857-00196313 what's my time you are at 31 minutes and 7l45ttoWfly-00616-00196314-00196553 50 seconds oh you got this yeah it's not 7l45ttoWfly-00617-00196554-00196791 gonna take you through at this point 7l45ttoWfly-00618-00196792-00197036 well you got this to the final clip you 7l45ttoWfly-00619-00197037-00197191 might click you might not have any on to 7l45ttoWfly-00620-00197192-00197858 the last cutscene but what you want me 7l45ttoWfly-00621-00197859-00198146 to hit laughs on the click or once it 7l45ttoWfly-00622-00198147-00198278 goes to the portrait of you kissing 7l45ttoWfly-00623-00198279-00198398 everything goes to the portrait of 7l45ttoWfly-00624-00198399-00198848 kissing okay Louis I mean you can keep 7l45ttoWfly-00625-00198849-00200019 hitting lap right yeah that's great 7l45ttoWfly-00626-00200020-00200224 so does he just kill you there if you 7l45ttoWfly-00627-00200225-00200392 didn't give her that thing I think so 7l45ttoWfly-00628-00200393-00200716 yeah anyway you just beat the game okay 7l45ttoWfly-00629-00200717-00200998 so what time am I at you're at about it 7l45ttoWfly-00630-00200999-00201193 was about 32 minutes and 35 seconds I 7l45ttoWfly-00631-00201194-00201352 was a little slow on the lap but no 7l45ttoWfly-00632-00201353-00201586 that's fine 32 okay so now we're gonna 7l45ttoWfly-00633-00201587-00202111 bleed now yeah and that was another 8 7l45ttoWfly-00634-00202112-00202501 seconds before that and now uh I'll just 7l45ttoWfly-00635-00202502-00202735 hit stop no ya hit stop once the credits 7l45ttoWfly-00636-00202736-00203059 start yeah because I'm curious as to as 7l45ttoWfly-00637-00203060-00203257 to what the actual start to finish time 7l45ttoWfly-00638-00203258-00203785 right I don't know when the text is 7l45ttoWfly-00639-00203786-00203920 gonna come up so at this point I'm just 7l45ttoWfly-00640-00203921-00204238 I like how he's laying on this fun house 7l45ttoWfly-00641-00204239-00204382 it's just kind of stroll and it's like 7l45ttoWfly-00642-00204383-00204583 well yes I'll die like well I'm caught 7l45ttoWfly-00643-00204584-00204742 what's the point 7l45ttoWfly-00644-00204743-00205017 well it was fun while it lasted I was 7l45ttoWfly-00645-00205019-00205234 bested by this [__] I mean is there 7l45ttoWfly-00646-00205235-00205455 really a point in fighting anymore I 7l45ttoWfly-00647-00205456-00205654 always missed the one week later I 7l45ttoWfly-00648-00205655-00205842 forgot this isn't like immediately they 7l45ttoWfly-00649-00205844-00206086 go downstairs and it's just married now 7l45ttoWfly-00650-00206087-00206503 and cannot lows here also when I did the 7l45ttoWfly-00651-00206504-00206707 28 minute one or 28 and a half minute 7l45ttoWfly-00652-00206708-00206937 like time it was just to the last click 7l45ttoWfly-00653-00206938-00207151 and that was that was what the time 1 so 7l45ttoWfly-00654-00207152-00207475 it was from the firt like first click to 7l45ttoWfly-00655-00207476-00207700 last click they are before the final 7l45ttoWfly-00656-00207701-00207864 cutscene basically serves as a where are 7l45ttoWfly-00657-00207865-00207969 they now 7l45ttoWfly-00658-00207971-00208263 kinda and and it only really changes I 7l45ttoWfly-00659-00208264-00208378 mean there are a million little 7l45ttoWfly-00660-00208379-00208528 variations based on other things you 7l45ttoWfly-00661-00208529-00208771 might have done like well the islands 7l45ttoWfly-00662-00208771-00208989 are still feuding or well the islands 7l45ttoWfly-00663-00208990-00209230 are at peace now or well the ferries 7l45ttoWfly-00664-00209231-00209602 fixed we're looking at 34 minutes 7l45ttoWfly-00665-00209603-00210327 ah Wow okay I really hope that recorded 7l45ttoWfly-00666-00210328-00210556 so what are your thoughts now that you 7l45ttoWfly-00667-00210557-00210862 uh basically it breezed past everything 7l45ttoWfly-00668-00210863-00211051 that makes the best King's Quest game 7l45ttoWfly-00669-00211052-00211261 and the best King's Quest get him a [__] 7l45ttoWfly-00670-00211262-00211717 that took nine shrunk ass well Alexander 7l45ttoWfly-00671-00211717-00211917 has experience with cats so you know 7l45ttoWfly-00672-00211919-00212188 this was his ninth life there you go 7l45ttoWfly-00673-00212189-00212608 I do like this song it's not deep 7l45ttoWfly-00674-00212609-00212867 or it so it's complex it's cheesy as 7l45ttoWfly-00675-00212867-00213025 hell but it's perfect for the I am 7l45ttoWfly-00676-00213026-00213317 totally it's like oh let's let's see how 7l45ttoWfly-00677-00213317-00213796 many of the screens we never I think 7l45ttoWfly-00678-00213797-00213934 we've seen them all okay never got here 7l45ttoWfly-00679-00213935-00214150 oh yeah I didn't even realize I showed 7l45ttoWfly-00680-00214151-00214321 you a screen from the Isle of debt or 7l45ttoWfly-00681-00214322-00214469 from the realm of the dead in the 7l45ttoWfly-00682-00214469-00214906 crevice here it's like because oh yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00683-00214907-00215066 these are the background mats so it 7l45ttoWfly-00684-00215067-00215462 doesn't have any of the items so like no 7l45ttoWfly-00685-00215463-00215767 eyes on the clam oh yeah that's kind of 7l45ttoWfly-00686-00215769-00215794 weird 7l45ttoWfly-00687-00215796-00216223 yeah nothing nothing that animates never 7l45ttoWfly-00688-00216224-00216413 went to this screen yeah we never this 7l45ttoWfly-00689-00216414-00216842 is on the island mists it's actually 7l45ttoWfly-00690-00216842-00217063 good you have to get caught to go there 7l45ttoWfly-00691-00217064-00217327 you can't just walk up there okay but 7l45ttoWfly-00692-00217328-00217483 you will get caught when you go right 7l45ttoWfly-00693-00217484-00217708 right okay that's but that's not only 7l45ttoWfly-00694-00217709-00218063 available to you if you get captured 7l45ttoWfly-00695-00218064-00218209 when you go back to the Isle miss the 7l45ttoWfly-00696-00218210-00218387 second time you get captured and if you 7l45ttoWfly-00697-00218388-00218537 have the spell book you're able to cast 7l45ttoWfly-00698-00218538-00218956 this spell and like do [__] but don't 7l45ttoWfly-00699-00218957-00219116 it's a cutscene and you die what if 7l45ttoWfly-00700-00219117-00219364 they're gonna show any of the dungeon oh 7l45ttoWfly-00701-00219365-00219658 love that fray that's a good one the 7l45ttoWfly-00702-00219659-00219985 Lord of the Dead himself yo got kind of 7l45ttoWfly-00703-00219986-00220180 a Jacob Marley thing going with the 7l45ttoWfly-00704-00220181-00220642 chains yeah so that's the bow Robert 7l45ttoWfly-00705-00220644-00221131 Marley yeah now I got here yeah that's 7l45ttoWfly-00706-00221132-00221254 it 7l45ttoWfly-00707-00221255-00221369 this is where all the [__] was housing 7l45ttoWfly-00708-00221369-00221840 dungeon I'm sure this is so entertaining 7l45ttoWfly-00709-00221841-00222140 because the people watch to get let's 7l45ttoWfly-00710-00222141-00222310 just talking I also realize that the 7l45ttoWfly-00711-00222311-00222440 mouse right in the center that holds 7l45ttoWfly-00712-00222441-00222544 yeah so that's it 7l45ttoWfly-00713-00222546-00222799 covering up text well it's also just 7l45ttoWfly-00714-00222800-00223182 bear like that that's gonna bother me 7l45ttoWfly-00715-00223183-00223378 apparently that sword is just part of 7l45ttoWfly-00716-00223379-00223699 the background that's weird cuz you can 7l45ttoWfly-00717-00223700-00224002 pick it up yeah I don't know how that 7l45ttoWfly-00718-00224003-00224264 tracks and unless the lack of sword is 7l45ttoWfly-00719-00224265-00224467 like a sprite that's over no that's 7l45ttoWfly-00720-00224469-00224692 entirely possible 7l45ttoWfly-00721-00224694-00225088 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-00722-00225089-00225323 it's amazing how much of the [__] you 7l45ttoWfly-00723-00225323-00225514 have to do in this game for the spells 7l45ttoWfly-00724-00225515-00225941 like yeah none of the extra [__] the 7l45ttoWfly-00725-00225942-00226238 percentage of it that is just to get 7l45ttoWfly-00726-00226239-00226733 ingredients for spells is insane is okay 7l45ttoWfly-00727-00226734-00227092 is I love the beast the island with the 7l45ttoWfly-00728-00227094-00227390 least optional things because it's the 7l45ttoWfly-00729-00227391-00227669 most streamlined path my lamp is the 7l45ttoWfly-00730-00227669-00227855 only optional thing the lamp is the only 7l45ttoWfly-00731-00227856-00228002 optional thing there are things you get 7l45ttoWfly-00732-00228003-00228260 that you don't necessarily need but you 7l45ttoWfly-00733-00228261-00228469 have to get them narrative you know what 7l45ttoWfly-00734-00228471-00228794 Oh yep I lied you can get a second rope 7l45ttoWfly-00735-00228794-00229112 that's optional okay yeah yeah because 7l45ttoWfly-00736-00229113-00229379 you can send the rose to oh it took the 7l45ttoWfly-00737-00229380-00229490 scene that you've seen them I forgot 7l45ttoWfly-00738-00229491-00229646 about that didn't we just watch the 7l45ttoWfly-00739-00229646-00230423 credits let's watch them again ultimate 7l45ttoWfly-00740-00230423-00230735 sake now we don't have to talk okay 7l45ttoWfly-00741-00230736-00230975 so what did we learn um that it's 7l45ttoWfly-00742-00230976-00231191 possible to beat in 35 minutes even with 7l45ttoWfly-00743-00231192-00231365 the slower speed and it's actually 7l45ttoWfly-00744-00231366-00231573 possible to beat it's not just 7l45ttoWfly-00745-00231575-00231796 theoretically possible but like I have 7l45ttoWfly-00746-00231798-00231967 now beaten it in less than 35 what did 7l45ttoWfly-00747-00231969-00232163 it come out to like even with the end it 7l45ttoWfly-00748-00232164-00232481 was like 30 yeah 34 minutes that's all 7l45ttoWfly-00749-00232482-00232675 yeah it was 7l45ttoWfly-00750-00232676-00232871 now the question only remains is 7l45ttoWfly-00751-00232871-00233063 impossible to beat it on your first try 7l45ttoWfly-00752-00233064-00233414 in under 35 minutes no because you 7l45ttoWfly-00753-00233415-00233540 wouldn't know what the hell you were 7l45ttoWfly-00754-00233541-00233698 doing oh you mean I don't mean your 7l45ttoWfly-00755-00233700-00234458 speedrun attempt you just are the 7l45ttoWfly-00756-00234459-00234704 luckiest goddamn person ever because you 7l45ttoWfly-00757-00234705-00234926 don't know any of the story and you're 7l45ttoWfly-00758-00234927-00235100 just clicking items on things and 7l45ttoWfly-00759-00235101-00235328 nailing it well they usually know when 7l45ttoWfly-00760-00235329-00235573 everything you need they say an infinite 7l45ttoWfly-00761-00235575-00235736 number of monkeys that an infinite 7l45ttoWfly-00762-00235737-00235886 number of computers can eventually 7l45ttoWfly-00763-00235887-00236141 speedrun cakes plus 6 on the first try 7l45ttoWfly-00764-00236142-00236423 of course two monkeys maybe they don't 7l45ttoWfly-00765-00236423-00236767 read so every time would be like just 7l45ttoWfly-00766-00236769-00237184 blind to speedrunning it 7l45ttoWfly-00767-00237185-00237523 but yeah if on your first speedrun 7l45ttoWfly-00768-00237525-00237737 attempt could you do this and probably 7l45ttoWfly-00769-00237738-00237881 if you had the game 7l45ttoWfly-00770-00237882-00238166 completely memorized yeah and well in 7l45ttoWfly-00771-00238167-00238316 like without help could you without 7l45ttoWfly-00772-00238317-00238553 someone there like alright this is what 7l45ttoWfly-00773-00238554-00238784 you got next like I think if you had 7l45ttoWfly-00774-00238785-00238952 spent like the week leading up to this 7l45ttoWfly-00775-00238953-00239146 playing through your game everyday in 7l45ttoWfly-00776-00239148-00239267 training for this 7l45ttoWfly-00777-00239267-00239504 then I maybe not on the first try if you 7l45ttoWfly-00778-00239505-00239698 if you had gone to the King's Quest gym 7l45ttoWfly-00779-00239700-00239939 and really got in King's Quest swolled I 7l45ttoWfly-00780-00239940-00240308 think there are enough but I think there 7l45ttoWfly-00781-00240309-00240581 are enough glitches that you're in like 7l45ttoWfly-00782-00240582-00240758 ways that even if you know what you're 7l45ttoWfly-00783-00240759-00241051 doing you can just accidentally die that 7l45ttoWfly-00784-00241052-00241313 doing it on your first time would be 7l45ttoWfly-00785-00241314-00241648 incredible well okay so I mean first 7l45ttoWfly-00786-00241650-00241832 attempt of the day yeah that's basically 7l45ttoWfly-00787-00241833-00242044 what I'm thinking like so the glitch is 7l45ttoWfly-00788-00242046-00242296 we can point to the two glitches that 7l45ttoWfly-00789-00242298-00242561 are relevant to us or relevant to you 7l45ttoWfly-00790-00242562-00242819 one if this didn't [__] you over at all 7l45ttoWfly-00791-00242819-00243002 on a speedrun but you just had to 7l45ttoWfly-00792-00243003-00243206 prepare for the flute on the flowers yes 7l45ttoWfly-00793-00243207-00243496 during the training that that was like a 7l45ttoWfly-00794-00243498-00243710 while yeah trying to figure out what was 7l45ttoWfly-00795-00243711-00243860 wrong with good we were like what are we 7l45ttoWfly-00796-00243861-00244052 missing this is how you solve this 7l45ttoWfly-00797-00244053-00244103 puzzle 7l45ttoWfly-00798-00244104-00244286 what are we created we have to restart 7l45ttoWfly-00799-00244287-00244487 the emulator twice but the glitch that 7l45ttoWfly-00800-00244488-00244640 kept [__] you over on speedruns was 7l45ttoWfly-00801-00244641-00244880 that stepping wrong on the stones yes 7l45ttoWfly-00802-00244881-00245119 that bothered the hell out of me cuz 7l45ttoWfly-00803-00245121-00245240 it's like at that point you're like well 7l45ttoWfly-00804-00245241-00245317 what do I do 7l45ttoWfly-00805-00245319-00245581 there's no way to get out of this I 7l45ttoWfly-00806-00245582-00245816 really like this room partially because 7l45ttoWfly-00807-00245817-00245944 this is one that there's another there 7l45ttoWfly-00808-00245946-00246137 is a poem that goes with this room yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00809-00246138-00246365 you solve it something about three roses 7l45ttoWfly-00810-00246366-00246517 and I don't know the point is you're 7l45ttoWfly-00811-00246519-00246755 supposed to have that we did the first 7l45ttoWfly-00812-00246756-00246890 time playing it was me and my friend 7l45ttoWfly-00813-00246891-00247025 test so we got to that room and we're 7l45ttoWfly-00814-00247026-00247202 just like trial and error saved it and 7l45ttoWfly-00815-00247203-00247376 literally just trial and error our way 7l45ttoWfly-00816-00247377-00247567 through it until we found the battery 7l45ttoWfly-00817-00247567-00247967 and then when we found the instruction 7l45ttoWfly-00818-00247967-00248066 it was we didn't know where Wes was 7l45ttoWfly-00819-00248067-00248228 somewhere in our house but apparently we 7l45ttoWfly-00820-00248229-00248432 beat the cliffs of logic they might have 7l45ttoWfly-00821-00248433-00248569 gotten lost between those two things 7l45ttoWfly-00822-00248571-00248773 maybe that's some of the logic I think 7l45ttoWfly-00823-00248775-00249067 we guessed our way through but uh yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00824-00249069-00249266 or we may we might have written down the 7l45ttoWfly-00825-00249267-00249500 clips of logic and then lost the manual 7l45ttoWfly-00826-00249501-00249616 I can't remember our free 7l45ttoWfly-00827-00249617-00249829 is all every detail from our early 7l45ttoWfly-00828-00249830-00250009 gameplay it's also possible that we had 7l45ttoWfly-00829-00250010-00250185 the manual just didn't know to check 7l45ttoWfly-00830-00250186-00250477 that's also possible but there 7l45ttoWfly-00831-00250478-00250644 definitely was a time where we lost the 7l45ttoWfly-00832-00250646-00250864 manual and I remember this because so 7l45ttoWfly-00833-00250865-00251121 okay our first exposure to King's Quest 7l45ttoWfly-00834-00251123-00251386 was we got a computer as a hand-me-down 7l45ttoWfly-00835-00251387-00251731 from from some cousins yeah they it had 7l45ttoWfly-00836-00251732-00251926 the King's Quest collection the at the 7l45ttoWfly-00837-00251927-00252079 time complete King's Quest collection 7l45ttoWfly-00838-00252080-00252256 which was one through six and a preview 7l45ttoWfly-00839-00252257-00252517 of some had a preview seven not at the 7l45ttoWfly-00840-00252517-00252717 time we acquired it that was monthly but 7l45ttoWfly-00841-00252719-00252873 at the at the time of the collection 7l45ttoWfly-00842-00252875-00253177 that was complete and so that came with 7l45ttoWfly-00843-00253178-00253467 the computer we got and so the 7l45ttoWfly-00844-00253469-00253663 instruction manual like today had 7l45ttoWfly-00845-00253664-00253798 actually figured out some of the 7l45ttoWfly-00846-00253798-00253992 solutions and penciled it in in the 7l45ttoWfly-00847-00253994-00254517 instruction manual that we didn't know 7l45ttoWfly-00848-00254519-00255064 to do and anyway so when we found the 7l45ttoWfly-00849-00255065-00255265 manual again we're like oh they solved 7l45ttoWfly-00850-00255266-00255444 this oh yeah know exactly for the so for 7l45ttoWfly-00851-00255446-00255567 the Roses think it was literally like 7l45ttoWfly-00852-00255569-00255787 there was the poem and then next to it 7l45ttoWfly-00853-00255788-00255973 they had written in the pattern and I 7l45ttoWfly-00854-00255973-00256390 was like ah well we got there on our own 7l45ttoWfly-00855-00256391-00256569 but the reason that I know for a fact 7l45ttoWfly-00856-00256571-00256833 that we had misplaced the manual is 7l45ttoWfly-00857-00256834-00257140 because for Kings quest for rather than 7l45ttoWfly-00858-00257141-00257332 work copy protection into the game you 7l45ttoWfly-00859-00257333-00257539 had to do it before starting and it was 7l45ttoWfly-00860-00257540-00257779 it was like this whole like before you 7l45ttoWfly-00861-00257780-00257950 start this game what is the third word 7l45ttoWfly-00862-00257951-00258142 of the sixth paragraph on the twelfth 7l45ttoWfly-00863-00258142-00258394 point of the manual and because it was 7l45ttoWfly-00864-00258394-00258559 no longer the original Kings much more 7l45ttoWfly-00865-00258560-00258766 manual all collection manuals just said 7l45ttoWfly-00866-00258767-00258928 here here's all the words they're 7l45ttoWfly-00867-00258929-00259165 looking for but since we couldn't find 7l45ttoWfly-00868-00259166-00259309 that if we wanted to play Kings list 7l45ttoWfly-00869-00259310-00259569 more we just had to guess like crown and 7l45ttoWfly-00870-00259571-00259717 that was every time you play I forgot 7l45ttoWfly-00871-00259717-00259864 about that I knew one of them was 7l45ttoWfly-00872-00259865-00260059 Daventry one of them was crown so we 7l45ttoWfly-00873-00260060-00260292 pick a word and just keep guessing 7l45ttoWfly-00874-00260294-00260704 trying it until it worked and we got it 7l45ttoWfly-00875-00260705-00260977 in sometimes but it was rare we also had 7l45ttoWfly-00876-00260978-00261123 a glitch on that computer eventually 7l45ttoWfly-00877-00261125-00261367 where Kings quest fire like the audio 7l45ttoWfly-00878-00261367-00261546 didn't work the audio I think it was 7l45ttoWfly-00879-00261548-00261963 like the music was too loud and it 7l45ttoWfly-00880-00261964-00262246 drowned out the dialogue and then there 7l45ttoWfly-00881-00262247-00262579 was just like audio glitches so there 7l45ttoWfly-00882-00262580-00262741 was no text option keys 7l45ttoWfly-00883-00262742-00262989 yeah in the days of Kings less five 7l45ttoWfly-00884-00262990-00263232 there was the floppy disk option which 7l45ttoWfly-00885-00263233-00263430 was all text and the floppy disk version 7l45ttoWfly-00886-00263431-00263617 was all text the CD version was all 7l45ttoWfly-00887-00263618-00263989 speech case was six they learned from 7l45ttoWfly-00888-00263990-00264145 their mistakes and was like okay we'll 7l45ttoWfly-00889-00264146-00264292 let people choose which one they're 7l45ttoWfly-00890-00264293-00264609 doing to the point where that collection 7l45ttoWfly-00891-00264610-00264850 came with the French text version of 7l45ttoWfly-00892-00264851-00265240 Kings plus five and you were in like you 7l45ttoWfly-00893-00265241-00265420 were going into seventh grade at one 7l45ttoWfly-00894-00265421-00265648 point yeah and you were like I'm going 7l45ttoWfly-00895-00265649-00265908 to take French class so I can play Kings 7l45ttoWfly-00896-00265909-00266077 that was it joke I was taking French 7l45ttoWfly-00897-00266078-00266323 because you were taking Spanish no but 7l45ttoWfly-00898-00266324-00266607 you had in your head maybe once I know 7l45ttoWfly-00899-00266608-00266824 French I also had in my head maybe once 7l45ttoWfly-00900-00266825-00266979 I know French I can go to France and 7l45ttoWfly-00901-00266980-00267183 flirt with French girls and be the cute 7l45ttoWfly-00902-00267184-00267388 American who knows French neither of 7l45ttoWfly-00903-00267389-00267547 those things happened I still don't know 7l45ttoWfly-00904-00267548-00267657 how to play King's Quest black and 7l45ttoWfly-00905-00267658-00267862 French never been to France and if I did 7l45ttoWfly-00906-00267863-00268131 I'd look like an idiot as I don't speak 7l45ttoWfly-00907-00268132-00268404 French easily I remember more Latin than 7l45ttoWfly-00908-00268405-00268612 I remember of French and I only took one 7l45ttoWfly-00909-00268613-00268897 year of that's a lie I took I took Latin 7l45ttoWfly-00910-00268898-00269128 won twice won senior of high school once 7l45ttoWfly-00911-00269129-00269304 freshman year in college the point 7l45ttoWfly-00912-00269305-00269602 though is that four years of French 7l45ttoWfly-00913-00269603-00269791 king's quest six I talked to the 7l45ttoWfly-00914-00269792-00269926 obsession about how King's Quest six 7l45ttoWfly-00915-00269927-00270103 fixed every problem with Kings plus five 7l45ttoWfly-00916-00270104-00270403 but I forgot to mention that like the 7l45ttoWfly-00917-00270404-00270643 option to choose between speech and text 7l45ttoWfly-00918-00270644-00270796 was one of the problems they fix for 7l45ttoWfly-00919-00270797-00271104 King at six also the talk bubble in 7l45ttoWfly-00920-00271105-00271380 King's Quest 5 is the head of Graham 7l45ttoWfly-00921-00271381-00271584 with the speech bubble and really 7l45ttoWfly-00922-00271585-00271750 awkward to try to click it on stuff and 7l45ttoWfly-00923-00271751-00271969 as much as I have trouble specifically 7l45ttoWfly-00924-00271970-00272296 talking to the ferryman in this I at 7l45ttoWfly-00925-00272297-00272521 least knew what part of the speech 7l45ttoWfly-00926-00272522-00272703 bubble I was supposed to click on it 7l45ttoWfly-00927-00272704-00272878 it's intuitive because when it's just 7l45ttoWfly-00928-00272879-00273081 the speech bubble you got that point so 7l45ttoWfly-00929-00273082-00273250 then you have a line the point up with 7l45ttoWfly-00930-00273251-00273589 them whereas with the Kings West 5 it 7l45ttoWfly-00931-00273590-00273865 was not as intuitive but also King's 7l45ttoWfly-00932-00273866-00274048 Quest 6 is just the one where it's more 7l45ttoWfly-00933-00274049-00274249 pleasant to listen to the speech because 7l45ttoWfly-00934-00274250-00274404 the voice acting is better 7l45ttoWfly-00935-00274405-00274591 their actual voice actors and the 7l45ttoWfly-00936-00274592-00274809 dialogue is better and again no 7l45ttoWfly-00937-00274810-00275007 disrespect intended to the hard-working 7l45ttoWfly-00938-00275008-00275229 Sierra employees who were thrust in 7l45ttoWfly-00939-00275230-00275497 front of microphones came West five on 7l45ttoWfly-00940-00275498-00275635 the ground very canyon every 7l45ttoWfly-00941-00275636-00275791 did everything they could to make it the 7l45ttoWfly-00942-00275792-00275968 best game it could be okay I do not 7l45ttoWfly-00943-00275969-00276232 believe at the time it could have been a 7l45ttoWfly-00944-00276233-00276409 better game King bees buzzed cakes was 7l45ttoWfly-00945-00276410-00276655 five is experimental right and if they 7l45ttoWfly-00946-00276656-00276937 had put more time and money in the voice 7l45ttoWfly-00947-00276938-00277183 acting in the scripting of the dialogue 7l45ttoWfly-00948-00277184-00277384 it would have taken away from the time 7l45ttoWfly-00949-00277385-00277612 they spent on other things and for as 7l45ttoWfly-00950-00277613-00277852 much as the design of King's Quest 5 is 7l45ttoWfly-00951-00277853-00277921 flawed 7l45ttoWfly-00952-00277922-00278143 I don't remember it being glitchy I 7l45ttoWfly-00953-00278144-00278323 don't remember there being probably 7l45ttoWfly-00954-00278324-00278530 other than audio good an audio thing 7l45ttoWfly-00955-00278531-00278632 will but that probably had more to do 7l45ttoWfly-00956-00278633-00278773 with our computer and right and that was 7l45ttoWfly-00957-00278774-00278905 a permanent thing that wasn't like well 7l45ttoWfly-00958-00278906-00279058 sometimes the audience that was like now 7l45ttoWfly-00959-00279059-00279315 the audio isn't loading for some reason 7l45ttoWfly-00960-00279316-00279487 so that might have been a problem with 7l45ttoWfly-00961-00279488-00279703 like the install or something but uh 7l45ttoWfly-00962-00279704-00279961 yeah I mean King plus five just needed a 7l45ttoWfly-00963-00279962-00280167 ground-up redesign just for 7l45ttoWfly-00964-00280168-00280542 accessibility like like just just for 7l45ttoWfly-00965-00280543-00280885 just for intuitiveness like I mean I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00966-00280886-00281053 not saying the game is too hard I'm 7l45ttoWfly-00967-00281054-00281269 saying the game is unintuitive and the 7l45ttoWfly-00968-00281270-00281497 true yeah no that's actually really true 7l45ttoWfly-00969-00281498-00281728 and honestly the biggest thing so kids 7l45ttoWfly-00970-00281729-00281977 watch five most of the redesigns 7l45ttoWfly-00971-00281978-00282466 immediate couldn't be fixed because they 7l45ttoWfly-00972-00282467-00282676 needed to happen at the beginning yeah 7l45ttoWfly-00973-00282677-00282913 it's so like starting from the fact that 7l45ttoWfly-00974-00282914-00283219 every item can only be used once greatly 7l45ttoWfly-00975-00283220-00283558 simplifies the program so I get why for 7l45ttoWfly-00976-00283559-00283681 this experimental one they're like we 7l45ttoWfly-00977-00283682-00284014 can't [__] around with alternate you 7l45ttoWfly-00978-00284015-00284311 know things because that's just too hard 7l45ttoWfly-00979-00284312-00284611 to program in this new you know fangled 7l45ttoWfly-00980-00284612-00284770 with these paintings with these voice 7l45ttoWfly-00981-00284771-00285049 dialog boxes the only thing that like 7l45ttoWfly-00982-00285050-00285307 really could have been fixed at the 7l45ttoWfly-00983-00285308-00285574 point at some point in the middle of 7l45ttoWfly-00984-00285575-00285847 programming was the voice-over and 7l45ttoWfly-00985-00285848-00286072 scripting of the dialogue and probably 7l45ttoWfly-00986-00286073-00286219 by that time they ran out of time and 7l45ttoWfly-00987-00286220-00286489 money like that that takes time and 7l45ttoWfly-00988-00286490-00286732 money to do that and most likely by the 7l45ttoWfly-00989-00286733-00286876 time they got there they're like no we 7l45ttoWfly-00990-00286877-00287098 can't afford to hire voice actors and I 7l45ttoWfly-00991-00287099-00287493 wonder lay of dialogue I wonder if 7l45ttoWfly-00992-00287494-00287722 originally they were thinking like I 7l45ttoWfly-00993-00287723-00287848 wonder if even some of the employees who 7l45ttoWfly-00994-00287849-00287953 were doing the voices we're thinking 7l45ttoWfly-00995-00287954-00288151 okay this is just scratch track until we 7l45ttoWfly-00996-00288152-00288376 hire an actor yeah like that might have 7l45ttoWfly-00997-00288377-00288419 even 7l45ttoWfly-00998-00288420-00288563 what it was and they just were like what 7l45ttoWfly-00999-00288564-00288749 we can't actually hire actors like I 7l45ttoWfly-01000-00288750-00288863 mean they might have known the whole 7l45ttoWfly-01001-00288864-00289004 time we're speculating yeah we don't 7l45ttoWfly-01002-00289005-00289154 know I don't know that nobody's really 7l45ttoWfly-01003-00289155-00289340 written as far as I know nobody's really 7l45ttoWfly-01004-00289341-00289622 written an in-depth history of what went 7l45ttoWfly-01005-00289623-00289856 wrong with King's Quest 5 and it's still 7l45ttoWfly-01006-00289857-00290114 like it was a successful game it was 7l45ttoWfly-01007-00290115-00290260 successful enough to land in King's 7l45ttoWfly-01008-00290261-00290480 Quest 6 what makes takes about six so 7l45ttoWfly-01009-00290481-00290773 manageable to me is how like basically 7l45ttoWfly-01010-00290774-00291206 so you just attempted something and took 7l45ttoWfly-01011-00291207-00291484 nine tries to do it kake's plus six is 7l45ttoWfly-01012-00291485-00291851 basically their second try yeah like for 7l45ttoWfly-01013-00291852-00292214 all intents and purposes like obviously 7l45ttoWfly-01014-00292215-00292352 they're building on everything they 7l45ttoWfly-01015-00292353-00292499 learned from the first four games to 7l45ttoWfly-01016-00292500-00292841 what so was I want to play X but but 7l45ttoWfly-01017-00292842-00293012 they're kind of starting over from 7l45ttoWfly-01018-00293013-00293240 scratch in how to make a King's Quest 7l45ttoWfly-01019-00293241-00293591 game in King's Quest v yeah the entire 7l45ttoWfly-01020-00293592-00293780 interface is different like a lot of the 7l45ttoWfly-01021-00293781-00293927 concepts are similar because you're 7l45ttoWfly-01022-00293928-00294137 having an inventory and you use items on 7l45ttoWfly-01023-00294138-00294452 things whether it yeah he's different 7l45ttoWfly-01024-00294453-00294759 and just the scope of the game like 7l45ttoWfly-01025-00294760-00295165 Kings plus four you started to get to a 7l45ttoWfly-01026-00295166-00295421 comparable scope but still nothing 7l45ttoWfly-01027-00295422-00295742 nearly as big cakes plus four is still a 7l45ttoWfly-01028-00295743-00296063 lot more going around in circles in the 7l45ttoWfly-01029-00296064-00296366 same land than King's Quest five is yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01030-00296367-00296627 it King's Quest one is very sandbox 7l45ttoWfly-01031-00296628-00296843 you've got the different areas that have 7l45ttoWfly-01032-00296844-00297050 the different things you need but it's 7l45ttoWfly-01033-00297051-00297218 mostly just wandering around it's not 7l45ttoWfly-01034-00297219-00297320 looking to do them in any particular 7l45ttoWfly-01035-00297321-00297554 order you have to get certain items 7l45ttoWfly-01036-00297555-00297713 before you certain tasks but most of the 7l45ttoWfly-01037-00297714-00298238 tasks are interchangeable and it so like 7l45ttoWfly-01038-00298239-00298555 it got that down in terms of the 7l45ttoWfly-01039-00298556-00298916 mechanics kid King's Quest 2 is more 7l45ttoWfly-01040-00298917-00299225 linear but it's still largely the same 7l45ttoWfly-01041-00299226-00299447 space here going back and forth right 7l45ttoWfly-01042-00299448-00299656 and then it has the ending so the the 7l45ttoWfly-01043-00299657-00300089 and also King's Quest 2 they went from 7l45ttoWfly-01044-00300090-00300518 oh you can jump duck swim to like you 7l45ttoWfly-01045-00300519-00300752 can swim that's all you need that's the 7l45ttoWfly-01046-00300753-00300955 only thing you can really do like yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01047-00300956-00301345 because as they were moving from like I 7l45ttoWfly-01048-00301346-00301577 mean no they're taking like that but as 7l45ttoWfly-01049-00301578-00301760 they were moving from physical 7l45ttoWfly-01050-00301761-00302096 moves and actions you can do into well 7l45ttoWfly-01051-00302097-00302378 its inventory driven it's it's but then 7l45ttoWfly-01052-00302379-00302534 with massive eternity they just went the 7l45ttoWfly-01053-00302535-00302766 [__] the other direction but also 7l45ttoWfly-01054-00302767-00303018 like jump was pretty worthless you only 7l45ttoWfly-01055-00303019-00303260 needed it good ones yeah and and it 7l45ttoWfly-01056-00303261-00303482 wasted a lot of time and it didn't help 7l45ttoWfly-01057-00303483-00303674 in any other situation it only hurt you 7l45ttoWfly-01058-00303675-00303905 in other situations hey dip dunk ever 7l45ttoWfly-01059-00303906-00304298 come up ah you know look advice I have 7l45ttoWfly-01060-00304299-00304625 to just a look at something yeah I think 7l45ttoWfly-01061-00304626-00304808 you had to duck to reach under a bush at 7l45ttoWfly-01062-00304809-00304997 one point you know but I don't remember 7l45ttoWfly-01063-00304998-00305198 for something you needed I think I've 7l45ttoWfly-01064-00305199-00305378 been so you know it was probably just 7l45ttoWfly-01065-00305379-00305541 for like one of those pouches of jewels 7l45ttoWfly-01066-00305542-00305726 you find around the kingdom oh yeah I 7l45ttoWfly-01067-00305727-00305876 think you may be a deduct to look at 7l45ttoWfly-01068-00305877-00306005 your luck and not a whole like in the 7l45ttoWfly-01069-00306006-00306431 tree like a yeah I forget um but uh so 7l45ttoWfly-01070-00306432-00306659 they did pare it down to just swim in 7l45ttoWfly-01071-00306660-00306813 King's Quest 2 and then King's Quest 3 7l45ttoWfly-01072-00306814-00307058 did you automatically swim in Caicos 3 I 7l45ttoWfly-01073-00307059-00307239 think Kings bus 3 as he walked into the 7l45ttoWfly-01074-00307240-00307382 ocean either started and they were like 7l45ttoWfly-01075-00307383-00307607 yeah so this is all inventory based like 7l45ttoWfly-01076-00307608-00307898 the concept of the inventory stuff they 7l45ttoWfly-01077-00307899-00308142 had been moving towards but Kings was 3 7l45ttoWfly-01078-00308143-00308528 also was the first real attempt at 7l45ttoWfly-01079-00308529-00308756 making this more narrative-driven like 7l45ttoWfly-01080-00308757-00308988 yeah like there are store it's not just 7l45ttoWfly-01081-00308989-00309149 puzzles you have to solve its story 7l45ttoWfly-01082-00309150-00309344 beats you have to reach before you can 7l45ttoWfly-01083-00309345-00309642 do things yeah cuz the case was one was 7l45ttoWfly-01084-00309643-00309837 just go collect all the [__] come back 7l45ttoWfly-01085-00309838-00309915 and I died 7l45ttoWfly-01086-00309916-00310181 King's Quest 2 was he liked this thing 7l45ttoWfly-01087-00310182-00310394 now collect this thing came to I'll 7l45ttoWfly-01088-00310395-00310577 collect this thing came to us to was 7l45ttoWfly-01089-00310578-00310781 linear in that there's an order you have 7l45ttoWfly-01090-00310782-00310985 to get these things in but it's not like 7l45ttoWfly-01091-00310986-00311150 there's a narrative reason for that 7l45ttoWfly-01092-00311151-00311384 order other than the next clue was 7l45ttoWfly-01093-00311385-00311720 behind this door right and and then they 7l45ttoWfly-01094-00311721-00312012 did and they kind of climax of like you 7l45ttoWfly-01095-00312013-00312149 got to go get her and you have to get 7l45ttoWfly-01096-00312150-00312353 home and like so they started to move 7l45ttoWfly-01097-00312354-00312476 towards the story there but Kings was 7l45ttoWfly-01098-00312477-00312588 three is really where they were like 7l45ttoWfly-01099-00312589-00313106 what if it was about this story and then 7l45ttoWfly-01100-00313107-00313484 case quest for they really peaked with 7l45ttoWfly-01101-00313485-00313716 the old programming like Kings West for 7l45ttoWfly-01102-00313717-00314057 they really I think the reason they 7l45ttoWfly-01103-00314058-00314219 probably had to do King's Quest 5 next 7l45ttoWfly-01104-00314220-00314357 is just because they've done everything 7l45ttoWfly-01105-00314358-00314415 they 7l45ttoWfly-01106-00314416-00314670 do in the programming language like 7l45ttoWfly-01107-00314671-00315012 probably imagine not stepping up the 7l45ttoWfly-01108-00315013-00315213 graphics not stepping up the audio still 7l45ttoWfly-01109-00315214-00315407 using that old programming style 7l45ttoWfly-01110-00315408-00315653 I ain't hoppin king's quest for I mean 7l45ttoWfly-01111-00315654-00315873 yeah that they stepped up the graphics 7l45ttoWfly-01112-00315874-00316050 for King so I mean it might have been a 7l45ttoWfly-01113-00316051-00316194 new programming language for Kings 7l45ttoWfly-01114-00316195-00316374 Busboys I guess the guy for that so it 7l45ttoWfly-01115-00316375-00316668 was right so so easy it was a new system 7l45ttoWfly-01116-00316669-00316845 but it was still it was still text 7l45ttoWfly-01117-00316846-00317333 parser it was still you know 16-bit or 7l45ttoWfly-01118-00317334-00317646 whatever audio yeah it was still MIDI I 7l45ttoWfly-01119-00317647-00317895 mean it was greatly improved audio from 7l45ttoWfly-01120-00317896-00318128 the previous games like it was like at 7l45ttoWfly-01121-00318129-00318300 the time they were promoting it as its 7l45ttoWfly-01122-00318301-00318596 it's like it's really orchestrated which 7l45ttoWfly-01123-00318597-00318995 compared to the first three games yes 7l45ttoWfly-01124-00318996-00319280 but it's still all any piece was one sei 7l45ttoWfly-01125-00319281-00319565 came between four and five great it uh 7l45ttoWfly-01126-00319566-00319797 because the graphs are even better than 7l45ttoWfly-01127-00319798-00320177 plus one that sounds that sounds right 7l45ttoWfly-01128-00320178-00320514 but I can't remember for certain yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01129-00320515-00320694 I'm pretty sure cuz they figured out at 7l45ttoWfly-01130-00320695-00320847 four and then they were like hey we can 7l45ttoWfly-01131-00320848-00321128 go back and do the early games and then 7l45ttoWfly-01132-00321129-00321324 nobody wanted them to remake the early 7l45ttoWfly-01133-00321325-00321564 games anymore so they stopped until you 7l45ttoWfly-01134-00321565-00321744 know cut to a decade later when fans are 7l45ttoWfly-01135-00321745-00321894 just remaking the early games in the 7l45ttoWfly-01136-00321895-00322242 show of Kings but six huh it but yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01137-00322243-00322563 he's like I can't really imagine doing 7l45ttoWfly-01138-00322564-00322835 better than King's Quest for without up 7l45ttoWfly-01139-00322836-00323087 and to without a major upgrade right 7l45ttoWfly-01140-00323088-00323426 solution and audio and yeah he's quest 7l45ttoWfly-01141-00323427-00323630 for is a more playable game than King's 7l45ttoWfly-01142-00323631-00323919 Quest 5 mm-hmm but Ken's quest 5 has a 7l45ttoWfly-01143-00323920-00324318 much better movie over King's Quest 5 7l45ttoWfly-01144-00324319-00324621 Beautif beautiful artwork beautiful 7l45ttoWfly-01145-00324622-00325103 music for the most part just terrible 7l45ttoWfly-01146-00325104-00325374 puzzles and non-professional voice 7l45ttoWfly-01147-00325375-00325689 acting yeah unintuitive Falls and again 7l45ttoWfly-01148-00325690-00325835 we'll have an unprofessional just 7l45ttoWfly-01149-00325836-00325998 non-professional lady yet we're not 7l45ttoWfly-01150-00325999-00326469 professionals like and yeah again it was 7l45ttoWfly-01151-00326470-00326721 unintuitive in a way like every King's 7l45ttoWfly-01152-00326722-00326933 Quest game up to that point had some 7l45ttoWfly-01153-00326934-00327141 level of non-intuitive miss every King's 7l45ttoWfly-01154-00327142-00327380 bus game had at least a couple flute on 7l45ttoWfly-01155-00327381-00327723 the flowers in there yeah but King's 7l45ttoWfly-01156-00327724-00327778 Quest 7l45ttoWfly-01157-00327779-00328030 like I'm hard-pressed to think of a 7l45ttoWfly-01158-00328031-00328390 puzzle that was intuitive like there's 7l45ttoWfly-01159-00328391-00328639 yeah there were some inventory items 7l45ttoWfly-01160-00328640-00328816 that it was obvious to figure out how to 7l45ttoWfly-01161-00328817-00329161 get but once you had them what you had 7l45ttoWfly-01162-00329162-00329404 to do with them did not come naturally 7l45ttoWfly-01163-00329405-00329824 and there were some puzzles where it was 7l45ttoWfly-01164-00329825-00330118 like I have no way of know it was sort 7l45ttoWfly-01165-00330119-00330286 of like the minutes were killing you in 7l45ttoWfly-01166-00330287-00330598 the labyrinth and being like so I have 7l45ttoWfly-01167-00330599-00330793 to stop the Minotaur somehow right it's 7l45ttoWfly-01168-00330794-00330937 like well no you have to have the 7l45ttoWfly-01169-00330938-00331093 [__] whole there were some there were 7l45ttoWfly-01170-00331094-00331351 a lot more of those where it's like and 7l45ttoWfly-01171-00331352-00331519 then to the end and they murdered me 7l45ttoWfly-01172-00331520-00331714 yeah I have a chance to do anything 7l45ttoWfly-01173-00331715-00331921 Kings was five there's just a whole lot 7l45ttoWfly-01174-00331922-00332302 of I tried this and it didn't work and I 7l45ttoWfly-01175-00332303-00332533 don't know what changed for it to work 7l45ttoWfly-01176-00332534-00332596 this time 7l45ttoWfly-01177-00332597-00332884 yeah like I talked about number one my 7l45ttoWfly-01178-00332885-00333031 most frustrating King's Quest deaths 7l45ttoWfly-01179-00333032-00333412 list was dying at the end because enough 7l45ttoWfly-01180-00333413-00333562 of the death itself so frustrating it's 7l45ttoWfly-01181-00333563-00333685 just that the fact that it makes you 7l45ttoWfly-01182-00333686-00333997 think well never go in there yet means 7l45ttoWfly-01183-00333998-00334159 that you're stuck wandering around it's 7l45ttoWfly-01184-00334160-00334360 really not dying in the end it's frustr 7l45ttoWfly-01185-00334361-00334519 it's once you've died in the end of 7l45ttoWfly-01186-00334520-00334681 voiding that death is frustrating 7l45ttoWfly-01187-00334682-00334888 because you don't know again you have no 7l45ttoWfly-01188-00334889-00335188 idea of what changed there's no clue in 7l45ttoWfly-01189-00335189-00335404 that death to tell you mmm if only you 7l45ttoWfly-01190-00335405-00335581 had saved them out it's not only that 7l45ttoWfly-01191-00335582-00335851 there's no clue it's that they legit 7l45ttoWfly-01192-00335852-00336145 don't give you the opportunity to do 7l45ttoWfly-01193-00336146-00336505 anything so you don't know that if you 7l45ttoWfly-01194-00336506-00336862 set something up properly you will have 7l45ttoWfly-01195-00336863-00337051 the opportunity to say you know what I 7l45ttoWfly-01196-00337052-00337288 mean like if if you at least were 7l45ttoWfly-01197-00337289-00337570 trapped and there for a minute and able 7l45ttoWfly-01198-00337571-00337921 to click items you fruitlessly yeah then 7l45ttoWfly-01199-00337922-00338155 you know if I get the right item or do 7l45ttoWfly-01200-00338156-00338509 the right thing I can get out of here so 7l45ttoWfly-01201-00338510-00338707 you would at least be experimenting with 7l45ttoWfly-01202-00338708-00338875 it but there's nothing to even 7l45ttoWfly-01203-00338876-00339046 communicate that you're ever supposed to 7l45ttoWfly-01204-00339047-00339322 go in there and the [__] you get from 7l45ttoWfly-01205-00339323-00339592 there is stupid so every time we 7l45ttoWfly-01206-00339593-00339859 complain about the hole in the wall room 7l45ttoWfly-01207-00339860-00340126 act you know both of the bad puzzles and 7l45ttoWfly-01208-00340127-00340261 kinks but six revolve around the hole in 7l45ttoWfly-01209-00340262-00340522 the hall yeah it's true that just 7l45ttoWfly-01210-00340523-00340798 occurred to me so every time we complain 7l45ttoWfly-01211-00340799-00340981 about the hole in the wall subplot 7l45ttoWfly-01212-00340982-00341139 that's what the 7l45ttoWfly-01213-00341140-00341413 these are the only puzzles of this level 7l45ttoWfly-01214-00341414-00341656 of frustration in Kings bus 6 yes there 7l45ttoWfly-01215-00341657-00341791 are other things that it took us a while 7l45ttoWfly-01216-00341792-00341977 to figure out but once we figure it out 7l45ttoWfly-01217-00341978-00342199 we're like okay at least I understand 7l45ttoWfly-01218-00342200-00342309 why that makes sense 7l45ttoWfly-01219-00342310-00342655 totally totally and case bus 6 is also 7l45ttoWfly-01220-00342656-00342844 just a more pleasant experience all 7l45ttoWfly-01221-00342845-00343054 around because again so King's Quest 7l45ttoWfly-01222-00343055-00343198 yeah again 7l45ttoWfly-01223-00343199-00343399 Kings bus 1 you're just wandering around 7l45ttoWfly-01224-00343400-00343618 the span of the kingdom the whole time 7l45ttoWfly-01225-00343619-00343852 there are certain places you have to get 7l45ttoWfly-01226-00343853-00344005 access to but then you just keep coming 7l45ttoWfly-01227-00344006-00344274 back to the same Kingdom Kings plus two 7l45ttoWfly-01228-00344275-00344518 similar like more linearly but just 7l45ttoWfly-01229-00344519-00344788 wandering around case plus three is the 7l45ttoWfly-01230-00344789-00344983 first time they really delineated it by 7l45ttoWfly-01231-00344984-00345178 location where it's like first you have 7l45ttoWfly-01232-00345179-00345345 to do everything in the wizard's house 7l45ttoWfly-01233-00345346-00345568 which then you do everything on the 7l45ttoWfly-01234-00345569-00345808 island yeah or the land yeah then you do 7l45ttoWfly-01235-00345809-00346021 everything then you travel over to 7l45ttoWfly-01236-00346022-00346654 Daventry yeah King's Quest 4 has some 7l45ttoWfly-01237-00346655-00346834 delineation but it goes back a little 7l45ttoWfly-01238-00346835-00347041 more to that you're mostly spanning the 7l45ttoWfly-01239-00347042-00347305 whole land yeah but then there are a 7l45ttoWfly-01240-00347306-00347437 couple offshoots yeah there are a couple 7l45ttoWfly-01241-00347438-00347610 of options like as cakes was - there was 7l45ttoWfly-01242-00347611-00347788 only the one off she was the epilogue it 7l45ttoWfly-01243-00347789-00347950 was now that you've completed everything 7l45ttoWfly-01244-00347951-00348205 in the land go get your woman yeah I 7l45ttoWfly-01245-00348206-00348382 mean Kings must do there were also some 7l45ttoWfly-01246-00348383-00348520 rooms that you could only access at 7l45ttoWfly-01247-00348521-00348727 specific points like under the sea or 7l45ttoWfly-01248-00348728-00349033 yes she shopped tried but they weren't 7l45ttoWfly-01249-00349034-00349234 like full they were ready yeah yeah it's 7l45ttoWfly-01250-00349235-00349363 not like in Kings was poor when you're 7l45ttoWfly-01251-00349364-00349531 on the island with the peacocks and you 7l45ttoWfly-01252-00349532-00349668 can like walk around the whole island 7l45ttoWfly-01253-00349669-00350068 right so Kings bus came to us for 7l45ttoWfly-01254-00350069-00350233 backtracks a little bit but still has a 7l45ttoWfly-01255-00350234-00350731 few rounds k +5 feels like you just 7l45ttoWfly-01256-00350732-00350863 wander around the same place forever 7l45ttoWfly-01257-00350864-00350995 until you figure out how to get out of 7l45ttoWfly-01258-00350996-00351234 that place but then after that like one 7l45ttoWfly-01259-00351235-00351526 or on other places yeah k +5 is very 7l45ttoWfly-01260-00351527-00351820 linear if you know what to do but good 7l45ttoWfly-01261-00351821-00351997 luck figuring out what to do it's also 7l45ttoWfly-01262-00351998-00352225 the least intuitive map yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01263-00352226-00352483 because it's most similar to King's 7l45ttoWfly-01264-00352484-00352734 Quest 3 King's Quest won all the world 7l45ttoWfly-01265-00352735-00352948 is round both ways if you can't ocularly 7l45ttoWfly-01266-00352949-00353077 eventually come up down if you keep 7l45ttoWfly-01267-00353078-00353238 going left you'll eventually come right 7l45ttoWfly-01268-00353239-00353556 King's Quest to right and left AB 7l45ttoWfly-01269-00353557-00353737 distinctive I mean I'll go to the right 7l45ttoWfly-01270-00353738-00354009 and there's an ocean to the left but up 7l45ttoWfly-01271-00354010-00354196 and down is like you know around the 7l45ttoWfly-01272-00354197-00354660 world K 3 is the first one that like you 7l45ttoWfly-01273-00354661-00354916 can't but you have the magic map 7l45ttoWfly-01274-00354917-00355209 actually a teleport to places in nilus 3 7l45ttoWfly-01275-00355210-00355372 I think you can go up and down in King's 7l45ttoWfly-01276-00355373-00355504 Quest 3 oh there's a mountain 7l45ttoWfly-01277-00355505-00355756 the minions Mountain is at the top but 7l45ttoWfly-01278-00355757-00355903 you can go around the back of minions 7l45ttoWfly-01279-00355904-00356070 mountain cuz that's what the Oracle is 7l45ttoWfly-01280-00356071-00356274 mm-hmm 7l45ttoWfly-01281-00356275-00356608 so I thought the Oracle is in the spider 7l45ttoWfly-01282-00356609-00356764 cave which is to the front and to the 7l45ttoWfly-01283-00356765-00356989 right of Manon's my nose to the back of 7l45ttoWfly-01284-00356990-00357319 my Nana's mountain we'll have to look 7l45ttoWfly-01285-00357320-00357534 that up I don't remember for certain you 7l45ttoWfly-01286-00357535-00357793 could say who's writing the Edit IIE I 7l45ttoWfly-01287-00357794-00358081 don't think you can I don't remember 7l45ttoWfly-01288-00358082-00358258 there being a bottom border I don't 7l45ttoWfly-01289-00358259-00358371 remember that either 7l45ttoWfly-01290-00358372-00358732 maybe I think you around the world up 7l45ttoWfly-01291-00358733-00358843 and down but there's a desert to the 7l45ttoWfly-01292-00358844-00359038 left and there's uh okay but regardless 7l45ttoWfly-01293-00359039-00359350 even if you couldn't there was a magic 7l45ttoWfly-01294-00359351-00359602 map yes so you could like go where you 7l45ttoWfly-01295-00359603-00359955 needed to go five is like the one and 7l45ttoWfly-01296-00359956-00360232 four did four go up and yeah for you 7l45ttoWfly-01297-00360233-00360367 around the world north and said that's 7l45ttoWfly-01298-00360368-00360499 what I thought yeah before you can go 7l45ttoWfly-01299-00360500-00360673 around although there were some screens 7l45ttoWfly-01300-00360674-00360964 like there there was that you know evil 7l45ttoWfly-01301-00360965-00361129 forest that you couldn't get around 7l45ttoWfly-01302-00361130-00361327 without the access sure so there were 7l45ttoWfly-01303-00361328-00361555 some there were some coordinates where 7l45ttoWfly-01304-00361556-00361702 you can't go north and south all the way 7l45ttoWfly-01305-00361703-00362023 but it's not like I'm at the bottom I 7l45ttoWfly-01306-00362024-00362167 have to go all the way to the top like 7l45ttoWfly-01307-00362168-00362308 there's a way to like if you're walking 7l45ttoWfly-01308-00362309-00362554 on the beach you can just keep what I'm 7l45ttoWfly-01309-00362555-00362752 really trying to get at the problem with 7l45ttoWfly-01310-00362753-00362983 the layout at King's Quest 5 the reason 7l45ttoWfly-01311-00362984-00363202 it's completely counterintuitive is it's 7l45ttoWfly-01312-00363203-00363532 designed to screen to screen like 7l45ttoWfly-01313-00363533-00363766 King's Quest 1 or 2 where it's like you 7l45ttoWfly-01314-00363767-00363922 have all the different screens that are 7l45ttoWfly-01315-00363923-00364120 oriented to each other and you keep 7l45ttoWfly-01316-00364121-00364318 wandering around in them but there's no 7l45ttoWfly-01317-00364319-00364531 magic map at like in King's Quest 3 you 7l45ttoWfly-01318-00364532-00364696 can't go around the world like in most 7l45ttoWfly-01319-00364697-00364957 of your other ones so if you're at the 7l45ttoWfly-01320-00364958-00365209 bottom the only way to get to the top is 7l45ttoWfly-01321-00365210-00365484 to go all the way to the top and wander 7l45ttoWfly-01322-00365485-00365746 all the way through all the other map 7l45ttoWfly-01323-00365747-00366083 screens and you've never had to do that 7l45ttoWfly-01324-00366084-00366369 in another king's quest yet also there 7l45ttoWfly-01325-00366370-00366584 was always an easier way to do it also 7l45ttoWfly-01326-00366585-00366908 Cedric is there that is true he serves 7l45ttoWfly-01327-00366909-00367300 no he does not help with gameplay at all 7l45ttoWfly-01328-00367301-00367518 narrative Lee does he ever help 7l45ttoWfly-01329-00367519-00367724 I mean narrative Lee he serves a 7l45ttoWfly-01330-00367725-00367869 function and that function is to keep 7l45ttoWfly-01331-00367870-00368118 getting injured and kidnapped gotcha but 7l45ttoWfly-01332-00368119-00368408 he never helps arguably he helps by 7l45ttoWfly-01333-00368409-00368667 flying in front of more tax beam at the 7l45ttoWfly-01334-00368668-00368940 very end and taking the hit for you show 7l45ttoWfly-01335-00368941-00369056 more duck doesn't kill you right away 7l45ttoWfly-01336-00369057-00369414 hey okay that's fair the one time you 7l45ttoWfly-01337-00369415-00369575 used getting hurt and injured to your 7l45ttoWfly-01338-00369576-00369621 advantage 7l45ttoWfly-01339-00369622-00369837 yeah so Center is a worthless character 7l45ttoWfly-01340-00369838-00370116 and annoying because he king's quest six 7l45ttoWfly-01341-00370117-00370484 the max are just smaller like yes and 7l45ttoWfly-01342-00370485-00370730 they're linear like even there's my 7l45ttoWfly-01343-00370731-00370973 paperwork in the road but it's not like 7l45ttoWfly-01344-00370974-00371177 I'm gonna wander every which way it's 7l45ttoWfly-01345-00371178-00371292 like well no there's these are the 7l45ttoWfly-01346-00371293-00371517 options you have yeah them so the 7l45ttoWfly-01347-00371518-00371715 impressive thing about King's Quest 6 is 7l45ttoWfly-01348-00371716-00371975 the way it actually feels a lot faster 7l45ttoWfly-01349-00371976-00372371 than it is yes and again each island 7l45ttoWfly-01350-00372372-00372599 not counting buildings on the island 7l45ttoWfly-01351-00372600-00372860 like not counting specific tasks on the 7l45ttoWfly-01352-00372861-00372963 island so like not counting the 7l45ttoWfly-01353-00372964-00373038 labyrinth 7l45ttoWfly-01354-00373039-00373280 not counting going into individual shops 7l45ttoWfly-01355-00373281-00373842 just outdoors on each island at max 7l45ttoWfly-01356-00373843-00374078 there's six screens and that's on the 7l45ttoWfly-01357-00374079-00374228 hollow the crown yeah that's on the 7l45ttoWfly-01358-00374229-00374372 seven I forgot you know we're on the 7l45ttoWfly-01359-00374373-00374626 side of the castle oh yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01360-00374627-00374951 okay so seven screen I have Max's seven 7l45ttoWfly-01361-00374952-00375101 screens every other island has fewer 7l45ttoWfly-01362-00375102-00375299 than that it still feels like you're 7l45ttoWfly-01363-00375300-00375581 exploring an entire world part of that 7l45ttoWfly-01364-00375582-00375707 is because some of these islands have 7l45ttoWfly-01365-00375708-00375942 specific reasons we're like specific 7l45ttoWfly-01366-00375943-00376154 barriers or it's like you will never be 7l45ttoWfly-01367-00376155-00376322 able to cross this but you see the world 7l45ttoWfly-01368-00376323-00376553 expands past in this direction 7l45ttoWfly-01369-00376554-00376781 yeah but also this part of that is just 7l45ttoWfly-01370-00376782-00377067 again we talk about the way this game 7l45ttoWfly-01371-00377068-00377372 guides you into you have to keep going 7l45ttoWfly-01372-00377373-00377558 back to certain islands which is tedious 7l45ttoWfly-01373-00377559-00377763 for a speedrun but it helps you feel 7l45ttoWfly-01374-00377764-00378018 like you're getting the lay of the land 7l45ttoWfly-01375-00378019-00378393 like that's an explorer yes and and also 7l45ttoWfly-01376-00378394-00378530 the fact that you're constantly hopping 7l45ttoWfly-01377-00378531-00378896 islands means you don't think about the 7l45ttoWfly-01378-00378897-00379113 fact that it's it's limited there are 7l45ttoWfly-01379-00379114-00379387 times where you're like okay I'm 7l45ttoWfly-01380-00379388-00379729 seeing the same 20 screens I can't 7l45ttoWfly-01381-00379730-00379945 figure out how to progress where the 7l45ttoWfly-01382-00379946-00380116 hell do I get that got like I remember 7l45ttoWfly-01383-00380117-00380281 we always wanted 7l45ttoWfly-01384-00380282-00380521 we were always hoping to gain passage to 7l45ttoWfly-01385-00380522-00380680 places that we were not intended to go 7l45ttoWfly-01386-00380681-00380878 so like in chessboard lank we thought if 7l45ttoWfly-01387-00380879-00381064 we can get the coal that will let us go 7l45ttoWfly-01388-00381065-00381265 in chessboard land no they don't they 7l45ttoWfly-01389-00381266-00381505 never do we thought in the wicked city 7l45ttoWfly-01390-00381506-00381745 or in the sacred isle city whatever if 7l45ttoWfly-01391-00381746-00381982 we could like beat the labyrinth they'll 7l45ttoWfly-01392-00381983-00382240 let us like explore the flying air which 7l45ttoWfly-01393-00382241-00382399 I didn't even make sense because we 7l45ttoWfly-01394-00382400-00382687 don't have a wings yeah too bad our dad 7l45ttoWfly-01395-00382688-00382852 didn't give us that magic cart but he 7l45ttoWfly-01396-00382853-00383074 got in King's Quest - yeah although that 7l45ttoWfly-01397-00383075-00383269 I think might have vanished when he used 7l45ttoWfly-01398-00383270-00383512 it probably I don't remember um that was 7l45ttoWfly-01399-00383513-00383776 some [__] with that genie yeah I 7l45ttoWfly-01400-00383777-00384019 Oliver crown genies are much more useful 7l45ttoWfly-01401-00384020-00384265 to their masters then yeah then Colby 7l45ttoWfly-01402-00384266-00384499 bikinis only the cheese are basically 7l45ttoWfly-01403-00384500-00384916 those not bitter it's not a vending 7l45ttoWfly-01404-00384917-00385036 machine it's like a gumball machine that 7l45ttoWfly-01405-00385037-00385129 doesn't give you gumballs where it's 7l45ttoWfly-01406-00385130-00385270 like a prize to put a quarter oh yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01407-00385271-00385468 and you don't get shoes your prize is 7l45ttoWfly-01408-00385469-00385579 just whatever's next and they show all 7l45ttoWfly-01409-00385580-00385705 the prizes you might get like what I 7l45ttoWfly-01410-00385706-00385870 keep going until you get the one you 7l45ttoWfly-01411-00385871-00385990 want one of those things in front of a 7l45ttoWfly-01412-00385991-00386164 supermarket yeah we don't even know if 7l45ttoWfly-01413-00386165-00386314 they have those anymore that might be a 7l45ttoWfly-01414-00386315-00386593 90s kid thing they probably still exists 7l45ttoWfly-01415-00386594-00386937 but they probably are making new ones 7l45ttoWfly-01416-00386938-00387169 well actually the new version of that is 7l45ttoWfly-01417-00387170-00387439 those arcade games where there's like 7l45ttoWfly-01418-00387440-00387721 iPods and [__] and yeah except that 7l45ttoWfly-01419-00387722-00388024 those are more like crane game yeah you 7l45ttoWfly-01420-00388025-00388186 know I mean not functionally but in 7l45ttoWfly-01421-00388187-00388822 terms of purpose like the the point is 7l45ttoWfly-01422-00388823-00388966 what were we talking about 7l45ttoWfly-01423-00388967-00389206 so the expansiveness okay oh there's 7l45ttoWfly-01424-00389207-00389533 only like seven screens yeah so as kids 7l45ttoWfly-01425-00389534-00389701 they were like oh we want to get to this 7l45ttoWfly-01426-00389702-00389944 place and you can never go there then 7l45ttoWfly-01427-00389945-00390100 there were other places we just assumed 7l45ttoWfly-01428-00390101-00390262 you could never go that is like oh you 7l45ttoWfly-01429-00390263-00390502 can't go there her but I cannot express 7l45ttoWfly-01430-00390503-00390721 to you the disappointment I felt when we 7l45ttoWfly-01431-00390722-00390874 finally got through the Isle of the 7l45ttoWfly-01432-00390875-00391045 beasts after the labyrinth you know did 7l45ttoWfly-01433-00391046-00391324 the shield got through there got the 7l45ttoWfly-01434-00391325-00391534 sickle and I found out it was one more 7l45ttoWfly-01435-00391535-00391780 enclosed screen and I'm like god dammit 7l45ttoWfly-01436-00391781-00391999 I thought we've finally reached an 7l45ttoWfly-01437-00392000-00392250 island that we could go apeshit in and 7l45ttoWfly-01438-00392251-00392535 explore to our hearts content is island 7l45ttoWfly-01439-00392536-00392742 the beast the small well I guess I load 7l45ttoWfly-01440-00392743-00392892 the mist is the smallest yeah I was 7l45ttoWfly-01441-00392893-00393087 gonna say I love East has four screens 7l45ttoWfly-01442-00393088-00393294 I love missed his three I think think of 7l45ttoWfly-01443-00393295-00393456 if it doesn't have a port than I live 7l45ttoWfly-01444-00393457-00393759 mister smallest I guess it depends on if 7l45ttoWfly-01445-00393760-00393951 you count a close up as another screen I 7l45ttoWfly-01446-00393952-00394653 don't so then you know oh wait no I take 7l45ttoWfly-01447-00394654-00394767 it back 7l45ttoWfly-01448-00394768-00395157 it's the Isle of the winget ones are by 7l45ttoWfly-01449-00395158-00395349 the ancient what the hell is the Cygnus 7l45ttoWfly-01450-00395350-00395505 I oh the sacred mountain well if you 7l45ttoWfly-01451-00395506-00395628 count the labyrinth that's the biggest 7l45ttoWfly-01452-00395629-00395760 sigh but if you don't if you're not 7l45ttoWfly-01453-00395761-00395913 counting buildings cuz that's a building 7l45ttoWfly-01454-00395914-00396096 it's two screens 7l45ttoWfly-01455-00396097-00396477 do you count cave how would count that 7l45ttoWfly-01456-00396478-00396615 as a building but even if you don't it's 7l45ttoWfly-01457-00396616-00396804 four screens so it's no longer the 7l45ttoWfly-01458-00396805-00397050 smallest but it's still well I ever 7l45ttoWfly-01459-00397051-00397254 second smallest if you don't count the 7l45ttoWfly-01460-00397255-00397449 cliffs it's three if you do count the 7l45ttoWfly-01461-00397450-00397611 box for out the clay okay if you count 7l45ttoWfly-01462-00397612-00397800 the beach it is see that's the thing 7l45ttoWfly-01463-00397801-00398079 though it's so segment I can justify not 7l45ttoWfly-01464-00398080-00398238 counting the rest of the cliffs though 7l45ttoWfly-01465-00398239-00398472 just get them once you beat yeah and it 7l45ttoWfly-01466-00398473-00398676 Scrolls like it's not treating it as 7l45ttoWfly-01467-00398677-00398829 like here's a new place that's treating 7l45ttoWfly-01468-00398830-00398997 it as here's part two of this place 7l45ttoWfly-01469-00398998-00399186 yeah that's three square okay so I let 7l45ttoWfly-01470-00399187-00399351 see yeah it's in that case I'd say I 7l45ttoWfly-01471-00399352-00399477 love miss cuz that doesn't have any 7l45ttoWfly-01472-00399478-00399701 bonus [__] that's like so we're getting 7l45ttoWfly-01473-00399702-00399984 very tedious with our breakdown here but 7l45ttoWfly-01474-00399985-00400128 you're not gonna use most of this yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01475-00400129-00400599 but but the point is this game this game 7l45ttoWfly-01476-00400600-00400928 is the pinnacle of this franchise and 7l45ttoWfly-01477-00400929-00401226 there are me there are things you could 7l45ttoWfly-01478-00401227-00401424 argue that King's Quest 7 improved on 7l45ttoWfly-01479-00401425-00401733 you can argue but those are mostly 7l45ttoWfly-01480-00401734-00402048 subjective things like if you like the 7l45ttoWfly-01481-00402049-00402231 art style of King's Quest 7 better 7l45ttoWfly-01482-00402232-00402507 that's your prerogative you'd have a 7l45ttoWfly-01483-00402508-00402762 hard pressed to argue it's objectively 7l45ttoWfly-01484-00402763-00403068 better yeah I mean you might be able you 7l45ttoWfly-01485-00403069-00403302 might be able to argue you know smoother 7l45ttoWfly-01486-00403303-00403524 the animations smoother the faces are 7l45ttoWfly-01487-00403525-00403902 clearer it's I think it's technically 7l45ttoWfly-01488-00403903-00404073 the same resolution but they figured out 7l45ttoWfly-01489-00404074-00404262 how to take advantage of the screen 7l45ttoWfly-01490-00404263-00404412 resolution to make it feel higher 7l45ttoWfly-01491-00404413-00404724 resolution yeah so you could argue those 7l45ttoWfly-01492-00404725-00404958 elements are better although the thing 7l45ttoWfly-01493-00404959-00405126 that the thing that bugs me about the 7l45ttoWfly-01494-00405127-00405192 animation 7l45ttoWfly-01495-00405193-00405584 of Kings plus seven is that like they 7l45ttoWfly-01496-00405585-00405768 were trying to make it Disney style 7l45ttoWfly-01497-00405769-00405990 which i think is on Brennan for King's 7l45ttoWfly-01498-00405991-00406122 Quest like I don't think that was 7l45ttoWfly-01499-00406123-00406269 necessarily wrong choice 7l45ttoWfly-01500-00406270-00406679 sure I think the facial consistency is a 7l45ttoWfly-01501-00406680-00406877 little off for them to truly get Disney 7l45ttoWfly-01502-00406878-00407033 style I think their facial expressions 7l45ttoWfly-01503-00407034-00407316 get get way off model I think it feels 7l45ttoWfly-01504-00407317-00407547 more like Don Bluth to me than Disney 7l45ttoWfly-01505-00407548-00407817 for for better and forward like not off 7l45ttoWfly-01506-00407818-00408069 rent yeah I mean for Sierra like yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01507-00408070-00408321 like Don Bluth has made a lot of great 7l45ttoWfly-01508-00408322-00408624 animated films like no disrespect to him 7l45ttoWfly-01509-00408625-00408840 but it feel like it feels like one of 7l45ttoWfly-01510-00408841-00409092 Don Bluths cheaper productions to me but 7l45ttoWfly-01511-00409093-00409304 the thing that like I can actually point 7l45ttoWfly-01512-00409305-00409529 to and say okay this bugs me is that 7l45ttoWfly-01513-00409530-00409641 they're trying to make them like Disney 7l45ttoWfly-01514-00409642-00409835 Princesses but they only gave them three 7l45ttoWfly-01515-00409837-00410195 fingers and a thumb which again I get 7l45ttoWfly-01516-00410196-00410447 why that happens in animation but 7l45ttoWfly-01517-00410448-00410645 especially in a computer game where 7l45ttoWfly-01518-00410646-00410745 there's a lot of stuff you're 7l45ttoWfly-01519-00410746-00411012 programming but in princess movies the 7l45ttoWfly-01520-00411013-00411209 princesses always have five fingers the 7l45ttoWfly-01521-00411210-00411414 dwarves you know the wacky side 7l45ttoWfly-01522-00411414-00411618 character is guest room you can you can 7l45ttoWfly-01523-00411618-00411909 do you can do just the four fingers but 7l45ttoWfly-01524-00411910-00412314 the princesses have full hands so yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01525-00412314-00412655 overall love this game love this game 7l45ttoWfly-01526-00412656-00412938 love the franchise even for all its 7l45ttoWfly-01527-00412939-00413247 flaws am glad to be celebrating 35 years 7l45ttoWfly-01528-00413247-00413459 of this franchise a that repeated in 35 7l45ttoWfly-01529-00413460-00413559 minutes yes 7l45ttoWfly-01530-00413560-00413868 so are you were saying something it 7l45ttoWfly-01531-00413868-00414032 would have taken a lot it would have 7l45ttoWfly-01532-00414033-00414155 been a lot faster do a speed around of 7l45ttoWfly-01533-00414156-00414353 King's Quest one on its 35th anniversary 7l45ttoWfly-01534-00414354-00414714 okay maybe but where's the fun in that 7l45ttoWfly-01535-00414714-00415197 also that one and I it's that's more of 7l45ttoWfly-01536-00415197-00415484 a video game yeah there would have been 7l45ttoWfly-01537-00415485-00415716 more oh avoid the wolf oh gotta go up 7l45ttoWfly-01538-00415717-00416037 here oh god it like and the typing would 7l45ttoWfly-01539-00416038-00416216 have come into play of the typing speed 7l45ttoWfly-01540-00416217-00416463 there's just so many fewer steps in 7l45ttoWfly-01541-00416464-00416601 King's Quest one is really that comes 7l45ttoWfly-01542-00416602-00416764 down to that's true 7l45ttoWfly-01543-00416765-00417032 but we are happy to be celebrating 7l45ttoWfly-01544-00417033-00417347 King's Quest because if not us then who 7l45ttoWfly-01545-00417347-00418147 this is hard falling apparently alright 7l45ttoWfly-01546-00418148-00418484 if you enjoyed this do you want to see 7l45ttoWfly-01547-00418485-00418563 us 7l45ttoWfly-01548-00418564-00418713 and more gaming stuff because like 7l45ttoWfly-01549-00418714-00418887 that's not really what we do 7l45ttoWfly-01550-00418888-00419064 traditionally but it could be 7l45ttoWfly-01551-00419064-00419262 translation please don't make us do more 7l45ttoWfly-01552-00419263-00419451 gaming stuff no no but we will if you 7l45ttoWfly-01553-00419452-00419768 insist no I would love to do more gaming 7l45ttoWfly-01554-00419770-00419880 stuff because there are there are some 7l45ttoWfly-01555-00419881-00420081 games that we grew up with that we would 7l45ttoWfly-01556-00420082-00420489 love to revisit in a snarky wait yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01557-00420489-00420666 Phantom Menace stand of the Phantom 7l45ttoWfly-01558-00420667-00420888 Menace game Bugs Bunny lost in town 7l45ttoWfly-01559-00420889-00421293 Boggs body lost in time geez that the 7l45ttoWfly-01560-00421293-00421554 the Toy Story 2 video age 32 was a big 7l45ttoWfly-01561-00421555-00421772 one yeah 7l45ttoWfly-01562-00421774-00422091 so if ya if you found this interesting 7l45ttoWfly-01563-00422092-00422387 let us know and we can do more of this 7l45ttoWfly-01564-00422388-00422691 eventually yeah yeah and if you enjoyed 7l45ttoWfly-01565-00422692-00422841 it because it's King's Quest content and 7l45ttoWfly-01566-00422842-00422988 want more of that let us know that as 7l45ttoWfly-01567-00422989-00423249 well that's true there are six other 7l45ttoWfly-01568-00423250-00423420 seven other King's Quest games if you 7l45ttoWfly-01569-00423421-00423582 count mask of eternity I don't think 7l45ttoWfly-01570-00423583-00423732 we're gonna do another speedrun maybe 7l45ttoWfly-01571-00423733-00423864 trying to see them maybe King's 7l45ttoWfly-01572-00423864-00423987 questions we should do with King's 7l45ttoWfly-01573-00423988-00424214 questions one there we go there we go 7l45ttoWfly-01574-00424216-00424514 alright until next time this is Dave and 7l45ttoWfly-01575-00424516-00424871 Nick signing off 7l45ttoWfly-01576-00424872-00426100 [Music] 7l45ttoWfly-01577-00426101-00426307 you 8oxkMMenSnk-00000-00000110-00001431 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00001-00001432-00001807 setting fire to it all 8oxkMMenSnk-00002-00001807-00002091 you know 8oxkMMenSnk-00003-00002092-00003071 these building is 8oxkMMenSnk-00004-00003072-00004810 is 8oxkMMenSnk-00005-00004811-00007055 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00006-00007056-00007473 now 8oxkMMenSnk-00007-00007473-00008391 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00008-00008392-00009095 so 8oxkMMenSnk-00009-00009096-00009485 is 8oxkMMenSnk-00010-00009486-00010646 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00011-00010647-00011455 is 8oxkMMenSnk-00012-00011456-00013190 is 8oxkMMenSnk-00013-00013191-00015430 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00014-00015431-00015853 now 8oxkMMenSnk-00015-00015854-00016783 [Music] 8oxkMMenSnk-00016-00016784-00016992 you 8oc4hox0vSA-00000-00000026-00000356 hello this is Vijay sambasiva and in 8oc4hox0vSA-00001-00000357-00000617 this video we are going to talk about a 8oc4hox0vSA-00002-00000618-00000916 guide to the business analysis body of 8oc4hox0vSA-00003-00000917-00001183 knowledge commonly referred as the 8oc4hox0vSA-00004-00001184-00001507 Babic a guide to the business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00005-00001508-00001777 body of knowledge has been published by 8oc4hox0vSA-00006-00001778-00001957 the International Institute of business 8oc4hox0vSA-00007-00001959-00002396 analysis also called as AI BA in this 8oc4hox0vSA-00008-00002397-00002615 video I am going to give an overview of 8oc4hox0vSA-00009-00002616-00002908 the babo guide talk a little bit about 8oc4hox0vSA-00010-00002909-00003206 the importance of the babo guide the 8oc4hox0vSA-00011-00003207-00003547 purpose the content structure and also 8oc4hox0vSA-00012-00003547-00003845 give an overview of the six knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00013-00003846-00004136 areas that the Babic revolves around a 8oc4hox0vSA-00014-00004137-00004388 guide to the business analysis body of 8oc4hox0vSA-00015-00004389-00004595 knowledge Version three was made 8oc4hox0vSA-00016-00004596-00004769 available to the business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00017-00004770-00005210 community for review in 2014 the primary 8oc4hox0vSA-00018-00005211-00005468 purpose of the babo guide is to define 8oc4hox0vSA-00019-00005469-00005717 the profession of business analysis and 8oc4hox0vSA-00020-00005718-00006041 provide a set of commonly accepted 8oc4hox0vSA-00021-00006042-00006302 practices the babel guide helps 8oc4hox0vSA-00022-00006303-00006659 practitioners to discuss and define the 8oc4hox0vSA-00023-00006659-00006914 skills necessary to effectively perform 8oc4hox0vSA-00024-00006915-00007231 business analysis related work the babel 8oc4hox0vSA-00025-00007233-00007544 guide also helps people who work with 8oc4hox0vSA-00026-00007545-00007808 and employ business analysts to 8oc4hox0vSA-00027-00007809-00008048 understand the skills and knowledge they 8oc4hox0vSA-00028-00008048-00008164 should expect from a skilled 8oc4hox0vSA-00029-00008165-00008567 practitioner business analysis is a 8oc4hox0vSA-00030-00008568-00008774 broad profession in which business 8oc4hox0vSA-00031-00008775-00009005 analysts might perform work for many 8oc4hox0vSA-00032-00009006-00009214 different types of initiatives across an 8oc4hox0vSA-00033-00009215-00009485 enterprise not all business analysts do 8oc4hox0vSA-00034-00009486-00009755 the same set of activities a business 8oc4hox0vSA-00035-00009756-00010106 analyst working for department a in an 8oc4hox0vSA-00036-00010107-00010378 organization might not have the same 8oc4hox0vSA-00037-00010379-00010667 roles and responsibilities as another 8oc4hox0vSA-00038-00010668-00010871 business analyst working in department 8oc4hox0vSA-00039-00010872-00011188 be within the same organization business 8oc4hox0vSA-00040-00011189-00011449 analyst practitioners may employ 8oc4hox0vSA-00041-00011450-00011814 different competencies knowledge skills 8oc4hox0vSA-00042-00011815-00012160 terminology and attitudes that they use 8oc4hox0vSA-00043-00012161-00012421 when performing business analysis tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00044-00012422-00012716 the bable guide is a common framework 8oc4hox0vSA-00045-00012717-00013052 for all perspectives describing business 8oc4hox0vSA-00046-00013053-00013166 analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00047-00013168-00013461 that are performed to properly analyze a 8oc4hox0vSA-00048-00013462-00013775 change or evaluate the necessity for a 8oc4hox0vSA-00049-00013776-00013886 change 8oc4hox0vSA-00050-00013887-00014245 tasks may vary in form order or 8oc4hox0vSA-00051-00014246-00014513 importance for individual business 8oc4hox0vSA-00052-00014515-00014870 analysts or for various initiatives all 8oc4hox0vSA-00053-00014871-00015222 Aiba members get a free copy of the 8oc4hox0vSA-00054-00015222-00015600 latest ia ba by bulk version if you are 8oc4hox0vSA-00055-00015601-00015897 not a member you can still purchase a 8oc4hox0vSA-00056-00015897-00016161 copy of the bar book on the IIb a 8oc4hox0vSA-00057-00016162-00016514 website the Babel guide mainly revolves 8oc4hox0vSA-00058-00016515-00016739 around the six business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00059-00016740-00017036 knowledge areas the six knowledge areas 8oc4hox0vSA-00060-00017037-00017384 of the Bevo guide our business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00061-00017385-00017652 planning and monitoring elicitation and 8oc4hox0vSA-00062-00017653-00017949 collaboration requirements lifecycle 8oc4hox0vSA-00063-00017950-00018239 management strategy analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00064-00018240-00018455 requirements analysis and design 8oc4hox0vSA-00065-00018456-00018878 definition and solution evaluation these 8oc4hox0vSA-00066-00018879-00019142 six knowledge areas describe the 8oc4hox0vSA-00067-00019143-00019380 practice of business analysis as it is 8oc4hox0vSA-00068-00019381-00019608 applied within the boundaries of a 8oc4hox0vSA-00069-00019609-00019831 project or throughout the enterprise 8oc4hox0vSA-00070-00019832-00020150 evolution and continuous improvement I 8oc4hox0vSA-00071-00020151-00020424 will repeat that again these six 8oc4hox0vSA-00072-00020425-00020721 knowledge areas describe the practice of 8oc4hox0vSA-00073-00020722-00020990 business analysis as it is applied 8oc4hox0vSA-00074-00020991-00021336 within the boundaries of a project or 8oc4hox0vSA-00075-00021337-00021621 throughout enterprise evolution and 8oc4hox0vSA-00076-00021622-00021855 continuous improvement apart from the 8oc4hox0vSA-00077-00021856-00022142 six knowledge areas the bable guide also 8oc4hox0vSA-00078-00022143-00022406 talks about the business analysis key 8oc4hox0vSA-00079-00022407-00022712 concepts the underlying competencies 8oc4hox0vSA-00080-00022713-00023021 techniques and perspectives let's take a 8oc4hox0vSA-00081-00023022-00023261 quick look at all the six business 8oc4hox0vSA-00082-00023262-00023543 analysis knowledge areas according to 8oc4hox0vSA-00083-00023544-00023811 the Bible the first knowledge area we 8oc4hox0vSA-00084-00023812-00023961 are going to talk about is business 8oc4hox0vSA-00085-00023962-00024164 analysis planning and monitoring 8oc4hox0vSA-00086-00024165-00024380 business analysis planning and 8oc4hox0vSA-00087-00024381-00024587 monitoring describes the tasks that 8oc4hox0vSA-00088-00024588-00024924 business analysts perform to organize 8oc4hox0vSA-00089-00024925-00025190 and coordinate the efforts of business 8oc4hox0vSA-00090-00025191-00025574 analysts and stakeholders these tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00091-00025575-00025850 produce outputs that are used as key 8oc4hox0vSA-00092-00025851-00026124 inputs and guidelines for the other 8oc4hox0vSA-00093-00026125-00026394 tasks throughout the babo guide at a 8oc4hox0vSA-00094-00026395-00026526 high level 8oc4hox0vSA-00095-00026527-00026679 business analysis planning and 8oc4hox0vSA-00096-00026680-00027011 monitoring is about the business analyst 8oc4hox0vSA-00097-00027012-00027330 planning his future tasks the next 8oc4hox0vSA-00098-00027331-00027589 knowledge area is elicitation and 8oc4hox0vSA-00099-00027590-00027868 collaboration elicitation and 8oc4hox0vSA-00100-00027869-00028118 collaboration describes the tasks that 8oc4hox0vSA-00101-00028119-00028455 business analysts perform to prepare for 8oc4hox0vSA-00102-00028456-00028704 and conduct elicitation activities and 8oc4hox0vSA-00103-00028705-00029024 confirm the results obtained it also 8oc4hox0vSA-00104-00029025-00029232 describes the communication with 8oc4hox0vSA-00105-00029233-00029477 stakeholders once the information is 8oc4hox0vSA-00106-00029478-00029793 assembled and also talks about the 8oc4hox0vSA-00107-00029794-00029973 ongoing collaboration with them 8oc4hox0vSA-00108-00029974-00030155 throughout the business analyst 8oc4hox0vSA-00109-00030156-00030393 activities you can remember this 8oc4hox0vSA-00110-00030394-00030668 knowledge area as the requirements 8oc4hox0vSA-00111-00030669-00030890 gathering knowledge area the next 8oc4hox0vSA-00112-00030891-00031176 knowledge area is requirements lifecycle 8oc4hox0vSA-00113-00031177-00031449 management requirements lifecycle 8oc4hox0vSA-00114-00031450-00031674 management describes the tasks that 8oc4hox0vSA-00115-00031675-00031935 business analysts perform in order to 8oc4hox0vSA-00116-00031936-00032189 manage and maintain requirements and 8oc4hox0vSA-00117-00032190-00032495 design information from inception to 8oc4hox0vSA-00118-00032496-00032737 retirement these tasks describe 8oc4hox0vSA-00119-00032738-00032990 establishing meaningful relationships 8oc4hox0vSA-00120-00032991-00033227 between related requirements and design 8oc4hox0vSA-00121-00033228-00033633 and assessing analyzing and gaining 8oc4hox0vSA-00122-00033634-00033885 consensus on proposed changes to 8oc4hox0vSA-00123-00033886-00034130 requirements and design the requirements 8oc4hox0vSA-00124-00034131-00034343 lifecycle management basically talks 8oc4hox0vSA-00125-00034344-00034704 about the various stages of requirements 8oc4hox0vSA-00126-00034705-00034989 the next knowledge area is strategy 8oc4hox0vSA-00127-00034990-00035361 analysis strategy analysis describes the 8oc4hox0vSA-00128-00035362-00035595 business analysis work that must be 8oc4hox0vSA-00129-00035596-00035771 performed to collaborate with 8oc4hox0vSA-00130-00035772-00036095 stakeholders in order to identify a need 8oc4hox0vSA-00131-00036096-00036427 of strategic or tactical importance 8oc4hox0vSA-00132-00036428-00036689 enable the enterprise to address that 8oc4hox0vSA-00133-00036690-00036983 need and align the resulting strategy 8oc4hox0vSA-00134-00036984-00037212 for the change with higher and lower 8oc4hox0vSA-00135-00037213-00037476 level strategies most of the time 8oc4hox0vSA-00136-00037477-00037818 projects are executed to satisfy certain 8oc4hox0vSA-00137-00037819-00038120 strategic objectives of the organization 8oc4hox0vSA-00138-00038121-00038537 this knowledge area talks about how that 8oc4hox0vSA-00139-00038538-00038921 strategy is executed within a project or 8oc4hox0vSA-00140-00038922-00039230 within an enterprise the next knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00141-00039231-00039527 area is requirements analysis and design 8oc4hox0vSA-00142-00039528-00039876 definition requirements analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00143-00039877-00040121 design definition describes the tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00144-00040122-00040395 that business analysts perform to 8oc4hox0vSA-00145-00040396-00040643 structure and organize requirements 8oc4hox0vSA-00146-00040644-00040921 discovered during elicitation activities 8oc4hox0vSA-00147-00040922-00041246 specify and model requirements and 8oc4hox0vSA-00148-00041247-00041596 designs validate and verify information 8oc4hox0vSA-00149-00041597-00041895 identify solution options that meet 8oc4hox0vSA-00150-00041896-00042140 business needs and estimate the 8oc4hox0vSA-00151-00042141-00042374 potential value that could be realized 8oc4hox0vSA-00152-00042375-00042680 for each solution option this knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00153-00042681-00042933 area covers the incremental and 8oc4hox0vSA-00154-00042934-00043218 iterative activities ranging from the 8oc4hox0vSA-00155-00043219-00043482 initial concept and exploration of the 8oc4hox0vSA-00156-00043483-00043721 need through the transformation of those 8oc4hox0vSA-00157-00043722-00043980 needs into a particular recommended 8oc4hox0vSA-00158-00043981-00044205 solution the next knowledge area is 8oc4hox0vSA-00159-00044206-00044718 solution evaluation solution evaluation 8oc4hox0vSA-00160-00044719-00044921 describes the tasks that business 8oc4hox0vSA-00161-00044922-00045146 analysts perform to assess the 8oc4hox0vSA-00162-00045147-00045411 performance and value delivered by a 8oc4hox0vSA-00163-00045412-00045708 solution in use by the enterprise and to 8oc4hox0vSA-00164-00045709-00045974 recommend removal of barriers or 8oc4hox0vSA-00165-00045975-00046218 constraints that prevent the full 8oc4hox0vSA-00166-00046219-00046557 realization of the value that's a quick 8oc4hox0vSA-00167-00046558-00046889 overview of the six knowledge areas I 8oc4hox0vSA-00168-00046890-00047199 had already mentioned how the business 8oc4hox0vSA-00169-00047200-00047389 analysis body of knowledge guide 8oc4hox0vSA-00170-00047390-00047670 revolves around the six business 8oc4hox0vSA-00171-00047671-00047999 analysis knowledge areas and in addition 8oc4hox0vSA-00172-00048000-00048233 to that there are key concepts 8oc4hox0vSA-00173-00048234-00048533 underlying competencies techniques and 8oc4hox0vSA-00174-00048534-00048768 perspectives I'm going to now explain 8oc4hox0vSA-00175-00048769-00049008 how these underlying competencies 8oc4hox0vSA-00176-00049009-00049277 techniques and perspectives are 8oc4hox0vSA-00177-00049278-00049577 explained within the babo guide and how 8oc4hox0vSA-00178-00049578-00049917 they connect with each other before that 8oc4hox0vSA-00179-00049918-00050274 let's understand what tasks are a task 8oc4hox0vSA-00180-00050275-00050529 is a discrete piece of work that may be 8oc4hox0vSA-00181-00050530-00050868 performed formally or informally as part 8oc4hox0vSA-00182-00050869-00051149 of business analysis the bable guide 8oc4hox0vSA-00183-00051150-00051401 defines a list of business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00184-00051402-00051773 tasks the definition of a given task is 8oc4hox0vSA-00185-00051774-00052004 universally applicable to business 8oc4hox0vSA-00186-00052005-00052142 analysis efforts 8oc4hox0vSA-00187-00052144-00052405 independent of the initiative type a 8oc4hox0vSA-00188-00052407-00052662 business analyst may perform other 8oc4hox0vSA-00189-00052663-00052874 activities as assigned by their 8oc4hox0vSA-00190-00052875-00053070 organization 8oc4hox0vSA-00191-00053071-00053259 these additional activities are not 8oc4hox0vSA-00192-00053260-00053466 considered to be part of the business 8oc4hox0vSA-00193-00053466-00053802 analysis profession tasks are grouped 8oc4hox0vSA-00194-00053803-00054111 into knowledge areas business analysts 8oc4hox0vSA-00195-00054112-00054416 performed tasks from all knowledge areas 8oc4hox0vSA-00196-00054416-00054695 sequentially iteratively or 8oc4hox0vSA-00197-00054696-00055029 simultaneously the babble guide does not 8oc4hox0vSA-00198-00055029-00055353 prescribe a process or an order in which 8oc4hox0vSA-00199-00055354-00055584 tasks are performed they can be 8oc4hox0vSA-00200-00055585-00055854 performed in any order as long as the 8oc4hox0vSA-00201-00055854-00056115 necessary inputs to a task are present 8oc4hox0vSA-00202-00056116-00056403 each task in the babble guide is 8oc4hox0vSA-00203-00056404-00056760 presented in the following format every 8oc4hox0vSA-00204-00056761-00057102 task would have a purpose description 8oc4hox0vSA-00205-00057103-00057557 inputs elements guidelines techniques 8oc4hox0vSA-00206-00057558-00057972 stakeholders and outputs before I go 8oc4hox0vSA-00207-00057973-00058215 ahead and explain all these eight terms 8oc4hox0vSA-00208-00058216-00058505 I would like to show an example of a 8oc4hox0vSA-00209-00058507-00058812 task explained in the Babel guide what 8oc4hox0vSA-00210-00058813-00059088 you're seeing on the screen now is the 8oc4hox0vSA-00211-00059089-00059238 business analysis body of knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00212-00059239-00059538 guide and right now we are in Chapter 8oc4hox0vSA-00213-00059539-00059804 three we are looking at the business 8oc4hox0vSA-00214-00059805-00059966 analysis planning and monitoring 8oc4hox0vSA-00215-00059967-00060305 knowledge area every knowledge areas 8oc4hox0vSA-00216-00060307-00060692 have tasks in this particular case the 8oc4hox0vSA-00217-00060694-00060857 business analysis planning and 8oc4hox0vSA-00218-00060858-00061236 monitoring knowledge area has five tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00219-00061237-00061464 the plan business analysis approach 8oc4hox0vSA-00220-00061465-00061740 plans stakeholder engagement plan 8oc4hox0vSA-00221-00061741-00061962 business analysis governance plan 8oc4hox0vSA-00222-00061963-00062187 business analysis information management 8oc4hox0vSA-00223-00062188-00062466 and identify business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00224-00062466-00062753 performance improvements as we discussed 8oc4hox0vSA-00225-00062754-00063189 every knowledge area has tasks and when 8oc4hox0vSA-00226-00063190-00063474 you deep dive into a particular task you 8oc4hox0vSA-00227-00063475-00063690 would notice that every task is 8oc4hox0vSA-00228-00063691-00064073 explained with a purpose a description 8oc4hox0vSA-00229-00064074-00064802 inputs elements guidelines and tools 8oc4hox0vSA-00230-00064803-00065178 techniques stakeholders and outputs 8oc4hox0vSA-00231-00065179-00065526 every task has a input-output diagram 8oc4hox0vSA-00232-00065527-00065787 just like the one you are seeing in the 8oc4hox0vSA-00233-00065788-00066123 screen now to explain how information 8oc4hox0vSA-00234-00066124-00066275 flows 8oc4hox0vSA-00235-00066276-00066516 what goes as an input into every single 8oc4hox0vSA-00236-00066517-00066781 task what are the guidelines and tools 8oc4hox0vSA-00237-00066782-00067154 what are the outputs and we are also 8oc4hox0vSA-00238-00067155-00067454 able to understand how the output from 8oc4hox0vSA-00239-00067455-00067734 each task goes as an input to different 8oc4hox0vSA-00240-00067735-00068057 other tasks I believe that this helps 8oc4hox0vSA-00241-00068058-00068348 you understand the structure of how 8oc4hox0vSA-00242-00068349-00068630 every task is explained in the Babel 8oc4hox0vSA-00243-00068631-00068985 guide but that let's get back to our 8oc4hox0vSA-00244-00068986-00069293 original presentation so now you know 8oc4hox0vSA-00245-00069294-00069629 that every task in the Babel guide is 8oc4hox0vSA-00246-00069630-00069922 presented in the format of a purpose 8oc4hox0vSA-00247-00069923-00070274 description input elements guidelines 8oc4hox0vSA-00248-00070275-00070560 and tools techniques stakeholders and 8oc4hox0vSA-00249-00070561-00070868 outputs the purpose section provides a 8oc4hox0vSA-00250-00070869-00071141 short description of the reason for a 8oc4hox0vSA-00251-00071142-00071310 business analyst to perform that 8oc4hox0vSA-00252-00071311-00071585 particular task and the value created 8oc4hox0vSA-00253-00071586-00071804 through performing that task the 8oc4hox0vSA-00254-00071805-00072041 description section explains in greater 8oc4hox0vSA-00255-00072042-00072305 detail what the task is why it is 8oc4hox0vSA-00256-00072306-00072540 performed and what it should accomplish 8oc4hox0vSA-00257-00072541-00072878 the input section lists the inputs for 8oc4hox0vSA-00258-00072879-00073124 the tasks inputs are information 8oc4hox0vSA-00259-00073125-00073424 consumed or transformed to produce an 8oc4hox0vSA-00260-00073425-00073637 output and represent the information 8oc4hox0vSA-00261-00073638-00073982 necessary for a test to begin they may 8oc4hox0vSA-00262-00073983-00074225 be explicitly generated outside the 8oc4hox0vSA-00263-00074226-00074541 scope of business analysis or generated 8oc4hox0vSA-00264-00074542-00074873 by a business analysis task inputs that 8oc4hox0vSA-00265-00074874-00075080 are generated outside of the business 8oc4hox0vSA-00266-00075081-00075368 analysis efforts are identified with the 8oc4hox0vSA-00267-00075369-00075672 qualifier in the input list there is no 8oc4hox0vSA-00268-00075673-00075911 assumption that the presence of an input 8oc4hox0vSA-00269-00075912-00076175 means that the Associated deliverable is 8oc4hox0vSA-00270-00076176-00076529 complete or in its final state the input 8oc4hox0vSA-00271-00076530-00076785 only needs to be sufficiently complete 8oc4hox0vSA-00272-00076786-00077144 to allow successive work to begin any 8oc4hox0vSA-00273-00077145-00077399 number of instances often input may 8oc4hox0vSA-00274-00077400-00077585 exist during the lifecycle of an 8oc4hox0vSA-00275-00077586-00077930 initiative the input section includes a 8oc4hox0vSA-00276-00077931-00078161 visual representation of the inputs and 8oc4hox0vSA-00277-00078162-00078431 outputs the other tasks that use the 8oc4hox0vSA-00278-00078432-00078662 outputs as well as the guidelines and 8oc4hox0vSA-00279-00078663-00078947 tools listed in the task the elements 8oc4hox0vSA-00280-00078948-00079175 section describes the key concepts that 8oc4hox0vSA-00281-00079176-00079428 are needed to understand how to perform 8oc4hox0vSA-00282-00079429-00079707 the task elements are not mandated 8oc4hox0vSA-00283-00079708-00079974 as part of performing a task and their 8oc4hox0vSA-00284-00079975-00080154 usage might depend on the business 8oc4hox0vSA-00285-00080155-00080496 analysis approach the guidelines and 8oc4hox0vSA-00286-00080497-00080793 tools section lists resources that are 8oc4hox0vSA-00287-00080794-00081081 required to transform the input into an 8oc4hox0vSA-00288-00081082-00081425 output a guideline provides instructions 8oc4hox0vSA-00289-00081426-00081747 or descriptions on why or how to 8oc4hox0vSA-00290-00081748-00082086 undertake a task a tool is something 8oc4hox0vSA-00291-00082087-00082350 used to undertake a task guidelines and 8oc4hox0vSA-00292-00082351-00082647 tools can include outputs of other tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00293-00082648-00082901 the techniques section lists the 8oc4hox0vSA-00294-00082902-00083121 techniques that can be used to perform 8oc4hox0vSA-00295-00083122-00083421 the business analysis tasks the 8oc4hox0vSA-00296-00083422-00083667 stakeholders section is composed of a 8oc4hox0vSA-00297-00083668-00083913 generic list of stakeholders who are 8oc4hox0vSA-00298-00083914-00084125 likely to participate in performing that 8oc4hox0vSA-00299-00084126-00084425 task or who will be affected by it 8oc4hox0vSA-00300-00084426-00084669 the babo guide does not mandate that 8oc4hox0vSA-00301-00084670-00084912 these roles be filled for any given 8oc4hox0vSA-00302-00084913-00085256 initiative the output section describes 8oc4hox0vSA-00303-00085257-00085463 the results produced by performing the 8oc4hox0vSA-00304-00085464-00085812 task outputs are created transformed or 8oc4hox0vSA-00305-00085813-00086067 changed in state as a result of the 8oc4hox0vSA-00306-00086068-00086348 successful completion of a task an 8oc4hox0vSA-00307-00086349-00086688 output may be a deliverable or be a part 8oc4hox0vSA-00308-00086689-00086957 of a larger deliverable the form of an 8oc4hox0vSA-00309-00086958-00087210 output is dependent on the type of the 8oc4hox0vSA-00310-00087211-00087498 initiative underway standards adopted by 8oc4hox0vSA-00311-00087499-00087801 the organization and best judgment of 8oc4hox0vSA-00312-00087802-00087990 the business end list as to an 8oc4hox0vSA-00313-00087991-00088179 appropriate way to address the 8oc4hox0vSA-00314-00088180-00088457 information needs of key stakeholders as 8oc4hox0vSA-00315-00088458-00088746 with inputs an instance of a task may be 