id,name,type,problem_statement,project_url,sub_type,test_command,testcases,testcase_files,total_testcases 776090,React: Cyclic Counter,fullstack,"Overview In this task , the goal is to build a simple cyclic counter component . The component must be rendered as , where {k} is the number of pages the button corresponds to . Each of the articles will contain a title field , and your task is to retrieve all the articles from the response that have a not-null title and are non-empty (i . e ., different from the empty string) and display them as elements
  • {title}
  • , where {title} is the title of an article , in the order they appear in the data field . Clicking on a page button corresponding to a page with some number (for instance , number 3) must result in using the fetch function to perform a GET request to https://jsonmock . hackerrank . com/api/articles ? page=3 and display the returned articles in the same manner as described above . In other words , clicking on a page number button must cause the rendering of the articles on that page of the results .",,reactjs,npm test,"[{""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Renders the correct number of page buttons"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.3333333333333333}, {""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Renders articles correctly on app did mount"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.3333333333333333}, {""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Renders articles correctly after page button click"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.3333333333333333}]",['junit.xml'],3 793496,React: Sorting Articles,fullstack,"Create a basic article sorting application , as shown below . Some core functionalities have already been implemented , but the application is not complete . Application requirements are given below , and the finished application must pass all of the unit tests . Hide animation Show animation The app has one component named Articles . The list of articles to be displayed is already provided in the app . The app must have the following functionalities: The list of articles is passed to the App component as a prop in the form of an array of objects . Each article has the following three properties: title : The title of the article [STRING] upvotes : The number of upvotes for an article [NUMBER] date : The publish date for the article in the format YYYY-MM-DD [STRING] By default , the articles should be displayed in the table ordered by the number of upvotes in descending order . Clicking on the """"Most Upvoted"""" button should reorder and display the articles by the number of upvotes in descending order . Clicking on the """"Most Recent"""" button should reorder and display the articles by date in descending order . You can assume that each article has a unique publish date and number of upvotes . Your task is to complete the implementation of 'src/App . js' and 'src/components/Articles . js'. The following data-testid attributes are required in the component for the tests to pass: The button to reorder and display the most upvoted articles must have the data-testid attribute """"most-upvoted-link"""". The button to reorder and display the most recent articles must have the data-testid attribute """"most-recent-link"""". Each article must be rendered inside a element that has the data-testid attribute """"article"""". The title of each article must be rendered in a element that has the data-testid attribute """"article-title"""". The number of upvotes of each article must be rendered in a element that has the data-testid attribute """"article-upvotes"""". The publish date of each article must be rendered in a element that has the data-testid attribute """"article-date"""". Please note that the component has the above data-testid attributes for test cases and certain classes and ids for rendering purposes . It is advised not to change them .",,reactjs_vm,npm test,"[{""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Initial articles render correctly"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.25}, {""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Clicking on top renders expected articles"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.25}, {""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Clicking on newest renders expected articles"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.25}, {""file"": ""junit.xml"", ""name"": ""Sequence of navigation clicks renders expected articles"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.25}]",['junit.xml'],4 814675,Angular: Language Translator,fullstack,"Create a Language Translator component , as shown below: Hide animation Show animation This component must have the following functionalities: The component receives a prop TRANSLATIONS , which is a Map from input words to their translations . The component renders one text input field and one read-only text output field for the translated output . Once a word is typed in the input for which a translation exists in the TRANSLATIONS Map , the corresponding translation must be shown in the output field . Otherwise , the output field must be empty . Please note that both the input and output fields are initially empty , and the output field is read-only . The following data-test-id attributes are required in the component for the tests to pass: The input must have the data-test-id attribute 'app-input'. The output must have the data-test-id attribute 'app-output'. Please note that the component has the above data-test-id attributes for test cases and certain classes and ids for rendering purposes . It is advised not to change them .",,angularjs,bash bin/env_setup && . $HOME/.nvm/ && npm test,"[{""file"": ""unit.xml"", ""name"": ""LanguageTranslator Test with non-existing translation followed by existing translations"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.2}, {""file"": ""unit.xml"", ""name"": ""LanguageTranslator Initial UI is rendered as expected"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.2}, {""file"": ""unit.xml"", ""name"": ""LanguageTranslator Test with existing translations"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.2}, {""file"": ""unit.xml"", ""name"": ""LanguageTranslator Test with non-existing translations"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.2}, {""file"": ""unit.xml"", ""name"": ""LanguageTranslator Test with existing translation followed by non-existing translations"", ""type"": ""junit"", ""weight"": 0.2}]",['unit.xml'],5 814719,Angular: Filtered Employees List,fullstack,"Create a Filtered Employees List component , as shown below: Hide animation Show animation The component must have the following functionalities: The component receives a prop employees , which is an array of Employee objects , where each object contains a single property name denoting the name of that employee . The component renders the following: One text input field where the user can type the query string . The list of employee names , such that each employee name is added as a list element
  • {name}
  • to this list (in the order they are given in props). Initially , the input has an empty string as its value , and all the employee names must be rendered in the list . As soon as the query string is typed in the input , only employees whose names contain query as their substring must be rendered , preserving the order in which they are given in the props . If the query string has no matching employee names , then do not render the