{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , dwago ikana ma omata mwony.\, lacoo, cit motmot. I bi wano kom kenke n.\, atye maber. An puni. An atyeru ne.\, , , , , ], : [, , , , , , coming down from a caffeine high.\, Dude, you need to slow down. You're gonna hurt yourself.\"", "But he just laughed and said, \"I'm fine. I'm an engineer. I can handle it.\"", "I don't know how he does it, but he's definitely one of a kind.", "I mean, he's the only person I know who can drink coffee and still fall asleep in class.It's like his body is just used to it.", "I'm not sure how long he can keep this up, but I'm kind of impressed by his dedication.", "I mean, if he can drink that much coffee and still function, then he's definitely got some serious willpower.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_16__ittbtiyrnwyriytrslachtlensrcs\, , , , , Yin myero iwek cweyo cal,\, Cwec ma megi leng tutwal. Tye ka kwalo gini kwo ki wilobo.\, Itye ka wacu nining?\Cale acwea na obedo kwogo me kwo.\, Ku,\Obedo kwero pir gi. Gin obedo yore me gengo jo nibeo ilobo me ada.Ka ineno cal acwea acel megi ikin cale acwea ni, pe itye ka neno lobo kit matye kwede.Itye ka neno lobo kit ma imito ni bed kwede. Mano pe cwec me ada.Cwec me ada obedo nyuti wilobo kit ma tye kwede, dongo ki weng.Obedo miyo jo winyo gin mo icwiny.Cal acwea ni miyo jo winyo gin mo icwiny ku.Gin miyo gi winyo marac icwiny.\, ], : [I stood before the sculpture, my heart filled with both awe and sadness.The creation was so beautiful, but it also felt like a trap.The artist had captured the essence of the subject so perfectly that it was almost as if they were still alive.But they were not.They were just a piece of stone.I turned to the artist, a young man named Ram. \ I said.\Ram looked at me in surprise \ he asked \\ I said \, , , , , , Ram was silent for a long time.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_230__tttattttslachtlensrcsLyel pa muje man orucu wilwak pi kwo ma en onwongo obedo tiyo ikare ma en kwo.Jo gang ki lurem ogure inget canduk lyel, ceko icina ki nyero pi kare maber ma gin gubedo ki latoo eni.Dek ki gin amata onwongo tye madwong ata, kun wer pe ogik bene.Ikom kare naca, dako pa latoo eni ocung malu kun tiro kopo gilaci.\ en owacu. \Jo mujoke gigoyo kopo gilaci kacel kun gimato kacel.Tipo pa muje eni onwongo tye kwedgi, gin dang ongeo ni en obibedo mayie yom me neno gi tye ka kwero kwo ne.Yabo lyel eni omede pi cawa mogo, kun ka idyewor man gik, lwak weng onwongo guol ento yigi onwongo yom.trgsThe old man's wake was a raucous affair, as befitting a life well-lived.", "The family and friends gathered around the coffin, telling stories and laughing about the good times they had shared with the deceased.", "There was plenty of food and drink, and the music never stopped.", "At one point, the widow stood up and raised her glass.", "\"To my husband,\" she said. \"He was a good man, and he will be missed. But he's in a better place now, and we'll see him again someday.\"", "The crowd cheered and drank in unison.", "The old man's spirit was there with them, and they knew that he would be happy to see them celebrating his life.The wake went on for hours, and by the end of the night, everyone was exhausted but happy.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_232__fydeggpslachtlensrcsGwoko but wang ki komDel kom ma megi obedo dul madit loyo, dang pire tek me gwoko ne maber ki woko ki yie. Kan tye gin myero inge for yotkom pa del kom:* Mat pii madwong: Pii en gin ma ber pi yotkom pa del kom, calo en konyo me miyo bedo madyaka ki yom. Yele imato gilaci aboro me pii nino weng.* Cam kwono dek: Camo kwone dek ma kome yot matye iye nyig yen, pot deke, ki dek ma nyige romo konyo me yubu kit ma del komi nen kwede.* Nwong tuku me atuka: Tuku kuku romo konyo me nyayo ki medo yotkom pa del kom. Tem pi dakika maromo 30 me tuku idyere dyere pol pa nine ma icabit.* Nwong nino muromo: Ka pe inwongo nino muromo, komi yubu gin ma kelo tam, ma romo tunu nio ka mol pa remo ku ki peki me delkom. Tem nino pi cawa aromo 7 tuno iyi 8 idye wor acel acel.* Gwok ikom nyango: Lero UV me nyango romo balo delkom ma megi te weko cako tii con, jonge, ki two cancer.trgsFace and Body CareYour skin is your largest organ, and it's important to take care of it both inside and out. Here are some tips for healthy skin:", "* Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for healthy skin, as it helps to keep your skin hydrated and soft. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day.", "* Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help to improve your skin's appearance.* Get regular exercise: Exercise can help to improve your circulation and promote healthy skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.* Get enough sleep: When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and skin problems. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.", "* Protect your skin from the sun: The sun's UV rays can damage your skin and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer.factualityokis_src_orig |
idethiopia_challenges__btithihhttslachtlensrcsEnto imwaka 1974, dul pa lumony ma ngeye ni Derg oweko loc kun cako bebeya marac pi kwero lweny.Kite me tic pa Derg onyanyo peki ki can, jo ma romo million kulu me Ethiopia obin guweko gang ma megi.Imwaka 1991, dul odui mangeye calo Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) okwanyo Derg.", "EPRDF gucako gamente manyen kun ciko me dwogo kuc ki lonyo ilobo me Ethiopia.", "Akadi kono, cik pa EPRDF obed bedo cik me turu twero pa dano, tim me aram, ki lweny me wibye.", "Imwaka 2018, Alub ladwong lobo Abiy Ahmed oleyo opici kun cike me ropo ngom man.", "En ogonyo lubuc magi tye iwibye, keto cik ikubbe me wiyamo,kun cako lok me kuc ki Tigray People's Liberation (TPLF), pati macon me Tigray.Akadi kono, lok me kuc otur woko idwe me abicel mwaka 2020, eka TPLF te tugu jemo ikom lumony me Ethiopia.Adwgo me lweny man obalo jami mapol.Lweny man oweko jo maro million kulu guya ki kan ma onwongo gubedo iye, ki tim me dano dano ma rac.trgsBut in 1974, a military junta known as the Derg seized power and began a brutal campaign of repression.The Derg's policies led to widespread famine and poverty, and millions of Ethiopians were forced to flee their homes.", "In 1991, a coalition of rebel groups known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) overthrew the Derg.The EPRDF established a new government and promised to restore peace and prosperity to Ethiopia.However, the EPRDF's rule has been plagued by human rights abuses, corruption, and political repression.", "In 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took office and pledged to reform the country.", "He released political prisoners, lifted restrictions on the media, and began peace talks with the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), the former ruling party of Tigray.However, the peace talks broke down in June 2020, and the TPLF launched an offensive against the Ethiopian military.The ensuing conflict has been devastating.The fighting has displaced millions of people, and the humanitarian situation is dire.factualityhas_errorsis_src_orig |
idstt_158__iitissmhtiabiwtiiiwwwmdidwwmtiwdtslachtlensrcsTye aya ki ot tedo, aya me kwedo.Acito ping, mor pe me miyo gin mo winye.Dwon en tye ka mede malu.Ayenyo kan mo weng iyi ot tedo kun aneno Mama ocung ping, neno woko ki dirija.En nen ma malwo ki myel kom. \ Apwenyo.En owire ku.\ Te wayo yamo matut kun wire me nena.Wange lac kun opong ki lwor.\ en owacu. \I lube neno ne ki woko idirija.Iyi acaki, aneno gin mo ku.Ento dong, ate ngeyo cito mo ki tipu.Obedo gin ma lac, nen macol, dang tye ka cito tu bang ot.\ Apenyo. \ Mama owacu. \Cwec eni nyiko cok.Tye bor dok tidi, ki tyene magoro.Kome tye owume yer ma col, kun wie pwot, calo odilo.Pe ki wange, ento atye kaneno yite aryo mucung.\ An apenyo.\ Mama owacu. \Waringo woko ki ot tedo naka iyi ot me beda.\ Akok. \Baba oneno malu kun yaa ki neno TV. \ en openyo.\ Mama owacu. \Baba oya ki kom.\ en owacu.Wan weng waring ki dogola me nyim.Mama oyabo ne kun walaro woko.Gin eni tye cok ki nge wa.Cok tutwal atye ka nwongo lyeto me weo ne inge nguta.Waring kan motoka kun wadony iyie.Baba ocako motoka ken wacer woko ki yoo ngwec pa motoka.Cwec eni oringo iyorwa, ento wan onwongo wadwir matek.trgsIt\u2019s coming from the kitchen, so I get up to investigate.I creep down the hallway, careful not to make a sound.The clacking is getting louder.I peer around the corner into the kitchen and see Mum standing at the sink, staring out the window.She looks pale and shaken. \u201cMum?\u201d I ask.She doesn\u2019t turn around.\u201cMum, what\u2019s wrong?\u201d She takes a deep breath and turns to face me.Her eyes are wide and filled with fear.\u201cThere\u2019s something outside,\u201d she says. \u201cSomething big.\u201dI follow her gaze out the window.At first, I don\u2019t see anything.But then, I notice a movement in the shadows.It\u2019s a large, dark shape, and it\u2019s moving towards the house.\u201cWhat is it?\u201d I ask. \u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut I don\u2019t think it\u2019s friendly.\u201dThe creature gets closer.It\u2019s tall and slender, with long, spindly legs.Its body is covered in black fur, and its head is a smooth, round ball.It has no eyes, but I can see two large, pointed ears.\u201cWhat are we going to do?\u201d I ask.\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d Mum says. \u201cNow.\u201dWe run out of the kitchen and into the living room.\u201cMum! Dad!\u201d I cry. \u201cThere\u2019s something outside!\u201dDad looks up from the TV. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d he asks.\u201cI don\u2019t know,\u201d Mum says. \u201cBut it\u2019s big and it\u2019s coming this way.\u201dDad gets up from the couch.