8oc4hox0vSA-00316-00088747-00089016 completed without an output being in its 8oc4hox0vSA-00317-00089017-00089369 final state tasks that use a specific 8oc4hox0vSA-00318-00089370-00089651 output do not necessarily have to wait 8oc4hox0vSA-00319-00089652-00089862 for its completion for work within the 8oc4hox0vSA-00320-00089863-00090143 task to begin I repeat that 8oc4hox0vSA-00321-00090144-00090480 tasks that use a specific output do not 8oc4hox0vSA-00322-00090481-00090681 necessarily have to wait for its 8oc4hox0vSA-00323-00090682-00090963 completion for work within the task to 8oc4hox0vSA-00324-00090964-00091011 begin 8oc4hox0vSA-00325-00091012-00091244 that explains the business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00326-00091245-00091524 knowledge areas and how tasks are 8oc4hox0vSA-00327-00091525-00091872 explained within the babo guide now 8oc4hox0vSA-00328-00091873-00092156 let's talk about underlying competencies 8oc4hox0vSA-00329-00092157-00092421 and how they are explained within the 8oc4hox0vSA-00330-00092422-00092717 bear book the underlying competencies is 8oc4hox0vSA-00331-00092718-00093019 explained in chapter 9 of the Babel 8oc4hox0vSA-00332-00093020-00093337 Gide the underlying competencies chapter 8oc4hox0vSA-00333-00093338-00093634 provides a description of the behaviors 8oc4hox0vSA-00334-00093635-00093913 characteristics knowledge and personal 8oc4hox0vSA-00335-00093914-00094174 qualities that support the practice of 8oc4hox0vSA-00336-00094175-00094393 business analysis the underlying 8oc4hox0vSA-00337-00094394-00094681 competencies described are not unique to 8oc4hox0vSA-00338-00094682-00094999 business analysis they are described to 8oc4hox0vSA-00339-00095000-00095305 ensure readers are aware of the range of 8oc4hox0vSA-00340-00095306-00095621 fundamental skills required and provide 8oc4hox0vSA-00341-00095622-00095899 a basis for them to further investigate 8oc4hox0vSA-00342-00095900-00096122 the skills and knowledge that will 8oc4hox0vSA-00343-00096123-00096375 enable them to be accomplished and 8oc4hox0vSA-00344-00096376-00096740 adaptable business analysts all the six 8oc4hox0vSA-00345-00096741-00097012 underlying competencies explained in the 8oc4hox0vSA-00346-00097013-00097204 bar book have the following structure 8oc4hox0vSA-00347-00097205-00097504 they are explained using a purpose a 8oc4hox0vSA-00348-00097505-00097824 description and effectiveness measures 8oc4hox0vSA-00349-00097825-00098167 the purpose section describes what the 8oc4hox0vSA-00350-00098168-00098467 competency is used for and the 8oc4hox0vSA-00351-00098468-00098704 circumstances under which it is most 8oc4hox0vSA-00352-00098705-00099013 likely to be applicable the description 8oc4hox0vSA-00353-00099014-00099290 section describes what the competency is 8oc4hox0vSA-00354-00099291-00099601 and how it is used the effectiveness 8oc4hox0vSA-00355-00099602-00099886 measures section describes how to 8oc4hox0vSA-00356-00099887-00100135 determine whether a person is 8oc4hox0vSA-00357-00100136-00100403 demonstrating skills in this underlying 8oc4hox0vSA-00358-00100404-00100663 competency what you're seeing on the 8oc4hox0vSA-00359-00100664-00101009 screen is the Babel guide version 3 and 8oc4hox0vSA-00360-00101010-00101297 we are at chapter 9 that describes the 8oc4hox0vSA-00361-00101298-00101524 underlying competencies the six 8oc4hox0vSA-00362-00101525-00101816 underlying competencies are analytical 8oc4hox0vSA-00363-00101817-00102098 thinking and problem-solving behavioral 8oc4hox0vSA-00364-00102099-00102393 characteristics business knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00365-00102394-00102671 communication skills interaction skills 8oc4hox0vSA-00366-00102672-00103006 tools in technology I already mentioned 8oc4hox0vSA-00367-00103007-00103349 that these are not specific or unique to 8oc4hox0vSA-00368-00103350-00103642 business analysis but general 8oc4hox0vSA-00369-00103643-00103978 competencies which are good to have for 8oc4hox0vSA-00370-00103979-00104278 a business analyst to perform well let's 8oc4hox0vSA-00371-00104279-00104588 deep dive into our first underlying 8oc4hox0vSA-00372-00104589-00104854 competency which is analytical thinking 8oc4hox0vSA-00373-00104855-00105165 and problem-solving if you look at it 8oc4hox0vSA-00374-00105166-00105374 analytical thinking and problem-solving 8oc4hox0vSA-00375-00105375-00105647 is further divided into creative 8oc4hox0vSA-00376-00105648-00105872 thinking decision making learning 8oc4hox0vSA-00377-00105873-00106157 problem solving systems thinking 8oc4hox0vSA-00378-00106158-00106358 conceptual thinking and which 8oc4hox0vSA-00379-00106358-00106619 well thinking creative thinking is 8oc4hox0vSA-00380-00106620-00106946 explained using a purpose a definition 8oc4hox0vSA-00381-00106947-00107243 and an effectiveness measures just like 8oc4hox0vSA-00382-00107244-00107438 creative thinking each and every 8oc4hox0vSA-00383-00107439-00107771 underlying competency is described using 8oc4hox0vSA-00384-00107772-00108020 a purpose definition and effectiveness 8oc4hox0vSA-00385-00108021-00108265 measures now that we have a good 8oc4hox0vSA-00386-00108266-00108466 understanding of how underlying 8oc4hox0vSA-00387-00108467-00108691 competencies is explained within the 8oc4hox0vSA-00388-00108692-00108988 babo guide let's talk about techniques 8oc4hox0vSA-00389-00108989-00109373 chapter 10 of the babo guide explains 8oc4hox0vSA-00390-00109374-00109631 the various business analysis techniques 8oc4hox0vSA-00391-00109632-00109978 techniques are methods business analysts 8oc4hox0vSA-00392-00109979-00110290 used to perform business analysis tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00393-00110291-00110584 the techniques described in the babel 8oc4hox0vSA-00394-00110585-00110846 guide are intended to cover the most 8oc4hox0vSA-00395-00110847-00111079 common and widespread techniques 8oc4hox0vSA-00396-00111080-00111332 practiced within the business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00397-00111333-00111733 community business analysts apply their 8oc4hox0vSA-00398-00111734-00112009 experience and judgment in determining 8oc4hox0vSA-00399-00112010-00112288 which techniques are appropriate to a 8oc4hox0vSA-00400-00112289-00112397 given situation 8oc4hox0vSA-00401-00112398-00112765 and how to apply each technique this may 8oc4hox0vSA-00402-00112766-00113018 also include techniques that are not 8oc4hox0vSA-00403-00113019-00113341 described in the babo guide as the 8oc4hox0vSA-00404-00113342-00113573 practice of business analysis evolves 8oc4hox0vSA-00405-00113574-00113902 techniques could be added changed or 8oc4hox0vSA-00406-00113903-00114200 removed from the future iterations of 8oc4hox0vSA-00407-00114201-00114565 the babo guide all the 50 techniques 8oc4hox0vSA-00408-00114566-00114886 explained in the version 3 of the babo 8oc4hox0vSA-00409-00114888-00115189 guide have the following structure it 8oc4hox0vSA-00410-00115190-00115564 has a purpose a description elements and 8oc4hox0vSA-00411-00115565-00115945 usage considerations the purpose section 8oc4hox0vSA-00412-00115946-00116273 describes what the technique is used for 8oc4hox0vSA-00413-00116274-00116560 and the circumstance under which it is 8oc4hox0vSA-00414-00116561-00116843 most likely to be applicable the 8oc4hox0vSA-00415-00116844-00117113 description section describes what the 8oc4hox0vSA-00416-00117114-00117443 technique is and how it is used the 8oc4hox0vSA-00417-00117444-00117733 elements section describes key concepts 8oc4hox0vSA-00418-00117734-00118007 that are needed to understand how to use 8oc4hox0vSA-00419-00118008-00118327 the technique the usage considerations 8oc4hox0vSA-00420-00118328-00118571 section describes the conditions under 8oc4hox0vSA-00421-00118572-00118788 which the technique may be more or less 8oc4hox0vSA-00422-00118789-00119158 effective that was a quick overview on 8oc4hox0vSA-00423-00119159-00119450 how the business analysis techniques are 8oc4hox0vSA-00424-00119451-00119741 explained in the business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00425-00119742-00120047 body of knowledge guide chapter 11 talks 8oc4hox0vSA-00426-00120048-00120382 about the business analysis perspectives 8oc4hox0vSA-00427-00120383-00120644 perspectives are used within business 8oc4hox0vSA-00428-00120645-00121004 analysis work to provide focus to tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00429-00121005-00121274 and techniques specific to the context 8oc4hox0vSA-00430-00121275-00121556 of the initiative most initiatives are 8oc4hox0vSA-00431-00121557-00121817 likely to engage one or more 8oc4hox0vSA-00432-00121818-00122141 perspectives the perspectives included 8oc4hox0vSA-00433-00122142-00122369 in the business analysis body of 8oc4hox0vSA-00434-00122370-00122591 knowledge guide are the agile 8oc4hox0vSA-00435-00122592-00122822 perspective the business intelligence 8oc4hox0vSA-00436-00122823-00123218 perspective the IT perspective the 8oc4hox0vSA-00437-00123219-00123455 business architecture perspective and 8oc4hox0vSA-00438-00123456-00123671 the business process management 8oc4hox0vSA-00439-00123672-00123985 perspective these perspectives do not 8oc4hox0vSA-00440-00123986-00124261 presume to represent all the possible 8oc4hox0vSA-00441-00124263-00124472 perspectives from which business 8oc4hox0vSA-00442-00124473-00124766 analysis is practiced the perspectives 8oc4hox0vSA-00443-00124767-00125045 discussed in the Bible guide represents 8oc4hox0vSA-00444-00125046-00125260 some of the common views of business 8oc4hox0vSA-00445-00125261-00125570 analysis at the time of writing any 8oc4hox0vSA-00446-00125571-00125888 given initiative includes one many or 8oc4hox0vSA-00447-00125889-00126152 all of the above mentioned perspectives 8oc4hox0vSA-00448-00126153-00126473 for example an initiative may have a 8oc4hox0vSA-00449-00126474-00126764 technology component the technology 8oc4hox0vSA-00450-00126765-00127004 component may mean business process 8oc4hox0vSA-00451-00127005-00127391 changes the initiative may decide to do 8oc4hox0vSA-00452-00127392-00127636 part or all of the work with an agile 8oc4hox0vSA-00453-00127638-00127958 approach another initiative may merge 8oc4hox0vSA-00454-00127958-00128233 two organizations and need to look at 8oc4hox0vSA-00455-00128234-00128441 the business capabilities and how the 8oc4hox0vSA-00456-00128442-00128624 transformation impacts those 8oc4hox0vSA-00457-00128625-00128860 capabilities and the business leaders 8oc4hox0vSA-00458-00128861-00129188 need updated information for decision 8oc4hox0vSA-00459-00129189-00129664 making and analysis so large or complex 8oc4hox0vSA-00460-00129665-00129955 initiatives will likely employ all 8oc4hox0vSA-00461-00129956-00130229 perspectives if required while the 8oc4hox0vSA-00462-00130230-00130499 business analysis tasks detailed in the 8oc4hox0vSA-00463-00130500-00130748 babo guide are intended to be applicable 8oc4hox0vSA-00464-00130749-00131048 across all areas of business analysis 8oc4hox0vSA-00465-00131049-00131348 they are also pertinent to each specific 8oc4hox0vSA-00466-00131349-00131623 business analysis perspective 8oc4hox0vSA-00467-00131624-00131867 perspectives provide ways to approach 8oc4hox0vSA-00468-00131868-00132140 business analysis work in a more focused 8oc4hox0vSA-00469-00132141-00132581 manner suitable to the context 8oc4hox0vSA-00470-00132582-00132782 perspectives help interpret and 8oc4hox0vSA-00471-00132783-00133097 understand the knowledge areas and tasks 8oc4hox0vSA-00472-00133098-00133331 in the Bible guide from the lens in 8oc4hox0vSA-00473-00133332-00133664 which one is currently looking each 8oc4hox0vSA-00474-00133665-00133910 perspective follows a common structure 8oc4hox0vSA-00475-00133911-00134342 in the babo guide every perspective is 8oc4hox0vSA-00476-00134343-00134645 explained using a change scope the 8oc4hox0vSA-00477-00134646-00134927 business analysis scope methodologies 8oc4hox0vSA-00478-00134928-00135212 approaches and techniques underlying 8oc4hox0vSA-00479-00135213-00135500 competencies and impact on knowledge 8oc4hox0vSA-00480-00135501-00135803 areas that concludes the overview 8oc4hox0vSA-00481-00135804-00136175 summary and structure of the contents of 8oc4hox0vSA-00482-00136176-00136379 the Babel guide if you have any 8oc4hox0vSA-00483-00136380-00136550 questions please post them in the 8oc4hox0vSA-00484-00136551-00136772 comment section and I will try to answer 8oc4hox0vSA-00485-00136773-00137162 as much as possible in the next video we 8oc4hox0vSA-00486-00137163-00137345 will talk about what is business 8oc4hox0vSA-00487-00137346-00137585 analysis the purpose of business 8oc4hox0vSA-00488-00137586-00137911 analysis and some of the roles and 8oc4hox0vSA-00489-00137912-00138149 responsibilities of a business analyst 8oc4hox0vSA-00490-00138150-00138470 thank you 80q4qnoaTEM-00000-00000006-00000299 hello hello hello welcome back to exotic 80q4qnoaTEM-00001-00000300-00000620 line travel I'm your host Matthew Corky 80q4qnoaTEM-00002-00000621-00000857 coming live from Tbilisi Georgia 80q4qnoaTEM-00003-00000858-00001106 actually we're not live but we are here 80q4qnoaTEM-00004-00001107-00001462 in Tbilisi we are promoting our book 80q4qnoaTEM-00005-00001463-00001657 here on corking the Caucasus wines from 80q4qnoaTEM-00006-00001659-00001871 Turkey Georgia Armenia available on 80q4qnoaTEM-00007-00001872-00001955 Amazon now 80q4qnoaTEM-00008-00001955-00002216 but anyways Georgia is a big component 80q4qnoaTEM-00009-00002217-00002456 of why we wanted to write this book lots 80q4qnoaTEM-00010-00002457-00002642 of indigenous varieties lots of very 80q4qnoaTEM-00011-00002643-00002858 unique wines and I'm just gonna give you 80q4qnoaTEM-00012-00002859-00003155 a sample of some things that you can try 80q4qnoaTEM-00013-00003156-00003392 or you can look for it or expect if you 80q4qnoaTEM-00014-00003393-00003644 come here to the Republic of Georgia all 80q4qnoaTEM-00015-00003645-00003860 in all I think between the first trip we 80q4qnoaTEM-00016-00003861-00004188 are here and this trip now we've sampled 80q4qnoaTEM-00017-00004189-00004604 close to over 350 wines we're gonna have 80q4qnoaTEM-00018-00004605-00004850 some bonus notes available to those who 80q4qnoaTEM-00019-00004851-00005015 purchase the book there's a special link 80q4qnoaTEM-00020-00005016-00005261 involved so you can get that if you so 80q4qnoaTEM-00021-00005262-00005315 choose 80q4qnoaTEM-00022-00005316-00005536 let's talk about some of the wines that 80q4qnoaTEM-00023-00005537-00005738 you can get in some of the weird odd 80q4qnoaTEM-00024-00005739-00005984 sounding grapes that are available here 80q4qnoaTEM-00025-00005985-00006268 in the Republic of Georgia shall we okay 80q4qnoaTEM-00026-00006269-00006523 so first of all we have some more they 80q4qnoaTEM-00027-00006525-00006812 there are international styled wines 80q4qnoaTEM-00028-00006813-00007130 here so for instance we have the marami 80q4qnoaTEM-00029-00007131-00007670 Sinan Dali 2013 Mirani is actually one 80q4qnoaTEM-00030-00007670-00008033 of the bigger companies producers here 80q4qnoaTEM-00031-00008034-00008351 know I don't come to Georgia for 80q4qnoaTEM-00032-00008352-00008573 drinking drinking more conventional 80q4qnoaTEM-00033-00008574-00008759 style wines but I have to admit Sinan 80q4qnoaTEM-00034-00008760-00008930 Dali it's an appellation in Georgia has 80q4qnoaTEM-00035-00008931-00009134 written a great book ox at Le and mutts 80q4qnoaTEM-00036-00009135-00009427 Vani and soon and Dali always tastes 80q4qnoaTEM-00037-00009428-00009953 pretty pleasant I mean it's it's got 80q4qnoaTEM-00038-00009954-00010145 some citrus in it it's got it's a pretty 80q4qnoaTEM-00039-00010146-00010484 mineral it's got nice acidity you get 80q4qnoaTEM-00040-00010485-00010802 your pear maybe just a touch of 80q4qnoaTEM-00041-00010803-00011027 pineapple but really nice acidic name in 80q4qnoaTEM-00042-00011028-00011263 reality then you also have this guy 80q4qnoaTEM-00043-00011264-00011446 right here he's a German that actually 80q4qnoaTEM-00044-00011447-00011653 started a winery here this is his name 80q4qnoaTEM-00045-00011654-00011903 is Schucman he makes conventional wines 80q4qnoaTEM-00046-00011904-00012287 and he also makes quavery wines but he 80q4qnoaTEM-00047-00012288-00012514 also makes a method traditional this is 80q4qnoaTEM-00048-00012515-00012840 the Blanc de Blanc Chardonnay from 2000 80q4qnoaTEM-00049-00012841-00013275 and twelve outstanding value for a Blanc 80q4qnoaTEM-00050-00013276-00013485 de Blanc the bubbles were pretty nice I 80q4qnoaTEM-00051-00013486-00013694 mean where can you get a vintage method 80q4qnoaTEM-00052-00013696-00013913 traditional Blanc de Blanc for do you 80q4qnoaTEM-00053-00013915-00014325 remember what the overall cost was yeah 80q4qnoaTEM-00054-00014326-00014565 something like under 10 US dollars so I 80q4qnoaTEM-00055-00014566-00014760 thought this was tremendous value so 80q4qnoaTEM-00056-00014761-00014925 those are more conventional ones for 80q4qnoaTEM-00057-00014926-00015113 other conventional wines which is pretty 80q4qnoaTEM-00058-00015115-00015309 good this is one of the bigger wineries 80q4qnoaTEM-00059-00015310-00015600 here this is the winery pave above 80q4qnoaTEM-00060-00015601-00015954 premium gold supper IV from 2010 I also 80q4qnoaTEM-00061-00015955-00016254 did a tasting video on this Sephiroth e 80q4qnoaTEM-00062-00016255-00016671 is one of the main red grapes here 80q4qnoaTEM-00063-00016672-00016869 because when Georgia was part of the 80q4qnoaTEM-00064-00016870-00017196 Soviet republic they pulled out most of 80q4qnoaTEM-00065-00017197-00017385 the vines and planted only rakaat 80q4qnoaTEM-00066-00017386-00017679 satelli for white and suffer a V for 80q4qnoaTEM-00067-00017680-00017907 black or red wines and the reason is 80q4qnoaTEM-00068-00017908-00018165 both those wines about those grapes 80q4qnoaTEM-00069-00018166-00018378 could have high acidity even as the 80q4qnoaTEM-00070-00018379-00018627 sugar level of riot rise and they're 80q4qnoaTEM-00071-00018628-00018789 actually pretty abundant they produce a 80q4qnoaTEM-00072-00018790-00018945 lot of fruit and the wines still stay 80q4qnoaTEM-00073-00018946-00019164 good even though the yields are big so 80q4qnoaTEM-00074-00019165-00019326 that's why the Soviets love those grapes 80q4qnoaTEM-00075-00019327-00019509 but let's talk about some of the more 80q4qnoaTEM-00076-00019510-00019940 interesting grapes and the traditional 80q4qnoaTEM-00077-00019941-00020310 quavery wines now in Georgia quavery 80q4qnoaTEM-00078-00020311-00020688 winemaking is a UNESCO UNESCO heritage 80q4qnoaTEM-00079-00020689-00021129 cultural tradition and what it is is in 80q4qnoaTEM-00080-00021130-00021303 Georgia they take these terra cotta 80q4qnoaTEM-00081-00021304-00021576 vessels that are shaped with a little 80q4qnoaTEM-00082-00021577-00021765 point in the bottom they bury them in 80q4qnoaTEM-00083-00021766-00022044 the ground they put the grapes the skin 80q4qnoaTEM-00084-00022045-00022272 sometimes the stems in them they seal 80q4qnoaTEM-00085-00022273-00022563 them fermentation aging takes place in 80q4qnoaTEM-00086-00022564-00022749 the quavery buried underground the 80q4qnoaTEM-00087-00022750-00022994 ground keeps a nice constant temperature 80q4qnoaTEM-00088-00022995-00023286 it's kind of how wine was made thousands 80q4qnoaTEM-00089-00023287-00023460 and thousands and thousands of years ago 80q4qnoaTEM-00090-00023461-00023856 and actually you have this opinion or we 80q4qnoaTEM-00091-00023857-00024063 had the opinion that the wines are going 80q4qnoaTEM-00092-00024064-00024246 to take a real taste real rustic and 80q4qnoaTEM-00093-00024247-00024483 unclean but we found a lot of examples 80q4qnoaTEM-00094-00024484-00024594 as the ones I'm going to show you here 80q4qnoaTEM-00095-00024595-00024768 that we're quite clean and quite 80q4qnoaTEM-00096-00024769-00025140 delicious so let's get started here this 80q4qnoaTEM-00097-00025141-00025455 is the first one this is a see if I 80q4qnoaTEM-00098-00025456-00025703 pronounced him Nicola I'm Todd's a he's 80q4qnoaTEM-00099-00025704-00025887 a pretty famous wine mayor this is no 80q4qnoaTEM-00100-00025888-00026059 rakaats at Le 80q4qnoaTEM-00101-00026060-00026617 and 15 we had this at a nice restaurant 80q4qnoaTEM-00102-00026618-00026830 here in Georgia called culinary um this 80q4qnoaTEM-00103-00026831-00027058 was only max rated for two or three days 80q4qnoaTEM-00104-00027059-00027311 with the skins on the juice so it's not 80q4qnoaTEM-00105-00027312-00027487 real tannic and strong like some of the 80q4qnoaTEM-00106-00027488-00027802 other amber wines a really nice wine we 80q4qnoaTEM-00107-00027803-00028004 have another producer here that is 80q4qnoaTEM-00108-00028005-00028477 actually quite famous shell TSU tavini 80q4qnoaTEM-00109-00028478-00029255 this is the mutts Vani from 2015 this is 80q4qnoaTEM-00110-00029256-00029521 also a quavery wine now he also makes 80q4qnoaTEM-00111-00029522-00029980 what we really enjoy a sapper AVI from 80q4qnoaTEM-00112-00029981-00030518 2013 and funny story about this producer 80q4qnoaTEM-00113-00030519-00030914 one of our contacts here we actually 80q4qnoaTEM-00114-00030914-00031061 went and talked to him and he 80q4qnoaTEM-00115-00031062-00031214 recommended this winery for us and he 80q4qnoaTEM-00116-00031214-00031390 said I don't know what the guys putting 80q4qnoaTEM-00117-00031391-00031508 in his behinds all right know how he's 80q4qnoaTEM-00118-00031508-00031649 making what the wines are phenomenal 80q4qnoaTEM-00119-00031650-00031892 these wines are very clean I'll go very 80q4qnoaTEM-00120-00031893-00032060 well international pals for all of them 80q4qnoaTEM-00121-00032061-00032429 this supper IV actually had a Bordeaux 80q4qnoaTEM-00122-00032430-00032699 esque nose didn't you think serene and a 80q4qnoaTEM-00123-00032700-00032914 beautiful nose is what you mentioned as 80q4qnoaTEM-00124-00032915-00033151 well what otherwise do we have here we 80q4qnoaTEM-00125-00033152-00033485 have one assurance favorite grapes this 80q4qnoaTEM-00126-00033486-00034026 is January 2015 bite Gafsa family wines 80q4qnoaTEM-00127-00034027-00034420 this wine is exported we went to visit 80q4qnoaTEM-00128-00034421-00034936 him a week ago his January 2015 was just 80q4qnoaTEM-00129-00034937-00035168 excellent a complete wine 80q4qnoaTEM-00130-00035169-00035482 amber wines have texture amber wines can 80q4qnoaTEM-00131-00035483-00035752 have tannins too because they max rate 80q4qnoaTEM-00132-00035753-00035971 the skin macerate the skins with the 80q4qnoaTEM-00133-00035972-00036202 juice but this wasn't super tannic nice 80q4qnoaTEM-00134-00036203-00036370 and easy drinking went excellent with 80q4qnoaTEM-00135-00036371-00036620 food this went down really quick this 80q4qnoaTEM-00136-00036621-00036779 was originally one of our favorite 80q4qnoaTEM-00137-00036780-00036990 cherries this is the pheasant steers 80q4qnoaTEM-00138-00036991-00037465 2013 Chinnery pheasant steers is one of 80q4qnoaTEM-00139-00037466-00037774 the most famous wineries here john 80q4qnoaTEM-00140-00037775-00038039 boardman nice guy he's really a warrior 80q4qnoaTEM-00141-00038040-00038365 for Georgian wines uh some other 80q4qnoaTEM-00142-00038366-00038549 interesting stuff that we have going on 80q4qnoaTEM-00143-00038550-00038833 here here's a red grape by 80q4qnoaTEM-00144-00038834-00039232 dasa bombing this is the table query mm 80q4qnoaTEM-00145-00039233-00039282 and 80q4qnoaTEM-00146-00039283-00039591 fifteen now this grape is pretty rare 80q4qnoaTEM-00147-00039592-00039783 it's from West Georgia actually and 80q4qnoaTEM-00148-00039784-00040107 Toffler usually we only see it in rosy 80q4qnoaTEM-00149-00040108-00040569 wines but this wine was was was pretty 80q4qnoaTEM-00150-00040570-00040770 darn nice sorry maybe get it I saw it a 80q4qnoaTEM-00151-00040771-00041049 little bit about a quavery like a 80q4qnoaTEM-00152-00041050-00041256 natural wine taste all these are natural 80q4qnoaTEM-00153-00041257-00041427 except these conventional wines I showed 80q4qnoaTEM-00154-00041428-00041715 but really nice unique grape unique 80q4qnoaTEM-00155-00041716-00041991 expression of this grape and then 80q4qnoaTEM-00156-00041992-00042198 finally the other recommendation that we 80q4qnoaTEM-00157-00042199-00042519 have here for you this is the court of 80q4qnoaTEM-00158-00042520-00042954 Abbas Milani sapper IV from 2014 this 80q4qnoaTEM-00159-00042955-00043319 was excellent once we decanted this I 80q4qnoaTEM-00160-00043320-00043548 think you found did you say this spent 80q4qnoaTEM-00161-00043549-00044091 some time in oak tree yeah we didn't 80q4qnoaTEM-00162-00044092-00044319 visit him but we looked up the we looked 80q4qnoaTEM-00163-00044320-00044586 up his website his wines are good but I 80q4qnoaTEM-00164-00044587-00044940 think so he he macerates he ferments in 80q4qnoaTEM-00165-00044941-00045183 quavery and then the ages of in quavery 80q4qnoaTEM-00166-00045184-00045432 but then sometimes he also ages in about 80q4qnoaTEM-00167-00045433-00045648 eats for a little bit so I don't know 80q4qnoaTEM-00168-00045649-00045822 but this one was also really nice as 80q4qnoaTEM-00169-00045823-00046005 well I mean this is what's available 80q4qnoaTEM-00170-00046006-00046320 here in Georgia some really interesting 80q4qnoaTEM-00171-00046321-00046677 wines quavery wines amber wines are 80q4qnoaTEM-00172-00046678-00046932 worth seeking out when they're well made 80q4qnoaTEM-00173-00046933-00047100 they're going to give you textures and 80q4qnoaTEM-00174-00047101-00047379 flavors that you really haven't really 80q4qnoaTEM-00175-00047380-00047661 experienced before and Sheree and I said 80q4qnoaTEM-00176-00047662-00047871 it over and over again I think that 80q4qnoaTEM-00177-00047872-00048324 amber wines are the most food friendly 80q4qnoaTEM-00178-00048325-00048567 wines in terms of versatility 80q4qnoaTEM-00179-00048568-00048843 besides champagne clay three wines Amber 80q4qnoaTEM-00180-00048844-00049029 wines taste excellent with salads and 80q4qnoaTEM-00181-00049030-00049226 they can go all the way through the meal 80q4qnoaTEM-00182-00049227-00049482 we actually had a couple point for your 80q4qnoaTEM-00183-00049483-00049758 wines amber wines with Asian food with 80q4qnoaTEM-00184-00049759-00050058 spicy food with soup with salad and they 80q4qnoaTEM-00185-00050059-00050427 all did excellent so that's something to 80q4qnoaTEM-00186-00050428-00050607 check out we're gonna have lots of 80q4qnoaTEM-00187-00050608-00050778 recommendations in our book and our note 80q4qnoaTEM-00188-00050779-00050955 and our website about different Georgian 80q4qnoaTEM-00189-00050956-00051117 wines you can try Georgians wines are 80q4qnoaTEM-00190-00051118-00051351 really hot right now they're imported or 80q4qnoaTEM-00191-00051352-00051617 their exported all over the world New 80q4qnoaTEM-00192-00051619-00051828 York City has a cup of wine bars debt in 80q4qnoaTEM-00193-00051829-00051980 Washington DC Dedic 80q4qnoaTEM-00194-00051982-00052251 - Georgia wines Japan loves them 80q4qnoaTEM-00195-00052252-00052497 Australia loves them as well so anything 80q4qnoaTEM-00196-00052498-00052644 you asked one that you want to add to 80q4qnoaTEM-00197-00052645-00052983 this okay great so come check it out if 80q4qnoaTEM-00198-00052984-00053295 you like this video please subscribe to 80q4qnoaTEM-00199-00053296-00053492 our YouTube channel exotic wine travel 80q4qnoaTEM-00200-00053494-00053942 and I will see you at the next episode 81PubtVMTAY-00000-00000029-00001002 inshallah 81PubtVMTAY-00002-00006262-00008976 [Music] 81PubtVMTAY-00003-00008977-00009091 [Music] 81PubtVMTAY-00004-00009092-00009245 got my drink 81PubtVMTAY-00006-00012384-00013953 foreign 81PubtVMTAY-00010-00029641-00029890 [Applause] 81PubtVMTAY-00011-00029891-00030355 all right 81PubtVMTAY-00012-00030356-00031001 [Applause] 81PubtVMTAY-00013-00031002-00031102 everybody 81PubtVMTAY-00014-00031102-00031889 [Applause] 82tQ6vBxUok-00000-00000062-00002292 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00001-00002293-00003538 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00002-00003539-00003797 that was a bit of a rocky night wasn't 82tQ6vBxUok-00003-00003797-00003995 it well there's no time to dwell on what 82tQ6vBxUok-00004-00003996-00004195 could have been this is I FTB and I'm 82tQ6vBxUok-00005-00004196-00004484 Kim Engels and it's day 4 at the nwg 82tQ6vBxUok-00006-00004485-00004706 Innovation Festival now yesterday our 82tQ6vBxUok-00007-00004707-00004988 teams made some big decisions today it 82tQ6vBxUok-00008-00004989-00005291 is definitely work work work ready for 82tQ6vBxUok-00009-00005292-00005506 their presentations tomorrow let's hope 82tQ6vBxUok-00010-00005507-00005652 they're not all let's see 82tQ6vBxUok-00011-00005653-00005977 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00012-00005978-00006447 I think it's a fantastic event I've been 82tQ6vBxUok-00013-00006448-00006585 really really impressed with the level 82tQ6vBxUok-00014-00006586-00006958 of energy the dynamism the ideas and 82tQ6vBxUok-00015-00006959-00007162 actually just how much has been done in 82tQ6vBxUok-00016-00007163-00007299 a really short space of time I've been 82tQ6vBxUok-00017-00007300-00007473 able to see the apps that people have 82tQ6vBxUok-00018-00007475-00007806 been developing their concepts new ideas 82tQ6vBxUok-00019-00007808-00008034 of how we can encourage customers to use 82tQ6vBxUok-00020-00008036-00008218 water more wisely a lot of thinking 82tQ6vBxUok-00021-00008219-00008428 about how we get people to reduce their 82tQ6vBxUok-00022-00008429-00008593 use of plastics not just think about how 82tQ6vBxUok-00023-00008594-00008809 we reuse and recycle it has been really 82tQ6vBxUok-00024-00008810-00008983 good together get a taste of what's been 82tQ6vBxUok-00025-00008984-00009174 going on I think waste is something that 82tQ6vBxUok-00026-00009175-00009454 we we don't necessarily think about I've 82tQ6vBxUok-00027-00009455-00009627 been in some of the sprints where 82tQ6vBxUok-00028-00009628-00009769 they've been talking about different 82tQ6vBxUok-00029-00009770-00010033 products and apps things like that that 82tQ6vBxUok-00030-00010034-00010276 they can roll out to consumers for them 82tQ6vBxUok-00031-00010277-00010459 to start thinking about how they use the 82tQ6vBxUok-00032-00010460-00010684 product and also the cost-saving 82tQ6vBxUok-00033-00010685-00010839 benefits of that as well 82tQ6vBxUok-00034-00010840-00011039 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00035-00011040-00011293 now we're backstage because we've got 82tQ6vBxUok-00036-00011294-00011460 some breaking news apparently for the 82tQ6vBxUok-00037-00011461-00011677 first time in festival history two 82tQ6vBxUok-00038-00011678-00012027 sprints have merged hi Lauren can I just 82tQ6vBxUok-00039-00012028-00012277 interrupt a second Angela we've heard 82tQ6vBxUok-00040-00012278-00012442 that two of the Sprint's have merged can 82tQ6vBxUok-00041-00012443-00012628 you explain what's happened yep so very 82tQ6vBxUok-00042-00012629-00012699 excitingly 82tQ6vBxUok-00043-00012700-00012894 through our teams having a look at 82tQ6vBxUok-00044-00012895-00013041 what's going on in other tent we 82tQ6vBxUok-00045-00013042-00013396 identify their project team in the IBM 82tQ6vBxUok-00046-00013397-00013690 tent and a team working in the fans for 82tQ6vBxUok-00047-00013691-00013852 life tent are working on something 82tQ6vBxUok-00048-00013853-00014022 that's so similar they actually it would 82tQ6vBxUok-00049-00014023-00014181 have been a crime not to talk to each 82tQ6vBxUok-00050-00014182-00014322 other so what we've done is we've 82tQ6vBxUok-00051-00014323-00014512 created a festival first and we've 82tQ6vBxUok-00052-00014513-00014656 actually merged the two teams together 82tQ6vBxUok-00053-00014657-00014925 to work on what they're doing but also 82tQ6vBxUok-00054-00014926-00015103 to see where the similarities are to see 82tQ6vBxUok-00055-00015104-00015250 if we can come out with one product 82tQ6vBxUok-00056-00015251-00015446 rather than two zippers compromise 82tQ6vBxUok-00057-00015447-00015552 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00058-00015553-00015676 [Applause] 82tQ6vBxUok-00059-00015677-00016019 what idea did you have that's similar to 82tQ6vBxUok-00060-00016019-00016280 their idea so we've been looking at how 82tQ6vBxUok-00061-00016281-00016463 best to engage with customers and 82tQ6vBxUok-00062-00016464-00016622 working out that we've got different 82tQ6vBxUok-00063-00016623-00016793 types of customers who will engage for 82tQ6vBxUok-00064-00016794-00017003 different reasons so we were looking at 82tQ6vBxUok-00065-00017004-00017213 schemes that woods and reward in 82tQ6vBxUok-00066-00017214-00017447 different ways how did you find out that 82tQ6vBxUok-00067-00017448-00017615 you were both working on the same thing 82tQ6vBxUok-00068-00017616-00017774 so that was a five minute conversation 82tQ6vBxUok-00069-00017775-00018044 in breakfast cue her over coffee and 82tQ6vBxUok-00070-00018045-00018230 cinnamon 12:00 and just found out that 82tQ6vBxUok-00071-00018231-00018416 we were doing a lot of similar things so 82tQ6vBxUok-00072-00018417-00018659 I just hear festival first that will 82tQ6vBxUok-00073-00018660-00019214 come together so this is the starter 82tQ6vBxUok-00074-00019215-00019391 water company from scratch sprint so 82tQ6vBxUok-00075-00019392-00019535 we're gonna speak to the lead Alistar 82tQ6vBxUok-00076-00019536-00019835 Alistar hello now then we've just been 82tQ6vBxUok-00077-00019836-00020054 speaking to Steve Michele about the 82tQ6vBxUok-00078-00020055-00020282 collaboration that's going on how does 82tQ6vBxUok-00079-00020283-00020512 it feel to have lost part of your team I 82tQ6vBxUok-00080-00020513-00020717 think it's fantastic actually I think 82tQ6vBxUok-00081-00020718-00020903 it's great they're kind of two people or 82tQ6vBxUok-00082-00020904-00021122 two teams have come together working on 82tQ6vBxUok-00083-00021123-00021290 the same idea because obviously last 82tQ6vBxUok-00084-00021291-00021467 year what we had was different ideas 82tQ6vBxUok-00085-00021468-00021581 being presented at the end up with 82tQ6vBxUok-00086-00021582-00021698 similar and what would come this time is 82tQ6vBxUok-00087-00021699-00021833 identify and we're just coming together 82tQ6vBxUok-00088-00021834-00022007 and I mean I don't know how that's gonna 82tQ6vBxUok-00089-00022008-00022190 work tomorrow in terms of pitching but 82tQ6vBxUok-00090-00022191-00022388 my word will work about we've been 82tQ6vBxUok-00091-00022389-00022643 looking at really how we can create the 82tQ6vBxUok-00092-00022644-00022766 future water companies you know that's 82tQ6vBxUok-00093-00022767-00022901 what I was printed about and this is 82tQ6vBxUok-00094-00022902-00023129 taking it to the most extreme so this is 82tQ6vBxUok-00095-00023130-00023309 kind of saying if uber came in did walk 82tQ6vBxUok-00096-00023310-00023498 calmly and completely disruptive the 82tQ6vBxUok-00097-00023499-00023753 model like it will gather all the water 82tQ6vBxUok-00098-00023754-00023960 that fell we would actually recycle it 82tQ6vBxUok-00099-00023961-00024107 in the house would be really low water 82tQ6vBxUok-00100-00024108-00024260 consumption in the house we would 82tQ6vBxUok-00101-00024261-00024479 actually be heating the water without 82tQ6vBxUok-00102-00024480-00024758 actually in solar panels solar tubes on 82tQ6vBxUok-00103-00024759-00024911 the roof so completely decentralized 82tQ6vBxUok-00104-00024912-00025273 very self-sufficient is that realistic 82tQ6vBxUok-00105-00025274-00025490 anything's realistic anything's possible 82tQ6vBxUok-00106-00025491-00025684 anything's possible so four years from 82tQ6vBxUok-00107-00025685-00025708 now 82tQ6vBxUok-00108-00025710-00026117 England World Cup winners I wish would 82tQ6vBxUok-00109-00026118-00026270 have got there last night glad you 82tQ6vBxUok-00110-00026270-00026516 didn't cry when I asked you I liked it 82tQ6vBxUok-00111-00026517-00026892 last night I have to become its 82tQ6vBxUok-00112-00026893-00027172 then you are the festival illustrator 82tQ6vBxUok-00113-00027173-00027367 we've seen some great examples of your 82tQ6vBxUok-00114-00027368-00027547 work and what's it been like you go 82tQ6vBxUok-00115-00027548-00027697 around listening to all the sprint it's 82tQ6vBxUok-00116-00027698-00027910 been very very interesting feel like 82tQ6vBxUok-00117-00027911-00028030 I've learned loads about air all the 82tQ6vBxUok-00118-00028031-00028267 different sprint subjects and I'm just 82tQ6vBxUok-00119-00028268-00028402 floating around trying to capture as 82tQ6vBxUok-00120-00028402-00028585 much as I can it's such an amazing 82tQ6vBxUok-00121-00028586-00028792 talent but you've got a challenge for us 82tQ6vBxUok-00122-00028793-00028966 apparently yeah we're gonna draw each 82tQ6vBxUok-00123-00028967-00029119 other but we're not allowed to look at 82tQ6vBxUok-00124-00029120-00029308 the paper maze I'll just give me the 82tQ6vBxUok-00125-00029308-00029542 table to draw so I'm drawing you without 82tQ6vBxUok-00126-00029543-00029719 looking at how long if we go we've got 82tQ6vBxUok-00127-00029720-00029966 30 seconds 82tQ6vBxUok-00128-00029967-00031285 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00129-00031286-00031561 this sprint is vision of the future and 82tQ6vBxUok-00130-00031562-00031748 they've been exploring ideas about 82tQ6vBxUok-00131-00031749-00031976 visual impairments so Linda you've 82tQ6vBxUok-00132-00031977-00032215 brought your guide dogs Zoe along tell 82tQ6vBxUok-00133-00032216-00032426 us a little bit about Zoe and the 82tQ6vBxUok-00134-00032427-00032555 relationship you have 82tQ6vBxUok-00135-00032556-00032876 well Zoe's my guide dog she's nine years 82tQ6vBxUok-00136-00032877-00033224 old and basically she is my eyes they're 82tQ6vBxUok-00137-00033225-00033433 all coming up with some amazing ideas I 82tQ6vBxUok-00138-00033434-00033620 haven't heard all of them yet but I've 82tQ6vBxUok-00139-00033621-00033854 been able to give them thoughts and 82tQ6vBxUok-00140-00033855-00034090 ideas from my side of the fence as it 82tQ6vBxUok-00141-00034091-00034274 were as a vision impaired person but 82tQ6vBxUok-00142-00034275-00034520 also as well because I do work with lots 82tQ6vBxUok-00143-00034521-00034673 of visually impaired people of different 82tQ6vBxUok-00144-00034674-00034924 ages people who were at different stages 82tQ6vBxUok-00145-00034925-00035126 of their sight loss journey as well and 82tQ6vBxUok-00146-00035127-00035432 I can give feedback as to what sort of 82tQ6vBxUok-00147-00035433-00035717 things might work for everybody because 82tQ6vBxUok-00148-00035718-00035882 at the end of the day when we're looking 82tQ6vBxUok-00149-00035883-00036080 for solutions it's about looking for 82tQ6vBxUok-00150-00036081-00036351 solutions that works for everyone 82tQ6vBxUok-00151-00036352-00036833 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00152-00036834-00036851 [Applause] 82tQ6vBxUok-00154-00040124-00040368 [Music] 82tQ6vBxUok-00155-00040369-00041375 [Applause] 82tQ6vBxUok-00156-00041376-00041631 I've already been on a boat today 82tQ6vBxUok-00157-00041632-00042072 and now I've spotted a car hello this 82tQ6vBxUok-00158-00042073-00042225 looks fun what are you doing in here 82tQ6vBxUok-00159-00042226-00042387 this minute I came 82tQ6vBxUok-00160-00042388-00042690 it's a hydrogen fuel cell car hydrogen 82tQ6vBxUok-00161-00042691-00043304 let's hear it then what that's so spooky 82tQ6vBxUok-00162-00043305-00043711 what about the engine 82tQ6vBxUok-00163-00043712-00043894 but it's not doing anything that's 82tQ6vBxUok-00164-00043895-00044224 incredible no no absolutely transported 82tQ6vBxUok-00165-00044225-00044395 the future so getting ready for your 82tQ6vBxUok-00166-00044396-00044579 pitch tomorrow and quite excited then we 82tQ6vBxUok-00167-00044580-00044791 are yeah it's moving which is really 82tQ6vBxUok-00168-00044792-00044917 nice it was a lot of talking yesterday 82tQ6vBxUok-00169-00044918-00045085 but they're actually they've got 82tQ6vBxUok-00170-00045086-00045262 stickers out and they're doing dots and 82tQ6vBxUok-00171-00045263-00045517 their own dots yeah we saw some of that 82tQ6vBxUok-00172-00045518-00045796 the thing I like about this car being a 82tQ6vBxUok-00173-00045797-00045958 water and sewerage company this one has 82tQ6vBxUok-00174-00045959-00046285 a week the car has a way it has to get 82tQ6vBxUok-00175-00046286-00046501 rid of its water so it has a little way 82tQ6vBxUok-00176-00046502-00046888 when it needs to the car has a way I've 82tQ6vBxUok-00177-00046889-00047395 heard it all I'm off excuse me where can 82tQ6vBxUok-00178-00047396-00047608 we find Clive today oh it's far too busy 82tQ6vBxUok-00179-00047609-00047748 tomorrow 82tQ6vBxUok-00180-00047749-00047965 right you're gonna have to do it then we 82tQ6vBxUok-00181-00047966-00048133 want to know where you are day four 82tQ6vBxUok-00182-00048134-00048304 ready for tomorrow so we started off 82tQ6vBxUok-00183-00048305-00048517 with the whole notion is about trying to 82tQ6vBxUok-00184-00048518-00048773 figure out how we can share from a asset 82tQ6vBxUok-00185-00048774-00048923 management perspective an underground 82tQ6vBxUok-00186-00048924-00049174 physically where stuff is I'm gonna try 82tQ6vBxUok-00187-00049175-00049460 and make this as beautiful sell possibly 82tQ6vBxUok-00188-00049461-00049606 can so imagine you've got different data 82tQ6vBxUok-00189-00049607-00049795 buckets so what we're looking for is 82tQ6vBxUok-00190-00049796-00050123 data source one two three all of these 82tQ6vBxUok-00191-00050124-00050273 bits of information need to be going 82tQ6vBxUok-00192-00050274-00050467 into some kind of central database holes 82tQ6vBxUok-00193-00050468-00050617 warehouse that we can actually use to 82tQ6vBxUok-00194-00050618-00050896 cleanse manage maintain and then feed 82tQ6vBxUok-00195-00050897-00051301 that out into this beautiful baby beauty 82tQ6vBxUok-00196-00051302-00051466 it's in the aisle of a hole there isn't 82tQ6vBxUok-00197-00051467-00051583 it 82tQ6vBxUok-00198-00051584-00051844 so in terms of your pitch for tomorrow 82tQ6vBxUok-00199-00051845-00052080 where are you what you what your main 82tQ6vBxUok-00200-00052082-00052317 idea is what's your favorite the main 82tQ6vBxUok-00201-00052319-00052489 ideas that are coming through around 82tQ6vBxUok-00202-00052490-00052714 apps and how we actually get people so 82tQ6vBxUok-00203-00052715-00052936 we're looking at a family and young 82tQ6vBxUok-00204-00052937-00053158 people's app for primary school children 82tQ6vBxUok-00205-00053159-00053476 and also a teenagers 2:30 up how we can 82tQ6vBxUok-00206-00053477-00053641 what the differences are do we need 82tQ6vBxUok-00207-00053641-00053794 different after how we move it forward 82tQ6vBxUok-00208-00053795-00054082 from there and leaky lose because of the 82tQ6vBxUok-00209-00054083-00054226 amount of money that is actually being 82tQ6vBxUok-00210-00054227-00054382 flushed away on a daily basis without 82tQ6vBxUok-00211-00054383-00054637 customers even knowing so excited about 82tQ6vBxUok-00212-00054638-00055401 tomorrow yes definitely hi come and join 82tQ6vBxUok-00213-00055402-00055817 you onboard 82tQ6vBxUok-00214-00055819-00056095 she is absolutely magnificent and we 82tQ6vBxUok-00215-00056096-00056314 have featured her in the program so we 82tQ6vBxUok-00216-00056315-00056407 thought we'd better come and talk to you 82tQ6vBxUok-00217-00056408-00056545 about how does she fit in with the 82tQ6vBxUok-00218-00056546-00056742 innovation here at the festival well 82tQ6vBxUok-00219-00056744-00056860 what we're doing is varying across the 82tQ6vBxUok-00220-00056861-00056962 Atlantic and we're incorporating 82tQ6vBxUok-00221-00056963-00057190 northeast innovation on the boat so 82tQ6vBxUok-00222-00057191-00057313 we're going to Northeast companies 82tQ6vBxUok-00223-00057314-00057445 seeing what products they've got what 82tQ6vBxUok-00224-00057446-00057576 interested products they've got and 82tQ6vBxUok-00225-00057577-00057754 getting them to be incorporated in some 82tQ6vBxUok-00226-00057754-00057973 way in the project 45 days across the 82tQ6vBxUok-00227-00057974-00058171 Atlantic so how many of you on here and 82tQ6vBxUok-00228-00058172-00058264 how long is that gonna take 82tQ6vBxUok-00229-00058265-00058557 there's four of us rowing two hours on 82tQ6vBxUok-00230-00058558-00058782 two hours off and we think around 45 82tQ6vBxUok-00231-00058783-00058957 days will be about the time that take 82tQ6vBxUok-00232-00058958-00059130 the boat goes away in sort of late 82tQ6vBxUok-00233-00059132-00059398 October and then we join the boat in the 82tQ6vBxUok-00234-00059399-00059592 Canary Islands for the race in the 12th 82tQ6vBxUok-00235-00059594-00059839 December we wish you the very best of 82tQ6vBxUok-00236-00059840-00059977 luck thank you very much for talking to 82tQ6vBxUok-00237-00059978-00060139 us we're gonna sail off into the sunset 82tQ6vBxUok-00238-00060140-00060342 but don't worry I will be back for our 82tQ6vBxUok-00239-00060344-00060610 final program on IFT be tomorrow see you 82tQ6vBxUok-00240-00060611-00060826 then 82FXy0run30-00000-00000030-00001028 [Music] 82FXy0run30-00001-00001029-00001543 [Applause] 82FXy0run30-00002-00001544-00002023 hello and welcome to the NPTEL course an 82FXy0run30-00003-00002025-00002240 introduction to programming through C++ 82FXy0run30-00004-00002241-00002534 I'm a pyramid on a day and this lecture 82FXy0run30-00005-00002535-00002910 is about arrays the reading for this is 82FXy0run30-00006-00002911-00003586 chapter 14 so in the last lecture as 82FXy0run30-00007-00003588-00003908 well we talked about arrays and so far 82FXy0run30-00008-00003909-00004199 we have said that you can define an 82FXy0run30-00009-00004200-00004384 array by writing something like this 82FXy0run30-00010-00004385-00004654 give that name we give the type of the 82FXy0run30-00011-00004655-00004892 array then give the name and give a size 82FXy0run30-00012-00004893-00005291 and this creates so many variables each 82FXy0run30-00013-00005292-00005534 of type LM type that you have mentioned 82FXy0run30-00014-00005535-00005975 in the definition and a name is the name 82FXy0run30-00015-00005976-00006290 of the array and informally a name 82FXy0run30-00016-00006291-00006464 denotes the entire collection of 82FXy0run30-00017-00006465-00006788 variables in M 0 through a name size 82FXy0run30-00018-00006789-00007331 minus 1 now in this lecture lecture 82FXy0run30-00019-00007331-00007709 sequence we are going to look at how the 82FXy0run30-00020-00007709-00008117 computer or how C++ views arrays ok what 82FXy0run30-00021-00008118-00008410 exactly happens when we do Airy 82FXy0run30-00022-00008411-00008798 operations ok so for example where are 82FXy0run30-00023-00008799-00009128 the elements stored in memory how does a 82FXy0run30-00024-00009129-00009551 computer index into an array and what 82FXy0run30-00025-00009552-00009842 happens if you give an index out of 82FXy0run30-00026-00009843-00010171 range then we are going to talk about 82FXy0run30-00027-00010172-00010628 how function calls can be made on arrays 82FXy0run30-00028-00010629-00010963 ok and we will talk about a function for 82FXy0run30-00029-00010964-00011495 sorting an array my sort I mean 82FXy0run30-00030-00011496-00011687 rearrange the elements so that they are 82FXy0run30-00031-00011688-00011917 in non decreasing or non increasing 82FXy0run30-00032-00011918-00012214 order the order that we are going to use 82FXy0run30-00033-00012215-00012531 is going to be non decreasing 82FXy0run30-00034-00012532-00012901 okay so what is the computers view of an 82FXy0run30-00035-00012902-00013180 array definition so let's say we have 82FXy0run30-00036-00013181-00013585 this array Q with integer elements and 82FXy0run30-00037-00013586-00013843 for integer elements and these being the 82FXy0run30-00038-00013844-00014272 initial values so in what I am going to 82FXy0run30-00039-00014272-00014472 discuss next I am going to make the 82FXy0run30-00040-00014473-00014872 assumption that a single int uses one 82FXy0run30-00041-00014872-00015337 four byte world so if I want to store 82FXy0run30-00042-00015338-00015663 this entire array I need four four byte 82FXy0run30-00043-00015665-00015819 words okay 82FXy0run30-00044-00015819-00016063 or four and and they have to be 82FXy0run30-00045-00016063-00016305 consecutive and so four consecutive 82FXy0run30-00046-00016306-00016549 words of memory are allotted to this 82FXy0run30-00047-00016550-00017113 array Q and in that allocated memory we 82FXy0run30-00048-00017114-00017328 are going to store the variables Q 0 Q 1 82FXy0run30-00049-00017329-00017935 Q 2 Q 3 in order and also when this 82FXy0run30-00050-00017936-00018115 statement executes the initial values 82FXy0run30-00051-00018116-00018347 will be stored in the allocated regions 82FXy0run30-00052-00018348-00018718 so here is a possible outcome so I've 82FXy0run30-00053-00018719-00019347 shown here the address so 1 0 4 @ 82FXy0run30-00054-00019348-00019843 address 1:04 I'm going to star storing 82FXy0run30-00055-00019844-00020484 q0 q0 uses four words so 1 0 4 so byte 1 82FXy0run30-00056-00020485-00020947 0 0 4 byte 1 0 0 5 byte 1 0 0 6 byte 1 0 82FXy0run30-00057-00020948-00021424 0 7 is going to be used for q0 and in 82FXy0run30-00058-00021425-00021600 that we are going to store the content 82FXy0run30-00059-00021601-00021930 11 okay so the data stored in these 82FXy0run30-00060-00021931-00022258 bytes 1 0 0 4 through 1 0 0 7 is going 82FXy0run30-00061-00022259-00022575 to be 11 because we said that q0 should 82FXy0run30-00062-00022576-00022930 contain the Randi 11 okay then 82FXy0run30-00063-00022931-00023278 q1 will be stored likewise in bytes 1 0 82FXy0run30-00064-00023279-00023784 0 8 9 10 and 11 and these 4 bytes will 82FXy0run30-00065-00023785-00024241 contain the binary equivalent of 12 then 82FXy0run30-00066-00024242-00024703 similarly 12 13 14 15 the addresses the 82FXy0run30-00067-00024704-00024946 corresponding bytes will be used for 82FXy0run30-00068-00024947-00025350 storing q2 and 16 17 18 19 will be used 82FXy0run30-00069-00025351-00025636 for storing q3 and again they will also 82FXy0run30-00070-00025637-00025724 be initialized 82FXy0run30-00071-00025725-00026005 with the appropriate bitstrings 82FXy0run30-00072-00026006-00026444 representing in binary or actually in 82FXy0run30-00073-00026445-00026714 binary two's complement the numbers 13 82FXy0run30-00074-00026714-00027392 and 14 okay now this is fine this is 82FXy0run30-00075-00027393-00027632 what this is this is these are details 82FXy0run30-00076-00027633-00027893 but now let's come to how does a 82FXy0run30-00077-00027894-00028202 computer how or how does c++ think about 82FXy0run30-00078-00028202-00028489 the array name so how does c++ think 82FXy0run30-00079-00028491-00029057 about Q so the array name is thought of 82FXy0run30-00080-00029058-00029452 as not as the collection of all these 82FXy0run30-00081-00029454-00029813 variables but simply the starting point 82FXy0run30-00082-00029814-00030260 of this region okay so this region is 82FXy0run30-00083-00030261-00030427 allocated so what is the region that is 82FXy0run30-00084-00030429-00030664 given to us for storing the array Q it 82FXy0run30-00085-00030666-00031094 starts at 1 0 0 4 and the last byte for 82FXy0run30-00086-00031095-00031540 this is 16 17 18 19 so 1 0 1 9 so this 82FXy0run30-00087-00031541-00031965 area from 1 0 0 4 through 1 0 1 9 is 82FXy0run30-00088-00031966-00032357 what is given to this array Q so the 82FXy0run30-00089-00032358-00032849 array may C++ has decided is going to be 82FXy0run30-00090-00032850-00033115 is going to mean or is going to have the 82FXy0run30-00091-00033116-00033458 value rather equal to the address of the 82FXy0run30-00092-00033459-00033923 allocated region so in our example or it 82FXy0run30-00093-00033924-00034043 is also the address of the zeroth 82FXy0run30-00094-00034044-00034439 element and in our example Q will then 82FXy0run30-00095-00034440-00035126 mean 1 0 0 4 okay so this is natural in 82FXy0run30-00096-00035127-00035384 a way and not natural in a way because 82FXy0run30-00097-00035385-00035645 it's it's so so what would be sort of 82FXy0run30-00098-00035646-00035858 the right thing to have done over here 82FXy0run30-00099-00035859-00036059 so we could have said that Q really 82FXy0run30-00100-00036060-00036326 means the entire area from 1 0 0 4 82FXy0run30-00101-00036327-00036742 through 1 0 1 9 but instead of that C++ 82FXy0run30-00102-00036743-00037103 sort of makes it simple it just wants to 82FXy0run30-00103-00037104-00037574 associate 1 1 value with with the symbol 82FXy0run30-00104-00037575-00037829 Q and so it says that it's going to be 82FXy0run30-00105-00037830-00038171 the starting address okay so the 82FXy0run30-00106-00038172-00038351 starting address of the entire area or 82FXy0run30-00107-00038352-00038537 the address of the zeroth element so the 82FXy0run30-00108-00038538-00038650 address of the 0 82FXy0run30-00109-00038651-00038860 is really the same as the address of the 82FXy0run30-00110-00038861-00039211 allocated region so Q is going to be one 82FXy0run30-00111-00039212-00039574 zero zero four okay now the value of Q 82FXy0run30-00112-00039575-00039877 has not mattered until so far until 82FXy0run30-00113-00039878-00040258 until so long okay until now it has not 82FXy0run30-00114-00040259-00040501 mattered so far okay but we will see 82FXy0run30-00115-00040502-00040690 that it will it will matter soon enough 82FXy0run30-00116-00040691-00041082 it will be used soon enough okay 82FXy0run30-00117-00041083-00041722 and we also have a type associated with 82FXy0run30-00118-00041723-00042196 this name so the type associated with 82FXy0run30-00119-00042197-00042553 this name is going to be in star well 82FXy0run30-00120-00042554-00042808 that's consistent with its value its 82FXy0run30-00121-00042809-00043078 value is 1 0 0 4 which is an address and 82FXy0run30-00122-00043079-00043423 therefore the type of an address to an 82FXy0run30-00123-00043424-00043843 int variable is in star and so the type 82FXy0run30-00124-00043844-00044209 is defined in consistency with our first 82FXy0run30-00125-00044210-00044584 decision ok so that is how C++ views cue 82FXy0run30-00126-00044585-00045235 its value and its type okay and the 82FXy0run30-00127-00045236-00045610 array name is a pointer okay so it's an 82FXy0run30-00128-00045611-00046066 address and or a pointer but its value 82FXy0run30-00129-00046067-00046333 cannot change so when we talked about 82FXy0run30-00130-00046334-00046689 pointers when we talk about functions 82FXy0run30-00131-00046690-00046993 other pointers could be changed but this 82FXy0run30-00132-00046994-00047254 pointer cannot be changed so I cannot 82FXy0run30-00133-00047255-00047650 say in them in my program Q equals 1 0 0 82FXy0run30-00134-00047651-00048037 8 because in fact you can think of Q as 82FXy0run30-00135-00048038-00048289 being a Const so you remember that we 82FXy0run30-00136-00048290-00048532 can declare variables as being Const so 82FXy0run30-00137-00048533-00048823 Q is actually a Const pointer so if you 82FXy0run30-00138-00048824-00049021 write something like this c++ will flag 82FXy0run30-00139-00049022-00049300 it as an error okay the idea is that 82FXy0run30-00140-00049301-00049597 look you really is referring to this 82FXy0run30-00141-00049598-00049873 array and while it's not telling you 82FXy0run30-00142-00049874-00050179 till till how long the array extends it 82FXy0run30-00143-00050180-00050335 is telling you where the array begins 82FXy0run30-00144-00050336-00050611 and so please don't change it that's 82FXy0run30-00145-00050612-00050842 what that's what this whole this whole 82FXy0run30-00146-00050843-00051130 the rationale of this whole discussion 82FXy0run30-00147-00051131-00051664 is in general what happens so if you 82FXy0run30-00148-00051665-00051824 have LM type in 82FXy0run30-00149-00051825-00052165 a length okay a block of memory of s 82FXy0run30-00150-00052166-00052595 time s time a length is allocated okay 82FXy0run30-00151-00052596-00053416 and s has to be the size of a single LM 82FXy0run30-00152-00053417-00054055 type variable okay and so a name then is 82FXy0run30-00153-00054057-00054203 the starting address of the zeroth 82FXy0run30-00154-00054204-00054442 element or the address of the allocated 82FXy0run30-00155-00054444-00054829 block just like our Q example okay and 82FXy0run30-00156-00054830-00055054 the value of a name cannot be changed 82FXy0run30-00157-00055055-00055429 okay and the type of a name is LM type 82FXy0run30-00158-00055430-00055982 star or pointer to LM time okay so this 82FXy0run30-00159-00055983-00056288 is just a generalization about of what 82FXy0run30-00160-00056289-00056591 we said for our original definition in 82FXy0run30-00161-00056591-00057446 q4 and of course the type of a name of I 82FXy0run30-00162-00057447-00057791 is LM type ok the type of just this is 82FXy0run30-00163-00057791-00058103 LM type star and the type of LM a name 82FXy0run30-00164-00058104-00058364 of I is LM tie and that applies to Q as 82FXy0run30-00165-00058365-00058739 well the type of Q of 0 is integer and 82FXy0run30-00166-00058740-00059426 the type of Q was in star okay so an 82FXy0run30-00167-00059427-00059672 exercise for you figure out what is 82FXy0run30-00168-00059673-00059927 printed when the following executes and 82FXy0run30-00169-00059928-00060179 in this you are expected to make 82FXy0run30-00170-00060179-00060473 reasonable assumptions if you wish or if 82FXy0run30-00171-00060474-00060599 you don't want to make any assumptions 82FXy0run30-00172-00060600-00060803 say that that value cannot be predicted 82FXy0run30-00173-00060804-00061066 and let me tell you what reason it 82FXy0run30-00174-00061067-00061405 assumption might be that you may say 82FXy0run30-00175-00061407-00061682 that oh okay so as the compiler is 82FXy0run30-00176-00061683-00062060 making is allocating memory it sort of 82FXy0run30-00177-00062061-00062297 allocates memory in increasing order of 82FXy0run30-00178-00062298-00062477 addresses okay so that might be 82FXy0run30-00179-00062478-00063004 reasoning reasonable assumption here is 82FXy0run30-00180-00063005-00063248 one more so again you're given a 82FXy0run30-00181-00063249-00063395 fragment and you are supposed to point 82FXy0run30-00182-00063396-00063685 out mistakes in the program fragment 82FXy0run30-00183-00063686-00063926 alright so what have we discussed in 82FXy0run30-00184-00063927-00064216 this segment we said how memory is 82FXy0run30-00185-00064217-00064421 allocated for an array and basically 82FXy0run30-00186-00064422-00064642 consecutive addresses assigned 82FXy0run30-00187-00064644-00064913 consecutive regions of contiguous region 82FXy0run30-00188-00064914-00065087 of memory is given to you 82FXy0run30-00189-00065088-00065375 and we also said that if an array has 82FXy0run30-00190-00065376-00065656 name a name then the type of the name is 82FXy0run30-00191-00065657-00065945 t star where the array elements have 82FXy0run30-00192-00065946-00066254 type P and the value of the name a name 82FXy0run30-00193-00066255-00066458 is the address of the zeroth element of 82FXy0run30-00194-00066459-00066779 the array or the address of the starting 82FXy0run30-00195-00066780-00066998 or the starting address of the allocated 82FXy0run30-00196-00066999-00067472 region for this array in the next 82FXy0run30-00197-00067473-00067733 segment we are going to see how a 82FXy0run30-00198-00067734-00068003 computer interprets the expression a 82FXy0run30-00199-00068004-00068435 name of index but before that we'll take 82FXy0run30-00200-00068436-00068786 a small break 82FXy0run30-00201-00068787-00069930 [Music] 82FXy0run30-00202-00069931-00070262 [Applause] 82FXy0run30-00203-00070263-00070415 [Music] 82FXy0run30-00204-00070416-00071374 [Applause] 82FXy0run30-00205-00071375-00071945 [Applause] 82FXy0run30-00206-00071946-00072409 [Music] 82XAmnbHwSA-00000-00000140-00000399 today I'm going to show you how to make 82XAmnbHwSA-00001-00000400-00000944 your YouTube channel banner using canva 82XAmnbHwSA-00002-00000944-00001368 isn't that cool when I wanted us to make 82XAmnbHwSA-00003-00001369-00001548 my youtube channel banner I was all over 82XAmnbHwSA-00004-00001549-00001755 the place and it was really kind of a 82XAmnbHwSA-00005-00001755-00001917 challenge but I tell you what I'm gonna 82XAmnbHwSA-00006-00001918-00002265 show you the easiest way to do it before 82XAmnbHwSA-00007-00002266-00002612 we get there what I did I'm a free ebook 82XAmnbHwSA-00008-00002613-00002925 on how to discover the easiest and 82XAmnbHwSA-00009-00002926-00003189 quickest ways to generate quality leads 82XAmnbHwSA-00010-00003190-00003552 and part of that is using YouTube so 82XAmnbHwSA-00011-00003553-00003881 grab that free ebook down below and then 82XAmnbHwSA-00012-00003882-00004109 I am going to head to my computer so I 82XAmnbHwSA-00013-00004110-00004370 can share with you how to make your 82XAmnbHwSA-00014-00004371-00004977 YouTube channel banner using canva so 82XAmnbHwSA-00015-00004978-00005211 this is how you can make your youtube 82XAmnbHwSA-00016-00005212-00005568 channel banner now this is my youtube 82XAmnbHwSA-00017-00005569-00006005 site it is youtube.com mark Nels for 82XAmnbHwSA-00018-00006006-00006191 clash mark Nels one there's too many 82XAmnbHwSA-00019-00006192-00006411 mark Nelson's and I have a branded 82XAmnbHwSA-00020-00006412-00006603 channel and I did it for a couple of 82XAmnbHwSA-00021-00006604-00006777 reasons but and I'll share with that 82XAmnbHwSA-00022-00006778-00007026 later how to do a branded channel but 82XAmnbHwSA-00023-00007027-00007464 this is my channel art and it's shows up 82XAmnbHwSA-00024-00007465-00007800 narrow on top and I use canvas so what I 82XAmnbHwSA-00025-00007801-00008056 want to do is take you through canva and 82XAmnbHwSA-00026-00008058-00008658 how to make your channel thinner so I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00027-00008659-00008915 just gonna go right over to canva and 82XAmnbHwSA-00028-00008916-00009351 this is Mike and I and I have logged in 82XAmnbHwSA-00029-00009352-00009498 already I didn't want to click there but 82XAmnbHwSA-00030-00009499-00009861 I've logged in already so in canvas free 82XAmnbHwSA-00031-00009862-00010032 just got a canva and create an account 82XAmnbHwSA-00032-00010033-00010248 and I just use a free account and it 82XAmnbHwSA-00033-00010249-00010515 says created a design and as you go here 82XAmnbHwSA-00034-00010516-00010638 there's a lot of different things in 82XAmnbHwSA-00035-00010639-00010770 here but I'm going to create a design 82XAmnbHwSA-00036-00010771-00010995 and it says YouTube channel art that's 82XAmnbHwSA-00037-00010996-00011100 what I want 82XAmnbHwSA-00038-00011101-00011307 it also has things for YouTube 82XAmnbHwSA-00039-00011308-00011472 thumbnails and whatnot but I just want 82XAmnbHwSA-00040-00011473-00011706 the channel art and what I did 82XAmnbHwSA-00041-00011707-00011997 I searched earlier I'm gonna go to my 82XAmnbHwSA-00042-00011998-00012339 uploads and I searched earlier for a 82XAmnbHwSA-00043-00012340-00012777 YouTube channel art banner template and 82XAmnbHwSA-00044-00012778-00013139 I have this so I'm gonna put this in and 82XAmnbHwSA-00045-00013140-00013193 I'm just going 82XAmnbHwSA-00046-00013194-00013487 to cover my screen and if you can see 82XAmnbHwSA-00047-00013488-00013751 this I'm not gonna leave this on here 82XAmnbHwSA-00048-00013752-00013955 but this is what it tells you if you're 82XAmnbHwSA-00049-00013956-00014282 on TV these are the dimensions right 82XAmnbHwSA-00050-00014283-00014597 here if you're on a desktop you see all 82XAmnbHwSA-00051-00014597-00015110 you see is this area and this confuse me 82XAmnbHwSA-00052-00015111-00015257 for a while because I was trying to fill 82XAmnbHwSA-00053-00015258-00015506 this whole thing up but yet what I got 82XAmnbHwSA-00054-00015507-00015922 on my desktop it I didn't it didn't show 82XAmnbHwSA-00055-00015924-00016178 things that I wanted to see if you're on 82XAmnbHwSA-00056-00016179-00016484 a tablet it's this area and if you're on 82XAmnbHwSA-00057-00016485-00016799 a desktop minimum and mobile it's this 82XAmnbHwSA-00058-00016800-00017135 area this is the safe area so this is 82XAmnbHwSA-00059-00017136-00017564 what you want to fill with what you want 82XAmnbHwSA-00060-00017565-00017723 for your channel art so I'm just gonna 82XAmnbHwSA-00061-00017724-00017948 show with you what I did and what you 82XAmnbHwSA-00062-00017949-00018218 can do the first thing I do is I'm gonna 82XAmnbHwSA-00063-00018219-00018686 go to elements and this was a free 82XAmnbHwSA-00064-00018687-00018878 elements like grab shapes I use this one 82XAmnbHwSA-00065-00018879-00019154 a lot and so I'm just gonna put this and 82XAmnbHwSA-00066-00019155-00019472 what the first thing I do is I make it 82XAmnbHwSA-00067-00019473-00019931 that exact size of this middle and I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00068-00019932-00020300 gonna go all the way out and I'll just 82XAmnbHwSA-00069-00020301-00020525 show you how I mess with this now this 82XAmnbHwSA-00070-00020526-00020864 is the color it is right now so if you 82XAmnbHwSA-00071-00020865-00021172 want a specific color it's showing up 82XAmnbHwSA-00072-00021173-00021407 here what you want you can just click on 82XAmnbHwSA-00073-00021408-00021779 this and you can get different colors 82XAmnbHwSA-00074-00021780-00022028 here that you want to use I used a very 82XAmnbHwSA-00075-00022029-00022219 light gray it doesn't show up here 82XAmnbHwSA-00076-00022220-00022487 anymore or you can do an ad and it's 82XAmnbHwSA-00077-00022488-00022652 gonna show you different colors you can 82XAmnbHwSA-00078-00022653-00022961 put in here and you can change them as 82XAmnbHwSA-00079-00022962-00023165 you go you can click up here you can 82XAmnbHwSA-00080-00023166-00023414 click down the reds you can click over 82XAmnbHwSA-00081-00023415-00023771 here you can do a lot of different 82XAmnbHwSA-00082-00023772-00024116 things of what you want now that's a 82XAmnbHwSA-00083-00024117-00024368 blue if you want that you know whatever 82XAmnbHwSA-00084-00024369-00024575 you want I've always used blue because 82XAmnbHwSA-00085-00024576-00024847 it's a soothing color a trusty color now 82XAmnbHwSA-00086-00024848-00025013 it's if you notice mine was really a 82XAmnbHwSA-00087-00025014-00025178 light grey and I just did that for a 82XAmnbHwSA-00088-00025179-00025822 reason but let's pick up know what color 82XAmnbHwSA-00089-00025823-00026414 you want I'm just gonna go this way 82XAmnbHwSA-00090-00026416-00026652 you can pick any color you want but I 82XAmnbHwSA-00091-00026652-00027018 also use you can go to a canva color 82XAmnbHwSA-00092-00027019-00027330 wheel and you can just kind of pick some 82XAmnbHwSA-00093-00027331-00027579 colors here and you can get inside what 82XAmnbHwSA-00094-00027580-00027858 I'll do this is the color right here and 82XAmnbHwSA-00095-00027858-00028052 then it's throws a complementary color 82XAmnbHwSA-00096-00028054-00028299 so if you want to do that you can get in 82XAmnbHwSA-00097-00028300-00028502 here and go there in fact you're going 82XAmnbHwSA-00098-00028504-00028620 to show you what you can do and I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00099-00028620-00028830 gonna pick this color let's pick that 82XAmnbHwSA-00100-00028831-00029181 blue but it gives you the color coat so 82XAmnbHwSA-00101-00029182-00029436 I'm just gonna copy it and I'm gonna go 82XAmnbHwSA-00102-00029437-00029673 back to my untitled design that says 82XAmnbHwSA-00103-00029674-00029877 color up here it says well what color do 82XAmnbHwSA-00104-00029877-00030038 you want well I just picked that code 82XAmnbHwSA-00105-00030039-00030408 and I want that color now it doesn't 82XAmnbHwSA-00106-00030408-00030594 matter if it's yours or not but now 82XAmnbHwSA-00107-00030595-00030837 here's what's going on I'm gonna click 82XAmnbHwSA-00108-00030838-00030987 out of that and I'm just gonna bring 82XAmnbHwSA-00109-00030988-00031274 this down remember this is my safe area 82XAmnbHwSA-00110-00031275-00031491 right in there so I'm gonna leave that 82XAmnbHwSA-00111-00031492-00031680 there and now what I want to do is I 82XAmnbHwSA-00112-00031681-00031970 want to put everything right in here 82XAmnbHwSA-00113-00031972-00032208 that's all I want so I'm gonna go to my 82XAmnbHwSA-00114-00032208-00032463 uploads again and I'm just gonna scroll 82XAmnbHwSA-00115-00032464-00032679 down and find an image of myself that I 82XAmnbHwSA-00116-00032680-00033099 use a lot because I brand me and then I 82XAmnbHwSA-00117-00033100-00033306 got to make it smaller because I want to 82XAmnbHwSA-00118-00033307-00033606 get it inside here so I'm gonna put this 82XAmnbHwSA-00119-00033607-00033963 back up and then I'm gonna put this here 82XAmnbHwSA-00120-00033964-00034515 and I want it right in the center and 82XAmnbHwSA-00121-00034516-00034644 you can make that bigger or smaller 82XAmnbHwSA-00122-00034645-00034890 because remember it's only gonna be now 82XAmnbHwSA-00123-00034891-00035544 this is a PNG what I did and I'll show 82XAmnbHwSA-00124-00035545-00035589 you this 82XAmnbHwSA-00125-00035590-00035916 I took an image of myself I want that a 82XAmnbHwSA-00126-00035917-00036720 little bigger 82XAmnbHwSA-00127-00036721-00037120 and I want in the middle per se so I'll 82XAmnbHwSA-00128-00037121-00037381 leave it there what I did I took an 82XAmnbHwSA-00129-00037382-00037567 image of myself I went to a website 82XAmnbHwSA-00130-00037568-00038362 called remove dot BG excusing this rube 82XAmnbHwSA-00131-00038363-00038593 BG you can just upload an image it's 82XAmnbHwSA-00132-00038594-00039148 free in what it'll do is doesn't matter 82XAmnbHwSA-00133-00039149-00039328 what image you do when you upload your 82XAmnbHwSA-00134-00039329-00039733 image and I'm just gonna grab one from 82XAmnbHwSA-00135-00039734-00040021 somewhere and it's got to be a person so 82XAmnbHwSA-00136-00040022-00040237 we'll see if I can find one of my self 82XAmnbHwSA-00137-00040238-00040579 quick or something fast I don't know if 82XAmnbHwSA-00138-00040580-00040789 it'll do too or not let me grab this one 82XAmnbHwSA-00139-00040790-00040963 and see what happens this is my wife and 82XAmnbHwSA-00140-00040964-00041209 myself a long time ago it's gonna load 82XAmnbHwSA-00141-00041210-00041659 it up and there it is that is my wife 82XAmnbHwSA-00142-00041660-00042010 and I it's and I'm just gonna download 82XAmnbHwSA-00143-00042011-00042271 it and what it did it took all that 82XAmnbHwSA-00144-00042272-00042613 background off it so and it's a PNG file 82XAmnbHwSA-00145-00042614-00043051 so when I pull it up there it is that's 82XAmnbHwSA-00146-00043052-00043357 what should all my backgrounds gone now 82XAmnbHwSA-00147-00043358-00043516 I'm not going to keep that anywhere but 82XAmnbHwSA-00148-00043517-00043747 that's where it is so we've done that 82XAmnbHwSA-00149-00043748-00044245 this is the image I want and I'm gonna 82XAmnbHwSA-00150-00044246-00044362 show you how this works 82XAmnbHwSA-00151-00044363-00044856 it's I do want that up there though oh 82XAmnbHwSA-00152-00044857-00045172 no I got that off I want that to Center 82XAmnbHwSA-00153-00045173-00045493 in there so and you can see this line 82XAmnbHwSA-00154-00045494-00045718 coming down at centers it and now I 82XAmnbHwSA-00155-00045719-00046066 remember how this showed up its I have I 82XAmnbHwSA-00156-00046067-00046669 can put in words from here approximately 82XAmnbHwSA-00157-00046670-00047095 here so over there so you can put a logo 82XAmnbHwSA-00158-00047096-00047395 or you just write attacks and your text 82XAmnbHwSA-00159-00047396-00047677 lets you change in your text shot signs 82XAmnbHwSA-00160-00047678-00047842 up here and I'm just gonna write bark 82XAmnbHwSA-00161-00047843-00048298 Nelson I think I spelled that wrong but 82XAmnbHwSA-00162-00048299-00048532 I'm gonna move it over and I did spell 82XAmnbHwSA-00163-00048533-00048861 my name wrong that's funny 82XAmnbHwSA-00164-00048862-00049188 so I'll select that and retype it but 82XAmnbHwSA-00165-00049189-00049687 it's not letting me 82XAmnbHwSA-00166-00049688-00050027 and up here is you can change your font 82XAmnbHwSA-00167-00050028-00050523 so I want my name big I'll put it at 64 82XAmnbHwSA-00168-00050524-00050795 and I'm just gonna move it over I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00169-00050796-00051054 gonna keep it in the middle and here's 82XAmnbHwSA-00170-00051055-00051273 its desktop thing so if I look it's 82XAmnbHwSA-00171-00051274-00051654 still inside that okay now what you want 82XAmnbHwSA-00172-00051654-00051881 to on the other side in what I did if 82XAmnbHwSA-00173-00051882-00052151 you see what I did over here is I just 82XAmnbHwSA-00174-00052152-00052572 put discover I change your world learn 82XAmnbHwSA-00175-00052573-00052751 how to qualify leads you can see I 82XAmnbHwSA-00176-00052752-00053124 brought this down a little bit I didn't 82XAmnbHwSA-00177-00053125-00053291 want all of that in there and that's all 82XAmnbHwSA-00178-00053292-00053576 that matters how you do yours and you 82XAmnbHwSA-00179-00053577-00053807 can play around with this so back on the 82XAmnbHwSA-00180-00053808-00054024 other side what I'm gonna do and this is 82XAmnbHwSA-00181-00054025-00054326 my channel art is I'm gonna and another 82XAmnbHwSA-00182-00054327-00055069 thing I'm just gonna say learn how to 82XAmnbHwSA-00183-00055070-00055679 generate leads it could be learn how to 82XAmnbHwSA-00184-00055680-00055982 lose 10 pounds whatever you do now 82XAmnbHwSA-00185-00055983-00056138 sometimes I have to get off this because 82XAmnbHwSA-00186-00056139-00056391 I want to move it now if you can see I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00187-00056391-00056766 gonna and I spelled learn wrong I used 82XAmnbHwSA-00188-00056766-00057329 to be really good typer and if I take 82XAmnbHwSA-00189-00057330-00057743 this down again I'm just gonna take it 82XAmnbHwSA-00190-00057744-00058307 down I'm out of my that is gonna be out 82XAmnbHwSA-00191-00058308-00058580 of the area and I'm actually gonna 82XAmnbHwSA-00192-00058582-00059054 change this I can get I'm gonna change 82XAmnbHwSA-00193-00059055-00059316 that color so it's a to change my font 82XAmnbHwSA-00194-00059316-00059600 color to white so you can see it if you 82XAmnbHwSA-00195-00059601-00059796 can see it it's it's out of the area so 82XAmnbHwSA-00196-00059797-00060019 I need two things 82XAmnbHwSA-00197-00060020-00060498 it's I can go back up here and I can 82XAmnbHwSA-00198-00060499-00060735 bring this back to the other one move it 82XAmnbHwSA-00199-00060736-00061011 over I just put an older line here I 82XAmnbHwSA-00200-00061012-00061224 want to change my shock and it shows up 82XAmnbHwSA-00201-00061225-00061706 you get to play with this and I only do 82XAmnbHwSA-00202-00061707-00062242 the first one so I got to change it all 82XAmnbHwSA-00203-00062244-00063112 on here 82XAmnbHwSA-00204-00063113-00063391 and that's 24 font I wanted a little 82XAmnbHwSA-00205-00063392-00063754 bigger but I'm gonna leave it there 82XAmnbHwSA-00206-00063754-00064178 no not then change to 42 font and it 82XAmnbHwSA-00207-00064179-00064340 only did the top line it's not gonna go 82XAmnbHwSA-00208-00064341-00064613 back and you get the top on and change 82XAmnbHwSA-00209-00064614-00065057 to 42 and see if that works and you can 82XAmnbHwSA-00210-00065058-00065372 do whatever you want in here okay so 82XAmnbHwSA-00211-00065373-00065573 when you're done if this is what you 82XAmnbHwSA-00212-00065574-00065978 want here's what I did is I clicked on 82XAmnbHwSA-00213-00065979-00066388 this back thing and I deleted it and 82XAmnbHwSA-00214-00066389-00066791 right now that's my header so I took 82XAmnbHwSA-00215-00066792-00067070 that template out I deleted all I'm 82XAmnbHwSA-00216-00067071-00067244 gonna do is download and it's gonna say 82XAmnbHwSA-00217-00067245-00067646 what do you want and I did a PhD ng you 82XAmnbHwSA-00218-00067647-00067805 can get transparent but that's a paid 82XAmnbHwSA-00219-00067806-00068030 service I only use it free and I just 82XAmnbHwSA-00220-00068031-00068360 download it that's all it is and when it 82XAmnbHwSA-00221-00068361-00068519 goes down well it's gonna go down on 82XAmnbHwSA-00222-00068520-00068720 your website I spelled it wrong it's 82XAmnbHwSA-00223-00068721-00069056 funny so when you want to change you go 82XAmnbHwSA-00224-00069057-00069392 back here to your site and I'm not 82XAmnbHwSA-00225-00069393-00069584 signed in but you can change your 82XAmnbHwSA-00226-00069585-00069778 channel art just by going in and 82XAmnbHwSA-00227-00069779-00070055 changing your channel art and that's all 82XAmnbHwSA-00228-00070056-00070391 there is to it easy peasy 82XAmnbHwSA-00229-00070392-00070769 so I hope that helps very easy to do 82XAmnbHwSA-00230-00070770-00070976 play around that I probably mess with 82XAmnbHwSA-00231-00070977-00071135 this you know I had to change that's my 82XAmnbHwSA-00232-00071136-00071309 image but you can see that I changed 82XAmnbHwSA-00233-00071310-00071495 this so I took that out I actually 82XAmnbHwSA-00234-00071496-00071786 believe what I did was a screenshot so I 82XAmnbHwSA-00235-00071787-00072086 just got my face in there this was my 82XAmnbHwSA-00236-00072087-00072347 logo I want with mark Nelson and I put 82XAmnbHwSA-00237-00072348-00072608 three things on here now because I have 82XAmnbHwSA-00238-00072609-00073061 a branded account I can put a website in 82XAmnbHwSA-00239-00073062-00073550 that's my is my home website my blog 82XAmnbHwSA-00240-00073551-00073868 area I can link to Facebook I can link 82XAmnbHwSA-00241-00073869-00074171 to Instagram I linked it Twitter and I 82XAmnbHwSA-00242-00074172-00074414 linked to LinkedIn but that will be a 82XAmnbHwSA-00243-00074415-00074639 whole nother training I will pull that 82XAmnbHwSA-00244-00074640-00075355 training this template that you saw I 82XAmnbHwSA-00245-00075356-00075813 just go 82XAmnbHwSA-00246-00075814-00076063 YouTube channel art template and found 82XAmnbHwSA-00247-00076064-00076351 it I'll try to put a link down below but 82XAmnbHwSA-00248-00076352-00076619 I do have down below for you is a free 82XAmnbHwSA-00249-00076620-00077105 e-book on how you to discover the 82XAmnbHwSA-00250-00077106-00077324 quickest and easiest ways to generate 82XAmnbHwSA-00251-00077325-00077521 quality leaves and that's what you all 82XAmnbHwSA-00252-00077522-00077930 want to do so I hope that helps enjoy 82XAmnbHwSA-00253-00077931-00078146 play around with canva it's a fun tool 82XAmnbHwSA-00254-00078147-00078481 and tell me what you think about this 82XAmnbHwSA-00255-00078482-00078793 give me your comments below and tell me 82XAmnbHwSA-00256-00078794-00079018 what you think was this have any value 82XAmnbHwSA-00257-00079019-00079262 for you to that you get any energy from 82XAmnbHwSA-00258-00079263-00079462 it could you think you can create your 82XAmnbHwSA-00259-00079463-00080290 own banner y'all take care 82XAmnbHwSA-00260-00080291-00080717 wasn't that easy and I hope you got 82XAmnbHwSA-00261-00080718-00080960 great value out of this video if you did 82XAmnbHwSA-00262-00080961-00081244 will you please like the video give me a 82XAmnbHwSA-00263-00081245-00081434 comment tell me what you liked best and 82XAmnbHwSA-00264-00081435-00081692 if you do make a banner put the banner 82XAmnbHwSA-00265-00081693-00081968 in the comments below - but subscribe to 82XAmnbHwSA-00266-00081969-00082126 my channel hit that little bell so you 82XAmnbHwSA-00267-00082127-00082343 get notified because I do videos at 82XAmnbHwSA-00268-00082344-00082628 least twice a week grab my free ebook 82XAmnbHwSA-00269-00082629-00083100 below discover how you can easily 82XAmnbHwSA-00270-00083101-00083540 quickly generate quality leads that's 82XAmnbHwSA-00271-00083541-00083792 all there is like my channel make a 82XAmnbHwSA-00272-00083793-00083999 comment I love it tell me what you liked 82XAmnbHwSA-00273-00084000-00084401 best you all take care 87bPHXT494c-00000-00001492-00002702 um 87bPHXT494c-00001-00002703-00003311 you know 87bPHXT494c-00002-00003311-00004764 it's a previous year 87bPHXT494c-00003-00004765-00005274 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00004-00005275-00005683 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00005-00005684-00007212 right 87bPHXT494c-00006-00007213-00008152 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00007-00008153-00008483 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00008-00008484-00008716 um 87bPHXT494c-00009-00008717-00009558 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00010-00009559-00009883 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00011-00009884-00010301 foreign 87bPHXT494c-00012-00010302-00011283 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00013-00011284-00011479 do 87bPHXT494c-00014-00011480-00012742 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00015-00012743-00013140 oh 87bPHXT494c-00016-00013141-00013708 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00017-00013709-00013921 [Laughter] 87bPHXT494c-00018-00013922-00015483 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00019-00015484-00016297 uh 87bPHXT494c-00020-00016299-00016394 [Applause] 87bPHXT494c-00021-00016395-00018283 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00022-00018284-00019683 first 87bPHXT494c-00023-00019684-00020303 wow 87bPHXT494c-00024-00020304-00022727 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00025-00022728-00023883 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00026-00023884-00024184 so 87bPHXT494c-00027-00024185-00025283 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00028-00025284-00025383 wow 87bPHXT494c-00029-00025384-00026683 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00030-00026683-00026992 hmm 87bPHXT494c-00031-00026993-00028083 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00032-00028083-00028358 foreign 87bPHXT494c-00033-00028360-00029483 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00034-00029483-00030210 hmm 87bPHXT494c-00035-00030211-00030883 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00036-00030883-00031110 ah 87bPHXT494c-00037-00031111-00032654 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00038-00032655-00033401 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00039-00033402-00033683 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00040-00033684-00033828 oh 87bPHXT494c-00041-00033829-00036483 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00042-00036484-00037381 good 87bPHXT494c-00043-00037382-00037774 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00044-00037775-00039779 feel the tape you see cola 87bPHXT494c-00045-00039780-00042083 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00046-00042084-00043483 um 87bPHXT494c-00047-00043484-00043821 oh 87bPHXT494c-00048-00043822-00044738 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00049-00044739-00044883 [Applause] 87bPHXT494c-00050-00044884-00045214 hello 87bPHXT494c-00051-00045215-00045246 [Applause] 87bPHXT494c-00052-00045247-00046283 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00053-00046284-00046498 oh 87bPHXT494c-00054-00046499-00047405 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00055-00047406-00047683 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00056-00047684-00048983 what 87bPHXT494c-00057-00048984-00049979 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00058-00049980-00050098 [Applause] 87bPHXT494c-00059-00050099-00050483 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00060-00050484-00050668 yes 87bPHXT494c-00061-00050669-00051678 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00062-00051679-00052211 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00063-00052212-00054682 la la la la la la la la la 87bPHXT494c-00064-00054683-00054823 laughs 87bPHXT494c-00065-00054824-00057482 [Music] 87bPHXT494c-00066-00057483-00058299 laughs 87bPHXT494c-00067-00058300-00058882 love 87bPHXT494c-00068-00058883-00059157 you 8rmwT3KWEeg-00000-00000008-00000351 if a student is wondering okay i posted 8rmwT3KWEeg-00001-00000352-00000559 a bunch of questions but oh hey i turned 8rmwT3KWEeg-00002-00000560-00000774 off all my notifications did anyone ever 8rmwT3KWEeg-00003-00000775-00000886 answer those 8rmwT3KWEeg-00004-00000888-00001358 you can go to answered questions and 8rmwT3KWEeg-00005-00001359-00001591 um if we had any those who show up there 8rmwT3KWEeg-00006-00001592-00002007 but no one's answered anything yet 8rmwT3KWEeg-00007-00002007-00002207 you can also look for all the things 8rmwT3KWEeg-00008-00002208-00002415 that have been bookmarked 8rmwT3KWEeg-00009-00002416-00002623 if your instructor who's wondering 8rmwT3KWEeg-00010-00002624-00002958 where's that thread where i had to 8rmwT3KWEeg-00011-00002959-00003150 stop a few conversations from the tracks 8rmwT3KWEeg-00012-00003151-00003279 i'll get into how to do that in a few 8rmwT3KWEeg-00013-00003279-00003431 minutes um 8rmwT3KWEeg-00014-00003432-00003583 you can go down to all the moderated 8rmwT3KWEeg-00015-00003584-00003711 things 8rmwT3KWEeg-00016-00003711-00003911 if your instructor who wants to just or 8rmwT3KWEeg-00017-00003911-00004095 a student who just wants to see the 8rmwT3KWEeg-00018-00004096-00004319 things that you haven't had a chance to 8rmwT3KWEeg-00019-00004320-00004447 look at yet 8rmwT3KWEeg-00020-00004448-00004800 you can filter it by unviewed 8rzGOjv47OA-00000-00000024-00000279 hi folks yes as chris said i'm my name's 8rzGOjv47OA-00001-00000280-00000415 steve hill i'm the 8rzGOjv47OA-00002-00000416-00000751 chief scientist at geoscience australia 8rzGOjv47OA-00003-00000752-00001062 to start us off i'd first of all like 8rzGOjv47OA-00004-00001063-00001391 to acknowledge 8rzGOjv47OA-00005-00001392-00001582 the traditional owners of the land on 8rzGOjv47OA-00006-00001583-00001759 which we meet today and 8rzGOjv47OA-00007-00001760-00002007 i think it's exciting to think that that 8rzGOjv47OA-00008-00002007-00002215 land extends over a lot of different 8rzGOjv47OA-00009-00002216-00002375 places with people 8rzGOjv47OA-00010-00002376-00002687 all calling in i'm currently in adelaide 8rzGOjv47OA-00011-00002688-00002799 and i'm on 8rzGOjv47OA-00012-00002800-00003126 ghana country over here 8rzGOjv47OA-00013-00003127-00003470 i'd like to pay my respects to elders 8rzGOjv47OA-00014-00003471-00003519 past 8rzGOjv47OA-00015-00003520-00003767 present and emerging i'd also like to 8rzGOjv47OA-00016-00003768-00004031 extend that respect to any aboriginal 8rzGOjv47OA-00017-00004032-00004270 and torres strait islander people who 8rzGOjv47OA-00018-00004271-00004583 are participating in the seminar today 8rzGOjv47OA-00019-00004584-00004902 um okay let's have a look 8rzGOjv47OA-00020-00004903-00005231 at our talk today everybody 8rzGOjv47OA-00021-00005232-00005591 i speak to tells me how much they 8rzGOjv47OA-00022-00005592-00005967 love david hazelhurst and how he's 8rzGOjv47OA-00023-00005968-00006286 a great person a great thinker so i'm 8rzGOjv47OA-00024-00006287-00006422 really excited 8rzGOjv47OA-00025-00006423-00006751 to hear about this and and maybe also 8rzGOjv47OA-00026-00006752-00007014 fall in love as well um a little bit of 8rzGOjv47OA-00027-00007015-00007175 the background on david 8rzGOjv47OA-00028-00007176-00007559 is that he's the deputy secretary 8rzGOjv47OA-00029-00007559-00007759 at agricultural trade group in the 8rzGOjv47OA-00030-00007759-00007967 department of agriculture 8rzGOjv47OA-00031-00007968-00008231 water and environment in this role he 8rzGOjv47OA-00032-00008232-00008414 supports farmers 8rzGOjv47OA-00033-00008415-00008791 food processors um and exporters 8rzGOjv47OA-00034-00008792-00009071 to sustainably grow their businesses 8rzGOjv47OA-00035-00009072-00009142 through 8rzGOjv47OA-00036-00009143-00009367 access to overseas markets and 8rzGOjv47OA-00037-00009368-00009535 regulatory services 8rzGOjv47OA-00038-00009536-00009735 to meet the requirements of trading 8rzGOjv47OA-00039-00009736-00009887 partners 8rzGOjv47OA-00040-00009888-00010310 prior to this david was the deputy ceo 8rzGOjv47OA-00041-00010311-00010567 business partnerships and support at 8rzGOjv47OA-00042-00010568-00010687 austrade 8rzGOjv47OA-00043-00010688-00010903 responsible for strategy and business 8rzGOjv47OA-00044-00010904-00011031 transformation 8rzGOjv47OA-00045-00011032-00011342 partnerships digital and i.t 8rzGOjv47OA-00046-00011343-00011695 and corporate and ministerial services 8rzGOjv47OA-00047-00011696-00011942 as a deputy secretary in the industry 8rzGOjv47OA-00048-00011943-00012174 innovation and science portfolio 8rzGOjv47OA-00049-00012175-00012503 david led oz industry the delivery hub 8rzGOjv47OA-00050-00012504-00012687 for australian government services to 8rzGOjv47OA-00051-00012688-00012902 business digital strategy 8rzGOjv47OA-00052-00012903-00013222 and operations and implementation of the 8rzGOjv47OA-00053-00013223-00013343 government's national 8rzGOjv47OA-00054-00013344-00013663 innovation and science agenda 8rzGOjv47OA-00055-00013663-00013863 previously david's also held senior 8rzGOjv47OA-00056-00013863-00014119 appointments in four other portfolios 8rzGOjv47OA-00057-00014119-00014399 he's led teams advising prime ministers 8rzGOjv47OA-00058-00014400-00014527 on economic 8rzGOjv47OA-00059-00014528-00014815 and industry policy federal budgets and 8rzGOjv47OA-00060-00014816-00014894 the council 8rzGOjv47OA-00061-00014895-00015199 of australian governments he also drove 8rzGOjv47OA-00062-00015200-00015438 initial implementation of the australian 8rzGOjv47OA-00063-00015440-00015503 government's 8rzGOjv47OA-00064-00015504-00015799 digital transformation agenda and was 8rzGOjv47OA-00065-00015800-00015927 interim ceo 8rzGOjv47OA-00066-00015928-00016311 of the digital transformation office 8rzGOjv47OA-00067-00016312-00016471 as well as all of that david holds 8rzGOjv47OA-00068-00016472-00016671 bachelor degrees in economics and law 8rzGOjv47OA-00069-00016672-00016863 and a masters of public policy from the 8rzGOjv47OA-00070-00016864-00017055 australian national university 8rzGOjv47OA-00071-00017056-00017191 he's a member of the council of 8rzGOjv47OA-00072-00017192-00017415 institute of public administration 8rzGOjv47OA-00073-00017416-00017727 act division okay 8rzGOjv47OA-00074-00017728-00017943 let's now hear from david please make 8rzGOjv47OA-00075-00017944-00018055 him feel welcome 8rzGOjv47OA-00076-00018056-00018447 over to you david thanks very much steve 8rzGOjv47OA-00077-00018448-00018743 uh and uh good morning everyone um thank 8rzGOjv47OA-00078-00018744-00018830 you for 8rzGOjv47OA-00079-00018831-00019158 uh inviting me to speak to you today 8rzGOjv47OA-00080-00019159-00019494 um on a topic that's um 8rzGOjv47OA-00081-00019495-00019760 uh quite close to my heart 8rzGOjv47OA-00082-00019761-00019927 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00083-00019928-00020303 you know it's all about agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00084-00020304-00020655 i i must start at the outset by 8rzGOjv47OA-00085-00020656-00020886 also acknowledging the traditional 8rzGOjv47OA-00086-00020887-00021083 owners of the land on which 8rzGOjv47OA-00087-00021084-00021399 i'm sitting today the nuna war people 8rzGOjv47OA-00088-00021400-00021735 and pay my respects to their elders 8rzGOjv47OA-00089-00021736-00022127 past present and emerging 8rzGOjv47OA-00090-00022128-00022471 and i should also start with a bit of a 8rzGOjv47OA-00091-00022472-00022830 health warning or a disclaimer 8rzGOjv47OA-00092-00022831-00023175 of course i don't profess to know 8rzGOjv47OA-00093-00023176-00023550 all of the detail or have a detailed 8rzGOjv47OA-00094-00023551-00023719 understanding of the operations of 8rzGOjv47OA-00095-00023720-00023911 geoscience australia i'm broadly 8rzGOjv47OA-00096-00023912-00024191 familiar with what you do 8rzGOjv47OA-00097-00024192-00024511 but i'm conscious that some of my 8rzGOjv47OA-00098-00024512-00024742 experiences and my remarks are a bit 8rzGOjv47OA-00099-00024743-00024878 contextual and 8rzGOjv47OA-00100-00024879-00025078 you you'll need to also think about the 8rzGOjv47OA-00101-00025079-00025214 extent to which they're 8rzGOjv47OA-00102-00025215-00025567 applicable in your environment 8rzGOjv47OA-00103-00025568-00025943 but i do know a lot about public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00104-00025944-00026462 and service delivery and in particular 8rzGOjv47OA-00105-00026463-00026751 problem solving and particularly in 8rzGOjv47OA-00106-00026752-00026799 relation 8rzGOjv47OA-00107-00026800-00027111 to delivering uh great outcomes 8rzGOjv47OA-00108-00027112-00027423 for um the people that we serve 8rzGOjv47OA-00109-00027424-00027655 um and so a lot of my reflections are 8rzGOjv47OA-00110-00027656-00027751 kind of built 8rzGOjv47OA-00111-00027752-00028151 uh around that um and 8rzGOjv47OA-00112-00028152-00028535 uh i understand uh from the um 8rzGOjv47OA-00113-00028536-00028862 the flyer uh for my session 8rzGOjv47OA-00114-00028863-00029079 um that there was a reference to an 8rzGOjv47OA-00115-00029080-00029190 epiphany that i had 8rzGOjv47OA-00116-00029191-00029446 so i thought i might speak briefly about 8rzGOjv47OA-00117-00029447-00029614 that epiphany 8rzGOjv47OA-00118-00029616-00029927 and then speak a little further than 8rzGOjv47OA-00119-00029927-00030158 about the experiences and the insights 8rzGOjv47OA-00120-00030160-00030462 that i've gathered since that epiphany 8rzGOjv47OA-00121-00030463-00030662 and then potentially really just open it 8rzGOjv47OA-00122-00030663-00030790 up to questions and 8rzGOjv47OA-00123-00030791-00031127 and discussion um because i suspect 8rzGOjv47OA-00124-00031127-00031390 you'll have a lot of 8rzGOjv47OA-00125-00031391-00031567 questions about what does this all 8rzGOjv47OA-00126-00031568-00031727 really mean in practice 8rzGOjv47OA-00127-00031727-00032062 and and how uh can you use an agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00128-00032063-00032239 mindset 8rzGOjv47OA-00129-00032239-00032623 to change the way in which it feels to 8rzGOjv47OA-00130-00032624-00032839 work and achieve the things you want to 8rzGOjv47OA-00131-00032840-00032999 achieve in the organisation that you're 8rzGOjv47OA-00132-00033000-00033111 in 8rzGOjv47OA-00133-00033112-00033455 so a little bit of a story then 8rzGOjv47OA-00134-00033456-00033646 