As the Jeremy Lin sensation goes on, Roger, who is a geek and a super fan of Jeremy Lin, decides his new cell phone number must be "Linsane". More specifically, he wants his new phone number to satisfy: 1) Adjacent sum: There is at least one occurrence in the phone number of three adjacent digits summing to **x**, where **x** is Lin's jersey number at New York Knicks. 2) Diversity: There are at least **y** different values of the digits used in the phone number, where **y** is Lin's jersey number at Golden State Warriors. 3) Neighboring difference: There is at least one pair of neighboring digits whose difference is equal to **z**, where **z** is Lin's jersey number at Harvard. A phone number with length **n** contains **n** digits. Each digit is in the range from 0 to 9, except that the first digit must be non-zero. A phone number is called "linsane" if it satisfies the three constraints listed above. For phone numbers with a given length **n**, Roger wonders how many "linsane" phone numbers exist. He also wants to find out the "most linsane" phone number among them. For a given length, the "most linsane" phone number is a "linsane" phone number that has the biggest "linsanity measurement" among them. "Linsanity measurement" is defined as ![]( up_2012_Final_Round_Problem_Linsanity.gif), where **n** is the number of digits and **di** is the **i**-th digit in the phone number. If there is a tie on such measurement, choose the one whose median of the digits is largest; and if there is still a tie, choose the largest phone number. Median is the **(n+1)/2**-th smallest digit if **n** is odd, or the average of the **(n/2)**-th and **(n/2+1)**-th digit if **n** is even. For example, the linsanity measurement of number 78969251 is equal to (15*9)%8 + (17*6)%8 + (15*9)%8 + (15*2)%8 +(11*5)%8 + (7*1)%8 = 40 with its median equal to 6.5. ### Input The first line contains a positive integer **T**, the number of test cases. **T** test cases follow. Each test case is a single line and contains exactly four integers separated by single white space: **n x y z**, where **n** is the length of the phone number, **x** is Lin's jersey number at New York Knicks, **y** is Lin's jersey number at Golden State Warriors and **z** is Lin's jersey number at Harvard. (**x**,**y** and **z** are not necessarily 17, 7 and 4 in another parallel universe.) ### Constraints 3 ≤ **n** ≤ 20 0 ≤ **x** ≤ 27 0 ≤ **y** ≤ 10 0 ≤ **z** ≤ 9 1 ≤ **T** ≤ 15 Among the **T** test cases, there will be no more than 5 test cases with **n** >12. ### Output For each of the test cases numbered in order from **1** to **T**, output "Case #", followed by the case number, followed by ": ", followed by the number of possible "linsane" phone numbers _mod_ 1018 for the given length for that case, and then a single space " " followed by the "most linsane" phone number for the given length or -1 if no "linsane" phone number exists for the given length.