\u201cWe need to get out of here,\u201d he says.We all run for the front door.Mum unlocks it and we rush outside.The creature is right behind us.It\u2019s so close I can feel its hot breath on the back of my neck.We run to the car and get in.Dad starts the engine and we peel out of the driveway.The creature chases after us, but we\u2019re too fast.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_260__mtaftfttitslachtlensrcsCinema obed bedo gin matek iyubu tekwarowa ki ber gi.Gin kelo gin ma waye iye ikom jami lung nia ki kom mar ki miti nio ilweny ki gero.Kin tye ki kit gin matek magudu kom tam wa makwako tic pa dano macoo ki malanyako.Pi kare mo, Hollywood obed bedo longo ikom tam me dako calo lengo, bedo ma miye, ki dako me gang ma keto cware ki lutino me acel.Anyut eni cok kare ki jingo iyore ma kite pa mon nyute kwede iyi cinema.Apor ne, kwan pa Geena Davis Institute onwongo ni filime 100 ma malu me mwaka 2017, 30% me mon kiken en mo onwongo tye ki kit maloko, kun 12% kiken kikom kit magi en ma onwongo tye ka tic woko ki gang.Pol pa kite pa mon eni onyutu miti me mar onyo pa mama.Lanyut ma dingn pa mon iyi filim cwalo kwena ma tek bot jo ma neno ikom gin manyutu me bedo dako.Geco ni tic pa mon me akukwong obedo be nen mawayo tam ki pwonye, dang mano kit ma gin mucobe maber kipimo kwede iyi bedo me mar gi ki coo ki lutino.Man kelo anyut me tam pa dako maromo bedo gin marac bang mon iyore mapol.trgsMovies have long been a powerful force in shaping our culture and our values.They can influence our beliefs about everything from love and romance to war and violence.And they have a particularly strong influence on our ideas about gender roles.For decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the stereotype of the ideal wife as a beautiful, submissive, and domestic woman who puts her husband and children first.This image is often reinforced by the way that female characters are portrayed in movies.For example, a study by the Geena Davis Institute found that in the top 100 films of 2017, only 30% of female characters had speaking roles, and only 12% of those characters were working outside the home.The majority of female characters were portrayed as either romantic interests or mothers.This narrow representation of women in film sends a powerful message to viewers about what it means to be a woman.It suggests that women's primary role is to be attractive and nurturing, and that their success is measured by their relationships with men and children.", "This idealized image of the wife can be harmful to women in several ways."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "custom_2__piidpdpdpdpdpdgipdiy", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Latwo: Daktal, abedo ka winyo arem yic marac pi nine mukato manok.", "Tye marac ma aromo cem ki nino ku.", "Tye mabit, arem ma cobbe ma bino dok te cito.", "Daktal: Itwero waca mapol ikom arem eni? Kan ma tye iye?", "Latwo: Dwong ne tye iping yia, uguru yia ki ping, ento icawa mukene beyo tunu ingea.", "Daktal: Tye gin mo mamiyo arem eni mede?", "Latwo: Camo dek nen calo medo rem eni, madwongere dek ma moo dwong iye onyo mamio.", "Daktal: Tye gin mo ma mi iwinyo maber?", "Latwo: Butu ping nen bala konyo manok.", "Daktal: Arem eni bino te rweny, onyo mede ameda?", "Latwo: Gik ku. Obedo arem magoro, ento mia abedo agonya ku.", "Daktal: Ibedo ki lanyut mo mukene? Bedo two two, ngoke, cado?", "Latwo: Ku, arem kiken.", "Daktal: Aneno. Eyo, winye calo bala itye ki peko kit peko me gastritis.", "Gastritis obedo bino amiti me cuny tunu iyic.", "Jami mapol romo kelo ne, medo ki camo dek ma moo onyo jami celo dek dwong iye, mato kongo, onyo nwongo kony me yen mogo.", "Latwo: Eni tye marac ce?", "Daktal: Twero bedo, ento pe pol pa kare.", "Acoyi yen mogo me konyi keto arem ki mol pa yic.", "Yin myero igeng camo dek ma tiyo kede jami celo onyo dek ma moo tye iye, eka imat gin ma pige madwong."], "trgs": ["Patient: Doctor, I've been having this terrible stomach pain for the past few days.It's so bad that I can't eat or sleep.It's a sharp, stabbing pain that comes and goes.", "Doctor: Can you tell me more about the pain? Where is it located?", "Patient: It's mostly in my lower abdomen, right around my belly button, but it sometimes radiates to my back.Doctor: Does anything make the pain worse?Patient: Eating seems to make it worse, especially fatty or greasy foods.Doctor: And does anything make it better.?Patient: Lying down seems to help a little.Doctor: Does the pain come and go, or is it constant?Patient: It's constant. It's just a dull ache, but it's really uncomfortable.", "Doctor: Have you had any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?", "Patient: No, just the pain.", "Doctor: I see. Well, it sounds like you're having a case of gastritis.Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining.It can be caused by a number of things, including eating spicy or fatty foods, drinking alcohol, or taking certain medications.Patient: Is it serious?Doctor: It can be, but in most cases it's not.", "I'm going to prescribe you some medication to help relieve the pain and inflammation.You should also avoid eating spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of fluids.factualityokis_src_orig |
idcustom_1__i111111111111i12345slachtlensrcsJami celo dek:* kopi 1 weng-me moko kwon* kopi 1 moko me nyig yat* 1/2 kopi cukal gur* 1/4 kopi me cukal ma brown ma ki pungu kacel* 1/2 ogiko me baking aburu* 1/4 ogiko me kadu baking* 1/4 ogiko me kadu* 1/2 kopi (lut 1) moo ma kadu pe iye, ilyeto ma ot* tong gweno 1 ma dit* gin ayelo iyi tong gweno 1* ogiko 1 me buru nyig yat* 1/2 kopi me cakJami me aluba:1. Cak ki lyeto keno nio diguri 350 F (175 diguri C). Wir ite keto moko pa mugati cake mugure maromo inchi 8.2. Iyi cupuria ma idyere dyere, rub kacel moko, cukal gur, cukal ma brown, baking aburu, magadi ma buru, ki kadu.3. Iyi cupuria ma lac, wir moo ki tong gweno kacel naka doko rep dok yom. Loo tong gweno iye ki almond maki kwanyo.4. Med jami celo mutwo mot mot ki jami celo madyaka, onyo ki cak. Rub naka make gini.5. Dol almond ma buru naka romo kagi weng.trgsIngredients:* 1 cup all-purpose flour* 1 cup almond flour* 1/2 cup granulated sugar* 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda* 1/4 teaspoon salt* 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature* 1 large egg* 1 large egg yolk* 1 teaspoon almond extract* 1/2 cup milkInstructions:1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8-inch round cake pan.2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flours, granulated sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.3. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and egg until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolk and almond extract.4. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, alternating with the milk. Mix until just combined.5. Fold in the almond flour until evenly distributed.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_295__iitioatatitislachtlensrcsOnwongo obedo oro malyeto dwong idyecweng idwe me abicel ma onwongo aromo mwaka 16.Onwongo abedo mito nino eni otun teki ka onwongo aromo poo ne, dang en dong atye kany iyi agiki, onwongo pe dong aromo kuru me cako iyo me agonya.Tyelo tyelo me acel onwongo obedo me tiyo peny me acoya.Akwano matek pi cabite mogo, dang onwongo cunya tek ni abikato.Inino me tiyo pweny, aoo iyi DMV con eka ate kwanyo gi deda mamega iye ot me kuru.Iyonge cawa manok, ki lwongo nyinga, eka gitera iyi ot mo matidi ma tye iye computer.Peny man obalo wia pien onwongo yot, dang otera ku me tyeko.Inge nine manok, anwono karatac iyi mail kun waca ni akato peny me acoya.Tyelo tyelo mukene onwongo obedo me yubu kare me pi peny me dwoyo motoka.Ago ki DMV cim ate yubu nino me peny man icabit ma obilubu.Nino me peny me dwoyo motoka te oo, ento onwongo atye ki lwor kit ma pwod ya bedo kwede ikwo mamega.Acito ki motoka ki mama na bang DMV, ma obi cito kweda ipeny mamega.trgsIt was a hot summer day in July when I finally turned 16 years old.I had been eagerly anticipating this day for as long as I could remember, and now that it was finally here, I couldn't wait to get started on my road to freedom.", "The first step was to take the written test.", "I studied hard for weeks, and I was confident that I would pass.", "On the day of the test, I arrived at the DMV early and took my seat in the waiting room.", "After a few hours, my name was called, and I was ushered into a small room with a computer.", "The test was surprisingly easy, and I finished it in no time.", "A few days later, I received a letter in the mail informing me that I had passed the written test.", "The next step was to schedule a driving test.", "I called the DMV and made an appointment for the following week.", "The day of my driving test arrived, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life.", "I drove to the DMV with my mom, who would be accompanying me on the test."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_173__hiiibfwwslla", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["\"Cwer cuny,\" acoc owayo yamo, obedo larem ma wayike pire ku.", "Obedo larem ma cobo cuny kun weko wa winyo nono ki kenwa kenwa.", "Obedo mac ma lyel ki yiwa, wango wa ki lyeto.", "Obedo ayelayela ma yeco wa ata, weko wa mawa tur ki lwor.", "Ento makadi iyi cwer cuny wa eni, gen pwod tye.", "Kadi cunywa tye mutur, giyube manyen.", "Kimiyo wa kare me pwonye ikom goro ma megwa kun wadongo ma tek.", "Kimiyo wa kare me dok nwongo mar, kadi pat ki mar ma warwenyo.", "Pe myero wajal pi tur cuny wa.", "Wek wange ni obedo gin ma time ikwo.", "Wek wa pwonye ki ye me wek wadong ki ye.", "Myero pe wajal igen wa me nwongo dok mar.