a little bit uh you've already heard 8rzGOjv47OA-00135-00033647-00033790 quite a lot about me and thank you for 8rzGOjv47OA-00136-00033791-00033927 that introduction steve 8rzGOjv47OA-00137-00033928-00034215 but the story i want to tell is really 8rzGOjv47OA-00138-00034216-00034407 one of 8rzGOjv47OA-00139-00034408-00034823 a career bureaucrat who 8rzGOjv47OA-00140-00034824-00035127 was really very much what i described 8rzGOjv47OA-00141-00035128-00035502 as a sort of serious 8rzGOjv47OA-00142-00035503-00035967 policy wonk that really described me 8rzGOjv47OA-00143-00035968-00036295 up until an opportunity i got 8rzGOjv47OA-00144-00036296-00036535 to be involved in the setup of the 8rzGOjv47OA-00145-00036536-00036807 digital transformation office 8rzGOjv47OA-00146-00036808-00037062 several years ago and that that's the 8rzGOjv47OA-00147-00037063-00037223 office that's now referred to as the 8rzGOjv47OA-00148-00037224-00037495 digital transformation agency 8rzGOjv47OA-00149-00037496-00037718 but up until that time i'd worked across 8rzGOjv47OA-00150-00037719-00037943 a whole range of policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00151-00037944-00038551 areas and delivery areas in the aps 8rzGOjv47OA-00152-00038552-00038839 very much as a as a as i say a policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00153-00038840-00038895 wonk 8rzGOjv47OA-00154-00038896-00039111 someone who thought that they had a very 8rzGOjv47OA-00155-00039112-00039343 good handle on 8rzGOjv47OA-00156-00039344-00039671 serious approaches to policy development 8rzGOjv47OA-00157-00039672-00039990 very strong focus on economic analysis 8rzGOjv47OA-00158-00039991-00040223 in particular 8rzGOjv47OA-00159-00040224-00040518 and very much focus on great big 8rzGOjv47OA-00160-00040519-00040679 strategies 8rzGOjv47OA-00161-00040680-00041183 that would uh you know transform 8rzGOjv47OA-00162-00041184-00041343 different areas of the economy or 8rzGOjv47OA-00163-00041344-00041518 society based on 8rzGOjv47OA-00164-00041519-00041767 the policy analysis that we'd undertaken 8rzGOjv47OA-00165-00041768-00041935 and i got this opportunity to work on 8rzGOjv47OA-00166-00041936-00042118 the setup of the digital transformation 8rzGOjv47OA-00167-00042119-00042271 office which 8rzGOjv47OA-00168-00042272-00042574 really changed my world view on things i 8rzGOjv47OA-00169-00042575-00042615 came 8rzGOjv47OA-00170-00042616-00043046 it i came into it having worked on the 8rzGOjv47OA-00171-00043047-00043207 policy development for the deep 8rzGOjv47OA-00172-00043208-00043383 government's digital transformation 8rzGOjv47OA-00173-00043384-00043455 agenda 8rzGOjv47OA-00174-00043456-00043646 but they needed someone ahead of the 8rzGOjv47OA-00175-00043647-00043879 recruitment of the permanent ceo 8rzGOjv47OA-00176-00043880-00044046 to be involved in just setting up the 8rzGOjv47OA-00177-00044047-00044318 office and it started as a startup 8rzGOjv47OA-00178-00044319-00044502 effectively in a derelict building in 8rzGOjv47OA-00179-00044503-00044671 the middle of canberra 8rzGOjv47OA-00180-00044672-00044999 and i was 8rzGOjv47OA-00181-00045000-00045311 surrounded initially only by six people 8rzGOjv47OA-00182-00045312-00045495 but then it grew to being about a 8rzGOjv47OA-00183-00045496-00045655 hundred of people who were very 8rzGOjv47OA-00184-00045656-00045758 passionate 8rzGOjv47OA-00185-00045759-00046055 uh about digital transformation in 8rzGOjv47OA-00186-00046056-00046167 particular 8rzGOjv47OA-00187-00046168-00046639 and very familiar with 8rzGOjv47OA-00188-00046640-00046999 concepts relating to agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00189-00047000-00047383 and human centered design 8rzGOjv47OA-00190-00047384-00047999 oh gosh am i still online steve 8rzGOjv47OA-00191-00048000-00048318 you're still online ah okay sorry 8rzGOjv47OA-00192-00048319-00048679 the camera angles changed on me um 8rzGOjv47OA-00193-00048680-00048983 and uh the 8rzGOjv47OA-00194-00048984-00049167 the thing that was really interesting to 8rzGOjv47OA-00195-00049168-00049343 me about that there was this all this 8rzGOjv47OA-00196-00049344-00049415 language 8rzGOjv47OA-00197-00049416-00049727 around agile and sprints 8rzGOjv47OA-00198-00049728-00050151 around minimum viable products 8rzGOjv47OA-00199-00050152-00050407 around showcasing all this language 8rzGOjv47OA-00200-00050408-00050527 which initially for me 8rzGOjv47OA-00201-00050528-00050735 i have to say gave me an allergic 8rzGOjv47OA-00202-00050736-00050974 reaction uh it all sounded a lot like a 8rzGOjv47OA-00203-00050975-00051151 lot of buzzword bingo 8rzGOjv47OA-00204-00051152-00051519 um and it took me a while and it might 8rzGOjv47OA-00205-00051520-00051607 just be that i 8rzGOjv47OA-00206-00051608-00051807 i ended up drinking too much kool-aid 8rzGOjv47OA-00207-00051808-00051958 i'm not sure 8rzGOjv47OA-00208-00051959-00052214 but it took me a while to actually start 8rzGOjv47OA-00209-00052215-00052326 to really understand 8rzGOjv47OA-00210-00052327-00052638 some of the concepts uh that were 8rzGOjv47OA-00211-00052639-00052887 drawn from the digital world drawn from 8rzGOjv47OA-00212-00052888-00052942 i.t 8rzGOjv47OA-00213-00052944-00053207 and digital but were really a much 8rzGOjv47OA-00214-00053208-00053271 broader 8rzGOjv47OA-00215-00053272-00053623 general application and in particular 8rzGOjv47OA-00216-00053624-00053975 um uh well i'll i thought i'd be useful 8rzGOjv47OA-00217-00053976-00054191 to step through what some of these agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00218-00054191-00054263 concepts 8rzGOjv47OA-00219-00054264-00054623 were to then explain 8rzGOjv47OA-00220-00054624-00054838 why this mindset shift for me was so 8rzGOjv47OA-00221-00054839-00054982 significant 8rzGOjv47OA-00222-00054983-00055382 and so um one really important part 8rzGOjv47OA-00223-00055383-00055447 around an 8rzGOjv47OA-00224-00055448-00055807 agile mindset that by agile i should say 8rzGOjv47OA-00225-00055808-00055847 at the 8rzGOjv47OA-00226-00055848-00056311 at the outset i don't mean agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00227-00056312-00056775 the adjective or adverb i mean the noun 8rzGOjv47OA-00228-00056776-00057142 and what do i mean by that i don't mean 8rzGOjv47OA-00229-00057144-00057350 jumping nimbly from rock to rock to 8rzGOjv47OA-00230-00057351-00057566 cross a stream 8rzGOjv47OA-00231-00057567-00057879 what i mean is agile the set of methods 8rzGOjv47OA-00232-00057879-00058094 uh principles and methods and 8rzGOjv47OA-00233-00058095-00058230 disciplines 8rzGOjv47OA-00234-00058232-00058566 um drawn initially from the digital side 8rzGOjv47OA-00235-00058567-00058663 of 8rzGOjv47OA-00236-00058664-00058863 digital disciplines but potentially of 8rzGOjv47OA-00237-00058864-00059054 more general application 8rzGOjv47OA-00238-00059055-00059430 and a really important first part of 8rzGOjv47OA-00239-00059432-00059503 having an 8rzGOjv47OA-00240-00059504-00059759 agile mindset is this idea of human 8rzGOjv47OA-00241-00059760-00060047 centered design 8rzGOjv47OA-00242-00060048-00060447 and we've all been used to 8rzGOjv47OA-00243-00060448-00060799 particularly in in the developmental 8rzGOjv47OA-00244-00060800-00060863 problems 8rzGOjv47OA-00245-00060864-00061015 development of solutions or problem 8rzGOjv47OA-00246-00061016-00061287 solving for public benefit 8rzGOjv47OA-00247-00061288-00061575 uh to having either senior people or 8rzGOjv47OA-00248-00061576-00061694 ministers 8rzGOjv47OA-00249-00061695-00062006 say that the problem is this uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00250-00062007-00062319 the solution is that make it so in other 8rzGOjv47OA-00251-00062320-00062406 words 8rzGOjv47OA-00252-00062407-00062679 actually dictating what the problem is 8rzGOjv47OA-00253-00062679-00062879 and what the solution is and just asking 8rzGOjv47OA-00254-00062879-00063079 it for it to be implemented 8rzGOjv47OA-00255-00063079-00063511 and the real thing for me about agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00256-00063512-00063703 and particularly this element of human 8rzGOjv47OA-00257-00063704-00063847 centered design 8rzGOjv47OA-00258-00063848-00064159 was this idea that actually you wouldn't 8rzGOjv47OA-00259-00064160-00064271 do that 8rzGOjv47OA-00260-00064272-00064415 you wouldn't come up with a solution 8rzGOjv47OA-00261-00064416-00064559 until you'd really really deeply 8rzGOjv47OA-00262-00064560-00064782 understood the problem 8rzGOjv47OA-00263-00064783-00064999 and that one of the key ways that you 8rzGOjv47OA-00264-00065000-00065119 would approach that 8rzGOjv47OA-00265-00065120-00065271 would actually be through the 8rzGOjv47OA-00266-00065272-00065479 development of empathy 8rzGOjv47OA-00267-00065479-00065847 which was a really startling concept 8rzGOjv47OA-00268-00065848-00066055 initially for me 8rzGOjv47OA-00269-00066056-00066335 as a as a as a traditional public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00270-00066336-00066391 wonk 8rzGOjv47OA-00271-00066392-00066735 uh and and serious economist to actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00272-00066736-00067031 engage with the idea that instead what 8rzGOjv47OA-00273-00067032-00067223 you might do is go out and develop 8rzGOjv47OA-00274-00067224-00067503 empathy with the people who are affected 8rzGOjv47OA-00275-00067504-00067750 by the policy or the program or the 8rzGOjv47OA-00276-00067751-00067838 regulatory 8rzGOjv47OA-00277-00067839-00068150 regime that you're trying to implement 8rzGOjv47OA-00278-00068151-00068406 and that that empathy would be something 8rzGOjv47OA-00279-00068407-00068535 you would gain 8rzGOjv47OA-00280-00068536-00068799 by going and being in their space and 8rzGOjv47OA-00281-00068800-00068967 actually understanding what life was 8rzGOjv47OA-00282-00068968-00069126 like for them 8rzGOjv47OA-00283-00069127-00069303 and the other things that were happening 8rzGOjv47OA-00284-00069304-00069447 in their life when they were having to 8rzGOjv47OA-00285-00069448-00069582 engage 8rzGOjv47OA-00286-00069583-00069887 with the policy or the program or the 8rzGOjv47OA-00287-00069888-00070319 activity that you were responsible for 8rzGOjv47OA-00288-00070320-00070671 and this this led me down a path of 8rzGOjv47OA-00289-00070672-00070975 um starting to realize that in fact i 8rzGOjv47OA-00290-00070976-00071255 had something missing in my arsenal 8rzGOjv47OA-00291-00071256-00071615 that this idea around particularly this 8rzGOjv47OA-00292-00071616-00071855 human-centered design approach that's a 8rzGOjv47OA-00293-00071856-00071959 sort of 8rzGOjv47OA-00294-00071960-00072406 key element of agile was something that 8rzGOjv47OA-00295-00072407-00072719 i had a blind spot on 8rzGOjv47OA-00296-00072720-00072919 similarly another thing i had a blind 8rzGOjv47OA-00297-00072920-00073079 spot on was 8rzGOjv47OA-00298-00073080-00073255 some of the other concepts in agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00299-00073256-00073399 which relate to 8rzGOjv47OA-00300-00073400-00073750 the idea of 8rzGOjv47OA-00301-00073751-00074023 what's referred to as sprints and 8rzGOjv47OA-00302-00074024-00074271 minimum viable products 8rzGOjv47OA-00303-00074272-00074438 and i might just focus on the minimum 8rzGOjv47OA-00304-00074439-00074638 viable product first 8rzGOjv47OA-00305-00074639-00074950 um i'd been very used to and indeed the 8rzGOjv47OA-00306-00074951-00075111 training that we received 8rzGOjv47OA-00307-00075112-00075447 um both formal and then informal on the 8rzGOjv47OA-00308-00075448-00075550 job training as 8rzGOjv47OA-00309-00075551-00075894 as public policy folks 8rzGOjv47OA-00310-00075895-00076206 was that really had a strong emphasis 8rzGOjv47OA-00311-00076207-00076703 on uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00312-00076704-00076991 seeing a small problem but then wanting 8rzGOjv47OA-00313-00076992-00077055 it to be 8rzGOjv47OA-00314-00077056-00077391 an ex a part of something much bigger 8rzGOjv47OA-00315-00077392-00077623 the idea of solving a small problem was 8rzGOjv47OA-00316-00077624-00077719 kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-00317-00077720-00078038 not very exciting so uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00318-00078039-00078359 we might have a part of our stakeholders 8rzGOjv47OA-00319-00078360-00078511 saying we've got this issue with this 8rzGOjv47OA-00320-00078512-00078631 specific thing 8rzGOjv47OA-00321-00078632-00078871 the natural tendency of us for us would 8rzGOjv47OA-00322-00078872-00079031 be to turn that into 8rzGOjv47OA-00323-00079032-00079271 some much bigger problem that needed to 8rzGOjv47OA-00324-00079272-00079350 be solved 8rzGOjv47OA-00325-00079351-00079543 and then coming up with an enormous 8rzGOjv47OA-00326-00079544-00079782 strategy for solving it 8rzGOjv47OA-00327-00079783-00080167 um and the agile mindset kind of turns 8rzGOjv47OA-00328-00080168-00080311 that on its head 8rzGOjv47OA-00329-00080312-00080582 and actually says well just think about 8rzGOjv47OA-00330-00080583-00080775 what it is that the user 8rzGOjv47OA-00331-00080776-00080991 the person affected by your policy or 8rzGOjv47OA-00332-00080992-00081167 program or 8rzGOjv47OA-00333-00081168-00081606 regulatory activity actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00334-00081607-00081767 actually is asking you is actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00335-00081768-00081926 needing 8rzGOjv47OA-00336-00081927-00082215 and then rather than assuming you need 8rzGOjv47OA-00337-00082216-00082375 an enormous strategy that will probably 8rzGOjv47OA-00338-00082376-00082631 drown under its own weight 8rzGOjv47OA-00339-00082632-00082950 to solve it just solve for that um 8rzGOjv47OA-00340-00082951-00083126 and that was quite a challenging thing 8rzGOjv47OA-00341-00083127-00083375 for me as as a public policy person 8rzGOjv47OA-00342-00083376-00083503 because it sort of meant 8rzGOjv47OA-00343-00083504-00083767 well maybe my desire to have a great big 8rzGOjv47OA-00344-00083768-00083926 strategy that i would wheel out for a 8rzGOjv47OA-00345-00083927-00084031 minister 8rzGOjv47OA-00346-00084032-00084255 uh wasn't the right way of going about 8rzGOjv47OA-00347-00084256-00084367 things 8rzGOjv47OA-00348-00084368-00084582 the idea then was this idea of a minimum 8rzGOjv47OA-00349-00084583-00084687 viable product 8rzGOjv47OA-00350-00084688-00084982 so just to reflect very briefly on that 8rzGOjv47OA-00351-00084983-00085087 um 8rzGOjv47OA-00352-00085088-00085343 uh the metaphor that's often used is one 8rzGOjv47OA-00353-00085344-00085767 of a car uh that you have a user 8rzGOjv47OA-00354-00085768-00086118 uh a person who's affected if you like 8rzGOjv47OA-00355-00086119-00086431 but a user who says i 8rzGOjv47OA-00356-00086432-00086671 need a car i need to get from a to b and 8rzGOjv47OA-00357-00086672-00086831 i need a car 8rzGOjv47OA-00358-00086832-00087006 and you say well okay well we could 8rzGOjv47OA-00359-00087007-00087143 build you a car 8rzGOjv47OA-00360-00087144-00087367 but the problem with building your car 8rzGOjv47OA-00361-00087368-00087526 at one level will be that will take a 8rzGOjv47OA-00362-00087527-00087687 long time and we won't have anything 8rzGOjv47OA-00363-00087688-00087791 until you have the car 8rzGOjv47OA-00364-00087792-00088023 so in other words in the first week we 8rzGOjv47OA-00365-00088024-00088159 might build the wheels 8rzGOjv47OA-00366-00088160-00088447 the next week we might build the chassis 8rzGOjv47OA-00367-00088448-00088487 the 8rzGOjv47OA-00368-00088488-00088638 week after that we might build the 8rzGOjv47OA-00369-00088639-00088838 windows and then 8rzGOjv47OA-00370-00088839-00089103 the seats and then the electrics and you 8rzGOjv47OA-00371-00089104-00089159 won't have 8rzGOjv47OA-00372-00089160-00089471 anything until you get to 8rzGOjv47OA-00373-00089472-00089687 last week where you put the whole car 8rzGOjv47OA-00374-00089688-00089831 together 8rzGOjv47OA-00375-00089832-00090094 and the idea with with with an agile 8rzGOjv47OA-00376-00090095-00090287 approach and thinking about a minimum 8rzGOjv47OA-00377-00090288-00090615 viable product was to say well 8rzGOjv47OA-00378-00090616-00090767 maybe we could deliver something of 8rzGOjv47OA-00379-00090768-00091038 value to you much faster than that 8rzGOjv47OA-00380-00091039-00091231 so the metaphor that's often used is to 8rzGOjv47OA-00381-00091232-00091359 say okay 8rzGOjv47OA-00382-00091360-00091662 well let's build you a skateboard let's 8rzGOjv47OA-00383-00091663-00091823 come back to the user 8rzGOjv47OA-00384-00091824-00092094 in a week with a skateboard and let the 8rzGOjv47OA-00385-00092095-00092326 user try that 8rzGOjv47OA-00386-00092327-00092518 and so let's say for example the user 8rzGOjv47OA-00387-00092519-00092750 says well okay 8rzGOjv47OA-00388-00092751-00092926 that skateboard's all well and good but 8rzGOjv47OA-00389-00092927-00093126 it's a bit hard to steer 8rzGOjv47OA-00390-00093127-00093303 so could you give me some way of 8rzGOjv47OA-00391-00093304-00093447 steering 8rzGOjv47OA-00392-00093448-00093774 um to get from the state skateboard from 8rzGOjv47OA-00393-00093775-00093911 a to b 8rzGOjv47OA-00394-00093912-00094238 and then you go away for a week you 8rzGOjv47OA-00395-00094239-00094382 deliver something with handles 8rzGOjv47OA-00396-00094383-00094767 so they can steer and then they say hmm 8rzGOjv47OA-00397-00094768-00095047 yeah that's all well and good but 8rzGOjv47OA-00398-00095048-00095159 actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00399-00095160-00095318 uh i need something that goes a bit 8rzGOjv47OA-00400-00095319-00095487 faster uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00401-00095488-00095750 so okay well we'll we'll put a little 8rzGOjv47OA-00402-00095751-00095935 engine on it and so a week later come 8rzGOjv47OA-00403-00095936-00096079 back with an engine 8rzGOjv47OA-00404-00096080-00096511 steering wheel handlebars and uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00405-00096512-00096871 and a skateboard and then they say 8rzGOjv47OA-00406-00096872-00097150 ah well that's exactly what i needed i 8rzGOjv47OA-00407-00097151-00097359 didn't actually need the car 8rzGOjv47OA-00408-00097360-00097631 and the idea then is you this idea of a 8rzGOjv47OA-00409-00097632-00097838 minimum viable product 8rzGOjv47OA-00410-00097839-00098150 is that come back really quickly 8rzGOjv47OA-00411-00098151-00098526 with something of value to the user 8rzGOjv47OA-00412-00098527-00098767 test to see whether that delivers that a 8rzGOjv47OA-00413-00098768-00098911 sufficient value 8rzGOjv47OA-00414-00098912-00099206 iterate from there add further usability 8rzGOjv47OA-00415-00099207-00099406 if you like 8rzGOjv47OA-00416-00099407-00099655 but a couple of things happen you're 8rzGOjv47OA-00417-00099656-00099726 testing 8rzGOjv47OA-00418-00099727-00099943 early whether you're on the right track 8rzGOjv47OA-00419-00099944-00100055 so you don't end up 8rzGOjv47OA-00420-00100056-00100271 going all the way to the finished 8rzGOjv47OA-00421-00100272-00100438 product i.e the car 8rzGOjv47OA-00422-00100439-00100591 before you discover that it actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00423-00100592-00100806 wasn't really what they were after 8rzGOjv47OA-00424-00100807-00101055 but secondly you save a lot of money and 8rzGOjv47OA-00425-00101056-00101111 time 8rzGOjv47OA-00426-00101112-00101326 if you discover that in fact they didn't 8rzGOjv47OA-00427-00101327-00101518 need the car in the first place 8rzGOjv47OA-00428-00101519-00101774 that in fact all they needed was the 8rzGOjv47OA-00429-00101775-00101918 skateboard 8rzGOjv47OA-00430-00101919-00102374 with with a handlebars and an engine 8rzGOjv47OA-00431-00102375-00102590 so this idea of the minimum viable 8rzGOjv47OA-00432-00102591-00102815 product along with the human-centered 8rzGOjv47OA-00433-00102816-00102975 design 8rzGOjv47OA-00434-00102976-00103271 are a couple of the key principles that 8rzGOjv47OA-00435-00103272-00103623 i take from having an agile mindset 8rzGOjv47OA-00436-00103624-00103823 that lead you then to an understanding 8rzGOjv47OA-00437-00103824-00104054 that you might otherwise be in a world 8rzGOjv47OA-00438-00104055-00104263 where you're wanting things to be 8rzGOjv47OA-00439-00104264-00104823 too all-encompassing to 8rzGOjv47OA-00440-00104824-00105166 before you'll test it with users 8rzGOjv47OA-00441-00105167-00105319 and that really led to me really 8rzGOjv47OA-00442-00105320-00105486 rethinking quite a lot of the way in 8rzGOjv47OA-00443-00105488-00105534 which 8rzGOjv47OA-00444-00105535-00105839 i'd go up on about doing my work in 8rzGOjv47OA-00445-00105840-00106054 terms of public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00446-00106055-00106231 the kinds of things that that can then 8rzGOjv47OA-00447-00106232-00106407 lead to of course though 8rzGOjv47OA-00448-00106408-00106590 is quite challenging from a cultural 8rzGOjv47OA-00449-00106591-00106790 perspective and so i might just spend a 8rzGOjv47OA-00450-00106791-00107023 couple of minutes talking about that 8rzGOjv47OA-00451-00107024-00107319 which is part of the whole agile mindset 8rzGOjv47OA-00452-00107320-00107383 is 8rzGOjv47OA-00453-00107383-00107663 that you get a multi-disciplinary team 8rzGOjv47OA-00454-00107664-00107839 together that will cover the different 8rzGOjv47OA-00455-00107840-00108127 ingredients that you that you need in 8rzGOjv47OA-00456-00108128-00108254 order to 8rzGOjv47OA-00457-00108255-00108575 quickly work out with users 8rzGOjv47OA-00458-00108576-00109071 what's the real problem then move to 8rzGOjv47OA-00459-00109072-00109343 exploring really quickly delivering 8rzGOjv47OA-00460-00109344-00109454 value early 8rzGOjv47OA-00461-00109455-00109671 so a minimum viable product and then 8rzGOjv47OA-00462-00109672-00109878 iterating with the users 8rzGOjv47OA-00463-00109879-00110031 but one of the really challenging things 8rzGOjv47OA-00464-00110032-00110215 about that is it's not the s 8rzGOjv47OA-00465-00110216-00110447 not what you might otherwise be familiar 8rzGOjv47OA-00466-00110448-00110678 with which is having someone from on 8rzGOjv47OA-00467-00110679-00110719 high 8rzGOjv47OA-00468-00110720-00110934 dictate what the problem is what the 8rzGOjv47OA-00469-00110935-00111110 solution is and then telling you to go 8rzGOjv47OA-00470-00111111-00111302 and make it happen 8rzGOjv47OA-00471-00111303-00111615 and that can be quite challenging from a 8rzGOjv47OA-00472-00111616-00111663 cultural 8rzGOjv47OA-00473-00111664-00111847 perspective within organizations 8rzGOjv47OA-00474-00111848-00111975 certainly been challenging in 8rzGOjv47OA-00475-00111976-00112183 organizations i've been in 8rzGOjv47OA-00476-00112183-00112471 where people are used to and senior 8rzGOjv47OA-00477-00112472-00112671 leaders are used to 8rzGOjv47OA-00478-00112672-00112934 just issuing instructions about what 8rzGOjv47OA-00479-00112935-00113054 should happen 8rzGOjv47OA-00480-00113055-00113295 rather than devolving responsibility to 8rzGOjv47OA-00481-00113296-00113423 the to the 8rzGOjv47OA-00482-00113424-00113766 um the team that's actually working 8rzGOjv47OA-00483-00113767-00113966 directly with users and coming up with 8rzGOjv47OA-00484-00113967-00114007 and then 8rzGOjv47OA-00485-00114008-00114199 testing with users and iterating and 8rzGOjv47OA-00486-00114200-00114551 continuing to improve 8rzGOjv47OA-00487-00114552-00114807 an approach uh it can also be quite 8rzGOjv47OA-00488-00114808-00114919 challenging for 8rzGOjv47OA-00489-00114920-00115223 for middle management because middle 8rzGOjv47OA-00490-00115224-00115476 management 8rzGOjv47OA-00491-00115477-00115663 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00492-00115664-00116047 won't be used not just to users 8rzGOjv47OA-00493-00116048-00116390 but in other words you don't want to go 8rzGOjv47OA-00494-00116391-00116719 away and completely work up 8rzGOjv47OA-00495-00116720-00116927 something to a finished standard if you 8rzGOjv47OA-00496-00116928-00117151 like polished within an inch of its life 8rzGOjv47OA-00497-00117152-00117486 before showing um a senior stakeholder 8rzGOjv47OA-00498-00117488-00117695 the idea is that you'll show it early 8rzGOjv47OA-00499-00117696-00117854 too uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00500-00117855-00118190 within you know a week sprint as 8rzGOjv47OA-00501-00118191-00118478 it's referred to or two weeks show some 8rzGOjv47OA-00502-00118479-00118663 early evidence of what 8rzGOjv47OA-00503-00118664-00118951 you've been discovering uh and and what 8rzGOjv47OA-00504-00118952-00119119 you think your hypothesis about what you 8rzGOjv47OA-00505-00119120-00119207 think the solution 8rzGOjv47OA-00506-00119208-00119519 is uh seeking some feedback and then 8rzGOjv47OA-00507-00119520-00119631 saying what's going to happen in the 8rzGOjv47OA-00508-00119632-00119686 next 8rzGOjv47OA-00509-00119688-00119919 sprint or two weeks or whatever however 8rzGOjv47OA-00510-00119920-00120007 you choose to 8rzGOjv47OA-00511-00120008-00120390 box up the time uh and that can be quite 8rzGOjv47OA-00512-00120391-00120590 challenging for middle management who 8rzGOjv47OA-00513-00120591-00120719 might feel as though if we show 8rzGOjv47OA-00514-00120720-00120975 something that's not 8rzGOjv47OA-00515-00120976-00121390 well developed and polished up the line 8rzGOjv47OA-00516-00121391-00121551 that might not be acceptable that might 8rzGOjv47OA-00517-00121552-00121734 be a really risky strategy 8rzGOjv47OA-00518-00121735-00121895 and the different indifference in 8rzGOjv47OA-00519-00121896-00122054 mindset here it needs to be 8rzGOjv47OA-00520-00122055-00122358 no no it's lower risk it's actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00521-00122359-00122551 lower risk to show things early and 8rzGOjv47OA-00522-00122552-00122758 often and iterate 8rzGOjv47OA-00523-00122759-00123054 because you don't get towards the end of 8rzGOjv47OA-00524-00123055-00123199 a project's life 8rzGOjv47OA-00525-00123200-00123414 for example where you've used up all the 8rzGOjv47OA-00526-00123415-00123599 resources and all the time before you 8rzGOjv47OA-00527-00123600-00123710 show it 8rzGOjv47OA-00528-00123711-00124014 to users or you show it to senior people 8rzGOjv47OA-00529-00124015-00124183 but it can be quite challenging from a 8rzGOjv47OA-00530-00124183-00124399 cultural perspective 8rzGOjv47OA-00531-00124400-00124631 you can get a sense of that then that 8rzGOjv47OA-00532-00124632-00124895 that leads to a model where 8rzGOjv47OA-00533-00124896-00125239 you really do need to empower people 8rzGOjv47OA-00534-00125240-00125558 to work in this way with this 8rzGOjv47OA-00535-00125559-00125895 this idea of moving as really early 8rzGOjv47OA-00536-00125896-00126127 to really deeply understand the problem 8rzGOjv47OA-00537-00126128-00126343 allowing people to directly engage with 8rzGOjv47OA-00538-00126344-00126375 the 8rzGOjv47OA-00539-00126376-00126631 with users people affected by the policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00540-00126632-00126799 of the program or the 8rzGOjv47OA-00541-00126800-00127327 um the activity that you're engaged with 8rzGOjv47OA-00542-00127328-00127527 allow them to test with users really 8rzGOjv47OA-00543-00127528-00127966 early the early ideas or prototypes 8rzGOjv47OA-00544-00127967-00128202 and then continuing to iterate 8rzGOjv47OA-00545-00128203-00128447 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00546-00128448-00128743 so it there's a mixture of process and 8rzGOjv47OA-00547-00128744-00128814 culture 8rzGOjv47OA-00548-00128815-00129071 involved in that but it becomes quite 8rzGOjv47OA-00549-00129072-00129295 liberating and quite exciting 8rzGOjv47OA-00550-00129296-00129583 if you can land that uh because people 8rzGOjv47OA-00551-00129583-00129799 feel a much more greater sense of 8rzGOjv47OA-00552-00129800-00130158 ownership and control over what they're 8rzGOjv47OA-00553-00130159-00130447 doing they feel particularly in large 8rzGOjv47OA-00554-00130448-00130639 and it might be different in geoscience 8rzGOjv47OA-00555-00130640-00130799 australia but particularly in large 8rzGOjv47OA-00556-00130800-00130958 bureaucratic structures 8rzGOjv47OA-00557-00130959-00131166 like government departments they can 8rzGOjv47OA-00558-00131167-00131366 feel liberated from the sort of stifling 8rzGOjv47OA-00559-00131367-00131543 layers of bureaucracy that sit above 8rzGOjv47OA-00560-00131544-00131623 them 8rzGOjv47OA-00561-00131624-00131990 um and also get a sense of actual 8rzGOjv47OA-00562-00131991-00132278 actually much faster moving to outcomes 8rzGOjv47OA-00563-00132279-00132351 um 8rzGOjv47OA-00564-00132352-00132575 uh and less likely to be in a world 8rzGOjv47OA-00565-00132576-00132663 where they 8rzGOjv47OA-00566-00132664-00132887 lose the will to live because of endless 8rzGOjv47OA-00567-00132888-00133047 cycles of drafts 8rzGOjv47OA-00568-00133048-00133351 uh with senior folk before uh something 8rzGOjv47OA-00569-00133352-00133511 is allowed to be then tested 8rzGOjv47OA-00570-00133512-00133854 uh with with users 8rzGOjv47OA-00571-00133855-00134302 so um this really changed my whole life 8rzGOjv47OA-00572-00134303-00134614 actually it led to me thinking well 8rzGOjv47OA-00573-00134615-00134951 actually i feel quite disconnected from 8rzGOjv47OA-00574-00134952-00135311 um those that i'm i'm i'm meant to serve 8rzGOjv47OA-00575-00135312-00135614 uh it led to me feeling as though i 8rzGOjv47OA-00576-00135615-00135814 wanted to turn upside down a lot of the 8rzGOjv47OA-00577-00135815-00135975 the ways 8rzGOjv47OA-00578-00135976-00136143 the structures in which i was operating 8rzGOjv47OA-00579-00136144-00136327 in the ways in which 8rzGOjv47OA-00580-00136328-00136719 i'd worked in the past and it 8rzGOjv47OA-00581-00136720-00136959 of course because it was a bit of an 8rzGOjv47OA-00582-00136960-00137127 epiphany or a road to damascus 8rzGOjv47OA-00583-00137128-00137214 conversion 8rzGOjv47OA-00584-00137215-00137439 it then led me to be a bit of a crazy 8rzGOjv47OA-00585-00137440-00137551 zealot um 8rzGOjv47OA-00586-00137552-00137847 which i tried to do with humor um 8rzGOjv47OA-00587-00137848-00137902 because 8rzGOjv47OA-00588-00137903-00138078 no one likes to sell it with without a 8rzGOjv47OA-00589-00138079-00138327 sense of humor um but it led me to start 8rzGOjv47OA-00590-00138328-00138471 to think about ways in which the 8rzGOjv47OA-00591-00138472-00138647 different environments i was operating 8rzGOjv47OA-00592-00138648-00138871 in could also be turned on their heads 8rzGOjv47OA-00593-00138872-00139295 and where this had come from um 8rzGOjv47OA-00594-00139296-00139559 the kool-aid i'd drunk in relation to 8rzGOjv47OA-00595-00139560-00139711 digital 8rzGOjv47OA-00596-00139712-00139990 actually i could see that these rhythms 8rzGOjv47OA-00597-00139991-00140247 and these methods these ways of working 8rzGOjv47OA-00598-00140248-00140702 were actually directly applicable to 8rzGOjv47OA-00599-00140703-00141007 many other forms of problem solving many 8rzGOjv47OA-00600-00141008-00141135 other forms of 8rzGOjv47OA-00601-00141136-00141551 organizing of teams and in particular 8rzGOjv47OA-00602-00141552-00141887 uh also um uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00603-00141888-00142151 the ways in which you would more closely 8rzGOjv47OA-00604-00142152-00142390 and directly engage with 8rzGOjv47OA-00605-00142391-00142631 those you serve in order to problem 8rzGOjv47OA-00606-00142632-00142847 solve 8rzGOjv47OA-00607-00142848-00143166 so it's been quite a a change for me 8rzGOjv47OA-00608-00143167-00143414 uh i first then got the opportunity to 8rzGOjv47OA-00609-00143415-00143590 work on that in the industry department 8rzGOjv47OA-00610-00143591-00143663 and we worked 8rzGOjv47OA-00611-00143664-00143831 a lot on that in relation to the service 8rzGOjv47OA-00612-00143832-00143983 delivery that we were doing there and 8rzGOjv47OA-00613-00143984-00144166 reforming that 8rzGOjv47OA-00614-00144167-00144343 then an opportunity to do that at 8rzGOjv47OA-00615-00144344-00144511 austrade 8rzGOjv47OA-00616-00144512-00144814 and led us down a path of really trying 8rzGOjv47OA-00617-00144815-00144975 to transform the service delivery 8rzGOjv47OA-00618-00144976-00145078 offering there 8rzGOjv47OA-00619-00145079-00145390 and now here i am at agriculture and in 8rzGOjv47OA-00620-00145391-00145559 each of those contexts 8rzGOjv47OA-00621-00145560-00145878 the obvious point to make is the hardest 8rzGOjv47OA-00622-00145879-00146014 part 8rzGOjv47OA-00623-00146015-00146263 is not the technical kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-00624-00146264-00146463 understanding of the different ways of 8rzGOjv47OA-00625-00146464-00146526 working 8rzGOjv47OA-00626-00146527-00146790 or taking having an agile mindset it's 8rzGOjv47OA-00627-00146791-00146983 actually the cultural change that's 8rzGOjv47OA-00628-00146984-00147311 really the hardest and persuading 8rzGOjv47OA-00629-00147312-00147380 encouraging 8rzGOjv47OA-00630-00147381-00147702 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00631-00147703-00147983 the ideas and the take up of those ideas 8rzGOjv47OA-00632-00147984-00148143 by other people 8rzGOjv47OA-00633-00148144-00148319 i'm actually more than happy to talk a 8rzGOjv47OA-00634-00148320-00148511 bit about some of that 8rzGOjv47OA-00635-00148512-00148695 and some of the leadership challenges 8rzGOjv47OA-00636-00148696-00148814 and uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00637-00148815-00149014 what sorts of things will encourage 8rzGOjv47OA-00638-00149015-00149135 people uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00639-00149136-00149335 to adopt these different approaches and 8rzGOjv47OA-00640-00149336-00149478 believe in them 8rzGOjv47OA-00641-00149479-00149735 uh but but i'm also curious to 8rzGOjv47OA-00642-00149736-00149847 understand more 8rzGOjv47OA-00643-00149848-00150071 uh some of the things that you might be 8rzGOjv47OA-00644-00150072-00150231 curious about yourselves 8rzGOjv47OA-00645-00150232-00150471 in terms of some of this language these 8rzGOjv47OA-00646-00150472-00150671 ideas how it might be applicable in your 8rzGOjv47OA-00647-00150672-00150775 context 8rzGOjv47OA-00648-00150776-00151078 so perhaps i'll pause there i'm mindful 8rzGOjv47OA-00649-00151079-00151302 at the time 8rzGOjv47OA-00650-00151303-00151566 and maybe we can enter into a bit more 8rzGOjv47OA-00651-00151567-00151631 of uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00652-00151632-00151926 q a at this point uh so steve i might 8rzGOjv47OA-00653-00151927-00152143 hand back to you 8rzGOjv47OA-00654-00152144-00152487 terrific okay thanks for that that was 8rzGOjv47OA-00655-00152488-00152766 that was good i feel like it was the 8rzGOjv47OA-00656-00152767-00152959 starting point of a journey but we have 8rzGOjv47OA-00657-00152960-00153078 had some 8rzGOjv47OA-00658-00153079-00153431 great comments and a question that i'd 8rzGOjv47OA-00659-00153432-00153526 like to 8rzGOjv47OA-00660-00153527-00153814 put to you from the audience for me um 8rzGOjv47OA-00661-00153815-00153951 firstly i'll just say the comments have 8rzGOjv47OA-00662-00153952-00154031 been 8rzGOjv47OA-00663-00154032-00154183 yeah it sounds like there's been a lot 8rzGOjv47OA-00664-00154184-00154407 of pennies drop and people go thanks for 8rzGOjv47OA-00665-00154408-00154526 reminding me of that 8rzGOjv47OA-00666-00154527-00154759 that's that's been um that's been 8rzGOjv47OA-00667-00154760-00154854 interesting but 8rzGOjv47OA-00668-00154855-00155166 um joe kakuza has a question and 8rzGOjv47OA-00669-00155167-00155311 it's a it's a really interesting one 8rzGOjv47OA-00670-00155312-00155566 he's he says i'm not sure that building 8rzGOjv47OA-00671-00155567-00155839 a car is quite the same as developing 8rzGOjv47OA-00672-00155840-00156102 government policy developing something 8rzGOjv47OA-00673-00156103-00156166 of value 8rzGOjv47OA-00674-00156167-00156439 now may have negative outcomes in the 8rzGOjv47OA-00675-00156440-00156519 long term 8rzGOjv47OA-00676-00156520-00156775 so the question is to what extent does 8rzGOjv47OA-00677-00156776-00157078 public policy development seriously look 8rzGOjv47OA-00678-00157079-00157102 at 8rzGOjv47OA-00679-00157103-00157454 implications in the long term oli 8rzGOjv47OA-00680-00157455-00157607 nielsen has then followed on with that 8rzGOjv47OA-00681-00157608-00157783 and said yeah good question joe let's 8rzGOjv47OA-00682-00157784-00157863 ask david 8rzGOjv47OA-00683-00157864-00158135 how exactly one can develop public 8rzGOjv47OA-00684-00158136-00158259 policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00685-00158260-00158575 iteratively so would you like to yeah 8rzGOjv47OA-00686-00158576-00158790 share with us some thoughts on that good 8rzGOjv47OA-00687-00158791-00158959 good questions good questions 8rzGOjv47OA-00688-00158960-00159287 um and of course um uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00689-00159288-00159519 the strength of a metaphor is it makes 8rzGOjv47OA-00690-00159520-00159807 something very complex simple 8rzGOjv47OA-00691-00159808-00159999 and that's of course the weakness of the 8rzGOjv47OA-00692-00160000-00160254 metaphor 8rzGOjv47OA-00693-00160255-00160614 so look what i would say about that is 8rzGOjv47OA-00694-00160615-00161095 that 8rzGOjv47OA-00695-00161096-00161271 it's of course important to be thinking 8rzGOjv47OA-00696-00161272-00161519 about the the long term as well 8rzGOjv47OA-00697-00161520-00161702 um and it does depend a bit on the 8rzGOjv47OA-00698-00161703-00161887 nature of the public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00699-00161888-00162207 problem that you're trying to solve um 8rzGOjv47OA-00700-00162208-00162543 and uh i suppose in more recent times 8rzGOjv47OA-00701-00162544-00162614 for me 8rzGOjv47OA-00702-00162615-00162814 i've been particularly interested in 8rzGOjv47OA-00703-00162815-00163063 those aspects of public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00704-00163064-00163383 and delivery that go to the direct 8rzGOjv47OA-00705-00163384-00163519 impact on people 8rzGOjv47OA-00706-00163520-00163887 and the ways in which 8rzGOjv47OA-00707-00163888-00164214 uh those in darkened rooms or windowless 8rzGOjv47OA-00708-00164215-00164390 offices in canberra 8rzGOjv47OA-00709-00164391-00164775 can often be working on public problems 8rzGOjv47OA-00710-00164776-00165054 kind of disconnected from reality and 8rzGOjv47OA-00711-00165055-00165254 making all sorts of assumptions about 8rzGOjv47OA-00712-00165255-00165535 the ways in which people will respond 8rzGOjv47OA-00713-00165536-00165847 uh to the public policy response 8rzGOjv47OA-00714-00165848-00166183 uh that you might have that's seeking 8rzGOjv47OA-00715-00166184-00166438 um in effect a kind of behavioral 8rzGOjv47OA-00716-00166439-00166543 response 8rzGOjv47OA-00717-00166544-00166943 so that might be in the 8rzGOjv47OA-00718-00166944-00167295 um in the economic 8rzGOjv47OA-00719-00167296-00167463 sphere it might be that you're seeking 8rzGOjv47OA-00720-00167464-00167735 to influence sperm behaviour 8rzGOjv47OA-00721-00167736-00167966 or consumer behavior in an economic 8rzGOjv47OA-00722-00167967-00168207 sense or it could be in social 8rzGOjv47OA-00723-00168208-00168526 social sphere in trying to 8rzGOjv47OA-00724-00168527-00168814 influence health behaviors or caring 8rzGOjv47OA-00725-00168815-00169054 responsibility behaviours or whatever 8rzGOjv47OA-00726-00169055-00169295 trying to change a system in which the 8rzGOjv47OA-00727-00169296-00169495 key actors in the system are of course 8rzGOjv47OA-00728-00169496-00169566 the people 8rzGOjv47OA-00729-00169567-00169887 that are in it so it's a really good 8rzGOjv47OA-00730-00169888-00170031 point to 8rzGOjv47OA-00731-00170032-00170247 say that you also need to take a kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-00732-00170248-00170438 systems thinking approach to the longer 8rzGOjv47OA-00733-00170439-00170647 term implications of things 8rzGOjv47OA-00734-00170648-00170990 perhaps my particular focus is on really 8rzGOjv47OA-00735-00170991-00171199 deeply understanding what will lead to 8rzGOjv47OA-00736-00171200-00171431 the kinds of behaviors that will have 8rzGOjv47OA-00737-00171432-00171511 the 8rzGOjv47OA-00738-00171512-00171667 um the kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-00739-00171668-00171823 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00740-00171824-00172014 economic or social outcomes that you're 8rzGOjv47OA-00741-00172015-00172214 looking to achieve and my hypothesis or 8rzGOjv47OA-00742-00172215-00172359 not my hypothesis 8rzGOjv47OA-00743-00172360-00172711 my thesis now is that 8rzGOjv47OA-00744-00172712-00173078 um in general 8rzGOjv47OA-00745-00173079-00173335 not always but most commonly it's the 8rzGOjv47OA-00746-00173336-00173438 case that the 8rzGOjv47OA-00747-00173439-00173702 public public policy work that we do is 8rzGOjv47OA-00748-00173703-00173854 kind of done in a bubble 8rzGOjv47OA-00749-00173855-00174335 or even just in a window 8rzGOjv47OA-00750-00174336-00174620 and it is disconnected from 8rzGOjv47OA-00751-00174621-00174743 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00752-00174744-00174959 really deep understanding of why people 8rzGOjv47OA-00753-00174960-00175119 are behaving or doing the things that 8rzGOjv47OA-00754-00175120-00175199 they do 8rzGOjv47OA-00755-00175200-00175375 the problems that they have that need to 8rzGOjv47OA-00756-00175376-00175535 be solved 8rzGOjv47OA-00757-00175536-00175775 we often have a tendency for example and 8rzGOjv47OA-00758-00175776-00175935 i certainly did 8rzGOjv47OA-00759-00175936-00176247 to give primacy to 8rzGOjv47OA-00760-00176248-00176566 a statistical analysis 8rzGOjv47OA-00761-00176567-00176902 uh um the impact of certain kinds of 8rzGOjv47OA-00762-00176903-00177031 interventions 8rzGOjv47OA-00763-00177032-00177311 uh and and my training was that unless 8rzGOjv47OA-00764-00177312-00177463 you had a good evidence base for doing 8rzGOjv47OA-00765-00177464-00177599 something you'd never do it 8rzGOjv47OA-00766-00177600-00177911 um uh and the evidence base should be 8rzGOjv47OA-00767-00177912-00177999 built on you know 8rzGOjv47OA-00768-00178000-00178390 statistically valid samples of um 8rzGOjv47OA-00769-00178391-00178671 of the of the population or the 8rzGOjv47OA-00770-00178672-00178878 behaviors or of the economic activity 8rzGOjv47OA-00771-00178879-00179095 you are seeking to influence 8rzGOjv47OA-00772-00179096-00179295 uh and then say and being able to test 8rzGOjv47OA-00773-00179296-00179414 whether those those 8rzGOjv47OA-00774-00179415-00179663 things that you're wanting to intervene 8rzGOjv47OA-00775-00179664-00179799 with 8rzGOjv47OA-00776-00179800-00180111 have the difference that you anticipate 8rzGOjv47OA-00777-00180112-00180383 the thing that i really discovered is 8rzGOjv47OA-00778-00180384-00180478 this idea 8rzGOjv47OA-00779-00180479-00180766 that the thing that's missing from that 8rzGOjv47OA-00780-00180767-00181023 is the human centered design aspect 8rzGOjv47OA-00781-00181024-00181311 the really deep understanding which you 8rzGOjv47OA-00782-00181312-00181526 don't get through doing a survey 8rzGOjv47OA-00783-00181527-00181719 or through economic analysis or 8rzGOjv47OA-00784-00181720-00181871 statistical analysis 8rzGOjv47OA-00785-00181872-00182166 of what's going on in people's heads and 8rzGOjv47OA-00786-00182167-00182207 why 8rzGOjv47OA-00787-00182208-00182423 they're behaving the way that they are 8rzGOjv47OA-00788-00182424-00182583 um or 8rzGOjv47OA-00789-00182584-00182814 why they make the choices that they do 8rzGOjv47OA-00790-00182815-00182926 um 8rzGOjv47OA-00791-00182927-00183238 and the best way of describing it that i 8rzGOjv47OA-00792-00183239-00183319 i've 8rzGOjv47OA-00793-00183320-00183526 i've come across is really this idea 8rzGOjv47OA-00794-00183527-00183678 that you're wanting to sit across the 8rzGOjv47OA-00795-00183679-00183814 table from someone 8rzGOjv47OA-00796-00183815-00184151 in their context to 8rzGOjv47OA-00797-00184152-00184375 watch what they do rather than just ask 8rzGOjv47OA-00798-00184376-00184519 them what they do 8rzGOjv47OA-00799-00184520-00184759 in other words understand what's 8rzGOjv47OA-00800-00184760-00184831 happening 8rzGOjv47OA-00801-00184832-00185047 when they're making the choices the kind 8rzGOjv47OA-00802-00185048-00185231 of decision-making processes they're 8rzGOjv47OA-00803-00185232-00185414 going through the context in which 8rzGOjv47OA-00804-00185415-00185614 they're making those decisions 8rzGOjv47OA-00805-00185615-00185943 you can't get any of those by doing 8rzGOjv47OA-00806-00185944-00186183 um a lot of the traditional approaches 8rzGOjv47OA-00807-00186184-00186383 even focus groups you can't get it from 8rzGOjv47OA-00808-00186384-00186559 focus groups either because it's in an 8rzGOjv47OA-00809-00186560-00186783 artificial environment 8rzGOjv47OA-00810-00186784-00186935 in which people are being asked 8rzGOjv47OA-00811-00186936-00187143 questions rather than having 8rzGOjv47OA-00812-00187144-00187454 what they do kind of observed 8rzGOjv47OA-00813-00187455-00187766 so i could ramble endlessly on this and 8rzGOjv47OA-00814-00187767-00187895 i won't 8rzGOjv47OA-00815-00187896-00188238 but i i guess my key point then is 8rzGOjv47OA-00816-00188239-00188454 yes longer term implications are really 8rzGOjv47OA-00817-00188455-00188550 important 8rzGOjv47OA-00818-00188551-00188759 this agile stuff and in particular the 8rzGOjv47OA-00819-00188760-00188966 human centered design part of agile is 8rzGOjv47OA-00820-00188967-00189223 really directly going to 8rzGOjv47OA-00821-00189224-00189407 why is it that people are doing the 8rzGOjv47OA-00822-00189408-00189526 things they're doing 8rzGOjv47OA-00823-00189527-00189983 and how much you better design 8rzGOjv47OA-00824-00189984-00190254 for the impact or supporting the 8rzGOjv47OA-00825-00190255-00190375 outcomes that you want 8rzGOjv47OA-00826-00190376-00190887 for the benefit of 8rzGOjv47OA-00827-00190888-00191287 hit me with another question steve 8rzGOjv47OA-00828-00191288-00191647 okay um that's great there have been 8rzGOjv47OA-00829-00191648-00191863 other questions come in so we've got one 8rzGOjv47OA-00830-00191864-00192263 he can 8rzGOjv47OA-00831-00192264-00192519 yeah we've got one here from jeffrey 8rzGOjv47OA-00832-00192520-00192607 fraser 8rzGOjv47OA-00833-00192608-00192935 and he'd like to hear more of your views 8rzGOjv47OA-00834-00192936-00192983 about 8rzGOjv47OA-00835-00192984-00193278 whether you feel this focus on agile and 8rzGOjv47OA-00836-00193279-00193423 rapid delivery 8rzGOjv47OA-00837-00193424-00193654 can also be balanced with longer term 8rzGOjv47OA-00838-00193655-00193887 work that progresses in parallel with 8rzGOjv47OA-00839-00193888-00193990 the rapid 8rzGOjv47OA-00840-00193991-00194319 turnaround work yes of course 8rzGOjv47OA-00841-00194320-00194519 um so thanks jeffrey really good 8rzGOjv47OA-00842-00194520-00194895 question um uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00843-00194896-00195295 from my perspective this is my epiphany 8rzGOjv47OA-00844-00195296-00195695 was more a sense of inadequacy uh around 8rzGOjv47OA-00845-00195696-00195926 the tools i had in my toolkit and it 8rzGOjv47OA-00846-00195927-00196078 wasn't that i was going to throw 8rzGOjv47OA-00847-00196079-00196366 all of the other tools out including 8rzGOjv47OA-00848-00196367-00196535 longer term 8rzGOjv47OA-00849-00196536-00196678 longer term thinking longer term 8rzGOjv47OA-00850-00196679-00196847 research 8rzGOjv47OA-00851-00196848-00197135 longer term development of ideas it was 8rzGOjv47OA-00852-00197136-00197326 more that i had something missing 8rzGOjv47OA-00853-00197327-00197535 that was partly around this as i say 8rzGOjv47OA-00854-00197536-00197631 this deep 8rzGOjv47OA-00855-00197632-00197983 empathy and and understanding of uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00856-00197984-00198119 around these ideas of human centered 8rzGOjv47OA-00857-00198120-00198319 design and partly about the idea of 8rzGOjv47OA-00858-00198320-00198438 rapid delivery 8rzGOjv47OA-00859-00198439-00198783 um and and i suppose what i would be 8rzGOjv47OA-00860-00198784-00198966 wary of 8rzGOjv47OA-00861-00198967-00199223 is confusing the two things so what do i 8rzGOjv47OA-00862-00199224-00199614 mean by that 8rzGOjv47OA-00863-00199615-00199863 it is very common i have had a lot of 8rzGOjv47OA-00864-00199864-00200023 pushback 8rzGOjv47OA-00865-00200024-00200287 around things where people are saying no 8rzGOjv47OA-00866-00200288-00200478 no we need to think about that for 8rzGOjv47OA-00867-00200479-00200575 longer 8rzGOjv47OA-00868-00200576-00200799 before we engage people who are actually 8rzGOjv47OA-00869-00200800-00200999 affected by it 8rzGOjv47OA-00870-00201000-00201375 um and so there's this inherent tension 8rzGOjv47OA-00871-00201376-00201495 sometimes 8rzGOjv47OA-00872-00201496-00201702 uh around no no we need to get this 8rzGOjv47OA-00873-00201703-00201807 right 8rzGOjv47OA-00874-00201808-00202166 before we reveal it or test it 8rzGOjv47OA-00875-00202167-00202471 rather than saying let's take a bit of a 8rzGOjv47OA-00876-00202472-00202511 risk 8rzGOjv47OA-00877-00202512-00202726 be humble about what we pro we're 8rzGOjv47OA-00878-00202727-00202975 presenting to people 8rzGOjv47OA-00879-00202976-00203126 but say look we've been doing some 8rzGOjv47OA-00880-00203127-00203311 initial thinking about this 8rzGOjv47OA-00881-00203312-00203607 can we test some of these ideas with you 8rzGOjv47OA-00882-00203608-00203783 really early 8rzGOjv47OA-00883-00203784-00204102 embarrassingly early some people then 8rzGOjv47OA-00884-00204103-00204263 say 8rzGOjv47OA-00885-00204264-00204454 oh well ministers won't cope with that 8rzGOjv47OA-00886-00204455-00204631 or senior people won't cope with that 8rzGOjv47OA-00887-00204632-00204790 because it's too risky 8rzGOjv47OA-00888-00204791-00204919 you know we're going to go out there 8rzGOjv47OA-00889-00204919-00205223 with half thought out you know 8rzGOjv47OA-00890-00205223-00205551 turkey-brained ideas and 8rzGOjv47OA-00891-00205552-00205838 people will think we're fools or it will 8rzGOjv47OA-00892-00205839-00206110 get bad publicity or whatever 8rzGOjv47OA-00893-00206111-00206431 um i have to say in my experience um 8rzGOjv47OA-00894-00206432-00206671 managed the right way that is not the 8rzGOjv47OA-00895-00206671-00206766 reaction of 8rzGOjv47OA-00896-00206767-00207103 senior folk um and part of me including 8rzGOjv47OA-00897-00207104-00207190 ministers 8rzGOjv47OA-00898-00207191-00207479 particularly if they can say no no 8rzGOjv47OA-00899-00207480-00207655 that's just my peeps doing some good 8rzGOjv47OA-00900-00207656-00207734 work 8rzGOjv47OA-00901-00207735-00207886 they're just coming up with some 8rzGOjv47OA-00902-00207887-00208038 interesting ideas and they're doing 8rzGOjv47OA-00903-00208039-00208294 doing so in a way that we engage early 8rzGOjv47OA-00904-00208296-00208446 and test with people whether they think 8rzGOjv47OA-00905-00208448-00208582 there's anything in them 8rzGOjv47OA-00906-00208583-00208751 there's no there's you know this is not 8rzGOjv47OA-00907-00208752-00208886 government policy 8rzGOjv47OA-00908-00208887-00209103 this is just people doing what they 8rzGOjv47OA-00909-00209104-00209255 should be doing which is coming up with 8rzGOjv47OA-00910-00209256-00209455 interesting ideas and testing on them 8rzGOjv47OA-00911-00209456-00209758 and if some of them are duds great we'll 8rzGOjv47OA-00912-00209759-00209894 find that out early 8rzGOjv47OA-00913-00209896-00210287 rather than going 18 months into 8rzGOjv47OA-00914-00210288-00210375 something 8rzGOjv47OA-00915-00210376-00210534 wheeling something out to the general 8rzGOjv47OA-00916-00210535-00210934 public and having 8rzGOjv47OA-00917-00210935-00211294 particular stakeholders go what have you 8rzGOjv47OA-00918-00211296-00211551 been doing you've come up with a bunch 8rzGOjv47OA-00919-00211552-00211646 of stuff that is 8rzGOjv47OA-00920-00211648-00211887 stupid and if you'd asked us earlier we 8rzGOjv47OA-00921-00211888-00212079 could have told you that 8rzGOjv47OA-00922-00212080-00212423 it's also not the same as consultation 8rzGOjv47OA-00923-00212423-00212727 so consultation has its place but in 8rzGOjv47OA-00924-00212728-00212903 general with consultation of course 8rzGOjv47OA-00925-00212904-00213142 you've already decided you've already 8rzGOjv47OA-00926-00213144-00213310 come up with the thing whatever the 8rzGOjv47OA-00927-00213311-00213415 thing is 8rzGOjv47OA-00928-00213416-00213591 and you're showing it to people saying 8rzGOjv47OA-00929-00213592-00213767 we've come up with this thing 8rzGOjv47OA-00930-00213767-00213942 we've basically decided the minister 8rzGOjv47OA-00931-00213944-00214094 thinks it's awesome 8rzGOjv47OA-00932-00214096-00214367 what do you guys reckon it's too late 8rzGOjv47OA-00933-00214367-00214439 right 8rzGOjv47OA-00934-00214440-00214719 people are already gathered around the 8rzGOjv47OA-00935-00214719-00214846 new idea 8rzGOjv47OA-00936-00214848-00215079 uh and basically the whole point is it 8rzGOjv47OA-00937-00215080-00215271 hasn't been allowed out into public 8rzGOjv47OA-00938-00215271-00215558 uh into the into public viewing until 8rzGOjv47OA-00939-00215559-00215606 people 8rzGOjv47OA-00940-00215607-00215839 yeah that's it you got it you've nailed 8rzGOjv47OA-00941-00215840-00215934 it 8rzGOjv47OA-00942-00215935-00216158 uh all right i'm gonna pause again 8rzGOjv47OA-00943-00216159-00216382 because i'll keep rambling otherwise 8rzGOjv47OA-00944-00216383-00216663 ah that's great and i think you know the 8rzGOjv47OA-00945-00216664-00216806 phrase that i think i heard you use 8rzGOjv47OA-00946-00216807-00216967 earlier around this was don't be afraid 8rzGOjv47OA-00947-00216967-00217134 to fail fast so yeah 8rzGOjv47OA-00948-00217135-00217415 good points yeah got another question 8rzGOjv47OA-00949-00217416-00217463 from 8rzGOjv47OA-00950-00217464-00217775 trevor dew trevor's also i guess coming 8rzGOjv47OA-00951-00217776-00217823 from 8rzGOjv47OA-00952-00217823-00218079 you know being within government asking 8rzGOjv47OA-00953-00218080-00218191 hey david 8rzGOjv47OA-00954-00218192-00218431 in driving cultural change towards these 8rzGOjv47OA-00955-00218432-00218598 agile approaches 8rzGOjv47OA-00956-00218600-00218951 how have you dealt with systemic 8rzGOjv47OA-00957-00218952-00219198 challenges in the public service 8rzGOjv47OA-00958-00219200-00219279 brackets 8rzGOjv47OA-00959-00219280-00219551 from our reporting budget cycles things 8rzGOjv47OA-00960-00219552-00219663 like that 8rzGOjv47OA-00961-00219664-00219863 yeah really good question there's a lot 8rzGOjv47OA-00962-00219864-00220063 to unpack in all of that 8rzGOjv47OA-00963-00220064-00220312 um so uh 8rzGOjv47OA-00964-00220313-00220527 [Music] 8rzGOjv47OA-00965-00220528-00221071 what i've tended to do so uh is 8rzGOjv47OA-00966-00221071-00221239 with any kind of cultural change or 8rzGOjv47OA-00967-00221240-00221510 system change like this 8rzGOjv47OA-00968-00221511-00221806 uh if you stand back from it far enough 8rzGOjv47OA-00969-00221807-00221967 there's two broad approaches you can 8rzGOjv47OA-00970-00221967-00222046 take 8rzGOjv47OA-00971-00222048-00222239 one is to experiment with little things 8rzGOjv47OA-00972-00222240-00222398 that don't matter 8rzGOjv47OA-00973-00222400-00222687 and try and prove it up from there in 8rzGOjv47OA-00974-00222688-00222751 other words 8rzGOjv47OA-00975-00222752-00223015 what you then consider to be low risk 8rzGOjv47OA-00976-00223016-00223151 but experiment with 8rzGOjv47OA-00977-00223152-00223415 ways at which for example budget cycles 8rzGOjv47OA-00978-00223416-00223631 or procurement processes or recruitment 8rzGOjv47OA-00979-00223632-00223991 or um 8rzGOjv47OA-00980-00223992-00224358 strategic planning approaches etc 8rzGOjv47OA-00981-00224359-00224542 ways in which you can play around with 8rzGOjv47OA-00982-00224544-00224806 them but on something small 8rzGOjv47OA-00983-00224807-00225039 but if it goes wrong it doesn't matter 8rzGOjv47OA-00984-00225040-00225215 that's one path 8rzGOjv47OA-00985-00225216-00225663 however it's not the path that i support 8rzGOjv47OA-00986-00225664-00225927 so the path that i thought is doing it 8rzGOjv47OA-00987-00225928-00226094 on something that some bastard cares 8rzGOjv47OA-00988-00226096-00226246 about 8rzGOjv47OA-00989-00226248-00226591 in other words actually it might sound 8rzGOjv47OA-00990-00226592-00226775 higher risk and i suppose at one level 8rzGOjv47OA-00991-00226776-00227158 it is but my approach has tended to be 8rzGOjv47OA-00992-00227159-00227458 pick things that are core to your 8rzGOjv47OA-00993-00227459-00227631 organization's 8rzGOjv47OA-00994-00227632-00228055 success and 8rzGOjv47OA-00995-00228056-00228527 use those opportunities and you might 8rzGOjv47OA-00996-00228528-00228734 only pick one 8rzGOjv47OA-00997-00228735-00229039 um as a way of demonstrating and 8rzGOjv47OA-00998-00229040-00229151 practicing 8rzGOjv47OA-00999-00229152-00229463 on something big and there's a couple of 8rzGOjv47OA-01000-00229464-00229542 reasons for that 8rzGOjv47OA-01001-00229544-00229751 one is the big things that are critical 8rzGOjv47OA-01002-00229752-00229975 to success someone cares about therefore 8rzGOjv47OA-01003-00229976-00230087 it'll be a priority 8rzGOjv47OA-01004-00230088-00230239 and you'll be able to properly resource 8rzGOjv47OA-01005-00230240-00230519 it but the most important reason for 8rzGOjv47OA-01006-00230519-00230639 doing that is 8rzGOjv47OA-01007-00230640-00230934 it will actually prove something doing 8rzGOjv47OA-01008-00230935-00231055 something on make 8rzGOjv47OA-01009-00231056-00231382 work nonsense that a low that's low risk 8rzGOjv47OA-01010-00231383-00231519 doesn't prove anything 8rzGOjv47OA-01011-00231519-00231839 it doesn't actually persuade senior 8rzGOjv47OA-01012-00231840-00232046 people or the people who control some of 8rzGOjv47OA-01013-00232048-00232191 the other things you've got to interface 8rzGOjv47OA-01014-00232192-00232246 with like 8rzGOjv47OA-01015-00232248-00232542 budgets it doesn't persuade them that 8rzGOjv47OA-01016-00232544-00232742 this is a good way of working 8rzGOjv47OA-01017-00232744-00232942 because they just say well that's just 8rzGOjv47OA-01018-00232944-00233110 the flunksters you know the skivvy 8rzGOjv47OA-01019-00233111-00233246 wearing types 8rzGOjv47OA-01020-00233248-00233398 playing with the fairies at the bottom 8rzGOjv47OA-01021-00233400-00233591 of the garden um 8rzGOjv47OA-01022-00233592-00233871 that's not us serious characters who 8rzGOjv47OA-01023-00233871-00234015 solve the big problems for the 8rzGOjv47OA-01024-00234016-00234175 organisation 8rzGOjv47OA-01025-00234176-00234439 so from my perspective and i know it 8rzGOjv47OA-01026-00234440-00234639 might sound a bit counter-intuitive 8rzGOjv47OA-01027-00234640-00234798 i've tended to take what might be 8rzGOjv47OA-01028-00234800-00235063 perceived to be a higher risk approach 8rzGOjv47OA-01029-00235064-00235375 which is to go for bigger things 8rzGOjv47OA-01030-00235376-00235782 and prove it up on a big thing 8rzGOjv47OA-01031-00235783-00236175 and you get more engagement at a senior 8rzGOjv47OA-01032-00236176-00236327 level that way because it's something 8rzGOjv47OA-01033-00236328-00236575 that someone cares about 8rzGOjv47OA-01034-00236576-00236927 you get better resourced it can be 8rzGOjv47OA-01035-00236928-00237079 higher risk but i think you've probably 8rzGOjv47OA-01036-00237080-00237231 picked up that i don't think this 8rzGOjv47OA-01037-00237232-00237415 approach is higher risk in fact i think 8rzGOjv47OA-01038-00237416-00237558 it's lower risk 8rzGOjv47OA-01039-00237559-00237767 because you're testing things early and 8rzGOjv47OA-01040-00237767-00237982 often rather than 8rzGOjv47OA-01041-00237983-00238151 building the whole thing and then 8rzGOjv47OA-01042-00238152-00238303 wheeling it out and then people 8rzGOjv47OA-01043-00238304-00238606 going that's a bit weird 8rzGOjv47OA-01044-00238607-00238934 so that's been my approach 8rzGOjv47OA-01045-00238935-00239134 and it continues to be my approach when 8rzGOjv47OA-01046-00239135-00239367 i set up the i set up an innovation lab 8rzGOjv47OA-01047-00239367-00239519 in the industry department called the 8rzGOjv47OA-01048-00239519-00239623 biz lab 8rzGOjv47OA-01049-00239623-00239791 which i'm not sure if it's still alive 8rzGOjv47OA-01050-00239792-00240055 but it lived for about four or five 8rzGOjv47OA-01051-00240056-00240198 years which i thought wasn't a bad 8rzGOjv47OA-01052-00240200-00240423 achievement for these sort of things 8rzGOjv47OA-01053-00240423-00240751 it wasn't allowed to work on anything 8rzGOjv47OA-01054-00240752-00241103 that someone senior didn't care about 8rzGOjv47OA-01055-00241104-00241527 uh so there was no frippery no kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-01056-00241528-00241727 i used to refer to it as there should be 8rzGOjv47OA-01057-00241728-00241830 no tinsel 8rzGOjv47OA-01058-00241831-00242223 around here um can't have projects that 8rzGOjv47OA-01059-00242223-00242503 you know no one cares about uh if you 8rzGOjv47OA-01060-00242504-00242623 think you're going to try and change 8rzGOjv47OA-01061-00242623-00242687 stuff 8rzGOjv47OA-01062-00242688-00243071 the way people work 8rzGOjv47OA-01063-00243071-00243310 david thank you we've got lots of 8rzGOjv47OA-01064-00243311-00243439 questions coming in i don't think we're 8rzGOjv47OA-01065-00243440-00243510 going to get through 8rzGOjv47OA-01066-00243511-00243830 all of them um so i'll cherry pick a 8rzGOjv47OA-01067-00243831-00243942 little bit 8rzGOjv47OA-01068-00243944-00244310 um and uh one here from james johnson 8rzGOjv47OA-01069-00244311-00244639 hi david great boy james thank you uh 8rzGOjv47OA-01070-00244640-00244910 how would you take agile methods to 8rzGOjv47OA-01071-00244911-00244975 solving 8rzGOjv47OA-01072-00244976-00245223 policy issues of the murray darling 8rzGOjv47OA-01073-00245223-00245319 basin 8rzGOjv47OA-01074-00245319-00245719 there you go they've solved it 8rzGOjv47OA-01075-00245719-00246063 okay well that's a very very big uh 8rzGOjv47OA-01076-00246064-00246367 a very big question i suppose what i 8rzGOjv47OA-01077-00246367-00246630 would say about that 8rzGOjv47OA-01078-00246631-00246975 is 8rzGOjv47OA-01079-00246976-00247446 what we would tend to do with a 8rzGOjv47OA-01080-00247448-00247727 policy problem like that is to do a lot 8rzGOjv47OA-01081-00247728-00248015 of economic analysis 8rzGOjv47OA-01082-00248016-00248382 uh we'd do a lot of modeling 8rzGOjv47OA-01083-00248383-00248646 we would have a lot of economic theory 8rzGOjv47OA-01084-00248648-00248863 applied to things 8rzGOjv47OA-01085-00248864-00248982 and then we would go out and do 8rzGOjv47OA-01086-00248983-00249182 community engagement 8rzGOjv47OA-01087-00249183-00249527 that would take by and large uh the form 8rzGOjv47OA-01088-00249528-00249606 of 8rzGOjv47OA-01089-00249607-00250023 town halls and we'd put out papers 8rzGOjv47OA-01090-00250023-00250494 and invite people to comment on them 8rzGOjv47OA-01091-00250496-00250671 that would be generally speaking what we 8rzGOjv47OA-01092-00250671-00250798 would do 8rzGOjv47OA-01093-00250800-00251063 um an agile or a human-centered design 8rzGOjv47OA-01094-00251064-00251151 approach to 8rzGOjv47OA-01095-00251152-00251398 to solving a problem like that would be 8rzGOjv47OA-01096-00251400-00251606 to actually go out and spend quite a lot 8rzGOjv47OA-01097-00251607-00251734 of time 8rzGOjv47OA-01098-00251735-00252063 one-on-one with various actors operating 8rzGOjv47OA-01099-00252064-00252294 in that system 8rzGOjv47OA-01100-00252296-00252551 and spending quite a lot of time as i 8rzGOjv47OA-01101-00252552-00252646 said earlier 8rzGOjv47OA-01102-00252648-00252863 developing this curious concept of 8rzGOjv47OA-01103-00252864-00252967 empathy 8rzGOjv47OA-01104-00252967-00253303 uh with uh with those different actors 8rzGOjv47OA-01105-00253304-00253510 in the system 8rzGOjv47OA-01106-00253511-00253894 uh and 8rzGOjv47OA-01107-00253896-00254239 pretty early then going back and testing 8rzGOjv47OA-01108-00254240-00254294 with them 8rzGOjv47OA-01109-00254296-00254463 is this is this right is this the 8rzGOjv47OA-01110-00254464-00254646 problem that you're facing 8rzGOjv47OA-01111-00254648-00255015 um now i can't say that 8rzGOjv47OA-01112-00255016-00255319 no one will have done that before for 8rzGOjv47OA-01113-00255319-00255519 something as fraught and as long term as 8rzGOjv47OA-01114-00255519-00255742 the murray town basin 8rzGOjv47OA-01115-00255744-00256063 but i suppose what i would say is very 8rzGOjv47OA-01116-00256064-00256246 often our approach to engagement or 8rzGOjv47OA-01117-00256248-00256415 consultation or trying to understand 8rzGOjv47OA-01118-00256416-00256623 the needs of stakeholders is to talk to 8rzGOjv47OA-01119-00256623-00256839 the people 8rzGOjv47OA-01120-00256840-00257158 who research the people 8rzGOjv47OA-01121-00257159-00257367 or talk to the people that represent the 8rzGOjv47OA-01122-00257367-00257679 people 8rzGOjv47OA-01123-00257680-00258119 but not the people and oftentimes what 8rzGOjv47OA-01124-00258119-00258334 will people will be nervous about is if 8rzGOjv47OA-01125-00258335-00258439 you do that 8rzGOjv47OA-01126-00258440-00258791 form of engagement that form of research 8rzGOjv47OA-01127-00258792-00258958 you won't end up with if you like 8rzGOjv47OA-01128-00258959-00259215 representative samples 8rzGOjv47OA-01129-00259216-00259527 of that population and you'll be basing 8rzGOjv47OA-01130-00259528-00259767 coming to conclusions that might be 8rzGOjv47OA-01131-00259767-00259958 drawn on what people might perceive to 8rzGOjv47OA-01132-00259959-00260039 then be 8rzGOjv47OA-01133-00260040-00260342 in effect collections of anecdotes from 8rzGOjv47OA-01134-00260344-00260558 the stories that you hear from the lives 8rzGOjv47OA-01135-00260559-00260687 of the people 8rzGOjv47OA-01136-00260688-00260855 who you're engaging with in that kind of 8rzGOjv47OA-01137-00260856-00261167 way and i suppose that takes me back to 8rzGOjv47OA-01138-00261167-00261342 saying 8rzGOjv47OA-01139-00261344-00261591 in in approaching a problem like that 8rzGOjv47OA-01140-00261592-00261830 i'm not suggesting you only do one thing 8rzGOjv47OA-01141-00261831-00262071 or that you throw out all the other ways 8rzGOjv47OA-01142-00262071-00262263 of thinking about a public policy 8rzGOjv47OA-01143-00262264-00262399 problem i'm saying 8rzGOjv47OA-01144-00262400-00262727 add this because if you add this 8rzGOjv47OA-01145-00262728-00262791 approach 8rzGOjv47OA-01146-00262792-00263023 i'm quite certain that what you end up 8rzGOjv47OA-01147-00263024-00263119 with is something 8rzGOjv47OA-01148-00263120-00263455 extra that can help inform um 8rzGOjv47OA-01149-00263456-00263767 better decision making you would also 8rzGOjv47OA-01150-00263768-00263982 then have an approach which 8rzGOjv47OA-01151-00263983-00264382 says instead of having taken all of that 8rzGOjv47OA-01152-00264383-00264455 information 8rzGOjv47OA-01153-00264456-00264758 in you disappear to a darkened room 8rzGOjv47OA-01154-00264759-00264967 for two years or whatever the period of 8rzGOjv47OA-01155-00264968-00265239 time is develop the whole thing up 8rzGOjv47OA-01156-00265240-00265606 and then wheel it out instead what you 8rzGOjv47OA-01157-00265607-00265710 would do 8rzGOjv47OA-01158-00265711-00266082 is come up with bits of solutions 8rzGOjv47OA-01159-00266083-00266447 early and go out and test them 8rzGOjv47OA-01160-00266448-00266719 and not be scared to do that be mindful 8rzGOjv47OA-01161-00266720-00266934 that you'll get different reactions 8rzGOjv47OA-01162-00266935-00267103 but have the whole thing conditioned 8rzGOjv47OA-01163-00267104-00267358 about we're not going to disappear and 8rzGOjv47OA-01164-00267359-00267463 come back with a green 8rzGOjv47OA-01165-00267464-00267767 paper or a white paper or whatever 8rzGOjv47OA-01166-00267768-00267967 we're going to be testing with people 8rzGOjv47OA-01167-00267968-00268230 ideas early and often 8rzGOjv47OA-01168-00268231-00268358 and that would be quite a different 8rzGOjv47OA-01169-00268359-00268534 approach to solving something as 8rzGOjv47OA-01170-00268535-00268815 gnarly as the murray darling base i 8rzGOjv47OA-01171-00268816-00268887 don't know 8rzGOjv47OA-01172-00268888-00269055 who knows whether it would work you 8rzGOjv47OA-01173-00269056-00269239 might still end up with the entrenched 8rzGOjv47OA-01174-00269240-00269351 positions 8rzGOjv47OA-01175-00269352-00269719 uh born out of self-interest uh etc etc 8rzGOjv47OA-01176-00269720-00269958 uh on a public policy problem like that 8rzGOjv47OA-01177-00269959-00270103 those things won't go away 8rzGOjv47OA-01178-00270104-00270282 just because you use this different 8rzGOjv47OA-01179-00270283-00270567 approach 8rzGOjv47OA-01180-00270568-00270823 david i have to say you've done a great 8rzGOjv47OA-01181-00270824-00270871 job 8rzGOjv47OA-01182-00270872-00271175 of stimulating lots of questions and i'm 8rzGOjv47OA-01183-00271176-00271319 not going to be able to get 8rzGOjv47OA-01184-00271320-00271519 all of them to you because although my 8rzGOjv47OA-01185-00271520-00271623 job is to 8rzGOjv47OA-01186-00271624-00271863 help facilitate this discussion it's 8rzGOjv47OA-01187-00271864-00272119 also my job is to finish on time 8rzGOjv47OA-01188-00272120-00272406 and so um i am going to wrap it up there 8rzGOjv47OA-01189-00272407-00272455 but 8rzGOjv47OA-01190-00272456-00272591 i will just flag with you just so you 8rzGOjv47OA-01191-00272592-00272767 know that great questions from people 8rzGOjv47OA-01192-00272768-00272847 like emma 8rzGOjv47OA-01193-00272848-00273134 johnson about you know asking more 8rzGOjv47OA-01194-00273135-00273327 information about strategies that you've 8rzGOjv47OA-01195-00273328-00273495 used to overcome 8rzGOjv47OA-01196-00273496-00273703 um some of the resistance to 8rzGOjv47OA-01197-00273704-00273830 implementation 8rzGOjv47OA-01198-00273831-00274167 richard blewett asking about how this 8rzGOjv47OA-01199-00274168-00274206 can 8rzGOjv47OA-01200-00274207-00274551 affect perhaps npps and um allowing them 8rzGOjv47OA-01201-00274552-00274782 that little bit more flexibility and 8rzGOjv47OA-01202-00274783-00274927 scalability 8rzGOjv47OA-01203-00274928-00275047 along the lines of what you've talked 8rzGOjv47OA-01204-00275048-00275230 about but i'm sorry 8rzGOjv47OA-01205-00275231-00275543 we don't have time to to expand on those 8rzGOjv47OA-01206-00275544-00275647 i 8rzGOjv47OA-01207-00275648-00275943 i wonder if if you would be happy if you 8rzGOjv47OA-01208-00275944-00276119 already contacted by perhaps some of 8rzGOjv47OA-01209-00276120-00276239 those people or 8rzGOjv47OA-01210-00276240-00276519 yeah sure um yeah that's great because i 8rzGOjv47OA-01211-00276520-00276687 think i'm happy to do a follow-up 8rzGOjv47OA-01212-00276688-00276782 session 8rzGOjv47OA-01213-00276783-00276958 i was even wondering i would like to do 8rzGOjv47OA-01214-00276959-00277127 that i'm very happy to do that because 8rzGOjv47OA-01215-00277128-00277439 it's i'm conscious that it raises 8rzGOjv47OA-01216-00277440-00277751 lots of questions and the reality is no 8rzGOjv47OA-01217-00277752-00277903 one's got all the answers 8rzGOjv47OA-01218-00277904-00278206 uh i i'm experimenting as i go as well 8rzGOjv47OA-01219-00278207-00278399 and the the most important thing about 8rzGOjv47OA-01220-00278400-00278591 this whole stuff particularly because 8rzGOjv47OA-01221-00278592-00278647 it's so 8rzGOjv47OA-01222-00278648-00278830 it's so at risk of being accused of 8rzGOjv47OA-01223-00278831-00279047 being buzzword bingo and just 8rzGOjv47OA-01224-00279048-00279199 rebranding a whole lot of thinking 8rzGOjv47OA-01225-00279200-00279375 that's been around forever 8rzGOjv47OA-01226-00279376-00279639 is uh is to be bringing these four these 8rzGOjv47OA-01227-00279640-00279799 ideas forward with 8rzGOjv47OA-01228-00279800-00280134 uh humility uh and good humor 8rzGOjv47OA-01229-00280135-00280367 uh so i generally like to take the piss 8rzGOjv47OA-01230-00280368-00280567 out of myself as much as possible 8rzGOjv47OA-01231-00280568-00280903 um uh because it's much better to be a 8rzGOjv47OA-01232-00280904-00281039 humorous skillet 8rzGOjv47OA-01233-00281040-00281343 than a uh sorry a 8rzGOjv47OA-01234-00281344-00281663 humor-filled zealot than a humorless 8rzGOjv47OA-01235-00281664-00282023 zealot so thank you for the opportunity 8rzGOjv47OA-01236-00282024-00282151 to talk with you today 8rzGOjv47OA-01237-00282152-00282406 that's great and thank you so much for 8rzGOjv47OA-01238-00282407-00282543 making the time 8rzGOjv47OA-01239-00282544-00282710 um we will put a bit of pressure on you 8rzGOjv47OA-01240-00282711-00282871 for a follow-up because 8rzGOjv47OA-01241-00282872-00283087 at that suggestion there's been a flood 8rzGOjv47OA-01242-00283088-00283206 of comments coming 8rzGOjv47OA-01243-00283207-00283415 saying yeah let's have a follow-up so 8rzGOjv47OA-01244-00283416-00283630 let's see how we go with that one 8rzGOjv47OA-01245-00283631-00283887 that's fine but yeah let me just finish 8rzGOjv47OA-01246-00283888-00283991 them by saying 8rzGOjv47OA-01247-00283992-00284239 thank you very much thanks for your time 8rzGOjv47OA-01248-00284240-00284334 i also 8rzGOjv47OA-01249-00284335-00284575 would like to promote our next week's 8rzGOjv47OA-01250-00284576-00284647 seminar 8rzGOjv47OA-01251-00284648-00284823 which also looks like it's going to be a 8rzGOjv47OA-01252-00284824-00285006 really interesting one that's by 8rzGOjv47OA-01253-00285007-00285215 a couple of our geoscience australia 8rzGOjv47OA-01254-00285216-00285334 scientists 8rzGOjv47OA-01255-00285335-00285654 uh in um ananda ray 8rzGOjv47OA-01256-00285655-00285879 and chris harris pascal and they're 8rzGOjv47OA-01257-00285880-00286079 talking about extending groundwater 8rzGOjv47OA-01258-00286080-00286263 salinity estimation 8rzGOjv47OA-01259-00286264-00286475 using borehole and airborne 8rzGOjv47OA-01260-00286476-00286623 electromagnetic data 8rzGOjv47OA-01261-00286624-00286782 maybe we could ask them about murray 8rzGOjv47OA-01262-00286783-00286958 basin as well 8rzGOjv47OA-01263-00286959-00287254 so yeah but no terrific stuff thank you 8rzGOjv47OA-01264-00287255-00287439 very much david and i'm sure 8rzGOjv47OA-01265-00287440-00287599 everyone really got a lot out of that 8rzGOjv47OA-01266-00287600-00287791 and as i said they're asking for more 8rzGOjv47OA-01267-00287792-00288151 so thank you have a good day everybody 8rzGOjv47OA-01268-00288152-00288520 have a great day bye 8urU-rplMGo-00000-00001384-00002359 foreign 8urU-rplMGo-00001-00002360-00002702 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00002-00002703-00002839 let's go 8urU-rplMGo-00003-00002840-00002934 yeah 8urU-rplMGo-00004-00002935-00003166 i'm like an addict do i gotta have it i 8urU-rplMGo-00005-00003167-00003319 ain't even playing got a really bad 8urU-rplMGo-00006-00003320-00003527 habit if it moves gotta grab it fuse 8urU-rplMGo-00007-00003528-00003711 like a magnet lose won't have it till 8urU-rplMGo-00008-00003711-00003919 i'm doomed in a casket 8urU-rplMGo-00009-00003920-00004127 i ain't playing got a weird mind if you 8urU-rplMGo-00010-00004128-00004351 work eight hours imma work nine if the 8urU-rplMGo-00011-00004352-00004543 shoe tastes sour you should taste mine 8urU-rplMGo-00012-00004544-00004831 imma stay in power for a long time get 8urU-rplMGo-00013-00004832-00005070 up nah ain't a quitter toss me the ball 8urU-rplMGo-00014-00005071-00005343 i'm a really big hitter big picture i'm 8urU-rplMGo-00015-00005344-00005559 a straight killer i sent the song to the 8urU-rplMGo-00016-00005560-00006148 highest bidder 8urU-rplMGo-00017-00006149-00007959 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00018-00007959-00008246 i will never be the same 8urU-rplMGo-00019-00008247-00008667 because that's what it takes 8urU-rplMGo-00020-00008668-00010774 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00021-00010775-00011206 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00022-00011207-00011640 cuts real deep 8urU-rplMGo-00023-00011641-00012591 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00024-00012592-00013599 you move slow when i 8urU-rplMGo-00025-00013600-00013758 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00026-00013759-00014151 that's what it takes 8urU-rplMGo-00027-00014152-00016892 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00028-00016893-00017983 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00029-00017984-00018234 multi speed 8urU-rplMGo-00030-00018235-00019503 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00031-00019504-00020445 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00032-00020446-00022110 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00033-00022111-00022278 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00034-00022279-00022606 so 8urU-rplMGo-00035-00022607-00023222 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00036-00023223-00024203 so 8urU-rplMGo-00037-00024204-00025239 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00038-00025240-00025542 a christmas all the christmas trees on 8urU-rplMGo-00039-00025543-00025943 fire santa's holding the lighter my 8urU-rplMGo-00040-00025944-00026270 parents are both liars i got gifts but 8urU-rplMGo-00041-00026272-00026607 want subscribers thanks for the candy 8urU-rplMGo-00042-00026608-00027300 basket jesus 8urU-rplMGo-00043-00027301-00027511 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00044-00027512-00029374 this is 8urU-rplMGo-00045-00029375-00031217 this is 8urU-rplMGo-00046-00031218-00032039 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00047-00032039-00033639 this is 8urU-rplMGo-00048-00033640-00033774 this 8urU-rplMGo-00049-00033775-00034174 a christmas song when i was just a boy 8urU-rplMGo-00050-00034175-00034502 christmas brought so much joy couldn't 8urU-rplMGo-00051-00034503-00034967 wait for the presents and laughter 8urU-rplMGo-00052-00034968-00035239 i couldn't sleep late at night 8urU-rplMGo-00053-00035240-00035567 looking for santa with lights those are 8urU-rplMGo-00054-00035568-00036030 the memories i still remember 8urU-rplMGo-00055-00036031-00036511 then i became a man lost sight of who i 8urU-rplMGo-00056-00036512-00036911 am but right in front of me was the 8urU-rplMGo-00057-00036912-00037102 answer 8urU-rplMGo-00058-00037103-00037471 cause on christmas i feel joy and i turn 8urU-rplMGo-00059-00037472-00038671 back to a boy the answer is 8urU-rplMGo-00060-00038672-00039195 song this is not a christmas this 8urU-rplMGo-00061-00039196-00039671 is not a christmas this is not a 8urU-rplMGo-00062-00039672-00040039 christmas song this is not a christmas 8urU-rplMGo-00063-00040040-00040726 this is not a christmas song 8urU-rplMGo-00064-00040727-00041623 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00065-00041624-00042994 as you fade away 8urU-rplMGo-00066-00042995-00043127 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00067-00043128-00043311 i feel like it's monday something's 8urU-rplMGo-00068-00043312-00043518 going wrong with all the chemicals up in 8urU-rplMGo-00069-00043519-00043727 my brain all of a sudden i don't look at 8urU-rplMGo-00070-00043728-00043958 anything the same way gotta build up of 8urU-rplMGo-00071-00043959-00044207 my thoughts sitting in an ashtray i'm 8urU-rplMGo-00072-00044208-00044502 sorry that i'm so inconvenient okay just 8urU-rplMGo-00073-00044503-00044735 let me be me and i'll stay out of your 8urU-rplMGo-00074-00044736-00044951 way i can see the way you look at me i'm 8urU-rplMGo-00075-00044952-00045239 such a disgrace i never really asked to 8urU-rplMGo-00076-00045240-00045446 be brought into this place you wanna 8urU-rplMGo-00077-00045447-00045687 love me well then baby have a taste all 8urU-rplMGo-00078-00045688-00045887 the highs and the lows know you'll never 8urU-rplMGo-00079-00045888-00046095 be the same i don't really wanna hurt 8urU-rplMGo-00080-00046096-00046287 you but i can't control the pain if 8urU-rplMGo-00081-00046288-00046483 you're 8urU-rplMGo-00082-00046484-00047262 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00083-00047263-00047511 this way i really hope that you will 8urU-rplMGo-00084-00047512-00047949 choose to stay through all 8urU-rplMGo-00085-00047950-00048477 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00086-00048478-00049642 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00087-00049643-00050023 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00088-00050024-00050623 as you fade away 8urU-rplMGo-00089-00050624-00051187 as you fade away 8urU-rplMGo-00090-00051188-00051770 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00091-00051771-00052014 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00092-00052015-00052369 down 8urU-rplMGo-00093-00052370-00052399 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00094-00052400-00052935 [Applause] 8urU-rplMGo-00095-00052936-00052967 [Applause] 8urU-rplMGo-00096-00052969-00053567 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00097-00053569-00054391 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00098-00054391-00054638 my mind overwhelms i think that i'm 8urU-rplMGo-00099-00054639-00055030 talking about 8urU-rplMGo-00100-00055032-00055370 for some days 8urU-rplMGo-00101-00055371-00056088 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00102-00056089-00057419 [Applause] 8urU-rplMGo-00103-00057420-00058423 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00104-00058424-00059030 as you fade away 8urU-rplMGo-00105-00059032-00059199 is 8urU-rplMGo-00106-00059200-00059524 [Music] 8urU-rplMGo-00107-00059525-00059830 [Applause] 8v4jTqHqILo-00000-00000050-00000301 a bloomin onion onion bloom onion 8v4jTqHqILo-00001-00000302-00000538 blossom onion flower bloomin onion or 8v4jTqHqILo-00002-00000539-00000763 onion mom as a dish consisting of one 8v4jTqHqILo-00003-00000764-00000954 large onion which is cut to resemble a 8v4jTqHqILo-00004-00000955-00001222 flower battered and deep-fried it is 8v4jTqHqILo-00005-00001223-00001381 served as an appetizer at some 8v4jTqHqILo-00006-00001382-00001916 restaurants 8v4jTqHqILo-00007-00001917-00002424 topic history 8v4jTqHqILo-00008-00002425-00002664 the dish was popularized in the United 8v4jTqHqILo-00009-00002665-00002904 States when it appeared as bloomin onion 8v4jTqHqILo-00010-00002905-00003110 a charter feature of the Outback 8v4jTqHqILo-00011-00003111-00003297 Steakhouse when that national chain 8v4jTqHqILo-00012-00003297-00003645 opened in 1988 it is usually served with 8v4jTqHqILo-00013-00003646-00003849 a restaurant specific signature dipping 8v4jTqHqILo-00014-00003850-00003903 sauce 8v4jTqHqILo-00015-00003904-00004086 despite the implied association with 8v4jTqHqILo-00016-00004086-00004268 Australian cuisine due to Outback 8v4jTqHqILo-00017-00004269-00004454 Steakhouse is branding the dish is 8v4jTqHqILo-00018-00004455-00004661 almost unknown in Australia much like 8v4jTqHqILo-00019-00004662-00004971 the Outback Steakhouse chain itself from 8v4jTqHqILo-00020-00004972-00005306 June 21st 2016 Outback Steakhouse served 8v4jTqHqILo-00021-00005307-00005517 a limited variant of bloomin onion the 8v4jTqHqILo-00022-00005518-00006126 loaded bloomin onion 8v4jTqHqILo-00023-00006127-00006634 topic nutrition 8v4jTqHqILo-00024-00006636-00006895 the egg wash and deep-frying preparation 8v4jTqHqILo-00025-00006897-00007084 process of the dish means it is high in 8v4jTqHqILo-00026-00007086-00007301 calories a single bloomin onion with 8v4jTqHqILo-00027-00007302-00007604 dressing contains approximately 19 54k 8v4jTqHqILo-00028-00007605-00008003 calories and 134 grams of fat a study by 8v4jTqHqILo-00029-00008004-00008141 the Center for Science in the Public 8v4jTqHqILo-00030-00008142-00008354 Interest found a somewhat lower fat 8v4jTqHqILo-00031-00008355-00008645 content of 116 grams including a 8v4jTqHqILo-00032-00008646-00008921 combined 44 grams of saturated and trans 8v4jTqHqILo-00033-00008922-00009221 fat when it existed the similarly styled 8v4jTqHqILo-00034-00009222-00009431 awesome blossom at Chili's was ranked 8v4jTqHqILo-00035-00009432-00009740 worst appetizer in America by Men's 8v4jTqHqILo-00036-00009741-00009968 Health magazine in 2008 for the 8v4jTqHqILo-00037-00009969-00010181 unusually high totals of calories and 8v4jTqHqILo-00038-00010182-00010714 fat with 2700 10k calories 203 grams 8v4jTqHqILo-00039-00010715-00011117 1827 k calories of fat 194 grams of 8v4jTqHqILo-00040-00011118-00011495 carbohydrates and 6360 milligrams of 8v4jTqHqILo-00041-00011496-00011765 sodium with as much fat as 67 strips of 8v4jTqHqILo-00042-00011766-00012041 bacon there is a healthier variety which 8v4jTqHqILo-00043-00012042-00012410 contains 522 K calories and 16 grams of 8v4jTqHqILo-00044-00012411-00012685 fat for reference the u.s. reference 8v4jTqHqILo-00045-00012686-00012985 daily intake for fat is 65 grams and for 8v4jTqHqILo-00046-00012986-00013300 sodium as 2300 milligrams assuming a 8v4jTqHqILo-00047-00013301-00013574 2,000 calorie diet while typical daily 8v4jTqHqILo-00048-00013575-00013769 food energy recommendations lie in the 8v4jTqHqILo-00049-00013769-00014533 range of 2,000 to 3,000 K calories 8v4jTqHqILo-00050-00014534-00015334 topic see also French fries list of 8v4jTqHqILo-00051-00015335-00015584 order 8vOTzZQdlbo-00000-00000058-00000337 transkei national Independence Party was 8vOTzZQdlbo-00001-00000338-00000542 a political party in the ban dastan of 8vOTzZQdlbo-00002-00000543-00000821 Transkei South Africa the party 8vOTzZQdlbo-00003-00000822-00001019 advocated cooperation with the South 8vOTzZQdlbo-00004-00001019-00001340 African government as of 1985 the leader 8vOTzZQdlbo-00005-00001341-00001657 of the party was George matanzima TN IP 8vOTzZQdlbo-00006-00001659-00002575 governed Transkei from 1976 until 1994 8vOTzZQdlbo-00007-00002576-00003235 topic transkei election results 8vOTzZQdlbo-00008-00003236-00003752 1973 TN IP 125 out of 43 elected seats 8vOTzZQdlbo-00009-00003753-00003997 a further 64 seats were filled by Chiefs 8vOTzZQdlbo-00010-00003999-00004336 appointed ex officio by the government 8vOTzZQdlbo-00011-00004337-00005015 1976 TN IP 169 out of 75 seats 1981 TN 8vOTzZQdlbo-00012-00005016-00005495 IP 174 out of 75 seats 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00000-00000078-00000601 foreign 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00001-00000602-00000839 next health issue that we're talking 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00002-00000840-00001066 about about where are we going from here 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00003-00001067-00001270 in this Global fight against cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00004-00001271-00001511 which at least is making some progress 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00005-00001512-00001780 the Executive Vice President and chief 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00006-00001782-00002039 medical officer Global Drug development 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00007-00002039-00002363 from Bristol Myers group Sami terawat MD 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00008-00002364-00002584 and the associate director of Business 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00009-00002585-00002771 Development at Bristol Mars group 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00010-00002772-00002929 Claudia General 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00011-00002930-00003432 [Applause] 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00012-00003433-00003676 [Music] 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00013-00003677-00003965 [Applause] 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00014-00003965-00004163 thank you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00015-00004164-00004529 hello everyone and welcome my name is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00016-00004530-00004738 Claudia General and I'm a scientist at 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00017-00004739-00004954 Bristol Myers Squibb and I'm really 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00018-00004955-00005195 excited to be here today joined by Dr 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00019-00005196-00005417 Summit hereward Executive Vice President 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00020-00005418-00005704 and chief medical officer of Global Drug 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00021-00005705-00005920 development at BMS 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00022-00005921-00006106 today we're going to speak about a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00023-00006107-00006304 disease that unfortunately has probably 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00024-00006305-00006550 touched many of us either directly or 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00025-00006551-00006845 indirectly and that is cancer we're 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00026-00006845-00007006 going to speak about the global impact 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00027-00007008-00007295 of cancer the advancements in conquering 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00028-00007295-00007564 the disease and access to the latest 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00029-00007565-00007828 therapeutic Innovations and of course 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00030-00007829-00007991 we're going to seek insights from 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00031-00007992-00008351 Summits 20 years career journey in this 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00032-00008352-00008627 area welcome Summit well thank you thank 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00033-00008628-00008837 you Claudia and of course it's a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00034-00008838-00009095 pleasure to be here with all of you and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00035-00009096-00009274 I do want to give a shout out to my 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00036-00009275-00009514 colleagues from BMS the contingent that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00037-00009515-00009751 is here so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00038-00009752-00010133 thank you thank you and you touched on a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00039-00010134-00010277 very important subject and we are here 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00040-00010278-00010439 to talk about cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00041-00010440-00010714 uh maybe just with a show of hands as 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00042-00010715-00010985 Claudia said many of us are impacted by 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00043-00010986-00011146 cancer either directly or indirectly 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00044-00011147-00011333 could you raise your hand if you've been 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00045-00011334-00011488 impacted by cancer directly or 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00046-00011489-00011764 indirectly 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00047-00011765-00012203 it's it's amazing right I had recently 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00048-00012204-00012424 seen somewhere that if there are 30 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00049-00012425-00012731 people in a room the likelihood that two 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00050-00012732-00012887 people have the same birthday is going 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00051-00012888-00013066 to be about 70 percent 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00052-00013067-00013319 but when you see a room like this the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00053-00013319-00013601 likelihood of 80 or 85 percent of people 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00054-00013602-00013888 having the impact of cancer on them is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00055-00013890-00014141 is amazing to see there are about 10 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00056-00014141-00014393 million deaths in a year that are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00057-00014394-00014536 related to cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00058-00014537-00014843 which means one in six deaths are there 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00059-00014844-00014980 to cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00060-00014981-00015191 but even more unfortunate part of it is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00061-00015191-00015430 as you heard this morning in the low and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00062-00015431-00015671 middle income countries that death rate 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00063-00015672-00015916 is about 70 percent of the of of those 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00064-00015918-00016138 10 million so there is a long way to go 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00065-00016140-00016421 but there is it's not all doom and gloom 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00066-00016422-00016691 a lot has happened certainly since the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00067-00016692-00016972 time when I became a doctor to where we 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00068-00016973-00017189 are today A lot has changed and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00069-00017190-00017363 certainly this is the our topic of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00070-00017364-00017519 discussion today 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00071-00017520-00017830 thank you for the intro Summit before we 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00072-00017831-00018053 fully jump into the topic of today I'd 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00073-00018054-00018208 like to begin by asking you a little bit 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00074-00018209-00018365 about your background and your career 