\""], "trgs": ["\"Heartbreak,\" sighed the poet, \"is the cruelest of afflictions.", "It is a pain that pierces the soul and leaves us feeling empty and alone.", "It is a fire that burns from within, consuming us with its flames.", "It is a storm that tears us apart, leaving us broken and scarred.", "But even in the midst of our heartbreak, there is hope.", "For even as our hearts are broken, they are also made new.", "We are given the opportunity to learn from our mistakes and to grow stronger.", "We are given the chance to find love again, even if it is different than the love we have lost.", "So let us not despair in our heartbreak.", "Let us instead embrace it as a part of life.", "Let us learn from it and grow from it.", "And let us never give up on the hope of finding love again\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_178__jtkttkktfts", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Dul kanica me Judaism ki KosherKosher obedo kwone cik matye iyi dul kanica me Judaism.", "Cik magi nyutu kodi dek mamyero cam kede pe ki cam.", "Cem me Kosher gubedo men ma kiye ni ber me acama mamako cik pa Jewish.", "Cik pa kosher oya ki Torah, buke abic me akukwong iyi baibuli me Ibutunia.", "Cik man pe ye ni kicam kwone leyi mukene, calo opego ki rec mapok nge tye, naka camo remo ki ringo leyi ma kineko iyo mapat.", "Cem ma kikwero ni pe ocam ki keto ite cik mogo, calo keto patpat cak ki ringo.", "Dek me kosher oyubo iyore maber ma romo acama akwako ki cik pa ujudaya.", "Lubu cik me kosher obedo kan ma pire tek bang dul kanica pa ujudaya.", "Ibot Ujudaya mapol, camo dek me kosher obedo yo me nyutu bedo gi bot Lubanga ki kube kwede ki jami gi macon manwongo.", "Tye tyen lok mapol ma omiyo Ujudaya lubu cik magi me kosher.", "Tyen kop magi tye ma ocung ikom gin ma dini yee iye, kun en mukene ocung igin ma dini timo ma gucwako tyen kop pa Ujudaya yee ikom cik ma Lubanga omiyo bang Muca iwi got me Sinai."], "trgs": ["Judaism and Kosher Kosher is a set of dietary laws in Judaism.", "These laws define which foods are permissible to eat and which are not.", "Kosher foods are those that are considered to be fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The laws of kosher are based on the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.", "These laws prohibit the consumption of certain animals, such as pigs and shellfish, as well as the consumption of blood and meat from animals that have not been slaughtered in a specific way.", "Kosher foods are also subject to a number of other regulations, such as the separation of dairy and meat products.", "Kosher food is prepared in a way that ensures that it is fit for consumption according to Jewish law.", "The observance of kosher laws is an important part of Jewish religious practice.", "For many Jews, eating kosher food is a way to show their devotion to God and to connect with their heritage.", "There are a number of reasons why Jews observe kosher laws.", "Some of these reasons are based on religious beliefs, while others are based on practical considerations Religious reasons Jews believe that God gave the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_231__ijiattonsth", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["\"An atye awaci, man obibedo gin ma yomo yic loyo,\" Tom owacu.", "\"Kur ka ineno kit ma wang jo ibinen kwede ka gineno gin manyen ma abigoyo ikoma!\"", "\"Angeyo ku, Tom,\" lareme Ben, owacu.", "\"Anyut manyute inyimi nen calo itye iwot igin keti kan ber ku.\"", "\"En gin ma miyo yomo yic eno,\" Tom owacu \"Wii jo obi nywene.", "Gin obi penye kengi kengi kit lapeny mo weng, calo, \"Man lanyut ango?' onyo 'Pingo en otimo gi eni?\"\"", "\"Onyo gin obi tamo ni yin lamingo,\" Ben owacu.", "\"Ku, obi niang gini,\" Tom owacu. \"Gena.\"", "Tom te goyo cal eni ikome, dang ada, jo wi gi onywene marac.", "Gin gupenye ki kit lapeny mo keken, dang en te maro kit dakika mo weng ma iye.", "En dang te cako ka kubbe me wi yamo makwako cal ma en ogoyo ikome eni, kan ma en onwongo keto cale kun gamo lapeny ki bot jo ma tye ka kwano."], "trgs": ["\"I'm telling you, this is going to be the funniest thing ever,\, Just wait until you see the look on people's faces when they see my new tattoo!\"", "\"I don't know, Tom,\, A green question mark on your forehead seems like it could be a bit of a risky move.\, That's what makes it so funny,\" said Tom \"People are going to be so confused.", "They'll be asking themselves all sorts of questions, like 'What does it mean?' or 'Why did he do that?'\, Or they'll just think you're an idiot,\, Nah, they'll get it,\" said Tom. \"Trust me.\"", "So Tom got the tattoo, and sure enough, people were confused.", "They asked him all sorts of questions, and he loved every minute of it.", "He even started a blog about his tattoo, where he would post pictures and answer questions from his readers."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_493__isitgsgshgsg", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Indira Gandhi dako me acel kiken me tic calo lalub adwong lobo me India.", "En obin ki nywale imwaka 1917 igang mangeye ikop me wibye, ki baba ne, Jawaharlal Nehru, onwongo obedo lalub adwong lobo me India.", "Indira Gandhi ibin okwano ilobo India ki lobo England kun nyomo Feroze Gandhi imwaka 1942.", "Obedo ki lutino awobe aryo, Rajiv ki Sanjay.", "Gandhi obin ocako kwo me wibye ne imwaka 1955, ma en ibin oyere iyi ot moko cik me lono India.", "En otio ikakgi me minicita iyi gamente pa baba ne, eka imwaka 1966 odoko lalub adwong lobo iyonge too pa baba ne.", "Kit ma Gandhi onwongo nen ngat ma telo ne onwongo kelo dano ilok me ata, ki kite me tice onwongo gumaro cayo.", "Obin kidote me bedo ngat ma mito loyo jami weng ki maro piem.", "Akadi amano, en onwongo obedo atela ma ngeye matek, dang obin omote ki dongo me lobo India ki yubu kwo pa jo mere.", "Lakur en Gandhi en ma obin oneke imwaka 1984.", "Ngat ma obin oleyo wange onwongo obedo wode, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Kwo pa Gandhi ki tic mere obin opong ki ayela yela mapol, ento pe ojale ikom lek ma en onwongo tye kwede pi ber pa lobo India."], "trgs": ["Indira Gandhi was the first and only woman to serve as Prime Minister of India.", "She was born in 1917 into a prominent political family, and her father, Jawaharlal Nehru, was the first Prime Minister of India.", "Indira Gandhi was educated in India and England, and she married Feroze Gandhi in 1942.", "They had two sons, Rajiv and Sanjay.", "Gandhi began her political career in 1955, when she was elected to the Indian Parliament.", "She served in various ministerial positions in the government of her father, and in 1966 she became Prime Minister after his death.", "Gandhi was a controversial figure, and her policies were often criticized.", "She was accused of being authoritarian and of suppressing dissent.", "However, she was also a popular leader, and she is credited with modernizing India and improving the lives of its people.", "Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in 1984.", "She was succeeded by her son, Rajiv Gandhi.", "Gandhi's life and career were marked by many challenges, but she never gave up on her dream of a better India.factualityhas_errorsis_src_orig |
idtopic_378__gtsmttslachtlensrcsGlobal warning obedo lyeto madwong ikom aloko loko me wilobo ma ki neno cako con ikare ma ka cuma me yiko jami onwongo pwod pe, (ikine mwaka 1850 ki 1900) macalo adwogi me tic pa dano.Lok eni omaro tic kwede loko loko iyie ki lok me alokaloka me ping, akadi man wacu ni obedo tic pa dano ki men ma time ken ken kelo lyeto ki adwogi ne ikom lobo.Cako ikare ma tic ki cuma iyubu jami onwongo pwod pe, tic pa dano gipimo kun nwonge ni omedo lyeto me lobo ki diguri 1 me Celsius (diguri 1.8 me Fahrenheit), wel matye ka mede ki diguri 0.2 Celsius (diguri 0.36 me Fahrenheit).Pol pa lyeto me kari matin tye ka mede macalo (makato pacenti 95 me agec) adwogi me tic pa dano nicako imwaka 1950 wie dang mede ki rwom ma malo makato mwaka me milenia.Tic pa dano malac ma okelo alokaloka me ping obed bedo gero cwalo oko yamo marac calo carbon dioxide, methane ki nitrous oxide.Caki kan ma yamo eni ya ki ye oya ki jami moo me tengom mawang ki mac ilek, lyeto ki motoka.trgsGlobal warming is the long-term heating of Earth's climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change, though the latter refers to both human- and naturally produced warming and the effects it has on our planet.Since the pre-industrial period, human activities are estimated to have increased Earth's global average temperature by about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit), a number that is currently increasing by 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade.", "Most of the current warming trend is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) the result of human activity since the 1950s and is proceeding at an unprecedented rate over decades to millennia.", "The largest human influence on climate change has been the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.", "The primary source of these emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_312__tifsiiaiwiaiwii", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Ada ya, wariga eni pek,i bene line ne bor.", "Acung kenyu, ki rem cuny madwong, ci abedo ki wur ka an abi oo inyim.", "Me agiki ne, ca apena oo ci acwalo waraga na bang lamego ma kwano.", "Oneno ne gin manok, ci ogak ne ki yengo wie.", "\"Gi tim kira kica,\" \"Wana pe watero gamo waraga ne. Pien pe tye ka rwate ki mit wa.\"", "Kombedi abedo winyo cuny me jalo.", "Tic mera dong ogak kumeno.", "Atero waraga na angec ci acako cito tenge.", "\"Kur ne,\" lamego owacu \"ati kaneno ki ma iketo gupu ma dwong igin ne. Pingo pe ibed kenyo ci abi neno ngo ame atwer timo ne.\"", "Abedo ne ci akuru manok.", "Inge dakika ma nok, lamego ne odugu cen.", "\"Awaco ki ladit tic na,\" en owaco.", "\"Wa ti ka mito konyi, we bi gamo wagara ne, ento omero icul cente me yubu ne.\"", "Aywao yamo.", "Nwongo obedo cente ma dwong, ento onwongo apee gin mukene."], "trgs": ["The portfolio was heavy, and the line was long.", "I stood there, aching with pain, and wondered if I would ever get to the front.", "Finally, my turn came, and I presented my portfolio to the woman at the counter.", "She looked at it for a moment, then shook her head.", "\"I'm sorry,\We can't accept this portfolio. It's not up to our standards.\, , , , Wait,\I can see that you've put a lot of effort into this. Why don't you take a seat over there and I'll see what I can do.\"", "I sat down and waited.", "A few minutes later, the woman came back.", "\"I've talked to my manager,\, We're willing to make an exception for you. We'll accept your portfolio, but you'll have to pay a processing fee.\"", "I sighed.", "It was a lot of money, but I didn't have any other choice.factualityokis_src_orig |
idstt_167__itsttsbiivtsislachtlensrcsItuku me yomo yic me mwaka 2006 Nyako ma lacoo Amanda Bynes otuku Viola Hastings, latin gang kwan ma malu ma onyute calo lawobi me tuku igweyo odilo pa luwobe.Filim opong ki cawa me nyero woko, pwoc bot Bynes spot on cawa me yom yic ki nyute.En twero mako maber nen rac ki jami ma geco tek pa lutin awobi me mwaka apar ki wie, ma pwod tye ka mede ki woro ma pat mere tye.Ocwak gin eni dang tye maber tutwal, ki Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, ki Vinnie Jones weng nyutu ngec ma poyowic.Ngat ma loyo filim eni, Andy Fickman, tiyo tic maber me keto rom iworo ki ceko, yubu filim matye ki yom cuny ki kweyo cuny.Lanyako ma lacoo obedo ki ngec lamalu ituku yomyic me mwaka apar wie ma ngeye me yomo yi ocwak tic pa otuku ni.Ngec ma Byne onyutu tye lamal, filim ne tye duc mupong ki nyero ki dwon amalu.Ka itye ka moyo gin ma yomo cuny ki movie me galo wang me anena, awacu ni imo She's the Man.", "Medo ikom bedo gin ma yomo yic, Nyako ma Lacoo obedo filim matye ki kwena makwako rom pa coo ki mon.", "Tam pa Viola me miye me lawobi me tuku odilo ki gurup pa owobe obedo kop ma tek makwako ber pa turu ping apoka ikin rwom ma luwobe ki lunyira.", "Filim eni nyutu ni lunyira twero ka bedo maber calo luwobe ituku, dang myero wek gi cen ku pi bedo gi me nyako.", "Lanyako ma Laco obedo filim ma yomo yic ki mia layab wic.", "Obedo tam pi ngat mo keken ma tye ka yenyo miovie me winy maber ki kwena."], "trgs": ["In the 2006 teen comedy She's the Man, Amanda Bynes plays Viola Hastings, a high school student who disguises herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team.", "The film is full of laugh-out-loud moments, thanks to Bynes's spot-on comedic timing and delivery.She is able to perfectly capture the awkwardness and uncertainty of a teenage boy, while still maintaining her own unique brand of humor.The supporting cast is also excellent, with Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey, and Vinnie Jones all giving memorable performances.The film's director, Andy Fickman, does a great job of balancing the humor with the drama, creating a film that is both funny and heartwarming.", "She's the Man is a classic teen comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre.Bynes's performance is a standout, and the film is full of laugh-out-loud moments.", "If you're looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch, I highly recommend checking out She's the Man.", "In addition to being a great comedy, She's the Man is also a film with a strong message about gender equality.Viola's decision to disguise herself as a boy in order to play on the boys' soccer team is a powerful statement about the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes.The film shows that girls can be just as good as boys at sports, and that they should not be held back by their gender.She's the Man is a film that is both funny and inspiring.", "It is a great choice for anyone who is looking for a feel-good movie with a message."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_340__aheehitehe", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Albert Einstein onwongo ladiro me coc anywali me lobo Germany ma oyubu coc ikom cik me bedo ki note, gin mo acel mucung matek ingec ikom jami, wiyamo, kwo, gupu, ki cawa me kare eni (medo ki diro ikom idit pa gin mo).", "Tic cinge dang ngeye pi tic ce ikom coc me ngec ikom gin ma kwo ki gin ma pekwo.", "Einstein ngeye maber itekwaro mangeye pi pek-teko yore me cura marom ki E = mc2 (ma ki keto me bedo \"kit tiyo cura mangeye iwipodo\").", "Einstein obin onywale iyi Ulm, ika kwogo me Wurttemberg, iloc me Germany, inino dwe 14 me dwe me adeke mwaka 1879.", "En onyutu ngwec me anywali ikom cura ki kwan ikom jami me wilobo ki yamo.", "Imwaka 1905, ki mwaka 26, Einstein oketo jami angwen manyen mapat pat ma oloko kwan maber ikom jami lobo ki wiyamo.", "Kun tye iye coc ne icik ma bedo ki note pa jami, ma okelo diro me wiyamo ki cawa macalo gin acel ma mede ki note, dang ki coc ne weng makwako note pa jami, ma tamo ni teko me yamo obedo gupu ku, ento gure me cawa iwi yamo.", "Tic pa Einstein okelo niango manyen ikom wilobo weng, dang obedo ki tic madit ikom dongo pa kwan ikom wilobo ki wiyamo (Physics) me kare man ma malu.", "En onwongo mic madit in ngec ikom wilobo ki wiyamo (Physics) imwaka 1921 pi gin ma en owacu iye adwogi pa mac akuba.", "Einstein onwongo obedo ngat ma maro cwak dang ateka ma loko pi bedo maber ikin dano."], "trgs": ["Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics).", "His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.", "Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass\u2013energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed \"the world's most famous equation\, , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [Ngo ma itye ka timo, yin lamingo?!\, Gwok iyela?\, Ikwanya woko! Ibucu miya cer!\, Tima kica, amito timo kumeno ku. Onwongo atye ka temo kato motoka madit eno matye ka cito mot.\, Ayela pe, onwongo myero kong itute me tic ki mac manyutu kan ma igat iye!\, Atio ki anyut mega eni.\, Ku, itio kwede ku! Iwoto mere cingi me tungcem inyima!\, Atye ka waci, itiyo ki lanyut me gak!\, Gin mo kiken. Pwod ibedo adwo motoka marac.\, Eka yin dang iyenge marac!\, Twara an angeyo kite me dwoyo motoka!\, Oh, ada? Ayela pe, an abedo lacoc maber loyo yin!\, Mano lok malare.\, Gin ma lare ku! Abedo Ernest Heningway!\, Anga?\, Ernest Hemingway! Lacoc madit ada me cawa weng!\, Awinyo makwaki ku.\, Ayela pe, iwinyo makwako an kombedi!\, Yea, awinyo makwaki.\], : [What the hell are you doing, you idiot?!\, Excuse me?\, You cut me off! You almost made me crash!\, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just trying to get around that slow-moving truck.\, Well, you could have at least used your turn signal!\, I did use my turn signal!\, No, you didn't! You just pulled right out in front of me!\"", "\"I'm telling you, I used my turn signal!\, Whatever. You're still a terrible driver.\"", "\"And you're a jerk!\, At least I know how to drive!\, Oh, yeah? Well, I'm a better writer than you are!\"", "\"That's debatable.\, It's not debatable! I'm Ernest Hemingway!\, Who?\, Ernest Hemingway! The greatest writer of all time!\, Never heard of him.\, Well, you've heard of me now!\"", "\"Yeah, I heard of you.\""], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_131__gtttgtiigt", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Grace: Waca kong lok mo manok ma kwako citori ne?", "Lapwony: Eyo, majan oa ki China, kan en onwongo opuru iye pi mwaki ma kato 5,000.", "Coc mukwongo magi gwoko nino dwe ikom majan cen imwaka 3rd BC mukato, ma obin owace icoc pa otic me yotkom me China.", "Majan onwongo rik otio kede bala yat tekwaro,ento oyot obin ongeye gina amata atek me cel i akina jo pa Chinese iyi akina en angye duc.", "Grace: Ento woko China kono? Majan ocako ny ilobo ocel awene?", "Lapwony: Mukwongo majan ocok oa Europe i imwaki 16th mukato angec nibeo ki ocatwil me Portugal.", "Ongeye oyot iyi akina onwyali me Europe, eka ikare me mwaki 18th mukato, majan onwongo obedo gin apura me tekwaro pa British.", "Imwaka me 19th mukato, majan obin dang okelo itung malu me America, kan obin odoko gin amata mageye ikin luloo America muyaa ki woko medo ki onywali me America.", "Grace: Mano tye ma mit. Pe abedo ki ngec ni majan obedo ki citori mabor kuman.", "Apwony: Obedo citori me miti, dang en acel maki coyo tin."], "trgs": ["Grace: Can you tell me a little bit about its history?", "Teacher: Of course. Tea originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years.", "The first written record of tea dates back to the 3rd century BC, when it was mentioned in a Chinese medical text.", "Tea was originally used as a medicinal herb, but it quickly became a popular drink among Chinese people of all social classes.", "Grace: What about outside of China? When did tea start to spread to other parts of the world?", "Teacher: Tea was first introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Portuguese traders.", "It quickly became popular among European elites, and by the 18th century, tea had become a staple of British culture.", "In the 19th century, tea was also introduced to North America, where it became a popular drink among both colonists and Native Americans.", "Grace: That's really interesting.I never knew that tea had such a long history.Teacher: It's a fascinating story, and it's one that's still being written today."