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00075-00018366-00018683 journey in fact I know that you and I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00076-00018684-00018850 share something in common and that is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00077-00018851-00019067 that we both left our home countries to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00078-00019068-00019205 pursue opportunities in medicine 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00079-00019206-00019469 elsewhere so I wanted to ask you if you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00080-00019470-00019577 could share a little bit of that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00081-00019578-00019750 experience and what motivated you to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00082-00019751-00019883 become a physician 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00083-00019884-00020207 oh sure yeah you have uh something in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00084-00020208-00020471 common because you come from Bolivia I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00085-00020472-00020650 come from India I was born over there 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00086-00020651-00020891 and I grew up over there 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00087-00020892-00021077 um when you come from a middle class 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00088-00021078-00021311 family in India at least it was true 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00089-00021312-00021461 then I don't know now 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00090-00021462-00021725 35 40 years ago 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00091-00021726-00022007 the Destiny was decided by the parents 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00092-00022008-00022271 there were three choices you could be a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00093-00022272-00022355 doctor 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00094-00022356-00022600 you could be a lawyer or you could be an 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00095-00022601-00022708 engineer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00096-00022709-00023075 so my destiny was written by my parents 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00097-00023076-00023344 but the destination was mine 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00098-00023345-00023657 and that destination came with a few of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00099-00023658-00023878 the drivers that I do have that I carry 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00100-00023879-00023986 with me 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00101-00023987-00024244 I always had the drive to go deep and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00102-00024245-00024322 learn 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00103-00024323-00024569 I had the drive and the purpose of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00104-00024570-00024863 trying to find solution for patients 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00105-00024864-00025085 and then I had the drive to solve 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00106-00025086-00025211 challenges 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00107-00025212-00025414 and becoming a physician is provide me 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00108-00025415-00025667 to those opportunities that I can 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00109-00025668-00025864 actually live up to those promises that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00110-00025866-00026099 I've made for myself to go deep to help 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00111-00026100-00026273 people and to be able to solve 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00112-00026274-00026495 challenges and because I wanted to have 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00113-00026495-00026764 the broad impact in the society I chose 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00114-00026766-00026999 to go in the field of drug development 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00115-00027000-00027196 and that's where I get my satisfaction 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00116-00027197-00027346 now 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00117-00027347-00027617 now you and I understand the drug 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00118-00027618-00027790 development process well 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00119-00027791-00028018 but for the benefit of the audience who 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00120-00028019-00028307 may not be familiar do you mind briefly 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00121-00028308-00028535 describing what that process looks like 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00122-00028536-00028805 and what your role is at BMS 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00123-00028806-00029129 sure well it has taken me what 35 years 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00124-00029130-00029296 or so to learn the process of drug 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00125-00029297-00029495 development I'm still learning it yes 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00126-00029495-00029717 but let me try and summarize it in five 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00127-00029718-00029923 sentences maybe 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00128-00029924-00030293 medicines are are made through the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00129-00030294-00030473 chemistry and by chemists 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00130-00030474-00030761 uh those are tested in first in cells 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00131-00030762-00031120 then in in in animals as well and then 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00132-00031122-00031308 ultimately when they're ready to be 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00133-00031310-00031696 tested out in people then we do what is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00134-00031697-00031858 called clinical trials or studies in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00135-00031860-00032062 people for a given disease 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00136-00032063-00032285 when we have adequate amount of safety 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00137-00032286-00032495 data available and we have adequate 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00138-00032495-00032752 amount of efficacy data available then 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00139-00032753-00032909 we take it to The Regulators to the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00140-00032910-00033118 health authorities to get them approved 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00141-00033119-00033311 so that the prescribers can prescribe 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00142-00033312-00033527 those medicines to patients who are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00143-00033528-00033665 really in need and there are lots of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00144-00033666-00033905 diseases with very high unmet medical 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00145-00033906-00033995 need 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00146-00033996-00034318 so that's the its simplest way one can 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00147-00034319-00034546 understand the drug development with 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00148-00034547-00034835 that said as you ask about my job my job 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00149-00034836-00035231 now is to really lead that charge to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00150-00035232-00035524 optimize and accelerate the process of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00151-00035525-00035729 drug development so we can bring these 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00152-00035730-00036029 medicines that are transformational and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00153-00036030-00036167 they're going to really help patients 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00154-00036168-00036340 who are in need 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00155-00036341-00036509 so I wanted to share something with you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00156-00036510-00036737 that one of the things that I love about 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00157-00036738-00036977 working at BMS is our patient-centric 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00158-00036978-00037085 mission 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00159-00037086-00037265 so that got me thinking about a couple 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00160-00037266-00037481 of questions for you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00161-00037482-00037781 um as a scientific leader of BMS what 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00162-00037782-00038021 does your role mean to you and do you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00163-00038022-00038218 have any particular patient stories that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00164-00038219-00038452 have impacted you in your career 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00165-00038453-00038861 well absolutely uh I think the the drive 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00166-00038862-00039202 that I have uh is the Innovation that I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00167-00039203-00039424 see all the time and it doesn't matter 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00168-00039425-00039629 whether it's cancer or Immunology or 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00169-00039630-00039857 cardiovascular disease or anything else 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00170-00039858-00040271 and and the ability for every scientist 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00171-00040272-00040630 and everyone who works at BMS to really 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00172-00040631-00040895 harness that purpose that they have and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00173-00040896-00041027 the passion that they have to help 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00174-00041028-00041345 people it truly is is remarkable 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00175-00041346-00041645 you ask about a story you know as as I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00176-00041646-00041818 went through my studies and became a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00177-00041819-00042059 physician saw patients treated patients 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00178-00042060-00042251 there are a few that just stick out and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00179-00042252-00042424 they stay with you because those are the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00180-00042425-00042673 drives that you have and I remember 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00181-00042674-00043115 treating this uh man 40 year old uh had 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00182-00043116-00043283 something called anaplastic thyroid 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00183-00043284-00043523 carcinoma a bad disease and especially 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00184-00043524-00043715 when it's metastatic or it has spread in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00185-00043716-00043930 the body there were no good treatments 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00186-00043931-00044099 available then and there are no good 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00187-00044100-00044285 treatments available even now for most 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00188-00044286-00044435 of these patients 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00189-00044436-00044777 and the patient only had one desire and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00190-00044778-00045035 he said that all I really need is if you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00191-00045036-00045245 can find a way to make me live for at 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00192-00045246-00045461 least a year I need to take care of few 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00193-00045462-00045724 things my personal things for my family 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00194-00045725-00045862 Etc 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00195-00045863-00046240 and it was a small ask but a huge task 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00196-00046241-00046462 so with the team we were able to bring 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00197-00046463-00046643 together a regimen and we were fortunate 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00198-00046644-00046871 truly we were fortunate because we were 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00199-00046872-00047080 able to give him that year that he was 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00200-00047081-00047339 asking for he was satisfied he had a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00201-00047340-00047573 smile on his face when he left for the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00202-00047574-00047758 hospice where ultimately he did pass 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00203-00047759-00047837 away 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00204-00047838-00048040 now there was one satisfaction that we 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00205-00048041-00048208 were able to live up to the promise we 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00206-00048209-00048430 had made for him but there was a big 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00207-00048431-00048640 hole in the heart as well that you know 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00208-00048641-00048887 this is not the way medicine should be 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00209-00048888-00049199 and we need to do a lot more we need a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00210-00049200-00049361 lot more innovation 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00211-00049362-00049546 and it's good to see that we've made a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00212-00049547-00049715 lot of progress since then this is 20 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00213-00049716-00049967 years ago we've now developed better 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00214-00049968-00050212 medicines we've moved from chemotherapy 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00215-00050213-00050561 to antibodies to small molecule drugs to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00216-00050562-00050740 putting drugs together on top of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00217-00050741-00051065 antibodies and to cell therapies the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00218-00051066-00051352 next big task of course is to be able to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00219-00051353-00051563 get these drugs to everyone in the world 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00220-00051564-00051870 and not just for a Selected Few 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00221-00051871-00052476 ah 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00222-00052477-00052703 thank you for sharing that story that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00223-00052704-00052865 that was really powerful I'm sure 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00224-00052866-00053011 there's many others that you could share 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00225-00053012-00053285 but I I can imagine that the audience is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00226-00053286-00053513 now wondering is there a cure for cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00227-00053514-00053741 where are we in that Journey 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00228-00053741-00053909 that is uh that is a great question 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00229-00053910-00054166 Claudia because a lot of people ask is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00230-00054167-00054335 there a cure for cancer and then 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00231-00054336-00054521 especially when you see the headlines on 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00232-00054522-00054832 on a magazine found a cure for cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00233-00054833-00055115 let's start by bursting a myth first 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00234-00055116-00055487 cancer is not one disease cancer is an 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00235-00055488-00055732 umbrella term under which a lot of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00236-00055733-00055997 cancers exist breast cancer prostate 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00237-00055998-00056291 cancer pancreatic cancer cancer of the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00238-00056291-00056494 blood cells like lymphomas and leukemias 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00239-00056495-00056771 and others so we actually have to work 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00240-00056772-00056938 through each of the different cancer 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00241-00056939-00057203 types to start to find cures and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00242-00057204-00057371 treatments for those 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00243-00057372-00057604 while we are not there to say we've 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00244-00057605-00057911 cured a certain cancer or not but we've 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00245-00057912-00058144 made a lot of progress in this if you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00246-00058145-00058361 think about just about a decade ago 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00247-00058362-00058703 maybe 12 years ago a patient with a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00248-00058704-00059009 melanoma skin cancer which has spread in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00249-00059010-00059225 the body if you think about what the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00250-00059226-00059429 longevity or the quantity of life was 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00251-00059429-00059680 for that patient it was about six months 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00252-00059682-00059837 to less than a year 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00253-00059838-00060023 where we are today 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00254-00060024-00060287 both the quantity and the quality of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00255-00060288-00060485 life has improved 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00256-00060486-00060682 if you think about some of the childhood 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00257-00060683-00061115 cancers such as all many of those kids 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00258-00061116-00061313 are not treated and live a very normal 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00259-00061314-00061469 and long life 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00260-00061470-00061687 with that said though 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00261-00061688-00062009 still cancer is diagnosed at very late 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00262-00062010-00062176 stages in some of the country especially 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00263-00062177-00062387 the low and middle income countries and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00264-00062388-00062591 in these countries 70 of the kids still 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00265-00062591-00062873 don't have adequate treatments you heard 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00266-00062874-00063137 this morning the statistic that is the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00267-00063138-00063347 most resounding way to say that we need 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00268-00063348-00063569 more is that half the world's population 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00269-00063570-00063815 doesn't even help have health care so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00270-00063816-00063947 there is a huge amount of work that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00271-00063948-00064175 needs to be done and this is all in the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00272-00064176-00064516 service of trying to find that cure for 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00273-00064517-00064900 any given cancer let alone all cancers 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00274-00064901-00065221 you have touched on a little bit earlier 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00275-00065222-00065525 the advancements that have been made in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00276-00065526-00065735 Cancer Treatments can you elaborate a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00277-00065736-00065999 little bit more and um if there are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00278-00066000-00066173 there in any areas where we need to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00279-00066174-00066263 improve 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00280-00066264-00066479 sure so I think one of the things that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00281-00066480-00066731 has happened is with the Advent of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00282-00066732-00067019 Technology with the Advent of artificial 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00283-00067020-00067247 intelligence machine learning deep 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00284-00067248-00067613 learning uh Big Data availability with 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00285-00067614-00067829 companies like Google and others 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00286-00067830-00068081 releasing the structures of all the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00287-00068082-00068297 proteins with the genome being 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00288-00068298-00068650 identified the process of drug Discovery 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00289-00068651-00068879 has accelerated the process of drug 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00290-00068880-00069197 development has accelerated 20 years ago 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00291-00069198-00069388 we talked about chemotherapies then came 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00292-00069389-00069665 The small molecules then came drugs that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00293-00069666-00069875 specifically targeted mutations in the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00294-00069876-00070121 genome then came the antibodies and what 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00295-00070122-00070343 we call immunotherapies then came what 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00296-00070344-00070547 we call the antibody drug conjugates 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00297-00070548-00070769 meaning the drugs on the antibodies and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00298-00070770-00070919 some of the most promising things that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00299-00070920-00071117 we've seen recently coming out are so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00300-00071118-00071315 obviously cell therapies where you take 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00301-00071316-00071567 the patient's own cells engineer them 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00302-00071568-00071800 modify them find the right targets and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00303-00071801-00071987 give it back to the patients and they 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00304-00071988-00072215 are leading to really adequate and or 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00305-00072216-00072485 other are revolutionary treatments where 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00306-00072486-00072647 the death sentences have been converted 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00307-00072648-00072917 to long-term successful management of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00308-00072918-00073121 the cancer and if we look to the Future 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00309-00073122-00073391 now the MRNA Technologies are coming out 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00310-00073392-00073600 you remember the whole covid-19 vaccine 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00311-00073601-00073817 that's where the technology is based on 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00312-00073818-00074032 so a humongous amount of progress has 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00313-00074033-00074273 been made I I always say that I'm so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00314-00074274-00074531 fortunate that I'm living in this era 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00315-00074532-00074837 where I have the ability to impact so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00316-00074838-00075155 many diseases with my team because the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00317-00075156-00075311 technology is available and continuing 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00318-00075312-00075491 to evolve 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00319-00075492-00076009 this 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00320-00076010-00076229 the science of cell therapy is 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00321-00076230-00076415 definitely really interesting to me but 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00322-00076416-00076571 that's probably a topic for another 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00323-00076572-00076705 Forum 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00324-00076706-00077105 I'd like to go to start discussing 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00325-00077106-00077249 something that we have not touched on 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00326-00077250-00077531 today and that is access to these 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00327-00077532-00077879 therapies and also Health inequity are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00328-00077880-00078088 there any examples of Health inequity 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00329-00078089-00078281 that you have seen in action and what 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00330-00078282-00078467 can we do to address it 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00331-00078468-00078737 so yes apart from finding a cure for 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00332-00078738-00079085 cancer whatever that means now for you I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00333-00079086-00079319 think one of the big problems that is to 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00334-00079320-00079582 be solved is Health inequity all morning 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00335-00079583-00079811 long we heard a lot of those talks that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00336-00079812-00080032 talked about health inequity and we see 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00337-00080033-00080255 it even when we do drug development in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00338-00080256-00080521 all forms of ways in all forms of life 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00339-00080522-00080776 let me talk about Argentina for example 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00340-00080777-00081029 when we do clinical trials not just us 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00341-00081030-00081335 as in BMS but any of the companies most 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00342-00081336-00081532 clinical trials are done in the private 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00343-00081533-00081623 sector 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00344-00081624-00081941 that's where clinical trials uh adequate 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00345-00081942-00082144 infrastructure is available but if you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00346-00082145-00082343 think about Argentina most patients are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00347-00082344-00082487 actually seen by doctors in the public 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00348-00082488-00082709 setting so we're trying to change that 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00349-00082710-00082900 we're trying to create an infrastructure 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00350-00082901-00083099 where we're able to bring clinical 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00351-00083100-00083356 trials to the public sector 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00352-00083357-00083543 we now live in the United States for 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00353-00083544-00083782 example we've seen Health Tech inequity 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00354-00083783-00084125 over there based on race based on gender 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00355-00084126-00084485 based on uh ethnicity so we are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00356-00084486-00084653 continuing to work even with our own 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00357-00084654-00084905 Foundation to train more Physicians of 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00358-00084906-00085097 diverse backgrounds so that they can 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00359-00085098-00085235 conduct clinical trials in their 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00360-00085236-00085487 communities in a proper way we are 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00361-00085488-00085744 making centers available in the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00362-00085745-00085876 communities where the underrepresented 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00363-00085877-00086188 minorities live but alone we will not be 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00364-00086189-00086405 able to achieve any of that it is all 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00365-00086406-00086573 about collaboration we all have to work 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00366-00086574-00086837 together to really make a huge impact 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00367-00086838-00087125 because half the world's population does 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00368-00087126-00087419 not have health care 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00369-00087420-00087653 um Health equities truly an important 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00370-00087654-00087994 point and with so much more still to be 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00371-00087995-00088205 done what gives you hope for the future 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00372-00088206-00088415 and also what would you say to the next 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00373-00088416-00088594 generation of scientists many of whom 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00374-00088595-00089309 are probably here in the audience today 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00375-00089310-00089488 well I'm 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00376-00089489-00089693 eternally optimistic the glass is half 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00377-00089694-00089909 full not half empty for me 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00378-00089910-00090173 the thing that I would say to not just 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00379-00090174-00090461 the scientists but all Young Folks it's 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00380-00090462-00090635 twofold number one 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00381-00090636-00090976 be a good listener if you listen You'll 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00382-00090977-00091156 see that others actually have great 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00383-00091157-00091397 ideas as well and when you combine those 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00384-00091398-00091667 great ideas with your own ideas you can 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00385-00091668-00091876 be the true change maker 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00386-00091877-00092075 number two 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00387-00092076-00092429 have the passion and have the fun in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00388-00092430-00092656 whatever you do because if you have the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00389-00092657-00092873 passion and the purpose and the fun in 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00390-00092874-00093149 the job that you do you can easily make 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00391-00093150-00093461 the good into the great but enough about 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00392-00093462-00093700 that and enough about you questioning me 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00393-00093701-00093893 I have a question for you too because 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00394-00093894-00094079 you're the young one over here 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00395-00094080-00094325 what what message do you have for for 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00396-00094326-00094487 the scientists or the young ones out 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00397-00094488-00094576 there 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00398-00094577-00094768 well I'm a little bit by advice and I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00399-00094769-00094900 would like everyone to become a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00400-00094901-00095050 scientist so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00401-00095051-00095315 what I would say is that if you're 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00402-00095316-00095525 thinking or considering science as a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00403-00095526-00095682 career you should truly go for it 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00404-00095683-00095987 science opened so many doors and so many 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00405-00095988-00096293 opportunities in my case for example I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00406-00096294-00096443 started wanting out to become a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00407-00096444-00096635 physician like Summit but then I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00408-00096636-00096826 discovered pharmaceutical Sciences along 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00409-00096827-00097091 the way with that degree I became a drug 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00410-00097092-00097294 Discovery scientist and I worked for a 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00411-00097295-00097594 few years at BMS doing that and then I 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00412-00097595-00097882 became curious again about business and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00413-00097883-00098123 I pivoted into a role where I'm now 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00414-00098124-00098338 which is business development where 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00415-00098339-00098506 instead of supporting internal 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00416-00098507-00098765 Innovations at BMS I now Source external 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00417-00098766-00098962 Innovation to bring into the company and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00418-00098963-00099149 to add to our portfolio 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00419-00099150-00099400 thank you for the question Summit and 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00420-00099401-00099575 also I'd like to thank you for your time 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00421-00099576-00099755 today and for the candid conversation 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00422-00099756-00099965 well thank you Claudia and thank you so 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00423-00099966-00100253 much continue to discover 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00424-00100254-00100559 continue to develop continue to invent 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00425-00100560-00100762 because you are the change maker of the 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00426-00100763-00101310 future thank you 8w9G6Z2OLUQ-00427-00101311-00101626 [Music] 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00000-00000312-00000430 and i think we'll get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00001-00000431-00000831 started hello everybody and welcome 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00002-00000832-00001079 my name is anita kassoff and i'm the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00003-00001080-00001247 director of the baltimore museum of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00004-00001248-00001415 industry and tonight we are 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00005-00001416-00001718 thrilled to be partnering with wypr 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00006-00001719-00002102 and senior producer aaron henkin to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00007-00002103-00002367 bring you our members only preview of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00008-00002368-00002447 our new 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00009-00002448-00002726 podcast sparrows point and american 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00010-00002727-00002910 steel story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00011-00002911-00003142 which tells the story of bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00012-00003143-00003303 and the people who worked 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00013-00003304-00003631 and lived in the company town 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00014-00003632-00003870 the podcast is an audio storytelling 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00015-00003871-00003959 project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00016-00003960-00004191 that seeks to amplify the voices of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00017-00004192-00004295 sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00018-00004296-00004470 people who spent their lives working at 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00019-00004471-00004679 the mills people who lived in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00020-00004680-00004735 company 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00021-00004736-00005031 town there and it asks us to consider 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00022-00005032-00005111 what the human 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00023-00005112-00005327 costs are when manufacturing jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00024-00005328-00005438 disappear 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00025-00005439-00005622 we're grateful to our sponsors trade 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00026-00005623-00005847 point atlantic and maryland humanities 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00027-00005848-00005967 for making the podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00028-00005968-00006191 possible and we're so glad to be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00029-00006192-00006406 partnering with wypr to create the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00030-00006408-00006495 podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00031-00006495-00006678 i think that this partnership is a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00032-00006679-00006823 really great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00033-00006823-00007078 example of how two anchor institutions 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00034-00007079-00007167 in baltimore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00035-00007168-00007342 can up our games and bring you even 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00036-00007343-00007614 better content when we work together 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00037-00007615-00007863 uh if you're familiar with aaron's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00038-00007864-00008023 groundbreaking work on the out of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00039-00008023-00008070 block 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00040-00008072-00008335 series then you know he has an amazing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00041-00008336-00008542 ability to connect with the people he's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00042-00008543-00008623 interviewing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00043-00008624-00008839 and to make their experiences into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00044-00008840-00009046 really powerful stories so we're really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00045-00009047-00009127 thrilled 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00046-00009128-00009446 um that he is working on this podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00047-00009447-00009831 with us the podcast series is part of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00048-00009832-00009871 the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00049-00009872-00010135 of the baltimore museum of industries uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00050-00010136-00010238 bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00051-00010239-00010519 legacy project which is a multi-year 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00052-00010520-00010583 initiative 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00053-00010584-00010783 achieved in partnership with trade point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00054-00010784-00010919 atlantic um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00055-00010920-00011191 that includes a preservation initiative 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00056-00011192-00011399 we're preserving historic objects and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00057-00011400-00011574 photographs from the bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00058-00011575-00011646 mill 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00059-00011647-00011927 a community outreach and engagement 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00060-00011928-00011983 project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00061-00011984-00012159 and a series of exhibitions about the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00062-00012160-00012351 steel mill and its history 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00063-00012352-00012559 and of course programs like tonight are 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00064-00012560-00012687 made possible 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00065-00012688-00012935 thanks to the generous support of you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00066-00012936-00013094 our members and donors 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00067-00013095-00013471 if you are a member of both the bmi 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00068-00013472-00013766 and wypr then you get a gold star thank 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00069-00013768-00013871 you very much 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00070-00013872-00014119 but if you're interested in learning 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00071-00014119-00014327 more about becoming a member 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00072-00014328-00014566 i encourage you to visit our respective 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00073-00014568-00014711 websites because your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00074-00014712-00014871 support will help ensure that we can 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00075-00014872-00015127 continue to engage people in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00076-00015128-00015286 important conversations like the one 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00077-00015287-00015494 we're looking forward to tonight 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00078-00015495-00015679 um just a few bits of housekeeping 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00079-00015680-00015927 before we begin tonight's presentation 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00080-00015928-00016143 the discussion is being recorded and it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00081-00016144-00016358 will be posted on the museum's youtube 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00082-00016359-00016558 channel in the next few days 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00083-00016559-00016743 um your cameras and microphones are 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00084-00016744-00016871 turned off but we do 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00085-00016872-00017111 invite your participation if you have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00086-00017112-00017175 questions 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00087-00017176-00017367 please put them in the q a future 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00088-00017368-00017558 feature at the bottom of your screen 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00089-00017559-00017694 and if you have any technical 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00090-00017695-00017894 difficulties put those in the chat 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00091-00017895-00018158 i think would be best we anticipate that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00092-00018159-00018414 this discussion will wrap up by 8 pm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00093-00018415-00018630 and now it is my pleasure to turn things 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00094-00018631-00018886 over to ypr's president and general 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00095-00018887-00019014 manager lafontaine 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00096-00019015-00019350 oliver thank you so much 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00097-00019351-00019607 good evening and welcome everyone my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00098-00019608-00019847 name is lafontaine oliver and i have the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00099-00019848-00020014 absolute pleasure of serving this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00100-00020015-00020214 community as the president and general 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00101-00020215-00020286 manager 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00102-00020287-00020630 of wypr 88.1 fm here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00103-00020631-00020950 in baltimore i'd like to start by 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00104-00020951-00021143 extending a big thank you to our 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00105-00021144-00021207 partners 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00106-00021208-00021430 at the baltimore museum of industry uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00107-00021431-00021630 for making tonight possible 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00108-00021631-00021950 um thank you very much of course uh to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00109-00021951-00022078 anita kassoff 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00110-00022079-00022367 and uh thank you to the bmi's amazing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00111-00022368-00022439 team 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00112-00022440-00022678 um we're just really grateful for your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00113-00022679-00022743 vision 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00114-00022744-00022950 uh for this sparrow's point point uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00115-00022951-00023063 podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00116-00023064-00023286 and uh we're just proud to be partners 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00117-00023287-00023439 uh in this new project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00118-00023440-00023767 studying baltimore's steel industry um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00119-00023768-00023911 i'd also like to thank everyone who's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00120-00023912-00023999 joining us this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00121-00024000-00024247 evening with an extra big thank you to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00122-00024248-00024478 all of the wypr members 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00123-00024479-00024678 who are on the call tonight please give 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00124-00024679-00024863 yourselves a hearty 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00125-00024864-00025078 uh virtual round of applause we thank 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00126-00025079-00025175 you so much 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00127-00025176-00025447 uh members truly make it all happen for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00128-00025448-00025558 baltimore's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00129-00025559-00025878 mpr news station um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00130-00025879-00026111 tonight i represent a small but mighty 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00131-00026112-00026279 team of talented people who make 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00132-00026280-00026543 everything that you hear on 88.1 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00133-00026544-00026639 possible 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00134-00026639-00026927 um so please if you are not a member uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00135-00026927-00027023 as anita mentioned 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00136-00027024-00027343 uh please consider visiting wypr.org and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00137-00027344-00027527 you can make a calendar year 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00138-00027527-00027831 in contribution after tonight's event uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00139-00027832-00028055 and we thank you so much uh for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00140-00028056-00028318 your support of the station now to the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00141-00028319-00028414 exciting part 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00142-00028416-00028639 um i have the the pleasure and the honor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00143-00028639-00028774 of introducing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00144-00028775-00029087 aaron henkin um as you heard um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00145-00029088-00029343 aaron's done wonderful works with uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00146-00029344-00029574 with out of the blocks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00147-00029575-00029927 he creates original radio programs and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00148-00029927-00030087 podcasts for wypr 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00149-00030088-00030383 and since the onset of the pandemic he's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00150-00030383-00030602 been busy producing and hosting 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00151-00030603-00031055 wypr's daily news podcast the daily dose 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00152-00031056-00031399 um aaron's work has been uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00153-00031400-00031662 heard on morning edition on all things 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00154-00031663-00031727 considered 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00155-00031727-00032055 uh pris studio 360 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00156-00032056-00032358 uh in the world and if all of that were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00157-00032360-00032462 not enough 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00158-00032463-00032670 uh he is simply one of baltimore's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00159-00032672-00032790 coolest people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00160-00032791-00033079 um so please uh join me now in giving a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00161-00033080-00033199 warm welcome 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00162-00033200-00033527 uh to aaron thank you very kindly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00163-00033528-00033695 both of you guys that was a it was an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00164-00033696-00033887 excellent formal introduction you see 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00165-00033888-00034095 i've got my finest flannel shirt on for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00166-00034096-00034223 the occasion 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00167-00034224-00034583 uh coming to you live from my um uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00168-00034584-00034831 my uh little office here at an otherwise 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00169-00034832-00035071 deserted wipr at the moment i go for a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00170-00035072-00035143 sort of a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00171-00035144-00035535 supply closet chic here um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00172-00035536-00035743 but uh yeah we're you know we're in here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00173-00035744-00035887 a couple of people at a time couple 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00174-00035888-00035999 hours at the time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00175-00036000-00036223 keeping the place running uh sounding 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00176-00036224-00036383 the way it should for you guys and i'll 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00177-00036384-00036415 just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00178-00036416-00036583 you know i'll just echo uh what 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00179-00036584-00036718 lafontaine said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00180-00036719-00036918 um you know you guys you make it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00181-00036919-00037023 possible this is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00182-00037024-00037239 i mean this project uh this special 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00183-00037240-00037446 project with the bmis 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00184-00037447-00037615 and this is your pledge dollars at work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00185-00037616-00037895 so thank you i mean you guys 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00186-00037896-00038174 i owe my job to you and i never never 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00187-00038175-00038279 forget that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00188-00038280-00038527 uh every time i walk in this building 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00189-00038528-00038718 and go to work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00190-00038719-00038959 i want to say thanks to bmi for um i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00191-00038960-00039127 think really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00192-00039128-00039423 thinking outside the museum bubble uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00193-00039424-00039599 and entrusting an outsider 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00194-00039600-00039951 with a project like this um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00195-00039952-00040183 i personally am always comfortable quite 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00196-00040184-00040471 comfortable with my own ignorance 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00197-00040472-00040711 and i think the listener ultimately to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00198-00040712-00040871 this podcast is going to benefit from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00199-00040872-00041039 the fact that i i come at this knowing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00200-00041040-00041174 nothing you really kind of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00201-00041175-00041343 start there's not a whole lot of inside 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00202-00041344-00041518 baseball talk here because i'm learning 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00203-00041519-00041671 everything along with you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00204-00041672-00041990 about this story as your host 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00205-00041991-00042302 um i just really uh um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00206-00042303-00042583 i'm a real evangelist for the beauty of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00207-00042584-00042702 the podcast as a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00208-00042703-00042943 as a really accessible form for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00209-00042944-00043095 storytelling these days 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00210-00043096-00043351 everyone with a device can you know find 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00211-00043352-00043567 the player of their choice and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00212-00043568-00043718 by the time this is up and running i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00213-00043719-00043902 think already in fact uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00214-00043903-00044079 it's uh there's a feed for it you can 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00215-00044080-00044279 find it on uh most of your podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00216-00044280-00044367 players i'll 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00217-00044368-00044518 get into the specifics of how you can 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00218-00044519-00044671 how you can log on and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00219-00044672-00044895 make sure you're subscribed um at the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00220-00044896-00044999 end of the presentation 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00221-00045000-00045302 i've got about uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00222-00045303-00045487 25 minute presentation i'm gonna leave 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00223-00045488-00045702 time for to hear from you guys 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00224-00045703-00045990 uh i know that um some of you in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00225-00045991-00046087 audience 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00226-00046088-00046302 are people that i interviewed uh for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00227-00046303-00046407 this podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00228-00046408-00046639 so i know you'll keep me on my toes too 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00229-00046640-00046767 um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00230-00046768-00046990 anyway podcasts they're great they're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00231-00046991-00047151 great vehicles for stories 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00232-00047152-00047407 and sparrows point is is it's not only 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00233-00047408-00047551 an important 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00234-00047552-00047862 historical topic it's also just in its 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00235-00047863-00048030 bones a really great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00236-00048031-00048215 story from a storyteller's standpoint 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00237-00048216-00048390 it's got this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00238-00048391-00048686 this very captivating narrative arc it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00239-00048687-00048767 got 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00240-00048768-00049046 glory it's got hubris it's got twists 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00241-00049047-00049302 and turns and sidebars and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00242-00049303-00049639 rabbit holes all along the way and um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00243-00049640-00049902 really importantly uh it's it's got 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00244-00049903-00050079 fantastic character 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00245-00050080-00050430 and i've had a really fun time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00246-00050431-00050735 um meeting the cast of characters that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00247-00050736-00050862 that you're gonna hear from in this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00248-00050863-00050999 podcast series i've got 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00249-00051000-00051183 it's been a couple of months of uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00250-00051184-00051375 recording interviews 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00251-00051376-00051575 uh and the way i've done it uh at a safe 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00252-00051576-00051719 distance in the midst of this pandemic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00253-00051720-00051919 is i've gotten to hang out on a lot of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00254-00051920-00052230 uh patios and porches and backyards 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00255-00052232-00052423 of various people's uh houses in and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00256-00052424-00052542 around baltimore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00257-00052544-00052791 um if you listen carefully to this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00258-00052791-00052959 podcast you will hear 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00259-00052960-00053311 uh you know cicadas and birds and dogs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00260-00053312-00053494 uh so let that be part of the the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00261-00053495-00053742 ambiance i guess of the final product 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00262-00053744-00054023 um i got to interview authors i get to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00263-00054024-00054238 interview historians photographers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00264-00054239-00054430 journalists filmmakers people who've all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00265-00054432-00054607 done their own work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00266-00054608-00054847 uh you know chronicling sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00267-00054848-00054999 but but really most importantly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00268-00055000-00055215 uh i got to spend lots of time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00269-00055216-00055311 interviewing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00270-00055312-00055654 steel workers themselves um and just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00271-00055655-00055815 hearing them talk about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00272-00055816-00056103 what a day's work was like was just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00273-00056104-00056247 fascinating i'm gonna 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00274-00056248-00056463 share a few clips with you uh during 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00275-00056464-00056607 this presentation i'm actually gonna 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00276-00056608-00056838 uh share share my screen here and take 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00277-00056839-00056959 you behind the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00278-00056960-00057199 podcast and curtain uh and really show 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00279-00057200-00057407 you uh how the sausage gets made 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00280-00057408-00057647 uh let me see if i can open my share my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00281-00057648-00057719 screen 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00282-00057720-00058087 share computer sound share 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00283-00058088-00058294 i'm glad to be here guys i see your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00284-00058295-00058487 notes i'm this is uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00285-00058488-00058638 i can't see any of you it's actually a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00286-00058639-00058815 lot like doing a radio broadcast because 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00287-00058816-00058838 i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00288-00058839-00059030 theoretically know you're there but i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00289-00059032-00059175 kind of talking to myself at the same 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00290-00059176-00059215 time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00291-00059216-00059471 i'm used to talking to myself though um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00292-00059472-00059559 but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00293-00059560-00059782 i'm glad to know you're there however 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00294-00059783-00059879 abstractly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00295-00059879-00060206 and that you're listening um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00296-00060207-00060566 so you should be looking at uh a program 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00297-00060567-00060766 on my screen called adobe audition i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00298-00060767-00060991 feel very shy showing anyone this uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00299-00060991-00061135 program this is sort of like the uh the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00300-00061136-00061326 audio producers equivalent 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00301-00061327-00061582 of uh uh you know showing you my messy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00302-00061583-00061679 bedroom 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00303-00061679-00061919 do not judge the way this looks uh this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00304-00061920-00062015 is basically what 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00305-00062016-00062335 15 20 hours of raw audio looks like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00306-00062336-00062599 after it's been cut down to five hours 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00307-00062600-00062830 and then digitally sliced and diced into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00308-00062832-00062999 thousands of different pieces that have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00309-00063000-00063254 been kind of shuffled and reshuffled 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00310-00063255-00063359 according to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00311-00063360-00063559 you know my vague notion of what the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00312-00063560-00063719 shape of this story is going to be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00313-00063720-00063894 you're seeing a couple of minutes there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00314-00063895-00064023 i'm going to zoom out so you can see 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00315-00064024-00064063 what it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00316-00064064-00064263 what what it all looks like together 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00317-00064264-00064366 that's that's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00318-00064367-00064550 many many hours of audio cut into many 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00319-00064551-00064950 many different pieces 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00320-00064951-00065230 it really is a work in progress um so 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00321-00065232-00065366 you are getting definitely 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00322-00065367-00065543 uh a preview of something that is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00323-00065544-00065719 actively in development 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00324-00065720-00065959 um so we're going to focus on these gold 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00325-00065960-00066182 audio bars here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00326-00066183-00066631 for this presentation and um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00327-00066632-00066863 let me share let me just uh kick it over 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00328-00066864-00067006 to some voices from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00329-00067007-00067159 some steel workers here for you i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00330-00067160-00067279 going to zoom in you'll probably see me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00331-00067280-00067463 zooming in and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00332-00067464-00067663 i believe i've got my sound set up so 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00333-00067664-00067847 that you will hear a gentleman named 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00334-00067848-00068191 donald forrest here we go bethlehem 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00335-00068192-00068399 steel was always in the distance 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00336-00068400-00068559 and the thing that always stood out to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00337-00068560-00068767 me as a kid is when they would dump 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00338-00068768-00068982 these slag ladles over on blast furnace 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00339-00068983-00069055 road 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00340-00069056-00069279 the sky would light up orange like all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00341-00069280-00069359 of a sudden 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00342-00069360-00069767 it was daytime so that's donald forest 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00343-00069768-00069967 he worked at sparrows point for uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00344-00069968-00070343 34 years my job was to as the slag 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00345-00070344-00070543 came out on the outside of the furnace 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00346-00070544-00070671 and these spouts 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00347-00070672-00070855 they would go into these bowls my job 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00348-00070856-00071055 was is that filled up to pull a chain 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00349-00071056-00071215 about a hundred feet 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00350-00071216-00071431 long and open that up and let it come 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00351-00071432-00071647 down a trough to the next ladle and let 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00352-00071648-00071735 it run in there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00353-00071736-00071911 we had asbestos coats then there were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00354-00071912-00072143 silver and we had a screen shield and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00355-00072144-00072319 you'd put it up to your face 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00356-00072320-00072519 because the the heat would just burn you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00357-00072520-00072703 you had safety and you would knock that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00358-00072704-00072935 sand dam and let it flow down to the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00359-00072936-00073150 next ladle so you did that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00360-00073151-00073455 and got it done and you know that was it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00361-00073456-00073638 to be honest with you when i first went 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00362-00073639-00073862 there my first three weeks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00363-00073863-00074015 they put me on the blast furnace the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00364-00074016-00074199 second week i was there and i almost 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00365-00074200-00074231 quit 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00366-00074232-00074511 i wrapped my clothes up and my hot shoes 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00367-00074512-00074799 and everything and i was going to quit 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00368-00074800-00074935 the second guy you hear talking there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00369-00074936-00075119 his name is andrew morton 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00370-00075120-00075347 he started working at bethlehem steel in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00371-00075348-00075559 1970 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00372-00075560-00075711 he did not have an auspicious start 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00373-00075712-00075959 there as you can hear uh but he told me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00374-00075960-00076143 um during our interview there was an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00375-00076144-00076287 older guy there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00376-00076288-00076599 uh a guy who worked with a well he would 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00377-00076600-00076647 smoke 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00378-00076648-00076806 he always had a pipe in his mouth while 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00379-00076807-00077055 he was working in this plan 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00380-00077056-00077343 in the labor gang uh and this old guy he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00381-00077344-00077399 was having a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00382-00077400-00077575 you know uh andrew morton was having a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00383-00077576-00077743 hard time the old guy kept asking him 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00384-00077744-00077903 like what's what's what's wrong with you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00385-00077904-00078182 sir i can't do this kind of work and he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00386-00078183-00078287 looked at me he said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00387-00078288-00078423 how do you know you can't do this kind 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00388-00078424-00078631 of work you didn't even try 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00389-00078632-00078871 i said well i i'm just not made for this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00390-00078872-00079038 he said i'm gonna tell you what 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00391-00079039-00079350 i'm not gonna tell you not to quit 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00392-00079351-00079526 but i'm gonna tell you this if you quit 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00393-00079527-00079694 now you'll be acquitted the rest of your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00394-00079695-00079806 life 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00395-00079807-00080126 so uh uh mr morton did not quit uh he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00396-00080127-00080238 says uh everyone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00397-00080239-00080447 eventually gets a nickname down there at 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00398-00080448-00080550 the plant and he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00399-00080551-00080694 he eventually earned a nickname of his 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00400-00080695-00080855 own uh from the older guys and that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00401-00080856-00080926 nickname was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00402-00080927-00081303 was wild man i prided myself on being 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00403-00081304-00081462 able to work as hard as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00404-00081463-00081799 them and eventually i could outwork them 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00405-00081800-00082062 and they showed me the ins and outs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00406-00082063-00082247 because if you didn't listen to those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00407-00082248-00082575 those older guys you died and quite a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00408-00082576-00082767 few of my friends i lost five or six 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00409-00082768-00082823 friends 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00410-00082824-00083094 uh down there uh they got killed you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00411-00083095-00083279 know we turned the gas all the way up 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00412-00083280-00083455 and we didn't care about all the smoke 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00413-00083456-00083559 that we put out 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00414-00083560-00083743 or anything i mean it was just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00415-00083744-00083982 production so this guy you just heard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00416-00083983-00084279 uh is charlie conklin uh he started 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00417-00084280-00084591 working at sparrows point back in 1959 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00418-00084592-00084782 and charlie conklin is uh what they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00419-00084783-00084911 would call a white hat 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00420-00084912-00085079 he was a supervisor he was an in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00421-00085080-00085255 management um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00422-00085256-00085455 and i when i interviewed him i think i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00423-00085456-00085623 realized like for as hard as the work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00424-00085624-00085815 was for the hourly workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00425-00085816-00086038 uh the white hats back then it sounds 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00426-00086039-00086318 like they had a pretty sweet gig 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00427-00086319-00086718 it was a good time uh my my boss 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00428-00086719-00086943 uh superintendent used to come in and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00429-00086944-00087055 once a year 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00430-00087056-00087438 and he would say charlie it's about time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00431-00087439-00087591 you got a little raise you've done a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00432-00087592-00087662 good job 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00433-00087663-00087847 and and he'd reach in his pocket because 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00434-00087848-00088031 it was like on a sunday and he'd have a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00435-00088032-00088271 long coat he'd reach into his pocket 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00436-00088272-00088494 and he'd give me a little note that said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00437-00088495-00088671 what my salary was going to be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00438-00088672-00088926 can you imagine that those were the days 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00439-00088927-00089023 that you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00440-00089024-00089335 it it was a little bit different so i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00441-00089336-00089406 think in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00442-00089407-00089631 first episode of the series uh we're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00443-00089632-00089735 going to hear these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00444-00089736-00090062 uh various uh first-person stories uh of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00445-00090063-00090215 workers and managers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00446-00090216-00090399 um and really get a feel of what it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00447-00090400-00090631 like to to you know walk a mile 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00448-00090632-00090879 in their shoes um and then i think in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00449-00090880-00091038 the next episode we're gonna get into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00450-00091039-00091071 the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00451-00091072-00091294 the uh we're gonna kind of rewind the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00452-00091295-00091431 clock we're gonna get in the way back 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00453-00091432-00091655 machine we're gonna travel back in time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00454-00091656-00091879 and really learn about the origin story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00455-00091880-00092062 of sparrows point um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00456-00092063-00092279 i had a great interview uh with a guy by 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00457-00092280-00092367 the name of mark 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00458-00092368-00092599 reuter he's a longtime journalist for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00459-00092600-00092711 the sun paper 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00460-00092712-00092974 uh he covered the sparrow's point beats 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00461-00092975-00093103 such as it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00462-00093104-00093287 in those final years of sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00463-00093288-00093462 and he eventually wrote 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00464-00093463-00093631 um you know what's considered one of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00465-00093632-00093847 definitive books about the mill 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00466-00093848-00094143 it's a book called making steel the rise 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00467-00094144-00094215 and ruin 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00468-00094216-00094655 of in of american industrial might um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00469-00094656-00094879 and uh mr reuters he's a great natural 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00470-00094880-00095118 storyteller at a blast listening to him 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00471-00095119-00095318 uh here he is talking about when 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00472-00095319-00095455 frederick wood 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00473-00095456-00095623 of pennsylvania steel before it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00474-00095624-00095791 bethlehem steel it was pennsylvania 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00475-00095792-00095879 steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00476-00095880-00096174 that uh got this line on some good iron 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00477-00096175-00096238 ore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00478-00096239-00096471 and they were prospecting a place to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00479-00096472-00096543 build 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00480-00096544-00096767 a plant so he this guy frederick wood 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00481-00096768-00096918 was out on a prospect 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00482-00096919-00097126 prospecting trip looking for a location 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00483-00097127-00097287 for a steel mill and this is uh the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00484-00097288-00097462 first time he came across 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00485-00097463-00097815 uh sparrows point there was just one 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00486-00097816-00098062 house on it it was the um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00487-00098063-00098406 house of an old ship captain and um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00488-00098407-00098679 people often said that captain fitzell 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00489-00098680-00098743 liked 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00490-00098744-00098999 his isolated spot because it reminded 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00491-00099000-00099238 him of being out at sea 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00492-00099239-00099431 uh frederick wood through some lawyers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00493-00099432-00099687 in baltimore obtained the property 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00494-00099688-00100006 and began this huge undertaking to build 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00495-00100007-00100067 a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00496-00100068-00100391 state-of-the-art railroading 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00497-00100392-00100743 mill that would both serve domestic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00498-00100744-00100911 railroads 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00499-00100912-00101191 and would be involved in international 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00500-00101192-00101255 sales 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00501-00101256-00101455 which had never been really done before 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00502-00101456-00101703 by the steel industry 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00503-00101704-00101959 and so that is the origins of sparrows 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00504-00101960-00102023 point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00505-00102024-00102494 and they began building around 1888 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00506-00102495-00102775 so they built this mill uh and they also 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00507-00102776-00102910 built an entire 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00508-00102911-00103247 self-contained company town 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00509-00103248-00103510 and i should stop my there we go they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00510-00103511-00103727 built this uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00511-00103728-00104030 company town around the mill and this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00512-00104031-00104094 was a very 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00513-00104095-00104390 um sort of intentionally designed was as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00514-00104391-00104566 much thought was put into this town as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00515-00104567-00104710 the mill itself 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00516-00104711-00104966 and and they grew and they grew on and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00517-00104967-00105143 on into the 20th century 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00518-00105144-00105399 uh and as world war ii approached they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00519-00105400-00105463 had 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00520-00105464-00105654 you know more and more employees tens of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00521-00105655-00105775 thousands of employees 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00522-00105776-00106039 we're talking black and white employees 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00523-00106040-00106239 but the jobs were all segregated 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00524-00106240-00106527 as was the housing in this company town 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00525-00106528-00106678 and um i should say 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00526-00106679-00106927 a unionized workforce was not part of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00527-00106928-00107158 the the original managerial vision 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00528-00107159-00107486 of of this enterprise um but what i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00529-00107488-00107639 really was something important i came to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00530-00107640-00107783 learn is that a big part 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00531-00107783-00107966 of the sparrows point story is in fact 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00532-00107967-00108143 the story of the rise 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00533-00108144-00108383 of labor unions and it's a it's a story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00534-00108383-00108543 that's intertwined 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00535-00108544-00108847 with the story of race racism 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00536-00108848-00109095 civil rights at the plants uh i'm going 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00537-00109096-00109254 to share a few clips here with you first 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00538-00109255-00109486 up i'm going to play uh deborah rudisil 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00539-00109488-00109654 uh deborah rudisil i had a great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00540-00109655-00109847 interview with her she wrote a fantastic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00541-00109848-00109990 book if you're interested in sparrow's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00542-00109991-00110054 point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00543-00110055-00110390 find her book it's called roots of steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00544-00110391-00110751 on the eve of world war ii 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00545-00110752-00111054 the the union was voted in to the plant 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00546-00111055-00111199 steel workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00547-00111200-00111447 voted to accept the union and that was a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00548-00111448-00111551 huge huge 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00549-00111552-00111719 change because the company town had 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00550-00111720-00112083 always been very resistant to um union 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00551-00112083-00112199 organizing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00552-00112200-00112358 i'm going to play some more of deborah 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00553-00112359-00112495 rudisil in just a minute but i'm going 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00554-00112496-00112631 to introduce one more uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00555-00112632-00112847 voice into the mix here this is labor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00556-00112848-00112951 historian bill 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00557-00112952-00113110 one of the problems when the contract 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00558-00113111-00113319 for the steel industry was that they had 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00559-00113320-00113407 segregated 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00560-00113408-00113702 job classifications and so if you were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00561-00113703-00113951 hired as many african-american workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00562-00113952-00114271 oliver into the labor gang that was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00563-00114272-00114399 where you're going to spend your whole 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00564-00114400-00114558 45 years 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00565-00114559-00114807 and so there were episodes starting as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00566-00114808-00115007 soon as the union came in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00567-00115008-00115278 by african-american workers bidding out 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00568-00115279-00115439 trying to get into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00569-00115440-00115607 maintenance jobs trying to get into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00570-00115608-00115847 roller jobs higher paid jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00571-00115848-00116078 and they were effectively blocked but it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00572-00116079-00116183 really wasn't 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00573-00116183-00116519 until the lawsuit started a little later 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00574-00116520-00116710 in the 1960s that the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00575-00116711-00117086 the big changes came those lawsuits led 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00576-00117088-00117175 to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00577-00117176-00117423 a consent two consent decrees actually 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00578-00117424-00117678 issued by the federal government 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00579-00117679-00118023 which mandated a move from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00580-00118024-00118310 unit seniority to plant seniority right 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00581-00118311-00118495 so then it didn't matter 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00582-00118496-00118734 the the main issue wasn't how long you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00583-00118735-00118815 had spent 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00584-00118816-00119166 in your unit but in the plant as a whole 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00585-00119167-00119502 so if you get to talking to people about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00586-00119503-00119758 unions at sparrows point you're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00587-00119759-00119895 inevitably going to hear 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00588-00119896-00120086 one name come up over and over again and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00589-00120088-00120327 that name is eddie bartee 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00590-00120328-00120631 mr bartee was a he was a union legend a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00591-00120632-00120823 union trailblazer he was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00592-00120824-00121110 universally respected and admired by the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00593-00121111-00121310 steel workers there back in the day 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00594-00121311-00121590 um well i should say by the black steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00595-00121591-00121783 workers he was universally respected and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00596-00121783-00121854 admired 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00597-00121855-00122054 he was made perhaps more begrudgingly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00598-00122055-00122239 respected and admired by the white steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00599-00122240-00122319 workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00600-00122320-00122631 um and then perhaps maybe more like uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00601-00122632-00122910 feared by the white management um anyway 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00602-00122911-00123014 mr bartee 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00603-00123015-00123199 uh he unfortunately passed away a few 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00604-00123200-00123358 months before this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00605-00123359-00123558 podcast project started bill berry has 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00606-00123559-00123775 great interviews with him by the way 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00607-00123776-00124031 but i had the opportunity to interview 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00608-00124032-00124095 his son 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00609-00124096-00124423 eddie bartee jr who spoke uh really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00610-00124424-00124558 beautifully about his dad i'm going to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00611-00124559-00124807 play eddie bartee jr here for you my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00612-00124808-00124934 father had a great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00613-00124935-00125166 impact on the steel industry because of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00614-00125167-00125263 the fact 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00615-00125264-00125607 that once he became the vice president 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00616-00125608-00125758 in 1962 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00617-00125759-00126023 they were able to go they had a group 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00618-00126024-00126134 called the statesman 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00619-00126135-00126327 which was a black route and this was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00620-00126328-00126495 from gary indiana 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00621-00126496-00126854 illinois chicago all the black steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00622-00126855-00127031 companies had pockets of black people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00623-00127032-00127271 that were gathered together to go fight 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00624-00127272-00127534 over washington dc to promote this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00625-00127535-00127663 incentive 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00626-00127664-00127902 so what it did it promoted the black 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00627-00127903-00127966 people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00628-00127967-00128231 to actually move up on the units and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00629-00128232-00128407 become crane operators 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00630-00128408-00128671 become truck drivers and eventually to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00631-00128672-00128839 open the doors for blacks to start to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00632-00128840-00129063 become foremans 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00633-00129064-00129366 um so those uh consent decrees you just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00634-00129367-00129407 heard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00635-00129408-00129647 being spoken about they also forced open 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00636-00129648-00129758 the door for women 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00637-00129759-00129958 to come and work in all areas of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00638-00129959-00130063 sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00639-00130064-00130343 now women had worked there in limited 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00640-00130344-00130414 capacities 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00641-00130415-00130678 in like clerical jobs and there was also 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00642-00130679-00130783 an all-women 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00643-00130783-00130983 unit in there called the tin floppers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00644-00130983-00131127 and they've got their own story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00645-00131128-00131271 uh they were like sequestered and they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00646-00131272-00131447 had this very matriarchal 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00647-00131448-00131783 uh supervisor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00648-00131784-00131966 and also i should say during world war 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00649-00131967-00132223 ii uh there was a limited window of time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00650-00132224-00132407 during the war when women worked in very 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00651-00132408-00132575 large numbers in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00652-00132576-00132847 uh the shipyards which were also a part 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00653-00132848-00132919 of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00654-00132920-00133190 uh bethlehem steel's of industrial 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00655-00133191-00133287 footprint 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00656-00133288-00133623 uh here in baltimore um but that was a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00657-00133624-00133783 limited window of time and it wasn't 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00658-00133784-00133863 until 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00659-00133864-00134119 the 1970s that that all these jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00660-00134120-00134214 became 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00661-00134215-00134478 open to women the management actually 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00662-00134479-00134687 had quotas they had to hit to put women 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00663-00134688-00134927 in these jobs um and there's this great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00664-00134928-00135111 generation of women of steel they're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00665-00135112-00135190 called 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00666-00135191-00135407 um the baltimore museum of industry has 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00667-00135408-00135590 an exhibition called women of steel that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00668-00135591-00135695 that features 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00669-00135696-00135943 uh women of this generation they really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00670-00135944-00136078 were the pioneers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00671-00136079-00136335 uh into these parts of the plant that no 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00672-00136336-00136495 women had ever worked before 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00673-00136496-00136831 uh doing these really heavy duty jobs um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00674-00136832-00137023 and this podcast series is gonna have an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00675-00137024-00137166 episode dedicated 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00676-00137167-00137327 to them to these women of steel i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00677-00137328-00137502 going to share a few clips with you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00678-00137503-00137743 uh of some of the women of steel that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00679-00137744-00137839 i'm at 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00680-00137840-00137990 i said i ought to go put an application 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00681-00137991-00138207 in and they laughed at me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00682-00138208-00138399 you know my brother says i don't think 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00683-00138400-00138519 you could ever work down there i said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00684-00138520-00138607 why not 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00685-00138608-00138871 and he said no i don't think so so that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00686-00138872-00139102 was like a challenge to me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00687-00139103-00139271 so i said well i'm going to go with you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00688-00139272-00139407 if you're going to go put an application 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00689-00139408-00139519 in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00690-00139520-00139678 so that's kathy garrison she wish she 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00691-00139679-00139799 did go with her brother and put an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00692-00139800-00139878 application in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00693-00139879-00140127 she ended up at bethlehem steel working 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00694-00140128-00140343 there for 37 years 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00695-00140344-00140566 uh she applied and got her letter of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00696-00140567-00140714 employment in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00697-00140715-00140999 1976. i got the letter and when i showed 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00698-00141000-00141214 it to my husband he was like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00699-00141215-00141414 i don't i don't really want you to work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00700-00141415-00141599 and at that time there were you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00701-00141600-00141790 it was very very common for them the man 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00702-00141791-00141935 was the breadwinner the woman was the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00703-00141936-00142095 homemaker and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00704-00142096-00142375 kind of old-fashioned now but he said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00705-00142376-00142559 it's embarrassing for a man's wife to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00706-00142560-00142687 have to work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00707-00142688-00142911 i said why he said because it means he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00708-00142912-00143031 can't support his family 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00709-00143032-00143199 i can support my family i said yeah but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00710-00143200-00143375 we could buy a house and so i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00711-00143376-00143575 you know trying to convince him to let 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00712-00143576-00143759 me work he said to me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00713-00143760-00143919 all right you know if you want to go 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00714-00143920-00144023 down there you can go down there but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00715-00144024-00144126 you're going to have to keep up with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00716-00144127-00144375 your chores 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00717-00144376-00144575 when i think of that now i laugh because 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00718-00144576-00144678 it's like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00719-00144679-00144878 yeah and he said and if it starts to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00720-00144879-00144990 cause problems 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00721-00144991-00145302 you're going to quit i want to play 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00722-00145303-00145407 another clip from you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00723-00145408-00145775 uh from rita hamlet i had a blast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00724-00145776-00145911 hanging out with this woman 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00725-00145912-00146102 um i actually just went over uh to her 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00726-00146103-00146278 house to bring some cds to her of her 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00727-00146279-00146366 interview 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00728-00146367-00146471 she wanted to share them with her 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00729-00146472-00146754 grandchildren she got hired there in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00730-00146755-00146966 1973 here she is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00731-00146967-00147190 when i got the job i came home with my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00732-00147191-00147319 uniform 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00733-00147320-00147511 and went to my grandfather's house 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00734-00147512-00147654 because my grandfather worked at 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00735-00147655-00147790 bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00736-00147791-00148102 and i came home with my uniform on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00737-00148103-00148383 he said you i said dad granddaddy i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00738-00148384-00148559 worked down in bethlehem they say they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00739-00148560-00148599 hard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00740-00148600-00148990 women i say yes i said they hard me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00741-00148991-00149199 then one time my children came home and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00742-00149200-00149414 they said mom we seen this woman on the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00743-00149415-00149463 bus 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00744-00149464-00149711 she was dressed just like a man head on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00745-00149712-00149814 a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00746-00149815-00150102 thing a hard hat on her head so see 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00747-00150103-00150278 every day when i got off of work i took 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00748-00150279-00150463 a shower and put my clothes back on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00749-00150464-00150671 so i came home one day i said what the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00750-00150672-00150847 woman y'all saw on the bus when she 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00751-00150848-00150975 dressed like this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00752-00150976-00151175 they said yeah mom she had the same 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00753-00151176-00151383 thing on i said this is how i be dressed 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00754-00151384-00151535 every day at work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00755-00151536-00151871 i say this is how you safeguard yourself 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00756-00151872-00152126 so you know that my children i say this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00757-00152127-00152326 is where your mother worked at that same 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00758-00152327-00152495 place down bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00759-00152496-00152783 i said that's why you're eating because 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00760-00152784-00153295 this is where your mother worked 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00761-00153296-00153511 bill berry the labor historian i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00762-00153512-00153687 mentioned um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00763-00153688-00153831 when i talked with him he says you can 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00764-00153832-00154023 think of sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00765-00154024-00154254 as an epic civilization that really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00766-00154255-00154495 stuck with me that that kind of analogy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00767-00154496-00154743 you know it's complete with a rise and a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00768-00154744-00154807 fall 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00769-00154808-00155111 and um and the end of sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00770-00155112-00155454 is this long 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00771-00155455-00155799 drawn out and really painful kind of an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00772-00155800-00155983 end deborah rudisil 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00773-00155984-00156207 she says you know it ended with a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00774-00156208-00156351 whimper 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00775-00156352-00156590 and what happened was bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00776-00156591-00156743 actually went bankrupt 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00777-00156744-00157095 in 2001 and when that happened 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00778-00157096-00157359 all the retirees pensions and benefits 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00779-00157360-00157487 healthcare 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00780-00157488-00157799 um crumpled basically evaporated but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00781-00157800-00157919 sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00782-00157920-00158239 the plant itself didn't actually close 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00783-00158240-00158583 until like 13 or 14 years after that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00784-00158584-00158735 bankruptcy because it went through this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00785-00158736-00158807 kind of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00786-00158808-00159119 revolving door of sale after sale after 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00787-00159120-00159278 sale to like four or five different 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00788-00159279-00159431 owners several from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00789-00159432-00159759 different countries around the globe um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00790-00159760-00160023 the writing was on the wall for for the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00791-00160024-00160190 american steel industry really for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00792-00160191-00160247 several 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00793-00160248-00160519 decades before that um i got i got a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00794-00160520-00160695 really in-depth explanation of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00795-00160696-00160871 internal and external factors for the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00796-00160872-00161135 decline uh in an interview with a plant 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00797-00161136-00161278 manager who actually helped 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00798-00161279-00161471 walk the company through that bankruptcy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00799-00161472-00161647 process um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00800-00161648-00161823 and uh his name is dave conrad you'll 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00801-00161824-00161966 hear from him in the series 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00802-00161967-00162231 but you'll also um really hear about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00803-00162232-00162423 that experience 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00804-00162424-00162678 from the the workers uh firsthand i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00805-00162679-00162839 going to play you a collage of voices 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00806-00162840-00162919 here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00807-00162920-00163239 um of steelworkers talking about the end 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00808-00163240-00163351 of sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00809-00163352-00163807 when i first went stand by one sec 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00810-00163808-00164071 you could have told me in 1970 that that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00811-00164072-00164238 mill would be gone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00812-00164239-00164463 in 2020 and i'd be like you're outta 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00813-00164464-00164614 here you're crazy man 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00814-00164615-00164790 that's never going to happen the world 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00815-00164791-00165007 caught up to us and we did not 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00816-00165008-00165326 change we thought we were invincible we 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00817-00165327-00165478 thought maryland couldn't survive 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00818-00165479-00165614 without bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00819-00165615-00165878 and that was a fantasy bethlehem still 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00820-00165879-00166102 closed down because they owed the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00821-00166103-00166214 retirees 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00822-00166215-00166559 15 million dollars and the judge 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00823-00166560-00166790 said long as you're in existence you're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00824-00166791-00166975 going to have to pay them 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00825-00166976-00167143 they shut the doors on a friday and say 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00826-00167144-00167263 don't come in anymore don't come in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00827-00167264-00167390 monday 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00828-00167391-00167726 and as of money you have no 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00829-00167727-00167975 benefits you know we had people that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00830-00167976-00168159 committed suicide 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00831-00168160-00168414 it just went into a liquidation they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00832-00168415-00168495 started 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00833-00168496-00168799 tearing the plant down and if you drive 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00834-00168800-00168854 by there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00835-00168855-00169087 today you'd never even know a steel mill 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00836-00169088-00169175 ever existed 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00837-00169176-00169335 when i think of betham steel i think 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00838-00169336-00169543 about the roman empire 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00839-00169544-00169831 and i think how industrial royalty 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00840-00169832-00170038 became 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00841-00170039-00170535 well right now it's dust 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00842-00170536-00170975 the the end of sparrows point uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00843-00170976-00171126 really did a number on the town of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00844-00171127-00171383 dundalk uh it left dundalk 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00845-00171384-00171647 in this kind of post-industrial funk uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00846-00171648-00171751 that it's still 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00847-00171752-00171999 struggling to move on from arguably 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00848-00172000-00172135 dundalk 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00849-00172136-00172438 uh was basically built with military 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00850-00172439-00172511 contract 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00851-00172512-00172847 money around world war ii to as to to as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00852-00172848-00173071 like housing expansion to house the huge 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00853-00173072-00173199 increase of workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00854-00173200-00173519 at the mill um i i went there to dundalk 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00855-00173520-00173726 hung out in a town square 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00856-00173727-00173983 kind of town square style park right 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00857-00173984-00174054 downtown 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00858-00174055-00174247 an area called heritage park there's a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00859-00174248-00174575 monument to fallen steel workers there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00860-00174576-00174695 and that's where i interviewed a woman 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00861-00174696-00174926 named amy menzer she is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00862-00174927-00175119 she is the director executive director 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00863-00175120-00175359 of a a non-profit that's called dundalk 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00864-00175360-00175502 renaissance corporation 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00865-00175503-00175838 they're focused on you know revitalizing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00866-00175839-00176031 dundalk in the aftermath of these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00867-00176032-00176190 decades of uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00868-00176191-00176519 you know post-industrial decline um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00869-00176520-00176966 and she says um there are very real 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00870-00176967-00177126 scars and very real kind of like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00871-00177127-00177319 post-traumatic stress 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00872-00177320-00177711 about the closing of uh sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00873-00177712-00177807 um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00874-00177808-00178007 you know there's you can see it in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00875-00178008-00178175 community vacant homes 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00876-00178176-00178502 addiction issues bitterness wounded 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00877-00178503-00178614 pride 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00878-00178615-00178871 um and also you know she she said quite 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00879-00178872-00178966 honestly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00880-00178967-00179199 uh the the impulse to find somebody to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00881-00179200-00179343 be part of people's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00882-00179344-00179647 processing of what happened with job 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00883-00179648-00179726 losses 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00884-00179727-00180038 and economic decline gets 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00885-00180039-00180383 mapped on to new people who move to the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00886-00180384-00180447 community 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00887-00180448-00180726 who might be lower income and might be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00888-00180727-00180838 people of color 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00889-00180839-00181102 as opposed to the more predominantly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00890-00181103-00181175 white 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00891-00181176-00181390 population that was here in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00892-00181391-00181526 community's heyday 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00893-00181527-00181847 and it leads to i think some false 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00894-00181848-00182047 explanations that people make for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00895-00182048-00182302 themselves of what's the problem 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00896-00182303-00182726 and why 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00897-00182727-00183054 interesting conversation with her uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00898-00183055-00183278 and and i i i remember speaking with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00899-00183279-00183471 deborah rudisil about this idea as well 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00900-00183472-00183751 of nostalgia 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00901-00183752-00184135 and nostalgia having a dark side to it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00902-00184136-00184519 um deborah rudisil i remember 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00903-00184520-00184775 told me it was originally classified as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00904-00184776-00184883 a mental illness 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00905-00184884-00185151 nostalgia as natural as it is to all of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00906-00185152-00185263 us 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00907-00185264-00185566 um all right moving on here i'm gonna uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00908-00185567-00185926 walk us up to the present the end of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00909-00185927-00186087 sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00910-00186088-00186375 steel mill right is not the end of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00911-00186376-00186590 story of sparrows point proper 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00912-00186591-00186838 the land is still there there's a very 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00913-00186839-00187078 really interesting post-industrial 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00914-00187079-00187319 um phoenix that's risen from the ashes 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00915-00187320-00187431 on that spot 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00916-00187432-00187766 um in 2014 the peninsula got bought 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00917-00187767-00188135 by a company called trade point atlantic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00918-00188136-00188423 and this company saw well it saw a mound 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00919-00188424-00188487 of rubble 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00920-00188488-00188814 basically an environmental mess but it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00921-00188815-00188990 also saw a place 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00922-00188991-00189223 that that was really well situated 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00923-00189224-00189383 infrastructure wise 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00924-00189384-00189654 um it's right on a deep water port it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00925-00189655-00189775 connected to two 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00926-00189776-00190038 class one railroads uh it's right next 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00927-00190039-00190399 to two major highways 695 and 295 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00928-00190400-00190654 so this company trade point atlantic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00929-00190655-00190799 they got to work capping off the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00930-00190800-00190990 environmental contaminants 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00931-00190991-00191271 redesigning the spot as uh like an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00932-00191272-00191399 industrial park 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00933-00191400-00191775 uh for a variety of different tenants um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00934-00191776-00191919 you've probably heard of one of them a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00935-00191920-00192111 little company called amazon 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00936-00192112-00192263 uh is on the spot they have a major 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00937-00192264-00192559 distribution hub on sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00938-00192560-00192766 uh i've i visited uh trade point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00939-00192767-00192887 atlantic and um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00940-00192888-00193071 and i talked with the company senior vp 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00941-00193072-00193207 of corporate affairs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00942-00193208-00193454 uh a fellow named aaron temarchio and he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00943-00193455-00193711 said basically you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00944-00193712-00193983 when when something is dead you you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00945-00193984-00194071 can't just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00946-00194072-00194278 wish it back to life as much as you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00947-00194279-00194383 would like to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00948-00194384-00194623 it's natural to feel that way you can 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00949-00194624-00194726 remember 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00950-00194727-00195054 you can honor but time rolls on and you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00951-00195055-00195119 need to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00952-00195120-00195343 you need to roll on with it the moral of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00953-00195344-00195511 the story is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00954-00195512-00195863 you need to have a vision for the future 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00955-00195864-00196143 you need to be able to be open-minded to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00956-00196144-00196295 embrace 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00957-00196296-00196447 parts of that vision you may not agree 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00958-00196448-00196623 with the entire vision but at least you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00959-00196624-00196750 agree that you know you need to move 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00960-00196751-00196895 forward 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00961-00196896-00197078 and not just hearkening back to the past 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00962-00197079-00197295 or or keeping things the way they always 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00963-00197296-00197335 are 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00964-00197336-00197678 because that is not a recipe for success 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00965-00197679-00198047 bethlehem steel is a little microcosm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00966-00198048-00198383 of society as a whole 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00967-00198384-00198726 and even in today's world and in today's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00968-00198727-00199038 politics i think you see it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00969-00199039-00199326 playing out that second voice you heard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00970-00199327-00199375 just there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00971-00199376-00199654 uh is dave conrad former executive at uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00972-00199655-00199750 bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00973-00199751-00200047 he makes his point this way says um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00974-00200048-00200254 around the time when bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00975-00200255-00200559 when sparrow's point closed down there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00976-00200560-00200726 were about three thousand workers who 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00977-00200727-00200911 lost their jobs when the mill finally 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00978-00200912-00201007 closed 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00979-00201008-00201247 and now if you look at the numbers there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00980-00201248-00201447 about three thousand new jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00981-00201448-00201719 created at trade point atlantic so from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00982-00201720-00201911 a net impact 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00983-00201912-00202343 3 000 jobs of a steel mill went away 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00984-00202344-00202671 and 3 000 jobs for distribution centers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00985-00202672-00202990 were gained on the surface 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00986-00202991-00203335 what's the problem but the difference is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00987-00203336-00203687 those 3 000 new jobs are paying about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00988-00203688-00204350 half probably of the 3 000 older jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00989-00204351-00204702 i think one of the big takeaways here is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00990-00204703-00205038 that the decline of sparrows point ran 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00991-00205039-00205375 parallel historically to the decline 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00992-00205376-00205646 in the power of labor unions those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00993-00205648-00205775 amazon jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00994-00205776-00205990 they're not union jobs and then when you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00995-00205991-00206142 when you zoom out you think about this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00996-00206144-00206223 larger 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00997-00206223-00206431 gig worker economy that's all around us 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00998-00206432-00206679 right now those jobs are a far cry from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-00999-00206680-00206823 union jobs 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01000-00206823-00206998 i'm going to play one final clip here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01001-00207000-00207190 for you before we open it up and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01002-00207191-00207366 hear from you guys this is deborah 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01003-00207367-00207503 rudisil again 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01004-00207504-00207751 um i think she gives us some good food 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01005-00207752-00207934 for thought as we get ready to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01006-00207935-00208294 to move on from this story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01007-00208296-00208590 here's debra there was a real sense of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01008-00208591-00208798 of solidarity and i think that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01009-00208800-00209127 that's one of the things that we have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01010-00209128-00209462 lost over the past few decades and we're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01011-00209463-00209623 really suffering for that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01012-00209623-00209846 now it seems as though everybody 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01013-00209848-00209958 considers themselves 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01014-00209959-00210215 a free agent you know and they're going 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01015-00210216-00210375 to rise or fall 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01016-00210376-00210703 through their own efforts well 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01017-00210704-00210942 if the sparrow's point story shows that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01018-00210944-00211055 that's baloney 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01019-00211056-00211279 as an individual you can't do anything 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01020-00211280-00211510 to fight a big company as an individual 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01021-00211511-00211655 you can't do anything 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01022-00211656-00211846 to fight the government for that matter 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01023-00211848-00211982 you need to be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01024-00211983-00212271 working together with other people in a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01025-00212271-00212367 bigger 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01026-00212367-00212623 more powerful unit in order to get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01027-00212623-00212823 things done and make things better 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01028-00212823-00213039 not just for yourself but for everyone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01029-00213040-00213158 else and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01030-00213159-00213415 that is the lesson that i take away from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01031-00213416-00213606 the sparrows point story and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01032-00213607-00213839 i think we're beginning to see glimmers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01033-00213840-00214015 of that in the country now 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01034-00214016-00214382 in this terrible time with the pandemic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01035-00214383-00214519 and the job loss 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01036-00214519-00214727 and the political divisions we're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01037-00214728-00214887 starting to see though 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01038-00214888-00215167 people beginning to come together again 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01039-00215167-00215423 and to recognize that hey 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01040-00215423-00215758 we need each other and if we hope to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01041-00215759-00215846 make 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01042-00215848-00216055 not just any progress but if we hope to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01043-00216056-00216182 survive 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01044-00216183-00216423 we have to come together and demand 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01045-00216423-00216727 change 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01046-00216728-00216846 all right i'm going to stop sharing my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01047-00216848-00217039 screen here um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01048-00217040-00217358 and uh i'm gonna i i would love to just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01049-00217359-00217510 uh open it up to i know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01050-00217511-00217806 uh there are folks in the audience who 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01051-00217807-00217991 were interviewed as part of this project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01052-00217992-00218031 uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01053-00218032-00218334 i'd be uh curious to hear 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01054-00218335-00218671 um you know who else is uh listening 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01055-00218671-00218863 what questions you might have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01056-00218864-00219039 about you know i'm happy to field 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01057-00219040-00219255 questions about sort of what i learned 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01058-00219256-00219382 and come to understand about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01059-00219383-00219758 sparrows point as you know an amateur 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01060-00219759-00220127 uh historian podcaster you know sort of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01061-00220128-00220375 approaching this story uh from ground 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01062-00220376-00220463 zero 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01063-00220464-00220703 uh as a blank slate um i'm still 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01064-00220704-00220855 learning about the story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01065-00220856-00221158 um and i'm also happy to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01066-00221159-00221415 you know talk shop about um you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01067-00221416-00221655 podcasting and and the editorial process 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01068-00221656-00221855 and and sort of what goes into 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01069-00221856-00221975 structuring this into what you're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01070-00221976-00222182 ultimately going to be hearing in uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01071-00222183-00222487 in january um i don't know let me look 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01072-00222488-00222542 in the q 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01073-00222544-00223023 a section here oh look at this okay um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01074-00223023-00223327 let's see open three 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01075-00223328-00223631 oh i see here they are uh okay so i'll 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01076-00223632-00223687 read this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01077-00223688-00223894 uh the beacon of hope project formed and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01078-00223896-00224063 designed by the sparrows point north 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01079-00224064-00224239 point historical society 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01080-00224240-00224558 a memorial ah this is um this is someone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01081-00224559-00224871 um filling in more information about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01082-00224871-00224903 that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01083-00224904-00225294 uh uh monument oh no i know who this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01084-00225296-00225575 is this i interviewed uh okay so the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01085-00225576-00225703 beacon of hope project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01086-00225704-00225871 uh formed and designed by the sparrows 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01087-00225871-00226094 point north point historical society 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01088-00226096-00226263 uh a memorial to the workers and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01089-00226264-00226431 veterans of bethlehem steel which aims 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01090-00226432-00226655 to relocate several historical cast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01091-00226656-00226871 iron lamp posts from the grounds of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01092-00226871-00227015 former bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01093-00227016-00227246 plant uh which is now the site of trade 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01094-00227248-00227423 point atlantic to sparrows point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01095-00227423-00227742 high school um these lamp posts 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01096-00227744-00227927 are are being moved and they're going to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01097-00227928-00228134 get retrofitted with solar 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01098-00228135-00228294 uh and they're teaching the students 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01099-00228296-00228527 about solar energy in the process it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01100-00228528-00228694 the first solar project in baltimore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01101-00228696-00228846 county public schools 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01102-00228848-00229046 lampposts are enduring reminders of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01103-00229048-00229239 america's industrial heritage 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01104-00229240-00229439 uh and once restored and updated with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01105-00229440-00229606 solar technology are going to illuminate 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01106-00229607-00229775 the pathway to education 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01107-00229776-00229967 athletics environmental programs for new 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01108-00229967-00230182 generations of sparrows points students 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01109-00230183-00230606 um yes i i i have to uh take a second 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01110-00230607-00230671 here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01111-00230671-00230975 and um and let you guys know um that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01112-00230976-00231127 this is a passion project 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01113-00231128-00231463 of um one of the uh many folks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01114-00231464-00231671 that i uh that i interviewed i'm gonna 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01115-00231671-00231767 just uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01116-00231767-00232127 look hold on one quick second here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01117-00232128-00232863 um yeah 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01118-00232864-00233110 i had a i had a great conversation with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01119-00233111-00233294 uh with this guy his name is keith 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01120-00233296-00233358 taylor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01121-00233359-00233503 and i'm going to show you something cool 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01122-00233504-00233671 that he gave me he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01123-00233671-00233863 so keith taylor uh the guy who wrote 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01124-00233864-00234015 this note he's listening along good 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01125-00234016-00234342 i'm glad to have you with us keith um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01126-00234344-00234663 he is like a impassioned amateur 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01127-00234664-00234951 historian he went basically when um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01128-00234952-00235110 trade point atlantic was first kind of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01129-00235111-00235255 getting organized and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01130-00235256-00235398 and getting rid of the all the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01131-00235400-00235567 industrial debris 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01132-00235567-00235967 uh on the site this guy keith 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01133-00235967-00236358 he um he went uh he went to the site 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01134-00236359-00236682 and he collected like bricks out of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01135-00236683-00236823 dumpsters um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01136-00236823-00237023 and he made these monuments are these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01137-00237023-00237175 like uh my i'm going to show you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01138-00237176-00237439 something it's right here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01139-00237440-00237606 keith gave me this he makes this he 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01140-00237607-00237758 makes these for people and gives them to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01141-00237759-00237839 him 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01142-00237840-00238039 this is a brick from the original uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01143-00238040-00238151 headquarters building 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01144-00238152-00238294 and keith told me if you look really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01145-00238296-00238527 closely you can see those little uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01146-00238528-00238767 gray dots in there the bricks when they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01147-00238767-00238958 were made they were made with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01148-00238959-00239294 slag this byproduct of steel which was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01149-00239296-00239479 in great supply basically the entire 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01150-00239480-00239663 you know peninsula was covered with it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01151-00239664-00239839 and they used it they literally used 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01152-00239840-00239982 their by-product as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01153-00239983-00240279 building materials for their growing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01154-00240280-00240358 plants 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01155-00240359-00240519 keith taylor is a fascinating character 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01156-00240519-00240679 he's doing great um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01157-00240680-00240967 historical work and work to preserve the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01158-00240967-00241046 heritage 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01159-00241048-00241423 of um uh sparrow's point uh i'm i'm glad 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01160-00241423-00241527 to see your comment there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01161-00241528-00241879 keith um here is a question that says 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01162-00241880-00242071 in your interviews and research do you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01163-00242071-00242223 feel like people have come to a place of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01164-00242223-00242334 reconciliation 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01165-00242335-00242527 and understanding about the legacy of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01166-00242528-00242639 beth steele 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01167-00242640-00242855 how are folks doing in terms of healing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01168-00242856-00243382 from this experience 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01169-00243383-00243682 i spoke with a lot of steel workers who 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01170-00243683-00244030 still 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01171-00244031-00244319 missed up when they talk about the end 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01172-00244319-00244439 of that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01173-00244440-00244767 plant people over and over again 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01174-00244767-00244910 talked about it as being part of a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01175-00244911-00245142 family i've taught i met steel workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01176-00245144-00245215 who found 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01177-00245216-00245375 father figures there that they didn't 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01178-00245376-00245575 have at home i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01179-00245576-00245727 talked with steel workers there who 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01180-00245728-00245879 spent i mean they spent 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01181-00245880-00246134 so much more time with each other in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01182-00246135-00246482 such 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01183-00246483-00246782 extreme hazardous circumstances 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01184-00246783-00246942 a lot of them you know it was like they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01185-00246944-00247142 it was like they referred to it as going 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01186-00247144-00247287 to war together 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01187-00247288-00247510 um and that kind of camaraderie i think 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01188-00247511-00247679 is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01189-00247680-00248071 just probably almost irreplaceable 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01190-00248071-00248255 um i mean i feel close to the people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01191-00248256-00248510 that i work with in my office job 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01192-00248511-00248887 but i think handling molten steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01193-00248888-00249223 with people 365 days of the year no 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01194-00249223-00249471 matter what the weather is like outside 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01195-00249471-00249623 probably gives you a kind of camaraderie 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01196-00249623-00249775 that a lot of us can only 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01197-00249776-00250215 imagine um that said 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01198-00250216-00250682 when as best as i understand it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01199-00250683-00250942 when bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01200-00250944-00251271 declared bankruptcy they offered um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01201-00251271-00251567 job retraining programs for uh the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01202-00251567-00251623 workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01203-00251623-00251846 and a lot of them a lot of the workers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01204-00251848-00251942 took them up on that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01205-00251944-00252198 and really re-educated themselves in you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01206-00252200-00252279 know other 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01207-00252280-00252503 areas of interest and moved on to like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01208-00252504-00252663 andrew morton who you heard on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01209-00252664-00252894 uh heard early on in the in the podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01210-00252896-00253103 he became fascinated with 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01211-00253104-00253246 uh computers he actually became 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01212-00253248-00253382 fascinated with computers while he was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01213-00253383-00253463 still working there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01214-00253464-00253751 he ended up creating a software 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01215-00253752-00253934 instruction manual basically for the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01216-00253935-00254055 entire plan 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01217-00254056-00254239 that they rehired him as a contractor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01218-00254240-00254646 while he was still a hourly worker 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01219-00254648-00254967 but people you know time rolls on people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01220-00254967-00255342 move on um but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01221-00255344-00255639 i also heard people say you know when 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01222-00255640-00255903 you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01223-00255904-00256046 had this kind of paternalistic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01224-00256048-00256255 capitalism that was that fully 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01225-00256256-00256510 encompassed your entire life 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01226-00256511-00256758 you were really kind of a babe in the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01227-00256759-00256839 woods 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01228-00256840-00257151 when that disappeared in terms of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01229-00257152-00257463 basic skills of like how do i make a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01230-00257464-00257551 resume 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01231-00257552-00257830 how do i even how do i interact with a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01232-00257831-00257998 computer personal computer 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01233-00258000-00258342 i mean um i kathy garrison 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01234-00258344-00258615 said she worked with brilliant people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01235-00258616-00258703 every day but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01236-00258704-00258830 they didn't know how to use computers 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01237-00258831-00259023 because they had no reason to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01238-00259023-00259263 that wasn't part of their necessary 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01239-00259264-00259406 daily experience 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01240-00259407-00259679 and so you know folks were really left 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01241-00259680-00259910 reeling and wondering what to do next 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01242-00259911-00260127 and um you know i think it probably 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01243-00260128-00260287 varies person to person 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01244-00260288-00260615 um how much how much pain it really is a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01245-00260616-00260791 grieving process for for the people who 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01246-00260792-00260879 were there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01247-00260880-00261198 and different folks grieve at different 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01248-00261200-00261687 paces um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01249-00261688-00261879 was there anything especially surprising 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01250-00261880-00262055 to you in the process of interviewing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01251-00262056-00262215 this wide range of folks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01252-00262216-00262423 connected to the bethlehem steel story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01253-00262424-00262710 something you didn't expect to discover 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01254-00262711-00263087 um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01255-00263088-00263287 everything was surprising to me it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01256-00263288-00263503 um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01257-00263504-00264006 i think 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01258-00264007-00264406 i think the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01259-00264407-00264734 the fact that folks just accepted that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01260-00264735-00265071 level of danger and hazard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01261-00265072-00265463 every day and didn't blink 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01262-00265464-00265758 and just accepted that as this is my way 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01263-00265759-00265910 to make a living this is my way to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01264-00265911-00266055 provide for a family 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01265-00266056-00266239 and you know what every day i go to work 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01266-00266240-00266447 and put those boots on and walk in there 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01267-00266448-00266799 i'm rolling the dice statistically 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01268-00266800-00267247 with my health and safety but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01269-00267248-00267406 they did it anyway and along with it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01270-00267407-00267591 came this great sense of pride i mean 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01271-00267592-00267695 they were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01272-00267696-00268039 at the center of the industrial universe 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01273-00268040-00268134 and in world war 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01274-00268135-00268551 ii they were doing up they were doing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01275-00268552-00268687 their patriotic duty 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01276-00268688-00269071 their steel was in the holes of these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01277-00269072-00269334 ships their steel was in the plates of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01278-00269335-00269479 these tanks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01279-00269480-00269815 um it was it was an identity 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01280-00269816-00269951 i think that's what was one of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01281-00269952-00270191 things that really 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01282-00270192-00270391 hit home with me is that this this job 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01283-00270392-00270503 really became 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01284-00270504-00271015 your identity um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01285-00271016-00271215 here is a question from i'm keeping an 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01286-00271216-00271327 eye on the time here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01287-00271328-00271615 uh here's a question from uh jeffrey uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01288-00271616-00271767 he says amazing content so far can't 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01289-00271768-00271903 wait for the final product 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01290-00271904-00272110 as an admitted outsider coming into the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01291-00272111-00272295 project what surprised you most about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01292-00272296-00272439 the history of the plants 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01293-00272440-00272647 and what was most expect what most 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01294-00272648-00273082 unexpected from your perspective 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01295-00273083-00273751 um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01296-00273752-00274039 i think what i learned the most about in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01297-00274040-00274247 the process of this was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01298-00274248-00274534 the the importance of labor unions and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01299-00274535-00274943 the the the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01300-00274944-00275151 the political importance of labor unions 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01301-00275152-00275319 and the fact that the labor union 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01302-00275320-00275415 movement 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01303-00275416-00275606 and the civil rights movement and the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01304-00275607-00275806 racial justice movement were all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01305-00275807-00276175 so intertwined with each other 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01306-00276176-00276423 those things i think in my mind before i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01307-00276424-00276599 did this project were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01308-00276600-00276823 much more sort of compartmentalized 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01309-00276824-00276975 historical items 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01310-00276976-00277287 and it was a real education for me to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01311-00277288-00277495 begin to understand 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01312-00277496-00277734 just how much those things overlapped 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01313-00277735-00277855 and depended 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01314-00277856-00278247 on on each other um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01315-00278248-00278447 an anonymous attendee says how can i get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01316-00278448-00278558 one of those bricks 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01317-00278559-00278719 you know you got to talk to keith you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01318-00278720-00278919 know talk to keith taylor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01319-00278920-00279471 um all right let's see here um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01320-00279472-00279775 how did we select our interview subjects 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01321-00279776-00280063 um well the the bmi it was great to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01322-00280064-00280215 partner with the bmi because they have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01323-00280216-00280295 such a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01324-00280296-00280543 great list of resources um you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01325-00280544-00280615 folks that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01326-00280616-00280910 they've had um in their exhibits in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01327-00280911-00281030 their events 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01328-00281031-00281230 um and so we started with a running list 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01329-00281231-00281382 of folks that the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01330-00281383-00281647 bmi recommended and then i do i did 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01331-00281648-00281806 basically what i what i always do when 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01332-00281807-00281951 i'm making any story which is every 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01333-00281952-00282063 person i meet 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01334-00282064-00282223 i say who else do i want to make sure to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01335-00282224-00282423 meet and you know people that i would 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01336-00282424-00282519 interview 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01337-00282520-00282775 um would give me you know a couple other 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01338-00282776-00282943 names or you know in the case 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01339-00282944-00283206 of bill berry i feel like i owe bill a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01340-00283207-00283382 producer credit on this because he gave 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01341-00283383-00283415 me 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01342-00283416-00283630 lists and lists of people um who you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01343-00283631-00283839 know i was able to meet through him 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01344-00283840-00284015 um and who ended up as part of this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01345-00284016-00284151 project so it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01346-00284152-00284327 it was uh it's always it's like a daisy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01347-00284328-00284463 chain um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01348-00284464-00284591 and you know you can't get a hold of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01349-00284592-00284775 some people and um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01350-00284776-00285079 you know time the inexorable 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01351-00285080-00285295 rolling on of time some folks i you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01352-00285296-00285447 i i called 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01353-00285448-00285703 uh one man who was you know his health 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01354-00285704-00285871 had declined too much to for him to be 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01355-00285872-00286023 able to do an interview i called another 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01356-00286024-00286110 woman and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01357-00286111-00286271 she had had a stroke and wasn't 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01358-00286272-00286439 comfortable with her the way her speech 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01359-00286440-00286663 sounded at this point these folks are 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01360-00286664-00286863 they're older now the you know the the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01361-00286864-00286991 generation 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01362-00286992-00287134 the voices that really give you the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01363-00287135-00287310 history um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01364-00287311-00287591 time is always ticking um so i'm just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01365-00287592-00287734 i'm grateful for the ones that i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01366-00287735-00287951 that i did get to to record with i think 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01367-00287952-00288071 we ended up with a pretty 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01368-00288072-00288567 pretty awesome cross section um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01369-00288568-00288839 this was a wonderful looking behind the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01370-00288840-00289006 scenes uh thanks very much 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01371-00289007-00289191 first question is how do you go about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01372-00289192-00289351 making a story out of something like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01373-00289352-00289454 this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01374-00289455-00289671 uh how do you find a narrative thread 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01375-00289672-00289910 i'm asking myself that same question 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01376-00289911-00290230 uh currently um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01377-00290231-00290534 we you know there's some basic uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01378-00290535-00290703 luckily you're dealing with a story that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01379-00290704-00290839 has a chronology 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01380-00290840-00291095 it has a beginning it has a sort of a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01381-00291096-00291223 rise to power 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01382-00291224-00291495 it has a decline and then it has a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01383-00291496-00291591 bitter end 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01384-00291592-00291919 and then it has this sort of phoenix 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01385-00291920-00292271 uh that happens at the end that is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01386-00292272-00292423 you know different people have different 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01387-00292424-00292647 opinions about that's kind of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01388-00292648-00292887 and then there are as i say you break 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01389-00292888-00293054 out into these sidebars 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01390-00293055-00293206 and you know say for an episode we're 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01391-00293207-00293358 really going to focus on the stories of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01392-00293359-00293487 women of steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01393-00293488-00293671 um when you have an episode it was it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01394-00293672-00293854 nice to create something that's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01395-00293855-00294047 a limited series this isn't a podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01396-00294048-00294182 that's going to show up every week in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01397-00294183-00294279 your podcast feed 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01398-00294280-00294534 at infinitum so i know i need to get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01399-00294535-00294734 that story in in six episodes 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01400-00294735-00294951 and right now it's it's a matter of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01401-00294952-00295071 there's always there's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01402-00295072-00295206 two things with a story there's there's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01403-00295207-00295358 the content of the story and then 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01404-00295359-00295487 there's how you use 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01405-00295488-00295703 to tell the story and that how you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01406-00295704-00295830 choose to tell it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01407-00295831-00296182 is is um is what i'm really putting my 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01408-00296183-00296382 uh time into now and thinking you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01409-00296383-00296543 what that first episode 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01410-00296544-00296927 isn't going to be um the beginning of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01411-00296928-00297110 the story of sparrow's point 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01412-00297111-00297279 it's going to be the story of those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01413-00297280-00297406 steelworkers and then you're going to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01414-00297407-00297551 wait till episode two 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01415-00297552-00297782 until we go back and hear about when 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01416-00297783-00297958 sparrow's point was this marshy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01417-00297959-00298182 isolated peninsula and then we're going 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01418-00298183-00298303 to go you know take these other 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01419-00298304-00298415 dovetails 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01420-00298416-00298639 um one of the things i'm looking forward 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01421-00298640-00298799 to with this podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01422-00298800-00299071 um is that i get to help tell the story 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01423-00299072-00299151 as well i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01424-00299152-00299367 i do another podca another radio show 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01425-00299368-00299487 and podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01426-00299488-00299719 uh out of the blocks and that's produced 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01427-00299720-00299927 in a very different way where 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01428-00299928-00300143 i do these interviews um but then i cut 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01429-00300144-00300279 myself out of the interviews and you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01430-00300280-00300382 meet people much more 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01431-00300383-00300551 in a much more impressionistic way