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_229__dotttttt", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Ikare me lweny me wilobo me II, teko pa Allies ki Axis otio ki kwone degi mapol me loyo teko me wiyamo.", "Gin acel ma pire tek ikom mapol inyutu adwogi me lweny onwongo bolo bom ki dege labongo keng ki celo.", "Kit ma dege onwongo li kwede malu one dang obedo gin acel mapire tek.", "Lobe munote oyubu bom malo iwi yamo ikare me lweny eni, medo ki B-17 ma tware iborping ki B-29 matek pi gwoke.", "Dege magi onwongo romo tware iborping ma kato puti 30,000, ma te miyo tek pi lulweny lukwor me gengo.", "Gin dang otingo gi ciko bom ma lac, ma onwongo ki tiyo kwede me keto gin ma ociko iyo pa lukwor.", "Luftwaffe me Germany oyiko dang wel bome ma baye imalu mabor, medo ki Heinkel He 177 Greif ki Messerschitt Me 264 gi celo bom me Amerika.", "Degi magi pe ki loc matek calo pa luwadgi America, akadi kono, acalo ki peki mogo me jami lweny."], "trgs": ["During World War II, the Allies and Axis powers used a variety of aircraft to achieve air superiority.", "One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of a battle was the accuracy of the aircraft's bombing.The height at which an aircraft could fly was also a critical factor, as it determined how far it could travel and how much weight it could carry.The United States developed a number of high-altitude bombers during the war, including the B-17 Flying Fortress and the B-29 Superfortress.These aircraft were able to fly at altitudes of over 30,000 feet, which made them difficult for enemy fighters to intercept.They also carried a large payload of bombs, which could be used to attack targets deep behind enemy lines.The German Luftwaffe also developed a number of high-altitude bombers, including the Heinkel He 177 Greif and the Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber.These aircraft were not as successful as their American counterparts, however, due to a number of technical problems.factualityokis_src_orig |
idstt_30__iyiiiiyptisaiiiyyasbasslachtlensrcsAngeo ngo ma itimo laworo.Iketo cal ma megi ma iruku bongo ma lum lum muyeyeca iwi yamo kubbe.Angeyo itamo ni onwongo obedo gin yomo yic, ento onwongo ku.Onwongo pe miyo woro bang mama ni, dang owano cunye.An pe atika penyi me kwayo kica pien wia obele ikomi.Atye kwayi me kwayo kica pien en gin maber me atima eno.Mama ni mari, dang myero woro ki bangi.Akwayi igone cim tin ite wace ni timi kica.Wace onwongo imito wano cunye ku, eka dang ni ikwong pe me ruku gin man ma lum lum ni.Angeyo yin ingat maber, dang angeyo imaro mama ni.Akwayi, tim gin maber ite lego kica.Iyonge lego kica bot mama ni, amito ni iwang bongo ma lum lum ma otutuca no.Obedo lanyut me woro ni manok, dang myero cit woko.Angeyo romo bedo tek me weko bongo no, ento pire tek.Obedo lanyut me jami mukato ni, dang cawa eni me mede anyim.Kombedi dong yin dano manyen.Ibedo dano maber.Dang imito bongo ma oyec eni ku me nyutu ngat ma yin ibedo.Akwai ni, iwango.Wango ite weko cito.Eke ite cito kwako kor mama ni kun iwace yin imare.En dang mari.trgsI know what you did yesterday.You posted a picture of yourself wearing that green rag on social media.I know you thought it was funny, but it wasn\u2019t.It was disrespectful to your mother, and it hurt her feelings.I\u2019m not asking you to apologize because I\u2019m mad at you.I\u2019m asking you to apologize because it\u2019s the right thing to do.Your mother loves you, and she deserves your respect.Please call her today and tell her you\u2019re sorry.Tell her that you didn\u2019t mean to hurt her feelings, and that you promise to never wear that green rag again.I know you\u2019re a good person, and I know you love your mother.So please, do the right thing and apologize.After you apologize to your mother, I want you to burn that green rag.It\u2019s a symbol of your disrespect, and it needs to be gone.I know it might be hard to let go of that rag, but it\u2019s important.It\u2019s a symbol of your past, and it\u2019s time to move on.You\u2019re a new person now.You\u2019re a better person.And you don\u2019t need that rag to define you anymore.So please, burn it.Burn it and let it go.And then go hug your mother and tell her you love her.She loves you too.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_271__atmimeiaislachtlensrcsMotoka onwongo tye angwec ma dwir tutwal ci en, orwenyo tung cinge, cito tung mucele kun dipo motoka ocel iwie.Kombedi ladwo motoka me motoka me acel otoo cut cut, eka adwo motoka me motoka me aryo owane marac.Larema Joseph olwonga me wek awac gin mo makwako gini.\ en owacu. \\ Agamo. \, \ Jo ogamo. \\ amedo oyot. \\ Jo owacu mwolo mwolo. \trgsA car was driving too fast and lost control, swerving into the other lane and hitting a car head-on.The driver of the first car was killed instantly, and the driver of the second car was seriously injured.My friend Joseph called me to talk about it.\ he said. \\ I responded. \, \ replied Jo. \\ I quickly added. \\ said Jo sheepishly. \factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_385__ihokhkhttthwslachtlensrcsIyi boma ma tidi me Malgudi, onwongo tye abili ma loyo ikweda ma nyinge Ramsamy.En onwongo maro gamo cente kare ki kare bang jo ma en omaku, en dang onwongo maro tic ki teko mere me buru ki nywaro jo.Inino mo acel, Ramasamy omako latin macoo ma nyinge Krishnan pi bal ma en otimo ku.Krishnan anwongo pe ki balo mo, ento. Ramasamy okwero winyo en.En openyo cente ibang krishnan, ma en krishnan okwero culu ne, Ramasamy ocwale iot kol.Baba pa Krishnan, apur ma lacan, onwongo ti ki mit ma atek me kwanyo lawobi ne ki iot kol.En ocito ka neno Ramasamy kun lege me gonyo Krishnan, ento Ramasamy okwero.Lapura man ocito ika kwayo Lubanga ma ki yubu gang gang kun lego bang Lubanga pi kony.Inino mo okene, lapur man onwongo tye ka cito kang kun aa kalego ma en oneno twol mo ma dit tye ka ngolo gudu.Lapur ne onwongo tey ka lworo twol ne, ento en ongo ni mero itim gi mo me konyo lawobi ne.En oyilo twol eni kun tingo naka ipolici.Ka ma Ramasamy oneno twol eni, en onwongo laworo make.trgsIn the small town of Malgudi, there was a corrupt police inspector named Ramasamy.He would often take bribes from the people he arrested, and he would also use his power to harass and intimidate people.One day, Ramasamy arrested a young man named Krishnan for a crime he did not commit.Krishnan was innocent, but Ramasamy refused to listen to him.He demanded a bribe from Krishnan, and when Krishnan refused to pay, Ramasamy threw him in jail.Krishnan's father, a poor farmer, was desperate to get his son out of jail.", "He went to see Ramasamy and begged him to release Krishnan, but Ramasamy refused.", "The farmer then went to the local temple and prayed to God for help.", "The next day, the farmer was walking home from the temple when he saw a large snake crossing the road.", "The farmer was afraid of snakes, but he knew that he had to do something to help his son.", "He picked up the snake and carried it to the police station.", "When Ramasamy saw the snake, he was terrified."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_319__dipdddpdpp", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Daktal lak: owaco ni weke anen kong. [Kwedo lak latwo.] Hmm, nen calo laki opir.", "Abi tucu kan mutop ci oculu bur ne.", "Latwo: Obi wane?", "Daktal lak:Obi rem manok, ento abe yele ki tek naweng me gengo arem ne.", "Daktal lak:(mi atwo yat kaweyo arem) Ayela peke, man obi dilo ne ma iwinyo arem ku.", "Daktal lak: (tuc kan mutop ci culu bur) weng otum!", "Latwo:Apwoy, daklat. Meno onwongo pe rac.", "Daktal lak: Apwoyo. Poyo me rudu lak kwede golo akina laki kare ikare me gengo piro alak iy ayim.", "Latwo: Abino timo daktal: (en miyo latwo jami me aluba) Jami ma myero ilub tye kany ikom kit ma myero igwok ki kan manyen oculu.", "Latwo: Apwoyo."], "trgs": ["Dentist: Let me take a look. [Examines the patient's teeth.] Hmm, it looks like you have a cavity.I'm going to need to drill out the decay and fill the hole.", "Patient: Will it hurt?", "Dentist: It might be a little uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to make it as painless as possible.Dentist: (gives the patient a local anesthetic) Okay, this will numb the area so you won't feel anything.", "Dentist: (drills out the decay and fills the hole) All done!", "Patient: Thank you, doctor. That wasn't so bad.Dentist: You're welcome. Just be sure to brush and floss regularly to prevent future cavities.", "Patient: I will Dentist: (hands the patient a list of instructions) Here are some instructions on how to care for your new filling.", "Patient: Thank you."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_7__diwrirtsldsrsr", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Amara [Nyinge], ageno ni waragar eni nwongi maber.", "Itye ka coyo ki poto pa gang me gang wa, kan ma kac obedo ka timo maber imwaka eni.", "Watye ka geco cek maber ki niang ma kipito, ma ki tiyo kwede me yubu kongo.", "Rum eni kongo ma ki yubu ki pig niang onyo gin malim ikom niang.", "Tye ma ki miyo dongo iyi gin matwolo barrel ma ki yubu ki yat.", "Kongo ma ki yubu ki niang eni kiromo mato maleng, iwi godi, onyo ma ki rubu iyi kongo kinyobo.", "Tye kwone kongo niang mapol, gin acel acel ki mit ne.", "Kwone kongo eni tye iye kongo ma ler, kongo macol, ki kongo ma keto spice iye.", "Kongo ma ler eni ki yubu nia pik niang mapek, matye ki lim manok.", "Kongo macol ki yubu nia kom pig niang malim dang tye ki mit madwong.", "Kongo ma spice tye iye ni ki yubu ki pices calo, cinnamon, nutmeg, ki cloves.", "Kong niang obedo kong ma ki romo tic kwede ikong aruba mapol.", "Kongo niang ma ki rubu me ngec amalu tye calo daiquiri, mojito, ki pina colada.", "Kongo niang ki romo tic kwede ikongo aruba mapol, calo bala Hemingway, Daiquiri onyo ki lakwe rem."], "trgs": ["Dear [Name], I hope this letter finds you well.", "I'm writing to you from our family farm, where the harvest has been going well this year.We're expecting a bumper crop of sugarcane, which is used to make rum.", "Rum is a distilled spirit made from sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.", "It's typically aged in wooden barrels, which gives it its characteristic flavor.Rum can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or mixed in cocktails.There are many different types of rum, each with its own unique flavor profile.Some of the most popular types of rum include light rum, dark rum, and spiced rum.Light rum is typically made from molasses and has a light, sweet flavor.Dark rum is made from sugarcane juice and has a richer, more complex flavor.Spiced rum is made with added spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.Rum is a versatile spirit that can be used in a variety of cocktails.Some classic rum cocktails include the daiquiri, the mojito, and the pina colada.Rum can also be used in more creative cocktails, such as the Hemingway Daiquiri or the Painkiller.factualityokis_src_orig |
idstt_461__wwatiibwwatlllslachtlensrcsWan weng mayero akwer dic me apokaapoka ki amone.Wan myero otur nyor me can kwede kwiya ping.Kede myero wa ribe kacel igin ma cal: me kero anyim maber pa lobo Nigeria.Anyim pa lobo Nigeria pe me bedo ngom me apokapoka ki atubatuba.Obedo me bedo ngom me note ki dongo.Obedo me bedo ngo ma dano weng tye ki gum me timo gin mo te cobe, labongo paro kit makwo gi mukato onyo kit ma gin tye kwede.Ento pe watero nwongo anyim meno ka pe wa tio kacel.Wan weng myero wakwer dic duc ma kelo poke ikinwa ki bino kacel macalo jo acel.Wan weng myero otur nyor me can ki kwiya ping ma dwoko wa angec.Kede myero wa ribe kacel igin ma cal: me kero anyim maber pa lobo Nigeria.Anyim pa lobo Nigeria tye icing wa.Pe wamyero obal ok.Wan myero oker, otur ki noto dic duc ma yenyo gengo ki loko anyim wa.Wan myero obin kacel calo jo acel kun ogero Anyim maber pi dango wango.trgsWe must reject the forces of division and hate.We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance.And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.The destiny of Nigeria is not to be a land of division and conflict.It is to be a land of unity and progress.It is to be a land where everyone has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.But we cannot achieve this future without working together.We must reject the forces that seek to divide us and come together as one people.We must break the chains of poverty and ignorance that hold us back.And we must bind ourselves together in a common purpose: to build a better future for Nigeria.The future of Nigeria is in our hands.Let us not squander it.Let us reject, break and bind the forces that seek to control and pervert our destiny.Let us come together as one people and build a better future for all.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_336__cwjojwssatttttslachtlensrcs\ kwan me ad.\, , , , , , Calo lawil ogudo kom ad, gin obin otero tenge iwebsite manyen.Website onwongo opong ki ads me kit kodi jami weng, ma gin weng onwongo tye me acata.Lawil onwongo atema me wilo jami manok, ento gin ojuke.Gin onwinyo kop mukato makwako bwolo jo nibeo iyi ads me wi yamo, dang gino onwongo gumito bedo ikin gi ku.Lawil te tamo me timo ikweda makwako dul ma onwongo tye ka loyo ad eni.Gin obin onwongo jami marac manok, ento pol ne onwongo tye maber.trgs\ the ad read.\, , , , , , As the customer clicked on the ad, they were whisked away to a new website.The website was full of ads for all sorts of products, all of which were supposedly on sale.The customer was tempted to buy a few things, but they hesitated.They had heard stories about people getting scammed by online ads, and they didn't want to be one of them.", "The customer decided to do some research on the company that was running the ad.", "They found a few negative reviews, but most of the reviews were positive."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_360__tiiitibidisswiiia", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Gwok macol uo banga idye wor.", "Onwongo tye ki yer doge mangic, madyaka dang wange onwongo cal ki coal.", "Ongur ikoma dang onwongo atye ka ngweyo weyo ne, lyet ki lworo me too.", "Angeyo ni onwongo myero aringo, ento tyena onwongo omake dang onwongo aromo ngwec ku.", "Gwok eni onyiko cok cok bota, ki lake woko.", "Awumu wanga kun akuru agiki ne.", "Ento ate winyo dwon mo.", "Onwongo obedo dwon dako, mwol dok mwonya.", "\"Kur ilwor,\" en owacu. \"Abi konyi.\"", "Ayabo wanga eka ate neno dako ocung inyima.", "En onwongo bor ki kom matidi, ki yer abor macol ki wang macol.", "En onwongo oruku bongo matar ma gure ikome calo ton pa pii.", "\"Yin anga?\" An apenyo. \"Abedo lalaika me too,\" en owacu.", "\"An aoo ka teri tung mukene.\" Ibedo dong ki lworo ku.", "Angeyo dako ca obitere kan ma arem onyo deno can tye iye ku.", "Amako cinge eka te telo tenge.", "Macalo wa cito, gwok maxol eni olubu wa."], "trgs": ["The black dog came to me in the night.", "It had cold, wet fur and its eyes were like coals.", "It growled at me and I could smell its breath, hot and reeking of death.", "I knew that I must run, but my legs were leaden and I could not move.", "The dog came closer and closer, its teeth bared.", "I closed my eyes and waited for the end.", "But then I heard a voice.", "It was a woman's voice, soft and gentle.\ she said. \I opened my eyes and saw the woman standing in front of me.She was tall and slender, with long black hair and dark eyes.She wore a white dress that flowed around her like a mist.\ I asked. \ she said.\ I was not afraid anymore.I knew that the woman would take me to a place where there was no pain or suffering.I took her hand and she led me away.As we walked, the black dog followed us.factualityokis_src_orig |
idcustom_4__iifdfdfdslachtlensrcsAn abedo Dr. Boakye, dactal pa lutino iyi Korle Bu Gang kwan me kwano bedo dactal.An atye kany me lok ikom yat manyen me gwero two atipa ma giye ni ti kwede ilobo Ghana.Baba: An pe atye ka maro ni gigwer lutino na.Dactal: An aniang tami eno, ento amito ni ater kare mo manok me wek ami iniang gim mo omio atamo ni ber me yin iye tam me gwero lutino ni ikom two atipa.Baba: Amito ni odia ku. Two atipa tye mutany, ento pol ku icaro wa kany.Dactal: Ada wai, ento two atipa pwod obedo peko me yotkom ajo iyi lobo Ghana. Imwaka 2020, kop muwinyo mamako two atipa ilobo Ghana onwongo tye million 24, kun jo ma romo 4,000 gutoo ki two manBaba: Ento lutino na komg tye ma yot. Two atipa pwod ya omako gi matwalDactal: Mano ber, ento man dong nyutu ku ni gin gigenge woko. Ngat mo keken romo nwongo two atipa, akadi gin pwod manaka gutwoye ku.trgsI'm Dr. Boakye, a pediatrician at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.", "I'm here today to talk to you about the new malaria vaccine that's been approved for use in Ghana.", "Father: I'm not interested in having my children vaccinated.Doctor: I understand that you're concerned, but I'd like to take a few minutes to explain why I think it's a good idea to vaccinate your children against malaria.", "Father: I don't need to be convinced. Malaria is a serious disease, but it's not that common in our village.", "Doctor: That's true, but malaria is still a major public health problem in Ghana. In 2020, there were over 24 million cases of malaria in Ghana, and over 4,000 people died from the diseaseFather: But my children are healthy. They've never had malaria", "Doctor: That's good, but it doesn't mean they're immune. Anyone can get malaria, even if they've never had it before."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_389__sibsiiiisytiia", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["\"Onwongo, an atye ka inyonyo me internet, tamo jami makwako an, eka ate neno kwena ad ma waco ni onwongo atye virus iyi computer na.", "Onwongo atye ni, \"Ano eni? Lare ku!\"", "Ate gudu ne, otuki tera naka iyi website ma nen official, kun waco ni myero atim download me software eni me yubo virus eni.", "Atimo ne, eke te bedo installed, te cako pongo yi computer na ki malware ni weng.", "Apoo woko!", "Atemo me timo install, ento otuki kwera timo ne.", "Iyi agiki atero computer na ika yubu, ote weyo jami weng ma tye iyie enko ote keto window ni tit.", "Eni obin obedo lakwor me dyewor ada.", "En omio, pol pakare pe amaro diyo kwena ads ma poto ata.", "Ingeyo ku gin ma gi bino timo.", "Onyo gimaro pong ki malware, onyo gi kwalo jami ma kwako yin.", "Ber ku me yin itemo gi.", "Teki ka ineno kwena ad mupoto ma mi igeco gec, tuki cego pe igud ne.", "Eka teki pe ingeyo ne maber ka rac onyo ku, tim ne ku."], "trgs": ["\"So, I was just on the internet, minding my own business, when I saw this pop-up ad that said I had a virus on my computer.", "I was like, \"What? No way!\"", "But then I clicked on it, and it took me to this website that looked really official, and it said that I needed to download this software to fix the virus.", "So I did, and I installed it, and then it started filling my computer with all this malware.", "I was so mad!", "I tried to uninstall it, but it wouldn't let me.I finally had to take my computer to a repair shop, and they had to wipe the whole thing and reinstall Windows.It was a total nightmare.So, that's why I'm always so careful about clicking on pop-up ads.You never know what they're going to do.", "They could be filled with malware, or they could steal your personal information.", "It's just not worth the risk.If you ever see a pop-up ad that looks suspicious, just close it and don't click on it.", "And if you're ever not sure whether or not it's safe, just don't do it.