in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01432-00300552-00300775 their own words so i'm looking forward 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01433-00300776-00300830 to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01434-00300831-00301103 getting to be a voice in this story as 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01435-00301104-00301239 well to help 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01436-00301240-00301487 be that mortar between the bricks to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01437-00301488-00301679 help create those segways to help zoom 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01438-00301680-00301751 out and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01439-00301752-00302023 and think alongside my listeners about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01440-00302024-00302167 what we've heard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01441-00302168-00302527 um so to be determined is the short 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01442-00302528-00302663 answer to that question 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01443-00302664-00302871 uh paul i'm i'm still working on it but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01444-00302872-00303079 it's it is the pieces fall into place 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01445-00303080-00303223 the more and more you listen to the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01446-00303224-00303471 audio and play around with it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01447-00303472-00303791 um okay so we've got 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01448-00303792-00303975 i think about eight more minutes i'll 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01449-00303976-00304110 take i'll do a couple more of these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01450-00304111-00304287 you guys ask great questions would you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01451-00304288-00304534 be able to give a timeline of the life 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01452-00304535-00304782 of the mill i know next to nothing how 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01453-00304783-00304991 long was it in operation okay 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01454-00304992-00305206 so the the the goal posts of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01455-00305207-00305423 timeline as i understand them was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01456-00305424-00305695 late 1880s was when they started 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01457-00305696-00305934 building the mill it was 88 or 89 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01458-00305935-00306247 when they basically like when um what 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01459-00306248-00306471 was then pennsylvania steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01460-00306472-00306839 um found this location that they uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01461-00306840-00306999 liked because it was on the atlantic 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01462-00307000-00307143 coast um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01463-00307144-00307430 they had found uh lots of rich deposits 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01464-00307431-00307567 of iron ore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01465-00307568-00307895 in cuba on these cliffs in cuba 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01466-00307896-00308158 and so they and this was such good stuff 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01467-00308159-00308199 compared 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01468-00308200-00308406 to what they had in pennsylvania that it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01469-00308407-00308534 was worth it to them to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01470-00308535-00308791 build this mill that was going to be on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01471-00308792-00308854 a port 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01472-00308855-00309006 on the east coast of the united states 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01473-00309007-00309182 so they could run ships back and forth 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01474-00309183-00309351 to bring this iron ore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01475-00309352-00309510 i also learned by the way how steel is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01476-00309511-00309639 made we're going to learn that at some 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01477-00309640-00309791 point in the podcast too 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01478-00309792-00310087 which steel is greatly superior to iron 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01479-00310088-00310151 in its 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01480-00310152-00310479 um durability um and it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01481-00310480-00310710 sort of a byproduct of the civil war and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01482-00310711-00310895 the railroads being built 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01483-00310896-00311110 that you know that steel really became 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01484-00311111-00311295 kind of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01485-00311296-00311534 a necessity because the rails were just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01486-00311535-00311623 the trains were just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01487-00311624-00311815 hammering these iron railroads and just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01488-00311816-00311958 making a mess out of these tracks and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01489-00311959-00312015 there was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01490-00312016-00312295 such upkeep they were like okay we gotta 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01491-00312296-00312351 we gotta 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01492-00312352-00312510 embrace steel here now that we have the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01493-00312511-00312743 technology and there was there's a great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01494-00312744-00312927 story about 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01495-00312928-00313079 there's a kind of furnace called a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01496-00313080-00313295 bessemer converter that they had figured 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01497-00313296-00313423 out in england 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01498-00313424-00313615 that if you actually cool the air in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01499-00313616-00313839 this furnace you can get that iron ore 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01500-00313840-00313999 hotter which boils out more of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01501-00314000-00314206 impurities and makes better steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01502-00314207-00314519 and um mark reuter told me the first 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01503-00314520-00314791 so they tried to they tried to ship this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01504-00314792-00314982 bessemer converter over 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01505-00314983-00315199 the first one to the united states but 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01506-00315200-00315319 the ship sank 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01507-00315320-00315510 so the very the very first bessemer 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01508-00315511-00315647 converter uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01509-00315648-00315751 is somewhere at the bottom of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01510-00315752-00315910 atlantic ocean that was supposed to come 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01511-00315911-00316054 to the united states i think they 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01512-00316055-00316254 eventually made a replica of it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01513-00316255-00316503 and then they were off to the races uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01514-00316504-00316679 i'm i can tell you can tell i'm i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01515-00316680-00316823 sidetracking myself back to your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01516-00316824-00317079 question the timeline 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01517-00317080-00317254 it wasn't until a couple of decades 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01518-00317255-00317471 later that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01519-00317472-00317871 pennsylvania steel uh sold 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01520-00317872-00318143 the sparrows point location which was a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01521-00318144-00318191 full-on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01522-00318192-00318367 operating steel mill in town at that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01523-00318368-00318599 point to a company called 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01524-00318600-00318903 bethlehem steel also in pennsylvania 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01525-00318904-00319079 so bethlehem steel has other locations 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01526-00319080-00319310 other you know plants around the country 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01527-00319311-00319567 and sparrow's point is you know one 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01528-00319568-00319647 major 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01529-00319648-00319967 plant uh of bethlehem steel and so 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01530-00319968-00320367 it became clam steel in uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01531-00320368-00320487 i don't want to say a number because i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01532-00320488-00320630 can't remember it offhand early in like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01533-00320631-00320847 the teens i want to say and then it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01534-00320848-00320975 stayed bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01535-00320976-00321319 until 2001 when bethlehem steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01536-00321320-00321671 declared bankruptcy mainly to relieve 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01537-00321672-00321839 itself of the debt 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01538-00321840-00322182 that it owed to its retirees 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01539-00322183-00322439 in the form of pensions and health care 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01540-00322440-00322582 and once it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01541-00322583-00322703 went through that bankruptcy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01542-00322704-00322967 restructuring it was able to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01543-00322968-00323367 it was able to run uh functionally again 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01544-00323368-00323615 and then it got bought by four or five 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01545-00323616-00323703 different companies 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01546-00323704-00324054 there was a company uh rg steel 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01547-00324055-00324247 severstall is a company from russia that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01548-00324248-00324399 bought them mittal 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01549-00324400-00324615 steel from india bought them and then it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01550-00324616-00324710 got bought by 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01551-00324711-00324910 a liquidator who basically bought it and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01552-00324911-00325175 immediately scrapped it and sold it for 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01553-00325176-00325487 parts and that was 20 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01554-00325488-00325943 12 2013 and then 2014 is when 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01555-00325944-00326167 trade point atlantic came on the scene 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01556-00326168-00326382 and began to redesign it to what it is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01557-00326383-00326543 today 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01558-00326544-00326734 man i hope i know you guys are listening 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01559-00326735-00326854 and i know i didn't quite get those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01560-00326855-00326943 dates right 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01561-00326944-00327191 i'll have them i'll have them proof read 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01562-00327192-00327343 and absolutely correct by the time i get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01563-00327344-00327439 the podcast out 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01564-00327440-00327734 but that's my rough timeline for you all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01565-00327735-00327887 right um let me see 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01566-00327888-00328199 i've got uh another 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01567-00328200-00328382 let me double check my is that clock 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01568-00328383-00328534 right i've got maybe three or four 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01569-00328535-00328695 minutes here 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01570-00328696-00329054 uh okay um it's 7 55 right now so i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01571-00329055-00329223 going to take a couple more of these 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01572-00329224-00329415 um i really appreciate the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01573-00329416-00329606 intersectional nature of some of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01574-00329607-00329710 episodes 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01575-00329711-00329919 the question arises of how universal is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01576-00329920-00330134 this experience throughout the country 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01577-00330135-00330399 yeah as a more personal specific example 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01578-00330400-00330447 i have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01579-00330448-00330719 family in shreveport louisiana where a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01580-00330720-00330943 paper mill closure had a huge impact on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01581-00330944-00331039 that area 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01582-00331040-00331230 what lessons have we as a country as a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01583-00331231-00331406 society learn from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01584-00331407-00331591 events like the closure of sparrows 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01585-00331592-00331943 point and how we deal with the aftermath 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01586-00331944-00332254 um great question 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01587-00332255-00332687 and yeah every local radio station and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01588-00332688-00332799 every city's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01589-00332800-00333039 uh museum of industry ought to get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01590-00333040-00333151 together and do 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01591-00333152-00333351 a version of this podcast on their 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01592-00333352-00333599 region and the industrial past of it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01593-00333600-00333863 of their region i'm sure these stories 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01594-00333864-00334063 the narrative arc the general arc of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01595-00334064-00334223 this story is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01596-00334224-00334487 is repeated in some form or fashion all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01597-00334488-00334630 over the country and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01598-00334631-00334991 has been over the past decades um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01599-00334992-00335199 certainly the steel industry at large 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01600-00335200-00335343 all over the country 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01601-00335344-00335567 had this same thing happen to it and you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01602-00335568-00335782 know our history our 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01603-00335783-00336082 chapter of history as an industrial 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01604-00336083-00336239 giant 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01605-00336240-00336599 whatever that industry is has had 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01606-00336600-00336871 that similar rise and fall and when you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01607-00336872-00337006 talk to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01608-00337007-00337319 um economists and labor historians 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01609-00337320-00337471 they'll point out that we 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01610-00337472-00337710 we don't have an industrial economy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01611-00337711-00337919 that's anything like what it was 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01612-00337920-00338223 in the 50s in the 60s even on into the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01613-00338224-00338367 70s and 80s 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01614-00338368-00338654 we have a service economy now we have a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01615-00338655-00338791 logistics economy 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01616-00338792-00339039 we have a distribution economy and those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01617-00339040-00339110 things 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01618-00339111-00339399 that we move around that we distribute 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01619-00339400-00339447 that we 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01620-00339448-00339703 manage the logistics for they come from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01621-00339704-00339815 other countries and those other 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01622-00339816-00339895 countries 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01623-00339896-00340047 are the ones with those manufacturing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01624-00340048-00340271 jobs um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01625-00340272-00340510 that may be simplistic to say but i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01626-00340511-00340663 think that's a trend 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01627-00340664-00340958 um that probably applies um across the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01628-00340959-00341215 country 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01629-00341216-00341399 i'm a third generation steel worker at 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01630-00341400-00341575 bethlehem steel and was floored 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01631-00341576-00341815 when it really closed you were not alone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01632-00341816-00341903 obviously 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01633-00341904-00342239 it was it was skull numbing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01634-00342240-00342582 to so many people who just 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01635-00342583-00342910 you know didn't know what literally 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01636-00342911-00343063 didn't know what to do when they woke up 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01637-00343064-00343254 the next day 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01638-00343255-00343430 technical question the quality of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01639-00343431-00343639 audio clips was crystal clear on my end 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01640-00343640-00343734 good 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01641-00343735-00343903 um did you get people to come to a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01642-00343904-00344047 studio or were you able to clean up 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01643-00344048-00344230 remote recode recordings or some of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01644-00344231-00344271 those 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01645-00344272-00344534 okay um you might have joined a couple 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01646-00344535-00344671 of minutes late i'm going to reiterate 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01647-00344672-00344823 that the trick here which is that i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01648-00344824-00344967 spent a lot of time 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01649-00344968-00345271 um i visited people in person but all 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01650-00345272-00345527 those recordings are done 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01651-00345528-00345839 on-site at people's porches and patios 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01652-00345840-00345991 and front yards they're all done 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01653-00345992-00346199 outdoors at a safe social distance 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01654-00346200-00346471 i had my microphone we had 15 feet of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01655-00346472-00346543 cable 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01656-00346544-00346782 they had their microphone and we sat we 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01657-00346783-00346951 talked and they i made sure they were 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01658-00346952-00347134 nice and close to their microphone 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01659-00347135-00347287 uh even though they were far away from 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01660-00347288-00347439 me and so 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01661-00347440-00347591 i was i was saying at the beginning of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01662-00347592-00347703 this presentation if you listen 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01663-00347704-00347830 carefully you will hear like 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01664-00347831-00348039 cicadas and birds and dogs barking in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01665-00348040-00348223 the back of this uh audio 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01666-00348224-00348423 but i am grateful some people i gather i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01667-00348424-00348543 did by phone as well 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01668-00348544-00348719 there are a couple of phone voices but i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01669-00348720-00348943 was really glad to be able to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01670-00348944-00349134 and i was happy that people were willing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01671-00349135-00349254 to you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01672-00349255-00349519 to take that measured risk um and to get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01673-00349520-00349695 together at a safe social distance 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01674-00349696-00349863 um the recordings you know they did turn 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01675-00349864-00350030 out great um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01676-00350031-00350254 so yeah it's a it's it will be a a 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01677-00350255-00350382 surprisingly 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01678-00350383-00350599 listenable podcast in terms of its audio 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01679-00350600-00350982 quality in the in the era of covid 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01680-00350983-00351134 all right that's about the top of the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01681-00351135-00351327 hour uh there's so many other great 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01682-00351328-00351423 questions 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01683-00351424-00351703 um i i love these questions and i love 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01684-00351704-00351799 that you guys 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01685-00351800-00352054 are interested it's it's been an honor 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01686-00352055-00352191 and really fun 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01687-00352192-00352439 to to talk with you guys about this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01688-00352440-00352519 process 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01689-00352520-00352943 um i should tell you if you google wypr 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01690-00352944-00353143 sparrow's point it'll take you to the 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01691-00353144-00353375 page that we've already created 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01692-00353376-00353654 and i did something um we podcasters 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01693-00353655-00353799 when we make a new podcast we make 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01694-00353800-00353847 something 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01695-00353848-00354054 like like a movie trailer it's a podcast 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01696-00354055-00354351 trailer so there's a little mini episode 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01697-00354352-00354510 that's like three minutes long that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01698-00354511-00354678 already exists 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01699-00354679-00355078 um at this page so that you can log on 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01700-00355079-00355263 there and you can hit subscribe 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01701-00355264-00355503 so whatever your podcast player is once 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01702-00355504-00355758 that first episode comes out in january 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01703-00355759-00355934 it'll already be it'll your phone will 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01704-00355935-00356110 ping you it'll be like the first episode 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01705-00356111-00356143 of 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01706-00356144-00356415 of uh sparrows point is in your you know 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01707-00356416-00356463 in your 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01708-00356464-00356767 device so uh yeah go to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01709-00356768-00357047 google wipr oh here's there it is how to 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01710-00357048-00357182 subscribe thank you guys for showing 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01711-00357183-00357230 that 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01712-00357231-00357527 um there's the link get on there uh hit 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01713-00357528-00357630 subscribe 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01714-00357631-00357799 it's gonna be on all the podcast players 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01715-00357800-00358006 too spotify google podcasts 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01716-00358007-00358263 i just got an email from my web director 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01717-00358264-00358503 today that apple podcasts approved it 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01718-00358504-00358647 it may take a day or two before it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01719-00358648-00358839 searchable on there but it won't be hard 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01720-00358840-00358927 to find 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01721-00358928-00359182 and um yeah you can definitely um get 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01722-00359183-00359271 yourself hooked up 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01723-00359272-00359654 early and in advance at the wypr site 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01724-00359655-00359958 all right i've talked myself out um it's 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01725-00359959-00360006 been 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01726-00360007-00360263 fun thank you for listening listening is 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01727-00360264-00360382 an act of love 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01728-00360383-00360543 i never take it for granted when people 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01729-00360544-00360687 listen to me um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01730-00360688-00360854 i i appreciate you guys and and i'm 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01731-00360855-00361030 looking forward to um 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01732-00361031-00361239 giving you uh this project in its 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01733-00361240-00361439 entirety entirety in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01734-00361440-00361599 in about a month i'm going to hit mute 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01735-00361600-00361751 here and i'll turn it back over to uh 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01736-00361752-00361910 anita kassoff 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01737-00361911-00362182 oh thank you so much aaron i have 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01738-00362183-00362303 goosebumps i 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01739-00362304-00362623 am i i so psyched i cannot wait 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01740-00362624-00362919 to listen to this podcast so thank you 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01741-00362920-00362967 and 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01742-00362968-00363230 thank you to our supporters and members 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01743-00363231-00363375 because you made this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01744-00363376-00363727 possible so subscribe tune in 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01745-00363728-00363887 if you're not yet a member please 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01746-00363888-00364030 consider becoming a member 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01747-00364031-00364191 tonight um because your membership 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01748-00364192-00364351 matters you make programs like this 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01749-00364352-00364415 possible 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01750-00364416-00365299 thank you and have a good night 8xSTTmj-Q6U-01751-00365300-00365600 everybody 8xY3y4fQf8A-00000-00000119-00000223 one of the things you're going to need 8xY3y4fQf8A-00001-00000224-00000383 to be very cautious about 8xY3y4fQf8A-00002-00000384-00000623 while you're navigating around the 8xY3y4fQf8A-00003-00000624-00000782 practice course for faculty 8xY3y4fQf8A-00004-00000783-00000935 certification 8xY3y4fQf8A-00005-00000936-00001166 is that you're in this course as an 8xY3y4fQf8A-00006-00001167-00001303 instructor 8xY3y4fQf8A-00007-00001304-00001607 so when it comes to any specific links 8xY3y4fQf8A-00008-00001607-00001823 so i'll go into this particular module 8xY3y4fQf8A-00009-00001823-00001991 for example to start here 8xY3y4fQf8A-00010-00001992-00002359 module and i'll scroll down 8xY3y4fQf8A-00011-00002360-00002623 so you'll see that here's a link right 8xY3y4fQf8A-00012-00002624-00002671 here 8xY3y4fQf8A-00013-00002672-00002895 so what's really important is that you 8xY3y4fQf8A-00014-00002896-00003095 make sure that if you wanted to click on 8xY3y4fQf8A-00015-00003096-00003215 that link 8xY3y4fQf8A-00016-00003215-00003486 and actually let me go into one of the 8xY3y4fQf8A-00017-00003488-00003711 modules here 8xY3y4fQf8A-00018-00003711-00003879 so if i need to get to a tutorial make 8xY3y4fQf8A-00019-00003879-00004103 sure you put your mouse over and so that 8xY3y4fQf8A-00020-00004104-00004247 you can see 8xY3y4fQf8A-00021-00004248-00004535 that the link turns has a line 8xY3y4fQf8A-00022-00004536-00004663 underneath of it 8xY3y4fQf8A-00023-00004664-00004870 and if i click on that you'll see that 8xY3y4fQf8A-00024-00004871-00005143 that then opens up the link 8xY3y4fQf8A-00025-00005144-00005527 with no problems 8xY3y4fQf8A-00026-00005528-00005718 what you want to be careful about is 8xY3y4fQf8A-00027-00005719-00005927 that if you happen to click 8xY3y4fQf8A-00028-00005928-00006215 anywhere outside of that so for example 8xY3y4fQf8A-00029-00006216-00006279 if i click 8xY3y4fQf8A-00030-00006280-00006542 over here that takes you into what's 8xY3y4fQf8A-00031-00006543-00006687 called the edit mode 8xY3y4fQf8A-00032-00006688-00006942 because you are in here as a faculty if 8xY3y4fQf8A-00033-00006943-00007063 that happens 8xY3y4fQf8A-00034-00007064-00007310 please don't make any changes to this 8xY3y4fQf8A-00035-00007311-00007391 content 8xY3y4fQf8A-00036-00007392-00007631 just click cancel that's all you have to 8xY3y4fQf8A-00037-00007631-00007934 do so anytime oop i made a mistake 8xY3y4fQf8A-00038-00007936-00008310 i just click cancel and again any linked 8xY3y4fQf8A-00039-00008311-00008487 that you want make sure you mouse over 8xY3y4fQf8A-00040-00008488-00008671 it so that your mouse is directly 8xY3y4fQf8A-00041-00008672-00008903 over the link so it has a little line 8xY3y4fQf8A-00042-00008904-00008999 underneath of it 8xY3y4fQf8A-00043-00009000-00009543 and then you will have no issues 8z78hhSwlxg-00000-00000194-00000449 Sana Maureen the prime minister of 8z78hhSwlxg-00001-00000450-00000682 Finland paid a brief one-day visit to 8z78hhSwlxg-00002-00000683-00001019 Kiev on Friday March 10 to meet velodimi 8z78hhSwlxg-00003-00001019-00001369 zelenski the president of Ukraine 8z78hhSwlxg-00004-00001370-00001595 solenski thanked Finland for its 8z78hhSwlxg-00005-00001596-00001793 military support during its 12-month 8z78hhSwlxg-00006-00001794-00001955 struggle with neighboring Russia during 8z78hhSwlxg-00007-00001955-00002218 a joint news conference in February when 8z78hhSwlxg-00008-00002219-00002423 Finland said it would send Ukraine three 8z78hhSwlxg-00009-00002424-00002602 leopard two tanks appropriate for 8z78hhSwlxg-00010-00002603-00002800 clearing minefields and give training 8z78hhSwlxg-00011-00002801-00002989 for their usage 8z78hhSwlxg-00012-00002990-00003238 a number of Western countries have 8z78hhSwlxg-00013-00003239-00003443 promised to send Modern battle tanks to 8z78hhSwlxg-00014-00003444-00003647 Kiev so it can fend against Russian 8z78hhSwlxg-00015-00003647-00003845 forces 8z78hhSwlxg-00016-00003846-00004109 zelenski underlined kiev's position that 8z78hhSwlxg-00017-00004110-00004288 Ukraine was not involved in the 8z78hhSwlxg-00018-00004289-00004529 explosions on the nordstream pipeline in 8z78hhSwlxg-00019-00004530-00004825 September in separate statements 8z78hhSwlxg-00020-00004826-00005086 according to the New York Times earlier 8z78hhSwlxg-00021-00005087-00005345 this week new intelligence examined by 8z78hhSwlxg-00022-00005346-00005579 U.S officials points to a pro-ukraine 8z78hhSwlxg-00023-00005580-00005801 gang that possibly included Russians or 8z78hhSwlxg-00024-00005802-00006029 ukrainians attacking the nordstream gas 8z78hhSwlxg-00025-00006030-00006299 pipelines but no definitive conclusions 8z78hhSwlxg-00026-00006300-00006539 have been reached 8z78hhSwlxg-00027-00006540-00006791 according to the newspaper's citation of 8z78hhSwlxg-00028-00006792-00007048 U.S authorities there was no proof that 8z78hhSwlxg-00029-00007050-00007259 zelenski or other Ukrainian government 8z78hhSwlxg-00030-00007259-00007487 representatives were responsible for the 8z78hhSwlxg-00031-00007488-00007703 attacks that caused natural gas to spill 8z78hhSwlxg-00032-00007704-00007889 into the Baltic Sea 8z78hhSwlxg-00033-00007890-00008224 foreign ERS was unable to independently 8z78hhSwlxg-00034-00008225-00008483 confirm the claim 8z78hhSwlxg-00035-00008484-00008759 in addition Morin and zelenski were 8z78hhSwlxg-00036-00008760-00008957 present at a memorial service held at 8z78hhSwlxg-00037-00008958-00009173 Saint Michael's cathedral in honor of a 8z78hhSwlxg-00038-00009174-00009359 Ukrainian commander who died during 8z78hhSwlxg-00039-00009360-00009574 fighting in the city of bakmat in the 8z78hhSwlxg-00040-00009575-00009751 East 8z78hhSwlxg-00041-00009752-00010060 Dimitri kotsu Bilo better known by his 8z78hhSwlxg-00042-00010061-00010313 Alias Da Vinci was the commander of a 8z78hhSwlxg-00043-00010314-00010523 contentious armed organization that was 8z78hhSwlxg-00044-00010524-00010703 first established by members of the 8z78hhSwlxg-00045-00010704-00010913 white wing nationalist movement white 8z78hhSwlxg-00046-00010914-00011068 sector 8z78hhSwlxg-00047-00011069-00011467 [Music] 8C66tMI75v4-00000-00000000-00000958 [Music] 8C66tMI75v4-00001-00000959-00001702 huh 8C66tMI75v4-00002-00001703-00001996 huh 8C66tMI75v4-00004-00007759-00007876 huh 8C66tMI75v4-00006-00012203-00013311 [Music] 8C66tMI75v4-00007-00013312-00013462 so 8C66tMI75v4-00008-00013463-00014743 [Music] 8C66tMI75v4-00009-00014744-00014952 you 8DnlUGlrXku-00000-00000088-00000254 oh my god 8DnlUGlrXku-00001-00000256-00000726 my channel is dying a lot 8DnlUGlrXku-00002-00000727-00001007 oh i was straightened out 8DnlUGlrXku-00003-00001008-00001207 and also i've been like 8DnlUGlrXku-00004-00001208-00001350 going and 8DnlUGlrXku-00005-00001351-00001543 posting this 8DnlUGlrXku-00006-00001544-00001979 to my friends and showing them what i 8DnlUGlrXku-00007-00001980-00002750 do some investment advice 8DnlUGlrXku-00008-00002751-00003258 i've recently come into a moderate 8DnlUGlrXku-00009-00003259-00003569 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00000-00002427-00004167 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00001-00004168-00004573 please 8FPeVDO9rRY-00002-00004574-00005327 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00003-00005328-00005544 possible 8FPeVDO9rRY-00004-00005545-00006414 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00005-00006415-00006583 um 8FPeVDO9rRY-00006-00006584-00008663 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00007-00008664-00010036 foreign 8FPeVDO9rRY-00008-00010037-00010678 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00009-00010679-00010802 is 8FPeVDO9rRY-00010-00010803-00012446 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00011-00012447-00012754 is 8FPeVDO9rRY-00012-00012755-00015438 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00013-00015440-00015958 um 8FPeVDO9rRY-00014-00015959-00017335 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00015-00017336-00017740 foreign 8FPeVDO9rRY-00016-00017741-00019276 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00017-00019277-00019703 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00018-00019704-00020334 it 8FPeVDO9rRY-00019-00020335-00022214 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00020-00022215-00022863 hey 8FPeVDO9rRY-00021-00022864-00023056 my 8FPeVDO9rRY-00023-00026207-00027107 i'm 8FPeVDO9rRY-00024-00027108-00028448 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00026-00033723-00033867 [Applause] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00027-00033868-00034774 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00028-00034775-00035399 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00029-00035400-00036325 what's your name 8FPeVDO9rRY-00030-00036326-00038062 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00031-00038063-00038760 oh 8FPeVDO9rRY-00032-00038761-00040079 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00033-00040080-00040197 foreign 8FPeVDO9rRY-00034-00040198-00041262 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00035-00041263-00041694 oh 8FPeVDO9rRY-00036-00041695-00043671 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00037-00043672-00043862 i like it 8FPeVDO9rRY-00038-00043863-00045943 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00039-00045944-00046152 my 8FPeVDO9rRY-00040-00046153-00048140 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00041-00048141-00048479 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00042-00048480-00048641 oh 8FPeVDO9rRY-00043-00048642-00050046 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00044-00050047-00050473 okay 8FPeVDO9rRY-00045-00050474-00053079 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00046-00053079-00053365 foreign 8FPeVDO9rRY-00047-00053366-00054719 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00048-00054720-00054832 amanda 8FPeVDO9rRY-00049-00054833-00056150 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00050-00056151-00056872 thank you 8FPeVDO9rRY-00051-00056873-00058694 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00052-00058695-00059538 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00053-00059539-00060342 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00054-00060344-00060417 my 8FPeVDO9rRY-00055-00060419-00062034 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00056-00062035-00062687 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00057-00062688-00062801 is 8FPeVDO9rRY-00059-00067207-00067721 me 8FPeVDO9rRY-00060-00067722-00068655 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00061-00068656-00068919 is 8FPeVDO9rRY-00062-00068920-00069223 thank you so much for watching 8FPeVDO9rRY-00063-00069224-00069614 thank you so much for watching 8FPeVDO9rRY-00064-00069615-00070055 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00065-00070056-00070303 thank you so much subscribe to a 8FPeVDO9rRY-00066-00070304-00070550 creative recent channel 8FPeVDO9rRY-00067-00070551-00071196 we're back for you thank you so much 8FPeVDO9rRY-00068-00071197-00071926 [Music] 8FPeVDO9rRY-00069-00071927-00072136 you 8GV8Hnzle4y-00000-00000010-00000326 the National Navy of Uruguay Spanish 8GV8Hnzle4y-00001-00000327-00000605 Armada Nacional del Uruguay is a branch 8GV8Hnzle4y-00002-00000606-00000815 of the Armed Forces of Uruguay under the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00003-00000816-00000952 direction of the Ministry of National 8GV8Hnzle4y-00004-00000953-00001181 Defense and the commander-in-chief of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00005-00001182-00001228 the Navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00006-00001229-00001460 commandant a and jefe de la Armada ork 8GV8Hnzle4y-00007-00001461-00002005 Omar 8GV8Hnzle4y-00008-00002007-00002509 topic history 8GV8Hnzle4y-00009-00002510-00002846 you 8GV8Hnzle4y-00010-00002847-00003361 topic independence 8GV8Hnzle4y-00011-00003363-00003653 under the late Spanish Empire Montevideo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00012-00003654-00003842 became the main naval base real 8GV8Hnzle4y-00013-00003843-00004043 apostadero de marina for the South 8GV8Hnzle4y-00014-00004044-00004214 Atlantic with authority over the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00015-00004215-00004433 Argentine Coast Fernando Po and the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00016-00004434-00004766 Falklands the arrival of 100 ships under 8GV8Hnzle4y-00017-00004767-00005126 Viceroy Pedro de Cevallos in 1777 was 8GV8Hnzle4y-00018-00005127-00005333 the beginning of the city's prosperity 8GV8Hnzle4y-00019-00005334-00005546 the Uruguayan Navy however dates its 8GV8Hnzle4y-00020-00005547-00005768 origin from general artiguez letter of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00021-00005769-00006035 marque on the 15th of November 1817 8GV8Hnzle4y-00022-00006036-00006230 which authorized his forces to plunder 8GV8Hnzle4y-00023-00006231-00006413 Portuguese shipping wherever they found 8GV8Hnzle4y-00024-00006414-00006709 it Portuguese forces from Brazil had 8GV8Hnzle4y-00025-00006711-00006910 invaded Uruguay then known as Banda 8GV8Hnzle4y-00026-00006911-00007244 Oriental in August 1816 under the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00027-00007245-00007451 nominal leadership of the pedro campbell 8GV8Hnzle4y-00028-00007452-00007793 the irish gaucho admiral around 50 8GV8Hnzle4y-00029-00007794-00008012 privateer schooners and briggs including 8GV8Hnzle4y-00030-00008013-00008246 the Republican or Yentl the Fortuna the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00031-00008247-00008474 Valiente the temeraire EO and the intra 8GV8Hnzle4y-00032-00008475-00008708 pedo were able to capture more than 200 8GV8Hnzle4y-00033-00008709-00008948 enemy vessels as far off as Madagascar 8GV8Hnzle4y-00034-00008949-00009380 Spain and the Antilles topic early 8GV8Hnzle4y-00035-00009381-00009599 republic following independence a navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00036-00009600-00009815 was established under colonel pablo zu 8GV8Hnzle4y-00037-00009816-00010010 Freitag we a veteran of artiguez his 8GV8Hnzle4y-00038-00010011-00010255 campaigns in the 33 Easterners as 8GV8Hnzle4y-00039-00010256-00010544 captain of ports Capitan General de 8GV8Hnzle4y-00040-00010545-00010813 puertos he fought smuggling and in 1832 8GV8Hnzle4y-00041-00010814-00011021 zu Freitag we led the first sovereign 8GV8Hnzle4y-00042-00011022-00011213 engagement when the schooner Aguila 8GV8Hnzle4y-00043-00011214-00011416 chased off the pirate ship exquisite 8GV8Hnzle4y-00044-00011417-00011549 from Uruguayan waters 8GV8Hnzle4y-00045-00011550-00011729 although the force remained too small to 8GV8Hnzle4y-00046-00011730-00011948 play a decisive role in the great war it 8GV8Hnzle4y-00047-00011949-00012124 is notable that command of the small 8GV8Hnzle4y-00048-00012125-00012346 fleet was personally assumed by Giuseppe 8GV8Hnzle4y-00049-00012347-00012551 Garibaldi who captured colonia del 8GV8Hnzle4y-00050-00012552-00012799 sacramento Isla Martine Garcia and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00051-00012800-00013076 Guagua Chu the flagship during this 8GV8Hnzle4y-00052-00013077-00013291 period was the corvette sarandí named 8GV8Hnzle4y-00053-00013293-00013490 after an important battle in the war for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00054-00013491-00013760 independence the first specially fitted 8GV8Hnzle4y-00055-00013761-00013961 warships were the gunboats general 8GV8Hnzle4y-00056-00013962-00014191 Rivera general Artigas and general 8GV8Hnzle4y-00057-00014193-00014453 Suarez the first was assembled in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00058-00014454-00014647 Uruguay by the Academy of Arts and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00059-00014649-00014918 Crafts escuela de artes y officiais and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00060-00014919-00015182 commissioned in April 1884 the second 8GV8Hnzle4y-00061-00015183-00015383 was constructed in Trieste then part of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00062-00015384-00015563 austria-hungary and commissioned in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00063-00015563-00015880 December 1884 the last was the 23 year 8GV8Hnzle4y-00064-00015881-00016103 old French gunboat tactic acquired in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00065-00016104-00016451 1886 the general Rivera was the first 8GV8Hnzle4y-00066-00016452-00016631 ship of the Navy to pass the Strait of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00067-00016632-00016838 Magellan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00068-00016839-00017163 you 8GV8Hnzle4y-00069-00017164-00017666 topic modern era 8GV8Hnzle4y-00070-00017667-00017939 just prior to world war 1 president 8GV8Hnzle4y-00071-00017940-00018134 Willemijn devoted considerable effort 8GV8Hnzle4y-00072-00018135-00018319 and expense to modernizing the navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00073-00018320-00018532 viewing it as demanded for Uruguay's 8GV8Hnzle4y-00074-00018533-00018851 sovereignty and honor after false starts 8GV8Hnzle4y-00075-00018852-00019325 in 1817 1863 and 1874 the Naval Academy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00076-00019326-00019610 escuela Naval was eventually established 8GV8Hnzle4y-00077-00019611-00019961 in December 1907 new ships included the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00078-00019962-00020237 gunboat Dec Ojo de julio constructed in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00079-00020238-00020531 the UK in 1889 the cruiser Montevideo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00080-00020532-00020771 the ex Italian Cruiser da galley the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00081-00020772-00020981 transport Maldonado constructed in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00082-00020982-00021281 Germany in 1886 and soon renamed baron 8GV8Hnzle4y-00083-00021282-00021485 de rio branco for its tasks for the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00084-00021486-00021641 Commission on the limits of the Marin 8GV8Hnzle4y-00085-00021642-00021844 Lagoon the steamer vanguardia and the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00086-00021845-00022112 courier oriental the torpedo gunboat 8GV8Hnzle4y-00087-00022113-00022334 Uruguay was constructed to order in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00088-00022335-00022575 Germany and commissioned August 1910 8GV8Hnzle4y-00089-00022576-00022897 also in 1910 the government acquired the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00090-00022898-00023111 sibyl's jackson shipyard renaming it the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00091-00023112-00023375 national dock these advances were then 8GV8Hnzle4y-00092-00023376-00023579 sabotage by funding cutbacks throughout 8GV8Hnzle4y-00093-00023580-00023828 the 1920s that left the Navy poorly 8GV8Hnzle4y-00094-00023829-00024188 maintained in June 1916 the tug 8GV8Hnzle4y-00095-00024189-00024437 instituto de pesca and one men by navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00096-00024438-00024647 servicemen led the second failed attempt 8GV8Hnzle4y-00097-00024648-00024812 to rescue the men of Shackleton's 8GV8Hnzle4y-00098-00024813-00025193 expedition from Elephant Island in 1925 8GV8Hnzle4y-00099-00025194-00025415 the fleet Aeronautics service servicio 8GV8Hnzle4y-00100-00025416-00025684 de aeronáutica de la armada was created 8GV8Hnzle4y-00101-00025685-00025903 under captain Attilio frige area the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00102-00025904-00026111 first Uruguayan pilot to obtain the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00103-00026112-00026380 brevet of military pilot Aviano Italy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00104-00026381-00026729 1912 the first planes however did not 8GV8Hnzle4y-00105-00026730-00027167 arrive until 1930 in 1934 the first 8GV8Hnzle4y-00106-00027168-00027392 naval act lay organic Adela Armada 8GV8Hnzle4y-00107-00027393-00027605 created the Inspectorate of the Navy and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00108-00027606-00027854 spicy ungenerous marina freeing the Navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00109-00027855-00028061 from direct subordination to the army 8GV8Hnzle4y-00110-00028062-00028355 the next year three patrol boats ordered 8GV8Hnzle4y-00111-00028356-00028540 from Kent tearing the valley Riunite in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00112-00028541-00028901 Genoa arrived the paysandu salto and Rio 8GV8Hnzle4y-00113-00028902-00029129 Negro having served for about 30 years 8GV8Hnzle4y-00114-00029130-00029273 were decommissioned and then were 8GV8Hnzle4y-00115-00029274-00029989 brought back into service in the 1990s 8GV8Hnzle4y-00116-00029991-00030526 topic World War two 8GV8Hnzle4y-00117-00030527-00030883 in December 1939 the Rio de la Plata saw 8GV8Hnzle4y-00118-00030884-00031078 the first major naval engagement of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00119-00031079-00031264 World War two when the German pocket 8GV8Hnzle4y-00120-00031265-00031513 battleship Admiral Graf Spee faced the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00121-00031514-00031819 cruisers HMS Ajax Achilles and Exeter 8GV8Hnzle4y-00122-00031820-00032011 and then fled into Montevideo harbour 8GV8Hnzle4y-00123-00032012-00032182 during the Battle of the River Plate 8GV8Hnzle4y-00124-00032183-00032416 although Uruguay was officially neutral 8GV8Hnzle4y-00125-00032417-00032629 her pro-british sentiment allowed the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00126-00032630-00032797 Royal Navy to carry out a highly 8GV8Hnzle4y-00127-00032798-00033019 successful disinformation campaign that 8GV8Hnzle4y-00128-00033020-00033181 ended in the Germans scuttling of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00129-00033182-00033601 ship in 1940 la Palomas naval base based 8GV8Hnzle4y-00130-00033602-00033913 naval de la paloma was established the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00131-00033914-00034078 same year Uruguay introduced 8GV8Hnzle4y-00132-00034079-00034267 conscription and the Navy established 8GV8Hnzle4y-00133-00034268-00034474 the battalions a beacon and under y 8GV8Hnzle4y-00134-00034475-00034760 patria as part of its reserve fleet the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00135-00034761-00034963 next year the Navy created the Naval War 8GV8Hnzle4y-00136-00034964-00035200 School escuela de guerra naval to 8GV8Hnzle4y-00137-00035201-00035455 improve its offices training although 8GV8Hnzle4y-00138-00035456-00035668 Uruguay did not officially join the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00139-00035669-00035974 Allies until the 15th of February 1945 8GV8Hnzle4y-00140-00035975-00036187 it was involved in assisting the convoy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00141-00036188-00036466 effort this involved the confiscation of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00142-00036467-00036691 two Italian and two occupied Danish 8GV8Hnzle4y-00143-00036692-00036877 freighters in Montevideo which were 8GV8Hnzle4y-00144-00036878-00037036 manned by the Navy in rechristened 8GV8Hnzle4y-00145-00037037-00037306 Montevideo Maldonado Rocha and Colonia 8GV8Hnzle4y-00146-00037307-00037603 the Montevideo was incidentally sunk by 8GV8Hnzle4y-00147-00037604-00037819 the Italian submarine - Zoli in March 8GV8Hnzle4y-00148-00037820-00038131 1942 which prompted Uruguay to seize the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00149-00038132-00038455 German freighter Tacoma in August 1942 8GV8Hnzle4y-00150-00038456-00038660 the Maldonado was sunk after its 8GV8Hnzle4y-00151-00038661-00038827 commander was taken prisoner by the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00152-00038828-00039063 German submarine you 510 8GV8Hnzle4y-00153-00039064-00039322 following this incidents Uruguay leased 8GV8Hnzle4y-00154-00039323-00039541 a number of its boats to the US Navy and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00155-00039542-00039847 received in 1944 the ASW capable 8GV8Hnzle4y-00156-00039848-00040174 corvette Maldonado the fleet Aeronautics 8GV8Hnzle4y-00157-00040175-00040378 service received six Kingfisher sea 8GV8Hnzle4y-00158-00040379-00040591 planes from the United States of America 8GV8Hnzle4y-00159-00040592-00040894 in 1942 an established Laguna del Sol 8GV8Hnzle4y-00160-00040895-00041164 Sara novel base base Aero novel number 2 8GV8Hnzle4y-00161-00041165-00041898 del Laguna del sauce in 1947 8GV8Hnzle4y-00162-00041899-00042564 topic cold war following World War two 8GV8Hnzle4y-00163-00042565-00042765 the beginning of the Cold War saw the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00164-00042766-00042966 inter-american Treaty of reciprocal 8GV8Hnzle4y-00165-00042967-00043122 assistance signed in Rio de Janeiro 8GV8Hnzle4y-00166-00043123-00043440 which provided for hemispheric defense 8GV8Hnzle4y-00167-00043441-00043735 and required signatory States to work to 8GV8Hnzle4y-00168-00043736-00043908 improve and coordinate their naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00169-00043909-00044397 forces between 1949 and 1952 the FAS 8GV8Hnzle4y-00170-00044398-00044730 received 16 TBM Avenger torpedo bombers 8GV8Hnzle4y-00171-00044731-00045057 three SNJ Texan trainers and twelve f6f 8GV8Hnzle4y-00172-00045058-00045420 hellcat fighters more in 1952 the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00173-00045421-00045591 surface fleet received the destroyer 8GV8Hnzle4y-00174-00045592-00045924 escorts Uruguay de 1 and Artigas 2 and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00175-00045925-00046435 in 1953 the frigate Montevideo in 1955 8GV8Hnzle4y-00176-00046436-00046629 the Coast Guard received three motor 8GV8Hnzle4y-00177-00046630-00047277 launches ps1 ps2 and ps3 in May 1959 ps2 8GV8Hnzle4y-00178-00047278-00047463 stood out in the rescue of the crew of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00179-00047464-00047691 the Uruguayan freighter patrina stranded 8GV8Hnzle4y-00180-00047692-00047871 on the English Bank a sandbar off 8GV8Hnzle4y-00181-00047872-00047952 Montevideo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00182-00047953-00048291 in 1957 the Unitas Joey exercises began 8GV8Hnzle4y-00183-00048292-00048501 between the United States and the navies 8GV8Hnzle4y-00184-00048502-00048783 of Latin America the basic training was 8GV8Hnzle4y-00185-00048784-00048987 oriented towards protection of marine 8GV8Hnzle4y-00186-00048988-00049130 lines of trade and communication 8GV8Hnzle4y-00187-00049131-00049452 focusing on escort and ASW exercises 8GV8Hnzle4y-00188-00049453-00049683 with the aim of improving the Navy's 8GV8Hnzle4y-00189-00049684-00049923 range and support capability the oiler 8GV8Hnzle4y-00190-00049924-00050247 Presidente or Ebay was purchased in 1962 8GV8Hnzle4y-00191-00050248-00050445 ten years later the second oiler 8GV8Hnzle4y-00192-00050446-00050751 presidente rivera and in 1978 the one 8GV8Hnzle4y-00193-00050752-00051276 antonio Lavanya from 1960 to 1962 naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00194-00051277-00051467 officers on the AL ferry's camp ora 8GV8Hnzle4y-00195-00051468-00051949 circumnavigated the globe in 1965 3s2 a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00196-00051950-00052244 tracker a SW planes were received in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00197-00052245-00052636 1966 the mine sweepers CTE pedro 8GV8Hnzle4y-00198-00052637-00052950 Campbell and Montevideo in 1969 the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00199-00052951-00053191 tender hurricane in 1970 the mine 8GV8Hnzle4y-00200-00053191-00053619 sweepers Rio Negro and Maldonado in 1973 8GV8Hnzle4y-00201-00053620-00053850 the destroyer eighteen de julio replaced 8GV8Hnzle4y-00202-00053851-00054156 the montevideo the present Uruguayan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00203-00054157-00054363 Marine Corps cuerpo de fusilar owes 8GV8Hnzle4y-00204-00054364-00054876 novalis was established in 1972 in 1978 8GV8Hnzle4y-00205-00054877-00055084 refit works were completed to the route 8GV8Hnzle4y-00206-00055085-00055266 20 Capitan Miranda that 8GV8Hnzle4y-00207-00055267-00055453 converted it into a training ship in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00208-00055454-00055735 sailing school following graduation from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00209-00055736-00055954 the Naval Academy cadets embark on the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00210-00055954-00056125 cruise of the world that functions as a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00211-00056126-00056747 goodwill tour for Uruguay 8GV8Hnzle4y-00212-00056748-00057221 topic current 8GV8Hnzle4y-00213-00057222-00057566 in 1981 three French designed vigilante 8GV8Hnzle4y-00214-00057566-00057764 class patrol boats arrived for the Coast 8GV8Hnzle4y-00215-00057765-00058066 Guard the 15 de noviembre 25 de agosto 8GV8Hnzle4y-00216-00058067-00058328 and comodoro Co but it is discovered 8GV8Hnzle4y-00217-00058329-00058499 that their upkeep is considerably more 8GV8Hnzle4y-00218-00058500-00058685 expensive than promised and the ships 8GV8Hnzle4y-00219-00058686-00058886 are quite unsuited for conditions in the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00220-00058887-00059167 Rio de la Plata an attempt to sell them 8GV8Hnzle4y-00221-00059169-00059483 in 1995 found no buyers however and so 8GV8Hnzle4y-00222-00059484-00059624 the ships have remained in active 8GV8Hnzle4y-00223-00059625-00060014 service in 1988 the Navy acquired a new 8GV8Hnzle4y-00224-00060015-00060212 ship to replace its previous Oilers 8GV8Hnzle4y-00225-00060213-00060512 christened the presidente rivera from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00226-00060513-00060860 1989 to 1991 three Commandant Riviere 8GV8Hnzle4y-00227-00060861-00061070 class frigates are purchased from France 8GV8Hnzle4y-00228-00061071-00061340 these are christened the Ruo to General 8GV8Hnzle4y-00229-00061341-00061601 artiguez the Ruo won Uruguay and the Ruo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00230-00061602-00061889 three Montevideo these two run into 8GV8Hnzle4y-00231-00061890-00062102 problems particularly with upkeep and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00232-00062103-00062279 the general artiguez is removed from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00233-00062279-00062534 service in a decision between the two 8GV8Hnzle4y-00234-00062535-00062759 ships the Uruguay is decommissioned then 8GV8Hnzle4y-00235-00062760-00062960 the Montevideo receives repairs and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00236-00062961-00063205 refurbishment following the fall of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00237-00063207-00063458 communism a number of former East German 8GV8Hnzle4y-00238-00063459-00063635 Volks marine ships are purchased from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00239-00063636-00063944 the new government in 1991 the Navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00240-00063945-00064139 receives the minesweepers route 31 8GV8Hnzle4y-00241-00064140-00064475 temporary au rue 32 Valiente Roux 33 8GV8Hnzle4y-00242-00064476-00064804 Fortuna and route 34 audace these are 8GV8Hnzle4y-00243-00064805-00064946 named after privateers of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00244-00064947-00065282 independence era also in 1991 the Otto 8GV8Hnzle4y-00245-00065283-00065459 von Guericke ax is purchased and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00246-00065460-00065681 converted into the route 26 vanguardia 8GV8Hnzle4y-00247-00065682-00065960 on the early hours of the 5th of august 8GV8Hnzle4y-00248-00065961-00066203 2000 balionte sank after a collision 8GV8Hnzle4y-00249-00066204-00066401 with the Panamanian freighter skyros 8GV8Hnzle4y-00250-00066402-00066734 while on patrol off cabo polonio eleven 8GV8Hnzle4y-00251-00066735-00066938 crew members died or became missing in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00252-00066939-00067127 the disaster the Coast Guard received 8GV8Hnzle4y-00253-00067128-00067319 new ships from the United States of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00254-00067320-00067586 America the Colonia and Rio Negro and in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00255-00067587-00067904 1999 nine boats of the 44 class from the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00256-00067905-00068234 same country the buoy tender Sirius was 8GV8Hnzle4y-00257-00068235-00068411 constructed in Montevideo at the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00258-00068412-00068609 National dock which also refitted the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00259-00068610-00068912 Portuguese si te Pedro Campbell in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00260-00068913-00069296 Uruguay at the end of 1998 the research 8GV8Hnzle4y-00261-00069297-00069467 ship o yar vide was purchased from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00262-00069468-00069668 Germany for the purpose of studying and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00263-00069669-00069893 charting the continental shelf it is 8GV8Hnzle4y-00264-00069894-00070057 hoped that the work will justify a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00265-00070058-00070241 redefinition of its boundaries that 8GV8Hnzle4y-00266-00070242-00070409 would approximately double Uruguay's 8GV8Hnzle4y-00267-00070410-00070595 marine exclusive economic zone 8GV8Hnzle4y-00268-00070596-00070993 to around 200,000 square kilometers 8GV8Hnzle4y-00269-00070994-00071279 topic organization the National Navy is 8GV8Hnzle4y-00270-00071280-00071582 composed of about 5,700 personnel 8GV8Hnzle4y-00271-00071583-00071819 organized principally into four commands 8GV8Hnzle4y-00272-00071820-00071990 each with its distinctive color for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00273-00071991-00072245 official functions the general core 8GV8Hnzle4y-00274-00072246-00072476 cuerpo general or cg under the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00275-00072477-00072671 administration of fleet command color 8GV8Hnzle4y-00276-00072672-00072896 black the coastal corps cuerpo de 8GV8Hnzle4y-00277-00072897-00073085 prefecture or CP under the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00278-00073086-00073277 administration of the Coast Guard color 8GV8Hnzle4y-00279-00073278-00073487 gray the corps of mechanical and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00280-00073488-00073694 electrical engineers cuerpo de and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00281-00073695-00073925 Janeiro's de mocking us y electricidad 8GV8Hnzle4y-00282-00073926-00074195 or cime under the administration of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00283-00074196-00074399 general directorate of naval material 8GV8Hnzle4y-00284-00074400-00074627 color blue the Corps of provision and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00285-00074628-00074858 administration cuerpo de a provision on 8GV8Hnzle4y-00286-00074859-00075152 me until Y administration or CAA under 8GV8Hnzle4y-00287-00075153-00075311 the administration of the General 8GV8Hnzle4y-00288-00075312-00075536 Directorate of personnel color white in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00289-00075537-00075749 addition there are two general services 8GV8Hnzle4y-00290-00075750-00076121 Corps servicios generalís or SS GG the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00291-00076122-00076400 auxiliary Corps cuerpo auxiliar or CA 8GV8Hnzle4y-00292-00076401-00076637 color purple and the specialists corps 8GV8Hnzle4y-00293-00076638-00076949 cuerpo especially star c color green and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00294-00076950-00077198 the naval academy escuela naval or es 8GV8Hnzle4y-00295-00077199-00077534 nal the national navy also includes the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00296-00077535-00077735 Uruguayan Marine Corps and the national 8GV8Hnzle4y-00297-00077736-00078017 naval aviation command the service is 8GV8Hnzle4y-00298-00078018-00078242 divided into four main sections fleet 8GV8Hnzle4y-00299-00078243-00078521 command command o dela flota or comf 8GV8Hnzle4y-00300-00078522-00078713 fellow Coast Guard prefecture and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00301-00078714-00078884 nacional naval or prainha 8GV8Hnzle4y-00302-00078885-00079082 material directorate dirección general 8GV8Hnzle4y-00303-00079083-00079352 de material naval or di m80 8GV8Hnzle4y-00304-00079353-00079559 and personnel directorate dirección 8GV8Hnzle4y-00305-00079560-00079856 general de personal naval or d iper 8GV8Hnzle4y-00306-00079857-00080039 the fleet command is in charge of most 8GV8Hnzle4y-00307-00080040-00080216 of the actual ships of the fleet the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00308-00080217-00080450 marines and the naval aviation bases in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00309-00080451-00080738 aircraft the Coast Guard administers the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00310-00080739-00080930 modest Uruguayan Merchant Marine and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00311-00080931-00081197 naval registry the naval material 8GV8Hnzle4y-00312-00081198-00081416 directorate preserves and repairs naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00313-00081417-00081563 equipment in addition to administering 8GV8Hnzle4y-00314-00081564-00081776 the fleet arsenal and directing 8GV8Hnzle4y-00315-00081777-00081998 hydrological and meteorological study 8GV8Hnzle4y-00316-00081999-00082268 the personnel Directorate is concerned 8GV8Hnzle4y-00317-00082269-00082457 with human resources and particularly 8GV8Hnzle4y-00318-00082458-00082658 the administration of the Uruguayan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00319-00082659-00082937 Naval Academy in addition the fleet 8GV8Hnzle4y-00320-00082938-00083186 general staff estado mayor general de la 8GV8Hnzle4y-00321-00083187-00083444 Armada or SMA assists the Admiral in his 8GV8Hnzle4y-00322-00083445-00083699 administration it oversees naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00323-00083700-00083873 intelligence strategic and tactical 8GV8Hnzle4y-00324-00083874-00083972 planning 8GV8Hnzle4y-00325-00083973-00084236 Logistics liaison and political lobbying 8GV8Hnzle4y-00326-00084237-00084847 on the Navy's behalf 8GV8Hnzle4y-00327-00084848-00085328 topic fleet 8GV8Hnzle4y-00328-00085329-00085598 the ship prefix for Uruguay is rue for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00329-00085599-00085825 república oriental del Uruguay de 8GV8Hnzle4y-00330-00085826-00086204 oriental Republic of Uruguay in addition 8GV8Hnzle4y-00331-00086205-00086378 to their ship name government ships are 8GV8Hnzle4y-00332-00086379-00086654 numerically listed this is a position 8GV8Hnzle4y-00333-00086655-00086840 and not an identification number as 8GV8Hnzle4y-00334-00086841-00086975 ships are decommissioned and replaced 8GV8Hnzle4y-00335-00086976-00087209 their previous numbers are reused by 8GV8Hnzle4y-00336-00087210-00087536 newer vessels the current fleet consists 8GV8Hnzle4y-00337-00087537-00087893 of since 1997 the Uruguayan Naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00338-00087894-00088106 Academy has also maintained the racing 8GV8Hnzle4y-00339-00088107-00088208 sloop bonanza 8GV8Hnzle4y-00340-00088209-00088412 a gift from the u.s. Naval Academy at 8GV8Hnzle4y-00341-00088413-00088979 Annapolis 8GV8Hnzle4y-00342-00088980-00089613 topic Uruguayan Naval Aviation 8GV8Hnzle4y-00343-00089614-00089928 Uruguayan naval aviation aviation naval 8GV8Hnzle4y-00344-00089929-00090180 uruguaya or Anu is the sub branch of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00345-00090181-00090387 National Navy for naval aircraft and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00346-00090388-00090666 aviation training naval aircraft use a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00347-00090667-00090819 new wing emblem instead of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00348-00090820-00091005 traditional Artigas roundel like the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00349-00091006-00091170 Uruguayan Air Force for easier 8GV8Hnzle4y-00350-00091171-00091377 identification and use the Uruguayan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00351-00091378-00091680 national flag as Finn flash it was 8GV8Hnzle4y-00352-00091681-00091872 created as aeronautics service of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00353-00091873-00092097 fleet servicio de aeronáutica de la 8GV8Hnzle4y-00354-00092098-00092427 armada on the 7th of February 1925 but 8GV8Hnzle4y-00355-00092428-00092601 didn't receive its first aircraft to 8GV8Hnzle4y-00356-00092602-00092946 Kent 18 and 1 Kent 21 until the 24th of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00357-00092947-00093390 September 1930 on the 12th of June 1934 8GV8Hnzle4y-00358-00093391-00093704 the Naval Air Base isla Libertad in 8GV8Hnzle4y-00359-00093705-00093903 Montevideo's Bay was declared 8GV8Hnzle4y-00360-00093904-00094392 operational in 1942 Grumman j4f Wiggin 8GV8Hnzle4y-00361-00094393-00094626 vato s to you Kingfisher and Fairchild 8GV8Hnzle4y-00362-00094627-00094839 PT two three eight trainers were 8GV8Hnzle4y-00363-00094840-00095057 received from the US under lend-lease 8GV8Hnzle4y-00364-00095058-00095379 the naval airbase kapiten de corps beta 8GV8Hnzle4y-00365-00095380-00095631 corvette captain carlos a corbello at 8GV8Hnzle4y-00366-00095632-00095802 laguna del sauce was declared 8GV8Hnzle4y-00367-00095803-00095994 operational on the 10th of september 8GV8Hnzle4y-00368-00095995-00096540 1947 during the years 1949 to 1957 a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00369-00096541-00096825 large supply of north american SNJ for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00370-00096826-00097131 grumman avenger grumman f6f cat martin 8GV8Hnzle4y-00371-00097132-00097398 Mariner aircraft were delivered the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00372-00097399-00097578 force was renamed naval aviation 8GV8Hnzle4y-00373-00097579-00097938 aviation naval in 1951 and as Uruguayan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00374-00097939-00098187 naval aviation aviation naval uruguaya 8GV8Hnzle4y-00375-00098188-00098589 in 1955 during the middle of the 60s 8GV8Hnzle4y-00376-00098590-00098745 most of the planes in the inventory 8GV8Hnzle4y-00377-00098746-00098931 reached the end of their operational 8GV8Hnzle4y-00378-00098932-00099189 lives and were written off in this 8GV8Hnzle4y-00379-00099190-00099567 decade Beechcraft t-34 a Beechcraft c-45 8GV8Hnzle4y-00380-00099568-00099909 Grumman s - a tracker belt th 13 and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00381-00099910-00100299 Sikorsky CH 3 4 J were incorporated some 8GV8Hnzle4y-00382-00100300-00100584 War t-34 a B mentor were exchanged from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00383-00100585-00100818 the Uruguayan Air Force for SNJ spare 8GV8Hnzle4y-00384-00100819-00101313 parts in 1979 nine North American t28 D 8GV8Hnzle4y-00385-00101314-00101559 fennec and three C 45 were donated by 8GV8Hnzle4y-00386-00101560-00101847 the argentinian navy fennecs were used 8GV8Hnzle4y-00387-00101848-00102207 as a light attack platform until 2000 by 8GV8Hnzle4y-00388-00102208-00102576 1981 bell 222 air wolf was bought for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00389-00102577-00102903 SAR operations plus one beach b200 t for 8GV8Hnzle4y-00390-00102904-00103043 maritime survey 8GV8Hnzle4y-00391-00103044-00103370 in 1982 three turbo mentor and three 8GV8Hnzle4y-00392-00103371-00103615 Grumman s 2g tracker were acquired 8GV8Hnzle4y-00393-00103616-00103967 trackers were written off in 2001 one s 8GV8Hnzle4y-00394-00103968-00104441 to G a new 854 is unreserved some of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00395-00104442-00104729 CH 34 J's were exchanged from high lift 8GV8Hnzle4y-00396-00104730-00105067 helicopters for three Wessex MK 60 8GV8Hnzle4y-00397-00105068-00105401 several Bell 47 G were incorporated from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00398-00105402-00105746 the civilian market during the 1990s a 8GV8Hnzle4y-00399-00105747-00106052 number of Westland Wessex HC Mk III were 8GV8Hnzle4y-00400-00106053-00106220 also bought from the Royal Navy and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00401-00106221-00106598 Royal Air Force surplus by 2000 last 8GV8Hnzle4y-00402-00106599-00106901 airworthy fennecs three cessna 182 and 8GV8Hnzle4y-00403-00106902-00107086 two piper Seneca were sold to private 8GV8Hnzle4y-00404-00107088-00107393 collectors after failed negotiations 8GV8Hnzle4y-00405-00107394-00107720 about cat past 250 Falcon 20 from u.s. 8GV8Hnzle4y-00406-00107721-00107969 Coast Guard and IAI Westwind of Israel 8GV8Hnzle4y-00407-00107970-00108227 Defense Forces to Henley Paige Jetstream 8GV8Hnzle4y-00408-00108228-00108473 T mk2 were incorporated from the Royal 8GV8Hnzle4y-00409-00108474-00108661 Navy for training and maritime patrol 8GV8Hnzle4y-00410-00108663-00109013 duties they operated until 2010 do lack 8GV8Hnzle4y-00411-00109014-00109166 of spare parts for power plants 8GV8Hnzle4y-00412-00109167-00109469 turbomeca asked a zoo 16 c2 turboprop 8GV8Hnzle4y-00413-00109470-00109717 they are currently unreserved 8GV8Hnzle4y-00414-00109718-00110105 6 mb b bo 105 m were received from 8GV8Hnzle4y-00415-00110106-00110396 Germany in 2006 plus one he libras s 8GV8Hnzle4y-00416-00110397-00110564 quello donated by the Brazilian 8GV8Hnzle4y-00417-00110565-00110908 government s qui low replaced Bell 47 as 8GV8Hnzle4y-00418-00110909-00111211 helicopter trainer since 2010 Uruguayan 8GV8Hnzle4y-00419-00111213-00111419 Navy is interested in the acquisition of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00420-00111420-00111685 six Lockheed s3 Viking used from us n 8GV8Hnzle4y-00421-00111686-00111857 stocks but shortage of funds are 8GV8Hnzle4y-00422-00111858-00112196 delaying any purchase in 2013 was 8GV8Hnzle4y-00423-00112197-00112403 incorporated another Beechcraft super 8GV8Hnzle4y-00424-00112404-00112649 king air despite lack of funding there 8GV8Hnzle4y-00425-00112650-00112820 are some plans for near future to 8GV8Hnzle4y-00426-00112821-00113003 incorporate a heavier maritime patrol 8GV8Hnzle4y-00427-00113004-00113468 platform like Beechcraft b3 v OE r c 212 8GV8Hnzle4y-00428-00113469-00113935 400 MP or some secondhand c n 235 MP 8GV8Hnzle4y-00429-00113936-00114358 persuader b12 male or CL 215 a number of 8GV8Hnzle4y-00430-00114359-00114605 surplus short s point three one to two 8GV8Hnzle4y-00431-00114606-00114956 condos from Royal Navy or t-34 c1 turbo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00432-00114957-00115186 mentors from US Navy stocks and at least 8GV8Hnzle4y-00433-00115188-00115382 three helicopters for carried based 8GV8Hnzle4y-00434-00115383-00115715 operations like some bell 212 a SW bell 8GV8Hnzle4y-00435-00115716-00115988 for one - EP or refurbished Westland 8GV8Hnzle4y-00436-00115989-00116180 shish three C King from Royal Navy 8GV8Hnzle4y-00437-00116181-00116390 surplus as a replacement of the 8GV8Hnzle4y-00438-00116391-00116843 wessex fleet by 2018 bow 105 m are no 8GV8Hnzle4y-00439-00116844-00117077 longer operative they will be replaced 8GV8Hnzle4y-00440-00117078-00117418 by 2a B 412 from Italian Coast Guard 8GV8Hnzle4y-00441-00117419-00117728 small command with Squadron Group grupo 8GV8Hnzle4y-00442-00117729-00117827 de s quadroons 8GV8Hnzle4y-00443-00117828-00118511 of two squadrons in one training school 8GV8Hnzle4y-00444-00118513-00119077 topic current order of battle 8GV8Hnzle4y-00445-00119078-00119361 Naval Aviation Academy escuela de 8GV8Hnzle4y-00446-00119363-00119716 aviación naval originally at angel Asad 8GV8Hnzle4y-00447-00119717-00120223 ami 1944 to 1947 since then at captain 8GV8Hnzle4y-00448-00120224-00120469 Carlos corbello Naval Air Base - at 8GV8Hnzle4y-00449-00120470-00120999 Laguna del sauce 8GV8Hnzle4y-00450-00121000-00121394 topic see also 8GV8Hnzle4y-00451-00121395-00121538 you 8GV8Hnzle4y-00452-00121539-00122021 flag of artiguez hashtag Uruguayan Navy 8HDopSoJMXg-00000-00000003-00000156 hey Jeremy check with that 8HDopSoJMXg-00001-00000157-00000603 [Music] 8HDopSoJMXg-00002-00000604-00001894 [Applause] 8HDopSoJMXg-00003-00001895-00002474 [Music] 8HDopSoJMXg-00004-00002475-00003068 oh hey it's you welcome back to my 8HDopSoJMXg-00005-00003069-00003397 channel my name is Sean Hodgins and yeah 8HDopSoJMXg-00006-00003398-00003656 it's been a while so this is a really 8HDopSoJMXg-00007-00003657-00003968 cool project a few months ago I reached 8HDopSoJMXg-00008-00003969-00004247 out to Jimmy dye Resta because I saw in 8HDopSoJMXg-00009-00004248-00004409 one of those videos that he's twisting 8HDopSoJMXg-00010-00004410-00004747 his ice picks his handmade ice picks and 8HDopSoJMXg-00011-00004748-00004988 he's doing it by hand each and every one 8HDopSoJMXg-00012-00004989-00005236 of them for the torch so I reached out 8HDopSoJMXg-00013-00005237-00005465 to him with an idea to try and automate 8HDopSoJMXg-00014-00005466-00005822 the twisting part of this and he thought 8HDopSoJMXg-00015-00005823-00005987 it was really cool this is what I came 8HDopSoJMXg-00016-00005988-00006295 up with it's all done in half-inch laser 8HDopSoJMXg-00017-00006296-00006670 cut steel and it uses two rack and 8HDopSoJMXg-00018-00006672-00006941 pinions with some pneumatic pistons to 8HDopSoJMXg-00019-00006942-00007206 try and twist it and I'm also going to 8HDopSoJMXg-00020-00007208-00007568 attempt as I haven't done it yet to heat 8HDopSoJMXg-00021-00007569-00007756 them as well so that the twist is more 8HDopSoJMXg-00022-00007758-00007885 even but we're gonna see if it's 8HDopSoJMXg-00023-00007886-00008168 actually needed so this has been a 8HDopSoJMXg-00024-00008169-00008495 pretty big challenge and designing this 8HDopSoJMXg-00025-00008496-00008726 and coming up with different ways to try 8HDopSoJMXg-00026-00008727-00009010 and twist it I had a few other ideas but 8HDopSoJMXg-00027-00009011-00009284 this is what I finally ended up with so 8HDopSoJMXg-00028-00009285-00009512 I'm gonna put it together we're gonna 8HDopSoJMXg-00029-00009513-00009821 see if it works and yeah follow along 8HDopSoJMXg-00030-00009822-00010234 it's gonna be cool it's giant automated 8HDopSoJMXg-00031-00010235-00010478 DIY stuff what's not to love 8HDopSoJMXg-00032-00010479-00010617 let's go 8HDopSoJMXg-00033-00010618-00013496 [Music] 8HDopSoJMXg-00034-00013497-00013731 okay so I think that's it for the 8HDopSoJMXg-00035-00013732-00013941 welding some of the welds turned out 8HDopSoJMXg-00036-00013941-00014291 really nice so I'm not so great but I 8HDopSoJMXg-00037-00014293-00014415 don't know if we clean about probably 8HDopSoJMXg-00038-00014416-00014766 just leave them if they work so yeah I 8HDopSoJMXg-00039-00014766-00014904 think that's it for the welding now to 8HDopSoJMXg-00040-00014905-00015255 add the everything else the pneumatics 8HDopSoJMXg-00041-00015256-00015584 the gears the rack and pinion system 8HDopSoJMXg-00042-00015585-00016090 let's go 8HDopSoJMXg-00043-00016091-00017192 [Applause] 8HDopSoJMXg-00045-00021794-00022175 okay first test they got it at like 50 8HDopSoJMXg-00046-00022176-00022711 psi very first test only going one way 8HDopSoJMXg-00047-00022712-00023054 no things hooked in no bending let's 8HDopSoJMXg-00048-00023055-00023153 just see if it moves 8HDopSoJMXg-00049-00023154-00023855 oh yeah don't have the other thing let's 8HDopSoJMXg-00050-00023856-00024905 go one second 8HDopSoJMXg-00051-00024906-00025544 uh it works it's a bit there's something 8HDopSoJMXg-00052-00025545-00025759 in the one track that needs to be filed 8HDopSoJMXg-00053-00025760-00026156 down I think that way is certainly a 8HDopSoJMXg-00054-00026157-00027152 kind awesome okay so pretty much 8HDopSoJMXg-00055-00027152-00027497 everything is together and now I'm going 8HDopSoJMXg-00056-00027498-00027917 to build a circuit board that's going to 8HDopSoJMXg-00057-00027918-00028079 control everything and it's also going 8HDopSoJMXg-00058-00028080-00028331 to control a heater that's not here yet 8HDopSoJMXg-00059-00028332-00028592 so I can't show you that so let's go and 8HDopSoJMXg-00060-00028593-00029158 design a piece of e okay so now that 8HDopSoJMXg-00061-00029160-00029399 we've established that we're going to be 8HDopSoJMXg-00062-00029400-00029658 controlling at least three Silla notes 8HDopSoJMXg-00063-00029660-00029861 the two of them are actually going to be 8HDopSoJMXg-00064-00029862-00029999 firing at the same time but we have to 8HDopSoJMXg-00065-00030000-00030269 fire both directions so I picked up one 8HDopSoJMXg-00066-00030270-00030602 of these pneumatic solenoid blocks from 8HDopSoJMXg-00067-00030602-00030779 Amazon and this is surprisingly 8HDopSoJMXg-00068-00030780-00030987 inexpensive and you can do a lot with it 8HDopSoJMXg-00069-00030988-00031286 this one takes 12 volts in these some of 8HDopSoJMXg-00070-00031287-00031673 them take I think AC like 110 so though 8HDopSoJMXg-00071-00031674-00031820 I know I'm gonna be using this so I need 8HDopSoJMXg-00072-00031820-00032063 to be able to control at least four of 8HDopSoJMXg-00073-00032064-00032558 these and maybe a heater so I've already 8HDopSoJMXg-00074-00032558-00032756 put together a board which you can see 8HDopSoJMXg-00075-00032757-00032957 here and we'll just go through it really 8HDopSoJMXg-00076-00032958-00033230 quickly using the HCC module here's an 8HDopSoJMXg-00077-00033231-00033443 unpopulated one just so that development 8HDopSoJMXg-00078-00033444-00033614 was really fast and easy and I knew 8HDopSoJMXg-00079-00033615-00033739 everything was gonna work right away 8HDopSoJMXg-00080-00033740-00034049 that's why they're awesome so I'm just 8HDopSoJMXg-00081-00034050-00034406 using some terminal blocks so that I can 8HDopSoJMXg-00082-00034407-00034583 connect things easier on the board here 8HDopSoJMXg-00083-00034584-00034840 I've got this is a 12 volt supply in and 8HDopSoJMXg-00084-00034841-00035132 then I've got terminal blocks on the 8HDopSoJMXg-00085-00035133-00035279 left here these are gonna be four 8HDopSoJMXg-00086-00035280-00035582 switches like buttons or things for now 8HDopSoJMXg-00087-00035583-00035798 I'm just gonna test it out using 8HDopSoJMXg-00088-00035799-00035890 something like this 8HDopSoJMXg-00089-00035891-00036161 then I've got four four sensors these 8HDopSoJMXg-00090-00036162-00036340 can be interchanged so technically I've 8HDopSoJMXg-00091-00036341-00036687 got eight iOS that I'm just using 8HDopSoJMXg-00092-00036688-00036920 internal pull ups on the micro 8HDopSoJMXg-00093-00036921-00037193 controller for so then the 12 volt comes 8HDopSoJMXg-00094-00037194-00037546 over here and it goes to MOSFETs so 8HDopSoJMXg-00095-00037547-00037745 these are what's controlling the relay 8HDopSoJMXg-00096-00037746-00037937 so we've got four controls I think I'm 8HDopSoJMXg-00097-00037938-00038023 using the 8HDopSoJMXg-00098-00038024-00038425 our elves at 44 n MOSFET we've got a 8HDopSoJMXg-00099-00038426-00038647 diode here for when the solenoid fires 8HDopSoJMXg-00100-00038648-00038821 back it's gonna cause a voltage spike 8HDopSoJMXg-00101-00038822-00039058 and that'll feed it back through instead 8HDopSoJMXg-00102-00039059-00039516 of into the power supply line using in 8HDopSoJMXg-00103-00039517-00039904 lm7805 here this takes the 12 volts 8HDopSoJMXg-00104-00039905-00040087 converts it down to 5 that's just a 8HDopSoJMXg-00105-00040088-00040318 simple way because the htc module can 8HDopSoJMXg-00106-00040319-00040369 take 12 8HDopSoJMXg-00107-00040370-00040702 so I feed the 5 into the power for the 8HDopSoJMXg-00108-00040703-00040849 HCC module and then we've got a little 8HDopSoJMXg-00109-00040850-00041098 USB connector so we can program it and a 8HDopSoJMXg-00110-00041099-00041305 couple LEDs and as always I've got a 8HDopSoJMXg-00111-00041306-00041566 cool logo here the dye Resta ice pick 8HDopSoJMXg-00112-00041567-00041790 twister and with the magic of film 8HDopSoJMXg-00113-00041791-00042136 they're already here ready to populate 8HDopSoJMXg-00114-00042137-00042322 one so let's do the components on here 8HDopSoJMXg-00115-00042323-00042969 and then we'll wire it up test it out 8HDopSoJMXg-00116-00042970-00043288 now the polarity on these doesn't 8HDopSoJMXg-00117-00043289-00043551 actually matter it's just a coil inside 8HDopSoJMXg-00118-00043552-00044515 so you just need to energize it and I've 8HDopSoJMXg-00119-00044516-00044740 already put a simple program on here so 8HDopSoJMXg-00120-00044741-00045013 it's all programmed what its gonna do 8HDopSoJMXg-00121-00045014-00045307 hopefully is when I press the button 8HDopSoJMXg-00122-00045308-00045655 it's gonna fire the small clamp solenoid 8HDopSoJMXg-00123-00045656-00045976 so one of these and then fire one of 8HDopSoJMXg-00124-00045977-00046210 them and then I press it again it'll 8HDopSoJMXg-00125-00046211-00046483 close the clamp again and fire another 8HDopSoJMXg-00126-00046484-00046789 one so to simulate and then we'll go and 8HDopSoJMXg-00127-00046790-00047290 test it on the actual solenoids 8HDopSoJMXg-00128-00047291-00047501 and the LEDs are gonna alternate so you 8HDopSoJMXg-00129-00047502-00047908 know which way it's going hey got power 8HDopSoJMXg-00130-00047909-00048799 doing something to the LEDs are not 8HDopSoJMXg-00131-00048800-00049018 lighting up for some reason so the 8HDopSoJMXg-00132-00049019-00049168 polarity does actually matter if you 8HDopSoJMXg-00133-00049169-00049417 want the LEDs to fire properly but other 8HDopSoJMXg-00134-00049418-00049798 than that then they'll fire regardless 8HDopSoJMXg-00135-00049799-00050098 but right now the LED in there won't go 8HDopSoJMXg-00136-00050099-00050386 but they're working so let's go test it 8HDopSoJMXg-00137-00050387-00051800 on the actual pneumatics all right here 8HDopSoJMXg-00138-00051801-00052075 we go the thing leaks like crazy because 8HDopSoJMXg-00139-00052076-00052513 I got so the fittings are right and its 8HDopSoJMXg-00140-00052514-00052648 super laps 8HDopSoJMXg-00141-00052649-00053342 [Music] 8HDopSoJMXg-00142-00053344-00053953 [Applause] 8HDopSoJMXg-00143-00053954-00054258 turn that off so they're not the actual 8HDopSoJMXg-00144-00054259-00054496 attachment on there yet I just have a 8HDopSoJMXg-00145-00054497-00054709 blank one just for testing for now 8HDopSoJMXg-00146-00054710-00054850 because they didn't cut properly so 8HDopSoJMXg-00147-00054851-00055254 here's one of the better ones so this 8HDopSoJMXg-00148-00055255-00055444 one's actually undersized so I'm going 8HDopSoJMXg-00149-00055445-00055708 to I'm gonna file that out until it fits 8HDopSoJMXg-00150-00055709-00055965 perfectly still gotta drill the holes 8HDopSoJMXg-00151-00055966-00056217 the laser cutter wasn't cutting these 8HDopSoJMXg-00152-00056219-00056967 very nicely there's a good one so it's 8HDopSoJMXg-00153-00056969-00057301 working and I need to get some more 8HDopSoJMXg-00154-00057302-00057567 fittings for this because I don't have 8HDopSoJMXg-00155-00057569-00057784 the right ones these are actually I have 8HDopSoJMXg-00156-00057785-00058084 quarter inch line but the fittings that 8HDopSoJMXg-00157-00058085-00058336 came with four six millimeter so it's a 8HDopSoJMXg-00158-00058337-00058534 squeeze and once they're in those 8HDopSoJMXg-00159-00058535-00058798 fittings they don't really come out so 8HDopSoJMXg-00160-00058799-00059029 I'm gonna get new fittings for there so 8HDopSoJMXg-00161-00059029-00059173 that everything isn't leaking so I can 8HDopSoJMXg-00162-00059174-00059419 actually test it but I think that's the 8HDopSoJMXg-00163-00059420-00059572 end of part one we got the machine 8HDopSoJMXg-00164-00059573-00059737 working we've got the electronics 8HDopSoJMXg-00165-00059738-00059932 working we can program this to do 8HDopSoJMXg-00166-00059933-00060141 whatever so in the next part hopefully 8HDopSoJMXg-00167-00060142-00060334 I'll have the little heater module it's 8HDopSoJMXg-00168-00060335-00060492 a cool little thing that I found and 8HDopSoJMXg-00169-00060494-00060745 it's I'll show you what it's actually 8HDopSoJMXg-00170-00060746-00061024 used for well I won't show you but I'll 8HDopSoJMXg-00171-00061025-00061213 tell you about it and it's kind of weird 8HDopSoJMXg-00172-00061214-00061530 they're being made right now pretty cool 8HDopSoJMXg-00173-00061532-00061779 so hopefully that'll show up and then 8HDopSoJMXg-00174-00061780-00062095 we'll go on to part two and actually 8HDopSoJMXg-00175-00062096-00062412 start twisting some brass hex bar 8HDopSoJMXg-00176-00062413-00062779 