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_219__hii123r45slachtlensrcsK\u00e4ny tye d\u00ebk m\u00e4m\u00eft me ringo opego aya i gomola me Lancashire.Jami m\u00eb c\u00ebl\u00f6 d\u00ebk: 1kilo m\u00eb p\u00efng y\u00ef ringo opego, 1 tbsl m\u00eb nyig y\u00e4t orego, 1 tbsp me treacle m\u00e4 c\u00f6l, 1 tbsp m\u00eb kongo apple, 1 tbsp m\u00eb pig atungule k\u00ef tungulusumu orubu, 1 tbsp m\u00eb moo vegitebol, 1 atungulu m\u00e4 dit, uw\u00fc me 4 tungulusumu, pot 2 bay, pig pot 1 thyme, 100ml m\u00eb kongo apple, 100ml m\u00eb gwen opaking, 1 tbsp m\u00eb wung\u00e4 aburu, 2 tbsp me pi ang\u00efc.Jami me aluba:1. Cak lyeto keno m\u00eb m\u00e4c nio k\u00e4 diguri 180.2. Ng\u00f6l moo m\u00eb ping y\u00ef ringo opego ite poko n\u00eb arii arii.3. Iyi kebe, rub k\u00e4r\u00e4c\u00ebl pig y\u00e4t, kongo m\u00eb apple, pig atungulu k\u00ef tungulusumu k\u00ef moo d\u00ebk.Wir gin ma irubu n\u00ef ikom p\u00efng y\u00ef ringo opego.4. Ket piny y\u00ef ringo opego iy\u00ef kebe ite bulu n\u00eb iy\u00ef keno m\u00eb m\u00e4c p\u00ef c\u00e4wae 2, onyo n\u00e4k\u00e4 kome l\u00f6kk\u00eb irang\u00ef m\u00e4 brown eka it\u00eb tedo n\u00eb m\u00e4 b\u00ebr.5. K\u00e4 d\u00f6ng m\u00e4 ringo opego tye k\u00e4 bule, ng\u00f6l atungulu, tungulusumu, pot bay k\u00ef thyme.trgsHere is a delicious pork dish from the county of Lancashire.Ingredients: 1kg pork belly, 1 tbsp English mustard, 1 tbsp black treacle, 1 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 large onion, 4 cloves garlic, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of thyme, 100ml cider, 100ml chicken stock, 1 tbsp cornflour, 2 tbsp cold water.Instructions:1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.2. Trim the pork belly of any excess fat and score the skin in a criss-cross pattern.3. In a bowl, mix together the mustard, treacle, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and oil.Rub this mixture all over the pork belly.4. Place the pork belly in a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 2 hours, or until the skin is golden brown and the meat is cooked through.5. While the pork is roasting, finely chop the onion, garlic, bay leaves and thyme.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_541__nhmhaimhiahmslachtlensrcsNelson Mandela obedo latela ma pe maro apokapoka me del kom dano, kede mamaro bedo maber ikin dano ame obin obedo ladwong lobo ma acel me South Africa ni cako imwaka 1994 nio wa imwaka 1999.En obedo latela ma jo gikete iyi kin dano ma niang maber iwi lobo kany.Mandela obin ginywale imwaka 1918 ikabedo me Mvezo, South Africa.En otukidongo icaro eka te kwan igang kwan me Methodist mission school.Iyongo kwan me cinia, en otukikwano cik igang kwan ma dit me University of Fort Hare.Imwaka 1944, en otuki donyo iyi African Union Congress(ANC), pati ma onwongo ti ka lweny kikom apokapoka me del kom dano.Mandela obin kimake pi time ne me wibye imwaka 1962 pi kwo ne weng.En obin obedo i buc pi mwaki maromo 27, ame ikare naca obin obedo lanyut me ngat ma pe lacwak lapokapoka me del kom dano.Imwaka 1990, gigonyo Mandela ki buc eka giyere me bedo ladwong lobo me South Africa imwaka 1994.Mandela calo ladwong lobo, en otio matek me noto dano me South Africa ki kelo gonye ikin dano ma col ki dani ma tar.En dang oneni ni apokapoka me del kom dano otum woko te kelo alokaloka itelo pa gamente ma pe diyo dano.Mandela obedo ngat ma mito dang maro kuc dango ki miye woro ma pol ata.trgsNelson Mandela is a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.He is widely regarded as one of the most significant figures in world history.Mandela was born in 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa.He grew up in a rural village and was educated at a Methodist mission school.After high school, he studied law at the University of Fort Hare.In 1944, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), a political organization that was fighting against apartheid.Mandela was arrested for his political activities in 1962 and sentenced to life in prison.He spent 27 years in prison, during which time he became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement.In 1990, Mandela was released from prison and elected president of South Africa in 1994.As president, Mandela worked to unite South Africa and promote reconciliation between blacks and whites.He also oversaw the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government.Mandela is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and has been awarded numerous other honors.factualityhas_errorsis_src_orig |
idtopic_507__atswotiwiiiislachtlensrcsInge dugu ki gang kwan, pol kare aceto gang ate tio tic ma aa kwede gi gang kwan gang.Aromo neno TV onyo tuku tuku me bideo.Ki caa mukene acito woko ki lureme ma mega.Waromo wot neno tuku goga, onyo naka kan ma leyi lum bedi iye onyo galo wang wa iot pa dano mo.Iyi agiki me cabit, amaro nino let.Ki kare mukene, awoto ka wil, onyo neno tuku goga, onyo awoto ikan ma gigwoki jami me kare mukato langec.Amara bedo kacel ki jo gang na.Kicawa mukene wa romo wot icam me otyeno, onyo tuku tuke, onyo neno TV kacel.Atika palo kwo ma mega inge gang kwan.Itye ki bedo lagonya, dok dang aromo timo gin mo kiken mamito.Atye ka nwongo pwony madwong kikoma kenakena, ki lobo ma langeta.Yia tye mayom me neno gin ma lanyin tye kwede.trgsAfter school, I usually go home and do my homework.Then I might watch TV or play video games.Sometimes I go out with my friends.We might go to the movies, or to a park, or just hang out at someone's house.", "On weekends, I often sleep in late.", "Then I might go shopping, or see a movie, or go to a museum.", "I also like to spend time with my family.", "We might go out to dinner, or play games, or just watch TV together.", "I'm really enjoying my life after school.I have a lot of freedom, and I can do whatever I want.I'm also learning a lot about myself, and about the world around me.", "I'm excited to see what the future holds.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_15__uobtottamslachtlensrcsTic ki ngec ara me konyo jo ma tye ki balo awic obedo gin manyen, ento tye ka nyutu cike maber.Apor acel en mubedo tic ki ngec ara me konyo lutwo acel acel.Ni beo ineno ngec orao ikom latwo acel acel, kit me ngat ma miyo kony niang maber gin ma mite, dang te yubu kit me miyo kony me yat maber pi gin.Man twero kelo adwogi maber pi lutwo, macalo gin guromo nwongo kony ma gi mito.Pwony mo acel, ma bin giketo iyi papara akwana me \ gunwongo ni lutwo magu nwongo kony nibeo ki ngec gi ma ki rayo obedo ki kare me nwongo alokaloka ikom lanyute loyo jo ma gonwongo kony labongo ngec ara.Kwan dang onwongo ni lutwo ma nwongo kony me ken obin onwongo guromo bedo ka gamo kony me cango pi kare ma lac.Pwony eni obedo ka lapor acel kit ma ngec ara oromo tic kwede me kelo alokaloka ipeko me wic.Macalo ikweda mapol tye ka time ikabedo man, waromo neno jami munyaye nibeo itic ki ngec kom lutwo me konyo jo ma tye ki bale awic.Larema obedo ngat ma miyo kony ma tiyo ki ngec ara pi konyo lutwo.trgsUsing data to help people with mental health issues is a relatively new field, but it is showing great promise.One example is the use of data to personalize therapy for patients.By looking at a patient's individual data, therapists can better understand their needs and create a treatment plan that is tailored to them.", "This can lead to better outcomes for patients, as they are more likely to receive the help that they need.", "One study, which was published in the journal \"JAMA Psychiatry,\" found that patients who received personalized therapy based on their data were more likely to improve their symptoms than those who received standard therapy.", "The study also found that the patients who received personalized therapy were more likely to stay in treatment for longer periods of time.", "This study is just one example of how data can be used to improve mental health care.", "As more research is done in this area, we can expect to see even more advances in the use of data to help people with mental health issues.", "My sister is a therapist who uses data to help her patients."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_95__ftoitittfs", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Pii name maleng gibedo gang pa kwone dul yen ki dul leyi, ni cako kikom men ma gineno ki microscope nio ikom rece ma dito dito ki lee ma mol ikom ngom.", "Kan murumu pii name acil miyo kabedo maber pi kit jami meno makwo, ki kubu ikingi bedo mit.", "Gin mo acel ikin kit ma pii name maleng obedo kit ma kwo pa yen tye luluba kwede, ma nyutu tuk pa pii kwede kit ma lero pa nyango oo piny itere.", "Kakagi ma pe tut, ma lero nyango tye dwong iye, lwit yat ma ngeye ni \"macrophyte bed\" yube iye.", "Man mio gwok pi leyi ma cogo ngec gi mom, rec ki leyi mukene me pii.", "Ikagi ma tut, ma lero nok iye, yi nam opong ki phytoplankton, ma obedo gin ma kwo ma gineno ki microscope ma kwang iwi pii agonya.", "Jami ma kwo eni gubedo kubbe, gin gibedo guti ma kubbe iyubu cem.", "Kwone dul leyi me pi name maleng dit, medo ki kwone rec, leyi me pii, leyi me wi tela, winyi ki leyi ma mol iping.", "Rec en ma pol loyo ki kom leyi ma tye ki cogo ngec iyi name maleng, dang gi tio gin ma pire tek ilok pa cam.", "Kwone rec ma pol ikom rece iyi name maleng tye aye, twang, lut, lapok, ki puta."], "trgs": ["Freshwater lakes are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, from microscopic algae to large fish and mammals.", "The unique environment of freshwater lakes provides a variety of habitats for these organisms, and the interactions between them are complex and fascinating.", "One of the most striking features of freshwater lakes is the presence of a distinct zonation of plant life, which is determined by the depth of the water and the amount of sunlight that reaches the bottom.", "In shallow areas, where there is plenty of light, a dense mat of rooted plants known as a \"macrophyte bed\" forms.", "This provides a habitat for a variety of invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.", "In deeper areas, where there is less light, the water column is dominated by phytoplankton, which are microscopic algae that float freely in the water.", "These organisms are the primary producers in the lake ecosystem, and they are the basis of the food chain.", "The fauna of freshwater lakes is also diverse, and includes a wide variety of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.", "Fish are the most abundant vertebrates in freshwater lakes, and they play a vital role in the food chain.", "Some of the most common fish species in freshwater lakes include trout, bass, pike, and perch."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "stt_479__titaitta", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Cani ma ryeny en obedo gin ma lyeto maber, konyo me mako lyeto ki kom mac, ka lawula gweng gengo lyeto pa mac, en kony me gengo kobo pa mac.", "Medi ki en mukene, ka gwoko tye ki gi alarm me mac, me ka mac ocako lyel, alarm tukikok eka jo maloyo lok kikom mac tye bedo ki ngec.", "Ka agwok jami pol pakare jo ma loyo kop me mac roroto yie, me wek kop me kobo pa mac ongeye dang ote gengo mapwod pe ya okelo peko mo.", "Acalo ladwogi pi kit magi, gulu mac tye mugwoke ma ber kede gwoko jami ma pirgi tego.", "Medo ikom yoro maber me gengo mac, ki keto jami ma gwoko kuc ma gengo kwo.", "Jami ma konyo igwoko kuc tye iye camera, alarm ma kok, ki dano ma gwoko kuc.", "Camera meno menyo kabedo pi cawa 24 inino weng, alarm ma kok ka ngat mo tye ka temo turu me donyo iye, ki dano ma bebea me gwoko kuc ikabedo man eka te timo gin ma mite ikom ngo ma tye time.", "Calo ladwogi pi kite me gwoko kuc eno, ka gwoko jami tye ogwoko maber ki jami ma pirgi tegotego."], "trgs": ["The stainless steel plate is a good conductor of heat, so it can help to dissipate heat from the fire, while the fire proof rock wool is a good insulator, so it can help to prevent the fire from spreading.", "In addition, the storage area is also equipped with a fire alarm system, so that if there is a fire, the alarm will sound and the fire department will be notified.", "The storage area is also regularly inspected by the fire department, so that any potential fire hazards can be identified and addressed before they become a problem.", "As a result of these measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods.", "In addition to the fire safety measures, the storage area is also equipped with a security system to protect against theft.", "The security system consists of a surveillance camera, a burglar alarm, and a security guard.", "The surveillance camera monitors the area 24 hours a day, the burglar alarm is activated if anyone tries to break in, and the security guard is on duty to patrol the area and respond to any incidents.", "As a result of these security measures, the storage area is a safe and secure place to store valuable goods."], "factuality": "has_errors", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "topic_424__fftsooatcfo", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["Joo ma gi tiyo ki Facebook cwalo lok kom kwo megi iwiyamo mero mero.", "Jo ma gi tiyo ki Facebook gi tye ka nyutu kop makwako kwo megi calo lumero, dang tye ka kelo ayela.", "Ka kubu ngec iwi yamo dong opong ki cale ki video pa jo ma reco dang neno mit ku, kun en mukene mapol mogo tye ka cwalo jami ma kwako kom gi ma myero gu cwal ku.", "Jo mukene matiyo kwede tye ka neno ni kit ma tye nyunyuta kede ni rac odoco, ma romo miyo jo moko tam ma ber ku onyo timo jami ma gin bino pare ne.", "Jo mogo yi gi yom pi jami me yom yic pa lumero wad gi ma tiyo ki Facebook.", "Lamego mo acel ma tiyo ki Facebook oketo cal ne ma obutu idye ot kun coo iwie, \"An dong amer ata ma dong aromo aa malu ku.\"", "Lamego mukene oketo video ma mege ma tye ka myel iwi meja ki redo, \"An aye kwo pa pati.\"", "Kit ma gin eni tye ka rime kwede owao tam pa jo ma ngeye ata.", "Latuk comedy Amy Schumer oketo cal ne igi kubbe me Twitter ki coc iye, \"amer ma romo dong kobo nyinga ku.\"", "Facebook pe oco gin mo ikom gin ma tye ka rime, ento tye ka kelo ayela.", "Kare ma bino abedo lanyut ka jami eni amede ki nen onyo obirweny woko."], "trgs": ["Facebook Users Drunkenly Post About Their Lives", "Facebook users are getting drunk and posting about their lives, and it's causing a stir.The social media platform has been flooded with photos and videos of people who are clearly intoxicated, and many of them are sharing personal details about themselves that they wouldn't normally share.", "Some users are concerned that the trend is dangerous, as it could lead to people making poor decisions or doing things they regret.", "Others are simply amused by the antics of their fellow drunk Facebook users.", "One user posted a photo of herself passed out on the floor with the caption, \"I'm so drunk I can't even stand up.\"", "Another user shared a video of herself dancing on a table while shouting, \"I'm the life of the party!\, , I'm so drunk I can't even spell my own name.\, , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [Mama, mano gin ango?\, Magi gin apita\Gin jami makwo calo yin ki an bene.\, Aromo gudu ne?\, Ada wai, iromo, ento gud maber,\Pot yen eni yom\, , , Amaro ne,\, Yia oyom\Gin apita ber pi wan. Gin konyo me kiyo yamo te miyo wa winyo maber.\, , Mano ango no?\, Mano waya,\, Kitiyo kede me kubu TV kikor ot.\, Aromo gudu ne?\, Ku, pe myero igud,\Waya eni rac ada. Gin giromo miyo mac goyi.\, ], : [Mommy, what are those?\, Those are plants,\They're living things, just like you and me.\"", "\"Can I touch them?\" the toddler asked.", "\"Yes, you can, but be gentle,\" Mommy said \"The leaves are fragile.\"", "The toddler reached out and touched a leaf.", "The leaf felt soft and smooth.", "\"I like it,\" the toddler said.", "\"I'm glad,\Plants are good for us. They help clean the air and make us feel better.\, , What's that?\" he asked.", "\"That's a cable,\, It's used to connect the TV to the wall.\"", "\"Can I touch it?\" the toddler asked.", "\"No, you can't,\Cables can be dangerous.They can give you a shock.\, ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , Hi, an abedo Sarah.\, Hi, an abedo Vera.\, , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , Hi, I'm Sarah.\"", "I smiled back and said, \"Hi, I'm Vera.\, , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , Atic pi dek.\, ], : [, , , , , , , , , , Will work for food.\, ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , Ringo eni tye marac! Tek dok mit ku.\, Ladit, yin ma ye ipenyo pire ringo eni.\, Ada, ento apenyo en ma numu ku!\, Ladit, ringo dyang wa weng kitoko ma pe ocek. Wamito ni lukactoma wa me tedo ki komgi.\, Ento dong angeyo kite me tedo ku ya!\, Mano dong balwa ku. Wan wabedo club me yom yic, pe ka tedo dek me acama.\, ], : [, , This steak is terrible! It's tough and tasteless.\"", "The waiter replies, \"Well, sir, you did order a filet mignon.\"", "\"Yes, but I didn't order a raw filet mignon!\, Sir, all of our steaks are served raw. We require our customers to cook them themselves.\, But I don't know how to cook!\"", "\"That's not our problem. We're a comedy club, not a restaurant.\"", "The man angrily gets up and storms out of the club."], "factuality": "ok", "is_src_orig": false} |
{"id": "stt_129__hhtthattt", "sl": "ach", "tl": "en", "srcs": ["En obed bedo ican me motoka, dang onwongo pe tye ka ngeyo kome.", "Lunyodo ne, ma gunwongo tye ka pugu motoka ka can me mutoka ni time, guringo tungete.", "Onwongo gupong ki par.", "Ludactale ma mio kony oyot gu oo eka ote keto lawobi en iyi motoka tero lutwo.", "Lunyodo ne gulubu yore ki motoka gi, itao gi obedo ka ode ki lwor.", "Iyi ot lutwo, ludactale gupimo lawobi man eka ote nwongo tye ki awano iwie ki tyene bene otur.", "Gigame iyi ot lutwo kun gicako miye kony me cango.", "Lunyodo pa lawobi man gubedo cok kwede, me weke kene ku.", "Gunene koni koni ka en nino, cuny gi gupong ki mar ki gen."], "trgs": ["He had been in a car accident, and he was unconscious.", "His parents, who had been driving by when the accident happened, rushed to his side.", "They were frantic with worry.", "The paramedics arrived and loaded the boy into an ambulance.", "His parents followed in their car, their hearts pounding with fear.", "At the hospital, the doctors examined the boy and determined that he had a concussion and a broken leg.", "They admitted him to the hospital and began treatment.", "The boy's parents stayed by his side, never leaving him alone.They watched over him as he slept, their hearts filled with love and hope.factualityokis_src_orig |
idtopic_101__rpibtitssopatslachtlensrcs\ Blacksmith owacu, obedo gin ma mito lapeny me niango matuk. Obedo tango kit mo, ada.Jo timo gin weng makwako deyo, makun gingeyo tyen loke ku.Pe tye calo rwode ki mon pa rwode tye ki teko me ada, kom kare eni. Gin ka gubedo luloo wic.Ento jo pwod bedo calo gumito gi.Gumito ngat ma guromo neno wange, ngatmo me cwalo dwon mamegi iwi lobo.\, Atero calo obedo bedo me kuc,\, Me ngeyo ni ngat mo tye woko kenyo maber loyi.Ngate mo ma oneno ni kityeko woko weng.Ngat mo maromo miyo lobo kan maber.Kom lok, eni gony ma ateni ku. Ento meno pe miyo bedo gin ma pire tek ku.Jo mito niango. Gin mito ni myero guye gin mo.Eka ni gin mo obedo rwot onyo dako pa rwot, wek obed kumeno.\, ], : [Royalty,\is a curious thing. It's a kind of magic, really.", "People get all worked up about it, and they don't even know why.It's not as if kings and queens have any real power, these days. They're just figureheads.But people still seem to need them.They need someone to look up to, someone to represent the idea of the nation.\, I suppose it's a kind of comfort,\" he continued.", "\"To know that there's someone out there who's better than you.", "Someone who's got it all sorted out.Someone who can make the world a better place.Of course, it's all an illusion. But that doesn't make it any less important.People need their illusions. They need to believe in something.And if that something is a king or a queen, then so be it.\, ], : , : false} |
{: , : , : , : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : [, , , , , , , , , , , , , ], : , : false} |