alright see ya 8HDopSoJMXg-00177-00062779-00065550 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00001-00003329-00004331 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00002-00004332-00004797 thank you 8IO5LGESxOy-00003-00004798-00005802 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00004-00005803-00006125 all right shit you got me I'll come with 8IO5LGESxOy-00005-00006126-00006347 you you son of a bitch you're your own 8IO5LGESxOy-00006-00006348-00006623 jail keeper Mister in a prison of your 8IO5LGESxOy-00007-00006623-00007596 own making 8IO5LGESxOy-00008-00007597-00007867 that'll be cute 8IO5LGESxOy-00009-00007868-00008489 hey take me to damn cork man 8IO5LGESxOy-00010-00008490-00008845 this ain't America we ain't free no more 8IO5LGESxOy-00011-00008846-00009163 can't raise no animals take no why 8IO5LGESxOy-00012-00009164-00009455 sounds like sour grapes 8IO5LGESxOy-00013-00009456-00009760 you know you ain't going to court 8IO5LGESxOy-00014-00009761-00010013 you ain't going to jail either 8IO5LGESxOy-00015-00010014-00010314 I'm taking you to a professor I know 8IO5LGESxOy-00016-00010315-00010583 what the hell are you doing 8IO5LGESxOy-00017-00010584-00010877 there lucky man mister 8IO5LGESxOy-00018-00010878-00011260 you get to be part of a great experiment 8IO5LGESxOy-00019-00011261-00011555 yeah it is huh you ain't gonna die 8IO5LGESxOy-00020-00011556-00011849 needlessly is what I mean nope 8IO5LGESxOy-00021-00011850-00012173 your debt's gonna be in uh important 8IO5LGESxOy-00022-00012174-00012388 step in the advancement of human 8IO5LGESxOy-00023-00012389-00012527 knowledge 8IO5LGESxOy-00024-00012528-00012833 hell you say mister this professor 8IO5LGESxOy-00025-00012834-00013193 Andrew Bell III I believe you said 8IO5LGESxOy-00026-00013194-00013535 he's a little odd maybe hair brain but I 8IO5LGESxOy-00027-00013536-00013708 got no reason to doubt the quality of 8IO5LGESxOy-00028-00013709-00013949 his work 8IO5LGESxOy-00029-00013950-00014183 what's this game Professor got to do 8IO5LGESxOy-00030-00014184-00014411 with anything well he wants to try this 8IO5LGESxOy-00031-00014412-00014777 new electricity chair on you to kill you 8IO5LGESxOy-00032-00014778-00015049 you mean 8IO5LGESxOy-00033-00015050-00015293 no yeah 8IO5LGESxOy-00034-00015294-00015533 Mike's gonna strap you into this 8IO5LGESxOy-00035-00015534-00015808 contraption and run a large electric 8IO5LGESxOy-00036-00015809-00016013 current through your system got 8IO5LGESxOy-00037-00016013-00016247 something to do with moonshine I don't 8IO5LGESxOy-00038-00016247-00016486 quite know what I guess that's why he's 8IO5LGESxOy-00039-00016487-00016685 a professor and I'm the Bounty catcher 8IO5LGESxOy-00040-00016686-00016985 but as I said I can pass on his 8IO5LGESxOy-00041-00016986-00017207 assurances that this is the most humane 8IO5LGESxOy-00042-00017208-00017572 way to go it'll be just like well back 8IO5LGESxOy-00043-00017573-00017903 switching off a lot if they would let 8IO5LGESxOy-00044-00017904-00018208 you do this to me they wouldn't oh they 8IO5LGESxOy-00045-00018209-00018450 would and we got a permit and everything 8IO5LGESxOy-00046-00018451-00018785 using animal husbandry am I right well 8IO5LGESxOy-00047-00018786-00019091 you ever seen lightning strike livestock 8IO5LGESxOy-00048-00019092-00019283 Mr McDaniels 8IO5LGESxOy-00049-00019284-00019564 I ain't ever seen the actual impact but 8IO5LGESxOy-00050-00019565-00019847 I came across the pasture sometime after 8IO5LGESxOy-00051-00019848-00020080 storm had just cleared and there was 8IO5LGESxOy-00052-00020081-00020458 smoke in the air smell of burning hair 8IO5LGESxOy-00053-00020459-00020741 no it must have been a dozen head of 8IO5LGESxOy-00054-00020742-00021113 cattle lying there piled up mangled 8IO5LGESxOy-00055-00021114-00022000 strange scarf 8IO5LGESxOy-00056-00022001-00023293 you're almost gone get him now 8IO5LGESxOy-00057-00023294-00023699 hey God I'm sorry about that McDaniels 8IO5LGESxOy-00058-00023700-00024005 you all right 8IO5LGESxOy-00059-00024006-00024277 thank you 8IO5LGESxOy-00060-00024278-00024550 yeah me too well 8IO5LGESxOy-00061-00024551-00024743 you'll be happy to know we ain't got far 8IO5LGESxOy-00062-00024744-00024914 to go hold on tight now 8IO5LGESxOy-00063-00024915-00026148 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00064-00026149-00028043 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00065-00028044-00028695 foreign 8IO5LGESxOy-00066-00028697-00030133 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00067-00030135-00031229 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00068-00031230-00031529 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00069-00031530-00031912 here I got him 8IO5LGESxOy-00070-00031913-00033071 come on don't be shy now let's go 8IO5LGESxOy-00071-00033072-00033293 now where's my money 8IO5LGESxOy-00072-00033294-00033574 um money yeah for all the running around 8IO5LGESxOy-00073-00033575-00033773 I've been doing oh 8IO5LGESxOy-00074-00033774-00033952 well one stay by my Humane electric 8IO5LGESxOy-00075-00033953-00034187 ending facilitator there will be money 8IO5LGESxOy-00076-00034188-00034499 enough for you sir well let's hope all 8IO5LGESxOy-00077-00034500-00034924 right let's get our our um our poor 8IO5LGESxOy-00078-00034925-00035129 unfortunate ready for the demonstration 8IO5LGESxOy-00079-00035130-00035429 oh do come and watch it'll be amazing 8IO5LGESxOy-00080-00035430-00037546 come along 8IO5LGESxOy-00084-00047766-00048733 foreign 8IO5LGESxOy-00085-00048734-00049955 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00086-00049956-00050267 you're going to be in a better place 8IO5LGESxOy-00087-00050268-00050527 let's stay calm 8IO5LGESxOy-00088-00050528-00050908 breathe deep and repent for you will be 8IO5LGESxOy-00089-00050909-00051169 moved to a better Road 8IO5LGESxOy-00090-00051170-00051469 ladies and gentlemen 8IO5LGESxOy-00091-00051470-00052025 behold the calm removal of this dance 8IO5LGESxOy-00092-00052026-00052208 existence 8IO5LGESxOy-00093-00052209-00052286 [Music] 8IO5LGESxOy-00094-00052287-00053323 [Applause] 8IO5LGESxOy-00095-00053324-00053692 incredible he's Nearly Dead 8IO5LGESxOy-00096-00053694-00054141 so humane 8IO5LGESxOy-00097-00054141-00054475 [Applause] 8IO5LGESxOy-00098-00054476-00055147 all right 8IO5LGESxOy-00099-00055148-00055679 his life may have been troubled but his 8IO5LGESxOy-00100-00055679-00057007 passing is peaceful kill him already 8IO5LGESxOy-00101-00057008-00057504 shooting me please 8IO5LGESxOy-00102-00057505-00058085 oh yeah 8IO5LGESxOy-00103-00058086-00058366 oh let's get up they don't seem overly 8IO5LGESxOy-00104-00058367-00058547 Humane to me 8IO5LGESxOy-00105-00058548-00059399 I think it's mighty fine 8IO5LGESxOy-00106-00059400-00059615 oh hell no 8IO5LGESxOy-00107-00059616-00060600 makeup 8IO5LGESxOy-00108-00060601-00061007 come on God 8IO5LGESxOy-00109-00061008-00061187 on the way 8IO5LGESxOy-00110-00061188-00061799 oh my God 8IO5LGESxOy-00111-00061800-00062101 out of the way 8Jv3IM-giPA-00000-00000292-00000557 hello there so this is probably one of 8Jv3IM-giPA-00001-00000558-00000778 the most complex games were played with 8Jv3IM-giPA-00002-00000779-00001043 my students because it requires a lot of 8Jv3IM-giPA-00003-00001044-00001424 preparation and basically we did it 8Jv3IM-giPA-00004-00001425-00001730 during summer workshop because I don't 8Jv3IM-giPA-00005-00001730-00001907 think it would work this way in a 8Jv3IM-giPA-00006-00001907-00002222 classroom in a regular class so anyhow 8Jv3IM-giPA-00007-00002223-00002584 the students had to order a pizza but we 8Jv3IM-giPA-00008-00002585-00002939 tried to simulate the real life 8Jv3IM-giPA-00009-00002940-00003193 situation in which they actually calling 8Jv3IM-giPA-00010-00003194-00003406 somebody who speaks English and Italian 8Jv3IM-giPA-00011-00003407-00003670 press my friend was the Italian guy he 8Jv3IM-giPA-00012-00003671-00003965 was the pizza man and he was just 8Jv3IM-giPA-00013-00003965-00004327 brilliant as he as a italian pizza guy 8Jv3IM-giPA-00014-00004328-00004706 thanks for that and the students love it 8Jv3IM-giPA-00015-00004707-00004967 the look at the faces it was just you 8Jv3IM-giPA-00016-00004968-00005159 know something amazing and i love it and 8Jv3IM-giPA-00017-00005160-00005351 at the end i got this Bank big reward 8Jv3IM-giPA-00018-00005352-00007819 which is the pizza barn I garlic pizza 8Jv3IM-giPA-00019-00007820-00008255 nice and have you heard about this great 8Jv3IM-giPA-00020-00008256-00008453 restaurant which is newly open 8Jv3IM-giPA-00021-00008454-00008798 instruction very good pizza the best 8Jv3IM-giPA-00022-00008799-00009106 pizza in town it's called fat tony's 8Jv3IM-giPA-00023-00009107-00009437 have you heard of that fat tony's pizza 8Jv3IM-giPA-00024-00009438-00009842 yeah i have downloaded here the menu you 8Jv3IM-giPA-00025-00009843-00010028 choose three toppings what about 8Jv3IM-giPA-00026-00010029-00010564 pineapple what about shrimps oh oh yeah 8Jv3IM-giPA-00027-00010565-00010805 can you see fat Tony's phone number in 8Jv3IM-giPA-00028-00010806-00011096 the menu yes let it go too much snow 8Jv3IM-giPA-00029-00011097-00012039 there first all right dial the number 5 8Jv3IM-giPA-00030-00012040-00013557 53 8Jv3IM-giPA-00031-00013558-00014335 hello I want to a order a pizza with ham 8Jv3IM-giPA-00032-00014336-00016246 and shrimps small no no only only only a 8Jv3IM-giPA-00033-00016247-00017172 half and shrimps what's Q Street posse 8Jv3IM-giPA-00034-00017173-00018361 Street your phone number okay same just 8Jv3IM-giPA-00035-00018362-00018966 a second just a second just a second 8Jv3IM-giPA-00036-00018967-00021234 yeah yeah 50 cent wife 0 to 2 3 4 6 8 9 8Jv3IM-giPA-00037-00021235-00021570 yes yes 8KyDmFisQAy-00000-00000359-00000534 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00001-00000535-00000730 I'm like 8KyDmFisQAy-00002-00000731-00000941 okay 8KyDmFisQAy-00003-00000942-00001215 muscles too big wow such a complainer 8KyDmFisQAy-00004-00001216-00003166 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00005-00003167-00003597 a little dash of citrulline 8KyDmFisQAy-00006-00003597-00003899 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00007-00003900-00004264 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00008-00004265-00005932 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00009-00005933-00007087 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00010-00007088-00007828 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00011-00007829-00007996 boyfriend got me into watching Dragon 8KyDmFisQAy-00012-00007997-00008224 Ball and like uh Naruto like everything 8KyDmFisQAy-00013-00008225-00008524 so then came down to Houston and I 8KyDmFisQAy-00014-00008525-00008633 didn't want to look like everybody else 8KyDmFisQAy-00015-00008634-00008807 green was always my favorite color and 8KyDmFisQAy-00016-00008808-00008951 I'm like who's one of the biggest muscle 8KyDmFisQAy-00017-00008952-00009101 mummies in anime 8KyDmFisQAy-00018-00009102-00009292 she was saying kale she goes berserk she 8KyDmFisQAy-00019-00009293-00009496 goes crazy it's huge just the green do 8KyDmFisQAy-00020-00009497-00009724 you ever get like uh evil I guess she 8KyDmFisQAy-00021-00009725-00009985 talked a lot I get beetles 8KyDmFisQAy-00022-00009986-00010779 I get the Grinch and I'm like 8KyDmFisQAy-00023-00010780-00011892 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00024-00011893-00012131 the super Broly is better than the OG 8KyDmFisQAy-00025-00012132-00012364 Broly and if you think otherwise you're 8KyDmFisQAy-00026-00012365-00012551 lying to yourself all right so let's go 8KyDmFisQAy-00027-00012552-00012677 ahead and get that straight but today 8KyDmFisQAy-00028-00012678-00012863 we're gonna hit some legs all right she 8KyDmFisQAy-00029-00012863-00013079 decided to come in she got new kids for 8KyDmFisQAy-00030-00013080-00013241 this yeah look these are absolutely 8KyDmFisQAy-00031-00013241-00013444 these are some new kids we're about to 8KyDmFisQAy-00032-00013445-00013669 go ahead and [__] those up you feel me 8KyDmFisQAy-00033-00013669-00014015 all right well I got some questions all 8KyDmFisQAy-00034-00014016-00014135 right all right all right so we're gonna 8KyDmFisQAy-00035-00014136-00014272 go through this warm-up 8KyDmFisQAy-00036-00014273-00014641 um and uh I won't abandon you 8KyDmFisQAy-00037-00014641-00014849 and then we'll get some squats done 8KyDmFisQAy-00038-00014850-00015011 we'll get some hardcore Leg Day stuff 8KyDmFisQAy-00039-00015012-00015179 going on so uh make sure you like 8KyDmFisQAy-00040-00015180-00015371 subscribe to the channel also check out 8KyDmFisQAy-00041-00015372-00015508 her socials link it'll be in the 8KyDmFisQAy-00042-00015509-00015658 description and uh let's get this 8KyDmFisQAy-00043-00015659-00015941 workout going 8KyDmFisQAy-00044-00015941-00018074 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00045-00018075-00019247 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00046-00019248-00019644 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00047-00019645-00020561 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00048-00020562-00020767 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00049-00020768-00021193 except for track again my junior year of 8KyDmFisQAy-00050-00021194-00021383 high school 8KyDmFisQAy-00051-00021384-00021619 so yeah and that was it I was like 8KyDmFisQAy-00052-00021620-00021955 coaches were mean coaches were me 8KyDmFisQAy-00053-00021956-00022175 everybody always asks me if I do Sports 8KyDmFisQAy-00054-00022176-00022480 and I'm like no I always thought you 8KyDmFisQAy-00055-00022481-00022780 were like a soccer player I wish I would 8KyDmFisQAy-00056-00022781-00023719 have done something cool but 8KyDmFisQAy-00057-00023720-00023903 summer life 8KyDmFisQAy-00058-00023904-00024113 even like this stuff like reminds me of 8KyDmFisQAy-00059-00024114-00024199 friends 8KyDmFisQAy-00060-00024200-00024419 and then like that's why I stopped at 8KyDmFisQAy-00061-00024420-00024563 the middle school because the girls got 8KyDmFisQAy-00062-00024564-00024744 color I was like 8KyDmFisQAy-00063-00024745-00025013 I never was able to get hurdles down 8KyDmFisQAy-00064-00025014-00025247 like I couldn't just like yeah like I'm 8KyDmFisQAy-00065-00025248-00025378 coordinated and then when it comes to 8KyDmFisQAy-00066-00025379-00025564 hurdles I'm not I don't know and then it 8KyDmFisQAy-00067-00025565-00025708 was like in Middle School like 8KyDmFisQAy-00068-00025710-00025961 everyone's at an equal level of ass and 8KyDmFisQAy-00069-00025962-00026140 so then like once you get to like high 8KyDmFisQAy-00070-00026141-00026261 school that's when you see the people 8KyDmFisQAy-00071-00026262-00026440 that actually like were good at track 8KyDmFisQAy-00072-00026441-00026718 and I was like 8KyDmFisQAy-00073-00026719-00026951 extension I mean on leg curls and leg 8KyDmFisQAy-00074-00026952-00027175 extensions 8KyDmFisQAy-00076-00031250-00031520 I just thought that's what you prefer 8KyDmFisQAy-00077-00031520-00032635 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00078-00032636-00033143 see that [__] lotion on dammit Vaseline 8KyDmFisQAy-00079-00033144-00033437 gotta get the Coco radiant it'll be 8KyDmFisQAy-00080-00033438-00033897 glowing glowing like you're hoeing 8KyDmFisQAy-00081-00033898-00035212 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00082-00035213-00035567 big cloak my favorite one of my yeah 8KyDmFisQAy-00083-00035568-00035801 like when little Gohan has this little 8KyDmFisQAy-00084-00035802-00036161 star hat they got the big roll they just 8KyDmFisQAy-00085-00036162-00036595 walk around like this 8KyDmFisQAy-00086-00036596-00036835 I can't I can't get my arms back there 8KyDmFisQAy-00087-00036836-00037145 my arms right here muscle's too big wow 8KyDmFisQAy-00088-00037146-00037337 such a complainer 8KyDmFisQAy-00089-00037338-00037565 so are you gonna do a warm-up for that 8KyDmFisQAy-00090-00037566-00037694 yeah yeah all right 8KyDmFisQAy-00091-00037695-00037912 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00092-00037913-00038068 what's the warm up for like the upper 8KyDmFisQAy-00093-00038069-00038261 body part okay 8KyDmFisQAy-00094-00038262-00039271 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00095-00039272-00039568 did you know that uh crackheads by 8KyDmFisQAy-00096-00039569-00039880 creatine to mix with their Cokes so that 8KyDmFisQAy-00097-00039881-00040049 they don't have to like sell as much 8KyDmFisQAy-00098-00040050-00040180 coke but it can be all for the same 8KyDmFisQAy-00099-00040181-00040402 price we have a friend his name is 8KyDmFisQAy-00100-00040403-00040621 Garrett he lives in Michigan 8KyDmFisQAy-00101-00040622-00040955 GNC and he told us that the crackheads 8KyDmFisQAy-00102-00040956-00041185 come in for the creatine 8KyDmFisQAy-00103-00041186-00041477 all right check this out so since we're 8KyDmFisQAy-00104-00041478-00041711 about to squat people been asking how to 8KyDmFisQAy-00105-00041712-00042005 set how to set up the the bars on the 8KyDmFisQAy-00106-00042006-00042317 side of the pins what I do right below 8KyDmFisQAy-00107-00042318-00042659 waist level like mid like mid thigh so 8KyDmFisQAy-00108-00042660-00042911 wherever you have the mid thigh that's 8KyDmFisQAy-00109-00042912-00043102 where you put the bar so this is gonna 8KyDmFisQAy-00110-00043103-00043417 die for me 8KyDmFisQAy-00111-00043418-00043846 it's cold midday the bar shouldn't touch 8KyDmFisQAy-00112-00043847-00044017 but it should be just enough 8KyDmFisQAy-00113-00044018-00044302 see just like that and then if my bail 8KyDmFisQAy-00114-00044303-00044615 boom 8KyDmFisQAy-00115-00044616-00044890 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00116-00044891-00045208 sounds like a set of ones like a one rep 8KyDmFisQAy-00117-00045209-00045515 and then that'll have like back off sets 8KyDmFisQAy-00118-00045516-00045755 of four okay or if it's a day where we 8KyDmFisQAy-00119-00045756-00045827 have 8KyDmFisQAy-00120-00045828-00046055 um half set of three reps it'll be back 8KyDmFisQAy-00121-00046056-00046337 off sets of like eight you know what I 8KyDmFisQAy-00122-00046338-00046493 mean and then like if you have a top set 8KyDmFisQAy-00123-00046494-00046818 of um 8KyDmFisQAy-00124-00046819-00047140 would you want to go for today 8KyDmFisQAy-00125-00047141-00047357 you do tops out of one 8KyDmFisQAy-00126-00047358-00047699 with three back off sets of four so a 8KyDmFisQAy-00127-00047700-00047871 three by four 8KyDmFisQAy-00128-00047872-00048018 [Applause] 8KyDmFisQAy-00129-00048019-00048268 all right so apparently my top set has 8KyDmFisQAy-00130-00048269-00048361 to be 8KyDmFisQAy-00131-00048362-00048665 600 one red mag 8KyDmFisQAy-00132-00048666-00048983 my back offset at 5 35. you're only 8KyDmFisQAy-00133-00048984-00049180 doing three back off sets though but 8KyDmFisQAy-00134-00049181-00049558 there's still four reps yes 8KyDmFisQAy-00135-00049559-00049836 yes 8KyDmFisQAy-00136-00049837-00050112 I'm not gonna be a [__] 8KyDmFisQAy-00137-00050113-00050386 for anybody that needs a tutorial on how 8KyDmFisQAy-00138-00050387-00050651 to put on new sleeves the most efficient 8KyDmFisQAy-00139-00050652-00051408 way 8KyDmFisQAy-00140-00051409-00051616 come on 8KyDmFisQAy-00141-00051617-00051851 folds a little bit and then folds over 8KyDmFisQAy-00142-00051852-00051952 it 8KyDmFisQAy-00143-00051953-00052102 and then 8KyDmFisQAy-00144-00052103-00052612 pull you are 8KyDmFisQAy-00145-00052613-00052900 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00146-00052901-00053075 I got 8KyDmFisQAy-00147-00053076-00053465 your favorite uh not I think my favorite 8KyDmFisQAy-00148-00053466-00053682 is uh 8KyDmFisQAy-00149-00053683-00053932 I like those I think these are my 8KyDmFisQAy-00150-00053933-00054409 favorites right now and uh 8KyDmFisQAy-00151-00054410-00054713 Super Mario course that's something we 8KyDmFisQAy-00152-00054714-00055050 gotta watch 8KyDmFisQAy-00153-00055051-00055782 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00154-00055783-00056338 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00155-00056339-00056620 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00156-00056621-00059260 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00157-00059261-00059688 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00158-00059689-00059921 nothing was stopping me from finding 8KyDmFisQAy-00159-00059922-00060292 this belt I needed it 8KyDmFisQAy-00160-00060294-00060550 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00161-00060551-00060700 you have one 8KyDmFisQAy-00162-00060701-00060880 um here let me go check the box now in 8KyDmFisQAy-00163-00060882-00061169 my head I'm thinking what the hell is 8KyDmFisQAy-00164-00061170-00061613 this belt are you serious my life 8KyDmFisQAy-00165-00061614-00061738 this is 8KyDmFisQAy-00166-00061739-00061954 ugly it looks like it's about paper thin 8KyDmFisQAy-00167-00061955-00062142 right paper thing 8KyDmFisQAy-00168-00062144-00062611 yeah these two largest 8KyDmFisQAy-00169-00062612-00062891 I think we can do something with this 8KyDmFisQAy-00170-00062891-00063212 let's do it 8KyDmFisQAy-00171-00063213-00063611 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00172-00063612-00063816 he gets into the bars 8KyDmFisQAy-00173-00063817-00064115 you say he gets under the bar and it's 8KyDmFisQAy-00174-00064116-00064261 just 8KyDmFisQAy-00175-00064262-00064547 your face is just like I'm supposed to 8KyDmFisQAy-00176-00064548-00064721 smile be one of those workout people 8KyDmFisQAy-00177-00064722-00064888 that smiled everything they do 8KyDmFisQAy-00178-00064889-00065580 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00179-00065581-00066550 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00180-00066551-00066768 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00182-00069804-00070079 you're matching like at least 250. so I 8KyDmFisQAy-00183-00070080-00070487 have to do 225 now 255. 250. no I did my 8KyDmFisQAy-00184-00070488-00070769 160. I did my one red now I got after my 8KyDmFisQAy-00185-00070770-00071093 back off says 8KyDmFisQAy-00186-00071094-00071303 why are you going high 8KyDmFisQAy-00187-00071304-00072905 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00188-00072906-00073290 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00189-00073291-00075474 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00190-00075475-00076915 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00191-00076916-00077991 on your mind 8KyDmFisQAy-00192-00077992-00078767 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00193-00078768-00079082 thank you 8KyDmFisQAy-00194-00079083-00080129 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00195-00080130-00082870 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00196-00082871-00083023 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00197-00083024-00083303 watches I feel like back when I had to 8KyDmFisQAy-00198-00083304-00083681 do that that 405 for 10 for like three 8KyDmFisQAy-00199-00083682-00083915 to four sets back in New York when I was 8KyDmFisQAy-00200-00083916-00084172 doing my Olympic lifting 8KyDmFisQAy-00201-00084173-00084331 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00202-00084332-00084553 we got the new 8KyDmFisQAy-00203-00084554-00084893 stretchy mesh now fully shorts got them 8KyDmFisQAy-00204-00084894-00085205 in different colors black we got this is 8KyDmFisQAy-00205-00085206-00085511 a white looks like a grayish white we 8KyDmFisQAy-00206-00085512-00085781 got white white for real since we got 8KyDmFisQAy-00207-00085782-00086129 burgundy 8KyDmFisQAy-00208-00086130-00086417 and then we got fog blue so one two 8KyDmFisQAy-00209-00086418-00086831 three four five six different colors go 8KyDmFisQAy-00210-00086832-00087209 ahead and use code aftermath and uh 8KyDmFisQAy-00211-00087210-00087611 let's get this last step 8KyDmFisQAy-00212-00087612-00088419 digging into his butt crack 8KyDmFisQAy-00213-00088420-00090048 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00214-00090049-00091355 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00215-00091356-00091639 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00216-00091640-00093437 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00217-00093438-00094979 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00218-00094980-00095273 the new one it's for sure an anime that 8KyDmFisQAy-00219-00095274-00095423 shit's [__] are you not on the show 8KyDmFisQAy-00220-00095424-00095794 it's on Nickelodeon oh no that's it you 8KyDmFisQAy-00221-00095795-00096037 can see your outer quad going crazy 8KyDmFisQAy-00222-00096038-00096487 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00223-00096488-00096847 I like the alien muscles 8KyDmFisQAy-00224-00096848-00097121 he's literally like he's German he's 8KyDmFisQAy-00225-00097122-00097337 like here bro oh I think that's the guy 8KyDmFisQAy-00226-00097338-00097537 to be trained with Larry yeah 8KyDmFisQAy-00227-00097538-00098441 I just know his chest does the thingy 8KyDmFisQAy-00228-00098442-00100177 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00229-00100178-00102575 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00230-00102576-00102799 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00232-00106535-00107203 foreign 8KyDmFisQAy-00233-00107204-00109158 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00234-00109159-00109602 otherwise known as super tanks 8KyDmFisQAy-00235-00109603-00109919 don't go to jail if I can raise hell put 8KyDmFisQAy-00236-00109920-00109996 you under a spell 8KyDmFisQAy-00237-00109997-00110136 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00238-00110138-00110513 Tick Tock and Instagram I rhyme like a 8KyDmFisQAy-00239-00110514-00110701 nursery book 8KyDmFisQAy-00240-00110702-00111016 but go ahead follow those Social Links 8KyDmFisQAy-00241-00111017-00111299 appreciate you guys for tuning in and uh 8KyDmFisQAy-00242-00111300-00111527 let's get this video up to like 2000 8KyDmFisQAy-00243-00111528-00111736 likes you know bring it back to 2000 how 8KyDmFisQAy-00244-00111738-00111881 many likes I gotta get at least you know 8KyDmFisQAy-00245-00111882-00112145 for you to come back yeah 8KyDmFisQAy-00246-00112146-00112675 [Music] 8KyDmFisQAy-00247-00112676-00112907 2K so go ahead and smash that like 8KyDmFisQAy-00248-00112908-00113175 button see you guys later peace out 8KyDmFisQAy-00249-00113176-00114911 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00000-00000088-00002052 thank you 8LUIlGQgBok-00001-00002053-00002883 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00002-00002884-00003094 me 8LUIlGQgBok-00003-00003095-00003825 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00004-00003826-00004049 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00005-00004050-00004144 [Applause] 8LUIlGQgBok-00007-00007292-00008480 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00008-00008481-00008740 [Applause] 8LUIlGQgBok-00009-00008741-00009883 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00010-00009884-00010359 me 8LUIlGQgBok-00011-00010360-00012604 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00012-00012605-00014625 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00013-00014626-00015483 [Music] 8LUIlGQgBok-00014-00015484-00015783 so 8LUIlGQgBok-00015-00015784-00015991 you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00000-00000734-00000958 beautiful young girl like you to say 8MHXZpVJHNy-00001-00000959-00001127 something like that 8MHXZpVJHNy-00002-00001128-00001289 um I'm just feeling it right now you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00003-00001290-00001416 know 8MHXZpVJHNy-00004-00001417-00001543 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00005-00001544-00001798 be at that point I've had some people 8MHXZpVJHNy-00006-00001800-00001973 tell me that I hope you come to your 8MHXZpVJHNy-00007-00001973-00002207 senses before you waste your life that's 8MHXZpVJHNy-00008-00002208-00002422 a wish you would get some help 8MHXZpVJHNy-00009-00002423-00002550 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00010-00002551-00002821 seriously 8MHXZpVJHNy-00011-00002822-00003065 emotional damage why would a beautiful 8MHXZpVJHNy-00012-00003066-00003263 young girl like you say something like 8MHXZpVJHNy-00013-00003264-00003461 that says the precious old man who still 8MHXZpVJHNy-00014-00003461-00003719 has a moral Foundation he lives by how 8MHXZpVJHNy-00015-00003720-00003893 sweet that is well sir it's because most 8MHXZpVJHNy-00016-00003894-00004019 modern men and women are attention 8MHXZpVJHNy-00017-00004020-00004217 starved clout hungry parasites that 8MHXZpVJHNy-00018-00004218-00004361 spend every waking minute of their life 8MHXZpVJHNy-00019-00004362-00004517 trying to capture a viral moment they 8MHXZpVJHNy-00020-00004518-00004691 can use to leverage their personal brand 8MHXZpVJHNy-00021-00004692-00004936 in this Pursuit a functional brain with 8MHXZpVJHNy-00022-00004937-00005104 any sort of moral compass is typically 8MHXZpVJHNy-00023-00005105-00005320 replaced by a camera that is live at all 8MHXZpVJHNy-00024-00005321-00005518 times and every behavioral decision that 8MHXZpVJHNy-00025-00005519-00005704 could have once been decided using logic 8MHXZpVJHNy-00026-00005705-00005938 or sound reason is now reduced to a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00027-00005939-00006161 simple test call can doing this get me 8MHXZpVJHNy-00028-00006162-00006370 views if the answer is yes they'll jump 8MHXZpVJHNy-00029-00006371-00006539 at the opportunity no matter the shame 8MHXZpVJHNy-00030-00006540-00006755 or conflict of conscience likely present 8MHXZpVJHNy-00031-00006756-00006941 which is what you were just on the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00032-00006942-00007145 receiving end of so hope that clears it 8MHXZpVJHNy-00033-00007145-00007301 up let's keep these clips rolling baby 8MHXZpVJHNy-00034-00007302-00007523 hey babe what's up 8MHXZpVJHNy-00035-00007523-00007913 uh I'm good do you have a girlfriend 8MHXZpVJHNy-00036-00007914-00008092 what 8MHXZpVJHNy-00037-00008093-00008357 you're gonna walk away why 8MHXZpVJHNy-00038-00008358-00008507 I'm out 8MHXZpVJHNy-00039-00008508-00008699 gentlemen is the mandalar like to say 8MHXZpVJHNy-00040-00008700-00008885 this is the way some of you might 8MHXZpVJHNy-00041-00008886-00009035 remember this hussy from my main Channel 8MHXZpVJHNy-00042-00009036-00009191 not that long ago but it has come 8MHXZpVJHNy-00043-00009192-00009377 abundantly clear that if a soft six 8MHXZpVJHNy-00044-00009378-00009539 walks up to you randomly with some kind 8MHXZpVJHNy-00045-00009540-00009724 of flaccid pickup line just know she's 8MHXZpVJHNy-00046-00009725-00009892 trying to use you for Tick-Tock clout 8MHXZpVJHNy-00047-00009893-00010085 and you abandon ship immediately if a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00048-00010086-00010331 man can't shop for size 10 Skechers in 8MHXZpVJHNy-00049-00010332-00010624 peace what else does he have 8MHXZpVJHNy-00050-00010625-00010910 oh 8MHXZpVJHNy-00051-00010911-00011537 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00052-00011538-00011801 you have a girlfriend I don't do you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00053-00011802-00012113 think I'm hot yeah not really oh why way 8MHXZpVJHNy-00054-00012114-00012269 many more people attractive here than 8MHXZpVJHNy-00055-00012270-00012467 you what's not hot about me your 8MHXZpVJHNy-00056-00012468-00012683 personality and your voice my voice 8MHXZpVJHNy-00057-00012684-00012869 you're a little too small you can maybe 8MHXZpVJHNy-00058-00012869-00013277 like eat a burger not be anorexic 8MHXZpVJHNy-00059-00013278-00013391 I don't know who you're trying to 8MHXZpVJHNy-00060-00013391-00013780 impress No One's Gonna simp over you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00061-00013781-00014003 yeah okay cool skirt nice cleavage we 8MHXZpVJHNy-00062-00014004-00014141 get it but if you're not a level 70 8MHXZpVJHNy-00063-00014141-00014338 warlock with at least six pieces of 8MHXZpVJHNy-00064-00014340-00014519 legendary gear this man's not wasting 8MHXZpVJHNy-00065-00014519-00014716 his time in fact I'd be offended too if 8MHXZpVJHNy-00066-00014718-00014855 someone tried to interview me while 8MHXZpVJHNy-00067-00014856-00015022 clearly making a bang energy drink 8MHXZpVJHNy-00068-00015023-00015208 sponsored Tick Tock I'd rather drink 8MHXZpVJHNy-00069-00015209-00015377 battery acid than that peasant poison 8MHXZpVJHNy-00070-00015378-00015544 plus one to the sigma in the gray 8MHXZpVJHNy-00071-00015545-00015815 sweatshirt being humbled by for men in 8MHXZpVJHNy-00072-00015816-00015979 40 seconds 8MHXZpVJHNy-00073-00015980-00016205 so we're just all gathered here today 8MHXZpVJHNy-00074-00016206-00016589 because I wanted to get your number 8MHXZpVJHNy-00075-00016590-00016822 okay all right so I wanted to get your 8MHXZpVJHNy-00076-00016823-00016949 number that's why we're gathered here 8MHXZpVJHNy-00077-00016950-00017183 today I'm sorry oh this isn't going 8MHXZpVJHNy-00078-00017184-00017344 terrible what about you what's your 8MHXZpVJHNy-00079-00017345-00017621 excuse me oh my God what about you I'm 8MHXZpVJHNy-00080-00017622-00017950 not but I'm less so I mean I don't know 8MHXZpVJHNy-00081-00017951-00018113 so how was your day going are you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00082-00018114-00018317 feeling nervous are you feeling good yes 8MHXZpVJHNy-00083-00018318-00018553 do some push-ups 8MHXZpVJHNy-00084-00018554-00018955 yes wow 8MHXZpVJHNy-00085-00018956-00019343 amazing do you feel less nervous I do 8MHXZpVJHNy-00086-00019344-00019511 hey my name is Carly what's your name 8MHXZpVJHNy-00087-00019512-00019894 Carlos Carlos and Carly I love that and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00088-00019895-00020075 I love your tattoos also appreciate it I 8MHXZpVJHNy-00089-00020076-00020243 love your bubbles you're looking at that 8MHXZpVJHNy-00090-00020244-00020380 you're waiting for that red light that's 8MHXZpVJHNy-00091-00020381-00020467 correct yeah 8MHXZpVJHNy-00092-00020468-00020722 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00093-00020723-00021022 oh my god of course we're 12 billion 8MHXZpVJHNy-00094-00021023-00021155 dollars but now in one move she's going 8MHXZpVJHNy-00095-00021156-00021317 to lose half of her money how this 8MHXZpVJHNy-00096-00021318-00021430 happened was Bella revealed she was 8MHXZpVJHNy-00097-00021431-00021557 secretly married to her boyfriend Tyler 8MHXZpVJHNy-00098-00021558-00021749 for the last three years imagine this 8MHXZpVJHNy-00099-00021750-00021922 freaking roller coaster that this dude 8MHXZpVJHNy-00100-00021923-00022247 is on his wife just gets astronomically 8MHXZpVJHNy-00101-00022248-00022564 famous on Tick Tock and all other social 8MHXZpVJHNy-00102-00022565-00022894 media just from lip syncing videos and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00103-00022895-00023230 doing weird faces like that then she 8MHXZpVJHNy-00104-00023231-00023489 gets into the music industry cheats on 8MHXZpVJHNy-00105-00023490-00023722 him with Tyga multiple times so that's 8MHXZpVJHNy-00106-00023723-00023908 all devastating and then you know she 8MHXZpVJHNy-00107-00023909-00024083 wants a divorce and everything but she 8MHXZpVJHNy-00108-00024084-00024305 didn't sign a prenup and state law in 8MHXZpVJHNy-00109-00024306-00024557 California is 50 50 if there's no prenup 8MHXZpVJHNy-00110-00024558-00024755 so this dude went from a normal marriage 8MHXZpVJHNy-00111-00024756-00024964 to his girlfriend being like an internet 8MHXZpVJHNy-00112-00024965-00025211 Superstar to her cheating on him and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00113-00025212-00025367 then now he's got like six million 8MHXZpVJHNy-00114-00025368-00025511 dollars that he could get in the bank 8MHXZpVJHNy-00115-00025512-00025972 Owen is a win boys a win is a win nice 8MHXZpVJHNy-00116-00025973-00026302 reason number 2695 social media is an 8MHXZpVJHNy-00117-00026304-00026458 incurable virus that brings out the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00118-00026460-00026627 worst in people given normal broad a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00119-00026627-00026740 little bit of money and attention and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00120-00026741-00026867 she immediately cheats on her husband 8MHXZpVJHNy-00121-00026868-00027029 with tiger for what it's worth though 8MHXZpVJHNy-00122-00027030-00027185 six million is not easy to come by 8MHXZpVJHNy-00123-00027186-00027424 chicks like Bella porch or Diamond dozen 8MHXZpVJHNy-00124-00027425-00027551 so this man just secured the most 8MHXZpVJHNy-00125-00027552-00027796 oversized W of his life yeah man people 8MHXZpVJHNy-00126-00027797-00027952 run around here man talking about they 8MHXZpVJHNy-00127-00027954-00028807 can't work 8MHXZpVJHNy-00128-00028808-00029057 yeah if people don't have no excuse 8MHXZpVJHNy-00129-00029058-00029224 after working with a man like Kim I've 8MHXZpVJHNy-00130-00029225-00029339 been working with him for over a year 8MHXZpVJHNy-00131-00029339-00029537 people ain't got no excuse why they 8MHXZpVJHNy-00132-00029538-00029827 can't do their job 8MHXZpVJHNy-00133-00029827-00030083 but you gotta pop over that Pole right 8MHXZpVJHNy-00134-00030083-00030552 there you good you get over there 8MHXZpVJHNy-00135-00030554-00030779 hey you ain't got the key to this gate 8MHXZpVJHNy-00136-00030780-00030893 over here dude 8MHXZpVJHNy-00137-00030894-00031120 yeah 8MHXZpVJHNy-00138-00031122-00031427 I was with the man I'm not handing 8MHXZpVJHNy-00139-00031427-00031577 nobody nothing on the side of the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00140-00031577-00031720 expressway talking about they they 8MHXZpVJHNy-00141-00031722-00031967 hungry they better come work with him 8MHXZpVJHNy-00142-00031968-00032927 hey Dave 8MHXZpVJHNy-00143-00032928-00033239 to be fair it's probably closer to ten 8MHXZpVJHNy-00144-00033240-00033509 dollars on average which is just what my 8MHXZpVJHNy-00145-00033510-00033695 research assistant told me I I wouldn't 8MHXZpVJHNy-00146-00033696-00034055 know it's me too you too 8MHXZpVJHNy-00147-00034056-00034301 didn't turn red yet no no I'm so sorry 8MHXZpVJHNy-00148-00034302-00034624 I'm so sorry 8MHXZpVJHNy-00149-00034625-00034846 tell me about yourself okay I'm 8MHXZpVJHNy-00150-00034847-00035015 Gabrielle 8MHXZpVJHNy-00151-00035016-00035212 get each other a chance yeah let's give 8MHXZpVJHNy-00152-00035213-00035387 each other a chance let's let's okay you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00153-00035388-00035590 want to do that I do see you as a friend 8MHXZpVJHNy-00154-00035591-00035801 though no 8MHXZpVJHNy-00155-00035802-00035987 what's your biggest Flex I don't want to 8MHXZpVJHNy-00156-00035988-00036251 sound cocky or anything but like 8MHXZpVJHNy-00157-00036252-00036587 it's pretty 8MHXZpVJHNy-00158-00036588-00036857 hey 8MHXZpVJHNy-00159-00036858-00037081 um 8MHXZpVJHNy-00160-00037082-00037285 [__] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00161-00037286-00037601 if he wants a sandwich you make Daddy a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00162-00037602-00037931 sandwich 8MHXZpVJHNy-00163-00037932-00038339 most of the time no no no no no no let 8MHXZpVJHNy-00164-00038340-00038537 me ask you this well okay let me ask you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00165-00038538-00038752 this if me and you out and somebody say 8MHXZpVJHNy-00166-00038753-00038939 something slick to you you punch him you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00167-00038940-00039185 want me to smack him in his mouth right 8MHXZpVJHNy-00168-00039186-00039412 so if I take you on a date and I say 8MHXZpVJHNy-00169-00039413-00039755 look baby we gonna go dutch no exactly 8MHXZpVJHNy-00170-00039756-00039971 if we walking up to the car and I don't 8MHXZpVJHNy-00171-00039972-00040168 open your car door what do you say open 8MHXZpVJHNy-00172-00040169-00040409 the door you better believe it no I I am 8MHXZpVJHNy-00173-00040410-00040571 with you I think so you make Daddy a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00174-00040572-00040762 sandwich 8MHXZpVJHNy-00175-00040763-00040990 all right I think relationships should 8MHXZpVJHNy-00176-00040991-00041152 be a partnership and you should treat 8MHXZpVJHNy-00177-00041153-00041424 your woman like a queen but if daddy 8MHXZpVJHNy-00178-00041425-00041795 wants a sandwich you make him a goddamn 8MHXZpVJHNy-00179-00041796-00041999 sandwich lettuce pickles mayo and hot 8MHXZpVJHNy-00180-00042000-00042245 mustard please thank you love you the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00181-00042246-00042467 man they arrested in Penfield today is 8MHXZpVJHNy-00182-00042468-00042665 the same man who has allegedly been 8MHXZpVJHNy-00183-00042666-00042851 licking girls feet at bookstores and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00184-00042852-00043085 libraries listen I'm being set up by the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00185-00043086-00043304 president of Morocco 8MHXZpVJHNy-00186-00043305-00044712 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00187-00044713-00044927 I'm not sure if that's just how kids 8MHXZpVJHNy-00188-00044928-00045149 flirt these days to be honest but if if 8MHXZpVJHNy-00189-00045150-00045352 that was me in that situation and some 8MHXZpVJHNy-00190-00045353-00045533 girl spit or drink on my face while I'm 8MHXZpVJHNy-00191-00045534-00045724 enjoying myself on the Dance Floor I I 8MHXZpVJHNy-00192-00045725-00045862 would probably have formed tackled her 8MHXZpVJHNy-00193-00045863-00046012 onto the ground she looked like she 8MHXZpVJHNy-00194-00046013-00046223 could have handled it I don't give a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00195-00046224-00046355 [__] what you like how much are they 8MHXZpVJHNy-00196-00046356-00046618 you're getting some food for your dog 8MHXZpVJHNy-00197-00046619-00046811 what the hell you think I'm getting it 8MHXZpVJHNy-00198-00046812-00047249 for my [__] zebra 8MHXZpVJHNy-00199-00047250-00047435 three strippers for life or a free pizza 8MHXZpVJHNy-00200-00047436-00047621 for Life man no one's turning down a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00201-00047622-00047923 free pizza for life 8MHXZpVJHNy-00202-00047924-00048149 and we got to eat in these streets 8MHXZpVJHNy-00203-00048150-00048424 there's one Brave young man in this room 8MHXZpVJHNy-00204-00048425-00048689 who wants to come and say what he thinks 8MHXZpVJHNy-00205-00048690-00048833 the importance of international women's 8MHXZpVJHNy-00206-00048834-00049043 day is I know there's going to be one of 8MHXZpVJHNy-00207-00049044-00050068 you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00208-00050069-00050378 thank you 8MHXZpVJHNy-00209-00050379-00050608 [Music] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00210-00050609-00051101 she really is beautiful 8MHXZpVJHNy-00211-00051102-00051532 [Applause] 8MHXZpVJHNy-00212-00051533-00051730 my man gets his shot to make a profound 8MHXZpVJHNy-00213-00051732-00051844 statement on the importance of 8MHXZpVJHNy-00214-00051845-00052013 international women's day raucous 8MHXZpVJHNy-00215-00052014-00052199 Applause says he definitely moves up on 8MHXZpVJHNy-00216-00052200-00052420 stage and then as the crowd goes silent 8MHXZpVJHNy-00217-00052421-00052691 he takes a shot with Meghan Markle I I 8MHXZpVJHNy-00218-00052691-00052829 don't blame him honestly if you're from 8MHXZpVJHNy-00219-00052829-00053075 the UK I imagine it's hard to shake the 8MHXZpVJHNy-00220-00053076-00053230 thought of clapping a pair of those 8MHXZpVJHNy-00221-00053232-00053416 Royal cheeks 8MHXZpVJHNy-00222-00053417-00053621 just not on International women's day 8MHXZpVJHNy-00223-00053622-00054041 young man thing you're insecure about 8MHXZpVJHNy-00224-00054041-00054166 um 8MHXZpVJHNy-00225-00054167-00054335 is it your lips is that the reason why 8MHXZpVJHNy-00226-00054336-00054971 you got lip fillers 8MHXZpVJHNy-00227-00054972-00055115 you can go after I finish this I don't 8MHXZpVJHNy-00228-00055116-00055300 care I just gotta finish this up Jimmy 8MHXZpVJHNy-00229-00055301-00055576 thank you baby oh my God you are so 8MHXZpVJHNy-00230-00055577-00055715 beautiful 8MHXZpVJHNy-00231-00055716-00055907 thanks 8MHXZpVJHNy-00232-00055908-00056650 hello Jimmy she is one lucky girl 8MHXZpVJHNy-00233-00056651-00056849 thank you Jimmy have you ever gotten a 8MHXZpVJHNy-00234-00056850-00057397 Snapchat from a girl no 8MHXZpVJHNy-00235-00057398-00057647 who cares about getting snaps from Girls 8MHXZpVJHNy-00236-00057648-00057815 when being able to play through the fire 8MHXZpVJHNy-00237-00057816-00058030 and flames on Expert difficulty is 10 8MHXZpVJHNy-00238-00058032-00058216 times better than sex anyway I'd be more 8MHXZpVJHNy-00239-00058217-00058349 impressed if he was playing on Guitar 8MHXZpVJHNy-00240-00058350-00058559 Hero but Beggars can't be choosers and 8MHXZpVJHNy-00241-00058560-00058744 it still made my loins moist anyways 8MHXZpVJHNy-00242-00058745-00059036 I'll see you in the next one 8N7IA38BjKQ-00000-00000017-00000224 the concept of the supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00001-00000225-00000371 encompasses anything that is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00002-00000372-00000578 inexplicable by scientific understanding 8N7IA38BjKQ-00003-00000579-00000719 of the laws of nature but nevertheless 8N7IA38BjKQ-00004-00000720-00000922 argued by believers to exist 8N7IA38BjKQ-00005-00000923-00001174 examples include immaterial beings such 8N7IA38BjKQ-00006-00001175-00001375 as angels gods and spirits and claim 8N7IA38BjKQ-00007-00001376-00001598 human abilities like magic telekinesis 8N7IA38BjKQ-00008-00001599-00001889 and extrasensory perception historically 8N7IA38BjKQ-00009-00001889-00002087 supernatural entities have been invoked 8N7IA38BjKQ-00010-00002088-00002267 to explain phenomena as diverse as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00011-00002268-00002484 lightning seasons and the human senses 8N7IA38BjKQ-00012-00002485-00002699 natural ists maintain that nothing 8N7IA38BjKQ-00013-00002700-00002858 beyond the physical world exists in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00014-00002859-00003032 hence maintains skeptical attitudes 8N7IA38BjKQ-00015-00003033-00003220 towards supernatural concepts the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00016-00003221-00003415 supernatural is featured in paranormal 8N7IA38BjKQ-00017-00003417-00003611 occult and religious contexts but can 8N7IA38BjKQ-00018-00003611-00003803 also feature as an explanation in more 8N7IA38BjKQ-00019-00003804-00004529 secular contexts topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00020-00004530-00005117 etymology occurring is both an adjective 8N7IA38BjKQ-00021-00005118-00005174 and a noun 8N7IA38BjKQ-00022-00005175-00005318 descendants of the modern English 8N7IA38BjKQ-00023-00005319-00005474 compound supernatural enters the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00024-00005475-00005663 language from two sources via middle 8N7IA38BjKQ-00025-00005664-00005854 French supernatural and directly from 8N7IA38BjKQ-00026-00005855-00006017 the Middle French's terms ancestor 8N7IA38BjKQ-00027-00006018-00006222 post-classical Latin supernaturalists 8N7IA38BjKQ-00028-00006223-00006475 post classical Latin supernaturalists 8N7IA38BjKQ-00029-00006476-00006689 first occurs in the 6th century composed 8N7IA38BjKQ-00030-00006690-00006884 of the Latin prefix super and naturalist 8N7IA38BjKQ-00031-00006884-00007135 see nature the earliest known appearance 8N7IA38BjKQ-00032-00007136-00007256 of the word in the English language 8N7IA38BjKQ-00033-00007256-00007484 occurs in a middle English translation 8N7IA38BjKQ-00034-00007484-00007681 of Catherine of Siena's dialogue orchard 8N7IA38BjKQ-00035-00007683-00007948 of sign around 1425 hey how are not a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00036-00007950-00008117 nice super natural litany elite of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00037-00008118-00008303 cunning by cause avian destined and it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00038-00008304-00008485 not the semantic value of the term has 8N7IA38BjKQ-00039-00008486-00008680 shifted over the history of its use 8N7IA38BjKQ-00040-00008681-00008921 originally the term referred exclusively 8N7IA38BjKQ-00041-00008922-00009067 to Christian understandings of the world 8N7IA38BjKQ-00042-00009068-00009341 for example as an adjective the term can 8N7IA38BjKQ-00043-00009342-00009530 mean belonging to a realm or system that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00044-00009531-00009710 transcends nature as that of divine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00045-00009711-00009946 magical or ghostly beings attributed to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00046-00009947-00010109 or fought to reveal some force beyond 8N7IA38BjKQ-00047-00010110-00010310 scientific understanding or the laws of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00048-00010311-00010523 nature occult paranormal or more than 8N7IA38BjKQ-00049-00010524-00010670 what is natural or ordinary are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00050-00010671-00010835 naturally or extraordinarily great 8N7IA38BjKQ-00051-00010836-00011126 abnormal extraordinary obsolete uses 8N7IA38BjKQ-00052-00011127-00011327 include of relating to or dealing with 8N7IA38BjKQ-00053-00011328-00011596 metaphysics as a noun the term can mean 8N7IA38BjKQ-00054-00011597-00011788 a supernatural being with a particularly 8N7IA38BjKQ-00055-00011789-00011992 strong history of employment in relation 8N7IA38BjKQ-00056-00011993-00012163 to entities from the mythologies of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00057-00012164-00012946 indigenous peoples of the Americas topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00058-00012947-00013076 epistemology in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00059-00013077-00013658 physics the metaphysical considerations 8N7IA38BjKQ-00060-00013659-00013838 of the existence of the supernatural can 8N7IA38BjKQ-00061-00013838-00014006 be difficult to approach as an exercise 8N7IA38BjKQ-00062-00014007-00014216 in philosophy or theology because any 8N7IA38BjKQ-00063-00014216-00014405 dependencies on its antithesis the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00064-00014406-00014558 natural will ultimately have to be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00065-00014559-00014855 inverted or rejected one complicating 8N7IA38BjKQ-00066-00014856-00014990 factor is that there is disagreement 8N7IA38BjKQ-00067-00014991-00015260 about the definition of natural and the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00068-00015261-00015476 limits of naturalism concepts in the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00069-00015477-00015629 supernatural domain are closely related 8N7IA38BjKQ-00070-00015630-00015860 to concepts in religious spirituality 8N7IA38BjKQ-00071-00015861-00016138 and ocultism or spiritualism for 8N7IA38BjKQ-00072-00016140-00016316 sometimes we use the word nature for 8N7IA38BjKQ-00073-00016316-00016466 that author of nature whom the school 8N7IA38BjKQ-00074-00016467-00016685 men harshly enough call michurin a trans 8N7IA38BjKQ-00075-00016686-00016862 as when it is said that nature hath made 8N7IA38BjKQ-00076-00016863-00017042 man partly corporeal and partly 8N7IA38BjKQ-00077-00017043-00017116 immaterial 8N7IA38BjKQ-00078-00017117-00017342 sometimes we mean by the nature of a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00079-00017343-00017495 thing the essence or that which the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00080-00017496-00017639 school men scruple not to call the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00081-00017640-00017843 quiddity of a thing namely the attribute 8N7IA38BjKQ-00082-00017844-00018020 or attributes on whose core it is what 8N7IA38BjKQ-00083-00018021-00018194 it is whether the thing be corporeal or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00084-00018195-00018356 not as when we attempt to define the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00085-00018357-00018542 nature of an angle or of a triangle or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00086-00018543-00018836 ever fluid body as such sometimes we 8N7IA38BjKQ-00087-00018837-00019025 take nature for an internal principle of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00088-00019026-00019217 motion as when we say that a stone let 8N7IA38BjKQ-00089-00019218-00019400 fall in the air is by nature carried 8N7IA38BjKQ-00090-00019401-00019562 towards the centre of the earth and on 8N7IA38BjKQ-00091-00019563-00019760 the contrary that fire or flame does 8N7IA38BjKQ-00092-00019761-00019957 naturally move upwards toward firmament 8N7IA38BjKQ-00093-00019958-00020204 sometimes we understand by nature the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00094-00020205-00020384 established course of things as when we 8N7IA38BjKQ-00095-00020385-00020552 say that nature makes the night succeed 8N7IA38BjKQ-00096-00020553-00020747 the day nature hath made respiration 8N7IA38BjKQ-00097-00020748-00021011 necessary to the life of men sometimes 8N7IA38BjKQ-00098-00021012-00021167 we take nature for an aggregate of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00099-00021168-00021368 powers belonging to a body especially a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00100-00021369-00021557 living one as when physicians say that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00101-00021558-00021740 nature is strong or weak or spent or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00102-00021741-00021923 that in such or such diseases Nature 8N7IA38BjKQ-00103-00021924-00022096 left to herself will do the cure 8N7IA38BjKQ-00104-00022097-00022304 sometimes we take nature for the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00105-00022305-00022490 universe or system of the corporeal 8N7IA38BjKQ-00106-00022491-00022655 works of God as when it is said of a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00107-00022656-00022859 Phoenix or a chimera that there is no 8N7IA38BjKQ-00108-00022860-00023086 such thing in nature ie in the world and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00109-00023087-00023348 sometimes too and that most commonly we 8N7IA38BjKQ-00110-00023349-00023552 would express by nature a semi deity or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00111-00023553-00023747 other strange kind of being such as this 8N7IA38BjKQ-00112-00023748-00023924 discourse examines the notion of and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00113-00023925-00024107 besides these more absolute exceptions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00114-00024108-00024323 if I may so call them of the word nature 8N7IA38BjKQ-00115-00024324-00024515 it has divers others more relative as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00116-00024516-00024677 nature is one to be said or in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00117-00024678-00024839 opposition or contra distinction to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00118-00024840-00025019 other things as when we say of a stone 8N7IA38BjKQ-00119-00025020-00025184 when it falls downwards that it does it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00120-00025185-00025358 by a natural motion but that if it be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00121-00025359-00025519 thrown upwards its motion that way is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00122-00025520-00025793 violent so chemists distinguish vitriol 8N7IA38BjKQ-00123-00025794-00025988 into natural and fictitious or made by 8N7IA38BjKQ-00124-00025989-00026183 our ie by the intervention of human 8N7IA38BjKQ-00125-00026183-00026365 power or skill so it is said that water 8N7IA38BjKQ-00126-00026366-00026437 kept 8N7IA38BjKQ-00127-00026438-00026614 bended in a sucking pump is not in its 8N7IA38BjKQ-00128-00026615-00026773 natural place as that is which is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00129-00026774-00027011 stagnant in the well we say also that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00130-00027012-00027167 wicked men are still in the state of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00131-00027168-00027346 nature but the regenerate in a state of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00132-00027347-00027530 grace that cures wrought by medicines 8N7IA38BjKQ-00133-00027531-00027680 and natural operations but the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00134-00027681-00027854 miraculous ones wrought by Christ and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00135-00027855-00028143 His apostles were supernatural the term 8N7IA38BjKQ-00136-00028144-00028355 supernatural is often used 8N7IA38BjKQ-00137-00028356-00028532 interchangeably with paranormal or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00138-00028533-00028726 preternatural the latter typically 8N7IA38BjKQ-00139-00028727-00028889 limited to an adjective for describing 8N7IA38BjKQ-00140-00028889-00029062 abilities which appear to exceed what is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00141-00029063-00029212 possible within the boundaries of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00142-00029213-00029492 laws of physics epistemological II the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00143-00029493-00029662 relationship between the supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00144-00029663-00029827 and the natural is interesting in terms 8N7IA38BjKQ-00145-00029828-00030055 of natural phenomena that X hypothesize 8N7IA38BjKQ-00146-00030056-00030265 violate the laws of nature insofar as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00147-00030266-00030561 such laws are realistically accountable 8N7IA38BjKQ-00148-00030562-00030761 parapsychologists use the term cite to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00149-00030762-00030932 refer to an assumed unitary force 8N7IA38BjKQ-00150-00030933-00031208 underlying the phenomena they study size 8N7IA38BjKQ-00151-00031208-00031424 defined in the Journal of parapsychology 8N7IA38BjKQ-00152-00031425-00031679 as personal factors or processes in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00153-00031680-00032035 nature which transcend accepted laws 8N7IA38BjKQ-00154-00032036-00032423 1948 - 311 and which are non physical in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00155-00032424-00032908 nature 1962 - 310 and it is used to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00156-00032909-00033145 cover both extrasensory perception ESP 8N7IA38BjKQ-00157-00033146-00033376 and awareness of or response to an 8N7IA38BjKQ-00158-00033377-00033565 external event or influence not 8N7IA38BjKQ-00159-00033566-00034126 apprehended by sensory means 1962 - 309 8N7IA38BjKQ-00160-00034127-00034312 or inferred from sensory knowledge and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00161-00034313-00034558 psychokinesis pique the direct influence 8N7IA38BjKQ-00162-00034559-00034777 exerted on a physical system by a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00163-00034778-00034987 subject without any known intermediate 8N7IA38BjKQ-00164-00034988-00035571 energy or instrumentation 1945 to 305 8N7IA38BjKQ-00165-00035572-00035801 many supporters of supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00166-00035802-00036007 explanations believe that past present 8N7IA38BjKQ-00167-00036008-00036196 and future complexities and mysteries of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00168-00036197-00036370 the universe cannot be explained solely 8N7IA38BjKQ-00169-00036371-00036568 by naturalistic means and argue that it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00170-00036569-00036698 is reasonable to assume that a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00171-00036699-00036895 non-natural entity or entities resolve 8N7IA38BjKQ-00172-00036896-00037132 the unexplained views on the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00173-00037133-00037438 supernatural vary for example it may be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00174-00037439-00037811 seen as indistinct from nature from this 8N7IA38BjKQ-00175-00037812-00037985 perspective some events occur according 8N7IA38BjKQ-00176-00037986-00038176 to the laws of nature and others occur 8N7IA38BjKQ-00177-00038177-00038299 according to a separate set of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00178-00038300-00038582 principles external to known nature for 8N7IA38BjKQ-00179-00038583-00038792 example in scholasticism it was believed 8N7IA38BjKQ-00180-00038793-00038957 that God was capable of performing any 8N7IA38BjKQ-00181-00038958-00039136 miracles so long as it didn't lead to a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00182-00039137-00039386 logical contradiction some religions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00183-00039387-00039625 positive deities however and do not have 8N7IA38BjKQ-00184-00039626-00039749 a tradition analogous to the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00185-00039750-00039823 supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00186-00039824-00039964 some believe that everything anyone 8N7IA38BjKQ-00187-00039965-00040126 experiences occurs by the will 8N7IA38BjKQ-00188-00040127-00040282 occasional ISM in the mind 8N7IA38BjKQ-00189-00040283-00040522 neoplatonism or as apart non-dualism of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00190-00040523-00040669 a more fundamental divine reality 8N7IA38BjKQ-00191-00040670-00041062 Platonism incorrect human attribution in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00192-00041063-00041266 this view all events have natural and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00193-00041267-00041482 only natural causes they believe that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00194-00041483-00041659 human beings ascribe supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00195-00041660-00041872 attributes to purely natural events such 8N7IA38BjKQ-00196-00041873-00041929 as lightning 8N7IA38BjKQ-00197-00041930-00042657 rainbows floods and the origin of life 8N7IA38BjKQ-00198-00042658-00043333 topic history of the concept dialogues 8N7IA38BjKQ-00199-00043334-00043528 from Neoplatonic philosophy in the 3rd 8N7IA38BjKQ-00200-00043529-00043735 century AD contributed the development 8N7IA38BjKQ-00201-00043736-00043894 of the concept the supernatural via 8N7IA38BjKQ-00202-00043895-00044076 Christian theology in later centuries 8N7IA38BjKQ-00203-00044077-00044317 the term nature had existed since 8N7IA38BjKQ-00204-00044318-00044479 antiquity with Latin authors like 8N7IA38BjKQ-00205-00044480-00044629 Augustine using the word and its 8N7IA38BjKQ-00206-00044630-00044845 cognates at least 600 times in city of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00207-00044846-00045202 God in the medieval period nature had 8N7IA38BjKQ-00208-00045203-00045457 ten different meanings and natural had 8N7IA38BjKQ-00209-00045458-00045667 eleven different meanings peter lombard 8N7IA38BjKQ-00210-00045668-00045841 a medieval scholastic in the 12th 8N7IA38BjKQ-00211-00045842-00046015 century asked about causes that are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00212-00046016-00046168 beyond nature in that how there could be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00213-00046169-00046429 causes that were gods alone he used the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00214-00046430-00046648 term praetor natural in his writings in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00215-00046649-00046816 the scholastic period thomas aquinas 8N7IA38BjKQ-00216-00046817-00047005 classified miracles into three 8N7IA38BjKQ-00217-00047006-00047305 categories above nature beyond nature 8N7IA38BjKQ-00218-00047306-00047551 and against nature 8N7IA38BjKQ-00219-00047552-00047791 in doing so he sharpened the distinction 8N7IA38BjKQ-00220-00047792-00047968 between nature and miracles more than 8N7IA38BjKQ-00221-00047969-00048208 the early church fathers had done as a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00222-00048209-00048406 result he had created a dichotomy of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00223-00048407-00048561 sorts of the natural and supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00224-00048562-00048823 though the phrase supernatural was used 8N7IA38BjKQ-00225-00048824-00049024 since the fourth century AD it was in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00226-00049025-00049237 the 1200s that thomas aquinas used the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00227-00049238-00049537 term supernaturalists however this term 8N7IA38BjKQ-00228-00049538-00049669 had to wait until the end of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00229-00049670-00049835 medieval period for it become more 8N7IA38BjKQ-00230-00049836-00050161 popularly used the discussions on nature 8N7IA38BjKQ-00231-00050162-00050404 from the Scholastic period were diverse 8N7IA38BjKQ-00232-00050405-00050585 and unsettled with some postulating that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00233-00050586-00050731 even miracles are natural and that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00234-00050732-00050908 natural magic was a natural part of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00235-00050909-00052849 world topic religion topic deity a deity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00236-00052850-00053072 listen or listen is a supernatural being 8N7IA38BjKQ-00237-00053073-00053225 considered divine or sacred 8N7IA38BjKQ-00238-00053226-00053467 the Oxford Dictionary of English defines 8N7IA38BjKQ-00239-00053469-00053660 de ideas a god or goddess 8N7IA38BjKQ-00240-00053661-00053936 in a polytheistic religion or anything 8N7IA38BjKQ-00241-00053937-00054188 revered as divine see Scott Littleton 8N7IA38BjKQ-00242-00054189-00054410 defines a day ideas a being with power 8N7IA38BjKQ-00243-00054411-00054616 is greater than those of ordinary humans 8N7IA38BjKQ-00244-00054617-00054860 but who interacts with humans positively 8N7IA38BjKQ-00245-00054861-00055100 or negatively in ways that carry humans 8N7IA38BjKQ-00246-00055101-00055304 to new levels of consciousness beyond 8N7IA38BjKQ-00247-00055304-00055504 the grounded preoccupations of ordinary 8N7IA38BjKQ-00248-00055505-00055804 life a male deity is a god while a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00249-00055805-00056135 female deity is a goddess religions can 8N7IA38BjKQ-00250-00056136-00056324 be categorised by how many deities they 8N7IA38BjKQ-00251-00056325-00056561 worship monotheistic religions accept 8N7IA38BjKQ-00252-00056562-00056771 only one deity predominantly referred to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00253-00056772-00056966 as God polytheistic religions accept 8N7IA38BjKQ-00254-00056966-00057251 multiple deities hena theistic religions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00255-00057252-00057466 accept one supreme deity without denying 8N7IA38BjKQ-00256-00057467-00057629 other deities considering them as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00257-00057629-00057800 equivalent aspects of the same divine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00258-00057801-00057977 principle and maan theistic religions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00259-00057978-00058178 deny any supreme eternal creator deity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00260-00058179-00058379 but accept a pantheon of deities which 8N7IA38BjKQ-00261-00058379-00058567 live die and are reborn just like any 8N7IA38BjKQ-00262-00058569-00058727 other beam various cultures have 8N7IA38BjKQ-00263-00058728-00058913 conceptualized a deity differently than 8N7IA38BjKQ-00264-00058914-00059186 a monotheistic God a deity need not be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00265-00059187-00059348 omnipotent omnipresent omniscient 8N7IA38BjKQ-00266-00059349-00059530 omni-benevolent or eternal the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00267-00059532-00059744 monotheistic God however does have these 8N7IA38BjKQ-00268-00059745-00060002 attributes monotheistic religions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00269-00060003-00060164 typically refer to God in masculine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00270-00060165-00060365 terms while other religions refer to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00271-00060366-00060524 their deities in a variety of ways 8N7IA38BjKQ-00272-00060525-00060740 masculine feminine androgynous and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00273-00060741-00060935 gender-neutral historically many ancient 8N7IA38BjKQ-00274-00060936-00061124 cultures such as ancient Egyptian 8N7IA38BjKQ-00275-00061125-00061330 ancient Greek ancient Roman Nordic and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00276-00061332-00061514 Asian culture personified natural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00277-00061515-00061691 phenomena variously as either their 8N7IA38BjKQ-00278-00061691-00061883 conscious causes or simply their effects 8N7IA38BjKQ-00279-00061884-00062147 respectively some Everstone and Vedic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00280-00062148-00062329 deities were viewed as ethical concepts 8N7IA38BjKQ-00281-00062330-00062549 in Indian religions deities have been 8N7IA38BjKQ-00282-00062550-00062716 envisioned as manifesting within the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00283-00062717-00062891 temple of every living beings body as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00284-00062891-00063182 sensory organs in mind deities have also 8N7IA38BjKQ-00285-00063183-00063371 been envisioned as a form of existence 8N7IA38BjKQ-00286-00063372-00063608 samsara after rebirth for human beings 8N7IA38BjKQ-00287-00063609-00063764 who gain merit through an ethical life 8N7IA38BjKQ-00288-00063765-00063947 where they become Guardian deities and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00289-00063948-00064100 live blissfully in Heaven but are also 8N7IA38BjKQ-00290-00064101-00064283 subject to death when their merit runs 8N7IA38BjKQ-00291-00064284-00065426 out topic angel an angel is generally a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00292-00065427-00065600 supernatural being found in various 8N7IA38BjKQ-00293-00065601-00065873 religions and mythologies in Abrahamic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00294-00065874-00066086 religions and Zoroastrianism angels are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00295-00066087-00066269 often depicted as benevolent celestial 8N7IA38BjKQ-00296-00066270-00066434 beings who act as intermediaries between 8N7IA38BjKQ-00297-00066435-00066595 God or heaven and earth 8N7IA38BjKQ-00298-00066596-00066841 other roles of angels include protecting 8N7IA38BjKQ-00299-00066842-00067024 and guiding human beings and carrying 8N7IA38BjKQ-00300-00067025-00067276 out God's tasks within Abrahamic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00301-00067277-00067456 religions angels are often organized 8N7IA38BjKQ-00302-00067457-00067666 into hierarchies although such rankings 8N7IA38BjKQ-00303-00067667-00067861 may vary between sects in each religion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00304-00067862-00068038 and are given specific names or titles 8N7IA38BjKQ-00305-00068039-00068296 such as Gabrielle or destroying angel 8N7IA38BjKQ-00306-00068297-00068650 the term angel has also been expanded to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00307-00068651-00068838 various notions of spirits or figures 8N7IA38BjKQ-00308-00068839-00069076 found in other religious traditions the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00309-00069077-00069280 theological study of angels is known as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00310-00069281-00069715 Angela ji in fine art angels are usually 8N7IA38BjKQ-00311-00069716-00069868 depicted as having the shape of human 8N7IA38BjKQ-00312-00069869-00070057 beings of extraordinary beauty they are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00313-00070058-00070240 often identified using the symbols of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00314-00070241-00070987 bird wings halos and light topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00315-00070988-00071599 prophecy prophecy involves a process in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00316-00071600-00071773 which one or more messages are allegedly 8N7IA38BjKQ-00317-00071774-00072055 communicated by a God to a prophet such 8N7IA38BjKQ-00318-00072056-00072247 messages typically involve inspiration 8N7IA38BjKQ-00319-00072248-00072460 interpretation or revelation of divine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00320-00072461-00072625 will concerning the prophets social 8N7IA38BjKQ-00321-00072626-00072807 world and events to come compare divine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00322-00072808-00073069 knowledge prophecy is not limited to any 8N7IA38BjKQ-00323-00073070-00073315 one culture it is a common property to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00324-00073316-00073489 all known ancient societies around the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00325-00073490-00073768 world some more than others many systems 8N7IA38BjKQ-00326-00073769-00073932 and rules about prophecy have been 8N7IA38BjKQ-00327-00073933-00074665 proposed over several millennia topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00328-00074666-00075189 revelation in religion and theology 8N7IA38BjKQ-00329-00075190-00075376 revelation is the revealing or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00330-00075377-00075547 disclosing of some form of truth or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00331-00075548-00075700 knowledge through communication with a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00332-00075701-00075901 deity or other supernatural entity or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00333-00075902-00076189 entities some religions have religious 8N7IA38BjKQ-00334-00076190-00076360 texts which they view as divinely or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00335-00076361-00076636 supernaturally revealed or inspired for 8N7IA38BjKQ-00336-00076637-00076846 instance Orthodox Jews Christians and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00337-00076847-00076987 Muslims believe that the Torah was 8N7IA38BjKQ-00338-00076988-00077181 received from Yahweh on Biblical Mount 8N7IA38BjKQ-00339-00077182-00077449 Sinai most Christians believe that both 8N7IA38BjKQ-00340-00077450-00077578 the Old Testament and the New Testament 8N7IA38BjKQ-00341-00077579-00077881 were inspired by God Muslims believe the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00342-00077882-00078085 Quran was revealed by God to Muhammad 8N7IA38BjKQ-00343-00078086-00078271 word by word through the angel Gabriel 8N7IA38BjKQ-00344-00078272-00078531 Jibril in Hinduism some Venis are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00345-00078532-00078744 considered are parousia not human 8N7IA38BjKQ-00346-00078745-00078967 compositions and are supposed to have 8N7IA38BjKQ-00347-00078968-00079126 been directly revealed and thus are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00348-00079127-00079453 called sruthi what is heard the 15,000 8N7IA38BjKQ-00349-00079454-00079644 handwritten pages produced by the mystic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00350-00079645-00079822 maria valtorta were represented as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00351-00079823-00079975 direct dictations from Jesus 8N7IA38BjKQ-00352-00079976-00080146 while she attributed the book of Azariah 8N7IA38BjKQ-00353-00080147-00080400 to her guardian angel Aleister Crowley 8N7IA38BjKQ-00354-00080401-00080578 stated that the book of the law had been 8N7IA38BjKQ-00355-00080579-00080731 revealed to him through a higher being 8N7IA38BjKQ-00356-00080732-00081016 that called itself I was a revelation 8N7IA38BjKQ-00357-00081017-00081205 communicated by a supernatural entity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00358-00081206-00081381 reported as being present during the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00359-00081382-00081606 event is called a vision direct 8N7IA38BjKQ-00360-00081607-00081793 conversations between the recipient and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00361-00081794-00081973 the supernatural entity or physical 8N7IA38BjKQ-00362-00081974-00082141 marks such as stigmata have been 8N7IA38BjKQ-00363-00082142-00082411 reported in rare cases such as that of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00364-00082412-00082624 Saint Juan Diego physical artifacts 8N7IA38BjKQ-00365-00082625-00082851 accompany the revelation the Roman 8N7IA38BjKQ-00366-00082852-00083043 Catholic concept of interior locution 8N7IA38BjKQ-00367-00083044-00083218 includes just an inner voice heard by 8N7IA38BjKQ-00368-00083219-00083506 the recipient in the Abrahamic religions 8N7IA38BjKQ-00369-00083507-00083710 the term is used to refer to the process 8N7IA38BjKQ-00370-00083711-00083860 by which God reveals knowledge of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00371-00083861-00084025 himself his will and his divine 8N7IA38BjKQ-00372-00084026-00084205 providence to the world of human beings 8N7IA38BjKQ-00373-00084206-00084499 in secondary usage revelation refers to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00374-00084500-00084687 the resulting human knowledge about God 8N7IA38BjKQ-00375-00084688-00084909 prophecy and other divine things 8N7IA38BjKQ-00376-00084910-00085119 revelation from a supernatural source 8N7IA38BjKQ-00377-00085120-00085306 plays a less important role in some 8N7IA38BjKQ-00378-00085307-00085456 other religious traditions such as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00379-00085457-00086212 Buddhism Confucianism and Taoism topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00380-00086213-00086805 reincarnation reincarnation is the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00381-00086806-00086992 philosophical or religious concept that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00382-00086993-00087180 an aspect of a living being starts a new 8N7IA38BjKQ-00383-00087181-00087351 life in a different physical body or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00384-00087352-00087622 form after each biological death it is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00385-00087623-00087825 also called rebirth or transmigration 8N7IA38BjKQ-00386-00087826-00088036 and is a part of the samsara doctrine of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00387-00088037-00088303 cyclic existence it is a central tenet 8N7IA38BjKQ-00388-00088304-00088498 of all major Indian religions namely 8N7IA38BjKQ-00389-00088499-00088716 Jainism Hinduism Buddhism and Sikhism 8N7IA38BjKQ-00390-00088717-00089007 the idea of reincarnation is found in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00391-00089008-00089193 many ancient cultures and a belief in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00392-00089194-00089232 rebirth 8N7IA38BjKQ-00393-00089233-00089418 metempsychosis was held by Greek 8N7IA38BjKQ-00394-00089419-00089607 historic figures such as Pythagoras 8N7IA38BjKQ-00395-00089608-00089913 Socrates and Plato it is also a common 8N7IA38BjKQ-00396-00089914-00090067 belief of various ancient and modern 8N7IA38BjKQ-00397-00090068-00090286 religions such as spiritism theosophy 8N7IA38BjKQ-00398-00090287-00090493 and Eckankar and as an esoteric belief 8N7IA38BjKQ-00399-00090494-00090775 in many streams of Orthodox Judaism it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00400-00090776-00090922 is found as well in many tribal 8N7IA38BjKQ-00401-00090923-00091129 societies around the world in places 8N7IA38BjKQ-00402-00091130-00091375 such as Australia East Asia Siberia and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00403-00091376-00091575 South America although the majority of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00404-00091576-00091753 denominations within Christianity and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00405-00091754-00091924 Islam do not believe that individuals 8N7IA38BjKQ-00406-00091925-00092104 are incarnate particular groups within 8N7IA38BjKQ-00407-00092105-00092218 these religions do refer to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00408-00092219-00092425 reincarnation these groups include the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00409-00092426-00092560 mainstream historical and contemporary 8N7IA38BjKQ-00410-00092561-00092812 followers of Cathars Alouettes the Druze 8N7IA38BjKQ-00411-00092813-00093073 and the Rosicrucians the historical 8N7IA38BjKQ-00412-00093074-00093229 relations between these sects and the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00413-00093230-00093351 beliefs about reincarnate 8N7IA38BjKQ-00414-00093352-00093565 that were characteristic of Neoplatonism 8N7IA38BjKQ-00415-00093566-00093798 offers imper Metis ism manikin ISM and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00416-00093799-00093985 Gnosticism of the Roman era as well as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00417-00093986-00094119 the Indian religions have been the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00418-00094120-00094317 subject of recent scholarly research 8N7IA38BjKQ-00419-00094318-00094555 unity church and it's found that Charles 8N7IA38BjKQ-00420-00094556-00094818 Fillmore teachers reincarnation in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00421-00094819-00095049 recent decades many Europeans and North 8N7IA38BjKQ-00422-00095050-00095229 Americans have developed an interest in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00423-00095230-00095412 reincarnation and many contemporary 8N7IA38BjKQ-00424-00095413-00096496 works mention it topic karma karma 8N7IA38BjKQ-00425-00096497-00096813 Sanskrit Karma translate karma IPA CEM 8N7IA38BjKQ-00426-00096814-00096906 listen pally 8N7IA38BjKQ-00427-00096907-00097137 cama means action work or deed it also 8N7IA38BjKQ-00428-00097138-00097321 refers to the spiritual principle of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00429-00097322-00097471 cause and effect where intent and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00430-00097472-00097674 actions of an individual cause influence 8N7IA38BjKQ-00431-00097675-00097836 the future of that individual affect 8N7IA38BjKQ-00432-00097837-00098094 good intent and good deeds contribute to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00433-00098095-00098280 good karma and future happiness while 8N7IA38BjKQ-00434-00098281-00098475 bad intent and bad deeds contribute to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00435-00098476-00098653 bad karma and future suffering with 8N7IA38BjKQ-00436-00098654-00098817 origins in ancient India's Vedic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00437-00098818-00099030 civilization the philosophy of karma is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00438-00099031-00099207 closely associated with the idea of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00439-00099208-00099391 rebirth in many schools of Indian 8N7IA38BjKQ-00440-00099392-00099576 religions particularly Hinduism Buddhism 8N7IA38BjKQ-00441-00099577-00099900 Jainism and Sikhism as well as talam in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00442-00099901-00100084 these schools karma in the present 8N7IA38BjKQ-00443-00100085-00100254 affects one's future in the current life 8N7IA38BjKQ-00444-00100255-00100429 as well as the nature and quality of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00445-00100430-00101179 future lives once samsara topic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00446-00101180-00101769 Christian theology in Catholic theology 8N7IA38BjKQ-00447-00101770-00101971 the supernatural order is according to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00448-00101972-00102211 new Advent definers the ensemble of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00449-00102212-00102381 effects exceeding the powers of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00450-00102382-00102574 created universe and gratuitously 8N7IA38BjKQ-00451-00102575-00102765 produced by God for the purpose of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00452-00102766-00102954 raising the rational creature above its 8N7IA38BjKQ-00453-00102955-00103161 native sphere to a god-like life and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00454-00103163-00103447 destiny the modern Catholic dictionary 8N7IA38BjKQ-00455-00103448-00103641 defines it as the sum total of heavenly 8N7IA38BjKQ-00456-00103642-00103788 destiny and all the divinely established 8N7IA38BjKQ-00457-00103789-00103983 means of reaching that destiny which 8N7IA38BjKQ-00458-00103984-00104125 surpasses the mere powers and capacities 8N7IA38BjKQ-00459-00104126-00105276 of human nature topic process theology 8N7IA38BjKQ-00460-00105277-00105504 process theology is a school of thought 8N7IA38BjKQ-00461-00105505-00105708 influenced by the metaphysical process 8N7IA38BjKQ-00462-00105709-00105890 philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead 8N7IA38BjKQ-00463-00105891-00106209 1861 to 1947 and further developed by 8N7IA38BjKQ-00464-00106210-00106608 Charles Hart's horn 1897 to 2000 it is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00465-00106609-00106744 not possible in prose 8N7IA38BjKQ-00466-00106745-00106933 metaphysics to conceive divine activity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00467-00106933-00107235 as a supernatural intervention into the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00468-00107236-00107559 natural order of events process theists 8N7IA38BjKQ-00469-00107560-00107712 usually regard the distinction between 8N7IA38BjKQ-00470-00107713-00107883 the supernatural and the natural as a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00471-00107884-00108033 by-product of the doctrine of creation 8N7IA38BjKQ-00472-00108034-00108325 acts Nayla in process thought there is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00473-00108326-00108493 no such thing as a realm of the natural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00474-00108494-00108625 in contrast to that which is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00475-00108626-00108909 supernatural on the other hand if the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00476-00108910-00109134 natural is defined more neutrally as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00477-00109135-00109410 what is in the nature of things then 8N7IA38BjKQ-00478-00109411-00109608 process metaphysics characterizes the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00479-00109609-00109776 natural as the creative activity of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00480-00109777-00110074 actual entities in whiteheads words it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00481-00110075-00110262 lies in the nature of things that the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00482-00110263-00110593 many enter into complex unity whitehead 8N7IA38BjKQ-00483-00110594-00110916 1978 21 it is tempting to emphasize 8N7IA38BjKQ-00484-00110917-00111084 process theorems denial of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00485-00111085-00111250 supernatural and thereby a highlight 8N7IA38BjKQ-00486-00111251-00111408 that the processed God cannot do in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00487-00111409-00111568 comparison what the traditional God 8N7IA38BjKQ-00488-00111569-00111745 could do that is to bring something from 8N7IA38BjKQ-00489-00111746-00112035 nothing in fairness however equal stress 8N7IA38BjKQ-00490-00112036-00112203 should be placed on processed theorems 8N7IA38BjKQ-00491-00112204-00112389 denial of the natural as traditionally 8N7IA38BjKQ-00492-00112390-00112566 conceived so that one may highlight what 8N7IA38BjKQ-00493-00112567-00112744 the creatures cannot do in traditional 8N7IA38BjKQ-00494-00112745-00112935 theism in comparison to what they can do 8N7IA38BjKQ-00495-00112936-00113127 in process metaphysics that is to be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00496-00113128-00113793 part creators of the world with God 8N7IA38BjKQ-00497-00113794-00114450 topic spirit a spirit is a supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00498-00114451-00114639 being often but not exclusively a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00499-00114640-00114828 non-physical entity such as a ghost 8N7IA38BjKQ-00500-00114829-00115137 fairy or angel the concepts of a person 8N7IA38BjKQ-00501-00115138-00115341 spirit and soul often also overlap as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00502-00115342-00115531 both are either contrasted with or given 8N7IA38BjKQ-00503-00115532-00115713 ontological priority over the body and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00504-00115714-00115878 both are believed to survive bodily 8N7IA38BjKQ-00505-00115879-00116158 death in some religions and spirit can 8N7IA38BjKQ-00506-00116158-00116409 also have the sense of ghosts ie a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00507-00116410-00116577 manifestation of the spirit of a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00508-00116578-00116833 deceased person in English Bibles the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00509-00116833-00117175 spirit with a capital S specifically 8N7IA38BjKQ-00510-00117176-00117477 denotes the Holy Spirit spirit is often 8N7IA38BjKQ-00511-00117478-00117639 used metaphysically to refer to the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00512-00117640-00117839 consciousness or personality 8N7IA38BjKQ-00513-00117840-00118089 historically it was also used to refer 8N7IA38BjKQ-00514-00118090-00118512 to a subtle as opposed to gross material 8N7IA38BjKQ-00515-00118513-00118672 substance as in the famous last 8N7IA38BjKQ-00516-00118673-00118849 paragraph of Sir Isaac Newton's 8N7IA38BjKQ-00517-00118850-00119799 Principia Mathematica topic demon 8N7IA38BjKQ-00518-00119800-00120195 a demon from Koine Greek Dominion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00519-00120196-00120378 Dominion is a supernatural and often 8N7IA38BjKQ-00520-00120379-00120552 malevolent being prevalent in religion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00521-00120553-00120795 occultism literature fiction mythology 8N7IA38BjKQ-00522-00120796-00121038 and folklore in ancient Near Eastern 8N7IA38BjKQ-00523-00121039-00121242 religions as well as in the Abrahamic 8N7IA38BjKQ-00524-00121243-00121398 traditions including ancient and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00525-00121399-00121614 medieval Christian demonology a demon is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00526-00121615-00121791 considered a harmful spiritual entity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00527-00121792-00121953 below the heavenly Plains which may 8N7IA38BjKQ-00528-00121954-00122135 cause demonic possession calling from an 8N7IA38BjKQ-00529-00122136-00122384 exorcism in Western occultism and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00530-00122385-00122556 Renaissance magic which grew out of an 8N7IA38BjKQ-00531-00122557-00122775 amalgamation of greco-roman magic Jewish 8N7IA38BjKQ-00532-00122776-00122997 Agadir and Christian demonology a demon 8N7IA38BjKQ-00533-00122998-00123138 is believed to be a spiritual entity 8N7IA38BjKQ-00534-00123139-00123806 that may be conjured and controlled 8N7IA38BjKQ-00535-00123807-00124503 topic magic magic or sorcery is the use 8N7IA38BjKQ-00536-00124504-00124746 of rituals symbols actions gestures or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00537-00124747-00124893 language with the aim of utilizing 8N7IA38BjKQ-00538-00124894-00125163 supernatural forces belief in and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00539-00125164-00125331 practice of magic has been present since 8N7IA38BjKQ-00540-00125332-00125486 the earliest human cultures and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00541-00125488-00125664 continues to have an important spiritual 8N7IA38BjKQ-00542-00125665-00125847 religious and medicinal role in many 8N7IA38BjKQ-00543-00125848-00126086 cultures today the term magic has a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00544-00126088-00126267 variety of meanings and there is no 8N7IA38BjKQ-00545-00126268-00126458 widely agreed-upon definition of what it 8N7IA38BjKQ-00546-00126459-00126738 is scholars of religion have defined 8N7IA38BjKQ-00547-00126739-00126948 magic in different ways one approach 8N7IA38BjKQ-00548-00126949-00127155 associated with the anthropologists 8N7IA38BjKQ-00549-00127156-00127395 Edward Tylor and James G Fraser suggests 8N7IA38BjKQ-00550-00127396-00127607 that magic and science are opposites an 8N7IA38BjKQ-00551-00127608-00127854 alternative approach associated with the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00552-00127855-00128055 sociologists Marcel Mauss and Emile 8N7IA38BjKQ-00553-00128056-00128253 Durkheim argues that magic takes place 8N7IA38BjKQ-00554-00128254-00128442 in private while religion is a communal 8N7IA38BjKQ-00555-00128443-00128711 and organized activity many scholars of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00556-00128713-00128877 religion have rejected the utility of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00557-00128878-00129027 the term magic and it has become 8N7IA38BjKQ-00558-00129028-00129177 increasingly unpopular with in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00559-00129178-00129477 scholarship since the 1990s the term 8N7IA38BjKQ-00560-00129478-00129699 magic comes from the old persian Mugu a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00561-00129700-00129882 word that applied to a form of religious 8N7IA38BjKQ-00562-00129883-00130049 functionary about which little is known 8N7IA38BjKQ-00563-00130050-00130290 during the late 6th and early fifth 8N7IA38BjKQ-00564-00130291-00130535 centuries BCE this term was adopted into 8N7IA38BjKQ-00565-00130536-00130695 ancient Greek where it was used with 8N7IA38BjKQ-00566-00130696-00130859 negative connotations to apply to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00567-00130860-00131022 religious rights that were regarded as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00568-00131023-00131226 fraudulent unconventional and dangerous 8N7IA38BjKQ-00569-00131227-00131439 this meaning of the term was then 8N7IA38BjKQ-00570-00131440-00131675 adopted by Latin in the 1st century BCE 8N7IA38BjKQ-00571-00131676-00131934 the concept was then incorporated into 8N7IA38BjKQ-00572-00131935-00132108 Christian theology during the 1st 8N7IA38BjKQ-00573-00132109-00132354 century CE II where magic was associated 8N7IA38BjKQ-00574-00132355-00132510 with demons and thus defined against 8N7IA38BjKQ-00575-00132511-00132750 religion this concept was pervasive 8N7IA38BjKQ-00576-00132751-00132909 throughout the Middle Ages although in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00577-00132910-00133059 the early modern period Italian 8N7IA38BjKQ-00578-00133060-00133161 humanists reinter 8N7IA38BjKQ-00579-00133162-00133320 the term in a positive sense to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00580-00133321-00133593 establish the idea of natural magic both 8N7IA38BjKQ-00581-00133594-00133782 negative and positive understandings of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00582-00133783-00133926 the term were retained in Western 8N7IA38BjKQ-00583-00133927-00134088 culture over the following centuries 8N7IA38BjKQ-00584-00134089-00134268 with the former largely influencing 8N7IA38BjKQ-00585-00134269-00134477 early academic usages of the word 8N7IA38BjKQ-00586-00134478-00134667 throughout history there have been 8N7IA38BjKQ-00587-00134668-00134865 examples of individuals who practiced 8N7IA38BjKQ-00588-00134866-00135018 magic and referred to themselves as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00589-00135019-00135291 magicians this trend has proliferated in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00590-00135292-00135444 the modern period with a growing number 8N7IA38BjKQ-00591-00135445-00135600 of magicians appearing within the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00592-00135601-00135854 esoteric millyar British esotericist 8N7IA38BjKQ-00593-00135855-00136044 Aleister Crowley described magic as the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00594-00136045-00136200 art of effecting change in accordance 8N7IA38BjKQ-00595-00136201-00137382 with will topic divination divination 8N7IA38BjKQ-00596-00137383-00137634 from Latin divine air to foresee to be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00597-00137635-00137922 inspired by a God related to divinest 8N7IA38BjKQ-00598-00137923-00138102 divine is the attempt to gain insight 8N7IA38BjKQ-00599-00138103-00138300 into a question or situation by way of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00600-00138301-00138501 an occult ik standardized process or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00601-00138502-00138762 ritual used in various forms throughout 8N7IA38BjKQ-00602-00138763-00138929 history diviners ascertain their 8N7IA38BjKQ-00603-00138930-00139110 interpretations of how a current should 8N7IA38BjKQ-00604-00139111-00139350 proceed by reading signs events or omens 8N7IA38BjKQ-00605-00139351-00139506 or through alleged contact with a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00606-00139507-00139719 supernatural agency divination can be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00607-00139720-00139875 seen as a systematic method with which 8N7IA38BjKQ-00608-00139876-00140070 to organize what appear to be disjointed 8N7IA38BjKQ-00609-00140071-00140250 random facets of existence such that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00610-00140251-00140424 they provide insight into a problem at 8N7IA38BjKQ-00611-00140425-00140654 hand if a distinction is to be made 8N7IA38BjKQ-00612-00140655-00140835 between divination and fortune-telling 8N7IA38BjKQ-00613-00140836-00141018 divination has a more formal or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00614-00141019-00141216 ritualistic element and often contains a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00615-00141217-00141396 more social character usually in a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00616-00141397-00141603 religious context as seen in traditional 8N7IA38BjKQ-00617-00141604-00141876 African medicine fortune-telling on the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00618-00141877-00142068 other hand is a more everyday practice 8N7IA38BjKQ-00619-00142069-00142290 for personal purposes particular 8N7IA38BjKQ-00620-00142291-00142515 divination methods vary by culture and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00621-00142516-00142782 religion divination is dismissed by the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00622-00142783-00142986 scientific community and skeptics as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00623-00142987-00143235 being superstition in the second century 8N7IA38BjKQ-00624-00143236-00143436 lucien devoted a witty essay to the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00625-00143437-00143643 career of a charlatan alexander the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00626-00143644-00143904 false prophet trained by one of those 8N7IA38BjKQ-00627-00143905-00144135 who advertising charman's miraculous 8N7IA38BjKQ-00628-00144136-00144336 incantations charms for your love 8N7IA38BjKQ-00629-00144337-00144554 affairs visitations for your enemies 8N7IA38BjKQ-00630-00144555-00144750 disclosures of buried treasure and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00631-00144751-00145077 successions to estates even though most 8N7IA38BjKQ-00632-00145078-00145275 Romans believed in prophetic dreams and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00633-00145276-00146360 chance topic witchcraft 8N7IA38BjKQ-00634-00146361-00146564 witchcraft or witchery broadly means the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00635-00146565-00146756 practice of and belief in magical skills 8N7IA38BjKQ-00636-00146757-00146963 and abilities exercised by solitary 8N7IA38BjKQ-00637-00146964-00147230 practitioners in groups witchcraft is a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00638-00147231-00147398 broad term that varies culturally and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00639-00147399-00147587 society and thus can be difficult to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00640-00147588-00147758 define with precision and cross-cultural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00641-00147759-00147911 assumptions about the meaning or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00642-00147912-00148049 significance of the term should be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00643-00148050-00148151 applied with caution 8N7IA38BjKQ-00644-00148152-00148409 witchcraft often occupies a religious 8N7IA38BjKQ-00645-00148410-00148592 divinatory or medicinal role and is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00646-00148593-00148760 often present within societies and 8N7IA38BjKQ-00647-00148761-00148946 groups whose cultural framework includes 8N7IA38BjKQ-00648-00148947-00150073 a magical world view topic miracle a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00649-00150074-00150305 miracle is an event not explicable by 8N7IA38BjKQ-00650-00150306-00150617 natural or scientific laws such an event 8N7IA38BjKQ-00651-00150618-00150767 may be attributed to a supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00652-00150768-00151001 being a deity magic a miracle worker 8N7IA38BjKQ-00653-00151002-00151325 assent or a religious leader informally 8N7IA38BjKQ-00654-00151326-00151583 the word miracle is often used to 8N7IA38BjKQ-00655-00151584-00151766 characterize any beneficial event that 8N7IA38BjKQ-00656-00151767-00151928 is statistically unlikely but not 8N7IA38BjKQ-00657-00151929-00152111 contrary to the laws of nature such as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00658-00152112-00152336 surviving a natural disaster or simply a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00659-00152337-00152597 wonderful occurrence regardless of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00660-00152598-00152828 likelihood such as a birth other such 8N7IA38BjKQ-00661-00152829-00153011 miracles might be survival of an illness 8N7IA38BjKQ-00662-00153012-00153200 diagnosis terminal escaping a 8N7IA38BjKQ-00663-00153201-00153380 life-threatening situation or beating 8N7IA38BjKQ-00664-00153381-00153650 the odds some coincidences may be seen 8N7IA38BjKQ-00665-00153651-00153830 as miracles a true miracle would by 8N7IA38BjKQ-00666-00153831-00154037 definition be a non natural phenomenon 8N7IA38BjKQ-00667-00154038-00154181 leading many rational and scientific 8N7IA38BjKQ-00668-00154182-00154379 thinkers to dismiss them as physically 8N7IA38BjKQ-00669-00154380-00154580 impossible that is requiring violation 8N7IA38BjKQ-00670-00154581-00154742 of established laws of physics within 8N7IA38BjKQ-00671-00154743-00154919 their domain of validity or impossible 8N7IA38BjKQ-00672-00154920-00155096 to confirm by their nature because all 8N7IA38BjKQ-00673-00155097-00155270 possible physical mechanisms can never 8N7IA38BjKQ-00674-00155271-00155513 be ruled out the former position is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00675-00155514-00155672 expressed for instance by Thomas 8N7IA38BjKQ-00676-00155673-00155878 Jefferson and the latter by David Hume 8N7IA38BjKQ-00677-00155879-00156080 theologians typically say that with 8N7IA38BjKQ-00678-00156081-00156269 divine providence God regularly works 8N7IA38BjKQ-00679-00156270-00156479 through nature yet as a creator is free 8N7IA38BjKQ-00680-00156480-00156665 to work without above or against it as 8N7IA38BjKQ-00681-00156666-00156926 well the possibility and probability of 8N7IA38BjKQ-00682-00156927-00157064 miracles are then equal to the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00683-00157065-00157226 possibility and probability of the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00684-00157227-00158362 existence of God topic skepticism 8N7IA38BjKQ-00685-00158363-00158559 skepticism American 8N7IA38BjKQ-00686-00158560-00158745 or skepticism British English see 8N7IA38BjKQ-00687-00158746-00158915 spelling differences is generally any 8N7IA38BjKQ-00688-00158916-00159090 questioning attitude or doubt towards 8N7IA38BjKQ-00689-00159091-00159273 one or more items of putative knowledge 8N7IA38BjKQ-00690-00159274-00159507 or belief it is often directed at 8N7IA38BjKQ-00691-00159508-00159657 domains such as the supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00692-00159658-00159876 morality moral skepticism religion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00693-00159877-00160086 skepticism about the existence of God or 8N7IA38BjKQ-00694-00160087-00160241 knowledge skepticism about the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00695-00160242-00160463 possibility of knowledge or of certainty 8N7IA38BjKQ-00696-00160464-00160746 formally skepticism as a topic occurs in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00697-00160747-00160914 the context of philosophy particularly 8N7IA38BjKQ-00698-00160915-00161112 epistemology although it can be applied 8N7IA38BjKQ-00699-00161113-00161295 to any topic such as politics religion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00700-00161296-00161603 and pseudoscience one reason why 8N7IA38BjKQ-00701-00161604-00161811 skeptics assert that supernatural forces 8N7IA38BjKQ-00702-00161812-00161973 cannot exist is that anything can be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00703-00161974-00162246 described as supernatural and can be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00704-00162247-00162423 demonstrated to be a part of the natural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00705-00162424-00162590 world would have to be classified as be 8N7IA38BjKQ-00706-00162591-00162831 natural although some believers in the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00707-00162832-00163008 supernatural insist that such forces 8N7IA38BjKQ-00708-00163009-00163212 cannot be demonstrated under scientific 8N7IA38BjKQ-00709-00163213-00163379 conditions skeptics assert that the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00710-00163380-00163545 scientific method is the best tool 8N7IA38BjKQ-00711-00163546-00163719 humans have devised for knowing what is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00712-00163720-00163952 and isn't knowable if the supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00713-00163953-00164124 is inherently unknowable then there is 8N7IA38BjKQ-00714-00164125-00164913 no reason to accept its reality topic in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00715-00164914-00165549 fiction and popular culture supernatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00716-00165550-00165704 entities and powers are common in 8N7IA38BjKQ-00717-00165705-00165927 various works of fantasy examples 8N7IA38BjKQ-00718-00165928-00166137 include the TV show Supernatural the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00719-00166138-00166320 magic of the Harry Potter series and the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00720-00166321-00166623 force of Star Wars other depictions are 8N7IA38BjKQ-00721-00166624-00166809 taken from religious texts such as the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00722-00166810-00168074 book of Exodus topic see also delusion 8N7IA38BjKQ-00723-00168075-00168494 liberal naturalism magical thinking 8N7IA38BjKQ-00724-00168495-00168812 non-physical entity 1 million doll 8N7IA38BjKQ-00725-00168813-00169004 a paranormal challenge unclaimed prize 8N7IA38BjKQ-00726-00169005-00169142 for anyone demonstrating the 8N7IA38BjKQ-00727-00169143-00169576 supernatural paranormal preternatural 8N7IA38BjKQ-00728-00169577-00170108 religious naturalism superstition 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00000-00000074-00000436 [Music] 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00001-00000437-00000661 it's Sunday morning I think it's about 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00002-00000662-00001066 6:30 I can't sleep in as much as I would 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00003-00001067-00001358 love to and Tom's super boring and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00004-00001359-00001577 sleeping in and I was like come on I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00005-00001578-00001780 wanna go for a walk and get a coffee and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00006-00001782-00002002 then I realized I'm making my own coffee 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00007-00002003-00002284 at home so I dumped out of bed I'm about 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00008-00002285-00002579 to make a coffee I'm gonna sit in peace 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00009-00002580-00002867 and quiet and read the paper this is 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00010-00002868-00003688 heaven so Tom is still asleep in bed I'm 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00011-00003689-00003863 bored have made a coffee I've read the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00012-00003864-00004078 papers and we took Giuseppe for a walk 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00013-00004079-00004376 going buy some fresh bread some bacon 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00014-00004377-00004583 and an avocado if it's not too expensive 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00015-00004584-00004804 and good with some breakfast voice I'm 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00016-00004805-00005122 going up my headphones and my phone and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00017-00005123-00005435 listen to a book through blink lexis be 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00018-00005436-00005688 lovely 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00019-00005689-00006115 okay so I just put a local metro 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00020-00006116-00006343 first I was really conscious too as I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00021-00006344-00006592 was walking around picking things up to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00022-00006593-00006759 make sure I added them up in my head so 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00023-00006761-00006991 I knew exactly how much I was going to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00024-00006992-00007288 get hit without the cash register it's 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00025-00007289-00007519 been like 21 dollars and 20 cents or 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00026-00007520-00007746 something about and I was thinking I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00027-00007747-00007900 haven't even bought bread yet I'm gonna 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00028-00007901-00008059 go to a Sonoma across the road was the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00029-00008059-00008246 bread there is more extensively 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00030-00008247-00008569 absolutely beautiful I did reward myself 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00031-00008570-00008785 with some sparkling mineral water 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00032-00008786-00008914 because I'm feeling apart from the walk 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00033-00008915-00009340 and some fresh raspberries that's my 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00034-00009341-00009658 little treat um yes I think I'm probably 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00035-00009659-00009885 going to come too close to $30 so just 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00036-00009886-00010015 wondering how much I'd probably 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00037-00010016-00010174 potentially spend if I went out to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00038-00010175-00010420 breakfast cafe need to figure the mess 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00039-00010421-00010720 out on that so I just spent $7 50 on 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00040-00010721-00011155 some Sonoma white artesian bread this 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00041-00011156-00011323 was $7.00 Sookie a lot more expensive 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00042-00011324-00011487 than the supermarkets but this Freddie's 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00043-00011488-00011887 freshly made no nasty ingredients and I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00044-00011888-00012030 think 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00045-00012031-00012183 it's already sliced so I'm gonna make 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00046-00012184-00012363 sure I put some in the freezer so I can 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00047-00012364-00012528 enjoy it for the rest of the week and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00048-00012529-00012816 save money on eating breakfast at home 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00049-00012816-00013083 or having snacks at home all right 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00050-00013084-00013299 Saturday night really quickly we were 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00051-00013300-00013422 invited for a birthday dinner which was 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00052-00013422-00013761 really fun and one of our friends drove 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00053-00013762-00013935 so that was great we didn't have to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00054-00013936-00014196 spend much money on cabs we went for 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00055-00014197-00014580 drinks afterwards and I paid drinks and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00056-00014581-00014721 rounds of drinks in cash which is good 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00057-00014722-00014874 cause it may be very conscious of and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00058-00014875-00015054 present as I was handing over you know a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00059-00015055-00015396 $50 note and we didn't have a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00060-00015397-00015654 particularly late night which meant we 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00061-00015655-00015852 didn't spend too much money on you know 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00062-00015853-00016065 expensive rounds of drinks for a long 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00063-00016066-00016278 period of time and it also helped 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00064-00016279-00016475 because it meant I definitely did not 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00065-00016476-00016704 have a hangover this morning moving on 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00066-00016705-00016854 there's something I really important I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00067-00016855-00017009 want to make sure that you were doing 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00068-00017010-00017319 every time you save money I want you to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00069-00017320-00017637 consciously and proactively take that 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00070-00017638-00017700 money 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00071-00017701-00017991 the exact amount and put it away now I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00072-00017992-00018084 want you to put it somewhere where you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00073-00018085-00018222 can't touch it so either a separate 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00074-00018223-00018474 savings account also become money tin 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00075-00018475-00018669 like this reproach from Rocco or even a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00076-00018670-00018918 simple glass jar the point is I want you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00077-00018919-00019017 to take it away so you don't 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00078-00019018-00019253 accidentally spend it you don't want to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00079-00019254-00019389 be really frugal through the month of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00080-00019390-00019494 February and then finally you're 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00081-00019495-00019674 spending all those savings on other 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00082-00019675-00019875 things that you aren't even really aware 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00083-00019876-00020043 of the point of doing this is we get to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00084-00020044-00020235 the end of the month and we find out or 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00085-00020236-00020619 work out how much money we have saved so 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00086-00020620-00020928 on Friday which was the first Thursday 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00087-00020929-00021189 was the first I had spent any money and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00088-00021190-00021462 I know my budget around about $100 per 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00089-00021463-00021719 work week to get me through that's to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00090-00021720-00021881 cover me for coffees lunches 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00091-00021882-00022122 occasionally picking up dry cleaning any 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00092-00022123-00022281 other little incidentals a long way on 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00093-00022282-00022478 Thursday I didn't actually spend 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00094-00022479-00022800 anything at all so my budget of $100 per 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00095-00022801-00023043 work week like Monday to Friday but 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00096-00023044-00023300 averaging $20 a day was completely safe 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00097-00023301-00023789 so I'm popping it in here okay now also 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00098-00023790-00024150 from the weekend especially looking at 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00099-00024151-00024359 to buy that wetsuit or we get my hair 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00100-00024360-00024644 cut and thank you to our friend who 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00101-00024645-00024882 drove I actually save quite a bit of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00102-00024883-00025113 money from my budget allocation for 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00103-00025114-00025243 weekend so she 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00104-00025244-00025546 izing so I'm popping the money in here 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00105-00025547-00025612 as well 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00106-00025613-00025867 that I saved because that all adds up 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00107-00025868-00026062 because that was all frugal money but 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00108-00026063-00026302 just so you know in the past when I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00109-00026302-00026497 don't spend as much as I've allocated 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00110-00026498-00026824 for my weekly and weekend budget I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00111-00026825-00027007 normally just put whatever is left over 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00112-00027008-00027169 from that weekend if there is money that 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00113-00027170-00027463 is aside so for the weekends or weekdays 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00114-00027464-00027685 where I do over budget I never need to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00115-00027686-00027856 grab a credit card I've always got some 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00116-00027857-00028135 sort of cash available to use or some of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00117-00028136-00028426 em use my life account to also tap into 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00118-00028427-00028594 when I have a bit of a blower which is 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00119-00028595-00028816 unexpected now if you don't know about 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00120-00028817-00029080 the sugar mama budget app it's so good 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00121-00029081-00029289 and I've had such amazing feedback from 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00122-00029291-00029518 people as to how it's helping them save 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00123-00029519-00029739 so much money and that's exactly what I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00124-00029741-00029895 wanted to do but I just have it saved 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00125-00029897-00030102 here and you can download from the App 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00126-00030104-00030301 Store it's really easy to use there's 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00127-00030302-00030370 also a lot of fun 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00128-00030370-00030622 I also found $1.00 this morning when I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00129-00030623-00030814 was putting on my shorts and fell out of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00130-00030814-00031204 the pocket and also any young even 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00131-00031205-00031369 pudding not just notes in here every 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00132-00031370-00031657 single coin that I saved from being 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00133-00031658-00032029 frugal is going in there so every dollar 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00134-00032030-00032377 is gonna catch up and as my paternal 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00135-00032377-00032629 grandmother used to say to my dad look 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00136-00032630-00032821 out for the pennies and the pounds look 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00137-00032822-00033382 after themselves okay I wanna make a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00138-00033383-00033730 quick observation about buying breakfast 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00139-00033731-00033922 to cook at home this morning so 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00140-00033923-00034117 breakfast costs really about thirty 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00141-00034118-00034261 dollars because I already had some key 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00142-00034262-00034564 ingredients at home now if Tom and I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00143-00034565-00034762 were to go out for breakfast together 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00144-00034763-00035101 the cannon in a cafe I could normal cafe 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00145-00035102-00035305 the bill probably wouldn't have been 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00146-00035306-00035560 that much more than what we paid for to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00147-00035561-00035725 have the key ingredients and we would 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00148-00035726-00035911 have enjoyed the luxury of someone 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00149-00035912-00036240 cooking for us and someone cleaning up 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00150-00036241-00036571 after us but I want to make something 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00151-00036572-00036742 like an important point out because 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00152-00036743-00036840 there's a lot of people say it's 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00153-00036841-00037065 actually cheaper to go out to eat and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00154-00037066-00037300 upfront yes it is initially but when you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00155-00037301-00037372 think about it 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00156-00037373-00037600 I still have a huge loaf of bread left 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00157-00037601-00037804 over which will keep me going for the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00158-00037805-00038068 rest of the week and tweet with Rocco I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00159-00038069-00038187 also have like 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00160-00038188-00038514 eggs leftover and there is still a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00161-00038515-00038707 little bit of ricotta left over which I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00162-00038708-00038862 can put into a salad to have for lunch 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00163-00038863-00039087 this week so if you're one of those 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00164-00039088-00039289 people that find yourself justifying 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00165-00039290-00039411 eating out all the time because it's 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00166-00039412-00039717 cheaper so she'd feel like small like 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00167-00039718-00039982 like couples or single people do have a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00168-00039983-00040146 think about the longevity of the food 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00169-00040147-00040287 that you buy in that you can put in the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00170-00040288-00040470 fridge or freezer and it can last longer 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00171-00040471-00040770 and potentially like feed more meals 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00172-00040771-00041001 from the one purchasing but purchasing 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00173-00041002-00041323 of food now I want to point out a little 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00174-00041324-00041545 bit of a danger zone in doing frugal 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00175-00041546-00041701 February if you're really serious about 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00176-00041702-00041874 doing it you've got to be really strong 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00177-00041875-00042165 and people will laugh at you bag you out 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00178-00042166-00042471 and try and derail your success and put 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00179-00042472-00042733 temptation in your way today if for 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00180-00042734-00042973 lunch tom was like saying like we please 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00181-00042974-00043161 just go out for lunch you know you know 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00182-00043162-00043351 go and grab some nice Italian and have a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00183-00043352-00043599 you know glass of Rose ad together you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00184-00043600-00043776 know a board that's get out I was like 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00185-00043777-00044073 initially I was like oh alright okay 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00186-00044074-00044370 fine you know no no I actually know I'm 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00187-00044371-00044574 doing through Google February like don't 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00188-00044575-00044721 get in my way of like making this 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00189-00044722-00044995 successful in the nicest possible way 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00190-00044996-00045201 and I said you know what we've got a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00191-00045202-00045535 fridge full of Molly spoon meals we 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00192-00045536-00045783 actually have a lovely both of Rosie 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00193-00045784-00046152 already in the fridge and I got up and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00194-00046153-00046446 cooked it we shared the wine in the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00195-00046447-00046638 courtyard we into it actually a really 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00196-00046639-00046968 nice meal and as much as Tom would never 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00197-00046969-00047343 ever admit it to me I think he actually 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00198-00047344-00047565 really enjoyed not having to you know 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00199-00047566-00047755 get dressed up or get in the car or go 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00200-00047756-00047967 somewhere that you just roll from the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00201-00047968-00048195 sofa to the courtyard and enjoy a really 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00202-00048196-00048511 nice meal together connecting and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00203-00048512-00048930 bonding so if someone tries to like say 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00204-00048931-00049123 ah no you know there's only like a $20 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00205-00049124-00049336 saving it what's the point or you know 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00206-00049337-00049533 you're being boring or dull put your 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00207-00049534-00049767 foot down be strong set up yourself an 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00208-00049768-00050061 own frugal February you're the one 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00209-00050062-00050220 that's gonna benefit from this and you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00210-00050221-00050398 know what as I always like to say you 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00211-00050399-00050493 never know 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00212-00050494-00050874 who you will end up inspiring so tonight 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00213-00050875-00051081 I was actually reviewing my own budget 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00214-00051082-00051432 through the sugar mama budget app I have 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00215-00051433-00051677 just enrolled Rocco into karate lessons 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00216-00051678-00051864 which he's loving so I had to make sure 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00217-00051865-00052176 I updated my monthly expenses to include 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00218-00052177-00052563 that cost now on that note of Rocco I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00219-00052564-00052713 was just reflecting thinking about this 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00220-00052714-00053019 horrendous tantrum that he had yesterday 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00221-00053020-00053295 at the head or singing salon and I'm 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00222-00053296-00053475 wondering whether it was potentially off 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00223-00053476-00053694 the trigger this tantrum off the back of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00224-00053695-00053994 me saying no to him having some money to 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00225-00053995-00054288 put in the kind of go cut busting at the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00226-00054289-00054570 shopping mall if that is the case and 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00227-00054571-00054786 I'm not going to presidential I've got 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00228-00054787-00055125 to be a lot more diligent and proactive 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00229-00055126-00055442 in talking to him about money what it 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00230-00055444-00055667 takes to make money the flow of money 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00231-00055669-00056084 and respecting money these days kids 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00232-00056085-00056373 grow up in a cashless society we they 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00233-00056374-00056480 don't really understand what we're 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00234-00056482-00056724 tapping with our cards or swiping our 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00235-00056725-00056904 cards or even tapping our mobile phones 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00236-00056904-00057129 to pay for things they don't they can't 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00237-00057129-00057444 grasp the concept of that and if this is 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00238-00057445-00057549 the case if that's what caused the 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00239-00057550-00057963 tantrum I've got to now like get on top 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00240-00057964-00058208 of this problem as quickly as possible 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00241-00058209-00058647 now on that note of like saying no I was 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00242-00058648-00058827 actually looking online for those 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00243-00058828-00059001 jumpers that my girlfriend was wearing 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00244-00059002-00059223 was on sale and I found them I'm like 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00245-00059224-00059391 wow that's so nice and they're the hit 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00246-00059391-00059658 was great range of other ones anyway 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00247-00059659-00060027 they left he all sold out so initially I 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00248-00060028-00060207 was like oh damn like this they're all 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00249-00060208-00060591 so that none available and then I had 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00250-00060591-00060747 realized I actually had this sense of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00251-00060748-00060957 relief the sense of relief that I didn't 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00252-00060958-00061116 have to worry about feeling guilty for 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00253-00061116-00061428 buying and jumper that relief in knowing 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00254-00061429-00061629 deep down I actually have plenty of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00255-00061629-00061887 jumpers and also that sense of like 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00256-00061888-00062112 stupidity going it's the middle of 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00257-00062113-00062484 summer I do not need to buy a champa 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00258-00062485-00062721 right now if I buy one he's not really 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00259-00062722-00062942 gonna be worn anytime soon so it would 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00260-00062944-00063249 be such a waste of money so the best way 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00261-00063250-00063429 to explain his feeling it was like a 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00262-00063429-00063828 sense of empowering energy 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00263-00063829-00064250 and that relief makes me feel so much 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00264-00064251-00064655 better so sorry blessings to come from 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00265-00064657-00064913 the word know that do not include 8p9HjV_j5RQ-00266-00064914-00065187 tantrums 8ODFPiZBcnu-00000-00000003-00000214 hey Chris here from Al's Vantage so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00001-00000215-00000422 about three weeks ago we released a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00002-00000423-00000730 video showing a real student Rashmi from 8ODFPiZBcnu-00003-00000731-00001019 India doing a mock IELTS speaking test 8ODFPiZBcnu-00004-00001019-00001322 with me and in three weeks it has nearly 8ODFPiZBcnu-00005-00001323-00001634 four hundred thousand views so obviously 8ODFPiZBcnu-00006-00001635-00001889 you guys love this type of interaction 8ODFPiZBcnu-00007-00001889-00002275 and the comments were that you loved to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00008-00002276-00002564 see how I was able to help a student in 8ODFPiZBcnu-00009-00002565-00002780 real time and help them improve their 8ODFPiZBcnu-00010-00002781-00003050 speaking so what we decided to do was 8ODFPiZBcnu-00011-00003051-00003401 bring Rashmi back into our office and do 8ODFPiZBcnu-00012-00003402-00003692 a brand new series of videos with her 8ODFPiZBcnu-00013-00003693-00003944 and what we did was we split it into 8ODFPiZBcnu-00014-00003945-00004265 part 1 part 2 part 3 so we're going to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00015-00004266-00004529 have three videos and each part at the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00016-00004530-00004738 beginning I'm going to give Rashmi 8ODFPiZBcnu-00017-00004739-00004994 advice and feedback on how to do her 8ODFPiZBcnu-00018-00004995-00005288 best in each part so you guys can watch 8ODFPiZBcnu-00019-00005289-00005534 that and learn from it yourselves then 8ODFPiZBcnu-00020-00005535-00005831 see Rashmi performance and then I'm 8ODFPiZBcnu-00021-00005832-00006004 going to give her feedback on her 8ODFPiZBcnu-00022-00006005-00006167 performance talk about her pronunciation 8ODFPiZBcnu-00023-00006168-00006500 of grammar or vocabulary and her fluency 8ODFPiZBcnu-00024-00006501-00006701 and coherence I'm without further ado 8ODFPiZBcnu-00025-00006702-00006796 here it is 8ODFPiZBcnu-00026-00006797-00007058 okay Rashmi so what we're gonna do first 8ODFPiZBcnu-00027-00007059-00007400 is I'm gonna give you some advice on how 8ODFPiZBcnu-00028-00007401-00007703 to perform to your best in part one 8ODFPiZBcnu-00029-00007704-00007901 alright okay so we're gonna talk about 8ODFPiZBcnu-00030-00007902-00008203 part one itself first some strategies 8ODFPiZBcnu-00031-00008204-00008449 some techniques and then we're going to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00032-00008450-00008749 talk about the four marking criteria so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00033-00008750-00009024 pronunciation fluency and coherence 8ODFPiZBcnu-00034-00009025-00009266 grammatical range and accuracy we'll 8ODFPiZBcnu-00035-00009267-00009442 just call that grammar and lexical 8ODFPiZBcnu-00036-00009443-00009649 resource we'll just call that vocabulary 8ODFPiZBcnu-00037-00009650-00010042 okay alright so part one the best way to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00038-00010043-00010285 describe part one is just normal 8ODFPiZBcnu-00039-00010286-00010592 everyday small talk type questions 8ODFPiZBcnu-00040-00010593-00010802 they're all questions about you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00041-00010803-00011117 so you can't get them wrong don't try 8ODFPiZBcnu-00042-00011118-00011408 and think of like impressive ideas or 8ODFPiZBcnu-00043-00011409-00011614 anything like that but just think of it 8ODFPiZBcnu-00044-00011615-00011837 as having a normal conversation with 8ODFPiZBcnu-00045-00011838-00012170 somebody and let's say you and I were 8ODFPiZBcnu-00046-00012171-00012476 colleagues or classmates or something 8ODFPiZBcnu-00047-00012477-00012683 like that and I was getting to know you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00048-00012684-00012910 so I'm asking things about your hometown 8ODFPiZBcnu-00049-00012911-00013113 where you live 8ODFPiZBcnu-00050-00013115-00013338 your interests your hobbies just normal 8ODFPiZBcnu-00051-00013340-00013546 getting to know you questions does that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00052-00013547-00013957 make sense yes yeah so like we talked 8ODFPiZBcnu-00053-00013958-00014233 about before one of the things that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00054-00014234-00014508 students do in this part is give very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00055-00014509-00014733 very short answers so for example where 8ODFPiZBcnu-00056-00014734-00015010 are you from Mumbai or what's your job 8ODFPiZBcnu-00057-00015011-00015333 data analyst and in a normal 8ODFPiZBcnu-00058-00015334-00015502 conversation that would be fine 8ODFPiZBcnu-00059-00015503-00015760 but because you're in an English test 8ODFPiZBcnu-00060-00015761-00016116 the examiner needs enough data enough 8ODFPiZBcnu-00061-00016118-00016402 information to judge your fluency or 8ODFPiZBcnu-00062-00016403-00016543 pronunciation your grammar and your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00063-00016544-00016768 vocabulary so try and develop your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00064-00016769-00017041 answers a little bit more an easy way to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00065-00017042-00017275 do that for part one is just answer the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00066-00017276-00017505 question and then add a little bit more 8ODFPiZBcnu-00067-00017506-00017736 detail and so you could give an 8ODFPiZBcnu-00068-00017737-00017955 explanation or an example or a little 8ODFPiZBcnu-00069-00017956-00018183 bit more detail so let me give you an 8ODFPiZBcnu-00070-00018184-00018519 example if somebody asked me um what's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00071-00018520-00018747 your job I wouldn't say teacher I would 8ODFPiZBcnu-00072-00018748-00018978 say I'm a teacher and I specialize in 8ODFPiZBcnu-00073-00018979-00019284 teaching IELTS primarily I do it online 8ODFPiZBcnu-00074-00019285-00019533 I have a company you know a little bit 8ODFPiZBcnu-00075-00019534-00019812 more information that will also allow 8ODFPiZBcnu-00076-00019813-00020074 you to develop more complex sentences as 8ODFPiZBcnu-00077-00020075-00020374 if you say things like hello my name is 8ODFPiZBcnu-00078-00020375-00020640 Chris that's a very simple sentence but 8ODFPiZBcnu-00079-00020641-00020805 if you add a little bit more detail or 8ODFPiZBcnu-00080-00020806-00020968 an explanation or an example it makes 8ODFPiZBcnu-00081-00020969-00021139 the sentence a little bit more complex 8ODFPiZBcnu-00082-00021140-00021355 and for someone like you who is aiming 8ODFPiZBcnu-00083-00021356-00021528 for they the bond dates the bond mines 8ODFPiZBcnu-00084-00021529-00021796 that's what you would need to do and so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00085-00021797-00022174 any questions about part one no well 8ODFPiZBcnu-00086-00022175-00022636 good okay I think the the main criticism 8ODFPiZBcnu-00087-00022637-00022900 last time for part one was just shorter 8ODFPiZBcnu-00088-00022901-00023233 answers so trying and the other thing is 8ODFPiZBcnu-00089-00023234-00023583 not too long either and I know that's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00090-00023584-00023769 frustrating advice like not too short 8ODFPiZBcnu-00091-00023770-00024124 not too long and the thing is if you you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00092-00024125-00024450 the examiner has to ask you a range of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00093-00024451-00024630 different questions and they only have 8ODFPiZBcnu-00094-00024631-00024868 four or five minutes to do that so if 8ODFPiZBcnu-00095-00024869-00025062 you talk and talk and talk and talk 8ODFPiZBcnu-00096-00025063-00025287 the examiner will keep stopping you and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00097-00025288-00025506 then often students can feel like oh 8ODFPiZBcnu-00098-00025507-00025602 what did I do 8ODFPiZBcnu-00099-00025603-00025800 I'm doing something wrong and they'll 8ODFPiZBcnu-00100-00025801-00025965 get stressed out and that can affect 8ODFPiZBcnu-00101-00025966-00026326 their fluency so I don't like to give 8ODFPiZBcnu-00102-00026327-00026462 students like number 8ODFPiZBcnu-00103-00026463-00026786 sentences or number of words so just 8ODFPiZBcnu-00104-00026787-00026967 follow the rule on to the questions a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00105-00026968-00027207 little bit more detail you know two or 8ODFPiZBcnu-00106-00027208-00027521 three sentences maximum and if you're 8ODFPiZBcnu-00107-00027522-00027746 going over like four or five sentences 8ODFPiZBcnu-00108-00027747-00028070 probably too much but don't but don't be 8ODFPiZBcnu-00109-00028071-00028251 thinking counting words or counting 8ODFPiZBcnu-00110-00028252-00028383 number of sentences or anything like 8ODFPiZBcnu-00111-00028383-00028865 that okay so for fluency last time your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00112-00028866-00029198 fluency was great there was a few mm 8ODFPiZBcnu-00113-00029199-00029480 Zand ahhs and likes and unfill is like 8ODFPiZBcnu-00114-00029481-00029918 that but good fluency is not about never 8ODFPiZBcnu-00115-00029919-00030199 mmm or you know none of those little 8ODFPiZBcnu-00116-00030200-00030542 audible pauses if you listen to the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00117-00030543-00030815 greatest speakers of all time they all 8ODFPiZBcnu-00118-00030816-00031089 pause and have little audible pauses and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00119-00031089-00031355 that is not what good fluency is about 8ODFPiZBcnu-00120-00031356-00031505 good fluency is just speaking at a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00121-00031506-00031814 normal pace without a non-natural number 8ODFPiZBcnu-00122-00031815-00032142 of pauses or hesitations and you do 8ODFPiZBcnu-00123-00032143-00032402 pause and hesitate but naturally like 8ODFPiZBcnu-00124-00032403-00032589 everybody else when I'm speaking when 8ODFPiZBcnu-00125-00032589-00032801 when anybody in the world is speaking 8ODFPiZBcnu-00126-00032802-00032982 you pause because you need to you need 8ODFPiZBcnu-00127-00032983-00033290 to think and so your fluency no big no 8ODFPiZBcnu-00128-00033291-00033530 big problems their coherence you do 8ODFPiZBcnu-00129-00033531-00033752 answer the questions but sometimes 8ODFPiZBcnu-00130-00033753-00033885 they're a little bit too short 8ODFPiZBcnu-00131-00033886-00034080 especially for part one we've already 8ODFPiZBcnu-00132-00034081-00034404 talked about that for pronunciation your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00133-00034405-00034674 intonation your sentence stress your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00134-00034675-00034880 connected speech is already really good 8ODFPiZBcnu-00135-00034881-00035148 and your clarity is also good 8ODFPiZBcnu-00136-00035149-00035495 one thing though you're you're shy girl 8ODFPiZBcnu-00137-00035496-00035692 I know you're a little bit timid 8ODFPiZBcnu-00138-00035693-00035945 sometimes when people not that there's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00139-00035946-00036174 anything wrong with being shy you know I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00140-00036175-00036514 was shy when I was your age too and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00141-00036515-00037076 people who are shy tend to speak on a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00142-00037077-00037295 low level the volume it can be a little 8ODFPiZBcnu-00143-00037296-00037508 bit low they don't enunciate their words 8ODFPiZBcnu-00144-00037509-00037824 as clearly so you could improve your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00145-00037825-00038171 pronunciation by pretend you're speaking 8ODFPiZBcnu-00146-00038172-00038361 to me you know when I'm standing a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00147-00038362-00038576 little bit further across the room and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00148-00038577-00038904 speak from your diaphragm not from 8ODFPiZBcnu-00149-00038905-00039062 inside so a lot of people speak from 8ODFPiZBcnu-00150-00039063-00039354 inside their mouth and whereas people 8ODFPiZBcnu-00151-00039355-00039596 who enunciate very well speak from their 8ODFPiZBcnu-00152-00039597-00039817 their diaphragm their stomach 8ODFPiZBcnu-00153-00039818-00040149 if you try and don't shout out but 8ODFPiZBcnu-00154-00040150-00040342 pronunciation is really good for you so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00155-00040343-00040534 you don't I'm just just a little tweak 8ODFPiZBcnu-00156-00040535-00040717 it's not nothing no big deal 8ODFPiZBcnu-00157-00040718-00040954 grammar your grammar is incredibly 8ODFPiZBcnu-00158-00040955-00041224 accurate and very very accurate a nice 8ODFPiZBcnu-00159-00041225-00041530 wide range and I think that by extending 8ODFPiZBcnu-00160-00041531-00041773 and developing your answers a little bit 8ODFPiZBcnu-00161-00041774-00042027 you will add complexity to your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00162-00042028-00042214 sentences as well so we don't need to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00163-00042215-00042583 worry about that your vocabulary is also 8ODFPiZBcnu-00164-00042584-00042934 very very good and however I think to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00165-00042935-00043189 push on to the next level during your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00166-00043190-00043368 preparation like this is preparation 8ODFPiZBcnu-00167-00043369-00043657 this is not the real test you could try 8ODFPiZBcnu-00168-00043658-00043915 and take a few more chances not trying 8ODFPiZBcnu-00169-00043916-00044173 to use like fancy vocabulary but the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00170-00044174-00044392 best way to improve your vocabulary I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00171-00044393-00044689 think is to think of more topic specific 8ODFPiZBcnu-00172-00044690-00045040 words so if we were talking about data 8ODFPiZBcnu-00173-00045041-00045262 analysis there are certain words that we 8ODFPiZBcnu-00174-00045263-00045796 would use and such as you tell me some 8ODFPiZBcnu-00175-00045797-00046021 some words that you know more about data 8ODFPiZBcnu-00176-00046022-00046450 analysis than I do analytics AI 8ODFPiZBcnu-00177-00046451-00046740 artificial intelligence you would only 8ODFPiZBcnu-00178-00046741-00046933 use those words really when you're 8ODFPiZBcnu-00179-00046934-00047161 talking about that topic so when we're 8ODFPiZBcnu-00180-00047162-00047308 talking about these topics try and think 8ODFPiZBcnu-00181-00047309-00047593 of some topic specific words but be 8ODFPiZBcnu-00182-00047594-00047889 careful you it can also affect your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00183-00047890-00048171 fluency if you're trying to think of big 8ODFPiZBcnu-00184-00048172-00048424 words so you're like I want to think of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00185-00048425-00048574 this word and then it affects your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00186-00048575-00048727 fluency like so only if it comes 8ODFPiZBcnu-00187-00048728-00048927 naturally you don't want to be sitting 8ODFPiZBcnu-00188-00048928-00049180 there thinking hmm what big word will I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00189-00049181-00049539 use and but I think try and improve it a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00190-00049540-00049740 little bit is that saying good yeah good 8ODFPiZBcnu-00191-00049741-00050121 do you want to start yes okay so first 8ODFPiZBcnu-00192-00050122-00050356 Rashmi do you work or do you study 8ODFPiZBcnu-00193-00050357-00050589 oh I study I'm studying at Queen's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00194-00050590-00050902 University and I'm studying a master's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00195-00050903-00051148 in marketing and majoring in marketing 8ODFPiZBcnu-00196-00051149-00051441 analytics excellent why did you choose 8ODFPiZBcnu-00197-00051442-00051717 that degree oh I chose to study 8ODFPiZBcnu-00198-00051719-00051951 analytics because I'm interested in big 8ODFPiZBcnu-00199-00051952-00052176 data and big data is becoming very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00200-00052177-00052462 popular these days a lot of companies I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00201-00052463-00052731 have now started to look at their dog 8ODFPiZBcnu-00202-00052732-00053047 data I'm down data which means like data 8ODFPiZBcnu-00203-00053048-00053086 which 8ODFPiZBcnu-00204-00053087-00053251 collected but that they have not done 8ODFPiZBcnu-00205-00053252-00053485 anything about it it just lying around 8ODFPiZBcnu-00206-00053486-00053773 in the database so now companies are 8ODFPiZBcnu-00207-00053774-00054001 starting to use that data to analyze it 8ODFPiZBcnu-00208-00054002-00054301 and look at trends past and future 8ODFPiZBcnu-00209-00054302-00054559 trends which is false in in the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00210-00054560-00054895 predictive analytics category so I'm 8ODFPiZBcnu-00211-00054896-00055171 very much interested in looking at both 8ODFPiZBcnu-00212-00055172-00055554 the behavior of data and the consumer 8ODFPiZBcnu-00213-00055555-00055788 behavior which the data tells you so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00214-00055789-00056248 analytics lets me study that and look at 8ODFPiZBcnu-00215-00056249-00056635 the data in terms of how you can manage 8ODFPiZBcnu-00216-00056636-00056986 your customers better so I want to learn 8ODFPiZBcnu-00217-00056987-00057187 it's because of that is there anything 8ODFPiZBcnu-00218-00057188-00057357 that you would like to study in the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00219-00057358-00057637 future I would like to study Python 8ODFPiZBcnu-00220-00057638-00057792 programming language I'm currently 8ODFPiZBcnu-00221-00057794-00058075 studying that and I would like to master 8ODFPiZBcnu-00222-00058076-00058279 it because it lets you create and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00223-00058279-00058450 develop your own programs because these 8ODFPiZBcnu-00224-00058451-00058720 days the data analytics software is very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00225-00058721-00059026 expensive so it's it gives you much more 8ODFPiZBcnu-00226-00059027-00059338 power to control your own dashboards and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00227-00059339-00059614 you can create it on your own so I want 8ODFPiZBcnu-00228-00059615-00059812 to learn Python programming because of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00229-00059813-00060157 that now let's talk about your home time 8ODFPiZBcnu-00230-00060158-00060382 what kind of place is your home time oh 8ODFPiZBcnu-00231-00060383-00060657 I come from a very small city in India 8ODFPiZBcnu-00232-00060658-00060937 it's in western northwestern region 8ODFPiZBcnu-00233-00060938-00061198 it's called Baroda and it's a princely 8ODFPiZBcnu-00234-00061199-00061467 state we still have a king who lives in 8ODFPiZBcnu-00235-00061469-00061711 a palace so there are lots of palaces 8ODFPiZBcnu-00236-00061712-00062023 throughout the city and it's called the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00237-00062024-00062337 cultural capital of my state because 8ODFPiZBcnu-00238-00062338-00062590 there are a lot of like reading and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00239-00062591-00062812 exhibition arts and culture is very much 8ODFPiZBcnu-00240-00062813-00062967 promoted there and what's the most 8ODFPiZBcnu-00241-00062969-00063294 interesting part of your hometown I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00242-00063295-00063519 would say the palaces there are a lot of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00243-00063520-00063715 palaces throughout the city and they're 8ODFPiZBcnu-00244-00063716-00063991 like really beautiful in the past only 8ODFPiZBcnu-00245-00063991-00064230 the King was allowed to be there but now 8ODFPiZBcnu-00246-00064232-00064528 it's open to the public so we can go 8ODFPiZBcnu-00247-00064529-00064692 around and see all those palaces and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00248-00064694-00065019 there are lots of museums and it's 1,800 8ODFPiZBcnu-00249-00065020-00065313 years of history so it's really great 8ODFPiZBcnu-00250-00065314-00065713 and also we have a river which flows 8ODFPiZBcnu-00251-00065714-00065941 through the city and it's very famous 8ODFPiZBcnu-00252-00065942-00066156 for having a lot of crocodiles in it and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00253-00066157-00066294 it was featured on National Geographic 8ODFPiZBcnu-00254-00066295-00066448 so because 8ODFPiZBcnu-00255-00066449-00066679 it's the largest river in a city with 8ODFPiZBcnu-00256-00066680-00066931 most number of crocodiles in it so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00257-00066932-00067153 that's customer attraction I would say 8ODFPiZBcnu-00258-00067154-00067612 and what jobs do people do in your home 8ODFPiZBcnu-00259-00067613-00068080 time well like I said my city is very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00260-00068081-00068410 small so most of the people have small 8ODFPiZBcnu-00261-00068411-00068661 businesses there are business owners and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00262-00068662-00068976 the students there they don't they don't 8ODFPiZBcnu-00263-00068977-00069115 really have too many opportunities so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00264-00069116-00069373 they go out either out of the city or 8ODFPiZBcnu-00265-00069374-00069876 they go out a product to study or to do 8ODFPiZBcnu-00266-00069877-00070231 to look for an occupation but in my city 8ODFPiZBcnu-00267-00070232-00070360 there are not too many opportunities 8ODFPiZBcnu-00268-00070361-00070855 sadly but there we have like some big 8ODFPiZBcnu-00269-00070856-00071113 companies like pharmaceuticals and we 8ODFPiZBcnu-00270-00071114-00071440 have chemical industries so those type 8ODFPiZBcnu-00271-00071441-00071932 of jobs mean bit you have yes and now 8ODFPiZBcnu-00272-00071933-00072213 let's talk about colors what's your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00273-00072214-00072294 favorite color 8ODFPiZBcnu-00274-00072295-00072565 mm-hmm I don't really have a favorite 8ODFPiZBcnu-00275-00072566-00072868 color it's like depends on my mood but I 8ODFPiZBcnu-00276-00072869-00073081 am told that I'm most of the time I tend 8ODFPiZBcnu-00277-00073082-00073348 to wear white or black that's what I'm 8ODFPiZBcnu-00278-00073349-00073399 told 8ODFPiZBcnu-00279-00073400-00073687 but I don't really think of a color when 8ODFPiZBcnu-00280-00073688-00073861 I go to buy clothes I just play pick 8ODFPiZBcnu-00281-00073862-00074185 anything I don't think I have a favorite 8ODFPiZBcnu-00282-00074186-00074226 color 8ODFPiZBcnu-00283-00074227-00074551 no and are there any colors that you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00284-00074552-00075190 dislike I dislike red it's because I had 8ODFPiZBcnu-00285-00075191-00075421 a traumatic experience once so that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00286-00075422-00075756 color scares me better than that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00287-00075757-00076147 denim colors that I dislike and are 8ODFPiZBcnu-00288-00076148-00076309 there any colors in your country that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00289-00076310-00076738 have a special meaning yes but India is 8ODFPiZBcnu-00290-00076739-00076897 a secular country but most of us are 8ODFPiZBcnu-00291-00076898-00077215 Hindus so orange is a color of my 8ODFPiZBcnu-00292-00077216-00077278 religion 8ODFPiZBcnu-00293-00077279-00077590 so you you'd see orange flags on temples 8ODFPiZBcnu-00294-00077591-00077866 so orange is very prominent but the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00295-00077867-00078091 Muslims they are in minority but they're 8ODFPiZBcnu-00296-00078092-00078247 there there are a lot of Muslims in my 8ODFPiZBcnu-00297-00078248-00078501 country so they have the green flags so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00298-00078502-00078655 whenever there is a festival or Hindu 8ODFPiZBcnu-00299-00078656-00078841 festival you'll see people wearing 8ODFPiZBcnu-00300-00078842-00079194 orange and waving orange flags and when 8ODFPiZBcnu-00301-00079195-00079378 there is a Muslim festival we would see 8ODFPiZBcnu-00302-00079379-00079632 like people in processions carrying 8ODFPiZBcnu-00303-00079633-00079828 green flags and very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00304-00079829-00080199 Green well done okay so that was me how 8ODFPiZBcnu-00305-00080200-00080451 did you feel was that different from the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00306-00080452-00080671 one that you did last week oh I can't 8ODFPiZBcnu-00307-00080672-00081010 judge for myself I gotcha I'm a teacher 8ODFPiZBcnu-00308-00081011-00081326 I should just tell you in the comments 8ODFPiZBcnu-00309-00081327-00081699 no well well let's talk about the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00310-00081700-00081886 differences the main difference was you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00311-00081887-00082090 developed your answers much much more 8ODFPiZBcnu-00312-00082091-00082269 and so that would have helped your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00313-00082270-00082465 coherence would have helped your fluency 8ODFPiZBcnu-00314-00082466-00082713 would have helped you your grammatical 8ODFPiZBcnu-00315-00082714-00082897 range as well so you did a you did a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00316-00082898-00083122 really really good job there and there 8ODFPiZBcnu-00317-00083123-00083542 was only one where you you talked quite 8ODFPiZBcnu-00318-00083543-00083818 a bit quite a long time and but you only 8ODFPiZBcnu-00319-00083819-00084196 did it for one one one answer and the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00320-00084197-00084442 examiner would probably only stop you if 8ODFPiZBcnu-00321-00084443-00084624 you did that for every single answer 8ODFPiZBcnu-00322-00084625-00084825 because they need to ask you a range of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00323-00084826-00085009 different questions and so you did 8ODFPiZBcnu-00324-00085010-00085237 really really well in terms of coherence 8ODFPiZBcnu-00325-00085238-00085493 you answered every question and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00326-00085494-00085705 everything that you said was related to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00327-00085706-00085885 the question so you had a very very good 8ODFPiZBcnu-00328-00085886-00086278 job grammar again extremely accurate and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00329-00086279-00086536 wide-ranging I used a range of different 8ODFPiZBcnu-00330-00086537-00086855 tenses and structures and and your your 8ODFPiZBcnu-00331-00086856-00087085 sentences were more complex that time 8ODFPiZBcnu-00332-00087086-00087274 because you're adding in more clauses 8ODFPiZBcnu-00333-00087275-00087493 because you were adding in more detail 8ODFPiZBcnu-00334-00087494-00087732 and explanations and examples and just 8ODFPiZBcnu-00335-00087733-00087997 elaborating a lot more on the answers 8ODFPiZBcnu-00336-00087998-00088297 and in terms of vocabulary either you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00337-00088298-00088462 did an excellent job I think that you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00338-00088463-00088684 used even more topic-specific vocabulary 8ODFPiZBcnu-00339-00088685-00088936 and you tried to push yourself a lot 8ODFPiZBcnu-00340-00088937-00089226 more and again the most important thing 8ODFPiZBcnu-00341-00089227-00089428 is accuracy and your vocabulary is 8ODFPiZBcnu-00342-00089429-00089641 extremely accurate so you did a very 8ODFPiZBcnu-00343-00089642-00089937 very good job there with pronunciation 8ODFPiZBcnu-00344-00089938-00090234 again the intonation was great the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00345-00090235-00090550 sentence stress connected speech already 8ODFPiZBcnu-00346-00090551-00090705 good I could understand a hundred 8ODFPiZBcnu-00347-00090706-00090940 percent of what you were saying and you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00348-00090941-00091251 did try and enunciate a lot more the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00349-00091252-00091441 people watching might say I didn't hear 8ODFPiZBcnu-00350-00091442-00091668 this or hear that because it's the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00351-00091669-00091903 microphone and because of the signed and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00352-00091904-00092062 they're less watching on their little 8ODFPiZBcnu-00353-00092063-00092412 iPhone or whatever and but in the studio 8ODFPiZBcnu-00354-00092413-00092611 here I can understand everything that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00355-00092612-00093006 you're saying which is great and one of 8ODFPiZBcnu-00356-00093007-00093138 the things that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00357-00093139-00093396 was brought up in the comments before 8ODFPiZBcnu-00358-00093397-00093687 was that you have a tendency to say like 8ODFPiZBcnu-00359-00093688-00093996 which is and there's a lot of different 8ODFPiZBcnu-00360-00093997-00094248 ways that you can use the word like the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00361-00094249-00094470 primary way that you use the word like 8ODFPiZBcnu-00362-00094471-00094860 is to use for examples and so when 8ODFPiZBcnu-00363-00094861-00095034 you're writing an essay you would write 8ODFPiZBcnu-00364-00095035-00095292 for example for instance that's a more 8ODFPiZBcnu-00365-00095293-00095685 formal academic way and/or such as but 8ODFPiZBcnu-00366-00095686-00095838 when you're speaking if you listen to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00367-00095839-00096102 how people from this part of the world 8ODFPiZBcnu-00368-00096103-00096519 and say give examples instead of saying 8ODFPiZBcnu-00369-00096520-00096801 for example they'll say like and which 8ODFPiZBcnu-00370-00096802-00096894 is totally normal 8ODFPiZBcnu-00371-00096895-00097104 it's not a you're not using it as a 8ODFPiZBcnu-00372-00097105-00097419 filler you're using it to exemplify 8ODFPiZBcnu-00373-00097420-00097641 things to use it as an example so that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00374-00097642-00097998 was totally fine and one of the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00375-00097999-00098355 questions you I asked you about a color 8ODFPiZBcnu-00376-00098356-00098556 that you disliked and you said red and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00377-00098557-00098742 you were talking about an emotional 8ODFPiZBcnu-00378-00098743-00098946 thing as something traumatic that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00379-00098947-00099027 happened to you 8ODFPiZBcnu-00380-00099028-00099324 so anyone watching I've had this happen 8ODFPiZBcnu-00381-00099325-00099696 to me and in hit during the test where 8ODFPiZBcnu-00382-00099697-00099966 someone you ask a question that is quite 8ODFPiZBcnu-00383-00099967-00100254 innocent and the person thinks of some 8ODFPiZBcnu-00384-00100255-00100506 horrible event that happened in the past 8ODFPiZBcnu-00385-00100507-00100710 and then they start to think about that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00386-00100711-00100995 event and they start to get very nervous 8ODFPiZBcnu-00387-00100996-00101214 and stressed out and emotional and that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00388-00101215-00101385 can affect the performance so anybody 8ODFPiZBcnu-00389-00101386-00101661 watching I would avoid talking about 8ODFPiZBcnu-00390-00101662-00102072 traumatic things like I've yeah it's 8ODFPiZBcnu-00391-00102073-00102270 it's totally natural it just pops into 8ODFPiZBcnu-00392-00102271-00102336 your mind 8ODFPiZBcnu-00393-00102337-00102743 and like the very first lesson I ever 8ODFPiZBcnu-00394-00102744-00103268 taught I asked this lady about her 8ODFPiZBcnu-00395-00103269-00103530 family and she was a I didn't know but 8ODFPiZBcnu-00396-00103531-00103731 she was a refugee and her whole family 8ODFPiZBcnu-00397-00103732-00104217 had died uh oh my god you know you just 8ODFPiZBcnu-00398-00104218-00104553 and she kind of fell apart and she cuz 8ODFPiZBcnu-00399-00104554-00104730 obviously it was a traumatic thing for 8ODFPiZBcnu-00400-00104731-00105035 to talk about so if this happens in if 8ODFPiZBcnu-00401-00105036-00105236 you're watching this video avoid 8ODFPiZBcnu-00402-00105238-00105560 emotional traumatic things and in it 8ODFPiZBcnu-00403-00105561-00105734 because it can put you off you know but 8ODFPiZBcnu-00404-00105735-00105935 you did an excellent job very any 8ODFPiZBcnu-00405-00105936-00106207 questions about part one 8ODFPiZBcnu-00406-00106208-00106609 intonation okay so intonation is the 8ODFPiZBcnu-00407-00106610-00107138 tone of your voice so we convey meaning 8ODFPiZBcnu-00408-00107139-00107366 when we're speaking English we convey 8ODFPiZBcnu-00409-00107367-00107573 meaning through words through facial 8ODFPiZBcnu-00410-00107574-00107903 expressions but also the tone so a good 8ODFPiZBcnu-00411-00107904-00108251 example would be if I came home late and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00412-00108252-00108404 I said hi honey 8ODFPiZBcnu-00413-00108405-00108698 to my wife how are you and she said fine 8ODFPiZBcnu-00414-00108699-00108983 fine like with the rising intonation 8ODFPiZBcnu-00415-00108983-00109346 that means she's fine but if my wife 8ODFPiZBcnu-00416-00109347-00109640 said fine with a darn word in tonight 8ODFPiZBcnu-00417-00109641-00109919 that means it's not fine or if I were 8ODFPiZBcnu-00418-00109920-00110105 four student came into the classroom and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00419-00110106-00110308 they were late and I said please sit 8ODFPiZBcnu-00420-00110309-00110525 down please said I'm so going up and 8ODFPiZBcnu-00421-00110526-00110741 then down that would mean that I'm 8ODFPiZBcnu-00422-00110742-00110959 totally fine and it's a polite way to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00423-00110960-00111272 ask him to sit down but if I said please 8ODFPiZBcnu-00424-00111273-00111349 sit done 8ODFPiZBcnu-00425-00111350-00111650 please sit done sounds very serious so 8ODFPiZBcnu-00426-00111651-00111893 because it's just there's just a falling 8ODFPiZBcnu-00427-00111894-00112193 intonation and but you have very natural 8ODFPiZBcnu-00428-00112194-00112415 intonation it's it's very difficult to 8ODFPiZBcnu-00429-00112416-00112625 learn and for a non-native English 8ODFPiZBcnu-00430-00112626-00112853 speaker so you're doing a good job with 8ODFPiZBcnu-00431-00112854-00112921 that 8ODFPiZBcnu-00432-00112922-00115084 [Music] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00000-00000162-00002747 peeing yeah saturated 8OQt2KHGxN4-00001-00002748-00003047 morning house no electricity no running 8OQt2KHGxN4-00002-00003048-00003406 water except for the water running down 8OQt2KHGxN4-00003-00003407-00003635 the wall it's an authentic wood panel 8OQt2KHGxN4-00004-00003636-00003917 dishwasher complementary water stains 8OQt2KHGxN4-00005-00003918-00004133 well this side of the house is 8OQt2KHGxN4-00006-00004134-00004403 settling a bit looks like 8OQt2KHGxN4-00007-00004404-00004715 got some deflection cracks 8OQt2KHGxN4-00008-00004716-00004919 got the fireplace the chimney is 8OQt2KHGxN4-00009-00004920-00005104 starting to slant 8OQt2KHGxN4-00010-00005105-00005386 more deflection cracks 8OQt2KHGxN4-00011-00005387-00005849 roof is caked in there 8OQt2KHGxN4-00012-00005850-00007505 same thing over here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00013-00007506-00007810 we've got a nice little leak 8OQt2KHGxN4-00014-00007811-00007973 we're checking out some water staining 8OQt2KHGxN4-00015-00007973-00008092 in the ceiling 8OQt2KHGxN4-00016-00008093-00008333 this water standing is not active 8OQt2KHGxN4-00017-00008334-00008519 so paying over that 8OQt2KHGxN4-00018-00008520-00008663 we've got a nice little leak happening 8OQt2KHGxN4-00019-00008664-00008873 right over here so we're gonna come back 8OQt2KHGxN4-00020-00008874-00009185 and verify with the protein meter 8OQt2KHGxN4-00021-00009186-00009509 moisture meter 8OQt2KHGxN4-00022-00009510-00009677 and 8OQt2KHGxN4-00023-00009678-00009899 tell us we have a not so lovely pool 8OQt2KHGxN4-00024-00009900-00010055 this morning 8OQt2KHGxN4-00025-00010056-00010427 and all kinds of damage and separation 8OQt2KHGxN4-00026-00010428-00010781 on the coping and the tile work 8OQt2KHGxN4-00027-00010782-00010978 some algae growth 8OQt2KHGxN4-00028-00010979-00011183 over here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00029-00011184-00011477 on the spa 8OQt2KHGxN4-00030-00011478-00011801 we have a lovely crack going all the way 8OQt2KHGxN4-00031-00011802-00012010 through the corner of the spa 8OQt2KHGxN4-00032-00012011-00012395 coming out on the other side 8OQt2KHGxN4-00033-00012396-00012617 going down so we're definitely going to 8OQt2KHGxN4-00034-00012618-00012910 need that to be looked at around that 8OQt2KHGxN4-00035-00012911-00013043 skimmer 8OQt2KHGxN4-00036-00013044-00013258 I got two different levels so the Lower 8OQt2KHGxN4-00037-00013259-00013529 Side of the skimmer is settling down the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00038-00013530-00013721 upper side's starting to push up so 8OQt2KHGxN4-00039-00013722-00013894 probably some leaks happening around 8OQt2KHGxN4-00040-00013895-00014322 that skimmer 8OQt2KHGxN4-00041-00014323-00014608 I have water running into several 8OQt2KHGxN4-00042-00014609-00014747 fixtures 8OQt2KHGxN4-00043-00014747-00014938 and even though there's no drain lines 8OQt2KHGxN4-00044-00014940-00015053 over here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00045-00015054-00015263 um I think I'm underneath the laundry 8OQt2KHGxN4-00046-00015263-00015461 room we got 8OQt2KHGxN4-00047-00015462-00015725 some sort of water uh leaking pretty 8OQt2KHGxN4-00048-00015726-00015958 steadily 8OQt2KHGxN4-00049-00015959-00016211 and then same thing over here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00050-00016212-00016421 I have water leaking from 8OQt2KHGxN4-00051-00016422-00016721 the joists somebody forgot an electrical 8OQt2KHGxN4-00052-00016722-00017261 outlet or a gas connection for the dryer 8OQt2KHGxN4-00053-00017262-00017765 you were almost there man 8OQt2KHGxN4-00054-00017766-00017939 got a little bit of freeze board pulling 8OQt2KHGxN4-00055-00017940-00018143 activity 8OQt2KHGxN4-00056-00018144-00018394 so we're gonna check out the rest of the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00057-00018395-00018521 wall 8OQt2KHGxN4-00058-00018522-00018822 we're looking for any cracks or any 8OQt2KHGxN4-00059-00018823-00019097 signs of movement 8OQt2KHGxN4-00060-00019098-00019283 a lot of times the windows will separate 8OQt2KHGxN4-00061-00019284-00019439 during movement 8OQt2KHGxN4-00062-00019440-00020189 so we want to keep an eye out for that 8OQt2KHGxN4-00063-00020190-00020507 Houston Texas basement 8OQt2KHGxN4-00064-00020508-00020722 prayer 8OQt2KHGxN4-00065-00020723-00021605 yeah space yeah 8OQt2KHGxN4-00066-00021606-00021761 all right so we're at a new construction 8OQt2KHGxN4-00067-00021762-00022199 here Up on the Rooftop and we have a 8OQt2KHGxN4-00068-00022200-00022433 tankless water heater 8OQt2KHGxN4-00069-00022434-00022613 um and whenever they're there outside 8OQt2KHGxN4-00070-00022614-00022900 they usually have the vent out the front 8OQt2KHGxN4-00071-00022901-00023093 where the carbon monoxide will come out 8OQt2KHGxN4-00072-00023094-00023417 but right next to this one you have your 8OQt2KHGxN4-00073-00023418-00023753 fresh air intake so every so many 8OQt2KHGxN4-00074-00023754-00023993 minutes out of an hour whatever it's set 8OQt2KHGxN4-00075-00023994-00024322 to this is going to pull fresh air into 8OQt2KHGxN4-00076-00024323-00024791 the house or into the um the air 8OQt2KHGxN4-00077-00024792-00025097 conditioning and if you have the water 8OQt2KHGxN4-00078-00025098-00025277 heater running at the same time well 8OQt2KHGxN4-00079-00025278-00025458 then you're going to get carbon monoxide 8OQt2KHGxN4-00080-00025459-00026320 running into the fresh air intake oops 8OQt2KHGxN4-00081-00026322-00026670 foreign 8OQt2KHGxN4-00082-00026670-00027299 [Music] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00083-00027300-00027743 this is a 2005 house all of the HVAC 8OQt2KHGxN4-00084-00027744-00028139 equipment ductwork is all original let 8OQt2KHGxN4-00085-00028139-00028324 me get around the corner here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00086-00028325-00028673 and it looks like uh for about 17 years 8OQt2KHGxN4-00087-00028674-00028829 now we've been air conditioning the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00088-00028830-00029008 Attic 8OQt2KHGxN4-00089-00029010-00029164 just gonna get the end of the duct I'll 8OQt2KHGxN4-00090-00029166-00029345 just open to the attic space there 8OQt2KHGxN4-00091-00029345-00029555 and then I assume it should connect 8OQt2KHGxN4-00092-00029556-00029758 right there because that's also open in 8OQt2KHGxN4-00093-00029760-00029999 that planet box but uh 8OQt2KHGxN4-00094-00030000-00030220 someone forgot to uh connect those two 8OQt2KHGxN4-00095-00030222-00030574 and it's been that way for 17 years 8OQt2KHGxN4-00096-00030575-00030802 rainy day inspections are usually the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00097-00030804-00030935 best 8OQt2KHGxN4-00098-00030936-00031162 this one did not disappoint there's 8OQt2KHGxN4-00099-00031163-00031624 water dripping from the ceiling 8OQt2KHGxN4-00100-00031625-00032033 it was pretty fantastic 8OQt2KHGxN4-00101-00032033-00032249 got some high quality water heater 8OQt2KHGxN4-00102-00032250-00032495 installed on this new construction 8OQt2KHGxN4-00103-00032495-00032773 this water heater is not hung level 8OQt2KHGxN4-00104-00032774-00033017 compared to the other one 8OQt2KHGxN4-00105-00033018-00033262 and then uh this one's got a sediment 8OQt2KHGxN4-00106-00033263-00033557 trap for the gas supply line 8OQt2KHGxN4-00107-00033558-00034061 this one does not 8OQt2KHGxN4-00108-00034062-00034355 can you say sagging decking 8OQt2KHGxN4-00109-00034356-00034552 I'm in the heights of Houston doing a 8OQt2KHGxN4-00110-00034553-00034739 termite inspection 8OQt2KHGxN4-00111-00034740-00034949 and 8OQt2KHGxN4-00112-00034950-00035165 come across the shed when I'm going 8OQt2KHGxN4-00113-00035166-00035435 around the walls like to tap the walls 8OQt2KHGxN4-00114-00035436-00035657 and I can hear frass Falling Down the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00115-00035658-00035917 Walls from up top so then I look down 8OQt2KHGxN4-00116-00035918-00036189 look for the pile 8OQt2KHGxN4-00117-00036190-00036521 [Music] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00118-00036522-00036821 found some dry Wood termite for ass 8OQt2KHGxN4-00119-00036822-00036983 about the shape of 8OQt2KHGxN4-00120-00036984-00037252 some couscous a little piece of rice and 8OQt2KHGxN4-00121-00037253-00037468 it's got these little ridges on it 8OQt2KHGxN4-00122-00037469-00037715 termites of Houston they'll never give 8OQt2KHGxN4-00123-00037716-00037901 up 8OQt2KHGxN4-00124-00037902-00038051 you gotta watch out for this Ivy 8OQt2KHGxN4-00125-00038052-00038362 touching the house there's some rot 8OQt2KHGxN4-00126-00038363-00038712 and the termites Will Never Let You Down 8OQt2KHGxN4-00127-00038713-00038915 and then sometimes you have to run 8OQt2KHGxN4-00128-00038916-00039077 around the house and make sure they 8OQt2KHGxN4-00129-00039078-00039227 didn't desert you 8OQt2KHGxN4-00130-00039228-00039418 we got a nice termite tube going right 8OQt2KHGxN4-00131-00039419-00039580 here 8OQt2KHGxN4-00132-00039581-00039917 if you ever see this type of screw 8OQt2KHGxN4-00133-00039918-00040079 in place 8OQt2KHGxN4-00134-00040080-00040223 you typically 8OQt2KHGxN4-00135-00040224-00040283 um 8OQt2KHGxN4-00136-00040284-00040474 it might be a pointed tip screw so you 8OQt2KHGxN4-00137-00040475-00040690 want to be very careful whenever you're 8OQt2KHGxN4-00138-00040691-00040852 opening up the panel you don't want it 8OQt2KHGxN4-00139-00040853-00041207 to arc on you there it is right there 8OQt2KHGxN4-00140-00041208-00041477 leak detection is a critical part of the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00141-00041478-00041777 Home Inspection process let's go check 8OQt2KHGxN4-00142-00041778-00042067 it out 8OQt2KHGxN4-00143-00042068-00042467 we're in a new build and we got a leak 8OQt2KHGxN4-00144-00042468-00042761 foreign 8OQt2KHGxN4-00145-00042762-00043003 [Applause] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00146-00043004-00043339 [Music] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00147-00043340-00043668 oh found it 8OQt2KHGxN4-00148-00043669-00045011 oh found it 8OQt2KHGxN4-00149-00045012-00045185 when you're buying a home in the Houston 8OQt2KHGxN4-00150-00045186-00045533 Heights you want to be prepared for 8OQt2KHGxN4-00151-00045534-00045730 Rockwood termites 8OQt2KHGxN4-00152-00045731-00045971 that is some dry Wood termite frass this 8OQt2KHGxN4-00153-00045972-00046312 is very common around Houston 8OQt2KHGxN4-00154-00046313-00046523 checking out the sprinkler system 8OQt2KHGxN4-00155-00046524-00046661 zone two 8OQt2KHGxN4-00156-00046662-00046895 we got a problem 8OQt2KHGxN4-00157-00046896-00047051 hitting an air conditioning systems 8OQt2KHGxN4-00158-00047052-00047362 depend on a load calculation 8OQt2KHGxN4-00159-00047363-00047693 to determine how much air conditioning 8OQt2KHGxN4-00160-00047694-00047921 tonnage you need for your home big part 8OQt2KHGxN4-00161-00047922-00048221 of that is well part of it is 8OQt2KHGxN4-00162-00048222-00048473 the insulation depth 8OQt2KHGxN4-00163-00048474-00048827 here in this new build there appears to 8OQt2KHGxN4-00164-00048828-00049108 be 12 inches of insulation 8OQt2KHGxN4-00165-00049109-00049343 this area the installation is a little 8OQt2KHGxN4-00166-00049344-00049480 piled up 8OQt2KHGxN4-00167-00049481-00049829 so I was wondering what the average area 8OQt2KHGxN4-00168-00049830-00050201 looked like so let's grab the measuring 8OQt2KHGxN4-00169-00050202-00050689 stick from the insulation guys 8OQt2KHGxN4-00170-00050690-00051065 and check the average you know just a 8OQt2KHGxN4-00171-00051066-00052061 general area oops 8OQt2KHGxN4-00172-00052062-00052187 so 8OQt2KHGxN4-00173-00052188-00052463 let's see what we got 8OQt2KHGxN4-00174-00052464-00052853 eight 8OQt2KHGxN4-00175-00052854-00053069 it might throw off the air conditioning 8OQt2KHGxN4-00176-00053070-00053404 okay we are on a 9 500 square foot new 8OQt2KHGxN4-00177-00053405-00053657 build uh up in the attic we have a high 8OQt2KHGxN4-00178-00053658-00053885 efficiency furnace uh we got the PVC 8OQt2KHGxN4-00179-00053886-00054226 pipes but we didn't have not we don't 8OQt2KHGxN4-00180-00054227-00054400 have a gas line installed it'd come 8OQt2KHGxN4-00181-00054401-00054611 through there and there's your heat 8OQt2KHGxN4-00182-00054612-00054863 exchanger but no gas is installed to it 8OQt2KHGxN4-00183-00054864-00055054 so it's obviously not going to work and 8OQt2KHGxN4-00184-00055055-00055199 then we noticed before we took the cover 8OQt2KHGxN4-00185-00055200-00055487 off we noticed some water in the pan 8OQt2KHGxN4-00186-00055488-00055757 and so we opened up the cover saw the 8OQt2KHGxN4-00187-00055758-00056015 water there and we see a little water 8OQt2KHGxN4-00188-00056016-00056399 dripping and that's for the flu going to 8OQt2KHGxN4-00189-00056400-00056621 the exterior so we got uh it is raining 8OQt2KHGxN4-00190-00056622-00056776 outside currently 8OQt2KHGxN4-00191-00056777-00057047 and so we have a flu leaking 8OQt2KHGxN4-00192-00057048-00057263 to the interior of the cabinet here's 8OQt2KHGxN4-00193-00057264-00057592 another example of a poor planting in 8OQt2KHGxN4-00194-00057594-00057785 the construction process we have a HVAC 8OQt2KHGxN4-00195-00057786-00058066 unit in a closet uh the drain line is 8OQt2KHGxN4-00196-00058067-00058201 blocking the filter door 8OQt2KHGxN4-00197-00058202-00058529 [Music] 8OQt2KHGxN4-00198-00058529-00058835 and then my my favorite is here's your 8OQt2KHGxN4-00199-00058836-00058973 return 8OQt2KHGxN4-00200-00058974-00059147 intake 8OQt2KHGxN4-00201-00059148-00059404 and there's going to be a door here and 8OQt2KHGxN4-00202-00059405-00059782 so when we close the door we block 8OQt2KHGxN4-00203-00059783-00060754 the return area 8OQt2KHGxN4-00204-00060755-00060923 brand new build 8OQt2KHGxN4-00205-00060924-00061061 why do I need to get my new build 8OQt2KHGxN4-00206-00061062-00061450 inspected 8OQt2KHGxN4-00207-00061451-00061576 let's take a look at this water heater 8OQt2KHGxN4-00208-00061577-00062332 flu 8OQt2KHGxN4-00209-00062333-00062566 this is our air return Chase filter's a 8OQt2KHGxN4-00210-00062567-00062669 little dirty 8OQt2KHGxN4-00211-00062670-00062992 you also have a gas line running through 8OQt2KHGxN4-00212-00062994-00063280 here which is not allowed and that gas 8OQt2KHGxN4-00213-00063282-00063454 line is 8OQt2KHGxN4-00214-00063455-00063779 made of csst which needs to be properly 8OQt2KHGxN4-00215-00063779-00063973 bonded 8OQt2KHGxN4-00216-00063974-00065663 [Music]